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Full text of "The Holie Bible : faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin. Diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in divers languages ..."

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X(X-LuV^  cH  bIcwvuU)  ^Vi'unf.  iyi 

Ui/ne^j  ^^-^e'/way: 



Theological   Seminary, 





m^-. ..: 


rJ 1 

M  THE  M 



SS  ^"  LATED  INTO    ENGLISH,        ^ 


Diligently  conferred  with  the  Hebrew,  Grccke,     JS^^ 
and  ocher  Edicions  in  diners  languages. 

Wir/?  Argvments  cfthe BookfSy  and £ha^ta-s:   ^ 

A  nnotations.*Tables:  andoth^rhclpesj   ^^^l 

yir  better  njndafanding  cf  the  text :  for  dtjiouene  of  j&^ 

C  o  R  R  Y  P  T I  o  N  s  in  fome  late  tranjUtions :  and   ^yt 

for  clearing  Controversies  in  Rehgion.      »^S 


By  the  English  College  of  Doway. 

Haurietis  a^itaiin  gaudio  de  fontibm  Saluatoris.     Ifai^.r^. 
You  shal  dra^*'  waters  in  ioy  out  of  the  Sauiours  fountaines. 

Printed  at  Doway  by  LaVrence  Kellam, 
at  the  figne  of  the  holie  Lambe, 

No  s  inffdjcripn,  in  alma  lyuactnfi  vniuerjitatc 
SacricTheologiie  DoSlores  ^  n^-^rofejjoresj  banc 
P  t^nglicanam  f^eteris  Tejlammti  tranjla-tionem, 

mam  tres  diuerji  cms  natioms  emditijjimi  Tbeologi^ 
norifolum  fiddem,  fed  prop ur  diuerfa  qu^  eijknt  adiun^ 
^a,  valdc  ytdemfidci  Catholics  propaganda  ac  tuendne, 
^  bonis  mor Ah s  promouendis^ pint  tefiath  cjuomm  tejti- 
moniabforHm  fyngraphis  munita  mdimus;  cuius  item 
TranJlationiSj  0*  Z^nnotationum  auflons  nobis  de  fidei 
integritatCy  CT  erudinonis  pr^eflantia  probe  funt  notii 
his  rebus  addu^i  &  nixi,fru6luofe  euulgari pojji  cenfui- 
mus,  Duaci.  8.  Nouembris.  160^ . 

GyiLiELMVs  EsTivs  Sacrs Theologize  Dodor, 5^  ia 
AcademiaDuacenfi  Profcflfor. 

Bartholom>«vs  Petrvs  Sacr^  Thcologi^  Do€lor,' 
&  in  Vniueifitate Duaccnfi  ProfcfTor. 

Georgivs   Colveneriys  S.TheologiacDo^or,& 
eiufdem  ia  AcademiaDuaceiia  l^jrofelToi^ 





IN  Iesvs  Christ  eveklasting. 

T  LAST  through  Gods  goodnes(mofl:  dearly 
beloued)  we  fend  you  here  the  greater  pare 
of  ch  e  Old  Teftarrjent :  as  long  fince  y  ou  re- 
ceiued  the  New  j  faithfully  cranflated  into 
English. The  refidue  is  in  had  to  be  finished; 
and  your  dcfire  therof  shalnotncw  (God  profpering  our 
hitherto  haue  hindered  this  vvorke,  they  al  preceded  (as 
^      manje  do  knowjof  one  general  caufe ,  our  pgore  eftate  in 
rt  banishment.  VVherin  expeding  better  meanes,greatter 

f  j^  difficulties  rather enfued.  Neuerthelesyou>5f'il  hereby  the 
more  perceiueour  feruent  good  wil,euer  to  feme  you,  in 
that  we  haue  brought  forth  this  Tome,inthefe  hardeft 
times,  of  aboue  fourtie  yeares,  fince  this  College  was  moft 
«"<>.  happely  begune .  V  Vherfore  we  nothing  doubt ,  but  you 
our  deareft,  for  whom  we  haue  dedicated  our  liucs,  wil 
both  pardon  the  long  delay,  which  we  could  not  wel  pre- 
uent,  and  accept  now  thisfruicl  ofourlaboures,withhke 
good  affedion  J  as  we  acknowlege  them  due,  and  offer 
\the  fame  vntp  you. 

\  If  anie  demand,  why  itisnow  allowed  to  haue  theholie 
Scriptures  in  vulgar  tongues,  which  generally  isnot  per- 
/Mmittedjbut  in  th e  three  facred  onlyrfor  further  declaration 
of  this,&  orher  like  pointes  we  remite  you  to  the  Preface, 
before  the  New  Teftamenc.Only  h  ere,  as  by  an  Epitome, 

t  i  we 

The  caufe  of- 
delay  in  fet- 
ting  forth  this 
English  Bible, 

Why  &  ho^ 
it  is   allowed 
Scriptures  in 
vulgar  ton- 


being  hard 
arc  not  to  be 
read  of  aL 

ding  h 

To    THE     ENGLISH    READER..' 

weHial  rcpste  the  fammsof  al,thatis  there  more  largely 
difcufled.  To  this  firft:  queftion  therforeweanrwer,  that 
both  iudreafonj&higheftauthoritie  of  the  Church, iudge 
It  not  abfolutly  necelrarie,  nor  alwayes  conuenicnt ,  that 
hoHe  Scriptures  fiiould  be  in  vulgar  tongues.  For  being  as 
they  are,hard  to  be  vnderllood,  euen  by  the  lerned,  reaioa 
doch  didate  to  reafonable  men,that  they  were  not  written, 
nor  ordayned  to  bercad  indifferently  of  al  men.  Expcriecc 
Manic  rake    alfo  tcacheth ,  that  through  ignorance,  ioyned  often  with 
ofifr^^"  P^'^^^  ^^^  prefumption,  manie  reading  Scriptures  hauc 
erred  gro{ly,by  mifunderPtanding  Gods  word.   Which 
though  it  be  mod  pure  in  it  (c\£,yei the  fln^fe king adaltf rated 
is.tspenlotis  (faith  Tertullian)  cts  the ^  He  corrupted,  S.  Ambrofe 
obferueth  :  that  where  the  text  Istruej  the  ^rrUns  mterpreta- 
tion  bath  errdrs.  S.  Augullmalfo  teacheth,that/'f?'^/^/4W 
peruerfe  doMnes  e /it angling  fo ales  ,,and throwing  them  dovvne 
headlong  hit 0  the  depths  do  not  otherwife  Jpring  vp ,  hut  when 
^ood  (or true)  Scriptures  arenotvvel{and  truly)  vnder Hood,  and 
'when  that  which  in  them  is  not  vvelvnderjlood,  is  alfo  rashly 
&  boldly  auouchcd.  For  the  fame  caufe^S.  leromvtuerly  dif^ 
allowed,  thacal  fortes  of  men  &  wemen,  old  &:yong,  pre^ 
fumed  to  read.'&:  taike  ©f  the  Scriptures:  wheras;?^?  arttcene^ 
no  tradfman  dare p-'e  fume  to  Peach  aniefiCidtte^  which  he  hath  not 
firjf  lerned.  Seing  therforc  that  dangers,  &:  hurtes  happen  in 
manicjthe  careful  chief  Paftores  in  Gads  Church,haue  al- 
waies  moderated  the  reading  ofholie  Scriptures,  accor- 
ding to  pcrfons,times,and  other  circumftancesj  prohibi- 
ting fome, and  permitting  fomc, to  haue  and  read  them,  in 
th-irmother tongue.So  S.Cryfoftom  traflatedthePfalmes 
Scriptures       ^^  fome  Other  partes  of  holie  Scriptures  for  the  Arme- 
fersTon-'''"'^i"is,w        hcwasthcre  in  banishment.  TheSlauonians 
gu«s.  and  Gothes  fay  chey  haue  the  Biblein  their  languages.  It 

WIS  tranilaced  inco  Italian  by  an  Archbydiop  of  Genua. 
IntoFrenchinrhetimcof  kingChirlcs  the  fiftrerpecially 
becaufsche  waldenfianheretikes  had  corruptly  tran0ated 

it,  to 

heading  of 



Ih.  de 

lib.  t,ai 

in  Joan. 




it,to  maintaine  their  errors.  We  had  fome  partes  in  Englifli 
wf/j.f*  7  tranflatedby  Venerable  BcderasMalmesburiewitnefletii. 
linyysd  And  Thoiiias  Arundel  Archbishopof  Cancurburie  in  a 
.''^•^'      Councelhc'lden  acOxt-ord,  ftraidly  ordayned,ihat  no  he- 
retical trandati  on  fet  forth  by  Wiclific,  andhis  compliceSj 
nor  anie  other  vulgar  Edition  should  befuffercdjtilir  w:re 
approued  by  theOrdinaricoftheDiocc^e; 
romsiudgemencof  chediiHcukie&  dangerin  tranflating 
iiohe  Scriptures  out  of  one  tongue  into  an  other.    And 
iherforeicmuft  nedes  be  much  more  dangerous,  when  ig- 
norant people  read  alfo  corrupted  tranflations.  No^^'  fmce 
Luther, and  his  folowcrs  haue  pretended,  than  the  Ca-  A  c^lummous 
tholiqueRomane  faith  and  dodrinc,should  becontrarie  Llthcranss^* 
to  Gods  written  word, cV  that  the  Scriptures  were  not  fuiie- 
red  in  vulgar  langiiac^csjell:  the  people  (liould  ice  the  truth, 
&:  withal  theienew  aiaifters  corruptly  turning  the  Scrip- 
tures into  diuers  tongues,  as  might  beft  ferue  their  o wne  g>- 
pinions :  againft  this  falfe  fuggeftion,  and  pra^life ,  Cath o- 
lique  Paftores  haue,for  one  cipecial  remcdie,  fee  forth  true 
and  (incereTranllacions  in  n^oft  languages  of  ths  Latin 
Church,  But  fo  ,  that  people  muft  read  them  with  licence 
oftheic  fpiritualfuperior,as  in  former  times  they  were  in 
hke  fort  limited.  Such  alio  of  the  Laitie,.yca  &  of  the  mea- 
ner Icrned  Clergie ,  as  were  permitted  to  read  holic  Scrip- 
tures, did  notptefume  to  interprcte  hard  places ,  nor  high 
Mvilcries,muchlelIeto  difpute  and  contend,  but  leauing 
thedifcuffion  therof  tothemorelerned  ,  fcarched  rather,  vvhatpartof 
andnoced  the  godlicand  imitablc  examples  of  good  life,  Scriptures  be 
and  fo  lerncd  more  humilitic ,  obedience,  barred  of  finnc,  ^lentforvul- 
feareof  God  ,zele  of  Religion,  and  other  -vercucs.  And  gar  readers. 
thus  holic  Scriptures  may  be  rightly  v  fed  in  anie  tongue,/^? 
z  Tim  3.  f^,jc/p^  to  argue ^to  correct  ^  to  irr^rtUi^  if*  tufiice ,  thxt  the  man  of 
Godm.i}bepeifcct^and[2isS,  Paul  addeth)  w/lrufhd  loeuerie 
lac  r.     ^^°^  worke  jwhen  men  laboure  rather  to  be  doers  ofGocU 
W'il  &  word ^t hen  readers  or  hearers  only ,  decciuing  themjelues-^ 

t3  But. 


,        r         ^uc  here  an  other  quefltson  may  be  propofcd:  V  Vhy  Wc 
ratc^tl^^ofr  tranilatethe  Latin  cexc,  rather  then  the  Hebrew,orGrefcc, 
Latin tcxc.      which  Proteftantes  preferre  ,  as  the  fountaine  tongues, 
wherin  holie  Scriptures  were  firft  Written  >    To  this  we 
More  pure     ^^^^W^r,  tharif  in  dede  thofe  firft  pure  Editions  were  now 
then  the  He- cxtant,  or  if  fuch  as  becxtant,  wcre  mote  purc  then  the  La- 
^rj^xt'^nf'^^"''^^'^^^^^^^^'^  preferrefuch  foantaines  before  the  ri- 
uers,  in  whatloeuer  they  should  be  found  todifagree.  But 
the  ancient  beft  lerned  Fathers, &:  Dodors  of  the  Church,  ^^'•^««'^ 
domuchcomplame,  andteftifie  to  vs,  that  both  the  He-  MirZt 
brew  and  Greke  Editions  are  fouly  corrupted  by  Lewes,  ^-  ^"*- 
and  Heretikes,  fuice  the  Latin  was  truly  tranftated  out  of  ^1^^'/,^! 
them,whiles  they  were  more  pure.  And  that  the  fame  La-  San.c.ii 
tin  hath  bene  farre  better  conferued  from  corruptions.  So  f//3* 
that  the  old  Vulgate  Latm  Edition  hath  bene  preferred,  louma,' 
and  vfedformoftauthenticaiaboue  athoufandand  three 
hunderedyeares.  For  by  thisverieterme  S.  leromcalleth 
that  Verfion  thevulgate  or  common  ;^\\\c\\  he  conferred  with  .      , 
the  Hebrew  of  the  old  Teftament,  and  with  the  Greke  of  ;^^J^; 
the  Newj which  he alfo  purgedfromfaultes  committed  by 
writers,  rather  amending  then  tranflating  it .  Though  in 
regard  ofthisamending,S.Gregoriecallechit^;^^»^x;x'T'^/'- 
fioofS.Ierom :  who  ncuertheles  in  an  other  place  calleth  the  14^0,'J.' 
felf  {^zm^^the  old  Latin  Edition^mdgmg  it  moft  worthy  to  be  ^P^fl-  ''«- 
Kcceiued   by  folowed.  S.  Auguftin  calleth  it  the  lulim.  S.  Ifidorus  wit-  ^^^^^^ 
aicburchcs.  nQ(£cz[\ihMS,  lerom^^ver/iofi  wasreceiued  and  ipproued l^j^ 4/  u.Tnoh 
Turned  into  thrift Un  chmhes .  Sophronms  alfo  a  moft  lerned  man,  ^''^^^-'j 
Giekc.  fcing  S.  leroms  Edition  (o  much  eftemed,  not  only  of  the  ^Ef^Li. 

LatineSjbut  alfo  of  the  Greciansturned  the  Pfalter  &  Pro-  ^y^^^,- 
phetes,  outofthe  fame  Latininto  Greke.  Of  latter  times  \,n^^'. 
whatshal  we  nede  to  recite  other  moft  lerned  men?  S.Bede  <:- 1^. 
S,Aafelme,S. Bernard, S\Thomas,S.  Bonauenture,&:the 
reft?  V  Vho  al  vaiformly  allege  this  only  text  as  authencical. 
Info  machrhatal  other  Latin  Editions,  which  S.  lerom  j,,.,y-^,^ 
faith  were  m  his  time almoft innumerable ,  areas  itwere  »» /<>/«'. 


Totheenglishreader.  "'^^  ' 

fallen  ouc  ofal  Diuines  handes,  and  growne  out  of  creditc  ai  oilers 
andvfe.If  moreouerweconfiderS.Ieromslcrning,pictie,  giowneout   . 
diligence,  andfinceritic,  together  with  the  commodities  sieromci- 
he  had  of  beft  copies,  in  al  languages  then  extant ,  and  of  celled  ai  other 
other  lerned  men,  with  whom  he  conferred:  and  if  we  fo  [^"ff^/t-n^g^ 
copare  the  lame  with  the  beft  meanes  that  hath  bene  fincc,  cxpoundiug 
lurely  no  man  of  indifferent  Judgement,  wal  match  anie  ^°^*^  Scnpm- 
ocher  Edition  with  S.Ieroms.-buteafely  acknowlege  with 
the  whole  Church  Gods  particular  prouidece  m  this  great 
Do6lor,aswel  for  expounding,  asmoft  efpecialy  for  the 
true  text  and  Edition  of  Holie  Scriptures.  Neither  do  we  His  Eaitiota 
flee  vnto  this  old  Latin  text,  for  more  aduantage.  For  be-  pauialidc.. 
fides  that  it  is  free  from  partiahtie,as  being  moft  ancient  of 
al  Latin  copie$,and  long  before  the  particular  Controuer- 
fies  of  thefe  daycs  beganne;  the  Hebrew  alfo  &  the  Grelce 
when  they  are  truly  tranilated,  yea  and  Erafmus  his  Latin, 
in fundrie  place?,  proue more  plainly  theCatholiqucRo-  Preferred  &c- 
maine  dodrine,  then  this  which  we  relie  vpon.  So  that  ^-^real  otiict 
vref^t.    B^,^^  ^  hjs  folowers  take  alfo  exception  againft  the  Greke,  B^za?"*    ^ 
Tel^Atn.    when  Catholiques  allege  it  againft  them  .  Yea  the  fame 
jinno.    Bezapreferreth  the  old  Latin  Verfion  before  al  others,  & 
^lll\^    freely  teftifieth ,   that  the  old  Interpreter  tranflated  religi- 
T.i.       oudy.  V  Vhat  then  do  our  councriemen,  that  refufe  this  ■ 

Latin,  but  depriue  themfeluesofthe  beft,  and  yet  al  this  England  ai- 
while,haueret  forth  none,  that  is  allowed  by  al  Proteftan-  low-edfot  fuf- 
tes,  forgoodor  fufricient. 

Howwel  thisisdonne  the  lerned  may  iudge,  when  by 
mature  confcrence,they  ihal  haue  made  trial  therof.  And  if 
trefAce    auie  thing  be  miftaken,  we  wil  (as  ftil  we  promife)  gladly  vvhatis  done 
^thJneyy  corred it.Thofc that traftaccd It about thirtic ycatcs  fince,  '""'^^  '"''" 
Tefi^m.    were  wel  knowen  to  the  world  ,  to  haue  bene  excellent 

in  the  tongues,  fincere  men,  and  great  Diuines.  Only  one  Diucrsrea- 
thing  Wv  haue  donne  touching  the  text,  wherofweare  e-  dingus  rc^ol- 
I      fpecially  to  geue  notice.  That  whereas  heretofore  in  the  none  ^dfc  in 
beft  Lacin  Editions,  there  remained  manie.  places  diife-  thcmargcnt. 

t4  nng 

Luc    21. 

'\  To    THE    ENGLISH    READER. 

^nginwordes,  fome  alfo  infenfe,  asm  long  procefle  of 
time,  the  writers  erred  in  their  copies;  now  lately  by  the 
care  &:  diligence  of  the  Church5thore  diners  readings  were 
maturely,  and  iuditioufly  examined  ,  and  conferred  with 
fundriethe  beO:  written  and  printed  bookes,  ^forefohied 
vpon,  thatal  which  before  were  leift  in  the margenr,  arc> 
cither  rcdoredinto  thetcxt,  or  els  omittedj  fothatnow 
none  fuch  remaine  inthe  niargent.  For  which  caufe,  we 
haue  againe  conferred  this  Englilh  tranflatioo,  and  con- 
Tbcy  touched  fotmcd  it  to  the  moft  perfed  Latin  Edition.  V  Vhere  yet  by 
ge^uoucHles.  t^i^  "^'^''^y  W^  "^"^  g^"^  the  vulgar  reader  to  vnderftand,thac 
very  few  or  noncoFihe  former  varieties,  touched  Contro- 
ucrfies  of  this  time.  So  that  this  Recognition  isno  w:jy 
fufpiciousofpartialtie,  but  is  merely  donnefor  ihemore 
fegiire  conferuationof  therruetcxtjand  more  cafe, -and 
fatisfadion  of  fuch,  as  othcrwife  fhould  haue  remained 
more  doubtful. 
vvhyfomc  Now  for  the  ftridncs  obferued  in  tranflating  fome 

vvorkcs  arc  \YordeSj  or  father  the  not  tranflating  of  fome ,  which  is  in 
im:o  'vXaT  iTiore  danger  to  be  difliked  ,  we  doubt  not  but  the  difcreie 
English.  lerned  leader,  dccpely  weighing  and  confidering  the  im- 

portance of  facred  wordes,  and  how  eafely  the  translatour 
may  miffe  the  fenfe  of  cheHolieGhoft,wil  hold  that  which 
is  here  donne  for  reafonable  and  ncceflarie.  V  Ve  haue  alfo 
SomeHcbrcw  the  cxamplc  of  the  Latin.^and  Grcke,  where  fome  wordes 
woracs  not     are  nottrandated,  but  left  in  Hebrew,  as  they  were  fiiiV 
intoTann,      fpokcn  6<:  wrictcnjwhich  fxing  thcy  could  not,or  wctcnot 
jQorGrckc.      conucnient  to  be  tranilated  intoLatin  orGreke,how  much 
JefTe  could  they, or  was  it  rcafon  to  turne  them  into  English? 
S.  Auguftin  alfo  yeldctha  rcafon,  exemplifying  in  the  i;^jy^^ 
Morcautho-    Wordes  Amen 'An*\  Alleluia,  for  the  more  fkcredauthritietherof.  chnfl. 
nuc  in  (acred  which  doubtlcs  is  ihe  caufe  why  feme  frames  of  fclcmne  "'^•''• 
toflgues.         Feaftes^  Sacnfjces,  &  other  holie  thi  nges  are  re/erued  in  facred 
tongues^  Hebrew,  Greke,  or  Latin.  Againe  for  necefTitie, 
English  noc  hauing  a  namejOrfufHcicncterme,  we  either 



kcnc  the  we  find  it,  or  only  turne  it  to  our  English  Some  vyordes 

r    .         .  '  ^     .  Ill  •/'  •  cantnocDctur- 

terminaxion,  becaufe  it  would  ochcrwiie  require  manie  nedintoEn-. 
wordes  in  English, to  fignifis  one  word  of  an  other  tongue,  glish: 
In  which  cafes,  we  commonly  put  the   explication  in 
the  margenc  •  Bnefly  our  Apologie  is  cafie agamft  English 
Proteilantes;  becaufe  chey  alfo  rcferue  fome  wordes  in  Protcftawcs 
theoriginal  tongues,  not  tranflated  into  Englifn  :as  Sai?-  l''^^^],^^^^^ _ 
bath,  Ephod,  Fentecofi^  Profehte,  and  fome  others.  The  (cnfe  tranflaced. 
vhcrof  IS  in  dede  as  foone  lerned,  as  if  chey  were  turned  fo 
nercasispolfibleinto  EnglijTi.  And  why  then  may  wenoc 
fay  Prepuce, Pbafeot  P Ajch ^Az^imes ^Breades of  Propfitton,  Holo- 
caufi^  and  the  like?  rather  then  as  Proceftances  trandate 
them :  Foreskinne^  Fajjeotier,  The fe^ifi of fuvete  breaded y  Shew 
hreades,  Buintofferings'.^z.  By  which  termes,  whether  they 
be  truly  rranilated  into  Englilh  or  no,  wewil  paifeouer. 
Sure  it  is  an  Englilh  man  is  ftil  to  teke,  what  they  meane,as 
if  they  remained  in  Hebrew,  or  Greke.  It  more  importeth, 
that  noching  be  wittingly  and  falfly  tranfiaced,for  aduan- 
tageofdodrine  in  matter  of  faith.  Wherein  as  we  dare 
boldly  auouch  thefinceritie  of  this  Tranilation,  and  that 
nothing  is  here  either  vntruly,or  obfcurely  donne  of  pur- 
pofe,  infauour  of  Catholique  Romine  Religion:  fo  we 
can  not  butcomplaine,andchalengeEngli{hProteflantes,  Corruptions 
for  corrupting  the  ityii,  c5trarie  to  the  Hebrew,  ^  Greke,  Jes^xi'anflati- 
"Vf'hich  chey  profe/Teto  trandate,  forche  more  shew, and  onsoihoiic 
maintcyning  of  their  peculiar  opinions  againft  Catho-  s<^^'P^"^-s^ 
liquss.  As  is  proued  in  xSxtDifiouerie  of  manifold  rorruptios.Yoi 
example  we  shal  put  the  reader  in  memorie  o^  one  or  two. 
Gen.  4.  V.  7.  whereas  (Godfpeaking  co  Cain)the  Hebrew 
wordes  in  Grammatical  conftru6lion  may  be  tranflated 
either  thus:  Vnto  thee  alfo  perteyneth  the  htf  therof,  &tho!t 
shalt  haae  dominion  otter  it:  or  thus;  Alfovntotheemsde^re  OFpurpofea- 
sh.d  be  fibiecl,  &  thou  shalt  ride  oner  h  i  m.-  ch  o  u  gh  ch  e  cohe-  \^^^  doaauc 
recc  of  the  text  requircth  the  former, &  in  the  Bibles  prin- 
tcd/jji.and.  i)//.  ProcellaiiUsdid  foti^iflate:::  yetin 




theycare 7579. and  1^03.  theytranflate  it  the  other  ^^ayj 
racher  faying,  that  Abel  was  lubiect  to  Cain, and  that  Cain 
by  Gods  ordinance,  had  dominion'ouer  his  brother  Abel, 
then  that  concupifcence  or  luft  of  finne  is  fubictl  co  mans 
wil,  or  that  man  hath  powre  of  free  wil,torefift  (by  Gods 
grace  j  tentation  of  hnne.But  as  we  heare  in  a  new  Edition 
(which  we  haue  not  yet  fene)  they  traflate  it  almofl:  as  in  the 
firft. In  hke  forte  Gen. i4.v.i8.The  Hebrew  particle  Vav, 
which  S.Ierom,andal  AntiquitietranflatedENiM  (For) 
Pfoteftants  wil  by  no  meanes  admitte  it,  becaufe  (belides 
other  argumentes) we  proue  therby  Melchifedechs  Sacri- 
fice. And  yet  themfelues  tranflate  the  famc,asS.-Ierom 
doth  ,  Gen.  20.1;.  3.  faying :  F  o  r  she  is  a  mans  wife .  &c. 
Againe  Gen.  31.1/.  19.  the  English  Bibles.  15^2.  and  1577.. 
tvsinslcLZeTijcrapLim,  iMAGES.VVhich  the  Edition  of  1603, 
correding ,  tranflateth  Idoles.  And  the  marginal  Anno- 
tation wel  proueth,  thatit  oughttobefotranflated.   .. 
With  this  then  we  wil  conclude  mofl:deare(wefpeake 
deXat^ed"to    to  you  al,that  vnderftand  our  tongue,  whether  you  be  of 
aithac  vndcr-  coutraric  Opinions  m  faithiOtof muudanc  feare participate 
With  an  other  Congregation;  orprofeiTe  with  vs  the  fame 
Catholique  Religion) to  you al  we  prefent  this  worke;day- 
ly  befeching  God  Almightie,the  Diuine  V Vifedom,  Eter- 
nal Goodnes,to  create,  illuminate,  and  replenish  your  fpi- 
riteSjWichhis  Grace,  thatyoumay  attaine  eternal  Glorie. 
Euerie  one  in  his  meafurejin  thofe  manieManfions,prcpa- 
rcd  and  promifed  by  our  Sauiour  in  his  Fathers  houfe.Not 
only  to  thofe  wh ich  firftreceiucd,  &  folowed  his  Diuine 
dodrine,but  to  al  that  should  afterwardes  beleuein  him^ 
&:  kepe  the  fame  preceptes.  For  there  is  one  God,  oncalfo 
himfelfa  Redemption  for  al.  VVherbyappearethhis  wil, 
that  al  should  befaued.  Why  then  are  not  al  faued.^'The 
Apoftleaddeth:  thatthey  muft  firft  come  to  the  knowlege 
faucd!  of  the  truth.Becaufe  without  faith  it  is  impoffible  to  pleafo 


Chrift  rede 
med  al ,  but  al 
are  not 

To   THE    EN€LISH    READER.  ^ 

God.Thisgroundworke  therforcofour  creation  in  Chrifl:  Txuthkh 
by  true  faith,  S.  Paullabored  mod  ferioufly  by  V'^ord  and^'-'^o^cfTarie. 
writing,  to  eflablish  in  t/ie  hartes  of  al  men.  In  this  he  con- 
firmed the  Romanes  by  his  EpiPcle,  comcnding  their  faith, 
as  already  receiued,and  renowmcd  in  the  whole  world.  H e 
•  preached  the  fame  faith  to  manie  Nations.  Amongll:  o-. 
thers  to  the  lerned  Athenians.  V  Vhere  it  femcd  to  ibraCj  as 
abfurde,  as  ftrange;  in  fo  much  that  they  fcornfully  called 
him  a  vvGr^i'/ovvert  and  Preacher  of  new  gods.  But  S.  Au- 
^^li^'  gnftinalloweth  the  cermc  for  good,  which  was  repioch- 
s^r.  41.  fully  fpoken  of  the  ignorant.  And  fodiftinguilbingbecwen 
deSana.  Reapers,  and  Sowers  in  Gods  Church,  he  tcachcth,  that  The  twdnc 
wheras  the  other  Apoftles  reaped  in  the  lewes,  chat  which  J'T^^"  ^'^^^ 
their  Patriarch es  and  Prophetes  had  fowne  j  S.  Paul  fowed  before  rhcy' 
the  feede  of  Chriftian  Religion  in  the  Gentiles.  And  fo  m  !^^'=  Scwtrs, 
refpcdofthelfraehtes,  to  whom  they  >fi:ere  firfl  fent,  cal-  aSower^cr^^ 
leth  the  other  Apoftles^^r^/,  Reapers y  and  S.  Paul,  being  Semii.aric 
fpecially  fent  to  the  Gentiles,  Seminatorem  a  Sower  ^  or  Semi-    ^°  *  ^* 
narie  ApofiU,  V  Vhich  two  fortes  of  Gods  workmen  are  ftii 
in  the  Church,  with  diflind  offices  of  Paftoral  cures,  and 
Apoftojical  miflionsi  the  one  for  perpetual  gouernmenc  of  Paftoral  cures 
Catholique  countries  :  the  other  for  conuerfion  of  fuch,  as  J"J^  j^^?^°*^" 
cither  haue  not  receiued  Chriftian  Religion,  or  are  relap- 
fed.  As  at  this  time  in  our  country,  for  the  diuers  fortes  of 
pretended  religions,  thefe  diuers  fpiritual  workes  are  ne- 
ceflary,  to  teach  and  feede  al  Britan  people.  Becaufefomc 
in  error  of  opinions  preach  an  other  Gofpel,  wheras  in  ve-  . 
s.jtuT.  ^^^^^  there  is  no  other  Gofpel  .They  preach  in  dede  new  do-  is  fainy  called 
deyiun  drines,  which  can  not  faue.  Others  folow  them  beleuing  ^^^c  Gofpel. 
^ttY'  ^^l^hood.  But  when  the  blinde  lead  the  hl'mde  (not  the  one  ^,    ^  , 

only,  huz) both fal into  the  ditch.  Others  conformc  them-  &  citemaU/ 

felues,  in  external  shew,  fearing  them  that  can  punish,  and  conformable 

?Mw.   kil  the  bodie.  But  our  Lord  vvilbring  fuchasdidineimo  ( vn-  "unhi'au? 

-^      i\x^)olligations^  with  them  thatworkt  iniquitie.  The  Reli-  thorsof  im.. 

qucs  and  fmalHock  of  Catholiqucs  in  our  country,  haue  'i'^"^'^* 


To    THE    ENGllStt    READER^ 

great  fadnes,  and  forow  of  hart;  not  fo  much  for  our  ownc 
afflidion  ,  for  that  is  comfortable-,  but  for  you  our  bre- 
thren, and  kinfemen  in  flefh  and  bloud.  Wishing  with  our 
Gracein  the  o^nc  temporal  damage  whatfocucr,your  faluation.  Now  *-c<»r,^' 
ae^Tcftamlt  IS  the  acceptable  time,  now  arc  the  dayes  of  faluation,  the 
dZ\tcni^  ^'^^^  of  Grace  by  Chrift,whofe  dayes  manie  Kinges  &  Pio- 
£fee old.  phetes defired to fee:chey  faw ihtm{mfpmte )  and  reioyced.  £,,f,  i^. 

But  we  are  made  partakers  of  Chrift,  and  his  Myfteries;  fo 
that  our  felues  ncgled  not  his  heauenly  riches:  if  we  receiue 
&:  kepe  the  beginning  of  his  fubftance,  firme  vnto  the  end  5 
that  is,  the  true  Catholique  faith  ;  building  theron  good 
workesby  his  grace;  without  which  we  cannot  thinkea 
good  thought,  by  which  we  can  do  al  thinges  neceffaric 
to  faluation. But  if  we  hold  not  faft  this  ground,al  the  buil- 
ding  fayleth.  Or  if  confefllng  toknpwGodinwordes'jWe  Tit.i. 
^It'^s^al^    denie  him  in  deedcs  ,  committing  workes  of  darknes  5 
omifTionof     or  omitting  workcs  of  mercic,  when  we  may  doe  thcrn  to  ^'^^'H- 
frTdamBabk!  °"^  ^i^J^efTed  neighboursjbriSy  if  we  haue  not  charitie,  the  ^^^^^.^^^ 
forme  and  perfedionof  al  vertues,  al  is  loft,  and  nothing 
worth.  But  ifwebuildevpon  firme  grounde,  gold,  filuer, 
and  precious  (lones,  fuch  building  shal  abide,  and  make 
our  vocationfure  by  good  workes.  as  S.  Peter  fpeaketh.  '•'''^•** 
Thefe  (faiths.  Paul)  are  the  heyres  of  God, coheyres  of 
Ja^'uTby        Chrift.  Neither  isthenumberof  Chrifts  bleffed children  ^^,,,.7, 
Chrift.  couted,as  of  thelewes,an  hundred  fourtiefourethoufand, 

of  euerie  tribe  of  Ifrael  twelue  thoufand  figned;  but  a  moft 
great  multitude  of  Catholique  Chriftians ,  which  no  man 
can  number,  of  al  nations,  and  tribes,  and  peoples,  and 
tongues,ftanding  before  the  throne  of  the  lambfe,  clothed 
in  white  robes,  and  palmes  [of  triumph)  in  theit  hand^s : 
hauing  ouercome  tentatiohs  in  the  vertuous  race  of  good 
Theyjiremorc  ^^^^'  ^^^ch  more  chofcwhich  alfo  indure  perfecutiOn  for 
iiapoic  that     thetruthcs  fake,  shal  receiue  moft  copious  great  te^atdes  ^f/.y^: 
ttS  for[hr*  '^"  ^^auen.  For  albeitthe  paffions  of  this  time  Xinihemfituis)  thie,  or 
truth.  are  not  *  condign6,to  the  glorie  to  come,that  shal  be  rcue-  "^Vin 

led  in  diimm. 


Car  4  ^^^^^^^'y^to^r  tnbulacion,  which  prefcruiy  is  momen- 
*•  "'•'*•  came,  and  Jighc,  >5^'orketh  [through grace)  aboue  mcafure 
excedingly  an  eternal  weight  of  giorie.  What  shal  we 
therfore  meditate  of  the  elpccial  prerogatiuc  of  Encrji^h 
Catholiquesacthistime?Forco  youitis  geuenfor  Chrift^ 
not  only  that  you  beleuc  in  him,  but  alfo  that  you  fufter  for  English  Ca- 
him,  A  htle  now,  if  you  mufl  be  made  penfiue  in  diuers  ^^°^'S"« 
'•P"-^-  ccntations,  that  the  probation  of  your  faith,  much  more  iTcLl'a^.r 
precious  then  gold,  which  is  proued  by  the  fire,  may  be 
round  vntopraife,  and glorie,and  honour,  inthereuelati- 
on  of  lefus  Chrift.  Manie  of  you  haue  fuftevned  the  fpoile 
ofyourgoodes  With  ioy,knowing  that  yoii  haue  a  better 
and  a  permanent  fubftance.  Others  hauebenne  depriued 
of  your  children,  fathers,  mothers,  brothers,  fillers,  and 

of  death,  tolofe  your  owne  hues .  Others  haue  had  trial 
of  reproches,  mockeries,  and  ftripes.  Others  of  bandes, 
prifons,and  banishmentes .  The  innumerable  renowmed 
late  English  Martyres,&  Confefibrs,  whofehappiefoules  Thcdue  raiTc 
Ui  conferring  true  faith  before  men,  are  nowmoftglo-  ofMan/res'/ 
nous  in  heaucn,  wc  pafTehere  with filence^ becaufetheir  ^"^°'i^" 
due  praifc  requiringlonger  difcourfe,  yea  rather  Angels,  S'excc 
then  hnghfh  tongues,farre  furpafieth  thereach  of  our  con-  ^^^^  "'^"^ 
ceiptes.  And  (o  wc  leaue  it  to  your  deuout  meditation.  '°"^^''' 
They  now fecure for  thcmfeIues,androhcitousfor  vs  their 
deareftclientes,  incefTantly  (we  are  welafTured)  intercede 
before  Chrifts  Diuine  Maieftie,  for  our  happie  confum- 
mation,with  the  conuerfion  of  our  whole  countric.  To 
you  therfore  (dearcft  frendes  mortal)  wc  dired  this  fpeach- 

tor  fo  much  as  we  haue  not  yet  refifted  ten  rations  to  (laft) 
bloud  (and  death  itfelf)  patience  is  ftil  nece/Tarie  for  vs    ^^^^"""^ 
thatdoingthewilofGod,wemayreceiucthepromire.  So  ^^^T^l" 
wc  repine  not  in  tribulation,  but  euer  loue  them  that  hate  ^'^'' 
vs,  pittying  their  cafe,  and  reioyc'ng  in  our  owne .  For 

t  t  neither 



.  ♦*    neichei"  can  wc  fee  during  this  life,  how  much  good  tliey 
pJoScabk."     <^o  vs  J  nor  know  how  manjc  of  cbem  shal  be  (as  we  hartel y 
deiire  they  al  may  be )  faued:  our  Lord  and  Sauiour  hauing. 
paide  the  fame  price  by  his  death  ,  for  them  and  for  vs- 
Louc  al  therfore,  pray  for  al.  Do  not  lofe  your  confidence, 
which  hath  a  great  remuneration.  For  yet  a  htle,anda. 
very  litle  while,  he  that  is  to  come,  wil  come,,  and  he  wil 
notflackc.    Now  the  luft  liueth  by  faith,  belceuing  with 
ConfcfHon  of  harcto  iuftice,  and  confeflmg  With  mouth  to  fakiation.  But  hJ.I^ 
faith  before     he  that  x^ithdrawcth  himfelfshal  notpleafeGhriftsfoulc. 
I^fXwt^?'  Attendtoyourfaluation,deareftcouncriemen.  You  that 
are  farreof,  draw  ncre,  put  on  Cbrift.  And  you  that  are 
within  Chnds  fold,kepeyourftanding,perreuerein  himto 
the  end  .His  grace  dwel  and  remaine  m  you,  that  glori- 
ous crownes  may  be  geuen  you.    Amen. 

From  the  English  College  in  Doway,  the  Odaues 

of  A  L  S  A  I  N  C  T  E  S.  1605. 

Tfft  Go^  of ^dtience  and  comfort  geaeyau  to  he  of  one  mind,  one^ 
towards  an&ther  in  Iesvs  cbriji  j  that  of  one  wi»dt  with  one 
mouth  yott'  may  gtorijie  God* 

'es^.^^j^^^j^S^^^^W^^^-f^     Mi, 


\7ich  abiife  note  of  the  Canonical  and 
Apochryphal  Bookes. 

T  the  '\'m forme  conftnt  ofdl  learned  Ditiines,  the  hoUt  Bill^ 
or  yvntten  ivordof  God^contcyp.tth  ex^rejfed  ortw^liedy  at 
thingts  that  man  is  to  beleue^  to  ohferue^  0~  to  auoie^,  for  ob- 
tayninr  of  eternal  faltiatton.  That  ts ,  A  matters  of  faith  Cr 
maners,by  which  \ve  may  kpoiv  and  feme  CoS,  and  Jo  befpi- 
S.  Ji'^g.  ntually  toynedjvith  him,  tn  this  ineternttie.  For  Icth  the  old  Cr 
frefac  tn  „^j^,  fefiament  propofe  andtejtifie  vnto  l>s,one  and  tie  fan:e  Cod,  the  fame 
^^Icjfd  ^^*'^i^>  *^^'  f-^^^  church,  and  other  Myfertes  of  our  belee/e,  not  dijfaivg  m 
djjh  la.  ftib(lAncty  but  in  maner  ofvttering;the  old  moreohf,ureljinfgur<s  and  pro- 
'^.u.i-de  phecies  foretellingthofe  tbmges, which  the  New  declare tb  (in grett  part)  as 
Gen.  c5-  donnc  and  performed.  VFhempon  faith  S.  ^ugn^m  :  In  tht  Old  Tefla- 
wiv^M  ^^^"^  the  New  liethhidden:  6^  inthe  New  the  Old  liethopen. 
'^^U^7e  ^"^  touching  thctr  names,  wherein  appareth  difference,  the  one  {jaith 
ciiteciu:^  the  fame  Dochr)  is  C2\kd  the  old  Teftaraent ,  cither  becaufeirpro» 
rudA.c.  pofeth  promifcs  of  temporal  thinges  (f^Fhenvith  our  old  corru^tnts 
5-c^-4-  ii  allured)  Or  inrcfped  of  the  New,  by  which  it  is  fulfilled,  and 
f'erVxo"d  income  part  abolished.  The  other  is  called  the  New,  becaufeby 
o,7j.  a.  it  man  isrenevv-eJ,  and  hath  promife  of  eternal  life:  P'rhuh  iba\ 
lycont.  neuer  waxe  old  nor  decay.  Ltkj'iVife  S.  Gregorie  the  great  ttfltfeth  this  cen- 
l^anich  f'^^"^^**^  »  ^^^  correfpondence  betwen  the  old  and  New  Teft^ment,  affirming 
cajKr.h  that  the  fameis  ftgntfedbythePrsphetEfcchiels  viftonofanhtele,  which 
iZ.ciuit.  badfoure  faces,  orapparence  ef  foure  ivhi-es,  the shafe  whereof  sv3.s,zs\t 
"  y4'^«  we-T,  1  wheelein  themiddes  of  a  wheelc.  What  is  ii\\s  faith  hf, 
J^'J'*^  '"'*  nifiqaod  in  Teftamenci  vcteris  litera  Teftaraentum  nouurn  la- 
Ik^cIi.  tiiicper  Allcgoriara?  but  that  in  the  letter  of  the  old  Teftamenr, 
Taiifi.      the  Newlay  hidden  by  an  Allegoric? 

'"'*•  i .  ^nd  as  the  fame  is  the  fumme  and  fnbieEl  of  both  Teguments  :  fo  both  are 
^^'''iT'  diuided(for  the  more  principal  partes  therof)  into  four  e  fortes  of  Boo^^: 
'*\;'  j*^  Legal,  Hiftorical,  Sapiential,  &  Prophetical.  r^fZf^4l  bookes  of  the 
^Id Teflamtnt Artthe fine  iook.cs  of  Moifesy  Genefij,  Exodus,  Ltuiticus, 

•j-  j  I  Numeri, 

HoUf  tlic 

holie  Sciip- 


a!  knowlcgc 

neccflaric  lo 


Ihe  old  and 


mert  shew 

the  fane  God, 



fterics  ot  ivc- 


The  old  more 




The  ne«' 

more  eiprcfly 

and  ycldeth 



mcnts,  are 
foure  forics 
of  Bockcs, 

*■*  ^  P  R  O  E  M  I  A  L    A  N  N  O  T  A  T  J  O  N  S , 

Nuilieii,  O^  DeuteroHomiej  iphereto  a»(]ver  m  the  new  Te^.fmftiiy 
f/?f/o/<;'«?  Gofpclso/S.  Matthtv,  S.  Marke,  S.  L'jke,C7-'S.Iohn. 
Miftoricai.        fiiflonul  l^ooisof  the  ol4  Tiftaimnt ,  d'reth:  Stokes  of  lofue,  luJges, 
Kmh  ,^foHrebook,fs  of  Kir.r:cs,tivo  o/Paralipomenon,    Efdras  ivvh 
.  Nehemias,Tobias,  ludicn,  HcOer,  Iob,c?"  tivoofthe  Machabecsj 
ynto  wb'iih^  m  thcmvv  Ttflamenli  unfp^ifr  the  Ades  of  the  Aooftles. 
Sainciuul.        Sapiential,  of  the  old  Tefiarwnt,  Are  the  Pronerbes,  Ecclcfiailes,  Can- 
ticles,Booke  of  wifdomejCr  EcclefiallicusjitWo/  h^e  ferte  are  in 
^      ,^^  ._  the  ntw  relhment,  the  E^nfrles  of  S.Paul  o^  of  otbiY  ^poftles.VrophzncA 

opi)  y^rjles  are  Dauitis  PTaltcr  (  which  isalfo  Sapiential,  ye^  tike  wife  Legal 
and  Hifcorical)  the  ZJoj^^io/Ifaias,  leremias  'Veith  Baruch,  Ezechicl, 
Da.nie\,  the  tweiut  lejfe  Prophete5,0[eai  loel,  Amos,  Abdias,  lonas, 
Mich.'Eas,  Nabm-ii,  Abacuc,  Sophonias,  Aggxus,  Zjicharias, 
Malachias.  ^ad  m  thi  new  Tefiimsnt,  iht  Apocalips  of  S.  John  the 
'  ^  ,      ,  ^l  thefe  art  \>ndo'Medly  Canonical^  as  the  ^utheres  eittd  in  Cone. 

recijcd  .if-        *^'  ^^'^'^  rnargeot  te^ifie  .  ^>id  cenfe^uently  al^  and  dl  the  partes^tberef^  Canb,  ^ 
Cawonical,       are  of  infallible  truth.   For  other  wife  as  S.^u^ufittteachethy  if  ante  fart  ^"-^^^ 
andofinMi-  "^ere  falfe^  or  doubtful ,  al  Were  "yncertaint.  once  admittiug  falfq^hpod  cen'f 
ble  truth*        (faith  he^  Epifi,^.  ad  leroni)  in  fuch  foueraigne  authoiiiie,  no  parcel  Laeiie 
of  thefe  bookes  should  remaine,\rhich  anie  vc^ay  should  feme  hard  ^•^P-S'?' 
to  maners,  or  incredible  to  beleiie,butit  might  by  this  moft  per-  ^^"I'"^ 
niciousrule  be  turned  to  an  officious  fidion  of  the  author.  That    aJU^J 
is:  if  ante  error  couU  be  commifted  by  the  autbores  of  ScriptnreSy  either  d^cret.y. 
through  ignorance,  obliiiioa.or  aate  other  humane  frailtie,whatfoet4ertvere  Trident 
produced,  exception  mt?ht  be  ta^eny  and  ^ueflionmade^  whether  the  author  ^^^'  "*' 
haderedyorno}  True  it  is,  that  fome  of  thefe  bookes  (as  VPe  shal  par-  -^^  ^  *'    ticidarly  dtfcuffe  in  their  places)  were  fometimes  doubted  of  by  fome  Catho'  s,  .jittg\ 
i' Nmdech-^    //^/^ei,  4»^  Called  Apochrypal, »»  that  fen/e^as  the  word  frtperlj  fi^ntf-  U.r.doSl 
red  cjiionicii.  t^h  hidden,  ernot  apparent.  So  S.  Terom  (in  his  Prologue  before  the  La-  ^/T^*;* 
1.  Reicdcd  as  tin  Bible)  calleth  diuers  bookes  Apochryphal,  being  not  f»  euident,  ^  ^I'J' 
•1  ronioHs.         "Whether  thfy  were  Diitme  Scnpture.bccaufe  they  were  not  m  the  lewes  Canon,  moi  C  r. 
nor  atfrflm  the  Chu^'ches  Canon, hut  Wereneuer  reteBed,  asfalfe  or  erronious,  &  ^^'bi, 
InwhichfenfethsPrayezofMinz'AcSythe  thivd  bos/^e  o/  Efdras,and  ff*"Pdi. 
third  of  hHcha.heis  a.t:e  yet  called  Apochryphal.  ^s for  the  fourth  of  j*'*^*"^' 
Bfdf  island  fourth  of  Machabees  there  is  more  doubt.  But  diuers  others  y  as  Eufeh.U. 
\    .  //jf  booke  afcribcd  to  Enoch,*/;('Gofpclso/'S.  Andrew, S.Thomas,  5.f.8. 

\ '  S.  Bartholmew,  and  the  like  recited  by  y.  Gelafius  (  Decreto  de  libris  Bcde* 

I  fiaflcii  diH.  If.  Can.  SanSla  l(omana)  S.  Innoctntius  the  fir  si  [Epi^.  5.) 

S.krom,  LiZtam^S-  yCuguUin  li.  ly.  ap.  i^.deciuit.  Dei.Origen  bomif. 
r  m  Canthx^  arc  in  a  ^ orfe  fcnfe  called  apochryphal y  c^  are  reiefled as 



ProEmial  Annotations. 

eenianing  mantfejl  errors^  or  fa  iced  by  JJeretil^es.   J\cithtr  can  a  C.lfifti^ttt 
Cathoiinue  Jie  ctLfnYife  afiured^  ^hich  Bodies  are  Diuine  jnd  Canonuat  ^?^ }^?  'f 
Mrft.iS.  Scriptures,  but  by  dtclaratien  of  the  Catholtque  Citmhj  nhichmihEUt  int(r=  j..,]^  v^^  ^y^^ 
j»^.iB,i4.  ruptionfticcedetb  the  ^pcjUes,  to  whom  ourSauiour  promiitd.and  fcnt  Churchv/hick 
l^.^         the  HolieGhoft,  ro  reach  al  umh. For  tjin  ante  thirty  mort  then  others,  Bookcs 
i.r;»/.  3.  ajjUredly  one  chirf  and  moji  necfjfarie point  ts ,  te  kpo^V  «nd  declare,  rvhuh    ^^[f^  icnp- 
Book?i  *rt  Gods  hoiii  ^ord :  betn^  of  mop  ftn^tiUr  importance. 

THE    SVMME    OF    THE    OLD    TESTA- 
mentj  as  ir  is  diftinguished  from  the  nevr. 

'Of^ithfidTidiT)^  the  general  argument  of  both  Teflamtnti  jLe  old  and 

Uotiecrthe  jamein  Jubfiance,  a^s  is  already  faid, yet  thry  diftr   ;«newTefta- 

»;wf,  m  maner  of^ttenK?  ofMyflenes,  m  varietie  of  precepts,  cr  prcmifes,  "'^"'    ^^'^ 
,r  1,11  n   I  J  r      c    '^  r        ■'       mtmic. 

Tom. J.   *^/^  mrmanes  to  eh/erne  the  thmges  exa/ledy  Cr  to  attayne  to  the  end  pro-  inmancrof 

(jKffl.  10  pofed.  In  regard '^,'herof  S.  Jerome  faith  :  Lex  Moyfi  S^^omne  vetus  vttcrmg. 

-^(i:"/'"-*  inflrumenrum  elemenra  mundi  intelligiintur,  quibus  quafi  elc-"^^"'^"^  ®^ 
mentis,  d^T  Rcligionis  exordijs  Deum  difcimus.  The  law  of  Moy-  ^^"^^^^^P!^- 
lesandal  theold  Teftamentare  vnderftood  the  elements  of  the  j^ieancs. 
world,  by  which,  as  by  firrt  rudiments  8<r  beginnings,  we  lerne 
to  know  God.  For  that  m  it  tvehatie  fr/}  the  Latv  of  nature:  and  after- 
ypai-ds  a  laTi>T^ritten,  n'ltb  fromtfes  of  temporal  rtwardes^aslong  //c, 
land  fc  wiug  With  m"il{e  cr  home,  cr  the  Ukcy  hut  it  brougri  t  nothing 

^'  -^f    to  perfedion,  m  S.  Paul  faith,  when  giftes  &  hoftes  were  cftered, 
10*.     "^hich   couldnot  according  to  confcience,  make  the  obleruer 

Cal.4.    pcvfe^.Fprthehelpes  of  thdt time , were  but  infirma&  cgcnaelttneca: 

Weake  6^  poore  elements.   Likewifein  general,  touching  the  punish- Tht  oIHTe- 
ments  that  fometimes  happenedttthe people  of  the  old  Tefament,  n  htn  they  ftamcnr  con-  trdnfgrejfed,  the  fame  ^pofile  aftrmeth,tlut  al  the  fame  chanced  to  ^cynerbfigu- 
them  in  figure,  6^'are  written  forour  correption,  vponwhom  ^^J^^^^^ 

Gal        ^^^  ^"'^sofihe  world  arc  come.  Jo //fc^//;5'?  o/*^7ij?^.'wf«/,orLaw  was  ATnntintfal 
"•3-    butoarpedagogucinChrift.rf////>//f/^/oni&  to-^i  the  nphole  courfe  ^'ifd^lcChmch 
of  GodsChurchforthefpace  of  fourethonfand  yeares.that  isyfrcm  the  brnt>~^^°"^  tbebe- 
mngoftheivorld  vnitl Ckrift our I^edemer .  which  Dtuinesdmde  w/o"/Ar^'''"''''^'lJ 
A^es,  whtrin  Wai  l/arietie  C^'  change  of  herflate,  three  Imder  the  Law  of  chr  ft  °'     ^"^ 
nature,  and  three  others  -^nderihe  writtenlaw.  The  feuenth  (y  lafl age  The  i^^irc My 
heing  tins  time  of  grace  {wherin  we  no  w  are)  from  Chrifl,  te  the  day  of  te-  ^'"^  ^'°^'^' 
neral  Judgement:  as  the  World  was  made  in /,x  dayes,  ^ndmthe  femtth^'''/'^'''''''^ 
CodisfatdtoLwertfled,  and  therfore  fanUifedti,  tn  ether  fort,  then  j/^/Diuidedinio 
former  fix.  The  eight  ivil  be  after  the^furre^ion,  during  for  al  eternttie,       £x  aj 

Cm.  I ,    J    ^f i','^^/f  t^^^  ^f,  '^'  ancient  church, cr  old  Teflar».m,  art  thus  diftrt-  ''"'^'^  ."''^  .^g^ 

?j  floud,  cQ»teymng  thefpdce  of  16^6, 
1 1  5  ycares. 

huttd.  The  fir jl  from  tbt  Creatton  to  Noes  floud,  co»teym»g  thefpdce  of  16^6.  J"""'  ''^'^r'ts 

'•  -  P  R  O  E  xU  I  A  L    A  N  N  O  T  A  T  I  O  ^  S. 

j^ir.'S,  Tbefecondfrfim  the  flotid  to  thtroitw  ofylbrmhAm  out  ofhh  ccuntr  ie,  (>("•.  'S. 
The  fcconi     :^6S.  or  coHntm^  {G.;n,  ii.  tuxtaji.  C7-  Luc.i,.)  !,oS.  jieares.   The  ^"*  ''^* 
?68  .or  ?9^- 1  _^  ffjiir({  i^om  ^iMr^hdm  his  going  forth  of  hti  coitntrie,  to  the  parting  of  the  i,^^^.^ 
about     --o    ~  (^b^^''^'''^'>  of  ifrAtl  out  of  /Egypt*  yrhich  fame  count  to  haue  contir.Henjio.  chrc- 
.y  yeares,  others  {whom  ive  folorv)  hut  4^0.  ^nd  thus  farre  tn  the  latv  of  '^eloj. 
The  foiKth     xi'ittire  befm-e  the  'Written  U^  .  7 he  jourih  Age  dured,  ^^o.  yeaWj  from  ^'  ♦^^'o'* 
480.  the  dcliUint  of  the  children  of  ifrael forth  of  JEgypt,  to  the  fundation  of  the  g  "^^^^  * 

Temple  m  Icmfdem.  The  fifth  ige  "^  as  from  the  fundation  of  the  Temple,  ta  g.*/  .j. 
The  fifth  the  CAptmitie  icr  trAnfmigrAtion  of  the  lewes  into  Babylcnj  About  4f\o.yearcs .  Exo.  i(f. 

The  fixch         w^^d  the  f/xth  i(ge  dured  Jfout  G^o.jenres^frem  the  Captttntie  of  Babylon  to  i-^^--^' 
Here  ^40.'        Chnj}.  In  allifhich  times  God  ^xs  acknowledged  and  rightly  ferued,  bj  ^^'^'fj^" 
Al  the  time       a  continual  liiftble  churchy  ^ith  true  {{eligisn ,  the  fame  O"  no  other  y  ^kich  i, ', 
from  the  crea-  noTV  th^t  Church  holdethy  that  is  called  and  knowenby  she  name  of  Catho- 
tionto     ux    i^  ^^^  ^  ^s  ^e intend,  by  Gods  af^ij^ance,  to  shew  bjbriefe Annotations, 
jcares.  concerning  diuers  particular  points  now  in  Controuerfie,  as  the  bolie  Text 

gcHcthoccafion.  And  efp^ciallj  by  ^^y  0/  I{ecapituUtion  after  euerte  one  of 

theffx  agesy  ^'hen  YV<?  ceme  to  thofe  ^affaga  m  the  Hijiorie,  ^bereihefame 

are  ended, 

fiuefirft  bookes. 

M  o  Y  s  E  s .       "jk  yf  O  y  Ces  C|o  called  hecaufe  he  ^yis  taken  from  the  water,  as  the  name  E:vo«^.  ^, 
jiga!fieth,t3-     }^\^Cignifieth)  Was  borne  in  JE^ypt ,  the  fonneof  Amra.m y  the  fonne  ^  '"•^*^* 
w^Jz^"^        "/  Cz^zhy  the  [onne  &f  Leui  the  Patriarchy  audfo  of  lacob,  Ifaac  ,  and  \J^,J]X 
Abraham.  Hismaru clous  deliaerie from  drowningy  his  education,  excellent  i^ntia, 
formiyftnguUr  wtfdomsyheroicaiyertue^^rare  dexteritieinal  affuyresy  c:^  tap  ^f. 
whole  lifemT^  admirable ,  are  gathered  out  of  hoiie Scriptures y  by  S.  Gre-  ^'  ^^S- 
gorie  Biijjap  of  Niffen  ,  mta  a  bnefe  Summe  ,  mofl  yporthie  to  be  ready  but  |^^^    ' 
The  cTccWcn- fo^*''g'fof*^i^ P^'^i^^ '  He  Wa^  borne  about  theyeare  of  the'^orld  two  thou-  s.  g'»p?-, 
cic  ofMoyCcsfanJ  hure  hundred ,  long  before  al  prophane 'Writers ,  yeabefore  manie  0/  oratioyt 
th«  Pamimes  falfe goddesy  as  S.  A^guftiy,  declareth  in  diuers  places  of  his  ^'^"^^j" 
m'id  excellent  booke  intituled  of  thsCiticQ^  God.  He  liuedtn  this'^orld  ^''1'^*^ . 
iio.jtares.  0^  which  j^o.  Wife  in  Pharaos  courty  as  the  adopted  fonne  of  s.  t^w-. 
Pbtraoi  daurhter:fourtie  in  b xnishmtnt from  J^gUpt '»  Madian'.an^  fourtie  H.  18  cf- 
morehe^oucrnedth!  people  of  ifrael.  His  ftnguUr  prayfes  are  alfo  britjly  "'^-f??* 
touched  m  the  lafi  chapter  of  Deiiteromiey  added  by  lofue.  and  in  the  bookji  of 
His  CcpnlchreEcclefitjhcus.  He  di'Jinthe  defert,  and  ^ as  buried  tn  theyaileofMoaby  fo  ^/^'//'l" 
not  knowen  fecretly  th  it  na  mjrt  tlmtn  k.netf  hisfepu'chreylefithelejfiesywhowere'yery  Gloford 
CO  amcman.    ^^^^^  ^^  idtUtrie,  should  haiie  idf>red  his  hodie  with  diuine  honour y  for  the 
greatms  ind  It  iliitvde  of  his  miracles,  andfortbefingnUr  eJlimatioUy  they 
had  of  hi/n  for  the  fame* 





^HIS  prj}  Beoht  ej  bolie  Sriptitn,  called  Gencfis  ,  '^hicb  ftgnifth  Gtncfis  writ- 
birth  or  beginning, Ti'rfj  written  hy  y.oyjes,  "^hiii  hetvas  iiifi^titdby  t^"  bvMoj les 
Gody  to  infiruB  cr  rule  the  children  ofifrael-^i  aljo  the  other  fourt  hocljs  .  '^^  ^7".  "'*" 
folowing*   The^utkorandanthontieofalnhichf.uehooi^eSy  tvere  cucr  Sokncwenby 
Ack»oyi;Ld^ed  hy  the  faithful  J  hath  of  the  old  and  new  Tef^.rnent :  and  Jo  Ttidmon, 
Mat  19.  Accotmttd  and  eflemcd  by  tradition,  tUchri(}  an^  hh  ^fofiles:   Jaho  alfo  cojifirnicd  by 
iieb    II.  confirmed thctn  hjtlcr  tefiimoniei^  and  alUgitians  of  th-- fi:me^  ai  e/  holre  ^  Y  jr'^u     ' 
Jacob.  1.  ^^riptitres.  From  th  creation  yntil  Moyfes  'Writ  ('^hich  WjiaboHe  tivo  thou-  jj^„   AnofUes, 
i-^fet  i'  ft^d and foure  hundred  yeares)  the  Chtmh  txercifed  l{eii^ion  hj  l^euihtt-  Religion  rc- 
onsmjidctoctrt^int  Ptitriarches,andbyTrAditisni  fiom  man  to  man^^itith-  u-kdic  C^^t- 
OHt  ante  Scnpturcior  UW  fP  itttn.  But  the  peculur  people  of  Cod  ieir)f  c:al  perfons, 
...  V             I    r            1                                                      7        I       '      r  ^""^  10  obicr- 
S.  ^HT.  more'Viftbly  fepxrated  fror»  other  nations  ^  cr  mxnie  errors  ainnuingw  the  ucdbyTradi- 

qm^.yet   world^God  Would  for  corrgHton  Ct  Confutation  therof,  hatfe  hn  Wil  made  lions. 
&nom    jj^^iljif  l^no^en  to  bis  chiUrerif.  and  (0  remaine  amon^li  theminv^ntten 
^'^•""-    rerord,  hy  bis  faith fnl  femant  and  Prophet  Mo^pey  VVho  therfore  decUreth  ^^'^J  ^"'P: 
the  Author  and  beginning  of  al  tbin^csy  that  ts ,  Bow  al  creatures  "if^ert  ^^^ 
fnidtbyGod,and  of  himbaue  thirbsingy  And  by  him  only  ire  conferued.   What  Moy- 
Beteachethexpre/Iy  th^t  there  U  oneonlie  Cod,  a^amfl  th<^fe  that  tm^gi'  fcs  fpecially 
9ed  and  brought  into  the  phantafir  of  men  mime  croddes.  That  the  whole  ^'\eveihia 
■      ririn  ri  J         I        \f   .i'^  .J  tins  bookc. 

or  yniuerfalfiibftance  of  heauen  andrarih,'ivuf}  their  ornaments  and  acci- 

dentSy  ^cre  mtde  in  time\  agnnHthofe  ib  it  thought  the  fir fi  fund  at  nn  ther^ 

ef  had  euer  ben  ne.  That  God  doth  gouernt  the  fame  ■■,  againfl  ihcfe  that  fay, 

Adsridedbydjienieorbythe  ffarres^   /r.nd  not  by  the  conttKfi.iI  protudence 

of  God.  That  God  is  A  rewardtr  ef  the  g'jod^and  a  Ptinisher  of  tHily]vhtch 

Jtnners  feme  eithernotto  know,  orgrofly  toforgete.^.idthat  Cod  created 

aI  for  mans  l/feznd  benefitey  which  should  make  Vi  grateful,  vrhcrfore  ..  . 

1     ■  r  •     I     I     1  ,     I     )    I    I  r  )       I  Manmoftpar 

holie  MoyfesmoreparttcuUrLy  dejcribeth  the  beginning  of  man-yWhat  he  iva^  ticularJy  de- 

At  firfi\  hew  hefelj  hoW  al  mankind  n  come  of  one  mm  ■  deducing  the  (cnbtci: 

Gen'alogie  of  ^dam  y  efpecially  toNoe.  Then  how  men  being  more  and  IhciigVitline 

more  defied  ^pon  the eArthy  with  Wtcked,  efpecially  carnal  fhnes,  Were  by  [^omAdami® 

Gtds  iufl  wrxth  drowned  with  an  vniHerfalfoud. 

^gaine  how  a  feiV  referued  perfons  mtltiplied  the  world  anew.  Bui 

this  0 faring  alfo  falling  into  munie  finnes,  especially  idolatrie  and  fpiri- 

tual  fornication,  as  tbofe  of  tkefrfiage  did  to  carnal  of cncei,  CodfiiUon- 

ferued  feme  faithful  cr  true  feruants.  of  ^'hich  Mojfes  fpecially  purfueth  The  principal 

Q^^         the  lineofNoe by  Sem  bis  frfl begotten fsnne.  Tlnn  defcnbeth  the  p^-rticular  P^tnovchcs 

'  yocationsy  Hues,  maners,  notable  ftjtngs,  and  noble  f.Bes,  "Vfith  fincoe  re-  ^°^^  Vonncs 

ligion  of  Abraham ylfaacylacoh.lef ephyCr  other  bolie  Vatrtarchtsx   "P  io  ofllcael. 

lined befre the  ^:nttenLm.  lihvvife^pon'y'^^briteciafcn)  O-'in^vhat 


The  ARGVMENT  OF  Genesis. 

mine,',  lacoh  otbenvtfe called  Ifrael,  with  al  his  pro^ettiet  depended  fnm 

This  booke      the  Lund  of  Canaan  into  JEgypt,and  were  there  entertayned.  So  thisbooke 

dmided  inco     cintayneth  the  hijiorie  oftivo  thoufand  three  hundred  cr  odde  yeares.  And 

°     \     ^  '    it  may  he  diuldei  into  eight  fortes ,  The  fir  si  contnynttb  the  Creation  of 

Heatienand  Earthy  o^  other  Creatitres^andUfi/j  of  Man.cha^.  i.  <y  i. 
i;  The  fecond part  is  of  the  trangreJtioH  &  falof  man,  &his  calling  out  of 

Paradtfe  ,  of  multiplication  of  men,  and  of  fmne,  though  fit!  fome  ^sie 

iujii  of  the  generalfiond,  that  drowned  al  except  eight  per fons^  cr  few  other 
?•  liuingcreaturesof  the  earth,  from  the  third  chap,  to  the  8.  The  third  partis 

of  the  new  mcreafe^O'  multiplication  of  the  fame,  from  the  8.  chap,  to  the 
+•  ii.The  fourth,  of  the confmjion  of  toagttesy  cr  the  diuifion  of  nations.  i» 

■*'  theti.  chap.  The  fft  relateth  Abrahams  going  forth  of  bis  countrie,  Godi 

promfe,thatin  his  (eedeal  Nations  should  be  bleffed,  O^  the  commandment 
^^  of  Circumcifion, from  the  u,  chap,  to  then.  The  ftxtb part  reconn'teth  the 

progenie,and  other  blejUngSy  efpecialiy  the  great  yertim  of  Abraham  ylfaac^ 
7,  and  lajoff.  from  the  zi.  chap,  to  the  57.  Thefeuenth  part  reporteih  the  feU 

Zing  oflofeph  into  JEgypt^andhis  aduancement  therefrom  the  ^y.chap.  $a 
8..  the  4(j.  The  eight  and  la^  part  is  of  lacvb,  and  his  progenies  going  Into 

JEffypt  y  their  intertainment  there  ^  andof  lacobsyandjinally  of  lofephs 
.  death,  in  the  fine  la^  cabpters. 

The  Signification  of  the  markes  here  vfed,  for 
dircdion  of  the  reader. 

The  numbers  in  the  argumentes  of  chapters  point  to  the  vcrfe,  where  the  mat- 
ter mentioned  beginneth. 
This  forme  of  crofle  [  f  ]  in  the  text,  shevf^eth  the  beginning  of  euerie  verfe. 
The  numbers  in  the  inner  margentoueragainft  the  croffc,  shev/ the  number 

of  verfes  in  the  fame  chapter. 
This  rairke"{ignifieth  that  there  folovJ'Cth  an  Annotation  after  the  chapter, 
vpon  the  \170rd,  or  wordcs,  wherco  it  is  adioyned.  The  number  aifo  of  the 
fame  verfc  is  prefixed  to  the  Annotation. 
Thciefoare  prickcs  ::  shew  that  thereisan  Annotation  in  the  margcnt,  vpon 
that  place.  And  when  manie  occurre, the  thefirit  marcke, 
thefecondto  thefecond,  andfo  forth.  In  like  mane r  the  citations  of  places 
in  the  inner  margent,  are  applied  to  the  authorcs  alleaged. 
But  when  the  re  be  more  fuch  marginal  annotations,  then  may  cafely  be  ap- 
plied, vevfe  the  letters  of  the  Alphabete  fordiiedtion. 
Thisformeof  aftarrc  ["^J  in  the  text  or  annotationsj.pointctluo  the  explica- 
tion of  fome  word  or  wordes,  in  the  margent. 
Sometimes  wc  put  the  Concordance  of  other  Scriptures  in  the  inner  mar- 
gent of  the  text. 
VVehauealfonotedin  the  margenty  when  the  Bookesof  holie  Scripture  (ox 
partes  thereof)  are  read  in  the  Churches  Scruicc,  For  their  fakes,  chat  dcuie 
to  read  the  fame,  in  order  of  the  Eccldiafucal  Oifice. 




















C  E  R  E  S  I  T  H, 

Chat.   L 

Coi  credteth  heauen  And  earthy  And  A  things  therin  \  diflingulshing 4nd  Thcfirft  »»rf. 
hr9Vtyf)ing  the  fATne\  16.  Ufi  of  at  tbefixihday  be  creuteth  m4n:to  Ofthecrcatii 
xvhom  bejithtethth  aI  cor  ford  things  ofthit  inferior  world.  ^^  al  things. 

The  Church 
N  "  T  H  E  beginning  God  created  hca-  rcadcth  this 
uenj  and  earth,  f  And  the  earth  was  bookc  in  her 
voide&r vacant,  and  darkenes  wa^  piHc<;from 
vpon  the  face  ot  tne  deapth:  and    tnc  til  Pailion Sua 
Spiritcof  God  moued  oner  the  -sra-  ^ay. 
rers.  f  And  God  faid:  Beliahtmade,  Alio  this  firft 
And  light  ^ras  mad^.  f  And  God  ^^^P.^"'&/^- 
11  law  the  hght  tharit\rasgood:«Sche  fccondon  Ea» 
diuidcd  the  hght  from  the  darkenes.  f  And  he  called  the  fterEucbc- 
H^ht,  Day,  and  the  darkenes.  Night :  and  there  was  euening  ^o^c  Maflc. 

a<rmorning,  that  made  one  day.  t  God  alio  faid: Be  =•  afir-  ''  ^hc  firma. 

•^j  -inL  11      -,••,1  mentis  al  the 

mament  made  amidlt  the  waters  rand  let  it  dmidc  berwenc  fpaccfromthc 

7  waters  6d^waters.  f  And  God  made  a  firmament,  anddiui-  earrh  to  the 
dcd  the  waters,  that  were  vnder  the  firmament,  from  thofe,  ^ieghcft  ftar- 

8  that  were  aboiie  the  firmament.  And  it  was  To  done,  f  And  ^^'  ^'^.^  [f"^." 
God  called  the  firmament,  ••  Heauen:and  there  was  euening  ^f.^^^  bctw'cnc 

9  S^morning  that  made  the  fecond  day.  t  God  alfo  faid :  Le'^t  the  waters  oa 
the  waters  that  are  vnder  the  heauen,  be  gathered  together  the  earth  and 
into  one  place:  and  let  the  drie  land  appeare.  Anditwasfo  ^jjc  ^"^^tc"  in 

10  done,  t  And  God  called  the  drie  land,"Earth  :  and  the  gathe-  ^.A-jHi  11  de 
ring  of  waters  together,  he  called  Seas.  And  God  fawe  that  Gen  Id  lit.c,4 

jz  it  was  good,  f  And  {aid:  Let  the  earth  fhootforth  grenc  '■  Like-wife 
herbes,and  fuch  as  may  feede,&:  fruite  trees  yelding  fruit  h^^^u^isalrhc 
after  his  kinde,  fuch  as  mayhaue  feedcinitfelfe  vpon  the  tfiecarXln 

It  earth.  And  it  vasfo  done.  |  And  the  earth  brought  forth  uhofc  lowelk 

A  grenc 

i  Genesis.  Creation. 

|»artarebii<!c$  grenehcrbc,  fucK  as  feedcth  according  to  his  kinde,  &  tree 
and  waters,  in  tliat  beareth  fruite,  hauing  feede  eche  one  according  to  his 

*^a«  ft?rres      k"^^^-  ^^^<^  ^^^  ^^^  ^^^^  ^^  ^^^^  S^^"^*  t  And  there  was  15 
the  hieahdiis  euening  S^inorning  that  made  the  tiiird  day.  f  Againe  God  14 
the  Empyrial  faid :  Be  there  H^htes  made  in  the  firmament  of  heauen,  to 
hcaacn.  Efa.    diuide  the  day  6<f"the  night,  and  let  them  be  •*  for  fignes  & 
f5" ,    J.  ,        feafons,  and  dayes  and  yeares  :  f  to  ftine  in  the  firmament  of  ij 
made  the  firft  heauen,  &c  to  giue  hght  vpon  the  earth.  And  it  was  fo  done. 
day,aredifpo-  f  And  God  made  "two  '-'  great  Hghts  :  a  greater  light,  to  go-   16 
fed  the  fourth  uerne  the  day :  and  alefTer  hght  to  gouerne  the  night :  and 
day  in  their      ftarres.  f  And  he  fet  them  in  the  firmament  of  heauen,  to  17 
leT?or  more'   ^^^^  vpon  the  earth .  f  and  to  gouerne  the  day  3c  the  night,  18 
diftinftion  of  and  to  diuide  the  light  6^  the  darkenes .  And  God  fawe 
times.  S.  Di-  that  it  was  good,  f  And  there  was  euening  and  morning  13 
onyf.  ca.  4.      jj^^^  made  the  fourth  day.  f  God  alfo  faid  :  Let  the  waters  la 
S^Tho^pT^   bring  forth  creeping  creature  hauing  hfc,  and  flying  foule, 
t[.  67.  a.  4,     ouer  the  earth  vnder  the  firmament  of  heauen.  f  And  God  zi 
&q.7o.a.i.     created  huge  "Whales,  and  al  Huing  S^  mouing  creaturt^^ 
::  The  Sune  &  f^at  the  waters  brought  forth,  according  to  eche  forte,  8c  al 
Jhou"h  th^    ^°^^^  according  to  their  kindc.  And  God  fawe  that  it  was* 
mooncbcthc  good,  f  And  he  "  blefTed  them  faying  :  Increafe  and  multi-  Z2 
leaftvifiblc      plie,  and  replenifh  the  waters  of  thefea:  and  let  the  birds 
^^"c^ccpt    be  multiplied  vpon  the  earth,  f  And  there  was  euening  8^  25 
^^cucth'  ^^^  morning  that  made  the  fifth  day.  f  God  faid  moreouer:  Let  24 
morTughton  ^he  earth  bring  forth  lining  creature,  in  his  kind,  cattle, 
the  earth  by      dcT  fuch  as  creepe,  &  beaftes  of  the  earth  according  to  their 
reafonitis       kindes:and  it  was  fo  done,  f  And  God  made  the  beaftes  of  2/ 
ncrer  and  fo  ^^^  ^^^^^  according  to  their  kindes,  and  cattle,  6C  al  that 
kctha"cof"'  crepeth  on  the  earth  in  his  kind. 

ding  to  the  And  God  faw  that  it  was  good,  t  and  he  faid"  Let  vs  make  2.6 

vulgar capaci-  Man  to  our  image,  5<flikenes  :  and  let  him  haue  dominion  ^o/.j, 

tie  and  vfe  of  ^^^^  ^^^  g  ^^^^  of  the  fea,  and  the  foules  of  the  ayrc,  and  the  10. 

li!T?c  G^n^   beaftes,  and  the  whole  earth,  and  al  creeping  creature,  that     moueth  vpon  the  earth,  f  And  God  created  man_,,  to  his  27 

owne  image  :  to  the  image  of  God  he  created  him,  male  8^  £^at. 

female  he  created  them,  t  And  God  blefled  them,  and  fiith:  28    19,4. 
"  Increafe  and  multipHe,8^replcnifh  the  earth,  and  fubdew 
it,  and  rule  ouer  the  filhes  of  the  fea,  and  foules  of  the  ayre, 
6c  al  huin£T  creatures,  that  mouc  vpon  the  earth,  f  And  God  25 
faid  :  Behold  I  haue  giuen  you  al  maner  of  hcarbe  that  fee- 
dcth vpon  the  earth,  and  al  trees  tha.t  haue  in  them  fclue* 


Creation.  Genesis.  j         /  ^ 

30  feede  of  their  ovene  k.inde,ro  be  your  meatc!  fandtoal  ::Euericcrea- 
beaftes  of  the  earth,  and  to  euerie  foule  of  the  ayre,  ^  to  al  ^^^^  ^"  "^""1 
that  moue  vpon  the  earth ,  and  \chercin  there  is  life,  that.^  confiderccTto- 

31  they  may  haue  to  feede  vpon.  And  it  was  fo  done,  f  And  gcthermakc 
God  fawe  al  things  that  he  had  made,  and  ••  they  >yere  very  the  whole 
good.  And  there  "Vaseuenmg  6^  morning  that  made  tlic  ^'oj^'^perfed, 

^IXf'l^y-  mans'THnd 

. Gods  glone. 


ANNOTATIONS.  Gen.  cent. 

Chap.    I. 

r.  Inthehe^nni':!;.^  Holic  Moyfes  tcllcth  vhat  va$  done  in  the  beginning  The  Church 
of  the  world,  and  fo  forward  euen  til  his  owne  time,  writing  abouc  two  thou-  had  only  Tra- 
(andandfourc  hundrerh  yeares  after  the  beginning.  Al  which  being  incom-  ditions  &no 
prehenfiblc  by  humaine  witte  or  difcourfe,he  knew  partly  by  Reuelations  Scripture 
from  God,  forhe  had  the  gyftofProphecieinmoft  excellent  forte  :  partly  by  aboue  1400, 
Traditions  from  his  elders,  who  Icrncd  of  their  fathers.  Forvntilthattimethc  ycarcj. 
Church  had  only  Traditions  of  fuch  things,  as  were  reueledto  fpecial  men  , 
wherbywe  fee  the  great  aurhoritie  of  Traditions,  before  there  were  Scrip-  Tradition* 
tures.  And  fince  Scriptures  were  written  they  are  alfo  neccflarie,  for  three  fpe-  neceflarie  for 
cial  rearons.  Firft  for  that  we  arc  only  affured  by  Tradition  of  the  Church,  that  chrec  caufes. 
thofe  bookcs  are  in  dede  holie  Scriptures,  which  are  fo  accounted,  and  not  by  , 

the  Scripture  it  felfe,  for  that  were  to  prouethefameby  thefame,  vntilwe  be 
afTured  of  feme  part,  that  proueth  fome  other  partes.  And  this  made  S.Au- 
etnt.  guftin  to  fay  plainly,  that  ]>e  could  not  hcleuetheGofpd,  except  the  church  told  htm 

Epift.        yy'»ch  ti  the  Goffel.  Secondly  holie  Scriptures  being  once  knowcn  to  be  the  z 

funi.  c.  iford  of  God,  and  fo  of  moit  eminent  authoritieofal  writings  in  the  world,  Scripture  of 
-.J  as  S.Auguftm  S.Ierome,  Seal  other  Fathersagree,yctfor  the  true  vnderftan-  moft  eminent 

dingof  the  fame,  both  the  Scripture  it  fe'fe,  and  the  ancient  Fathers  remittc  authoritie.. 
vs  to  the  Church,  namely  to  thofe  in  the  Church,  that  are  abpointei  by  Gods 
ordinance,  in  the  Jji^hf^  lace  that  he  hath  chofen.  Which  were  theFIighPriefts  in 
the  old  Teftament,  as  appcareth':  Deut.  17.  Mat.  25.  loan.  11.  Andinthenew 
Teftament,  S.Peter  and  his  Succeflors  for  whom  Chrift  prayed  that  his  faith 
fiiould  not  faile ;  and  therfore  commanded  him  to  confirme  his  bretheren  Luc. 
iMC.  10,  XI.  Thirdly  forthings  not  exprededinparticularinhoIieScripture,  the  Scrip-  . 

iC.  ture  and  Fathers  do  likewife  remittc  vs  to  Traditions,  andto  theiudgcment 

^cl.j^,  andteftimonieofthe  Church.  Chrift  faying  to  his  Apoftlcs ; /'<'f/^<t^/?<''Z^i«/^7o» 
18.  />p^)-ef/;>7iP.TheApoftles  dcubtcdnottofay  :  ItfemedgoohoiheHoUechojlAnito 

1.  Theff.  -v.^-And  S.  Paul  willed  the  ThcHalonians  to  hold  the  traditions,  yyhtch  they  had 
1.  /^-iwef,  whether  it  were  by  word,  or  byhisEpiftle. 

Ori-en.  I.  Jnthe  beiimunr  c,od  made  h  auen  and  earth.  ]  Al  writers  ancient  and  later   CcrJp.yjps 

/«/>«•.  find  fuch  difficulfes  in  thefc  firft  chapters,  that  fome  othcrwife  very  lerned  1  ? 
Cen.r.i.  hane  thought  it  not  poll  bic  to  vnderftand  t'ne  fame  according  to  the  proper 
^  andvfualfignificationofthe  wordes,  as  thcletter  may  feme  to  found,  but  cx- 
X.  de  pound  alallegoricalh',  as  that  by  the  waters  aboue  the  firmament  fhould  be 
Cni.cort  v"derftood  the  blelTed  Angels,  by  the  waters  vndcr  the  firmament  wicked 
>f  mch.  fpiiites,  and  the  like.  So  did  Origen  and  diuers  thatfolow  bin:  therein.  Yea 
t*.  1.     S.  Auguftin  in  his  bcokes  vpon  Genefis  againft  the  Manichccs,    written 

A  X  ihortly 

whj  Scrip- 
tures arc  naid. 

Three  rpiri- 
tual  fen/es 
bcficles  the 




A  fTgurc  of 


Light  being 
ic<5^,  by  rhc 
of  fome  Icr- 
ned  Fathers. 

4  Genesis.  Creation. 

(hortlyaftcr  his  conucrfion,  when  he  could  not  find  as  he  defircda  goodand 

Srobable  fcnie  agreable  to  the  worJcs,  in  their  proper  fignification,expoun- 
ed  them  myftically,  but  afterwards  in  his  Qther  bookes  de  Gencfi  ad  lite-  Uh.i.c 
ram,  he  gratfully  acJcnowledgeth  that  God  had  gcuen  him  further  fightthcr-  jg'  ij 
in,  andchat  novi^he  fuppofed  he  could  intcrprcteal  according  to  the  proper  itb,2,c.u 
Signification  of  the  wordes.  yctfothathedurftnot  nor  would  not  addidHiim 
fclfetoonefenfe,  but  that  he  was  rcadic  toimbraccan  other,  left  by  ftickirg  ' 
to  his  owne  iudgcment  he  mightfailc.  So  likewife  S.Bafil,  S.  Chrifoftoni,  Ba/.h^: 
S.Ambrore,S.Icrome,S.Bede,andothcr^reatcflDodorsfound&  confelfed  ^./^  Qf^ 
great  difficulties  in  rhcfcfirft  chapters,  which  they  with  much  Itudieendeuo-  w; 
red  to  explicate  .  And  thcrforeitis  a  wonder  tofeeourProtell,ants&  Puritans  clninjt, 
hold  this  Paradox,  that  Scriptures  are  cafic  to  be  vnderftood.  VVherasboth  ehifi.lL 
by  teftimonicofthofethathaueindecde  ftudicd&  laboured  in  them,  2ndby  a  jf„ih  &>' 
Jitledueconfideration,thec6trarieismoftcuidcnt.  Forwhofocucrwil  lookc  Bedain 
into  the  holie  Scriptures,  fhal  find  that  fome  times  in  fhev/ one  place  femcth  examen. 
contrari^eto  an  other;  fbmc  times  the  letter  &:  phrafe  are  obfcure  &  ambi-  /«■£,»».  gl 
guous;  fome  times  the  fentenccs  vnperfect .  Againc  manic  fpcaches  arepro- 
phcncal,  manic  parabolical,  metaphorical,  and  vttered  vnclcr  other  tropes  Eufloch^ 
and  .^gurcs,  and  that  in  the  literalfcnfc.  Moreoijcr  there  arc  three  fpiritual  ctn.i.^^ 
fenfes bcfides  the  hterril,very  frcquentinholieScripture.  Allegorical pertay-  r^.^i^l 
Ring  to  Chriftand  the  Church  5  Moral  pertayningtomancrsjand  Anagogic'al 
pcrtayning  to  the  next  life.  As  this  word  Icrufalcm  literally  fignifreth  the  head  r .  ^  ^z 
citic  of  Icwrie  :  ?4orally  the  foulc  of  man  :  Allegorically  the  Church  militant:  t.xo.   * 
and  Anagogically  the  Church  triumpham.  And  fomctimcsrhis  (and  thf  like  joan'.t . 
ofothers)  metaphorically  in  the  literal  fenfcfignificth  the  Church  militant,  2f.   *  * 
and  not  the  citic  of  lewric,  as  in  the  ii.  chapter  to  the  Hebrewes  :  and  fome  s^om.t^ 
times  the  Church  triumphant,  as  in  the  zi.  of  the  Apocalips. 

z.  iheHpinteofGod.]  In  the  Hebrewitis  /igniHed,  thatrhcSpiritcof  God 
was  on  the  waters  to  make  them  fertile,  for  that  fifhcs  and  birdes  were  to  be 
procreated  thcrof;  the  word  is  merahepheth,  mcubabat,  fate  -vpon,  to  produce 
fruid  (faith  S.Ierom)  from  the  waters, as  a  henncby  her  heatc,  produccth  leron.i^ 
lifcintheeggcs.  AndthefamcS.Ierom,  and  before  him  TertulHan  teach,  that  ptfioLSt. 
this  was  a  figure  of  Baptifmc,  which  confiflcth  of  water  and  the  Holie  G  hoft.  ad  o'cea^ 
For  as  water  iu  the  beginningofthe  world  rcceiued  a  certain  vital  vcrtuc  of  ren.dt^ 
the  Holie  Ghofl  to  produce liuing  creatures:  fo  alfo  Baptifmc  rccciueth  vertuc  Dapttf. 
of  the  fame  Holie  Ghoft  ro  procreate  nc<a'  men.  VVhcrupon  Tertullian  calleth 
ChriftiansfT{hcs,bccaufe  they  are  gotten  from  the  waters,  and  thence  hauc 
theiifirftfpirituallifc.  Lnit  not therftrs  feme  Jh-ange  (faithhc}  that  tnBaftiftns 
yyatersgeue  life. 

i6.  l"."vo  great  lijhts,  auJ  Jharres.J  Hereoccurreth  an  other  example  of  the 
hardnes  of  holie  Scripture.  For  ifthc  two  great  lights  (towitthe  Sunnc&thc 
Moonc)  andalib  the  ftarrcs,  were  made  :h:  fourth  day,  and  not  before,,  as  ie 
may  feme  by  the  wordes  in  this  place,  then  what  was  that  light,  and  in  what 
fubic<fl  was  it,  th.Ttwas  made  the  firftday?  S.  Bafi!,S.  GicgoricNazianzcn,. 
Theodorct,  andfome  others,  writing  vpon  this  place  do  thinke  that  the  light, 
which  uasmidc  the  ^rftday,  reraayned  though  an  accident  without  his  fiib- 
icfttilthc  fourth  clay.  And  .ilbcit  moft  other  Doctors  rather  think  that  the 
fubftarce  of  the  Sunne  ik  Moonc,  &  of  other  planets  and  ftarrcs  were  created 
thefirftdny,  and  the  fourth  day  fctiuthat  order  and  courfe  which  nowthejr 
kepe,  with  morc-diAin(5lioii/t'r/^»<J  anifcafoits,  und  dayes  andyeares :yethis 
ckrcth&ttheforcfaidapcieJU  Pod©rs  iud^editpofliblc^that  accidents  may 


Creation.  Guvesis.  f 

tcmz'mc^'nhovit  their  fubieft.  which  a  Sacramcntarie  vil  be  loath  to  grant.  The  accident* 
left  it  might  be  proucdpofliblc,  as  both  thefe&al  other  Catholique  Doiftors  of  breadc  ani 
beleuedand^aught,  that  the  accidents  of  btead  and  vine  rcmaine  in  the  blef-  v/inecanrc- 
fed  Sacrament  of  the  Eucharift  -without  their  fubiedbs.  VVhich  Protcftants  maineby 
dcnic.  Godspo\f'er 

i6.  Let  ys  make  man  to  cur  JmaTe-"]  ForbettcrconCderationofGodsbountic  \cirhout  thcit 
towards  vs,  and  fturring  our  rclues  to  gratitude  towards  him,  we  may  here  fubieftes. 
note  tenneprcrogariucsbeftowcdonvs,  by  our  Lord  5:  maker  in  our  creation  Tcnne  prero= 
aboue?l  other  carthlie  creatures.  Firft,  wheias  God  by  an  imperial  wordof  gati'jcsof 
comin?ndmcr!tmade  other  creatures,  Tim  h;:,  i ii.t  firmamentHm:  F.e there  Lnht:  man. in  his  , 
f  <>  I »V.<<ry«7777<jn;e»^  .-intending  to  make,  heproretleth  fami'iarly,  by  way  ,  creation, 
ssifvcrc,  of  confultation,  and  as  to  his  ownc  vil-anJ  Icruicc  to  make  man  i.  madelikc 
faying:  if<  -vs  make  man  to  our  unagt  andltkeiies,  that  is  to  iay,  a  reafonable  creature  to  God. 
with^nderftanding  and  free  wil,  which  bcaftes  haue  not.  Secondly,  m  this  i.TheMyflc- 
workc  God  firftinfinuatcth  the  high  Myilerie  of  cheB.Txinitie,  or  piaralitic  ricofthe  B. 
ofPerfons  in  one  God  (becaufe  manis  to  bcleue  the  lame)  fignifying  theplura-  Trinitieinll- 
litieofPcrfonsby  thewordesLf< -viwdifjandfocw/.Tind  thevnitieiniubftahce,  nuated  in  his 
bythcwordes  Image  and  likcnes,  the  firft  in  the  plural  number,  the  later  in  the  creation, 
/ingular.  Thirdly, other  creatures  were  producedby  the  waters  and  earth,  j.  producec! 
tet  the  yvaters  bring  forth  (£{he  and  foulc)  Let  tleeartb  bring  forth  (gralTeand  by  God  hici 
cattle,  &  other  beaftes]  but  God  broiightibrtliman,  not  by  the  earth,  though  i'elfe. 
©fthe  earth,  nor  by  water,  norbyheauen,  nor  by  Angels,  but  byhira  felfe,, 
geuing  him  a  reafonable foule,  not  fenfualonly  asto  beaftes,  and  thefamenot 
produced  ofanie  creature,  but  created  immediatly  of  nothing.  Fourthly,  God  4-p'accdin 
gauemrnParadifeamoftplcafantpIace  todweiin.  Piftly,  Godgaue  mando-  P^'^^""C. 
jninionandimperialauthoritie  oueral liuing creatures vnderheauen.  Sixtly,  ^'  L°™  ^f*^ 
man  was  created  in  thatinnocencie  oflife,  and  intcgritic  ofal  vcitues,  that  his  carthlie 
inJndwas  wholly  fubie«Sl:  to  Gcd,  his  fenfe  to  reafon,  hisbodie  to  hislpiiire,  ^'•i^^'* 
andalcther  liuing  creatures  obedientto  him:  cuen  the  terrible  Lions,  the  ^-i^" 
cruel  Tigres,  the  huge  Elephants,  and  the  wildcft  birdcs.  Scuently,  God  7,  excellent 
brought  them  al  to  man,  as  to  do  him  homage,  and  to  take  their  names  of  him.  knowlcae. 
VVhich  by  his  excellent  knowledge  he  gaue  them  conformable  to  their  na- 
tures. Eightly,  Godgauemaninfome  forte  an  immorralbodie,  that  if  he  had  g    povrc  CO 
kept  Gods  commandment,  he  had  liued  long  and  pleafantly  in  this  world,  arid  Kneeuer 
fo  Ihould  haue  bene  rranflated  to  eternal  life v/ithoutidying.  Ninthly,  God       ^-fr  pfp 
did  not  only  adornc  man  withal  natural  knowledge,  and  fupernatuial  ver-  o']3cie 
tucs,  but  alfo  with  the  gift  of  prophecie.  VVherby  he  knew  that  Eucwas*  ° 
bene  of  his  bones,  and  flesh  ofhtsfiesh,  though  being  a  T.cpe  he  knew  not  when 
fhe  was  made.  Tenthly  (which  wasthe'chiefe  benefite  ofal)  God  conuerfed  '^^-  ^°^  ^^^' 
familiarly  with  mr.n,  and  that  in  ihape  of  man,  which  was  a  token  of  his  "erfedfami- 
meruelous  great  loueto  man,  and  a  lingular  incitment  ofhim  tolouc  God.  '^^^^^X  '*'^^^ 
.Fvcade  more,  if  you  pIeafc,ofthe  dignitieof  man,andthe  benefitesof  God  ™^°" 
towards  him  in  his  creation,  in  S.Bernardvpon  the  99.  Pfalmc.  Andvponthc 
^i.  chapter  of  Efaie. 

18.  increafeandmultipUe.  ]  Whether  this  be  a  commandment  or  no,  arleaft  Godsblc/Hns 
itisablelling,  forfo  thcwordcs  before  conmncc,  Cod  b!ej]ed  them  and  fatd:  in-  alwa-escfFc- 
treafeandmuhipUe.  He  faid  the  fame  alfo  to  brute  creatures,  which  are  notca-  ^ual^ 
cable  ofa  precept,  butbythis  were  made  fertile.  VVherby  we  fee  that  Gods 
bleifing  alwayes  worketh  fome  real  effe^.-as  of  fertilitic  in  this  and  other  E^P^^cially  in 
places,  ofmultipHcationoftheloaucs  and  fifties,  loan  (J.  And  fome  real  elFedt  ^'^<^  ^'^^^^'^  ^^'' 
Chfifts  bk/Eng  muft  ncdcs  woikc  alfo  in  the  blcllcd  Sacrament.  Mat.  z6.  charift. 

A   1  VVhicli 



6  G  E  N  K  s  I  $.  Adam« 

WhicKcanbenoothcrbutchangingbreadandwinc  into  hisbodicfc  bloud, 

feing  him  felfc  cxpreflyf  fayeth  :  rh  s  n  myhodie.  this  u  my  hlovd. 

And  though  Gods  blefTing  in  this  place,  be  alfo  a  precept,  yet  it  is  nottoal 

men  for  cuerj  but  for  the  propagation  of  mankind,  which  being  long  (ince 
Not  a!  men  &  abundanrly  propagated,  the  obligation  of  the  precept  ceafeth  the  caufc  cca- 
wcmen  com-  dg.  So  S.Cyprian,  S.  lerome.i.  Auguftin,  and  other  Fathers  expound  thi$ 
manded  to  place.  And  confirme  the  fame  by  the  text,  for  immediatly  God  fignifying  to 
maric.  vhatend  he  fpokcfairh:  and  replenish  theearth.  Which  benig  replenifhcd, 

Gods  vt'iUs  therin  fulfilled. 

God  crcatcth  C  h  A  P.    11. 

des  of  crca- '  ^^^  tVorke  of  fix  dxyes  heingfiniihedy  God  refled  thefeueth  diy  O"  hU^ed  it. 
cures ,  yet  ftil  8.  T.t:n^Ucing  mxn  inpxrttiife  ( planted  w  th  bejvtifid  cr  fwete  trees , 
vorkerh.  lo.        crivxteredrvithfonre  riiiers  )  i6.  comAndet'y  him  not  to  eate  of  the  tree  of 

y,  17.  ^nowledre  of  rood  o^  end.  18.  cjr  formed  a  Woman  of  a  rihhe  of^dam. 
uing&jTouer-  d     J  ^  J  J  J^ 


andaeatch^    'T^  H  E  heauens  therfore  &  the  earth  were  fully  finid-ecl,  i 

foules,  grace,     1    and al  the  furniture  of  them.,  f  And  the  feuenth  day  2  ^^^ 

and  Sjo'^ie  of    God  ended  his  woorke  which  he  hid  made :  &  -  reftcd  "  the  lo,  11. 

yAutr^H  4de  ^<^^^s''i'^h  day,  from  al  woorke  that  he  had  done,  f  And  he  5  ^'''*^-  S*'it.      bleifed  the  feuenth  day  and  fandifi?d  it :  becaufein  it  he  had  ^^' 

cea(ed  from  al  his  woorke  which  God  created  to  make_y .  /  "** 



::  Mans  foule  f  Thefe  are  the  generations  of  heaucn  SiT"  earth,  when 
is  immediatly  they  were  created  in  the  day,  when  our  Lord  God  made  the 
created  by  cod  heauen,  and  the  earth,  f  And  euery  plant  of  the  filde,  be-  $ 
of  other  fSb-  ^^^^  ^^  ihot  vp  in  the  earth.  And  eucric  herbe  of  the  ground 
fiance  asthe  before  it  fprang :  for  our  Lord  God  had  not  raynedvpon  the 
foules  of  earth  :  and  man  was  not  to  til  the  earth  :  f  But  a  fpring  rofe  G 

beaftes  and       ^yj-  Qf  {[-^^  earth,  watering  al  the  ouermoil:  part  of  the  earth.  '^    ' 
plants  arc.       ^  q^^.  j^ord  God  therfore  formed  mm  of  the  flyme  of  the  7 
••  Vvhcther    g^rth  :  and  ••  breathed  into  his  face  the  breath  oflife,  ^  man  r.  Cor. 

b '^i^^^extant  became  a  lining  foule.  ij*  4J. 

is  vncerrayne,       t  And  our  Lord  God  had  ••  planted  a  Paradife  of  pleafure  8 
though  it  be     from  the  beginning:  whcrin  he  placed  man  whom  he  had 
certainediat     formed,  f  And  our  Lord  God  brought  forth  of  the  ground  9 
T.nochan         al  miner  of  trees,  fayre  to  behold  :  and  plcafantto  care  of: 
liuinp^  in  ^^^^  tree  of  life  alfo  in  the  middle  of  Paradife:  and  the  tree  of 

cartli^S.  Aug.  knowledge  of  good  ^  euil.  "j;  And  a  riucr  ilTucd  out  ofthe   ip' 
li.  i.  cone  Pe-  place  of  pi  .'afare  to  water  Paradife,  which  from  thence  is  di- 
p^l'^^'.^^H^'^  aided  into  four  heades.  t  The  name  of  the  one  is  Phifon,,:   11 
o.'^r&'u.v.      '^^^''^'^  *^  ^^  which  compifTeth  al  the  land  of  Hr?ailTth,  where 
q.  vkima.        oold.groweth .  •]-  A  id  the  gold  of  that  land  is  very  good:  il 
'  ' '  there 

G  fev  E  SIS.  7 

15  there  is  found  bdclium,  &c  the  ftorie  ony£"f  And  the  name 
of  thp  fecond  riucr  is  Gekpn :  that  is  it  which  ccmpafieth  al 

14  the  land  of  Ethiopia,  -j- And  the  name  of  the  third  riuer  is 

Tygris:  that  fame  palleth  along  by  the  Adrians.  And  the   1    -.'..-:?.      -. 

fourth  riuer,  the  fame  is  Euphrates.  " ' :  '    .  :  *     -*i«3fl  ;^fi 

i;       t  ^"^^  Lord  God  therforetooke  man,  &r put hJm  ill ijhe  '     * 

16  Paradifc  of  pleafure,  to  woorke,  &  kcepe  it.  t  And  he  com-  •'  As  Vfc  fay 
manded  him  faying  :  Of  cuerie  tree  of  Ppradife  cate  thou:  ^"*^^  ^^  "^^^* 

17  t  But  "of  the  tree  of  knowledge  of  good  6^  euil  eate  thou  ^oufe  is  buih 
not.  For  in  what  day  foeuer  thou  fl'alt  eate  of  itfthou  (  of  bricke :  Co 

18  dye  the  death,  -f  Our  Lord  God  alfo  faid :  It  is  not  good  for  Adam  was 
man  to  be  alone:  let  vs  make  him  a  helpe  Hkevnto  him  "^^'^p °^^j^^-f* 

!<>  felfo.  t  Our  Lord  God  therfore  hauing  formed  of  clay  al  ofanbbeof^ 
beaftes  of  the  earth,  and  foules  of  the  ayre,  brought  them  Adam.  And 
to  Adam  that  he  might  fee  what  to  cal  them.,:  for  al  that  t^iat  of  one 
Adam  called  any  Huing  creature,  the  fame  is  his  name.  ^^^^ '  ^* '{", 

ao  tAnd  Adam  called  al  beaftes  by  their  names,  and  alfoules  build^houfc 
of  the  ayre,  and  al  cartel  of  the  Hide  :  but  vnto  Adam  there  of  one  bricke, 

zi  was  not  found  an  helper  like  him  felfe_^ .  f  Our  Lord  God  orasindcdc 
therfore  caft  a  dead  ileepe  vpon  Adam  :  andwhenhewas  ^efedde.po. 
faftaneepe,hetooke  one  of  his  ribbes,  ST  filled  vp  flefh  {^JaueTchrU: 

11  for  it.  t  And  our  Lord  God  ••  built  the  ribbe  which  he  ho.  ij.  S.Aug! 
tooke  of  Adam  into  a  woman:  and  brought  her  to  Adam.  Traa:.i4.iii 

15  t  And  Adam  faid:  This  now,  is  bone  of  my  bones,  and  flefh  loan-  S.Tho. 
of  my  flefh:l'he  fhal  be  called  woman,  becaufe  fhe  was  taken  P*  ^ "  ^-  '^'  ^'^' 

24  out  of  man.  f  Wherfore  man  Ihal  leaue  his  father  &  mo-  ••  ^°^  three, 
ther,  &  (hal  cleaue  to  his  wife,  &  they  (hal  be  -'  tv^o  in  one  ;;,°ore°for'thc°n 

2j  flefh.  t  And  they  were  both  naked  j  to  wit  Adam  6^  his  two  were  cha- 
wife :  and  were  not  afhamed.  gedtoancther 

Chap.     IL 


1,  rhefeMTtth  day.^A\  creatures  benig  made  in  their  kindes  irt -fi*  dayc», 
«ompleicandperfed,  God  not  ncdin^(asmen  often  doin  their vorkes)  to  --T'fanvc-!! 
pcrfed,  poolilh,  or  amend  the  fame,  nfledthefcuenth  day  and  rherfore  thcna-  ..:  ••  ;£lr3!;A 
turalperfedionofGods  workesis  attributed  to  the  feucnth  day,  and  thefu-  Obieruarioh' 
pcrnatural  pcrfedingof  men  in  eternal  life,  afterthe  Rcfurreition,  is  atrri-  ofholiedavef 
burcdtothe  eight  day.  asS.  Auguftin  andother  fathers  teach.  Andforthis  by  Godsin&- 
caufe  Godhleffed  and janififycd tl:e/eueiith  day.  and  after  we  haue  in  the  Deca-  turlon  '  •* 
loguc,  or  tcnne  commandments,  that  this  day  al  (hould  reft  and  abftaine  from  -   ''       £-^ 

workrs,  yea  and  kcpcitfeftiual,  occupying  them  felues  in  fpuirual  excrciies  '      "'!"^ 

fcruiccandfpccialwoilhipeofGod,asihe  Icwesdid  cucncilChrifls,  and  his  •'    ^  '** 


S  Genesis.  Adam; 

Apoftlcs  time,  praying  and  hcarinethe  wordofGoJ  readand  cxpoandedin  ^(l.  ij, 
Obferuatioof  theSabboth  day.  VVherby\e'e fee  that  diftinfbion  of  daycspertayncth  toRc-  14. 
fcftiiial  dayes.'*g^°">  -^^  people  of  God  thus  obferuing  the  Sabboth  in  memoric  of  the 
is  religious        Creation,  &  diucrs  other  fcaftes  in  memoric  of  other  benefites.  And  Vfc  near 
iioc  ludaical     kepe  the  Sunday  holie^  in  memorie  of  Chrifts  Refurre£tion,  and  otherfeailcs 
nor  heath-       in  gratful  remembrance  of  other  Myft£;rics  of  Chxifts  Natiuitie,  the  coming 
l^(]j.  of'the  Holie  Ghoft,,  andtheli'^c.  Yeaalfo  feaftcs  of  his  blefled  Mother,  and 

othci  Saindes,  for  the  benefites  rcceiuedfrora  Chrift  by  them,  and  for  more 
hOiidvir  toChriil:  in  them.  So  this  Catholiqae  obfcruation  of  feaftcs  is  neither 
ludaical  ( which  alfo  in  the'law  was  good  but  now  is  abrogated)  nor  hcath- 
nifli,  for  we  honour  not  lupiter,  nor  luno,  nor.-inicfaircgodorgoddefTe,  but 
Honour  of       our  Lord  God  Creator  &Redcmer,  &  for  his  fake,  his  beftferuants.  VVhcrof 
Saincles  is  to     fee  the  Annotations  in  the  Englifh  ncv/Teftament.  4.  chap,  to  the  Galathians.  f^^ffjjj     - 
thegrcater    •     VVHerto  we  here  only  adde  thefc  wordes  of  S.Bafil.  Which  mayfcruefor  ,-^ 
honour  of        a  general  anfwertothe  mofl:  common  obiedion.  Honor  femorKtn  redundat  in  jj.l^*. 
Chrili.  <o,nraunem  Dominant.  Theiionour  of  the  feruantesredounieth  to  the  commcn  Lord,  or  „„  « 

Vitifler.  So,  faith  he,  the  honour  of  Saindes  is  the  honour  of  Chrift  their 
Lord  and  ours. 
VVhyaparti-       ^7-  o///;<'trf<'af,(,-ionn'/«'%<?.]  Ecfides  the  law  of  nature,  by  which  Manvaj 
cdar  pofitiuc  ^'^^"'^  ^^  diredl  a!  his  adions  according  to  the  rule  ofreafon  5  and  belides  the 
Jaw  befidcs      Supernatural  diiTinclaw,by  which  he  was  bound  to  bejcuc,and  truftin  Coiy 
'theo-eneralla-  ^'"<i  t^o  lone  him  aboueal  things,  hauingrcceiuedchegiftesoffaith,  h'opc,  and 
Ves^fGcd  &  cl'iaritie:  Gcdg.iuehimanotner  parricuiar  law,  that  heshov.ldnoteuieofthetrse 
nature    was     */^"'-''^T%''':/]t'<'<''^'^»f^««'^-Anuchatfortworpecial  reafcns,  which  S.  i\n<ruftin  U' 
scucii  to  man.  ^o^^'^  vp:o,D  this pkce  .  lirft,  that  Cod  might  declrire  him  felfe to  be  Lord  of  Cm,  ad   ■ 
*  man .  VVhich"wus  aUblutcly  nccdTarie  for  man, and  iiorhing  at  al  pro£rab!c  to  Ht.c.ii. 

firftrcafon.        God,  who  uedeth  notour  fcruice,  but  we  wichoathis  dominion  /hould  vt-  "f-iLl^. 
tcrly  falto  nothing.  "Kec  enim  ipfanon  creante,  <^c.  Tor  he  not  cr eat; no-  rs,  neither 
co»ld vysh ay ehrne, nor  he >iotcoii.fe;iiinf^ys,coiild -rye renia'ine, nor  h^n'jt'Touermn'^-fS, 
■     ---/•__  eo»ld-i>yel;::erhJ)tl-j.  fKhnrfore  he  oid/eu  our  true  Lord,  yyhum  not  for  hu<, hut  for  out 

cy^neprofiteau-lf'hatianyyefcr.ic.  Thcotherreafon  wa<:,  that  Cod  might  <rcuc 
manmactcr  wlirrin  to  cxcrcife  the  vertue  of  obedience,  and  to  (hew  him 
felfe  afubiedl;  of  God.  Which  could  notbe  fo  properly  and  cifedl:u4lly  decla- 
red by  keping  other  'aw;s,northe  enorniitie  ofdilbbedicnceappeare  To  eui- 
dently,  as  by  fulfilling  of  Gods' w'il  commanding  him,  or  by  doincr  hisowne 
wil,  moucdrothecontiarie, ina  thingofirfclfdindilfcrcnt,  &:only  made v  i- 
,  r -'-f  lawful,  bccaufc  it  v;'as  forbid.  But  let  vsheare  S.  Auguftins  cwnc  wordcs. 
^^  V  ^■?/?'^  Nfff  of;.'vt»:('/,'>^<:«<-  ddi^/ntn(s  contend  art  qU'Umum  m.i'urt  fit  fol.i  tKohedtentia,  (^-e. 

^ifobc'die'nce;  Neither  couldit  (laiththisgre.itDodor)  be  better,  nor  more  cxadlyfignified*  >> 
how  bad  a  thing  fole  dtibbcdicnce  is,  then  where  a  mnn  became  o-uiltie  of  » 
iniquitie,  becauic  he  touched  that  thing  contiarie  to  prohibition,  which  >» 
if^ie,  notforbiJden,  had  touchi;d.  he  had  not  finned  at  al.  For  hethacfaith  for  >» 
Toyncd-^^ith     example  i.-ik(:,Touchnot  this  herbc,  fuppofingit  is  f  cyfcnful,  and  doth  for-  >» 
dama^eto  wa  mo  one  of  death,  if  h.-;  touch  iC,  death  airurcdlyfailcih  on  the  contemner  .» 

him  that  difc-  oftheprc.cpt:  yea  though  no  man  had  prohibited,  and  he  had  touched,  for  .. 
icycth-  heihouKldyebccaufcrhe  (amc  thing  bcrcueth  him  of  health  and  life,  whc-  » 

therith.-'.dbenpcfrrbi.ldcn  him  ornp.  Alfo  when  one  forbiddeth  that  thine  '> 
loyned  with  to  bc.touched,  which  would  not  indcdeprciudiccjiinithattouchcth,  bLthim  >» 
damage  of  '  thatforbiudcth,.a$  ifdne  take  an  ;Others  money,  being  forbid  by  him,  whofc  >i 
him  I  h.-;t  for-  thcmoney  is,  itjs  :»f<n»c  iir  him  thatis  forbidtlcn,  becaule  it  is  iniurij  to  him  >> 
biddeth.  ciutro.biddciLJBut  when  thattlung  is  touched  whichneirherfiiouldhmthim  »> 


Adam.  Genesis.  9 

,,  tKittoucficth,  noriny  otllcr,  if  itwere  notforbit^jVlvcrforc  isirpioliibirc<{, 
,,  but  that  the  proper  goodnesofobcdience,  and  the  cuil  of  dilobcdicncc  might 
appcarc?ThusS- Auguftinflieu'cth,  thatdifobedicnce  isa  finnc  ,  bccauicitis 
a<Tain{laprecept>  though  otherwife  the  thing  that  is  done  verc  not  cuil.  And  True  obcdi- 
amongftothergood  notes,  teacheth  that  true  obedience  inquircth  not,  \t-hcr-  cnceis  blind 
fore  a  thing  is  commanded,  but  Icauing  that  to  the  Superior,  promptly  doth  andprompt. 
that  IS  appointed. 

17.  Of  the  tree  eate  thou  not.'\  This  example  of  ourfirfl:  parents  tranfgref-  ^ot  mcare^ 
fion  fiie>»'eth,  how'friuolousananfveritis  tofayj  that  brcal<ingofcomman-  but  thedilo- 
^    .        dedfaftes,  or  eating  meates  forbidden  can  not  hurt  VS;,  the  meate  being  good  bediencehur- 
'  andholfomc  :  forfo  the  fruitc  ofthetrec  was  good,  and  fhould  hauc  hurt  no  teth  him  that 
'  ■  f '  man,  ifit  had  not  bcnne  forbidden.  Euen  fo  almeatcs  of  their  ownc  nature  arc  tranf'TielVcrh 
"'       0*''  goo^j  yet  the  precept  of  fafting  (foretold  by  our  Sauiour  in  general,  and  deter-  thepreceptof 
rj    „    '  mined  by  his  Church  inparticular  j  and  foofanic  other  like  law,  though  it  abflinence. 
''     J.       '  be  in  things  othcrwife  indifferent,  proceeding  from  lawful  .Superiors  ,  bin-  Lav/es  in 
e'bid  80    ^^^^^  ^^'^  fubiefts  in  confcience.  And  the  tranfgrcirion  is  properly  difobedi-  thinc^s  indif- 
^    '      '  encc,  what  other  finne  focucrmayalfo  be  mixed  thcrwith.  ferentbind  in 

Caltiin  I        ^^"  ^'■""'  •*'"*^'  ^y^  '^'^  death.  ]  Againft  the,new  dodrine,  denying  that  after  confcience. 

^,,/j  c  1  ^""^  ^^  remitted,  anie  temporal  puniflimcnt  remaineth  for  the  fame,  this  Temporal pu- 
paru'^  ii.  P^^^^'^'icclareth  that  death  (wherof  God  forewarned  Adam,  if  he  ftiould  eate  of  nifliment  due 
g^.f     '  the  fruite  forbidden)  remained  due,  and  was  at  laftinflided  vponhim,  forhis  afterfmne  is 

finne,  which  was  prefently  remitted  vpon  hisrepentance.  remitted, 

flew,  f .        Againeforfomuch  as  wearealiubicd  to  death,it  proucth  that  we  were  al  Death  due  to 
guiltieofthisfmne,  by  which  death  ciracvponal  men,  as  S. Paul  teachcth. Els  ^1  for  Oriei- 
Godlhouldpuniflivs  without  our  fault,  which  is  vnpofllblc  that  hiagoodnts  nal  finne. 
hb  11  de  ^oulddo.Elpeciallyit  appearcth  in  infants,  who  dying  before  they  come  to  Yea  to  infants 
^jj^jj.^^  vfe  of  reafon,canneuerc6mit  other  finne,  for  though  they  were  circumcifcd,  ^ho  haue  no 
Uh   1   </(,  o^^^^d  Sacrifice  offered,  or  other  remedievfed  for  them  before  Chrift,  or  bap-  other  fmne. 
pec  mer  fi^C'i '^'^'^c  Chrifl :  yet  they  luffer  (as  S.  Auguftin  noreth)  both  death  and manie  Alfo  other  pe-? 
\y.\cmif.  oi^her  penalties,  of  fickenes,  cold,  heate,  hunger,  and  the  like,  which  can  nei-  nalties  infli- 
j.  .  ther  be  to  them  matter  of  mcrite  (as  to  others  it  may  be )  nor  profite  them  for  ^^d  vpon  in? 

Cen.  17    ^"oi'^ing  of  other  finnes,  Icing  they  dye  in  theirinfancic-Yea  moreouer  if  they  fanrs. 
loAn.  I.    'iy^^  ^it:houtcircumcifi6,  or  other  remedie  of  thofe  former  times,  theirfoules 
S.GreT.    pcrifned  from  their  people;  and  now  without  Baptifme  can  neuer  enter  into 
h.^.\lo-  ^^^  kingdome  of  heauen, which  could  not  fland  with  Gods  iuftice,if  they  were 
ral  c  I     notguikieoffinnc. 

Chap.    III. 

Fj  the  craft  of  the  Diiteifpedhjng  in  dferpent,  our frjl  parents  tranfgrejfed  '^^^  ^econi 
.  aods  commandment.  7.  who  being  ashamed  would  hide  themfelues.  9  f^Yof  man*^ 
hit  are  refrouedhy  God.  14,.  and  beftdes  other  particular  j^unnhements  and  propaaa- 
Cjyff  ivithpromife  of  a  Hedemer  )  are  cajl  out  ofParadtfe.  tion  ofman 

and  of  finne. 

I  T>VT"rhcfer!>entairo  was morcfub tile  then  al  the  beafts 
l>of  the  earth,  which  our  Lord  God  had  made.  Which  ^i^afne'tor^ 
Ciid  to  the  woman:  "  Why  hath  God  commanded  you,  that  fcapc Immc 

B  you 

ta  Genesis.'  Adam. 

vhcn  t^4e7     you  flioulJ  iiot eatcofeucric  tree  ofParadife?  f  To  ^rhom  i 

■'"w^"^l^°  the  woman  anfxrercd:  Of  thefmite  of  the  trees  that  are 

ist  V  mc  .     in  paradife>  we  doe  eatc :  f  ^^^  of -the  fruite  of  the  tree    j 

which  is  in  the  middes  af  paradifejGod  hath  commanded  vs 

that  we  should  not  cate  :  and  that  w^e  fhould  not  touch  it, 

leftperhapes  wedic.  f  And  theferpentfaid  to  the  waman  :  4 

No  you  fhalnotdye  the  death,  f  For  God  doth  know  that  in    y     ^  f.^,.: 

what  day  focuer  you  ibaleate  therof,  your  eyes  thai  be  ope-  \i,j. 

ned  :  and  you  fl:  al  be  as  gods,  knowing  good  5^  euil. 

-j-   The  woman  therfore  fawe  that  the  tree  was  good  to    6 

eate,  and  fayre  to  the  eyes,  and  deIe<n:abLe  to  behold:  and 

fhe  tooke  of  the  fruite  therof,  and  did  eatc,  and  gaue  to  her  ^^^^ 

:-•■  After  finne    huPoand  ,  who  did  eate.  f  And  the  eyes  of  them  both  were    7      , .  rim.' 

theywerea-    opened:  and  when  they  -  pcrceiued  themfelu.'S  to  be  nakcd^    •      i,i4« 

amet  ,  not    ^j^^    {^>^ed  tof^eather  leaues  of  a  ficjffc  tree,  and  made  them- 
before  .y.c/;;-!,/  ^ ,  -^  "^  00  ' 

lelucs  aprons. 

f  And  hearing  the  voice  of  our  Lord  God  walking  in  S 

♦-AI  )  ■        r  P'^^radile  at  the  after  none  ayre  :  Adam  hid  himfelfe  and  li) 

pcrtcincth  to^i<^  ^^^^  \irifQ  from  the  face  of  our  Lord  God  ,  amidft  the 

the  diiulth.u  trees  of  paradife.  f  And  our  Lord  God  called  Adam,  an^,  9 

Tpakj  in  rh:    faid  to  him :  whcrc  art  thou  ?  f  Who  faid  :  I  heard  thy  voice   lo 

f^^^a^  r      '  ^  ^"  paradife:  and  I  feared,  becaufe  I  was  naked,  and  I  hid  mc. 

lir.  cap.^<^.  S  t  ToNS'hom  he  faid  :  Andwha  hath  told  thee  that  thou   ri 

Bcdainiiunc    wafi:  naked,  but  that  thou  haft  eaten  of  the  tree,  whereof 

locum.  I  commanded  thee  that  thou  fhouldeft  not  eate?  f  And  u 

:.••  Eaithlitot  ^fia.m  iaid  :.  The  woman,  which  thou  g;aueft  me  to  be  my 

carnal  men  ">.  ^^^^^  companion ,  gauc  nie  or  the  tree,  and  I  did  cate. 

Greg,  in  Pfai,       t  -And  our  Lord  God  faid  to  the  woman  :  ^Xfhy  haft  thou    15 

Toi.  done  this?  who  anfwered  :  The  fcrpent  deceiuedme,  8^  I 

••'  "I^iOvig'^      did  eate..  f  And  out  Lord  God  faid  to  the  fcrpcnt :  Becaufe    14 

?)w  ""^?''^'  thou  haft:  done  this  thine,'-  accurfcd  art  rnou  amonir  al 

lilt  rcntations         ,  t^rt  i  iin-tii 

at  the  firit  af-  cacle,  &  bealts  of  the  earth  :  vpon  thy  breft  ihalt  thou  goc  , 

faults,  and  fo  Sz  '•  earth  ilialtthou  eate  al  the  dayes  of  thy  life,  f  I  wil  put  if 

bruife  the  fer-  cninytics  betv<^en  thee  3^  the  woman ,  and  thy  feed  and 

L^^t-o'/th  ^^"^^  iced  of  her  :. "  iTic  (bal  bruifc  thy  head  in  peeccs,  &  thou 

rtir  to  accciuc  ^^^^'  ty-"  ^'"^  Nvaite::  of  her  heelcf  To  the  woman  alfo  he  faid:  i<i. 

cfpccially  ia     I  wil  multiplie  thy  trauailcs,  and  thy  child  bearinges  :  in  tra- 

rhcendof        naiJtj  ;i-,;^lt  thou  bring  forth  children,  and  thou  i"halt  be  "vn^ 

^■f'll^J^.' ^'^~  d-errhyhufoands  |>owcr,  and  he  (hal  haue  dominion  ouer  i.Cfir.24 

hcc?e.  S^Gtc.  ^*^-^-  t  ^'■^'i  ^^^  Adam  he  faid  :  Becaufe  thou  haft:  heard  the  17 

so  cap. I, lob.  vciccofthywifej  and  hail;  eaten  of  the  tree,  whereof  I  co- 


Adam.'  Genesis^  ii 

mandcd  thee,  that  thcu  fhouldeft  not  eatc,  ciirfed  is  the  ::Almentra- 
earuh  in  thy  \('Oorkc :  with  '•'•  much  toyUng  \hz\t  thou  eatc  ucloncway  or 

i8  thereof  al  the  daycs  of  thy  life,  f  Thornes  and  thyftles  (hzl  it  ^s  r^.J{,^\des 
bring  forth  to  thee,  &f  thou  flialtcate  the  herbcs  of  the  tooncrarovc 

1^  earth,  f  In  thefVcatof  thy  face  fhalt  thou  care  bread,  til  (i"  theuibuls; 
thourcturne  to  earth,  of  which  thou  v^ail  tak^n :  becaufc  |K^'  ^^\^'^  ^'H^ 
"  duft  thou  art,  and  into  duft  thou  fhalt  returns  ft  Jne^thcV  tc 

20       t  And  Adam  called  the  name  of  his  wife  ,  Euet  for  be- of  Pur^racoric 

II  caufe  "  (he  was  mother  of  aJ  the  huing.  j-  Our  Lord  God  alfo  or  eternal 
made  for  Adam  and  his  w  ifc  j^armenrs  of  skvnncs ,  and  clo-  F^"*^-  S.  Aug» 

11  thed  them,  t  And  faid  :  Loe  Adam  is  become  as  it  were  one  i,  ^"'^'1°,?''' 

r         1  •  1  oy^       M  t        r         // 1    /I  i 

or  vs,  knowing  good  oC  euii :  now  thcrtore  left  perhapcs  ..^^^  ^-j  mo- 
he  reach  forth  his  hand ,  and  take  alio  of  the  tree  of  life,  5^  ther  ratbcr  of 
i3  eate ,  and  hue  for  euer.  t  And  our  Lord  God  lent  him  out  of '^  ^^"^  dying: 
the  paradife  of  pieafure,  to  worke  the  earth  of  which  he  was  J^"^  u^J^d 
14  taken,  f  And  he  cad  out  Adam  :  and  "placed  before  the  pa-  wlio'ismothcr 
radife  of  pieafure  Cherubins ,  5(f"a  flaming,  and  a  turning  of  Chnft,  life 
fworde,  for  to  keepe  the  way  of  the  tree  of  life.  idcUc^iheis 

called  mother 

_  of  the  liuing. 



Chap.     Ill 

T  rr/>^f-4tfj  Ga^r[  Here  ^s'c  may  fee  how  (inne  came  firftamor!e;fl  men.  For  Sinnecntrcd 

the  diuclenuving  mas  happicftare  tempted  Eue  the  weaJccrperfon,  beginning  aiuon^T  men 

vuhaqucfiionj  therby  to  allure  her  into  conf'erence,  andby  fucha  queftion  byrhcenuic' 

as  mignt  bring  her  into  fufpition  of  Gods  aifcdion  towards  man,  faying:  &  craft  of  the 

I'rhyhaih  Coi  lommandedyou,  tJiatyoH  should  not  rate  of  tuerie  tree  o  f }' arad  if(  ?  inC\-  diucl   man  CO 

^   \  ^    nuating  by  thefe  words,  and  withal  internally  fuggefting,chat  God  dealt  hard-  feuting  to  his 

lb      "^i  ^y  "i^ittt  them,  abridging  their  Hbertie  without  cauic  .  And  when  he  had  got  fugfeliicns.' 

.  ".  ■*'      fb  much  of  her,  that  (he  was  difpleafcd  with  the  precept,  which  flie  fhewed  by  Eiierirllfm-' 

adding  ofherowne  (to  make  it  feme  more  greuous)  that  they  were  forbidden  edinthough'c,. 

f«fottf/;//;/t)e<':andagai,nebyreporting  the  funiAiment  as  doubtful,  faying:  theninwords 

.   J  -  . ■    lift-  pirhapsyrt  dje,  then  the  tempter  auouched  boldly,  and  falfly,  that  they  jaftindeeccs. 

"^    ^   "  (houid  not  dye,  and  charged  God  to  be  cnuious  of  the  bcnefitc  they  ihouldeet 
tilt,  d?*     •  ,-  .-  ,.    -^      ,  ■      .  1 .  I        1  ,       ,      .< .  p. 

SAf.  1. 
loan.  S, 

"   I        bycatiiigofthattrce,  (ayingt/;f/»fjWj/;3»<'</6.'  opened,  andtlieyshouldbea^Goddes, 
'.  ^  Lnotcntgii^nvdanieutLW^on^Kic^i  perfwafion,  and  liking  alfo  flic  had  to  the 

fruirc,  flic  did  take  and  cate,  and  perfwadcd  Adam  alio  to  eatc.  And  forth-  -n    \r        \      p     ^ith  cbeyfawthatthey  wouldnothauefeenc, kncweuilwhich  they  had  better  /"     f°   ^  ■  f^ 
yera  l{e-  not  to  haucknowen,  werealhamed,  and  endcuoredto  coucr,  and  hide  them    '""'" 
liTtontt.  t<:'L!CS.Ei!en  thus  the  diueldealcrh  with  mer)  cucr  lincc,  adaulting  the  weaker 
J.  perfons,  and  weakei  part,  asthc  6cniandrenfualitic,andby  themfcttethvpon 

lfl_  J.      the  ftronger  and  luprrior  part,  togctconfcnt  of  freewil,'without  which  thcic  No  finnc  caa 
Hetrai'L  '^  Qo  fume.  According  to  thatfamous  frying  ofS.  Augudin:  fei at umadege'si  be  without 
e.  II,        yvluntA: turn ,yt hhH^ riijdi jh ^tccAtHtn^ji noti  y<iliiniariHm.Sinncisfoy</li.ntaiie,thatfi-CCwi\, 

II  Genesis.  Adam. 

Concupifcece  in  »9  yyife  it  cawlejinne,  if  it  he  not  -voluntarie.  whcrforc  it  -was  no  finnc  ip  Euc  to 
no  fiiine  ,  but  bctempted  by  the  feipent, which  flie  could  not  auoidcnor  in  Adam  to  be  tcm- 
pheeftecl:,  and  pted  by  Eue,  but  they  finned  vf- hen  they  confcnted  to  the  euilfuggcftions.  And  s  ^n^. 
occafioii  of      now  in  the  regenerate,  though  concupifcencc  remaine,  which  is  the  cflK.'£t  of  Uh.  i.  d« 
finnc.  finne  paft,&  occafion  offinncin  thofethat  yeld  againe  to  tetar!on';,yet  is  it  not 

Alfo  occafion  finne,  but  punilhment  of  fmnc,  and  matter  of  exercife  in  the  iuft,  and  if  v/c  foM.c.i}. 
ofmerite.         rcfiit,  ofmerite:  and  therfore  S.Paul  cxhorteth  \Sj  to  inrale  in  the  jpiytte,aiid  the  Gal   j. 

ii'fts  of  the  fle-h  yve  shul  not  accompltih.  And  in  an  other  place  fheweth,  that  h«  z,r»m.x. 

yyhtcl)  fi^hieth  lawfully,  shal  he  crovyned. 
The  Latin  'T    sheshalbruiff]  VvotcOmnts  wilnoradmitte  this  reading,  »>r4fo»Afr<f,  (he 

text  defended  ^^al  bruife,  IcftourBleflcdLadielKouldbefaidanie  way  to  bruife  thcferpents 
a^Tainft  Keni-  head.  And  Kemniiius  amongft  others  faith,  that  al  ancient  Fathers  read,  >pfuf?7, 
nifuisand  o-  "o"^)  '/'/''■  ^^^"^ i''^'^""'"<^'^"°^^y'"g ^7  C^*^"^^^^^-^*"^'^^  ^^*-^°'-'  ''^  ^  "»G/». 
thcr  Protc-  Alcimus  Auiru5//t.  5.  frfm.f.  6.  S.  Chnfoflom  f'c-w.  17  jwfjrwf/'.S.  Ambrofe//t  ^* 
ft-mrs.  fu^a/xcnlicap.7.S.Augu([inlibi.deG'ttJiContra%UnicJ;xos,caf>.i$    O-hb.ii. 

See  Card.  Bel-  '^^  Ge)irfi  ad  litevam  cap.x6.  S.  Grcgovie Ub.  i.Moralium  cap.^Z.  And.aftcr  them  1.  S-  Bedc,  Eucherius  ,  Rabanus,  Rupertus,  Strabus,  andLira  vpon  this  place, 
c.  It  de  verbo  ^-  Bernard /fr  1.  fupcr  Mifus  eil .  And  manic  others,  who  read  ;f>.as  the 
T\-  Latin  text  now  hath,  *  S.  Trf- 

Both  rea-'inrs  ^^^  whether  we  read,  she  sh-dhrui/i,  or,  lerfede,  that  is  her  fonne  Chriil",  shal  neus  It  5. 
veld  the  fariic  ^''"'/'^  the  ferpents  head,  we  attribute  no  more,  nor  no  leiTe  to  Chrift,noj:  to  our  e.^^.cy 
ienfe.  Ladieby  the  one  reading,  tlien  by  the  other:forby  the  text,'/  v^tlput  itimiiies  hb.$.cir-' 

heiyyen  th  re  and  the  yy. 'tnan^bctyyen  thy  [cede,  and  her  feede.  It  is  clere,  that  this  ea  med, 

enmitie  and  battle  pertained  tothewoman  and  her  [qc^.c  on  the  one  {>artie,  s  Efiph, 

andtothisdiucl,  thatfpakeby  the  fcrpenr,  and  al  the  wicked, on  the  other  tJxr.yS. 

partie,  and   that  the  viiSloric  fiiould  happen  to  mankind.  Which  being  s.le-ren. 
As  Adam  was  captiije  by  Adams  finne ,  occafioncdby  a  woman,  fhouldbe  redeemed,  both  ep 
thecaufe,  and  fexes,  though  rn  farrc  different  forte,  concurring  therto  .  And  fo  it  is  moft  EuUoih» 
5ue  an  occa-  true  ,  that  Chrift  by  his  owne  proper  powrc,  and  his  blelfed  mother  by  her  s.  Jtitg. 
fipnafmans     moft' immediate  cooperating  to  his  Incarnation  (and  confcquently  to  other    {  or  S . 
cj^tiuitierfo    Miftcries)  did  bruifc  the  ferpents  head,  breakeand  vanquifhhispowre.*  As   Tdgent) 
Chriftisthe      manie  ancient  Fathers  do  excellently  difcourfc:  namely  S.  Bernard,  writing  fer.iZ  da 
true  caufe  and  vpon  thefewordcs  in  the  Apocalips.  cap.ii.  ^^2:i-eat  Jtgne  appeared  in  heauen,  san^ii, 
his  mother  an  ayyomandothedyyith  the  funne:  Alheh  (faith  he)  byoncmanand  one  woman   de  f,de 
occafionof      we  were  greatly  damaged  :yct  (  God  be  thanked)  by  one  man  and  one  woman   c^symb. 
ourrcftaura-    al  lofTcs  are  repaired,  and  that  not  without  o;reatincrcafc  of  graces.  For  the   de  Jlgo^ 
tion.  bencfitedothfarreexcede  the  lode.  Our  merciful  father  geuing  vs  for  a  ter-  ntchri^ 

^      B    T    J-    reftrial  Adam  Chrift  our  Rcdemer,&  for  old  Eue  Gods  ownemother.Moreo-  y?,4Ko. 

f!>  d    I      ■v"c''=*^  the  fame  S.Bernnrdflieweth,  this  blelTcd  Virgin  in  fmgular  forte  bruifcd   ser.t.fu^ 
J,""^^J;.^  ""^'^    thefcrpcncs  head,  in  that  fhe  quite  vanquifbed  al  maner  fuggeftions  ofthc  per  %Uf, 
iuggeltions,     ^j^-j^g^ifej-p^P^  neucr  yeldingto,nor  taking  delight  in  aniceuilmoucd  by  him,  fwefl. 
19.  Dtijlthetp  art  ]  By  thefe  wordcs  Adam  was  admoniftied  to  humble  him 

felfe,  confidcringthc  matter  wherofhisbodie  was  made,  and  into  which  he   lobJ^z. 

fiiouldberefolucdagainc.wheruponitcamc  tobeacercmonic  amongflpeni-   Efai.^i. 
Thecrremo-    jcnts,  to  caftadies  onthcir  heads.  Asappeareth  in^rwhich   urem.S, 
n'eofalhcs,     ^^afc  the  Church  now  alfo  vfcth  this  ccrcmonie  thcfirft  day  of  Lent,  putting   lona.^. 
en  Aihwc-       ^,^^j  on  her  chiidrcns  hcades:  willing  them  to  remember,  that  duft  they  arc.   j^^^^.  jj. 
ncfday.  and  to  duftthey  flialretuinc,  to  moue"  vs  by  this  meditation  to  more  ferious 

penance . 
Godsproui-         n.  lcJI- perhaps]  Notwithftanding  Gods   eternal  decree  ii  difpofing  .il 
4cflcc  toncur-  thxin'cs,  aad his  omni^otencie  which  nothing  caa  rcfift,  /ct  he  pioduceth 

Adam.  Genesis.  15 

good.aBdcither  iuoidctkor  difpofeth  ofeuil  wKich  he  rufFcrcrh,  by  ordinaric  rcth  vith 
ie grat  .  mcr.ncs,  as  jippeareth  Ac>.  ly.T.  ^.    and  that becaufe man  hath frccwil ,  wirh  mansfiecwil. 
C^lther.   which  God  concurrcth.&  deftroycth  S.  AuguRinreacheth. 
arb,  c  6.       14.  pl.tcedcheruhns  ]  Man  being  caft  OHt  ofparadifc,  the  lame  is  defended  Paradife  defen 
de  cor-     virh  diibic  gard.  with  Angels, that  are  watchful, wife, and  potent;  and  v/ith  fire  ded  by  Angels 
rtpt.  &  andlVoid,  moft  terrible  arnioure  to  man.  wherby  againe  we  fee,  that  God  and  by  firc& 
gj-at.  .td   vferh  ordinarie  mcancs  in  his  piouidencc,  as  the  miniltiie  of  Ano-cls  &  humane  fVordc. 
an.ftlfo  teiror, and  would. neither  deftroy  the  tree,  nor  depriueit  ofthe  vcrtue  topro-  God  deftroy- 
imi>of.      loag  life  norbcrcueman  of  freewil ,  by  which  he  might  deiirc  to  returnc  :  eth  not  nature 

but  confcruing  nature  in  a!  creatures,  preuentethinconucnicncesotherwife. 
S.  .4;*r        j^^r^  Angels  alio  hinder  the  diuel,  that  he  can  not  enter  paradife,  left  he  ^^     Angcis 
hb  nJe  fijo^ia  take  of  the  fruitc  ofthe  tree,  and  geue  it  to  men  to  prolong  their  binder  diucU 
c^"-"'^    hues, a»dthexbydrav them  to Vsferuicc.  ofthcirdc- 

luc.^o.  fires. 

Chap.    IIII. 

yy'.c'j^d  Cxin  lihthhoVe  ^hcl.  9.  vvhofeblotidcryeth  for  reuenge.  IV 
Cum  A  atrfed  'Vacabond)  17.  bath  much  ijfne.  i^.^4'dam  alfo  hath  Setb, 
and  Seth  Enos. 

Nd  Adam  knewe  Euc  his  wife:  who  conceiued  and 
brought  forth  Cain,  faying  :   I  haue  gotten  a  man 
1  through  God  .  f  Andagaine  ibe  Drought  forth  his  brother 
AbeL  And  Abel  was  a  Ihepehard,  S^Cain  a  hufbandman. 
•3   f  And  it  befel  after  manie  dayes  that  Cain  "  ofFred  ofthe 
Hth.  II.     ^  fruites  ofthe  earth  giftes  to  our  Lord,  f  Abel  alfo  "  ofFred  ,,  ^  ^^k^xc  of 
ofthe  firft  begotten  of  his  flocke,  and  of  their  fat :  and  our  the  Lambe 
;  Lord  "  had  refped  to  Abel,  8^  to  his  giftes.  f  But  to  Cain,  that  was 
and  to  his  giftes  he  had  not  refped::  8c 'Cain  was  exceeding  ^^^'^^  ^^°"^ 

6  an2;rie,  and  his  countenance  abated,  t  And  our  Lord  faid  "^r  i,^^'""m^ 

\  •  \  i_  .  11-1  ortheworid. 

to  him  :  "Why  art  thou  angrie  ?  and  why  is  thy  countiuance  Adoc.  ij.y.S. 

7  fallen  ?  f  If  thou  doe  wel, "  (halt  thou  not  receiuc  againe  : 
but  if  thou  doeft  il ,  flial  not  thy  finne  forthwith  be  prefent 
at  the  dore?but  thelufttherof  thai  be  "  'Vnder  thee,  and 
thou  (halt  haue  dominion  ouerit-/. 

8  t  And  Caine  faid  to  Abel  his  brother:  Let  vs  goe  forth  su- 
broad.  And  when  they  were  in  the  fildc,Caine  rofe  vp  againft 

sa^.io.       p  his  brother  Abel,  and  flewe  him.  f  And  our  Lord  fnd  to 
Cain  :  where  is  Abel  thv  brother  ?  who  anfwered  :  I  know 
y'"^'       10   not:  am  I  my  brothers  keper?  f  And  he  faid  to  him:  what  -  WHfcl 
haft  thou  done? ''-  the  voice  of  thy  brothers  bloud  criech  to  munhct  if 
-   II  me  out  of  the  earth,  f  Now  therforecurfed  ilialt  thoube  °"*= '^^jj^' 
vpon  the  earth,  which  hath  opened  her  mouth,  d^receiued  crirto  Go<l 
li  the  bloud  of  thy  brother  at  thy  hand,  t  "X^hea  thou  ihalc  til  follrcacBg?. 

B  J.    '  it,  it 

r4  Genesis.'  Adam. 

it,  it  ftal  not  yeld  to  thee  her  fruitc :  a  roag  and  vagabound 
flialc  thou  be  vpon  the  earth,  f  And  Cain  laid  to  our  Lord  :   15 
Ivlyneiniquitie  is  greater,  then  that  I  may  deferue  pardon. 
"f  Loe  thoudoeftcaftmeout  this  day  from  the  face  of  the   14 
earth,  and  from  thy  face  (hal  I  be  hid,  and  I  ihal  be  a  vaga- 
bound 6c  fugitiuc  on  the  earth:  euerie  one  therfore  that  fin- 
dethme,  thalkilme.f  Andour  Lordfaid  to  him:  No,  it  (hal  1/ 
S'  By  the  in-  not  To  be:  but  xf^hofoeuer  thai  kil  Cain,  shalbe  punished  fea- 
crcife  of  A-     uen  fouhl .  And  our  Lord  put  amarke  on  Cain ,  that\rho- 
buhas  fccdc  foeuer  found  him  shouLi  not  kil  him. 

inL'^r  I'r        t  And  "  Cain  went  forth  from  the  face  of  our  Lord,  and  16 
and  Iacob,be-  dwelt  as  a  f  ugitme  on  the  earth  at  the  eait  hde  or  Eden. 
/ides  the  iilucs  f  And  Cain  kuewe  his  wife,  whoconceiued,  and  brought  17 
oflfniacl  and  forth  Enoch  :  And-  he  built  a  citie,  &  called  the  name  ther- 

au;  m  lue  of  by  the  name  of  his  fonne,  Enoch,  f  Moreoucr  Enoch  be  18 
jEorc  then  i      ,         1  t      1  1  x  i      ■     >  i  >  /      •     1 »  ^  ^ 

4oo.ycaicsto  g^^  Irad,  and  Irad  begat  Mauiaei,  and  Mauiael  begat  Ma- 

*bou*ciixhun-  thufiel,  and  Mathufacl  begat  Lamech.  t  whotooke-  t\yo  19 
<Jrcdi  thou-     wiues,  the  name  of  the  one  was  Ada,  and  the  name  of  the 
t^'lt^"c"rm!s  o'^^^'^S^'^'^-  t  And  Ada  brought  forth  label,  who  was  th£.  10 
/Num.i")k    ^^therof  them  that  dwel  in  tents,  and  of  heardfmen. -f-  And  21 
appcaicth        his  brothers  name  was  lubal:  he  was  the  father  of  them  that 
that  Caincs      flng  on  harpe  &  organes.  f  Sella  alfo  brought  forth  Tubal-  11 
progenieinas,  wlio  was  a  hammerer  &:  worker  in  al  worke  of  bralFc 
tnWht  fuffice   ^  ^^on.  And  the  lifter  of  Tubalcain  was  Noema.  f  And  La-  2} 
to  people  a      mech  faid  to  his  wiues  Ada  and  Sella:  Heare  my  voice  ye 
cirie ,  y  ea  a     wiues  of  Lamech,harken  to  my  talke:for  "  I  hauc  flaine  a  ma 
whole  coun.    j-q  ^[^^  wounding  of  my  felfe,  and  a  ftripeling  -to  mine  ownc^  drie blowe  brcwling.  f  Seuenfould  vengeance  shalbe  ta-  24 
.-.•This  La-      ^'^-^  of  Cain :  but  ofLamech  fcuentie  times  feuen  fouid. 
nicch  of  Cains  f  Adam  alfo  knewe  his  wife  again  :  and  she  brought  forth  a  1^ 
ilfue,  is  the       fonne,  and  called  his  name  Seth,  faying :  God  hath  2;iuen  me 
fed^'nsVir*.''"  other  feede  for  Abel,  whom  Cam  llewe.  f  But  to  Sethalfo  16 
sure"©  haue    ^^^  borne  a  fonne,  whom  he  called  Enos,  this  man  "  began 
iakcntwo        to  inuocate  the  name  of  Dur  Lord, 

Chap,   llil 

J,  offered giftei]JLithct  God  him  fclfe  taught  Ac'am,  and  he  his  childieii, 
orels  they  knew  by  inrtiadt  of  natui  c,  that  Sacrifice  muft  be  oMeicd  to  God, 
toaciiut>v!£dg«  thcrbj  his  fuprcmc  dominion  outr  maa,  andmans  due  iLb- 


Adam.  Genesis.  15- 

ic(^ion  tohil  diuire  Maidlic  .  And  that  not  onlyinintcrnalaffeAlon,  vhicli  EitcmalSa- 

til  10.  (^^S.Auguftin,  and alCathoIiqrcDodois teach  );s  principally  required,  but  crificc  due  to 

de  ciutt  alfo  in  external-things,  bccaufe  we  confiflof  bodie  ,  and  not  only  of  foulc,   God  in  euciic 

J  ,  and'hauc,  by  Gods  gcodncs,  the  vfc  of  corporal  things.  As  hcrci'c  fcccxam-  Lav. 

^.    ^  plcinrhelawofnature  :  andthc.raineM'uSordaincd  by  written  j^rcccptinthc 

■  '  law  ofMoyfcs :  the  Prophctcsalfo  foretold  ,  that  citcrnalSacrificefliouldbc 
-^  .  '  offered  in  the  law  of  grace,  and  new  Tcfiamcut,  to  vit,  the  fame  which  Chrift 
-^    '   '  inftiruted,  and  left  in  his  Church,  to  continew  to  the  end  of  the  world. 

MorcouerthishcmaricofoffcrrngSaerificeisfopecuIiartoGodonlyjthatal-  SacrifTccdue- 
heitmnnieothereTfcricrritesandfcfuiccsare  vied  both  to  God  &  men,  as  to  to  God  onliCj, 
■•  .,  be  bare  head,ro  bcwe,  to  kncclc,&  the  li  e  before  them,  cv.Jier  of  great  humiUttc  and  to  no  crc- 

/  .*       '    (laith  S.  Auguftin  )  or  «f  l>eshferotisf.<ittfytf,  to  inch  zs  nehomints  colmJi^ytnc-  aturc. 

■  ■  '         ranili  ,  fiauHm  ets  muhum^ddilurj  &■  aaoraudi :  men  tobe-vfoyihibptd,  raitrenccd 
"'1'       and  if  7r.uch  he  n^eam  them,  adored  (  for  this  termc  cf  adori»i'^  is  alfo  aopiied  to 

J^^"-'  "  ■_  tncn  in  holic  Scriptures  Gf«.i?.v.7.  ij-y.  i9-)  yet  Sacrifice  is  due  to  God  only, 

,  .^*  and  to  no  creature  how  c:;ccller;trocucr.  In  fo  much  (faith  the  (ameDo<5lorJI 

'^,  .'•'■     thatasalnationsfoundcitneccflaric  toofFcr  Sacrifice,  fo  none  durn-facrifice 

^  ..  t03ni<:nifety(juemDeumatitfctitit,ttiitpuf.tuit,ai4tfiriXit:huttohim.\i'h.omtheY 

'  cither  knew,  or  thought,  or  fa; ncd  to  be  God, 

*"■  *  -I.  Ilddvf'rectto^oel  [Both  CainandAbel  didwelin  ofFering  extcrnalSa- 

To.^.q.  crificc,  but  they  differed  much  in  finceritic  andmr'nerofchoofingordiuidincr 
4..  their  oblations,  touching.  Gods  part  and  their  owns  ,  as  S.Iui'Vinus  Ivlartvr,    .u  'i   c 

^^71     S.  Hierom,  S.Auguilin  and  others  ceach.For  Abel  offered  of  the  bcft  things,  ^      V    ,    '% 
h'ebraU.   ofthffn-n  he^otten  of  hts flock ,  and  of  their  fatte.  And  therforc  God  refpeded  and  l^M 

Lib  If.     approuedit.  Butto  Cainand  tohisgifrcshchadnct  refpcd,  becaufc  hewan-  ^'^'^'^P-"'''^?  «^ 
(iutt  c.-j.  ted  fiiirercdeuorio.VVhich  difference  of  Gods  acceptance  appeared  doubtlcs,   "'^'^*^^'"S,  by 
9,!a}a  .r.  ias  S.  Hierom  andS.  Aagnftin  f.ippofcd,  by  fomeextcrnalfigncjOtherwilcCain  |p-'^'=  ^^^^c"^**'' 
fubr.ii.  hadiK)tvnderf>  fire  fentfrom  God,  which infiamcd  "3"^' 
tmit.').  andconfumcd  Abels  Sacrifice,  &  not  Cains  .  As  wc read  of  diuers  other  Sacri- 
ludtc.  6.  ficesin  holic Scriptures. 

iPar.y.  7-  3■/''^^'^''<»«;;otw««^•]Rewardofgoodworkcs,andpunishmcntofcu^!arc  Rev/ird  and 
J.  ileg  clerly  proucdby  this  place.  God  faying  to  Cain  :  Jftheu  doejl-vyd,  sh^lt  thouvot  pmiirnmenc 
i8.  rcceiueifraim  ?  what  els  bur  wel  for  \*-cl  doing  ?  as  Abel  rcceiucd  confolation  of  accordinrr  to 

iM^f-  I   his  Sacrifice  wel  offered,  but ^f thou  dv(ftil,shA  trot  thy  finneleprr'cnt  forth-ryith  ourworkcs* 
.      «f'/'e'/orf?afHictingthyccnfcience,  and  notfuffcringthy  mindtobcin  quiet, 
for  remorf:  of  thy  wicked  facV,  and  fcare  of  iuft  uidgcment .  For  hence  ic 
came  that  Cainscounrcnancefel,  andhisf:omack  boyledwith  an^ie  :puniih=  I 

ment  fo  beginning  cuen  inrhishfe,  &rnuchn)orcin  thcnextuoiid  cur  Saui- 
9tUt.  r€.  °"^  wilrendn-  (as  him  fclfc  faith)  to  cuery  man  according  to  his  workcs:  vi'hicli 
/(c>«.  t.    ine  Apoftle  erprcucth  more  diftinaiy,  eumal  Ufc,  oryyyaih  &  indtmiation, 

7.  rwJfr/W  [This  Text  fb  plainly  fheweth  freewil  in  man,  alfo  afier  his  Frcewil  in  ma 
failejthatthe  EnglifliProtcftanstoauoidfoclcr;  a  truth,  for  thc'e  wordcs     a'foaftcrhis 
thelufl  ther-of  (to  wit  of  finne  )  sh^lbc  yndr-  thrr,  and  thou  .h.dt  h.wc  dominion  oucr  fallc 
tible        "''  corruptly  tranHate  infomcofthcirBibles-thu?  :  Vntothcc  his  defirc  fli-^I  be  Heretical truA 
»;79.        fiib'e£l,  and  thou  (halt  rule  ouer/.,w.  As  if  God  had  fi;d  ,  that  Abel  fl^ould  be  latioa. 



i6  Genesis.  Adam, 

Let  T$  tkerfore  exairine  the  fenfc,  and  if  S .  Hieromc,  tlie  grcatfcrlpture  Do-  J^^fi. 
Cioi  did  rightly  vnderaandit>God  did  fpeakc  to  this  cfFea  to  Cain:  Bfcaufe  thou  H^raic, 
*rVi     T4  K  h..llfne'wfl,l-vy,trneihee,  that ftnnthauenot  dowmionoueii-thet ,  hut  thottouer  finne.  in  Gen. 

w^^.   ^   "j^  The  Hebrew  \\ditht\nii:  ad te. if petitus  etus,  e't  tudommabcris  m  eunt,  or,  «.  Vnto 
a  o         ree  c  ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^pp^^^^^ ^ifygj^^  ^nd  thou  shah  rule  ouer  u.Thargum  Hierofolomitanum 
tex   pijoue         concludtthGodsfpcach  zo  din  thus:  lute  thy  hand  l  })uue^euenpoyyre  of  thy  con- 
■  reewi    m         cupifcmcr,  and  haue  thoudonnmon  therof:yyhetl)cr  thouyyilttogtoderto  f«ii.Thc 
Greke  harh  thus  :  To  tkecis  the  conuerfion  therof,and  tl>oi*  shall  beare  rule  oufrit:  to 
.,     ...    v'it,appetite,luft,concupircenceisvnderthy>»'il.Finally,aIantiquitievniuer-  J.  ^»»- 
Prccwil  tcftih-  f^i^^ieand  vniforme  conlentof  Chriftian  Doao)s,and  otherlerned  Philofo-  guflm. 
e<ibyaiuiqui-  phj.j.5^3njj.earoiiablc  men  hold  it  for  certaine  and  an  euidcnt  truth  ,  that  man  U.deye* 
tie  ,  vnmcrfa-  ^^^  ^  ^^^^^^  ^^^j^  frecwil.  Yet  Luther,  the  father  of  Proteftants,fo  abhorred  this  raKd'^ 
line,  and  con-  -^^j.}^  ^  thathe  couldnotabide  the  very  word,  norvoutfafe  (  v/hen  he  writ  ca.i^.- 
lent  of  lerned    ^^^-j^f^ i^j  ^q  ^^^1^  his  beaftlie booke.  Contra  liberum  arburium,  ^gainii  frceyyil: 
Screalonabie     ^,^^j^  j^,,  ff.y^^g  arbtirio.  offeymlarbitrlmcnt.  And  denieth  that  man  is  inaniwifc 
perlons.  fiee  to  choofc,  to  refolue,  or  determine,  but  in  al  things  feruil,  tycd,conftrai- 

d  h  ncd,  and  compelled  to  whatfoeucr  he  doth,  faith,  or  thincketh.  Further,  that 

^^-  /.   ^  ".^"^^    man  in  al  his  adios  is  like  to  a  hackney,  that  is,  forced  to  goe  whither  the  rider 
"®  •*^^^''^"'        ^ii  j^^^^jg  j-^i^-,   A.nd  knowing  the  whole  world  aganft  him,  fliameth  not  to  con- 

fcffe,  that  he  fetteth  them  al  at  naught  in  refped  of  him  felfe,  concluding  thus:  Ub.  de 
ihaue  not  (faith  he)  otnferredyytth  anie  in  this  boo'e,  but  ihaue  ajfnmed,  andldo  f^ruo  ar- 
'Caluin alfo        affnmeTieil her  yyil  J  / hat anie  man  iudge  her(of,but  J counfail al  to  obey,or yeehde to  myn   bitrto. 
jnaiflikeththc    opinion.  Caluin  alfo  for  his  part,  confpireth  in  this  herefie  with  Luther,  but 
woidfreewil.  more  faintly  rather  wiflieth,  then  imagineth  that  men  be  fo  maddc  as  to  flee  i^y  ^  g^ 
from  the  name  of  frcewil.  I  (  faith  Caluin)  neither  my feifeyyouldyfe  thts'yy or d,  ^..par.i, 
VVhereis  nc-  aniyyouldyvisJ)  others, tfihey  as  e  me  ccunfatle,  to  ahfiatne  from  it.  But  we  wii  be 
cclhtie  there    bold  to  oppofeS.Hieromesrcafonagainft  Luther,  Caluin,  al  Manichees,  and  ''^^.i-^*^- 
is  nether  re-    others  that  dcnie  freewil.  Godmadeys  (faith  he)  yyith  fneyyil ,  neither  are yye  t^e'flo^- 
ward  nor  pu-  dravyenbyncccj^itietoyatttesnortoyices;  othfryyiJtyrbeieiineceJ?itte,thereu tteither  '♦""**'»♦ 
uifhmcntdue.  damnation  norcroyyne. 

16.  Cain  yy ent  forth  ]  It  is  a  marke  ofHcfetikes  to  make  breach,  and  goe  i.ioan.x. 
Coineforth     forth  ofthe  Church.  And  commonly  it  Cometh  of  enuic.Jowze  www  »»to/?e?-e/f«f 
ofthe  Church  'J«-^/i''^/'»/«  (faith  S.  Cyprian) -v-rfcfw  they  enttie  Eishofs,  yyhilf/loneetthercomplai.  ^ijU  (^ 
a  marke  of        »eth  that  him  felfe  yyas  not  rather  ordained,  or  difdaineth  to  fufferan  other  ahom  him.  liuore, 
Herctikes.         Hereupon  het^iiLetJ),  hereupon  herebelleih.Enuie  moued  Cain  to  k}l  his  brother,  becaufe  his 

oyyneyyorkes  yyereyvickcd  and  reiedcd;  and  his  brothers  iufi,  and  eftemed.  So     '         '^' 
goina  forth  became  obftinate ,  obdurate,  and  defperatc  in  his  finne,  and 
bein?'  reprobate  of  God,  began  a  wicked  Citie,  oppofite  to  the  Citie  of  God. 
Wherfore  Moyfes,  as  S.  Auguftin  notcth,  intending  to  dcfcribe,  and  fhew  the  lib.  de 
perpetual  continuance  of  Gods  Cine,  the  true  Church,  from  Adam,  which  he  pajlore. 
doth bythc line ofS^th to  Noe, and  fo  forward  to  hisov/nc  time,  wouldnot  c.^.&  e, 
omittotel  alfo  the  piocrcnie  of  Cain,  eucntothe  floode,  wherin  al  liis  of-  10. 
fpringwas  finally  drowned  and  dcftroyed,  that  the  true  Citie  of  God  might 
appearcmorediftind,  more  c6fpicuous,&  more  rcnowmed.And  thatin  decdc 
the  fame  only  (and  not  anie  broken  and  interrupted  companies  or  conueRti- 
clcs)  migbt  beknowcntobe  thetrueChurchofGod.  '  ^ 

let'  h  rA       ^3'  ^  ^i*""  ,'^'"«' ]  ^°  h;a-d  and obfcure  is  this  pi '.ce,  that  S.Hierom  required  raw.  |.-' 

4C  ipturena  a  ^^  ^   Damafus  Pope  to  expound  it,  darcthnot  afarmc  anlc  one  fenfc  for  cer-  ad  i. 

taine  ,  but  propofmg  diners  ,  which  the  text  may  feme  to  beare  ,  wilhethtlic  ^•^■c^.^ 
Pope  (who  was  alfb  very  lerned  )  to  examine  a1  more  at  large  :  putting  hiraih  Damaf, 
ciindthat  Oriacn  writ  his  tweifthandthirtcnch  boolccs  vpon  this  onlie  place. 
^  The 

The,rpoil  probaJiU  cx|»p/i£ioft]^  robe  gathctcdoutof  rficKcbrevcs  A  probable 
Tradkion,thattliis'Laipt:.cH  pf'tliVifrucofCain  (for  there  was  an  other  La-  renfe  accor- 
mcchofSedfs'frq^eriieOwuch'adi^racd  to  hunting,  ancl  his  eyes  dccayino;,  dingtorhe 
rledih^^at  ebr^ercirc'clie  d4r<fft^on'  of 'ft  young  man  Kis  nephew',  thdlbnneof  Kcbiewcs 
Tubalcain  .  VVho  r':ingrontcrhinfrmoueinbufiies,fuppo(in'iMtcobea  v/ild  Tiaciinon. 
bcaft,  willed  his  grandfftthcf  to  llioote  at  the  Tame  :.wKichhc  I'.iJ,  andftioke 
the  marke  vitha  dcadlie  wpuri4.,  and  approcbi.ngco:takethe  f  r.'y,  foundic 
tobc  old  Cain.  Whereupon '{qie  amazed,  afflided, 'and  moucd  ^^ith  great 
pafHon,  didfobeate  the'voting  rnan,  forhis'il  direftion,  that  he  aUo  dicdof 
the  drie  blowcs.After.bbthv.liich  mi'fliappcs,  and  Ivis palfion at  laft  carJmcd, 
Lamech  lament;cth  as  the  textiaitji,  ihathe  had  killed  a  man  and  flnpling, 
towit,  the  onp  with  a  wound,  the  other  with  diie  blowcs,  for  which  he  feared 
»  Chrir  fcuenfoldpuniOiment  more  tlicn  Cain  fuffcred  for  killing  Abel.  Neuertheles 
^0  S.  Hierom  &  other  Fathers  thinke  it  probable,  that  Lamech  killing  the  one  of 
Cm  jn-norancc,  the  other  in  pa/Tion,  was  not  fofeuerlypunilhed  as  he  reared.  And 

fo  they  vndcrftaod  the  rcft^  ofjthis  paliage,'that  feuenfpldvenganee  was  taken 
.,  of  Cain,by  prolongation  of  his  miierable  life  til  his  Icuenth  generation, when 

'^'       oncofhrs  oi'neinjue  Hew,  him,  and  an  other  of  the  famclinage  with  him.  And- 
^"^'    La'mceKwds  pitnillied  Vtiientic  feuetifold  when  his  fcuentie  feuen  children 
"  v"        {forfo'rhiniehe'b.^Hras'Iofei^pkuswpiteth)   arid  al  their  bfspring  perilbed  in 
^ncZ      ^^^  ^o«<i-  'Myftically  by  feiicntic  fe'uen  niay  be  fignificd  that  the  finne  ofman-  Myfticaff^flXc 
kindftibuldbepunillied  and  expiated  in  Chrift  our  RedcniGr^-who  was  borne 



the  rcucntie  fcuenih  generation  frpm  Adam. 

'±S.  ''^''c^.ins'to  tni^ocatc.'^  Seili  was  a  mbft.bolie,'ar\dfobrpUghtvp  his 
Sttidtu  children  j  thaHh'^)--wcfe  .-rdMcd  th'fc  fonnes  of  Cod .  Gen .'  fe.^  Adam  alio  and  Eue 
■vocahnlo  ^ifjexc-pc'nitetit^i'andbdcamitgrciicdbnfefrors,  and  arcnow  Sainftes.  And  (bit 
"^'^  can  no'tbedoubwdbm^'rarnongft  other' fpiritual  exercif^s  they  prayedand  in- 

Ufepb.l.  upcatedGod.  And  thcrforcthat  wbich  is  herefaid  :  He  ( towit  £»oi)  ^f54»f  or 

besides  $;lcri^?^^  whichwasallo  bqJ[o'e,  as  appearcth  both  by  Cain  &  A.ha\.  •    q   a 

f^e  f>rv^nfle  of j^ttmy^  numhercf -their  ye  ares  (^vith  the  de^ith  of  tht 
T€pyC^ tr^nfiatitinxif Bnoch)  mthel'meoj Sethyto  Noe  O^ his  three fonnes, 

i':    ;-.■'■';•  ;i  •  .:  -  •,    \\  i\  /  [■■:  i  ','■/>  ■^  .:■-■•■. 

■'X  -^T^,H  IS  is  the  b^oke  of  the  generation  of  Adam.  In  the 

S4p.u  J[_    day,  when  GoJ;  areatedf  mai) ,  to  the  hkcnes  of  God 

g  £*/,  17,      i   made  he  h-inji.  ff-Malcand/cmale  ereated  he  them ;  and  bief- 

1.  fc-d  them -.and  called  their  name  Adam,  in  the  day  when 

3  they  wer  ecreaccd.  f  And  Adam  hued  a  hundred  and  thrrtie 
;>   y:ear.e^,  j  and  begat  to  his  ownc  image  and  likcnes,  and  called 

4  his-  name  Seth.  t  ,And  the  dayc^  of  A'^^'^*  aftci;  he  begat 
Se:h-,cam$:Qjigiit  hundred  ycares  :i .$<iiid  he  "  begat  fonnes 

C   ''.  ■;-'.  i':  G  and 

■i8  Genes  1 5^ 

and  daughters,  f  Ani  al  the  time  that  AJam  Iiue<!,came  f 
to  nine  hundred  and  thirticycares,'' and  he  died.  fSethalfo  6 
lined  a  hundred  Hue  ycares,  and  be'gat  Enos.  f  And  Scth  7 
lined  after  he  begat  Enos,  eight  hundred  and  feuenyearcs, 
and  begat  Tonnes  and  daughters,  f  Andalthedayesof  Seth  S 
came  to  nine  hundred  &  t^j-ehie  yeares,  and  he  died,  f  And  9 
Enos  Uued  nintie  yeares,  and  begat  Cainan.  f  After  whofe  z» 
?;  Thi-  He-   birth  he  liued  eight  hundred  6c   fiftenc  yeares,  and  begat 
brcv  phrafs   fo nnes  and  daughters,  f  And  al  the  dayes  of  Enos  came  to  ij 
"""'■tf'^**^*/'^    nine  hundred  and  fiue  yeares,  and  he  died,  f  Cainan  alfo  li-  is. 
thaVhiTTued  "^^  feuenrie  yeares,  &  begat  Malaleel.  f  And  Cainan  Hucd  13 
^-•elf:  pieaft  J  after  he  begat  Malaleel,  eight  hundred  S^fourtie  yeares, 
Goi.  and  begat  Tonnes  Sc  daughters,  f  And  al  the  dayes  of  Cainan  14 

:.T!i{-^eae:uiccame  to  nine  hundred  and  ten  yeares,  and  he  died,  f  And  j/ 
tlr'^  ra'' God  Malaleel  liued  fixtie  fiue  yeares,  and  begat  lared.  f  And  Ma-  1$ 
cranflatcdhimlaleei  Hued  after  he  begat  lared,  eight  hundred  and  thirtic 
and  (g  dorh  S.  yeares ,  and  begat  fonnes  and  daughters,  t  Andal  the  dayes  17 
Paul.  Hcb.  ir.  of  Malaleel  came  to  eight  hundred  nyntie  fiue  yeares,  5d"Kc 
ioZtft  lifc'^tf  ^^^^*  t  ^^^  I^^^*^  ^^"^^  ^  hundred  fixtie  two  yeares, and  be-  iS" 
a"hfrcrecirrdg^'itE"ocJ'>-  t  ^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^'^'^  ^^^^^  ^^  hcgzt  Enoch  eight' 19 
But  if  xife  con- hundred  yeares,  and  begat  fonnes  and  daughters,  f  Andal  zo 
fidcr  that  A'    the  dayes  of  lared  came  to  nine  hundred  fixtie  two  yeares,^: 
dam  ^as  as      |^^  ^-^j^  ^  Moreouer  Enoch  liued  fixtie  fiue  yeares,  &  begat  21 
di^e^^L^firflT'  Mathufala.  f  And  Enoch  -  walked  with  God  :  Sc  Hued  after  1* 
d;i7  he  was  ere  he  begat  Mathufala,  three  hundred  yeares,  and  begat  fonnes 
ated,  as  thefc  and  daughters,  f  And  althe  dayes  of  Enoch  came  to  three  25^ 
others  were     hundredVixtie  fiue  yeares.  f  And  he  walked  with  God,  and  24. 
To'  yea?^s)'bc-  "  ^as.feene  no  more:  becaufc  God-"  tooke  him',  f  Mathufala  2j  , 
fore  which,  ^  alfo  Hued  a  hundred  eighriefeucn  yeares,  &  begat  Lamech. 
none  are  {^lid  -j- And  Mathufala  liued,  after  he  begat  Lamech,  feuenhun-  2^ 

le  begot 
chiiJien  )  and 

CO  haue  begot  ^j,^^  eightie  two  yeares,  and  begat  fqjines  and  daughters. 
r  r  '      W^^     t  And  al  the  dayes  of  Mathufala  came  to  *••  nync  hundred  27 

yeares  from     fixtie  nine  yeares,  dc  he  died,  f  And  Lamech  hued  a  hundred  28 
MathuCda,      eic^htie  two  yeares,  and  begat  a-  fonne  :f  and  he  called  his  if 
theaAdam  H-  J^^^-^Q  Noe,  fiiying:  This  fonne  ihal  comfort  vs  from  the 
ffa^elouTr     ^orkes  d<riabours  of  our  handes  on  the  earth,  which  our 
then  hef  y  M.  Lord  cutfed'..  t  And  Lamech  Hued,  after  he  begat  Noe ,  fine  joJ 
yeares.  hundred  nintie  fiue  yeares,  and  begat  fonnes  and  daughters, 

a  The  fccond  4.  y\j^(£  al  the  dayes  of  Lamech  came  to  feuen  hundred  fc-  5£ 
foi'^'^Mii'l''oa  "^'"tie  feuen  yeares,  and  he  died.  And  ^  Noe  when  he  wa« 
Ik:L-  ^- u-^  °'^  fiue  hundred  yeares  oide,  begat  Sem,  Cham,  and  laphatL.. 


$cch«  Genesis*  ip 


Chap.     V. 

•    -j.  —      4'.   Ee':;ttef9nttuanetJaH^hters.]  Moyfcs  in  this  gcncalogic  rccitcthnot  al- The  cutinual 
,.'       ^*  vayes  the  firft  begotten,  nor  the  vholcprogcnic  by  theii  names  {forthen  he  fucccflionof 
*"  '*    '  ftiould  haue  repeated  CainandAbcLandhauc  named  many  others)  butthofe  Gods  Church, 
*  onlic  by  whom  the  Church  of  God  continued,  fignifying  the  reft  in  general,  and  inter:  up- 
vhofc  fuccefllon  was  cut  of  by  the  floud.  tion  of  other 

y.   ^nd  he  died.]  By  this  Gods  word  is  verified  faying,  that  Adam  fliould  commuu^tics. 
dye,  if  he  fiiould  eate  of  the  forbidden  tree.  And  the  diuel  is  proued  a  Iyer,  fay- 
ing, they  (hould  no  t  dye.  It  is  alfo  moft  true  that  Adam  dyed  that  day  in  whith  j  Jow  ma  died 
hedideatc.Forhebcgan  that  very  day  to  decline  to  death  jandfo  doth  alm^n-  ^j^g  j^y  j-^^^,. 
S..R..14*  kind  cucr  lince,  as  truly  faid  the  woman  of  Thccua  to  king  Dauid  ;  yyc  docal  ^^f^^^^^,^^ 

die, and M yyatevi  that rcturne not,'vye fal  doyynecntlieeartl/ .  ^'Indyyhat  els  (faith  S.  Grcgorie)  is  this  daylte  decaying  efey.r  corruptian,  hut  a  lingering  deail)  ^  And 
tiiangtl.  none  ofalthcfcthatliucdlongeft  reaching  to  a  thoufandy  tares  (which  with 
Tfai.  85.  God  is  as  one  day)  man  dyed  in  that  day  in  which  he  tranlgrelled. 

S-lnnttti      Morally  ancient  Fathers  here  note,  thatalbcitthclifcof  thcPatriaikcsfcc-  Al  time  is 
h.$.ad-  niethlongto  vs,  yetifwc  copare  the  fame  to  eternitieitis  nothing  .  Neither  Ihort  in  reP- 
»«•.  lie'  by  theiu<lgcmcntof  Philofophersmay  anicthing  be  counted  long,  that  hath  pc(5tofcter- 
»■'*•  anead:asTulliebringingCatowifelydirputing,{hewcth  the  longcft  life  to  nitie. 

Ciceroli.  \)q  \jm  ^  ftiort  moment.  Whereby  againewemayfee  whatlolfc  we  fuftainc 
ce  Sftitc.  byfinnc  rfceingif  finne  had  not  benne,  we  fiiould  al  hauc  bennc  trandatcd 
^  ?  ^  •     from  earth  to  heauen,  and  neuer  haue  dyed. 
Tufcul.         j^_^,-  yf^as/eene  no  more.]  That  Enoch  and  Elias  are  yetaliueisa  conllant  Enoch  &  EHaj 

knownetruthjinthehartcsandmouthcs  of  the  faithful,  faith  S.  Auguftin  in  y^j  liuinc  in  Ijjj  gj-|^  booke,  depeccat.  merit  o-remijf.c.^.  andconfirmcth  the  fame  in  di- {jq^jj^^ 
eitt.cij,  ucrs  other  places.  And  it  is  teftified  by  very  raauy  both  Greekeand  Latin  Do- 
Itb.  I.  de  ^ors.  5.  Ircneus  li.  j.  S.  luftinus  Martyr,  q.  8j. ad  Orthodoxos.  S.  Hippolitus 
^••4^<i  Antichrifto.S.Damafccn,  li.4.  dc  Orthodoxafide.S.  Hicrom.  epifr.  61. 
Cimpc.  adPamach.  c.  11.  S.Ambrofc  in  Pfalm.  4f .  S.  Chryfoftom.  ho.  n.  in  Gen. 
t.i.trau,  ho.  Mat.  ho.  4.  in  epift.  1.  ad  ThefT.  ho.  11.  in cp.  ad  Heb.  S.  Greg,  li.14. 
4tnloa.,ho.i2.inEzech.S.Pro{p.Ii.vIt.dcpromif.  S.Bcdeia  c.j'^Marc.  ^     -crv-    ' 
Theophilaft  and  Oecumenius  in  cap.  17.  Mat.  and  others  innumerable.  M.^^'^^""  5>'^ri*' 
Malac.^.  Touching  Elias  it  is  manifeft  in  Scriptures,  that  he  (hal  come,  &  preach,  &  be  pture  tnacEli- 
c/f/>p.ii.  dainc  witn  an  other  witnes  of  Chrift,  before  the  terrible  day  of  Judgement. ''^  j'n,  i"!"*^'** 

Of  Enoch  Moyfes  here  niaketh  the  matter  more  then  probable,  fay  mg  of  eue-  ^".     ^      "^ 
K«f  o\i)t    rie  one  ofthc  reft, /;e  dyed,  onlic  of  Enoch  faith  not  fo,  but  that  he  appeared, 01  V^"^^      l?-^~ 

Wft^KtTO  T><«5/ep»tf«oOTotr  Forwhich  the  feucntie  two  interpreters  fay, ^/f»£//;e».*fX5r     .^^  "^li     ,  "^ 
«i  -       .    -         .  _       ..         .  .  -    r._     .      /'    .  _         Likewifc  that 


S7«^iT«-  found,  for  God  ti-attjlated  him  .  Which  can  not  fignifie  death  ,  but  tranfpor-  p      T^',^,' 
»l6«)ct^'     ting,  or  remomng  to  an  other  place.  Whereto  agreeth  the  author  of  Ecclcfi-  E"ochdid 
<WT9r  •     afticus, faying  :  Enoch  pltafedcod,  andyy^-  tranjlated.  But  moft  clearly  S.  Paul  ^^  death, 
^^i-         faith.  Entch  yyas  tranflated,  that  be  should  not  fee  drath.  and  heyy.tsnjtf^iundfor 
Efc/i  44  c#  I  tranjlated  him.  With  what  plainer  wordcs  can  any  man  declare,  that  a  Thefc  Scrip- 
Bidb.  II.  fpecial  pcrfbn  were  not  dead,  then  to  fay  :  h'eT-r4i<r«in/Z4/ei,  or  coueycd  away,  tures  fpeakc 
/(j/tf /jpi'^oM/ffwtff/ff  <//4<';?  Ncithcrisitareafonablc  euafion  to  intcrprete  this  oftem^cral 
of fptxitual death.  Forfo  Adambeing  eternally  faucd  (as  S.  Iren^usli.5.c.34.  "Of  o^^pir^t*- 
Efiphaa.con.h^rcfim4^.S.Agu.lincpift.  ;>j>  adEuodiuiii,andothersteach,  aJ<^£i£o. 

C  4  asdtl.^ 

1*  .'iG'E^^te^'i^s.  Noe* 

and  die  v/holc  Church  bclecueth)  v/as  piefcrucd  from  that  death,  and  fo 
yndoubtcdly  were  Seth,  and  Enos^eing  moft  holie.^iid  the  reft  here  recoun- 
ted, as  is  moft  probable  .,    NeBerth'clcs  for  farthcj;  (;<iQfutation  of  the  contra-  f 
rie  opinion  of  Protcftanrs,  the  reader  may  a^fo  obferuetheiudgement  ofS.  ^  "     '* 
The  Fathers     Chrifoftom,  who  affirmeth  that  Though  U  be  nut  a  matter  of  fatth,yyhether  Enoch   .,   '      , 
prouebythe     be.noyy  in  Paradi,e  from  ■vylience^iamand.Eueyyae.expeHed^or m^qmeothei-^lea-        '  .' 
tcrvi\li:zsxh?i.Kfant place:  Victi^nt  tumen  fac}-£Scnl>rurtt  cjuodDetniranJlultteum,  &  qttoiiyiueniem/      "^ 
Enoch  ig  not     tranfluiit  cum,  quod  mortem  tp^'e  mnflt  expertui,.  The  hoik  Scrip'tureifay  that  Godt'ranf-  , '     ,    t' 
dead.      '  Ltfed  !)im,  and  that  he  tyanjlatedhim  aliue,  that  he  felt  hot  (vrhatJ)  not  experienced)    "m,-       '»' 

death /And  S.  Au^nAin-x^  ex^re{[y  Czhh..  'NonmorlHtci,  fed  yiuus  trait/latfis  (Ti. 
Iie,( to  yyit Enoch)  if  tranJlateJ,uot  deadbut alitie.  Yea  he  tcacheth  how  his  lifeis     '    .'     • 
fuftayned.  thus  many  thoufandyeares  vpbn  earth.  And  {hev/ethmorcouer  that    "       '    , 
both  Enoch  and  Elias  ftial  dye.  Tor  J'einr Enoch  and Elia^^  [{i.hhhe)  aredeadin    '   , 
o^durn^and  cavyingthe  ofsprin^  of  death  iiitheirfleih,  to  pay  that  debt,  aretoretutne 
Caufes  why      *"  '^^''^ '*''"^  (of common  conuerfation)  and  to  pay  thu  debt  yyhtch  fv  long  U deferred.  .    .- 

Pnnrii  X'TV-x:       Diucfs  Tcafons  are  alfo  allcaoredj  Vr'hy  God  v/ould  referuc  thefc  two  aliuc.  ,'        ^' 
■^rt;  re*'cxucd     Fitft  ro  Inew  Dy  example,  thatas  thcirmcrtal  bodies  are lona  conlerued  from 



Sec D.  Sand. 

corrupting  or  decaying,  in  like  forte  Adam  and  Eue  and  al  others  notfmiung,       _,    , 
flionid  liauc  bene  confenicd, and  according  to  Gods  promife,  nc'ier  hare  t^ied,     >     J'  ■ 
-  buraftcrfojne  good  timetranflared  to  hcaucn,  and  indued  with  immortaiitie.  ^  ■* 

Secondly  to  g»Me  vs  anari;ament  of  immortahtie,  which  is  promifed  afier  the    " 
general  Refurred'on.  Forrc!ngGoddo;hprcfcruefomc  mortal,  folongfrom     .  ' 
alinfirmitie^  we  may  aflliredly  bclciie  that  he  wilgeue  immortal  &  eternal  life        ..    * 
2  ofbobicandfoule  to  his  S.iin(5les,  after  they  liaue  payed  the  debt  cfdea»h.,  and    ^ 

arerifenagaine.     Thirdly  rhefc  two  (  one  bf the  law  of  nature,  the  other  of  y.  ^  .V 
the  law  of  Moyfes  )  are  preferued  aliue,  to  CvVme  am/ohgft  men  againc  towards    r  t       ^' 
thc.end  of  the  worlds  to  teach,  teftifie,  and  defend  the  true  faith  and  dodrin  of  ^. ' ,  .,\^ 
lib.  8.  c.  3T.  de  l[;h.j-i{^^againft'Antichrift,  when  he  Ihal  moft  violently  oppugneScperfecutc  '  u      ^*' 
Ivlonar.    EccL^.j^g  Church.     OfEnoch  it  is  faidinthcbooke  ofEccIehafticus,  that  he  was    j^^  tvmj' 
r.Kd  f.i  ereil-  fi -inflated,  yt  det  gentihw  panitewitiawi  that  he  gene  repentance  to  the  nations^  by    p'v    l 
us  in  c.  ii.Da-  j^-^  preaching, &  reducing  the  deceiucd  from  Antic'hrift.  And  of  Elias  Malachic   g^^    ' 
*^^*^^'  ptophicieth,  that  he  comehefore  the  great  and  tenihU  day  of  our  LorcU  andshal    .     U       ' 

tu'rne  tlje.hurt  of  the  fatheri  (  that  i,s  the  people  of  the  lewcs)   tothe  fonnes  ( the  '        .   "tV 
Cliiiftians  )ari.d  ofihefonmes  ( thc.decciued  Cjiiriiliiins]  te  the  fathers,  the  ancieac  '     -1 

trae'Cacholiques.'.'    '  . . ._  ■.'  \  y.  ,'  ,  ,  ,      '  .  ,    .      .. 

Chap,  VL 

'Min  ^  finnes  canfe  of  the  licitige.  4,  Guntsyvere  then  l>l^en  the  earth.  ^,N»9 

The prpfefr)^^    f^l'^^JnoreiAnd.iheferi^ofother.lmin^^ 

(brs  oftrue  "        '..    'VrV     '  ',  '    ^.•"','c""  ,i   '         1  ■    i-    \  1 

rebv ion  were    A     Nd  after  that  men  began  to  bemultiplied  vpon  the  Irr: 

called  the.'"  ''  JjL.  eartH,  &  Had  procreation  of  daughters:  7  The  "fonnes  1» '  V  *' 

fones  of  God.^fjQp^  C^jj^f^  jKc  daughters,  of  men,  that  they  were  faire 

o'fen'^rrr'iic  '  ^^^^^ -"^  them felues  wiues,  o:nt,o,i^al,\rhiGh  they  had  chpfe^ :  5..;^^ 
ioiiesofrncn/AndGodrai4;-Myf|)idtihal.iaG<trpmame  in  man  ior.euer,   l^-^ 
:     >-  ■  '    -■  becauic 

Noc.  Genesis.  it 

becaufe  he  i*  flesh:  it  his  dayes  (hal  be" an  hudred  5c  t-^cntie 
4-  yeares.  f  Aftd  "  Giants  v^ere  vpon  the  earth  in  rhofe  dayes.  ::  God  who  ks 
For  affel:  fhc  fomies  of  God  did  companic'with  the  daugh-  j-^Jf^'JJ*^^^;^*^' 
•  ttts  of  men,  and  they  brought  forth  children,  thcfe  be  the    "  j|-jon  yet  by 
j  mightie  of  the  olde  world,  famous  men.  -f  And  God  feing  the  cnormitic 
the  mahce  of  men  was  much  on  the  earth,  and  that  al  the  ofrinncsfc- 

6  cogitation  of  their  hart  was  bent  to  euil  at  al  rimes,  t  ^^  v^\i^^  prouo- 
••repented  him  that  he  had  made  njan  on  the  earth.  And  tou-  ^^^^  ^^  repeat 

7  ched  inwardly  with  forrowe  of  hart,  f  I  wil,  faith  he,  cleane  that  he  had 
take  away  man,  whom  I  haue  created,  from  the  face  of  the  made  man.  S« 
earth ,  from  man  euen  to  beaftes,  from  that  which  creepeth  Amb.h.  4e    , 
cuen  vnto  the  foulcs  of  theayre.foritrcpcntethmethatl     °^     ^^*'**^.. 

..  ...-0.5.  •      haue  made  them.  ^^^^Xt^^. 

TrT-^^v^'^'       t  ^^^  Noe  found  grace  before  our  Lord  .  ■\  Thefe  are  xhch  ..^,^-[^  ^^  nH\^ 

Jhiit44,    ■      generations  of  Noe  :  "  Noe  was  a  iuftand  perfe6t  man  inl 

17.  "        10  ::  his  generations,  hedidwaike  with  God.  ■\  And  he  begat  jfiyyv^n^i^ 

II   three  fonnes,  Sem,  Cham,  &  L;pheth.  •{-  And  the  earth  Was  tious  God  rc- 

corrupted  before  God,  and  was  replenished  with  iniquitie.ft^J^uedfomc 

u  t  And  when  Goi  had  perceiaed  that  the  earth  was  corrup-  ^"  ,  ^ 

1   av-        1  ;i     L   r    J  J  I  •  L  t\  marc,  inth«-. 

ted  (  for  ai  flesh  had  corrupted  his  way  vpon  the  earth)  j^^,.,  ^f  Qracf* 

13  f  he  raid  to  N66  :  The  end  of  al  flesh  is  come  before  me,  the 

earth  is  replenished  with  iniquitie  from  the  face  of  them,  & 

14  I  wil  deftroy  them  with  the  earth,  f  Make  thee  an  arkeof  .   >'ii 
timber  planke :  cabinets  (halt  thou  make  in  thearke,  and 

Ij  flialtpitchitv/ithin,  and  without  with  bitume.  f  And  thus 
ihalt  thou  make  it .  The  length  of  the  iVrke  ihal  be  three 
hundred"  cubitts  :  fiftie  cubitts  the  breadth,  and  thirtic  cu- 

16  bitts  the  height  of  it.  f  Thou  (halt  make  a  windowe  in  the" 
arke,  and  in  a.  cubit  finish  the  toppe  of  it:  and  the  dore  of 
the  arke  thou  (halt  fet  at  the  fide  belowe,  middle  cham- 

17  bers,  and  third  loftes  (halt  thou  make  in  it.  f  Behold!  wil 
bring  the  waters  of  a  great  floud  vpon  the  earth,  that  I  may 
deftroy  al  Hesh,  wherin  there  is  breath  of  life  vnder  heauen  „ 

iS  Al  thinges  that  are  in  the  earth,  Sial  be  confumed.  f  And! 
wil  eftabhsh  my  couenanrwith  thee:  and  thou  ihalt  enter 
into  the  arke,  thou  and  thy  fonnes,  and  thy  wifcj  .and  the 

15  wiu'esofthy  fonnes  with  thee,  f  And  of  alhuing  creatures 
of  al  flesh,  thou  (halt  bring  payres  into  the  arke,  that  they 

*o  may  liue  with  thee  :  of  the  male  fexc,  and  the  female*  f  Of 
foulcs  according  to  their  kind,  and  of  beaftes  in  their  kind  v 
&  of  al  that  creepeth  on  the  earth  according  to  their  kindi 

C  3  payres 

s.i.  Genesis/  I^oe# 

payres  of  al  fortes  fl^al  enter  in  with  thcc,  that  they  may 
liuc.  t  Thou  (halt  take  thcrfore  vith  thcc  of  al  meates,  that  21 
h  A  rigfit  ex-  may  be  eaten,  and  thou  (bait  lay  them  vp  with  thee :  and 
ample  ofa  iuA  tJ^ey  {^^1  be  meate  for  thee  and  them,  f  Noc  thexforc  «  did  il  «<*•  «» 
°**^'  al  thinges,  vhich  God  commanded  hinu. 

Chap.     VI. 

Soncs  of  God      1.   Sonnfs  of  God.  ]  The  progcnic  of  Sethj  profcfling  true  faith  &  Rcfigiofi, 
and  fonnes  of  vcrc  called  the  fonnes  of  God  :  and  thofe  of  Cains  iflue  and  congregatioii,  //t,  ir.^C 
tnenwas  then  folowing  erronious  and  w^^icked  opinions,  were  called  the  fbnncs  ofmcn  .  j^/fiuit. 
fuch  a  diftin-  VViiichv/crc  then  the  diftinftiuc  termcs  of  trucandfalfcReligiop,  as  after-  j)e  ytr4, 
ftion,  as  row  N»'ardes  were  the  rermes  of  lewes  and  Gentiles  :  after  Chrift,  Chriftians  and  reliT.c.y. 
Cathojiques     Paganes:and  laftly  true  and  falfeChriftians  are  diftinguiflied,  by  the  names  can.epi^* 
#;idHereciks.  ofCarholicjiicsandHeietikes.  As  S.  Auguftinccacherh,  in  his  queflionsvpon /•»„</. ,.^ 
GeneCs,  &  other  places.  Which  is  confirniedby  the  like  iugcment  of  S.Ciril  Trac.  ti, 
Alcxandrinusli. «).  aducrf.  lulianum.S.  Ambrofeli.  dcNoe  &:  area.  c.ij^S.  Pa-  in  loan. 
cianus  epift.  ad  Symphorianum.  Thcodoret.  &  manie  others  vpon  this  place. 
}    ^n  hundred  and  tyrentie  yeares.'j  Mans  life  vas  nothcre  (hortned  to  an  -t  •< 
This  warning  hundred  and  twcnticyeares,  as  (omebaucmifundcrftood  this  place.  For  after  i^/^*;*^, 
and  expcda-    this  diuers  liued  much  longcr,as  appeareth  in  the  gcncalogic  of  Sem  to  Abram  i^^^^/ 
tionofrcpcn-  in  the  ii.  chapter  of  Genefis.  And  Abraham  liued.  lyy.  yeares  (c.  zj.)  IfaaciSo.  D^pfyf' 
^ncefhcv^'eth  (  c.jj.)  lacob  147.  (c.  47.)  and loiadas  borne  1500.  yeares  after,  liued  130.  Yo^atttf^ 
Ece'riiiania.  yeares  (t.  Par.  14. )  Butiio. yeares  wcrcgrantcdbcforethefloudforthatgc- 
neration  to  repent  in,  as  the  Chaldce  Edition  cxprcfTcth  more  plainely : 
terminM  dabiturei centum  ■vi^^nti  anmtumji  forte  eonuertdtur.   The  tearmc  of  an 
hundred  and  tweuticycaresflialbegcucnthcm,ifpcrhapstheymay conucrt. 
And  fo  S.Chrifoftom.  S.Hicrom.  and  S-Auguftin  expound  this  Scripture. 
Yet  whether  God  cut  of  to.  of  thefc  yeares,  and  brought  the  floud  after  a 
100 (for  Noe  had  his  fonnes  when  he  was  joo .  yeares  old,'  &  tbeHoud  came  in 
the  ^00.  ycareof  his  age)  or  that  this  warning  vasffeucn  twcntic  yeares  be- 
Scriptures        f*^^^  ^"^^^  of  his  foncs  were  bornejs  not  fo  eafely  decided  by  the  holie  Dodots.  "o-^i. «» 
Qoteafic.  HoweaficfoeuerProtcflantsfay  al  Scriptures  arc.  Though  vndcr  correction  *'*''»• 

of  better  Judgement,  it  fcmeth  more  probable,  tharMoyfcsby  anticipation  "^^^dit. 
ioyneth  the  birth  of  Noes  fonnes  f  when  he  was  yoo.  vearesold)  to  the  reft  of  ^^^' 
ehc  geneologieof  the  firftPatriarkcs,  in  the  former  chapter,  and  then  tellcth  ^f^-iS-f' 
©fthisadmoiiition,geucnj.o. yeares  before  their  birth.  And  fo  Godexpedrd  *4-"**f' 
elje  peoples  repentance  the  whole  time  of  izo.  yeares  prefcribed. 
Erronious    o-       *♦•  Gtantsyrereyponiht earth.]  Some  hauc  thought  that  thefe  giantes  were 
pinions  con-      ^^^  men,  nor  begotten  by  men  ,  but  that  cither  diuels  ,  which  fcl  at  firfl 
ccrnine   thefc  ^om  heauen,  or  other  Angels  allored  with  concupifccncc,begatc  them  of  the 
ffhuUo  daughters  of  Cain,  Philo  ludcus  in  his  booke  dc  GigantibuS;,  writeth  that 

°  thofc  whom  Moyfeshere  called  ^ngds^  the  Philofophers  called  Ccnioi.  £)ui 

funt animalU  Aera,yvhkh  Are  Uuing  creatures  yyith  ayrie  lodes  lofephus  (li.  i, 
Antiq.)  faith  that  Angels  begatc  thefe  giants.  Tcrtullian  alfo  li.dc  habittt 
KiuhebriJ  holdcth  the  fame  error,  and  diucis  xnoic  otha«ife  good  authors. 

But  S. 

Noe.  Genesis.  13 

But  S. Ciril  of  Alcian<!ria  (li.^.aducr. lulian}  S-dirifoftom  (homil  The  principal 
Gen)  S.  Ambrofc  f  dc  Noc  &  area.  c.4. )  S.  Auguftin  (li.ij.c.ij.dc  ciiiit)  dodorsproue 
S.Hicrom  (-Ttadit.  Hebraic)  and  other  moft  principal  Do<ftor$  teach  it  to  tha:  thtyvi^ere 
bcvntruejycavnpoiTiblc,  that  thcfc  giants  fhouldhauc  bene  begotten  by  anic  rncn,  and  be- 
other  creatures  then  by  men.  For  that  Angels  and  diucis  are  mere  fpirits  vitb'  gotten  of  men 
out  al  natural  bodies.  And  if  they  had  ayrie  bodies  (as  they  hauenot)  yet  they  Firftreafoij 
could  not  haue  fuch  generation.  For  the  powre  or  force  to  engender  be-  X 

longcth  tothcTcgatatiuefouIe,  whofe  proper  operations  are  to  tuine  nutri- 
ment into  the  fubfrancc  of  the  fubied  vherin  iris,  and  to  engender  nevf  iflue 
orofspring  from  the  fame,  as  Ariftotlcflicweth  (li.  1.  deanima,  teitu.  2.4.) 
And  in  xchat  bodies  focuer  there  is  vegetatinefoule,  it  maftnecdes  be,  that 
the  (ame  \ras  engendred,  and  muft  fomc  times  Scaj  and  die,  andfo  diuels 
fliould  be  mortal.  Moreouer  if  they  could  haue  generation  togeather  with  5 

nianJcind,thcn  fuch  ilfuc  flaould  be  a  diftinift  fpccics  both  from  man  and  du:cl, 
as  a  mule  differeth  both  from  hor/e  and  aflc.  Againe,  if  fpirits  had  abufed  we-  "^ 

men  in  aflTuraptcd  bodies,  and  Ihape  of  men,  yet  they  did  nottake  them  ro 
>s'iucs  2S  the  Scripture  faith  they  did»who  begate  thefe  gian  t$.  Finally  the  holie  S 

Scripture  here  cxpreflyeallerh  the  giants  men.  Theft  be  tht  mightie  ones,  fa- 
mous mtn.  The  modeftic  ofScripture  terming  them  famous,  whom  our  com-  Giants  fllcft 
mon  phrafe  would  cal  infamous  being  more  monftrous in  wickednesofmind,  monftmousi^ 
theninhugenesofbodie.  For  they  were  moftinfolcnt,Iafciuious,couctous,  bodic  aHdin 
cruel,  and  in  al  kinde  ofviccsmoft  impious.  mindc. 

5.    oil  tht  coi^ation  hint  to  tuel.  ]  Luther  (in his  11. article  condemned br 
Leo  the  tenth)  would  proue  by  thefe  wordes,  and  the  like  folowing,  ^Ifit-h  Lutjijcrj  arp-i*» 
had  corrupted  hit-yvayyponearh,  thatalworkesof  men  are  finncs-  For  (faith   mcnt  that    i 
he)  feeing  the  hartesofal  men  are  bent  alwaies  to  euil,  and  al  humane  adions  jriens  workc* 
proceedcTrom  the  hart,  itmuft  necdes  be  that  the  hart  as  the  fountainc  being  ^^^  dnnza 
corrupt,  theftreamesalfb  ifl'uing  from  theGune  muft  bccorrupted  .  Againe  al 
flefli  hauing  corrupted  his  way  vpon  earth,  iherc  is  not  any  iuft  man  ( i^ith  he) 
nor  anv  man  without  finnerand  withProtcftantesalflnnes  are  mortal. But 
Hcretixes  arguments  are  like  to  that  the  Poets  feyne  of  Sifyphus  laboring  to  Heretiks  Ilk* 
■carie  a  great  ftone  to  the  toppe  of  an  high  h-1,  which  when  he  hath  brought  al-  to  Sifyphus, 
moft  to  the  height,  it  ftil  faJIeth  from  him,&  rumbleth  againe  ro  the  bottomc. 
Eucnfo  their  arguments  that  make  greateft  fhew  of  prouing  their  opinions.  The  fTnne* 
arft  nothing  but  vainc  trauciing,  when  they  come  robe  tried  by  thetruefenfc  before  the 
•ofholyScrinture.  In  this  place  Moyfesdefcribeth  the  enormitie  of  linnethat  floudvcrygre 
reigned  in  the  world  before  rhc  flouJ,  for  which  God  fcnt  that  deflrudion-  ucusin  /eaJfe 
For  it  was  haynous  in  deede,  and  tha  t  e(pcciall  y  in  foure  refpeds.  Firft  the  ma-  rcipe6b 
lice  and  wickedaes  "VZi general^  which  is  fignificd  by  thofc  worde.s,  alfiesh  hath  j 

ntrrvfttd  his  way  -wpon  earrh.  SecSdly  it  was  grest  railice^figiiified  by  the  words 
mueh,  and,  tthhp ca^^itatiottt  of  their  hart  «  bfnt  to  euil.  For  they  committed  al 
maner  ofwickednesinhautincs  of  pride,  inallafciuionfncsof  thcflcfii,in  aL 
crueltieof  robbinsj,facking,&  nuitthering,in  al  im.p'etie,  againrt  God  &  man. 
Thirdly,  itwas  of  long  continuance,  a  nd'dayly  iterated.  For  Cain  once  fallen  ' 

into  damnable  finne  ncuer  repented,  and  al  his progenie  was  eiccding  wicked' 
and  after  that  Adana  and  Seth  were  dead,  and  Enoch  tranflated.manie  of  the 
faithful  fel  to  the  wicked  forte,  and  became  worfe  and  worfc  emni  temporf,  aJ- 
waies,  or ^««-*<</d;7.  Fourthly  they  wereobftinatc  and  obdurate,  notrepcntine  4 

L.ff/.t.  y^hen-Kochuihthc  a-rUc,  3nd  preached  iufltce  ( as  S.  Peter  teftificth)  andtherforc 
Cod  famed  him  andhtsfamtlte  ,  hr  in^n^ in  the  deluge -rpon  the  'r>orld  of  theimpiotti, 
Al  vhich.  mikcth  nothing  at  al  for  Luther.  Foralthough  the  malice  of  man, 

,i;4  O  E  N  E  s  I  J.  F  -Noe. 

■'Luthcisargu-  and  corruption  of  flcfti,  was  then  vericgenaral,  great,  of  long  ccntinoancc, 
gumentan-  &obftinarc,  yecvasitnot  fovniucrfal,  but  fhat  God  him  fclfe  excepted  Noc, 
Ivfercdi  faying  to  him  i  haue  found  thee  iuji  in  my  fight  in  thi^  ^eneii-atton,  thereby  it  is  clerc 

that  thefe  general  termcs,  al  cogitation  and  ai fleshy  haue  exceptions.  As  likewifc 
other  as  general  propofitions  in  this  fame  chapter,concerning  the  punifliment 
threatned,  comprehend  notabfolutly  al,  and  euericonc,  butalmoftal,  vcrjr 
few  excepted.  /  ffU  cleans  ta^eavyay,  or  deflroy  man  yyhom  I  haue  created,  from 
■  the  face  of  the  earth.  The  end  of  alfiesh  PS  come  hefsre  me.  A^ainc,  that  I  may  d^firoy  al 
flesh  yyherein  is  breath  of  life  ynder  hcauen.ThcCc  arc  very  general  fpcaches,tharal 
fhould  be  deftroycd,  and  yet  eight  perfons  of  mankind,  that  had  the  fame  na- 
tural flefh,  and  amongfl:  other  huing  creatures,  that  had  breath,  diners  payrcs 
verc  faued  aliue.  .So  that  this  place  ( nor  anie  other  in  holic  Scripture )  wil  not  r%.,r, 
"  proue  that  Protcftants  paradox,  that  al  mens  a(ftions  are  mortal  finnes,  or  that  ."^     '-J 

no  man  in  this  life  is  or  can  be  iuftrbutmanie  fcripturcs  tcl  vs  plainly  that  feme  ,   ^ 
men  xs'cre  iuft,  as  Noe,  lob,  Daniel,  ZachariaSjElilabeth,  Simeon  and  others      *     ^ 
Of  Noc  fee  more  in  the  next  annotation. 
-'it      J        5?.  2\ro?'v»'.«4/»f?4»(//'er/>L}mrf»  ]  HcreNocisnotonlieGaIIcdiAlft,butalfo 
f  !fv    ^         pcrfcd.  The  hebrew  word  tamim  of  the  verbe  tamam  (which  lignificth  to  fi- 
jjertcCt.  nilkoraccomplilh)  ilacweththatNoe  was  a  perfed  or  complete  m^n  doing  al 

that  he  was  commanded,  and  performing  the  offices  ofal  Vertiies  that  pertai" 
fied  to  him  j  and  that  not  in  a  vulgar  and  meane  forte,  but  in.a  high  degree,  & 
Iieroical  maner,  as  fundrie  ancient  Fathers  h.-iuc  gathered  vpon.tliis  plac?. 
VVeHialcitefomefcwoftheirrayings  forexample.  S.HieroiTi  (Tradit.,  Hc« 
braic.iuGen.)  diftinguifhingbetwenconfumniateiuftice  (ofthenextlife  J  $C 
iuftice  of  this  generation  ( or  rranfltorie  life  )  [aith  :  tloe  the  in'<i  man  yyAsfirfe£h 
in  Ins jfcnrrutions  :Xoe didyy^J^eyvithaod:  that  h-,dtdfo'ioyy  })tsfiep-l}es.  S.  An^nit. 
.  -(li.  15.  ciuit:c.i^.]  faith  the  like,  that  KoeVr.Mcaff;i^j/«/Z^>»/>M:^«ti?vrft*<>»,toT>v*^, 

not  as  the  citizens  of  Gsds  cilia  are  to  be.peifecledin  that  iinmortalitie,inyyh(ch  they  shal 
he  equal  to  jfngel5,hutas  they  may  hs  fferfeH  intht<  ftlgrdmage.  And  in  his  bookc  de 
TVho  Is  per-  perfe(5H<5ne  contra  Csleftium.  he  de(cribeth  him  to  be  a,  perfeil  man,  thatrunr 
'{c€t  in  this         neth  yyithont  blame  towards perfeclion,  yosdc  of  damnable finnes,  a,nd  n  not  negligent 
life.*  to  cUanfe  yemalfmnes,  by  almes,  prayeis,  and  other  good  workes.  S .  Ambrofc  alfo 

teftifieth,  (ii.  deNoe&arcac.  4.)  thataibeit  the  world  was  verie  wicked,  yec 
fome  were  iuft,  faying:  Bj  theg^-ace  [or  fauoure)  ry.lnchKoe  found,  usly^yyedthat 
mther  nens  offence  doii}  not  obfcurethe  ittfi  man,  yyho  m  pray  fed,  not  by  tin  nobilitieoj  hu 
'birth, but  by-the  mertt  of  hit  iufliceandpc  rfeHion.  S.  Chrifoft.  moft  largely  (  ho.  15. 
in  Gen)  fetteth  forth  theiuHiiceand  perfedlion  of  Noc.  Whereafter  he  hath 
{hewed  thatNocdefcrued  in  decdeth'.;  name  of  a  man,  becaufe  he  by  flying 
vices,  and  folowing  vcrtuesconfcrucd  the  image  of  man,  when  others  like 
bcaftes  were  leddc  away  and  ruled  by  their  wiclced  luftcs,  procecdeth  thus  in 
»»  his  commcndatidn.  Behold  (fairh  he)  an  other  kind  of  praifc  :  Noe  is  called, 
'♦iuft,  which  dcnbrninationcornprehendethalvertue.  For  this  name  iufi  we  vie 
»•  to  pronounce  of  them,  that  cxcrcife  al  maner  of  verruc  .  And  that  yoii  maf 
'>  'krrie,  how  he  ariaed  to  the  very  toppe  which  was  then  alio  required  of  our 
'"nature,,  the  Scripture  fiith,  heyyas  iu[l,  bcpigperfe^  inhtsgefiei-ation.  He  petfor- 
»»  -ftiedwhacthinges  focuer  it  behoueth  one  todoe  thatembracethvertue,  for 
>>  fuchaoneispcrfcft,  he  inrcrmirrcd  nothing,  he  halted  in  nothing,  hcdid 
>'  not  wel  in  this'thin*;!; ,   and  finned  in  that  thing,  but  was  perfcdt  in  euerie  ver- 
»'tuc,  which  v/asrc^quditc'fdr  him  to  haue.  Morcoucrtomikeairothisiuft  man    .  , 

>j  tfi'otc  conrpic'iouSTo  vs  in  regard  of  the  time,  and  by  comparing  him  with  o- 
.j*ftIicts,thevScripEure faith,  he  yyas^erjeclinhi- generation:  in  that  time,  in  thftP 
o:    .    >-  pcruerf* 

Ndc.  Genesis'.^  ;z-5 

pcrucrfc  generation,  which  declined  vr^tocuiljWliichvonld  not  Gey  much  a.s  ,, 
pretend  anie  refemblancc  of  vertue  .  In  that  generation  thcriore,  in  thole  ,, 
times,  tha^iuftmannotonly  pretended, but  arriued  to  thatheightofyertue,  ,, 
that  he  became  perfed,  andinal  thingesabfolute  .  And  that  which  I  (aid  be-  ,, 
fore,  to  doe  wcl  amongft  the  enimies  of  vertue,  amonaft  them  that  forbid  ver-  ,, 
lue,  doth  alwaiesteftifie  a  greater  poyfeofvertue,{b  by  this  occafion  theiuft  ,, 
man  got  greater  praylcs.  Neither  doth  diuine  Scripture  here  make  an  enilof  ,, 
.  .         praifingliim,  but  further  fhe\»'eth  the  excellcncie  of  his  vertue,  and  that  he  ,, 
'*"'!*     wasapprouedby  Gods  ownecenfure,  for  bcfides  faying  :  He  yyM  perfect  m  htt  ,, 
"^  '"  "'    geno-ation^  itaddeth,  that  "Hoe  pleajed  Cod.  So  great  was  the  renowme  of  his  ,, 
vertue,  that  he  deferued  to  be  pray  fed  of  God"     For  Hoe  pleafed  Cod  faith  the  „ 
Scripture,  that  you  may  know  that  he  was  approued  of  God.  He  pleafed  that  >, 
cye,thatcannotbcdecciucd,  by  his  good  workes.  Thusfarre  S.Chrifoftom  ,, 
and  much  more  to  the  fame  efFedt.  S.Gregorie  the  great  in  hjs  fifth  booke  of 
Morales,  and  ^6.  chapter  vpon  the  third  chapter  of  lob,  recounting  certame 
principal  Patriarchcs  among  the  reft  faith  :Koe  for  that  hepleafed'cods  examma- 
tton  was  faued  alitie m  the  yncleane  vyorld  .  and  after  a  large  catalogue  of  other 
iuft  men  in  confirmation  of  this  dodrine,  that  fome  were  iuft  in  the  law  of 
nature  condudcth  thus  :    Neither  is  it  to  be  beleued  ( faith  he )  that  on'yfo  manie 
y-vere  iujl  before  the  layy  yyas  receiued,  as  Mo^fes  contraOeth  in  his  mcfi  briefe  de- 
fir  ipt  ion. 

75.  Threehunlredcuhites]  Apellesan  old  heretike,  fcholar  of  Marcian,  but  af- 

ter Icauing  him,  and  amongft  other  new  coynedherefies,  reieding  the  Law&      fffj  "^^ 
the  Propheres,  would  by  this  place  impugneMoyfes,  faying  it  wasvnponlble    ,  ^^'^^"f^' 
/as  was  the  arke  by  this  defcripno,  the  defigned  payres  ^^^^  J^"^l 

tne  rropt 

that  info  fmalerowmc,  as  wasthc  arke  by  this  defcripti* 

of  al  kindes  of  beaftes,  foule,  &  ferpcnts,  (hould  be  contained,  with  the  cignt  """""  '"  ' 

pcrfons,  and  al  their  prouifionof  meatc  for  a  whole  yearc.  VVherupon  he  truettcli 

concludeth  that  this  narration  (which  he  calleth  a  fable)  hath  no  probabilitie, 
nor  poifibilitietobc  true.  To  whom  &alfuch  calumniators  it  may  be  anfwe-  A  general  an- 
rcdjthat  Moyfes  cucn  in  an  herctikes  owne  coceipt,  if  malice  obfcured  not  his  fwcr  to  al  ca- 
fcnfe,  maft  necdes  be  thought  wife  ynough,  if  he  had  benne  difpofcdro  fayne  lumniators  of 
fables,  to  frame  them  prol^able,  or  poiTiblc,  efpccially  when  he  pretended  not  wife  andlear- 
to  fignific  a  miracle,  in  the  fmalnes  of  the  rowme  to  rcceiue  fo  much,  as  he  re-  ned  men. 
-  .     porteth.  Origentoanfwerhimfuppofetha  cubiteheremctioned,  to  haueco-  Qj.j^g„5    opj. 

tained  fix  ordinariccubircs:  and  fo  doubtles  the  arke  might  eafilycontaineal  nion  of  long 
*     "*'     thinges  thararc  here  fpoken  of,  for  fo  it  were  like  to  a  great  citic.  But  this  opi-  cubites  not 
nion  neither  hath  good  warrant,  that  cuer  the  itgyptians(of  whom  he  fuppo-  pj-Q^^bl  e. 
feth  Moyfes  might  hauc  learned  itjor  any  other  nation  vfed  fuchlong  cubites, 
neither  can  this  meafure  of  a  cubite,  be  agreablc  to  Moyfes  meaning,  who  no  j^oyfes  in  o- 
doubt  fpeaketh  of  thelike  cubites  here,  as  he  doth  in  othcrplaces.  Andin  tl^er places 
I        Exodus  hedcfcribeth  an  Altar  to  be  made  fiuc  cubites  long.  Hue  broadc,  and  can  not  be  vn- 
'■  three  in  height.  Which  would  be  by  Origins  meafure  (cuerie  cubite  conray-  jgiftoodto 
ning  fix  otdinaric  cubites,  that  is  nine  foote  at  leaft )  in  length,  and  hkewife  in  (ppake  of  o 
breadth  4f.  foote,  and  2.7.  foote  in  height.  Againe  (Deut.  3.)  Moyfes  telleth  long  cubites, 
of  an  iron  bed  ofOg  King  of  Bafan,  that  was  nine  cubites  lonjr,  Scfoure  broad.        ° 
Which  make  according  to  Origens  meafure  of  a  cubite,  fourfcore  and  one 
foote  in  length,  and  inbrcadth  56.  foote:  which  in  dcede  hane  no  probabili- 
tie. And  thctfore  .S.  Aiiguftin  and  other  Doctors,  fuppofing  that  Mofcsinal 
l.\^  emit  thgfg  bookes,  written  for  inftruftion  of  the  fame  people,  whom  he  brought 
*"•  ^7-        forth  of>^gypt,  fpeaketh  of  one  forte  of  cubites,  do  likewile  iudge  that  he 
meaneth  ordinarie  Scknowne  cubites,  which  contains  a  foote  &  a  halfecueric 

D  '  cubue,  ' 

t6  Gfnesis.  Noe. 

cublte,  at  Vitruuius  Agrcola  and  others  Ho  proue,  or  a  fo  ore  and  rhrcc  quar- 
ters of  a  footc,  which  is  the  greate'"':  cubitc,  thatfcmcih  to  he]ncnt:or.ed  ia 
holie  Scripture,  called  a  mans  cubitc,  or  fi^/j/rf  ofrfw-inj/z^'i.-/.  And  fo  rhcArkcjr,,^  , 
was  atleaft  in  length  4  5'o.  foote,  in  breadth  7  y.  in  height  45-.  or  at  moftin 
lenvnh  5 If.  foore,  in  breadth  87.  and  a  halfe  :  in  height  ^z.  and  a  halfe. 
And  either ofthcfe  capacities  was  (ufficicnt  toreceiacal  the  t hinges  hcrcmcn- 
tionedjConfidering  the  lofies&partions,  that  were  in  rhi:  whole  arkc. 

Chap.     VII. 

Koevvith his  fdmiliej  4ndp aires  ofalkjndes  ofl;>eafies  and  foulest  ^eipgm" 
;;Noev'2siufl:      tred into  the arl^e,  12.  it  ratneth  foitrtte  dates  and  fonrtie  night:,  21. 
not  only  by        ^^/  ^,,j^  ^^^^  q^j^^^  liuinr  CVS  fit  lire  s  on  the  earthy  jvithoitt  the  ^rkft^i'^ 
thcelhmation         1  n        j 
ofmen,butin        ^^poycd. 

decdeand  be-     A     ^^  our  Lord  faid  to  him:  Get  thee  in,  thou  and  al  i 
•^Obre^ruati-   -*^  ^'"^X  houfe  into  the  arkc  ;  for  I  haue  ("ene  thee  iufl:  -  in 
on  of  cleanc    my  hght  in  this  generation,  f  Oral  bcafts  that  are  "-creane,  i 
andvncleannc  thou  ihalt  take  feaueUjand  feauen,  male  6^  female :  f  but  j 
bcaflrcs  ^X  "^-  of  the  beafts  that  are  vncleane  two  and  two,  male  &  female* 
the  bw  of    '^  Yea  and  of  the  f^ules  alfo  of  the  ayre  feauen  &  feauen,  male 
Mnvfes.  and  female:  that  [^^dt  may  be  faued  vpon  the  face  of  the- 

::  The  He-      whole  earth,  f  For  yet  a  while,  and  after  feauen  dayes,  I  wil  4 
brew  word      rayne  vpon  the  earth  fourtie  dayes  and  fourtie  nights  :  and  1 
cd/r'ullb  of"^^^  cleans  dcftroy  al  fubftance',  that  I  haue  made,  from  the 
vaterffrom^   face  of  the  ear- h.  t   Noe  therfore  did  al  thinges,  which  our  y 
xi'hcuce  new    Lord  had  commanded  him.  t  And  he  was  fix  hundred  ycares  G 
f.jLinraynes      ^y^  when  the  waters  of  the  Hond  flowed  ouer  the  earth. 
^k'^^"? '.  T'!''^'^  t  And  Noe  entred  and  his  fonnes,  his  wife  and  the  wiues  of  7     '^^•^^-  ^4* 
?ha"cu^erimce  of  his  fonnes  \vith  himmto thearke,  becaufe'of  thewaters      '    ^**' ^7- 
or  before.        of  the  lioud.  f  Of  beaf  s  alfo.thecleane  and  the  vncleane  ,  8 
zt^rstbbah       ^^  of  foules,  and  ofal  thai  moucthvpon  the  earth,  f  two  &  9 
fignifiecK         ^^,^  vent  to  Noe  into  the  arke,  male  and  female,  as  our 
l^ndowes'by  Lord  had  commanded  Noe.  y  And  after  the  feauen  dayes  i» 
vhich  water    were  pafled,  the  waters  of  the  floud  flowed  ouer  the  earth. 
fell  downein  -j-  in  the  fix  hundred  ycare  of  the  life  of  Noe,  in  the  fecond  11 
greatabt'idan-  i-j^ongfj-^^  i^  the  feaucntenth  day  of  the  moneth,  al  the  foun- 
"r^eTcre  cal-  f^i^^s  of  the  -  greate  deaprh  were  broken  vp,  and  -  the  floud 
kd  Kcavien,       gates  of  heauai  were  opened  :  t  ^nd  the  rame  fel  vpon  the  rt 
S.Iiicr.']ueft.  earth  fourtie  dayes  and  fourtie  nights,  f  In  the  verie  point  ij 
Heb.S.Epiph,  ^^f  fj^^f  ^J^y  entred  Noe,  and  Sen^ai^d  Cham,  cV  lapheth  his 

folo!i^  S^'chT  ^o^'^c^  •  -'^"^  his  "^'^f^'  ^"^  ^^^  ^^^'^^^  "^'^"^^  °^^^^^  fonnes  with 
hoTj-in  Gen!  them  into  the  aike :  t  they  and  cuerie  beaft  according  to  14 


Genesis.  27 

tKcirkiniJ,  and  al  cattle  in  their  kindc,  andal  tharmoucth 

vpon  tlie  earth  according  to  their  kind,  and  al  foule  accor- 

i;  ding  to  their  kind,  al  birds,  and  al  that  ily  f  went  to  Noe 

into  the  arke,  two  and  two  of  alflelh,  wherin  there  was 

16  breath  of  hfe.  f  Andfuchasentred  in,  male  and  female  of 
al  fie ih  did  enter  in  ,  as  God  had  commanded  him  :  and  our 

17  Lord  "  (hut  him  in  on  the  out  fide,  t  And  the  Hoiid  grew 
fourtic  dales  vpon  the  earth  :  and  the  waters  incrcafed,  and 

18  lifted  vp  the  arke  on  high  from  the  earth,  f  For  they  oucr- 
fiowed  excedingly :  and  filled  al  on  the  face  of  the  earth: 

15J  moreouer  the  arke  fleeted  vpon  the  waters,  f  And  the  wa- 
ters preuailed  out  of  mcafure  vpon  the  earth :  and  al  the 
hiegh  mountaines  vnder  the  whole  heauen  -were  couered. 

io  t  Fiftene  cubites  higher  was  the  water  aboue  the  moun- 

II  taines,  which  it  couered.  f  Andal  flesh  was  confumed  that 
moued  vpon  the  earth,  of  foule,  of  cattle,  of  beail:s,and  of  al 

2i  creepers ,  that  creepe  vpon  the  earth :  al  men.. ,  f  and  al 
things,  wherin  there  is  breath  of  life  on  the  earth,  died. 

13  t  And  hecleanedeftroied  al  fubflancc,  that  was  vpon  the 
earth,  from  man  euen  to  bead,  as  wcl  it  that  creepeth,  as  the 
foules  of  the  ayre  :  and  they  were  deftroied  from  of  the 
earth  :  "  butonhe  Noe  remained,  and  they  that  were  with 

24  him  in  the  arke.  t  And  the  waters  held  on  aboue  the  earth 
an  hundred  fiftiedayes. 

Chap.     VII. 

iS.    shut  him  in"^  God  v/ho  by  his  only  w\\  could  in  a  moment  hauc  drow- 
ned al  the  reft  of  the  world,  faaing  whom  he  pleafed,  not  needing  in  any  thino- 
the  helpe  of  his  creatures,  yet  \K'ouId  vfe  both  natural,  &  fupcrnarural  meanes,  God  vfetli 
as  the  labour  ofNoe  to  build  the  arke,  new  fountaines  fpnngin^,  and  the  hea-  bo-ih  natural 
uenspowringdowne  water  fourtie  da  yes  togearher,  afterwar.^s  the  winde  to  andfuperna- 
dry  vp  the  earh,  and  becaufe  the  dore  being  great  (  for  Elephantsr  to  enter  m  )  tural  meanes,' 
li.dcnoe  ^"d  was  to  be  firmed  without  (asS^  Ambrofenoteth  )  for  better  ind-uring  the  asfecundaric 
O-  arcj,  forcible  waters,  could  not  commodiouily  be  clofed  by  Noe,  our  Lord  {  by  the  caufes,inpro- 
r.  15.     '  mniiftrieofAncels)  s/n.r /j/>w;»  on  f/jco«<fy?.^e,  to  teach  vs  by  al  this,  and  the  like  ducing,con- 
difpofitionofthings,  that  albeit  his  Diuineomnipotencie  can  do  what  he  wil  feruino-,  go- 
al alone,  yet  he  wil  haue  his  creatures  to  concurre  and  cooperate  as  fecundarie  uerning,  pu- 
caules,  fomcrimes  naturally,  fometimcs  fupernaturally,  or  miraculoufly,  as  it  nifliing  ,  &  in 
plcafcth  his  goodnes  to  impert  to  them  powrc  and  vertuc-  rewarding  hi» 

J.3.      e«f  ""'7  ^'''f]  As  thereisnotaniething:naltheoldTeftament,from  creatures, 
the  creation  of  the  world  til  the  coming  of  Chriflr,  more  notab'c,  more  admi- 
rable, or  of  greater  importance,  then  this  hiftofie  of  the  general  floud  5  fo  was 

D   3-  there 

iS  Genesis.  Noft 

AI  ormoft  there  nothing  ( though  al,  or  moft  chanced  to  them  in  figure)  that  cuer  more  i.Cor.i^ 
thmgesin  the  aptly,  more  liucly,  or  more  exadly  prefigHredChrift  andhis  Church,  with 
oJd  leltament  the  reft  ofal  mankind,  then  did  Noeand  the  arke,&  the  drowning  of  thereft 
bein  figure  of  ofthc  world  in  that  deluge.  Which  S.AugUftin  declareth  in  many  places,  but  Efoif.l 
thenew,&no  moftefpecially  and  of  purpofb  in  his  twelfth  booke  againft  Fauftus  thcMani-  s-deBabi 
hgurc  more  chee,  ftom  the  14.  chapter  to  the  21,  and  in  his  fifteenth  booke  of  the  citie  of  tif.c.ii. 
cxaa  then  the  God,  in  the  two  laft  chapters  :  where  he  (Keweth  at  large  both  the  certamric  deyntt* 
floud  of  Noe.    of  the  hiftorie,  and  that  as  cerrainely  it  was  a  figure  of  thi'^ngs  in  the  new  Tefta-  teLccUf. 

meat,  and  withal  the  great  congruitiebetwen  the  figure  &  the  things  figured,  ca.  5. 
How  the  Do-  The  fame  did  Oiigcn  explicate  (  Gen.)  S.  Gregorie  (homi'  In  Vfal. 
dors  apphe  Ezech.)  Rupertus'f  li.  4.  comment,  in  Gen.  c.  yr.  &  {equenr.)  and  diners  other  loj.  ^ 
the  figureto  afitient  Dodors,  confirmingtheirexpofitionsbyS. Peters  tcftimonie,  faying:  131.  ser. 
the  things  fi-  In  the  arke  afeyy^  that  height  foules( or  pedbns  )  yyerefaurd (  from  drowning )  tt- 
gured.  by  yvater,  ■vvhcruttto  Baptifmeheing  of  the  hke  forme  myy  [Am  thy  oualfo .  And  by  pvre. 

our  Sauiours  wordes  faying  :  ^s  in  the  days  of'Koe,  fo  iJ)alalfo  the  conimingof  the  i.  Vet.  j. 
Noe  fio-nified  ^onneofmanhe.  In  fumme  the  Dodors  teach, that  Nocfignifying  rfj?  was  afi-  Mat'.-i.^. 
Chrift.^  S"^^  of  Chrift,  the  very  reft  ofmans  foule.  Whom  who  focuer'^foiowcth  flird  Lttc.  17. 

Thearkethe     fi"di"cft  for  their  Icules.  The  ail;e  fignificth  the 'Church-,  the  forme  th-erof 
Church.  being  fix  times  fo  long  as  broad,,  and  tenne  times  fo  Iongashiegh,,refcmbleth 

the  proportion  of  mans  bcdicj.yincr  prone  orproftrate.  The  dorc  in  the  fide 
Entran'-c  into  ^'^P''^^^^'^^'^^'^^^^"""'^!^  thrifts  fide,  from  whence  flowed -the  holieSacra- 
the  Church'b  "^'^■"'"'  ^^  wi'^i'^h  the  futhful  enter  into  the  Church,  and  are  fanftified.  The 
Baptifme  ^  ^  timber  wherof  the  arke  is  made, &  the  waterbearing  it  vp,fignified  the  CrofTc 
Vertue     f  S      of  ChriPcand Baptifme. For ^^?>roe  (faith S  Auguftin  )  tt«/; /;«,  yyas  deliueredhy  li. 

theyyattr  andtheyyoode,  fo  thefumUisofchnfh^  by  Baptifme Jignedyyith  Chufi's  paf-   Baptif\e* 
meth  from  "    -^'"* ""  ^^''  Crof'e.  Likcwife  the  fquarnes  of  the  timber  which  both  fuftayned  the   14. 
Chriftis  Paff'   ^'^J'^cn  ofal  contayned  in  the  arke,  and  xefifted  the  boyftrous  waucs  of  the 
'    floud  be.>Jting  without,  did  fignifie  fuch  men  in  the  Church,  as  be  conftant& 
Dodors  a  d    ^'^'^"'^^-™^yi^^'-'^^'-'^-^'^^'^c'^^^tions:efpecialIy  godlic  &  lerned  Dodorsand 

Y)  n         •      ,     Paftors,  who  by  worde  and  example  vphold  and  cofirmc  the  faithful  people  in 
raitoresin  the    1    mn-  -i  •  j      ■  t  n     ^1      ^  •  itt         t  n  ^t      t    f 

Cl     rch             alahii6.ionswitnm,and  withftandandconuincc  al  Hcrctikes,  and;other  Infi- 
dels that  oppugne  the  Church  without.  Againc  the  hicgher  &  lower  rowmes 
Varietic  offta-  'wifh  the  midle  chambers  &  third  ioftes,  &  other  diftindlions  of  cabinets,  and 
tesand  orders  p^i'titions,  and  al  fortes  of  liuing  cre:itures  clcancanAvncleanc ,  receiued 
in  the  Church  therin,  did  fignifie  the  varieties  oi"aI  ftatcs  &  fundions,  and  diucrfitic  of  ma- 
ners  and  mcritesin  the  Church,  in  which  arc  pcrfons  ofal  degrees,  Clergifc  and 
Good  and  euil  Lai  tie,  Potentates,  Princes,  fubieitcs,  good  and  euii-  The  moft  ftrong  feind  of 
in  the  Churc  h  glev/ called  ^;>»»we!i,  fignified  the  permanent  or  euerlafting  ftabilitic,andvn- 
Perpetuitico  feparableconexion  of^the  Church,  by  the  grace  and  continual  afliftancc  of  tjhc 
theChurch.     Holie  Ghoftconferning  the  fame.  Theconfummatioilof  the  arkcinonccu- 
Vnit'e     fth     bite  fignified  the  vnitie  of  thcfame  Church,  which  is  one  inal  times,  andpla- 
^i        ,             ccs.NcithcrwouIdGodalmightiehauemanie  arkes,for  Noe  andhisfonnes 
orother  creatures,  nor  manie  chiefc  rulers  ( though  he  would  that  of  them 
fhould  come  manic  Nations)  but  one  only  arke,  and  one  chiefc  gouernour 
One  chiefc       therof,  and  that  al  without  the  fame  Hiould  corporally  dye,  to  fignifie  that  al 
poucrnour'      which  dye  without  the  Church  do  perish,  and  arc  eternally  dammed,  wher-        .„ 
rl,^rK„,.^u       upon  S.Hierom,  amon";ftotherFathcrs,  flicweth  thatal  within thcChurch,     ^/  *''^'^' 
that  communicate  with  the  Sea  Apoftohque  ( wncnn  S.  Dam.alus  late  then 
'    .        gouernour)  are  as  rhofe  in  the  arke  of  Noe,  and  al  SchifmatikeSjHeretikes  *"*/**! 
Nofaluation   ^^^^  other  Infidels  are  in  like  cafe,  with  the  reft  of  the  world,  that  were 
out  of  the       drowned  with  th?  floud. 
•^^"^^  Thcciidofthcfirftagc,  A  BR.IEFE 

Gin  ISIS.  ip 


STATE    OF    THE    CHVE-CH,    AND    FACE    Of 

Religion,  in  the  firft  age  of  the  \rorld . 

From  the  creation  to  Noes  fioud:thc 

fpacc  of  I  6  5  ^.  ycaics. 


Ere  according  to  our  purpofe  mentioned  before,  wewilhrlefyrt- 

Cite  cert iine  principal  points  of  I{eligion,  taught  and ohferiied in  the 

firft  a^e.  In  "^hich  the  foundations  of  the  true  maner  cffermnr  God  ( th^l 

should  he  continued  to  the  end  of  the  '^•orld)  "^ere  UidyAnd  projferedm 

fome,  <vs  4ppearcth  in  thefe  feuen  frfl  chapters  ofccnejls.       But  JirHoftil, 

y^e  ihalmtwo  yi;ord.\  repete  [a^itU  clerly  feathered  m  the  fame  holte  Scrip' 

tare)  the  j} ate  of  man  before ^  dnd  immediAtly  ajter  his  fall,  bem^  the  ftibte^ 

to  "^hom  at  thin  fertayneth. 

^fter  the rf ore  that  God  had  created  other  things,  both  in  heatiendnd  "^^^^  made  C(J 

earth,  U(l  of  al  he  made  Man,  to  hif  cjvne  ima^e  and  Ukenes,  yt>ith  ynder-  ^^^^  image , 
.  ■'r   /,  I     J     ■     I  1  1     ^  J  r        ■  I      J  and  in  happi« 

fandingand  freewil,  therm  itke  to  ^ngeis,  and  fitperior  to  al  other  crea-  ^.^^^^ 

tures,  and  fo  made  him  Lord  and  maifler  ofal  earthlie  things.  Neither  were 
thefe  thegreatefl  benefts  which  God  bejlowed  on  man:  for  his  dminegoodnes 
indued  alfo  this  hU  reafonahle  creature,  with  mnocencie  c?"  original  mfi^ice, 
whereby  al   things  were  mofl  rightly  ordered  Withif^  him,  and  about  him.  Man  obeyed 
His  mind,  wil,  and  reafon  were  obedient  to  God,  hisfenfes  Cr  inferior  pari  God,  and  al 
oj  his  faille  werefiibiefh  to  reafon  \  his  flesh  and  bodie  obeyed  thejfirite  •,  and  carthhc  crea* 
al  earthlie  creatures  obeyed  him .  God  alfo  adorned  t»an  mith  excellent  ^ 

k^noxvledge,  both  natural  and  fuptrnatitral.  ^nd  albeit  hit  bodie  wa4  of 
corruptible  fnbj^ance, yet  the  f^me,  and  dl  hispoferitit^if  they  had  not  fin- 
ned, should  hauebenne  conferned^  and  Without dying,haHe bennetranf.a-  .. 
ted  to  euerla  fling  life.  Thus  man  w^  placed  in  Par^dife,  and  Eue  there  p.^"fw^  ^ 
made  of  a  ribbe  of  his  fide,  to  be  his  mate  dndynfeparalle  companion,  at 
man  and  '^ife  loyned  m  Manage,  with  Gods  bUfh-i^^for  tncreafe  and  mul^ 
tiplication.  ^s  appeareth  in  thetwojirft  chapters  of  this  bookf. 
2cde.  7,       ^^^^  Q^^  hauing  made  man  right,  he  intangled  him  felfe  (a^s  holie  ^an  fcl  br 
x,i.4f.      Scripture  If  eaketh)  with  infinite  queftions.  For  the  diuel  enuying  mans  yelding  to 
fehcitie  tnuegled  our  mother  Eue^ith  ^neflio^s  and  lies,  and  then  by  her.,  tcnution*. 
f-rfl  feducedanddeceiued,  allured  alfo  ^dam  to  the  tranf^ref^ion  of  Gods 
commandment,  ^ndfo  th:y  lofi  original  itiflice,  ^hch  ^lam  had  receimi 
for  him  felfe  and  dl  mankjnd'.dnd  al  proceeding  from  them  bj  nutttralpropa- 

$0  Genesis^ 

Original         gatiort  are  home  tie  children  of'^rathy  in  origin aI  fwne  coniucledfrm 
^^^'  ^damyjlaues  of  the  diuel,  not  only  fiibie^  to  temporal  death,  hut  dfa 

dre  excluded  for  eiierfrom  hemenly  hlife  andglone:  except  by  chrifs  redem- 
ption particularly  applied^  they  be  reftored  fo^ace  O^  infiice  in  this  life, 
^nd touching  yCdam  and  Eue,  ^hofeftnne  "^as  not  original  but  aBua!^ 
Adam  and        direStly  committed  by  them  felues,  Gods  mercie  [o  reclamed  them  by  new 
nitent^^^*^  ^^°^'*"'«^f>  ^^^'  ^hey  dejfarednot  { as  Cam,  andfome  orhers  did  afterwards )  but 
Tiffithhope  of  remifionTlfere  Jorte  and  penitent,  and  accordingly  receiued 
penance,  and  redemption.  For  G"o^  brought  Adam  from  his  Cmne  (  m  sap,  19, 
holie'^ritte  teftifieth  )  and  the  fame  is  (oUefled  of  Eue,  God  shewinn  the 
like/tgnesofbis  prouident  mercie  towards  thembothf  of  "^hich  Tve  shal  ly 
und  by  note  fame  for  example, 

Noiv  let  ys  fee  the  more  principal  points  of  faith  and  I{eltgionprofe(fed 

Faith  la  one      dndohferued  by  the  Church  of  God  before  Noesfoud.  Firfi  they  bcUeued  m 

QoA.  one  Eternal  and  Omnipotent  God,  Ti>ho  made  the  "whole  "World  and  al  things 

therin  of  nothing,  "which  is  eafely  confejfedofalthat  are  not  plains  ^theifls, 

and  may  be  proued  again/}  them  by  reafon .   ^ad  therfore  ^dam  and 

other  Patriarches  could  not  erre  in  this  Article ^nor  others  be  ignorant  therof, 

except  theyxt  ere  "Very  "wicked. 

The  blcflcd  j'lje  My(}crie  alfo  of  the  Bleffed  Trlnitie,  three  Diuine  Perfons  in  one  God, 

ixmitic.  though farre  aboue  the  reach  of  mans  reafon,  yet  Was  beleited more exprefly 

by  fome,  more  implied  by  others,  and  conprtted  from  age  to  age  by  tradition, 

at  leaf  amongjl  the  chief e  heades  and  leaders,  ^herupon  Moyfes  afterrvardes 

inftnuated  the  fame  great  Myfterie,  by  diuers  Wordes  andphrafe^.  Writing 

of  God  and  his  'Workcs.  The  two  "Wordes  God  created  //  they  be  rightly  con- 

ftdered  importefo  much.  For  the  "Word  Elohim,God,  in  the  plural  number^ 

ftgntfyeth  plfiralttie  of  Perfons  {for  manie  Gods  it  can  not ftgni  fie,  feeing 

there  is  but  one  Gcd )  and  the  lierbe  bara,  created,  in  the  ftngular  number 

firnfyethoneGodmnautreandfubflance,  albeit  three  Perfons.  For  what- 

Though  the     r    g  ^^^  j^ff^  ;^  creatures,  is  the  tVork,e  of  the  whole  Trinitie :  thouirh  k  lie 

B.  Tnnine       J      .  ,     r       ■  ■       r  1  ^     ■      r.    r      r 

workc  ioynt-  Scnptures  do  oftentimes  appropriate- jomeWorke  to  one Diufne  Perjon,jome     - 

ly  in  al  crea-  to  an  other.'which  alfo  proueth  di(lin[lion  of  Perfons  m  God.  So  the  wordes 
turcs.ycr  di-    Qq^  created  heauen  and  e:inhfignifiethe  Father,  to  ^ihotj  po^rre  is  Gen.  i. 
ueis  workes     attributed.  Ill  the  besinning,  ftznifie  the  Sonne,  to  whom  wildome  is 
fo  aiUindl        appropriated,  andtheWords,  The  Sprite  of  God  moued  oner  the  \ra- 
V^iiQjna.  ters,Jfgnife  the  HoHe  Ghoft,  by  whofe bountiful  goodnes,  the  "Waters 

y»erema4efruiflful .  Lik^Wife  Godi  owne  Worde^  :  Let  vs  make  man 

pgnife  the  pluralttie  of  Perfons,  and  Image  and  likenes  in  the  ftngular 

number yfigmfie  one  God. 

Men  alfo  .(new  by  ftith  man'ie  thirds  perteynin^  to  them  flues.  ^>  that 

fiht  bodie  was  mudc  oftheflime  of  the  earth  :  the  fouk  not  produced  of  anie 


Genesis.  31 

thinr formerly  ext/!injry  hut  created  in.medtatly  of  nothingand naturally  By  faith  the 
irr.morial:  that  thefoi-.le  of^dani  n  as  indued  jV'th grace  andiujfice  :  that       !^  °   °^p" 
hefelfrom  that  haffpie  fate,  hj  y  Iding  to  ttntatton,  and  brcakingCodi  \^^^  ijxiowae-  ' 
corrtmandmirtt  of  ahPimfnce  :  that  for  tic  j-me  j-nne  ^dam  and  Eue  Were 
caH  forth  of  Farad  ife,<;nd  A  nianlind  (ulmfl  to  death,  andother  caUmtties, 

Forrertitdie  ,igatiifl ftt:nef  C  rejiaitraticn  tog:  etc,  they  Lelcetted  in  Chrift  Beleefc  in 
froTTjijed  to  be  bo?ne  cfthervomans  feede,ivho  by  his  death  should  conquer  Chrift  to 
theivicl{ed  frpent,delit.c)  man  fomcaptiuitie^andrcfiorehim  to  fpiritual  *^0"^^« 
life,   ^p.d  ibis  is  ihe  eanje  of  the  perpetual  cnmitte  hiiWcn  the  wcman 
{e(fccu!ly  the  mojlblefftd  Ftrpn  Mother,  of  TV  Lorn  Cbrift  tooke  fiesh)  and 
the  jerpent,  andbefH>en  her fcede, the  ffintat'-  children  of  Chnsf,  and  the 
ferpentsfeede,  the  '^hole  compame  of  tie  Wicked.  ofthii  battle  andeonqiteU 
T^rghnTn  Hltrofo!imit;'.numthusJj>eaketh.T\\QiQ  fl-al  bercmedicand 
liealrh  ro  the  children  of  wcmcn, but  to  dice,  oferpentjthcrc  ihaJ  ^<^"^^^'^  ror 
be  no  medicine,  yea  they  (hal  tread  thee  vndcr  their  fcerc,  in  the  foiAneels  that 
latter  dayes,  by  the  powre  of  Cbrift  their  King.  Lileitfe  Codsfamt'  fel.  Hcb.i,u. 
liar  Conner fation  Ti;:th  diners  men  in  mdns  shape  {Gen.  i.  5.  4, 6.  snd  7.  wns 
A  ftgne  ofchrifs  incarnation  ^nd  the  Sacrifces  immoUtcd did p n jig- irate 
jfpoc.      his  death,  iniefpeB  'jihercf  it  is  faid  in  the  ^fpoialips, ThcLzmht '^'as 
ij.|.       flaine  From  the  btginniing  of  the  vforld.  But  more  cxprefly  s.  Fml 
tefi  ijiethytl  at  yCi>el,  Enoch,  and  Noe  leleened  in  Chri?l,nirntno  them  for 
example  ofib  fi-ft  age,  and  others  cf  other  times,  and  in  the  cndonlndeth^ 
Hch.  II.  tharmimi mjreiDdn^ approued by  the fime  faith, receiuednot  the 

proniife  ( to  wit  in  thc:r  lifetime }  God  prouiding  that  they  without  None  R^mit* 
others  ( ofchc  ni  w  L  *w  )  thould  nor  be  confaramatc,  that  i<,  not  ad-  ted  into  hca» 
ht-aaen'ie  ioyes  Cr  fruition  of  God,'\ntd  the  way  of  eternal  "cn  before 

mil  tea  inio . 

glone  were  opened  by  our  Lords  P.,J^ion  and  ^frenftor;.  Cbalt^ 

Neither  did  the  true  feruants  ofCodj  in  tbofe  frsf  d.-yes,  only  heleeue  in 

hart,  but  they  alfo  profefied  their  faith,  cr  Reli^ian  by  r*  ternal  Rites,  name^  ^  ,  „ 

,     •       ^,    ■        r  i,     *i     ,1      J^    ■  I  }      "^  r      ■         ^     I       It  Externals** 

ly  in  off  cm  g  of  Sacrijicc  {the  rKdji  jfecul  kom^tg'  zsr  \  to  God)  nkich  criCcc. 

>V  c'.cily  tcjlified,  (ha.  ^ .  (tf  %V:l hloudie  inf^hre  o-  chr./ls  raJ?:or7,i(^  vnblo-ii 

die  m  figure  of  the  hoLeEuchariff  ^Ifo  1  he  accepting  of  the  cne  nghtly  ofe- 

tid  by  iyf'e!,  cr  reie fling  the  other  not  donmftncerly  by  dir,  wa  declared 

hy  external  fgnes,  "^hich  Cam  d-ifd.tyning  and cnujirgh'u  brenhers  ^oad 

"Wor/^f,  k^noWing  hisowneto  be  n aught, ofrr. ere  malice  k.iU^'d  htf  b,9ihcr, 

Befides  Sacrifce  tbn  had  alfo  other  J^l^tes  inpidlejue  ^pmb!ies,prajing  VuhWqttt 

/nd  inuofdtmg  the  name  of  cur  Lord,  inmore  foUmne  naner,from  Enos  prayer  witJt 

timt  and  fo  forward,  according  to  that  if  recorded  of  limyin  thi  end  of  the  d^cr  Rite*. 

fourth  ehdpter,  for  douteles  ^dam,  ^bcl,  and  Scth  did  alfo  pray  andcd2 

YponCod,4nd  therfore  it  yip 04  fvme addition  or  iocrcife  of  fokmnitic  in 

thefermce  0/  Goij  Jfbicb  is  referred  to  £nos^ 

5^  Genesis. 

^Kr*"^°"^^^  7*^9  hadmoreouer  other  ceremonies:  ofthefeumth  dayfrnUuhrly  hUffed  Get*.i,f» 

Fcaft«^"°"^*    rfWy4«/?^fi/  hy  God,  kfj^t  holie  by  ^dam  and  other  Patriarckes,  a^  ^Uen 
Abftinencc.      ^^  fvitnejfeth  in  his  commentaries  "ypoa  th<  tenne  CGmmandements.  ofdb-  cen.  19, 
Cleanc  &  yn-  Jfa^nin^Jjom  meates,  for  it  femeth  the  more  god  lie  forte  dideate  no  fi^sh,  cm,  5, 
*^'""^  yejfore  the fioiidyfffhichle<t4  after  permitted,  obfiruation  of  cleane  and  '\n-  ^^^l'"*-' 

xzill  prater'  ^^'^^^^^^?'^f^^  ^*<^^fi"'  of peculiar  pUces  dedicated  to  reltgiom  "V/fi  where  ^^^'  ^' 

'  people  mette  together  to  pray.  Liljvife  diuers  other  things  in  thefirfi  age  were 
Figures  of     fi^^^t^of  ChriRs  Sacraments :  the  Spirite  of  Godgeuingpowre  to  the  waters,  cen,  1. 
Chrifts  Sacra-  ( 04  TertuUtan  S.  Biercm  and  others  expound  it)  andthefloud  of  Noe,by  S. 
ments.  Peters  teJJ-imoniey  werefgures  oj  Baptijme,  Manage  in/^ttuted in  Paradtfe,  is  i . Vet.^, 

Eapn  mc  ^^^  -y^^^^  pateme  ofholie  Matnmonie,  a  Sacrament  in  the  church  of  chriff^ 

^  '  where  one  man  and  one  "^'ife  are  onlie  Utvfuly  and  not  rttore  at  once  in  ante 

Wife  yChriH  reforming  that '^'hich  tn  MoyfesUw  '^  as  tolerated  {for  hardnes  xt4t  r«, 
of  mens  hartes,  andforazoydingmurther,  fput  away  one  "^ifcy  and  take  an 
other )  to  thisfrfi  infnuiion  as  it  was  in  the  beginning,  wo  in  one  flesh,  ce.  1,14 
f  cnancc.  ^"^  ^^^^^  ^^^  more.  The  repentance  of^dam  and  Eue  '^ai  a  perfect  andex- 

amplarefgurt  of  the  Sacrament  of  Ptnance.  FirH  they  '^ere  ashamed,  coue- 
Contrition.     ringtheir  mkeines^  and  hiding  them  felues,^7hich  shewed  their  grief e  and  cett.  j. 

forow  forthejinne  committed.  Secondly  thty  confej^ed  their  fault,  and  by 
ConfcfTion.      Jirhat  meanes  it  happened.  For  God  examining ^dam,  he  anfweredJruly 
and  Jimp  ly  famg  ;  The  >roman  which  thou  gaueft  me,  to  be  my 
companion,  gaue  mc  of  the  tree  and  I  did  eate.  LihvifeEueconfejied 
fincerly,  faying :Thc  ferpent  decciued  me,  and  I  did  eate.  Thirdly 
SatkFadlion.     Godgatu  them  penance  (bfjidfidcdthbeftre  threatned  and  other  penalties 
dnntxed)  that  Eue  ihould  in  paine  and  trauel  bring  forth  her  chil- 
dren •■,  and  Adam  ihould  eate  his  bread,  in  the  fweate  of  his  face. 
^nd  Tvithal  cafl  them  forth  ofParadife.  But  not  forth  of  kit  fauoure,  ^  dp' 
feared  by  his  making  them  garments  ofskjnnes,  granting  them  and  their  ^0- 
Irom  hence  is  Jferitie,  the  refl  of  the  earth  to  liue  and  labour  in,  effectally  to  feme  him,  and 
ta  '^'''^  ^_^^ '^^'  flopf„^„ce.  With  admomiticnto  remember,  that  of  duF!m.w  wa^  made,  and 
ashes    on         into  duf  he  shalreturnt.  ^l  which  werifgnes  of  loue,  and  that  finally  he 
Ashwcnefday.  would  bring  them,  andmanie  more  to  eternal  faluation. 

The  prjlbi.rne  and  heades  of  families  were  Prtfjlsal  the  time  of  thelan-  of 
PricHhood.      nature, '\ntil  the  Uw  being  changed,- God  took.'  Priefis  on^y  of  the  flockof 

y€aron,andth€rejl  ofihe Lewte^to  afijithemin  that  funclton,  Aaron  &  w?<»»  j. 
Pricfthood&   his  fonnes  thou  fhalt  appoint,  faith  our  Lord,  oucrthe  feruice  of  '°'  '** 
chrnaeToa^    Priefthood,  for  I  hauc  taken  the  Lcuites  of  the  children  of  Ifracl  +^- 
th.(iT°      °       forcucrie  firft  borne.  ^A'nds.  Pttul  teac^eth,  changing  if  Pnefrhood 
and chanrmrof  the  U\V goe alrvayes  together,  shewingenidently  thut  euerie 
Uwful com'Kknitie  orcommonwi'idth  vnder  God,  hath  external  PrieflLood. 
So  that  if  there  had  benne  no  dijHnil  order  of  exttrnd  Priefihood  in  the  law 


Gen  IS  IS.  $$ 

lutherii,  ofndtttre,  or  now  Jif  ere  none  in  the  Urv  of  grace  (  at  Trotejf  antes  fay  then  u 

de  abro'  ^Qf)  there  ^ere  no  Uw  <*t  al.  See  more  of  thu  point  m  the  yCnnottttionSf 

Vi^iTa.      ^^^P'  7*  *^'  ^f^^^*  ^^'^  ^^  of'h  o^frtu  that  ^IpcI,  Setb,  Enoi^  and  other 

Patriarches'Were  Priejfes  y  and  exercifed  prieflie  funflions:  yea  Cam  alfo 

"Jifas  a  Prieft  { thou'rh  a  bad  one  )  and  offered  Sacrifice. 

But  extremal  offices  or  miniferiey  "Without  a  ^el  di/po/ed  mind,  and  fit' 
cere  Itertues  producing  Goodworkes,  did  neuer  lufhfie  anie  man.  ^ni  <;oo<i  vvnccs 
Om.*,.  therf ore  Cams  Sacnjiccy  offered  TV ith  a  peruer/e  mmd^  ^<u  not  rtf^eVted  hy  n«:<^C"''^^'^- 
Cod^  oi  ^adilVM:  '^herupon  he  hecomin^yporje,  and  more  matictoiff, 
God  sh^r^ly  reproued  hit  anger  and  enmey  conceitted  Without  tuff  cxufe^  fay- 
ing: If  thou  docftwel,  (halt  thou  not  receiueagaine:  butifchou 
doeft  il,  {hal  not  thy  finne  forwith  be  prcfent  at  the  dore  Jc/er/y 
iheiVtng that  euerie  one  shai  recetue  according  to  his  Tljory^w. 

ThiifUcealfo  euidintly  sheweth  Free>x'il,  yea  in  a  wicked  man.  For  this  Prccu-iL 
expo^iiUtion  had  neuer  benne  I'tteredy  by  our  moft  reafonable  Lordy  and 
Maimer,  if  Cain  had  benne  depriued  of  freewd.  For  he  might  haue  excufed 
b^mfelf^y  and  mufi  needa  hake  benne  holden  excufed,  if  he  had  benne  forced 
to  do  4'ihidid.  But  God  charged  himoi  mexcufabUy  and  tn  one  that  k'let^y 
or  ought  to  know,  that  he  had  freerviL  ^nd  doth  further  inculcate y  that  » 

hi  hady  andsbo.dd  haueporvre,  andjreetvil  ouerhis  concupifcencey  to  correB 
thef-tmeyifhe  tvou'dy  faying  :ThQ  hift  thcrof  ihal  be  vnder  thee, 
li  it  fir-  and  thou  llialt  haue  domion  ouer  it.  So  that  no  fmntVy  be  he  neuer  fo 
uo  arhit .  ivickfjy  much  Itffe  a  iufl  mAn ,  lack^thfi-eewU.yet  Luther  abhorreth  the  liery 
/L^  ^'"  ^^^'^'  ^"^^  Calutn  miheth  (tout  of '.hi  Wodi. 
far.  s.         Temooral  punishni'^nt  ii  proued  to  bt  due  for  finne  remittedy  by  that  Temporal 

0*».i.      both  death,  and  »ther penalties  are  inflicted.,  by  Gods  iuf^ice  ypon  rnen,  after  ^r^^"^    ^^-  °^ 
•   /I  r      •  II'  -lilt  '■     ,  ,•'        iinne  rcmit- 

iu!tification,andbyt  e  particular punuhmtnts  laid  ')>pon  ^damandEuey  ted. 

conftfii  n  r  their  f,  u  'tt^ . 

Purgatorie  is  alfoproued  by  the  fame  iufice  of  God.  For  when  anie  dieth  Purgatoric. 
penitent y  andycthaaenot  madefulfatifiaHiony  they  mttJifuffer  for  that  re- 
mameth  after  dejth ,  and  be  pugedy  before  they  can  enter  into  refi.  which 
Uat-i.     remnant  of  debt  our  B.  Saiticur  calleth  The  laft  farthing,  andfaithy  it  mufi 
he  payed.  The  lewes  alfo  at  this  day  hold  the  doBrin  of  Purgatorie  by  tradi- 
tion, ^ndconfequently  they  Pray  for  foulcs  departed,  not  only  to  God,  Prayer  for  the 
htitalfo  to  the  ancient  Patri  arches  (which  likewife  sheweth  Inuocation  of  *^*^^^' 
^^^^.^      Siinds  )  m  thefe  wordes :  Yee  fathers  which   flecpe  in  Hebron  ,  ^"'^^o^^i"'^*- 
f  £'X     °P^^  ^°  ^"""^  f  ^^^  g^'es  of  Eden,  that  is  of  Paradije,  which  no*  pUnted 
JHiiOu .    tn  Eden.  ^<id  Hebron  is  the  place  where  .xlam  Was  buriedy  and  h>s  fepul-  Sepulchers  of 
icfuen.  cher  rehgioufty  conferu^d m  t'bi  time  of  lofuey  aboue  i^oo  yeares  after  his  Patriardics 
Oft'».  ij.    death.  The  jam;  is  the  place  which  yCjraham  bought y  and  there  buried  Sara  :  religioufly 
where  alfo  himfelfe,  and  ifaac,  and  Jacob  were  buried :  and  to  which  finally  ^^^^^^"^^^^ 

E  tkeb9- 

j4  Genesis, 

thehodiesofthetipeluefonnesoflacoh  n  ere trdnflated from  Stchem,  ^yfi  /<)• /'.icS'w- 
fephM  wnteth.  ^nd  iicbem  alfo  "^OtiS  fpediUy  honored^  hecAufe  ftuh  ^fr- "5*"*  J 
fons  hjid  benne  [;tiried  there,  at  S.  Uterom  Jitnnejseth,  of  his  owne  k.non  Itdge  Bpijt.  a^^ 
tnh'^time.  Tum.tit^i 

Enoch  tranf-        ^gtune  by  rcUgicHi  cure  of  burying  the  dead  in  this  firfi  age^  Enoch 
latcd  ahue.      -^a^  more  certatnlj  knowen  to  be  Tranflated  aliue ,  dnd  not  to  be  de.d. 

For  the  feuentie  interpreters,  and S.  Pauljay  He  was  not  found,  Vii'/rJ&    '"  ^' 
importet h  that  theji  fought  diligentljf.for.  hfWf:  and  that  his  bodie  xoitld  net         ,ro 
he  found,  for  God  tranflated  him. 

By  al.  "^htch  'Vee  fee  wutual  ojfices,  and  communion  of  roodyporkesa-^ 
cc^^^  '        mong'fi  p-ood  men  alitie  and  dead,  ^htch  ii  caUed  Comunion  of  Saintls. 

orbaincts.  »/''-'«  i     i     ;     i  t    ■       rr-  1  r        i         ;  / 

,,,  .„    .      r-   ^ndherem  Anzeis  lacked  not  their  off  icii.  For  God   et  Cherubms  to  k.epe  Gen.jy 
Minifterieof     ,  -  7 /-      j  ■  1  '      1  1  1  n  J  i  ■, . 

Ano-eU.  the  gate  of  Paradijey  tOAt  neither  man  should  enier,  being  mpLy  expelled  ^^' 

for  ftnnty  nor  diuels,  di  S.  yfugujiin  natetb,  lej}  they  should  tai^rfuite  of  H  11   de 

the  tree  of  life,  andgeuingit  to  men,  allure  them  to  more  Jinne,  ^nd  now  ^'^^  " 

Honour  of;      Sai\i6tsbeiog exalted  t<^y€ngehglorie,  haue  like  honorable  offices  torvanh  '  '    •♦   * 

Saiucb.  other  men,  4i  Angels  haue i  Tea  the  blond  of  ^bel  yniuflly  shed  by,Cairfy  <^»-4' 

anditillly  lobe reitengedly  God, shevreth  the  peculiar  honour,  yehub  God 
be/frfVeth  >fpo»  his  Saints,  for  their  ^/ertues  and  merita  in  th'u  life,  er  eft>e- 
ciallym their  death,  for  Precious  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  is  the  Y^!' 
death  of  his  SainAs. 

General  lud-         Hence  alfo  is  proued,  that  feeitigin  this  life  the  good  are  aff^t^ed^and 

gcrneat,  fhe  bad  oftentimes  proffer  temporally,  there  mufi  nedes  be  an  other  Court 

of  fxaSh  lujlicey  and  an  other  Reaconing  day,  wh^rin  eneneone  shal 
re<eiHey  accorduig  04  thiy  h^nce  donne  good  or  euiL  which  rva4  fnffmentfy 
intmatedby  Gods  difcupng,  and  mantfefling  ^hels  and  Cains  deferts, 
which  were  hidden  before^  and  in  part  rewarding  them  accordingly,  yet 
refriiinT  the  fid  nWard  (f  the  one  ,  and  punishment  of  the  other  to  the 

luclgeoftlie      next  world,  ofthe  ludge  and  his  fentence  Enoch  (  alleadged  by  S.  lude  the  g. -; 

world.  ^poflle)  p-^ficied  clerly  ,  faying:  Behold  our   Lord  comcth  in  his  i^d^.  y, 

hohc  thoufands,  to  doe  iudgement  aganftal,  and  to  reproue  al  M* 
the  impious,  of  al  the  workes  of  their  impietie,  wherby  they 
haue  donne  impioufly,  and  of  al  the  hard  things  which  impious 
fmners  haue  fpoken  againft  him.  Thnt  holie  Enoch  preached  touching 
the  Wicked ytvhich  thought  thert  W46  no  Ji^dgement  to  come,  nor  ludge  f 

^t  this  Indgcment  al  shal appeare  in  bodie  and  foule  returning  to  life, 

Refurreftioa.   For  that  Al  men  shal  rife  ^"ow  death  is  proued,  by  the  immortalitie  of 
mans  foule,  "^hich  God  did  not  make  nor  produce  of  corruptible  matter^  but 
immediatly  Breached  into  his  face  the  breath  of  life,  and  man  be-  ^'"-  ^'7p 
came  a  liuing  foule. /o/^f/o^/e  being  immortal,  and  hatting  a  natural 

Genesis.  ^y 

inclination io the hoilet  mam  nAturAlferfeElion  re^u'ireth  the  coniunBion 
of  hodte  and foule»  for  neither  foule  nor  hodie  fefiarated  ii  a  many  but  both 
ioynedin  one fubftflence  are  d  many  info  much  that  mjtnkjnd  should pcrtshy 
except  the  bodies  shal rife  a^aine,  and liue  with  the  fotilcs.  ^nd  then  shul 
the  bodies  be  qualified  according  to  the  fi ate  ofthefouleSy  hafpie  or  mfera^ 
hie  for  ener. 
it ».  J.         of  Eternal  Ii  fe  the  tranjlation  ^f  Enoch  l<  a  figure.  For  feeing  Cod  pre-  Euei  laftijig   ' 
feruetb  his  corruptible  bodiefo  longy  from  death  and  infrmitie,  it  if  a  token'^^^^- ■ 
and  manife^i  fi^ncytlut  by  the  fame  powre  of  God,  the  bodies  of  men  shul  The  blefTcd  ia 
at  la  ff  day,  after  that  al  men  are  once  dead,  rife  agd're,  and  rcmatne  with  ctcinalioy. 
thefoulesforeuer.  The  good  m  Eternal  ioy  :  the  '^ichedin  Eternal  paine.  The  wicked  ' 
oen.),      Both  ftgmfied  by  the  cujhdie  of  the  gate  of  Faradife  by  ^noels  -^"W  ho  for  inenJlcs     :  * 
*"♦'  etterkepe  out  tbofe,  that  are  Jill  deflc\d  with  ftnne,  and  fo  they  depart  into  P^^"^' 

fre  euerlaftng  y  and  admit  the  innocent  and  lufl  into  ^e  ktnedo-me  of  hea- 
uen,  yh)hich  p<  eHerlafingioy  and {rerfeflfe'icitie. 

Thu6  we  fee  the  face  and  brief  e  fumme  of  I^ltg.  on,  tn  the  beginning  of  q^^^^^^}^^^^^ 
the^orld,tilth?foud:andthefateofthe  Church,  "^hich  rroi  a Iwayes  y[{ih\c. 
Viiible,  conjtfiingof  men  good  and  bad.  With  a  continual  Succe  fdon  of  Succe(Ciono£ 
J^titers,  Oi  weljj>irttual  as  temporal.  For  thefrfl  borne  were  both  Prreftes  and  Pauiarches. 
fnnces  m  euene  famdie.  S^nd  amonrfl  the  fame  one  etter  chief  of  al.  From  Onefupreme 
whithranke  Cam  excluded,  or  rather  excluded  htm  f elf e,  by  Goinff  headofrhe 
j^"  "*'     forth  from  the  face  of  our  Lord,  "^herupon  holie  Moyfes  rcrteth  this  C^*"^^"" 
Celt  y.     Monarchical fuccef I  on  nf  one  chief  e,  and  Su^VQ\x\t  Headjjffcw  Adam^j 
the  line  fif  Stihy  Enos,  Cainan,  Malaleel,  lared,  Enoch,  Mathu- 
Cfn.j^y     fala,  Lamcch,  <<».'/  Noe.  Neuenheles  he  fetteth  downe  alfo  the  prop'enie 
^7-     ^  of  Cam  y  thefrH  beginner  of  a  tvorldlie  y  fcbifmatical ,  and  heretical  con 
ll.deVA-  «f«^^''^f  >  oppofite  to  the  Citie  of  God.   He  denied  Gods  proutdence  (  as    Cains  cega- 
fiare.c.     Thargum  H'.erofolomitanHmteflifieth  )  protejling  to  ytbel  y  That  there  tiucdodnn. 
8.  &.     \ras  no  luftice  nor  ludge ,  nor  other  >yorld  then  this ,  no  re- 
*®-         ward  for  vertue  ,  nor  punishment  for  /)nne,and  fo  dcfnerat- 
ly  he   killed  Abel,  of  thefe  negatiue  principles  proceeded  other  likt 
detefahle  opinions ,  and  mofl  wicked  life,  fanage  and  barbaroM  crttel- 
tie,  and  al  l^ind  of  impietie.  ^nd  in  procefe   of  time  albeit  w4»/>  True  faith  Ail 
remained  in  true  faith ,  and  '\nitie  of  the  Church,  yet  by  conuerfation  remained  in 

c,  ,     ^'/^/^'^^  ,'^'^^7;'";  'Jt'f^  by  cccafion  of  Manages  betwen  thesZcko  iuft 
fatthfMlandirJidels,  almoit  the  ^hole  World  was  corrupted  in  maners.  andpcrfed. 
Suf  Noe  Wis  tuff  and^erfeFt.  In  punishment  therefore  offo  great  and  enor'  , 
miousfmn'-s,  Gndfent  thegeneralfloud,  wherly  al  Cams  progenie,  and  al  of  hcrencaT 
other  t-nfidels  mere  wholly  deflrnyed and  extingmshtd,  and  the  true  C/f-«rf/;  Sinagogucs. 
n<9t-ibly  purged  \  onlie  iiift  Noe  and  his  familie  referued.  By  "^hom  the  Came  ^  -  •     ' 
,        _/'     P^.  ^-        I        I   I    ^J    }  I        ■  I     ■  J    ,         .     ^         Cotinuanceof 

true  Church  U**  continued,  and  the  ^^orldagaine  replenished  ^ith  men.     the  Church . 

'      E  i  Chap. 

Genesis.  Noc^ 

The  fccond      ^'  M''<^'^5  diminishing  hj  title  and litltyC  Noe  fendtth  forth  d  (roPPy  %\ 
acre  of^thc  After  htm  a  Joite,  thn/e :  i8.  L/ll^  ^^octh  forth  yvith  al  that  ^cre  '^itb 

^orld.  ijtfn  in  the  arkc,  lo.  ereBeth  an  ^Itar^  and offereth  S4cnf(c. 

The rhird parr     jk     JsJ  ^  God  rcmcmbrcd  Noc,  and  al  trie  beafts,  and  ai  the  \ 

Of  t!>c  new!-  -^  C^"^^'  ^'^^^^  "^^^^^  '^'"^  ^^'"^  "^  ^^^  ''^^'^^^^  '^^^'^  brought 
crcafe  &"miil-  a  winde  %'pon  the  earth,  and  the  vaters  dccrcafcd.  f  And  the    r 
tiplication  of  fountaines  of  the  depth,  and  the  floud  gates  of  heauen, 
the  w'orU.       -ij^rere  (hut  vp  :  and  the  raync  from  heauen  was  ftayd.  f  And    5 
the \raters  returned  from  the  earth  goirg  8c  comming :  .and 
they  begane  to  decreafe  after  a  hundred  fiftiedayes.  f  And   4 
the  arkc  reftcd  the  feaucnth  moneth,  the  feaueii  &C  tvemith 
dayofthemoncthvpon  the  raountaincs  of  Armenia,  f  But  $ 
the  waters  for  al  thatwerc  going  and  decrcafing  vntil  the 
tenth  moneth:  for  in  the  tenth  moneth,  the  firft  day  of  the 
moneth,  the  ropps  of  the  inountaines  appeared,  f  And  aftc^  6 
that  four  tic  dayes  were  palled,  Noe  opening  the  windowe 
of  the  arke,  which  he  had  made,  let  forth  a  cxowe:  t  which  7 
••  '^"'^  c'o^^c  ^pj-^j.  forth,  and  did  '■'■  not  returnc,  til  the  waters  were  dried 
into  th.c  cirkc,  "^'P°"  ^^^  earth,  f  He  ient  forth  alfo  a  doue  after  him,  to  fee  8 
but(asappca- if  the  waters  were  ceafcd  yet  vpon  the  face  of  the  earth. 
lethbytheHc  |  which  fmding  not  where  her  loote  might  reft,  returned  p 
bicw'text)go-  j.q{-,jjjj  into  the  arke:  for  the  waters  were  vpon  the  whole 
mie'rcftedT  <;arth  :  and  he  ftretched  forth  his  hand,  and  caught  her  and 
ponthcitikco    brought  her  into  the  arke.,  f  Andhauingexpededyerfea-  10 
uenmoe  dayes,  a^a.ine  he  let  forth  a  doue  out  o(  the  arke. 
t  But  ihe  came  to'him  at  cuentidc  ,  carrying  a  bough  of  an  11 
oliue  tree,  that  had  greeneleaues  in  her  mouth.  Nocther- 
t:Thev  enrrea  fore  vnd'erftood  that  the  waters,  were  ceafcd  vpon  the  earth, 
into  tiie  arke  -j-  And  he  cxpeded  yet  neuertheles  other  fcauen  dayes  :  and  it' 
the  17-  day,     ^^  f^j^j  forth  a  doiLe,which  returned  not  any  more  vnto  him. 
?crhof  tliTo-  tTherfore  in  the  fixt  hundred  and  one  yeare,  the  firft  mo-  15; 
rheryearcrfo'  neth,  the  firft  day  of  the  moneth  the  waters  were  cleanedi- 
thcy'remaj-     minishcd  vpon  the  earth  :  and  Noe  opening  the  roofe  of  the 
red  there  ii.  gj-l^^^  looked,  and  fawe  that  the  face  of  the  earth  was  dried. 
^^nucda'r'^  t  In -the  fecond  moneth,  the  fcuen  &  twentyth  day  of  the  14 
ccmic    ayc«.    ^^^^^^.j^  ^.^^^  ^^^^x^  ^^^  dried.j  And  God  fuake  to  Noe,faying:  ij. 
,  tGoc 

Noc.  Genesis.  '57 

16  t  Goc  fortli  of  the  arkc,  thou  &  thy  wife,  thy  Tonnes  and  the 

17  wiucs  of  thy  fcnncs  >»'irh  ihee.  f  Ai  cattle,  that  are  with  thee 
of  al  flesh,  as  wcl  in  fonh.s,as  in  bcn(lcs,&al  creepers,  that 

CC^epe  vpon  the  earth-,  bring  oiit  with  thee,  &  goc  yec  vpon  "Inthex^Kok 

18  the  earth  rincrcafe  and  mulxfplie  vponit.  f  Noc  rhcrfore  f^p^^^^^j,^^ 
went  forth,  and  his  fonnes  :  his  wife,  and  the  wiues  of  his  fouingnor 

i^   fonnes  with  him.  f  Yea  and  al  cattle,  heaftcs  ,  and  creepers  reaping,  nor 
that  crepe  vpon  the  earth,  according  to  their  kindc,  went  pUaiant  varic- 

20  forth  out  oi  the  arke.  f  And  Noc'biiilt  an  Altnr  to  our  Lord:  b^,°j  j"'^"'^^ 
and  taking  of  al  cattle  and  foules  that  were  cleane,  offered  &xnircrablct 

2:1  Holocaulbvpon  the  Altar,  -f  Andour  Lordfmelledafwecte  heuccfortk 
fauour,  and  faid  :  l  wil  no  more  curfe  the  earth  for  men  :  for  God  piomi- 
the  fenfc  and  cogitation  of  mans  hart  are  prone  to  euil  from  [5^'^  "'ore  lea- 
their   youth:   T  wil  no  more  therfore  itnke  euerie  Jimng  s.Amb.H. <le. 

22  foule  as  I  haue  done,  f  Al  the  daycs  of  the  earth,  -  feed-  Noc  &  Asc*. 
time  and  harueft,  cold  and  heatCj-fommer  and  winter^  night  c-  ^3* 
and  day  fl)al  not  rcfl. 

c  u.d  1.V.UU..    ANNOTATIONS. 
^':?''^  \  Chap..:   VJIL 

10.     nUfU  an  ^har]  "Moewithonti^if^Ve'ffe  commandment,  an<J  \x'ithou-t  Nocslacnfiee' 
Adzji  ofFereth. Sacrifice  to  God,  foi-  the  benefite  rcceiued,  in  his,  and  his  fa-  "1^"^<=  ^^Y* 
mihcffcouferuation,  v/ith  the  othci  liuing  creatures,  in  that  general  dduge  cf  c^^-''^°  ^    ^• 
I»Je  "Koe  th£. vy Olid, .rrdi^oyrinr  (  fai rh  S>  Ambrore)T'''»^  to  be  true  thjnktjgemn^y-vVhuh  i .  Voluntarie, 
(y  yArcA  iiprtfintei,  notcommanjid:  therfore  he  made  vo  delay-  Tor  the  yen »e  cf  a  gratjtd  z.Speedic. 
»  11,         mind  excludith  deu^ful  dfUher.niotJ,  and  he  th^rt  txftClfth,  til  the  d  btof  ihitrUeshe 

exaSletf,  if  an  -vn^-at^ut  perfon  Tor  more  folemmticy  he  dedicated  and  ,   Solcmnc, 
pcrmancnrplace,  forthispeculiardiuineieruice,  Bmldtn-^Ait  jthario  eur  Lcrd. 
,  The  Hebrcv/  word  %Ii:;be,ich  { of  the  vcrbe  Zabach,  tokil,  ormakefacriHcc) 

•  ^'*    andtheGreekcr/j'yj'«a/?fr(o;j,  figniiTe  3n  Altar  to  facrificc  en,  not  a  common 
^*'*  table  for  meatc.  He  offered  cf.theclcanc  and  beft  things  bccaufe  pure  and  4. Pure. 

deuourSacrificeisdueto  God.Mbreouc.i  it  vcas  large  :and  bountiful,  for  he      r,    ,     't  \ 
ofFercd  of  al  the  kindes  of  cleane  bcaftes  andfoulcs.  Finally  he  offered  them  ''  * 

iaHe/oc^«yTfS  where  al  was  burned  and  confumed  in  the  honour  of  God.  Kovr  ^.Holocaulb 
£/«>>.  T.  S^^iful  aJ  r^^is  was  to  God,  Moyfes  fignincth faying  :  C/o- lor*/ /wfjlcrfrf/rvft-/* 
Tfal  .so.  /'"♦<"*^'- not  that  either  anic  fwcetc  corporal  fauour  could  of  it  fclfe  delight  Sacrifice  is 
jjahe  I.     God,  who  is  the  moft  fpiritual  fabftance,  or  that  the  burning  of  ficfn,  bones,  plcafantto 
^mosi.  and  bowels  of  bcaRcs  could  yeldfwccte  faiiourjbut  the  deuout  mind  dccla-  God  :  not  foJr 
t^Al.T,      redbr  fuch  external  dutie  greatly  pleafed  God.  For  God  reauirc:h  both,  but  ^"C  exterrial 
JnflXiar-  fpecially  afincere  hart.  As  not  only  diuine  Sciiptarcs,  and  liolic  Fathers,  but  things  bur  foJ| 
itiq  4.  alfo  moral  Philofophcrs  teach  VS.  IC  -rytre  a  ^retttus  t/j;n^  (faith  Plato  writing  ^^'^  fioccrc 
S.Hnre    ofCiCxificcs)  lfGodh4drfff>e£}r4iheriothe^Jtesjat$d/a(rifKcsefmcn,  theu  to  then  nuad* 
o,  j/^t,  mittd,     lib.fmtts  frqJ^tKhti,   ' 

E  3  .Ch/.p. 

3^  Genesis*  K6i, 

Chap.    IX. 

0od  remweth  the  llefmgf^fmuUiplicationyydlLQpfthtUe^hng 

bnt  not  of  lloud.  8.  promifith  neuer  a^aine  to  defiroy  the  "^oild  by 
"^ater  21.  CbamTaW,  and  reported  huf  fath'rs  nakednes,  phich  Sem  and 
lit^beth  comred.  i^.fof  yvhuh  he  his  citrfed,  and  they  are  hlejfed. 

AN  D  Gpd  blefTed  Noe  And  his  Tonnes.  And  hefaidto  t 
tliera:  ••  Increafe,  &c  multiplie,  and  replenish  the  earth. 
manc5ment,or  f  And  your  terror  and  dread  be  i't  vpon  al  the  beads  of  the  t 

tations.  chap,.  Vpon  the  earth  :  al  the  fishes  of  the  fea  arc  deliuered  to  your 
^f.t.iS.  hand,  j  And"  al  that  mouech,and  liueth  ihal  be  yours  for  5 

meat :  euen  as  the  grene  herbcs  haue  I  deiiuered  al  to  you. 
t-^Saumg  that  "flesh  ^p'ith  bloud  you  ilial  nor  eate.  fForl  4  f 
wil  require  the  bloudofyour  foules  at  the  hands  of  al  beafts:  Uuitt-j, 

and  at  the  hand  of  man,  at  the  hand  of  eech  man,  arid  of  his 
brother,  wil  I  require  the  foule  of  man.  f  Who  foeuer  Ilial  6 
fheed  mans  bloud,  his  bloud  ibal  be  ihed :  for  to  the  image 
of  God  man  was  made,  f  But  ihcireafe  you  and  multiplied  '7 
and  goe  vpon  the  earth,  and  fil  it_. . - 

tThusalfofaidGodtoNoe,andtohisfonneswith  him:  8 
'\  Behold  I  wil  eftablish  my  couenant  with  you,  and  wirh  9  - 
your  fecde  after  you  :f  and  with  euerie  huing  foule,  thatis'i©^  t  .'.:v;>-. 
with  you,  as  welin  al  foules  as  in  cattle  <S<:  beafts  oFthe  earth   ,!.'!  '  ' ' '' '; 
thatarecomeforthoutofthearke,  and  in  al  beafts  of  the 
earth,  f  I  wil  eftablish  my  couenant  with  you,  and  al  flesh  ix 
fbal  be  no  more  deftroyed  with  the  waters  of  a  floud,  nei- 
•  .        ther  thai  there  be  from  henceforth  a  flqud  to  waft  the  earth. 

/       Y/if"     t  And'God  faid:  This  isthcfitrnc  of  the  couenant  which  I  11 
bow  was  be-      '         ,"  ,  o  •    1  ••        r     1 

fore,  but  vK'as    geuc  betwen  me  and  you,  and  betwen  euerie  Immg  toule, 
aotafigncjas  that  is  with  you,  for  perpetual  generations:  f  -mybowe  15  • 
God  faith       "sjf.ll  I  fet  in  rhe  clouds,  and  it  (hal  be  the  figne  of  a  couenant     '  -  • '  '•♦'•'^  • 
ifi^"uTibl'\or  betwen  me  and  betwen  the  earth,  f  And  when  I  il^alcoucr  '^'''':  ^t' 
men  to  re-      ^^^  element  with  cloudes  ,  my  bowe  flial  apprare  in  the 
member  liis      cloudes :  f  and  I  fhal  remember  my  couenant  with  you,  and  15 
promife.         with  eueric liuing foule  that  beareth  flesh :  ^ud  there  i^jal  no 
%7rTrl^  more  be  waters  of  a  floud,  to  diftroy  al  flesh,  t  And  my,  jf,  ^^^'^^ 
Quodiib.  '°    howc  fhal  be  in  the  cloudes,  and  I  llial  fee  it,  and  I  (hal  le^'^riw  ^4^^^  _^, 
A.jiQ,      '^      member  the  euerlafting  couenant,  that  was  made  betwen 


Gen&S!i:s.  59 

God  and  cucrieliuing  foule  of  al  flesh  \rhich  is  vpon  the' 
17  carrh..t  AndGodfaJdroNoe;  This  Ihalberhe  ligneofthe 

couenanr,  which  I  eflablishcd,  betwen  mc  &  al  Hesh  of  the' 
iS  earth. .  t  The  fcnnes  therfore  of  Noe,  that  came  out  of  the       l'jtwj\  ■  -•>; 

aikcj-NsercSem,  Cham, and  laphtt:  and  Cham  he  is  thefa-i     -«^'^  '-^     '; 
15)  thcr  of  Chanaan.  f  Thefe  three  are  the  fonnes  of  Noe  :  and 

••■  of  thefe  was  ai  mankind  fprcdouer  the  whole  earth.  .-rBjtliis  it  13 

.4,0,!,.  t  AndNoeahufbandman  began  to  til  the  grounde,  and.^l^j'^^li^tNoc 
ii.  planted  ia  vineyard,  f  And  drinking  of  the  wine  was  made  children"afccr 
11    "drunke,  and  naked  in  his  tabernacle,  f   "Which  when  thefloudS. 

Cham  the  father  of  Chanaan,  had  feene,  towit  that  his  fa-  Chnfoft.ho. 

thcrs  priuities  were  bare,  he  told  it  to  his  two  bretheren  ^9i"  G*^"* 
23  abroad,  f  Butindfde  Sem  and  lapheth  put  a  cloakevpon 

their  tlioulders,  and  going  backward,  couered  the  priuities 

of  their  father  :  and  their  faces  were  turned  away,  and  they 

i4  fawe  not  their  fathers  priuities.  f  And  Noe  awaking  from 

:'the  wine,  when  he  had  learned  what  his  younger  fonne  had 

-i;  done  to  him,  f  he  faid:  "Cmfed  be  Chanaan,  a  fcruant  of  fer- 

16  uantes  (hal  he  be  vnro  his  bretheren.  f  And  he  faid  :  Bleifed 

ij  be  the  Lord  God  ofSem,  Chanaan  be  his  feruanr.   f'^God 

enlarge  lapheth,  and  dwel  he  in  the  tabernacles  of  Sem,  and 

28  Chanaan  be  his  feruanr.  t  And  Noe  lined  after  the  floud 

29  three  hundred  fiftie  yea  res.  f  And  al  his  day cs  were  in  the 
whole  nync  hundred  fiitie  ycares  :  and  he  died. 

Chap.     IX. 

M.  7.         ?     j/lthatmeueth]  S.  luftinus  Martyr,  S.  Chrifoftom, and  other  anfijnt  Volontare  .-iB> 
119.         Dodorsproue,  that  fieflivc^as  lawful  to  be  earen  before  the  floud:  but  being  ftinencevp-jtit- 
Ho.   17.  not  neceilaricjbecauf^  men  were  ftron^er,  and  other  things  aUo  of  more  outcomanA- 
m  titn.    force,  thebetter  forte  which  were  of  Sechs  race  abftaincd  from  it.  But  after  ^^j^^^ 
the  floud  flelli  being  more  neccilarie,  God  altereth  that  cuftome  ot  abftinence, 
vith  this  limitation  and  commandment,  that  they  (Kal  noteatcbloud. 

4.    Flesh  y-fith  bloud  ]  Though  this  pofitiue  precept,  of  not  eating  bloud, 
feniedwel  to  make  men  more  abhorre  manflau^hter  (which  is  forbid  by  the  Ahflinenfa 
lawofnaiure,  an  ithcreuengetherof  here  and'in  other  places  feucrly  thre-  from  blond 
atned  )  yet  it  was  fpeciallyr^euen  both  immediatly  after  the  floud,  and  in  the  Tome  timr« 
,     •.         law  of  Moyfcs  (with  manic  the  like)  to  cxcrcifc  men  in  obedience.  And  the  commanded 
*  lamcwas  renewed,  for  a  rime,  by  the  Apoflies,  to  appease  a  controucrfie  in  notalvacjJU 
the  primitiuc  Church.  For  that  the  Icwcsconuertcd  10  Chrift,  hauin^  bennc 
*^^-  ^S    long  accuftomed  to  this  obfcruation,  could  not  indure  to  fee  it  broKcn,  by 
tkc:iifclues,  or  othei  CktiAions,  aad  being  no  great  burden,  for  tke  Gentiles, 

40  Genesi'^.  Noe 

irwas decreed  tkatalfliould  kcpc  it.  And  fo  peace  vas  made  Neuenhclcsh 
vffasaboUilicdwhcntKecaufeceafied.AsS.AuguRindcc'.aictliagainftFauftus  //..,t.r. 
theMaiicIice.Sacliistheaiichoritieof  tbc'Ckuich  to  decree,  and  againe  to  ^.' 
N      r       d       '^^^'^^"^  ^^'^'^^'ctuationofachingofitfclfeindifferciu. 

■  ^^"^  ii-     Orww'f  ]   No2  finned  not,  by  the  ctjmmanuidgement  of  ancient  Fa-         ,   . 

:  ocm  dimi-     ^j^^j.^^  -.^  ^j^^j.  he^_j5  oueicomc  mth  winc,.bccaure  he  kievsr  nor  the  force  f '/,?'*" 
cnncs:  therof,  h.uiing  drunck  only  water  al  his  life  before.  But  this  .external  rebuke,  '"^        ' 

and  vforiaiie  difgrace  happened  to  Noe,  in  figure  of  Chrift  naked  on  the  ^^^  . 
Naca-figurc  CroQe.  As  S.  Cyprian  (Epift,  ^j.  ad  Caecdium)  S.  Auguftin(Ii.i6.  deciuit.  c.  z.  '^•y'"*- 
bfChriit  & contra Fauftum  Manicheutn.  c.  13.  &;  14)  Eucherius,  E.upercusand  ^     [.'  , 

Scm  and  la-     others  ( ypon  this  place)  do  teach.  And [ik\vi[c  that  Sem  and  lapheth  werc.a  ^'        T" 
pt'.eta  figure  figure  of  the  Church  confi;tiHg  of  levies  and  Gentiles,  and  Cham  of  Here-  *'-5°-  ** 
oftheChurch,  tikes, and othcr.Infidels,  that  deride  the  infitmirics,  which  our  Sauiour  fu-  ^J"^ 
Cham  oflnfi-  ftayncd.  Goe  to  nov/  (  yce  Manichees,  faith  S.  Ausruain)  obiea  calumnies  r^'**^'*' 
<^k.  „  to  tbeaiicicnholie  Scriptures,  doefo,  yec  children  of  Cham,  to  whom  naked       "  ^^" 

,,  flefli  fctncrh  vile,  by  vhich  your  feluefc  .^»'ere  begorrea.' Tor  neither  could  '^' ^^' 
,,  yccby  anic  meanes  haue  benne  called  Ghriaians,  except  Chrifts  as  he  was  "'^i 
„  fortold^by  the  Prop hctes,  had  come  into  the  world,  had  drunck  thatcuppe     '*'*^- 
,,  of  his  viny^rd,  which  could  not  pafie  from  him,  had  llept  in  liij  pafTion,  as  in 
,,  drunkenncs  of  folie  ( which  is -wifer  then  men )  and  fo  the  infirmitie  of  mortal 
„  flelh  ( which  is  ftrongef  then  mtti}'  had  become  naked,  by  tht  fecret^counfcl 
„  ofGod,whicli  infirmitie  vnlcs  the  word. of  cod  had  tak^ri  vpon  him,  the 
„  very  name  Chtillian,  whcrof  yeealfo  gloric,  had  not  benne  acal  iiithcearrli. 
^vVi    r\  ^^'   ^'*'^*^'^^''*^'""*'''*"]  ^"^^^X  Chanaan  the  fonne  is  curfed,  andniot  his 

VVhyChana-  father  Cham,  diucrs  yeld  diners  reafons.  S.Theodorctus  rcpoiteth  otftofthc 
an  js  curtcd      Hebrew  Dodors  ,  that  Chanain  a  boy  firft  faw  his  grandfathers  mkcdnes,   ?•  57-  *• 
^ther  then      andtoldthe  fame  to  his  father,  and  fo  they  both  d-rided  that  they  ftioukl   ^"»' 
;Ciura.,Chaais other  fonncsnotoiF^iuhng.andthcrforc  not  his-v/holc 

progcniebutonlyChanaan&hispoTteritie  were  here  curfediby  Noe.  S.  Chri-  ho.  if^ 
ibftome  fuppofeth  thatfor  fo  much  as  Goa  had  blcTcd  Noe  &  his  three  fonncs 
coming  forth  ofthe  Arks,  he  could  not  prefurac  to  curfe  anie  ofthofe,  whom 
God  had  bIc(rcd,rlicrfore  curfed  Chanaan  who  in  wickednes  was  like  to  hisfa- 
Sinncs  puni-    thcr.  S.Gregoricbringcth  this,  forexampleofwicked  men,  cfcapingpunifli- 
{hedinthepo-  meat  in  this  life,  andare  puniflicdin  tbcncxt,  andintlic'irpoftcriticfolowing 
fteritie.      .        their  vices,   ff^hat  meaneth  n  (tk'nh  US')  that  chxm  (Inning,  chdiMun  his  foune 
hadfentence  ofreMn^t,  hut  that  thefinnff  of  the  rept  obate  t>ro!f>tr  here  in  this  hfe  -vnre-    %1oral, 
ThecfFe(S^of   w*",?"^? '''"'''»■' /'«*'»"'>*'^'*A"">''v-<»ij.^  And  cicre  it  is  thatChanaans  moftwicked 
Llcffmo-  and     pofteritiC  wercfubduedinthecnd,  and  mod  of  them  deflroied  by  the  chil- 
corfing.  drenoflfraelfwhowereofScm)  vnd^r  the  conduft  of  lofue,  according  to    ^ct.  tj." 

Noes  prophetical  blclfm^  of  Sem,  and  curfing  of  Chanaan.  Hom.ri. 

laphctht'blef-      ^^'  ^"'^'^"''''■c?'']  ^l^'*bls'^i"got*/4;'/>ef^  was literaly fulfilled,  when  (accor-   iphef.x. 
^P  '  ding  to  his  name,  which  fignificthLrffiwi^  or  enlargement)  his  plentiful  illiic    Tradu 

Literal  poffcd'ed  moft  ample  countries,  both  inthe  Continent, and  Ilandes.  Butmy-    Hebra. 

Mvftical  'ft'cally  it  had  efFcd  (  As  S .  Hieiom  .   S  .  A'U";uftin.  Rupertus  and  others   u.\^ 

*'   ^  •         .cxpcund  It)  when  the  ApoMcs,  being  Icwes  ofthe  race  of  Sv:m,  firft  bail-    mt.  c.t, 

rdedtheClviiftianChurch,  whcrin  the  raoft  part  of  that  nation  rcfufed  to  dwcl,    i*.  r  t  e^ 
contemning  Chrifts  Gofpel&  grace,  and  the  fulncs  of  Gentiles  cntred  in,  and    t^.cont 
tE^ow  Hereri-  vere  madeinhcritcrs.  Finally  Chanaan  isferuant  to  both  Scm  and  lapheth,  in    Eaufl. 
Iscs  fcrue  Ca- tli^tHerctikcs  being  vnder  the  lurifdifbionofthc  Church,  gearhered  of  le-    Li  ^.c, 
^h^iigues.       wcs  and  Gentiles,  feruc  to  fturvpCatholiques  diligence  to  more  exa£t  knov-   j8.  i» 
Lcdgcofalt;-iith>  and  their  patience  to  more  mcrice  and  gloric.  c*». 



Chap.     X. 

The  geneAlogle  ofN^es  children ,   bj  whom  the  ^'orld  rv^i  increajed 
dgAtne,  4fter  the  fond, 

t   'Tp  H  E  s  E  are  the  generations  of  the  fonnes  of  Noc,  Sem, 
X    Cham,  and  laphefh  :  and  children  were  borne  to  them 
z    after  the  floud.  f  The  children  of  lapheth;  Corner,  and  Ma- 
gog, and  Madai,  and  lauan,  andThubal,  and  Mofoch,  and 

5  Thiras.  f  Morcouer  the  children  of  Comer:  Afcenez  and 
4  RiphathandThogorma.  f  And  the  fonnes  of  lauan :  Ehfa 

;  and  Tharfis ,  the  Cetims  and  the  Dodanims .  f  Of  thefc 
were  diuided  the  lies  of  Nations  in  their  countries,  ech  one 
according  to  his  tongue  and  their  families  in  their  nations. 

6  f  And  the  I'onnes  of  Cham  :  Chusi  and  Mefraim,  and  Phut, 

7  and  Chanaan.  f  And  the  fonnes  of  Chus:  Saba,  and  Heuila, 
&  Sabatha,and  Regma,&  Sabathaca.The  fonnes  of  Regma: 

8  Saba,  and  Dadan.  f  Moreouer  Chus  begat "  Nemrodthe  be- 

9  gan  to  be  mightic  in  the  earth,  t  and  he  was  a  valiaunt  hun-  . 

ter  -  before  our  Lord .    Therofrofe  a  prouerbe  :  As  it  were  "  That  is      : 

10  Nemrod  the  valiaunt  hunter  before  our  Lord,  f  And  the  ^",  "  ^S^^ 
beginning  of  his  kingdome  was  Babylon,  and  Arach, and  bedecduci'. 

.II   Achad,  and  Chalanne  in  thelandof  Sennaar.  f  Outof  that  ■  "' 

land  came  forth"  AlFur,  and  builded  Ninme,  and  thefireets 

II  of  the  citie,  and  Chile,  f  Refen  alfo  bctwen  Niniue  and 

15  Chale  :  this  is  the  great  citie .  f  But  Mefraim  alfo  begat 

the  Ludimj,  &  the.  Anamimsj  <Scthe  Laabims,  the  Nephthu- 

14  ims,  t  and  the  Phetrufuns ,  and  the  Cafluims:  of  whom 

15  came  forth  the  Philiftims    ScT  the  Caphtorims .     f   And 
\6  Canaan  begat  Sidon  his  firfl:  begotten ,  Hetharus  ,   f  and 

17  lebufarus,  and  Amorrh^Eus,  and  Gergefa^us,  t  Hcu^eusand 

18  AraciEus:  Sin$us',  t  and  Aradius,  Samara'us,  and  Hama- 
thxus :  and  aftcrwardes  were  fpred  the  people  of  the  Chana- 

19  nits,  t  And  the  limitts  of  Chanaan  were  from  Sidon  as  we  -^eiiceS.Aa- 

'      „  ._,  .,     ,  r>     1      •     s;ultin2;eatlie- 

ccmetoGeraraeucn  to  Gaza,  vntil  thou  enter  to  Sodoma  reththac  the 

20  &c  Gomorrha,  and  Adama,  &c  Seboim  euen  to  Lcfi.  f  Thefe  people  of  IC- 
are  the  children  of  Cham  in  their  kinrcds,  and  tongues,  and'  i-^'  ^^^^c  cal- 

11  generations  dc  lands,  and  nations,  f  Of  Sem  alfo  ::\fither  of  J,f\i^3^"^// 
al  the  children  of  Hcrber,  the  elder  brother  of  Lipheth  were  °j^^  c.  3.  ciuitl 

12.  bprnc^ .   t  The  children  of  Sem :  /Elam  and  Ailur ,  and 

F  Arpha- 

4L  Genesis'  Sem* 

ArphaxaJ,  and  Lud,  and  Aram,  f  The  children  ©f  Aram :  2j 
Vs,  and  Hul,  and  Gcther,  and  Mes.  f  And  Arphaxadalfo  14 
hegat  Sale,  of  whom  was  borne  Hebcr.  f  And  to  Heber  ij 
srHebcr  ha-   were  borne  two  Tonnes:  the  name  of  the  one  was  Pha- 
uinsra  fonnc   jg^^ ::  becaufc  that  in  his  daycs  was  the  earth  diuided  :  and 
5'he'ron'^ues     ^^"^  brothers  name  was  ledan.  f  The  which  ledan  begat  16 
were  diuided    Ehuodad)  and  Saleph,  and  Afarmoth,.  larc,  -f  s^nd  Aduram,  ij 
called  him       and  Vzal ,  and  Decla,   f  ^""^  Ebal,  and  Abimael,  Saba,  28 
Fhalc2,winch  I  and  Ophir,  and  Heuila,  and  lobab.  al  thefe  were  the  chil-  29 
iln  s'auI' h'  ^^^"  of  ledran.  f  And  their  dweUing  was  from  Melfa  as  we  30 
i6^c.  II.  cluitgo^^^"^'^'  ^^^  ^^  Sepharamountaineintheeail.  f  Thefe  are  3J 
the  children  of  Scm  according  to  their  kinred  and  tongues, 
and  countries  in  their  nations,  f  Thefe  are  the  famiUes  of  ji 
Noe,accordingto  their  peoples  6(rnations.  Of  thefe  wcj:c    . 
"  the  nations  diuided  on  the  earth  after  the  floud.. 

Chap.     X. 

Ncmrodkjns  ^-  '^•^"'^''"^■]  To  this  Nemrod  the  fonnc  ofChus,fiiflbuildcrandkin«;  "of  j|^;.j.f,^.; 
of  Babylon,  a  ^-'•^/^O'^j  lofephus,  S.Epiphanius,  S.Hieiom,  S.  Auguflin,  and  generally  al  jinti(jit.. 
futtic  Ic  crJcl  ^^^'^"'^^'^^'^"^"^'^"^^'^^^^''^'^y'^*"'*^'^'  ^"^firft  letting  vp  of  an  earthliecitic  l.^ntiq. 
criant,  oppofitctothc  Citieof  Godaftcrthefloud.Hcwasar<:/»a»f,orrathcrar»».  chalda. 

^       '  Imt  hunter  n  giant  huuter(  faith  S.  Auguftin, according  tothc  feucntic  Intcrprc-  Li.i.c.i^. 

tcis)  M'hobyfaliLoodand  force  brought  manic  vnder  his  dominion.  For  he  inofee. 
fturrcdvp  pride  {faith  lofephus)  and  contempt  of  God  in  men,  auochingthat  //.j^  r.j. 
An  Arch-hc-     theywere  not  beholding  to  God  for  prcfentfelicitie,  but  to  their  ownc  ver-  ^.(<^ij^ 
rctike.  tuc;  andfofuppofuigmen\roaldfal  fromGo<itohimj,if  heoflFercdhim  felfc  ciuit. 

a  leader,  and  helper  againft  a  ne\s7  floud,  by  litleandlitlc  drewal  to  tyrannic.  Eerojus 
He  was  otherwife  called  Saturnus,  and  was  at  length  amon^ft  others  ac-  jinMiastc. 
counted  a  god.  After hin-\  hisfonneBclusIupitcr  (as  moftauthors  affirmc  )  U_  4.^5. 
raigned  6$.  yeares.  And  then  fucccdcdNinus  the  firft  king  of  the  Affirians.      Ettfthius 

II.     ^ffur  buUdedKiniue  ]    Her?  is  great  di/ficultic,  and  much  difputc  a-  in  chron,. 
mongftwrit.ers,  whothis  Afluris.  Briefly,  wc  may  either  fay  with  lofephus,  (^al^. 
AiTur,  fonnc      an*l  S.Auguftin,  tbatAflur  the  fonnc  of  Sem  builtacitic,  which  afterwards 
of  Sem  ,  or       Ninus  of  Chams  race  enlarged,  enriched,  and  changing  the  name  called  it  /;.j^^„- 
Minus  king       Ninumror  elsthatrhisword^y/rnhcrcfignifieth  (as.4.Rcg.T;.rfal.  81.  Efais  ,,    '^^  ^,. 
•f  Ailirians.      lo-  &  31- )  the  king  of  AfTirians,  to  wit  Ninus  the  fonne  of  Belus,who  asal  hifto-  /_; 'j^.p* 
ries  greeke  and  barbarous  reporte  (  faith  S-  Hicrom)  was  the  firft  that  raigned  j_^,-^,>^ 
oner  al  Afia,  &  among  the  Afllrians  built  Ninum  a  citie  of  his  owne  name,  £ufeb.i'tf 
which  thcHebrewcscalNiniue.  He  fet  vp  the  Monarchic  of  the  Allirians,  f/„.p„, 
called  the  golden  kingdom,  which  ftood  1140.  yeares.  And  made  his  father 
BcIustobehonoredforagod.To  whom  thcBabilonians,  asPlinic  teftificth, 
r,.  firft  ercacaaatuas,altarcs,&  temples.  Of  this  BehuorBelof  Babylon  were  ^'*«-  IJ>' 

Iirft  falfc  ^ji^-^  dcriued  other  falfe  goddcs,  as  Belial  the  god  of  Libertines,  or  without  ^"«'"'  iJ- 

gudries.  y^].^^  BeclphcgorgodofthcMoabitcs,BeelzebubofthcAcharonitcs,Baalin  4-1f?i. 

Somalia,  BaaUm  ainongft  the  Philiftims  ;  and  the  like  in  other  nations.  J.«.f^-i^ 

}i.  Tlje 

Sem.  Genesis^  43 

31.     TheTiattons]   Hov  manie  Nations  and  tongues  jrerc  in  titcvorld  im- 
mcdiatly  after  the  towrc  of  Babylon,  is  more  comonly  fuppofcd,  thca  cleriy  ji^^  common 
flicwed  ky  old  or  late  writers  .  Only  it  femeth  ccrtaine  and  euident,  that  opinion  of*-i . 
there  were  iuft  as  manic  tongues  as  Nations  .But  to  finde  prccill y  ( as  the  com-  tonrnes  is  not 
mon  opinion  holdcthj  71,  is  hard.  For  in  this  chapter  (where  they  vould  clcre  in  Scrip- 
countthisnumberjarcnotmentionedfomanic.Neucrthelesif  we  addc  cer- jm-^^ 
taine  that  bcganc  diftind  Nations  afterwards ,  til  lacob  with  his  children  Yet  this  ni'm- 
wcnt  into  ^gyptf  in  whom  only  the  Hebrew  Nation  and  Tongue  continued  berof-nations 
S.  sMug-  to  Chrifts  time,  the  number  wil  come  right.  Of  lapheth  were  borney.fonne.s -^^(1  ton^rucs 
i^-<"-5-    chiefe  of  Nations.  Againe  of  Gomer(befides  his  ruppofcdfuccedbr,  who  can  ^^ay  ^e  proba- 
^^*^'        not  be  counted  begmner  of  an  other  diftincft  nation)  came  z.  other  heades.  bly  aeathered 
LikwifeofIauan(bc/ides  his  firft  fonne)  rofe  j.more  nations.  Of  Cham  by  in  this  and  o- 
hisfirftfonneChuswerc  6,  nephewcs  princes  of  nations.  Ag.iine  of  Regma  ^h^r  places  of 
(befideshisfucceflor)  came  one  more.  And  Ncmrod  befidcs  liis  kingdom  of  (3 j^gfis. 
Babylon,  rayfedvp  other  tf.  Bv  his  fecond  fonne  Mefraim  came 8. nations, 
Chams  third  fonne  Phut  made  ouly  one  nation.   And  Chanaan  his  fonnes 
made  II.  wiore.    Of  Sem  (laft  mentioned  for  better  conneding  the  maine 
Hiftorie,  andfucce/uon  ofthe  Church)  camethc  chife  and  principal  Nation  The  Hebrews 
the  Kebrewes^dcf-ending  from  him  by  Arphaxad,  Sale,  Heber,andfodiredly  chiefe  of  thcfc 
to  lacob-  OfSemaUb  were  borne  4. other  Tonnes  beginners  ofrations.Againc  nations, 
of  Aram  (befides  his  Srft  fonne)  were  3  fathers  of  nations.  Likwife  of  Heber 
{  befides  the  Hebrcwes  defcending  by  Phaleg  )  were  borne  to  his  other  fonne 
lecian  13.  heades  ofnations.Thefcarcalthatarenamed  in  this  place:  to  wit, 
«»».  14.   of  lapheth,  II  of  Cham  33.  and  ofSem  II.  which  make  in  al  66.  wherunto  if 
ij.  we  adioyneNachor  (Abrahams brother  )  Moab,  and  Ammon(Lots  fonnes) 

17.  alfo  Ifmaelf  Abrahams  eldeft fonne)  and  his  ilfutby  Cetura,  and  finally  Efau 

af,tf.         (lacobs  brother)  who  made  6.  moredi{lin(fc  nations,  the  whole  number  is 
ij,  15.      7i.  This  probable  collcdiion,  with  the  reft,  we  fubmit  to  bctteriudgemenc. 

Chap.    XI. 

Cod  hindcreth  the  l^aine purpofe  of  building  A  hie^h  totVre^  7.  by  confcun-  xhc  fourth 
ding  mens  tongues,  5?.  'Sfherof  it  is  exiled  B  Abel.  10.  The  gene  xlogie  of  part  of  this 
Sem  to  ^br Am,  booke. 

Of  the  diui- 

1  A    N  D  the  earth  >ras  of  one  tongue,  and  al  one  fpeach.  ^^°?  oftoguc* 

2  X\^'\  And  when  they  remoued  from  the  eaft,  they  found  ^" 
5  aplainein  theland  of  Sennaar,  anddweltin  it.  f  Andeech 

one  faidto  hisneighboure  :  Come,  let  vs  make  bricke,  and 

bake  them  with  fire.  And  they  had  bricke  in  ftced  of  ftone, 

4  and  bitumeinftecdofmorter:  f  and  they  faid:  Come,  "let  vs 

make  vs  a  citie  and  a  towre  ,  the  toppe  wherof  may  reach  to 

heauen  :  and  let  vsrenowne  our  name  before  wc  bedifper- 

5  fed  into  al  lands,  f  And  our  Lord  defcendcd  to  fee  the  citie 

^   and  the  towre,  which  the  children  of  Adam  builded,   f  and 

he  faid;  Behold,  it  is  one  people,  and  one  tongue  is  to  al:  and 

F  1  they 

44.  ^Genesis.  Scm, 

they  haue  begunnc  to  doe  this,  neyther  \ril  they  leauc  of 
from  their  determinations,  til  they  accomplish  thcmindedc. 
t  Come  ye  therfore, "  let  vs  goe  do\f  ne,  and  there  confound  7 
their  tongue,   that  none  may  heare  is  neighbours  voice. 
•:Hcthatfpca  f  And  to  our  Lord  difperfed  them  from  that  place  intoal  S 
J^^^'^^o'^o"^"-  lands,  and  they  ceafed  to  build  the  citie.   f  And  therforc  ^ 
's  not  vnSei^-     ^^^  name  therof  was  called  Babel,"  becaufe  there  the  tongue 
ftoodisfaidto  of  the  whole  earth  was  confounded  :  and  from  thcnccour 
bable.  Lord  difperfed  them  vpon  the  face  of  al  countries. 

■f-  Thcfe  are" -the  generations  of  Sem:Sem  was  an  hundred  i© 
riMoyfcs  here  yeares  old  when  he  begat  Arphaxad,.  two  ycares  a^'ter  the 
fucceSon  of  ^^^^'  t  And  Scm  liued  after  he  begat  Arpl^axad,  f  uehun-  11 
Patriaiches,  <^^c<i  yeares :  and  begat  fonncs  and  daughters,  f  Moreoucr  11 
from  Ssm  to  Arphaxad  liued  thirtie  Hue  yeares,  and  "begat  Sale.  I  And  15 
t^'^A^A^'f^  Arphaxad  hued  after  he  begat  Sale,  three  hundred  three 
from^AdanTt'^o^^'^'^^^'  ^^^  begat  fcnncs  and  daughters,  f  Sale  alio  liued  14. 
Noc.  S.  Aoa;.  ^^^^^'^^^  yeares,  and  begat  Heber.  f  AndSalcliucdafterhe  15 
Jl  If  ci.  begat  Heber,  foure  hundred  three  yeares:  and  begat fonne^ 

and  daughters,  f  And  Heber  hued  thirrie  fourc  yeares,  and   i^ 
begat  Phaleg.  f  And  Heber  hued  after  he  begat  Phaleo ,»  -17 
foure  hundred  thirtieyearv>s  :  and  begat  fonnes  and  daugh- 
ters,   f   Phaleg  alfo  liued  thirtie  yeares ,    and  begat  Reu.   18 
t  And  Phaleg  hued  after  he  begat  Reu  ,  two  hundred  nine   15? 
yeares,  and  begat  fonnes  and  daughters,  f  And  Reu  hued  20 
thirtie  two  yeares,  and  begat  Sarug.  -f  Reu  liued  alfo  a^ter  11 
he  begat  Sarug,  two  hundred  feauen  yeares:  and  bcgat_. 
fonnes  ScT"  daughters,  f  And  Sarug  hued  thirtie  yeares,  and  ii 
begat  Nachor.  f  And  Saru^  hued  after  he  begat  Nachor,  25 
two  hundred  yeares  :  and   begat  fonnes  and    daughters . 
t  And  Nachor  liued  nine  and  twentie  yeares,  and  begat  2^^ 
Thare.  f  And  Nachor  liued  after  he  begot  Thare,  an  hun-  2j 
dred  and  nintene  yeares  :  and  begat  fonnes  and  daughters, 
f   And  Thare   liued  feauentie  yeares ,  and  begat  AbraiTL*  x6 
and  Nachor ,  and  Aran,  f  And  thefe  are  the  generations  27 
of  Thare:  Thare  begat  Abram,  Nachor,  ScT^Aran.  More- 
oucr Aran  begat  Lot-,,   t  And  Aran  died  before  Thare  his  2S 
::  Vr  a  citie,    father, in  the  land  of  his  natiuitie  in--  Vr  of  the  Chaldees. 
or  teiritorie     -f  An  -I  Abr'am  &  Nachor  maried  wiues :  the  name  of  Abram  25? 
of  Cnaldea.     l^is  wife  was  Sarai :  and  the  name  of  Nachor  his  \(''ifc_x, 
and  lofephus  Mclcha  the  daughter  of  Aran  the  father  of  Melcha,  and  the 
Jj,  I  Antiq.     father  of  lefcha.  -f  And  Sarai  was  barren,  neither  had  (lie  50 


Scm.  Gekesis.  4y 

51  children,    t  Thare  therfore ••  tooke  Abram  his  fonnc, and  Abram\fa 
Lot  the  Tonne  of  Aran,  his  fonnes  fonne,  d<.  Sarai  his  daugh-  commanu 
ter  ifilaw,  the  wife  of  Abram  his  fonnc,  and  brought  them  ^^f  ^l^^ai  jca] 
out  of  Vr  of  the  Chaldees ,   for   to  goe  into  the  land  of  ^5  appeaieth 
Chan;ian  :  and  they  came  as  farre  as  Haran,  and  d^x'cllcd  AA.  7-  v,  4. 

ji  there,  f  Andthedayes  of  Thare  came  to  two  hmidrcd  fiue  Though  this 

yeares,  and  died  in  Haraa.  .  1°"'"'^- '] 

'  -^  ticrc  alcri- 

, bed   to  Thare 


ANNOTATIONS.  palpafon. 

Chap.     XI. 

4.     tcfXOT^f]   Hcicwcmayfecin  Nemrod  the  common  caufes  of  he-  ^^^f '?  ^^     y 
refics.anJthemanciofHertikcsptoccding.For  hehauingafutlc  proud,  and  oflchilmeand 
alpiringmindjfirft  detracted  from  God,  pcrfwading  men  (as  is  noted  before)   ^^.^^        « 
noitoclepcnd  vpon  Gods  prouidencc,  and  finding  (omc  others  of  like  hu-  •C^'i^P'^cten- 
S.  Chrif.  "^our,  they  conlpircd  together,  and  drew  more  folowcrs,  by  bearing  the  fim-  *■"  deceiue 
ho.  lo.     pier  forte  in  hand  (for  it  was  vnpoflible  wifcmen  fhouldbelcue  it)  that  they  ^^^^'^''P  ^' 
in  Gtn.    *'ould  make  a  towre  of  defence  againft  anew  floud,  if  God  fliould  thinck  to  Heretikcs 
C'iGtan.    drowne  the  world  againe.  But  their  principal  intention  was  to  make  thcmfel-  profper  for  a 
ctlUt.jL.  ucs  great  and  flrong  for  the  prefcnt,  and  famous  to  pofttritie.  Al  v  hich  Cod  time,  but  are 
cuerthrew  neither  fufFering  them  to  build  vp  their  imagined  caftlc  of  ftrength  confounded 
cor  to  be  praifed  for  their  workc,  but  made  them  infamous  to  the  worlds  end.  in  the  end. 

7.     LetyiCO'ifuund'^    God  in  diilipating  this  vaine  workc  of  men,  would  vfc  Miniftric  of 
thcminifterieofAngcls.  As  not  only  Philo  ludeus,  and  Origcn,  but  alfo  S.  Angels. 


tt  it  10- 


',  •^"  Auguftin,  S.  Gregorie,  and  other  fathers  expound  thefc  wordes,  Come,  let 

defiend, and fonfoitnd tilth  tongue,  where  they  alio  note  Godsfingular  wildomc,  Qq^  turncth 
..       '*     mercie,  and  iufticcjfopunifhing  the  offence,  that  he  turneth  it  to  his  ownc  ^^^  offence  of 
•'  V         glorie,  and  thepiofitcofalmcn  :  Ihewinghis  powre  and  foueraigne  Maieflic  j^-jgj^  jQ  go(,(J. 
J-     .'       by  two  great  maacles.  F;rft  by  foluddainly  and  vttcrly  thofcbuil-  -t^^q  miracles 
.■,'.     '    dels,  of  then  vfual  tongue,  that  prefcntly  they  could  neither  fpcake  it,  nor  vn-  jj^  priuation 
'',   ■     derflandit.  Secondly,  by  geuingdiuersdiftindllanguages  to  feucral  fortes  or  QfQ,-,e  tongue 
families.whichtheyimmcdiatjy  vnderftood,andfpoke  moft  promptly,  as  if  ^^^^j  crcuino-  a 
they  had  longbeforelerncdandvfed  the  fame.  But  to  no  man  was  geuenmore  ^^^.-^^^        ° 
then  one  language .  And  To,  to  the  more  commodine  of  al  mankind,  they  were 
forced  to  part  mto  fundric  coaftcs  of  the  earthj  which  they  inhabited  :;nd  re-         .^ 
_i..„;n,„J  .,.,;,u  J;a;„a  xt-,,;  — ,    k,..; —  ,u.  r^^^  a  .,„  J.  .u„;.  r„;,.;^.,^i  -n.^  Diuilion  a- 

plenifhed  with  diftinft  Nations,  hauing  the  fame  Angels  theiifpiritual  Pa- 

mono;  eui 

I.J.J4.       troncsandProteiflors,  whichhadfeuciajly  changed  their  language.  In  parti-  \-  /._ 

hloral.      cular,  it  was  profitable  to  the  good  who  being  before  opprelledby  thevnited  ^f!^^^  ^ 
»M.  f.4t.  powreofmanie  wicked,  were  rclecucd  (  as  S.  Gregorie  tcacheth)  when  their  ^•^°^^' 
leh.  perfecutors  were  diuided.  Thefc  good  were  the  fa'.Tiilic  of  Heber,  as  S.  Chii-  The    membex  lbftom,andS.  Auguftin  proue  For fcing  the  change  of  tongues  was  inflifted  offending  ii 
Cen  .         for  picniH^ment,  it  appcareththatHeberand  hisfamilicwereinnocentof  the  punilKca. 
I.16C.11  vaine  attempt,  whofe  tongue  was  not  changed,  but  remained  the  fame,  and  of  j^^berand  hif 
Crlt.iS'  him  was  called  the  Hebrew  tongue  for  diflincftion  fake  after  there  were  manie  fjfnilie  cofers- 
f.j^.fj.     tongues,  which  before  had  no  diftindl  name  being  the  only  tongue  of  al  men.  tej  not  to  thf 
X.  >^i*^>  Againe  touching  the  offenders  (who  were  pimiflied  in  their  tongues,  that  building'  q£ 
It.e.c.^.  they  could  not  be  vnderRood  commanding  one  an  other,  bccaufe  they  would  g^tj^^l^  ^ 
muit,        aotYndcrftand  God  iuftijcoiaxuanding  them  al)  they  alio  reaped  this  ptofitc, 

?  5  *  lUat 

4^  Genesis.  Sena. 

>  that  they  wereforccd  to  leauc  of  that  bad  workc,  and  "a^ithal  to  feeke  more  " 

ample  habitations,  who  If  they  had  there  more  increafed  in  nnmher  and  Jlreingtb, 
yyoitldyrtthoutdouht  [fihhS.ChnCoRom]  hai^eattempttd  vyorfe  things .  And  in-  ^t  .JO. 
»     _  ^  finite  manflaughtcr  would  hauebenne  committed,  amongftfomanie  for  pof- »»  Ge». 

n.°  ^f"^*^^  fcffionofthatonecitic&towre.Pinally  the  fathers  note  that  as  God  wrought  S.  Greg. 
mo.t  pronta-  here  much  good  by  diuifion  of  tongues :  (o  he  wrought  much  more  by  com  -  ht.'^o  m 
Die  to  the  munion  oftongucs,geucn  to  the  Apoftles,thcrby  inabling  them  to  eether  one  £«"«». 

Church.  Church  ofal  Tongue  and  Nations. 

II.     Renriitsale'\   Here  isan intricate  difficultie.  For  the  Hebrew  and  Latin 
Scriptures         text,  both  here  and  inPalalippomenon,  faying  Arphaxad  begat  Sale,  the  7%. 
liard  Interpreters  and  S.  Luke  place  Cainanbetwen  them,  as  fonnc  of  Arphaxad, 

and  father  ofSalc.Eufebiusalfo  in  his  Chronicle,  with  moH:  Greeke  Dodors,  ^^^-J- 
and  S.  Auguftm,  count  Cainan in  this  Gcnealogie of  Scm.VVherupon  manic  '*\^^' 
Some  think       donumberhimin  this  ranck,  and  fuppofe  that  Moyfes  omitted  him  for  fomc  ^•^^•*"' 
Movfes  omir-  ^y^c^'^^'^j  ^"'1  yet  writeth  truly,  that  Arphaxad  begat  Sale,  not  his  proper  i*^-"**'** 
tedCainanfor  ^°""'^'  ^^^  ^^^  fonnesfonneras  S.  Mathew  fayth,  loram begat  Ozias,  who  MAt.i, 
a  mvftcrie         washisncphewes  nephew.  But  againft  this  folution  it  is  replied,,  that  then 
Arphaxad  (hould  hauc  bene  a  grandfather  at  35.  ycarcs  of  age  :  which  were 
_    -       .  ftrange  in  thofc  daies,  how  foeucr  it  is  now.  And  a  greatter  difficultic,  or 

Rcmtation.       rather  abfurditie  muft  alfo  be  granted,  that  Arphaxad  begat  both  Cainan 
atthcagcof  j;.  ycares,  according  to  the  jz.  Interpreters,  and  that  Sale  was 
alfo  begotten  the  fame  yeare,  according  to  the  Hebrew,  being  botji  true. 
Which  inconucnience  is  not  in  the  Gencalogic  written  by  S.  Matthew, 
©therscofie-  ^^^^^^^^^^^^o^"  according  to  the  Hebrew  and  Latin  text,  with  moft  Latin 
(fturcCai  Doftors,  omit  Cainan  in  this  place,  and  Paralipomenon,  namely  with  Si  Hie-  Ouf^, 

fliouldnot  be  ^°™'^^°'^'^^'g^"^''y  ^^^"^i"i"g^"<i  reconciling  varictics,betwcn  the  Hebrew  j/ftri*. 
in  the  text    f  *"^^^^^^^^e,makcthnomcntionat  al  of  this  difference.  Which  makcth 
the  70  **    fometo  coniedlure,that  in  S.Hlcroms  time  Cainan  was  not  in  the  Greeke 

copies,  at  leaft  not  in  thofc  that  he  had,  and  held  for  the  beft.  Andatthisday 
fbme  hauc  him  not.  Which  may  be  admitted  for  a  probable  anfwere  tou-  ^"**'*. 
But  ncuera-     chingthc  Hebrewand  Greeke  of  the  old  Teftament.  But  for  fo  much  as  al  V^"^ 
me  Cathoh-     copies,  both  Greeke  &  Latin,  alfo  S.  Hieroras  Edition  of  S.  Lukes  Gofpclhaue  '"'^^'f'*'** 
<}ue  (norhc-     Cainan,  thediiiiculticftilremainerhbctwen  Moyfcs  and  S.  Luke.  Howthen 
rctiKe  before     flial  this  doubt  be  folucd?  wccamiotfolue  it.  Andnomarucl.  For  rcnerablc 
BezajputCa-  Bcde  could  not.  Whofe  wordes.are  thefe  :S.  Lukevfeth  rather  the  Greeke  Prefat. 
man  out  of  S.  teftimonics  then  the  Hebrew:  wherof  hapcneth  that  I  much  maruelat,  and  coment. 
Lukes  Golpel.  for  duines  of  wit,  being  ftrikcn  with  great  admirrtion,  I  can  not  throughly  in  jt6la\ 

fcan,  feeing  in  the  Hebrew  veritie  arc  founed  only  tenne  generations  from  the  jthoSl. 
A  memorable  floudvnto  Abraham,  by  what  mcanesS.  Luke,  who  (the  Holie  Ghoftgouer- 
fcntcnce  of  S.  ning  hispcnnc)  could  in  no  forte  write  falfe,  would  rather  fee  downe  eleuen 
Beda.  genexationsintheGofpcl,  Cainanadioynedaccordineto  the  feucntic  Inter- 

preters. Thus  writeth  S.  Beda,  reuerently admiring  thathecould  not  vnder- 
ftand. For  being  aflured  thatthe  Holie  Ghoft  gouerncd  the  pcnnes  both  of 
^        -     ..      .    Moyfesand  S.  Luke,andrhatheisnotcontrarictohim(clfc,  itmufl  ncrles  be 
^  ^  *^?''  true  which  cchofthcmv-riteth,  chough  other  learned  men  can  not  reach  the 

7  pf<"i  •     profoundnes  of  fome  difiiculties  that  occure.  And  therfore  Bcza  was  extreme 
faucie  to  dafli  Cainan  out  of  S.  Lukes  Gofpel,  and  that  wittingly  and  moft 
The  heretical  impudently  faying,  in  his  Annotations:  Ko»»£/»ft»M»<>nKf<r.v/>(*«5-rn';  ^f-^e  douhted 
Englifli  Editi-  „ot  to  put  it  o*t. The  former  Englifh  Editions,  otherwife  corrupt  in  manic  t(^i, 
onsdifferia       places,  hauc  Cainan  in  the  text  of  S.  Lukes  Gofpel,  but  their  latter  tranfla-  irjj, 
this^omt.         tcrs  arc  m  this  poiut  pure  Bezitcs. 

Tkc  cad  of  the  fecond  acjc 

Genesis.  Afj 


^K»    KILIGION,     IN    THE    SECOND    ACE    OfTHE    VfroRLB. 

Pxcm  Noes  floud  to  Abrahams  going  forth  of  his  conntric. 
The  (pace  of  j  <  8.  )  cares. 


Oman  ea»"^el douh mr  wil (Unify  that  the  fame  church  ccn^ 

tinuedAltbefecondageTphicb  n>ai  inthe  firjl^  (onftdering  that  Noe  Noc  an<3  Scm 

liuedal/one  50.  yeares  after  the  birth  of  ^hr ah  Am,  andsem  150.  more :  and  ^iuc<J  in  Abra- 

that  theft  three,  and  fome  others  of  that  time  are  renonmed  in  hoUe  Strip-  ^^""^  *^^* 

tkre,forftncereprofeiiors  of  true  /{elision. But  for  more  manifeflatjon  of  their 

faith,  and tbtt  the  church  tv>u  then  >< rj  confpicuous,  we shal  repete ceriAine 

Jfrtncip/.lpowtesef  J{tligion prof efed and prallifed  al  thxt  time,hy  a  ccn-  ^^^^^''^'c^o.Rt'. 

linual knoivmlfifthle companieymted m  one r»yf}icalhodie :  though  in  the  f^'j  j^  \\^^  £^^ 

meane'^hile, the  rvickfdfprong  and  grew  in  number  and  ^^orUlie  force,  cond  age. 

much  opprefingyetTttuerfuppmJiwgthe  good, 

FiriliuiiNoecomirizforthoftheArkelvithhisfamHie.profefftd  his  re-  r\^^  r^   r 
^"»-8.     ;•   •  •    7.    /-»       r-'^j    t        L-     r  .     J   r  I  1    A^    •  One  God. 

ligioiu  mind  to  One  God  alm.ghtic,  fupreme  Lord  of  aly  by  Ottering  ex-  External 

tcrnal  lioluntane,  fj'eedie,  pure ^  folemne ,  and  bountiful  SsiCn^Ct  of  Ho-  Sacrifice 
Gt»  9.     ^0'^'*'*r^^y^  ^  P^^^^ft' '^P°'*  ^«  Akar.  ^fter  y^hich  mofigratful  office,  God  Pj^icfthood 

making  a  cottenant  ^^inthhimand  hi^feede,  neuer  againg  to  defroy  the  y»orld  ^1  '^  •  «** 

bj  ^ater, confirmed  the  fame  bj  thejigne  of  the  rainbow,  ^hich  reprefented  CrofTc*. 

the fecondPerfln  of  the  B.TnniziQ, the  Sonnzo^Godi,  Chrift  our  Lord  ThcB.  Tr?. 
H(h.  II.  ^^  ^'  home  The  Sone  of  man,  ct'  extended  '\pon  the  CroiFe  :  in  whom  "^''*=- 

Noebeleeuingwasinflituted  heyre  of  the  iuftice,  \rhich  is  by  ^'■'^<="^*^^-'      j 

faith  in  our  Redemer. 
€e)*.  p.         We  hatte  here  againe  Go'ds  operatiue  blefling,  ffiith  the  cffeH  ofincre*  Gods  bleffing 

afe  and  multiplication,  the  ijfue  of  Noe  by  his  three  fonnes,  in  short  time  ma-  "peratiuc. 
f.y.v.ij.  kingmdnie Nations. By  the  way  alforvehaue  an  example  of 'Siilh.ttsfolemne  r^^^V^     r  V 

VAc'^mgandQ^tiCin^  their  children.  The  effeSles  ^herof fucceded  after*      '^  >* 

r.  9.  V.4.  Wardes  accordingly.  Likjvife  in  this  age  T»a^geuen  a  particular  precept  Not  Abflincncc 
f.?.T.xo  to  CAtchloud.  ^nd Noe obferueddiJ}inflton  of  Clcznc  beafles,  offering  bom  hloviA. 

Sacrifue  in  them  only,  at  before  thefloudy  he  wm  comtnanded  to  take  mo»  of  Cleane ,  and. 

them  into  the  arke,  then  of  the  Vncleaiie.  fncleane: 

r.10,10.       In  that fo  ample  mention  U  made  of  finne  and  "^ickednts,  there  is  no  -       doubt, but  NcCy  f^r  preacher  of  iuftice,  admonished  and  exhorted ftnners  chedaodiafl*^ 
i.  Vet.  1.  foRcpentance  :yea  he  Punifhed  cham  cr  Chanaan,  by  his  curfe  in  their  ded. 
pojleritie.  ^nd  God  him  felfe  Thrcatned  to  exa^e  the  bloud  of  man  l/n^ 
'  ^'    iufllyshed.  Inthemeane  time  lnli[iO:cd  alfo  fome  punifhment  l/pon  the 

builders  of  Babel,  by  confounding  their  tongues.  .And  tbut  by  tht  Minifte-  Minifierie  ©  I 

rie  of  Angels.  Angck, 

"Which  punishment  in p art f  dndthre^tts  ofmort  mports  d  Genera! 

"   ~     RcfttJr^. 


4^8  Genesis.' 

Rerure«9:ion  Rcfurrcction,  And  ludgemcnt, "^here  A  th'ingi  shal be  exaBly  d'lfcuf- 
ludgement.  y^^^^^^  ludged.  ^nd  then  wil  foloW  Eternal  life  to  the  g-oodi  4nd 
andpaine.        h\itn^viing)^2.\nz  to  the  damned. 

^Itheje  points  »f  l^eligion  (  and  others  mentioned  in  the  former  a^ey 
Churchvifible  and  no  douht  tAught  by  Noe  Cr  hisfonnes )  shew  clerly  a,  Vifible  Church, 
Good  and  bad  conftjling  ofgood  and  bdd.  Noe  remaning  the  fame  man  04  before  thefloud ;   Ca\>.  I . 
in  the  Church  Sem  <<»/^Iapheth  are  commended  and blejied  for  wel  doing\  Cham  bla-  ^  ">- 

medyCr' curjed  in  his  pofieritieiyet  neither  he  nor  anie  of  hisfonnes  or  daugh-  ^'^°*^^' 
ters  fel  into  here/if,  or  other  infdelitie,for  ante  thing  that  appeareth  in  Scrip -^ 
ture,  or  other  authcntical  tefiimonie.  Heber  alfo  and  his  famiUe  are 
particularly  commended  by  Moyfts,a4  the  right  folowers^  and  the  fpiritual 
children  of  Sem  (  "^ho  had  innumeral  le  other  carnal  children )  as  t  hofe  that 
were  innocent  torn  hmg  the  prefumptuous  budding  of  ethers y  t^ho  for  the 
farre  fault  lofl  their  old  tongue,  which  thefamilie  of  Heber  k^^t.  ^s  S.  Chri-  Wo.  ja, 
AWaies  feme  fojhm  and  S.  .Xugufiin  doproue.  ^gaine^  diuers  of  this  famtlief (tiling  af-  J"  ^'^"'' 
good.  terwardsbylitle  andlitleto  other  nationsy  the  FamiHe  of  Thare  ,yd:/V^  ^'j  ^i-^ 

the  fames,  ^uguflm  (  h.  i6,  c.  \i.).albeit  notal,  or  not  alwayesy  jet  euer  i8.f.!>. 
fome  of  them,  and  .yCbraham  continually ,  with  Sem^  Heber^  Phalegy  CT  "'"'• 
manie  others,  not  mentioned  by  Moyfes  in  his  briefs  defcription  J^  as  S.  '^  )'"•??• 
;         Gregorie  doubtcth  not  tofuppofe )  ^ereittU,and  kfpt  the  true  faith,  and     "jHf"* 
yndrfled  l^ligion. 
Nemrod'an  SHt  Nemrod  chams  nephew y  andfonne  ofchus  defcribedfor  a  "yalianf 

Arch-heie-      hunter,  a  "Violent  giant y  and  tyrant,  T^of  an  ^rchheretlhe y  4  deuifer  and  lofep'p  IL 
tike.  teacher  offalfe  doflrin,  againft  God  and  true  faith.  By  futletie  and  tyrannte  i .  <••  4. 

he  induced  manie  of  likingor  of  feare  to  folow  him,  and  fo  in  fchifme  he  '^"^H' 
MisvvonAhc-^^^^*^^"^^^^^^^^'  That  men  were  not  beholding  to  God,  but  to 
lefie.  them  felues,  for  temporal  profperitie. 

Wherofbegane  a  new  C^  cruel  confederacie,  againfi  the  Citie  of  God,  C^ 
The  firft  Sed  tffejecond great  Seflr  of InfJels.  For  Barbarifme  being  the  frfi,  begun  by 
of  Infidels        cain  and  ended  by  thefloud;  The  fecond  mother  of  al  Seffes  beginning 

^\^^^^'f  afterthefloud{a6S.Epiphaniu4  -^nteth)  Was  Scythi(mt:focaUedof^i'^'" 
me  before  the    i    „      A  c±         1  ^    ^1     ^^L  J-       .       r  J    1       r   ,        refibHi. 

floud,  the  Scythians  a  most  cruel  people,   woo  according  to  Nemrods  bereJte(not 

The  fecond     thinckjngthsmfelues  beholding  to  Gbd  for  temporal  happineSy  but  to  their 

ScyihiGBe.       owne  forces )  tyrannil^d  oner  the  weaker,  and  manie  wicked  banning  toge- 

■^ruelcie.  thercxtremly  opprefsed  the  more peacable,ej^ecially  the  Church  and  true  fer^ 

uantsof  God.  ^ndihtslpss  one  fpecial  caufe  of  building  Babylon, befldes 

their  a-/nbicio:f^s  defre  ofperpctudfame,  and  their  bearing  the  ftmple  m  hand 

of.i  defence  af^ainst  4  nciv floud,  to  make  it  in  dede,  aflronghold  for  tjrants 

to  offend  others,  and  to  defend  themfehes.  ^herfore  God  [^ho  before de- 

flrcyed al  Infl.dcls  by  thefloud)  ^confounded  thefe  builders  by  diuiding  their 

Ungues  f  and  fo  forced  iherh  trbreakjij  and  pari  iii'fdmmitcoithtries^ 

■  ■' '      ■  "  '         Thus 

Genesis.  45> 

Thus  mxnktnihein^ditiided'^pon  the  earth, opinions  alfo  tpere  muln- 
fliedcencerningR^lmon.For  shortly  the  perjwdtion  of  mrns  trufl:n£  i»  Vnnatlics  arc 
them[elues\aadtn  other  mortal  men  appeared Ahjurdey  euen  thejlron^efffee-  '^"^0'^^^^"^. 
Un^ddiierftties^orfayUn^jometimes  of  their  purpofeSyfaw  there  '^m  neede 
of fupernalhelpe,  and  that  earthlie  things  depended  much  ypon  diuine  rvil 
and  pan  re.  Bui  hamng  forfaken  God  ^Imt^hie ,  the  onlie  maker  and 
conferuer  of.-tly  they  begane  tt  imagine  and  Jerue  fal/e  goddes,  both  famopu 
dead  men,  xvhtch  hddprofpered  in  this  worlds  and  diuers  other  things,  hy 
^hich  they  receiued  commoditie,  or  feared  damage. 

Hence  therfore  rofe  the  third  principal  SeB  cnlled  Grecifmc',  heginning  The  thki\Sc&: 
alfo'm  this  fecond  age,  06  the  fame  S.  Epiphanitu  wnteth.For  ^inM  thejirH'^^^^^^^^^^'^'^' 
kjng  of  the  .yifirian  great  Monarchies  brought  topajfe  that  hts  father  Belus 
lupizcr  yii^a^  cfiemed  and  ivonhippedfor  the  onliegreat  God  by  the  ^{iirt-  ^'^°^^"^'=- 
am.  To  him  the  Babylonians  erefledfrfi  Temples  Stares  and  Statuof.  Nem- 
rod  alfo  by  the  name  of  Sztnznxis,  as  the  progenitor  ofBelm,  and  firfl  great 
King  or  Tyrant  cj  Babylon^  Jl'.fj  accounted  a  god,  and  the  father  of  q-oddes.  Dinaftar  \rere 
^bout  this  time lihyvife  beganethe  Dinafli&amongthe  AgypiiAnsj  <<«^  «e/ ^^^o^c  that  rai- 
fowneryO^  they  liamlybrag  to  hauebenne  before  the fioud:  yea  much  /onffr  ^""^^^"^S'P^ 
then  in  dcedethe'^orld  hath  benne.  Moreouer  the  chaldees  Worshipped  the  policic"&"  f- 
Jire.   Others  the  fitnne,  the  moone^  and  innumerable  other  feaned  goddes.  tcrwere  great 
^gainfl  al  Ivhich  ( and  likyvtfe  againjl  at  hereftes)  are  two  fpecial  ar-  goddes,andli- 
giiments .  Firfl  that  they  were  not  from  the  beginning,  as  the  true  God,  and  ^^^  goddes. 
al truthes  are  hjiowne  and receiued by  continual  Tradition^  but  brought  in  i^  \     •       j 
afterwards  by  men,  and  comonly  by  d  men  .  Secondly  they  4re  not  accepted  UeieCicavcco^ 
and  effeemed  forgoddes ,  or  truthes  ,  m  al  places,  but  "^ith great  diuerfitie  futed,  by  that 
and  difention ,  one  fort  allowing  that  others  defpice,  as  holie  ^thanafttts  ^^^^X  beginnc 
notably  -^riteth  in  his  oration  again/}  idols  m  thefe  'hordes.  Qupt  funt  '^"^rderlyj 

fentes  totidem deorum genera  conpnguntur  Crc.  How mante nations{  faith  fentioninthei 
e)  Cf>  manie  k}ndes  of  goddes  are  feaned.  ^Ijo  the  fame  countrie,  the  fame  imagined  Ro 
eitiedijfenteth  "tfiithinit  felfe  in  fup  erf  it  ion  of  idols.  The  Phenicians  certes  ligJons 
acknowledge  not  the  Egyptians  goddes ,  neither  doe  the  E^iptians  adore  the  »> 
fame  idols  "^ith  the  Phenicians:  Nor  the  Scithiansreceiue  the  goddes  of  the  a 
Perftans,  nor  the  Perfans  of  theScithians :  The  Pelafgies  refufe  the  Thraftan  >» 
goddes y  the  Thrafans  know  not  the  Thebians.  The  Indians  are  againfl  the  >» 
Arabians  y  the  Arabians  againjl  the  ^thiophians:  and  in  like  forte  the,, 
Ethiopians  differ  in  their  religious  affaires  from  the  Arabians.  The  Syrians  „ 
Worship  not  the  goddes  of  the  Cilicians,  and  the  nations  of  Capadocia  befides  „ 
aI  thefe  haue  goddes  of  other  names  .  The  Bithinians  alfo  feaned  diuers  yy 
goddes,  the  Armenians  againe  diuers fom  them,  ^vhat  ncde  >^  manie  "^or-  j, 
deitrhofe  are  in  the  continent  honour  other  goddes  fom  the  llandfeople.  ,, 
InbrieJeechcitieandeechyUUgenot  knowing  the  goddes  of  their  neigh-  „ 

G  bonreSf 


yo  Genesis. 

»  hottreSffettethforth  the'tr  owneyO^  ejiemeth  them  only  inphee  of^odde$.  Thus 

f*rnS.  yfthanafms.  Name^elike  countries yprouinces^  cities^  and  tofvnes 

Luthcrspro-    ,^  thefe  partes  of  Europe ,   -where  Lutherf  fckoUrs  haue  fet  their  feete, 

much  in  opi-  ^o^J^^^r  the  forme  of  /{eUgton,  and  opinions  which  they  holdy  and  We  shal 

nions  of  Reli-  /^^  «**  ')>norderlie  he^mningSy  And  oi  horrible  dijftnttons  in  hertftes  (  'l^hich 

gion,asPaini-  s.  Hierom  cnUeth  the  idols  of  the  NewTefiament)  Mthe  ancient  fathers  haue  '»•<••  n. 

^^^'^°^^^^'^^'^  difcryed  tn  Pa^anifme .  For  Lutherans  orTroteft  ants  hauing  no  lawful  gene-  ®-'"' 

^^^        '     ration^bHtprocedingofyaJlardsraeey'yp/^artesof'ynkpotvne  progenie,  are 

no  lejie  at  difcordes  among  them  felues ,  only  al  agreing  againfi  Catholi- 

quesy  like  fyhcretifantes  againji  their  comon  enimteSy  or  Herod^  Pilate,  C^ 

S  Si     'n  En-  *^^  ^''^^^  '^^'^''^/^  ^^^^fl'  ^^^  ^^  England  alone  are  diuersSeBes  without 

erland  diucrs    p^J^f^l'  meanes  to  agree  in  one.  For  albeit  the  ciuilflate  endeuoreth  prudently 

from  Luther,   and  fenoufly  to  bring  alto  yniformitiey  at  leafi  in  puhlijSte  shew,  yet  they 

and  eech  one  are  but  like  manie  faces  ynder  one  hood,  euerie  forte  keping  their  orvne  opini- 

tioxnmere  .    ^^^  .^^^^  almofl  euerie  preacher  and  meant  fchoUr  ( to  fay  nothing  of  artificers 

and  common  mmififrs  )  arrogating  to  be  his  orvne  ludge,  contemntth  to 

jiandto  Luther  OY  CaUin,  to  Geneua  orParUment,  to  Conuo'cation  or  Synod 

•      ,      ,    ^    oftheirorvneybutto  his  ofVne  only  linder fan  ding,  and  interpretation  of 

tcntious  fpi-    ^''^'^  Scripture.  Nor  yet  to  that  ahvayes  \for  ^hen  he  ifprejfed  Tt^ith  that  he 

rites  arc  har-  oncffaid,  he  wilforgeteit,  or  eate  his  owne  "Word,  if  he  haue  not  written  it^or 

d4y  perfwaded  that  yon  haue  readte  rvitnts  againji  him^fo  hard  it  is  to  make  a  deeeiued  Pro- 

to  the  truth,     tejiant  or  Puritan  confefe  that  he  is  conuinced,  except  by  very  pregnant  mea- 

Vnlerned  Ca-  nesyou  canfirft  caji  out  ofhim.or  bindfafl  the  fp trite  of  prefumption,  dtfen- 

r  ^°e^?he  fame  *^^"^  '^"^  contention  :  lufhera^  the  ftmpliefi  Catholi^ue  in  the  "World  hath  the 

fahh  in^al  ^'^  f'^f^  P"*^  f"^'^^ '"  ^^  joints,  with  the  whole  Church,  in  which  he  remainetb, 

points  with    ^f*d  ypon  Whofe  iudgement  he  dependeth. 

Ehelcrned.  To  returne  t her f ore y  from  whence  We  are  not  vnnecej?drily  digrej?ed,we 

conclude  With  S.  ^uguflm  yr^hen  Moyfes  had  shewed  the  beginning  and  ''•  ^^:  .'" 
progreffe  of  Nemrods  earthliecttiejeauingit  in  Babylott ,  that  is  confu-  ^®"'**^' 
f\on,  as  needles  to  profecute  it  futher^  he  returneth  to  declare  the  pertnal 
The  fucceiTi-  fucceffion  of  the  Citie  of  God,  the  Church,  as  before  the  jioud from  -Mam 

cheSi-rm  n"c  "*  ^°''  ^y  ^^^  ^^^  "-^  '^'^'^'  ^^  "^^^^^  ^^^  pud  from  the  fame  Noe,  by  the  lint 

soAbraham.    "/ Sem,  Arphaxad,  Sale,  Heber,  Phaleg,  Reu,  Sarug,  Nachor, 

Thare,  and  Abraham,  rherefi  of  Sems  children,  and  al  the  progenies  of 

Upheth  and  cham,  as  not  pertaining  to  this  pttrpofe,  omitted,  fo  conneBing 

ihofein  order  of  generations, by  "Whom  the  fucceponis  direBly  brought  to 

"Abraham  a      ^br ah ^m,  Prince  of  the  elefledpeople,a  mofi  fpecial  Patriarch, to  whom  new 

rincipal  Pa-    <*"'^  g''^'**  promises  are  m^de  of  multiplication  of  hisfeede,  andpofefion 

iarch.  of  the  land  of  Chanaan,  but  efpecially  of  chrijl  our  l^demer,  and  the  fams 

mjimgWfiifs  confirmed,  as  wil  appeare  in  the  next  age. 



Abram<  Genesis, 

Chap.     XII. 

[/(bum  eommdnJeJ  iy  Gsd  to  leduehiicountrieywithfromifetobe  hlejfed  ^f  t^^c^SirT ^ 
inhUStedey  ^.t4k}*'g^i*  'Vftfe  Sdrdt^  dnd hit  nephew  Lot y  6.  Ipdndreth  ^^^ 
in  the  Und  of  chdnadn,  7.  ereffetb  dn  ^Itdr  tn  StchemyZ.  d»  other  in 
Bethel.  10.  Thence  hy  occdfion  of  f Amine  pafethinto  Agift,  14.  ychere  The  fifth  pate 
his  T^ife  (  CdUedhif  fi^er)  ts  ta{en  tnto  the  kjn^i  houfe,  i^.  hut  l/ntott-  of  this  booke. 
ched  is  feared  t.  htm.  ^  Of  Abrahams 

•'  Icauinghis 

coutric,  Gods 

I  A    N  D  our  Lord  faid  to  Abram :  Goc  forth  of  thy  coun-  blcfllngof  his 
jTLtric,  and  out  of  thy  kinred,  and  out  of  thy  fathers  fccdc&com- 

X  houfe,  and  come  intoaland,  vhich  I  wil  (hew  thee,  f  And  ^f^"^^'"|5o°/ 
I  \ril  make  thee  into  a  great  nation,  and  I  wil  blefle  thec-^  , 

5  and  magnifie  thy  name,  and  thou  (halt  be  blefted .  f  I  wil 
blefle  them  and  blefle  thee,  and  curflc  them  that  curife  thee, 

and  "In  thee  ftalal  the  kindreds  of  the  earth  be  blefl'ed.  l^^^^^^f^^^ 
4  t  Abram  therfore  \rent  out  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  ha^es  fccdc 

him,  and  \rith  him  went  Lot :  feauentie  Hue  yeares  old  vras  al  nations  arc 
J  Abram -when  he  "went  forth  out  of  Haran.  f  And  he  tooke  blciTcd.  Gal.  j. 
Sarai  his  \rife,  and  Lot  his  brothers  fonnc,  and  al  the  fub- 
ftance  which  they  had  poflcfled,  and  the  foules  \rhich  they 
had  gotten  in  Haran :  and  went  forth  to  go e  into  the  land 

6  ofChanaan.  And  whenthey  were  come  into  it,  t  Abrai-n_. 
pafled  through  the  countrie  vnto  the  place  Sichcm,  as  farrc 

as  the  noble  vale:  and  the  Cananite  wasatthattimein  the        ,         3  _ 

7  countrie.  f  And  our  Lord  appeared  to  Abram,  and  faid  ro  ^'jcatcd  Altars 
him:To  thy  ^qqA  wil  I  giue  this  land.  Who  builded  there  ••  an  to  God  efpcci- 

8  altar  to  our  Lord,  that  had  appeared  to  him.  f  And  marching  ally  inthofe 
on  from  thence  to  amountaine,  that  was  on  the  eafl  fide  of  places  where 
Bethel,  there  he  pitched  his  tent,  hauing  Bethel  on  the  weft,    ,^Jn^ifes"  or 
and  Hay  on  the  eaft:  he  builded  there  alfo  an  altar  to  our  bcnefitcs!  S. 

9  Lord,  and  called  vpon  his  name,   f  And  Abram  went  for-  Chtifoft.ha. 
10  ward  going,  and  proceding  on  to  the  fouth.  f  And  there  3'^-ii»Gcti. 

cameafiminein  tne  countrie  :  and  Abram  defcended  into 
>£gypt,  to  be  as  a  pilgrime  there  :  for  the  famine  was  very 

II  fore  in  the  land  .  f  And  when  he  was  nere  to  enter  into 
/Egypt,  he  faid  to  Sarai  his  wife  :  I  know  that  thou  art  a 

12   fayre  woman:  f  and  that  when  the /Egyptians  flial  fee  thee, 
they  wil  fay :  She  is  his  wife  :  and  they  wil  til  mc,  and  referue 

G  2  thee. 

fi  Genesis.  Abram, 

thee,  t  "  Sa.7  therfore,  I  pray  thee,  that  thou  art  my  fiftcr :  ij 
that  I  may  be  wcl  vfed  for  thee,  and  that  my  foulc  may  Hue 
for  thy  fake. 

t  when  Abram  therfore  was   entred  into   i€gypt,  the  14 
v.CoAhv  cor-  itgipdans  fawe  the  woman  that  Ihe  was  paffino;  beautiful.  ;  '  v; 
iunl-iS  Ph^^^  t  And  the  princes  told  Pharao,  and  praifed  her  to  him  :  and  ly 
rao  and  his^"'^''^^  woman  was   taken  into  the  houfe  of  Pharao.  f  And  16 
men  from  do-  they  vfed  Abram  wel  for  her  fake.  And  he  had  flieepe  and 
ing  violence    o'xen  and  he  alles,  and  men  feru^n ts,  and  maid  feruants,  and    ■ 
Ch^^ft  I"      ^^^  '^^^^^'  ^'■^^,C*^™^^^c^s.  t  But  our  Lord  -  fcourged  Pha-  17 
5i.mGcn  "*    ^^o '*'if^'^  very  fore  plagues,  and  his  houfe  for  Sarai  Abrams 

wife,  t  And  Pharao  called  Abram,  and  faid-to  him:  "What   fS 
is  this  that  thou  haft  done  to  me  ?  Why  didft  thou  not  tel  me 
tliat  ihe  was  thy  wife  ?  f  For  what  caufe  didft  thou  fay,  '(he  19 
was  thy  fifter,  that  I  might  take  her  to  my  wife  ?  Now  ther- 
fore there  is  thy  wife,  take  her,  and  go e  thy  ways,  f  And  20 
Pharao  gaue  certaine  men  commandment  in  the  behalfeof 
Abram :  and  they  eondudled  him,  and  his  wife,  and  al  thaJf 
he  had. 

Chap.    XII. 

I?,     saytherfoft"]   Abraham  concealed  that  Sarai  Mcas  his  wife,  andlyed  not  Gsw.if. 
Mcnarchond  in  faying,  {he  \sr'as  his  fiftcr  ;  as  he  alfo  called  Lot  his  brother,  being  his  bro- 
to  do  their       thcrsfonne,  andlhchis  brothers  daughter.  VVheiby  he  prcuented  danger  of 
lawful  cndc-     his  owne  life,  vfingfuch  lawful  meancs  as  lay  in  him,  committing  his  wiues  ,. 
uoures,andto  chaftitie  to  Gods protcftion, which  him fclf  could  notprduide  for.  In  which     ^^^'  5* 
commit  the     cafe  if  he  had  not  donne  his  ownc  endcuour,  he  had  rather  ttmpted  God  (faith  ^^•""*^' 
reft  to  God       S  Auguftin)  thentruftcdin  God.  AndfoGod  prefcrucd  her,  though  flic  was  ^?*^*^« 
in  Pharao  his  houfe.  V.  17.  '*  ®*"' 

Chap.     XIII. 

1/f  ^rrfjw  O"*  Lot  returne  from  ^gypt  into  chdnaan,  6.  And  hcing  richfepjtr/ite 
tbemfeluesy  10,  Lot  choofmg the  countne  about lordnlny  ^ramdweU 
leth  in  cbanaan.  14.  where  agdioe  God  promifeth  him  that  Und^  und 
ntulttpUcation  ofhiffecde.iZ,  ^'{nd  he  ere^ed&n  ether  ^Itar  to  God» 


Bram  therfore afcended  out  of  i€gypt,  he  and  his  x 
wife,  and  al  that  he  had,  and  Lot  with  him  to  the  foutH 

Abram.  Genesis.  y^ 

1  coaft.  t  And  he  \ras  very  rich  in  polTefllon  of  gold  and. 

5  filuer.^  t  -^^^  ^^  returned  by  the  way,  that  he  came,  from 

thfrouthvnto  Bethel,  euen  to  the  place  where  before  h? 

4  had  pitched  a  tabernacle  betwen  Bethel  and  Hay  :  -f  in  the 
place  of  the  altar  which  he  had  made  before,  and  there  he 
called  vpon  the  name  of  our  Lord. 

5  -f  ButLotalfothatwas  with  Abram, had  flocks  of  iTeepe,  ::Fourc  fortes 

6  and  heirds  of  beafts,  and  tents,  f  Neyther  was  the  land  able  of  brethcicn 
to.receiuethem,  for  todwel  togeather  :  for  their  fubftance  ^"^o''e>»^jiittc: 

7  was  much,  and  they  could  not  dwel  togeather.  f  "Sif^'hcrupon  fherraslacob 
ilfo  there  aroreftrifeamongft  thehcardfmcn  of  Abram  and  and  EIau:of 
of  Lot.  And  that,  time  the  Chananite  and  the  Phcrifitedwel-  kinred  ,  as  A- 

8  led  in  that  countrie.  f  Abram  therfore  laid  to  Lot:  Let  ^^"^^^"^and 
there  be  no  brawle  I  befeech  thee  bctwcn  me  and  thee,  and  ^-^^^^  °^^^-  ^ 
betwen  my  hcardlmen,  and  thyheardfmen:forwebe  ••  bre-  as  the  Uwci 

p  thren.  f  Behold  the  whole  land  is  before  thee:goc  aparte  and  Samarira- 
fromme,  I  pray  thee  :if  thou  wilt  goe  to  thelcft  handj^Iwil  'ics:inRcligi- 
rake  the  right  lifthouchoofe  the  right  hand,  1  wil  paiFe  to  5'"^^-^^<^'^^i^^' 
the  left,  ^ 

10  f  Lot  therfore  lifting  vp  his  eyes ,  fawe  al  the  countrie  a- 
bout  lordaine,  which  was  watered  through  out  before  that 
our  Lord  fubuerted  Sodome  and  Gomorre,  as  the  paradife  of 

11  ourLord,andhkeas^gyptas  men  come  vnto  Segor.  f  And 
Lot  chofe  vnto  him  the  countrie  about  lordaine,  and  he  de- 
parted from  the  Eaft :  and  they  were  fepcrated  either  brother 

12  from  the  other,  f  Abram  dwelt  in  the  land  of  Chanaan : 
and  Lot  abode  in  the  townes,  that  were  about  lordaine,  and 

1$  dwelt  in  Sodome.  f  And  the  men  of  Sodome  were  vcric 
wicked,  and  finners  before  the  face  of  our  Lord  out  of  mea- 

14  furc.  t  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Abram,  after  that  Lot  was  fe- 
peratcd  from  him  :  Lyft  vp  thyn  eyes,  and  looke  from  the 

place,  wherin  thou  now  art,  to  the  north  and  fouth,  to  the     ^.      «     .  a 

15  eaft  and  weft,   -f  Al  the  land,  which  thou  feeft,  wil  I  geue£he 

16  to  thee,  &  to  thy  feed  for  euer.  f  And  I  wil  make  "  thy  feede  flefh  but  ike 
asthcduftofthe  earth: if  any  man  be  able  to  number  the  children  of 
duftofthe  earth,  thy  feede  alfo  ihal  he  be  able  to  number.  P^o^^J'^c  are 

17  t  Arife  and  walke  through  the  land  in  the  length,  and  in  Rom^'^Vftd 

18  the  breath  therof:  for  I  wil  geue  it  to  thee,  t  Abram  ther-  arcinnumck- 
fore  rcmouing  his  tent,  came,  and  dwelt  befide  the  vale  of  blc.Apo £.-••. 
Mambre,whichis  in  Hebron  .-and  he  builded  there  an  altar  ^^' 

to  ©ur  Lord. 

54  Genesis.  Abram. 

Chap.    XIIII. 

Th<  king  of  Sodom  ffiith  other  feure  kifigs  dre  ouercome  in  hdttlcy  hy  foure 
others :  12.  where  Lot  is  taken  14.  hut  ^brdm  "with  518.  perfons  profecw 
ting  And  ouercommr  the  luflorerSf  \6.  refcued  Lot,  Ti^ith  4/  the  cdPtiues 
and  prdy.iS.  MeUhlfedecb  King  and  PrieJ}  hltjled^yihrdm,  10.  .Ahrdtn 
fdyed  tithes  to  him,  zi.  dnd  rendered  thejfoile  to  the  king  ofsoclom, 

ANd  it  came  to  pafTe  in  that  time ,  that  Amraphcl  the  i 
kingofSennaar,  and  Arioch  the  king  of  Pontus,  and 
Chodorlahomor  king  of  the  Elamyts,  and  Thadal  the  king 
of  nacions  f  made  \rarreagainil:  Barrathekingof  Sodomc,  i 
and  againfl:  Berfa  the  king  of  Gomorra,  and  againft  Sentiaab 
the  kmg  of  Adama,and  againft  Semebar  the  king  of  Scboim, 
and  agamft  the  king  of  Bala,  the  fame  is  Segor.  f  Althcfe  3 
came  together  into  the  Woodland  vale,  which  now  is  the 
faltfea.  f  For  they  had  feruedChodorlamortxrelue  yeares,  4 
and  the  thirtenth  yeare  they  rcuolted  from  him.  f  Therfore  5 
in  the  fourtcnth  yeare  came  Chodorlahomor,  and  the  king- 
that  >3rere  with  him :  and  they  ftroke  Raphaim  in  Aftaroth- 
carnaim,  and  Sufim  with  them,andEmimin  Sauce  ofCaria- 
thaim,  f  and  the  Corrheans  in  the  mountains  of  Seir,  eucn  6 
to  the  Champion  countrieof  Pharan,  which  15  in  the  ^ril- 
dernes.  f  And  they  returned,  and  came  as  farre  as  the  foun^  7 
taineofMifphat,  thefame  is  Cades:  and  they  ftroke  al  the 
countrieofthe  Ameleichites,  and  of  the  Amorhcans,  that 
4welin  Aftafonthamar.  *f  And  they  went  forth  the  king  of  S 
Sodomc,  and  the  king  of  Gomorra,  and  the  king  of  Adama, 
*nd  the  king  of  Seboim,  m.oreouer  alfo  the  king  of  Bala, 
which  is  Scgor  t  and  they  fet  themfelues  againft  them  in  bat- 
taile  aray  in  the  Woodland  vale :  f  t  o  wit  againft  Chodor-  5 
lahomor  kingofthe  Elamitcs,  andChadal  king  of  nacions, 
4ind  Amraphel  king  of  Sennaar,  and  Arioch  king  of  Pontus : 
foure  k    gs  againft  fine,  f  But  the  "Woodland  vale  had  many  i* 
pitts  of  .  itume,  Therfore  the  king  of  Sodome,  and  of  Go- 
morra turned  their  backes,  and  were  ouerthrowne  there : 
and  they  that  remained  fled  to  the  mountaine.  f  And  they  n 
tooke  al  the  fubftance  of  the  Sodomites,  andGomorrheans, 
andtookeal  kind  of  vidtuales,  and  went  their  way:  t  ^ii^  12, 
Lot  alfo  and  his  fubftance,thc  fonne  of  Abrams  brothcr,who 


Abram.  Genesis.  yy 

13  dwelled  in  Sodom,  f  And  behold  one,  that  had  efcaped, 
told  Abram  the  Hebrew,  that  dwelt  in  the  vale  of  Mambrc, 
the  Amorrean  brother  of  Efchol,  and  the  brother  of  Aner : 

14  for  thefe  had  made  a  league  with  Abram.  f  \C^hich  when 
Abramhadheard,  towirtj  that  his  brother  Lot  was  taken, 
he  numbred  of  the  feruantes  borne  in  his  houfe,  wel  ap- 
pointed three  hundred  and  cightenc  :  and  purfued  them  vnto 

ij  Dan.  f  And  diuiding  his  companie,  he  ranne  vpon  them 
in  the  night :  and  ftroke  them,  and  purfued  them  vnto  Hoba, 

16  which  is  on  the  left  hand  of  Damafcus.  -f-  And  he  brought 
backe  al  the  fubftance,  and  Lot  his  brother  with  his  fub- 

17  fiance,  the  wemcn  alfo  and  the  people,  -f  And  the  king  of 
*                     Sodom  went  forth  to  meete  them,  after  he  returned  from 

the  ilaughtcr  of  Chodorlahomor ,  and  of  the  kinges  that 
were  with  him  in  the  vale  Sauee,  which  is  the  kings  vale. 

18  f  But  "  Melchefidech  thekingof  Salem,  "  bringing  forth 
bread  and  wine,  for  he  was  the  Prieft  of  God  moft  highe, 

19  t  "  blefTed  him,  and  faid :  Blelfed  be  Abram  to  God  the  high- 
10  eft,  which  created  heauen  and  earth  rf  and  blelfed  be  God 

thehigheft,  by  whofe  protedion,  the  enemyes  are  in  thy  .-Abrahaift 
21  hands.  And  "  hegaue  himthe  tythes  of  al.  f  And  the  king  enriched  by 

of  Sodom  faid  to  Abram  :  Geue  me  the  foules,  and  the  reft  God,  would 
21  take  to  thee,  f  Whoanrweredhim:  I  liftvp  my  hand  to  my  "^^  "^l"^?^ 
23  Lord  God  moft  hieghpoireiror  of  heauen  and  earth  ,  f  that  foSs  fuftc! 

from  the  very  woofe-threadvnto  the  ftioelatchet,  I  wil  not  nance.  The 

take  of  al  that  are  thine:  -  left  thou  fay:  Ihaue  enriched  proper  hire  of 
"^  24  Abram:  f  except  fuch  thinges,  as  the  young  men  haue  fp^"^"^^ ^°^^ 

eaten,  and  the  ihares  of  the  men,  that  came  with  me,  Aoer,  P^"'-^'  q 

Efchol,  and  Mambre:  thefe  fbal  take  their  (bares. 

Chap.     XIIII. 

18.     ^ieUhifedech  ]  S.  Hicrom  being  carneftly  rcqueftcd  by  Eusgrius,  to 
gcuc  his  Judgement  touching  Melchifedcch,  whom  a  nameles  author  had  01^  hcrcfict 
cndcuored  to  proue  to  be  the  HoUe  Ghoft,plain!y  confutcth  that  enor:as  alfo  concerning 
an  other  error  of  Origen  and  Didymus  faying,  he  was  an  Angel.  Likcwifc  S.  Melchifcdcch* 
Epiphanius  ( hereft  5^.  &  7$)  rclaccth  and  condcmncth  a  thircl  error,  of  (bmc 
that  thought  him  to  be  the  Sonne  of  God, Thefe  two  Fathers.andS.  Auguftin 
[lt.deherffil}»sher.i4.}  And diucts  others,  whom  S.  Hicrom  allcagcth  prouc 
cuidcntly.thathewas  a  very  man,  a  Prieft  and  a  king,  yea  the  hiegh  Prieft 
(  at  Icaft  of  that  couatric;  Superior  to  Abraham,  aad  a  figure  of  Chria . 


A  probable  o- 
pinion  chat 

More  proba- 
ble that  Mel- 
chifeclccli  W3.S 

Proucflfby  S 
Pauls  wordes 

^6  Genesis^  Abram, 

Befidcs  thefc  hercfies  the  fame  S.  Hierom  rclatetk  two  probable  opinions.  The 

Tewcs  Rabins  generally  hold  that  Melchifedech  was  Sem  the  Tonne  of  Noc 

from  whom  Abraham    and  al  the   Hebrewes  defcended  .    Which    they 

Sem  and  Mel-  feme  rather  to  ai^rmc,  as  loath  to  confellc'thataniemanjof  othernation  then 

chifedechxs/as  their  o woe,  fliould  haue  bene  greater  and  more  excellent  then  Abraham  in 

al  one.  fpiritual  caufes,  thenforaniercafonthey  do,  or  can  alleagc.  Yet  manie  efpe- 

cially  latter  vs/riters  as  Liranus,  Toftatus,  Genebrardus  and  others  do  embrace 

this  opinionasmoft  probable.  Though  S.  Hierom  femeth  only  to  haue  added  £/>.  ^td 

the  Hcbrewes  opinion  (as  he  faith)  becaufe  he  would  intimate  al  to  his  freind,  Eua^. 

when  he  had  firil  cired  grauer  authores,  S.S-  Ircneus,  Hypolitus,  Eufebius 

Cefaricnfis,  Eufebius  Emiffenus,  Apolinarius,  and  Euftacnius,  al  agreably 

affirming  thatMclchifedechwasa  Chananire,  king  of  Salem,  which  was  after- 

aChananitc.     ^vards  called  lerufalem.  To  this  opinion  agreeth  Philo  ludxus  continually 

fpeakmg  of  him, as  ofaflranger  to  the  lewes  nation.  lofephus  alfo  a  lew  wri-  ^ 

te  th  plainly  (  h.  7  -de  bello  ludako.  c.  i8.  )  thathewas.ofChanaan,  and  Prince  of 
thcChananitcs-AlfoS.  DionyfiusAriopagita,(C<c/eJ?.H»f»-.  c-9.)S.  Epiphanius  | 

{her-  ^5-  &  ^7)Theoderetus  (9.  6^.  in  Gen.)  andSuidas,  afe  of  the  fame  mind, 
and  manie  other  chrifl-itian  Doctors.  Who  confirmc  their  aflertion  by  that 
S.  Paul  faith  to  the  Hebrewes:  He  yyhofe  generatien  is  not  numhieci  among  them  ^  Neb.y, 
tooke  tithes  of  Abraham .  For  what  els  can  S.  Paulmeanc,  but  that  Melchifc-  '^'^• 
dechs  kinred  and  people,  was  diuers  from  thckinred,  and  people  of  the 
lewes  ?  which  he  could  nor  fay  of  Sem,  from  whom  Abraham  &  al  Icwes  de- 
fcended: as  it  can  not  be  faid,  that  Adam  and  Noeare  ofdiucrs  genctatioii 
from  ariie  people  that  now  liueth,becaufc  weal  come  of  them.  Of  this  diffi- 
cultic  (not  pertaining  to  aniecontrouerfie  of  our  time)  the  ftudiou^may  fee 
more  in  F. Pererius  h"is  commentaries  vpon this.  14.  chap,  of  Genefis-difp.  j. 

18.  Bvin'ring  forth  ]  Scing  the  Royal  ProphctDauid,  and  S- Paulfay  Chrift  Vfat.109 
isaPrieftforeueraccording'rotheorderofMelchiredech,  wedemandofPro-  Heb.j. 
teft.ints,  if  Chrift  fulfilled  not  Melchifedechs  figuratiue  Sacrifice  offered  in 
bread  and  wine,  by  offering  his  owne  bodic  and  bloud  at  his  laft  fupper  in 
formes  ofbread  &  wine,  aiid  by  inftituting  the  fame  to  be  offered  by  his  Priefts 
til  the  end  of  the  world,  whatorher  figuratiue  facrifice  of  Melchifedcch  they 
canfindperformedby  Chrift,by  whichitmayappearc  that  he  is  a  Prieft  for 
€uer  according  to  that  order  ?  Caluin  (li.  4.  Infiit.  c.  18.  para  i.)Kemnifius 
(par.i.cxam."pag.740.  &.747)  Peter  martyr  (in  i.  Cor.  5.)  and  moftEnglifh 
Proteflantsgrant  that  Melchifedcch. was  a  Pricl^,  and  that  the  peculiar  fun- 
dionofa  Pneft  is  to  offer  Sacrifice,  wherfore  they  hauing  no  frcrifice  wil 
haue  only  miniftcrsand  no  Priefts,  bur  they  dcnie  that  Melchifedcch  offerc^d 
Sacrifice  in  bread  andwine.  VVheruponwe  ioync  ilfue  with  them  to  prouc 
that  he  did.  and  that  by  this  place  amongfl  others  of  holie  Scripture. 

Kcmnifius  complayneth  thatthe  Latin  text  hath  ohtulU  for  ProtuUt,  offertd, 
for  fir  ought  forth.  KnA  to  difproue  the  fame,  healleagcththe  Hebrew.Chaldcc, 
Grckc,  .and  S.Cyprian.  But  Catholiques  more  iuflly  complaine  of  him,  for 
lymcr.  For  al  Latin  Editions  haue  Vroferens,  bringing  forth.  The  quefiion  therforc    ' 
in  controuerfie  is,  to  what  end  and  vie  Melchifedcch  brought  forth  bread  and 
wine  ?  Caluin  and  Kcmnifius  fay  it  was  only  to  refrefti  or  fecde  Abraham  and    • 
his  men,  and  not  forfacrificc.  which  their  bare  faying  is  without  reafon,  for 
thattheiewasftoiCofvia:ualsinthepray(v.ii.)  andthey  had  eaten  therof.  ->•.  14. 
Moreouer  the  Hebrew  word  Hotji,  brought  forth,  is  a  word  pertayning  to  Sacri-  S .  chrif. 
fice,asinthe^  ch.ipofludgcs.  ( v.i8.andr9)and  importeth  that  the  bread  ho.^6.i» 
»ad  wine  were  firft  offered  in  Sacrifice,  and  then  doubtlcs  they  did  participat :  Gen. 


Chrifl  is  a 
Prieft  accor- 
•^iiig  to  the  or 
cicr  ofMelchi- 

tcftants  haue 
minifters  and 
no  Priefts 

The  ftatc  of 


Al^raxn^  Genesis.  5*7 

thougktliey  wante<!  flot  other  fufficicnt  corporal  roo<!e.  Againc  the  woidcs 

{olowing  For  he  yyas  the  Prteft  of  God  moTi  htegh,  can  haue  no  other  fenfe,  but 

that  he  did-the  fundion  of  a  Prieft  in  the  bread  &  wine  which  he  brought,  j^^et^}^jf-^j^j.j^ 

otherxx^ifeiftheonly  caufc  of  bringing  that  prouifion  had  bennc  to  relcuethe  oif^jcj^facri-. 

campewithviduals,  the  reafon  would  rather  haue  benne  yeldcd,  becaufe  he  f^^e  .{„  bread 

wasa  bountiful  King,  a  liberal  Prince,  a  fpecial  freind  to  Abraham,  as  in  dcede  ^^^  vine. 

hcwaSjbutnoncofmeferearons,  or  the  like  fitted  this  purpofe  lb  wcl,  nor 

touched  the  caufe  of  bringing  forth  bread  and  wine,  as  to  lignifie  that  he  was 

a  Prieft,  whofe  office  is  to  otFer  Sacrifice. 

Hereagainefomc  Proteftants  take  exception  againft  the  Latin  text,  that  the  The  latin  text 
caufualconiundion  £«<>»,/»>■,  is  not  agreable  to  the  Hebrew,  but  fhould  be  iuftifiedby  o- 
thccopulatiueEf.rfWi^,  which  is  a  mcerc  wrangling.  For  the  lerncd  know  wcl  ther  places, 
ynough,  that  the  Hebtew  particle  is  better  cxprcifcd  in  fuch  places,  by  iLnim  yea  by  Procc- 
or,  ^«w, /"or  or /»ef4«/?,  then  by  &.  And  fo  the  Englifli  Bible  printed  in  theyearc  ftants  tranl^a- 
of  our  Lord.  r/jz.  readeth  :  'Slelchtfedech  i^ing  of  Salem  brought  forth  brcnd  and  tions 
yyine:  for  he  yvas  the  Prieft  of  the  moji  hieghefl  God.  The  latter  Editionsalfo  in  like 
places  haue  not  the  copulatiueo/f»^,butfome  other  word  as  the  fenfe  rcqui- 
icth.  Gen.  lo.v.^.Thouart  but  a  deadman,  fertile  yyomans  fal^  yyhich  thou  haTi 
taiy^n  :  for  she  IS  a  mansvyife.  yf/hcre  the  Hebrew  phrafc  is,  ^nd  she  is  maried  to  a 
husband.  Gen.  30.  v.  17.  they  read  thus  :  For  l  haue proued  that  the  lord  hath  bleJJ'ed 
Tneforthyfa^,\ir\\eTe  prccifiy  conftruing  the  Hebrew  they  fliouIdHiy,  I  diuined 
(orconiedured)  and  the  Lord  bleJJ'ed  me  for  thy  Jake.  Likcwife  Efaie,  64.  t.;. 
they  read:  Bu4Loe,thouhafl  beneangrie,  for  yye  offended,  the  Hebrew  is  thus. 
L»e  thou  art  an^rie,  and  yye  haue Jlnned  In  the  place,  they  tranflate,  Tet  shal  ^ 

-vre  fcf/iwfjjvr/jjj;  the  Hebrew  exprelTeth  by  the  copulatiue,  ^^«i^  we  Iha]  be 
faucd.  So  when  they  thinke  it  conuenient,  they  tranflate  the  Hebrew  particle. 
Tor,  that,  yet,  which  ftriiftly  fignifieth  Jind. 

Now  let  vs  alfo  fee  the  original  in  this  place.  In  the  Hebrew  it  is  thus:  -p]^     Hebrew 
Vmalchi  tsedec  melec  chalem  hotsi  lechem  vaiaiin.-       ^^         r 
Vehv  COHEN   leel  ELTON  .  Vaie  varechehv,  &c.   In  Englilh  ^j^^^  Melchi- 
Vord  for  word  thus  :  .And\ielchtfedech  ^in^efsalem  brought  forth  bread  andyyine. '  r„  J_^  j:  j  j-U- 
xAndhethepriejltoGodmoJihie'rh.  ^nd  he  hlefedhim,8cc.  where  albeit  the  cau-   QfC^-p  ^f  ^ 
Tual  word  For,  is  not  exprelfed,  yet,  thefewordes,  ^«(^/jef/>f/'»if/?,  further  de-  piieft  in  bread 
daring  that  befides  the  office  and  digni  tie  of  a  King  (which  was  faid  before)  and  wine 
Mclchifcdec  was  alfo  a  Prieft,  muftncdesfignifieth^at  he  did  fomething  about 
the  bread  and  wine  belonging  to  a  Priefts  office.  And  what  that  fomethina     , 
was,  perhaps  the  Vniuerfitie  of  Cambridge  wilteftifie,  whofe  late  profcflcu  ^^  proper 
of  Diuinitietcacheth  plainly,  that  Melchifedech  offered  Sacrifice,  and  was  °      ^^  °         r 
Quiliel.     thcrinafigureofChrift(Prf^.6.  K,ej>r(he;i)  .Ucer dote s  (faxzh  he)  ij  yere  &  proprie  J."^     '.^5° 
yyhita^.  f»>tt,<juifacrifcia  factum  -ytjualtsfuit  ^aron,  &  .Aaromsflij,  c>  'Melchifedechus,  &  ^^'■-*^'-^^"*'^' 
contra      ^^fm  (Ui  adumbrahant,  chrijlus.  Prtejles  truly  and  properly  are  they,  titat  offer  facnfces, 
Gregor.     /*"'''  ''^  yy  as  jfaron,  and  the  fonnes  of  jiaron,  and  "Slelchtfedech,  andchriTf,  vyhom  they 
9darttn.   /"■'A?"''''/- If  then  both  Aaron  &  Melchifedech  weretruly  and  properly  Priefts, 
becaufe  they  offered  faciifices  (according  to  this  Profellbrs  definition  ]  and 
both  were  figures  of  Chrift,  it  muft  ncedcs  be  granted  that  as  Chrift  fulfilled 
the  figure  ofAaronsbloudiefacrifices,  in  offering  him  felfe  vpon  the  Croffe: 
fo  he  alfo  fulfilled  the  figure  as  wel  ofvnbloudiefacrificesofAaron,  as  efpeci- 
ally  of  Melchifedechs  Sacrifice  in  fc^mc  other  befides  that  on  the  Croffe,  feeing 
the  prophet  Dauid  and  S.  Paul  fay,  Chrift  is  a  Prieft  (not  according  to  Aarons 
order,  for  that  was  to  haue  an  end,  but  )  For  euer  according  to  the  order  of 
Melchifedech  .  And  what  other  Sacrifice  did  our  Sauiour  offer  to  rerriainc 

H  perpc- 

jS  Genesis.'  Abrami; 

CKrift  ftil  ex- perpctuaLbvitofhiso'^ncbodie&bloudinvnbloudlemanerjVnilcrtlie  formes 
crciccth  the  ofbicactand  wine,  xi'/uh  commandmtnt  to  his  Apoftles  and  Piicfts  to  do  the 
officcofPncfl- fame  til  the  end  of  tF  ■:  world?  Let  the  indifferent  reader  weigh  it  wcl.  And 
hood  accor-  whofoeucr  isnot  vci  y  proud  wil  for  his  better  inftrudion,  or  confirmation^ 
dingro  thcor-  eftemc  the  vnifor  ir  iudgementofmanie,  ancient,  godlie,  and  Icrned  Fathers 
der'ofMelchi-writingvponthiS  place.  VVewil  only  recite  their  wordcs,  without  other  dc- 
/edecfi  by  the  dudionforbtcuitiefake. 

miniftctic  of  S.  Clemens  Alexandrinus  (li  4. Strom,  verfus  fincm).  writcth  thus  :MeIchi- 
Pi lefts.  fedech  kinjr  ofSalcm,  Prieft  of  Godmoft  hiegh,  gauc  wine  &  bread  fantificd 

.  nutriment  in  type  of  the  Eucharift. 

The  ancient         5  Cyprian  rEpift  ^?.ad  Ca:cilium)ChriftisPricft  for  eucraccordingto  the 
u       *  Vx^u-^  order  ofMelchifedcchjwhichordcris  this  coming  from  that  Sacrifice,  and 
^1^'^^/^^='?'''^="  thence  defccnding,  that  Melchifedech  was  Prieft  of  God  moft  hiegh,  that  he 
dech  offered    pfif-^red  breads  wine,rhar  he  blclTed  Abraham  For  who  is  more  a  Prieft  of  God 
Sacrifice  in       moft  hie^h,  then  our  Lord  lefus  Chrift,  who  offered  Sacrifice  to  God  the  Fa- 
bread  &  wine  ther,  and  offered  the  fame,  which  Mclchifcdech  had  offered,  bread  and  wine, 
/-K  vv^^^   A    r''^'*'^'^'^'^  o*'"^'^''''^'^^"'^  ^'°"<^-''^'"f^'''btle  after  :  That  therforein  Genefis, 
h      p^"l°   thebleffingmiohtbc  rightly  celcbraied,  about  Abraham,  by  Melchifedcc  the 
Oihcr  1  neits    Piieft^  the  image  of  Chrifts  Sacrifice  confifting  in  bread  and  wine  went  before,. 
or  nic  new       which  thing  our  Lord  perfecting  and  performing,  offered  bread  and  chalice- 
Tciument.       mixrwith  wine,  and  he  that  is  the  plenitude,  fulfilled  the  veritic  of  the, prefi- 

Eufcbius  CcraricnfiS.(  li  j.Demonft.Eiiang.c  jjEucnas  he  who  was  Prieft 
of  Nations  was  ncuer  fene  to  offer  coiporalfacrificcs,  but  only  bread  &  wine, 
when  he  bleiled  Abraham:  Co  firft  our  Lord  SeSauiour  him  felfe,  then  priefts 
that  come  from  him,  exercifing  the  fpiritual  office  ofPricfthoodin  al  nations 
after  the Ecclefiafticalordinanccs,  do  reprcfent  the  myfteries  of  his  bodie, 
and  healthful  bloud  in  bread  &  wine. which  mvfteries  Mclchifedech  knew  fo 
long  before  by  diuiuc  fpirite,  andyfed  ns  leprefentations  of  things  to  come. 

S.  Ambrofe  (li.  ^dc  Sacramcn.c.  i.)  We  know  the  figure  of  tlie  Sacraments 
wentbefore,  in  Abrahams  times,  when  Mclchifedech  offered  Sacrifice. 

Idem,  in  cap. 5  Heb.ltiscle;c  that  oblations  ofcattlc  are  vaniflied,  which 
were  in  Aarons  order,  butMelchifcdechsinftitution  remayncthj  which  is  ce- 
lebrated al  the  world  ouer  in  adminiftration  of  the  Sacranicnts. 

S  Hierom.  (  Epift.  ad  Marcellamo  vtmigret  Bethleem.  )  Haue  recourfeto- 
Genefis, and  you  fhal find  Melchifedech  king  of  Salem,  prince  of  this  citic, 
who  cuen  then  in  figure  of  Chrift  offered  broad  and  wine,  and  dedicated  rhc' 
ChiiftianmyftericinourSauioursbodic  .'.ndbloud.IdemEpift.  ad  Euagrium: 
Mclchifedech  offered  not  bloudie  vidims ,  but  dedicated  the  Sacrament  of 
Chrift  in  bread  and  wine,  fimple  and  pure  facrifice.  Idem.  Queft.  in  Gen.  c. 
14:  Ourmyftericisfignifiedin  the  word  of  order,  notby  Aaron  in  imolating 
brutevidlimSjbutin'offeringbreadand  wine,  that  is  the  bodie  and  bloud  of 
our  Lord  Icfiis.  Idem  in  c.i6.Matthci.-  Mclchifedech  the  Prieft  of  God  mofl 
Inegh,  bv  offering  bread  and  wine,  prefigured  the  Myftcrie  of  the  Eucharifl. 

S.  Chrifoftora  (ho.jj  inGen.)Seeingrhefigure,tl;inck  alfo  I  pray  thee,  of 
tlieveririe  ho.}6  Afrerthat  Melchifcdec  king  of  Salem  brought  bread  and 
vine  ( for  he  was  Prieft  of  God  moft  hiegh )  Abraham  receiucd  his  oblations. 
S.  Ai'!7;uftin(  Epift  .  95  •)  Melchifcdechbringingforth  thefacramcnt  (or 
myftcrie]  of  our  Lords  table  ,  knew  how  to  figurate  his  eternal  ptiefthood. 
Idcmli..  i(>.c.  zxciuit.  There  firft  appeared  that  factificcwhich  is  now  offered 
to  God  by  Chriftiansia  the  whole  world.  Idem  li,  17.  c.  17.  li.  18.  c.  3J.  arid. 

Abram.  .Genesis.  y^ 

rponthcPralmc  10^.  li.T.  contra  aducrf.  Let;.  &  prophet,  c.  20.  Set.  4.  de  Caluincotcm- 
Sandbis  Innoccntibus.Butitis  booties  or  nedlestocitc  more  places, or  more  nechal  tacau- 
authors.fol- whofoeucr  wil  not  lubmit  their  iudgcments  to  thc{e,would  not,it  cieat  t'atht  rs. 
is  like,  bcleue,  if  their  ownc  maiftcrs  ,  fliould  rife  agaiic  and  warnc  thein>  laca.p  .Hcl>. 
left  they  be  damned  for  their  incrcdulitie. 

19.     Blfjedhim  ]   Caluin  (in  cap.7.  v.^.  Heb )  Mufculus  ( lociscom.  c.  dc 
MiflaPapift) and fome other Proteftanrs to  auoid  the  connexion  of  Melchi- 
fedechsPr*f/?/;oo(/and  bringing  forth  of  bread  and  Mfinc,  Vfil  ncdes  haue  thefe   . 
vordes,  WfT-v/r^ii  Pr/f J7,  referred  only  to  that  which  foloweth,  l>e  hlejjed  jl- 
Bflfs        Iraham,  AndfomcEnglifli  tranflarers  for  this  purpofe  haue  corrupted  the  textj  Heretical 
tS79'        by  changing,  ^nd  into  Thet  fore.  Crying  thus:  ^ndhe  yvas  a  Pmfl  of  f''^  "»''/?  tranilatioa. 
htegh  God,   thetiore  hi  hleJJ'td  lam.   which  is  alfo  a  falie  gloflc  .   Eor  Melchi- 
fcdeth  did  not blclfe  Abram  becaufe  be  was  a  Prieft,  for  Abram  was  alio  a 
Prieft,  but  bccaulehe  wasagreatcr  Pricftthcn Abram. which  S.Paulvrgcth 
Vfh.J,      faying  :   yi'tthottt  al  contradiCtien   that  -^nrhnh  is  Ifjje ,   is  bUjj'fd  ef  the  htiter , 
JofueS.     concluding  rherupon  that  Mclchifedcch  was  greatter  then  Abraham.  Aganc '^"*^,&'"^^^- 
C-i-i-     othcrSupcriors  that  arc  not  Priefts  may  blefle  their  inferiors.  As  lofue  and  '^lelleth  the 
if^^S':^'  Salomon  blelTed  the  people,  and  parents  blelfe  their  children.  iclle. 

zo.     Gauetithrs]   Thii  is  an  other  prerogatiue  of  Mclchiftdec,  that  Abram  p^^,jp_     c 
payed  tithes  to  him,  which  S.Paul  likwifc  explicateth  (Hcb.7.  ]and  proueth  Qthesjiulig 
therby  that  Chrifts  Priefthoodis  greatter  then  the  Leuitical.Morcouer  this  \-,r^ r./r,,T„v^ 
paymgof  tithes  by  Abraham  Ihewetn  the  annquitic  of  this  tradition,  being 
pradilcd  in  Abrahams  time^that  t ke  fpiritual  Superiors  rccciucd  tithes  of  thcix 

Chap.     XV. 

[y{hrjm  douhting  and  Ument'wg  thxt  he  should  haue  no  childe,  God  promt* 
fethhim  much  if  ue,  6.  who  Meuingts  iitjlijied,  9,  ofereth  Sacrifice  pre- 
fcrihtdby  God,  1  ^ .  and  n  forWAvned  that  bts  feede  shal  be  in  J}rar>ge  hnd 
^oo.jcdres.  14.  shalbi  deliueredjromferuttude  iS.and pojiej^e  chanaan, 

1  X7'\7"Hen  chcfe  things  therfore  were  done,  the  word 

V      V    of  our  Lord  was  made  to  Abram  bv  a  viiion  iaving: 
Feare  not  Abram, I  am  thy  prote6lor,c5c  thy  reward  exceding 

2  great,  f  And  Abram  faid  :  Lord  God,  what  wilt  thou  geue 
me  ?  I  (hal  goe  without  children:  and  the  Tonne  of  the  ftu- 

5  ard  of  my  houfe  is  this  Damafcus  Eliezcr.  -f-  And  Abram 
added:  But  to  me  thou  haft  not  geuenl'eedc  rand  loe  my  fer- 

4  uant  borne  in  my  houfe,  fhal  be  myn  heirc.  ■\  And  immedi- 
atly  the  word  of  our  Lord  came  to  him  fiying  :  He  fl^al  not  be 
thy  heyre:  but  he  that  ilial  come  out  of  thy  wombc,  him  ihalt 

I  thou  haue  thin  hcire.  j-  And  he  brought  him  forth  abroad, 
andfaid  to  him  :  Lookevp  to  heauen,  and  number  the  ftar- 
res,  if  thou  canft.  Andhe  faid  to  him:  So  thai  thy  feed  be. 

Hit  Abram 

::Tlicrc  three  -f-  Abram  "  beleiied  God,  and  it  was  reputed  to  him  vnto  6 
kindes  ofbe--^^-^^^  ^  And  he  faid  to  him  :  I  am  the  Lord  thkt  brought  7 

60  Genesis.  Abram 

aftes  and  two  "7"**'^*    1    -"•"""'- ^'"'^'■'^"""•^  'i"*  "-y'-  ■^'-"^"■•'^'"■'-  •■';^^"&*''*-   '        IM.  z,» 
of birdes  figni  ^^'^^^  ^^^  trom  Vr  ot  the  Chaldees  for  to  giue  thee  this  land, 
fiethatthe  If- and  that  thou  mighteft  polfcire  it...  f  But  he  faid  :  Lord   8 
laelites  fhould  God,  how  may  I  know  that  I  ftial  poirelFe  it  ?  f  ^"^  <^"^  9 
be  three  gene-  i^q^^  anfwered,  and  faid :  ••  Take  me  a  cowe  of  three  yeares 
ftraneeland,  °^'^'  ^^^  ^  ^^^^  g°^^  ^^  three  yeares,  and  a  ramme  of  three 
the  fourth  in  yeares,  a  turtle  alio,  and  a  pigeon,  f  Who  taking  al  thefe,  di=  i® 
thedefert,  the  uided  them  by  the  mydes ,  and  laid  ech  two  peeces  arowc 

fion  ofCha-'  °"^  ^^^'^^  ^^'^  ^'^^'^^  •  ^"^  ^^"^^  ^^'"^^^  ^■'^  diuided  not .  f  And   11 

naai)   Theod.  ^^^^  foules  lighted  vpon  the   carcaifes ,  and  Abram  droue 

q.6$.inGcn.    them  away .  j-  And  when  the  funne  was  fetting,  a  deepe  11 

::  Abraham     ileepe  fel  vpon  Abram,  and  a  great  and  darkefome  horrour 

and  ^"5  feed    inuadedhim.  f  Audit  was  faid  vnto  him  :  Know  and  fore-  13     \4B.\-j, 

lancf^"oo^and  ^'^"O'^'*^  ^^^^.tapilgrime  shal  thy  feede  be  in  a  land  not  their 

odde yeares,    owne  (and  they  shal  bring  them  vnder  bondage,  and  afflid 

but  infcruitu-  them  )  *:  foure  hundred  yeares.  f  But  the  nation,whom  they  14 

deandafflidli-  shalferue,  I  wil  iudge:  and  after  this  they  shal  goe  forth  ^•'  ^h 

°:"God"defl°-  ^^"-^^  ^"^^^^  fubftance.  f  And  thou  shalt  goe  to  thy  fathers  i^ 

leth  topuniiK  i"  peace,  buried  in  a  good  old  age.  ■\  But  in  the  fourth  gene-  16 

either  that  the  ration  they  shal  returne  hither  :  for  *•  as  yet  the  iniquities  of 

wicked  may    the  Amorrheanes  are  not  at  the  ful  vntil  this  prefent  time. 

Eood  be^e'xei'-     1^  Therfore  when  the  {\nine  was  fet ,  there-ftofe  a darkc  17- 

cifcdbythem.  ^"^^^  >  and  there  appeared  a  fornace  fmoking,  and  a  flake 

S.Aug.Pfal.54.  o^  fire  palling  betwene  thofe  diuifions .    f   That  day  God  1% 

orbecaufethe  made  a  couenant  with  Abram,  faying  :  To  thy  feede  wil  I 

iniquity  ]s  not  g^ygj-^jg  land  from  the  riuer  of  i^sypt  euen  to  the  ereac 

come   to  that  ^.        _       ,  ,     1      ^.  „    ^^    .  ,'     ^    ,  ^      . 

'^reat  meafure  ""^^^"P'^^^'^^^'  t  the  Cnieans,  &  Cenezites,  theCedmoni-  19 

whichhis        tes,  t  and  the  Hethits,  and  the  Pherezits,  the  Raphaims  alfo,  20 

wildome  for-  -^  and  the  Amorreans  <5c  the  Cananites,and  the  GargafiteSjand  ii    " 

feeth,  and     the  lebufites.  .^ 

wiI  punifii  in 

the  end  ,  to  his • L-^ 

owne  more 

gto"e,and  ANNOTATIONS. 

more  good  of  ^  ^  V. 

iio.  II.  in  3. 

Ezech.  ^-     ^f^fuedcod  ]   S.  Hila?ie(li.o.dc  Trin)  indS.  AmhrofcCli.r.  dc  Abra* 

To  bclcue  ham.c.  ?)  by  this  example  teach  vs,  what  mancr  of  faith  is  reputed  to  iufticc. 
Go';!s  word  towir,  fuch  a  faith  as  withouttcrgiuerfatioHj  or  requiring  of  proofe  or  rcafon* 
without  ftac^-  ^^^]'^  ^ 
gering  is  an  f'i''fc'cucr  the  thing  that  is  faid  furmounteth  our  vnderftanding.  For  foheroical 
ad:ofiufticc.    vras  the  adlofAbrahamsfaith,promptlybclcuing  Gods  wordina  matter  mod 


Abrara.  Genesis.  6i 

hard  to  Ms  former  ccnceipt,  that  for  the  fame  he  rcceiued  fingular  prayfc ;  and 

for  the  like  zftetws.ids'wOiScMcdThefatbeiojmanie nations  (c.iy.v.  5)andby  >Jot  workcs 

S.'Pa.ul.Thefatherofalthat  beleue  ('R0.4.V.  11)  where  the  Apoftle  teachech  before  faith 

that  Abraham  had  no  iuftice,  nor  eftimation  of  iuftice  before  God,  vntil  he  but  ioyned 

beleuedinChrifi:(v,  18.  15),  10  )  bccaufealworkes  before  thatfaith  arc  infuffi-  vith  faith  arc 

cient.  Neyther  was  this  a  fole  faith  but  had  other  necefi'arie  vertues  of  hope,  meritorious. 

and  charitie,  humilite,  reucrcnce,  obedience,  &  the  hke  ioyncd  with  it.  wher- 

fore  S  .  lames  teftifieth  that  Abraham  was  iuftified  by  workes  (  that  is  by  Qj^]j.  f^j^}, 

vorkes  folowing  faith  notgoing  before  faith.  For  frf«//j  (faith  he)  »/»>  hcmnot  j    ^u  not  iu- 

yyor^ss,  isdeadin  it  felf.  (  c.  l.v.17]  Jlndby  yyor{fs  Abrahams  fauhyyascenjum-  nr- 

»n<it.T  11.  And  concludeth  thus:Doyeeree,  that  by  workes  a  man  is  iuftified 

and  not  by  faith  only.  v.  24. 

Chap.     XVI. 

SaraigeticthherhAndmdid^garas A^ifeto\y€yrAm.  4.  "S^ho  concerning 
defpfeth  her  ntyjirejfe^  u  therfore  affli^ed,  C^fiyeth  dIVay.y.  But  is  n^ar- 

.  ned  by  dn^ngel  to  nturne  And  humble  herfelfcy  ij.  which  she  doth  and 
heareth  IfmxeL 

I  QArai  therfore,  the  >3rife  of  Abiam,haci  brought  forth 
»3  no  children :  buthauing  an  handmaid  an  ^Egyptian  na- 

z  medAgar,  f  she  faid  to  her  hufband:  Behold,  our  Lord  hath 
clofed  mejljj^at  I  might  not  beare :  Goe  in  vnto  my  hand* 
maid,  ifhappely  ofherattheleaft  I  may  haue  children.  And 

3  when  he  agreed  to  her  in  this  requeft,  f  she  toke  Agar  the 
i€gyptian  her  handmaid  tenne  yeares  after  that  they  firlt 

dwelled  in  the  land  of  Chanaan  :  and  gauc  her  vnto  her  ..  ^^^^  o{,g* 

4  hufband"  to  wife,  f  Whodidcompanie  with  her,  but  she  whileft  they 

"•  perceauing  thatshe  was  with  childe,  defpifcdhermiftreire.  are  rude,  oria. 
J  t  And  Sarai  faid  to  Abram  :  Thoudoeft  vniuftly  againft  me  :  jo^^ftatc,  but 

I  gaue  my  handmaid  into  thy  bofome,  who  perceauing  dekSlwIe^a. 

herfelf  tobewith  child,  defpifeth  me.  Our  Lord  iudge  be-  or  aduance'^  ' 
i  twen  me  and  thee .  f  To  whom  Abram  making  anifwere :  ment  difdainc 

Behold,  faith  he,  thy  hadmaid  is  in  thine  owne  hand,  vfe  her  ^^^'^  aduan- 

as  it  pleafeth  thee.  When  Sarai  therfore  did  afflid:  her,  she  ""li^f/.'^^ 
7  ranneaway.  f  And  an  angel  of  our  Lord  hauing  found  her,  Reg.  5. 

beildeafountaineofwaterin  the  wilderneife,  which  is  in 

5  the  way  to  Sur  in  the  defert,  t  be  faid  to  her:  Agar,  the 
handmaid ofSarai, whence comefl: thou?  and  whither  <Toeft 
thou  ?  who  anfwered  :  From  the  face  of  Sarai  my  miftreile 

5  dos  I  flye.  |  And  the  angel  of  our  Lord  faid  to  her :  Returne 

H.3  tothj 

^i  Genesis^'  Abiam, 

to  thy  miftrefle,  and  humble  thy  felfe  vnder  her  hand,  f  And   lo 
again :  Multiplying,  fayth  he,  wil  I  multiplie  thy  feed,  and  it 
shal  not  be  numbred  for  the  multitude  therof.  f  And  againe    ii 
after  that:  Behold,  fiithhc,  thou  art  with  child,  and  thou 
shalt  bring  forthafonne:  and  thou  shalt  cal  his  name  If- 
maeljbecaufe  the  Lord  hath  heard  thin  afflidion.  f  He  shal  ii 
be  a  wild  man:  his  hand  shal  be  againft  al  men,  and  al  mens 
hands  againft  him  :  and  qucragainftal  his  bretheren  shal  he 
pitch  his  tents,  f  And  she  called  the  name  of  our  Lord  that  ij 
Ipakevnto  her:  Thou  the  God  which  haft  Cenc  me.  For  she 
faid :  verily  here  haue  I  fcne  the  backe  parr:;s  of  him  that 
hath  fene  me.  -J-  Thcrfore  she  called  that  wel,  the  Wei  of     14 
him  that  hueth  and  feeth  me.  The  fame  is  betwen  Cidelfc, 
and  Barad.  f  And  Agar  brought  forth  a  fonne  to  Abram:    ly 
who  called  his  name  Ifmael.  f  Eightie  and  Cixe  yeares  old    16 
was  Abram  when  Agar  brought  him  forth  Ifmael. 

piui'alicie  of 
M/iucs  in  the 
Luther  allo- 
■v^eth  it  in 
Chriftians  . 
Other  Pro- 
tcdants  in 
fome  ciCe. 

Tvo  fortas  of 
prcccprsin  the 
Uvr  of  nature. 

Chap.     XVI. 

X.  Tovrife  ]  TlicManichces  did  calumniat  holie  Abraham,  andothcrPa- 
triarchcs  for  hauing  manic  wiucs,  condemning  them  of  incontincncie  and 
adulrcric  forthcfame  Luther  in  the  contraiie  cxtremcjjjj^d  it  not  vnlawful, 
butindiiFcrent,  no\s/in  the  lawofgrace,  foraman  to  haffcmorc  w^iucs  then 
one  at  once.  And  fome  Enr;U(]i  Proteftants  hold,  that  for  aduhcrie,  the  inno- 
cent parric  may  marie  an  other,  the  firft  liuing.  But  the  Carholique  do(Srin 
dirtinguidiing  times  and  cau(es,fiieweth  hove  pluralitie  of  wiucs  was  lawful 
fomctimcs,andat  other  times,  efpecially  fincc  Chrift,  altogether  vnlawful, 
and  vndKpcnfabic .  The  fummc  of  \vhich  vcriticis  this.  By  the  firft  mflitution 
ofMariageinthcftatcofinnocencic,  and  lavsf  of  nature,  and  by  the  law  of 
Chriil,  it  is  vnlawful  for  anie  man  to  haue  more  wiues,  and  for  anic  woman  to 
haue  more  hulbands,  then  one.'  In  the  one  part  of  ^hidi  Law  notwith- 
ftanding  God  foinctimes  difpcnfed  .  For  there  be  two  kindcs  of  prcfcptes 
pertainnigro  the  law  ofnaturc.  One  forte  arc  as  firft  principlrs  of  the  law  of 
natnrc,in  which  God  ncuerdifpcfeth, much  lelfe  anic  man.  As  that  one  woman 
may  not  haue  more  hufbands  then  one,  becaufc  the  fame  would  rather  hinder 
procreation,  and  fo  were  dircdly  againft  the  fruiA  of  mariagc.  The  other 
forte  arc  as  conclufionsdrowncfroni  the  firil:  principles,  in  which  God  fomc- 
timesdifpenfcth,  butncucranieman.Asinthis  prcfent  example  :  feeing  it  is 
acrainft  natural  procreation  that  one  woman  Hiould  haue  manic  hufbands,  ic 
is'conuenicnr  alfo,  there  being  ordinarily  as  manic  men  as  wcmen  in  the 
vorld,  that  cueric  man  lijcwife  ihould  be  reftramed  to  one  wife,  for  fo  procre- 
ation may  rather  be  incrcaied,  then  iffomc  men  haue  manic  wiues  ,and  others 
by  that  occafion  haue  none  at  al,  except  in  fome  fpccial  cafe.  As  after  the  floud, 
when  there  was  fcarfctie  of  people,  God  difpenfed  with  fuch  men  as  in 
dccdewcrelikctomakc^rrcatter  procrcaaonby  pluralitie  ofviues.VVluch 
v>  appe- 

If.  IX.  f. 

61..  6$. 
tt  66., 



Abraham.  Genesis.  6^ 

app  carcth  fofficientl y  by  that  Sarai  pcrfwadcd  her  oxrnc  Iiufband,  to  marie  an  Pluralitic  of 
other  xt  ifc,  and  he  a  true  fcruant  of  God  agreed  thcrto,  not  as  a  ncvs'  thing  but  wiues  fomcti- 
as  a  lawful  pradife  pf  thofe  times.  And  Moyfcs  here  and  in  other  places  ilil  raesallov/cii. 
.II-  fpeakethoiit,  as  of  a  cuftomc  knovne  to  the  people  for  lawful,  i/ 4  »«.;»( faith 
he  )  haue  tyre  yyiueSy  onebeloueii  and  the  other  hated, tindthey  haue  chiUlien  ty  him^ 
ttndthe  (vntit  of  tht  hattd be  fnTi  borne,he cannot prefirre the  fonne  of  the  hdoHtd. 
■wherby  is  clere  that  two  wines  were  then  lawful,  and  the  children  of  both 
legitimate,  and  that  the  firft  borne  muft  be  preferred,   without  refpedl  of 
firft  or  laft  mariagc.  Yet  this  Jifpenfation  cither  ceafed  before  Chrifts  time,  the 
caufe  ceafing,  when  the  world  wasreplcniflicd;  orat  leaftourSauiour  tookc  gy^hc  Tatr  of 
it  away,  rcftoring  Matrimonic  to  thefirftinftitutionof  twoin  one  flefii.  who  thrift  in  no 
pleafeth  to  fee  the  Dodors  that  vnderftand,and  expound  the  Scriptures  to  this  cafelawfuL 
chFcd,  may  readS.  Auguftin  li.  2  i.e.  30.  &.  47.  con  16.  c.i^. 
&  38.  ciuit.  &  li.  I  deaouherconiugijs.S.  Chnflom  ho.j^.  inGen.  S.  Amb. 
li .  ce  Abraham,  c.  4.  Alfo  S.  Chrifoft.  S. Hicrom .  and  S.  Bcde  in.  ip.  Mathci. 

Chap.     XVII. 

God  renefvin^his  promifes  to  ,y{lram,  5.  chan^eth  his  name,  I  o.  and  corn-^ 
r/iiitideth  Circunctfton.  ij.  changeth  alfo  his  '^lues  name,p'omifeth  xfonne 
of  her.  20.  LikfiViJe  that  Jjmael  shal  f^rofj?er.  2^  andthefttvedayjihra" 
h*mcircHnafed  himfelfe^dnd  Jfrnael^aadal  the  mtn  ofbishouje^ 

1  A    Nd  after  that  he  hcganne  robe  nyntie and nyneyearcs 
jTx  old,  our't.orcl  appeared  vnto  him  rand  faid  vnto  him: 

I  am  the  God  ahcightie  :  M/alkc  before  me,  and  be  '•'•  perfed.  ...He is  of* 

2  -j-  And  I.v^il  make  ray  coiienant  betwen  me  and  thee:  and  inthislife,thae 
5  I  wil  mukiplie  thee  exceadingly  .  f  Abram  fel  flat  on  his  finccrlv  &  di- 

4  face  .  t  And  God  faid  to  him  :  I  am  ,  and  my  coucnant  is  J,'^V^^^^  ^^"" 

5  withthceA'thonsholtbeafatherofmanie  nations,  f  Ney-  Z^ai^n^of 
thcr  (hal  thy  name  be  called  any  more  Abram^ :  but  thou  the  nerHifc. 
shalt  be  called  Abraham  :  bccaufe  a  father  of  "  many  nations  And  this  God 

C  Ihauc  made  thee,  f  And  I  wilmake  thee  cncreafeexcedinfr*  hcrccomman- 
iy,  and  I  Nvil  make  thee  into  nations,  andkingesshal  come  ham'&Ch^r*- 

7  iorthofthee.  f  And  I  vj'il  cftablish  my  couenant  betwen  toal'chrifti'-' 
me  and  thee,  and  betwen  thy  Cecde  after  thee  in  their  gene-  ans .  Math.  y. 


5)  perpetual poflcflion,  and  I  \fil be  their  God.  f  AgaineGod 

faid  to  Abraham  :  And  thou  therforc  shalt  kecpe  ray  coue- 

10  nant,  and  thy  feed  after  thee  in  their  generations,  f  This  is 

my  coueuaiK  vhich  you  shalobfcrue  betvenme  and  you, 


^4  Genesis.  Abraliam 

and  thy  feede  after  thee:  Al  the  malekind  of  you  "  shal  be  cir=» 
t;CircumcifI-  cumcifed  :  f  and  you  shal  circumcife  the  flesh  of  your  pre-  ii 
on  and^namc  p^^-g^  ,-h^j-  [^  j^^y  (,£  fQj.  ^  f^g^e  of  the  couenant  betwen  m  e 
eight  day  fi-    andyou.  f  An  infant  of-  eight  daies  shalbe  circumcifcd  a-  12 
gnified  the      mong  you ,  al  malekind  in  your  generations  :    alwel  the 
alTociation  o  f  homebred  shal  be  circumcifed  ,  as  the  bought  feruant  of 
Saints  in  hca-  >5^|^ofoeuer  he  is,  not  of  your  ftocke:  f  and  my  couenant  shal    15 
feuen  daycs     be  in  your  flesh  for  a  perpetual  couenant.  f  The  male,  whofe  14 
crauel  of  this  flesh  of  his  prepuce^  shal  not  be  circumcifed,  that  foule"  shalbe  deftroied  out  of  his  people  :  becaufe  he  hath  broken 
^"■^""'^:^^P"'^  my  couenant.  f  Godfaidalfo  to  Abraham:  Sarai  thy  wife   i; 
^^       '      thou  shalt  not  cal  Sarai,  but  Sara,  f  And  I  wil  blefle  her,   16 
::  Abraham      ^^'^^  of  her  I  wil  giue  thee  a  fonnc,  whom  I  wil  blelFe,  and  he 
laughed  not    shalbe  into  nations,  and  kings  of  peoples  shal  fpring  of  him. 
doubting  but  f  Abraham  fel  vpon  bis  face,  &"  laughed,  faying  in  his  hart :  17  • 
leioycmg.  S.   ^}^^|  troweft  thou  to  him  that  is  an  hundred  yeare  old  a 
Abraham  c.  4.  fonne  be  borne  ?  and  Sara  that  is  nyntie  yeares  old  shal  she 
S.Aug. li. 16. c.  beare?  f  And  he  faid  to  God:  I  would  that  Ifmael  may  Hue  18 
a^.dcciuir.      before  thee,  f  And  God  faid  to  Abraham:  Sara  thy  wife  19 
shal  beare  thee  a  fonne, and  thou  shalt  cal  his  name  Ifaac,and 
I  wil  efbablish  my  couenant  to  him  for  a  perpetual  coue- 
nant, and  to  his  feed  after  him.  f  Concerning  Ifmael  alfo  I  20 
haue  heard  thee,  behold,  I  wil  blelfe  him,  and )^ncreafe,  and 
•J     5"^?°"^^     muitiplie  him  exceadinQ;ly  :  twelue  dukes  shal  he  beget,  and 
common  to    I  Wil  make  hnn  mto  a  great  nation,  f  But  my  couenant  I  wil  11 
Ifmael ,  but     cftablish  With  '•  Ifaac,  whom  Sara  shal  bring  forth  to  thee 
fpiritual  per-  at  this  time  an  Other  yeare.  f  And  when  hehadleaftoffpea»  iz 
r\"o  Ifaacand  ^^"g  ^^^^^  ^^^^  '  <^°^  afcendcd  from  Abraham .  t  And  A-  25 
Iliael,  &  their  braham  tooke  Ifmael  his  fonne,  and  al  the  homebred  of  his 
fucccfl'eilors.    houfe  :  and  al  whom  he  had' bought,  al  the  males  of  al  the 
men  of  his  houfe  :  and  he  circumcifed  the  flesh  of  their  pre- 
puce forthwith  the  very  fame  day,  as  God  had  commanded 
him.  f  Abraham  was  nyntie  and  nyne  yeares  old,  when  he  24 
::  Conformi-  circumcifed  the  flesh  of  his  prepuce,  f  And  Ifmael  his  fonne  2; 
tic  in  Rcligi-  was  fulthirtene  yeares  old  at  the  time  of  his  circumcifion. 
pca'cc"incucry  t  Thefelffame  day  was  Abraham  circumcifed  and  Ifmael    16 
familie.  Tho.  his  fonne.  f  And  "  al  the  men  of  his  houfe,as  wel  the  home-  27 
Anglus  in       bred,  as  the  bought  feruantes  and  ftrangers  were  circumcifed 

bunc  locum,    togeather 


Abraham.  Genesis.  6^ 


Chap.  XVII. 

y,     "Manif  nations  ]   Abram  fignifying  iJir^h  or  Ki>hle  father,  changed  into  Clian£yinfT  of 
Abraham,  which  fignifieth  Tather  of  vauie  (nations)  and  SaraifigniiyingA/j  rramcs  is  my- 
rH»ff5,changed  into  Sara,  v/hich  ab'olutly  fignifieth  Prtncejje,  importc  great  ftical.  S.  Auc-. 
Myflerics  intended  by  God.  For  by  this  changing  of  names  was  declared  and  h.i6c.iS  (Scj*^. 
confirmed,  that  Abraham  by  theiflue  that  he  fliould  haue  of  Sara,  (hould  bcciuit.  S.  Hic- 
the  fatiier  of  manie  nations,    whith  S.  Paulexprcfly  appliethtohisfpiritual  rom.  Tradit. 
children,  thole  dpecirdly  that  fliould  beleue  in  Chiilf,  of  the  Gentiles  prcfi-  Hebraicis. 
gined  by  l/aacb.  me  of  the  frccyvoniaii,  by  thcpromift,  as  the  leWes  were  ^rc^ow- 
it^hy  Ijtnailh^Yiie  of  tlxhondvyonutn  according  to  the  fie  sh,  concluding  with  the  .1      1 

FcphetLCni^xhat'SUmeare  tlxchddrenofthc  i{<rolate,thjtbf'oieyy.isbarren.  For^       1  r    i  /• 

11        al     I  ir    1         rr  ■         -r-i     -rr       i-         ».    i-     •    tural  father  of 

albcuAbraham  was  natural  father  of  Jo  jre  nations,  The  Kn.aelitcs,  Madiani-  r 

tj  j   1     tr     r  1  ,••./•    I         ,-  toure  nations: 

tes,  Idumcans,  and  thellr?.elites,  yetle  r  •  ?r    l 

r  \        ■         111  i~\      n  r  1  ■  •  I  1     ,-1     tpiritiiaJrathef 

wit,  of  al  nations  that  bcicue  in  Chuft  horn  his  ownc  time  to  the  end  of  the  v  irj.»j    u 

WGjld,  of  which  fomearcIcwcs/  thctanrc  A   ?^^  ■  ^]X,  "f,^ 
poflle  nicweth.  Rom  4.  Gal.  4.  Ephef.j.  CoHoi:  i.  and  m  orhcrplaccs.    whcr-  J^"^^'"  ^j'"^*- 
byisdere,  thatthe  ChurchofChnftdoch  alwayes  confift  of  manie  nations,  y[""(^u"'i 
not  as  Donatifles  and  rioteffantsabfurcly  fav,fometimes  offcwinuiliblcor     f^rh    ft"^'' ^ 
vnknowen  perfons,  for  fo  Abraham  (liouldfometimesbe  father  of  few  or  no  °     rn^  .  '^"^■^ 
nat'ons,  whicb  dcrogateth  cither  from  Gods  omnipotencie  if  he  could  not,        .  '  ° 

orfromhisfidelicieii"heihouldnotmaintainehispromifc,made  to  Abraham  ^"^^'^X  "^"°"S' 
for  cuer. 

10.   j/^-H^fiVfMw/a/f^]  The  Sacrament  of  Circiimcifion  here  firfT:  infti- 
tuted,  about  400.  ycares  before  the  Law  of  Moyfcs,  is  a  perfe£l:  figure  of  Bap-  Circumcifion 
tifme,  r^fcmblinff  itinfourcthings..FnTtby  both  thele  Sacrameifts  the  faith-  ^  figure  of 
ful  arediftinguilhed  from  infic^els.  Secondly  proffcllion  of  faith  is  made  in  Baptifmc. 
them  both,,  either  by  thole  that  receiue  t  he  fame,  if  they  be  of  difcrction,  or  by 
others  for  them,  ifthey  be  infants.  Thirdly  by  both  thefc  Sacraments  entrance 
is  made  into  the  Church,  and  to  the  participation  of  orhct  Sacraments  and 
Ipiritualrites.Fourrhlv  both  thefc  Sacraments  induce  fubiedion  to  the  iurif- 
di(5lion,andlawesof  the  Chuich.  But  Baptifme  dothfane  excel  Circumci- 
fion  inthatitismoTceafie,  or  ledc  painful,  more  vniucrfal ,  forirpcitaineth  Baptifme  cx» 
to  al  nations,  and  both  fexesjand  elpecially  in  vertueandefHcacie,  for  Bap-  cclleth  Cir- 
tifmcasanin'^rumentalcauferemittethflnneandiuflifrcihjCircumcilionwas  cumcifioa.      ^ 
only  a  figne  that  grace  was  geuen,  &  finnc  remitted.  Againe  Br-pufme  imprin- 
lethacharaderin  the  foule',  the  other  leauetha  marck  only  in  the  ficQi.  Fi- 
nally Baptifmeopcncth  thegate  of  heiuen,  in  vertue  of  Chrifis  pafuon  noM/ 
paft,  which  circumcifion  could  not  before  Chrill  fuffcrcJ  death.  Of  which 
both  rcfemblanccand  difference  S.Auguftincrcatcth  in  manic  places,  elpeci- 
ally h.  j.  dedod-chrift  c. 9. Epift.  ng.and  lanuarium.  li:  19. c.  13.  cont.Faufl 
&  in  Pfal.  75.  where  he  alfomakcth  like  comparifonbctwcn  other  Sacraments 
of  the  old  and  new  Teffamcnt. 

14.  s:,albed,fi-oyfd]   Hcrcoccurrc  two  diflkulties  about  the  true  fenfe  of  ^        ,  ^     , 
this  hard  place    Firfl  whether  this  punifiiment  belonged  to  them  only,  by  ~^^°  difTicuI- 
whofe  fault  circumcifion  was  omitted;  or  to  infanrs  alfo  that  fhould  be'cir-  ^  *^^• 
Ciimcii^daad  were  not.  Secondly  whether  temporal  puniihmcnt,  or  eternal 

i  was 

To  v/liom  the 
pertained  whc 
was  omitted. 

mcnt  was 

inftitutcd  to 
people  ofGod 
and  for  reme- 
dic  oforiainal 
finne  in  fonie 
pcrfons,  but 

^6  Genesis.  Abraham 

>x'as  here  thrcatned  for  tranfgrefiion  of  this  precept.  Touching  the  firfl:  doubt, 
itfemeth probable,  that  this  punifhm<;nt  pertauied  only  to  thofe,  by  whofe 
negligence  themfelues,  or  others  of  their  charge,  were  not  circumcifcd:  for 
thatthe  reafon  why  fuch  a  oneis  puniflicd  is  aleaged  ,  Becaufe  he  hath  hroLen 
Godi  coucnant.  Which  is  only  in  their  powre  to  kepe  orbreake,  that  are  of  dif* 
cretion,  and  not  in  the  powre  of  infants.  The  indiffercnciealfo  of  the  Hebrew 
and  Greeke  text  fauorerh  this  fenfe,  for  where  according  to  the  Latin  we  read. 
The  male  yvhofe  fleih  of  prepuce  is  lutcirctmcifei'.  The  Hchicw  and  Gitkc  may  be 
tnniluted,  The  male  that  djth  not  circumctfe  t\)c flesh  of  his  prepuce^  v/hich  can  not 
be  mentof  an  infant  of  eight  dayes  old.  This  expofition  is  hkewife  confirmed 
by  example,  Exof!i.4Avhere  Moyfes  was  in  danger  to  be  flaine  by  an  Angel, be- 
caufe his  fonne  was  not  circumcifed.NcuerthelesS.  Auguftin  (li.j.  c.iS.cont. 
Inlian.  Ii.i6.  c.  xy.  ciuit.andin  other  plarcs  )  proueth  that  this  commination 
pertained  alfo  to  infants,  whofeiiulgement  is  confirmed  by  the  70.  Interpre- 
ters adding  for  explication  thefc  wordes,  the  eight  day.  v/hich  neceflarily  in- 
clude infants, as  fubied  to  thispunilhment.notfor  that  they  could  tranfgrefle 
thisprccept,  or  commitanew  finne,  but  for  lack  of  circumcifion.  Therea- 
fon  wherof  is,  for  that  God  now  determined  this  only  remedie  for  original 
/inne,  in  the  male  fex  of  Abrahams  feede,  in  place  of  facrifice,  or  other  profef^ 
fion  of  fiith  vfed  before,  and  that  in  cafe  it  could  conuenien-tly  be  applied  for 
otherwife  the  former  remedies  were  ftilaualablc. 

Concerning  the  other  difHcultie  manie  ancient  fathers  expound  thefe 
wordes,  s!)al  bedtflrroyed  out  ofhispeoplc,  of  only  temporal  punifhment ;  either 
death,  as  the  like  phrafe  fignifieth,  Exodi.  iz.  vyhojocuershal  eate  letienedhnad^ 
his  foul  shal  perish  out  of  ijrael ;  or  temporal  feparation  from  the  people  of  God, 
as  Num.  19.  Euerie  one  thai:  toucheth  the  deadcorfe,  shal  perisl)  out  of  ifrael.  But 
S.  Auguilin  (li.  J.C.18.  cont.  lulian.  ii  j.  hypog.  &  alibi  )S  Gregoiie  (li.  4: 
Moral  c.  z.Sc.  3.)  S.Profper  (li.  depromill'.  Dei  p.  t.  c.  14.  )  S.  Beda  ( li.2. 111 
Lucam.c.8  )  and  S.  Bernard  (fer.  3.  de  circum  )  vnderftand  this  threatning  not 
only  oftemporalpuniihment,  but  alfo  ofeternal  feparation  from  God,  and  the 
focietie  of  Saints.  And  that  alfo  infants  are  fofccluded  only  for  lack  of  this  re- 
medie, as  nowchildren  which  dyewithoutBaptifme,  comittingno  new  fault 
are  depriucd  of  the  viuon  of  God,foritheir  original  finne.not  remitted,  VVhcr- 
upon  is  geathered  that  albeit  Circumcifion  was  principally  inflituted  to  di- 
ftinguilhthe  people  of  God,  which  ihould  come  of  Abrahams  fee  dc,  from  o- 
ther  nations,  yet  it  was  alfo  for  remillion  of  original  fume  ;not  in  aL  but  ia 
thofe  to  whom  God  .Tppointed  this  particular  remedie. 

Chap.     X  V  1 1  L 

^yfn'i^elsintertalncd as^hej}s  hy  ^hrahtm  10.  tel  ^;hen  Sard  shal  bemre  a 
finne,  wherat  she  laughing,  they  cofirme  that  they  h.xdfuid.  16.  Thty  alja 
fortelthe  definition  of  Sodom,  ii.for  which  ^hr  sth  am  grayed  ft  x  times, 

ANd  God  appeared  tohim  in  the  vale  of  mambre  as  he  i 
fatin  the  dorc  of  his  tent,  in  the  verie  heat  of  the  day. 
7  And  when  he  had  Wh^f^  vp  his  eyes,  there  appeared  to  him  x 
three  men  ftaading  nerc  vnto  him ;  whom  after  he  had  fcne, 

he  re- 

Abraham.  Genesij.  ^  ^7 

he  ranne  to  meete  them  from  the  dore  of  his  tentj  and  adored 
Heh.    15.      5   to  the  oiound.  f  And  He  faid  -  Lord,  if  I  haue  found  grace  ::  Abraham 
4  in  lhy\hr,  gee  not  part  thy  fcruant_:  f  but  I  wil  fetch  .X^d'oLc? 

ahttle  water,  and  wain  ye  your  feete^andrcftyevncer  the  piofcmr<r 
;  tree  .   f  And  I  wil  fet  a  morfel  of  bread,  and  fcrcngthei-L,  three  dimnc 
your  hart,  afterward  you  fhal  pallc  :  for  rherfore  are  you  perrons  and 
come  afide  to  your  fcruat.  Who  laid:  Do  as  thou  haft  fpoken;  ^"^  j  °^^  ^• 
G    t  Abrahammadehaftmrothe  tent  to  Sara,  and  faid  to  her:  it,.auit. 

Make  haft,  temper  togeathcr  three  meafures  of  iioure,  and. 

7   make  harth  cakes,  f  Eut  him  fekrc  ranne  to  the  heard,  and 

tooke  from  thence  a  calfeverie  tender  and  verie  good,  and 

8  gaue  it  to  a  young  man  :  who  made  haft  and  boiled  it.  f  He 

tookc  alfo  butter  and  mylke,  and  the  calfe  which  he  had 

.  boyled,  and  fet  before  them  :  but  him  fcli'e  did  ftandbefide 

tj  themvnder  the  trec_^.  -f-  A.nd  ^-hcn  they  had  eaten,  they 

faid  to  him:  "Where  is  Sara  thy  wife?  He  anfwered :  Loe  fiie  is 

10  in  the  tent.  fXo  whom  he  faid:  Returning  I  wil  come  to 
thseatthis  time,  life  accompaning,  and  Sara  thy  wife  ftai 

R^om.  ?.  haueafonne.  which  when  Sara  heard,  ihe  laughed  behind 

11  the  dore  of  the  tent,  f  ^^'^^  i^hey  were  both  aged,  and  farre 
,  yeares ,  and  it  ceafed  to  be  with  Sara  after  the 

12  manerof wemeru.  f  Who  laughed  fecreatiy  faying:  After 
I  am  waxen  old,  &  my  Lord  is  an  old  one,  (hal  I  geue  my  fell e 

15  to  pleafure  ?  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Abraham:  Why  did  Sara 
laugh,  faying  :  Shal  I  an  old  woman  beare  a  child  in  deed? 

14  f  Is  there  any  thing  hard  to  God?  According  to  appointment 
I  wil  returne  to  thee  this  verie  fclfe  fame  time,  lii^e  accom- 

ij  paynig,  and  Sara  fbal  haue  a  fonne.  f  Sara  denied,  faying : 

I  laughed  not :  being  much  afraid.  But  our  Lord  :  ••  It  is  not  _  .  ,^    , 

16  fo,  laith  he:  but  thou  didft  laugh,  f  when  the  men  thcrfore  jauJ^'inp  ^itK 
wererifenvp  from  thence,  they  turned  their  eyes  againft  admiranonfor 
Sodome :  and  Abraham  did  g^oc  with  them,  bringing  them,  i^y^^^s  not  re- 

17  on  the  way.  f  And  our  Lord  (aid  :  Can  I  conceale  from  A- ^^^'^^^^^"^^^^^j^ 

18  braham  the  things  which  I  wil  doe :  -f  wheras  he  fhal  be  i^"    qC  ^/^f^° 
into  a  nation  greati^,  and  verie  ftrong ,  and  in  him  are_/  dence  wasve- 

19  TO    BE    BLESSED   al  the  uatious  of  the  earth  ?   f   Por  I  P^ 
know  that  he  wil  commande  his  children ,  and  his  houfe  ["jj^'^^/,;^"'^' 
after  him  that  they  kepe  the  way  of  the  Lord,  and  doe  iudge-  ^utr.  q.  36.  in 
ment  and  iuftice^:  that  for  Abrahams  fake  the  Lord  may  Gen  &!;.!(;. 
bring  to  eftedl  al  the  things  that  he  harh  fpoken  vnto  him.       <:•  3^  <^^^^^- 

10       Therfore  faid  our  Lord,  t  The  crye   of  Scjdome,  and 

I  2  Gomorre 

gS  Genesis!  Abraham.' 

GomoiTc  is  multiplied,  and  their  finnc  is  aggrauated  exce- 
dingly.  t  Iwiidefcend,  and  fee  whether  they  haue  in  ade  21 
aecomphihed  the  crye  that  is  come  to  me  :  or  whether  it  be 
not  lb,  that  I  may  know,  f  And  they  turned  them  felues  iz 
from  thence,  and  went  their  way  to  Sodome  :  but  Abraham 
as  yet  flood  before  our  Lord,  f  And  approching  he  faid;  15 
t'what  a  wall  what!  wilt  thou  deftroy  the  iuft  with  the  wicked?  -j- ::  If  there  24 
areiviftmen  to  (halbe  fiftie  iuft  perfons  in  the  citie,  fhal  they  peri  Qi  withal? 
thcircountric?  ^^^^  ^^j.  j-j^q^^  fp^^-g  that  place  for  fiftie  iuA,  if  they  be  therin? 
ueth  vs   thdr  t  B^  it  farre  from  thee,  that  thou  doe  this  thing ,  and  that  ij 
iuftice  defen-  thou  Idl  the  iuft  with  the  wicked,  and  that  the  iuft  be  in  like 
decU  vs  from  cafe  as  the  wicked ,  this  is  not  befeeming  thee  :  which 
deftruaion.S.  j^^j^g^alfl^e  earth,  no  thou  wilt  not  do  this  iudgemci?t_». 
liblahim'c'^  t  A'nd  our  Lord  faid  to  him:  If  I  ilnal  find  in  Sodome  fiftie  z& 
'  iuft  perfons  within  the  citie,  I  wil  fparc  the  whole  place  for 
their  fake,  f  And  Abraham  anfwered,  and  faid:  Becaufel'  27 
haue  once  bcgunne,  I  wil  fpeake  to  my  Lord,  wheras  I  am 
duftandafli.'s'.  f  NVhat  if  there  shal  be  fine  lefte  then  fifiie  2S 
iuft  perfons  ?  wilt  thou  for  fortie  fiue  deftroy  the  whole^ 
citie_/  ?   And  he  faid :  I  wil  not  deftroy  it,  if  I  shal  finde 
fiue  and  fourtie_v.  t  And  againe  he  faid  vnto  him^.:  But  if  2<? 
fourtieshalbe  found  there,  what  wilt  thou  doe?  He  faid:  I 
wil  not  ftrike  it  for  fourties  fake,  f  Lord,  faith  he,  be  not  50 
ancrrie  I  befecb  t  hee,  if  I  Ipeake^  :  what  if  thirtie  shal  be 
founde  there  ?  He  anfwered  :  I  wil  not  doe  it,  if  I  shal  find 
thirtie  there,  t  Becaufe,  faith  he,  I  haue  once  begunne,  I    33 
wil  fpeake  to  my  Lord:  What  if  twentie  shalbe  founde  there? 
He  faid:  I  wil  not  deftroy  it  for  twenties  fake,  f  I  befeech  32; 
thee,  faith  he,  be  not  angrie  Lord,  if  I  {peakc  yet  once  more  : 
what  if  tenne  shalbe  found  there..  ?  And  he  faid  :  I  wil  not 
deftroy  it  for  tennes  fake,  f  And  our  Lord  departed  after    35, 
that  he  ceafed  to  fpeake  vnto  Abraham  :  and  Abraham  re- 
turned into  his  place 

Chap.     XIX. 

lotrect'iHin'r^nr^Uinhi'^houreiiiiiyuftd  by  the  Sodomites.  12.  Hervith 
hU  yvtfe  (  2'5.  tihofor  looking  hacku  turned  into  a  ftatua  of  fait )  and  his 
t]Vo  daughters  are  delinered.  iJ^.  Sodome  and  Gomorre  are  burned.  31. 
lotlicthvnivitttng'^itli  both  his  daughterly  begat  of  them  Moab  and 
^mmon,  of  "^hom  ume  the  Maabites  and  Ammonites,. 

Abraham.  Genesis.  ^p 

1  A  ^^^  ^  f^^  f'^^  angels  came  to  Sodome  at  cucn,  and  Lot 
XV  fitting  in  the  gates  of  the  citie.  Who  v  hen  he  had  fene 
them,  rofe  vp  and "^ent  to mcctc  them :and adored pioftrate 

2  vnto  the  ground,  t  and  laid  :  I  befech  you,  my  Lords,  turne  ;;  Abraham  & 
into  the  hcufc  of  your  feruant,  and  lodge  there  :  \f'ash  your  Lot  by  hoCpi- 
feet^,  and  in  the  morning  you  shal  go  forth  on  your  way.  t'^/^lce^^An- 

3  who  faid:  No,  but  vre  wil  abide  in  the  llreat.  f  He  compel-  geis  in  iked 
led  them  carnelHy  to  turne  in  vnto  him:  and  N\hen  rhey  ofmc.Heb.ij-. 
were cntred into  his  houfe,  he  made  them  a  banquet,  and 

4  baked  vnleauened  bread,  and  they  did  eate.  f  And  before 
they  went  to  bed,  the  men  of  |he  citie  befet  tho-houfe  from 

;  young  to  old,  al  the  pecpie  togeather.  f  And  they  called 
Lor,  and  laid  to  him:  Where  are  the  men  that  came  in  to  thee 
atnight?  bring  them  forth  hither  that  we  may  know  them. 

6  f  Lot  going  i'orth  to  them.,  and  Ihutirag  the  dore  after  him, 

7  (aid:  f  Doe  not  fo  ,  1  befech  you,  my  brethren_>,  doe  not 
.8  commit  this  euiL  |  I  haue  two  daughters,  which  as  yerhaue 

not  k  no  wen  man  :  I  wil  bring  them  forth  to  you,  and  abufe 
you  them  as  it  ihal  pleafe  yon,  i^o  that  youdo  no  euil  to  thcfe 
men,  becaufe  they  are  encred  vndcr  the  ihadovj  e  of  my  roofe. 
cj  t  But  they  faid:  Get  thee  backe  thither.  Ajidagaine :  Thou 
cameiHn,  faid  they,  asa  ftranger,  what  to  be  a  iudge?  Thy 
felfetherforewe  wilaftlid  more  then  thefe.  And  they  dici 
violence  to  Lot  exceadingly :  and  it  was  euen  nowe  at  the 

10  point  tiiat  they  would  break  the  dores.  f  And  behold  the 
men  put  forth  their  hand,  and  drew  in  Lot  vnto  them,  and 

11  Out  the  dore:  f  and  them,  that  were  without,  they  ftroke 
\5  ith  blyndncs  from  the  leaft  to  the  greatcft,  fo  that  they 

12  could  not  iind  the  dore.  f  Andthcy  faid  to  Lot  t  Hall  thou 
here  anic  of  thine  ?  lonne  in  law,  or  fonnes,  or  daughters, 

13  althat  are  thine,  bring  them  out  of  this  citie  :  t  for  wc  wil 
deftroy  this  place,  for  that  •■•their  crye  is  waxen  lowde  before  ^     ., 

14  our  Lord,  who  hath  fent  vs  to  dcfooy  them    f  Thertore  Lot  jrieth  toTca- 
went  forth,  and  fpake  to  his  fonnes  in  lawe  that  were  to  take  uen  for  ic~ 
his  daughters,  and  faid:  Arife :  get  you  forth  out  of  this  ucogc. 
place,  bccaufe  our  Lord  wil  deflroy  this  citie.  And  he  femed 

ij  vnto  themtofpeake  as  it  were  in  ieft.  f  And  when  it  was 
morning,  i\\c  angels  vrgcd  him,  fiying:  Arife,  take  thy  wifcj 
and  the  two  daughters  which  thou  haft  :  leaft  thou  alfo 

16  periih  withal  in  the  wickedncs  of  the  citie.  f  He  lingring, 
they  tooke  his  hand,  and  the  hand  of  his  wii'c,  and  of  his  two 

I  3  daughters^ 


70  Genesis.  Abraham 

(laughters,  becaufe  our  Lord  fpared  him.  f  And  they  led  17 
him  forth,  and  fet  him  without  the  citie :  and  there  they 
Ipake  to  hirn,  faying  :  Saue  thy  life :  looke  not  backe  ,  nei- 
ther ftay  thou  in  al  the  countrie  about:  but  faue  thy  fclfe  in 
the  mountaine,  lell  thou  alfo  pcriih  withal,  f  And  Lot  (aid  18 
to  them  :  I  befeech  thee  my  Lord,  f  becauie  thy  feruant  hath  1,9 
found  grace  before  thee,  and  thou  haft  magnified  thy  mercie, 
which  thou  haft  wmught  with  me,  in  that  thou  wouldeft 
faue  my  life,  and  fafe  I  can  not  be  in  the  mountaine,  left  per- 
haps the  euil  catch  me,  and  I  dye.  f  There  is  this  citie  hereby  20 
at  hand,  whcrunto  I  m.ay  flee,^  little  one,  and  I  ihalbe  fafe  in 
it:isitnotaIittleon&,and  my  Hfc  (balbe  faued?  t  And  he  21 
faid  to  him  :  Behold  alfo  in  this  point  I  haue  heard  thy  pray- 
ers, not  to  oucrthrow  for  which  thou  haft  fpokcn.  . 
•\  Make  haft,  andbefaued  there:  becaufe  I  can  not  doe  any  22 
thing  til  thou  enter  in  thither.  Therfore  the  name  of  that 
citie  was  called *Segor.   f  The.  funne  was  rifen  vpon  the  25     alitle 
••lots  wife      ^^I'tl"^)  ^  J-ot  entred into  Segor .  |  Therfore  oin- Lord rainc'd  24 
turned  into      vpon  Sodome  and  Gomorrc  brimftone  &c  lire  from  oiu'  Lord 
fak,  aclmonU  QUtofheauen:  f  andhe  fubuerted  thcfe  cities,  and  al  the '25 
ilicrli  the  fer-  countrie  about,  al  the  inhabitants  of  the  cities,  and  al  things 
tTm'occde  m  ^^''''^  %^'^"§  ^^  ^^^-  ^^^"^ ^- 1  And  his  NV  ife  :-•  looking  behind  her,  16 
vcrcue,  &not  ^''^^^^^'■■"cdintoaftatuaoffalt.  f  And  Abraham  getting  vp  27 
to  looke  back  early  in  the  morning  ,  there  where  before  he  had  flood  with 
tovice.Xuc.    our  Lord,  t  beheld  Sodome ScTGomorre,  and  thewhole_^  2S 
^^  ^  ^o"mnr  ^^^^^^^ '^^at  countrie :  and  he  faw  the  cinders  rile  vp  from  . 
^  ""^"^   ■     '   '  the  earth  as  it  were  the  fmoke  of  a  fornace  .  .f  For  when  29 
•  •lot  neither  God  fubuerted  the  citties  of  that  countrie,  he'-remenbring 
peife£l ,  nor    Abraham,  deliuered  Lot  out  of  the  fubuerfion  of  the  cities 
very  wicked    wherein  he  had  dwelt,  t  And  Lot  afcended  out  of  Segor,  30 
jas  deliuered  and  abode  in  the  mountaine,  his  two  daughters  alfo  with  him 
Gke^S^.Vu^^  (for  he  was  afraid  to  abide  in  Segor)  and  he  abode  in  a  caue 
q.  4;  in  Gen.    him  felfe,  and  his  two  daughters  with  him.  f  And  the  elder  31 
faid  to  the  younger:  Our  lather  is  old,  and  there  is  no  man 
lefton  the  earth,  thar  may  companie  with  vs  after  the  ma- 
ncrofthe  whole  earth,  f  Come,  let  vs  make  him  drunke   31 
with  wine,  and  let  vs  lie  with  him,  that  we  may  preferue  feed 
of  our  father,  f  They  therfore  made  their  father  to  drinke  33 
wine  that  nigh  t :  and  the  eider  went  in,  and  lay  with  her  fa- 
ther :  but  he  perccaucd  not,  neyther  w\aen  his  daughter  lay 
downe,  nor  when  fne  rofe  vp.  t  The  next  day  alfo  the  elder  34 

faid  to 

Abraham.  Genesis.  71 

faid  to  the  younger  :  Behold  I  lay  yeftcrnight  \sith  my  father, 
let  vs- make  him  clrinke  wine  alfo  this  night,  and  thou  ibait 
3j  lye  vithhim^  that  \re  may  faiic  leed  of  our  father,  f  They 
made  their  fath'.r  drinke  wine_^  that  night  alfo ,  and  the 
younger  daughter  went  in,  and  lay  with  him:  and  neyther 
the  n  truly  did  he  perceaue  when  {lie  lay  downe,  or  when  flie 
^6  rofe  vp.  f  The  two  daughters  therfore  of  JLot  were  with  ••••  Moabites&r 

37  child  by  their  father,  t  And  the  elder  bare  afonneandfhc  Ammonites 
called  his  name  Moab:  heis,  the  •"  father  of  the  Moabites  4-0.  .,^,-    ' 

38  euen  to  this  prefenr  day.  f  The  younger  alfo  bare  a  fonne,and  perhaps  of  the 
fhe  called  his  name  Ammon,  that  is  thefonneofmy  people:  72- Sec  p.  43. 
he  is  the  father  of  the  Ammonites  euen  to  this  day. 

Chap.     XX. 

l/£hrahdm  feiortjin^  in  Gtr^ris,  his  fvife  is  fallen  into  King  ,^imelechs 
hoiife^  but  by  Gods  commAndement  i<  refiored  Imtouched^  14.  "^ith  ereaf 
giftesjiy.and  Abraham ^r^tjut^  -ytbimeUchi  houfe  is  cured. 

1  Abraham  remoued  from  thence  into  the  fouth 
-Z~\- coimtrie,  and  dwelt  betwene_^  Cades  ,  and  Sur  :  and 

2.  he  liucd  as  a  pilgrime  in  Gerara.  f  And  he  faid  of  Sara  his 

wife :  She  is  '•'•  my  fifter.  Abimelech  therfore  the  king  of  Ge-  ::  Seepag.j*^ 

5  rara  fent,  and  tocke  her.  f  And  God  came  to  Abimelech  in 
adreame  by  night,  and  fiid  to  him:  Loethou  Ihaltdye  for  the 

4  woman  that  thou  haft  taken  :  for  ihe  hath  a  hufband.  f  But 
Abimelech  had  not  touched  her,  and  he  faid  :  Lord  wilt 

J  thou  kil  a  nation  that  is  ignorant  and  iud:  ?  t  Did  not  he  fay 
to  me:  She  is  my  lifter:  and  fhe  fay.  He  is  my  brother  Jin 
fimplicitieof  my  hart,  and  cleancnes  of  my  hands  haue  I 

6  done  this,  f  And  God  faid  to  him :  And  I  do  know  that  thou 
didert  it  with  a  Uncere  hart :  and  therfore  I  kept  thee  that 
thou  ihouldeft  not  finne  againft  me,  and  T  permitted  not  thac 

7  thou  (houldeft  touch  her.  f  Now  therfore  reilore  the  wife 
to  her  hufband,  becaufe  he  is  a  prophet :  and  he  (hal  pray  for 
thee,andthou  Ihalt  hue:  but  if  thou  wilt  not  reftore  her, 
know  thou  that  dying  thou  {halt  dye,  thou  and  al  things  that 

8  are  thine,  t  And  Abimelech  forthwith  rifmg  vpin  the  night, 
called  al  his  feruantes :  and  he  fpake  al  thcfe  words  to  their 

^  eares,  and  al  the  men.  were  fore  afraid,  -f-  And  Abimelech 

74,  Genesis^  Abr^^am. 

tt  Not  Kis       called  alfo  For  Abraham,  and  faidto  himi'What  haft  thou  done 
fathers  ownc  ^^  ^,5 ,  ^,]^^^  i^^^^  ^^^  offended  a^amft  thee,  that  thou  haft 
oflfis  procre'^-'' ^^■■o^?^'^  vpo"  me  and  vpon  my  kingdom  a  great  fmne?  that 
nie.S.Auo^li.  whicli  thou  oughteft  not  to  doe,  thou  haft  done  to  vs.  f  And  10 
ai  cont.Fauft  again  expoftulanng ,  he  faid :  What  faweft  thou,  that  tbou 
c.  j5.  &  li.i6.  aij(;ft  this  J  ^  Abraham  anr>s^ercd :  I  thought  with  my  fclfe,  n 
-ciuf:  ^^°    ^  faying:  Perhaps  there  is  not  the  fearc  of  God  in  this  place  : 
::-Kin<resof    and  they  willdl  me  formy  wife:  f  howbeit  ocherwiie  alfo   11 
the  earth  efte-  in  verie  deed  ihe  is  my  fifter,"  thedaughter  of  my  father,and 
ining  the        not  the  daughter  of  my  mother,  and  I  tooke  her  to  wife. 
foralaudaMe  t  And  after  that  God  brought  mc  ou-t  of  my  fathers  houfe,!  15 
peopleofGod.  faidtoheu:  This  mercie  thou  (halt  doe  with  me  :  In  euerie 
fceke  to  fub-  place,  which  we  shal  come  vnro,  thou  ihalc  fay  that  1  am  thy 
iea  her  to       brother,  f  Therfore  Abimelcch  ■'  tooke  frcpe  6r'ox:n,  and  14 
t  em   cues:    feJ-^^^ants,  and  handmayds,  and  ^aue  to  Abraham  :  and  refto- 
her  to  be  th^  red  to  him  Sara  hii  wife,  f  and  faid:  The  land  is  before  you,   15 
inuiokblc        dwcl  whcrioeuer it  thai  pleafe  thee  .  f  And  to  Sara  he  (aid:  16 
fpoute  of         Behold  I  haue  geuen  thy  brother  a  ihoufand  pecccs  of  lil- 
Chnft.juMcit  ^^^.^  ^1^-^  i>alferuc  thee  fora  veilc  of  thine  eyes  to  al  thataj.-c 
iier,  and  offer  with  thee,  and  whither  foeuer  thou  shalt  goe,  rcmtnber  alfo 
to  her  moil     thou  waft  taken,  f  And  Abraham  praying,  God  healed  Abi-  17 
lionoiablc        luelech  and  his  wife,  and  his  handmaids,  and  they  bare  chil- 
^iftes.  S.  Aug.  j^.^^  .  p^^.  ^^j.  j^^j.^  I_^^j  clofcd  vp  euerie  matrice  of  the  houfe   i8 
F^uit.  _c.  jS.       of  Abimclech  for  Sara  Abrahams  wife. 

Chap.     XXI. 

The  fixt  part  ^fi^clshornf.  A-clruimcifed,  B.anJ  "leaned,  <).  ^^nr  xnd  ifmael  are  fut 

ofchisbooke.  forth  of  ^jrjjjms  houff^  1$.  but  after  defoUtion  ure  >ionriihed,and 

Of    he    ro-  foffr  tn  the  d.fert .   it .   King  ^himelech  and  graham  maks  a 

enie  &orhcr  icigut  confirming  it  "^ith  onh* 

fcleiTingsGi  A 

fcraham,  liaac,  A  Jsj  ^  our  Lord  vifitcd  Sara,  as  he  had  promifed  .  and  i 
and  Jacob.  J^  fulfilled  the  things  which  he  fpake.  f  And  sl)e  con-  t 
ccaucd  and  bare  a  fonne  in  her  old  age,  at  the  time  that 
God  had  foretold  her.  f  And  Abraham  called  the  name  of  5 
V.  Abraham  &  [lis  form?,  which  Sara  bare  him,  =•  Ifaac  :  f  and  he  circumci-  4 
Sara  laughed  ^^j  j^j^^^  j.!^g  evrht  day,  as  God  had  commanded  him,  f  when  y 
ihcaoubdm?)  he  was  an  hundred  ycares  old:  for  at  this  age  of  his  fither, 
&r  Uxc  ioyfui    was  H'aac  borr.^o  .  t  >And  Sara  faid:  Laughter  God  hath  6 

Abraham.  Genesis.  y-^ 

made  to  me  :  whofocucr  shal  heare  of  ir,  \ril  laugh  with  promlfc  cfa 

7  .me.  Y  Andac^ainshefaid:  who  that  shal  hcarc  of  it  v-ould  t'^"""^'.^^^;*^^: 
bclciie  Abraham^  that  Sara  gaue  lucke  to  a  lonne,  N^"'i^icn  j^-^^^^  v/lucli 

8  she  bare  him  iK)w  being  an  old  man?  y  The  child  thcrforc  fign:flcch 
grewc,  andwai  weined:  and  Abraham  made  agreit  fcaftin  l?.ughter.S. 

9  the  day  of  his  ^57ei^ing .  f  And  when  Sara  had  fenne  rhe^^S '^-  ^^-  '• 
fonneof  Agar  the  /Egyptian  playing  with  Ifaac  her  (onne,^ 

10  she  faid  to  Abraham:  f  Ca(t  out  this  handmaid,  and  her 
fonne  :   for  the  fonne  of  the  handmaid  shal  not  be  licire 

II  with  my  ionnc  Ifaac.  f  Abraham  tooke  this  greuoufly  fot 

11  his  fonne.  f  TowlomGod  faid:  "  Let  irnot  feme  greaous 

to  thee  for  the  boy,  and  for  thv  handmaid:  al  thinc;s  that    ^  »/.!,.,«  t-, 
Rom.  9.       '    Sarashaliayro  thee,  heare  her  voice  :  bccauie- m  Ilaac  shal  v.n. 
Heli.  u.     1}  feed  de  called  to  thee .  f  But  the  fonne  alfo  of  the  hand- 

m.aid  I  wil  make  into  a  great  nation,  becaufe  he  is  thy  fecde. 
14  f  Abraham  thcrl'ore  rofe  vp  in  the  morning,   and  taking 

bread  and  a  bottle  of  water,  put  it  vpon  her  shoulder,  and 

deliuered  the  boy  and  difmift  her.  "Who  went  away,  and 
i;  vandred  in  the  wildernelTe  of  Berfabee.  f  And  when  the 

water  in  the  botrle  was  fpcnt,  {he  cafl:  the  boy  vndcr  one 
iG  ofthe  trees,  that  were  there,  f  And  (he  went  her  way,  and 

fate  ouer  again  11:  a  great  way  of  as  farre  as  a  bowe  can  call. 

for  she  faid  :  I  wil  no  fee  the  child  dying:  and  fitting  ouer 
t7  againft,  she  lifted  vp  her  voice  and  wept,  f  And  God  heard 

the  voice  of  the  boy :  and  an  angel  of  God  called  Agar  from 

heauen,  (aying :  What  docft  thou  Agar  ?  fcare  not :  for  God 

hath  heard  the  voice  of  the  boy  ,  from  the  place  wheriii 
18  he  is .  f  Arife,  take  vp  the  boy,  and  hold  his  hand  :  for  into 
ip  agreat  nation  wil  I  make  him. -f-  And  God  opened  her  eyes : 

whofeing  a  welof  water,  went,  and  filled  the  bottle,  and 

20  gaue  the  boy  to  drinkc.  f  And  God  was  with  him :  who 
grew,  and  abode  in  the  wildernes,  and  became  a  young  man 

21  archer,  f  And  he  dwelt  in  the  wildernes  of  Pharan,  and 
his  mother  tooke  a  wife  for  him  out  ofthe  land  of  ^gypt. 

22  f  The  fame  time  (aid  Abimelech,  and  Phicol  the  general 
of  his  armie  to  Abraham  :  God  is  with  thee  in  al  things 

25  which  thou  doc  ft:,  f  Sweare  therfore  by  God,  not  to  hurt 

me,  andmypofleritie,andmy  ftocke:  but  according  to  the 

mercie,  that  I  banc  don:  thee,  thou  ihalt  doe  to  me,  and  to 

24  the  land  wherin  thou  haH:  lined  a  ftranger.  f  And  Abraham 

ij  {aid:  I  wil  iVcarc.  f  And  he  rebuked  Abimelech  for  the 

K  wcl 

74  G  E  N  F-  s  I  s.  Abraham 

wel  of  water,  \i7hich  lii5  feruaiics  had  taken  a"way  by  force, 
t  And  Abunelech  anfwered:  I  knew  not  who  did  this  thmg:  16 
yea  and  thy  ielfe  didcll  nor  tcl  wc,  and  1  heard  not  of  it  but 
to  day  .  f  Abraham  therfore  tookc  iheepe  and  oxen  ,  and  27 
gauc  to  Abimclech:  and  both  of  them  made  a  league,  f  And  28 
Abraham  fet  Icucn  ewe  lambes  of  the  flocke  apart,  f  To  29 
whom  Abimclech  laid  :  What  meane  thefe  feuen  ewe  lambes, 
which  thou  haft  made  to  ll:and  apart?  f  But  hefaid;  Seuen  50 
ewe  lambes  Ihalt  thou  take  at  my  hand  :  that  they  may  be  a 
teftimonie  for  me,  that  I  digged  this  wel.  f  Therfor  was  31 
that  p  lace  called  *  Bcrfabce  :  bccaufe  there  both  did  fwearc.  'v^'^i  of 

f  And  they  made  a  league  for  the  wel  of  oath,  f.  And  Abi-  3255  *'"'' 
mclech  arofe^  and  Phicol  the  general  of  his  armie,  and  they 
returned  to  the  land  of  the  Palellines.  But  Abraham  planted 
agrouein  Berfabee,  and  called  therupon  the  name  of  our 
Lord  God  eternal,  j-  Andhe  wasafciorner  in  the  land  of  the  54 
Palellines  manie  dayes. 

Chap.     XXI. 

Separation  to  ^^"  ^^titnot]  Itfemedfo  hard,  inhumaine,  andvniufttocaft  Agarand  If- 
bemadeinfa-  "^^^1  out  of  the  houfe,  that  Abraham  would  not  haue  done  it,  onle's  Godhai 
milics  when  commanded  him  in  this  to  heare  the  voice  of"  Sara.  But  when  he  knew  Gods 
iuftcaufeie-  ^il^^ctin,  not  rcfpeding  flefh  andbloud  ,  nor  difputing  further  of  the  law- 
quireth.  fulnes  of  chefadl,  fentthem  both  away,  commending  them  to  Godsprotc- 

£tion:androby  this  feparation  the  familic  was  made  quiet.  It  repiefentedalfo 
-.    .  ^    ^   anotable  Myfteneof  theSynagogof  the  Iewes&  Church  of  Chrill:.  As  S.Au-   ,. 
Myincl  lenle  giirtm  doth  excellently  expound  the  fame,  according  to  S.  Paul  (Gal.  4.  J  That    '"  JJ^'^/ 

Ifmaels  playing  with  Ifaac  was  perfecution,  becaufe  it  tended  to  peruert  him, 
The  true  Ihcwing  it  to  be  a  greater  iniurie,  to  delude  and  decciue  anie,  iri  dra^x^ing 

Church  do  th    them  to  new  and  partieulin-  companies,  then  corporally  ro  perfecute  them:  and   ^P'fl'  ■^^' 
not  perfecute  that  the  Church,  and  Catholique  Princes  puniOi  heretikes  for  their  good,  to    ^-i^' 
but  iuftly  pu-  makethemrcturneto  the  truth,  or  finally  to  ceafe  from  fcducing  otliers.  Ecce 
niineth  often-  l,ler.i  cffiixit  anallam,  ^  non  ttldmyocat peyfemtionem  ^pcflolus,  Itultt  ftrufiicum    Trafl.ii^ 
"''''5-  domino, O"  ^eifcciftionctn-f!9cat.  jlffli.3ioijhitnun-*ocaittr  perfeiutio;(y  lufiiiUa  yoca-    inl  oati, 

Herctikcsand  turficrfentito.  Behold  the  frecwoman  affiitfledthehandmaide,  and  the  Apof^le 
other  infidels   calleth  it  not  perfecution,  the  fcruantplayeth  with  the  maiffer,  and  he  callcth 
do  perfecute    i^  peifccution.  This  affliiVion  is  not  called  perfecution,  and  that  play  is  called 
when  either     pciCecucion.  Againe,  he  tayeth  ofSam,  lllnfiowm  -vtdit  m  tllo  lufip,  dnimuduei-tit   Yra/l^± 
by  word,  or    /fv«//«^ftr6/rfOT,  (/;/^/^-»nt^V^f/fa^/aM5  She  (aw  f()u!c  play  in  th't  play,  flie  noted 
fwoid  they       the  fcruants  pride,  kdifpleafed  her.  (he  caft  him  forth  of  the  dore^^.  S.Hieto'^.i    . 
impugnethe     alio  tcacheth  that  the  Ipiritualneuerpcrfecuteth  the  carnal:  but  fparedi  him  '^4'G^i 
'^^**"^'  as  his  ru,ftical  brother,knowing  that  he  may  ia  time  be  profitable. 

Abraham.  G.enesij.  75 

Chap.     XXII. 

The  faith  and  obedience  of  ^brah  Am  if  fretted  in  his  redines  to  facrifce  his 
fonne  if^ac.  ii.Be  it  flayed  from  the  aff  bj  an  ^ngel.  16.  Former  fromi' 
fes  are  renened  to  htm.  10,  yCnd  hii  brother Nachor  hath  a'fi  much  ijfue. 

I   X  TT  T  H  I  CH  things  being  done,  God  "  tempted  Abra-  Thcdiindpro 
V     V   ■ham,andraid  to  himj  Abraham,  Abraham.  But  phecie  in  the 

ffice  before 

1  heanfwered:  Here  I  am.  f  He  laid  to  him  : --Takethy  only  ^j^^^^^  ^^  £3 
begotten  fonne,  whom  thou  loueft,  Ifaac  ,  and  goe  into  fter  cue.  And 
the  Land  of  vifion  ;  and  there  thou  (halt  oftcr  him  for  an  ho-  the  fiift  on 
locaud  vpon  oncofthe  mountaines  which  I  AX'il  fhev/  thee,  whi^^ii^neue. 
5  f  Therfore  Abraham  riiing  vp  in  the  night,  fadledhisalfe: 
taking  vp'ith  him  two  young  men,  and  Ifaac  his  fonne:  and  j^  ^|'^    ^^  °P^ 
when  he  had  cut  wood  for  the  hoiocauO,  he  went  his  way  to  jnoft  notori- 

4  the  place  which  God  had  commanded  him.  f  And  the  third  ous  example 
J  day, Hftingvp 'his  eyes,  he  iawe  the  place  afarre  of:  f  and  of  pevfed  o- 
hefaidto  his  young  men:  Tarie  you  here  with  the  aife  :  I  '^<^^^^"^^' 
andthe  boy  going  with  fpede  as  farre  as  yonder,  after  we 

6  haue  adored,  wilreturne  toyou.  f  He  tooke  alfo  the  wood 
of  the  holocaufl,  and  laid  it  vpon  Ifaac  his  fonne:  and  him 
fclfe caried  in  his  hands  fire  andafword.  Andas  they  went 
7  on  together,  f  Ifaac  faid  to  his  father:  My  fithcr.  And  he 
anfwered  :  "What  wilt  thou  fonne  ?  Behold,  faith  he,  fire 
S  and  wood:  where  is  the  vidime  of  theholocauft  ?  j-  And 
Abraham  faid:  God  wil  prouide  vnto  himfelfe  the  vidime 
of  the  holocauft,  my  fonne.  They  went  on  therfore  toge* 

9  ther :  f  and  they  came  to  the  place  which  God  had  (hewed 
him,wherinhebuiledan  altar,  and  laid  the  wood  in  order 
vpon  it:  and  when  he  had  bound  Ifa.ic  his  fonne,  he  laid 

10  him  on  the  altar  vpon  the  pile  of  wood,  f  And  he  ftretehed^ 
forth  his  hand,  and  caught  thefword,  for  to  ficrifice  his 

ir  fonne.  f  And  behold. an  angelof  our  Lord  from  heaucn 
cried,  faying:  Abraham,  Abraham.  Who  anfvj/ered  :  Here  I 

li  am.  t  ^nd  h^  fAid  to  him  :  Stretch  not  forth  thy  hand  vpon 
rhel^oy,  ncirher  doc  thou  any  thing  to  him:- now  hauc  1 
knowen  that  thou  feared:  God,  and.  hall;  not  Ipared  thine 

15  'onlie-begotten  fonne  for  my  fake,  f  Abraham  lifted  vp  his 
eyes,  and  faw  behind  his  backe  a  ramme  amongftthe  briers 

K  i  flickinfj 

7^  G  E  N  E  s  I  s ."  Abraham, 

flicking  fad  by  the  homes,  which  he  tookc  and  offered  an 
hoIocTiiftinftedeofhisfonnc.  f  And  he  called  the  name  of  14 
::  It  IS  a  £;rat-  that  place,-  Our  Lordfeeth.  Wherupon  euen  to  this  day  it  is 
ful  anl  rcli-    f^j^^  j.-j  j-j-^^  moimtaine our  Lord  wil fee.  f  And  the  angel  of  15 
§y°namir"'o'f  ^'"^^   ^"""^  Called  Abraham  the  fecond  time  from  heauen  , 
places,  to^co-f-iyi"g:  t  By  my  o^x■ne felfe  haue  I  fworne,  faith  the  Lord:  16 
fcrue  the  me-  becaufe  thou  haft  done  this  thing,  and  haft  not  fpared  thine 
morieofGoiisonlie  begotten  fonne  for  my  fake:  f  I  wil  bleife  thee,  and  I   17 

pofterkiemn''^'^^^^^^"^^^'^  '^'^^  ^^'^^  ^^  theftarres  of  heauen,  and  as  the 
know  them  ^S  ^^"^  that  is  by  the  fea  tliore  :  thy  fede   dial  polfelfe  the  gates 
Chrifoil.ho.   oF  his  enemies  j  f  and  in  thy  fede  shal  be  blessed  al  18 
48.  inGiju.      the  nations  ofthe  earth,  becaufe  thou  haft  obeyed  my  voice. 

f  Abraham  returned  to  his  young  men,  and  they  vtcnt  to  19 
Berfabee  Together,  and  he  dwelt  there,  f  Thefe  things  fo  10 
::  Nachois  being  done,  it  \ras  "  told  Abraham  that  Melcaalib  hadI>ornc 
progenieis  child'ren  to  Nachor  his  brother,  f  Hus  the  nrftbcc;orten,&r  21 
I'ea'toihcsr  Buz  his  brother,  and  Camuel  the  father  ofthe  Sinans,  t  ai^d  iz 
whence  Re-  Cafed,and  Azau.  Pheidas  alfo  &  ledlaph,  f  and  Bathuel,  of  15 
bccca  came,  whomwasbornc  Rebecca :  thefe  eight  did  Mclcha  bcare^. 
whom  IQac  to  Nachor  Abrahams  brother,  f  And  his  concubine,  named  24 
~^"'"  Romi,  hire  Tabee,  and  Gaham,and  Tahas,and  Maacha. 


Chap.     XXII. 

Godtcmptcth  J.  Tfmptfd,]  God  tempteth  none  to  euil  (as  S.  lameStcacheth)  butby /.fcr.ij.' 
not  to  cuil,  trial  and  experiment  makctli  men  knowen  to  the  vs/orld,  as  here  Abrahams  . 
butbyexperi-  faith  and  fmgular  obedience  were  manifefted,  when  he  doubted  net  rocj^'o' /;»/''  '  "' 
ence  maketh  cnly  begotten  mSacriJiCftireounting  that  God  is  able  to  rate  fp  euen  from  the  dead.  '^' 
knowen  what  yvherupon  he  receiued  hisfonne  ag^aine  /»/Mr4t/e,  that  is,  in  figure  and  my-  )'  ."^' 
vcrruc  is  in  faerie  of  ChriOdcad  and  aliue  againc.IfaacaHb  in  thisadionfignified  the  dioi-  *"  ^  '  ^' 
itie  of  Chrift  which  fuffered  not,and  the  ramme  among  the  briers  figured  ^V  "V  ' 

Ifaacfignred     his  humanitie,  that  fliould  be  offered  in  .Sacrifice  to  God.  'n^'^°ni 

Chifts  diuini-  ^, 

tic,  the  Ramc   '  ■     ■  ■     ' 

Jnshumamtic.  ChAP.      XXIIL 

S^rd dying ^hrithimfolemn'iX^th:her  funeral.  4. l^jieth a  f.eld rvlth 4 duhk 
catte  of  E^kfriyi^.  for  fornhnndreth  ffcles.  19.  and  there  buneth  her^. 


N  D    Sira  liucd  an  hundred  tvrentic  fcuen^  yeares.  i 
t  And  ihe  died  in  the.  cicie  of  Arbco    which  is  i 


AUaham.  Genesis.  Jf 

Hebroru,  in  the  land  of  Chanaan  ;  And  Abraham  came  to 
3  mourne,and  wecpcfor  her.  f  And  after  that  he  vas  rifcn 

vp  from  "the  funcrd  obicquies,  he  fpake  to  the  children  Aclcarec.r- 
4.  of  Heth,  faying:  t  I  am  a  ft  ranger  and   pilgrnnc   among  ^'^J^Pj^'J^^^''^^|^' 

yourgeue   me    the  right  of  a  fepulchre   wich  you,  that  I  fu^ryul^j^'th^s:^^ 
5  may  buriemy  dead  .  \  The^  children  of  Hcth  anfv'ered,  ciead,S^e.i. 
(>   faying:  f  My  lord  hcare  vs,  thou  art  a  prince  of  God  a-  Reg.  j.  and  z. 

mongvs:inour  principal  fcpulchres  bune  thou  thy  dead:  P^ral.  35. 

and  no  man  can  let  thee  but  that  in  his  ovf'ne  monument 

7  thoumayeftburie  thy  dead,  t  Abraham  rofe  vp,  and  -ad-  f^jf^"*^"^"^^^^ 
ored  the  people  of  the  land,  tov  it  the  children  of  Hcth  :  ,ence  done 

8  t  ^"^  he  laid  to  them  :  If  it.pleafe  your  foule  that  I  burie  to  men.  Sec 
my  dead,  heare  mc,  and  be  mteiceilbrs  for  me  to  Ephron  alio  c  17  v. 19. 

c-jj.v  5. 

5»  the  fonne  of  Seor:  f  that  he  geue  me  the   duble  caue_^ , 

.    which  he  hath  in  the  VLtermoft  part  of  his  field :  for  money  ^^^  Cc^a.^ 
to  the  -ororth  thcrof  let  him  deliuer  it  to  me  before  you 

ID  forpoircnionof  a  fepulchre.  f  And  Ephron  dwelt  in  the 
middeiloFthech  Idren  of  Hech.  And  Ephron  made  anfwer 
to  Abraham  in  the  hearing  of  al  that  ^zwx.  in  at  the  gate 

n  of  thecicie,  laying  :|  No,  it  tbal  not  be  fo,  my  lord,  but 
thou   rather  harken  to  that  which  I  doe  fay: The  field  I 

.     dcliuertothee,  andthecaue  that  is  therin,  in  the  pretence 

II  of  the  children   of  my  people,  burie  thy  dead,  f  Abra- 

15  ham  adored  before  the  people  of  the  land,  f  And  he 
fpoke  to  Ephron,  his  people  ftanding  round  about:  1  befecch 
thee  to  hcare  me  :  I  wil  geue  money  for  the  field:  take  it, 

14  and  fo  I  wil  burjemydcadinir.  f  And  Ephron  anfwered : 

ij  t  My  lord,  heare  me.  The  ground  which  thou  defireft,  is 
worth  fourc  hundred  ficles  of  filucr  :  this  is  the  price 
betwen  me  and  thee  :  but  how  much  is  this  ?  burie  thy  dead. 

16  t  Wliich  when  Abraham  had  heard,heweycd  the  money, 
that  Ephron  had  asked,  in  the  hearing  of  the  childten  of 
Heth ,  foure  hundred  ficles  of  filucr  of  common  currant 

J7  money,  f  And  the  field  that  before  tixne  was  Ephrons, 
wherin  was  the  duble  caue,  looldng  to'^'ards  Mambrc^, 
afwel  it,  as  the  caue,  and  al  the  trees  thero:  inal  the  lymits 

18  therof  round  about:  f  was  made  fure  to  Abraham  for  a 
poireinon,  in  the  fight  of  the  chilaren  of  Heth,  and  of  al 

Ip  that  went  in  at  the  gate  of  his  citicf  And  fo  Abraham  buried 
Sara  his  wife  in  the  duble  caue  of  the  field,  that  looked 
towards. Mambre^  this  is  Hebron  in  the  land  of  Chanaan. 
"^^ K  3  "'  t  Aa4 

^^S"  Genesis.  Abraliam 

t  And  the  field  was  made  fure  to  Abraham,  and  the  cauCj  20 
thatvas  in  it,  for  a^poileilionto  burie  in,  of  the  Children 

Chap.      XXIIII 

'^hrahams  ferttdat  aditired  and  fent  hy  htm  into  Mefoj^etdmia^tofeke  4 
tcifefor  ifaac,  M.prayeth  to  God  for  aftgne^  findeth  I{ehecc4  ,  34.  and 
demanding  her  for  tktspurpofe^^o.  fi.ith  her  parents ,  ^^.  and  her  owne 
confent,  shegoeth  "^nth  him^  67.  is  maned  to  ijaac :  "Hieho  therhy  is  com' 
fortedfor  the  death  of  his  mother. 

Nd  Abraham  was  old,  and  of  manic  dayes :  and  our  I 
Lord  had  biefTed  him  in  al  things,  f  And  he  faid  to  z 
the  elder  feruant  of  his  houfe,  which  was  ruler  ouer  al  that 
t:ln  chooflncr  he  had  :  Put  thy  hand  vnder  my  thighe,  t  that  I  may  adinre  5 
awifeavcrtu-  thee  by  Our  Lord,  God  of  heauen  and  earth,  that  thou"  take 
ous  flock  and  not  a  wife  for  my  fonne,of  the  daughters  of  the  Cananires, 
aHytruc  faiT^^^^^^S''^^^^''^^^^^^'  t  but  that  thou  goe  vnto  myne  o\s;  nc  4 
and  religion,    countric  and  kindred,  and  thence  take  a  wife  for  my  fonne 
are  before  al    Ifaac.  f  The  feruant  anfwered :  If  the  woman  wil  not  come  j 
other  things    with  me  into  this  land,  whether  muft  1  bring  thy  fonne- 
red&*^°  f     '  ^^'^^^^^g^i'"'^^  ^o  the  place,  from  whence  thou  dideft  come 
red.s  Am^b.    f^orth  ?  f  And  Abraham  faid  :  Beware  thou  neuer  bring  my  6 
Ii.     fonne  backe  againe  thither,  -f  Our  Lord  God  of  heaucn,  7 
Abrah.S-Chri.  which  tooke  me  out  of  my  fathers  houfe  ,  and  out  of  my 
J^  -ho.  48. in  riatiuecountrie,  which  fpake  to  me,  and  fware  to  me,  fa}  ing: 
To  thy  fede  wil 'I  gcuc  he  fhalfend  his  angel  be- 
fore thee,  and  thou  iTialt  take  from  thence  a  wife  for  my 
■fonne:  f  butif  the  woman  wil  not  folow  thee,  thoti  fhalt  8 
liotbcboundby  the  oath:  only  bring  not  my  fonne  thither 
tigainc.  -f-  The  feruant  therfore  put  his  hand  vnder  the  thigh   ^ 
of  Abrahamhis  lord ,  and  fvrare  to  him  vpon  this  worde. 
'I'  And  he  tookc  tenhe  camels  of  his  lords  heard,  and  de-   10 
parted ,  of  al  his  goods  carying  fomcthing  with  him  ,*  and 
letting  forward  went  on  into  Mefopotamia  to  the  citie  of 
Kachor.  f  And  when  he  had   made  the  camels  lye  downe   u 
yithoiit  the  towne  beiide  a'  wel  of  water  at  euen,  at  the  time    ' 
«rhcn^emcii  are  wont  to  come  forth  to  drawe  water,  he 
faid:  f  O  Loid God  of  niy  lord  Abraham,  mere  ine  to  day,  11 


Abraham.  Genesis.  79 

I  befeech  thee,  and  doe  mercifully  with  my  maiftcr  Abra- 

13  ham.  t  Behold  I  (land  nigh  to  thefountaine  of  Neater,  and 
the  daughters  of  the  inhabitcis  of  this  citie,  wil  come  forth 

14  to  drawe  water,  j"  Thcrfore  "  the  maid,  to  whom  1  shai  fay: 
Bowe  downe  thy  tankard  that  I  may  drinkc  :  and  she  shai 
anfvrere,  Drinke,  yea  to  thy  camels  alio  will  geuc  drinke:    ■ 
she  it  is,  whom  thou  haft  prouidcd  for  thy  ieruant  Ifaac  ; 
and  by  this  I  Chalvnderfland,  that  thou  hall  delt  mercifully 

ij  with  my  maiftcr.  -f  Neyther  had  he  yet  ended  thefe  vcordes 
within  him  felfc,  »3c  behold  Rebecca  came  forth,  the  daugh- 
ter of  Bathuel,  the  fonne  of  Melcha  wife  to  Nachor  the  bro- 

16  ther  of  Abraham,  hauing  a  tankard  on  her  shoulder:  j-  apaf- 
iing  comely  maide,  dc  moft  beautiful  virgin,  »!?c  not  knowen 
to  man  :  and  she  was  gone  downe  to  the  fountaine,  and  had 

17  filled  her  tankard,  and  came  backe.  f  And  the  feruant  ranne 
to  mete  her,  and  laid  :  Geue  me  a  little  water  to  drinke  of  thy 

18  tankard,  f  Who  anfwered :  Drinke  my  lord.  And  quickly 
she  let  downe  the  tankard  vpon  her  arme  ,  and  gaue'  him 

19  drinke.  f  And  when  he  had  druncke,  she  added :  but  for 

20  thy  camels  alfo  I  wil  drawe  water,  til  al  doe  drinke.  f  And 
powring  our  the  tankard  into  the  troughes,  she  ranne^ 
backe  CO  the  wel  to  drawe  water:  and  being  drawcn  gaue 

II  it  to  al  the  camels,  f  But  he  mufmg  beheld  her  with  filence, 

defirous  to  know  whether  our  Lord  had  made  his  iourney 

•IX  profperous,  or  not.  t  And  after  that  the  camels  had  drunck, 

,  the  man  plucked  forth  golden  carelettes,  weying  two  ficles: 

23  and  as  manic  braceletts  of  tenne  ficles  weight .  -f*  And  he 
faid  to  her:  whofe  daughter  art  thou?  shew  me:  is  there 

24  anieplaceinthy  fathers  houfe  to  lodge?  f  Who  anfwered: 
I  am  the  daughter  of  Bathuel,  the  fonne  of  Melcha,  whom 

25  she  bare  to  Nachor.  -f  And  she  added,  faying:  Of  ftrawe  alfo 
and  hay  we  haue  good  ftorc-^ ,  and  a  large  place  to  lodge 

16  in.    \  The  man  bowed  him  felfe ,  and  adored  our  Lord, 

27  t  faying  :  Bleifed  be  the  Lord  God  of  my  lord  Abraham, 

that  hath  not  takeii^  away  his  mercie  d<f"  truth  from  my  j^^Herfathex 
lord,  and  hath  brought  me  the  ftrcight  way  into  the  houfe  hapriianfc 

28  ofmy  lords  brother,  t  The  maide  therforc  ranne,  and  re-  wmcsand  c- 
ported  into  ••  her  mothers  houfe  al  things  thatlhe  had  heard,  ucric  one  a 

■29  And  Rebecca  had  a. brother  named  Laban,who  in  al  haift  j^^^^^'^^^^^"^*? 

30  went  forth  to  the  man,  where  the  fountaine  was.  t  And  j^^^^^'^'^^" 5^2 

■vrhenhehadfecnethe  earcletcs  and  braceletts  in  his  fiftershodc. 


ia  Genesis^  Abraham.- 

hands,  and  had  heard  al  hcr^jcords  reporting:  Thefe  \rotds 
fpaketheman  vnronie:  he  came  t(5  the  man  ^chich  ftoode    - 
befide  the  camels,  and  nighe  to  the  fountaine  of  \rater  : 
■j-  andfaid  to  him  ;Come  in,  thou  blefledofour  Lord  :  Vby  31 
ftandeft  thou  Mrithout  ?  I  haue  prepared  the  houfe,  and  a 
place  for  the  camels .    t  And  he  brought  him  in  into  his   ji 
lodging:  and  he  vnharneffed  thz  camels,  and  gauc  ftrawe 
and  hay,  and  water  to  ■'^ash  his  feet,  and  of  the  men  th;-! 
were  come  with  him.    f  And  bread  was  Cct  before  him.  55 
Whofaid:  Iwiinot  cate,  til  T  fpcake  my  mcilagc  .  He  an- 
fwered  him  :  Spcake.  f  And  he  faid:  I  am  th<:  feruant  of  34. 
Abraham :  f  ^"^d  our  Lord  hath  blelT^?d  my  lord  vonder-    5^ 
fully,  and  he  is  magnified:  and  he  hath  geuen  him  shcepe, 
and  oxen,  filuer  and  gold,  men  feruints  and  wcmen  feruants, 
^camels ,  and  alfcs.  f  And  Sara  my  lordes  wife  hath  borne  ^S 
Iny  lordafonnc  in  her  old  age ,  and  he  hath  geuen  him  al 
things  that  he  had,  t  And  my  lord  adiured  me  faying :  Thou  37 
ilialt  nor  take  a  wife  for  xny  fonnc  of  the  Chananites  ,  in 
whofe  land  I  d\rel :  -f  but  thou  Chalt  goe  to  my  fathers  houfe,  38 
and  ofmineowne  kinred  shaltthou  take  a  wife  for  my  fonne: 
•f  but  I  anfwered  my  Lord :  What  if  the  woman  wil  not  39 
come  with  jnc_>?  t  Our  Lord,  faith  he,  in  whofe  fight  I  40 
walke,  wil  fend  his  angel  with  thee,  and  wil  direct  thy  way : 
and  thou  shalt  take  a  wife  for  my  fonnc  of  myne  owne 
kinred,  and  ofmy  fathers  houfe.  f  Thou  shalt  be  innocent  41 
from  my  curfe,  wh^n  thou  shalt  come  to  my  kinne ,  and 
they  wil  not  gcue  her  thee,  f  I  came  thcrfore  to  day  to  42 
the  wel  of  water,  and  faid  :  O  Lord  God  ofmy  lord  Abraham, 
ifthouhaftdircdedmy  way,  wherin  I  now  walke,  f  be-   45 
hold  I  (land  befides  the  wel  of  water,  and  the  virgin,  that 
shal  come  forth  to  drawe  water,  when  ^e  ft?al  heare  me 
fay:  Geue  me  alitje  water  todrinke  of  thy  tankard:  t  and  44 
(he  Ihalfay  to  me  :  Drinke  both  thou  and  for  thy  camels  I 
wil  drawe  alfo :  that  is  the  woman,  which  our  Lord  hath 
prcparedfpr  my  mailtcrs  fonnc.  f  And  whihfl:  I  pondered  4^  ' 
thefc  things  fecretly  with  my  fclfc,  Rebecca  appeared  com- 
ming  with  a  tankard,  which  she  caned  vpon  her  shouidrr: 
and  she  went  downe  to  the  fountain-*,  ScT  drew  water. 
And  I  faid  to  her :  Geue  me  a  Jitic  to  drinke.  f  '>5^'ho  fpe=  ^6 
idclie  let  downe  the  tankard  from  her  shoulder,  andfaid  to 
mc ;  Drinke  both  thou,  and  to  thy  camels  I  \^'i\  gcue  dt  inkc. 

I  dranke. 

Abraham.  Genesis.  gr 

47  I  drankc,  iind  fl-e  xs^atercd  the  cammels  .  f  And  I  asked 
firr,  dnd  faid :  Whofe  daughter  arc  thou?  who  anfwered: 
I  am  the  daughterof  Bathuel,  the  fonne  of  Nachor,  whom 
Melcba  bare  him.  I  hoong  therforc  carclettes  to  adoinc 

48  her  face,  and  I  pur  braceletts  vpon  her  hands,  f  And  pra- 
ftrace  I  adored  our  Lord,  blelllng  the  Lord  God  of  my  lord 
Abraham,  who  hath  brought  me  the  ftraight  way  to  take 

49  the  daughter  of  my  lords  brother  for  his  fonne.  f  '^''her- 
fore  if  you  doe_>  according  to  mercie  and  truth  with  my 
lord,  (hew  me  :   bur  if  it  pleafe  you  otherwife  ,  that  alfo 

JO  tel  me,  that  I  may  goe  to  the  right  hand,  or  to  the  left,  f  And 
Laban  and  Bathuel  anfwered:  From  our  Lord  the  word 
hath  procedcd  :  we  can  not  fpcake  any  other  thing  with 

51  thee  bcfides  his  pleafure.  f  Behold  Rebecca  is  before  thee, 
take  her  and  goe  thy  waies,  and  let  her  be  the  v/ife  of  thy 

j2  lords  fonne,  as  our  Lord  hath  fpoken .  f  Which  when  A- 
brahams  feruant  heard,  falling  downe  he  adored  our  Lord 

53  to  the  grounde .  f  And  taking  forth  vellel  of  filuer ,  and 
gold,  and  garment^:,  gaue  them  to  Rebecca  for  a  prefent. 
To  her  brothers  alfo,  and  to  her  mother  he  ofFrcd  giftes. 

5*4  f  A  banket  was  made,  and  eating  and  drinking  togearher 
they  lodged  there.  And  in  the  morning,  the  feruant  arofe, 

jj  and  faid :  Difmiife  me,  that  I  may  goe  to  my  lord,  f  And.-.-  As  children 

her  brother, and  mother  anfwered  :  Let  the  maide  tarie  ar  ought  not  to 

f(J  the  leafttenne  days  with  vs,  and  after  (he  fral  depart,  t  Stay  "?'7^''^'°"'= 

/-•If?  r  TiJLj-rvj  their  parents 

me  nor,  laid  he,  becaule  our  Lord  harhdircttedmy  way :  crond  Ukincr: 

/7  diCmiiTe  me  that  I  may  goe  on  to  my  lord,  f  And  they  faid  :  fo  the  partfcs 

58  Lctvs  cal  the  maid,  and- aske  her  wil.  -f  And  being  called,  owne  confent 

when  fl-ie  was  come,  they  asked;  Wilt  thou  goe  with  this  J,^  "^°^  "a^'^'^u' 

J9  man  ?  who  faid  :  I  wil  goe.  f  They  difmiffed  her  therforc,  £  ^^ 
kbrahams  feruant,  and  his  companie. 

farie.  S  Amb. 

and  her  nurcc,  and  Abrahams  feruant,  and  his  compj 

60  J  wilhing  profpcricie  to  their  filler,  and  faying  :  Thou  art  ::Siuch  fi<rni- 
our  filter,  cncreafe  thou  inro  thoufand  thoufands,  and  thy  lieth  to  fpcake 

61  feed  poflllfe  the  gates  of  their  enemies  t  Therfore  Rebecca,  "^o"^^"-^^'/ 

and  her  maides  beinc;  fet  vpon  camels,  foiowed  the  man  :  ^^^^  )^^\' °^ 
-.  >  ■  \    r        I  I  1-11  I  1/-         moutn .  Here 

bi  wno  with  ipeed  returned  vnto  his  lord  j   and  f  the  lame  5  ^  Ambrofe 

timclfaic  walked  along  the  way,  that  leadeth  to  the  wel  (li  r.c.  i.dc 

oftlie  Lining  and  th^  fcing,  fo  called:  for  he  dwelt  in  the  If»a<^  )  ^"^  S* 

(J3  fouth  countric  J  f  and  he  was  gone  forth  to  "meditate  in  ^"S  ('^•'^^• 
theficld,  the  day  nowe  being  wel  fpent:  and  when  he  had '^^^.j^^^j  {"^p 

^4  cad  vp  his  eyes,-hcfa\r  camels  coming  a  farre  of.  t  Rebecca  mcnulprayej: 

\  alfo. 

8 1  Genesis.  '        Abraham 

alfa,  "vhcn  (lie  faw  Ifaac ,  lighted  of  the  camel,  f  and  faM  6j 
to  the  feruant :  who  is  that  man  "which  cometh  tcwards  vs 
along  the  field?  And  he  faid  to  her.  The  fame  is  my  lord. 
But  she  quickly  taking  her  cloake,  couered  her  felfe.  f  And  66 
the  feruant  told  Ifaac  al  things  that  he  heddone.  f  Who  6j 
brought  her  into  the  tent  of  Sara  his  mother,  and  tooke  her 
to  wife  :  and  he  loued  her  fo  much,  that  it  did  moderate  the 
forrowe,  which  was  chanced  ^of  his  mothers  death. 

Chap.     XXIIIL 

Ominousfpca  14-  Themaidetoyyhoml shal  fay  ]  Obferuationoflpcache* called omitroufj 
chcs  fome-  which  are  interpreted  to  fignifie  good  or  cuil  luck,  are fometimcsfupcrftici 
times fuperfti-  ous.&fuggefted  by  euilfpirites,  who  now  &  then  telling,  or iflfinuating fome 
cious.  truth,  getcredite,  and  fo  allure  men  to  attend  to  fuchvainc,  vnccrtaine,  and 

vnlawful  figneSjasS.  Auguftin  teftifieih  ( li.  r.  deGen.  ad  lit.  c.  jt.  c. 
Some  rimes  ^*"  ^  Neuerthelcs  fuch  fignes  arefometimes  lawfully  obferiied:,  &  defiredfrom 
lawful  ^°  '  as  the  fame  Dodor  difputeih  (li.  queft.fupcr  Gen  q.  55)  andS.Chrifo- 

ftome  teacheth  moreclerly  {  ka.  45.  in  Gen)  likewife  S. 
Holic  fcr'o       Gen)  Butwhofoeuerwil  noterre  in  particular  cafes,  muft  folow  either  ex- 
ture  and  the     P'^^f^  ^/"P^"''^'  or  the  iudgemtm  of  the  Church  which  is  alwayes  diredei  j^^n.t^ 
Church  arc       by  the  Ipirite  of  truth.  And  toiichmg  thisprayer  of  Abrahams  leruant,  and  his 
■    das     f  defire  of  this  determinate  fignc,  to  know  the  maide,  whom  God  had  prouidcd 

doubtf  1  b-  ^°  ^^  Ifaachs  wife,  the  fathers  generally  hold  thatit  wasreligious,  deuout, 
feruations  ^^^  difcEcte.  For  h«  being  careful  of  his  mafters  bufines,  and  nottrufling  his- 
owneiudgement,  but  relying  vpon  that  Abraham  had  (aid.  Our  Lord  shal  fend 
Eliezers  pray-  his  ^n^el  before  thee,  commended  {o  weightieacaufeto  God  by  prayer,  the  An- 
cr,fora  parti-  gel  (uggefting  both  to  him  to  defire,  and  to  the  maide  to  performe(  as  thee- 
cular  fig  ne,  .  uent  flic  weth )  fuch  qualities  and  vertues  in  her,  as  we're  moft  agreable  to  the 
was  lawful,  great  chantie  and  hofpitalitie  daylypra£lifed  in  Abrahams  houfe,  moft  con- 
deuout,  and  uenientand  necefiarie  (  ashedifcretly  confidcred)  for  that  familie,  and  good 
difcrete.  ofmanie.  The  like  obfemations  were approued  in  Gedeon^ and  lonathas.  And   judic.j. 

to  :5ray  for  fuch  fignes  in  fome  cafe,  or  for  manifeft  miracles  is  alfo  approued   1.0,0^  ^  « 
by  the  Apoflles  example  praying  God  Toshevvbyloteyvhicbofthetyvt  he  had  ^ 

chosen  to  the  ^pofileshijy,  in  place  of  Judas.  Andthuhcwould  extend  his  hand  to        - 
curcsj  &  fienes,  &  wonders,  to  be  done  by  the  name  ofhis  holie  fonne  I  e  s  v  s.  '* 

....  ■  '  '        '  '  ■  ■»  II  I        ■IMIIII     _      III.  I    ^ 

Chap.     XXV. 

'^■fbrJMm  hatting  mAnie  children  by  his  w'ife  Cefurd^  died  at  the  Agt  o/i7f, 
yenrei :  U.  1  [mad alfo  hxuingtmcluefonnts  ditkfs,  died.  19.  lfk*c  f>ray^ 
ing  for  his  hurrcn  "^ife,  she  hath  Eptit  and  Ucoh  trvinnes.  30.  Efatt  felUtlt 
.  btsfirfi  hirth  right  to  U:ohfor  i  m-Jfe  ofptage. 


Abraham.  Genesis.  j  r-   x.  ^^ 

I  A    JiD  Abraham  maried  an  other  wife  named  Cethura: 
2,  jfjL.t  ^vhich  bare  him  Zamran,  and  leclan,  and  Madan, 

3  and  Madian,  and  Icfboc  ,  and  Sue.  f  lecfan  alfo  bcgat^ 
Saba  and  Dadan.  The  Children  of  Dadan  were  Allurmi, 

4  and  Latufim,  and  Loomim.  f  But  alfo  of  Madian  was  borne 
Epha,  and  Opher,  and  Henoch,  and  Abida,  andEldaa:al 

5  thefe  were  the  children  of  Cetura.  f  And  Abraham  gaue 

6  al  his  pofTcirions  to  Ifaac  :  f  and  "  to  the  children  of  his 
concubines  he  gaue  gifts ,  and  feparated  them  from  Ifaac 
his  fonne,  whileft  himfelfe  yet  lined,  to  the  cad  countrie. 

7  t  And  the  days  of  Abrahams  hfe  were  a  hundred  feuentie 

8  and  fiue  yeares.  f  And  decaying  dyed  in  -  a  good  old  age,  ••=  The  life  of 
and  hauing  lined  a  great  time,  and  being  ful  ofdays:and  '^|;f^'^^|;f7^ye^ 

9  wasgetheredto  his  people,  f  And  there  buried  him  Ifaac  jj^oyghitbc 
and  Ifmael  his  fonncs  in  the  duble  caue,  which  ^  as  fitu-  otherv/ife 
ated  in  the  field  of  Ephron  the  fonne  of  Scor  the  Hethite,  fliortjthc 

10  ouer  againft  Mambre,  f  ^^ich  he  had  bought  of  the  chil-  ^^^^°^^^^^ 

II  dren  of  Heth  :  there  was  he  buried,  and  Sara  his  wife,  f  And  ^^^^^j^f  fruia, 
after  his  death  God  blelTed  Ifaac  his  fonne,  who  dwelled  be  they  manic 

n  befide  the  wel  of  the  Liuing  and feingfo  named,  f  Thefe  or  fc^-^.- 

are  the  generations  of  Ifmael  the  fonne  of  Abraham,  whom  ^^^^J^°/^ 
15  Agar  the  Egyptian  bare  him,  Saraes  feruant :  and  t  thefe 
are  the  names  of  his  children  according  to  their  calling  and 
generations  .  The  firft  begotten  of  Ifmael  Nabaioth,  then 
14  Cedar,  and  Ad beel,  and  Mabfam,  t  Mafma  alfo,  and  Duma, 
i;  and  Mafla,  f  Hadar,  and  Theraa,  andlethur,and  Naphis, 
1(5  and  Cedma.  f  Thefe  are  the  fonncs  of  Ifmael:  and  thefe 
are  their  names  by  their  caftles  and  townes,  twelue  princes 
1.7  of  their  tribes,  f  And  the  yeares  of  Ifmaels  life  came  to  an 
hundred  thirtic  feauen  ,  and  decaying  died ,  and  was  put 
i-8  vnto  his  people,  f  And  he  dwelt  from  Heuila  euen  to  Sur, 
which  looketh  towards  ^gypt,  as  they  enter  to  the  AlB- 
19  rians,  before  the  face  of  al  his  bretherendicdhe.  t  Thefe 
alfo  are  the  generations  of  Ifaac  the  fonne  of  Abraham : 
2.0  Abraham  begat  Ifaac  :  f  who  when  he  was  fortie  yeares 
old,  tooke  to  wife  Rebecca  the  daughter  of  Bathuel  the 
11  Syrian  of  Mefopotamiij  fifter  to  Laban  .  f  And  Ifaac  be- 
fought  our  Lord  for  his  wife,  becaufe  She  was  barren  :  who 
11'  "  heard  him ,  and  made  Rebecca  to  conceaue .  f  But  the 
little  ones  ftrugled  in  her  wombei  who  faid  :  If  it  fliouldbc 
r©  with  me,  what  nedc  was  there  to  conceaue  J  And  ihe 

L  1  went  to. 

84  Genesis.  Ifaac. 

;:  S.  Augndin'-:  went  to  confult  our  Lord,  f  Who  anfMrenng  faid:  Two  25 
f.q  71  iiiGcn)  j-ja^j-iQj^sa^fgin  thy^K'ombcand  two  peoples   (bal  be  diuided 
I  putcth     lit         of  thy  wombe,  and  one  people  llial  ouercome  the  other, 
could  not  (!e-        ,,/,i,       „     ,   r  t^  ,-kt  i  • 

cick  whether ^i^d     the  elder  dial  Icrue  the  younger,  f  Now   her  time  24 

Rebecca  vent  was  come  to  be  deliuered,  and  behold  twinnes  were  found 
tofomcPiicft,in  her  wombe.  f  He  that  came  forth  firft,  was  read,  and  al  2J 
or  Prophet  or  j^gg^j-jg  jj-j  j-nanncr  of  a  skmne :  and  his  name  was  called  Efau. 
ther  e'°  cr  Inimediatly  the  other  coming  forth,  held  his  brothers  plant 
only  rctyrcd  in  his  hand :  and  therfore  he  called  him  lacob.  f  Threefcore  16 
to  priuate  ycarcsoldwas  Ifaac,  when  the  litle  ones  were  borne  vnto 
.prajcr.  him.  -f  "Who  being  grownevp,  Efau  became  a  man  cunning  17 

,.        .     in  hunting,  and  a  hufband  man :  but  lacob  ••  aplaineman 
[!  ^.,°",.^^'^J'^' dwelled  in  tents.  ■}•  Ifaac  loued  Efau,  bccaufe  he  did  eate  28 
fneth  IjcoKs  of  his  hunting  :  and  Rebecca  loucd  lacob.  f  And  lacob  29 
finceritie,  left  boyled  broth  :  to  whom  Efau  being  come  faynt  out  of  the 
in  the  Myftc-  j^^y^  -|-  f^i^l-  Geuc  me  of  this  read  broth,  becaufe  I  am  ex-  3* 
h^^   °ahrb^^  ceding  faint.  For  which  caufe  his  name  was  called  Edom. 
fufpccted  of   t  T*^  whom  lacob  faid:  "  Sel  me  thy    firft-birth-right^.  51 
falfe  dealing    |  He  anfwered,  Loc  I  dye  ,  what  wil  the  firft  birth  rigl\t.  52 
S.  Aug.  li.  16.  auaile  me  ?  t  lacob  faid :  Swearc  therfore  to  me.  Efau  fware   55 
€.j7.ciuit.       J.Q  [^{^^^  j^nd  fould  his  firft-birth-right.  t  And  fo   taking.  34 
bread  and  the  rice  broth ,  did  cate,  and  drinkc,  and  went 
Ixis  way  ;  little  efteeming  that  he  had  fold  his  firft  birth  right.  - 


Chap.  XXV. 

W'?i  A  ?ir  ^-  ^*  '^'  cUldyen  efhis  eoncuhines  ]  S  Auguftin  (li.  T<r.  c.  H-  ^^  ^}^^) 
vvny  Agarac  ^^^^,^^5^  ^j^^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^  anj  Cerura,  being  Abrahams  lawful  vriucs  (forfo 
J.eiiua  being  ^i^^^^^  called  in  holic'Sciipture)  arc  alfo  called  concubines,  becaufe  they  had 
lawtui  vuicj  yy    priuileacs  to  Sara,whofc  fonne  was  fole  hcyreto  his  father,  and  the 

arc  called  co 

children  of  the  others  had  c 

only  gifres  Cor  mouable  goods)  not  attaynins;  to 

^T'-'"uliV/?  the  promifed  kinadoni.  And  al  this  for  myfteiie  fake.  For  Ifmaelfignificd  the 

«      -fi  TvT     "^"^1  P'^OP'^  b^^^'^  ^^^"^'  ^^'^  children  of  Cerura  prefigured  Heretikes , 

flgnined  la-     ^j^^  f-^^^     |-g  jhpj^(,.|,,gs  ^o  perume  torhenew  Teftament,  but  are  lepararcd 

gaines  6C  rtv-  ^^  j^^,^.^  ^j^^^  ^^^  ,^^^^^  ^^^^  Chd{lsKingdom.  And  albeit  there  was  alfo  an 

miices.  other  particular  rcafon,  why  Agar  was  called  concubine,  becaufe  flic  was  a 

i&cond  wife,  the  firft  then  liuing,  yet  this  Icrncd  father  fairh,  he  did  not  fee, 

why  Cctura  being  rnaried  after  tlie  death  of  Sara,  fliouldbc  called  concubine, 

bu:  only  for  this  Myfteiie.  t        tt      !. 

Godsprcdefti-       ,j.     Heard  him  ]    Notwithftanding  Gods  aflfurcd  promife  ,   that   Itaach 

nation  and  for  {l^ould  hauc  ifluc  (  Gen.  ii,  v.  11)  yet  he  prayctb  inftantly  for  the  fame.  And 

fcing  include,  .jyioyres  here attiibutcth  Rebeccas  conceiuing  to  Ifa;:chs  prayer,  vhcrby  we 

Ifaac.  Genesis.  % 

^ec  that  Gods  fcrfeing;,  prcdcAinating,  and  promifing  cxclu<^c  not,  but  in  &notCJcluc7e 
dedeincludc-rccondanecaufes, and  ordinarie  mcancs,  by  which  his  eternal  themeancsby 
•vil  ard  plcafure  is  fulfilled.  ForasGoddid  foifee  that  Rebecca  fhouldhaue   which  hisviil. 
child]  en,  fb  hcdidforfee,  that  Ifaac  fliouldpiay  foi  it,  andobt^^yneit  i  and  the  is  done, 
one  was  as  furc  to  come  topalle  as  the  other.  And  the  fame  confcCjUtnce  is 
true  concerning  eternaliifc  as  S.  Gregorie  r.  c  8.  Dialog. 

i;  The  elder  shalfejue  the  younger]  Asbcfore  (  c.  17.  V.  ir.  &.  c.  il.  V.  ii. }  Theconenanc 
thecouenant  and  great  promifes  made  to  Abrahams  fcdc,  are  declared  to  per-  niade  to  'Vbi 
tainc  only  to  Ifaac,  and  nottollrnaeh  nor  to  the  other  brothers  ifbtiiefaiTic  ]j.,„^  pcilaned 
belong  not  to  Efau,  the  elder,  but  only  to  lacob  the  younger  fonne  of  Ifaac,  ^^ly  ^^  Ifaac 
the  Holie  Ghoft  faying.  The  elder  shalfe^-uethe  younger  .  And  withal  lignifieth,  and  lacob  c 
-.  .-    (fairhS.  Auguftin)  that  the  cider  people  of  the  lewes  dial  feme  the  younger  ^^  ^j^^  j.    '      n 

'  V'  *     Chriftian  people.  For  although  it  maybe  vnderftood  literally  to  be  fulfilled,  l^is  iiine 
'^  "."'r*  in  thattheldumeans  coming  of Elau,  were  lubdued  by  King  Dauid    coming 
«/"2;'^ro    of^^cob;  yet  if  is  more  conuenicntly  belceucd,  that  this  prophecic  tended 
to  a  greater  thing  And  vhatis  this,  but  that  vcliich  is  euidcncly  fulfilled  in  the 
lewcs  and  Ghtiiiunns  ? 

AnothergreatdocumcntofiTrace  S.  Paul  gcathercth  vpon  this  Myfterie  :  Gods  mere 
thatthe  tv^'inncs  being  not  yetljorne,  nor  hauingdoneany  thinggood  oieuif,   mercie  in  cic- 
without  anic  good  mcrires,  the  younger  is  elected,  the  elder  reprobate.  For  (flin^anie  his 
doubtlcs  (faith  S.  Auguftm)  touching  original  finne  they  were  both  equal,  iuibce   to' the 
and  concerning  proper  iinne,  neither  of  them  had  ante  at  al.  By  which  exam-  reprobate, 
pie  he  Ibewcth  Gods  mere  mercieintheele<fb,  andiufticcin  the  reprobate,  as 
is  more  largely  noted  in  the  Enalifli  New  Tcftament,  vpon  the  ninth  chapter 
to  the  Romanes. 

51.     sehnerhyfyfl  birthright  ]  Jacob  inftruacd  by  his  mother,  that  God  l3<^o>  lawful- 
had  chofcn  him  m  place  of  his  brother  E(au  (for  toherGodhadreueled  that  ly  bought  but 
the  elder  rhouldfcrwe  the  younger)  did  lawfully  vie  this  oportunitie  to  get  Efau  finned  in 
Efausgrantof  the  right  pertaining  to  the  firft  borne,  but  Efau  in  felling  "it  Celling   the 
finned,  Ihewing  firft-birth° 



Chap.     XXVI. 

Z/irfc  hy  reafon  of  famine gorth  into  Gerur/t,  5.  where  Godreneweth  to  him 
thefromifes  made  to  y^.brah^m.  cf.  jCtng ^Ai'imetech  lUmeth  htm  far 
CdUinghif  wifehUftfter.  ij,  thepeode  enuyinghis  "health ^quxreleth  for 
his  Welles  16.  ^t  Ufi  ^imelecb  maketh  leAgiie  With  IJaac.  ..  God  by  A- 

brahams  exii- 

I      A    Ni>  "when a  famine  vas  rifcn  in  the  land,  after  that  P^^r  life  inui- 
jHL  fterilitic,  that  had  chanced  in  the  dayes  of  Abraham,  '.'='^'^^*=^S>'P' 

tians  to  true 

Ifaacwentro  Abimclechkingof  the  Paleftincs  into  Gerara.  rcbVionmov 
1  t.And  oar  Lord  appeared  to  him,  and  faid:  "Goenotdowne  commandeth 
5  into  Egypt,  but  reft  in  the  land  which  I  (hal  tel  thee,  -f  And  Ifaac  to  ftayi» 

fciourne  init, and  I  vil  be \ifith  thee,  and  wil  blcffe  thee  :  for  y^^^^^^  1° c^^^ 

to  thee  and  to  thy  feed,  I  wil  gcue  al  thcfe  countries,  accom-  xheod.  q.  --e.. 

pUfliing  the  oath  -"^hich  I  fvrarc  to  Abraham  thy  father,  in  Geo. 

t6  t  Genesis.  tfaac. 

t  And  I  w3  multiplie  thy  feed  as  the  ftarres  of  hcauen :  Ahd  4 
I  wil  gcue  to  thy  pofteritie  al  thefe  countries :  and  in  thy  feed 
S  HAL  BE    BLESSED    al  the  natlons  of  the  earth ,  f  for  5 
becaufe  Abraham  obeyed  my  voice,  and  kept  my  preceptes 
and  commandements,  and  obferued  "  my  ceremonies  6^ 
U'^es.  t  Therfore  Ifaac  abode  in  Gerara.  f  Who  when  he  6  f 
was  asked  by  the  men  of  that  place,  concerning  his  wife, 
:,:  Sccpagyt.   anfwered :  She  is -my  fifter.  for  he  was  afraid  to  confefle 
that  (he  was  married  to  him,   thinking  left  peraduenrure 
they  would  kil  him  becaufe  of  her  beautie.  f  And  when  S 
verie  manie  days  were  paflcd,  and  he  abode  there,  Abime- 
lech  thft^  king  of  the  Paleftines  looking  forth  through  a 
"windowe^fawe  him  fporting  with  Rebecca  his  wife.  f'And  j 
calling  for  him, he  faid:  It  is  euident  that  ibe  is  thy  wife: 
whydideft  thoufaineherto  be  thy  fiftcr  ?  He  anfwered:  I 
fearediefti  ihoulddicfor  her.  f  And  Abimelech  faid  :  Why  id 
haft  thou  deceaued  vsi  fomeman  of  the  people  might  haiie 
::  Adiiltene  a  jy^^  ^jj-j^  ^[^y  ^jf^^  ^  jJ^q^  haddeft  brought  vpon  vs ''  a  great 
furimo"ifp;     ^ii^i^e- And  he  commanded  al  the  people,  faying:  f  He  that  il 
P^iaims  ^^^  touch  this  mans  wife,  dying  (bal  dye.  f  And  Ifaac  fowed  iz 

in  that  land,  and  he  found  that  fame  yeare  "an  hundred  fold : 
and  our  Lord  blefled  him,  f  And  the  man  was  made  rich,  ij 
and  he  went  profpering  and  rncreanng,  til  he  was  made 
exceeding  great:  f  and  he  had  alfo  polfellions  of  (hcepand  14 
ofheards,  andaverie  great  familic.  For  this  the  Palcftines 
enuying  him,  f  ftopped  at  that  time  al  the  welles,  that  the  1/ 
feruants  of  his  father  Abraham  had  digged;  filling  them 
vp  with  water:  f  info  much  that  Abimelech  himfelfe  faid  16 
to  Ifaac  r  Depart  from  vs,  becaufe  thou  art  become  mightier 
then  we  a  great  dealc .  f  And  departing,  to  come  to  the  17 
Torrent  of  Gerara,  and  to  dwei  there:  f  againe  he  digged  iS 
other  Welles,  which  the  feruants  of  his  father  Abraham  had 
>#Xlre  Chanel  "^gg^<^3  ^^'^^  which,  after  his  death,  the  Philiftines  had  ftop- 
whcre  fomc-  ped  vp  of  old :  and  he  called  them  by  the  fame  names,  wh  c\ 
times  a  vc'ie-  ^ij   father  before  had  called  them .  f  And  they  digged  in  19 
mstit  ftieame  the  *  Torr^ntjand  found  liuing  water :  f  but  there  alfo  the  zo 
-times  none     paitors  or  Gcrara:madc  aorawleagainft  thepaftors  or  Ilaac, 
^:al.  laying:  It  is  our  water,  for  which  caufe  he  called  die  name 

of  the  wel,  by  occafion  of  that  which  had  hapned,  *  Calum-  rVran 

:ne.  f  And  they  digged  alfo  an  other :  &  for  thatthey  brawled  21     Z^^'^Z: 
hkcwi^Q,  and  he  called  the  name  of  it,  Eumitic  f  Going  11 
■     ■'■  foxcwaid 

Genesis.  iy 

forc^ardfrom  thence  he  digged  an  other  >jrel,  for  \fhich 

they  contended  not :  therforc  he  called  the  name  therof , 

Latitude,  {aying  :  Now  hath  our  Lord  dilated  vs,  and  made 

2}  vs  to  cncreafe  vpon  the  earth,  f  Andhevrcnt  vp  from  that 

24  place  vnto  Bcrlabec,  f  '^'here  our  Lord  appeared  to  him 
that  fame  night,  faying :  I  am  the  God  of  Abraham  thy  fa- 
ther, do  not  fcare,  becaufe  I  am  \rith  thee:  I  wil  blelfc  thee, 
and  multiplie  thy  feed  for  my  fcruant  Abrahams  fake_^ , 

2j  f  Therfore  he  builded  there  an  altar  :  and  hauing  called 
vpon  the  name  of  our  Lord,  he  pitched  his  tent:  and  com- 

16  manded  his  feruants  that  they  ftiould  digge  awcl.  f  To  the 
Nfhich  place  when  there  were  come  from  Gerara  Abimclech, 
andOcozath  hisfreind,  and  Phicol  chieffe  captaine  of  his 

27  fouldiers,  f  Ifaac  fpakc  to  them  :  "Why  are  ye  come  to  me  a 

28  man  whom  you  hated,  and  hauethruft  our  from  you?  f  Who 
anfwcred :  We  faw  that  the  Lord  is  with  thee,  and  therfore 

\rc  faid :  Let  there  bean  oath  becwen  vs,  and  -  let  vs  make  a  :•  ^o  nations 

25  league,  f  that  thou  do  vs  no  harme,  as  wc  alfo  haue  tou-  c^^^^^  ^orld 
ched  nothing  of  thine,  neither  haue  we  done  that  which  j^g  chuJc*h 
might  hurt  thee:but  with  peace  haue  we  difmift  thee  encrea»  of  Chrift,  bur 

30  fed  with  the  blelling  of  the  Lord,  f  Therforc  he  made  af^er  made 

31  themafeaft,  and  after  they  had  eaten  and  drunken  f  arifing  P"*^^  withxfi. 
in  tlie  morning,  they  fware  one  to  an  other :  and  Ifaac  dif- 

j2  milfed  them  peaceably  into  their  place,  f  And  behold  the 
fame  day  came  the  feruants  af  Ifaac  telling  him  of  a  wcl, 
which  they  had  digged,  and  faying:  Wc  haue  found  water.     -^    , 

35   f  Wherupon  he  called  it  Abundance  :  and  the  name  or^^fj'^^J^^^ 
the  citie  was  geuen  Berfabec,  euen  vnto  this  prcfcnt  day.  his  parents 

34  f  But  Efau  being  fourtie  yeares  old  married  wiues,  ludith  ^iJ'  niadc 
the  daughter  of  Beeri  the  Hethite,  and  Bafemath  the  daugh-  ^^^^^^^^<^'^ 

jj  terofElonof  thefamc  place:  f  both  which  had  "offended       "** 
the  mind  of  Ifaac  and  Rebecca. 

Chap.     XXVL 

J.    A/jiwffMW'f^  ]  Thcfcwerc-not  the  {ame  ceremonies  and  lawes  vhicli 
vcrc  afterwards  prcfcribed by  God, and  dcliiicicd  by  Moyfes,  but  other  ob-  Extcriu!cer»^ 
fcruanccs  by  which  Abraham  andorher  holieratriarches  before  him,  ferue J  ™o"'"  in  «^ie 
God  with  certaine  external  worftiip,  differing  from  thelites  gf  ttc  Gentiles,  lawofoatare. 
sfpcci^lly  from  Eno5  time  ( Gcu^  4. )  aad  fo  foi  vafd. 

S8  Genesis.'  Ifaac 

li.     j(iihu7tdreifdd'\   Forthisincreafc ofxrealrlitlie  King  an3  people  at 

ChrjRian  for  ^J^A  enuied  Ifaac,  but  afterwards  pcrceiuirg  that  Gcd  almighiie,  whom  he 

titudepreuai-' Periled,  fo  bleflcd  him,  the  leftofthc  land  fcmaining  barren^  they  fought  to 

Icth  more  by    make  league  with  him  (v.  18)  Euen  fo  the  Kings  and  nations  of  the  world, firft 

fuirerino-jthen  enuying  and  pcrlccuting  Chrifts  Church,  at  Icingth  fcing  it  ftil  profperous 

by  forcible  re-  became  with  al  humilitie  children  of  the  fame  Church,  and  (cruants  of  Chrifl", 

filling.  being  oucrcomenot  by  force  ofarmes  burby  patience, &peacablc  cndeuours 

of  thofe  whom  they  moft  hated.  VVherof  excellently  faith  S.Leo  {  Ser.  i.  in 

Natali.Apoft  )  AlthoughRomc  rcnowmed  by  manic  vidorics,  dilated  her 

Empyrc  by  land  and  by  fea,  yet  was  it  lcire,th«t  martial  trauclfubdued,  then 

that  which  Chiiftian  peace  hath  obtained. The  Billiops  of  Rome  hauing 

larger  lurifdidioa  fpiritual ,  then  cuer  ;hc  Roman  Cocfars  had  temporal 


Chap.     XXVII. 

Ucoh  hy  his  mothers  eounfdilgetteth  his  fathers  hlefingin  place  of sfdUy  41. 
^ffd  by  her  n  admfed  {for  auoidm^  Ejaus  '^r*th,  Tpho  tbre^tned  to  k}i 
km  )  tope  to  his  "^ndeuhan,  m  Baran  ofMefopotAmta. 


Nd  Ifaac  was  old,  and  his  eyes  were  dimmc,  and  he  c 
could  not  fee:  and  he  called  Efau  his  elder  Tonne,  and 
■'■  ^-  faid  to  him:  my  fonne?  Who  anfwered  Here  I  am.  f  To  2, 

whom  his  father:  Thou  feeft,  quoth  he,  that  I  am  old,  and 
know  not  the  day  of  my  death,  t  Take  thy  inftruments,  thy  5 
quiucr,   and  howc ,  and  goc  abrode :  and  when  thou  haft 
taken  any  thing  hy  hunting,  t  make  me  broth  cherof,  as  4 
thou  knowcft  I  like,  and  bring  that  I  may  cate:and  my 
foulc  may  blelTe  thee  before!  dye.  t  Which  when  Rebecca  j 
The  Epiftlc      had  heard,  and  he  was  gone  into  the  field  to  fulfil  his  fathers 
on  Saturday    commandemcnt,  'f  i"hc  faid  to  her  fonne  lacob  :  I  heard  thy  6 
father  talking  with  Efau  thy  brother,  and  faying  to  him_: 
I  BrincT  me  of  thy  hunting,  and  make  me  meates  that  I  may  7 
eate_^  ,  and  blelfe  thee  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord  before  I 
trlacobfecure  dye.  f  Now  thcrfore  my  fonne,  allent  to  my  counfel  :  8 
in  confcience  j^  ^j^  j  ^^  j-j^y  ^^^.^^y  to  the  Hocke,  bring  me  two  kiddes  of  the  9 

the  fcrond 

that  the  nsht  ^^^^ ^j^^^  j  J^ay  m^ke  of  them  meat  for  thy  fuhcr,  fuch  as  he 
;bcion-edto     -laaly  catcth  :  t  which  v^hen  thou  hall  brought  in,  and  he  10 

of  fir  ft- birth 

him,fctfea  -  iiathcaren,  he  may  bleire  thee  before  he  dye.  f  To  whom   n 
red  10  geue-     [^£   an(wered  :   Tr,ou  knowefl  that   Hfau  my  brother  is 
.ycculio^ofof-  ^^^  j^^^^..^  ^^^j^^  ^^^  J  ^.,,  fmooth  :  t  if  my  father  llial  fecle  li 
iXv"  me,  and  pcrcc^iuc  it,  ::  I  fcare  led  he  wii  thinke  I  would 


\ii\ic  dcluiled  h'nriy  and  I  (hal  bring  vp6ii  me  4  cuiTe  for  a 
!5  ble/Ting.  f  To  whom  his  mother  faid  :  This  cuiTe,  my  fonne, 
hght  Vpon  mc  :  only  hcnre  thou  my  voice,  and  go,  fetch  me 
14  the  things  which  I  haiie  faid .  f  Ke  went,  and  brought, 
and  gaue  thcni  to  his  mother.  She  dreiTed  meats,  euen  as 
1/  Iheknew  his  father  hked.  f  And  fhe  did  on  him  the  gar- 
ments of  Efau  verie  good,  which  flie  had  at  home  ^'ith  her  : 
16  t  and  the  litle  skinnes  of  the  kidds  (he  put  about  his  hands, 

27  andcouered  thebareofhisnecke.  f  And  Ore  gaue  him  the 
18  broth,  and  deliuered  him  bread  that  (he  had  baked,  -f  "Which,  .  , 

when  he  had  caried  ifi,  he  faid:  My  father  ?  But  he  anfv^ercd; 

rp  Iheare.  Whoartthoumy  fonne?  f  And  lacob  faid  :  "  I  am 
thy  firft  begotten  Efau :  I  haue  done  as  thou  dideft  com- 
mand me  :  arife,  fit,  and  eate  of  my  hunting,  that  thy  foiile 

zo  may  blclfe  me_v .  f  And  againe  Ifaac  to  his  fonne  ;  Ho\r 
couldeft  thou,  faid  he.  End  it  fo  quickly,  my  fonnc?  Who 
anfwered:  '■'•  It  was  the  wil  of  God  that  that  which  I  would-  lt\rastru'y 

21  came  quickly  in  my  way  :  f  And  Ifaac  faid  :  Come  hither,  Gods  wil,  but 
that  I  may  fede  thee  my  fonne,  andmiy  proue  whether  thou  notinthatff.e 

2.1  be  my  fonne  Efau,  ox  no.  f  Hecamenereto  his  father,  ^nd^f  a^^j  ■^"' 
when  he  had  felt  him,  liaac  faid:  The  voice  vereJy,  is  the 

i3  voice  of  lacob  :  but  the  hands,  are  the  hands  of  Efau.  f  And 
he  "  knew  him  not,  becaufehishearie  hands  had  made  him 

£4  like  vnro  the  elder.  Bleiling  him  therfore,  f  he  faid;  Art 

ij  thou  my  fonne  Efau?  He  anfwcred:  I  am.  f  But  he  faid  : 

Bring  me  the  meats  of  thy  hunting,  my  fonne,  that  my  fouie 

,^   may  bleife  thee.  Which  when  they  were  brought  and  he 

had  eaterL*,  he  offred  him  wine  alfo,  which  after  he  had 

z6  drunke,  f  he  faid  to  him:  Come  nere  me,  and  geue  me  a 

i.y  kilfe,  my  fonne.  t  He  came  nere,  and  kifTed  him.  And  imme» 
diatly  as  he  felt  the  fragrant  fauoure  of  his  garments,  bleflincr 
him, he  faid:  Behold  the  fauoure  of  my  fonns  is  as  the  fa- 
uoure.^ of  a  plentiful  held,  which  our  Lord  hath  blelTed.* 

2.8  t  God  geue  thee  of  the  deawof  Acaucn,  and  of  the  fatncs  of 

ip  thcearrhabundanceof  conie  and  wine,  f  And  let  peoples 
feme  thcc, and  tribes  adore  thee:  be  thou  lord  of  thy  bre- 
thren, and  thy  mothers  children  bowe  they  before  thee  . 
He  that  thai  curfe  thee,  be  hecurfed  :  and  he  that  fhal  blc  lie 

50  thee,  be  he  replenished  with  blcllings.  f  Ifiac  had  fcarce 
ended  his  wordes,  and  lacob  now  gone  forth  abroad,  but 

31  Efau  came ,  -f  and  brought  in  to  his  father  mcates  made 

M  ofhis 

$0  Genesis. 

of  his  hunting ,  faying :  Arife  my  father ,  and  eate  of  thy 
fonnes hunting:  that  thy  foule  may  blefle  me.  f  And  Ifaac  ji 
faidtohim:  Why  !  who  arth  thou?"Who  anfweted  :  I  am 
thy  firft  begotten  fonne  Efau.  f  iCiac  was  amazed  and  afto-  5$ 
nied  cxceadingly  :  and  marueiing  more_^  then  a  man  can 
beieue,  faid  :  Who  is  he  then  that  euen  now  brought  me 
venifon  that  he  had  taken,  and  I  did  eate  of  al  thinges  before 
::  Ifaac  now    thou  cameft  ?  and  I  haue  bielfedhim,  ''  and  he  ilial  be  blef» 
b^'c^'d'^  iT  ^^^*  t  Efau  hauing  heard  his  fathers  wordes,  roared  out  with  54 
i-a^tific'd  ^th^c '  ^  S*-*^^^  ^^y^  •  ^?^  '^^"^o  difmaied,  faid :  Bfeile  me  alfo,  my  fa- 
hehaddone.    ^^'^^^-  t  Who  faid:  Thy  brother  came  dtcciptfuUy  and  tooke  5; 
thybieffing.  f  But  he  faid  again  :  Rightly  is  his  name  called  ^6 
lacob:  forhehathfupplanted  me  loetlie  fecond  time:  my 
lirft-birth-right  he  tooke  before,  and  now  thefecond  time 
he  hath  ftollen  my  bleiling.  And  agame  to  his  father  he  faid : 
Haft  thou  not  referued  me  alfo  a  bieifrng  ?  f  Ifaac  answered  :  57 
I  haue  appointed  him  thy  Lord,  and  al  his  brethren  I  haue 
made  fubied  to  his  feruice :  with  corne  and  wine  I  haue  efta- 
bhfliedhim,andfor  thee,  my  fonne,  what  fhal  I  doe  mojre 
after  this?  f  To  whom  Efau  faid  :  Haft  thou  one  only  blefl  3S 
t:  worldlings  ^"''g*  father  ?  I  befech  thee  blcffe  me  alfo.  And  when  he  wept 
ble/Iinaconfi- that  he  howled  againe,  f  Ifaac  being  moued,  faid  to  him:  59 
ftethintranfi-  In  ::  the  fat  of  the  earth,  and  in  the  deaw  of  heauen  from 
tone>reith.     ^^oue  f  (hal  thy  bleffing  be.   Thou  ihalthue  by  the  fworde,  40 
-Theldumc-^"^  ^^alt  feme  thy  brother :  and  -  the  time  (bal  come,  when 
ansbeinafub-  ^^°"  ^^^^  shake  of,  and  loofe  his  yoake  from  thy  necke. 
ducd  by^king  t  Efau  therfore  alwaies  hated  lacob  for  the  blelling  wher-  41 
Dauid  {I.Reg,  with  his  father  had  blcifed  him  :  and  he  faid  in  his  hart :  The 
8.)  reuoltcd    daies  wil  come  ofthe  mourning  of  my  father,  and  I  wil  kil 
ranTand^had  ^acob  my  brother .  f  Thcfe  things  were  told  to  Rebecca:  41 
a  king  of  their  ^^o  fending  &  calling  lacob  her  fonne,  faid  to  him  :  Behold 
ov/ne(4.Rcg.  Efau  thy  brother  threatneth  to  kil  thee,  f  Now  therfore,  45  , 
8.)  they  were  tny  fonne,  heare  my  Voice,  and  get  thee  vp  and  flye  to  Laban 
elTyHirca''.'  ^^7  ^"^^^otherinto  Haran :  t  and  thou  (halt  dwel  with  him  a  44 
nus(tefte  lo-  few  daies,  tilthefurie  of  thy  brother  be  alfwaged,  f  and  45 
fepho,  li.  15.    his  indignation  ceafe,and  he  forget  thofe  things,which  thou 
Antiq. )  but  a-  haft  done  to  him :  afterward  I  wil  fend,  and  bring  thee  from 
^n7dumTa°if   ^^^^^^^^  hither.  Why  dial  I  be  depriued  of  both  fonnes  in  one 
raianed  in       ^^^  ^'  t  And  Rebecca  faid  to  Ifaac:  I  am  wcaric  of  my  life   ^6 
lewiie  Math.  ^^^  ^  ^^  daughters  of  Heth :  if  lacob  take  a  wife  ofthe  ftocke 
X.  Luc.  I.         o£  this  land,  I  lift  notliue. 


Genesjs,  ^i 

Ci-:ap.     XXVII. 

ij.     tarn  thy finihegot ten Efau.]  lacob  was  notby  nature  the firftbcgotren;  j^g^v,  tli^not 

'e  with  E{au,had  right  to  the  prci?-  »;„  '„       r 
c..n.\ c^  u^  j;j  «^ri;»  u„»  f--"}  '-"i^  ».- -is. 

but  by  Gods  ordinance,  &  by  coaenantmade 

minence,  and  priui]egies  belonging  to  the  firft  borne.  So  he  did  not  lie,  but  •y.^'c-~\:;o  ^j 
fpake  a  truth,  meaning  that  he  was  that  fonne,  to  whom  by  diuine  eledion  ^.^g  ^r^ ^.  ^^^g. 
the  firft-birth-right  was  dew,  which  his  father  fuppofed  to  pertaine  to  Efau. 
But  becaufe  fome  fcorners  of  Chriftian  dodiin  ( hkc  to  the  old  Manichees) 
yfc  tofay,  that  CatholiqueDodors,  and  Schoolmen  excufe,  and  condemne 
whom  they  liftbyfuchglofTes,  let  fuch  reprouersvnderftand,  that  both  mo^  ,     -^    ^^. 

derne  and  ancient  Catholique  writers  auow  this  defence  of  the  holie  Patri-  .  -''  ^  /-^  ? "" 
arch  lacob,  not  by  priuate  fpirite,  but  by  the  moft  true  and  proper  fenfe  of  ^^■^"°*^''"'  ^^ 
holieScriptureitfelfe.VVhereitmayappeare,  if  they  wil  axamine  the  text,  ti'C'*^»'  • 
that  lacob  in  al  this  procurement  of  his  fathers  blelTmg,  neither  did  aniething 
vniu{lly,nor  faid  anie  thing  falfly.  Firft  it  was  reueledto  his  mother  (chap  .       i. 
if.v.ij.)  Tlyat  tlie  elder  (of  hev  twinnes]  should  feme  the  you,nger.  Secondlyjholic         2. 
Scripture  teftifieth  in  the  fame  chapter  (v.  27.)  That  Ltcoh  yras  a  platne[  or 
fincere)  W4M,  void  of  vniuft  dealing.  Thirdly,  for  more  quiet  enioyingthat        2. 
right,  which  God  had  ordained  for  him,  he  procured  his  brothers  confen: 
and  confirmation  (v.  35  )  Fouitly  though  he  was  fecure  in  conlcience  that       4, 
theblelTingwasdcwto  him,  yet  he  feared  (v.iz.)  left  hemighrgeue  occafion 
of  ofFence  to  his  father,  to  whom  this  myfterie  was  not  yetreueled.Fiftly       j, 
Ifaac  perceiuing  at  laft  Gods  wih  that  lacob  ftiould  be  preferred,  was  neither 
offended  with  him  ,  nor  reuoked  his  blefting,  as  vnlawfully  furprifed,  but 
condefcendingthertoj  ratified  that  he  had  done,  faying  (v.  55.)/  haue  bleffed 
him,  and  he  shal  be  blejfed-  Sixtly,  God  himfelfe  from  this  time  foiwards  often        6. 
appeared  to  lacob,  and  with  great  promifes,  and  manie  temporal  and  fpi- 
ritual  benefitcs,  declared  his  fingular  louetohim.  Seuently,  thefe  three  Pa-        /* 
ttiarches  Abraham,  Ifaac,  and  lacob  are  fpecial  renowmed  Sain£les  of  the  old 
Tcftament :  yea  the  Lordand  Cieatorofalwouldpeculiarly  be  called  (Exodi. 
3.)  the  God  of  Abraham,  Ifaac,  and  lacob.  Moyfes  praymginftantly  forGods 
mercie  and  clemencie  towards  the  people  (Exodi.  3x.)befought  him  tore- 
member  Abraham  Ifaac,  and  Jacob  his  feruants  :  and  fo  in  both  old  and  new 
Teftamentthefetbree  arcoftcnmentionedaschiefePrinces  in  the  Kingdom 
of  Heauen.  Al  which  fliew  e  the  great  vertues  and  holmes  ofthem  al. 

And  touching  this  fad  of  lacob,  where  (if  euer  anicwhere)   might  feme  'phe  Fathers 
to  be  fome  great  uiine.  S.  A.uguftin  at  large  proucth  that  he  did  not  herein  proue  his  in- 
(inne  at  al :  rhat  -vyhich  lacob  did[Ca.ith  he,  li.  cont.  mcndacium  c.  10.)  B;y  his  nocencie  in 
mtthostnfirtiBionto  decemehisfather,ifitbe  dUt-^ently  co}ifidcred,vYas  no  lie,  hut  a  t^js  fad. 
myllcyie,  and  therfore  for  the  familiar  counfail  of  the  Holir  Ghofl,  vyhub  hismothet  had 
Yccciued,  he  ts  excuftd  from  fmne.  The  fame  he  confirmeth.  c] .  74.  in  i^. 
c.}7.deciuit.&li.  ii.c.54Cont.Fauft.Thefaniealfo  teach  S.  Chrifoftom  ho. 
55  inGen.S.Hierom  Epift.  11;.  S  .Theodoret.q.79.&.  80.  in  Gen.  S.  Grego- 
rie,ho.<J.  in  Ezcchielem.  S.  Bede,  Ifidorus,  Innocentius  3.  Rupertusand  others 
vpon  this  place,  al  cigreing  ablolutly  that  euerie  lie  is  afinne,  declare  that  Eucriclicisa 
lacob  lied  not,  but  ftil  {pake  the  truth,  confirming  their  expofition  by  other  {{^^^^ 

U  i  like 

51  Genesis..  Ifaac. 

like  places  of  Scripture.  As  when  our  Sauiour  faii  of  S.  lehuBaptlft  (Matli. 

1 1 , )  We  i>  £/*.«  meaning  that  he  was  Elias  in  fpirite  no  t  in  perfon.  So  lacob  faid 

truly  that  he  was  Efau,  not  meaning  in  perfon  but  in  right  of  the  firfr  borne, 

by  Gods  grdinance  :  Efau  a!fo  hauing  cofidefcended  therto  by  coucnanc 
Some  dccelp:  andoath.In  that  alfo  he  deceiued  his  father,  was  no  finne.  For  it  was  a  law- 
gaoJ.  fill  and  good  deccipt,  fuch  a  one  (faith S.  Chrifoftom)  as  Hiercmiefpeaketh //o.  tf,^. 

of,  Lord  thou  haf: deceiued  me,  and  I  am  deceiued,  Co  Ifaac  was  decerned,  not  as  we  ad  Col. 

commonly  cal  deceipt,  but  to  his  owne  and  others  good,  by  Gods  difpofition.  Titer. xo^ 
15.     i{neyyln,nnot  ]    S.Damafus  demaliding  of  S.  Hierom,  what  might  £/?»??. 

be  thcrealbnwhy  God  would  fuffer  his  holicferuant  iGiac  not  to.know  laccb,  izj. 

■.       „  J    but  to  be  deceiued,  and  through  ignorance  to  bicde  whom  he  would  nor, 

%r^^         declaieth  that  it  happened  not  only  to  lacob,  but  alfb  to  manie  other  like 
taat  llaac         ,     ,.  ,     .      '  t  ,  {■  1       1       j       •       1  r 

I.       .        J.  T      holiemcn,  to  be  ignorant  ot-manie  things,  and  to  be  deceiued  in  error  of  o- 

,1        ■'     piiiion  :  and  that  this  error  was  proficable  to  Ifaac  and  hishoufe  For  if  he 
COD,  when  he  f     ,  ,.,,,,       ,     1  •   <      '^  r  ■  ■       it       tji-i-       1        rr  l 

,,/;•,.  I  •  had  gcucn  this- blc.ung  (  whico  was  a  fpintuallLUudidlion  )  to  hlau,  as  lie 

purpofeJ,  he  had  committed  a  noxious  error  in  dede,  by  prcferringa  bloucie 
.   man,  one  that  was  readie,  if  he  could,  to  haue  killed  his  brother,  (v. 41.) 

omitting  him,  that  was  fincere  aixd  veiy  veituous,  and  had  done  his  ownc 

wil,  not  Gods  wil  thtrin. 

But  why  would  not  Go^  reuclhiswil  to  Ifaac  ( as  he  had  commanded  a  farrc 

grcatter  thing  to  Abraham  to facriiice  the  fame  Ifaac)  that hemight  wittingly 

tiiucblcirL'dLicobby  Godscommancmer.t;  The  Fathers  do  probablyallcagc 
Gooa  in  re-  {^{^  f.^r  one  rcafon,  that  if  Eiau,  being  a  fierce  and  cruel  man,  had  perceiued 
iped  of  Efau.  that  his  father  had  v^illingly  preferred^  lacob,  he  would  haue  bene  incenfed 

againft  his  father,  conceiucd  and  attempted  cuil  againft  him.  An  other  rea- 
MorctoGods  fon    S- Chiifoftom  and  Theodoret  do  yeld,  that  by  thisftrange  maner  ofim-  ^''-  JJ- 
<-loiic,and  ]a-  parting  this  blelTing  ,  it  ir.ight  moremanifeftly  appearc  to  be  Gods  wil  and  ^•79-if>' 
cobscommen  ordinance,  and  not  to  precede  from  mans  affcdion,  that  lacob  ihould  be  ^*^ 
datioK,  preferred,. 

Chap.     XXVIIL.  " 

lacoh  with  his  fathen  hlefingi  and  admonition  nottotuke  A^ifeofcha'* 
na^.n,  hut  of  the  d  aught  trs  of  his  l/ncle  Lahany  goeth  into  MefoPotamia  i_. 
(6  .  Efm  in  the  meane  time  marieth  a  third  wife  ^  his  'yntle  ijmaels 
daughter  )  1 1.  Jacob  feetbin/Iepea  Udder  reaching  to  heautn^  yCngels  af-- 
(ending  fee  nding^  and  our  Lord  Ujning  theron  renewed  thepromi*^ 
fes  madeto.yihraham  Andlfaac.  16. ^nd  be  awaykingmaketb  a  "VojV. 

S  A  AC  tberfore called  lacob, and bleiTedbim,  and  com-  1 

manded  him  faying:  Take  not  a  wife  of  the  ftocke  of 

Ghanaan^  :    f   but  goe,  and  make  a  ioiirncy  into   Mefo-  x 
potamia  of  Svriai  to  the  houfe  of  Bathuel  thy  mothers  father, 
and  take  thee  a  wife  thence  ofthcdaiightcrsof  Laban  thin 
vncU^.  t  And  God  almightie  bleifc  t\\zZy  and  make  thee^  j^ 



Genesis.  93 

cncreafc,  and  multiplie  rhee  :  that  thou  maiefl:  be  into  muiti- 
4  tudcscf  peoples,  t  And  "  gcuc  he  rhee  the  bledlngs  of  A;  ''''.f^^^\flll 
braham,  and  to  thy  kcd  after  thcc  :  thati^-.ou  mayeR  poHclIe  b^cifings  of  A- 
the  land  of  thy  perigrination  ,  v  hich-  he  prcmifcd  to  thy  braham  to  la- 
;  grandfather,  f  And  when  Ifaac  had  difmift  him,  taking  cob,  aiid  Fiis 
&siourncyhecaraetoMefopotamia  of  Syria  to  Laban'the  rcae.ommin| 
fonne  of  Bathuel  the  Syrian,  brother  to  Rebecca  his  rcothei'.  ^^^'^  Vep^ctTth' 

6  t  And  Efau  fcing  that  his  lather  had  blelfed   lacob ,  and  thefamc.^  xj. 
had  fcnt  him  into  Mcfopotamia  of  Syria,  to  marrya^^ife 

thence  i  and  that  after  the  blelling  he  had  commanded  him, 
faying  :  Thou  fl.alt  not  take  a  wife  of  the  daughters  o[  Cha- 

7  naan:  f  and  that  lacob  obeying  his  parents  was  gone  into 

8  Syria:  f  hauingtryal  aUo  that  his  Either  did  not  wilHngly 
5J  fee  the  daughteis  of  Canaan.^ :  f  he  ^^cnt  to  Ifmael,  and 

tooke  to  wife  befides  them,  which  he  had  before,  Maheleth 
the  daughter  of  Ifmael  Abrahams  fonne,  fiflcr  to  Nabaioth. 

10  t  Therforc  lacob  being  departed  from  Berfabec,  went  on  TheEpiftlcm 

11  to  Haran.  t  And  when  he  was  come  to  a  certaine  place,  avonucMafls 
and  would  reft  m  it  after  funne  let,  he    tooke  one  otthe 

ftones  that  lay  there,  and  putting  it  vnder  his  head,  llept  in 

II  the  lame  place,  t  And  he  faw  in  his  ileepe"  a  ladder  Handing 

vpon  the  earth,  and  the  top  therof  tooching  heauen :  the 

13  angels  alfo  of  God  afcending  and  defcending  by  it,  f  and 
our  Lord  leyning  vpon  the  ladder  faying  to  him :  I  am  the 
Lord  God  of  Abraham  thy  father,  and  the  God  of  Ifaac :  the 
Land,  wherin  thou  ileepeft,  I  wil  geue  to  thee  and  to  thy 

14  feed,  t  And  thy  feed  ihal  be  as  the  duft  of  the  earth:  thou 
flialt  be  dilated  to  the  "Weft,  and  to  the  Eaft,  6^to  the  North^. 
and  to  the  South  :  and  in  thee  and  thy  feed  althe  tiibes 

1;  of  the  earth  shal  be  blessed,  -f  And  I  wil  be  thy 
keeper  whither  fo  euer  thou  goeft,  and  wil  bring  thee  backe 
into  this  land:  neither  wil  I  leaue  thee,  til  Iflhalhaueac^ 

\G  comphihed  al  things  which  I  hauc  faid.  f  And  when  lacob 
was  awaked  out  of  fleepe,  he  faid  :In  dede  our  Lord  is  in 

17  this  place,  and  Iwift  not.  t  And  trembling  he  faid:  How 
terrible  is  this  place  !  this  is  none  other  but  the  houfe  of  God, 

iS  and  the  gate  of  heauen.  f  And  lacob  arifing  in  the  mor- 
ning, tooke  the  ftone,  which  he  had  laid  vnder  his  head^ 
and ''created  it  for  a  title,  powring  oyle  vpon  the  toppe. 

19  t  A  nd  he  called  the  name  of  the  citie*  Bethel,  which  be  fore 

20  was  called  Luza.  f  And  he  "  vowedavowCjfiying:IfGod 

"' M  3,  shalbc.- 

514  GENEsrs^  Ifaae. 

flial  be  vrith  i^e,  and  flial  kcepe  me  in  the  way,  by  the  which 
:t  To  whom    I  walke,  and  (hal  geue  me  "  bread  to  eatc,  and  raymcntto  put 
ynoughisnot  ^^  ^  ^  ^j^^  j  j^^i  j^g  returned  profperoully  to  my  fathers  ii 
himm)thin°  is  houfe,  the  Lord  flial  be  my  God,  t  ^"^l  this ftone, which  12. 
ynoughAuTus  I  haue  ereded  for  a  title,  ihal  be  called  the  Houfe  of  God  : 
Cell.  and  of  al  things  that  thou  Ihalt  geue  to  me,  I  wil  offer  tithes 

to  thee. 

Chap.     XXVIII.. 

VVliy  lacob  11.  Toot^oftheflones]  lacob  fraueling  intoaflrangecountrie  Vent  infuch 
traueled  in  poorc  ftacc,  the  better  to  hide  his  departure  from  Efau.v/ho  otheiwife  might 
pooreftatc.  haue  killed  him  by  the  way.  It  was  alfo  thus  difpofed  by  Gpd,  that  lacobs 
faith  and  confidence  might,  to  his  greatter  merite,  be  exercifed  :  and  that 
Gods  prouidence  might  more  manifeftly  appeare,  as  it  did  in  his  returne  after 
twentie  yeares.,  when  with  moil:  gratful  mind  he  recounted  Gods  benefices 
faying  (Gen.  31  )  With  my  ftaffe  I  pafTed  ouer  this  Jordan,  and  now  with 
two  troupes  I  do  returne-  », 

A  notable  ex-  n-  oi  Ltdder  ]  Hethat  was  in  temporal  diftreflc,  was  marueloufly  corn- 
ample  ofGods  forted  fpiritually,  by  feing  a  ladder  that  reached  from  the  earth  to  heauen; 
comforth  to  Angels  pafTingvp  and  downe  the  fame,  and  the  Sonne  of  God  leaning  vpon 
theafflidcd.  it,  as  he  that  reigneth  both  in  heauen  and  earth,  who  in  particular  promifeJ 
Al  nations  be- him,  and  his  fede  that  whole  land,  that  he  and  his  fede  ihouldbe  blcfied,  yea 
leuincr  in  that  in  f/«  Sede  al  nations  ihould  be  blelfcd^and  that  he  would  kepe  and  pro- 

Chrift  areblef-  te£l:  him  where  foeuer  he  went.  How  al  this  was  performed  is  briefly  reherfed 
fedinhim.        inthebooke  ofwifdom.chap.  10. 

18.  Ereded it, poyyying eyie  ]  Toeredt  a  ftone,  and  powre  oyle  vpon  it, 
Eredlinp-  and  was  nowifefuperfticious in  lacob.  Neither  did  he  Icrfie  it  of  Idolaters  .-for 
annointino-of  ^'^  abhorred and'detefled  al  idolattical  obferuances.  ButasS.Iuftinus  Martyr 
Altarcs  is  a're-  S.  Clement  of  Alexandria,  Origen  ,  Eufebiusand  others  teftifie,  ido'o'atrical 
licrious  office  f^perftition  did  rather  imitate  true  religious  ceremonies.  For  the  diuelal:- 

t  T-   „  A „       waves  affedincr  that  honour,  which  he  feethdoneto  God,  perfwaded  thofe 

beingr  done  ,  ■^       ,      ^  ,>=>     ■,         1,111        1  /»         i  .      -"^    /-     ;  c 

Cods  ho-     whom  he  feduced,  and  blinded  with  errors,  to  lerue  him  m  luch  inanerot 
external  rites,  as  God  was  ferued,  that  therby  he  might  either  haue  like 
The  Church    worihip  with  God,  asithappened  among  Paimm  Idolaters:  or  els  depriue 
lerneth  not       ^°^  of  this  kind  of  honour,  as  now  wc  fee  Proteftantsreie£l  and  pel  downs 
n-^o  r^fiAr^]'^    confecrated  AltareSjpretendin<rthemtobefuperfticious.VVherin  they  fliew 

ters  but  thev '''^°  S^°"^^§"°'^^"^^'^^^'^^^"^''"^y^*^^'^'^S^°^'?"^^'^"^^'^'''  "ot  ot  mere 
ofrheChurch  rnalice.For  who  is  fofimple,  but  hemay  fee,  that  the  chiefeditferencebetweii 
Difference  in  R^^igio"  a^'l  SuperlHtion  in  fcxternal  things,  confifteth  in  the  pcxfons  to 
reli'rious  fu-  whom  they  are  done,  8:intheintetionof  thedoers,  &by  the  fame  diitetcnec 
pernicious  6c  of  perfons  ciuil  honour  is  alfo  diftinguiflied,  from  both  religious  and  faper- 
ciuUhonour  ^i'^ious.  As  he  that  kneeleth  to  God,'religioufly  honoreth  God.  Krledingto 
confifteth  in  thefunnc,  moone,  or  other  falfe-Gods,  fuperfticidufly  honorerh  the  diucl,  Sc 
the  perfons  &  kneeling  to  the  KingvCiuilly  honoreth  the  King,  lacob  without  doubt  did  al 
ifltentions  '*^   '°  Gods  onliehoaour.  And  that  which  he  did  ui  this  place,  is  now  vfed  in  the 


Ucob,  Genesis.  5y 

CatlioHque  Church.  For  fb  Rabanus  a  diligent  obfcrucr  and  trriter  ofEc- 
clefiaftical  P.ites,  Ceremonies,  and  Cuftomes  touching  the  vfcofholieoyle 
witneflcth  (  li.  i.  c.  45.  lulHtut.  cleric.  )  that  the  Altar  being  firft  fprink- 
led  with  water,  is  annointed  with  Chrifme,  to  the  example  of  the  Tatriarch 
lacob,  who  after  that  dreadful  vifion,  eieded  a  ftone  for  a  title  (or monu- 
ment j  powring  oyle  theron,  and  calling  that  place  rlie  htufe  of  God.  S  Cy-  Two  fortes  of 
prianalfo  writing  of  Chrifme,  mentioneth  the  two  fortes  of  holie  oyle  vied  holie  oylc. 
in  the  Churchjone  of  fiinple  oyle  confecrated  by  a  Bilhop,  which  is  vfedfor 
Catechumes  before  Baprilme ,  perfons  polfefled,  and  thefickjthe  other  is 
made  of  oyleand  balme,  alfoconfecrated  by  aBifliop,  and  this  is  vfed  in  Bap- 
tifme,  Confirmation,  and  in  confcciating  Altares,  Kings,  andPriefts. 

20.     Foyyed  ]    Iccannotbe  vndcrftood  that  lacob  here  vowed,  or  pro-  Voves  are 
mifed  only  to  leruc  God,  as  the  Soucraigne  Lord  of  al  creatures, for  to  that  properly  of 
he  was  bond,  whetherheihould  piofper  temporally  or  no;  but  that  he  vowed  things  which 
particular  o;odlie  workcs,  to  which  he  was  not  otherwife  obliged.  As  here  are  not  other- 
he  expreflc'ch  rwo  things,  rrefuppofing  before  al,  that  the  Lord  Omnipotent  wife  commaa- 
IhalbehisGod,  head  ieth,  firll:.^w,(  this  fiene ,  yybtch  I  haue  erecled  for  a  title,  dcd. 
thai  be  culled  the  hupp/e  of  God.  wherby  he  promifed"  the  building  of  a  Church, 
performed  at  his  return  e  ( chap.  5;.}  Secondly  he  added,  ^nd  ofal  thmgs  yyhtch 
thou  sh.ilt  giueme  Iwii  ojfer  tnhes  to  thee.  And  this  Likwife  was  of  free  deuotion. 
Gen.  14.  For  tiches  alfo  ia  the  law  of  nature  were  dew  to  Priefts,  and  by  inferior  Priefts 
tothechicfe  Prieil:,  as  Abraham  gaue  tithes  to  Melchifedech.  And  fo  al  hij 
tithes  were  dew  to  his  father,  and  after  his  father  him  (elfe  was  chitfe  :  yet 
he  promifed  them  to  God,  that  is,  to  oflfer  them  in  Sacrifice,  and  bellow  them 
in  other  vies  pertaining  to  Godsfcruicc. 

Chap.     XXIX. 

Idcoh  inferulr.ed  Ly  Lahariy  i^.  ferueth  him  feuenye4resforI(achel^i^.!/ut 
fr(i  recetmng  Lia,  ly.feuen  dajes  after receiueth  alfo  l{acheh  and  ferticti 
for  her  fiuen  j/eares  more.  y.  she  remaining  harren,  LtA  beareth  fours 

I  T  A  c  o  B  therfore  going  on  his  iouniey,  came  into  the  Eaft 

1  JL  countrie.  f  And^he  lawe  a  wel  in  the  field,  and  three 

flockes of  sheepe  lying  befide  it:  for  of  it  the  beafts  verc 

watered,  and  the  mouth  therofwas  clofed  with  a  great  ftone. 

3  t  ^^^  the  maner  was  when  al  the  sheepe  were  geathered 

togeathertheydidrowleof  the  ftone,  and  ifter  the  sheeps 

were  refreshed  they  put  it  on  the  mouth  jf  the  wel  againe. 

4  t  Ancf  he  faid  to  the  sheperds  ;    Brethren.,  ,  whence  arc 

;  you  ?  Who  anfwered :  Of  Haran .  f  And  he  asked  them  , 

faying:  Know  you  Laban  thefonnecf  Nachor?  They  faid: 

6  Wedoknowe  him.  f  Is  he  in  hea/th?  quoth  he;.  He  is  in 

hcalch^fay  they:  And  behold  Radid  his  daughter  comcth 


'^iih.  his  flocke.  f  And  lacobfaid:  There  is  yet  much  day  7 
-remaining,  neither  is  it  time  to  bring  the  flockes  into  the 
foulds  againe :  firft  geue  the  sheep  drinke,  and  fo  bring  them 
backe  to  feede.  f  Who  anr>x^ered:  We  can  not,  til  al  the  S 
cattelbegethered  together:  and  vrcremoue  the  ftone  from 
the  wels  mouth,  that  we  may  water  the  flocks,  f  They  were  5 
yet  fpeaking ,  and  behold  Rachel  camc^  with  her  fathei^s 
ibcepe :  for  (he  fed  the  flocke.  f  \rhoni  when  lacob  had  10 
feene,  and  knew  her  to  be  his  cofen  germaine,  and  that  they 
werethe  (hecpeof  Labanhis  vncle  :  he  remoued  the  ftone, 
t>:S.  Auguftin.  wherwirh  the  wel  was  clofed .  t  And  hauing  watered  the  11 
(  Gen)  flocke,  he  '•'■  kitfed  her:  and  lifting  vp  his  voice  wept,  f  and  hen 
r.ii'haTkHIin^   told  her  that  he  was  her  fathers  brother,  and  the  fonne  of 
of  kinsfolke    Rcbecca  :  but  ihe  in  haft  went  and  told  her  father,  f  Who  i| 
andfrendesas  when  be  heard  that  lacob  his  fiflcrs  fonne  was  come,  he 
alaudablecu-  ranne  forth  to  mete  him:  and  embracing  him,  and  hartely 
coi^riKs    k'  ^'^'^"''^^  ^'^'^'  bi-ought  him  into  his  houfe.  And  when  he  bad 
IS  no  where     keard  the  caufes  of  his  iourney,  f  he  anfwered :  Thou  art  my  14 
more  ciuil  Sc  bone  and  my  flefli.  And  after  the  dayes  of  one  moneth  we-re 
Kiodeft  then    expired,  f  he  faid  to  him:  becaufe  thou  art  my  brother,   ij 
inEngUnd.      q^^i^  ^j^q^  ^^^.^^  ^^^^  ^  ^^.^j.-^  j   j^^  me  what  wages  wilt 

thou  take,  f  He  had  in  dede  two  daughters,  the  name  of  the  16 
elder  was  Lia:  and  the  younger  was  called  Rachel,  t  But  Lia  17 
was  bleare  eyed:  Rachel  wel  fauored,  and  of  a  bewtiful  coun» 
tenance.  -f  Whom  lacob  louing, faid:  I  wil  feme  thee  for  18 
Rachel  thy  younger  daughter,  feaiien  yearcs .  f  Laban  an-  19 
.f'jp-ered:ltisbetterthatlgeueher  to  thee  then  co  another 
man ,  tary  with  me .  f  lacob   therfore  ferued  for   Rachel  10 
feuen  yeares  :  and  they  fem.ed  a  few  day^s  becaufe  of  the 
greatnes  of  his  loue .  f  And  he  faid  to  Laban  :  geue  me  11 
my  wife :  becaufe  now  the  time  is  complete,  that  I  may 
cCompanie  \pirh  her.    f   Who  hauing  bid  a  great  number  11 
C)f  his  frcinds  to  the  feaft,    made  the  mariage.   f  And  at  25 
-iLatjan  gre-  ijight "  he  broightin  Liahis  daufjhter  to  him,  f  geuinghis  24 
«oufly  offen-  j^^^^  ^ter  a  handmaid,  named  Zelpha.  With  whom  when 
could  Lm  he    iacob  had  compa'ncd  attcr  tnc  rnancr,  when  mormng  was 
£xcufed,  but    come  he  faw  Lia  :  y  and  he  faid  to  his  father  in  lawe  :  What  2; 
lacob  As/asin    is  it  that  thou  dideft  ineane  to  doe?  did  not  I  feme  thee  for 
S'"'''"'''''  Rachel?  why  haft  thou  deceiued  me?  f  Laban  anfwered:  16 
:t  Afterfeucn   ^^  ^'  "^'^  the-cuftome  in  this  place,   that  we  beftowe  the 
^ajifjke  had    younger  in  mariage  firft.  t  Make  vp  the  -  weeke  ot  dayes  27 

of  this 

lacpb.  ■  Gen&sis.'       ^  _     5/ 

of  this  tmatch;  ind^I-J-^til  -j^^ueth^jEfiiistrs^c'^yftfrli^  Rachel  w!vo 

z{>  wotkc  tharithdu'-shah:rej:ue  mt  ochei^feaiicn  y6arei-/-f 'HJ'*''^''^^^^^^^ 
yeUed  to  his  pleafure :  and  after  the  ^eekie  -wnsv^Ct-  he  ^^^''^t'^J^^*^^ 

29  maned  RachGi  to  >ril-e  :  f  to  whom  hei"  tather  had  dehucred  Hcb  .S.  auo-. 

50   Bahiforro  be  hciTeruant.  f  Andhaiiingat  length  obteincdq -Sp-in  <-icn. 
the  manage  that  hc^v^ished,  he  preferred  the  loue  of  the 
later  before.^  the  former,  feruing  \Tirh  him  other  feauen  - 

5.:    yeares.  f  And  our  Lord  feing'that  he  defpifed  Lia,  opned 

3-2  her  wombe,  her  (ifter  remaining  barren,  f  Who  conceaaeci 

M  andbareafonne,  and  called  liis  ilamc  Ruben,  faying :  Our' 
Lord  faw  mine  afflidion  :  now  my  hufband  wil  loue  me. 

53  t  Andagainesheconceauedandbareaionne,  and  faid:For 
becauic--.  our  Lord  heard  that  I  was  contemned ^  he  hath 
!  geiicn  this  alfo  to  me  :  and'she  called  his  name  Simeon ,     , 

54  t  And  she  conccaued  the  third  time,  and  bare  an  other 
fonne  :  and  faid :  Now  alfo  m.y  hufband  wil  be  ioyned  to  me, 
for  becaufe  I  haue  borne  him  three  fonnes :  and  therforc 

5j  she  called  his  name,  Leui.  f  The  fourth  time  she  conccauec 
ahd  bare  a  fonne,  and  Ciid :  Now  wil  T  conffcffe  to  oiii^  Lord: 
And  for  this  she  called  him  luda :  And  she'left  bearing:. 

Chap.      XXXo 

Rachel  y^t  hdmn.,  iielmmth  her  httndmaide  to  licoh,  "^ho  l>cardh  Wo 
Jonnes.  5).  Lia  ceafmg  to  hare^eueth  her  handmaid  dip,  and  shp  beantb 
t%vo  more.  17.  I'htn  Lia  brAnth  other  iwiifomies' And  one  d^n^hier.ii. 
T^chel  beartth  lofeph.  25.  Ucoh  deftrouj  to  nturne  home,  is  hyred  to  fitly 
for  a.  tertAine  fart  cf  the  Jlocl^es  incrca.Je.Of) ,  T^herhy  he  hecomcth  ex-- 
ceeiing  rich'. 

Kt)  Rachel feingfhe  was  vnfruitful,  ••  cnuicd  her  filler,  ,.  ^^^^^  ,,^ 
and  faid  to  her  hufband :  Gcue  me  children,  otherwife  \j  enu'ie 


■A        __ _._... 

z  I  fi"\aldyc.  t,"^^irh  whom  lacob  being  angrie  anfwereci :  j^nefc  &  lasr 
Ami  as  God,  who  hath  ,'depriacd  thee  of  the  fruiteof  thy^^^'^'^'^'^'^''"'- 

3  Vombe  ?  f  But  ihc  faid  :  1  haue  here  my  feruant  Bala  :  Com-  f  "."^"f '  \'  *' 

.  •     I  HI  t  ■■'      ^  ■  >  o.  )4'  coui). 

panic  with  her,  that  she  may  bearc  vpon  my  knees,  and  I  fauft. 

4  may  haue  children  of  her.  f  And  she  gaue  him  Bala  vnto 

5  "  matiage  :  who,  f  "when  her  hufband  had  compaincd  \i'ith   :    .  ,     .. 

6  her,  conceaued  and  bare  a.  fonne.  t  And  Rachel  faid:  Our  ^f  ,tfucr('c'' 
Lord  harh  iudged  for  mc^  and  hath  heard  my  voice,  geuing  pa^.  (Sz, 

N  mca     ° 

9^  .Genesis.  lacob. 

me  a  foiino.   and  therfore  she  called   liis  name,  Dan_i. 
t  Andagiinc  B:i!a  conceauing  b:u-ean  other,  f  for  whom   78 
Richel  laid:  God  liath  compared  m-e  with  ray  fiftcr ,  and 
I  haue  preuailed:  and  she  called  lam  Nepthali .  f  Lia  per-  5) 
ccauing  that  she  had  left  bearing,    dehuered   Zclpha   her 
handmaid    to   her  hufoand.  f  Who  conceauing  and  brin-  10 
ging  forth  a  fonne_/,  f  she  laid:  Happely  .  And  therfore  11 
called  his  name^   Gad  .    f  Ztlpha  alio    bare_y  an  other.  11 
t  And  Lia  faid  :  This  is  for  my  blelTcdnes  :  for  wemen  wil  15 
cal  me  blclTed  .Therfore  she  called  hnn,  Afer.  f  And  Ruben  14 
going  forth  in  the  time  of  wheat  harueft  into  the  field,  found 
.:HolieScnp   mandragores:  which  he  brought  to  his  mother  Lia.  And 
ciivc  (  faith  S.Rachel  faid  :  Geue  me  part  of  thv  fonnes  ••  mandragor;^s . 
Augufcin)       I  5|^g  anfwered  :  Doeft  thou  thinkcita  fmal  matter,  that  ij 
liaue'mcntio-  ^^'^^u  haft  taken  my  hufband  from  me,  vnlelfe  thou  take  alfo 
nedfuchv/o-    my  fonnes  mandragores  ?  Rachel  faid:  For  thy  fonnes  man- 
manlie  de/i-     dragorcs  let  him  (Iccpewith  thee  this  night,  f  And  when  16 
res,burcoad-  j^^^ob  returned  at  euen  from  the  field,  Lia   vent  out  to 
fckc(^iearmi- "^^^'•^  him,  and  faid:  Companie  with  mc  ,  becaufc  with 
fccries  therm,  "^ages  I  haue  hired  thee  for  my  fonnes  mandragores.  And' 
Ji.  It  c.  s6.    he  llept  with  her  that  night,  f  And  God  heard  her  prayers  :  17 
cont.Faunum.^^asheconccauedandbarethehfihfonne,  f  andfaid:God  18^ 
harh  geuen  me  a  reward,  becaufe  I  gaue  my  handmaid  to 
my  hufband.  And  she  calL-^d  his  name  liTachar.  -f-  Againe  19 
Lia  conceauing,  bare  the  fixt  fonne  , -f  andfaid:  Godhath  io 
endowed  me  with  a  good  dowrie:  this  turne  alfo  my  huf- 
band wil  be  with  me_^,  for  becaufe  I  haue  borne  him  fix 
fonnes,  and  therfore  (he  called  his  name,  Zabulon.  f  After  11 
whom  fhe  bare  a  daughter,  named  Dina.  t  Our  Lord  alfo  11 
remembring  Rachel,  heard  her,  and  opened  her  wombe . 
f  who  conceaued,  and  bare  a  fonne,  faying:  Godhath  taken  ij 
away  my   reproch  .  f  And   she  called  his  name,    lofcph,  14 
faying:  Our  Lord  adde  to  mean  otherfonne.  •{-  And  when  ij 
lofcph  was  borne,  Jacob  faid  to  his  father  in  la  we  :  Difmilfe 
me  that  I  may  returne  into  my  countrie  ,  and  to  my  hnd. 
•f  Geue  me  my  wiues,  and  my  children  ,  for  whom  I  haue  26 
ferucd  thee,  that  I  may  depart:  thou  knoweft  the  feruice 
that  I  haue  ferued  thee,  f  Laban  faid  to  him:  Let  mefinde  27 
grace  in  thy  fight:  Lhaue  learned  by  experience,  that  God 
liarh  bblled  me  for  thv  fake:  -f  appoint  thee  wages  which  2S 
Ishal  geue  thee,  f  But  he  anfwered  :  Thou  knoweft  how  I  29 


Genesis.  ^^ 

haueferned  chee,  and  how  great  thy  pofTcflion  hath  beniie 

50  in  my  hands  .  f  Thou  hadeft  a  fmai  thing  before  I  ca:ne 
to  thee,  and  now  thou  art  made  rich  :  and  our  Lord  hath 
blclied  thee  at  my  comming  in.  It  is  reafon  therfore  that 

31  once  I  prouide  alio  for  mine  owne  houfe .  f  And  Laban 
faid  :  What  Ihal  I  geue  thee  ?  But  he  Ciid  :  I  wil  nothing : 
but  if  thou  wilt  doc  that  which  I  demandc,  Iwil  fcde,  and 

52  kepe  thysheepe  again,  f  Goc  round  about  al  thy  flockes^ 
and  feparate  al  the  Ihepe  of  diuers  colours,  of  fpeckled  Hyfe : 
and  what  foeuer  shal  be  rulFet  and  fpotted,  and  of  diuers 
colours ,  afwel  in  the  shepe  ,  as  in  the  goates  ,  shal  be  my 

35  wages,  f  And  my  iuftice  shal  anfwer  for  me  to  morowc, 
before  thee  when  the  time  of  the  bargainc  shal  come  :  and 
al  that  shal  not  be  of  diuers  colours,  and  fpotted,  and  rulFcr, 
afwel  in  the  shepe  as  in  the  goates,  shal  accufe  me  of  theft. 

34  f   And  Labari^  faid:  I   like  wel  that_j  thou  demandeft. 

5/  f  And  he  feparated  the  fame  day  the  shee  goates,  and  tKe 
shepe,  and  the  he  goates,  and  therammes  of  diuers  colours, 
and  fpotted:  and  al  the  flocke  of  one  coloure,  that  is  of  white 
and  blacke  flyfe_.,  he  deliuered  in  the  hand  of  hisfonnes. 

3^  t  And  he  put  a  fpace  of  three  dayes  iourney  betwixt  him 

37  and  his  fonne  in  lawe,  who  fed  the  reft  of  his  ilocke.  f  la-  ..  ^^^^^  ^.-j 
cob  therfore-*  takinggreneroddesof  the  poplare  ,  and  ofiuftly  vfe  this 
the  almond,  and  of  the  plaine  trees,  in  part  pilled  them:  meanes  to  rc- 
and  when  the  barkes  were  taken  of,  in  the  parts  that  were  ^"i^^^^^^J^ 
pilled,  there  appeared  whitnes:  but  the  parts   that  were  ^Vthhel/frS* 
whole,  remayncd  grene :  and  by  this  meanes  the  colour  was  him.beinaduc 

38  made  diuers.  -f  And  he  put  them  in  the  troughes,  where  forthedowrie 
the  water  was  poured  out:  that  when  the  flockes  should  ofhiswiues, 
come  to  drinke,  they  migiit  haue  the  rodJes  before  their  ^""^  recom- 

35?  eyes,  and  in  the  fight  of  them  conccaue.  f  And  it  came  to  hL"feruicc. 
palFe  that  in  the  verie  heate  of  the  ramming,  the  shepe  Rupert,  h.  7. 
beheld  the  roddes,  and  brought  forth  fpotted,  and  of  diuers  c.  39.  in  Gen. 

40  colours,  and  fpeckled.  -f  And  lacob  diuided  the  flocke,  and 
put  the  roddes  in  the  troughes  before  theeyes  oftheram- 
mes:  andal  the  whiteandthe  blacke  were  Labans;and  the 
reft,  Jacobs,  when  the  flockes  were  feparated  one  from  the 

41  other,  t  Therfore  when  the  ewes  went  to  ramme,  in  the 
prime  time,  lacob  put  the  roddes  in  the  troughes  of  water 
before  the  eyes  of  the  rammes,  and  of  the  ewes ,  that  ii\ 

41  lookingvpon  them  they  might  conceaue:  f  but  when  the 

N  i  Utcr 

100  .  G&NESis.  '  Iacof5^ 

later  comming  :>jp'.as,  and  the  laftconceauingj  he  did  not  put 
thera.  And  thole .  tlia,t  \T.cre  kte  ^x7ar(|e>  became  Labans  :  and 
they  gF  the  prime  timCi  licobsj  .f  And  the  ma^a.'gras  cnri-  43 
ched  beyond  meafure  ^  and  he. had  manie  flockes^  weme^i 
feruailtes  and  men  feruants,.§:amels  and  alles. 

Chap.     XXXL 

Jacob  vy  Codi  commandment  fdrmh  fecreily  friih  J  he  hath  towards  h>:f 
father o  11 .  Laban  furfueth  him.  16 .  exfoftnUting  "^k)  he  ^ent  m  fecrtte 
maner.  50..  ejjpeanUy  cha,rgeth Um'^^ith ftellmg hif goddes,^, lacob ex- 
cufeth  hitnfelfe,  not  hjiowmg  thdt  i^uhel  had  ta\e»  a  way  the  idoh.  3^ „ 
and  she  delttdetb  his  dUigent fearchingforthem.  56.  thtn  Uxob  cxpofiu- 
Uteth  '^  uhmfor  th^i  ypimdna,  45,  Fm^ily  thn  make  4  league  and 
depart  ech  to  hts  owmef>mtr.ifi 

AF  T  E  K  he  heard  the  wordcs  of  Labans  fonncs  faying;    2 
lacob  hath  taken  al  that  ^as  our  fathers,  and -being, 
enriched;  of  hiis  (ubflancc,  is  become  greats  :  f  and  per-  1 
ceaiiing  alfo  Labans    countenance^!. ,  that  it  vas  not  to- 
wards,  hiin  as  yeftcrday  and  the  other- day,  f  efpccialiy  our  3 
Lord  faying  to  him:  Returne  into  the  land  of  thy  fathers, 
and  to  thy  Jdnred,  and  I  wil  be  with  thee,  f  He  fent,  and  4 
called  Rachel  and  Lia  into  thc^  field  ,  where  he  fed' the 
flockes,  t  andfaidto  them:  I  fee  your  fathers  countenance  5 
that  it  is  not  towards  me  as  yefterday  and  the  other  day  : 
and  the  God  of  my  father  hath  bene  with  me.  f  -And  your  .6. 
feluesknowe  that  I  hauc.ferucd  your  father  to  the  vtter- 
moft  of  my  power,    f  Yea  your  father  alfo  hath  circum-  7 
uentcdme,  and  hath  changed  my  wages  tennc  times:  and 
yet  God  hath  not  fuitred  him  to  hurt  me.  f  If  at  any  time  o 
he  laid;  They  of  diuers  colours  {hal  be  thy  wages  ral  the 
Ihccpe  brought  forth  young  of  diners  colours,  but  when 
hefaidcontrarie:  Thou  shait  take  ai  the  white  ones  for  thy 
wages  :ai  the  flockes  brought  forth  white  ones,  f  And  God  ^ 
•hath  taken  your  fathers  fubftance,  and  geuen  it  to  m€^ . 
..t 'For  afterthe  time  came.of  the  ewes  conceauing,T  lifted  i« 
yp  mine  eyes,  and  fawe  in  my  fleepe  the  males  afcending 
;Vpon  the  females  of  diuers   colours :,  and  the  fpotted,and 
■tfcfpeckled.  t  And  thcc  aiige]  ©f  mc  in  fleepe  :   u 


Genesis,  ioi 

12  lacobr  Arid  I  anfwcred !  Here  I  aiHo  f  Whofaid:  Lyft  vp 

thine  eye^j  ai^d-fee^althe  males  arcending  v:pon.  the  females, 

■  _  thepi  of  diusr?' eolc^UHi  the  fp.octed  and  che^fpeckleQ.  For 

i.3  Ihauefeene  al  things  that  Laban  hathdonebo  chee.  f^^^ 

the  God  ofEat-hel,  where  thou  dideft"  anncincetheflonei  :•'  Annointing 
anddideft  ypve.jth.c  vowcvnto  me,  No\r  thcrforc,  arife;   ofAltars,ana 
y^   ai>d  goeou.J,  of  this  larail^jetiiining  into  the  land  of  tJiy  natif  gnuf\i°Uffic« 
14  uitie.  f  And  Rdtchetand  Liaaofwcrcd :  Haite  \Treany  thing  toGoti.  5co." 
ij  Icftin  the  goods,  andhericage  of  .our  fathers  houfe  ?.  f  Hath  chap,  2.8, 

he  not  reputed  vs  as  ftrang<?rs,.and  fould  vs:,  and  eaten  vp 

ID  the  price  of  vs?  ;f  But  God  hjijfh  taken  oiir  fathers  licheXi 

anddehuered  rhem  td  vs,and  to  our  children  r-Mfherfor^.  do 

17  al  things,  that  God  ha:h  commanded  thee,  f  lacobtherfore 
rofc  vp,  and  letting  his  children,,  and  \riiies  vpon  camels, 

18  vrenrhiS;Vay..t  <^n4  hetQ.okealhisfubilance,  andflockes, 
^an4  \f 'hatfoe aer  he  had  .go? ten  -in,  McT^-p 6 taminj  and  -^ven  t 

15)  forward  to  Ifaac  his  father  into  the  land  of 'Ghanaan.  f  Ac 
that  time  Laban  was  gone  to  sheare  his  sheepe.  And  Rachel 

20  ■ftoie  the  '' idok.  of  her  father, 'if-  Ai^d  lacoh.would  noL^ 

21  .confelFe  tohjjs  father  inllaNT'c  tj^at  he'  {l4d;.  .-jr:  ^.txd  wkeh  he 
•vpas  gone  afwei  him.  felfe  as  al  things;  that  Nvefe. his  righr^ 
•and  liauing  pafTed  the  riuer.  was  marx:hing  on  to  Mounc 

4.i  Galaad,  f  itxs^as  told  Laban  the  third  day  that  lacob.fled, 
25  .f  who',  taking  his  brethren  yi>to  hin>:,  purj^igdihint  feuen 
24  dayes*:  andhe  onertoke  him  iii  the  Mount  Galaad.  '\'  tAnd 

hefawinhis  ileepe  God  fayihg  vntb  him:  Take  liede  thou 
xj  rpeake  not  roughly  anie  thing  againft  lacob,  -f  And  Jacob 

had  now  pitched  his  tent  in  the  rnountaine :  and  -when  he 

yith  his  brethren  hadouertik£nhi^,-he  pitched  his  tent  in 
16  'the  fame  Mount  Galaad.   f  And  he  faid  to.- Jacob  r  "^IP'hy 

didefl  thou  fo ,  that  vnwitting  to  me  thou  wouldell  carie 
ij  away  my  daughters  as  c^ptiues  with  the  iVordJ  f   Why 

wouldeft  thou  flee  without  my  knovledgey  and  riPt  tel  me, 

that  I  might  haue  brought  thee  on  the  way  \»4rh\iQy.v2-nd 
28  fongues,  and  timbrels,  and  cithernes  ?  j-  Thouhaft  nor  fuf^ 

fred  me  to  kiifemy  Tonnes  and  daughters :  thou  haft  donne 
ip  foclilhly;  now^ifo  in  dede,  f  my  hand  is  able  to:r;euuirc 

thee  eiiil :  but  die  God  of  your  father  (aid  vn:€o  m?-yefl;ci;d'-ay  .r 

Take  hcde  thou  Ipeake  not  any  thmg  againll:  lacob  roitghiy. 
30  t  Suppofe,  thou  diddeft  defire  to  goe  to  thy  freinds,  and 

haieil :,  Jonging  to  thy  fathers  houfe  ;•  vhy  dideftthou/teaic 
N5  ^      --      jnygodde.'-} 


lot  Genesis.  lacob. 

my  goods?  f  lacob  anfwerecl :  Tn  thvitl  departed  vnwitting  31 
to  thee,  I  feared  left  thou  wouldeft  take  away  thy  daughters 
by  force,  f  Butvheras  thou  chargeft  me  with  theft:  with  32 
whom  focuer  thou  (bait  find  thy  goddes  ,  let  him  be  flaine    • 
before  our  brethen.  fearch,  what  foeuer  of  thy  things  thou 
fhaltfincfe  with  me,  and  take  away.  Saying  this,  he  knew 
not  that  Rachel  had  ftoUen  the  idols .  f  Labaa^  therfore   35 
hauinggoneintothe  tent  pf  lacob,  and  of  Lia,  and  of  both 
the  hand-maides,  found  them  not.  And  when  he  was  entred 
into  Rachels  tent,  -f  (he  in  haft  hid   the  idols  vnder  the  34 
camels  litter,  and  fatte  therupon  :  and  when  he  had  fought 
al  the  tent,  and  found  nothing,  f  she  faid  :   Let  not  my  35' 
lord  be  angriethat  I  can  not  rife  vp  before  thee  ,  bccaufe 
according  to  the  cuftome  of  wemen  it  is  now  chanced  to 
me.  fo  his  carefulnes  in  feeking  was  deluded,  f  And  lacob   ^6 
::Tacobinthis  being  •'•  angrie  (aid  in  chiding  maner:  For  what  faulcof  myne, 
iuftcxpoftula-  and  for  what  offence  of  my  part  haft  thou  fo  chaffed  afttr 
tionwas  an-    ^^^  ^  ^  and  fearched  al  my  houshould  ftuffe?  what  haft  thou  37 
^'''^P£a/""^    found  of  al  the  fabiliance  of  thy  houfe?  lay  it  here  before- 
my  brethren ,  and  thy  brethren,  and  let  them  iudge  betwcn 
me&thec.  f  Haue  I  therfore  bene  with  thee  twentieyearcs?  58 
thy  ewes  and  goates  were  not  barren,  the  wethers  of  thy 
flockeldidnot  eate :  f  neyther  that  which  the  beaft  had  59 
caught  did  I  shew  to  thee,  I  made   good  al  the  damage: 
whatfocuer  periihed  by  theft,  thou  dideft  exad  it  of  me : 
j-  dayand  night  was  I  parched  with  heate,  and  with  froft,  40 
and  decpe  did  Hye  from  myne  eyes,  f  And  in  this  forte  haue  41 
I  ferued  thee  in  thy  houfe  twcntie  yeares,  fourtene  for  thy 
daughters,  and  fix  for  thy  flockes :  thou  haft  changed  alfo 
my  wages  tenne  times,  f  Vnles  the  God  of  my  father  Abra- .^z 
ham ,  and  the  feare  of  Ifaac  had  holpe  me ,  peraduenture 
now  thou  haddeft  fent  me  away  naked  :    God  beheld  my 
afili6lion  and  the  labourc  of  my  hands,  and  rebuked  thee 
yefterday.  t  Labananfwered  him:  The  daughters  are  mine  45 
and  the  children  ,  and  thy  flockes,  and  al  things  that  thou 
feeft  are  mine  :  w  hat  can  I  do  to  my  daughters  ,  and  ne- 
phews ?  t  Come  therfore ,  let  vs  enter  in  league  :  that  it  44 
may  be  for  a  teftimonie  betwen  me  and  thee .  f  lacob  ther-   4; 
fore  tookeaftone,  and  ereded  it  for  a  tide:  t  and  he  faid   4(* 
to  his  brethren :  Brins  hither  ftones.  who  (jetherine,  them 
together  made  a  heape,  and  they  did  eate  vpon  it:  t  Which  47 


lacob.  Genesis.  105 

Laban  cilled  The  witnefTe  heapc  :  and  lacob  called  The 
hillock  of  tcftimonie,  cither  of  them  according  to  the  jjro- 

48  prietieof  his  language,  f  And  Laban  laid :  Thisheape  ilal 
be  a  vt'irncs  betwen  meand  thee  this  day,  and  thcrfore  the 
name  therofvras  called  Galaad,  that  is.  The  Xfitncs  hcapc. 

49  f  Our  Lord  behold  and  iudge  betN?'en  vs  when  we  fhal  be 
JO  departed  one  fronu  the  other,   f   if  thou  (halt  afflid:  my 

daughters,  and  iFthou  bring  in  other  wiues  oucr  them  :  none 
I  is  witncsof  ourtalkebut  God,  who  is  prcfcnt  and  behol- 

51  dcth  .  t  And  he  faid  againe  to  lacob  :  Behold  this  heapc  , 
and  the  ftone  which  I  haue  erecSbed  betwen  me  and  thee, 

ji  f  (balbea  wirnes:  thisheape,!  fay,  and  the  flone  be  they 
for  a  teftimonic,  if  either  I  fhal  palle  beyond  it  going  to- 
wards thee,  or  thou  flvilt  pafTe  beyond  it,  thinking  harme 

J5  to  mc.  t  The  God  of  Abraham  ,  and  the  God  of  Nachor 
iudge  betwen  ys,  the  God  of  their  father.  lacob  thcrfore 

;4  fware  by  the  fearc  of  his  father  Ifaac  :  7  ?.nd  after  he  had 
offredvidimes  in  the  mountaine,  he  called  his  brethren  to 

j;  eatebread.  "Who  when  they  had  eaten,  lodged  there:  f  but 
Laban  ariiing  in  the  night,  killed  his  fonnes ,  and  daugh- 
ters, and  blelfed  them  :  and  returned  vnto  his  place. 


Chap.     X  XXL 

19.     Jd.s!s.  ]   Images  of  falfe  goddes  (as  thefe  were)  are  moft  properly  •,  cc  ir 

called  idols.   And  to  the  Hebrew  word  Teraphtm  is  here  rightly  tranfl.ted  ^'"^^^soUalfe 



idols.  v/Kicli  in  other  plac'es  ffgnifieth  other  things   As  The  ftatua  which  •' , 
Michol  pur  in  Dauids  bed,  couering  the  head  therof  with  a  heariegoates  i  °       - 
fkinne,  lo  deceiue  Sanies  feriants  who  fought  Dauids  deach,  is  called  ierai)him>     °^^  iniages 
and  may  there  be  tranflitci  a  ftatua,  image,  or  fimilitude,  but  notanidol.  ^.'^."^  f"erre- 
Againe  .  Ofec  the  Prophet  fortclling  the'hmentable  ftate  of  the  iQaelites,  "g'oi^s  norfu- 
fayeth,  they  dial  be  long  without  King,  prince,  facrifice,  altar,  ephod,  and  P^*"J<^ious, 
Teraphi^n,  which  laft  word  in  the  Pro'teftants  tnghfh  Bibles  remaineth  vn-  Somearcreli- 
iranflateJ   VVhcrcifthey  had  tranflated  /w^^rfj.  (as  here  they  doe]  it  would  S^°"^* 
proue,thatfomeimagcspertainctotruereligion,  thcwant  wherof  is  lamen- 
ted among orhcr principal  things. 

Thefc  idol    Fvachclftole  from  he;  father,  to  withdraw  him  from  idohtrie.  Rachel  tooke 
asS.Bafil  (inlib.  Prouerb.)  S.  Grcgorie  Nazianzen.  ( orat.  dc  Pafchate}and  awav  her  fa- 
Theodorct.(q.  89.  in  Gen. )  expound  it-  And  in  this,  faith  Thcodorct,  Ihc  thers  Idols 
was  a  right  fi-ure  of  the  Catholiqac  Church,  which  depriueth  idolaters  of  for  his^'ooi  is  prob;iblealfo  by  her  bafb  vfing  of  them,  that  fnc  held  them      '    '  '"^ 
not  forgoddc^wbcn  flic  put  them  vnder  tlie  camels  litter,  and  (atevpon 
tkcm.FxQally  that  ilic  referred  them,  and  did  not  call  them  away,  nor  burne. 

104,  G;ENEfS-i^%  ^  lacobi 

She  keptthem  nDcbuiietkem,  arg.i^6thtK^t  they  were  pcrli^ps  of^precioug  mettal,  ©rrotKcr 
in  recorapece  matter,  wliich  &e  :iriight  tiirne  toprofitc^ndthatVawfuUy  in  part  ofrccom 
of  wrongs.       ptnce,  that  fiieih^' her  fifter,' had  no  other  dovfric,  bat  rather  were  fold  , to- 
laeob.VVhaalfo  hadfuifFercdmuchitiiiiri^  at  their  fathers  handeso 

Chap,  ..,X;XXli 

^ngeh  mete  lAcoh  hy  theTpd-x/'(.\ffefendetbme£in^ersand^iftes  topd^ 
~'  'rjie hiihrother'Efau.  xj^.i^refllingyith an  ^n^^  is  not  ouercom^,  m 
■  fine  the  ^'ngdhemimmethhisthie^h^bleJJeihhim^AndfortelleththAi h& 

shdhe-c^hdlfrAelo  •  .>  . 

I,.    ,  ..,  -  \h:rY7  ■({  •■'  ■'    .£-*'  .  •  '  ^ 

Ac  OB  alio  Vent  on  hislcnirRey  that  he  had  bcgifnne ; ,  k 
and  the  Angels  of  G.O(i  met  him.  f  "Whom  when  he  had  2,  . 
fecne,  he  (aid  :,Thcfe  are  the  Campes  of  God,  and  he  called 
the -name  of  tharplace  Mahanaira,that  is,  CaiTipes,.  j-  And  5 
hefent  alfo  mcfTengers  before  him., to. ECau  his  brother  iifto 
the  land  ofSeir,  into  the  countrie  of  Edom:  f  aiidhecom-  4 
mandcd  chem,  faying :  Thusfpeakc  ye  vnro  my  lord  Elan? 
This  faith  thy  brother  lacob ;  I«haue  foiourned,  and  haue 
bene  with'Labanvntil  this  prefdnt  day.  f  I  haue  oxen,  and  | 
aJles,  and  ihcepe,  and  men  feruants,  and  wemen  feruants  : 
and  novr  I  fend  a  leagacie  to  my  lord,  that  I  may  finde  grace 
in  thy  fight...  f  And  the  nielTengers  returned  to  Jacob ^  & 
fayincr ;  \7e  came  ro  Efatf  thy  brother,  and  behold  he  cometh 
syirhfpede  tomete  thee  'gf^ith  foure  hundred  men.  t  lacpb  7 
"  feared  exceedingly :  &  being  fore  affraid  diui'ded  the  people 
thar  ^;?-as  with  him,  the  PiOckes  alfo  and  the  fcepeand  the 
oxen,  and  the'  camels,  into  two  troupes,  f  faying:  If  Efau-S-.^-^* 
cnmeto  otie  troupe,  and  ftrike  it_>,  the  other  troupe  that"  ■*   ' 
rcmaineth,  thai  be  failed  .  f.And  lacob  faid:  O  God  of  my  9  ' 
father  Abraham,  and  God  of  my  father  lfaac;0  Lord  that  1. 
didcft  fay  to  me :  Returne  into  thy  land;,  and  into  the  place  of  ' 
thy  natiuitie,  and  -I  wildoetheegood  ..f  I  aminferiourt.o  i&- 
airliym;rdes,  and  thy  truth  that  thou  Haft  fulfilled  to  thy 
feruant.With  my  ftaite  I  pafledoucr  this  lordam  t  and  no-^ 
\virh  two  troupes  I  doe  returne.  t  Dehucr  me  from  the  u 
hand  of  my  brother  Efaii,  becaufe  I  am  fore  alfi-aidof  him  ^ 
lefr  pc:i;haps  hecomCjAhd'itrikethe  mother  with  the  chil- 
dren, t  Thoudiicftfiy  that  thou  \roiildeft  do  good  come,  i^ 

and   . 

lacob.  Genesis.  lof 

and  dilate"  my  feed  as  the  fand  of  the  Tea,  which  for  muhitude 
13  cannot  be  numbred.  f  And  vhcn  he  had  flept  there  that 
night,  he  feparated  of  thofe  things  which  he  had;,  gifies  to 
14  his  brother  Efau  J  f  ^-'^  goatcs   two   hundred,   he  goatcs 
ij  twcnticj  ewes  two  hundred,  and  ranimes  twenrie,  t  thirtie 
milch  camels  with  their  cokes,  fourtie  kinc,  and  tw^cntie 
16  bullcs,  twentie  il)C  ailes,  and  their  foles  ten.  j-  And  he  Tent 
by  the  handes  of  his  fcruants,  euerie  llocke  by  it  felfe,  and 
he  faid  to  bis  feruants :  Goe  before  me,  and  let  there  be  a 
17  fpace  betwen  fiocke  and  llocke.  f  And  he  commanded  the 
former,  faying :  ifthou  mete  my  brother  Efau,  and  he  aske 
thee,  whofe  art  thou?  or  whither  gocft  thou  ?or  whole 
18  arc  thefc  that  thou  doeft  folowe?   f  thou   fnalt  anfwerc : 
lacobcs  thy  feruant,  he  hath  fcnt  them  for  gifts  to  my  lord 
ip  Efau  iliimfelfe  alfo  cometh  after  vs.    f  In  like  maner  he 
gaue  commandemenrs  to  the  fecond,  and  the  third,   and 
to  al  that  folowed  the  flocks,  faying :  With  the  felfe  fame 
to  words  fpeake  ye  to  Efau,  when  you  ihal  linde  him.  f  And 
yelhal  adde:  Jacob  alio  thy  feruant  himfelie  foloweth  on 
aftervs-, for  he  faid:  I  wil  pacific  him  with  the  gifts  that 
goe  before,  and  afterward  I  wil  fee  him,  perhaps  he  wil  be 
ai  gracious  vnto  me.  f  The  giftes  thcrfore  went  before  him, 
zi  but  himfclfe  lodged  that  night  in  the  campe.  f  And  when 
he  was  rifen  early  he  tooke  his  two  wiues,  and  his  hand- 
maides  asmanie,  with  his  eleuen  fonnes ,  and  palled  ouer 
a5  the  ford  laboc.  t  And  when  he  had  let  ouer  al  things  that 
14  appertained  to  him,  f  he  taried  alone:  and  behold" 
4/  wrafteled  with  him  til  morning,  f  Who  when  he  fiw  that 
he  could  nor  ouercome  him,  he  touched  the  finowe  of  his 
t6  thighe,  and  forthwith  it  Qirankc.  f  And  he  faid  to  him  :  Let 
me  goe  for  it  is  breake  of  day.  Heanfwercd:  I  wil  not  let 
17  thee  goe,  vnlefle  thou  bleffe  me.  f  He  therfore  faid:  What 
-iS  is  thy  namc|?  He  anf-^ered :"  lacob.  -f  But  he,  no,  thy  name. 

quoth  he,  -  fhal  not  be  called  lacob,  but  Ifrael:  for  if  th 


The  chan- 

in?  of  his 

n?nie  hpre 

haft  bene  ftrong  againftpod,how  much  more  shalt  thou  pt e- 
£f)  uailc  againft  men  ?  f-  lacob  asked  him:  Tel  me  by  what  name  picirufefl,  is. 

art  thou  called?  He  anfvrered:Why  docfi:  thou  aske  my  name?  P-'^^o'^mc*^ 
30  and  blelfed  him  in  the  fame  place,  t  And  I^cob  called  the  pj;^/^^^^ '.^^^^ 

name  of  the  place  Phanuel,  faying:  I  haue  fcne  God  face  to  d  ^H^b. 
|T  face  ,and  my  foule  was  made  fife,  f  And  immediarly  the 

funne  rofc  to  him^  after  that  he  was  paft  Phanuel  i  but  he 
Q  halted 

io6  Genesis.  Jacob. 

halted  on  his  foote_^  •  f  For  vrhich  caufe  the  chiMren  of  ^i 
Ifrael  eate  not  the  (inowe,  that  fhrunke  in  lacobes  thighe, 
vnto  his  prefent  day  :   becaufe  he  touched  the  (ino^^e  of 
his  thighe,andit  fbrunke. 

Chap.     XXXII. 

lacobs  fcare  7.  Feared exceeJingly  ]  luftly  may  vc  meruti,  why  taCob  To  often  afTurcd 
was  iuft,  an  d  by  Gods  promifcs,  confirmed  by  his  manieblelTings,  ptoteded  in  al  former 
wichoiit  fault,  dangers,  accompained  the  night  before  with  aimres  of  Angelsjndued  alfo 

with  al  vertues,  and  namely  with  perfe£t  charitie  (which  cxpellcth  feare ) 
W2S  for  al  this  fo  veherr.ently  afeard  !  S.  Augufl.inanfwereth,  tha"t  he  neither  4. 
difcrufted  in  Go  1  ,  nor  did  anic  \nlawful  thing:  but  did  his  ownecndeuour  q.\ 
wifely  and  confidently,  left  by  prefuming  or  defparing  he  (Kould  rather  haue  Gen. 
Irhc  caufes  of  tempted  God,  then  truftedin  him.  The  caufcs  of  his  fcare  were  in  refpe(St  of 
his  feare.  him  fclfe  and  hi.s  brother.  For  confidering  Gods  former  promifes,  benefices 

The  humble  &  protections  were  notto  beprefumedasabfolute  fignes  ofhisperpefualloue 
conccipt  of  but  conditional,  if  him  felfe  perfeuered  fincerly  inGods  feruicc.  Andfcing 
kimlelfe.  The  mU  man Ijioyyeth  not  yylnther  he  be  yyortbie  of  lour,  or  of  hatred,  hc^  might  Ef^^'-J* 

doubt,  left  by  his  twentie  yeares  conuerfation  among  Infidels  in  Mefopota- 
mia,  he  had  contradedfome  finneS:,  for  which  God  might  fufFcr  him  to  fall 
into  caiamitie  and  affliction.  And  though  he  was  in  dedeftil  more  and  more 
vertuous,  andconfcquentlyiu  Gods  more  fauour  and  protection  :  vea  fo  much 
the  more,  by  how  much  lelTe  he  pre  fumed  of  his  ownegoodftatc  andme- 
Efaus  inclina-  rites  :  yet  by  the  vehement  apprehending  of  his  brothers^inclination  to  re- 
tion&meancs  uenge,  the  grcatnes  oftkeoccafion  by  procuring  the  firft-birth-righr^  and  his 
toicuen^e.      fathers  bleifing  from  him,  the  newes  of  his  fpeedie  coming  towards  him  with, 
foure  hundred  men,  the  natural  fituation  of  the  place,  where  Efau  mighc 
cfcaly  inuiron  him,  and  (as  he  humbly  thought)  his  ownc  vnworthines,  he  was 
polTctfed  with  natural  feare  { fuch  as  happeneth  to  conftantmen)  and  was  fore 
afflicted  for  the  tender  care  of  his  familie.  But  reflecting  vpon  Gods  goodnes, 
he  prudently  difpoled  of  his  people  and  flockcs,  and  befoughtGod  to  proteCt 
Jacobs 'prayer  ^i^  ^nd  his,  by  prayer  qualified  with  requifite   conditions,  to  wit,  with 
qualified  with  humilitie,  not  asking  for  his  owne  hut  for  Abraham  and  if'aacs  fake,  and  for 
Humilitie.        Gods  ownc  promile,  acknowledging  himfelfe  to  be  Ufj'e  then  Gods mtrciesro- 
Gratitude.         wards  him,  with  gratitude  recounting  great  benefites  receiucd,  faying,rr»>fe 
Confidence,      "^y  fi^jf^  ^  faffed outr  this  Jordan,  and  noyy  yynh  tyyo  troupes  I  do  returne,  ■with 
Meeknes.  confidence  in  that  God  hadfaid,he  Ff^ould  dilate  his  fed^asihefandofthefea^ 

and  with  meeknes  in  fending  giftes  and  good  yy  ordes  to  Elau.  Thus  finally  he  pa- 
cified him,  and  fo  his  owne  feare  wasturned  into  ioy. 
lacobwreftled  j^^.  ^  tnanvvraflUd]  This  wreftling  with  an  Angel  affumpting  a  bodie 
with  an  Angel  in  forixie  of  a  man  was  corporal,  as  the  effeCt  (hewed  in  lacobs  finow  fhrunck 
torporally  &  yp^  whichmadehim  to  halt.  v.  zj.  &31.  It  wasalfo.fpiritual,  as  appcareth  by  ■/^''  ^^* 
fpiticually.  h^j  earneft- prayer,  vrging  and  at  Lift  obtayning  the  Angels  blcfllng.  S.  Dionyfo 
c  .4.  cd'  liicrer.  S.  Greg.  picfat.inlob.Thcodoret,  q.pi.iaQen. 

C  H  A  P» 

lacob.  Genesis.  107 

Chap.      XXXIII. 

UcchfeinrEtiH  comefifittb  agrext  troupe  ofmertyfeareth  harme ,l?ut  is  mofi 
curteottfly  entertained  hy  him.  lo.  Be  hardly  perfrvadeth  E[aut»take 
^fteiyi^.  andtoreturne  borne.  17.  So  Jacob  coming  by  Socoth  to  SuUr/t, 
there  hyeth  a  fields  pitcheth  his  tents,  and  ere^eth  an  ytltar, 

1  A  Nd  lacob,  lifting  vp  his  eyes,  faw  Efau  coming,  and 
jr\.  with  him  foure  hundred  men  :  and  he  diuided  the  chil- 
dren of  Lia  and  of  Rachel ,  and  of  the  tvx'O  handrnaides  : 

2  t  3^^^  ^"^^  pi^^t  both  the  handmaids  &:  their  children  f orcmofl: 
and  Lia,  and  her  children  in  the  fecond  place:  and  Rachel, 

3  andlofephlaft.  f  And  himfelfe  going  foreward  adored  pro- 
ftrate  to  the  grownd  feuen  times,  vntil  his  brother  came 

4  nere.  f  Efau  therfore  running  to  mete  Iiis  brother,  em- 
braced him:  and  clafping  him  faft  about  the  necke^,  and 

J  killing  him  wept,  f  And  cafting  vp  his  eyes,  he  law  the 

wemen  and  their  litle  ones,  and  raid:What  meanethcfe? 

And  do  they  perteyne  to  thee  ?  He  anfwered :  They  are  the 
6  litle  ones  which  God  hath  geuen  to  me  thy  feruant.  f  And 

the  handrnaides  and  their  children  coming  nere-^ ,  bowed 
7  themfelues .  f  Lia  alfo  with  her  children  came  nere  :  and 

when  they  had  adored  in  like  raaner,  laft  lofeph  and  Rachel 

8  adored,  f  And  Efau  faid:  What  are  the  troupes  that  I  did 
mete  ?  He  anfwered:  That  I  might  find  grace  bei'ore  my  lord. 

9  t  Buthefaid:  I  haueplentie,my  brother,  be  thy  things  to 

10  thy  felfe.  f  And  lacob  faid:  Do  not  fo  I  bcfcch  thee, but 
if  I  haue  found  grace  in  thin  eyes,  take  a  litle  prefent  at  my 
hands ;  for  fo  haue  I  feene  thy  face,  as  if  I  (hould  haue  feene 

11  ••  the  countenance  of  God  :  be  gracious  tome,  t  and  take  .-:  lacoBfeina- 
the  blefling,  which  I  haue  brought  thee,  and  which  God  Gods  hand  in 
hath  geucn  me,  who  geueth  al  thingcs.  Scarfe  at  his  brothers  tnis  charge  of 

II  great  inftance,  taking  it,  f  he  faid:  Let vs march  on  toge-  ^^'^  '^yo'.hzvs 
15  ther,  and  I  wilaccompanie  thee  in  thy  iourncy.  f  And  la-  flaterie^but 
cob  faid:  My  lord  thou  knowell  that  I  haue  with  me  litle  fmcerly' sc- 
ones, and  (heepc,  and  kine  with  young:  which  iflcaufe  knowlcugcd 
to  ouerlaboure  themfelues  in  going,  in  one  day  al  the  flockes  ^i^^'enignitie, 
14  wildie.  t  Itmaypleafcmy  lord  to  goe  before  his  feruant:  ten^^nce^to-"' 
and- 1  wil  folow  foftiy  after  him,  as  Ifhalfee  my  litle  ones  wards  him. 
O  z  to  be 

10$  Genesis:^  lacoli. 

to  be  able,  vntil  I  come  to  my  lord  in  Seir.  f  EfauanfVc*  15 
red :  I  befech  thee,  that  of  my  people  at  the  leaftwife,  which 
is  Hvith  me,  there  may  rcmaine  Tome  to  accompanie  thee  in 
the  way.  It  is  nor  needful,  faidhe,  thisonly  I  haue  nede  of, 
that  1  may  finde  grace  (  my  lord)  in  thy  fight,  f  Efauther-  16 
fore  returned  that  day  the  fame  way,  that  he  came  into  Scir. 
t  And  lacob  coincth  into  Socoth:  where  hauing   built  a  17 
houfe,  and  pitched  his  tents,  he  cillcd  the  name  of  that 
place  Socoth,  that  is,  Tabcinacles .  f  And  he  palled  into  18 
Saleraacitieofrhe  Sichimires,  whichisin  the  land  of  Cha- 
naan  ,   after  he  returned  from  Mcfopotamia  of  Siria:  and 
he  dwelt  bcfide  the  towne.  f  And  he  bought  that  part  of  19 
the  field,  wherin  he  had  pitched  his  tents,  of  the  children 
of  Hemor,  the  farhcr  fo  Sichem  for  an  hundred  lambcs . 
t  And  ereding  an  altar  there,  on  ic  he  called  vpon  the  10 
mod  mightie  God  of  Ifracl. 

Chap.     XXXIIIL^ 

For  rauishla^  Vina,  th  Sichimetcs  (king  frfi  circumifed)  drejluinchy 
Simeon  And  Leui  her  brothers.  27.  The  rcfl of  Ucohsfonnes Jfoile  the  citte. 
50.  lucob  hUmcth  them,  fearing  harme  mij  come  by  thisfa^. 

ODinaffairh      A     Nd  Dina  the  daughter  of  Lia  went  forth  "  to  fee  the  \ 
S    Bernard)     J^  ^vemen  of  that  countric.  f  Whom  when  Sich^Tihad  z 
there  to  fee     ^eene  the  Tonne  of  Hemor  the  Hcmce,  the  prmce  ot  that 
wcmen  of  a    land,  he  was  m  loue  with  hcr :  and  he  tooke  her  away,  and 
itrangecoun-  j.y  ^[^\^  he--^  by  force  rauifi:ing  the  virgin,  f  Andhisfoule  3. 
"•"i'l 'r^""^^  was  faft  kint  vnto  her, and  wheras  ihe  was  fad ,  he  com- 
Stis.    ''"''"  i'orted  hex  with  fweete  v/ordes.  t  And  going  to  Hemor  4 
his  father,  he  faid':  Take  me  this  wench  to  be  my  wife... 
■f  which,  when  lacob  had  heard,  his  Tonnes  being  abfent,  j 
and  occupied  in  feeding  of  the  cattle,  he  held  his  peace  til 
they  returned,  f  And  when  Hemot  Sichcms  father  was  6^ 
come  forth  to  fpeakevnco  lacob,  t  behold  his  fonncs  came  7 
out  of  the  field:  and  hearing  what  had  palFcd,  they  were 
palling  wrath,  becaule  he  had  done  a  foule  thing  in  Ifrael, 
and.committed  an  vnlawful  fact, in  raui ildng  Jacobs  daugh- 
ter, t  Heraorthcrfcrefpaketo:heni:Thcfoulcofmyfonne  81 
Sicheraisi^faifdto  your  daughter ;  Geuc  her  vnto  him  jo 

wife  i : 

6  EN  IE  SIS.  10^ 

5  \rife:  f  ^^'^  ^^^  '^^  contract  markgcs  one  \pith  an  other: 

10  geue  ys  your  danghrcrs,  and  take  you  our  daughters.  |  And 
dwel  with  vs:  the  land  is  at  your  commandemcnt,  tille,  oc- 

11  cupie,  and  pofTcffc  it.  f  Yea  and  Sichem  alfo  faid  to  her 
father  and  to  her  brethren  :  Let  me  finde  grace  in  your  iight : 

12  and  what  foeuer  you  (hal  appointe  Iwilgeue:  j-  raife  the 
dowrie,  and  require  giftes,  and  I  flal  gladly  gcue,  whnt  you 

15  ihal  demande:  only  geue  me  this  wench  to  wife,  f  Jacobs 

fonncs  anfwered  Sichem  £<  his  father  ••  in  guile,  being  wrath  ::Thcy  offen- 
14  for  the  deflourinjr  of  their  fifter :   t  ^^  can  not  doe  that  ^^'^  ty  filfly 
which  vou  demande,  nor  eeue  our  Iiltcr  to  an  vncn-cumcilea  v„-  „  .„  Jk„ 

rii        -i-^         1        ririi  -111-  l:p:on,andby 

perlon  :  which  ^nh  vs  is  an  vnlawmi  &c  abhommable  thmg.  excefle  in  rc- 

ij  t  But  in  this  orderwe  may  be  cc-nfederate ,  if  youwilbc  uenge.&thcr- 

like  to  vs,  andal  the  man  fex  amon^  you  be  circumcifed  :  fore  are  ijepro 

16  t  then wilwegeue and  take  mutually  your  daughters,  and  f|i"rhe/y'^ '"^g, 
ours:  and  we  wil  dwel  with  you,  and  wil  be  one  people:  duo.  49  v\, 

1-7  t  burifyou  wil  not  be  circumcifed,  we  wil  take  our  daugh-  Otheiu-ife 
i8  tcr,  and  depart,  -f  The  oiFer  plcafcd  Hcraor,  and  Sichem  theirzealevas 
ip  his  fonne  :  t  neither  did  the  young  man  make  delay,  but  i^^-  u°e^a"fa'  U 
forthwith  fulfilled  that  wdiich  was  demanded  :  for  he  loued  judiih.  5. 
the.  wench  exceedingly,  and  he  was  the  grcatcft  maninal 
2.0  his  fathers  houfc.  f  And  going  into  the  gate  of  the  citie, 
XI  theyfpake  to  the  people:  -f  Thefe  men  are  men  of  peace, 
and  are  willing  to  dwcl  with  vsr  let  them  occupie  in  the  land, 
and  til  it,  which  being  large  and  wide  doth  lacke  men  to  tills 
it: their  daughters  we  llal  take  to  wife,  and  ours  we  wil 

11  geue  to  them.,  f  One  thing  there  is  fcr  the  which  fo  great 
a  good  is  diiterred  :  If  we  circumcife  our  men  fexe,  folowing 

25  the  rite  of  the  nation,  f  And  their  fubllanc-^,  and  cattle, 
and  al  things  that  they  poirelie,  (hal  be  curs  :  only  in  this  ier 
vs  condefcend,  and  dwelling  togcather,  we  ihal  make  one 
24  people,  f.  And  they  alallcntcd,  and  circumcifed  nl  the  man 
2;  (ex.  f  And  brhold  the  third  day,  when  the  griefe  of  the 
woundes  is  moil:  paineful :  lacob's  two  fonnes,  Simeon  and 
Leui  the  brothers  of  Dina,  taking  their  fwordes,  entrcd  into 

16  the  citie  boldly  :  and  killing  al  the  man  fex,  f  murdred  w  ithal 
Hemor  and  Sichem  ,  taking  away  Dina  their  fiftcr  cut  of 

17  Sichems  houfe .  f  When  they  were  gone  forth,  the  other 
Tonnes  of  Jacob  ranne  in  vpon  them  that  were  llaine:  and 

28  fpoiled  the  citie  in  reucnge  of  the  rape,  f  And  wafting  al 

things  that  were  ia.their  houfes,  2nd  fildcsa  their  ftccpe  and 

O  3  heardes 

no  Genesis,  lacobj[^ 

hcardes,  and  afTeSj  t  tlieix  little  ones  alfo,  and  their ^riues  29 
they  led  away  captiue .   f  Which  things  "when   they  had  50 
boldly  atcheiued,  lacob  faid  to  Simeon  and  Lcui :  You  haue 
trubled  me,  and  made  me  odious  to  the  Chananites,  and 
Pherezites  the  inhabiters  of  this  land  .  ^we  are  few  :  they 
being  gethered  together  wil  ftrike  me  •,  and  I, and  my  houfc 
{bal  be  deftroyed.   f   They  anfwered  :  What  ihould  they  31 
abufe  our  fifter  as  a  ftrumpet  J 

Chap.     XXXV. 

Idcoh  furginghU  "ti'hole  fdmtUe  of  idols, goeth  hy  Gods  commavdment  into 
Bethel,  ?•  There  hmldeth  an  ^Itar.  8.  Debar  a  dieth.  9,  GodafPexrin^  a- 

f  dine  to  Ucoh  hlejjeth  h'lm,  and changethhi  name  into  Jfrael.  16.  P^^-chel 
earing  Beniamin  dteth,  and  ts  huned  tn  Bethleem,  ii.  Suhen  lyeth  Jrith 
Bala.  15.  ifraels  tivelne  fonnes  are  recited.  18.  ifaac  diethat  the  agi  c/i8o. 
yeares.  and hiffonnesEfau  and  Jacob  hurie  him, 

IN  THE  meane  time  God  fpake  to  lacob  :  Arifc,  and  goc  i 
vptoBethclj  and  dwel  there,  and  make  an  altar  to  God 
that  appeared  to  thee  when  thou  diddcftflie  from  Efau  thy 
brother,  f  And  lacob  hauing  called  together  al  his  houfe,  z 
faid:"Caft  away  the  ftrange  goddes  that  arc  among  you, 
andbcclcnfedand  change  your  garments,  f  Arife,  and  let  5 
vs  goe  vp  into  Bethel,  that  we  may  make  there  an  altar  vnto 
God:  who  heard  mc  in  the  day  of  my  tribulation,  and  ac- 
compained  me  in  my  iourney.  -f  They  gaue  to  him  therfore  4 
al  the  ftrange  goddes  that  they  had,  and  the  earelets  which 
were  in  their  eares:  but  he  buried  them  vndcr  the* terebinth,  jinext- 

V.  God(vKen  that  is  behind  the  citie  of  Sichem.  f  And  when  they  were  $      crabU 
it  plealcth       departed,  "the  terror  of  God  inuaded  al  the  cities  rounde  ^''^^ 

him)  maketh  about,  and  they  durft  nofpurfew  them  going  away,  f  And  6 
ftronrei  dicii  ^^^°^^  came  to  Luza,  which  is  in  the  land  of  Chanaan,  fur- 
tlie  mitrhcic;  iiamed  Bethel:  he  and  al  the  people  that  was  with  him^. 
and  fcAX'  more  f  And  he  builded  there  an  altar,  and  called  the  name  of  that  7 
teriible  then    place.  The  houfe  of  God:  for  there  God  appeared  to  him 
r'JT'l"^?  ^^'  w^ien  I^e  Oed  from  his  brother,   t  The  fame  time^  died  8 
Aug.q.  D-^ora  tne  nurle  of  Rebecca,  and  was  buried  at  the  toote 
<5en  of  Bethel  vnder  an  okc  :  and  the  name  of  that  place  was 

cal-led,  The  oke  of  weeping,   t  And  God  appeared  again  9 

to  Ia= 

Genhsis.  Ill 

to  lacob  after  he  returned  from  Mcfopotamia  of  Siria,  and 

10  he  blefTed  him,  t  faying:  Thou-:  »>:alt  not  be  called  any  more  :;Thcnamcof 
lacob,  but  Ifrael  ihal  i>c  thy  name.  And  he  "  called  him  ^upplanternot 

11  Ifrael,  f  and  faid  to  him  :  I  am  God  almightie,  encreafc  thou  ^"fffin  "^5^' 
andmultiplie  :  Of  thee  ihal  be  nations  and  peoples  of  na-  hirchc^is  alfo 

It  tions,  kinges  fhal  come  forth  of  thyloynes.  t  And  the  land  called  Ifrael. 
vhich  I  gaue  to  Abraham  and  Ifaac,  I  vil  geue  to  thee,  and  ScctheAnno- 

13  to  thy  feede  after  the€-» .    f   And  he  departed  from  him^.  ^^"°"* 

14  t  Buthecrcdcdatitlcofftone,inthcplace  Nrhere  God  had 
fpoken  vnto  him:  offering  vpon  it  liquide  ofFeringcs,  and 

1$  powring  oile  on  it:  f  and  caUing  the  name  of  that  place, 

16  Bethel,  t  And  being  gone  forth  from  thence,  he  came  in 
the  fpring  time  to  the  land  which  Icadcth  to   Ephrata-* ; 

17  vherin  \rhen  Rachel  was  in  trauaile ,  f  becaufe  of  diffi- 
cultiein  her  trauaile,  (bebeganncto  be  in  danger,  and  the 
midwife  faid  vnto  her:  Feare  not,  for  thou  shait  haue  alfo 

18  thisafonne.  f  Andher  foule  departing  for  paine,  and  death 
now  at  hand,  she  called  the  name  of  her  fonne  Benoni,  that 
is  the  fonne  of  ray  painc  :  but  his  father  called  him  Beniamin, 

19  that  is  the  fonne  ofthe  right  hand,  f  Rachel  therforedied^ 
and  was  buried  in  the  hyc  way  that  leadeth  to  Ephrata,  this 

10  fame  is  Bethleem.  f  And  lacob  eredied  a  title  ouerherfe- 
pulchre:  This  is  the  Htle  of  Rachels  monument,  vntil  this 
>refentday.  f  Departing  thencc-^ ,  he  pitched  his  tenti^ 
jcyond  theFlocke  tower,  f  And  when  he  dyelt  in  that 
countrie:Ruben  went,  and  -"  flcpt  with  Bala  his  fathers  con-  '•  ^°^  fl^Js  faft 
cubine  :  which  thing  he  was  not  ignorant  of.  And  the  fonnes  ^  j*^^T^^^^' 

15  of  lacob  were  twelue  .  f  The  fonnes  of  Lia:  Ruben  the  thechicfedie- 
firft  begotten,  and  Simeon,  and  Leuijand  ludas,  and  Ilfachar,  nitic  among 

24  and  Zabiilon.  f  The  fonnes  of  Rachel:  lofeph  and  Ben-  hisbrethcrcii. 
2j   iamin.  f  The  fonnes  of  Bala  Rachels  handmaid:  Dan  and  ^eu.  45. 

16  Nepthali.  f  The  fonnes  of  Zelpha  Lias  handmaid  :  Gad  and 
Afer:  thefc  arcthefonnesof  lacob,  that  were  borne  to  him 

17  in  Mcfopotamia  of  Siria.  f  He  came  alfo  to  I  faac  his  father 
in  Mambre,  the  citie  of  Arbee,  this  is  Hebron  :  wherin 

x%  Abraham  and  Ifaac  foiourned.  f  And  the  dayes  of  Ifaac 
29  were  complete  an  hundred  eyghtie  yeares.   •\    And  fpenc 
With  age  he  died,  and  wasput  to  his  people,  being  old  and 
fui  of  dayes  :  and  Efau  and  lacob  his  fonnes  buryed  him. 


21  pr 

22  DC 

112,  Genesis^  Jacob. 

■Chap.     XXXY  . 

Clenfin*  from       ^'     Cap  array  the  fimn^e  ^odttfs  ]  Tacob  pi-cp2fing  to  performc  Ills  voA^ 

finnc  is%he       of  building  a  lioufe  &  altar  to  God,  firft  excirpatcth';ilIdo!arricfrom  amongft 

firfi  office  of  ^^^  people  J  and  then  by  Sacrifice  appeafech  Gods  xi^rarh  prouokcdhou'foeucr 

ihe  fcruanis    ^""^  Specially  by  Simeon  and  Leui  killing  the  Sicheir-ires.  Duly  confidering 

of  God.  that  what  people  or  pcrfondcfireth  Gods  protection  Scbleffings,  muft  firft  be 

pure  in  Religion,  and  cienfcd  from  linnes.'^i«?f<'  nu'dxnocehit  adnerf.tai^f:  milU 

a  «^»»«w<'/«)/»j;5«//<jy.becaufenoaducrfiriellial,harc  him,  if  no  iniquitie  haiie 

dominion  ouer  him.  orat,  fer.  6.  port  cineres. 

The  name  lo-     Calledhm  ifratL]  As  the  Patriarch  now  performsth  his  voir  to  God. • 

Israel  (i-    fo  God  fulfilleth  his  promafe,  geuinghim  a  ncv^-namcFor /<i(oSrt/».7/'-''i'»i'fr, 

gnificth  fpe-     fignifying  too  fmalforce  &  praiTe  forTuch  a  champion.  God  thcrfore  Ivorioted 

ciaIprero.aati-  him  wicli  the  name  of //>-,«c/.  That  is,Oiieil)at  Jeeth  Mid contemplateth  cod,ai 

ues  in  the  Pa-  J^od  ancient  Writers  expound  it.  Alio  ^  p-ince^  cr  -valient  ryitb  God ,  as  S. 

tciarcklacob.    Hierom  iheweth  Tradit.  Heb.  Tov  Jfta  in  Hebrevf  C^nifieth  To  dommiet;or 

»-Kfeo««,3nd£/iT!?nifietI'.  God  Andfothis  name  geucn'^to  him  teiftificth  that 

Ke,  by  Gods  gift  and  giace.  was  valien^  euen  againft  an  Angel  rcprefenting 

,God,  much  more  agaiull:  men,  and  other  aduerfanes.  Others  intergrstc  it. 

The  ri^ht  ont  of  God.  as  wicneifeth  the  fame  S-  Hierom  both  here,  and  in  his 

.comn^.entariesin44.Ifaic.  Al  do  importe  a  great  exccllcncie  in  this  l^atri- 

arch.  And  the  TucceiTe  of  things  confirmeth  the  fame.  Particularly  in  that  not 

onlie  fomc  one  of  his  fonncs  (as  in  the  iflue  of  Abraham  and  ifaac,  the  reft 

being.excludedj  but  his  whole  progenic  oftweluc  fonncs,  -making  twcluc 

Alhisfwcluc     Tribes,  were  participant  of  the  peculiar  bleffmgs,  in  their  ofspring  potTeiung 

Tonnes  in  their  .thepromirediand,andexcedinglyincreafingbccame  the  moft  principal  nation 

j>oftcritie  ia  the  world,  the  firledlcd  people  of  God,  called  by  the  name  and  title  Of  th« 

were  hcires  cf  children  »/  !frad'Oi'v\\om.  not  only  Moyfcs,  butal  the  old  Tcilamcntn^oft  (pc- 

thcpromifed     cially  treateth,and  ofwhomandin  whom  the  piomifcdMcflias,  the  Rcdemcr 

UaiX.  of  mankind  (ho  uld  be  borne. 

Chap.     XXXVI. 

!?jG»  fffitlt  his  ffflues  and  children  parteth from  Jdcoh..^.  ffisgenealo^le  if 
recited  J  With  jheJr  huhituttonu 

ANd  "  rhefe  arc  the  generations  of  Efaiijthc  fame  is  1 
Edom.  f  Efautookcwiucs  of  the  daughters  of  Cha-  i 
:naan:  "  Ada  the  daughter  of  Elon  the  Hetheicc,  and  OoU- 
bama  the  daughter  of  Ana  daughter  of  Scbeon  the  Heueite: 
t  Bafemath  alfo  the  daughter  of  Ifmael  fifter  of  Nibaioth.  5 
f  And  Aida  bare^   EHphaz  :   Bafemath  bare_.  Rahucl  :  4 

f  Ooli« 

Genesis.  113 

r  +  Oolibama bare  lehus  and  Ihelon  and  Coree.  thefe  are  the 
fonnes  of  Efau,  that  were  borne  to  him  in  the  land  of  Cha« 
4  naan.  f  And- Efau  tookehis  wiuesand  fonnes  anddaugh-  ::  Thcrcparak- 
ters,  and  eucrie  foule  of  his  houfe,  and  his  fubftance,  and  "°"  of  Efau 
catlc,  and  al  that  he  could  haue  in  the  land  of  Chanaan  :  and 
he  went  into  an  other  countrie ,  and  "  departed  from  his 
7  brother  lacob.  t  For  they  were  exceding  rich,  and  could  . 
notdwel  together:  neither  was  the  land  of  their  peregri- 
nation able  to  beare  them,  for  the  multitude  of  Hockes. 
5  9  f  And  Efau  "dwelt  in  Mount  Seir,  he  is  Edom.  f  And  thefe 
are  the  generations  of  Efau  the  father  of  Edom  in  mount 

10  Seir,  f  and  thefe  are  the  names  of  his  fonnes  :  Eliphaz  the 
Tonne  of  Ada  the  wife  of  Efau:   Rahuel  alio  the  fonne  of 

11  Ba{emath  his  wife_^  .  f  And  Eliphas  had  fonnes  :  Thenian, 
21  Omar, Sepho, and Gathan, and  Cenes,  f  And  Thamnawas 

the  concubine  of  Ehphas  the  fonne  of  Efau;  which  bare  to 
him  Amalech.  thefe  are  the  fonnes  of  Ada  the  wife  of  Efau. 

13  t  And  the  fonnes  of  Rahuel :  were  Nahath  &  Zara,  Samma 
and  Meza.   thefe  were  the  fonnes  of  Bafcmath  the  wifeof 

14  Efau.  t  Thefe  alfo  were  the  fonnes  of  Oolibama,  the  daugh- 
ter of  Ana,  the  daughter  of  Sebeon,  the  wife  of  Efau,  which 

ij  {he  bare  to  him,  lehus,  and  Ihelonu*,  and  Coree.  f  Thefe 
were  dukes  of  the  fonnes  of  Efau  :  the  fonnes  of  Eliphaz 
the  firft-begotten  of  Efau:  duke  Theman..,  duke  Omar, 

16  duke  Sepho  ,  duke  Cenes ,  f  ^"^^  Coree  ,  duke  Gatham, 
duke_/  Amalech ,  thefe  are  the  fonnes  of  Eliphaz  in  the 

27  land  of  Edom,  and  thefe  are  the  Tonnes  of  Ada.  f  Thefe 
alfo  were  the  fonnes  of  Rahuel,  the  fonne  of  Efau :  duke 
Nahath,  duke  Zara,  duke  Zamma,  duke  Meza.  and  thefe 
are  be  the  dukes  of  Rahuel,  in  the  Land  of  Edom :  thefe 

18  be  the  Tonnes  of  Bafemath  the  wife  of  Efau.  f  And  thefe 
were  the  Tonnes  of  Oolibama  the  wife  of  Efau  :  duke  lehus, 
duke  Ihelon,  cuke  Coree.    thefe  be  the  dukes  of  Ooli- 

19  bama,  the  dau^hterof  Ana,  and  wife  of  Efau.  f  TheTe  are 
the_^  Tonnes  oi  ETau ,  and  theTe  are  the  dukes  of  them..  : 

20  the  Tame  is  Edom.  f  Thefe  are  the  Tonnes  of  Scir  the  hor- 
reite,  the  inhabiters  of  the  land  :  Lotan ,  and  Soba! ,  and 

zi  Sebeon,  and  Ana,  f  andDifon,and  Eftr,  and  Difan.  TheTe 

are  dukes  of  the  Horreite  ,  the  fonnes  of  Scir  in  the  Land 

11  of  Edom.  f  And  Lotan  had  fonnes  :  Hori  and  Heman  .  and 

13  the  iifter  of  Lotan,  was  Thamma., .  -j-  And  theTe  were  the 

P  Tonnes 

114  Genesis.  lacob* 

fonncs  of  Sobal:    Aluaii  and   Manahati^,  and  Ebal,  and 
Sepho  and  Onam.  t  And  chefc  ss'ere  the  Tonnes  of  Sebcon:  14 
Aiaand  Ana.  This  is  Ana  that  found-  the  hot  waters  in  the - 
wildernes,  when  he  fed  the  alfes  of  Sebeon  his  father  :  t  and  zy 
he  had  a  Tonne  DiTon,  and  a  daughter  Oohbama...  f  And  16 
thcd-  ^x^cre  the  Tonnes  of  DiTon  :  Hamdan,  ar.d  ETeban,  and 
lethram,  andCharan.  f  TheTe  alTo  were  the  Tonnes  of  ETer :  i.7 
Balaan  ,  and  Zauan  ,  and  Acan.  f  And  DiTan  had  Tonnes:  28 
Hus,  and  Aram,  f  TheTe  were  dukes  oTthe  Horreites  :  duke  29 
Lotan_.,  duke  Sobal,  duke  Sebeoru  ,  duke  Ana,   f  duke  30 
DiTon  ,  duke  ETer ,  duke  DiTan:  theTe  were  dukes  of  the 
Horreites  that  ruled  in  the  Land  Seir.  f  And  the  Kinges  that  jr 
ruled  in  the  land  of  Edom,  before  that  the  children  of  iTrael 
ttBrtkecom-hadaking  ,werethcTe:  f  Bela  the  Tonne  oTBeor,  and  the   51 
iTion  opiion    name  of  his  citieDenaba.  t  And  Bela  died,  and  '•'•  lobabthe  33 
of  Latin  and    Tonnne  of  Zara  of  BoTra  reigned  in  his  fleed.  -f  And  when  34 
Grckefatlicis,  jQJ^^j^,  was  deadj  HuTam  oTtheland  of  the  Themans  reigned 
lobricfl'ali"  hisftecd.  t  He  alfo  being  dead,  there  reigned  m  his  ftec'd  5; 

oifcunc  whi 

Adad  the  Tonne  of  Badad,  that  Trroke  Madian  in  the  coun- 

his  book 
j^ainil  tlic  He- 
brew cioclois, 

v/c  cnine  to     trie  of  Moab  :  and  the  name  of  his  citie  was  Auich.  -f  ArTd'  ^6 
when  Adad  was  dead,  ihtre  reigned  for  him  Semla  of  MaT- 
rcca.   t    He  alio  being  dead,  Saul  of  the  riuer.Rohoboth,  57 
who(ay7ob' I'cignedinhisileed.  f  And  when  he  alio  was  dead,  Balanan  58 
x^As  of  Na-      the  Tonne  oT  Aqhobor  fuccceded  into  the  kinedome,  -j-  This  39  , 
ciioisra^c.      i^^an  alTo  being  dead  Adar  reigned  in  Jiis  place^  ,  and  the 
name  of  his  citic  was  Fhau  :  and  his  wife  was  called  Mec- 
rabel,  the  daughter  of"Matre.d,daughrer  of  Mezaab.  f  TheTe  4s 
therfore  be  the  names  ofthe  dukes  of  Efau  in  their  kinreds, 
and  places,  and  callings:  dukc.^  Thamna,   duke    A!ua--», 
duke  letheth  ,   f  t^Like^  O  )libama_.,  duke  Ela,  duke  Phi-   41  ; 
non,   I  duke  Genez,   duke  Theman^ ,   dukc^   MabTer,  41 
j-  duke  Magdiel,  duke  Hiram  :  theTe  are  the  dukes  of  Edom  43 
dwcUing  in  the  land  of  their  empire,  the  Tame  ii  ETauthe 
father  of  the  Idumeians, . 

Chap.  XXXVL. 

I,;  rhflj^ener^tlottfofErau]  As  bcf«irc  Movfes  HcTcribcc!  tlie^cncatot!;ies  chxjf. 
©fCain,  oflaphethand  Cham,  ofNachor,  ofirmacl,and  other  fonncs  of  A-  10  1 
Vfcaiiam,  Co  here  he  xecordcth  aa  other,  collateral  ^rogeiiic  of£Tau,  tbat  the   i;. 


lacob.  Gekesis.  Hf 

difference  an^MInA'ion  of thcm,and  the  feleacJ  people  of  Goa  might  be  Bycornpaii- 
ir.orc  conrpicuous,  bccaufc  contraries  oppolcd  are  fene  more  clcrly .  And  ion  of  inter- 
lo  the  Churches  fucccfllon  and  perpetual  J:?ht,  compared  with  the  inter-  rupted  coin- 
ruptcd  and  obfcurc  companies.  the  briohrer.  for  albeirin  thole  other  panics  the  co- 
geoeraticns  there  micht  be  mame  faithful  aiui  luft  perfons,  among  thein-  tinuai  (uccel- 
fidclsanJ  v^ickcd,and'of  lom.e  we  are  aflurcd  (  as  of  Lot  and  lob)  ycz  faith  lion  of  the 
and  religion  decayed,  and  was  cxtinguilhed  in  their  carnal    childien,  and  Church  is 
only  continued  in  the  right  line  from  Adam  tolacobjwhofc  twelucfonnes  more  gloa- 
vere  fathers  and  beginners  oftwc-lucTribes,  and  in  them  the  fame  true  Re-  ous. 
ligion  was  ftil  conlerucd  and  publikly  profcifed ,  as  in  the  onlie  knownc 
Tifiblc  Church,  til  the  coming  S.  Auguftinclerly  fliewetb  inhis 
excellent  workeoftheCitie  of  God  :cfpccially  in  the  i;.  and  i6.  bookcs,  in 

I.     ^iia.  ihf  daurj'i^y  of  Lltn  ]   In  the  z6.  chap.  (v.  ?4- )  E^^u*  f'^o '^i"'^*,   One  place  of 
vhich  he  tooke  iii  Chanaan  are  called  ludith  the  daughter  of  Beeri  the  Sciipture  fee- 
Hethcite,  and  Bafcmath  the  daughter  of  Elon  of  the  (ame  place,  and  here  meth  contra- 
the  fame  two  wiucs  aie  named  Ada  the  daughter  of  Elon  the  Hetheite,  and  rietoanothec 
Oolibama  tlie  da'io-hter  ofSebeon  the  Heucite  .  Which  neither  agree  in  butisnoc. 
names  nor  countrie  Againe  his  third  wife  Ifmaels  daughter,  here  named 
Balemach,  in  z8    chap  "v.  j*.  iscalled  Maheleth.  Forreconciiiationofwhich 
andotherlike  diiii.ujties,  or  feenuno;  contradidlions,  albeit  he  Icrned  ex- 
pofito-rs  fay,  that  either  thefepcrfons  had  diuers  names,  or  one  was  rrueand 
natural  father,  an  other  legal,  or  adoptiue,  for  there  were  fuch  alfo  before 
thel:wof  Moyfes,  as  appeareth  in  th'-hiliorie  ofThamar.-yetit  werehard  to  Koiic  Scrip- 
geue  a  determinate  folution  of  this  difficultie.  Which  example,  with  manie  tures  notcallc 
others  (by  vs  omitted  in  thefe  briefe  annotations)  conuince  theProteftants  to  be  vndei:- 
prefumptuous  error,  holding  tiut  Scriptures  are  eafi:  to  be  vnderifood.  ftood. 

6.      Dep  art -d  from  htshtnb.r.  i.Dyve.ttn  Mount  Seir  ]    Here  IS  another  difS- 
cultie  (though  not  fo  intricate  as  the  former)  how  Efau  now  parted  into  ■£(•g^y^^  lad  par- 
Mount  Scir,  feing  he  dwelled  there,  when  his  brother  lacob  came  from  Me-  ^^^^-^  from  la- 
fopotaraia.  chap!"ii.  v.  5.  Which  S.-Auguftin  (q.  119. in  Gen.)  fblucth  faying:  ^^j^^ 
Elau  firft  dwelt  in  Seir  after  he  was  difapointed  of  his  fathers  bleinng,  but 
dwelt  againe  with  his  father,  after  lacobs  returne  from  Mefopotamia,  and 
«ow  went  to  Seir  aoainc  afccr  his  fathers  death. 

Chap.     XXXVII. 

/-?•/»        •       T  •   /-    F  7  ■    ;       r  "     t  t     f       t'    t  The  feuentK 

iofepb  informtnrhtsftthtr  of  his  brethrens  faults,  f.  and  teUing  hn  dredmeSj  p^^^  ^f  j},is 

IS  by  them  more  hated,  i^.  bcin^fent  to ')'tjlte  them,  18.  th-"}  BrH  thmke  booke. 

to  k'l  htmyl6.l?iit  (ry  Inddscoufelfel  h'mtothe  ifmae'ites.  z^.ynivtting  i^^"^'  lo^cF" 

to  lijiben.  y-,.  hts  father  Umenteth  pippnfinc; htm  to  hejluine  ijfomc  fvtU  "^^  ^"^^^  "j^^* 

ie^il  56.  Be  is  fold  ag^me  to  Puttphur  tn  JEgJpt.  thc^rc^aduan- 


I       A     Nd  lacob  dvrclc  in  theland  ofChanian,  ^rherin  his  ..^,    r  .u^n^s 

2.   ^JL  father  foioumed.  f  And  ••  chefe  are  his  generations:  folowinp- h.-.p- 

lofcphxrhenhexj^'asuxten  c  ycares  old,  fed  the  Hock  with  nedco  Lacjo, 

P  z  his 

u6  Genesis.  lofeph. 

inK*i<  genera-  his  brethren  being  yet  a  boy;  and  he  was  ^»'ith  the  fonncS 
inTs  chiidri' °^  ^^^''^  and  Zelpha  his  fathers  ^iiics  :  and  he  accufed  his 
Sec  S    Chri-   brethren  to  his  father  of  ••  a  mod  wicked  crime,  f  And  Ifrael  5 
fcft.ho.ij.ia  loued  lofephabouealhis  Tonnes,  becaufe  he  had  begotten 
Gen.  him  "  in  his  old  age  :  and  he  made  him  a  coate  of  diuers  co- 

::-^^^'^^°'' *'  lourcs.  f  And  his  brethren  feing  that  he  vfas  loued  of  his  4 
infamous^the  ^^'^her ,  more  then  al  his  fonnes ,  they  hated  him,  neither 
Hebrew  word  Could  they  fpeake  any  thing  to  him  peaceably,   f  Itchan-  5 
dibb.t  fignlfi-    ced  alfo  that  he  reported  to  his  brethren  adreame_^,  that 
cth  tnfamte.     hehadfeene:  which  occadon  was  the  feed  of  greater  ha- 
tred .  t  And  he  faid  to  them :  Heare  my  dreame  which  I  6 
::  The  Epiftlc  haue  feene :  t  I  thought  we  bounde  (heaues  in  the  field:  7 
oufiiday,  in  and  my  fheale  arole  as  it  were,  and  ftood,  and  your  fbeaues 
the  fecoad      ftanding  about  did  adore  my  iheafe.  t  His  brethren  an-  8 
vekc  of  Lent,  f^^j-g^ .  y^)^^^  ^y^^i^  ^\y^^  ^^  q\j^.  J^^j^g  >  q^  q^^i  ^^  b^  fubied 

to  thy  dominion?  This occafionof  his dreamcs  and  wordes 
miniAred  nourishment  to  the  enuie  and  hatred,  f  He  fawe  9 
alfo  an  other  dreame,  which  telling  his  brethren,  he  faid  : 
I  fawe  in  a  dreame,  as  it  were  the  funne,  and  the  moone, 
and  eleuen  ftarres  adore  me.  f  "Which  whenhehadrepor-  1® 
ted  to  his  father,  and  brethren,  his  father  rebuked  him,  and 
faid  :  "What  mcaneth  this  dreame  that  thou  halt  feene  ?  why 
floal  I  and  thy  mother,  and  thy  brethren  adore  thee  vpon 
j: Brothers ea-  ^^^  earth?  f  His  brethren  therforeenuyedhim :  but  ••  his   11 
fily enuie eech  father  confidered  the  thing  with  him  felfe.  -f*  And  when  i^ 
other:  but  the  his  brethren  abode  in  Sichem,  feeding  their  fathers  Hockes, 
parents  are       .   j^     j  ^^- j  ^^  ^-^^  .  y^     brethren  feed  (beepe  in  Sichem  :  15 
elad  of  their     '  ,         1  r      1     1  1  ^,,1  r   ^   ■  ^  r 

childrcns  ad-  come ,  I  wil  lend  thee  to  them.  Who  anlweting ,  f  I  ^^n  14, 

luncement.     readie  i  he  faid  to  him :  Goe,  and  fee  if  al  things  be  wel  with 
thy  brethren,  and  the  {heepe :  and  bring  me  word  againe 
what  they  doe.Being  fent  therfore  from  the  Vale  of  Hebron, 
he  came  to  Sichem:  f  and  a  man  found  him  there  wandring  ij 
in  the  field,  and  asked  what  he  fought,  f  But  heanfwcred:  16 

;:SoChrift,  &  ::.  I  feeke  my  brethren,  ihew  me  where  they  fcde  the  tlockes. 

al  good  Pa-     ^  j^^^  j.j^g  j-j^g^j^  ^^i(j  fo  hii-n ;  They  are  departed  from  this  17 
place^  :  for  I  heard  them  fay  :  Let  vs  goe  into  Dothain. 
lofeph  therfore  went  forward  after  his  brethren,  and  found 
them  in  Dothain.  f  Who  when  they  had  fcene  him  a  farrc  iS 
of,  befoue  he  came  nighe  them,  they  deuifed  to  kil  hirro : 
f  and  fpake  among  them  felues :  Behold  the  dreamer  com-   i^ 
meth,  t   come,  let  vs  kil  him,  and  call  him  into  an  old  2» 


ceftcrne ;  and  vrc  wil  fay  A  naughcic  "^ild  beafl:  hath  dc- 
uourcd.him:  ••  and  then  it  Thai  appeare  what  his  dreames  ::SotheIeM7e^ 

11  doe  profile  him .  f  And  Ruben  hearing  this  ,  endeuored  thinking  ro 

12  to  ddmer  him  out  of  their  hands,  and  faid :  t  Do  not  take  Sadonco- 
away  his  Hfe,  neyther  iliecd  ye  blood:  but  caft  him  into  cperatcd  vn- 
this  cefterncL^,  that  is  in  the  v/ilderneile,  and  kcepe  your  v/ittjngrhcrto 
handesharmeles:  and  he  faid  this,  dcfirous  to  dcHucr  him  Piofper.ii.  de 

13  out  of  their  handes,  and  to  rcftore  him  to  his  father,  f  As  promiil.Dc*. 
foone  therfore  as  he  came  vnto  his  brethren  ,   forthwith 
they  (Iripped  him  out  ofhis  fide  coate,  and  of  diuers  colours, 

24  t  And  call  him  into  the  old  cefterne,  that  had  not  vater. 

2)-  t  And  fitting  to  cate  bread,  they  fawlfmaelites  wayfaring 
men  coming  from  Galaad,  and  their  camels  carying  fpices^ 

iG  and  rofen,and  mirrh  into  i€gypt.  f  ludas  therfore  faid  to 
his  brethren  ;  "What  auaileth  it  vs  if  we  kil  our  brother  ^ 

27  and  conceale  his  bloode^  ?  f  ^^  ^^  better  that  he  be  fold 
to  the  Ifmaelites,  and  that  our  h^ndes  be  nor  polluted  :  for 
he  is  our  brother  and  our  fle'"h.  His  brethren  aifented  to  his 

aS  wordes.  t  And  when  the  Madianite  marchants  palled  by, 
they  drawing  him  out  of  the  cefterne,  fold  him  to  the  Ifma- 
elites, for  "  Wentic  pceces  of  filuer,  who  brought  him  into  :.-Somc  rea3 

29  JEzspt.  t  And  Ruben  returning  to  the  ceftcrne,  findeth  ^'"'"'^Andaf 
^         c>.  r        '  .        ,  .      ^  »  •     1  the  readme  1% 

30  not  the  bov  :  f  and  rentmg  his  garments  went  to  his  bre-  jmers  fo 
thren,  and  faid ;  The  boy  doth  not  appeare,  and  whither  chrift  whom 

31  shal  I  goe?  f  And  they  tookc  his  coate,  and  dipped  it  in  loiephfigm- 

31  the  blood  of  a  kidde,  which  they  had  killed:  t  fencing  f/^^'^m^f 
fomc  that  should  caric  it  to  their  father,  and  should  fiv:  ofdiuercs.S. 
This  we  hauc  founde  :  fee  whether  it  be  thy  fonnes  coate,  Aug.  Scr.  ti^ 

33  or  no.  t  "Which  >rhen  the  father  acknowledged,  he  faid:  detcmpt 
It  is  my  fonnes  coart-^ ,  a  naughtie  wild  beaft  hath  eaten 

34  him,  a  beaft  hath  deuoured  lofeph.  f  And  rearing  his  gar- 
ments, did  on  fackcloth,  mourning  his  fonne  a  great  time. 

5J  t  And  al  his  children  being  gethered  together  to  aifwage 
their  fathers  forovre  ,  he  would  not  take  comforte  ,  but 
faid:  I  wil  defcend  vnto  my  fonne  "  into  hcl,  mourning. 

56  And  wb.ilcft  he  p erf: uered  in  weeping,  f  the  Madianites 
fold  lofcphin  .^gvpr  to  Phutiphar  an  Eunuch  of  Pharoes 
maiftcr  of  the  fouldiars. 

Pj  ANNO- 




Chap.     XXXVII. 

fenfiuc  caufe 
why  lacob 

God  turncth 
cuU  to  good 

J.     In  his  »ld  age  ]  This  being  one  caufe  wliy  lacob  loucdlofephaboue 

al  his  other  Tonnes,  for  that  he  was  the  yoiingcft  oftheclcucn  (  for  Benjamin 

the  twelfth  was  yet  an  infant)  it  isallcaged  in'holic  Scripture  (faith  S.  Chri- 

loued  I   f  oh    ^°^°"^*  Epi'^-  ^d  Olympian! )  as  Icafl:  offenfiue  to  his  brethcrcn.  For  amoro 

,1 i  ■    if,.,    fpecial  caufe  was,  for  his  n\ochcr  R.achels  fake,  but  moft  principal  caufe  of 

aboue  his  ore-  \  r      »  •  i  •     i  ,-        i     i  ,',    i    ,/- 

al  was,  tor  his  great  vertues,  and  mature  ludgement;  tor  which  God  alio  pre- 
ferred him  aboue  them  al,  anJnow  forfhewed  the  lame  by  vifions  inflecpc. 
Which  they  enuyingand  meaning  to  prcuent,  didia  dedc  vnwitiing  coope- 
nrV"o^r""  ratethcrto,  Gods  prouidcnce  turnmg  their  euil  woike  to  infinite  good.  As 
li  ij.  c  17  ^^^^  fame  holie  lofeph  truly  intcrprereth  itto  them,  afcertheir  fathers  death, 
g-'i^-^'  *  *  whentheyiuftly  fearedreucngc.forfogteatandinhumaneiniuriesdone  vnro 
him. chap  fo.T.  ID. 
f  L  1  5^'  in'"  ^i^  mournmg.']  Pcoteftants  denying  more  places  forfoules after 
Graue  for  hel  this  Iife,thenHeaucnfortheiuft,  and  Hel  forth'c  wickcd,ffanflatcthchebrtw 
corruptly  tra-  ^^-,j.j  sheol,  graue  for  hd.  Bccaufe  if  they  fliould  grant  that  lacob,  oTothet 
Slated.  holie  fathers  of  the  old  Tcftamcnt  dcfcendcd  into  hel,  they  muft  confeflc 

fomc  other  hel,  then  where  the  damned  arc  totmented,  whither  noChri- 
ftian  vril  fay  that  thofe fathers  went.  Ifthcy  contended  only  abbut  theVenfc 
and  meaning  of  the  text,  it  \»'erc  more  tolerable,  for  therin  they  fpeake,  ac- 
cording to  their  erronious  opinion  ,  as  ihey  thinkc.  But  knowing  as  fome 
of  them  doc,  that  Hel  is  the  true  word  ofthc  tert,  thercis  no  finceritie  nor 
moralhoncftieinputtingG)v««f,in  place  therof  And  that  rhey  know  it,  the 
fecond  table  of  the  Bible,  printed  at  London  i6Qt.  witneflcth,  noting  for  a 
commonplace,  that  in  the  57.  chap,  of  Genef  s.  v.  jy  Hel  is  taken  for  graue, 
therby  confclTing,  that  the  true  Englilli  word  of  the  holieScripturein  that 
place  !$«<•/,  but  that  they  would  hauc  it  to  fignifie  graue.  VVherupon  anie 
reafonablc  man  would  thinke  to  findc  the  word  Hel  in  the  text,  with  fome- 
clofTcto  fticv  that  graue  were  tobc  vndeiftood.  Butinalthcir  Editions,  alfo 
xnthat  which  was  printed  the  ycarc  next  folowing,  1603  wherto  the  fame 
table  is  adioyncd,  they  rea(ie^»viK»,  and  not /jf/ in  thatplacc,  though  infome 
*  other  places,  they  much  difagrce'in  tranflating  the  fime  word. 

As  forthefenfe,  itcan  not  be  that  lacob  mentthegranc:  for  when  hefaid  he 
Iicob  fpake  wouldgoetohisfonnc,  he  fuppofed  him  to  bedeuoured  by  a  wild  beaft,  and 
of  hel  not  of  rot  buried  in  a  graue.  And  therfore  muft  ncccOTarily  meane,that  he  vould  goe 

Wilful  cor- 

Ep.   Itf. 
S.    4^g. 
It.  10. 
c.  i^.ci' 

1.  Reg. 
Zl.  lob. 
17    P^/- 




where  he  thought  the  fouleofhisfonnc  to  be.  Which  was  neither  in  heauen, 
far  then  he  would  rather  haue  sfcended  thither  ioyfil,  then  dcfcendcd  to 
anic  place  mourning;  neither  did  he  meanc  the  hel  ofthe  dammed,  for  that 
benedcfperation  ;  but  to  aloweplace,  where  thciuftfoulcs  then  remained  in 
relt,  which  was  called  Limbus  Patrum,  or  Abrahams  bofbme.  That  is,  faith 
S.  Augufiin,  in  his  anfwcrc  to  Bilhop  Euodius  ('Ep]{\.  py.)  Jecreu  cun^jdam 
^metuhabudtio.  The  hiKbiuiioooii  tcrtaiac  fccret  reft. 


C  II  A  p. 

ofeph.  Gen  is  IS,  ii^ 

Chap.     XXXVIIL 

lnd4S  hAHing  three fonnes  hjf  a  Ch^ntinite.  6.  marieth  the  frfly  dnd  after  his 
death,  iijepcorKi to  ThumAr.  10.  '^ko  Aifo  dyings  he  deUjethto  match 
the  third  \\7.'(6  her.  i;.  But  himftlft  begetteth  of  her  (  tuning  her  for  A 
harlott)  two  jonr.ei  tu.  tnnesy  rhares  and  Zj.rn^ 

I  ^"Y^  H  E  =■  fame  time  ludas  going  downc  frcm  his  brethren,  ::  Moyfcs  fa 

a     k     turned  in  to  a  man  an  OdoUamite, named  Hiras.  j- And  ^'^"^th  here 

he  fawe  there  the  daughter  of  a  man  of  Chanaan.  called  f  ^"^ '^^J^V^* 
111  iT       1       jj  11  bccauicChnit 

Sue:  and  takmg  her  to  wite ,  he  did  companie  with  her.  fi^ould  be 

3  -j-  Whoconccautd,  and  bare  a  Tonne,  and  called  his  name  borne  of  the 

4  Her.  I  And  conceamng  a  childeagaine,fhe  called  her  fonne  gcncalogic  of 
J  after  he  >r as  borne,  Onan.  t  She  bare  alfo  the  third  :  ^rhom  ^^^""l^J^' 

Ihe  called  Sela.  alter  vhofe  birth,  l>ie  ceafed  robeareany       '        *   ' 
C  more,  f  And  ludas  gaue  a  vife  to  Her  his  firft  begotten, 
7  named  Thamar.   t   Alio  Her  the  firft  begotten  of  ludas, 

was  wickedin  the  light  of  our  Lord  :  and  -was  (laine  of  him, 

5  f  ludas  therfore  laid  to  Onan  his  ionne:  companie  with 
thy  brothers  wile, and  be  ioyncd  to  her,  that  thou  mayeft 

5)  "  rayfe  fcede  to  thy  brother,  f  He  knowing  that  the  chil- 
dren Thouldnot  be  borne  tohimfelfe,  companying  with  his 
brothers  wife,  fr  ed  his  feede  vpcn  the  ground,  led  children 
10  mi,;ht  be  borne  in  his  brothers  name,  -j-  And  therforeour 

II  Lord  flroke  him,  becaufe  he  did  a  dereftable  thincr.  -[•  For 
the  which  caule  ludas  faid  to  Thamar his  daughter  m  lawe; 
Be  a  widowe  in  thy  lathers  houfe,  til  Sela  my  fonne  <^rowe 
vp  :  for  he  feared  lefl:  he  alfo  might  dye,  as  his  brethren,  ^ho 

XI  went  her  way  and  dwelt  in  lier fathers houfe.  -f  Andafter 
many  daycs  were  come  and  gone:  the  daughter  of  Sue  the 
wife  of  ludas  died  :  who  ahter  his  mournin?^  hauincr  recei- ' 
ued  confolation,  went  vp  to  the  (hearers^ of  his  Jhcepc,'  - 

liimfclFc  and  Hiras  his  shepheard  of  his  flocke ,  rheOdo- 

15  Limite,inroThamnas.  f  And  it  was  told  :=  Thamar  that  her  ::Tliamarff«- 
fatherin law  came  vp  into  Thamnas  to  sheare  his  shcepe.  ned  defiring 

14  t  Whoputtingofthe  gvirments  of  her  widowhood,  tooke  '°  ^'^  *  "^°" 
a  veile :  and  changing  her  habite,  fate  in  the  crolfe  way,  that  i^l^fj  nu  "V 
Icadeth  to  Thamnas :  becaufe  Sela  was  growne,  and  she  had  at^  ;  aai""' , 

i;  not  taken  him  to  her  hulband.  \  Vhom  vhen  ludas  had  "    *      " 

lio  Genesis. 

tu^as  frnncS.    fecne,  he  fuppofedlicr  to  be  an  harlot :  for  she  had  couered 
lying  with  a   her  face,  Jelt  she  should  be  kno\Tcn ,  f  And  going  vnto  i6 
Wt^S  A^^n  her,  hefaid:  Suffer  me  to  lye  with  thee:  for  he  knew  her 
11.  c  6i!?i.&"^'^  f°  ^^  ^''^  daughter  in  law.  Who  anfwering  :  What  wilt 
if  cont.fauft.  i^^o^  geue  me  that  thou  maiefccnioymy  companie?  f  He  17 
faid :  I  wil  fend  thi^e  a  kid  out  of  the  flockcs.  And  when  flic 
faidagainc:  I  wil  fuffcr  that  thou  wilt,  if  thou  geue  me  a 
pledge ,   til  thou  fend   that  which  thou  doeft  promi(e_^  j 
t  ludas  faid :  What  wilt  thou  to  be  gcucn  thee  foi  a  pledge  ?   i8 
She  anfwcred:  Thy  ring,  and  bracelet,  and  ftaffe  which 
thou  holdeft  in  thy  hand.  The  vyoman  thcrforc  by  once 
companying  conccaued,  f  and  rifing  the  went  her  way :  and  15 
putting  of  the  apparel  which  the  had  taken,  put  on  the  gar- 
ments of  her  widowhood,  f  And  ludas  lent  1  kid  By  his  i9 
shephard  the  Odolaraite,  that  he  might  rcceiuc  the  pledge 
againe,whichhehadgcuento  the  woman:  who  when  he 
had  not  found  her,  f  he  asked  the  men  of  that  place:  Where  11 
is  the  woman  that  farcin  the  crofFe  way  J  Al making  anfwe're: 
There  was  no  harlot  in  this  place,  f  He  returned  to  ludas,  11 
andfaid  to  him:  I  haue  not  found  her:  yea  the  m;n  aHo 
of  that  place  faid  vnto  me,  that  there  ncucr  fate  harlot  there, 
t  ludas  faid:  Let  her  take  it  to  her,  furely  she  can  not  charge  25 
vswith  a  lye,  I  fcnt  the  kid  which  I  promifed :  and  thou 
dideft  nor  find  her.  f  And  behold  after  three  moneths  they  24 
told  ludas,  {ayingrThamar  thy  daughter  in  law  hath  played 
the  harlot,  and  her  bellie  femeth  to  C^el.  And  ludas  faid: 
::A(^ultnepu-  ^""§  her  forth -' that  she  may  be  burnt,  f  Who  when  she  if 
nifable  by        Was  led  to  execution,  she  fent  CO  her  father  in  law,  faying: 
death,  in  the  By  that  man ,  whbfe  thefe  thinj^s  arc,  haue  I  conceaued; 
lavofnature.  lookc  whofe  the  ring  is,  and  the  bracelet,  and  the  ftaffe... 

t  who  acknowledging  the  giftfs,  faid:  Sheisiuftcrthen  I:  16 
becaufe  I  did  not  geue  her  to  Selamy  fonne.But  he  knew  her 
no  more,  f  And  when  she  was  rcadic  to  be  brought  to  bed,  27 
there  appeared  twinnes  in  her  bellie:  and  in  the  verie  deli* 
uerie  ofthe  infants,  one  put  forth  the  hand,  wherin  the 
midwife  tyed  a  fkarlet  firing ,  faying :  f  This  shal  come  28 
forth  the  former,  -f  Butbedravring  backe  his  hand,  the  o-  29* 
ther  came  forth  :  and  the  woman  faid  :  Why  is  the  partition 
diuided  for  thee?  and  for  this  caufc  ca'lcd  his  name  Phares. 
t  Afterward  hisbrothercame  forth,  in  whofe  handwas  the  5* 
fkarciet  firing  :  whom  she  called  Zara. 


iJoieph.  .;  :  &^.»15 1  s,  iL2.« 

A  N  N  O  T  A  T  I  ON  S. 

8.  KHife  fe<fetothyhrother^  Bv  rhisit  appcaTcch,  thatin  rliclaw'of  narufe,  .°Y^  *  "*^" 
when  a  maricd  man  died  v/ithoutilluc,  bis  bro -her  might  lawfully  mane  the  p*^/.  "V"^'*^ 
widow  i  whole  firl:  (bnne  Ihould  he  counted  and  calledthc  Tonne  and  hey  re  ^  .-  .'*',  ^ 
ot  his  vnde  dead  befoie.  The  fame  was  crtablilhed  by  the  law  oi  MoyVes  ^!f':">tne  law 
hichViein'gnowabtosiatcd,  it  fcmjinetii  in  the  Churches  powrc  _,, 

(Deut.zf )  VVh.^..  «  w,.,g..ww  „i.i^,j,».v.^,  .V  .^ ..^... V  x^..v.»^..v^  r':'"  •"  1 

to  conftitute.-' law  int'-isbehalh,and  confequcntly  to  dilpence in  thclame,  lib   , 

fan  c  as  i  s  agreable  wi  th  the  law  of  nature.  V  VheroH'ee  more,  Lcuir.i  8 . 

o  _  -     o 

ecreeis  now 

Chap.     XXXIX. 

Jofeph  hein^tn  rreit  crcdite  ^ithhk maijler^h^th tht'^hole charge oj fjis 
houfe.  7.  Contemningha  my/^nsfoliaration  ti:nncorittnemie,\^.  n  falfly 
acciifi'dbji  her  to  hn  mujler.  20.  and  caft  into  ^nforiy  2'.  "^hert  amine 
he  ^etteth  credite^  and  hath  the  charge  ofal  tht prijoners. 

1  '"!"'  H  E  R  F  o  R  E  lofeph  ^ras  brought  in  to  i€gypt,and  Pu~ 

X    riphar  an  Eunuch  of  Pharao,  prince  of  his  armie,  a  man 
of/£gvpt  bought  hinn_.,  at  the  hand  of  the  Ifmaehtes,  by 

2  whom  he  was  brought,  f  And  '•'  our  Lord  was  with  him,  ..j^l-^jj  ^^^^ 
and  he  was  a  man,  that  in  al  things  cJid  profperoufiv  :  and  duedwirhai 

3  he  dwelt  in  his  maifters  houfe,  f  who  knevce  vcrie  wel  that  ^'t^rtues  ^^^as  a 
our  Lord  was  with  him,  and  that  al  thinges  which  ht  did,  ^J'*'^'^'^"^'^* 

4  were  dire  ded  by  him  in  his  band.  •\  And  lofeph  found  grace  ne*^'s\*Amb  li' 
before  his  maifter,  and  miniitred  to  him;  bv  whom  being  deloleph.c.i. 
made  ruler  ouer  al  his  thinges,  he  gouerned  the  houfe  com- 
mitted to  him_.  ,   and  al  thinges  that  were  deliuered  vnto 

$  him:    f  and  onr  Lord  blelfed  the  houfe 'of  the  y£gyptian 

for  lofephes  fake,  and  multiplied  as  wel  in  houfes  ,  as  in  The  fouic 

6  landes  al  his  fubftancc-/  f  Neither  knew  he  any  other  cardinal  ver- 
thing,  but  the  bread  which  he  did  eatc.  And  lofeph  yas  of  f""  '«ii;«cd 
beautiful  countenance^  ,  and  comelv  fmorcd   to   behold  .  '"^""• 

7  t  After  maniedayestherfore  his  maif^felTe  caft  her  eyes  on 

8  lofeph,  and  laid:  Siccpe  with  me.  f  Who  '■'■  in  no  wile  af- ..  ~ 
fcnting  to  that  wicked  ad,  faid  to  her:  Behold,  my  maifter  rancc"'^^' 
hauine  deliu.^red  al  thmgcs  vn'-o  me,  knoweth  not  what 

5>  hehachin  his  owne  houf*^ :  t  "'-^ithcr  is  there  any  thing 

Q^  which 

irt  Genesis.  lofeph. 

\rhicaisnotinmypo'jrcr,or  tharhc  hath  not  deliuered  ro 
rtlttftice.         me,  befide  thee,  that  art  his  ^ife ;  "  hovs'  therfbre  can  I  do 

this  wicked  thing,  and  finneagainft'my  God?  f  With  thefe  lo 
K  rortitudc.    kinde  of  wordes  •-  day  by  day  both  ths  wo^nan  vphs  impor- 
tune vpon  the  young  man:  and  he  refiifed  the aduoutrie. 
t  And  it  chanced  on  a  certaine  day,  that  lofcph  went  into  n 
thehoufe,  and  did  feme  bufinflle  without  anic  man  vo-ith 
hiiTL^:  f  and  ihe  catching  the  fkirte  of  his  garment,  faid :   u 
.;Pradcncc.     Sieepe  with  me.  who  ••  leauingt'ie  cloke  inher  hand,  fled, 

and  went  forth  abroad,  f  And  when  the  woman  fawe  the  15 
garment  in  her  handes,  and  her  felfc  to  be  contemned,  f  (he  14 
called  to  her  the  men  of  her  houfe,  and  faid  to  them :  See  he 
hath  brought  in  an  Mebrew,  to  dehide  vs :  he  came  vpo.n  me, 
for  to  He  with  me  :  and. when  I  had  cried  out,  -j-  and  he  heard-  ly 
my  voice,  he  left  the  cloake  that  I  held,  and  Hed  forth,  f  For  iS 
an  argument  therfore  of  her  credite,  i>ie  referucd  the  cloake, 
andlhewcdit  to  her  huiband  returning  home,  f  and  faid:   17 
There  came  vnro  me  the  Hebrew  fcruant,  whom  thou didefl 
bring  hither,  for  to  delude  me:  f  and  when  he  heard  me  18 
crie,  he  left  the  cloke  which  I  held,  and  fled  forth,  f  His  19 
maifter  hearing  thefe  thingcs,  and  geuing  ouer  light  credice 
to  his  wines  wordes,  was  very  wrath:  -f  aiKl  dcliutred  lofeph  10 
intoprifon,  where  thckinges  prifoners  were  kept,  and  lie 
-God  is  more  "(jtras  there  Out  vp.  f  And-  our  Lord  waswirli  Jofcph,  and  11 
rpecially  wnh  J^^^^jj-^^  mercie  vpon.'him  oaue  him  ^race  in  the  fi^ht  of  iht 
afflidionthen  ^^''^-'■^^^  theprurn.  7  Wno  deliviercdni  his  hand  al  the  pri-  zi., 
in  profperitic.  foners  that  were  kept  in  cufl:odii?:and  whatfoeiiierwas  done, 
5  Amb  li.dc    wasvnderhim.  f  Ncytherdid  himfclfe  knowe  anything,  z} 
l«r^ph.c.;,     hauing  committed  al  things  to  him :  for  our  Lord  was  with 
him,  and  dire ded  al  his  workes. 

Chap.     XL. 

lofeph  inter preteth  the  Jregmrs  of  two  Ean if  chet  prifoners  il.  that  the  one 
ihoidd  be  reflorecl  to  hts  office,  16.  the  other  he  hangeJ^  20.  7"-??^  third  day 
the eHentdeclareth  the'inttrPretattons  to  he  true,  hut  lofepls  is  forgotten. 

TH  E  s  E  thinges  being  fo  don?  ,  it  chanced  that  two  i 
EunucheSjthe  cupbearer  of  th-  king  o^  i£gvpti  and 
Hs  baker,  offended  againft  .their  lord,  f  And  Pharao  being  a. 

[ofcph.  Genesis.  li^ 

vntKagainftrliem  (for  the  one  was  chicfe  of  the  cupbea- 
3  rers,  th-c  orhcr  chiefe  b.iJccr)  f  helenrrheminrathcprifoii 

ofthecaprainc  of  the  (ouldicrs ,  in  the  >»'hich  lofeph  alfo 
4  \ras  priloncr.  t  But  the  keeper  of  the  pnTon  deliuercd  them 

to  lofcphjwho  alfo  miniftrer]  to  them :  fome  litle  time  was 
;  pafTed,  and  they  were  kept  in  cuilodie.  f  And  they  fawc 

echofthem  both  a  dreame  in  one  night,  according  to  an 

6  interpretation  agreing  to  them  felucs  :   f  to  whom  when 

7  lofeph  was  cntred  in  themorning,and  faw  them  fad,  f  he 
asked  them,  faying:  why  is  your  countenance  fadfler  to  day 

%  then  it  was  woout?  f  Who  anfwered  :  We  hauc  feenc  a 
dreame,^  thercisno  bodictointerprcteitto  vs.  And  lofeph 
faid  tothem:  why  "  doth  not  interpretation  belong  to  God? 

9  Tel  me  what  you  haue  fccnc^ .  f  The  chiefc  of  the  cup» 

bearers  firft  told  his  dreamt^  :  I  faw  before  me  a  vine.^ , 

10   t  wherin  were  three  branches,  growing  by  litle  and  litlc 

into  buddcs,  andafter  the  blollbmes  the  grapes  waxed  ripe: 

n  f  and  the  cup  of  Pharao  inmy  hand  :  and  I  rookc  the  gra- 
pes, and  wrong  them  into  the  cup  which  I  held,  and  I  gauc 

It  the  cup  to  Pharao.  f  lofeph  anlwered:  This  is  the  inter- 
pretation of  thedrcame:  The  three  branches,  are  yet  three 

15  dayes  :  f  afterthe  which  Pharao  wil  remember  thy  fcruice, 

and  wil  reftore  thee  to  thy  old  degree  :  and  thou  (bait  geuc 

him  the  cup  according  to  thyne  ofHc<i_. ,  as  before  thou 

14  haddcftwont  to  doe.  f  Onlyremember  mc,  whenit  (hal  be 

wcl  with  thee,  and  doe  me  this  mercie :  to  put  Pharao  in 

ij  mind  that  he  take  me  out  of  this  prifon ;  f  becaufelwas 
takenaway  byftealthjoutofthelandof  the  hebrewes,  and 

i6  here  an  innocent  was  I  cafl: into  the  lake,  f  Thcmaiftcrof 
the  bakers  feing  that  he  had  wifely  rcfolued  the  dreame,  he 
faid :  And  I  alfo  faw  a  dreame.  That  I  had  three  baskettes  of 

17  meale  vpon  my  head  :  f  and  thatin  one  basket  that  was  the 

higher,  I  caried  al  mearcs  that  are  made  by  the  art  of  baking, ..  Death  on 

iS  and  that  the  birds  did  eate  out  of  it.  f  lofeph  anfwered:  thccroffe  v^as 
This  is  the  interpretation  of  the  dreame:  The  three  basketts,  ^°^  "■^'^'>  ^ 

19  are  yet  three  dayes  :  f  after  the  which  Pharao  wil  take  thy  JJ|°|j^  *^crce- * 
head  from  thee,  and  hang;  thee  '•  on  the  erode,  and  the  foules  ro.  7.  Ver :  yet 

20  fhaltcarethy  fleih.  f  The  third  day  after  this  was  the  birth  fufFcieJ  by 
day  of  Pharao  :  who  making  agrcatfeaft  to  hisfcruantes,  Chrift,an(lby 
at  the  banket  he  remcmbred  the  m.iifter  of  the  cupbearers,  ^-^35,"^  J, 

u  and  the  chiefc  pf  the  bakers.  I  And  he  reftorcd  the  one  into  pi^ilipj,^ 

Qjt  his 

124  Genesis.  lofeph, 

his  place,  to  reach  him  the  cupps,  f  the  other  he  hanged  on  zz 
a-  gibbet ,  that  the  truth  of  the  inceppretcr  might  be  appro- 
ued.  t  And  yet  norwithftanding  the  chiefeo!-' the  cupoca-  25 
rers,  profperous  thingcs  fucceeding,  forgat  his  interpreter. 

Chap.     XL. 

Some  di-a-  ^"     Ti'>th  not  mtt^ffr'natiti''n}''elflh}- to  r,<((^  ? ]   Drcamcs  do  come' of  d'uers 

ines  arc  natu    c^'-"^^^-  Some  of  natural  complexion,  or  difpolition,  wherby  Philofophcis  or 

j._j[_  Phifitions  may  probably  iudire  of  the  ftatc  of  mans  bodic-  Sonit  are  rarlif-r 

efFfi-fl'!  of  things  part,  then  fignes  of  anic  thing  to  comt.  Of  which  (oriet  c 

_  ...      wife  maifairh  :  ^reames  dr>  tulovyhiante  (ares.  (Eccle.  5.)  So.*  c  arc  fuygerT.d 

omcarei    ""by  euil  fpirires,  eithcrto  flattcrwoil.-'lrnes  vi'irh  greatprctenfes,  or  t.  "tcrn.*ic 

"IS  o    cui     vi/eake  mi  ides  ys'irh  dangersanJ  affl  iVions,  orr  to  vexe  and  truble  thofe  in 

p    ites.  flecpe,  whom  ihev  can  nor  eafelv  moue  waking,  as    S    Grcgorie  diftouriech 

Some  are  from  (li- 8  Moral  in  cap  7  lob  )  Some  dreamcsarc  of  God,  asm  Jacob,  lo^eph. 

Cod.  thcfe  EunuchfS,  Pharao,  Naburhodonolor,  and  others  borh  good  ^nd  euil  x)j«.4 

mt?n.  But  to  difccrne,  andalTiiredlv  to  iudgeof  (ome  dreames,  whether  they 

,,   .      ^    ..         bcfrom  God,  by  holie  Angels,  orilliifionsof  euilfpirites,  is  afpecialgifrof 

,  y  God.asalfothe  mtcrprerationrhcrof  bclonecth  to  God.asloleph  htic  teili 

tureandth.e  r    1      -irtri     r  \      r  1  1      r  °      n       ,        ■  1         '  t- 

^L       1  herh  .  v  Vhofoeuer  therfore  wil  be  Iccurc  muft  relic  cither  vpoa   expre Tc 

Church  are  c-     ■  •    1  ri^ii  /-i  '1 

-    j^  r  Scripture,  or  mdgcment  of-  the  Churdi,  as  in  cmmous  Ipeaches  was  noted 

J    ^]   c  ]  i.      before  (  chap.  14.  ]  Otherwifc  the  general  lulc is,  not  to  obferue  dreanics. 
..ouDirL.  cr.-  j^^^^    jg^  ,^:  V    ,-,-     .,..         .., 


Chap.     XLI. 

rhrao  dreamrng  off't  cy  Uane  kine.^.alfo  offulandthinne earti  ofcorhe, 
Z.  no  other  bein(r able  tn  interprete,<)  Jofephis  rcmtmLrcd.  l^.Jt>io  in- 
terpret injr  the  fame.  38.  *f  nuderu'ereaer  at  JE^jPt,  <o.  mantthyaud 

,.  hAiL irMfanncifMAn-jicyAndEphrAinh.       ■    '      ^    '      j 

::  Phirao  Kii  'f^jr  ft  e  r  ' fa^o  yeares  ••  Pharao  faW  a  Hi^eame.He  tlioughc  J 
dreames,  and  f\  j^^  .ftood  vpon  a  fiu^r ,  f  Qut  oF  the  which  came'vp  i 
nis   L«in  iclies  r  ^  •         c  •  ^  r  i-       1  t    1         r    %  ■  ■  ^ 

were  prophe^   Icucn kmc,  hurc  and  fat  cxctedinoly  ;  ^nd  rlsey  fed  in  man .h 

tical.  For  Sy;pbc£sl:t  Other  (cu-ndifocamc  \^<J  out  of  the  riuer,  foule,  5 
thi-mr.od  for-  and; ciTvan.  Lane :  and  rhey^Fcd  on  the  very  banke  of  the      ' 
flK-wed  things-  riu'.r,  in  gi-cnc  places.:  t-  andrhcy  deuoured  them,  that  had  4 
vc'r^!c!^Mcic  ^^.^  iD'tMey.'oui.  bcautie  and  "ood  f^ixre  of  bodies.    Pharao 
no  1.U  uitii     iii:trarkE.Miukci,if  ;ilc»t  a^.iiap,.ahd'iW  an  other  die:imc  :  y 
'    *       '     ;H  i_P  .  Scuui 

ofeph.  Genesis.  iij 

SeiKn  fares  of  coinc  grtw  iorih  vpon  one  flalke  ful  and  but  lofcph: 

6  faire -/f  tl;crt  fpiangailo  other  taics  as  niany,  thuiiiC  and  >^"oluuchc 

7  blaOed  v  ith  auui  ion  ,  f  dcuoui  ng  al  tht  btamic   of  the  ^'cuhein^'X 

8  foimer.  Pliarao  awaking  vp  aUcr  his  reft,  -j-  and  when  /^j^  ii  ji.  cl 
morning  was  come,  being  tiighrtd  with  tearc,  he  fcnr  to  al  9  <j<:  oen  ad 
the  intcrpri  ters  of  .4:gvpr,  and  to  al  the  wiic  men  :  and  they  ^■^■^-  <jiei^-ii. 
being  called  lor, told  them  hisdreame,  neither  vtitsthcreanie  ^'"  ^''■^^_^^  ^^ 

5  thar  could  inrerprere  it.  -f  Then  at  length  rhemaiftcr  or  the 
cupbearers  remembring  himfelFe,  laid  :  T  confcllc  my  l.JWe  .• 

10  t  The  king  being  angiie  with  his  ferunn-es ,  commanded 
me  and  the  chick  ot  the  bakers  to  be  caft  into  theprifori 

II   ofrhecaptaineof  the  louldiers:  f  where  in  one  night  boilj 

li  of  vs  faw  a  dieamc  portending  things  to  come.  -[  Theie 

was  thereayoungman  an  hcbrewjfcruantto  the  fame  cap- 

15  taine  or^  the  ibuldiers :  to  whom  telling  cur  drcamcs,  f  wc 

heard  wharfoeuer  afterward  theeu-  nt  of  the  thing  proucd 

to  be  fo.  for  I  wa-  reftored  to  my  office :  and  he  was  hanged 

14  vponagibbct.  f  Forthwith  at  the  kmges  commandm  nr, 
lofcph  being  brUughr  out  of  the  prifon  they  polled  him  : 

ij  and  changing  his  apparel,  brought  him  vnto  hirru.  f  To 
whom  he  laid:  I  haue  feene  dreames,  and  there  is  not  anic 
that  can  expound  them:  which  I  haue  heard,  thou  doeil 

16  moftNiyifcly  inrcrprete.  -f  lofeph  anfwcred:  Without  me, 

17  God  anlwcre-  profpcrous  thinges  to  Pharao  f  Pharao 
rhrrfore  told  that  he  had  fecne  :  Mc  thought  I  ftoodc  vpon 

18  the  banke  oF  the  riucr ,  f  and  feuen  kine  came  vpout  of 
the  bankc  of  the  riuer,  exceeding  fairc^,  and  fuloffle'h  : 

ip  which  grazed  on  greene  places  in  a  mari  H  pafturc.  f  And 

behold,  there  lolowed  thcfe,  other  feuen  kine  ,  fo  pailing 

il  fauorcd  and  Icane,  that  I  neuer  faw  the  like  intnelcnd 

io  of  ^5:gvpt_^,  t  "^hich  hauing  deuoured  and  confumed  the 

zi   form  r, -f  gaue  no  token  of  their  fulnes:  but  vrith  the  like 

leanenes  and  deformitie.^,  looked  hcauelie.  Awaking,  and 

11  fallen  againe  into  a  deepc  (Icepe ,  f  I  (awe  a  dreame :  Se- 
ucn  eart.s  ofcorne  grew  forth  vpon  one  ftalke,  ful  and  veric 

Z3   faire.  t  Other  feuen  alfo  thinne  and  blasted  ,  with  adu- 
24   ftion,iprangof  the  ftalke :  -f  which  deuoured  the  bcautie 

of  the  former:  I  told  the  dreametothe  conie6tur  rs,  and 
2;  there  is  no  man  that  can  declare  it:^  f  lofcph  anf^rered :  ::TlierfrI,;nM 

The  kinges  dreame  is  one:   God  hath   Ihewed  to   Pharao  came  ro  paift 
1^  <'  the  thinges  tlut  he  wii  doe.  |  The  feuen  faire  kine>  and  h  Gods  par- 

11^  Genesis.  lofepli 

ocular  proui- the  fcucn   fiil  earcs  :   be  feuen  yeres  of  plentirtilncs  :  and 
^^T'^tdr'^'  ^^^^  conteine  the  felfe  famc^  meaning  of  the  dreame.^ . 
caufed )' <*/-«-  t  ^^^^  ^^^  feuen  Icane  and  thinnc  kine,  that  came  vp  after  17 
mine  •*-/«»  the  them^,  and  the  feuen  thinne  eares ,  and  blafted  with  the 
inpd,  burning  \c'inde:  are  feuen  yeares  of  famine  to  come,  f  which   it 

(bal  be  fulfilled  in  this  order,  f   Behold  there    ftial    come  19 
feuen  yearcs  of  great  fertilitie  in  the  whole  Land  of  i£gypt: 
•f"  after  \7hich  (bal  f  oloxre  other  feuen  yeares  of  fo  great  50 
fterihtie,  that  al  the  abundance  before  (hal  be  forgotten: 
for  the  famine  shalconfumeal  the  land,  t  and  the  greatnes  51 
of  the  fcarfitie ,  shal  dcftroy  the  greatnes  of  the  plentie . 
f  And  in  that  thou  dideft  fee  the  fecond  time  a  dreame  per-  31 
teining  to  the  fame  thing:  it  is  a  token  of  the  ccrteintie,  for 
that  the  worde  of  God  shal  come  topalfe,  and  be  fulfilled 
fpedely  .f  Now  therforeletthe  kingprouide  a  wife  man  and  55 
induftrious,  and  make  him  ruler  ouer  the  Land  of^tgypt: 
•}•  that  he  may  appointe  ouerfeers  ouer  al  countries  :  and  54 
gether  into  barnes  the  fifth  part  of  the  fruires,  during  the 
feuen  yeares  of  the  fertiHtie.^ ,  f  that  now  prefently  sKa'I  5; 
cnfewe  :  and. let  al  the.corne  be  laid  vp  ,  vnder  Pharaoes 
handes,  and  let  it  be  referued  in  the  cities,  f  Andletitbc  56 
in  a  readines ,  againfl:  the  famine  of  feuen  yeares  to  come, 
which  shal.opprelTe  i€gypt,  and  the  land  shal  not  be  con- 
fumed  with  fcarfitie.  f  The  counfel  pleafed  Pharao,  andal  57 
his  f(?ruants  :  f  them:  Can  we  find  fuch  an  58 
other  man,  thatis  ful  of  thefpiritcof  God?  f  Hefaid  ther-  59 
fore  to  lofephrBecaufe  God  hath  shewed  thee  al  things  that 
thou  haft  fpoken,  can  I  findawiferandonelike  vnto  thee? 
•{•  Thoushaltbeoucr  my  houfe,  and  at  the  commandment  40 
of  thy  mouth  al  the  people  shal  obey:  only  in  the  throne 
of  the  kingdome  I  wilgoe  before  thee,  -f  Andagaine  Pha-  4E 
laofaidto  Ipfeph:  Behold,  I  haue  appointed  thee  ouer  the 
whole  land  of  >^gypt.-f  And  he.tooke  his  ring  from  his   41 

0  wne  hand,  and  gaiie  it  into  his  hand  :  audhe  put  vpon  him 
a  filkc  roabe,  and  put  a  chaine  of  gold  about  his  neckc. 

t  Andhemadehimgoevpinto  his  fecond  chariot,  the  cryer  45 
proclayming  that  al  should  bo\ye  thqir  knee  before  him, 
andthattl'.ey  should  know  he  was  "  maccgouernour  ouer 
the  whole  Land  of  i^gypt-  t  And  the  king  laid  to  fofeph  :  44 

1  am  Pharao  :  without  thy  commandment  no  man  .shal  moue 
ha«dorfpote.inAlthelaadof.€gypt .  t  And  he  turned  his.  ^$ 



Genesis*  117 

name.,  and  called  him  in  the  Egyptian  toguc''  the  Saniour  of 
the  world.  And  he  gaue  him  to  wife  Afciieth  the  daughter  of 
Puriphar  -  prieftofHeliopohs.  lofeph  therFore  went  forth 

46  to  the  IandofyEgypt(  f  andhe  was  thirtieycaresold  when 
he  flood  in  the  iighc  of  king  Pharao )    and  did  circuitc  al 

47  the  countries  oF  ytgypt.  f  And  the  fcrtilitie  of  the  fcucn 
yeares  cjnie :  and  the  come  being  bound  vp  inxo  ll  eaues 

48  was  gcthered  togcather  into  the  barncs  of  yEgypt.  f  Al 
the  abundance  alio  of  graine  was  laid  vp  irr  cucrie  citie^ , 

4P  f  And  there  was  fo  great  abundance  of  wheat,  that  it  be- 
came equal  to  the  (and  of  the  fca,  and  the  plentie  exceeded 

JO  meafure.  f  And  there  were  borne  vnro  lofcph  two  {onncs 
before  the  famine  came:  whom  Afentth  the  dauohtcr  of 

)i  Putiphar  prieft  of  HtHopolis  bare  lum  f  And  he  calkd  the 
name  ofthefirft  begotten  *  Manaircs,faing  :  God  made  me 

;i  toforgetalmy  labours^&my  fathers  houfe. -j- The  name  alio 
of  the  fecond  he  called  *  Ephraim,  fijng:  God  hath  made 

53  me  to  encreafe  in  the  land  of  my  pouertic.  f  Thcrfore  when 
the  feuen  yeares  of  the  plentitulnes,  that  had  bene  in  vEgypt 

54  were  pafTcd  :  f  the  feuen  yeares  of  {carfiric  beganne  to 
come,  which  lofeph  foretold:  and  in  the  whole  world  the 
famine  pveuailed,    but  in  al  the  land  of  i€gypt  there  ^sras 

5j  bread,  f  The  which  being  in  hunger,  the  people  cried  to 
Pharao, defiring  foode.  To  whom  he  anfwered  :  Goeye  to 
lofcph  :  and  whacfoeuer  he  fi)al  fay  to  you,  that  doe  ye_^ . 

;6  t  And  the  faniinedayly  encrcafed  in  altheland  :  and  lofeph 
opened  al  the  barnes,  and  fold  to  the  >£gyptians:  for  them 

P  alfo  the  famine  had  oprelfcd.  f  Andal  prouinces  came  into 
>£gypr,  to  buy  vidtualcs,and  to  moderate  the  miferie  of  the 

: '.Cohen  fignifi- 
j«h  prieit;  as 
ni.t  only  ihe 
larin,  hut  alfo 
and  Iclcphus 
liere  tianflatc 
though  fdiuc- 
timcs  it  figni- 
UtrhptDue.  as 
the  Chaldcy 
w-herby  it  is 
probable  that 
this  Putiphar 
was  both  a 
prieft ,  and  a 

Chap.     XL  I. 

\^.  ^lair^^okcrnour  ]   It  is  cafie  in  the  eye^ofGod,  fuddenly  to  enrich  the  HoHe  rofeph 
poorc.  For  who  voulihauc  thought  (raithPhilo  }  thatinone  day  aboudman  fuddenly  ad- 
Ihouldbcmadealord,  a  pooic  priTor.crthe  chiefe  of  the  nobilitic,  an  Tndcr  uanced, 
gaolor  the  viceroy,or  kings  dcputie,  fora  comiiion  prifon  to  hauc  a  kinglic  I 

court  of  his  owne,  from  extreme  ignominie.  to  afcendintofohiegha  roomc 
of  dignitie  ! 

45.  s-iuiouroj  theyyorU]  lo  the  originaltcxt  the  ncv?  name  and  title  gcuca 

ii8  Genesis.  lofcph. 

hy  pharde to  fo/e^hi^  exprc(^cdhY  (hck  two  werdcs,  Saphnath  t>aha»aath:  the 

formci  fiphtath  in  Hcbrcvs'  fi^n'fierh  a  fecrete  or  hidden  thing,  of/a/'/'dw  to 
-  hide  :  but  the  figniticationofthe  other  vcord  pahanaaili,  is  inorc  vnccitaine, 

being  found  no  where  els  in  the  holie  Bible.  The  Rabins  do  commonly  inter- 
lofcpn  truly  pretc  them  both  together,  r/jewd'i  to  vvl>on  fetrcies  we  rcurled,  oi,  The  reueler 
called  the  ic-  gj  /ecetes.  and  Co  this  name  a^reeth  weltolofeph,  in  refpcd  ofthegifr  ofin- 
Ueler  of  i'c-  terpreting  dreamcs  .  But  bchdes  his  interpreting ,  he  aUb  gai;e  moft  wife 
^rets.  counfel,  that  tended  to  the  faftieof  manie,  which,  it  is  like,  Pharaomentto 

exprclfe  by  this  new  name.  And  S  Hierom,  who  doubtlcs  with  great  dili- 
Butmore  ho-  gence,  and  no  leil'e  iudgemcnt,  fearched  the  true  figniricationthciof,  faith, 
norably,  tlic  thatalbeit this  namein  Hebrew foundeth  ^^t'flndcr  out  of  fecrets,  yet  fcing 
Sauiour  of  the  it  wasimpofedby  an  ^Egyptian  ( who  knew  no  Hebrew)  the  reafon  therof 
world  muft  be  had  of  the  fame  tongue ;  and  thefe  two  wordes  in  the  iEgyptian  lan- 

ThennafiCTa-  gua^e  arc  interpreted  r  he  Santonr  of  the -py  irld :  forthat  he  dcliucrcd  the  world 
rcofChraft.  fiomthe  iminentruine  of  famine  Thus  faith  S.  Hierom  And  fo  moft  aptly 
.'         "   ,  thcficrureanlwercth  toChnft,  thetruc  S  A  V  lo  VR  of  the  world. 

Chap.     XLII. 

Jacob  fenJeth  tenne  of  his  foanes  to  hye  eorne  m  JE^jpt.  ?•  "Xfiherejoftph 
l^nowin^themythey not i^noWmr hnnyl»ith hard  [peaches  pu'tet^-  them 
inprtfon.  18.  y€f  Uft  Simeon  remjtynng  in  a-Jodie^  til  Beniamm  be 
broH^btj  the  reft  are  dijmjjedy  ly  ^fiuh  their  moneys  l>nknorVtH  to  tf}^my 
tn  tboir 

ANd  lacobheviiing,  that  viduilrs  were  fold  in  ^gypt,  i 
hefaidto  hisfonnes:  why  negled  ye?  f  I  haue  hcaid  1 
that  wheat  is  {oJd  in  .€gypt :  Goe  ye  downe,  and  bye  vsne- 
ceifarics,  that  we  may  Hue,  and  not  be  confumcd  with  lacke. 
f  Therforethe  tenne  brethren  of  lofeph  going  downe,  to  5 
bye  corne  in  y£gypt,  f  Beniamin  being  kept  at  home  by   4 
lacob,  who  faid  to  his  brethren:  Lcftperh.ips  he  take  any 
harme  in  the   iourncy ;  -f-  entred  into  the  land  of  ^gypt^  5     - 
with  others  that  went  to  bye.  for  the  famine  was  in  the  land 
ofChanaan.  f  And  lofcph  was  prince  in  the  land  ol"  ^€gvpt,  6 
and  at  his  pleafure  corne  was  (old  to  the  people.  And  when 
his  brethren  had  adored  hira  ,  j  and  he  knewe  them,  he  7 
fpake  as  it  were  to  ftrangers  "  fom^what  roughlv,  asking 
them  :  From  whence  came  youJWtio  anfwered  :  From  t!.e 
Land  of  chanaan,  thatwe  may  bye  nccellaries  roliue.  f  And  8 
J'et.hinifcjfe  knowing  his  brethren,  was  not  kr.owen  of 
them,  t  And  renjcnibring  the  dreames,  which  fome  times  9 
he  had  Rene,  he  faid  10  rliVm:  "  You  are  fpies :  to  view  the 


lofeph.  Genesis.  T19 

10  'vreaker  parts  of  the  land  you  aue'comc.  f  Who  faid  :  It  is 
notfo,  my  lord,  but  thy  feruantes  are  come  to  bye  viAu- 

11  ^Is.  -f  We  are  al  the  fonncs  of  one  man:  we  are  come  as 
men  of  peace,  neither  do  thy  feruantes  goe  about  anie  euiJ. 

11  f  To  whom  he  anfwered:  It  is  othcrwife:  you  came  to 

13  eonfider  the  vndefenfed  partes  of  this  land,   t  ^^^  they: 

'We  thy  feruantes,  fay  they,  are  twelue  brethren,  the  fonnes 

of  one  man  in  the  Land  of  Chanaan:  the  youngeft  is  with  our 

14  father,  the  other  is  not  liumg.  f  This  is  it,  quoth  he,  that 

1/  Ifaid:  Youare  fpies.   f-  Now  prefently  I  wil  take  a  trial  of 

you:  "  by  the  health  of  Pharao  you  thai  not  depart  hence, 

16  vntilyouryoungell  brother  do  come,  f  Send  you  one  ofyou 
to  bring  him:  and  you  be  in  prifon,  til  the  thinges  be 
proued  which  you  haue  faid,  whether  they  be  true  or  falfe  : 

17  "  otherwife  by  the  health  of  Pharao  you  are  fpies.  f  Ther-  r.  Ifthcfe 

18  fore  he  put  them  in  prifon  three  dayes .  f  ^^^  ^^^^  ^'^^'^'^  '^^Y  ^^'"^^  v/nicfe 
bringing  them  out  of  prifon,  he  faid  :  Doe  as  I  haue  faid,  ^^/t^,l  ^^^' 

1^  and  you  fhal  Hue  :  for  I  fcareGod.  f  If  you  be  men  of  peace,  ^^.^^^^  b/held 
let  one  of  your  brethren  be  bounde  in  prifon:  and  goe  ye  as  fpies,  for 
your  waycs,  and  carie  the  corne  that  you  haue  bought^  vnto  youi  lying. 

10  your  houfes,   t   and  brinc>  your  youncieft  brother  to  me ,  ^  Aug.  q. 159. 

u      T  r       "^  r  ^  1     L  J.     fupeiGcn, 

that  1  may  proue  your  iaymgs  to  be  true,  and  that  you  die     '■ 

21   not.    They  did  as  he  had  faid,  •\  and  they  talked  one  to 

another:  Worthdy  do  wc  fuffer  thefe  thinges,  becaufe  wc 

haue  fmned  againft  our  brother,  feing  tlie  diftreile  of  his 

foule,  whileft  he  befought  vs,  and  we  heard  not:  therForc 

11  is  this  tiibularion  come  vpon  vs.  f  i^mong  whom  Ruben 
oneof  them,  fud  :  why,  did  not  I  fiy  to  you:  Sinne  not  a- 
gainft  the  boy:  and  you  heard  me  not  ?  Loc  his  blood  is  re- 

25  quired,  f   And  they  kne\r  not  that  lofeph   vnderftood: 

24  becaufe  he  fpake  to  them  by  an  interpreter.  •{•  And  he  tur- 
ned away  himfclfc  a  litlc  while,  and  wept:  and  returning 

5j  he  fpake  to  them,  f  And  taking  Simeon,  and  binding  him 
in  their  prefence  ,  he  commanded  Lis  feruantes  that  they 
ftiouldfilvp  their  fackes  with  wheat,  and  put  euerie  mans 
money  againe  in  their  bagges,  geuing  them  befides  for  to 

iG  eate  on  the  way  :  who  did  fo.  f  But  they  carying  their  come 

27  vpon  their  alfes,  tooke  their  iourney.  f  And  one  of  them 
opening  his  facke,  to  geue  his  beafl:  proucnder  in  the  innc, 

28  beholding  the  money  in  the  fackes  raoucid,  f  he  faid  to  his 
bi'ethrcn  :  My  money  is  geuen  me  againe,  behold  it  is  in  the 

R  facke. 

f^o  Genesis;  lofeph, 

fackc.  And  being  aftonyed,   and  trubled  annongeft  them- 
fclues,  they  faid  :  What  is  this,  that  God^hath  done  vnto  V5  ? 
•f   And  they  came  to  lacob  their  father'into  the  land  of  i^ 
Chanaan,   and  they  told  him  al  thinges  that  had  chanced 
vnto  them^,  faying:  f   The  lord  of  the  land  fpake  to  vs  30 
roughly,  and  thought  vs  to  be  fpies  of  theprouince,  f  to  31 
whomweanfwercd:  We  are  men  of  peace,  neither  do  we 
attempt  any  treachery  .  f  We  arc  twelue  brethren  borne  52 
of  one  father;  one  is  not  lining,  the  youngeft  is  with  our 
father  in  the  Land  of  Chanaan.  f  Who  faid  to  vs;  Thus  flial  33 
I  trie  that  you  be  men  of  peace  :  Leaue  one  of  your  brethren 
with  me,  and  take  ye  prouifion  neceflarie  for  your  houfes, 
and  goe  your  wayes,  f  and  bring  your  youngeft  brother  to  34. 
me,  that  I  may  know  you  are  not  fpies :  and  you  may  receiuc 
this  felowe  againe,  that  is  kept  in  prifon :  and  afterwardes 
may  hauc  licence  to  bye  what  thinges  you  wiU  f    'j^bis  55 
being  faid,  when  they  powrcd  out  their  corne,eucrie  man    ^ 
found  his  money  tied  in  the  mouth  of  the  fackes :  and  al 
being  aftonyed  together,  f   their  father  lacob  faid:   You  3^^ 
haue  made  me  to  be  without  children,  lofeph  is  not  liuing, 
Simeon  is  kept  in  bondcs,  and  Beniarnin  you  wi]  take  away: 
althefe  euils  are  fallen  vpon  rce.  f  To  whom  Ruben  an-  37- 
fwered:  Kil  my  two  foiines,  if  I  bring  him  not  againe  to 
thee  rdeliuer  him  into  my  hand,  and  I  wil  reftore  him  vnto 
thee,  t  But  he  faid  :  My  fonne  (hal  not  go  downe  with  you :  38 
his  brother  is  dead,  and  he  alone  is  reraayning:  if  any  ad- 

::Myno](lagc  uerfitic  shal  chance  to  him  in  the  land  to  the  which  you 

or, me  an  old    ^^^      ^  5{^.^j  b^-incr clown?  ''  my hoare h^arcs  with  forowe. 

man.  5. Aug;-    //  u   1  ■  "      ■  " 

ci.H^.      ^    /vntohcl. 

Chap.     X  L  1 1.; . 

7,  some  yyhat roughly]  Tofcplj  afflifted  his  btetlicren  to  bring  tlicm  into 

Contrition       confidcration  orthcirformcrfaultes,and  to  true  Gontrition.VVithout  which, 

ncceirarie  for    though  iniwries  be  remitted  by  men,  yet  the  offenders  are  nor  abfolucd  before 

thcremifnon    God.Therforc  he  looingrhem^and  hating  their  finne,by  afflidion  btought 

of  finncs,  t'i<^i"  to  vndcrflanding.    Who  iKing  at  hit  truly  penitent,  he  acknowledged 

and  moft  louingly  embraced  them,  and  prouidcd  for  them  in  their  nccelfitie. 

S.  jlug.fer.U.  detemp.  And  this  c\'ample  S.  Grcgorie  {  ho.  xi-inEzcch  )  appli- 

;j:h€totheinftruaibnofpaftorsofIbuIes:that  they  procure  true  repentance 


lofeph.  Genesis.  151 

before abfolution of flnncs.?fe  ji  inordinate  culpa.  dimittituY,  is  qui  efi  cnlpahilis,  Difordcrlie  re 
in  reatf*  ^yamusajh-tngatur.  Leit,  if  the  fault  he  c{iforderly  remitted  be  that  isfaultiebt  miflion    is 
moregremn.flymta>*xled>ngiiUtofes7ifcfencc  :  rherfore  with  itlucK  dlfcretion  fe-   hurtful, 
ueritieinflicirj&clemencie  in  mind  arc  required. 

9.  rou^arefpits]   To  the  fame  purpofe  he  calleh  them  fpies  .   After  the  Tof-pi,     11    r 
mancr  of  examiners  calling  fufpe^led  perfons,  as  they  may  feme  to  be  :  thcrby  1  ■   1  .    'j*  ^^ 
totrievchatthey  would  antver.Al  for  their  holfome  penance,  and  vt/ichal  to  f^icsf      ^h^' 
procure  them  afterwards  more  compalFion  among  the  ^Egyptians.  S.  Aug.  q.  X>qJ  ^^'^ 

155).  fuper.  Gen.  ° 

If.     By  the  health  ofvharao,  ]    lofeph  in  fwearing  by  Pharaos  health, bono-  Jii^u^c  \ 
rcdGod,"^thegcuer  and  conferuer  of  health,  hfe,  power,  dignitie  and  al  that  fv/earebvcr«i 
was  in  Pharao.wherby  we  fee  that  this  mancr  of  fwearing  was  lawful,  As  now  ^  ^ 

likewifeChriflianslawfullyfwearc not  only  by  God^but  alfo  by;his  creatures, 
faying  :  As  God  ilialhelpe  them, &  his  holie  Gofpcls:  fo  itbc  with  due  circum- 
ftanccs,  and  requilite  conditions,  namely  with  thole  which  the  Prophet  Hie- 
H:er.  4.  i^mii  ratTvnonzi)^  ^m  truth,  in  iwdgement,  and  in  mjiue:  not  Ci\?Cy  ra(b,  nor  of  an 
yniufl:  thing  :  nor  in  frequent  and  comon  talke  (a  moft  bad  cuftome)  for  fo 
Mac.  ;.  thou muft neither fwcare by  God himfclf,  nor(  as  our  fauiour  teacherh)  by  ,     -  ^ 

heauen,  nor  by  the  earth,  nor  by  Hierufalem,  nor  by  thy  head,  nor  anie  thing  lo^C  cafe 
els:  fignifying  thacin  fome  cafe, and  duemanerwemayfweareby  any  ©fthefe.  "^^"-^  conuc- 
Andinthisparticularlofepkdidrather  namePharaoinhisoath  then  God,  as  ^^^""^  ^"^"  ^'^ 
vcel  toconcealehirafelfas  yetfrom  his  brethren,  as  to  ftrike  mots  terrourin  "^^^  *-'0<i  c^"! 
their  hartes,  by  naming  his  maftcr  the  King,  in  whom  he  had  more  intereft  ^^^  ^' 
then  they. 

j8.  ynto  hel.  ]  To  that  place  where  foules  remaine,  as  before,  chap.  37, 
V.  5y.  For  this  phva.Ce, of  brni^tng-vnto  hel,  znd  defending  into  hel,  yfuiWy  fpokcn  Diuersmansi- 
in  the  old  Te"ftamcnt,ofal  fortes  of  foules  both  iuft  and  wicked,  fignifieth  that  onsinhel' 
al  went  that  time  to  hel,  that  is,  to  a  lowe  place,  farre  diftant  from  heauen. 
But  fome  to  reft,  and  fome  to  paine.  VVherupon  S.  Hierom  faith:  Hel  is  a 
place,  wherin  foules  are  includcdjeitherinreil,orinpaincs,  according  to  the 
qualitie  of  their  defcrts. 

Chap.      XL  II  I. 

The  fiimine prefsing,  the  Und,  Jacob  willtth  his  fames  to  got  agdinetnt, 
JEgypt  to  [?)'€  more  come  :  ^.  ^horefujln^  to goe  without  Beniamin,  ir. 
he  if  fent  Ti^ith  them,  and  prefents  And  dahle  money,  leji  the  former  J^ere 
brought  backby  error.  16.  lofeph  feing  Beniamin,  23.  delittereth  Simeon^ 
4nd  mtertameth  them  aI  at  dinner, 

1  T  N  T  H  E  meane  time  the  famine  did  oppreflTe  al  the  land 
2.   JL  very  fore,  -j-  And  the  prouifion  being  fpent,  which  they 

had  bronght  out  of  yEgypt,  lacob  faid  to  his  Tonnes :  Goe 
5  againe,  andbyvs  alittle   vidlual.  f  "ludas   anfvered:  That 

fame  man  denounced  vnto  vs  vnder  attcftation  of  an  oath, 
,     fain^:  You  shal  not  fee  my  face-/,  vnlelfe  you  bring  your 

K.  2.  youn^eii 

131  Genesis.  lofeph. 

youngefl:  brother  virh  you.  f  If  therfore  thou  wilt  fend  4 
him  with  vs,  we  wilgoe  forward  together,  and  wil  bye  ne- 
cedaries  for  thee  :  f  butif  thou  wilt  not,- we  wil  not  goe  :  5 
for  the  man,  as  we  haue  often  faid,  denounced  vnto  vs  faing: 
You  shal  not  fee  my  face  without  your  youngcft  brother, 
t  Ifrael  faid  to  them  r  You  haue  done  this  to  my  miierie,  in  G 
thatyou  told  him  thatyou  had  an  other  brother  alfo.  ■\  But  7 
they  anfvv'crcd :  The  man  asked  vs  in  order  our  progenie  : 
if  our  father  liucd  :  if  we  had  a  brother:  and  we  anlwered 
•    him  confequently  to  that  which  he  demanded:  could  we 
know  that  he  would  fay  :  Brincr  hither  your  brother  with 
you?  t  ludas  alfo  faid  to  his  father :  Send  the  boy  with  me,  8 
that  wc  may  fet  forwarde,  and  may  hue  :  left  we  and  our  lirle 
ones  die.  f  T  take  vpon  mc  the  boy:  require  him  of  my  hand,' 9 
vnlelle  I  bring  him  againe.  and  reflore  him  £o  thee,  I  wil  be 
r  Guilt ofsTne  •'  guiltie  of  linne  againfl;  thee  for  eucr.  f  Indclsy  had  not  10. 
is  a  greater      bene  made,  wc  had  bene  come  now  the  fecond  time,  f  Ther-   ii. 
bond  then  tbe  f^j-e  ifracI  their  father  frad  to  them  :  If  it  muft  ncdes  be  fo^      ' 
hfeofRubens^^  that  you  wil:  take  of  the  bcft  fruites  of  the  landin  your 
fonnes;  which       ,r  1  j  •  t  r  r  r        r 

he  offered,  &  vellcls ,  and  carie  to  the  man  for  pieknts,  a  courteiie  or 

lacob.yclded    rofen,  and  of  honey,  and  of  incenfe,  of  mirhe,  of  terebinth,, 
nottherto-&  g^^y^   of  almondes .   t   Duhle   money  alfo  carie  with  yoa:  12 
yet  granted  to         1  1  r  j-  '  r     \  la         i- 

this  off      f    ^ndrecarie  that  you  founde  m  your  lackcs,  left  perhaps  it 

ludas.  '^as  done  by  an  errour:  f  but  take  alfo  your  brother,  and  13 

goe  to  the  man.  f  And  my  God  ahiiightie  make  him  fauo-  14 
rable  vnto  you:   and  (end  bncke  with  you  your   brother, 
whom  hckeepcth,and  this  Beniamin  :  as  for  me  I  fl~al  be 
defolate   without  childreiv  .   t.  '^^^  ^'^^^  therfore   tookcrj 
the  prcfcntes  ,  and  the  duble  money,  and  Beniamin:  and 
wentdowncinro^gypt,  and  ftood  before  lofeph.  f  Whom  16 
when  he  had  feene,  and  Beniamin  withal,  lie  commanded 
the  fteward  of  his  houfe,  faing  ::  Bring  in  the  men  into  the 
houfe,  and  kil  vidrimes,  and  prepare  a  feaft:  becaufe  they 
(hal  cate  with  me  at  noone.  -f-  Hcdid  that  which  was  com-  17 
'  manded  him,  and  brought  the  men  into  the  houfe.  f  And  18 
there  being  fore  afraied,  they  faid  one  to  an  other:  becaufe 
of  the  money,  which  we  caried  backe  the  firft  time  in  our 
fackes,  we  are  broueht  in  :  that  he  may  turne  vpon  vs  *  a  ^  1 

falfc  accufation,  and  forceibly  bring  both  vs,  and  our  alFes; 
jnto  bondage,  f  Wherforcin  the  verie  dore  fteppingtb  the  i) 
ftc-X^rard  of  the  houfe,  f  ^^'^^J  fpake  :  Sir  we  delire  thee  to    z* 

l'.;         hears 


Genesis.  155 

heare  vs.  Now  once  before  we  c-ame  downe  to  byepro- 
21    uifion  :  f  which  being  bought,  when  we  were  come  to  the 

Innc,  we  opened  cur  lackes,  and  found  our  money  in  the 

mouthesof  thefackes  :  which  we  haue  now  brought  againe 
11  in  the  fame  weight,  f  But  we  haue  brought  other  money 

befides,  to  bye  the  thinges  that  are  nccefiarie  for  vs :  our 

23  confcienceis  not  priuie,  whoput  it  inour  bagges.  f  But  he 
anfwered  :  Peace  be  with  you,  feare  you  not ;  your  God,  and 
the  God  of  your  father  hath  geuen  you  treafures  in  your 
fackcs.   for  the  money,  which  you  gaue  me,  I  haue  for  good. 

24  And  he  brought  forth  Sineon  vnto  thcm^.  t  And  being 
brought  into  the  houfe,  he  fetched  water,  and  they  waflicd 

25  their  feete,  and  he  gaue  prbuender  to  their  afles .  f  But 
they  made  rcadie  the  prelcnres,  til  lofeph  fliould  come  in  at 
noone  ;  for  they  had  heard  that  they  ihould  c.ite  bread  there. 

26  f  Thcrfore  lofeph  came  in  to  his  houfe,  and  they  offered 

him  prefentes  holding  them  in  their  handcs,  and  -  they  a-.,  .j^j^^^  ^^^ 

27  dorcd  proftrate  to  the  ground,  f   But  he  curteoufly  rcfa-  adore 'him, 
luting  them,  asked  them  faying:  Is  the  old  man  your  father  vrhom  they 

28  in  health,  of  whom  you  toid\Tie?Is  heycthuing?  f  Who  ^^^^^l^'\'^J/ 
anfwered:  Thy  feruant  our  father  is  in  health,  he  is  yet  li=  hj^^^s,  Gr^ct 

19   uing.  And  bowing  themfelues,  they  adored  him  .  f   And  ho.  11.  in  E. 
lofeph  lifting  vp  his  eyes,  fawe  Beniamin  his  brother  of  the  zech, 
fame  mother,  and  faid  ;  Is  this  your  young  brother,  of  whom 
you  told  me?  And  againe:  God, faith  he, be  merciful  vnto  thee 

30  myfonnc.f  And  he  made  haft  becaufe  his  hart  was  moued 

vpon  his  brother,and  teares  brake  forth:  and  cntring  into  his 

31  chamber  he  wept--,  f  And  when  he  had  waflied  his  face, 

comming  forth  againe,  he  refrained  himfelfe,  and  faid:  Set 

52  bread  on  the  table,  f  Which  being  fet  downe,  to  lofeph  a 
part,  and  to  his  brethren  apart,,  to  the  /Egyptians  alfo  that 
did eate  with  him  apart  (  font  is  vnlawful  for  the  ^^gyptians  .,  5^5  Exodi. 
to  eate  with  the  Hcbrewes ,  and  ••  they  thinkefucha  feaft  8.T.26. 
35  prophane  )   f  they  fate  before  him,  the  firft  begotten  ac- 
cording to  his  Hrft-birth,  and  the  youngeftaccording  to  his  "  Euerie  one 

34  arc.  And  they  maruailed  outof  mcafure,  t  taking  the  por-  hamng  hue 
'^     P  ,  ,   ^  •       ]      r  L  •  J    I  ^         ^-        portions,Bcn- 

tions  that  they  receiucd  of  hun  :   and  the  greater  portion  faminhaddu- 

came  to  Beniamin,  fo  that  it  exceeded  '•'-  by  fiue  partes.  And  ble  .  lofcpkus 

they  draiikc  aijd  were  "  in  cbiiated  with  him.  li.  x.Ami^. 


154  Genesis.  lofeph 

Chap.    XLIII. 

J4.,  InehnateA.]  Not  that  they  did  eate  or  drinck  to  much,  ©rfel  into  ex- 
Moderation  cclle,  but  competently.  As  the  earth  is  faid  to  be  inebriated  with  raine  {  Plah 
tobevfedin  ^^.)  beincrfufficiently  watered,  and  fo  made  fruitful,  not  drowned, ncioucr- 
fcailing.  iiow'cd,forfoitisvnfrudfal..S,Hierom.Tradit.Hcb.S.Aug.q.i44.fiipcrGen. 

Chap.    XLIIII. 

."iofepb  cAiifeth  their  ptckes  tobeJi!Itd'fpithcorne,a»dtheirtnonf)>iohepMt 
^tg^netberiny^nd  m  Bent4minsfkck.alfo  d,  filuer  ruppe,  4,  and  li-hen 
they  ^ere parted,  fending  after  them,  char^eth  them  ytnth  theft,  iz.  ^€nd 
the  cuppe  bcm^fond  in  Beniamim  fack,,  they  al  much  affUfled  returne  to 
lofeph.  17.  ^hothrcatfjing  to  kspe  Eeniamin^  18.  ludai  tntreateth^  ^z. 
and  finally  offereth  himfelfe  toferuitudefor  him. 


Nd  lofeph  commanded  the  fceward  of  his  ho-ufe_/,  i 
laing  :  Fil  their  fackes  with  coriie,  as  much  as  they  can 
held :  and  put  the  money  of  euerie  one  in  the  top  of  his 
fick.  f  And  in  the  fackes  mouth  ••  of  the  younger  put  my  1 
feph  tried  his    ^^^•^^^^'  cup,  and  the  price  which  he  gaue  for  the  wheat.  And 
biechcrens     it  was  fo  done,  f  And  when  the  morning  roie,  they  were  5 
afFcdlion,        difmift  with  their  alTes.  f  And  they  were  now  departed  out  4 
whether  they  ^f  ^j^^  citie,  and  had  gone  forward  a  little  way  :  then  lofeph 
for^Beniarain  fending  for  the  fteward  of  his  houfe,  faid:  Arife,  quoth  he, 
01  fufFcr  him  and  purfcw  the  men:  and  ouertaking  them  fay  to  them:  Why 
tohccaptiue:  haue  you  rendrcd  enil  for  good  J    f   The  cup  which   you  j 
as  they  hadbe  [^g^^g  (Pollen,  is  that  whedn  my  lorddoth  drinke,and  wherin 
fore  fold  him  .      .  ...  ,  ,  .  -ii-'itt^ 

felfeto  carti- '^'^^'^^'^'^"^^^ '■"'•^""^^  *  y°^^  ^^^^'^^'"^^''^"^^"■^^  ^^  §•  t  "^   ^ 

uicie.  Theod.  did  as  he  h:id  commanded.  And  hauing  ouertaken  them,    , 

t].  loj-.m  Gen.  he  fpake  to  them  in  the  fame  order,  f  "Who  anlwered  :  Why  7 
doth  our  Iordfpeakefo,as  though  thy  feruautes  had  com-  '  ' 
raittcdfohaynousafadl  ?  f  The  money,  that  we  found  in  8 
the  top  of  our  fackes,  we  recaried  to  thee  from  the  land  of 
■  Chanaan :  and  how  folowcth  it,  that  we  haue  ftoUen  oiit  of 
thy  lordes  houfc,  gold  or  filuer?  f  With  whom  foeuer  of  9 
,thy  feruantes  that'^hal  be  found,  which  thou  feekeft,  let 


Genesis.  135 

10  him  die,  and  we  wil  be  the  bondmen  of  our  lord,  f  "Who 
faid  to  them:  Beit  done  according  to  your  fentence  :  with 
whom  (ocucr  it  shal  be  founds  be  he  my  bondman,  and  you 

11  shal  be  guikJes  .    f   Therlorein  hade  taking  downe  their 
iz   fackesvp^on  the  ground,  eucriemian  opened,  f  ^'hichwhen 

he  had   ftarchcd  ,   beginning  from  the  elder  eucn  to  the 
ij    youngeft,  he  found  the  cup  in   Beniamins   fack.    f  But 

they- renting  their  garments,  and  loading  their  alles  againe,  -O  torments 
14  returned  into  the-  town^.   t  And  ludas  foremoft  with  his  ofmercic :  he 

brethren  entredm  to  loleph  ( tor  he  was  not  yet  gone  out  of  j^^  louet}^  s. 

the  place_^  )    and  they  fel  togeather  before  him    on  the  Gieg.ho.ii.ia 
i;  oround.  f  To  whom  he  faid:  Why  would  you  doc  foe?  Ezech. 

Know  you  nor  that  there  is  not  the  like  to  me  in  thefcience 

16  '•'  of  diuming.  f  To  whom  ludas  laid:  What  shal  we  an-  \'  J^fj^'J"^'^ 
fwere,  mylo\d?orwhat.shalwefpcake,  orbeablc  iuftly  to  p"^phejknc- 
pretend  ?  God  hath  found  the  iniquitie  of  thy  feruantes  :  loc  ^y..^^,  more 
we  are  al  bondmen  to  my  lord,  both  we,  &  he,  with  whom  thcival  iorcc- 

17  the  cup  was  found,  f  lofeph  anfwcrcd  :  God  forbid  that  leisini^gypc 
I  should  fo  doe  :  he'that  Hole  the  cup,  the  fame  be  my  bond-  i>°^'°r'Ts 

18  man:  and  goe  you  free  vnto  your  father,  f  And  ludasappro-  ^j^^jj^edjn 
chi-ng  nearer,  faid  boldly:  I  befeech  thee  my  lord,  let  thy  that  place- ^v 
feruant  fprake  a  word  in  thine  cares,    and  he  not  angrie  Aug,  q.  14J. 

i«?  with  thy  feruant:  for  after  Pharao  thou  art,  f  my  lord.  Thou  ^^F"^^  ^^"* 
dideflaske  thy  feruantes  the  iirft  time:  Haueyoua  father  or 

20  a  brother?  f  and  ws  anfwered  thee  my  lord  :  We  haue  a 
father  an  oldman,  and  a  little  boy,  that  wss  borne  in  his  old 
age  iwhofc  brother  by  the  mother  is  dead  :and  his  mother 

21  hath  him  only,and  his  father  loueth  him  tenderly,  f  >^"tl 
thou  faidft  to  thy  feruants:  Bring  him  hither  to  me,  and  I  wil 

21  fetmyneyes  on  him.  f  ^e  fuggefted  to  my  lord  :  The  boy 

23  can  not  leaue  his  father:  for  if  heleauehim,he  wildie.  t  And 
thou  faideft  >o  thy  feruants :  VirlelTe  your  youngefl:  brother 

24  come  with  you,  you  shal  no  more  fee  my  face,  t  Therfore 
when  wc  were  gone  vp  to  thy  feruant  our  father,  we  told 

25  him  al  things  that  my  lord  did  fpeake.  t  And  our  father.faid: 
16  Goe  againe,  and  bye  vs  a  litle  wheate.  f  To  whomwefaidj 

We  can  notgoe:if  our  youngeft  brother  shal  goe  downe  with 
vs,  we  wil  fet  forward  together :  otherwife  he  being  abfentg  , 

27  we  dare  not  fee  the  mans  face,  t  Wherunto  he  anfwered:  ■ 

28  You  know  that  my  wifebare  me  two.  t  One  went  forth,  and 
you  faid ;  A  beaft  did  deuour  him :  and  hitherto  he  appeareth 


1^6  G  EN  E  s  I  s.  lofeph. 

not.  f  If  yoti  take  this  alfo,  and  ought^befal  him  in  the  way,  19 
:Sccpag.Tjo.  you  shal  bring  do  vrne  "  my  hoare  hayres  wirhforownto  heJ. 

f  Therforeif  Ishalencertothy  feruant'our  father,  and  the  50 
boy  be  wanting  ( ^}rheras  his  lifedependeth  vpon  the  life  of 
him)tandheshalfeethatheisnot  with  vs,  he  wil  dye, &  thy    51 
feruants  shai  bring  downe  his   hoare  hayrcs  with  forow 
vnto  hel.   f  Let  me  be  thy  proper  feruant..,  that  did  take  32, 
him  into  my  protedion  and  promifed  faying  :  Vnleffe  I  bring 
him  againc  I  wil  be  guilty  of  fmnc  againft  my  father  for 
cuer.  1 1  therforc  thy  feruant  wil  tary  in  fteed  of  the  childe  in  55 
the  feruice  of  my  lord,  and  let  the  childe  goe  vp  with  his  bre- 
thren, f  For  I  can  not  returne  to  my  father,  the  childe  being  14 
abfent ;  left  I  ftajid  by  a  witnes  of  the  calarnitie,  that  Ihai  op- 
prclle  my  father. 

Chap.      XLV. 

Jofcph  manifejlethhimfelftahh  hrethfre».  "^ho  bein^muc'j  tenjiedhecwt- 

fcrtethth^m.and-^^ee^in^  em'jraceth  eueneone  16    Thehruite  -^herof 

loming  to  Pjar^o^  he  con^rahibjinr  commindeth  I'jfeph  to  cxl  his  [either 

yvith  a!,  his  fuiTtUieinCoJEryjn,  zi,  So  the  eUaen  brothers  Are fent  aWaj 

*-  "ffith gtftes  and proHifion  for  Jacobs  tourfjey.  2-5,  ^i  yphich  thefathr 

4  '^nderJittndin^isreHtuedin'pinte. 

IOsEPH  could  no  longer  refraynemanie  (landing  by  in  i 
prefence:  whcrupon  he  commanded  that  al  a-.ould  goe 
forth,  and  no  Granger  ihould  be  prefenr  at  their  acknow- 
ledging one  of  another,  f  And  he  lifted  vp  his  voice  with  1 
weeping,  vhich  the  Egyptians  heard,  and  al  the  houfe  of 
Pharao.  j-  And  he  faid  to  his  Brethren:  I  am  loleuh  :is  my    5 
father  yet  liuing  ?  His  brethren  could  notanfwer  him  being 
tcriblyaftonyedoutofmeafurc.  f  To  whom  gently  he  faid:  4 
Come  hither  to  me.  And  when  they  were  come  ncre  him, 
::Goclsproui-  ^  ^'""^  ^^oth  he,  lofeph,  your  brother,  whom  you  folde  into 
a^-nce  turned  ^gypt- 1  Be  ^'^^  affraid,  neither  let  it  feeme  to  you  a  hard  cafe  y 
the  rcuilHca-  that  you  did  (t\  me  into  thefecoimtries :  for  ::  God  fent  me 
rood^of  tL  ^^^"^^^  you  into  ^gyptfor  your  preferuation .  t  For  it  is  <i 
v/holc  fami-    ^^^  yeirc^  fince  the  faminbegain  to  be  vpon  the  earth,  and 
lie.  cliAp.  ;o.    yet  fiuc  yeares  remaine,  whcrin  there  can  be  neither  caring 
•*•  t9r.  jior  reaping.  +  And  God  fent  me  before,that  you  may  be  prcT  7 


lofeph.  Genesis.  157 

8  rcTued  vpon  the  earth,  and  maj-  haiie  vi<5liinls  to  line,  f  'Not 
byyaur  counlaiJ,  but  by  the  wil  ofGcdM^as  I  Unr  hither: 
Avho  hath  made  me  as  it  were  a  fatherto  Pharao,and  lord  of 

9  his  whole  houfc,  and  prince  in  al  the  land  of  ^gvpt.  j-  Make 
hail  and  get  ye  vp  to  my  father,  and  you  shal  fay  to  him  :  Thy 
fonneloleph  willeth  thus:  God  hath  made  mc  lord  of  the 

ID  wholclandofiCgypt:  come  dovnie  tome,  tary  nor.  f  Arid 
thou  (halt  dwtl  in  the  land  of  Gelfen  :  and  thou  (Valt  be  nere 
mc  thou  and  thy  fonnes,  and  thy  fonncs  children,  rhy  thepe, 

II  and  t'ny  heardes.  and  al  things  that  thou  doft  polfcfie.  f  And 
there  I  wil  fede  thee  (for  yet  there  arc  -fiue  ycares  of  famine 
remavningylell:  both  thouperish,  and  t hy  houfc,  &c  al  things 

11   thatthou'doft  polTelfe.  f  Behold,  your  eyes,  and  the  c>es 

of  my  brother  Benianiin  doe  fee,  that  it  is  my  mouth  that 

13  fpeakethvnroyou.  t  Report  to  my  father  my  whole  glorie 

and  al  tilings  that  yen  haue  fcene  in  /Egypt '  make  haft,  and 

114  bring  him  to  me.  f  And  falling  vpon  the  neck  of  his  brother 
Beniamin,  embracing  him  he  v^cpt:  he  aKo  in  hke  nianer 

i;  weeping  vpon  his  ne'ck.  t  Aiid  loleph  kiired  al  his  brethren, 
and  wept  vpon  euerie  one:  after  which  things  they  were 

16  bold  to  fpeake  vnto  him.  f  And  it  was  heard  of,  and  very 
famoufly  reported abrode  in  the  kings  courtc  :  The  brethren 

of  lofeph  are  come:  and  ••  Pharao  was  glad,  and  al  his  iamilie.  ..  lofephs  pru 

17  t  And  he  fpake  to  lofeph  that   he   thould   command  his  act'proccding 
brethren,  faymg:  Loading  your  beaftsgoe  into  the  Land  of  before  he 

18  Chanaan,  f  andtakc  thence  your  father  and  kinne,and  come  ff,^  ^ 

to  mc :  and  I  wil  geue  you  al  the  good  tnmgs  or  /ligvpt,  that  ^^  j^j^  biethie 
ip  you  may  eate  the  marow  of  the  land,  f  Geue  command-  and  them  to 

mentalfo  that  they  take  Waynes  out  of  the  land  of  y€gypr,  Pharao,  pro- 

for  the  caraae  of  their  litlc  ones  and  wyues:  and  fay:  Take  ^"^^^  ^}  "^"^^ 
20  vpyourtathtr,  and  make  halt  to  come  withal  ipede.  7  Nci-  ^q^^i-Jj  them 

thcr  doe  you  leaue  any  thing  of  yoiu:  houshould  llufte  :  for  iu^Egypt. 
^l  al  the  riches  of  .€gypt,  shal  be  yours,  f  And  the  fonnes  of 

Ifraeldid  as  it  was  commanded  them_..  To  whom  loleph 

gaue   waynes  according  to  Pharaos  commandraent_i:  and 
11  vi<5tuals  for  the  way.  -f  He  bad  alfo  to  be  brought  vp  for 

eucry  one  two  robe"5:but  to  Beniamin  he  gaue  three  hundred 
23  pecccsoffiiuer  with  fiue  robes  ofthebeil:  f  fending  to  his 

father  as  much  money  and  rayment,  adding  befides  them  he 

'    affes  that  should  carieofal  the  riches  of  ^gypr,and  as  many 

JI4  shee  aifes,  caryiiig  wheat  for  dieiourney  and  bread,  f  Thcr- 

S  foic 

138  Genesis.  lofeph. 

fore  he  difmilfed  his  brethren,  and  vj-hen  they  were  depar- 
ting he  faid  to  them:  "  Be  not  angric  inthcxray.  f  Who  1^ 
going  vp  out  of  i€gypt, came  into  the  land  of  Chanaan  to 
their  father  lacob.  f  And  they  told  him  faying  :  lofeph  thy  16 
fonne  is  lining:  and  he  riileth  in  al  the  Land  of  J£gypt. Which 
when  lacob  heard,  awaking  as  it  vp  ere  out  of  a  heauieileepe, 
notwithftanding  did  not  beieeue  them,  f  They  on  the  con-  zy 
trarie  fide  reported  the  whole  order  of  the  thing.  And  when 
he  fawe  the  Waynes  and  al  thiiies  that  he  had  fcntjhis  fpirit 
reuiucd,  f  and  he  faid:  Itifumceth  me  if  lofeph  ray  fonne  2.8 
be  huing  yet:  I  wil§oe,andfee  hira  before  I  dye. 

Chap.     XLV. 

Occafion   of       i4'v    Be  not  angrieinthevy.-ty  ]  Trauelers iniouiney are  cafilyprouokedto 

finneto  be  a.  anger  and  brawling  :  efpecially  if  they  auoii^c  not  probable  occafions.  Ttier- 

woidcd.  fore  lofeph  admoniilieth  his  brothers  ro  beware  therof,  Tcftin  talking  of  hinij 

and  how  they  had  fold  him  to  ftrangcrs,  feme  of  them  might  accufe  othgrs* 

and  excufe  themfelues,andfo  faliu  to  new  offences.  S.  Ghris.  ho.  64.  in  Gen, 

Chap.     XLVL 

The  eight  and  ^f^"'^  ^  irranted  in*  yifton  from  God^goeth  into  JE^yf^t^^tth  alhisfami- 
laft  partofihis  ^'^//f,  8.  "^ho  are  here  recited.  28.  JeJ^fh  meetinfhim  in  Gijfeny  adniftth 
booke.  him  to  tel  PiMraoj  that  they,  are  shej'ki'ards  hy  their  trade  of  life » 

Oflacoband      A     Nd   Ifrael  taking  huiourney,  with  at  things  that  he  i 
^"'in'^mtT'    J^^^^  "  came  to  the  wel  of  the  oath,  and  killing  there 
^gyptrofhis'^'i^hnes  fo  the  God  of  his  father  Ifaac.  -f  He  heard  him  2 
andlofe^hs     by  a  villon.of  the  night  calling  him,  and  faying  vnto  him  : 
ieaii).      ,       lacobJacob.ToNvhomheanfwercd:  Lee  here  lam.  f  God  ? 
faidtohira:  lam  the  moft  mightieGodofihy  father:   feare 
not,goe  downe  into  i^gipt,  for  into  a  great  nation  wil  I 
make  thee  there  .  f  I  wii  goe  downe  with  thee  thither,   4 
and  thence  wil  T  bring  thee  returning  :   lofeph  alfo  Ibal 
put  his  handcsvpon  thine  eyes,  f  And  lacob  rofe  vp  from  j 
thewclof  the  oath  :  and  his  fonnes  tooke  hira  vp,  with 
their  little  ones  and  wiues  in  the  waynes,  which  Pharao 
had  Tent  to  carie  the  old  man,  f  and  al  that  he  had  poflelFed  G 

in  the 

Genesis.     *  i^^ 

in  the  Land  Ox^Chanaan  :  and  he  came  into  i^^gypt  with  al 
^  his  fede,  +  hi>  Tonnes,  and  nephcNres,  daughters,  and  al 

8  his  progenie  together.,  f  And  thefe  are  the  names  of  the 
children  otlfrael,  that  entred  into  y£gypt,  him  lelF^  with 

9  his  children.  His  firlt-begotten  Ruben,  -f  The  ionnes  of 

10  Ruben :  Henoch  and  Phallii  and  Hcfron  and  Charmi.  j-  The 
Tonnes  of  Simeon  :  lamuel  and  lamin  and  Ahod,  and  lachin 

11  and  Sohar ,  and  Saul  the  fonne  of  Chananitelfe^  .  f  The 
II  Tonnes    of  Leui  :   GerTon  and  Caath  and  Merari.   f  The 

ionnes  of  luda  :  Her  and  Onan  &  Sela  and  Phares  and  Zara. 
And  Her  and  Onan  died  in  the  land  of  Chanaan.  And  there 

15  \rere  Tonnes  borne  to  Phares:  HeTron  and  Hamul.  t  The 
Tonnes  of  IlIachariThola and  Phua  and  lob  and  Semron. 

14  f  The  Tonnes  of  Zabulon  :  Sared  d^T  Elon  and  lahelel. 
ij  -f  Thefe  are  the  Tonnes  of  Lia,  which  ihe  bare"  in  Mefopo-  -.Thatis  She 
tamiaofSyria  with  Dina  his  daughter.  Al  the  Toules  of  his  bare  their  fa- 

16  Tonnes  and  daughters,  are  thirtie  three,    f   The  ionnes  of  thcrsinMcib- 
Gad;  Sephionand  Haggi  and  Siuni  and  ETebon  and  Heri  po^'^"i»a.  i'. 

17  and  Arodi  and  Areli .   j  The  Tonnes  of  ATer:  lamne  and  ^^^  ^*  ^^^' 
leTua  and  lefTui  and  Beria,  Sara  alfo  their  Tifter.  The  fonnes 

18  of  Beria:  Hcber  and  Melchiel .  f  theTe  be  the  ionnes  of 
Zelpha,  whom  Laban  gaue  to  Lia  his  daughter,  and  theie 

19  (he  bare  to  lacob  Tixtene  Toules.  f  The  Tonnes  of  Rachel 

20  Jacobs  wife_>  :  loTeph  and  Beniamin_»,  f  And  there  were 
Tonnes  borne  to  loTeph,  in  the  Land  of  ^gypt,  which  Afc- 
ncth  the  daughter  of  Putiphar  prieftof  Heliopolis  bare  to 

21  himcManafTes  and  Ephraim.  f  The  Tonnes  oTBcniamin* 
BelaandBechorand  Altel  andGera  and  Naaman  and  Echi 

11  and  Ros  and  Mophim  and  Ophira  and  Arcd.  f  theTe_^ 
be  the  Tonnes  oT  Rachel  ,  which  (he  bare   to  lacob :    al 

23  the  Toules,  fourtene.^ .   f  The  Tonnes  oT  Dan  :  Huiim.,. 

24  t  The  Tonnes  of  Nepthali:  laziel  and  Guni  and  leTer  and 
2j  Sallem.  f  TheTc  be  the  Tonnes  of  Bala,  whom  Laban  gaue 

to  Rachel  his  daughter  :  and  theTe  (he  bare  to  lacob  :  al  the 

16  Toules,  Teuen.  f  Al  the  Toules,  that  entred  with  lacob 
into  i€gypt,  and  that  came  out  of  his  thighe ,  beTides  his 

17  Tonnes  wiucs ,  "  lixtie  Tix .  ■{•  And  the  Tonnes  of  loTeph  , 
that  were  borne  to  him  in  the  land  of  /£gypt,  two  Toules. 
Al  the  Toules  of  the  houTe  of  Jacob,  that  entred  into  /Egvpt, 

28  were"Teuentie.  f  And  he  Tent  ludas  before  him  to  loTeph, 
that  he  ibould  tc\  iiim,  and  he  ihould  come  into  GclTen  to 

S  2  oieete 

I4P  Genesis.  lofeph, 

meete  liim_. .  f   "^'hither  when  he  was  come,  lofc-ph  ad-  25) 
drciling  his  chariot  went  vp  to  mete  his  fathei^vnto  the  lame 
place :  and  feing  him  fel  vpon  his  neck ,  and  as  they  em- 
braced he  wept   f  And  his  father  iliii  w  lofcph  :  Now  wil,  0$ 
Idle  -xathioy,  bvcaufe  I  haue  feen^  thy  face,  and  do  leaue 
theeahue.  f  But  he  fpake  to  his  brechrtn,  and  to  al  his    31. 
fathers  houfe  :  I  wil  goe  vp,  and  vrii  tel  Pharao,  and  wiL 
fay  to  him  :  My  brethren,  and  my  fathers  houfc,  that  were 
in  the  Land  of  Chanaan,  are  come  to  me  :  |  and  the  men    3^ 
i?<TVptian$      arepaflours  of  (hcepe,  and  their  trade  is  to  fccde  flockes  : 
honoring;        their  cattel,  and  heardes,  and  al  that  they  could  haue,  they 
flu-pc,goates,  haue  brought  with  rhcm  .  f  And  when  he  fhal  cal  you,    5;, 
and  j^y"e  for  ^^d  fhal  fay  :  \viiat  is  your  trade?  j-  You  (bal  anfwer;  We  thy  34 
ied  thlm  That  fci^"antcs  are  paftours,  from  our.infancie  vntil  this  prefent, 
di  I  o-oucrne,    both. we  and  our  fathers.  And  this  you  ihal  fay,  that  you-, 
ki!,  orcate      mav  dwel  in  the  Land  of  Gelferu,  becaiife  he  i^gyptians  . 
thofecauel.     ::  deteftal  paftours  of  i"befpe.  . 

Chap.     XLVL. 

t.  Came  to  theyrel  if  oath  ]  In  this  holic  placef  called  nerffbee,th:it  is,TWof 
God  renclcth  oath,  where  Abraham  and  Ifaac  had  confirmed  by  oath...  their  league  vith  the 
hiswilinho-  Kings  of  the  countric,  and  eredcdAltares,  lacob  alio  confukcd  God,  about 
hepldces.  his  going  into  ^gypt,  and  \y^s  .co-^jmanded  to  goe  with  al  that  he  hsd. 

z6.   Sixtie  fix.    i-j.  .^eucittK.  ]    The  djfficul.tic  in  thefe  tu'o  vcrics,  concer- 
ningthenumbci  oflOaelites,  that  wcreatfiift  invEii^ypt  vvi-th  lacob,  is  cafily 
explicated,  thatiuil:  fixtielix,  of  his-'ou'-ne  ifluejCamcin  with  h  m  ;  and  him- 
felfe  being  counted  •malccth  fixtic  feuen,  addingalfo  lolcph  ( who  was  there 
before)  and  his  two  ftmncs  Marafles  and  Epluaira  (borne  there)  they  were 
A  difficiiltie     inal  feuencie.Btit  a  far  greater  di;S!iculrie  remaineth  :  forbefidcs  thcfe  fcuen- 
hbwmanielf-  tieperfons.,  the  SepMiagintGreckc  Interpreters  number  and  name  fine  more  j 
raclites  came  to  *'it;,a  fonneand  a.-n^phcw  of  Man-afTcs  (the  fiift  called  X/^f/:;V.,  the  other 
?f  firfl  into       G<t/4.t:/j)  and  two  Tonnes  of  Ephraim  (called  Sutalaaw,  and  Taam,]  and  one. 
^gypt.  nephew  (  n.itned  E(^fwi)  which  number  of  fcuentie  Hue.  S- Steucn  alio  citeth,    A<3;.  7. 

folowing  the  vulgar  knowcn  Scripture  of  th  e  Septuaginr,  rather  then  the  He- 
brew text.  Nowin  what  fenfe,'  thefe  fiue  coftld  be  faid  ro  hauecntred  i  uo 
yEgypi  with  lacob,  being  not  du-n  borne ;  may  feme  of  them  not  borne  du- 
ring lacobs  life,  for  lacob  iiucd  but  fcuentene  ycarcs  in  ^gypt  (chap  47,^. 
V.  x8  )  and  lofeph  being  maried  but  nine  ycavLS  before  (for  this  was  the 
ffcond  dcare  yearcjaftcr  the  feuen  plentiful  )carcs )  his  fonn?s  could  notex- 
cede  leuen  or  eight  ycarcs,  when  lacob  came  to  ^.gypt;  and  fo  bcinj  but  14. 
or  If.  yesrcs  old  at  his  death,  could  not  then  be  grandfathers  :  how  Iherforc  • 
chcicti.ucnamcdby  the  Scptuagiut,  and  fome  others,  not  then  borne,  ofthe 

hues  . 

loieph.  Genesis.  141 

lines  of  Pharrs  ardBeniamirij  recited  lure  by  Morfcs,  could  be  Tried  to  come  Numbers  my 
with  lac ob  into  7^o)'pr,S.  Auguitin  finderhjb  iiiibUiblc,  that  lie  doubtcrh  ilual,  (omc- 
notioafrifme,  feme  great  hiddciimyficrie  to  be  vndeiKooc  by  the  .Siptn::git)t  times  not  ex- 
Intemrcter^,  in  thereiuimbers,  nor  otherwjfe  perhaps  explicable  accoiding  plicablc  in      . 
to  the  letter.  .  '  '  tl'S  I^eral 


Chap.     X  L  V  1 1. 

laccb  'filth  hisfonnes  hein^^ccme  into  CcJ?cn,  Th^raogrdnietl  them  thefimt 
place  to  dwcl  in.  15  The  famine  fonet/j  the  JEjryptiaKs  to  fclalthcir 
jroodijaniles^and pofc/iions  to  the Kin^^ii.  except  the  Priefls  part,  to 
wham  the  kjag  alorveth  neceJiArie  foode ,  -^.uthont  p^'if'^  for  it.  zy. 
^fier  feuentene  year  a  lucob  admreth  Joje^h,  .to  bune  himamon^J}  hi^ 

1-  1  OsEPH  rherfore  goingin  told  PharaOjfaing  :  Ivly  father 
\.  bC  brt" tlucn,  their  flicepe  and  hcardcs,  &  al  thinges  that 
they  poUeirejarc  come  out  of  the  Land  of  Chanaan:  t\  behold 

2  they  flay  in  theLand  ofGefTen.  t  The  vtmoflalfoof  lus  bre- 

3  thren  Hue  perrons  he  prefented  before  the  king:  f  whom 
he  asked  :  what  trade  haue  you?  They  anfwered  :  We  thy 
feruantes'are  paftoursof  (heepe,  both  we,  and  our  fathers. 

4..  -f-  Weare  come  tofoiournein  the  land,  becaufe  there  is  no 
graife  for  thy  feruantes  flockes,  the  famine  being  very  iore 
in  the  land  of  Chanaan  :  and  we  defire  thee  to  command  that 

5  we  thy  feruantes  may  be  in  the  Land  of  GelFen.  -j-  And  the 
King  therforefaid  tolofeph:  Thy  father  and  thy  brethren 

6  are  come  to  thee,  f  The  Land  of  ^gypt,  is  in  thy  light-.: 
make  them  to  dwelin  the  beft  place,  and  deliuer  them  the 
Land  of  GeiTen.  And  if  fobe  thou  knowe  that  there  are  in- 
duftrious  menamong  them,  appoint  them  maifters  of  my 

7  cartel,  f  After  this  lofeph  brought  in  his  father  to  the  King, 

8  and  fet  him  before  him:  who  bleirmg  him..,  f  and  being 
asked  of  him :  How  manie  be  the  dayes  of  the  yeares  of  thy 

p  life?  t  Heanfwered:  The  dayes  of  the  pilgrimage  of  my 

life  arc  an  hundred  thirrie  yeares^  ••  few,  and  •'•  cuil,  and  -Enen'emans 

they  are  not  come  to  the  dayes  of  my  fathers,  in  which  they  life  is  Hnorte , 

ro   were  pilgrimes.  f  And  bleliing  the  king,  he  went  forth.  &icpleni{licd 

II   t  But  lofeph  ^auepoirenion  to  his  father  and  his  brethren  ^'ij-^' ."^^"'^, 
.'       _  ^-^    I       1     n      T  r    1       1       I    •     Ti  I  ,r  milerics.Iob. 

in  /£gyptL^,  ni  the  belt  place  ot  the  land,in  Khamcdes,  as  ^ 

II  iPbarao  had  commanded  .  t  And  he  nourished  them^  and  al 

S3.  his 


141  Genesis.  lofeph, 

his  fathers  hoiife,  alo  wing  victaales  to  euerie  one.  f  For  in  15 
the  whole  world  there  T/an cad  bread,  and  famine  opprefTed 
thcIand,erpecial]yoF^€gypi:andChanaa4i.  f  Outofwhich   14 
he  gethcred  together  al  the  money  for  the  telling  of  corne, 
and  brought  it  in  vnto  the  kings  treafure.  f  And  when  ihe  ij 
byers  wanted  money,  al  i£gypt  came  to  lofeph ,  faying  : 
Gcue  vs  bread  ;  why  die  we  before  thee,  our  money  failing? 
f  To  whom  he  anfwered  :  Bring  your  cartel,  and  for  them  16 
I  wil  c;eue  you  vi6tuales,if  you  haue  not  to  pay.  f  "Which  17 
when  they  had  brought, he  gaue  them  i'uftenance  for  horfcs, 
and  sheepe, and  oxen,  and  alfes  :  and  he  fuftayncd  them  that 
veare  for  the  exchange  ofthecattel.  f  And  they  came  the   18 
Tccond  ycare,  and  faid  to  him:  We  wil  not  conceale  from 
our  lord,  that  our  money  fayUng,  our  cattcl  withal  haue 
fayled  :   neither  art  thou  ignorant,  that  we  haue  nothing 
befidesour  bodies  and  land,  f  "Why  therfore  shal  we  die   19 
ill  thy  fight?  both  we  and  our  land  wil  be  thyne:  bye  vs  to 
be  the  kings  bondmen,  and  geue  vs  Cede,  left  for  default  of 
tillers  the  land  be  turned  into  a  wildernes.  f  lofeph  therfore  10 
bought  al  the  Land  of  ^gvpt,  euery  man  felling  hispolfelli- 
ons  for  the  grcatnes  of  the  famine.  And  he  brought  it  vlider 
Pharaos  handes,  f  and  al  the  people  therof  from  the  fardeft  21 
ends  of  >€gypt,  euen  to  the  vttermoftcoafts  therof,  f  "  fa-  22. 
::Tlicpriefts,  uing  thelandofthe  "  Priefts,  which  the  king  had  deliuered 
of.€gypt  be-  them:  "  to  whom  alfo  acertainealowance  ofviduals  was 
tol'bourc^for  g^*^-"  o"^  of  the  c5mon  barnes,  and  therfore  they  were 
their  liuinc;,  not  driuen  to  fel  their  polfcirions.  f  lofeph  therfore  faid  to  25 
founclout  the  the  people;  Behold  as  you  fee,  Pharao  poflelfeth  both  you 
Mathcmati-     j,^j  yo^-  l^nd :  take  fcde,and  fowe.  the  fields,  f  that  you   24 
*^-"n'^  '1  /> ,  V  "  i'f^^v  hiue  corne  .   The  fifth  part  you  thai  creue  to  the  kine : 
tic .  in  jninc.    '^hc  Other  route  I  am  content  you  mai  haue  for  iede,  and  tor 
<>,i€tj^h.  foode  to  your  families  and  your  children,  f  "Who  anfwered  ;  25 

Our  life  is  in  thy  hand  :  only  let  our  lord  haue  a  rcfped:  vnto 
vs,andwe  wil  gladly  feme  the  king,  f  From  that  rime  vntil  2.6 
this  prcfent  day  in  rhewhole  land  of /Egypt,  the  fifth  part 
is  paied  to  the  kings,  and  it  became  as  it  were  a  lawe,  fauing 
the  land  of  the  priefts,  which  was  free  from  this  condition. 
t  Ifracl  therfore  dwelt  in  ^^gypt,  that  is,  in  the  Land  of  27 
Gelfen^and  poirdfcd  it:  and  was  increafed,  and  multiplied 
■exceedingly,    f   And  he  liiiedin  it  feucnteene  yeares  t  and  28 
al  the  daycs  of  his  Ufe  came  to  an  hundred  fourtie  feuen 



Genesis.  145 

29  yeares.  f  And  when  he  favrc  that  the  day  of  his  death  ap- 
prochcdj  he  called  his  Tonne  lofeph,  and  (iiid  to  him:. Ill 
haue  found  grace  in  thy  f  ght,  put  thy  hand  vnder  ray  thigh  t 
and  thou  fhalt  doe  mc  this  mercic  and  truthj  not  to  buiy  me 

30  inyFgypt:  -f  but  "  I  wil  flcepe  with  my  fathers,  and  take 
me  avay  out  of  this  land,  and  buriemcin  the  fcpulchre  of 
myanceftcrs.  To  whom  lofeph  anfwcrcd :  I  wii  doe  that 

31  thou  haft  commanded. -j-  And  hefaid :  Sweate  then  to  me^  . 
who  fwearing ,  Ifiael  adored  God ,  turning  "  to  the  beds 


Chap.    XLV 

11.     setting  the  land  of  the  Vrlijis.  ]   Let  them  hcare  which  nowliue  (faith 
^*'  ^y-    S.  Chryfoftom  )  whar  great  care  men  had  in  times  paft  of  the  priefls  of  idols  :  The  iramuni- 
incen.     and  let  them  Icarne  at  leaft  to  yecld  hke  honour  to  true  piiefts,  to  t^'honl  the  tie  and  care  of 
minifterie  ofaldiuine  offices  is  committed.  For  if  the  Egyptians,  in  their  er-  PrieHs   in  the 
rors,  had  fo  great  care  of  Idols,  thincking  them  to  be  more  honored,  if  their  law  of  nature, 
minifters  were  refpeded,  how  frrcat  condemnation  doe  they  not  dcferue,  that  Yea  amongft 
now  dimimfli  that,  which  pertaineth  to  the  prouifion  of  pnefls?  Doe  yec  not  Infidels. 
know  that  the  honour  pertaineth  to  Godhimfelf?  Regard  not  therfore  him 
to  whom  the  honouris  exhibited.  For  it  is  not  for  his  caufe  to  v.hom  thou  Mychmorca- 
doeftit,but  for  his  fake  whofe  prieft  he  is,  that  of  him  thou  maicft  abundantly  jp^Q^pft  Chri- 
rcceiuc  rewards.  "VVhcrforehefaid;  Heth^it  shaldoe  it  to  oneofthefejiathdot.eit  i^j^.^jf   Pricfts- 
Rfaf/MJ.  for  me  :  ScHetltai  recc:tt(th  a  prophet,-in  the  name  of  a  pref)h(tjihal  teceme  the  re^yard  Qy^Kj  to  bc 
C^-io.      o/df-vo/'/jf^.VVil  our  Lord  reward  thee  .-Kcording  to  the  worthinesormean-  j;efpe<5led. 
nesofhis  minifters?  According  to.thine  owne  alacritie,  he  either  crowneth 
or  condemneth.&c.  I  lay  nottkis  for  the  pnefts  fakes,  but  for  yours,  dcfiring 
to  gaiae  you  in  al  things.  For  in  lieu  of  that  litle  you  geue,  you  (hal  receiuc 
immortal  rewards,  and  vnfpeakcable  good.  Letvsconficerthefe  things, and 
hafletoferue  them, not  looking  vpon  the  coft, but  vpon  thegainc,  and  inci  cafe 
that  rifeth  therof.  &c.  For  whatfoeuer  youbeftow  vpon  Godspiiefls,  heac- 
countethitasbeftowed  on  himfelf  And  he  that  fb  beftoweth:,  not  only 
receiue  like  rctrbution, but  manifold  greater  :  our  merciful  God,  alwaycs  of 
the  abundance  of  his  mercic,  exceeding  the  thini^s  which  are  done  by  vs.  Let 
vs  not  therfore  be  wo rfe  then  infidels,  who  for  the  error  of  i dols  gauc  iornucU 
to  their  leruanrs ;  for  how  much  error  and  truth  do  differ,  fo  much  difference 
is  there,  bctwen  thciis  and  Gods  Pricfts    Thus  much  and  fomething  more 
writethS.Chrifoftom  vpon  this  place.  Cohen  in  Com^ 

It.     VrieTis  ]   The  Hebrew   word  Cohemim  is  here  vniucrfally  tranflated  place  fignifi- 
Pj-jf/?/^  in  al  languages  and  Editions  :w'hich  (  chap.  40.  v.  45.  )fome  tranflatc  eth  Prince, but 
Trince:  and  more'probably  ( i.Rcg.  8.  v.  vlt.  j  whereDauidsfonnes  are  called  is    herctranf- 
Co/7f»;>n  :who  were  in  dcdePrinces,  andnotpropeily  Priefts.  But  in  this  pre- '^'^^'^  Priefi , 
fent  place  it  iignifieth  thofe,  to  whom  Pharao slowed  particular  prouifion in  i"  ^1  ^he  Engr 
the  time  of  dearth,  which  al  vndetftand  of  Prices,  and  nor  of  Princes-  li^h  Bibles* 

30.    lyyU 

.144  Genests.  Ii)Cob. 

Spccialplacc  30.     Jyril  fleef^eyvit-!}  my  fathers  ]   AlbeitneichertheLick  of  burial,  noranie 

of  bmir.l  lave-    crueltie  nor  contumclie  vfcdagainftdeadbodics,  can  annoy  the  iuft,  for  ;/)oye 

fully  dc fifed,    that  id  mem  bu dies, can  .iJuryyarJs  Joe  tlieni  noemere l),t>me:  ycc  itis  bocii  a  laxyful 

andlpintiuUjr  natural  defire, and  afpiritual  comfort  and  profit,  to  be  buried  inipccial  places,  -^^^  ^^' 

proficabic.         where  their  ownefrends,  or  holieperfons  are  buried,  or  where  God  is  more 

.  fpccialy  ferued,  Sacrilice,  and  orlicr  prayers  offered.  And  fo  both  laeob  end 

lofephdcfircd  to  reft  in  the  landof  Clianaan,  where  their  parenrs  were  buried 

_  and  where  Clirift  riiould  be  born^:  and  redecme  makind.  But  wordhe  pompc 

.,'^  L      .-      and  honour  of  fur.erals,  are  rather  the  cofortof  the  liuing, then  the  rciiefeof 

tl^^d'^'  d   ^        the  departed,  as  .S.  Augiii^in  teacheth,  in  Pial  115.  For  in  the  fight  of  men,  the 

troupe  offcruancs(faithihel3mcS.Auguilin  lib.  I.e.  13.  dcciiiit.)  madcfo- 

Icmne  and  glorious  exequies  to  the  rich  glutton,  tharwascloathcd  in  lilk,  and 

fared  dehcately  in  his  life,  but  in  the  fight  of  God,  the  Angels  minifterie  made 

far  more  excellent  to  poorc  Lazarus,  chough  they  caricd  not  his  bodie  mto  a 

marble  tombe,  but  his  foule  into  Abrahams  bofomc. 

31,  To  the  bedshe-id.  ]  S.  Paul  alleaging  this  place  failh  :  Jacob  adored  the  top  j^^|j_  ^^ 
o;^(Iofcph)  i)fc-;-oi,folowing  the  Sepriiaginc,  who  for  the  fame  Hebrew  word 
The  Scptua-  ^  being  without  points,  that  is,  without'vowels )  in  this  place  fay,  rod,  andio 
gintarcnot  thenext  chapter  (v.  1.)  intcrprec^ci.  For  :v/rf//t-/.  fignihcrii  a  rod.nnA  7/iiituh^ 
contraricto  «tf,,,/,  Tiie  Latjn-therfore  tranflating  hed^  as  the  Hebrew  is  pointed,  and  the 
the  Hebrew  Septuagint,  and  S.  Paule  reading  Vo(/;,  both  are  true,  andboch  togeth^cr  ex- 
andLatin  prelle  the  whole ailion,  that  lacob  taking  lofephs  rori^inro  his- hand^  ami  tur- 

text,  but  fup-  ning  to. 7>ei'edi/;p.«(^, leaned  on  the  top  of  the  rod, and  adored  not  only  God,  the 
■  phe  that  was  l^j-j  and  gcuer  ofalgood,  bucalfo  hisfonne  lofephnow  thechiefe  rule*  and 
omittcu.  .Prince  of yEgy^Jt.  as S.  Auguftui  expoundeth.q   i6z.  in  Gen- And  herein  faith 

S  .  Chnfoftom(ho  •  66)  lofephs  dreamc  was  fulfilled,  that  the  funne  and 
Adoration  of  moonefliould  adore  him.  The  like  faith  Theodoret  (  q.  108. in  Gen)  AndPro^ 
God  and  crea-  copius  addech  that  lacob  adoring  lofephs  rod,  adored  alfo  Chrifts  kingdom  e, 
-turcsisnot  prcfiguredby  thefamc  rod.  Buthow  'adoration  of  creatures  redoundeth  t<j 
repugnant.        thchjnour  of  God,  more  is  nocedvpon  the  laid  pUce  of  S.  Paul- Heb.  ii. 

CHAr.     XL  VIII. 

•lofeffh  Vifttfth  hii  father  bem^ftrk.  ;.  'Svho  adopieth  histwofonnes  MdHaps 
and  Eehraim,  i\.  and  UejfetJj  them,  prefenir)^  the  younger  before  thi 
elder,  contrane  to  lofephs  mind,  ii,  ^nd^eiteth  a  portion  of  Und  to  lo- 
Jcphy  aboue  his  brethren. 

THnsF.  things  being  fo  done,  it  was  fold  lofcph  that  his  i 
father  was  iicke  :  who,  taking  his  two  fonnes  MannlTes 
,andEiphraim,wentfoi-ward.  t  Andir  was  told  the  old  man:  1 
Behold   thy  fonnc   lofeph  cometh  to  .theo  .  Who  being 
^rcngthncd  iate  on  bis  bed.  f  And  lofeph  being  entrcd  in  3 
to  him, he  laid:  God  almightie  appeared  to  me  in  Luza,which 
.IS  ni  the  Land  of  Chana'an:  and  He  blcllcdme,  f  andfayd:  4 
J  wihncrca(c,andnuilfipliethec,and  make  thee  into  mul- 

Genesis.  i4j: 

titudcs  of  peoples :  and  I  wij  gcue  thee  this  land,  and  to  thy 

^  Ctde  after  thee  for  an  eucriafting  pofTcffion.. .  t  Thy  two 

Tonnes  rhcrfore,  vhich  were  borne  to  thee  in  the  Land  of 

i£gypt  before  I  came  hither  to  thee,  O-.albe  myne  :.  Ephraim 

and  ManaiFcs,  as  Ruben  and  Simeon  flialbe  reputed  to  me^. 

6  t  But  the  refc  begotten  of  thee  after  theiru,  ihalbe  thyne, 

and  -Hai  be  called  by  the  name  of  their  brethren  in  their  pof- 

7^  leilions.  t  For  vnto  mCjU'hcn  I  cameout  of  Mcfcpotamia, 

*  Rachel  dyed  in  the  Lmd  of  Chanaan  in  the  very  iourncy,  and 

it  vjS'asfpring  time  :  and  I  entered  into  Ephrata,  and  buried 

her  by  the  way  fide  to  Ephrata,  ^rhich  by  an  other  nameis 

8  called  Bv'thlecm.  f  Andleemghis  Tonnes  he  lliid  to  hinu; 

9  who  are  theif^i^  ?  f  Ek.aniVettd:  They  are  my  fonnes , 
■whom  God  hath  gcuen  me  in  this  place.  Biin?  them,  quoth 

10  he,  to  nie,  that  I  may  bielletlum.  f  For  Ifracls  eyes  were 
dymme  byrcafonpf  very  great  agC',  and  he  could  not  fee 
clearly.  And  when  they  were  (qz  befidc  him,  killing  and  em- 

ti  bracing  them,  f  he  faid  to  his  fonne :  I  am  nor  defrauded 

11  of  thy  light  :moreoiier  God  hath  iliewed  me  thy  fcde.f  And 
when  lofeph  had  taken  them  from  his  hativers  lappe,  he  ad- 

15  ored  proftrate  vnto  the  ground  .  f  And  he  fct  Ephrainoj 
on  his  ri-;ht  hand,  that  is,  on  the  left  hand  of  Ifrael:  but 
ManaflTes  on  his  owne  left  hand,  to  ^7ity  on  his  fathers  right 

14  hand,  and  put  them  nere  to  him.  f  Who  "  ftretching  forth 

his  right  hand,  put  it  vpon  the  head  of  Ephraim  the  younger  ..  g^  ^i^i^  j^^ 

";"'•  brother:  and  '•  theleft  vpon  the  head  of  Manafles,  that  was  made  a  croire- 

ij   the  elder,  "  changing  handes.    f    And   lacob    blcilld   the  piefiguring 
fonnes  oflofeph,  and  laid:  God,in  whofe  fight  my  fathers  ^^^f^.,^'^'[^'J^ 
Abraham  and  Ifaac  haue  walked,  God  that  fee3eth  me  from  ,„/;^^„[/i'«w. 

x6  my  youth  vntil  this  prefcntday :  f  "  The  Angel  thatdeli- 
iicrcthme  from  al  euils,  blcffe  thefe  children.,:  and  be  my 
name  called  vpon  them,  the  names  aUo  of  my  fathers  Abra- 
ham, and  Ifaac,  and  grow  they  into  a  multitude  vpon  the 

17  earth,  f  And  lofeph  feing  that  his  father  had  put  his  right 
hand  vpon  the  head  of  Ephraim,  tooke  it  heauily  :  and  ta- 
king his  fathers  hand  he  went  about  to  lift  it  from  Ephraims 
18  head,  and  to  remoue  it  vpon  the  head  of  ManaiTcs.  |  And 
he  faid  to  hii  father:  It  is  not  conucnicnr  father  fo  to  be : 
becaufe  this  is  the  fir^lbrgotten  put  thy  right  hand  vpon 

icj  his  head,  -f  W.o  rc'^ufiag,  faid:  I  know  ray  fonne,  I  know: 
and  this  fame  in  dcdciiiAi  be  iato  peoples,  and  fhalbe  multi- 

T  plied: 

i4(?  Genesis.  ^acob. 

plied :  but  his  younger  brother  (bal  be  greater  then  he  :  and 
his  fed  e  IP  at  '>rowe  intonations,  t  And  he  bklFed.thcmat   lo 
that  tin)e,  fayinc^ :  In  thee  ihal  Ifrael:  be  blcfled,  and  it  (halbe 
faid-.Goddo  vn'fo  thee  as  vnto  Ephraim,  and  as  vnto  Ma- 
nallcs.  And  he  fctte  Ephraim  before  Manallcs-    t  And  he  ii 
hid  to  lofcph  his  fonne,. :  Behold  I  dye,  and  God  wil  be 
\firh  vou,  and  wil  briiig  you  backe  into  the  land  of  your 
fathers,  t  I  doc  geuc  thee  one  portion  abouc  thy  brcthreru,  ii 
which  I  tooke  out  of  the  hand  of  the  Amorrhean  with  my 
fwordand  bowe. 

Chap.     X  L  V  I  H. 

The  riffhthai      14.     sneduhinnr  forth  his  ri^ht  hand.  ]   As  narnre  hath  made  the  right  hand  ^4rij}  /;. 
aKo  in'ipiri-     readier  ro  mouc,  tlrongcr  to  vioikc  and  rclift,  andapteito  iT?.mc  and  faOiion  ^Jt.tA- 
'    I  rhm!i<;,    anic  thins,  To  gencrallyu'c  v(c  it  more  then  the  left.  And  uhcn  we  vfu"  both  lo.textu. 
prct'erred'bc-handcs  at  once,  vi'e  ordinarily  applie  the  right  hand  to  the  greater, and  more  g.^^-  dt 
(  rethelcft.    excellent  effcd,  both  in  fpiririial  and  corpors!  things.   Asin  confirmsticn  of  ;>,ff/'.  *- 
fultlirieor  freindlliip,  in  bleding,  writing,  ficghtinjr,  playing,  and  in  niort  nimal . 
othersth',  wcvlethcrighthand,  citheronly  or  e'hiefly.  So  the  Patrisfch  f^,,^. 
Taroblaidehis  right  hand  vpon  Ephraim,  knowing  by  prophetical  fpiricc, 
The  younger  ji^.tl^jfl^Qul  J  t,e  preferred,  before  his  elder  biotlicr  ManafTes.  Literally  ful  • 
brother  pre-    ^\\^i\  in  lofue,  leroboam,  and  other  cii;ef  Princes  of  Ephraims  iilue-  And 
ferred  fign  fi- rnyftically  in  the  Gentils,being!atcr  called  of  God,  and  yet  preferred  before 
cd  the  Genti-  ibc  lewes.  J.C^/t;  li.i>  c.  tiiadmr.ludeoi: S . Etnediti.  VatrUrcb.c.  ii 
Ics  before  the  s,^ii'<^.it.i6  c  j^  ciuit.O'C, 
l*«5.t$.  i^.'    chanprt^b.iudfs  ]  Themyfrerie,  of  the  Gcntils  excelling  the  Icwcs 

in  time  of  gncc,  often  prefigured  by  preferring  rhe  younger  btotiicr  before  frocop. 
the  elder  {  Abel  before  Cain;  Abraham  before  Nachor;  Ifaac  beforclfmael;  lfidor.'a 
lacob  hmifelf  before  Efau  ;  and  now  Ephraim  before  Wariaffcs)  i$  here  fur-  Ge». 
thcr  reprcfented  by  lacobs  forming  ofa  erode,  with  his  armes  laied  one  ouer 
the  other,  when  he  blclled  his  two  ncphewes  :  who  otherwife  might  hauc 
The  forinc  of  [aicJ  his,  right  hand  fiift  vpon  oJie,,  and  then  vpon  the  other.;  or  haue  caufed      ' 
thcCrollepre  them  to  change  places;  but  he  wittingly  croflcd  his  armes,  and  cU/tn^'d  hii 
figured  by  l^- hunde':;  or  according  ro  the  Uchrcw,  madf  his  handrsynJe^fl^nd,  that  iS,ky  his 
cob  crolllng    bandcsn-udcirtobevnderftood,  not  only  that  the  younger  Ihould  be  in  place 
ilisarmcs.        ofthc elder,  Ephraim  before  Manaflcs,  ami  much  more  the  Gentiles  befort 
thclcwcs,  biitalfo.that  this  greater  Myftcrie. (hould  be  effeifbcd  b^y  Chrift 
dying  on  a  Crolfe.  ror^h-at  els  could  the  vericcroinng  of  his-  arrrvcs,  fo  wit- 
tingly and  purpollydone,  fignific,  butthc  forme  and  figure  of  Chriils  CroiTc  ? 
Asclswhcrc  the  wood,  which  young  Ifaaccaricd  on  his  back  vnto  the  moun- 
tainc  prefigure  i  the  matter  or  ftibfrance  of  the  fame  CrolTc   Al  accompUlhed  ' 
when  Chrirt  was  crucified  :  wherby  the  lewes  were  fcandalizcd,  and  the  Gen- 
tiles called  andfaucd.  Our.Sauiour  himfclfc  forrcllinpj,  ih^i  he  being  txalted  (to  Joan,  rij 
M'MvponxhcCtoiTc)  yyoyUdra-vyal  ynto  hrmf.lf.  And    S.  Paul  teaching  that  CoUof.ii. 
Chrift/'V'"^'^  ihe  hn'id yyrttin^,  thai  yyasa^^tinjl  -»j ;  >^» » the  CrojJ*. 

16.    Th* 

lacob.  Genesis.  147 

i^.  rhe  ,A>i^tl  that  drUtintth  me.  ]  It  is  eui dent  bj  this  plainc  tCTr;,tJj2C lacob 
wasdcliuciccl 'romcuilcslfy  an  Anc^cl,  andrhat  kcinuocatcd  tlie  i'.avc  An^el  Prorcdioti  Sc 
rotilelTchis  ncph-cv7cs,5.  B^fil  (^b.  ^.cont.  Eu-nom.ininttu)  ihevcth  bv  cKis  place   L.uocatiano£ 
amongft  others,  that  an  Angel  IS  prefenr  with  cuerie  ojic,  a<  a  i>ei.u-^o^f^fjand  Angels. 
p^jleur,  dirfclnt^  l)ti hjf.  S.Chryi'o[[om  Si\Co  (ho.  ■^-  iniuud.  S',Pauit}  cueththis 
place  iu  tcftimonie,  that  proper  Angels  arc  deputed  to  proceClracn  ,      Yet 
Qi},lt        Protcftants  fay  ,  that   this  ^u^^el  mufi  he  ■vnderjiood  of  chrijl:  rem-.tting  their 
l^oj.       gloluc  V.  15.  andji.T.  I  ofGcnefis;,  whcie it  cannot  be  proucd. 
But  the  ancient  Fathers  teach  the  patronage  &  luuocation  of  A  iigcls  groun- 
ded in  holic  Scripture .  Namely  in  this  place, and  manie  other  places  in  the  old   P  roued  by  an* 
Tcftament.  Alfo  Mat'  i8.A(ft.ii.  i.Cor.  ii.  «Sc  the  like. For  example, S.I uftinus  cicut  Fathers-. 
Martyr  inexplic.qq.  nccefT.  q.  50.  afiirming  it  for  aknowen  truth,  dcclareth 
that  thofe  Angels,  vhich  receiuc  the  charge  ofguatdig  men,  c6tinc»*'  the  fame 
ofSce  cither  tobothfoule  andbodic,  or  to  t4ie  fouleafterit  is  parted  from  the 
bodic.S.  C-rilof  Alexandria  (lib.  4.  cont.Iulun.prope  init.y  flTevt'nig  hov  .,'•■ 

God  rfeth  the  miaiflcrie  of  holic  Angels,  for  mens  faluation,  (aitli :  Hi  naxi^ 
a  nobis  ali^untfef.K  S:c.Tl-n:Cc  ( Angels)  driuc  au'ay  noyfomc  wildbcads  froiu 
rs:  andrclkcw  thofe  that  arc  caught,  from  their  crueltic.  and  rcich^vhac 
focuer  IS  laudable,  to  make  our  palfagc  free,  andnotpeftcrcd,  vhcn  vt-itb  v$ 
they  glorifie  one  foucriignc  God.S.  Chrylbftom  (ho .  60,  in  Much.  18  j  S.  Hic- 
rome  vpon  the  fame  place,  S.  Ambr<)(e,  ia  Pfal.  jS.S  Auguftin  li.  83.  qq.  q.  79. 
ic  li.  Soliloq.  c.  17.S  Gregorieli.4,  C.31  inj  lob  S.  Bernard  fer.y.Dedicat. 
Erclef.&^o.ScotherSjfovniuerfally  teach  the iamc,  thacCaluiii 
(li.  Inftit.c.14.  (cd.38.)  darcnotdenieit,  andyctvfilneQcsdoubrofit. 

i^.     Ce  my   nxm*  atUei  ypon   them.  ]    This  place  hath  tvo  good  literal       .     "'^  "^^ 
fenfcs.  ForSrftitimporteth, thatEpbraimand  Aianadcs  were  made  partici-  ^^'""  ^^^"^ 
pant  amongthcTribej.oftheblcifingsofAbrahamjIfaac,  and  Jacob. Second-  "^^^'^^^  f*7 
Ivthat  God  v^ouldblcdc  them, for  Abraham,Ifaac,and  Iacob$f»ke:foMoyfcs  """"^  ^^  ^^^' 
praying  for  the  v'holc  people  (Exodi.  31.)  beloughc  <Jod  to  remember,'  A-  *'^-'^'^** 
braliam,  Ifaac,  and  IlracI,  and  God  wxi  therwitli  pacified. 

Chap.     X  L  I  X. 

Idcol  replenished  ttfith  thefpiriteofprophecieydlJlelefare'hisdeithyfor- 
telleth  hisfonnei  mdnie  thin^Sy  th*t  shxl  happen  to  their  bcfleritie.  Char- 
^et  h  fame  of  them -VfithfAultespAU  yhlejfeth  cuerte  one.  icf.  ^p^intetb 
Iphtrc  to burie him.  52.  and djeth^  ® 

1  A    Nd  lacob  called  his  Tonnes,  and  faid  to  them:  Come  •••   The 
jfjL  togcther,that  I  -  may  ihew  you  the  things  that  ihal  P'^;^'^^ 

2  come  to  you  in  thelaftdayes.  f  Come  together,  and  heare  A^^li/fR^ 
you  lonnc5  ot  lacob,  heare  ye  Ifrael  your  bther :  nedidi  Patriar. 

I       t  Ruben  my  firft  begotten  ,  thou  art  my  ftrength  ,  and 

the  begining  of  my  Corov:  former  in  giftcs  ,   greater  in  ■•■  Aprophccie 

4  cnapyre^.  f  Thou  art  poured  outas^^at^cr,  "  encreafe  thou  "°""  impre- 
Boti.:  "  bccaufe  thou  diddeft  afccnd  thy  fathers  bed,  and  ,"''°"-^  '^""• 
^iddcft  defilciiis  coutch.  ^  '^^^rt^  ^  *^"*' 

T  1  Jl^imcon 

fe  are 

1^8  Genesis.  lacob. 

t  S imcon  and  Leui brethren:  "vclTels  of  iniqui tie  \rarring.  j 
t  Into  their  connfel  come  not  my  foule,  and  in  their  con-- 6 
grcgationbcnotmyglone:  becaufein'their  furie  they  ilew 
That  thcfe      a  man-.,    and  in  cheir  wiUuhics  they  vnicrmincd  a  wall . 
are  moft  pio-  j-  Curfed  be  their  furie  ,  becaufe  it  is  ftubborne:  and  their  7 
found  ^y'^^'in^icrnxzion,  becaufe  it  is  bard  :  I  wil  diiiide  them  in  lacob, 
concciue,  but  andNf'ii  ailperle  them  in  Ilrael. 

xnolUardto        f  luiis,  thee  thy  brethren  shal  praifc  :  thv  hand  shalbe  in  8 
vnJeriland      the  neck  oi'thyne  enemies  :  thy  fathers  children  shal  adore 
tlicm.lnromcj.j^^^^^  f  A  lions  whcip  ludas :  to  the  pray  my  fonne  thou   9 
rccoutucth      ^^^^  afcend;  taking  thy  reft  thou  didft  lye  as  a  lion,  and 
things  paft  in  as  it  were  a  lyonclFe,  -who  shalraife  him  vp  ?  --f  "  The  fcep-  10 
his  life,  for    ter  shal  not  B  E  t  A  k  e  n  a-wav  from  ludas^andadukcour  of<T  the  ef-  \y^^  rhioh,  til  he  doe  come  that  is  to  be  fenr,  and  the  fame  »lal 
come.  Oiher  ^^  ^^^  expectation  of  the  gentiies    f  Tying  to  the  vineyard  11 
thir.t-she  for-  hiscolt,and  to  the  vine,  o  my  fonne,  his  the  oSiz^.'"  He 
fiicweth  per-  Oial  waih  his  flolein  Ns^ine,  andin  the  bloud  of  the  gtape  his 
taynuigrothc  ^-jQi^-g^^  t  His  eyes  are  more  beautiful  then  wine,  and  his' 12 

LandofCha-^^^^^^'^t^^,^'^^^^-"/^''^^^-        ,         ,  ,,       , 

naan,  orhers       t  Zabuion  shal  dwcl  ill  the  shore  of  the  fea,andinthe  *i$ 

to  the  times    road  of  shippes  rcachini^  as  farre  as  Sidon. 

of  the  ludges,      j.  Kfachar  a  flron;;  aile  lying  at  rell  betwen  the  borders.   14 

of  the  K'.nes,   .    tt     r  r»      1        ■  j  j     1  1      1         • 

of  the  Cann'  '   "^   ^^  ^'^     thatitwas  good  :  and  the  earth  that  it  was  ij  , 

uicie,  ofDeli-  very  good:  and  he  put  vnder  his  shoulder  to  cary,and  became     •- 
Hcric  from     feruing  vnder  tributes. 

thence,  of  -j-  D^,-^  shaliudge  his  owne  people  as  alfo  an  other  tribe  m  \G 

tichiift,?ndo'f  ^^^^^^'  ^  ^^  Dan  "  a  fnakeinthe\x^iy,aferpentin  the  path,  17 
ihc  end 'of  this  byting  the  hooftes  of  the  horfc,  that  his  ryder  may  falback- 
woild  .  of  al  ward.  7  I  wil  expcd:  thy  salvation    g  Lordi  18 

v/hich  dmers      ^  Gad  ,  the  gyrdcd  shal  fight  before  hinu  :  andhimfelf  10 

large  comcn.  t  Aicr,his  bread  is  tat,and  he  shal  geue  daynties  to  kinges.  10 
tarries,  &  god.  f  Nepthali ,  a  hart  let  forth  ,  diT  gening  fpefiches  of  ii 
he  treaci/cs.     beau  tie. 

t  lofeph  a  child  encreafing,  encreafing  and  comelie  to  iz 
behold :  the  daughters  courfed  to  and  for  vpon  the  wall, 
t  But  the  dart  did  exafperate  him,  ScT*'  brkwled,  and  x% 
enuicdhim.  f  His  bowe  fate  vpon  the  ftrong,  Scf"  the  bands  24 
of  his  armcs  and  his  handes  were  diirolued,by  the  handcs  of  " 
the  mightie  of  Jacob  :  thence  came  forth  a  paftour,  the  ftone 
of  Ilracl,  t  The  God  of  thy  father  shal  be  thy  helper,  5^  15 


Jacob.  •  GenF.sis;  14^ 

the  Almjqhxtie  shal  blclle  thee  with  the  hkffngcs  of  hca- 

uen/icm  aboue,  Vfith  the  bledingcs  of  the  dcapth,  that  lieth 

beneath,  'w  ith  the  blclliiigs  of  the  pappesand  or  the  \f  cir;be. 

36  -f  Thebleilingf  s  of  thy  father  >x'ere  Ihcngthned  Vfiththe 

bleiiings  ofhis  fathers  :vntil  the  defire  of  the  eternal  hilles 

^  .   Cariie:  be  they  vpon  the  hcadof  Iofcph,6^'vpon  the  crowne; 

.,  1;  Qf  the  Nazarite  among  his  brethierLj. 

27  ■  f  Beniamin  •■  a  rauening  ^»'oolfe,  in  the  morning  shal  c.:te  ::  This  pro-  ' 
the  pray,  and  in  thccixcning  shalditiide  therpoils_/.  phecie  5.  Au- 

28  t  Althefe  in  the  tribes  of  lirael  tvy'eluc^:  thefe  things  l^^^^^j^'^l^^'* 
fpake  their  father  to  them,  and  he  blelled  eucrieone,wiih  pa"i^of°i,e" 

25)  their  proper  bleilings  f  Andhe  commanded  them,  faying:  inbeofEema- 
I  am  geathcred  vnto  ray  people^:  biirie  you  m.c  Nsith  my  mmjwliowas 
fathers  in  the  duble  caiie^  -yhich  is  in  the  field  of  Epbron  the  ^^^^  ^  pcrfcrca- 

•30  Hethite,  f  againft  Mam  are  in  t^'C  Land  oiGhanaan,  which  o°''Apoftr'of 
Abraham  bought  with  the  field  of  Ephron  the  Hethite  for  c'hrift.i-^r.i^i 
31  a  podeffion  to  barie  in.  f  There  they  buried  him,  6(f^  Sara  lieSMdtu 

his  wife:  there  was  Ifaac  btiried  with  Rebecca  his  wife_^ : 
52  there  ahbliadoth  lie  buried,  f  And  when  he  had  finished 
the  precepts  wherwirh  he  inArudtcd  his fonncs,  he pkicked 
vp  his  feet  vpon  the  bed,  and  died:  6<!^  he  was  put  vnto  his 
people-/ . 

C  HAP.     X  L  I  X. 

Ruben  for  his 
(inne  ve'as  put 

4.  Bf  Ciiufe  thou  duiffl  afcendthy  fathers  bed  ]    For  this  crime  ofinccft  Ru 
Benvi'ai'depiiucdofhisflift-birth-l-ight.  Who  being  by  order  of  birch/c»)VH«/'  ^ 
inguiftfs,  whciby  he  (liciild  hane  had  duble  portion;  and  greater  m  F-mphe,  "*^'"  f'''^  P^ 
wherby  he  fliould  haue  bene  Prince  or  Lord  ouer  his  brctfieren,  the  former  ^'°§^,-'"" 
pierogatiue  xc^as  geiien  to  lufeph  ,  vt  hofc  tvro  fonncs  were  hc.ides  of  two  tiic  tuit  bOflW 
Tribes,  the  odicr  wasgeuen  to  the  Tribe  of  luda,  in  Dauid  and  his  podetitie. 

He  VMS  alfo  depriucd  of  his  prercgadue  in  Priefthood,  which  was  after  an- 
nexed to  the  Tribe  ofLeui,  wherupon  tli^Chaldceparaphrafis  fpcakctk  thus 
to  Ruben  :  It  belonged  to  thee  to  haue  reccaued  three  better  iectcs  then  thy 
brethren,  Pricfthood,  Befl;  portionj  and  the  Kingdome*  But  bccaufe  thou 
Jiafl/inncd,  the  duble  portion  is  geucn  to  loleph,  the  Kingdome  to  ludas, 
and  Priefthood  to  Lcui.  ti  l      r 

5.  fffellts  of  imcjuitie.  ]   'Vibeit  Simeon  and  Leui  were  moued  with   iuft  r.       ^^^^ y  - 
Zeale  to  punifh  the  foule  crime  cnnnnitted  by  Sicheni,  againft  thcii  Cider  and  ^•"^^^"''^ ,      \_ 
whole  famih'c:  yet  in  their  manet  of  reuena^iag  were  manie  finnes  worthely  ^j^^j^^^ 
condemned  by  Jacob,  botli  imm^diafly  nftcrthe  fatl,  and  herear  !)is  death.  °^'^}^  •  ^"^ 
for  before  the  ilaughtcr  thcv  coaimictcd  there  grcatc  fiimcs ;  ia  taut  they  ^'^^^^  ^nauet 

T  }  '  xailily 

lean. 11. 

ISO  Genesis,  •  lacob. 

ofrcucnge,     ra(hly  did  ic  vnlrnowne  to  theirf^theitliciby  purtin^htmi:  thcmfc'ucs  in  ex- 
was  manic        tremc dangcr.if God  had  not  marucloudy  proteitsd  them;  in  falfly  pretcn- 
va}cs£iultic.  Jing  agrceincnc  and  league  with  the  Sichamitcs  ,  which  they  mcnt  "not  to 
pcirormc;  andinfacrilcgiouny  abufing  the  'Sacrament  o(  CircuinciJion,  ma- 
king it  a  dokc  to  dccciuc  th.eir  cnneroics.  In  the  fadl  alfo  they  committed 
othC-r  fourc  groire  crimes:  cruelly  killing  thole,  tiiat  offered   other  abun- 
dant f,itisfa(ftion;  murchering  others  that  were  altogether  innocent.;  lacking 
and  dcilroying  the  citie,  and  carying  avcay  vemen  and  children  captiae  . 
The  PricAs  Sc  Myftically  S.  Ambrofe,  Ruffinus,  Ilidorus,  and  others  vndeiftand  this  pro- 
Scribes  furic,  phccie,  of  the  Scribes  and  the  Pneftes,  delcending  of  Simeon  and  Leui,  who 
otjftinacic,  &  vcremofteagrcagaiml  ourSauiourjashimfelf  m)rc'plainely  ibrtold,  faing: 
kard  harts   a-  Thefonmofmj,nihaUithet^-aytdto  thechieftPriejies^  and  ta  the  ScribtSy  and  they  shal  \;<.^,i0, 
gaiaflChrift.    eondemnehimtadtith.T\\t:\.xi\xufV3.%  curfedaboue  al  furie,  Recduf,' (i%  lacob 
here  ^MtW^it^yasjluhharnr^oK  obftinatcfot  they-did  not  only  condcmne  Chrilt 
to  death  in  their  wicked  counccl,  but  alfo  vrged  and  prelFed  Pilar,  endcao- 
ringc  totauehim,  &fturred  vp  the  people  to  crye:  Ta^e  htm  array ,  Critctfie  hi;n,  lotin.i%. 
Yea  their  indignation,  vrns  fo /;rfri,thac  they  piefcrrcdBarabbas  befiDre  Chrifl. 
lO.     Tite  fcepter  thai  not  be^fn  array.  "^    Here  the    PatiiarcK    lacob   for- 
Takine  ave^ay  telicth  the  time,  when  the  promifed  MelFias  fiiould  come  into  the  world, 
of  the  rccral    bythisfigne  that  the  leeptet  (bould  not  be  taken  from  luda,  til  the  fame  Re- 
fccoccr  from    decmcr  ofmankind  wercat  hand.  Notthac  the  regal  fcepter  should  remainc 
the'  lewcs  a     in  the  Tribe  of  luda,  from  lacobsdearh  tfl  Chri(>es  comming  :  for  th,trKing' 
li>Tnc  of  dome  beganne  firft  in  DauiJ^abouc  fix  hundred  yearcs  after  lacobs  death,  and 

Chnfts  CO-  afcerthecaptiuitieof  Babylon  the  highePric{>s  of  the  Tribe  o'f  Leur  did  go» 
fgxwr.  ucrne  alfo  the  ftate.  &  not  only  the  Church,  otherfix  hundred  yeares.Butlhc 

*  fenfeis,  thatofthc  Tribe  of  luda  ftiould  ri(c  moft  glorioufc  Kirge*,  \rho(c 

crowne  andKingdome  fliould  rcmaine  with  the  Icwi Hi  Nation,  vntil  their  ex- 
pelled M^-lTias(hould  driwcnere,  and  then  be  taken  from  them  by  the  Gen- 
tiles. Whichwasdowneby  Herod,  whofc  father  was  an  Idumcan,  his  mother 
an  Arabiquc  .  Thus  the  Ancient  fathers  with  one  accordc  viiderilood  this 
prophecie.S.  uifhnus  Martyr., ?f>«r»*.':/7(j«e.  Eufebius  Cefarieu.  lib.  Hift. 
Ecclcs.  cap  6.S.  A.tln\\Ai]us . It'o  de Incurnat.  S.  Ambrofe /«^.^f  Benedtcf.  Patrtarch 
f.  4.S.  Chiyroftoni.f/o.^7.>;>Ce«.S.  Auguftinlib.  i8.c.4j.  dc  ciuic.  Theodo- 
rctus.q.  vlt.inGen. 
Our  Lords  H-    Heshalrraib  hisj1>le  inrryr.e.  ]   By  vine,  and  bloud  of  thp  grape,  what  .. 

•real  prelbice  other  thing  is  fliewcd  (faith  S  Cyprian   Epill  ad  Cocci l.^j)  but  the  wine  of  '' *'  ^ 
in  the  B.  Sa- t'^'?  Chalice  of  our  Lordes  bloud?  LikwilcTertuUian(  lib  4Contta  Marcio-  f* 
craincHt   pro- "cni)  CTpouadcth  the  fiole  to  fignilic  Chrifts  flcfli,  and  the  wine  his  bloud. 
•phccicd.  'Inal  which  bouke  his  driftis  to  Ihcwc  that  Chrift  did  not  dsftroy  the  oide 

Tcftai-nent,  but  fulfilled  the  figures  and  prophecies  thcrof.  And  not  tiiatChrift 
gduc  hisbodiein  figure  only,  asouradueifaricsallcadge  him. 
.      .         „  17-     Be  nait  a  pial^f  in  the  yy^y. '^   Tliis  piophccie  moft  ancient  Fathers  vii- 

fn(i!cnt  I-a-  <^erUood  of  AntiChrift. namely  S.It%na;us,/*t.  f.  Wur,/.  ff^r^/;  S.'Hyppohtus 
thcrs  luppole  u.iayjOratJec^nf^mifiat.fverttU.S.  Ambrofe. c.7  dt  Benedict.Pamarch.S.  Augu- 
thatAntichnlt  rt.-      ^         ■    ,  r     r,     r        1  t    j  -r  j t    ^  ■    «,        -tl       i 

t,  ,.  r  \  iitn.  a.  11..  ft  !one.  Vrolpcr, promiJy.O'  pyjtdiSl.  Df».  P.  4.  Theodorct.  q . 
Jhalbc  ot  the  ^/,      ',       c   /-  •     -r  r  %,       1        «        j  l  l  1 

..  _    ^-p^         >"-«'*r,f«.  S.GregoiJc,  Z./'.^o- A/or4/.f.  iS.andmanyothers  vpon  the  7.  chap. 

of  the  Apocalips.  whcrcthcyfuppofe  S.Ioandido.TJttt  Danfromamongftrhc 
Eleiftofthc  Ifraclitical  Trfbc5,  indetcftatioii  pfAntichrift,  to  be  borne  of  that 
Tribc.AnJ  certayneitisjthatthclcweswilrecciuc,  andfolowc  him  for  their  Jo^*>-S'' 
Mcifias.  as  our  Sauiour  himfelfcfaith;  Which makcth  it  very  probable,  tiiac 
itc.flialbealcwc  borac,  circthc^  would  not  focafilyadmitt  him. 

*l.     Xofepii 

lofeph.  Genesis.  i5'i 

1-1.     lorei^h  a  chiUe  ]    lofej-h  \s-'ns  in  man'e  rcfpecQcs  n  fgnrc  of  lofcrli  in  ma- 
Chrift,  c4>ccjal!yinth.itlie  was  loucd  cf  his  father  before  al  his  brctl.eren,  nie  things  {-rc- 
foldc  by  his  brcthrn  to  rhc  Gentiles  ofcnuie,  and  for  iT.oncy.adiiorccci  to  Hi-  figutedChxill, 
cnirieand  authcritic,  tlicdcliucicr  cf  ^.gypt  from  famine,  and  called  Saiiir  . 
our  of  the  world;  a!  pcrfQimcd  lu  Chnft,  thctruc  Childe  tiicrcaLng. 

Chap.      L. 

h^^h  cauffth  hh  fathers  I  odte  to  he  emh^jvmfJ;  t,.  the  d^iy  a  of  mourning-  . 
ie'ingtxpirecl,  6.  'With  Pharaos  leaue,  Icfeph  ■>//«  the  anarnts  of  A.gjpt^., 
d  Ls  hi^thren,  and  eldtrfcrte  of  ifraciites  goe,  AtidfoUmni^himetht. 
hodte  in  Chanaan.ij^,  ^/Cfttr  their  retwne,  hshrethrrnfeitring,  lefijo-y 
Jfpb'f'ii} new reuen^e foiTH-tr inlay :es ,  he fte!)  for^ctiet h  al.  ii.  ^U  the- 
a^ecfiio.^earesyadmrin^  urie  bis  Lcnes  lUo  Chaaaatt., 
he  dieth ^.and  is p n t  in  a  c ojfi!>. . 

1  "TTTTHiCH  lofcph  fccmg,   feivponhis  fathers  face. 

2  V  \  "creeping  and  kiliini:  him.  j-  And  he  commanded 
his  feruanrrs  the  phT'f.rian^,  that  they  should  cmbavrme  his 

3  father' with  fpices .  j  "^'ho  fufilling.  liis  commandemcnrs , 
there  pa  (fed  fcnuTicdayes:  for  this  was  themancr  of  corfes 
cmb.a-^rmed',   nnd  -(^igypt   mourned   him_.  feuentre  daics  . 

4  t  A'"^^  '^"'^  raoiirning-time  being  expired.  lofeph  fpake  to 
the  familieof  Fharao  :  If!  haue  found  grace  in  your  light, 

^  fpcakc  in  the  carcs-of  Fharao:  f  for  fo  much  as  my  father  did 

adiuremjiiv,  faiiTg  :  Behold  I  dicjin  my  fepuh:hrc  ••  \rhich  I  ::  lacob  ilsi^ 

dii7J^ed  far  my  ft-lfcin  thclandof  Ghanaan.thcushalt  buric  ?,      ^  f^pul- 

"-^T      .,  I       r  11--  c    i  1  cherfor  him- 

me.  I  wil  gocvpthcrforc,  and  buncmy  father,  and  rcrurne.  ^-^^-^^  thouo'h 

6  t  And  Pharao  faid  to  him:  Goe  vp  and  burie  thy  father  as  it  be  nother- 

7  jhouwaftadiured.  f  Who  going  vp,  there  \rent  xrith  him  tofore  mcnti- 

al  the  ancients  of  Pharaos  houfe,  and  al  the  elders  of  thc^P5*^^^'"^'** 

8  Lanctofy€gypr :  t  the  houfe  of  lofeph  with  I^'s  brethren,  ^^ ''J '^^'^-y^^,^^' 
fauing  their  little  ones,  and  the  flockes  and  Keards,  which 

<)  they  had  left  in  the  Land  of  Geiren_».  f  He  had  alfo  in  his 
rraine  chariotts  and  horfemen  :  and  it  became  no  fmal  ir.ul- 

TO  ritudc_/.  f  And  they  came  to  the  fioore  of  Atad,  \;hich  is 

fituare  beyond  lord  ainc:^:  where  celebrating  tlie  exequies        ^.  >. 
"vith  great  and  vehement  mourning,  they  fpcnt  ful  feuen 

U  daycs.  f  Which  when  the  Inhabiters  of  the  Land  of  Ch?- 
naan  had  feene,  they  faid :  This  is  a  great  mourning  vnro  rhe 
Egyptians .  An  ti  thcrfore  the  name  of  that  place  was  called; . 
"  TKs. 

i^L  Genesis.  lofeph. 

The  mourning  of  /£gypt-^.  f  Therforc  the.  Tonnes  of  la-  iz 
cob  did  as  he  commanded  them:  f  and  ca'rying  him  into  15 
the  Land  of  Chanaan,  they  buried  hint  in  thcdiible  caue^, 
which  Abraham  had  bought  with  the  field  for  a  poilcllion.  ;..  / 
to  burie  in  of  Ephron  the  fiethiteagainft  Mambre.  f  -And  14 
lofeph  returned  into  ^gypt  with  his  brethren..,  and  with 
al  the  trainc,  his  father  being  buried,  f  After  whofc  death,    ly 
his  brethren  fearing  ,  and  talking  one  with  an  other  :  Left 
perhaps  he  be  mindful  of  the  inmrie  which  he  fuffcred,  and 
requite  vs  al  the  eui!  that  sve  h.iue  done,  f  they  aducrtifed   16 
him  faing  :  Thy  father  commanded  vs  before  he  died,  f  that   17 
ve  (hould  fay  thus  much  to  thee  in  his  wcvrdes:.  I  befcch 
that  thou  forget  the  wicked  fad  of  thy,  br^riiren,  and  the 
finne  6^  malice  which  they  haue  cxercifed  at^inll  thc'e^  : 
wealfo  dcfire  thee,that  to  the  ferLrnrs  of.the  God  of  ihy 
father  thou  remit  this  iniquitic.  \v^hom  when  lofcphrad 
heard  he  wept_..  f  And  his  brethren  came  to  iiim-/:  and' iS 
;^This  vord  ::  adorinE;  proftratc  on  the  eround  they  faid  :  ^7e  are-  thv  f er- 
adoyin'T  often  J:  ■r         i  i  r  j      r  '  r  cl 

•   L  rC:^  uantcs.  t   lo  whom  he  anlwcred:  Fcarc  not:  can  we  rcliii:  t«9 
m  hone  bcnp-  •»      r  ^     1      ,  /--tr  i  i  ■     -,  i  ,» 

tuTc ri<i;njficth  the  wji  of  God?  f-    You  thought  euil  againlt  me  :  but  God  2.0 

ciuil  hnnrur:  tutned  that  intogood,  th  it  he  might  exalt  me,  as  preicntly 
as  here  it  c?n  you  fee,  and  mi^ht  faue  many  peoples,  -j;  Feare  not:  I  wil  21 
^^'^"""'■^'"'^fetd  you  &r  your  jir'e  ones,  and  he  Comforted  them,  and 

fpake  gently  5^ mildly,  f  And  he  dweitin  ^gypt,  with  al  22 
his  fathers  houfe:  and  jiu.ed  an.  hundred  and  tennc  yeares. 
.    And  he  fawe  the  children  of  Ephraim  vnto  the  third  gene- 
r.ition.  Alfo  t   e  children  of  Machir  the  fonne  of  ManafUs 
were  borne  in  lofephs  knees    j  N57hich  thinges  being  done,  25 
he  fpake  to  his  brethren  :  After  my  death  God  wil  vilire  you, 
and  wil  make  you  goe  vp  out.of  this  land,  to  the  land  which 
he  iware  to  Abraham,  Ilaac,  and  lacob.  '{■  And  ^)rhen  he  had  24 
adjured  them  and  faid  :  God  wil  vifite  you, "  caric  my  bones 
with  you  out  of  this  place  :  -j-  he  died,  being  an  hundred  2j 
and  tenne  yeares  old.  And  being  cn:ibawmed  with  fpices, 
was  put  in  a  cofiin  in  ^Egypt . 
»■  ,  ■  -       ., 

,  'ChAp     L. 

Codthe^'aufe       ^^'  ''"''' '''"^?^^"'^'-  ]   Thisplaiticdiftinaion  fliewech.that  finne  is  xthnlly 

ofiinuc.    '     ^  ofthe  fanner;  ancUhatCoclhatli  no  patt  thciin,  but  turncth  it  tc  ^ood    For 

tholc  things  which  lofcphsbrctlircu  did  againi^  him,  were  occafions  of  his 


lofeph.  Genesis.  155 

aduanccmcntini£gypt,  through  the  omnipotent  wifclome  of  God.VVhofe 
pioperticis,  outofeuenccuilto  dra\i7good.  S.  Chrifoft.  ho.  67.  in  Gen.  S. 
Aug.  Encl/Hid.  c.  II.   Cp'U.   14.  c.  tj.dtctuit. 

ij.   Cayie  my  bones  fyith  you.]    For  the  fame  rcafons  lofeph  would  be  finally 
buried  in Chanaan,  for  which  lacobdefircd  to  be  there  buried  (chap    47.  )  Iofcph,forhi« 
but  lofcph  would  not  prelently  be  caried  thither,  left  it  might  haue  geucn  of-  j^^'*^"-^^  '*"» 
fence  to  the  j€gyptians, or  at  leaft  hauediminifhed  their  fauourc  towardes  his  ^  'l"^.**^  *"* 
brethren  :  and  withal  he  would  connrme  his  brethren  in  their  hope  of  retur-  acl'tcd  burial 
ning,  feinghc  was  content,  that  his  bodie  (houlu  expect  in  ii^-gypt,  til  the  mChanaan. 
vholc  Nation  fhouldreturnc  mco  Chanaaa. 


Tliccontinua-  \  Jf  O  Y  S  E  s   bluing  trafecuted  in  Geneffs,  the  f^cred  hifiorie  of  the  ceH.^o, 
tion  of  this     JW,  chunb,ynto  loje^hs  death.,  conta'wmgtbefff4ceofii,io.;)e4res,ccn^ 
booke  with     ^;„^^^/^  thi<Qfnf  m  Exodus,  for  i^^.y ares  mere.  FFhtre  he  f,rH  hnefy  re-  Bxod.  j. 
The  increafe  countethjio.v  4  fmal  number  of  iJrtLelites,  ef^ecUlly  after  the  death  of  lo- 
of  chc  Ivicli- fephy  beir^  much  incre^fed,  a  neW  King  (^nfen  in  the  rneane  t(^e,  '^ho 
tes  wMs  en-    ^^.j^  ;;(,;  loffph )  together  'VPtth  other  ^Qftunsy  enuying  their  letter 

uyed,  ^^^'^^'■'  p.ff.[g.lQty  f,f  l;f}^iea,}(lj^i^Jg^f}4:'r:orcforttinatepr(>(^res  in  'Wealth',  fea- 
and  their  icli-f.  .^^  ,  J    ,       n  i        ;      i  '  7      r        '    ■     '     "^    r  -    ■        ■ 

gion  hated.      I"'".?  -^'/^  '^'^  tk^yjhi  mtiltiplyingy  either  by  tfieir  oivne  forces ^  or  loynmg 
'V^^'th  other freners,  might  footle  j^gypt,  4nd  returne  tnto  chttnAnn  j  and 
hating  their  I{eligicn,  bectufc they  nc'^no-nledged,  ottt orjie, cternJ.,  ow/;/'- 
totent  God  Jen;)  ing  md  detefing  the  n^'TV  im^ginarie  ^oddest  f  the  J^gypti- 
T'licir  pciTe-    4fJS  ^efoht'd  md  puhliclij-y  decreed^hy  opprefion  to  hinder  thcsrincrettfng,  cy 
cution.  f(,  l^iepe  th  m  in  bondage  and  fcrmtude.  But  God  almightie^  ^ho  hud  chofen 

them  for  hi  ■  prriilur  peopU,did  not  only  fo  confeme  And  miiltiplie  thenty  thtt 
Tnc-r  gre^rcr  (fff^ifff^fig  nerfom,  '^ihich  came  into  J^^npifm  the  (pace  ofiwo  hundred  and  r.xod.^2., 
muhiphcauo.   '^.  '7  r    j       1     j   v     r     j         '    ?  >       i  i      >-,>„,  r 

f.t9?cns  yeres,  there  n  ere  fix  hundred  thoujand  men,  ab'e  to  bare  arnw,  be-  ^«"«-i  • 

fides  wen?en,crAUren,.'ind  old  men,  vjhich  by  efiimatton  might  be  three  milii' 

ons  m  nLbut  4r,ioncrsl  other mosl  (IrAHire and  n%trdcidr,us  jy-  rkes^pCpecaUy  de-  ^     , 

The  pcrfecu-  liHcred one liebrnv  inpAnt jrom drotvning.  "^hcm  after iiV.i>-ds  he  made  ihe     , 

tor  .idmom-    Guide,  and  fiipreme  Gouernou-f  of  the  farm  people  \hy  him  admonisked  the      - 

^^n!^'/''^  P^'  Kingto  ceafeperfeciit:ng,4nddimrsn'.ii«spUgiiidbim  ^p-  his  people  for  thdr 

CodV  reorle  ^^^'''^^^  '*"'^  oljIinAte  cmeltis.  Jnfne called &n'4y,  and  mightily  deliuered      jj^  ^ 

miehtcly  deli-  hts  0  )Vne  pcoplejdrotvned  liingand  al  his  armiejn  the  red  fed,  the  ifrae-      ^,  ^ 

ueicd.  litcs  ivondcrft'ly  p4jhng  through,  fis  in  4  dris ck^fnel^  the  waters  j^^indit^  on  . 

.        J     ^     bothfides^  like  trvo '^:aues,  !n  the  defert fed ther/tTniraciiloufy  r.h-tb  AUoniiy      j^^ 

fiiftaincd  m     andgAHc  them  al  necejf:irtes,d fending  them  alfo  from  emmies.  Then  GodfjA- 

thcdefert,        tang  thus  feUfledand  fettered  his  people  from  al  other  nations,  them  A. 

written  Uiv,  as  Wei  „'f  Moral,  as  Ceremonial  and  Judicial  precfptes,  fviih  the      j|_(-j, 

waner  of  making  the  Taliermde,  ere  Bin^  ^ItareSy  confccnting  Triers,  TVtth      2.6, 

^,'      y^^'^^ '  the  inffittition  of  da)  lie  Sacnfce,  and  ofal  yedures,  yefe'let ,  c  other  hcUe      ,  7 
Moral,  CerC'    ,  .    -^  ,    ,       .  ^         .    ^      ■       r^    1  L     1  ■   '      1         ^  i     i-     1    i  1  '' 

nionial    and    things  belonging  to  the  \crmce  of  God. So  thiil)00Ke  m^y  be  clMidcd  into  three       ^^^ 

ludicial.  partes.  Firfits'dedured  the  !fra::litcs  rerude  aflifHonm  .^gypt,  Ifvith  their  ^feq^ 

d(liucrief-om  thenccun  thefcftencfrf  ch.ipter<.Then  how  they  tvere  mainUi* 

ned  in  the  defrt,  and  prepared  to  receme  a  U  w  t  in  the  foure  next  chi'pters, 

Jntheo  her  1.1. chapters, the  Uw  is  ^rcfcnbed^  inflrttfling  them  borv  to  /i^_ 

tov'sf'trds  Cod^4nda.lrntn* 






y  E  E  L  L  E  S  E  M  O  T  H. 

Chap      I. 

The  numher  of  ifrdelttfs  mitchmcreaffKgin  ^^^pt,  (?.  efjjeciafiy  ^fier 
the dexth  of  lofeph  snd his  brethren,  8.  4  nctP^yth-ti  I^niW  not  lojeph 
in  lix'me priiieth  to  binder  their  mulitpliution,  ii.  hj  impoQnz  '%'ork(S 
ypon  the^,  15.  andliy  comm.indingto  kjlyii.  and  to  drowni  al  the  waI- 
thilJren  oftbeTis-.  God  in  the  meam  time  rcwardeth  the  midwiues,  that 
ftaringbim,  killed  not  the  ckiUren, 

H  E  s  E  be  the  names  of  the  children  "^^^  ^^^  P^J'^ 
of  IlraeLthar  entred  into  ^.aypt  with  of ^ ^^t' 
lacob  :  they  did  enter  in  cucnc  one  tes  fciuiic  af- 
with  their  houfes,  f^uhen,  Simeon,  fli<il:ion  in^E- 
Leuijludas,  +  Iirachar,Zabulon,and  gypf>anddicir 
Beniamin,  t  Dan,  and  Ncptali,  Gad,  fhence?' ^'"""^ 
and  Afcr.  t  Therfore  al  the  foulcs 
that  came  out  of  lacobs  thigh,  >irere 

6  feuentie:  and  lofcph  ^ts  in  ^gypr.  f  "^ho  being  dead, 

7  andalhis  brethren,  and  al  that  generation,  f  the  children 
ofirraelincreafcd,  andasit^vereTpringingvp  didmultiolie  : 

S  and  growing  ftrong  exceedingly,  filled  the  land,  f  In  the 

meane  time  there  arofe  a  ne\«' king  ouer  ^gypt,  that  knev  ...-Enmc  vainc 

$  notlofeph:  f  and  he  faid  to  his  people:  Behold  -  the  people  fcare,(v.'to.}& 
of  the  children  of  Ifracl  is  much,  and  ftronger  then  ^c.  ^arrcdof  true 

10  t  Come,  let  vs  ^jrifcly  opprefTc  the  fame,  ••  left  perhaps  it  ^<^''g'o  fv.  13.) 
multiplic  :  andif  there  {5ial  be  anic  warreagainft  vs,  it  ioync  ^^^'  infidels" 
vith  our  enemies,  and  \rc  being  onerthro^ne,  they  depart  perfecurc  rhe 

II  outofthcland.  f  Therfore  "  he  fet  oiierthem  maifters  of  f-iirhfi;!. 
the  vorkcs,  to  afFiidb  them  'irith  burdens:  and  they  bnilt  |-*^^^''^^^P^'^* 
vnro  Pharao  cities  of  tabernacles,  Phithonij  and  RameiTes.  in'^f"!^^'^ 7aV 

Ii  t  Andthcmorethey  did  opprelFe  them,  fo  m.uch  the  more  lo{Tcs  and  bo- 

J3  they  multiplied,  and  increafed:  |  and  the  ^gvodans- hated  diliepaincs, 

Y  2.        '^  the 

ij^  ExoDvs.  Ifraelicw 

by  pre/Ting      the  children  of  Ifracl,  and  deriding  afiflided  them:  f  and  "14 
t  icm  vith       j.jjgy  br.oughc  their  life  into  bitternes  with  the  hard  workes 
of  clay,  and  bricke,  and  \fiih  al  feruiCe ,  wherewith  they 
vere  preircd  in  the  workes  of  the  earth,  f  And  the  King  of  ij" 
Agypr  faid  to  the  midwiuc^  of  the  Hebrewes  :  of  vrhom  one 
■vas  cailed  Sephora,  the  other  Phua,  f  commanding  them:   16 
.:  The  (ccond  ::  >{(/hcp,yQy  ihal  be  midwiues  to  the  Hebre\r  wemen,  and 
muichcr.         ^^°  ^^^^^  °^  deliuerie  is  come  :  if  it  be  a  manchild,  kil  it :  if  a 

woman,  referuc  her.  -f  "  But  the  midwiues  feared  God,  and  17 
did  not  according  to  the   commandement   of  the  king  of 
i€gypt,  but  prefcrued  the  mcnchildren.  f  To  "sr horn  being  iS 
called  vnto  him,  the  k:ng  (aid;  whatis  this  tharyou  ment  to 
do,  that  vou  would  faue  the  men-children  ?   f   Who  an-   19 
fwered :  The  "  Hebrew  wemem  are  not  as  the  /Egyptian 
wcmen  :  for  they  haue  the  knowledge  to  play  rhe  mindwife 
them  felues,and  before  we  come  to  them,  they  aredcliurred. 
7  God  theri-ore  did  wel  to  the  midwiues  :  and  the  people  20 
cncreafcd,  and  became  ftrong  exceedingly,  -f  And  "  becanfe  '21 
the  midwiues  feared  God,    he  built  them  houfes    -f  Pharao  iz 
::  The  third    thcrfore  comm.andcd  alhis  people,  faying  :  Whatfoeuer  Cl>al 
vas  open        be  borne  of  tiiemalefex,  '-'•  caft  it  into  theriucr:  whatfocucr 
murchtr.         ^pji^g  female,  rcferue  it_ . 


C  H  A  P.       I. 

17.  BHttfyrmidyviufs  ffAvei  God.  ]'  Iri  rommen(3ation  of  the  mic^ve^iucs  not 
^^  r^k  r  obcyi.ig  rhc  kings  commandmentjMoyfes  oppofcth  the  fcare  of  God,  to  the 
fTAicd  before  fcare  ot  Prinresi  fliewingthetby  thatwhen  their  commandments  are  contra- 
-  ''""*  com-  nc,thcrubicdsmulire.ut  God^andnotdo  that  the  Prince  commanderh.  So  ' 
"^'*'^*^"?8*-°"' did  our  Sauiourhimfelftench,  and  that  for  feare  of  damnation,  faying:  Feare 
curie  things,    him yyiw  haih  fiorver to  caf} into  hel.  And  Co  his  Apo;Hes  indued  with  the  Holie      !a       ' 

Ghoft,  praiStilcd,  anTvcerin^  in  this  cafe,  that  they  muft  heare  God  rather  then    _.     ' 
Princes  mufl:    men.  AgMnc,  nod muftlyeoheyed r.tthtr  then  nun.  A^.'ii'Ayci\nieT)}.ooi,whcnthcj 
be  obeyed  in   are  conrrarie  For  otherwife both  S.  Pet^r and  S.Paul  teach  vs,  that  PiinccJ,    i.Pet2„ 
LiJfful  things,  yea  Infidels,  ofwhom  they  cfpecially  fpeakc,  muftbe  obeyed,  R.<'-    i  J- 

i<>.  Hehreyy  yyenien  are  not.]   Herein  the  mid^ifiuesfinsjed  .  Fof  itisncuet 
Allies  arc  fin-  la'»'ful  to  lyc.Becaufer/j^/^j-c-cof  o'oaf  «  truth,  wherby  S.  Auguftin  proueth  (li.    PA'-tiS 
ncs  and  vn-      concinend.c,  lo  )  chat  v/hatfoeuer  varicth  from  truth  is  vnlawful.  VVheQ    'V-i4*» 
iawfi-L  therfore  ({airh  be)  cxamplesof  lying  arc  propofed  to  vs  oat  of  holie  Scrip- 

ture, either  they  are  nor  lies,  bntarc  thoujrht  to  be,  whiles  they  are  not  vnder- 
ftood,  01  if  they  belies,  they  .ire  not  to  be  iraitatcd,becaufe  they  are  vnlawful. 
S.  Grcgorieteachethlhc  farac(ii.  18.  Moral,  c.  i6.)  Si»^ia  profecio  ah  ecjuitate 


afflidcd.  ExoDvs.  157 

difcyepat,  rjt'i'(jt)id4  yeritate  Jifcordat .  Becaule  affuredly  -vyhatfceufr  dipt'^rffth  from 
yerttie,dijfrreiJ>f'ome(jffiric.  Yet  thefc  fathcis  hold  ("uch  an  ofRcious  lye,  astbis  Vcnialllnncs. 
xraSj  tobea-leflefinnc,and  moreeafily  pardoned, and  purged  by  good  workcs 

11.   Becau^'e  the  midryif/'sfcaredGoJ.  ]    Fcare  of  God  as  it  is  prr  pcrly  taken  in 
Kolie Scripture,  is  that  bolic  feare,  by  which  the  children  of  God  refraine  Fcarc  of  Goa 
from  finne,  and  that  vith  temporal  danger,  left  rhey  fliould  oftcnd  the  diuire  mcruonous. 
Maieftie.So  thefe  midwiues  endangering  their  owne  liues.  by  not  fulfilling 
Pharaos  commandment,  had  the  true  feare  of  God,  and  for  the  fame  v  ere  re-.  Temporal  re- 
garded,  asismoft  prebable,  eternally  :  though  mention  be  here  made  only  of  wardcs  pro- 
temporal  revcard,  after  the  mancr  of  the  olcl  Teftamcnt.  Where  fuch  pro-  mifed  in  the 
mifes  were  made  to  Abraham,  and  other  moft  godlie  Patriarches,  for  an  aifay  oldTelUmer, 
only  andtaiftof  euerlafting  life,  Ts^^hich  is   more  exprefly  promifcd  in  ?hc  ctcraa]  in  the 
GofpeiofChrift.asS.  HiciomteachcihjEpfi. ad Dard^inum.  new. 

Chap.      IT. 

'^child  of  the  HehreWeSydttdTrihe  ef  Ltui,  beinj^  exfofed  to  the  'f^atfr, 
j.tstAkfn  from  thence  hy  Phxrxos  daughter,  8.  Tvho  committeth  him- 
tohenurfedy^nxvittir.gto  his  otVne  mother^  ddopteth  hi^  ^nd  crllah 
hun  Moyfes,  n  .  ffe  aftetnurdes  l/ijitir.^  his  brethren  y  hiieth 
4n  j¥.^pti4Kyi^.fifetkinto  Mudun-j  ii.  marrieth  a  ^ife^  und  hith 
two  fonnes. 

I  A  Fter  thcfe  thinges  there  came  forth  a  man  of  the 
JLjl.  houfeofLcui:  and  he  rookeaMrife  of  hisovne  ftocke. 
1  t  who  conceaued,  and  bare  a  fonne  :  and  feing  him  a  {roodlie 
^  one,  hid  him  three  monerhes.  f  And''  \rhen  now  ihe  couid 
nor  concealehim,  fhe  rookc  a  basket  made  of  bulriihes, 
and  da-^bed  it  with  *  birume  and  pitch  :  and*  put  vith  in  it 
the  litlc  infant,  and  laid  him  in  a  ledgie  place  by  the  riuers 

4  brinke,  f  his  lifter  {landing  a  farrc  of,  and  confidering  the 

5  euentofthe  thing,  f  And  behold  the  daughter  of  Pharao 
came  downe  to  be  washed  in  the  riuer  rand  her  maides  vral- 
ked  by  the  riuers  brinke.  who  when  she  faw  the  basket  in 
the  (edges ,  she  fent  one  of  her  handmaidcs:  and  •vj.-hen  it 

6  was  brought  ■\  opening  it,  and  feeing  within  it  an  infant 
crying,  hauing  pitty  on  ir,  faid :  This  is  one  of  the  infantes 

7  ofthe  Hebtewcs.  f  To  whom  the  childcs  fifter  (aid:  "Wilt 
thou  that  I  goe,  8^  cal  to  thee  an  Hebrew  woman,  that  may 

8  nurfe  the  htle  infants?  f    She  anfwcrcd:  Goe.  The  maid 
5  went  and  called  her  mother,  f  To  whom  Pharaos  daughter 

fpeaking :  Take,<Juoth  {bc,this  child,  and  nurfe  him  i'cr  me : 

V  3  iN^ii 

ij-8  ExoDvs.  Moy  fes. 

1  wil  gene  thee  thy  hyre .  The  woman  tooke  ,  and  nurfcd 
thechildrand  when  hcME'as  groNren,  deliuered  him  to  Pha- 
raos  daughter,   f   Whom  (he  adopted-  into  the  place   of  a  ro 
••  ^^»sint!is    fonnc,  and  cillcd  him  "•  Moyfes,  fiying  ;  Becaufc  from  the 
^2J''"g"j^;£.  ^arer  I  did  take  bini...  f  In  thofe  duyes  after  that  Moyfes  u 
cz^\%-yate^,znA  '^^.s  gtowcn,  he  Went  forth  to  his  brethren  :  and  he  faw  their 
jfes,  fitted,  lo-  altlidioii^,  and  a  man  that  was  an  i£gyptian  ftriking  one  of 
frph.U.z.^'t'  r^e  Hehrewcs  his  brethreru.  f  And  when  he  bad  looked  ii 
%Zn^T.T -^^^^^ ^'^'^'^^'^  ^  thither,  and  faw  no  man prcfent, " he ftroke 
stt-omat,    '   '  f^^  Egyptian,  and  hid  himin  the  fand.  f  And  going  forth   15 
an  other  day,  he  faw  two  Hebre^^es  brawling:  and  he  faid 
TO  hini  that  did  the  wrong  :  "^hy  (Irikcft  rliou  thy  neighbour? 
::T!ie  ^uiltie  t  "^ho  aufwered:  ••  Who  hath  appointed  t 'lec  prince  &:  iudge  14 
perfo  rcicflccl  ouct  vs  ?  ^'''ilt  thou  kil  mc,  as  yellerday  thou  aided  the  -^g'y- 
^  u^^r        e  otian  ?  Moyfes  ••  feared,  and  faid  :  Kow  is  this  thincr  come  a- 
^uloridX!  H'^'''^  •  '^  And  Pharao  heard  of  this  talkc^,  and  (ought  to  i; 
GodcofiriTiccl  kil  Moyfes :  who  fleeing  from  iiis  fight,  abode  in  the  Land 
hiscomiiTion.  of  Madian,  and  fate  belidca  wel.  f  And  the  priefl:  of  Ma-  \6 
Ad.  7.  So  the  j^j^j^  |^^j  feuen  daughters,  which  were  come  to  draw  water : 
ac'Tc'hrS     and  when  the  troughcs  were   filled,  they  dclired  ro  water  ' ' 
Iudge  ofche    their  fathers  Hockcs.  f  The  iliepeheardes  came  vpon  rhcm,  17 
world.  and  droue  them  away  rand  Moyfes  arofe,  and  defending  the 

_^  r      j^    raaides  ,  watered  their  ilfcepe.  f  "Who  bein^  retutncd  to  iS 
tcmntGod  by  »^agucl  their  fatner,  he  laid  to  thcni^:  ^hy  arc  you  come 
flaying;,  buc    fooner then you '>rere  woont  ?  f  They  anfwered:  A  certainc  15 
not  thsfercencs  ^^^^^  3,-^  Egyptian  deliucred  vs  from  the  hand  of  the  ihep- 
of  t  e  i^in^.       hcardes :  morcoucr  alfo  he  dreT  water  with  vs,  and  gaue  the 

shccpe  to  dtinke.  t  But  he  faid:  Where  is  he?  "^hy  haue  20 
you  let  the  man  f^oe_-'?  cal  him  tbatij  he  may  cate  bread, 
t  Therfore  Moyics  fware  that  he  would  dwel  with  him.  21 
AnJhetookc  Scphora  his  daughter  to  wife:  f  who  bare  22. 
him  afonne,whomhe  called  Gerfam,  faying:  I  haue  bene 
a  flrangcr  in  a  forr^o^  countrey.  And  she  bare  an  other, 
whom  he  called  Ehczer,  faying  :  for  the  God  of  ray  father 
my  helper  hath  deliuered  roe  out  of  the  hand  of  Fharao. 
t  But  after  much  time  the  king  of  .^gypt  died:  and  the  25 
_,      children  of  Ifracl  gronins,  cried  out  becaufe  of  the  workes: 
r-     ^^.„rc    and  ••  then- criealcendedvnto  God rromtiie  workes.  t  And  24 

or  innorr'^rs     ,      ,  ,    ,  i  •    i 

rrierb  ro  hea-  he  hcird  their  gronir.g  ,  &c  remcmbred  rhe  couenant  which 
vi?nforrc-       he  made  with  Abraham,  ifaac,  And  lacob.  f  And  our  Lord  ij 
ucngc.  Ipokcd  vpon  the  children  of  Ifracl  and  knew  them. 


Moyfcs.  ExoDvs.  i)5> 

Chap.     IL 

J.  T^rhn  she  could  not  conceal  him  .  ]    Thefc  goalie  and  prudent  parents,  j^oyfesparets- 
confiJering  that  when  the  ^.gyptians  lliould  perceiuc  fuch  an  infant  to  be  ^^jj  pfudcmly 
bcnne,  and  not  drowned  according  to  the  Kings  Eoid,  they  >»'ould  dcflroy  eipole  him  to 
both  the  child,  and   vholc  familic  :  to  auoid  the  greater  dinger,  chole  the  ^^^^^  danger 
lelle.  To  bring  him  to  the  water  fide,  not  omittii.g  their  owne  induftrie,  as   ^^  auoidc      ' 
w^\  by  clo/inghiminabasker,  thatwoii'ui  draw  no  water,  as  by  {erting  hiS  ^f^gj^j-^ 
fifter  to  warch  what  became  of  him  :  thatif  bctterfuccelTe  happened  not  the  ^ 
firft  day, the  mother  mightateuening  gciichim  fuck,  and  miniftcr  othcrne- 
ceiiarics  j  and  (b  exped  on  other  day,  or  manie  dayes  Gods  prouidence,  til  his 
diuine  pleafure  iliould  raoreappeare. 

lofephns  writerh  that  Amram  Moyfcs  father, bcingfolicitous,  when  his  Reuelations 
U.  z'         v;ife  vsras  great,  hew  to  fnue  thcinfantjifitwcrea  man  child,  God  rcueledto  and  Gods  de- 
^ntiq.     him,  thatibc  had  conceiucd  a  fonnc,  ^ho  iliouId  not  only  be  faued  from   terminations 

Pharaosfurie,  burallobe  the  deliverer  of  the  whole  Hebrew  nation  from  ^q  hqj  ^j. 
li.  \f,  c   thraldome,  andferuitude  of  the  j€gyptians.  VVherupon  ihcj  aifurcdly  tru-  cludcbucin- 
19  ceci-  iVd  that  God  would  protccl:  and  prciper  him,  yet  fo,  if  they  did  their  owne  elude  mans 
uti,        endeuour,  which  S.  Auguflin  teacheth  to  be  alwayes  ncceffarie.  enceuour. 

iz.  Hejlrc!^  the  J^gypiuui.  ]  Moyfcs  not  of  carnal  loue  towards  his  brs-  Though  Moy 
thren,  nor  ofpriuatepaflTon,  but  by  diuine  infpiration  kiTed  the  Egyptian,  fes  iufUyl^illed 
as  S.  Augurtin  proiieth  (li.qq.  inExod.q.  1. )  by  the  teftimonic  of  S.  Steuen  the^gyptian, 
^il.  7.  faying  rMoyfes  thvu^Lt  his  birthren  had  -vtderjlopd,  thutGod  by  his  hand,  -vtould  yetotheismav 
/^f(ef.';f;H.VVheibyappeareth  that  Moyfcs  himfelfe  knew  it  was  Gods  pleafure,  i->oc  imitate 
he  rncaKikilrhat^gyptfaninuadmg  an  Hebrew.  Yst  others  may  notimitatc  his  example, 
fuch  particular  examples  Catech.ticm.  p.  3.  c  6.  q.  j. 

CriAp.  •    I  IT.. 

'^od4i>psartth  to  jkIo-)psin  A  hHihhurntngluinnt  ccnfuming,  7.  dtfgneih 
him  the  GOHetnour  cf  ike  children  cf  ifrud,  10.  'WithccntmifiuH  tottl 
thtm^thut  tle^ ihd  he  delinaed  fscm  JE^y^t  -.  zi.  And  shal  f^ciU  the 

I  A  Nd  MoYles  fed  tlic  fhcepe  of  lerhro  Kis  father  in  The  three  5.-= 
jt\.  laTs^  the  prieR-  of  Madian  :  and  hauing  driucn  the  flock  '^^"'^""j^J 
to  the  inner  partes  of  the  c^efert:,  he  came  to  the  mountaine  Lenc' 

2.  ofGod^Korcb.  f  And  "  our  Lord  appeared  to  him-,  in  a 
flame  of  fire  out  ofthe  middes  of  a  bulb:  and  he  fa-yj'  that 

3  the  bush  \ras  on  fire,  and  ^as  not  burnt,  f  Moyfes  thcrfore 
fiiid  :  I  ^ilgoc,and  fee  this  grc^.r  vihoru,  x^hy  the  biiib  i^ 
aot  burnt.  -J-  And  our  Lord  feeing  that  be  vent  forward  ro 




i6o  ExoDvs.  Moyfes. 

fee,  he  called  him  out  of  the  middcs  of  the  bu(h,  and  faid  : 
Movies,  Moyfes.  who  anfvered:  Here  I  am.  f  But  he  (aid:  j 
Sec  vhat  ma-  Approch  not  hither,  '•'  loofe  of  thy.  (hoe  from  thy  feet_.: 
ncr  of  rcue-     for  the  place^ ,  wherin  thou  ftandeil: ,  is  ••  holie  ground, 
icncc  and  dc-  ^  ;\,^j^  he  faid  :  I  am  the  God  of  thy  father,  the  God  of  Abra-  ^ 
r°ibe!Ito^oc  ^am,  the  God  of  Tfaac,  and  the  God  of  Jacob.  Moyfes  hid 
bare  fo'or'e  to  his  facc :  for  he  durft  not  loqkc  againO:  God.  f  To  whom  7 
holic places,    our  Lord  faid:  I  haue  Cene  the  aflUdion  of  my  people^  in 
::  Of  hohe      ^gypt,  and  Thaue  heard  their  crye  becaufe  of  their  rigour 
fJ^^^">  ^^'^"^that  oucrfee  the  workcs  :  -f  and  knowing  their  foro-^  ,  I  8 
*^onon  in  eo-  *"^  dcfcended  to  d^liuerthem  out  of  the  handes  of  the  itgy- 
intTiothcxn.S.  ptians,  and  to  bring  them  out  of  that  land  into  a  land  good, 
Hieiom  wri-  and  large,  into  a  land  that  flo^^eth  ^5^ith  miike  and  honic,  to 
tcth  largely,    the  places  of  the  Chananeitc,  and  Hetheite,and  Amorrheitc, 
^Ci7  ^^  '^   '  and  Phcrczcite,  and  Heueite,  and  Icbuf^^ite.  -f  Therfore  the  9 
cryeof  the  children  of  Ifracl  is  come  vnto  me:  and  I  haue 
fcne  their  affli6tion,whcr'yith  they  are  oppreffcd  by  the  ^^gy 
ptians.  t  But  come,  and  I  ^Jrtl  fend  thee  to  Pharao,  that  thofl   10 
mayeft  being  forth  my  people,  the  children  of  Krael  oat  of 
i£gypt.  t  And  moyfes  faid  to  God:  Who  am  I  that  I  ihah  ii 
goc  to  Pharao,  and  bring  forth  the  children  of  Ifrael  out  of 
./£gypt  ?  t  "Who  faid  to  hinij :  I  xril  be  ^irh  thee:  and  this   u 
thou  flialt  haue  for  aiigne,  that  I  haue  fent  thee  :  when  thou 
ftialt  haue  brought  my  people  out  of  ^gypt,  thou  shalt  fa- 
crifice  to  God  vpon  this  mountaine.  f  Moyfes  faid  to  God  :   15 
Loclshalgoc  to  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  fay  to  them..: 
The  God  ofyour  fathers  hath.fentme  to  you.  If  they  (hal  fay 
to  me  :  What  is  his  name  J  What  shal  I  fay  to  th'em  ?  -f  God    14 
faid  to  Moyfes : "  I    a  m  w  h  i  c  h    a  m.  He  faid:  Thus  shalt 
thou  fay  to  the  children  of  Ifrael:    he  which   is,    hath 
fent  me  to  you.  f  And  God  faid  againc  to  Moyfes  :  Th^lc  tj 
thinges  shalt  thou  fay  to  the  children  of  Ifracl :  The  Lord 
God  of  your  fathers  ,  the  God  of  Abraham.,,   the  God  of 
::  This  is  the  ^^^^^>  ^^<^  the  Godof  lacob  h.Tth  fent  me  to  you:  -  this  is  my 
moft  proper    name  for  euer,  and  this  is  my  memorial  into  generation  and 
ramcbutthc  to  generation,  f  Goc, and  geather  together  the  ancients  of  li 
iDoftcommcn  Ifrael^  ^nd  thou  fhalt  fay  to  them:  The  Lord  God  ofyour 
ueA  in  manic  ^^^'^'^s  hath  appeared  to  mc ,  the  God  of  Abraham^,   the 
languages  of  God  or  Ifiac,  and  the  Godof  lacob,  faying  :  Vifitmg  I  haue 
cootl.  iiat.19.  viftted  you:  and  I  haue  fcne  al  thinges  that  haue  chanced 
•^•^7.  to  you  in  .€gvpt :  f  andlhaue  faid  the  word  to  bring  you  17 



forth  out  of  the  afflidion  of  >£gypt ,  into  the  land  of  the 
Ch^naneite,and  Hetheite,  and  Amorrheite,  and  Phcre2eire, 
and  HeiieitCjand    Icbufeite,   to  a  Land  that  flowcth  -with 

i8  milke  8<r  honie.  t  -And  they  fhalhcare  thy  voice  :  and  thou 
flialc  enter  in,  thou  and  the  ancientes  of  Krael  to  theking 
of  ^gypt,  and  thou  flialt  fay  to  him  :  The  Lord  God  of  the 
Hebrewes  hath  called  vs  :We  vfil  goe  three  dayesiourncy 
into  the  "wildernes,  to  facrifice  vnto  the  Lord  our  God. 

I^  t  But  I   know  that  the  king  of. /^gyptwil  not  difmifTeyoii 

20  to  goe  but  by  mightie  hand,  f  For  I  \ril  ftrctch  forth  my  :.•  aI  tLatanie 
hand,  and  wil  ftrike  .^^gypt  inalmy  marueilsj-vjrhich  I  wil  manpofl'eflcm 
doe  in  the  middcs  of  them  rafter  thefe  he\ril  difmiiTeyou.  m  this  vcorld, 

21  t  And  I  vil  geue  grace  to  this  people,  in  the  f^ght  of  the '(!J'^^7^J^. 
i£gyptians  :  and  when  you  fhai  goe^  forth  ,you  fhal  not  fore  he  iuftlj 

22  depart  emptier  f  but  ech  x^-oman  fnal  aske  of  her  reigh-  taketh  away, 
hour andof  her  that  is  in  houfe  with  her,  vcfTels  of  filuer  andlendethto 
and  of  gold,  and  rayment  r  and  you  fi-'al  lay  itvpcn_.your  ^J,/^f  /'^®' 

'fonnes  and  daughters,  and  ^  flial  fpoyle^gypt^^,  pleafetlihi^Tj, 

Chap.    I  U. 

a.      ear  Lord  appeared,  ]   S.  Steuen  reciting  this  vifion  faicth,  an  Angel  ap- 
peared to  Moyfesrandfoitis  in  the  Hebrew  text,  in  the  Chaldee  Paraph lafis, 
and  in  the  Septuagint  Interpreters.  N  either  is  the  latin  Edition  ( readinrr  Lord ) 
<ontrarie  to  the  other  which  reade  ^Afi^fl,  no  more  then  one  place  of  lioiie 
5criprure,is  contrarictoan  otherinthe  famelanguage,  but  very  confbnantin  Al  appstitions 
fenfe,  fomctimes  attributing  the  fame  apparitions  and  other  woikes  to  God,  to  thePatriar- 
as  theauthorand  principal  Agent,  andfomerimesto  Angels,  the  next  and  im-  ches  and  Pro- 
jniediateminiflersof  God.Forfonotonly S.  Steuen  in  ttieplace  alUccred,  but  phetcs  were 
alfoS.Paul  faith  plainly  (Gal.  J.)  that  the  Lar-v  yy^s  drlittcred  by  ^r,^e  Is.  And  in  made  by  An- 
his  Epiftle  to  the  Hcbrewes,  proucth  the  excellencie  of  Chrifts  Law  aboue  gels,  though 
the  old  law,  by  the  difference  of  the  pcrfons,  by  whom  both  were  geuen ;  affir-  fometimes  at- 
mingthat  th« former -vTd^y^o//M  by  ^ngfls,t\\e  aher declared  by  our  Lord  lefus  tributed  to 
Chrift.  VVhcrof  S.  Cyril  of  Alcxandiia  difcouifcth  largely  ( li.  8.  c-i.Thcfau.)  God. 
fhewingthatindecde  An^elsdeliuered  thelaw, yet  notby  their  ownc  auiho-  Proued  by 
ritic,butasfcruants  and  legates  of  God.  And  before  him  S.  Dionyfe  of  Ario-  holie.Scrip- 
pagite(  C.4.]  taught  the  very  fame,  the  layv  (i^y  ah  he]  as  tares  and  Fa- 
hclnyvyitustejli/ifj-v-faf  geucntoysby  .^frt^f/;; yea al apparitions,  made  to  the  an-  thers. 
cientfathersbeforcrhclaw,  andafterit,  were  made  by  Angels.  A  litle  aftcrob- 
icding  to  himfelfc,  that  diuine  Scriptures  alfo  tcfiifiej  that  the  law  was  gcucn 
and  granted  to  Moyfes  by  God,  to  teach  vs  that  in  deede  it  hath  the  forme  of 
facredanddiuine  law,  anfwe.rcth,  earn  ^ngeloium  ad  nos  opera  perueniffe,  that  it 
came  to  vs  [  from  God  j  by  the  mcane&of  Angels.  In  like  inancr.  S.  luftinns 

W  Martyr 

i6z  ExoDYs.  Moyfcs* 

M»rtyr  (•i»expUe.  fn^tueep.  f .  141. )  faiech,  al  thofc  Angels,  wkich  haae  appea- 
red in  GodspUcc,  or  hme  fjjokcn  wuh  men,  haue  alfo  bcnnc  called  by  th  e 
name  ofGisd,  askethatfpolce  vrit/ilob,  and  vlthMoyfes.  S.  Auguftmafiera 
large difcourfeofchistaactcr, in hisfccaad, third  >  and  fourth  bookes  dcTri- 
nitate,  hathchefcwordcs  :  (li.  4.  c.  Tki. )  If  it  be  demanded  of  me,  how  either 
the  7oiccs,or  fcniibleforancs,  andfkev^es  vere  naadc  before  the  incarnation 
ohhQyvard$fGod.which  prefigured  tbcfame.Ianftrer  that  God  vroughtthcra 
br  Angels,  which  alfo  I  fuppofe  I  haue  (n/ficiently  ftiewcdbjf  tcftimonies  of 
holic  Scriptures.  LikwifcS  Grcgorie  {rrefat.ii*  Ifb^c.t  }  faith  plainly,  thataa 
Augcl  appcaredtoMdjresinthefiriebuQj,  yetif  called  God  ,  becaufe  he  waj 
the  legate  of  Gsd,  and  therforefpoke,  aiifGodhimfclfe  had  fpokc  in  diuine 
jtxaraplef^       Perfon,  explicating  the famcby  tiro  CMmp!cJ,Dauidfajcd:W3(/7ffl/'/*4^tf»<i)«;y  P/'*t'77*' 
l-wy ,  yet  neither  the  people  ,  por  law  wai  Dauids,  but  Gods.  And  the  reader 
dayly  amiddes  the  people  procltmcth- 1  ^-wrfcf  ©*<<»/"  ^frr4t4w,  theOadtf  ifaac,  Bxo.  §5  . 
andtheGadofucib  .  Neither  doth  hctraly  fay,  thatheisGod,  nor  by  that  he 
faye  ch,  doth  he  goe  from  the  rule  of  truth.  He  iHo  confirmeth  the  fame  do- 
God  execa-      tlria,h.  tS.Moral.  ca  J.  And  further  tcacheth  that  Angcli  ptotcd  men  ,  and 
tethhiswUby  prouiaccs,  and  execute  Gods  wll  io  this  inferior  world.  And  fo  do  the  other 
,n^el«t.  Doftors  of  the  Church  S.  Gregorie  Nazianzcn,  9rat.Aiiso.lfifcof>.  tctrat.x. 

deTheoia^ia.tnJinertirittlaiite.  S.  Bafil.  li.^.  coat.  Emmm.S  Athanafius.  ftr.  4,.(0>*t, 
^rt*t  ,lonrift$  aprinc .  ScZ'^iik.  de  ftnttn.  Dtonhij  jHtt(4».$nfifte.S.  AmhToC^,{er.l.   ■ 
*»Pp/.  nS.S.Chryfoft.  ho.  ^.indS.Hitiom,  li.j.c$mmtnt. in  Mat.  iS. 

14.  litnyv'iichati,]    Al  other  things,bcfi^es  God^once  were  not;  and  being 
atclim'tedin  nacurcj  neither  could  pcrfift  vnlcs  God  conferued  them;   manic  : 
things  alfo  haue lo (l:,or  iTiallofc  their  proper  cffcn^  and  being,and  whiles  they 
rcitiunchauccontinualalterations.OBlicGodetecnally  is  without  beginnings 
ending,  llraitacion,  dependence,  or  mutation,  cofiftlng  only  of  himfelfe,and  al   . 
9riJ»<  mof^  pro- pfber  things  are  of  him  Therfore  thisnatnc,  Qjrj  est,    he  which   is, 
per  name  of    i'"^®^  pi^opcr  to  God,  not  determiQinganie  maner  ,  but  indcterminatlyfigni- 
Godis^  H»      fyingal  miaeri  of  being,  for  fo  it  importeth  the  very  infinite  immeafitie  o£ 
^--KICH  IS.    GodsCiih&iacc.S.DxaxxCcta.U.i.c.ii.orthodoxxfidei.S.Tho.p.  1,4. 13.  a. 11. 

Chap.     II I  L 

Mojffes  receiume  power  te  yyor^e  mirxcles  in  c^nfrn^ithn  of  hU  mifi'otft  142 
And  his  broihir  ^iron  hemg  deftrned  to  ttj^ifi  hivty  lO.ToetJj  ^Vith  yvifc 
dni  children  tow  irds  ."E  J/'*,  ly.  is  in  danger  to  le  Jlxim  for  not  foonef 
tifcumciftn^  his  fonne.  ij.  ^aron  meetnh  htnty  29. /» tbej  fot together ^ 
dnd  decUre  to  tb:  peophy  tb  it  God  Jfiil  deliuer  thsm^ 

MOUSES  anf^wering  faid  :  "  Tkcy  wil  aocbeleucme,  i     ' 
nor  heare  my  voice ,  but  they  wil  fay  :  Our  Lord  hath 
not  appeared  to  chee.  f  Therforc  he  fayd  to  him:  What  is  t 
that  thou  hoHeft  iru  thy  hand  >  He  anfvrcrcd  :  A  rodde  . 
t  And  our  Lord  fayd:  Cad  it  vpon  the  ground.  He  did  caft  it,  5 
aaAic.^rAS.tumcdiiitoaIcrpcn-t,ro  that  Moyfcs  Hed.  t  And  4  . 


Moyfcs.  ExoDVS.  1^5 

our  Lord  fayd :  Sretch  thy  hand,  and  catch  the  tayle  thcrof. 
He  ftrctchcd  it  forth,  bC  tooke  hold  of  it,  and  it  was  turned 

5  intaarodde.  f  That  they  may  bcleuc,  quoth  he,thatth(L-* 
Lord  God  of  their  fathers  hath  appeared  to  thee,  the  God 

6  of  Abraham,  the  God  oflfaacd^  the  God  of  lacob.  f  And 
our  Lord  fayd  agayne  :  Put  thv  hand  into  thy  bofomc> . 
which  when  he  had  put  into  his  bofome,  he  brought  it  forth 

7  ful  of  leproficlike  fnow.  f  Draw  backc,  quoth  he,  thy  hand 
into  thy  bofome.  Hc-/drcw  it  backc,  and  brought  it  forth 

8  agayne,  ^  it  was  like  the  other  flcth.  f  If  they  yilnotbjc- 
leuc  thee,  quoth  he,  nor  hcare  the  word  of  the  former  figne, 

9  they  wilbeleue  the  word  of  the  figne  folowing.  f  Andiffo 
be  they  wil  beleuc  neither  of  thefc  two  fignes,  nor  heare  thy 
voice:  take  water  of  theriucr,  S^powre  it  outvpon  the 
drie  land,  and  whatfoeucr  thoudraweftof  theriuer,  fhalbc 

10  turned  into  bloud.  t  Moyfes  fayd:  I  befeech  thee  ,  Lord,  I 
am  not  eloquent  from.,  ycfterday  and  the  day  before :  and 
fince  thou  haftfpoken  to  thy  feruant,  Ihauc-/  moreimpe- 

n  diment  6^  flownes  of  tongue,  f  Our  Lord  fayd  to  him: 
Who  made  the  mouth  of  man  ?  or  who  framed  the  dumme^ 

11  and  dcafc,  the  feeing  and  the  blinde  ?  did  not  I  ?  f  Goe  on_» 
thcrforc,  and  I  wil  be  in  thy  mouth  :  6^  wil  teach  thee  whit 

15  thou  {halt  fpeakc.  f  But  hcfayd:  I  befech  thee.  Lord,  fend 
14  whom  thou  wilt  fend,  f  Our  Lord  being  angrie  at  Kloyfes, 

fayd:  Aaron  thy  brother  the  leuitc,  I  know  that  he  is  eloquet: 

behold  he  Cometh  forth  to  mccte  thee,  8^ feeing  thee  ilial 

1;    be  glad  at  the  hart,  f  Speakc  to  him,  and  put  my  wordesin 

his  mouth  :  8^  I  wil  be  in  thy  mouth,  and  in  his  mouth,  and 

16  wil  flicwyou  whatyce  muftdoe.  •\  He  (hal  fpeake  in_/thy 
ftccd  to  the  people,  and  shalbe  thy  mouth:  but  thou^shalt 

17  be  tb  him  in  thofe  thingcs  that  perteinc  toGod.  •\  '-•  This  ;:  God  dcfio- 
rodde  alfotakc  in  thy  hand,  wherwith  thoushalt^  doe  the  ncdaroddc 

18  fignes.  t  Moyfcs  went  his  way,  8^  returned  to  lethro  his  ^°'^  ^"  mftfu- 
father  in  law, and  fayd  to  him:  1  wil  goe  and  rcturne  to  my  JJJi^r^clcs.  ° 
brethren  into  ^gypt,  that  I  may  fee  i^  they  be  yet  ahue  .  To 

19  whom  Icthro  fayd  :  Goe  in  peace :  f  Thcrforc  our  Lord  fayd 
to  Moyfcs  in  Madian  :  Goe,  and  rcturne  into  itgypt:  for 

10  they  arc  al  dead  that  fought  thy  life .  f  Moyfes  thcrforc^ 
tooke  his  wife,  5^  his  children,  and  fet  them  vponanaiTc: 
and  returned  inro^gypt,  carying  the  roddeof  Godin^his 

11  hand.  |  And  our  Lord  faid  to  him  returning  into  i£gypt: 

W  1  See 


E  X  O  D  V  s. 

See  tliJit  thou  docal  the  vondcrs,  which  I  haue  put  in  thy 


^:  See  t^cAn- hand  J  before  Pharao:"  I  wil  indurate  his  hart,  and  he  wil  not 
"°^^'^'_°"''^--HJirmiire  the  people,  f  And  thou  shalt  fay  to  him  :  This  fay th  ii 
the  Lord:  My  firlc  hegctrcnfonneis  Ifrael.   t  ^  ^^y<^  fo  thee  :  z^ 
difaiilfe  my  fonne  that  he  may  feme  me,  6^"  thou  woulded 
not  difmilFc  him  :  behold  I  ^»'il  kil  thy  firft-begotten- fonne. 
f  And  when  he  was  in  his  iourney,  in  the_v  Inne,our  Lord  24 
'•Scphoncaft"^^^^^  him,  and  would  haue  killed  him.  f  Scphora  by  8^  2; 
the  prepuce  ar  by  tookc  a  very  sharp  ftone.andcircuncided  the  prepuce  of 
Movies  fcetc:  her  fonnc,  6<r'  ••  touched  his  fcctc,andfayd  :  -  A  blouddie 
t^yri  ]''^^?^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^  ^'^  "^^*  t  ^""^  "  h^  let  him  goe_^  after  ihe  i6 
mv  fp°o^fec\'^-^^^^^^^^''^^^°^^^^^^^P°"^^^^''^^  ^^^  tome,  bccaufe  of  the 
cc'pt  I  hadic-Circumcifion.  f  And  our  Lord  fdd  to  Aaron  :  Goe  to  Moyfes  27 
deemed  thee   into  the  defert.'Who  went  forth  to  mete  him  vnto  the  Mo-un- 
vicluheMoudtaine  of  God,  and  kiifed  him.  t  And  Moyfes  told  Aaron  iS 
And .-  'the  An-  ^^  ^^'  ^ordcs  of  our  Lord,  by  which  he  had  fent  him,  ST  the 
gel  let  Moyfes  ^g"^' f'l^f  1^^  had  commanded,  f  And  they  came_^  together,  19 
goe.  ^.  .Y«;r.    and  gathered  together  al  thc_^ancientcsof  the  children  of 
Oj.  I i.vtfi.    ifrael.  f  And  Aaron  fpakeal  the  wordcs  which  our  Lord  50 
lu.xta;©.         j^^^  |-^-^  j.^  Moyfi-s  :  and  he  wrought  the  figncs  before  thc»  , 
::  Miraclcsa   People,  f  and  •"•  the  people  beleued.  And  they  heard  that   JI 
itiotiue  to       our  Lord  had  viiited  the^  children  of  Ifrael,  and  that  he  had 
sruc  bclccfe    looked  vpon  their  af?]idioiv:  &C  they  adored proflrate^  . 

CuAP.     nil. 

N  S 

t.  rjpey  yyil  not  ldet*e  me.  ]  Moyfes  vifely  confiJerIng  that  tlic  children  of 

Ifrael,  much  IclTc  Pharao,  would  hardly  beleus  his  bare  woord  ,  a/firming 

that  he  was  fent  to  them  by  God,  prbpo  fed  this  diflrcultie  before  he  tookc  the 

Embacie  rpon  him.  For  «'ithoat  good  pronfebotk  the  Ifraclites,  and  iEgypti- 

Miracles  ncccf  ^^^,5  might  hauc  reiedtcd  him, as  feming  to  come  of  hisovne  priuatefpirite,bc- 

fancaad  lufH-  ina  no  ordinaric  fuperior,nettKcr  ofthc  vhole  people,  nor  of  his  owne  tribe, 

cicnttoproue  nor  firft  of  hii  familie;  for  Aaron  was  his  elder  brother.  Therfoie  God  gau« 

cirraotdinarj  l^im  p^^reofvorking  miracles, to  prouc  his  cxtraordinarie  miifion  true  and 

vocationof      i;iv/fal .  Which  futficed  to  make  euen  Pharao  him  felfe  to  know,  that  he  was 

new  preachers  ^'^,^^  fj-Q^^  QoJ  almightic,  though  it  mollified  not  his  ihibborae  hart,  to  obey 

Godscomm.iiidement ;  and  it  fully  fatisficd  the  children  of  Ifrael  touching  al 

tilings  vj/hich  he  denounced,  belcuing  him  that  God  mercifully  looked  vpon 

their  afi^idinn  &  would  deliucr  them.  VVhcrupon  they  adored 

the  laft  wordcs  of  this  chapter  tcf^ifie.  Where  wc  fee  borh  the  necelfitie,  and 

IlirHciciicicofmirai.le$  to  proue  the  extr.iordinrrie  vocicioii  oftuchas  preach 

othcrwifc  then  was  taughi  before,  for  this  caufe  oar  SaiuuVirhunfelfo  cooflr- 


Moyfcs.  ExoDYS.  i6f 

ming  his  do^lrinb/  miraclci,  faicd  to  the  Icwes  :  Jfy«»  yyilnot  beleoc  mc,  &<-  l"*t"jyy»rkfs.AgiiDe  he  did  o£lhtm:lf  I  had n»t  dene  amtmg  them  yyortjs  that  n»  •- 
loan.  If.  thermanhatb  dtne,  they  should  not  haut  finm.  hnd  coformihlj  Ccndiuf^his  AfoRlcs 
%iat.  9 .  f°  preach  th  c  Gofpcl,  gauc  them  povrie  to  v  orke  miracles  in  his  name.  So  did 
Hat.  i6-  S.  Peter  and  S.  John  hcalc  the  ]amc.  Ad.  j^  AndS.Paul  auouched  miradcsfor 

thcfigncsofhisApoftlcihif.x.  Cor.ii. 

C  H  AP.     V» 

Mcyps4nd^'ir9n  require  cfpharao  in  the  hehatfe  »f  Gody  to  let  hif  people 
the  Hthnwesgoe  andfacrtjjce  m  the  defert.  Vt^hifhbe  eontemrtingy  y.  op- 
frejfttb  them  more,  denying  them  firnVVy  and  jet  exaSlmg  the acmjfomed 
number  of  hrukfs.  zo.  The  people  op prejied  impute  their  miferie  to  Mojfti 
dndsyi*ron»iX.But  Moyfei prajeth  to  Codforthem,^ 

1  A  Fter  thefc  things  Moyfes  and  Aaron  went  in,  and 
./JL  laid  to  Pharao  :  This  faith  the  Lord  God  of  Ifrael: 
difmiiremv  people  tliat  they  may  facrifice  to  mc  in  the  dc- 

2  fert.  t  Bat  he  an^^ye^ec^ :  Who  is  the  Lord,  that  T  Oiould 
heare  his  voice,  and  difmifTe  ifracl?  I  kno^sr  not  the  Lord, 

5  and  Ifrael  I  wil  not  difmiire.  f  And  they  faid:  The  God  of 
the  Hebrewes  hath  called  vs,  to  gO€  three  daies  ionrney  into 
the\rildernefle,and  to  facrifice  to  the  Lord  our  God:  lell 
there  chance  to  vs  peftilence  or  fword .  f  The 
;ypt  (aid  to  them  :  Why  do  you  Moyfcs  and  Aaroil 
fo'icite  the  people  from  their  workes  ?  Goc  you  ra  ycur 

5  burdens,  -f  And  Pharao  faid:  The  people  of  the  land  is  much:  ..yy^^jp  . 
you  fee  that  the  multitude  is  fccrctlyincreafed:  •'•  ho^^r  much  "menjbinjcc 

6  more  ifyougeue  them  reft  from  their  vorkes?  f  Therefore  Gods  people 
he  commanded  inthat  day  the  ouerfeers  of  the  >yorkcs  and  encrcaic  moft 

4  pcrhappcs  t 

7  the  exadlores  of  the  people,  faying  :  t  You  dial  no  more  ^^^^^'^,^^"^^"1 
geue  ftra^  to  the  people  for  to  make  brickcs,  as  before  :  but  fipjiV^i^^Ji.™ 

8  let  them  fcluesgoe  and  gcathcr  ftraw.  t  And  the  taske  of  x»'hen  they  are 
brickes,  -vhich  they  did  before,  you  il>al  pat  vpon  them,  opfrc(rcd..r.C2f 

.,  „  neither  Jlial you diminiOi  any  thing:  for  they  arc  idle,  and /"''«''' '*'"'"■• 
therforethey  crie, faying:  Let  vs  goe ,  and  facrifice  to  our 
5  God.  t  Let  them  be  opprelfed  ^ith  ^«-orkes,  and  let  them 
accompli  111  them:  that  they  hearken  not  to  lying  -hordes. 

10  t  Therefore  the  ouerfeers  of  the  'W'Ofkes  and  the  cxadlors 
going  forth  faid  vnro  the  people :  Thus  'aith  Pharao  :  I  aPiov 

11  you  no  draw:  f  goc,andgfcatherifyoucajiHndany  where: 

^  3  ticuhcs- 

106  ExoDvs.  Moyfes. 

neither  ihal  anie  thing  of  your  vorke  be  diminiiTicd.  f  And    ix 
the  people   \ras  difperfed  through  al  the  Land  of  i€gypt 
to  gCAthcr  ftrav.  f  And  the  ouerfcexs  of  the  vorkes  verc    13 
inftant/faying:  Finifli  your  vorke  cuerie  day,  a$  before  you 
were  vont  todocxrhcn  ftra\r  \ras  geucn  vnto  you.  f  And  14 
theoucrfeersofthe  vrorkcs  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  were 
fcourged  of  Pharaos  exadors,  faying :  Why  do  you  not  make 
vpthetaskc  of  brickes  as  before,  neither  ycftcrday,  nor  to 
day?  t  Andtheouerfeersof  the  children  of  Ifrael  came,  and  ij 
cried  out  to  Pharao,  faying  :  Why  dealeft  thou  fo  againft  thy 
feruantes?  f  Straw  is  not  gcuen  vs,  and  brickes  are  com-  \6 
mandedvs  in  like  forte:  behold  we  thy  feruantes  are  beaten 
with  whippcs,  and  thy  people.^  is  vniuftly  dealt  withal. 
:;  The  craftic  f  who  faid  :  You  are  idle,  and  therefore  you  fay :  Let  vs-goe  17 
^^^^^''J'^'J^'j^^^andfacrificetoourLord.  f  Goetherfore,and  worke:  draw  18 
mcnaffliaed    ^^^1  not  bcgcucn  you,and  you  flial  geuc  vp  the  accuftomed 
arc  eafcly  mo- "umbcr  of  brickes.  f  And  the  ouerfeersof  the  children  of  19 
ucd  to  mur-    Ifrael  faw  them  fclues  in  hard  cafe,  becaufe  it  was  faid  vnto 
Jj^^^^^^J'J^'^^  them:Thereihalnorawhittebe  diminiOied  of  the  brickes 
gainft 'their  ^*^°^  euerieday.  f  And  they  mette  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  wha  j.o' 
ow'nc  leaders  ftood ouer againft  them,  coming  forth  from  Pharao:  t  and  11 
5.  Greg.  li.     they  faid  to  them  :  Our  Lord  fee  and  iudge,  becaufe  •'•  you 
i9^.c.i4.  Mo-]^aucmadeour  fauour  to  ftinke  before  Pharao  and  his  fer- 
::Gods  proui-  ^'^^^^^^  >  s"<^  you  hauc  geuen  him  a  fword  ,  for  to  kil  vs . 
dccer.iffcrcth  t  And  Moyfes  returned  to our  Lordj  .md  faid:  Lord  ••  why  ii 
his  children,    haft  thou  affli6lcd  this  people?  wherfore  haft  thou  fcnt  me? 
fl^iacd"'^  V^' "^  For  ilnce  the  time  that  I  entered  in  to  Pharao  to  fpeakein  23 
rclifci'sncrc    ^^Y name,  he  hath  .affiided  thy  people:  and  thou  haft  not 
at  hand. r/w^.  deliuered  them. 

Chap.     VI. 

God  rtuelitfg  h'mfelfe  more  to  Moyfes  then  he  hdd  done  to  former  FdtrUr- 
cbes,  6.  commAndtth  him  to  tel  the  children  af  ifrdel,  that  he  feeing  their 
mtferies ,  "R;;/  deliuer  them  from  ^Xyp* »  **"*  ^'^'  '^'^  pojfefion  of 
Ch4nd4n.  14.  The  genrdlopes  of  J^ben,  Simeon j  dndej^emlly  of  Leui 
4re  recited ,  z6.  to  shew  the  origin  of  Moyfes  And  ^Aron, 

ANd  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes  :  Now  thou  shalt  fee  i 
what  thingcs  I  wil  doc  to  Pharao:  for  by  a  mightie  hand 
shal  he  difmilfe  tlacm,  and  in  a  ftrong  hand  shal  he  caft  them 


Moy(cs*  ExoDvs.  'i6j 

1  out  of  his  land,  f  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes, facing: 

5  lain  tKe  Lord  f  that  appeared  to  Abraham,  ro  Kaac  and  ro 
lacob,  as  God  almightic  .-  and  "  my  name  ••  A  d  o  n  a  i  I  did  -  Adonai  is 
[    4  not  fliew  them,  f  And  I  made  a  coucnant  with  thcmj  to  "otiheHamc 
gcue^them  the  Land  of  Chanaan,  the  land  of  their  pilgrimage,  ^'^  Moyics'^but 

5  -wherein  they  were  ftrangers .  f  And  I  haiie  heard  the  gro-  is  rcddc  m 
jiing  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  wherwiththe  y€gyptian,s  hi4u"e  place  ci  the 
oppreHed  them  :   and   I  haue  remembred  my  coucnant_,.  ^"^'''^'^en 

^  f  Therfore  lay  to  the  children  of  Ifrael :  I  the  Lord  whowil  ^^^^' 
bring  you  forth  out  of  the  worke-prifon  of  the  i^gyptians, 
&  \ril  dcliuer  you  from  feruitude  :  and  redemc  you  in  a  high 

7  arme,  andgreatiudgemeats.  f  And  I  wil  takeyou  to  mcfoT 
my  people,  and  I  wil  be  your  God  :  and  you  shal  know  that 
I  am  the  Lord  your  God,  that  brought  you  fort^  out  of  the 

8  workc-prifon  of  the  -Egyptians:  f  and  brought  you  into  the 
land ,  ouer  which  1  lifted  vp  my  hand  to  geue  it  to  Abraham, 
Ifaac,  and  Jacob  :  and  I  wil  geue  it  you  to  poirefle,  I  the 

9  Lord,  f  Moyfes  then  roldal  to  the  children  of  Ifrael :  who 
did  not  hearken  vnto  hira  ,  for  anguish  of  fpirir,  and  moft 

10  painful  worke.  f  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying: 

11  t  Goe  in,  and  fpeake  to  Pharao  the  kingof /£gypt ,  that  he 
II  difmilTe  the  children  of  Ifrael  out  of  his  land  .  f  And  Moyfes 

anfvrercd  before  our  Lord  :  Behold  the  children  of  Ifrael 
hearemcnot;  and  how  wilPharao  heare,  efpecially  wheras 

15  I  am  of  vncircumcifed  lippes  ?  f  And  our  Lord  fpake  to 
Moyfes  and  Aaron,  and  hegaue  them  commandement  vnto 
the  children  of  Ifrael,  8c  vnto  Pharao  the  king  of  i£gypr,  that 
they  should  bring  forth  the  children  of  Ifrael  out  of  the  land 

14  of  ^gypr.  f  Thefc  are  Princes  of  their  houfes  by  their  fa- 
milies. The  fonncs  of  Ruben  the  firft  begotten  of  Ifrael: 

i;  Henoch  and  Phallu,  Hefron  and  Charmi .  f  Thefc  arc  the  '^'^{l^cITT- 
kinredsof  Ruben.  The  fonnfs  of  Simeon;  lamuel  and  lamin,  jnefirft  of  la- 
and  Ahod,  and  lachin,  and  Soar, and  Saul  the  lonnes  of  the  cobsfonncj. 

j6  Chananitcflcjthefearc  the  progenies  of  Simeon,  f  And  thefe  g"»-  5oand  of 
arc  thenaraesofthefonncsofLcui  by  their  kinreds  :Gerfon  ['^"'^l?  "ni 
andCaathandMerari.  And  •*  the  yeares  of  the  life  of  Leui  ^"onc'^of  fhe 

2j  were  an  hundred  tbiaie  fcuen  .  f  The  fonncs  of Gcrfon  ;  reft.atcnoc 

18  Lobni  and  Serai,  by  their  kinreds.  f  The  fonnes  ofCaath;  withoutmy.' 
Amram,  and  Ifaar.  and  Hebron  and  Oziel.  the  yeares  alfo  of  fn^'hoUeTif  "^ 

If  Caaths  life,  were  an  hundred  thirtie  three,  t  Tiie  fonnes  of  t^j^jc/pr^fff/l 
2yIer4ri:Moholi  and  Mufi.thefe  be  the  kinreds  of  Leui  by  lubr,     "" 


1^8  ExoDvs.  lAoyC&s, 

^.'SeeNam.     their  families,  f  And  Amram  cooke  to  wife  locabed  ••  his  io 
zi.y. S9'         *  auntby  the  fathers  fide:  who  bare  him  Aaron  and  Moyfes.  'f^patrtie- 

And  the  ycares  of  Amrams  life  were  an  hundred  thirtie  feuen.         ^paJta 
t  The  fonnes  alio  of  Ifaar  :  Coree,  and  Nephcg,  and  Zechri.  21    ^'^7l*- 
t  The  fonnes  alio  ofOziehMizael,andElizaphan,  and  Sethi.  11    tmeno» 
f  And  Aaron  tooke  to  wife  EHzabeth  the  daughter  of  Ami-  15    dmm. 
nadab,  fifter  of  Nahafon.who  bare  him  Nadab,  and  Abiu, 
andEleazar,and  Ithamar,  f  The  fonnes  alfo  of  Core;  Afer,  24 
and  Elcana,  &c  Abiafaph.  thefe  be  the  kinreds  of  the  Corites. 
f  BucEleazar  the  fonne  of  Aaron  tooke  a  wife  of  the  daugh-  2; 
:.Itpcrteined  j-ers  of  Phutiel :  who  bare  him  Phinees.  "•  thefe  are  the  heads 

"°V\     V^'  of  rheLcuitical  families  by  their  kinreds.  f  This  is  Aaron  i6 
pieicnt  pur-  •'  .    ,    ',  i         «        1  t 

pofe,  to  pre-  and  Moyfes,  whom  our  Lord  commanded  that  they  thoiild 
fecutc  the        bring  forch  the  children  of  Ifrael  out  of  the  land  of  ^gypt 
genealogies     by  their  troupes.  f  Thefe  are  they  that  fpake  to  Pharao  the  17 
"her^fornes'     kingof/Egyptj  that  they  might  bring  forth  the  children  of 
bdnacometo  Ifrael  out  of  ^gypt :  this  is  Moyfes,  and  Aaron,  t  i"  theda3t2S 
the  origin  of  when  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moy  fes  in  the  Land  of  i£gypr.  f  And  29 
thePiicniie      ©ur  Lord  fpake  to  -Moyfes  ,  faying:  I  the  Lord  :  (peake  to, . 
thctVira^5ne  Pharao  the  kingof  i£gypf,al  thingcs  which  I  fpeake  to  thee. 
s.jittg.q.i^.  ,ii  t  And  Moyfes  faid  before  our  Lord;  Loe  I  am  of  vncircum-  50 
s?:fd.  cifed  lippes,  how  wii  Pharao  heare  mei 

^ — — — • — ■ ■ — '. •■"  ■  '  '«' 

Chap.     VL 

,5.  My  name  ^don^ii]  Here  and  in  manie  other  places  of  hqlie  Scripture 
in  the  Hebrev7  text.  IS  that  name  of  God  of  foure  letters,  which  the  lewesfay 
is  ineffable  Yet  fine  it  is,  that  Moyfes  heard  itprGnoiinced,  and  afccrwaris 
rin  place  of  the  writtc  it  as  he  did  the  reft  in  Hebrew  letters  ( which  are  al  confonants  )  without 
name  of  God  vowels. But  the  Rabbins  that  long  after  put  points  or  vovrels  to  al  other  words, 
counted  inef-  P^^  "^"'^  ^<^  '^'^'■^  •  ^^^  ^'  '^''^"  redde  .Adonatin  place  thcrof.  And  {o  the  Latin, and 
fabk  is  com-  al'vulgsr  Catholique  vcrfions,  kcepe\the  fame  word  vntrandated.  The  Sep- 
Hionlvrcddc  tuagintin  G  eke  tranflatc  K  y  P  r  o  s  ,  which  in  Latin  is  Dom;wwf,  in  Englifli 
.Adcn.tK  /.ord.  So  aUoal  ancient  Fathers,  and  (which  is  moftof  al )  ourSauiour,and  his  ^^'^^'  ^^ 

Apo0.1es,aUf::joing  fcntcnccs  of  the  old  Tcftament,  where  this  name  is  con-  '*'*7)^®* 
tained,  fiilcxpred'eitby  wordes  that  fignifie  Lord.  Only  certaine  late  writers  '^'""•^^* 
haue  framed  a  nev/ word,  by  putting  the  points  of  ^doaai,  to  the  proper  let-  '^'^^' 
iehouah  is  not   ters  of  this  vnknowen  name,  which  are  fo^,  We,  A'/ih,  H<',andforGundit /(/;o«<i/;:  s.Dio- 
tnerightname  which  was  fcarfc  heard  of  beforean  hundred  yeares.  As  Bifliop  Gcnebrard,  7iyfe.s, 
j/^God,  Cardinal Beliarmin,  nnd  F,  Pererius  proue,  for  that  neither  ancient  Fathers,  Hierom. 

writing  whole  Trcatifes</eDtH»«^<wo>«/;»^^w,  nor  the  elder  Rabbins,  nor  later  rheodo- 
moftlcarnedHebricianSjasRabbiMoyfes,  AbenEzram,Lira,PaulusBurgenfis  ret.Da- 
andother$,neucrmention/«f;o»<t/7amongflr,heNamcs  or  titles  of  God.  mafceuc 

Ch  AP„ 

Moy  fcs.  E  X  o  D  V  s. '  16^ 

Chap.     VII. 

Moyftiheingtonjiiiuud  4i  Cod  of  tIatao^  And  ^arcn  ds  the  frdphei  cf 
Moyfesytbty  dscUre  Gods  commandment  to  pharde  j  10.  tnrne  the  rodde 
into  A  ferment  -yij.CT'the  n>Ater  into  bloudy  which  is  the  firjl  pU^ue.  iz,    . 
The  maricUni  doe  the  like  hy  inchdntments,  dnd  Phdrdos  hdrt  a  wdnrAte, 

I  A    Nr>  our  Lord  Taid  to  Moyfes:  Behold  I  haue  appointed 
JjL.  thee  "  the  God  of  Pharao  :  and  Aaron  thy  brother 

-1  Ibal  be  "thy  prophet,  f  Thou  (halt  fpcake  to  him  althinges  ::  Aaron  alfo 
that  I  command  thee:  and  he  fhallpeake  to  Pharao,  that  he  wasthepro- 

5  difmiife  the  children  of  Ifrael  out  of  his  land,  f  But  "  Ivil  phctofGod, 
indurate  his  hart,  and  Nfilmultiplie  my  fignes  and  >3rondcrs  „3jg"vp°([gr' 

4  intheLandofiigypt,  f  andhe  wilnotheare  you  :andl\ril  Moyfes^and 
putinmy  hand  vpon  i£gypt,  and  wil  bring  forth  my  armie  oucr Pharao. 
and  people  the  children  of  Ifrael  out  of  the  Land  of  jtgypt,  ^.^'*S'1-'^7' 

$  by  very  great  iudgemcnts.  f  And  the  iCgyptians  fhal  kno v  *"  ^^  * 
that  I  am  the  Lord,  which  hauc  ftrcrchcd  forth  my  hand 
vpon  i£gypt,  and  haue  brought  forth  the  children  of  Ifrael 

6  outof  themiddescfthem  f  Therforc  Moyfcsand  Aaron 
.    7  did  as  our  Lord  had  commanded:  fo  did  they,  f  AndMoyfes 

was  eightie  yeares  old,  and  Aaron  eightie  fhrec,  when  they 
8  fpake  to  Pharao.  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfcs  and  Aaron  : 
5)  I  when  Pharao  Qial  fay  vnto  you.  Shew  fignes:  thou  (halt 

fay  to  Aaron :  Take  thy  rodde,  and  caft  it  before  Pharao, 

10  andit  (halbeturnedintoafcrpent.  f  Therfore  Moyfcs  and 
Aaron  going  in  vnto  Pharao,  did  as  our  Lord  had  comman- 
ded. And  Aaron  tooke  the  rodde  before  Pharao  and  his  fer- 

II  uantcs,  the  which  was  turned  into  a  ferpcnt.  f  And  Pharao 

called  "  the  wife  men  and  the  enchanters :  and  "  they  alfo  by  w,^"P"f " 
_  .  ,  ,  ■        r  •       J  J   •      11      Mambres.i. 

i£gyptian  enchantments  and  ccrtame  lecrecics  did  m  nice  nm.3.kno\»'ca 

11  maner.  f  And  euery  one  did  caft  forth  their  roddcs  ,  the  by  tradition, 
which  were  turned  into  dragons:  but  Aarons  rodde dcuoured 

15  their  roddcs.  f  And  Pharaos  hart  was  indurate,and  he  heard 

14  them  not,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded,  "j*  And  our  Lord 

faid  to  Moyfcs:  Pharaocs  hart  is  acgrauatcdjhe  wil  notdif- 

ij  milfe  the  people,  f  Goc  to  him  in  the  morning,  behold  he 

wil goc forth  to  the  waters:  and  thou  {halt  ftand  to  meetc 

himvpon  the  bankc  of  the  riucr :  and  the  rodde  that  was 

%  turned 

lyo  ExoDvs.  Plagues 

turned  into  a  dragon,  thou  fljalr  take  in  thy  hand,  f  And  i6 
thou  ihalt  fay  to  him ;  The  Lord  God  of  the  Hebrewes  fent 
me  to  thee,  faying:  Difmilfe  my  people'  to  facrifice  vnto  me  in 
::  Induiation    the  defert :  and  vnril  this  prefent  •"•■  thou  \rouldeft  not  heare. 
«^^*"  ( ^^^^^   t  This  therfore  faith  our  Lord :  In  this  thou  ihalt  know  that  17 
neichcTcut'^   I  am  the  Lord  :  behold  I  wil  ftrike  with  the  rodde,  that  is  in 
withrcmoife,  my  hand,  the  water  of  the  riuer,  and  it  (bal  be  turned  into 
Kor  Ibftened    bloud.  f  The  fiihes  alfo,  thatare  in  the  riuer,  fliaj  dye,  and  18 
vichpittic,      the  waters  flial  putrifie,  and  the  yf.gyptians  ihal  be  afflided 
vldth^mayers,  drinking  the  water  of  the  riuer.   f  Our  Lord  alfb  faid  to  i^ 
norycldethto  M oy fes  :  Say  vnto  Aaron,  Take  thy  rodde,  and  ftretch  forth 
thrcatcs :  yea  thy  hand  vpon  the  waters  of  yEgypt,  and  vpoh  their  floudes, 
ts  more  ^^^^2in<inMC\:s  zn^^oolfi^^LnAzX  the  lakes  of  waters,  that  they 
ment/n^ie  "^^Y  ^^  turned  into  bloud  ;  and  be  there  bloud  in  al  the  Land 
confidliEugen.  of  ytgypt,  as  welin  the  vclTcls  of  wood  as  of  ftone  .  f  ^nd  zo 

Moyles  and  Aaron  did  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  :  andlif- 
::  The  firft      tingvp  the  rodde  he  ftroke  the  water  of  the  riuer  before 
plague  inw'a-pharao  and  his  feruantes;- which  was  turned  into  bloud. 
the  ^ilypdis  ^  "^"^  ^^^  fishes,  that  were  in  the  riuer,  died :  and  the  riuer  ^  21 
drowned  the    putrified,  and  the  Egyptians  could  not  drin  eke  the  water  of 
Hebrcwes  in-  the  riucr,  and  there  was  bloud  in  the  whole  Land  of  yEgypt. 
i^nts. rheodojet  -^  ^nA  the  enchauntcrs  of  the  /Egyptians  with  their  enchant-  1% 
theHkeSp  j^nientsdid  in  hke  maner  :  and Pharaoes  hart  was  indurate, 
Eecaufe  the    neither  did  he  heare  them,  as  our  Lord  had  commaundcd  . 
v/ickedfpil      f  And  he  turned  away  him  felfe,  and  went  into  his  houfe,  25 
the  bloud  of    neither  did  he  yet  fer  his  hart  to  it  this  time  alfo.  t  And  al  24 
he°w^ilt^eur^'  ^^^  Egyptians  digged  round  about  the  riuer  for  water  to 
themb'Toud     drinke :  for  they  could  not  dtinke  of  the  water  of  the  riuer  . 
todrinkc.       t  And  feuen  dayes were  fully  ended,  after  that  our  Lord  25 
ftrokc  the  riuer. 

Chap.     VI  L 

I.  The  Godofphnrao.]  The  name  of  God,vhich  e/Tcntial/)' is  proper  only  to 
Tlic  nam  c  of    ^^^  three  Diuine  Perfons  of  the  B.  Tri  ni  tie,  and  in  communicable  to  anie  crca- 
Godattrlbu-    ^^''^  (Sap-i4.)  is  neucrthcles  by  fimilitudcattributed  in  holie  Scripture  to 
ted  to  men.       other  perfons.  As(Exod.iz.  v.  8.)  lud^es,  or  princes,  arc  called  goddes,  for 
,  the  emincntauthoritieand  powre  which  they  haue  from  God.  So  Moyfes  was 

ludgcs  called  conftiiuted  the  ludge  and  God  ofPharao,  not  only  to  punilh  him,  for  his  ob- 
goddcs.  ftinacic,  and  finally  to  compel  him  to  difrnKTc  the  Ifraelitesoutofj£gypt,but 

r  ^1  'fPU  ^Ifoto  tcrrifie  himfoin  themcane  time,  that  he  being  otherwife  a  mightie 
tjodotPha-  King,andcxt^emlyandoftc^afflidedby  Moyfcs,yet  durft  neuer  lay  violent 
^AO'  iianiesvpon  him,  left  hiinfsf«,  and  al  his  nation  ihould  prcfcutly  haue  bene 


of^gypt.  ExoDVS.  171 

deftroyed.  As  S.  Hilarlc(  Uh.j'  deTrimtate)8c  S.  Gregoric  ( he.S.  In  E^th*)  note 
vpon  this  place.  Likwifc  Priefts  are  called  goddes  {Exod  ii.-r.  18.)  for  their  Prie/^s  called 
.  facred  fundion,  pertaining  to  Religion  and Seruicc of  God.Proplictes  o-lfo  ai;e  goddes 
caWcd  f^tdentes,  Seers{i.fieg.y.)  bccauieby  participation  of  diuine  knowledge,   Other  titles  of  ' 
they  fee  fometimcs  the  fccretcsofother  mens  harres,  things  fupernatural,  and   God  o-cuen  to 
future  contingentjthough  properly  and  naturally  onhc  God  almightie  is  scm-  men. 
tatorco>■d^f,tl)efearcheroftheharl:,3.ndkl■\oweth3.\t\iings(Sap.I.)A2,3.wcS.Vc-   -ka      f        tt 
terCiiicthli..  Epijt.  c.  I.)  thzciujlmenaremadf  partal^rsofiimineKature. Which   y    J      ,        '^" 
is  ratlicr  more  rhen  to  participate  in  name.  Al  which  titles  rightly  pertei-   p^icft'and'^^' 
ned  to  Moyfes,  being  in  life  Holic ,  in  knowledge  a  Prophcte,  in  funtlion  a    p  ■     ' 
P/4/.<j8.  ^^Prieft^andinpowreaPrince.Inthe  fame  fenfc  of  participation,  Saintes  arc 
'*'' ^'         called  our  Mediators,  Aduocatcs,Redemers,  Deliuerers,  and  the  like. 

3.   lyyti  indurate  ]  According  to  ourpurpofe  mentioned  in  the  Annotations 
vpon  the  9.  chap,  to  the  Romanes,  we  mai  here  recite  the  lummeofS.  Au<tu-  Proteftants    ' 
flins  doctrine  {Ser.28.detempore)  touching  the  hard  qucftion  :How  God  did  hold  God  to 
indurate  Pharaocs  hart.  And  withal  we  &al  briefly  explicate  ,  according  to   bethecaufe 
the  do£trine  of  the  fame,  &  other  moft  learned  Fathers  ofthe  Church,  the  true  that  men  do 
fcnfe  of  this  and  like  places,  by  which  Zuinglius,  Caluin,  Bcza,  and  other  Se-  fmne,  yet  not 
diaries,  would  proue  that  God  not  only  permitteth,  but  alfo  commandeth,  in-   the  caufe  of 
clineth,inforceth,andcompclleth  men  to  do  that  which  is  finne  :  yea  that  finnc. 
God  is  the  author ,  internal  mouer,  &  inforcer,  that  man  tranfgienTcth ;  though 
they  dcnie  that  God  finnethjor  is  caufe  of  the  malice  of  finne. For  exaple^Zuin-  ZuineUus  do- 
^Vl\is.[  Ser.  de pretiidentia Deh ctt- i ]  Ci\tth:Kumentf}fumaiiiloreJi-eiut,  quodnohkeji  (^nng. 
tniuflitia^  tlU  yero  nuilatenus  efl.  The  diuinef  oyyye  it  Jdfev  author  of  that  thm^,  yyh$ch 
to  ys  t6  iniuflice,  btitts  him  in  no  yyift  ii.  And  alitle  after,  Cum  igitur  ^ngelum  tranf- 
grrJ?oremfacit,  &  howinem,  ipfetamentranfgi-effor  noncofiuuitur.  P'Fhen  tJierforeCod 
mai^th  ^ngel^  andman  tra7ifgrfjfor,yet  himfelf  is  not  made  a  tranfgrejfor .  Cha.  6, 
FKumigitur  atque  idemfacini{s,f>utaadultermmaut  hemicUium, quantum  Deieft  ««- 
{lortf ,  motonsy  irtipulJ'on<,  opm  '/f,  crimen non  ejl :  quantum  Ijomims  efl, crimen  a^cfcclm 
«i7.Therforethe  felffameaft,as  adultcrie  or  manflaughter  ,  as  it  is  of  Goc/r/;^ 
ttuthoy,  mouer,  w/orcfv,  isaworke,  is  not  a  crime:  but  as  it  is  of  man,  is  a  crime, 
&  a  wicked  ad:.  Caluin  {li.S.Inflit.c.  ij.para.ii-)  aifirmeth  that  the  diucl,  &the  Caluins  do- 
whole  band  ofthe  wicked  can  not  conceiue,  norendeuoure,  nor  docaniemif-  6trine. 
chief,  mfi  quantum  Detis  pennierit,  imo  3  ifi  quantum  iRc  man  dant.  butfo  farreas 
God  permitteth  (which  al  Catholiqucs  firmly  beleue  )  nayhntfofirashe  coman- 
deth  :  which  al  Catholiqucsabhorreand  detcft.  Likcwife  (//.  z.  c.  j^..para.  ^) 
alleaging  Gods  wordcs,  faying  he  hadagg)auated,and  hardned  Vharaoes  hart 
affirmeth,  that  which  God  did  more,  befidesnot  mollifying  his  hart,  was, 
quo d evflinatione pe£lus  eim  ohfirmandum  Satan£  mandauit ,  tlynt  he  committed  hi<  hart 
to  Satan  to  he  ghduratedyyiih  ohflinacie  imsikina  Go  A.  thz0iMthox,SLndS2.X.linon\y  .    -   . 

theminifterofhardning  Pharaoshart,    Beza  folowing  this  race  (»»  Keffon.  ad  Bczas  dodlrm. 
Caflallionem,  jlphorijmo  11,  )  faieth  ,  God  fo  TTo)%(/;by  euel  inftruments,  that 
he  doth  not  only  fuffer  them  to  worke  ,  nor  only  moderateth  the  euenf,/e^ 
ttiam yt ex'citetJmpelUt,moueat,  r(gat,atqi*e adfo [quodommti cfl[maximum]etiam  creet, 
vtperiUa  agat  quod conftitutt :  bur  alfo  fturreth  them  rp,  driueth  them  forvcard, 
moueth  them,  ruleth  them, and  (which  ismoft  of/al  )  euen  createththem,  Bytheirdo- 
that  by  them  hemciy  yyorkj  that  which  he  appointed  .  ^l  yyhuh  (  faith  he  )  dVin  it  necef- 
God  doth  rightly ,  and  yyithout  anieiniuflice,  Soin  dedethefe  men  fay  ,  when  they  farily  folow- 
are  preifed  with  the  blafphemous  abfurditie  ,  that  they  make  God  author  and  ^ t'i>  ^ ''^^  God 
caufe  offinne,  which  neccflarily  and  euidently  folowethof  theii  dodrin.  For  ^^o"^<^  he  aa- 
by  the  very  Hght  of  nature,it  is  «lere,that  the  commander  or  inforcer  is  author  ^^^i^  of  finnc. 

X  1  ofthat 

i/i  Exo  Dvs.  Plagues 

of  that  cui!  \rtich  an  otter  doth,  by  his  romandementor  mforcemetit,  and  by 
ai  law  ofnarurcand  nationit,  diuiue  and  humane,  is  condemned  as  culpable  and 
guiltie  of  the  fault,  ts^hich  the  other  comitteth  :  but  rhcfe  miniftcrsfay  (in  the 
places  aboue  cited)  Codcumancleth,mforceth,Andryor{ej}7zlthit  aCmncrdoih^ 
Ergo,  God  by  this  dodrin  muft  be  author,  culpable,  and  guiltic  of  finnc. 
Which  isfoblafphemous,  and  horrible  to  Chriftian  earcs,  that  they  dare  not 
fay  it  in  exprcfl'c  tcrmes. 
_,     -  r      ScingthenGodislaid  to  haue  indurated  Pharaoesharr,  and  al  confcflc  that 

\    ^  '        induration  of  hart  is  amoft  greuousfinne,  the  controuerfie  is:  Whether 

f  God  commanded,inforced,  and  wrought  the  indurationin  Pharaocs  hart,  or 

**^    ^  *  onlypcrmittedit?  or  what  els  God  ditl  to  Pharao,  wherby  his  hatt  was  indu- 

rate; and  finally  by  whom  it  was  properly  indurate,  byGod,orby  Pharao  him 
S.Augultins  fclfc'Al  which  S.  Auguftinexplicateth,  laying firftthisground  (which  eueric 
doftrin.fcr.88  oneisfaithfully  and  firmly  to  bcleut)  that  God  neucrforfaketh  any  man,  be- 
de  temp.  fgrg  !,(.  be  firft  forfakcn  by  the  fame  man  :  yea  God  alfo  long  cxpedcth,  that 

Godforfaketh  a  finncr  which  much  and  often  oif^tndcth,  conuert  and  hue.  Bnzvyhcn  thefinner  E^chj^i 
not,  til  he  be  abideth  long  inhis  wickednes,  of  the  multitude  of  finnes  xifcth  4efperation  , 
fcoriaken.  ^f  dcfperation  is  ingendred  obduration.     Tor -when  the  impteus  ts  comn  to  Pr*  .  i8. 

the  depth  of  fnnes ,  he  centetnneth  .    Obduration  therfore  comcth  not  of  Gods 
powre  compelling,  but  is  ingendred  by  Gods  rcmirncs,  or  indulgence,  and  fo 
not diuinepowre,  but diuine patience  did  harden Pharaoes  hart.  How  often 
^   J,  foeuer  therfore  our  Lord  faieth  :  iTTt/iMf/wva^^f/j^/jurf  of  p/jrfivji),  he  WiPu]clno» 

.,  ;  thingelsto  be  vnderffood,  but  I  wil  fufpcnd  my  plagues  and  puniftiments, 

puni  ling  p^      wheiby  I  wil  permit  him  through  mine  indulgence  to  be  obdurate  acrainft  me. 

"^  .    J         Perhapsfome  wilaske,  why  dicTGodby  Ipaiing  him,lct  himbeindn^Jtc'whv 
rao   to  indu-      J    j^^j.   1      r  l-      l         l    ir  n      ^      .-,       r  "- "'"ui'ifc.  wny 

,.  ^.r  did  (jod  taJccnom  him  hts  whollomepunilhrr.crit  ?  1  aniwer  fcrurcly:  thiswa$ 
A  d  rh  t  for  '^""Cj'^^^^^'^Pl^^'^^o.for'^he  hugchcape of  hisfinnes.ceicrued  notasa  child, 
1.    r  .        to  be  correfted  vriroamendmentjbutasanencmie  was  fuffcred  to  be  indurate. 

^  For  of  them, whom  Gods  racrcicfufFercih  not  to  be  indiuate,  it  is  written:  God  lleh.  it. 

fcour-retheueyic  child -whom  he  din  an  other  ^\a.Ci.yrhomJ  Icue  I  correal   ^Pec.  j. 
A'/(^c/>j/?;ye;Againc.  rrhomGod  hueth  he  chafttftih.  Let  no  man  therfore  with    P/#».  8, 
Paganes  and  rvianichec.<;prerume  to  reprehend  or  b.'ame  Gods  iiiftice  but  cer- 
tainly bclencthac  not  Gods  violence-  made  Phar-io  indurate, but  his  owne  wic- 
Inabfcnceof    kcdnes,  and  his  vnramcd  pride  av^ainft  Gods  precepts.  A2;ainc, what  els  is  it  to 
ffracc  finnc       ^^7^'  '^'^'^  tmin'-.tte  h;s  hart,  but  when  my  grace  is  abfcnt^from  him  ,  his  owne 
obdurateth.      'wickedncs  wil  obdurate  him  ? 

To  know  this  by  examples  :  water  js  congelcd  with  vehement  cold,  but 

the  heatcofrhefunne  coming  vpon it,  isrcfoUrcd,  and  thefunne  departino-,  ic 

^     freezethagainc.  Inlikcmanci  by  thclafincs  of  finners,  charitiewaxcthcold, 

Godsgrace  in  &  theyarehardncdasyfe  :  hutwhen  the  heate  ofGods  merciccommeth  vpcn 

the  ooltinatc,  thcni,  they  are  :igainefoftned.  So  Phsrao  without  pittie  or  compa/Iion  aftli- 

f  J    r    ^^^^  ^'"•'^  ^^'^  Hcbicves,bccarnc  aj  hard  as  y  fe,  bur  Gods  hand  touchinrr  him  with 

oi  the  lunnc     aiHidions,  he  made  humble  ftjpplication,  that  Moyfes  and  Aaron  would  pray 

incold  water.   toGodfor  him,  promifing  what  they  demanded:  againe,  when  the  plagues 

were  rcmoucd,  he  was  more  indurate  againlt  God  and  his  people,  then  before. 

Whcrbvxj'crce,  Godsgcntlcnes,  indulgence,  and  fparingof  Pharao,  nothic 

As  1  father  for  ngour,  norhjs  vilorfc'tpurpofc,  but  hi'sDcrmidion,  and  Pharaoes  owne  wil- 

not  piinidiing  ^^}  rna^icchardncd  his  hart,  and  brought  nim  to  obftinate  contempt  of  Gods 

is   faied  to        comandmcnts.  And  therfore  God  did  only  indurate  him,in  that  comon  phrafe 

fpoile,  ToGod  ofiFeaking,as.a  father,  or  amaUler  h.niing  brought  vp  his  child  orferiiant 

cuipdurate.       dcUcatly,and  not  iufficicwtly  puriiflicd  his/rccjucnt  faultcs,  whcrbyheb;- 


of^gypf.  ExoDvs.  i-fy 

Cometh  vorfe  zv.A  votfe,  defperate and  obdurate,  at  laft  the  father  or  maifler 
(aicth  :  I  hauc  made  thee  thus  bad  as  thou  art  I  by  fparing  thee  and  fuffcring 
thee  to  hniic  thine  owne  pleafure,  hauc  nourifhed  thy  pcrucrfncj,  and  care-      .  ,        •  i    l 
Icfnes  :yerhe  (aicth  not  this,  as  though  by  bis  wilard  intention,  but  by  his        '"^  ^.     .' 
goodnesandgentlenes  the  man  became  fo  wicked.  It  may  here  be  demanded  '"^^  ^"j.  ^u  ^     * 
sgainc;  why  did  not  our  Lordfo  mercifully  pr.nift  Pharao,as  wholy  to  re-   J-^^^^    '. 
clame  him,  for  it  (emcth  that  had  benne  grcateft  mercie  ?  and  God  dcalcth(b  c"'^^^jV"    3' 
with  fome,  vhy  doth  he  not  withal,  thatal  might  be  faued?Firft  it  is  moft  "<^"^"     ^^^  ' 
iuftiy  and  rightly  afcribed  to  their  iniquitic,  which  defcrueto  be  indurate; 
againcwhy  thisfinner  is  reclaimed,  and  not  an  other  of  thcfameil  deferrs,  is  , 
to  be  referred  to  Gods  infcrutable  iudgements,  which  are  often  fccretc,  ncuer 
yniuft  Let  It  therforc  fu/Hce  pioufly  and  humbly  to  bcleue,  thatas  Moyfcs    _    ,  a 

Dft^t-^t'  ff^l^Qll-^^Codts  fafthfHUnd-ryithoutan:eim(juihe,tufiandrij^ht:2nd2Sthetojz\     '^.    T^"^*^  j„ 
^r* '■    5'  Prophet alfo  profefleth,  r/j<3»drf  word  r7o£/f/;rti-p-P»/;^/»<<j«,/t»>,  and  as  the  Apoftlc  ^^^     w t  on  y 
S^om.  5.  jgjcheth,  </;«■<?»-•  no  mjg»>f»>T-»>r/jGai.  By  al  which  and  feme  more  to  the  fame  ^^   ^  ^ 
eifc(^  { which  we  omit)  S-  Auguftin  concludcth  againe,  that  properly  Pharao 
hardened  his  ownc,hart,God  only  by  beftowingbenejfitesvpon  him, which  he  Pharao  abu-  _ 
abufed,  and  not  plaguing  him  fo  much,  as  hedeferucd,  but  letting;  him  Hue,  firig  Gods  bc*- 
andrcignc,  andperiecute  the  Church  for  the  time,  vntil  he  and  at  his  armie  nefites  hard- 
ware in  the  middesof  the  Tea.  Whither  (asthc  Qmc  lerned  fathcrnoteth  ncd  his  ownc- 
^fcr.  85. )  their  owne  defperate  boldnes  drew  them,  vainc  furie  through  their  ftarf  •  And  wil- 
ov/ne  mpd;iesprouokingrhem  rogoe  fofarre,  whereGodnot  working,  but  fullypeiilnca 
only  ccalingtocontinewhis  miracle,  the  waters  returning  to  their  owne  na- 
ture, and  meeting  togetherinuolucd and  drowned  them  al. 

Other  iikeexpolitionsthcfjme  krncd  father  hathinotherplaces.  As, a. iS.  Qther  places^ 
/itper  EKodum,  he  teacheth  that  Pharao  being  already  (o  wicked  through  his  £5  _A.ueuftiii; 
ownefaultjOtherthings  were  done  to  him  and  his  pi;oplc,  which  partly v^ere  '       ° 

to  the  corrc(flionof  others,  and  might  haue  bene  to  his,  but  he  abufing  al, 
became  worfe&worie,  by  Gods  fufFcnng  and  difpcnfation,  nor  o»/]f  for /?/<  wTij 
h^'tfitiiently  iuft  pu>ui})'neiu.  ij.  ^.  cont.  lultan  c.5  touching  rhe  ground  of  ten-  Gods  iufticc 
laco.  I .     nation  he  alleageth  the  Apoillc  faying  :  Eucrttcne  is  ternpt<-d  of  hts  oyrt/e  concupi-  made  cuidcnt 
fiencr^  ahfruc' cd and allu-^-rd :  bnt  toviching  one  kind  of  Gods  punifhing  fome,  when  finnes 
that  areouerwhelmcdinobftinatc  finnes,  healieagcth  the  faying  ot  an  other  are  mote  no •- 
JCom.j.     Aopfile.  Go  i  hath  deUttefedthfm  tnlo  pnfions  of  i^-aannme;  and  into  areprohaie  j(nje,  torious. 
to  dv  thofe  things  that  cirenot  covuenura^  (or  God  dcltuereth  them  (faith  he  )  co"n,f- 
nienily  :  that  the  fame  (innes  are  made  both  pUHilhmenrs  of  finnes  paft,  and  are 
deferts  of  punifliments  to  come.  Yet  he  makcth  not  the  willes  euil,  but  \feth 
theeuilashewil,  who  can  not  wJlaoie  thing  vniufcly.  Againe, <j.  14.  It  appca- 
reth(iaith  hejthatthe  cauies  of  induration  of  Pharaocs  hart, were  not  only  for  Gocis  patience 
that  his  Inchanters  did  like  things  (to  thofe  whichMoyfcs  and  Aaron  did)  but  of  it  iclf  profi- 
thc  very  patience  of  God:,  by  which  he  fpared  him, Gods  patienceaccordinc  to  table,  by  euil- 
mens  hartes is  profitable  to  fomc  to  rcpcnranrc,  tofomevnprolitable  to  rtllft  harts  made 
God,&  peril  ft  in  cuil :  vet  not  of  it  felfe  VDprcfitable,  but  through  the  euil  hatz.  "vnprofiuble.  ■ 

Briefly.  7.  jd.  lh.iHeharnedpl>itraoeshar(,  that  is,  I  haue  bene  patient  ouer  him 
and  his  fcruants.  £/>»/?.  icj.  God  doth  not  indurate  by  impertlng  malice,  but 
(W;r4m-   ^^4"°'  imperting  mercie  (or  grace  )  Lk  deProcd^fl.  &'^rat.  c .  <,  God  is  fayed  to  ^^^  j^j      ^^j,- 
winac»     indurate  him,  whom  he  wil  not  molhfie.  So,  to  make  him  blindc  whom  he  Jedfometimes- 
larum       wilnot  illuminate.  So  alfo  to  repelhira,whom.hc  wil  not  cal.  And  c.  ^.  what  is  Joino  the  co». 
yerbtra     thattofay  :I  Twim^^Mrjif/jufc^rr,  but  I  wjI  notmolUficit  ?  f4,:f».i4.  It  ought  to 
J     1       baucauailcd  Pharao  to  faluation,  that  Gods  patience  dei'erring  his  iuft  and 
denfabat.  dcfciucdpuniftuncnj,  multiplied  vpon him  £icc^ucntftripesofrniracles,.prwK. 

''  ^°  trarie. 

I'lcewil  the 
t-ndes  in  Pha- 

Other  ancient 
Doctors  teach 





the  groat. 


The  3(51: 
butcd  to  Pha- 
laohimfcif  ia 
diners  places. 

174  ExoDvs.  Plagues 

raculons l)tnnfhmets.C^ip  15.  Did  not  Nabucodonofor  rcpentbcing  puniftied  aftcl 
innumerable  impieties,  and  recouered  the  kingdome  which  he  had  loft?  But 
Pharao  by  punilhment  became  more  obduratCjand  pexifhed.  Both  \s'cre men, 
both  Kings,  both  perrccutors  of  Gods  people^  both  gently  admonilhed  by  pu 
niflimcnts.  What  then  made  their  endes  diuers,but  that  the  one  feeling  God« 
hand  mourned  in  remembrance  of  his  owneiniquitie,  the  other  by  his  freewil 
fought  againft  Gods  moft  merciful  veritie  ? 

Ncitheris  thisthe  dodnn  ofS.  Auguftin alone,  butofother  Doctors  alfo. 
Origen  (//'.}. Pmarc/).  c.  de  Li-bert. arbptrij  }Caicth  :  the  Scripture  lliev/eth  ma- 
nifcltly,  that  Pharao  was  indurate  by  his  ownewil.  Forfo  God  faied  to  him  : 
Tijoft  yyouldejl not :  if  thou  yvtlt  not  difnijif  ifrael,  £.vo.4.,8. 

S.  Badl.  (  Orat.  quod Deasnon  ft auclor  tnalorum)  faiethj  God  beginning  with 
lenTefcourgeS:,  proceeded  with  greater  and  greater  to  plague  Pharao,  but  did 
notmollifie  him  being  ofoftinace,  neither  yet  did  punilh  him  with  death,  vntii 
he  drowned  himfclfcwhen  he  prefumcd  through  pride,to  pa(le:the  fame  way, 
by  vf'hichtheiuft  went,fuppo(ingtheredde  fea  would  be  palTablcto  him  ,  asit 
was  to  the  people  of  God.  S  Chryfoftom.  [ho. 67.  mlo^ti.)  God  is  faiedin  holie 
Scripture  to  haue  indurate  fbme,  and  dcliuered  fomeinto  reprobate  fenfe,  not 
forthatthefe  things  are  done  by  God  (  coming  in  dede  of  mans  owne  proper 
malice)  but  becaufeGod  iuftly  leauing  men  ,  thek  thmgs  happ-en  tothem. 
And(m  cap.i.  l{om.)  WPi;/f/;»etet/(  into  reprobate  fenfe  )  is  nothing  els, but  he 
permitted.  S.  Damafcen  (/>'.  4.  r^,  lo.  df  fide  orthodoxa)  Itis  the  ma.ncT  ofjiolie 
Scripture  to  cal  the  pel  million  of  God  his  ad.  As,  He  h.ith  geuen  them  th  ejjnrite  of  jfa.  6. 
com[Ht>tfhon  ;eyrs^lhat  they  may  net  Jee:and  eares  tltat  they  may  not  heare,  and  the  J^ 
like;  al  which  are  to  be  vnderftoodnot  asproccdingof  Gods  a£lion,  butssof  t-S. 
Godspermilfion,  to  wit,  for  mans  free  power  of  working.  S.  Hicrom.  (  Rpi/l. 
I  JO.  refp  Not  Gods  patience  is  to  be  accufed ,  but  their  hardncs  who 
abufe  Gods  goodnes  to  their  owne  petdition.Theodoret.  (g.17.  in  £.vo(/.)  It 
is  robe  noted,  thatifPharao  had  beneeuilby  nature  ,  he  hadneuer  changed 
hisminde.  And  (after  diuerj  mutations  recited  ,  howfometimcs  he  would 
difrailTc  Ifrael,  other  times  be  would  not)  al  thcfe  (  faith  he)  Moyfcs  recor- 
ded to  teach  vs,  that  neither  Phsrao  was  ofperucrfc  nature  ,  neither  did  our 
Lord  God  make  his  mind  hard  and  rebellious.  For  he  that  nowinclineth  to 
this  part,  now  to  that,  plainly  fliewethfreewilofthemind. 

S.Gregoric  {//'.  11.  ea  8.A.'otw/,  )  God  is  faied  to  indurate  by  his  iufticcwhen 
he  doth  notmollifie  .1  reprobate  hart.  And  (//.  51.  c.  ii.)  Our  Lord  isfaicd  to 
hlue  indurated  Pharaoes  hart ,  not  that  he  brought  the  hardncs  it  fcUe  ,  but 
for  that  his  dcfertes  fo  requiring ,  he  .did  not  mollific  it,  with  fenfibilitic  of 
feare  infvifcd  from  abouc.S.  Ifidorus  (/».i.  ca.  i^.defHnrmobono.)  Sinne  is  per- 
mitted for  punidimentoffinne,  when  afinner,  for  hisdcfcrt  forfakcnof  God» 


nto  an  ot 

her  worfe  finnc 

Finally  conference  of  holie  Scriptures,  as  in  other  hard  places,  fo  in  this,  ge- 
iTcth  lightforhetcer  vndcrflandingthcrof.  Fordiuers  places  do  notonly  fhew 
'that  in  al  thefc  refinances,  mutations  of  mind,  and  obllinacic  of  hart,  Pharao 
W.1S  neucr  depriued  of  freev/il,  as  the  Doflors  before  cited  do  note,  but  alfo 
cxpresily  attribute  the  aft  of  induration  to  himfelf .  Cha.8.  v.  I'^.vharao  feeing 
thai  reft  yncs  gcnenhe  hardncdhii  oyynehart  .X .  jt.  where  the  latin  readeth  in  the 
pafliue  voice, /M^n-r/JKrffH?^  f/J  cor  Vharaomf,  Pharaos  hart  yy.u  hardned,  which  is  Bible, 
morcobfcurc,  the  Hebrew  faieth  aftiuely ,  &  theproteftantes  fo  tranflate,  ijyi. 
Vharao  hardindhis  hart  thif  time  alfo .    .Likewife   cha.  9.  v.  7.  the  Hebrewfaieth,  1577. 
Vharata  hart  hardned  it  felfe,  Alfo  y .  )$.  He  hAvdned  ha  oyyne   hart,  he  and  his  itfoj. 


ofi£gypt.  ExoDvs.  17^' 

feru^nts  .Chi.  15.  v.  i;.  f'yhenVharao  had  indurated  hmfelfe.  KnA,  t.Rcf;  if.  v.  6.  Ho\K'it  is  faic?,, 
yf^hy  do  yoti  harden  your  harles ,  m  JEgyf>t  andpharao  hardned  iheir  harfi  Alwhich  God  caft  Pha- 
are  reconciled  with  the  other  textes,  that  fay  Godtnduratedp!.'a)aoesJ)art,\ndtv-  raointo  the 
ftandingthatphrafcinlikefenfe  to  this.  (cha.  ly.v  4..}  Godhath  caft  rharao  his  fea^vhenhim. 
chariotes ,  and  his  armie  into  the  fea.  Where  God  only  permitted;,  and  noway  felferanneia 
forced  Pharao  and  his  armie,  to  follow  the  Hebrewcs  betwen  the  walles  of  wilfully? 
Ser.  8p.  w'atcr  .As  before  is  here  noted  out  of  S.  Bafil,  andS.  Auguftm,and  the  text  it 

felfemakethit  euidcnt.  Againc  manie  otherplaces  connrme  ,  that  not  God,  NotGodbut 
butthefinnersownewilfulnes,  is  the  proper  caufe  of  his  finnc.  ;ofc.  24.  t.  2J    msnthe  ci-ufe 
God  hath  geuen  him  place  for  penance,  and  he  abufeth  itvnto  pride.  T.ccle.^.  ofsinerprcued. 
T.ii.  Becaufcfentence  is  not  quickly  pronounced  againft  the  cuil, the  children  by  other  fciir 
ofmencomit  euils  without  al  feare.  O/ee.ij.T.p.  Perdition  is  thine, olfrael, only  x.\xtzs^ 
in  me  thy  helpe.  B^om.  z.y.  4.  The  bcnignitie  of  God  briijgeth  thee  to  penance:  ' 
butaccordingtothy  hardnes.and  impenitent  hart,  thou  heapefV  to  thy  felfc 
wrath . Ej'/je/.  4.T.  19.  Gentiles  haue^eucn  vp  themfelues  to  impudicitie  (or 
yvantonnes.)  And manie  like  places  (hew,  that  God  is  not  the  mouer,  author, 
nor  forcer  ofanic  thing,  asit  is  finne  :  but  manhimfclfe  is  the  author  by  wil- 
fully confenting  to  tentations  of  the  diuel,  the  flelli,and  tke  world,and  by  abu- 
(ingGodsbenehtes,  and refifcing  his  grace. 

II.     They  alfo  ]  True  miracles,  being  aboue  the  courfe  of  al  created  natere, 
a-MiM^.  cannot  be  wrought  but  by  the  powreoF  God}  who  is  truth  it  fclfc,  and  can  True  miracles 
y.  10.     notgcuc  tcftimonie  to  vntruth,and  thcrfore  they  certainly  proue  that  to  be  do  certainly 
Hih.z.     true,  forwhich  they  are  done- Other  flrange  things  done  by  enchanters.  faUe  proue  the 
y.  4.        prophetes,  anddiuels,arenot  in  dcede  true  miracles,  but  cither  fleights,  by  truth. 

quicknesandnimbienesof  hand,  called  legier-demain,  conueing  on'e  thing  Someftrange 
away  and  bringing  an  other;  or  falfe  prefentations  deceiuingthe  fenfes  ,  and  thinc^sdone 
imaginations  ofmen,  by  making  things  (erne  to  be  that  they  are  not;  or  ers  are  ^    {f^jaht   by 
wroughtbyapplyingnaturalcaufesknowentofome,efpeciallytodiuels;who  aeceipfoffen-  ' 
alfo  by  their  natural  force  can  do  great  thinges,  when  God  pcrmitteth  them.  /-.„  arbycourfe 
And  fo  hy  enchantments  and  certame  fecreae<,  thefe  forcerers  either  conucvcd    ^f 'ature 
away  the  roddes,  and  water,  and  brought  draeons,  and  bloud  .in  theirplacc,  &  r„eciillv  bv  ' 
more  froggcs,  from  other  places;  orels  by^the  diuels  yfing'natural  agents    I.     1'    ^     ^ 
turned  roddesintoferpentes,  waterinto blond,  &othermatterinto  fioqgcs  ;  .   " 

al  which  might  be  done  naturally  in  longer  time,  &  by  the  diuel  in  fliort  time. 
But  manic  thinges  are  wholy  aboue  the  diuelspowrc.-astodcftroy  the  world,  Manic  things 
to  charge  the  general  order  thcrof :  to  create  of  nothing  :  to  raife  the  dead  to  ^^°"^  ^^^  ^^' 
lifcto  geue  fight  to  the  borne  blind;<S:  the  like,which  aie  only  in  Gods  powre.  "^^^  natural 
In  things  alfo  diucls  naturally  can  do.  they  are  much  rcftrayned  by  Gods  po^^'^e- 
goodnes,  left  they  Hiould  deceiue,  or  hurt  mankind  at  their  pleafure.  So  thefe  '^^^  diuels 
Enchanters  feyled  in  the  fourth  attempt,  not  able  to  make  more  fciniphes,  *nor  po^^'^  is  much 
anic  more  fuchprodiges.-and  were  only  permitted  to  produce  fuchferpcnts,a$  reftraincd. 
vere  deuoured  by  Aarons  ferpenr :  and  to  change  water  into  bloud  :  and  to  in- 
creafethe  number  of  froggcs,  for  the  greater  plague,  and  no  prottc  of  the 
Egyptians.  Neither  could  they  rcmoue  anie  plague.  Nay  themfelues  were 
fo  plagued  with  boyles,  that  for  painc,  or  for  ftiame,  they  could  not  ftand 
before  Movfes. 

Itisfurcherro  be  obferucd.thatwhcnfoeuer  anie haue  attempted  to  workc 
miracles  to  proue  falledoa:iin,theyhauefailed,and  by  Gods  prouidencc  bene  Falfe prophets 
confounded.  As  when  Baals  falfe  prophctes,  crying  to  their  falfegoddes  from  euer  ^ile, 
morning  til  noone,  could  not  bring  fire  for  their  factifice:  and  yet  the  diuel  ^''^hen  they 
brought  fire  to  burnelobslhepe  and  fcruants  ;  God  permuting  the  one,  and  piciead  by 
»i   .  notthc 

17^  ExoDvs.  Plagues 

jnlraclcsto        not  the  other.  God  alfo  for  a  time  fatfcrcd  Simon  Magus  to  make  (hew  of 

pro uc  their       niiracks,  and  a.t  laft  (as  Egcfippus /^.  3.  </.'  exad.Hieiojoi.c  1.  and  manie  others 

do(fttinc.  teftifie  )  to  flic  into  the  ayer,  as  though  hewould  hauc  afcendcdinto  heauen, 

Simon  Magus  but  S  Teter  praying  to  God,  the  magician,  notv/ifhftanding  his  wings  wher. 

confounded .    with  he  pi  elumcd  to  flic,  fcl  downe  and  broke  his  IcggeSj  that  he  could  not 

goe.  Tocmitte  manic  examples,  GrcgeriusTuroneniis  it.  t.  hijt.  France.  5. 

Cy  tola  an  A-    yimei^ctb,  that  one  Cyrolaan  Arian  Patriarch,  ptcttnding  to  obtainc  of  God 

rian  Bilhop       light  to  a  man,  that  feaned  him  felfe  blind,  rhcman  was  prefcntly  biind  in 

dcteded.  deede,  andexcbmingcrycd  :  Take  hercthy  money  which  thou  gaueft  me,  to 

dcceiuecheworld, rcrtoremc  my  fiaht,  which  I  -hadeuennoWj  and  by  thy 

perf\»7afion,  and  for  this  money,  I  feaned  to  want .  It  happened  worfc  to  one 

■CA  '     at-        Bruley  a  poorenian  in  Gereaa,  whom  Caluin  with  wordes  and  money  pcr- 

•(.a  inns    -^^^  fvaded  to  feaiie  him  (elfe  dead,  and  fo  pretending  to  raife  him  to  life,  the  maa 

. tempt  mi  p^^^  ^^^j£^j^i^j  j^^^-^  j^^^^^_j^j^^j,j^^,^^^^j^.^^.^^  ^-j^^^.^^^^^^^^^^^  to  the  de- 

/f^   -fj     ^^        uifcj  hmentedui  earned:,  enuehing  againft  that  falfe  Apoftle,  calling  him  a 

iianis  fccrete  rhefe,  and  awickcd  murderer,  thathad  killed  herhulband.So  writeth 

M.  lerom  EoKeckrvT^f*  Cuimnt  And  befidcs  the  womans  vncipcfted  outcrie, 

and  afletieration,  that  Uer  hufband  was  not  dead  before,  but  that.through  Gal- 

uinspetly/arions,andpromirestorelcuethem;wich  almes,  they  fo  fcancd,  al 

Geueuadidknowe,  thatGaluinendeuouredtoraifethe  man,  -and  could  not. 

Thefe  and  manic  others  haue  attemptedand  could  do  nothing,  but  againft 

them  fciucs. 

Codsproui-         Al  the  Jangcrisw'hcn  in  dedewondersare  donethatmay  feme  to  be  mira-  t 

i^ -nceinmort   cles  Againftiuck  therfore  Godsprouidcncemoreparriculaily  aillfteth  his'fcr' 

d.iiii^er.  uantesdiuers  waycs  .  Firft  he  ■*'arneth  ai  to  ftandfaft  when  lach  tcntations 

1  His  fpecial  happcn.Dcutij-Ifthere  rife  among  youa  prophet, or  onethatfa"cth,hchath 
WcUning  nor  iene  a  drcame,  and  fortelletha  iigne,  and  a  wonder,  and  it  comcth  to  paifc 
to  credit  prea-  which  hefpake.and  he  fay  to  thee  ;  Let  vs  goe  &  folow  Grange  goddes,whom 
chcrsofanew  thou  knoweft not, and  let  vsfcrue  them, thou  fhalt  not  heafc  fhe  wordes  of 
Religion,  thatprophct,  or  dreamer.  In  like  maner  our  Sauiour  foretelling  that  falfechrir  ^^'*f^-  2-4^ 
thongh  they  ftes,  &  falfe-prophetcs,  fhal  by  great  (ignes  &:  wonders  feducs  many,  warncth 
prct£nd  tobc  al  faying:  Loci  haucfortold  you.  Ifrhcrfore  they  flialfay  vnto  you  ;  He  is  in 
prophctcs^^or  thedciert,  goe  not  out.  Behold  in  the  dofetSjbeleue  it  not.  Secondly  God  fuf- 

10  worke  won  ferednotthe  Enchanters  of  .^i^ypt,  nor  Simon  Maguslongr  and  fortheeled, 
^=-'"-  tbe  daycsofAntichnasdangcrous  pcrfcrution flial be  fhottncd.Thudly  holy 

2  Moildange-  Scripturefo  defciibcth  Antichrill,  ^  when  he  cometh  h«  may 
rousfcduccr^    bcfooner  knownc.  OurSauioiu  faicth  :  The  lewcs  wil  receiue  him.  S.Paul  '"''VV 
reignebut        cil'ethhiin  f/7ewrt»o//<«;»^,  importing  one  fingular, and  the  fame  replete  ^-"^"'f' 
Ciotttim.e.         ■^■'nhzXxi'id'icAncs.exLolkdahvue  al  t])at  n  called.God,or  is  worshipped.  Neither  *' 

J  Notes  to       worniipping  true  God,  nor  other  falfe  God  aboue  him  felfe.  He  flial  be  deadly  v'i""^-n« 
knowAnti-       woadtdand'cured.  Not  only  he  iLai  iliew  ftrangc  wonders,  butalfo  one  ofhis 
thrift.  prophctcs  (Kal  bring  (ire  from  the  fiim.iment,  &  his  image  flial  fpcakc  Fourtly 

4  Againft  moR  as  ourLordgaue  pov^rc  and  aurhoritic  tohis  great  Prophet  Moyfcs,  againft 
dangerous  a(-  the^gyptijrii  Enchanteis,  in  the  end  of  the  law  of  nature,  before  the  written 
faltcs  God  fen-  lav:  and  to  his  firfi  chief  vicar  S.  Peter,  in  the  beginning  ofthc  law  of  grace,  to 
deth  moft  for-  control  &  confound  Simon  Magus  ;  fo  he  wil  fend  his  two  rcferued  gr^at  Pro- 
ciblcrchft.'ice.  phetes  EnochandEliasneie  the  end  ofthc  world,  to  rcfift  Antichrfft,  and  to 

teach,  tcftifie,andconlirmc  with  their  bloud  the  dodrin  of  Chrift.  For  they  jtpoc.ii 
$cc.pag.T9.      ^■^'^'^lV'^'"'^'^"'^"^^^S^'"^^^'^<^'^'^^ccdaycs,andafccnd  into  heauen.  Then  ^f«c. 

Ancicluift  holding  him  felfe  moUfccurc,  fhal  fudainl^bc  dcftroycd.  x.rhef.  x.  lo. 


-U*  '     "  I      I     I  !■ .■ ' 

Chap.    VIII. 

The  feetndpU^ue  is  of  fronts,  y.  the  enchant  en  make  the  Hie.  8.  Pharao 
promifeth  to  let  the  Jfr^elttes  goe  unA  [Acrtfce ,  /•  the  [rogues  be  ta^en 
AfV*y  15  -^huh  being  donne  he  breakethfromife.  1 6.  The  third  fUgue  is 
offcmtphes.  18.  Jvhtch  the  enchanters  can  not  make.  H.  The  fourth  is  of 
fiies.i^.rb^rao  Ag^ttne  promtfethto  difmift  the  people  of  Cody  but  doth 
it  not. 

1  dr\  V  R  Lord  alfofaid  to  Moyfes :  Goe  in  to  Pharo,and  -IfPharao 
Vj  thou  Shalt  fay  vnto  him :  This  Taith  the  Lord :  Difmiilb  ^aH  not  ficc. 

2  my  people,  for  to  facnhce  vnto  me.  f  but-  it  thou  wilt  not  j^i^j^of  p^. 
difmiflc  them,  behold  1  wil  llnke  al  thy  coaflcs  \*ith  froggcs.  nifnmet  ^ere 

5  f  And  the  nuer  shal  bubble  with  froggcs :  ^-  hich  shalcomc  vniuft.  on-e». 
vp,  and  enter  into  thy  houfc ,  and  thy  bed  chamber,  and  ^^^^-J'^'^yl'.^' 

.    vpon  thy  bedde,  and  into  the  houfes  of  thy  feruantes,  and  p^^'^j^g^  ^^^ 

vnto  thy  people,  and  into  thy  oucns,  andinto  the  remaines  not  do  othcr- 

4  of  thy  meatcs:  f  and  vnto  thee,  6^  to  thy  people,  and  to  wifcdorh  not 

.5  althy  feruanrcs  shal  the  frogges  enter,  f  And  our  Lord  faid  finne  asborh 

to  Moyfes  :  Say  vnto  Aaron  :  Stretch  forth  thy  hand  vpon  j";;^ j  ^5 ^ Jf.' 

thefloudes,  and  vpon  the  riuers  and  the  poolcs,  and  bring  ^  jfug.dsver* 

6  forth  "  frogges  vpon  the  Land  of  ^gypt.  f  And  Aaron  ftret-  v^dig.  c.  14. 
ched  forthliis  hand  vpon  the  vraters  of  ^gypt:->,  and  the  :-Ther.plaguc 

7  frogges  camevp,  and  couered  theLand  of  ^gypt.  f  And  ^^^J''^^';^"^ 
thccnchantcrsalfo  by  their  enchantments  did  in  hkemancr,       ^^ 

and  they  brought  forth  frogges  vpon  the  Land  of  yEgypt. 

t  f  And  Pharao  called  Moyfes  6^  Aaron,  and  faid  to  them: 

••  Pray  yc  to  the  Lord  to  take  a^sray  the  frogges  from  me  6<f  ::  The  Enclia- 

from  my  people :  and  I  wil  difmifle  the  people  to  facrificc  ^^"  '^^^^^ 
IT        1,1      i>x       r     /■  ■;       1^1  *  bring  more 

9  vnto  the  Lord,  f  And  Moyles  laid  to  Pharao  :  Appoint  mcL-/  froa^es,but 

when  I  shal  pray  for  thee,  and  for  thy  (eruantes,  and  for  thy  nottake  diefc 

people,  that  the  frogges  may  be  driucn  a\»-ay  from  thee  and  away. 

from  thy  ho ufe,  and  from  thy  fcruanteSj  and  from  thy  peo- 
10  pie:  and  may  remaine  only  in  the  riuer.  f  ^'ho  anfwered: 

To  morow.  But  he  faid:  According  to  thy  word  wii  I  doe: 

that  thou  maift  know  that  there  is  not  the  like  to  the  Lord 
II  our  God.  f  And  the  frogges  fbal  depart  from  thee,  and  fiom 

thy  houfe,  and  from  thy  feruantcs,and  from  thy  people  :  and 
£2  ftal  remaine  only  in  the  riuer.  t  And  Moyfes  and  Aaron 

went  forth  from  Pharao :  and  Moyfes  cried  to  our  Lord  for 

Y  the 

17  8  ExoDvs.  Plagues 

the  promife,  concerning  the  frogges,  which  he  had  agreed  to 
Pharao  f  And  our  Lord  did  according  to  the  word  of  Moyfes:    ly. 
and  thefroggesdyedoutof  the  houfcs,  and  out  of  the  vil- 
lages, and  out  of  the  fieldcs:  t  and  they  gathered  thera  to-  14 
gecher  into  huge  heapes,  and  the  earth  did  rotte.  f  And    ij 
-rharaosin-    pharao  feing  that  reft  was  geucn  "  hehardned  his  owne  hartj 
durationa^u-^^^j^^^j.^  ^j^^j^  ^^^^  ^^  outv Lord  had  commanded,  f  And  li 

our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes  :  Spcake  to  Aaron:  Stretch  forth  thy 
..T[,c,.piague  "^oddcjandftrike  theduftofrheearth;  andbe  there  "  Scini- 
Sciniphes,       phes  in  the  whole  Lord  of  y€gypt.  f  And  they  did  {o.  And  17 
Tmalc  flying     Aaron  ftreched  forth  his  hand,  the  roddc:  and  he 
Slf '^^'  ^[r*    ^^'^^^  ^^^  '^"^  of  the  earth,  and  there  were  made  fciniphes 
iine  mens      ^^-^  ^^^  and  on  beaftes :  al  the  duft  of  the  earth  was  turned 
zyts.philo.l.i.  into  fciniphes  through  the  whole  Land  of  ^gypt.f  And  the  iS 
fityitAMoyfi,    enchaunters  with   their  enchauntmentes  pradifed  in  like 
;:  fhc  dmcis    maner,  to  brin^  forth  fciniphes,  and  -  they  could  not:  and 
by(5oG./a&  i.i  f^erewcre  Iciniphesaswel  on  men  as  on  bealtes.  f  And  the  15  - 
.;:The  cnchati-  enchaunters  faid  to  Pharao:  ••  This  is  the  finger  of  God.  And 
tcrsconuinccd  pharaoeshart  was  indurate,  and  he  heard  them  not  as  our 
ft'mdin  "^"ctn.  ^^^"^  ^^'^  commanded,  f  Our  Lord  alfo  (aid  to  Moyfes:  Arife  .1® 
fdrcrltfepov  caily,  and  ftand  before  Pharao:  for  he  wil  goe  forth  to  the 
cr  of  God,  but  waters :  and  thou  llialt  fay  to  him  :  This  faith  our  Lord  :  Dif- 
not  changed    miife  my  people  to  faerifice  vnto  me.  f  And  if  thou  wilt  not  21. 
^"  rfift  "dTn'    difmifle  thera,  behold  I  wil  fend  in  vpon  thee,  and  vpon  thy 
£uliccaaainn:^'^^'"^"^^''^"^^'P°"'^^yP^°P^^'  and  vpon  thy  houfesal  kind 
thetruth^.        of"-  flies:  and  the  houfcs  of  y£gypt  (hal  be  filled  with  flies  of 
::Thc4  plague  diuers  kindes,and  the  whole  land  wherein  they  fbal  bo  . 
aUorKs"' f  °^  "^  ^^"^  ^  ^^^  *^^^^  ^^^  Land  of  GelPen  mcrueilous  in  that  day,  iz 
flies.       °       wherin  my  people  is,  fo  that  flics  ihal  not  be  there:  and  thou 
{halt  know  that  I  am  the  Lord  in  the  middes  of  the  earth, 
t  And  I  wil  put  a  diuifionbetwene  my  people  &  thy  people:  15 
to  morow  fhalthisfignebe.  -f   And  Our  Lord  didfo.  And  24 
there  came  a  very  greuious  flic  into  the  houfcs  of  Pharao 
and  of  his  feruantes,  and  into  al  the  Land  of  y£gypt:  and 
the  Land  was  corrupted  byfuch  kind  of  flics,  f  And  Pha-  1^ 
rao  colled  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  and  faid  to  them.  Goeand 
facnfice  to  your  God  in  this  land,  f  And  Moyfes  faid  •  It  can  2^ 
not  fo  be  done  :  for  if  we  (hal  offer  the  abominations  of  the 
::  JEeyptians  -^gyptiins  to  the  Lord  our  God  :  and  "  we  kil  thofe  tbinges 
worfliippinf!;    which  the  ^Egyptians  doe  worftiippe  before  them  :  they  wil 
bc*fts  thought  beatc  vs  downe  with  ftoncs.  f  ^^  wilgoe  forth  three  daycs  27 


if-^gypc.  ExoDVS.  ^75.. 

iourneyinto  the  >3rildernes :  and 'w^c  vil  facrificcvnto  the  itmtolcrablc 

28  Lord  our  God,  as  he  hath  commanded  vs.  f  And  Pharao  faid:  J^^,^'"^,"^"^ 
I  wil  diimiiTc  you  to  facrifice  to  the  Lord  your  God  in  the  orburncthem 

15)  deferr;butgoenoefarder:prayformc.  f  And  Moyfes  faid  :  in  facrifice  g««. 
Being  gone  forth  from  thee,  I  wilpray  to  our  Lord:  and  the  4J-'«'-}i.  4^. 
flie  shal  depart  from  Pharao,  and  from  his  fcruantes,  and  ^■^*' 
from  his  people  tomorow:  but  deceiue  no  more  fo,  that 
thouwilr  not  difmiffe  the  people  to  facrifice  vnto  our  Lord. 

50  t  And  Moyfes  being  gone  forth  from  Pharao,  prayed  our 
51  Lord,  t 'Who  did  according  to  his  >jrord:  and  he  tooke  away 

the  flies  from  Pharao,  and  from  his  feruanrs,  and  from  his  i^^y^  li,Ja» 

32  people:  there  vas  left  not  fo  much  as  one.  f  AndPharaoes  hardn^dhts 
hart  "  was  hardned ,  fo  that  neither  this  time  would  he_^  «■»'■*''»<■  hart, 
difmifle  the  people.  ^Ifothntime, 

Chap.     IX. 

The  fifth  fU^ue  is  pefileneeiimtn^th  Apptlsns  utile.  8.  The  ftxtboylts 
inmen  AtidheAHes.  18.  the  feuenth,  batle.lj.  Phdrao  confefitn^  God  to 
he  iuff,  dnd  himfelfe  and  his  people  im^Uwy  promi/gth  a^aine  ta  difmijft 
the  people,  54.  but  faileth  to  do  it. 

1  A    Nd  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes :  Goc  in  to  Pharao,  and 
jTjL  fpeakc  to  him  :  This  faith  our  Lord,  the  God  of  the 

2  Hebrewes:  difmiiTe  my  people  to  facrifice  vnto  me.  f  And 
5  if  thourefufe,  and  holdeft  them:  f  beholdmy  hand  shal  be 

vpon  thy  fieldcs :  and  vpon  thy  horfes,  and  afles,  and  camels, 

4  and  oxen,  and  sheepe,  -  a  veric  fore  peflilence.  f  And  our  rrTFiey.pIag-tfc 
Lord  wil  makeamerueilcbet\rene  thepoireilions  of  Ifracl  Sz  Pcftilencc  a- 
thepofleilionsof  the  ^Egyptians,  that  nothing  at  al  perish  of  ™°"gft  cattcL 

5  thofe  thinges  thatpertainetothe  childre«  of  IfracL  f  And 

our  Lord  hath  appointed  a  time,  faying :  To  morow  wil  our  beaftcs  died 

6  Lord  doe  this  thing  in  the  land,  t  Our  Lord  rhcrforc  did  this  forfomedici 
thing  the  next  day:  and  -  al  the  beaft.cs  of  the  .Egyptians  inthey.&io. 
dyed,  but  of  the  beaftes  of  the  children  of  Ifracl  nothino-  at  al  Plagues  butal 

7  perished,  f  And  Pharao  fent  to  fee:  neither  was  thcrl;  any  ta^ned^fhT 
thing  dead  of  that  which  Ifrael  poircifed.   And  Pharaoes  ^gypSns.^ 
hart  '•'  was  hardned,   and  he  did  not  difmiiTe  the  people  .:••  In  Hcbr. 

S  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes ,  6^  Aaron  :  Take  your  f'^r^'f^'^'^leb 

handes  ful  of  ashes  out  of  the  chimney,  atid  let  tAo^Ccsl^^^^^a^!'"'^ 
5)  fpriiikic  it  iato  the  ayrc  before  Pharao  .  f  And  be  there  Zditf^lfJ      ' 

Y  2  duft 

i8o  .  ExoDVS.  Plagues 

duil  vpon  al  the  Land  of  yFg>  pt :  for  there  shal  be  in  men, 
::Tbe ^.plague  &  bcaftes  ••  bevies,  and  i'jp'clHng  bladders  in  rhe  whole  land 
Bowles  in  ;ucn  of^gypc.   f  And  they  tookc  ashes  o^t  ol"  the  chininev,  and  lo 
an   beaics..      f];QoJc  ^g^ore  Pharao,  and  Moyies  fpiinklcd  it  into  the  ayre: 
and  there  were  made  boylcs  of  f\)7eihng  bladders  hi  men  and 
::PooreEn"     'p.,a{tes.  f  ••  neither  couid  the  encha^iters  iiand  bcforc_>   ii 
couldnci'ther   ^loyfcs  for  boyles   that  wf  re  vpon  them,  and  in  al  the  Land 
efcape,  nor      ofJEgypt.   f   And  our  Lord  did  indurate  Pharaocs  hart,  6^  iz 
cure  this  he  heard  them  not,  as  our  Lord  (pake  to  Mcyks.  "j"  And  our  15 

placjue.  Lordfaid  to  Moy fes  :  In  the  morning arife,  and  ftand  before 

Pharao,  o^Tthoushalt  iay  to  him  :  This  faith  the  Lord,  the 
Godot  the  Hebrcwes:  Difmitlc  my  people  to  (acrihcevnro 
mc.  f  Bccaufethis  time  I  wiifend  al  my  plagues  vpon  thy  14 
hart,  and  vpon  thy  feruantes,  and  vpcn  thy  people:  phat 
thou  mayeft  know  there  is  not  rhe  like  to  me  in  al  the  earth. 
t  For  now  ftretching  forth  my  hand  I  viril  ftrikerhee,  and   ly 
thy  people  with  peftilence,  and  thou  shalt  perish  fiom  the 
::tnH-tir-wr    earth,  f  Andtherfore  "  hiue  I  fer  thee,  ihatin  rhet  I  may  16     K^m.^i 
ha.He  mu\e    <ee  shcw  my  might, .indmv  name  miy  be  told  in  al  the  canh. 

'  'j"?M     t  Doeftrhou  vet  hold  backcmv  people:  and  wit  thou  not*F7 
p-tripluMfisf     dllmiile  them-.?  f  Behold  I  wil  raine  to  morow  rhisvery   iS 
h.jtieh'l?ti!>ee      houte  '•  haile  exceeding  much  :  iuch  as  was  not  in  ^g- pc 
aht'e. inchc       from  the  day  that  it  was  founded,  vntil  this  pre(cnt  time. 
lu'i^olnt'Tf''      "^~  ^^^'"^  theriore  now  pref^ ntly ,  iin  1  gather togt tiicr  thy  cat    15? 
th.uinrliee,'     tl^j  and  al  t hinges  that  thoo- hall  in  tftc  field  ;  for  men  6^ 
tluouglithya  bcaftes,andal  thingcs  that  ihal  be  found  abroad,  and  not  ga- 
ownc  malice    thcred  together  out  of  the  fieUts,  and  the  haile  fal  vpon 

Vno^ca  my     Pharaoes  feruantes,  made  his ieruantcs  to  flie,  and  his  beaftes 
povrc  to  ma-  into  houfes :  f  but  he  that  neglcded  the  word  of  our  Lord,  11 
kind.i'.  Au^.    let  alone  his  feruantes,  and  his  beailes  in  thefieldes.  t  And  11 
drp.ehji  et      our  Lord  faid  to  ^foyfes:  Stretch  forth  thy  hand  towards 
T\i  ^  ^bTuc  ^^^^^^>  ^^'^^^  there  may  be  h.iile  in  the  whole  Landof  itgypt 
TciriblcJulh,  vpon  men,  and  vpon  beaftcs,  6^vpon  euerie  herbe  of  the 
thundcrsuiia    field  in  the  Land  of /£^ypt.  f  And  Moyfesftretched  forth  his  23 
)ig!Annni;s,       rodde  toward  heaucn,  and  our  Lord  gauc  thunders,  and  haile 
and  running  lighrenings  on  the  land:  and.  our  Lord  rained 
haile  vpon  the  Land  of  i£gypt.  f  And  the  haile  and  fire  mixt  24 
together  did  drlue :  and  it  wasof  fo  great  bignes,  as  neu.-r  be- 
fore app.rared  in  rhe^:»'ho]c  Land  &f  ^o^P^  fincc  that  nifion 
'Vfc'asniade   t  Auvl  Lh;:  haile  fmotc  in  al  thcLandoi  ^^gvpral  i^.. 


ofJEgy^t.  E  X  o  D  V  s.  i  S"! 

thingcs  thatNTcrcin  thefieldes,  from  man  enen  vnto  beaftt 

and  eueric  herbe  of  the  ficJddid  the  haile  ftnkc,  and  eucric 
16  tree  of  the  counrrie  it  did  breake.  f  Only  in  the  Land  of 

Geiren,  v^here  the  children  of  Ifiacl  were,  ihc  haiiefel  not. 
47  f  And  Pharaofent,  and  called  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  faying  to 

them  :  I  haue  finned  now  alfo,  the  Lord  is  mil :  I  and  my 
iS  people,  impious,  f  Pray  ye  the  Lord  that  the  thunders  may 

ceafe,  and  the  haile :  that  I  may  difmilTe  you,  and  ye  tanc 
ip  not  here  any  longer   -f-  Movfcs  faid  :  When  I  -hal  be  gone 

forth  out  of  thccitie,  I  ^'ilftretch  forth  my  handcs  to  our 

Lord,and  the  thunders  i"balcea(e,  and  the  haile  l>al  not  be: 
30  that  thou  maift  know  that  the  earth  is  our  Lords:  t  but  I 

know  that  neither  thou,  nor  thy  fernantes  do  yer  feare  the 
31   Lord  God   f  The  flaxe  therfore,  and  the  barley  were  hurt, 

becaufethe  barley  came  vp  grcne,  and  the  flaxe  now  was 
32  boulled  :  f  but  the  wheate,and  other  winter  corne  were  not 
3^  hurt,  becaufe  they  werelateward.  f  And  Moyfs  going  forth 

from  Pharao  out  of  the  cin^^O  retched  forth  his  handes  to  our 

Lor  1  :  and  the  th  unlets  fi^P  haile  cejlcd,  neither  did  there 
34  drtn>,>eraineanv  more  vpon  the  earth    t  And  Pharao  feing  ''^^^,j,'^^' 

that  the  mine,  and  the  haile  and  thunders  were  ceaied,  he  h,,^ahab*daf. 
3)  increafed  his  finne:  -f  '•'■  and  his  hart  was  aggrauated  ,  and  .^ndhthardm^ 

thch-.irto   hisleruanres,and  indurate  exceedini;lv :  neirhcr /''^<»'''^"''"*''^* 

diihedifmiirtr  the  children  of  lirael,  as  our  Lord  had  com-  ^''^"^H^Z 

man  Jed  by  the  hand  of  Mo\  fes.. 

Chap.     X. 

Tleeh-ht pUjTH',  ef  Lo:uf}e'..  ?.i.  the  ninth  dirknss:  rbardo  yAdeth  thdt  d 
men  »nd i ht'dren  should  ^ot  to  the dffert,  hui  not  sh  atile.  i8.  ^t  Uli 
commafidcth  IdJjJti  t&  (ome  no  more  in  b-sjlnhi,  fi.'hich  M  yjtiforitiUcih 


N  D  our  Lord  faid  ro  Moy fes:  Goe  in  to  Pharao-:  for  "  I  '^^^^  oucr  Pha- 
haue  indurate  his  hact,  and  the  hart  of  his  feruantes  :  raoachisCer- 
2  that  I  may  workethefemy  (Ignes  in  him,  f  and  thou  maift  uants,  in  not 
telin  rheearesofthy  fonnc,  andof  thy  nephewes,  how  often  ^e-r«ving 
1  haue  broken  the  /Egyptians,  &  wrought  my  lignes  m  them:  ^i^fc-d  mind 
3  and  you  mav  know  that  I  am  the  Lotd.  f  Mosfes  therfore  became  moie 
and  Airon  went  in  to  Pharao,  ana  faid  to  him  :  Thus  faith  the  oblhnatc.  f. 
LordchcGodofthsHsbrc>jrcs;  Til  when  wile  thou  not  be  -^"^^  9?o.  <st 

I  Si  ExoDVS.  J'lagnee 

fubictlto  mc?  dirmifTc  my  people,  to  facrifice  vnto  me^. 
■f  Bac  if  thou  refift,  and  ^3rilt  not  difmilfe  them  ;  behold  I  wil  4 
t,Thc8.Plaguc  bring  in  to  morow  ::  the  locuftinto  thy  coafies:  t  which  ; 
Innumerable     j^^y  couer  tiic  iacc  of  the  earth,  that  nothing  therof  appeare, 
locuacs,Htle     b^ij.  that  which  the  haile  hath  left  may  be  eaten:  for  it  Cbal 
tuhWhhv  gnaweal  trees  that  fpring  in  the  fieides.  f  And  they  (hal  fil  ^ 
derlcfrgesthat  thy  houfcs^and  the  houfes  of  thy  fcruantes ,  and  of  al  the 
dcftro)-  graine,  ^ayptians :  fuch  a  number  as  thy  fathers  haue  not  feene,  nor 
grade  &  fruid.  arand-fachers,  fince  they  arofe  vpon  the  earth,  vntil  this  prc- 
S^^ciV/Hi .  ^^"'^  ^^y-  ^"'^  ^^  turned  him  felfe  away,  and  Aj^^ent  forth  from    *  Phaiao.  f  And  Pharaoes  fcruantes  faidto  him:  How  long  7 
flial  we  endure  this  fcandal?  DifmifTe  the  men,  to  facrifice  to 
the  Lord  their  God. Doefl:  thou  not  fccjthat  y£gypf  is  vndone? 
+  And  they  called  back  Moyfes,  and  Aaron  vntoPharaorwho  8 
faidto  them:  Go  e,  facrifice  to  the  Lord  your  God:  who  arc 
they  thatshalgoe?  f  Moyfes  faid: With  our  young  and  old  wc  9 
\rii  goe,  with  our  fonnes  and  daughters,  wirh  our  shcepe  and 
heardcs  :foritisthefolemnifieof  the  LordourGod.  f  And  i« 
Pharao  anfwercd :  So  be  the  Lord  with  you,  as  1  shal  difmifle 
.•^Becaufe  Sods  you, and  your  Htle  oner,  who  doubteth  but  that  ••  you  inrert«l 
jicruants  may    very  wickedly?  f  It  shal  not  fo  be:  but  goe  ye  men  only,  n 
tiot  temporize  ^^^  Cacudce  to  the  Lord:  for  this  your  felucs  alfodefircd.  And 
lulqufsvmuft-  ""'^"^^'^^^'^b'^^^y '**'^^'^^''^^°"^  ^^°"^  Pharaocs  fight,  f  And  xi 
Iv  char<Tethem  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes  :  Strcch  forth  thy  hand  vpori  the 
jcohaucbadin- Land  of  ^gypc  vnto  the  locuil: ,  that  it  come  vpon  it,  and 
,-tentions.  deuoure  euerieherbe  that  remained  after  the  haile.  f  And  ij  ~ 

Moyfes  ftrctched  forth  his  rodde  vpon  the  Land  of  JEgypt: 
and  our  Lord  brought  in  a  burning  wind  al  that  day,i5<:  night: 
and  when  it  was  morning,  the  burning  windc  railed  the  lo- 
cuftes:  f  which  caraevp  ouer  the  whole  Land  of  ytgypt:  14  - 
and  fate  in  al  the  coaftes  of  the  i€gyptians  innumerable,  the 
,^  like  as  had  not  bene  before  that  time,  nor  shal  be  afterward. 

•|-  And  they  coucred  the  whole  face  of  the  eatth,  wafting  al  i| 
thinges.  Therforcthc  gralTc  of  the  earth  was  deuourcd,and 
whatfruitesfocueron  the  trees,  which  the  haile  had  left: 
there  was  alfo  nothing  at  al  left  that  was  greene  in  the  trees, 
andin  theherbesofthc  e3rth,inal^gypt.  f  For  the  which  i4 
caufc  Pharao  in  haft  called  Mo>fes  and  Aaron,  and  faid  to 
them:  I  haue  iinncdagainft  the  Lord  your  God,  and  againft 
you.  t  But  now  forgeue  me  my  finne  this  time  alfo,  and  pray  17 
to  the  Lord  your  God,  that  he  take  away  from  m.c  this  death. 

t  And 

0f-^g>'pt.  EXODYS.  183 

18  t  And  Moyfes  ?oing  forth  from  Pharaocs  fight,  prayed  to 

19  our  Lord:  f  who  made  a  very  vehement  wind  to  blow  from 
the  well,  and  taking  the  locuftcs  it  threw  them  into  the  Red  • 
fea:  there  remained  not  fo  much  as  one  inal  the  coaftes  of 

io  iCgypt.  t  And  our  Lord  did  indurate  Pharaoes  hart,  neither 
21  did  he  difmifTe  the  children  of  Ifrael.  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to 

Moyfes  .-Stretch  for  thy  hand  toward  heauen:  and  be  there 

::  darkenelfevponthcLandof  .€gypt  fo  thicke,  that  it  be  -The 9. plague 
u  palpable,  f  And  Moyfes  ftrctchcd  forth  his  hand  toward  ^°"|^|^^^*^ 

heauen:  and  there  was  made  horrible  darkenelfe  in  the  whole  ^^"^  J^^^_ 
ij    Land  of  ^gypt  three  daycs.  f  No  man  faw  his  brother,  nor  ^^^^      * 

mouedhimlclfe  out  ofthe  place  where  he  was:  but  -where- 
14  foeuer  the  children  of  Ifrael  dwelt,  there  was  light,  t  And 

Pharao  called  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  and  faid  to  them:  Goc 

Sacrifice  to  the  Lord :  let  your  i>>ecpe  only,  and  hcardes  re- 
tf  maine,  let  your  litle  ones  goe  with  you.  Moyfes  faid:  Hoftes 

alfo  &  holocaultes  thou  ihaltgeue  to  vs,  which*wc  may  offer 

16  to  the  Lord  our  God.  f  AltheHockes  Qialsoe  with  vs:  there 
flial-'-notahooferemaineof  them  :  the  which  are  ncceiraric  ..Codspcopk 
vnto  the  feruicc  of  the  Lord  our  God  :  efpecially  wheras  we  muftbcrcfo" 
know  nor  what  rauft  he  offered,  til  we  come  to  the  very  lute  in  RcU- 

17  place,  t  And  our  Lord  did  indurate  Pharaoes  hart,  and  he  g^°^' 
z8  would  not  difinille  them,  t  And  Pharro  faid  to  Moyfes: 

Gcttc  thee  from  me,  and  beware  thou  fee  not  my  face  any 
more  :  in  what  day  foeuer  thou  (halt  come  in  my  fight,  thou 
'  a^  (halt  dye.  f  Moyfes  anfwered:  So  (halit  be  as  thou  haft  fpo- 
ken,  I  wil  not  fee  thy  face  any  more<. 

Ghat.     XI. 

'Sod  h'Meth  Moyfes  (dnfe  tht  feo^le  of  ifrdtl  i9  ioroW  filuer  andgdd^ef- 
fcli  of  tht  JE^yptmnu  4.  Fortelltth  one  other pU^e,  the  deAih  ofthefirU 
borne.  9.  And  that  Phdrno  Ivilfiil  beohdnrate, 

I  \  N  D  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes :  Yet  with  one  plague 
^jL  more  xF  ill  touch  Pharao  6c    i€.gypt,  and  after  this  he 

X  ftialdifmilTeyou,  and  compel  you  to  goe  forth.  tThoushalt 
fay  therfore  to  al  the  people  that  cucrie  man  aske  of  his  frcnd, 
&  euery  woman  of  her  neighbour  vclfels  of  filuer,  &  of  gold. 

5  t  And  the  Lord  wil  geue  grace  to  his  people  in  the  fight  ofthe 
.Egyptians.  And  Moyfes  was  a  very  great  man  in  the  Land  of 

I  §4  ExoDVJ.  Pafcli. 

^gypt,  in  the  fight  of  Pharaocs  fcruantes,  &  of  al  tlic  people, 
t  Andhcfaid  :Thisfaich  our  Lord:  Ac  midnight  I  wii enter  4 
TKeio.pIar;ueintOi£gypr:  f  ^^^  ''  eu^ric  -firil-Hegotten  in  tiie  Land  of  j 
Death  of  the  the  y£g>ptians  thai  dye,  from  -the  £rft- begotten  of  Pharao 
^'^^''^^T^^?  \t'ho  fitteth  in  his  throne,  <:uen  to  the  firft- begotten  of  the 
^f  "he  -^2}^-  ^^"^i^sid  that  is  at  the  mil,  &  al  the  firft-  begotten  of  beaftes. 
dans.  t  ^^^  there  shal  be  a  great  crie  in  the  whole  Land  of  ^gvpt  5  € 

fuch  as  neither  hath  bene  before,  nor  Chal  be  aftervfard-  -f  But  7 
\f  ith  al  the  children  of  Ifrael  there  shal  not  a  dogge  mutter, 
from  man  euen  to  beaft:thatyoumay  know  with  how  great  a 
miracle  our  Lord  doth  diuide  the  i£gyptians&  IfraeL  t  And  8 
al  thefe  thy  feruantes  shal  come  do  wne  to  me,  and  shal  adore 
xne,  faying :  Goe  forth  thou,  6^  al  the  people  that  is  vnder 
thee  :.after  this  we  shal  goc  forth,  f  And  he  departed  "from  p 
Pharao  exceeding  angrio-/.  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes: 
Pharao  wil  not  heare  you  thatm,anic  figncs  may  be  done  in 
the  Landof-iSgypt.  f  And  Moyfes  and  Aaron  did  al  the  won-  i® 
«jAsbefore  c  dcrs  that  are  written,  before  Pharao.  And  our  Lord  -  hard- 
7.V.5.C.5.V.16.  ned  Pharaoes  hart,  neither  did  he  difmiiTe  the  children  of 
.CIO.  Y.  I.        Ifrael  out  of  his  Land. 

Chap.     XII. 

The  muner  ef  frtpirin^^  *nd  tAting  the  Pdfchal  lamhe ,  ff/tlnckling  the 
dore-polies'^ithl'loHd  therof:  1$.  emmg  no  leutned  hredd  feuen  da^es 
together,  19.  The  firfi  borne  of  men  und  heaftci  among  the  Jc^ryptians  are 
7?4;«f.  55.  The /fraelfte,goe atvajffojhng  JEg^ft.  4J.  IncircHmcJed  mea 
m^y  not  tate  the  rh  fife. 

Thctpiftlcla    A    Nd  our  Lordfaid  to  Moyfes,  and  Aaron  in  the  Land  i 
^"^^^Ir^A  ^^   J^^^^  ^?yp^  •  t  This  moneth,  shal  be  to  you  the  be-  1 
^'ndchc/^'    girining  of  monethes  :  it  shal  be  the  firft  in  the  monethee 
prophcciebc-  ^^  ^^^  yeare .   t  Speake  yee  to  the  whole  allembhe  of  the  5 
fore  Mafic  on  children  of  Ifrael ,  tC  fay  to  them  :  "■  The  tenth  day  of 
Eaflcicuc.      i\^{^  moneth  leteueriemantakea  lambeby  their  families  and 

houfcs.  f  But  if  the  number  he  Icfi'e  then  may  fufnce  to  eate   4 
::  S.ich  ,v9    a    ^j^^  lambc,  he  shal  take  vnto  him  his  neighbour  that  ioynerh 
tAkcalambe,    fo  his  houie,  according  to  the  number  of  loules  which  may 
tookca  kidde  fuiHcc  to  the  eating  of  the  lambc.  t  And  it  shal  be  alambe  5 
^Hng  .il  rhc      without  fpotfe.  a  male,of  a  yearc  old:  according  alfo  to  which 
Air.c  Rites,     xitc  you  shal  rake  -  akidde.  f  And  you  shalkcpe  him  vntil  ^ 


Exo©v«.  J^f 

thcfourtf  mil  day  of  this  moncth :  snd  the  vlioki«uItirudc 
7  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  shal  -  facrifice  him  at  cucn.  -f  And'::SliacIiatu, 

they  shal  rake  of  thebloud  therof,  and  put  vpon  both  the  27!ff^^-u^ 

poftes,andon  theivpper^orcpoftes  of  theJioufes,  wherin  f'.'^/.'f.'^oc 
•^  they  shal  eate  bim  .  f  ^^^  they  shal  eate  the  flesh  that  only  aw,  as 

nighc  rofted  at  the  fire,  and  vnleauencd  i)rcad  with  wilde  pio';ftai^« 
$  Icttice.  t  You  shal  not  eate  therof  any  thing  raw,  nor  boy  Ic^i  "^^^wte. 

in  water,  but  only  rofted  at  the  fire:  the  head  >3piai  the  fcetc 

10  and  entrailes  therof  you  shal  deuoure.  f  Neither  shal  there 
rcraaine  any  thing  of  him  vntii  morriing.  11  there  be  any 

11  thing  left,you  shal burncit  with  fire,  f  And  thus  you  shal  ^ 

eate  tiim  :  you  shal  eird  your  rcynes^  and  )  oushal  hauc  shoes  ,.^  '^fC^^  ^ 
r  111-^1  ■  11  J  LI  linii  ihenrlt- 

onyourfecre,  holding  ftauesm  your  handes,  and  yen  shal  bomcof  ^- 

earefpecdely:  is  the  "  Pliafe  (that  is  the  PalTage)  of  gypt,  and  not 

iz  the  Lord,  f  And  I  v'^ilpafie  through  theland  of  ^tgypt  that  oflliacl.j. 

night,  and  wil  (Irike  euery  firit  begotten  in  tli^^Land  of f^^"  "'*^'*^- 

itgypt  From  man  cucn  vnto  beaft  -.and  -  in  al  tlie  goddes  of  ~  jj^^  idols  of 

13  iCgypt  I  wildociudgements,  i  thelord.  t  And  tl^e  blond  iEgypcwcrc 
shal  bi' vnto  vou  for  a  figne  in.the  ho  ufes  where  you  shal  be:  oucrthrowBc» 
and  I  shal  fee  the  bloud,  and  slial  pailb  ouer  you:  neither  ^^^^S°«J*« 
shal  there  be  among  you  a  deftroymg  plague  when  I  shal  ^^   ^s.iiJ^om 

14  ftrike  the  Land  of  .^gypt.  f  And  you  shal  haue  this  day  for  Eptjl.adrabul. 
amonimcnr:andyou  shal  celebrate  it  folemne  to  the  Lord  in  ixt.aiit.mbr* 

^5  your  generations  with  an  cueriafting  obleruation.  f  Seuen 
dayes  shal  you  eare  azimcs :  in  the  firft  day  there  shal  be  noe 
leauen  in  your  houfes :  whofoeut-r  shal  eare  leauen,  that 
foule  shal  perish  out  of  Ifrael,  from  the  firft  day  vntil  the 

tC  feuenthday.  t  The  firft  day  shai  be  holie  and  (olcmne,  and 
thefeuenth  day  with  the  like  fcftiuitic  shal  be  venerable: 
no  workcshal  you  doc  in  them,  except  thofe  thinges,  that 

ly  pertaineto  eating,  f  And  vou  thai obferuc  the  azyraes:  for 
in  the  ftlfc  fame  day  I  wil  bring  forth  your  armie  out  of  the 
Land  of /€g^  pt,  and  you  thai  keepe  this  day  vnto  your  genc- 

18  rations  with  a  perpetual  rite,  f  The  firft  moneth,  the  four*       , 

tenrh  day  of  the  moneth  at  cucn  you  iVial  tatc  -"•  aiymc5  vntil  •■CHn    obfcr- 
1  1  •  1      I  /-     «       /-  (  inniTthis  pre- 

the  one  and  twcntith  dav  of  the  lame  moneth  at  euen_..  ^^p^  ^^A  no 

19  '\  Seuen  daycs  there  fljal  not  be  fonnd  leaucned  in  your  leucncd  bread 
houfes :  he  that  (haleateleauencd,his{uulc  (balperilh  outof  athislafl  fup- 
the  alfembhe  of  Ifrael,  as  wel  of  ftrangers  as  of  them  that  ^"- '"/[j;^'" 

3L0  arc  borne  in  the  land    f  Nothing  Icauened  ftial  youearc:  in  £yj.j^2,jf^jjj 
U  ^1  yoiw:  habitations  you  shal  cace  azyracs.  t  And  Movies  vnicuened. 
'  Z  caUed 

called  al  the  AnciVhti  of  the  children  of  iraci,  and  faid  to 
them:  Goetakealambc  by  your  families,  and  facrifice  the 
"  Spnt^ckling  phafe.  I  And  :••  dippe  a  bunche  of  hyiropc  in  the  blould  that  zi 
hyiTo  \cre' &  ^^  ^^  "-^^  doore,  and  fpnnkle  the  vpperrranlome  of  the  doorc 
itun.  li^.Kttti.  thcrwifh,  and  both  the  doorc  cheekes :  let  none  of  you  goc 
19  prcfcnbeJ  oiit  of  the  doorc  of  his  houfc  til  morning,  f  For  our  Lord  ij 
figniHcth  mris  .^ij  p^jfo  ftriking  the  i£gyptians  :  and  vhenhc  Oaifce  the 
it^""'^  1  ^  A  bloud  on  the  vpperfil,  ^nd  on  both  the  poftcs,  he  ^cil  palTe 
woikino-in     outr  the  doore  of  the  houfe,  and  not  lufFer  the  (Iriker  to 
Baptiiinc  and  enter  your  houfts  and  to  hurt,  f  Kcepe  this  thing  as  alaxr  to  24 
other  Sacra-    thee  and  thy  children  for  euer   f  And  when  you  arc  cntred  zj 
mcnts.  Hej.p.  JJJJ.Q  ^j^p  Land,  which  our  Lord  wil  geuc  you  as  he  harh  pro- 

mifed,  you  ihal  obfeiue  thcfe  ceremonies,  f  And  whcn.your  16 
children  fhal  fay  to  you:  What  is  this  religion  I  f  you  ihal  ij 
fay  to  them :  It  is  the  vidime  of  our  Lords  palTage,  when  he 
palfed  ouer  the  houfes  of  the  chidlrcn  of  Ifrael  in  y4:gypt 
ftriking  the  Egyptians,  and  deliucring  our  houfes.  And  the 
people  bowing  them  felues  adored,  f  And  the  children  of  zS* 
Ifrael  going  forth  did  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfcs 
-P     iilimcnt  ^"'^  Aaron,  f  And  rtcanic  to  pafTe  at  midnight,  our  Lord  ip 
conformc  to   ^foke  -  cuerie  Hr ft- begotten  in  the  Land  of  i€gypt,  from 
their  finncfor  the  firft-begotten  of  Pharao,  who  fate  in  his  throne,  vnto  the 
pcrfecuting     firft^begotten  of  the  captiuc  woman  that  was  in  the  prifon, 
^o'^^enfofne'j''  ^^^^  ^uerle  firft  begotten  of  beaftes.  f  And  Pharao  arofe  in  3© 
%ael  Exod.^.y.  the  flight,  audalhis  rcruantes,andaJ  i€gypt :  and  there  arofe 
>i.  Theodor.q.  agreatcricin  i£gypt:  for  neither  wa^  rhere  ahoufe  wherin 
ix,inExed.      there  lay  not  a  dead  one.  f  And  Pharao  caUing  Moyfes  and  31 
Aaron,  in  the  night,  faid:  Arifc  and  goe  forth  from  my 
people,  you  and  the  children  of  Ifrael :  goc,  facnfice  to  the 
Lordasyoufay.  f  Your  (heepe and  heardes  take  you  as  you  32 
demanded,  and  departing  bleflTc  me^  f  And  the  i£gyprians  35: 
vrged  the  people  to  goe  forth  out  of  the  land  quickly,  faying: 
"Wn  ftial  al  die.  f  The  people  thcrfore  tooke  dough  before  34 
itwaslcauenedrand  tying  it  in  their  clokcs,  pur  it  vpon  their 
fhouldcrs    f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  did  as  Moyies  had  55 
commanded  :  and  tbev  asked  of  the   y^gyptians  veifcls  of 
iiluerand  goM,^  and  very  much  raymcnt.  f  And  our  Lord  3^ 
*:  l.awfiil         gaue  grace  to  the  people  before  the  ^Cgyptians  that  they  did 
fpoile  b}  the    Jcj^d  them:  and  "  chcylpoyled  the  Egyptians,  f  And  the  37 
God^Lord      Children  of  Ifn.el  (ctce  forward  from  Kame(ie  into  Socoth, 
•f  al'.  ajniyft  fix  hundred  thoufand  of  foote  men,  belide  litle-oncs. 


Pafck  ExodVs.  187 

38  t  Butalfo  the  common  people  of  al  fortes  innumerable  "went 
vp  vith  them,  sheepe  and  hcardes  and  beadcs  of  diuerfc 

39  kindesexceding  manic,  t  And  they  baked  the  meale,\rhich 
alirle before  they  bad  taken  out  of  ^gypt  tempered:  and 
made  hearth  cakes  tnleauened  :  for  it  could  not  be  leauened 
the  yrgyptiansvrging  them  ro  depart,  &:  not  fuffcring  them 
tomaKeany  tarriance:  neither  did  they  thinkevpon  prepa- 

40  ring  any  mcatc.  -f  And  the  d>yelling  of  the  children  of  I  fracl 

char  they  abode  -  in  ^gypt,  was  foure  hundred  thirty  >eares,  :;  From  the 

41  t  The  vhich  being  expired,  the  fame  day  al  the  armic  of  our  prom  iff  made 
41  Lord  went  forth  our  of  the  Land  of  ^gypt.  f  This  is  the  ^"  Atraham 

obftruable  night  of  our  Lord,  when  he  brought  them  forth  ^ni^h^^fly'^ 
our  of  the  Land  of  ^^gypt:  this  night  al  the  children  of  Ifrael  coi^nrri„t'o  j£- 

45  muH;  obfcrue  in  their  generations  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  typf^v.  ro)to 
Aioyfes  and  Aaron:  This  is  the  religion  of  the  Phafe:  No  r^-istimewcre 

44  alicnesHal  catcof  it.  f  And  eucric  bought  fcruant  shal  be  I'^J  '  ^r^'^,!'*. 
4f  circumcifed,  and  fo  shal  care,  f  Theftranger  and  the  biie-  thtry'wc^c  in 

46  ling  shal  not  catc  tlicrof.  f  In  one  houfe  shal  ir  be  eaten,  great  perfccu- 
neitncr  shal  you  carrie  forth  of  the  Hcsh  tlieiof  out  of  the  tionaboucSoi 

47  houfe,  neither  shal  you  breaks  a  bone  thcrof .  f  A!  the  af-  y^^^^'^eforc 

48  fembheofthechildrenof  Ifraelshal  make  it.  f  And  if  any  t7,Thomto. 
of  the  foiourners  be  viHing  to  d>s'el  among  you,  and  make  more,  before  ' 
the  Phafe  of  the  Lord,  firftal  the  male  that  he  ha'h  shal  be  that  alio  tkcy 
circumrifed,  and  then  shal  he  celebrate  it  according  to  the  '^'^^^'^r^ngcrs 
rite:  S>C  he  shal  be  as  he  that  is  borne  in  the  land:  but  if  there  2^"^'^  artl^'^ 

49  beany  man  vnciruumciled,  he  shal  not^ate  thcrof.  f  Al  ore  chanaan  the* 
law  shal  be  to  him  that  is  borne  in  the  land  and  to  the  profe    refl  of  this 

JO  lytc  that  foiourncrh  witb  you.  |  Ar\d  al  the  children  of  Ifrael  ^''^e^See.Gcn. 
51  did  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfcsand  Aaron,  f  And  xh^-^       A 
the  fame  day  our  Lord  brought  forth  the  children  of  Ifratl  inv£'uypr"nd 
out  of  the  Land  of  i€gypt  by  their  troupes.  in  ch^naan/or 


S.Auguftin  no 


Chap.     XI  I. 


|.  rJft tenth  day  ]  OurSauiour  Chrift  inftituringtlic  Sacrament  of  the  Eu-  pt.-n.     ey- 
<Karift,3f:cr  the  celebration  of  the  Pafchalkmbe,  whiles  the*  *  ere  at  U'ppcr,  A^     '    ^if    / 
the  ni-ht  before  his  death,  iherbylufReicntly  dcclarcd^tharrhis  old  Pafch  w.s  tJeVaVh  1^' 
afii;urc,no[onl)  of  his  Puflion  and  Sacrifice  on  the  Crcflc,  butalfo  of  thst  he  l,^k^^.  ^ 
thendidio  fu!rmnly  vciih  his  Apoftlcs,  V/hom  alfo  in  that  sdion  hr  made     "'   '^f'^f'^V 
PricftSjConima'Mung  them,  and  their fuccelfors,  to  do  the  f?racin  ccmnitmo-  ^1  SV^   ^  *"" 
xation of hiin,  iaiilicen<iofihcwojld.Otbercircumftaiiccslikcu'ifc,ani  ron- 

2  I  fercnic 

1^8  ExoDVS.'  "    Pafclj; 

ktencc  ofthc  one  vith  the  ot^ermakett  more  clere,  tKatasin  fbrrc  rc(])c£l:«$ 
Somethingsin  wniorercfcmDlca  ChnlbPalHon,  and  S'.criliccon  the  Croirc,  io  in  otticrs  it 
the  Pallhal  nioie  cxpreircd  the  Euch^rift,  and  inyi>ical  commemoration  of  his  death, 
lambe  prefi-  though  alfo  in  manic  it  profiguTcd  Chri»J  in'borK  peaces.  For  example,  The 
gurca  Chri:t  f^ep^un^of rhclimhcihf temh 'iay  fij^nificd  our  Sauicurs  ct;mmg  into  Hie-  ' 
both  on  th^  lulalcm,  the  tame  tenth  day  ofthc  hrtj  raoonc,  now  repicfentcd  in  the  Church 
Cio.le  and  at  6n  Paimclunday.  Alf®  thcchoileq'-.aliticsof  the!an:jbe>'>'T»<y7<*»(,'j(>o«f,<*»jj/r, 
hi»laiirup|)cr.  <'A/>*'/'»j'J>«'»'of*orcthcwed  in  generahhepuntic,  fortitude,  mecknes,  and  al 

peirc(5lion  of  thetxue  Lambe  of  Go4,thai  ra'rth  away  tht  finne^  of  tht  yrinlde,  toaax* 

Some  more       More  particularly  thr  i^/l't'ig  and  bercuipg;the  Pafchal  Lambc  of  natural  Ih^, 

exprellvii,^ni  -  *^^*  0""'*'f'^^°f  ^'"f'^o**'^  onthedure-pojlefjih-' -''JJntr  at  r' «"/*»•»■,  and  o.>f  bt*.  h>t'r  loa,i$, 

ficdii'-.   Pal-     '''^"'^^"'^'^''■o/' rooft  fpecially  exprcflcd  Chrilh  death  on  the  Crofle.  But  »/»e 

^,Q,j  /o»*»"''«'/?  «/'*7,&'^/-'<'«»''»//»^agrfeonlj' with  thcEucharift,  i'liiuuted  the  night 

Othersimme-  ^<^^oreour  Lords  PalTron,  which  hclufcrrd  thefifient'i(heing  the  ful  moorc) 

diaclyiUcEu-  *"'^*''^'''*'^^T'as^"cicnt  S.  Dionyieof  Arinpagitc  (i^-u^'o  Epiftles,  to  Poli- 

ckaurt.  ciupus,  and  to  AppoIIophanes  )  tclhficr'o,  admiring  thermracle  ofthc  funnes 

Eclipfc,  that  hapned  the  iami;  time.  Nri:her  did  the  fatm  ■  ol  tht  U»r6f  dircdly 

prtfigurnte  the  oblation  on  the  CroTciotCbri'}  was  nor  crucified  to  be  eaten 

but  thcSicramcntiw  furmei a»d bread artd  wne  was  exprefly  fi^^ured  by  eating 

tnelambe  with  ynliauftud  breadiZTii  di\n]!iin^  thtcinfetherta  'dit-yncd.  ( 

"»-  17.)  In  like  fortctheLambe  immolated »»  £0>w-Aew/>ri:»»'»  of  The  dcliueric  of 

Ilraelfromdeath,  Oiid  from  feruitude,  when  t^e-fiift- borne  of  ^Egypt  wcte 

ilaine,  motVapcly  pr^H-^ured  the  Eucharift,  ytWic]\'n'*  ftrpeiual  cornmemoruttof 

ofmansrcdempiion,  anddcl'ucrie  from  eterrtal  d^eath,  and  from  bondage  of 

thediuelandfinne,  by  Chriftes  death  ou  the  CVo'e,  which  death  indcdewas 

the  very  redemption  and  deliucric  of  mankind,  and  not  a  commemoratiot» 

therof.  Finally  the  immolatincr  of  the  Lambc  ^y'-hin  the  ho,*  e  with  piecifc 

commandmenrtocarjf  nothM'^tboof  forf/;, perteined  particularly  to  the  Fu* 

chariit,  which  our  Lord   ccJebrarcd  -rrubhnihe 'h>Uje,whe{hy  S  C»'prian  {Itb^ 

de ynit.  Re cief }  pTvncth^  that  the  B.  Sacra;tient  muO  not  Be  giuen  toanie  ouc 

of  the  CdtboH'-jstedmrcb^  thou";h  CbriftsP.tllion  be  extended  to  al  the  world, 

.      .  .      as  wel  to  brin^fuch  a»  arc  without,  into  the  Church,  asto  Laoethoie  that  ai^e 

Ahcicnc  wn-    ,|re,idy  encrc  iin.  la  thi'^  forte  thcmoft  ancient  and  bcfl  expofitors  of  hcilic 

^hi    ^7^""'f  ^••r'Pf"'*^.  explicate  this  >.-cjal%urc,ot  the  Pafchal  Lambc.  As  we  Ihalhcrc 

*1 '^  F  ^-^"^^ 'ft    P''^''"'^^  fomc  wuncfTesinconiinnation  of  thistruth. 

tic     acaarilt.      Tcrtulian/<t.«frj  v;<jr«0Mf,-7j,  cxpDundin;joarSauvonr$  wordes:  rr/7A    f^ 

dfJitelbanedejlr:(ttoe^tctbi'Pafchyynh  '^oubefort  I  fHlfrC^\ct\\,Chri^  couctcd 
TcrruIIian  not -»<•.••»««» i>Mi»tt*«mTOj  the  mutton' of  the  Icves,  buc  profc  ling  thit  with 
prou°th,  by  dclirchcdefircdtoeate  the  Pafchjas  bis  owne  (for  it  was  vnmetc  that  God 
llvs  figure  ful-  fbo.iM  coneteanic  thin^r  not  his  owne)  the  bread  which  he  toooke,  andgauc 
fiUed  in  the  to  hii  difcipIeSjhc  made  hi-s  owne  bodic,raying:r/;*.i«'r»'y  i's-^'^that  is,  a  fioure 
Euch.irin:,tbat.ofmy  bodie  U^iuyaautem  nottluijj'et^niriyentatn  ejjet  corfrus.  But  it  hadmt  benea- 
Chnlt  hath  a  )t;^rre  {{^uithlrQ  )  o,iUi  tt  yv*e  a  b^.dieofyt^nir,  or^aye^-ieb,i  lir^  to  wh,  not  phan- 
trueandnor  a  taRicalas  the  hcrenkc  Marcion  imagined  vbccaa'.c  the  figures  in  the  old  Tella- 
phantaitical  mtiu  were  nolfigures,  ctcept  atruc  bodie anl'wcrcd  vnto  them.  SotheSacra- 
"  '^'  IT  entities  ("ciilr,tharrcrta!han  Ili'iuldcal  theEuchaririafigure^^squitcagainft 

hismcaning.and  maketh  him  concluf'erothin-?;  againO  Marcion;  wherrs  his 
whole  driftis,  by  the  Swuresofrhe  ol4  Feflamcntto  pioue,  thatin  thcEucha- 
riftis  the  true  &  real  bolic  of  Chrift,  and  that  confcqasntly  Chrill:  hath  a  true    ^ '*"*'' "• 
and  real  bouic  Origen  (>n  16.  Mat.)  teadjeth  thar  in  the  parlar  (  wheie  '''^^f' 
Chrift  did  cAic  ihc  Pal'^hal  Laiiabc )  he  ailb  made  his  new  PaTcii. 

S..  Cyptia* 


Pafch.  Exojyri,  i%$ 

SCVprUn .  (JfCdttdDom.)  faicth.  In  the  fuppcr  of  racfamenta!  banquets,  old 

and  ncj'  Jn'Jinitions  met  together  Thclambe  being  contumtd,  >t'htch  cid 
tradition  propofcd,  the  M.Aftcr  tcttcth  incoujumptible  meatc  to  his  ciilciples  . 
S.Gret^one  Nazianzcn  [Oruti*  HePa/cha)  faiechjGod  commanocdths  Paklul 
l.ambcihouldbccatcnin  thccuening,  bccaulc  Clirili  iniheeucning  gauethe 
Sacri\ienr  of  h'sowncbodic  to  his  dilcip'.cs  S.  Hieiom  (in  i6.  V^r.)  ATctrthat 
the  figuraciiie  I'alch  was  complete,  and  ChnOhad  eaten  thcflcJli  ofthelambc 

^/.lo^  withms  ApolUcs,  hctaketh  biead,  ■•'-r/xtfccaw^twu/;  t/;«  hait  o!  wrf»,and  paileth- 
ouer  to  thetruc  Sacrament  of  Pal'ch    Likewifc  S  ChriJoftom  (Ho.  de  prodtt, 
iucix)  laictlT,  Inthcfamc  tabic  both  the  Patches,  of  die  figure, and  of  the  vcritic 
vere  celebrated.  S   Ainbrofe  {m  Luc*.  ?.  )  txprcfly  applierh  this  figuratiuc  The  fame  5a- 
lambeto  theEucharift,as)t  w-celebrated  in  the  Church,  by  him  fclfand  other  crifice  offered' 

I,  Cov.f.  PricnSjfayingrVVhcn  wefaerificc.ChriftisprefentjGhiift  isfacnfiedrforC/jx/l  by  Pneft$, 
cur  ?*f<.l7  ti  unmolated.  The  like  affirmethS.  Augufhn  ( it.  i.ront.  lit.  Petti,  c.  27  ) 
Itis  another  Pafch  th^tche  Icves  celebrated  of  a  fticpe,  an  other  vhich  wc 
receiue in  the bodie and blould  of  out  Lord.  S-Lco  {jer.  -j.dePufl  j  To  the  end 
ihadowes  might  gcuc  place  to  rhebodic,  and  figures  might  ceafc  in  pre  fence 
oftKevcxitic,  rhcold  obfcruation  is  taken  jway  by  the  new  Sacrament,  hoftc- 
jaffc  h  into  hoOe,  bloud  ex*.ludcth.bloud,  and  when  the  legal  felUaitie  iS' 
changed,  it  is  fulfilled. 

S  Gregotic(-o  ii  tn  Euan  :]proueth  by-  r:hcCe\roTdey,r'ttsfi-tl  not  eat  etherof  ^-^^^S^"^^ 
<i»»fr/^»»jr4-«>T,  that  bcfidcstlie  letter  there  is  a  IprrituaHenfe.  Behold,  faith  he),  morahzatioa 
the  veiic  wordesof  the  hiltorie  driue  vs  from  the  hiftorical  vnderftanding.  For  o^  ^his  hgure, 
did  the  Ifraclitical  people  in  iEgypt  vfe  to  cate  a  lambe  rav,ihat  the  law  Ihould  applied  to  the: 
ncdctofay:  yvfthal  »otf4ff /r>-rfi»T?  And  {bin  tha'-  homilic  this  great  Dodor  ^  iracrament. 
explicatcth  how  we  oughtto  celebrate,  ani  receiuc  the  Sacrameat  of  the  Eu- 
chariit. by  :he figure ot  tli.s  Pafchal lambe  This  6idi*J  (faith  he  )  is  Jp.M^-ied  on 
bothpofi>'s,^hcn  tnc  Sacramentof  his  Paffion  is  reeitted  with  rwttttltj  to  redemp- 
tion, and  mediated  with  tntentiHe  TOj-t^/ to  imitation,  andintfe  ^v»  owe  ouer  the 
dore,  when  pure  iareation  .^iredlcth  the  extetiora£l,alfo  when  wc  caric  tUc 
Cro/.'cof  his  pitfioii  inour  forhead.  Thcflefhof  the  lambe  is  eaten  at  mjtt,  bc» 
caule  we  now  rcceiue  our  Lords  bodie  in  the  Sacrament,  when  yet  wc /*«  »o« 
eLhotheficon!cKnces,rofied at  ti^e  ire,  when  \x  eioyne  to  our  bdeefc_joi;rf  -vyorkesof 
ftnttHt  i/)4»»m;  with  fnleaueradbreud^  and  ■y-rith'lettice,  that  is,  in  finceritiCj  vtk/;- 
»»t  corrmtto  *  o-  -vai^e-^lone,  and  xS'ith  hitl'Vp'tiame  for  linttes ;  not  rafy,  noxfoddt 
in  Trrf;«-,  to  wit,  neither  efteemingChrift  4  wfrf»».?n,  nor  ccnfidering  of  him,, 
with  humane ryifdomt  ot  priuaiefpinte  ofheretikes,calledyJ-fluV»vT»*:rn-,'prou  pj. 
Todeuau-rethfheadyvith  the  feeteanlentrais,  is  by  faith  to  beleue  tit"  Dmtnitte  of 
Ch'-ifl, 3nd  toimitareby  louc  tUe  fitpcetof  hu  fc«Ktii«»;^, and  greedely  to  Uarneal 
Ch  ifitanrrr^Jlertes.  Nothing  islrfi  f »/ wiamm^,  when  we  endeuoure  in  this  life 
before  f/;e»e/«»Tfi7*(».'t to  know  enerie   point  of  chrifiian  dotTcrin,  fo  farreas  to 
vs  pertcincth.  But  if  anic  thing  6f  lei t,nrnufl be  burned  mine  fire,  becaufe  thofe 
hardand  hicgheftmyftcries,  which  'vcMnnotrndtrJl.tnd.^'wcmuA  remitieto    he 
HolieGhcfl,  Icltanie  proudly  prcliirrre  either  to  conrcmne,  or  to  proclaiinethat 
he  vnderftandcth  not;H"efiirtli€rdeicnbethaHb  whatmanerof  perlonsareto  VVhat  par* 
catc  this  n.- w  Pafch-  Their  Ijtnes  rauil  beryrded,i{\jLi  is,  al  carnal  pleafurcs  tamed,  fg^j  ^j.^  ^^  ^.g/ 
Tlxeymuflhaue  i!>oesoiirheir  fettf,hy  the  good  examples  of  former  Sainites  cciiie  the  Bk 
dead  bcfoie,  mull  7/.  *»';-/;<■»  t/^f/rj^s^prj,  to  file  froai  vice,  and  follow  veitue:  Sacrament. 
holding  [l.t:ies  intbetr  handes,  to  rule  &  ftay  thcmfelues  and  others /r9w»y7/i^»».-j 
by  fheiViffe  of  authoritie.  Theymuit  earctlie  Pafch //jcef/tZ-y,  thatis  without 
delayorpi-otxalUiutloamalVlcaracthc  m/He'-ies  of  mans  redemption,  and 

Z  I  hcaucnhe 

jfo  ExoDvs.  Pafeli. 

hcaucnlle  life,  and  To  pcrrormc  C-odswil  and  precepts,  in  this  life  vrhh  fptede. 

To  this  efFeiVS-Gic^onetiircotirfcrhatlargc  in  the  moral  Ienre,wliifhTpehaac 

Jibrid<'c  \  \nd  otherv'/ifc  ( tbou2;h  hciie  Scripture  be  ful  hcrof  Jfcldomc  touch. 

Rcturiiiiicr  thcrfore  to  our  particular  purpose?  '"  •'^  thefe  tclliTnonies ve 

fpeciaily  vr^rp,  that  the  pafchal  lambc  was  a  figure,  rot  only  of  Chrilh  Paf- 

iion,buta!rooftheEucliarif>  VVhcrcuf  on,  befic'es  the  often  ciprcfTe  mention 

of  our  B.  Sauiours  bodicand  bJouJ  in  the  «an-:C;'which  Protcftarts  vrould  wreft 

,.    .   j;     (as  they  do  alio  the  fame  terracs  in  ho'ie  Scripture  )  ro  {iguiatiucknfe,  it  oc- 

Tnc  tning  n-    j.g,|-^j.jiy  fo!lo'reth,that  there  be  farre  mere  excellent  contents  in  the  Sacra- 

^"'^?'^^i^'T'^^^  rnenc  of  the  Eucharift  ,    then  narural  bread  and  wine      For  S  .  Paule  tca- 

celUcchthea-  ^j^j,^,!^^  [Colhfi.  i.)  t)Mta$  tUel>odtf  txaReththe  yha<^w-c,(o  the  vcritic,  or  thing 

g^''^*  fiiriired  cxcellethrhe  figure-   VVheras  the  fubftpnre  of  bread  and  \»'ine  doth 

not  excel,  much  Icirefo  farrcevcel  the  Pafchal   I.  ..rti  be,  as  by  S  Pauls  dodrine 

is  !  equired.  Acraine  fcing  the  Paichal  i;.mbe  was  a  Sacrifice,  as  appearcth  in  this 

ThcE'icharift  Chap  ".-6  &.X7  aifoNimi.  p.v.v.&.ij.and  Mar  i+.v.iirand  as  itwasimrnolatcd 

jsiUoA  Sucvi-  was  a  figure-ofthcEucharill-.abbcforc  appeal  erh  by  conference  of  the  one  «'ith 

£tg,       '  thcothcr,in  refpefb  of  rhc  time,  place,  ma:  er  of  offering,  snd  eatin*  it,  and  by 

tcftimonicoftf-.e  Dodorsabouc  cited,  it  fullcwcth  alio  that  the Hoiic  Eucha- 

iu(l  is  a  Sacjific€  fair€  cxccllifl^T  the  figure. 

Chap.     XIII. 

Cod commindeth  tt  rememlftr  the'r dtUuerit  from  ^J^pt^ hy  the  (ol.tpnUlt 
cf  Fafeh  1 .  and  by  ctnffcrAting  to  him  thejirfi'hrne.  17  ^nd'jo  leadeth 
them  through  thg  dcfert  totVards  the  red  fea  (  Mojfes  takjnr  jt?ith  him 
Icfcphshonci)  lyufiUer  ofJireintheKi^ht',  4nd4cloud$nthe ddy. 

Nd  ourLordrpaketoMoyfcSjfaing:  f  Sandificvnto  i  1 
mecueriefirft  borne  that  opcneth  the  matricc  in  the 
:•  The  firft  Icf-  children  of  I  fracl,  as  wel  of  men  as  of  beaftes :  for  they  are  al 
on  at    _at-    ^-^^^^  j.  And  Mo\ fcs  faid  to  the  people:  Remember  this  day  t 

tins  on  Can-    .       t  1  •   1  r       1  r    r-  \  /-    1 

dlcmaileday.  J"  the  Nvhich  )ou  went  forth  out  of  ^gypt,  and  out  or  the 
hcufe  of  fcruitude,  becaufc  with  a  (Irong  hand  hath  our  Lord 
brought  you  fonhour  of  this,  place -thatyoueatc  notleaue- 
ncd  bread,  -f-  This  dav  you  goe  forth  in  the  tBoncth  of  nevr  4 
corne.  f  ^^^^  vhen  our  Lord  fhal  haue  brougnt  thee  into  y 
theLandofChananeiteand  Hctheite  and  Amorrheitc  and 
Heutire  and  lebufeire,  "which  he  fsrare  to  thy  fathers  that  he 
v/oul.i  gcue  thee,  a  land  that  ••  flowerh  with milke and  honie, 
::  The  oM Te- '■'^<^'^  *^"'i^f  celebrate  this  maner  of  facred  rites  Jn  this  mo- 
ftiim'cnt  p'-oj^o  ncth  f  Scucn  dates  ilialt  thou  care  azimcs:  and  in  the  feucnth  S 
icuccmonly    day  siual  be  the  folcmnitieof  our  Loid.  f  Azimes  shal  you  7 
Iv^r^linri  \T.  ^^"^^  ^''"^"  ^^^^^  •  t^^^'^e  shal  nor  be  fcens  anie  leauened  thma 
r^w.Fp.^i^Drt,.  "With  thee,  norm  al  thv  coaltes.  f  And  thou  iba't  tel  thy  8 
d^onm.  fonjic  in  that  day^  f'iyii^^ :  This  is  that  vhich  out  Lord  did  to 



f  me\rhcnIcameforthoutof  y£gypt.  f  And  it  Aal  be  as  a 

figne  in  thy  hand,  and  as  a  moniment  before  thine  eyes;  and 

that  tlic  law  of  our  Lord  be  alva^ycsni  the  moiuh  ,  for  in  a- 

ftrong  hand  our  Lord  hath  brought  thee  out  of  y£gypt^. 

JO  t  Thou  ihaltkeepe  this  obferuarion  at  the  fctte  time  horn 

II  dayes  to  dayes.  f  And  when  our  Lord  Oi^al  hauc  brought  thee 

into  the  Land  of  theChanancitc,  as  he  f>»'ar€  to  thee  and  thy 

n  fathers^and  uiad  geuc  it  thee;  f  thou  ihalt  leparate  al  that  ope- 

neth  the  matiice  vn-to  our  Lord,  and  al  that  is  brout^ht  forth 

in  thy  cattel :  whatfoeuer  thou  Omit  haue  of  male  lexe  thoi» 

13  (halt  confecratc  to  our  Lord»  t  The  ftrlt  borne  of  an  alfe  thou 
shal  change  for  a  sheepe:  and  if  thou  doe  not  redeemc  it, 
thou  shalt  kit  it.  And  eucrie  firfl  borne  of  men  among  thy 

14  children,  thou  shalt  rcdemne  with  a  price,  f  And  when  thy 
fonncshalaskethecto  moro\r» faying  :  What  is  this?  thou  ■' 
shalt  anf\3f  ere  him ;  Wuh  a  ftrong  hand  did  our  Lord  bring  vs 

forth  outofrhe  land  af  i£gypt,our  of  the  houfc  af  feruitude. 

1;  f  For  :•  when  Pharaocshart  was  indurate,  and  would  not 

difmiffevs,  our  Lord  (lew  euerie  firft-borne  in  the  Land  of  ,.  jj,  tlic  He*^ 
^gvpt ,  from  the  firft-borne  of  man  to  the  firft  borne  of  bie\»'.  -when 
beaftes :  thcrfore  I  facrifice  to  our  Lord  alrhat  openeth  the  vh^rao  had  /a^ 
matrice  of  the  male  fixe,  and  ai  the  firft-  borne  of  my  fonnes  I  'i^^^^*'^ '""' 

i6  doeredeme.  f  It  shal  be  thcrfore  as  a  figne  in  thy  hand,  and^'^-'^' 
as  a  thing  hanged  before  thine  eyes,  for  a  remembrance  :  be- 
caufe  our  Lord  by  a  ftrong  lland  hath  brought  vs  forth  out  of 

17  ^gypt-  t  Therfore  when  Pharao  had  fc nr  Forth  the  people^ 
our  Lordledde  them  not  by  the  way  of  the  Philifthijns  coun- 

tric  which  is  neere:  thinking  -'  left  pcrh^ppes  it  would  repent  "  ^?°^  P^^'^ 
them,  if  they  should  fee  warres  anfe  agaiiT.ft  them,  and  would  ^^-^  tenrari- 

18  returncinto  i€gypt.  t  Bur  he  lcd<ie  them  about  b^  the  way  ons  ITiev^cth 
of  the  dcferr,  which  is  belides  <  he  Red- fea  rand  the  children  frccwilinman 

I5>  of  Ifrael  went  vp  out  of  the  Land  of  i^gypt  ai  med.  f  I'^iovfes 

alfo  "•  tookc  lofephes  bones  with  him:  becaufe  he  had  adiii-  ::Byth;sap- 
red  the  children  of  ifrael,  (aving :  God  shal  ^aiirc  )  ca,  carrie  J^^^^J^^  Uo^a 

20  outn-^y  bones  from  hence  ^'ith  you.  t  And  maiching  from  cftemrd  lo- 
Socoththcy  camped  in  Eiham  in  the  vrraoft  coaftcs  of  the  I'ephs  ch;irgc 

ai  wildernelle.  t  Andour  Lord  went  before  them  to  shew  the  ^^onccminjr 

way  oy  day  inapilicroi-acloade,andby  night  ma  piiicr  O' |,isKoiics  Aif* 
fire  :  that  he  might  be  the  guide  of  their  iourney  both  times  s.PauIcom- 
2i  t  There  neucr  failvd  the  nillcrof  the  cloudc  by  day,  nor  the  mcnJeth 
pillcr  of  fire  by  night,  before  the  people.  ^^''^  "• 


U  iC 


£  X  o  D  V  $.  Ifracl  partqtli 


Chap.   XIIII. 

S'ldrdo  perfecutin^  the  chlldrtn  of  Jfrdelrv'uh  dgredt  they  murmur 
AgAinp  Moyfes,  15.  iui  are  encoitreg«il/ji  bimj  and  pap  through  the  redjes 
driejoote.  ij.  PbarAO  And  hi  bofie  yviljhll}  following  are  drewtted, 

Nd  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  Taying:  f  Speakcto  i  t 
the  children  of  Ifracl:Let  them  rcturneand  cafnpe  ouer 
a'^ainftPhihahuoth  >35'hichis  bctwene  Magdal  and  the  fea 
againft  BecUephon :  in  the  fight  tlierof  you  ll)al  campe  vpon 
the  Tea   t  ^^^  Pharao  wil  fay  concerning  the  chifdxcn  of  5 
Ifracl:  They  areftraircncdin  the  land,  the  defert  hath  shutc 
:j:Altboogli      rhcmin.  f  A t>d  I  wil  indurate  his  hart,  '•  andhewil  purfe^^r  4 
the  Hebrew      yo^j ;  .^,^t)  I  wil  be  glorilicd  in  Pharao,  and  in  al  his  arxnic ;  and 
CrekeandLa-  j^^  ^gyptja„s  sJial  kno  w  that  I  am  the  Lord.  And  they  did 
ff,  yctProrc-    fo'  t  A-nd  it  vras  told  rhe  kmg  Gt  Egyptians  that  rne  people  y 
A.ints  corrupt-  was  fled  :  and  the  hart  of  Pharao  and  of  his  feriiantes  \ras 
1 '  rhruJ>in  rhe  changed  rowaid  the  people,  and  rhcy  faid  ;  What  meant  we  tp 
!J3'romakeit  ^«^>  ^^^^^^  ^^  difmifled  Mracl  from  feruing  vs.?  t  Therforc  6 
found'to'^tlieir  ^^^^^^^"^^^^^^^^^  ^^'''^^^'^'^^»  ^^^  tooke  al  his  people  Vfith 
fenfcthatGoH  him.  f  And  he tookc  fix  hundred  cliofen  charlottes,  and  al    7 
«lid  not  only   fjie  chariortts  that  were  in  ^gypt:  and  capraines  of  the 
lo^cVhA-     ^^^^^  armic.  t  And  our  Lord  hard  ned  Pharaoes  hart  the    S 
Ajocs  io4ura-  king  of  ^gypt,  and  he pwrfcwed  the  chi'drcn  of  Ifracl :  but 
futn.  they  vent  forth  in  a  mightic  hand,  f  And  ■«  hen  the  ytgypti     9 

ans  purfewed  their  fVcppcs  going  before,  they,  found  t!icm 
<:ncampcdatthefea  fide:  al  Pharaoes  horfe  an  J  chariotres, 
and  the  whole  armie  were  in  Phihahirorh  againft  Bcelfc- 
phon.  f  And  >3riicn  Pharao  approched,  the  children  of  If-  19 
racllifting  vp their cies, f^"^  the  ^Cgyptians  behind  thcm_.: 
and  they  feared  exceedingly,  and  cried  to  our  Lord,  -f  and  it 
faid  ro  Moyfcs  :  Pcrhappes  there  vrexcno  graues  in  i£gvpti->, 
thcrforerhou  haft  taken  vs  thence  to  die  in  the  wildernes  ; 
vhy  wouldcft   thou  doe  this ,  in  bringing  vs  out  of  JE- 
gypt  ?  I  Is  not  this  the  word  that  we  fpake  to  thee  in  .'£gypt,  it 
laymg:  Depart  from  vs,  that  we  may  ferue  the  Egyptians? 
forit  was  much  better  to  (cruetbem,  then  to  die  in  the  wil- 
^erncs*  t  And  Moyfcs  faied  to  the  people.  Feare  not :  ftand,  ij 
and  fee  the  great  wonders  of  our  Lord  that  he  wil  doe  this 
day  ^  for  the  i£gypti.ans,  whom  now  you  fee,  }ou  shal  no 

14  mote  fee  for  cucr.  -j-  Our  Lord  vil  fight  for  you,  aftd  you  (hal 

J5  hold. your  peace,  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfcs  :  -  Why  ::  A  forowful 

dicftthou  to  me  ?  fpeake  to  the  children  of  Hraelthat  they  jia",lanicnta-' 
t6  goe  forward,  f  But  thou  lift  vp  thy  rodde,  and  ftretch  forth  £orjhcper,plc 

thy  hand  vpon  the  fea,  &  diuide  it :  that  the  children  oflfrael  ij  called  cry- 

17  maygoeintlie  middcs  of  the  (ea  by  drie  ground,  "f  And  I  ingtoGod.  *. 
^'          wii  indurate  the  hart  of  the  y£gvptians  topurfev  you  :  and  -^^ ''*•'"•  "f 

I  wil  beglorified  in  Pharao,  andin  aihis  hofte,and  inhis  cha-    "  "^' 

1$  riortcs  and  in  his  horfemcn.  f  And  the  Egyptians  Ihal  know- 
that  I  am  the  Lord  when  I  (hal  be  glorified  in  Pharao,  and  in  ..  p  q.  zi- 

xj  his  charlottes  &  in  his  horfemen.  f  And  ••  the  Angel  of  God,  of  Anfrds. 
that  went  before  the  campe  of  lirael,  remouing  him  ielfc, 
■went  behind  them  :  and  together  with  him  the  piller  of  the 

to  cloude,  leaning  the  forcwaidjfftode  behind, bctwenthe^- 
gyptians  campe  and  the  campc  of  Ifrael :  and  it  was  a  darke 
cloud,  and  lightening  the  night,  lo  that  they  could  nor  come 

II  to  ech  other  the  whole  night  time,  -f  And  when  Moyfes  had 
ftrctched  forth  his  hand  vpon  the  fea,our  Lord  tooke  it  away, 
a  vehement  and  burning  winde  blowing  a!  the  night,and  tur- 

Zi  ned  it  into  dne  ground  rand  the  water  was  diuided.  |  And 
the  children  oflfrael  went  through  the  middes  of  the  drie  fea: 

43  for  the  water  was  as  it  were  a  wal  on  their  right  hand  Sc  their 
left,  t  And  the  i€gyptians  purfeving  went  in  after  them, and 
al  Phariocs  horfes,  his  chariottes  and  horlcmen  through  the  j^^  fouttH 

«.4  middes  of  the  fea.  t  And  now  the  moroing  watch  was  come,  piophccie  in 
and  behold  our  Lord  looking  vpon  the  i€gvptians  campe  the  office  be- 

AC  throueh  the  piller  of  fire  &  the  cloude,new  their  armie:  t  and  [^'^  MaiTc  on 

u  YiirLL-  JL  Eaftexeue  And 

ouerthrew  the  whecles  of  the  chariottes,  and  they  were  j^e  Iccond  on 

borne  into  the  depth.  The  ./tgyptians  therfore  faid  :  Let  vs  whiUuncuc 

flee  from  liracl:  for  the  Lord  fighteth  for  them  againft  vs. 

16  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes :  Stretch  forth  thy  hand 
vpon  the  fea,  that  the  waters  may  returne  to  the  ^Egyptians 

*7  ypon  their  chariottes  and  horlemcn.  f  And  when  Moyfes 
had  ftretched  forth  his  hand  againft  the  fea,  it  returned  in  the 
firft  breake  of  day  to  the  former  place  :  and  the  ^Egyptians 
fleeing  away,  the  waters  came  vpon  them,  and  our  Lord  en-  ..  ^    -^  ^    - 

18  wrapt  them  in  the  middes  of  the  waucs.  t  And  the  waters  re-  tifme  al  finncs 
turned,and  ouerwhclmed  the  chariottes  and  the  horfemen  of  arc  dcflroyed. 
al  Pharaoes  armie,  who  folowing  were  entred  into  the  fea,    scyp.ip.iC 

f^  ••  neither  did  there  fo  mu.has  one  of  them  remaine.  f  But  the  ^yJ^B  i%  &n, 
children  of  liiael  marched  through  the  middes  of  the  drie  fea,  in  loan. 

A  a  and 

1^4  Exot>vs.'  tfrael  parteth 

%'.  Tkc  lame    &  the  vatcrs  vere  vnto  them  as  in  ftcde  of  a  val  on  the  right 
creditcis  gc-  hand  and  on  thc  left:  f  and  our  Lord  deUuercd  Ifraelinthat  30 
fp^raHncT^by    ^^7  out  of  the  hand  of  the  .Egyptians,  t  And  they  faw  the  JE-  31 
Moyfcs%sif  gypcians  dead  vpon  the  Tea  lhore,and  the  mightie  hand  that 
be  had  fpokea  our  Lord  had  exercifed  againft  them:  and  the  people  feared 
imxTicdutly     ^^^  Lord,  &  they  beleued  our  Lord,  "•  &  Moyfes  his  feruant. 

by  himlelf.  S.  ^  ' 

Huro.  in  Lfijl.  ■    -  ■  ■  - 

-^'''"'^'^'  Chap.     XV. 

Moyfes  with  the  people  ftng  a  Cdntlcle  of  thanks-^ettingy  for  their  delluerle, 
11.  The  people  heltt^three  dAiesln  tht  defert  without  "Ji^dter,  then  finding 
that  Is  [fitter  y  do  mttrmure.  i^.  It  if  made frvete.  ij.  Coming  to  Elim  they 
Jlndetrvelue  jotintMnti,4nd  feuentiefalmetrees. 

TH  E  N  "  fang  Moyfes  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  this  fong  i 
to  our  Lord,  and  faid :  Let  vs  fing  toourLord  :  for 

al  Canticles,    he is glourioufly  magnified,  the  horleand  the  rider. he  hath 
facred  or  pro-  throven  into  the  fea.        *|-  Myftrength,and  my  praifeisour  2. 
h*.  6.inExtd.  *  I^^^'^^j  ^nd  he  is  made  vnto  me  a  fahiation :  this  is  my  God,  and* ' 
I  wil  glorifie  him  :  the  God  of  my  father,  and  I  wil  exalt  him. 
t  Our  Lord  is  a  man  of  vrarre,  omnipotent  is  his  name.  5 
?:Godonlyfuf  t  Pharaocs   charlottes  and  his  armic   ••   he  hath  caft  into  4 
fcrcd  them  to  the  Tea:  his  chofen  princes  are  drowned  in  the  red  fea.  f  The  j 
goc  into  the   Jepthes  haue  ouerwhelmed  them,  they  are  fonke  into  the 
"nt  o°f  the^^  botome  like  a  (lone.  t  Thy  right  hand  6  Lord  is  magni-    ^ 

ovt^ne accord   ficd  in  ftrcngth :  thy  right  hand,  6  Lord,  hath  ftriken  the 
fuppofing        enimie.  f  And  in  the  multitude  of  thy  glorie  thou  haft  7 

they  might  fo-  p^  Jowne  thy  aducrfarics  :  thou  liaft  fent  thy  wrath,  which 
IhTlMkcs  ^*f^  dcuoured  them  like  ftublc,,         f  And  in  the  fpirite  of  8 
vcntbcforc.^.^^y  fi^ric  were  the  waters  gathered  together :  the  flowing 
»^»».yir.8f.</»  water  ftoode^,  the  dcpthes  were  gathered  together  in  the 
f""?'  middesofthefea.  -f- The  enimie  faid  :  I  wil  purfew  and  j 

ouertake,  I  wil  diuidc  the  fpoiles,  my  foule  dial  haue  his  fil :  I 
wil  draw  forth  my  fword,  my  hand  £hal  kil  them.         f  The  10 
fpirit blcweandthe  fea  oucrwhclmcd  them:  they  fankc  as 
lead  in  the  vehement  water*.  f  "^ho  is  like  to  thee,  11 

among  the  ftrong  6  Lord  ?  who  is  like  to  thee,  magnifical  in 
fanditic,  terrible  and  laudable,doingmcruailcs?       t  Thou  12. 
didilftretch  forth  thy  hand,  and  the  earth  deuoured  them. 

f  Thou  haft  in  thy  mcrcie  bene  a  guide  to  the  people  15 
which  thou  haft  rcdcmed:  and  in  thy  ftreogth  thou  haft 


<JUtof-^gypt.  EXODTS.  19J 

14  caried  them  vnto  thy  holie  habitation.  f  Nations  role 

vp ,  and  were  angrie :  foroves  poirefled  the  inhabiters  of 

ij  Phiiifthijm.  *j-  Thcnxrerethc  princes  of  Edomtrublcd, 
tremblingceazedonthe  fturdie  of  Moab:  al  the  inhabiters 

16  of  Chanaan  were  ftarkc*  -f  Let  fcare  and  ^ead  fal  vpon 
them,in  the  greatnes  of  thy  armc :  let  them  become  vnmouc- 
able  as  a  ftone>  vntil  thy  people  6  Lord  (hal  palTc,  vntij 

J7  thy  people  Ihal  palFc,  this  Vhich  thou  haft  pofTefled.  f  Thou 
{halt  bring  them  in,  and  plant  them  in  the  mountainc  of  thy 
inheritance,  in  thy  moft  firrae  habitation,  which  thou  haft 
"vrrought  6  Lord:  thy  fandtuarie  Lord,\rhich  thy  handcs  hauc 

18  confirmed,     f  Our  Lord  (halreignc  for  euer  and  euermore. 

15^  t  ForPharao  on  horfebake  entred  in  with  his  chariottes 
and  borfemen  into  the  Tea:  and  our  Lord  brought  backe  vpon 
them  the  waters  of  the  Tea  :  but  the  children  of  Ifiael  walked 
on  drie  ground  in  the  middes  therof.  f  Marie  therfore  the 

20  propheteife,  Aarons  fifter,  tooke  ••  a  tymbrelin  her  hand:  ::  Mu/ical  m- 
and  al  the  wemen  went  forth  after  her  with  tymbrelsand  |Jr"mets  ^'fcd 

21  daunces  ,  f  fo  whom  fhe  beganne  the  fong  ,  faying :  Let  law^ofMoyfct 
vs  fing  to  our  Lord,  for  he  is  glorioufly  magnified,  the  horfe  in  the  fcruicc 

11  and  his  rider  he  hath  caft  into  the  fea.^.  of  God. 

t  And  Moyfes  remoued  Ifrael  from  ••  the  red  Tea,  and  they  ::There  things 
went  forth  into  the  defert  Sur :  and  they  walked  three  dayes  thc^Yn  ^°  re 

23  through  the  wildernelle,  and  found  not  water,  f  And  they  i.cor»io.. 
came  into  Mara,  neither  could  they  drinke  the  waters  of 
Mara,  becaufe  they  were  bitter :  wherupon  he  gaue  a  name 

alfo  agreable  to  the  place,  calling  it  Mara,  that  is,  bitternelTe. 

24  t  And  the  people  murmured  againft  Moyfes,  faying  :  What 
aj   ihal  we  drinke?  f  But  he  cried  to  our  Lord,  who  did  (hew 

him  ■•  apecceof  woode:  which  when  he  had  caft  into  the  .•:Tlie«'hoI- 
waters,  they  were  turned  into  fwetenefTe.  There  he  appoin-  fomcwood  of 
ted  him  precepts,  and  iudgements  ,  and  there  he  proued  ^^^  .^'^"^f, . 

16  him,  t  faying:  If  thou  wilt  heare  the  voice  of  the  Lord  thy  J^rVeVofVen- 
God,anddoe  that  is  right  before  him,  and  obey  his  com-  tiles,  fwctc. 
mandementes,  and  keepc  al  his  preceptes,  none  of  the  mala-  rheoderet.^.x6: 
dies,  that  I  layd  vpon  iCgypt,  wii  I  bring  vpon  thee :  for  I  am  "*^'"^- 

27  the  Lord  God  thy  curer.  t  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  came 
into  Elim,  where  there  were  twcluefountaincs  of  water,  & 
icuentic  palmc  trees :  and  they  camped  byfide  the  waters. 

The  tni  of  the  third  age, 
,  ..,  '  ^  Aa    i  Thb 

ig4  EXODVS. 



from  Abrahams  going  fo^th  of  Chaldca, 

to  the  parting  qfltracl  out  of  Ag7pt. 

The  rpace  of  43  o.  yearc*. 

ON«  dnd  the  fame  church  dndRelipon  he^unne  in  tie  Jirfl  4ge  of  th 
yorUy  and  continued  tn  the  fecondy  became  more  und  more  c»»(ficmHS 
h^ioT\n\^\i  tf^fhe  third.  For  t»  thti  d^e  not  on>j  the  fame  pnnct^dUnd  pArticuUrfotntes 
afeTs  in  the  of  fdithylperf  helmed  and  profefdybut  alfo  thentiml^er  of  f>refepors  encreafed 
former.  and  f^rtly  by  federation  of  pUceand  abode^  and  (pecially  by  diutrfitie  of 

maners,  outward  rues ^  and  cbnuerfatton  H^ere  more  di/}infffrom  infidels  the» 
before:  asyve  ih4  now  shew  by  the  facred  hijiorie  of  that  time,  f^rhtch 
begmneih  T^ith  ^brahams  ffitng  forth  of  hn  countrey  ofchstdea,  about 
101  ^.yeares  from  the  beginning  of  the  li^orUi  tn  the  7  ^.yf  are  of  bisagt. 
Bclccfc  ia  one  ^'*<*''*  y^hich  time  forward  God  often  appeared  to  him^  and  after  him  /© 
qod.  ifaac  and  Ueob,   m  the  title  0/  E  t  S  A  d  d  A  i,  that  is,  God  Almightic; 

Crcatorofalthings,  Lord,  God,  mofl:  high,  PoiTefTor  of  hcauen 
and  earth  (  Gen.  14. )  To  Moyfes  more  familiarly  (  Exod.  5. )  m  his  mofi 
profermmey  He  which  is.  Jntbe  name  of  io}xttUlltiSy  Ifhich 
the  lexvescountmc^zhlz.  yCndtndtuers  other  names^ at  shewing  OnCj 
Etcrnalj  Omnipotent,  infinite  Maicftie,  of  whom  *l  other  thing$ 
depend^  and  hatte  their  being,  bimfelfe  independent  of  any  other  thing. 

This  one  diuine  nature^  and  indiutftblg  fubl^ance  is  ( ahoue  al  reach  of 

Three  diuine  reafon)  three  in  Pcrfons;  reprtfented  to  Abraham  (C7r«.i8)  by  three 

PcrfoAS,  ^yfngelSyin  forme  of  meny^yhom,  by  fpeaal  mf^m^  of  God  y  he  adored 

as  one  ••  and  fitfi  jpake  ynto  them  ai  to  one :  Lord  if  1  haut  found  graa 

in  thy  fight,  goe  not  pafl  thy  [eruant  •,  and  by  and  by  as  to  manie :  FFash 

yee  your  ftete .  In  tike  mantr  Moyfes  fometimes  fpedketh  plurally  as  of 

»»4«if, There  appeared  to  him  three  men,they  faied  iVrhereis  Sara  ? 

fometimes  ftngitUrly  i  He  faid  :  I  wil  come.  So  Lot  (  Gen,  19. )  fp^ke  t» 

t^o  Angels  reprefenfwg  the  Sonne  of  God,  and  the  Holic  Ghoft, 

one  God  VP///;the  Father,  fr/^as  tomanicy  I  bcfech  you  my  Lordes, 

tume  into  the  houfe  of  your  (eruant  y  after  as  to  one:  I  befech  thee  my 

Lord,  bccaufe  thy  feruant  hath  found  grace  before  thee,  rrho  IfkfWifi 

anfwtredasoneonly:  I  haue  heard  thy  prayer,  ^gatne  Moyfes  sheWeth 

diftinfiton  of  Perfons  m  Gody  faying  ( v.  14. )  Our  Lord  rained  frora 

our  Lord,  iob  alfo  { fpbo  lined  in  this  age )  xnd  his  frendes  proftfftd  and 

ferved  the  fame  one  G^dydHOHchinghim  to  be  the  onlie  God  and  Lord y  that 

gqucth  an^l  takcth  away  ( Ch*p.  i.  x.  )  He  the  maker  »nd  pecuUa? 

Keeper  of  men.  He  that  taketh  a^ay  finnc,  and  iniquitic  ( r,  7.  > 

He  that  doth  great  things,  inconaprchenlibie  ,  and  mcruelous, 

'  vheroF 

'vhcrof  there  il  no  number,  ( <■.  <>. )  ^ndthdt  "^ith  ttrtntssfprofruted 
to  the  three  diutne  Ptrfom  ( f.  xS.  )  In  his  ftrcngth  fodainly  the  fea5  are  strm-;th  (otpo' 
gathered  togeathcr,  and\rith  his  Nrifcdom  he  ftroke  the  oroud  »«"^)i^^c  Father,, 
man.  His  Spirite  hath  adorned  the  heauens.  The  ftme  Mynene  ^f  Yoimc^ spniu 
flurJitit  of  Perjoni  m  one  God  is  mere  cltrebj  the  Hehreyy  text  chap,  JO.  the  HoJic 
V.  II.  and  55.  V.  io.lthertthe  fdme dRtem  4r€  dfcrtbtd  to  God,  as  to  one,  Ghoft. 
4nd  4s  to  mame, 

Sutmofi  euidenf  4rt  the  promifisy  figures y  and  prophecies  of  Chrijf  our 
^dtmer.  For  befides prtfent  nbundATice  of  riches,  promife  of  freat  progenie^  Pa^  promi- 
and  that  the  f4me  should  pofe(fe  the  fruttfulLuitd  of  cLndxr^  (three  fpeaal  ^^^^°  '^^^*" 
hlejlm^s  of  the  old  Tej}ament )  God promifed ^Abraham  a  farrerreAter  thinr 
(  Gen.  IX.  )  thjtt  in  his  feedt  al  nations  and  kindreds  of  the  earth 
i\:\on\dhch\cffQ.^.  In  confirmation  Ivbereofy  God  aI/o  changed  his  name 
Abram  (  high  or  noble  father )  i»/o  Abraham  (Father  of  manic 
rtAtionSy  Gen.  17.  ^nd  fo  he  ycAS  nAturAl  fAther  of  fonre  great  Ktng-. 
i/ow«,  IfmaeHtes,  Madianitcs,  Idumeans,  And  Ilraelites:  but  fpi^ 
Htm,  9.  "'«'<^  fAtberof  maniemcre,  to  mt,  ofalthAi  beleue  tn  chnfiy  [ewes  and 

GentiUiy  from  thAt  time  to  the  World?  end.  The  f4  me  promt  ft  s  of  pojs(f?inf  Tolfaac. 
CbAanAn  And  of  Chrift  yvere  renewed  and  confirmed  to  Jfi4c.(  Gen. 16.)  tn  And  to  lacob. 
Itk.'  fofte  to  lacob  ( 28. )  for  they  pertAined  not  to  ljm4ely  nor  to  the  other 
fonnesof  ^/Cbr4hAm,r,ortoEftu.  Moreoner  Chri^your  l^demer  And  deUue-  Chrift  prcfi- 
rerfromfinney  tnd  c4fttHttie  of  the  ditteiVtAs  frrfiguredby  ytbrAhamy  At  lafi  P^^^^  ^^  ^^"^^ 
deltuertngthofe  from  cap tiuttie,  ffihootbenvtje  tndtuormg  to  shmke  of  the 
yoke  of  CordorUhomor,  fel  further  into  fubte^ton  And  bondage  (  Gen.  14. ) 
^fo  MelcLfedecbt  King  And  Prieff,  ofvnknowengenerAtion.extrAordinArie  g     McIchiTc- 
yocAtion,  tpithout  predecef^ory  or  fuccefior  J  prefigured  Chrt^  Kittg  And  Pritfl  dech. 
for  euer,  ')^bo  not  by  fuccefsorSy  but  by  Triefi  his  '^iCAVSyperpeituidy  exercifeth 
dlPnefilief unci  torn,  Ltkf^^f^  IfstSiC  borne  aboue  the  common  conrfe  of  a  Ature  By  Ifaac^ 
(  Gen,  zi  }  fnguUrly  belouedofhtsfdthery  carying  "Sfloodon  bn  back,  for  the 
ftaifangof  himfelfe  (ii.  )  la.Coh  fytng  hts  brother  Efau  (27.)  hardly  lacob. 
trr4fed  by  LAb*ny  ( 51. )  yet  tlwayes  tnuinctbU  agatnft  his  Aduerfanes,  ( 52. ) 
loCc^h  bAted  of  his  brethren,  r»ld  And  deltuered  to  Gentiles,  [^•j.)By  thtm  lofepli. 
dlfo  perjecittedy(^^.)butafterWArdesddu4ncedy4ndcAlled  the  Sauioarof 
thcxrorld,  (41.)  /»/?  lob  ^ehementlji  dfhfledy  Moyfcs  hidden  for  a  j  ^ 
JfihiUy   then  expofed  to  danger  y  AnA  thenre  dehutred :  afterwards  mAnt-  Moyfes." 
fefitnghtm  felfe  tohi>  brethreny  hj  them  reietledy  beWrAyedy  And  flying  from 
Pharao  {  Exo.  2.  )  returmng  againe  {  Ex-d.  3.  4.  KT'c  )  dnd  at  Uft  dtltueriTtg 
the  ifraeUtes  from  hofid^g."if  /£,,ry^t  {  Ex^  14  )  ^nd  manie  other  things y  as  An<l  manic  o- 
the rammt  fatrificed in  pUce of  I/aac  (Gen.  it.)  the Udd'rr  of U<ob  (Gfn  28.)  ^^^'^^  things. 
jofephs fcepter  (  47. )  ^Aarons  rndde  (  Exn.  7, )  Pifehal  Umhe  (  12, )  prefg^tred 
fjfn§t  borne  of  a  V^r^m  \  tht  onhe  S^nm  of  Gold  -,  fometimes  hidden  3  other 

A  a  3  tmo 

l$$  EXODVS. 

tifMS  conutrfiHt  '^Ith  mefty  hatedy perfecutedyfold,  heiraied-y  l/yho  cmedhis 

oyvne  craJfe^Wiis  fAcrtficedylidn^mshed  4lhtsemmiesyiduanced,and  acknorv-' 

led^ed  the  true  Sauiour  of  the  "woddy  J^demer  and  deltuerer  of  m4nkincl^ 

fromfermtude^JlAueriejthrddomeydHdhonddge  ofJinne,death,  and  the  diueL 

1»ropKecic  of  ^^aine  Abraham  prophecied  that  of  hn  feedc  Chriji  6Ur  Satuour  should  he 

Ghiift.  horne^'Vchen  hefaiedto  hts  fern  ant  {  Gen.  24. )  Put  thy  hand  vnder  my 

thigh,  that  I  may  adiure  thee  by  our  Lord  God  of  hcaucn  &  earthy, 

that  is  Joy  chrijt^  Tpho  ibould  come  of  bis  loynes,  as  S,  Hierom  ( Tradit  Heb.  in 

Cen.  tt  exphc,  rfal.  44. )  S.  ^mbfofe  (  //.  i.  c.  9.  de  Abraham  )  and  S. 

^ugujfsn  ( q.  61,  tn  Gen.  et  li.  16.  c.  35.  ciuit.  )  expound it»  More  euidently 

Jacob  (  Gen.  49.  )  The  fcepter  flial  not  be  taken  avay  from  ludas, 

and  a  duke  of  his  thigh,tilhedocomethat  is  to  be  fent,  and  the 

fame  flialbc  the  expedation  of  the  Gentiles.  lob  asplanely  :  I  know  /^^  jg'' 

that  my  redemer  liueth.  Moyfesforeknorvingthat  chrtf  the  true'l^edemer^       ' 

dndchiefe  Laty^iuer  should  be  fentyprated  God  to  hajien  his  m'ljiiony  fyingi 

I  belech  thee  Lord,  fend  whom  thou  wilt  fend.  {Exod.  4.) 

Alixxti^'  JExternalsacrifict-^asfrequentandfolemneyasthef&nerai^ne  homage  /©> 

Churcc$,dcdi-  ^^^'  ^ndmanie  shares  ereHred by  Abraham,  for  that  purpofe  {  Gen.  11. 

tatcda  15.  ij.  22.  )  rnbloudiCy  in  bread  and  "^ine  by  Melchtfdech  (  Gen.  14. }  other 

Itquide  facrijices  ( Gen.:,^.  >.  14)  offered  by  Iacoby1»ith  dedication  of  the  place- 

tailed  Bethel :  the  houfe  of  God :  mtch  he  alfo  before  hand  promifed  by 

Vovcs.  ^^^  ( Gen  iS. )  Dtuers  other  Sacrtfces  offered  by  ifaac,  and  Jacob  [GenxG, 

^i.'^7,.-i,6.)ByIobandhvsfrendsiJoy.i.  c?-  42.)  bj  Moyfesy  barony  and 

Pricftkood.      other  ancients  of  IfraeL{  Exod.  ii.)  ^l-^hnhconfe^uently  shew  Prief  hood ^ 

T»hofe proper  office  is  to  offer  Sacrifice ,  though  amongflal  the  aboue  named ^ 

onlte  Melchifedeeh  >45  called  a  Prieff.  ^nd  among  the  gentiles  we  finde  thai 

Priuilegc  of    ^«"/'^^^  {Gen,  4^1.)  and  Jethra  (  £x.  3 . )  whofe  daughters  lofeph  and  Moyfe$ 

Pxicfts.  tnaried)  were  called  Pnefts,  or  as  the  word  Cohenim  doth  alfo  fignife. 

Princes, /er  they  were  great  and  eminent  men  in  their  countries,  ^t  kaft 

thofethatby  fpteial  primlege  ^'ere  exempted  from  fellmg  their  landes  t» 

Pharaoy  andhadnof^ith^andingprouifton  ofmantenance  in  time  of  dearth 

(  Gtn.  47.  )  "ii^ere  properly  called  Priefisyfor  fuch  fun^ion  as  they  had  infer- 

WKere  is  no  uing  their  idols.  For  where  liyas  true  and  right  SacriJicCy  there  ^verealfo  right 

facrificc  no      Pneflsyandwhereldololatricalfacrifice  there  ^ere  like  Prieflsy  and  ')>vhere 

f^^^^^^^^^^^'  no  external  facrtfice  at  al  (  as amongP  Fretejfants)  there  are  no  Priejlsy  buf 

miniflers  onlj^. 
Cixcuacifion.  .  ^^  '^'^  ^^^  *^^^  ^  long  before  Moyfes )  the  Sacrament  of  Circumcifton  -Was 
giuen  to  ^brahamy  for  di/finflion  of  Gods  felecled  and  peculiar  people  y  and 
for  remedy  of  origin  J  ftnnCy  in  the  malefexe  of  Abrahams  feedcy  und  others 
of  his  communitie,  Jn  the  other  fexey  and  other  generationsy  former  remedies 
•ffacrijice,  orQtber  ^rofeponof  fattk  '^m  amiUble,  For  other  ftnnesy  not 

ExoDvs^  15^ 

eHlyinfm>alrfpentdneemsnecep4ri<,  rvbichVm  ?«^  ^rmnfaHy  required  Pcftiacci 
<7^)y.44  (e^  thcrfon Icfepb dedt fo feuerly yitthhishrethren/iUhfyhidhirtiePoreJV 
dndcontntlonfor  their  finnes)  btitalfo  cc}iAiffe  Eternal purifcatlcffs,  as 
washing 4ndch4ngin^g4rmmtSyVVere ordained. (Ge».  3;.)  MarUge though  Wariage»       ^ 
notihen  a  Sacrament,  jei  TVds  religioujly  regarded^  "^nth  [fecial  care  of  faith 
andreU^ion  in  tbechotfe  ofperfons,  (  Gen.  2.4. 17,  v.  46.c.i2.  "V.  i. )  and  of  ^  -- , 

eert^ne degrees  of  conftngumiiie  and  ajfimtie.  J^dtilteriewas  punishahU  faneuinitic""* 
hj  deuth  (Gen.if^.)  and  tn  uofifife  counted  Uwful,no  not  among  the  heathen. 
(  Gen.  u.  20. 24. 16.  29. 34. 39. )  rltiralttie  of  yvmes  tn  feme  ferfons  and  Pluralitie  of 
cafes  Jatvful  in  the  law  of  nature  (Gen.  16.1^.  i^.)as  alfo  afterwards  in  '^iues  lawful 
the  lal/v  of  MoyfeSy  not  in  the  larv  of  grace  y  nor  euer  pluralitie  of  husbands.  ^o"^crimes, 

Spiritual  Uef^ing,  a  preeminence  of  greater  perfons,  fo  Melchifedech  hlejfed  tanjs  ^ 
[Xbraham  (  Gen.  14.  )  ifaac  blef?ed  Jacob  (cij.)  and  Jacob  his  fonnes  Blcflln'trs. 
(f.  49. )  and  the  fonnes  of  Joftphy  T»ttb  impofitionof  handes,  and  framing 
the  forme  of  aero jfe{  48.)  Other  Ceremonies  of  oyle  and  t»ine  (Gen.  iS.^^.  )  Signe  of  tht 
fprinklin^the  bloudo/  the  Pafchal  lambe^  eating  the  lambe  (landing  ^^°^^- 
Tffith  their  ioynes  gyrded,  (hooes  on  their  feetty  ftaues  in  their  handes,  and  Mufi"°tlt** 
mthCpeedG  (  Exo.  12) .  Muftcal  inflruments  in  Diuineferuice.  (Exod.  ij. )  ftrumcnte.' 

Chnfits  Baptifme prefigured  by  CircHmci/ton,  (  Gen.  17.}  for  Chriflians  arc 
circucifed  (faith  S.  Paul)  in  the  Circumcifion  of  Chrift,buriedwith  ^^pt'^meprc* 
him  in  Baptifmc.  ^//b  by  the  clondc  ^vhich  floode  bef^enethe  JEgyp-  "S^^c^- 
itans  and  Jfraehtes  ylighzning  the  night  o»  the  one  fide  (to^vards  Godspeo- 
fie)  dark  on  the  other  (towards  their  enemies)  and  by  the  redde  (cZy-^vhich 
faued  the  children  of  jfraely  and  drowned  the  JEgyptians  ( Exo.  14. )  Al 
r.  Cor .  vcrc  baptifed  in  the  cloude,  and  in  the  Tea.  So  the  bread  and  Wtne 
J0«         *>fftredby  MelchifedechytheVaJchalldmbeyand  Ifnleauened  bread  prefimed  Ti,.t,    r       - 


#^^5.  J4fr4OTM^  and  sacrifice  ofchrifis  bodieand  bloudy  in  formes  of  bread 

and  "feme.  Jacob  alfo  prophecied of  ibiimofi  excellent  Myflerie  (  Gen.  49. ) 

He  (halwafli  his  Hole  in  wine,  and  his  clokein  the  bloud  of  the 

grape,  in  like  forte  J^elchiredechsPriefihoodfPas a  platne  figure  of  ChriAs  Pricfthood  of 

Vnciihoodym^o  fir n  by  htmfelf  conficrated  and  offered  his  ovvne  bodte  t^^c  new  Tc- 

wd  bloudy  and  fid  doth  the  fame  by  hts  Vriefis  handes  of  the  new  Tefiament.  ft*°»«»it» 

I>ftiersotbcrP^ftswereknovVinandobfieruedbyTridition.So  Abraham  ^    ,.  .       . 
patedrythestobsfpirmal  Superior  (Gen.  14.)  taught  his  childrm  -»^  Tv^K^""** 
famdieto  keepe  the  way  ofour  Lord,  and  doe  iudgement  and  luflice,    ^ 
(  Gen.  1%.  >.  19. )  Jf*^(/nd  Ucob  kept  and  taught  the  Ordinances y  Treceptes  Forme  of ;«; 


thigh  y^aisbrtinke{  Gen,  iz.)^  '  "^  ''  "»««. 



200  £xODV$r 

frtewillnwcn  frourdy  lythat  /vfepbi  l;retbrftt  in  feUwghtmthcXl^hi 

tm\>notmoHednorincUn(dthtttokyGodyyho  hdd  no  f^rt  m  tktir  end 

thought ,  yttt  turned  it  to  good.  (  Gtn.  jo. )  by  Qods  tbredtmn^  Pharao 

(Exo.Z  )\ f thou  ^rilt nor  diiraifle  l/rael  rrbt^h  j^ere ->nmfi i/pbard^ 

could  not  doe  0thermfe.  LikfWtJe  by  thdt  Fhnraa  often  changed  hit  mind, 

fome times pronu/togto  di/mife  the  Hebrewes^  4nd  dgame  rtfu-fing  to  doe  it, 

r^htcb  sbeweth  {f*teth  rheodoret  )  freewd  of  the  mind :  and  by  Gods  fre^ 

uention  oftentsttons,  leading  the  Ifraelitcs  not  the  neercft  way,  but 

by  the  defcrt,  left  perhaps  it  would  repent  them  j  and  they  would 

icrurneuuo  ^gypt  (Exod  15  )  jiUm  confent  therfore  is  free  nottVith^ 

Sine!    M'*'*'^''*'^^''^'   ""'^y  ^/r^<?/o»,  and  c^mmmndement.  -And  fo  hts  indufirj 

is  required  m  h's  dudte  *ff4^res,  and  then  to  rehe  on  Cods  prottidence,  othtr- 

tvtfc  only  toexpeFl  Gods  ^d,  oj>eratton,  orfroteBton,  man  himfelf  endem- 

rtng  nothing  is  to  tempt  God.  Therfore  Abraham  (  Gen.  it, )  ifaac  (c  16.) 

Ucob  (  C4, .  ji.  )  and  the  parents  of  Moyfei  (Exo.  i    )  being  in  [tare  and 

Godtcmpteth  ^'^"^(^^^ffdAlprtUeme  to  amid  imminent  dangers,  al'bett  thej  had  fpeaal 

©ortocml.       retteUttonsof  fafetieandhappte  fuccejse  .  Neither  doth  God  euer  tempt  ame 

man  to  ftnne,  but  proueth  his  feruants  and  ma^eih  them  knoxven  to  the  ^orld 

for  example  of  others,  andtkeiroirne  merit.  Gen.  ii.  lob.  i.  x.  e^r*-  - 

toh  and  OnUe  f 41th  doth  not  lufttfie,  nor  Jiferkes  "Without  faith,  but  both  together 

?c!l°  dm- kift"  '^^  "*^i^'"""^  *"  mtntonom  :  fo  Abraham  beleued  God  becaufe  he  if 

fic^anTarc  ^'  *^*^^P'>f<''*^  ^f*^ ^rnfh  it  fdfe,^ndiz  was  reputed  to  him  vnto  iufticc 

meritorious,    (  '^^"'  '5-  )  ^/*'  ^^'^  A"^  l»^s  not  fole^  for  it  had  hope,  loue,  obedience,  and 

but  nckheio(  other -yertues  adioyned,  and  fo  bis  belewng  ^^asan  aB  of  inHice.  In  like 

them  alone.     »,4efr  Abraham  was  iuftified  by  workcs,  offering  Ifaac  his  fonnc  j^^  '^-^ 

vpon  the  Altar  (  Gen.  it. )  but  this  -w^.rh  prefu^po/e4  f.uth,  that  God       *  •'- . 

is  abictoraifc  cucn  from  the  dead.  So  by  workcs  faith  is  con-  "      "* 

p    -  •      ^""^'"^^^-  ^y  hofpifalitic  ^hrahxrn  and  L»t  ^n.,  wares  >eceiued  Angels  Htb.  15. 

thlsHfe.'^""   '*^  harbour.  {  Gen.  18.  19.  }  Abraham  >*j  pcrfca.ucordmg  to  perfeSlion 

Fouic  piinci-*/'^^"  life-  {Gen.  17.)  mo  fi  highly  commended  for  fottre  more  notorious 

pal  mcrites  o(  ^^^fif^ocedtrrgof  ttVo  (fecial  Vertttes  faith  and  obedience.  The  Jit  ft  tVas  k'ts 

^p'ro^*'"*        /"'''•■'«'^o^^^"'«<-f,'«  leaning  hK  countne  and  l^indred,  goin^  he  knew  no$ 

bcd^ielTcc^  °'    **'**'^'''>  »♦'•  how  f^rre,  /imply  and  cherfully  expeBing  Gods  further  di^ 

z.F^ith  ^\t\i-  '''^^on,  when  to  goe,  and  whereto  abide,  {Gen.  ir. )  ^The  fecond  W4S  hit 

out  iUggc-       excellent  f^tth prepntly  beleming  Gods  promtfe  ( irbich  by  d'h:,mine-  rtafotkl 

rmg.  femedynpoJ?tble  )  th*t  he  ihould  haue  mnnmeraUe  fro^etne  {  Gen.  i^.  )  The 

o*f  fiuKr  '^''"''^,^*^.'  *^''' ^'  '^'^  ""'  ''"h  moflfincerly  and religioiifly  feme  God.  b„t  alfo 

l-cligioa.  \*'*S^*  *''  po(leritiefo  to  do,  as  God  himfclf  tefltfeih  of  him  ,  faying:  I 

know  that  he  wil  command  his  children,  and  his  houfc  after  him, 

4.  Pcrfca        f n-'if  t^hey  kepc  the  way  of  the  Lord,  and  do  iudgemcnt  and  iufticc. 

obedience.       (  Gen.  i8. }  The  fourth  was  that  mofi  beroicaUB-  of  qbedicr,ce,  admirable 

to  d 

EXODYS.  lot 

tbdUfes,  lelng  reddie  to  k'h  andfacnfice  his  6W»e  mtfl  dearly  htloued 
fonnelfdAc.-'^ ox:  yx'hick  God  fwareby  himfelf,  that  he  would  mame 
'Spates  hlejje  him^  becaufc  (  fatetb  God)  thou  haft  obeyed  my  voice 
(  Gen.  zi. )  Be  prayed  ferSodemy  and  had  freuailedy  if  tenne  tuff  ^erjons  Other  iuf 
h*dhinne  found  in  that  citie  (Gen.  18.)  ^nd  Lot  yt?as  delntered from  "^^"* 
thence  for  ..Xhahams  fake  {  Gen.  19. )  ifaac  woi  alfo  of  mofl  fwcere  mind,  ^^^**^' 
demut  te  God,  exerctfed  himfelf  tn  meditation  or  mentalprajer  (  Gen.  24.) 
chained  by  prayer  his  deftre  of  t/iite.  ( Gen.  15. )  LikeiVife  Jacob  is  defcnbed 
in  theholie  reAr/  aplaine  C  or  ftncere  and  innocent)  man.  (  Gen.  1$.  >.  27.  ) 
patient  and  conHant  m  tribulations.  (Gen.  i<).  31.  32.  55.)  He  Uivfully 
purchufed  Efam  confent  of  the  frfibirthright.  ( Gen  Zf.  V.  51O  -^^  neither  He  fpake 
.  lied,  nor  other  mCe  finned,  -^phen  he  anftvered  hif  father  that  he  TJ?^  Efau  "uch  in  myftl* 
his  firft  begocrcn  fonne  (  Gen.  17. )  hut  fpake  truth  m  myfltcal  fenfe,  ^*  ^^"^^•. 
arrejbU  to  Cod>  wil  and  ordinance,  Ivhofo  traaftofed  ifaacs  hlefdn^  from 
•    Efau  to  Jacob,  r^hich  Jfaac  at  length  lindtrfianding,  conformtdhim  fclf 
4herto,  end  confirmed  the  fam'.-  (  >.  53.  cr  ch.  28.  '^it*i»g  £/^»  A^^  <^°"' 
tentmmt  as  he  cnuUoy'  temporal  il'fiwgi.  Jofeph  is  renowmedfor  al  ^ntues,  lofepK. 
tuen  from  hu  youth  ta  hj^  dettb  {Gen  37.^9.50.)  lob  Was  fimplc  and  lob. 
right,  fearing  God  and  departing  from  enil,  a  iuft  and  innocent 
mjin,  both  before  and  m  hi^xribtiLiions,  xioi  finning  with  his  hppcs  : 
neither  fpake  he  anie  foohih  thing  againft  God  {ch.  i. )  yea  more 
affiicled  retained  innoccncie  ( ch.  2.  j  And  finally  God  receiued  hi<  prayer 
for  others,  and  reftoredal  his  lofies  duble.  (ch.  41.  )  Moyfes  a  moil  fpecial  Moyfe^j 
Utt.  II.  fe  eHed  rropbet,zht  meckeft  man  on  the  eztth y  of  ftn^ular  'Xe^alefeuerly 
£*:e.  ji.  punished  ftnne,  but  xvithalmoH  charitably  prayed  God  to  for^tue  the  people 
And  conferue  hii  Church. 

God  of  his  mere  mercie eUBeth  al  thofe^  \ohom  he  wil  iufllfie  and  fatte,  ElcAion  is  <# 
efferin?  al  fufficitnt  arace,  tufily  leaueib  fome  obllinate  fmnersm  (late  0/ Godsmercie. 
J        °-         ;  ^  ^  ■'in-        c     1     ^1  J  /  Predeftination' 

damnation,  (  Gen.  2j.  Exo.  7.  )  BiS  predefttnatien,  fore  knowledge  and  ^^^j^j^jl^  ^^^ 

promife,  do  not  exclude  but  include  the  meanes,  rvherby  his^il  is  done  m  the  ordinary  mea* 
iuil  (  Gen.  jj.  37.  45    50. )  Neither  n  Gods  reprobation  the  caufe  of  ante  nes. 
tnans  damnation,  but  mans  ownefiinnethe  proper  caufe,  both  of  reprobation 
Cr  damnation.  For  example,  Pharao  cr  his  people  eniiying,v<i;«//  fearing  Sinnc  is  the 
and  for  their  religion  hztin^,  and  per  fecutingxhc  chMiien  of  ifrael,  by  caufe  ofrepro* 
opprefin'Tthtmwitbvnfupportable  laboures,  by  commanding  fecretly  to  kil  pharaoand 
their  infants  y  and  that  not  fucceding  y  hj  a  new  decree  to  drowne  them  other  iE^yp- 
(  Exo.  I. }  "ftxrre  mercifully  after  long  conniuence,  admonished  by  Gods  legates  tians   hardned 
in  hii  name  quietly  to  permit  his  people  to  ferue  him  j  but  they  'Wilfully  ^"^'^   ovfn« 
contemned  this  gentle  admonition,  Pharao  proudly  and  mfolenrlj  xnfwenng :  - 

Who  is  the  Lord,  that  I  fhouldhcare  his  voice,  and  difmiifc  TfraeU 
Iknovmot  the  Lord,  aud  Ifraci  I  wil  not  difoiiilct  {Exo.y)S(i 
'         ■  Jib  ""         '      "'       thejf^ 


God  did  only  they  hdr^ned  their o^nehdrUs,  dnd  more  greuoujiji  df Med  tit  fdUlfuU 
P'^'^'^"^^'^^'"  God  fermitttwg  the  picked  to  Uney  and  profperford  time  in  thisivorld^ 
thcralcliics.      ''o^  punnhtn^  them  fo  much  ds  they  deferued,  nor  mollifying  their  hdrtes^ 

not  illuminating  their  ynderflanding  l^nto  effeflud  Conner fton^  but  iu/ly 
Prote^kion  &    ptrmittingthem  tv  ^erfi^m  obfitndcie{  Ex.  7. 8. 9.  10.  crc.  )  . 
Inaocation  of       ProteHion  of  Angels  O*  inuocdtton  isprouedy  (Cen.^^:  51. 48.)  Pdiri^ 
^"S.='^  Y^       ^^'^^^^  "'<'»"  "^f^  inuocated  (  f.  48.  >.  16. )  ijddc  f^ds  blefed  cr  profperedfof 

Abrahams  fuk^y  becaufe  Abraham  obeyed  Gods  voice,  kept  his  pic-  *  l^fv^o 
Ad  ration  of  cc^ts  &:  c6m3.ndemcnts,  obfertted bis  ceremonies  cr  hnUwes.  (Gen.  16.)  ^*  ^6- *'• 
crcitures.         lofephs  rodde  adored  bj  Uceb.  (Gen.  47.  )  Moyfes  lommanded  to  put  of  his 

shooei,  bec4ufe  the  pUcs  irds  holie  (£A;fl(;/. }.)  Swearing  by  creatures 
Swearing  by  laj^ft^^  and  fame  times  more  conuenienty  then  immedtdtly  by  God  him  felfe 
Omi^nous'  (  ^^"'  4^*)  ^'h^v^fi  Ominous  fpcach.  (Gen.  i^.}dnd  Dkczmcs, 
fpcach.  (Gen  57.  40    41.)  dre  fometimes  latvfully  obferued,  dnd  arefiom   God. 

Drcamcs*  idols  dltvates  ynUtvfu!,  but  (tot  dl  Im^m  (  Gen.  }'.  55.)  I^ettquei  to  be 
Images.  reuerently  yfed^  ks  lofephs  bodie  conferued  m  a  coffin  in  y£?ypf,  (  Gen  ')>lt. ) 

Dcuocfo^ii  to    *^'^''J^-^*^^h  Moyfes  { Exo.  i^  )  dnd  jo  brought  into  Chanaiin,  and  hyed  '*/«*  *«• 
iiolie  places,    ^f^h  other  Pxtridvchestn  Sichem.  Going  bdre  foote  to  holie  pUees  dn  ^ii  of 
Figure  of        religious  reuerence,  dnd  deuotion.  (Ex,^. )  The  f^ne  ef  the  croj^e  vfe'dby 
Chiiftcroirc   lacob.(Gen  j^%.)  a  figure  of  dmffs  crofe.The  ^^oedcaftby  Moyfes  into 

the  bitter  ^ater,  and  m*l(tng  it  fweete  (Exo.  ij.  )  an-ather figure  tlerof. 
Funeral  obfequies  "Paere  ohferued  by  ^rahdtn  f^r  hii  "^ife  Sdr4 
iFuncraloifaces  ^  ^^^  ^^  ^  .^^-^^  mourning  and^ecpin2,forher,dccording  to  the  quA* 

Ime  of  fo  holie  d  perfon,  who  it  is  like  needed  not  other  fatisfd^orie  >or4« 

AS  Sdul  dnd  lonathds,  and  others  Jlxine  in  bdttel,  for  whom  Vauid  and   hii  ^'  ^''^'*° 

court  did  not  only  mourne  and  weepe,  but  dlfo  fdfled  til  euen.  Be  alfobougbt 
t-d't^rburial^  **  /'"'^  ^'^'^  '^  duUecdue^  "^  here  ie  buried  her,  dedicdUng  it  for  this  pecu- 

liar  \fe,dndhoth  himfelfand ift^Cj  Jacob,  l{tbeccdy  dnd Zidwere  there  buried. 

TWournino-  40   (  ^e>*-  A^-"^-  ^.)  lofeph  ^ith  al  his  br^cthren  mourned  for  their  father  lacob,  _ 

•daycs.  jirft  fourtie dayain  JEgypt,  then  curyinv  him  into  Chandan,  celebrated. 

Exequies  of    the  exequies  other  ieuen  daycs(Cf».3:o. )  //*;  ^^r/tnt/^r  digging  of 

yc  .    j^-^  owne  graue  (  >.  y  )  dnd  loth  hU  dnd  lofephs  fpecial  charge  to  be 

Special  place    ^^^^^^  dmongfi  their  ancejfersy  and  the  tranjlarton  of  al  the  trvelue  fonnes  of  '^^-  7» 

of  burial  lacoh^  into  Sichcm,  confirme  the  dtftre  of  burial  m  one  pldte  rdther  then  in  an  ^'  * 

riglitely  dcfi-  othn,  to  be  agre able  to  nature,  and  holie  Scirptures. 

i^^^-     ,    ,  Tonchm I  the  foules  detf dried ^  euen  the  mofi  perfeB,  "Went  into  the  lo'^ep 

Nofoulchc-    ^     ,  rt       ti    111   y    .      r        ^^  n         ; 

f>rc  Chrift      fdrt<s,gei}erdUy  called  Hcl.  But  Jome  ^^ercln  relt ,  others  tnpaines,  accor-- 

entred  iato     ding  to  their  dffntes^none  in  heaucn  before  chnft.  ^s  S.  Hierom  (corn^ 

licnuen  ment  m  ofte.  ij.  tt  Eccief,  \.  )  prou^rth  by  la^obi  W  >rdes  (  Gen.  57.  )  1  wil 

Diuers  places  (;}ef^-(.p,(i  ynto  my  fonneinto  hel.  by  Inbi  lamentation  (  17.  ) 

ihacal  (goodandbad)  were  retained  in  hel, /^y/w^/  If  I  Oialcxprft, 

'  hclis 

ExoDvs.  loy 

hel  is  my  houfe,  and  in  darknes  I  haue  made  my  bed.  Fyhlch  place 
cr  receptacle  of  flub  SainteSy  as  Jacob  and  loby  "Vv^s  doubfUi  farre  dijlant 

Luc.  16.  from  hel  of  the  damned^  for  htvven  La^arm  m  .ytbrahams  bofome  and 
theglutton  mtorments,  is  a  great  chaos  ( or  large  f^nce )  and  yet  the  hlghefi 
of  thefe  places  if  called  hel. 

Inrefpefl  of  KeC\irred:ion, the  fame  l4cob  called  hk  Lfein  this  l>vor!d  Refurreaion 
^pilgrimage  (Gen.  47.)  and  lob,  {eh. 7.  )  a  "Warfare  vpon;. 
frofefingexprefsijf  (ch.  19. )  In  the  laft  day  I  fbal  rife  out  of  the  earth. 
And  I  rbal  becompafTcdagaine  with  my  skinnc,  and  in  my  MelK 
I  flialfee  God.  Our  B.  Samour  alfo  prcneth  the  I^tfurre^ion^beaufe  the 

9Aat.i%    God  of  Abraham,  Ifaac,  and  lacob  ( Ext.  3. )  is  God  of  them,  not 
Oi  the  J  are  dead,  but  ai  thej  Are  liumgyand  to  returne  againe  to  lifem  bodte 
and  Joule  together,  of  general  liidgement  Job  faieth  ((h.2,1.)  What  ihal  General  lud- 
I  doe  when  God  fl)al  rife  to  iudge  ?  and  when  he  (hal  aske,  what  S*^"^^""^' 
flial  I  anfwere  him  ?  ^ndEim{ih.  i^.)[aieth  :  The  omnipotent  wil 
render  a  man  his  workc,and  accotding  to  the  waics  of  euerie  one,  1.  he  wil  rceompence  them.  Sodom  and  Cotncrra  (  Gen.  19. )  rvere  ex-  . 

Fp.  lud.  ample  (faith  S.  Peter,  ands.  Jude)o(  eternalpnniflhment  in  hel  fire,  dimcat  oHlic 
of  eternal  life  Jacob  pro ftjfed  his  hope  (  Gen^  49. )  faying:  I  wil  expcd:  wicked :  and 
thy  faluation  6  Lord,  ^nd  Moyfes  ( ds  S.  TaHltejlifieth)  denied  him  ioy  of  the 
felfeto  be  the  fonne  of  Pharaoes  daughter,  efteming  the  rcproch  °^^^^°- 
of  Chrifl:  greater  riches,  th-n  the  trcafurc  of  the  ^Egyptians.  For 

f/eb.ri.   l^e  looked  vnto  the  reward.  Tms  much  touihiifg  ptirticuUr  potntes  0/ Continuance 
J{eUgu>n»  ft  re(lethto  fee  the  y/ffble  k/ioWen  mevtbers  of  the  Chnrchy  Tvith  of  the  Church 
the  ieeades  and  goif&rnor$  therof,  fuccedi-ng  without  interruption  in  the  f^-me  *]°'^'*'J^""^"- 
4ge,  mtwJhfl ending  fotne  braJ^e  and  departed  from  them,  and  other  mnu-  fromie. 
merahU  Secies  of  fnfidels  (lUmnltipited  in  the  World. 

Tobeginnetherfore  "^'ith  .yrhnhAnt,  btf ore  the  former  age  Jt^as  ended,  Abraham 
(at  "^huhhme  he  was  y^.yeares  old)  holie  Scriptures  fltl  fpeakf  of  him,  as  neuer  conra- 
dwaies  l>ndtfl(d,  and  a  true  feruantof  God,  though  bis  father  Thare  and  '^\°^'^^  ^°-  ^^" 
it»^^ro/^*)"Nachor7owe/z»?«ferucd  ftrangcgoddes,  ( Jofue.  24.)  bnt  '^' 
"Vfitre  reclamed,  and  the  jpholefamilicy  ( as  S.  ^'ugujltn  proueth,  lib.  16.  c.  Tharc  and  Na. 
Vj.  de  ciittt )  w is pcrfecuted  by  the  Chaldees.vrherHpon  Thare  Icauing  Chd-  choi  reduced 
dcA  brought  ^Xbrah^m,  Lot,  and  Saraiy  fo  farre  as  Haran  it>  Mtfopotamia  fromidolatric. 
(  Gen.ii.)whUher  alfo  Nachor  repaired  aftenvardsy  and  there  made  hit 
habitation,  as  afpeareth  (  Gen.  24. )  But  ^Irahjim  vva4  foontr,  and  more 
fpecially  pcrfecutediff  Jofephus  teflifieth  (k  i.  ^riti<j.)  for  -J'*^  Abraham  pub. 
(lere  andpubliqut  profej^ionof  one  God,  CreAtnrof  al  things,  and  thai  by  hii  likly  profcffci 
only  goodnesyandnotby  mens  owne  power,  happines  is  attained,  /rtnt^r  l"s  ^^ith. 
Smdas  ( vocab.  Abraham )  livritethy  that  at  the  age  of  14.  yeareSy  he  a  d- 
ptomshed  htsf^thfr,  not  for  lucre  fake,  to  [educe  men  by  ^y  or  shipping  images 

B  b    4  '  offalfs 

2,04  ExoDViJ. 

offalftgoddciy  AHouchmg  that  there  is  no  other.,  hut  the  telejiiul  God,  makev 
of  the -fi^hole  World.  In  which ftncere ^rofef  ion  how  he  ahvaiei  perfeuered 
Scm;  is  often  tefiifed,  and  needles  here  to  he  repeted.  ^Ifo  Sem,  Sale,  arid  Hehet 

Sale.  lis  proper  ancejiers  ( the  ninth,  feuenth,  and  fixth  m  right  lint  before  him  ) 

'^^^^^'  '^ere  al  holie  men,  and  lined  al  Abrahams  time,  much  of  lfiachs,4nd  part 

Ichikdech   °f  ^'^^"^^  ^'ty^-^-  L^hvvife  Melchifedeih  King  and  Priefl-  ( adifmB  perfon,  of 
an  other  lineage,  as  vvejuppofejrom  Sew)  liued  in  the  beginning  of  i  his  age. 
Manic  profcf-  ^l  ^  hich  being  renowmed  men  had  great  trcunts,  or  rather  countries, which 
fors  of  tiae      rviththemfertted  the  only  true  Cod.  FFberof  ^ve  haue  example,  in  that 
Religion.  Abraham  [being  but  a  kr anger  in  Chmaan  )  Ifpon  a  fuddaine txploite, 

( <7M.  14.)  made  readieordieferuants  borne  in  his  houfe,  three 
hundrethandcighteene  ^dz^^o\me(S,menof,alcj  the  fame 
million ;  for  shortly  after  they  Were  al  circtim:i[ed  (  Cen.  17. )  yet  was  king 
Mclchtjedech  of  more  power  ind  authority  then  he.  ^nd  the  other  here  men-, 
tionedy  except  his  elder  brother  N^chor,  and  hii  nephcvi  Lot,  lix'sre  his  oxvnt 
direB  progenitors,  and  by  likelihood  more  foirnt.  ^g^i'me  from  Abraham 
theficccfiion  hdd on  right  ro  Aaron  and  Moyfes,  and  the  yvhoh>  peuple 
oflfrael,  "which  vvith  them  ffajfd  out  of  JEgypt  through  the  rrdde  fea. 
Breaches  from       ^^^  ^^  the  means  time,  diuers  alfo  of  Abrahams  kmdred  and  feede,  bnahs 
the  Church.      qF framthvi communities  andfelto  idolatrie.  For  albeit  Lot.his  brothers  fonne 
terfenered inthe  true  fermce  of  God, yet  Lots  fonnn,  Moab  and  ^mmon, 
,  at  leaH  the  Moabites  and  Ammonites,   tivo  nanons  that  cxtne  of  them 
Ammonites.      (  <^^'*-  ^9'  )  "P  ere  infidels  and  idolaters.  LikeWtfe  though  Nuhor,and  Bathitci 
Nachors  pro-  (  Nachors  fonne) continued  henceforth  tntrue  faith  and  religion, yet  Lahan 
genie.  (  the  fame  B at huels  fonne  )  had  falfe goddesy  yvhich  l{achel  too'^e  away 

(  Gen^i.)  But  true  reltfion  being  not  yufhoHy  extinguished  in  thefe  famine's, 
both  lfa,ichi  '^nfe  ({ebecca,  and  lacobi  l^iues  Lia  and  [{^chel;  y^ith  their  hand- 
mitides  Bala  and Zelpha,  either  beleued  nghtly,  or  were  more  eaftly  broiighs 
^naaelircs.        totruebeleefe,and  feruice  of  God.  Ifmael  Abrahams  firH  Jonne  leas  in 
hif  youth  eucl  difpofed  ( Gen.  xi.  )  and  for  endeuonng  to  corrupt  ifaae 
('\vhicbs.  Paulcallethperfeciition)  Was  together  with  bi<  mother  ^gar,  cat.  4. 
caft  out  of  Abrahams  houfe,  yet  profpcred  in  the  dcfert  j  hid 
twelue  fonnes  dukes,  fometifnes  yiftted  his  father,  artd  together  with 
J faac  buried  him  (  Gen.  ly. )  ^ndat  the  age  of  157.  ytares  died  and  was   i-Vavd. 
put  to  his  people, /i'rf*  ^,  fo  o'hm  lik.e  himfelf  good  or  tuil.  Abraham  ^^  '^• 
alfo  feparated  his  other  fonnes  begMten  of  Cetiira  (  >.  6. )  from  ifaac,  to  ^' 
whom  only  and  not  to  any  other,  the  promifed  land  of  chanaan,  and  other 
•dadiaiiitcs.      ^^^^  fpecial  hlcpngs  pertAined.  of  thefe  lafl  fonnes  came  the  people  of  Ma^ 
dianiies,  %vho  k.ept  fame  refembUnce  with  the  people  of  God  in  religinn, 
and  therin  prefigured  heredhes,  that  dtfcend  ft  om  Catholtque  race,  but  falling 
t-ofchifme  or  hercftCydoe  not  participate  eterndenheritance, with  thcffi'itual 



ehtldrenof  God^s  S,  ^ugHj}intea(etb  (f.  70.  in  Gen.)  fnlihfofte  of 
tbetjvoJonnisoflCa^c,  onlte  lacob  had  the  fpiritual  blciriing,  and 
enhent ancetherto  belonging  [Gen.  17.)  L(i\xtbotigh^x:o}^\\2inQ  m  miners  Idumeanj. 
^tf&.iti   felhng  his  birthright  (Gen,  1$.  ">.  31.)  tvbtcb  "^m  a  fpiritual  mrijdiflion 
ivherm  be  mas  a  figure  of  tbe  reprohMte,  yet  it  femeth  he  k.ept  the  true  faith 
(  Gen.  5f.  >.  ylt. )  But  tfibether  be  did  or  no,  fine  it  is,  lob,  (  Jvio  is  pro- 
babljr  thought  to  be  of  bis  race  (Gen.  ^6.)  Was  a  moj}  hoiie  mzn  and  a  rare 
example  of  vertne.  But  the  poflerities  of  them  bothy  and  al  the  progenies  of 
ifmaelj  and  of  y€brahams  other  fonnes  bj>  Cetura,  fooner  or  later  ftl  to  in- 
fdtlitie  and  idolatrie.  In  other  nations  of  the  world,  new  goddes  and  loobtric  f>il 
£oddtfes  were  multiplied  yponeuerieocca/f on,  ^SS.  ^'nfu/Iir*  ( It.  iS.  de  ^"<^'^^ '"g  yet 
o     .    ■;  .      '  ^,      t     t  in       ,  i"^  f        I  ,   the  Church 

ctuit.  jrecountetb  tiiufrs.-yfl'Vebicb  notwith/ranaingyihe  true  Church  and  continued, yea 

eitie  of  God  (ontmued mof}  1/iftbleand  notorious^  yea  "With  msruelotn  m-  alfo  increaied. 

ereafr,  efpecially  afttr  they  ^icre  more  hated  and  ajfhfledin  JEfjpt  (  Exo.  i . ) 

yyhither  they  woe  brought  by  the  f  range  and  fpecial  promdence  of  God, 

mere  firangcly  pnferued,  and  moH  miraculou  fly  dtliuered  from  thence. 

Much  more  the  Church  of  Chrift  (  "^herof  this  Was  a  shadow,  and  The  Church 

figure)  hithber.neand  ihalbe  eUQT  moflxiCible,  from  the  frf  foundation  of  Chrift  in  the 

therof  to  the  worlds  end  Forbefidesthe  promifesand  prediBionstn  the  new    .         sv'fiblje 

Tejlament,  al  the  Scriptures  aljo  of  the  old,  "Svhich  fortel  Chrift,  do  withal  and  sreat. 

fonheR  his  church.  Totum  quod  annunciarur  de  Cliri(\:o  (  faieth  S. 

^uguflin  de  lunitate  Ealif.  c.  %.)'  caput  &:  corpus  eft.  ^l  that  is  The  fame 

fyoken  of  Chrift  is  ( of)  the  head  and  the  bodie  ;  The  head  is  the  onHe  Scriptures 

begotten  Tcfus  Chrift,  the  Sonne  of  the  huing  God:  i^^theSauiour  ^^  -ft^dh's 

of  the  bodie.  His  bodie  the  Church.  ^gawe(c.  4. )  TotusChriftus  church. 

caput  &:  corpus  eft.  f^/^o/^C/jn^/i/Z/f  head  and  the  bodie.  The  head, 

the  onlie  begotten  Sonne  of  God,  and  the  bodie  his  church  :  the  bridgrome 

and  bride, two  m  one  Jlcsb.  Tea  for  no  other  cdufe  ( faieth  he  \i,  de  catech. 

rud.  c.^.)^ere  al  thofe  things  Written,  before  the  coming  of  cur  Lord, 

yiphicb  '^e  read  in  holie  Scriptures^  but  that  his  coming  might  be  commended, 

And  tbe  future  church  prefigured,  /^4»i.':,  the  people  of  God  through 

outal  nations,  which  ish^s  bodie.  The  fame  doth  S.  Paul  teach  ')'s,not 

only  fafwg  (  Gal. ;. )  The  law  was  our  pedagogue  ( or  conduffor  }  to 

Chrift, /?»f<t//o  ( I.  Cor.  12.)  that  as  the  (natural)  bodie  is  one  and 

hath  manie  members,  aiidalthe  members  of  the  bodie,  whcras 

they  be  manic,  yet  are  one  bodie  •■,  Co  alfo  Chrift.  ^nd  (  Colof.  i. ) 

that  Chrifts  bodie  is  the  Church,  ^s  therfore  the  great  blefsing  o/MuItltudc  oF 

redemption  and  faluation  1»as  ^romifed  m  chrift  (  Gen.  n.crc. )  foit^as  proaeme  pro- 

_  withal  expref^edy  tbatal  nations,  and  kindreds  of  the  earth  5^o»/^  be  f"'^«^tko  Ahia- 

Gen,  15.  I         !       r  n  ■  1 1  1       1    n      r    t  I        7     rt  ham  pertairc'h 

15. 17.     f*^i*k<^rs  therof,  yea  fo  innumerable :iS  the  duft  ot  the  earth,  the  ftarres  ^^  ^,^_  church ' 

&.  li.  of  heauen,.j«ifandes  of  thcfea.  FFhich  s.  ?aule  JMctb  ( Rom.  ^  )  if  of  Chrift. 

~      B  b   J  not 

20^  EXODVS. 

not  meni  of  ^hrAh^msnaturalcliUreOi  but  of  the  children  ofpromife, 

fit(b Mthe I{omj(ne Chrijfian^t  and  others y  leaves  and  Gentiles.  So  S.  lohn  Ji^ocj^ 

farv  in  a  I'tfton  m  a  certaine  number  of  t^t\\xe  thoufand  figned  of  eucrie 

tribe  of  IfracI,  butaker  rhefc  a  great  multitude  Mrhich  no  man 

Very  abfunlc  coald  number  of  al  nations,  tribes,  peoples,  and  tongues.  To  fay 

to  fay,  the       iherfore,  as  fame  old  <ind  nevv  hcretil^es  doe,  that  the  church  of  Chnft  fomt 

Church  of       tt}r>es  conftjletb  of  fcYV,  or,  inHifthle  perfons^  "Vvere  to  fay  God  k.ept  netpro^ 

Ciiriftvas  at       y^  y'^itfj  ytbrah'^m  ( Gen.  i7. ;  atjdto  mske  the  hodteand  thing;  fifured, 

snic  time  Ob-   '  -^        , .  ,  ;        ;     j  j  r  r   ■        •        t      ^  t    i  ^  r     1 

fcurc.  mere  obfca re  then  the  shadow  andjigure]  feeing  m  the  ^holetin^e  of  the 

Law  of  n-Ature,  that  is  in  thefe  threefirfi  a^es  of  the  yyorld,  the  church  being 

hut  a  figure  of  tha  t  ')>vhich  is  now,  yet  "^vas  alwayes  Iftfthle  and  n.otonoiiSy 

Succeffionof  oi  hath  b.nne  declared ,  ^nd  that  ')>vith  perpetual  fitcce/^ion  of  ftipreme 

fpii  itual  go-     heades,  rulers  and^ouerners.  ^,  is  before  nptcd  tn  the  fir fl  age  from  f/Cdam  lob,  1$;* 

ucrncrs  d u-      ^^  ^^^ .  -^  ^^^^  fecond  from  Noe  to  Abraham  :  fo  in  this  third,  by  the  right 

of  narure.       Imeof  Abraham,  Ifaac,  Taco-b,  Leui,  Caath,  and  Amranij  to  Aaron 

and  Moyfes,  ( Exo.  6.)  the  Hehe  Ghofl not th:re recitingmore geneilozies 

being  come  to  the  origin  of  the  TriflUe  Tribe,  that  is  to  theje  two  yvhom  his 

dntine goodnes  felef^ed and  ordained,  as  ^'•,^t■/  to  fpcake  to  Pharao  /» 

behalf  of  the  children  of  ifrael,  and  to  bring  them  out  of  the  Land ,  of 

Pricfthood  o(  JEgy^pt,  as  afterwards  by  one  of  them  to  giue  his  people  a  yvritten  LaWy 

Moyfes  la\w     dndin  the  other  a  perpetual  prouift&n  of  fpirttinl  pafiors.  For  tn  ^ar&n  the  Ex.  i8. 

eftabhflred  ui   ^^^^  brother  God  efiablished  an  ordinarie  fuccepon  of  Priefihood,  from  that  tiu.  3. 

'  timetoChnft,  "^vhick  before  pertained  to  the  firflborne  in  eueri-e  famdie : 

adioyningthe  re^of  LcHitestribetoaJiifi  them,  iu  adtninifhation  of  facred 

U    'fes  chiefc  '^'H.?"^-  -^"^  Mcyfes  the  younger  brothet  "Vv4i  extraordinarily  called  ( "^htch 

infpiritualand  God  thtrfore  shewed  and  Confirmed  by  fpacial  miracles )  not  onlie  to  Priefi- 

tcmporalgo-    hood,but  alfo  to  be  of  the  God  of  Pharao,  Superior  of  cA^ron,  chiefe  me* 

uernment,       diatorbetiven  God andhispeople,a4  Jpelin  deliuering  them  from  the  ferui- 

tude  of  ^gypt,  and  in  receimng  the  Law,  and  deliuering  it  to  them,  as  in  al 

ether  fupreme  geuern  ment  fptrttual  and  temporal  during  his  life. 

Chap.     XVI. 

fourth  3g;c. 

The  begin-  The  people  murmwringfor  meAte,<ind  that  they  had  left  the  fie  h  pottes  of  JE" 
of  the  g)f*i  4  Godgeueih  them  ^uailes,  and  Manna.  16.  FFherofthty  are  com- 
manded to  gather  for  cuerit  day,  11. but  the  fsxt  ddy  duble  for  the  Sab" 
The  feconi  haoth,  31.  anJ  to  h^cpe  a  meafure  of  it  in  the  tabernacle  for  a,  memorie, 

parte  of  this 

thTirradiirs     A   ^'°  rheyfetre  forward  from  EHm,  and  al  the  multi-  i 
wxrc  fuAaincd  -/^  t^ude  of  the  children  oflfracl  camcinto  the  defert  Sin, 


Manna.  Exodvs.  .207 

\rhich  is  betwenc  Elim  6^  Sinay :  the  fiftcnth  day  of  the  in  the  defert, 

fecond  moncth,  after  they  came  forth  out  of  the  Land  of  ^-  ^  prcpircd  to 

1  gypt.  t  Andal  thcanembhe  of  the  children  of  Krael  mur-  ^''^'^""cthe 

5  nuucdagainft  Moyfes  and  Aaron  in  the  wiJderneire.  f  And 

the  children  of  lirael  laid  to  them./:  "^''ould  to  Godwc  had 

died  by  the  hand  of  our  Lord  in  the  Land  of  ^gypt,  when 

"we  (ate  ouer  the  fleOi  pottcs,  anddid  cate  bread  our  fill:  why 

haae  you  brought  vs  into  this  defert,  that  you  might  kil  al 

4  the  muirirude -with famine?  f  And  our  Lord faid  to  Moyfes: 

Behold  r^!!'il  mine  you  bread  from  heauen  :  let  the  people 

coc  forth,  and  gather  that  fufficeth  for  euerie  day:  '•'  that  I  •/^°'^'"^f/* 
&  I     ^      1      L        1  111-  1  ^"  their  v/il 

may  prouc  them  whether  they  xriiwalkem  my  law,  or  no.  to  be  content 

J  t  Kuc  the  fixt  day  let  them  prouide  for  to  bring  in  rand  let  it  with  ynough, 

be  duble  to  that  they  were  wont  to  gather  euerie  daic^.  ^^^°  couete 

<S  t  And  Movfe,sand  Aaron  faid  to  al  the  children  of  Ifrael:  P^^^.V*^^^"^- 

A  'nil  L  f        1  1      1     t  I  fcredthemnoe 

At  euen  you  Ibsl  know  that  our  Lord  harh  brought  you  tohauc  more, 

7  forth  our  of  the  land  of  ^Cgypt:  f  andinthe  morning  you  when  it  came 
(halfce  theglorieof  our  Lord:  for  he  hath  heard  your  mur-  to  meafurin  g, 
muring  againft  our  Lord  :  but  as  for  vs,  what  arc  we,  that  1'  ^^'J^  *- 

8  you  mutter  againft  vs  ?  f   And  Moyfes  fnid:    At  euen  our        ' 
Lord  wilgcue  you  flesh  to  eate,  and  in  the  morning  bread 
your  fill:  for  he  hath  heard  your  murmuringes,  which  you 
haue  murmured  againft  him,for  what  are  we  ?  neither  is  your 

9  murmuringagainftvs,  but  againft  our  Lord,  f  Moyfes  alfo 
faid  to  Aaron  :  Say  to  rhe  whole  alTemblie  of  the  children  of 
Ilrael:  Approch  you  before  our  Lord:  for  he  hath  heard  your 

10  murmiuring.-j-  And  when  Aaron  fpake  to  al  the  alTemblie  of 
thcchildrenoflfrael,  they  looked  toward  the  wildcrnefte: 

11  And  behold  the  gloric  of  our  Lord  appeared  in  a  cloud,  t  At>d 
U  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faving:  f  I  haue  heard  the  mur- 
muringes of  the  children  of  Ifrael ,  fay  to  them  .•  At  euen 
youshal  cate  flcjh,  and  in  the  morning  vou  ihal  haue  your  fil 
ofbrcad:andyou  <"halknowihatI  am  the  Lord  your  God, 

15  t  Therfore  it  came  to  pafte  at  euen,  and  -  the  quaile  rofc^and  J-Thefcbirclcs 
coucred  the  campe  :  in  the  rrjornino  alfo  a  dew  lay  round  a~  ^7  <^o^spro- 
14  bout  the  campe.  -f  And  ^hen  it  had  cohered  the  face  of  the  ftom  oXT** 
earth,  it  appeared  in  the  wildcrneflcfmal,  and  as  it  were  bca    places  to  the 
ten  with  a  peftil  like  vn  o  the  hoarc  froft  on  the  ground.  C  ildrenof 
3;  t  Which  'ci'hcn  the  children  of  ifraclhad  fecnc,they  (aid  one  ^^'^'''  ^"'"^ 
to  an  other:"  Man- hu  .' which  fipnificth  :  ^'hat  is  this.'  for  ^' •^''' 
they  knew  not  what  it  was.  To  whom  Moyfes  faid:  Thib  is 


to8  ExoDvs*  Manna* 

thebrcad,  which  our  Lord  hath  to  eate.  f  This  is  i6 
the  word  J  that  OLu- Lord  hath  commanded;  Let  euerie  one 
gather  of  it  fo  mucli  as  fufliceth  to  eate  :  a  gomor  euerie  man, 
according  to  the  number  of  your  foulcs  that  dwel  in  a  tent  fo 
shal  you  take  vp.  f  ■^"'^  ^^^  children  of  Ilrael  did  fo  :  and  17 
they  gathered,  one  more,  an  other  lelFe.  -f  And  they  mealu-  18 
red  by  the  meafurc  of  a  gomor:  neither  he  that  gathered 
more,  had  aboue:  nor  he  that  prouided  ]efle_/,  found  vnder: 
but  euerie  one  gathered,  according  to  that  which  they  were 
able  to  eate .  -j-  And  Moyfes  faid  to  rhem :  Let  no  man  leaue  i^ 
therof  til  the  morning,  -f-  Who  heard  him  not,  bur  certaine  10 
of  them  left  vntil  the  morning,  and  ic  bcganne  to  be  ful  of 
worraes,  anditputrified .  and  Moyfes  was   angrie  againft 
them,  t  And  euerie  one  ofthem  gathered  in  rhc  morning, To  21 
much  as  might  fuffice  to  eate:  and  after  the  funne  V7axed 
hotte,  it  melted,  f  Burin  the  iixt  day  they  gathered  dubic    22 
:i  By  therr        portions,  thatis,  twogomors  euerie  man  ;  andal  the  princes 
v/oudeiing  at  of  the  multitude  -  came,  and  told  Moyfes.  f  "Who  faid  t®  -  25 
thedublequa-  j-'^gm  :  This  is  it  which  our  Lord  hath  fpoken;  The  Sab- 
tine  it.ippca-  bathes  reft  is  fandified  vn  to  our  Lord  to  morow.Whatfoeucr 
rechtheyin-      .  i       j       •  ,    1  ,  ,1 

tended  not  CO  ^s  to  be  wtouglit,  doe  It :  and  the  meates  that  are  to  be  made 

gather  fo        leadie,  make  them  readie  :  and  whatfoeucr  shal  remaine,  lay 
much.  itvp  vntil  the  morning,  t  And  they  did  fo  as  Moyfes  had  24 

commanded,  anditputrified  not, ncitherj  was  there  worme 
found  in  it.  -j-  And  Moyfes  faid  :  Eate  it  to  day,  bccaufe  it  is  2j 
the  Sabbath  of  our  Lord  :  to  day  it  shal  not  be  found  in  the 
field,  -j-  Gather  it  fix  day  es:  but  in  the  f^euenth  day  is  the  Sab-  2.6 
bathofour  Lord,  therfore  it  shal  not  be  foimd.  f  And  the  ij 
feuenth  day  came  :  and  fbme  of  the  people  going  forth  to  ga- 
ther, found  not.  t  And  our  Lord  faid  to  MoyCes  :  How  long  28 
viiyounotkeeperaycommandementeSjandmylaw  J  f  Sec  29 
that  our  Lord  hath  geuen  you  a  Sabbath,  and  for  this  caufc  ' 
onthefixtday  he  geuethyoudublc  portions:  let  each  man 
••"^y^""^'?^' tarie  with  himfelfe,  and  let  none  goe  forth  out  of  his  place 
wdlcth^hc?e    '^^^^<^^^"th'i^y'  t  Ai^'i  the  people  kept  the  Sabbath  on  the  3® 
the  commad-  feuenth  day.  -f  And  the  houfe  of  Ifrael  called  the  name  ther-   31 
TOcntgexicn      of  Manna  :  which  was. as  it  were  coriander  fecde  white,  and 
wncnthe  Ta-  the  taift  therof  hke  to  flowre  with  honie.   f  And  Moyfes  34 
A^rVcrcfi' ^^y'^'^^^^^^^'-'^^^'^*-^'  which  our  Lord  hath  commanded: 
milhcd.iATo.      "  Filagomorof  it,  and  let  it  be  kept  vnto  the  generations  to 
■enii,  come  hereafter :  that  they  may  know  the  bread,  wherwith  I 


Manner  Exodvs.  109 

fed  you  in  the  wildernes,  when  you  xrere brought  forrhom.-.ThijRch'qa*' 
53  of  the  Land  oF  ^hypt.  f  And  Moyfes  fayd  to  Aaron  :  Take  wasput  m  a 
-oncvefTcl,  and  put  Mannaintoit,  fo  much  as  a  gomor  can  p'^-en  veffel.' 
hold  :  and  lay  it  vp  before  our  Lord  to  kccpc  vnro  your  gc-  j^  ^,^  mfinicly 
14  nerarions;  f  as  our  Lord  commanded  Movies.  And  Aaron  inferior  to 
5;  pur  it  in  the  tabcrna.-lc  to  be  referued.  -f  And  the  children  Chrifts  flcfh 
of  Ifracl  did  <ate  Manna  fourric  yearcs,  til  they  came  into- Jf'^^^^J'^^**^^' 
the  habitable  land  ;  with  thismcatc  were  thev  fed, vntil they  fldiioFanie 
^6  touched  the  borders  of  the  land  oi  Chanaaru.    f   And  a  gloiificd 
gomor  is  the  tenth  part  of  an  ephi .  Saiaft. 

Chap.     XVL 

If     %j.in1yu  fyrhatistUs!  When  the  people  of  Ifrael  in  the  defertha^  fpent  Maurts  fo  eal- 
♦Tieirprouifionofincdte  brought  from  j£gypt,jnd  accoidingro  Godspromifc  led  oi"Man»kUt 
had  rcceiued  Oorcof<iuailes;goiiigfortkin  thctnorningthey  fawc  a  Itrangc 
thioLT  Ivc  vpon  the  irroundHk^to  hoarc  f'roft,U'herat  mcruehngthcy  faici  one 
to  an  olhtr  :  .".•  hat  n  tln> .'  in  rhcir  language  A<d»  '•«  !  f'J'herupon  faith  Thcodo- 
Xct   (  q.  ?0.  in  Exod    )  they  demand  ryai  ttfned  into  the  name,  and  it  iryusiaHfd 
A/^.«.-.  VVhich  nsthc  fame  and  other  ancient  Dodors  gather  by  thchoHc  Ttwasafi^ui* 
Scriptuces ,  wa?  a  wonderful  and  miraculous    meatc  ,  and  t^-itha!  a  figure  o^'the  Each** 
of  a  more  excellent  thino,  longaftcr  promifed,andgcuen  by  our  B-  Sauiour,  nfti 
inthcholieSicramentofthcEucharift.AswirnciTe  S  Gregorie  NyiTen  {^knar. 
li.  J.c  J7'  -rifx  V/o-y/t,  t*r,a  m  dtum]  S.Ambrofe  (  h.  de  Ijs  tjui  Mysl    mtitattt  cap.  g.  )  S, 
Ho.  4j.     Cyril  Alexandrinus,  S    Chryioftoti  ,  S.  Aueuftin,  Thcophilad  and  others, 
rrac.\i6.  fpontkefntof  S    (ohn.  Where  alfo  the  text  nf  our  Sauiours  long  difcourfc 
loan.   6.   «yith  thcCapharnjites,  Chcvi/cth  ruidcntly  that  he  promifed  to  gcuc  a  firtc 
'*'.  ;j.4''  bcttermeatcthcn  Manna,  to  thofeth.tbeleued  inhim    /dw,  faieth  our  Lord, 
49  p  .      thth\ea.dtf  life,  -vrnch  d.J  ended  Uum  heauen;  ■^«»yfarhfrsdii  eate  Manna  in  the  ae~ 
iS'  fert,anddied     Theb'eidy^huhjyyi!'i;ruenmyflrih,fo-ihel.fe«ftl>eyvorld.  MjjUsh 

I  tmat€indtede,andmy  hUud  ndrini.^  indeede  &C.  S  Paul  likewilc  tcachcth  (  r. 
Cor  10  )  that  this  v;^n»d,  and  </jf-f.'^<e' ilfuMig  out  tf/^/'"<"-'f,  >>^crc  figures  of 
the  Tame  B.  Sacrament,  as  is  tioted  in  thofc  places  . 

Here  onlv  we  commend  to  the  ChriRian  rcacirisrcmebrancc  that  the  thing  T«rcluc  mira- 
figuied,  doth  cucr  cxcede  the  figure  f  act  ordMg  to  S  Pauls  dodnn.  Collof  i  )  dcs  inMinaa» 
ts'ifhing  hiu,  thciforc  to  confidcr,  that  in  Ma  nu  were  at  Icaft  tyclue  ilcrc 
pr^i^y    miracles.    Fir.%it  >j/as  made  bv  Angels,  vvhrrofit  is  called,  t/)' fc  wi  o^  ./^m  Wj.  i. 

^   ^^         Secondly,  it  was  nr^T  produced  from  thi  earth,  rorw-arer,  as  ordinaricmeatcs  t,. 

^  /x,„      are,butcamcfrom  thcjvre.     rhndlv,  hov  fiiior  flKU^ly  ibcuct  anic  man  did  3. 

h.i.c   IX  gathcrit,  in  the  end  cih  one  hjd  thefamc  mcalure  ful,  culled  a  i;omot,  and 
font  Oe    no  more  nor  idle     Fourthly,  the  (ixih  day  ( 'a/bich  was  next  before  the  Sjb-  4, 

ioLtmp.    bath,  that  which  thev  giahcred, was  found  to  be  dublc  poitions  to  otl  crdaycs, 
r.  rt^k    that  IS,  twogomorj  for  cuTii  one-    Fittiy,  tticrc  fcl  none  at  al  on  the  Sabbath  J. 

IfA  c  11    <Jj*'    Sixtiy, 'fin  the  rrftof  the  «ckcanic  part  was  left  al  !iijj,t>it  putiificd,  6. 

parlam.    and  was  corruiTin  the  morning,  bjt  rhmi'v  tbe-ore  the   Sab:->ath  day,  ii  rc- 

jnaiucdfoundund  good,   icuentl)',  nocwichuan.'ing  diucriiuc  of  Itoraakes,  f. 

Cc  iafo 

1. 1.  J, 


2IO  Ex  06  VS.  Water  o£ 

in  fo  ^reat  a  multitude,  tkc  Time  meafure  was  fufflcient and  no  more,  to  cuerie 
f.  one  young  and  old,  and  of  middle  age.  Eightly  theheatc  of  therixnnc  melted 

and  confumedthatwhich  remained  in  the  ficl'd,  though  ochetwifc  it  indufed 
heatc  of  the  fire,  Teething  in  water,  grinding  in  millcs,  and  beating  in  rhorters. 
Ninthly,  it  taftcd  to  eucrie  one,  what  they  defitcd.  Tenthly,  itfcemed  neuet- 
thelelTetothe  euiliuinded,  loarhfome  and  light  meate,  but  plcafant  to  the 
^^'  good,  Elcuently,  parcofit  was  kept  in  the  Arkcby  Gods  commandment,  and 

'*•  (R/as  not  corrupted  mmaniehundrethpeares.     Twelftly,  this  ftrange  and  cx- 

traordinarieprouifion,  continued  fourtie  ycaTcs,iha.t is,  til  the  children  oflf- 
raelcametothe  promifed  landand  then  reaCed. 
No  miracle  In       Youfeethen  fo  miraculous  a  itgurc  farre  excelled  Zuinglius,  or  Caluins 
Protcftants       commun'on  bieai4, which  cosrainerh  no  miracle  at  al,  only  hgnifying  Chrifts 
Communion,  bodic.  But,  as  our  Sauiours  ownewordcs  importe,  and  ancient  fathers  teach 
Ts,  by  Manna  was  prefigured  Chrifts  vciie  bodie  and  bloud,  with  his  Tjuic  ani 
Diuinitie  vnder  the  forme  of  bread. 
Alt!  e  faid  mi-       For  thisindeedc  infinitly  cxcelleth  Manna,  contain'ng  al  the  foresaid,  or  ri- 
'  thermuch  more  eminent  miracles.  For(f!rfl:)it  was  confccratcd  by  the  inar- 

morc  eminent  "^'^"^  P°^^^'-°^^^^'^^^*^°'''^'  *^^  "^"^r  fince  the  fime  is  done,  by  the  like 
intheB.Sacra-  po'«'crcommu«icated  to  PrieRs,  { 1 )  in  his  Church  militant,  (5)  one  and  the 
-j^j^j  veriefame,  an  J  not  maaje,  in  innumei  able  places,  and  in  eucrielcile  or  greater 

forme,  yeain  the  leaft:  particle  of  the  accidents  that  miy  be,  Chriil  is  whole 
andentirc  (4).Itgeuethabu«dinceofgracein  thislifc,  (IgniScd  by  the  day 
,^  .beforethc  Sabbath,  for  the  glorie  of  the  next  li/e  in  eternal  rcil.    (5)    where  is 

^^  no  more  vfe  of  Sacraments,  but  euerlafting  fruition  of  glorie     (6)  VVho- 

foeuertherfore  would  make  temporal  commoditie  ofthishcsucnlicfoodc,  as 
iiwere  referuing  Manna  forotherdaycs  of  the  wcke,  it  peridieth  to  him,  and 
turneih  tohisignominie,butbeingrefcrucdin  thefaithful  fbulc,  for  the  life 
7'  to  come,  which  isthe  true  Sabbath,  it  remaineth  an  hcsucnlie  trcafurc.  (7) 

Andfoicauailcthto  euerieone,as  their  foule, which  is  the  /piritual  ftomakcof 
t,  fupernaturalmcafc,islcflcormore  difpofed.  (8)  Though  heate  ofpeifecu- 

tion,a«d  otheraducrfcpowcrtake  away  this  Sacrament  and  Sacrifice,  abrodc 
„^  in  the  field  of  this  world,  yet  no  power  extinguiflieth  it  within  the  Church, 

where  itis  in  due  maaer  prepared  and  roi  nil!  red  to  the  chijdrcn  of  God.    (<?). 
where  ityclderhalcomfoir,ftrcn_gth  and  contentment  to  goodfpirituaJ  dcfi- 

10.  res,  (10)  butto  thsincredulousCapharnaitcsfcmeih  vnpoflible,  and  to  car- 

11.  nalcoEceiptsloarhfome  ( 11 )  Being  worthcly  recciucd  into  our  bo- 
dies, our  arjf.e.or  temporal  tabernacje,  it  remaineth  in  incorruptible  effld, 
wherby  thebodieihalberaifedagainc  fiom  death,  and  together  with  the  foulc 

Ji.  be  eternally  glorified.  ( i^  )  In  the  Er.eajie  time  of  this  pilagiim.tgc  ofmankmd, 

it  isourway-fatingfpccialproaifioRjdallicand  rupcrlubitantial  bread,  til  wc 
£hal  pofTellc  the  promifedUad,  the  kingdo.tne  of heauen  in  eternal  bliile. 

°  Chap.    XVIL 

The  people  murmurini^  agAttie  in  ^4phidim  for  want  of  drinck,  our  Lord 
giueth  them  Water  out  of  Arocl^^.Z,  ,^mAlech  fifhttth  liviththtm.  ^nd 
MojifeiUftin^vp  hh  bind  in ^njerf  l/rael  ouercomtih,  otlerwip^mX"^ 
lech  prcuxileth, 

TH  E  R  F  o  R  E  a1  the  multitude  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  i 
If  tting  for'^-ardiTom  the  defert  Sin,  by  their  manfions, 


thcrock.  Anialcc.  Exodvs.  iit 

according  to  the  word  of  our  Lord,  camped  in  Raphidim, 
1  >3i/herethcro''asno  water  for  the  people  to  drinke-  f  Who 
chiding  againft  Moyfes,  faid  :  Gcuc  vs  'water,  that  \rc  may 
drinke.  To  whom  Moyfes  anfwered  :  "Why  chide  you  a^ainft 
I  me  { "Wherfore  doe  you  tempt  our  Lord  ?  f  The  people  ther- 
fore  vas  thirilie  there  for  lackc  of  water,  and  murmured 
againft  Moyfes,  faying:  >J7hy  didft  thou  make  vs  goe  forth  . 
out  of /Egypt,  to  kil  vs,  and  oux  children,  and  our  beaftes 

4  with  thirll.  f  And  Moyfes  cried  to  our  Lord,  faying  :  What 
(hall  doe  to  this  people  ?  Yet  a  lirle  while,  and  they  wil  ilonc 

5  me.  t  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes :  Goe  before  the  people, 
and  take  with  thee  of  the  ancients  of  Ifrael:  and  the  rodde 
wherwirh  thou  didft  ftrike  the  liucr,  take  in  thy  hand,  and 

6  goe.  t  Behold  I  wil  Rand  there  before  thee, vpon  the  rocke 
Horeb  :and  thou  Cnalt  ftrike  the  rocke,  and  water  (hal  goe 

out  therof,  that  the  people  may  drinke.  Moyfes  did  fo  before  ::  If  this  ccroJ 

7  the  ancientcs  of  Ifrael:  f  and  he  called  the  name  of  that  monicofhol- 
place,  Temptation,  becaufe  of  the  chiding  of  the  children  of  ^'".T^f  ^'" 
Ifrael,  and  for  that  they  tempted  our  Lord^  faying:  Is  the  ofcuchim- 

8    Lord  amor^g^:  vs  or  not?  f   And  Amalec  came,  and  fought  porrance  in- 
9  againll  Ifrael  in  Raphidim  .  f  And  Moyfes  fayd  to  lofue  :  cliclaw  of  na- 

Choofeoutmenrand  goe  forth  and  fight  againft  Amalec  r  ro  ^'^^^'  ^^Y  '^°^ 

moro  w  I  wii  ftand  in  the  roppc  of  the  hil,  hauing  the  rodde  ^iZ7he  fame' 
10  of  God  in  my  hand .  f  lofue  did  as  Moyfes  had  ipoken,  and  and  the  Id^*^* 

he  fought  again  ft  Amalec:  but  Moyfes  and  Aaron  and  Hur  i"  tiie  Catho- 
H   went  vp  vpon  the  toppc  of  the  hil.   f  And  when  Moyfes  l^"eChurcii9 

lifted  vp  his  hands,  Ifrael  oucrcamc:  but  :••  if  he  did  leEtc  rjrslmo^u^'" 
n  themdowncahttle,  Amalec  oucrcame.  f  And  the  handcs  bftm^^l^pL 

of  Moyfes  were  heauie:  therforc  they  tooke  a  ftone ,  and '''^w^'^blefFcd 

putte  vnder  him,  wherupon  he  fate:  and  Aaron  and  Hur  ^^^  «^»f'ciplcs. 

ftaied  vp  his  handes  on  both  fides.  Anditcametopafte  that  .^'^'(^^'.J'^^l'^^^*" 
J3  his  handes  were  not  wearic  vniil  funne  fette.  f  And  lofue  tcachcth  (;».4. 

put  Amalec  to  flight,  &  his  people  by  the  edge  of  the  fword.  ^-ii-  oxthox.) 
14  t  And  our  Lord  laid  to  Moyfes:  Write  this  for  a  monument  ^^^^.^his  cx- 

in  a  booke,  &  dcliuer  it  ro  the  earcs  of  lofue:  for  I  wil  deftroy  h^^"'^°"  °l^* 
1;  thememoricof  Amalec  from  vnder  heauen.  f  And  Moyfes  aurerthe*^   * 

builded  an  Altar:  and  called  the  name  therof.   Our  Lord  Crolle  of 
iC  my  exaltation,  faying:    f    Becaufe  the  hand  of  our  Lords  ^^"^- And 

throne,  and  the  warreof  our  Lord  ftal  be  acainft  AmalecT'^'^/lP''' 

ixom  generation  vnto  generation.  {^^^^      * 

Cc  i  Chap, 

It  I  ExoDVS.  lethroa 

Chap.     XVIIL 

Jethro  Mnyfts  father  in  law  hringrth  to  htm  his  "^^ife  anJchtUrens^  8.  ^nd 
heartnr  the  oreat  t  orkes  of  God.  12.  offereth  Sacrifice.  13  and  Imfely 
admfed  Mojfesto  appoint  pthordin*tt  oJJ'ietn  to  ind^eUfe  (aufes,  refer* 
uing  the  greater  to  htm  felfe, 

..Cof>#»inHe«     A    ^°  when  letbro  the  "  pricft  of  Madian,  the  allied  of  i 
brcsv  (i^nifi      jt\.  Moylcs,  had  heard  al  the  thingcs,  ttiac  God  had  done  to 
eth  P»'"<  or    J^tyfes,  and  to  Ilracl  his  people,  and  tliat  our  Lord  had 
^'ffi'^cJntht    t>roughr  forth  Ifraei  our  ot"  Agypt:  t  he  tooke  Scphora  t 
faw  of  nuure  the  Nsife  of  Moyfes  v(  horn  he  had  fent  bacbe  :  t  and  her  j 
were  ofrci»      tvro  (onnes ,  of  vfhich  one  "vas  called  GtiDm,  his  father 
joyneJin  onc  fayina :  I  hane  bene  a  ftranger  in  a  torrtn  countrie.  f  And  4 
pcrloa,  the  other  Ehczer:  for  the  God  of  my  father  ,  quoth  he  ,  is 

my  h' Iper  ,  and  hach  deliuered  nic  from  Pharaoes  fyrord. 
f  lerhro  therfore  the  allied  of  Moyfes  came  and  his  fbnnes,*| 
and  his  Nvife  to  Moyfes  into  the  deftrt-NSf  here  he  vras  can-sped 
bclide  the  mountayne  of  God     f  And   he  fcnt  word  to  (> 
Moyfes,  faying:  I  lethro  thy  allied  come  to  ciee,  and  thy 
"srifc,  rnJ  thy  two  children  with  her.  f  ^ho  going  forrh  7 
to  mere  his  alhed, adored,  and  killed  h-m  :  and  thty  (alutrd 
on  an  other  with  wordes  of  peace.  And  when  he  was  cntred 
into  the  tcnr,  f  Moyfes  fold  his  aUied  al  thinges  that  oar  S 
Lord  h:^d  done  to  Pharao,  and  the  i€gvprians  for  Ifraei :  and 
the  whole  triuailc  which  had.  chanced   to   them  in  the 
iourney,  and  that  our  Lord  had  deliuered  them_,.   f  A«d   ^ 
lethro  reioyced for  al  the  good  thinges,  that  our  Lordhad 
done  to  Ifrael ,  becaufc  he  had  deliuered  them  out  of  the 
haades  of  the  /Egyprians ,  f  and  he  faid  :   Blellcd  is  the  lO 
Lord  ,  that  harh  deliuered   yt^u  our  of  the  hand  of  the 
itgvptians  ,  and  our  of  the  hand   of  Pharao  ,   that  hith 
dchuered  his  people  our  of  the  hand  of  y£gvpt.    f   Now  11 
doe  I  know,  that  the  Lord  is  grc:-:  aboue  al  goddes:  for 
hccaufe  they  dealt  proude'y  agamft  them,    f  lethro  ther»  1% 
fore  the  allied  of  Moyfes  ottered  holocauftes  and  hoftes  to 
God :  and  Aaron  and  al  the  ancicntes  of  Ifrael  came,  to  eatc 
bread  with  him  before  God.  f  And  the  next  dav  Moyfes  fate  15 
to  iudge  the  people,  who  ftoodc  by  Moyfes  from  niorninrr 


Icthro  ExoDvs.  215 

14  vntil  nighr.  f  "Whiv,h  thing  when  his  allied  had  fecnc,  ra 
>yirte,al  thinges  that  he  did  in  the  people,  he  faid  :  What  is 
this  that  thou  docftin  the  people  J  Why  htrcfl:  thou  alone, 
Ij  and  al  the  people  attendcth  from  inoimng  vntil  right?  f  To 
whom  Moyies  an(wered :  The  people  cometh  to  me  (ceking 
l^,  the  fentcnceof  God.  f   And  when  aniecontrouerfic  chan- 
ccth  among  them,   they  come  vnro  me  to  iudge  betwcne. 
them,  and  to  fhew  the  preccptes  oF  God  ,  and  his  lawts. 
1718J-  But  he  (aid:  Thoudocrt  not  wcl:  -f  thou  art  tyred  with 
fooli  h  labour,  both  thou,  and  this  people  that  is  with  thee, 
thebulinesis  aboue  thy  ftrengrh,  thou  alone  canft  not  fu- 
i()  fteyne  it.  f  But  ••  hearc  my  wordes  and  counfcils,  and  God  .;  ManifcJ.! 
ilial  be  with  ^hec    Be  thou  to  the  pfople  in  rhote  tlJngcs  wifdomc, 
that  pertainc  to  God,  to  report  their  wordes  vnto  him:  whoofDanic! 
10  t  ^"<i  ^o  ihew  to  the   people  the  ceremonies  and  rice  of  f^°^^y  '    )i„ 
worihipping,  and  the  w.^y  wherin  they  ought  to  waike,  and  cliiiliian«'cn- 
21  the  worke  that  they  oui^ht  to  doe.  f  And  prouide  out  of  ti!s,  was  hcic 
al  the  people  men  that  are  wife,  an  J  doc  feare  God,  in  whom  prefigured  in 
there  is  truth,  and  that  doe  hate  auarice,  and  anpointe  of   ^L'^°^,^^"J' 
them  tribunes,  and  centurions,  and  quinquagenarians,  and  Moyks Wil- 
li deanes  ,  f  which  may  iudge  the  people  at  al  tymcs  :   and  lingly  yelixi. 
what  great  matter  (beucr  mal  fal  out,  let  them  rcferrc  it  to  o^-ej*.  tnhun9 

thee  and  let  them  iudge  the  leflc  matters  only  :  and  fo  it  may  ["'/'"',,    - 
,,.,  ru^iLjL-  •  J  Morally  Su- 

be  lignter    tor  thee,  the   burden  being   imparted  vnto  o-  peuorsaread- 

23  thers.  f  If  thou  doeft  this,  thou  iV-alt  Fulfil  the  command-  monifhed  by 
menrof  God,  and  tVialt  beable  tobearc  his  preccptes:  andal  Moylcs  ex 

24  this  people  ihal  returnc  to  their  places  with  peace,  j  which  amp'crolernc 
thinges  ^s-hcn  Moy(es  heard  ••  he  did  al  thinges  that  he  had  ^  ^^  which^is 

ij    (uggellcd  vnto  him.  f  And  choofing  fubftantial  menouc  o'  g.jod.'S.Chry- 
al  Ilrael,  he  appointed  them  princes  of  the  people,  tribunes,  lortora. 

16  and  centurions,  and  quinquasenarians,  and  deanes.  +  Who  Z''"'"'*'^  '"'i"^* 
•     111  1  ijL/  r  l)eiifioinbH$, 
ludi^ed  the  people  ar  al  time  :  and  vthatloeuer  was  or  greater      ' 

difticultie  they  referred  to  him,  themfclues  ludging  t'  e  caficr 

17  cafes  only,   t   And  he  difmiired  his  allied:  who  returijing 
went  into  his  countrie. 

Chap.    XIX. 

Iferetomrunt  sina'\rvtth  commemoration  of  their  dcliuerie  from  J£,^jfp(> 
the  penpfeare  commanded  to  be  fkn,^iJie(L  \6.  and  fo  our  Lvrd  tomtnf 
in  thnnden  and  U^btnut^i  J^eakfth  i^ttb  Moyfa, 

Cc  3  IiJ 

114  ExoDVS.  Mount  Sinai. 

IN  the  third  moneth  of  thedepature  of  Ifrael  out  of  the  t 
Lani  ofi€gvpr/'this  day  they  came  into  :•  the  wilder- 
(v/hich  was         ^1    ^  Sinai,  t  For  deparring  out  of  Raphidim,  and  co-  i 
then-  II  man-  i       ,    /  c  c-     ■>  j   •        u     r  i 

lion)  iliey       ming  to  the delcrr ot  Sinai,  tney  camped  m  the  lame  place, 

camethc  47.   and  there  Ifrael  pitched  their  tentes  ouer  againft  the  moun- 
day  after  they  fai„e^  -|-  AndMoyfes  went  vp  to  God:  and  our  Lord  called  f 
^n"?^    a"\    ^^^"^  ^"^^'^^  ^^^^  mountaine,  and  (aid  :  "  This  t"halt  thou  fay  to- 
th^th'ira  day    ^^^^  houfe  of  lacob  ,  and  Ihalt  tel  the  children  of  Ifrael  : 
folowTgw'aich  f  Your  fclues  haiiefcne  what  I  haue  done  to  the  i£gypti-   4 
was  the  fo,      aj-jg,  how  I  haue  carried  you  vpon  the  winges  of  eagles,  and 
thelawv/.is     i^^^iQ  taken  you  vnto  me.  f  If  therfore  you  wil  heare  my  j 
nuHintSinay.  voice,  and  keepe  my  couenant,  you  fliai  be  ••  my  peculiar  of 
s.  nierom.  E-    alpeoplcs :  for  al  the  earth  is  myne  .    f  And  you  thai  be  vnto  6 
fiji  i.adTcihio-  Yn't  '•'•  a  priertlie  kingdome,  and  ••  ahohe  nation  :thcfe  are 
'"'"•   ,         .jthewordcs  that  thou  fhalt  fpeake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael. 

•:  God  would  ,     ,.       r  j        n  l  i  •  r    ^ 

lane  their  fleet    Moyles  came:  and  eailmg  together  the  nations  ot  the  7 
confcnt,  els  it  people,  he  declared  al  the  wordes  which  our  Lord  had  conv- 
wcic  not  a      manded  him.  f  And  al  the  people  anfwered  together'- Al    S 
petfcdcouc-  thinges  that  our  Lord  hath  fpoken,  we  wil  doe.  And  when. 
"^"^  Vrx<;X    Moyfcs  had  reported  the  peoples  wordes  to  our  Lord,  f  our  5? 
r:Inthiscoue-  Lord faid to  him  :  Now  prefently  will  come  to  thee  in  the 
nantGodpro- (iarkeneireof  acloudc,  that  the  people  may  heare  me  fpea- 
mikth  parti-    king  to  thee,  and  may  beleue  thee  for  eucr.  Moyfcs  therfore 

^     L'°r'^'      "  told  the  peoples  wordes  to  our  Lord,  t  Who  faid  to  him:  10 
Pneithemn-  rr  ,rnci  .  1 

aion,  wherby  Goe  to  the  people,  and  landtine  them  to  day,  and  to  morow, 
they  might     and  let  them  waih  their  garmenres.    f   And  let  them  be  11 
better  Icriie     readie  againft  the  third  day:  for  in  the  third  d.iythe  Lord  wil 

him;  an   c  -    ^Jef^-^J-lJin  fhe  liQ;ht  of  al  the  people  vpon  the  mount  Sinai. 
fcdual  grace     _^    .      .    ,         „    f  i       .r        ,.r    .  .  , 

andfanauie.   t  And  thou  ihalt  appoynt  certame  limitcs  to  the  people  12 
::  The  people  in  circuite,  and  ilialc  (ay  to  thcni :  Beware  ye  afcend  not  into 
promife  loyal-  i\-^q  mount,  and  that  you  touch  not  the  endes  therof :  eiierie 
"^5°^^°''!^"    one  that  toucheth  the  mount,  dying  shal  dye.  f  Handes  shal  i} 
command"-     "^t  touch  him,  but  he  shal  be  ftoned  to  death,  or  shal  be 
ments.  shot  through  with  arrowcs  :  whether  it  be  bcaft,  or  man,  it 

::  So  AnsTfls  &  shal  not  Hue.  "When  the  trumpet  shal  beginne  to  found,  then 
Samdsoflcr    let  them  afcend  into  the  mount,  f  And  Moyfcs  came  downe  14 
^'thcrc^o^od      ffo^  the  mount"  to  the  people,  and  fandified  them.  And 
wotkcs  to       when  they  had  washed  their  garments,  f  he  faid  to  them:   if 
God, though    Be  readie  againft  the  third  day,  and  come  not  necre  your 
he  know  al     -v^iue-j,  -j-  And  now  the  third  day  was  come,  and  the  mor-  1$ 
LqF  '^^^^  iiing appeared: and  behold  thunders  deganne  to  be  heard. 

Mounc  Sinai.  Exodvs.  zi^ 

andlightenings  to  flash,  anda  vcrie  thicke  cioudc  to  coucr 
the  mount,  and  the  noyfe  of  the  trumpet  founded  excce- 

ty  dingly:  and  the  people,  that  was  in  the  campc,  feared,  f  And 
whenMoyfes  had  brought  them  forth  to  mete  vrirh  God 
from  the  place  of  thecampe,  they  floode  at  thebotome  of 

18  the  mount,  t  And  al  the  m.ount  Sinai  fmoked:  for  becaufe 
our  Lord  was  defcended  vpon  it  in  f)  re,  and  the  fmoke  arofe  - 
from  it  as  out  ofafornace:  and  al  the  mount  was  terrible. 

I5>  t  And  the  found  of  the  trumpet  grew  lowder  by  lirle  and 
litle,  and  was drawen  out  a  length:  Moyfes  fpakc,and  God 

to  anfweredhim.  f  And  our  Lord  defcended  vpon  the  mount 
Sinai  in  the  very  roppe  of  the  mount,  and  he  called  Moyfes 

ii  into  the  toppe  therof.  NVhirher  when  he  was  afcendcd,  f  he 
'faid  vnto  him;  Goe  downe,  and  charge  the  people:  left  per- 
haps they  wil  palfe  their  limittesto  lee  the  Lord,  anda  very 

2Z  great  multitude  of  them  perish .  -f  The  prieftcs  alfo  that 
come  to  the  Lord,  let  them  be  fandified,  left  he  ftrike  them, 

23  t  And  Moyfes faid  to  our  Lord:  The  comon people  an  not  ::Thc  pcopTe 
afccnd  into  the  mount  Sinai  :  for  thou  didft  charge,  and  and  al  inferior 
command,  faying:  Putlimitres  about  the  mount,  and  fan-  '^'^^  alfo, 

44  difieit.  f  To  whom  our  Lord  faid:  Goc,  gctte  thee  downe  their  hmiics 
and  thou  shait  come  vp,  &z  Aaron  with  thee:  but  -  the  priefts  and  to  Icmc 
and  the  people  let  them  not  palTc  the  limittes,  nor  afcend  to  Gods  w-i]  of 

2;  the  Lord,  left  pcrhappes  he  kil  them,  t  And  Moyfes  went  ^hcirfupcrior? 
downe  to  the  people,  and  told  themaL 

Chap.    XIX. 

I.     This  day.'j  Thcfirfl-day  of  thethirdmoncth  the  children  of  Ifracl  came 
into  thcdefertof  Sinai. So  countingitf.dayesremaining  of  the  firil  moncth 
when  they  parted  from  ^crypt,  al  the  fecondmoneth  ofjc.djycs,  thisfirfT 
day  ofthc  third  moncth,  and  three  daycs  more,  in  whidi  they  wcic  fanaifieJ  Agrcrmcntot 
by  vafhrng  and  other  cereiTicnies  (  V.  re]  theLawasgeuen  the  fiftcth  day,  °      and  nev/ 
in  figure  of  the  Lawof  Chrift,promuIgatedon  vhitfunday,thefrlrcth  day  after  ^y^^^^^^t^*' 
our  Redemption.  Wherby  vcfccmeruilouscorrefpondeucc  of  diuine  My- 
ftcrics,inthe  oldandnev/Tcftament.  S.  ^ugufim  Lpifi.  up.  c,  j6. 
„~~ — _ . —  The  third  part 

Chap.    XX.  ofthubooke: 


Moy'}$  rtctiueth  the  Drcolo^ue  or  tenne  ccmmAn.^menti  e/  Gody  for  al  the  Diuine  Lawcs: 

veaple.  23.  -Voith  repetition  that  they  shal not  mKke  falf'-  aoddes,  nor  rrnke  ^'^off-'  •  Ccrc- 
'     r         ^,         r  1  1  7/1  ;         /  .  mo:iKJ:andIu 

^Lturei  bHt  oj  eartb,  or  vnbejvedfloffej  and  without  Jtt^^j>es,  dicul. 



ii6  ExoDTs.  The  Law 

Nd  our  Lord  fpike  al  thefe  wordes:  f  I  am  the  Lord  i  i. 
thv  God,  which  brought  thee  forth  out  of  the  Land  of 
itgvpf ,  out  of  the  houle  of  (eruitude.   f  Thou  shalr  not  5 
haue  "  ftrange  goddes  before  me.  f  Thou  shah  nor  make  to  4 
;;Tn  Hebrew    thee  "  a  -  j^rauen  thing,  nor  any  fimihrude  that  isinheauen 
».^;',inGrckc  aboue,  dvTthatis  in  the  earth  beneth,  neither  of  thofe  thinges 
«;/«Ao»,  ^^     that  are  in  the  waters  vnder  the  earth,  f  Thou  shalr  not  adore  ; 
L..I  >  jc^ipnle,  jj^^jT^  j^Qj.  ferue  them:  I  am  the  Lord  thy  God  miohtic,  ielous, 
^..uHcnilxar-     ••viliringtheiniquitic  or  the  tathcrs  vpon  rhe  children,  vpon 
T:   This  com-  the  third  and  hjuxth  gcncrdtionof  them  that  hare  me;  \  and  G 
mil. anon  jad  cooing  mcicie  vpon  thoufandes  to  them  that  Knic  me,  and 
j,romi(carinc_  ]^^^■.^^  „^y  preccptf  s    f  Thou  shalt  not  take  the  name  of  the  7 

i;cJ  to  the  hilt    r        'j     ,      >,     J   ■  •  .  IT  T  1  111.  •• 

tonm.ini-       Lord  thy  Gud  in  vainc.  ror  the  Lord  wilnot  hold  him  irno- 
iiientpeitey-    cent  lYiiK  shai  rake  the  name  of  the  Lord  his  God  va-nly. 
licthto  eucrie  -j-  R.  member  ihat  thou  la). d:;fie  rhe  fabbarh  day.  t  Six  day<s  8f 
u;)e  *'Y"<=       shilf  thou  vrorke,  and  'halt  doe  al  chy  "ot'orkes.  f  Buton  the  10 
Jp.rcarcch.     ^'  uf  nth  day  is  the  labharh  of  rhe  Lord  thy  God  :  thou  <halt 
h^-i  y%5-    doe- o  N»orkemir,  thou,  and  thy  (onnc,  and  thy  daught-r, 
ihv  man  feruant,and  thy  woman  feruanr,  thy  beaft,  and  thV 
itrangcrthatis  xfith  in  thy  gates,  f  For  fixd^yf-s  the  Lord  li 
madeheauenindearrh,  andrhefea.and  drhmgesthat  are  in 
inrhrm.  and  rci>ed  in  the  fcuenrh  day,  rht-rfore  the  Lord 
The  Ipiftle     bleffcd  rhe  fabbathday,  and  fandiified  it.  j-  Honour  thy  fa-  li 
«n  ucnefiisy    rher  and  ihy  mother,   that  rhou  mayt  be  longliude  vpon 

i""  't' '  n  enr  '^^  ^^^^^'  ^^"=^  f^^  ^-^^"^  t^y  God  wiJ  reue  thee,  t  Thou  15 
wtiiws[    ,     ,  J  _,,        .  ^  c  '  ' 

snait  not  murder,  f  Tno-J  s   alt  nor  commitre  aduoutne.    14 
♦j-  Thou  sha'r  not  ^eale .  f  Thou  j.hdt  nor  fpeakc  againft  ip^ 
thy  neighbour  iallc  leftimonir.  f  Thou 'halt  nor  court  thy   17 
neigbours  houfc  ••  neither  shalr  thou  defire  his  wife,  nor  fer- 
mnr.norhandmaide,  noroxe,  nora(Te,norany  hingthat  is 
his.  t  And  al  rhe  people  faw  the  voices  aocUhe  flnnes,  and  iS 
the  (ound  of  the  tn.imper  ,  anl  the  mount  (moking  :  and 
b:-ing  flighted  and  itrokcn  with  feare  rhey   ftoode  a  farrc 
of,  -f-  (aving  to  Moyies  :  Speike  thou  to  vs,  and  wc  wil  19 
he: -re:  let  nor  our  Lord  fpeake  to  vs,  Ic'l  perhappes  we  die. 
t  And   Moyfes  U\d  to  the  people  •   Feare  not:    for  God  z« 
<;amcto  proue  you,  and  that  his  t  rrour  might  be  in  yon, 
and  you  should  nor  finne.  f  And  the  people"  (foode  a  farre  zi 
©F    Bur  Moyff-s  wcnr  ynto  the  darkc  cloud  >9?herein   God 
^as.  t  0;ir  lord, /a!d  mor^oucr to  Moyfes:  This  ilialr  rhou  it 
%  to  ch;  chiiircQ  of  KraeJ  :  You  haue  fscne  ihat  ^r<  .m. 

Ceremonies.  Exodts.  iij 

1%  heauen  I  hanefpoken  to  you.  t  You  fhal  not  make  goddes 

24  of  filucr,  nor  goddes  of  gold  ihal  you  make  to  you.  f  An  "J"^^*  anJo-; 
Altar  ••  of  earth  you  ^d\  make  to  mc,  and  you  ilial  oftcr  l^i"""^^®" 
vpon  it  vour  holocaftcs  and  pacifiques,  your  llicepc  and  oxen  areXtcrmi" 
in  eucrie  place  where  the  memorie  of  my  name  ihal  be:  I  natc]awcs,for 

25  Vfil  come  to  thee,  and  wil  blelle  thcc.  t  And  if  thou  make  obleruing  the 
an  Altar  of  ftone  vnto  me,  thou  (haltnot  build  it  of  hewed  ^f'^j^'^^^'JJ^"" 
ftones  :  for  if  thou  hft  vp  thy  knife  ouer  it,  it  shal  be  polluted,  ^^^j^  pertai- 

16  t  Thou  shalt  not  goe  vp  by  griefes  vnco  myne  Altar,  left  mngtoGod. 
thy  turpitude  be  dilcouered. 

Chap.    XX. 

5.  stTAngixoJdes^  Protcftants  pretend  here  to  proue,  that  al  Catkoliqucs  arc  Proteftants 
Idolaters,  for  honoring  Saindes,  and  their  Rcliques  andlmagcs.  And  they  charge  al  Ca- 
haue  fo  defamed  Cntholiqne  Religionin  this  behalfc,  that  the  vulgar  forte  tholiqucsto 
ofdeceiued  people,  othcrwife  knowing  Catholiquesto  be  ordinarily  of  mo-  be  Idolaters. 
derate  conuerfation  in  life,  of  iuft  dealing  rowardes  their  neighboures,  ad- 
dided  to  praver,  fafting ,  almes,  and  manie  good  woorkcs,  more  wanting  Theyabufc 
among  them  feluesryctYuppolIng  them,  notwitftanding  thefc  laudable  qua-  jl^gir  folo vcr8 
laies,  to  be  Idolaters,- are  therl^y  auerted  from  Catholique  Religion.  And 
furely  itwercaiaftcaufe,  if  it  were  true.  As  wel  therfoie  to  purge  out  felues 
of  fo  haynous  an  Imputed  crime,  as  to  rcmoue  this  dangerous  block  oferro- 
n:ousconceipt,  we  flial  here  note  fomc  of  the  Proteftants  egregious  lies, 
againfl:  the  whole  Church  militant,  and  blafphemous  reprochcs  againft  the 
the  glorious  Sain£tes  :then  briefly  declare  the  true  and  fmcere  dodrinc,  and  YhcTbcIicthc 
praclife  of  the  Catholike  Church  in  this  point.  Luther  in  his  poi^il  vpon  the  rhu'rchmili- 
GofpelofourLordes  Incarnation,  fayth:  Taptjljt  riygmrm  yuriam  Deum  cerfli- 
tuunt:  Omnipettntiam eiin caIo ,  &in  terra tribuunt.  The  Papifts  (faith  he  )  make 
the  Virgin  Marie  God  :  they  attribute  to  her  omnipotcncie  in  heauen  and  in 
earth.  In  Papiftrie  al  expeded  more  fauour  and  grace  from  her,  then  from 
Chrifthimfelf.  His  fcholar  Melandon  (m  locis  con:winiib)  ponilling  the  firft 
Precept,  faith  :  Papiftesinuocate  Saindes,  and  worniip  Images  in  lieathniQi 
maner.Caluin  (U.  dfnecrff.refor  Eccief.)  faith  :  thofe  of  the  Emperours  religion 
(  meaning alCathoiiques)  fo  diuide  Godsoffiices  among  Snindcs,  that  they 
ioync  them  to  the  Soueraigne  God,  as  coilcgues ;  in  which  multitude  God 
licch  hidden  .  Againft  the  moft  glorious  virgin  mother  the  f^me   Luther 
[fer. ith  yi*x-  ^^'*'-.)  feared  not  to  fay,  that  he  cftcmcd  no  more  of  the  Blafphcinethe. 
prayer  of  J  XUrir ,  then  of  anieonc  of  the  people.  And  his  reafon  is  worfc  ..minphant. 
then  his  wicked  aflertion,  for  that,  faith  he,  al  that  bclcuc  in  Chrifl:  are  as 
inft,  and  as  holie  as  therirgin  Marie,  or  anic  other  Sain£t  how  great  focucr. 
TheMagdeburgian  Ccnrurutors  (li.  i-Cent.  i. )  aflirmc  thatthe  virgin  Marie 
finnedgreuouflv,  vea  compare  herimacined  faultes  with  the  fmneof  Euc  in 
paradiie.  f  H.  1. )  They  char. :cS.  Peter  and  S  Paul  (aUo  after  their  conuerflor.s) 
with  diucrs  great  crimes.  Caluin  (li.3.Inlt.  c  1.  parag.31.)  conclcaincth  Sara 

Dd  and 

v^il  condemne 

thcfc  blafphe- 




pradilc  con- 

uirice  thclt 


The  true  Ca- 

tholique  do- 



to  ciccllencie 

Three  kindes 
of  cxccUcncic 

ihrcc  kindes 

dcnic  anic  ho- 
to  Sainftj. 
Their  obie- 

Example  of 

Second  an- 

2,18  EXODVS. 

andRebeccaof  greatfinBes(c.4  )  rcprehendcthludasMaclisBfus  for  Tupcr- 
ftitious,  and  prepoftcious  zcalejn  caufing  Sacrifice  to  be  ofFered  Tor  ihe  dead. 
In  hiscom;Ticncaric  (ui5i.Exod' )  he  accufeth  moft  hol'e  and  mekc  Moyfce 
of  arrogincic  jnd  pnde  And(K  5  Inftitc  )  hefcuruely  fcnfFech  at 
alSain^ftesin  genera!,  faying.  If  they  heare  morral  mens  prayers,  they  muft 
haue  cares (b  loner,  as  frona  lieaucn  to  earth  And  calleth  them  not  only  homi. 
nts  mortHos,  de.xi^men^  (v/hich  S.  Hierom  reproucd  in  VigiLintius )  bur  aifo 
yMhras,Uru.iSj  colUiuier'i :  sliiidovy s^  m^ht  r-shltns^  fimcl m;r  fdih  yetmore,  [11  de 
yera  refor.  f.cchf  nt  )  hr  C-illerh  them  y^'lonji-ra^  carirtfces,  heHias,  monfl-rrs,  hungmm, 
fcM/?«.  Thcfc  and  like  blafphemies  modcRmen  can  not  but  abhore  and  deteft. 
Their  lies  alfo  are  conuincedbyS  Hicrorri,  handlinrr  this  matter  of  purpofe 
againft  Vigtiantius,  by  S- Auguilin  touching  it  by  occafion  [luio.c  zi.jagainft 
Faufiusth'e  Manachey,  Thomas  VValdenfis  {ro.  j.  tn.  13  ie  S-td-amentalthus) 
againft  widif  by  al  Catcchifmesand  Chriftian  Infl:ru£lions,  teaching  nothing 
like,  but  quite  contrarie  to  thcfe  mens  reportes.  In  fumme  they  al  teach,  that 
Saindes  are  to  be  honored  wii'hrclrgio us  honour,  which  is  greater  tKenciuil, 
butinfinitly  inferiour  to  diuinc,  as  the  excellencic  of  God  furmounteth  al 
cxccllencjc  created. 

For  better  declaration  v/hcrof,  it  is  to  be  confulered,  thatfeingby  the  law 
of  Cod  and  nature,  honour  is  due  to  exccUencie,  there  muft  be  fo  manie  di- 
ftinctkinJes  of  honour,  ar  there  be  general  kindes  of  excellencic,  whicliarc 
three  Thefirf^cf  God,infinite,  and  Incomparably  abouc  ai:  tfie  fecond  is  fu- 
pcrnaturalbutcreatod,  asof  graccand  glorie;the  third  is  humane  ornaruial, 
confifi-incr in  natural  giftes, or  vt'orldliepowre  anddignitie,  al  three  as  diflin(5t 
as  God,  hcauen,and"earth.To  thefc  three  general  kindes  of  excellencic  pcr- 
tcinc  therfo re  other  three  as  diftinit  kindes  of  honour;  to  wit,  Diuinc  due  to 
God  only,  calledby  vfe  and  appropriation  of  a  greekc  \»'orid  £<i/«d:  the  fecond 
CicZ/rf,  belongin<T  to  Sainftes,  and  other  holie  things,  elcuatedby  God  aboue 
thecourfc  of  nature,  in  diucrs  degrees,  bur  within  the  ranck  of  creatures  j. 
the  third  is  ciui!  honour,  due  to  humane  and  worldlie  excellencic,  according 
to  diucrs  ftates  and  qualities  of  men.  The  111 11  of  thefe  which  is  diuinc,  may 
in  no  cafe  be  <.:;eucn  to  anic  creature,  how  excellent  foener.  The  third  whicb- 
isciuil,  as  both  CathoUques  and  ProtcfVanis  hold  for  cetraine:ris  not  competent 
noragreabletoSainCtesj  but  to  mortal  woridlic  men  in  rcfpcd  of  temporal 
excellencic.  Al  thecontroucrfie  therfcre  is  about  the  fecond.  Which  Caluin 
(U.  i.lnjlit.c.  i\.&  7x.  }andalproteftant  writers  denic&reied:,  and  fo  would  - 
haue  no  honour  at  al  geuen  to  Sainftcs.Obieiflingasold  herctikes  did,  that 
Catholiques  do  al  che  fame  external  aftcs,  as  ftandlngbare  head,  bowing, 
kneeling, praying,and  the  like  to  Saincl:es,as  to  God  himiclf  VVe  anfwer,taaf 
the  diftin£l:i5  of  honour  C(5fiftcth  not  alvaycs  in  the  external  afliion, but  in  the 
intention  of  the  mind.  For  when  we  do  fuch  external  ailes  of  honour  to  God,, 
wc  intend  thcrby  to  honour  the  Creator  and  Lord  of  al,  and  fo  it  is  diuinc 
honour,  but  doing  the  fame  external  ades  to  a  Saint,  we  conceiuc  of  him,  as 
aglonousferuantof  God,2ni  fo  we  honour  him  asa  fandified  and  glorified, 
cfearure,  Gods  fubiefi  and  fcruant.  Without  th^sdiueifitie  of  intentions  in 
your  mintd,  you  can  not  (hew  dilFcrcnce,  bctwcn  the  honouryoudo  to  God, 
and  that  you  do  to  the  King,  by  bowing,  knecline,  and  the  like.  Foritisihc 
fame  external  action  :  vet  no  Chriftian  ijoabtcth  but  he  honoreth  God  with 
diume  honour,  &  rhc  Ki-g  with  ciud.  Agamc  wc  anfwcr,  that  we  do  not  al  the 
cxtcrn.nladionsof  honour  to  Saindcs,  which  we  doe  to  God.  For  Sacrifice  i$ 
donuconly  to  God,  and  to  no  Saindi  and  bccaufe  Alurespcrtcinc  to  Sacrifice, 


ExoDV'S.  119 

diey  afe  erc<5l^cd  to  God  only,  t'nough  ofrcntimcsin  memorie  of  Ssmifls. 

Both  whichanfwcrsS.Auguftingauc  long  fince,  to  Fauilus  the  Manschic,  S,  Auguftin  _ 
arguing  that  Caiholiqucs  by  doing   the  fiTmc  external  adcs  ,    worfliipped   declarcth  thii, 
Martjisv/ithdiuinc  honour,  and  fo  turned  ihtm  into  Idols,  ns  that  hcretikc  dodrin  :  and 
//.  10.      inferred.  VVhcrupon  S.  Auguftin  declateth,  that  Chriftian  people  cclebratt  gcucth  both 
c.  zi.    ,,  togcthcrthe  memories  of  Martyrs  with  /^  W*^'-,^,„j/o/fWj«j/;f, to  fcyrvp  imitation,  tlieiormeran- 
3>  toljc  partakers  of  their  mentes,  and  to  be  holpcn  by  their  prayers.  Yet  fo  that  fwers. 
j5  w'ccretanot  Altares  (becaufe  they  are  for  Sacrifice)  to  anic  Martyr,  though  in  Three  caufcs 
j>  mcmorieof  Maityrs,  but  to  God  of  Martyrs.  For  who  euer  ItandinT  at  the'  of  celebrating 
,5  Altar,  in  places  of  Salndes  bodies,  faidc  ;  We  olfer  to  thee  Peter,  orr.iul,or  Sain^Vsmcmo 
J)  Cyprian,  butthat  vhich  isoftcrcd,is  offered  to  God,  who  crowned  th-  Mar-  jj^^^ 
>>  tyrs,  ac  their  memoiies,  whom  he  crowned,  that  by  coinmonirion  of  the  very 
>>  places,  greater  alfcft'.on  may  arife,  to  inkmdle  chantu,  both  towards  them, 
j>  whom  we  may  imiraic,  and  towards  bim,  by  vt  hole  helpe  we  may    VVe  ho- 
>.  nourMartyrs  withrhatworfiiip  ofloue  andfocietiCjWhcrwith  holie  men  arc 
»y  worihlppcd  in  this  life.  VVhofc  hart  wc  percciue  is  prepared  to  like  fulferancc 
5>  for  the  Euangehcalveririe:  bur  Martyis  more  dcuoutly,  by  how  much  more 
3)  fecuriy,  afterai  vnccrtaincicsareoacrcome,  and  with  how  much  more  confi- 
j>  dent  praifc,wc  preach  them  now  \-idi:ours  in  a  more  happie  life,  then  others  •    •    i     • 

}>  yet  fighting  in  this.  But  with  that  worChippe,  which  in  grekc  is  called  L^mj,  Latria  is  ho- 
„  a  eruuepropifly  due  to  G(^d,wl\ichmLzan  can  not  be  ci'preii'ed  by  one  word,   nourptoper 
>>  we  neither  worlhip,  nor  teach  to  be  worfhippcd  but  one  God.  And  for  (b  to  God. 
jj  much  as  offering  of  Sacrifice  perteincth  to  this  worfhippc   (  wherof  they  Sacrifice  only 
J.  are  called  Idolaters  ,  that  offer  facnfice  to  ai-ne  Idols  )    we  by   no   meanes  to  God. 
»)  offer  anie  fuch  thing,  nor  teach  to  be  offered,    either  to  anie  Martyr,  or 
blttTedfoule,  or  hoUe  Angel. Thus  farreS.Auguftin  The  fame  tcachethXheo- 
jj  dovcx  {U.S.  ad crecos  ]  Our  Lord  hath  depriucd  falfe  goddes  of  the  honour, 
t,  rhcy  hadin  Temples,  andinplace  of  them  caufcd  his  Martyrs  to  be  honored  : 
3)  yet  not  in  the  fame  maner,  for  we  neither  bring  hoflcs,  nor  libamcnts  to 
J)  Martyrs,  but  honour  them,  as  holie  men,  and  mort  dc.ire  freinds  of  God   It 
would  be  to  long  to  cite  maaie  ancieat  Fathers,  tclUfying  and  teaching  that 
Sainifts  are  to  be  honoicd. 

More  compendioufly  we  wil  take  our  aducrfaries  confcftion,  the  Mag- 
deburoianCenturiators.  Who  {  prcf.Cn:.  6.)  holding  that  the  Church  w:.s  ^  ''*^!.^^.^"" 
only  pure  from  idolatriethcfirft  hundred  ycares  of  Chri>,  and  that  it  begane  confcllcthat 
CO  faiieinthe  fccond  and  third  age,  more  in  the  fourth  and  fifth  ,  and  was  the  ancieat 
vtterly  pcrilhec'ia  the  fixth,  impute  the  caufe  of  het  ruine,  that  the  very  chiefe  "thers  bono- 
j>  mcntaughtandpraaifcdthehonourofSain£ls  Firtt  ofal(fay  they  )  thclc  hot-  ^"^^    ?"     A   , 
>>  rible and" pernicious  darknes,  as  ccrtainc  black  cioudes  coucring  the  whole  ^"  "        * 

>>  firmament,  rofevp  in  the  vercairemblieofteachcr<;.  For  that  partly  the  very  "'l"^**. 
3)  Doctors  of  the  Church,  partly  other  fuperfticious  men,  augmented  ceremo- 
>3  nies  and  humane  worfhippes  in  the  Temples.  For  facred  houfes  began  to  be  "  Manna  was 
}}  builtinal  pLccs,  withgrcatcofle,  altogether  in  heathnlfh  maner:  not  prin- putinagoldea 
>)  cipallv  to  the  end,  Gods  word  might  tliere  be  taught ,  but  that  lome  honour  vcllcl .  Ilcb.  $. 
i>  might  beeihibited  ro  theRcliquesof  Sainds,  and  that  fool. Hi  people  might 
33  thereworlfiip  dead  men.   And  how  p'cafant  eloqucntis  that  Grcgone,  called  Howfaucie 
3)  the  great,  how  fcruent,  when,  as  from  h:$  three  footed  ftoole,  he  pleached  the  are  hcretikes 
,,  maner cfconfecratingthcfehoufcs?   And  a  litlc  after.  By  this  occafion  dead  to  fcoffc  atfo 
3,  creatures,  and  blocdlcs  half  wnrmeatcn  bones  began  to  be  honored,  inuo    renovs-med  a 
s,  catcd,  and  worfnipped  with  diuiaehonour    Al  which  r/>fDo(f/ori  0'  the  chu  d,  Dotlor  1 
^  not  only  winckcd  ar,  but  iiCo  Jet  for yyard.  Thus  the  reader  fccth,  notwuh- 

D  A  t  (landing 

no  ExoDvs.  Iiidicial 

(landing  tlicir  lies,  fcoffcs,  and  blarphemics,  Proteftants  do  confclTe,  rliat  the 
Church  and  her  chiefcpillers,ftraightafter  the  firft  hundr.d  yeares  of  ChriO, 
fiue  hundred  next  folovino;,  honored  Sainds  and  their  Rchques  Neither 
wante  thercautcnticalexampIcsofhoIieScripturcs,  whcrby  the  fame  is  pro- 
ued.  jls.Ocit.ji  ^8.Lxt/(li.j.ii.nt^i!>.±i.lofuej.j.lleg.i^.  4.  [^e^.  1.  PJahn.  58. 
and  els  ■vfihere. 
Proteftants  4-     *A  gruuen  thinj>;  ]   Here  rhe  fame  falfifiers  of  ChriRian  doftiin,  do  not 

hauecorrup-  only  pcruert  thefenfe  of  holie  Scripture,  wreiiiwg  rhatagainlHiriages,  which 
tedthctextin  is  fpokcnagainft  Idols,  butah'b  iTiamfulIy  corrupt  the  text,  by  tranflating  ^m- 
alihcirEn-  «<■»/«;<« ;r, neither folowing  the  Hebrew,  Greke,  nor  Latin.  For  the  Hebrew 
<Tlilh  Bibles.  word  ,/?<■/(/,  is  the  verie  (ame  thitJculptiUin  Latin,  that  is  a  '^rauenor  carued  thing. 
*  The  Grekc  hath  tji'aXov,  <?»  tdol.  So  al  Proteftants  Englilh  Bibles  arefalfc. 

In  the  meane  time  til  they  correal  their  bookes,  they  may  plcafe  to  re- 
member, thajt  God  (hoitly  alter  this  (fixod.n  .)  commanded  to  make  Images 
Goacomman-  of  Angels,  tovf  it  Cherubins.  Likevifca  brafcn  leipcrat  (TvfKw.  21.]  Alfooxcn 
ded  to  make     and  Lions  (5.  li-g.  6.07.)  NeitheratcPuritareslo  prccife,  but  that  rhey  en- 
Imagcs.  graue,  caiuc,  print,  paint,  caft,  low,  embrother,  jnd  otheiwife  make,  and 

kepe  Images,  purtiadcs,  and  pidures  of  men,  and  ether  things.  As  forwor- 
fhipping  of  iacred  Images  the  fecond  concel  of  Nice  {.Jcl.  4.)  The  conccl  of 
Chrlft  and  Trent  (/f/J  15.)  S.  Gregoiie  the  great  ( /<.7.f/'.  j.  c^  55  )  S.Damafccnin  diucrs 
Sainds  arc  whole  bookes,  andmanie  others,  and  al  Catholique  Catechifmcs  andChri- 
honored  in  ftian  Inl>ru(fHons  teach,  that  the  honour  is  not  done  to  the  Image  for  it  lelf, 
their  Images,    but  at  the  prcfence  ofthe  Image,  to  Chrif^,  or  Saind,  whole  Image  it  is. 

Another  controuerfie  Caluin  here  maketh,  that  from  thefe  wordeSjV/pcj* 

shaltnot  w,i%,  bcginnetb  the  fecond  precept,  fo  counting  foure  precepts  in 

the  firfl  table,  and  fix  in  the  fecond.  Butbcing  no  matter  offaith,  how  thejr 

Thcfirft  table  arediuided,  foal  the  wordes,  and  the  number  of  tenne  coramandemens  be 

contamcth        acknowledged  (foi  holie  Sciipturecalleth  chem  tenne,  Exo  54.  v.  28.  Deut.4, 

three  precepts  v.ij.&io.v.  4  )  we  wil  not  contend  : but  only  as  mote reafonablc  we folovw 

the  fecond        the  common  maner  of  diuiding  the  firf\  tabic  into  three  precepts,  diredling  vs 

leuen.  to  God,  the  fecond  intofcuen,  belonging  to  our  neighbour,  approuedfor  the 

better  by  S.  AuguAiH  («j  71  inExodum  )  ;ind  generally  lecemed  of  al  Catho- 

Thc  firftcan      liques  ;  grounded  vpon  this  reafon,  amon  j  others,  bccaufe  to  make  or  hauea 

potwelbc  di-  pi^ure,  or  fimilirude  of  anie  creature,  to  the  end  to  adore  it  as  God,  were  in 

uided.  dedeto  haue  aflrangcGod,  which  is  forbid  in  the  firll  wordes.  and  fo  al  that 

folovK'eth  to  the  comination  and  promife,  forbiddeth  falfe  goddes,  and  ap« 

Theninthand  P^^'''^''^  ^°^^^"'^""e  precept  in  fulftance.  But  thedcfireand  internal  confent 

tenth  areas        toarlulcrie,  and  to  thcift,  diiTer  altogether  as  much,  as  the  external  adcs  of 

diftidl    as  the  ^^'^  ^^™^  fmncsj  and  therfore  fcing  adultiie  and  theift  arc  forbidden  to  be 

fixth  andfe-      comitted^by  two  diflin6l;piecepts,  the  prohibition  ofthe  internal  dcfirCjWitU 

•ucnch.  mental  confent  to  the  fame,  doth  alfo  require  two  precepts. 

Chap.      XXI. 

ludictdl  precfpts  eonrernir^  hondmtn  avj  hondwemen.  \i.  Minflmrhttr 
And  (Inking:  {iflin^  aridcur//n^  of  parents.  23.  rhe  UfV  of  lik^  ff^tine 
jar  a  hurt,  28.  of  an  oxe  finking  yvnh  ha  home. 



EXODVS.  22.1 

H  E  s  E  are  the  ■'  iudgcmcnts xshich  thou  shale  propcfe  -  ludicial 

^tochein.  t  1^  thou  bye  an  Hebrew  feruanr,  iix  yeares  I    " 
111/'        1  •       L     r  Li        11  L  llrudtin  paiti- ' 

shal  he  lerue  tnce  :  in  the  leucnm  he  snal  goe  out  rrec^gratis.  ^^i^j.  j,^^^,  ^^ 

5  t  With  vrhatraymentheentied  in,  with  the  hkclcthimgo  kcpcthecom- 

out:  if  hauing  a  wife,  his  w/fe  aKoshal  goeout\?i:h  him.  mandmencsof 

4  f  But  if  his  lord  geue  himawifcjand  she  bcarefonnes  ftcT"  uj  5  ^*' 

dauirhrers  :  the  woman  and  her  childitn  shal be  her  iordcs  .••:,.,'  ,^    "" 
o  nii.^io  our 

5  but  himlelfe  shal  goe  out  with  his  rayment.  f  And  if  the  ndiihbomcs. 
feruant  fay:  I  loue  my  lord  and  wile  &^  children,  1  wil  not 

6  goe  out  free:  "f  his  lord  shal  prefent  him  to  -  the  goddcs,  ."The  ludges 
and  he  shal  be  lette  to  the  dore  and  thepoftes,  andheshal  ^"t^'Oiizedb/ 
bore  his  eare  through  with  an  awle  :  and  he  shal  be  his  bond-     °  ' 

7  man  for  euer.  "f  If  any  luan  fel  his  daug;hter  to  be  a  (eruanr, 
she  shal  not  goe  out,  as  bondweman  are  wonttogoeour. 

8  -j-  If  she  midikethc  eyes  of-  her  maifter  to  whom  she  was 
deliuered,  heshaldilmilTe  her  :  but  he  shal  not  haue  autho* 

J)  ride  tofcl  her  vnto  aftrange  people,if  he  defpifeher.  f  But 
if  he  defpoufe  herto  his  fonne,  he  shal  doe  to  her  after  the 

10  maner  of  daughters  .  f  And  if  he  take  an  other  wife  for 
him,  he  shal  prouide  her  a  mariage,  and  rayment,  and  the 

11  price  of  her  chaftitie  he  shal  not  denie  .  ■{"  If  he  doe  not 
thefe  three  rliinges,  she  shal  goe  out  gratis  without  monie. 

11  I  He  that  ftrikethaman  wilfully  to  kil  him,  dying  let  him 
15  die.  f  But  he  that  did  not  lye  in  waite  for  him ,  but  God 

dchuered  him  into  his  handes :  1  wil  appoint  thee  a  place 
14  whereunto  he  ought  to  flee,  f   If  a  man  of  fette  purpofe 

kil  his  neighbour,  and  by  lyiwg  in  waire  for  him:  thou  shalt 
ij-  pliicke  him  out  from  mine  Altare,  that  he  may  die.  f  He  that 

16  frnkethhisfarher  or  mother,  dying  let  him  die.  t  He  that 
shal  ftcaleaman,  and  fel  him,  being  conuifted  of  the  tref- 

17  palfe ,  dying  let  him  die.  f  He  that  curfeth  his  father,  or 

18  mother,  dymg  let  him  die.  f  If  menfalat  wordes,  and  the 
oneftrike  his  neighbour  with  aftone  or  with  his  fill,  and 

15)  he  die  not,  but  lye  in  hisbeddc:  f  if  herife,and  walkeabrode 
vponhis  ftafc,  he  thatdid  ftrikeshalbe  quirte,  yet  fo  that  he 
makcreftitution  for  his  worke,  and  for  his  expenfes  vpon 

10  the  phificians.  f  He  that  ftnkerh  his  manor  mayde  feruant 
witharodde,  and  thty  die  in  his  handes,  he  shal  be  guilcieof 

XI  the  crime,  f  But  if  the  partie  remayne  aliueaday  or  two, 
he  shal  not  be  (ubied  to  punishment,  becaufe  it  is  his  money. 

11  t  if  ccrtainc  fal  ac  wordes,  and  one  fttike  a  woman  with 

D    3  chila 

:.2,2,  ExoDvs.  ludicial 

child,  and  sheindeedeaborte,  bur  her  felFc  liue  :  heshalbe 
fubic (51"  ro  fo  much  damage  as  the  womans  hulband  shal  re- 
quire, and  as  u-bi;crsshai  ax^'ard.  t  But  if  her  death  doe  en-  i; 
fue  thereupon,  he  shal  render  life  for  life,   f   eye  for  eye,  24 
tooth  For  tooth,  hand  for  hand,  foote  for  foote,  f  aduftion  ij 
for  adultion,  wound  for  wound,  Itripe  for  ftripe.  |Ifanyraan  16 
ftrikethe  eye  of  his  manferuant  or  maidferuanr,  and  lejue 
them  but  one  eye,  he  shai  make  them  free  for  the  eye  which 
lie  put  out.  f  Aiio  if  he  llrike  out  a  tooth  of  his  manferuant  ly 
or  maydfcruant  heshalinhke  maner  make  them  free,  f  if  2.8 
an  oxc  with  his  hornc  flrike  a  man  or  a  woman,  and  they  die, 
he  shal  be  (toned :  and  his  Hesh  shaj  not  be  eaten,  the  owner 
alfo  of  the  oxe  shal  bcquittc.  f  But  if  the  oxe  were  w.ont  icf 
to  ftrike  from  yefterday  and  the  day  before,  and  they  warned    • 
his  maifter,  neither  did  he  shutte  him  vp,  and  he  kil  a  man  or 
a  woman:  both  the  oxe  shal  be  ftoned,  and  they  shal  put  to 
death  his  owner  alfo.  f  And  if  they  fettea  price  vpon  him,  50 
heshalgeuefor  hishfe  whatfoeuer  heisasked.  f  Alfo  if  with  31 
his  home  he  ftrike  a  fonne,  or  a  daughter,  he  shal  be  fubiedt , 
tothelikefentence.  f  If  heinuade  abondman  or  bondwo-  5a 
man,  he  shal  geue  thirtie  ficles  of  filuer  ro  their  maifter, 
but  the  oxe  shal  be  ftoned.  f  If  a  man  openacefterne,  and  35 
<iiggeone,and  doenotcouerit,  anoxeor  an  alfe  fal  into  it, 
•f  theownerof  the  cefterne  shal  pay  the  price  of  the  beaftes:  34 
and  that  which  aied,  shal  be  his  owne.  f  If  one  mans  oxe  3; 
gore  an  other  mans  oxe,  and  he  die:  they  shal  fel  the  oxe  that 
hueth ,  and  shal  diuide  the  price ,   and  the  carcade  of  that 
which?dicd  they  ^hal  parte  bctwen  them,  f  But  if  lie  knew  36 
that  his  oxc  was  wont  to  ftrike  from  yefterday  and  the  day 
before,  and  his  maifter  did  not  kcepe  him  in  :  he  shal  render 
pxv  for  oxc,  and  sliai  take  the  c^^rcalFe  whoico 

CjjAP.     XXII. 

The  pttniihrncnt  ef  theift,  ^.  dtid  other  trffpajses,y.  if  Athinrcontm'ttied 
to  CHslodtf:  or  lent  doth  perish,  16.  ef  de/IoWi'ingA  yirfiri,  18.  of  tnchan-' 
tm(r,bej}ultt'teyand  idoUtrie,  21.  of  hurttna^  /]ranj^cys,l'Vtiiovves,and 
orphams.  ly  The  law  of  lending  ~\'Vuhoiit  l/funst  iG.  of  til{ir?cplsad^e, 
i.$'  oj  rta.'renccto  fit^eriorsjandoj  pA^inrtitbes* 


ExoDvs.  225 

TF  anymrn  (Vealeanoxeora  Cheepc,  and  kil  or  fel  ir:  he 
A.  iF>alrei;ore  ••  fiue  oxcnior  one  oxe,  and  '•'■  fourc  sheepe  -  VVhere 
for  one  l>.eepe.  f  If  the  theefe  be  found  breaking  vp  the  f'"^^.^"!'',^ 
houfc  or  vnd^  rmining  ir,  and  taking  a  >»'Ound  die  :  rhe  (triker  pmuih^n'.',.*^  js 
shalnot  begiiilneof  bloud.  f  Bucif  he  doc  this  when  the  niflia,d  ac- 
funneisrifen,  he  hath  comirtcd  niandaughtcr,  and  himleif  coidmgrothc 
shal  dit^.   iFhe  haue  not  VfherNvith  to  make  reftitution  '^"o^™^^^^  *^^ 
forthetheFr,h!inrclFeshalberoid.  f  Iftl^at  ^hich  he  itolc,  '^'  ^''^•"^'  ^' 

uethe  pro- 

be found  with  him,  ahue ,  either  oxe,  or  aifc,  or  sheepe.  portion  oniie 

5  heshalreflore  dnble.  t  Ifanie  man  hurt  a  field  or  a  vineyard,  xmunt.Theo-- 
andlet  e;ochis  beaft  to  fcedevpon  that  which  is  other  mens;  (^oret.q.  jo.  in 
thcbcirof  whatfoeuerhe  hath  in  his  owne  field,  or  in  his  fyf;-^^^\^/* 
vmeyard,heshal  reftore  according  to  the  eltimation  or  the  ^hat  raketh 

6  damage,  f  If  fire  breaking  forth  light  vpon  the  thornes,  and  hom  the 
catch  ftackes  of  corne,  or  corne  (landing  in  the  fieldes,  he  Church aday- 

7  shal  render  the  damage  that  kindled  the  fire,   f    If  a  man  ^'^  Jf^??//"^ 
committe  money,  or  veirdvnto  his  frend  to  keepe,  and  they  j^^^j^  mote  ' 
be  ftolen  away  from  him,  that  receaued  them:  if  the  theefe  aieuoudvand 

8  be  found,  he  shal  rcftore  duble  :   f   if  the  theefe  be  not  dd'crueth 
knosren,  the  mailler  of  the  houfe  shal  be  brought  to  -  the  ^^orc  punifli- 
Codde«:,  and  shal  fweare  rhat  he  did  not  extend  his  hand  vpon  ™^"'^'  ^"ca  he 

9  hi?  neighbours  good,  t  to  doe  any  fraud,  as  wcl  in  oxe  as  in  priuate  maa 
afife,  and  sheepe  and  raymenr ,  and  wharfoeucr'may  bring  of  chrifis 
damage  Mhecaufe  of  both  parties  shal  come  to  the  goddes  i  flock.  b^uLi- 
and  if  they  geue  iudgement ,  he  shal  reflore  dubic  to  his  ""^' 

10  neighbour,  t  If  ^  rnan  committe  alFc,  oxe,  sheepe ,  or  any  i"  j"  "'j^^  "  ' 
bealtjto  his  neigbourscuItodie,andit  die,  or  be  hurt,orbe  their  eminent 

11  taken  of  enemies,  and  no  man  faw  :  t  there  shal  bean  oath  authoritie. 
berwcn  them,  that  he  did  not  put  Forth  his  hand  ro  his  neigh-  r.^o.-j.y.i., 
hours  good:  and  the  owner  shal  admitte  the  eath,  and  he 

IX  shal  not  be  compelled  to  make  rellitution.   f    Bur  if  it  were 
taken  away  by  (lelth,he  sbali  cftore  the  damage  to  the  owner, 

15  f  If  it  were  eaten  of  a  beaft,  let  him  bring  vnto  him  that 
14  which  wasflaine,  and  he  shal  not  make  reftitution .  •{•  He 

that  asketh  of  his  neighbour  to  borow  any  of  thcfe  thin^es, 

and  it  be  hurt  or  dead  the  owner  being  not  prefcnt,  he  shal 

ij  be  compelled  to  make  rcfHrution .  •\  But  if  the  owner  be 

prefent,  he  shal  not  make  reltitution,  efpecially  if  it  were 

16  hired  and  came  for  the  hire  of  the  fame.,  f  If  a  man  feduce 
a  virgin  being noi  yet  defpouFed,  and  he  with  her:  he  shal 

37  endowe  her^  and  hauc  her  to  yrii^,  t  If  the  virgins  father 

'       vil 

214  ExoDvs.  ludicial 

vil  not  gcue  her,  he  fhnl  geue  money  according  to  the  maner 
of  the  dowrie,  which  virgins  are  Vf'ont  to  receaue.   f  In-  18 
chanters  thou  {halt  not  fuffer  to  line,  f  He  that  Hcth  "with  a  19 
brute  beaftj  dying  let  him  die.  f  He  that  facrificeth  to  goddcs,  20 
fhalbeputtodcathjbutto  theLordonly.  f  Thou  shalt  not  n 
::Thela>sr  of  molefta  fl:ranger,nor  afflid  him  :  "  for  your  felues alfo  were 
nature  requi-   ftrangcrs  in  the  Land  of  vEgypt .  f  A  vidowandanorphane  22 
leth  ro  do  to  you  shal  not  hurt,  t  If  you  hurt  them,  they  wilcric  out  to  ix 
others  as  \3/c      '  ,  ,      -i  1  i     •         •        ^         i  r  .1     1       1       • 

wou'ci  thsy      me,  and  I  wil  heare  their  cne:  f  and  my  lune  Ihal  take  m-  24 

{liouUldo  to    dignation,  and  I  wil  ftrike  you  with  the  fword,  and  your 
vs.  For  which  ^jucs  shal  be  widowcs,  and  your  children  orphanes.  t  ^^  ^S 
ciu(e  ipehdes  rJ^ou  lend  money  to  my  people  being  poore,  thardwelleth 
others    God         .,,  l'li^^i  ^  ^  rv 

fu Iter ed  his      With  thee,  thou  shalc  not  vrge  them  as  an  exaccour,  nojT  op- 

peoplctobe  prelfe  them  with  vfuiics.  f  If  thou  take  of  thy  neighbour  i6 

ftrangcrsin  agarment  in  pledge,  thou  shalt  geue  it  him  againe  before 

■^?>PV"  funne  fette.  t  For  that  fame  is  the  onlicthingr,  wherwith  he  27 

compailion  ^^  couered,  the  clothing  ot  his  bodie,  neither  hath  he  otner 

covcardso-  to  fleepein  :  if  he  ••  crie  to  me,  I  wil  heare  him,  becaufe  I  am 

therein  like  merciful,  t  Thou  shalt  not  detiad  from  ••  thcgoddes,  and*  28 

cafe,  K^abanus. 
::  Oppreirion 

he  prince  of  thy  people  thou  shalt  not  curfe.  f  Thy  tithes  29 
of^thrpooi'e    and  thy  firftfruites  thou  shalt  not  flacke  to  pay,  the  firft- 
criith  to  God  borneof  thy  fonnes  thou  shalt  geiic  me.  f  Of  thy  oxen  alfo  &  30 
forrcuenjjc.     sheepe  thoushalt  doeinlikemaner:feucn  daycs  ietit  be  with 
;:Pnefts called  j|^£j^nij^^_^  tl^egjg}^j-^^ytl^0^^s[^^lf^^j^jpj.jjj.Qj^^g^  ^  Holic   31 

t'hclr  facrc^      ^^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^  ^^  ^°  ^^^ '  ^^^'-  ^^^^^  '•'^^'-  '^^''^^^s  haue  tafted  . 

funCtloa .  See  of  before,  you  shal  not  cate,  but  shal  call  it  to  the  doggcs. 

pag.  171 . — _ ^ . 

Chap.  XXIII. 

Litives  ire  (tb^iointrd  to  Iml^fs^  ( the  enemies  oxe,  ordfe  to  hefmed)  8.  nAmt' 
ly  not  to  take  hrihes.  10.  7 he  ffuenth  yedrc,  and  day  al  mitfi  refl.  14. 
Three  principal  feufres  mnp  le  fol(mm\ed  euerie  yeare  20.  Condti&:ion 
and  proteclionof  an  ySj^elis  promt  fed.  24.  the  people  is  a^ane  commanded 
to  dcflroy  idols.  29.  T^^Fhy  their  enemies  shdhe  dejiroyed  by  Ittle  and  litle. 

TH  o  V  shalt  not  admitte  a  lying  voice  :   neither  shalt  i 
thou  ioync  thy  hand  ro  fay  falfe  teftimonie  for  a  wicked 
perfon.  f  Thou  shalt  not  folow  the  multitude  to  doe  euil :   2 
:-  Al  venues    "hither  shalt  thou  in  iudgemcnt,  argrec  to  the  fentcnce  of 
being  fouded  thc  mod  part,  to  ftray  from  the  truth,  t  The  ".  poore  man  3 


'.om  in 

Im'CS,  EXODYS.  215: 

4    alfo  thou  (Tialt  not  pitic  in  iudocmcnt.  f  If  rfioumecte  tl;y  iniufrjcc^ccafe 

enemics  oxe,  or  aOe  going  allray  ,  Dnng  it  backc  to  mm.  ^^^^^    ^^^^^^ 
J  I  If  thou  lee  the  affeof  him  rhathareth  thee  lye  vnderneth  luiticcisnoc 

his  burden,  thou  floalt  not  palle  by,  but  shalt  lift  him  vp  \rith  hm  obieructl. 
C  the  fame,  t  Thou  shalt  not  dcchnc  the  poore  mans  ludgc-  ^'-  ^'*'""" 
7  mcnt.   t  A  lye  thou  shalt  auoide.  The  innocent  and  iuft  j/jp^'^.^'' 

perfon  thou  shal  not  put  to  death:  becaufe  I  abhorre  the 

S  impious  man.  -j-  Neidicr  ibalt  thou  take  bribes,  which  doe 

5»  bhnd  alfo  the  wife,  and  perucrt  the  -(srordes  6f  the  iuft.  f  The 

ftrangerthou  ihalt  not  moleft.  for  you  knovs^  the  harttsof 

ftrangers  :  bccaufc  your  telucs  alio  were  Grangers  in  the  Land 

ID  of /Egypt,  t  Six  ycares  thou  shalt  low  thy  ground, and  {hJt 

II  gather  tne  cornetherof  f  But  the  feucnih  yeare  thou  shait 

let  It  alone, and  make  it  to  reft,  that  the  poore  of  thy  people 

may  eate,  and  xrharfoeucr  shal  be  leift,  let  the  beaftes  of  the 

field  eate  it  ^  fo  Cn alt  thou  doe  in  thy  vineyard  and  thy  ohuere* 

12   -f  Six  dayes  thou  shnk  worke:  the  feucnthday  thou  shalt 

ceafe,  that  thy  oxe  may  reft  and  thine  alfe  :  and  the  fonnc  of 

^13  thy  hand.-naidemay  be  refr-eshed,  and  the  ftranger.  f  Kepc 

al  tiiingcs  that  I  haue  faid  to  you.  And  by  the  name  of  foren      j  ^^  a^'u^' 
goddes  you  shal  not  fweare, neither  shalit  be  heard  out  of  j^^j^j  ^j^^  ^^j^^ 
14  your  mouth,  f  Three  times  eucric  yeare  you  shal  celebrate  bathj&fonic 
ij  feaftes  to  mc-^.   -f  Thou  shalt  kccpe  '•  the  folemnitic  of  others. 

Azvraes  .   Seucn  dayes  shalt  thou  eate  azymes ,  as  I  com-  ••Pai'^n'"r"«;- 

,,,  I-  ri  ir  moneof  rhcir 

manded  tncc,  in  the  time  of-  the  moneth  or  new  corne_^,  dcliuericftom 

Nvhenthoudidft  come  forth  out  of  ^gvpt:  thou  ihalr  not  7£gypt. 

16  appcarc  in  my  Gnhz  emprie.  f   And  the  folemnitie  of  the 

harueft  ••  of  the  rirft  fruitesof  thy  vrorke,  vharlocuerthoii  .•.•Pcntecofl-^ 
didftfow  in  the  field.  Tie  folemnitic  alfo  in  theendoF  the  '^■^en  they 
yeare,  ••  when  thou  haft  gathered  al  thy  corne  out  of  the  Law'"'    ^^^ 

17  field,  -f  Thiifeayeare  shal  al  thy  male  fexe  appenre  befoie  .-; Tabernacle* 

18  the  Lord  thy  God    f  Thou  shah  not  facrificc  the  bloud  of  inmtmorie  of 
mv  vidtimc  vponleuirn,  neither  shal  the  fatre  of  myfolem-  (jodsprotc- 

?p  nitie  rcmaine  vntil  the  mornine.  t  The  firft  fruircs  of  the  ^  '^""  *^"^,"^ 
corne  or  thv  ground  thou  shalt  came  into  the  houlc  of  the  delete. 
Lord  thy  God,  Thou  si-^alt  nor  boylea  kiddc  in  the  rt  ilkc  of 

20  his  damme  .  f  Behold  1  wil  fend  myne  Angfl, -^hich  shal 
goe  before  thee,  and  keepc  thee  in  thy  iourncy,  and  brin^^ 

gi  thee  into  the  place  that  I  haue  prep  ircd-  f  Obleruehim,  and 
heare  his  voice,  neither  doe  rhou  rhinke  him  one  to  be  con- 
U'moea  :for  hcvpilnotforgcuc  vthcn  thou  iiaft  finned,  and 

£e  my 

ti^  ExoDVS.  ludicial  laves, 

my  name  is  in  liim.  t  But  if  thou  wilt  heare  his  voice,  and  22 
doe  al  that  I  fpeake,  I  wil  be  enemie  to  thyne  enemies,  6^ 
wilaftlid  them  that afflid  thee,  f  And  myne  Angel  llialgoe  ly 
before  thee,  and  (hal  bring  thee  in  vnto  the  Amorrheite,  and 
Hetheite,  and  Pherezeite ,  and  Chananeite,  and  Heucitc, 
and  lebuzeite,  whom  I  wildeftroy.  f  Thou  flialt  not  adore  14 
their  goddes,  nor  leruc  them.  Thou  shait  not  doe  their 
workes,  but  shait  deftroy  them,  and  breake  their  ftatues. 
f  And  you  shal'fetue  the  Lord  your  God,  that  I  may  blelFe  2/ 
your  bread  6^  waters,  and  may  take  away  infirmitie  from 
themiddesofthee.  -f  There  shalnot  he  a  fruitleilenor  bar-  r6 
ren  bodie  in  thy  land:   I  wii  fil  the  number  of  thy  dayts. 
t  I  wil  fend  my  terrour  to  runne  before  thee,  and  wil  kil  27 
al  people  ,  to  whom  thou  shalr  enter  :   and  wil  turne  the 
backes  of  al  thyne  enemies  before  thee :  f  lending  forth  28 
hornets  before,  that  shal  chafe  away  the  Herueite,  and  Cha-, 
naneite,  and  Hetheite,  before  thou  enter,  f  I  wil  not  call  29 
them  out  from  thy  faceinoneyeare  :  left  the  land  be  brought^ 
into  a  wildernelle,  and  beaftes  encreafc  againft  thee,  f  By  3« 
litle  and  litle  I  wil  expel  them  from  thy  fight,  til  thou  be 
increafed,and  doft  polTelfe  the  Land,  f  And  I  wil  fette  thy  ;i 
boundes  from  the  Redde  fea  vnto  thefeaof  the  Paleftines, 
and  from  the  defert vnto  the  riuer:  Iwildeliuer  the  inhabi- 
tantes  of  the  Land  in  your  handes  ,  and  wil  caft  them  out 
■'  idXW      ^^^"^  ^^""^  ^^^^^-  t  Thou  shait  -  not  enter  league  with  them,  32 
bidden  to  '     nor  with  their  goddes.  t  Let  them  not  dwel  in  thy  land,  left  55 
Godspeople.    perhapes  they  make  thee  to  finnc  againft  me,  if  thou  ferue 
their  goddes:  which  vndoubtedly  wil  be  afcandalto  thee. 

Chap.    XXIIH. 

Mojifei  with  others  are  commanded  to  dfcend,  he  t9  the  Lordy  thereflafam 
of  ^.  They  offer  Sacrifice.  %.  Moyfeifprlnckleth  the  blotid  of  the  Tefiament 
Ifpontbepeofle.  ij.  Then  afcendtngto  the  moitntaine^  Cod  (ouertth  i$ 
With  A  fine  cloude. 

TO   Moyfcs  alfohc  faid:  Goevp  totheLordjthou,  and  i 
Aaron,  Nadab  and  Abiu,  and  feuentic  Ancicntes  of 
Ifrael,  ani  you  shal  adore  a  farre  of.   f  And  Moyfes  onlie  t 
shalifcend  to  the  Lord,  and  they  shal  not  approach  :  neither 
shal  the  people  afcend  with  him,  •\  Moyfes  therfore  came  | 


Ceremonies.  Exodvs.  iij 

and  told  the  people  al  the>rordes  ofoiir  Lord,  and  the  iudge-  '^^'^  "^^l^j 
merrtes :  and  al  the  people  anf\rcred  \rith  one  voice :  Al  rhe  brcuSt  the 
"vrordes  of  our  Lord,  which  he  hach  fpoken  we  wil  doe_/ .  Ilracaccsfrom 

4  ■\  And  Moyfes  wrote  al  the  v-'ordes  of  our  Lord;  and  rifing  in  bondage,  and 
themorninghe  •'•  buiidedan  Altar  at  the  foote  of  the  mount,  iccemcd  the 

y  Sr  twelue  titles  according  the  tweluc  tribes  of  Ifrael  f  And  hTbluuu  Al. 
he  fent  young  men  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  they  offered  j^j-  f^^  saca- 
holocauftes ,  and  facrificed  pacifique  vidimes  toour  Lord,  lice  .lb  Chrift 

6  calues.  f  Moyfes  therforctookethc  halfepartof  the  bloud,  hauingredc- 
and  put  it  into  bowles  :  and  the  refidue  he  powred  vpon  the  "^^  ^^  >  ^"'^ 

7  Altar .  f  And  talcing  the  volume  of-  the  coucnant,  he  reade  j^^.  apphcauo 
the  people  hearing  it:  Who  faid:  Al  thinges  that  our  Lord  of  the  fruid 

5  hath  fpoken,  we  wil  doe,  and  we  wil  be  obedient,  f  And  thcrot  Altarci 
he  tooke  the  bloud,  and  •'•  fprinkledit  vpon  the  people,  and  f^cj  fi'^^^'^ 
faid;  "  This  is  the  bloud  ot  the  Couenant  which  our  Lord  j^j_ 

5  hath  made  with  you  vpon  al  thefe  wordes .   f  And  there  ::  This  wa» 
went  vp  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  Nadab  and  Abiu,  and  feuentic  donne  corpo- 

10  of  the  ancientcs  of  Ifrael :  f  and  they  faw  the  God  of  Ifrael :  ^^^^^7^^^^  '^c 
and  vnder  his  feetc  as  it  were  a  worke  of  fapphirftone,  and  as  j^^  chriftians  i 

11  the  heauen,whenit  is  clere.  f  Neither  did  he  fet  his  hand  cbrins  blou<J 
vpon  thofe  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  that  retired  farre  of,  applied  by  Sa- 

iz  and  they  fav  God,  and  did  care,  and  drinke.  f  And  our  Lord  cnriccand  ia- 
faid  to  Moyfes:  Come  vp  ro  me  into  the  mount,  and  be  there  :  ^"|j™t^"h5*^' 
and  I  wil  geue  thee  tables  of  flone,  and  the  law,  and  the  ioulcs.  Hib.9, 
commandemenres  which  I  hauc  written./ :  that  thou  maift 

15  teach  them,  f  Moyfes  rofe  vp,  and  his  miniftcr  lofue:  and  The  lefTon  in 

14  Moyfes  afccnding  into  the  mount  of  God,  +  faid  ro  the  Maile  on  Im. 
Ancientes  :  Expe<5t  here  til  we  returne  to  you  ,  you  haue  berwenelday 
Aaron  and  Hur  with  you:  If  aniequeftionshalrife,  you  shal  ^**   ^^^' 

15  referre  it  to  them .  f  And  when  Moyfes  was  afcendcd ,  a 

16  cloud  couercd  the  mount^^,  f  and  the  glorie  of  our  Lord 
dwelt  vpon  Sinai,  couering  it  with  a  cloud  fix  dayes,  and  the 
feuenth  day  he  called  him  out  of  the  middes  of  the  darke- 

17  neffe.  t  And  the  forme  of  the  glorie  of  our  Lord,  was  as  it 
were  fire  burning  vpon  the  roppc  of  the  mount,  in  the  fight 

18  of  the  children  of  Ifrael.  f  And  Moyfes  entring  into  the 
middes  of  the cloude,afcended  into  the  mount:  and  he  was 
there  fourtie  dayes,  and  iourtic  nightes. 

£  c  1  Anno* 

2^8  ExoDVSi  Ceremonies-' 

Chap.    XXIIII. 

e  pi.    Thii  is  the  hlottd  of  the  couenant.]  Our  Saulour  in  the  inftitur'on  of  tftc 

^u  ^a'^lt      J   Euchaiill-,  by  vfing  the  lame  v/ordes,  applying  thcni  to  lum  fclfe,  rhii  is  rny  ^^  ..    . 
Chrifts  bio.d   ^;;^^^^  J.e.y'^T^flament  ,  figmfieth  thar  he  Fulfilled  thi.  fic«ic  atfeislaft  ^''"* '^• 
in  the  B.  Sa»      f-^ppgr.  Which  proueth  both  a  Sacrifice  of  b!oud  then  offered  by  him,  as 
crament.       ^    ^^^^  \i\on.\  of  the  old  Tcftamcnt  was  alrtad)  Ihcd,  when  Moyfcs  pronounced 
thofe  vv'ordcs  ;  and  rhe  real  prefence  of  ChriOs  bloud.  For  els,  if  it  were  but 
wine  ,ic  were  not  better  in  fubftance  then  the  figure,  which  w^as  leal  bloud.  I.e.  ^.inLemt. 

Chap.     XXV. 

OaUtions  of  firfl  ffui^ei  ^  dtid  freest  ft  e$  for  making  the  Tdhernade,  npid 
tbinz^i  fertcynin^thtr-oio.  The ^rck-  I7«  TU  Prepitiatorig,  and'Che- 
ruhims.i^.  y€talf!e,arJ  tbrron  the  Loaues  efpro^ojition.^i.^  CAtidleftc.!(^_ 
37. 4nd  feuen  Umptiy  '^ith  jnuffers  of  gold,. 


N  D  our  Lord  fpake  ro  Moyfes,  faying :  •\  Spcake  to  i  2 

the  children  of  Ifuacl,  that  thry  take  fir  ft  fruites  for  me 

of  euerie  man  that  ofFcreth  of  his  c^^nc  accord,  you  shal  take 

them  .  f  And  thcfe  are  the  thinges  xfhich  you  muft  take  :  5- 

^•AstlieTrra-   -  Gold,  and  iilucr,  and  brafle,  t  hyacinth  and  purple,  and  4 

elites  were      fcarlet  t\rifc  died,  and  filke,  and  the  haire  of  goatcs,  f  ^n^l  $ 

promptto        ramracs  skinnes  died  reddc ,  and  ianthin  skinrves,  and  the 
offer  thefc  ex-  1  f    i  r  ■         c  j- 

terna'ithinffs    vood  letim  :  f  oyle to  makehghtes:  Ipiccs  ror  oyntement,   o 

intheoldlaM!',  and  forincenfc  of  goodfauour;  f  Onyx  ftones,  and  pretious  7 
foChriftians    ftones  to adornc  the tphod^ aiid  rationale,  f  And  thty  shal  S 
iTk'c^fofGods  ^^^^  '^'^  *  fanduaric,  and  I  wil  dwel  in  the  roiddcs  of  them  : 
fcruicc  :but     t  according  to  al  the  lirailitude  of  the  tabernacle  which  I  ^5iI  ^ 
fpccially  al      Ihew  thee,  &  of  al  rhe  veftel  to  the  feruicc  thcrof:  5c  rhus  you 
ibrreiofvcr-   fhalmakeit:  t  frame  an  arkc  of  the  wood  fetim,  the  length  lo 
tucs,  Faith,     whfrofthalhauetwocubites&anhalferthebrcdth,  acubitc 

pena^nce,  de-' ^'^'^  ^"  ^*'^^' ^^^  ^^'g^^^'^^^^'^^^^  ^  ^"^'''^ ''^"'^  ^"  ^^^^'^*  t  And    l». 

uonon, prayer  thoushalf  plate  it  with  moft  pure  gold  within  and  vfithout: 

almes,  fa-       and  ourr  if  thou  shalt  make  a  golden  crowne  roHud  about  ; 

iling.  &c.        f  and  foure  golden  ringes,  which  thou  shalt  put  at  the  fourc   li. 
corncrs.of  the  arke:  let  two  ringes  be  on  the  one  fide,  andtwo 
©ji  the  other,  |  Thou  shale  make  barrcs  alfo  of  the  wood  13. 

fctim,^        j 

Ceremonies.  E  x  o  d  vs.  zi^ 

14  fccim,  and  shale  couer  them  >K'ith  gold,  f  And  thou  shair  pat 
them  in  chrough  cherfngcs  that  are  in  the  fides  of  the  arke, 

ij  tharirmay  becaricdon  them:  f  the  which  shal  be  alwayes 
ill  the  tinges,  neither  shal  they  aranie  time  be  drawen  out  of 

16  them_,.  t  And  thou  shait  put  in  the  arkc  tlic  reftification 

17  which  I  wilgeue  thee,  -j-  Thoushalt  makeapropiriatorie  of 
moft  pure  gold;  thclengch  thcrof  shal  hold  cvt-'a  cubites  and 

18  anhaifcjandthebredth  a  cubite  &anhalic.  f  Two  "  Cheru'   ;:  If  Imaec^ 
biras  alfo  thoushalt  make  of  beaten  gold,  on  both  Cides  of  werevnlawfuji 

j^    the  oracle,  f  Let  one  Cherub  be  on  the  one  fide,  and  the  o-  ^"'j^^oi^^'^ 

20  ther  on  the  other,  f  Let  them  couer  both  fides  of  the  Propi-  m°ndt-d^^°"^ 
tiaroriefpreading  their  winges^  and  couering  the  oracle,  and  make  Chern- 
let  them  looke  one  towards  the  other,thcir  faces  turned  vnto^ic.a^ 

II  the  Propiriatoric  wherwith  the  arke  is  to  be  couered,f  wher^- 

21  in  thoushalt  put  the  teftimony  that  I  wilgeuc  rhec.  |  Thence 
xjP'il  I  command,  and  wil  fpeake  to  thee  oucr  the  propitiatoric 

&from  themiddesof  thetwoCherubims  which  shai  be  vpon  •  •^°'' die  per- 
thcarkcofteftimonie,  althingcs  which  I  wil  command  the  i^ndu'^^^'f 

15    children  of  Krael  by  thee,  -j-  Thou  shalt  make  a  table  alfo  of  thcfeloaues 
the  wood  fetim,hauing  two  cubites  in  length,  and  in  bredth  «'hich  nouc 

14  acubite,  and  in  height  a  cubite  and  an  halfe.t  And  thoushalt  "''s'^'^  ^^t^c 

f)lateitwith  moft  pure  gold.  &:  thou  shalt  make  to  it  aj^olden  ^"    ""^'^  ^^ 
^    edge  round  about,  f  and  to  the  ledge  it  fclf  a  crowne'^cntcr-  k<"-\^i^I\\!^^' 
polished,  foure  fingers  high:  and  vpon  the  fame,  an  other  pfefiyujcd  rhe 
i6  golden  crowne^ .  f  Thou  {halt  prepare  alfo  foure  golden  ^o'^eEutlia- 

ringes,  and  shalt  put  them  in  the  foure  corners  of  the  fame  ""^'  ^•^''"•*** 
47  table  at  cuerie  footc.  f  Vnder  the  crownc  shal  the  eolden  TIVj  ^"T'" 
ringes  be,  that  the  barres  may  be  put  throi-gh  thcra,  and  ^^4  (.  14.  s. 
1%  the  table  may  be  carried,  t  The  barres  alfo  thc^mfclucs  thou  <^3'^'^- <**';<■>. 
shalt  make  of  the  wood  fcrim,  and  shalt  compalle  them  with    ^^^  <^enic- 

^        ■  qucntly  Gf.rift 


29  eold  to  beare  vp  the  table,  t  Thou  shalt  prep 
and  phials,  centers,  and  goblettcs,  wherein  the  libamcntcs  feminihe  3. 

30  are  to  be  offered,  of  moft  pure  gold,  f  And  thou  shait  fettc  ^ifranicnt. 
vpon  the  tabic  '••  loaues  of  propofitioninmy  fight  ahraies.  ^^'''if  r^'Cie 

51  t  Thou  shah  make  alfo  acandlcftickc  beaten  of  moft  pure  ^,ba /"'""i ''^ 
cold,  the  shaft  cherof,  and  branches,  cuppes,andhoul<s,  and  flioulTno/^ 

32  lihcs  proccding  from  the  fame,  f  Six  branches  shal  goe  forth  excel  the  fi- 
ef the  fidesjthrecoutof  one  fide,  and  three  out  of  the  other.  ."°'^'  ^^'hich 

^   t  Three  cuppcs  as  it  were  in   mancr  of  a  nuttc  on  eueric  '*  '■^"^."'^'^d  i^. 
branch,  and  a  boule  withal,  and  a  hlic:  and  thtee  cuppcs  plXVrcdl^ 
tkewife  of  the  fashioaof  anutte  in  an  other  branch,  and  coRifz.^ 

£e  J.  4  boule 

230  ExoDvs.  Ceremonies* 

a  bonle  wirhal,  and  a  lilie.  This  shal  be  the  workeof  the  fix 
branches,  that  are  to  be  draw  en  forth  ftom  theshaft:  f  and   34 
in  thecandleftickeitfelfe  shal  be  foure  cuppes  in  maner  of 
anutte,  and  at  euerieone  boules  and  lilies,  f  Boules  vnder  jj 
two  branches  in  three   places  ,  which  together  make  fix 
comnig  forth  out  of  one  shaft,  -f  Both  the  boules  therfore  ^6 
and  the  branches  shal  be  out  of  it,  al  the  whole  beaten  of 
moftpure  gold,  f  Thou  thalt  make  alfo  feuen  lampcs,  and  57 
shalt  lette  them  vpon  the  candlefticke,  for  ro  geue light  ouer 
againft.  f  The  fnuffers  alfo  and  where  the  fnuffinges  shal  be   3S 
purouc,  let  them  be  made  of  moftpure  gold,  f  The  whole   59 
weightof  the  candlefticke  with  althe  furniture  rherof  shal 
haueatalentofmoftpuregold.  f  Looke,  and  makeitacc'or-  40 
dingtothepatcrne,  that  was  shewed  thee  in  the  mount. 

Chap.    XXVI. 

The  forme »/ the  Tahemdcleytvith  the  AfptrtmAnces^  dnd  ofrvhat  matter 
numhert  and  ^ualmts  al  things  shal  he^ 


Nd    the  tabernacle  thou  shalt  make  thus  :  Tcnne^  i 
curtines shalt  thou  makeof  twiftcd  filke,  and  hyacinth, 
and  purple,  and  fcarlet  twife  died,  varied  with  imbrodercd 
worke.  t  The  length  of  one  curtine  shal  hauetwentic  eight  1 
cubites :  the  bredth,  shal  be  of  foure  cubires.  Al  the  curtines 
;:Cbnftsmem-  shal  be  of  one  meafure.  t  Fiue  curtines  shal  be  •:  ioyned  one  5 
bers  by  their  to  an  Other,  and  the  other  Hue  shal  hang  together  with  the 
vnion&  com-  connexion,  t  Loupes  of  hyacinth  thou  shalt  make  in  the  4 
""h"'\'^^'and  ^^<icsandtoppesofthecertines,thittheymaybecompledone 
adornchista-  to  an  Other,  f  Fiftie loupes  shal  euene  curtine  haue  on  both  y 
bcinaclc,  the  fides,  fo  fct  on,  that  one  loupe  may  be  againft  another  loupe. 
Church.         and  one  may  be  fitted  to  the  other,  -f  Thou  shalt  make  alfo  6 
fiftie  circles  of  gold  wherwith  the  vcilesof  the  curtines  arc 
to  be  ioyned,  that  it  may  be  made  one  tabernacle,  f  Thou  7 
shalt  make  alfo  elcucn  curtines  of  haire,  to  couer  the  toppe 
of  the  tabernacle,  f  The  length  of  one  liaire  curtine  shal  S 
haue  thirtie  cubites  rand  the  bredrh,  foure:  the  meafure  of 
althe  curtines  shal  be  equal,  f  Of  the  which,  fiue  thou  shalt  9 
ioync  apart,  and  the  fix  thou  shalt  couple  one  to  an  other,  fo 
that  the  fixt  curtine  in  the  front  of  the  roofc  thou  shalt  dublc 
t  Thou  shalt  make  alfo  fiftie  loupes  in  the  edge  of  one  10 


Ceremonies.  Exodvs.  2,51 

ciirtine,  that  it  may  be  ioyned  with  the  other:  and  fiftic 
loupes  in  the  edge  of  the  other  curtinc-/,   that  it  may  be 

II  coupled  with  hisTelow.  f  Thou  shalt  make alfofiftie  buckles 
of  braife,  whcrwith  theloups  may  be  ioyned,  that  of  al  there 

II  may  be  madeonecouering.  t  And  that  which  shal  remainc 
in  the  curtines,  that  are  prepared  for  the  roofc,  to  wirte,  one 
curtinc  that  is  ouerplus ,   with  the  halfe  therof  thou  ibalc 

13  couer  the  backefule  of  the  tabernacle,  f  And  there. Jl^al  hang 
downe  acubite  on  the  one  fide,  and  an  other  on  the  other 
fide,  which  is  the  ouerplus  in  the  length  of  the  curtines, 

14  fenfing  both  fides  of  the  tabernacle,  t  Thou  shalt  make 
alfo  an  other  couer  to  the  roofe_y  of  ramnes  skinnes  died 
redde_/ :  and  ouer  that  againe  an  other  couer  of  ianthinc 

If  skinnes.  t  Thou  shalt  make  alio  the  hordes  of  the  tabernacle 

16  ftanding  vpright  of  the  wood  fetim  ,  f  of  the  which  let 
euerie  one  haue  ten  cubites  in  length,  and  in  bredth  one  and 

17  an  halfe  a  peece.  f  In  the  fides  of  the  borde,  shal  be  made 
two  morrefeSjwherby  one  borde  may  be  ioyned  to  an  other 
borde  rand  after  this  maner  shal  al  the  hordes  be  prepared. 

18  t  Of  the  which  twentie  (bal  be  in  the  fouth  fide  that  tendeth 
15)  Southward,  f  For  the  which  thou  shalt  call:  fourtic  fcere 

of  filuer,  that  there  may  two  feete  be  put  vnder  euerie  horde 
20  at  the  two  corners,  f  In  the  fecond  fide  alfo  of  the  taber- 
nacle  that  looketh  to  the  North,  there  shal  be  twentie 
u  hordes,  f  hauing  fourtie  feete  of  filuer,  two  feere  shal  be 
22  put  vnder  euerie  horde,  f  But  on  the  weft  quarter  of  the 

25  tabernacle  thou  (halt  make  fix  hordes,  f  and  againe  other 
two  which  ihal  be  eredred  in  the  corners  at  the  backe  of  the 

24  tabernacle,  -f  And  they  flial  be  ioyned  together  from  beneth 
vnto  the  toppe,  and  one  ioynture  shal  hold  them  al.  The 
like  ioynture shal  be  kept  for  the  two  hordes  alfo  that  are 

2j  to  be  pur  in  the  corners,  f  And  they  shal  be  in  al  eight  hordes, 
their  filuer  feete  fixtene,  two    feete  accounted  for  euerie 

26  borde.  t  Thou  shalt  make  alfo  fine  barres  of  the  wood  fetim, 
to  hold  together  the  hordes  on  the  one  fide  of  the  tabernacle, 

27  t  and  Hue  others  on  the  other  fide,  and  as  manie  at  the  weft 

28  fide;  t  which  shal  be  put  along  by  the  middes  of  the  hordes 
2p  from  one  end  to  the  other,  f  The  hordes  alfo  them  (clues 

thoushaltplate  with  gold,  and  shalt  caftringes  of  gold  to  be 
fette  vpon  them.through  which  the  barres  may  hold  together 
the  bordeworkc :  the  vhich  thou  Ihalt  couer  with  plates  of 


a.^1  ExoDvs.  Ceremonies;, 

gold/f   And  choii  fl^alt  ercd  the  tabernacle  according  to  50 
the  pateme  that  \ras  fhcwed  thee  in  the  Mount,    f   Thou  51 
flialc  make  alfo  a  veile  of  hyacinth,  and  purple,  and  fcarlet 
twife  died,  and  t^3fiilcd  filkc-^,  wrought  with  irabrodered 
worke  andgoodhc  varictie  .•  f  which  chou  ibalt  hang  before  31 
foiirepillers  of  the  wood  fetim,  the  which  themlehies  alfo 
{i)al  be  plated  with  gold,  and  thai  haue  foure  heades  of  gold, 
butfeeteofiiluer.  f  And  the  veile  shal  be  hanged  on  with  35 
ringes,  within  the  which  thou  Ihalt  put  the  arke  of  refti- 
monic,  with  the  which  aUo  the  Sand:uarie,and  thcfandlua- 
riesof  the  S.induaiie,shal  bediuidcd.  t  Thou  sl^alt  fc-r  alfo  54 
•  Th  clrefFeft  ^^^^  Propitiaroiie  vpon  die  arke  of  ttftimonie  in  the  ••  SviTtfta 
pu  cf  the      fandoriiin  ;  f  and  the  tabic  without  the  veile:  and  ouer  ?,-  jj 
Tabernacle,     gainll  the  table  the  candleftitke  in  the  (ourh  fide  ofthc  r,3.bcr=" 
cuiled  s.^.ncU    naclc.forthe  table  shal  ftand in  the  norrhiuie.  f  Thou  siialt  j<j 
't'VT""'^  * '"  makcaHo  ahaneina  in  the  cntnno  of  die  tabernacle  of  hva- 
cinth,  and  purple,  and  fcarlet  twife  died,  and  twiftcd  liike, 
with  imbrodered  worke_^.  f  And  fiue  pillets  of  the  wood*  57 
fetim  thou  shalt  plate  with  gold,  before  the  which  the  han- 
ging shal  be  dra^ten  ;  whole  heades  shai  be  of  gold,  and  feete 
f)f.  br?iir<U'» 

Chap.  XXVII. 

^n  ytlur  ntu^  he  mxde  '\vlth  things  helon^in^  therto.  9.  ^Ifo  the  court  of 
thf  tabernacle  !> fit b  hangings  and  PtUers,  10.  ^nd  proutjionof  oyle  for 
Lmpei ,    .  '      • 

T'H  o  V  shalt  make  alfo  an  Altar  of  tlie  wood  fcrinx.,  i 
which  shal  hauc  Hue  CLibitcs  in  length,  and  as  manie  in 
brcdth,  that  is,  foure  Iquare,  and  three  cubites  in  height, 
•f  Anrl-there  shal  be  at  the  foure  corners  homes  of  the  fame:   z 
and  ihou  shalt  ccner  it  With  braiFe.  f  And  thou  shalt  make  5 
for  the  v'fcs  tlierofpinnes  for  to  take  the  ashes,  and  tongues 
and ,  and  (ire  pannes,  al  the  vcllel  thou  shalt 
xnakcof  braffe.  f   And  a  grare  in  maner  of  a  nette  of  bralFe:  4 
at  the  foure  corners  vherof  shal  be  {^oure  ringes  of  bralTc_<, 
j-  which  thou  shalrput  vnder  the  hearth  of  the  Altar:  and  y 
thcgrateshal  be  vnto  themiddcs  ofthe  Altar,  f  Thou  shalt  6 
make  alio  two  bartps  for  the  Ahar  of  the  wood  fetim,  which 
thoa  shalt  couer  '^^ith  plates  of  bra(Tc_/ :  f  and  thou  shalt  7  ^ 
drawe  them  rhrougii  ringes  and  they  shal  be  on  both  fulcs 
i»(fdic  Altar  CO  carde  it.  t  Noc  raalli^^,  buc  emptie  and  8 
y'i '  ';  '      ^"'        holiovr 

Ceremonies.  £xodvs.  23^ 

hollow  in  the  infide  ftalt  thou  make  it,  as  it  was  flicwcd 

5  thee  in  the  Mount,  -f  Thou  *alt  make  aUo  the  court  of 

the  tabernacle,  in  the  fouth  part  vherof  againll  the  fouth 

there  shal  be  hanginges  of  twifted  (like:  one  fide  shal  hold 

■10  in  length  an  hundred  cubites.  f  And  tvji'cntie  pillers  with 

asmaniefeeteof  braiFc,  which  shal  hauc  hcades  with  their 

fi  engrauinges  of  filuer.    f  I^  ^^^'^^  maner  alio  on  the  north 

lide  there  shal  be  in  length  hanginges  of  an  hundred  cubites, 

twenric  pillers,  and  fcete  of  bralFe  as  manie^  ,   and  thfir 

12  heades  with  their  cngrauinges  of  lllucr  .  f  But  in  the 
bredth  of  the  court,  that  lookcrhto  the  weft,  there  shal  be 
hanginges  of  fiftie  cubites  ,  and  ten  pillers  ,  and  as  manic 

13  feete.  -f  In  that  bredch.alfoof  the  court,  which  looketh  to 
i^  the  eaft,  there  shal  be  iiftie  cubites.  f  in  the  which  there 

shal  be  deputed  to  one  fide  hanginges  of  fiftene  cubites,  and 

jj  three  pillers  and  as  manie  feete  :  f  and  in  the  other  fide  there 

shal  be  hanginges  conrcyning  fiftene  cubites,  three  pillcr-?, 

16  and  as  nianie  fcete  .  f  And  in  the  cntring  of  the  court  there 
shal  be  made  an  hanging  of  tsx-entie  cubites  of  hyacinth  and 
purple,  and  fcarlct  rwife  died,  and  twifted  filke,  vrich  embro- 
dcred  worke;  itshalhaue  foure  pillers,  with  as  manie  feete. 

17  f  Al  the  pillers  of  the  court  round  about  shal  be  garnished 
with  plates  of  liluer,  liluer  heades,  and  feete  of  bralFe^  . 

18  -f  In  length  the  court  shal  occupie  an  hundred  cubites,  in 
bredth  fiftie,  the  height  shal  be  of  fiue  cubites.  and  it  shal 
be  made  of  twifted  lilke  ,   and  shal  haue  fcete  of  brafle  . 

15?   f  Al  the  vclTel  of  the  tabernacle  for  al  vfcs  and  ceremonies, 

thepinncsas  wcl  of  it  as  of  the  court,  thou  shalt  make  of " '  '1"^,]^°."  • 

■         v»  ■•  *ii  /•/'ii  If  noi  im  lie  (1  ti  lit* 

20  brafle.  f  Command  the  chilaren  of  Ifrael  that  they  bring  nesin  hit  ta- 
thee  oylc  of  the  oliucrrees  the  pureft,  and  beaten  with  a  bcrnacleby 

11  peftil :  thatalampemay  burnc  ••  alwayes  f  in  the  tabernacle  'j^y  "om'glif, 
of  the  teftimonie,  without  the  vcile  that  is  drawen  before  .'""'  'o"f'  ^^ 
the  teftimonie.  And  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  shil  place  it,  that  it  ouf^htalwayes 

ai  may  gcue  light  before  the  Lord  vntilrhe  morning,  f  It  shal  tolliinein 
be  a  perpetual  obferuance  through  out  their  fuccceflions  g""'^  woikes, 
before  the  children  of  Ifrael.  s-Bed^M-i  c  z. 

ae  tauirnac. 

Chap.     XXVIII. 

Ood commdndeth  Moyfes  tomnke  diuers  fortes  of  l/cjturfs  for  .Adron  ^nd 
Imfonnesy  prefcnhin^  thcmittteTimAner,  ^nd  ornamcnti  thcrof. 

Ff  Tak£ 

j^4  E  X  o  D  V  s.  Ceremonies. 

TAKE  vnco  thee  alfo  Aaron  thy  brother  vith  his  Tonnes,  i 
from  afnong  the  children  of  Ifrael;  •'■  that  they  may  doc 
ncceiraticto     ^j^^  fundion  of  pricfthoode  vnto  me:  Aaron,  Nadab,  and 
diorwi"r    Abiu,Eleazar,andIthamar.  f  And  thou  (bait  make  an  holie  i 
vefturcto  Aaron  thy  brother  for  glorie  and  bewtie.  f  And  5 
thou  iliak  fpeake  to  al  tlie  wife  of  hart,  whom  I  hauc  reple- 
niibed  vrith  the  fpirit  of  wifdomc,  that  they  make  Aarons  vc- 
fturesjwhcrinhebcingfandifiedmay  miniftcrtome.  t  And  4 
;:  Thcfc  vcft-  "  t^cfe  shal  be  theyeftments  that  they  shal  make:  Rationale 
inents  fign  fie  and  an  Ephod,  a  tunike  and  a  ftraitc  linnen  garment,  a  mitre 
that  Biniopes  ^nd  a  girdle.  They  shal  make  the  hoHe  veftments  for  thy 
*"Vh'*^^^''     brother  Aaron  and  his  fonnes,  that  they  may  doe, the  fun- 
oalveaucr'<^rio»ofprie(Uioodvntome.  f  And  they  shal  take  gold,  and  ; 
difcicnon,pu.  hyacinth,  and  purple,  and  fcarlet  twife  died,  and  filke.  |  And  6 
ritieof  life,     tjigy  shal  make  the  Ephod  of  gold  and  hyacinth  and  purple, 
finceie  intcn-  ^^^j  fcarlet  twife  died,^  and  twifted  filke,  embrodered  with 
tion,  concern-    ,.  ,  .,111  i-  jl  ' 

phuio  of  God,  ^^I'-iei's  colours,  t  It  shal  hauetvfo  edges  loynedm  the  toppe  7 

fiipporution'  on  both  fides,  that rhtyn.av  be  clofed  together,  f  The  verie  8 
ofriicpeopies  ^orkemanship  alfo  andal  thevarirtie  ot  the  v  orke  shal  be'  ' 
infirmlncfo.  ^c  g^j^  ^^^  hyacinth,  and  purple,  and  fcarlet  twi(e  died, 
thei"(Tood       andtwiftedfilke.  f  And  ihou  shalt  take  two  Onyx  ftones,  9 
cxamplariife,  and  shalt  graue   in   them    the   names  of  the   children   of 
found dodiin,  Ifrael:    j-   fix  names  in   one  ftone_v,  and  the  other  fix  in   10 
and  band  of  V-  ^j^^  Other,  accorduip   to    the  order   of  their  natiuitie_/ . 

nion.  ?.  Huro.    ,      .  r  <  \  i    i  r      J         J      • 

AdFubitl  ie      t  After  t -e  woikeoragrauerandihegraumgori  lapidarie,    ri 
-veflitH  saccrdo-  thou  shalt  grauc  rhem  with  rhe  names  of  the  children   of 
#«/».  CO.  J.         Ifrael,  (ette  in  gold  and  compaifcd  about :  f  and  thou  shalt  u 
put  them  in  boili  fides  of  the  Ephod,  a  memorial  for  the 
children  of  Ifrael.  And  Aaron  shal  bcare  their  names   be- 
fore the  Lord  vpon  both  shoulders,  for  a  remembrance-^ 
t  Thou  shall  make  alio  hooiccs  of  gold,  f  and   two   Iitlei3i4 
cheynesof  moft  pure  gold  linked  one  to  an  other,  which 
thoushalr  put  into  the  hookes   f  The  Rationale  of  iudge-  15 
mentaiiLO  thou  siialt  make  wiih  embrodered  worke  of  di- 
ucrs  colours,  according  to  the  workmanship  of  the  Ephod 
of  crold  ,  hyacinth,  and  purple,  and  fcarlet  twife  died,  and 
twifted  fiike.  t  1^  shal  be  foure  fquare  and  dublc_/ :  it  shal  i6 
hauethc  mcafure  of  a  palme  afwel  in  length  as  in  bredrh. 
f  And  thou  shalt  ((^z  in  it  foure  rcwes  of  ftones :  In  the  firft  17 
few  shal  be  the  ftonefardiuSjand  topazius,andthe  emeraud: 
•j-  111  rhcfecond  the  carbuncle,  the  fapphire,  and  the  iafper :   18 

•f  in  the 

Ceremonies.  Exodvs.  zjj 

ipiof  in  the  third  a  ligurius,  an  achates,  an  amethyft:  f  in  the 
fourth  a  chryfoUth,  an  onyx,  and  beryllus.  they  be  fee 

ir  in  gold  by  their  rewes.  f  And  they  shal  haue  the  names  of 
the  children  ol^  Ifraehwith  twelue  names  shal  they  be  graucn, 
cuerie  ftone  with  the  names  of  cuerie  one  according  to  the 

II  rwelue  tribes,  -f  Thou  shal  tmalce  in  the  Rationale  cheynes 

i5  linked  one  to  an  other  of  the  pureft  gold:  -f  andtvoringes 
of  gold,  which  thou  shalt  put  in  both  the  toppes  of  the  Ra- 

14  tionale :  f  and  the  golden  cheynes  thou  shalt  loyne    to  the 

'     2j  ringes,  that  are  in  the  edges  therof:  +  and  the  endes  of  the 

cheynes  them  felues  thou  shalt  couple  with  two  hookes  on 

both  iides  of  the  Ephod,  which  is  toward  the  Rationale.^. 

16  f  Thoushalt  make  alfo  two  rmges  of  gold  which  thou  shalt 
pnt  in  the  toppes  of  the  Rationale,  in  the  brimmes,  that  are 
oueragainit  the  Ephod,  6^'  looke  toward  the  backe  partes 

ly  therof.  f  Moreouer  alfo  other  two  ringes  of  gold,  which  arc 
tobefeton  both  fides  of  the  Ephod  bencth,  that  looketh 
toward  the  nether  ioyning,  that  rhe  Rationale  may  be  fitted 

z8  with  the  Ephod,  |  and  may  be  fa'^ened  by  the  ringes  therof 
vnto  the  ringes  of  rhe  Ephod  with  a  lace  of  hyacinth,  that 
the  ioyning  artificially  M-rought  may  continew,  and  the  Ra- 
tionale and  Ephod  may  not  be  feparated  one  from  the  other, 

29  t  And  Aaron  shal  beare  the  names  of  the  children  of  Ifrael 
in  the  Rationale  of  iudgement  vpon  his  bred,  when  he  shal 
enter  into  the  San<ftuarie,  a  memorial  before  the  Lord  for 

50  euer.  f  And  thou  shalt  put  in  the  Rationale  of  iudgement  ..  j^       .  , 
'•'  Dodrine,and  Veritie,  which  shal  be  on  Aaronsbreft;,when  of  thccaufc 
he  shal  goe  in  before  the  Lord :  and  he  shal  beare  the  iudge-  and  finccrc 
mentofthe  children  of  Ifrael  on  his  breft,  in  the  fight  of  the  proccding 
51   Lord  alwayes.   f  And  thou  shalt  make  the  tunike  of  the  J^"'"k/"s  of 
51  Ephod  al  of  hyacinth,  f  in  the  middes  wherofabouc  shal  be  riahtiudgc- 
ahole  for  the  head,  and  a  border  round  about  it  wouen,  as  mcnc. 
is  wont  to  be  made  in  the  vtmolt  partes  of  garments,  that  it 
55  may  not eafely  be  broken,  f  Andbenethat  the  fecte  of  the 
fame  tunike,  round  about,  thou  shalt  make  as  it  were  pome- 
granites,  of  hyacinth  ,  and  purple,  and  fcarlet  twife  died, 
54  litle  belles  inrerpofed  bctwen,  -f-  fo  that  there  be  a  bcl  of 
•    gold  and  a  pomegranate  :  and  againe  an  other  bel  of  gold  and 
5j  a  pomegranate,  f  And  Aaron  shal  be  vefted  with  it  in  the 
officeofhis  minirterie,that  the  found  may  be  heard,  when 
hegoethin  and  cometh  out  of  the  Sanduaric,  in  the  fight 

F  f  z  of  the 

1^6  ExoDvs*  Ceremonies^ 

of  the  Loird,  and' that  he  die  hot.  f  Thou  (Tialt  make  alfo  ^6 

apUreof  the  pureft  gold  twherin  rhoifshalt  graue  aher  the 

worke  of  a  grauer ,  Holie  to  the  Lord .   f  And  thou  ibalt  57 

tic  it  with  a  lace  of  hyacinth,  and  it  Ihal  be  vpon  the  mitre, 

•j- han  fine;  ouer  the  forehead  of  the  high  Pritft.  And  Aaron   38 

thai  carie  the  iniquities  of  thofe  thingeS,  vchich  the  children 

of  Ifracl  haue  offered  and  fandified,  in  al  their  giftes  and 

donarics .   And  the  plate  shal  be  alwayes  in  his  forehead  , 

that  the  Lord  may  be  wel  pleafed  with  them,  f  And  thou  39 

shalt  gird  the  tunike  with  (ilkc_y  ,  and  thou  llialt  make  a 

fiiken  mitre  ,   and  a_.  bawdrike   of  embrodered   worke  . 

t    Moreouer  for  the  fonnes  of  Aaron  thoii  shalt  prepare  40 

linnen  tunikes  ,   and  bawdrikes  and   mitres   for  glorie  ^nd 

bewtie  ;  f  And  with  al  fhefc  thinges  rhou  shalt  vefl:  Aaron  41 

thy  brother  ,  and  his  fonnes  with  hinn_.  .    And  thou  shale 

Confecrare  the  handes  of  them  al,  and  shalt  fandifie  them, 

that  they  may  doe  thefundion  of  priefthood  vnto   me'i 

f  Thou  shalt  make  alfo  Hnnen  breches.  to  couer  the  Htsh  42 

of  their  turpitude  from  the  reyncs  vnto  the  rhighes :  f  and»  -43. 

Aaron  and  his  fonnes  l>al  vfe  them  ^'^'hen  they  shal  enter 

into  the^  tarberbernacle   of  tefl:imonie_>  ,   or  when  they 

approch  to  the    Altar  to  minider  in  the  Sandluiric  ,  left 

guiltic  of  iniquitie  they  die  .    It  ihal  be  a  law  for  cuer  t«> 

Aaron, and  to  iris  fccde  after  him. 

Chap.    XXIX. 

The  m^ner  of  ronfccratir.g  ^aron  and  ether  Pne^s  :  yvith  hurnt 
o]ferin^>y  16.  und  pac/f:qnri,-it^hfrof  ^aron  and  his  fonnes  shxlpurti- 
cipAte,  3S.  Tie  inifnuHan  of  tkc'dct^^lie  SAcrijice  ef  tvy»  lAmLes,one  i» 
the  wior;;/fif ,  t!j£  ether  at  encn. 

::^pedaT  pre  T)  Vt  this  a'fo  shalt  thou  doe,  -  that  rhey  maybe  confe-  I 
paration  be-    X/ crated  to  me  in  pricfthood.  Takca  calfe  ftomrhe  heard, 
forcBiOiops    ^,^j  j^^  rammes  without  fpotre ,  t  and  vnlcuened  bread,  t 
an(1  Pnef>«;  be        ,  ,  .  ,  ,  ^  j     .  •  1         1  r  w 

confccratcd.    an^acnkc  vitnout  leucn,  tempered' with  oilc,  alio 

vnIe;Hiencdanoynted  withoilc:  of  whcatcnilowre  rhou  shalr  •  ■  , 
makcal.-|-  And  bein^putin  a  basket  thdn  shalt  oiler  rhem;  5 
and  the  calfe  and  the  two  rammes,  t  And  thou  shalt  bring  4. 
Aaron  and  his  tonnes  to  the  doore  of  the  tabernacle  of  telH- 
;:Th«firnpre-^<?ii^^'  And  "  when  thou  haft  Vashed'thc!  father  with  his 
'    '•  fonnes 

Ceremonies.  Exodvs.  2,37 

J  tonncsin  vater,  f  thoushalrveil:  Aaron xrith  his  vcftrrents,  paratlcn  in 
thar'is,  \;'irh  the  iinncn  garmrnr  and  the  tnr.:ckc,  and  the  ^"^P^'t'eto 
tphod   and  the  Rotionaic_^  ,  which  thou  shait  gird  with  u*" ckarfiuig ^ 

6  the  baudrike->  .    f   And  thou  shalt  put  the  mitre  vpon  his  from  linne. 

7  head,  and  the  hoHe  plate  vpon  the  mure,  j"  and  thou  shalt  chtniobeaci- 
poure  the  oilc  of  vndion  vpon  his  head:  and  by  this  rite  ^"'''^  *'"'^ 

8  shalhebe  conieerated.  f  His  'onncs  alfo  thou  sh;ilt  bring,-  bole"i"^^^' 
and  shalt  inueft;  them  with  the  Imnen  tunickes ,  and  gird  ntd.uag.  ij^. 

[  c)  them  with  a  bawdnkc,  f  to  wittc  ,  Aaron  and  his  chil- 
dren ,  and  thou  shalt  put  mitres  vpon  them :  and  thiv  shal 
be  prieftes  to   me   by  a  perpeiuai  religion_/  .    After   that 

10  thou  shalt  haue  confecratcd  their  hanJes ,  t  rhou  shijc 
prelent  nl(o  the  calfc  before  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie . 
And  Aaron  and   his  fonnes  ihrd  lay  their  handes   vpon  hi-s 

11  head,  f  and  thou  shalt  kil  him  in  the  %ht  of  the  Lord., 
li  bchde  the  doore  of  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie-y .  "f  And 

that  Mphich  thou  takeil  of  the  bloud  of  the  CAife  ,  thou 
shale  put  vpon  the  horms  of  the  Altar  M'irh  thy  finger, 
and  the  re't  of  the  bloud  thou  shalt  powre  at  the  boronic 

f5  therof.  t  Thou  shalt  take  al(b  the  vhole  farte  that_i 
couereth  the  cntra'les,  and  the  caule  of  the  liuer,  and  rlre 
two   kidneys  ,    and   the  fatte   that  is  vpon    them_.  ,    and 

14  shalt  offer  a  burnt  facrifice  vpon  the  Altar  :  f  but  the 
flesh  of  the  cal'e  and  the  hide  and  the  dnng  ,  thou  sh^ilc 
burne  abrode  without  the  campe,   becaule  it  is  for  Cmnc. 

ij  f  Thou  shak  rake  aifo  one  ramme.-'  ,  vpon  the  head 
wherof    Aaron    8^    his    fonnes   Lay    rheir  handes  . 

16  -f    which   when  thou  haft  killed  ,   thou  shalt  take  of  the 

17  bloud  therof,  and  powre  round  about  the  Altar,  f  ^^iJ 
the  ramme  it  felfe  thou  shalt  cut  into  peeces  ,  and  his 
entralles  and  feete  being  waCred,  thou  shalt  pur  vpon  r.hc 

j8  flesh  cut  in  pecccs ,  and  vpon  his  head,  f  And  thou  shalt 
offer  the  whole  ramme  for  a  burnt  facrifice  vpon  the 
it  is  an  oblation  to  the  Lord,  a  mo  ft  fweete  fauoiire  of  the 

15)  vidime  of  the  Lord .  f  Thou  shalt  take  alfo  the  other 
tamme  ,  vpon  whofe  head  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  iha!  lay 

20  their  handes.  |  Which  when  thou  haft  immoLitcd  ,  thou 
shalt  take  of  his  bloud,  and  put  vpon  the  tippe  of  the  right 
eare  of-  Aaronand  of  his  fonnes,  and  vpon  the  thumbes  nnd 
great  toes  of  their  right  hand  and   foote  ,  and  thou  jhafc 

U  powre  the  bloud  vpon  the  Ahar  .round  about:.-,   j-   And 

f  5  vhca 

2^8  ExoDvs.  Ceremonies. 

xrhen  thou  haft  taken  of  the  bloud  that  is  vpon  the  Altar, 
and  of  the  oilc  of  vndion,  thou  shalt  fprinkle  Aaron  and  his 
vefture,  his  (onnes  ScT  their  vcftmentes.    And  after  they 
and  their  veftmcntes  are  confecrated,  f    thou  shale  take  il 
the  facte  oftherammc,  and  the  tayle  6^  the  talow,  thatco- 
ucreth  the  lunges,  and  the  caule  of  the  liuer,  and  the  t>yo 
kidneies,  and  the  fatte,  that  is  vpon  them_.,  and  the  right 
shoulder,  becaufe  it  is  the  ramme  of  confecration  :  f  and  a  25 
peece  ofoneloafe,  a  cake  tempered  with  oile,  a  wafer  out  of 
the  basket  of  azymes,  which  is  fette  in  the  fight  of  the  Lord  : 
f  and  thou  shalt  put  al  vpon  the  handes  of  Aaron  and  of-  his  24 
Tonnes,  and  shalt  fandine  them  eleuating  before  the  Lord, 
•f  And  thou  shalt  take  al  from  their  handes:  and  shalt  bu'rnc  25 
them  vpon  the  Altarforanholocaufte,a  moftfwcetefnuour 
in  the  fight  of  the  Lord,  becaufe  it  is  his  oblation.  ■{-  Thou  16 
shalt  take  alfo  the  breft  of  the  ramme,  whervith  Aaron  was 
confecrated,  and  eleuating  it  thou  shalt  fandlifie  it  before  the 
Lord,anditshalfal  to  thy  part,  t  And  thon  shalr  fmdifie  27 
both  the  confecrated  brcft,  and  the  shoulder  that  thou  didflf ' 
feparate  of  the  ramme_^,  f  whcrwith  Aaron  was  confecra-  28 
ted  and  his  fonncs,  and  they  shal  fal  to  Aarons  part  and  his 
fonnes  by  a  perpetual  right  from  the  children  of  Ifrael:  be- 
caufe they  are  the  primitiues  and  beginninges  of  their  pa- 
cifiquc  vidimes  which  they  offer  to  the  Lord,    f   And  the  29 
hohe  veflure,  which  Aaron  shal  vfe,  his  fonnes  shal  hauc 
after  him,  that  they  may  be  anoynrcd,  and  their  handes  con- 
iecratedin  it:_.  f  He  of  his  fonnes  that  shal  be  appoynted   }• 
highprieflin  his  ftecde,  SiC  that  shal  enter  into  the  taber- 
nacle of  tcftimon'e  to  minifterin  the  Sandluaric,  shal  wearc 
it  feuen  dayes.  f  And  thou  shalt  take  the  ramme  of  the  con-  51 
fecration,  and  shale  boylc  the  flesh  therof  m  a  holie  place_> ', 
f  which  Aaron  shal  eate  and  his  (onnes.  The  lo.iues  alto,  }i 
that  are  in  the  basket,  they  shal  eare  in  the  entrie  of  the  ta- 
bernacle of  teffimonie.^,  f   that  it  maybe   a   placable   fa-  55 
crifice,andthe  handes  of  the  offerers  may  be  fandified.  A 
ttranger  shal  not  eate  of  them,  beciufe  they  are    hoIic--' . 
t  Andif  there  remainc  of  the  confecrated  flesh,  or  of  the  54 
bread  til  the  morning,  thou  shalt  bnrne  the  remaynes  with 
fire:  they  shal  nor  be  caren_, ,   becaufe  they  are  fandificd. 
f   Al,  that  I  haue  commanded  thee,  thou  shalt  doe  vpon   55 
Aaron  and  his  fonnes.   Seuen  daycs  shalt  thou  confecrate 


Ceremonies.  Exodvs.  23^ 

36  their  handes:  f  and  thou  shalt  offer  acalfcfor  finnceucric 
dayfi:)!:  expiation.  And  thou  shalt  cJcanfe  the  Altar  -when 
thou  haft  offered  the  hofte  of  expiation,  and  shalt  anoynt 

57  it  vnto  fandification .  f  Scuen  daycs  shalt  thou  expiate 
the  alrar  hC  fandlific  it,  and  it  shal  be  mod  Holie.  eucric 
one,  that  ilial  touch  it,  shal  be  fandificd. 

38  •\  This  is  it  which  thou  fhalt  doc  vpon  rhe  Altar:  T\ro 

39  lambesof  ayeareold  ••  euerie  day  continually,  ■\  onclambe  ••:  Diucrs 

40  in  the  morning,  &  an  other  at  cuen,j- the  tenth  part  of  riowre  '^^»"gs  wc^c 
tempered  with  oile  beaten,  which  *bal  haue  in  mcafure  the  °  ^^'^  ^  ' 
fourth  part  of  an  h^n^,  and  wine  for  Hbation  of  the  fame  and  al  figni- 

41  mealure  to  one  lambe.  f  And  the  other  lambe  thou  (halt  ficd  Chi'iib 
offer  at  euen, according  to  the  rite  of  the  morning  oblation,  ^^crificcinhis 
and  accoiding  to  that  which  we  haue  fiid,  for  a  fauour  of  ^^"7     ^  » 

41  iwectneife:  f  it  is  a  facnficc  to  the  Lord,  by  perpetual  obla-  eont  aLer'c.leg. 

tion  vnto  your  generations,  at  the  doore  of  the  tabernacle  &  prophet',  yec 

of  teilimonie  before  the  Lord,  where  I  wil  appoint  to  fpeake  "^"^  dayhc 

4;  vnto  thee,    t   And  there  wil  I  command  the  children  of    ""  ^™  ^'' 
•rr       I  1    1       Al  111/       r,   r     I   •  1      •  ,       ..  moJcpauicu- 

44  Ilrael,  and  the  Altar  shal  be  (anctihed  in  mv  glorie.  -j-  I  wil  larlyfignifiing 

iandifie  alio  the  rabarnacle  of  tcflimonic  with  the  Altar,  the  dayhc oi- 
and  Aaron  with  his  fonnes,  to  doe  the  function  of  prieft-  f<;""gofthe 

45  hood  vntome^.    f    And  I  wil  dwel  in  themiddes  of  the  l^J^^/^^.S'^ 
4(>  children  of  Ifrael,  and  wil  be  their  God,  f  and  they  shal  cftcdtherof. 

know  that  I  am  the  Lord  their  God,  that  haue  brought  them  oyigtn.m.iQatu 
out  of  the  Land  of^gypt,  that  I  might  abide  among  them,  '^ 
I  the  Lord  their  God. 

Chap.    XXX. 

IJ9n> ,  And  of  what  mutter  ^the  ^lur  oftncenfe  shal  be  made:  1 1.  VFh^t  m»~^ 

ney  ihttl  be  ^Atbereil  for  theyfeoftl.eTdberndcle.  18,  ^  braftn  Uuer  if 
alfo  to  be  madey  ij.  and  lolie  ode  of  l/n[iion. 

I   'T~*  H  o  V  shaltmakcalfoan  Altar  to  burncinccnfe,  of  the 

3.      X.    wood  fftim,  f  hauing  a  cubitc  of  length,  and  an  other 

of  bredth,  that  is,  fourclquare,  and  two  cubircs  in  height. 

3  The  homes  shal  precede  out  of  the  fame,  f  And  thou  shalt 
plate  it  with  the  purcft  gold,  as  wel  the  grate  thcrof,  as  the 
walles  round  about,  and  the  homes.  And  thou  shalt  make 

4  to  it  a  crowne  of  gold  round  about,  f  and  two  golden, 
lingesvnder  the  crownc  on  either  fide,  that  the  barres  may 


a^o  ExoDvs.  Ceremonies* 

be  puriiirothem,andche  Altar  may  be  caried.  f  Thebarres  5 
alfo  rhem  felues  thou  Jlialr  make  of 'the  wood  ferim,  and 
shair  plarethcm  with  gold,  f  And  thou  shalt  fee  the  Altar  6 
ac>ainft  theveile,  that  hangeth  before  rhearkcof  teftimonie 
before  the  propitiatoriewhcrwich  the  teftimonie  is  couered, 
XT  here  I  wil  fpcake  ro  thee,  f  And  Aaron  Ihal  burne  inccnfe  7 
vpon  it,  fvretely  fragrant,  in  the  morning.   When  he  (bal 
drelle  thclampes,  he  i"hal  burne  it :  f  and  when  he  ihal  place  8 
thematcuen,  he  llial  burne  inccnfe  euerlafting  before  the 
Lord  through  >  our  generations,  f  Youshal  not  offer  vpon  9 
it  incenfe  of  an  other  compofition  ,  nor  oblation,  and  vi- 
<^lime,neirheir  {hal  you  offer  libamentes.  f  And  Aaronshal  to 
pray  vpon  the  homes  therof  once  ayeare,  with  the  bloud  of  . 
that  which  was  offered  forfinne,  and  shal  pacifie  vpon  it  in 
)  Gur  generations.  It  shal  be  raoft  Holie  ro  the  Lord,  j-  And  11 
our  Lord  fpalce  to  Moyfes,  laying:  -f  When  thou  shalt  take  12. 
the  fumme  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  according;  to  their  num- 
ber, euerie  one  of  them  shal  giue  a  price  for  their  foules  to 
the  Lord,  and  there  shal  be  no  fcourge  among  them,  when' 
they  shal  be  reckcned.  f  And  this  shal  euerie  one  giue  that  15 
••Thatls  7  d  pafleth  to   the  naming  ,   "  halfe  a  ficle  according  to   the 
ob.  Entil'ifh  .   meafurcofthe  temple.  A  ficle  hath  twentee  ••  aboles.  The 
Pot  a  fide  of    halfe  part  ofa  ficleshal  be  offered  to  the  Lord-  f  He  that  is  14 
tueSanctuarie  ^^^Q^jj^j-^j  in  the  number,  for  twentieyeares  and  vpward, 
!!  Q^"Jj^i^"*     shal  giue  price,  f  The  rich  man  shaliiot  adde  to  halfe  a  ficle,  15 
iarrhiiio^s.'       and  the  poore  man  fhaldimini  Hi  nothing,  f  And  the  money   i^ 
being rcceiued  ,  which  was  contributed  of  the  children  of 
Ifr^cl,  thou  shalt  deliucr  vnto  the  \(es  of  the  tabernacle  of 
-teftimonie,  that  it  may  bea'monumenr  of  them  before  the 
Lord,  and  he  may  be  propitious  to  their  fouies.  f  And  our  17 
Lord  (pake  to  Moyles,  faying:   f  Thou  (halt  make  nlfo  a   18 
lauer  with  his  foote  of  bralfe,  to  wash  in  ;  and  thou  shalt  fet 
it  bctwen  the  tabernacle  of  the  teftimonie  and  the  Altar. 
And  water  being  put  into  it,  f  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  ftial  19 
v^ash  thcrin  their  handesand  feete,  f  whcnrhey  are  going  20 
into  the  tabernacle  of  teftin^onic,  and  when  they  ar^to  come 
vnto  the  Altar,  to  offer  on  it  inccnfe  to  the  Lor<l,  f  left  per-  11 
happesthey  shal  be  an  euerlaftmg  law  to  him,  and  to 
hi'Jleetie  by  fuccelfions.  f  Andonr  Lord  fpake  ro  Moylcs,  iz 
f  (aying;  Take  fniccs,  .of  principal  and  cho(en  myrrh  fiuc  23 
Jbuodrcji  fides,  and  of  cinnamon  halfcfo  much;  that  is,  two 


Ceremonies,  Exodvs.  141 

hundred  fiftie  ficles,  of  calamus  in  like  mancr  tvro  hundred 

24  fifcie,  t  and  of  cafiafiue  hundred  ficles  after  the  weight  of  the 

ij  Sanduaric,of  oile  of  oliues  the  meafurc  hin:  f  and  thou  shale 

make  the  holie  oilc  of  vnd;ion,  an  ointment  compounded 

16  by  the  artofan  vnguentaric,  f  and  thcrof  thou  shaltanoynr 

the  tabernacle  of  teftiraonie,  and  thearkeof  the  teftament^ 

27  t  and  the  table  with  t'lieveirel  thcrof,  the  candlcfticke,  and 

28  the  furniture  therof,  the  Altars  of  incenfc,  f  andofholo- 
cauftc,  and al  the  furniture  that  perrcyneth  to  the  fcruice  of 

29  them,  f  And  thou  shalf  fandihe  alj  and  theyshal  be  mofl: 

30  Holie:  he  thatshal  touch  them,  shal  be  fandified.  t  Thou 
shalt  iino)Tit  Aaron  and  his  fonnes,  and  shalt  fandific  them, 

31  thatthey  may  doe  the  function  of  prierthoodvnto  me.  f  To 
the  children  of  Ifrael  alfo  thou  shalt  fay  :  This  oilc  ofvndtion 

32  shal  be  holie  vnto  me  through  your  generations,  f  The  flesh 
of  man  shal  not  be  anoynted  therewith,  and  you  shal  make 
none  other  after  the  compofition  of  it,  becaufe  it  is  fandi- 

33  fied,  and  shal  be  hohe  vnto  you.  f  What  man  focuer  shal 
compound  fuch,  and  shal  giue  therof  to  a  ftranger,  shal  be 

34  abandoned  out  of  his  people,  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moy  fes: 
Take  vnto  thee  fpices,  flactec,  and  onycha,  galbanum  of 
fwete  fauour,  and  the  cleared  frankincenfe ,  al  shal  be  of 

5;  equal  weight:  f  and  thou  shalt  make  inccnfe  compounded 
by  the  worke  of  an  vnguentarie,  exadlly  tempered,  and  pure, 

3<j  and  mofl  worthie  of  fandtification.  f  And  when  thou  haft 
beaten  al  into  verie  fmalpouder,  thou  shalt  fet  of  it  before 
the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie,  in  the  place  where  I  wil  appeare 

57  to  thee.  Moft  HoHeshal  the  incenfc  be  vnto  you.  f  Such 
confection  you  shal  not  make  vnto  your  owne  vfcs,  becaufe 

58  it  is  holie  to  the  Lord,  f  "What  man  foeuer  shal  make  the 
like,  to  enioy  the  frael  therof,  shal  perish  out  of  his  people^ . 

Chap.    XXXI. 

BifeleeldndOoluh  dre  deputedhy  our  Lord  to  mdke  the  TaherndcUy  and  the 
thmp  belonging  thereto.  12.  Theobjeruattonof  the  fal^l^dth  d^y  ts  o-gAine 
tommAnded.  18  ^nd  our  Lord  deliucretb  to  MojfestVVO  tMes  l>^ritte» 
Ti^uh  the  finder  of  Cod. 

I  2  A  Nd  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying:  t  Behold,  I 
jTjl  haue  called  by  name.-'  Befclcei  the  fonnc  of  Vri  the 

Gg  fonnc 

14 1  ExoDvs.  Ceremonies, 

fonne  of  Hur  of  the  tribe  of  I uda,  f  and  I  hauc  replenished  5 
him  vith  the  fpirit  of  God,  vtith  wifdoine,  &:  vnderftanding, 
and  knowledge  in  al  worke,  f  to  dcuife  'vbatloeuer  may  4 
be  artificially  made  of  gold,  and  filuer,  and  bralTe,  f  of  mar-  5 
bie,  and  precious  ftones,  and  diuerfitic  of  wood,  f  And  I   <a 
haue  geuen  him  for  his  felo\r  Ooiiab  the  fonne  of  Achifa- 
mech  of  the  tribe  of  Dan.  And  in  the  hart  of  eueric  skilful 
man  haue  I  put  wifdome.that  they  may  make  al  things  >»hich 
I  hauc  commanded  thee,  f  the  tabernacle  of  couenant,  and  7 
the  arke  of  teftnnonie,  and  thepropitiatorie,  thatisouer  it, 
and  althe  ve(rel  of  the  tabernacle,  f  and  the  table  and  the  8 
vefiel  therof,  the  candlefticke  moft  pure  with  the  velfel 
thcrof, and  the  Altaresofinccnfe,  -f  and  of  holocaufte,  and  9 
al  their  veflel,  the  lauer  with  his  foote,  f  the  holie  veftmcnts    i© 
in  the  minifterie  for  Aaron  the  pricft,  and  for  his  formes, 
that  they  may  execute  their  office,  about  the  facred  things: 
f  theoilcofvn<5l:ion,andthe  incenfc  of  fpices  in  the  San-' 11 
6tuarie,althinges  which  I  haiie  commanded  thee,  shal  they 
make,  f  And  our  Lord  fpakc  to  Moyfes,  faying:  f  Speakellij 
to  the  childten  of  Ifrael,  and  thou  shaft  fay  to  them :  See  that 
youkeepe  my  fabbath  :becaufeitisa  figne  betwen  me  and 
you  in  your  generations:  that  you  may  know  that  I  am  the 
Lord,  which  fandlifie  you.  f  Keepeyou  my  fabbath;  for  it  14 
is  holie  vnto  you  :  he  that  shal  pollute  it,  dyuig  shal  die:  he 
that  shal  doe  worke  in  it,  his  foule  shal  perish  out  of  the 
middesof  his  people,  f  Sixdayesshal  youdoe  worke:  in  the   ly 
fcuenthday  is  the  fabbath,  the  hoHc  reft  to  the  Lord.  Euerie 
oncthat  shal  doe  any  worke  in  this  day,  shal  die^.  f  Let  the  16 
children  of  Ifrael  keepe  the  Sabbath,  and  celebrate  it  in  their 
generations.  It  is  an  euerlafting  couenant  f  betwen  me  and   17 
thcchildrenof  Ifrael, and  a  figne  perpetual,  for  in  fix  dayes 
?:  Not  by       the  Lord  made  heauen  andearth, and  in  the  feucnth  he  cca- 
by°anAnfrc?,at  f^ d  from  worke.  f  And  our  Lord,  when  he  had  ended  fuch  iS 
Godsappoint-  fpcachcs  in  mount  Sinai, gaue  vnto  Moyfcs  two  ftonc  tables 
went.  Gal. }.    of  teftimonie,  written  ••  with  the  finger  of  God. 

Chap.  XXXII. 

the  people  (  ^dren  confenting  )  mdke  cr  ddore  the  Imdge  of  a  ulfe , 
7.  '\yhich  Gad.  reaeilingto  MQyfts^  n.  be  prateth  ottr  Lord,  for  yfhra  - 
h^m,  ifu^ , Mid  Uctbifxhs  to f^Art  the  people, 4nd  ^erforme  hts  promt  fe, 


Idolatric  committed.  Exodvs.  145 

14.  yyherrvtth  Ccdii  pdeified.  i  j.  Tet  Moyfei  coming  from  the  Mounts 
and  feeing  the  ulfe^Atid  tdoUtrtejbr0n>eth  downe  the  tsblei  and  brt^keth 
them.  20.  defirojeth  the  tdoly  ii,  hUmeth  ^urony  17.  fdufetb  mante 
idoUten  to  be  sUttte,  31.  and  agdine  frayeth  f»r  the  people. 

I       A     Nd  the  people  feeing  that  Moyfes  made  tariance  ere 
./jL  he  came  downe  from  the  mount./,  being  airembled 
againft  Aaron,  they  fayd  :  A  rife  ,  make  vs  "  goddes  ,  that  ::  Aaron  knev 
may  goc  before  vs:  for  what  hath  chanced  to  this  Moyfes  "^^^^  goddei 
the  man  that  brought  vs  out  of  the  Land  of  ^gypt,  \re  ^^^J  T^"l'  ^® 

1  know  not.  f  And  Aaron  fayd  to  thcra  :  Take  the  golden  theyhadfenne 
earlettes  from  the  earcs  of  your  wiueSjand  fonnes  and  daugh-  vorftiippcd  in 

}   ters,  dc  bring  them  to  me.  f  And  the  people  did  that  he  had  ^gypt,and 

4  comanded.bringing  the  earlettes  to  Aaron,  f  Which  when  he  ^'^^'^°'^^"« 
had   receiued,   he  formed  them  by  founders  workc  ,  and  jnolicn  calfe. 
made  of  them  "  a  molten  calfe.  And  they  fayd  :  Thcfe  are  v.  4. 
thy  goddes  Ifrael,  that  haue  brought  thee  out  of  the  land 

I  ofi£gypf.  t  "Which  when  Aaron  had  fcnnc,  hcbuilded  an 
altar  before  it^  and  by  a  cryers  voice  proclaimed  faying  :  To 

6  morowisthe  (olemnitie  of  the  Lord,  f  And  ryfing  in  the  ::  Excc/Te  in 

mornine, they  offered  holocauftes,  and  pacifique  holies,  and  E    f.^  , 

,  I    r       J  J         J   •    1  J    1  /    foolilh  mirth, 

the  people  late  downe  to  eate,  and  to  drmke,  and  they  role  -^  jj^^  daueh- 

7  vp  ••  to  play,  t  Andour  Lord  fpakc  to  Moyfes,  faying  :Goe,  ter  ofglutto. 
get  thee  downe:  thy  people,  which  thou  haft  brought  out  nie,  and  mo- 

8  of  the  Land  of  i€gypt,  hath  finned,  f  They  haue  quickly  «her  of  Ido- 
reuolted  from  the  way,  that  thou  didft  (hew  them  :  and  they  ;""^'/"  ^^*^' 
haue  made  to  them  felues  a  molten  calfe,  and  haue  adored,  voru/. 

and  immolating  ho  ftes  vnto  ?•  it,  haue  fayd:  Thcfe  arc  thy  ::TothcmoU 
goddes  Ifrael,  that  haue  brought  thee  our  of  the  Land  often  calfe, 

9  ^eypt   t  Andapainc  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes.-  I  fee  that  ^^j      j  '^'f 

I  -^         1    •    n  /T  1      J      ,    ..  r  n-  I  c     ■  had  made. 

10  this  people  IS  Itittenecked:  f  ••  fufter  me,  that  my  tune  niay  ..(-j^^j  frying »' 

be  angrie  againft  them,  and  that  I  may  deftroy  them,  and  I  yxj^erm^figni- 

II  wil  make  thee  mto  a  great  nation,  f  But  "  Moyfes  befought  ficth  that  he 
the  Lord  his  God,  faying:  Why  Lord,  is  thy  furie  angrie  a-  ^°"'^  ^^  ^^^^^ 
gainft  thy  people  ,  whom  thou  haft  brought  forth  of  the  ^^^ ^nl,nt.\, 

11  Land  of  ^gypt,  in  great  power,  and  in  a  ftrong  hand?  f  Let 
nor  the  /Cgyptians  fay  I  befeech  thee_^  :  He  hath  craftely 
brought  them  forth,  that  he  might  kil  them  in  the  moun- 
taynes  ,  and  deftroy  them  from  the   earth:  let  thyne  anger 

ceafe,  and  be  pacified  vpon  the  wickedncs  of  thy  people.  .."[slot  only 
15  I  "  Remenber  Abraham,  Ifaac,  and  Ifrael  -'  thy  feruantes,  Godspromifca 

G  g  1  to  whom 

i^^  1 X o  D  VS.  Tdolatrie  committed. 

butalfo  his      to  whom  thou  fwaieft  by  thine  o  wne  ftlF,  faying :  I  wil  mul- 
feruants  mc-    (jpij^  y^^j-  f^ed  as  the  ftaires  of  hcaiien  ,•  and  this  >i> hole  land, 
n:cs  ai-ehcre        jj       f  j  [^^^j^  fpoken,  I  wil  siue  to  your  feed,  and  you  thai 
procuring        polTeire  It  alwayes.  f  And  our  Lord  vpas  pacihed  trom  doing  14 
mcrcietothc    the  euil  which  he  had  fpoken  againft  his  people,   f    And   ij 
people.  5«  (/;<  Moyfes  returned  from  the  mount,  carying  the  two  rabies  of 
^Hnotation.      ^^f^^y^Q^^^  [^^  his  hand,  written  on  both  lidcs,  ■\  and  made  16 
by  the  worke  of  God:  the  v^riting  alfo  of  God  was  grauen 
in  the  tables,  f  And  lofue  hearing  the  tumult  of  the  people  17 
dying  out,  faid  to  Moyfes  :  The  noyfeof  battaile  is  heard  in 
thecampc.  f  Whoanfwered:  It  is  not  the  eric  of  men  en-  18 
couraging  of  fight,  nor  the  flioute  of  men  compelling  to  flee: 
but  I  doe  heare  the  voice  of  fingers,  f  And  when  he  appro-  l^ 
V  Tw     r    ^\^^ch.z^toih.QC2im^&^\iQ  faw  the  calfe,  and  the  daunces :  and 
mcekeft  man-  being  '•'•  very  wrath,  he  threw  the  tables  out  of  his  hand,  and 
on  earth. (Nu.  brake  them  at  the  foote  of  the  mount,  f  and  catching  the  20 
11  )  In  Gods  calfe  vp^hich  they  had  made,  he  burnt  it,  and  bette  it  intor 
"°ft  ^1"        powder,  which  he  ftrawed  into  water,  and  gaue  thereof 
againftfinne.    drinke  to  the  children  of  Ifrael.  j-  And  he  faid  to   Aaron :»ii 
s.jiKg.q.i-i^  what  hath  this  pcopledoneto  thee,  that  thou  ihouldeft  bring 
inExod.  vpon  them  an  heinous  fintie  ?  f  To  whom  heanlwered:  Let  11 

y  ^^'^°|"  '**"'  not  ray  lord  be  offended :  for  thou  knowefl:  this  peopfe,  that 
faulibriefly,    if  is  prone  to  euil:  f  they  faid  to  me  :  Make  vs  godcles,  that  15 
not  intending  may  goe  before  vs:  for  vnto  this  fame  Moyfes,  that  brought 
a  friuolous      ys  forth  out  of  the  Land  of  itgypt,  we  know  not  what  is 
^"'^^'^^^^^^^  chanced,  f  To  whom  I  faid:  Which  of  you  hath  gold?  They  14 
thinke  but     tooke^^and  brought  to  roe  :  and  I  caft  it  into  the  fire,  and 
Moytesknew"  this  calfe  Came  forth,  f  Moyfes  therfore  ieeing  the  people  15 
the  truth.  J.    that  they  were  made  naked  (  for  Aaron  had  fpoiled  them  for 
^»^.g.  14J  »»  the  ignominie  or  filth,  and  had  fetthem  naked  among  their    . 
••  Their  zealc  enemies )  f  and  (landing  in  the  gate  of  the  campe,  he  faid  :  If  16 
Tfcd  with  au-  smy  nMii^  be  our  Lords,  let  him  ioyne  to  me.  And  there  garhe- 
ihoriticand     red  vnto  him  al  the  fonnes  of  Leui;  f  to  whom  he  faid:  27 
**J'^"d.S"^   This  faith  the  Lord  God  of  Ifrael:  Put  euerie  man  his  fword 
which  other-  "^P^"  his  thigh:  goe,&  returne  from  gate  to  gate  through  the 
wifcwanrino-,  middcsof  the  campe,  and  euerie  man  kil  his  brother,  and 
vhen  Sin^con  frcnd,  and  neighbour,  t  And'-  the  fonnes  of  Leui  did  accor-  28 
^u'^  '^T*  ^^"^  "^^"^  ^°  ^^^^  faying  of  Moyfes,and  there  were  flaine  in  that  day 
tcj^  warbl.!-    ^'^^o^i'^^bree  thoufand  men.  f  And  Moyfes  faid:  You  haue  29 
iT)e<;lby  lacob.  confecrated  your  handes  this  day  to  our  Lord,  euerie  man  in 
«<w.34.  c-,^9'  hisfonnc  Scinhis  brother^  that  blelling  may  be  giucn  to  you 


andpuni/hed.  Exodv.s.  j^^r 

JO  t  A"^  when  the  next  day  was  come,  Moyfes  fpake  to  the   •••Moyfes  not 
people:  You  haue  finned  a  vefie  great  finne:  |  wil  goevp  <^o»tent\j/ith 
to  our  Lord,  if  by  ani«  mearr-sl  may  be  able  to  intrearc  hi'A  J'j  "^""^^^'["j 
51  for  your  finful  fad.  -f  And  returning  to  our  Lord,  he  faid:  mhcr^pTnlii 
I  befeechthee:  this  people  harh finned  a  heinous  finne, and  wuhdie  pco- 
they  haue  made  to  them  lehies  goddes  of  gold:  cither  forgiue  P'*^'  then  they 

jz  them  this  trefp^lfcf  or  if  thou  d'oe  not,  ::  ftrike  mc  buf  j^JJ^^;  j.^""  , 
35  'of  the  booke  that  thou  hafl:  written,  f  To  whom  our  Lord  chcrforc  wLis 
anfwcred:  He  that  hath  linned  to  me,  him  wil  I  (trike  out  mltance  God 

34  of  my  booke :  f  but  goc  thou,  and  leadc  this  people  whf-  Pardoned 
thcr  I  haue  told  thee  :rayne  Angel  ilial  goe  before  thee.  And  ^^'="^--^-  "'""*' 
I  in  the  day  of  reuenge  wil  vlfitethis  finnc  alfo of  theirs..  %']n^oiT'*/' 

y;  t  Our  Lord  therfore  (mote  the  people  for  the  fault  concer-  s.^u^  2- I47• 
ning  thecalfe,  which  Aaron  had  made,  mExod, 

'  ANNOTATI,  O  nTT"""" 

Chap.    XXXIL 
4 .     ^  molten  calfe  ]  No  other  reafon  can  be  imagined,  why  the  people  This  pcopFc 
falling  to  Idolatric,  required  the  image  of  acalfc,  rnther  then  ofanic  otiicr  thouo-ht  the 
thing,  but  forthat  they  thought  the  blacke  calfe  xt'ith  white  fpotces,  called  calfe  to  be  the 
S.  .Aug.  v^/'M  ,  or  Serapis,  whom  they  fawc  the  vf.gvpnxns  eftemcd  mofbof  al  their  trueGod. 
/*.i8.  c  goddc5, CO  be  the  chicfe,  or  onlie  Ged.  And  tht^t&rc  to  this  famous  Idciy  they 
J,  ctun  .  alcnbcd  the  benefite  ©f  th«ir  deliuertc  from  bondage  ,  faying :  rheft  are  tJry 

goddes,olfrael,  that  haue  brought  thtf  oHt  of  the  Land  of  Mgypt.   So  they  men:  not  tK         A       J 
li.l.c.ii.^^  woifiiip  our  Lord,  the  true  God,  in  thatimagc,  aiCaluin  would  haue  it,    l         t,"u*^L 
para  .  p.  ^^^  ^^^  '^^'^Y  ^^•''^^  whofc  image  it  was,  for  adoring  immcdratly  the  calues  •      J^   i'^    ^  * 
j,,l}if^       ima^ye,andnnmaLitinihoJlfs  to  It  f  v.  8.)  they  pro'ccfted  that  to  be  their  God,  /      ^j   ^P^^' 
which  the  image rcprefcnted'.  This  appearcth;alfb,Dcut.  52.  v.  18.  go(^  x/;4f 
bfgattheethoHhjl}ioy/aif»:aodl)apforgotieaeHrLardth^  crtatour.  And  Pfal.  lOf. 
Y.  If.  xheyfaigai  God^  -vyhiih  fanedthtm. 

ir.     Vioyfts  befnught.]  AlbcitMoyfes  with  moft  humble fubmi/Tion  prayed  Caluin  char- 
for  the  people,  which  God  fo  accepted,  that  he  was  therby  pacified,  (v    14,)  gcthMovfcJ 
bthunc    yet  Caluin  herecondemnethhim.ofarrogaocic.and  pride,  as  though  he  im-  with  arro- 
Iccum.      perioufly  prefcribcdlaw  to  Gad,rpoyling,him  ofhisiufticc.Much  othcrwife  gancic. 

S ■  Hitiom  {Efifl.  11.  ad  Gaudent.)  commending  his  feruent  charitie,  doubtcth  Movfes  cha- 
noito  dy .  Dfipetfntiamferuiprectsimf>fdicbant  rhrferuantes  prayers  hindered  Gods  ritie concur* 
^STTfr,  bccaufcGod  hirafclf  faying,/wj^ey  wjc,//;^t  my  fur le  may  bt  an'^rie  agamfl  red  with 
tbe>n,andthat  Imay  dfjhtythem:  /hewed! Kid  diuine  prouidcnce  to  be  luch,  as  Godsproui- 
he  might  be ftaitd^fttm  doing th4t-vyhtch  be  t]ircat:}(d.         ,  dcnce. 

S.Jtttg.       15.     R.fwewter  ,^t)Vj/;4»»,  ]  It  much  trublcd  Caluin,  that  for  obtaining  par-  „    ,„ 
5.  149.    donfor  the  people,  the  Patriarches  are  mentioned,  for  whofc  fake  and  me-      °    .   ^^^j 
w  Exod.  rites,  mercie,  and  pro tediori  was  promifcd  by  God  (  Gcn.i8.ii.  i^.)(prophe-  ™^''5'C'or  the 
5.c/j)7/:  cicdbylacob,  (Gen.  48.)  performed  here,  and  in  manic  other  places.  And  "^^^^'cs  of  hi» 
J?o.4i.iwit  is  a  vainecuafion  tq  fay;  Godfhewedhismcrcic  for  his  promifc  fake  only;    ^^"*"f'' 
Cen.rhe-  for  he  promiled  the  fame  for  theirmeritcs ;  as  appcarcthin  the  places  alleagcd.  Grace  goeth 
td.q  67.  Though  al  merites  procedc  from  Gods  grace,  firft  gcucn  without  mcntei.  before  mc- 
wLxQ^    i.Cor./^,y.7>3.>4H^>degrat.0'ljb,arb.c,6  titcs. 

Gg)  CHAP^ 

14^  ExoDYS.  Moyfcsprayetk 

Chap.     XXX^III. 
Cods  wrath  htin^miti^^tedhy  Moyfes^  the  people  mourne  for  their  ftnnt* 
7.  Moyfes  pttctjith  tbetahernacte^vithout  the  campe^  and  thertn  e$ntter- 
feth  familidrl^  "W^th  Gad.  18.  defmngto  fee  buglorie. 


Nd  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying:  Goc,  get  thee  i 
vp  from  this  place,  thou  and  thy  people  which  thou 
haft  brought  out  of  the  Land   of  i£gypt_/,  into  the  land 
wherof  1  (ware  to  Abraham,  Ifaac,  and  lacob  ,  faying: 
To  thy  fecde  I  wil  giue  iz:  t  ^"^^  ^  "^^^  ^^^^  ^^  Angel  thy  1 
precufor ,  that  I   may  caft  out  the  Chananeite^ ,  and  A- 
jnorrheite,  and  Hetheite,  and  Pherezeite,  and  Heueitc-^ , 
and  lebufeite,  f  ^""^  t\io\i  maieft  enter  into  the  land  that  $ 
••  God  vould  floweth  with  milkc  and  honey :  for  -  I  wil  not  goe  vp  with 
rot  in  this  paf-  thee,  becaulc  thouart  a  ftififeneckcd  people:  left  pcrhappes 
fagc  worke      I  deftroic  thee  in  the  way.  f  And  the  people  hearing  thts  4 
f^'j^  Tl[^K  "*  verie  il  fiying,  mourned  :  and  no  man  put  on  his  ornamentes 
gin<^  them^  '  after  the  cuftome.  f  And  our  Lordfaydto  Moyfes:  Speake-  ; 
forti)  of  it-     10  the  children  of  Ifrael:  Thou  art  a   ftiffenecked   people, 
gypt.  So  ic  if  once  1  thai  goe  vp  in  the  middes  of  thee,  and  (bal  deftroy 
a  comination  ^^^^^  Now  prefently  lay  away  thy  ornamentes,  thai  I  may 
JcreVubbo'r- ki^o^  what  to  doe  vnto  thee,  t  Therfore  the  children  of  6 
ne  and  ftifFe    Ifracl  layd  away  their  ornamentes  from  mount  Horcb. 
licckcd.  j-  Moyfes  alfo  taking  the  tabernacle, pitched  it  without  the  7 

campeafarreof,  and  called  the  name  thereof.  The  Taber- 
nacle of  couenant.  And  al  the  people,  that  had  anie  queftion, 
went  forth  to  the  Tabernacle  of  couenant ,  without  the 
campe.  f  And  when  Moyfes  went  forth  to  the  tabernacle,  8 
althepeoplerofcvp,  andeuerieoneftoodein  thedore  of  his 
pauilion,  and  they  beheld  the  backe  of  Moyfes,  til  he  cntred 
into  the  tabernacle,   f  And  when  he  was  tntrcd  into  the  ^ 
Tabcrnacleof  couenant,the  pillcr  of  the  cloude  came  downe, 
and  ftoode  at  the  doore,  and  he  fpake  with  Moyfes,  f  althey  10 
beholding  that  the  pillcrof  the  cloud  ftoode  at  the  doore  of 
theTabetnacle.  And  they  ftoode,  and  adored  at  the  doores 
of  their  tabernacles,  f  And  our  Lord  fpake  vnto  Moyfes   11 
face  to  face,  as  a  man  is  wont  to  fpeake  to  his  frend.  And 
•when  he  returncdinto  the  campe,  his  miniOer  lofue  the  sonc 
of  Nun,ayong  man,  departed  not  from  the  Tabernacle^/ . 
t  And  Moyfes faid  to  our  Lord:  Thou  commandcft  me  to  11 


fvr  the  people.  Exodvs.  147 

ieadc  forth  this  people:  and  docft not  ftiexr  me  \rhom  thou 
wilt  fend  with  me,  Specially  wheras  thou  haft  faid  :  I  knov  ::  The  vifio* 

15  thee  by  name,  and  thou  haft  found  grace  in  my  fight,  t  If  ofGodinglo- 
thcrfore  I  haue  found  grace  in  thy  fight ,  shew  me  thy  face,  '!^^od  1)*y  hit 
that  I  may  know  thee,  and  may  find  grace  bel^ore  thine  eyes,  grace  makcth 

ij^   looke  vpon  thy  people  this  nation  .  -f  And  our  Lord  faid:  h:srcruants  to 
i;  My  face  thai  goe  before  thee, and  I  wilgiue  thee  reft,  f  And  cal  vpon  his 
Moyfesfayd:  Ifthy  felfedoeftnoteoe  before,  bring  vs  not  "^mc  j.  v/^«^. 

16  out  of-  tnis  place,  f  For  whereby  shal  we  be  able  to  know  ^isioneinthji 
I  and  thy  people,  that  we  haue  found  grace  in  thy  fight,  vnlcs  life  can  fee 
thou  walke  with  vs,  that  we  may  be  glorified  of  al  peoples,  GodasSainds 

17  that dwel  vpon  the  earth?  t  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes:  '^^  '^"„^'°"^' 
This  word  alfo,  which  thou  haft  fpoken,  wii  I  doe  :  for  thou  I*  Moyfes  fav 
haft  found  grace  before  me,  and  thy  felfel  haue  knowcn  by  more  glorious 

18  15) name,  f  "Who  faid:  Shew  me  thy  glorie.  +  He  anfwered:  workes  &  ef- 
Iwilshew  thee  '■'•  al^cod,  and  -'  wil  cal  in  the  name  of  the  f|^<^cs  of  God, 
T       JL    r  L  J  I        1  L  •  I  T        1    thcnotheiPro 

Lord  before  thee:  and  I  wil  haue  mercie  on  whom  I  wii,  ^hets,  yet  not 

10  and  I  wil  be  merciful  to  whom  it  shal  pleafe  me.  f  And  againe  his  fubftance 
he  fayd  :  Thou  canft  not  fee  my  face:  '■'  for  man  shal  not  anddiuinena- 

zi  fee  me,  and  Hue.  f  And  againe:  Behold,  quoth  he,  there  is  ^^^^■Thfdortt. 

11  aplace  with  me,  and  thou  shalt  ftand  vpon  rhe  rocke,  f  And  1\il„.  deyerh, 
Hvm.y.  when  my  glorie  shal  pafle,  I  wil  fette  thee  in  a  hole  of  the  jfa.-vidi.Dom, 

rocke,  and  prote6t  thee  with  my  right  hand,  vntil  I  palfe:  s.chryfojl.ho. 
i3  t  and  I  wil  take  away  my  hand ,  and  thou  shalt  fee  -  my  4-  '^'^ '"  "^"* 
backe-partcs  :  but  my  face  thou  canft  not  fee.  DetnMtHra, 

Chap.    XXXIIII. 

Moyfei  goeth  Againe  into  Mount  sindi,  yvith  new  tables,  praying  for  the 
people,  io.  to  whom  Gcd promtfeih  togiue ^ofejlton  of  the  Land.  12.  Vro- 
hihitetb  4I  ajioaatton  '\viththt  Gentiles,forfeareof  JcioUtrie,  i^. geuetb 
precepts  concerning  the  frfl  borne,  the  Sabbath,  and  oth^r  feafta.  28. 
^fterfourtiedaj/es  faff,  Moyfes  returneth  to  the  people  ^ith  the  com- 
mandements,  and  his  f^ceap^eartttg  horned,  he  coutreth  it,^henfoeHtr 
hefpeaJ{eth  to  thtpeepU, 

1      A    Nd  after  this  he  faid:  '■  Cut  thee  two  tables  of  ^one  j^'J^^^^^.'J^"' 
X\  like  vnto  the  former,  and  I  wil  write  vpon  them  the  t,roke""y^t 
wordcs,  which  the  tables  had,  which  thou  haft  broken  .  others  are 

1  j"  Be  readie  in  the  morning,  that  thou  maieft  forwith  go  vp  made:fo 
into  the  mount  Sinai,  and  thou  ("halt  ftand  with  me  vpon  the  5^°"^^  ^^* 

3  toppe  of  the  mount,  f  Letnomangovp  with  thee,  neither  ^^^^f^^^ir 
let  anic  man  be  fenc  throughout  the  whole  mount  ;  the  oxen  tifmcbcloft, 


Yet  there re- 
maineth  pe- 
nance, as  the 
fccond  tabic 
of  fafcie  after 
flilpvrakc  S. 
Uiefo.  Eptf  ad 

^5. y  J.  God 
hcie  promi- 

f-  chief 


24S  E  X  o, D  VS.  The  law  wnttea 

alio  and  che.shecpe  let  them  not  feedc  oucr  againft.  f  He  4 
cut  out  therfote  tvro  tables  of,  fueh  as  had  bene  before  : 
audriflng  very  early  he  went  vp  into  mount  Sinai,  as  our 
Lord  had  commanded  him,  earying  x^-ith  him  the  tables. 
■j-  And  when  our  Lord  was  defcended  in  a  cloude,  Moyfes  y 
ftoodc  with  him,  calling  vpon  the  name  of  our  Lord,  f  Who  6 
pafiing  before  him,  he  faid:  *  Dominatour  Lord  God,  mer- 
ciful and  clement,  patient  and  of  much  compaffion,and  true, 
•f-  which  kecpcfi:  incrcie  vnto  thoufandes :  which  takcft  away  7 
iniquitie,  and  wicked  fades,  and  fmnes,  and  no  man  of  him 
fclfe  is  innocent  before  thee.  Which  doeli  render  the  iniquitie 
of  the  fathers  to  the  children,  and  to  the  ncphewes  vnto  the 
third  and  fourth  generation,  f  And  Moyfes  making  haft,  8 
bowed  Hatte  vnto  the  earth,  and  adoring  f  he  faid:  Iflhaue  9 
found  grace  in  thy  fight  o  Lord,  I  bcfeech  rhee  that  thou  wilt 
goc  with  vs  (  for  it  is  a  ftiffc  necked  people  )  and  take  away 
our  iniquities  and  finnes,  and  polTelTe  vs.  f  Our  Lord  anfwe'- 
rcd:  "  I  wilmakeacouenanrinthclightofal,  I  wildofignes 
that  were  neuer  (^n&  vpon  the  earth,  nor  in  anie  nations :  that  • 
this  people  may  fee,  in  the  miJdcs  of  whom  thou  art,  the  ter- 
rible worke  of  the  Lord  which  I  wil  doe.  f  Obferue  al  11 
thinges  which  this  day  I  command  thee:  I  my  felf  wil  caft 
out  before  thy  face  the  Amotrheite,  and  Chanancire,  and 
Hetheite,thc  Phcrczeitc  alfo,  and  Heueite,  and  Icbufeite. 
t  Beware  thou  neuer  ioync  amitie  with  the  inhabitants  of  11 
that  land,  which  may  be  thy  ruine  :  f  but  deftroy  their  altars,  15 
breakc  their  ftatucs,  and  cut  downe  their  groucs  :  |  adore  14 
notaftrangeGod.  The  Lord  his  name  is  leloufe,  God  is  an 
cmulatour.  f  Enter  no  traffick  with  the  men  of  thofe  regions:   i| 
left,  when  they  hauc  fornicated  with  their  goddes,  and  haue 
adored  their  idols,  (ome  man  cal  theetoeate  of  the  thinges 
immolated.  •}-  Neither  (halt  thou  take  a  wife  for  thy  fonnes  \G 
nf  their  daughters:  left  after  them  fclues  haue  fornicated, 
they  make  thy  fonnes  alfo  to  fornicate  with  their  goddes. 
t  Molten  goddes  thou  shakqot  make  to  thee,  f  Thou  ftialt  17  18 
kcepc  the  folcmiiitieof  the  azymes.  Seuendayes  {bait  thou 
catcazymcs,as  I  haue  commanded  chee,  in  the  time  of  the 
nioncth  of  new  corne  :  for  in  the  moneth  of  ipring  time 
thou  didft  goc  out  of  ^gypt.  t  Al  of  the  male  kind,  that  19 
opencrhthematrice,shalbemine.Of  al  bc.aftesas  wel  oxen   ^ 
&%  of  iheepe,  it  ihal  be  mine!  t  The,  firftborne  of  an  ade  iq 


in fecond  tables.  .     Exodvs.  lAst 

thou  fhalt  redecmc^rithashcepf  :  but  if  tl'.oil  V7iir  not  giuc 
a  price  For  ir,  it  fral  be  llainc.  The  Mrftbornc  of  thy  Tonnes 
tliou  shale  rcdecme  :  neither  shalt  thou  appeare  emptie  in 

21   n.y  fight.  •}■  Six  dayes  ibalt  thou  xX'Orke,  the  Icucnrh day  thou 

zz  iliaitceafe  to  eare,  and  rcape.  f  The  lolcmnitic  ofwcckcs 
thou  shalt  make  to  thee,  in  the  firfi:  frr.ires  of  corne  of  thy 
xc-heate  harueft,  and  the  (olemnirie,  when  the  rime  of  the  -Godbyan 

II  yeai'c  retuineth  that  &1  thinoes  are  laid  vp   t  Three  tymes  J"S^   ""^ 
ot  the  ycare  al  thy  male  shal  appeare  m  the  light  or  thc.^  ,;  ^  j,;^^^ 

24  omnipotent  Lord  God  of  Ilrael.    f   For  when  1  fhai  hxue  lo.-vic^  <. 
takenaway  the  nations  from  thy  face,  and  shal  haue  dilated  "Howfceucr 
thy  borders,  no  man  shal  hem  way teagainlt  thy  land,  when  ^^^ ^^f'"™^^^*!* 
thou  doeSl  goe  vp,andappeare  in  the  light  of  the  Lord  thy  uj(j^^  in  both 

2)'  God!  thrift  in  a  ycare.  f  Thou  shah  nor  immolate  the  bloud  tables,  here  it 
of  myhoftc  vponLaucn:  neither  Oial  there  rcmainc  in  the ''^'^^'■"'"f'that 
morning  of  the  vidime  of  the  folemnitie  of  the  Plwfc-/ .  ^"-^^'^'^"o    ^ 

iG  t  Thehrdofthe  fruitcs  of  thv  ground  rhou  shalt  oiler  in  trrhentennc 
the  houle  of  the  Lord  thy  God.  Thou  shalt  not  boilc  a  kidde  inal. 

27  in  rhemi'ke.of  his  damme,  f  And  our  Lordfaid  to  Moyfes:  "  So  his  face 
"Write  thee  thefe  wordes,  in  which  I  haue  made  a  couenant  TPf^.^T*^/? 

28  both  ^ct  irh  thee  and  with  Ifrael.  t  Tiierforc  he  was  there  with  j^^,  ^^^.fonoi 
our  Lord  fourticdjycs  and  fourtie  nightes:  he  did  not  cate  tlic  gliilcring 
bread,andhedronkeno  water,  and  •'•  he  wrote  in  the  tables  bcamcs  of  hu 

25)  the  wordesof  the  couenant,  "  tenne  f  And  \»hen  Aloyfcs  ^""""Y*^-^ 
c  niedowne  from  the  mount  Sinai,  he  held  the  two  tables  ii(,i,f!\^ff^cj 
of  ti  flirnonie,  and  he  knew  not  that  his  face  was  "  homed  hisconucrra- 

jo  b\  the  conurrfationoftheralke  of  our  Lord.  |  And  Aaron  tion wuhGod 
and  fhe  children  of  Ifrael  (eing  the  face  of  Moyfes  horned,  ^^^"Jfj'-^^'^J-* 

ji  they  were  afraid  to  come  necre  t  And  being  called  of  him,  ^th't^hat'w;' 
theyreturnedaswel  Aaron  as  the  princes  of  the  fynagcgue.  nt4)yethatwhich 

52  And  after  that  he  fpakcrothem,  f  al  the  childrenof  Ilrael  ahiddU  {\n  ai 
alio  came  to  hin-:  whom  he  commanded  al  thinges  that  he  eternitic) /jm 

35   hadheardof  our  Lord  in  mount  Sinai,  t  And  hauing  ended  f.xhc^fani'c  ^ 

34  histalke,hepuc  '•''  aveilc  vpon  his  face,  f  Which  going  in  vcilcV  faicrh 
to  our  Lord,  and  fpeaking  with  him,  he  toke  away  vntil  he  S.raol  j  icir.a- 
went  forth,  and  ti  en  he  (pake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael  al  "^^'i  vponthc 

1$   thinocs  that  had  bene  commanded  him.  t  who  law  that  the   ^•■''f  "[f -^^c- 

vcs  tlicv 

face  of  Moyfes  coming  forth  was  horned,  but  he  couered  cmnotlee 
his  face  againc,  if  at  anie  time  he  (pake  to  them.  Chnft,  til  by 

h'v-  fperial  gracf  they  (hal  be  illuminated:  i  Cot-  j  Tlic  like  is  vpon  the  hart  of 


H  h         ~  Chap. 

txo  E  X  o  D  V  s.  Ceremonies. 

Chap.     XXXV.  ' 

The  precept  of  the  sMdth  is  yet  renewed.  4.  Ftrfl  frmtes,dnd  other  gifta 
Are  required,  and  duly  offered,  for  the  making  of  the  tahernActe  and  other 
thtnges  therto  belongings  -^hich  are  here  recited.  30.  BefeUtl  and  Ooliah 
are  appointed  work>«"^^  f Of  *^i^ P^*''P^f^' 

:;Afrcr  the  fall  np  H  E  R  F  o  R.  E  -  al  the  multitude  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  i 
of  the  people     J^    being  gathered  together,  he  faid  to  them  :  Thefe  are  the 
toldolacrie,     fi^intrgs  ^j^hich  our  Lord  hath  commanded  to  be  done  .  f  Six  1 
mcn^t^and  re-  daye's  you  ibal  do  worker  the  (eucnth  day  sha)  be  holie  vnto 
pcnta'ce,  their  you,  the  fabbath,  and  reft  of  our  Lord:  he  that  shaldoanie 
rcconclliatioa  workein  it,  shal  be  flaine.  f  You  shal  not  kindle  fire  in  al  5. 
to  God  and     y^u^  habitations  OH  the  fabbath  day.  f  And  Moyfes  faid  to  4 
Sie^ommand-  al  theaflemblie  of  the  children  of  Ifrael:  This  is  the  \3f'ord 
mcnts  made     that  our  Lord  hath  commanded,  faying:  f  Separate  with  ; 
and  written,    you  firfl  fruites  to  the  Lord.  Let  euerie  one  that  is  willing  an  J 
^V^i^  ^p^'  hath  a  readie  hart,  offer  them  to  the  Lord:  gold  and  filuer, 
mcr  precept     *"'^  bralfc,  f  hyacinth  and  purple,  and  fcarlet  twife  died  ,"5 
of  kcping  the  and  filke,  the  haire  of  goates ,  f  and  rammes  skinnes  died  7 
Sabbath  ,  and  redde,and  ianthin  skinnes,  the  wood  fetim,  f  and  oile  to  8 
prouidcthal     maintaineliphtcs,  and  to  make  ointment,  and  moft  fweete 
neccllancsto     -  r      ^  ?\  n.  ja  tli 

the  making  of  ^*^^^"^^  »  t  Qnyx  Itones,  and  pretious  (tones,  lor  the  ador-  9 

theTabcrna-    ning  of  the  Ephod  and  the  Rationale.  |  Whofoeuer  of  you  10 
dcjvhcrtothc  is  wife  ,  let  him  come,  and  make  that  which  our  Lord  hath 
Prmces  aad      commanded:  j-  to  wit,  the  Tabernacle,  and  the  roofe  therof,  11 
prompthTand  ^""^  ^^^  couer ,   the  ringes ,  and  the  bordeworkc  with  the 
liberally  con-  barres,the  pinncsand  the feete:  f  the  Arkeand  the  ftaues,  u 
mbntc. s.^i*^.  the  propitiatorie ,  and  the  veile,  that  is  drawcn  before  it: 
^.i7i.mExo.    I  the  Table  with  the  barres  and  the  velFel,  and  the  loaues   15 
of  propofition:  f  the  Candlefticketo  beare  vp  the  lightes,  14 
the  vcifel  therof  and  the  lampes,  and  the  oile  to  the  nou- 
rilliing  of  fires:  f  the  Altar  of  incenfe,  and  the  barres,  and  ij 
the  oile  of  vn6^ion  and  the  incenfe  of  fpices:  the  Hangino- 
at  the  doore  of  the  tabernacle  :  f  the  Altar  of  holocaufte,   16 
and  his  grate  of  braiTe,  with  the  barres  and  velfel  therof: 
the  Lauer  and  his  feerc:  f  thcCurtinesof  the  court  with  the  17 
pillcrs  and  the  fcete,  the  hanging  in  the  doores  of  the  entrie, 
t  thepinnesof  the  tabernacle  and  of  the  court  with  their  18 
litle  cordcs :  f  the  Vcftimentes,  that  are  to  be  vfed  in  the  19 
rp.iniftericof  the  fandluarie,  the  vefture  of  Aaron  the  hioh 


Ceremonies.  E  x  o  d  v  s.  iji 

Prieft,  and  of  his  fonncs,  to  do  the  fundion  of  Priefthood 

20  vntome.  f  And  al  the  multitude  of  the  children  of  Ifrael 

Xi  going  forth  from  the  fight  of  Moyfes,  f  offered  firft  fruites 
to  our  Lord  ^srith  a  moft  prompt  and  deuoure  minde,  to  make 
the  MJTorkc  of  the  tabernacle  of  the  tcftimonie.  V  hatfoeuer 
\t'as  neceffarie  to  the  feruice  thcrof  and  to  the  holie  vefti-. 

ti  menrs  ,  f  both  men  and  wemen  did  giue_y  ,  tabJtttes  and 
carlettcs,  ringes  and  bracclctrcs  :  cuerie  veiFel  of  gold  was 

23  fepararedfor  the  donaries  of  our  Lord,  f  If  anie  man  had 
hyacinth, and  purple,  and  fcarlct  tv^'ife  died  reddc,  and  ianthin 

24  skinnes,  t  metal  of  filuer  and  bralFc  ,  they  offered  to  our 

2j  Lord,  and  the  wood  fetim  for  diuers  vfes.  f  But  the  skilful 
wemcn  alio  gaue  fuch  rhinges  as  they  had  fponne,  hyacinth, 

2.6  purple,  and  (carlet,  and  hike,  -f  and  goates  haire,  geuing  al 

27  of  rheirowne  accord,  f  But  the  prmces  offered  onyx  ftones, 

and   pretious   ftones,  for  the  Ephod   and  the  Rationale,  ..  as  matrct 

28  t  andfpicesand  oile  to  maintaine  the  lightes,  and  for  the  alone  is  not 
preparing  of  ointment,  and  to  make  the  incenfe  of  moft  fufficiep.tfof 

29  fweete  lauour.  f    Al  men  and  wcmen  with  deuoure  mind  ^  .  /    ^"^    . 
offered  donaries,  that  the  workcs  might  be  made  which  our  ^^^^^    jo 
Lordhad  comandedby  the  band  of  Moylcs.  Althe  children  whom  God 
of  Ifrael  did  dedicate  voluntarie  thinges  to  our  Lord.  gcueth  fpecial 

50      t  And    Moyfes  faid  to  the  children   of  Ifrael;  Behold  ,  *kJ^=J°^°'j^^^; 
our  Lord  harh  '•  called  byname  Befclecl  the  (onne  of  Vri  jjc^Scripfurc' 
^i    the  fonne  of  Hur  of  the  tribe  of  luda.  f  And  hath  filled  God  gcuctii 

him  with  the  fpiritof  Godjwirh,  wifdome and  intelligence,  particular 
52  and  fcience  and  al  learning  f  to  deuife  and  to  make  wotke  knovvledgc  to 
53  in  gold  and  filuer,  and  bralTe.^,  f  and  in  grauing  ftones,  ^ors  \Tthe con- 

and  in  carpenters  worke.  "Whatfocuer  can  be  dcuifcd  zn\~  fumm*tton  of 
34  ficially,  t  r'e  hathgiuenin  his  hart:  OoJiab  alfo  the  fonne  samdes,  to  the 
5;  of  Achifamech  of  the  tribe  of  Dan  :  f  both  hath  he  inftru-  ''"^"'t^  "f  '^^ 
'    aed  with  wifedomc ,  to  make  the  workcs  of  a  carpenter,  ,'"^T^;"''//'t 
a  tapcfter,  an  embroderer  of  hyacinth  and  purple,  and  fcarlet  y/jf^  ff  chr^jh. 
twife  died, and  filke, and  to  weauealthinges,  and  to  inuent  (thcChurth) 
al  new  things.  ^pl^ff-  4- 

Chap.    XXXVL 

More  helng geuen  then  '^nsneedeful.G.  Mojrfei  mide  to  he  procldmed  th4$ 
ns  more  should  be  offered,  8.  So  the  turtinesy  13.  ringef,  18.  InckJes,  19. 
thecouer,  lo.hordeSyii,  harres,  3;.  a  lieUt,  56.  filitrsy  and  4  baa^nj^ 
4re  made  rcadie, 

Hh  1  Bess- 


2.5-2;  E  X  o  D  V  s.  Ccremoniej.. 

E  s  E  L  E  E  L    thei'fore,  and  Oo'iab,  and  cueiie  -wife  rran,    i 
to  whom  our  Lord  gaue  wifedome  and  vndcrflanding, 
to  know  how  to  worke  artificially,  made  the  thinges  that 
areneceHane  for  thcvfesof  the  Sandiiarie,  and  which  our 
Lord  did  command,  f  Ai^»^  when  Moyfes  had  called  them,  i 
and  eiierie  cunning  man-.,  to  whom  our  Lord  had  gcuen 
"wifedomejand  fuchas  of  their  owne  accord  had  oftercd  chem 
fclues  to  the  making  of  the  worke,  f  ^^  dehuered  al  the  5 
donaries  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  vnto  the  m  .  Who  being 
earncTc  about  the  worke,  the  people  daily  in  the  morning 
::  As  tlic  peo-  did  offer  their  vowes.  f  Whereupon  -  the  arfrificers  being   4 
pleabounacd   conftrained  to  come,  f  faid  to  Moyfes  :  The  people  otrcieth  5 
indcuotion,     ,^oje  [J^cn  is  neccfTarie.  t  Moyfes  therfore  commanded  pro-  6 
fo  the  work-  III-  •  T  •  >        ^ 

nicnofrao-      clamation  to  be  made  by  the  criers  voice;  Let  neituer  man 

dcftie  and  re-   nor  woman  ofFer  anie  more  in  the  worke  of  the  Sandtuarie. 
ligioH  would    Andfo  they  ceafed  from  offering  giftes,t  bccaufe  thethinges  7 
^h  "nnTceffkrk  ^^^^  ^^^^  offa-ed  did  fuffice  and  were  oucr  much;  f  A^nd'  8 
\^^\l^>'tlinq.   al  the  wife  harted  men,  to  accompliih  the  worke  of  thera- 
i/i .  >»  l*  9^.     bernacle,  made  ten  curtines  of  twilled  filke,  and  hyacinth,' ' 
and  purple,  and  fcarlet  twife  died,  with  varit-d  worke,  and 
the  art  of  embrodering  :  f  of  which  one  had  in  length  9 
twentie  eight  cubites,  and  in  bredth  foure  :  there  was  one 
mcafureof  al  the  curtines.  t  And  he  ioyned  fiue  curtines,  19 
one  to  another,  and  the  other  fiue be  coupled  to  themfelues 
one  with  an  other,  f  He  made  alfo  loupes  of  hyacinth  in  the  u 
edge  of  one  curtine  on  cither  fide,  and  in  the  edge  of  the 
other  curtine  in  like  maner,  f  that  the  loupes  might  rneete  ir 
one  againft  an  other,  and  might  be  ioyned  eech  with  other. 
•f  Whereuponalfohedidcaftfifticringcsof  gold,  that  might  15 
catch  the  loupes  of  the  curtines,  and  might  be  made  one 
tabernacle,  f  He  made  alfo  eleuen  curtines  of  goates  haire   14 
to  couer  the  roofe  of  the  tabernacle:  f  one  curtine  in  length  i^ 
had  thirtie  cubites,  &in  bredth  fourc  cubites :  al  the  curtines 
were  of  one  meafure:  t  of  which  fiue  he  ioyned  apart,  &  the  16 
other  fix  apart,  t  And  he  made  fifrie  loupes  in  the  edge  of  one  17 
curtine,  and  fifrie  in  the  edge  of  an  other  curtine,  that  they 
might  be  ioyned  one  to  an  other,  f  And.fiftic  buckles  of  18  ' 
brafle  wherwith  the  roofe  might  be  knitte  together,  that  of 
al  the  curtines  there  might  be  made  one  couering,f  He  made  15 
alfo  a  couer  for  the  tabernacle  of  rammes  skinnes  died  redde  : 
&  an  other  couer  ouer  that  of  ianthin  skinnes.  t  He  made  20 

alfo     ^   , 

Ceremonies.  Exodvs.  2,^2. 

alfo  tbc  borcies  of  the  tabernacle  of  the  \rood  fetiin  (landing, 
ii  t  Theieiig-hofoncbordc  was  ten  cubircs  :  and  the  bredrK. 
12.  contained  one  cubireand an  halfe.  f  There  were  two  mor-. 

teles  throughout  eueriebordc,  that  one  might  be  ioyned  to. 
15   the  other  So  made  al  the  hordes  ol- the  tahernacic.  -fOf 

thcwhichcwenncwereat  the  fouth  lidc  againll  the  Souths 
i4  t  with  fourtic  f  ee.te  of  fiiuer.  1  wo  feetc  were  put  vndcr  one 

horde  on  either  fide  of  tlie  cornerSj  where  the  mortcfes  of  the 
ij  fides  end  in  the  corners,  f  At  that  fidcal^o  of  the  tabernacle, 

that  looked  toward  the  North,  he  made  rwentie  hordes, 
2627 1  withfourry  feeteof  filuer,  twofceteforeuery  borde.  f  But 

againd  the  weft,  to  witte,2t  that  fide  of  the  tabcrnaclc,which 
'  28  looketh  to  the  fea,  he  made  fix  hordes,  t  and  two  other  at  ech 

29  corner  of  the  tabernacle  behind:  -j-  which  were  alfo  ioyned 
from  beneth  vnto  the  toppe,  &  they  grew  together  into  one 

30  connexion.  So  he  made  on  either  fide  at  the  corners  f  that 
there  were  in  aleig''t  bordeSjandhad  fixteene  feeteof  filuer, 

ji   to  witte,  two  feete  vnder  euerie  borde.  f  He  made  alfo  barres 

ofthe  woodfetimj  fiue  to  hold  together  the  hordes  of  one 
32  fide  of  the  tabernacle,  f  and  fiue  other  to  ioyne  together 

the  hordes  of  the  otiier  fide:  and  befidcs  thefe,  fiue  other 
55  barresarthe  weft  fide  oFthe  tabernacle  againft  the  lea.  f  He 

made  alfo  an  other  barre,  that  might  come  by  the  middes  of 
34  the  hordes  from  corner  vnto  corner,  f  And  the  bordeworke 

it  felfe  he  plated  with  gold.  And  their  ringes  he  made  of  gold, 

through  which  the  barres  might  be  drawen  :  the  which  alfo 
3j  themlelues  hecoutrcd  with  plates  of  gold,  f  He  made  alfo 

aveile  of  hiacinrh,and  purple, f-arhtte,  and  twifted  filke, 
36  withembrodered  worke,  varied  and  diftinguiChed  :   f  and 

fourepillersof  thewoodfetim,\«hich  with  their  heades  he 

57  plated  with  gold,  cafting  their  feete  of  filuer.  f  He  made 
alfo  a  hanging  in  the  entric  of  the  tabernacle  of  hyacinth, 
purple,  fcarler,  and  twiftcd  filkc,  with  the  worke  of  an  em- 

58  broderer:  t  and  fiue  pillcrs  with  their  heades,  which  he 
couered  with  gold,  and  their  feetc  he  did  caft  of  bialTe. 

Chap.     XXXVII. 

Sefeleel  maketi  tie  ^rke.6.  the  Propitiaforiey  "ivitb  Cheruhimti  y  lo.  tht 
TMci'  with  "Vf/f/  belonging  therto,  17.  the  CAudleflicke  vvi.h  horvla 
andhmches,  23,  feuen  lampes  "Sifitb  fnuffers,  i$.the  .Altar  o/incenfe, 
:z«;.  attel  compeundeth  the  m(€njct 

Hh  2  AKt> 

2^4  ExoDvs.  Ceremonies* 

N  D  Befcleel  made  alfo  the  arkc  of  the  "^ood  fetim,  i 


hauing  two  cubites  and  an  halfe  in  length,  and  a  cubice 
and  an  halfe  in  bredth,  the  height  alfo  \ras  of  one  cubite  and 
an  halfe  :  and  he  plated  it  \rith  the  pureft  gold  \vitbin_> 
and -without,  f  And  he  made  to  it  a  crowne  of  gold  round  i 
about,  f  carting  foure  ringes  of  gold  at  the  fouie  corners  5 
thereof:  two  riBges  in  the  one  fide,  and  two  in  the  other, 
•j-  Barres  alfo  he  made  of  the  wood  fetim,  which  he  plated  4 
with  gold,  •{-  and  which  he  put  into  the  ringes,  that  were  at  j 
the  fides  of  the  arke  to  carieit.  f  He  made  alfo  the  Propi-  6 
titoric,thatis,the  Oracle,  of  the  pureft  gold,  two  cubitcs 
and  an  halfe  in  length,  and  a  cubite  and  an  halfe  in  bredth. 
•f-  Two  Cherubins  alfo  of  beaten  gold,  which  he  (erfe  on  7 
either  fiJe  of  the  Propiciaroric  :  f  One  Cherub  in  the  toppe  8 
of  one  fide,  and  the  other  Cherub  in  the  toppe  of  the  other 
fide:  two  Cherubins  in  each  toppe  of  the  Propirirtorie-r. 
fTlic  Chcrn- 1  fprcading  their  winges,  and  -  couering  the  Propiriatorie,  9 
bins  couenng  and  lookmg  one  toward  the  Other  and  tow  ardit.  f  He  made -10 
aUponand      alfo  the  table  of  the  wood  ferim  in  length  two  cubites..  and 
^t'^rV'-fi       in  bredth  one  cubite,  which  had  in  height  a  cubite  &  an  halfe. 
f  faith  S   Gre-  t  ^nd  he  did  compafiTe  it  with  the  fineft  gold,  and  he  made   ir 
jrorieNyfllii)  to  it  a  golden  hdge  round  about,  f  and  ro  the  ledge  it  felfe  a  11 
chat  rlic  Scrip-  golden  crownc  enterpolished  of  foure  fingers,  ?nd  vpon  the 
^""^^^  1^^"^*^.    fame  an  other  golden  crownc.  t  And  he  caft  foure  ringes  of  15 
then  the  h"e-   §°^^>  which  he  put  in  the  foure  corners  at  encrie  foote  of  the 
ral.  de  yita       table  f  againft  the  crowne  :  and  he  put  the  barres  into  them,  14 
Moy/easpofime-  that  the  table  might  be  catied  .  j-  The  barres  alfo  them  fclucs   ij 
dn*m.  jjg  made  of  the  wood  fetim,  and  compaficd  them  with  gold. 

f  And  the  veflel  for  the  diuers  vfcs  of  the  table,  fawcers,  i<» 
phiales,  and  gobletres,  and  cenfars,  of  pure  gold,  wherein 
the  hbamcntes  are  to  be  offered  .  f  He  made  alfo  the  candle-  17 
fticke  beaten  of  the  fineft  gold.  From  the  shaft  wherof  the 
branches,  cuppes, and  boules  and  lilies  did  proccede  :  •{•  fix  18 
on  both  fides,  three  branches  on  one  fide,  and  thre<;  on  the 
other:  f  three  cuppes  in  manor  of  a  nutte  on  euerie  branch,  19 
and  boules  withal  and  lilies  :  and  three  cuppes  of  the  fai>iion 
ofanuttc  in  an  other  branch,  and  bouhs  withal  and  lilies. 
The  worke  of  the  fix  branches,  thit  proccded  from  the  (h^ft 
of  the  candlcfticke,  equal    f  And  in  the  shaft  it  felfc  were  lo 
foure  cuppes  after  the  maner  of  a  nutte,  and  boules  withal 
Jit  ciicrie  one  and  lilies;  j-  and  boules  vnder  two  branches  in  11 


Ceremonies.  Exodvs.  ijy 

three  places,  *<Jrhich  together  ilvake  fix  branches  preceding 
It  from  oile  ihaff .  t  b<>rh  the  boules  th'erfore,&:  the  branches 
i3  xrereoutof  it,  al  beaten  of  the  purcft  gold,  f  He  made  alfo 

the  feucnlampes  vrith  their  Inuffcrs,  and  the  veifel,  where 
i4  the  fnivflings  fliould  be  put  out,  of  moft  pure  gold,  f  The 

Gandlefticke  'ix'ifhcil  the  velfel  therof  did  weigh  a  talent  of 
Ij  gold,  t  He  made  alfo  the  altar  of  incenfe  of  the  \t'ooci  fctim> 

hauing  acubiteeuerie  way  foure  fquare,  and  in  height  two: 
l6  from  the  cornets  wherof  the  homes  did  procede.   f   And 

he  plated  it  with  the  purell:  gold  ,  with  the  grate  and  the 

27  walks  and  the  homes,  f  And  he  made  roita  crowneofgold 
round  about,  and  two  golden  tinges  vnder  the  crowne  at 
either  fide,  that  the  barres  may  be  put  into  them,  and  the 

28  altar  may  be  caried.  f  And  the  barres  them  felucs  he  made 
alfo  of  the  wood  fetim,  and  coueredthera  with  plates  of  gold. 

25)  f  He  compounded  alfo  oile  for  the  ointment  of  fmdtifi- 
cation,  and  incenfe  of  the  pureft  fpices  with  the  workeof 
a  pigmentarie. 

Chap.     XXXVIII. 

Tht  fime  Beftleel  maketh  the  ^Itar  of  Bolocaulif.  8.  the  brgfen  Uuer.  9. 
the  court  ypith  fillers  and  hungtn^ei.  21.  The  gtftes  ihntfiftere  offered 
dre  recited. 

1  T  T  E  MADE    alfo  the  Altar  of  Holocaufte  of  the  wood 
JL  X  fetim,  Hue cubites  fourc  fquare,  and  three  in  height: 

2  t  the  homes  wherof  did  procede  from  the  corners,  and  he 
5  couercdit  with  plates  of  bralfe.  t  And  for  the  vCcs  therof 

he  prepared  of  bralle  diuers  veflels,  cauldrons,  tonges,  tleth- 

4  hookes,  pothookes,  &  firepannes.  f  And  the  grate  therof 
in  maner  of  nette  he  made  of  bralle,  and  vnder  it  in  the 

5  middesof  the  altar  an  hearth,  f  carting  foure  ringes  at  as 

6  manietoppes  of  the  nette,  to  put  in  barres  to  carie  it:  f  the  ..-rhcfcvrc- 
which  themfcluesalfo  he  made  of  the  wood  fetim,  and  co-  men  watcUed 

7  uered  them  with   plates  of  brafle  :    f  and  he  drew    them  therefor  dc- 
through  the  ringes,  that  ftoode  out  in  the  fides  of  the  altar.  uotion,andit 
Andthealtarit  fclfe  was  not  malTie,  but  holow  of  hordes,  f'™e  cVftome 

S  and  within  emptie.  f  He  madealfo  the  lauer  of  braife,  with  contmuedtil 

thefoote  therof,  of  wemens  glaffes,  ••  that  watched  in  the  Chrifts  time. 

t)  doore  of  the  tabetiiacle  .  f  He  made  alfo  the  court,  in  the  ForAnnathe 

fouth  fide  wherof  were  hangingcsof  t>oriftcd  filke,  of  an  ^;^°™^'J' 
10  hundred  cubites,  f  twentie  piflers  of  bralTe  with  their  fectc,  of  life.  l»vm. 


z^f  ,,Exoi>y$.  Ceremonies. 

thchcades  of  the  pillers,  dc  the  wjtiole  graiiin-g  of  the  \Torke, 
'6f  fiiuer.  f   inhkemanei-at.the,n(?,Kh  kde.  tk^  hangiiiges,  ii 
piUcrs,  and  fectc  and  the  heades  of  the  pillers  vrere  of  the 
lame  mcafure,  and  vjrorke  and  metal,  f  But  on  rhar  fide  that   li 
looiketh  to  the  Weft,  there  ■^ere  hanginges  of  fiftic  cubites*  _^  l 
tea  brafen  pillers  Nviih  xheir  feete  ,  and  the  heaides  of  th<?. 
pillers,  and  al  the  grauing  of  the  worke,  of  filuer.  rf-  More-  ij 
piieragainft  rl.e  Ealt  he  prepared  haginges  of  fiftie  cubites: 
•j-  of  the  which,  one  (ide  conreyned  fiftene  cubites  oF  three  14 
pillers,  with  their  feete:  t  ^»d  on  the  ot;^er  fide  (  becauftg  ij 
betwen  botli  he  mide  the  entrie'  of  the.  tabernacle)  there     j 
were  hanginges  equally  of  Hftene  cubircs,  and  three  pillers, 
and  feete  as  manie.  f  Al  the  hanginges  of  the  court  \vere  16 
wouen  oftwifted  filke.  f  The  hciG.  of  the  pillers  were  of  17 
bralfe,  and  their  heades  with  al  their  grauinges  of  filuer :  but 
the  pillers  alfo  of  the  court  them  (clues  he  plated  with  filuer. 
t  And  in  the  entrie  therof  he  made  with  embrodercd  worke  i8 
a  hanging  of  hyacinth,  purple,  fcarlet,  and  twiftedfilke,  that 
hadfwentie  cubites  in  length,  but  the  height  was  fiue  cir-- 
bites  according  to  the  meafure,  which  al  the  hanginges  of 
the  court  had.  f  And  the  pillers  in  the  entrie  were  foure  19 
wirh  feete  of  braflc,  and  rheir  heades  and  grauinges  of  liluer. 
t  The  pinnes  alfo  of  the  tabernacle  and  of  rpe  court  round  10 
about  hemadeof  bralTe.  t  Thefcaretheiuftrumcntesofthe  21 
taberbacle  of  teftimonie,  which  were  numbred  according  to 
the  precept  of  Moyfes,  in  the  ceremonies  of  the  Leuitt  s  by 
thehandof  Ithamarthe  fonneof  Aarontbepti'eft:  f  which  11 
Bcltied  thefonneofVri,thefonne  of  Hur,  of  the  tribe  of 
lula  had  accomplished,  asour  Lord  commasidedbv  Moyfes, 
t  hauing  iovncd  to  him  fclfe  for  his  compagnionOohab  the  15 
forme  of  Achifamech  of  the  tribeor'Dan  :  who  was  himfelf 
alfo  an  egregious  artificer  in  wood,  and  a  rapifter  and  embro- 
dtrer  of  hyacinth,  purple,  fcarlet,  and  filkc.  f  Al  the  gold  24 
chat  was  fpcnt  in  the  worke  of  the  Sandoarie,  and  that  vras 
offered  in  donaries,  was  nine  and  twentie  talentes,  and  feuen 
hundred  rhirtic  fides  according  to  the  meafure  of  the  San- 
(^tuarie.  f  And  it  was  offered  of  them  that  palfcd  ro  the  num-  ij 
ber,  trom  rwenrie  yeares  and  vpward,  of  (Ik  hundred  three 
thoufmdjand  fine  hundred  fifrie,  able  men  to  beare  arme*;. 
t  Thercweremorcouer  an  hundred  ralentes  of  filuer, wherof  i(> 
^ere  caft  the  feete  of  the  Sandluarie,  and  of  tlie  entrie  where 


Ceremonies.  Exodvs.  257 

ly  the  vellc  hangcth.  f  ^'^  hundred  feete  vcre  trade  of  an 

hundred  talentes,one  talent  being  accouted  for  eucric  footc. 
1%  f  And  of  the  thoufaiid  feuen  hundred, and  feucntie  flue  he 

made  the  heades  of  the  pillers,  vhich  them  felueshealfo 
1^  plated  "with  filocr*  f  Of  brafTc  alfo  there  were  offered  fe- 

ueniie  tvo  ihoufandtalcntes,  and  foure  hundred  ficles  be* 
30  fides,  t  oftlic  vhich  werecaft  thefeetein  thecnrrie  of  the 

tabernacle.of -teftimonie,  and  the  altar  of  brafTc  with  the 

grate  thejo f,  and  al the  veifel,  that  pertayne  tothcvfc  ther- 
jt  of,  t  2"^  the  feetc  of  the  court  afwel  in  the  circuite  as  in 

the  cntrie  therof,  and  the  pinncs  of  the  tabernacle  and  of  the 

courtj  round  abouL^* 

Chap.     XXXIX. 

'^ihe  onrnmentfi  of  ^dron  dndhis  fonuei  are  made.  31.  and  tle'iph^te 
liyorke  of  the  TdhernAelc  it^erfited. 

I  T^TOriover  cfhyacinthandpurplejfcarlctand  filkc 
^VjL  he  made  the  v^fturcs,  that  Aaron  should  wearevhen 
he  miniftred  in  the  holie  places,  as  our  lord  commanded 

I  Moyfes.  f  He  made  therfore  an  Ephodof  gold,  hyacinth, 
}  and  purple,  and  fcarlettvife  died,  and  twifted  filke,  f  with 

cmbrodered  worke,  and  he  did  cut  thinnc  plates  of  gold,  and 
dxevthcmfmahnto  threcdes,  that  they  might  be  tvifted 

4  vith  the  woufe  of  the  former  colours,  ■\  and  tvo  edges 

J  coupled  one  to  the  other  in  the  toppc  on  either  fide,  f  ^^'^'^ 
a  ba'Cfdrike  of  the  (ame  colours,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded 

4  Moyfes.  f  He  prepared  alfo  tvoOnyxftones,  faftfettcand 
clofed  in  gold,  and  grauen  by  the  art  of  a  lapidarie ,  >3f'ith  the 

7  names  of  the  children  of  Ifrael :  f  ^^d  he  fet  them  in  the 
fides  of  the  Ephod  foramonimcnt  of  the  children  of  IfracI, 

3  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes.  f  He  nude  alfo  a  Ra- 
tionale with  cmbrodered  worke  according  to  the  workc  of 
the  Ephod,  of  gold,  hyacinth,  purple,  and  fcailet  twife  died, 

9  and  tvifted filke:  t  fourcfquare,dubIe,ofthcmeafureof  a 
JO  palme.  t  And  hc{<:tfourercwes  of  precious  ftoncs.  In  the 

II  firftrcwewasfardius,  topazius,anemeraud.  f  Inthefccond, 
II  acarbuncle,afaphirc,  andaiafper.  t  In  the  third,aligurius, 
J3  an  achates,  and  an  anicthift.  f  In  the  fourth  a  chryfolith,  an 

onyx,andberyllus,  campaiFedandenclofcdin  gold  by  their 

\i  re\rej> 

ij8  E  X  o  D  V  s.  Ceremonies. 

rewes.  t  And  the  twelue  ftones  them  fclucs ,  vcre  graoen  14 
vith  the  names  of  the  twelue  tribes  of  Ifracl,  cuerie  one 
vith  his  feueral  name,  t  They  made  alfo  in  the  rationale  litlc  ij 
chcyneshnkcdonctoanotherofthcpureftgold,  f  and  two  16 
hookes,  and  as  manie  ringes  of  gold.  Moreouer  the  ringes 
they  feton  either  fide  of  the  Rationale,  f  onthe\Fhich  17 
the  two  golden  cheyncs  should  hang,  which  they  put  into 
the  hookes,  that  ftoode  out  in  the  corners  of  the  Ephod. 
t  Thefc  both  before  and  behind  did  fo  agree  with  them  fel-  18 
ues,  that  the  Ephod  and  the  Rationale  might  be  knit  one  to 
the  other,  f  tycd  to  the  bawdrike  ajjd  with  ringes  ftrongly  19 
couplcdjwhich  a  lace  of  hyacinth  ioyned,  left  they  should 
flagge  loofely,  and  be  moued  one  from  the  other,  as  our  Lord 
commanded  Moyles .  f  They  made  alfo  the  tunikc  of  the  20 
Bphodal  of  hyacinth,  f  andaholefor  theheadin  the  vppcr  u 
part  againftthe  middes  ,  and  the  border  of  the  hole  round 
about  wouen :  f  and  beneth  at  the  feete  pomegranates  or  it 
hyacinth,  purple,  fcarlct,and  twifted  hike :  f  and  htle  bel-  2j 
ies  of  the  pureft  gold,  which  they  did  put  betwen  the  pome- 
granates in  the  vtmoft  part  ofthetunike  round  about:  f  to  24 
witte,  a  bel  ofgold,  and  a  pomegranate,  wherwith  the  high 
piieft  went  adorned,  when  he  executed  his  minifteric,  as  our 
Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes.  f  They  made  alfo  filkcn  tu-  2f 
nikes  with  woucn  worke  for  Aaron  and  his  (onnes  :  f  and  16 
mitres  with  their  litle  crownesof  filke:  f  linnen  breeches  27 
alfo,  of  fine  line:  f  andagirdle  oftwifted  iilke,hyacinth,pur-  28 
pie,  &  fcarlet  twife  died,  with  the  art  of  embrodering,  as  our 
r  Alexander     Lord had  commanded  Moyfes.  f  They  made  alfo  the  plate  2^ 
the  great  fee-  of  '•'  facred  veneration  of  moft  pure  gold,  and  they  wrote 
h"^^h  P^r^^^  in  it  with  the  worke  of  a  lapidarie ;  The  Hohc  of  our  Lord  : 
beann<»this'    t  and  they  tyed  it  to  the  mitre  with  a  lace  of  hyacinth,  as  \o 
Tcncrablc         our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes.  f  Thcrforeal  the  worke  31 
plate  on  his      of  the  tabernacle  &  of  the  roofcof  teftimonie  was  perfited: 
foichcad.with  and  the  children  of  Ifracl  did  al  thini^es  which  our  Lord  had 
fcncl^yrcn'c      Commanded  Moyfes.  -f  And  they  offered  the  tabernacle  and  52 
Yntohim,and  the  roofe  and  the  whole  famirure,  ringes,  hordes,  barres, 
adored  the       pillers  ahd  their  fscte,  f  the  coucr  of  rarrimcs  skinnes  died  55 
name  of  God    redde,and  the  other  couer  of  ianthin  skinnes,  f  the  veile,  34 
ZuH^V^J^^  thearke,  the  barres,  the  propiriarorie,  t  the  tabic  with  the   ?f 
It.  it.f  8.       vellel  thcror  and  the  loaues  or  propodnon:  f  tne  can^-lle-  ^6 
^ntij.  ftick.fe,'thelampcs,andtHefufnirure  of  them  with  the  oyle: 

The  Tabernacle  ercdcd.  Exodvs.  tjf 

57  f  the  altar  of  gold ,  and  the  ointment,  and  the  incenfe  of 
5S  fpices:  f  and  the  hanging  in  the  entrie  of  the  tabernacle: 

39  t  thealtarof  braflc,  the  grate,  the  barres,  and  al  the  vellel 
therof:  the  lauer  with  the  foote  thcrof :  the  hanginges  of 

40  the  court,  and  the  pillers  with  their  fecte:  f  the  hanging  in 
the  entrie  of  the  court,  and  the  litie  cordcs,  and  thepinnes 
therof.  Nothing  wanted  of  the  vciTeij  that  was  commanded 
to  be  made  for  the  minifterie  of  the  tabernacle,  and  for  the 

^T  roofe  of  couenant-  .  f  The  veftimenres  alfo  ,  which  the 
prieftes  vfe in  the  Sanduarie,  to  wiite,  Aaron  and  his  fonnes, 

41  -f  the  children  of  Ifrael  offered,  as  our  Lord  had  cornn?an- 
45  ded.  t  which  chinges  after  that  Moyfcsfawai  iinij[hc4,hc 

bleflcd  them. 

Chap.     XL. 

'Recording  to  Gods  commandment  Mayfes  erefi-etb  the  TahernacUy  "^v'lth  4I 
thmgei  af/^ertaymn^y  the  frj}  day  of  the  fecond  ye  Are  after  then  deliuerte 
from  Agyft.  52.  Cod  replenhheth  the  fame  "^vtth  his  Maiefie,  a  cloude 
remaynin^^oufrithj  day^  and 4  pUer  offre  by  nirht  y  but  "^vhen  they 
ibalmtrcbyths  fame  pafieth  before  them.  r^tt^IVY;* 

^  ::TheTal)ffr 

2  I   A    Nd  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moy  fes,  faying  :  t  The  "  fir  ft  "'^'fj  fhTlft  ft 
jfjLmonethjthefirft  day  of  the  moneth,  thou  fhalt  ered  ycareand  crc- 

5  the  tabernacle  of  the  teftimonie,  •\  and  ihslt  put  in  it  the  aike,  died  the  firft 

4  and  (halt  let  downe  before  it  the  vcile:  f  and  bringing  in  the  day  ofthefe- 
table,  thou  (halt  fetvpon  it  the  rhinges  that  are  commanded  *}      P^^\ 
after  the  rite.  The  candlefticke  (hal  fland  with  the  lampes  ^^urcW  of 

J  therof,  f  andthe  altar  of  gold  whereon  the  incenfe  is  bur-  chriftprepa- 
ned,  before  the  arke  of  teftimonie.  Thou  fhalt  put  the  hang-  red  in  the  old 

6  ging  in  the  entrie  of  the  tabernacle,  f  and  before  it  the  ^^"  ^^^."^^"V  ^ 

7  tat  of  holocauilc  :   +  the  lauer   betwen  the  altar  and  the      "^lll'^'i 
'        ,  ,  111  1     /-I  1  All  exalted,  ana 

8  tabernacle,  which  thou  (halt  nl  with  water,  f  And  thou  confirmed ia 
(hah  compaffe about  the  court  with  hanginges,  and  the  entrie  the  nev. 

9  therof.  t  And  taking  the  oile  of  vndion  thou  shalt  anoyntc  "Morcholie 
the  tabernacle  with  the  vcffcl  therof,  that  they  may  be  fan-  ^\';S;^;;;'jht'^ 

10  dificd  ;  t  the  altar  of  holocaufte  and  al  the  veffel  therof:  sa„anarie,l  ut 

11  f  the  lauer  with  the  foote  therof i  al  ilialc  thou  confecrate  ihQSancU.un, 
with  the  oile  of  vnition,   that  they  maybe  *•  nioftHoUe.  t'/cffwitfclFc 

12  t  And  thou  (halt  bring  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  to  the  doore  J^'^'i'f^^^^"* 
of  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie,  and  hauing  wailied  them  places  in  liiis 

15  with  water,  •\  thou  (hale  reucft  them  with  the  facred  vefti-  world. 

li  1  raentcsj 

2,(fo  E  X  o  D  V  $.  The  Tabcrnncle  created* 

menccs,  that  they  may  miniftec  to  me,  and  the  vndion  of 
them  may  profper  to  an  cuerlaftine  pricfthood.  f  And  Moy-  14 
fes  did  althinges  which  our  Lord  had  commanded,  t  Thcr-  1$ 
fore  the  firfi:  moneth  of  the  fecond  yeare,  the  fit  ft  day  of  the 
moncth,  the  tabernacle  was  placed,  f  And  Moyfes  creded,  it 
it,  and  put  the  hordes  and  feetc  and  barrcs,  and  reared  the 
pillers,  t  ^"<^*  ^P"^^^  ^^^  roofe  ouer  the  tabernacle,  putting  17 
oueritacouetjasour  Lord  had  commanded,  f  He  put  alfo  18 
:rA  gomor  of  tlie  teftimonie  in  ''•  the  arke ,  thrufting  barres  vnderneth  , 
Manna '«;as      and  the  oracle  aboue.  f  And  when  he  had  brought  the  arke  1^ 
«k^  m" 'ndo     info  tlve  tabernacle,  he  drew  before  it  the  veilc  to-  fulfil  the 
ncdbeforc.      commandemcnt  of  our  Lord,  t  He  fette  the  table  alfo  in  the  10 
chap.  16.         tabernacle  ofteftimonie  at  the  north  fide  without  the  veile, 

t  ordering  the  bread  of  propofition  before  it,  as  our  Lord  it 
had  commanded  Moy  fes.  f  He  fette  the  candle^Vickc  alfo  in  ir 
the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie  ouer  againft  the  tabte  on  the 
fouth  fide,  t  placing  thclampesin  order,  according  to  the  25 
precept  of  our  Lord,  f  He  fet  alfo  the  altar  of  gold  vnder»  ^14 
the  roofe  of  teftimonie  againfl:  the  vcilc,  t  and  burned  vpon  25 
s:  Without  al  it  the  incenfe  of  fpices,as  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes. 
rfoubtfraith    ^  He  put  alfo  the  hanging  in  the  entric  of  the  tabernacle  of  2(5  ' 
^  ^*'f*'x'd  )    tefthnonic,  f  and  the  altar  of  holocauftc  in  the  entrie  of  17 
MoyfesMcfi-  ^^^^  tcftimonie,  offering  on  it  theholocauftc,  and  the  facri- 
gured  other    fices,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded,  f  The  lauer  alfo  he  fet  z8 
ocrfons  when  betwen  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie  and  the  altar,  filling  it 
*\J^*^"^'"^^'"^°  with  water  .  f   And  Moyfes  and  Aaron^ ,  and  his  fonnes  29 
jnoumSinar   ^a(hcd  their  handcs  and  feete,  f  whentheycntred  the  roofe  30 
and  others  '    of  couenant>  and  went  to  the  altar,  as  our  Lord  had  comman- 
ttow  when  he  ded  Moyfes.  f  He  ereded  alfo  the  court  round  about  the  ta-  51 
could  not  en- j,gj.j^j^^}^  ^j^j  ^^^^  gjj.^^^  drawing  the  hanging  in  the  entrie 
vmVr!I?^tKerof  Afreralthin^cswcre  pcrfitcd,  t  the  cloud e  couered  :^x 

Dcinaclc  replc  t       r      n  -iTi-r         ti  rn 

niftied  with     the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie,  and  the  glorie  or  our  Lord  nlled 

thcglone  of  it.  f  '•'  Neither  couJd  Moyfes  enter  the  roofe  of  couenant,  35 
God  In  'Jinai  the  cloude  couering  althinges,and  themarefticofour  Lord 
twf'h^t  c    s^»hnng,becaufe  the  cloude  had  couered  al  thinges.  f  If  at  34 
»ctratc  "the      ^^^^  ^^'^^  ^^^^  cloud  did  leaue  the  tabernacle ,  the  children  of 
profound  my-  Ifracl  went  forward  by  their  troupes:  f  Ifithong  ouer,  they  jy 
ftcricsof        remained  in  the  fame  place,  f  For  the  cloude  of  our  Lord  3^ 
fhcInx'c'who^°"^^°*^"''^'°^  tabernacle  by  day,  and  a  fire  by  night,  in 
Yndctftadnotf^^  ^g^^'^  ^  althc  children  of  Ifrael  throughout  al  their 
thclione.         manfions^ 



L  E  V  I  T  I  C  V  S. 

^  Y\  T  H  EN   the  TdlertiMcle  fPJs  ere^cJ ,  nereto   Mount  Sinai,  50  fooneas 
J^'*-         Y     y    fijg  ftj.ft  day  of  rhe  fecond  y sarc,  4/>fr  <if  children  of  ifrad  the  Tabcma- 
■    '        farted  from  JEgyp ,  ^od  ms  /o  rcplemll^ed  Un.i  Gods  Maieftie,  ^Jg^^]' 

thstnonc,  no  notMoyfcs  him felf  couUcmcrm     onr  Lord  firahr^^  dared  rhcof^ 

fromthenccy  cdlled Moyfes  y  and  declared  to btm  theo;ficeso[  the Lemtes  i  ficesoftlieLc- 
X»  1.      iV^«»»o»(y>  dndno others,  h e deputed  fcr  the  4dmin:flr^tJon  ,  andcharge  uiccs,  written 

of^frfi^  fi5>;»e^  :  iri^fro/  this  hooke  (  Ti'^mn  /iyr  are  written }  is  called  m  this  booke  j 
£/.,)».     i.,«/,-«*5.  In  ^hicK  r^itb  S.Bieromy  al  and  cueric  Sacrifice ,  yea  al -  ^X'^l^'^' 
Adp^t^  mod  cucric  Tillable,  and  Aarons  vcnmcnts,  and  the  ^a^  hole  Leui-  ^j^^^^ 
'""""•     cai  order  breath  forth  hcauenlie  facraments ,  or  mjderies,  F^r  firft 
*""  '     cod  here  Prefcnhttb  iphat  famfices  he  ml  haue ,  /»  whatmannery  and  to  The  content? 
s'  whatPurptfes.Thtn  ^' hat  partes  and  ^ualifes  be  re^uireth  in  Prtc/fs-yhotV  of  iliisbooke. 

they  ihal  he  >fledand  confecratedyfeuerly  pmishng  f^methattranfgrefedi^ 
II.  fcitb  (ommandment  neither  to  offerin  facnjice  y  norto  eat-  things  reputed 

^'"  l^ncleane,  4nd  the  mancr  of  purifying  fuch  thingSy  andperfons ,  as  hy  dtuers 



•i7*  ]Wes'''s7thiJooke  mny  he  diuided  into  fine  fpecial  pArtes,  TFefirj},  of  di-  Diui  Jed  into 
tiers  fortes  of  Sacrifices',  m  tbcfeuenf^rfibapters.  Thefecond  ,  of  c^nfecrating  ^uc  pans, 
Pnedsy  and  their  vJmentSy  Itiith puntihrnentfor  offering  ftrange  fire,  in  the 
three  next  chapters.  The  third  y  of  dip nB ion  hetwen  cleaneand  yncleaney 
Sffithtbemancrofpurifytnrtertainelc^^l'^ntkatteiyand  o.btr  precepts  mo^  their,.  The  fourth,  offcaflsy  times  of 
refiy  and  JuhilieTfitbfrmilcdgeSyre'WardeSyMdpumshments.  from  the  ly 
^^,  t»  ti€  X7*  The  fifth,9fyewes,  4nd  tjtheif  in  the  Ufl  chapter. 





C  H  A  P.      I. 

X>/wf  ri  rltei  in  oerlng  hoh£dtiftes,  as  rPel  of  cattle,  14.  ds  ofhirdes^ 

ofthis  bookc. 
Of  diucs  for- 
tes of  Sacrifi- 

pcrfcdcfl  of 
-cueric  kind  is 
to  be  offered 
to  God,nottbc 
blind, lame, or 
\vcake.  Gen.  4, 
t^alach.  I. 

Nd  ovr  lord  called  Moyfes,  apd  x 
fpake  to  him  out  of  the  tabernacle  of 
teftimony,  faying:  t  Speake  to  the  chij*  i 
dren  of  Ifrael  •,  6<f"  thou  shalt  fay  to 
rhem:"Thenian  of  you,  that  shal  offer 
an  hofte  to  our  Lord,  of  bcaftcs,  that  is 
of  oxen  6^  shcepe,  offering  vidimes 
f  if  hisoblatioH  be"  an  holocaufte,  5 
and  of  the  heardj  he  shal  offer  ••  a  male,  without  fpctte,  at  the 
dore  of  the  tabernacle  of  tcf^imonie,  to  propitiate  our  Lord 
vnto  him.*  t  and  he  shal  put  his  handes  vppn.the  headc  of  4 
the  hofte  ,  and  it  shal  be  acceptable,  and  profitable  to  his 
expiation,  f  And  he  shal  immolate  the  calfc  before  our  Lord,  f 
and  the  children  of  Aaron  rhe  pricftes  shal  offer  the  bloud 
therof,  powring  it  in  the  circuitc  of  the  altar,  -which  is 
beFore  the  dore  of  the  tabernacle,  f  And  the  skinne  of  the   6 
hofte  being  plucked  of,  theioyntesthey  shal  cut  inropeeces, 
-f  and  shal  put  fire  vnderneth  in  the  alrar,hauing  before  laid  7  • 
a  pylcofNToodinorder:  f  and  the  ioynrcs  that  are  cut  out,  8 
laying  in  order  thereupon,  to  wit,  the  head,  &  al  thingcs  that 
dcaue  to  the  liuer,  t  theentrallesand  feete  being  washed  9 
with  water,  and  the  prieft  shal  burne  them  vpon  the  alrar 
fornnho!ocaufi:e,and  "  fweete  fauoure  to  our  Lord,  f  And  la 
if  thcohlationbeof  flockes,an  holocaufte  of  shecpe  or  of 
goatcs,  a  Umbc  of  a  yeare  old  without  fpot  shal  heoffcr : 
■f  and  he  shal  immolate  it  at  the  fide  of  the  altar  that  loo  kcth  11 

to  the 

>acri£ccs.  Leviticvs.  1^2, 

to  the  North,  before  our  Lord:  but  the  bloud  therof  rh« 

Tonnes  of  Aaron  shal  poure  vpon  the  altar  round  about  : 

iz  t  and  they  shal  diuide  the  ioyntcs,  the  head,  and  al  that 

clcaue  to  the  lyuer .-  and  shal  lay  them  vpon  the  wood,  vndcr 

13  which  the  fire  is  to  be  put:  f  butthe  cnnalcsand  the  fccte 
they  shal  wash  with  water.  And  the  v;  hole  the  pricfl:  shal 
offer,  and  burne  vpon  the  altar  for  an  holocauftjsndniofl 

14  fweete  fauoure  to  our  Lord,  -f-  But  if  the  oblation  of  holocauft 
ij  to  our  Lordbc  of  birdeSj  of  turtles  and  young pigicns,  t  the 

prieft^shal  offer  it  at  the  altar  :  and  v  rithing  the  head  to 
the  necke,  and  breaking  the  place  of  the  wound,  he  shal 
make  the  bloud  to  runne  downe  vpon  the  brimmeof  the 

16  altar:  -f-  but  the  croppe  of  tbe  throate,  and  the  fcrhcrs  he 
shal  caft  nigh  to  the  a'ltar  at  the  eaft  fide,  in  the  place  where 

17  theashes  are  wount  to  be  powredout,  j-  and  he  shal  breakc 
the  pinnions  therof,  and  shal  not  cut,  nor  diuide  it  with  a 
knife,  and  shal  burne  it  vpon  the  altar,  putting  firevnder 
the  wood.  It  is  an  holocauft  and  oblation  of  moil:  fweete 
fauoure  to  our  Lord. 


Chap.     I. 

I.     The  m4n  that  shal  o^er  1  Sacrifice  being  rhemoftfpecial  external  feruicc,  Sacrificcpre- 
wherbyman  acknowlcdgeth  the  fupreme  dominion  of  God,  and  his  owne  fuppofcdtobc 
fubiedlion  and  homage  to  his  ^iuine  MaicHie,  was  Co  v/cl  knowcn  to  be  ncccf-  nccclIirv,God 
faric  ( as bcin^ in  moft  frequent  vfc  in  the  law  oi  nature,  and  in  al  nations)  prcfcnbeth 
that  here  nedcd  no  tanie  new  precept  in  general,  that  the  people  of  God  should  the  rites  to  be 
offer  facnfice,  though  for  fpecialpurpoTcs,ccrtainc  particular  tacrifices  were  obfcrucd  iher 
fome  times  appointed,  but  this  durie&  obligation  prcfuppofcd,  our  Lord  firft  jjj, 
admoniniing  to  offer  the  bef^,  and  perfe^teft  things  in  euetie  kind,  prefciibeth 
with  what  rites,  and  ceremonies  It  shal  be  done.  As  in  offering  an  holocauft 
of  the  heard,  it  mull  be  a  male  yyithoutfpotte;  and  be  offered  at  the  dore  of  the 
ttibsrnacU,  the  offerer  putting  his  h.xndts  ypon  the  head  tf  thehofle;thepieflsmuji 
offer  the  blo»d,po-vyriii^  tt  in  the  circnitt  of  the  altar;pluikr  of  the  ikinnt;  cut  the  ioyntei 
inpreces;  lay  them  in  order;  theentr-tlesand  feetebetngyyashed,burneal  ypon  the  ^Itar: 
And  the  like  in  other  facrifices,  al  for  iufl  and  rcafoHable  caufcs,  without 
whichthe  wifdomcof  God  doth  nothing.  Sap.7.&  Pral.103.  y.  14. 

3.     ^nhelocah/l]   Inrefpcdof  diucri  thingsoifcred,  thcdiucrsmaner,and  Thrcekin(3c« 
caufcs  of  offering,  there  were  maniefortcs  of  Sacrifices ;  but  al  are  reduced  of  Sacrifice, 
to  three  kindcs.  The  firft  wis  Holocauft,  in  which  al  was  burned  in  the  honour 
of  God,  and  refolued into  rapour,  which  afcendech  rpwardj  in  fi^nc thatal  Holocauflc. 
irehaucisofGod  The  fecond  was  Sacrifice  for  fin ne,  &  that  of  diucrs  fortes,  Sacrifice  for 
for  the  vaiictie  of  llnnes  and  perfons;  and  part  of  this  lacrificc  was  burned,  (,^0^. 
the  other  part  belonged  to  the  Pricfls.  The  third  wis  Pacifique  facnfice,  wher-  pacifiqucSa- 
of  oneparcwasbarnc,another  pertaynedto  thjPriefts,  and  an  other  to  them,  cfjfirc, 
that  gauc  the  oblacioa  .   And  of  this  kiade  there  were  ivo  fortes,  one  of 

2^4  L  E  V I T I  c  V  s.  Sacrifices, 

for  bcncfites    thankrgcning  for  benefitcs  rcceiucdithc  other  to  procure  fauourc  in  anic  good 

rcceiucd  :         cntcEprife.ordcfire.  A I  the  vhich  did  prcfigiirc  and  forshcw  one  only  Sacrifice 

erdcfircd.        of  Chcifts  bodic  and  bloud,  offered  by  him  in  two  inaners  ;  bloudic  on  the 

Crofleonceforeucr,««'hcrof  S.Paul cxprelTyrpcakcth  (  Hcb.  9  )  vnbloudictti 

formes  of  breadand  vfinCjwhcrof  the  fame  S-  Paul  fpeakcth  ( Hcb.  c?.  v.  10. ) 

-./•     -r         phcwingthatChriftians  hauean^har ,  and  confcquently  a  Sacrifice  farrccr- 

,       II  y,-L,_  celling  thofe  of  the  Tabernacle;  and  our  Sauiour  him  fclfc  (  Marfc.  ztf.-r.  ty.) 

g^^_  fpcakingofthecontentsinthcchal:cc,raid:it>J7asfc»)fc/oK^<»/'*/j'»«->'Tr«/ftff««f, 

d  CluiPs^a-  ^"hich  he  then  mftirutedand  dedicated,  as  is  therenoted.  And  the  ancient 

^  c    '      _    jj    Fathers  (by  Caluins  confertlon  i»He6.  9.]  generally  vfethijdifbindioa  ofcbc 

Cr'odc  and  in  fmic  Sacrifice  offered' in  bloudie,  &  in  vnbloudienaancr.  They  Ukevrife  teacK 

die  Eti'harift.  ^^^^  ^^  bwfa!  Sacrifices  of  the  Lav  of  nature,  ar.dof  Moyfcs  did  end,  and 

vf'crc  complete  in  this  one,  \»'hichisour  daylic  Sacrifice,  our  immaculate 

Iambe,our  Qianna, ouilibamcnt,  our  holocaul>,our  Sacrifice  forfinne,  our 

Pacific]ue  Sacrifice  for  al  purpofcs  ,  and  in  ftecde  of  alold  Sacrifices  .  So 

S.  Jti*v'-j^in  lib   8.  e.  17.  lib.  17.  c.  icj).  de  ciuit.  Itb.  5    de  Baptf.  c.  19*.  Itb.  i.  co»f. 

dduerf.  Itg  eir  ptophft.  c.  ig.  &  10.  S.Chryfoil%  in  T/al.pj.  S.Lee./tr.S.  dePaJf, 

and  otherfathersteach. 

Notthcciter-     9.   Syyettja»ot^r.  ]  Not  that  the  fauour  of  corporal  thiags  f  though  it  verc^ 

nalworkefor  fv/cter  then  of  burnt  flcfh  and  bones )  dclightcth  Gods  moft  pure  lubftance: 

it  fclfe  but       but  for  that  mans  frailtic  in  fome  good  forte  performing  his  dutie,  is  very 

finccrc  deuo-   acceptable  to  his  diuine  goodues.  Fgj:  othcrwifc  he  required  not  thefc  Sa- 

tion  pleafeth    crifices,  nor  other  external  R'tes  forhimfclf,  buth/:  wouldhauc  hii  people 

God.  for  their  or/ne  good  to  be  exercifed  ttcrein  r  cfpecially  for  three  caufes. 

External  facri- Firft  to  kcpe  them  from  Idolatrie,  wherto  they  vs'ere  very  prone,  as  appca- 

ficcs  uerc  or-  rethby  their  often  falling,  notwitbfianding  continual  admoBiiions  to  the 

daintd :  contrarie.  For  being  as  it  were  burdened  "^kh  minie  ceremonies,  pertai- 

I.  to  keepe  the  ning  to  Gods  true  feruicc ,  they  might  hauc  leflTe  mind,  leyfure,  and  occa- 

pcoplcfrom      fion  to  ferue  Idols.  Secondly,  for  fo  much  as  man  coafifteth  of  foulc  and 

Idolatrie.  bodic,  as  the  fouie  muft  interiorly  -rrorslnp  G»d  tn  fpirite  and  yeritje;  Co  the  '"•  4* 

a.Toinducc     bodierauftalfo  honour  him  cxtcrioily,  ff ruing  iujliceynto  fantlification  :  that  '*''  *4» 

thcmtointet'  is  by  external  good  workcl  to  increafciuftice,  and  fanditicwbcn  by  them  the  ^•""'  •» 

«)al  v.crtQCS.       mind  is  inftrudted  and  inuited  to  know  and  honoure  God.  For  othcrvifc  '"'  ^9» 

faieth  S  Dionyfe  {  c.i.t^leJl.Hierer.)  ynles  mans  vnderftandingvfc the  hclpe 

of  corpoial  things,  diuine  veritie  can  notbe attained.  And  S.  Auguftin  {hh. 

lo.c.f  ciuit.)  teachcth  that  God  commanded  external  Sacrifices,  thereby 

tolcadhisferuantsvnto  mortified  fpirites,  contrite  and; humbled  haitf,  to  ^J^''S*t 

mcrcisand  compaffiontovcards others.  Inbricfe  (  e.  \.T.mhtr)  to  tlietiueand 

*.To  fijjnifie    pcrfedfcruingofhis  Diuine povre  by  faith,  hope,  and  charitie.Tkirdly,  that 

etcatcrMy-     thefe  external  Sacrifices  and  Rites  mi2,h.t  prefigure  and  fignifie  greater,  more 

Series  of  the     excellent,  and  more  effectual  Myftcriesof  the  ncwTeftamcnt.  For  as  S.Paul 

new  Tefta-       fpeaketln  ( fiS.  to. )  thtUyy  [  o{MoY{cs)hjui(i^  n  shadovy  of  good  things  to  came, 

meat.  ""^  *'"  '^"'"  ""^^  of  the  f/;m^/,  brought  not  to  perfefVion  :  nor  taoke  ayyay 

Jinntsby  the  hl9»dofoxenorgoates,hnt  being  |asi$faid)  a  ihadoyy^  rather  (haded 

then  pcrfeftly  (hewed  the  great  benefites,  which  tlic   new  law  as  a  perfcft 

image  liuely  reprefcnteth:  efpccially  Chrifts  paflion,  which  is, the  veric  foun- 

tainc  of  grace  and  raercie.  And  whcras  the  old  lav  could  not  iuftific  ( Gal.  j, ) 

the  law  of  ChriO  dorh  in  dede  iuftifie ,   as  the  Gofpel  witneffcth  ,  faying: 

(loin.  I    V.  17.  }  rhelayy  yy^ts  geutn  by  Moyfes ,  grace  andrtiitie  yyannadeb^ 

Ic/us  C'hrifl. 


Sacrifices.  Lev  IT  I  CVS.  i^f 

Chap.     II. 
J^otr  /«  offer fo^vre^  4.  lodues,  ^^ferSi  rvith  o'lle  and  incenfe ,  'Without 
Itautn  or  home,  11.  dlfo  jirft  fruiBa,  13.  ^nd  filt  m  euerte  ohUtionu 

I  "X/TTHen  a  foulc  ihal  offer  an  oblation  of  facrifice 

V     V    to  our  Lord,  "-fine  ilovrre  flialbc  kis  oblation.       ,  , 

t  andhc  l>)alpoure,oylevponif,and  put  franckinccnfc,  f  and  iionswercfpc 
(bal  ro  the  fonnei  of  Aaron  the  jjriefts :  of \rhom  one  cially  for  the 
Chal  take  a  handful  of  the  flowre,  and  the  oile,  andal  the  poorcft  Cone, 
franckincenfe ,  and  sh^l  put  it  a  memorial  vpon  the  Altar  ^°  ^f  ^^^T' 

5  for  a  moft  fwcete  fauour  to  our  Lord  .   -f-  And  that  which  {o  the  abilitie 
sha!b£  left  of  the  facrifice,  fhal  be  Aarons,  andhis  fonnes,  of  cucricone. 

4  Holie  of  holies  among  the  oblations  of  our  Lord,  f  But  rheod. ^.  t- -im 
when  ihouolFercftafacriiicebaked  in  the  ouen  ;  of  Howre,  ^"**^' 
to  wit,  ioaues  without  leauen,   tempered  with  oyle,  and 

f  wafers  vnleauened  layd  ouer  with  oyle.  f  If  thine  oblation 
beof  the  frying  panne,  of  Howre  tempered  with  oyle,  and 

4  withoutleuen,  f  thou  shait  diuide  itinlitlepeccej,and  fhalc 

7  pourc  oyle  vpon  it.  f  And  if  the  facrifice  be  from  the  grid- 
iron ,  in  like  mancr  the  flowre  fbal  be  tempered  with  oyle, 

B  f  which  offering  to  our  Lord.thou  Ihaltdehuerto  thehandes 

9  ofrhepriefl.  •}• 'Who  hauing offered  it,  ihal  take  a  mcmorie 

of  the  facrifice,  and  burnc  vpon  the  altar  for  a  (were  fauour 

.10  to  our  Lord,  f  and  whatfoeuer  is  left,  shal  be  Aarons,  and  his 

fonnes  ,  Holie  of  holies  among  the  oblations  of  our  Lord. 

XI  t  Eucrie  oblation,  that  is  offered  to  our  Lord,  shal  be  made  ^       .. 

"  without  leauen,  ncythcr  ihal  any  leauen  and  '•'  honic  be  no  leauen*  not 
u  burned  jn  the  facrifice  of  our  Lord,  f  The  firft:  fruites  only  honey  mij^ht 
of  them  and  the  giftes  you  shal  offer ;  but  vpon  the  altar  they  he  offered  in 

13  shal  not  be  put,  for  a  fauour  of  fwetnes.  f  "*^hat  facrifice  ^^"^f^"'  ^oal 
foeuer  thou  offbreft,thou  (halt  feafon  it  with  Cilt  neither  (halt  naUeTeaatYs 
thou  takeaway  the  (alt  ofthecouenant  of  thy  God  from  thy  muftbeexclu- 

14  facrifice.  In  euerie  oblation  thou  shalt  offer  -  fait,  f  But  if  deHin  chrifti- 
thouoffer  a  gyfce  of  the  firft  fruites  of  thv  corne  to  our  Lord,  '"^'fc. 

of  the  eares  being  yet  ercene,  thou  shalt  drie  it  at  the  fire,  and    'c  ^l  j  r  ^^ 
1        ■/-••  ^     r  °     t  I/-/,!       1  rr        y    \-   ^   niheth  difcrc- 

bruileitinmanerof  mcale,  and  lo  (halt  thou  otter  thy  firft  t!on,  appea- 
ls  fr.uifcs  to  our  Lord  ,  -f  powring  oyle  vpon  it,  and  putting  rcthbyS  Paul 

on  franckincenfe,  bccaufe  it  is  the  obJarion  of  our  Lord,  cxhortingto 
16  t  Wherof  the  prieft  shal  burnc  for  mcmorie  of  the  gift,  part  f"kcVilhrIlc 
<of  the  mcalc  bruifcd,  and  ofthcoilc,andalchc  frankincenfc.  coiloL^.  y.g. 
Kk  Chap. 

.  i66  L  E  V I T I  c  V  $*  Sacrifices'^ 

Chap.    III. 

ffotv  the  j>4eiJi^uebofies  muft  he  offend  ofheenest  6.  ihefe,  7.  Umles, 
II.  4nd^oates, 

ANd  if  his  oblation  be  an  hoftcof  pacifiques,and  He  r 
wil  offer  of  beucs,  male  or  "  female,  vithoutfpot  shal 
©nlicthcmilc  he  offer  them  bcfdre  our  Lord,  f  J^nd  heshallay  his  hand  v-  jl 
wajoffcrv-d,     ^^^  ^^^  j^^^^  ^f  his  vidime,  which  shal  be  immolated  in  the 
^li^r  facrifices  cntrie  of  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie,  and  the  fonnes  of 
both  Icxes      Aaron  the  prieft  shal  poure  the  bloud  in  the  circuiteofthc 
verc  accepu- altar,  j-  And  they  shal  offer  of  the  hoflof  pacifiques,  for  an  j 
Wc.  oblation  to  our  Lord,  the  fatt  that  couereth  the  entralles  , 

and  whatfoeuer  fatt  is  within;  f  thetwokidncyswith  the  4 
fatt  whcrwiththe  guttes  are  couered  ,  and  rhecauleof  the 
liuer  with  the  two  little  kydneys.  f  And  they  shal  burne  j 
srThcfc partes  them  vpon  the  altar,  for  an  '■'■  holocauft,  putting  fire  vnder. 
and  the  titrc    ^^^  wood  :    for  an  oblation  of  moft  fvrcte  fauour  to  our 
Ts^an  Holo      ^^^^'  t  But  ifhis  obUtion,  and  the  hofte  ofpacifiqucs  be  of  ^- 
eauft  the  reft  flocks,whether  he  offer  male, or  female, they  shal  be  without 
ofthcobla-     fpot.  t  If  he  offer  a  lambe  before  our  Lord,  f  he  shal  put  his  78 
tion  being  pa-  hand  vpon  the  head  of  his  vidime  j  which  shal  be  immolated 
cifK^uc.  1^  jj^g  cntrie  of  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie :  and  the  fonnes 

of  Aaron  shal powre  the  blpud  therof  in  the  circuiteofthc 
altar,  t  And  ihey  shal  offer  of  the  hoft:eof  pacifiques,a  fa-  9 
crifice  to  our  Lord  :  the  fatt  and  the  whole  rumpe,  f  with  10 
thekidneys,  and  the  fatt  that  couereth  the  beihe  and  al  the 
vital  partes,  and  both  little  kydneys,  with  the  fatt  that  is 
about  the  guttes, and  the  caule  of  the  liucr  with  the  two  little 
kidneys,  t  And  the  prieft  shal  burne  them  vpon  the  altar,  11 
to  the  foode  of  the  fire,  and  ofthe  oblation  of  our  Lord,  f  If  iz 
hisoblarion  be  a  goarc,  and  he  offer  it  to  our  Lord,  -f  he  15 
shal  put  his  hand  vpon  the  head  therof:  and  shal  immolate 
it  in  the  entrie  of  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie  .   And  the 
fonnes  of  Aaron  shal  poure  the  bloudc  therof  in  the  circuite 
of  the  altar,  j-  And  they  shal  take  of  it  to  the  foode  of  our  14 
Lords  fire,  the  fatt  that  couereth  the  bellic,  and  that  coue- 
reth al  the  vital  partes:  f  the  tvo  little  kydneys  with  the  15 
cauie,  that  is  vpon  them  about  the  guttes,  and  the  t^llo  we 
of  ihc liucr  with  the  httle  kidneys:  t  and  the  prieft  shal  t6 


SacriiiccJ.  Leviticvs.  167 

burne  them  vpon  the  altar,  to  the  food  of  the  fire,  and  of  ^ 
17  mod  fweete  fauour.  Al  the  fate  shal  be  our  Lordes  f  by  a 
perpetual  right  in  your  generations,  and  in  al  your  habita- 
tions :  you  shal  eate  no  bloude  nor  fat  at  al. 

Chap.     IlII. 

iSTopv  4  PnV/,  15.  tht  multttud  ,  zi,  4  Princtf  17.  •r  dfiie  one  of  the  people , 
fttmmg  of  ign4r4ncef  mujl  ofjer  hojia. 

I  i    A    Nd  our  LordTpakc  to  moyfes,  faying:  f  Speake  to 

OjL  the  children  of  Hrael;  The  foulc  that  linneihby  ^  \o-  .:  Ignorance 
norance,  and  doth  anie  thing  of  al  the  commandmcntes  of  o^  that  we  are 
X  our  Lord,  x^hich  he  commanded  nor  to  be  done,  f  If  the  bond  to  know 

•/If-  •  1  r  1  ■  I  1  oTjl      islmnc  :  ana 

prielt  that  IS  anomted  linne,  making  the  people  toorttnd,  he  moicinPritfts 

Ibal  offer  for  h;s  finne,  acalFe  without  fpotr  to  our  Lord  :  thcmnoihcrs. 
4  f  and  he  shal  bring  it  to  the  dorc  of  teftimonie  before  our 

Lord,  and  shal  pur  his  hand  vpon  the  head  therof,  and  shal 
I  immolate  it  to  our  Lord,  f  He  shal  draweaifo  of  the  bloud 

of  the  calfe,caryingit  into  the  tabernacle  of  reftimonit^  . 

6  t  And  vfhen  he  harh  dipped  his  finger  in  the  bloud  he  shal 
fprinckleir  -  feuen  times  before  our  Lord,  againft  the  vcilc  ::VVc fee  here 

7  of  the  San£luirie_-. .  f  ^""^  '^^  ^^^  lame  bloud  he  shal  put  andinmame 
vpon  the  homes  of  the  altar  of  incenfe  moft  acceptable  to  '^^^^'^  placci 
our  Lord  ,  vrhirh  is  in  the  tabernaole  of  teftimonie  .  And  l^l^y([[cil, 
al  the  reft  of  the  bloud  he  shal  powre  at  the  foote  of  the  nocalwaycs 

8  altarof  holocaurtein  theentrieof  the  t<ibcrn.icle.  t  And  the  fupcrfticious. 
fatr  of  the  calfe  he  shal  rake  away  for  the  finne,  afwel  that 

which  couereth  the  entralles,  as  al  tlie  partes  that  are  within. 

9  f  The  two  little  kidneys,  and  the  caulethatis  vpon  them 
befide  theguttes,andthe  fatt  of  the  liuer  with  the  two  litle 

10  kidneis,  -f-  as  is  taken  away  from  the  calfe  which  is  an  hoft 
of  pacifiques,and  he  shal  burne  rhem  vpon  the  alrar  of  hol- 

II  locaufte.  f  But  the  skinne  and  al  the  Hesh  with  the  heade 

12  and  feete  and  bovreles  and  dung,  f  and  rh«  reft  of  the  bodic 
heshalcarie  forth  without  the  campe  into  a  cleane  pl;tce, 
where  thv  ashes  are  wount  to  be  powred  out :  and  he  shal 
burne  them  vpon  apylcof  wood,  which  shal  be  burnt  in  the 

13  place  where  theashes  are  powred  our.  f  And  if  al  the  mul- 
rirudeo^  Ifrael  be  Jrnorant ,  and  through  isnorance  do  that 

14  which  is  againft  the  commandcment  of  our  Lord,  f  and 

Kk  1  after. 

i6%  Lbviticts. 

afcertrard  vndcrftand  their  rinne,they  flial  offer  for  their  finne 
jrAPricft.and  -'  acalfe,and  ihal  bring  it  to  the  doreoFthc  tabernacle,  f  And  if 
the  whole  mul  thcancientes  of  the  people  shal  put  their  handes  vpon  the 
Ihcfam°fW  head  thcrofbefore  our  Lord.  Andthccalfe  being  immolated 
ficcora^cVlfc'.i"  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  f  the  prieft  that  is  anoyntcd  ,  shal  i(J 
for  their  sines:  carie  of  the  bloud  into  the  tabernacle  ofteftimonie,  f  dipping  17 
the  Prince  of-  his  finger,  and  fprinkling  feuen  times  againft  the  veile.  f  and  18 
fercda  male     heshalputof  thefame  bloud  on  the  hornes  of  the  altar,  that 
uatTpcrfona  i^  before  our  Lord,  in  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie:  and  the 
fcmal.  seerhe-  reft  of  the  bloud  ,  he  shalpoure  at  the  foote  of  the  altar  of 
•duret.q  I.  t»   holocaufte,  \rhich  is  at  the  dore  of  the  tabernaclcof  it(\.i- 
Le<t  yerjus      monie,  t  And  al  the  fatte  thcrof  he  shal  take  vp,  &  shal  19 
^'*""*  burne  it  vpon  the  altar  :  f  doing fo  with  this  caife,  as  he  did  20 

alfo  before  ^  and  the  prieft  praying  for  them,  our  Lord  wil  be 
propitious  vnto  them,  j-  But  the  calfe  it  felfc  he  shal  carie  ii 
forth  without  the  campe,  and  shal  burne  itlike  as  the  former 
:f  Though  in    ^alfe  :  -  becaufc  it  is  for  the  finne  of  the  multitude,  f  If  "a  tv 
crificeTfor*'    P^i^cc  finne,  and  by  ignorance  do  of  manie  thingcsone,  that 
finne, one  part  by  the  law  of  our  Lord  is  forbidden  :  f  and  afterward  vnder-*  -23 
vas  alottcd  to  ftandeth  his  finne,  he  shal  offer  an4iofte  to  our  Lord,  abucke 
thePnefts(by  Qf  j.j^g  goates  without  fpotte.  t  And.  he  shal  pur  his  hand  24 
ft   °  V™)j"J.^.  vpon  the  head  therof  :  and  when  hehathimmolatedit  inthc 
mittedfinnes)  place  where  holocauft  is  wont  to  beflaine  before  our  Lotd, 
yet  of  the       becaufe  it  is  for  finne,  f  the  prieft  shal  dippc  his  finger  in  the  i| 
facrificefora   bloud  of  the  hofte  for  finne,  touching  the  homes  of  the  altar 

P"^^*  ?""--"' of  holocaudc,  and  the  reft   powrine  at  the  foote  thcrof. 
or  fortne  ""-„,,.,,,,  r      .        b  . 

jicsof  thcmul  t  Bur  the  iatt  he  shal  burne  vpon  It,  as  is  wont  to  be  done  in  26 
tirade,  the       the  vidlimes  of  pacifiques  :  and  the  prieft  shal  pray-for  him, 
pricfts  had  no  ^nd  for  his  finne,  and  it  shal  be  forgiupn  him.  f  And  if  a  27 

S'"'..l^^^^  ^y  fouleof  the  peopleofthc  land  shal  finne  throuirh  ignorance,, 
Ihouldfaue  -ct^rL-  luui  iij 

co(V,  or  reape^cunganicot  thofethinges,  that  by  the  law  of  our  Lord  are 

commoc^itic    forbidden,  and  offending,  -f  and  knoweth  his  finne,  he  shal  28-' 

by  faciificc      offerashe  goate  without  fpotte.  f  And  he  shal  put  his  hand  i^ 

fortheirownc  yponthe  head  of  the  hoftthat  is  for  finne,  and  shal  immolate 

pcoplcs*rin°-'^  itintheplaceof  JYolocauft.  f  And  the  prieft  shal  take  vp  of  jo 

ncs.  but  al       the  bloud  with  his  finger  :  and  touching  the  horncs  of  the  al- 

wasburned  as  tar  of  holocauft,  the  reft  he  lliat  powre  out  at  the  foote  therof. 

inaholocaufb.  I  But  taking  away  al  rhefatt,.as  is  wont  to  be  taken  away  51 

■    L  °^'^t  S   ^^^'^bevidtimesofpacifiques,.hc  shal  burne  it  vpon  the  altar, 

Tho  i.i.q.     ^^^  afwete  fauourto  our  Lord  •,  and  he  shal  pray  for  him, 

»ci.  -f  But  if  he  offer  of  the  flocke  32= 

A  vidime,. 

Sacri£  cc  J.  Leviticus.  i^^ 

jj  avidime^forhisfinne,  towit,  an  cvexrithoatrpottc  j  f  he 

Ihalpiic  his  hand  vpon  the  head  rherof,  and  shal  immolate 

it  in  the  place  where  the  hoftes  of  holocaufts  arc  >»'ont  to  be 

54  (layne.  -f  And  the  pricft  shal  take  of  the  bloud  therof  vrirh 

his  finger,and  touching  the  homes  of  the  altar  of  holocauft, 

3;  the  rellheshalpowreatthefootctherof.  t  Al  the  fatte  alfo 
he  shal  take  away,  as  the  fatte  of  the  ramme,  that  is  offered    . 
forpacifiqucsjis  wont  to  betaken  away:  and  shal  burne  it 
vpon  the  altar,  a  burnt  facriiice  of  our  Lord :  and  he  shal  pray 
fox  him,  and  far  his  finne,  and  it  shal  be  forgmen  him. 

Chap.     V. 

of  hofiei  ^  for  the  pnne  of  conceding  M  others  ferlune.v.  for  Irnclednfi 
4.  for  Ifain:  fvpearingei^.  fonrrounn  exerciftngholie rites^  17.  C^far 
dmefmne  committed  hj  ignorance, 

I   T  F  a  fonic  finnc,andhearc  the  voice  of  one  fwearing,  and 
X.  be  witnes  becaufe  either  he  him  felfe  fawe,  orispriuic 

1  to  if:  ■'  vnlefTehe  vtterir,  he  iTialbearehis  iniquitie.  f  The 
fouJe  that  roucheth  anievnclcanc  thing,  either  that  which 
■was  killed  of  a  bead,  or  died  of  it  felfe,  or  anie  other  thing  ..  vvhen  pcr- 
rhat  creepeth  :  and  forgeteth  his  vncleanncs  is  guiitie,  and  iuricdorhprc- 

5  hath  offended:  f  and  if  he  touch  anie  thing  of  the  vnclcan-  iudiccan  o- 
neflc  of  man  ,  according  to  anie  iropuritie  wherwith  he  ]$  ^hers  caure,hc 
\rountro  be  polluted,  oc  hauing  forgotten,  doe  knowe  it  ^j^^  truth  is 
4  afterward,  he  shal  be  guilrie  of  an  offence,  f  The  foule  that  bonH  to  rcucil 
fwearcth,  and  vttereth  with  his  Hppes  ,  that  he  would  doe  ittotheludgcj 
••  either  il;  or  wel,  and  bindeth  the  fame  with  an  oathe  ,  but  uuh  cfif- 
and  his  word,  6C"  hauing  forgotten  afterward  vnderftan-  *^q"J°?  ^°  ,*", 
5^  deth  his  offence,  flct  him  do  penance  for  his  finne,  f  and  .•;  Swearing  to 
offer  of  theflockesan  ewe  lambe,  or  a  shee  goate,  and  the  dothaciscuil, 

7  prieft  shal  pray  for  him,  and  for  his  finne:  +  burif  he  be  not  "'^"of'^oJng 
able  to  offer  a  bead,  let  him  offer  two  turtles,  or  two  young  j"J,f '^^atcful- 
pigions  to  our  Lord,  one  for  finne,  and  the  other  for  an  holo-  fmne.      ' 

8  cauft,  f  and  he  shal  geuc  them  to  the  prieft  :  who  offering 
the  fiift  for  finne,  shal  wryth  backe  the  heade  therof  to  the 
litle  pinions,  fo  that  it  ftickc  tothenecke,and  benotalto- 
5  geather  broken  of.   f    And  of  the   bloud  therof  he  shal 

fprinckle  the  -wall  of  the  altar,  and  whaifoeuer  is  left,  he  shal 

wiake  it  diftil  to  thcbottomethcrof,  becauleicisforfinne.^. 

"^  ■"  Kk  3  t  And 

17©  Levit/cvs.  Sacrifices, 

•j-  And  theothcrheshalburneforanholocauftejasis\rount  lo 
to  be  done :  and  the  piieft  shal  pray  for  him,  and  for  his  finne, 
anditshalbeforgcuen  him.  t  And  if  his  hand  be  not  able   ii 
to  offer  two  turtles,  or  tvp'o  young  pigions,  he  shal  offer  for 
his  finne,  of  floure  the  tenth  part  of  an  cphi.  He  shal  not  put 
oylc  vpon  it,  nor  caft  anie  frankincenfe  theron,  becauleic 
is  for  finne,  f  and  he  shal  deliuer  it  to  the  prieft :  \rho  ta-  li 
king  therof  a  ful  handful,  shal  burne  it  vpon  the  altar  for  a 
moniment, of  hin\ that  did  offer  it:  f  praying  for  him  and   £5  " 
making  expiation,  but  the  part  that  is  left,  him  [e\ie  shal 
haue  for  agifte.  -f  And  our  Lord  fpake  taMoyfes,  faying:   14 
f  If  a  foub  tranfgrefiing  the  ceremonies,  by   errour  shal   1$ 
finne  in  thofcthinges  that  are  fandified  to  our  Lord,  he  shal 
offer  for  his  offence  a  ramme_^,  without  fpotte  out  of  the 
flockes,  that  may  be  bought  for  two  fides,  according  to  the 
-Forremif-     '«'<^ight  of  the  Sanduarie  :  f  and  "  the  damage  it  felfc  which   16 
fionof  (nine    hedid,heshal  reftore,  and  the  fift  part  he  shal  adde  befiJes, 
tcftitutionis     df  liucring  It  to  the  prieff,  who  shal  pray  for  him,  '•  offering 
firilrcquircd    the  r.3mm''e,  and  it  Ihal  be  foreeucn  him.  t  If  a  (oule  finne   17  ® 

if  iniuiic  was   ,.  ri/-i-  tii.i 

done.  y  Ignorance,  and  do  one  of  thole  thinges  which  by  the  lawc 

::H<:iid-s  re-     of  the  Lord  are  forbidden,  and  being  guiltie  of  finne,  vnder- 
ftituiion  fatif-  ftand  his  iniquirie,  f  he  shal  offer  a  ramme  without  fpotte   18 
fadioD  IS  alfo  of  jhe  Hockes  to  the  prieft,  according  to  the  me afure ,  and 
thcoffciice  to  ^"'"larion  otthelinne:  who  shal  pray  for  him,  becaulc  he 
CoA.Theodoret.  did  it  viiwitting  :  and  it  shal  be  forgiuen  him,  f  bccaufe  by   19 
3.  Lii*Hic.  cirour  he  offended  againft  the  Lord. 

Chap.    VI. 

OhUt'fn  forfmne^vitt'tngly  committed.  8.  the  maner  of  offering  holocauff, 
Ii.  Continual f  re  to  be  t^ept  in  the  yfltar.  1 4.  ThePtcnfices  l>vbtcb  Pnefh 
sbd  offer  at  their  Confecntion.ij^.  In^eneral  ofhojieiforjinne,  andl>vh9 
shal  eate  of  tbef-tme  and  liyhir:, 

OVr    Lord  fpake  to   Moyfes,  faying:    t  The  foule  11 
that  shal"  finne,  and  contemning  the  Lord,  shal  denie 
vnto  his  neighbour  the  thing  deliuercd  to   his  cuftodie_, 
■which  was  committed  to  his  credite,  or  shal  by  force  extort 
anie  thing,ordo  opprcfllon,  f  or  shal  finde  a  thing  loft,  and  5 
denying  it,  be  al(o  forefworne,  and  shal  doe  anie  other  thing 
of  manie,  wherin  men  are  wount  to  finne,  f  being  con-  4 
uidted  of  the  offence,  -f-  he  shal  render  al  thinges  which  by  ; 


acrificcs.  L  e  v  i  t  i  c  v  s.  17  r  * 

frauJe^  he  NC'culd  haue  obteyncd,  whole,  and  the  fift  part 

6  befides  ro  the  o\rnervnro  whom  he  did  the  damage,  f  But 

"  for  his  finne  he  shal  offer  a  rammc  without  fpott  out  of  the  ..  ^^^.j,  ^xam- 
flockc,  and  shal  geue  it  to  theprieft,  according  to  the  efti-  plcsofpcnace 

7  mation  ,  and  niealure  of  the  offence:   -f  who  shal  pray  for  orfanfadion 
him  before  the  Lord,  and  he  shal  haue  forgeuenes  for  euerie  ^°^^  f  "ft,^u^tifn 

8  thing  that  in  doing  he  finned,    f   And.  Our  Lord  fpake  to  of  that  was 
5>   Moyfes,  laying  :  f  Command  Aaron  and  his  fonncs  :  This  is  wrongfully 

the  Lawofan  holocauft :  Itshal  be  burnt  vpon  the  altar,  al  taken,  arc  fre- 
nightvnril  morning:  the  fire  shal  be  vpon  the  fame  altar.  9"^"t'"^oy* 

10  t  The  prieftshalbereuefted  with  the  tunike  and  the  linnen 
femoralles:  and  he  shal  take  vp  the  ashes,  which  the  deuou- 

11  ring  fire  burned,  and  putting  them  befidcs  the  altar,  f  shal 
be  vnuefted  of  his  former  veftments,  and  being  clothed  with 
others,  shal  carie  them  forth  without  the  campc,  and  in  a       ,  .  ^ 
moftcleane  place  shal  caufe  them  to  be  con(umed  vnro  duft.  firf^fcn'tmira- 

12  t  And  the  fire  on  the  altar  '••  shal  alwaics  burnc,  which  the  culoufly  from 
prieft  shal  nourish,  putting  wood  vnderneth,  in  the  raor-  God.  [tn'ra.c, 
ning  euerie  day,  and  laying  on  the  holocauft,  thcrupon  shal  D-v.i4)and 

15  burne  the  fatte  of  the  pacifiques-    f  This  fire  is  continual  chL^comfnd- 

14  which  shal  neucrfaile  on  the  altar,  f  This  is  the  Law  of  the  mcnt.waspcr- 
facrificeandlibamentes,  which  the  children  of  Aaron  shal  perpetually 

i;  offer  before  the  Lord,  and  before  the  altar,  f  The  prieft  shal  confcruccl: 
take  vp  a  handful  of  the  floure,  that  is  tempered  with  oyle_,  fj^c^waj  to  be 
and  al  the  frankincenfc,  that  is  put  vpon  the  floure:  and  he  takcmhatwas 
.  shal  burne  it  on  the  altar  for  a  monimcnt  of  moft  fweetc-  yfeciin  the  ta- 

1^  odour  to  the  Lord :  f  and  the  part  of  the  floure  that  is  Icft^,  bernaclc  s. 
shal  Aaron  cate  with  his  fonnes,  without  leauen  :  and  he  shal  j-i^^^'^q  9 . »» 
eate  it  in  the  Holie  place  of  the  court  of  the  rabernacle_/ .  leuhicum. 

17  t  And  therefore  it  shal  not  be  leaucned,  becaufe  part  therof  Myflically  it 
is  offered  for  the  burnt  facrifice  of  the  Lord.  It  shal  be  moft  fig"'fic'l,  that 

18  Holie,  as  that  for  finne,  and  for  offence  .   f   The   males  change  bcire 
•     onlie  of  Aarons  ftocke  shal  eate  it.  f  It  shal  be  an  ordinance  fiiO  kindled 

andeuerlaftingin  your  generations  of  the  facrifices  of  the  in  nuns  hart 

19  Lord.Euerie one  that  toucheth  thcm,sh3l  be fandified.  f  And  hyGods  j;racc. 
ao  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying:  f  This  is  the  oblation  of  ^l"^"^^,^'^'^"^^^^^^ 

Aaron,  and  of  his  fonnes,  which  they  muft  offer  to  the  Lord,  flicd  and  kept 
intheday  of  their  vndion-..  The  tenth  part  of  an  ephi  of  buming.from 
floure  shal  rhey  offer  in  a  facrifice  for  cuer,  halfe  therof  in  the  >»^^l'«^^  ^1  o- 
21   morning,  and  halfe  therof  at  eucn:  f  "^liich  bcine^  tempered  ^'"^^""^.^^j.^ 
II  wichoile  shal  be  fried  in  a  frying  panne,  f  And  the  prieft  dciiucd*. 


i7*  1 E  V I T I  c  V  s.  Sacrificcri 

that  by  right  fuccecdeth-  his  father,  shal  ofFer  it  hote,  for  a 
moftfwcte odour  to  the  Lord,  and  it  shal  \rhoIy  be  burnt 
ontheakar.  f  Forcuericfacrificcof  the  pricft  shal  be  con-  ij 
fumed  with  fire,  neither  shal  anie  man  cate  therof.  f  And  24 
our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying ;  fSpcake  to  Aaron  and  his  ly 
fonnes :  This  is  the  law  of  thchofte  for  finnc.  In  the  place 
\rheretheholocauft.i5  offered,  shal  it  be  immolated  before 
our  Lord  ItisHolicofhoUes.  f  The  pricft  that  doth  offer  it,  ztf 
By  flefli  of  pc-  shal  eate  it  in  a  hoHe  place,  in  the  courte  of  the  tabernacle, 
ftoo^'fa^n"  "^  "^i^atfoeucr  shal  touch  '•'  the  flesh  therof,  shal  be  fan-  17 
wa°chig,haif-  <^ific^- 1"^  of  the  bloud  therof  a  garment  be  fprinkled,  it  shal 
cloth,  tcarcs,    be  washedinaholie  place,  f  And  the  earthen  velTel,  wh^rin  iS 
prayers, almcs  it  was  fodden,  shal  be  broken   butif  the  veiTel  beofbralTcit 
^^^'^'=]'J^^°^^°;shalbefcoured,  and  washed  with  water,  f  Eucrie  male  of  29 
chcth  Hialbc    ^^^  prieftiie  race  shal  eate  of  the  flesh  therof,  becaufe  it  is 
fanitifisdw-r    Holie  of  hoUes .  f  For  the  hoftc  that  is  flaine  for  finnc^  50 
/yclnus  Hterofol.  y^lioCc  bloud  is  catied  iuto  the  tabemaclc  of  teftimonie  to 
h.  i.  in  Lemt.    ^lake  expiation  in  the  San(51:uarie,shal  eaten,  but  shd 
be  burnt  with  firo . 

Chap.    VIL 


The  mdnrr  of  offering  hojfes  for  oftnces .  11 .  dnd  of  parljj^ue  y't^imes. 
V  Tins  text  r^^  thAnkfgxuin?-.  2.1.  No  fatte^  16^  ftor  bltud  is  to  he  eaten, 

flicwcth  there      ■^  'o       o  J        ' 

is  difference 

in  the  nature    'T^  Hi  s  alfo  is  the  lawc  of  an  hofte  for  an  offence,  the  i 
ofafaultcw-     X    moll  Holie:  f  therfore  where  the  holocauft  is  immo-  t 
^onf'  calTed    ^^^^^'  ^^'^  vidime  alfo  for  an  offence  shal  be  flaine :  rhe  bloud 
/w»nf,&ofdu-    therof  shal  be  poured  round  about  the  altar,  f  They  shal  } 
tie  omittedhcrc  offer  therof  the  rumpc  and  the  fatte  that  c<juereth  the  en- 
called  o/t/Kf.    tralles:  f  thetwo  little  kidneys,  and  the  fatte  thatis  befidc  4 
[iTluauT^  the  guttes,  and  the  caulc  of  the  lyuer  with  the  two  litle 
Yet  both  arc    ^i^n^yS' t  A"<i  tbe  pried  shal  burne  them  vpon  the  altar  :   f 
alike  offcncifc  it  is  the  burnt  facrificeof  our  Lord  for  an  offence,  f  £ueric  6' 
toGod,inmatmale  of  the  ^pricfts  ftocke ,  in  a  holie  place  fhal  eate  this 
•'m  orun"ce      ^^^'becaufeit  is  moft  Holie.  f  As  the  hoftefor  ::  fmneis  7    - 
As^a^peareth,*^^^*'^'^*  ^°  ^'^°  that  for  an  -'offence  :  the  lawc  of  both  hoftes 
forthatthc     'flialbe  one:  to  the  prieft  that  offereth  it,  it  dial  pertaine. 
famcfacrificc  f  The  prieft  that  offereth  the  vidime  of  holocauft,  (balhaue  S 
^rboTh'j^     the  skinne  therof  f  And  euerie  facrifice  of  Howre,  thatis  9 
^u'^.     '^^^^^  i"  tbe  oucn  ,  and  .whatfoeuer  is  prepared  vpon  the 
i»  Leuit,  gredironj  or  in  ihe  frying  panne,  it  shal  bethatprieftes  by 


Sacrifices.  Le  vi  icvt;.  ^yj 

10  vhom  it  is  offered,  f  Whether  they  be  tciriper^d  ^rith  oyle, 
ordrie,  to  al  the  fonnes  of  Aaron  equal  rneafure  shal  be  di- 
ll uided  toeucrie  one.   f  This  is  the  law  of  the  hofte  oFpaci- 

11  fiques  that  is  offered  to  our  Lord,  -f  If  the  oblation  be  for 
thankesgeuingjth^y  shal  offer  loaues  without  leauen  tem- 
pered with  oyle,and\rafcrsvnieauened  laid  oucr  \rirh  oyle, 
and  fryed  floure ,  and  manchets  tempered  with  the  mingling 

ij   of  oyle:  -f  loaues  alfo  leauened  with  the  hofte  of  thankesj 
14  which  is  offered  for  pacifiques :  -f  whcrof  one  for  firft  frui- 

tcsshalbc  ••  offered  to  our  Lord,  and  shal  be  the  pricfts  that  ::  Geucnor 
1/  shalpourc  out  the  bioud  of  the  hofte.  f -the  flesh  wherof  P'^^f^tcdto 

shalbc  eaten  the  fame  day,  neither  shal  anie  of  it  remaine  °"f  ^o'^'^' "°' 

16  vntil  morning.  +  If  anie  man  by  vowe,  or  of  his  owne  ac-  the  A^lraTfor 
cordc  offer  an  hofte,  it  shal  in  hke  maner  be  eaten  rlie  fame  no  Icaucn 
day  :  but  if  ought  remainc  vntil  the  morrow  ,  it  is  lawful  to  could  be  of- 

17  eate  it:  7  but  whatfoeuer  the  third  day  i-hal  find,  fire  shal  f«^^^^"fjcn- 
iS  confumc  it.  f  If  anie  man  eate  of  the  flesh  of  the  vi<5f:ime  of   *^'    ■P'*"^'*' 

pacifiques  the  third  day,  the  oblation  shal  be  of  none  efFcd, 

neither  shal  it  profite  the  offerer  :  yea  rather  whatfoeuer 

foule  shal  defile  it  felfc  with  fuch  racate,  shal  be  guilric^f 

rp  preuarication.  f  The  flesh  that  hath  touched  any  vnd-eanc 

thing,shalnotbeeaten,  but  shal  be  burnt  with  fire:  he  that 

2,0  is  cleane,  shal  eate  thcrof.  f  A  foule  being  polluted  that 

catethof  the  flesh  of  the  hofte  of  pacifiques,  which  is  offered 

II  to  our  Lord,  shal  perish  from  his  people,  f  And  that  which  1 

hath  touched  the  "ncleannes  of  man,  or  of  beaft,  or  of  anie 

thing  that  can  pollute  ,  and  cateth  of  fuch  kind  of  flesh,  ' 

11  shal  perish  from  his  peoplt.^ .  f   And  our  Lord  fpake  to 

25  Moyfcs, faying .-  t  Speakc  to  the  children  of  Ifrael :  The  fattc 

ofasheepe,andofanoxc,andof  a  goate  you  shal  not  eate. 

^4  f  Thefattcofthccarcaffe  of  cartaine,  andof  the  bcaft,  thai 

"was  caught  of  an  other  beaft,  you  shal  hauc  for  diucrs  \Ces, 

1;  t  If  anie  man  eate  the  fatte,  that  should  be  oftcrcd  for  the 

burnt  facrificc  of  our  Lord,  he  shal  perish  out  of  his  people, 

itf  t  The  bloud  alfo  of  whatfoeuer  beaft  you  shal  not  takcin 

27  meate,  afwel  of  birdes  as  of  cartel,  t  Euerie  foule  that  ca- 

18   teth  bloud,  shal  perish  out  of  his  people,  f  And  our  Lord 

29  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying :  f  Speake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael, 

faing  :  He  that  offereth  a  vidimc  of  pacifiques  to  our  Lord, 

lethimofferthcrwitha  facrifice  alfo,  that  is,  the  libament* 

io  tlierof.  t  He  shal  hold  in  his  handes  the  fattc  of  the  hofte, 

Li  and 

174  L  E  V I T I  c  V  $.  Confccratioa 

and  the  breft:  and  when  he  hath  offered  and  confecrated 

bothtoourLord,heshaldcUuer  them  to  the  pricft,  f  "^^o  51 

shal  burnc  the  fatte  vpon  the  altar,  but  the  breaft  shal  be  Aa- 

rons,  and  his  Tonnes,  t  The  right  shoulder  alfo  of  the  pad-  jt 

fiquehonesshalfalforfirftfruitesofthe  prieft.  f  He  of  the  53 

fonncs  of  Aaron,  that  offereth  the  bloud,  and  the  fatte,  him 

felfe  shal haue  the  right  shoulder  alfo  for  his  portion,  f  For  ^ 

the  breft  of  elcuation  and  the  shoulder  of  feperation  I  hauc 

taken  ofthe  children  of  I frael,  from  their  pacifique   hoftcs, 

and  haue  gcuen  rhem  to  Aaron  the  prieft,  and  to  his  fonnes, 

by  a  lawc  foreuer,  of  al  the  people  of  Ifrael.  j  This  is  the  5; 

anoynting  of  Aaron  and  his  fonnes,  in  the  ceremonies  of 

our  Lord,  in  the  dav  when  Moyfes  offered  them,  that  they 

might  doe  the  fundion  of  priefthood,  f  and  the  thinges  that  56 

our  Lord  commanded  to  be  geuen  them  of  thechildren  of 

Ifiael,  by  a  perpetral  religion  in  their  generations,  f  This  is  57 

the  U^ye  of  holocaufte,  and  ofthe  facrjficc  fov  finne,  and  for 

an  offence,  and  for  confecration,  and  die  viclinjes  of  pa:i-^ 

fiques  :   f  Which  our  Lord  apointed  to  Movfes  in   mount  38 

Synai  when  he  commanded  thechildren  of  Ifrael,  that  they 

should  offer  their  oblations  to  our  Lord  in  the  defcrt  of  Synai. 

Chap.     VIII. 

iaoyfcs  tonfecrattth  ^aron  hi^h  Pr'irfi.  i^.tindhts fonnes  Triefis^  j^.  conti- 

Thc  fecond  nuins'tHthetabiiKdrlefcuendayeiancipitj'hts. 

"^•^^  Of  con-  '^  J  y  <i> 



fcciating  Pri-      A     Nd   Our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying  : -f  Take  Aa-  i  1 
efts,  and  their  j[\^  j-qq  vf'ith  his  fonnes,  their  veftimentes,  and  the  oyle  of 
puniSimcntof  ^"^'^"'*"'^^^°''^^""*''^^°  Rammes,  a  basket  withazy- 
fome  that        mes,  f  and  thou  shalt  gather  al  the  alfembhe  to  the  dore  of  j 
tranfgreflcd.     the  rabernaclc.   t    And  Moyfes  did  as  our  Lord  had  com-  4 
maunded.  Andalthe  multitude  being  gathered  before  the 
dore  of  the  tabernacle,  f  he  faid ;  This  is  the  word,  that  y 
::VVa(hing(i-  q^j.  Lord  hath  commanded  to  be  done,  -f  And  immediatly  6 
f"'Sm"'  he  "offered  Aaron  &  his  fonnes:  and  when  he  had  ::  wafhed 
Pricfts.  them,  t  "  he  '•'  rcuefted  the  high  prieft,  with  the  fttaitlinnen  7 

::  Prcciousvc-  garment,  girding  him  with  a  bawdrikc,  and  rcucfting  him 
ftimcnts  their  M^ith  the  funikc  of  hyacinth,  and  oucr  it  he  put  the  Ephod, 
di'^nmc:  and        ^^.^^  ^^  ftrairening  with  the  eirdle,  fitted  ittotheRa-  8 
authoritic.        tionalc,  wherin  was  ••   DoCtnne  and  Veritie,  f  with  the  9 
::  vvhcn  the   mitre  alfo  he  couered  his  head  :  and  vpon  it,  againft  the  fore- 
bjgh  Prieltat  head,  he  put  the  plate  of  gold  confecrated  in  fahdification, 

as  our 

ofPridftcs.  Leviticvs.  i/j 

10  aj  our  Lord  had  commanded  him.  f  Hc"tooke  alfothc  oylc  ani«  time  pu'e 

of  vndion,  \rhcr\rich  he  anoyntcd  the  tabernacle,  with  al  ^^^  Ephod  to, 
IX  the  furniture  thcrof.  t  And  fan  Pitying  them,  and  hauing  cll^^^luc^n- 

fprinckled  the  altar  feucn  times,  he  anoynrcd  it,  and  al  the  [wcistohisdc 

vcflcl  theroF,  andtheiauer  with  the  foote  thcrof  he  fandi-  mandcs,  m 
iz  ficd  with  the  oylc.  -f  The  which  pouring  vpon  A  arons  head,  matters  of  </•- 
15  heanojnted,  and  confecrated  him:  I  his  fonnes  aifo  after  ti'g'^hichkiiTe- 

he  had  offered  them,  he  reuefted  withlinnen  tunikes,  and  Damd  willed 

girded  them  with  bawdrikes,  and  put  mitres  on  them,  as  Abiathar  to 
14  OAir  Lord  had  commanded,  f  He  "  offered alfo  the  calfe  for  ^^^  '•  ^^g^J* 

fmnerand  when  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  had  put  their  handes  ^'  ^,j    ^^"^ 
If  vpon  the  head  thcrof,  f  he  did  nnmolate  it:  drawing  the  manv/euc  do- 

bloud ,  and  dipping  his  finger,  touched  the  homes  of  the  firm  &  yentte. 

alrar  round  about.  Which  being  expiated,  and  fandified,  he  butdiuinoT/ 

16  poured  the  rclt  of  the  bloud  at  the  botome  therof  f  But  i"",^"^  "'*^' 
the  fatte  that  was  vpon  the  cnrrallcs,  and  thecauleor  the  ^.  cyul.lti.i, 
huer,  and  the  two  little  kidneys,  with  their  little  tallow  he  inumt. 

17  burnt  vpon  the  altar:  t  the  calfe  with  the  skinne,  and  the 
fleilj  ,  and  the  dung,  he  burnt  without  thecampe,  as  our 

18  Lord  had  commanded,  f  He  offered  alfo  a  ramme  for  an 
holocauft:vpon  the  head  wherofwhcn  Aaron  and  his  fonnes 

19  had  put  their  handes,  -f  he  did  immolate  it,  and  poured  the 

10  bloud  therof  in  the  circuite  of  the  altar,  f  And  cutting  the 
ramme  it  felfe  into  peeccs,  the  head  therof,  and  the  ioyntcs, 

11  and  the  farre  he  burnt  with  fire,  f  hauing  firfl  waihed  the 
entralles,  and  the  fcete.  and  the  whole  ramme  together  he 
burnt  vpon  the  altar,  becaufc  it  was  an  holocauft  of  moft 

22  fxrete  odour  ro  our  Lord,  as  he  had  commanded  him.  f  He 
offered  alfo  the  fecond  ramme, for  the  confecration  of  priefls: 
and  Aaron  ,  and  his  fonnes  did  puttc  their  handes  vpon  the 

25  head  therof  :  f   which  when  "•   Moyfes  had  immolated  ,  '^^^  funftion 
takingof  the  bloud  therof,+ie  touched  the  tippe  of  Aarons  ofcofccratine 
right  eare,  and  the  thumbe  of  his  right  hand,  in  like  maner  Pricfts ,  as  of 

14  alfo  of  his  foote.  t  He  offered  alfo  the  fonnes  of  Aaron  :  and  ^^"ingSacri- 
when  ofthe  bloud  of  the  ramme,  being  immolated,  he  had  j.(."h  that'lVIoT* 
touched  the  tippc  of  the  right  eare  of  euerie  one,  and  the  f^.j  vasaPricft* 
thumbes  of  the  right  hand  and  foote,  thercflhe  poured  on  Ycathcchicfo 

1;  the  altar,  round  about:  t  but  the  fatte,  and  the  rump,  and  and  hicghcft 
al  the  fatre  that  couercth  theentraUes.  and  the  caule  of  the  ^'^j^.^jf;;',  ^^^ 
liuer,  and  the  two  kidneies  with  their  fatte,  &  with  the  right  his'more  ex- 

i6  shoulder,  he  fepcrated.  f  And  taking  out  ofthe  baskets  cc  11  en  t  mini- 
Li  X  of 

±^4  Leviticvs.    ■  Confecration 

ftcricandcx-  of  azymes,  vhich  was  before  our  Lord,  a  loafc  vithdut  Ica- 
^'^irl^T*'^  ucn,ajicl  a  manchet  tempered  with  oil'c,  and  a  xrafer  he  put 
"as"hfciTK'^°"  them  vpon  the  fattr,  and  the  right  shoulder,  t  deliuering  ly 

prieftforhis  al  to  Aarort,  and  to  bis  fonnes.  Who  hauinghftcd  them  vp 
Pontifical  in-  before  our  Lord,  f  he  tookc  them  againe  of  their  handes, 
uefturc,  and  ^^^  burnt  them  vpon  the  ahar  of  holocauft,  becaufe  it  was 
V.T\!!T^lu?rl.  theoblatirfnofconfecrationjfora  Iwctc  odoure,  of  the  fa- 
fhouldconti-  crifice  to  our  Lord.  |  And  he  tookc  orcnerammcot  conle-  i^ 
nev/inhisfuc-cration  ,  the  brcft  for  his  portion,  cleuating  it  before  our 
ccfTors.j.  13.  Lord,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  him.  f  And  taking  the  jc 
tnieu't.  oyntmcnt,  and  the  bloud  that  was  vpon  the  altar,  he  fprinck- 

Icd  it  vpon  Aaron,  andhis  vcftiments,  6^  vpon  his  fonnes 
and  their  veftiments.  t  And  when  hchadfandifiedthemin  ji 
their  veftimcnts,  he  commanded  them, faying:  Boiic  the  flesh 
before  the  dorc  of  the  tabernacle^,  and  there  eate  it.  Eatc 
ye  alfo  the  loaues  of  confecration,  that  are  laid  in  the  basket, 
as  our  Lord  commanded  me,  faying:  Aaron  and  his  fonnes 
shal  eate  them..:  -f  and  whatfoeuershal  be  left  of  the  flesh,  32) 
and  the  loaues,  fire  shal  confumc.  f  Outof  thcdorealfoor35 
the  tabernacle  you  shal  not  goc  forth  feuen  daies,  vntil  the 
day  wherein  the  time  of  your  confecration  shal  be  expired. 
forinfeucndayes  the  confecration  is  finished:  f  as  at  this  54. 
prefent  it  hath  bene  done,  chat  the  rite  of  the  facnfice  might 
be  accomplished.  |  DayS^night  shal  you  tarie  in  the  ta-  3c 
bernacleobferuiwg  the  watches  of  our  Lord,  left  you  die: 
forfeit  hath  bene  commanded  me.  f  And  Aaron,  and  his  x6 
fonnes  dldal  chinges  which  our  Lord  fpakc  by  the  hand. of 

Chap.    VIIL 

Parricu?arcal-        ^-    offered ^ar on  "j  ^J  this  maner  ofta^jngyefferin^,  3nA  confecratmr  Aaion 

lingandcon-  Hiegh  F'rit-ft-,  S-  PjuI  OTeweth  that  none  inay  chalenge  to  them  felucs  nor 

fccrationnc-  prcfumc  to  cxcrcilcpneftlie  effiecs,  or  anic  aurhoTiticin  fpiritBalcaufcs,  but 

ci-fTariero  iijch  as  be  orderly  called  therto.  that  Chrirt  him  fclfwculd  not  hauccx- 

prieRlico/fi-  crcifcd  this  fundion,  biitthat  he  was  alio  called  of  God  vnto  it,  fayincr;  E- 

tes.&:antho-  ucric  Hiegh  Priert  taken  from  among  men, is  appointed  for  men,  m//>c/eW»»q-fi  "'^-  S' 

ritieinfpiri-  »'"'^/"'»''J«»^/o  fio^.  Neither  JotKanie  mm  rake  the  honour  to  himfclf,  but  tic 

cualcaufcs.  that  is  called  of  God,  as  Aaron.  So  Chrifl  alfo  did-not  elorific  himfclf,  that  he 

might  be  made  aHieghPricft:  but  he  that  fpakc  to  him:  Thou  urt  a  Priefi  for  vf^I, 

Ordering  r^r  "*T'  '"''"''^''^■<^'> ''""  ''"'"•  "/  \J*UI>*jUcch .  AaroRS  fonnes  were  alfo  called,  but  10^. 

pHcAcsL'  '°l°'''"^'^''^^"',^'*?''^'^'^>^»^'-'"^^io"tic.^ndbothheandtJicywcreordaincd 

^•♦^a  andconlctfatcdbyapecuUacSacramcnt,iowit,  by  certaine  doterminatc  cx- 



o£ Prieftes.  L  E  v  i  t  c  vs.  £77 

eernalecfcrttonics  and  rites  ^fignifying  grace  gcucn  tlicm  by  God,  for  the  Sacrament  ia- 
due performinc:  of  theirfuntftion- For  fiifttlneyu'-cre  taken  from  the  common  theiawof 
ftatc  of  men,  uhcrby  is  dcfigncd  their  oidinarie  vocation;  then  purified  by  Moy/cs. 
certalne  wadiin^s  and  lacrificc  for  finnc,  fignifyirgfpccialpuriticrcquiredin- 
thcm,after.\jrjr-des  inueded  with  holie  ind  precious  garmentes,  which  /Jgni- 
ficd  their  iacrcdfundion,  and  great  dignitic,  excelling  al  temporal  donur.ion 
and  principaiitie;  finally  coniccrated  in  fulcmncmaner  with  holic  ointment^ 
and  bloud  of  pacificjucfacnficc  offered  for  this  purpoici  other  facrificc  of  ho- 
locauftalfo  offered  in  the  famcfolcmnitic. 

7.    Heuefied]   The  hieglvPiieft  had  feurn  fpecial  ornamentiin  his  vcfturc.  5j.j,f  pj-.^- 
Fitftja  ftraid///j»f»  T-r/jxxe^^nirof  ^{Ignifyingpnruic  of  liie  moft  fpeciaJly  re-  veftment  f 
<3uircd  in  Pricfles.  Secondly  a  girdle,  or  fiaTTi/i^^oftc-.iftcd/ilkc  and  gold,  rhchifhPr'  ft- 
cmbrodcred  Vf'orJtc,  in  colouiea  yelow,  bUw,  purple, and  fcarlcti  fignifying  (irrnism 
difcretemodcraticnof  hisades,  to  thefpiritualprofitjcofalfortes  of  people.  I'^'pn'rir 
Thirdly  a  r»»»i^?,  orlong  robe  downc  to  the  foote,  ofhyacinth,  or  blew.flJkc^  i  Difcrcti' 
at  thcskirtthcrof  like  pomegranates- vrought  of  twitted  filkc,  blew,  purple  ^  Good  w     Ir 
and  fcarlct,  and  litlc  belles  of  pureft  (yclow)  goldimcrpofed  oncby  th«  o-   ofedificati 
I.  Hit-     thcr  rownd  about,  ofechTorte  feuenric  two  ;  fignifying.  heauenlic  conuerfa. 
r«TO.£/'i/?tion  vpon  earth,  alfovnion-aad  concord  in  faith  and  maners,  with  edification 
<i<if<ii;e/bYgoodworkes.   Fourthly,  an  ornament  vpon  his  ilioulders,  called  an  Ephtd,  ^'r  ^^^^ 
ofgoldandtwiftedfilke,  cmbrodercd  of  the  former  coleures,  reaching  be.-  ^    °.''!^^ 
foretothegirdle,  with  two  precious  Onyx  ftoncs  doled  in  gold,  one  hauing     ^™^"^* 
engraucn  (Ii  names  of  the  tribes  of  Ifraeljfcton  one  iliouldcr,  the  other  ha- 
iling the  other  fix  names  on  the  other  shoulder;  for  a  remembrance  that  he 
muftfupportc*  andineeklybearethcinfirmiticsofthc  people.  Fiftly,  abrcaft  j.ICnowIed"-c 
plate  called  ^4/io»<i/<>,  of  the  fame  precious  matter,  the  mcafure  of  a  palitie,  andiinceiitTc, 
fourefquare,  cmbiodcrcd  with  the  fame  fourccolourcS:.  with  fourc  rewcs  of 
twelue  precious  {tones,  and  thctin  engraucn  the  names  of  the  tweluc  tribes. 
Eefidcs  which  were  engraucn  alfo  Vrim  and  Thtmm  im,  iRuminattonsznd 
Peyftclions,  OX  Doclrin and  reritie,  bccaufe  the  hiegh  Pricftmuft  h.iuc  knewledgc 
ofthctruth.andfinccrc  intention.  Likwife  in  the  Ephod  and  Rationale  were 
ringcs,hookes,  and  chaines  of  pureft  gold,  to  ioyne  them  faft  together.  Al 
fignifying  the  perpetual  folicitude  and  care  which  he  ought  to.haueinhis 
hart.toknovra.-^-dteachihetiuth,  thatrhcpeop!emaytru!yYerue  God,  rohis 
honour  and  their  ownc  faluation.  Sixtly,  a  ^/nr  of  twifted  ftlke,  with  little  ^^Inrtntio  dJ- 
crownes  cmbrodcred  worke,fct  on  his  head,  to  fignifie  that  he  muft  direct  al  rcdtcd  to  God- 
tisaf^ionstoGcdsglorie,  thatfittethaboueal.  Scucmhly,  ^  plair  of/acrtd  ye-  "Contempla- 
»#r4f»c»»,  made  of  the  fincft  gold,  with  ehemoft  holic  name  of  God  cnoiauen,  tionofGodSc. 
fctonhisforheadj  toput  him  ftil  in  remembrance  to  contemplate  God  and  his  woikes. 

13.    llisfonnei]  The  Other  Pricfts  had  three  fpecial  ornaments :  a  D»i»f» -rT/ji>f  Other  Prieftcr 
garment,  a  BoTT^ri^*,  and  a  >f/fr*,  for  glorie  and  bewtie;  to  fignifie  the  qualities  hadalforhrec 
nbouc  mentioned, /JKiw/p,  difcretion,  and  </>rcc7  tr.tentiort  alfo  required  in  thcra.       ornamcntes. 

10.    Tee^totle]   A  third  thing  thatMoyfes  was  bid  to  take,  befldcs  the  men 
atidvcfliraents,  wasthc  holte  otle  of  ynflton,  which  he  poured  only  vpon  the  A.ironannoin 
liieghPrieftshead,notonotherPricftsito  fignifie  thatpowrcdefccnded  from  tcdhighPricfV 
him  to  the  refV.  But  both  he  and  they,  and  tlscir  holie  vcftimenis  were  fpiink- 
Icd  with  this  oilc,  and  with  bloud  taken  from  the  altar;  their  right  cares  alto  „.    r  . 

verc  touched  with  the  bloud  of  a  ramme,  facrificed,  and  their  right  thumbcs,  r  -_^.„7 

and  great  rocs  oftheir  right  handcs,  and  feete;  to  fignifie  prompt  obedience, 
andxightintcation,  in  offering  faciificc,  according  to  Gods  ordinance,  and 

L  I  3  act 

iyt  Levitt  CVS.  Sacrifices* 

n«t  after  the  manerof infidels,  ot  humane  inucntion,  nor  to  anic  finiftcr  la- 
tent or  parpofc. 
..  14.    Heojfertdthecalfe]   Other thingesvhichMoyfesva$hcrcconnraai»dc4 

Al  tnj^"  ^'"*  to  take,  at  thcconfecrationof  Pricfts,  were  a  calfe,  to  be  offered  i»  lacnficc 
^'tr  A  U^  forfinncitworammc$,theone  in  holocauft,  the  other  in  pacificiHe  facrifice, 
ottered  at  the  fQ^jhcconfecration  of  Priefts;  and  a  basket  ofvnleuened  bread,  to  be  offered 
confecration  ^jj^j^c  two  rammes.  Al  for  the  greater  folemnitie  of  this  Sacrament  of  Or- 
ofPricits.  j^j^    gy  y^hich  Aaron  and  his  lonnes  were  made  the  lawful  and  ordinaric  j^^^  ; 

Pricfts  of  the  law  newly  deliucred  by  Moyfes.  And  fo  Priefthood  was  changed 
PricfVoodani  ftom  the firft  borne  of  cuerie  familie,  and  eftabliflied  only  in  Aaron  and  his 
Law  changed  fonnes,and  their  ifTue  male,  to  be  in  like  forte  confecrared.  And  the  reft  of  the 
together.  Lcuites  toa/Tift  them.By  thisalfo  was  prefigured  the  Sacrament  of  holie  Or- 

ders in  the  Church  of  Chrift,  with  an  other  change  ofPrief^hood  from  the 
The  Sacramct  familie  &  order  of  Aaron,  to  Prieftes  of  the  liCwTcflamf  nt,.of  wharfamilie  or 
of  holie  Or-     nation  foeuer.  And  withal  another  change  of  the  \a.w.ror thcPncphooclbcin^ 
ders  prcfigu-    trdnjlated ,    it  h  necf/farit   (faith  S.  Paul)    that  a  trAftJlation  of  tht  Layy  he  aljo  Heb.y, 
ted.  and  the     wdt^f.And  thisSacrament  in  dcdegcueth  grace  (as  by  the  orhcr  it  was  ofily 
ncvf  Law.         fignificd)  to  thofc  that  are  rightly  ordered.  As  the  fame  ApcOle  reftifieth, 
willingTimothie  to  refufcttate thr grace ^cucn  him  by  impojition  •/  h^nJes.l.Ttmot.l. 
S   Ambrofe  in  i.  Ttmot.  4.  S.  Au^uft.  lib   de  bono  icniugalt  :t^  14.  &-' Itb :  %, 
contrtt  Efjii Parmen    Thcodoret.  5.  ^S.  in  Itb    7i»m. 

Chap.    IX. 
Sdcrifices  for  ftnney  it.  *ndof  holocdttfie,  18.  And  pinf^ues  ure  offered -. 
11.  and  ^aron  firetdin^  forth  his  hd'id  hUj^etk  thefeofU, 

Nd  vhen  the  eight  day  was  comc^,  Moyfes  called  i 
Aaron  and  his  fonnes,  and  the  ancients  oi  Ifraeljand 
::  The  people  faid  to  Aaron  :  f  Take  of  the  heard  "  a  calfc  for  finne,  and  a  1 
before  wor-     rammc  for  an  holoucaft,  both  without  fpot,3nd  offer  them 
l^'^P^^^'^^'J^  before  our  Lord,  t  And  to  the  children  of  IfracI  thou  (halt  3 
jx"^  N°ow  thr^r.  speaker  Take  ye  a  bucke  goate  for  finne,and  a  calfe,  and  a 
fore  they  offer  lambe,  of  ayeare  old,  &  without  fpot  for  an  holoucafi:,  fan  4 
acalfcinfacri-  oxc  and  a  ramme  for  pacifiq'ues :  and  immolate  them  before 
ficcroGod.for  our  Lord,  offering  in  the  facrifice  of  eueric  one,  flowre  tern- 

ttieir  Iinncand  j        •   l      m        r  1  »        1         1 

to  kcpc  them  P'^'^'^^  "^^^^  °^'^  i  *^*^  f?  ^^7  ^ur  Lord  wil  appeare  to  you. 
fromidolatrie.  t  They  tooke  therfore  al  thinges  that  Moyfes  had  comandcd    ; 
sjJieron.inHie.  before  the  dofc  of  the  tabernacle :  where  when  al  the  mulri- 
r«n.  7.  tude  ftood,  f  Moyfes  faid:  This  is  the  word,  which  our  Lord    6'  "' 

::  God  appea-  ^^"^^  Commanded  :  doe  it,  ••*  and  his  gloric  wil  appeare  to  you. 
ted  in  his  t  And  he  faid  to  Aaron:  Approch  to  the  alrar,&  immolate  for  7 
workc  by  fen-  thy  finne:ofFer  the  holocauft,and  pray  for  thy  felf  and  for  the 
bume  thVfa-  P'°P^^'  ^"'^  ^^^"  ^^^o"  ^^ft  flaine  the  peoples  hofle,  pray  for 
crifice,  with-  f^^"^' 3S  our  Lord  hath  comandcd.  f  And  forthwith  Aaron  8 
out  mans  in-  approchmg  to  the  altar,  immolated  the  calfc  for  his  finnc : 
daaxicTr.x4.  t  ftiebloudsrhetof  his{onncsbrouglittohim:whcrindip-  9 



Sacrifices.  L  e  v  i  t  i  cy  s.  179 

ping  his  finger,  he  touched  the  hotncs  of  the  altar,  and  pou- 

j  10  red  th,sre(l  at  the  foote  therof.  •{•  And  the  fatte,  and  the  litlc 

kidncis,  and  the  caule  of  the  liuer,  which  are  for  finne,  he 

burnt  vpon  the  altar,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes : 

II   t  but  the  flesh  and  skinne  therof  he  burnt  with  fire  -withont 

II   the  campe.  t  He  immolated  al(o  the  viflime  of  holocaufl:  and  . 

his  fonnes  brought  him  the  bloud  therof,  which  he  poured 
1}   inthecircuiteof  thealtar.  f  The  hoftealfo  it  fclfe  being  cut 
into  pceces,  they  brought  witli  the  head  and  cutrie  member. 
I4   Al  ^yhich  he  burnt  with  fire  vpon  the  altar,  f  hauing  firft 
i;  washed  the  cntralles  and  the  feete  with  water,   -j-  And  offe- 
ring for  the  finne  of  the  people,  he  flew  the  bucke  goar:  and 

16  expiating  the  alcar :  j-  he  made  the  holocauft,  f  adding  in 

17  the  facrificc  the  libamenrs,  which  are  offered  wirhal,  and  bur- 
ning thtm  vpon  the  altar,  befide  the  ceremonies  of  the  mor- 

18  ning  holocanf^.    t    He   immolated  alfo   the  oxc,   and   the  ...-This Jid fig- 
rammcj  the  pacifique  hofles  of  the  people:  and  his  fonnes  nifie  that 
brought  him  the  bloud,  which  he  poured  vpon   the  altar  Chrift,inwlio 

19  roundabout,  f  The  fatte  alfo  of  the  oxe,  and  the  rump  of  J^' T.T",*^ 
theramme,  andtherwo  little  kindneis  with  their  fatte,  and  be  ftrctched 

20  the  caule  of  the  liuer  •]-  they  put  vpon  the  brcfts.  and  after  on  the  Crolfe 
zi  the  fatte  was  burnt  vpon  the  altar,  f  their  brefts,  and  the  where  he  rc- 

right  shoulders,  Aaron  did  feperate,  eleuating  them  before  «l="ic<i.^*'  ^n 

22   our  Lord,  as  Moytcs  had  commanded,  f  And  ••  ftretching  ^f  ^^  now 

forth  his  hand  to  the  people,  he  bleflcd  them.  And  fo  the  makethcfigne 

hoftes  for  finne,  and  the  holocauftes,  and  fhepacifiques  being  of  the  CrolTc. 

XX  finiihed,  he  defcended.   t  And  Moyfex  and  Aaron  poina  ''  ^^^  ^J^'^ft' 
•  uu  ifA  jr  1  ^.^  were  comma- 

mto  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie,  and  afterward  comming  aedtonourifti 

forth,ble(rcd  the  people.  And  the  glorie  of  our  Lord  appeared  and  kcpe  this 

24  to  al  the  multitude:  f  and  behold  "•  a  fire  coming  forth  from  ^^c  pctpetu- 

our  Lord,  dcuoured  the  holocaufl,  and  the  fatte  that  was  v-  ^f^  i^i^^' ^^u, 

pon  the  altar:  which  thing,  when  the  multuude  had  fcnne,  cxt*ine«Xcd! 

thej  praifed  our  Lord,  faUing  on  their  faces.  cha.^.y.w^  ' 

Chap.    X. 

l^dJdh  ttnd^iu  the  Tonnes  of  ^dron,  for  offering  firdn^e  fire,  dre  burnt 
to^e.tthydndcaffoHtefthecdTnpe.6.for  '^hom  th:  people  mourne,  hut 
not  the  Prices.  8.  Prie/fs  dre  forbid  to  drinke  XVinr^  wh<n  they  enter  into 
the  tabernacle^  u.  and  are  commanded  I0  tat  the  rejidcw  of  oblations  in 
the  holt e  place.  16.  ^hich  this  timein part  thry  omitted,  anddre  excufedj, 
btin^fororvful  for  that  y^fhuh  hd^^cncdto  Nddah  and  ^m» 


±%o  Levi  Tiers*  TranCgrcfTors* 

ANd  Nadab,and  Abiu  the  fonncs  of  Aaron  catching  i 
cenfors,  did  put  in  fire,  and  incehfe  thcrupon,  offering 
-SucViasrc-    before  our  Lord  ftrange  fire:  which vas  not  commanded 
cciucdmorc    them,  f  And  fire  comming  forth  from  our  Lord,  "dcuourcd  t    ' 
^J^^^f^'^^^P^^^^^^  t  AndMoyfesfaidto  5 

iicrlypuniflicd  Aaron  :  Thisis  it  whichour  Lord  hath  fpokcn :  I  \ril  be  fan- 
■ifchey  tranf-  dlified  in  them,  thatapproch  to  me,  and  in  the  fight  of  al  the 
grcflc^.^w^'-.  people^-  I  vril  be  glorified.  Which  Aaron  hearing  held  his     , 

^^V'^ir""]  peace,  t    And  Moyfes  calline  Mifael ,  and  Ehlaphan  the  4   ' 
By  this  alfoal  r  r/^    ■   1     i  1       rx^  r -j  u  V-  j 

aie  v/arncdto  fo'^'^^sofOziel,  the vnclc  of  Aaron,  laid  to  them:  Goc  and 

bccontenc       take  away  your  brctheren  from  the  fight  of  the  Sanduarie, 
with  the  do-    and  carie  them  ^5rithout  the  campe  .  "j-  And  going  forthwith  f 
v^'r^  rh  ft    they  tooke  them  as  they  lay, icuefi:ed  with  Unnen  tunikes,  & 
to  abhorre  he- ^^i'^eaft  them  forth,  as  it  had  bene  commanded  them,  f  And  6 
rcfics,  the  fau-  Moyfes  fpake  to  Aaron, &  to  Eleazar,and  Ithamar  his  Tonnes: 
torswherof     Vncoucr  not  yo.ur  he3de$,aadrcnt  not  your  veftiments,  lefc 
aaile  falic-      peihaps  you  die.,  andindignation  come  vpon  al  the  affembHe' 
v/ord  &prc-  ^^^  y^""^  brethren,  and  al  the  houfe  of  Ifrael,  lament  the 
fcrre their        burning  that  our  Lord  hath  raifed,  f  and  your  ftlues  (hal'  y 
ov/ne  wicked  not  goe  out  of  the  dore  of  the  tabernacle,  otherwife  you  shal 
inucntions  be  p^jj^j^  .  f^^  jj-jg  QyjgQf  holie  vn(51:ion  is  vpon  you.  'Who  did 
fetifeorholic  althinges  according  to  the  precept  of  Moyfes.  f  Our  Lord  8 
Scripture.        alfo  faid  to  Aaron:  -f  "Wine,  andanie  thing  that  maym.akc  9 
■^Thead    drunkc,  you shal  not drinkc,  thou  and  thy  fonnes,  •*•  when 
Leutt.  you  enter  into  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie,  lefl  you  die^: 

fr  m  wine  CO-  becauleit  IS  an  euerlalnng  precept  through  yoivr  generati- 
mandedto       ons.  f  And  that  you  may  haue  knowledge  to  difcernebetwen  10 
Pricftsxfhen    the  holie  a,nd  prophane  ,  betwen  the  polluted  and  cleane: 
t!uy  feruedin  j.  ^pj  ^^y  [each  the  children  of  Ifrael  al  my  ordinances,  11 
the  tabernacle  ^^ -^j^  ^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^  fpoken  to  them  by  the  hand  of  Moyfes. 
timcs.forihey  t  And  Moylcs  Ipakc  to  Aaron  and  to  Eleazar,  and  Ithamar  12 
fciuedatccr-    his  fonncs,  that  were  left ;  Take  the  facrifice,  thatisremay- 
tainetimesby  ning  of  theob'ation  of  our  Lord,  and  eate  it  without  lea- 
^"io",*ltr»f.'  ucn  befide  the  altar,  bccaufe  it  is  Hohe  of  holies,  t  And  you   15 
As  for  drun-     ^^^  eateit  in  a  holie  place:  which  is  giuen  to  thee  and  thy  fon- 
kcnncsitis       nesof  the  oblations  of  our  Lord ,  as  it  ha^i  bene  comman- 
forbidtoal       ded  me.  t  Thebreft  alfo  that  is  offered,  and  the  (boulder  14 
men,  and  at      that  is  (cperatcd,  you  shal  eate  in  a  moft  cleane  place  thou 
and  thy  fonnes,  and  thy  daughters  with  thee.  For  they  are 
laid  apart  for  thee  and  thy  children,  of  the  healthful  hoftes 
of  the  children  of  Ifrael :  t  becaufe  the  (bouldei  and  the  ij 


pnnKkci,  Leviticvs.  iti 

the  brcfl-,  and  the  Tarte  that  is  burnt  on  the  altar,  they  hauc 
clcuated  before  our  Lord,  and  they  pertainc  to  rhec,  and  to 
thy  fonucs  by  apcrpctxialJaM'e,  as  our  Lord  hath  connnan- 

i6  deti.  f  Amongthtle  thingcs,  vchen  Moyfes  fought  for  the 

biicke  g-oare,  that  had  ben.e  oftercd  for  fmnc,  he  found  it 

■  'burnt  :  and  being  angric  againft  Ekazar,  and  Ithainar  the 

17  fcnnevof  Aaron  that  remained,  lie  faid  :  t  Why  di<i  you  nor 

eate  the  hofle  for  flnne,  in  a  hohe  place,  which  is  mofl  HoJie,  •:NaturaIgnfc 
andgtuenro  )OU,  that  you  may  bcarc  rhe  iniquitie  of  the  ofrn'n<^  made 

z'S  mulurude,and  may  pray  for  it  in  the  lirJit  of  our  Lord,  t  efpe-  '^"^°" 

"  daily  >yheras  of  the  bloud  thcrof,  there  hath  not  bene  caried  eatc&lcffcapt 
within  the   holie  places,  and  you  ought  to  haue  eaten  it  in  to  conpletc  al 

25   theSan<3:uarie,as  it  was  commanded  me?  7  Aaron  anfwe-  ^^^  cercmo- 
red;  This  day  harh  bene  oflcrcd  the  vi^ime  for  finne,  and  ^'"i-.JJ'n^iJc' 
the  holocauft  before  our  Lord:  and  to  me  that  is  chanced  omitted  that 
which  tiiou  feeil.  how  could  I  eate  ir,or  pleafeour  Lordin  pertained  to 

20  ceremonies  hauing  •'•  a  forowful  harti^?  f  \C'h;"ch  when  his  commodx- 
Moyfes  had  heard,  he  was  fatisfied  with  his  aniwere.  .^^^ '  °^"^"S 

Chap.    XI. 

Thsd'tfiinflion  ofclcaneAniyntleAfitin  {pca/Ies^Jish^  hirdes^attd  other  things.  The  third  part 
45.  "^nh  commandment  to  l/eholie,  and  impollutcd.  Of  thines  ck- 

_     .  aneand  vnde- 

1      A    N  D  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes  and  "  Aaron,  laymg:  anco/ith  the 

1  ^/jL  t  Say  to  the  children  of  Ilraci  :  Thefe  are  the  hearts  maneiofpuri- 

which  you  ought  to  eate  of  al  the  lining  things  of  the  earth     fyir)g:&othcr 

z   t  Euerie  oncVhat  hath  the  hoofediuided,and  chewcth  the  ^^i^/^^"^°^ 

4  cudde  among  the  cattel,  you  thai  eate.  t  But  whatloeuer  ni 
dedcchcvpcrhthe  cudde,and  hathanhoofe,  bur  diuidcth  it  ..  Hitherto 
not,as  the  camel, and  othersjthat  you  fhal  not  eate, and  among  God  reuelcd 

J  the  ■'  vncleaneyou  {hil  reputeit.  f  Cherognl  v^hich  chew-  his  Lav/  to 
eth  the  cudde,  and  diuideth  not  the  hoofe,  is  vncleane^.  ^'jj^^*^^  °"''^' 
•   6  t  The  hare  alfo:  for  that  alfo  cheweth  the  cudde,  but  diui-  ^""^  pJoplc!  ^* 
7  dcth  not  the  hoofe.  f  And  thefwine  .-  which  though  it  diui-  i;^^  alio  to 

5  dcth  the  hoofe,  cheweth  not  the  cudde.  f  The  flesh  of  thefe  Aaronrftcrhe 
you  fhal  not  eate;,  nor  touch  their  carcafTes,  bccaufe  they  arc  j^'ascofecratcd 

<)  vncieanc  to  you.  f  Thefe  are  the  thingcs  that  brcde  in  the   !pfj,^/ai, 
waters,  and  which  it  is  lawful  to  catc.  Al  that  hath  finncs, and  ^i/avcs,  for 
fcales,afwclin  the  fca,asin  the  riuers,  and  the  poolcs,  you  Moyfts  vf-as 
EG   flialeate.  f  But  whatfoeuer  hath  not  finncs  and  fcalcs ,  of  ^^^  luperior. 

thofc  that  moue  and  hue  in  the  waters,  fhalbe  vnto  you  ab-  ^^''/'•"•M-i^' 
JI  hominable,  f  and  execrable,  their  ficsh  you  shal  not  eate, 

M  m  iind 

i8i  L  E  V I T I  c  V s.  .  Cleanc  and 

and  their  carcaiTes  you  flial  avoide .  -f   Al  that  haue  not  ii 
finnes  and  fcalcs  in  the  waters,  ibal  be  polluted,  f  Of  birdes  15 
thele  are  they  which  you  muft  not  eate,  and  arc  to  be  auoided 
of  you  :  The  Eagle,  andrhe  griffon,  and  the  ofprcy,  f  and  14 
the  kite,  and  the  vulture  according  to  his  kinde,  f  andeuerie  i; 
one  oftherauenskinde,  according  to  their  fimihtude,  t  the  16 
oftnch,  andtheowle,  and  the  (lerne,  and  the  hauke  accor- 
ding to  his  kinde.  t  thefcrircho\vle,and  the  diuer,  and  the  17 
ftorke,  t  andrhe  fwanne,  and  the  onocratal,  and  the  por-  18 
phirion,  f  ^^^  herodian^  and  the  charadrion  according  to  19 
his  kind,  the  lapsing  alfo,  and  the  batte.  f  Of  foules  eue-  lo 
rie  one  that  goeth  vpon  foure  feere,  shal  be  abhominarble 
to  you,  t  And  whatfoeuer  >3ralkcrh  vpon  foure  feete,  but  zi 
hath  the  leggesbeiiind  longer,  wherwith  he  hoppeth  vpon 

theearth,  t  tha^you  ^^^^^^'^^>^5^5'^^"'^^'^^^^"^  ^^^^^"'^''^^^^  ^^ 
attake,  and  the  ophiomach,  and  the  locull:,  eueric  one  ac* 
cording  to  their  kinde.  f  But  of  foule  whatfoeuer  hath  foure  15 
feetc  onhe,  shal  be  execrable  to  you:  f  and  ^3C'hatfocuer  {hal  .14 
touch  the  carcaflcsofthem,  shal  be  polluted,  and  shal  be  vn- 
••Ifindeclc     clcane  -  vnnleuen:  f  and  if  it  be  nccelTarie  that  he  caric  1$ 
tills  vncleanes  anie  of  thefe  that  be  dead^he  shal  wash  his  clothes,  and  shal 
were  a  finnc,   bevncleane  vnril  funnc  Ictte.^.  f  Euerie  beaft  that  hath  a  16 
it  (hould  be     hoofe,but  diuideth  it  not, neither  cheweth  the  cuddc,  shal  be 
trd5  anlna-  vnclcanc  :  and  whatfocuer  toucheth  it,shal  be  defiled,  f  That  27 
ther  neceflari-  which  walketh  vpon  hands  ofal  beads,  which  goc  on  foure 
ly  remaine  til  feete,  shal  be  vncleane  :  he  that  toucheth  their  carcalTes,  shal 
night,  nor  the  be  polluted  vntil  euen.  t  Andhe  that  cariethfuch  carcalTes,  i8 
vithou"^T^  shal  wash  his  clodies, and  shal  be  vncleane  vntil  euen:  bc- 
jneancj.  caufe  al  thefe  thinges  arc  vncleane  to  you.  "f-  Thefe  alfo  shal  i^ 

be  reputed  among  polluted  thinges,  of  al  that  moue  vpon  the 
earth,  the  wcefel  and  the  moufe  and  the  crocadile  ,  eueric 
one  according  to  their  kinde,  f  the  migale,  and  the  came-  50 
lean,  and  the  flellion,  and  the  lizard,  and  the  moule :   f  al  51 
thefe  are  vncleane.  He  that  toucheth  their  carcaffes,  shal  be 
vncleane  vntil  euen;  f  ^^^l  that  whcrupon  anie  thing  of  }i 
rheir  care  liFes  falleth,  shal  be  pohuted  alwcl  veiTel  of  wood 
and  rayment,  asskinnesandhaircclothes:  and  in  whatfoeuer 
veiTelanie  workc  is  done,  they  shal  be  dipped  in  water,  and 
shal  be  polluted  vntil  euen,  and  fo  afterward  shal  be  clean t-x. 
j-  But  theeatthenvcCTcIjwherinro  anie  of  thefe  falleth  with-   35 
in  it,  shal  be  polluted,  and  therfore  is  to  be  broken,  t  Al  34 


vncleanc.  Leviticvs.  i?! 

meate,  xrhich  you  shal  eate,  if  the  water  be  poured  vpon  ir, 
shal  be  vncleanc  j  and  al  liquor  that  is  dronkc  of  alvclfel, 
3/  shalbevncleane.  f  And  vpon  vhatfoeuer  ought  of  fuchcar- 
calfesfallethjitshal  be  vncleane:  \phethcr  ouens,  or  pottes 
with  feete,  they  shal  be  diftroyed  ,  and  shal  be  vncleane.^. 

56  t  But  the  fountaines  and  the  ceftcrnes,  and  alcolledionof 
waters  shal  be  cleane.  He  that  toucheih  their  carcaflt-jshal  be 

57  polluted,  f  If  it  falvpon  feede  corne  it  shal  not  pollute  ir. 
38  t  But  ifany  man  poure  water  vpon  the  feede,  and  afterward 

it  be  touched  with  the  shal  be  forthwith  polluted. 

59  f  If  a  bead  be  dead,  of  which  it  is  lawful  for  you  to  eate,  he 

that  toucheth  the  carcalfe  therof,shal  be  vncleane  vntil  eucn: 

40  t  and  he  that  eatethor  cariethanie  thing  therof;  shal  wash 

41  his  clothes,  and  shalbevncleane  vntil  euen.  f  Al  that  cree- 
peth  vpon  the  earth,  shal  be  abhominable,  neither  shal  it 

41  be  taken  for  meate.  f  whatfoeuer  goeth  vponthe  breft  on 
foure  feete,and  hath  manie  fcete,or  traileth  on  the  earth,  you 

'45  shal  not  eate,  becaufe  it  is  abhominable.  f  Doe  not  conta- 
minate your  foules,  nor  touch  ought  therof,  left  you  be  vn- 

44  cleane.  f  For  lam  the  Lord  your  God:  be  holie, becaufe  I  am 
hohe .  Pollute  not  your  foules  in  anie  creeping  beaft,  that 

4J  moueth  vpon  the  earth,  f  For  I  am  the  Lord,  that  brought 
you  out  of  the  Land  of  ^^gypt-.,  that  I  might  be  your  God. 

46  f  You  shal  be  holie  becaufe  I  am  holie.  f  This  is  the  lawe 
ofbeafts  and  foules,  and  of  euerie  lining  ibule,  that  moueth 

47  in  the  waters,  and  crcepeth  on  the  eatth ,  f  that  you  may 
know  the  differences  of  the  cleane,  and  the  vncleane,  and 
know  what  you  ought  to  eate,  and  what  to  refufe. 

Chap.    XI. 

een.  7.  4.    f^ncleaneytushalyeputeit,]   In  the  firft  age  of  the  xrorlii,  before  Noes  Some  thinea 

it.  8.        floud,andfo  forward  by  tradition;  and  after  by  ihe  written  Law,  fomc  li-   conntcd  vn- 
uing  creatures  were  reputed  vncleanc,   and  forbid  to  be  eaten  or  otFered  cleane  in  the 
l.Tim^.  in  Licrifice.    "Noz  ZH  euc\  ofthcmCtlucs,  for  itune  creature  »f  God  ts  ^•rosd,  by  na-  lau'  of  nature 
ture  and  creation :  but  this  dillinftion  and  prohibition  was  made  in  the  old  &ofMoyfcs. 
Teltamcnt,  for  iuft  caufes,  as  the  ancient  fathets  note  Ipccially  three.  Firft,  Three  taufcf 
forinthudioii  of  the  people  much  inclined  to  idolatrie,  God  dilHnguilhed  of  this  obfer- 
albcafles,  birdcs,  and  fishcsinto  deaneand  Tncleanc,  whcrby  al  men  might  uancc. 
know,  that  none  oftftcm  is  God.  For  horv  can  ainem^n  of  rcttfon  (faicihlerncd  i.  For  inftm- 
ThcodotCt.'].ll.mLftiit.]tl}inc{^tbattubeGod,yyl>icl)  either  he abliorreth  as  yncleane,  £tion. 
or  offi'rtth  m  i.tcrifice  to  tl)e  trne  God,  andeJteth  therof  himfelff  Secondly,  God  com-   i.  For  cxercifc 
maaded  this  obfcruancc  to  c.tcrcile  his  people  in  obedience,  with  precepts  not  of  obedience. 

Mm  1  other  wife 

ij$4  Lnytrtcrs,  Cleanc  and 

otUcrwifc nccertan€,turbeGaure he fo  commanded.  Asdtfitl}  lie  commanded 
Adam  notro  cate  of  th^  tree  of  knowledge  of  i^ood  and  cucl.  The  tranfgrcffion 
whcrof  broHghc  al  mankind  into  mifene.  From  which  againc  Chriftbyhis     ^^      . 
obedience  re^cmedvs.  For  obferuation  of  this  law  old  Elcazarus,  and  the  ^  y,^J,' 
feuen  bretheren  with  their  n.cther ,  did  geue  their  liues,  rather  then  they  ^'^~^° 
wouldeatefwinesflc(h,andfpr  the  fame  are  glorious  Martyrs,  as  teftifie  S. 
Cyprian  r/'i/f  5;^.  adThibaritanos.  Cf  U.  de  exhort.  \lArt.  c.    il.  S.  Grcgoric  Na- 
zianzen,  orat.  zo.  de1^l«chah.  S.  C):i\iy(o(iom,denatmtt(itefeptem'S'Uchab.  S.  Am- 
hro'ic.h-i  deoffict'y.c./i^.  O'li.t.deLtcoh.cio.  &  It.  and  the  whole  Church 
jForfignifica-  celebrating  their  feafi: ,.  the  firft  day  of  Auguft.  Thirdly  and  moft  fpecially 
tion.  chcfcobfcruations  were  commanded  for  fignification  of  vertues  to  be  embra- 

ced, and  of  vices  mlinnes  to  be  auoided.  Such  beaftes  therfore  were  holdcn 
for  cleanc,  and  allowed  formansfoode,  asdiuide  the  hoofe,and  ruminate,  or 
Til  rl  '  rr<:  chew  the  cudde,  fignifying  difcrction  betwixt  good  and  euel;  and  dilircnc 
y^  11  c\  confideration,  or  meditation  of  Gods  law  :  and  the  beaftes  which  lack  thofe 
1°  ^"fifni-  two  properties  of  diuiding  the  hoofe,  and  chewing  the  cudde,  or  either  of 
£  J  .  «c  them,  were  reputed  vnclcanc,  fignifyHig  fuch  men  as  care  not  whether  they 
ned  vertues.      ,        ',  ,'.         ,  •  "i        j-  i   \-  t  •  »    t- 

do  wel  or  cucl,  or  do  not  lummate,  and  meditate  good  things,  which  they 

Thevncleane    heareor  i*cad,  fc/rgetting  or  neglet^ing,  what  is  taught  them.  Likewife  the 
fi^nifici  vices,  li'^"^^  thathaiie  finnes  and  fcales,  which  fignifie  elcuating  of  the  mind^  and 
**  auftcritieofUfe,  were  counted  cleane:  but  the  fe  that  want  either  of  the  fame 

were  vnclcane  and  prohibited.  Alfo  certaine  birdes  were eftcmed  clean? and 
allowed  to  be  eatenrothers  vncleaneand  forbid  As  the  Eagle,  fignifying  pride  j 
the  griffon,  tTrannie;  the  ofprey,  oppiefTion  ;  the  kire,  fraud  5  the  vultarc,  fc- 
■    dition;  al  kindes  of rauens, carnal  voluptoufnes ;  the  oftrich, worldlie  cares;  rhe 
owle,  flouth,  or  duluesm  fpirituaUhiDgsjthc  ftcrncduble  dealing;  al  kindes 
.  cfhaukes.cruekie  ;thcfchiitch  owle, kixnrie;  the  diacr,glutro-nici  thellorkej 
enuie;  the  fwannc,  hypocrifie;  the  onocratal,  auaricc  ;  thcporphirion,  felfc 
vil ;  the  hcrodian,  a  bioudie  mind ;  the  caladrion,  much  babling  ;  the  lapwing, 
defolation  ofmind,  or  defpe ration;  the  batte,  earthlie  policie;  and  the  like 
inotherbiidcs, beaftes, and  lishcs.  Alagreableto  that  time,  in  which  (faieth  5> 
.S.  AuguHin.// .<>  c  7.  cont.  F.u//r. )  thofc  things  were  to  be  forethewed,  not  51 
Chrifiians  are  only  in  wordcs,  but  alfo  in  Bdes,  which  IhouTd  be  reueledin latter  time;  and  >> 
iiotboundto    bcmg  nowrcueled  by  Chrifi-,and  in  Chrift,  theburdenous  obfcruances  arenot  »> 
the  obfcruan-  jnipofed  to  the  faithful  gcnrile-;,  to  whorn  yet  the  authoritie  of  the  prophecie  31 
CCS  of  the  o\A  \^commcnAt^,To  i\\(zizmt  i^tCt.U.cont .  ^4  dmant^  c.  i^.  Cy  h  50./;ow//. /;».  45.  - 
law  ,  but  to      s.  Hlerom.  utMatt.  ly.  Origcncs,^o.  7.S.  Cyril.  /*.  ?• '«  tr((/>.  S.  Gregorie,  »» 
that  which        cant.  7.  Procop!«?Jt«f  u.  Out  of  whom  and  others  S.  Thomas  explicatcth 
they  fignined.  ^j  large,  that  which  we  hauc  here  briefly  noted.  1. 1.  q.  loi.a.  6. 

Ghap.    XI  i; 

The  CcconlSc  TheUw  of  Semens  pHrificAtionthathcdre  children, 

third  Lelfons  ^  ^     '' 

onCandlenws      A     Nd  our  Lord  fpake  ro  Moyfcs,  fayingrf  Speakc  to   I  2. 
^^*  X\  the  children  of-  Ifracl;  and  chou  ilialt  fay  ro  them:  A 

••  The  moft     "woman, if"  reccauingfirccic  fhebcare  a  man  child,  shal  be 
pure  virgin      vncleanc  feuen  daies,accordingt©  the  dales  of  the  fepararion 
mothei,Vas    of herHoures.  t  And  the  eight  day  the  lirle  infant  shal  be  j 
not  fubiea  to  circumcifcd  :  t.  i^^t  her  fclf  ahal  rcmainc  three  ^^  rhittie  4 


vnclcane.  Levitcvs.  iSj 

daie^  in  the  bloud  of  her  purification  ••  No  holie  thing  shal  ^^'^^  Jaw-  For 
she  touch,  neither  shal  she  enter  into  the  Sanduarie,  vntil  sheconrciucd 
5  the  daics  of  her  purification  be  expired,  f  But  if  she  bearca  J^'^cje'^f  '- 
voman  child,  she  shal  be  vnclcane  t^vo  weekcs,  according  yet  obfcructi ' 
to  thecuftomcof  the  Huxe  of  her  Hovrers,and  lixtic  fix  dales  t'lecufiomcof 

4  fheshal  reraainc  in  the  bloud  of  her  purification,  j-  And  °^''''-''' '*'^"^'" 
when  the  daics  of  her  purification  are  expired,  for  a  fonnc,  or  ••\'^r-^-^*Ch"'' 
r  J  1  •  lSl  •  II  V  1.  r  ailo  wouiabe 
for  a  daughter,  sne  shal  brmg  a  iambe  of  a  yearc  old  for  an  baptized  by  s. 

holocaufl,  andayoung  pigeon  ora  turtle  for  finne,  to  the  lohn  Baptif}. 
doreofthe  tabernacle  of  teftimonic,  and  siia!  deliucr  them  -'''^•? f>ge^c 
7   to  the  pricft,  t  who  shal  offer  them  before  our  Lord,  and  ^"l^j^'^^^!'" 
shal  prav  for  her,  and  fo  she  shal  be  clcanfcd  from  the  fluxe  ,i/./;  g.  ,„  r^I 
of  her  bloud.  this  is  thela^!c•c  for  her  that  bearcrh  a  man  child  ««f-  S  Bernard. 

5  or  womanchild.  -f  And  if  her  hand  finde  not, neither  is  ublc  -f^'-i-^^P''''.''^' 
cooffer  a lambc,  she  shal  take  tvro  turtles,  or  tNJPO  youn'^  pi- 
geons, one  for  an  holocauft,  and  an  ether  forfinne.  and  the- 

prieft  shal  pray  for  her,  and  lo  she  shal  be  clcanfcd. 

Chap.     X  I  i  I. 
TheUrv conccrni^gleprofft  in  mcnyjfj.  sndingArmtnts. 

I      A     Nd  our  Lord,  fpake  to  Moyfes,  and  Aaron,  faying:' 

4  JTX.  t  The  man,  in  whofeskinnc  and  flesh  shalanfe  a  di- 
uerscolourorablifter,  orany  thingasit  were  shyning,  that 

istofay  the  plague  of  the  leprofie,  shal  be  brought  '•'  to  Aa-  ::  Itptrta'rncd' 

5  ron  the  pried,  or  any  one  of  his  fonncs.  f  "Who  fcing  the  'o  f^c  Pricfts 
leprofie  in  his  skinne,  5<r  the  hcare  turned  into  a  white  co-  f^  '^'fccme  c^ 
lour,  and  the  forme  it  felf  of  the  leprofie  lower  then  the  mfrj^of  p"jc." 
5kinne,  and  rhe  other  flesh  :  it  is  the  plague  of  the  leprofie^,  ncsauthmitic 

4  andat  his  arbitrement  he  shal  be  fepcrated.  -f-  But  if  there  to  bimi  and 
be  a  shining  vrhitenefic  in  the  skinne,  and  not  lower  then  rhe    ^    '^  ^"!l*^y" 
oth^rflesh>andthe  heare  of  the  old  colour,  the  prieft  shal  mcnt.  j".  c^r^" 

$  shut  him  vp  feucndaics,  t  and  the  feuenth  day  he  shal  vew  fojl.h.^.de  fa- 
him  :  and  if  the  leprofie  begrowne  no  fardcr,  nor  hath  palfed  cerdtttit, 
the  former  limires  in  the  skinne,  againe  he  shal  shut  him 

'6  vp  other  fcuendaies.  f  And  the  feuenth  day  he  shal  behold: 
if  the  leprofie  be  fomewhat  obfcure,  andnotgrowne  in  th- 
skinne,he  Hialcleanfc  him,  bccaufc  it  is  a  fcabbe  ••  and  the 

7  man  shal  wash  his  clothes,  and  shal  be  cleane.  f  And  if  the 
leprofie  grow  againe  ,  after  that  he  was  fene  of  the  prieft  and 

8  reftorcd  to  cleanneirc  jhc  flnl  he  brought  vnto  hini,  f  and 
^  shal  be  condemned  of  vaclcanntfic.  f  if  the  plague  of  the 

Mm  3  leprofie- 

1^6  Leviticvs.  Leprofie, 

Icproliebeinainan,  he  fbal  be  brought  to  the  prieft,  t  a"^^  i© 
rtleprofieroa-  heshal  view  him.  And  vhcn  there  is  -  a  white  colour  in  the 
king  fpoctcs     skinne,  and  hath  changed  the  lookc  of  the  heare,  and  the 
in  the  skumc  ^    |^  ^^-^  -j.  ^^j^:^  appeare  quicke  :  +  itshalbeiudged  averie  ii 
ct  an  other         ,     ,  .  i        ^■'^        •  i       i  •  .t-i  •    ?    l      r 

colour,  ricrni-oldIcprorie,andgrowneinrotheskinne.  Theprieft  therhore 
ficthhe'rerre,  shal  contaminate  him, and  shal  not  shut  him  vp,  becaufeheis 
rhat  mixctU  vncleane  euidcntly.  f  Butif  the  leprofic  fpring  forth  running  il 
falfliood  with  a^Qm;  in  the  skinne,  and  coueral  the  flesh  from  the  head  to 
h^t.q'ueji.nuan-  the  fcetc ,  whatfoeuer  falleth  vnder  the  fight  of  the  eies , 
^ef.f,  4.0.  f  ^heprie^rshalve^y  him,and  shal  iudge  that  he  is  taken  with  15 

'::  Sometimes    ^  ::  mofc  cleanc  leprofie  :  for  that  it  is  al  turned  into  whit- 
'^""ffr^'or^hc-  ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^  therfore  the  man  shal  be  clcane.    f  But  >»'hcn  14 
rcfie^hichis  there  Ihal  appeare  in  him  quicke  flesh,  f  then  by  theiudge-  ij 
not.whcrof    *mcnt  of  the  prieft  he  shal  be  polluted,  and  shal  be  reputed 
thepneftisco  among  the  vnclcane.  for  quick  fleih  if  it  befpotted  with  Ic- 
^"^o'=^"'^-^7«  profiejis  vncleane.  f  Andifagaine  itbe  turned  into  whhc-  iG 
nelTcand  coueral  the  man,  f  theprieft  shal  vew  him,  and.  17 
shaliudgehimtobecleane.  f  Andtheflefh  and  the  skmci-e  iS 
wherin  a  bojle  is  rifen,  and  healed,  f  andin  the  place  of  the  19 
boile,  there  appeare  a  white  fcarre,  or  fomewhat  rcdde,  the 
man  shal  be  brought  to  the  prieft  :  f  and  when  he  ibalfee  10 
the  place  of  the  Icprofie  lower  then  the  other  flesh,  and  the 
heare  turned  into  whitenes,  he  shal  contaminate  him:  for 
the  plague  of  leprofic  isrifen  in  the  boile.  f  But  if  the  heare  zi 
beof  the  old  colour,  and  the  fcarre  fomewhat  obfcure,8<r^be 
not  lower  then  the  next  flesh,  he  shal  shut  him  vp  feue  dayes. 
f  And  if  it  be  growne  farder,  he  shal  iudge  him  to  hauethe  it. 
leprofie,  f  but  if  it  ftay  in  his  place,  ic  is  the  fcarre  of  a  boile,  zj 
and  the  man  shal  bc'cleane.  f  And  the  flclh  and  skinne,  that  24 
fire  hath  burnt,  and  being  healed  hath  a  white  or  a  reade 
fcarre,  -f-  the  prieft  shal  confider  it,  andloe  it  is  turned  into  25 
whitcnelfe,  and   the  place  therof  is  lower  then  the  other 
skinne:  he  shal  contaminate  him,  becaufe  the  plague  of  le- 
profls  is  rifen  in  the  fcarre.  f  But  if  the  colour  of  the  h:are  iG 
be  not  changed,  nor  the  blemish  lower  then  the  other  ilcih, 
and  the  forme  it  felfof  the  leprofie  be  fomewhat  obfiure,ha 
sh.^1  shuc  him  vp  feuen  dais,  f  and  the  feueute  day  he  shal  bx-  27 
hold  him  :  if  the  Icptofie  be  growne  farder  in  the  skinne,  he 
shal  c.ouiaminate  him,  f  but  if  the  wbitnes  ftay  in  his  place,   -8 
not  'fay  clcace,  it  is  the  plague  of  a  burning,  and  thcuforc 
ke  sU.'il  be  cleanfcd,  becaufe  it  is  the  f:arre  of  a  btirning. 

Leprolle.  i8r 

i9  f  Max!,  orvoman,  inwhofcheador  beard  the  leprofie  li- 

30  fcth, the  prieftshai  fee  them,  -f  and  if  the  place  be  lo>*  er  then 
the  other  flesh,  and  the  heare  yelow ,  and  thinner  then  ic 
xs'aswontj  he  shal  contaminate  them,  bccaufe  it  is  the  Ic- 

31  profie  oftheheade  and  the  beard,  -f  Butif  he  perceiuc  the 
place  of  the  fpotte  equal  uith  the  flesh  neere  vnto  it,  and  the 

31  heare  blacke  :  he  shal  shut  him  vp  feuen  daies,  f  and  in  the 
feuenrh  day  he  shal  looke  vpon  it.  If  the  Ipotte  be  nor  growne, 
and  the  heare  be  of  his  owne  colour,  snd  the  place  of  the 

33  plague  eucn  with  the  other  Hcsh  .-  -f  the  man  shal  be  shauen 
lauing  the  place  of  the  fpoite,  and  shal  be  shut  vp  other  (eucn 

34  daics.  t  If  the  fcuenth  day  the  plague  feeme  to  haue  ftaid  in 
his'place,  6J^  not  lower  then  the  other  flesh,  he  shal  cleanfc 

35  him,  and  his  clothes  being  washed  he  shal  be  cleane.  f  But 
if  after  his  clenfing  the  fpotte  be  growneagaine  in  theskinne, 

36  f  he  shal  no  more  feeke  whether  the  heare  be  changed  into 
zy  a  yelow  colour,  becaufcheis  euulently  vncleane.  f  Moreo- 

uer  if  the  fpotte  be  ftaid,  ^^  the  heare  be  blacke_/,  let  him 
know  that  the  man  is  healed,  and  let  him  boldly  pronounce 
38  him  cleane.  f  Man, or  woman,  in  whofc  skinnc  appeareth 
59  whitenefl^e,  f  the  priell  shal  vew  them.  If  he  hnd  that  whit- 
neffe  fomewhar  obfcure  shineth  in  the  skinne_/,  let  him 
know  that  it  is  nor  the  leprofie,  but  a  fpotte  of  white  colour, 

40  and  that  the  man  is  cleane.  -f  The  man  whofc  heare  falleth 

41  of  from  his  head,  is  bald  and  cleane;  f  and  if  the  heare  fal 
41  from  his  forehead,  he  is  bald  before  and  cleane.  f  Butifin* 

the  baldnefle  or  in  the  baldncfl'e  before  there  be  nicn  a  white 

43  or  reddish  colour,  f  and  the  prieft  perceiue  this  ,  he  shal 
condemne  him  vndoubtedly  of  leprolle,  which  is  rifen  in 

44  the  bald nelFe.  f  Whofoeuertherfotc  shal  be  defiled  with  le- 

45  profie  d^isfeparated  at  the  arbitrement  of  the  prieft,  f  thai 
haue  his  clothes  hanging  loofe,his  head  bare,his  mouth  couc- 
red  with  a  cloth,  he  shal  eric  him  fcif  polluted  and  vncleane.^. 

46  t  Al  the  time  that  he  is  a  lepre  6<r  vncleane  ,  he  shal  dwel 

47  alone  without  the  campe.  f  A  wollen  or  linnen  garment, 

48  that  shal  haue  the  leprofie  f  in  the  warpe,  and  the  woufc, 

49  orelsaskinnc,or  whatfoeueris  madeof  askinne,  t  if  it  be 
a  white  or  reddish  fpott,  itshal  berepuredinfeded  with  le- 

50  profie,  and  shal  be  shewed  to  the  prieft.  f  Who  hauing  con- 
^i  lidered  itshalshut it  vp  feuen  daies:  -f  and  the  fcuenth  day 

againc  beholding  it,  if  he  find  that  it  is  giowncp  it  is  aleprofic 


288  Levit  I  CVS.  Clenfinglcgal 

thar  continucth  :  he  shal  iiidgc  the  garment  polluted,  and 
ciierJe  thing  wherin  it  shal  be  found,  -{-  and  therforc  it  shal  ja 
he  burnt  with  fire,  f  Bur  if  he  fee  that  it.  is  not  gro>x'ne,  jj 
f  he  shal  command,  andthejr  shal  wash  that,  wherin  the  le-  54 
proiic  isj  and  he  shal  shut  it  vp  other  feuen  daies  .  t  And  jj 
when  he  shal  fee  that  the  old  shape  is  not  returned ,  neithei* 
yet  that  the  lepro-fie  is  growen  furdcr,  he  shal  iudge  it  vn- 
cleanc,  and  burneit  with  fire,  for  char  the  leprofie  is  fprcd  in 
the  cHitfide  of  the  garment  or  through  the  whole,  f  But  j(J 
if  the  place  of  the  leprofie  be  fomewhar  obfcure,  after  that 
the  garment  is  washed,  he  shal  brcake  it  of,  and  diuide  it 
from'that  which  is  founde.  f  And  if  bcfidesin  thofe  plaCes,  57 
that  before  were  without  fpotte  there  appeare  a  flying  ;fnd 
•^'andring  leprofie  :  it  niult  be  burnt  with  fire  :  f  if  it  bf  ceaf^  jS 
fed,  he  shal  wash  with  water  the  partes  ^  that  be  pure,  the 
£econdtime,  6^  they  shalbecleane.  f  Thisis  thelaw  ofth(r  59 
1-eprofieofa  wollen  and  linnen  garment,  of  the  warpc  and 
tlie  woufc,and  of al  fluffe  of  sl<:inne3,how  it  ouc^ht  to  be  clen-*  • 
fed,  or  contanunatcd. 

Chap.    XIMI. 

Sjcrijicesforclenfw^leproftt  in  mtn,  53.  the  maner  of  l>ietving  "^hjther  le- 
frofie  be  m  a  hoiife  or  no ^4^  0..  ani  ofclenjing  it. 

Nd  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying :  f  This  is  the  1  z 
rireof  alepre,  when  heis  to  be  cleanfcd.  f  He  shal  be  } 
brought  to  the  prieft:  who  gomg  out  of  the  campc,  when 
he  shal  nndc  that  the  leprofie  is  cleanfed ,  t  he  shal  com-  4 
f  "^  fi       V-  ^  mand  him,  rhatis  puriGcd,  that  he  "•  offer  for  him  felfe  two 
commanded     liue  fparowes,  which  itis  lawful  to  eate,  and  Cedar  wood,  and 
(CiithS.A'j'^u- fcarlct  dcf^hylfopc.  f  and  he  shal  command  that  one  of  the  y 
ftin)  becau{e    fparowes  be  immolared  in  an  carihcn  vcirtlouet  *  lining  wa-  '<-ofyvd 

f  Ch^^ft  r    ^'^^''  ^  t>utf^^o^'i«'i'heing  aliue  with  the  cedar  wood,  and  6      or  riuer^ 
die  v/as  not     ^'^^^l^t  and  the  hylTopeheshaldippein  the  bloud  of  the  fpa-  not  of  a, 

yet  ordained  ,  r-owc  that  i-s  immolated,  f  wherwith  he  shal  fprinckle  him,  7       ccp^eme 
which  now  rerth£!t  is  to  be  cleanfcd,  feuen  times,  that  he  mayberighrly  CImX. 

*^h    f      r^  ^'  pnrged  :  and  he  slia]  let  goe  the  hue  fparow,  that  it  flie  into 
u\.<:d.  ip  e^'che  field,  f  And  when  the  man  hath  wished  his  clothes,  he  8 
ao.  (     shal  fhaue  al  t  he  hearc  of  his  bodie,  and  shal  be  washed  with 
unfar.le^.tt.     warct :  and  being  punficd  he  shal  enter  into  the  cjimpc,  yet 
fri>i>ha,  [f^  f<^j.  2I  that,  that  he  taric  wi'ihout  his  owne  tent  feuen  daies, 

t  and  the  feucnth  day  he  shal  jhaue  the  hcare  of  his  head,  and  9 



irncleanncs.  Leviticvs.  -  rSp 

his  heard  and  eye  brovres,  and  the  beare  of  his  vrholc  bodic. 

10  And  hailing  \rashedagaine  his  clothes,  and  his  bodie,  •\  the 
eight  day  he  (hal  take  t\ro  lambcs  \f  ithout  iporte,  and  an  eve 
of  a  yeare  old  without  fpottc,  and  three  tenths  of  Houre  tem- 
pered vrifh  oylc  for  a  (acrifice,  and  a  fextaricofoyle  apart. 

ir  t  And  yy\\t\\  theprieft  that  purifieth  the  man,  hath  fer  him, 
and  al  thefc  things  before  the  Lord  m  the  dore  of  the  rabcr- 

u  naclc  o'i  teilimonie,  f  he  thai  take  a  larabe,  and  offer  it  for 
offence,  6(^' the  fextarie  of  oyle.  and  hauing  offered  al  before 

13  the  Lord,  f  he  shal  immolate  the  lambe^  vc  here  the  hoftc 
for  (Inne  is  yffont  to  beimmolated,  and  the  holocauft,  that 
is,  in  ahoheplace.  forasfor  hnnc,  fo  alio  the  lioile  for  of- 

14  fence  perraineth  to  the  prieft;  it  is  Holie  of  holies,  j-  And 
the  pricft  taking  of  the  bloud  of  the  hofte,  that  \ras  immo- 
lated for  offence,  Cbal  put  it  vpon  the  tippe  of  the  right  care 
of  him  that  is  clcanfed,  and  vpon  the  thumbes  ofhisri^hc 

i;  hand  and  foote  :  t  and  of  the  lextarie  of  oile  he  shal  pourc 
iG  into  his  owne  left  hand,  f  and  shal  dippe  his  right  finger  in 
17  it  and  shal  fprinckle  before  the  Lord  feuen  times,  j-  and  the 
refidue  of  rhecile  in  his  left  hand,  he  shal  poure  vpon  the 
tippe  of  the  right  eareofhim  thatis  cleanfed,  and  vpon  the 
thumbes  of  his  right  hand  and  foote,  and  vpon  the  bloud 
iSi5)thatwas  fbcd  for  offence,  f  and  vpon  his  head,  f  And  he 
fhal  pray  for  him  before  the  Lord,  and  shal  make  the  facriiice 
10  for  finne.  then  shal  he  immolate  the  holocauft,  j-  and  put  it 
onchealrar^rith  thehbamentstherof,  and  the  man  shal  or- 
ii  dcrly  be  cleanfed.  t  Butif  hebe  poore,andhishand  can  not 
findcthethingcsaforefaid,for  offence  he  shal  take  a  lambc 
for  an  obkrion  ,  that  the  prieil  may  pray  for  him-.,  and  a 
tenth  part  of  flourc  tempered  with  oile  for  a  facrifice,  and 
12  of  oile  a  fexrarie,  f  and  t^ro   turtles  or  two  young  pi- 
geons, of  the  which  let  one  be  for  finne,  and  the  other 
1-3  for  an  holocauft  :  -f  and  he  shal  offer  them  the  eight  day 
of  his  purification  to  the  prieft,  at  the  dorc  of  the  tabernacle 
-24  of teftimonie before  the  Lord:  -f  who  receiuing  the  limbc 
for  offence,  and  the  fcxtarie  of  oile,  shal  cleuate  them  toge- 
2/  ther  :  f  and  the  lambc  beingimmolated,  of  the  bloud  therof 
he  shal  put  vpon  the  tippe  of  the  right  earc  of  him  that  is 
cleanfed,  and  vpon  the  thumbes  of  his  right  hand  and  foote.- 
'  xC   f  but  partof  the  oile  he  shal  poure  into  his  owne  left  hand, 
x-j  i  whcriu  dipping  the  finger  of  his  right  hand,  he^  shal 

N  n  fprinwkic 

X90  Leviticvs.  Cleanfing  of 

fprincklc  it  feuen  times  before  the  Lord  :  f  and  he  shal  touch  i8 
the  tippe  of  the  right  eare  of  hira  that  is  cleanfed,  and  the 
thumbes  of  his  right  hand  &  foote,  in  the  place  of  the  bloud 
that  was  shed  for  offence:  t  and  the  other  part  of  the  oyle,  i^ 
that  is  in  his  left  hand,  he  shal  poure  vpon  the  head  of  the  pu- 
rified perfon,  that  he  may  propitiate  the  Lord  for  him  :  f  and  5© 
a  turtle,  or  yong  pigeon  he  shal  offer,  f  one  for  offence,  and  ji 
the  other  for  an  holocauft,  vith  their  libaments.  t  This  is  52. 
the  facrifice  of  a  lepre,  that  is  not  able  to  haue  al  thinges 
for  the  cleanfing  of  him  felf.  f  Andour  Lordfpake  to  Moy   55 
fcs  and  Aaron,  faying :  -j-  When  you  shal  be  entred  into  the  34 
Land  of  Chanaan,  which  I  wil  geueyou  in  poffefllion,  if  there 
be  the  plague  of  leprofieinahoufe,  f  he  whofehoufe  it  is,   5/ 
shal  goc  &  tel  the  prieft,  laying:  It  femeth  to  me,  that  there  is 
as  it  were  the  plague  of  Icprofie  in  my  houfc.  f  But  he  shal  ^6 
command,  that  they  caric  forth  al  thinges  out  of  the  houfe, 
before  he  goe  into  it,  and  fee  whether  it  haue  the  Icprofie, 
left  al  thinges  become  vnclcanc  thatarein  the  houfe.  And. 
afterward  he  shal  goe  in  to  confidcr  the  Icprofie  of  the  houfe : 
•f  &  if  he  fee  in  the  walles  therof  as  it  were  litle  dintcs,di{figu-  57 
red  with  palenefTc  or  rednefTc,  and  lower  then  al  the  reft,  f  he   38 
shal  goe  out  of  the  dorc  ofthe  houfe,  and  forthwith  shut  it 
feuendaies.  f  And  returning  the  Ceuenth  day,  he  shal  confi-  39 
der  it.Ifhcfinde  thatrheleprofieisgrowne,  t  heshalcom-  40 
mandjtheftones  whtrein  theleprofieis,  to  be  plucked  out, 
and  to  be  thro  wen  without  the  citic  into  an  vncleane  place; 
t  &  the  houfc  ir  felf  to  be  fcrapcd  on  the  infide  round  about,  -41 
and  the  duft  of  the  fcraping  to  be  difperfed  without  the 
cirie  into  an  vncleane  place,  t  afid  other  ftones  to  be  laid  in  42 
their  places,  that  were  taken  away,  and  the  houfc  to  be  play- 
ftcred  with  other  morrer.  -f  But  if  after  the  ftones  beplucked  45 
out,&  [he  duft  fcraped  ofy  and  it  playftered  with  other  earth, 
t  the  pricft  going  in  perceiuc  that  the  leprofie  is  returned,  44 
and  the  walles  ful  of  fpottes,  it  is  a  lafting  leprofie,  and  the 
houfc  vncleane :  f  the  which  forthwith  they  shal  deftroy,  45 
and  the  ftones  and  timber  therof,  and  al  the  duft  they  shal 
caft  without  the  towne  into  an  vncleane  place,  f  He  that  4^ 
cntreth  into  the  houfe  when  it  is  shut,  shal  be  vncleane  vntil 
cuen:  t  andheihatfleepethinit,andeatethanything,  shal  47 
wash  his  clothes,  f  Butif  the  prieft  going  in  perceiue  that  48 
the  leprofie  is  not  growne  fardcr  in  the  houfe,  after  it  was 


Legal  vncleannes.  Levi  tic  vs.  2517 

playftredagainc,  hcshalpurifieit  being  made  whole  againc  : 
49  f  and  for  the  purification  therofhe  shal  taketwofparowes, 
^o  and  ccdrcvfood,  and  fcarlet  and  hyflope  :  f  and  Nrhen  one 
{paro\r  is  immolated  in  an  earthen  velFel  ouer  lining  waters, 
51   f  he  shal  take  the  ceder  wood,  and  the  hyfTopc,  and  the  fcar- 
let, and  the  hue  fparowe,  and  shal  dippe  al  in  the  bloud  of  the 
fparowe  that  is  immolated,  and  m  the  huing  water,  and  he 
yi  ihal  fprinckle  the  houfcfeucn  times,  f  and  shal  purific  it  as 
wel  with  the  bloud  of  thefparow,  as  with  the  Iming  water 
and  with  the  Hue  fparow,  and  with  the  ccdrewoode  and  the 
5}  hylFopc  and  the  fcarlet.  f  And  whenhehachletgoe  the  fpa- 
row  toflic  freely  away  into  the  field,  he  shal  pray  for  the 
54  houfe,  and  it  shal  be  rightly  cleanfcd.  f  T  his  is  the  law  of  al 
j;   leproiie  and  percufllon,  f  of  the  leprofic  of  garments  and 
$6  houfes,  f  of  a  fcarre  and  of  blifters  breaking  forth,  ofa  shi- 
ning fpotte,  and  when  the  colours  are  changed  into  diuers 
J7  kindes,  t  thatit  may  beknowen  at  what  time  anie  thing  is 
ckane,  or  vnclcanc. 

Chap.    XV. 
The  Uw  of^Hclune  ijfues  in  men^  19.  And  in  '^tmtn. 

D  our  Lordfpake  to  Moyfcs  and  Aaron_»,  faying; 
Speake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  fay  to  them ; 
3  Thcraanthathathafluxeofrede,shalbc:- vncleane.  f  And  ..  if  natural 
thcnheshalbeiudgedfubiedlto  this  fault,  when  the  filthie  infirmities 
humour  at  euerie  moment,  cleaueth  to  his  flesh,  and  is  con-  brought  vn- 

4  gealed.  f  Euerie  beddewheron  he  fleepeth,  shal  be  vncle-  cIcanesmucK 

5  anc,  and  where  foeuer  he  fitteth.  f  If  anie  man  touch  his  ^Xcs^of  "he 
beddc,  he  shal  wafli  his  clothes:  and  him  felf  being  washed  mind,  rheoi. 

6  with  water,  shal  be  vncleane  vntileuen.  f  If  he  fitte  where  q.i^.&io. 
that  man  had  fitten,  he  alfo  shal  wash  his  clothes:  and  being  *>*  Lctiif' 

7  washed  with  water,  shal  be  vncleane  vntileuen.  f  he  that 
toucheth  his  flesh,  shal  wash  his  clothes  :  and  him  felf  being 

8  washed  with  water  shal  be  vncleane  vntileuen.  f  If  fucha 
mancaflrhis  fpittlevponhim  thatiscleane,hcshal  wash  his 
clothes:  and  being  washed  with  water  he  shal  be  vncleane 

9  vntil  euen.   -f  The  padde  wherupon  he  fitteth  shal  be  vn- 
10  cleane:  f  and  whatfoeucr  hath  bene  vnder  him,  that  hath 

the  fluxe  of  feede,shal  be  polluted  vntil  euen.  He  that  caricth 
any  of  thefe  thinges,  shal  wash  his  clot.hes :  and  him  felf 
bfiing  washed  vith  water,  shal  be  vneleane  vntil  eueru. 

N  n  4  t  Euerie 

I     A    N 

1^2.  Leviticvj.  Legal  vncicannesr 

t  Euerle  one,  whom  he  toucheth  that  is  fuch  an  one,  ha-  ii 
uing  not  vrafhed  his  handes  before,  (hal  wash  his  clothes,  and 
being  washed  \yith  water,  (hal  be  vncleane  vntil  euen.  f  The  ii 
earthen  vciFel  that  he  toucheth  £hal  be  broken.;  :   but  the 
woddenvelfel  (hal  be  washed  with  water,  f  If  be  be  healed  15 
that  hach  fuch  a  difeafe,  he  shal  number  feuen  daies  after  his 
cleaning,  and  hauing  washed  his  clothes,  and  al  his  bodie, 
in  liuing  water,  he  shal  be  cleane.  f  And  the  eight  day  he  14 
fhal  rake  t'»'o  turtles,  or  two  yong  pigeons,  and  he  shal  come 
into  the  fight  oFour  Lord, to  thedorcfo  the  tabernacle  of  re- 
::  To  make ,  ftimonic,  and  thalgeue  them  to  the  prieft.  f  who  {hal-:  make  ij 
offer,  and  fa-  one  for  fuinc,  and  the  other  for  an  holocauft,  and  he  shal  pra.7 
crific!::  an        for  him  before  our  Lord,  that  he  may  be  cleanfed  of  the  Huxe 
honws alone. ^^j^.^  feede .  f  Tlie  man  from  whom  irTueth  the  feede  of  iS 
copulation,sha!  wash  with  water  al  his  bodic  :  and.  he  shal 
be  vncicane  vntil  eucn.  -f  The  garment  and  skinne,  that  he-  17 
weareth,  he  shal  wash  with  water,  audit  shal  be  vncleane 
vntileuen.  f  The  woman  with  whom  he  compaineth  shaL  18 
be  washed  with  water  and  shal  be  vncleane  vntil  euen.f  The  151 
■woman  that  monthly  hath  the  fluxe  of  bloud,  shal  be  iepa- 
rated  feuen  daies    f  Euerie  one  that  roucheth  her,  shal  be  20 
vncleane  vntil  eucn:   f  and  that  whereon  she  fleepeiih  or  ii 
fittteh  in  thedaiesof  her  reparation  shal  be  polluted,  f  He  2i 
that  toucheth  her  beddcshal  wash  his  clothes  :  and  him  lelf 
being  washed  with  water  ,  shal  be  vncleane  vntil  cuen_, . 
f  Whofocuer  shal  touch  any  veflelwherupon  she  fitteth,  he  25 
shal  wash  his  clothes  :  and  him  (elf  beuig  washed  with  water 
shal  be  polluted  vntil  eucn.  j-  If  a  man  companie  with  her  24 
in  the  timfe  of  her  mcnftrual  bloud,  he  shal  be  vncleane  feuen 
daies  t  and  eueiie  bedde  wheron  he  fleepeth  shal  be  polluted. 
•}•  The  woman  that  hath  a  fiuxeof  bloud  many  daies  not  in  25 
her  menftrual  time,  or  that  ceafcrh  not  to  haue  a  fluxe,  after 
the  mcnftrual  bloud,  as  long  as  she  is  fubie6^  to  this  difeafe, 
she  shalbe  vncicane,  as  if  she  were  in  her  menftrual  tirae^. 
•f  Euprie  bedde,  whereupon  she  fleepeth,  and  veflel  wheron  i6 
she  fitteth,  shal  be  polluted,  f  Wholocutr  toucheth  them  27 
shal  wash  his  clothes:  and  him  fclf  being  washed  with  wa- 
ter, shal  be  vncleane,  vntileuen.  t  Ifthe  bloud  ftay  and  ceafe  28 
to  rtinnc,shc  shalcount  the  feuen  daies  of  her  purification..: 
t  and  the  eight  day  she  shal  offer  for  her  feife  to  the  prieft,   2^ 
two  turtles  jor  t\vo  young  pigeons,  at  the  dote  of  the  taber- 

Ceremonies.  Leviticvs.  195 

30  nacle  of  teflimonie  :  j-  "who  shal  make  one  for  finnc, and  the 

other  (or  an  holocaufl:,  and  he  shal  pray  for  her  before  our 

51  Lord,  anc^  for  the  iluike  of  her  vncleannefle.  f  You. shal  reach 

therfore  the  children  of  I  fraelj  that  they  take  hcede  of-  vn-  "  S.  Hlcw)n>. 
cleannelTe, and  die  not  in  their  lilthineiTc:,  when  rhcy  shal  pol-  ("' "*^  ^  f-^ 

1  111-  1  -L  T-L-     •       I       1  G^Utf.)  vndcl- 

32  lure  my  tabernacle  that  is  among  them,  t  This  is  the  laVf^andcth  this 

ofhimrhacharhrheHuxeof  fedeand  that  is  polluted  by  co-  place  of  the 

35  puladon,  f  and  the  woman  that  is  fcparared  in  her  men ftuial  abominable 

times,  or  that  hath  a  continual  fiuxe  of  bloud,and  of  the  man,  *^""  ^hatinay 
,^,•11  xioc  be  named, 

that  flcepeth  With  her. 

Chap.    XVI. 

FThen  Andhow  theh^h  TrtcH  mnfi  enter  into  tie  Sanftuirie,  14.  Horv 

he  shd  expiate  (or  nconcile)  thefame,  16.  and  the  Tahrmcle,  iS.  and 

the  ^;'/«r.  10.  HoW  he  shal  offer  a  hue  ^ontc,  and  fend  him  into  the 

"yuddcrnes.  i^.  ^Und almuji  cclelrau  the  fiajl  of  expiation ;,  or  cLnfinr 

frtrn  ftnnes, 

I      A    N  D  <^"r  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  after  the  death  of  the 
JTjL  two  fonncs  of  Aaron,  when  they  were  flaine  offering 

X  ftrangc  fire  :  f  and  he  commanded  him,  faying:  Spenke  to 

Aaron  thy  brother,  that  he  ••  enter  not  at  al  times  into  the  ...  Onlr  once 

Sand;uarie,thar  is  within  the  veile  before  the  propitiatorie,  in  the  ycarc 

whcrwiththe  arke  is  courred,  left  he  die  (for  in  a  cloude  t'lehigh 

3  will  appeare  ouer  the  oracle  )  t  vnleffehedoe  thefe  thin^es  P'J^"'  ^^^  ''^ 
I     r      ^   Tf       L    1      /I-  \c     c       r  1  c  other,  entrcd 

berore  :  He  shal  olier  a  caliC  for  linne,  andarammiercran  ix\xo!tan[iaL<.i~ 

4  holocaud.  -f  Heshal  be  reucfted  with  a  linnen  tunike,  he  ^orum.  t.  54. 
shal  hide  his  priuiries  with  linnen  fcmoralles :  heshal  be  gir-  ^gnif)ingthat 
ded  with  a  linnen  girdle,  a  linnen  mitre  shal  he  put  vpon  his  ^'^^"^"  ^^^ 
head  :  for  thefe  are  holieveftmcnres :  withal  which,  when  he  anicSa;n(fV,bc- 

5  is  washed,  he  shal  be  rcuefted,  -j-  And  he  shal  receiiie  of  the  fore  chiifts 
wholemultitudeofthe  children  of  Ifrael  two  bucke  goates  pailion:  uth, 

6  for  finne.  and  one  ramme  for  an  holocaufl.  f  And  when  ^•'^•^• 
he  hath  ofltcrcd  the  calfe,  and  praicd  for  him  felf,  and  for  his 

7  owne  houfe_^,  t   he  shal  make  the  two  bucke  goates  to 
ftand  before  the  Lord  in  thedorcof  the  tabernacle  of  reOimo. 

8  flimonic  y  and  carting  lotres  vpon  both,  one  for  the  Lord,  & 

9  another  for  the  goare  ofdifmi/Iion:  f  that,  whole  lotte  fcl  to 

10  the  Lord,  he  shal  offer  for  finne:  f  but  tl^ar,whofelotre  was 

to  be  the  (roate  of  difmilfion  ,  he  sh^l  fer  alme  before  the  - JPfaving  that 
,      Lord,  that  he  may  ••  poure  out  prayers  vpon  him,  and  dif-  j^^^  Lcicniit- 

11  mille  him  into  rhewildcrnelle.  t  After  tha:  ihcfe  thinv'es  b'  tcl. 

N  n  3  du 7 

i^4  Leviticvs.  Ceremonies* 

duly  cdebtated,  he  shal  offer  the  calfc,  and  praying  for  him 
felfand  for  his  houfe,  he  shal  immolate  it:  -f  and  taking  the  i* 
thurible,  which  he  hath  filled  of  the  burning  coales  of  the 
altar,  and  taking  vp  with  his  hand  of  the  compounded  per- 
fume for  incenfe,  he  shal  goe  in  beyond  the  veileinto  the 
HoHe place:  f  that  when  the  incenfe  is  put  vpon  the  fire,  ij 
the  cloude  therof  and  the  vapour  may  couer  the  oracle.^, 
whichisouer  the  leftimonie,  and  he-die  not.  f  He  shal  take  14 
alfoof  thcbloud  of  the  caife,  and  fprinckle  with  his  finger  fe- 
uen  times  againft  the  propitiatorie  to  the  eaft.  f  And  when   i; 
he  hath  killed  the  buckc  goare  for  the  finne  of  the  people, 
he  shal  caric  in  the  bloud  therof  within  the  vcile,  as  hath 
bene  commanded  of  the  bloud  of  the  calfe,that   he   may 
::Sinn<:s^o  fo  fprinckle  it  againft  the  oracle,  f  and  '''-   expiate  the  San-  i6 
dcHlethefoule  d:uarie  from  the  vncleannede  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and 
h^?  J^  r^  ^'^^"^  ^^^^^  preuarications,  and  al  their  finnes.  According  ro 
Peaces  is  ac-    ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^  ^^^  ^^  ^^^  tabernacle  of  teftimonie,  which  is 
counntcd  as     fixed  among  them  in  themiddeft  of  the  filth  of  their  habita-. 
contaminate     tion.  |  Let  no  man  be  in  the  tabernacle  when  the  high  prieft  17 
thaby.rfe^ec^.gogjl^jj^^otheSanduarie,  to  pray  for  him  felf  and  for  his 
1»  fine.  houfe,  8^  for  the  whole  alTembHe  ofIfrael,vntilhe  come 

forth,  t  And  when  he  is  come  forth  to  the  altar  that  is  before  18 
the  Lord,  let  him  pray  for  him  felf,  and  taking  the  bloud  of 
thecalfe,andofthebuckegoate,let  him  poure  it  vpon  the 
hornes  therof  roundabout:  f  and  fptinckhng  with  his  fin-  19 
ger  feu  en  times,  let  him  expiate,  and  fandific  irfrom  the  vn- 
cleannefleofthe  children  of  Ifrael.  f  After  he  hath  clenfed  20 
the  Sanduarie,  and  the  tabernacle,  and  the  altar,  then  let  him 
offer  the  Hue  goate;  f  and  putting  both  handes  vpon  his  11 
head,  let  him  confeffe  al  the  iniquities  of  the  children  of  If- 
rael, and  al  their  offences  and  finnes  :  which  praying  to  light 
on  his  head,  he  shal  fend  him  forth  by  a  man  ready  therto, 
•  God  fo  f-e-  ^^"°  th^defert.  f  And  -  when  the  goat  hath  caried  al  their  xi 
mictcthsinnes  iniquities  into  the  fohtarie  ground,  and  shal  be  let  goe  into 
to  thofe  tiiat   thedefert,  f  Aaron  shal  returne  into  the  tabernacle  of  tefti-  ly 
are  truly  peni- monie,  and  putting  of  the  veftiments,  which  he  had  on  him 
\^\iichkc3i-    ^^^^^^  when  he  entrcd  into  the  Sanduaric,  and  leauing  them 
tied  into  a       there,  f  he  shal  wash  his  flesh  in  a  holie  place,  and  shal  be  24 
wilderncs  and  clothed  with  his  owne  garments.  And  after  that  he  hath  gone 
ncucr  ictur-    forth  and  offered  his  owne  holocauft,  and  the  peoples,  he 
*^'  •  shal  pray  as  wel  for  him  felf,  as  for  the  people:  f  and  the  2/ 


Ceremonies,  L  i  y  i  T  i  c  v  s.  19  j 

fatte,  that  is  offered  for  finncs,  he  shalburnevpon  the  altar. 

16  -j-  but  he,  that  hath  let  goe  the  goatc  of  difmiiTion,  shal  wash 

his  clothes,  and  bodie\f'ith  water,  and  fo  shal  enter  into  the 

27  campe.  f  But  the  calfe  &  the  buckcgoate,  that  vere  immo- 
lated for  finne.and  >»'hofe  blcud  was  caried  into  the  San- 
d^uarie,  to  accomphsh  the  expiation,  they  shal  carie  forth  ' 
without  the  campe,  and  shal  burne  with  fire  afwel  the  skin- 

28  nes  as  their  flesh,  and  the  dung:  f  and  whofocuer  burneth    . 
them,  shal  wash  his  clothes,  and  his  flesh  with  water,  and 

29  To  shal  enter  into  the  campe.  f  And  this  shal  be  to  you  an 
euerlafting  ordinance-^    :    The   •■•  feuenth  moneth  ,  tht^  ..gj.(^jgj  p^j.^ 
tenth  day  of  the  moneth  you  shal  afflict  your  foules,  and  ticular  facrifi- 
no  worke  shal  you  doe,  whether  he  be  of  the  fame  counrrie,  ^es  for  eucne 

30  or  a  ftranger  that  foiourneth  among  you.  f  Vpon  this  day  °"**  imnes, 
shal  be  the  expiation  of  you,  and  clenfing  from  al  your  finnes:  ^earc  was  in- 

51  before  the  Lord  you  shal  be  clenfcn.  t  for  it  is  a  fabath  of  iiuutcd  a  gc- 
refl:,  and  you  shal  afflid  your  foules  by  a  perpetual  religion,  neralexpiacio 

52  And  the  priefl  shal  expiate,  that  is  annoynted,  and  whofe  °^    ' 
handes  are  confecrated  to  do  the  function  of  prieflhood  for 

his  father  :  and  he  shal  bereuefled  with  thelinnen  ftoleand 

33  the  holie  veftmenrs,  f  and  he  shal  expiate  the  Sanduarie  and 
the  tabemeclc  of  teflimonie  and  the  altar ,  the  prieftesalfo 

34  and  al  the  people,  f  And  this  shal  be  an  ordinance  for  cuer, 
that  you  pray  for  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  for  al  their  finncs 
once  in  a  yeare.  He  did  therfore  as  our  Lord  had  comman- 
ded Moyfes. 

Chap.    XVII. 

"i/^l  Sdcrijiees  muj^  he  offered  4t  the  doore  of  the  TahernAcle.j.  With  fpeculpro- 
hihitioeffdoLtrie.  lo.  None  muj}  eate  hUud.  ij  VPhoJoMtr  eateth  (araine 
fesb  iscont4minati'y  4indmnfi  he  tvmhed. 

N  D  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes, faying.-  •\  Speake  to 
Aaron  and  his  fonnes,  and  to  al  the  children  of  Ifrael,      v- 
faying  to  them:  This  is  the  word,  which  our  Lord  hath  co- 
3  manded ,  faying:   -j-    Anie  man  whofoeuer  of  the  houfe  of 
Ifrael,  if  he  ''•  kilan  oxc  or  a  sheepc,  oragoatcin  the  campe  -ifanie  killed 
or  without  the  campe,  and  offer  it  not  at  the  dorc  of  the  forfacrificche 
tabernacle  an  oblation  to  the  Lord,  shal  be  guiltie  of  bloud ;  '""f^^offcr  itat 
as  if  he  had  shed  bloud,  lo  shal  he  perish  out  of  the  middes  thetabcrnaclc, 
p   of  his  people,  f  Therfore  shal  the  children  'of  Krael  bring  thar  a  prcft 
to  the  prieft  their  hoftes,which  they  kil  in  the  filde,  that  they  mighc  oiFeric 



ip^  Levi  TIC  vs.  Ccremonks, 

on  the  Altar,  may  be  fandificd  to  our  Lord  before  the  dore  of  die  taber- 
for  no  other   nacleof  teftimonic,  &c  they  may  immolate  them  pacifique 

wuhoJ'tTpc-'  vponthealtarofoarLord,at  the  dore  of  the -tabernacle  of 
ciil  difpcnfa-  tei^imonie,andshal  burne  the  fattc  for  a  fwetc  odour  to  our 
tioaofGod.    Lord:  j-  and  they shal no  more  immolate  thek  hoftes  to  di-  7 
And  fo  Samuel  ^^^j^^  ^.^^^  whom  they  haue  committed  fornication.  Itshal  be 
^^'^'^[^'■_,noa!er  an  ordinance  for  cuer  to  them  and  to  their  polleritie,  f  And  S 
place,  I.  Reg.  to  them  thoushalt  fay  :  The  man  of  the  houfe  of  Ifrael,and 
y.Elias  j.Rcg-of  the  (hangers,  \rhich  feiourne  with  you^thatoffereth  an 
^^^:^"'^.^'^^"^holocau(lorvi6lime,  f  and  bringethitnoc  to  thedoieofihe  9 
p!iia.'i"  Re°.  tabernacle  of  teRimo.nie,  that  it  may  be  ofFeted  to  our  Lord, 
t4  io  S   Aug.  fnal  perish  out  of  his  people,  j  Anie  man  whofoeuer  of  the  ro 
c.Tplicatcth,     houfe  of  Ifrael,  and  of  the  ftrangers,  that  ieiourne  among 
thistcxt.q.j^.  tiicnijifheeatebloud,  I  wiifettemy  faceagainflhisjife,  and 
?i>Laitt.  vildcllroyitoutof  hispeople,  f  pecaufe  thelifeof  theHcQi   11 

isin.the  bloud  :and  I  hauegeuen  it  to  you, that  vpon  the  altar 
you  may  make  expiation  \«^ith  it  for  your  foules,  and  th?  . 
bloud  may  be  fot  an  expiation  of  the  foulc .  -f  Therfore  li 
hauelfaidto  the  children  of  Iirae! :  No  fouk  of  you  shal 
eate  bloud  ,  nor  of  the  Grangers ,  that  feiourne  with  you. 
-f-  Anie  man  whoibeuer  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  of  the  13 
ftran{?ers  that  feiourne  with  you,  if  by  hunting  or  fowling, 
hetakc  wild  bcail  or  foule,  which  it  is  lawful  to  eate,  let  him 
pourf' our  the  bloud  thcrof,  and  couer  it  with  earth,  t  For   14 
the  life  oFal  Hcsh  is  in  the  bloud:  wherupon  I  faid  to  the  chil- 
dren of  Ifjacl:  The  bloud  of  no  flesh  fhal  you  eate,  becaufe 
the  life  of  the  flesh  is  in  the  bloud  .-  and  whofoeuer  eateth  it, 
(hal  die.  f  The  fonle  that  caterh  carraine,  or  that  which  is  if 
taken  of  a  beaft,  afwel  of  them  of  the  fame  countrie  as  of 
ftrangers,  ibal  wash  his  clothes,  and  him  feif  with  water,  and 
fbal  be  contaminated  vntileuen:  and  in  this  order  he  il-al  be 
madecleaDe.  f  And  if  he  doe  not  wash  his  clothes,  and  his  16 
bodie,  he  ftial  beare  hisiniquitie. 

Chap.    XVIIL 

Mttridgefrohihitedin  certaine  d grees  of  cottfun^tnttle  dud  afinitie,  18. 
^nd  diuers  carnal,  *nd  extcraUefittnes committed moihernaUons, .ire 
finclly  forhUden. 

N  D  our  Lord  fp.ike  to  Moyfcs,  faying :  f  Speake  ro  r  ^ 
the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  thou  shak  (ay  to  them :  I  the 


Dc  grces  hindering  Manage.        Le  v  i  T  i  c  v  s.  1^7 

5  Lord'your  God,  f  according  to  the  cuftomc  of  the  Land  o£ 
^gypr,  wherin  you  haue  dwelt,  you  fhalnotdoe:  and  accor- 
ding to  themanerofrhcCountricofChanaan,into  the  which 
I  wil  bring  you,you  ihai  not  doe,nor  walkc  in  their  ordinaccs, 
4  t  You  fhai  doe  my  iudgernentSjandshaloblcrue  my  precepts, 
J  and  shal  walkeinthcm.  I  the  Lord  your  God.  f  Kecpe  my 
lawes  and  iudgmentes,  which  a  man  domg,  shal  line  in  them. 
i6  I  the  Lord,  -j-  No  man  shalapproch  to  her  that  is  ''  next  of 

7  his  bloud,  to  reucale  her  "•  turpitude,  I  the  Lord  .   f  The  :•'  It  h  then 
turpitude  of  thy  father,  and  the  turpitude  of  fh\  mother  thou  turpitude 
shalt  not  difcouer: (be  is  thy  mother  thou  shalt  not  reueale  her  J^  vnhwful. 

8  turpitude,  t  The  turpirude  of  thy  fathers  wife  thou  shalt  But  honcft  in 
5)  not  difcouer  :fcr  it  is  the  turpitude  of  thy  father   f  The  rur- lawful  Mari- 

pitude  of  thy  fifter  by  father,  or  by  mother,  which  was  age  S.Aug. /»; 

10  borne  at  home  or  abroad,  thou  shalt  not  reueale.  f  The  tur- '^  *''*^^''^^^'^' 
pirudc  of  rhyfonnes  daughter  or  oFrhv  neecc  by  thy  daugh- fo„,^^4/,, 

11  ter,ihoushalr  not  reueale:  becaufe  it  IS  thy  turpitude.  fLhc 
turpitude  of  thy  fathers  wiues  daughter,  which  she  bare  to 

II  thy  father,  and  is  thy  fifter,  thou  shal  not  reucale.  f  The  tur- 
pitude of  ■'  thy  fathers  fifter  thou  shalt  not  difcouer :  bccaufe  .-rSeecliap.ic* 

13  she  is  the  tlesh  of  thy  father,  t  The  turpitude  of  thy  mothers  the  difFcrcnce 
fifter  thou  shalt  not  reueale,  becaufe  she  is  of  the  flesh  of  thy  fj^'^'l^f^^^l'' 

14  mother,  f  The  turpirude  of  thy  fathers  brother  thou  shalt  thefchwes  tn 
not  reueale,  neither  shalt  thou  approch  to  his  wife,  who  is  thefirftandfc- 

1;  ioynedtothecbyaffinitie.  j  The  turpitude  of  rhy  daughter  cond  degree. 

inlaw  thou  shaitnot  reueale,  becaufe  she  is  thy  fonnes  wife,  ^'^"''"^^f, 
Kj  neither  shalt  t^oti  difcouer  herignominie.  t  The  turpitude  t^^g^jfl^nrcic,' 

ofrhy  brothers  wife  thou  shalt  not  reucale:  becaufe  itisthe  in  the  fame 

17  turpitude  of  thy  brother,  f  The  turpitude  of  thy  xrife,  and  collateral  de- 
bet dauohter  thou  shalt  not  reueale.  Her  fonnes  daughter,  giec. 

and  her  daughters  daughter,  thoii  shalt  not  take,  to  reueale 
herignominie:  becaufe  they  arc  her  flesh,  and  fuch  copu- 

18  lationisinccft.  f  Thou  shalt  not  take  thy  wiucs  fifter  for  an 
harlotc,  to  vcxe  her  withal,  neither  shalt  thou  reucale  her 

15?  turpitude,  whiles  she  is  yet  lining,  t  To  a  woman,  hauing 
her  floxrers,  thou  shalt  not  approch,  neither  shalt  thou  re- 

io  ueale  her  turpitude,  f  With  thy  neighbours  wife  thou  shale 
notcompanie,  nor  be  polluted  with  commixtion  of  fccdc-». 

21  t  Ofrhy  feede  thou  shalt  not  gcue  to  be  confecrated  to  the 
idol  Moloch,  nor  pollute  the  name  of  thy  God;  I  the  Lord. 

U  t  Companie  not  with  mankind,  as  with  womankind, 

O  o  becaufe 

i^8  Leviticvs.  Moral  and 

becaufe  it  is  abomination,   f  NVithno-beaft  shalt  thou  com-  23 
panic,  neither  slialttliou  be  polluted  with  it.  A  woman  shal 
not  lie  downe  to  a  beaft,  nor  companie  with  it :  becaufe  it  is 
an  hainous  fa6l.  f   Neither  be  ye  polluted  in  anie  of  the  24 
thinges  wherwith  al  the  nations  haue  bene  contaminated, 
which  I  wilcaft  out  before  your  fight,  f  and  wherwith  the  ij 
land  is  polluted  :  whofe  abominations  I  wil  vifite,  that  it 
vomite  out  the  inhabitants  therof.  f  Keepemy  ordinances  i6 
and  iudgements  ,  and  doe  not  any  of  rhcfe  abominations  ,  as 
wel  the  famecountricman  as  the  ftranger,  that  feiourneth 
with  you.  t  Foral  thcfe  execrable  thinges  did  the  inhabi-  17 
rants  of  the  land,  that  haue  bene  before  you,  andhaue'pol- 
lutedit.  t  Beware  therfore  left  in  like  maner  it  vomite  out  iS 
you  alfo,  when  you  shal  doe  the  like  thinges,  as  it  v£>mited 
out  the  nation  that  was  before  you.  f  Euerie  foule,that  fhal  i^ 
doe  anie  of  thefe  abominations  ,    shal  perish  from   ttfc 
middes  of  his  people,    f  Kecpe  my  commandements.  Doe 
not  the  thinges  which  they  haue  done,  that  haue  bene  be-- 
fore  yau,  and  be  not  polluted  in  them  *•  I  the  Lord  your  God. 

Chap.    XVIII. 

Manage  for-         g   T^^xt  of  hts  hhnd.  ]    Manage  isTorbidHiftandmoft  ftridlyby  rhclawof 
bid  in  al  dc-     nature,  in  al  degrees  in  the  right  liiie  afcending  and  decending,  bothincon- 
grces  in  the      fanguinitieandafiinitie.  S.Pau\  ttOiify ins,  that amoti^jheheatl/e*/,  »"  fn^n  could  ^•f'"'* 
right  line,  by  hauthisfathetsynfi:  And  in  the  rightline  Godhim  lelfe  fwho  onlie  can  )  neuer  S-'"-^' 
the  law  of  na-  difpcnfcd.  Secondarily,  the  firft  collateral  degree  in  confanauinitic,  that  is, 
ture.  betwen  brothel  and  fifter,  by  one  parent,  or  by  both,  is  alio  vnlawful  by  the 

Secondarily  in  \^^  of  nature,  except  in  ihcbeg'inning  of  the  world,  when  Adams  childien 
the  firft  colla-  murinedesmaric  together,  God  fo  ordayningthatal  mankind  (liould  be  pro- 
tcj-al  degree  of  pagatcd  by  one  man"(  for  of  him  alio  the  firft  woman  vu-as  made)  but  after  this   '^'■'•^7 
eofanguinitie.  beginning  it  was  ncuerallowcd,  nor  perhaps  can  be  difpenfed  withal,  at  leaft   ''''        j 
neuer  was  by  anie  man.  Th.o\ishV>eT:i  [U,derepud(js&  dtHoitljs)  andfomcEn-    ^"a-  _^ 
Bcza  belieth      glish  Bczites  charge  Pope  Martin  the  fifth,  to  haue  difpenfed  with  one,  that       "  '"* 
PopeMartin.    had  maried  his  owne  natural  fiftcr  :  which  is  a  faUc  reporte.  For  it  was  with 
one,  whohauing  committed  fornication  with  one  fifter,   afteiwardcs  ma- 
ried  the  other,  from  whom  hecotild  not  be  fcparatcd  without  great  fcandal, 
the  pretended  manage  being  publike,  and  the  impediment  fecrete  :  as  S.  Anto- 
ninus writeth.)'<7r.  3.y"«w.r/;fo/,  nr.  i.  c  ii.  Biitbcficfes  the  right  line,  and  the 
Al  other  de-     £j.ft  collateral  degree  in  confanguinitic,  no  othercollateral  degrees  are  pro- 
grces  depend     hibitcdby  thclaw  ofnature,butby  pofltiuconly.  So  this  prcfent  law,  written 
onpofitiue        by  Movfes,  forbade  to  marie  in  the  firft  collateral  degree  of  aiUnitie  ,  bur  the 
lawcs.-which     f^^^  \^^  commanded  (Dfut.  tf.)  that  in  cafe  a  m'aned  man  died  without 
haue  bene  &      iffue,  his  brother  fliould  marie  the  widow.  V  Viicrby  is  clete  that  this  degree, 
aaaybcaltercd  and  others  more  remote,  were  uotprohibitcd  by  the  law  of  nature.  For  then 


tu2:.c.  I. 

iudicial  precepts.  L  E  v  i  T  i  c  v  s.  19^ 

God  would  not  hauemadca  concrarie  general  law,  in  anie  cafe,  for  the  whole  Proncd  hj 
nation  of  the  lewes,  his  people;  and  that  vndcr  penaltie  to  be  oblerucd ,  Scriptures, 
whichis  contrarie  to  the  qualitie  of  indulgence  or  difpcnfation  ,  audnofuch  andrcaloni. 
ncccnitie,as  in  the  beginning  of  the  world.  VVherforeal  proreftants  that  fay, 
thewhole  law  written  by  Moyfes  concerning  degrees  of  confanguinitie  and  Firflproofe. 
affinitie,  isthe  law  of  nature,  and  {0  pertaineth  to  Chrifiians,  muft  necellarily 
fay  aifo,  tliatifnova  maried  man  die  without  iiluc,  his  biother  muft  maiie 
kiswife.  Which  fpecially  they  denie.  Itis  aKo  proued  that  this  and  ibme  o-  j_  nroofe 
ther  degrees  expreffcd  in  this  place,  were  notagainftthe  law  of  nature  (which      * 
is  common  to  a!  nations,  commonly  or  cafelyknowne  to  al  men  by  difcourfc 
^rijlet.    ofreafon)  becaufe  no  common  wealth  among  the  Gentiles  did  puniih,  nor 
li.i.Pc,  modcftm.en  forbeare,  or  reprehend  iuch  manages  :  as  appeareth  by  Laban, 
who  after  he  had  deceiucd  lacob  by  gcuing  him  one  fl/lcrforan  others  offered 
him  alfo  the  former  promifed,  whom  without  diificultic  of  confcicnce  he  ac- 
cepted (  neither  did  that  holie  Patriarch  thinkeit  vnlauful  to  Icccpe 
them  both  And  when  ludas  matched  his  fecond  fonnc,  and  promiled  the  third 
to  the  wifcof  his  firft  fonnc,  he  did  it  according  to  the  cuftomc  of  that  place  & 
time.  Gen.  5S.  And  Noemifpokc  according  to  the  fame  cuftome.Ruth.  i.  v.rr. 
Againc  where  this  law  forbiudeth  amantomarie,  orcompanic  with  his  wiues  J  proofc. 
filter,  it  addeth,  yyhiles  she  is  Itii^g,  not  prohibiting  mariao^e,  when  his  fiift 
wifeijdead.  Yethiswiucs  fiAcr  is  as  nete  in  affiniiie,  as  his  brotlicrs  Wjfc. 
Likewife  the  diucifitic  of  punifliments  {chap.  10.  ]  for  tranfgrciTion  of  tliis       proofc. 
law,eltlietin  theri^htlinc,  or  in  the  firft  collateral  dcirec  of  confaRguinitie, 
who  were  punifhed  by  death  ;  and  for  tranfgrellingin  the  firft  collateral  degree 
ofaftinirie,  orin  the  fecond  either  ofcon(an<Tijinitieoraffinitic,  who  had  IcfTe 
puniHiments,  fl:ieweth  that  the  former  degrees  are  prohibited  bythelawof 
nature,  and  not  the  other:  for  then  theTioiation  iliouk!  belikefinne,  and  pu- 
oiriicd  alike.  Finallyitis  euident,  thatccrtaineofihefedcgrcesare  notagainft      nroofe. 
the  law  of  nature,  by  the  example  of  holie  Abraham,  who  in,  and  according,      ^ 
to  the  law  of  nature,  marled  his  brothers  daughter  called  Sarai,  othcrwifc 
Icfcha,  (7f«.  II.  which  mariage  God  approued  by  manie  bleflings.  Alfo  lacob 
maried  two  fifters  together.  Two  fonncs  of  ludas  maried  the  fame  woman 
fucceiliuely.  AndAmram  (  Moyfes  father  )  maried  his  aunt,  his  fathers  fifter, 
Lxod.  6.  T.  zo.  Kum.  16.  v    jji.    VVherfore  feing  neither  the  fiift  collateral 
degieeinaftinitie,  northe  fecond  collateral  in  confanguinitie  or  aftinitie,  is 
forbid  by  the  law  ofnaturcbutby  pofitiueonly,  and  that  both  ceremonial  and 
judicial  lawes  of  the  old  Teftamentcealfcd  in  the  New,  and  are  abrogated  by  Ceremonial  & 
Chrift,  it  refteth  proucd  that  the  fame  bind  nor  Chriftians,  but  as  they  are  re-  iudicial  lawes 
rewed  and  eftabliflicd  by  the  Church,  or  Chriftiancommonwclthes.  And  as  of  Moyfes  arc 
this  is  donne  in  temporal  caufes  by  temporal  Stares,  partly  by  renewing  and  abrogated  hj 
cftablilhincrthefame,  which  wasin  the  lawofMoyles,  as  by  puniihing  wilful  Chrift. 
murderby'dcath;  Exod.ii.  v.  11. partly  with  alteration,  asby  punifiiing  theift 
in  fbmc  countries  with  death,  but  not  adultrie,  which  wcrecontrariein  tlic  old 
Teftament,  G'».  }8. -r.  14.44.17.  £A:oi/.ii.T.  i.LfM»>.io.T,  10  :  in  like  fortC' the    .     , 
Church  of  Chrift  ordaineth  lawes,  altereth,  &  vpon  luftoccafions  dilpencerh,      ,   UKl^^^ 
in  aj  degrees  of  confanguinitie  and  aiEnitie,  not  forbid  by  thclaw  of  nature  ^       ^^  ' 

Chap.     XIX. 

V'tHen  Moraly  Ceremonuly  And ludicUlprecefti  Arelriejly  recited. 

O  o  z  O  V  R 

50O  Leviticvs*  Diucrs 

The  Epiftlc  on  j^  y  j,^  Lord  fpakc  to  Moyfcs,  faying :  f  Speake  to  al  the  i  2: 
VVencfday  in  {^  afTemblic  of  the  children  of  Ifracl,  and  thou  shalt  fay  to 
Paaionwekc.  ^j^^^  ,  ^^  ^^  j^^j.^^  becaufe  I  the  Lord  your  GodamhoHe. 
t  Let  cueric  one  feare  his  father,  and  mother.  Keepe  my  Sab-  5 
bathes.   I  the  Lard  your  God.  f  Turne  not  your  felues  to  4 
idolsj  neither  make  you  to  your  (elucs  molten  goddes.  I  the 
Lord  your  God.  -f  If  ye  immolate  an  hofteofpacifiques  to  j 
the  Lord,  that  it  may  be  placable,  f  that  day  wherin  it  is  im-  6 
molated,  shal  you  eate  it,  and  the  next  day  :  and  whatfoeuer 
fbal  be  left  vntil  the  third  day,  you  shal  hurne  with  fire,  t  ^f  7 
after  tvs'o  daies  anic  roan  eate  therof,  he  shal  be  profane,  and 
guikieofimpietie:  f  andshalbeare  his  iniquirie,becau?fe.  he  8 
hath  polluted  the  holie  of  the  Lord,  and  that  foule  shal  perish 
out  of  his  people,  f  And  vfhen  thou  reaped  the  corne  of  9 
thy  lande,  thou  shalt  not  sheare  the  face  of  the  earth  to  the 
verie  ground  :  neither  shalt  thou  gather  the  earcs  that  li-c- 
maine.  f  Neither  in  thy  vineyard  shalt  thou  gather  the  clu-  to 
fkrs,  and  grapes  that  faldo^ne,  but  shalt  Icaue  them  to  the 
poore,andtJie  ftrsngcrs  to  take.  I  the  Lord  your  God.  f  You  11 
shal  not  coramitte  theft.  You  shal  not  lie,  neither  shal  anic 
man  deceaue  his  neighbour,    f  Thou  shalt  not  forfwearc  12 
thy  felf  in  my  name,  nor  pollute  the  name  of  thy  God.  I  the 
Lord,  t  Thou  ihalt  not  calumniate  thy  neighbour,  nor  op*   15 
prelTe  him  by  violence.  The  workc  of  thy  hireling  shal  not 
abide  vfith  thee  vnril  morning,  f  Thou  shalt  not  fpeake  cuil  14 
of  the  deafc  man_/,  nor  put  a  ftumbhng  blockc  before  the 
blinde:  but  thou  shalt  feare  the  Lord  thy  God,  becaufe  I  am 
the  Lord,  f  Thou  shalt  not  doe  that  which  is  vniuft,  nor  i| 
iudge  vniuftly.  Confidcrnotthepcrfonof  apoore  man,  nei- 
ther honour  thou  the  countenance  of  him  that  ismightie. 
ludgeiuHly  to  thy  neighbour,  f  Thou  shalt  not  be  a  crimi-  16 
natour,  nora  whifpereramong  the  people.  Thou  shalt  not 
ftandagainft  rhc  bloud  of  thy  neighbour.  Lthe  Lordof  Thou  17 
itThefeHiuer-  shalt  not  hate  rhy  brother  in  thy  hart,  but  controNJ/lehim  o- 
fitics  arc  not    ppnjy  Jeft  thou  incurre  finne  rhrou2;h  him.  t  Seeke  not  re-  18 

prohibited  for  *         ^  ,  -.riri       ••  ft-  t-l 

them  felues  uengc,  nor  be  niinderul  olthe  iniutie  oJ-  thy  citizens.  Thou 
for  tl'.e  orna-  shalr  loue  th.y  freind  as  thy  felf .  I  the  Lord,  t  Keepe  ye  my  19 
inents  of  the  lawcs.  Thoushilt  not  make  thy  cattel  to  gend-r  with  the 
tabernacle  and  beafts  of  an  Other  kinde.  Thy  field  thou  shilt  not  fowe  with 
jnpdc  of  di-  duicfslecde.  Agarmeni,-  thatiswoucn  ot  tvpo  fortes,  thou 
uers  things;     shait  not  put  on.  t  Ifamanlie  with  a  woman  by  carnal  co-  lo 


precepts.  Levi  Tiers.  301 

pulation,  that  is  a  bondwoman  alfo  mariable,  and  yet  not  re-  ^ur  fchifme, 

demed  with  a  price,  nor  made  free,  both  shal  be  beaten,  and  ^^dal  panici- 
21  they  not  die,  becaufe  she  was  not  free,  f  And  for  his  hc"°t"krs'^an4 

offence  he  shrtl  offer  to  the  Lord,  at  the  doreof  the  tabernacle  other  infidels 
21   of  tefiimoniea  ramme:  j-  and  the  prielt  shal  pray  for  him,  is  forbid,  z. 

and  for  his  finne  before  the  Lord,  and  he  shal  become  pro-, ^'^'';  ^- ^'■•''>''>' 

pirious  to  him  againsi^,  and  the  (inne  shal  be  fergciuru.  yy,'h  ,1]^ , 
25   ^  "When  you  shal  be  cntred  into  the  land,  and  hauc  planted  ThfocUret.o.iy, 

in  it  fruite  trees,  you  sh?.l  take  a-vray  the  prepuces  of  them  :  tnuuit. 

the  fruitc,  rhat  come  forth  shal  be  vncleanc  to  you,  neither 
24  shal  you  eare  of  them,  f  But  in  the  fourth  ycare,  al  their 
2j  fruite  shal  be  {Hnd;ified,  laudable  to  the  Lord,  f  And  the 

fifth  y  eare  you  shd  e;itc  the  fruiccs  ,  gathering  the  offpring, 
16  that  they  bring  forth.  1  the  Lord  your  God.  -f  You  shal  not 

eate  with  bloul.  You  shal  notdiuine,  ••  nor  obfcrue  dreames.  -Sec  Gen.  40. 

27  t  Neither  shal  you  cur  your  heare  roundwife  :   nor  shauc  ^' ** 

28  your  beard,  f  And  foi  the  dead  you  shal  not  cut  your  flfsh, 
neither  shal  you  make  in  your  ftlues  any  figures  or  markes, 

25)  I  the  Lord,  f  Make  not  thy  daughter  a  common  ftrumpet, 
left  the  land  be  contamined,  and  filled  with  wicked neffe.,. 

50   f  Keepeye  my  Sabbarhes,  and  feare  my  Sanduarie,  I  the 

31  Lord,  t  Dechne  not  to  magicians,  neither  askc  any  thing  of 
foorhfayers,  to  be  polluted  by  them.  I  the  Lotd  your  God. 

}Z  t  Before  the  hoare  head  rile  vp,  and  honour  the  perfon  of 
an  old  man  :  and  feare  the  Lord  thy  God.  I  am  the  Lord. 

3}  t  If  a  fVrangcrdwel  in  your  land,  and  abide  among  you,  doe 

34  not  vpbraid  him  :  f  but  let  him  be  amongvou  as  the  fame 
counrrie  man  rand  you  shal  loue  him  as  your  felues  :  for  you 
alfo  haue  bene  Grangers  in  the  Land  of  yCgypr.  I  rhr  Lord 

3J  your  God.  j-  Do  notanie  vniuft  thinginiudgement,  in  rule, 

36  in  weight,  or  meafure.  f  Let  the  balance  be  iuft,  and  the 
weighres  equal,  the  bushel iufl,  and  the  fcxtarie  equal.  I  the 
Lord  your  God,  that  brought  you  out  of  the  Land  of  y£gypt. 

37  t  Keepealmy  prcceptes^andalmy  iudgcmcnts,<Scdoc  them. 
1  the  Lord. 

Chap.     XX. 

yrhofomergeaah  ofh'ufeedc to  Moloch  muft  he  (?t>Hrd to  JtAth.  6.  ^thd* 

dicUneto  Ma^ul;e,c).cHrfe  their l?<trenhy  10.  commit  aJ'tltnr  ,  e-rtiUni 

inctft ,  orheUxlitte  ihdl  dt:  19.  O.b-  incefi  ts  defriu  dof  rhildyn.  22. 

Tkc  J/raehtei  al/o  ihal  Uuii  out  of  the  Und  ,  tf  they  commtw  Cuch 

O  o  5  ftnna 

joi  Leviticvs.  Puniflimencs. 

ANd  our  Lord  fpakc  to  Moyfes,  faying:  tThefethinges  i  t 
thou  shalt  fpeake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael :  If  anie  man 
of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  of  the  ftrangers,that  dwelin 
Ifrael,  ^eueofhis  feedeto  the  idol  Moloch,  dying  let  him 
die  :  rhepeopleoftheland  iTial  ftonehim.  t  And  I  wilfetmy   5 
face  againft  him  :  and  wilcut  him  of  from  the  middes  of  his 
people,  becaufe  he  harh  geuen  of  his  feede  to  Moloch,  and 
hath  conraminated  my  San6tuarie_>,  and  polluted  my  holy 
name,  f  And  if  the  people  of  the  land  negleding,  and  as  it   4 
vcrelitle  cfteming  my  commandcmcnt,  let  alone  the  man 
that  hath  gcucn  of  his  feede    to  Moloch,  and  wil  not  kil 
him  :  1 1  "^"'^  ft'tfc  my  face  vpon  that  man,  and  his  kinrcd,nnd   5 
wil  cur  of  both  him,  and  al  chat  contented  xs'irh  him,  to  ccm- 
mitte  fornication  >x'ith  Moloch,  outof  the  middes  or  their 
people,   -f  The  foule  ,  that  ihal  decline  to  Magitians  ,  and    6 
louth  fayers,  and  shal  commirte  fornication  with  them,  I  "wii 
fette  my  face  againft  it,  anddeftroy  it  out  of  the  middes  of  his 
people,  -f  Sandilie  your  felucs,  and  be  holie,  becaufe  I  a fn  7 
the  Lord  your  God.  f  Keepc  my  precepts,  and  doe  them.  I   8 
the  Lord  that fandtifie you.  f  He'rhat  curfeth  his  father,  or  9 
mother,  dying  let  him  die:  he  hath  curfed  father,  and  mo- 
ther, his  bloud  be  vpon  him.  f  If  any  man  commit  adulterie  10 
with  an  other  mans  wife,  and  commit  aduontrie  with  his 
neighbours  wife,  dying  let  them  die  ,  both  the  adulterer  and 
theaduourrefTe.  t  He  thatlieth  \rith  hisftepmother,  and  re-  11 
uealeth  the  ignominie  of  his  father,  dying  let  both  die :  their 
bloud  be  vpon  them,  -f  If  anie  man  lie  with  his  daughter  in   u 
la^3^',  let  both  die,  becaufe  they  haue  done  an  heinous  fa6t: 
their  bloud  be  vpon  them,  -f  He  that  lieth  with  man  as  if  he   15 
should  companie  with  woman,  both  hauc  committed  abo- 
mination dying  let  them  die  :  their  bloud  be  vpon  them... 
r:  Violating     -j-  He  that  befides  his  wife  the  daughter,  "  marieth  her  mo-  14 

this  law  in  thcr,  hath  done  wickednes  :  heshalburne  aliue  with  them, 
anie  decree  in        .  ,  111/  ,  .        .  ... 

the rir^ht line,  "Cither  shal  there  lo   great  abomination   rcmaine   in   the 
cirhci-of  con-  middesofyou-  f  He  thatshal  companie  vith  beaft  and  cat-   rj 
(atigiiinitip,or  reldying  let  him  die  :  the  beaft  alfo  doe  ye  kil.  f  The  woman  16 
aftmcie,  or  in  ^1,^^  shal  lie  vnder  anie  beaft,  shal  be  killed  together  with  the 
rnchiltcolla    ^  1     •    i  1        it  1  t        ^1  rn 

teraUecreeof  ^'*''"^"  ^'"'^^^hloud  be  vpon  them.f  f  He  that  taketh  his  hfter  17 

rolangainitie,  the  daughter  of  his  father,or  the  daughter  of  his  mother,  and 
v/as  punjihcd  feeth  her  turpitude,  and  she  beholdeth  her  brothers  igno- 
wuh  death  J     ^^^^^^^^  .  ^j^^y  |j^^^  committed  a  fhameful  thing  ;  they  shal  be 


PuniiLnients.  Levi  tic  vs.  ^o^ 

flainc^  in  the  fight  of  their  people,  becaufe  they  hauc  rcuea- butin  the  firft 
led  one  an  others  turpitude,  and  they  shalbeare  their  iniqui-  collateral  of 

18  tie.  I  Hcihatcompaincth  with  a  woman  in  her  mcnltrual  .^*'""[' ^""^ 
fluxe,  and  rtucalcth  her  turpitude,  and  she  opcncth  the  foun-  c"oHaa- "l°de- 
taineoi^her  bloud,  both  shalbe  dcilroyed  outoFthc  middes  gice  aswelof 

15>  of  their  people,  j-  The  turpitude  of-  thy  aunt  by  thy  mo- cxjfanguinitic, 
ther,  and  of  thy  aunt  by  thy  father,  thou  shak  not  difcoucr  :  ^s  affinftic, 
he  that  docth  this,  hath  difclofed  the  ignominie  of  his  flesh,  njlJ,  J'^t.  ^""^ 

20  both  shal  beare  their  iniquitie.  f  He  that  coropaincth  with  which  flicv- 
the  wife  of  his  vncle  by  the  father,  or  of  his  vncle  by  theme-  eth  greatter 
ther,  and  reuealcth  the  ignominie  of  his  kinred,  both  ihal  oblii^ation,  & 

21  beare  their  finnc:  without  children  they  shal  die.  f  He  that  f^"//„Yn-"thc 
marieth  his  brothers  wil^e,  doth  an  vnlawful  thing,  he  hath  riiThtlmcfthcn 
reuealed  his  brothers  turpitude:  they  shalbe without chil- the  collateral j- 

22  dren.  f  Keepemy  lawes,  and  iudgcmentes,  and  doe  them;  alloin  the  fiift 
left  the  land  which  you  shal  enter  into  and  inhabite,  vomice  ftn^J",°Jic°°" 

23  outyoualfo.  f  not  in  the  ordinances  of  the  nations,  thcninthc  fe- 
which  I  wil  expel  before  you.  For  ••  al  thefc  thinges  haue  they  cond  j  and 

24  done, and  I  haue  abhorred  them,   f   But  to  you  I  fpeake;  "^°^^  ^"  '^^°"' 

Poffelfe  their  land,   which  I  wil  ^eue  you  for  an  inheri-  ^^"3"^"^^'= 
1        in  -I        -11  I  I  thcninam- 

tance,  a  land  Howing  wich  miike  and  honie.  1  the  Lord  your  nitie. 

2j  God,  that  haue  feperated  you  from  other  peoples,  f  Ther-  ..-nt     <- 
fore  doe  you  al(o  feperate  the  cleane  be^ft,  from  the  vn-  iic  kind  of 
cleane,  and  the  cleane  foule  from  the  vncleane  :  pollure  nor  Cnne(  though 
yourfoulcs,  in  beaftes,  andbirdcs,  and  al  thinges  that  moue  t^u^rie  one  is 
on  the  earth,  and  which  1  haue  shewed  vnto  you,  to  be  pol-  bu"'for^^he^ 

16  luted,  t  You  shal  be  holie  vnto  me,  becaufe  I  the  Lord  am  moreluinous, 
hoiie,  and  I  haue  feparated  you  from  other  peoples,  that  you  &  for  al  tO;;c- 

27  should  be  mine,  f  Man,or  woman, in  whom  is  a  pithonical  ^^^^'.  ^^^  ^^*' 
or  dunning  fpirire,dyinglet  them  die,  they  shal  ftone  them:  "Xouio"* 

their  bloud  be  vpon  them.  ^^^-^^  l^nd. 

Chap.    XXL 

^t  ^^hat  funerals  Prie/Ismdy  not  kepref-nt.  7.  Ff^haf^cmen  they  mdy  not 
marie^  9.  4  prtc/Is  dttughter  committing  fornication  mujl  be  bnrn.d,  10. 
The  h'.ghprieii  shalnot^nconer  his  heady  nor  rent  his  garment^  nor  be 
frefent  4t  4me  funeral,  n:r  At  algoe  forth  of  the  holte  place.  15.  M^hen  he 
marieth  he  muH  take  a  Virj^tn.  16.  None  that  hath  a  blemish  in  hisbodie 
{though  he  be  of  Karons  Jlock)  ihal  mimjler  m  the  Sin^umc,  nor  ap- 
^rocb  to  the  ^Itar^ 


50  4  L  E  V I T I  c  V  si  Ceremonies- 

OV  R  Lord  faid  alfo  to  Moyfes :  Speake  to  the  prieftes  t 
thefonnes  of  Aaron,  and  thou  (halt  fay  to  them:  Let 
not  a  prieft  be  contaminated  in  the  dcathesof  his  citizens, 
•j-  but  onlie  in  his  kinnc,  and  nigh  of  bloud,thatis  to  fay,  t 
vpon  his  father  and  mother,  and  fonne,and  daughter,  bro- 
ther aifo,t  and  iiftci  being  a  virgin  which  hath  not  bene  ma-  5 
::  By- the  price  ried  to  a  husband:  f  butneithcr  in  ••  the  prince  of  his  people  4 
S.Paul.vnder-  fhal  he  be  contaminated,   f  Neither  thai  they  (haue  their  / 
^^.'''^^''^^^"g^^  head,  nor  beard,  nor  make  incifions  in  their  fleOi.  -f  They  6 
^^'    (hal  be  holie  to  their  God,  and  shal  nor  pollute  his  name: 
for  the  burnt  facrifice  of  the  Lord ,  and  breades  of  tjieir 
God  doe  they  offer,  and  therfore  they  shal  be  holie.  t  A  7 
whore  and  a  vile  ftrumpette  he  shal  not  take  to  wife,  nor 
her,  that  is  put  away  from  her  husband:  becaufe  they  are  c6- 
-fccrated  to  their  God  ,  +  and  offer  the  breades  of  propq-  8 
fition.  Be  they  holie  therfore,  becaufe  I  alfo  am  holie,  the 
Lord,  that  fan (5i:i fie  them-  f  The  daughter  of  a  prieil:  it  she  9 
be  taken  in  whordome,&  dishonour  the  name  of  hir  farhf  r, 
shal  be  burnt  with  fire,  t  The  grand  bishoppe,  that  is  ro  lay  10 
the  prieft  that  is  greatcft  among  his  brethren,  vpon  whole 
head  hath  bene  poured  the  oyle  of  vndion-.  ,  and  whofc 
handes  were  confecratcd  in  priefthood,  and  who  \t3S  re- 
uefted  with  the  holie  veftimentes,  shal  not  vncouer  his  head, 
.;:Caiplias  ret  he  shal- not  rent  his  garments:  t  andtono  dead  perfon  shal  11 
his  gaiments    h^  enter  in  at  al.  t^pon  his  father  alfo,  and  mother  shal  he  not 
tvlvh  to'thr  ^^  co«^aranated ,  f  Neither  shal  he  goc  forth  out  of  the  ii 
lav^-,  malice     ^^^^^^  placcs,left  he  pollute  the  Safluarie  of  the  Lord,becaufc 
tnakins;  him    the  oyle  of  the  holie  vndion  of  his  God  is  vpon  him.  I  the 
Jitgled  his      Lord.  •]■  Heshalrakeavirginvnro  his  wife  :  f  but  a  widowt3i4 
ovue  dignitie  ^^^  j^gj.  ^f^^j.  j^  ^^^  away, and  a  filth ,  and  a  whore  he  shal  not 

take,  but  a  maidc  of  his  owne  people:  -{■  that  he  mingle  not  1/ 
the  ftocke  of  his  kinred  with  the  common  people  of  his 
nation:  becaufe  I  am  the  Lord  that  fandifie  him.  f  And  16 
our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying :  y  Speake  to  Aaron  ;  The  17 
t:  If  'u'^h  a«-  j^^j^  ^f  j.|      (^gjg  throuehout  their  families,  that  hath  -  2 

lorm<ncs  and   .  ^        •  v       «     t  n-      i  «  1  •    ^     .  i  1     1  .         ,^ 

defeftes  made '''''^'^''^'^"'^"^^"^^'^"^'^'^'^^^'i^^'^o  his  God,  f  neither  shal  hc  18 
men  irregular,  approcb  to  his  minifterie  :  If  hc  be  blinde,  if  lame,  if  he 
anavnmererohaucahtle,oragrear,or  a  crooked  nofc,  f  if  his  foore  be  19 
cxcrcfe  pneft  broken,  if  his  hand,  fif  he  be  crookc  backed,  or  blere  eyed,  20 
lie  function  1  1     •      1  •  .         ,  ^    ,  ,  ■',   . 

in  the  old  re-  ^^     '^"^  ^  peatle  in  his  eye,  or  a  continual  fcabbe,  or  dnc 
fumeot,  how  ^curlTc  in  his  bodie,  or  be  burnt.  |  Eueric  one  that  hath  a  zi 


Irrcg ularitics.  Xe  Y  i  T  i  c  v  $ j  5<^X. 

blemish  of  the  fcede  of  Aaron  the  prielVifshal  not  approcfij 

tooffcrthehoftcs  tothe  Lord,  nor  the  breadcs  to  his  God. 

21  t  He  shal  eacc  notwithftarhding  of  rhc  breades ,  that  arc 

25   offered  i«  the  Sandqaric,  t  yctfo  that  he  enter  not  within 

thq  vcilen,orapproch  to  the  altar,  becaufc  he  hath  a  blemish, 

and  he  muft  notcontaninatcmy  Sanduarie,  I  rhc  Lord  that 

24  fandifie  them,  f  Movies  therforc  fpakc  to  Aaron,  and  to 

his  Cannes  and  toal  Ifrael,  al  thinges  that  had  bene  com- 

mandcdhipi.;,.   ..ii  ,  _      ,,     ._.,,, 

i^.:f;:  -^.i  tiL^jr;:  jQiH  A.:R*.      XXlh   ^t  ::-'i.C' li-jii:,  io  Di,;; :  jv 

yyoom^y  enttof  fdinSiifiedthinp.  17.  ^And wh^i thin^atfA'^^e  offered, 

I  ^ /^\  Vr  Lord  alfo  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying;  f  Spcakc  to 
v^  Aaron  and  to  hi?  (onnes,  that  they  beware  of  thofc 
that  arc  the  confecrated  thiiig^-s  of  the  children  ot  Ifrael, 
and  contaninarc  not  the  name  of  the  thinges  fanftiified  to 

3  me,  which  they  ofrer.  I  the  Lord.  |  Say  to  thcm^  and  to  their, 
pofteritie  :  Eueric  man  of  your  (locke,,  that  approcheth  to 
thofe  thinges  that  are  confecrated,  and  which  the  children 
of  Ifracl  hauc  offered  to  th,e  Lord,  in  whom  there  is  vn- 

4  clcanefTe,  shai  perish  before  the  Lord,  lam  the  Lord,  t  The 

man  ofthefeedeoFAaron  J  that  is  a  leper ,  or  hatha  fluxeof  ^,  _  ,  - 
feede,  "  shal  not  cate  of  thofe  thinges  that  are  fan tftified  to  cidcnral  vn-  * 
mz  vntil  he  be  healed  He  that  rouchcth  a  thing  vnclcane  by  cleanncs ,  wat 
occahonof  that  is  dead,  and  he  from  whom  iiTueth  {ctdc  prefigured  the 
J  'a^it  were  of  copulation,  f  and  he  that  toucheth  a  creeping  "nfurcofiuf- 
heaft,  and  whatfoeu-er  vncleanc  thing,  the  touching  whcrof  Jicraicmca. 

6  ishlthie,  f  shal  be  vncleanc  vntil  euen,  and  shal  not  eate        ° 
thofc  thinges  that  are  fan^lified  :  but  when  he  hath  washed 

7  his  0csh  with  water,  -f*  andthefunncisdowne,  then  being 
clcanfed  he  shal  cate  of  the  fanctificd  thinges,  becaufe  it  is 

8  his  mcatc.  •}-  Cartien  and  that  which  was  taken  of  a  bcail, 
they  shal  not  eate, nor  be  polluted  in  them.  I  am  the  Lord. 

f   f  Let  them  keepemy  preccptes,  that  they  be  not  fubiecft  to 
lhinc,and  die  in  the  Sand:uaric,whcn  they  shal  hauc  polluted 

10  if.  I  the  Lord  that  fandi^e  them,  f  No  ftranger  shal  eate 
of  rhc  fandificd  thin'ges,  the  prieftcs  gucft ,  and  hireling 

11  shalnot  cate  of  them,  -f-  But  whom  the  prieft  hath  bought, 
and  he  that  is  his  fcruant  borne  in  his  houfe,  thefe  shal  cate 

u  of  them,  f  If  the  daughter  of  aprieft  be  maricd  to  anie  of 
the  people;  of  thofe  thinges  that  are  fandificd,  and  of  the 

ji(§4  hVL^tttCfy^d         ^  Gcrcmonicf. 

feft  W^es^lfcc  IH'^l  rioc  cat^.  t  Dttt  »f  ^e  fee  1 
away,  and  wkliout  childrctt  returne  to  her  fathers  houf^ ;  as 
fl>e  was^  \rotH  bcing'aiBarde,  ft>€lkbal  be  fedde  vithherfa-  •• 
t4ieis  rteares.  Nk)  ftraifigcF hath po-vetto  cMe  of  them.'f  He  14 
tthaf  ea^^th  of  the  faiKStiiied  thirigcshy  ignojranedi  shaladdc 
the  fifth|^arr\c^ith  chafsrhicbhedid  catei  aridshalgeueitto 
the  prie ft  into  the  Sanduarie.  f  Neither  shal  they  contami-  i| 
nate  the  fandified  thinges  of  the  childiren  of  Ifrael,  which 
they  offer  to  the  Lord:  f  left  per  happes  they  fuft-ainc  the  inii  16 
quitie  of  their  offence,  when  rhey  shal  kaiie  eaten  the  fandi- 
fied  thinges.  J  the  Lord  that  fandifie  them*  t  And  our  Lord^iy' 
fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying:  f  Speake  to  Aaron..,  and  to  his  1.8^' 
fonnes,  and  10  al  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  thou  shalt  fay  to 
cliem:  The  raanofthchoufeof  Ifrael,  and  of  the  ftrangers 
which  dwel  with' you ,  that  offereth  his  obiatiorL/ ,  cither 
paying  his  vowcs,  or  offering  o^fliis  ow^eaecordi  whatfoeuet 
that  be  which  he  prefefiteth  for  an  holocauft  of  the  Lord, 
f  to  be  offered  by  you,  it  shal  be  a  male  without  fpotte  of  19 
b^efes,  and  muttons,  &  of  goates.  f  Ifithaue  a  blemish,  you  20 
shal  f»ot  offer  it,  neither  shal  it  be  acceptable,  f  The  man  it 
diatoffererhavidiracof  pacifiquesto  the  Lord>either  paying 
'oi'yh-fH  ..his  vowcs,  of  offering  of  his  owne  aecorde,  afwelof  beefes 
fiT  l,::.-i;L    as  of  muttons,  shal  offer  it  without  blemish  that  it  may  be 
■>r  ,/5iina-!  acceptable :  there  shal  be  no  blemish  in  it.  f  Ifir  be  blind,  2l 
rbviu^i)-    ifitbebroken, ifithauearcarre,ifblifters,or  a  fcabbe,  ori 
".,■'.  drie  fcurfe:  you  shal  nat  offer  them  to  the  Lotd,  nor  burne  of 

rlicm  vpon  the  Lotdes  alratv  f  Anoxe  andasheepe,  hauing  25 
the  eareandtiietaile  cut  of,  chou  maieft  offer  voluntarily  but   -^    - 
avow  cannot  be  paied  of  them,  -f  No  beaft  that  hath  the  24 
ilonesbruifcdj  or  crushed,  oreut  and  taken  away,  shal  you 
«ffer  to  the  Lord,  and  in  your  landmakenot  this  at  al .  t  Of  2^ 
the  hand  of  a  (banger  you  shal  not  offer  breades  to  yoiir  * 
Gcdy  and  what  other  thing  foeuet  he  would  geue :  becaufc 
rhey  ire  al  corrupted,  and  blemished;  you  shal  not  recciue   ■' 
shem.  t  And^ur  Lotd  fpake  to  Moyfes, faying:  f  An  oxe,  16 
*shcepe,  and  a  goate,  when  they  are  bfought  forth,  sHal  be  27 
tetlen  daiesvnder  the  vdder  of  thcit-  damme:  bnt  the  eighr 
day,  aiwdfeJ  for  vard  they  may  be  olferedto  the  Lord .  f  Vhe-  28 
cher  it  be  a  beefe,  or  a  sheepe,  they  shal  not  be  immolated 
in  one  day  with  their  young  ones,  f  If  you  immolate  an  hofte  29 
for  thankes  giuing  to  the  Lord,  tha^ti  hemay  be  placable,  t..rhe  50 


Fcftiual  daies.  LJlVJTievs;?  5^7? 

famcjday  you  shal  dutQ  it  >  there  shal  hot  ought ««naine  \ntih 

51  the  morningofthc  next  day.  I  the  Lord,  f  Kecpc  my  covn-\ 

ji  niandementcs,  and  doe  them.  I  rhc  Lord,  f  Pollute  not  my 

holicname,  that  I  may  be  fandtifiedin  theiniddcsofthcchil- 

jjT.  drcnof  Ifrael ,  I  the  Lord  that  fan<^ifie  you,  tr-and  brougfec)  .{ 

you  out  of:  ihc  Land  fi£  i£gypf ,:tbaL  i  -^i^  .b«  .youiQa^:  .'• '  'lor^ojnsi :; 
ril;^-hc  ifO|d.:Lr,o  +  -oicl  !>d:  CI  oiifinor'l  v^njt  jolio  led*  iiov  =-'-•'*  •'^'3'="^ 

Thcfo'emn'ttiestiftheSdhltuh^j.  of  rafih  4niJirHfruitcs.i$.ofPtntai^»^'Ti.c£o%ixk'  " 
25.  ofTi.UTftpettes,  -tC.  dj^E^ffUtiMiy  }}.  ofTdherfUiilei-,  Mti  mtb  wljAt'  part. 

rite's  the  fame  shaUeceUbraud.         .  •      ,'  .  ^       /'  ^- -       •  ''^:^^'^"^"'  "" 

•"'  ■-:  >^  mcsof  reft,  & 

I  2  -A    Nd  our  LordrpakctoMoyfeSjfaYiiig: -fSpcakctothe  lubilic.  vith 

j\  children o-flfraeJ,  and  thou  shalt'fay  to^thcm:  Thefe  ^^If^""^'"''^' 
are  "  the  feftioiries  oPpur  Lord,  which  you  shal  cal  holie->.  ^{hmcnts^"' 

3  t  Six  daies  ye  shal  doe  worker  •"  thefeuenth  day,  becau(eit  :.•  There  were 
isthe  refto'f  the  fabbathisha!  be  called  holie.  No  workcshal  eight  fcueial, 
you  doe  in  it  tit  is  :•'  the  Sabbath  ofthe  Lord  in  al  your  habi-  ^^t^!''*,  f  °'","- 

4  rations,  t  The(c    therfore  arc  the  hoiic  fcftiuities  of  the  JJ^^  bcfidcs 
J  Lord,  which  you  muft  celebrate  in  their  times,  f  The  firfl  the  dailic  fa- 

moneth ,  the  fourterith  day  of  the  moneth  at  euen  ,  is  the'cnficc)  menti- 

6  -  PhafeoPfheLord;  -f  and  the  fiftenth  day  of  this  moneth  o"^^'^^-'"^.^*- 

is^the  folemnitie  ofthe  Azymes  ofthe  Lord.  Scuendaies  shal      tf'r  *^  ^\ 
,      r   n   \         III  PL  I    \  ■  oniielcucn  arc 

7  you  eare  azymes.  -f-  The  hrft  day  shal  be  molt  lolemnc  vnto  herccxprefl'cd. 

8  you,andholic.  hofcruile  workeshalyoudoeinit:  f  but  you 

sh'al  offer  fact ifice  in  fire  to  the  Lordfeuen  daies.  bur  the  fe-  ^» 

uenth  day  shal  be  more  folemne,  and  more  holie:  and  you  "TheSabt^tk 

9  shal  doe  no  fcruile  Nrorke  in  it .  t  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  jhatGodcreai 
J©  Moyfes,  faying:  f  Speakcto  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  thou  ted  al  things  ' 

■  shaltfay  to  them.  "When  yOu  shal  be  cncrcd  into  the  land  ,  'n  fix  dates  « 
which  T  \ril  geue  you,  and  shal  reape  your  come,  you  shal  '^^'^^lk!^^,-  ,", 
briftg  sheaues  of  eares,  the  firfl:  fruites  of  your  harueft  ro  "^      \i.-.:.i\l 

II  thcprieft:  f  who  shal  eleuate  the  bundle  before  the  Lord,  .:  Pafch'inme- 
tiie  nextday  after  the  Sabbath,  thatitmay  be  acceptable  for  morieo'f  their 

u  you,  and  shal  fanaifieit.  f  And  in  the  fclf  fame  day  that  the  dcliucncfrora 

sheafeis  confccrated,shalbe  killed  a  lambe  without  fpottc      i^^^^' 

13  ofayeareoldforan  holocauft  ofthe  Lord,  f  Andrheliba- 

mcnrs  shal  be  offered  with  it,  two  tenrhes  of  floure  tempered 

with  oilc ,  for  a  burnt  facrifice  of  the  Lord  ,   and  a  nioH: 

•  fwceteodour:  libamentsalfoofwine,  thcfourth  part  oF  an 

14  hili.  t  Bread,  and  fried  barlie,  and  frumentic,  you  shal  not 

-•''-'  '•  Pp  z  cacc 

3<^8  LeviticvSv  Fcftiual 

cateof  tlK<fdrnc,vntil  the  day  that  you  ofFcr  thcfof  to  your 
God.  It  is  1  precept  for  eucr  in  your  generations,  and  al  your 
habitations,  f  You  shal  number  therforc  from  the  morow  jy 
after  the  Sabbath,  ^»'hefin  you  did  offer  the  flicafc  of  the  firft 
?.  fruires,  feucn  ful 'sreekes ,  f  vnro  the  moro^w  after  the  i^ 

tr  Pentccoftin  fcuenthNTccke  he  expired,  that  is  to  fay  ••  fifticdaics,and  Co 
"f^cceiuine     ^^^  ^^^  offer  anew  facrifice  to  the  Lord,  f  out  of  al  your  17 
thelaw.  habitations,  two  loaucs  of  firft  fruites,  of  two  tenthcs  of 

:t  Sec  chap.  7.  floiire  •=  leauened,rhc  which  you  shal  bake  for  the  firft  fruites 
v.iv  of  the  Lord,  f  And  yon  shal  offer  with  the  breades  feucn  18 

lambes  without  fpotte  of  a  ycare  old,  and  one  calfc  from  the 
heard,  and  two  rammes,  and  they  shal  be  foran  holocauft 
with  their  libamenres,  for  a  raoft  iwecte  odour  to  the  Lord, 
•f  Youshal  n1ikeabuckcgoatealfoforfinne,and  twokmbcs  19 
of  a  yearc  old  for  hoftes  of  pacifiques .  f  And  when  the  20 
■,-^  tn'^Al     prieft  hath  eleuated  them  with  the  breades  of  the  firft  fruites 
,"jr/-:i  jffy  before  the  Lord,  they  shal  turnc  to  his  vfe.  t  And  you  shal  21 
cal  this  day  moftfolemne,  and  moftholic  r  noferuilc  wor.kc. 
shal  you  doe  in  it.  It  shal  be  an  eucrlafting  ordinance  inal 
riaiiiKb  jc:  J^^^  habitations,  and  generations,  f  And  after  you  reapc  z-i 
;3m(j3air  the  corne  of  your  land,  you  skil  not  cut  it  to  the  veric 
'.  «s4»yc. b^/iu ground  :  neither  shal  you  gather  the  cares  that  rcmaine,  bur  " 
•^'"  you  shal  let  them  alone  for  the  poorc  and  for  ftran8;crs. 
I  am  fife  Lord  your  God.  f  And  our  Lordfpaketo  Moyfes,   23 
faying:  f  Speake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael  :  The  ieuenth  24 
.  ^       4'  monerh,  on  '•'■  the  fitiT:  day  of  the  rnoncth,  shal  be  a  Sabbathj. 

pJm  {amemp^  a  memorial,  by  founding  of  rrumpcttes,  and  shal  be  called 
liciiiataramc  ^'^^^e  *  t  uoferuile  \<'QL-ke  sh^l  you  doe  in  it-,  and  youshal   15 
ftickingby  the  ofl^cr  holocanft  to  the   Lord'.   +   And  our   Lord  fpakc  ro  26 
korneswasof- ^^oyfes,  faying  :   f  vpon  the  tenth  dty  of  this  fcucnth  27 
haminfieadof^"^"^^^^^^^^^®'-^^^^)'^^*'  expiations  moft  folemne,  and  it 
Ifaac.  shalbecalledholie:  and  you  shalafflid  your  foulesin  it,  and 

.5^  shal  offer  holocauft  to  the  Lord,  f  No  fcruile  worke  shal  28^ 

::  rcaftofEx-  you  doc  the  time  of  this  day:  bccaufc  it  is  a  day  of  propitia- 
nloHc'oTthr  ^^^"^'  ^^^^^  ^^^^  Lord  vGur  God  may  become  propitious  vnro 
(inneinwor-  yo"-  f  Euerie  foulc,  that  IS  not  afflided  this  day,  shal  perish  29 
fliipping  the    out  of  his  people:   f  and  which  shal  docanie  worke,  the  50 
caife,  and  for  Girr>e  will  deftroy  out  of  hispcople.  f  No  worke  therforc  51 
shal  you  doe  in  it :  it  shal  be  an  euerlaftmg  odinance  vnro  you 

rotten,  orvn- 

in  al  your  generations,  and  habitations,  t  Itis  a  Sabbath  of  32. 
tcfting,  and  you  shaUffiid:  your  foules  the  ninth  day  of  the 
.s   ;. '.  moneth: 

daycs.  L  E  V I  T I  c T  s.  30^ 

moneth  i  from  cucn  vntil  cucn you  shal  celebrate  your  fab- 
53  54hathcs.  t  And  our  Lord  fpakc  roMoyfcs,  (aing:  f  Spcakc 

to  the  children  of  Ifrael  :  From  the  fifcenth  day  of  this  fe- 

uenth  moncthj  shal  be  thefeftiuitic  of  ••  tabernacles  fcuen  tf- 

.    3;  dales  to  the  Lord,  f  The  firft  day  shal  be  called  mod  folcmnc  i^  ^*^^^°^^^" 

and  moft  holie:  no  ^eruilc^x'orkcshal  you  doc  in  it.  And  fc-  re^ni'^"  r  G  ^d- 
3^  uen  daies  you  shal  offer  holocauftcs  to  the  Lord,  f  The  eight  protciffion  ia' 

day  alfoshalbe  nioft  folcmne  and  moft  holie,  and  you  shal  thcwildcrncs, 

offer  holocauftes  to  the  Lord:  for  it  is  of  "•  alfeniblieand  col-  J^V^  '■^^^y 
57  Icdtion  :  no  feruilc  vorkc  shal  you  doe  in  it.  t  Thefe  are  J*'^"'f  '"  f^- 

the  feftiuities  of  the  Lord,  which  you  shal  cal  mofl  folcmne  yearci. 

and  moft  holie,  an<l  shal  offer  in  them  oblations  w  the  Lord,  7. 

holocaufVs  and  libaments  according  to  the  rite  of  euerie  day.-  '•'  ^^^^  of  Af- 
5S  t  bcfide  the  fabbathesofthe  Lord,  and  your  iziftes.andthofe  ^''f.^^i' '"^ 

that  you  sha[  orrcr  by  vow,  or  which  you  shal  gmc  to  the  mcmoric  of 
35)  Lord  voluncariiy,  f  Therfore  from  the  fiftenth  day  of  the  pcicc  gcuen 
;.       feuenth  moncth,  when  you  shal  haue  gathered  al  the  fruires  ■-"  the  land  ot 

of  your  land,  you  shal  cckbrate  the  fcftiuuieofrhe  Lord  fc-  P^*^"^'^*^ 

ticndaies,on  the  Hrft  day  and  the  eight  shal  be  a  fabbaih, 

40  thatisreft^t  And  you  shal  take  to  you  the  firft  day  the  frui- 
res of  a  moft  fairc  trec^,  and  the  branches  of  palracs,  and 
boughcs  of  the  tree  with  thickc  Icaues,  and  willowcs  of  the 

41  brookejand  you  shal  reioice  before  the  Lordyour  God.  -f-  And 
you  shal  celebrate  the  folcmnitic  therof  fcuen  daies  in  the 

yeare.  It  shal  be  an  '•'  euerlaftmg  ordinance  in  your  s^enerati- ■'  ^hcrcfea/Tj 
ons.  The  fcuenrh  moneih  shal  you  celebrate  the  reltiuitie,  to  the  lew  cj  ""* 

4.1  t  and  shal  dwtl  in  bowresfeucn  daies.  eucr'eonc,  tharis  of  then-  n^eneran. 

45  tlie  ftocke  of  Ifrael,  shal  abide  in  tabernacles :  t  f^^r  your  <"»*^thnti$,nc- 
pofteritiemaylearnc  that  I  made  the  children  of  Ifrael,  to  ^",^^  b^altc- 
dwclin  tabernacles,  when  I  brought  them  out  of  the  Land  nor  durin^"^' 

44  of  .Cgypt.  I  the  Lord  your  God.  t  And  Moyfes  fpake  coccr- their  fiatc. 
ning  the  folemnities  of  our  Lord  to  rhc  children  of  Ifrael        ^-  ^n^.  q.  ^z; 

Chap.    XXIII. 

1.  The  ftfliuitits  ]   A3  other  lau'cs  xcrkten  by  Moyfcs  concerning  Sacrifi- 
ces, Sacraments, Degrees  hindering  maiiage,punifiimcntsoffinncs,  and  the  FcAiual   daicj 
like,  arc  partly  moral  ,  pertaining  to  the  fa*' of  nature  ,  partly  ceremonial,  pcrteine  to 
or  iudicial  ,  which  maybe  altered':  h  this  law  of  fcftiuiries  is  partly  moral,  [ht  fctuicc  oi 
fot  that  al  men  are  bound  co  kcpc  fomc  fcftiual  dayes  in  hnnour  of  God,  Qq^, 
partly  ceiemonial,  and  fo  the  Sabbath  day  vas  kept  holic  in  thcoldTcfta- 
mcnt,  the  fcuenthday  ofthc  u'ckc,  and  other  feaHes,  the  daycs  here  prcfcri- 
bcd.  But  thcfc  panicuiar  fcaftes  and  timcs.arc  abrogated  by  Chrift,  v/horr* 

Vii  tbcy 

^ip  Levi  t  i  c  v  s.  Ceremonial  and 

tliej  prcfif^urcd.ln  fo  tanck  that  now  it  is  not  lawful  to  kcpc  chem,  for  it 
wculd  fignific  that  Chrifl:  ijfere  not  come,  as  S.  Paul  tcacheth  {  14.  G«- 
,  f  '/<zr.  4.0^/0//.  X.  and  in  other  places )  and  it  vferc  plaincIudaiGne  ,  and  Hcrc- 
Jt  ishcrtlicto  ^^^  condemned  by  the  Coiinccl  ofLaodicia  cap.  i^.accHvfin'^  them  that  lt*dat::(e 
kcpc  the  iab-  ^^y|^^„,„^  ^/^^^f  day  from  yvorus.  S-  Grcgoric  alfo  refuteth  this  herefie,  li.ii. 
bath  holi9  ^pi(^.  J  'i'lievi'iBgthat  AntichriOwilcmbraccitfauouriiig  the  lewes  :  Inplacc 
'^^y-  whcrof  the  next  day  (  which  wecalfunday)    is  made  a  perpetual  holie  day, 

bv  authoritie  of  the  Church,  and  caded  <//«  Dow/«;cd  e«>'Lor</j  </d'y  (  ^^oc.  i.) 
In  place  thev-  ^^^^  this  change  the  Proteftants  confeflTe  to  be  lawful  an^lneccflaire,  thougk 
o.^  vc  kcpe  ^e  haue  no  otbcr  expreile  Icriptuic  ,  vhen  ,  orb)!  whom  it  was  donne  ,  but 
Sunday.  only  that  S.Iohn  had  his  icuelation  >/»  our  Lords  day ,  but  by  perpetual  tradi- 

tion al  Chriftians  know,  that  the  day  after  the  fabbathisour  wekelie  holio 
day,  in  memorie  of  Chrifts  RefurreiStiou   thcfameday,  and  in  figure  of  the 
general  refurre^Stioa  of  al  men  ,  and  oflifccuerjafbng  to  theblefled.  .9.  ^«^. 
/*.  11.  c. lb. chut.  CT-E/x/f.  11^.  f.  ij.  and  S.  Hierome  kpiji.  adhledih.  The  fame 
reafon  and  auchoritie  do  alfo  warrant  the  change  ofother  feaftes,  and  infti- 
Othcr  feaftes  tutionofnew,  in  honour  of  God,  our  Sauiour  IcfusChrift,  his  Mother,  and 
alfo  changed,   other  Saindes  ,  and  in  memorie  of  benefite?  rccciucd,as  here  we  Icem  the 
and  new  mfti-  old  Tcftament  diuers  were  commanded  by  God  ,  fome  alfo  inftituted  long 
tuttd  by  the    after  Moyfcs,  as  by  Mardocheus  and  other  lewes,  ElVcr.  9..and  the  Feftaura- 
fame  author!-  tion  with  new  dedication  of  the  altari.Machab  4.obfeiucdby  outlauiouj: 
IK.  loan.  10.  v.ii.  ^  . 

Chap.    XXIIII. 

Frouijlon  of  ode  for  Umpts  in  the  TAhernticle.'  j.  The  m^kittgy  and  difpojing 
the  lodues  of  propofttion,  10.  Th?  punishment  of  blafphemie,  dadma» 
/laughter.  iZ,^nd  the paine of  e^HalreHenge. 

N  D  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying:  f  Command  i  t 
the  children  of  IfraeJ,  that  theybringvnto  thee  :oylc 
of  ohucsmoft  pure,  and  cleare,  to  furnish  the  lampes  con- 
tinually, t  without  the  veilc of  the  tcftimonicin  thctaber-  5-  ] 
nacle  of  coucnant.  And  Aaron  shal  fettc  them  from  euen 
vntil  morning  before  the  Lord,  by  a  perpetual  feruice  and 
rite  in  your  generations  .   f  Vpon  the  candlefticke   moft  4 
cleane  shal  they  be  piitte  alwaics  in  the  fight  of  the  Lord.   ■-• 
t  Thou  shalt  rake  alio  fioure,  and  shaJt  baketherof  rxreiuc  5 
rT-.votent1ie«breadcs,  which  shal  haue  euerie  one  "two  tenthcs:  f  which  6 
of  an  cphi ,     fhou  shalt  fette  fix  one  aaainft  an  other  vpon  the  moil  cleane 
that  IS,  two     .  11    I     r  i      t        1      .  1    1  11^  ,  . 

gomurs.A  go  ^""^'^  before  the  Lord  ,  f  and  thou  shalr  put  vpon  them  the  7 
moi  of  Man-  clcareft  franckincenfe,  that  the  bread  may  be  for  a  moni- 
na,  which  is    mcnt  of  the  oblation  of  the  Lord  .  -f  Eueric  fabbath  they  S 
ofanT  b,  ff  '^^^  ^^  changed  before  the  Lord,  rccciued  of  the  children 
ficieVo^ncm^n  °^  ^^^^^^  ^Y  ^"  t-uctlafting  couenant  ;  f  an-l  they  shal  be  > 
fotidAj.Exod.  Aaronsand  his  fonncs,  that  they  may  eate  them  in  a  holie 
1:*. T.i^.c- 3^- pJ^ce  :bccaufe  it  is  moft  Holie  of  the  facrificcs  of  the  Lord 

by  a 


Uidicial  precepts.  Le  v  i  t  i  c  v  s.  51  i 

10  by  a  perpetual  righr.  f  And  behold  thdrc  Nrent  forth  the  fothat  one  of 
Tonne  oi  a  voman  of  Ifrael,  whom  she  had  borne  of  an  ^^'^^^^  loancs 
itgyptian  among  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  fei  at  \rordes  in  al^thc"n^catc* 

11  ^thecampewith  a  man  of  Ifrael.  f  Andvrhcn  he  had  blaf- which  wo  do 

phemed  the  name,  and  had  curfed  it,  he  was  brought  to  ordinarily catc 
Moyles:  (And his  mother  was  called  Salumith,  the  daughter  ^"^o**^  '^^J- 

II  of  Dabriof  thetnbeof  Dan.)  -f-  And  they  did  caft  him  into 

prifon,  til  they  might  know  what  our  Lord  would  command, 

I5i4t  who  rpake  to  Moyfes,  t  faying  :   Bring  forth  the  bla- 

Iphcmer  without  the  campe,  and  letal  that  heard  him,  put 

their  handesvpon  his  head,  and  let  althe  people  ftonc  him. 

ly   t  And  to  the  children  of  Ifrael  thou  ilialt  ipcake  :  The  man 

16  that  curfeth  his  God  ,  shal  bcare  his  finne :  -f  and  he  that 
blafphemeth  the  name  of  the  Lord,  dying  let  him  dye  :  althe 
XRukirude  of  the  people  shal  ilone  him  ,  whether  he  be 
anatural,  or  ftrangcr.  He.that  blafphemeth  the  nam.e  of  the 

17  Lord,  dying  let  him  dye.  -f  He  that  ftriketh,  and  killeth  a 

18  man,  dying  let  him  dye.  t  He  that  ftriketh  a  beafl:,  shal 
15)  render  one  for  it,  that  is  to  fay,  foule  for  foule,  f  He  that 

giuethanicof  his  neighbours  a  blemish  -'  as  he  did,  ib  shal  :: This  Lav  c^c 
10  it  be  done  to  him  :  f  frad:ure  for  fradurc,  eye  for  eye,  tooth  f"?"'"?  '=^"' 

for  tooth  he  shal  rcftore.  What  blemish  he  gaue,  the  like  p^t^^  HmiJ^ 
ai  shal  he  be  compelled  to  fuftainc.  t  He  that  ftriketh  a  beaft,  nottocnfoicc 

ftial  render  an  other.  He  that  ftriketh  a  man,shal  be  puni(hed.  to  rcucngc  , 

42  t  Let  there  be  equal  iudgement  amonc;  you  ,  whether  a  {°^  ^^'^  f^V!^ 
n-  iru  /tltj  damao;cd,ifhe 

uranger,  or  a  natural  linne:  becaule  I  am  the  Lord,  your  ^q^jJ  mio-hc 

23  God .  f  And  Moyfes  fpake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael  :  and  remiuc  al  or 
they  brought  him  forth  that  had  blafphemed,  without  the  part.  s.  ^ng. 
campe, and  they  ftonedhim.  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  did  l^^l9■c^^s■tont. 
as  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes.  ^""^  *'"* 

Chai'.     XXV. 

The  Uw  of  the  feuenth  yeare ,  Z.  Andfiftithjeare ,  which  is  the  luhilie.ii. 
when  aI  enhentdnce  fold  reiurneth  to  the  former  owner,  {i^.  4S  alfo  it 
m*y  in  /he  mexne  time  be  redeemed)  jy.  F fur  ie  prohibited  y^)^.  dnd  fer^ 
uitude  dmong  the  ifratlites ,  only  they  m4y  he  hyred  ttlthe  luiilieyeare. 
47.  and  may  be  redeemed  from  fermtiide  of firAPi^enx  j^.  dtledfithey 
ihtil  be  free  in  theycAre  of/ubtUe, 

I     A    Nd  our  Lord  fpakc  to  Moyfes  in  the  mount  Sinai, 

z   jl\  frying:  t  Speake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  thou 

«haltfay  to  them:  When  you  shal  be  entredto  thcland  which 

I  wil 

^11  LEviTicvs.  Times  of  reft*' 

I'wil  gcuc  you,   thou  shale  fabbatizc  the  fabbath  to  the 
Lord,  f  Six  ycares  thou  shair  fovre  thy  field,  and  fix  ycares  j 
thou  (halt  cut  thy  vincyard,aHd  flialt  gather  the  fruites  therof: 
t  but  in  the  fcucnch  ycarca  fabbath  shal  be  to  the  earth,  4- 
of  the  rcftine  of  the  Lord:  the  field  thou  shalt  not  fowc, 
and  the  vineyard  thou  shalt  not  cut.  f  The  thinges  that  ; 
the  ground  shal  bring  forth  of  itfclf,  thou  shalt  not  rcapc: 
and  the  grapes  of  thy  firft  fruites  thou  shalt  not  gather  as  a 
vintage:  for  it  is  a  yeare  of  the  rcfting  of  the  earth:  f  but  6 
rhcy  siial  be  viuo  you  for  mcate,  to  thee  and  thy  raanfcruant, 
ro  thy  vf  oman  feruant  and  hyrciing,  and  to  the  (l^rangci;  that 
fcioarneth  with  thee  :  t  '^^  ^^Y  bcaftes  and  cartel  al  thin-  7 
ges   that   gro\3/  shal  giue   ineatc.  '{"   Thou  shalt  number  8 
thee  alCo  leuen  weekes  of  yeares  ,   that  is   to  fay,  feucn 
times  feuen  ,    which  togetber  make  foiirtie  nine_^  ,   yca- 
•••OfronndiiKT^cs:   f  and  thou  ••  shalt   found  with  the  trunapet  rhc  ie-  ^ 
with  nupets^  uenth  moncth,  the  tenth  day  of  the  moneth,  in  the  time  of 
^57h':ch  isplea-  propitiation  in  al  your  land,  f  Thou  shale  fandifie  the  fiftetH  10 
lantS:  loyful,  y^^j-g^^j^^  shalt  proclaime  rerniifion  to  al  the  inhabitantes 
ijarae  of  lu-    ^f  thy  land  :  for  it  is  the  yeare  of  lubilie.   Euerie  man  shal 
bilic  :  the  cf-  returne  to  his  polfeflion,  and  euerie  one  shal  goe  backe  to 
Icdtofitis  re- his  old  familie  :  f  becaufe  k  is  the  lubilie  and  the  fiftcth   11 
jniirioR  of  al    yejjj-g.  You  shal  nor  fovc  nor  teape  the  thinges  that  groM'e  m 
rat'^o"of  for-  ^^^^  field  of  their  owne  accord,  and  the  firft  iruites  of  vintage 
mer  hbcrtic,    you  shal  not  gather,  f  becaufe  of  the  fancflification  of  the  u 
^nA  recoucric  lubijie,  but  forthwirh  as  they  grow  you  shal  eatc  them,  fin  15 
ofenhtntace.  j.[^^  yeare  of  lubilie  a]  shalrcturne  to  their  pofTeirions. 
ftameiuof  ^   t  "^hen  thou  ilialt  iclanie'thing  to  thy  neighbour,  or  shalt  14 
.ccpoial  tkinas  buv  of  him,  piefic  not  thy  brother,  but  according  to  the 
iathe  ncv/ of  number  of  the  yeares  of  lubilie  thou  shalt  buy  of  him, 
rpiritual.pix-  j.  ^nd  according  to  the  fupputarion  of  the  fruites  he  shal  if 
hgurc    thci-^  feltothce.  t  Tliemoe  yeares  rcraainc  after  the  lubilie,  fo  16 
offiunc;  <lcli-  muchmoreshal  the  price  mcrealc:  and  the  Iclie  time  that 
uciirno  bon- thou  shal  account ,  fo  much  the  lefie  shal  the  purchatc: 
dagK  tbcrof;    be  valued,  for  the  time  of  the  fruites  he  shal  fel  to  thee. 
"  2°"^'^"|,j      t  Poe  not  aftlid  your  contrimen,  but  let  euene  one  fearc  17 
jprcp.Trauonto^^^^^^'-^^^P'^^^^  ^  f^"^^  Lord  your  God.  f  Do  my  prcceptes,  18 
eternal  glorie.  and  kcepe  my  iudgementfs,  and  fulfil  them:  that  you  may 

c'welin  the  land  without  anie  feare,  f  and  the  ground  may  ip 
veld  you  her  fruites,  which  you  may  eate  vnto  your  fil,  fea-  ^ 
ring  no  mans  ihuaiion  .  f   But  if  you  fay;  What  shal  v^G;.,  10 


and  lubilcc.  L  e  v  i  t  i  c  v  s.  315 

cate  thcfeucnthycare,  if  we  low^  not,nqr  gather  our  fruitcs? 
II  t  Iwil  geue  you  my  bcnedi<5cion,  the  iixt  yearc,  and  it  ihal 
XI  yeld  the  fruites  of  three  yeafcs :  j-  and  the  eight  yeare  you 

shalfovrc,  aiid  shai  cate  of  the  old  huitcSy  vntil  the  ninth 
25  yearc  :  til  new  be  growne,  you  shal  cate  the  old.  -f  The  land 

alfo  shal  not  be  fouldfor  euer :  becaufeitismine,  and  you 
24  are  my  ftrangcrs  and  feiourners.  f  For  the  which  caufe  al 

thccountric  of  yourpoflcllion  shalbc  fould  vnder  the  con- 
If   dition  of  redemption,   f   If  thy  brother  impouerished  fel 

his  iirle  poileilion,and  hiskinfcman  \ril,  he  may  redeme  thac 

16  which  he  had  fould.  f  butifhehaueno  kinfeman,  and  him 

17  felfcanfindc  the  pncc  to  rcdcmc  it;  f  the  fruites  shal  be 
accounted  from  that  time  when  he  fould  it  :  and  the  reliduc 
heshal  reflore  to  the  buier^andfo  he  shalreceiue  his  pofTcf- 

aS  fionagaiiie.  f  butifhishand  findc  not  to  repay  the  price, 

the  buier  shal  haue  chat  he  bought,vntil  the  yeare  of  lubilee. 

Forinitallaleshalrcturnetotheowncr,  andro  the  old  pol- 
15)  felfour.  t  He  that  felleth  a  houfe  within  the  walles  of  a  ci- 

tie,  shal  haue  licence  to  redemfe  it,  vntil  one  yeare  be  expired, 
.50  t  ifhcredemeitnot,  and  thecompafTcof  the  yeare  be  fully 

our,  the  buier  shal  poileire  ity  and  his  pofteritie  for  euer,  and 
31  it  can  not  be  redemed,  no  not  in  the  lubilee.  f  But  it  the 

houfe  be  in  a  village,  that  hath  not  walles,  it  shal  be  fould 

according  to  the  law  of  fieldes.ifit  be  not  redcmed  before, 
51  in  the  lubilee  it  (hal  returne  to  the  owner,  -f  The  houles  of 
35  Leuites,  which  are  in  cities,  may  alwaies  be  redemed  :  f  if 

they  be  not  redemed,  in  the  lubilee  they  shal  returne  to  the 

owners,  becaufe  the  houfes  of  the  cities  of  the  Leuites  arc 
34  for  polleflions  among  the  children  of  Ifrael.  t  But  lee  not 

their  fuburbes  be  fould,  becaufe  it  is  a  perpetual  poireilion. 
3;  t  Ifthy  brother  be  empouerished,  and  weake  of  hand,  and  ..  j^^.j  f^j. 

thou  re^ciue  him  as  a  ftrangcr  andfeiourner,  and  he  Hue  with  thciraduatagc 
3^  thee,  t  take  not  vfuries  "  of  him,  nor  more  then  thou  ga-  holdit  hwful, 

ucft.  fearethvGod,  that  thy  brother  may  Hue  with  thee^.  ^°  "^^  ^^""'^ 

37  t  Thou  {bait  not  gcuc  him  thy  money  CO  vluric,  andanoucr  uoc  obfcruinff 

38  plusof  the  fruites  thou  shalt  nor  exadbofhim.  f  I  the  Lord  that  it  is  alfo 
your  God,  that  brought  you  out  of  the  Land  of^gygr,  that  commanded 
Imighcgeucyouthc  Landof  Chanaan,  and  might  be  yonr  often  mrcrip. 

39  God.  t  Ifthy  brother  conftrained  by  pouertie,  fel  him  ^^^^  p'tyZ'toYo^'e 
tothee,thou  shalt  not  opprelTe  him  with  the  feruirudc  of  jirJ,n-ers.Exod. 

,    ^o  feruants,  f  butheshal  be  as  .in  hireling,  and  a  fciourner :  n.i^.Lcm.if 

Q^  vntii 

^14  Levi  TIC  vs.  lubilce* 

vntil  the  yeare  oflubilec  he  shal  wotke  vrirh  thee,  f  ^^^  4i 
afcervrard  he  shal  goe  out  with  his  children,  and  shal  returne 
to  hiskinrcdandtothe  poffeilionof  his  fathers,  f  for  they  4r 
arc  my  feruantes,  and  I  brought  them  out  of  the  Land  of 
i£gypt.  let  thera  not  be  fould  by  the  condition  of  feruantes : 
f  affliA  him  not  by  might  3   but  feare  thy  God.  f  Let4544 
your  man  feruant,  and  woman  feruant,  be  of  the  nations 
that  are  round  about  you.    f   And  of  the  ftrangcrs ,  that  4f 
feiournc\rith  you,  or  that  were  borne  of  them  in  your  land, 
thefe  you  ihal  haue  for  feruantes  :  f  and  by  right  of  inhcri-  4^ 
tance  shal  leaue  them  to  your  pofteritie ,  and  shal  poffefiTe 
them  for  cuer.  but  your  brethren  the  children  of  Ifraeltloe 
ye  not  opprefTe  by  might,   f  If  the  hand  of  aftranger  or  47- 
feiourner  grow  ftrong  among  you,  and  thy  brother  empo- 
aerishcd  fei  him  felf  to  him,  or  to  any  of  his  ftocke:  -f-  alter  4^- 
the  faic  he  may  be  redeemed.  He  that  wil  of  his  brethren 
shal  redeme  him,  f    both  the  vnclc  by  fathrr,  and  the  49 
vncles  fonnc  ,    and   the   kinfman  ,  and   the  allied.    But, 
and  if  him  felf  be  able  alfo,   he   shal  redeme  him  felfe, 
t  accounting  onHe  the  yeares  from  the  time  of  his  felling  jo 
vnto  the  yeare  of  lubilee  :  and  accounting  the  money,  that 
he  was  fouid  for,  according  to  the  number  ©fth^  yeares 
and  the  reckning  of  an  hyreling.  f  If  they  be  more  yeares  51 
thatremaine  vntil  the  lubilee,  according  to  thefe  alfo  shal 
he  repay   the  price  .    f  if  few  ,  he  shal  make  the  reckning  ji- 
with  him  accotding  to  the  number  of  the  y-eares,  and  shal 
repay  to  the  buyer  for  that  which  remainethof  the  yeares, 
f  his  wages  being  allowed  for  the  which  he  ferued  before  :  55 
he  shal  not  afflid  him  violently  in  thy  fight,  -f  And  if  by  54 
thefe  meanes  he  can  not  be  redemed,  in  the  yeare  of  lubilee 
he  shal  goe  out  with  his  children  .  f  For  the  children  of  ff 
Ifrael  are  my  feruantes,  whom  I  brought  forth  out  of  the 
Landof  i£gypt. 

Chap.    XXVI.' 

yyitb  nerv  prohibition  of  idoUtrie,  4nd commnndment  to  hope  tie  Sdhhath 
}.  rewardes  are promifed to  althat  cyfcrue  Godi precepts.  14.  ^ndmanie 
miprable  punishments  are  thredtned  to  al  tranfirejiors. 

y  Hcretikcs     T    T  H  E  Lord  your  God :  you  shal  not  make  to  your  felues  i 
hoMinjr  their  l^  ^^  i^gi  ^„j  ::  ^^-       grauen,  neither  shal  you  cred  titles, 
S-  wil  aedcs  nor  let  a  notorious  ftone  in  your  land,  for  to  adore  iti.. 

Rcwardespromifcd,  Leviticvs.  315^ 

X  for  I  am  the  Lord  your  God.  f  Kcepc  my  fabbathcs,  and  haue  an  Image' 
5  dreadmy  Sanduaric.  I  theLord.  f  If  you  walke  in  my  pre-  ofChrift.or 

ceptcs,andkcepe  my  conimandcmenccs,  anddocrhem,  I  vil  Sainft,  tobc 
'  4  gcue  you  Tainc  in  their  feafons,  f  and  the  earth  shal  bring  \  f  .f^^  p"]  • 

forth  her  rpring,and  the  trees  {halberepleni{lied\rith  fruitcj^  forbtddcn  in 

5  t  The  threshing  of  your  harueftshal  reach  vntovinragCj  and  liolic  Sciiptu- 
the  vintage  shal  reach  vnto  fowing  time:  and  yon  slial  cate  i;cs:&chciforc 
your  bread  to  your  hi,  and  without  fcarcshalyou  dwcl  in  1^.7"^'°^^^'^* 

,  11,   Tl  •  n  1     ^n  Vefd  i  ^ratten  t^ 

6  yoarJaud.  f  I  wilgeue  peace  m  your  coaftcs:  you  shaHlcepe,  w^-ri-v/hcrc  ia 
.and  there  shal  be  none  to  make  you  afraid.  I  ^Jpil  take  away  dedcuCgnifi- 

cuil  beaftcs:  and  the  fw0rdsh.1l  not  palfc  through  your  quar-  ^'^  *"  i'^-^ge, 

7  tcrs.  t  You  shal  purfue  your  enemies,  and  they  shal  fal  be-  P"^»'^eorpur- 
0  tore  you.  f  "«^s  or  yours  shal  purine  an  hundred  Itrangcrs,  ^^i  ^[^^^  ij  ^ 

and  an  hundred  of  youitennc  thoufand  :  your  enemies  shal  ^rd»en  idol.  So 

5)  fai  by  die  i word  in  your  light,  f  I  wilrcfpe6tyou,andmake  here  as  in  o- 

\ou  cncreafe  :  you  shal  be  multiplied,  and  I  wil  eftablish  my      /  -ft*^^'  " 

10  eouenant  ■'K'ith  you.  ■{-  You  shal  cate  the  eldeft  of  the  old  mike  an  idoK 
(toie,and  new  coming  vpon  it  you  shal  caffc  forth  the  old.  or  fimilitadc 

11  f  I  wil  ie-tte  my  tabetnack  in  the  middes  of  you,  and  my  ofanicidolv 
11  fouleshalnotcaft-youof.  f  I  wil  xralkeamongyou,  and  wil 

1}  be  your  God,  and  you  shal  be  my  people.  *[•  I  the  Lord  your 
God  :  that  haue  brought  you  out  of  the  Land  of  the  -<4:gyp- 
tians,  that  you  should  not  ferue  them,  and  that  haue  broken 
the  chaincs  of  your  ncckes,  that  you  might  goevprightL.. 

14  t  But  if  you  wil  not  heare  me,  nor  doe  al  my  commande- 
2;  menti,  f  if  you  difpife  my  lawes,  and  contemne  my  iudge- 

memesthatyoudo  not  thofe  thinges  which  arc  appointed 

16  by  me,  and  bring  my  eouenant  to  nothing  worth:  -f  I  alfo 
wil  do  thefc  thinges  to  you:  I  shal  quickly  vifite  you  with 
poucrtic,  and  burning  heat,  which  shal  waift  your  cies,  and 
confume  your  hues,  you  shal  fowe  your  fecde  in  vaine, which 

17  fhal  be  deuoured  of  the  enemies,  f  I  wil  fcttc  ray  face 
againft  you,  and  you  shal  fal  downe  before  your  enemies, 
and  shal  be  made  fubiedt  to  them  that  hate  you .  you  shal 

18  flee,  when  no  man  purfucth  you.  f  But  if  you  wil  not 
obey  me  fo   neither,   I  wil  increafe  your  chaftiferaentes 

15  fcucn  fould  for  your  finnes  ,  -f  and  wil  breake  the  pride 
of  your  ftubburneffc  ,  and  I  wil  make  to  you  the  heauen  , 

20  from  aboueasiron,  and  the  earth  as  braffe.  ■\  Your  labour 

ihal  be  fpct  in  vainc,the  earth  ihal  not  bt ing  forth  her  fpring, 

Ai  nor  the  trees  yeld  their  fruitcs.  t  ^^  yoia  walkc  contraric 

Q^q   z  come. 

J, 5'  L  E  V I T I  c  V  s.  Punilhmerits 

to  mc,  and  wil  not  hcare  mc,  I  ^il  incrcafe  your  plagues  vntil 
fcucn  fould  for  your  finnes:  f  and  I  wil  (end  in  vpon  you  12 
the  beaftes  of  the  field,  which  may 'confumc  you,  and 
your  cattailc,  and  may  bring  al  thinges  to  a  fmal  number, 
and  that  your  waies  may  be  made  defert.  f  And  if  you  vril  1^  ' 
neither  fo  recciuc  difcipline  ,  but  walke  rather  contrarie  to 
me :  f  I  ^^^^  '^^^  S°^  oppofitc  againft  you ,  and  wil  ftrike  24 
you  feuen  times  for  yourlinnes.  f  andlwil  bring  in  vpon  25 
youthefNTord  a  reuengcr  of  my  couenant.  And  ^3^hcn  you 
Ihal  tlee  into  the  cities,  1  wil  fend  the  peftii'ence  in  the  mid- 
deft,  of  you,  and  you  shal  be  deliuered  in  the  handcsof  the 
enemies,  -f  after  I  shal  haue  broken  the  ftaffe  of  your  bread:  z^ 
(othat  renne  \remen  shal  bake  your  brcades  in  one  ouen,' 
and  render  them  by  weight :  and  you  shal  eatc,  and  shal 
not  be  filled,  f  But  if  you  wil  neither  by  thefc  meanes  hearc  ij 
me,  but  walke  againft  me:  f  I  alfo  vil  goc  againft  you  in  28 
contrarie  furic ,  and  wil  chaftice  you  with  feuen  plagues^ 
-This  ex-      f^^  your  finnes,  f  To  that  you  shal  -  catc  the  flesh  of  your  29 
cremc  famine  fonnes  and  of  your  daughters,  -f  I  wil  deftroy  your  excelfes,  30 
fel  ypon  fomc  and  breakc  your  idols.  You  fhal  fal  among  the  ruines  of  your'  ' 
ofthemin  Sa-  j^j^jj  ^^^  j^y  fgulc  ihal  abhorre  you,  f  info  much  that  I  wil  31 
rvpon^othcfs  bring  your  cities  into  a  wildernefle,and  I  wil  make  your  San- 
in Hicrufalcm  duaries   defert,    neither  wil  I  receiue  any  more  the  moft!l:  fweeteodour.  t  And  I  wil  diftroy  your  land,  and  your  ene-  32. 
fpecially  whe   ^^j^j  (^,^1  jjg  aftoniedvpon  it,  when  they  fhal  be  inhabitants 
liffcdbiYTituV  ^^^^^^-  t  Aad  you  I  wildifperfe  into  the  Gentiles,  and  wil  35 
lofe^hus  U.  7.    draw  out  the  fword  after  you,  and  your  land  shal  be  defert, 
c.6.deb€llt  lit.  and  your  cities  deftroied.  f  Then  shal  the  land  take  pleafure  34 
'''^"''  in  her  f^bbathes  al  the  dales  of  her  defolation :  when  you  shal 

be  j-  in  the  enemies  land,  she  shal  fabbarize,  and  reft  in  the  3J    - 
fabbathes  of  her  defolation,  becaufc  fbedid  not  reft  in  your 
fabbathes  when  you  dwelt  in  it.  "f  And  they  that  shal  re-  3<^ 
maineofyou,  I  wilput  Fearein  theirhartcs  in  the  countries 
of  their  enemies, the  found  ofa  Hying  leafe  shal  tcrrifie  them, 
and  they  shal  flie  it  as  ir  were  a  fword  :  they  shal  fal,  when 
no  man  purfneth,  -j-  and  they  shal  euerie  one  fal  vpon  their  37 
brethren,  as  flying  from  warres,  noneof  you  shal  be  fo  bar- 
die as  to  refift  your  enemies,  f  You  shal  perish  among  the  38 
Gentiles,  and  the  enemies  land  shal  confume  you.  f  And  if  59 
ofthemalfo  fomeremaine,  they  shal  pine  away  in  their  ini- 
quities, in  the  land  of  their  enemies,  and  for  the  finnes  of 


threatncd'  Leviticvs,  517 

40  their  fathers,  and  their  c\rne  thcyshalbc  afflided  :  f  vwtil  •••  lacobisfirft 
they  confefle  their  ownc  and  their  auncetours  i"^"^^^^^  j  bccau"cTc\ad 
vh<?rby  they  haue  preuaricated  againft  me,  and  walked  con-  j^o  other  chil- 

41  traricvnro  me.  f  I  alfotherfore  wil'aralke  againft  them,  and  dvcn  but  this 
bring  th^tn  inro  their  encmieiland,  vntil  their  vncircnmci-  people,  for  I- 
fedmmdbe  ashamed:  then  shal  rhey  pray  for  their  '""'P'^- fathcTc^f  h^ 

42  ties,  j  And  I  MT'il  remember  mycouen^nt,  that  I  made  with  idumcans.and 
••  lacob,  and  Ifaac,  and  Abraham.   Oftheland  aho  I  wil  be  Abra' aaiorc- 

45  mindful:  -f-  which  when  it  shsl  be  left  of  them,  shal  take  oucrotthcll- 
pleafureinherfabbathes,bein^defolatefor  rhem.  But  they  f/^^""  ""'^ 
shal  pray  tor  their  Iinnes,  tor  tnat  they  rciected  my  ludge-  a^d  becaufe 

44   mentes,  anddifpifedmy  lawes  .  f  Howbcit  euen  when  they  the  great  pro- 
were  in  the  land  of  their  enemies,  -  I  did  not  caft  them  ofal-  ^^^'^^  made 
together,  neither  did  I  fo  difpifc  them,  that  they  shouM  be  '"Abraham 

r  J  jTiiJi  -ji  r        and  Kaac  per- 

conlumed,  and  I  should  make  my  couenant  witn  them  fru-  tamed  only 

45  ftrarc.  Fori  am  the  Lord  theirGod,  f  and  I  wil  remember  to  the  Ilraeli- 
mine  old  couenant,  when  I  brought  them  out  of  the  Land  tes.  Theodont. 
of^aypt,inthcfiehtofthc  Gentiles,  for  to  be  their  God  '^-^f;'"  1""^ 

T     L      T       J    T-i     r  L      •     1  I  1  ::  The  church 

I  the  Lord.  Theic  are  the  ludgemenres,  and  precepts,  and  n^uer  vcholly 

lawes,  which  our  Lord  gaue  betwcnhim  felf  and  the  chil-  dccajcth. 

dren  of  Ifrael  in  Mount  Sinai  by  the  hand  of  Mo]p{es. 

Chap,    XXVIL 

HoVO  Come  '>r,wes  of  Jitters  pcrfones  may  be  redcmrd,  hut  f(Yr;cm4yn<itle  t-l    ^tt 

,  ,     o        I  I  All     1  ri  I  1         r-        „  Thchfth  p.-trr. 

(bdnged.  iY>..y(l^one  "ftu^  oroiher^muft  beailcbdv^ed.  50.  Tithes  a!jQ  mujt  of  vowes  and 

hepayeJ.eitkerthcfamcthatareJueorwcre.  Tithes. 

1  i.  A  Nd  our  Lord  fpake  to  Mo)res,  faying:  |  Speakefc^ 
J~\.  the  children  of  Ifracl,  and  thou  ("halt  fay  to  them  :  The 
man  that  (hal  haue  made  a  vow,  and  ■•  bound  his  foule  to 

3  God,  by  eftimation  he  fbalgeue  the  price,  -f  If  "Becaurenoo' 
from  the  twcntethyeare  vntil  three  fcore,  he  shalgeue  fiftie  ^■•'''  ^"^  f^'e 

4  ficles  of  filuer,  after  the  meafure  of  the  Sanduarie:  f  if  a  cou?d"eru-"a- 

5  woman,  thirtie.  -f  But  from  the  fiftycarc  vntil  the  cwenreth,  bout  the  ts~ 

6  a  man  (halgeue  twentie ficles:  awomantenne.  f  From  one  bemarle,  and 
moneth  vntiltheiiftyeare,foraman  fbal  be  geuen  Hue  ficles:  y^.-  ^^^"^ 

■7   for  a  woman  three,  f  One  that  is  three  fcore  and  aboue  a  '"'f  /    V"^*^ 

8  man  shal  geue  fiftene  ficles  :  a  woman  tennc.   f_  if  he  be  they  might  in 
poore,andnotablctopaytheeftimationhe(hal  ftand  before  f^ec<i  thcrof 
theprieft:  andas  muchas  he  fbalefteme,  andfeehim  able  to  g^ucaprice? 

9  pay,  fo  much  flial  he  geue.  f  But  the  beaft,  that  may  be  im-  ^a^d'of^thek 
xo  molacedtotheLord,ifamandoevowit,shalbeholie,t  and  good  wil!  ^^^ 

Q^  5  cannot  ' 

3i^  LEviTiCTsr  VoweSjani 

■  ::  The  thing  can  not  be  changed,  rhac  is  to  fay,  ••  neither  a  better  for  a 
thatisvo^jp^cd,  bad,  nor  a  vorfe  for  a  good,  and  if  he  change  it:  bothitfelf 
i-t  ir  may  be  fh^,.  ^^g  changed,  and  that  for  the  which  it  ^as  changed, 
Jlealcch  God  iHal  be  conlecrated  to  the  Lord,  t  The  vncleane  bcatt,  n 
bccccr,  then  a  which  cannot  be  immolated  to  the  Lord,  ifanie  man  vovit 
change.  shal  be  brought  before  the  ptieft.  t  "^ho  iudgeing  whether  it 

itbegoodoreueljshalfctthepnce.  -f  which  if  he  that  of-    15 
fcreth  wil  geue,  he  shal  adde'abouc  theellimation  the  fife 
part,  t  If  amanyow  his  houfe,  andfan<2ifieit  to  the  Lord,  14 
thepriefishalconfiderit,  whetherit  begoodorbad,  and  ac- 
cording to  the  price,  which  he  shal  appoiiir,  it§halbe  fold. 
t  Butifhethathad  vowed,  wilredeme  it,  he  shal  geue  the  ij 
.fift  part  of  the  eftimation  bc-lides,  and  shal  haue  the  houfe. 
f  Andif  he  vow  thefield  of  hispoircilion,  andcon(ecrat.c  it  iS 
to  the  Lord,  the  price  shal  be  eltemcd  according  Lo  the  mea- 
fure  of  the  fcedc.lf  theground  he-iowed  vith  ihirtic  bushels 
cfbarlyjletitbefoldt  forfifuclicks  of  hiucr.  f  If  he  vo'*'   1-7 
his  field  immcdiatly  from  theyeareoi  labile r,  thu  i^  begin- 
ning, how  can  be  worth,  at  fo  mucii  It  shJ  be  cllc- 
med:  f  but  if  fometirae after:  the  p;ie{t  .shal  account  the  18 
money  according  to  the  number  of  yearcs,  that  remaine  vntii 
the  lubilee, and  thereshal  be  diminished  of  the  price,  j  And  1^ 
if  he  that  had  vowed,  wiiredeme  his  litld,  he  shal  adde  the 
fiftpart  of  the  eftemed  money,  and  shal  pofl'cire  it.  -j-  And  2.0 
if  he  wil  not  redeme  ir.j  but  it  be  fould  to  any  other  man,  he 
that  had  vowed  it,  can  redeme  it  no  more:  f  for  when  the  zi 
day  oFlubileecomraGchjit  fnal  be  fanftified  to  thcLord,  and 
the  pofTcilion  confecrated  pertaineth  to  the   right  of  the 
prieftes.  t  If  the  field  be  bought,  and  being  not  of  his  aun-  12, 
cetors  pofleilion  befan<3:ified  to  the  Lord,  f  the  prieft  fhal  2j 
account  the  price  according' to  the  number  ofycares,  vnto 
theiubilec:  and  he  that  had  vowed,  ibal  gcue  that  to  the 
Lord,  f  but  in  the  lubil-ce,  it  shal  rcrurne  to  the  former  24 
ownqr,  rhat  fould  it,  andhaditinthelotte  of  his  polfeffion. 
about^f  ^^^  t  Al  ellimarion  shal  be  weighed  by  the  =•  ficle  of  the  Un-  2f 
.cbolns  three    <^uarie  .  A  ficlchath  twcntie  oboles.  f  The'"  firft  borne^,  i6 
taithingts.      which  pertainc  to  the  Lord,  no  man  may  fandifie  and  vow  : 

whether  it  beoxc,  or  sheepe,  they  arc  the  Lordcs    f  Andif  27 
it  be  an  vncleane  beall,  he  that  alfereth  it  shal  redeme  it,  ac- 
cording to  rhy  eftimatiiTJition  ,  and  shal  adde  the  fift  part  of 
ihc.prict.  if  he  vil  noi  redeme  it,  it  siial  be  fould  to  an  other 

Tithes  Le  V I  T I  c V  s.  ^19 

iS  for  hoxr  mucliroeuerit  waseftemcd  by  thee,  f  Anie  thing 

that  is  ••  coniecrarcd  to  the  Lord,  whether  it  Be  man,  or  :-Avo'wmaclc 
beafi,or  fieM,shal  nor  be  fould,  neither  can  it  heredcmed.  ^PPf"^"^^^^^"^^ 
'Whatfoeuer  is  once  confecrated,  shal  be  hohe  of  hohcs  to  r°^j^'^!^n!f  „1? 

'•  .  -^  vjOU  3  Call  iiOt 

29  the  Lord.  ■}•  And  any  confccration,  that  is  offered  of  a  man,  bsclunaeaby  • 

30  shalnot  beredemed,  but  dying  shal  die.  f  A\  tithes  of  the  anie  man,r/;e»- 
land,  -Nyhethcr  of  corne,  or  of  the  fruites  of  trees,  arc  the  "'*•  5-  '*^^'  *" 

51  Lordcs,andarefan(Si;ihed  to  him  .   f  And  if  anie  man  wii   ""^* 

52  rcdeme  his  tithes,  he  shaladde  the  fift  part  of  them,  f  Of 
al  the  tithes  of  oxen  ,  and  sheepe  and  goaces ,  that  paffe 
vnder  the  shccpheardcs  rodde,  cuerie  tenth  that  commcth 

53  shal  be  fandiiied  to  the  Lord  .  f  It  shal  not  be  chofen 
neither  good  nor  bad, neither  shal  it  be  changed  for  an  other. 
If  anie  man  changeit :  both  that  which  was  changed,  and 
that  for  the  wliich  it  was  changed,  sha!  be  fandified  to  the 

14-  Lord,  andshainot  beredeemed.  -f  Thefe  are  the  precepts, 
which  our  Lord  commanded  Moyfes  vnto  the  childreji  of 
Ifraelin  the  mount  Sinai» 

Ghap.    XXVII. 

i6.   The  firfi  barne.  ]   God  here  forbtJdeth  to  vow  the  fIrftT)orn-e,an<I  geneth  VoweS  are  nr 
ti^erca.(on,  fox  ihat  they  are  the  Lvrdes,  fliewing  thatthofe  things,  wherto  ■viJ'c  pcrlv  ofthno^ 
arc  already  bound-aienofproperly  matter  of  vow.  Baravowc  properly  is  a  re-  „„,  {.„.^„     ^' 
1     •  T       1  I         J        /-    J     r-  J  L-  L-  1   ■  ""'^  commaa- 

ligious  promile  volanMnly  made  to  GodjOta  wood  thing, vnto  Mfhichv-e  vf'erc  j.j 

Kfnm.€.  nocbounJ,   And  thacthefame  is  veric  gratful  to  God,  appearcijinot  onl^  in 
JO.  this  chapter,  andin  nianieotherplaces  of  Moyfes  law,  butalfointhe  law  of        , 

Dent.1'^.  nature  Gcn.t?..  lacob  vowed ,  and  God  accepted  thcrof.  Cen.  31.  v.  ry  And  Andaregrat« 
Pfal.zi.    the  royal  Prophet  in  diuersPfalmes  pertaining  to  the  ntwTclTamcntcommen-  *"^^°  God. 
^9-7§'     dcth  vowes.  It  isccrtainealfo&manifeft.  i.  Tim.  5.  thatwidowesdidlawfully 
liy.  i}l,   vowe  chaftitie  in  the  pnmitiue  Church:  and  fuch  as  did  afterward  breakethe  ■^'■^°  ^^  ^^'^ 
fame, did  violate  their  promifc  to  God.  Innumerable  alfo  moft  lerned  andmoft  ^iCW  Tefta* 
godliefatherSjhauccuerfrom  Cb'rifts  time  both  taughtandpraftiledreligious  ^icac, 
vowes,  ofobedicncctofuperiois,whoothexwirchadnoaurhoritieouerthem, 
andof  pcrpetualchaftitie^and Yoluntaricpoucrtic.  Itis  likewife,  aad  conti- 
r  ually  hath  bcnne,  a  inoft  common  pradifc  in  the  Church,  to  vow  other  good 
workcsofpietic,astovifitcholieplaccs,  to  build  Churches,  Collcgics,Ho{pi- 
^Is,  and  thclikc,  being  no  way  bound  thcrtobut  of  mere  deuotibn.  Jf*  v^»- 
notations.  1,  Tim.  ^. 




IN  thii  bookeuUedNumerh^recomiimed  {fiieth  S.Uierom)  the  Ttip-.  a£ 
Myftericsofal  Arithmcdke^  ornumhtrmg^  ofthe  Prol^hecicof  P*''*'"*' 
tcniedinthclc  Balaam,  and  of  the  fourtie  two  Mansions  ofthelfraelites,  in  the  dc- 
Inttories.  ^^j. ^^  rrhicb  mjfiical  fenfe  the  fame  ^reat  DoH^or,  as  alfo  S.  ^ugufim  and  J^^'^" 

other F*thers  dogAthsroftkihteralyMuittenbyMoyfes.  VFboherefrcf^ecu-  Exed. jo 
teth  thf  facred  hijtone  after  Genejis  dind  Exodus  (Leuitictfi  dlfo  contamtng  Leuit.i, 

_,  one  moneth )  from  the  fecond  moneth  of  the  fecondyeAre,  after  the  ddmerie  of  ^'^  '»•  i  • 

The  contents     i    ,r     i  r  a-  i    i  ;C-  ^         ,     i  /-         ^    .    •' 

accoidinr  to    ^"^ ^' ''^''^'^''^  oftff  p/  Jt^j^t^nere  ^cf.yeA  es^to  theUHofMoy/ei life.  Fiift  thtr-  chap,  i . 

tke  lecicr.         fore  he  re^ortethhon?  al  the  men  of  twdue  irihs^  of  the  <<f  f  of  tiventK  yedrcs  ^^' 

and  '^ptvird^'^eri'  numbered.    LiksrVift  the  tribeofleui  "^as  numbered  ap)d  5.  4; 

irn^hy^d Partly  m prujilie  fui-Sion,  the  reft  to  a ft'il  the  prie^i.  ffedcfcnbah  ^^^ 

alfo  theoiae:-  of  marhtBg  lind  et/campir/g, the  LcftUes  alwaj's  next -And  round  '"  ^°* 

atci^t  the  r^bernarle :  the  other  twettis  tubes  in  circuite  of  them  on  d  f:d^s. 

Hernort'OHerrecordethcert(iineHot^iblemtirmirnn(rs,tHmiilt'.,jchifmesy  and  n.  n, 

rsbjUiom  'Wt.h  the  euents  thercf  and  miferabU  endes  of  chief ffducers.rrhofe  15-  14. 

^reat  mmrtes  Moyfes  mtkelyfu-ftauud  ttnth  fin^uUr  pattence,  ftU  executing  r  ^ .  1  o . 

hisownefuntltoa  Tt^nh  heroictl  fortitude,  ^mon^'^hich]  diuen precepts  5.  6.  ly. 

atjdUrves  are  partly  repeated  partly  added,  as  ^erconcerninrrp^'igiori  and  17.  ^p. 

Godsferuice,  asgodUe poluie  and  aitdgntiernment  of  ihe people,  ^tth  chaj9if~  zy .  i8.' 

meijt  of  offenders .    BoW  alfo  then  inexsie,  endesioitred  to  annoy  them.Balac  ^9i°- 

VVickea  lift 
<3raweth  to  I- 

dohtne.  encomten  ahdiattailefarAinil  Inf.dels.'^Fmady  the  prom  ifed  Land  of  C  ha-  i^-ih 

naan  on  both  fides  lordaine  is  defcribed  by  limttes,  "^hich  they  shal  parte  4-  54. 
Mongsi  them  by  U-t- ,  the  Leustcs  rmnglid  m  eitene  tribe,-  ymth  thar  appoiri^  W 
iedatiesandcontmoditie:  for  habitation,  and  the  tithes,  frfffruttes,  obU-  18. 
tions  andabmdant  promfion  for  their  mmntinAnce.  Ctti<-s  alfo  of  r.fugc  are  3  J- 
defigned  for  cafual  m^n flayers  1  and  a  law  efiabiished  thaf  al  ihd  marie  j^. 
'ihis  b  ^'^k  *    'Within  their  owne  tribes,,  to  ayotde  confufion  ofinhentames.      So  this  booke 
^'  may  be  dmded  into  three  partes.   Jnthefirfl  the  pnnctpKl  a-^d  mcjl-  perfe^ 
fort  of  the  people  are  numbered,  and  dtfpofed  in  order  according  to  diuersji^ites 
and  offices  Mforei  hey  depart  from  thedefertof  Stnai.  in  themnefirf}  chapters. 
Then  are  reUted  fundrte  thitiges,  ^buh  happened  ynto  them  m  the  refl-  of 
thetr  tourney,  efpecially  mameandge^t  impediments,  through  al  "which  God 
pHnishmg  fame,  brought  the  reftdtte  to  emoy  t  he  promt  fed  Und.  from  the  to. 
chaff,  to  the  end  of  the  t,7^.  Laflly  thecountne  of  Chanaan  ts  agame  promifed, 
ytth  order  fo  to  poff  ffe  and  enioy  it,  thjt  eurie  tribe  may  kd'ie  and  f^eeft 
jhtiirfaicratl  pArtis.  m  the  three  lafi  ehaj>t,rs. 


N  V    M   E    R  I 

(OR    N  V  M  B  E  R  S)    IN 

Chap-     I. 

l4Uhemcnofttvcluetnhesoflfiuel,ofthe  age  ofifVenUeycms  and^'^- 
■     mrdes  (butHot^nder.norT^emrr,,)  aremmbred:  zo.  And  are  found 
wd/ix hundred  th^rtiethouftndfue  hundred fifne.  ^7.  The  Leuites  not 
yet  nitmhrcd,  ^re  dePgned  tofcrue  about  the  ubcrnade. 

N  D  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes  in  the 
defert  of  Sinai  in  the  tabernacle  of  co- 
uenant,  the  firft  day  of  the  fecond  mo- 
neth,the  fecond  ycafe  of  their  going 
out  of  y£gypti-,  faying  :  t  Take  the 
fumme  of  the  whole  afTemblie  of  the 
children  of  Ifrael  by  their  kinredcs,  & 
houfcs,  and  the  names  of  euerieone, 

^  viTatroeuerofthcmalefcxe,  f  from  the  twcntith  yeare  and 
vpvard,  of  ai  the  ftrong  men  of  Ifrael,  and  you  shal  number 

4  them  by  their  troupes,  thou  and  Aaron.  +  And  there  shal  be 
-vhh  you  the  princes  of  the  tribes,  and  of  the  houfcs  in 

J    their  kinrcdes  ,    f    ^hofe  names  arc  thefe  :  Of  Ruben  , 

6  EHzur  the  fonnc  of  Sedeur.    t  Of  Simeon,  Salamiel  the 

7  fonne  of  Surifaddai.  t  Of  luda,  NahalTon,  the  fonne  of 

8  Aminadab  .  f  Of  lUkchar,  Nathanael  the  fonne  of  Suar. 
-9  lot  Of  Zabulon  Ehab  the  fonne  of  Helon.  f   And  of  the 

.  Tonnes  of  lofeph,  of  Ephraim,Elifama  the  fonne  of  Ammiud. 
II  of  ManalTcs,  GamaUel,the  fonnc  of  Phadalfur .  j  of  Ben- 
u  iamin,  Abidan  the  (onne  of  Gcdcon.  f  of  Dan  ,  Ahiezer 
15  the  fonne  of  Ammifaddai.  t  of  Afer,  Phcgicl  the  fonnc 
lAijoi-  Ochran.  f  Of  Gad ,  Eliazaph  the  fonne  of  Duel,  f  Of 
'iC  Nephthali,  Ahirathe  fonne  of  Enan.  f  Thefe  are  the  moft 
noble  princes  ofihc  multitude  by  their  tribes  and  kinredcs, 

R  X  and 

The  firftpattr 
v/hichare  nu- 
bred  of  thciz. 
Tribes  fittefor 
Leuitcs  defig- 
Red  to  ferue 
the  TabcrJU- 

Jit  NvMERir  Twelue  tribes 

andtheheadcsof  the  hofteof  Ifrael:  t  N»'hom  Moyfes  and  17 
Aaron  tooke  withal  the  muhirude  of  the  common  people: 
f  and  afTembled  them  the  fiift  day  of  the  fecondmoneth,  18 
rcckeninothemby  the  kinredes,  and  Houfcs,  and  families, 
and  headcs,   and  names  of  cuerie  one  from  the   twentith 
ycare  and  vpwarde,  t  as  our  Lord  had  comanded  Moyfes.  19 
And  they  were  numbered  in  the  defert  of  Sinai,  f  Of  Ruben  20 
thefirltbegottenof  Ifrael,  by  their  generations  and  families 
and  houfes,  and  names  of  euerie  heade,  al  that  is  of  the  male 
fexe,  from  twentith  yeare  and  vpwarde,  of  them  that  goe 
forth  to  warrc,  f  fourtie  fix  thoufand  hue  hundred,  f  Ofiiii 
the  Tonnes  of  Simeon  by  the  generations  and  families,  and 
houses  of  their  kinredes  werereckened  by  the  names  and 
headcs  of  cuerie  one,  al  that  is  of  the  male  fexe,from  twentith 
yeareand  vpward,  of  them  that  goe  forth  to  warrc,  j-  fiftie  15 
nine  thoufand  three  hundred,  f  Of  the  fonnesof  Gad,  by  14 
the  generations  and  families  and  houfes  of  their  kinredes 
were  reckned  bythe  names  of  euerie  one  from  twentie  yeares 
and  vpwarde ,  al  that  went  forth  to  warre ,  f  foiirtic  fiuc  z; 
thoufand  iix  hundred  fiftie.  f  Ofthc  fonnes  to  luda  by  the  26 
generations  and  families  and  houfes  of  their  kinredes ,  by 
the  names  of  euerie  one  from  the   twentith  yeare  and  vp- 
ward  ,  al  that  could  goe  forth  to  waire,  f  were  reckned  17 
feucntie  fourc  thoufand  fix  hundred,   f  Of  the  fonnes  of  2S 
Iflachar,  by  the  generations  and  families  and  houfes  of  their 
kinredes,  by  the  names  of  euerie  one  from  the  twentith  yeare 
andvpward,  al  that  went  forth  to  warre,  f  were  reckened  29 
fiftie  foure  thoufand  fourc  hudred.  f  Of  the  fonnes  of  Zabu-  3c 
Ion,  by  the  generations  and  families  and  houfes  of  their  kin- 
redcs,werc  reckened  by  names  of  euerie  one  from  the  twen- 
tith yeare  and  vp  ward, al  that  could  goe  forth  rowarre,  f  fiftie  31 
leuen  thoufand  foure  hundred,  j-  Of  the  fonnesof  lofeph,  ;i 
namely  ofthc  fonnesof  Ephraim  by  the  generations  families 
and  houfes  of  their  kinredes  were  reckened  by  the  names 
of  euerie  one,  from  the  twcnrith  yeare  and  vpward,al  that 
could  goe  forth  to  warre  ,  f  fourtie  thoufand  fine  hundred.  ^■ 
■f  Moreouer  of  the  fonnes  of  Manallcs,  by  the  generations  34 
and  families  and  houfes  of  their  kinredes,  were  reckened 
by  the  names  of  cuerie  one  from  twentie  yeares  and  vpward, 
al  that  could  goe  forth  to  warre,  f  thirtie  two  thoufand  35- 
two  hundred  .  j-  Of  the  fonnes  of  Bcniamin  by  the  gene-  36 


jiumbered.  Nvmeri.  525 

rations  and  families  and  houfcs  of.  their  kinredes  were  recke- 

ncd  by  names  of  eueric  one  from  the  twcntith  ycare  and 

57  vpward  ,  al  that  could  goe  forth  to  -w^arre ,  f   thirtie  fine 

•  3S  thoufand  foure  hundred,  f  Of  the  Tonnes  of  Dan,  by  the 

^         generations  and  families,  and  houfes  of  their  kinredes,  were 

reckcned  by  the  names  of  eueric  one  from  twentie  yeares 

59  andvpward,  al  that  could  goe  foirh  to  warrc,  f  fixtic  two 

40  thouiand  feucn  hundred,  t  Of  the  Tonnes  of  Afer,  by  the 
generations  and  families  and  houTes  of  their  kinredes,  were 

reckened  by  the  names  of  eueric  one    from  the  twentith 

41  yeare  and  vpward,  al  that  could  goe  forth  to  warre,  j  fourrie 
41  thoufand  and  a  thoufand  hue  hundred,  f  Of  the  Tonnes  of 

Nephthalijby  the  generations,  and  families,  and  houfes  of 
their  kinredes  were  reckened  by  the  names  of  eueric  one 
from  the  twentith  yeare  and  vpward,  al  that  could  goe  forth 

4544to  warre,  t  hftie  three  thouiand  foure  hundred,  f  Thefe 
are  they,whom  Moyfes  and  Aaron  numbered,and  the  twelue 
princes  of  Ifracl,  cuerie  one  by  the  houTes  of  their  kinredes. 

■4;  t  And  the  whole  number  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  by  their 
hduTes  and  families  ,  from  the  twentith  yeare  and  vpward, 
4<j  that  could  goe  to  warre.  f  Were  ^-  fix  hundred  three  thou-  :.ComingiBf« 

47  Tand  men  fine  hundred  fiftie.  t  But  the  Leuites  in  the  tribe  ^gypf  they 

48  of  their  families  were  not  numbered  with  them,  f  And  our  ^J^^  i"' rea- 

49  Lord  Tpaketo  Moyfes,  faying:  f  Number  not  the  tribe  of  fgd  in  it6.  ' 
Leui,  neither  shalt  thou  put  the  Tumme  of  them  with  the  yeares  vnto 

fo  children  of  Ifrael :  f  but  appoint  them  ouer  the  tabernacle  ^o3f5o- not 

.      ofteftimonie,  and  al  the  veflel  therof,  and  whatToeuer  per-  counting  the 
1  .  .         ^,  I     1         •       1  1^1     tribe  ot  Leui, 

tainerh  to  the  ceremonies.  They  shal  cane  the  tabernacle  nor  wemcn, 

and  al  the  furniture  therof:  and  they  shal  be  in  the  minifterie,  nor  anie  vnder 

ji  and  shal  pitch  round  about  the  tabernacle,  t  "When  you  10. yeares, nor 
are  to  goe  forward ,  the  Leuites  shal  take  downe  the  ta-  °  "^^"  ^"^' 
bernacle  :  when  you  are  to  campe,  they  shal  Tet  it  vp.  what  v^arre.  ^°^ 

jt  '■  ftranger  Toeucr  comcth  toit,heshal  be  llaine.  f  And  the  ;:  Al  other  rri- 
childrenof  Ifrael  shal  campe  euerie  man  by  his  troupes  and  besvereinrc- 

55  bands  and  hofte.  f  Moreouer  the  Leuites  shal  pitch  their  ^P^"^  '^^^^^' 
rents  round  about  the  tabernacle  ,  left  there  come  indigna-  "/."^abemacle 
tion  vpon  the  multitude  of  the  children  of  Ifrael ,  and  they  called  ftran- 
shal  watch  in  the  cuftodies  of  the  tabernacle  ofteftimonie.  gcrs.  j.  ^u^, 

54  t  The  children  of  Ifrael  thcrforedidaccording  to  al  thinges  l']-*nKum* 
which  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes. 
;   .,  E.r  i  Chap. 

ji4  N  V  M  E  R  X  Order  of  camping 

Chap.     IF. 

;^  the  eafiftde  of  the  Tuhe.nacl  the  tribe  of  In  da  as  chief e.loith  ifachdr  and 
ZAhttlon  do  pitch  their  t  nts,  and  march  fr/h  io.  on  the  (ottth  {{Hhen,  With 
Simeon  and  Gad  {i''.  the  Tdernaclets  (oried.and  r.Btd  by  the  Leuitesf. 
who  Iodide  and  m*rch  round  about  it )  18.  on  the  Wc^flfide,  Ephraim  W^th 
M^nalJes  and  Bcmamin:  i^.on  the  north.  Van  with  ^fr  and  Ne^htbdt.- 

AN  D    our  Lord  fpake  ro  Moyfes  and  Aaron  faying  ;  i 
I  Eueric  one  of  rhc  children  of  Krael  byrhe  troupes,  1 
cnfignes  ,  and  ftanderrs,  and  haufcs  of  their  kinredes  s\\A 
campe,  round  about  the  tabernacle  of  coiienant.  t  On  the  5 
eafl:  ludasshal  pirchc  his  tents  by  ihcrroupcs  of  hisbande: 
and  the  prince  of  his  fonnes  shal  be  Nahallon  the  tonne  of 
An^inadib.  f  ^^d  the  whole  fummeof  the  carriers  of  his  4 
ftockc,  feuencie  fonre  thoufand  fix  hundred,  f  Befide  Kim  5 
camped  rhey  of  the  tribe  of  UFachar  ,  vs'hofe  prince  xras 
Nathanael  the  fonneof  Suar.  f  and  al  the  number  of  his  6 
warriers  fiftie  foure  thoufand  fourc  hundred,  f  I"  the  tribe  7 
of  Zabuion  the  prince  v'as  Eiiab  the  fonnc  of  Hclon   f  and  8 
al  the  hoftc  of  carriers  of  his  ftocke,  i^ftie  feuen  thoufand 
foure  hundred,  f  Al  thatvx'erc  numbered  in  the  campe  of^  5?- 
ludas,  were  an  hundred  eightie  fix  thoufand  foure  hundred  : 
and  they  by  their  troupes  shal  march  firft.  f  Inthecampe  10 
of  the  fonnes  of  Ruben  on  the  fouth  fide  the  prince  shal 
beEiifurthe  fonne  of  Sedeur:  f  and  the  whole  hoftc  of  his  \i 
vrarriers,that  were  nurabrcd,  fourtie  fix  rhoufand  fine  hun- 
dred, t  Befrde  him  camped  they  of  the  tr?be  of  Simeon  :   12, 
whofe  prince  was  Salamicl  thcfonne  of  Surifaddai.  -f  and  ij 
the  whole  hofte  of  his  warrierSj  that  were  numbred,  fiitie 
nine  thoufand  three  hundred,   f  In  the  tribe  of  Gad,  the  14 
prince  was  Eliafaph  the  fonne  of  Duel,  f  and  the  whole    \$ 
hofte  of  his  warricrs,  that  were  numbred,  fourtie  fiue  thou- 
fand fix  hundred  fiftie_^.  f  Al  that  were  reckened  in  the  i5 
campe  of  Ruben  ,  an  hundred  fiftie  thoufand  andathou- 
^fand  fourc  hundred  fiftie  by  their  troupes:  they  shal  march 
-^  in  the  fecond  place,   f   But  the  tabernacle  of  teftimonie  17 
shal  be  lifted  vp  by  the   offices  of  thcL-/Lcuitcs  and  their 
troupes.  As  it  shal  be  fcttc  vp,  fo  shal  it  be  taken  downe. 
Eueric  one  shal  march  by  their  places^  and  orders,  f  O"  ^^ 
the  weft  fide  shal  be  the  campe  of  rhe  fonnes  of  Ephraim, 
vhofc  prince  was  Elilama  the  fonnc  of  Ammiud.   t   ^^^^  ^9 


anximarching.  Nvmeri  yt^ 

wnolehofte  of  his  N»arriers,  chat:  were  numbered  ,   ronrtie 

lathoutand  fiue  hundred,  t  Andvith  them  ihe  rribes  of  rhc 

fonneso*  Maiulles,  >*hple  prince  vt-as  Gamahel  the  fonne 

21^  of  Phadallur.  f  and  the  whole  hofte  of  his  warriers,  that 

11   were  nnmbeicd  ,  thiitie  twothculand  two  hundred,  f  In 

the  tribe  of  the  fonnes  of  Beniamin   the  prince  was  Abidau 

25  the  fonne  of  Gedcon.  f  and  the  \^  hole  hoft  of  his  warriers, 

rhat  were  reckened,  thirtic  nue  thoufand  foure  liundrcd, 

24  t  Al  that  were  numberedin  the  campeofEphraini,  anhun- 

.       dred  eight  thoufand  one   hundred  by  their  troupes:  they 

2;  shal  march  the  third  .-  t    On  the  north    part  camped   the 

fonnes  of  Dan  :  whufe  prince  was   Ahiezar  the  fonne  of 

i6   Ammifaddai.  f.  the  whole  hollcof  his  warriers,  that  were 

.27  numbered^,  ikrie  two.  thoufand  feuen  hundred  .   f  Behdes 

him  they  of  rhc  tribe  of  Afcr  pitched  their  tents:  whofe 

28  prince  was   Ph-egicl  che  fonne  of  Qchran  :   f  ^be  whole 

hofte  of  his  warriers,  that  were  numbered ,  fourtic  thoufand 

:  29  and  a  thoufand  hue  hundred,  f  Of  the  tribe  of  the  fonnes 

50  of  Nephrh^Ii  the  prince  wa$  Ahira  the  fonne  of  £nan  .  f  the 

whole  hortc  of  his  warriers  ,.  fiftis   three  thoufand  foure 

51.  hundred,  f  Al  that  were  numbered  in  the  campe  of  Dan, 

,  were  an  hundred-  ftftie   feuen  thoufand  fix  hundred  :  and 

31  they  shal  march  la(K  f  This  is  the  number  of  the  children 

of  Ifracl,  by  the  houfes- of  their  kinredcs  and  troupes  of 

the  holle  being  diuided,   fix  hundred  three  thoufand  fiue 

35  hundred  fifrie.  t  And  the  Leuites  were  not  numbered  among 

;      -rthe  chjidren  of  Ifrael  :   for  fo- our  Lord  had  commanded 

J4  -Moyfts.  t  And  rhe  children  of  Ifrael  did  according  to  ai 

thinges,  that  our  Lord  had  commanded.  They  camped  by 

their  troupes,  and  marched  by  their  families  and  houfes  of 

their  fathers. 

Chap.     IIL 
Tie  Leuites  are  afiumeJ  to  the  feruice  of  the  Tahcrnach  ^  14  .   numherd 
hy  their  feiierd  families,  and  their  offices  difUn^uiihcd ,  45.  ihcy  Art- 
taken  to  God  in  place  of  the  firf^Urne  of  th:  chtldnn  of  ifrael  The  reft- 
due  of  the  frjf  home^aUue  the  numher  of  leuites,  are  redcmed  mth price. 

1  'HT^Hese  are  the  generations  of  Aaron  and  Moy  fes  in  the  ^^ 

JL    day  that  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes  in  Mount  Sinai . 

2  t  And  thefe  he  the  names  of  the  fonnes  of  Aaron  :  his  firft 
begocceu  Nadab,  then  Abiu,and  Eleaza.r ,  and  Ithimato 

Rr  5  t  Thefe. 

.  1 1^  i  N  V  M  E  R  T .  Leuites  taken 

-J- Thcfearethenamesofchcfonnesof  Aaronthepricfts  thut  5 
•were  anointed,  and  \x?hofe  hand-es  were  filled  and  coiccrated, 
to  doethefundion  of  priefthood.  f  For  Nadab  and  Abiu  4 
•died,  ^3^'hen  they  offered  the  flrange  frre  in  the  fight  of  our 
Lord,  in  the  defertof  Sinai,  without  children:  and  Ekazar- 
and  Ithamar  did  the  fundion  of  priefthood  in  the  prefence 
of  Aaron  their  father,   f   And  our  Lord  fpake  to  moyfes ,;  5 
faying:  f  Bring  the  tribe  of  Leui,  and  make  them  ftand  in  6 
-  the  fight  of  Aaron  the  prieft  to  minifter  vnto  him,  and  le^  - 
'  them  watch,  -f  and  obferiie  whatfoeucr  pertaincth  to  the  7 
feruice  of  the  multitude  before  the  tabernacle  of  teffimonie,    • 
•j-  and  let  them  kcepe  the  vcflel  of  the  tabernacle,  feruing  in  8 
the  minillerietherof.  f  And  thou  (halt  geuc-the  Leuites  for  9 
a  gift,  •{■  to  Aaron  and  to  iiis  Tonnes,  to  whom  they  are  dc-  I0 
liuered  of  the  children  of  Hrael.  But  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  . 
::  Asnonebut  thou  (halt  appoint  oner  the  feruice  of  priefthood.   '•'■   The 
Leuites  might  ftranger,  that  approcheth  to  minifter,  slial  die<  f  And  our  ir 
fciucinthcta- Lqj-j  fpalce  to  Moyfes,  faying;  f  I  haue  taken  the  Leuites   12, 

"^but  of    from  the  children  of  Ifrael,  foreucrie  firll  borne,  that  ope- 
Aaronsftock    neth  the  matrice  among  the  children  of  Ifrael, and  the  Lcuitcs 
might  do  the    (halbemine.  -f  For  the  firft  borne  is  mine:  fincc  I  ft:foke  the'  15 
o/Ficcofrncft  f^rft:  borne  in  the  Landof  yEgypt :  Lhaue  fandified  to  me_^ 
*^°"*  'whatfoeuerisfirft:bornein  llrael  from  man  vnto  beaft,  they- ' 

are  mine:  I  the  Lord,  t  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  moyfes  in    14 
the  defert  of  Sinai,  faving  :  |  Number  the  fonnesofLeui  by  15 
,  the  houfes  of  their  fathers  and  their  familie*;,  eucrie  male 
from  one  moneth  and  vpward.  -f  Moyfes  numbered,  as  bur.  16 
Lord  had  commanded,  -f  and  there  were  found  the  fonnes  off  ^7 
Leuiby  their  names  ,  Gerfon  and  Caarh  and  Merari.  t  The  18 
Tonnes  of  Geifon :  Lcbni  and  Semei.  f  The  fonnes  of  Caath  :  19 
Amram  ,  and  lefaar,  Hebron  and  Oziel .    f  The  fonnes  of  10  - 
Merari:  Moholi  and  M\iCi.  f  Of  Gerfon  were  two  families,   11 
the  Lcbnitical,  andSemeitical :  -f  of  whom  were  numbered  zi 
the  people  ofmalefexe  from  one  moneth  and  vpward,  feuen 
thoufand  flue  hundred,  -f  Thefc  Ihal  pitch  behind  thetaberna  zj 
cle  on  the  Weft,  f  vndcr  their  prince  Hehafaph,  the  fonae  of 
Lael.  I  And  their  charge  llialbcin  the  tabernacle  of  couenat,  25 
f  the  tabernacle  it  felfc  and  the  couertherof.rhe  hanging  that  z(S 
is  drawne  before  the  dores  of  the  roofe  of  couenant ,"  and  the 
curtines  of  the  court:  the  hanging  alfo  that  is  hanged  in  the 
.e.nrneof  the  court  of  the  tabernacl^^,  and  whatfoeuer  per- 


for  chehrfl:  borne  N  y  m  e  r  t.  527 

cainethro  the  rite  of  the  altar,  the  cordes  of  the  tabernacle, 

i7  and  al  ihe  furniture  therof.    f  The  kinred  of  Caath  fl-jal 

haue  the  peoples  of  the  Amramites,  and  Icfaantes,  and  He- 

bronitcs,  and  Ozitlites.  Thefcare  the  families  of  the  Caithi- 

28  tcs  rcckened  by  their  names  :  f  al  of  the  male  fexe  from  one 
moneth and  vpsrard,  eight  thoufand  fix  hundiedj  they  (hal 

29  haue  the  gard  of  the  Sanduarie,  -f  and  dial  campe  on  the 

30  fouth  fide,  t  ^^^  their  prince  (ItaI  be  Elizaphan  the  (onne  of 

31  Oziel :  t  and  they  shalkeepe  the  arke,  and  table  and  the  can- 
dlcfticke,  the  altars,  and  the  vellel  of  the  San6luarie,  wherin 
theminiftrationis,  andtheveile,  andalfuch  kind  of  implc- 

3Z  mentes.  f  And^- the  prince  of  the  princes  of  the  LeuiteSjEli- ::  One  chiefs 
azar,  the  fonne  of  Aaron  the  prieft,  shal  be  ouer  them  that  Monarch  in 

35  ^-atchforrhe  cuftodie  of  the  Sanduarie.  f  But  of  Mcrari  J^'^^^*""!'^^!!,'^*^ 
shal  be  the  peoples  of  the  Moholites,  and  Mufites,reckened  Superiors  ar« 

34  by  their  names :  -f-  al  of  the  male  kind  from  one  moneth  and  fubordinate. 
3;  vpward,  fix  thoufand  two  hundred,  f  Their  prince  Suriel 
thefonneof  Abihaiel  :  they  shal  campe  on  the  north  fide-/. 

36  f  Vnder  their  cuflodie  shal  be  the  hordes  of  the  tabernacle, 
abd  the  barres  ,  and  the  pillers  and  their  fccte,  and  al  thinges 

37  thatpertaine  to  thiskind  offeruice:  f  and  the  pillers  of  the  Moyfesisftil 
court  round  about  with  their  feete,  and  the  pinnes  with  the  u^^l^'^^I  •r^'^ 

58  cordes.  f  Before  the  tabernacle  of  couenanr,  that  is  to  fay,  on  pj'accandof- 
thceaft  fide,  shal  •'•  Moyfes  and  Aaron  campe,  with-'  their  fjce  among 
fonnes,  hauing  the  cuftodieof  the  Sandtuarie,  in  the  middes  the  rdcftcs, 
of  the  children  of  Ilrael.  what  ftrangcr  foeuer  cometh  rherto,  ^^'"^^  ^^.^^  . 

39  shal  die.  f  Al  the  Leuitcs,- that  Moyfes  and  Aaron  numbered  s  Ayauft^n  "^ 
according  to  rheprecept  of  our  Lord  by  their  families  in  the  (mpjaL^^.) 
male  kinde  from  one  moneth  and  vpward,  were  twenrie  two  if  he  were  not 

40  thoufand.  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes  :  Number  the  firft  ^P^eft- 
borne  of  the  male  (ex  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  from  one  mo-  o7mo°?cT* 
neth  snd  vpward,  and  thoa  shalt  haue  the  fummc  of  them,  werewithhim 

41  t  And  thou  IVialt  take  the  Leuitcs  vnro  me  for  al  the  firfl:  folongas  he 
borne  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  I  am  the  Lord  :  and  their  cat-  Imed, but  after 
tel  for  ai  the  firft  borne  of  the  cattel  of  the  children  of  Ifrael.  !^;\'/,"the^'^ 

41  t  Moyfes  reckened,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded,  the  firft  Pnefts  aso- 
43  borne  of  the  children  of  Ifrael.   f  and  the  males  by  their  rher  Lenses 

names,  from  one  moneth  and  vpward,  were  twentietwo^  '*:  "c 
44  thoufand  two  hundred  feuentie  three,  f  And  our  Lord  fpakc'  ,  '^^^'^ -"^^^ 
4;  to  Moyfes ,  faying  :  •[-  Take  the  Lcuites  for  the  firft  borne  of  j,  paral.  2?.^** 

the  childienof  Ifrael,  and  the  cactclofthc  Leuites  for  their  y,iz, 


.^it-  NvMtRtv^  Offices  diftinguiflic^ 

cartel,  and  the  Lcuiresfbal  be  mine.  lam  the  Lord,  t  But  for  ^6 
the  price  of  firo  hundred  feuentic  three,  of  the  firO:  borne  of 
:-:Tkis  number  the  children  of  Ifrael,  '•'  that  cxceedethc  number  of  the  Lcui- 
excecdcth  the  rcs,  ^  "^^o"  shalt  take  fiue  ficles  for  cueHe  head,  after  the  tnea-  47 
Tat' 00'"  c°  ^^^^  °^^^'=  Saduarie.  A  ficle  hath twentie  oboles.  f  And  thou  4S 
uiTes  are  omit'-  ^^^^^^  g^^e  the  money  to  Aaron  and  to  his  fonnes  the  price  of 
ted  in  the  gc-  them  that  are  aboue  .  f  Moyfes  therforctoo'ke  their  money,  49 
ncral  fummc  ,  tl,at  were  abo-ue,  and  whom  he  redemed  of  the  Leuites,  f  for  jo 
numblr  oVil?  ^^^  ^^^  ^°^""  °^^^^  children  of  Ifracl,a  thoufand  three  hun- 
ra'eUtcs  (liould  ^'^^^  fixtie  fiue  fides,  according  to  the  weight  of  the  San- 
cxcccde  the     cTriiaric,  f  and  gaue  it  to  Aaron  and  his  fonnes,  according  to  jr 
finl  borne/by  the  word  that  our  Lord  had  commanded  him. 

ly.See  the  y4n- 


Chap.     III. 

,,  0-     Twentie  two  thoufand.]   Imincdiatly  before  were  nnmbcred  gf  Gei- 

Whj'joo.a  c  fonifes(->'.  iJ..)  7500,  of  Caathites  (t.  z8.  )  8600    and  of  Meraritcs  (t.  34.) 

^"^Tf      me     ^^°°'  ^^^'^^  make  in  al  11500  .  Why  then  are  300.  left  owt  of  the  total 

^V]     ""^"^^    fnmme  ?  efpecially  fcing  by  and  by  { y.  43.  J  a  fmalcr,  and  other  odde  niHsbers 

p-irtlicLeuites.  ^f  ^^j.  ^^^  exprelled, 'and  thcrupon  Inferred  fr  ^6.)  that  the  firfl  borne  of 

the  irrac!ites«lidfo  much  ciceede  the  Le.uires-  Wheras  ifthevt^hole  number 

of  Leuites  hadbcnealfocxpreffed  in  the  general  fumme,  as  it  is  contained  in 

the  three  particular  fummcs,  the  Leuites  fliould  exccede  the  fitft  borne  of 

Ifraelites  by  the  number  of  17.  for  anfwere  to  this  diiHcultie,  fome  fuppofc 

that  the firftborneof  the  Leuites  were  iuft  300.  and  therfore  fo  manic  fup- 

plying  only  their  owne  places,  there  remained  iuit  twentie  two  thonfand  to 

fupplie  the  places  of  the  firft  borne  of  other  Ifraelites  ,  asd  fo  the  Leuites 

were  fewer  then  rhofe  for  \i;hom  they  were  taken  vnto  Godsferuice,  by  the 

number  of  175.  ^ut  chat  the  fird  borne  of  Leuites  >»'ere  neither  more  nor 

r'erfe£l:  num-   fcv/er  then  300,  isnoteuidcnr  by  the  text.  Howfocucr  therfore  this  doubt 

bcrs  fienific     befoluedjfurc  itis,  byS.  Hieromsiudgcment  (c<Ve(^iwff>f  <ii^;^«wf«fr)  that  thefc 

perfedion.       numbers  ate  myftica'l .  And  the  iljft  number  of  ii .  thouTand  Leuites  may 

'  fignifie  (/rf»ft/jGr*Vt», /,om//.  4.  >'»Kmw.)  perfection,  required  in  rhofe  that  are 

dcfigneilto  the  particular  feruice  of  God;  as  there  be  alfo  iuft  ii.  Hebrew 

letters;  and  11.  Patriarchcsfrom  Adam  to.  lacob,  from  whom  tkc  KVacUtcs 


Chap.     nil. 

pij},  nFl  offices  are  Afigned  to  thcf^imUies  of  ^4ron,  IJ  of  the  otJjcr  fonnes 
ofCxathjZi.  of  Gerfon,  icf.  and  of  Merlin,  H-  '^^J'>  'fe  al  nttmhred 
f)'om  the  age  of  thirtle  ytarti  to  Jiftie^  and  [0  im^k^ed  to  thfirofces, 
and  burdens, 

'  An» 

among-tlic  Leuites^  N  v  m  e  r  i .  3.1  ^ 

1  ^    Nd  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyles,  and  Anron,  faying: 

2  ./jL  f  Take  the  f  iimme  of  the  fonjies  of  Caath  ouc  of  the 

3  middesof  theLeuites,  by  their  houfcs  and  famihes,  |  from 
the  thircithyeare&vpwardjvnto  thefiftith  yeare,  of  al  that 
goc  in  to  fta-nd  and  to  minifter  in  the  tabernacle  of  couenant. 

45  f  This  is  the  feruice  of  the  fonnes  of  Caath  :  t  when  the 
campeis  to  remouc,  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  shai  enter  into 
the  tabernacle  of  couenant,  and  ••  San(n:um  fandorum,  and  ::In  this  cafe  it 
ftial  take  downe  the  vcile  that  hangeth  before  the  dore,  wasneceflaric 

6  and  shal  wrappe  in  it  the  arke  of  teftimonie,  f  and  shal  ^^^  ^^^  pneftg 
couetit  agayne  with  a  couer  of  Xanthine  skinnes,  and.  shal  vc/here"tl" '- 
fpread  ouerita  cloth  al  of  hyacinth,  and  shal  draw  in  the  wife  none  ea- 

7  barres .  f  The  tabel  alfo  of  propofition  they  shal  wrappe  tcred  butthc 

inaclothof  hiacinth,  and  shal  put  with  it  the  cenfers  and  high  Pneft, 

litle  morters,  the  coblettes  and  cuppes  to  poY^re  the  liba-  ^"   ^  .^^  ^^ 
«  11        1        f    iL      1  ^        •      ^.        1    L         L  t  orcein  the 

5  menrs:  the  breades  shal  bcalwayes  on  it:  f  and  they  shal  ycare.And  al 

fpread  ouer  it  a  cloth  of  fcarlet,  which  againc  they  shal  couer  being  foulccd 

wichaveileofianthine  skinnes,  and  shal  put  in  the  barres.  vp,othcrsal£» 

9  t  They  shal  take  ajfo  a  cloth  of  hiacinth  wherwith  they  shal  e'^^cc'^  to«- 

couer  the  candleftick  with  the  lampesand  tongs  therof  and  -^  ^^^        *•     ■ 

fnuffers  and  al  the  vclfels  of  oyle,  which  are  neceflarie  for  the 

10  drelhngof  the  lampes  :  f  and  ouer  al  they  shal  put  a  couer 

11  ofianthine  skinnes,  and  put  in  the  barres.  t  Moreouerthe 
golden  altar  alfo  they  shal  wrappe  in  a  cloth  of  hyacinth, 
and  (halfpreadeoueritacouerof  ianthine  skinnes,  and  put 

ti  in  the  barres.  f  Al  the  vefiel  wherwith  the  miniflration  is 
done  in  the  Sanciuarie,  they  shal  wrappe  ina  cloth  of  hia- 
cinth and  shal  fpread  ouer  it  a  couer  of  ianthine  skinnes, 

«5  and  put  in  barres.  f  But  the  altar  alfo  they  shal  make  clcanc 

J4  from  the  aflies,  and  shal  wrappe  it  in  a  purple  cloth,  f  and 
shalput  withital  the  veflel,  that  they  vfe  in  the  minifterie 
therof,  that  is  to  fay,  fire  pannes,  Heshhookesand  forkcs, 
pothookes  and  shouels  .  Al  the  velTel  of  the  altar  together 
they  shal  couer  with  a  veile  of  ianthine  skinnes,  and  shal 

i;  put  in  the  barres.  f  And  when  Aaron  &  his  fonnes  hauc 
wrapped  vp  the  Sandtuarie  and  the  vertel  therof  in  the  re- 
momng  of^thecampe,  then  shal  the  fonnes  of  Caath  enter 
in  to  caric  the  thinges  wrapped  vp ;  and  they  shal  not  touch 
the  velTel  of  the  Sancluarie,  left  they  die.  Thcfe  are  ths 
burdens  of  the  fonnes  of  Caath  in  the  tabernacle  of  coue- 
.  ■s.C  Jiant:  |  ouer  whom  shai  be  Eleazar  the  fonne  of  Aaron 

Ss  the 

J30  NvMERi,  Offices  of 

the  prieftr,  ro  whofe  charge  perteyneth  the  oyle  to  drelTe  the 
lampcs,  and  the  incenle  oi  compofition,  and  the  (kcrifice, 
tharisal'Nrayesoflcred,and  the  oyle  of  vndion,  and  what- 
foeuer  perteyneth  to  theferuiceof  the  tabernacle,  and  oi  al 
thevelFtl,  thatareintheSanduarie.  t  And  our  Lord  fpake  17 
fsSeethatby    vnto  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  faying  ;  f  "  Deftroy  not  the  people  18 
youinegli-      of  Caath  out  of  the  middes  of  the  Lcuitcs :  -f-  but  doe  this  to  i^ 
gencethofe^    them,  that  they  may  liuc,  and  not  die,  if  they  touch  Sanda 
vnto  you  in-    fandorum.  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  shal  enter,  and  they  shal 
curre  not  of-   difpofe  the  charges  of  cuerie  one,  and  shal  diuide'what  cucrie 
fence,  for  fo     onemuftcarie.  f  Let  others  by  no  curiofitie  fee  the  thinges  20 
none  shal  be     j.j^„  j.  ^^^  jj^  ^  j^^  Sanduarie  before  they  be  wrapped  vp,  other- 
wife  they  shal  die.  t  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying:  ii 
f  Take  the  fumme  of  the  fonnes  of  Gcrfon  alfo  by  .their  11 
houfcs  and  famihesand  kinredes,  f  fromthirtie  yeares  andij 
vpvard,  vnto  fiftie  yeares.  Number  them  al  that  goc  in  and 
minifter  in  the  tabernacle  of  couenanr.  t  This  is  the  office  24 
ofthefamilieof  theGerfonites,  f  for  to  caric  the  curtines  2j 
of  the  tabernacle,  and  the  roofe  of  the  couenant  the  other 
Goucr,  and  oueral  the  ianthine  coucr,  and  the  hanging  that 
hangethin  theenrrieof  the  tabernacle  of  couenant,  f  tlie  1^ 
curtines  of  the  court,  and  the  veile  m  the  entrietharis  be- 
fore the  tabernacle.  Al  thinges  that  perrayne  to  the  altar,  the 
cordes,  and  vefTel  of  the  miniftetie,  f  shal  the  fonncs  of  ly 
Gerfoncarie,  by  the  commandment  of  Aaron  &  his  fonnes: 
and  eucrie  one  shal  knoxre  to  what  burden  they  muft  be 
ailigned.  f  This  is  theferuiceofthefamilieof  the  Gerfonites  28" 
in  the  tabernacle  of  couenant,  and  they  shal,  be  vnd.T  the 
hand  of  Ithamar  the  fonne  of  Aaron  the  prieft  .   -f  The  29 
fonnes  of  Merari  alfo  by  the  families  and  houfes  of  their 
fathers  thou  shaltrecken,  f  from  rhirtie  yeares  ^ndvpNX'ard,  50 
vntil  fiftie  yeares,  al  that  enter  in  to  the  office  of  their  mi- 
nifterie,  and  to  the  feruice  of  the  couenant  of  teftimonie. 
t  Thefeare  their  burdens:  They  shal  carie  the  hordes  of  31 
the  tabernacle  and  the  barrcs  thcrof ,  the  piliers  and   the 
fecteof  them,  f  the  pillers  alfo  of  the  court  round  about,  51 
with  their  feete  and  pinnes  and  cordes.  Al  the  velFel  and  im- 
plementes  they  shal  rcceiue  by  account,  and  fo  shal  carie 
them,  f  This  is  the  office  of  the  familie  of  the  Merarites,and  35 
their  miniftetie  in  the  tabernacle  of  couenant :  and  they  shal 
bevndcrthehandof  Ithamar  the  fonne  of  Aaron  the  prieft. 


theLcuItes  Nvmeri.  35t 

54  t  Moyfes  therfore  and   Aaron  and  the  princes  of  the  iy- 

nagoguc  reckencd  the  fonncs  of  Caath,  by-thcir  kinredes 
35  and  houfes  of  their  fathers,  f  from  thirtie  ycares  and  vp- 

ward,  vnto  the  fiftith  yeare,  al  that  enter  in  to  the  miniftcrie 
^6  of  the  tabernaclcof  couenant :  t  ^^"d  they  were  found  two 
37  thoufandfeuenhnndred  fiftie.  f  Thisisthe  numberof  the 

people  of  Caath  that  enter  into  the  tabernacle  of  couenant ; 

thefe  did  Moyfes  and  Aaron  number  according  to  the  word 
33  of  our  Lord  by  the   hand  of  Moyfes  .   f   The  fonnes  of 

Gerfon  alfo  were  numbered  by  the  kinredes  and  houfes  of 

39  rheir  fathers,  f  from  thirtie  ycares  and  vpward,  vnto  the 
fiftith  yeare,  al  that  enter  in  to  miniftcr  in  rhe  tabernacle  of 

40  couenant:  t  and  they  were  found  two  thouland  fix  hundred 
4t  thirtie.  f  This  is  thepeopleof  the  Gerlonites,  whom  Moyfes 

and  Aaron  numbered  according  to  the  word  of  our  Lord. 
42  t  The  fonnes  of  Merari  alfo  were  numbered  by  the  kinredes 

45  and  houfes  of  their  fathers,  t  from  thirtie  yeares  and  vpward, 
vnto  the  fiftith  yeare,  al  that  enter  in  to  accomplish  the 

,44  rites  of  the  tabernacle  of  couenant;  f  and  they  were  found 

.45  three  thoufand  fwo  hundred,  f  this  is  the  number  of  the 

fonncs  of  Merari,  whom  Moyfes  j   and   Aaron  reckened 

accordmg  to  the  commandment  of  our  Lord  by  the  hand 

46  of  Moyfes.  f  Al  that  were  reckened  of  the  Leuites,  and 
whom  Moyfes  and  Aaron  and  the  princes  of  Ifrael  looke  by 

47  name,  by  the  kmredes  and  houfes  of  their  fathers,  f  from 
thirtie  yeares  and  vpward ,  vnto  the  fiftith  yeare,  entring 
into  the  minifteric  of  the  tabernacle,  and  tocarie  the  bur- 

48  dens,  •{-  were  in  al  eight  thoufand  fiue  hundred  eighties 

49  t  According  to  the  word  of  our  Lord  did  Moyfes  recken 
them,  eueric  one  according  to  their  office  and  burdens,  as 
our  Lord  had  commanded  him. 

Chap.     V. 
Zepers  itndal polluted ferfonsmnj}  be ca/l  out  of  tht  cdmlJi\  f.  Confeffion  of 
ftnncy  ATtdfitisfaBioH  fortrefpujie.  9.  Firjlfruites  and  obUtiom  fertaine 
to  the  Priefies.  11.   The  Urv  of  ielofie, 

I  2    A    Nd  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying:  f  Command 

j\.  the  children  of  Ifrael,  that  they  caft  out  of  the  campe  ..,..,, 

"  euerie  leper,  and  whofoeuer  hatha  fluxc  of  fecde,  andis  leiWfaLJh^ 

r^  polluted  vpon  the  dead:  f  as  wel  man  as  woman  caft  yee  Theodoict) 
jQUtof  the  campe,  left  when  they  shal  dwel  with  you,  they  Godinftru- 

Ss  4  ^contaminate  *^^^^^"^^® 

j^t  NvMERT.  Purging  of  finnCr 

gtcatter.7  8m  contaminate  it.  t   And  the  children  of  Ifirael  did  Co  ,  and  4 
K/^.Ifthcrforc  fhey  did  caft  them  forth  vrithou-t  the  campe,  as  our  Lord  had 
lepers  were      r^^^^  ^^  Moyfes.  t  And  our  Lord  (pake  to  Moyfes^  faying:  ; 
caltoucor  tnc    x  ,  i        1    1  t  r  xr       1  '  1  ^ 

campc,how      t  Speakc  to  the  children  of  Ifrael  .•  man,  or  woman,  when   6 

much  more      they  fnal  do  any  of  ai  the  (inncs,  that  are  wont  to  chance  to 
iuftlyarche-     „-,„„^  a,-, J  ^y  negligence  haue  ti-anfgreired  the  commande- 
"lio"7hr^     menrof  the  Lord,  and  haue  offended,  f  they  "  shalconfefle  7 
Church?*        their  finncandreftore  the  principal  it  (elf,  and  the  fifth  part 

ouer  to  him,  againft  whom  they  finned,  f  Bat  if  there  be  Z- 
none  to  rccciiie  it,  they  (hal  geue  it  to  the  Lord,  and  it  (hai 
be  the  prieftes,  the  ramme  excepted,  that  is  offered  for  expi- 
ation, to  be  a  placable  hofte.  t  Al  the  fifftfruitesalfo,  which  9 
the  children  of  Ifrael  doe  offer,  pertaine  to  the  prieft  :  f  and  i® 
whatfoeuer  is  offered  into  the  Sand:uarie  of  eucric.  one,  and 
is  dehueredrothe  handesof  the  prieft,  it  shal  be  his.  t  And  ri 
our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying :  f  Speake  to  the  children  li 
oflfratl,  andthoushaltfay  to  them:  Theraan,who{e  wife 
erreth,  and  contemning  her  husband  f  hath  flept  withan  if 
other  man,  and  her  husband  could  not  find  it,  but  the  adul- 
tcrie  is  fecrcte,  andcannotbe  proued  by  witncfTes,  becaufc 
ft  God  ordai-    ^c  was  not  found  in  the  adulterous  fad :  f  '•'•  if  the  fpirit  of  14 
ficd  this  lavxf ,  ieloufie  ftirre  vp  the  husbandagainft  his  wife,  which  either 
and  miracu-     is  polluted,  or  is  charged  with  faifc  fufpition,  fheshalbring  ij 

auoid'!'h"eV-°  F^'^'^  °^  ^  fatum  of  barley  meale_^ :  he  shal  not  powre  oilc  the  ei^^ht 

ilaiightcr.vpo  theton,  nor  put  frankincenfc  vpon  it:  becaufe  it  is  a  facrifice  ^Jurp'eih, 

vehement  i:-    of  icloufie,  and  an  oblation  fearchin^  out  adultetie.  f  The  i<5 
^''o]nmm'^'  pnefttherforeshalofferit,andfctitbeforctheLord.  +  And  17 

«w.       j^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ,.  j^^,.^  water  in  an  earthen  veffel,  and  he  shal 
^ifildb    f^e-  caft  a  little  grand  of  thcpauemcnt  of  the  tabernacle  into  it, 
cial 'rites  i^    t  And  when  the  woman  shal  ftand  in  the  fight  of  the  Lord,  i$  . 
called  hoHc      he  shal  vncouer  her  head,  and  shal  put  vpon  her  handes  the 
water, and  Per-  facrifice  of  recordation,  and  the  oblation-  of  ieloufie:  and- 

y[c\up'ty    ^^^"^  ^^^^^  ''^^^  ^^^"^  ^^^^  "^°^  ^^"^"^  waters,  whcron  he  heaped 
7.1  iVr^.p.^  curfesn-'ith  execration,  f  ^"^  he  shal  adiure  her, and  shal  ip 
fay:  If  an  other  man  hath  not  flept  with  thee,  and  if  thou  be 
not  polluted  by  forfaking  thy  husbandcs  bedde,  thefe  mofl 
bitter  waters  shal  not  hurt  thee,  whcrupon  I  haue  heaped 
curfes.  I  But  if  thou  haft  declined  from  thy  husband,  &  art  i(s 
polluted,  and  haft  lien  with  anoth  er  man  :  f  thou  shalt  be  13 
fubied  to  thefe  raalcdidions:     Our  Lord  geue  thee  for  a 


Lawofleloufic,  .Nvmert,"  333 

makdi£lion,andan  example  of  al  among  his  pcopie:  make 

21  he  thy  thigh  torotte,  and  bclliclwcllingburft  afunder.fthc 

J-:  cinrfcd  water  enter  into  thy  bellie,  and  thy  wombc  being  ::  Tliex^acc? 
r^rohie  let  thy  thieh  rotte.  And  the  woman  shal  anfVer,  '^''^^ron  the 

25  Amen,  amen,  f  And  the  pnelt  shr.l  \Tiite  thcle  curies  in  a  [cs  tolio'nt  on 
booke,  and  shal  wash  them  out  u~ith  the  mofl:  bitter  N^'ateiSj  the  won^an  if 

24  wheruponhe  heaped  the  curies,  f  and  he  shal  geuc  them  f^e  wercguii- 
2j  her  to  drinkc.  Which  when  she  hath  drunkevp,  f  the  pricft:  ^^^* 
shal  take  of  her  hand  the  facrificcof  ieloufie,  and  shal  eleuarc 
it  before  the  Lord,  and  shal  put  it  vpon  the  altar  :  yet  fo  not- 

26  withftanding  that  firft,  f  he  rake  a  handfulof  thcfacrifice  of 
that,  which  is  offered,  &  burneit  vpon  the  altar  :  and  fo  geue 

27  the  moft  bitter  waters  to  the  woman  to  drinkc.  f  Which 
when  she  hath  drunke,  if  she  be  polluted,  and  bv  contempt 
of  her  husband  guiltic  of  adulteric,  the  waters  of  maledi6tioii 
shal  goe  through  her,  and  her  bellie  being  puftvp  her  thigh 
shal  totte  withal:  and  the  woman  shal  be  for  a  maledid:ion_^ 

28  and  an  example  to  al  the  people,  f  But  ifshe  be  not  polluted, 
2p  she  shal  be  blamelcffe,  and  shal  beare  children,  -f- This  is  the 

law  of  ieloufie.  If  the  woman  decline  from  her  husband,  and 
30  if  she  be  polluted  ,  f  and  the  husband  ftirred  with  the  fpirix 

of  ieloufie  brought  her  in  the  fight  of  the  Lord,  and  the  priefl 

haue  done  to  her  according  to  al  thinges  that  are  written..: 
ji   t  thehusbandshal  be  without  fault,  and  she  shal  beareheE 


A  xN  N  O  T  A  T  I  O  N  S. 

Chap.     V. 

7.    shalconfeffethflrjinne,]   General confeflion  ffuch  asProreftaotcsmake)    ^      *     t  re 

fufficednotlicre  forpiirgiiig  finncs.-butvfhofociier  tranfgreired  anieof  Gods   ^^^^  ^\c 

commindments.  were  bound  by  this  diuincpofitiue  law,  to  confelfc  exprefly     '^   ^  s.  r     fft- 

and  diftindlyr/jm7;»;jp,v/hich  in  particular  they  had  committed.  Alfo  to  make    ""'        ^".     J 

n-      •         c  1       '  •        1  •  1      crt  1  I      dtion, required 

i'eltirution,if  wrong  were  donnc  to  anic  other,  with  a  nfrh  parr  abouc  the  ,       v     i     .      « 

principal.  And  forYurthcr  fatisfadion  to  God  they  muft  offer  facnfice  .  Al  ^  V'^  "^^ 

whichdidplainly  prefigure  &foreIhew  the ncceflltie  of  particular  confellion  * 

of  finncs^and  iatifadion,in  tke  Sacrament  of  Penance,  inftxtutcd  by  Chrift, 

loan^  10. 

Chap.    Vr. 

fonfecrdtwn.i^,  andohUtm  ofN/K^reitei.ii,  sAfette forme  hoW  thfrie^ 
ibdhlejjc  tbe^eo^ltb 

Ss  J  An 5 

:^^^^  N  V  M  E  tit"!  Confecratioa 

ANd  our  Lord  fpakevntoMoyfes,  faying:  f  Speaketo  i  z 
rhe  children  of  Ifrael,  and  thou  ihal  ^ay  to  rhem :  Man, 
or  woman,  when  they  ihal  make  avow  robe  (andified,  and 
"  wil  confecrate  them  felucs  to  rhel-ord;  f  they  (hal  ab-  3 
fteine  from  wine,  &  euene  thing,  that  can  make  one  drunke, 
vinc£;er  of  wine,  and  of  any  other  potion,  and  whatfoeuer  is 
prcilcd  out  of  the  grape,  they  shal  not  drinke  :  new  grapes 
and  drie  they  shal  not  eate  f  althedaics  whcrin  they  are  by  4    ' 
vow  cofecrated  to  the  Lord  :  whatfoeuer  may  be  of  the  vine- 
yard, from  the  reifen  to  the  kernel  they  shal  nor  eate.  f  Al  < 
the  time  of  his  fcparation  a  rafour  shal  nor  pafTe  ouer  his 
headvntil  the  day  be  expired,  tliat  he  is  confecrated  to  the 
-VVhenSam-  Lord.  He  shal  be  holi'e ,  '•'•  whiles  the  bush  of  haire  on  his 
fonvtas  dc-     head  doth  grow,  f  Al  the  time  of  his  coniecrarion  he  shal  4 
priucdofthefe  j^Qj.g„jgf  jj^^o  fi^etlead,  j-  neither  shal  he  be  contaminared  7 
t?s'ftre^n<r°if  HO  not  on  his  fathers  and  mothers  and  brothers  and  fifters 
Udtc.ic.^^      corps,  becaufc  the  confccration  ofhisGodis    vpon  his 
head,  t  Al  the  daies  of  his  reparation  he  shal  be  hoiie  to  the   S 
Lord,  t  But  if  anie  man  die  (odenly  before  him,  the  head  of  9 
■his  confecration  shai  be  polluted:  which  he  shal  shaue  forth- 
with in  the  fame  day  of  his  purgation,  and  againe  the  feueni*h 
day.  t  and  in  the  eight  day  he  shal  bring  two  turtles,  or  two  10 
young  pigeons  to  the  prieftin  the  entrie  of  the  couenant  of 
teftimonie  .  -f  and  the  prieft  shal  offer  one  for  fmne,  and  the  11 
other  for  an  holocauft,  and  shal  pray  for  him,  becaule  he 
'  hath  finned  by  occafion  of  the  dead  :  and  he  shal  fantfiifie  his 
headthatday:  f  and  shal  confecrate  to  the  Lord  the  daies  of  11 
hisfeparation,offeringalambeof  ayeare  old  for  Iinne;  vet 
fo  that  the  former  daies  be  made  fruftrare,  becaule  his  fandi- 
-fication  was  polluted.  ■\  This  is  the  law  of  confecration./.  15 
When  the  daies,  that  by  vow  he  had  determined,  shal  be  ex- 
pired: he  shal  bring  him -to  the  doore  of  the  tabernacle  of 
couenant,  f  and  shal  offer  his  oblation  to  the  Lord,  a  male  14 
ilambe  of  a  yeare  old  without  'potte  for  an  holocauft,  and  an 
ewe  kmbe  of  a  yeare  old  wirhout  fpocce  for  Iinne,  and  a 
ramme  without fpottej  for  apacifique  hofte,  fabasketalfo  i; 
of  vnlcuened  breadcs  that  are  tempered  with  oiie,  and  wafers 
without  leuen  anointed  with  oilc ,  and  the  libamentcs  of 
^uerieonc:  f  which  the  prieft  shal  offer  before  the  Lord,  \€ 
and  shal  offer  as  wel  for  finnc,  as  for  an  holocauft.  f  But  the  17 
i'^ipaie  he  shal  immolate  for  a  pacifique  hofte  to  the  Lord, 


of  Nazarcirer.  N  v  m  e  r  i .  53  j 

otfering  ^JP'it^al  the  baskette  ofazymes,  and  thclibamentes 

18  that  by  cuflomearcdew.  *f- Then  shalrbc  Nazareite  be  sha- 
uen  before  the  dore  of  the  tabernacle  of  couenant,  from  the 
bush  of  the  haire  of  his  confccration  :  and  heshaltake  his 
haires,  and  lay  them  vpon  the  fire,  that  isputvndcr  the  facri- 

ip  fice  of  pacifiques  .  f  And  a  shoulder  of  the  rammeboyled, 
and  one  cake  NP'ithout  leuen  out  of  the  baskette,  and  one 
"wafer  vnleuened,  andheshal  deliucr  them  into  the  handes- , 

20  of  the  Nazarcite,  after  that  his  head  be  shauen.  f  And  recci- 
uing  them  againc  ftom  him, he  shal  eleuate  them  in  the  ^ght 
of  the  Lord  :  and  being  fanftificd  they  shal  be  the  prieftes,  as 
the  breaftj  which  v^as  commanded  to  be  (eparated,and  the 
shoulder,  after  thefe  thinges  the  Nazareitt  may  drinke  wine. 

21  -{-  This  is  the  law  of  the  Nazarcite,  when  he  shal  vow  his  ob- 
lation to  the  Lord  in  the  timeof  his  confecration,  befides 
thofe  rhinges  which  his  hand  shal  find,  according  to  that 

which  he  had^vowcd  in  his  minde,  fo  shal  he  do  to  the  fulfil-  :;A  fpecial 
2i  lingof  his  fandification.  f  i^ndour  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  andcietermi-- 
25  faymg  ;  f  Speake  to  Aaron  and  his  fonnes  :••  Thus  shal  you  "^te  forme  of 

24  bicffe  the  children  of  Ifraeljandyoushal  fay  to  them:  -j-  Our  ..yvhfnthe 

25  Lord  bielTe  thee,  and  kccpe  thee,  f  Our  Lord  shew  his  face  prieft  vtcereth 
i6  to  thee^and  haue  mercie  vpon  thee,  -f  Our  Lord  turne  his  thewordes 
17  countenance  vnto  thee,  and  gcue  thee  peace,  f  And  '■  they  ^od  geueth 

shal  inuocate  my  name  vpon  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  I  wil  "■  ^  ^-  ^ 


Chap.     VI. 

0"l  V  r,  r:  s 

i,    J^rd  conffcr4tf  thfrnCelues  ]   To  (uch  as  of  their  owne  accord,  wou\dhini         ,  ..' 

Thcmfcluesby  vowroccrtaincthingcjnotconiandcd,  Godprefcribeth  a  Rule  ^^,   l^^   ]'  c 
containing  three  fpecial  obferuarionsi  nortodiinckcwinc,  or  aniething  that  ^^^^ '^"^^'^'^o* 
may  makedrunckjnot  tocurthcirhaireiandnotto  touch  a  dead  corps.  He   f^s^^rcices,  & 
appointethlikcwife  rites  In  making  this  profeflion,  and-calieth  the  profcfTed  ^|^^/'^^^  ^^ 
7<tt^reit<s,  that  is,  feprg/tud  or  feparated  horn  the  ordinaric  ftatc  of  people;  conlccra 

though  it  was,  for  moft  part,  but  for  a  timej  to  be  limited  by  the  parties  them  ^'°"* 
'^it"-    ^^^"^^'^"'^'"^°*"^P^''P^f"^^3sinSamfon.  i«</<V.  13.  NowT-i'/?df  (io  7v'<ix?t<f>« 

'^' y/'^'ni/ie,  faith  S.Gfcgorie(/*.J3  c.  ij.  Moral.)  but  thofe  that  ahjlaine^and^maine  Thefame  was 
lib  lit du   ^°^'*'*^'^^'hf]'°'^^^'"S^<>'^'"'^y'f^l'^'^^f'*i-^s{rorneitii)gQe(hje'ithcT'£i^^  ^  figure  of 

daies  and  times,  or  altogether j  from  Mariagcjfrom  proprictic  ui  worldljc  "vo^es  both 
goodcsi  and  the  like.  temporal  and 

Chap,  peipctual. 

53<J  NvMERT.;  ThcPxinccs 

Chap.     VII. 
Jtt  dediutionpf  the  TnhernAch^the  princes  of  the  ttVelue  tribes  of eriointfy 

ftx^AiHcs^  and trvelne  oxen.  ii.  Then  euerie  prince  fetteral  dates  make 
other  oblattms.  85^.  ^nd  God fpeahtth  to'Moyfes  from  the  Fro^itiatorie, 


Nd  it  came  to  pafTe  in  the  da^y  that  Moyfes  finifhcd  «  : 
the  tabernacle,  and  ereded  it:  he  anoynted  alfo  and 
fp.nCtified  it  withal  the  vetlel  therof,  the  altar  likewife  and 
aJ  theveflel  therof.  f  The  princes  of  Ifrael  and  the  heades  1 
of  the  families,  that  were  in  euerie  tribe,  and  the  rulers  of 
them,  that  had  bene  numbered,  oilcred  rf  giftes  before  our  5 
Lord  ilx  waines  coiiered,  with  twejue  oxen.  Two  princes 
offered  one  waiae,  and  euerie  man  one  oxe  and  they  offered 
them  before  the  tabernacle,  f  And  our  Lord  faidtp  Moyfes ;  4. 
f  Take  them  of  their  handes  to  ferue  in  tht  minifteri'e  of  5 
the  tabernacle,  and  thou  sh alt  deliuer  them  to  rhe  Lcuices 
according  to  the  order  of  their  rainifterie.rt  "^^hen  Moyfes  (* 
thcrforc  had  taken  the  waines  and  the  oxen,  he  deliuercd 
them  to  the  Leuites.   -f-  Two  waines  and  foucc  oxen  he  gaue  7 
to  the  fonnesof  Gerfon,  according  to  that  which  virz.5  ne- 
ceifarie  for  them,  f  the  other  foure  waines,  and  the  eif^hf  '8 
oxen  he  gaue  to  the  fonnes  of  Merari  according  to  their 
ofhcesand  fer^ice,vnder  the  hand  of  Ithamar  the  fonne  of 
Aaron  the  prieft.  f  but  to  the  (onnes  af  Caath  he  gaue  not  9 
^  V'aines  and  oxen  :  becaufe  they  ferue  in  the  fanduaric,  and 

'ucrefcethcy'  ^^^^^  ^^^^^"^  burdens  ::  vpon  their  ownc  shoulders,   f   The  10 
caded  rhc         pfinces  thcrfore  offered  vnto  the  dedication  of  thfc  altar,  the 
arke,anapro-  daie  wherin  it  was   anoynred  ,  their  oblation  before  the 
thc"o'ic'vcf^  altar,  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes:  Let  the  princes  one  11 
iVlVrdinat'ay'  ^^^d  one  eucric  day  offer  their  giftes  vnto  the  dedication  of 
Ypon,  tlacir,       cheahar.  f  Thefirftday  Nahallon  the  fonne  of  Aminadab  iz 
fljo  aiders,  yet  of  thetribe  of  luda  oflered  his  oblation  :  ^  and  there  wcTe.ij'" 
the  fame jfcie  in  it  a  (iluer  plaieof  an  hundred  and  thirtie  ficles  weight,  a   '   '' 
licToiTwa^-'  P'''^^^  "^  ^^^^^  hauiog  fcuentic  ficles  accordiiig  to  the  w^'cight 
i4«.4.ii*j.<J,  ^^  f'^^  Sanduarie,  both  ful  of  flower  tempered  with  oyic 
/  '.ml5r{     ^or  a  facrifice  :  f  ahttic  morrer  of  ten  ficles  of  gold  ful  of  14 
iticenfe:  f  an  oxcout  of  the  heardc ,  and  a  ramme,  and  a  ij 
lambeof  ayeare  oJd  for  an  holocauff :  f  and  abucke  goat  16 
forfinne:  f  and  forafacrificcof  pacifiques,  two  oxeu,'fiuc  17 
rammes.fiue  buckegoatcs,fiueIambesof  ayeare  old.  this  is 
;the  obladon  of  Nahaffon  the  fonne  of  Amiaidab.  t  The  iS 


offsringsJ  Nvmeri.  557 

fecondday  offered  Nathanael  the  fonne  of  Siiar,  prince  of 
1^   the  rribeof  Iflachar,  j-  aplateof  ^lucr  weying  an  hundred 
thirric  ficles, aphial  of  (iluerhauing  feucnric  hcles,  accor- 
ding to  the  weight  of  the  Sandluarie,  both  ful  of  Howrc 
20  tempered  with  oile  for  afacrifice :  -f  alitlc  morter  ot  gold 
ii   hauing  ten  ficlcs  ful  of  inccnle  :  -f  an  oxc  out  of  the  hv-ard, 
and  a  ramnie,  anda  lambc  of  ay(:are  old  for  an  hoiocauR  : 
JLi.23f  and  A  bucke  goate  for  finne:  f  and  for  a  facriiice  of  pa- 
cifiqucs,  two  oxen,   fiue  rammes  ,  fiue  buckc  goatcs  fine 
lambes  ofayeareold.  this  was  the  oblation  of  Nathanacl  the 
24  fjnne  of  Suar.   f  The  third  day  the  prince  ot  the  fonnes 
2j  of  Zabulon  Eliab  the  fonne  of  Hclon,  f  offered  a  plarcof 
filuer  weighing  an  hundred  rhirtie  ficlcs,  a  phi:I  of  filucr 
hauing  feuenrie  ficlcs  after  the  weight  of  the  Sanvftuirie , 
16  both  ful  of  fiower  tempered  with  oyle  for  afacrifice:  f  alitlc 
Z.7  morter  of  goJd  weighing  ten  ficles  ful  of  incenle:  -f  an  oxc 
out  of  the  heard,  and  a  laiDmc,  and  a  lamb-;  of  a  yearc  old 
aSicjfor  an  holocaufl:  f  and  a  buck.e-goatc  for  finn-c_/,  -f  and 
for  a  iacnfice  of  pacifiques,  two  oxen  ,  fiue  rammes,  fiue 
bucke  goates,  fiue  la  nbes  ofayeareold.  this  is  the  oblation 

30  of  EUab  the  fonne  of  Helon.  f  The  fourth  day  the  prince 
51  ofth-fonnesof  Ruben,  Elifur  the  fonne  of  S.'dcur,  f  offered 

a  plate  of  filuer  weighing  an  hundred  thircie  ficles,  aphial 
of  filucr  hauing  (eutntie  (ules  after  the  weight  of  the  San- 
dluarie,  both  ful  of  flower  tempered  with  oile  for  afacrifice  : 

31  f  alitb  morterof  g;old  weighing  ten  ficles  ful  of  inctnfer 
3^  f  an  oxe  out  of  the  heard,  and  a  rammc,  and  a  lambc  of  a 
54  yeareold,  for  an  holocauft :  f  andabuuke  goate  for  finne: 
3J   I  and  for  pacifiqaes  hoftes  two  oxen,    fiue  rammes,  fine 

bucke  goates,  fiue  lambes  of  a  yeare  old.  this  was  rhe  obla- 
36  tion  of   Elifur  the  fonne  of  Sedeur.  f  The  fiith  day  the 

prince  of  the  fonnes  of  Simeon  Salaniiel  the  fonne  of  Suri- 
57  faddai.   -j-   offered  a  platco  of  filuer  weighing  an  hundr^'d 

rhirtie  ficles,  a  phial  of  filuer  hauing  feucntie  ficles  after  the 

weight  of  the  Sandruarie,  both  fulof  flowretcmpcrcd  with 

38  ode  for  a  facrifice:  f  a  litlc  morter  of  gold  weighing  ten. 

39  ficlcs   ful  of  incenfe:   f   an  oxe  out  of  rhe  h.aid,  and  a 

40  ramme,  and  a  l.imbc  of  a  yeare  old  for  an  hoiociuftc  :  -f-  and 

41  a  bucke  goate  for  finne  :  f  and  for  pacifique  hoftes,  two 
oxen,  fiue  rammes,  fiue  bucke  goates,  hue  lambes  of  a  yeare 
old.  thii  was  the  obUrionof  Salamicl  the  fonne  of  Surifaddai. 

T.t  tThfi 

3^8,  NvMERi.  The  Princes 

•f  The  fixt  d.iy  the  prince  of  the  tonnes  of  Gad  ,  Eli.ifaph  42, 
the  fonne  of  Duel    f   offered  a  plate  of  filuer  xsxeighing  a  45 
hundred  thirticiicles,  a  phial  of  hluer  hauing  (cucntie  ficles 
jtfrer  the  weight  of  the  Sanduarie_/.,   both  tul  of  flowre 
tempered  with  oyle  for  a  faciifice:  f  a  litle  morter  of  gold  44 
veiohing  ten  ficles  ful  of  incenfe:  -f-anoxc  out  of  the  heard,  4)- 
and  a  rai"nmc,&  a  lambe  of  a  yeare  old  ior  an  holocauft:  f  and  4^ 
a  bucke  goate  for  finne :   f  and  for  pacifiquc  hoftes,  two  47 
oxen,  hue  rammcsjfiuebuckegoates,  fine  l^mbesof  a  yeare 
old.  this  was  the  oblation  of  Eliafaph  the  fonne  of  Duel. 
■f   The  feuenrh  day  the  prince  of  the  fonnes  of  Ephraim  ,  48 
Elif-^raa  the  fonne  of  Ammiud   f  offered  a  plate  of  filiier  4^ 
-weighing  a  hundred  thinie  ficles,  a  phial  ol-  filuer  hauing     • 
fcuentie  ficles  after  the  weight  of  the  Sanduarie,  both  ful 
of  flowre  tempered  with  oile  for  a  facrifice  :  f  a  litle  morter  yo 
of  gold  weighing  ten  ficles  ful  of  incenfe:    f   an  oxe  out  51 
of  the  heard,andaramiT)e,  andalambcof  a  yeare  old-  for  an 
holpcauft :  f  and  a  bucke  goate  for  finne:  f  and  for  paci-jijj 
fiqne  hoftes,  two  oxen,  fiue  rammes,  fine  bucke  gqates, 
lambesof  a  yeare  old.  this  was  the  oblation  of  Elifama  the 
fonne  of    Ammiud  .    f  The  eight  day  the  prince  of  thc-54 
fonnes  of  Manaffes,  Gamaliel  the  fonne  of  Phadaffur,  f  of-  jj 
feieda  plate  of  filuer  weighing  an  hundred  thirtie  ficles,  a 
phial  of  filuer  hauing  (euentie  licles  after  the  weight  of  the 
Sanduarie,  both  ful  of  Howre  tempered  with  oile  for  a  facri- 
fice :   f   a  iide  morter  of  gold  weighing  ten  ficles,  ful  of  ^6 
incenfe:  j-  an  oxe  out  of  the  heard,  and  a  ramme ,  and  a  57 
lambe  of  a  yeare  old  for  an  holocauft:  f  and  a  bucke  goate  5S 
for  finne:  f  and  for  pacifiquc  hofles,  two  oxen.'fiue  rammes,  59 
fiue  bucke  goates.  fiuc  lambes  of  a  yeare  old.  this  was  the 
oblation  of  Gamaliel  the  foune  of  Phadaffur.  f  The  ninth  60 
day  the  prince  of  the  fonnes  of  Beniamin,  Abidan  the  fonne 
of  Gedeon,  -j-  offered  a  plate  of  filuer  weighing  an  hundred  6i 
thirtie  ficles,  a  phial  of  filuer  hauing  feucntie  ficles  after  the 
weight  of  the  fan6tuarie,  both  ful  of  flower  tempered  with 
oile  for  a  facrifice:  f  a  litle  morter  of  gold  weighing  ten  6z 
fivles  ful  of  incenfe:  f  an  oxe  out  of  the  heard,  and  a  ramme,  (jj 
and  a  lambe  of  ayeareoid  for  an  holocaud:  f  and  a  bucke  ^4 
goate  for  finne:  f  and  for  pacifiquc  hoffes,  two  oxen,  fiue  65 
rames,  fiue  bucke  goarcs,  fiue  lambes  of  a  yeare  old  this  was 
the  oblation  ot  Abidan  the  fonne  of  Gedeon .  -f  The  tenth  66 

day  the 

'^^fferings.  N  v  m  Ti  r  i  5^p 

day  tlie  prince  of  the  Tonnes  of  Dan,  Ahiczer  thefonne  of 

67  Ammifaddai  t  offered  a  plate  of  iilucr  weighing  an  hundred 
thirrie  ficles,  a  phial  of  filuer  hauing  fcucntic  ficles,  after  the: 
Veight  of  the  Sanduarie,  both  fill  of-  flowrc  tempered  with 

68  oile  for  a  facnfice:  f  a  hrlc  morter  of  gold  weighing  ten 
65)  fides  ful  of  incenfe:  -f  anoxeourof  theheard,  and  aramme, 

70  and  alambeof  ayeareold  for  an  holocauft:  f  and  a  buckc 

71  goate  for  finne  :  f  and'  forpacifique  hoftes.  two  oxen,  fiue- 
rammes,fiue  bucke  goatcs,  fiu.e  lambes  of  a  yeare  old.  this  was 

7Z  the  oblation  of  Ahiezer  the  fonne  of  Ammifaddai .  -f-  The 
eleuenth  day  the  prince  of  the  fonnes  of  Afer,  Phegiel  the 

75  fonne  of  Ochran  •)■  offeredaplatcoffiluer  weighing  an  hun- 
dred thirtic  ficles,  a  phial  of  filuer  hauing  feucntie  Cidts  after 
the  weight  of  rhe  Sandluarie,  both  ful  of  flowre  tempered 

74  with  oile  for  a  facrifice ;  f  a  litle  morter  of  gold  weighing 
7j  ten  ficles  ful  of  incenfe.-  f  an  oxc  out  of  the  heard,  and  a 

76  ramme,  and  alambc  ofa  yeare  old  for  an  holocauft:  f  and 

77  a  bucke  goate  for  finne:  t  and  forpacifique  hoftes,  two  oxen, 
fiuerammesjfiue  bucke  goates,  fiue  lambes  of  a  yeare  old. 

78  thiswas  the  oblation  of  Phegiel  the  fonne  of  Ochran.  f  The 
twelfth  day  the  prince  of  the  fonnes  of  Nephthali,  Ahira  the'' 

75)  fonne  of  Enan  f  offered  a  plate  of  filuer  weighing  an  hun- 
dred thirtie  ficles,  a  phial  of  filuer  hauing  feuentie  ficles  after 
the  weight  of  the  SanAuarie,  both  ful  of  flowre  tempered 
^o  with  oile  for  a  facrifice:  f  a  litle  morter  of  gold  wcighin'o--* 
8t   ten  ficles,  ful  of  incenfe:  f  an  oxe  out  of  the  heard,  and'a  ' 
Sz-ramme,  and  alambeof  a  yeare  old  for  an  holocauft:  f  and 
S5  a  bucke  goate  for  finne:  i  and  for  pacifique  hofte$,two  oxen, 
fiuerammes,  fiue  bucke  goates,  fiue  lambes  of  a  yeare  old. 
S4  this  was  the  oblation  of  Ahira  the  (onne  of  Enan  .  f  Thefe 
thingcs  were  offered  of  the  princes  of  Ifrael  in  the  dedicatiom 
of  the  altar,  in  the  day  wherinit  was  confecrated.  plates  of 
filuer  twelue:  phials  of  filuer  twelue  ;  litle  mortcrs  of  gold 
tj  twelue:  t  fo  that  one  plate  had  an  hundred  and  thirrie,  ficles 
of  filuer,  and  one  phial  had  feuentie  ficles:  thatis,  in"  the. 
who!e  ofal  the  velfel  of  filuer  two  thoufand  foure  hundred 
86  ficles,  by  the  >*  eight  of  the  Sandluarie.  f  litle  morters  of 
gold  twelue  ful  of  incenfe  weighing  ten  ficlexapeece,  by  the 
weight  of  the  Sandluarie:  thatis,  in  the  whole  an  hundred 
S7  twentie  fides  of  gold:  f  oxen  out  of  the  heard  for  an  holo- 
cauft tweluejiammcs  twelue,  lambes  of  a  yeare  old  twelue, 

T  t  z  and 

^.Q  NvMFRT,  Ordination  of 

and  tf.dr  libamentes  :  t'yeliie  I  ucke  goatcs  fc  r  finne.  f  For  88 
pacifiqiichoftcs.cxcn  t>»tnrierowic,  rammcs  fixtie,  bucke 
cToarcslixtie,lambcsoraycareoldi]xcic.  Thele  thmgcs  were 
SfTcred  in  the  dedication  ot  the  altar,  >«  hen  it  was  anointed. 

+  And  vrhenMoyfcsentrcd  into  the  tabernacle  of  coutnant, 
to  confult  tlieoiarlc,  he  heard  the  voice  oi  him  thit  fp.ike  to 
him  from  the  propitiatoiie,  that -was  oucr  the  ?ike  hetwesi 
the  tvyo  Cherubs,  from  v  hence  aifo  he  (pake  to  him. 
Chap.     VIII. 



Seuen  Un;pet  are  fo  pUccd  on  th: golden  candle fiutke,thdt  tltjm^y  sU/Je 
torvardi'i  th:  b:eadfs  of  propojit,un.  J.  The  o  dination  of  the  Lcmtti.  24. 
^ndat  "B? ;  it  tio-e  they  Jjal  ferae  in  the  tAbernacie, 

N  D  oHf  Lord  fpakcto  Moyfes,  faying:  f  Speak?  to  1 1 
Aaron, and  thou  shalt  fay  to  him:  When  thou  shale 
place  thefcucn  lampes,  let  the  candleftickc  be  letre  vp  in  the 
lourh  part  ouer  againft  the  north,  toward  the  table  of  the 
brcadcsof  propolition,  ouer  againft  that  part  toward  which 
the  candlc(Hckc  looketh.shal  they  shine,  t  And  Aaron  did  fo,  5 
and  he  put  the  Iimpcs  vpon  the  candleftickc,  as  our  Lord  had 
comanded  Moyfes.  f  this  was  the  making  of  the  candle  fticke,  4 
of  beaten  gold,  as  wel  the  middle  shaft,  as  al  thinges  that  a- 
rofe  out  of  both  fides  of  the  branches  :  according  CO  the  ex- 
ample which  our  Lord  fhewed  to  Moyfes,  fo  wrought  he  the 
candleftickc.  -[And  our  Lord  (pake  to  Moyfes  fa)  ing:  f  Take  ;  S 
thcLeuites  out  of  the  middes  of  the  children  of  llratl,  and 
thou  shalf  punfie  them,  f  according  to  this  rite:  Letrhem  be  7 
TT  --.--r^^   fprinkied  with  "  the  water  ofluftration^,  &  '"  the  hairts 
was  miteii       o^  their  (leiVi.  And  when  thry  haue  washed  their  garmfntes, 
wulialhcsof    and  are  clcanfed,  -f-  they  shal  rake  an  oxe  out  of  the  heardes,  S 
a  rcddc  ow      j^^j  }-^J5  lihamcnt  flo'^re  tempered  with  oylc:  and  an  other  oxe 

,         u       outof  theheard  thoushait  rake  for  finne:  t  and  thou  ibalt  9 
campc.cwrf/).     bring  the  Leuitcs  before  the  tabernacle  of  couenanr,  calhng 
%9.  together  al  the  multitude  of  the  children  of  Ifracl.  •\  And  i© 

ix'hen  the  Leuites  are  before  the  Lord,  the  children  of  Ifrael 
shalputtheirhandes  vpon  them  |  and  Aaron  shal  offer  the  11 
Lcuitcs,agiftin  the  hghr  of  the  Lord  from  the  childrenof  If- 
rael, that  they  may  fcrue  in  his  minif^erie.  f  TheLeuites  alfo  it 
shal  put  their  handes  vpon  the  hcades  of  the  oxen,  of  the 
which  thou  shalt  make  one  for  finne,and  the  other  for  holo- 
caufteof  the  Lord,  to  gray  for  them,  f  -And  thou  shalt  fctrc  13 


the  Lcultcs.  N  V  M  E  R  r .  541- 

the  Lcuircs^'n  rbe  fight  of  Aaron  and  of  hisfonnes,  ard  being 

14  oftcrcd  Ibalccnleciate  them  ro  the  Loid,  f  ard  ihal  feparacc 
them  fron^  the  raiddes  of  the  children  of  Ilrael,  to  be  mine. 

ij  f  And  afterv:  ard  they  shal  enter  into  the  tabernacle  of  coue- 
nanr,  to  feme  mc.  And  thou  shik  io  purifie  and  conlecrate 
them  for  an  oblation  of  the  Lord  :  btcaufethcy  wcrej^eutn' 

1^  me  for  a  gift  of  the  children  of  Iff. leJ.  f  For  the  firll  borne 

ij  thatopeneueric  marrice  in  Krael,  I  hauc  taken  them,  f  For  . 
mine  are  al  the  firfl:  boine  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,as  welof 
men  as  of  beaf  es.  From  the  day  that  I  fmote  eiierie  firft 
borne  in  the  Land  oi  A.^yipty  hauc  I  fand:ified  them  to  me  ; 

18  t  and  I  haue  taken  the  Leuires  for  al  the  firft  borne  of  the 

j^  children  of  Ifracd  :  -f  and  h.iuc  deliuercd  them  for  a  gift  to 
Aaron  and  his  fennts  oat  of  the  middes  of  the  people,  ta 
feruc  me  for  Kracl  in  the  rabernacle  of  couenant,  and  to 
pray  forthem  that  there  beno  plague  among  rhepeople,if 

20  they  should  prcfume  to  approchvnto  my  San(fluarie.  -f  And 
Moyfes  and  Aaron  and  al  the  mulritude  of  the  children  of 
Ilrael  did  concerning  the  Leiiites  the  thinges  that  our  Lord 

21  had  commanded  Moyfes.-  f  and  they  were  pufified,  and 
crashed  their  garraentcs.  And  Aaron  •'■  eleuated  them  in  the  ... 

ii   fight  ofour  Lord,  and  prayed  for  them,  -f-  thai  being  purified  '^\„p  rccciuci 
they  might  enter  to  their  offices  into  the  tabernacle  of  co-  thcleuices, 
ucnant  before  Aaron  &:  his  fonnes*  Euen  as  our  Lord  had  co-  prcsctedthen* 

25  manded  Moyfes  touching  the  Leuiies,  fo  was  it  done,  f  And  J,°  ^,''*''' ^ 

J4  ourLordfpake  to  Moyfes, faying:  f  Thu  is  the  lawof  the  thcm'to^heit 
Leuites,  From  twentie  fiue  yeares  and  vpward,  they  shal  en-  deHgnedof- 

25  terin  to  minifler  in  the  tabernacle  ofcouenant.  t  And  when  fices . 
they  shalhaue  accomplisheth the  fiftith  yeare  of  rheir'a^e, 

16  they  shalceafc  to  ferue  .-  f  and  shal  be  the  miniflcrs  ofrheir 
brethren  in  the  tabernacleof  couenant,  to  keepe  the  thinges 
that  are  comended  ro  them,  but  nor  to  do  the  vcrie  workes. 
Thus  shalt  thou  difpofe  to  the  Leuites  in  their  cuftcdies. 

Chap.  IX. 
The  prec'pt  ofpafsh  to  he  m^^e  the  four  d^  of  tltfirU  moone,  ii  renew^ 
cd.  6.  But  thtltndeane^  andtraueferunAiorneythcfourtcnthdayofthe 
feccnd  meneth.  ij.  The campemu/^nfl er march,  aitbecloud  orpilierof 
jircy  r.maineth  oner  the  ta''einAcl(,»r  departetb. 
^  A  N  D  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  in  the  dcfert  of  Sinai 
jfX  the  Tccond  yeare, after  they  went  out  of  the  land  of 

T  r  5,  ^8yp?> 


^N  V  M  E  R I  Pafcli. 

y£gypt,  the  firft  moneth  faying  :  t  Let  ttiediildren  of  Ifrael  z 
make  the  Phafe  in  i-is  time,   f  the  foiirtenth  day  of  this  5 
moneth  at  euen,  according  to  al  the  ceremonies  and  iuftifi- 
cations  therof  f  And  Moyfes  comm'anded  the  children  of  4 
Ifrael  that  they  should  make  the  Phafe.  t  Who  made  it  in  his  ^ 
time :  the  fourtenth  day  of  the  moneth  at  euen  in  mount 
Sinai  .   According  to  al  thinges  that  our  Lord  had  com- 
manded Moyfes  the  children  of  Ifrael  did.  f  But  behold   ^ 
^•By  touchinfr  certaine  vncleane  ••  vpon  the  foule  of  man,  which  could  not 
the  dead.  s.     make  the  Phafe  on  that  day,  coming  to  Moyfes  and  Aaron> 
^trr.q,i^,tn    I  f^j^  J.Q  them  :   We  are  vncleane  vpon  the  foule  of  man.  7 
*^"*'  why  arc  wc  defrauded  that  we  can  not  offer  the  oblation  to 

our  Lord  in  the  dew  time  among  the  childrenof  Ifrael  ?  f  To  § 
whom  Moyfes  anfwered:  Stand  that  I  may  aske  counfeil 
"C  A    rCxt^e-^'^^^^^^^  Lord  wil command  concerning  you.  f  And  our  9 
red  by  a  voice  Lord  ••  ipalce  to  Moyfes,  faying;  f  Speaketothe  children  i® 
framed  by  an    of  Ifrael ;  The  man  that  shal  be  vncleane  vpon  a  foule,  or  in 
Angel  from     j^jj  iourney  farre  of  in  your  nation,  let  him  make  the  Phafe 

T'^^°hap^^'    ^°  '■^^  ^^"-"^  ^  in  the  fecond  moneth,  the  fourtenth  day  of  u 
V.  s^.       '       ^^^  moneth  at  euen  :  with  azymes  and  wilde  lettife  shal  they 

eateit:  f  they  shal  not  leaue  anie  thing  therof  vntil  mor-    n 
ning,  and  a  bone  therof  they  ftial  not  breake,  al  the  rite  of 
the  Phafe  they  flial  obferue .    f   DUt  if  anie  man  both  be  i| 
cleane,  and  was  not  in  his  iourney,  and  yet  did  not  make  the 
Phafe_^s  that  foule  shal  be  deftroyed  out  from  among  his 
peoples,  becaufe  he  offered  not  facriiiice  to  the  Lord  in  his 
dew  time:  he  shal  bcare  hisfinne.  f  Thcfeiourner  alfo  and  14. 
Uranger  if  they  be  with  you,  shal  make  the  Phafe  to  the 
Lord,  according  to  the  ceremonies  and  luftifications  therof. 
The  felfe  fame  precept  shal  bearhongyouafwel  to  the  ftran- 
ger,  as  to  him  that  is  borne  ih  thecountrie.  f  Therfore  the  ij 
day  that  the  tabernack-^  was  eredled,   a  cloude  couered 
it.  And  from  euening  ouer  the  tabernacle  there  was  as  it 
•were  the  likeneiTe    of  £re  vntil  morning .    -[-    So  was  it_, 
done  alwaies  ;   by  day  the    cloude    couered  it  ,  and  by 
night  as  it  were  the  likenefle  of  fire-/,   t   And  when  the  17 
cloude  that  protedcd  the  tabernacle,  had  bene  taken  away, 
then  the  children  of  Ifrael  marched  :  and  in  the  place  where 
the  cloude  had  ftoode,  there  they  camped,  f  At  the  com-  iS 
mandmcnt  of  our  Lord  they  marched,  andathis  command- 
m^nt  they  pitched  the  tabernacle  .  Al  the  dales  that  the 


ae cloud.  Trumpets,  Nv  m  e  r  i.  34^- 

cloude  l>oode  ouer  the  rabernacl«o ,  they  rcmainrc!  in  ihe 

ic)   fame  place ;  f  and  if  it  chanced  that  it  did  conrinev*'  ontr 

it  a  long  time,  the  children  of  Hrael  vrere  in  the  watches  of 

20  our  Lord,  and  marched  not  f  for  as  manie  dales  fotuer  as 
the  cloudehad  bene  ouer  the  tabernacle.  At  the  comnvini- 
ment  of  our  Lord  they  pitched  their  tenres,  and  at  his  com- 

21  mandement  they  tooke  them  downe  .  f  Ifthecloude  had 
bene  from  euen  vniil  mornmg  ,  and  immediatly  ar  day 
breake  had  foifaken  the  tabernacle,  they  marched  :  and  if  ic" 
had  departed  after  a  day  and  a  night,  they  tookedov?  ne  their 

22  tentcs,  f  But  if  for  two  daies  or  one  moneth  or  a  longer 
timeir  had  bene  ouer  the  tabernacle,  the  children  of  Ifraci 
remained  in  the  (ame  place,  and  marched  not:  biuinjme- 

23  diatly  as  it  had  departed,  they  remoued  the  campe.  f  By 
the  word  of  the  Lord  they  pitched  their  tentes,  and  by  his 
word  they  marched;  and  were  in  the  watches  of  our  Lord 
according  to  his  commandment  by  the  hand  of  Moyfes* 

Chap.     X. 
TrUmpeH  dre  founded  hy  the  prtefiesy  dine  fly  fo^  diurrfe  furpofes.u.  The  "^^^  fecond 

campe manheth from  the defert  of Smat.  to.  Moyfetmtreateth  fJchah  the  r!c  j: 

I        .  ■'  .     ,■>  lit  /       ^    ciiuersim^ 

MAdiumtc  to  rematne  With  tbtm.  ^^ ,  His pr^tj/er  O/ben  the  arf^e  is  ta^cn  pediments, 
Itp^andfettedowne.  which  happe- 

52     \    Nd   our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying:  f  Make  thee  "*^c[fofhel{- 

Ji\  two  trumpcttes  of  beaten  (iluer,wherw.iih  thou  maicft  "^  "'^^'.=^"'i 

,  if  1-111  .  .  rcnouation  ot 

cal  togeather  the  multitude  when  the  campeis  to  beremo-  fundntpic- 

3  ued,  f  And  when  thou  shalt  found  with  the  trumpettes,  al  ceprs,  in  their 

the  multitude  shal  gather  vnto  thee  to  the  doore  of  the  ta-  iome)- from 

4  bernacleofcouenant.  +  If  thou  found  but  once,  the  princes  J.'^^^^^^''",'^^ 

r>     ^  u  Jul!  r     I  1    ■       .         /,r        ,     S"^3^  to  the 

ihal  come  to  rhee,  and  the  heades  of  the  mulritnde  of  Ifrael.  campe  o£ 

5  t  Butiftiie  trumpeting  found  in  length  and  with  a  broken  Moab. 
tune,they  iTialmoue  their  campe  firft  thatareon  theeaft  lide. 

6  t  Andatthefecondioundand  the  like  novfe  of  the  trumpet, 

they  shal  take  vp  their  tentes  that  dwel  toward  the  fouth.  •■•  Beforetfie 
andafter  this  maner -shal  the  reft  doe,  when  the  trumpettes  ^^J"^^^  muhi- 

7  shal  found  to  the  marching,  -f  But  when  the  people  is  to  be  an/ne'/efl:uic 
gathered  together,  the  found  ot  the  trumpet  shal  be  plaine,  poin"e7ofclo- 

8  and  they  "  shalnotmakeabrokcnfound.  f  And  ti;e  (onnes  <^^ri"<^  muft 
of  Aaton  thepnelUs  shal  found  with  the  trumpettes:  and  «'"^ybevtte- 

^   this  shai  be  an  ordinance  for  cuer  in  vour  oenerations.  t  jf '■^*^'^"ft)^fo'"c 
joagoeforthtowarreoutofpur  land  againft  the  enimies  wiia  fortes. 


544  N  V M E Tii"^  Hie  camps 

feiglirr  myfte-  that  fig'^t  againd  you,  you  shal  found  \rith  rrumpettes  in 
tic-smay  be      lcr.o;ch,  and  there  sdal  be  a  remembrance  cf  you  before  the 
treated  and      Lord  your  God,  that  vou  may  be  deliuc-redout  of  thehandes 
q.J.inKum.   of  vQuc  enemies,  f  If  at  ^'"C  nmcyou  shalhaue  abanKet,  i® 
and  fcftiual  dales,  and  Calendes,  you  shal  found  with  trum- 
.pettesoucr  the  holocauftcsand  pacifique  vidlimes,  that  rhey 
-     .may  be  vntoyou  for  a  rcmenibrance  ofyour  God.  I  the  Lord 
your  God.  f  The  fecond  yeare, in  the  fecond  moncth,  the  ii  d.iy  of  themonerh  was  the  cloude  hfted  vp  fn  m 
the  tabernacle  of  couenant.  f  and  the  children  of  lirael  mar-  ii 
phcd  by  rhtir  troupes  from  the   delext  of  Sinai,  and  the 
,cl.-'ud  rcn:ed  in  rhevrilderncfTeof  Pharan.  f  And  the  firO  ino-  15 
ued  their  carnpe  according  to  the  comandcment  of  our  Lord 
by  the  hand  of  Moyles.   f   The  fonnes  of  ludas  by  their   14 
troupes:  whofe  prince  was  NihafTonthc  fonnc  of  Aminadab. 
^  In  the  tribe  of  the  fonnes  of  lilachar,  theprinccwas  Na-   i; 
thanaclthc  fonne  of  Suar.  ■\  In  the  tribe  of  Zabulon,  the  i^ 
prince  was  Eliab  the  fonne  of  fielon.  -j-  And  the  tabernacle  17 
"was  taken  downe,  which  the  fonnes  of  Gerfon  and  Mer^rri 
jcarying, marched.  -^  Andthe  fonnes  o-f  Ruben  alfo  inarched,  iS 
■by  their  troupes  and  order,  whofe  prince  was  Helifurth«- 
fonne  of  Sedeur.  •\  And  in  the  tribe  of  Simeon,  the  prince    I5> 
was  SiUmiel  the  fonne  of  Surifiddai .  f  Moreouer -in  the  io 
tribe  of  Gad,  the  prince  was  fJiafaph  the  fonne  of  Duel. 
"f-  And  the  Caarhites  aUo  marched  carying  the  Sandluarie.  ^^ 
So  long  was  the  tabernacle  caricd,  ti!  they  came  to  the  place 
ofexechng  iz.  •\  The  fonnes  of  Ephraim  a;fo  raoucd  their  ^^ 
campe  by  their  troupes,  in  whofe  hofte  the  prince  was  Eli- 
fama  the  fonne  of  Ammiud.  f.  And  in  the  tribc'of  rhefonnes  H 
.      of.Manafles,  the  prince  was  Gamaliel  the  fonne  of  Phadaflur. 
ntbVb^JaT    "^  Andin  the  tribe  of  Beniamin  the  prince  was  Abidan  the  ^4. 
.otherwilccaU  lonne of  Gedeon.  f  The  lad  of  -aX  the  campc  marched  the.^J 
IcdRaguel,     fonnes  of  Dan  by  their  troupes,  in  whofe  hofte  the  prince 
£<ia!ro  ^as  Ahiezer  the  onneof  Aramifaddai.  f  And  in  the  tribe  ^^ 
Ind'w^as^fr-^   ofthefonoesof  Afcr,  the  prince  was  Phegiel  the  fonne  of 
thcriii  hw' to'^-^^^"-  t  And  in  the  tribe  of  the  fonnes  of  Nephrhali  the  ^7 
Moyfcs,  orels  prince  was  Ahira  thefonneof  Enan.  fThefc  are  the  campcs,  iS 
he  was  fonne    an  J  the  marchinges  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  by  their  trou  oes 
?^,cl  Tnd     ^^cn  they  marched  f  And  Moyfes  f^dd  to  Hobab  thefon'ne    29 
ihrither'inlaw  of  Ragucl  the  Madianitc,"  his  *  aUied;  We  march  toward  the  */^^'*l** 

t^oMcyfcs-      place,  which  our  Lord  wj  geue  vs:  come  with  vs,  that  we         ^f  '^^^' 


marchcth.  Nvmeri  545- 

may  do  thee  good  :  for  our  Lord  hath  promiredgood  rhingcs  r.Moyfcsmea- 

JO  toifrael.  t  Towhomheanfvrcred:  Iwilnorgoe  with  thcc,  neth,thatwHc 

but  Iwil  returne  to  my  countrie,  wherein  1  was  bornt^.  and'^ill*^^°"f' 

31  t  Arid  he  (aid :  Doe  not  forfakc  vs  ;  for  thou  knoweft  in  ^j.^  (^ielrf^c-' 

what  places  through  the  defert  we  may  campc,  and  '•'  thou  cia!  guides)  the 

51  ihalt  be  our  guide,  f  And  when  thou  comeft  with  vs,  what-  people  iLould 
focucrftal  be  beft  of  the  riches,  which  our  Lord  llial  ^eliuer^°^^^y°j»«^^ 

55  vs,  we  wil  geue  thee,  f  They  marched  thcrfore  from  the  ■^jg^jj^^j^p  j^j^ 
Mount  of  our  Lord  three  daies  iourney,  and  the  arke  of  the  allied  mifrhc 
couenant  of  out  Lord  went  before  them,  for  three  daies  pro-  diied  them , 

54  uidingaplacefor  thecampe.  j  Thecloudealfoof  our  Lord  j»='hcretofindo 

3j  wasoucr  them  by  day  when  they  marched,  f  And  when  the  vt'^atcrandSe 
arke  was  lifted  vpjMoyfesfaid:  "  A  rife  Lord,  and  be  thyne  commodities, 
enemies  difpcried,  andlet  them  flee  that  hate  thee,  from  thy  neretothem. 

^6  face,  -f  And  when  it  was  fette  downe,  he  faid  :  Returne  Lord  ••  E'^^*^^^  gc- 
.  to  the  multitude  of  the  hofte  of  IfraeL  £0^31^011^00' 

feSj  feme  arc 
Chap.     XL  compofcdjand 

Thepcejfle  murmuring  are  puntshcd  lifith  fire.  7 .  Mjitina  is  afa'tne  defcrllcd.  ^PP^'ed  for  fpc 
•io.  Moyfed'einraffliEled'^ith  foltcitude  of  truLltfcme  pfofjle,  16.  God  q^^^^Iq^^ 
adioynethfiuentie  ^ncientitofuffaiKcpart  of  his  burden.  iS.  promifeth  to 
gettCAl  the  people  fleih.i^.  The  AHCients  do  prophccie.  u.  The  people  h^tte 
theirjil  of JleJ).  ^.  hut  forthwith  manie  die  of  the  plague .  '^'herof  the 
flace  is  calledy  Thefepukhres  ofconcupifcence. 

I  TN  the  meane  time  there  arofe  a  murij^ufing  of  the  people, 
_L  as  it  were  repyning  for  labour,  againft  our  Lord,  which  , 

when  our  Lord  had  heard,  he  was  angrie.  And  the  fire  of  our 
Lord  being  kinledagainft  them,  deuoured  the  vttermoft  part 
1  of  the  campc.  f  And  when  the  people  had  cried  to  Moyfes, 
5  Moyfes  prayed  to  our  Lord,and  the  fire  was  quenched,  -f  And 
he  called  the  name  of  that  place,  Kindling:  for  that  the  fireof 

4  our  Lord  had  bene  kindled  againft  them,  f  For  '•'•  the  com- ..  ji^gfj.^jj.^ 
mon  vulgar  people,  that  came  vp  with  them,  burned  with  vSgyptians 
defirc,  fitting  and  weeping,  the  children  of  IfraeJ  being  ioy- that  parted 
nedrogether  with  them,  and  faid:  who  Chal  geue  vs  fleih  to  o"^  of  their 

5  earc;  -j-  We  remember  the  fishes  that  we  did  eate  in  ^gypt  ih  "lOaelitcs 

gratis:  the  cucumbers  come  vnto  our  minde,  and  the  me- andriOv/I^.ur- 
^  Ions,  and  Icekes  and  onions  and  garlike,  f  Our  fouleisdrie,  ™""ng'^ravi/c 
7  our  eies  behold  nothing  els  but  Manna,  f  And  the  Manna  °'^Y^ '^^  u^' 

was  as  it  were  the  feede  of  Coriander,  of  the  colour  of  bdel-J^^^^InnJ.  ^ 
J  lion,  t  And  the  people  wentabout,.&:  gathering  it,grounde 

V.U  it.m 

^24^  NvMERi.  Manna. 

it  in  a  milne,  or  braied  it  in  a  morter,  boyling  it  in  a  po  tccand 
making  cakes  therof  of  the  taift  as  it  were  of  oyled  bread, 
t  And^when  the  dew  fel  in  the  night  vpon  the  campe  ,  the  9 
Manna  alfofel  withal,  f  Moyfestherforc  heard  the  people  10 
wcepincy  by  their  families,  euerie  one  at  the  doores  of  his 
tent.  And  the  furieofour  Lord  was  exceding  wrath:  but  to 
Moyfcsalfoir  femed  an  intolerable  thing,  f  and  he  faid  to  11 
our  Lord:  why  haft  thou  aftlided  thy  fcruant  ?  wherfore  do 
I  not  finde  grace  before  thee  ?  and  why  haft  thou  laid  the 
weight  of  al  this  people  vpon  me?  t  Haue  I  conceaucd  al  11 
this  multitude,  or  begotten  them,  that  thou  shouldeft  fay  to 
me :  Carie  them  in  thy  bofome  as  the  nource  is  wont  to  carie 
the  lide  infant,  and  beare  them  into  the  land,  for  the  which 
thou  haft  fworne  to  their  fathers  ?  f  Whence  shal  I  haue   13 
flesh  to  gcuc  to  fo  great  a  multitude  ?  they  whine  againft  me, 
faying:  Geuevs  flesh  that  we  may  eate.  t  I  alone  can  not  fu-   14 
J.     r    ftaineal  this  people,  bccaufeitis  heauic  for  me.  f  But  ''•  if  i; 
holie  men°  re  it  feme  vnto  thee  other  wife,  I  bcfeche  thee  to  kil  me,,  and  let 
withfubmif-     me  finde  grace  in  thine  eies,  that!  be  not  moleftedwith  fo' 
fion  of  their    great  euils.  f  And  our  Lord  (aid  to  Moyfes:  Gather  me  fe-  16 
'""ifdrhe^ef  uentie  men  of  the  ancientes  of  Ifrael,  whom  chou  knoweft. . 
Jrcircd  or7m-  to  be  the  ancientcs  of  the  peopleand  maifters  :  and  thoushalt 
plied.  bring  them  to  the  doore  of  the  tabernacle  of  couenant,  and 

shalt  make  them  to  ftand  there  with  thee,  f  that  I  may  de-  17 
t;  God  imper-  fcend  andfpcake  to  4iee  :  and  '•  I  wil  take  of  thy  fpirir,  and 
tedofthcfarae  >yil deliuer  to  ihcm,  that  they  may  fuftaine  with  thee,  the 
AidcntV^^^^  burden  ofthe  people,  and  thou  onlie  be  not  burdened,  f  To  i§ 
^vh"o"fhehad  the  people  alfo  thou  shalt  fay:  Be  fan dtified:  to  morrow  you 
geucto  Moy-  (hal  eatc  flefh?  for  i  haue  heard  you  (ay:  Whofhalgeue  vs 
les,  that  they  mcates  of  flcsh  ?  itwaswel  withvsin^gypt.  That  the  Lord 
nllfchh'7''^°f  may  gcuc  you  fleih,  and  you  may  eate:"  f  not  one  day,  nor  19 
^racc  as  pka-  t^o.  ^^  ^^^  or  ten,  no  nortwentic,  f  but  euen  to  a  moncth  20     • 
ied  God.  and  of  daies,  tilit  goe  out  a  your  nofethrils,  and  be  turned  to  loth- 
Moyfcs  haue    fomenes,  becaufe  you  haue  reieded  the  Lord,  who  is  in  the 
r"l«i"'!''^,fi"  middesofyou, and  haue  whyned  before  him,  faying:  Wher- 
fore came  we  out  of  yfgypt?  t  And  Moyfes  faid  :  There  arc  21 
fix  hundred  tboufand  footemen  of  this  people,&  fayeft  thou: 
I  wil  gcuc  them  flesh  to  eate  a  whole  moneth?  t  Why,  {hal  zx 
n  multitude  of  ihecpc  and  oxen  be  killed,  that  it  may  fufhie 
forracatc?  or  (hal  al  the  fishes  ofthe  fea  be  gathered  togea- 
rhcr,  for  to  fil  them  ?  t  To  whom  our  Lord  anfwercd  :  Why,  25 


S.    ^ttnr,    g.    18. 

Seuentle  Ancients.  Nvme.rt.  547 

18  the  hand  of  tlie  Lord  vnable  ?  Nov  prcfenrly  thou  shale 

24  fee  whether  my  word  shal  be  accomphlhed  in  decde,  f  Moy- 
fes  therfore  came,  and  told  the  people  the  wordes  of  our 
Lofd  ,  aflembhng  feuentie  men  of  the  ancientcs  of  Ifrael, 

2;  whom  he  caufed  to  fland  about  the  tabernacle,  f  And  our 
Lord  defcendcd  in  acloude,  andfpake  to  him,  taking  away 
of  the  fpirit  that  was  in  Moyfes,  and  geuing  to  the  feuentie 
men  .  And  when  the  fpirit  had  refted  on  them,  they  piophc- 

16  ciedj  neither  ceafed  they  any  more  .  +  And  there  had  remai-  .• 
ncd  in  the  campe  two  men  ,  of  the  which  one  was  called 
Eldad,and  the  other  Medad,  vpon  whom  the  fpirit  reftcd. 
"  for  they  alfo  had  bene  enrolled,  and  were  not  gone  forth  to  ::  Gods  grace 

47  the  tabernacle,  t  And  when  they  prophecied  in  the  campe,  fometimcspre 
there  ran  a  boy,  android  Moyfes,  faying:  Eldadand  Medad  "Xlrie  mc- 

28  do  prophecie in  the  campe.  t  Forthwith  lofue  the  fonne  of  ^nes-Theoderet. 
Nun,  theminifterof  Moyles,and  chofenof  manie,  faid  :  My^ 

19  Lord  Moyfcs  forbid  them  .  f  But  he  faid:  Why  haft  *hou 
emulation  for  me  ?  O  that  al  the  people  might  prophccie,and 

30  thatour  Lord  would  geu.;  them  his  fpirit?  f  AndMoyfesre- 

31  turned,  and  the  ancientes  of  Ilrael  into  the  campe.  t  And  a 
winde  coming  forth  from  our  Lord,  taking  quailes  ouer  the 

fea  brought  them,  and  let  them  fal  into  the  campe  the  fpace  •■'  %'  ^^^^  «*'" 

of  onedaiesiourney.  on  cuerie  fide  of  the  campe  round  a-  ^"^P'<;^"^  Jj" 
1  11  1-  1  /T    •       t  1  •        1  ■    T  1       2;ure  S.  Paul 

bout,  and  they  did  Hie  in  the  ayre  two  cubites  high  ouer  the  {iie\»'eth  that 

31  earth,  f  The  people  therfore  rifing  vp  al  that  day,  and  the  al  flial  not  be 

nighr,and  the  next  day,  gathered  togcather  a  multitude  of  Taued,  which 

quailes,  he  that  did  leaft,  ten  cores:  and  they  dried  them  arebapt'red,&: 

^35  round  about  the  campe.  f  As  yet  the  flesh  was  in  their  teeth,  Ji^  the  fame 

neither  had  that  kind  of  meate  failed  ;  and  behold  the  furie  of  faith  &  Sacra- 

our  Lord  being  prouoked  againft  the  people,  ftroke  them  mcnts,  but 

34  with  an  exceding  great  plague,  f  And  that  place  was  called,  tliofe  only 

"The  Sepulchres  of  concupifcence ;  for  there  they  buried  the    ,  '  r  ^  j  • 

1      1        I      1  t    n     1      A      1  1  .        r  1      r.         1    1  r  plcale  God  in 

people  that  had  iuited.  Anddeparring  from  the  Sepulchres  of  their  workcs. 

concupifcence  J  they  came  vnto  Haferoth,  and  raried  there,  x.cor.  10. 

Chap.    X  IL 

I^arie  And  ^4ronmurmHr  again fi  Moyfes.  6.  ffhom  God  ^rAifith  ahoue 

other Marie heing/fricken  f^ithleprojie,  ^aron  confcfeihhis 

fault.  15.  Moyfeiprayethforhery  and  after fetien  dates  feparatim [rem  the 

camfe^  ihe  ts  rrfisred,  ::  MacJianifcs 

£xod.i.      »     A    ^°  Marie  and  Aaron  fpake  againft  Moyfes,  for  his  ^^^'^  ""[^^  "•- 

2  JTIl  wife  the  "Ethiopian,  t  and  they  faid:  hath  our  Lord  '"'l^f  ,  X'. 

54^  NvMFRT.  Difcouerers  fent 

IpokenKy  Moyfesonlie?  hath  he  not  fpokento  vs  alfo  in 
;:  The  Kolie   like  manner?  Which  when  our  Lord  hadheard,  (  f  '•'  For  5 
Gholl  forced    jvioyfes  was  the  mildeft  man  aboucal  men,  that  dwelt  vpon 
tcr*his*ow'ne    ^'^^  carch  )  f  immediacly  he  fpake  tahim,  and  to  Aaron  4 
praifc,  ichich    and   Marie  :   Goc  forth  you  three  onlie  to  the  tabernacle 
ofhimfelf, he  of  couenant_>.  And  when  they  were  come  forth,  f  our  5 
icfircdiiiw:.      Lord  defccnded  in  the  pillcr  of  acloude,  and  ftoode  in  the 
cntrie  of  the  tabernacle  calling  Aaron  and  Marit^,  "Who 
going  vntohim,  f  hcfaii  to  them:  Hearc  my  wordes:  If  S- 
there  shalbeamongyoua  prophete  of  the  Lord,  in  vifion  wil 
lappeareto  him,  or  in  llccpe  I  wil  fpeake  ho  him.  -J-  But  7 
myferuant  Moyfesisnor  fuch  anonc,  whoin  almy  houfe  is 
moftfaythfnl:  f  fot  mouth  to  mouth  I  fpeake  to  him:  and  & 
plainely,andnorby  riddels  and  figures  doth  he  fee  the  Lord, 
why  therforedidyou  not  fearc  to  detradb  from  my  feruant 
Moyfes?  t  And  being  wrath  againft  them,  he  went  away:   9 
•f-  the  cloude  alfo  departed  that  was  ou(?r  the  tabernacle:  10 
and  behold  Marie  appeared  white  with  Icprofie  were 
r.  Aaron  vpis   i^^ow.  And  ''•  when  Aaron  had  looked  on  her,  and  fa w  her 
not  pablikly    wholy  couered  wirkleproiie  ,  f  be  faid  to  Moyfes  :  I  befech    11 
punillicd,  lefl  fj^ee  my  Lord  ,  lay  not  vpon  vs  this  finne  which  we  haue*  . 
b         ad  ^t^foolilhly  committed,  -f  let  not  this  woman  be  as  it  were  u 
tcmptibic  to    *^^^^y  ^^'^  2S  an  abortiue  that  is  caft  for^h  of  the  mothers 
the  people,     wombe.  Lo  now  the  one  haife  of  her  flesh  is  deuoured  with 
but  was  other- file  Jeprofie.  f  And  Moyfes  cried  to  our  Lord,  faying  :  God,  13 
I  befech  thee,  hcale  her.  f  To  whom  our  Lord  anf-^ered  :  14 
If  her  father  had  {pitrc  vpon  her  face,  ought  she  not  to  haue 
bene  ashamed  feuendaics  at  the  lead?  Let  her  be  feparated 
feuen  daies  without  the  campe,  and  afrcrtrards  she  shal  be 
called  againe.  f  Marie  therfore  was  shut  forth  without  the  ij 
campe  feuen  daies:  and  the  people  moued  not  from  that, 
place,  vntilMarie  was  called  againe. 

Chap.  XIII. 
From  the  Jcfirt  of  PlMvan  Mo)fes  ftndeth  tWelne  mtn^of  euerieiribeone^ 
to  '"viav  the  Land  of  ChitHMAn.  17.  chdngcth.ofee  hn  name  into  lofue, 
I'^.tnflriiclcth  them  which  -9fay  to  goe^  and  "^hat  to  note  in  theUnd  : 
XI.  which  they  performe:  26.  and  dftcr  fourtte  dayes  returne,hrin^!njr 
Withthim  fruites,  intoli:»oftheUnde$fertditte.  l<).  hut  in  other  refixEls 
( the  reft  hejides  Caleh  and  lofae)  difconregin^  the  ^co^le  make  them  t& 



I A 

intoCfianaan.  Nvmeri.  $4^ 

Nd  I  he  people  marched  from  Haferoth  pitching  their 

tcnrcsinthc  defert  of  Pharan.  f  And  there  our  Lord 

f  fpaketo  Moyfes,  faying;  f  Send  men,  that  may  vie\r  the 

Land  of  Chanaan,  which  I  vril  geue  to  the  chUdrcn  of  Krael, 

4  one  of  euerie  tribe,  of  the  princes,  t  Moyfes  did  that  vfhich 
our  Lord  had  commanded,  from  the  defert  of  Pharan  fen- 

J  dingptincipalmen,  whofc  names  be  thefe.  f  Of  the  tribe 

6  of  Ruben,  Samua  the  fonne  of  Z^chur.  f  Of  the  tribe  of 

7  Simeon  ,  Saphat  the  fonne  of  Huri.  f  Of  the  tribe  of  ludaj 

5  Caleb  the  fonne  of  lephonc.  f'  Of  the  tribe  of  Iflachafj, 
9  Igalthc  fonne  of  lofeph.  f  Of  the  tribe  of  Ephraim,  Ofee 

10  the  fonne  of  Nun.  f   Of  the  tribe  of  Beniamiru,  Phalti 

11  the  fonne  of  Raphu.  f  Of  the  tribe  ofZabulon,  Geddiel 
It  the  fonne  of  Sodi.  -f  Of  the  tribe  of  lofeph,  of  the  fccprer 
13  of  ManalTes  Gaddi ,  the  fonne  of  Sufi,  f  Of  the  tribe  of 

.14  Dan,  Ammiel  the  fonne  of  Gemalli.f  Of  tlie  tribe  of  Afcr, 
ij  Sthur  the  fonne  of  Michael.. f  Of  the  tribe  of  Nephthali, 

16  Nihabi  the  fonne  of  V<ipfi .  t  Of  the  tribe  of  Gad,  Guel 

17  the  fonne  of  Machi.  f  Thefe  are  the  names  of  the  men  , 
whom  moyfes  fcnt  to  view  the  Land  :  and  he  called  Ofee  the 

18  fonne  ot  Nun,"  lofue.  7  Moyfes  thcrfore  fenr  them  to  view  r.-Chanaino-of 
the  Land  of  Clianaan,3nd  faid  tothcm  :  Goe  vp  by  thefourh  his  name  lire- 

19 -fide.  And  when  you  Ihal come  to  the  mountaines.f  view  the  ''^"y imported 
Land,\Tl)atiris:and  the  people  that  are  the  inhabitantes  thcr-  ^^^  o'/ch'^f" 
of,  whether  they  be  ftrong  or  weake :  few  in  number  or  DukeVnto 

20  manie:  f  the  land  it  fclf,  whether  it  be  £^ood  or  badde  :  what  ^>^'hich  he  wa.^ 

21  manner  of  cities,  called  or  without  wailes  :  -f  the  ground,  '^efigned.myfli 

farteor  barren,  wooddie  or  without  trees.  Be  of  good  cou-  "  a^  preng"- 

JL-  fLf-  r»7        jAi^  I       rfd  our  Lord 

rage,  and  bring  vs  of- the  fruitesot  tne  Land.  And  it  was  the  Iesvs,  forit 

11  time  when  now  the  firfl  ripe  grapes  are  to  be  eaten,  f  And  is  the  fame 
when  they  were  G,one  vp,  they  viewed  the  Land  from  the  de-  "*™e  J"  He- 

25  fertofSin,vnroRohobasyou  enter  to  Emarh.  t  And  they  ^^^Y' ^"'^  ^' 
wcntvp  at  the  louth  lidc^,  and  came  to  He bron_.,  where  qvr.  rhfod.q,.- 
"were  Achiman  and  Sifai  and  Tholmai  the  fonncs  of  Enac,  i;.(»Ni»ff». 
for  Hebron  was  built  feuen  yearcs  before  T*nis  the  citie 

24  of  itgyptLj.  f  And  going  forward  as  farre  as  the  Tor- 
rent of  clufler,  they  cutte  of  a  branch  with  the  grapes 
therof,  which  two  men_.  carried  vpon  a  leaner.  They 
tooke  of  the  pomegranates  alfo  and  of  the  figges  of  that 

2j   place:  f  which  was  called  Nehelefcol,  that  is  to  fay,  the 
Torrent  of  clufter,  for  that  thence  the  children  of  Ifrael  had 
V.U.3  caiicd- 

*^o  NvMERT.  The  people 

Varied  a  clufter.  f  "And  the  difcouerers  of  the  I  and  returning  iG 
after  fourtie  daics,  hauingcircutedalthccountric,  t  came  27 
to  Moyfes  &  Aaron  and  to  al  the  adcmblie  of  the  children  of 
Ifrael  into  thf  defert  of  Pharan,  x!?'hich  is  inCades.  And  fpea- 
king  to  them.&  to  al  the  multitude  they  fhewed  the  fruites 
c-rrctcncHng    oftheLand;  f  and  reported,  faying  :  We  came  into  the  Land  iS 
falHy  that  the  to  which  thou  didft  fend  vs,  which  in  very  deede  floweth 
Land  had  an    ^j^j^  milkeand  honie,  as  by  thefe  fruites  may  be  knowen  : 
linc^lieZT^L'r  t  but  it  hath  very  ftrong  inhabitantes,  and  cities  great  and  19 
iiie  inhabiutet,  walled  .  The  ftockc  of'Enac  we  faw  there,  f  Amalecdwel-  50 
&:notpoirible  lerh  in  the  fouth,  the  Hetheireand  the lebufeiteand  the  A- 
tobcobtained  morrhcitc  in  the  mountaines:  but  theChananeite  abideth 
eyants!coueu-  befide the fca and  about  the  ftreames  of  lordan-  f  Among  51 
ly  they  detra-  thefe  thinges  Caleb  appealing  the  murmuring  of  the  people 
cled  fro  Gods  that  rofe  again il  Moyil's,  faid  :  Letvsgoevp  andpolTelfe  the 
poM7re,  or  his  Land,  becaufe  we  may  obtaineit .  f  But  theothers,  that  had  34 
v/ards'them'"    ^^^^  with  him,  faid;  No,  we  are  notable  to  goe  vp  to  this 
who  had  pro-  people,  becaufe  it  is  ftronger  then  we.  f  And  they  detraded  35 
mifed  the         from  the  Land,  which  they  had  viewed,  before  the  children 
lame^Andther  of  Ifracl,  faying  :  The  Land,  which  we  haue  viewed,  ■•'•  de- 
to  the^^chil-  uoureth  her  inhabitantes  :  the  people,  that  we  beheld,  is  of - 
dren,  but  not  a  tall  ftature.  f  There  we  faw  certaine  monftets  of  the  fonncs  34 
to  thefe  fedu-  of  Enac,  of  the  gyantes  kind :  to  whom  being  compared,  we 
ccrs  and  mur-  f^emed  as  it  Were  locuftes. 
xnureis.  c/m^. 
14.  y.  11, 19.  C  H  A  P.      X  1 1  I  L 

The  mutinous  murmuring  people  being  linpUcAhVe^  ii.  God  expofluUteth 
their  ir)gr<ititude,threAtneth  to  dejiroy  them.  Vy  Tct  Moyfes  pAcijieth  his 
"Wrath  y  12..  but  fo  that  al  yphich  -^ere  numbered  coming  from  ^gypty  ex- 
cept dleb  and  lofue,  shal  die  in  the  yoUdernes  7,1.  and  thei)- children  shxl 
fo(jel[e  the  promifed  Und.  40.  Then  fighting  contrarie  to  Moyfes  admoni- 
tion are  beaten,  and  manie flain'e by  their  emmies. 

THerfore   al  the  multitude   crying  out  wept  that  i 
night,  t  and  al  the  children  of  Ifrael  murmured  againft  2 
xriurcrs  had      Moyfes  and  Aaron,  faying:  '-i-  Would  God  v/e  had  died  in  3 
their  wifli,  to   ^gypt :  and  *•:  in  this  vafte  wildcrneirc  would  God  we  might 
ninr^'irrLr  ^^^^and  that  our  Lord  would  not  brincr  vs  into  this  Land,  left 
i4.-v.z9.i<;.'r.  "^cralby  the  fword,  and  our  wiues  and  children  be  ledde 
64-  captiuc.  Is  it  not  better  to  rcturne  into  ./Egypt  ?  t  And  one  4 

::Iri?foabro.  faid  to  an  other:  ••■  Let  vs  appoint  .1  cnptainc,  and  let  vs  rc- 
rie  L"c'ucxie*    t^rne  into  ^gypt .  t  ^hich  Moyfes  and  Aaron  hearing  fel  5 


■:.•  Thefe  mur- 

murmur.  Nvmeri.  3yi 

flattcvpon  the  ground  before  al  the  multitude  of  the  chil-  communitiV 

(5  drenoi-Iirael.  t  But  lofue  thefonncof  Nun,  and  Caleb  the  5°  ^'/."^.^"f^, 
fonneof  It'phone, -who  them  feluesalfo  had  viewed  the  land,  thatvencmu- 

7  rent  their  garmeutes,  f  and  Ipake  to  al  the  multitude  of  the  tincis  chcm- 
children  of  Hrael :  The  Land, which  we  haue  circuted,is  very  felucs  do  cucr. 

S  good,  t  Ifour  Lord  be  propitious,  he  fbal  bring  vs  into  it^,  ^ne&^calhu^. 

5)   and  dchuervs  a  ground  Howing  with  miikc  and  honie.  j  Be  ihetkito. 
notrebelliousagainft  our  Lord:  neither  tcare  ye  the  people 
of  this  land,  for  euen  as  bread  lo  we  may  dcuourc  them,  al 
aide  is  gone  from  ihem  :  our  Lord  is  with  vs,  feare  ye  not... 

10  t  And  when  al  the  multitude  cried,  and  would  haue  floned 
them,  the  glorie  of  our  Lord  appcc;rcd  ouer  the  roofe  of  ce- 
ll  utnantin  the  fight  of  al  the  children  of  Uratl.  -f  And  our 

Lord  faid  to  Moyfes  :  How  long  wil  this  people  dttiacl  me  ? 
How  long  wil  they  not  beleue  me  in  al  the  fign£s,ihat  I  haue 

11  donebefore  them  ?  f  Iwilllnke  them  therfore  with  pcfli- 
lence,andwil  confume  them:  but  thee  I  wil  make  prince 

15  oucragreatnation,  andaftrongcr  then  this  is.  f  And  Moy- 
fes laid  to  our  Lord :  Thar  the  yLgyprians,  from  the  middes 

14  of  whom  thou  haft  brought  forth  this  people,  t  and  the  in- 
habitantes  of  this  Land,  which  haue  heard  that  thou  Lord 
art  among  this  people,  and  art  fene  face  to  face,  and  thy 
cloude  prote<5teth  them,  and  in  a  piller  of  a  cloude  thou  goeft 

ij  before  them  by  day,  and  in  a  piller  of  fire  by  night:}  f  may 
heare  that  thou  haft  killed  fo  great  a  multitude  as  it  were  one 

16  man,  and  may  fay;  f  He  could  not  bring  in  the  people  into 
the  Land,  for  which  he  had  fworne:  therfore  did  he  kii  them 

17  in  the  wildernelle.  f  Let  therfore  the  ftrength  of  our  Lord 

18  be  magnified  as  thou  haft  fworne,faying  :  j  The  Lord  is  pa- 
tient and  ful  of  mercie,  taking  away  iniquitic  and  wicked 
deedes,  &  leaning  no  man  innocent,  which  vifiteft  the  finnes 
of  the  fathers  vpon  the  children  vnto  the  third  and  fourth  ge- 

28  neration  .  f  Forgeue,  I  befech  thee,  the  finne  of  this  thy 
people, according  to  the  greatncs  of  thy  mercie,  as  thou  haft 
bene  propitious  to  them  fince  their  going  out  of  itgypt  vnto 
10  this  place,  t  And  our  Lord  laid:  I  haue  forgeuen  itaccoi- 
XI  ding  to  thy  word,  f  Liuel:  and  the  whole  earth  (hal  bere- 
zi  plenishedwith  the  glorie  of  the  Lord,  f  ••  But  yet  al  the  J:  After  the 
men  that  haue  fene  my  maieftie,  and  the  iignes  that  I  haue  ^"^^  yet°Ju-" 
doneini£gypt,  andin  thewildcrnefte,  and  haue  tempted  mc  niftiment  rc- 
ij  now  ten  times,  neither  haue  ©beicd  my  voice,  f  they  shal  mainctb  to  be 

not  wfii^«^i 

jjt  NvMERi  Death  chreatned. 

not  fee  the  Land  for  the  which  I  fwarc  to  their  fathers,  nei- 
ther (bal  any  of  tbem  that  hath  detraded  me,  behold  it:^. 
;:AlchougU     f  My  fcriiant  Caleb,  who  '•'•  being  ful  of  an  other  fpirit  hath  14 
grice  be  hVft  folo  wcd  me,  wil  I  bring  in  vnto  this  Lind  which  he  hath  cir- 
dcfeu'^'tr'  cuted.-andhisfeedeshalpofreirc  it.  f  Becaufe  the  Amalecite  ij 
good  workes  and  the  Cananeite  dvs'el  in  the  valleis.  To  morrow  rcmouc 
doneby  grace  the  campe,  and  returne  into  the  wildernefle  by  the  way  of 
(domcnters-  theReddeiea.  f  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  i<^ 
yard.  J.  -'^"a- {.^y[j^g-.  -j-  How  long  doth  this  vneratious  multitude  mur-  17 
i-rb.f.e^  muragainlt:  me?  I  haue  heard  the  complaintes  or  the  chil- 

dren of  Ifrael.  -f  Say  therforc  to  them  :  Hue  I,  fayeth  our  28 
Lord:  According  as  you  haue  fpoken  I  hearing  it,  fo  wil  I  do 
to  you.  t  In  this  wilderncire  shal  your  carcafles  lie.  Al  you  2^ 
that  are  numbered  from  twentieyeares  &vpward,  andhaue 
murmured  againft  me,  -f  you  shal  nor  enter  into  the  Land,  3® 
".     ^  ouer  the  which  I  haue  lifted  vp  my  hand  to  make  you  inhi- 

bitc  it,  except  Caleb  the  fonne  of  lephone,  and  lolue  the 
fonne  of  Nun.  j-  But  your  litic  ones,  of  whorayoufaid,  that  31 
they  should  be  a  pray  to  the  enemies,  wil  I  bring  in:  that 
they  may  fee  the  Land,  that  hath  miOiked  you.  f  Your  car-  32 
cades  shallje  in  the  wildernelFc.  f  Your  children  shal  wan.*  ^5 
it  Temporal     derin  thedefert  fourtieycareSjand  -  shalbeare  yourfornica- 
puniflimcnt     tion,  vntil  the  carcalfcs  of  their  fathers  be  confumed  in  the 
hidvponthc    Jefert,  •\  according  to  the  numberofthefourtiedaics.wher-  34 

'u^-  *?"u°^     in  you  viewed  the  Land:  a  yeareshal  be  reputed  for  a  day. 
their  Uthcrs      ^  K  r''       ■  1     •  •  .    /      .   .  ,     /, 

linncs,  is  for  And  lourtie  yeares  vou  shal  recciuc  your  iniquiucs,  and  shal 

iheirownc  (pi  know  my  reuengc:  •\  for  as  I  haue  fpokcn,  lb  will  doe  to  al  3/ 
ritualgood.     ^Yi^  wicked  multitude,  that  hath  rifen  togearher  againft  me  ; 
^'  ^d^^^'        ^"  ^'^'^  wildcrnefTe  shal  it  faile,  and  die.  f  Therforeal  the  5^ 
■  mcn,whoa-!  Moyfes  had  fcnc  to  view  the  Land^and  which  re- 
turning had  made  al  the  multitude  to  murmur  againft  him, 
dctra6ting  from  the  Land  that  it  was  naught,  f  died  and  were  57 
ftroken  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  f  But  lofue  the  (oane  of  38 
Nun,  and  Caleb  the  fonne  of  lephonc  liued  ofal  them,  that 
hadgone  to  view  the  Land,  f  And  Moyfes  fpake  al  thefe  3^ 
wordes  to  al  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  the  people  mourned 
excedingly  .  -j-  And  behold  very  early  in  the  morning  rifing  49 
they  went  vp  to  the  toppe  of  the  mountaine,  and  faid  :  We 
are  readie  to  goe  vp  to  the  place,  wherofour  Lord  hath  fpo- 
icn  :  for  we  haue  finned  .  f  To  whom  Moyfes  faid  :  \Vhy  41 
Uanfoji-cileyou  the  vpxd  of  our  Lord,which  slulnot  fuceede 


Manie  flame.  N  v  M  e  r  i  .55'5 

^1  profpcroufcly  \srlth  you?  f  Gocnotvp,  for  our  Lord  is 

^5  not  with  you:  left  you  fal  before  your  enemies,  f  The  A- 

malecireandthe  Chananciceare  before  you^bywhofe  {word 

you  fbal  fal,  for  that  you  would  not  cx>nrent  to  our  Lord, 

44  neither  wil  our  Lord  be  with  you.  f  But  they  being  blinded 

wentvp  to  the  toppeof  themountaine.Butthearke  of  the  te» 

ftamcnt  ofour  Lord&  Moyfes  departed  not  from  the  campe. 

4J  t  And  the  Amalecitecame  downe  and  the  Cananeite,  that 

dwelt  in  the  mountainc;  and  ftriking  and  hewing  thcm^pur- 

fewcd  them  as  farreas  Horma. 

Chap.     XV. 

Ceruine prteepts  concerning Sacrjjicei^iy ,  andf.rflfmitcSy  are  rcpeted,  22. 

aljotouchmf  different  punishment  of  jlnneccmitted  by  ignorance  and  by 

fef^dftilnes.  52.  and  accordingly  one  is  jloned  to  dfAth^  for  gathering 

flukes  on  the  S*vl>dth  day.  57.  ^/  are  commanded  to  cane  nftgne  m  their 

garments-,  thcrby  to  remember  the  commaodwents  of  God, 

I  z     \    N  D  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  faying  :  f  Spcaketo 

jl\  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  thou  flialtfay  to  them;  When 

youshaibe  entred  into  the  Land  of  your  habitation,  which 

3  I  wil  geuc  you,  f  and  shal  make  oblation  to  the  Lord  for  an 
holocauftjOr  vidimc,  paying  vowcs,  or  voluntarily  offering 
giftes,  or  in  your  folemnities  burning  a  fwectefauourvnto 

4  the  Lord.,  of  oxen  or  of  sheepe:  f  wholoeucr  immolateth 
thevidime,  shaloiferafacrificeof  Hov/re,  the  tenth  part  of 
an  ephi  tempered  with  oyle,  which  shal  haue  in  meafurc  the 

5  fourth  paitof  an  hni :  f  and  wine  of  tlie  fame  meafure  to 
powre  the  libamentes  shal  he  geue  fortheholocauftorfor 

^  thevidime.  Forcuerielambe  f  and  ranime  there  shal  be  a 
(acrificeofflowreof  two  renthes,  which  shal  be  tempered 

7  with  oile  the  thirdpart  of  anhin  :  f  and  wine  for  the  liba- 
mente,  the  third  partofthefamc  meafurc,  shal  heoffer  for  a 

8  fweetefauourto  the  Lord,  t  But  when  thou  makeft  an  ho- 
locaufl:  or  ho(Ve  of  oxen,  to  fulfil  thy  vow  or  for  pacifique  vi- 

f)  lOcimts,  t  f^ou  shalt  geue  for  euerie  oxe  three  tenthcs  of 

Aowretempered  with  oile,  which  shal  haue  halfe  the  niea- 

10  ibre  ofahin;  t  and  wine  to  powre  libamentes  of  the  fame 

meafure  for  an  oblation  of  moftfweetefauour  to  the  Lord. 

iriif  So  shalt  thou  doe  t  for  euerie  oxe  and  ramme  and  lambe 

13  andbuckegoate.  f  As  wel  they  that  are  borne  in  the  coun- 

i^  trie  as  the  ftrangers  j  after  one  rite  shal  offer  facrifices. 

55:4  N  V  M  E  R  r.  Precepts'. 

f  There  shal  be  al  one  precept  and  iudgemcnt  as  -^el  to  your  1^ 
fclues  as  to  the  Itrangersof  the  land,  f  Our  Lord  fpake  to   16 
Moyfcs,  faying;  t  Spcake  to  the  children  oFIfrael,  and  thou  17 
shak  fay  to  them:  -j-  when  you  are  come  into  the  land, which    18 
I  wil  oeueyou,  f  and  shal  eatc  of  the  breades  of  that  coun-   19 
trie, you  shal  feparate  firft  fruites  to  the  Lord  f  ofyourmea-  20 
tes.  As  of  your  barne  floores  you  feparate  firftfruites,  f  i'o  21 
ofyour  paftcs  shal  you  geue  firftfruites  to  the  Lord,  -f  And  if  2i 
through  ignorance  you  omittc  any  of  thclcthinges,  which 
the  Lord  hath  fpoken  to  Moyfes,  f  and  by  him  hath  com-  23 
manded  you,  from  the  day  that  he  begannc  to  command  and 
fo  forward,  f  and  the  mulritude  hauc  forgotten  to  doit_.:  24, 
they  shal  olfer  acalfe  out  of  the  heard,  an  holocaufte  for  a 
moftfvt'eetefauour  to  the  Lord,  and  the  facrifice  and  liba- 
mentes  therof,  as  the  ceremonies  require,  and  a  buckegoatc 
forfinne:  -f  and  the  priefl:  shal  pray  for  al  the  multitude  of  2j 
the  children  of  Ifrae!:  andirshai  be  forgeuen  them,  bccaufe 
they  finned  not  wittingly,  offering  notwithftanding  burnt 
facrifice  to  the  Lord  for  them  felues  and  for  their  linne  arrd 
errour:  f  anditshal  beforgeuen  al  the  people  of  the  chil-  2^ 
drenof  Ifracl, and  the  firangers,  that  feiourne  among  themn- 
.^.    ,       ,        becaufeitisthefault  of  al  the  people  through  ignorance.-', 
finncj  vnt-      t  But  if  one  foulc  shal  finnc  vnwitting,  he  shal  offer  a  she  27 
tinglycom-      goate  of  a  ycare  old  for  his  finnc :  f  and  the  priefl;  shal  pray  x8 
mitted,  pro-    for  him,  bccdufe  he  finned  vnwitting  before  the  Lord:  and 
cedTgoF pride  ^^  ^j^^j  obteine  him  pardon,  and  it  shal  be  foreeuen  him... 
and  contempt    ,     ^  ?         l  1  1  •       i_  ■  1 

of  Gods  com-  t  Asweitothem  that  are  borne  in  the  countrie  as  to  the  25? 

mmdm^nf,      Grangers  one  law  shal  be  for  al,  that  iinne  by  ignorance.^, 
could  not  be    -|-  But  the  foule,  that  ••  through  pride  committ^thany  thing,  3® 
^u'^iT^  whether  he  be  borne  in  the  countrie,  or  a  ftranger,  ( becaufc 

fuch^mav^alfo  ^''^  hath  bene  rebellious  agaiuft  the  Lord )  shal  perish  out  of 
be  remitted      his  people  5  f  for  he  hath  contemned  the  word  of  the  Lord,  31 
■throughtruc    and  made  his  precept  of  no  effcd::  thcrfore  shal  he  be  de- 
xcpcntance.^.  ftroyed,  and  shal  beare  his  iniquitie.  f  And  it  came  to  paffe,  32, 
Tium.  ^  ^^  "*  ^^"^^  f^c  children  of  Ifracl  were  in  the  wildcrneile,  and  had 
;:Seucriticis    found  a  man  gathering  flickes  on  the  Sabbath  day,  f  they  35 
vfcdtowardcs  prefented  him  to  Moyfcs  and  Aaron  and  the  whole  multi- 
tho(c  tlut        tude.  -f  Who  shut  him  into  prifon,  notknowinjy  what  they  54 
Jcnov/itr  Gods     1        1  1  j  •  1   1  •         .    .      i  t        1  /-  •  1        ^  i       r-      ..   1    ■ 

wildocontra-  5"'^'^'"  ^^c  with  huu.  f  And  our  Lord  laid  to  Moyles,  ••  dying  35 

lie.  Lwf.ii.  y.  ^^f  ^^^^^  "^•'1"  die,  let  al  the  multitude  (lone  him  without  the 
4jt7,  campc .  t  And  Njfhen  they  had  brought  him  out,  they  ftoned  3^ 


37  him,  and  he  died  as  our  Lord  had  commanded,  f  Our  Lord 

'38   alio  faid  to  moy fes  :  f  Speakc  to  the  children  of  Hbcl,  and 

thou  shalt  fay  to  them,  that  they  make  them  (elues  -  fringes  .•••Thele\resfa 

in  the  corners  of  their  CTarmentes,  puttinf^  in  them  ribandes  ^^"^l  "^'^ 
r,         .      ,        ,        I  ■    I  "^    I  I  I     1  r        L  -I        hvpocbriti- 

39  ofhyacmth:  f  which  when  they  shal  fee,  they  may  remeber  ^_;jfy  ^^^j^^     . 

al  the  commandcmcnrs  of  the  Lord,  and  not  folow  their  thc-r'e  fringes^ 

oxs-nc  cogitations  and  eies  fornicating  after  diuers  thinges,  forvainelhev 

40  f  but  rather  mindful  of  the  preceptes  of  the  Lord  may  do  of  holmes. 

41  them.and  be  holietotheir  God.  f  I  the  Lord  your  God,  that-   **^^. 
brought  you  out  of  the  Land  of  ^gypt,  that  I  might  be  your 


Chap.    XVL 

Core  And  h'ps  complied,  making  fthi^me  ^^ainfi  AioyfcS  and  ^droUy  31.  fome 
are fiValoircd  10  tbe  earthy  with  their  famtli.s  and  ftibjfance',  3;.  other 
two  hundred  and f,f tic  ojfcringmcenfe 3  41.  and  fourtene  thoujand  feucn 
hundred  of  the  common  peopleymurmtirmgin  hehalfe  of  the/edtcious,  are 
confumed  '^ith fire  from  hcauen. 

1  A  Nd  behold  Core  the  fonne  of  Ifaar,  the  fonne  of 
J^Caath,  the  fonne  of  Leiii,  and  Dathanand  Abiron  the 
fonnesofEliab,Honalfo  the  fonne  of  Pheleth  of  the  chil- 

1  dren  of  Ruben,  t  "  rofe  againft  Moyfcs,  and  other  of  the 
children  of  Ifrael  two  hundred  fiftie  men,  princes  of  the  fy- 
nagogue,  and  which  in  the  time  of  ademblie  were  called  by 

5  name,  f  And  when  they  had  ftoodc  vp  againft:  JMoyfes  and 

Aaron,  they  faid:  Let  it  fuftice  you,  that  '•'  al  the  multitude  •••  So  Lutlier 
confiftethofholie  ones,andourLordis  among  them;  "Why  (it-de  abro^. 
4   lif^t  you  vp  your  felues  aboue  the  people  of  our  Lord?  -f-  Which  Jj^'/r  cnlmies* 
J    when  Moyfes  had  heard,  he  felflatte  on  his  face:  f  and  fpea-  ©fEcclcCaftL 
king  to  Core  and  al  the  multitude,  he  faid:  In  the  morning  calHiererchy, 
our  Lord  wil  makeitknownewho  pertaine  to  him,and  the  wil  haue  no 
holiethewilioyneto  himrelfe:and  whom  he  shal  choofe,  F'op^r  Pncft- 
-     1  t     t  I         1  •  r^i  •      1       T       r  .T-  1  nood  in  the 

6  they  shalapprochtohim.  f  This  do  therfore :  Take  cueiie  church  of 

7  man  their  cenfars,  thou  Core,  and  al  thy  councel:  -f  and  ta-  chrift.bccaufe 
king  fire  in  them  to  morrow,  put  vpon  it  incenfe  before  our  al  Chrirtians 
Lord:  and  whom  focuer  he  shal  choofe,  the  fame  shal  be  ho-  V^ '^,fl?^ 'j"', 

2  lie  :youdo  much  e\-alt  your  felues  ye  fonnes  of  Leui.  f  And  ^TiAndp'ril'- 
.5?    hefaidagaine  to  Core;  Heare  ye  fonncs  of  Leui,  -f-  Is  it  a.  j}cs,^ji>oc>i. 

fmal  thing  vnto  you,  that  the  God  of  Ifrael  hath  feparated 
you  from  al  the  people, and  ioyned  you  to  him  felfe,  that  you 
-should  feruc  him  in  the  fcruice  of  the  tabernacle,  and  should 

Wwt  ftand 

35^  NvMERi.  Scliiinie» 

ftand  before  the  ful  aflcmblic  of  the  people,  and  should  mini- 

fter  to  hira  ?  f  did  he  therfore  make  thee  and  al  thy  brcchren   ic» 

the  Tonnes  of  Leui  co  approch  vnto  him,  that  you  should 

chalentrevncoyoLi  the  pneilihood  alio,  -f  andal  thy  compa-  ix 

nie  should  ftand  againtt  our  Lord  ?  for  what  is  Aaron  that  you 

murnniragainfthim?  f  Moyfes  therfore  fcnt  to  cal  Darhan  la 

and  Abironrhe  {onnes  of  £hab.  ^bo  anf-srcred:  "^7e  conic 

not.  t  NViiy.isiramal  matter  to  thee  that  thou  haft  brought  15 

vs  out  of  a  land,  thatfolowed  with  miike  and  honic,  to  kil 

TS  in  the  defsrt,  vnles  thou  rule  alio  like  a  lord  ouer  vs? 

•f  Indcede  haft  thou  brouglit  vs  into  a  land,  that  flov^cth   14 

with  riuersofmilkeand  honie,  &  haft  thou  g.ruen  vspoftefti- 

ons  officldes  &  vineyardcs  ?  Vhat,  wilt  thou.piucke  outour 

eicsaUb?  "^''e  come  nor.  -j-  Moyfes  therfore  being  very  wrath,   if 

faid  to  our  Lord  :  Refpcd  not  their  facrifices :  tliou  knoN'^c  ft 

that  I  haue  nor  taken  ofthcm To  much  as  a  little  afle  at  anie 

time,  neither  haueaftli'fbcd  anie  of  them,  f  And  he  Giid  to   t6 

Core  .-Tiioujanti  al  thy  congregation  ftand  ye  apart  before 

our  Lord,  and  Aaron  to  morrow  apart,  t  Take  euerie  oner  17 

your  cenfars,  and  pur  incenfe  vpon  them,  offering  to  our 

Lord  two  hundred  hftie  cenfars  :  Let  A»ron  alfo  hold  his  cen—  • 

far,  t  which  when  they  had  done,  Moyfes  and  Aaron  Hand-  18 

ing,  f  and  had  heaped  together  al  the  multitude  againft  them   i^ 

to  the  dore  of  the  tabernacle,  the  glorie  of  our  Lord  appeared 

to  them  al.  -f  And  our  Lord  fpcakmg  ro  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  2© 

faid  :  j-  Separate  your  fclucs  from  the  middes  of  this  congre-  ii 

*■  ^  ^u°lu!!I^c   nation,  that  1  may  fodenly  dcOroy  them  .  +  Who  fcl  t4atte  on  it 
tonch  things    o  >  ,   /  -i      t/a       •    l   •    ^     j     c    1      r   •   ■  r    1 

perteiningto   their  tace,  and  lai-J :  Moll  mighric  Godot  the  Ipintes  of  al 

impictie,'or     flesh,  \jphcn  onc  finnerh  ,  shal  thy  wrarh  rage  againft  al  J 
depart  not       ,|.    p^^^  q^,-  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes:  -j-  Command  the  whole  25  24 
Tvomt  =J,=*  "people  that  they  feparate  them  Cclucs  from  the  tabernacles 
xnatikcs  are      of  Core  and  Dathan  and  Abiron.  f  And  Moyles  arolc,  and  25 
inwrappcd  in  went  to  Dathau  and  Abiron:  and  theancicntes  of  Ifrael  fo- 
thcir  (inncs :    [o^^'itig  him,  t  he  faid  ro  the  multitude  :  depart  from  the  ta-  \G 
much  more  to  [^^^.^^(-i.^s  qJ-'  jjic  impious  men,  and  touch  not  the  thinfjcs 
poc  vnto  he*     ,  i        '    ..  1    n  t  j  •        <  r 

rctical  Svna-    that  pcrtaine  to  them,  ••  kit  you  be  Trapped  in  tneir  Imnes. 

gogucsiscon- f  And  when  they  wcre  departed  from  th tit  tentes  round  a-  27 
<iemnc<i..^ff.?.  bour,  Dathan  and  Abicon  coming  forth  ftood  in  the  entrie 
C;yp»»rf»%  j^   '"oftheirpaLiilioni  with  their  wiucs  and  children,  and  al  the 
z^MovlcspVo- "'"^"^"'^c  •  t   A"*^  Moyfes  faid:;*  In  this  you  shal  know  iS 
iifidbcfort:      that  our  Lord  hath  lent  mc  to  do  aithingcs  chat  )ou  fee,  and 


::  TViofe  tliat 

Schifmc.  N  V  M  E  R  r.  357 

zp  that  I  haiic  not  forged  them  of  my  o'W'ne  mind  :  j  If  they  die  ^7  miracles, 
the  accuftomcd  death  of  men,  and  if  the  plague^  ^rhetwith   U**^- 4-]  that 
others fJfo  are  wont  to  be  vifited,  do  vifice  them,  our  Lord  Cod^andnovr 

30  did  irorfcnd  me  :  f  bur  if  our  Lord  do  anew  thing,  rhat  rhe  he  proucth  a- 
carth  opening  her  mouth  {Nraliou'ihem  downe,  &althinges  gainebymira- 
thar  perraine  to  them,  and  they  defcend  quickeinro  hej,  you  «^^c,tliachcand 

II  shal know  that  they  hauebhilphemed  our  Lord,  t  Imtnedi-  ,1^^,°",'^°'^"'^'^ 
atiy  ihtrroreas  iiecealed  to  (peake,  rhe  earth  brake  miunaer  tikes  ucrccal- 

51  vnder  tbcir  fectc  :  f  and  opening  her  mouth, deuoured  them  icdandlcnrby 

,35  :vith  their  tabernacles  &:al  their  lubfunce.  t  and  they  vent  Godtogo- 
do^rneinto  helquicke  couered-wiih  the  ground,  and  peri-  '^^^'^^  ^^^ 

34  shed  out  of  the  mic'dcsofthemuhitude.  t  Butal  Ifrael,  that 
ftoode  round  abour,  fled  at  the  eric  of  them  that  perished, 

55  faying:  Left  pcrhappes  the  earth  Kvalloxrvsaifo.  j  But  a  fire 
alio  coming  forth  from  our  Lord  ,  llevp^  the  two  hundred 

5<5   fiftie  men,  that  oftered  the  incenfe.  f  And  our  Lord  fpake 

37  to  Moyfcs,  faying:  t  Command  '•'•  Elczar  the  fonne  of  Aa-  ::  Aaronbcisg 
ron  the  prieft  that  he  take  vp  the  ccnfarstha-  he  in  the  bur-  already  cftabli 
ning  fire, and  that  he  fprinlde  the  fire  hither  and  thither.-  I     n.^'p.'^  1 

38  becauferhey  be  fancliiied  -j-  in  the  deathcs  oi*^  the  fmners:  aainc'confir-' 
and  let  him  beite  them  into  plates,  and  faAen  them,  to  rhe  mcth  in  EUa- 
alrar,  becanfe  there  harh  bene  offered  incenfe  in  rhem  to  the  K:^rtheprogtnie 
Lord,andthey  aref2ndified,tharthechildrenof  Ifrael  may  "p^'^fi^''^ M"f 

39  tec  t'lcm  for  alignc  andamonumenr.  f  ulcazarrherfore  the  j-jock  and  not 
pricft  tooke  the  brafen  cenfars ,  wherin  they  had  oflered,  inother  Lcm- 
whom  the  burning  fire  deuoured, and  bctre  them  into  pla-  t^s.j-.  ^i-r,  <^^ 

40  tes,fafteningthem  ro  thealrar:  -V  thac  rhe  children  of  Ifrael  3o.»»i^»w, 
afrerward  might  haue,\rherwith  to  be  admonished,  that  no 
ftranger3pproch,ar.d  he  that  is  nor  of  the  feeds  of  Aaron,  to 

offer  incenfe  to  our  Lord,  left  he  fuffer  as  Cere  hath  llzifercd, 
and  alhis  congregation,3ccording  as  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moy- 

41  fes.  f  And  al  the  multitude  of  rhe  children  of  Ifrael  murmu- 
red the  day  f  olowing  againft  Moylcs  and  Aaron,  faying  :  You 

42  hauc  killed  the  people  of  our  Lor*,  f  And  when  there  rofe 

45  aredirion,aud  thcfumulr  grcwfarder,  f  Moyfesand  Aaron 
lied  to  the  tabernacle  of  couenant..  "^hichafter  they  were 
cntrcd  the  cloude  coucrcd  it,  and  the  glcrie  of  our  Lord  ap- 

44  pcared.  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfcs  :  f  Depart  from  the 

4j-  middes  of  this  multitude,  ''•  eucnnow  wil  I  detlroy  rhcm...  ••  Thismnlt-H- 

46  And  as  they  lay  vpon  the  ground,  f  Moyfcs  faid  to  A^^onilf^^^^^^'fl 
Take  the  cenlar,  and  drawing  fire  from  the  altar,put  incenfe  uour  fchifws^ 

/    ■  "WW  J  vpoa 

Jtcs  ? 

^jg  NvMERiT  Scliifmc. 

tikes/ Ts-hat      vpon  it,  going  quickly  to  the  people  to  pray  for  them:  for 
iudgcmettlien  eu^n  now  is  fihe  wrath  come  forth  from  our  Lord^  and  the 
rcmaineth  to      ,       „  ^.^^^^j^  ^   .  Which  when  Aaron  had  done,  and  had  47 
thole  which     r&  t>  '  ^,  i-j  r-u  il 

iii  external  a-  runne  to  the  middes  of  the  multitude,  which  now  the  bur- 

dtcsparticipa-  ning  fire  did  wafte,  he  ofFeted  the  incenCe:  f  and  (landing  48 
tev/ichiiercti-  bccwen  the  deade  and  the  liuing,  he  prayed  for  the  people, 

and  the  plague  ceafed  .  f  And  there  were,  that  were  ftroo-  49 
ken,  fourtene  thoufand  and  feuen  hundred  nienjbefide  them 
thathadperishedin  thefedition  of  Core,  f  And  Aaron  re-  ^q 
turned  to  MoyCes  vnto  the  doore  of  the  tabernacle  of  coue- 
iiant  after  that  the  deftrudion  was  ceafed. 

Chap.    XVI. 

This  hiftoric  i.  Ji^fe  airalnfl  Moyfes,  ]  By  tills  moft  famous  Schifme  anci  terriWe  piitiifii- 
■&  others  were  ment  ther0f,al  arc  warned  to  kepe  order,  vnitie,  and  peace  within  the  Churck 
writtcfor  our  of  God;  and  in  nowifc  to  communicate  with  herctikes,  orfchifmatik^sin  the 
admonition. I .  adof  herefie  or  fchifme.  A  necefl'arie  admonition  cfpecially  in  fuch  times  and 
Cor.  I  o .  places  as  we  Hue  in,  and  fee  greatet  breaches  made  from  ordinarie  and  lawful 

Core  and  his  Paftors,  then  thi  was.  For  as  S.  Ignatius  welnotcth  {Fpffl.  J-  ad  Magn*ttanos) 
coplices  were  Core  Dathan  and  Abiron  impugned  not  diredly  the  law,  but  lefifted  Moyfes 
not  heretikes,  andAaron  rYctwere  they  and  manic  thoufandeswitli  them,  Teuerlypuniflied 
'but  only  fchil- for  their  confpiracie.  S.Cyprian  ( /«6. 1,  f./"//?.  ^. )  obferuetb  the  fame,  faying." 
jpatikes.  CoreDathanandAbitonacknowledgcd  thefarne  God  with  Aaron  and  Moy- 

fes,liuingvndcr  thefamclawandreiigion,  andinuocatcd  one  true  God,  yet 
becaufespalling  the  appointed  minifterieoftheirowncplacc,oppofite  to  Aaron 
(who  by  Gods  fauour  and  ordinance  had  receiued  lawful  Prieflhood)  they 
Cod  accep-  tooke  vpon  them  to  facrifice,  they  were  forthwith  punifhedby  God  for  their 
icthnot  Ucri-  vnlawfulattempts: neither couldtheir  facrifices  irreligiorfly  and  vnlawfully 
fice  done  a-  offered  agairrft  God?  ordinance  be  Ratified,  nor  profite  'them  at  al.  thus  tca- 
"ainfthis  oidi  chcth  S.  Cyprian  the  glorious  Martyr.  And  zhc  text  isclsre,  thatthcy  were 
saxce  .  neither  Idolaters  nor  Herctikes,  but  the  chiefe  of  them  being  Lcuitts,  of  the 

familieof  Caath,  (  who  werencreilinkinred,  andin  oiEcero  thepriefts)  and 
other  principal  men  of diuers  tribes,  enuying  tlie  ruperiorttie  ofMoyfe-sand 
Aaron,  and  that  prieflhood  was  eftahliflied  only  in  Aarons  progenic,  arroga- 
ted to  themfeliies  the  office  oqJriefts  and  offered  inceafe,  furihct  pretendinf^j 
foT  vpholding  their  fchifme,  that  there  fliould  be  no  Superior  at  al  aboiie 
the  holie  people  of  God.which  albcitthey  did  not  belene,yettherby  they  drev/ 
<]ort  by  fpcc-  the  multitude  to  fauour  and  folow  them.  ButGoddeciding  this  debate, to  take 
die  pu-uifimct  avk^^y  the  ccntradidtion,madc  the  earth  to  open, and  (Vallow  vp  rhofc  thatfirfl 
.ercucnted  he-  refuCcd  to  obey  Moyfes,  with  their  tabernacles  and  fubftance;  and  fire  from 
relic     wherto  h^^uen  to  confumc  two  hundredand  fiftic  which  otfcrcdinccnfcjandfourtenc 
al  fchifiue  ten-  cboufa".d  feuen  hundredof  the  common  people,  for  imputincr  to  their  Supe- 
jaQrU,  riors  thedeftrudlionofth-jfcdicious,  werealfo  confurred  v.ich  fire,  raging  a- 

;{pongft the  whole  u»u''"."ude,  tilAaronfentby  Moyfes,  and  offering "incenfe 


Aaroftsrodde.  N  v  m  e  r  i .  3^9 

appealed  Goc^swrath,  and fauedrhe  reft.  And  wil  anieChriftians,  (that  know  Not  only  tHc 
they  haue  immortal  fouieSjand  that  God  is  a  iuftludge)thincke  to  cfcapc  with  authores  of 
Icfle  damnaticn,\vho  foranie'J>orldlicgainc,faii©ur,  or  fcarc,  yeld  theit  bo-  wickcdnes,fc«t 
diheandpei<on;:lprertnccarrcniiceor(erfnoncf  heretikes,  oranieway  com-  al  tJhU  contnt, 
jnuHicace-  with  herctikes  in  ptadifc  of  hercfieJ  much  more 

that  coopcra- 
C  H  A  P.     X  V  I  I-  tc,  art  yycrllne 

Mojfes  uk'^'g  ofthcprlncei  oftwdue  tribes  twdue  rcddcs,  and  one  of^aron  "J  death,  i^om.x. 
Jor  the  tribe  of  Ldiijayeth  them  al  in  the  tabernacle  at  fu^Ltj  8.  Inhere 
Karons  >  odde  ( and  none  oj  the  reff )  luddcth,  bloometh^  and  bringetb    - 
forth ftuite,  9.  ^nd  alhem^  slewed le  the^e<.fLe^  Karons  n  c^ricd  back, 
and  k^^tjor  a  monument  m  the  tabtrnailc. 

12     2\    N  D  onr  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfcs,  faying ;  f  Speake  to  ..p^j.  morefa- 
./Jl  the  children  of  Kracl,  and  ::  take  a  roddc  of  eucrie  one  tisfadion  to 
ofrhcir  kinrcdcs,  of  al  the  princes  of  their  tribes,  twelue  thewhole 
roddes,  and  the  name  of  euciie  one  thou  shalt  write  vpon  his  P^°P  ^^JV 
3;rodde.  f  and  the  name  of  Aaron  shal  be  in  the  tribe  ot  i-cui,  ^3j.Qi,sautlio_ 
4  andonerodde  shal  conteinc  al  their  families  .-  -f  and  thouritiebya  new 
shaklay  themjn  the  tabernacle  of  conenant  before  the  te-  miracle. t. 10. 

5  ftimonie,  where  I  wil  fpcake  to  thce^.  f  Whomfoeuer  of 
thcfe  I  shal  choofe,  his  roddc  shal  bloiTome  :  and  I  shal  fray 
from  me  the  grudginges  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  v  herwith 

6  they  murmur  againfl  you.  f  And  Moyfes  fpake  to  the  chil- 
dren of  Ifraei :  and  al  the  princes  gaue  him  roddes  by  eucrie 
tribe  ;  and  they  were  twelue  roddes  belides  Aarons  rodde. 

7  t  Which  when  Moyfcs  hid  laid  before  our  Lord  in  the  ta- 

8  bernacle  of  tefliimonie:  f  returning  the  day  folowing  he'  ..'p{,gr^(7<^g 
found  that  "  Aarons  '•  rodde  in  the  houfe  of^Leuiwas  bud-  ficnifiedthc 
dcd:  and  the  buddes  therof  fwelling,  the  blofTomes  -were  B^Virginmo- 

"^^  defer-  shotte  forth,  which  fpreddin^  the  leaues,  were  *  fashioned  th";  -^"^  ^^^« 

T'ff^     9  into  ::  almondes.  t  Moyfes  iherfore  brought  forth  al  the  "pf  "A^"^"  , 

formed.         ^  ,,       r  1      r  r         ■.        ^         II        I    I J  err      1      Chuft,  towit, 

roctdcs  from  the  light  of  our  Lord  to  al  trie  children  or  lirael :  ti^e  vtter  pill 

10  and  they  faw  and  eucrie  one  receiued  their  roddes.  f  And  hishi-manitie, 
our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes:  Carie  backe  Aarons  rodde  into  the  ^^^^^'^}  *'j* 
tabernacle  of  teftimonie,  that  it  may  be  kept  there  for  a  figne  "^^  ^|^'^J''J*;^5J• 
ofthe  rebellious  children  ofIfracl,and  let  their  complaintes  nine; 'who 
It  ceafe  from  mc,  left  they  die.  f  And  Moyfes  did  as  our  Lord  paaf,edhytU 
u   had  commanded,  f  And  the  children  of  Ifraei  faid  to  Moy-  bhudofhh 
13  fes:  Behold  wc are confumed,  we  are  al  perished,  t  ^ho-  "^tthandtn 
foeuer  approcheth  to  the  tabernacle  of  our  Lord,  he  dieth.  yauen.  cdbf. 
Are  wc  al  to  be  dcftroyed  vnto  vtter  confumption  ?  i.s.^u^.ftr.^, 




|5^©  N  V  M  E  R  r  Pfouifion  far 

Chap.     XVII. 

8.  jfarom  rodJe  ]  This  t&ddc  without  rootc,  neither  it  felf  planted,  not 
Example  of  anieliuc  branch  ingrafFed  thcrin,  aldrie  without iuyce  or  nioifturc, bringing 
one  miracle  forth  buddes,  flowers,  and  fruits,  was  a  figure  that  our  B.  Ladic  fliouid  bcarc 
proueth  the  a  fonne,  and  remaine  a  Virgin.  And  this  example  cuidently  dcraonftrateth 
pofTibilitie  of  that  Hie  could  fo  do,  it  being  no  more  contrarieto  nature,  that  a  virgin  fhould 
another.  conceiue,  and  beare  a  child  without  loife  of  yirginine,  then  that  the  diie  roddc 

fliould  bud  and  bcarc  fruite,  without  ordinarie  concourfe  ofnature.S.  ^«^« 
Jir.) .  de temj) .  S.  Gte^. natiutt,  Dom . S,  Beyv-arfi.  hs.z.  m Eitang,  T^iijiits ejh^ 

Chap.    XVI  U. 

The  ch.irge  and  burden  of  Priejles  rvithin  the  tmhcmncU^  And  of  Lcuitcs  aheui 
the  JA/ne.  8.  Firjl  f mites,  and  oblations  are  due  to  thePrie(ieSyl\.  the 
tithes  to  the  Lmttes  i  2.6.  ivho  of  the  fame ^ay tithes  to  the  rriefies, 

Nd  our  Lord  (nd  to  Aaron:  Thou,  and  thy  fonncs,  t 
andtheboufc  of  thy  father  with  thee  shal  belre  the 
iniquitie  of  the  Sanduarie :  both  thou  &  thy  fonnes  together 
shal  bearethefinnesof  yourpriefthood.  t  but  thy  brcthre'h  I 
aJfoof  thctnbeof  Leui,andthe  fcepter  of  thy  father  take 
"with  thee,  and  letchcrabe  rcAdic  at  hand,  and  minifterto- 
thec:  but  thouandthy  fonnes  shal  miniftcr  in  the  tabernacle 
of  tcftimonie.  f  And  the  Leuites  shal  watch  vpon  thy  pre-  j 
Ceptes,  and  vpon  al  the  workcs  of  the  tabernacle:  fo  not 
withftanding,  .that  they  approch  not  to  the  vellel  of  the 
Sanctuane  and  to  the  altar,  left  both  they  die,  and  you  perish 
withal,  t  butletthem be  with  thee,  and  watch  in  the  cu-  4 
ilodics  of  the  tabernacle,  and  in  al  the  ceremonies  therof. 
A  Granger  shal  not  ioyne  with  you.  f  Warchirithc  cullodie  j 
of  the  Sanducarie^  and  in  the.niiniftcrie  of  the  altar:  left 
mdignation  rife  vpon  the  children  of  Ifrad.  f  I  hiue  gcuen   6 
youyour  brethren  the  Leuitesoutofthemiddesof  the  chiU. 
drcn  Of  ifracl,andhauedeliuercdthcm  a  gifte  to  the  Lord, 
to  ferut  in  the  miniftcries  of  his  tabcrnacrc.  t  And  thou  and  7 
thy  Tonnes  looke  to  your  priefthood ;  and  al  thingcs  that  per- 
teync  to  the  feruicc  of  the  altar,  and  that  arc  within  the  vcle, 
;.  f^x3  was      ilial  be  executed  by  the  pricftes.  if anicftrangcr approch,  ■'•  he 
ll.nnc  for  tou-  Qial  be  flaine.  f  Andour  Lord  Ipake  to  Aaroa,  behold  I  banc  S 
tlungthcarckgeuen  thec  the  cuftodie  of  ray  firft  frmtes.  Al  thinges  that 
*-^'''?'   •  arc  fan di lied  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  hauc  I  dehuered  to 

.thec  and  to  thy  fonnes  for  the  prieftlie  oftice,as  cuerlalling 


fricftesaadLcuitci,  Nvmejii  5<?i 

^  ordinances,  f  Thefe  thinges  theiTore  fhalt  thou  take  of 
thole,  that  are  fandiiicd,  and  are  offered  to  the  Lord  .  Al  ob- 
lation, and  facn'ficc,  and  whatfoeuer  is  rcndrcd  to  me  for 
linn«and  oftcncc,  S:  becometh  Holieof  holieSjibal  be  thine, 
I©  andthyionnes.  t  In  the  Sandiiarie  llal t  ihoucate it:  males- 
onlic  shal  eatc  thcrof,  bccaiifc  it  is  to  thcc  a  c6  fecratcd  thing. 
ii  t  But  ihc  firft  fruites,  ^rhich  the  children  of  Ifracl  shal  vovr 
and  offer,  I  banc  gcuen  thee,  and  thy  fonnes,  and  thy  daugh- 
ters for  a  perpetual  right,  he  that  is  cleanc  in  thy  houfe,  shal 
12  eatc  them,  -f  Al  the  bed  of  oile,  and  wine,  and  corne, 'what- 
foeucr  fit  ft  fruircs  they  offer  to  the  Lord,  I  h*uc  geucn  them 
s}  to  thee.  -{■  Of  fruites  al  the  iirft,  that  the  ground  bringeth 
forth,  and  are  brought  to  the  Lord,  shal  turnc  to  thy  vfes :  he 
14  thstiscleanc  in  thy  houfe,  shal  eatc  them,  f  Eueric  thing 
that  the  children  of  lirael  render  by  vo^s^,  shal  be  thinc_^. 
jr;  t   Vhatfoeucr   lirfc  breakcth  forth  from  the  matrice  of  al 
flesh,  vhich  the)  offer  to  the  Lord,  whether  it  be  of  men,  or 
of  btaiics,  shal  be  thy  right:  yctfo,  that  for  the  firft  borne  of 
man  thou  take  a  piicc, and  cueriebeaft  that  is  vnclcane  thou 
iS  caule  to  beredcmcd,  j  ^crhofe  redemption  shal  be  after  one 
moncrh,  for  fiuc  fides  of  filuer,  by  the  weight  of  the  San- 
tj  clruarie.  A  ficlchath  twenrie  oboies.  f  ^>^^  the  firft  borne 
of  beefe  and  fneepc  and  goatc  thou  fnalt  not  caufe  to  be  re- 
demcd,  becaufe  they  arc  fandified  to  the  Lord,  onlic  the 
bloud  of  them  thou  shalt  poxyrc  vpon  the  altar,  and  the  fattc 
28  thoushalt  bumeforamoilfvccreodour  to  the  Lord,  f  But 
thcHcshshal  turne  to  thy  vfe,  as  the  confecrarcd  bred,  and 
19   the  right  shouldcr,5h3l  be  thine,  f  Al  the  fitlt  fruites  of  the 
San6cuific  which  the  children  of  Ifracl  offer  to  tk*  Lord, 
hauc  I  geucn  thee  and  thy  fonncs,  and  daughters  for  a  perpc-  :.-  This  conc- 
tual  right-  '•'•  A  couenant  of  fait  is  it  for  euer  before  the  Lord,  "-^Rt  of  firft- 
io  to  tfiecandto  thyfonnes .  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Aaron..:  [j^"'/"  T^™"" 
In  their  land  you  shal  pofTelTc  nothing,  neither  shal  you  haue  ^^^  to  cKc^  " 
a  portion  among  them  :  I  am  thy  portion  and  inheritance  in  Prit^ftsfhal  be 
11  the  middesofthc  children  of  Ifrael.  -f-  And  to  the  fonnes  of  perpetual,  as 
Lcui  I  haue  geucn  al  the  tirhes  of  Ifracl  in  pofTclIion  for  the  ^-ilr  " 'n  cuc- 
minirteric  vphcrwith  they  fcrueme  m  the  tabernacle  of  co-  ^^^-^  ""^^ 
4i  ucnant:  j-  that  the  children  or  liraclapproch  not  any  more 
23  to  the  tabernacle,  nor  coramitte  •-  dcadlic  finne,  f  onlic  :,•  punlfhablc 
the  fonncs  of  Lcuiferuing  me  in  the  tabernacle,  and  bearing  withdcatk. 
the  fimics  of  the  people,  it  shal  be  an  euci  lairing  ordinance  in 

Xx  your 

3^2,  NvMERi.  Saccrifices 

your  generations.  Nootherrhing  shal  they  pofTcfTe,  f  being  24 
content  \ritii  the  oblation  of  tithes,  >x'hich  I  hauc  fcparated 
for  their  vfes  and  neceiraries  .   f   And  our  Lord  fpake  to  2  j 
Moyfes,  faying:   f   Command  the  Lcuitcs,  and  denounce  i€ 
vnto  them:  When  you  (hal  rcceiueof  the  children  of  Ifrael 
the  tithes,  which  I  haue  geuen  you,  offer  firft  fruircs  of  them 
to  the  Lord,  that  is  to  fay,  the  tenth  part  of  the  tenth:  f  that  Z7 
it  may  be  reputed  to  you  for  an  oblation  of  fitft  fruitts,  as 
_,,     r  welofrhebarne  Hooresasofthepreires,  f  andof  al  thinges  il 

'thin/s  LiTth     wherofyoureceiue tithes, the firftfruites  offer  to  the  Lord, 
S.Auguft.  (<?.  and  oeue  them  to  Aaron  the  prieft .  f  Al  thinges  that  you  i$ 
33  )  and  The-  (^^\  Qffer  of  the  tithes,  and  (hal  feparate  for  the  giftes  of  the 
©dorct(^.^6.  LQi-^^jheyshalbethebeftand  chofen  thinges-.  f  And  thou  5® 
w^rc  fclcW   {halt  fay  to  them:  If  you  offer  al  the  goodlic  and  the  better 
cdand  prcfi-    thingesof  the  tithes,  it  ihal  be  reputed  to  you  as  if  you  hid 
gured  in  the    gcuen  firft  fruites  of  the  barne  floore  and  the  prcrfe:  f  and  31 
old  Tcfta-       you  shaleate  them  in  al  your  places,  as  vrelyou  as  your  fami- 
"^^A.^^rS^    lies:  becaufe  it  is  the  reward  for  the  minifteriejwherwith  you 

llClCCl  3,15  0  ina*  t  i'  n  •  A         1  II 

*iifefted  in  the  ferue  in  the  tabernacle  of  tcltimonie .  f  And  youshalnoC  ja 
New-  And       finne  in  this  point,  referuing  the  principal  and  fatte  thinges 
thisfpecialfd-  fo  your  felues  left  you  pollute  the  oblations  of  the  child  rear  • 
^^li:^    oflfraeUnddi.. 

things  in  ChAP.     XIX, 

Cbrii>sPa{no.  ^ff^JfcoxvisoferedifihurntyiBimeforJinnf:  9.  tvho/i  dsha  dre  mit^ 
aHisbodicof  M in^ater.for  cxpintion  of  d,uers  le^^l  -yncleanes,  11.  4S  hy  touchui^ 
Cg'^M^^artl  the  dead,  i^.hy  entrtng  into  the  tent  of  the  de^d,  4//0  the  >f/f  /  th^t  ts 
b  At  the  age  of  thenn,  and  they  cftl  that  Uchyth  4  couer,  21.  and  ^hatfoeuer  the  >»- 
35.ycares  cAl«       deanetouchetb. 

waycs  molt         *      j^  ^^  ^^^^  Lq^^  (pskc  to  Moyfes  and  Aaron  ,  faying :  i 
llncdTtct     -^^  t  This  is  the  religion  of  "  the  vidimc-,,  which  the  a 
fromal  bon-     Lord  hath  appointed .  Command  the  children  of  Ifraael,that 
Jagc. e Ciuci-  tj^ey  bring  vnco  thee  ^  a  rcdde  cow  of  ^  ful  age,  wherin is  <=  no 
£cd without     blemilli,aiid  that  hath  d  not  caried yoke:  f  and  you  (hal  dc-  f 
HLmSem.     Ihier  her  to  Eleazar  the  priefLwho  bringino;  her  forth  e  with- 
i'Al  Sacram^ti  out  the  campe,shal  immolate  her  in  the  fight  of  al:  t  and  4 
hauc  their       dipping  his  linger  in  her  ^bloud,  shal  fprinklc  it  againft  the 
^V"f>  y     d.  tlooi'esofthe  tabernacle  feuen  times,  f  and  thai  burnc  her  f 
^From  the'     i"  the  fight  of  al,  committing  gafwel  her  skinne  and  the  flesh 
folcof  hisfcct  asthebloud,andthedongto  the  fire,  f  h  Wood  alfoof  the  6 
i#tkc  coppc     cedar,  and'  hylfope,  and  (carlec ^  twifc  died  shal  the  piieft 

of  expiation.  Nvmerl  ^6^ 

7   cad  Into  the  flame,  that  waftech  the  cow.  f  And  then  ar  ofSiis  fceaJ  al 

.  length  washing  his  garmcntes,  and  his  bodic,  he  shal  enter  ^-^r^f^"*' 
t  into  the  campc,  and  i  shal  be  polluted  vntil  cucn  .  f  ButKc  J^'^'^  ci^Jne^ 
alio  that  burnetii  her,  shal  wash  his  garmentes  and  his  bodie,  nailes.  &c.* 
9  andshalbcvnclcanevntileuen.  t  And^^a  man  tbatis  clcane  hWoodofthc 
ihal  gather  the  ashes  of  the  cow,  and  shal  powre  them  out  "oacbrought 
without  the  campe  in  °  a  meftcleane  place,  that  they  may  be  ^orld.iLiucIy 
refcrued  for  the  multitude  of  the  children  oflfrael ,  and  for  bcatcofioin- 
watcr  of  afperfion  :  becaufc  the  cowe  was  burnt  for  finne  .  finite  chahtic 

!•  -j- And  when  he  that  caricd  the  ashes  of  the  coWjhath  washed  ^'^^luetK  the 
his  garmentes,°  he  shal  be  vncleane  P  vntil  euen.The  children  ^^^j^" 
0fIfrael,andihe  ftrangers  that  dwel  among  them,  shalhauc  kChriflsfuffe- 
II  this  for  a  holie  thing  by  a  perpetual  ordinance,  f  He  that  nngaocxaplc 
touchcththedcadcorpsofa  man,  and  is  vncleane  therfore  ^batv^cmuft 

U  fcuen  dales:  f  shal  be  fprinkled  ofq  this  water  the  third  day,  aJ^^^Jo^,"** 
and  the  feuenth,and  fo  shal  beclcanfed.  If  he  were  not  fprin-  i  xtofc  tfcat 
kJedjthe  third  day"^  the  feucnthday  he  can  not  be  clcnfed,  procured,  o» 

15  t  Euerie  one  that  toucheth  the  dead  corps  of  mans  foule, and  coopcratedto 
isnot  fprinklcd  with  this  coramiftion,  shal  pollute  the  ta-  Chnftsdeath 
bernacleofthe  Lord,  and  shal  perish  our  of  Ifrael:  becaufe  whh  finne.  ^ 
he  was  not  fprinkled  with  the  water  of  expiation,  he  shal  be  m  lofeph  ani 

14  vncleane,  and  his  fikhinelTc  shal  remainevpon  him  .  f  This  Nicodcmus 
is  thclawof  the  man  that  dieth  in  a  tabernacle  ;  Al  that  enter  ^"^iedChnft; 
into  his  tent,  and  al  the  vellel  that  are  there,  shal  be  polluted  cber  ■cas'plo- 

15  feuen  daies.  f  TbcvefTel,  tharhathnocouer,norbynding  rious. 

t6  oucrit,  shal  b«  vncleane.  f  If  any  man  in  the  field  touch  °  Thofe  alfa 
the  corps  of  a  man  that  was  llaine,  or  that  died  of  himfclf,  or  f'^^^  buned 

17  hisbone,orgraue,  he  shal  be  vncleane  feuen  daies.  f  And  ^nfip^^b^  h*^ 
they  shal  take  of  the  ashes  of  combuftion  and  of  finnc,  and  Pafllo^i,  not 

j8  shal  powre  huing  water  vpon  them  into  a  vefTel .  -f-  in  the  forchat^ork. 

which  when  a  man  that  is  clcane  hath  dipped  hyirope,he  shal  ^^^  ^°^  ^^^^^^ 

fprinkle  therwith  al  thetent,andal  theimplementes,andthe    '"^l^*  ut 

11        J       •  1    r     u  ^       J-      L-  I      P  The  old  lav 

19  men  polluted  with  lucn  contagion;  f  andin  this  maner  he  m  not  j.^. 

that  is  cleane  shal  purge  the  vncleane  the  third  and  feucnth  mute  fin nea 

day.  And  being  expiated  the  fenenih  day,  he  shal  wash  both  butthe  nc^«'. 

himfelfandhis  earmentes,  and  be  vncleane  vntil  euenino-.  'I  Baptifmcm 

.    fC       •  I  •         1      r  »  •       •         I  •    /-      1       1  ^>    the  name  of 

10  I  Uaniemanbe  not  expiated  after  this  rite,  his  foule  shal  ^j^^g  Xiinicie 
peril}!  outofrhemiddes  oftheChurch  :  bccaufchcharh  pol-  rwlthout 
Jutcd  the  Lordes  Sanduarie,  and  is  not  fprinklcd  with  water  w'hi«-li  no  o- 

41  ofluflration.  f  This  precept  shalbe  an  ordinance  for  euer  .  thcr  Sacramet 
Healfo  that  fprinklcth  the  waters,  shal  wash  his  garmentes  ;  ^"^^  *-^"* 

Xx  1  Euerie 


3^4  NvMERT.  water  of  contra.- 

Euerieonc  that  toucherh  the  ^yarers  of  expiation,  (hal  be 
vncleancvntil  euen.  t  wharloeuer  Ke  tcuchrrh  that  is  vn-  i% 
clcane,  he  il^al  make  it  vnclcanc :  and  the  loule,  that  toa- 
eheth  ame  of  thefe  thinges,  Ihal  be  vnckane  vncil  cucn. 
Chap.     XX. 

4  r.l  f  thcfijler  ofMoyfa  duth.  i^  Thcfu^U  murmnre  for  lack  o/"D?4/?r,f , 
jMyfcsahdyi^ronhein^rommAndfdtod.aivJome  out  of  a  rtck,  do  li 
doutfuli^  I IX,  and  for  the  f*me  ure  faretdd  thit  they  saai  die  tn  the  de^ 
fert.  1^.  Noi  shtamtrjg  licence  to  pifj?e  throti^^h  EdL-myit.  t'key  come  mta 
Motint Hot;  ^hsre  EleJ\^r  iscrd^in-.d  hugb  Pne^f  ^uron  dwth^  Asd iS 
mourned  pj  the  pcopu-  thiriie  dAie'a 

Nd  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  al  the  multicude came  i 
into  the  dcfcri  Sm,  trefirft  moncth:  and  the  people 
abode  in  Cades.  And  Marie  died  thcrf^and  vas  butied  in  the 
T^e'Ep'f^\e      fame  place,  f  And  when  the  people  lacked  vater,  they  came   2. 
on  friday  m     together  againft  Moyfcs  and  Aaron:    f    and  beirg  turned  5 
^  fLtnc.  ^^  "^  ^"'■^  fedition,  faid  :  ^ould'God  wc  had  perished  among  our^ 

brethren  before  our  Lord  .  -f  '^hy  haue  you  brought  Forth  4 
the  Church  ofour  Lord  into  the  -wfildernefie,  that  both  nt* 
and  our  cartel  (hould  die  'i  t  "^hy  did  you  make  vs  afcend  'j 
outof /€gypt,and  haue  brought  vs  into  th  s  fxccdingnaugh- 
tie  place  which  can  not  be  foxrcd,  \5-hich  bringcth  forth  nei- 
ther figge,  nor  vines,  norpomegranarcs,  moreouer  a!  o  hath 
no  ^atcr  for  rodrinke?  I  And  Moyfes&nd  Aarott;,  themul-  5 
titude  being  dirniilTedjentrin^ into  the  tabernacle  of  coae- 
nant,  fcli^fttrevpon  the  ground,  and  cried  to  our  Lord,  and 
faid:  Lord  God  hc.ire  the  crie  of  thi«;  people,  and  open  vnto 
tliem  thy  treafure  thefoantajnc'of  huing  "^ater,  that  being 
farislicd,  their  murmuring  may  ceafe .  And  the  glorie  of  our 
H^ The  rock  (\-  Lord  appeared  ouer  them,  f  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfcs,  7 
gn"ificdChni>.  laying:  f  Take  the  roddc,  and  ailerable  the  people  together,  8 
tKc  roddc  his  thouand  Aaron  thy  brother,  and  fpcake  to  •'•  the  rocke  be- 
Crcllc.x.vfv^  fore  them,  and  it  shal  geue  N^aters.  And  vj^hcn  thou  haft 
?:  Bv^thiTthe  ^^<^"g^^^  iQZX.h  vatcr  out  of  the  rocke,  ?!  the  multitude-  shal 
cvoiTcis  more  drinkc  and  their  cattcl-t  Moyfes  rherfore  tookc  thcrodde,  f} 
euitJcntly  fi-  ^J!'hich  tras  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,as  he  commanded  him^, 
w"f  maJe^o'f' "^  the  multitude  being  afTemblcd  before  the  rocke,  and  he  i« 
t.w.)  pccccsof^*^'^^^.^^*^"^'  ^"^^i^eyc  rebellious  and  mcredulous:  Can  ■<?5'c 
wood.  y.^K^,  out  of  this  rocke  bring  you  forth  "(»-atcr?  f  And^=yhenMoy-  iX 
iliUtm.  fes  had lif ted  vp  his  hand  ftricking  the  rocke,  "  twife  with 


didion.    Aaron dicth.  Nvmeri.  ^£f 

the  roddc,  there  came  forth  great  plentic  of-srarcr,  Co  that 

II  the  people  drunkc  and  theitcattcl .  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to 

Mcyfcs and  Aaron:  Bccaufc  ••  you  hauenot  bclcued  me,  to  •••  Not  dmib- 
fandtific  mc  before  the  children  of  Krael,  jou  shal  nor  bring  *'".^  ^^  Gods 

J2  ia  chele  peoples  into  the  land,  vt'hich  I  vilofucrhcm.t  This  f-^^^^^.^    ""^ 
is  thcwarerof  contr&didion,  where  the  children  of  Ifracl  vnmcrc,  that 
quarclledagainft  our  Lord,  and  he  was  landihcd  in  then-L/.  God  fliold  ftil 

J4  f  InthemeanctimcMoyksrentmcdcngcrs  from  Cades  to  ^'"orJ^c  mira- 
the  King  of  Edom,  which  should  (ay:  Thus  thy  brother  If-  ^^"^l'^""^^^^ 
rael  biddeth  vs  to  fay :  Thou  knoveft  al  the  labour,  that  bath  pi^ ^  they  did 

ij  taken  vs,  f  in  what  maner  our  fathers  "went  downe  into  j£~  not  fpcakc  to 
gypt,  and  there  we  dwelt  a  great  time,  and  the  i€gvptians  ^^^  lock,  aj- 

i6  afFiidcdvs,  and  our  fathers:  -f  and  in  what  m?!ner  we  cried        Tj".*;^ 
to  our  Lord,  and  he  hcird  vs,  and<cnt?.n  Angel,  that  bath  cludin«Tthc 
brought  vs  out  of  ytgypt.  Loc  bcingprefentiy  in  the  cftie  of  incredulon* 

17  Cades,  vhich  is  in  thy  vrtcrmoft  bor»ers,  f  "^ebcfech  thee  '■multitude, 
that  v^e  may  hauc  licence  to  pafic  through  thy  countric.  "We  *P*j'^\^  ^°  thesa, 
triJ  not  goe  through  the  fieldcs,  nor  through  the  vincyar des,  ^  fo' by°occa- 
•wc  wil  nor  drinke  the  vratcrs  of  thy  x^d'es,  but  wc  vil  goc  fion  of  others 
the  common  high  \ray,  declining  neither  to  the  right  hand,  ^nne,  alfoof- 

18  nor  to  the  left,  til  we  be  pad  thy  borders  .  f  To  \phom  Edoni  f^n'j^ca.and  for 
anfwcred :  Thou  shale  not  palle  by  rae,  other  vife  1  wil  come  puaUhld.^JJf* 

jcf  armed  againft  rhfc.  |  And  the  children  of  Ifiael  faid  :  We  Deut.^y  37  j* 
^il  goe  by  the  beaten -v7ay.'  and  if  we  and  the  cattel  drinke  y-i^.o-  4,  t. 
thyNy-ateis,  "we  vilgeue  thccthat^hicliisiutl;:  there  shal  be  '^-  "^;  '"^'^S-  1* 

10  nodifiiculticin  the  price,  only  let  vs  paire  fpecdely.  f  But  ^^'Jim"'^^^' 
he  ani^ered  :  Thou  shalt  not pade  :  And  immediatly  he  came 
forth  to  mcecc  them  vith  aninfinuiennilcitude,and  ailrong 

21  hand,  f  neither  ■'yould  he  condcfcend  to  them  defiling  to 
grant  them  palTagc  through  his  botders  For  the  Nrhich  caufc 

21  Ifracl  turned  an  other  vay  from  him  .  f  And  >hcnrhey  had 
remoucd  the  campe  from  Cades,  they  came  into  the  moun- 
tainc  Hot,  ^'hich  is  in  the  borders  of  the  land  of  EdoiTu: 

i5  t  where  our  Lord  fpakc  to  Moyfes:  t  Let  Aaron,  fayethhcs 
goctohispeople  rforhe  sbalnor  enter  to  the  Land,  \fhich 
i  hftue  geuen  the  children  of  Ifracl,  for  that  he  -was  incredu- 

2j  lous  to  my  mouth,  at  the  "Waters  of  contradidion  .  f  Take 
Aaron  and  his  fonne  vith  him,  and  thou  shall  bring  them 

iC  into  the  mountaine  Hor.  f  And  -vrhen  thou  hail  vnueftcd 
the  father  ofhisvefturc,  thou  shalt  reueft  therewith  Elcazac 

17  his  fonne  :  Aaron  shal  be  gathered,  and  die  there,  f  Moyfes 

X  X  5  di<i  &s 


3^^  N  V  M  E  n  T.  Brafen  ferprnt 

did  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  :  and  they  vent  vp  inco  the 
mountaine  Hot  before  al  the  multitude,  f  And  whfn  he  it 
a  Mourning     had  fpoyled  Aaron  of  his  veftimences,  he  reutltcd  Elcazar 
the  dead  was  his  fonnc  with  them .  f  After  that  he '^^as  dead  in  the  toppc  if 
'°"S  H^°^^  ,   of  the  mountaine,  he  Trent  downe  with  Elcazar.  •{•  And  al  5© 
by  tradicioa.    ^^^  multitude  feeing  that  Aaron  \ras  dead,  "  mourned  vpon 
«»j».i3.p,        himthirtie  daies  throughout  al  their  families. 

Chap.    XXI. 

ifrdclites  dt  thejjrfi  encotmter'^ith  the  ChdnAneites  hauln^  the  "^orfe,  after 
their  "^ow  kjl  the  xin^  of^rdi,and  dejifoy  hii  (Uses.  4 ,  The  people  a^*in  - 
njurmurw^Are Jincken  'Vpithfrie  ferpentSy  7,  but  (onfefin^ their  f^tilt^ 
Mojfes  hy  Gods  commandment fetteth  ')>p  a  hrafen  ferpent  for  4  nn^cdie, 
10.  They  m.ircb  through  diners  places.  17.  ^nd  Jing  a  Canticle  at  a  l^ei 
"Suhicb  Godgaue  them.  ii.  They  kjl  SehonKingof  theyfrnorreiteSj  and 
com^uer  his  land.  53.  Ltl^rvpfe  OgJCtfigofBaJan, 

High  when  the  Chananeite  king  of  Arad ,  ^ho  i 
dwelt  toward  the  fouth,  had  heard,  to  wit,  thai 
Ifrael  was  come  by  the  way  of  the  fpies,  he  fought  againfl: 
them,  and  being  vidaur,  he  tooke  the  pray  of  them,  |  But.^ 
Ifrael  binding  himfelf,  by  vow  to  out  Lord,  fiiid:  If  thou 
wilt  deliucr  this  people  into  my  hand,  I  wil  dcilroy  their 
cities,  t  Andour  Lord  heard  the  prayers  of  Ifrael,  and  deli-  § 
uercd  the  Chananeite,  whom  they  flew  oucrthrowing  their 
cities  :  and  they  called  the  name  of  th.Tt  place  Horma,  that  is 
to  fay, Anathema,  f  And  they  marched  aifo  from  the  moun-  4 
taine  Hor,by  rhe  way  that  leadeth  to  the  Rcddc  Tea, that  they 
"~     might  compafic  rhe  land  of  Edom.  And  the  people  began 
to  be  wearic  of  the  iourney  and  labour:   f  ^nd  fpcaking  j 
«  God  forbid-  ^g^i"^  ^^"^  ^^^  Moyfes  ,   thcyfaid  :  "Why  didfl:  thou  bring 
dinjrimaacsof  "^soutofitgypt,  to  die  in  the  wildernefle?  There  wantcth 
idols,  yet  com  bread,  waters  there  arc  none :  our  foulc  now  lotherh  at  this 
mandcth  to     moft  light  meatc  .  f  Whcrforc  out  Lord  fentvpon  the  people  ^ 
mate  an  1-       g-^  ferpcntes  ,  at  whofe  plagues  and  the  dearhcs  of  veric 
goodpurpofc.  ™^"ic»  t  f^i"^y  came  to  Moyles,  and  faid :  We  haue  finned,  7 
::Chriftex-      becaufe  we  haue fpokcn  againft  our  Lord  andthee^:  Pray 
poundcthtlais  that  he  take  from  vs  the  ferpcntes.  And  Moyfes  prayed  for 
crcaingof       the  people,  t  and  our  Lord  fpakc  to  him;  ':' Makea  brafen  $ 
pent,  of  him     ic»*pent,  and  tettc  it  for  a  fignc  :  he  that  being  ftrikcn  looketh 
fclf  to  he  cru-  o"  'f »  thai  liuc-/ .  t  Moyfcs  therfore  made  "A   erase  n   g 
,eified./p^».  3.  serpent,  andXet  i%  for  a  (igne;  whom  when  they  that 


K.Sehonflainc.  Nvmeri.  3^7 

10  \rereftriken,  looked  on,  they  were  healed,  f  And  the  chil- 
li   drcnofIfr;icl  maiching  camped  in  Oboth  .  f  Whence  de- 

parring  tl  cy  pitched  their  tentcs  in  leabarim,  in  the  wilder- 
li  nedcj-ihat  lookcth  tosrard  Moab  againft  the  eaft  part,  t  And 

remouing  from  thence,  they  came  to  the  Torrent  Zarcd . 

13  t  'Which  they  forfaking  camped againft  Arnon,  whichis  in 
the  defert,  &  ftandeth  out  in  the  borders  of  the  Amorrheitc. 
For  Arnon  is  rhe   border  of  Moab  ,  diuiding   the  Moa- 

14  bites  &  the  Amorrhcites.  f  Wherof  it  is  faid  in  the  booke  of 

the  \parres  of  our  Lord  ;  ••  As  he  did  in  rhe  Redde  fca,  fo  wil  ■:As  the^gjf 
1;  hedoein  theftreames  of  Arnon.  f  Therockcs  of  the  tor-  ^'^"*  ^^^^ 
rentes  were  bowed,  that  they  might  reft  in  Ar,  and  lie  in  the  the  Tea  fo  the 

16  borders  of  the  Moabites.  -f  From  that  place  appeared  the  Amorrhcites 
\Tcl,  wherof  our  Lord  fpakc  to  Moyfes:  Gather  the  people  vcrcopprct 

17  together,  and  I  wil  geue  them  water,  f  Then  Ifracl  fang  ^^'^^^  ^^^ 

18  this  verle:  Arife  the  wel.  They  fang  thcrto:  f  The  wel, which  v°pon  thea)"* 
the  princes  digged,  and  the  captaines  ofthe  multitude  pre-  &thcwaters 
pared  in  the  lawgcuer,  and  in  their  llaucs.  And  they  marched  caricd  their 

19  from  the  wilderneire  to  Mathana.  f  From  Marhana  vnto  carcafcsinto 

20  Nahaliel :  from  Nahaliel  vnto  Bamoth  .  |  From  Bamoth  is  a  l^^lu  *^^° 
valley  in  the  countrie  of  Moab,  in  the  toppe  of  Phafga, which 

ii  lookcth  toward  the  dcfert .  j-  And  Ifrael  fent  meflengrrs  to 

12  Sehon  King  of  the  Amorrheires,  faying:  f  I  befech  thee 
that  I  may  haue  licence  to  palic  through  thy  land:  we  wil 
not  goe  afidc  into  the  fieldes  and  the  vineyardes,  we  wil  not 
drinke  waters  of  the  weiles,wc  wilgoe  the  kinges  highway, 

i3  til  we  be  part  thy  borders,  f  Who  would  not  grant  that  If- 
raci  fliould  pade  by  his  borders  :  but  rather  gathering  an 
armie,  went  forth  to  me^te  them  in  the  defert,and  came  vnto 

24  la^a,  and  fought  againit  them,  -f  Ofwhomhewas  ftrooken 
in  the  edge  of  the  fword,  and  his  land  was  pofTefled  from 
Arnon  vnto  Icboc,and  to  the  children  of  Amnion'  for  the 
borders  ofthe  Ammonites  were  kept  with  a  ftrong  garrifono 

ay  t  Ifrael  ther fore  tooke  al  his  cities,  and  dwelt  in  the  cities  of 
the  Amorrheite,  to  wit,  in  Hcfebon,  and  the  villages  therof. 

&6  -f  The  citie  Hcfebon  was  Sehons  the  king  ofthe  Amor- 
rheite, who  fought  againft  the  king  ofN^oab  :  and  rookc  al 
the  land,  that  had  bene  of  his  dominion  ,  as  farre  as  Arnon_». 

47   t  Thcrforcitis  faidin  the  proucrbc:  Come  into  Hefebon, 

2:8  let  the  citie  of  Sehon  be  built  and  creeled:  f  A  fire  wenc 
forth  from  HefeboHj  a  flame  from  tht  to  wijc  of  Sehon,  and 


j^S  NvMERr.  K.Ogi!aine.     Bake. 

dcuourcd  ArofcHe  Moabircs,  and  the  inhabitantes  of  the 

high  places  of  Arnon.  f  Wo  ro  thee  Moab, thou  arr  vndone  zj 

people  of  Chamos.  Hehathgcucn  his  fonncs  into  flight-^ 

and  his  daughters  into  captiiiirie  to  Schon  the  King  of  the 

Arnorrheites.  t  Their  yoke  is  perished  from  Hefcbonvnto  3© 

Dibon,  they  came  wearic  into  Nophc,  and  Medaba_.. 

•f*  Ifrael  ther^orc  d^clt  in  the  Lend  of  the  Amorrhcire^  .    51 

f  AndMoyfesfcntCometotakeavicvof lazer:  Whofevii-   ^2. 

lagcs  they  rookc.^,  and  poiTcfled  the  inhabitantes.  f  And  5| 

they  turned  them  {elues,an-i  vrcnt  vp  by  thc-^aj  o^Bafan_», 

and  Og  the  K'ug  of  Baftn  came  againft  them  •♦  ith  al  his  peo- 

pir,  to  fight  iuEdrati.  j  And  our  Lord  Caid  to  Moyics  :  Fearc  54 

hiinnor,  forinro  thy  hand  I  hunt  dchuered  kim,  and  al  his 

people,  and  land  ;  ind  thou  shalr  doe  to  him  as  thou  didO:  to 

Schon  the  King  of  the  Amorrhciics,  the  inhabitcr  of -He- 

febon,  -f-  They  thei fore fmot«  him  alfo  With  his  fonncs, and  5.f 

al  his  people  vnto  vttcr  dcflrudionj  and  they  poifeffcd  his 


Chap.     XXI  I. 

SaUc  Ktttr  of  MoAtt  fi'driytg  tiilfi'AclitcSyfettdethforEAUtiWdfoUihfAyc^ 
to  cmfe  them,  8.  VFho  tonfuiung  bis  f*lfc  god,  ts  forhtd  by  God  aU 
mightie  togoe  ,  -andfo  excufetb  him  felf  Ij.  BtUc  0:»dfth  ^-g^uttofcr.ttf 

freater  retVdrdy  19.  he  Againe cof>[itU>thiAnd  Gcd hiddah  h  m  <^oe.  11. 
titfsndtth  an  ^ngel  t»  m^ete  htm  in  the  WAy^  whom  ha  AJitJentg,  -Ji^iti- 
neth  three  times.  And  fo  often  he  bcAietb  bar,  zS.  then  shfffealieth,  expth- 
fttdating  his  hard  ')>f*gf'  51.  healf^fecth  the  ^ngd.^^.  and  is  charged  i6 
fpeake  nothing  hut  that  the  ^(tgel  shalfnggeft. 

AN  D  marching  for'ward  they  camped  in  the  champion  i 
countrie  of  Moab,  where  Icr'.cho  is  fituared  beyond 
Jordan,  f  And  Balac  thcfonneof  Sephor  feeing  al  thinges  z 
that  Ifrael  had  done  to  the  Amorrheitc,  f  and  char  the  Moa-  5 
bires>B^crcingreatcfearcof  him,and  could  not  luftcync  his 
adault,  t  hefaidto  theeidcts  of  Aladian:  So '^il  this  people  4 
dcftroy  nl  that  dxrel  in  ourcoaftes,  as  the  oxe  is  wont  to  eatc 
the  gralTc  vnto  the  veric  rootes.  And  he  was  at  the  fame  time 
King  in  Moab .  f  Hefent  therfote  racirengers  to  Balaam  the  $ 
fonne  of  Dehor  a  Southfayer,  who  dvekvpon  theriucrof 
the  Intia  of  the  children  of  Ammon,  to  cal  him,  and  to  fay: 
?3chpld  apeoplcis  come  outof  ^gypt,  that  hath  couered  the 


and  Balaam  Nvmeri.  3^9 

6  face  ofthc  earth,  fitting  againfl  me  .  -j-  Come  thcrfore,  and 
curfc  this  people,6ecaurc  it  is  mightier  then  I ;  if  by  any  mea- 
nes  I  may  ftrike  them  and  caft  them  out  of  my  land,  for  I 
know  that  he  is  bleiTcdwhom  thou  (halt  blefle,  and  curled 

7  vpon  whom  thou  (halt  heape  curfcs.  +  And  the  ancientes 
of  Moab  went,  and  the  eldersofMadian,hauing  the  price 
of  diuination  in  their  handes.  And  vf  hen  they  were  come 

8  to  Balaam,  and  had  told  him  al  the  V7crdes  of  Balac  :  f  he   - 
anfwercd:  Tarie  here  this  night,  and  I  wil  aiilwer  what-  ...He confulrcd 
fotuer  '•  the  Lord shal  fay  to  me.  And  whiles  they  ftayed  hisfalfcgod. 

9  with  Balaam,  ••  God  came,  and  faid  to  him;  -f  What  would  wbom  he  fcr- 

10  thefemen  that  are  with  thee?  f  He  anfwercd  :  Balac  the  jj^'^'  f^  i^^^^f 
fonne  of  Sephor  king  of  the  Moabites  hath  lent  to  me_>,  not"  knoxjdnz' 

11  t  faying;  Behold  a  people  that  is  come  out  of  ^gypt,  hath  our  Lord  God 
couered  thefaceof  the  land;  come,  and  curfc  them,  if  by  almightie. 

II  anymeanes  fighting  I  may  driue  them  away,  f  And  God  i^^foi^o^'t .  q. 

(aid  to  Balaam;  Goe  not  with  them,  neither  doe  thou  curfc  ^°^ll^"^"**' 
15  the  people:   becaufe  it  is  blelTed.  f  "Who  in  the  morning  ;.  cod'oar 

arifing  laid  to  the  princes  ;  Goe  into  your  countrie,  becauk  Lord  anfwc- 

14  the  Lord  hath  forbid  me  to  come  with  you.  |  The  princes  red  him,  no« 
returning,  faid  to  Balac:  Balaam  would  not  come  with  vs.  ^"/f«J*"g^''c 

15  t  Againehefentmany  moc  and  more  noble,  then  he  had  akc  in  this 
x6  fent  before,  f  Who  when  they  were  come  to  Balaam,  faid;  cafe. 

Thus  fayeth  Balac  the  fonne  ofSephor;Slacke  not  to  come 
17  tome;  t  for  Jam  readie  to  honour  thee,  and  whatfoeuer  :•  Being  fu/fi- 

thouwiltlwilgeue  thee:  Come,  and  curfc  this  people.^,  cicnily  infor- 
iS  t  Balaam  anfwered:  If  Balac  would  geue  me  his  houfe  ful  {^,  ^oridHc 

offiluerandgold,  I  can  not  change  the  word  of  the  Lord  lucre  he  ic- 
19  my  God,  to  fpeake  either  more,  or  lelTe.  f  I  befech  you  mandeth  a- 

that  you  wil  alfo  tarie  here  this  night,  and  I  may  know  what  gainc,  &Go<l 
xo  theLordwilanfwcrme  -  once  more.  •\  God  ther  fore  came       nt'jeJ'tcth* 

to  Balaam  in  the  night,  and  faid  to  him-. :  If  thefc  men  be  him  goe;  bac 

come  to  cal  thee,  arife  and  goe  with  them  :yet  fo,  that  thou  fufFcrcth  him 
21  doe  that  which  I  shal  command  thee  .  f  Balaam  arole  in  the  not  to  curfc, 
11  morning,  and  fadling  his  aife  went  with  them,  f  And  God  "^'Z  J'l^^'V  ^* 

®  •        A      i       °   *  ^     r  T        in         1-1  uil«fthclfra- 

was  angne.  And  an  Angelotour  Lord  ftoodem  the  way  a-  ^utcj  but  c6- 
gainft  Balaam,  who  fate  vpon  the  alTe, and  had  two  feruantes  trariwife  to 

25  with  him.  f  The  afle  feeing  the  Angel  ftanding  in  the  way,  prophecic 
withadrawen  fword,  turned  her  felf  out  of  the  way,  and  "^(J*^^l^/u°*^ij 
went  by  the  field .  Whom  when  Balaam  had  bette_^,  and  J^^^  ^„j°" 

14  had  brought  her  againc  to  the  beaten  way ,  t  the  Angel  thcra. 

Yy  ftoodc 

370  NvMERi.  Bake  and 

r:  NotKing  is  ftoodc  in  the  ftreidtes  of  two  walles,  vhcrwith  vincyardcs 
here  to  be       ^(.,.g  inclofed  .  f  Whom  the  afle  feeing,  ioyncd  her  fclfc  i; 
rT^'fTctTT  ^^^^^  ^^  ^^^'^  wal,  and  brufcd  the  footc  of  him  that  riddc.  But 
^ugipn)  then  hcbcateheragaine:  f  and  ncuerthclclTc  the  Angel  palling  z6 
that  he  was     to  a  narro>55'  place,  xs-here  there  could  be  no  going  a  fide  nei- 
not  afraidc      thcr  to  the  right  hand  nor  to  the  left,  ftoodc  to  mccte  him_-. 
whc  he  heard   .    ^nd  when  the  allc had  fccnc  the  Angel  ftanding,  she  fel  ly 
hisallc  fpcakc  '     ,       ,      r  r    u       -j        -.,rrL      i_    •  •       l  l 

▼ntohim  But  vnderthe  fecte  ot  the  rider.  Who  being  angrie,  bette  her 

bcingaccufto-  fides  with  a  ftaffe  more  vehemently,  -f  And  our  Lord  ope-  iS 
mcd  to  fuch    ^ed  the  raourh  of  the  aife,  and  she  fpake  :  What  haue  I  done 
monftruous     ^^  ^^^^  ,  ^^^  ftdkcft  thou  mc  ?  loe  now  the  third  timt^  ? 
plied  famili-    t  Balaam  ••  anfwercd  :  Bccaufe  thou  haft  defcrued,  and  haft  if 
arly,  aothiag  abufed  mc  :  I  xrould  I  had  a  fword,  that  I  might  kil  thec-/- 
therwith  a-      j-  Jhe  alTe  faid:  Am  not  I  thy  beaft,  on  \phich  thou  haft  3© 
ftoonifhed,      bc^nc  alwayes  accuftomed  to  ride  vntil  this  prcfcnt  day  ?  tel 
Ancd/hcfci"  nicNrhat  like  thing  did  I  eucr  to  thee.  But.  he  faid  :  Neuer. 
do«'nc  tern-    f  Forthwith  our  Lord  opened  the  cics  of  Balaam,  and  he  51 
£ed,andado-  ::  fav  the  Angel  ftanding  in  the  vray  \fith  a  dra>3ren  fword, 
led  him. 7, 48.  ^j,  J  he  -  adored  him  Hattc  to  the  ground,  f  Towhomt'he  5^ 
•*BalMmkno- ''^"§^'^^^^  *  Why  beatcft  thou  thy allc  the  third  rime?  I  am 
wing  him  to    comc  to  withftand  thee,  bccaufe  thy  vay  is  perucrfc,  and 
be  an  Angci    contraric  to  me :  f  and  vnlefle  the  affe  had  turned  out  of  35 
that  appeared,  jj^g  ^j^y  ^  geuing  place  to  mc  rcfifting   thee ,   I  had  llainc 
rcThimVh'h  ^^^^'  *"^  ^^'^^  should  hauc  liued.  -f-    Balaam  faid  :  I  haue  54 
diuinehonour  fmncd,  not  kno\ring  that  thou  didft  ftand  againft  me  *.  and 
as  God,  nor   no^F  if  it  difpJcafc  thcc  that  I  goc  ,  I  wil  returnc.  f  The  55 
withciuilasa  Angel  faid :  •'■  Gocxrith  thcfcmcn,  and  fee  thou  fpcakc  no 
b^T>)/ich  r'l'i  o^^er  thing  then  I  shal  command  thee.  He  \rcnt  therforc 
«ious  honour,  '*'ith  the  princes .  f  Which  -^hcn  Balac  heard,hc  came  forth  3^ 
^(Te  then  di-    to  meete  him  in  a  to^rne  of  the  Moabitcs,  that  is  fituatcd  in 
tune,  &  more  t[je  vttcrmoft  borders  of  Arnon .  f  And  he  faid  to  Balaam  :  I  57 
£^ed  I'r    ^"  ^^^^  mtilcngcrs  to  cal  thee,  t? hy  didft  thou  not  comc  immc- 
::  God  fomc-  diatly  vnto  mc  J'vj'asit  becaufc  I  can  not  rcvrard  thy  coming? 
times  makech  f  To  sphom  hc  anCwered  :  Loe  here  I  am  .-  Shal  I  be  able  to  ;l 
falfc  prophc-   fpcake  any  Other  thing,  but  that  whicli  God  shal  put  in  my 
rru4°  bccYufc  "^^'-''^^^  ^  t  They  thcrfore  went  on  together,  and  came  into  ^^f 
preiudicate      a  citie,  that  was  in  the  vttermoft  borders  of  his  kingdome_v. 
mindes  do  ra-  f  Ana  when  Balac  had  killed  oxen,  &  shcepc,  hc  fent  thcrof  46 
thcrgcuccare  to  Balaam, and  to  the  princes  that  were  with  him,  prefentes. 
trucVopbc-^  ^  And  when  morning  was  come,  he  brought  him  to  the  ex-  41 
tes.Theo(/,q.^i,  ccIfcsofBaal,andhc  beheld  the  vttcrmoft  part  of  the  people. 
4n  Utitn.  C  H  A  J?, 

Balaam.  NvMERf.  571 

Chap.    XXIII- 
S*U4r»  enieuoureth  to  curfe  ifrAcly  hut  Gdd fere ethllm  to  life  tbcrn.  ir, 
^^d'lne  he  Itrgcth  him  to  at-.-fe  ikcm,  but  be  fil  i^rophecictk  good  things 
o/them.iC.YetBaUeiH/f/tcth  '^lUinghimtocur/ej  ernottoblcjfttherr,. 

2      A    N  D   Balaam  faid  to  BaJac:  ••  Build  me  here  feucnal-::  Before  tlio 
Ji\  tares ,  and  prepare  asraaniccalueSjandrammesofthc  ^^^^^  would 

2  fame  number  .  t  And -^^hcn  hchad  done  according  to  thc^';''^L    °  '^-^^ 
vordofBalaam,  they  together  laid  a  calfe  and  a  raramevpon  ^^^  facrificcj 

5  an  altar,  f  And  Balaam  laid  to  Bake:  Stand  a  while  befidc  vhich  being 
thy  hojocauftc,  vntil  I  goe,  i^  happcly  the  Lord  vil  meetc  ofFeredyet  li« 
me,  and^hatfoeuer  he  shal  command,  Wilfpeaketo  thee,  "'ol'i^otjrcr 
1      t        I  1/1^1  t  •  .     J  kcbis  malice. 

4  f  Andwhenhevras  gone  m  halt,  God  rocttc  him->.  And  ^ot  by  Gods 

Balaam  rpeaking  to  him, faid  :  Ihauc  ereded  fcucn  aJtarcs,  commatKimco 

5  and  haue  laid  thereon  a  calfe  and  a  rammc.  f  And  our  Lord  [  faith  s.  Hie- 
putavrordin  his  mouth,  and  faid:  Rcfutnc  to  Balac,  and  ''*'"•  ^Z"^'^'^' 

•   thus  shalt  thou  ipeakc.  f  Returning  he  found  Balac  Itan-  blcffed,  cur- 
ding be  fide  his  holocaufte,  and  al  the  princes  of  the  Moa-  fmg  turned 
7  bites:  f  and  taking  vp  his  parable,  he  faid:  From  Aram  hath  intepraifcani 

Balac  King  of  the  Moabitcs  brought  me,  from  the  moun-  j^°^p^j.d°ro^ 
tainesof  the  Eaft :  Come,  quoth  he,  and curfe  Jacob  ;  make  ^{no- from  a.' 
%  baft,  anddctcftlfrael.  f  Hov  shall  curfe,  \rhom  God  hath  profainc 
not  curfed?  By  what  mcanes  may  I  detcft-jNphomthe  Lord  mouth. 
9  deteftcthnot?  f  From  the  highcftflintcs  shall  fee  him,  and 
from  the  hilles  shal  I  view  him.  The  people  shal  dwcl  alone, 
10  and  among  the  Gentiles  shal  not  be  accounted.  7- "Who  may 
be  able  to  number  the  duft  of  Jacob,  ?.nd  to  know  the  num- 
ber of  the  ftocke  of  Ifiael?  '-  Myfoule  diethe  death  of  the  •'•HerctJkcs.&r 

£1   iuft,andmylaftendesbc  made  like  to  them,  t  And  Balac  "]')," 'p^^^^ 
r  •  1  ^   1  T         .       ,  .       ,  ,  ,       -  '  _,  ,  deure  Icraeti- 

laid  to  Balaam:  What  is  this  that  thou  doeit  ?  That  thou  j^^s  to  die  in 

shoulded  cuffe  mine  enemies  I  called  thee:  and  rhou  con-  ftatcof  Catho 

iz  traricwife  blelTcft  them,  f  To  whom  hcanfwered  .•  Can  I  liques.though 

fpcake  ought  els,  but  that  which  the  Lord  commandeth?  ""'*^^  ^^^i  not 

15  t  Bahcthcrforc  faid:  Come  with  me  into  an  other  place  j^  ^  a-fx  U. 
whence  thou  mayeft  fee  part  of  Ifracl,  andcanft  not  fee  the  ',yc.x7.7^icr4l, 

14  who!e_>,  from  thence  curfe  them-.,  f  And  s^hcn  he  had 
broughthimintoahigh  place,  vpon  thetoppeofthe  moan- 
tain  e  Phafga,  Balaam  buildedfcuenal tares,  &  laying  thereon 

r;  cal«es  and  rammes ,  f  he  faid  to  Balac:  Stand  here  befidc 

16  fhy  holocauft,  whiles  I  goe  tomcetehim.  j-  whom  when  our 
'  Lor4  had  racttc,  and  had  put  the  word  in  his  mouth,  he  faid  : 

.     '       '  '  y  y  2.  Rciurne 

NvMERi.  Balac  and 

Returnc  to  BaUc  and  thus  thou  Shalt  fpeakc  to  ^^i™.  f  Re-  .7 
turning  he  found  him  (landing  befide  his  holocauftc  and  he 
prince?  of  the  Moabites  with  him    To  >^hom  Balac  faid: 
What  hath  the  Lord  fpoken?  f  Bathe  taking  vp  his  parable,  18 
'       faiJ  :  Stand  Balac,  and  harken,hearethou  fonnc  of  Scphor: 
t  God  is  not  as  man,  that  he  may  lie.  nor  as  the  fonne  of  ,9 
Lan,that  he  may  be  changed.  Hath  he  faid  then   and  W 
he  not  doc  ?  hath  he  fpokcn,  and  wil  he  not  fulfil  ?  f  }^^^  ^^ 
brought  to  bleire,  the  bleirmg  I  am  not  able  to  ftay.  t  There  11 
isno  Idol  in  lacob,  neither  is  there  *  fimulacbreto  befeenc  «  ^^„„ 

inlfraei.  The  Lord  his  God  is  vithhim,  andthelound  oi  ofUtl. 

thcvidorieofrhckinginhim.  f  God  hath  brought  him  our  iz 
of  .£c,vpt,  whofe  ftrength  is  like  to  the  vnicorne.  t  There  zj 
isnoSiuthfayinginlacob,  nordiuinationinlfiael.  In  their 
times  it  ihal'b^  faid  to  lacob  and  Ifrael  vhat  God  hath 
vroueht.  t  Behold  the  people  ftial  rife  vp  asa  honcire,  and  14 
as  alionshalraifeitfclfrltshalnotlicdovrne  til  it  dcuourc 
the  pray,  and  drinke  the  bloud  of  the  ftainc.  f  And  Balac  1$ 
'  .r^u     Tnfi    faid  to' Balaam:  ::  neither  curfe,  norblelTe  him.  f  And  he  z6 
lucannot"  faid:  Did  Inottel  thee,  that  v^hatfoeuer  God  should  com- 
Sralothcrsto  n^and  me ,  that  would  I  doe  >  f  And  Balac  faid  to  him*. 27 
falfe  worihip,  Gome,  and  I  wil  bring  thee  to  another  place:  if  happely  it 
otcurfing,        i^afc  God  that  thence  thou  mayeft  curfe  them,  t  And  when  iS 
tllZZTn  he  had  brought  him  vpon  the  toppeof  the  mountaine  Pho- 
profcffc  no      gor,which  looketh  to  the  wildemeiTe,  f  Balaam  faid  to  him  :  29 
God,  nor  reli-  |^ii j  ^e  here  feuen  altares,  and  prepare  as  manic  calues,  and 
gionatal.        ^ammcsof  the  fame  number  .  f  Balacdidas  Balaam  hadfaid:  30 
and  he  laide  the  calues  and  the  rammcs  on  cueric  altar. 
Chap.     XXIIIL 

.  sM^m  forced  hj  thf  tmAmcc  of  truth  {tUugh  not  conuerted  In  ^il  i9 
[true  God,  whom  he  confefeth  to  be  omnipotent )  frofbecieth  fid  more 
rood  of  ifrad:  lo.  "^i^herfore  BaUc  tnterru^tethhimy  and  he  anfweretb 
plainly  that  God  almightie  ml  h*ue  it  fa.  ly.  ^nd  fo  proceeding  he 
prophecteth  0/  C  h  R 1  s  T  .  20.  ^IJo  of  ^maUcheitth  Cintitei,  and 

ANd  vhcn  Balaam  had  fecnc  that  it  picafcd  our  Lord  i 
that  he  should  bleire  Ifrael,  he  went  not  as  before  he 
had  gone  ,  to  fcekc  SouchCiying:  but  direding  his  counte- 
nance againfl:  the  defert,  t  and  Ufting  vp  his  cies ,  he  faw  i 
Ifrael  abiding  in  their  tentcs  by  their  tribes :  and  the  fpirit  of 


Balaam.  Nvmeri.  575 

3  God  coming  "  vebemenrly  vpon  him,  f  taking  vp  his  pa-  •'•'The  fpinte 
rablc  he  f  aid  .Balaam  the  fonne  of  Bcor  hath  faid  ;  The  man  f^^l^'^m"' 

4  hath  faid:vhorc  eye  is  flopped:  t  The  hearer  of  the  wordes  vponhim.buc 
of  Gx)d  hath  fa^d,  he  that  hath  beholden  the  vifion  of  the  not  grace 
Omnipotent,  he  that  fallcth ,  and  fo  his  eies  are  opened;  luftifymg: 

f  t  Ho  V  beautiful  arc  thy  tabernacles  6  lacob, and  thy  rentes  *['''""'«  ^»'« - 

6  olfrael!  f  As  wooddie  valleis,  as  watered  gardens  bclide  out  d,uels,  znd 
the  riuers,  as  tabernacles  which  rhe  Lord  hath  pitched,  as  workc  other 

7  cedres  by  the  waters  fidt-/.  t  "W'ater  shal  flow  out  of  his  miracles,  ani 
bucket,  and  his  fcedeshal  be  into  manie  waters.  For  Agag  y"  °^  daned 
shal  his  king  be  taken  away,  and  his  kingdom  shal  be  taken 

8  away,  f  God  hath  brought  him  out  of  i£gypt,  whofe  ftregth 
is  like  to  the  rhinocerote.  They  shal  deuoure  nations  his 
enimics,  and  breake  their  bones,  andpearcc  them  with  ar- 

j)  rowes .  t  Lying  he  hath  flept  as  a  lion,  and  as  a  lioncfie^, 
whom  none  shal  be  bold  to  rayfe  vp.  He  that  blcdeth  thee, 
him  felf  alfo  shal  be  bk  iTcd :  he  that  curfeth  thee,  shal  be  re- 
xo  puted  accurft.  f  And  Balac  being  angrie  againft  Balaam, 
clapping  his  handes  together  faid  ;  'Tocurfemine  enemies  I 
called  thee,  whom  thoucontrariewifehaftbleired  the  third 

II  time;  t  returne  to  thy  place  .  I  was  determined  verily  10 

honour  thee  magnifically,  but  the  Lord  hath  depriued  thee 

II  of  the  honour  appointed,  f  Balaam  made  anfwer  to  Balac; 

didlnotfay  tothy  melfengers,  whom  thou didft  fend  tome:  r.-Inroracfort 

15  f  If  Balac  would  geueme  his  houfefulof  filuerandgold,  I  this  prophe- 
cannotpaflethe  word  of  the  Lord  my  God,  to  vtter  of  my  f '^  T^' f^^'^^" 
owneminde  either  any  good,  or  euil:  but  whatfoeuer  the  n,,!:"!    '"f,^ 

14  Lord  shal  lay,  that  will  Ipeake?  t  Butyetgomgro  my  peo-  j.s.&fecj.h\it 
pie,  I  wU  geue  thee  counfel,  what  thy  people  shal  doe  to  this  pcrfeftly  in 

15  people  in  the  laft  rime,  f  Therfore  taking  vp  his  parable,  Ch  rift  the 
againe  he  faid:  Balaam  the  fonne  of  Beor  hath  faid;  The  ^'of „! '  ftarre • 

16  man  whofe  eye  is  ftopped,  hath  faid:  f  the  hearer  of  the  J^ocii.  To* 
wordesof  God  hath  faid, whoknoweth  the  dodrineof  the  whom  not 
Higheft,andfeeththevifions  of  the  Omnipotent,  who  fa  1-  =^"'^  o"«'  of 

17  ling  hath  his  eies  opened,  f  I  shal  fee  him,  but  not  now;  I  "/n^er^^l^af  Va"^ 
shal  behold  him  but  not  neere.  ::A  starre  shal  rise  non7are\e"u*g 
out  of  lacob,  and  a  roddc  shal  arife  from  Ifrael:  and  shal  forinhcricace, 
ftrike  the  dukes  of  Moab,  and  shal  w.iift  al  the  children  of  a"dthe  cndcs 

18  Seth.  t  Andldumeashalbehispoffeirion:  the  inheritance  ^('\'^^'^'^* 
of  Seir  shal  come  to  their  enemies  ;  but  Ifrael  shal  doe  p}l°,  ^'^i. 

19  manfully .  |  Of  lacob  shal  he  be  that  shal  rule,  and  shal  y.i'. 

Y  y  }  deftroy 

J74  NfvMEM.  Fornlcatioa 

dcftroy  thcremaincsof  thecitic  .  f  And  vhen  he  had  fccne  20 

Amalcc,  raking  vp  his  parable,  he  faid:  Amalec  the  bcgin- 

ttin^ofGcntileSjVhofe  latter  endesshal  be  deilroycd.  f  He  21 

favalfothcCineirc  :  and  taking  vp  his  parable,  he  faid:  Thy 

habitation  in  deedc  is  ftrong:  but  if  thou  build  thy  neiV  in  a 

rocke  ,  f  and  thou  be  chofcn  of  the  ftocke  of  On,  how  2t 

longshalt  thou  be  able  to  contin€\r?  For  Aflur  shal  take 

?»Not  to  his  thee,  f  And  taking  vp  his  parable  againe  he  fpake :  Alas,  25' 

«ountrie,but  vho  shal  liuc,  when  God  shal  doc  thcfc  thingcs  J  f  They  24 

abode^araoiT^  shal  come  in  gallcics  from  Italic,  they  shal  oucrcome  the  Af- 

the  Madiani-   fyrian J,  and  shal  waifl  the  Hebre'ores,  and  at  the  laft  them  fel- 

tes:  for  there  ucs  alfo  shal  pctish  .  f  And  Balsam  rofc,  and  returned  into  2§ 

he  Wis  llainc  ::  ^{^  njace  :  Balac  alfo  returned  the  ve-ay  that  he  came. 
Iflortly  afccr,  * 

^ap.-ii.Y.*.  Chap.    XXV. 

Sj  cdrnd  fornicAtlon  mtinle  /.re  elr4Ti'en  io  fpiritndl .  For  tiflich  tr^yefttt*^  Phimes  his  "^-le  ia  Jlalfhtu^  fd  dutb  twe 
ftrnicdtorSi  is  commended  hj  Gody  aitdrcivarded. 

\    Nd  Ifrael  at  that  time  abode  in  Settim,  and  the  people  t 
thtdurlfr*  -^■*  fornicated  vith  the  daughters  of  Moab,  f'who  cal-  i 
counfcl  to  al-  ^^'^  them  to  their  facrifices.  And  they  did  eate  and  adore  their . 
Ini-c  men  by    goddes  .  f  And  Ifrael  wasprofeflcd  ro  Beclphcgof ,  and  our  5 
bellichcreand  Lord  being  angtie,  f  faid  to  Moyfes :  Take  al  the  princes  of  4 
lecKcne  vnto  the  people,  and  hang  -  them  vp  againft  the  funnc  on  crib- 
?i.  y.  u.  And  "^ttcs:  that  my  fune  may  be  aucrtrd  from  Ifracl.   f  And  y 
cuen  Co  Here-  Moyfes  faid  to  the  Judges  of  Ifracl :  Kil  cueric  man  his  neigh- 
tikcsrlra'we      bours,  that  arc  profefled  to  Bcelphcgor .  f  And  behold  one  6 
sTzl'^toh'f''  ofthe  children  oflfraclcntrcd  in  before  the  face  of  his  bre- 
flc    sec  Jpot.  ^^''^"  to  a  ^horeaMadianitein  the  fight  of  Moyfes,  and  of 
1.T.T4.  al  the  multitude  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  "who  'srept  before 

::B7a(Iift*ncc  the  doorcs  of  the  tabcrnaclc .  f  Which  thing  vhcn  Pbinees  7 
han^'Xc "d"  ^^^  ^^"^  '^^^  ^°""^  of  Eleazar  the fonnc  of  Aaron  the  prieflr, 
htcn.V.^!  °'  ^c>rofeo"tofthcmiddcsof  the  multitude,  and  catching  a 

dagger,  f  went  in  after  the  man  of  Ifracl  into  the  brothel  8 
houfe,  and  thruft  them  through  both  together,  to  '^ictc,  the 
manandrhcNsromaninthegenitalles.  And  the  plague  ceafcd 
from  the  children  of  Ifrael,  f  and  there  vcre  llainc  fo^rre  9 
and  t^jTcntiethowfand  men.  f  Andour  Lord  (aid  to  Moyfes:  i© 
::  Eitliei- Phi-  "i"  Phinees  the  fonnc  ofEleazar  the  (onnc  of  Aaron  the  piiefl:  if 
ncfs  T^ao  one  "  hathaucrtcd  my  vsrrath  from  the  ch'.ldrcn  of  Ilracl:  be- 
o/:l»c!i!dscs,  cau'c  he yas moued  >widi my  zclcagainft  them,  that  my  felf 


andldolatric.  Ntmiri.  37T 

tnicht  not  dcfiroy  the  children  oflfrael  in  mine  ovnc  zelt-/.  and  fo  *n  ex- 

xz  t  Thcrforcfpeaketohim;  Beheld  I  gcue  him  the  peace  of  ;;j;P^=^^^^^^^^^ 

13  my  coucnant,  f  and  there  shal  be  as  vel  to  him  as  to  his  joTufticc;  or 
fecdethccoucnant  of  piiefthood  for  euer,  becaufe  he  hath  he  had  a  pat- 
benezelousforhisGod,  and  hath  expiated  the  wicked  fad  ticular  infpi- 

14  ofthe  children  of  Ifrael.  t  And  the  name  of  the  man  of  if-  [^^'^°/;^7^^^'„^^ 
rael,  that  was  flainevcith the -woman  of  Madian,vas  Zambri  ^^^  pnuarc 
thcfonneofSalu,aprincc  ofthe  kinred  and  tribe  ot  Simeon,  men, to  doth* 

j;  t  Morcoucr  theMadianeflc-j  that  wasflainc  with  him,  was  like.  For  by 
called  Cozbi  the  daughter  of  Sura  moft  noble  prince  of  the  ^^jj'^^'l^^j 
ifiiyMadianites.  f  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfcs, laying  :j  Let  1^°   "^^cn'is 
the  Madianitesfindeyou  their  enemies,  and  Ikike  you  them:  neither  allow 

18  t  Becaufe  they  alfohauc  done  like  enemies  againft  you,  and  cd  ,  nor  cx- 
haueguilfullydcceiuedyouby  the  IdolPhogor,  and  Cozbi  cufedbutwhC 
the  daughter  of  the  duke  of  Madian  their  fifter,  who  was  '''lf°ll  H 
ilrookcn  in  the  day  ofthe  plague  for  the  facrilege  of  Phogor.  [ijoiitie,  or  by 

mere  cai'uali- 
CHAP.  XXVI.  tie,  againft  tht 
i^/  the  men  of  ttvelue  tribes  k'in^  4^4 int  numbered,  from  the  a^e  oftwentie  ^/.^;J -f  J^^^j"^'!" 
yeares  ABdlfprVardy  are feund to  be fx  hundred  cm  thonf^nd  fenen  knn-  l,6.q.s.D'rho. 
dred  4nd  thirtie,  $j.  Of  thetribeofLeuinlfo,  numbered  ofthe  male  fex  i.z,q.6o.a.6, 
fromthed^eofottemonethdndyprPdrd,  dre  found  trventie  three  theu- 
fand.  (34.  al  bein^  dedd  in  the  dtfert,  ^htcb  H^ere  numbered  before,  except 
Caleb  dnd  lofite. 

I     ^    F  T  E  R  "  the  bloud  ofthe  offenders  was  shed,our  Lord  :•  Gods  wra»h 
XJLfaid  to  Moyfes  and  Eleazar  the  fonne  of  Aaron^,the  ^''"Jf/'^'^f^^ 
a  prieft:  f  Number  the  whole  fummc  of  the  children  of  If-  ofjj^eol'd  bad 
raclfrom  twcntic  yearcs  and  vpward,  by  their  houfes  and  people,  the 

3  kinredes,al  that  can  goe  forth  to  varres.  -f  ^^  oy fes  ther-  new  progenia 
fore  and  Eleazar  the  prieft  fpake,  in  the  champion  countric  ",""J"^^7^ 
of  Moab  vpon  lordan  againft  lericho,  to  them  that  were  '^^^^^^  ^Jp 

4  t  from  twentieyeares and  vpward,  as  our  Lord  had  com-  promifedlancJ 
J  raanded,  of  whom  this  is  the  number:  f  Ruben  the  firft  s.  Hinem.  i« 

borne  of  Ifrael,  his  fonnCj  Henoch,  of  whom  is  the  familic  ^ian/.^'^. 

ofthe  Henochites:  andPhallu,  of  whom  is  the  familie  of 

£  ihePhalluitcs:  t  and  Hefron,  ofwhom  is  the  familic  of  the. 

Hefronitcs:  and  Charmi,of  whom  is  the  familie  ofthe  Char- 

7  mites,  t  Thefe  are  the  families  ofthe  ftocke  of  Rubci\^; 

whofc  number  was  found  fourtie  three  thoufand,  and  feuere 

$  pihundredthirtie.  f  The  fonneof  Phallu,Eliab.  f  his  ibnnes, 

Naraucl  and  Dathan  and  Abiroru.  Thefe  arc  Dathan  an  J 

'     .      "  '   "  Abiroa 

57^  Nvmert;  Thcpeople 

Abiron  the  princes  of  the  people,  that  rofe  againfi:  Moyfes 
and  Aaron  in  the  fcdition  of  Core,  when  they  rebelled  a- 
gainfi:  our  Lord :  f  and  the  earth  opening  her  mouth  dc-  lo 
uouredCore,  vcrie  manic  dying,  when  the  fire  burnt  t\ro 
hundred fiftie men.  And  there  was  a  great  miracle  done-/, 
::  They  vcrc  f  that  Core  perishing,  "  his  Tonnes  perished  not.  f  The  ii 
ictained  in       (onnes  of  Simeon  by  their  kinredes :  Namuel,  of  him  is  the  i% 
h   *^^hb"  -  ^^"^^^^^  °^  ^^^  Namuelircs  :   lamin  ,  of  him  is  the  famiUe 
ken  vnder        of  the  laminites  :  lachin,  of  him  is  the  familie  of  lachinites: 
themvasclo-  f  Zare  ,  of  him  is  the  familie  of  the  Zareites:  Saul,  of  him    15 
redagaiuc.       is  th  J  famiHe  of  the  Saulites .  t  thefearethe  families  of  the  14 
ilockeofSimcon,ofwhich  the  whole  number  was  two  and 
twcntie  thoufand  two  hundred,  f  The  fonnes  of  Gad  by   ij 
their  kintedes:  Sephon,of  him  is  the  familie  of  the  Scpho- 
nites:  Aggiofhim  is  the  familie  of  the  Aggites:  Sunr,  of 
him  is  the  familie  of  the  Sunites:  f  Ozni,  of  him  is  the  fa-  1^ 
mileofthe  Oznites:  Her,  of  him  is  the  familie  of  the  Heri- 
tes:  t  Arod  of  him  is  the  familie  of  the  Arodites?  Ariel,  of  17 
him  is  the  familie  of  the  Arielites.  f  thefe  are  the  famihes  of  18 
Gad,  of  which  the  whole  number  was  fourtie  ihoufand  Hue 
hundred  .  f  The  Tonnes  of  ludas.  Her,  and  Onan,  who  died  19 
both  in  the  landof  Chanaan.  f  And  thefonncsof  ludasby  20  ' 

their  kinredes  were:  Scla,  of  whom  is  the  familie  of  the  Se- 
laites :  Phares,  of  whom  is  the  famihe  of  the  Pharefites; 
Zarcjof  whom  is  the  familie  of  the  Zateites.  f  Moreouer  u 
the  Tonnes  of  Phares:  Hcfron,  of  whom  is  the  famihe  of  the 
Hefronites .-  and  haraul,  of  whom  is  the  famihe  of  the  Hamu- 
lites.  f  thefe  ate  the  families  of  ludas,  of  which  the  whole  21 
number  was  Teucntic   fix  thoufand  fine  hundred .  f  The  15 
Tonnes  of  IlTachar,  by  their  kinredes :  Thola,ofwhomis  the 
familie  of  the  Thoiaites:  Phua,  of  whom  is  the  familie  of 
thePhuaites:  f  IaTub,ofwhom  is  the  familie  of  the  lafu-  24 
bites:  Semran,of  whom  is  the  famihe  of  the  Semranicts. 
f  thefe  arc  the  kinredes  of  Iflachar,  whofe  number  fixtic  25 
fowre  thoufand  three  hundred,  f  The  fonnes  of  Zabulon  iS 
by  their  kinredes :  Sared,  of  whom  is  the  familie  of  the  Sare- 
dites;  Elon  of  whomisthc  familieof  thcEionires :  lalel,  of 
whom  is  the  famihe  of  lalelites.  f  Thtfe  are  the  kinredes  of  27 
Zabulon,  whofe  number  was  fixtic  thou  Tand  fiue  hundred  . 
t  The  fonnes  of  lof^'ph  by  their  kinredes  ,  Manalfesand  E-  28 
phraim  .  t  OfManaflcs  was  borne  Machir^ofwhom  is  the  29 


rmmbcrcd.  Nymert^  377 

familieofthe  Machirires.  Machir  begatGalaad,  ofvhom 

30  is  the  familic  of" the  Galaadites.  f  Galaad  hadfonnes:  lezcr, 
of  whom  is  the  familie  of  the  Iczcrites  :  and  Helcc,  of  whom 

31  is  the  famihe  of  the  Helecites.  f  and  Afriel,  of  whom  is 
the  famihe  of  the  Afriehtes :  and  Scchem,  of  whom  is  the 

3i  familicofthc  Sechemitcs.  f  ^"'^  Scmida,o f  whom  is  the  fa- 
miJieofthc  Semidaices;  and  Hepherjofwhom  is  the  familic 

55  of  the  Hepheritcs.  f  And  Hcpher  was  the  father  of  Salphaad, 
who  had  nofonncs,  but  onJic  daughters,  whofe  names  are 
cthefc  :Maala,  2ndNoa,and  Hegla,and  Melcha,  and  Terfa. 

34  f.  thcfcarethe  families  of  Manalfcs, and  the  number  of  them 

3J  isiiftie  two  thoufand  feuen  hundred,  j-  And  the  Tonnes  of 
-  Epiiraim  by  their  Idnredcs  were  rhefe :  Suthala,  of  whom 
_  is  the  famihe  of  the  Suthalaites:  Becher,  of  whomis  thcfa- 
wiihe  of  theBecherites  :  Thehen,ofwhom  is  the  famiHc  of 

3<?  theThehcnifes.  f  Moreouer  the  fonne  of  Suthala  was  Hc- 

37  ran,of  whom  is  the  familie  of  the  Heranites.  f  thefcarethe 
kinrcdesof  the  fonnes  ofEphraim:  whofe  number  was  thir- 

38  tic  two  thousand fiue  hundred,  f  Thefc  are  the  fonnes  of 
lofeph  by  their  famihcs .  The  fonnes  of  Beniaminin  their 
kinredes :  Bcla,  of  whom  is  the  famihe  of  the  Belaites  :  Afbel, 
ofwhomis  thefamiiieof  the  Asbelitcs:  Ahiram,  of  whom 

I5)  is  the  familic  of  th^Ahiramites:  f  Supham,  of  whomis  the 
famihe  of  tJie  Suphamites  :  Hupham,  of  whom  is  the  famiHc 

40  oftheHupharoitcs.  f  Thefonnesof  Bcla:  Hered, and Noe- 
man.  OfHered,  the  famihe  of  the  Heredites:  of  Noeman_*, 

4t  the  famihe  of  the  Noemanitcs.  f  Thefe  are  the  fonnes  of 
Beniamin  by  their  kinredes,  whofe  number  was  fourtie  fiuc 

41  thoufand  fixhundre<l.  f  The  fonnes  of  Dan  by  their  kin- 
redes. Suham,  of  whom  is  the  famihe  of  the  Suhamitcs:  thefe 

45  are  the  kinredes  of  Dan  by  their  famihes .  f  al  were  Suha- 
mites,  whofe  number  was  fixtie  fourc  thoufand  foure  hun- 

44  dred.  |  The  fonnes  of  Afer  by  their  kinredes:  lemna..,  of 
whom  is  the  faroiUc  of  the  lemnaites :  IclTui,  of  whom  is  the 
famihe  of  the  leiTuitcs  :  Brie,  of  whom  is  the  famiHe  of  the 

4;  Brieires.  f  The  fonnes  of  Brie  .•  Heber,  ofwhom  is  the  fa- 
milic of  the  Heberitcs  :  and  MelchieI,of  whom  is  the  famihe 

4($  of  the  Melchielites.   f  And  the  name  of  the  daughter  of 

47  Afer,  was  Sara,  f  thefe  are  the  kinredes  of  the  fonnes  of 
Afcr,and  their  number  fiftic  three  thoufand  foure  hundred. 

48  "I*  The  fonnes  of  Nephthali  by  their  kinredes:  lefid,  of 

Zz  whcm 

p^  NvMERf-  LeuitesnumbcrcSI 

whomisthcfarailieofthelcfielitcs:  Guni,  of  whom  is  the 

famiheof  the  Gunices,  f  Icfer,  of  whom  is  the  ^amiHe  of  46^ 

the  Icfcritcs :  ScUem,  of  whom  is  the  famiHc  of  the  Sellemi- 

tes.  t  thcfearethekinredesof  the  fonnes  of  Ncphthali  by  ;o 

their  famihesrwhofc  number  was  fourtie  fiue  thoufand  foure 

hundred,  t  This  is  the  furame  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  that  jr 

were  reckened,  fix  hundred  thoufand,  and  a  rhoufand  feuen 

hundred  thirrie.  t  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes  faying:  ji" 

f  To  thefeshahb  eland  be  diuided  according  to  the  num-  55 

ber  of  names  for  their  poireffions.t  To  the  greater  number  J4 

thou  shale  geuc  a  greater  portion,  and  to  the  fewer  a  lefTe  :  to 

cucrie  one,  as  they  hauc  now  beene  reckencd,  ihal  pofTellion 

bedeliueredcf  yet  fo  that  lorte  doe  diuide  the  Land  to  the  j; 

tribes  and  the  families,  f  "Whatfoeuer  ihal  chance  by  lotte,  j<> 

that  let  either  the  more  take,  or  the  fewer  .  f  This  alio  is  the;' 5^ 

number  of  the  Tonnes  of  Leui  by  their  families:  Gcrfonjof 

whom  the  familie  of  the  Gerfonites  :  Caarh,  of  whom  the 

familieofthc  Caathires:Merari,of  whom  the  familie  of  the 

Mcraritcs.  "}■  thefearethe  familiesof Leui:  The  familie  of  5S 

Lobni,  the  familie  of  Hebroni,  the  familie  of  Mbholi,  the  fa-*.  - 

milieofMufi,  the  familie  of  Core.  Howbcit  Caath  begatte 

-    .  Amram-.:  t  who  had  to  wife  lochabed  "  the  daughter  of  ^ 

.\'Amramma.  •       ,      '       ,  ,  .     .      „  f>>      t  a  • 

ried his  aunt:  Lcui,  who  was  borne  to  him myEgypt.  She  bare  to  Amram 

which  flicw-    her  husband  fonnes,  Aaron  and  Moyfes,  and  Marie  their  fi- 
eth  that  the    fter.  f  Of  Aaron  were  borne  Nadab  and  Abiu,  and  Eleazaf  (Tc*' 
fn'confan^u?  and  Ithamar  ;  f  of  the  which  Nadab  and  Abiu  died,  when  61 
^jj,ji°jjnof  for  they  had  offered  the  ftrangefyre  before  our  Lord  .  -f  Ahdal'^^i; 
bid  by  the  law  that  were  numbrcd,were  twentie  three  thoufand  of  the  male 
of  nature ;       kind  from  one  moneth  and  vpward  :  who  werd  notreekcned 
Ift°er^'rol7br  ^^^^^"g  '^^  children  of  Krael,  neither  Was  their  pblTeflionge- 
Jg/^,y  J  p^jfj".  ucn  with  thereft .  t  Thisisthe  number  of  the  children  of  ^3' 
tiuc  law.  Le-    KracI,  that  were  enrolled  by  Moyfes  and  Eieazar  the  prieft, 
«'mS.  in  the  champion  countrieof'Moab  vpon  lordan-^gainft  le- 

richo.  f  Among  whom  thtre  was  none  of  them  that  were' (34 
numbered  before  by  Moyfes  and  Aaron  in  the  d'cfcft  of  Sinai. 
f  For  our  Lord  had  foretold  that  al  ihould  die  in  the  wilder-  6y 
nefTe    And  none  remained  of  them,  bur  Ga-kb-' the  fonne  of 
Iephone^andloi&iethefoiirt€ofNiin.i"    .  t?.)rbiii:>Ii/I/I  ^i;;  io  vu> 
■:■.:':■:':  -'i-r-^  ■'r  ,-]!.?,  ?r'^  ^.^hVf^ 


Paugliters  mayinliericc.  Nvmeri  179 

kii  z'-^KCuAv.    XXVII. 

Suljihiadi  daughters  [uccede  to  theirfatbcrs  inheritance.  2.  ^ndtkeUtV  ts 
efiablisbcd  that/or  Uck  offonnes  dAU^bten  shal  mkerite,  and  for  Uck^lfo 
»f  daughters  the  next  ofkinne ,  u.  God  commandctb  Moyfes  to  afiend  into 
Mount  ^barim,  and  thence 'i/ietvtbepromifed  Land,  but  fortelleth  htm  then  fruyetb  God  to  proittde 
an  other  to  lead  the  people,  i8,  and  lojue  is  defi^nedin  prefence  of  Eleal^ar 

Nd  there  came  the  daughtersof  Salphaad,  thefonn^ 

ofHcphcr,  rhefonncofGalaad,  rhc  lonne  of  Machir, 

the  fonne  of  ManalTes,  who  was  the  lonne  of  lofeph  :  whofe 

names  are,  Malaa_>,and  Noa,  andHegla,  and  Melcha,  and 

::X.  Therfa.  f   And  they  flood  before  Moyfes  and  Eleazar  the 

priefl:,  and  al  the  princes  of  the  people  at  the  doore  of  the  ta~ 

3  bcrnacleofcouenant,andfaid:  f  Our  father  diedin  the  de- 
fert^cither^ras  he  in  the  feduion,  that  was  raifed  againft 
our  Lord  vnder  Core,  but  he  died  in  '•'  his  owne  finnc:  he  :..  Poj  jIjc -g.-. 
had  no  men  children  .  Why  is  his  name  taken  away  out  of  his  ncral  murmu- 
familie,  becaufehehathnot  a  fonne?  Geue  vs  polFellion  a-  ring,  wherof, 

4  mong  the  kinnc  of  our  father,  f  And  Moyfes  leferred  their  J^^'^^^^  ^^["^f  ^ 
.  5  caufeto  the  iudgement  of  our  Lord,  f  "^^^  faidtohim..:  J/i^^^^il^l^^jk 

6  t  The  Daughters  of  Salphaad  require  a  iuft  thing:  geue  them       '     ''     ' 
poflellion  among  their  fathers  kinnc-/,  and  let  them  fuccede 

7  him  in  the  inheritance,  f  And  to  the  children  of  Ifrael  thou 

8  {halt  fpeakethefe  thmges :  f  When  a  man  dieth  without  a 

9  fonne_x,  his  inheritance  (hal  pafle  to  his  daughter,  f  If  he 
haue  no  daughter,  he  fhal  haue  his  brethren  his  fucceffours. 

10   f  And  ifhehaueno  brethren  neither, you  thai  geue  the  in- 

11  heritance  to  his  fathers  brethren  .  f  butifhe  haue  no  fuch 
vncles  by  the  father  neither,  the  inheritance  flial  be  geuen  to 
them  that  are  the  next  of  kinne.  and  this  (hal  be  to  the  chil- 
dren of  Ifrael  a  holie  ordinance  by  a  perpetual  law,  as  the 

12  Lord  hath  comnianded  Moyfes.  -f  Our  Lord  alfo  faid  to 
Moyfes:  Goc  vp  into  this  mountaine  Abarinu,  and  view 
from  thence  the  Land  which  I  v/il  geue  to  the  children  of  If- 

15  rati,  -f-  and  when  thou  (halt  haue  feenc  it,  thou  ah^o  flialc 

14  goe  to  thy  people, astby  brother  Aaron  is  gone:  -j-  bccaufe 

you  did  offend  me  in  the  dcfcrt  Sin  in  the  contradidiion  of 

the  multitude,  neither  would  you  fandifie  me  before  them 

Tpon  the  waters,  thefe  are  the  Nfaters  of  contradiction  in 

Z  z  z  Cades 

^go  N  V  M  E  K I .  Sacrifices  foe 

r:  Temporal    Cades  of  the  dcferr  Sin .  +  To  whom  Moyfes  anfwcred  :  ij 
princes  are       +  Our  Lord  the  God  of  the  fpirircs  of  al  flesh  prouidc  a  man,  iC 
alfo  paaor«,     ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^  ^^^^^  ^j^jj  multitude:  -j-  and  may  goc  out  and  enter  17 
ofthe  people  •  in  before  thera,and  bring  them  out,  or  bring  them  m  :  left 
butthismadc    the  people  of  our  Lord  be  as  (heepe  viihoat  a  '•■    paftor. 
notlofucfu-   'j-  y\ndour  Lordfaidto  him  tTakelofue  thefonneofNun,  a  iS 
pjemeinfpin-  n-j^ninwhom  is  the  Spirit,  and  put  thy  hand  vpon  him... 
kilaereYrT'  t  ^^^  i-hal  (land  before  Eleazar  the  piieft  and  al  the  mnlti-  19 
the  nexr  lines  tudc:  f  ^nd  thou  shalt  geue  him  preceptcs  in  the  fight  of  al,  20 
that  lie  had     ^nd  part  of  ihy  glorie,  that  al  the  fynagogue  of  the  children  of 
hatpartofxjoy  ifracl.may  heare  him.  f  For  him,if  anie  tliins^  be  to  btdone,  ii 
jf s h is gloue,  or  £j  the  prieft  shal  confuk  the  Lord  .  At  his  word  shal  he 

*»fficc.  and  that  ^''-'  r  1     1     1         i.ij  cir      1       •  l 

wastobetem-  goe  out  and  shal  goe  m,  and  al  the  children  ot  llrael  with^ 

poral  prince  ,  him,  and  the  reft  oFthc  multitude  .  f  Moyfes  did  as  out  Lord  ri. 

Eleazar  being  had  commanded.  And  when  he  had  taken  lofuc,  he  fette  Him 

i^hkn^UfZ  t>efore  Eleazar  the  pricft,  and  al  the  airemblic  of  the  people. 

yyhom  and  the  t  And  impofing  his  handcs  on  his  hcad,  hc  rcpctcdal  thingcs  2| 

multitude  he      thatour  Lord  had  cammanded. 

was  ordained 

Duke,buc£/...  ^  XXV I  IT. 

Tar  ccufulted  .   ,  r       r  ■        ir  i       ■      i  •  J  k.- 

c»dforhm,and  Specul  ftcrijices  Are  a^potnttd  for  eume  day  intbemormngMdeHemng^^, 

dire^ledhis prin       nkefVife  for  euerie  Sabbath d^y,  ii.  for thefr^ day  ofaterttmonctht  1$.- 
cipal  anions ,       y-^,  p^f^},^  1^.  ^ndfor  Penttcoft. 

Vh^'Hrdt     f\  ^  ^  ^^^'^  ^^^°  ^^'^'^  ^°  Moyfes:  t  Command  the  chi^  i  2. 
andgJSgm. '    V>^  dren  of  Ifrael,  and  thou  shaltfay  to  them  :  My  oblation 
and  brcades,  and  burnt  facrifice  of  moft  fweete  odour  offer 
•:  Varicticof  yc  ••  in  their  times,  f  Thefe  are  the  facrificcs  which  you  5 
Sacrifices  for    rauft  ofter:  Twolambcs  of  a  ycare  old  without  blemish  daily 
diucrs  limes.    ^^^  ..  ^^^  cuerlaftmg  holocauft :  f  one  you  shal  offcrin  the  4 
t:  Euerie  day    morning,  and  the  other  at  cuen:  f  the  tenth  part  of  an  ephi  j 
^vife.  offlourc,  which  shal  be  tempered  with  the  pureftoile_^,  and 

shal  hauc  the  fourth  part  of  an  hin.  fit  is  the  continual  ho-  6 
locauft  which  you  offered  in  Mount  Sinai  for  a  moft  fweete 
odour  ofthe  burnt  facrifice  ofthe  Lord,  -f  and  for  a  liba-  7 
ment  you  shal  offer  of  wine  the  fourth  part  of  an  hin  for  e- 
ucrielambe  in  the  Sandtuarie  ofthe  Lotd.  f  And  the  other  8 
lambe  in  like  maner  you  shal  offer  at  cuen  according  to  al  the 
rite  ofthe  morning  facrifice,  and  of  the  Hbamcntes  therof, 
an  oblation  ofmott  fweete  odour  to  the  Lord,  f  And  on  the  5> 
';;  On  thcSab-  day  of  -  the  Sabbath,  you  shal  offer  two  lambes  of  ayearc 
¥»thday.        old  without  blciuisb,  and  t\ro  tenthcs  of  flovrc  tempered 

d  fcftiuitics.  N  v  m  e  r  i.  j8i 

lo  withoileinfacrificc,andthc  libamcntcs  t  "^'liicli  arc  ricely 

H  powredetienc  Sabbath  for  an  cuerlafting  holocauft  .  f  -And  j, 

in  "  the  Calcndcsyoushal  offer  an  holocaufte  ro  the  Lord,  :/|The  Nce- 
•    twocalucsofthcheard,onerammC;,fcaenlambcsof  a  ycarc  menu,  or  new 
U  old  without  blemish,  -f  and  three  tenthes  of  ilowrc  rempc- °^°°"*^* 

red  with  oile  in  facnficefor  eucriecalfe;  and  two  tcnthcsof 

13  fiowrc  tempered  with  oile  to  eucrie  ramme:  t  and  the  tenth 
part  of  a  tenth  of  flowre  tempered  with  oile  in  facrifice  to 
cuerielamb€_^.  itis  an  holocauft  of  moft  fwecte  odour  and. 

14  burnt  facrifice  to  the  Lord,  f  And  thelibamcntcs  of  wine, 
that  arc  to  be  po  wrcd  for  eucric  vidlimc,  shal  be  thefc  :  The 
halfepartofan  hin  for  enericcalfe,  the  third  toaramme,  the 
fourth  to  alambe.  this  shal  be  the  holocauft  through  al  mo- 
nctheSj  that  fuccede  one  an  other  as  the  yeare  turncth  about. 

ij  "f  A  buckegoatcalfoshal  be  offered  to  the  Lord  for  finncs 

16  ancucrlaftingholocauft  with  his  libamcntcs  .  f  And  in  the 
firftmoncth,  -  thcfourtcnth  dayof themoneth  shal  be  the  ^; 

17  PhafeofthcLord,  -f  and  the  fiftenth  day  the  ft>lemnitic^ :  ::Pafch,  or 

18  feucn  daics  shal  they  cateazymcs.  -f  Of  the  which  the  firft  PliaCc. 
day  (hal  be  venerable  and  holie  :  no  feruils  workc  ('you 

15)  doe  therein,  f  And  you  fhal  offer  burnt  facrifice  an  1  bio- 
cauft  to  the  Lord,  two  calues  of  the  heard,  one  raramc,  fcuen 

10  lambes  of  a  ycarc  old  without  blemish  r  f  and  the  facrifice  of 
eueric  one  of  flowre  which  shal  be  tempered  with  oile,  three 
tenthes  to  eueriecalfc,  and  two  tenthes  to  eueric  ramme_^j 

21  j-  and  the  tenth  part  of  a  tenth,  to  euerie  lambe,  that  is  to 

21  fay,  to  the  feucn  lambes .  f  And  one  bucke  goate  for  linnc, 

25  that  expiation  may  be  made  for  you,  -f  befide  the  morning 
24  holocauft  which  you  shalalwaies  offer,  t  So  shal  you  da 

euerie  day  of  the  fcuen  daies  for  a  foode  of  the  fire,  and  for 

a  moft  fwcec  o<lour  to  the  Lord,  which  shal  rife  of  the  holo- 

2j  cauft,andof  the  libamentes  of  euerie  one.  f  The  feucnth 

dayalfoshalbcmoft  folcmnc and  holie  vn to  you:  no  feruilc 

26  workc  shal  you  doe  therein,  -f  Thedayalfoof  -  firft  fruitcs  ::  Pcntccoft. 
when  you  shal  offer  new  fruitcs  to  the  Lord,  after  that  the 

weekes  be  accomplished,  sh.-il  be  venerable  and  holic :  no 

27  fcruile  workc  shal  you  doe  therein,  f  And  you  shal  offer  an 
holocauft  for  a  moft  fwecte  odour  to  the  Lord,  two  calues  of 
the  heard,  one  rammc,  and  fcuen  Lambes  of  ayearc  old  wirh- 

t8  out  blemish:  f  and  in  the  facrificcs  of  them  three  tenthes  of 
ilovrc  tempered \rith  oile  to  cucrie  calfc,  10  cucric  rammc 


3?^  N,vMK.i,  v;^  Sacriiices  fcEt. 

t,'*'.© ,.  f  iCUerie  lambc  the  tenth  pan  ynr?  I^fj^hs ^fri"^  -^^^'gi^-  29; 
ther.arcfeu?nl.aiTibes.  agoatcallo  t'^^'f^iU^j  J9  fl:4ii>,e  for  ex-  30 
.piatio-n  :  bciitie  the  euerlafting  holocar :, an^l  ^he  fJ&^«»*:nre$ 
tiierof .  i;  Al  shal  you  ollcr  ^ithouciiv aX)<»i>  \r,iih  theuli-  31 

Chap.    XXIX 
In  the  feucnth  moneth  *re ceLbrAted'\»ith p^ttr  aUr fAcrificeuhe  fe^flei  of 
TrumpttSyj.  ofExpation,  li.  of  ri^erfuae^.^^j.^a/^d  0/ ^Jfemblte  and 

Coileflion,  •-■.'..;■: 

::  Fcaft  of       'Tp  H  E  =•  firfl:  day  alfo  ofihtCciiepp^\i^oiiftli  fljal  be  vene-  r 
Trumpets.        J[^    tabic, and  holie  vnto  vou.  no  itfi^i^lf.jvoike  shal  you  doc 
therein,  bccaufe  it  is  the  day  qfrouncjirja  a  ad-  of  trum^cres. 
t  Andyoushalofferanhplocaiift  .^or  a.iiioic  fwcete  odour;X 
to  the  Lord,  one  calfe  of  the  h(fard  one  ramme.^,  ind  fe'uen    :•  r 
lambes  of  aycarcoldwithquc  bieaush    f  a,nd in  their facxi-  2^)- 
decs  of  flourc  tetppered  \fith  oilc  ci^te  tcnthcs  to  eucric 
calfe,  two  tcnthcs  to  a.ramni^,  f  one  tenth  to  alanibe,^^ hich  4 
together  arc  feuen  lambes:  |  and  a  buckc  goate  for  Imne',  j  . 
which  is  offered  for  the  cxpiatjon  of  the  people,  -f.  beiiies^ 
the  hflocauft  of  the  Calendts  with  the  facrifices  tlicrof,  and  ' 
the  euerlafting  holocauft  with  the  accuftomed  libamentes. 
7.  With  the  fame  ceremonies  shal  you  offer  burnt  facrifice  for  a 

■=^"^°^^^"moftfweete  odour  co  the  Lord,  t  The  -  tenth  day  alfo  of  7 
pianon.  thisfeucnth  uvonerh  shal  be  hoIi.c  and  venerable  vnto  you, 

:: For  rcmifTio  and  you  shal  -  aftlidyour  foules.:  no  feruilq  workeshal  you 
of  finnesthe^  doe  therein,  f  And  you  shal  offer  an  holocauit  to  the  Lord  S 
coopcTa?eb'y    ^ora  mort  fweetc  odouj,  onccalfcof  the  heard,  one  rammc, 
penal  worlccs  feucn  Lambes  of  a  yeare  old  without  blemish :  f  and  in  their  5 
of  fafting  and  facrifices  of  flouTe  tempered  with  oile  three  tcnthes  to  eucrie 
f^^T""'    ^  calfe, two  tenches  to  the rarame,  f  the  tenth  partof  a  tenth  10 
euln.LZll"/.l.  ^^  ^^^"s  lambe,  which  arein  al  feucn  lambes :  f  and  a  buckc  11 
iL.s.jftt^.q.    goate  for  finne,  befides  thefe  thingesthatare  wonctobe  of- 
^i.Jmmm.      fered  for  offence  vnto  expiation,  and  for  the  euerlafting  ho-,.  in  locauft  with  their  facrifice  Sc  hbamentes .  f  But  the  '•'  fiftenth  11 
dayofthcfeuenth  moneth,which  shal  be  vnto  you  hoHe  and 
g  venerable,  no  feruileworke  shal  you  doe  therein,  but  you 

••••Fcia  ofTa- ^^^'^^^^'^^^^^'^^^^^o^crnni':i«^rothe  Lord  feuen  daies.  f  and  15 
bcrnades.       you  shal  offer  an  holocauft  for  a  moft  fwccte  odour  to  the 
Lord,  calucs  of  the  heard  thirrcne,  rammes  two,  lambcsofa. 
yeareold^withDuc  blemwbfxjur.teiie:  t.&in  their  libamentes  14 
■    -  '  of  flowre 

of  flo\rre  tempered  vrhh  bile  three  renthes  to  eucric  calfc, 

■srhicharc  to^gcrher  thirrrhe  tafues  :  and  tv^b  terithcs  to  e- 

\j  ueric.ramme,  that  is^  togrther  to  tVo  rammcs,  f  and  the 

tenth  part  of  a  tenth  tbeuerie  lambe,  which  are  together 

16  fourtene  lambes :  fandahucke  gozre  for  finne,  befidc  the 
cucrkfting  ho-Iocaufte,  and  the  (acrifice,  and  the  h'bamrnt 

17  ther'of.'  f-Thene^tday  you  shal  offer  calues  of  the  heard 
melue,  tvro  rano hies,  lam bes  a  ycare  old  without  blemish  . 

j8  fourtene  .-  f  ^'^d  thefacrificesand  libamenresof  cucrie  one 
tothecalaesand  the  rammesand  the  lambes  you  shal  ritcly 

ip   celebrate:  -f  and  alDupkc;goate  f-or  ilnne,  befide  the  cuer- 

lading  holocaunc^,  and  the  facrifice  and  libainent  therof. 

26  j-  The  third  day  you  shal  offer  elcuen  calues,  two  rammes, 

21  lambes  oFayeare  old  without  blemish  fourtene  :  f  and  the 
facrificesand'thclibaiTientes  ofcuerieone  to  the  calues  and 

22  theratfemcsand  the  lambes  you  shal ritely  cerebrate:  -f  and  a 
b'ucke gt)ate  fbr  finne, bcfide the eucrlafting  holocaufte/and 

23  the  facrifice,  and  libsmcnt  therof .  t  The  fourth  da)' you  fhal 
offer  ten  calues,  two  rammes,  lambes  a  yeare  old  without 

24  blemish  fourtene  :  |  and  the  fa'crificcsand  thehbamcnre'sof 
cucrie  one  to  the  calues aiidthb  rahirhesand  thelambes  you 

25  {hal  tittly  celebrate,  t  and  a  bucke  gbate  for  finne,  beiide 
the  euerlafting'holoGaufre-,  and  the  faerifice  therof  and  liba- 

26  mcnt  4  f  The  ii  '"th  dsy  you  shal  offer  nine  ealues ,  two  ratn- 

27  mes,  lambes  of  a  yeare  old  without  bliemishfonrtene:  f  and 
I  the  facrifices  and  the' lifeatrs'ente's' of  eueriex^nctb  the  calues 

-  and  the  rammes  and  the  ian^^-beS  you  shal  ritcly  celebrate-^  :1 

28  t  and'abuckegoate  for'  frnnc',  befide  the  eueilf^frfng  holo- 
25)   caufte,  and  the  fa-criiVt';p|  t4^:feli6^a-'rljj  libanicnt;'^  The  fixrt' 

day  you  shal  offc'r  eigh  t  c-?1  n'^^V  twor'an^^s,"- lSint>ei'of  a  y^^'tt 
3cr  old  without  blcrni5Kfcil^^¥flc':farldthe'faclific'es  and  the 

libamentesofeuerie^Gne-'io-tlic  calries  and'thc  rammacs  and 
31-  the  lambes  ybu  shal  ritcly  ctltbrate  :  f  and  a  bucke  goate  for 

ftnne ,  befide  -the  icuerlafvtwg  holocaufte ,  and  the  facriii'ce^ 
1 3Z':  therof  and  libdment^'fTl-icfctiemh  day  you  shal  offer  feu  en 

calues,  and  tworamtiiesjlimbcsofa  yeare  old  without  ble- 
33  mish  fourtene:  f  and  tHc-'fatrifices  and  the  libamentes  of 
7!  euericoneto  the  calues  and  therammes  and  the  lambes  you 
34:shalriteiyc^lebtate:  f-nndabiucke  gbatc  forfmne,  befide  ....pcaff  of  Af- 

theeiierfaftihg'holocauffe^nd  the  facrifice  therof  and  liba-  fcmblie.and 
j;  raentvt  The-  eight  day  j>>hich  is  mb'ft  folcmne^no  feruile  Colleftiofi. 
\-''''\'Z  \rorke 

^-g4  NvmetvT.'  Vowes* 

youdoe  therin,  f  offering  an  holpcaufte  for  a  moft  fvrectc  3(5 
odour  to  the  Lord,  one  calfe,,qnpifammc,  lambesofayeai;c 
old  \rich  out  blemish  fcuen.  f  atifi  the  facnficcs  and  the  li-  37 
bamentes  of  cuerie  one  to  the  calucs  and  the  rammcs  and  the 
larabes  you  shal  ritely  celebrate;  f  an<^  a  bucke  goate  for  38 
finnc,  befides  the  euerlafting  holocauft.e,  and  the  facrificc 
thcrofandlibament.  f  Thcfe  thingcs  shal  you  offer  to  the  39 
Lord  in  your  folemnites:  befides  your  vowcs  and  voluntarie 
oblations  in  holocauftc,  in  fafriiice,  in  hbamcntj  and  in  paci- 

Chap.     XXX. 

FoluntArie  lio tves  or  odthes  ofm '« ',  1 4 .  ofmdidfs  in  their  fathers  h^ftfcs,  7- 
or  newly  marted  ^  10.  ofTifidoWes,  er  Jfiiues  diuorced  ,  ir,  Andof'^itieiiW' 
their  h^tibaftds  houfa  landhoiv  they  htnd,  or  An  midsfruftraie. 

\    Nd  Moyfcs  told  the  children  of  LfraelalthingCj?  that  f: 
..■j^^jI^jj^q^. -Z~jLour  Lord  had  commanded  him^  f  and  he  fpake  td  the  z 
eth  abftinence  princes  of  the  ttibes  of  the  children  of  Ifrael:  This  is  the   ■  •, 
fiom  a  thing    \rord  that  our  Lord  hath  commanded :  f  If  any  man  -  make  3 
lawful  ,  ma-    a vowc to pur Lord,  or  binde  hioi  IclP  by  an  oath;  he  sh.]J[. 
ful  ro'himfclfe  ^^^  "lake  his  woiA  fruftrate,  bur  alihat  he  ptomifed  he  shal 
by  his  vow.  j" .  fulfil,  f  If  a  Woman  vowe  any  thing,  and  bindc  her  felf  with  4 
j(ug.  q.  ^6.  in  t^n  oatji,  fhexhat  is  in  her  fathers  houfc,  and  as  yet  in  may* 
'^"^-  dens,age:if  her  father  kno^r  the  vov/c  that  she  promired, 

and  the  oath  wher^jc^ith  she  bound  her  loulc,  and  bold  his    :; 
peace,  fhe  shal  be  bound,  to  the  vowe  :  f  ^Vhatfocue^  she  j 
promiled  and  fwarc,. she  shal  fulfil  in  deedc.  f  but  if  imme-  6 
diarlyashehcareth  it,  her  father  do  gaine,  both  her 
vowesandherothes  "  shal  be  fruftrate,  neither  shal  she  be  ' 

bound  to  the  pjromifle,  for  that  her  father  bath  gaihefaid  it. 
t  If  she  haue  a  husband,  and  vowe  any  thing,  and  the  word  -f  ; 
once  going  out  of  her  mouth  binde  her  foule  by  an  oath: 
t  theday  that  her  husband  heareth  it,  and  doth  not  ga,ine  fay  8 
it,  she  shal  be  bound  to  the  vowe,  and  shal  render  whatfoc-' 
ucrshepromifed.  f  butifasfowne  as  he  hcareth  he  gaine  5>i: 
fay  it, and  make  herpromifes  fruftrat^,  and  the  ^rordes  whcr- 
.V  In  tliis  cafe  with  she  had  bound  her  foule  :  our  Lord  wil  be  '•  propitious 
.Godvfilnot     to  her.  -{■  The  \f  idowe,  and  she  that  is  deuorccd  whatfoeuer  ra 
bcffbrVsTn°c  ^^^Y  ^o^^^s  t^cy  shal  tender .  f  The  wife  in  the  houfc  of  her  :i 
$,^ug.q.^Z.'  husbandjwhen  she  hath  bound  herfelfby  voweandby  oarh,' 

•\  a  her  husband  hcaie,  and  hold  his  peace ,  .neither  doe  i|.; 


gayncfay  the  promise,  she  »hal  render  vhatfocucrshehad  ::B7«ffli<5ling 

13  promised,  f  out  if  forrhvich  he  gayncfay  it,  she  shal  not  be  o^tbcronlcit* 

holdcn  bound  to  the  promiflc ;  bccaufe  her  husband  iiayne-  a"^I"^a'  ■ 
rr-         J  T       jiL  ■•  u        ^tti^  ftood,  rcltrai- 

54  faid  ir,  and  our  Lord  vil  be  propitious  to  her.  f  It  she  vowc  ning  fcnfual  • 

and  binde  her  felfe  by  oath,  to  '•'■  afflid:  her  foulc  by  fafling,  delc£lauon. 

otabftinencefrom  other  thinges,  it  shal  be  in  the  atbitrc-  S'^>*g-qs7* 

mcntof  hcrhusband,  whethcrshc  shal  do  it, or  not  do  it«  "*^*"*** 

Ij  t  andif  thehusband  hearing  it  hold  his  peace,  and  diffcrrc  ::The  hu/bad 

fentence  til  an  oiher  day  :  whatf©cucr  she  had  vowed  and  rcuokinghij 

promifed,shc  $hal  render:  becaufe  immcdiatly  as  he  heard  confent,  once 

iC  ir,he  held  his  peace,  t  ^^^  i^  he  gaynefay  it  after  that  he  K^"^"  ^X 

27  knew  It,  ••  him  lelfe  shal  beare  her  miquitic  .  f  Thefc  are  nicncctolus 

the  laves,  NS'hich  our  Lord  appointed  to  M oy fes  betwen  wmcs  vovt-, 

the  husband  and  the  wife_^  ,   betwcne  the  father  and  the  ^nncd^buc 

daushcetj  that  IS  as  yet  in  maidens  a^e,  or  that  abideth  in  her  [^^^^/"^  ^^« 
_    ,"      ,        ,  -'  °  bound  to 

fathers  houtc.  obey  hini,an4 

■^■^ ■■> — — ■ .  .  ,.    .I....     »    fowascxca" 


Chap.     XXX. 

•<J.    shal\>e  frup-fMe'\   Vovccs,  wluch fathers  and  hufoandcs could fruftratc 
InthcirLlaugbtcisani  ^4.juf";,  raufi  necdes  be  mcnt  of  things  notcommanded  Voxrcf  oF 
by  God  Folic  wasnotiri  their  powre  to  difpencein  Gods  precepts.  Ajforcx-  things  noc 
ample,  touching  the  feaft  of  ExpiratioB,  itwasnot/«f/?f4>fcj/tfmf/rt  of  fathers  commanded  hulbandcs  (as  here  i,t  >s'as '».  t4  )  vhcther  their  daughters  and  SK'iucs  (hould 
faftor  no:  butwasabfoiutclyfaicd:  {Ley-:r.ti.y,zp.}  liuerie  foMlcthat  ts  not  af~ 
S  ■  Jfttgy  fltdrd  ( that  is,  vchich  fa/lcth  not)  this  day^  ihal  perish  out  of  Ins  people.  And  foia 
^.  j7.  in  other  precepts  vf  ere  neccfTarie  obligations.  Bcfides  whichit  is  gratfulalfo  to 
Tium,        God,  that  hisfcruaote?  bind  them  fclues  to  other  good  Sforkcs,  whcrto  they 
arc  not  othcrwifc  bound. 

Chap.    XXXI. 

The  MAclUn'ites dre/Ialne  in  battle,  for  thxt  they  had  draWen  the  freople  of 
Jfraeltoftnne.  11.  Thspr4ye  is  brought  to  Mojfis,  14-  Ff^ho  being  angrie 
that  the  "Wemcn  (  which  '^erethe  occjjion  cf  finne  )drc  fatted  aliue,  torn'- 
mandeth  to  hi 4I  the  male  children^  and  at  the  yvemen  fauing  only  vir- 
gins. 19.  The  fonldiars  are^nrified,  asalCo  the  fray  e,  iG.  and  then  diuided 
among  the  l/iBourSj  and  other  people  y  taking  out  portions  for  the  Leuites-, 
48.  The  princes  of  thehojiegcue  free  offerings  to  our  Lord^ 

J  I  A  N  D  our  Lord  (pake  to  Moyfes,  faying ;  f  Rcuenge 
jTxfirft  the  children  of  Ifrael  on  the  Madianites,  and  fo 

5  thou  {bait  be  gathered  to  thy  people.  +  And  Moyfes  forth- 
with faid;  Armc  of  you  mentoiighr,  ■which  may  take  the 
~     ^  Aaa  xeucMgc 

^%6  NvMERT.  Madjanites  flaine, 

rcuenge  of  our  Lord  on  the  Madianitcs.  f  Lctathoufand  4 

men  of  euerie  tiibe  be  chofcn  of  Ifrael  to  be  fent  to  rhc 

■warre.  f  And  rhey  gaueathoufandof  euerictribe,  thatis  to  $ 

fay,  twelue  thoutandwel  appointed  to  fight:  f  whom  Moy-  G 

{^s  lent  wirh  Phinecs  the  (oniie  of  Eleazai  the  prieft,  and  the 

holie  vclFtl,  and  rh(.'  trumpetres  to  found  he  deliuered  to  him.  5 

•j-  And  when  thev  had  fought  againft  the  Madianites  and  had  7 

ouerconlCjal  the  men  they  (lew,  t^'^d  their  kinges  Eui,and  S 

Reccm,and  Sur,  and  Hur,and  Rebe,fiue  princes  of  the  Na- 

;;VVirK  who  tion  :  '•'•  Balaam  alio  the  fonne  of  Bcor  they  killed  with  the 

heHoneH,         fword.  f  And  they  rooke  their  wiups,  and  iitle  ones,  andal  9 

with  them  he  thv'ir  eoodcs  rvx/haifocuer  they  had  bene  able  to  make,  they 

«     icu^A  ipoilfd;  T  as  wel  cities  as  rowncs  and  caitels  the  lire  did  10 

puniinca.  t  «      »     1 

con'iuTse.  f  And  they  tooke  the  praye,  and  al  thingcs  that  h 

they  had  taken  as  wel  of  men  as  of  beaftcs,  t  and  they  li 
brought  theai  ro  Moyles,  and  Eleazar  the  prieif,  and  to  al  the 
multitude  of  the  children  of  Ifrael.  but  the  reft  of  rhc  imple- 
mentes  rhey  caried  to  thecampein  the  champion  coumries^ 
of  Moabjbcfide  Jordan  againftlericho.  -f  And  Moyfes  and  i| 
Eleazir  the  prieft:  went  forth,  and  al  tl-e  princes  of  the  (yna- 
goguc  ro  raeetc  rhem  without  the  campe.  -j-  And  Moyfes  14^. 
being  angric  with  th^  princes  of  the  hofte,  the  tribunes, and        -, 
the  centurions  that  were  come  from  t-c  battle  ,  f  faid  :  if 
."'TKcfcwe-      why  haueyou  referued  the  wemen  ?  |  Are  not  the(e  rhey,  1^ 
men  bringing  that  deceiucd  the  children  of  Ifrael  at  the  fuggeAion  ot  Ba» 
imagies  of       laam,  and  made  you  preuaricaieaeainft  our  Lord  vpon  •■•  the 
Bcclpho^or,      /-  c  nl  1  ir      l  1  ^a      i 

caufedthc  If-  """eoi"  rhogor,  whereupon  alio  the  people  was-  ftroken? 

laelires  toof-  f  Thcrfore  kii  al  wharlocurr  is  of  the  male  fexe,aniong -' the  17 
fcrfacrificcto  hrle  ones  alfo :  and  the  wemen,  that  haue  knowne  men  in 
th™'fti^ouU      carnal  copulation,  flea  ye .'  -f   but   the  gyrles  and  al  the  iS 
committc  for-  '^'emen  that  are  virgins  referucto  you:  t  ^^nd  tarying  with-  19 
rication  with  out  the  campe  feucn  daves.  He  that  hath  killed  a  man,  or 
them.        ^     touched  him  tharis  killed,  fhal6e  expiated  the  third  day  and 
tcftatk)?/of  ^'  ^h^^*^"^"^^-  t  And  of  alrhe  praye,  whether  it  be  garment,  z© 
the  parents      ^^  velfel ,  and  fomc  thing  prepared  for  implemcntes  ,  of 
finnc,God  c6-  goates  skinnes,  and  heate,  and  wood  shal  be  expiated,  f  Elea*  2X    ' 
wanded  to  kil  zar  alfo  the  prieft  f  pake  ro  the  hofte,  that  had  fought,  in  this 
&  fl't he' woe  "^^"^^'^ '  ^^"  ^^  ^^^  precept  of  the  Jaw,  which  our  Lord  hath 
prcucntcd]"^  Commanded  Moyles:  j  Gold,  and  filucr  ,  and  bralTc,  and  iz 
fiom  commit-  yxon,  and  leade,  and  tinnc,  f  and  al  that  may  paffe  through  lu- 
ting the  like    the  fyrc,  shal  be  purgpd  by  fyrc,.buc  vliatiocuer  can  not 

.  abide 

Prayediuided.  Nvm-eri.  3S7 

abide  the  fife,  shal  be  fandbificd  with  the  vafer  of  expiation  :  crimes.  But 
14  t  andyoushal  wash  your  earmcnres  the  leuenth  day,  and  oi^^"ar'jy, 

being  punned,  atcerward  you  shal  enter  into  tlie  campe  .  aren ought 
i^i6f  Ahdour  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes:  •{"  Take  the  fummcof  thofc  net  to  be 

thinges,  that  were  taken  from  man  vnto  bead  ,  thou  and  llaineafrci  the 
27  Eleazarihepricft  and  the  princes  of  the  multitude:  f  and  Yi'^f'ric.Dfw;. 

thou  shalt  diuide   the  praye  equally  bctwene  them  ,  thit       *    '  ^' 
,     fought  8c  went  forth  to  the  warre,andbetwen  the  reft  of  the 
a8  multitude,  -f  and  thou  shalt  (cparatc  a  portion  to  the  Lord 

from  them,  that  fought  and  were  in  the  battle,  one  foule  of 

fiue  hundred  as  wd  of  mankind  as  of  oxen  and  alfes  and 

29  sheepe,  j  and  thou  shalt  geue  it  to  Eleazar  the  prieft,  be- 

30  caufe  they  are  the  iirft  fruites  of  the  Lord.  -{- Outof  the  halfe 
part  alfo  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  ihou  shalt  take  the  fiftith 
head  of  mankind,  and  of  oxen,  and  afle5,and  sheepe,and  of 
al  beaftes ,  and  thou  shalt  geue  them  to  the  Lcuites,  that 

31  watch  in  the  cuftodics  of  the  tabernacle  of  the  Lord.  |  And 
31  Moyfes  and  Eieazir  did,  as  our  Lord  commanded,  f  And 

thepraye  which  the  hoftchad  tsken,  vcasof  sheepe  fix  hun- 

155  drcdfeuentie  fiue  thoufand,  f  of  oxen  feucntie  two  thou- 

34  5yfand,  f  of  alTcs  fixtic  one   thouland.   f  The  foules  of  the 

folkesof  the  female  fexe,  that  had  not  knowiic  men,  thirtic 

36  two  thoufand.  f  And  the  halre  part  was  geuen  to  them,  that 
had  bene  m  the  battle,  of  sheepe  three  hundred  thirtie  feucn 

37  thoufand  fiue  hundred  .-  f  of  the  which  for  the  portion  of 
our  Lord  were  reckened  sheepe  fix  hundred  fsuentie  fiue. 

38  t  And  of  the  thirtiefix  thoufand  oxen,  oxen  fcuenrie  and 

39  two:  f  of  the  thirtie  thoufand  fiue  hundred  alfes,  aflcs  fixrie 

40  one:  t  of  the  foules  of  mankind  fixtene  thoufand,  there 

41  fel  to  the  portion  of  our  Lord  thirtie  two  foules.  f  And 
Moyfes  deliuered  the  number  of  the  fir  ft  fruites  ofour  Lord 

4Z  to  Eleazar  the  prieft,  as  it  had  bene  commanded  him,  f  of 
the  halfc  part  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  v^IiiJi  he  had  fcpa- 

43  rated  to  them,  that  had  bene  m  the  battle,  f  But  of  the  halfc 

part  that  had  chanced  to  the  reft  of  the  multitude,  that  is  to 

fay,  of  the  three  hundred  thirtie  feuen  thoufand  fiue  hundred 

444yil)cepe,  f  and  of  the  thirtie  fix  thouGind  oxen,  f  and  of  the 

4(j  thirtie  thoufand  fiue  hundred  alfes,  -f  and  of  the  fixtene 

47  thoufand  of  mankind,  f  Moyfes  tooke  the  fiftith  head,  and 
gauc  it  to  the  Leuires,  that  watched  in  the  tabernac'e  of  our 

48  Lord,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded,  f  Andwheatheptinccs 

Aaa  i  of  the 


N  V  M  E  R  i«  Two  tribes  end  a  halFe 

of  the  hade  vcre  come  to  Moyfes,  and  the  tribunes,  and 
centurions,  they  faid:t  We  thy  feruanteshauc  reckencd  the  45? 
number  oFthc  ^^arryers,  which  we  had  vnder  our  hand  :  and 
not  fo  much  as  one  verily  was  lacking.-  f  For  this  caufc  ^c  5« 
offerin  thedonariesof  our  Lord  euerieone  that  which  we 
could  iinde  in  the  prayeoFgold,  garters  and  tablettes,ringc3 
andbracelctes,  and  cheyncs,  that  thou  maicft  pray  to  our 
Lord  For  vs.  f  And  Moytes  and  Eleazar  the  prieft  rccciued  al  jt 
the  crold  in  diuerfe  formes,  f  in  weight  fixtene  thoufand,  ^i 
fcucn  hundred  fiftie  fides  o-f  the  tribunes  and  of  the  centu- 
rions, t  for  that  which  euerieone  had  fpoiled  in  the  praye,  j? 
washiso^-ne.  I  And  that  which  was  recciued  thcybrotight  ;4 
into  the  tAhcrnacle  of  ttnimonic,,  for  a  monument  of  the 
children  of  Ifrael  before  our  Lord. 

Chap.    XXXI  E 

^Jyr  clfiMren  rf  !{uhen  andcud^  demanding  to  haur  inhtritAnce  en  that 
fide  hrda.n,lv here  they  yitAre^j.  Moyfes  lujllj  rebuilt th  them'y  iC.yct 
"^pon  condition  that  they/  tvil  marcbjirj}  ouer  Jordan^  »nd  rem^inc  tTje  firfh 
in  hattle,  tit  the  Und  be  fuhdued  to  the  children  of  lfr4ei,  t%.he  ^rantitb 
to  them,  snd  theh^lfe  tribe  of  Mandfes,  that  which  they  re^at^.  *  ' 

Nd  the  children  ofRuben  and  Gad  had  much  cartel,  i 
and  they  had  in  bcafires  an  infinite  fubftance.    And 
vhen  they  had  feenelazer  and  Galaadfitte  countries  for  to 
feedecattel,  f  they  came  to  Moyfes  and  Eleazarthe  prieft,  r 
and  the  princes  of  the  multitude,  and  faid  ;  f  Ataroth,  and  5 
Dibon,  and  lazcr,  and  Nemra,  Hefcbon,  and  Eleale,  and 
Sabam,  and  Nebo,and  Beon-,  -j-  the  land  ,  which  our  Lord  4. 
f  mote  in  the  fight  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  is  of  a  vcrie  plen- 
tiful (oile  for  the  feeding  of  beaftcs  :  and  we  thy  feruantes 
haue  very  much  cattel;    f   and  we  pray  thee  if  we  hauc  ^ 
found  grace  before  thee,  that  thou  geue  vs  thy  feruantes  the 
sstArig^tfi-     fame  in  poflellion,  and"  make  vs  nor  pade  ouer  lordan  f  To  ^ 
Ijureofthofc    >yhom  Moyfesanfwercd  ;  Whyshal  your  brethren  goe  to 
loffeff'rhca-    fig^^^n'l  '»'il  yon  fittc  here  ?  t  Why  fubuerTvou  the  mindes  •/ 
ucn.  without   of  the  children  of  Ifracl,  that  they  may  nor  be  bold  to  palTe 
hbourordanintOithe  place,  \^hiGh  our  Lord  wil  geucthem?  f  Did  not  8- 
y?;,""'"'""  .yo"''^^^^crsfo,  when  Ifcnt  from  Cadesbarne  to  view  the 
yvUsZ'fhZ  ^*"'^-  t  AndvhenthcywcrccomeasfarrcasrheValleyof  9- 
lAyyfmUy.x.      clufter,  hauing  viewed  al  the  coimtric  ,  they  fubucrted  the 
pm.x^  bare  ofihc  children  of  Ifracl,  that  they  should  not  enter  the 



rccciueinlieritancc.  N v  m  e  r  i.  3^5" 

lo  coaftes,  which  our  Lord  gauc  them  .  f  'Vho  being  "wrath 

I'l  fware,  Uying  :  f  Ifthefemen,  thaccamc  vp  oucof  i£gypr, 

from  txrentif  yearcs  and  vp-ward  ,  shal  fee  the  land  ,  which 

vnderorhe  I  promifcd  to  Abraham,  Kaae,  and  lacob  :  and 

li  theyNTouldnot  folow  me,  f  except  Caleb  the  fonnc  of  Ic- 

phonethc  Ccnezcitc ,  andlofue  the  Tonne  of  Nun  :  thefe 

X5  naue  fulfilled  my  wil.  t  And  our  Lord  being  wrath  agaynft 

IfraeJ,  led  him  about  through  the  dcfert  fourtie  ycares, vntil 

the  whole  generation  was  confumed  ,  that  had  done  euil  in 

14  his  figKr .  f  And  behold,  quoth  he,  you  are  rifen  vp  in  Itecd 

*  of  your  fathers,  the  offpring  and  difciples  of  finful  men> 

2y  to  augment  the  furic  of  our  Lord  agaynft  Ifrael .  f  But  if 

you  wil  not  folow  him,he  wiUeaue  the  people  in  the  wil- 

16  dernefle,  and  yoa  shal  be  the  caufe  of  the  death  of  al.  f  Bat 
they  coming  nere,  faid:  'We  wilmake  shepcottcs,  and  ftali- 

17  Ics  for  our  catftl ,  for  our  litle  ones  aifo  fented  cities  ;  -f  and 
we  our  ftlucs  armed  and  pirded  wil  march  on  to  battle  be- 
fore the  children  of  Kracl, vntil  we  bring  them  in  vnto  their 
places.  Ourlitleonesand  whatfocuer  we  can  hauc  ,  shal  be 
in  walled  cities,  bccaufc  of  thelyingofwayteof  theinhabi- 

18  lan-tes.  f  "Wc  wil  not  returne  into  our  houfes,  vntil  the  chil- 
ly dren  of  IfracI  polfelle  their  inheritance;  f  neither  wil  wa 

feeke  any  thing  bcTound  lordnn,  becaufe  already  we  hauc 

10  ourpoircllionon  the  caft  fide  therof.  f  To  whom  Moyfes 
faid  .If  you  doe  tharyoupromille,  march  on  wel  appointed 

21  before  our  Lord  to  fight:  f  and  let  eoerie  man  of  warrc 

11  palfeouer  lordan,  vntil  our  Lord  fubucrt  his  enemies,  -f-and 
althcLandbelubducdto  him  :  then  shal  you  be  blameleiFc 
before  our  Lord  and  before  Ifrael,  and  you  shal  obteync  the 

23  countries  tbaryou  would  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  -f  But 
ifyoudoenot,  that  which  you  fay  ,  no  man  can  doubt  but 
you  (inne  a.gainft  God  ;  and  know  ye  that  your  finne  shal  ap- 

24  prchcnd  you  .  f  Build  rherfore  cities  for  your  htlc  onesj 
and  sheepecotes  and  ftalles  for  your  shecpc  and  cartel  :  and 

»5  accomplish  that  which  you  haaepromifcd.  -f  And  the  chil- 
dren of  Gad  and  Ruben  faid  ro  Moyfes  :  NVeare  thy  (eruan- 

26  tes,  we  wjI  do  that  which  our  lordcommandeth.  f  We  wil 
leauc  our  lirle  ones,  and  our  wiucs,  and  sheepc,  and  cartel  in 

17  the  ciriesofGalaad  :  f  and  we  thy  feruantes  al  welappoyn- 
ted  wilmarchon  to  the  warre^,as  thou  my  lord  speakeft, 

*?  t  Moyfes  iheffoxc  commanded  Eleazarthepricft,  andlofue 

Aaa  J  thc^ 

09  NvMERT,  41.  Manfions. 

the  fonncofNun,an(l  the  princes  of  the  families  by  the  tri- 
bes of  HraeUand  he  (aid  to  rhtm  :  f  If  the  children  of  Gad,  15 
^andth?  children  ofRubenpafle  with  youoiKT  lordan  al  ar- 
;rocd  to  the  warre  before  our  Lord,  and  the  Land  be  (ubdued 
to  you:  geuethrm  Galaad  in  poireilibn.  f  Bac  if  they  wil  5® 
not  paffi  armed  wirh  you  into  the  Land  oF  Chanaan  ,  let 
them  cake  places  to  dwel  in  among  you.  t  And  the  chil-    51 
drcn  of  Gjd,  and  the  children  of  Ruben  anfwercd  :  As  our 
iiord.hath  fpokea  to  his  fcruantcs,  fb  Wil  we  doe;  f  our    31 
fclues  atmcd  wil  march  before  our  Lord  into  theLandof 
Chanaan,  and  vre  confcire  tl" at  vi^c  haut  already  receiued  our 
pofTtllion  bi-yond  lordan  .  f  Moy{cs  therfore  gauc  to  the    35 
children  of  Gad  and  Ruben,  and  to  the  halfe  tribe  of  Ma- 
naffesthc  fonne  of  lofephjthekingdomeofSchon  king  of 
the  Amorrhcite,and  the  kingdomc  ofOg  kingof  Bafan,and 
their  land  and  the  cities  therof  round  about,  j-  Therfore  54 
thcfonnesof  Gad  built  Dibon  ,  and  Atarprh  ,   and  Arocr, 
■{■  andErroth,  and  Sophan,  and  Tazar,  and  legbaa,  -f  and  5^5^ 
Bethneaira,and  Betharan,  cities  fenfed,  audshccpecotes  for' 
their  shecpe .  f  But  the  children  of  Ruben  builded  Hefe-  57 
bon,and  Eleale,  and  Cariathaiiji,  t  and  Nabo,  and  Baalmeon  *58 
changing  their  names,  Sabaaia  alfo  :  geuing  names  to  the 
cities,  which  they  had  built,  -f  Moreouer  the  children  of  59 
Machir,  thefonne  of  Manalfes  ^enc  into  Galaad,  and  wafted 
it  killing  the  Amorrheire  the  inhabirer  therof.  t  Moyfes  40 
therfore  gaue  the  land  of  Gihnd  co  Machir  the  fonnc  of  Ma- 
naflts,who  dwelt  in  it.  f  And  lair  the  fonne  of  Manalfes  41 
went,  and  rookie  the  villages  therof,  which  he  called  Hauoth 
lair,  rharisthofkyjthc  Villages  of  lair,  f  Nobe  alfo  went,  42, 
and  rookeCanath  with  the  villages  therof  :  and  he  called  it 
by  hisownename  Nobc. 

Chap.     XXXIII. 

jijsA^i.  manfiom  of  The  children  of  ffr*el  hef^en  /Eppe  dnd  the  L/tnd  ©/* 
fromife  are  recited,  yo.  thtj  *re  comm<nded  to  k.d*l  the  inbdhitentSytt 
fur^e  the  Und  of  idoUtrtey  and  dmde  it  amon^  them, 

THese  are  "  the  manfionsofthe  children  of  Ifrael,  that  i 
vent  out  of  itgypt  bv  rhcir  troupes  in  the  hand  of 

uings,an         ""  Moyfcs  and  Aaron,  t  which  Moyfes  drfcribed  according  to  r 
camping  pla-       ,        {  .  .  i      1    1  t        1  .      ^ 

cesfigrific  by  tncpl.tccsoi  the  campe,  which  by  our  Lord-,  commandement 

wh%t  degrees  thcy  changed,  t  The  children  of  Ifrael  therfore  departing  j 


4^.  Manfiom.  NvmerVl  .      5^t 

from  RamefiTestbefirftmoncth,  the  fiftcnth  day  of  the  firft  chiiniaas  lea* 
moneth,  the  morow  afttr  they  made  the  Pha(c,  in  a  mightic  "-"S  ""nes* 

4  hand,  al  the  /Egyptians  feeing  them,  f  and  burying  rhcir  (^j^,j^,°^^"° 
firft  borne,  whl.  i\  our  Lotd  had  ftrooicen  (  yea  and  on  their  guiJc;  may 

J  goddesalfo  he  excrciled  vengeance)  f  f^ey  camped  in  comcroper- 

6  Soccoth.  j- And  from  Soccorh  they  came  into  Etham,  which  rcdkpictic.t. 

7  is  in  the  vttctmolt  borders  of  the  wildernefle.  f  Deparnng  „,^  ,    '  ^^^ 
thence  they  came  ouer  againft  Phihahiroth,  which ;^looktth  lahtol 

5  tovrard  BeeKephon, and  camped  before  Maf;dal.  +  And  de- 
parting from  Phihahirothjthey  paifed  through  the  roiddes 
of  the  fca  mto  the  wilderncfle  :  and  walking  three  dayes 

9  through  the  defert  Etham  ,  they  camped  in  Mara,  f  And 
departing  from  M^ira,  rhey  came  into  Ehm_,,  where  there 
were  the  tweluc  foiintaines  of  waters  ,  and  the  feuentic 

10  palme  treei:  i.nd  there  they  camped    f  But  departing  thence 
alio,  they  pitched  i  heir  rentes  vpon  the  Reddc  fea.  And  de- 
li  parring  from  the  Redde  fea,  t  they  camped  in  the  dcfert  Sin.' 

HI}'!'  From  ^1- hence  departing,  they  came  into  Daphca.  j"  And 
14  dcpaiting  from  Daphca,  they  camped  in  Alus,  f  And  de- 
parting from  Alus,  they  pitched  their  rentes  in  Raphidim^ 
15:  where  the  pcopk  wanted  water  to  drinke.  f  And  departing 

16  from  R^iphidim,  they  camped  in  the  deferr  ot  Sinai,  f  But 
departing  alio  from  the  delert  Sinai ,  they  cam.e  to  the  Sc- 

17  pulchresofconcnpifcence,  t  And  departing  from  the  Se- 

18  pulchrcsofconcu^Mfcence,  they  camped  in  Haferoth.  f  And 

19  from  HaOroth  they  came  into  Rethma.  f  And  depaiting 
xo  from  Rethma,  th' y  camped  in  Remmonphares.  f  Whence 
21  departing  rhey  came  into  Lebna,  -f  From  Lebna  they  cam- 

11  ped  in  Rella.  t  An  J  departing  from  Reifa,  they  cam.c  into 

25  Ccelaiha.  f  Whence -'cparting,  thry  camprd  in  the  moun- 
^4  tayne  Sfpher.  f  Dcpsrting  from  the  mountayne  Sepher, 
2f   rhey  cane  into  Handa.  f  Thence  departing  ,  they  camped 

26  inMaceloth.  f  And  dep.-rting  from  Maceioth ,  thty  came 
17  intoThahath.  f  F^om  Thahath  they  camped  in  Th3r€_y  . 
iS  f  Whence  departiuj^,  they  pitched  rhcir  rentes  in  Mtthca. 

293ot  Aindfrom  Methca  rhcy  camped  in  Hcfmona  ,  t'Ahddc-  ' 

31   parting  from  Hrfmona,  thev  came  into  Mofc-rorh    f  And 
3i  from  Moferorh  they  camped  in  Bcneiaacan  ;  f  And  depar- 
ting from  Beneiaacan  ,  they  came  into  the  mounrGadoad. 

33  54t  whence  depattin-^  ,  thty  camn?d  in  Ictf  hatha,   f    And 
3;  fi:oiaktebathathtyc:;ine  into  Fkbrona,  t  Mvi  departing 

1^1  NvMERir  42."Manfion$. 

from  HcI>rona,they  camped  in  Afiongabcr.  fThcncc  dc-  56 
parting,  they  came  into  the  dcfert  Sin,  this  is  Cades,  t  And  37 
departing  From  Cades ,  they  camped  in  the  mount  Hor ,  in 
thcvttcrmoft  borders  of  the  Land  of  £dora.  f  And  Aaron  58 
the  pricft  went  vp  into  the  mountaync  Hor  at  the  comman- 
dcmcntofourLord  :  and  there  he  died  the  fourtith  ycareof 
the  coming  forth  af  the  children  af  Ifracl  outof  iCgypt ,  the 
iifthmoneth,  the  firftday  ofrhe  moncth,  f  vhcnhevasan  3^ 
hundred  three  and  tvcntie  yearcs  old.  f  And  the  Chananeire  40 
king  of  Arad,  who  d^elc  toward  thefouth.  heard  that  the 
children  of  Ifrael  were  come  into  the  Land  of  Chanaan. 
f  Andxicparting  from  the  mountayne  Hor,  rhcy  camped  in  41 
Salmona,  t   "Whence  departing, ,tiiey  came  into  Phunon  .  41 
•}■  And  departing  from  Phunon,  they  camped  in  Oboth .  45 
f  And  from  Oboth  they  came  into  lieabarim,  which  is  in  44 
the  borders  of  the  Moabires.  f  And  departing  from  lieaba-  4y 
rim  they  pitched  their  rentes  in  Dibongad,  f  Whence  depar-  4^ 
ting,  they  camped  in  Helmondeblathaim.  f  And  departing  47 
from  Helmondeblathaim,  they  came  to  the  mountayne's 
Abarim  againft  Nabo.f  And  departing  from  the  mountaincs  4S 
Abarim,  they  pafTcd  to  the  champion  countries  of  Moab,' ' 
von  Jordan,  againfl:  lericho  .  f  And  there  they  camped  ^^^ 
from  Bethdmoth  vnto  Abclfatim  in  the  plainer  places  of  the 
Moabites  ,  f  '^bcre  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes  :  f  Com- 505^ 
mandthechildren  of  Ifracl,  and  fay  to  them:  when  you  shal 
hauepaffed  lordan,  cnrring  the  Land  of  Chanaan,  f  deftroy  ;i 
al  the  inhabitants  of  that  Land:  breake  their  titles,  and  burfi: 
to  fitters  their  ftatues,  and  waft  al  their,  cxcelfes,  -f  cleanfing  51 
the  Land,and  dwelling  in  ir.forl  hauegeuenity'ouin  pofief- 
fion,  f  which  you  shal  diuide  among  you  by  lottc.  To  the 
mocyou  shal  gcuc  the  larger,  and  to  the  fewer  the  ftraiter. 
r-  "Danger  to   Jq  eueric  one  as  the  lotteshal  fall,  Co  shal  the  inheritance 
ft'^'v  nodpifi-  begeuen  .  By  the  tribes  and  the  families  the  pofTeilion  shal 
aclitic,anclal  bediuided.  f  But "  if  you  wil  not  kll  the  inhabitantes  of  the  Jf 
cnormious       L?.nd:  they  that  remaine,  shal  bcvnto  you  as  it  Were  nailes^in 
finncs  ,v7hich  yourcycs,  and  fpearcs  in  vour  fides,  and  they  shal  be  your  ad- 
,awck  in         ucrfaries  in  the  Land  of  your  habitation:  f  and  whatfocuer  ;tf 
bclorc  rhtir    I  had  thought  to  do  tothcm,  J  wildo  to  you  e 


il  N  N  0  t. 

ThclimitesofClianaan.  Nvmeri.  ^^, 

Chap.    XXXIII. 

I    %{»yfes/i>ti^aroH.]  Moyfcs  1>7  vhom  the  Law^^-sjgcuen,  ar.J  Aaron  ia   T^jj/^i^  Uan/? 
■whomPlicnhood  vajclbblilhedjfignificd  good  vorkcs,  aad  the  light  wor-    ^hi^u  ^^^u 
fliipof  God.  Of  which  (faieth  S.Hicrom)  each  one  needcch  the  other.  For  faiu^ji^jj   ^  * 
neither  doth  it  profitc  thcc  to  exercife  vcrtues  vnlcs  thou  kno\K'eft  thyCrcator; 
nor  the  worQiiping  of  Godauaileth  thee  tofaluation,  vnles  thou  fulfil  the 
precepts  of  thy  Maker.  By  thefe  two  handes,as  \inth  txsro  Seraphims  we  breakc    - 
outinco  confelfion  of  the  holie  Tiinitie,  faying  ;  HoUe,  holie,  holie  Lord 
Cod  of  noaftcj.  Epifl.adTMhiol  de^i.'SUnf. 

Chap.     XXXIIII. 

TUfttu*tt*n  dndUmitesof  Ch^ndiin^  toxvdvds  the  Souths  the  VFeafl^  the 
North y  dnd  the  E/tft,  15.  T^hith  mH>l  i>t  diuided  by  lottedmonr  nine 
tnbei  *nd4  hslfe  ( the  other  two  aod  4  balfhauin^  their  ffdrtes  ouer  Jor~. 
ddtt )  16.  "VDith  the  ndtnes «/ theferftns  tbdt shal mAke  the dtwjioo. 

I  1     A    Nd  our  Lord  fpakc  toMoyfcSjfaying  .-  •{-  Command 

jTIL  the  children  of  Ifracl,and  thou  fbait  Tay  to  them: When 
you  arc  entred  into  the  Land  of  Chanaan,and  it  ihal  be  fallen 
vntoyouby  lottc  in  polfcilionj  it  ihal  be  limited  by  thefc 

5  borders:  f  The fouthfidc  Oiai  beginne from  the ^rilderncfTc  caSf/wf!^ 
Sin,vhichisbcrideEdom:andit  llialhauc  to-crard  the  Eafl:  /?*,  whc'reSo- 

4  "  the  moft  fair  Tea  for  the  limitcs.  f  The  which  il^al  com-  dom  and  Go- 
paflcthcfouth  fide  by  the  afcending  of"  the  Scorpion,  Co  ^ort  had 
that  they  Ihal  pafle  into  Senna,  and  reach  toward  the  South  ^}°°^' 
a^farreasCadesbarne,  from  whence  tlie  frontiers  shal  goc  fo  called  ofthe 
forth  to  the  towne  named  Adar,  and  shal  reach  as  farrc  as  rr.ulcitude  of 

J  Afemona.  f   And  the  border  shal  goc  round  about  from  ^"^orpions, 
Afemona  to  the  Torrent  of  yf.gypt,  and  shal  end  in  the  shore  ^'l^'^l^^'crcia 

6  of  the  "great  fca.  t  And  the  wert  fide  shal  beginne  from  the  i:Mediterra- 

7  great  fca,  and  the  fame  shal  be  thelimitcthcrof.  f  More-  nealfea,  ral- 
oucrtoward  the  North  part  the  borders  shal  beginne  from  ^^^  greatin 
the  greatc  fea,  reaching  vnto  the  •*•  moft  high  mountaine,  J'^^P^"^  "^^l^c 

8  t  from  hcwhich  they  shal  come  vnto  Emath  as  farre  as  the  hoHe^Land^ 
«>  borders  of  Sedada:  f  and  the  frontiers  shal  goe  as  farrc  as  .-.Mount  of 

Sephorna,and  thctowne  Enan.  Thefe  shal  be  the  borders  Libamis. 
10  in  the  North  part,  t  From  thence  they  shal  marke  out  the 
boundes  toward  the  Eaft  fide  from  the  village  Enan    vnro 

II  Sephama,  f  and  from  Sephama  the  boundes  shal  goe  downe 
vnto  Rcbla  againft  the  fountaine  Daphnim  :   from  thence 

It  they  shal  come  caftward  to  the  fca  Ccnercth,  -f   and  shal 

Bbb  reach 

^^4  N  V  M  E  R  I .  Cities  for  Leuites 

reach  as  farre  as  lordan,  and  at  thclaftshalbeclofcdinby 
the  mofl:  fait  fea.  This  you  shal  hauc  for  your  Land  by  the 
boundcs  therof  round  about.  +  And  Moyfes  commanded  15 
the  children  of  Ifrael,  faying:  This  shal  be  the  Land,  which 
you  shal  poflelTe  by  ]otte,and  which  our  Lord  hath  comman- 
ded to  be  geucn  to  the  nine  tribes,  and  to  the  halfe  tribt>/. 
+  For  the  tribe  of  the  children  of  Ruben  by  their  families,  14 
and  the  tribe  of  the  children  of  Gad  according  to  the  num- 
ber of  their  kinredes,  the  halfe  alfo  of  the  tribe  of  ManafTcs, 
"f  thatis,  two  tribes  and  an  halfe,  haue  taken  their  portion  15 
beyond  Jordan  againft  lericho  at  the  caft  fide,  f  And  our   16! 
Lord  f^id  to  Moyles:  |  Thefe  are  the  names  of  the  men,  that  17 
{bal  diuide  the  Land  vnto  you,  F.leazar  the  pricft,  and  lofuc 
the  fonnc  of  Nun,  f  and  one  prince  of  euerie  tribe,  f  whofc  18  15? 
names  are  thefe  :  Of  the  tribe  of  luda,  Caleb  the  fonnc  of  le- 
phone.  t   Of  the  tribe  of  Simeon,  Samuel  the  fonne  of  20 
Ammiad."t  Of  the  tribe  of  Beniamin  Elidad  the  fonnc  of  ii 
Chafelon  .  t  Of  the  tribe  of  the  children  of  Dan,  Boccithe  21 
fonn-e  of  logli .  f  Of  the  children  of  lofeph  of  the  tribe  of  13 
Mana(fcs,Hanicl  the  fonne  of  Ephod.  f  Of  the  tribe  of  E-  14 
phraim,Camuelrhe  fonne  of  Sephthan.  f  Of  the  tribe  of  Za-  ij 
bulon,Elifaphan  the  fonne  of  Pliarnach  .  f  Of  the  tribe  of  i6 
Illachar,  duke  Phaltiel  the  fonne  of  Ozan  .  f  Ofthe  tribe  of  17 
Afer,Ahiud  the  fonne  of  Salomi.  •{•  Of  the  tribe  of  Neph-  iS 
thali:Plicdael  the  fonneofAmmiud,  t  Thefe  arc  they  whom  i^ 
our  Lord  commanded  to  diuide  the  Land  of  Chanaan  to  the 
children  of  Ifracl. 

Chap.  XXXV. 
Clt'm  and  ftSurhcs  are  Appointed  tor  the  Leuftes,  among  the  other  tribes.  6, 
of  which  fix  sbd  oefor  refuse  offuchai  l^nwittingly  l^U^me  fn/triy  22, 
"Sphfre,  kf'pif^f  f-hin^felues  tiUbe  death  of  the  htgh  Prieft,  they  shal  bt 
fife.  30.  rrUfuimurtherers  conmFred  ([on  be  by  more  then  one  fvitnes  ) 
tnuil  die  fort  hivtth. 

THese  thinges  alio  fpake  our  Lord  to  Moyfes  in  the  i 
champion  countriesofMoab  vpon  Jordan,  againft  Je- 
richo :   t  Command  the  children  of  Ifrael  that  they  geue   2 
vnto  the  Leuites  of  their  poflcilions    f  cities  to  dwel  in,  5 
and  their  fuburbcs  round  about :  that  thcmfelues  may  abide 
in  the  townes,  and  thefuburbes  may  be  for  their  cattel  and 
bcaftcs :   f  which  from  the  vrallcs  of  the  cities  outward ,  4 


and  of  refuge.  Nvmeri.  3^y 

round  aboutL^,  flial  reach  the  fpace  of  a  thoiifand  paces. 

5  t  Toward  the  Eaft  shal  be  two  thoufand  ciibites  .-  and  to- 
vard  the  South  in  like  manner  fhal  be  two  thoufand:  toward 
the  Tea  alfojwhich  lookcth  to  the  Weft,  (hal  be  the  fame  mea- 
fure  :  and  the  North  part  flial  be  limitted  with  equal  boun- 
des.  And  the  cities  (hal  be  in  the  middes,  and  the  fuhurbes 

6  without,  t  Andof  the  fame  townes,  which  you  (hal  geue 
to  the  Leuircs,  fix  ihs.\  be  fcparated  for  the  ayde  of  fiigitiues, 
that  he  may  flee  to  them  which  hath  shed  bloud  :  and  befide 

7  thefe  other  fourtie  two  townes,  f  that  is,  in  al  fourrie  eight 
S  with  their  fuhurbes .  f  And  tho(e  cities,  that  shal  be  gcuen 

ofthepofTelfionsof  the  children  of  Ifrael,  from  them  that 
haue  more,  moe  sh  j1  be  taken  away  :  and  that  haue  Icfle,  fe- 
wer. Eache  shal  geue  townes  to  the  Lcuites  according  to  the 
9  meafure  of  their  inheritance,  f  Our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes: 

10  t  Speake  to  the  children  of  Ifrael,  &  thou  shalt  fay  to  them  : 
when  you  shal  haue  palled  ouer  Jordan  into  the  Land  of 

11  Chanaan,  f  wh*t  cities  shal  be  for  the  fuccour 

12  of  fugitiues,  that  haue  not  roluntatyly  shed  bloud:  f  in 
which  when  the  fugitiue  shal  be,  the  kinfeman  of  him  that 
is  killed  can  not  kil  him,  vntil  he  ftand  in  the  fight  of  the 

15  multitude,  and  his  caufe  be  iudged  .  f  And  of  thofe  citie?, 
•     14   that  are  fcparated  for  refuge  of  the  fugitiues,  f  three  shal 

ij  bebeyond  Iordan,and  threein  the  Land  of  Chanaan,  f  as 
wel  for  the  children  of  Ifrael  as  for  ftrangers  and  foiouners, 
that  he  may  flee  to  them,  which  hath  not  voluntaryly  shed 

16  bloud.  f  Ifany  man  ftrike  with  yron,  and  he  die  that  was 
ftrooken,hcshalbcguiltieofmurder,  andhimfeif  shal  die. 

17  f  U he  carta  ftone,  and  he  that  is  ftrooken  die  :  he  fhai  be 

18  punished  in  like  manner .  -f  If  he  that  is  drooken  with  wood 

19  die,  he  iba)  bereuenged  by  the  ftrikers  bloud.  t  Thekinf^ 

man  of  him  that  is  flainc,  shal  kil  the  murderer,  ••  as  fowne  -.yetnotte- 

10  asheapprehendeth  him,he  shal  kil  him.  f  If  through  ha-  fore  fentencc 
tred  one  push  a  man,  or  caft  any  thing  at  him  by  ftratagemet  ofdeath.T.n. 

21  "f  or  being  his  encmie,  ftrike  him  with  his  hand;  and  he  die:  c^- 14.-?.  ^«f; 
thcftriker  shal  be  guillie  of  murder,  the  kinfeman  of  him  ^'  ^i'"*^*'"': 

11  thacis  flaineasfowneashe  findeth  him,  shalkilhim  . -f  But 

23  if  by  chance  medlie,and  without  hatred,  f  and  encmit!e,he 

24  doanyof  rhcfethinges,  f  and  thisbeproued  in  the  hearing 
of  the  people,  and  rhr  Cjiieliion  debated  betwen  him  that 

2;  ftrokc,<?c  the  next  of  bloud:  f  the  innocent  shal  be  deliuered 

B  b  b  i  from 

59^  NvMERi.  Manages  vithrn 

Irocn  the  harwl  of  the  reucnger,&  by  fcntcnccshal  be  brought 
backeinto  whichhehad  fled,  and  he  shai  tade 
::  Mvftically     there,  ■'■  vncil  the  High  prieft,  that  is  anointed  with  the  holic 
this  fiftnifictl,  oiIc»dodie.  f  If  the  murderer  he  found  without  the  limitcs  i^ 
that  ihe  way     ^f^i^^  citics,  that  are  deputed  to  the  banished,  f  ^md  be  flroo-  17 
wajTotopcn  kcnaf  himthatisthcrcueagcrotbloud:hc  shal  be  guiltlcs 
before  Chnltj  that  killed  him  .  f  For  jhe  fugiriuc  ought  to  haue  ftaycd  in  1% 
4eith  Tbeodor.  the  citievnril  the  death  of  the  High  priefl.  And  after  he  is 
g.jt  inKum.    ^Qg^^^  t[3g„  sj-j^l  i\^q  murdcret  returne  into  his  countric-^ . 
'^■''~'^;'*;"   '     t  ThcTe  thinees  shai  be  perpetual,  and  for  an  ordinance  in  al  ic 
your  habitations  .  t  The  murderer  shal  be  punished  by  Wit-  5© 
nelfcsraona  aha!  be  condemned, at  the  tcftimonie  of  oiic  man. 
t  You  shai  not  take  a  price  of  him,  that  is  guiltic  of  bloud,  jt 
he  aUo  shai  die  forthv^ith.   f  The  banished  and  fuginues  ^i 
before  the  death  of  the  High  prieft  may  by  no  mcanes  re- 
turne into  their  ownc  cities  .  t  Pollute  not  the  land  of  your  55 
habitation,  't^hich  is  polluted  vrith  the  bloud  of  innocentcs: 
neither  can  irothcr^xifc  be  expiated,  but  by  his  bloud,  that 
shedcth  an  other  mans  bloud  .  f  And  fo  shai  your  pol]clli<*n   34 
be  clcanfed  my  felf  abyding  with  you .  For  I  am  the  Lord  that 
dwcl  among  ihc  children  of  Ifracl. 

Chap.     XXXVI. 

Tbift  the  inheritances  may  not  h  Alu»4ted from  one  trihe  to  4a  other ^al  mujt 
mdrrte  "Jpilhtn  thtir  crvne  trihes. 

ANd  the  princes  alfo  of  the  familie*  of  Galaad, the  fonne  1 
of  Machir,  the  fonnc  of  Manafles  of  the  ftockc  of  the 
children  of  lofeph  came:  and  fpake  to  Moyfes  before  the 
princes  of  Ifratl,  and  faid:  f  Our  Lord  hath  commanded  l 
-     thee  our  lord  that  thou  shouldeft  by  lotte  diuide  the  Land  to 
the  children  of  Ifracl,  and  that  to  the  daughters  of  Salphaad 
our  brother  rhou  shouldcft  geue  the  polFellion  dew  to  their 
father :  f  Whom  if  men  of  an  other  tribe  take  to  ts-iues,  their  j 
jrolTeirion  sh^folowjand  being  tranflated  to  an  other  tribe, 
it  shai  be  a  diminishing  of  our  inheritance,  f  And  fo  if  shai  4 
eometopade,  that  wlien  the  lubilee,  that  ij  the  fiftithyearc 
of  rcmiliion  is  come,  the  "  diftributionof  the  lottcs  shai  be 
confounded,  and  the  polTeilion  of  one  shai  palle  to  others, 
f  Moyfes anfwcred  the  childien  of  I  Vael,  and  as  our  Lord  § 
commanded,  (aid  :  The  tribe  of  the  children  of  lofeph  hath 
(poken  rightly  .  -f  And  this  law  i$ promulgated  of  our  Lord  £ 


the  fame  tribes.  Nvmeri.  557 

touching  the  daugkters  of  Salphaad  :  Let  them  marrie  to 
vhomtuey  vil,onlic  that  it  be  to  the  men  of  their  oxrnc 

7  tribe:  t  i^^  the  polTcllion  of  the  childrenoflfracl  be  min- 
gled from  tribe  into  tribe.  For'*   al  men  shal  marrie  wiues  of  "  Al were  roc 

8  their  owne  tribe  and  kinred:  t  andalx^'cmen  ihal  take  hut-  bound  bjr  this 
I  t  r  t  r  1  L  L  •  I  law  t©  maricfc 
bandesofihe  lame  tribe:  that  the  inheritance  may  rcmaine  butahhat 

5>  in  thefamihes,  f  and  that  the  tribes  be  not  mingled  among  would  marrie 

10  themfelues,  but  remame  fo  f  as  they  were  feparatcd  by  our  muft  contraA 
Lord.  And  the  daughters  of  Salphaad  did  as  it  had  beenc  '"'^^^"j^^^^ 

11  comajandcd  :  t  ^"d  Maala ,  and  Ther/a  ,  and  Hegla,  and 
Melcha,  and  Noa  were  married  to  the  fonncs  of  their  vnclc 

XI  by  their  father  f  of  the  familie  of  ManafTes  ,  \rho  was  the 
fonneof  lofcph  :  and  thepofTcflion,  that  had  bccnc  allotted 
to  them  ,  remained  in  the  tribe  and  familie  of  their  father. 

13  -j-  The(earc  the  comraandementes  and  iudgementcs ,  which 
our  Lord  commanded  by  the  hand  of  Movfes  to  the  children 
oflfracl,  in  the  champion  countries  of  Moab  vpon  lordan 
againft  lericho.  • 

»    ■«  n  ■  .1.1  ■  W» 

Chap.     XXXVL 

4.    DijlrihutUnoflottfs]  By  rcafon  of  two  former  lawes,  the  ooe  {Leuit.z^.] 
prouidinjj;  that  inheritance  of  landcs  fiiould  not  be  fold,  nor  otheiwifc  alie- 
nated, but  Tntil  the  lubilec  vearc,  and  then  returnc  to  him,  or  his  hcyrcs,  to   Rcftranr  in 
whom  it  pertained  before;  the  other  (K«w.  17  )  ordaining  that  for  lack  of  a   Maiiagcs  alfo 
fonne, daughters  Ihould  enheritej  this  dijficultic  did  rife;  in  cafe  an  cnhcre-   foratcraperail' 
irixe  did  matrie  a  man  of  an  other  tribchei  landes  by  that  mcanes  fh  ould  palTc   caufc. 
from  tribe  to  tri'-'e,  and  not  be  reftoted  in  the  lubilee  ycarc  For  auoidirg  of 
vhicli  i:iconuenicnce  a  further  law  is  made,  that  none  shal  marrie  out  of  their 
©wnc  rr  be. 

NeucrthclefTe  the  tribe  of  Lcui  made  mariages  viih  the  tribe  of  luda  :  as 
X,i*r.I.>.  gppcaiethby  thatZadharicthc  pricft  married  Elizabeth  cofin  to  our  B  Ladic 
J^*  of  the  tribe  of  luda;  though  in  the  old  Tcftamcnt  theic  is  noluch  exprcfl'c  di-  Tra^itio* 

fpcnfation,  nor  explication  of  the  law,  but  by  tradition  was  holden  forlawful 
andpraftifcdby  (oholiea  man  as  Zacharie.And  not  without  myfteiic  fas  S. 
Auguftinnotcth/».»  f.i  <<eco;(/f».£j*4»;  .}forthatChrift  the  Annointedof  God, 
was  prefigured  by  the  annointing  of  Kings,  and  Pricfts,  and  borne  of  the  royal  ^""^^  ^  ^ 
and  pricftlic  tribes,  being  both  a  King  and  a  Piicft.  andaPticH, 

Bbbj  THE 


■   cK!l^fK^kJ^T<^f<^c<J^t^J^^ 


D  £  V  T  E  R  O  NO  M  I  E. 

»ii-  s5u  I.L  -^    T^  E  V  T  E  R  o  N  o  M  I,  »«  English  The  fecond  Iav,/o  wiZ^</  not  that 
-This  bb^kc'is -*->^  thtrebe  t^oUwes  of  Moyfes  ^  but  lueuu/e  the  fame  y^btcb  'ifi'ds  Jirfi  ^-  ^»S' 
a  repetition,   geutnin  Mount  Smaif  fiftte  dayes  after  the  children  of  jfrnel  parted  from  ^'  '♦^•"* 
explication  ,    ^^(fty  is  here  re^eted,  m  the  eleuentb  moneth  of  the  fourtith  yeare  of  their  ,.£,„  ^ 
^^^^?^^"^^^^  abode  in  the  defert.  In  Tiehtch  repetition  albeit  Moyfes  expltcatetb  the  fame 
aw.     ^^^^  ddding  alfo  diuers  things  not  expreffed  before  :  jet  is  it  but  an  ^b- 
bridfement  concciued  and  littered  m  fe'Wer  hordes,  yyhereupon  S.  Bede 
J        c         ,    [in  prine.  Leuit. )  compareth  this  booke  1»tth  the f owe  precedent  y  as  one  made  et  print'. 
the  Goftcl.     of  them  al.  For  "^herastheiormeifouTe  prefigured  the  foure  Gof-  ^e»ttro^ 
pels,  this  fignified  the  whole  Goi^^^X.  contained  in  al  foure .  Lihewife 
S.  Bferom  calltth  it  A  prcfiguration  of  the  Euangelical  ]a^x'  .•  fo  irera-  v 
ting  former  things,  that  al  become  new  of  old.  {Eptjl  ad  Taulin.  Manf. 
€A.  7.  c?"  de  Manf  4Z.)  tut  touching  the  literal  (enfcy  Moyfes  here  cowft  ifeth  ''''^ • 
fouregeneral  things :  >»/o  ^htch  after  his  desth  theffth  is  added  j  and  fo 
Gontcineth      the^holeconteinethjiue partes.  Firf^ »  hebritftyreciteth  Gods  fpecidj^cne-     , 
•Hue  partes,     fites  beJ}owed tn  this  people,  and  their  ingratitude ^  tntreduhtie,  murmU' 

rings^and puniibments.  tn  the  threejjr/f  chapters »  Secondly  he  repetetb  and       .^ 
ixplicatetb  Gods  precepts, moral,  ceremonialy  and  ludicial,  '%ith  the  fun-       n, 
Bions  a»d offices  tfPrtefts^  and  Leuites.from  the  j^  cha^.  to  the  17.  Thirdlji       ^^^ 
he  denounceth  Gods promtfes  ofmamehlefftngs^  and  tbretes  of  punishment Sy 
for  kffp^"g  or  breaking  hts  commandments,  from  the  ij.chap ■  to  i,i  Fourthly       51. 
he  exhorteth  them  to  feme  and  loue  God,  butiaithalfortillethy  that  theyrWtl 
often  fal  to  great  JinneSy  and  forth  fame  fhal  be  puniJjedy  and  at  Ufi  for- 
fak^mgChrifty  shalbefor/aken  '.yet finally  bleffcth  their  tribes,  m  figure  of 
the  Gentiles,  that  shal  be  called  in  their  place,  chap .  3  ■.  U-  <<»</  55  Piftlj,  in       J4. 
the  la/f  chapter,  lofue  ypriteth  the  death,  burial,  andftngitlar  ccmmendation 
«'5.;   .  pf  Moyfes . 






Chap.     I. 

Mo^fei  heginttethythefirfi  i^y  ef  the  eleuenth  moneth  dnd  feurtithycAre  aftsr 

the  children  of  ifrael  parted  from  ^^pt^  to  repete  and  explicate  the  LaiVi  / 

6 .firfl putting  them  in  mind  of  Cods  mumficencey  his  owne  and  other 
fuperiors  care  otter  thim ,  their  ingratitude ^  increditltiei  murmuringy  54 . 
andpuniihment for  the  fame.  The  firftpart. 

A  repctirion 

H  E  s  .  ,re  the  hordes ,  ^hich  Moy-  ll^°t^;Z: 
teslpaketo  al  Ifrael  beyond  Jordan,  pies  ingrati- 
in  rh.e  champion  ^^rilde^'nei^e,againft  tude,  andpu- 
rhe  Read  Tea  ,  bervren  Pharan   and  i^i^men,:. 
Thophel  and  Laban  and  Haferorh, 
where   there    is  verie  much  gold  : 
t  eleucn  daics  from  Horeb  by  the  vay 
of  mount  Seir  to  Cadesbarne.  f  The 

3  fouuuh  ycure,  the  eleuenth  moneth  ,  the  firft  day  of  the  mo- 
neth Moyfes  fpake  to  the  children  of  Ifracial  thingcs  that 

4  ourLordhadcomm-indedhim  to{ay  vntothcm;  f  after  that 
he  hadftrokeSehonkingof  the  Amorrheites  ,  which  dvclt 
in  Hefebon  :  and  Og  the  king  of  Bafan  srhich  abode  in  Afe- 

5  roth,  andinEdrai,  f  beyond  lordan  in  the  Land  ofMoab. 

6  And  Moyfes  began  to  expound  the la'-jr ,  and  to  fay:  -f  The 
Lord  our  God  fpake  to  vs  in  Horeb,  fwing  :  It  is  tufficient 

7  foryouthatyouhaueftaycd  in  this  mjunraine:  f  returne, 
andcome  tothemountaineof  the  A-morrh-ritos..  and  to  the 
reft  thatare  nexi  toit  chnmpionand  bilHe  and  lower  places 
againft  the  South,  an]  befldc  thcshoreof  thefea  ,  th.- Land 
of  the  Chananeitts  ,  and  of  Libinus  rnro  the  i^rcate  riuer 

8  Euphrates .  t  Behold  ( quoth  Iv. )  I  hauo  deliucred  it  to  you: 
cntcrinandpoiTeireic,  vpoa  the  which  our  Lord  (vcarc  to 

your  fa- 

400  D  E  V  T  E  R  o  K  e  M I E.  Repetition, 

your  fathers  Abraham,  Ifaac,  and  lacob,  that  he  xrou!<i  gcuc 
it  to  them  y  and  to  their  fecde  after  them  .  f  And  I  faid  to   9 
you  at  that  rime:  f  I  alone  can  not  fuftcync  you  :  becaufc  lo 
the  Lord  your  God  hath  multipUcd  you ,  and  you  arc  this  day 
as  the  ftarrcs  of  heaucn ,  verie  manic  .  f  ( The  Lord  God  of   11 
your  fathers  adde  to  this  number  manic  thoufandes,  and 
bleireyouas  hehathfpokcn.)  f  I  alone  am  nor  able  to  fu-  ii 
fteyne  your  bufincffcs ,  and  the  charge  of  you  and  yonr  qua- 
reles.  t  Geue  from  among  you  wife  and  skilful  men  ,  and    15 
fuch-^hofcconuerfationisapproucdin  your  tribes,  that  I 
may  appoint   them  your  princes .  f  Then  you  anf^arcred  t^ 
me  :  The  thing  is  good  which  thou  mcancft  to  do  .  f  And    15 
I  tookeof  your  tribesmen  wife  and  noble,  and  appointed 
them  princes,  tribunes ,  and  centurions ,  and  quinquagena- 
rians, and  dcancs ,  that  might  teach  you  al  thingcs.  f  And  1^ 
I  commanded rhcm  ,  faying  :  Hcare  them  ,  and  iudgc  that 
^yhichisiuft  :  whether  he  be  the  fame  countrie  man,  or  a 
Jlranger.  t  There  shal  be  no  difference  ofpcrfons,fo  shal  you  17 
hearcthcHtleasthegreatrneithershalyou  accept  any  mans 
pcrfon,  bccaufeitis  theiudgementofGod.  Andifany  thing 
femehardroyou,rcfcrreittome,  and  I  wil  hcare  it.  f  And*rS 
I  commanded  al  thingcs  that  you  ought  to  do.  f  Anddepar-  19 
ting  from  Horeb  ,  we  paffed  through  the  rcrrible  and  huge 
wildcrneirc,  which  you  faw,  by  the  way  of  theraountainc  of 
the  Amorrheitc,  as  the  Lord  oar  God  had  commanded  vs. 
And  when  we  were  come  into  Cadesbarne,  f  Ifaidto  you:   1© 
Youarecome  to  the  mountaincof  the  Amorrhcire,  which 
the  Lord  our  God  wil  geue  to  vs.  t  Sec  the  Land  which  the  21 
Lord  thy  God  geucrh  thee :  goc  vp  and  poirefle  ir,'  as  the  Lord 
our  God  hath  fpoken  to  thy  fathers :  feare  not,  neither  dread 
you  any  thing,  f  And  you  came  al  vnto  me,  and  faid  :  Let  vs  22 
(end  men  that  may  view  the  Land  :  and  may  brin£^  vs  word 
whitway  we  shal  afccnd,  and  to  what  cities  to  goc.  f  And  25 
becaufc  the  faying  pleafed  rac,  I  fentofyou  twehiemen,  one 
of  eucrie  tribe,  f  Who  when  they  had  gone,  and  were  af-  24 
ccndcd  into  the  mountaincs,  they  came  as  farre  as  the  Valley 
of  clufler.  and  the  Land  being  viewed,  f  ^^l^iogo^the  frui-  2; 
tcstherof,  toshew  the  fr'-iitfulnefTc,  they  brought  vnto  vs, 
and  faid  :  The  Land  is  good  ,  which  the  Lord  our  God  wil 
geue  vs.  t  And  you  would  not  goc  vp,but  being  incredulous  i€ 
a,t  the  word  offhc  Lord  our  God,  f  you  murnnircd  in  your  27 


ofb^nefites  Devteronomie.  a^i 

tabernacles,  and  faid  :  Our  Lord  hatcth  ys,  and  therfore  hath 
brought  vs  out  of  the  Land  of  i€gypc ,  that  he  might  dehuer 

iZ  vsinto  the handofthcAmorrhcite,anddcftroy  vs.  t  Whither 
fhal  we goevp?  the meffengcrshauc feared  our  hart,  faying: 
The  mulritude  is  verie  great,  and  taller  of  ftature  then  we; 
the  cities  s^reare,  and  fcn(ed  cuen  vnto  heauen,  the  fonnes  of 

29   the  Enaclms  we  hauc  feene  there,   f  And  I  faid  to  you: 

50  :••  Fcare  not,  neither  be  ye  afrayd  of  them:  f  Our  Lord  God,  ..  q^^  Co  heV 
which  is  your  condudour,  him  felfwii  fight  for  you,  as  he  peth  his  fcr- 

;i  did  in  ^gypt  in  the  fight  of  al.  f  And  in  the  wiidernelTc  Hf"^"'.^^^;  „ 
(thy  felfe  hafte  feene)  the  Lord  thy  God  hathcaried  thee,  fjj^ll^^.^f 
as  a  man  is  wont  to  beare  his  htle,  al  the  way,  that  you  ^^^  ^.  j.  j„ 

51  haue  walked,  vntil  vou  came  to  this  place,  f  And  neither  Deut. 
^5  fo-did  you  beleue  the  Lord  your  God,  f  who  went  before 

you  in  the  way,  and  marked  out  the  plac^,  wherein  you 

Ihould  pitch  your  tentes,  in  the  night  (hewing  you  the  way 

34   by  fyre'and  in  the  day  by  the  piiler  of  aciowd^.  t  And 

when  our  Lord  had  heard  the  voice  of  your  wordes,  being 

35  wrathhefwareandfaid:  t  Thereshalnotanyof  themenof 
this  wicked  generation  (ee  the  good  Land,  which  by  oath  I 

36  promifed  to  your  fathers:  f  bcfide  Caleb  the  fonneof  le- 
phone.  Forheshalfee  it,  and  to  him  I  wil  geuc  the  Land^ 
that  he  hath  troden,  and  to  his  children,  becaufc  he  hath  fo- 

57  lowed  the  Lord  .  f  Neither  is  "•  his  indignation  againft  the  :r  DifFercncc 
peopletobemerueiledat,  wheras  our  Lord  being  ••••  angrie  offinnes. 
with  me  alfo  for  you/aid:  Neither shalt  thou  enter  in  thither.  '^^^°^  ^.^^  ® 

58  t  But  lofuethefonneofNunthyrainifter,  he  shal  enter  for  his^'goodfer- 
thee:  exhort  and  ftrenghen  him,  and  he  shal  by  lottediuide  uantcs,  ani  ^ 

39  the  Land  to  Ifrael .  f  Your  htle  ones,  of  whom  you  faid  that  pamihcth  ibe 
they  should  be  leddccaptiues,  and  your  fonnes  that  this  day  J^^f^^^j'^^l 
know  not  the  difference  of  good  and  euil,  they  shal  enter  in  ;  „«.  i"!^**'.  5. 
and  to  them  I  wil  geuc  the  Land,  and  they  shal  poflefleitL^.  ijniofue.'^ 

40  t  But  returne  you  4ind  goe  into  the  wilderncffe  by  the  way 

41  oftheReddcfea.  f  Andyouanfweredme:  We  hauc  finned 
to  our  Lord:  we  wilgocvpand  fight,  as  the  Lord  our  God 
hath  commanded,  f  And  when  you  readic  armed  went  vnto 

41  thcmountaine,  f  our  Lord  faid  to  me;  Say  to  thcm^:Goc 
not  vp,  and  fight  not,  for  I  am  not  with  you :  left  you  fal  bc- 

45  fore  your  enemies,  f  I  fpake,  and  you  heard  not:  but  refi- 
fling  the  commandemcnt  of  our  Lord ,  and  fwelling  with 

44  pride  you  vent  vp  into  the  mountainc.  t  Therfore  the 

Ccc  Amorrkeixc 

4cy2r  Devteronomie.  Againftwhom 

Amorrhcitc  thatd\t^cltin  the  mountaincs  iffuing  fortli ,  and 
coming  to  meece  you,purfewed  you,  as  bees  are  wont  to  pur- 
fev:  and  fmote  you  from  Seit  as  farrc  as  Horma .  f  And  4j 
when  returning  you  wept  before  our  Lord,  he  heard  you  not, 
neither  would  he  condcfcend  to  your  voice,  f  You  abode  4^ 
thcrforc  in  Cadcsbarne  a  great  time. 


Chap.     II. 
yyith  commemordtien  of  Cods  continual  proteBton  of  the  ifraeliteSy  ihej 
are  forbid  to  fight  a^Ainji  theldumeans,  9.  the  MoahiteSf  or  Ammonites, 
I4f.  But  agAtnfl  Schon  Kingof  Hefcbon  they  should  f^hty  k}l  htm  and 
4I  bis,  4ndpojfejSe  his  Und. 

Nd   departing  thence  wc  came  into  the  wildetnefTe,    i 
that  leadeth  to  the  Reddc  fea,  as  our  Lord  had  faid  to 
me:  and  we  compaifed  the  mountaine  Seir  a  longtirfte.^.    1 
•}•  And  our  Lord  faid  to  me  *  f  It  is  fufHcient  for  you  to  banc    3 
compailed  this  mountaine:  goe  toward  the  North .  j-  And  4 
command  thou  the  people,  faying:  You  shal  pafTe  by  the 
borders  of  your  brethren  the  children  of  Efau,  which  dwel 
in  Seir, and  they  wil  be  affraid  of  you.  f  Looke  diligently  j 
therfore  that  you  fturre  not  againft  them.  For  I  wil  not  geuc- 
you  of  their  land  fo  much  as  the  fteppe  of  one  foote  can 
treade,  becaufe  Ihane  geuen  the  mountaine  Seir  to  be  the 
poflellion  of  Efau  .  +  Meatcs  you  flial  bie  of  them  with  mo-  6 
ney,  and  shal  eate :  bought  water  shal  you  draw,  and  drmkc. 
•f  The  Lord  thyGod  hath  blclT'ed  thee  in  euerie  worke  of  thy   7 
handes:  heknoweth  thy  iourney,  how  thou  haft  parted  this 
great  wildernefiTc,  forfourtieyeares  the  Lord  thy  God  dwel- 
ling with  thee,&  thou  haft  wanted  nothing,  f  And  when  we  t 
had  pafTcd  by  our  brethren  the  children  o\  Efau  ,  that  dwelt 
in  Scir,by  the  champion  way  from  Elath  &fromAfiongaber, 
we  came  to  the  way,  that  leadeth  into  the  defert  of  Moab. 
t  And  our  Lord  faid  to  me:  Fight  not  againft  the  Moabitcs,  9 
neither  make  battel  againft  them :  fori  wil  not  geue  thee 
any  of  their  land,  becaufe  Thauegeuen  Ar  to  thechihlrenof 
..  •j-jl,gPg  ^gfg  Lot  in  pofTcilion.  f  Emimfirftwerc  the  inhabiters  therof,  10 
men  of  very    a  great  people,  and  valiant,  and  fo  tall  that  ••  they  were 
•rreat  ftatuie ,  thought,  f  as  it  wcrcgiantes,  of  the  Enacims  ftockejSc  Were   11 
butnotcqual  JiJ^e  die  children  of  the  Enacims.  Moreouer  the  Moabires 
before  the       cal  them  Emim.  f  But  in  Seir  before  dwelt  the  Horrins:  wno  iz 
flould.  beingcxpelledanddcfirroyed,  the  children  of  Efaudidinha- 


liracl  mufl  fight.  Devteronomie.  405 

bitcir,aslfracldid  in  the  land  of  his  poffellioii,  ^j-hich  our 

15  Lord  gaue  him.  -f  Ryfing  vp  therfore  to  palFc  the  Torrent 

14  Zared,  wccamctoit.  t  ^"^fhs"'^^>^^^^^'*'C'^^^^^<^  ^"^o"^ 
Cadeibarnc  vnto  the  paflagc  of  the  torrent  Zared,  was  thirtic 
and  eight  yeares;  vntil  al  the  generation  of  the  men  that  were 
Warners  was  confumed  out  of  the  campe,  as  our  Lord  had 

ly  fworjie :  t  ^l^o^e  hand  was  againft  them,  that  they  should 

16  perish  from  among  the  campe.  f  And  after  al  the  wairyers 
1718  were  dead,  f  our  Lord  fpake  to  me,  faying:  f  Thou  shalt 

paife  this  day  the  borders  of  Moab  ,  the  citie  named  Ar: 

ip  -f  and  approching  vnto  tjie  frontiers  of  the  children  of  Am- 
mon,  beware  thou  fight  not  againfl:  them,  neither  once  mouc 
to  battel ;  for  I  wil  not  geue  thee  of  the  land  of  the  children 
of  Ammon,  becaufe  I  haue  geuenit  to  the  children  of  Lot 

1©  in  poflellion  .  f  It  was  reputed  the  land  of  giantes  :  and 
giantesinold  time  dwelt  in  it,  whom  the  Ammonites  cal 

21  Zomzommim,  f  a  great  and  huge  people,  and  of  long  ftature, 
as  the  Enacims  whom  our  Lord  deftroyed  before  their  face  : 

21  and  he  made  them  to  dwel  in  their  fteede,  f  as  he  had  done 
to  the  children  of  Efau,  that  dwelt  in  Seir,  dellroying  the 
Horrhcites,anddeliuering  their  land  to  them,  which  they 
13  poiTeilevntil  this  prcfent.  f  The  Heueitesalfo,  that  dwelt  ill 
Haferim  as  farre  as  Gaza,  the  Capadocians  expelled:  who 
iiruingoutof  Capadocia,dcfl:roycd  them,  and  dwelt  in  their 

24  (leede.  f  Arifeye, and  pafle  the  torrent  Arnon  :  behold  I 

haue  deliuered  in  thy  hand  Sehon  king  of  Hcfebon  the  arJ^n^'I'^^'^j 
Amorrhcite,  and  beginneto  poirelTe  his  land,  and  "  make  to  fi^ht  aoaTft 

2;  warre  againfl  him.  f  This  day  wil  I  beginnc  to  fend  thy  infiddcs ,'but 
terrour  and  fcarc  vpon  the  peoples ,  than  dwel  vnder  the  "ot  without 
whole  heaucn;  that  hearing  thy  name  they  may  quake,  and  *P^<:'^J[  ""^, 

L,       r         I  r  •  til-       againfl  chnftr 

tremble  after  the  manner  of  wemen  m  traucl,  and  be  pin- ^n,^  fienified 

16  ched  with  forow  .  f  I  fcnt  therfore  meffeaaers  from  the  by  the  childrc 
wildernes  of  Cademoth  to  Sehon  the  king  offlefebon  with  of  Lot  and 

17  peaceable  wordes, faying:  f  Wewilpaflc  through  thy  land,  ^^*"' 
we  wil  goe  the  common  high  way  :  we  wil  no^ecline  nei- 

18  ther  to  the  right  hand,  nor  to  the  left,  f  Scl  vs  meatesfor"^        T"^' 

t  ^  .     r  ,  /-    3"s  onccde- 

moncy,  that  we  may  eate :  Geue  vs  water  for  money,  and  fo  nicd  them 

wewi!  drinke.  OnHe  this  that  thou  wilt  graunt  vs  paiTage,  pafTagc  Kum. 

ic)  -f-  as."  the  children  ofEfau  haue  done,  that  dwel  in  Seir,  and  ^°- '^•^°- ^"^ 

the  Moabites,  that  abide  in  Ar;  vntil  we  come  to  Jordan  , '^^"'^]*'^/') 

and  pafle  to  the  Land,  which  the  Lord  our  God  wil  geue  vs.  [\ 
Ccc  2  t  And 


404  Devteronomie.  Rcpeticioa 

t  And  Schonthe  king  of  Hefebon  vould  nor  gcuevspaf-  j© 
'"Ah^^e^"h^  fage:  becaufe  the  Lord  thy  God  had  "  indurated  his  fpirit,  and 
formeTfmncr  ^^"^^^"^^  ^^^  ^^'^^  >   ^^^c  he  might  be  deliuered  into  thy 
to  indurate   '  handes,  as  now  thou  feed,  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  me  :  Be-  31 
him  felfc.  Sec  hold  I  haue  begunnc  to  deliacr  Sehon  vnto  thee,and  his  land, 
£««</.  7. T.j.      bcginnetopoHelTeit.  f  And  Sehon  came  forth  to  mecre  vs  51 
with  al  his  people  to  battel  in  lafa.  f  And  the  Lord  our  God  jj 
deliuered  him  to  vs:  and  ^j^efmote  him  with  his  fonnes  and 
al  his  people,  f  And  al  his  cities  ve  tooke  at  that  timc.killing  34 
the  inhabiters  therof,  men  and  xremcn  and  litle  ones,  "wc 
Jeft  nothing  among  them,  f  Except  the  cattel,  Vrhich  came  5; 
ro  their  portion  that  tooke  prayes  :  and  the  fpoyles  of  the 
cities,  which  we  tooke  f  from  Arocr,  which  is  vpon  the  5^ 
bankc  of  the  torrent  Arnon,  a  towhc  that  is  fituated  in  a 
valley,  as  farrc  as  Galaad.  There  was  not  a  village  or  citie, 
that  efcaped  our  handes :  the  Lord  our  God  deliuered  al  vnto 
vs.  t  Except  the  land  of  the  children  of  Ammon,  to  the  37 
which  we  approched not:  and  al  that  adioyne  to  the  torrent 
lebocand  the  cities  on  the  mountaine,  and  al  the  placeS^ 
from  which  the  Lord  our  God  prohibited  vs.  * 

Ghap.     III. 

The  viBorie  Ag^infi  &g  4%  of  Baftn  cfthe^ianti  Jlcck  h  rcptted,  1 2 .  i^<h€ft 
Gdd  dttd  hAfe  tribe  of  Mdnajics  ham  pojfefton  en  the  other  J/de  Jordan 
from  their  brethren.  1 3.  Moyfei  praying  that  he  may  goe  ouer  lordan,  for 
the  finnci  s>f  the  people  is  denied. 

TH  ERF  ORE  turningwe  WGSitvpby  theway  of  Bafan:  1 
and  Og  the  king  of  Bafan  came  forth  to  meete  vs  with 
his  people  to  fight  in  Edrai.  -f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  me .-  Feare  z 
him  not:  becaufe  he  is  deliuered  into  thy  hand  with  al  his 
people  and  h^  land  :  and  thou  flialt  doe  to  him  as  thou  haft 
done  to  Schm  king  of  the  Amoirheircs,  that  dwelt  in  He- 
febon. .f  Therforc  the  Lord  our  God  deliuered  into  our  $ 
handes  Ogalfo  the  king  of  Bafan,  and  ai  his  people  :  and  we 
Aroke  them  to  vtrer  dellrudion,  -f  waifting  al  his  cities  at  4 
one  time,  there  was-not  a  towne  that  cfcaped'vs:  fixtic  cities, 
ahhccountrieof  Argobthckingdomeof  OginBafin.  f  Al  y 
the  citiffs  were  fenled  with  veric  high  wailes,  and  with  gates 
and  barres,  bcfide  innumerable  townes  that  had  no  wailes. 
t_And  we  dcftroyedthem,as  we  had  done  to  Sehon  the  king  6 
of  Hefebon,  dcftroying  euerie  citie,  and  men  and  wemen 


of  victories.  Devteronomie.  405* 

7  and  children  :  -j-  but  the  cattcl,  and  the  fpoylcs  of  the  eidcs 

8  \fe  tookc  forourprayc.  f  And  wc  tooKe  at  that  time  the 

land  out  of  the  hand  of  two  kinges  of  the  Amorrheites,  that 

\rere^bcyond  lordaru  :    from  the  torrent  Arnon  vnto  the 

9  mountaine  Hermon,  f  xp-hich  the  Sidonians  cal  Sarion,  and 

10  the  Amorrheircs  Sanir :  f  al  the  cities,  that  are  fuuatedin 
theplaine,andal  the  Land  of  Galaad  and  Bafan  as  farre  as 
Selcha,  and  Edrai  cities  of  the  kingdomc  of  Og  in  Bafan. 

H  t  For  cnhe  Og  the  king  of  B.ifan  remayncd  cf  the  flocke 
of  giantes.  his  bed  of  yron  is  (hewed,  which  is  in  Rabbath 
of  the  children  of  Ammon,  hauing  nine  cubitcs  in  length, 
and  fourc  in  breadth  after  the  meafure  of  ••  the  cubite  of  a  ^^Longcrforte 

11  mans  hand,  f  And  wepoflclfed  the  Land  at  that  time  ^lo^^  a  foore^anrj, 
Aroer,  which  is  vpon  the  bankc  of  the  torrent  Arnon,  vnto  inches:  fo  this 
the  halfe  part  of  mount  Galaad  :  and  the  cities  thcrof  I  gaue  bed  \}'ss  15. 

13  to  Ruben  and  Gad.  f  And  the  othei  part  of  Galaad,  and  al  footeandnine 
Bafan  of  the  kingdome  of  Og,l  dcliucred  to  the  halfe  tribe  '^'^'j'"  [°^^J 
ofManafTcs,  althe  countrieof  Argob  :  and  al  Bafan  is  called  tiodc  .  r»n»- 

14  the  Land  of  giantes.  f  lairthe  fonne  of  ManafTes  pofTclPed  uins  ^gnc&U, 
►  al  the  countrie  of  Argob  vnto  the  borders  of  GciTuri,  and 

Machati.  And  he  called  Bafan  by  his  owne  name,  Hauoth 
lair,  (hatis  to  fay,  the  townes  of  lair,  ''•  vntil  this  prefent  V- '^J^?^^*^' 
j;  16  day,  f  To  Machir  alfo  I  gaue  Galaad.  t  And  to  the  tribes  ^'"fdes^and 
of  Ruben  and  Gad  I  gaue  of  the  Land  of  Galaad  as  farre  as  often  times 
the  Torrent  Arnon,  halfe  of  the  torrent,  and  the  confines  the  likc,di<t 
vnto  the  torrent  Icboc,  which  is  the  border  of  the  childre  of  not  againft 

17  Ammon;  t  and  theplaineof  the  wildernefre,and  Iordan,and  caufeTuch^d- 
the  borders  of  Cenereth  vnto  the  fca  of  thedcfert,  which  is  diuons  arc 

18  moft:falt,at  the  footc  of  mount  Fhafgaagainft  the  eaft.f  And  agicablcand 
I  comraaded  you  at  that  time,  faying:The  Lord  your  God  gc-  not  contratic 
ueth  you  this  land  for  an  mheritance,  goe  wel  appointed  be-  ^^^  wrVttcn 
fore  your  brethren  the  children  of  Ifracl  al  you  ftrongmcn:  before. 

15J  f  except  your  wiues,  andlitle  ones  and  your  cattel.  For  I 
know  you  hauc  much  cattel,  &  they  mufl:  remaine  in  the  ci- 

10  tieSjWhichl  haue  deliuered  you,  7  vntil  our  Lord  geuerefl:  to 
your  brethren,as  he  hath  geuen  to  you:  and  they  alfo  pollelle 
th«  Land,which  he  wil  geuc  them  6cyond  lordan :  then  shal 
cucrie  man  returne  to  his  polTellion.which  I  haue  geuen  you. 

U  f  lofuealfoat  that  time  I  commanded,  faying:  Thyne  eyes 
haue  feene  what  the  Lord  your  God  hath  done  to  thefetwo 
kinges :  fo  wil  he  doc  to  al  the  kingdomes,  to  the  which  thou 

Ccc  3  (halt 

4<i6  Devteronomie.  Precepts 

fhaltpalTc.  f  Fcarc  them  not:  for  the  Lord  your  God  wil  fight  n 
for  you.  f  And  I  prayed  our  Lord  at  that  time,  faying:  -f  Lordi3  24 
Godthouhaftbegonneto  fiievr  vnto  thy  feruant  thy  great- 
nes,ai:dmoft  mightie  hand,  forneither  is  there  other  God 
either  in  hcauen,  or  in  earth,  that  is  able  to  doe  thy  ^orkes, 
'    and  ro  be  compared  to  thy  ftrength  .  f  I  wil  pafle  ouer  ij 
therfore ,  and  \ril  fee  this  excellent  Land  beyond  lordan  , 
.-.  Sec  Num.    and  this  goodlie  mountaine  ,  and  Libanus  .  f   And  our  16 
xo.y.xx.         Lord  was  angrie  with  me  '•'•   for  you,  and  beard  me  not, 
burfaidro  me:  Itfufficeth  thee;  fpeake  no  more  to  mc  of 
this  matter,  f  Goe  vp  to  the  toppc  of  Phafga,and  caft  thine  zj 
cies  round  about  ro  the  weft,  and  to  the  north,  and  the  fouth, 
and  theca(l:,and  behold  it.  for  thou  {haltnotpalfe  this  lordan, 
t  Command  lofue,  and  encourage  and  ftrenghen  him  :  for  zS 
heshal  goe  before  this  people,  and  shal  diuide  vnto  them 
the  Land,  which  thou  shak  fee.  t  And  w«  abode  in  the  valley 
againfl- the  temple  of  Phogor. 

Chap.     IIII. 

Moyja  exhorteth  the  people  to  \efe  Goii  commindlmentui^.  Nimeiy  thdt  ^ 

tbcj  mxke  no  fimilitude  nor  ima^e  of  many  nor  ofheajt,  bird,  fiih,  funnct 

The  fccond         moone^nor  ef  4nie(reature  to  ferne  the  fame  far  thi  Creator.  Be  forfelleth 

P^^^'     .  .  his  orvne  deaths  15.  threatnctb  them  if  they  forfake  God.  41.  ^nd  .iPtfoin^- 

&  explication       ^'^^  *^^^^  '■^*^^'  °f  ^^fi*^^»  *"*  '^^  fume  fide  lordan. 

of  the  lavs'.        A     Nd  novlfraclhearethe  preceptes  and  iudgcmentcs,  i 
,/JL  which  I  teach  thee :  that  doing  them,  thou  mayeft  liue, 
and  entring  in  mayeftpolTcfTe  the  Land,  which  the  Lord  the 
Godof  your  fathers  wilgeue  you.  f  You  "  shal  not  adde  to  t 
the  word,  that  I  fpeake  to  yoa,  neither  shal  yo-u  take  away 
from  it :  keepe  the  commandment  of  the  Lord  your  God 
which  I  command  you.  j-  Your  eyes  hauc  icene  al  thinges  5 
that  our  Lord  hath  done  againft  Beclphcgor,  how  he  hath 

dcftroyedalhis  worshippers  out  of  the  middes  of  you.  t  But  4 
you  that  cleaue  to  the  Lord  your  God, lineal  vntil  this  prefent 
day.  f  You  know  that  1  haue  taught  you  preccptes  and  j 
iuftices,as  the  Lord  my  God  hath  commanded  me  :  fo  shal 
■-•To  kcpc      yotido  them  in  the  Land,  which  you  shal  polfelfc :  f  and  6 
Gods  comand  you  shal  ohferuc,  and  fulfil  them  in  worke.  For  ■•'•  this  is  your 
xncntsiscoun  wilcdomc, and  vnderltanding  before  peoples,  tliat  hearing 
ted  by  al  nan.  ^]  thefe  preccptes,  may  fay  :  Behold  a  people  fulof  wifcdomc 
ons  the  molr  ,         j      ri       j-  •  /-^t    •  1        •       t  i 

excellent  wif-^"'^  ^-^^^^'*^-"^^'^S«'^§'-^^^^*^"^"'  t  Neither  IS  taere  other  7 
dome.  nation 

Againftldoles.  DevteronomiS.  407 

nation  fo  great,  that  hath  goddes  approching  vnto  them,  as 

S  our  God  is  prcfcnt  at  al  our  petitions .   f   For  what  other 

nation  is  there  fo  rcno-^med  that  hath  the  ceremonies,  and  1 

iuft-ividgementcs  ,  and  the  nichole  ]a\r ,  vrhich  I  wil  fcttc 
«)  forth  this  day  before  your  eyes,  f  Keepe  thy  felfe  therforc, 
and  thy  foulc  carefully.  Forget  not  the  wordeSj  that  thync 
eyes  hauc  feenc  ,  and  let  them  not  fal  out  of  thy  hart  al 
the  daies  of  thy  life.  Thou  shalt  teach  them  thy  fonnes  and 

10  thy  nephewcs,  t  the  day  wherin  thou  diuft  ftand  before 
the  Lord  thy  God  in  Horeb,  when  our  Lord  fpaketo  me, 
faying  :  AlTemble  vnto  me  the  people,  that  they  may  hearc 
my  wordes,  andmay  Icarnc  to  feareme  al  thetirae  that  they 

11  hue  on  the  earth,  andmay  reach  their  children,  f  And  yoa 
came  to  the  foote  of  the  mount,  which  burned  euen  vnto 
heauen  :  and  there  wasinitdarkenes  ,  and  aclould  and  mid. 

11  t  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  you  from  the  middcs  of  the  fyre. 
The  voice  of  his  wordes  you  heard,  and  forme  you  faw  not 

13  aral.  f  And  he  shewed  you  his  couenanr,  which  he  com-  :;  Here  and  in 
mandedyou  todo,and  the  ••  tenne  wordes,  that  he  wrote  in  other  places 

14  two  tables  of  rtone,  f  And  he  comanded  meat  that  time  that  i'  is  mamfeft 
I  should  reach  you  the  ceremonies  and  iudgementes,  which  ^"^^]"^  <^o^"- 

ij  you  should  doe  in  the  Land,  that  you  shal  poireiTe.  -j-  Keepe  called  the  d*' 
therfore  your  foules  carefully.  You  faw  not  any  fimilirudc  cahgur,  are 
inrheday,tharcur  Lord  fpake  to  you  in  Horeb  from  the  iufttcnne. 

iG  middesof  ihc  fire:  f  left  perhaps  deceiued  you  might  make 

17  )ou  a  grauen  fimilitude,  or  image  of  male  or  female,  f  the 
firniijrude  of  al  cattel,  that  are  vpon  the  earth  ,  or  of  birdes, 

18  that  flievnder  heauen,  f  and  of  creeping  beades,  that  mouc 
on  the  earth,  or  of  fishes,  thar  vnder  the  earth  abide  in  the 

15)  waters:  -f  left  pcrhapes  lifting  vp  thyne  eies  to  henucn,  thou 
fee  the  Sunncand  the  Moone,  and  al  the  ftarres  of  heauen, 
.ind  deceiued  by  errour  thou  adore  and  feme  them,  which 
the  Lord  thy  God  created  to  ferucal  nations,  that  are  vnder 

zo  heauen.  -f  But  you  our  Lord  harh  taken,  and  brought  out 

of  the  vron  furnace  of  -^cypt.  to  haue  you  his  people  by  in-  ,'"  "^'^j?'^'  ^^^ 

21  heritance,asitisthisprefcnt  day.  t  And  our  Lord  was  an-  paflenotT^Ith 
griewithme  for  your  wordes,  and  hefware  ••  that  I  (hould  out  temporal 
not  palle  oucr  Jordan,  nor  enter  into  the  excellent  Land,  puninimenr. 

21  which  he  vil  gcueyou.  j-  Behold  \  die  •'•  in  this  ground,  ••.^'^^"^'*'^' 
I  shal  not  palle  ouer  lordan  :  you  shal  palfe,  and  poiteiic  the  ^.j^   jj^^^  J^^^ 

13  goodlie  Land .  t  Beware  left  at  any  time  thou  forget  the  oldla^,figai. 


4o8  Devteronomie.  Threates, 

nei  by  Moy-  coucnantof  the  Lord  thy  God,  which  he  hath  made  "^ith 
fcs,  could  not  jj^gg  .  ^^^  make  to  thee  a  graucn  firoilitude  of  thofe  thinges, 
bnng^tohca^   ''^'^'^^^  o"^  Lord  hath  prohibited  to  be  made  :  f  bccaufc  the  24 
L^ndo/pro-^    Lord  thy  God  is  a conrumingfyrc^icloufc  God.  f  Ifyousbal  zj 
mife,  but  the  be<7ettc  fonnesaiid  iiephewcs ,  and  abide  in  the  Land,  and 
lav/pfChriO,  being  deceiued  make  to  you  forae  fimihtude ,  committing 
* ^^^^^^^M^^^Q^il^^^QY^  ^\^c  iQ^fiyour  God  y  to  prouoke  him  to  wrarh: 
ret,  a. /L\  in      t  leal  this  day  hcauen  and  earth  witneffes  ,  that  you  shal  1^ 
DtHt.  quikly  perish  from  out  of  the  Land, which  being  pafiedouer 

Jordan  you  shal  pofTefTe.  You  shal  not  d\rel  thcrin  long  time, 
but  our  Lord  wil  dcftroyyou,  f  and  difpcrfe  you  into  ai  na-  27 
tions,  and  you  shal  rcmainea  few  among  the  nations  ,  to  the 
-^hich  our  Lord  wil  lead  you.  f  and  there  you  shal  ferue  2S 
goddcs,  that  were  framed  with  mens  hand,  wood  and  ftonc 
that  fee  not,  nor  heare,  nor  eate,  nor  fmel .  f  And  when  if 
thoushalt  feekc  there  the  Lord  thy  God,  thou  shalt  finde 
him  :  yet  fo,  if  thou  fcekehim  withal  thy  hart ,  and  al  tribu- 
lation of  thy  foule  .   f  After  that  al  the  thinges  aforefaid  30 
::  Conuerfion  shalfinde  thec,and  in  "  the  latter  time  thou  shalt  returnc  to 
ofthclcwcs     thcLordthy  God, and  shalt hearc  his  voice,  f  Becaufe  the  51 
in  the  end  of  Lord  thy  God  isa  merciful  God  :  he  wilnotleaue  thee,  nop' 
the  world.       altogether'dertroy  thee,  not  forget  the  couenant,  wherein  he 

fware  to  thy  fathers .  ■}■  Askeof  thedayesofold  ,  that  haue  yi 
bene  before  thy  time  from  the  day  thatGod  created  man  vpon 
the  earth,  from  one  end  of  heauen  to  the  other  end  therof,  if 
euer  there  was  done  the  like  thing,or  it  hath  becne  knowcn 
at  any   time,   f   that  a  people  should  heare  the  voice  of  55 
God  fpeakingoutofthe  middesof  fyre,  as  thou  haft  heard, 
andhucd  :  f  if  God  fo  did  thathe  went  in  ,  and'  tooke  vnto  34 
him  a  Nation  out  of  the  middes  of  nations ,  by  temptations, 
fignes,  and  wonders,  by  fight  and  ftrong  hand,  and  liretched 
out  arme,  and  horrible  vilions according  ro  al  thinges,  that  , 
the  Lord  your  God  did  for  youinvEgypt,  thiae  cies  feeing  it: 
t  that  thou  mighteft  know  that  our  Lord,  he  is  God,  and  35 
there  is  none  other  befide  him ,  f  from  heauen  he  made  56 
theeto  henre  his  voice,  that  he  might  teach  thee.  And  in 
earth  he  shewed  thee  his  fyre,  vcrie  greare,  and  thou  didft 
heare  his  wordcs  out  of  the  middesof  the  fyre,  -f  becaufehe  37 
loued  thy  fathers  ,  and  chofe  their  fecdc  after  them.  And  he 
brought  thee  out  of  ^gypt,  going  before  thee  in  his  great 
power,  t  todeftroy  verie  great  nations  and  ftrongcr  then  3S 


Cities  of  refuge.  D^vtergnomie.  40^ 

thou  at  thy  entring  in  ,  and  to  bring  thcc  in,  and  gcuc  thee 

39  theirland  in  pofTeilion,  as  thou  feeft  this  prcfcnt  day.  f  Kno'v 
thcrfore  this  day,  and  thinkc  in  thy  hart  that  our  Lord  he 
isGodinhcaucnaboue,andin  the  earth  bcncth,  and  there 

40  is  none  other,  f  Kccpe  his  prcceptcs  and  commandemcntes, 
^hicJiIcommand  thee:  that  it  may  bewcl  'with  thee,  and 
thy  children  after  thcc ,  and  thou  maycft  rcmayne  a  long 
time  vpon  the  Land, -vhich  the  Lord  thy  God  vil  gcue  thee. 

41  f  Then  Moyresfcpararcd  three  cities  beyond  lordan  at  the 
41  caftfide,  t  that  he  might  flee  to  them  vhich  ihouid  kilhis 

neighbour  not  voluntarily,  neither  vas  his  cncroie  a  day 
or  two  before,  and  he  might  fcape  to  fome  of  thefc  cities: 
45  t  Boforinthewildcrncfle,  xrhich  is  fituatcd  in  the  cham- 
pion countrie  of  the  tribe  of  Ruben  ••  and  Ramoth  in  Ga- 
laad,  V  hich  is  in  ihe  tribe  o  f  Gad:  and  Golan  in  Bafan ,  which 

44  is  in  the  tribe  of  manaflcs.  f  This  is  the  law,  that  Moyfcs 

45  fctte  before  the  children  of  Ifracl,  t  and  thefe  are  thctc- 
ftimonies  and  ceremonies  and  iudgcmentes,  which  he  fpakc 
to  the  children  of  Ifrael,  when  they  came  out  of  y£gypt_,, 

46  t  beyond  lordan  in  the  valley  againfl:  the  temple  of  Phogoc 
in  thelandof  Sehonkingof  the  Ammorrhcitc,  that  dwelt 
in  Hefebon,  whom  Moyfes  ftroke.  The  children  of  Ifracl 

47  alfo  comming  out  of  i€gypt  f  pofTelTed  his  land ,  and  the 

land  of  Og  the  king  of  Bafan,  the  two  kingesof  the  Amor-  .; 

rheites,  which  were  beyond  lordan  tcfward  the  ryfmg  of  the 
4S  funnc :  •{•  from  Aroer,  which  is  fituated  vpon  the  banke  of 

the  torrent  Arnon,vnto  the  mountaine  Sion,  which  is  alfo 
49  Hermon,  f  ai  the  plaine  beyond  lordan  at  the  eafl  fide,  ..^ 

vnto  the  fea of  the  wildcrnefTe,  and  vnto  the  footc  of  mount 

Phafga . 

Chap.    IIIL 

1.  Y$u  ihal  not  adde.  ]    Moyfcs  can  not  mcanc ,  that  nemore  fhould  be  l      c    ■ 

written,  nor  commanded  ;  for  tkcn  thelaft  chapter  of  this  booke,  and  the  As  other  Sen* 
reO  ofthe  Bible  (hould  not  haucbenne  written  after  his  death;  neither  oaght  P,*"f"  *^*  !"' 
the  Prieftes  or  Prophetes  to  hauc  commanded  anic  thing  not  expreifcd  in  the  cladcd  m  the 
law.  And  whcrasProtcftantcsfaythatal  other  Scriptures  arc  included  in  the  Z^'^.^t^^^ 
Brtntittf  la^g^  or  pcrtaine  to  the  explicatio  or  performance  therof:  we  alfo  anfwcr  that  Traditios  arc 
Kemfita    ynvrittenTraditiosbothintheoldandncwTcftamcntarchkcwife  implied,  contcincd  in 
Calutn.    included  ,  or  pcrtcinc  to  the  explication  or  performance  of  the  law  .  For  ^"^  Scnptu- 
eucaas  the  written  doftrin  of  the  Prophetes,  yea  and  of  Chtifl,  and  his  ^^^' 

Ddd  Apoftlcs 

4TO  Devteronomie,  Tlietennc 

Apoftlcs,ingciTcral  isconteincdia  the  lavi^  of  Moyfcs,  fo  alfo  are  ecrrainc 
f3ftc$,fcai1c$,rites,cciemonics  and  other  riaditions  proued  and  confirmed  by 
pcn.crairpeiichcsandatiomes vrittrninRolic  Scriptures,  asby  ourSauiaurs 
wordcs  to  hisApollles  He  that  heareth  yon,  he.ireih  me.  S.  Paulcs  to 
other  Chriftiainf  I.  Cor.  la.)  othr  thiugsityhm  I ctme I  yy>lJtfi>ofe  (i.ThclT  i.) 
Hold  the  tradittonlyyhtchysi*  iiauelerntd  :  and  the  like.  VVhcru.pon  S.  Augufiin 
t>  t.ioiit  c»r?a».f.}j.  gcucth  this  rule,  that  d/tfit  tf«f«»;</t/»/ ex*>r/j,>/f  canr.otb» 
pro'iiKtd.ofhoUtS  rtpturfy-jett^ietrHth  of  tht  f^me  Scriptures  tshoUenhj  ys  ^  yyhtn  tts 

y  SciipcmeSj   ^^  ^,^^^  pUafeththe  whoLe  churrh,  yyhicb  the  authoritie  of  scriptures commendetb, 

pproucth  xhcfamehetcachcth  £/)^yf.8o.  andinr 

The  Church 





s:  Tc  Is  n©t  y- 
nough  tobc- 
ieac  only ,  or 
to  knovy  the 
ments, but  ne- 
cclTanc  aUo  to 
/«(/;/  them  n* 
ii^tor'  e. 

::  rhc  titlcof 
mediator  law- 
fully afcribcd 
to  God?lictt- 
tcnant  in 
earth . 

manic  other  places  So  do  S.Epipha- 
aiustmoijipfn-!  fiJetCathoLS  Hicrom.  Dialog,  cont.  Lucifef.  c.  4.S.Chryfofl-, 
bo.  4.<»i,  Thijjal  ^.S.Bi.{il  deSpiutn  Sanih,c.^^.  S".  kcneuj  h.}.  c.  4. 

C  H  A  P.      V. 

The  tenne  commmdimenti  <tre rffited  4nd  exf>hmd,  1^,  with  cemmcmo^ 
TAtion  of  their  drad  4ndfe.tre,rvhco  they  hexrdibe  voictfrom  the  (lowde^ 
andfaw  themottfttsmttektirnc, 

AN  u  Moyfes  called  allfracl,  and  faid  to  them:  Hcarc  i 
Ifratl  the  ceremonies  &  iudgcments,  >3rhich  I  fpcakc  in 
your  cares  this  day  :  Icrne  them, and  '•'•  fulfil  them  in  workc. 
-f  The  Lord  our  God  made  a  couenant  vith  v$  in  HorcK   1 
f  Not  with  our  fathers  did  be  make  the  couenant,  but  with  5 
vs  atthis  prercnt,  and  dochue.  f  Face  to  face  did  he  fpeakc  4 
to  vs  in  the  mount  out  of  the  middes  of  the  fyrc.  f  I  was  j 
arbiter  and  ••  mcdiatour  betwixr  our  Lord  and  you  at  that 
time,  to  Onewyouhis  vrordes,  for  you  feared  the  fire,  and 
vent  not  vpinto  the  ftioanr,and  he  laid:  j  l  the  Lord  thy   tf 
God,  brought  thee  out  of  the  Land  of  ^gypt  out  of  the 
houfcof  feruitudc.  t  Thoushalt  not  hauc  ftrange  goddcs  in  7 
my  light,  f"  Thou  shalt  not  make  to  rhcc  a  thing  grauen,  S 
northefimihtudeof  any  thing.cs,  that  are  isn  heauen  aboue, 
and  that  are  in  the  earth  beneath,  and  that  abide  in  the  waters 
vndcr  the  earth,  j-  Thou  ihalt  not  adore  them,  and  thou  9. 
{halt  not  fcruc  them-  For  I  am  the  Lord  thy  God,  a  Icaloufe 
God ;  rendering  the  iniquitiq  of  the  fathers  vpon  the  children 
vnto  the  third  and  fourth  generation  to  them  that  hate  me, 
•}•  and  doing  mercie  vpon  manic  thoufandcs  to  them  that  i© 
loucme,  andkecpe  my  pteccptcs.  f  Thou  (halt  not  vfurpe  u 
the  name  of  the  Lord  thy  God  in  vainc:  for  he  fhai  not  be 
vnpunilbed  that  takcth  his  name  vpon  a  vainc  thing,  -f-  Ob-  it 
feruc  the  day  of  the  Sabbath  ,  to  fandVifie  it,  as  the  Lord 
thy  God  hath  commanded  thee,  t  Sixdayes  fbalt  thou\rorkc,  15 
and  shalt  doc  al  thy  vorkes.  t  Thefcuenthis  the  day  of  the  14, 


commandmcntcs.  Devteronomie.  411 

Sabbath, thatis, the  reft  of  the  Lord  thy  God.  Thou  shalt 

not  doe  any  workc  therin,  thou,  and  thy  fonne  and  daughter, 

man  fcrua^it  and  \roman  fcruanr,  and  oxe,  nnd  ailc,  and  al 

thy  cattcl,  and  the  ftrangcr  that  is  xriihin  thy  gates;  that  thy 

manleriiant  may  reft,  and  thy  \roman  Icruanr,  cuen  as  thy 

ij  fcJfe.  t  Remember  that  thou  alio  didcft  (eiue  in  yCgvpt, 

and  the  Lord  thy  God  brought  thee  out  from  thence  in  a_A 

ftrong  hand,  and  llrctchedoutarme.  Thcrforc  hath  he  com- 

16  mandcd  thee  that  thou  ibouldcft  obferue  the  Sabbath,  f  Ho* 

nourthy  father  and  mother,  as  our  Lord  thy  God  hath  com- 

riianded  thee,  that  thou  mayO  hue  a  long  Time,  and  it  may  be 

wel  vrith  thee m  the  Land,  which  tkc  Lord  thy  Godwilgcuc 

17  iSthee.  •{■  Thou  shalt  not  murder,  f  Neither  shah  thou  com- 

r^zomirte  aduoutne.    f    And  thou  shal  not  ftealc .  f  Neither 

shalt  thou  (peakc  againft  thy  neighbour  falfe  teOimonie-^. 

21   t  Thou  shalt  not  couet  thy  neighbours  wife  :  "•  Norhoufc,  ::Couetingan 

nor  field,  nor  man  icruant,  nor  vi'oman  fcruanr,  nor  oxc^,  oi^ber  mans 

zi  norafre,andal  thin^cs  that  arc  his.  i  Thcfe  wordes  fpakc  *i^<='=*"^^«- 
T        I  I  !   •       I    ■       1  r  1  *i  I        uctinjr  his 

our  Lord  to  al  your  raukicude  m  the  mount,out  of  the  nsiddes  oooucs,  differ 

of  the  fire  and  the  cloude,  and  the  darkenes,  vith  a  loude  ai»much,astfac 

voice,  adding  nothing  more:  and  he  wrote  them  in  the  t\fo  exccnoi  aaes 

25  tables  of  ftone ,  ^^hich  he  dehuered  vnto  me.  f  And  you  oldtTAnd*^ 
after  you  heard  rhe  voice  out  of  the  middes  of  the  darkenes,  lothcle  two 
and  faw  the  mount  burnc,  came  to  me  al  the  princes  of  the  cummand- 

24  tribes  and  the  ^Iders,  and  you  faid :  f  Behold  theLordour  "itntsarcas 
God  hath  she^'ed  vs  his  maicftie  and  grcatnes,  for  we  haue  ^'^^^"'^  as  the 
heard  his  voice  out  of  the  middesof  the  fire.,and  haue  proued  ^"^^'^^^^■*'<'» 

tj  this  day  that  God  fpeaking  vrith  man,  man  hath  liucd.  f  Why 
shalvrc  die  therfore,  and  this  cxceding  great  fire  deuourc 
vs  ?    For  if  vre  hcare  the  voice  of  the  Lord  our  God  any 

26  more,  we  shal  die.  f  "What  is  al  ficsh,  that  it  should  hearc 
the  voice  of  the  liuing  God,  who  fpeaketh  outof  the  middes 

27  of  the  fire  as  we  haue  heard,  and  may  hue?  -f  Approche 
thou  rather :  and  hearc  al  thinges  that  rhe  Lord  our  God  shal 
fay  to  thee:  and  thou  shalt  <peakc  to  vs,and  we  hearing  wil 

28  doe  them,  t  Which  when  our  Lord  Ltd  heard,  he  faid  to  mc: 
I  haue  heard  the  voice  of  the  wordcs  of  this  people,  which 

15)  they  fpake  to  thee  :  they  haue  fpoken  al  thinges  N^el.  f  Who 
shalgcuethem  lohaucTucha  minde,  that  thcv  would  fearc 
me,  and  keepe  al  my  coramandementcs  at  al  time,  that  it 
«iay  be  \rcl  with  them  and  with  their  children  for  euer> 

D  d  d  i  t  Goe 

4it  Devteronomie.  Preccptesand 

f  Gdc  and  fay  to  them:  Rcturne  into  your  tcntes.  t  Bat 30}! 
thou  ftihd  here  '"Jrith  me,  and  I  wil  fpcakc  to  thee  al  my 
commandementes,  and  ceremonies  and  iudgementes  :  "^hich 
thou  shalt  teach  rhcm,  that  they  may  doe  them  in  the  Land, 
vhich  Iwilgeue  them  in  pofTeflTion.  f  Keepethcrforcand  51 
dac  the  thingcs  which  our  Lord  God  hath  commanded  you: 
youshal  not  decHne  neither  to  the  right  hand,  nor  to,  the 
left:  t  but  the  \ray  that  the  Lord  your  God  hath  comman-  55 
ded  shal  you  "walke,  that  you  may  Hue,  and  it  may  be  wcl 
with  you,  and  your  daies  may  be  prolonged  in  the  land  of 
your  pofTeilion. 

Chap.    V. 

S.    Thou  shalt  not  make.]  If  our  aduerfarics  would  quietly  confider  the  co- 
herence of  the  holic  text,  they  might  eafcly  fee,  that  this  prohibition  of 
Images  of  I-    "^a^fi"g.  ^"'l  worshipping  the  fimiluude  of  anic  creature,  perteyneth  to  the 
dels  forbid,      former(cntcnce  :  rhou  shalt  notham  flr^n^tgoddei:  moic  particularly  forbidding 
but  not  of       cither  to  make  Idolcs,  or  to  voi  (hip  fuch  as  others  make;  and  that  witli  com- 
othcxthingf.    mination ,  bccaufc  ourLoid  is  a  iclous  God,  and  ^\\  notfulfer  his  honour 
tobcgcucn  to  anic  creature.  But  other  Images   were  made  in  the  old.Tcfta- 
ment,  by  Gods  commandment,and  Iikewi/c  Images  of  Chrift  and  his  Saindcs 
arc  lawful  and  profitable  among  Chiftians.  as  before  is  noted.  Exti,  io. 

Chap.     V  L 
God  Indigently  t^  be  fcmeJ,  ^nd  loued  f^ith  thy  \phole  h^rt,  thy  iphJe 
jotile   and  whole  nrength.  M  htt  frecc^ts,  ceremomes  and  tudiementi 
mufl  be  ureftiUy  kept,  and  commended  to  pofieritie, 

THisE   are  the  prcccptes,  and  ceremonies,  and  iudoe-  i 
mentes,  which  theLord  your  God  commanded  that  I 
should  tcftch  you,  and  you  should  doc  them  in  the  Land, 
Jhereunto  you  palfc  ouer  ro  poirdfc  it :  f  that  thou  mayeft  1 
fcarc  the  Lord  thy  God,  and  keepe  his  commandementes  and 
preceptcs  which  I  command  rhce,  and  thy  ionnes,  and  ne- 
phcx^es,  ai  the  daycs  of  thy  life,  rhat  rhy  daycs  may  be  pro- 
longed .    t  Hcare   IfracI,    and  obfcrue  that  thou  doe  the  5 
thmges^^hich  our  Lord  hath  commanded  thee,  and  it  may 
Z7  7n   h'ri'\''''"''y'^^'  g^^^^^^y  multiplied, as 

Tne  I'l^rd    '^  Ti""'-,"^71"'^^'"^^'  T^^^Lord  outGod,is  4 
one  Lord,  t  Thou  shalt  joue  the  Lord  thy  God  with  thy  i 
M'hole  hart,  and  with  thy  svhole  foule,  and  ink  tl^lXZ         . 


ludgcmcntcs.  Devteronomie.  415 

6  ftrcngth .  t  And  thefc  wordcs,  which   I  command  ihcc 

7  this  day,  shal  be  in  thy  hart:  f  and  thou  shah  tcl  them  to 
thy  children,  and  thou  shalt  meditate  fitting  in  thy  houfct 

S  and  Tjralking  on  thy  iourney,  flceping,  and  ryfing.  f  And 

thou  shalt  bind  them  as  a  figne  on  thy  hand,  and  they  shal  he 

9  &  shal  moucbctwen  thine  eies,  f  and  thou  shah  write  them 

10  in  the  entric,andon  the  dooresof  thy  houfc.  t  -And  when 
the  Lord  thy  God  shal  haur  brought  thee  into  the  Land,  fot 
the  which  tLc  fvarc  to  thy  fathers  Abraham, Ifaac, and  lacob : 
and  shal  haue  geuen  thee  great  and  goodhc  cities,  which 

11  thou didft  not  build,  f  houfcs  ful  of  al  riches,  which  thou 
didft  not  ercd,  ccftcrncs  which  thou  didrt  not  diggc,  vine- 

li  yardcs  and  olmeyardes,  which  thou  didft  not  plant,  \  and 

15  thou  shalt  haue  eaten  and  be  ful;  t  take  heedc  diligently 
left  thou  forget  our  Lord,  that  brought  thcc  out  of  the  Land 
of  iCgypr.outof  the  houfc  of  (euitiide.  Thou  shalt  fearc  the 

Loid  thy  God.and  -  him  onclic  shalt  thoaferue,  and  by  his  .-: Some adora- 

14  name  shalt  thou  fwcare.  f  You  shal  norgoe  aftcrihc  ftrangc  tion  agrecth 

J5  goddcs  of  al  Nations, that  arc  round  about  you:  f  becaufe  ^^J^^^^^^^"^c 

the  Lord  thy  God  is  a  Icabufc  God  in  the  raiddes  of  thee:  L^^iato  God 

leftlomctimc  thcfurieof  the  Lord  thy  God  be  wrath  sgainft  onlic  x.  ^»i- 

16  thee,  and  rake  thee  away  from  the  face  of  the  earth,  f  Thou  5  61.  loc^-n. 
shalt  not  temp:  the  Lord  thy  God,  as  thou  didft  tempt  him 

17  intheplaccof  tentation.  f  Kecpc  the  preceptesof  the  Lord 
thy  God  >  and  the  tcftimonics  and  ceremonies,  which  he 

18  hath  commanded  thee:  f  And  doe  that  which  is  pleafanc 
and  good  in  thtr  fight  of  our  Lord,  that  it  may  be  wel  with 
thee  :  and  enrring  in  thou  mayeft  pofTefle  the  goodlie  Land, 

19  wherof  our  Lord  fware  to  thy  fathers,  t  that  he  would  de- 

20  ftroyal  thy  enemies  before  thee,  as  he  hath  fpokcn.  -f  And 
when  thy  fonne  shal  aske  thee  to  morrow,  faying:  What 
mcanethefe  teftimonies,  and  ceremonies,  and  iudgementcs, 

21  which  the  Lord  our  God  hath  commanded  vs  ?  f  thou  shalt 
{ay  to  him  ;  \7e  were  the  bondmen  of  Pharao  in  i£gypt,  and 

11  our  Lord  brought  vs  out  of  i£gypt  in  a  ftrong  hand:  f  ^^^^ 
he  did  figncs&  wonders  grcatandverie  fore  in  i£gyptagainft 

23  Pharao,  and  alhis  houfe,  in  our  fight,  f  and  he  brought  vs 
our  from  thence,  that  being  brought  in  he  might  gcue  vs  the 

24  Land,wherupon  he  fware  to  our  fathers,  t  And  our  Lord 
commanded  that  we  should  doe  al  thefe  ordinances,  and 
should  fearc  the  Lord  our  God,  that  it  might  be  wcl  with  vs 

Ddd  }  altbe 

414  Devteronomie.  Prcceptcsand      l 

althcdaicsofourlife,a$  it  is  at  this  day.  f  And  be  wil  be  z; 
merciful  tors,  if  wekcepe  and  doe  al  his  preceptcs  before 
the  Lord  our  God,  as  he  commanded  vs. 

Chap.     V  1 1. 


Z^oleAZHftior  feloWihipto  he  hdd  with  the  Gentiles:  5.  hut  their  ttltdress 
groues.  And  nl  their  id»les  to  he  deiiroyed.  17.  Ctd  promffetb  ytBoneiie 
hispeopUt  "Willing  f  hem  t9  trufi  in  hiWy  And  Jertte  htm. 

Hen  the  Lord  thy  God  shalhaae  brought  thee  e 
into  the  land,  Nrhich  thou  doeft  enter  in  to  pof- 
fcife,  and  shal  haac  dcftroyed  manie  Narions  before  thee, 
the  Hecheire,andrheGergezeife,  and  the  Amorrhcirc,  and 
the  Chansneite,  and  the  Phcrczeicc,  and  the  Keutire,3nd  the 
lebufeite.  fcucn  nations  of  mucli  greater  number  thai  th9U 
art, and  flrongcr  then  thou:  f  and  the  Lord  thy  God  shal  z 
h^iuedcliueredrhera  to  thee, thou  (halt  fttike  them  vrtovtter 
dcftrudlion.  Thou  shalt  not  make  league  'ocith  them  ,  nor 
pitiethem,  f  nor  make  mariages  with  them.  Thy  daughter  j 
thou  tlialt  notgeuetohis  fonnt,  nor  take  his  daughter  for 
thyfonnc:  f  for  he  vil  feducethyfonne,  thathc  folo>jr  not  ^ 
me,  and  that  hexatherferue  ftrange  goddes,  and  the  furieof 
our  Lord  vil  be  wrath,  and  shal  quickly  tlcflroy  thee,  f  But  j 
thefethinges  rather  you  shal  doe  to  them  :  Ou<;rthrow  their 
altares ,  and  .breake  their  ftatuees ,  and  cuttc  dowwe  their 
groues,  and  burne  their  fculptiles .   -f  Becaufe  thau  art  a  6 
holic  people  to  tke  Lord  thy  God.  The  Lord  thy  God  hath 
chofen  thec,i:o  be  his  peculiar  people  of  al  peoples,  that  *rc 
vpon  the  earth,  f  Not  becaufe_>  you  paifcd  al  nations  in  7 
number,  is  our  Lord  ioynedvnto  you,  and  hath  chofcn  vou, 
whcras  you  are  fewer  then  al  peoples:  f  ^^^  becaufe  our  S 
Lord  harhlouedyou.and  hath  kept  the  oath,  which  he  fwarc 
to  your  fathers  rand  hath  brought  you  fonhina  ftrong  hand, 
and  redemed  you  from  the  houfe  of  ("ctuitude,  out  of  the 
handof  Pharaotl»ckijigof^gvpt   f  And  thon  shalt  know  j 

dtt'7his  com-  ^^^^  ^^"^  ^^""^^  ^^y  ^""^^  ^^  ^^^  ^'"^''^  ^"^  faithful  God,keping 
niiiation.God  ^^^  coucnant  and  mcrcic  to  them  loue  him,  and  to  them 
oftentimes       thit  keep?  his  preccptcs,  vnto  a  thoiifand  generations:  f  and  lo 
diffcrcrU  pu-  rcndrint;  forthwith  to  them  that  hate  him,  fo  that  he  3c- 

ftroyeth  them,  and  diifcrrcth  no  loncrcr,  ••  i  nmediarlr  reijdf- 

Bi'limcnt,  ex 

pciflinc  tlic  1(11," 

finncis  zcpcFi-  '^'\^  ^'^  ^"^"^  ^^^^^  f"<^y  dclcruc.  f  K^epe  therforc  the  pre-  11 
-taDcc.  ceptcs  and  ceremonies  and  iudjementes,  which  I  command 



ludgemcntcs.  Devteronomie.  415 

li  ihccthisday  to  doc  rhem.  I  -  Ifafccrthou  Haft  heard  thcfc  ::  Gods  pro- 
iudpementes,thou  keepe  and  doe  them,  the  Lord  alfo  thy  m'^cscodino 
God  vil  keepe  tnccoLKnantvnto  thee,  and  the  mcrcic  trhich  pj^fg^yg 

15  he  (vrarc  to  thy  fathers:  -f  and  he  xril  louc  and  meltiphc 
rhee,and  vil  blcfl'e  the  fruite  of  thy  wombe,  and  the  fruitc 
of  thy  land,  thy  come,  and  vintage,  oile,  and  heardes,  the 
fiockes  of  thy  flieepe  vpon  the  Land,  for  the  ^hich  he  fyare 

14  to  thy  fathers  that  he  vrould  geiic  it  thee,  f  Blefl'ed  (halt  - 
thou  be  among  al  peoples.  There  O-saJ  be  none  barren  with 

ij  thceofneitherfcxc,as  vrel  in  men  as  in  thy  flockes.  +  Our 
Lord  wil  takeaway  from  thecal  diieafe:  and  the  fore  infir- 
mities of  y£gypt,  which  thou  knowcft,  he  wil  not  bring 

16  vpon  thee,  buirpon  al  rhyne  enemies,  f  Thoa  fhaltdeuoure 
al  rhe  peoples,  which  the  Lord  thv  God  wil  gene  thee.  Thyn 
eye  fhal  not  fpare  them,  neither  slialt  thou  ferue  their  goddes, 

17  left  they  be  the  ruinc  of  thee,  f  Itthou  fay  in  thy  hart .- Thele 
nations  ar€  moe  then  I,  how  thai  1  be  able  to  dcilroy  them  ? 

r8  -f  Fearenot,  but  remember  what  the  Lord  thy  God  did  to 

15)  Phara©  and  co  al  the  y£gyptians,  f  the  exceding  great  plagues, 

which  thync  eics  (aw,  and  the  llgnes  and  wonders,  and  the 

ftrong  hand,  and  the  ftretched  out  arme,  that  the  Lord  thy 

God  might  bring  thee  forth:  fo  wil  he  doc  to  al  peoples, 

10  whom  thou  feareft.  f  Moreoucrhornettes  alfo  wil  the  Lord 
thy  God  fend  vpon  themjvntil  he  deftroy  and  confume  al  that 

11  cfcaped  thecand  can  hide  them  felues.  f  Thou  shalr  not  feare 
them,  becaufc  the  Lord  thy  God  is  in  the  middes  of  thee,  a 

11  mightie  God  and  terrible:  t  he  wil  confume  thele  nations  in 
thy  iight  by  iitleandlitleand  by  partes.  Thou  mayeft  not  de- 
ftroy them  al  together:  left  perhappes  the  beaftes  of  the  earth 

15  multiplie againft  thee. f  And  the  Lord  thy  God  wil  geue  them 
in  thy  tight :  and  wil  kil  them  vntil  they  be  vtterly  deftroyed. 

i4  t  And  lie  wil  deliuer  their  kinges  into  thy  handes, and  thoa 
shalt  deftroy  their  names  vnderheauen  :  nomanshal  be  able 

ij  torefirtthcc,  vnril  thou  deftroy  rhcm.f  Their  fcdptiles  thou 
shalthurncwnhfyre:  thou  shalt  not  couet  the  llluer  and  gold, 
wherofthcy  were  made,  neither  shalt  rhou  rake  to  thee  any 
thing  therof,  left  thou  offend,  becaufe  it  is  the  abomination 

^6  of  the  Lord  thy  God.  t  Neither  shaltthou  bringin  oughtof 
the  Idol  into  thy  houfe,  left  thou  become  anathema^  as  alfo 
that  is.  Asfilthinesthou  shalt  deteft  it,and  asvncleannesand 
^th  thou  shalt  account  it  abonunable,  bccaufc  it  is  anathema. 

.j^  ©BYTiRONOMii.  Pf  eccpts 

Chap.     VIII. 
the^to^Uiifut  in  mind  of  ^ffU^'ions  which  happened  in  the  deferte,  dndof 

henefitesus  welfAU^  4spromif<d  jii,  tojhe  endthej  loue  and  feme  God 

more  effe^HnUy. 

EV  ERi  E  commandemcnt-,,  that  I  command  thee  this  i 
day,  take  dihgcnthcede  that  thou  doc  it:  that  you  may 
Hue,  and  be  multiplied,  and  entring  in  may  poflcfTe  the  Land, 
for  the  which  our  Lord  fwareto  yourfathers.  f  And  thou  i 
shalt  remember  al  the  iourney,  through  the  which  the  Lord 
thy  God  hath  brought  thee  fouf  tie  ycares  by  the  dcfert,  that 
he  might  affli<£t  and  proue  thee,  and  that  the  thingcs  that 
were  in  thy  hart  might  be  made  knowen,  vrhethcr  thou 
wouldeft  kecpchiscommandcmentcsornof.  f  Heafflidcd  5 
thee  with  penorie,  and  gaue  thee  for  meate  Manna,  which 
thou  kneweft  not  nor  thy  fathers:  for  to  shew  vnto  thee  that 
::  God  i$  able  ::  notinbread  onlie  amanliuc,  butin  cucric  word  that  pro- 
to  make  ccdcth  from  the  mouth  of  God.  f  Thy  raymcnt,  wfaervith  4 

hc°plcalcjr  to  ^^°^  ^^^  couercd,  hath  not  decayed  for  age,and  thy  foote  is 
fuf^aine  men   not  wornc,loe  thisis  the  fourtithyearc.  f  That  thou  mayeft  ^ 
without  recount  in  thy  hart ,  that  as  a  man  difcipHneth  his  fonne, 

racatc.  (-Q  the  Lord  thy  God  hath  difciplined  thee,  f  that  thou!shouU  6 

deft  keepe  the  comandcmcntcs  of  the  Lord  thy  God,&  walke 
in  his  wayes,  andfearc  him.  f  For  the  Lord  thy  God  wil  7 
bring  thee  in  vnto  a  good  land,  a  land  of  riuers  &  waters  and 
of  fountaynes  :  in  the  plains  wherof  and  mountaynes  decpe 
floudes  gush  out :  f  a  land  of  wheate,of  barley  &  vineyardcs,  8 
wherein  figgc  trees  and  pomegranates,  and  oliueyardes  doc 
grow:  a  land  of  oyle  and  honic.   f  Where  without  any  9 
•pcnurie  thou  shalt  catc  thy  bread,  and  enioy  abundance 
of  al  thinges:  whofe  ftones  are  yron,  and  our  of  the  moun- 
taynes thcrof  are  digged  metalles  of  bralfe  :  -j-  that  when  lo 
thou  haft  eaten,  and  art  ful,  thou  mayeft  bleflc  the  Lord  thy 
God  for  the  excellent  land ,  wiiich  he  hath  geucn  thcc_/. 
t  O^feruc,  and  bcwarcleftat  any  lime  thou  forget  thcLord   ii 
thy  God,  and  neglect  his  commandementes  and  iudgcmentcs 
and  ceremonies,  which  I  command  thee  this  day:    f  left  11 
after  thou  haft  eaten  and  art  filled,  haft  biailt  goodlie  houfes, 
anddwvllcdin  them,  f  and  (bah  hauc  heardcs  of  oxen  and  15 
fiockcs  of  shccpe,  of  gold  and  filuer,and  of  al  thingei  plentie, 
^-  thy  hitt  be  Hfced  vp,  and  thou  remember  not  the  Lord  14 


Judgcmcntcs .  .    Devteronomie.  417 

thy  God,  that  brought  thee  outof theLandofJigypt,  out 
3;  of  the  houfc  of  Icruirudc  .-  f  and  was  thy  condiidor  in  the 
hugeand  terrible  wildcrnelTe, ^'herein  \irasihc  fcrpcnt  bur- 
liiilg  with  his  breath,  and  the  fcorpion  and  '■'  thcdipfas,  and  ::Afcrpcnt  , 
no  vratersatal  :  who  brought  forth  riucrs  out  of  the  hardeft  j.'^''*^  ^.'^«=»  * 

16  rocke,  t  and  fed  thee  with  Manna  in  the 'wildcrncffc,  which  kin?thofc"^*" 
thy  fathers  kncN37  not.  And  after  he  had  afflidcd  and  proued  whom  he  by- 

17  thee,  at  the  iaft  he  had  mcrcie  vpon  thee,  7  left  thou  (houldeft  tech  to  die  of 
fay  in  thy  hart  .-    Mync  owne  force  ,  and  the  ftrengtii  of  ^hmUclmf^sim 
mync  owne  nana,  hauc  atchicued  al  thelethingesror  ^^-"  jjLtr^^        -" 

18  f  But  remember  the  Lord  thy  God,  that  he  hath  geuen  thee 
fttength  ,  that  he  might  fulfil  his  coucnant_.,  concerning 
vhich  he  (ware  to  thy  fathers,  as  this  prefcnt  d^y  fl-!ev?eth. 

15  t  But  if  forgetting  the  Lord  thy  God,  thou  (halt  folov 
ftrange  goddts,  and  Cbalt  ferue  and  adore  them :  behold  noNj' 
20  I  forettl  thee  that  thou  shalr  perith  vtterly.  •\  As  the  Na- 
tions, which  our  Lord  deftroyedat  rhynrentrie,  fo  thai  you 
alfo  perish,  if  you  be  difobedicnt  to  the  voiec  of  the  Lord 
your  God. 

Chap.  IX. 
Zc/?  th'y  should  imfut^  thf  liiUenes  ( '^hich  thy  shslhaite)  to  them  feUes, 
6.  th(y  ar- put  tnmind  of  their  often  friUolin^Gcditvrathi  12.  hy  ido- 
latrie,  12.  ty  murmunn^,  Ly  concHpifcencey  by  contempt,  4nd ether  finises, 
■if  for  ^hich  they  sbottid  htiue  heae  deflroyedyhus  God  fibred  the;?*  fer 
hii  ^roHSifemtde  to  ^hrdh-tm  Ij44C  and  lacttif, 

1  TTEarh  Tfracl:  Thoushaltgoe  oucr  lordan  this  day; 
JL  JL  to  polleirc  verie  grcate  nations  and  ftronger  then  thy 

2  relfc,  huge  cincs,  and  wallid  -  eucn  vnto  heauen,  f  a  great  ..HoIicSaip- 
peopleand  tal,  the  fonncs  of  the  Enacims,  whom  thou  halt  rurc  vfeth  th« 
fcene,  and  heard,  againft  whom  no  man  is  able  to  refift.  figure Hj;>*r- 

5  t  Thou  sha!t  know  therforc  this  day  thatthe  Lord  thy  God  ^*/-*.  folowing 

him  felfc  wil  palTe  oucr  before  thee,  adeuuurinf^  and  con-  ^  ^'^^If:^^'^}' 
r  r  1        -iirt  ..II         11-^       I  nciof  Ipcakiff 

lummg  tyre,  who  shaldeftroy  and  aDoiish  and  bring  them  to  as\vcltoh<lpc 

nothing  before  thy  face  quickly,  as  he  hath  fpoken  to  thee,  thcvnderftan- 

4  t  Say  not  in  thy  hart,  when  the  Lord  thv  God  shal  hauc  dc-  ^'"g>  ^s  to 

nroycd  them  in  thy  fight  :   For  my  luftice  hath  our  Lord  '"^^'^  ""^'^'f 
u  L  rr^r     L-    1      J      I  \     r  •  in  e;rcat  and 

brought  me  in  to  polielle  this  land.whcras  thcfe  nations  were  cxtraordina- 

^  dellroyed  for  their  impieties,  t  For  not  bccaufe  of  thyiu-  licthingt. 

fiices,  andequitieof  thy  hart  doefl:  thou  enter  into  pofldfc 

their  landes :  but  bccaufe  they  h^ue  done  irapiouily,  at  thy 

£ec  cntrino; 

4iS  Detteronomie.  Prcceptsand 

cncring  in  they  are  deftroyed:  and  that  our  Lord  might  accom- 
plish his  word,  which  by  oath  he  promiled  to  thy  fathers 
Abraham,  Ifaac,  and  lacob.  f  Know  tberfore  that  not  for  6 
thy  iuftices  hath  the  Lord  thy  God  geucn  thee  this  excellent 
land  in  pofTellion-,  ,  wheras  thou  art  a  vcrie  ftiffe  necked 
people,  t  Remember, and  forget  not  how  thou  didft  pro-  7 
uoke  the  Lord  thy  God  to  wrath  in  the  wildernefTc,  From 
the  fame  day,  that  thou  camcft  out  of  i£gypt  vnto  this  place, 
thou  haft  alwayes  contended  againft  our  Lord,    f   For  in  8 
Horcb  alfo  thou  didft  prouoke  him,   and  being  wrath  he 
would  hauc  deftroycd  thee ,   f  when  I  went  vp  into  the  9 
mounte ,   to  recciue  the  tables  of  ftone,  of  the  couenant 
which  out  Lord  made  with  you  :  and  I  continewcd  in  the 
mounte  fourtic  daies  and  nighteSj  nor  eating  bread, nor  drink- 
ing  water,   f   And  our  Lord  gauc  me  two  tables  of  ftone  1© 
written  with  the  finger  of  God,  and  conteyningal  the  wordes 
that  he  fpake  to  you  in  the  mounte  from  the  middes  of  the 
fyre,  when  the  ailemblic  of  the  people  was  gathered,  f  And   u 
when  fourtiedayes  were  palTed,  and  as  manie  nighres,  out 
Lordgaue  me  the  two  tables  of  ftone,  the  tables  of  coue- 
nant, t  andhefaidtd  me,  Arirc,and  goedowne  from  hence  12.. 
quickly:  for  thy  people,  which  thou  didft  bring  out  of  j£- 
gypt,  haue  quickly  forfakcn  the  way,  that  thou  haft  ftiewcd 
,    ^     ..^    tiiem, and  haue  made  them  -  a  molten  idol,  f  And  againc  15 
tudeofa  calfc  out  Lord  (aid  to  me  :  I  fee  that  this  people  is  ftifFe  necked  : 
and  callcdit    f  futFer  me  that  I  may  deftroy  them,  and  abolish  their  name  14 
jheirgod.        from  vnder  hcaucn,  and  may  fet  theeouera  Nation,  that  is 
Exed.ji,  greater  and  ftrongcr  then  this,  f  And  when  I  came  downc  ij 

from  the  burning  mounte,  and  held  the  two  tablesof  coue- 
nant with  both  handcs,  f  and  faw  that  you  had  (inned  to  i^ 
the  Lord  your  Godjand  had  made  you  a  molten  calfe,  and 
had  quickly  forfakcn  his  way,  which  he  had  shc^^-ed  you: 
t  I  caft  the  tables  out  of  my  handcs,  and  brake  them  in  your  17 
fight,  t  And  I  fcldowne  before  our  Lord  as  before,  fourtie  il 
dayes  and  nightes  not  eating  bread,  nor  drinking  water,  for 
al  your  finnes,  which  you  committed  againft  our  Lord,  and 
prouoked  him.  to  wrath  :  t  for  I  feared  his  indignation  and  19 
anger, wherwith  being moued  agaynft  you,  he  would  haue 
deftroycd   you  .  And  our  Lord  heard   me  this   time  alio  ,  i^ 
t  Againft  Aaron  alfo  being  exceeding  angrie ,  he  would 
haue  deftroyed  him  ,  aad  for  hira  ,  in  Uke  maner  did  I 

ludgements.'  Dkvter  onomte.  41^ 

21  pray,  f  And  your  finne  that  you  had  committed,  that  is,  the 
calfc,  I  tooke,andburnt  it  vith  fyre,  and  breaking  it  into 
pecccs,  and  bringing  it  ^yholy  into  duft,  I  thrcNrit  into  the 
21  torrent,  that  defccndeth  from  the  mount,  -f  In  the  burning 
alfo  andin  the  tentation,and  in  the  Sepulchres  of  concupi- 
23  fcence  you  prouoked  our  Lord:  f  and  vhcn  he  fent  you 
from  Cadeibarne,  faying.  Goc  vp,  and  pofTcirc  the  Land, 
that  I  hauegeuenyou,and  you  contemned  the  commande- 
ment  of  your  Lord  God ,  and  did  not  belcue  him,  neither 
^4  "woald  you  heare  his  voice  :  f  but  were  alwaie«  rebellious 
2j  from  thcday  that  I  beganne  to  know  you.  t  And  I  lay  be- 
fore our  Lord  fomrtie  dayes  and  nightes,  in  the  Vfhich  I  hum- 
bly bcfought  him,  that  he  would  not  deftroy  you  as  he  had 
.16  threatened:  f  and  praying  I  faid :  Lord  God,   deftroy  not 
thy  people,  and  thyne  inheritance,  which  thou  haft  redcmcd 
in  thy  greatncs,  whom  thoudidft  bring  out  of  /tgypt  in  a 
27  ftrong  hand,  f  Remember  thy  feruantes  Abraham  ,  Ifaac, 
andlacob:  regard  not  the  ftubbournesof  this  people,  and 
1%  hisimpietieandfinne-  f  left  perhappes  the  inhabitantes  ©f 
the  land,  cut  of  which  thou  haft  brought  vs,  fay ;  The  Lord 
could  not  bring  them  in  vnto  the  Land,  that  he  promifcd 
them,  and  he  hated  them:  therfore  did  he  bring  them  forth, 
a*)  that  he  might  kil  them  in  the  wildernes.  -f  which  arc  thy 
people  and  thyne  inheritance,  whom  thou  didft  bring  forth 
■in  thy  great  Arcngth,  and  in  thy  ftretchcd  out  arme. 
Chap.     X. 
Moyfes  recetuifjg  the  fecettdl4^lesof  the  tennt  comrnandmentSj  and  mdking 
an  drkeput  them  therin,  6.  tv'tth  mention  ofcertatnefUces  where  the  chtU 
drtnof  ifrAel  had  camped,  of  Karons  dedth,  aad  to  the  Leuttes  offices, 
andpofeJitooS)  12.  ke  inculcattth  thefeare  and  lone  of  God,  and  the  kf" 
fing  ofhispreeepts.  16.  namely  to  c'trcumcife  the  hart.  i^.  to  louefirangers 
io.  and  not  to  ferue^  nor  ffVeare  hy  falfe  goddes. 

1  \  T  that  time  our  Lord  faid  to  me:  Hewe  thee  two  tables 
,/Xofftone,  as  the  former  were,  and  come  vp  to  me  into 

2  the  mounte  :  and  thou  shaltmake  an  arkc  of  wood,  f  and 
I  wil  write  in  the  tables  the  wordes  that  were  in  thcm,which 
before  thou  didft  breake,  and  thou  shalt  put  them  in  the 

^  arke.  f  I  made  therfore  an  arke  of  the  wood  Scttim.  And 

when  I  had  hewed  two  tables  of  ftone  like  to  the  former,  I 

^  ventvpintothcmount,  hauing  theminmy  handes.  f  And 

E  e  e  2  he 

420  Devteronomie.  Preeeptcs  and 

he  wrote  in  rlie  tables,  according  as  he  had  vritfen  before, 
the  ten  worclcs,\i;4-iich  our  Lord  rpake  to  you  in  the  mount 
from  the  middesof  tiie  fyrc,  when  the  people  was  gathered  : 
and  he  gaue  them  to  me.  -f  And  returmng  from  the  mount,  f 
I  caraedownc,andput  the  rabies  into  the  arkc,  that  I  had 
madr,  which  are  there  til  thisprefenr,asour  Lord  comman- 
ded me.  -j-  And  the  children  of  Ifracl  remoued  their  campc  6 
::ThisMofefi  from  Bcrothof  the  children  of  lacan  into  "  Mofera»  where 
vhcre  Aaron    Aaron  died  and  was  buried,  for  whom,  Eleazar  his  foone 
died,isn«orc  j,^  .j^^  fun^ion  of  priefthood.  t  Thence  they  came  into  7 
called  We/.       Gadgad  :  Irom  the  which  place  departmg,  they  camped  m 
?f»«.  io.e>'35.i'c;tebatha,inaLandofwatersand  torrentes.  f  At  that  time  8 
he  feparared  the  tribe  of  Leui,  to  caric  the  arke  of  the  coue- 
iianroFour  Lord,andto  lland  before  him  in  the  minifteric, 
and  to  blclfe  in  his  name  viatil  this  prefent  day.  f  For  the  9- 
which  caufe  Ltui  had  no  psrt,  nor  polTeflion  with  his  bre- 
thren: becaufe  our  Lord  him  fclf  is  his  poifeflion ,  as  the 
Lord  thy  God  proniifed  him.  |  And  I  ftoode  in  the  mounts  1© 
as  before,  fourcie  daies  and  nightes;  and  our  Lord  heard  me 
this  time  alfo,  and  would  not  dcftroy  thee,  f  And  he  faid  to  u 
me:  Goe,  and  march  before  the  people,  that  they  may  enter, 
and  poirelle  the  Land,  which  1  (ware  to  their  fathers  that  I 
would  deliucr  to  them,  f  And  now  Ifrael,  what  doth  the  is- 
Lord  thy  God  require  of  thee,  but  that  thou  fcare  the  Lord 
thy  God,  aiid  walke  in  his  waies,  and  loue  him,  and  (cruc  the 
Lord  thy  God  withal  rhy  hart,  and  with  al  thy  f®ule  :  f  and  15 
keepethccommandementes  of  our  Lord,  and  his  cercmo- 
nies,which  I  command  thee  this  day,  that  it  may  be  wcl  with 
thee?  f  Behold  heauen  is  the  Lords  thy  God,  and  the  hea-  14 
ucn  of  heauen,  the  earth  and  al  thingcs  that  are  in  it .  -j-  And  j-j 
yet  to  thy  fathers  was  our  Lord  ioyned,  and  he  loued  them, 
and  chofe  their  fccdc  after  them,  that  is  to  fay  you,  from  al 
Nations,  as  this  day  it  is  proucd.  f  Circumcife  therfore  the  iC 
prepuce  of  your  hart,  and  your  neckc  indurate  no  morc.^  : 
f  becaufe  the  Lord  your  God  he  is  the  God  of  goddes,  and   17 
the  Lord  of  iordes,  a  great  God  and  mighrie,  and  terrible, that 
acceptcth  not  pcrfon  nor  giftcs.  t  He  doth  iudgement  to  the   18 
pupil  and|thc  wido»x'c,loueth  the ftrangcr,  andgeuechhim 
ridual  Sc  raymenr.  |  And  do  you  therfore  loue  ftrangers  be-  if 
caufc  you  al(o  were  ftrangers  in  the  Land  of  ^gypt.  f  Thou  19 
fliak  fcarfi  the  Lord  thy  God,aud  feme  him  only:  to  him  thou 



ludgcmentes.  Devteronomii.  421 

11   {halt  cleauf ,  nnd  "  shalr  iVcare  in  bis  name,  f  He  is  thy  praifc,  •• :  VVhea  iaft 
and  thy  God,  that  hath  done  for  thcc  thcfc  grcate  and  terrible  ""jj*^  «qBj- 

21  thinges,  which  thyne  eies  haue  fcenc.  f  In  leucntiefoulcs  did  mu(t*b  °midc 
thy  fathers  goc  do wne  into  i^gypt:  and  behold  nov  the  Lord  in  the  name  of 
thy  God  hath  multiplied  thee  as  the  ftarres  of  heauen.  God,  not  of 

Chap.     XT. 

IorthehenefitesofGod(ti>hcrQffomearerefet:d^  and  others  frdmi^ed)  the 
IfrtteUtes  Are  hound  to  Uue  hin>.  16,  but  if  they  forjaks  bim  he  threatKftb 
funtihmentess  16 .  ^ro2of(ng  henediclicv  and  rmledtBion  as  ilejf  :hAl 

r  T  OvE  theiforc  the  Lord  thy  Godj  and  obferue  his  prc- 
X-y  ccptes  and  ceremonies,  his  iudgemcnrcs  and  command- 

2  mentesar  al  time,  f  Knovr  this  day  the  thingcs  that  your 
children  knovnot, -who  faw  not  thedifcipline  of  the  Lord 
your  God,  his  great  doinges  and  ftrong  hand,  and  ftretched 

3  out  arme,  f  the  figncs  and  vorkes  >!ph4ch  he  did  in  the 

4  middesofitgyptto  Pharao  the  king.and  roalhisland,  ■{-  and 
to  al  the  hoftc  of  the  iCgypiians,  and  to  their  horfes  and 
charriottes:  hov  the  waters  of  the  red  fea  couered  them, 
■when  they  purfevred  you,  and  hovr  our  Lord  deftroyed  them 

5  vntilthis  prelent  day:  f  and  to  you  what  thingcs  he  hath 

6  donein  thewilderncSjtil  you  came  to  this  place.-  f  s^d  to 
Dathan  and  Abircn  the  fonnes  of  Eliab,  which  was  the  fonnc 
of  Ruben  .whom  the  earth  opening  her  n^ourh  fwalowed 
vp  with  their  houfes  and  tabernacles,  and  al  their  fubftance, 

7  which  they  had  in  the  middes  of  Ifrael.  f  Your  eies  hauc 
fcenc  al  the  great  workes  of  our  Lord,  that  he  hath  done, 

t  t  that  you  may  kccpcal  his  commanderaentcs,  which  I  com- 
mand you  this  day,  and  may  enter  in,  and  pofTefTc  the  Land, 

5  to  the  which  you  enter,  f  and  may  Hue  in  it  a  great  time: 
which  our  Lord  by  oarh  promifed  to  your  fathers,  and  to 

10  t?heir  feede,  flowing  with  milke  and  honie.  f  For  the  Land, 
which  thou  gocfl:  to  poflciTe,  ii  not  as  the  Land  of  ^gypr, 
which  thou  camcftoutof,  where  when  the  fecde  is  fowcn, 
waters  are  brought  in  to  water  it  after  the  manerof  gardens^ 

11  •\  butit  is  hilly  and  champion,  expecting  raine  from  heauen. 
Ti  -j-  which  rhe  Lord  thy  God  doth  alwaies  vifite,  and  his  ties 

are  on  it  from  the  beginning  of  the  ycarc  vnto  the  end  thcrof. 

13  -f  If  then  you  obey  my  commandementcs,  which  I  command 

you  this  day,  that  youlouc  the  Lord  your  God,andrcrne  him. 

412.  D  EvT  ERONOMiE.  Prcccpcsaiid 

with  al  your  hart,  and  with  al  your  foule  ;  f  he  wil  geue  rayne  14 
MRalncaftcr   to  your  Land  '•■  the  timely  and  the  lateward,  that  you  may 
feeciingand     gather  your  corne,  and  wine,  and  oile,  f  and  have  outof  the  15 
Y^nii  \^^^^  ficldes  to  feede  your  cartel,  and  that  your  felues  may  cate  and 
God's  c^racc      be  filled,  f  Beware  left  perhaps  your  hart  be  deceiued,and  you  r^ 
ilrft  {lining  vp  depart  from  our  Lord,  and  ferue  ftrangc  goddes,  and  adore 
thcloule,  andfPi£j-n;  -^  and  our  Lord  being  wrath  shutte  vp  heauen,  and  17 
affiftingthc     the  raine  come  not  downe,  nor  the  earth  geue  her  fpring, 
^^^^  and  you  perish  quickly  from  the  excellent  Land,  which  our 

Lord  wilgeue  you   7  Put  thcfemy  wordesinyourhartesand  18 
mindes,andhang  thcra  for  afigncon  yourhandes,  and  place 
them  betwen  your  eics.  f  Teach  your  children  that  they   19 
meditate  them,  when  thou  (iittcftinthy  houfe,  &  walkeft  on 
the  way,  and  Heft  downe  and  ryfeft  vp,  •}•  Thou  shalt  write  10 
thera  vpon  the  poftes  and  gates  of  thy  houfe:  t  ^bat  thy  21 
daies  may  be  multipHcd,  and  the  daycs  of  thy  children  in  the 
Land,  which  our  Lord  fware  to  thy  fathers,  that  he  wauld 
geue  it  them  as  long  as  the  heauen  hangeth  ouer  the  earth. 
Thefecond     t  For  if  you keepe  the  commandementes  which  I  command  11 
]efl'oniHMafrcyou,anddoe  them,  that  you  loue  the  Lord  your  God,  and 
onlmberSa-    -^p-alkc  in alhis  wayes,  cleauing  to  him,  j  our  Lord  \»il  de-'  23 
^  ftroy  althefe  nations  before  your  face,  and  you  ilial  polltire 

them,  which  are  creater  and  ftrongcr  then  you.  f  Euerie  24 
place,  that  your  footeshal  treade,  shal  be  yours.  From  the 
defert,  and  from  Libanus, from  the  great  riuer  Euphrates  vnto 
the  weft  feashal  be  your  borders,  f  None  shal  ftand  againft  25" 
you;  your  terrour  and  feare  shal  the  Lord  your  God  geue 
-•G  d  \vf>i-    vpon  al  the  land  that  you  shal  ireade,  as  he  hath  fpoken  to 
keth.andwc    yo"-  t  Behold  I  fctte  forth  in  your  fight  this  day  -  bene-  iG 
cooperate,  for  didion  and  maledidion.-  f  bcne<5tion,if  you  obey  the  com-  27 
he  ukcth  not  mandementes  of  the  Lord  your  God,  which  1  command  you 
away,bur:icl-   j^-^   ,      .   .  malediction  ,  if  you  obey  not  the  commandc-  28 
pcth  hccwil.  •^     r    1       T        1  ^11  If  L 

•s.jiug.q  i;.    mentes  of  the  Lord  your  God,  but  reuolt  from  the  way, 

in  Dcui.  which  now  I  doe  shew  you,  and  walke  after  ftrange  goddes, 

which  you  know  not.  f  And  when  the  Lord  thy  God  shal  29 
haue  brought  thee  into  the  Land,  to  the  which  thou  goeft  to 
inhabite,thou  shalr  put  the  benedidion  vpon  raounte  Ga- 
rizim  ,  the  raaledidion  vpon  mounte  Hebal :  f  which  arc  }® 
beyond  lordanbehinde  the  way  that  bendeth  to  the  going 
downe  of  the  funneinthe  Land  of  the  Chananeitc,  which. 
odweUcth  in  the  champion  countrie  againft  Galgala,  which  is 



ements.  Devteronomie.  425 

51   befidc  the  valle  that  reacherh  and  entreth  farre.  f  For  you 

shalpaiVe  oiicr  lordan,  to  pofleffe  the  Land,  which  the  Lord 

your  God  wil  geuc  you,  that  you  may  hauc  and  poflcfTc  it. 

fi   t  Set  thcrfore  that  you   fulfil  the  ceremonies  and  iudgc- 

mentej,  which  I  shal  fettc  this  day  m  your  Tight. 

Chap.    XII. 

i/ft  'tdoUtriCi  4nd  whdtfteaer  apperteineth  therto  mufl  he  dtflroyed.  5.  i'^rrr- 
fces,  tithes,  *nd  dooArtesmufi  be  offered  m  the  (jecul  place,  ij.  Eating 
Jleih  they  muft  not  eate  the  hlmd.i^.  In  no  cafe  to  imitate  the  tdolatrts 
ofg  ntiies. 

1   'Tp  H  E  s  E  are  the  prcccptes  and  iudgcmentes  ,  that  you 
1    muft  do  in  the  Land,  which  the  Lord  God  of  thy  fathers 

"wil  geuc  thee,  to  polfciTeital  the  daies,  that  thou  shalt  goc 
1  vpon  the  earth,  f  Subuert  al  places,  wherein  the  nations, 

which  you  shal  polTeil^,  worshipped  their  goddes  vpon  the 

high  mountaines,  and  hilles  ,  and  vnder  cueric  tree  ful  of 
3  leaues.  f  Oucrthrow  their  alrares,  and  breake  their  ftatues, 

their  groues  burne  with  fire  ,  and  their  Idols  hewe  al  to 

4  pceccs:  deftroy  their  names  out  of  thofe  places,  f  You  shal 

5  not  doc  fo  to  the  Lord  your  God  :  -f  but  '•'•  to  the  place,  which  ;.  Peculiar 
the  Lord  your  God  hath  chofen  of  al  your  tribes,  to  put  his  place  appro- 

6  name  there  and  to  dwel  in  it,  shal  you  come:  f  and  shal  offer  P"atctoGod$ 
in  that  place  your  holocauftes  and  viftimcs,  the  tithes  and  ^'^'^'*'<'C' 

firft  fruitcsof  your  handes,  and  your  vowes  and  donarics, 

7  the  firft  bo^rne  of  your  oxen  and  shcepe.  f  And  you  shal  eatc 
therein  the  fight  of  the  Lord  your  God:  and  you  shal  reioycc 
in  al  rhinges,  whercunto  you  shal  put  your  hand,  you  and 
your  houfe,  wherein  the  Lord  your  God  hath  blefled  you. 

S  f  You  shal  not  doe  there  the  thinges,  that  we  doe  here  this 
9  day ''  eueric  man  that  which  fecmeth  good  to  him  (elf.  t  For  'J  "  ^  ^  acicrt 
•1    1  •  r  •  ^  n.  J  L      *"^)^  *^°"ld 

vntilthispreicnt  time  youarc  not  come  to  relt,  and  to  the  notobfcruc 

to  poireflion,  which  the  Lord  your  God  wil  gcue  you.  f  You  thcccrcmo- 
shalpafie  oucr  lordan,  and  shal  dwel  in  the  Land,  which  the  "'^^  of  the 
Lord  your  God  wil  2eue  you,  that  you  may  hauc  reft  from  al  La^.-butcom- 
11  1  111  ir  .    •      rmns:toreft 

li  enemies  round  about;  and  may  dwel  without  al  teare,  f  in  they  were 

the  place,  which  the  Lord  your  God  shal  choofc,  that  his  boundtokcpc 
naRie  may  be  thcrin.  Thither  shal  you  bring  al  the  thinges,  *'  one  fctte 
that  I  command  you,  holocauftes,  and  hoftes,  and  tithes, and  ^°'''"*°^^°^ 
the  firft  fruites  of  your  handes;  and  whatfoeuer  is  the  prin- 
'fy  cipal  in  the  giftcs,  that  you  shal  vowe  to  our  Lord,  f  There 


jj.14  Devteronomte.  Precepts  and 

■shal  you  fcaftc  before  the  Lord  your  God ,  you  and  your 
fonnes  and  daughters,  men  feruantcs  and  wcmcn  Tcruanrcs, 
andcheLcuite,thatd\rcllcthin  your  cities,  for  he  hath  no 
other  part  and  poirelhon  among  you.  |  Beware  thou  offer  i| 
not  thy  holocauftcs in  eucrie place,  that  thou shalr  fee:  t  but  14 
m  that,  vhich  our  Lord  shal  choofc,  in  one  of  thy  tribes 
shalt  thou  offer  hoftes,  and  shalt  doe  what  thinges  loeucr  I 
.comnaand  thee,  "j-  But  if  tliou  wilt  cate,  and  the  eating  of  ij 
-flc$h  delight  thee,  kli,  and  eatc  according  to  the  bldHng  of 
the  Lord  thy  God,  vrhich  he  hath  geucn  thee  in  ti-y  cities; 
vherlveric  be vnclcane, thatis  tofay,  blemished  and  feeble; 
or  clcane,  that  is  to  fay,  found  and  v/ithout  bkmish,  fuch  as 
is  lawful  to  be  offered,  as  the  doa  and  the.  hart,  shalt  thou 
eatc  It,  *{•  only  without  eating  of  the  bloud,  which  thou  shait  16 
poweroutvpon  the  earth  as  vatcr.  -f  Thou  canft  not  eatc  37 
in  thy  townes  the  tithe  of  thy  cornc-and  v?me,  and  oyle,thc 
£rfl:  borne  of  rhy  hcardcs  and  cattel,andal  thinges  that  thou 
vowcft,  5ind  that  thou  wilt  of^er  volunranly  ,  aud  the  firft 
fruitcsof  thy  handcs:  f  but  before  the  Lord  thy  God  shalt  iS 
thou  eace  them  in  the  place  ,  which  the  Lord  ihy  God  shal  . 
choofe,  thou  and  thy  tonne  and  thy  daughter,  and  man  fer- 
uanc,  and  woman  fer^iant,  and  the  Leuite,  that  dwelkth  in 
thy  cities ;  and  thou  shalt  reioyce  and  be  refreshed  before 
the  Lord  thy  God  mal  thinges,  whereunto  thou  shalt  extend 
thy  hand,  f  Take  heede  thou  for Oike  not  the  Leuire  al  the  i^ 
time  chat  thou  liueflinthe  land,  f  When  the  Lord  thy  God  10 
jhalhaue  dilated  thy  borders,  as  he  hith  fpoken  to  thee,  and 
thou  wilt eate  the  liesh,  that  thy  foulcdcrircth  :  -j-andif  the  11 
placcbcfarrcof,  which  the  Lord  thy  God  shal  choofe,  that 
his  name  may  be  there,  thou  shalt  kil  of  the  heardes  and" 
cattel,  which  thouhaflas  I  haue  commanded  thee,  and  shalt 
catcin  thy  townes,  asit  pleafeth  thee.  +  As  the  doa  is  eaten  ix 
and  the  haxt,  fo  shalt  thou  eate  them  ;  both  the  cleane  and 
vncicane shal  eate  in  common    j  This  onlie  bcv^ate,  that  25 
thou  eatc  nor  the  bloud,  fov  their  bloud  is  for  th  e  foule  :  and 
therfore  thou  muft  not  eate  the  foule  with  the  f^esh:  f  but  14 
vpan  the  earth  chou. shalt' power  it  as  water,  f  that  it  may   2y 
be  wcl  with  thee  and  thy  childtcn  after  thee,  when  thou 
shalt  doe  that  which  pleafeth  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  f  But  i6 
the  thinges  which  thou  hafl  fandificd,  and  vowed  to  our 
iLojd,  thou  shalt  ukc  vp,  and  shalt  come  to  the  place,  which 


ludgctncnts.  D  E  vte r  ono mi  e.  4^^ 

17  our  Lord  shal  choofc;  f  a"^  shak  otfcr  thy  oUJations  the 
flesh  and  the  bloud  vpon  the  altar  of  the  Lord  thy  God  :  the 
bloudof  thy  hoftesthou  shalt  power  on  the  altar:  and  the 

18  flesh  thy  fclfshalteatc.  t  Obferue  and  heare  althinges  that 
Icommandthee,  that  it  maybe  vrelwith  thee  and  thy  chil- 
dren after  thee  for  cuer,xrhen  thou  shalt  doe  that  which  is 

i5>  goodandpleafingin  the  fight  of  the  Lord  thy  God.  f  When 
the  Lord  thy  God  shal  haue  deftroyed  before  thy  face  the 
nationsjlhat  thou  entreft  in  to  poircfle,  and  thou  shah  pof- 

50  fefle  them,  and  dwel  in  their  land:  -f  bexjcare  left  thou  imitate 
them,  after  they  be  fubucrted  at  thy  entring  in,  and  thou 
require  their  ceremonies,  faying  :  As  thefe  nations  haue  wor- 

51  shipped  their  goddes,  fo  willalfo  vorshippe.  f  Thou  shalt 
not  doe  in  like  maner  to  the  Lord  thy  God.  Foral  the  abo- 
minations, that  our  Lord  doeth  abhorre,  haue  they  done  to 
their  goddes,  offering  their  fonnes  and  daughters,  and  bur- 

32  ning  them  vith  fyre.  f  What  I  command  thee,  "  thatonlie 
doe  to  our  Lord :  neither  adde  any  thing,  nor  diminish. 

t  Chap.     XIL 

31   rhatcnly  i»  to  eurloyd.]  VVhcias  tKc  Gentiles oifercd  their fbnnes and  Nohoftcskv 
a  aughtcrs  (  t.  u  • )  anel  other  abominable  facrifices  ro  Idols,  God  commandcth  ful  in  facnfice 
his  people  to  offer  ihofe  tkings  only,  vbich  arc  prefcribcd  by  the  lavir,  and  nci-  but  fuch  as  the 
iher  to  imolatc  anic  other  thing,  nor  exclude  anie  thing  appointed  by  the  fame  li'*'  appointed 
lavforfacrificc.  Asfor  otherpreceptes,  itis  likewifc  forbid  to  addc  ordimi- 
nifli  anie  thing  that  may  corrupt  the  law;  butwis  euer  lawful  for  Superiori,    ^ 
to  adde  more  prcceptea  ae/eabic,  and  not  contrarie  to  the  former.  5oKing        ''^i^^'fj^^* 
Dauid  eftabljfhed  a  new  law  that  fuch  as  ftaycd  with  the  baggage,  fhould  haue  "^^^      added, 
likcportionof  the  praye,  with  thofe  that  fought  in  battel.  i.Reg.  50.  And  »otcontranc 
our  Sauiour  by  his  prefence  ( loan  10)  approued  the  fcaft  of  dedication,  infti-  ^^        rormcr, 
tuted  long  after  Moyfes  law.  x.  Machab,  4. 

Chap.     X  I  IL 
Falft  Prophets  muff  he  flaine ,  6.  b9rv  nere  fotufr  tlcy  he  in  kjnretl y  or 
freindshipe.  11.  The  T»hole  citie  thdt  sh^l  pcrmite  falfe  doHrin  mufl  be 
ytterly  dejitoyed,  merhheajfes,4fid  AlmoueableSy  andntuerhe  built  againe. 

I  TF  thTFcrifein  themiddcsof  theeaprophcre,  oroncrhac 
JL  faieth  he  hath  feenea  dreame,  and  foretel  a  figne  and  a  ::  Noucltic  m 

1  \ronder,  f  anditcomc  topaflc  xrhichhc  fpake,  and  he  fay  Religion  is  a 
to  thee :  "  Let vs  goe.and  folov  ftrange  goddes,  which  thou  j"\"^^  °^hcr°' 

%  knovcftnot,  and  let  vs  feruc  them;  f  thou  shalt  not  hcare  ff  "'*^  °^ 

Fff  the 

41^  Devteronomie.  Preccptsand 

the  vordcs  of  that  prophets  or  dreamer :  for  the  tord  your 
God  temptcth  you,thac  it  may  appeare  \rhcthcr  you  loue  him 
or  no,  withal  your  hart,  and  withal  yourfoule.  f  Folowthe  4 
Lord  your  God,  and  feare  him,  and  kecpc  his  commande- 
mcntes,  and  hearc  his  voice:  him  you  shalferue,  and  to  him 
youshalclcauc.  f  And  that  prophete  or  forger  of  dreames    5 
shal  be  flaine  :  becaufe  he  fpakc  that  he  might  auerc  you  from 
the  Lord  your  God,  which  broughfyou  out  of  the  Land  of 
i£g)pt,  and  redemed  you  from  the  houfe  of  feruitudc  :  that 
he  might  make  thee  to  crre  from  the  way,  that  the  Lord  thy 
God  commanded  thee:  and  thou  shalt  take  away  the  euil 
out  of  the  raiddcsof  thee,  t  If  thy  brother  the  foxine  o+*  thy  (a 
mother,  or  thy  fonnc  or  daughter,  or  thy  wife  that  is  in  thy 
bofome, orthy  freind,  whom  thou  loueft  as  thy  foule,  wil 
pet  fwadcthcefecretly,  faying:  Let  vsgoc,  and  fcrue  ftrange 
goddes,  which  thou  knoweli  not,  nor  thy  fathers,  f  of  al  7' 
nations  round  about,  that  be  nigh  or  farrej  from  the  bc- 
s;Euciiepn-    ginning  vnro  the  end  of  rhc  earth,  -f  confcnt  not  .to  him,   S 
uacmanisnot  noc  hcarc  him,  neither  let  thyne  eie  (pare  him  to  pitic  and 
commanded,    hide  him  ,   f   but  -  forthwith  thou  shalt  kil  him.  let  thy  9 
Borv^arrcnred  handbefirll  vpon  him,  and  after  thee  al  the  people  lay  hand.. 
by  this  to  kil  :  ,.  r,    ,,  ,     ,1      .      n  1       ^1    ^i       /  r 

boteuericenc  o"  him.  f  With  Itones  shal  he  be  (toned  to  death:  bccauie  i<j 

is  bound  to  in-  hc  would  haue  wixhdrawen  thee. from  the  Lord  thy  God, 
formetheMa-  >jphich  brought  thee  out  of  the  Land  of  i€gypt,  irom  the 
gifa-ate,andfo  ho^jf^ot  ferultudc:  t  thatal  Ifrael  hearina  may  fcare,  and  n 
by  order  ot  ,  i  •         ij  t  •       ,    rr  •  r    1 

iufticeto  pro-  I'nay  doeno  more  any  thing  like  to  tnis.  f  It  in  one  oh  thy  iz 

cede  agniEft     citics,  which  the  Lord  thy  God  shal  geuc  thee  to  inhabitc, 
the  wicked,      thou  hearefomcfay :  f  There  are  gene  forth  -  children  of  13 
:.Suc!iaswil     gelialoutof  the  middcs  of  thce.and  haue  auertcd  the  inha- 
Botin  urcdi  -  bij^jjfjQf  jj^pi^.  cirie,  and  hauc  laid:  Let  vs  coe,  and  feruc 
ciphnenrecal     _  ,  ,  ,  .  '  ,  ^    •      ^-  r  11 

hdJtUdrenof    "lange  goddcs  which  you  know  not:  f  inquire  carefully,  i^ 

Beiltai,  thptis.  and  diligently,  the  truth  of  the  thing  being  looked  into,  if 
yyH'iotpt^^kt.    thou  findeitcerrainc  that  is  faid,  and  that  this  abomination 

is  in  ad  committed,  f  thou  shalt  forthwith  ftrike  the  inha-  \$ 
bitantes  of  that  citie  in  the  edge  oi:  the  fwordc,  and  ihalt 
deOroy  itandal  thinges  that  ate  in  it,  vnto  the  very  beaftes. 
f  what  ftufFcalfofocucr  there  is>  thou  shalt  gather  together  1^ 
in  themiddes  of  theftreates  therof,  and  shalt  burne  it  with 
the  citic  it  (elfe,  fo  that  thou  cenlume  al  thinges  to  the  Lord 
thy  God^anditbeahcape  for  cucr  :itshal  be  built  no  more, 
t  and  there  shal  nothing  ftickc  in  thy  hand  of  that  anathema:  17 

"  that 

ludgemcntcs,  Devteronomii.  4^7 

"  that  our  Lord  may  be  turned  from  the  wrath  of  liis  furic, 
and  may  haucmercic  on  thee,  and  multiphe  thee  as  he  fvare 
18  to  thy  fathers,  f  when  thou  shak  hcarc  the  voice  of  the  Lord 
thy  God,  kcepingai  his  preceptes.^yhich  I  command  rhec  this 
day,  that  thou  maycft  doc  that  which  is  pleafing  in  the  fight 
of  the  Lord  thy  God. 

Chap.     XIIIL 

■Gentiles  maner  ef  weurnin^  for  th4  dead  ts  frehihited.  3.  Lil^ctvife  to  tdte 

ihinri  vncleAtte^Wiib  mention  of  certame  cleane  andyncle^He  l/eaHes,  9. 

f.ihei,  u.  Andbirdes.  21.  ^IJo preccptes cf  ^ietfCydtmeffcic, p4png  tithes^ 

frfffrtittes,  17.  neunshin^of  Lewteij  firAa^m,  or^h^nes,  md  ypidowes, 

1  T>  Eye  the  children  of  the  Lord  your  God  :  you  shal  not 

2  jL>cutteyoui  felucs,  nor  make  bauldnes  for  the  dead,  j-  be- 
caufc  thou  art  a  hclic  people  to  the  Lord  thy  God:  and  he 
chofc  thee  to  be  his  peculiar  people  of  al  nattions,  that  arc 

3  vpon  the  earth,  f  Eatc  not  the  thingcs  that  arc  vncleane, 

4  t  This  is  the  bead,  that  you  ought  to  eate.  The  oxe,  and  the 

5  sheepe,and  the  goate,  f  the  hart  and  the  doa,  the  buffle, 
the  chamois,  the  pygarguc,  the  wilde  bcefc,  the  cameloparde. 

^.  -f  Euerie  beaft,  thatdiuideih  thehoofe  in  two  partes,  and 

7  cheweth  the  cudde,  shal  you  eate.  f  But  of  them,  that  chew 
the  cudde,  and  diuidc  not  the  hoofe,  thefe  you  shal  not  enre, 
as  the  camel,  the  hare,  the  cherogril:  bccaufe  they  chew  the 
cudde,  and  diuide  not  the  hoofe,  they  shal  be  vncleane  to  you. 

S  -f  The  fwine  alfobecaufe  it  diuidcth  the  hoof,  and  cheweth 
not  the  cudde,  shal  be  vncleane.  their  flesh  you  shal  not  eate, 

9  and  their  carcalTcs  you  shal  not  touche.  f  Thefe  shal  you 
cate  of  al  that  abide  in  the  waters:  Such  as  haue  finnes  and 

10  fcales,eate:  f  them  that  are  without  finnes  and  fcales,  eatc 

11  not,  becaufe  they  arc  vncleane.  j  Al  birdesthar  are  cleanc 

12  eatc.  f  The  vncleane  eate  not :  towittc,  the  eagle,  and  the 

15  grype,andthc  ofprey,  f  ^^^  ringtailc,  and  the  vulture  and 
14  kite  according  to  their  kindc:  f  andal  of  the  rauens  kinde, 
ij  -f-  and  the  oftriche,  and  the  owle,  and  the  fterne,  and  the 

16  hawkc  according  to  his  kindc^ :  f  the  herodian  and  the 
27  fwanne,  and  the  ftorke,  f  and  the  diucr,  the  porphyrion, 

18  andnightcrow,  f  thconocratal,  and  the  charadrion,  euerie 

19  one  in  their  kinde  :  the  lapwing  alfo  and  the  batre.  f  And 

20  al  that  crecpcth  and  hath  litlewinges,  shal  be  vncleane,  and 
ii  shal  not  be  eaten,  f  Al  that  is  clcane,  eatc.  f  But  what- 

F'ff  2  fo cUvT 

42.S"  Devteronomi e.  Precepts  and 

::If thcfc thi^s  focueris  dead  of  it  fclfe,catc  nottherof.  -  To  the ffrangcr, 
werevnclcanc  thatis  vithin  thy  gafcs,  geuc  it  to  eatc,  or  fclit  to  him:  be- 
t^ercn^ot'law-  caufc  thou  art  the  hohe  people  of  our  Lord  thy  God.  Thou 
fulforanicna  shalt  '•  notboylca  kiddcinthcmilke'of  his  damme,  f  The  za 
tiontocatc,  tenth  part  thoushaltfepcratc  of  althy  fruitcs  that  fpring  in 
butbcingonly  the  earth  cucric  yeare,  f  and  thou  shalt  catc  in  the  fight  of  25 

Icves^ilVw-''  °^^  ^^^'^  ^^^y  ^^'^  ^"  ^^^  P^*^^'  ^^^^^^  ^^  *^^^  choofc,  that  his 
eth  that  this  name  may  be  inuocatcd  therin,  the  tithe  of  thy  corne,  and 
prohibition  wiae,  and  oile,  and  the  fir  ft  borne  of  thy  heardes  and  shecpe; 
was  ccremo-  that  thou  mayeft  lerne  to  fearcour  Lord  thy  God  at  al  time, 
nial,  only  for  ^  But  when  the  xray,  and  th«  place  vf'hich  our  Lord  thy  God  14 
people.  '^^^  choofe,  are  farre,  and  he  hath  blefTed  thee,  and  thou 

::Aiibcvof    canft  not  caric  al  thefe  thingcs  thither,  f  thbu  shalt  fel,  and  2j 
crucltietobc    bring  al  into  a  price,  and  shalt  caric  it  in  thy  handj  and  s.halt 
^"-",Vi     h^^  goetotheplace,>3rhichour  Lord  thy  God  shal  choofe:  f  and  iC 
prerKTurcd,      ^^^ou.  shalt  buy  with  the  larac  money  whatfoeucr  pleafeth 
that  Chrift      thce,  either  of  heardes,  or  of  sheepe,  wine  alfo  and  ficerc, 
(for  the  fimi-  and  al  that  thy  foulc  dclirech  :  and  thou  shalt  eatc  before  our 
^i't'^/'^^'f'^  Lord  rhy  God  ,  and  shalt  feaft,  thou  and  thy  houfe :  f  and  17 
bvakiddc)     the  Lcuite  that  IS  Withni  thy  gates,  beware  thou  forlakenmi 
ihouldnotbc  not,  becaufc  he  hath  no  Other  partin  thy  poifellion.  -f  The  zS 
daneinhis      third  yeare  thou  shaltfcparate  an  other  tench  of  al  thinges, 
XHfuncie.  s.      that growe  to  thee  at  that  time:  and  shalt  lay  it  vp  within 
^Qia  tad'    ^^■'yg^tes.  f  And  the  Leuite  ihal  come  that  hath  no  other  if 
part  nor  pofTellion  with  thee,  and  the  ftranger  and  pupil  and 
widow,  that  are  within  thy  gates,  and  shal  eatc  and  be  filled  : 
that  our  Lord  thy  God  may  bleile  thee  in  al  the  workes  of  thy 
handes  that  thou  shalt  doe. 

Chap,     XV. 

S^mipm  of  dhtes  in  the  feucnth-y  e^n  to  the  ifraelites,  hut  not  to  Jfrangm. 
4.  albeit  there  ivil  ^hvdjes  be  f&me^oorgy  yet  thty  miijl  fo  lend  to  their 
ne:diebretheren,th4t  none  be  farced  to  begge.  11.  ^bon^ht  feruant  that 
iianhcbripp  mufi  be  fet  frce'tn  the  feucntb  yeare,  \G.  except  he  de/freto 
Ce  Ke  fill  19.  TheJi>fbome m  dcattelmnjl be confecrated to  God, without 
TUiilitng  priuatc  projite  therof . 

IN  the  feuentKyeare  thou  shalt  make  aremiflion.t  which  i  2. 
shal  be  celebrated  in  this  order.  He  to  whom  any  thing  is 
owing  of  his  frcind  or  neighbour  and  brother,  can  not  aske 
itagaine,  bccaufe  it  is  the  yeare  of  remillioa  of  our  Lord, 
t  Oi  the  feiourner  and  Urangcr  thou  shalt  exaft  :  of  thy  ^ 


ludgements.  Deytironomii.  42^ 

countrie  man  and  neighbour  thou  shaltnot  hauc  poorer  to 

4  require  ic.  f  And  -  needicperfon  andbeggcr  there  shal  be  ::Thc  Ifraeli- 
noneamongyou:  that  our  Lord  thy  God  may  blcflc  thee  in  ^^^T"^  ^°"'^ 

5  theland.whichhc  vilecuethccin  poirdlion.  t  Yctfoif  thou  j"   ""^  eircn- 
I  r  1  ii  11-  acuour  that 

hcare  the  voice  or  our  Lord  thy  God,  and  kcepe  al  thinges  none  lliould 
that  he  hath  bid,  and  which  I  command  thee  this  day,  he  Nfil  be  nccdie  a- 
f    blefTe  thee,  as  he  hath  promifcd  .  -f  Thou  shah  lend  to  manic  '"ong  them; 
nations,  and  thy  felfe  shalt  borrow  of  no  man.  Thou  shak  "P''*'"     ^°~ 
UJ--  •  •  J  ui   ^^^o  rorcxer- 

nauedommion  oucr  vcrie  manie  nations,  and  no  maw  shal  cifeoflouc  & 

7  hauc  dominion  ouer  thee,  f  If  one  of  thy  brethren  that  abi-  chaiiticGods 
dcth  within  the  gates  of  thy  citie  in  the  land,  which  our  P^oui<lcnce 
Lord  thy  God  wilgeuethcc,come  to  poucrtie:  thou  shalt  not  ^^^^'^^'^"'"'c 

S  hardcnthy  hart,  norclofethy  hand,  t  but  shalt  open  it  to  the  7.^,11, 
poore  man,  and  shaltlend  hira,  that  which  thou  perceiueft  he 

5  hathnecdeof.  f  Bcwarcicft  perhaps  an  impious  cogitation 

(Icalein  vpon  thee,  and  thou  fay  in  thy  hart:  The  feucnth 

yeare  of  remillion  drawcth  nigh  •,  &  turnc  away  thy  eies  from 

thy  poore  brother  denying  to  lend  him  that  which  he  asketh: 

left  he  eric  again  ft  thee  to  our  Lord,  and  ••  it  becomeafinnc  ::HethatcaB 

«o    vntothee.  f  But  thou  shalt  gcue  to  him  .-neither  shalt  thou  andwilnot 

doe  any  thing  crafrcly  in  rcleuing  his  ncceffities :  that  our        fjl^" 

Lord  thy  God  may  blellc  thee  at  al  times,  and  in  al  thinges  "!t?^^?"'^^"* 
1  1  11  III,    T-i  1     1  cxtremitie, 

11  whcreunro  thou  shalt  put  thy  hand,  t  There  shal  not  want  killcth  him. 
poore  in  thclandof  thy  habitation:  therfore  I  command  thee  s.^mb.  h.i.d* 
that  thou  open  thy  hand  to  thy  nccdie  and  poore  brother,  ^P<='^-7' 

12  that  Jiueth  in  the  Land,  f  \rhcn  thy  brother  an  Hebrev 
man,  or  Hebrew  woman  is  fold  to  thee,  and  hath  fcrued  rhec 
fixyeares,  in  the  feuenth  yeare,  thou  shalt  let  him  goefree: 

15  f  and  to  whom  thou  geueft  freedom,  thou  (halt  in  no  cafe 
14  fuffer  him  to  depart  cmptic:  f  butgeuehim  his  wayfareof 

thv  flockcsjandofthybamefloore,  and  thy  prefle^,  wher- 

ij  with  our  Lord  thy  God  {halblelFe  thee,  t  Remember  that 

thy  felf  alfo  didft  feruein  thcLand  of  ^gypt,  and  our  Lord 

thy  God  Hiade  thee  free,  and  therfore  doe  I  now  command 

16  thee,  t  But  if  he  fay;  I  wil  not  depart:  becaufe  he  loueth 
thee,  and  thy  houfe,  and  fecleth  that  he  is  wel  with  thee_^: 

17  t  t^hou  (halt  take  an  awle,  and  bore  through  his  earc  in  the 
dorc  of  thy  houfe,  and  he  thai  feruc  thee  for  cuer»  to  thy  wo- 

18  man  feruantalfo  thou  ftialt  doe  in  like  mancr.  f  Turne  not 
away  thine  eies  from  them,  when  thou  makcft  them  frce^  : 
becaufe  he  hath  fcrued  thee  fixyeares  after  the  wages  of  an 

Fff  I  hire- 

45®  Devterokomii.  Prcceptcsand 

hireling:  that  our  Lord  thy  God  may  blcfTe  thee  in  al  the 

\rorkcs  that  thou  docft.  f   O^  ^^^  ^^^  borne,  that  come  1-5 

forth  in  thy  hcardcs  and  (hcepe,  whatlbcuer  is  of  the  male 

lcxe,thou  ihalt  fandifie  to  our  Lord  thy  God.  Thou  shalt 

not  worke  with  the  firft  borne  of  an  oxc,  and  thou  shalt  not 

shcare  the  firfl:  borne  of  thy  ftjeepe.  f  In  the  fight  of  our  2© 

Lord  thy  God  shalt  thou  cate  them  cucrie  ycare  in  the  place, 

that  our  Lord  shal  choofe,  thou  and  thy  houfe.  f  But  if  it  11 

hauc  blemish,  and  be  either  lame,  or  blind,  or  in  any  part  dif- 

iigured  or  feeble,  it  shal  not  be  immolated  to  our  Lord  thy 

God,  t  but  within  the  gates  of  thy  citie  shalt  thou  cate  it:   11 

as  we!  the  cleaneas  the  vncleane  in  like  mancr  shal  cate  them 

asthedoa,  and  the  hart,  f  This  onHe  skalt  thou  obferuei-/,  ij 

that  their  bloud  thou  eate  not,  but  povcr  it  out  on  the  earth 

as  water. 

Chap.     XVI. 
Three  morefolemnefeafies  to  he  kept  eucrteyedrey  Pdph,  9.  TentecoUy  15.  ani 
1\  ^^^^l  theftAJ}  oftAberniiUiy  18.  IhH  ludfa  to  he  appointed  meuene  cine,  ii, 

mentioned  ^'  occ^ftoHS  ofhioUxne  to  l?e  auoyded. 

L^mt.xi.rium.  ^-^  B  s  E  Rv  E  thc  moueth  of  new  come  ,  and  "  the  firff  i 
^.  Here  only      V^  of  the  fpring  time,  that  thou  mayeft  make  the  Phafe  to 
three  of  tkc     our  Lord  thy  God:  becaufe  in  this  moneth  our  Lord  thy  God, 
principal.         brought  thee  out  of  .-tgypt  by  night .  t  And  thou  shalt  im-  t 
^'  ,         molate  the  Phafe  to  our  Lord  thy  God,  of  shcepe,  and  of 
oxenintheplacc,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  shal  choofe,  that 
his  name  may  dwel  there,  f  Thou  shaJtnoteateinitlcue-  5 
ncd  bread:  Seucn  daies  shalt  thou  cate  without  leucn,  thc 
bread  ofafilidion,  becaufe,  in  fearcdidft  thou  come  out  of 
i£gypt  :  that  thou  mayeft  remember  thedayofthy  comming 
outof  ^gypt,  al  thedaycs  of  thy  life,  f  Leucned  shal  not  ap*  4 
peare  in  al  thy  coaltes  for  feucu  daies,  and  there  shal  nor  rc- 
mayneof  the  flesh  of  that  which  wasimmolatcd  at  euen  thc 
firft  day  vntil  morning,    f   Thou  canfl:  not  immolate   the  / 
phafe  in  cuerieoneof  thy  cities,  which  our  Lord  thy  God 
wi!  geue  thee;  f  but  in  the  place,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  6 
shal  choofe,  that  his  name  may  dwel  there  :  thou  shalt  imiTio- 
iate  thc  Phafe  at  euen  at  thc  going  do  ^»'ne  of  thc  funne,  when 
thou  earned  out  of  ^gypt.  f  And  thoushaltboyle,  and  eate  7  • 
ir  in  the  place,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  shal  choofe,  and  in 
die  morning  ryfingvp  thoushaltgoc into  thy  tcntes.  f  Six  8 


;emcntes.  Devteronomie.  451 

daicx  shalr  thou  care  azymcs :  and  in  the  feucnth  day,  bccau(c 
itis  thccolif  (ftionofour  Lord  thy  God,  thou  shah  doc  no 
9  "workc.  t  Sciien  wefkes  shalt  thou  number  thee  from  that  *• 

10  day  vhercin  thou  didft  put  the  fickle  to  the  corne,  f  and    Pcutccoft. 
thou  sha]t  celebrate  the  fethual  day  of  weekes  to  our  Lord 

thy  God,  a  voluntaric  oblation  of  thy  hand,  which  thou  shale 
H  offcraccordingto  theblefiing  of  our  Lord  ihy  God:  f  and 
thou  shalt  fealt  before  our  Lord  thy  God,  thou,  &  thy  fonne, 
and  thy  daughter,  and  thy  man  (eruant,  and  thy  woman  (er- 
uant, and  the  Leuire  that  is  within  thy  gares,  and  the  Gran- 
ger and  pupiland  widow,  which  abide  with  you:  in  the  place 
which  our  Lord  thy  God  shal  choofe,  that  his  name  may 

11  dwel  there:  f  and  thou  shalt  remember  that  thou  waft  a  fer- 
uantin  JEgypt:  and  thou  shalt  kcepe  and  doe  the  thinges 

i^  that  arc  commanded,  f  The  folemnitiealfo  of  Tabernacles      jftofTa- 
thou  (half  celebrate  (cuendaies,  when  thou  haft  gathered  thy  bcmacks.. 

14  fruiteof  the  barneflooreand  the  prelFe;  -f-  and  thou  shale 
feaft  in  the  feftiuitie,  thou,  thy  fonne,  and  thy  dau|;hter, 
thy  man  feruant  and  woman  (eruant,  the  Lcuitc  alfo  and 
ftranger,  and  pupil  and  widow  that  are  within  thy  gates, 

1;  f  Seucn  daies  shalt  thou  celebrate  the  feaftcs  to  our  Lord 
thy  God  in  the  place,  which  our  Lord  shal  choofe:  and  our 
Lord  thy  God  wil  blcfTc  thee  in  althyfruites,and  incueric 

16  worke  of  thy  handes,  and  thou  shalt  bcinioye-/ .  t  Three 
times  in  ayearc  shal  al  thy  male  appearc  in  the  fight  of  our 
Lord  thy  God  in  the  place  which  he  shal  choofe:  in  the  fo- 
lemnitic  of  Azymes,  in  thcfolcmnitie  ofweekes,  and  in  the 
folemnine  of  Tabernacles.  There  shal  not  appeare  before 

17  our  Lord  any  emptier  f  but  euerie  one  shal  offer  according 
to  that  he  hath,  according  to  the  blelTing  of  our  Lord  his 

18  God,  which  he  shal  geue  him.  f  Judges  and  miaifters  shalt 
thou  appoynt  in  al  thy  gates,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  shal 
gcue  thee,  in  euerie  of  thy  tribes:  that  rhey  may  iudge  the 

15  people  with  iulliudgcmcnt,  f  and  not  decline  to  cither  parr. 
Thou  siialt  not  accept  perfon,  nor  gifrcs;  becaufe  that  giftes  ,_  • 
blindc  the  eiesof  the  wife,  and  change  the  wordes  of  the  ynough  to 

20  iuft.  t  '•  ludly  shalt  thou  purfew  that  which  is  iuft:  that  koctfiatisiu^ 
thou  maveflliuc  and  poflcire  the  Laad,  which  our  Lord  thy  except  it  be 

21  God  shalgeue  thee,  t  Thou  shalt  plante  no  grouC;  nor  any  ^^ono^i^^bs 
li   tree  necre  the  altar  of  our  Lord  thy  God.   t   Neither  fl^alt  fonoa*c  o^f 

thou  make  nor  fcttc  to  thy  Iclf  a  ftatue:  vhich  thing  our  mfticc. 
Lord  thy  God  hateth. 

432.  D  3E  V  T  E  R  o  N  o  M  IE.  ludgc  of  controuerfics. 

Chap.     XVII. 

PerfeEi  hojfes,  not  rndtnedmr  defeBiuey  mufl  be  offered  to  God,  idolaters  fio~ 
ncdto  death.  8.  FFhcn  inferior  indues  di^tr,  the  cauje  mufl  be  decided^  by 
the  Bi^h  Pnefitn  con/iflorie.  ^hots  warranted  »ot  to  erre  thcnfiy  and 
al  are  bound  to  obey  hisfentence.  14.  Thedntiealfo  of  aiding  (  y»homi» 
future  time  God  wd  ctndefcend  to  gsue  them)  is  defcribed^  wnb  fiecial 
charge  to  receiae  the  law  of  God  at  the  Priefies  bandes. 

TH  o  V    shalt  noc  immolate  to  our  Lord  thy  God  a  < 
sheepe,andanoxc,  wherein  there  is  blemish,  or  any 
fault..  :   becaufc  it  is  abomination  to  our  Lord  thy   God . 
f  when  there  shal  be  found  with   thee  within  one  of  2. 
thy  gates,  which   our  Lord  thy  God  shal  gcue  thec-/ , 
man  or  woman  that  do  euil  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord  thy  God, 
and  tranfgreirc  his  couenant,  f    ^^^  ^^^y  g^^  ^"'^  ftriic  5 
ftrange  goddes,  and  adore  them,  the  funnc  and  the  moone, 
and  al  the  hofte  of  heaucn ,  which  thinges  I   commanded 
not:  t  and  thisistoldthee,  and  hearing  it  thou  haft  inquired  4 
diligently,  and  found  it  to  be  true,  and  the  abomination  is 
committed  in  Ifrael :  t  ^hou  iliak  bring  forth  the  man  and  5 
the  woman,  that  hauc  committed  that  moft  heynous  thing,, 
to  the  gates  of  thy  citic,  and  they  shal  be  ftoncd.  f  At  the  6 
mouth  oftwo,  or  thrccwitneflesshal  he  perish  that  is  to  be 
ilainc.  Let  no  man  be  killed,  one  onliegcuing  teftimonie  a- 
gainfthim.  f  The  hand  of  the  witncfTes  shal  be  firft  to  kil  7 
him,  and  the  hand  of  the  reft  of  the  people  shal  be  layd  on 
laft:  that  thou  mayeft  take  aVay  the  cuil  out  of  the  middes 
of  thee-  t  "  Ifthoupercciuc  that  the  iudgement  with  thee  S 
be  hard  and  doubtful  betwcn  bloud  and  bloud,  caufe  and 
caufcjleprofie  and  not  Icproiic:  and  thou  fee  that  the  wor- 
dcsof  the  iudge«  within  thy  gates  doc  varyc:  arife,  and  goc 
::TnthecooTi- vp  to  the  place,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  shal  choofe.  f  And  5 
eel  of  Prieftcs  thou  shalt  comc  to  the  prieftes  of  the  Leuitical  ftockc,  and  to 
one  fupicmc    ::  tj^g  iudgc,  that  shal  be  at  that  time  :  and  thou  shalt  aske  of 
ludge  vrhich  ^^        u  ^hoshal  shew  thee  the  truth  of  the  iudament^. 

was  the  M)2;h        ,,,-,,,         1       ^  ,  ,  ^/-  , 

PpcO.  t-.  11     t  And  thou  ihait  do  whatloeucr  they,  that  are- prehdentes 

::Therc  were  of  the  place,  which  ourXord  fhal  choofc^.,  (hal  fay  and 

not  manic  pre  teach  thee,  f  according  to  his  law  j  and  thou  shalt  folow  11 

oncrWm    ^^^^^^  fentence  :  neither  shalt  thou  decline  to  the  right  hand 

ruccc'iTlon^one"^^'^*^^^^^^^^^^"'^'  t  But  "he  that  shal  be  proude,  refufing  ii 

after  an  other,  to  obey  the  commandcmcnt  of  the  Prieft,  which  at  that  time 


OflSccsofaKing,         Devteronomie.  455 

miniftreth  to  bur  Lord  thy  God,  and  the  decree  of  the  iudge, 
that  man  shal  die,  and  thou  shalt  take  a^zj  the  cuil  out  of 

15  Ifrael:  t  and  the  ^I'hole  people  hearing  shal  feare,  that  none 

»  .^larterirard  {\rcl  in  pride,  t  When  thou  art  cntrcd  the  Land, 
▼hich  our  Lord  thy  God  xril  geue  thee,  and  doeft  polFcflc 
it,  and  dwellefl:  in  it,  and  fay  eft ;  I  Nt'il  fcttc  a  king  ouer  me,  as 

f)  -al  nations  haue  round  about:  f  him  shalt  thoa  fcttc,  whom 

our  Lord  thy  God  «hal  choofe  of  the  number  of  thy  brethren.  ::  Pluralitic  of 
A  man  of  an  other  nation  that  is  not  thy  brother,  thou  canfl:  ^iucis  not 

ri  not  make  king,  f  And  vhen  he  is  made,  he  shal  not  mul-  r "J-^°'^^**' '  j[ 
tiplie  to  him  fclfe  horfcs,  nor  lead  backc  the  people  into  traBfcreflcd** 
i£gypt,taking  high  courage  for  the  number  of  his  horfcmen,  notthiiprc- 
efpccially  \phereas  our  Lord  hath  commanded  you  that  in  no  ccpt  htuing 

X7  cafe  you  returne  any  more  the  fame  vay,  -j-  He  -  shal  not  "*°*'*'  **•" 
haue  manie  xriucs,  that  may  allure  his  mindt>,  nor  huge  butS^l^°L 

iS   veightesof  filucrandgold.  f  And  after  he  shal  fittc  in  the  offended  in 
throne  of  his  kingdomc-/,  he  shal  copie  to  him  felfc  the  multiplying 
DeutcronomicofthisLairina  rolume,  ••  taking  the  copie  manic  viucs.  ^ 

15)  of  theprieflcsof  the  Leuitical  tribe,  f  and  he  shal  haue  it  *'  *''*■?'  '•  *7« 
with  him,  and  shal  reade  it  al  the  dayes  of  his  Hfc,  that  he  'fxcmporal 
maylcarnetofcarcourLordhisGod,  and  kccpe  his  vordes  good  Princes 

20  and  ceremonies,  that  are  commanded  in  the  lav.  f  And  that  take  the  lav, 
his  hart  be  not  lifted  vp  into  pride  ouer  his  brethren,  nor  >n<l^ordof 
decline  to  the  right  fide  or  the  left  fide,  that  he  may  reignc  a  p^icft^handcs: 
long  time,  and  his  fonnes  ouer  Ifrael. 

Chap.     XVIL 

I.  lfthei»dgiminti*hard.]  Foraful  andaflTurcddecifionofalcontroucrfics,  Supreme  luge 
God  here  inftituted  to  his  people  a  fuprcme  Tribunal,  that  in  cafe  inferior  °^  controuci- 
ludgcs  varied  iniudgcmcnt,  recourfc  might  be  had  to  the  Counccl  of  Prieftes.  "*•• 
where  one  chicfc  Iudge,  the  HighPricft,  u^'as  appointed  to  geue  fcnteace,  and 
al  others  coBimandcd  to  rcceiue  and  obey  the  fame. 

9.    yyhoslialshtyv  the  truth.]  God  fo  afTifted  this  confiftoric  vith  hfs  fpifitc 
of  truth,  that  their  featcncc  was  infallible:  thouchothervrilethcy  mighterrc,  r  r 

but  Hot  dee  accordtng  to  their  yyorkffMat.x^.Ani  S-Iohn  afcribcth  the  true  fen- 
tcnccgcuenbyCaiphas  in  the  counccLto  his  office  of  High  Pricft,  faying:  The  high 
{loan,  ir.)  He  faid  not  this  of  him  felfe^hnt  being  the  hi^h  friejl  of  that  jeare,  he  P"eft  was 
pro fhecied that  I  es  vs  shtitlddieftr  the  nation  and ta  ^ther into  one  the  f^i7<^r»i»cl*icf  Iudge, 

Ggg  of  cod. 

434  Devteronomie.  Pricfts  prouifioa 

of  God.  Where  the  high  pricft  by  vertuc  and.  priuilegc  of  kis  office,  ▼ttcrcd  the 

truth,  which  him  fclfc  nei chcr  meanc  nor  vp-d^rftood.  And  this  happened  when 

the  Law  and  PricOhood  of  thelcwes  was  ro  decline  &  gcuc  place  to  Chrifts  ncv 

ordinanccj  and  therforc  no  doubt  Godeaer  diredled  thefcntctoceof  the  hi_gh 

Protcftante J     Prieft:  and  moft fpecially  now  Chrifl-  prcferucth.  the  Apoftolique  See  from»error 

friuolous  cua-  in  faith,and  in  general  decrees  touching  manners:  yea  though  the  chicfe  viiiblc 

fion.  ludgc  were  as  wicked  as  Caiphas.  And  therfore  the  Proteflantcs  cuafion  is 

friuolous,  limiting  thcpiiefts  fentence  to  binde  the  fubicdcs,  ye/o»^  at  he  is  ^nrlish 
the  true  mmifitr  of  God,  and  pronouticeth  according  to  hii  yvord.   For  CTtccpt  God  ^^yig 
afllfted  him,  that  he  should  pronounce  according  to  his  word,  and  i'o  al  men  i  ^q?. 
reft fatisfied.fubmitting  them  felues  to  his  fentence,  the  costrouerfic  fliould    "       "^ 
»   be  cndles,  and  this  confiftorie  nothing  worth:  but  ftil  be  hcw  examinations.and 
new  iudgemcntcs,  whether  the  former  were  according  to  Gods  word  or  no. 
Prideinpti-         !*■•     Htthat  sbalhepraudr.]  This  alfo  conuinccth  ,  tkat  al  were  bound  to 
uateopinioa    accspt  of  the  high  priefts  fentence,  the  law  condemning  him  of  pride,  that 
puniflied  with  refufcdto  ebey  the  commandment  of  the  Priefi,  yyhich  *t  that  ttmeminiflred  to  ottrLordi. 
<ieatli.  and  for  his  difobcdiqHccpunifliing  him  with  death. 

Chap.     XVIII. 

In  Jieei of  other  inheritdnce  Priefus  und Leuites haue  protiipcn  hy  Sacrifieei 
dndolUtions.^.  ^l  fuper/Iition  t»  be  atioided.  1$.  Perpnuitie  of  pro- 
fh'Jtci,  and  fioAlly  one  Jpecidl  P  iv  o  p  n  £  T^  (  tofpits.  C JH  R  I  S  T  }  .  H 

tromtfcd.  10.  Falfe  ^ro^hettswu/}  l>cf;iiae'.  j'  i   .   "'.V'- 

He  prieftes  and  Lfiuitc^,  and  al  that  arc  of  the  fame  ^i 
tribe,  sha!  haueno  part  nor  inheritance  with  the  reft'  of 
Ifracl,  becaufe  they  shaicate  the  facrifices  of  our  Lord,  and 
■"  •;•';   :';,bis  pblari.ons,  f  and  nothing  els  shal  they,  rcceiae  of  the  t 
■^''*'''*^"  poireflion  of  their  brcthtcii:  for  our  Lord  him  l^ife  is  their 
inheritance,  as  he  hath  fpokcn  to  rhem.  -f  This  shal  be  the  5 
right  of  the  pri:fl:e5  from  the  people,  and  from  them  that 
offervidimcs:  whether  ihey  immokreoxcor  sheepc,  they 
shal  geue  to  the  prieil  the  shoulder  and  the  mawe; -j-  the  firil  ^ 
fruitesofcornCjof^inCj  and  bile,  and  apart  of  the  vooHe  of 
their  sheepe  shearing,  -f  For  him  hath  our  Lord  chofen  of  / 
al  ihy  tribes,  that  he  might  Hand,  and  miiiiRer  to  our  Lord 
he  and  his  fonncs  for  cucr.  f  If  aLeuite  gocoutof  one  of  6 
thy  cities  of  al  Ifrael  in  the  -which  I>e  dwelleth,and  would 
come  dcfiring  the  place  which  our  Lord  shal  choofe,  f  he  7 
shalminiftcrm  the  name  of  our  Lord  Kis  God>asal  his  bre- 
thren the  Leuites  ,  that  shal  (land  at  that  time  before  our 
Lord,  f  He  shal  rcceiue  the  fame  portion  of  meates,  that  8 
the  reft  doc  :  befide  that,  which  in  his  ownc  citie  is  dew  to 
him  by  fucccflion  from  his  fathers,  f  "When  thou  art  entred  51 
the  Laud*  which  out  Lord  thy  God  shal  gcue  thee,  beware 



JrueandfalfePropIietes;   Devteronomie.  45^ 

rhou  be  not  williiT:^  to  imitate  the  abominitionsof  tlidfe 
10  nations,  f  Ncithe;-  Jet  there  be  found  in  thee  any  that  shal 

expiate  his  fonne,  or  daughter,  making  rhem  to  palle  through 

the  fyre  ;  or  that  dcmandech  of  rum h( avers,  and  obferueth 
n   dreamcs  and  diuinations, neither  let  rhere  be  a  forcerer,  j-  nor 

inchsnter,  nor  that  confuitcrh  Nrith  pithone,  or  diuiners, 
12  and  feeketh  the  truth  of  tlic  dead,  t  for  al  thcfe  chingcs  our 

Lord  abhorreth,  5nd  for  thefe  abominarions  wil  he  deftroy 

•  *-   t^'thematthyentringin.  f  thou  shalt  be  perfetftjand  vithonc 

14  fpotteH'ith  our  Lord  thy  God.  f  Thele  nations,  whofe  land 

thou  shait  polFeire,  hearefouchfayers  and  diuiners  :  but  thou 
ij  art  other^iTe  inftruCbcd  of  our  Lord  rhy  God.  "f  "  A  pro- 

jp  li  IT   of  thy  nation  and  of  thy  brethren  like  vnto  me,  \ril 

16  our  Lord  thy  God  raife  vp  to  thee :  him  thou  shale  hcarc,  f  as 
thoudidftrequeftof  ourLord  thy  God  in  Horeb,  ^x'hcn  the 
alfemblicvf as  gathered,  and  faidil :  I  wil  no  more  hcare  the 
voiceofouxLord  my  God,  and  this  exccding  great  fire  I  wil 

17  leeno  more,  left: I  die,  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  raie ;  They 
iS'hauefpokenal  rhinges  wcl.  f  A  prophetewil  I  rayfe  vp  to 

them  outof  the  middcs  of  their  brethren  liketo  thee:  and 
I  wil  put  my  N^ordes  in  his  mouth,  and  he  shal  fpeake  al 

19  thinges  that  I  shal  command  him.  j-  but  he  that  wil  not  hcare  ::Thisforfcof 
hiswordes,  which  he  shal  fpeake  in  ray  name,  I  wil  be  the  falfe  prophets 

20  reuenger.  f  And  the  prophet  that  being  depraued  with  ar-  fignifiedHc- 

ropincic  wil  fpeake  in  my  name,  the  thinges  ••  that  I  did  not  ^^"^?^^' ,;^^ 
J  u-  r       ..         •       I  ^    rn  jj         preach  falfc 

command  hnn  to  lay,  ••  or  in  the  name  of  ftrange  goddes,  Jhines  in 

21  shalbeilaine.  f  AndiSin  fecrcte  cogitation  thou  anfwer:  chriAs  name; 
Howshallvnderftand  the  word,  that  our  Lord  fpake  not?  -Thefcprefi- 

11  tThisfignethoushalthaue:Thatwhichthe  fame  prophete  S^j^^^^lf*' 
foretcllcth,  in  the  name  of  the  Lord  and  cometh  not  to  palTe  :  renouncing 
that  our  Lord  hath  not  fpokcn,  but  by  the  arrogancie  of  chriit,cr- 
his  minde  the  prophet  hath  forged  it  ;    and  therfore  thou  prefly  profefTe 
Shalt  not  fcare  him,  ^  falfe  goddes* 

A  N  NO  T  AT  IONS. 
Chap.     XVIII. 

j^.     ..A  ?  Kovntr  of  thyttatisn.]  Amongftoth;r  places  this  plainly  pro- ~,i     /- 
jicth  that  the  famcvordcs  in  holic  Scripture  may  hauc  diuers  literal  fenfef.  ^"^  '^"^'^ 
Forfirftthc  coherence  of  the  text  fhewcth,  that  God  here  proraifed  to  <Tcue  ^^     ""^^'^ 
iiis  people  an  other  extraordinarie  prophet,  after  Moyfes  death,  of  their  ow'nc  ,     '^^,  ^  ^"  . 
nation:  as  vfcl  to  take  away  occafion  of  fecklng  to  fouthfavers,  diuiners,  and  o-  "''^^*'  lenles. 
tiicr  pvophanc  prbphctcs  of  falfc  goddes,  ftriclly  forbidden  in  the  wordes 
.       .  .  Ggg  i  going 


45^  Devteronomie.  Cicicsof 

going immcdiatly before; as  in approbatioo  of  their  conneaientdcnre,  men- 
tioned in  the  vordesfoIo\»'ing,  to  hears  Gods  v^ii,  not  by  himfelf,  nor  bjraa 
Angel,  but  by  Moyfc$,v6'hovf'a$no>H'  fliortly  to  be  taken  from  them.  And  fo 
this  promife  v/as  firft  performed  in  lofuc,  fucccding  next  after  Moyfes  in  go- 
uernment.  And  as  ncede  required  Godce&ffe^  not  to  fend  more  prophetesbe- 
fidej  their  ordinariePriefts.  Againc  thii  place  is  alfo  vnderftoed  of  Chrift  ous 
Sauiour,  chief  Prophete,  and  matter  of  ilprophctes;  S.  Peter  fo  expounding 

Chap.     XIX. 

Cttidine cities  of  refuge  mufi  he  Afiignei  for  caft4dl  mdnjldughter.  Ii.  'wilful 
murtber  punished  hj  dedtb  without  remiJSton»  ly.  fo  it  ht  coBuineed  hy 
two  »r  three  witaejfei,  16.  Falfe  Tfitnefisfumsbed  with  the  ^dine,  which 
the  crime  ohie^ed  deferueth. 

He  H  our  Lord  thy  God  hath  deftroycd  the  na-  1 
tions,  NJ'hofe  land  he  vil  dchucr  to  thee,  and  thou 
docftpoirefTeir,  and  dwelleft  in  the  cities  and  houfes  thcrof; 
t  three  cities  shalt  thou  fcparatc  to  thee  in  th%middcs  of  the  fc 
Land,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  wil  geue  thee  in  poflellion, 
i?TUe  way  tot  **  preparing  diligently  the  \ray;  and  thou  fllalt  diuide  the  f 
the  cities  of     \pholcprouinceof  thy  Land  equally  into  three  partes;  that 
ffcfngc  vere    [^^  ^hi^h  for  murder  is  a  fugitiue,  may  hauc  neere  at  hand^ 
raarkc*sfctfor  ^^"^er  to  efcape.  f  This  shal  be  thela^or  of  the  murderer  4 
direiSion. that  that  flecth,  vhofe  life  is  to  be  faucd :  He  that  ftriketh  his 
he  which  fled  neighbour  vnvitting,  and  that  is  proucd  yefterday  and  the 
might  noterre  ^^y  before  to  haue  had  no  hatred  again  ft  him :  f  but  to  haue  $ 
*'  ^*^'      gone  vith  him  fimply  vnto  rhewood  to  cutte  vood,  and  in 
cutting  the  \rood  of  axe  flipped  out  of  his  hand,  and  the 
yron  falling  from  the  handle  ftrooke  his  frcind,  and  killed 
him:  he  shal  flee  to  one  of  the  cities  aforefaid,  and  liuc:  f  left  € 
perhaps  the  next  kinfeman  of  him,  whofe  bloud  was  shed, 
pricked  with  forow,  purfew,  and  apprehend  him  if  the  way 
DC  too  long,  and  ftrickehisiifc,thAtis  not  guiltic  of  death, 
becaufe  he  is  proucd  to  haue  had  no  hatred  before,  againll 
him  that  was  ilaine.  f  Thcrfore  I  command  thee,  that  thou  7 
fcparat  three  cities  of  equal  diftance  one  from  an  other,  f  And  8 
wnen  our  Lord  rhy  God  shal  haue  dilated  thy  borders,  as  he 
fware  to  thy  fathers, and  shal  geue  thecal  the  Land,  that  he 
promifcd  them  ,  (  •\  yet  Co  ,  if  thou  kecpe  his  conamande-  jr 
mcntes,  and  do  the  thinges  which  I  command  thee  this  day, 
that  thou  loue  our  Lord  thy  God,  andwalkein  his  wayes  at 
al  time )  thou  shalt adde  to  thee  other  three  cities,  and  shalt 
fiittble  the  numbet  oftbe  three  cities  aforefaid:  f  thatinno-  i® 


refuge  DEVT1B.OHOMIB.  457 

cencbloudbenot  shed  in  the  middes  of  the  Land,  Nrhich 
our  Lord  thy  God  vil  gcue  thee  to  poflciTclcft  thou  be  guiltie 

II  of  blpud.  f  But  if  any  man  hating  his  neighbour,  lie  in  xrayte 
for  his  hfc,  and  rife  and  ftrikc  him,  and  he  die,  and  he  flee  to 

n  one  of  the  cities  aforefaid,  t  tbc  ancientes  of  his  citic  shal 
fend,  acd  take  him  out  of  the  place  of  refuge,  and  shal  deliur  r 
himinto  thehandof  the  kinfemanof  himjwhofc  bloud  \ra$ 

ij   fl)cd,and  he  shal  die.  t '•  Thou  shalt  not  pitie  him,  and  thou  i.Tfeisxras 
(halt  take  away  the  £>uikie  blosd  outof  Ifrael,  thatitmay  be  ^ayd  to  the 

,14  \rel  xrith  thee,  t  Thou  shalt  not  take,  and  transferre  thy  ^h°n,Pft°^J^, 
neighbours  boundcs,  which  thy  predcceflburs  did  fettc  in  intrcatcfor 
thy  polTcflion,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  wil  geuethcc  in  the  ihcmurdcrere 

IJ  Land,  that  thou  shalt  receiue  to  poiTeirc.  f  One  witneffe  pardon: but 
shal  not  ftand  againft  any  man,  whatfocucr  finne,  or  wicked-  ^ViJ^'"^"]'^'* 
nefleit  be:  but  in  the  mouth  of  two  or  three  witnclFes  shal  ^^^  ^^^^ 

i6  eucrie  word  ftand.  f  If  alying  witnefle  ftand  againft  a  man,  might  rcmitte 

17  accufing  him  of  preuarication,  f  both  of  them,  whofc  the  the  punifli- 
caufe  is,  shal  ftand  before  our  Lord  in  the  fight  of  the  prieftes  ***"*'• 

ifr  and  thciudges  that  shal  be  in  thofe  daies.  f  And  when  fcar- 
chingmoft  diligently,  they  shal  finde  that  the  falfe  witne* 

19  hath  faid  a  lie  againft  his  brother :  f  they  shal  render  to  him. 
as  he  meant  to  doe  to  his  brother,  and  thou  shalt  take  away 

20  the  euil  out  of  the  middes  of  thee:  f  that  others  hearing  ••ThjspertM* 
may  haue  fearc,  and  may  not  be  bold  to  doe  fuch  things,  jujgc :  who 

11  t  "  Thou  shalt  not  pitie  him,  but  life  for  life,  eie  for  tie,  vithont  parti- 
tooth  for  tooth,  hand  for  hand,  foote  for  foote  shalt  thou  alitiemuftd^ 
cxade.  ^"^i«! 

Chap.   XX. 
Idrvfulf^-drresuretohe  '\ndertAken^fiith  corege  dnd  ctnfience.  5,  Such  ds 

forl^ecUlcdufeimaybedtfctreged^muflbedifmiffed  fnm  thtfiddy  10. 
FVbdt  to  he  ohferuedtoxvardes  the  enimie.  19.  FFhdt  trees  way  not  he  cut 
downe,  and  what  forte  WAy  he  ^  for  the  l/fe  ofwdrres. 

IF  thougoeforthtowarrcagainftthyne  enemies,  and  fee  1 
the  horfe  men  and  chariottcs,  and  the  multitude  of  the  ad- 
iierfarics  hofte  greater  tfecn  thou  haft,  thou  shalt  not  fearc 
them:  bccaufc  the  Lord  thy  God  is  with  thee,which  brought 
thee  out  of  the  Land  of  i£gypt_,.  f  And  when  the  battel  is  z 
<now  at  hand,  the  prieft  shal  ftand  before  the  armie,  and  shal 
fpeake  to  the  people  thus:  f  Heare  Krael,  you  this  day  ioyn^  5 
battel  againft  your  enemies.  Ice  not  your  hart  fearc,  be  not 

Ggg  J  affrayd* 

4j8  Devteronomte.  Preceptes  an4 

atTrayd,retircnot,  neither  dread  them  :  f  becaufe  out  Lord  4 
your  God  is  in  the  middes  of  yoUjand  \)?il  fight  for  you  againft 
your  aduerfaries,  to  deliuer  you  from  danger,  t  The  Cap-  j 
taines  alfo  througheueriebandeintlic  hearing  of  the  hofte 
t:Mcn  pofTef-  flial  proclaime :  '■•  \6'har  man  is  there,  that  hath  built  a  new 
fcdwithfuch    houfe,  andharh  not  dedicated  it?  let  hina  goe,  and  returnc 
dcfueshauc      jn^Q  his  houfe,  left  perhaps  he  die  in  tV  battel,  and  an  other 
to'eooVfo'ia-  dedicate  it.  f  What  man  is  there  that  hath  planted  a  vine-  (J 
diats.  Andby    yard,  and  hath  not  asyct  madeittobe  comrnon,  wherofal 
vordcorcx-    men  may  lawfully  catc?  let  him  goc,  and  rcturne  into  his. 
ample  o£tca     ].q^Cq  .  [^.{^  perhaps  he  die  in  the  battel,  and  an  other  man  ex- 
thcrTso^in'      ecute  his  office,  f  "^^hat  man  is  there,  that  hath  defpoufcd  a  7 
fpiritual  var-  yFife^  and  not  taken  her?  let  him  goe,  and  returne  into  his  ^ 
fare,  wc  muft  houfCjieft  perhaps  hc  die  in  the  varre,  and  an  other  take 
nxjtbeaddi-    j^^^.^  u.  j^^^^  thinges  being  faid  they  shaladde  the  reft*, and  8 
lie  profites, or  shal  Ipeake  to  the  people:  What  man  is  there  i-eareful,  and    : 
pleafurcs.  '      fainte  harted  ?  let  him  goc,  and  returnc  into  his  houOi,  left  hc     . 
make  the  hartes  of  his  brethren  to  feare,  as  him  feife  is  frigh- 
ted with  fearc.  f  And  when  the  Capraines  of  the  hoft  llTal  9 
hold  their  peace,  and  make  an  end  of  fp caking,  cucric  man 
shal  prepare  their  bandes  ro  fight,  f  l^ ^^  anie  time  thoti-  10 
come  to  winne  acitie,  thoushalt  firft  offer  peace,  f  t^  t^^y  " 
rcceiuc  it,  and  open  the  gates  to  thee,  al  the  people  that  is 
therein, shal  be  faued,  and  shal  ferue  thee  vnder  tribute./. 
-f  Butif  they  wil  not  make  peace,  and  shal  beginne  battel  a-  12. 
gainftthee,  thou  shalt  aftalt  it.  f  And  when  our  Lord  thy  ij 
God  shal  deliuer  ic  into  thy  hand,  thou  shalt  ftrikeal,  that  is 
therein  of  the  male  fexe,  in  the  edge  of  the  fword,  -f  exccp-  14 
ting  wemen  and  children,  the  carteland  other  thingcs,  that 
are  is  the  citic.  Al  the  praye  thoushalt  diuide  to  the  armie, 
and  thou  shalt  eatc  of  the  fpoiles  of  thine  enemies,  which 
Gur  Lord  thy  God  shal  geuethec.  f  So  shalt  thou  doe  to  al   15 
cities,  that  be  vericfarrc  from  thee,  and  be  not  of  thefe  cities, 
which  tfaou  shalt  recciue  in  Jb^ifeflion.  f  Butofthofe  cities,  16 
that  shal  be  geuen  thee,  thou  shalt  fuffer  none  at  al  to  iiue: 
t  but  shalt  kil  them  in  the  edge  of  the  fi^ord,  to  wirte,  the   17 
Hethcirc,and  AmorrhcitcandChananeite,  the  Pherezcire, 
and  Heueits,  and  lebufeitc,  asour  Lord  thy  God  hath  com- 
manded thee  :-{-  left  perhaps  they  teach  you  to  doe  al  the  ab^   iS 
omina.tions,  which  them  felues  did  worl^  ro  their  goddes  : 
and /huHnncagainf^  our  Lord ypur  God.  f  "^lien  thou  haft  (9 


ludgcmentes.  Devteronomie-  4551 

befieged  a  citie  a  long  time,  and  haft  compafTed  ir  ^rith  nip- 

'  i  nition  to  •winne  it,  thou  shalt  not  cutte  do-wne  the  rrees^that 

may  be  eaten  ofj  neither  (halt  thou  fpoile  the  counirie  round 

.    about-withaxcs:  becaufeitisa  trecjandnot  a  man,  neither 

20  canitincreaff  the  number  ofwarryersagainft  thee,  f  But  if 

therebeany  trees  not  fruitful,  but  \vilde,and  apt  for  other 

.:  ivfes,  cutte  them  d^owne,  and  make  engincs^yntil  thou  take 

the  citie,  which  fightcth  againfl;  thee. 

Chap.     XXI. 

Bow  to  fef\e  out  a  ftcrcie  mtmhereir.  10.  "ij^'thteti  ta{m  in  battel  may  he 
miriid.and  afteryic4rdcscAn  not  he  fold  nor  mude  bond'^emsn.  ij.  The 
eidiji  [onne  mny  notbedipnuedof  hn  birthright  for  hatred  of  hismotbtr. 
18.  ^^uhhurne  fonne  muji  be  fionedto  dfath.  ii.  FP'hen  onen  hafircd 
on  4  ^t^bet,  he  'mtifi  bs  tj^ken  don?t  e  ike  fame  dap  and  buried. 

I  XT'XT^  ^^^   there  ihal  be  found  hi  the  Land,  xrhich 

V     V    our  Lord  thy  God  wil  geue  thee,  the  corps  of  a 

man  flaine,  and  he  that  is  guiltie  oFthe  murder  is  notknownc 

i  f  thy  ancientes,  andiudges  shal  goe  forth, and  meafure  from 
the  place  of  the  corps  the  diftance  of  euerie  citie  round  a- 

3  boiit:  t  and  which  they  (hal  perceiue  to  be  nceret  then  the 
reft,  the  ancientes  of  that  citie  shal  take  an  heifer  oat  of  the 
heard,  that  hath  not  drawen  yoke,  nor  ploughed  the  ground, 

4  f  and  shal  bring  her  to  a  rough  and  ftonic  valley,  thatneuer 
was  oioughed,  nor  receiued  fecde  :  and  in  it  they  shal  ftrikc 

5  of  ihe  necke  of  the  heifer  :  -f  and  the  prieftcs  the  fonnes  of 
Leui  shal  come,  whom  our  Lord  thy  God  hath  chofen  to  mi- 
nifter  to  him,  and  toblclTcin  hisnamc,  and  at  their  word  e- 
uerie matter  dcpendeth, and  whatfoeuer is  cleane  or  vncle- 

6  ane  miift  be  iiidged.  f  And  the  aitcientesof  that  citie  shal 
come  to  the  flaine  perfon,  and  shal  wash  their  handes  ouer 

7  the  heifer,  that  was  ftrooken  in  the  valley,  f  and  shal  fay  :■  '"' 
Our  handes  did  not  fheede  this  bloud,  ••  nor  our  eiesfceeit.-'r.-By  tfiisJcfi:- 

8  f  bemcrciful  to  thy  people  Ifrael,  whom  thou  haft  redemed  naonicanaab- 
o  Lord,  and  impute  notinnocent  bloud  in  the  middes  of  thy  '"ration  they 
people  Ifrael.  And  the  guilte  of  bloud  shal  be  taken  from  fcJufs  tUaf  ' 

5)  them:  f  and  thou  shah  be  free  from  the  innocents  bloud.that  they  were  not 
was  fhed, when  thou  shalt  hauc  done  that  which  our  Lord  negligent  in 

10  hath  commanded  thee,  f  If  thou  goe  forth  to  fight  againft:  tiyiBg  ^^^^^^ 
thyne  enemies,  and  our  Lord  thy  God  deliucr  them  in  thy 

11  hande  and  thou  leadc  ihcm  avay  capciue  ,  -j-  ^nd  fccft  in 



44©  Devteronomib.  Precepts  and 

the  number  of  the  captiucs  a  beautiful  Nroman,  and  loucft 
her,and\rilchaueher  to  \rife,  f  thou  (halt  bring  her  into  n 
thy  houfe :  who  flial  shauc  of  her  hare,  and  payrc  her  nailcs, 
•f  and  put  of  the  raymenr,  wherein  she  was  taken :  and  fitting  15 
in  thy  houfe,  shal  mourneher  father  and  moth  er'bnc  moneth; 
and  afterward  thou  shalt  enter  vnto  her,  and  (halt  flcepe 
with  her,  and  (he  (hal  be  thy  wife,  f  But  if  afterward  she  14 
content  not  thy  mynde,  thou  shalt  let  her  goe  free,  neither 
canft  thou  fel  her  for  money,  nor  opprefTe  her  by  might;  be- 
caufe  thou  haft  humbled  her.  f  If  a  man  hauc  two  wiues,  ly 
one  beloued,  and  the  other  hated,  and  they  hauc  begotten 
children  by  him,  and  the  fonnc  of  the  hated  be  the  firftbornc, 
f  andhemeaneth  todiuide  his  fubftance  among  his  fonncs:  16 
he  can  not  make  the  fonne  of  the  beloued  the  firft  borne,  and 
preferre  him  before  the  fonne  of  the  hated,  f  but  the  fonne  17 
of  the  hated  he  shal. acknowledge  for  the  firft  borne,  and 
shal  geue  to  him  of  thofe  thinges,  which  he  hath ,  al  duble : 
for  this  is  the  beginning  of  his  children,  &  to  this  are  dew  the 
firft  brith  rightes.  f  If  a  man  begctte  a  ftubbourne  and  frq-  iS 
ward  fonne,  that  wil  not  heare  the  commandementes  of  his 
father  and  mother,  and  being  chaftcned,  contemneth  to  be 
obedient :  f  they  shal  take  him,  and  bring  him  to  the  an-  19 
cientes  of  his  citie ,  and  to  the  gate  of  iudgement ,  f  and  10 
shal  fay  to  them:  Thisourfonne  is  froward  and  ftubborne, 
he  contemneth  to  heare  our  admonitions,  he  gcueth  himfclf 
tocomcflation,andtoryore  and  banketinges :  f  the  people  21 
of  the  citie  shal  ftone  him:  and  he  shal  die,  that  you  may 
takeaway  the  euil  out  of  the  middes  of  you,  and  al  Ifiael 
hearing  it  may  be  afraydc.  f  When  a  man  hath,  offended  fo  it 
"Mvftically,    tbat  he  is  to  be  punished  by  death,  and  being  condemned  to 
he  is  curfeil     die  is  hanged  on  agybbet:  +  his  bodie  shal  not  remaine  vpon  25 
that  pcrfiftcth  the  tree,  but  the  fame  day  shal  be  buried :  becaufe  he  is  '•'•  ac-  ic    curfed  of  God  that  hangeth  on  a  tree :  and  thou  shalt  not 
onthct^tcc'by  contaminate  thy  Land,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  geucth  thee 
vhichouffitftin  pollellion. 
paicnrs  finned  C  H  A  P.      XXII. 

Pietictowdrdei  neighboures,  ^.neither  JexemAyvfe  the4pp4relof  theother. 
6.  crudtit  to  be  ah  oided  eutn  torvardes  birdes^  8.  bdtlement  4lf9Ut  the  rooft 
4f  ahoiip'.cf,  Thmrs  of  diuers  ktndes  not  to  be  mixed,  11.  cordes  in  the 
hemes  of  a  cloke.  15.  TriaUndpanishmtnt  of  adttitene  And  of  defiownn^ 
'^fi'^'nes.^Q.  the  fonne  m4ji.»otm>trtc  bis  l^fpmothcr. 

Tho  V 


ludgcmentes.  Devteronomie.  441 

Hov  fbaltnorfce  thy  brothers  oxe,  or  fliecpeftraying, 

andpafTeby.but  (halt  bring  ir  backe  to  thy  brother, 

1  f  although  thy  brother  be  nor  nigh  ,and  tliou  kno'cr  bim 

not:  thou  shalt  bring  them  vnro  thy  houfe,  and  ti  ey  ihal  be 

Nrith  thee  vnril  thv  brother  (eeke  them,  and  receiue  rhcm. 

3  -f  Inlikeraanner  ihalr  thou  doe  "wirhhis  afle,  and  \rith  his 
ravraentjand  with  euerie  thing  of  thy  brothers,  that  shai  be 
lou;  if  thou  findc  it,  neglect  it  nor  as  perteyning  to  an  other.  . 

4  f  If  thou  fee  thy  brothers  afle  or  oxe  to  be  fallen  in  rhe  way, 
thou  shalt  not  contemne  it,  but  shaJt  lift  k  vp  with  him. 

J  f  A  woman  fiial  not  be  clothed  x^ith  mans  apparel,  neither 
(hal  a  man  vfe  tomans  apparel;  for  he  is  abominable  before 

6  God  that  doeth  thefe  thingcs .    -f    If  walking  by  rhe  \ray 

thou  finde  a  birdfsneft  in  a  tree  or  on  the  ground,  and  the  , 

damme  fitting  vpon  the  youn^  or  the  ceges  :  thou  shalt  not  i\jfl''^^°^/* 
.1.1  11^  ,    ?        T     1    1   ^1  I  •         1       nadflatroofes 

7  hold  her  with  her  young,  j  but  shalt  let  her  goe,  takmg  the  asmanleof 

young  and  holdmg  them  ;  that  it  may  be  wel  with  thee,  and  our  churches, 

8  thou  mayeft  Hue  along  time,  f  When  thou  buildefl:  anew  pallaces.and 
houfe,  thou  shalt  make  '•  a  batlemenr  to  the  roofe  round  l^^^'  ^^*^^* 
about:  left  bloud  be  thed  in  thy  houfe,  and  thou  be  guiltie  arc  neceflirie 

5)  an  other  flipping,  and  falling  headlong,  f  Thou  shalt  not  for  danger  of 
fowe  thy  vmeyard  with  diuerfe  feede:  left  both  the  feede  falling  \s!'hen, 
which  thou  didil:  fow,  and  the  thinges  that  grow  of  the  vine-  ^/''^  ^al-^e 

10  yard,  '•'  be  fandified  together,    -f  Thou  fnalt  not  plough  -.Forcorre- 

11  with  an  oxe  and  afTe  together,  f  Thou  ft^alt  not  wcarc  a  dionoffoco- 
IX  garment  thatis  wouen  of  wolle  and  linnen.  -f-  Thou  shalt  uetousamind 

makelitlecordes  inthehemme  at  thefoure  corners  of  thy  ^^^  ^'^°^^ 

15  clok«,  wherwith  thou  shalt  be  couered.  f  If  a  man  marrie  ^'^^^f^'^";^^^" 
24  a  wife,  and  afterward  hate  her,  f  and  feeke  occafions  to  put  pious  vfes. 

her  away, obieding  vnro  her  arverieil  name,  and  fay  :  Itooke 
this  wi/e.^,  fand  compayning  with  her  :   I  found  her  not'"  ^^"^r 
i;  a  virgin:  f  her  father  awd  mother  shal  take  her,  and  shal 
carie  with  them  the  fignes  of  her  virginitieto  the  ancicntes 

16  of  thecitiethatarein  the  gate:  f  and  rhe  father  shal  fay: 
I  gaue  my  daughter  vnto  this  man  to  wife :  whom  becaufe  he 

17  hateth,f  hclayeth  vnto  her  averieilname,  fo  that  he  fayeth: 
I  found  not  thy  da^ighter  a  virgin;  and  behold  thefe  are  the 
fignes  of  my  daughters  virginitie.  they  shal  fpread  the  vefture 

iS  bel-ore  the  ancicntes  of  thecitic:  f  and  theancientesof  that 

15)  citic  shal  take  the  man,  and  beate  him,  f  condemning  him 

befidcsinahundredficlcs  of  filucr,  which  he  shal  geue  to 

Hhk  the 

442.  Devteronomie.  Precepts  and 

the  wenches  father,  becaufc  he  hath  infamoafely  fprcd  a 
verieilnatne  vpona  virgin  of  Ifracl:  and  he  shal  hauc  her 
to  xrifc.  and  can  not  put  her  avay  al  the  daies  of  his  lift^. 
-f  But  if  it  be  true  which  he  obieded/and  virginitic  be  not  le 
found  in  the  wen^h:  t  they  shal  caft  her  forth  \rithout  the  zi 
doorcsof  her  fathers  houfe,  and  the  mem  of  her  citie  shal 
Aonc  her  to  death,  and  she  thai  die  .•  becaufe  (he  hath  done 
^ivkednesinlfrael,  to  fornicate  in  her  fathers  houfe:  and 
thou  shale  take  away  the  euil  out  of  the  middes  of  thee  .  f  If  iz 
a  man  lie  with  an  others  mans  wife,  both  shal  die,  that  is  to 
fav,  the  aduouterer  and  the  aduoutereflc  :  and  thou  shalt 
(takeaway  the  euil  out  of  Ifrael.  f  If  a  man  hauc  dcfpoufed  ij 
amaidc  thati$avirgine,andromemanfindc  her  in  the  citie, 
and  lie  with  her,  t  ^^o\i  shalt  bring  fovh  both  of  them  to  14 
chegateof  that  citie,  and  they  shal  be  ftoned:  the  maidej  be- 
caufc she  cried  not^  being  in  the  citie  :  the  man,  becaufe  he 
hath  humbled  his  neighbours  wife,  and  thou  shalt  takeaway  ' 

the  cuil  from  the  middes  of  thee,  f  But  if  the  man  finde  i/ 
themaide  thatisdefpoufed,  in  the  field,  and  taking  her,  life 
with  her,  he  alone  shal  die:  f  themaide  shal  (ufFer  nothing,  16 
neither  is  she  guiltie  of  death:  for  as  a  theefe  ryfcth,againft  his 
brother,  and  takcth  away  his  life,  fo  alfo  did  the  maide  fuffcr. 
f  she  was  alone  in  the  field  .•  she  cried,  and  there  was  no  man  27 
to  deUuer  her.  f  If  a  man  finde  a  maide  that  is  a  virgin,  which  i8 
hath  not  a  fpoufe,  and  taking  her  lie  with  her,  and  the  matter 
comcintoiudgemcnt:  f  he  that  lay  with  her,  shal  gcue  to  15 
the  father  of  the  maide  fiftic  ficlcs  of  filuer,  and  shal  haue  her 
to  wife, becaufe  he  hath  humbled  her :  he  can  not  put  her 
away  al  the  daies  of  his  life,  t  No  man  shal  take  his  fathers  5* 
wife,  nor  reuclehiscouering". 

Chap.    XXIII. 
SHnuthesJbdJinrdeiy  Modhitey-,Cr'  ytmmonites  mny  n«t  enter int«  the  Church, 
y.ldnmednsy  aad  JE^ft'iAtu  may  he  admitted.  9.  ohferuAtion  offpirttHdi 
dtidcorporAlcUdnnes.  i'}.  other frettptti  concerning fugitiuesy  17.  forni'* 

'.I  Such  as  arc       cdtiotfi  19.  ')'furie,  ii.  "Vojs?^*,  24 .  and  edting other  mtns^rdpes  or  come. 

barrc  in  good 

wotkescan         A     j^  -  eunuch  that  hath  his  ftones  broken,  or  cuttc  of,  s 
GodTh"urc*°  -^^  ^  ^"  yeard  cutte  away,  shal  not  enter  into  the  church 
jheoi.q.xy  in  ofourLord.  |  Mamrer,  that isto  lay,  ouc  borne  of  a  com-  t 
Ptut.  mon  woman,  shal  not  enter  into  the  church  ofourLord, 

KThefc  natios  yntil  the  tenth  generation^,  t  The  "•  Ammonite,  and  the  % 
rotable  to  -  ^  Moai)it« 

ludgcioentes.  Divtironomii,  W 

MoaWte  yea  after  the  tenth  generation  shalnotentcnnro^  hurtthf  chjl. 
4  the  church  of  our  Lord,  for  cuer:  f  becaufe  they  would  not  ^^i;;";  ^J,^;^ 

racctc  you  \rith  bread  and  \rater  in  the  ^ay,  ^Jfhen  you  came  „y,ng  ordina^ 

out  of  itgypt ;  and  bccaufe  they  hyred  againft  thee  Balaam,  lit  curtcCcj, 

the  Tonne  of  Beorof  MefopotamiainSyria,to  curfe  thec_>;  nor  by  force. 
J  t  and  our  Lord  thy  God  would  not  heare  Balaam,  and  he  g^aj^^^""! 

turned  his  curfinginto  thy  blciring,for  that  he  loued  thec^  .  them,  yet  in- 
$  t  Thou  shalt  not  make  peace  with  them,  neither  doe  thou  ueglingihem 
7  feeke  their  good  al  the  daies  of  thy  life  for  euer.  f  Thou  Jfith  carnal 

shaltnotabhorretheldumcit^,  becaufeheis  thy  brother:  [|"f„*{,J;f„"j^',; 

nor  the  Egyptian,  bccaufe  thou  waft  a  ftranger  in  his  land,  perucrfe  fia- 
Z  t  They  that  are  borne  of  them,  in  the  third  generation  shal  ners,  that  nc- 
5)  entcrintothe  church  of  our  Lord,  t  When  thou  goeft  forth  ucr  amending 

againft  thyne  enemies  to  battel,  thou  shalt  keepe  thy  felf  ""h"iy"reccr. 

10  from  al  euil  thing,  f  If  there  be  among  you  a  man,  that  is  u|d  into  the 
polluted  in  a  dreame  by  night,  he  shal  goc  forth  without  the  Church  of 

11  campe,  f  and  shal  not  returnc,  before  he  be  washed  with  God. 
waterateuen  .and  after  funnefettc  he  shal  recurne  into  the 

n  campe.  f  Thou  shalt  hrue  a  place  without  the  campe,  whi« 
13  thcrthouroaycftgoeto  the  neceffities  of  nature,  f  carying 
on  thy  girdle  a  piked  inftrument.&:  when  thou  fitteft  downe^ 
thou  ^halt  digge  roundabout,  and  with  the  earth  that  is  dig= 
94  gedvpshal  couer  f  that  which  thou  art  eafed  of  (for  our 
Lord  thy  God  walketh  in  the  middes  of  thy  campe,  to  dehucr 
thee,and  to  geue  thyne  enemies  vnto  thee )  and  let  thy  campe 
bcholie,  and  let  no  filthinesappeare  therein,  left  he  forfake 

15  thee,  t  Thou  shalt  not  dcliuer  the  feruant  to  his  Maifter^ 

16  that  is  fled  to  thee,  t  he  shal  dwclwith  thee  in  the  plac&^2> 
that  shal  plcafe  him,  and  in  one  of  thy  cities  shal  he  reft  :  vexe 

17  him  nor.  f  There  shal  be  no  whoore  of  the  daughters  oC 

18  Ifrael,  norwhooremongcr  ofthe  fonnes  of  Ifracl.  f  Thou 

shalt  not  offer  the  hire  of  a  ftrompetjiior  the  price  of  a  dogge,,,  ^    .  ^     ^^ - 
in  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  thy  God,  whatloeuer  it  be  that  thou  eneraic5*:^e 
haft  vowed:becaufe  both  is  abomination  before  our  Lord  thy  here  called 

19  God.  f  Thou  shaltnot  lend  to  thy  brother  money  to  vfuric,  ftrangers: 
10  norcoine,norany  other  thing:  f  but  ••  to  the  ftragcr.  And  to  ^herethcr- 

thy  brother  thou  shalt  lend,  that  which  he  necde"th  without  c^fc  of"^  r^ 
vfurie:  that  our  Lord  thy  God  may  blefle  thee  in  al  thy  workc  re,  there  onlv 
21  in  the  Land  ,  which  thou  shalt  enter  to  poffeftc.  f  When  It  is  lawful  to 
thou  haft  vowed  a  vow  to  our  Lord  thy  God,  thou  shalt  not  ""cifevfu- 
flackc  to  pay  it :  bccaufe  our  Lord  thy  God  wil  require  it.  '^^rtbi^^l'^'"' 

Hhh  ?,  and 


444^  D'EVTERONo  Kf  IE.  Prcccptcs and^ 

j.Vo-wisbiiK^e  and  ifthouclelay,itsft2l  be  reputed  to  thee  for  finne.  f  "  i^  ii 
wiirw°rno    ^^^o^'^ilf '■"^tpromifs,  thou  shale  be  without  finnc.  f  But  25 
©bh"ation.       ^^^^  which  is  once  gone  out  of  thy  hppes,thou  shalt  obferue, 
and  shalt  doc  as  thou  haft  promiled  to  our  Lord  thy  God,  and 
baft  fpoken  with  thy  proper  wil  and  thyne  oN^ne  mouth, 
•}-E"t:ringinro  thy  neighbours  vineyarde,earc  grapes  as  much  14 
as  shalpleafe  thee:  but  Carrie  none  out  with  thee,  f  If  thou  zj 
enter  into  thy  freindcs  corne,  thou  shalt  bteake  the  eares^ 
and  rubbe  them  in  thy  hand :  but  with  a  fikclc  thou  shalt  nor 

Chap.    XX  I  III. 

JOiUdrce  permitted  to  AuotdsgnAteriud.  5.  Thenttfilj  mAritd  ynufl  not  <^e 
to  Tifiane.  7.  He  thxt  trAtcrouJl/fcUttb  a.  m&n  mult  he  sUme,%.  tlifehedi' 
enceto  Pnejles  mcurreih  Itprojie.  10.  Such  thmtn  mdy  not  he-taken  to 
^Ldre^  4S  can  not  be  '^dfpared.  i^.Poore  Uborers  miiH  be frefcntly  payed, 
16.  not  oncpuniihcdfar  an  others  faulty  hut  tight  mdgementto  al,  18.  and 
liberal almei  to  the poore, 

F  a. man  take  a  wife,  and  haue  her,  and  she  ^lWcc  not  graccT  i " 
before  his  eies  for  fonnclothforaenes :  he  shal  write  a  bil 
ofdiuorce>3nd  shal  geue  it  in  her  hand,  and  "  dimifieherouc  • 
ofhishoufe.  \  And  being  departed  when  she  shal  haue  mar-  t 
ried  an  other  husband,  •}•  and  he  aifo  hateih  her,  and  haih  5. 
geucn  hera  bii  of  diuorce^and  hath  dimiired  her  out  of  his 
houfcjorisdeade;  t  the  former  husband  can  not  take  her  4 
agaiae  to  wife  :  becaufe  she  is  polluted,  and  is  made  abomi- 
nable before  our  Lord:  left  rhou  make  thy  Land  to  fmnc, 
which  our  Lord  ihy  God  shal  dcliner  thee  to   polIelTe.^. 
f  "^"{'hcnaraanhathlately  taken  a  wife,  he  shal  not  goe  forth  § 
.tobattel,  neither  shal  any  publique  neccllicie  be  inioyned 
him,  but  hcshal  attend  to  his  o^sne  houfc  without  fault--, 
that  one  yearehe  liiay  reioyce  with  his  wife,  -j-  Thou  shalt   ^ 
not  rake  for  a  pledge  the  nether,  or  the  vppcr  miiftonc:  be- 
caufe ••  he  hath  pledged  his  life  to  thee.  |  If  any  man  be   7 
/'^Jf^^/^^f'f  taken  foliciting  his  brother  of  the  children  of  Ifracl,  and 
et'hrtLfpTcd-  ^f)Ung  him  take  ?.  nricc,  he  shal  be  (lajne,  and  thou  shalt  take 
gingrhcrhjng  a.'Pay  the  euil  from  the  middes  of  thee.-  +  Obfcrue  diligenrly  8 
vilieiin  the      that  thou  incutre  not  the  plague  of  Icprohc,  but  thou  shale 
"'^^r';f*"^j'^'^  doe  whatfoeucrtheprieftcs  cf  the  Lcuiticalftocke  sh.-vl  teach 
if  hepledred    ^hee,  accordmg  to  chat,  which  I  haue  commanded  them,  and 
'  islifc,  ^'      Adfii  thou  ic  carefully,  f  Rememba-  vhat  cur  Lord  your  9 


ludgementes.  Devteronomi£.  A4s 

GoJdid  CO  Marie,  in  the  "«'ay  \rhenyou  cameout  of /4:gvpr. 

10  t  when  t!.ou  Tnalt  require  of  thy  neighbourany  thing,  rhac 
heovreththccj  thou  lliaknocencerinco  his  houlc  to  take  a- 

11  waya'pledge:  f  but  thou  Cbalt  ftanJ- without,  and  he  shal 

12  bring  forth  to  thee  that  v<'hich  he  hatb.  t  burif  he  bepoore, 
ij  the  pledge  shal  not  lodge  with  thee  that  night,  f  but  forth- 
with thou  shalt  reftorc  \i  to  him  before  the  going  dov^ne  of 
the  funne  :  that  deeping  in  his  raymcnt,  he  may  blelFe  rhce, 

\^  &  thou  mayeft  haueiuftice  before  our  Lord  thy  God.  t  Thou 
shale  nor  dcnie  the  hyre  of  the  ncedie_^,  and  pcore  man  thy 
brothel,  or  the  ftranger,  that  dwelleth  with  thee  in  the  land,, 

IJ  and  is  within  thy  gates :  •\  but  the  Tame  day  thou  shalt  pay 
hira  thcprice  of  his  labour,  before  the  going  downe  of  the 
funnc,  "  bccaufeheispoore,  and  there  withal  fuiUyncth  his  .-.In  cafe  the  la- 
life:  left  he  eric  againft  thee  to  our  Lord,  and  \i  be  reputed  borerfuftey- 

16  to  thee  fora /innc.  f  The  fathers  shal  not  be  flainc  for  the  nethhishfe 

childrcn,nor  the  children  for  the  fathers, but  euerie  one  shal     '^    ^^   1  *^ 
'•    r      I  •  r  J.  T-L  I    J  1      •    J  vragcs,  then 

17  die  for  hisownelinne.  f  Thou  shalt  notperuercthe  ludge-  nottopayhim 

mcncof  theftranger  and  the  pupil,  neither  shak  thou  take  isineffcato 
iS  away  the  widowesraymenc  for  a  pledge,  j  Remember  that  l^ilhim.  and 
thoudidft  feriiein  .-Egypt,  and  our  Lord  thy  God  deliuercd  ^^"^^'loCoVfor 
thee  from  thence,  Therfore  I  command  thee  that  thou  doe  reuenge 
15)  this  thing,  f  "When  thou  haft  reaped  the  corne  in  thy  field, 
and  forgetting  haft  left  a  iheafe,  thou  shale  not  returne  to 
take  it  away:  but  thou  shsltlfuffer  the  ftrringer,  and  the  pupil, 
and  the  Vs-^i dew  to  take  it  away,  that  our  Lord  thy  God  may-; 
io  bJelletbee  in  al  the  worke  of  thy  handes.  f  If  thou  haue 
gathered  the  fruites  of  thy  oliue  trees,  whatioeuer  remaincth 
on  the  trees,  thou  shalt  not  returne  to  gather  it:  but  shale 
21  leaueir  to  the  llrangcr,  the  pupil,  and  the  widow,  f  If  thou 
make  vintage  of  thy  vineyard  ,   thou  shalt  not  gather  the 
cluftcrs  that  remainc,  but  rhcy  shal  goc  to  the  vfes  of  the 
ii  ftrangcr,  the  pupil,  and  the  widow,  f  Remember  thatthou' 
nlfo  did  ft  ferue  in  i^igypt,  and  therfore  I  command  thee  that 
thou  doc  this  thing, 

Chap.     XX  I  HI. 

T.  Dinnjfehtr.  ]  Whether  this  diuorce  was  toHcrated  as  a  IcfTe  finne,  toa- 
uoide  a  greater,  as  S.  Hierom.  ( J».  r.;»>.-74r,r.  y.o-//  5.  i»  r.  19.)  S.  Chryfo- 
ftonx- (fco.ii.#»M4f.  J.  )anu  others  teach;  or  difpenfed  withal,  and  fo  made 

Hhh  }  lavful" 

44^  Devtekomomii.  Preceptes  and 

whether  the  lawful  to  thclewcs,  which  is  alfo  probabtle,  for  hat  aone  of  theholie  Pro- 
band of  mari-  phetcs  did  cucr  reprehend  it ;  fare  it  is,  that  Chrift  cither  by  correcting  a  fault, 
age  could  be    or  by  recalling  a  former  difpenfation,rcftored  the  infolubilitie  of  mariagc  to 
loofed  or  no     the  6r^in(ihmion,  fiyia^:  (^^at.  19.)  That yvhich  God  hiithitynedto2,fther,lttnef 
inthcoldlawj  m4»/<r;'4r4f«.  Further  anfwcring  the  Pharefcs/conccrning  this  law:  tkat  'Moy. 
amongftChri-  fesforththardnesofyourhartpermittedyotttodnnifeyoHryyiues:  but  from  the  hegin- 
ftiasitcannot  ningityyasntt/o.  AnJalbcitheallowcthfeparationof  man  and  wife  for  forai- 
bc  dilTolucd.      cation,  yet  for  no  caufe  neither  of  them  can  marie  againe,  fo  long  as  the  other 
liucth.AsS  Aus^ai^iTi  { I  i.  J.  dt  adulter,  ttnittgijs  c,ji.&  i\.)  by  conference  of 
No  not  for       three  Euangcliftcs  wordes  touching  this  point,  plainly  (heweth,  concluding 
adultrie,   '       that fot fommh as hehe scrif'titrecalleth  htm  (that  takcth  a  woman  fo  dimiffed) 
mot  a  husband^  but  anadttlterer^  she  lyflilhtsyvife^byyyhem  for  formcation  she  yya$ 
dtmtjfed.  Likewifchcprouethby  SPaulesdodrin  ( il«m.  -j  .&i.  Cor  7  )  that 
though  diuorcc  be  made  for  adultrie,  yet  neither  the  guiltie  nor  Innocenr  par- 
tic  can  marieanathcr,  forthe  Apoftlcfaicth  :  ayyoman  ts  yndtr  the  law  of  her 
hufband,  0  longtishe  ltueth,ith'^rhKsb*ndbe  dezd^  she  is  loofed  fratn  his  layy.   Ther- 
fore  her  husband  Umngjshe  shal  he  caUeda»  ad»oMtrejfey  if  she  be  yyith  an  other  man. 
ifsheffartlet  \jer  rtmatneynmaried^or  be  reconciled  f»  h(r  h»>band.:A  yvoman  ts  bond  ts 
^^  the lay^fo lonrtime,asher  husband Uetb,8ic.  rhe*c  wordesof  the  Apoftlc  (faycth 
^^  he,//  i.f  4.)'ooftcnrepctcd,fooftcnin(  ultatcd, arc  true, arcliuclie,arefound, 
^^  areplainc.A  wjnnanbeginnetb  not  to  be  the  w.fc  ofa  Lter  hufhand,exceptlhc 
^^  ceafe  to  be  the  "K-if^  of  the  former  And  fcc  cacff  th  to  be  the  w  ife  of  the  former, 
if  he  die,  not  if  he  (or  (he)  committe  adultrie.  Therforc  a  wife  is  lawfully  di- 
Omly  before^    mifTedforfornicition,  but  ih^bond  of  the  former  remaJneth;  for  which  caufc 
confummstio    j^g  j^  guiltie  of  adultrie,  that  marieth  her  chat  is  dimiffed,  yea  though  it  be  for 
Manaee  IS  dil-  fornication.  Thus  and  much  more  faycth.  S.  Auguftin  in  the  fame,  &  in'othet 
folucd  by  10-    bodices  And  al  the  ancient  fathers,  and  lerncd  fchoolmeft  teach  vniformly,that 
lemnc  vow  in  nothing  but  bodilie  death  can  loofe  the  band  of  Mariageconfummate  j  nor  of 
Religion.         Ynconfummate,  but  death,  or  folcmnc  tow  in  an  approued  rule  of  rchgion. 

Chap.   XXV. 

funiihment  dffUB^d  iicc9rding  t9  the  faulty  hut  ft  that  he  which  is  le^ten 
hAtie  net  ahouefourtte  firtpes.^.  The  oxes  mouth  not  he moofeled that  tre4- 
deth  corne.  ^.  Smarted m4n  djing  yt>ithout  i(?tte,  his  brother  mu/f  mirii 
ihe  fipidow.  ii.  The  fptfe  that  takfth  her  hit/bands  a^uerfdrie  hy  priuities 
mtifi  lofe  her  hand,  15 .  »o  falfe  tveightes^  »•;•  mea^tires  to  he  ^e^t.  17.  ^- 
melicites  mufi  he  "Mierli  deffrcyed. 

IF  therebeacontrouerfiebctvrenfomcandthey calvpon  i 
theiudges:  whom  they  shalperceiue  to  be  iuft,  to  hirn  rhey 
.shal  gcue  the  price  of  iuftice ;  whom  impious,  him  they  shal 
condemne  of  impietie.  t  And  ifthey  fee  that  the  offender  be  1 
MTortbie  of  flripes:they  (hal  cafl:  him  downc,&  shalcaufe  him 
;:  S.  Paul  ex-  to  be  beaten  before  them.  Accordingro  the  meafurc  of  the 
poundcth  this  fmne  shal  the  meafure  alfo  of  the  ftripes  be:  f  yet  (o.that  they  5 
t*u^aJUborcrin  ^^*^^^^^  "^^ '^^e  """^^^erof  fourtie:  left  thy  brother  depart 
Gods  Church"  ^^^'^X  ^^^""^  before  thync  cics.  f  Thou  shaU  "-not  moofel  the  4 


ludgcmcntes.  Devteronomii.  447 

mouth  of  the  oxe  that  treadeth  out  thy  come  in  the  Acre,  that  he  muft 

5  I  when  brethren  shal  d^rel  together,&  one  of  them  die  with'  i^au*  his  main 

out  children,  the  wife  of  the  dcccafed  fhal  not  marie  to  an  o-  ^^^^"^^^J  ^°'^^^ 

then  but  "  his  brother  ihal  take  her,and  rayfe  vp  the  fcede  of  ^  ^  i.r/w.j  it 

<   his  brother :  f  and  the  firft  borne  fonnc  of  her  he  shal  cal  by  was  alfo  ment 

7  his  name,that  his  name  be  not  abolished  out  of  Ifraelf  But  if  °^®^^"'  ^*  ^^ 
he  wil  not  take  his  brothers  wife,  that  by  law  is  dew  to  him,  j^^sV^.tW 
the  woman  shal  goe  to  the  gate  of  the  citie,  and  cal  vpon  the  ^  ji.,„Df«t. 
ancientes,and  fay:  My  husbandes  brother  wil  not  rayfe  vp  his  ::  Hcthatdif- 

8  brothers  feede  in  Ifrael:  nor  take  mc  to  his  wife,  t  And  dainethtoho- 
forrhwith  they  shalcaufe  him  to  be  fent  for,  and  shal  aske  "^''^''/jj'i'^^l'"' 

'    5  hira.  Ifheanfwer:!  wilnottakeher  towife:  t  thewoman  jgjpi^^j"    ^ 
shalcometo  him  before  the  ancientes,andshal takeof  his  ::Alaficfami- 
shoe  from  his  foote,  and  "  fpitte  in  hisFace,and  fay  ;  So  shal  Hc&Tnprofi- 
itbedonerotheman,thatbuildeth  not  his  brothers  houfe.  "^'^^^^p^^^j^ 
10  f  And  his  name  shal  be  called  in  Ifrael  ••  The  houfe  of  the  Myfticallr,pi- 
ft  vnshodde.  f  If  two  men  fal  at  wordes  betwixt  them  felues,  ftors  and  Do- 
and  one  beginne  to  brawlcagainft  the  other,  and  the  wife  of  dorsmuftbc- 
the  one  willing  to  delmei  her  husband  out  of  the  hand  of  the  gctjpiruual 
^4  ftronget,putfoith  her  hand,  and  take  his  priuitics:  f  tl^ou  chrift^'not  to 
shaltcutteofher  hand,  neither  shalt  thou  be  moued  with  thcmfelucsj& 

15  anypitie  vpon  her.  f  Thou  shalt  not  hauediuerfe  weightes  fo  they  arc  cal- 
14  inthybaggcagrcaterandalede:  f  "either  shal  there  be  in  ledChnftiani, 
i;   thy  houfe  a  greater  bushel  andaleife.  f  Thou  shalt  haue  a  ^°homS  Paul 

weight  iuft  and  true,  and  thy  bushelshal  be  equal  and  true:  conuertcd. 
that  thou  mayeftliue  a  long  time  vpon  the  Land,  which  our  And  he  that  is 

16  Lord  thy  God  shal  geuethce»t  For  thy  Lord  abhorreth  him,  elcaedbythc 

17  that  doth  thefcthinges,  and  dctcftethaliniui^ice.  t  Remem-  jituaJ f ^^£^[5] 
berwhat  ••  Amalecdid  to  thee  in  the  way  when  thou  cameft  &  ncgleactk 

i8  outof  ^gypt:  thovhemettethee:  &ftrokcthehindemoft  his  dutie,  is 
of  thy  armie,  which  being  wearic  refted  them  felues,  when  worthieofrc- 
thou  waft  fpent  with  famine  and  labour,  and  he  feared  not  r'^^i  t°^i^ 
ip  God.  f  Therfore  when  our  Lord  thy  God  shal  geue  thee  u.^x.cAO'tontl 
reft,  and  fubdewc  al  nations  round  about  in  the  Land,  which  Fault.  %ianich. 
he  hath  promifed  thee:  thou  shale  dcftroy  his  name  vndcr  -Amalec  firft 
heauen.  Beware  thouforeetit  not.  impugned  If. 

o  rael  after  they 

'" — ■ ■"     hadptflcdthe 

ANNOTATIONS.  rcdfM.i*..i7- 

Chap.   XXV. 

|.   His  hrothtr shal ta^ehtr.  ]  Thisproueth  euidcntly  that  the  prohihition, 
aot  to  marie  the  brothm  wife  ( itun.  iS.j  was  afvficiuc  Uv^,  biadLie  on\j 


44^  DsvTERONOMiE.  Preccpts  and 

Manage  with  when  tbefirft  brother  dying  left  ifTue  .  F©r  dying  without  iffue,  his  brother 
the  brothers  wai  bound  by  this  law  to  marie  the  widow.  In  default  of  the  brother,  the  next 
wife,  hedy-  ofkinnewas  to  marie  her  :  and  for  default  ofnecrcr,  the  more  remote. foBooz 
ingwithout  maried  Ruth.  Neither  was  it  contrarie,  but  agrcabic  to  the  lawof  nature,  to 
iffuc.  marie  the  brothers  wife  when  he  was  dead  without  iiruc,  as  is  before  noted.  ^''^"•J** 

aen.  }8.  O'  4- 

Chap.     XXVI. 

Ftrft  fruifes  muJI  he  offered  in  fpecUl  pUce  AJsi^nedto  Gods  femicey  frofif- 

fin^of  gvAtitude for  theUnd po^effed Accordmgte  Gods promife.  n,  nJ{e- 

ivife  tithes  ef  the  third  yeare,  16.  ^itb  condufion,  that  the  people  promife 

to  obferue  d  thepreceptes  of  God^  and [0  dain^  he  wi! protefl  and  profper 


The  third  lef-    A    Nd  when thou art  entred  into  the  Land,  which  our  i 
foninMafTe     jTk^  Lord  thy  God  wil  geue  thee  to  poflefte,  and  haft  ob- 
omlmbersa-    tevned  it,and  dwelleft  in  It :  t  thou  fhalt  take  fiillof  al  thy  2 

turdaymwhit^  ^ .  '  ,  .  ',  ,^1  ,1 

fuuweke.         iruites,  and  put  them  in  a  maunde,  and  fhalt  goe  to  the  place, 

which  our  Lord  thy  God  Ihal  choofe,  that  his  name  may  be 
inuocared  there:  -j- and  thou  shalt  goe  to  the  prieft>  that  shal  $ 
bein  thofe  daics,andfay  to  him:  I  profcire  this  day  before 
our  Lord  thy  God,  that  I  am  entred  into  the  Land,  for  the 
which  hefware  toourfathers,  thathe  v/ouldgeueitvs.  f  ^^^A 
thepriefl  taking  the  maund  at  his  hand,  shal  fetre  it  before 
thealtar  ofour  Lord  thyGod  :  f  and  thoushaltfpeakein  the  5 
;:Labanpur-    fight  of  our  Lord  God :  ''•  The  Syrian  perfecuted  my  father, 
lued  lacob,"    >yho  defcended  into  yEgypt,  and  feiourned  there  in  a  verie 
^^^f  ^^*^  M*^'  ^t^^lc  number  and  grew  into  a  nation  greate  and  ftrong  and 
fopothamii     ofaninfinite  multitude,  f  And  the  Egyptians  afflided  vs,  6 
of  Syria.  Gf.i.    and  perfecuted  vs  laying  on  mofl:  grieuous  burdens:  f  and  7 
x7.  we  cried  to  our  Lord  the  God  ofour  fathers.:  who  heard 

vs,  and  refpeded  our  alilidion,  and  labour,  and  diflrelle; 
'j-  and  brought  vs  out  of  ^gypt  in  a  ftrong  hand,  a  ftretched  8 
out  arme,  in  great  terrour,  in  iignes  and  wonders:  f  'I'^d  9    - 
brought  vs  into  this  place,and  deliucred  to  vs  this  Land  Mow- 
ing with  milke  and  honie.  f  And  therfore  now  loffer  firft  i» 
fruitesof  the  Land,  which  our  Lord  hath  geuen  me.  And 
thou  shalt  leaue  them  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord  ihy  God,  ado- 
Thefirftlefso  ring  our  Lord  thy  God.  f  And  thou  shalt  feaft  in  al  the  good  « 
inMalVe  on     thinges,which  our  Lord  thy  God  hath  geuen  to  thee,and  thy 
ImbcrSatur-   houfe,thou  and  the  Leuite,  and  the  ftranger  that  is  with  thee 
^•Thc^To  le  t  "'^^cn  thou  haft  finilbed  the  tithe  ofal  thy  fruites,in  '■'  the  11 
piyed  euaic  -\\^^A  yz3Xt  of  tithes  thou  shalt  geue  to  the  Leuite,  and  the 
ft' lit/'""  ftranger. 

Mgcmcntes.  'Devteronomii.  449 

ftranger,  and  the  pupil,  and  the  xridow,  that  they  may  eate  y««e  ^o  «- 

«  Nrithin  thy  eates,  and  be  filled:  t  and  thou  (haltfpcakcin  ^J";  ^'^  '** 
thefiahtofour  Lord  thy  God:  I  hauc  brougrit  mat  vrhich  thcfccondfoc 
isfandifiedoutof  my  houfe,andhauegeuen  it  to  theLeuirc  cnteuaimng 
and  the  ftrangcr,  and  the  pupil  and  the  widow,  as  thou  haft  traudcrsto  Sc 
commanded  me:I  hauc  not  tranfgreifed  thy  comraandemenrs  ^^°™  ^^"""f*' j 

14  nor  forgorten  thy  preceptes.  t  I  haue  r\pt  eaten  ot  them  jcarc^  a  third 
in  my  mourning,  nor  feparated  them  in  any  vnclcanncSj  nor  tith  for  relief 
fpentofthemany  thing  in  funerals.  I  haue  obeyed  the  voice  efthcpoorc 
ofour  Lord  my  God,  and  haue  done  al  thinges  as  thou  didft  inJiabitamc* , 

ij  command  me.  f  Looke  from  thy  fanduarie,  and  thy  high 
habitation  of  heaucn,  and  blefle  thy  people  Ifrael,  and  the 
Land,  which  thou  haft  geuen  vs,  as  thou  fwareft  toourfa- 

t6  thers,'  a  land  flowing  with  miike  and  honie.  f  This  day  our 
Lord  thy  God  hath  commanded  thee  to  doe  thefe  command- 
mentes  and  iudgementes :  that  thou  keepe  and  fulfil  them 

17  withal  thy  hart, and  withal  thy  foule.  *j-  ••  Thou  haft  chc-  :: Mutual paft 

fen  our  Lord  this  day,  to  be  thy  God,  and  to  walke  in  his  bcjyc"  God 

waies,  and  keepe  his  ceremonies,  and  preceptes  and  iudee-    .    '*  P^°P/» 
m  1      1         L-  J  '       ,   ^«      1  T°    1  that  rhcy  ler- 

iZ  rcentes,  and  obey  his  commandement .  f    And  our  Lord  uing  him ,  he 

hath  chofen  thee  this  day,  that  thou  shouldeft  behispecuHar  wil  reward 
people,  as  he  hath  fpokcn  to  thee,  and  thou  shouldeft  keepe  tlicm. 
19  al  his  commandementes  :  f  and  make  rhee  higher  then  al  na- 
tions which  he  created,  to  his  prayfe,  and  name,  and  gloric: 
that  thou  mayeft  be  a  holiepeople  ofour  Lord  thy  God,  as  he 
hath  fpoken./. 

Chap.    XXV  IT. 
CaasommAndmentesmtifibe^'rUten  in  pUjIrcd  J?ones.^-€n  ^i'lur  ere-- 

if^ii,  and  Sacrifices  offered.  \i.  obf.ruers  cj  thecommdndmenti  mufi  be  The  third  part 
bUj?edy  4nd  trdnf^rejfors  curjed.  14.  "^ith  the  forme  of  curftn^  idoUttrSy  Gods  promi- 
ani  dmers  other  enormi^usftnners.  ^<=*  ^  threaten 

for  kecpii-.g 

I     A    No  Moyfcs  and  the  ancientes  of  Ifraei  commanded  hiscommana- 
xJl.  the  people,  faying  :  Keepe  euerie  commandment  that  mcnts. 

1  I  command  you  this  day.  t  And  whew  you  are  paficd  ouer 
lordan  into  the  Land,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  wil  geuc 
thee_^,thou  fljalc  ered  great  ftoncs,  and  (halt  polish  them 

5  with  plaftcr,  t  f  hat  thou  mayeft  write  on  them  al  the  wordes 
of  this  law,  when  thou  haft  palfcd  ouer  lordan:  that  thou 
mayeft  enter  into  the  Land,which  our  Lord  thy  God  wil  geuc 
fhee,  a  land  flowing  with  railke  and  honie,  as  he  fwarc  to  thy 

lii  fathers. 

45^0  Devteronomie.  Blcflinges 

fathers,  f  When  therfore  you  arc  parted  lordan,  ered  the   4 
ftones  which  I  command  you  this  day  in  mount  Hebal,  and 
thou  (halt  pohih  them  with  plafter :  f  and  thou  (bait  build  j 
there  an  altar  to  our  Loud  thy  God  of  ftoneSjwhich  yron  hath 
not  touched,  f  and  of  ftones  not  fashioned  nor  polished:  G 
andthoushaltput  vponit  holocauftes  toour  Lord  thy  God, 
•f  andshalt  immolate  pacifique  hoftes,  and  eate  there,  and  7 
feafte  there  before  bur  Lord  thy  Ged  .  f  And  thou  shalt  write  8 
vpon  the  ftones  altlic  wordes  of  this  law  plainely  and  clecr- 
\y  .  ■{-  And  Moyfcs  and  the  prieftes  of  the  Lcuitical  ftocke  5 
faid  ro^al  Ifrael :  Attend,  and  heare  Ifrael:  This  day  thou  art 
made  the  people  of  our  Lord  thy  God  :  f  thou  shalt  heare  his  i© 
voice,  and  doe  the  commandcmentes  and  iuftices,  which  I 
command  t!iee_^.  f  And  Moyfes  commanded  the  people  in   11 
;:Theanciett-  that  day,  faying :  f  ••  Thefeshal  ftand  to  blclTe  the  pebplc,  li 
ces  of  euerie    ypon  mount  Carizim,  when  you  are  paft  lordan  :  Simeon  , 
••^Th  L  uit     '*■  Leui,  ludas,  Ilfachar,  lofeph,  and  Beniamin.  f  And  ouer  ij 
propcroffice    againft  them  thcfe  shal  ftand  to  curfe  on  mount  Hebal.  Ru- 
'wascoble/Tc.    ben_,,  Gad,  and  Afer,  and  ZabulorL. ,  Dan  and  Nephthah: 
::Butbyocca- .|.^n£}  fj-je  ::  Lcuites  shal  pronounce,  and  fay  to  al  the  men  14. 
fhdr°Jffice"^    oflfrael  with  a  high  voice:  f  Curfed  be  the  man  that  ma-  i; 
•was  aho'  to      kei^h  a  grauen  and  molten  thing,  the  abomination  of  our 
pronounce      Lord,  the  woike  of  the  handes  of  artificers,  and  shal  put  it 
(curfes.  ::  in  fecretc. and  al  the  people  shal  anfwer,  and  fay:  Anicn./. 

^rThoughthe^  Curfed  be  he  that  honoureth  not  his  father  and  mother.  i5 
^z\tiz  yet  ^"'■^  ^^  "^^^^  people  shal  fay  .-  Amen,  f  Curfed  be  he  thatremo-  17 
the  offenders  ueth  his  neighbours  boundes .  and  al  the  people  shal  fay : 
were  carfed:  Amen,  f  Curfed  be  he  that  maketh  the  blinde  to  goe  amilFe  iS 
publiquc  fin-  inhisiourney.  ar.Jahhe  pjcople  shal  (ay:  Am'en.  t  Curfed  15? 
nes  were  alio  ,      ,       ,  ,     1      .^    ,  ^  r    1       /i  c    \ 

jublikcly  pu.  be  he  that  perucrtctu  tiie  lungement  ot  the  Itrangcr,  ot  the 

ailked.  pupiland  the  widow,  and  al  the  people  shal  (ay:  Amen-.. 

f  Curfed  be  he  that  ileepeih  with  his  fathers  wife,  and  re-  20 
uealeth  thecouerofhis  bedd*.  and  ;:l  the  people  shal  fay: 
Amen,  t  Curfed  be  he  that  iycth  with  any  beaft.  and  al  the  ii 
people  shal  (ay  :  Amen,  f  C'tufed  be  he  that  fleepeth  with  li 
his  fiflcr,  the  daughter  of  his  father,  or  of  his  mother,  and  al 
the  people  shal  fiy  :  Amcn.^.  f  Curled  be  he  that  fleepeth  25 
with  his  mother  inlaw,  and  al  the  people  shal  fay:  Avncn_.. 
^  Curfed  be  he  that  fecrerely  flriketh  his  neighbour,  and  al  24 
thepeoplcshalfay  :  Amen,  f  Curfed  be  he  that  takethgiftes,  ij 
£0  kii  the  (oulc  of  innocent  bloud.  and  ai  the  people  shal  fay  : 



andcurfcs  Devteronomie,  4-^i 

z4  Amen,  f  Garfed  be  he  that  obydeth  not  in  thewordesof 
this  lav,  and  fulfilleth  them  not  in  worke.  and  al  the  people 
shmlfay :  Amen. 

Chap.     XXVIH. 
Diutn  llefinp  Ate  fromifedto  the  chfcmers  of  Gods  commnndmenteL  ly. 
dttd  curfes  threattxd  to  tran/^rejfors. 

Vt  if  thou  wilt  hearc  the  voice  of  owr  Lord  thy  God, 

that  thou  doe  and  kecpe  al  his  commandementes,  which 

I  command  rhee  this  day,  our  Lord  thy  God  ^J7•il  make  thee  .-.'Temporal 

1  higher  then  al  nations,  that  be  on  the  earth   f  And  ::  althefe  j^'^'^^g^  ^.^" 

blellinges  shal  come  vpon  thee,  and  ouertake  thee  ;  yet  fo  if  fuai^pcjpic'^o^ 

5  thou  heare  his  precepres.  f  Blclfed  shale  thou  be  in  the  citie,  tbc  old  tefta- 

4  and  blclfed  in  the  field,  f  Blefled  shal  be  the  fruite  of  thy  mcnt:  now 

\rombe,and  the  fruite  of  thy  ground,  and  the  fruite  of  thy  ^^^  poore  ia 

'cattel,the  troupes  of  thy  heardes,  &  the  foldes  of  thy  sheepe.  S'?'!^  ^^*^  ^^^^ 

^   ni    n-   1     L    I     L      L  L  J  LI    /r  J   ..     '  ■  fed,thatmour- 

5  t  Blefled  shal  thy  barnes  be  ,  and  bleiled  ••  tny  reroames.  ne,  and  fuifer 

8  f    BlefTed  shalt  thou  be   comming  in  and   going   out-.  .  perfecution 

.7   t  Our  Lord  wilgeue  thy  ne  enemies,  that  rife  vpagainft  thee,  for  truth  and 

to  fal  downe  in  thy  fight  .•  one  vray  they  shal  comme  againft  ]^j.^^^' 
«8  thee,  and  feuen  wayes  they  shal  flee  from  thy  face,  -f-  Our  bgj„  rel°cv!cd 

Lord  wil  fend  forth  bleffing  vpon  thy  cellars,  and  vpon  al  the  xaf  thy  fuper. 

"workesof  thy  handes.-and  wil  blcite  thee  in  the  ]and,  that  Auitic  shal 
5)  thou  shalt  receiue.  -j-  Our  Lord  wil  rayfe  thee  vp  vnto  him  ^^^"C^liec. 

felf  to  be  a  holie  people,  as  he  f\rare  to  thee ;  If  thou  keepe 

the  commandmentesofour  Lord  thy  God,  and  walke  in  his 
ID  waies.  f  Andal  the  people  ofthe  earth  shal  fee  that  the  name 

of  our  Lord  is  inuocated  vpon  thee,  and  they  shal  feare  thee. 

11  t  Our  Lord  wil  make  thee  abound  withal  goodes,  with  the 
fruite  of  thy  wombe,  and  the  fruite  of  thy  cartel,  with  the 
fruiteofthy  land,  which  our  Lord  fware  to  rhy  fathers  that 

12  he  would  gcuerhee.  f  Our  Lotd  wil  open  his  moft  excel- 
lent treafure,  the  heauen,  that  it  may  geuerayne  to  thy  land 
in  duefeafon:  and  wil  blelle  al  the  workesof  thy  handes. 
And  thou  shalt  lend  to  many  nations,  and  thy  felf  shalt  take  .-Thou  (hale 

13  lone  of  no  man.  f  And  our  Lord  (hal  make  thee"- the  heade,  rulcouero- 
andnotthrtaile:  and  thou  shalt  be  alwaii?s  abcue,  and  not  thers&nonc 
vndcr:  "  yetfo.iftbou  wilt  heare  the  commandmentes  of  °"^'"^^^«- 
our  Lord  thy  God  which  I  command  thee  this  day,  and  keepe  •'J^^'.^'^ies 

111,  111-  r  1  .  ,  i      With  this  con- 

14  and  doe  them,  f  anddeclmenot  from  them  neither  to  the  d'.iion.-iftho* 
righthand,  nor  to  the  left,  nor  folow  ftrange  goddes,  nor  feme  God. 

lii  i  fcrue 

4f*-  D'EVTERONOMiE.  BlcflSngoe 

fcruc  tkcm.  f  But  if  thou  wilt  not  hearc  the  voice  of  our  i; 
Lord  thyGod,  tokccpe.anddocralhi?  commaiidracntes  and 
v.Thns  moft    ceremonies,  which  I  commind  thee  ihis  day,-:  ai  chcfc  curies 
coraonlyfm-    $hal Come vpon  chce, and  ouertake thec.  f  Curled '•hair  thou  i^ 
ncrsvctccar-  ^^  in  rhe  citie.curfed  in  the  field,  -f-  Curfed  shai  thv  birnc  i-' 
Tcftamcn"^"*    bc,  and  curlcd  thy  lemaines.  t  Curfed  shal  be  the  fruire  of  I'S' 
botfucb  aj       thy  wombe,andthe  fruite  of  thy  ground,  the  hcardcs  of  thy 
no^sf  (cruenot  .oxen,and  the  flockcsof  thy  shecpe.  t  Curfed  shalt  thou  bc   19 
God  rightly,    commmg  in,  and  curfed  going  our.  j  Our  Lord  shal  fend  i« 
f°'^rmthir'    vpon  thee  famine  ^  hunger  ,  and  rebuke  vpon  al  tbc^ 
wodd/sh*jlin  workcs,  which  thou  shale  dos:  vntil  he  confume,  and  deftroy 
«  moment  de-  thee  quicldy,  for  thy  nioft  wicked  inucnrions,  wherein  thou 
fcendintohdJ.  j:ia(lforfakenme.  f  Our  Lord  fette  the  pellilcncc  vpon  thee,  u 
i«k'^l>.  ^j^jij  hcconfumc  thee  outof  theland,which  thou  shalt  cjit^r 

in  to  pofleile.  t  Our  Lord  ftrike  thee  with  poucrtie,  with    11 
the  feuer  and  cold,  with  burning  and  hcate,  and  with  corrupt 
ayre  and  blading,  and  purfew  thee  til  thou  perish,  -f  Be  the  15 
hcAuen,  that  is  ouer  thee,  of  btalTe:  aad  the  ground,  tha^c 
thoutreadeft,  of  yron    f  Our  Lord  geue dull  for  riyne  vpon  14 
thy  land,  and  ashes  defcetid  from  hcauen  vpon  thee,  til  thod 
bcconfunxed.  t  Our  Lord  delmer  thee  to  tal  downc  before  i/ 
thync  eneraies.onc  vaygoe  thou  forthagAinfl:  them, and  flee 
fcuen.andbechoudifperfed  throughout  al  the  kingdomes 
ofthccarth„  f  andbe  thy  carcalfe  mcateto  al  the'fowles  of  1^ 
the  ayre,  and  beaftes  o  f  the  earth,  and  be  there  none  to  driuc 
themaway-t  Our  Lord  ftrike  thee  with  the  boile  of  ^gypt,  17 
and  the  parr  ofthy  bodic,  by  the  which  dung  is  caft  out,  with 
feabbcalfoanditchc:fo  that  thoucanft  not  be  cured:  f  Our  iS 
Lord  ftrike  thee  with  madnes  &  blindnet  and  furic of  raindc^ 
f  and  grope  thou  at  midday  as  the  blindc  is  wont  to  grope  if 
inthedarkcjanddircd  not  thy  wayes.  And  at  al  times  (u- 
ftcyne  thou  wrong,  and.bc  thou  oppreiTed  with  violence, 
neither  hauc  thou  any  to  deliuer°thce.  f  Take  thou  a  wife,  30 
and  an  other  flecpc  with  her.  Build  thou  a  houfc,  *nd  dwcl 
iiotthcrin.  Plant  thou- a  vineyard,  and  cake  not  the  vintage 
thereof  t  Be  thy  oxe  immolated  beforre  thee, and  thou  not  jj 
catetherof.  Be  thy  a(Ie  taken  away  in  thy  /ight,  and  not  re- 
ftotcdto  thee.  Be  thyshccpe  geucn  to  thyne  enemies,  and  be 
there  none  to  helpc  thee,  f  Be  thy  fonncs  and  thy  daughters  32 
deliueredtoanorher  people,  thyne  eies  fcing,  and  dafeling 
atthc  fight  of  them  al. the  day,  and  be  there  noftrcngth  in 

tndcurfcs  Devteronomie.  4/r 

5J  thy  hand,  f  The  ^ruicesof  thy  land,  andal  thy  labourcs  let 
a  people  eatCjVfhich  thou  knowcft  not  rand  be  thou  alwaics 

54  fufteyning  calumnie,  and  opprclFed  al  dayes,  f  and  aftoni- 
shcdatthe  rcrrour  of  thole  thinges,  which  thyne  ties  shal 

55  fee.  f  Our  Lord  flrike  thee  with  averic  fore  botche  in  the 
knees  and  shankcs,  and  be  thouvncutable  from  the  fole  of 

56  the  foote  vnto  the  toppe  of  thy  head  .  f  Our  Lord  shal 
bring  thcc,and  thy  King,\yhom  thou  shalrappoinrouer  thee, 
vnto  a  nation,  which  thou  and  thy  fathers  know  not:  and 
there  thou  shalr  ferue  fl range  goddes  ,  wood  and  ftonc-/  * 

57  t  And  thou  shalt  be  dcftroycdiora  proucrbc  and  fable  to 
38  alpeoplcSjVnto  whom  our  Lord  shal  bring  thee  in,  t  Thou 

shalr caft  nuich  fcede  into  the  ground, and  gather  litle.-bc- 

55  cau{c  the  locuftes  shal  dcuoureai  thinges.  f  Thou  shalr  plant 
a  vineyard,  and  digge,  and  the  wine  thou  shalt  not  drinke, 
nor  gather  any  thing  rherof:  becaufe  it  shal  be  wafted  with 

40  wormed,  -f  Thou  shalt  haue  oliues  in  al  thy  borders,  and 
shalrnot  be  anointed  with  the  oyle:  becaufe  they  shal  dropper 

4t  away,  &  perish,  f  Thou  shalt  begettefonncs  and  daughters, 
and/ihak  not  enioythem:  becaufe  they  shal  be  leddc  into 

41  captiuitie.  -f  Al  thy  trees  and  the  fruites  of  thy  ground  the 

4J  blading  shal  confunie .  f  ••  The  ftranger  that  liueth  with  .-After  Rjani« 
thee  in  the  Land,  shal  afGendoucr  thee,  and  shal  be  highet:  other  plagues 

44  and  thou  shalt  defcend  downeward,  and  be  inferior,  f  He  »nd  punifh- 
shaUcnd  thee,  and  thou  shalt  not  lend  him.  He  shal  be  as  "'cnts,  at  laft 

4;  the  head,  and  thoushalt  be  the  tayle.  f  And  al  thefc  curfcs  r  r  ^"^^1  '^' 
shal  come  vpon  rnee,  and  purlewing  shal  ouertake  thee,  til  fccutl^Chrift, 
thou  perish  :  becanfc  thou  heard  not  the  voice  of  our  Lord  vcrereicdled, 
thy  God,  nor  kept  his  commandmcntes  and  ceremonies  and  Gentiles 

46  which  he  commanded  thee,  t  And  they  shal  be  in  rhceas  "hurcrand* 

47  figncs  and  wonders,  and  in  thy  feedc  for  cucr;  f  becaufe  aduancc'd  a- 
thou  didd  not  ferue  our  Lord  thy  God  in  ioy,  and  gladncs  of  boue  them. 

45  hart,  for  the  abundance  of  al  thinges.  f  Thou  shale  ferue  T^^^^e*^^  H". 
thine  enenne,whom  our  Lord  wiifendvpon  thee,  in  hunger,  *'*^"*** 
andthirft,andnakednes,andalpenuric:and  he  shal  put  an 

4f  yron  yoke  vpon  thy  necke,  til  he  confumc  thee,  t  Out  Lord 

wil  bring  vpon  thee  a  Nation  from  a  farre,  and  from  the  vr- 

termoft  cndes  of  the  earth,  in  likcncs  of  an  eagle  that  flieth 

with  vehemencie :  whofe  tongue  thou  canft  not  vnderftand : 

j-«.f  a  veric  malapert  Nation,  that  wil  attribute  nothing  to  the 

ji-  ancient,  nor  haucpiticon  the  litlc  one,  -f  and  vil  dcuoucc 

Hi  f,  '    '  th« 

^y4  Devteronomtb.  Bleflinges 

thcfruitc  of  thy  cartel,  and  the  fruires  of  thy  Land:  vntil 
thou  perish,  and  wil  not  leaue  thee  whcatc,  vine,  and  oilc, 
hcardcs  of  oxen,  and  flockes  of  shecpC).-  vntil  it  deftroy  thee, 
f  and  confume  thee  in  al  thy  cities,  and  thy  ftrong  and  highe  51 
Nrallesbe  deftroycd,  \rhcrin  that  hadft  confidence  in  al  thy 
Land.  Thou  shah  be  befieged  within  thy  gates  in  al  thy  Land, 
which  our  Lord  thy  God  wil  geue  thee:  f  ^^^  thou  shalt  y, 
catcthc  fruite  of  thy  wombe,  and  the  flesh  of  thy  fonnes  and 
of  thy  daughters,  which  out  Lord  thy  God  (hal  geue  thee, 
in  the  diftredc  and  vacation  wherwith  thyne  enemic  shal 
oppreiTe  thee,  f  The  man  that  is  delicate  in  thee,  and  very  ^4 
riotiGUSjshal  muchenuie  his  owne  brother,  and  his  wife, 
thatlicthinhisboforae,  f  fo  that  he  shal  not  geue  them  of  5) 
thc  flesh  of  his  children,  which  he  wil  eate :  becauCe  he  hath 
nothing  els  in  the  iiegc  and  penurie,  wherwith  thine  cne-     . 
mies  shal  wafle  thee  within  ai  thy  gates,  f  The  tender  and  de»  56 
licate  woman,  that  could  not  gocvpon  the  ground,  nor  fettc 
downeher  foote  for  oucrmuch  nicenes  and  tendcrnes,  wil 
enuie  her  husband,  that  lyeth  in  her  bofome,  vpon  the  flcsli 
of  herfonne,  and  daughter,  f  and  the  filthinesof  the  after  ^7 
birthes,  that  come  forth  from  the  middes  of  her  thighes,  and' ' 
vpon  the  children  that  are  borne  the  fame  howre.  for  they 
shal  eate  them  fecretely  becaufe  of  the  penurie  of  althinges, 
inthefiegeand  vaftation,  wherwith  thine  encmie  shal  op- 
prcfle  thee  within  thy  gates,  f  Vnleflc  thoukeepe,  and  doe  5? 
althe  wordes  of  this  law,  that  be  written  in  this  volume, 
and  feare  his  name  glorious  and  terrible-*  ,  that  is  .  Our 
Lord  thy  God :  f  our  Lord  shal  increafe  thy  plagues ,  and  5^ 
the  plagues  of  thy  feede,  greate  plagues  and  continuing, 
fore  infirmities  and  perpetual,  f  ajid  he  shal  turne  vpon  thee  60 
al  the  afflidions  of  i€gypt,  which  thou  didft  feare,  and  they 
sbalcleauetorhee.  t  Moreoueralfo althe  difeafes,  and  pla-  61 
gues,thatbenotwritteninthc  volumcofthislaw,  ourLord 
wilbring  vpon  thee,  til  he  confume  thee:  "j-  and  you  shal  re-  (jZ 
maine  few  in  number,which  before  was  as  the  ftarres  of  hea- 
ucn  for  multitude,  becaufe  thou  heardft  not  the  voice  of  our 
Lord  thy  God.  I  And  as  before  our  Lord  reioyced  vpon  you,  ^5 
doing  good  to  you,  and  multiplying  you:  fo  he  shal  reioyfe 
dcftroying  and  fubuerting  you,  fo  that  you  may  be  taken 
away  from  the  Land,  which  thou  shait  enter  to  poflelle^. 
t  Our  Lord  shal  difperfe  thee  into  al  peoples,  from  the  far-  64 


andcurfcs  Devteronomie.  4jj 

theft  partes  ofthe  earth  to  the  endes  therof:  and  there  thou 
shaltferucflrange  goddes,  \rhich  thou  art  ignorant  of  and 

6j  thy  fathers, -w'oode  and  ftone.  t  I"  thofe  nations  alfo  thou 
shak  nor  be  quiet,  neither  shal  there  be  refting  for  the  fteppe 
of  thy  foote.  For  our  Lord  w  il  geue  thee  a  feareful  hart,  and 

66  dafclingcies,  and  afoule  confumed  with  penfifcnes:  f  and 
thy  hfe  shal  be  as  it  were  hanging  before  thee.  Thou  shair 

4j  feare  night  and  day, and  rhou  shale  not  truft  in  thy  life,  f  In 
the  morning  thou  shalr  fay;  who  wilgraunr  me  cuening?and 
at  cuening  :  Who  wd  grant  me  morning  ?  for  the  fearef ulnes 
of  thy  hart,  Xf'hcr^rith  thou  shale  be  terrified,  and  for  thofe 

68  thinges,  which  thou  shalt  lee  \rith  thine  eics.  -f-  Our  Lord 
shal  bring  thee  againe  with  shippcs  into  i€gypt  by  the  vay, 
whcrof  he  faid  to  thee  that  thou  shouldeft  fee  ir  no  more-^. 
There  shalt  thou  be  fould  to  thine  enemies  for  bondmen  and 
bondweomen,  and  no  shal  bye  you. 

Chap.    XXIX. 
l/tcouenantandouth  is  ffiAde  betwen  God  *nd  his  people  ( 'Vffith  commema^ 
ration  of  fundne  l>cneftes  by  them  reriued)  that  kfpmg  his  Uwthey 
shal  be  moreblejjed:  and  breaking  the  fame  shal  fnfietne  the  threatmd 
pnniihrKentes . 

I   *T~'  H  E  s  E  are  the  wordes  of  the  couenant  which  our  Lord 
JL    commanded  Moyfesto  make  with  the  children  of  If- 
raelinthc  Land  of  Moab:  bcfidc  that  couenant  w^hich  he 
1  made  with  them  in  Horeb.  f  And  Moyfes  calkd  al  Ifrael, 
andiaidto  thcm.-youfawal  thinges,  that  our  Lord  did  be- 
fore you  in  the  Land  of  y£gypt  to  Pharao,and  to  al  his  fcruan- 
5  tes,  and  to  his  whole  land,  f  ^'^^^  great  tentationj,  which 
thine  eies  haue  (ccne,  thofe  michtie  fif'nes,  and  wonders,  •*    °l^  ^a^u^- 

4  +  ana  our  Lord  ••  hath  nor  geuen  you  a  hart  to  vnderitand,  j^j^  fo^c 
and  ciesto  fee,  and  earcs  that  can  heare,  vnto  this  prefcnt  runne  into 

5  day.t  He  hath  brought  you  fourtie  ycarcs  by  the  dcfert:  your  reprobate 

parmentesirenotworncoLit,  neither  are  the  shoes  of  your  ^^''"'"^'f^J^'^l' 
^  r  .      ■  1  -A         1  I  •       rins  them  to 

6  feetcconluir.ed  with  age,  f  Breade  you  haue  not  eatcn,wmc  ^j^^^^  ^^^j.^ 

and  ficer  you  haue  not  drunkc  .-that  you  might  know  that  I  frccvfil.wto 

7  am  the  Lord  your  God.  f  ^^^  you  came  to  this  place  :  and  being  iroide 
there  came  forth  Schon  the  King  of  Hefcbon,  and  Og  the  °^,^Yi"  b 
KingofBafan,  meeting  vs  to  fight.  And  wc  ftrokc  them-.,  Ju^atc^tJacm 

8  t  and  tooke  their  land,  and  deliuered  it  in  pofTellion  to  Ru- felHcs.r/jfocf. 

9  ben  and  Gad,  and  the  half  tribe  of  ManafTes.  t  Kccpc  ther-  ij.37.wDwf. 


4j^  Devteronomii:  Couenantbctwcn 

fore  the  vorc!cs  of  thUcouenant,  and  fulfil  them:  that  you 
may  vndcrftand  al  thinges  that  you  doc.  f  You  ftand  this  ra 
day  al  before  our  Lord  your  God,  your  princes,  and  tribes, 
andancicntes,  and  dodors,  al  the  people  of  Ifrael,  f  your  ii 
children  and  your  wiues,  and  the  ftrangers  that  abide  with 
thceinthecampe,  befides  the  cutters  of  vood,  and  them, 
that carie water:  f  '^hat  thou  mayefi:  pafie  in  the  couenant  ii 
of  our>Loud  thy  God,  andin  the  oath  which  in  this  day  our 
Lord  thy  God  maketh  with  thee:  t  that  he  may  rayfe  thee   i$ 
vp  a  people  to  him  fclfe,  and  he  be  thy  God  as  he  hath  fpokcn 
rothec,  and  as  he  fware  to  thy  fathers,  Abraham,  Ifaac,  and 
lacob.  f  Neither  with  you  onlie  doe  I  make  this  couenant,   14 
andconfirmethefeoathes,  f  but  with  al  that  be  prefcnt  and  if 
abfent.  t  For  you  know  how  we  dwelt  in  the  Landof.^gypt,  i^ 
end  how  we  haue  palTed  through  the  middcs  of  nations, 
which  palling  through  f  you  haue  feene  their  abominations  17 
and  filth,  that  is  to  fay,  their  Idols,  wood  and  lione,  filufiand 
gold,  which  they  worshipped,  -j-  Led  perhaps  there  be  among  iS 
you  man  or  woman,  familie  or  tribe,  whofe  hart  is  turned  ' 
away  this  day  from  our  Lord  God, to  goe  and  ferue  the  goddes 
.'rAmind  fc-    of  thofe  Nations:  and  there  be  among  you  ••  a  roote  bringmg  '■ 
cretly  infcaccl  forth  gal  and  bitternes.f  And  when  he  shal  hcare  the  wordes  i^ 
NjrithidoUtric.  of  this  oath,  he  blctfe  himfelfe  in  his  hart,  faying ;  I  shal  haue 
_  place,  and  walke  in  the  prauitie  of  my  hart :  and  the  "•  drun- 

•f  ^^^^PP^^j^*  kentaketoherthcthirftie,  t  and  our  Lord  forgeue  him  nor:  le 
plcafurcsth'ir-  but  then  his  furiemoft  fpecially  fume,  and  his  zeale  againft 
acthfalreoic.  that  man, and  althecurfcs  fittevpon  him,  that  be  written  in 
this  volume:  and  our  Lord  abohfh  his  name  vnder  heauen, 
f  andconfum.e  him  vnto  perdition  out  of  al  the  tribes  of  21 
Ifrael,  according  to  the  curfes ,  that  are  conrcyncd  in  the 
.Booke  of  this  law  and  couenant.  f  And  the  generation  fo-  it 
lowing  shal  fay,  and  the  children  that  shal  be  borne  from 
thenceforth.and  the  ftrangers, rhat  shal  comefrom  a  farrc, 
feeing  the  plagues  of  that  Land,  and  the  infirmities,  wher- 
with  our  Lordhathaffiided  it,  t  burning  it  vrithbrimftone,  ij 
andheatcof  the  fait,  fo  that  it  can  no  more  be  fosrcn,  nor 
any  grene  thing  fptingtherof,  after  the  example  of  the  fub- 
uerfion  of  Sodom  and  Gomorrha ,  Adama,  and  Seboim , 
which  our  Lord  fubucrted  in  his  wrath  and  furie.  f  And  al  24 
the  Nations  shal  fay:  Why  hath  the  Lord  done  thus  to  this 
-Land?  what  is  this  exceding.  wrath  of  his  furic?  t  And  they  15 


God  and  hispcopit.         D:f  vte  f  e  vo  m  i  e.  4^" 

fhalanfwer:  Bccaufe  they  forfookc  the  cournant  of  the  Lord, 
'rhich  he  made  with  their  fathers,  vhen  he  brought  thcra 

x6  outoftheLandof  i€gypt:  t  and  tbey  haue  fcrucd  ftrangc 
goddcs ,  and  adored  them,  vhom  they  kne\r  not,  and  to 

i7  whom  they  had  not  beenc  defigned:  f  therfore  the  furic 

ofthe  Lord  was  wrath  againft  thisL2nd,to  bring  vpon  ital  -Secrete 

it  the  curfes,  that  are  written  in  this  volume  :  f  and  he  hath  thingcs  arc 
caft  them  out  of  their  land,  in  wrath  and  furie,  and  in  veric  i" ^^"^  ^  T  ft 
great  indignation*,  and  hath  throwcn  them  into  a  ftrangc  thIecs"to'mcn 

19  land,  asthisday  itisproued.  I  Thingeshiddcn,  •' to  our  Lord  rfew^.o.  jg.  #• 
God  :  which  are  manifeft,  to  vs  and  to  our  children  for  cucr,  JD«»f. 
that  we  may  doe  al  the  words  of  this  Law. 

Chap.     XXX. 

iftheehiUren  of  ifrdel,  offending  dnd  fallmg  into  the  ferfiiiJe  curfes  sbdl 
repent  J  God  Jftl  reftore  them  to  hts  hlejimgi  againe.  1 1 .  ledmng  it  in  tbtir 
forvretoferuehimif  theylfiily  17,  dnd  therfore  ^arnetb  them  thdt  the 
impenitent  ihal  afttredlj  perish,  becdufe  hduing  life  dnddedth,  i>lejimr 
dttd  ettrfing  propofedy  thtychoofe  the^fiorje, 

I  'Tp  H  E  R  F  o  R  E  when  al  thefe  wordes  shal  be  come  ypon 

Jl    thee,  thebleflingorcurfing,  which  I  haue  fettc  forth 

before  thee ;  &  thou  be  touched  with  repentance  of  thy  hart 

inal  nations,  into  which  our  Lord  thy  God  difperfed  thee, 

1  j*  and  ihaltrcturnetohim,andobey  hiscommandmentes,  as 
I  this  day  command  thee,  with  thy  children,  in  al  thy  hart, 

5  and  in  al  thy  foule :  f  our  Lord  thy  God  wil  bring  thee  againe 
from  thy  capfiuitie,  and  haue  mercie  vpon  thee,  and  gather 
thee  againe  out  of  al  the  peoples,  into  which  he  difperfed 

4  thee  before,  f  If  thou  be  difperfed  is  farre  as  the  poles  of 
heauen,  thence  wil  our  Lord  thy  God  draw  thee  backc^, 

;  t  and  wil  take  thee  to  him,  and  bring  thee  into  the  Land, 
which  thy  fathers pofTefTed, and  thoushalt  obteyne  it;  and 
blciling  thee,  wil  make  thee  to  be  "  of  a  greater  number,  •Somefianere 

6  then  were  thy  fathers,  j-  Our  Lord  thy  "  God  wil  circumcKe  through  great 

thy  hart,  and  the  hart  of  thv  feede:  that  thou  mayeftloue  repentance  be- 

oureLord  thy  God  inal  thv  hart,  and  in  al  thy  foule,  that  ^°"'^"'°'*'    s 
u  n.1  j_    A     J     1    L    r  r      I  i  I'ercaous,  and 

7  thou  mayeft  hue.  f  And  al  thefe  curfes  he  wil  turne  vpon  arc  more  ic- 

8  thine  enemies.and  them  that  hare  and  perfecute  thee,  f  Bur  warded  thea 
thou  tlialt  returne,  and  hearc  the  voice  of  our  Lord  thv  God,  ^°"^^  ^^*^  °^ 
and  shalt  doc  al  the  comraandmentes  which  I  cotrimand  ^^^^^^  ^^^^' 

5  thee  this  day:  t  and  our  Lord  wil  make  thee  abound  in  al 

Kkk  the 

45^  Devtehonomii.  Gods  Coucnant 

the  voikcs  of  thy  handcs,  in  the  iflue  of  thy  xrombc,  «nd  in 
the  fruitc  of  thy  cattcl,  in  the  fcrtilitic  of  thy  ground,  and  in 
the  plcnticof  althinges.  For  our  Lord  vil  rcturncto  reioylc 
vpon  thee  in  al  riches,  as  he  rcioyfcd  in  thy  fathers ;  -f  yet  fo,   lo 
ifthouheare  the  voice  of  our  Lord  thy  God,  and  keepe  his 
prcceptes  and  ceremonies ,  vhich  arc  written  in  this  law : 
and  rcturnc  to  our  Lord  thy  God  in  al  thy  hart,  and  in  al  thy 
foulc.  t  This  corarnandracnt,  that  I  command  thee  this  daic,  ii 
"  isnotabouethec,nor  fo  farreof,  f  norfituated  in  heauen  ii 
that  thou  maicft  fay  :  "Which  of  vs  is  able  to  afccnd  vnto 
heauen  to  bring  it  to  vs,  that  we  may  heate  and  fulfil  it  in 
worke?  t  Nor  placed  beyond  the  fea;  that  thou  maycft  pre-  15 
tend,  and  fay :  "Which  of  vs  can  paiTeouer  the  iea,  and  bring 
it  euen  vnto  rs;  that  wc  way  heare,  and  doc  that  which  is 
commanded  ?   |   But  the  word  is  very  ncere  thee,  in  Tchy   14 
mouth  and  in  thy  hart,  to  doc  it.  f  Confider  that  1  hauc  i; 
^'  fct  before  thee  this  day  life  and  good,  and  contrariewifc 
death  and  cuil :  f  that  thou  maycH;  loue  our  Lord  thy  God,  16 
and  waikc  in  his  waies,  and  keeps  his  commandmentcs  and 
ceremonies  arid  iudgcmentcs;  and  thou  mayeft  liue,  and  he 
multiplie  thee, and  bicflc  thee  in  the  Land,  which  thou  (halt- 
enter  to  pofielTc.  t  Burifthyhartbeauerted,and  thou  wilt  17 
not  hearc_^ ,  and  deceaued  with  errour  thou  adore  ftrange 
goddes, and  fcrue  them  .•  f  I  fotccel  thee  this  day  that  thou    18 
(halt  perish,  and  abide  a  iidc  rirae  in  the  Land,  which  paffing 
ouerlordin,  thou  shale  enter  to  pofleflc.  f  "  I  cal  for  wit-  if 
nelfes  this  day  htauca  an  J  earth,  that  I  hauc  propofcd  to  you 
t.-Goagaue     Jifc  and  death,  bklfine  and  curtlna.  ::  Ciioofe  therfore  life, 
jRianhbertie       .,11  /ri-  i    l     "     j        ,         «  n.  1 

to  choolc         '^"^f  both  thou  mayelt  hue,  and  thy  iccde  :  f  and  mayelt  loue  le 

-what  hew'ouU  our  Lord  thy  God,  and  obey  his  voice,  and  cl(*atie  to  him  ( for 
folow.s.^mb.  [yci$  thy  life,  and  thelcngthof  thy  daies)  that  thou  mayeft 
mpfal. ^  JiueintJ-jeLind,  for  the  which  out  Lord  fware  to  rhy  fathers, 
Abraham,  Ifaac,  and  lacob,  thi^c  he  would  gcuc  it  them, 

"^         ~'      A  N  N-O  T  A  TI  O  N  S. 
G  li'A  p.    XXX. 

^.  (;edwtlcircuni!-i,'fthybArt.]Mo^tTUeitis,  that  of  our  fclucs,  withou* 
J  ygraceinen  QQ^^gj-j^^-g  j^gj^ccan  kepeorf'ullil  the  commauiimciucs  But  he,  whofe  haie 
arc^made  able  ^qJ  jotj^crcumcifcistherby  ma-IcaWe  to  loua  God  s^irh  a)  his  harr,  and 
'^-  ^^^j  '  withalhisfoule.  And  exceptfome  iiittes-JferetimscircumcireH,  andfb  made 
*^*^^*^"'"^°"aHetobucGoclaboue9handconfequemlr  their  neighbouves.  God  OiouU 
fflotpcrforme  his  proiuifc,  thatAt  iif'iJckcwnadlijthehaitoflbrat,-. 

"  u.  IS 

with  his  people.  Devteronomie.  4/^ 

S.  jli'.g.      Ji.   It  «o/«a^o«fffc*^.  ]VVJre»i  thou  ait  ftirrcdvp,afllfted,  and  indued  with  So  the  com-  Gods  grace,  the  commandment  of  God  is  net  (then)  abcue  thee,  nor  farre  of  mandmentes 

grat,c.    fromthee,  but  very  nere  thee,  in  thy  mouth  ( roconfeffe  God,  and  his  truth)  arenotimpof- 

69.etq.  and  in  thy  hart,  to  doit.     But  you  wilaske:Howthencomcthittopafle,that  iible. 

j4.  i»     inanic  hauing  receiued  fufficicnt  grace,   yet  do  not  kepe  Gods  command- 

Deut.       mcntes?  God  himfelf  aBfw'cieth: 

Theod  q.       It.    Thithc  hatft/et  before  thee  hfeandgeod,  ^ndconuriyyife  df  4th  andetiit;he 

j8 .  in      inuiteth  and  feelpeth.yct  forccth  thee  not  he  geuethithee  po^»'re  &  abiliiie,hel- 

Dettt.      ping  and  not  deflroying  thy  fiecwil,  that  thou  maill  loue  our  Lord  thy  God,  ^'6*V»S. 

S.  Cypri.  valkc  in  his  v;  ayes,  and  kepe  his  coiamandcmcnts.  But  if  thy  hart  be  auerted 

/I'.j.f.ji.  and  (t.  17.  ■  'thiK  yrtlt  mthearf,  thou ftialt perifli.  Againc  God  inculcatcth  : 

adsiuif.       IJ.    I  calfor  yyitnefftsheawn  and  earth,  x^iii  I  hzuc  prcp^fed  to  you  life  and 

S.  ^^^.b.  death,  bleilingandcuffing.  choofe  therfore  life  &c.  VVhat  DoAor  can  tcack 

inpjaU     moreplainly  the  poi'fibiljtie  of  keeping  Gods  commandmcntej;  and  frcwilin 

4q^  man,  then  this  text  of  holie  Scripture : 

Chap.     XXXF. 

Moyjh  fahfiituttth  Jofue  htsjkceejjcur  in  tcmporJ goHernment.  p.  dtlitttreth  The  fourti 
the  Ufv  t@  the  Pnejrcs.  \6.  Cod  fortelleth  that  the  people  ^tl  often  forjUkt  F^'^^' 
him^  Andiimthe  "^tl punish  them.  19.  (ommdndtth  MoyfeHo  fi/rite  4  cdH^  tion^io  fcVue 
ttclty  {  4n  Ahrigtmmt  of  the  UW  )  tafie  to  he  remembred,  i^.  dnd  m  God,\.iihpre= 
further  teffimoBte  dfaiojr  them y  the  Lenitei  mufi put  thii boohj;  ttt  ibedrl^  di(^i6of  thcif 
•/  CouenABt.  often  fir  res 


I    TL  yr  O  Y  s  E  s  therfore  \rcnt ,  and  fpakc  al  thefe  voraci  °^«°^"* 
1  J.VJL  to  al  Ifrael,  f  *"«!  ^*^^  to  f hem  :  I  am  tl  is  day  a  hun= 
drcdand  twcnticycaresold,  I  can  nor  "  goc  out  andcomc  ..  rr 
in  any  longerjcfpccially  vhcras  our  Lord  alio  hath  faid  to  me:  ihat^h^  cTnot 
§  Thou  ihalt  not  palTe  oucr  this  lordan .  t  Our  Lord  thcr-  exercife  the 
fore  thy  God  wil  pafTe  ouer  before  thee:  he  vildcftroyal  office  of  a  cap- 
thefe  nations  in  thy  fight,  and  thou  (halt  po(rc(Ce  them  :  and  "'jI^^""l* 
this  lofue  Ihal  palTe  ouer  before  thce,as  our  Lord  hath  fpoken.  pcopl"^nto  * 

4  t  And  our  Lord  thai  doe  to  them  as  he  did  to  Schon  and  Og  thepromxicd 
the  kingcs  of  the  Amraorheites,  and  to  their  land,  and  flial  l»nd. 

5  deftroythem.  f  Therfore  when  our  Lord  Ihal  haucdeliucred 
thefe  alfo  to  you,  you  shal  doe  in  like  manner  to  them  as  I 

<•  haue  commanded  you.  f  Doe  manfully.and  beftrcngthned: 
feare  not,  neither  tremble  ye  at  their  fight :  becaufe  our  Lord 
thy  God  himfclfeis  thy  condudor,  and  \ril  not  leaue,  nor 

7  forfakc  thee,  t  And  Moyfcs  called  lofue,  and  faid  to  hitn 
before  al  Ifrael ;  Take  courage,  and  be  ftrong :  for  thou  (halt 
bring  in  this  people  into  the  Land,  vhich  our  Lord  fvare 
that  he  would  geue  to  their  fathers,  and  thou  ihalt  diuidc  it 

8  bylottc.  t  And  our  Lord  that  i»  your  condudor,  him  fclfc 

Kkk  I  ▼il 

4*^0  DevteronoktiI.  Forwarningcs. 

xril  be  with  thcc  ;  he  vil  not Icauc, nor  forlakc  thee:  fcarc 
not,  neither  dread  thou,  f  Moyfestherfore  wrote  this  law,  9 
and  deliuered  it  to  the  prieftes  the  fonncs  of  Leui ,  which 
caricd  the  arkc  of  the  couenant  of  our  Lord,  and  toal  the 
ancicntes  of  Ifrael.  f  And  he  commanded  them  faying ;  After  10 
feucn  yeares,  intheyeareofremillion,  in  the  folemnitieof 
tabernacles,  f  when  al  come  together  out  of  Ifrael,  to  ap-  11 
peare  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord  thy  God  in  the  place,  which 
our  Lord  ihal  choofe,  thou  shaltreadthc  wordesof  this  law 
before  al  Ifrael,  they  hearing,  t  and  the  people  being  alfem-   ii 
bled  together,  as  wel  men  as  wemen,  children,  and  ftrangers, 
that  are  within  thy  gates :  that  heating  they  may  leatne,  and 
fcareour  Lord  your  God, and  keepe,  and  fulfil  al  the  wordcs 
of  thislaw.  I^Their  children  alio  who  now  arc  ignorantj  that  ij 
they  may  heare,  and  feare  our  Lord  their  God,  al  the  daies  t-hat 
they  liue  in  the  Land,  which  paffing  ouet  lordan  yougoc  to 
obteyne.  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Moyfes  .•  Behold  the  daies  of  14 
thy  death  are  nigh  :  cal  lofue,  and  ftand  ye  in  the  tabernacle 
of  teftimonie,  that  I  may  command  him.  Moyfes  therforc 
and  lofue  went,  and  ftoodeinthe  tabernacle  of  teftimonie  , 
f  and  our  Lord  appeared  there  in  the  piller  of  a  cloude  u  ;; 
which  ftood  in  the  cntring  of  the  tabernacle,  t  And  our  16 
Lord  faid  to  Moyfes:  Behold  thou  (halt  fleepe  with  thy  fa- 
thers, and  this  people  ryfing  vp  wil  fornicate  after  ftrange 
goddes  in  the  Land,  to  the  which  it  cntreth  to  dwel  therein : 
there  wil  they  forfake  me,  and  wil  make  the  couenant,  which 
I  haue  made  with  them,  of  none  efFe<!i.  f  Andmy  furieshal  17 
be  wrath  againft  them  in  that  day  :  and  I  wil  forfake  them, 
and  wil  hide  my  face  from  them,  and  they  shal  be  deuou- 
red  :  al  euils  and  afRicftions  shal  findc  them  ,  fo  that  they 
»halfayinthat  day;  In  truth  becaufc  God  is  not  with  me, 
thefe  euils  haue  found  me.  t  But  1  wil  hide,  and  kcepe  clofc  18 
my  face  in  that  day,  for  al  the  euils,  which  they  haue  done, 
becaufe  they  haue  folowedftiange  goddes.  f  Now  therforc  if 
write  vnto  you  ••  this  canticle,  and  teach  the  children  of  IC 
racl :  that  they  know  it  by  hart,  and  fing  it  by  mouth,  and 
this  fong  be  vnto  me  for  "  a  teftimonie  among  the  children 
of  Ifrael.  t  For  I  wil  bring  them  into  the  Land,for  the  which  z» 
I  (ware  to  their  fathers,  flowing  with  milke  and  honie.  And 
'^*=T  ^J'^^j^^^j"'  when  they  haue  eaten,  and  arc  ful,  and  fatte,  they  vil  turnc 
thcyVere'^a-  away  to  ftrange  goddes,  and  fcrue  thenu:  and  wil  detraft 



more  eafily 

kept  in  mc- 



::  And  fo  by 

tins  Canticle 

A  Canticle  of  the  law.     Dev  terono  m  1 1.  4<?i 

XI  from  mc,  and  make  my  couenant  of  none  cffe^fl.  f  After  bundantlyfor 
that  manic  euiis  and  afflidions  shal  haue  found  them,  this  ^^-i^"'-' J- not  to 
canticle  shal an fwer  them  for  a  teftimonie,  which  no  obit-  naTwkli'God. 
uion-shal  takeaway  out  of  the  mouth  of  their  feedc.  For  I 
know  their  cogitations,  what  thmgc5  they  arc  about  to  doc 
this  day,  before  that  I  bring  them  into  the  Land,  which  I 
11  haue  proraifcd  them,  f  Moyfesthcrfore  wrote  the  canticle.  The  eleucmh 
15  and  taught  it  the  children  of  Ifrael.  t  And  our  Lord  com-  prophcciein 
mandedlofuethefonneof Nun,andfaid;Takecourage,and,^^^  o^ce  be- 
be  ftrong :  for  thou  shalt  bring  the  children  of  Ifrael  into  the  ^^f '^^  °'' 
1 4  Landjwhich  I  haue  promifed,and  I  wil  be  with  thee,  f  Ther-  j^^^^  [^^  jl^j^^ 

fore  after  that  Moyfes  wrote  the  wordes  of  this  law  in  a  vo-  onwithfun- 
1;  lume ,  and  finished  it:  f  he  commanded  the  Leuitcs,  that  c^c. 
i6  caried  thcarkeof  the  couenant  of  our  Lord,  faying:  f  Take 
this  booke,  and  put  it  in  the  fide  of  the  arke  of  the  couenant 
of  our  Lord  your  God  :  that  it  may  be  for  a  teftimonie  againft 

17  thee,  f  For  I  know  thy  contention-.,  and  thy  moft  ftiffc 
necke.  Whiles  I  yet  hue  and  goe  in  with  you,  you  haue  done 
alwayes  contencioufly  againft  our  Lord  :  how  much  more 

18  when  I  shal  be  dead?  f  Gather  to  me  al  the  ancientcs  by 
your  tribes,  and  your  dodbors,  and  I  wil  fpcake  thefe  wordes 

in  their  hearing,,  and  wil  inuocate againft  them  heauen  and  •  ^ 

19  earth,  f  For  I  know  that  after  my  death  you  wil  doe  wic- 
kedly ,  and  wil  decline  quickly  from  the  way,  that  I  haue 
commanded  you:  and  euils  (hal  come  vpon  you  in  the  later 
times,  when  you  fhal  doe  euil  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  to 

50  prouokehimby  the  workesof  yourhandcs.  t  Moyfesthcr- 
fore fpake,  in  the  hearing  of  the  whole  aflemblie  of  Ifrael,  the 
wordes  o  f  this  fong,  and  fini  (bed  it  euen  to  the  end. 
Chap.     XXXII. 
\ACdntUk  of  the  LarVy  'wherttt  the  people  are  exhorted  f  ferue  God ,  for  his  TLc  canticle 
perfeEh  goodnciy  for  hn  fmguUr  benefaes,  for  their  former  ingrdtttude,  "^  Maudes  on 
dndfor  hif  mmiefiil  mixed  ^ith  hii  punishmentes.  44.  ^l  "R  huh  being  ^  ^j  1^^^^'^$  in 
edrne/tlj  commended  to  them  to  remember  dnd  tedch  their  thildrtn,  48.  hcaucnand  in 
Moyfes  ts  commdndcd  to  goe  into  d  mountdiney  "iphenee  he  shdlfee  the  pro-  earth  tcftific, 
mifidUndt  but  not  enter  into  it>  that  God  dca- 

*  "TTEare  ye  "heauen*  what  thinges  I  fpcake,  the  earth  Jfi^^opir'^ 

JLjL  heare  the  wordes  of  my  mouth.  b.  Dodrine 

1  -j-  My  b  docStrine  grow  together  as  raine,  my  fpcach  flo\r  <ioth  fruaific 
as  the  dew,  as  it  were  a  (hower  vpon  the  hcrbc,  and  as  it  were  '"  8°°*^ ^°"'^* 
droppcsvponthegr^fk..  /^Tj^.tl 

Kkk}  tBccaufc         ^ 

4(fj  Devteronomm.  a  Canticle 

c.  Mansfirft        -J*  c  Bscaufc'I  vil  inuocatc  chc  name  of  our  Lord  2  geuc  j 
^"^•rr^^       magnificence  to  our  God. 
prailc  Goi.  ^  ^j^^  vrorkcs  of  God  be  pcrfed,  and  al  his  vaies  iudge-  4 

mcntes;  God  is  faithful,  and  vithouranyiniquitic,iuftand 

,    ,  t  They  ^  haue  finned  to  him,  and  not  his  children  in  fil-  y 

•cknowleclgc  thincs :  a  froxrard  and  peruerfc  generation^ . 
liisowncfin-       f  Thefe  thingesdocft  thou render to  our  Lord  thou  foolifh  6 
DCS  Scdefedcs  and  vnvife  people  ?  Is  not  he  thy  father,  that  hath  pofTelTcd 

thee,  and  made,  and  created  thee  J 

■j-  Remember  the  old  daics,  thinke  vpon  cucrie  genera-  7 

tion :  aske  thy  father,  and  he  wil  declare  to  thee  :  thy  ciders, 

and  they  wil  tel  thee. 
eAtthctovre       ^  >?rhenthe  highefl:  =  diuided  the  nations:  vhenhefepa-  I 
fUiad  bcinc  rated  the  fonnes  of  Adam,  he  appointed  the  limires  of  people 
butonc people  according  to  ^  the  number  of  the  children  of  Ifrael. 
poficffedthc        -j"  But  our  Lords  parr,  is  his  people:  lacob  the  corde  of  9 
inheritance  of  j^-j  jj^j^^if an CC. 

i?do n°    "  t  He  s  found  him  in  1  defert  land,  in  a  place  of  horrour,- 1  o 

g  God  choifc   and  of  \ra(l  vildernes :  he  ledde  him  about,  and  taught  him  : 
Ifrael  to  be  his  and  kept  him  as  the  apple  of  his  eye 
peculiarpeo-        -f- As  the  eagle  ptouoking  her  young  to  fiie,  and  houcring  12 

pic  ofmcrc  them,  hath  he  fprcd  his  Nringes,  and  he  hath  taken  him, 

craceandpro-        .        .    ,,  .  1  •     1       i  1         ° 

tededthem.    and  caried  him  on  his  shoulders. 

h  Bees  with-    t  O^^  Lord  onlie  was  his  guide :  and  there  \ras  not  vith  him  u 
outmcnsin-     a  ftrangc  God, 

duftricmadc    -f  He  placed  him  ouer  an  high  land  :  that  he  might  eate  the  15 
honic  inthc    fj-yites  of  the  fieldes,  that  he  might  fuckc^  honie  out  of  the 
ro^mctrec.    fockc,  and  ^  oilcoutof  the  hardeft  ftonc^  . 
profpcredin    f  Buttcr  from  the  heard,  and  milke  of  the  fheepe  with  the  14 
ftonicplaces.    facte  of  lambes,  and  of  rammcs  the  fonnes  of  Bafan  :  and 
bucke  goates  with  the  maro\r  of  wheace,  and  might  drinke 
k.  Temporal     the  bloud  of  the  grape  moftpurc_/ • 

clfioTofiir"      "l"  "^^^  ^  bcloued  was  made  groffc  ,  and  fpurned :  made  15 
Icvl'°sreuol-    groffe,  fatted,  dilated,  he  left  God  his  maker, and  departed 
ting  from  God  from  God  his  (aluation-.. 

•f  They  prouoked  him  in  ftrangc  goddes,  and  in  abomina-  16 
I- Noucltical-  tions  ftirred  him  to  anger. 

luixth  carnal        .|.  Jhey  immolated  to  diuck  and  not  to  God,  to  goddes,  17 
Uuic  and  he-'  "^^^^h  they  knew  not :  there  came  ^new  Si  frefh  ones,  whom 
icric.  their  fathers  worshipped  not-, . 


ofthclaw.  Devteronomii.  A^} 

18        t  God  that  begatte  thee  thou  haft  forfakcn,  and  haft  "  for- 
go ttcn  our  Lord  thy  crcatour. 

15      t  Our  Lord  faw,  and  xras  moucd  to  vrath ;  bccaufe  his 

fonhes  and  daughters  prouoked  him.  m.Forthcir     - 

ao       t  And  he  faid  :  °^  I  \ril  hide  my  face  from  thcra,  and  vil  P^^J'^iih- 
confidcr  their  laft:  for  it  is  a  peruerfe  generations^  and  vn-  drcv^hishclpe 
faithful  ch»ldren.  frointhem. 

21       t  They  "  haue  prouokedmc  in  that,  which  \raj  no  God,,  "Godfirftlo- 
and  haue  angrcd  me  in  their  vanities:  and  I  wil  prouokc  them  '^^fg 'j^j^jot 
inthat,  ^3fhichi$no  people,  and  in  «  a  foohsh  nation  vil  I  ^^^^  him,  but 
anger  them.  mcnfirftfor, 

a.1       t  A  fvre  is  kindled  in  my  vrrath,  and  shal  burnc  euen  to  fake  God  be* 
the  lovreft  partes  of  hel :  and  shal  deuoure  the  earth  with  her  [^"^ 
fpring,  and  shal  burne  the  foundations  of  mountaincs.  o.Thelcwcs 

a  J       t  I  wil  heapeeuils  vpon  them,  and  mync  arfoves  I  \ril  reputed  moft 
fpend  in  them  .  Gc tiles fooliih 

J4       t  They  shal  be  confumcd  -with  famine,  and  birdes  shal  ^'i^-^^i  i,^ 
deuoure  them  vfithmoft  bitter  biting:  the  teeth  of  beaftes  ^i 
vil  I  fend  vpon  them,  with  the  furie  of  thofe  that  traile  Tpon 
the  ground,  and  creepc. 

1;  t  Without  shal  the  fvord  deuoore  them,  8c  within  fcarc- 
fulnes,  the  young  man  and  the  virgin  together,  the  fucking 
child  with  the  old  man_». 

z4       f  I  faid ;  "Where  are  they  ?  I  wil  make  their  memorie  to 

ceafe  from  among  menj  ,  P  Foriuftcau- 

17       t  But  P  forthewrathoftheencmiesIhaucdifferred:left  [•^^j°d'|^^,'"* 
perhaps  their  enemies  might  be  proude,  and  would  fay  :  Our  reth  punilK- 
mlghtiehand,  and  not  the  Lord,  hath  done  al  thefethinges.     mcnt . 

28       -f  A  nation  without  counfel  is  ity  and  without  wifedomc. 

ip       t  O  that  they  were  ^  wife,  and  vnderftoode,  and  would  qTrucvif- 
prouide  for  their  laft.  ^rihir^M ' 

30  "f  How  should  one  purfew  a  thoufand,  and  two  put  ten  pi(^  yndfrftan- 
thoufand  to  flight?  was  it  not  therfore,  becaufc  their  God  «/fffc 'things  pre 
fold  them,  and  our  Lord  inclofed  them  ?  icnt,xnd profti' 

51       t  For  our  Lord  is  not  as  their  goddes:  ^  our  enemies  alfo  '^'^  for  tilings 

"""'ft-  ■    .  re.   \  .   '"r/fidcic. 

51  t  Ofthe  vineyard  ofSodom,i$  their  vineyard,  and  of  the  confefTe  moic 
fuburbesof  Gomorrha:  their  grape  the  grape  of  gall,  and  Maicftyiatkc 
the  cluftersmoft  bitter.  5'^"^°'^"^^. 

55  t  The  gall  of  dragons  their  vine,  and  the  vcnimc  of  Afpes  then^in  thl/' 
vncurablc*  owne. 

t  Arc 

4^4  Devteronomxe.  A  canticle  of  the  law. 

Are  not  thefethinges  laid  vp  with  me,  and  Hgned  in  my  54 
treafures  ? 

f  Reuengeismync,  and  I  vil  repay  them  in  time,  that  j; 
their  footc  may  Aide:  the  day  ofperdition  is  at  hand,  and  the 
times  make  haft  to  be  prefent. 

f  Our  Lord  ntiI  iudge  his  people,  and  \ril  haue  mercie  on  )6 
his  feruantes:  he  shal  fee  that  their  hand  is  weakened,  and 
f.Eucnfuch     ^  the  shut  vp  alfo  haue  fayled,  and  thcrefidewbeconfumed. 
offenders  as         |  And  he  shal  fay  :  Where  are  their  goddes,  in  whom  they  57 
J.^^;]^^;^^^^  had  confidence. 

eCcapc  not.    '      -f- Of  whofe  vidimes  they  did  eate  fattc^,  and  dranke  the  38 
t.  It  is  vnpom- wine  of  their  Hbamentes:*  Let  them  arife,and  help  you,  and 
blcthatfalfc    protedyou  inneceilitie. 

Icf  t"h^r"^'^      t  See  ye  that  I  am  onhe,  and  there  is  no  other  God  befides  5f 
foWers^Tn     "^^  •  ^  ^^1  ^^1'  ^"^  ^  ^*1  make  to  Hue :  I  wil  ftrike,  and  1  wil 
ncccflitic.       healc-/,  and  there  is  none  that  can  deliuer  out  of  my  hand. 

t  I  wiliift  vp  my  hand  to  heauen,  and  wil  fay  :  I  hue  for  40 

f  If  I  shal  whettc  my  fword  as  the  lightening,  and  my  41 
hand  take  iudgement:  I  wil  repay  vengeance  to  myne  ene- 
mies, and  them  that  hate  me  wil  I  requite. 

■f-  Iwilembrew  my  arrowes  with  bloud,  and  my  fword  41 
(hal  deuourc  flesh,of  the  bloud  of  the  flainc  and  of  captiuitie, 
^.Thevaine    of  ^  the  bare  head  of  the  enemies. 

counfel  of  the  |  you  gentiles  "  pray fe  his  people,becaufe  he  wil  reuenge  the  45 
deeded  S  bloud  of  his  feruantes;  and  wil  repay  vengeance  vpon  their 
be  puniflicd.    enemies,  and  wil  be  propitious  to  the  land  of  his  people^. 

t  Moyfestherfore  came  and  fpakeal  the  wordcs  of  this  can-  44 
tide  in  the  eares  of  the  people,  he  and  lofue  the  fonne  of 
Nun,  t  And  he  finished  al  thefe  wordes,fpeaking  to  the  chil-  45 
dren  of  Ifrael.  f  *"<!  ^^  ^^^^  ^'^  ^^^^  '  Setreyour  hartes  on  al  4^ 
thewordcs,whichlteftifieto  you  this  day;  that  you  com- 
mand them  to  your  children  to  kcepe  and  to  doe,and  to  fulfil 
althingesofrhis  law  that  are  written:  f  for  notin  vaine  are  47 
they  commanded  you,  but  that  euerie  one  should  Hue  in 
theiTi.^;  which  doing  you  may  continew  a  long  time  in  the 
Land,  which  pafling  oucr  lordan  you  enter  to  poflclTc.^. 
t  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfcs  in  the  fame  day,  faying:  48 
t  Goe  vp  inro  this  mount  Abarim,  that  is  to  fay,  of  palfages,  49 
into  mount  Nebo,  which  is  in  the  Land  of  Moab  againft  le- 
richo;  and  lee  the  Land  ofChanaan,  which  I  wil  deliuer  to 


Bleiliiig  of  the  tribes,  Devteronomie.  46 f 

the  children  of  Ifrael  to  obteyne,  and  die  thou  in  the  mount. 

50  -j-  "Whichgoingvp  vnto  thoushalt  be  ioyned  to  thy  peoples, 
as  Aaron  thy  brother  died  in  mount  Hor,and  was  layd  to  his 

5-1  people  :  f  becaufe  you  did  preuaricare  again  ft  me  in  the 
middesorthc  children  of  Ifracl  ar  the  Waters  of  contradi- 
d:ion  in  Cades  of  the  defcrt  of  Sin:  and  you  did  not  fan- 

51  dlific  me  among  the  children  of  Ifrael .  j-  Otiiragainil  sbalt 
thou  fee  the  Land,  and  shalr  nor  enter  into  it,  which  I  wil 
geue  to  the  children  of  ifrael. 

Chap.     XXX  if. 

iS.    TmgotUn- our  lord.  ]  Caluin  (/»,  i.  Inpit.c.  xi.^ara^.  ;>.}  c.onrcndinpthat 
itisidolatricjto  worftiipChriftinhispidureJsieththe  idolanie  committed  Caluin  coa- 
aboHtrhemoltfn  calfe(f..voJ.  31.)  confiftcd  in  «'oii'bipping  ikc  true  God  in  tradidlcth  the 
that  imAgcofacalfe  :  AS.r.vAnnih.-MtljcUyyeiyyertJtotlo  viio; fid  rate,  *tnotto  liolie  Scrip- 
rtmemher,thatityy-t)God.yr'nc])U.-Jhr9U^Jytthcmi,uto{theLani  of  Agypt.  Quite  turc, 
contraric  to  this  text,  •which  faicth  :  God  thatbcgate  thee  thouhaft  forfakcn, 
inAha^^orptten  ourLor  A  thy<rcator.  Caluin  cherforc  w'aseitherignorant  or 
forgetful,  that  the  Holie  Ghoft  here  chargcLh  th^m,  to  haue  forrakcn  and  for- 
gotten God  the  Cicatci;  orcls  (which  is  woifc)  Knowing  and  rcmcmbring 
it,  he  vasmoftimpudentinauouchmgthc  coutraric. 

4}.    Vyaifi  hit  people.]   In  the  people  of  the  Icwes  v/erealvfaycjromc  good,  Alwaies  fomc 
ecworthleofpraife,  thatfcruedGod ;  andfomccimesrufFertdpcrfecution  for  pood  in  the 
iufticcjwhofc  bloud  God  promilcdhcie  to  reucnge,  and  for  their  fakes  to  be  Church  of  th« 
merciful  to  others.  Al  which  we  fee  was  performed,  in  that  God  reduced  them  ©id  Tcftamet. 
from  captiuicic,  and  conferucd  them afceiin  their  countrie  til Chriftc  time. for 
fo  he  \yxs^r»^itKtus  to  the  land,  ofhiiptople. 

Chap.     XXXIII. 

Mayfes  hlefi'mg the  tribes oflfrdel  (  Simeon  omitted ) profhecyeth pitrtiosUriy 
ofeuerieo»e.z6.^^jineexhortetbthemytbat  as  God  hdth  chofenthsm 
bis  feculidr^eofley  ft  tbeylouednd  bonour  him  their  onlie  Cod^ 

I  *Tp  His  is"thcblcfling,whcr\rirhMoyfestheraanofGod  -Thesucieftt 
i    blclfed  the  children  oflfrael,beiore  his  death.  fathers  cx- 

1       t  And  he  faid:  Our  Lord  "  came  from  Sinai,and  from  Seir  po'Jnd  thefc 
i%  hetilento  vs  .•  he  hath  appeared  from  mount  Pharan,  and  ji^J'"!"^,^'^' 
with  him  thousades  of  Saindes.In  his  right  hand  a  fyrielaw.  church  of 

5  ■\  HehathIoucdrhepeople$,alrbefaintesareinhishand:  Chrift,  thcis 
and  they  that  approch  to  his  feetc,  shal  xeceiue  of  his  do-  of  the  Icwcs 
drine^.  Synagogue. 

Aloyfes  commanded  y4  a  U\r,  the  inheritance  of  the  roui-  rh!oTq^^J,tn 

citudcoflacob.  f,,^^,  ^  ** 

^66  Devteronomie.  BlelTingcsof 

f  He  shal  be  king  with  the  mod  right,  the  princes  of  the  j 
people  being  airembled  with  the  tribes  of  ffraei, 

t  Liue  Ruben,  and  die  he  not,  and  be  he  htle  in  nurabcr.      6 
t  Thisis  thebleffingof  ladas:  He^re  Lord  the  voice  of  7 
Iiidas,  and  bring  him  in  vnto  his  people:  his  handes  shai  fight 
for  him,  and  he  shal  be  his  helper  againft  his  aducrfaries. 

t  To  Leui  alfo  he  faid  :  Thy  perfection,  and  thy  dodrine  S 
be  to  thy  holie  man,  whom  thou  haft  proued  in  tentationu-, 
V.  The  pticft-  andiudgedat  the  Waters  of  contradidion.  f  Hcthat  -  faid  ^ 
lie  tribe  muft  to  his  father,  and  to  his  mother  :  I  know  you  not  j  and  to  his 
crpecially  pre-  brethren  :  I  know  you  not :  &  they  knew  not  their  children. 
^"/^^^°P^j["'Therekepr  thy  word,  and  obfcrued  thy  couenant.,  f  thy  10 
their  ncereil    iudgementes  o  lacob,  and  thy  law  o  Ifrael :  they  shal  put  in- 
kinrcd.  cenfe  in  thy  furie,  andholocauftvpon  thync  altar,  f  Blefle  11 

Lord  his  ftrength  ,  and  receiue  the  workes  of  his  handes. 
Strike  the  backes  of  his  enemies,  and  they  that  hate  him..,  lee 
them  not  rife  vp. 

t  AndtoBcniamin  hcfaid-.The  beftbelouedofourLord   u 
-TheTemple::  shal  dwel  confidently  in  him  :  as  in  a  bride  chamber  al  the 
was  built  ia    dayshaIheabide,andbetwenhisshouldersshalhcreft-. 
Beniamin  t  To  lofeph  aifo  he  faid :  Of  the  blelling  of  our  Lord  ba  13 

which  God     his  land,  of  the  fruitesof  heauen,and  the  dew,  «Sc  the  depth 
mors  fpecial-  lying  vndetneth  .  f  Ofthe  pomesof  thefruitesof  thefunnc  14 
h  P^°^^^^^-y  andmoone,  t  ofthe  toppes  ofthe  old  mounraynes,  of  the  ij 
^?lir -JnrJfp  pomcs  of"  the  eternal  hillcs :  f  and  ofthe  fruites  ofthe  earth,  i6 
curtly.  Theod.  andofrhefulncstherof.Theblelhngof  him,  that  appeared 
cj.i,$.(nDmt.    in  the  bush,  come  vpon  the  bead  of  lofeph,  and  vpon  the 

crowne  ofthe  nazaritc  among  his  brethren-.,  f  His  beauric  17 
as  of  the  firft  borne  of  anoxe.iiii  homes  the  homes  of  an 
vnicorne^:  in  them  shal  he  winow  the  Nations  euen  to  the 
7.'.  Eprhaim  is  endes  of  the  earth,  thefc  are  the  multitudes  of  '•'•  Ephraim_,, 
preferred  be-  ^nd  thefe  the  thoufandes  of  Manalles. 

fore  his  elder      ^  And  toZabulon  he  faid  :  Reioyie  Zibulonin  thy  going   iS 
aib  to'their  out,  and  Iiracharin  thy  tabernacles,  t  They  shal  cal  the  peo-    19 
«raii&thers     ples  to  the  niountaine :  there  shal  they  immolate  the  viduties. 
prophetical     of  iuftice.  Who  shal  fucke  the  inundation  of  the  milkc, 
Blening.  cen.   ^^j  rhc  hidden  trcafures  ofthe  fandes. 

'^^'  I  And  to  Gad  he  faid  :  Blclled  be  Gad  in  breadth:  as  a  20 

lion  hath  he  refted,  and  taken  the  armc  and  the  toppe  of  the 
head,  f  And  he  faw  his  principalitie,that  in  hispart  the  do-  11 
(ftoi  was  rcpofed  :  which  was  with  the  princes  ofthe  people, 


'    the  tribes.  Devteronomie.  4^7 

and  did  the  iufticcs  of  our  Lord,  and  his  iudgemcnt  with 

iz  j-  ToDanalfohefaid:  Dan  a  lions  vrheipe,  he  fhal  flov 
largely  from  Bafan. 

45  t  And  to  Nephthali  he  faid  :  Ncphthali  shal  enioy  abun- 
dance-/, andlhalbefuiofthe  bkiringesofour  Lord:  thcfea 
and  the  fouth  he  shal  poifcfre. 

14  t  To  Afer  alfo  he  faid:  Blefied  be  Afer  in  children,  be  he 
acceptable  to  his  brethren,  anddippe  he  in  oile  his  foote-/. 

ij  f  His  {liocyronandbraffe.  As  thedaiesof  thy  yoiuh,{o  alfo 
thy  old  age. 

16  f  There  is  no  other  God  as  the  God  of  the  righteft;  the 
mounter  of  heauen  is  thy  helper.  By  his  magnificence  the 

27  cloudcsrunne  hither  and  thither,  f  his  habitation  is  aboue,    ' 
aiid  vnderthc  euertaftingarmes  :  he  shal  cafl:  out  the  enemic 

from  thy  face^,  and  shal  fay:  Be  deftroyed.  r.Thefinncof 

28  f  ::  Ifrael  shal  dwel  confidently,  and  alone^.  The  eic  of  Zabri  a  prince 
lacobinthclandofcorncand^wine,  and  the  heauens  shal  be  of  Simeons 
miftieNTithdcw,     "      .,  '^^^oi'iJiK^ 

19       t  BlelTed  art  thou  Ifrael ;  who  is  like  to  thee  o  people,  that  ^y^)f°mcth  to 
art  faucd  in  our  Lord?  the  fliield  of  thy  helpt^,  and  the  be  the  caufc, 
(vrord  of  thy  glorie  :  thy  enemies  shal  denie  thee,  and  thou  \i>'hy  this  tribe 
shalr  treade  their  neckes.  |»  f ?T]"u  " 

lyblcfled,  bu? 
^ _  only  in  gene- 

ral with  al  K" 


Chap.    XXXIII. 

1.    Camt  frem  Sinai.  ]  According  to  the  hiftorie  Moyfcs  rccountcth  here 
thrcc'benefitcs.Iirft  that  God  gauc  the  Law  ia.S'inzi.(Exod.  lo.)  Secondly,  he 
cured  thofe  which  were  bitten  with  ferpentcs  nere  toSeir.  (Nwm.ti. )  Thirdly 
in  mount  Pharan  he  appointed  Seqcntie  ancientcsto  affift  Moyfcs  in  iudgc-  Xheprophc«i» 
nientes(K»m.  ii, )  Butaccording  to  the  Myfteric,  which  fpeciallyis  intended,  ^^^  fenfc  of 
S.  Augaftin  { q.  $  Dtnt.)  faieth  this  prophccie  is  not  to  be  negligCHtly  paflcd  t^efc  blefsiff€S 
cuer.  For  it  cuidcntly  appeaterh  that  this  benedidion  pcrteineth  to  a  new  j^  more  cer- 
pcoplc,  whom  Chrift  our  Lord  hath  fandified,  in  whofcperfonMoyfes  fpake  jajng^  &:morc 
and notin  hJsownc.  So  in  this  prophetical  and  proper  fenfc  (faieth  this  Do-  cuident   then 
6lor)  our  Lord  and  Sauiourcomcthfrom5"»«<»»,v7hichii  interpreted  <f«r«//'»»,  ^j^^  hiftoricaL 
when  he  parted  the  tcntation  of  his  paflion  and  death,  H*&.i.T.  18.  Chriftrifcth 
from  StiYy  interpreted />Mr»f,  for  that  in  the  fimilitade  of  the  flclh  of  finne,enca 
offinne,  hedamnedfinncinfhc,8.T,3.Hc  appcareth  from  mount 
Tharaa  interpreted  fruitful  moH'tnainej  in  that  he  geucth  abundance  of  grace 
ia  his  Church  of  the  new  Tcftamcnt  5  Tf'hich  isa  citicfet  vpon  a  hil .  Mat.j. 

LIU  ChaF" 

4^S  Devteronomtb.  Moyfcsdicth« 

Chap.  XXXIIir. 

Moyfes  fecth  the  promifcd  Undy  hut  is  mtjuffered  tegoe  into  it^  5.  He  dieth 
The  fifth  part.  utthedrc  ofiio.  yeares.  GoJll^i^rutb  hn  btdiepcretlj,  and  al  ifrael 
Tjn^  ^^^p^'^^-  mournefor  hifff  tJ/irtie  dayes.  9.  lofnt  replenished  (  bj  impofition  of 
lar  p^ail^ir  -^^^f^  '^'^^'^'^  )  ."^'^^  thefpirite  of  God  juecedetb.  10.  But  Moyfes  for 
Moyfes,  ha  fpeaalfAmiliaritie  wuh  God^Andfor  moji  "Wonderful  mirada  is  com" 

mended  abotte  al  other  Propbetes. 


O  Y  s  E  s    therfore  went  vp  from  the  champion  of  i 
Moab  vpon  mount  Nebo,  into  the  toppe  of  Phafga 
Go<3  cleua-  af^ainft  lericho;  and  our  Lord  shewed  him  ''■  al  the  land  of 
ted  his  vifiuc    ^aiagji  as  farre  as  Dan,  f  and  alNephthali,  and  the  land  of  1 
mmre  w^fcc   Ep^raira  and  Manaffes,  and  al  the  Land  of  luda  vnto  th?  vf- 
fofaxre.  moft-fca,  t  and  thefouth  part,  end  thebredth  of  the  plaine  5 

of  lericho  acirieoFpalmetrees  as  farre  as  Segor,  f  And  our  4 
Lord  faid  to  him:  This  is  the  Land,  for  the  which  I  fware  to 
Abraham, rfaacandiacob, faying;  Tothyfeede  wil  I  geue 
it.  Thou  haft  Cccne  it  with  thyne  eics,and  shalt  not  paiTe  ouer 
to  it,  t  And  Moyfes  the  feruantof  ourLord  died  there,  in  the  ; 
land  of  Moab,  our  Lord  commanding  it:  f  and  he  buried  him  6 
::  Oiilie  An-     in  the  valley  of  the  Land  of  Moab  againft  Phogor:ancl  "  no 
gels  ( whofc     j^^an  hath  knowne  his  fepulchre  vntil  this  prefent day. 
minifteric     ^  ^  Moyfcswasan  hundred  and  twentie  yeares  old  when  he  7 
i^°/knev^  aii  died:  his  cie  was  not  dimm.e, neither  were  his  teeth  moued.    - 
place  of  his"  f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  mourned  him  in  the  champion  S 
buiiahlcftchc  countrie  of  Moab  ihirrie  daies  *  and  the  daies  of  their  mour- 
lewcs  prone    ,^i„g  ^1^,^^  moiuned  for  Moyfes  were  accomplished,  f  And  f. 
miz^ttmt     lo[ac  thefonne  of  Nun  was  replenished  with  the  fpirit  of 
Jionored  him  v-zifedome,  bccaufe  Moyfes  did  put  his  handes  vpoa  hira^, 
foiGod.  ^AndrhechJldtcnof  Kraelobeicd  him,  and  did  as  our  Lord 

commanded  Moyfes.  t  And  rhcte  rofe  no  more  a  propbercioi 
in  Ifrael  as  Moyfes,  whom  our  Lord  had'knowen  face  to  /  ; 
face,  t  in  ^^  C\^,r\es  and  \yonders,wIiich  he  fent  by  him,to  doe  14,.; 
in  theLando'f.'P/:^yptto  Pharao,andtoalhis  feruantes,  and 
to  his  whole  Land,"  V  and  al  the  ftrong  hand,  and  great  met-  11 
uailcs,  which  Moyfes  did  before  al  Ifrael. 

rb(  end  of  the  fine  boohs  of  Moyfes^ 
.  ccnteinmx  the  Ufv^ 





B  O  O  K  E  S. 

The  argument  of  the  booke  of  lofiie, 

"\7'\7'  ^^THER  hfue  himfdf'^rit  th'n  hook.^  ( Ifhich  is  the  com-  yvhofoeucr 

V      V    '^''^  ofiimon)  or  fame  other^  tt'fVAS  euerheld '\ndouhteMyhy  was  author, 

aly  for  Carw^'C^l Scripture  :asd ^ccordtng  to  the  c{ifiri[>Htion  of  the  "^kole  theautboritfc 

iJ/7^/f/«ioLcgai,Hiftorica!,Sapicntul,and  Prophetical  Bookes,  thk  «f  thisbookc 

is  ihefrfl  of  the  hijloncal  forte.  But  as  the  fine  procedent  Cdlled  Lega!,  I'tf/des 

the  L^^ i comprehend iilf a  the  hifione  of  thg  Cburch,  from  the  beginning  ef  Boolccsofho- 

the  worldnc'reijco.y>arirsyAridn>ithitlconteinemitchdiumeWi(6omCyCr'  lie  Scripture 

Predidlion  of  things  to  come:  fo  thefe  hookes  norvfolowinr called  Hi-  piincipally 

ftoricalj  4«^  hkfWife  the  Sapiential  And  Prophetical  erjuingafiery  pit-  """'^'g  ^t  le- 

ticip/xteeAth'^nh  others  in  their ftuerAl  argnmcKtes :  cHerie  one  more  or  lejsc  Hientcs  vctin 

inducing  Godsferti-antes  to  ksepe  hts  Law  j  recerdt^xg  t hinges  danr^c  j  teaching  the  fame  oarti- 

T»hatis  mojf  meete  to-  he  donne  j  andforeshetPing  before  hand,  thtnges  donne  cipat  ech  force 

afterv^'ird(S,or  'ivhuhyet  shal  come  to p4jje.  So  this  doolie  deth  not  only  fet  ^i^^  others. 

forth  the  ^cles  oflofne^  fiako  fucccded  Moyfatn  teporal  ^oHernment  of  Gods  „, 

/  J  J  J-    a-        L        II  j'X^   rj  I         ir    The  cotcntes 

ptopleycommxnclingand  directing  them  by  Uwe  and   wijedome  •■,  but  ttljo  of  this  books 

Ep'ijl^'ad  tl^c^^wf  thingcs donne  by  him, and  his  veric  name  (45  S.  Bierorn^ 

Taulin.     cr  other  FAtherstejtchjpxcfigure  our  Lord  Iesvs  Chrift.  ForinHebrevtf 

s.  ^mb.  I  E  H  o  s  V  A  is  the  name  both  of  this  dtpitaine  General,  the  leader  of  The 

$tt  pjA  .    jp.^glifg^  ^f^.ff.  Jordan  tnto    the  Land  of  promife  y  and  of  our  lord  and 

^  SaviovRj  Tlfho  hj  his  BdpUfmey  And  Other  Sacrumentesbrmgfth  his  people 

iz.c-.ji.    of  ul  Nations, into  the  true  L4nd0f  the  "^'here  is  life  and  fclictt'te  euer^ 

Crlii6'  Ufing'  Touching  thii fore  the  hi/iorie^the/e  foure  Jjfecial  thmgts  are  here  de-  Diiiidcd  into 

('19'      Jcrtbed.  Ftrfiythepajfageofthe  lfraelitesct*erIordan.  Inthcfiuejirfi  chap-  fourepartc«, 

Ij.  '     te'^s.  Secondly  ^thvircoy.qtieli  of  the  ^romifed  Und.  In  the  fuen  chapters  fo- 

%iA)inh.   lowing.  Thirdly  y  the  partition  of  the  fame  Land  amongf  mne  Tribes  and 

A  half,  from  the.  15.  chap,  to  then.  Fourthly,  In  the  three  la(i  chapter^y  the 

returne  of  the  other  tjvo  Tribes  and  a  half  to  their  pofe/itonsy  on  the  eafi  fids 

■  eflordan  5  ^ithlofues  la/l  udmomii^n  to  them  at,  to  feme  Codfincerly  j  and 

hiSt and Ele^l^rs death,  Lll  j 

I.  lUfr». 


Preparation  to 

Thefirft  fart. 
of  Ifracl  oucx 



I  E  H  O  S  V  A. 

Chap.     L 

lofue  ennrered  hy  our  Lord,  lo.  ddmonisheth  thepe»f>le  to  prepare  tkemfduei, 
to  pdffe  otter  lorddn  •,  ii.  and  althe  able  men  of  the  tnbes  ofl{iiben,  Gdd^ 
and  hdlfe  Manajfes  to  march  armed  before  the  reft,  i6.  ^l  promsp  ta  doe 
'^batfoeuer  he  commandeth. 

Nd  it  came  to  pafiTe  after  the  death  i 
of  Moyfcs  the  feruant  of  our  Lord', 
that  our  Lord  fpakc  to  lofue  the  fonne 
of  Nun,theminifter  of  Moyfes,  and  ' 
faidto  him:  f  Moyfes  my  feruant  is  a 
deade:  arifcjand  palFc  ouer  this  Jor- 
dan thou  and  al  the  people  with  thee, 

^._. ,  into  the  Land,  vhich  1  wil  geue  to  the 

children  of  Ifrael.  f  Euerie  place,  the  ftcppe  of  your  foote  5 
ihaltreade,  will  deliucrtoyou,asIhaue  (poken  to  Moyfes. 
t  From  the  defert  and  Libanusvnto  the  great  riuer  Euphra-  4 
tes,  al  the  land  of  the  Hetheites  vnto  the  great  feaagainft  the 
going  downc  of  the  funne,shal  be  your  border,  f  No  man  y 
shalbeableto  refift  youal  the  daics  of  thy  life;  as  I  haue 
beene  with  Moyfes, fo  will  be  with  thee:  I  wil  not  leaue, 
nor  forfake  thee,  f  Take  courage,  and  be  ftrong  :  for  thou    6 
shaltbylottediuideco  this  people  the  Land,  for  the  whfch 
I  {Vare  to  their  fathers ,  that   I  would  deliuer  it  to  them. 
f  Take  courage  therforc,  and  be  very  ftrong:  that  thou  kecpe   7 
and  doc:  al  the  Law,  which  Moyfes  my  feruant  hath  com- 
mandcd  thee:  decline  noffrom  it  to  the  right  hand  or  to  the 
left ,  that  thou   mayeft  vnderftand  al   thmgcs  which  thou 
doeft.  t  Let  not  the  volume  of  this  law  depart  from  thy  8 
mouth  :  hut  thou  sh^Utmedirate  in  it  daics  and  nightcs,  that' 

tholii  • 

pafTelordan  Iosve.  471 

thou  maieft  keepe  and  doc  al  thinges  that  be  written  in  it; 

9  then  shale  thou  direct  thy  way,  and  vnderftand  it.  f  Behold 

I  command  thee,  take  courage,  and  be  ftrong.  Fcare  not,  and 

dreadenot:  becau{ethe  Lord  thy  God  is  with  thee  in  al  the 

10  thinges  to  vfhatfoeuer  thou  shaltgoe.f  And  lofue  comman- 
ded the  princesof  the  pcople,raying:p2ire  through  the  middes 

11  ofthecampe,jind  command  the  people,  and  fay:  f  Prepare 

for  your  lelues  "  victuals:  for  after  the  third  day  you  shal  ::BefidesMsn 
palfeouerlordan,  and  shal  enter  to  pofTeiTe  the  Land,  which- na,  which  yet 
11  our  Lord  your  God  wil  geue  yoa.  f  To  the  Rubenites  alfo  "a^ednot, 

13  and  Gaddites,,  and  halfe  tribe  of  Manalles  he  faid :  f  Re-  ^tey  3dV^ 
member  the  word,  which  Moyfes  the  feruant  of  our  Lord  prouidcothcr 
commanded  you,  faying:  Our  Lord  your  God  harh  geuen  mcatc  :  prcfi- 

14  you  reft,  and  althis  Land,  f  Your  wiucs,  and  children,  and  guringthatin 
cattclshal  tarie in  the  Land,  which  Moyfes  deliuercd  to  you  J-h  ^'u""^"* 
beyond  Jordan  :  but  palfe  yououer  armed  before  your  bre-  /houIdbclaMr- 

i;  thren,  al  that  are  ftrong  of  hand, &:  fight  for  them, -j-vntil  our  fulrovfe  legal 
Lord  geue  reft  to  your  brethren  as  to  you  alfo  he  hath  geuen,  cercmonicj^ 
and  they  alfo  pofteire  the  Land  which  our  Lord  your  God  wil  j^'^^  euange- 
geue  them  ;  and  lo  rcturne  mto  the  Land  or  your  poiieiiion,  ^-j^^    ^-j  ^^^ 
and  you  shal  dwel  in  it, which  Moyfes  the  ^eruanrof  our  Lord  old  la\i;'  vera 
gaue  you  beyond  lordan,  a^ainft  the  ryfing  of  the  funnc  .  buried 

16  t  And  they  made  anfwcr  to  lofue  , and  faid:  A 1  thinges,  that  honour, 
thou  haft  commanded  vs  wc  wil  doe:  and  whither foeuer 

17  thou  shalt  fend  vs,  we  wil  goe.  f  As  we  obeyed  Moyfes  in 
al  thinges,  fowilweobey  thee  alfo:  only  be  our  Lord  thy 

iS  God  with  thee,  as  he  was  with  Moyfes.  t  He  that  shal  gaine- 
fay  thy  mouth,  and  nor  obey  al  thy  wordes,  that  thou  shalt 
commandhim,  let  him  die.  thou  only  take  courage,  and  doc 

Chap.     II. 

TfVo  difcomreifmttnio  Hiericho  are  h'tdy  dnd  concealed  ly  I(ahah:S.  And 
ypon  piomife  of  lihji  fufette  to  her  T»hoie  familief  n.  she  helptth  them 
fecretiy  aWaj. 

1    'np  H  E  R  F  o  R  E  lofue  the  fonne  of  Nun  fcnt  from  Setim 

X    two  men,  to  fpie  in  fccrete :  and  faid  to  them :  Goe,  and 

view  the  Land,  andthecitic  of  lericho.  "Who  going  entred 

into  the  houfe  of  a  woman  a  harlot,  named  Rahab,and  refted 

%  with  her.  |  And  it  was  told  the  king  of  lericho,  and  faid: 

Behold  there  arc  men  come  in  hither  by  night  of  the  children 


47^  Iosv:e.  Difcouorersntc 

of  Ifracljto  fpietheLand.  f  And  the  kingoflericbofencto  5 
Rahab,  faying :  Bring  forth  the  men,  that  came  to  thee,  and 
are  entred  in:o  thy  houfc  :  for  they  be  fpies,  and  arc  come  to 
view  al  the  Land,  f  And  the  vomao  taking  the  men,  hid  ^ 
::  Not^*'ith-     them, and  faid:  I  confelfe  they  came  to  me,but  ••  I  knew  not 
landing  this    whence  they  wcre:  -f  and  when  the  gatc^a^  a  shutting  in  j 
ofiicious  he,     thedarke,£nd  thcyvrithal  went  out,  I  know  not  whuher 
(which  IS  a  ve-     ,,  f  .,,  111  ii 

nial  finnc  )  S.    ^"^^  ^^  8°"^  •  piiric'*'  quickJy,  and  you  shal  cue rtake  them. 
Paul,  Heb.  u.  t  But  she  made  the  men  to  goe  vp  into  the  roofc  of  her  6 
andS  Iames(r,  houfe^and  coueredthem  with  the  ftalkc  of  flaxe,  which  was 
\  )  tcitihc ,     ^j,ej.e_  I  /^^cl  they  that  were  fentjfolowed  them,  the  wav  rhat  7 
that  Ihc  vf-as     1,1  .      r      1     r  t       t  \     .         1     •  1 

iuftifiedbyher  ieadeth  to  the  rotd  ot  Jordan  :  and  they  being  gone  oiuthc 

faith  in  God.,  gate  forwith  was  shutte.  f  Neither  were  they  yer  a  fleepe  8 
and  by  good    th-itlay  hidde,and  behold  the  woman  went  vp  to  them,  and 
workcs  CO-      fjjj.  I J  l^no^jpr  fh^j.  j^g  Lord  hath  geuen  this  Land  to  you.-  for  9 
wards  thefc  •    r  u  1    ,     1       •    i     >  •  r    ■, 

men  s.  jiur.  y'-^"'^  ^"^Touris  bllen  vpon  vs,  and  al  the  inhabuantis  of- the 

co;.f.  \itnda(.     Land  are  become  fainte.   f  'We  haue  heard  that  the  Lord  lo 
f.  17.  see  An-  driedvp  the  water  of  the  Redfea  at  your  entring,  when  you 
B9^i.^f.i.'v.^5.  came  out  of  ^gypt:  and  what  thinges  you  did  to  the  tw^ 
kmgesof  the  Araorrheites,  that  were  beyond  lordan  :  Sehon 
and  Og,  whom  you  flew.  •{•  And  hearing  thefe  thinges  wgii 
greatly  feared,and  our  hart  faintcd,neither  did  there  remaine 
fpirite  in  vs  at  your  entring  in  :  for  the  Lord  your  God  he  is 
God  in  heauen  aboue,cV  in  the  earth  beneth.  f  Now  therforc  ii 
fweare  to  me  by  the  Lord,  that  as  I  hauc  done  mercic  with 
yoUjfo  you  alfo  doe  with  my  fathers  houfe :  and  you  geue  me 
atruefignc,  -j-  tharyoufaue  my  father  and  mother,  my  brc-  ij 
thren  and  fifters^andal  thinges  that  he  theirs,  and  deliucr  our 
foules  from  death,  f  Whoanfwcrcd  her:  Beour  lines  for  14 
you  vnto  death, only  if  thou  betray  vs  not.  And  vphcn  our 
Lord  shal  h.iucdeliuered  vstheland,  we  wildoein  thee  mer- 
ciean-:! truth  j- She therfore'dirllet them  downc  by  a  cordc  15 
out  of  a  window:  forherhoufeioyned  faft  to  the  wall.f  And  i^ 
shefaid  to  them  ;  Goevp  to  thcmountaineSjlefv  perhaps  they 
mcctc you  returning:  and  there  lie  hid  three  daies,  til  they 
return:,  and  fo  you  shal  goe  on  your  way.  f  who  faid  to  her:  17 
Wcshal  bequitte  from  this  oath,  wherwiththo.u  haftfworne 
vs:  I  iJ^^s-c  entring  the  Land,  ihcre  be  this  purpL"  corde  a  18 
fignc,  and  thou  tie  it  in  the  window,  by  the  which  thou  haft 
ler  vs  downe:  and  gather  thy  father  and  morher,  and  brethren 
andal  thy  kindredinto  thy  houfe.  f  He  that  flhal  goe  forth  19 

of  the 

intolcricho  losvi.  475 

ofrhedoorcofthy  houfc,  his  blond  llial  be  vpon  his  head, 
andweshalbcquittc.  Butthe  bloudofal,  thatshal  be  vith 
theein  the  hou{e,shal  redound  vpon  our  head,  if  any  maa 

1©  touch  them,  t  But  if  thou  \filc  betray  vs,  and  vtter  this  talkc 
abroade,  wcshalbcquitte  from  this  oath,  vherwith  thou 

£1  haft  adiuredvs.  f  And  Ihe  anfwercd  :  As  youhauefpoken, 
fo  be  it  donc,and  difmilling  them  to  goe,she  hong  the  purple 

22  corde  in  the  yrindow.  f  But  they  walking  came  to  the 
mountaJHes,  andtaricd  there  three  dayes,  til  they  returned 
that  purfewed  thcm:for  feeking  euerie  way, they  found  them 

13  not.  f  who  being  entredinto  the  citie,  the  difcoucrers  retur- 
ned, and. came  do>ync  from  the  mountaine  ;  and  palling  ouer 
lordan,  they  came  to  lofue  the  fonne  of  Nun,and  told  him  ai 

24  thinges  that  had  chanced  to  them,  t  and  faid:  Our  Lord 
hath  deliuercd  al  this  land  into  our  handes,  andal  theinha- 
bitantcs  thcrof  arc  ouerthrowen  with  feare. 
Chap.     III. 

\After  three  dayes  dhde  hy  the  bdnkfi  of  hrd^n^  i),  the  Pritfles'^ith  the 
^rke  ofGodenteringfirJl  into  theriuer,  15.  the  "^^^er  pdrt  miracuUufy 
fi^ndeth dndfvffeUethithehwtrrunningaway^they goe  into  the  midde 
ehunel,  And  there  ffdy,  "whiles  al  the  people  ^afe  ouer  driefoote, 

I  T  O  s  V  E  therfore  ryfing  vp  in  the  night-*  j  remoued  the  "^ij^^f  ^"^^4 
1  campe;  and  departing  from  Setim,  they  came  to  lordan,  piUeroffirc, 
he,  and  al  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  abode  there  for  three  the  arkc  !» 
a  dayes,  f  "Which  being  palTed,  the  hetauldes  went  through  aow  caried 
I  the  middes  of  the  campc-/,  f  and  beganne  to  proclaimc-. :  foyhcif  g^i* 
••  Whenyouuialleethearkeorcouenant  ot  our  Lord  your  j.-itpcrtcincd 
God,  and  "  theprieftes  of  the  Leuitical  ftocke  carying  itL.,  to  the  Lcuitc* 

4  ryfe  you  aKo,  and  folow  them  going  before:  -f  and  let  there  office  to  caric 
be  bctwen  you  and  the  arke  thefpaceof  two  thoufandcu-  t^hearkc.x^, 
bites  .-that  you  may  £ce  it  a  farre  of,  and  know  which  way  fp^cial  Ceimcc 
you  m-aygoe:  becaufe  you  haue  not  walked  by  it  before:  and  &  miraculoas 

5  beware  you  approch  not  to  the  arke.  t  And  lofue  faid  to  the  paffage  the 
people^:  Befand:ified;for  to  morrowour Lord  wil  doe  a-  P^^flcs  did 

6  mong  yon  merucilous  thinges.  f  And  he  faid  to  the  pricftcs:  gr"a^t"r'maY  * 
Take  vp  the  arke  ofthecouenant,&goe  before  the  people.  Jo  the  office 
who  fulfilling  his  commandementes,  tooke  it,  and  walked  ofthalcfTc.noc 

7  before  them,  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  lolue  :  This  day  wil  I  coatrativifc. 
bcginne  to  exair  thee  before  al  Ifrael  .•  •'  that  they  may  know  l^  ^Is  mTra 

8  as  I  was  with  Moyfes,  fo  am  I  with  thee  alfo.  t  And  doe  clc,thatl©fuc 

M  m  ra  thou 

474  losvE.  Dricpaflfage 

had  fpecial  ^    thou"  Command  the  prieflcs,  that  carie  the  arke  of  the  tcfta- 
fmmhifiTand  ^^^^» ^"^  ^^Y  ^^  t^^*^""' '  "^^^^  yoii shal  be  entred  into  part  of 
that  vndc'r  his  the  water  of  loidan,  flandinit.  t  And  lofuefaid  to  the  chil-  9 
goucrnrnent     dren  of  Ifiael:  Coii-je  hither,  and  heare  the  word  of  our  Lord 

your  God.  f  Andagaine  hefaid:  In  this  you  shal  know  that  i* 
our  Lord  the  huin^  God  is  in  the  middes  of  you,  and  s-hal  de- 
flroy  in  your  fight  the  Chananeite  and  Hethcite,  the  Heucitc 
and  Pherezeite,  the  Gergefeitealfo  and  the  Icbufcit^,  and  the 
Amorrheite.  f  Behold  the  arke  of  the  couenant  of  the  ;Lord  11 
of  al  the  earth  shal  goe  before  you  into  lordan  .  -f  Prepare   12, 
twelue  men  of  the  tribes  of  Ifrael,  one  of  eueric  tribe,  t  And  13 
when  the  prieftes  that  caric  the  arks  of  the  Lord  of  the 
whole  earth  shal  fette  the  lleppes  of  their  fcete  in  the;  waters 
©f  lordan,  the  waters,  that  are  beneath,  shal  runnc  doxrnc 
and  decay  :  and  thofe  that  come  from  aboue,  shal  ftand  toge- 
ther in  one  heape,  y  Therforc  the  people  went  out  of  their  14 
tabernacles,  to  palPjouer  lordan;  and  the  prieftes,  that  ca- 
ried  the  arke  of  the  coufnant,  went  on  before  them  .  -j-  And 
they  being  entered  into  lordan,  and  their  feere  dipped  in  part 
of  the  water  (and  lordan  in  the  haruell  time  had  filled  the 
bankesof  his  chanei)  f  tl^e  waters  that  came  downeward' 
floode  in  one  place,  and  Hkc  a  meuntainc  fwelhng  vp  appea- 
red farce  from  the  citie,  that  is  called  Adorn  to  tl\e.  place  cf 
S-arthan :  but  thofe  that  were  beneth,  ranne  downe  into  the 
Sea  of  the  wildernesf  which  now  is  called  the  dead  fea)  vntal 
ihcy  wholydacaycd.  -f  And  the  people  went  againftlcricho: 
and  the  prieftes  that  caried  the  arke  of  the  couenant  of  our 
Lord,  ftoode  girded  vpon  the  drie  ground  in  the  middes  of 
lordan-.,  and  al  the  people  pafTed  oucr  through  the  drie 



Chap.     III. 

for  laihcad- 
fhip  of  the 


8,  command  the  prieftes.  ]  Bccaufelofuc  commanded  the  prieftes  to  tike 
thcarke, and  ftand  witl-.icin  lordae;  forthatalfo  {chnp.^  )  he  mimftred,  or 
appointed  others  to  minifter,  theS:cramerji:ofCircuciiioni  Likewife(W.'<Jf  ,8.) 
blelTed  the  peoplci  and  [chap.  14.)  rencM^ed  Gods  couenant  with  them ;  Enghfh 
Proteflantcs  infcrrcjthat  he  was  chief  faperior  in  fpiiitualcaufcsjand  therforc 
lay  princes  are  fupreme  heades,  <Jcgoucrners  of  the  Church  immediatly  vndcr 
God.  But  none  ofchcfeadions,  nor  al  put  together  do  proue  their  purpofe. 
For  notwithftanding  he  very  lawfully  did  thcie,  aad  oihc?  like  thinges,  yet  he 


tkrough  Jordan.  losvK.  47f 

badafpiritualfupfnorincartlijVliichirasElcazartlichighpncft  ForMoyfcs  Moyfci  cJiitf 

beingcxtraordinarie  fi^pcrinr  ofal,borhin  fpiiiiualanH  tcmpoial  cautcs,  die  both  in  fpiri- 

ordinariepriefthood,  siidlpii'Tual  fuprcmacie  vas  crtablifhcd  in  Aaron  and  t«al  and  tern- 

Kis  fonncSj  as  appearcth  L'-uit.  8.  A'fw/.  lo.  and  otlierphccs  :and  the  temporal  poralautfaori- 

iicei.  j^.  gouernmcnt  after  Moyl'cs  was  ocuen  to  Icfuc  ,  f'ucccding  ro  lam  (N«m.  17.)  "c.  which  w«f 

^.6.c>'C.  T.otins\,h'atinpartofhiso^loTif{ora\.nhoriuc  )  his  whole  honour  (or  power)  atrcrciiuidci 

Dtut.iy.  being  fkftributed  bciwer.  the  l;it!,h  Prieft,  and  the  temporal  Prince,  at  learned  bctvrcn  the 

Thcodoret(<j.4S.;»7J»wj.)notcth  vpon  theracredtcxt;eiprcf!ydiftinguifliiHg  high  Pricft  X 
their  office?  (  f.  11. )  that  Elca'^i  iheprtfpshcuU  cotifult  our  Lord  joy  him  (  and  Co  temporal 
TCCzivc2iii'*.'CT  indcfti'umndyeritif,  Exod.  2.8.  Lruii.S.)  ind  thzt  lofue sJiould^ee  Prince. 
o»t  ondgeeinjandalthechildnnef  lfratl-v-»nt)  Jxm  ( that  is, lead  and  roucrne  the  The  high 
people)  atllfiL^rs  vverd.  Where  it  is  manifeO  that  lofue  vras  not  fct  ouer  pricft  lupe- 
Eleazar, bur  Eleazarouer him.  That  thcrfore which  lolue  did  in  fpiritnal  af-  Hour, 
faircs^wjsinfubordination  to  tkehighprieft;  by  whofe  dirciflion,  approba-  lolue  execu- 
tion, or  ratihabition,  he  commanded  fonie  of  the  pricOcs  to  caric  the  arkc,and  ted  Gods  W1I3 
^ithittcgocinto  lordan, and  coming  into  the  in  ddcchancl  to  ftand  there,  not  by  fpiri- 
Cl»4/7.j'<,    vchilesal  thearroieandpcople  pafTedouer:  allogaue  order  that  al  fhould  be  tual  iuuidi- 
i'       circunr.cilcd;  bleflcd  the  people;  read  thclaw;  and  after  godiie  exhortations,  <Sio,  butwitk 
ii-      reticvc'cd  the  couenantbetwen  God  and  them;  a!  in  vay  of  execution  of  Gods  fubordinatioa 
15-       wil  &c6mandementes,notby anicpretended  iuii(di(nioRinfpirituallhiage$.  to  the  higk 
v*4*         In  like  forte  manie  other  good  temporal  Princes,  as  wel  in  the  old  as  the  new  pticit. 
Tcftament,  haacdifpofed  and  executed  diuersthinges  pertciningto  Gods  fer- 
uice:rheirofficerequiringrhatth»y{houldfetforward,  mainraincand  defend  Other  pooi 
trucfaith  and  religion.EfpeciallyChriftian  Princes, ofwhomEfaipropheciced  princes  hauc 
(chep.  <9-  }  tbat  K>»^eis'''*tl^fjffflier fathers,  and  SiHaneithe  noHrcesofthe  Chuuh.  alfomuch  ad- 
Conformablyvhcrtc  S,  AuguAin  t-cachcth  ( /;.  3,  e,  jr.  cent.  Crrjlcn)  that  uaaccd  tcli-" 
Kinges,inthatthcyareKinge$,lerueGodby  ccmmanc'.itvggcodthinges,  and  g[on    but  no« 
forbiddiBgetiel,notonlyperteiningtohumainefocietic,butalfobelongin(Tto  ^kca  f 
Godircliiiicn.TothiscfFc£l  Conftantin  the  great  did  manie  rcliTio^racaes:  macie  ia  Ipii'i* 
ytaenenthofethingcs  t/hich  ouradiierfaiicsv.  reft  to  their ownefcnfe,  fhcw  tualcauTcL 
ecidently  hisducfubwiiifcon  tohisfpiritual  paftors  AsvvhenTrgcdby  the  Do- 
natift/'.speiucrfeiinportunicic, and  being  defirous  (as  S.  Auo-uftin  tcftifierh, 
F^pifi.  166.}  to^bridlcfo  great  impudencie,  he  heard  and  iudgcd  Bifhop  Ceci- 
Hanscaufe,afterothcrBifliopsfcntencefor  him  againft  the'herctikes;  where 
.         he  both  gaueiudgementagreable  to  theBiihops,  and  yctplejdinj^  pardon,  ei- 
rmtam    cufedhimlclfforthisfaa.  Which  had  notnedcd,if  he  hadhcnc'tfieordinaric  r-      „,  '       "- 
pttttHi-us  orcompctcrtitidgcOptatusalfowriteth  ( //.  i.  cent.  Ta;men.)  that  the  fame         ™»'nj»i- 
EmpctourConftantinexclamedagainfttheappellantesinthefewordcs:  Ora-  p'°^  ^atho- 
hiddfurcrtiaud^cia  I  ficnt  in  caujli  Gentilium  fieri  Jelet,  apptilattontm  nuerpeftta-unt,     "^"^  (^1         " 
O  outragioiisboldnesof  furie  !  like  as  in  caufcs  of  Gentiles  is  wont,  they  haue  ^S^    j   hcrcti- 
interpofed  an  sppcil.  The  like  good  offices  did  luftinian,  and  Charles  the    ^V         ^°^* 
great,  and  manic  other  ChriftianEraperours  and  Kinges;  for  which  they  arc  ,     ^P^"^^  . 
much  rcncwmcd  in  the  whole  Church;  and  fomc  haue  benne  honoured  for  "*'**^^/*^  '"^ 
their  religious  zele, with  glorious  titles  geuen  to  them  aad  their  fucceiTorsTo  Si      p^*'', 
the  Kinges  ofSpaine,fro!ti  the  time  of  Alfonfus  King  of  Caftil,  abouc  eight  I       ff«ch 

hurdicdycarcsagone,foreTpelHDgtheArians,wasgeuenthetitIcofc^f/74«'    /    l"''"'''^' 
aa  Michael  Ritinsa  Neapolitan  writeth.  To  the  French  Kinacs  the  title  ofS    '■^'"'"'rp 
w5yJc/>.//I/4»,from  the  time  of  Philip  the  Empetour,  about  4O0.veares  fincc  f^'°g^sofEng 
for  expelling  the  Albigcnfbs,  as  recordcth  Nicholaus  Gillius.  To  our  Kinc  ^f°^^'f""^'''* 

jfu.Uo.  HenrletheeightofEngland,forhisbookcofthcSacramencesa<rainaLuthct,  ^'^'J       - 

1511.     PopcLeo  the  tcathgaucthecitlc:  D<r/<r»(/fro/t/;*//«/f/;,  ^ 

Mranii  ChaV. 

47  ^  I  o  s  ▼  E .  Monument  of 

Cmap.   iiii. 

in  mentofie  of  their  miraculous  fa^agct  twelue  chef  men,  of  the  twelue 
tribes  f  tdkefo  mame  ^r  cat  Ji  ones  from  the  tmddes  of  lordarty  9.  and  put  0- 
thertrveluey  ^herc  the pnejies  flood "^ith  the  arke.  i8.  The  Waters  returnt 
to  their  former  courfe.S^nd  the  twehefionei  are  eref}edfor  a  monument. 


Ho  being  pafled  ouer,  our  Lord  faid  to  lofuc :    i 
■\  Chooie  twelue  men  one  in  euerie  tribe:  f  and   t 
command  them  that  they  take  vp  out  of  the  middcs  of  the    | 
chanel  of  Iorda,where  the  feetc  of  the  pricftes  ftoode,  twelue 
moft  hard  ftones ,  which  you  thai  put  in  the  place  of  the 
campe,  where  you  ibal  pitch  tentes  this  night:  f  And  lofue  4 
called  tviceluc  men,  whom  he  had  chofen  outof  the  children 
of  Ifrael,  one  of  euerie  tribe,  t  and  he  faid  to  them :  Goe    f 
before  the  arke  of  our  Lord  your  God  to  the  middes  of  lor- 
dan  ,  and  carrie  from  thence  euerie  man  a  ftons  on  your 
fhouldcrs,  according  to  the  number  of  the  children  of  Ifrael , 
s^ts^nottUe    ^  that  it  may  be  '•'  a  figne  among  you  rand  when  your  chil-    <i 
croffcascon-  ^"^cn  (hal  aske  you  to  morrow,  faying:  What  meanc  thefe 
ucnietafignc,  ftones?  f  You  Ihalanfwer  them  :  The  waters  of  lordande-    7 
to  put  chrifti-  cayed  before  the  arke  of  the  couenant  of  our  Lord,  when 
ans  IB  "i">'J^?  itpafTed  ouer  the  fame ;  therfore  were  thcfe  ftones  fette  for 
ourredcmcd    amonument  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  for  eucr.  t  The  chil-    8 
Ys,  asthefc       dren  of  Ifrael  therfore  did  as  lofue  commanded  them,  cary- 
<ftones\K'crcto  ing  out  of  the  chanel  of  lordan  twelue  ftones,  as  our  Lord 
the  Icves,      had  commanded  him,  according  to  the  number  of  the  chil- 
brought*  their  dren  of  Ifrael,vnto  the  place,  wherein  they  camped, and  there 
fathers  ouer     they  ferte  them^.  f  Other  twelue  ftones  alfo  lofue  pur  in    ^ 
Jordan?  the  middcs  of  the  chanel  of  lordan,  where   the  prieftes 

ftoode,  that  caried  thearkeof  the  couencint :  and  they  be 
there  vntil  this  prefent  day,  •\  But  the  prieftes  that  caried  i# 
thearke,  ftoode  in  the  middes  of  lordan,  til  al  thiages  were 
accomphftjed,  which  our  Lord  had  commanded  lofue,  to 
fpeake  to  the  people,  and  Moyfes  had  faid  to  him.  And  the 
people  made  haft,  and  palTed  ouer.  7  And  when  they  had  al   11 
palFed  ouer,  the  arke  alfo  of  our  Lord  pafted  ouer,  the  prieftes 
alfo  went  before  the  people,  f  The  children  of  Ruben  alfo  u 
andGad,  and  the  halt  tribe  of  Manaftes,  went  armed  before 
the  children  of  Ifrael,  as  Moyfes  had  commanded  them; 
+  and  fourtie  thouiand  fighting  men  by  troupes,  and  bandes,   15 


twclueftoncs.  losvi.  477 

marched  through  the  plaineand  champion  countric  of  the 
14  citieof  lericho.  t  I#that  day  our  Lord  magnified  lofuc  be- 
fore allfrael,  that  they  ihouldfeare  liim,  as  they  had  feared 
i;  16  Moyfcs,  whiles  he  yet  hued.  f  And  he  faid  to  him  :  f  Com- 
mand the  prieftes,  that  carie  the  arke  of  the  couenant,  that 

17  they  comme  vp  out  of  lordan.  t  Who  commanded  them, 

18  faying:  Come  ye  vp  out  of  lordan.  f  And  vp-hcn  they  that 
caried  the  arke  of  the  couenant  of  our  Lord,  were  come  vp, 
and  began  to  treade  on  the  drie  ground,  the  waters  returned 
into  their  chanel,  and  ranne  as  they  were  wont  before-^ . 

ip  t  Andthepeoplecamevpourof  lordan, the  tenth  day  of  the 
firft  moneth  ,and  camped  in  Galgal  againft  the  £aO:  fide  o( 

20  the  citie  of  lericho.  f  The  twclue  ftones  alfo,  which  they 
had  taken  out  of  the  chanel  of  lordan,  lofue  fettc  in  Galgal, 

21  f  avid  faid  to  the  children  of  Ifrael :  When  your  children  shal 
aske  their  fathers  to  morrow,  and  ilal  fay  to  them  :  What 

ti  meane thefeftones  :  f  You  (hal teach  them,  andfay:  By  the 

Z5   drie  chanel  did  Ifrael  pafle  ouer  this  lordan,  f  your  Lord  God 

drying  the  waters  therof  in  your  fight,vntii  you  pafledouer: 

24  t  as  he  had  done  before  in  the  readfea ,  which  he  dried  til 

2j  we  palTed  throuh:  -f  that  al  the  people  of  the  earth  may  learnc 

the  moft  ftrong  hand  of  our  Lord,  that  you  alfo  may  fcarc  out 

Lord  your  God. 

Chap.     V. 
The  4'«^'J  ofchd»4an  dreffte  frighted  ys^ith  the  newes  Bf  ifraels  ^af^age  ouer 
lorflan.i.CircumdJion  ts  ntgdine  commanded yantl  ohferwdy  which  had 
bene ommttted  in  the dejert  fourtie  jeAret,  lo.  They maks their, 
M4nn4ceafeth.  15.  ^ndd»  ^n^elap^earethto  lofue. 


H  E  R  F  o  R  E  after  that  al  the  kinges  of  the  Ammorrhci- 
tcs,  which  dwelt  beyond  lordan  at  the  weft  fide,  and  ':  ^"  aauota^ 
al  the  kinges  of  Chanaan,  which  pollelfed  the  places  nigh  to  .•:°ci^*cficifioa' 
the  great  fea,  had  heard  that  our  Lord  had  dried  the  ftreames  had  bene  o- 
of  lordan  before  the  children  of  Ifra':!,  til  they  pafied  ouer,  muted  foui tie 
their  hart  failed,  and  there  remained  no  foirit  in  them,  fea-  y^rcs,  vrniles 
»  ringtheentringof  the  children  of  Ifrael,  f  ^'^'^^""me  our  [^^^^^"^^^"1. 
Lord  faid  -  to  lofue:  Make  thee  kniues  of  ftone,  and  cir    va-cs  vrccr- 

3  cumcifc  "  thcfecond  timethe  children  of  Ifrael.  t  Hedid  taincwhcnr© 
that  which  our  Lord  had  commanded,  and  he  circna^cifed  .'"a'"ch,&  foic 

4  thechildrcnof  Ifrael  m  the  hil  of  the  prepuces,  f  And  ihis '^^""Jj'^/^j^" 
is  the  caufe of  thcfecond  circumcifion:  Al  the  people,  that  fecoadtimc. 

Mm  IB  J  came 

47^  lo'SVE.  Circumcifion.Parcli. 

€ameoutof>Egyptof  the  malekindc,  al  the  ^fighting  men, 

diedinthedeleic  by  the  long  circuit* of  the  Nray,  t  who  f 

vereal  circumcifcd.  But  the  people  that  was  borne  in  the 

defert,  +  during  the  fourtieyeares  of  tiiciourney  in  the  wide  6 

wildernes  was  incircumciCed ;  til  they  were  confumcd  that 

hadnot  heard  the  voice  of  our  Lord,  and  to  whom  he  had 

fworne  before,  that  he  would  not  shew  them  a  land  flowing 

with  milkeand  home,  -f  The  children  of  thefc  fucccded  in  7 

the  place  of  the  fathers,  and  were  circumcifed  of  lofue  :  for 

they  were  in  the  prepuce  eucn  as  they  were  borne,  neither 

had  any  circumcifed  them  in  the  way.  t  And  after  that  they  S 

were  al  cir.cumcifcd,  they  abode  in  the  fame  place  of  the 

campe,  vntil  they  were  whole,  -f  And  oar  Lord  faid  to  loiuc :  9 

Thisiday  haue  I  taken  away  the  reproch  of  ^gypt  from  you. 

And  the  name  of  chatpiacewas  called  Galgal,  vntil  thispre- 

fent  day.  t  And  the  children  of  I  frael  abode  in  Galgal,  &  they  iq 

made  the  Phafe.thefourtcnthday  of  themoneth  a:  cuen  in 

the  champion  of  lericho  :  t  and  they  did  eatc  of  the  corne    n 

oftheLandthencxtday,azymeloauesand*poletofchefanfe  4^    pa^ 

yeare.  t  And  Manna  failed  after  they  did  eate  of  the  corne  of  11     wmtw. 

the  Land, neither  did  the  children  of  Ifracl  vfe  thr.r  meate  any  - 

more,  but  they  did  care  of  thecorncof  the  prefent  Land  of 

Chanaan,  f  And  when  lofue  was  in  the  field  of  the  citic  of  (| 

lericho,  he  lifted  vp  his  cies,  and  fawaman  (landing  againft 

him,  holding  a  drawcn  fword,  and  he  went  to  him,  and  faid  : 

ArtthoMOurs  ,or  our  adu£rrarics?t^^hoanfwered:  No:  but  14 

^    -   ,t      lama  ••  prince  of  the  hoft  of  our  Lord,  and  now  I  come. 

®f  Godshofu'  t  Iot*uc  fel  flatte  on  the  ground.  And  "  adoring  he  (aid :  What  i j 
(■peakcth  my  Lord  to  his  feruant  ?  f  "  Loofe,  fayth  he  ,  thy  i4 
fhoc  from  thy  fcete:  for  the  place  wherein  thou  doft  (land,  i|% 
holic.  And  lofue  did  as  it  was  commanded  hira. 
Chap.     V. 

I  J.  ^iorinx-]  lofue  knovingtbat  the  pcrfenvhich  appeared,  was  an  Apgci 

andnotGod,'notam3n,neitKcra(iorcdhimwithgoaiic  honoor.for rhat  had 
Religio-usho-  beneidolatricnor  with ciuil,  for  chat pertcineth to  vordlieand  tcmporalcx- 
nour  due  to     ccllencie^andis  not  competent  to  facrcdthingcs,  efpccialy  to  immortal  and  ,y<,;  jf„„ 
Angels.  glorious  Ipiritesjafldthcifore  the  honour  he  did  to  this  Angel,  was  religious  not.Exo, 

honoarinfinitlj  inferior  to  diuinc,  and  yet  much  greater  then  ciuil.  10. 

Holic  places.        16.     Loofe  thy  shoe.]  The  Angel  did  not  only  accept  of  the  honour  donnc 

rnto  him,  but  alfo  requited  more,  (hewing  that  the  veric  place  was  hohefoc 

hispicfcncclsciBgothcrwifcthccommonficldof  Icricho. 

Ch  ABte- 


FroceiHon  about  Icricho.  Iosve,  475 

Chap.    VI. 

Someprieftes  cdrjing  the  Arkt^othenfoundinglHlileetrumfeiti,  irmedm'-n 

gotnrheforCyAndthtrcj} ofth  feople  foloWiDg,  goe  eucrie  day  once^  fix  TIic  fceoBfl 

J4y a  together y  aod  the  feuentb dayyJcuentimeSyfeHnd about Irricho.  i6.  P^^^- 

atUS  AlmAhnzii^reAt ih«ote.they»illtifAldowne,andthty  tnterin^-in    ■    ^^^^'^^'     ' 
,.,-',,  ^       o,  *      ^  ,    ,         ,  ,       ,  .       ,  .      If.    rr        ringthe  LaHd 

kit  ana  defiroyM  ( ii.fautng  J^ahal^  And  her  kmred. )  The  gold,  Jilufry  of  promiCe." 

hrajie^4nd  iron  Are  brought  into  the  treaftme.  lO.  ^nd  he  Vi  turned  th^t 
'^mldtbecitie  Agame. 

N  D  lerich©  vp-as  (hut  and  fcnfcd,  for  feareof  the  chil- 
dren of  Ifrael,  and  no  man  durll:  goe  out  or  come  in_.. 
1  •}-  And  cur  Lordfaid  to  lofuc:  Behold  I  hauegeuen  into  thy 
handcs  lericho,  and  the  king  therof,  and  al  the  valiant  men. 

3  -f  ••  Goe  round  about  the  citieal  you  that  be  men  of -w^arre 

4  once  adayrfoshalyoudoefixdaies.f  And  thefeuenthday  the  .•.•Codappein- 
prieftes  shai  take  vp  the fcuen  trumpettcs,  which  are  vfed in  ted  this  long 
the  lubiiee,  andshalgoe  before  the  arke  cfthecouenant:and  *"^  folemnc 
you  shal  goe  about  the  citie  feuentimcs,and  the  prieftes  shal  [he  "nd^jr '* 

^  found  with  trumpetes.f  And  when  the  voice  of  the  trumpet  mi^ht  appc- 
shal  found  in  length  andwif  ha  broken  tune,and§haUound  in  arc,  that  the 
your  earcs,al  the  people  shal  crie  together  with  a  verie  greatc  >>^*Il<^s  of  Icti- 

Ihootc.  and  the  wallesof  the  citie  shal  fall  to  the  around,  and  ^■J^  ^  ^^^  iJ 
,  ,     ,  ,         ,  •    n      »  •   1      I         chance, nor  br 

6  they  shal  enter  nieucrie  one  at  the  place  agamft  which  they  force  of  man* 
shal  ftad.-flofuethcrforethefonneof  Nun  called  the  prieftes,  induftric,  but 
anJfaidto  them:Takevpthearkcofthec©uenanr:andletfe-  bychemightic 
ucn  othcrprieftes/akcvp  the  feuen  tiupettesoFtheiubilees,  "^"<^o*^o^^ 
^   and  march  before  the  arke  of  our  Lord.  -^  To  the  people  alfo 
he  faid:Goe,and  copalie  the  citie,the  armed  going  before  th« 
B  arke  of  our  Lord,  f  And  when  lofue  had  ended  his  wordes, 
and  the  feuen  prieftes  founded  with  feuen  trumpctres  before 
S>  the  arke  of  the  couenanr  of  ourLord,!  and  al  the  armed  hoftc 
went  before,  the  reft  of  the  commo  people  folowed  the  arke, 
JO  And  al  places  founded  with  the  trumpettes.  -f  But  lofue  had 
commanded  the  people,  faying  :  You  shal  not  crie,  neither 
shal  your  voice  be  heard,  nor  any  word  goe  out  of  your 
mouth:  vntil  the  day  come  wherin  I  shal  fay  to  you:  Cric,  and 
II  shoote.  t  Therforc  the  arke  of  our  Lord  went  about  the 
citieoncc  a  day,and  returning  into  the  campe,  abode  there. 
SI   t  lofue  therforc  ryfmg  in  the  night,  the  prieftes  tookc  the 
J3  aike  of  our  Lord,  -j-  and  feuen  of  them  feuen  trumpettes, 
which  are  vfed  in  the  iubilee:  and  they  went  before  the  arke 
©four Lord  walking  and  founding:  and  the  armed  people 


i^So  1  o  s  V  E.  Proccflion  about  lericho^ 

vent  before  them,  and  the  rfeft  of  the  common  people  fo- 
lowed  the  arke,  and  they  founded  with  trumpettes.  f  And  14 
theywent  round  about  the  citie  the  fccond  day  oncc^,  and 
retui-ncd into  the  campe_>.  So  did  they  fix  daies.  |  But  the   r^ 
feusnthday,ryfingvpcarly,  they  went  about  the  citie,  as  it 
vas  ordained,  feuen  times,  f  And  when  in  the  feuenth  going  i^ 
about  the  prieftes  founded  with  the  trumpettes,  lofuc  faid  to 
al  Ifracl :  Make  a  shoote ;  for  our  Lord  hath  deHuered  to  you 
the  citie;  f  and  let  this  citie  be  anathema^:  and  al  thinges  17 
chat  are  in  it,  to  our  Lord,  onlic  Rahab  the  harlot  let  her  liue, 
with  al  that  be  with  her  in  the  houfe:  for  {hehiddcthcmef- 
fengcrs  whom  ws  fent.  t  But  you  beware  you  touch  not  iS 
«  Mantc  arc    ought  of  thofe  rhingcs,  that  are  commanded,,  and  be  guiltie 
held  gaittic  of  of  preuarication,  and  -  al  the  campe  of  Ifrael  be  vndcr  fmne, 
fuftT'  *un1^'*  andbetrubled.  f  But  whatfoeuer  gold  or  filuer  there -shal  1$ 
{Ke/for'the    ^^»  ^^'^  of  braCen  velFels  and  yron,let  it  be  confecrated  to  our 
faft  of  one  or  Lord  ,  kyd  vp  in  his  treafures.  t  Therfore  al  the  people  ma-  19 
few,eithcr'bc- king  a  shoote,  and  the  trumpettes  founding,  after  that  the 
caufctheyco-  voice  and  the  found  thundredin  the  eares  of  the  multitude, 
cealed'  erne-  ^^ewalles  forthwith  fell:  and  cuerie  man  went  vp  by  the 
gleftcdtopu-  place_^,  that  was  againft  him_.:  and  they  tooke  the  citie_^. 
nifhtheolfea-  -f  and  killed  al  thinges  that  were  in  it,  from  man  to  woman,  n 
1^"  Vff^'*     fromtheinfanttotheold  man.  The  oxen  alfo  and  sheepe, 
tempo"raUffli-*"'^^^"^*^^'^^^y^'^°^^^"^^^  ^*^g^  °^  ^^^  fword.  f  But  to  1% 
aionforthcir  the  two  men  that  had  bene  fent  for  fpie*,  lofue  faid:  Goe 
v^arning  to     into  the  houfe  of  the  woman  the  harlotte,  and  bring  her 
abhorrc  fmne,  forth,  and  al  thinges  that  be  hers,  as  you  afTured  her  by  oath, 
oftheir  me- ^  ^  And  the  young  men  going  in,  brought  out  Rahab,  and  her  25 
jite.i-.  ^»'^.<7.p3.rentes,  her  brethren  alfo  and  al  her  ftuffe  and  kinred,  and 
8.  e3^'?.»»ie/«e.  made  them  to  tarie  without  the  campe.  |  But  the  citie,  and  24 
al  thinges,  that  were  found  therein  they  burnt  j  except  the 
gold  and  filuer,  and  brafen  velFcls,  and  yron,  which  they  con- 
fecrated vnto  the  treafurie  of  our  Lord,  f  But  Rahab  the  2y 
harlotte  and  the  houfe  of  her  father,andal  that  {hchad,Iofue 
caufed  toliue,and  they  dwelt  in  the  middes  of  Ifrael  vntil 
this  prefcnr  day:  for  that  she  hiddc  the  meffengers,  which 
:rHicIfelinto  he  had  fent  to  view  Icricho.  At  that  time,  lofue  pronounced 
re'^ari^nr  [er-    ^  '^"^^^'  ^^^^"S '  t  "  Curfed  be  the  man  before  our  Lord,that  li 
clio.i^lc/il'.  ^^'^^^^^y^'^'^'V^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^oflericho.  In  his  firfl:  borne 
y.}4,  lay  he  rhc  fundarions  therof,  and  in  the  laft  of  his  children 

fccte  he  vp  the  gates  therof.  f  Our  Lord  therfore  was  with 
lofue,  ftiid  his  name  was  bruited  in  al  the  earth. 


Achansfinncpumfhcd,  Iosye.  4^' 

Chap.    VII. 

ffortheftnneof^chAn.refntingfecretly  to  himftlf  cerU'me money ydtii  «. 
therpreciom  thmgesythe  ifrAtlitti  art  benten  in  battel.  13.  But  the  ofen^ 
tier  ydnz  found  oHttAndjionedto  death,  Gods  ^;r4th  is  turned  from  tberrt. 

I  TJ  Vt  the  children  of  Ifraci  nanfgrefled  the  command- 
J3  ment,&vfurped  of  the  anathema.  For  Achan  theionne 
of  Charmi,  the  fonnc  of  Zabdi,  the  fonne  of  Zarc  of  the  tribe 
of  luda,  tooke  fomewhat  of  the  anathema:  and  our  Lord  wa5 

*  angricagainftthechildrenofKrael.  t  Andvhcn  lofue  fent 
fromleiicho  men  againft  Hai,  which  is  befide  Bethauen^, 
at  the  Eaft  fide  of  the  towne  of  Bethel,  he  (aid  to  them  ;  Goc 
vp,and  view  the  Land:  who  accomplishmg  his  command- 

5  mentes,  viewed  Hai.  •{•  And  returning  they  faid  to  him;  Lee 
nor  al  the  people  goe  vp,  but  let  two  or  three  thoufand  men 
goc,  and  deftroy  the  citie  :  why  fhal  al  the  people  be  vexed  in 

4  vainc  againft  veric  few  enemies?  t  There  went  vp  ther-' 
fore  three  thoufand  fighting  men.  Who  immediatly  turning 
$  their  backes,  f  were  ftrooken  of  the  men  of  the  citic  of 
Hai,  and  there  fel  of  them  -  fix  and  thirtie  men  .-  and  the  ad-  r.-SoGosltcai- 
oerfariespurlewed  them  from  the  gate  a$  farre  as  Sabarim^,  pcred  his  pa- 
and  they  ftrickc  them  flying  away  by  tlic  defcent:  and  the  bul'^/^'^tr* 
hart  of  the  people  was  much  afrayd,  and  melted  like  vnto  flame,  andaf- 

6  water.  •{•  But  lofue  rent  his  garracntes,andfei  flatteon  the  terwardtgauc 
ground  before  the  arke  of  our  Lord  vntilcucning,  aswel  he  the  townc  to 
asalthe  ancientes  of  Ifraci :  and  they  caft  duft  vpon  their  J^f^hou^lofl'c 

7  heades,  t  and  lofue  faid  :  Alas  6  Lord  God,  why  wouldeft  ofanyof;hei« 
thou  bring  this  people  ouer  the  riucr  of  lordan,  to  dcliuervs  men. 

into  the  bandcs  of  the  Amorrheite,  and  to  deftroy  vs,  would 

8  God  as  we  beganne.we  had  taried  beyond  Jordan,  t  My  Lord 
Godvrhat  shal  \  (ay,  feeing  Krael  turning  their  backes  to 

9  their  enemies?  f  The  Chananeites  shal  heare  of  ir,  and  al 
the  inhabirantes  of  the  Land,  and  being  gathered  together 
in  a  plumpc  shal  compafie  vs  about,  &  shalde(lroy  our  name 
from  the  earth:  and  what  wilt  thou  doe  to  thy  greate  name  ? 

10   t   And  our  Lord  faid  to  lofut^:  Arifc^,  ••  why  liell  thou  "  Prayer  vil 

II  (Uttc  on  the  ground  ?  f  Kraelhath  finned,  and  tranfgrelTtd  "otauaile  til 
my  couenanti^:  and  they  haue  taken  of  the  anathema,  and  j"  q^c    * 
hauc  (lolcn  and  lyed  ,  and  haue  hid  it  among  their  velTel, 

It.  t  Neither  can  Ifraci  (land  before  his  enemies,  and  he  shal 
^ee  them  ;bccaufe  he  is  polluted  with  the  anathema.  I  wil 

Nnn  ben© 

48ii  losvE.  Achanpunifiied 

be  no  more  with  you,  til  you  difpatch  him,  that  is  guiltie  of 
this  wicked  fad.  f  Arile,  lan<f£ifie  the  people,  and  fay  to   15 
them:Befandilied  againft  to  morroy:  for  thus  faith  our 
Lord  God  oflfracl;  There  is  anathema  in  the  middes  of  thee 
e  Ifrael :  thou  canfi:  not  iiMid  before  thyne  enemies,  til  he  be 
deftroyed  out  of  thee  that  is  contaminated  with  this  wicked 
fad.  +  And  you  shal  come  in  the  morning  cuerie  one  by  14 
your  tribes  :  and  what  tribe  foeucr  the  lote  shal  finde,  it  ,*hal 
come  by  the  kindredes  therof,  the  kinred  by  the  houfcs,  and 
the  houfe  by  thcmen.  f  And  whofoeuer  he  be  that  shal  be   ij 
taken  in  this  fad,  he  fhal  be  burnt  in  the  fy  re  withal  his  fub- 
ftance,  becaufc  he  hath  tranfgreiled  the  couenat  of  our  Lord, 
and  hath  done  abomination  in  lirael.  t  lofuetherforeryfing  i<S 
in  the  morning,  made  Ifrael  to  come  by  their  tribes,  apd  it 
iras  found  the  tribe  of  luda.  f  "Which  being  prcfented  by  17 
the  families  therof,  it  was  found  the  familic  of  Zare.  Prc- 
fenting  thataKo  by  the  houfcs,  he  found  it  Zabdi :  f  -whofe   iS 
houfe  diuiding  into  cuerie  man,  he  found  Achan  the  fonne 
ofCharmi,  the  Tonne  of  Zabdi:  the  fonne  of  Zare  of  the 
tribe  of  luda.  f  And  lofue  faid  to  Achan:  My  fonne,  geue  19 
glorieto  our  Lord  God  of  Ifrael,  and  confefTc,  and  tei  me 
what  thou  haft  done,  hide  it  not,  f  And  Achan  anfwcred 
lofue,  and  faid  to  him;  In  deede  I  haue  finned  to  our  Lord 
theGodof  Ifrael,  and  thus  and  thus  haue  I  done,  f  Forlfaw   ir 
among  thefpoilcsacloke  offcarlctverie good,  and  two  hun* 
dred  ficlcs  of  filuer,  and  a  golden  rule  of  fiftie  fides:  and  co- 
aetingl  tookcitaway,andhidit  in  the  ground  agamft  the 
middes  of  my  tabernacle,  and  the  filuer  I  couered  with  the 
earth  digged  vp.  +  lofue  therforc  fentminiftcrs :  who  run-  22 
ning  to  his  tabernacle,  found  ai  thinges  hid  in  the  fame  place, 
and  thcfilucrwirhal.  t  And  taking  ic  away  out  of  the  tent_,,  25 
brought  it  to  lofue,  and  to  al  the  children  of  Ilraci,  and 
threw  it  before  our  Lord,  t  lofue  therfore  taking  Achan  24 
the  fonne  of  Zar<2_y,  and  the  iiluer  and  the  cloke_^,  and  the 
golden  rule,  his  fonncs  alfo  and  daughters,  his  oxen  and  alfcs, 
and  iheepe,  and  the  tabernacle  it  felf,  and  al  the  fluffe:  (and 
al  Ifrael  with  him)  they  brought  them  to  the  valley  of  Achor: 
f  where  loiue  faid:  Bccaufe  thou  haft  diffcurbed  vs, our  Lord   2j 
difturbe  rheein  thisday.  And  al  Ifrael  ftoncd  him_.:  and  al 
thinges  that  were  his,  were  confumed  with  fyrc_-..  f  And  1^ 
gatUeied.togechervponhimagceateheapeof  ftones,  which 


Haideftroycd  losvi,  485 

remainethvnril  this prcfent  day.  And  the  furic  of  our  Lord 
vasauertcdfrom  them...  And  the  name  of  that  place  vas 
called.  The  valley  of  Achor,  vntil  this  day. 

Chap.     V  III. 
S^J}r4t:igeme  &f  4,n  amhushment  the  citic  of  Hm  is  taken  dndhurnedjind  d 
the  tnhdhtuntesjlaine.  i^.the  k}ng  httn^rd.  50.  ,yf»  ^Itar  hudt^  Sucri^ 
fice  offered  ^^x.  the  Urv  yifritten  in  floneSi  the  people  hlejed^  tin  d  the  blef- 
fingss  and  curjinfes  re*d  befare  them  al, 

1  A  ^^  our  Lord  faid  to  lofuc  :  Feare  not_y,  neither  doc 
Jjk,  thou  dread :  take  with  theealthe  muitirudc  of  fighting 
xnen,  and  ryfing  goe  vp  vnto  the  rowne  of  Kai.  behold  I 
haue  deliuercd  into  thy  hand  the  King  therof,  Sc  the  people, 

2  and  the  citie  and  the  land,  -f  And  thou  shalt  do  to  the  citic 
ofHai,and  to  the  Kingtberof,  as  thou  haft  done  to  lericho, 
and  to  the  Kingthcrof:  butthepraye  and  al  the  cattcl  you 
jhalfpoylc  for  your  felucs:  ••  lay  ambushmentes  to  the  citic  t:  DccciptesR 

5  behind  it.  f  And  Iofuearofe,andal  thchofteof  th?  men  of  flratagcmcs 
varre\rithhinru,togoe  vp  into  Hai ;  and  thirtie  thoufand  l^^J^^^\l^ 

4  chofen  valiant  m^n  he  fcnt  in  the  night,  -f  and  commanded  not  falftiood 

thcm,faying :  Lay  ambushmentes  behinde  the  citie:  neither  aor breach  of 
J  retyreyoufarreof:  and  you  shal  al  be  readie.  f  But  I  and  promifc.  s. 
thereftofthemultitudc,  whichis  withme,wilgocvpGn  efcc  '^!^S'i'  1°- »■* 
contrarie  fide  againft  the  citie.  And  when  they  shal  ilTue  out    ' 
agaJnftvj,  as  we  did  before.^,  we  wil  flee_>,  and  turne  our 

<  backes:  -f  til  purfewing  they  be  dtawen  forward  farrc  from 

7  thccitie:  for  they  wil  thinck  that  we  flee  zs  before,  t  'We 
therfore  fleeing,  and  they  purfewing,  you  shal  rife  out  of  the 
ambushmentes,  and  shal  waift  the  cicie:  and  our  Lord  your 

§  God  wildeliuer  it  into  your  handes.  f  And  when  you  shal 
take  it,  burncitL^,  and  you  shal  doe  al  thinges  fo,  as  I  hauc 

9  commanded,  f  And  he difmiflld  them  away,  and  they  went 
ontotheplaceof  theambushment,  and  fate  bctwcn  Bethel 
and  H:ii,  at  the  "Weft  fide  of  the  ciiie  of  Hai.  But  lofue  that 

10  night ftaycd in  themiddesofthe  people,  f  and  ryfing  eatly 
he  muftcred  his  foldiats,  and  went  vp  with  the  ancientes  in 
the  fronte  of  the  hofte,  enuironed  with  the  avde  of  the  fight- 

ir  ingmen.  f  And  when  they  were  come,  and  were  go»e  vp 
diredlyagainft  thecifie,  they  ftoodeon  the  North  fide  of  the 
citie,  bctwcn  which  and  them  was  a  valley  in  the  middes.  ..  f  hcfc  fiue 

u  -f  And  ••  fiue  thoufand  men  had  he  choftn,  and  fette  in  the  thousad  were 
Nnni  ambushmentes 

4t4  liosvE.  Mai  deftroycd; 

oFtlie  tkiftic  embushmentcsbct^en  Bethel  and  Haion  the  "Weft  fide  of 
'^^■"k"'^'  the  fame  citie:  f  bural  ther#ft  of  thehofte  >5rent  in  battel  15 
£rft^fcnT.*^l!  aray  on  the  North  {ide,fo  that  the  laft  of  the  multitude  did 
Thcotker  reach  to  the  Weft  fide  of  the  citie.  lofue  therfore  went  that 
ijooo.ioyned  nightL^,  and  ftoode  in  the  roiddes  of  the  valley,  f  Which  14 
^irh  lofaes  ^hen  the  King  of  Hai  had  fecne^,  he  made  haft  in  the  raour- 
'crriinto^he  ning,and  ilfued  forth  with  al  the  hoft  of  the  citie,  and  bent 
cjds.  his  armie  toNjcard  the  deferr,  being  ignorant  that  there  lay 

cmbushmentes  fecretly  behind  his  backe_^ .  f  But  lofue,   ij 
andallfrael  gaue  backe,  feyning  feare,  and  Heeing  by  the 
vay  of  the  wiidernes.  f  But  they  cried  alowde  together,  and  i4 
encouraging  one  an  other,  purfewed  them.  And  when  they 
;:Notonefittc  were  gone  fromthe  citie,  f  and  •"  not  one  remained  in  the  17 
tobcaiearmes  ^j^jg  q(  j^^i  and  Bethel,  that  purfewcd  not  Ifrael  (eucn  as 
was  left.  they  had  rushed  out  leauing  the  townes  open,)  f  our  Lord  iS 

;:  He  lift  his    Taid  to  lolue :  -  Lift  vp  the  shield,  that  is  in  thy  hand,  againft 
(iiicldvpona    the  citie  of  Hai,  for  I  >»'il  deliuer  it  to  thee,  f  And  vhen  he  r* 
long  pike  or     had  lifted  vp  his  shield  againft  the  citie,  the  embushementes, 
hncc,  that  it  ^j^^j^y  hidde,  rofe  vp  iramediatly:  and  going  to  the  citie, 
fatrcof.  tookeandlmrntic.  t  And  the  men  of  the  citie,  that  pur,  .2© 

fewed  lofiie,  looking  backe  and  feeing  the  fmokc  pf  the  citie 
rife  vpcuen  to  hcauen,  they  could  no  more  flee  hither  and 
thither:  efpccially  whereas  they,  that  had  feyned  running 
away,  and  went  toward  the  wildernes,  moft  valiantly  rcfiftcd 
againft  the  purfewcrs.  f  And  lofucand  al  Ifraei  feeing  that  21 
the  citie  was  taken,  and  the  (moke  of  the  citie  rofe  vp,  retur- 
ning heftroke  the  men  of  Hai.   f  For  they  alfo  that  had  11 
taken  and  burnt  the  citie,  iffuing  out  of  the  citie  againft  their 
owne  men-.,  beganne  to  ftrikethc  enemies  in  the  niiddcs  of 
them,  when  the  aduetfaries  therfore  were  (laine  on  both 
fides,  fo  rhat  none  of  fo  great  a  multitude  was  faued,  f  they  25 
tooke  the  King  of  the  citie  of  Hai  aliue,  and  prefcnted  him 
to  lofue.   t   Therfore  ai  being  flaine,  that  had  purfewed  24 
Ifraei  fleeing  to  the  defcrtes,  and  faUing  by  the  fword  in  the 
f^me  place,  the  children  of  Iftael  returning  ftokc  the  citie* 
•f  And  there  were  that  fcl  that  fame  day  from  nianvnto  wo-  25 
man,  tweluc  thoufani  men  ,  al  of  the  citie  of  Hai,  -f  But  li 
lofue  plucked  not  in  his  hand,  which  he  had  ftrethched  forth 
on  high  ,   holding  the  ihield  til  al  the  inhabitantcs  of  Hai 
"werefiaine.  f  And  thecatteland  the  praye  of  the  citie  the  17 
children  of  Ifrael  diuidcd  am«iig  them,  as  our  Lord  had  com- 

€abaoft  ^    Iosve.  4Sy 

1%  mandedlofue.  f  Who  burnt  the  citic,  and  made  it  a  heapt 

29  fercuer:  f  the  king  alfo  thcrof  hchong  on  a  gibbet  vnul 
eucningand  the  going  dovne  of  the  funne.  And  he  com- 
manded, and  they  tooke  downehis  corps  from  the  gibbet; 
and  thie\r  it  in  the  verie  entring  of  ihe  citic,  heaping  vpon  it 
agreatheapcof  fioncs,  which  remaineth  vnril  this  prcfcnt 

30  day.  t  Then  lofue  built  an  altar  to  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael 
ji  in  mount  Hcbal,  f  as  Moyfcsthe  feruant  of  our  Lord  had- 

commanded  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  it  is  written  in  the 
volume  of  the  law  of  Moyfes  ;  an  Altar  of  vnhewed  flones 
which  yron  hath  not  touched;  and  he  ©ffcredvpon  it  holo- 

31  cauftes  to  our  Lord,  and  immolated  pacifique  vidimes.  f  And 
he  wrote  vpon  ftones  the  Deuterenomieof  rhelaw  of  Moy- 
fes,  which  he  had  ordered  before  the  children  of  Ifrael. 

35  j-  And  al  the  people,  and  the  ancientes,  and  the  princes  and 
iudgcs  ftoodc  on  both  fides  of  the  arke,  in  the  fight  of  the 
pricftesthatcaricd  thcarkeof  thccoucnant  of  our  Lord,  as 
wel  the  ftranger  as  alfo  the  man  of  the  fame  countrie.  the  half 
Be44tij,  partof  them  beiide  mount  Garizim,  and  halfcbcfidc  mount 

Hebal,  as  Moyfes  the  feruant  of  our  Lord  had  commanded. 

54  Andfirftindccdehe  -  blefledthe  people  of  Ilrael.  |  After  ..  AlfupenoK 
tkis  hereadeal  the  wordesof  thcblening&  the  curfing,and  m.>.y  hhiTc 

fj  al  thingcs  that  were  written  in  the  volume  of  the  law.  -J-  No-  their  fubic- 
thin'gofthofethinges,  which  Moyfes  had  commanded,  did  <^cj,  Ptmcc* 
he  leauc  vntouched,  but  he  repeated  al  thinges  before  al  and'oaremS 
the  multitude  of  Ifrael,  the  wemen  and  children  and  ftran-  «ucix  ckildrea, 
gersjthat  dwelt  among  them. 

Chap.     IX. 

Other  mtions  feAringlfr*dtoyne  their  forces  to  fight dg<i'mfl  theifty^.  huttht 
Cabaonttes  fend  embafadors,  ftyntn^  craftily  to  come  fdrre  of,  1 4.  ftftth 
whom  lofue  dnd   the  Anctentei  of  ifrael  make  i^-^g^'  hiadin^  it  by 
oath.  16.  tiithm  three  dajes  they  are  deteSled  to  he  nsre  tnhabitantes. 
yvherufon  the  people  murmur  agamfi  their  princes.  FFho  yet  for  their 
oath,  Itt  the  Gabaonites  line.  lo.  only  making  them  and  their  progenic 
ferpetual  feruantesy  to  cutte  T»ocd,  and  carit  ffioter . 
1   TTTTHicH  thingcs  being  heard,  al  the  kingcs  beyond 
V     V    lordan,  that  dwelt  in  the  mounraincs  and  cham- 
pion countries,  in  the  places  by  the  (ea  fide  and  the  (here  of 
the  great  fea,  they  alfo  that  dwelt  befide  Libanus,  the  He- 
thcucand  AraotrcitCj  the  Chananeite,  the  Pherezeite,  and 

Nnn  5  tUc 

4Stf  losvE.  Gabaonltes 

the  Heucitc,  and  the  lebuCeitc,  f  -were  gathered,  to  fight  i 
againrtlofue  and  Ifrael  with  one  minde,  and  one  fcntencc. 
t  But  they  that  d'^elt  in  Gabaon,  hearing  al  thingcs  that  5 
lofuehaddonetoIciichoandHai:  f  fubtelly  deuifingtooke  4 
prouifion  for  them  lelues,  laying  old  fackes  vpon  their  afies, 
and  botcelsofwine  rent  and  fowcd  againc,  f  and  ihoes  very  j 
old  which  fou  a  (hew  of  oldenclTe  were  clouted  with  fpeckes, 
putting  on  them  old  garmentes  :  the  loauies  alfo,  which  they 
caried  for  prouifion  by  the  way,  were  heard,  and  broken  into 
peeces:  f  ^"d  they  went  on  to  lofue,  who  then  abode  in  5 
the  caiTipc  at  Galgal,  and  (aid  to  him,  and  withal  to  al  Ifrael : 
"Wearecomcfroma  farre  countrie,  dcfirovas  to  make  peicc 
xrith  you.  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  anfwered  them,  and  faid: 
•j-  Lef>  perhaps  you  dwel  in  the  Land  which  is  dew  to  vs  by  7 
lotte.and  we  can  not  cntera  league  withyou.  t  Butthcyfaid  8 
tolofiie:  Wearethy  feruanres.  To  whom  lofuc  faid;  Who 
are  you?  and  whence  came  you?  f  they  anfwered;  From  a  9 
very  farre  countrie  are  thy  feruantcs  come  in  the  name  af 
the  Lord  thy  God.  For  wc  hauc  heard  the  fame  of  his  might, 
al  thiitges  that  he  did  in^gypt,  t  and  to  the  two  kinges  of  ,10 
the  Amorrheites  that  were  beyond  lordan,  Sehon  the  king 
of  Hef€bon,andOg  the  kingof  Bifan,  that  were  in  Afta- 
roth  :  -f-  and  our  ancie ntes  ,  and  al  the  inhabitantes  of  our  11 
Land  faid  to  vs  :  Take  in  yourhandes  viftuals  for  a  very  long 
■way,andgoe  msetethcm,  and  fay:  We  are  your  feruantcs, 
enter  a  leacrue  with  vs .  f  Behold,  thefe  loaues  we  tookc  11 
hotte,  when  we  departed  from  our  houfes  to  come  to  you, 
nos^  they  are  become  drie,  and  broken  for  ouer- much  olde- 
EslTe.  t  the  bottels  of  wine  we  filled  being  new,  now  they  15 
are  burfi:  &  dilTolued.  The  garraentes  and  Oioes  that  we  hauc 
vpon  vs,  and  which  we  haue  on  oar  feetCj  for  the  length  of 
the  long  way  are  worn?,  and  almoft  confumed.  t  They  tooke  14 
^nfucliacaP-  jj^ej-fore  of  their  viduals,  and  "  askednot  the  mouth  of  our 
hauc  coiilul-   Lord,  f  And  lofue  made  peace  with  them,  and  entring  a  i; 
ted  Cod,  to    league  promifed  that  they  ihould  not  beflaine;  the  princes 
witccthehighalfoof  the  multitude  fware  to  them,  f  But  three  daies  after  itf 
oQthJTT^  that  the  league  was  made,  they  heard  that  they  dwelt  nigh, 
&  Pvarionalc.  and  they  fhould  be  among  them. f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  17 
(liould  hauc     remoued  the  campe, and  came  into  their  cities  the  third  day, 
prayed  ;u  the  whofc  names  are  thefe,  Gibaon,  and  Chiphira,  and  Beroth, 
dore  of  the     and  Chariathiarim  .  t  And  they  ftrokc  thera  not,  bccanfe   iS 

fnaJefcruanccs.  losvi.  4^7 

the  princes  of  the  multitude  had  fvorne  in  the  name  of  our  ^vhere  eut 
Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael.  Thcrfore  al  the  common   P^^plc  J-^''j'";^'fpP^^J}^"; 

15  rourmured again (1  the  princes,  t  ^^i^o  anlwcrcd  them:  ^Cy^nohim.Exo.- 
hauelwornetothem  in  the  name  of  our  Lord  the  God  of  i^  T.41  hwas 

2©  Uratl,andthertorewema>  not  touch  them,  t  Cut  this  we  alfo  oidabcd. 
wil  doc  to  them  :  Let  ihtm  be  referued  in  dede  ahue,  Icil  the  ^j!'"'  rL"!*//* 
wrathofGodbefiirrcdagainftvSjil  vre  shal  be  iorl>*orne .- fj^^^yj^j  ^^f^jj 

21   t  hut  fo  let  them  liue,  that  for  the  vies  of  the  vihole  multi-  our  Lord, 
tude  they  hew  wood,  and  carie  in  water.  \(^ho  fpeaking  thcfc  when  anic 

21  fhmges,'t  lo^ue  called  the  Gabaonites,  and  laid  to  ^^^^^^  =  j[""|o^„\'by 
Why"  would  you  deceiuevs  by  fraudc  to  fay:  We  dwel  very  iJe^g  ^  ■^hick 
farre  of  hora  you  ,  wheras  you  are  in  the  middes  of  vs?  omittTg  todo 

25  t  Thcrfore  you  shal  be  vnder  a  curfe,  and  there  shal  not  faile  they  were  dc- 
of  your  ftocke  a  hewer  of  wood,  andacaricr  of  water  into  "luedbythcfe 

24  thehoufeof  ray  God.  f  Who  anfwercd :  It  was  fold  vs  thy 
fcruantes,  that  the  Lord  thy  God  had  promifcd  Moyfes  his 
feruant,  that  he  would  dehuer  you  al  the  Land,  and  would 
deiboyal  the  inbabitantes  therof.  Therfore  we  feared  ex- 
cedingly  and  prouidcd  for  our  liues,c6pelled  by  your  terrour, 

2;  and  wetooke  thiscounfel.  t  And  now  we  are  in  thy  hand  :  ..•jn^^gp^Qj, 
that  which  fccmcth  vnto  thee  good  and  right--,  doe  to  vs.  taonires  of 

16  -f  lofuc  therfore  did  as  he  had  (aid,  and  deliuercd  them  from  chanaansrac* 
the  hand  of  th'*  children  of  Ifracl,  that  they  should  not  be  T/asfulfillcd 

27  <laine.  +  And  hedecreedin  that  day,  that- they  should  be  m  Nocsprophc- 
tlieminiltcrie  of  al  the  people,  and  ol-  the  altar  or  our  Lord,  (lauaamhenU 
hewing  wood,  and caiying  water,  vntil  this  prefent  time, in  ht  aftruant  f* 
the  place  which  our  Lord  hath  chofcn.  k"  i»<'^»^»' 

Chap.     X. 

FiUekinj^esof  the  ^monheites  iefiffit^g  Gahaon  ^  hecatife  tt  is  cenffdrrsttt 
TiPifb  ifr^ely  i.  lojttc  With  i  is  armie  defeateth  theirSy  k}liin^  tnd  furfewm^ 
them.  II.  manic  alfo  are  Jl am e  With  haile  [ionti.  u,  ^t  the  traycr  of 
lofue  the  funneand  moone  fiand  Jril  the  Jj>^ce  sf  one  day.  22.  The  fut 
kmges  are  han'^ed  on  gihhttes,  28.  He  tak^th  alfoAnd  fuhdueth  dmers 
cities.  4fO.  and CQHHtrus, 

1   T7T  THicH  thinges  when  Adonifedcc  king  of  leru- 

V      V    falem  had  heard,  to  witte,  that  lofue  had  taken 

Hai,and  had  fubuerrcd  it  (for  as  he  had  done  to  lericho  &  the 

king  therof,  fo  did  he  to  Hai,  &  their  king  )  and  that  the  Ga- 

X  baonites  were  fled  CO  Ifrael,and  were  their  confederates^  f  he 

"Was  fore  afiayd.  For  Gabaon  vasagreat  cititie,  and  one  of 


4^8  losvE.  Thefunncftandctho 

the  kinglic  cities,  and  greater  then  the  tcvne  of  Hai,  and  al 
their  men  of  warre  moft  valiant-.,  f  Therfore  Adonifcdec  ) 
king  of  lerufalemfenttoOham  kingof  Hebron,  and  to  Pha- 
ramkingof  Icrimoth,to  laphia  alto  king  of  Lachis,  and  to 
Dabirkingof  Eglon,  faying :  |  Come  vp  tome,  and  bring  4 
aydc,  that  we  mayouercome  Gabaon,  becaufeit  reuolted  to 
lofuejd^  to  the  children  of  Ifracl.  f  Therfore  the  fiue  kuiges  § 
of  the  Amurrhcires  being  affcmbled  went  vp  .•  the  king  of 
lerufulem,  the  king  of  Hebron,  the  king  of  lerimorh,  the 
king  ofLachiSjthe kingof  Eglon,  together  with  their  hoftes, 
&  camped  about  Gabaon,afraulting  it.  f  Butthc  inhabitances  ^ 
of  the  citieGabaon  which  was  befiegcd,  £ent  to  Iodic,  who 
thcnabodein  thecampeat  Galgal,  &:  (aid  to  him:  withdraw- 
not  thy  handes  from  the  hclpe  of  thy  feruantcs :  com.c  vp 
quickly  and  deliuervs, and  bring  ayde:  for  there  ate  aifembled 
ftgainft  vs  al  the  kinges  of  the  Ammorrheites,  which  d wel  in 
the  raountaines.  t  And  lofuewcnt  vpfrom  Galgal,  and  al  7 
the  hoftc  of  the  men  of  "warre  with  him  moft  valiant  men. 
t  And  our  Lord faid  to  lofue:  Feare  themnot:  for  1  hauede-  S 
liuered  them  into  thy  handes :  none  of  them  shal  be  able  to 
refift  thee,  f  lofue  therfore  carac  in  vpon  them  fodenly,  9 
going  vpal  the  night  from  Galgal.  f  And  our  Lord  rrubled  i» 
them  at  the  fight  oflfrael:  and  dcilroycd  them  withagreatc 
(laugher in  Gabaon, and  purfewed  them  by  the  way  of  the 
tfcent  to  Bethoron,  and  ftrokc  them  vnto  Azeca  and  Maceda 
ft  Tofaedid         And  when  they  fled  the  children  of  Ifrael.and  wercin  the  u 
moonc  mo-     dclcentof  Bethhoron,onT  Lord  lent  vpon  them  greate  ftones 
ucdthc  funnc  from  heauen  as  farre  as  Azeca:  and  there  died  farre  more 
tlfo  muft  nc-  'v'ith  the  ftones  of  hailc,  then  they  whom  the  children  of 
"^^"^/'".^"^irraelhad  ftrooken  wirh  thefword.f  Then  fpake  lofue  to  ix 
the  ftay  of      ^^^  Lord  m  the  day  ,  that  he  dchucrcd  the  Amorreite  m 
both.  the  fightoflfrael,  and  faid  before  them  ;  Thou  Sunneagainft 

;:TiUftcrthc  Gabaon  mouc  not ,  and  thou  '■'•  Mooneagainft  the  valley  of 
time  this  Aialon.tAndthe  Sunne  and  Moane  ftoodc  ftil, til  the  people  u 

written  reucngcd   themlclues  ot  their  enemies.   Is  not  this  writ- 

♦.Godcoadc-  ten  in  the  booke  of  the  iuftJThe  Sunne  therfore  flood  ftil  m 
fcending  to  themiddcs  of  heauen  ,  and  haftened  not  to  goedowne  the 
vorkefo  fpaccof  One  day.f  There  was  not  before  nor  ••  after  fo  long  a  14 

ei^'^atth'c  in-         ^  '*^"''  ^^^^  ••  obeying  the  voice  of  a  man,  and  fighting  for 
ftanccofhis     Iftae!.  f  And  lofue  returned  with  al  Ifracl  into  the  campc  of  15 
feruant.  Galgal. fFoiTthe  fiuc  kinges  were  fled,and  had  hid  thcmfelucs  i^ 

in  a 

Fiuc  kingcs  fliinc.  Iosye.  4S5 

17  inacaueofthcclticof  Maccda.  f  And  it  vas  told  lofuc  that 
the  Hue  kingcsverc  found  lying  hid  in  acauc  of  the  eiticof 

iS  Maccda.t  who  commanded  them  faying;  Rowle  great  ftoncs 
into  the  mouth  of  the  cauc,  and  fette  induftriousmcn,  vhich 

15  may  keepethem  (hutin;  f  and  fl-and  not  you  ftil,  but  pur- 
few  the  enemies,  and  kil  al  the  hindermoft  of  them  that  flee, 
neither  let  them  enter  into  the  fortes  of  their  cities,  vhom 

10  our  Lord  God  hath  deliuercd  into  your  handes.  f  Thead- 
uerfariestberfore  being  fiaincwitha  great  (laughter,  and  al- 
raoft  confuraed  to  vtter  deftrudion,  they  that  could  efcapc 

11  from  Ifrael, "-entered into  fcnfed  cities,  f  And  al  the  hoftc  .-.-God fo difpo- 
returned  to  lofue  in.  Maceda,  vhere  then  the  campe  was,  fed,  thatthcy 
fafc  and  the  ful  number:  and  no  man  durft  once  mutter  a-  fl^ouldnotco- 

ax  gainft  the  children  of  Ifrtel?  f  And  lofue  commanded,  fay-  ^"arc:  "^l^e 
ing :  Open  the  mouth  of  the  caue,  and  bring  forth  to  me  the  Und  had  benne 

15  fine  kingcs,  that  lie  hidthcrin,  f  And  theminifters  didasit  hreughtinto* 
▼as  commanded  them;  and  they  brought  to  him  the  fiuc  j''»"'</*»"'»",  ""^ 
kingcs  out  of  the  cauc,  the  king  of  Icrufalem,  the  king  of  ^^X^^X^ 
Hebron,  the  king  of  lerimoth,  the  king  of  Lachis,  the  king  e*o</.  jj.-f.  15." 

£4  of  Eglon.  f  And  "vrhen  they  were  brought  forth  to  hira,  he  Morally  itfig- 
called  al  the  men  of  Ifrael,and  faid  to  the  princes  of  the  hoftc  "/^^!^|j***' 
that  were  with  him:  Goc ,  and  fette  your  feete  vpon  the  o/Jojjj,'^ 
ncckes  of  thefc  kingcs.  Who  when  they  had  gone.^,  and  becxcrcifcdin 
trodcn  with  their  feete  the  neckes  of  them  lying  vnder,  tribulations 

*j  f  againc  he  faid  to  them  :  Feare  ye  not,  neither  dread,  take  »«dmortifica- 

couraee  and  be  ftrons:  for  fo  wil  our  Lord  doe  toal  your  """^  ^?^  l^"* 

J'  ■  •    n       i     ^  rf-t        .Airroii   erovc  IB  them. 

iib  enemies,  againft  whom  younght.  f  And  lolue  ftroke,  and  ^r,c,b.ini>xtd, 

flew  them,  and  hanged  them  vpon  Hue  gibbettes:  6^  they 
xj  hungvntileuefting.  f  And  when  the  funne  was  downe, he 
commanded  the  foldiars  to  take  them  downe  from  the  gib- 
bettes. Who  caft  them  being  taken  downe  into  the  caue,wher- 
in  they  had  lycn  hid,  &  put  on  the  mouth  therof  great  ftoncs, 

18  which  continew  vntil  this  prefent .  I  The  fame  day  lofuc 
tooke  Maceda  and  ftrokc  ii  in  the  edge  of  the  fword,  &  kilkd 
the  king  &  al  the  inhabitantes  thcrofrhe  left  not  in  it  (o  much 
as  fmale  rcliques.  And  he  did  to  the  king  of  Maceda,  as  he  had 

19  doneto  thekmgoflericho.-fandhepafledwirhal  Ifrael  from 
50  Maceda  vnto  Lebna,  and  fought  againft  it:    f  which  our 

Lord  deliuered  with  the  king  therof  into  the  handes  of  Ifracl; 
and  they  ftroke  the  citie  in  the  edge  of  the  fword,  and  al  the 
inkabitantes  therof.  they  left  not  in  it  anie  rcmaines.  And 

Ooo  they 

49©  losvE.  Other  cities  taken, 

they  did  to  the  king  of  Lebna,  as  they  had  done  to  the  king 
o|-  lericho.  f  From  Lebna  he  pafiTedvnro  Lachis  vpithallf-  51 
rael;  and  placing  the  hofte  round  about  airanlccd  it.  f  And  jz, . 
our  Lord  deliuered  Lachis  into  the  hmdes  of  Ilracl,  and  he 
tookc  it  the  day  folowing,  and  ftroke  ir  in  the  edge  of  the 
fvrord,  and  eucrie  fourc^  ,  that  was  in  ir,  as  he  had  done 
to  Lebna.  t  At  that  time  went  vp  Horam  the  king  of  Gazer,  3.5 
to  aydc  Lachis;  'echom  lofuc  ftroke  -^ith  al  his  people  to  vtter 
deftrui5lion.  t  And  he  pafled  from  Lachis  vnro  Eglon, and  54 
compalledit,  f  and  wonne  it  the  fame  day  :  8^  ftroke  in  the  5j 
edge  o f  the  fword  althefoules,  that -were  mit  according  toal 
thinges  that  he  had  done  to  Lachis    f  He  went  vp  alfo  with  36 
al  Ifrael  from  Eglon  vnto  Hebron,  and  fought  asiainft  it: 
-{■  tookeit,and  ftroke  ir  in  the  edge  of  the  f^yord,thc  king.alfo  57 
therof,  and  al  rownes  of  that  counrrie,  SC  al  the  foulcs,  that 
remained  in  it  :  he  kit  not  therein  anie  remsynes  :  as  he  had^ 
done  to  Eglon,  (o  did  lie  aifo  to  Hebi:on,ai  chingts  that  he 
found  in  it  ccnrumniiig  with  the  fword.  f  Thence  returning  5'^ 
vnto  Dabir,  7  he  tooke  it,  and  wafted  it ;  the  king  dfo  therof  59 
andaltheto-4''nes  round  about  he  ftroke  in  the  edge  of  th^c 
(word  :he  left  notin  ir  anie  rcmaincs;  as  he  had  done  to  He- 
bron and  Lebna  and  to  their  kingcs/fo  did  he  to  Dabir  and 
the  king  therof.  -f  lofue  therfatcftrokcal  the  hillic  countrie  40 
andfouthand  champaine,  and  Afedoth  with  their  kinges; 
he  left  not  in  it  anie  reliques ,  but  euerie  thing  that  could 
breath  he  (lew, as  our  Lord. the  God  of  Urael  had  commanded 
him,  •{■  from  Cadesbarne  vnro  Gaza.  /\li:he  Land  oi  Gofen  41 
vntoGabaon,  f  and.ilrheir  kinges,  and  countries  he  tooke  41 
and  wafted  ai  one  aft  auk :  for  our  Lord  the  God  of  Krael 
fought  for  him.  t  /.nd  heretuajcd  wuh  al  liracl  to  theplace  45 
of  the  carripc  in  Galg-i. 

Chap.     XL 

labin  a  mn^c  ptncipd  hf'f  fcmonrth  ather  liif^^cs  to  toyK"  with  him  £-- 
fTAinft  liTdfl.  (t.Iofut:  an.wiieJ  fP:th  Gods  pfcmife  of  "^iaone^  j.  euer- 
tbroU'ethshrm  aL  i6,  Sid'd^teth  iheir  countHii :  n.  kiUithalfsmnnu  of 
the  nAntiiJtuc!;^^; 

\7  \  7"  H  I  :c  IT    thinges  -Kjr'hcn  labin  the  king  of  Afor  i 
V    had  heard,  he  lent  10  lobab  the  king  of  Madon, 
and  to  the  king  ot  Semeron,  and  to  the  king  of  Achfaph; 
•j-  CO  the  kinges  alfo  of  the  North,  chatd'^'eU  in  the  moun-  i 


More  ciclcs  taken.  losvE.  4^1 

taines  and  in  the  plainc  againfl  the  fouth  fjde  of  Ccncroth, 
in  the  champainc  alio  and  countries  of  Dor  by  the  fca  fide: 

5  -j-  the  Chananeitealfo  on  thcEaft  and  Weft,  and  the  Amor- 
rheiteandHethciteand  Phcrezeite&Iebufcitcin  the  moun- 
taines :  the  Heueitc  alfo  vhich  d\rclt  at  the  foote  of  Hermon 

4  in  the  Land  of  Mafpha.  f  And  they  ifTued  forth  al  vith  tlicir 
troupes,  a  people  exceeding manie  as  the  fand,  that  is  in  the 
fl-ioreof  the  fea,  their  hories  alfo  and  chariott'^s  of  palling 

J  great  mukiiude.  f  And  al  thefe  kinges  aflcmhled  together 

6  in  one  1:  the  Waters  of  Jv^erom,  to  fight  againft  Ifrael .  -f  And 
our  Lord  GAd  to  lofue :  Fcire  them  not :  for  to  morrow  this 
(elr'c  fame  hourewil  I  deiuieral  thefe  to  be  "woanded  in  the 
fight  of  Iftacl:  riieir  horfcs  thou  iVial:  Koghlinew,  and  their 

7  chariottes  thou  Ihah  burne  vith  fire,  f  And  lofue  came,  and 
a!  thchofte  >»'ith  him  againft  them  to  the  "Waters  of  Merom 

'8  (odenlyjand  r.innein  vpon  them,  -f  and  our  Lord  dcliueied 
them  into  the  handcs  of  Ifrael.  Who  ftroke  them,  and  pur- 
fc'^ed  them  as  farrc  as  great  Sidon,  and  the  "Waters  of  Mafe- 
rephoth,  and  the  field  of  Mafphe,  Nrhich  is  on  the  Eaft  fide 
therof .  Thcrforc  he  ftroke  al,  fo  that  he  left  no  reliques 

5  of  them  :  -f  and  he  did  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  him, 
their  horfes  he  hoghfmeved,  and  their  charlottes  he  burnt, 

10  f  And  returning  immcdiatly  he  tooke  Afor:  and  the  king 
therof  he  ftroke  "with  the  fvord.  For  Afor  in  old  time  a"* 

11  mongai  thefe  kingdomes  held  the  principalitie.  f  And  he 
ftroke  al  the  foules,  that  abode  there:  he  left  not  in  it  anie 
remaines,  burto  vtter  deftrudlion  he  vafted  al  thinges,  and 

II  the  citie  it  felfe  he  deftroyed  vrith  fyre.  f  And  al  the  cities 
round  about,  their  kinges  alfo  he  tooke,  ftroke  &  deftroyed, 

13  as  Moyfes  the  feruant  of  God  had  commanded  him.  f  Except 
the  cities,  that  were  fituated  on  hilles  and  higher  ground,  the 
reft  Ifrael  burnt:  one  onlic  Afor  verie  wel  fenfcd  he  confu- 

14  med  with  fyre.  f  And  al  the  praye  of  thefe  cities  and  the 
cattelthc  children  of  Ifrael  diuided  among  them  felucs,  al 

1;  the  men  being  fiaincf  As  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes 
his  feruaat,  fo  did  Moyfes  command  lofue,  and  he  accom- 
pli ilied  al  thinges;  he  ommitted  not  of  al  the  commandc- 
roentes,  not  fo  much  as  one  word,  which  our  Lord  had  corn- 
s' manded  Moyfes.  |  lofue  therfore  tooke  al  the  hillie  countrie, 
and  fouth, and  the  land  of  Gofen,  andplaine,  and  the  "Weft 
quarter,  and  the  mountaine  of  Ifrael,  and  the  champainc 
'  Ooo  z  countrie; 

j^ft  losvE.  Thirtic  three 

.-.Thcfe  varfes  countric  thcrof:  t  and  the  part  of  the  mountainc,  that  gocth  17 
cotinucdnere  y    ^^  Seiras  farreas  Baalgad  by  the  plaineof  Libanus  vnder 
^ir"camh'    »"ou"t  Hcrmon  :  al  their  kinges  he  tooke,  ftroke,  and  (lev. 
Vhap!il^  t  "    A  great  time  did  lofue  fight  againft  thcfc^  kinges.   iS 
::For  their  c-  f  Tiiere  Nras  not  a  citie  that  did  dchucr  it  felfc  to  the  children  19 
norinioas  fin-  ^f  iCtxt\y  except  the  Heueite,  \(rhich  d\rclt  in  Gabaon:  for  he 
T*^"*^  ^u^     too^^  ^^  ^^y  ^S^^-  "^  Fo'^itwas  "  the  fcntencc  of  our  Lord,rhat  2® 
ov^nVixprr    rheirhartes  fbould  be  indurate. and  they  should  fight  againft 
batefenrc,noc  KrAcl,  and  fail,  and  should  not  dcferue  anic  clcmencie,  and 
impofmrnc     should  perish,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfes.  f  At  ii 
ceflineoffin-  that  time  lofue  came,  and  flevr  the  Enacimesof  the  moun- 
mkfingS'  taines,of  Hebxon,  and  Dabir,  and  Anab,  and  from  al  the 
to  indurate       mouniainc  of  luda  and  Ifracl,  and  dcftroycd  their  cities. 
theirowHc       <}-  Hs  leift  notany  of  the  ftocke  of  EnAcimes,in  the  Land  of  it 
kittzs.see  ^it    the  children  of  Krael :  fauing  the  cities  of  Gaza,  and  Geth, 
""hcbcc forth  ^"^  Azotus,  in  the  which  onlie  they  vere  leiPc.  f  lofue  thcr-  i| 
iheyhidnot     forctookeal  the  Land,  as  our  Lord  fpake  to  Moyfes,  and  dc- 
gcneralwarres  liuercd  it  in  pofTcilion  to  the  children  of  Ifrael, according  to 
butdiuerj  tri-  (heir  pattcs  and  tribes,  and  "  the  Land  refted  from  battels.' 
bcshad  parti-  ^ 

cular.asappca  G  H  A  P.    XII. 

JJ'i/  '^  '^^'  ^^'  ■S^^"  S'^^^  ^^^  ^S  h^esof  HefebondndBdfdn  JlMHthy  MoyfiSij.Afs 
rechjinedthiriie  ontkfn^es  Jlditie  by  l«fue. 

H  E  s  E  are  the  kinges  ,  which  the  children  of  IfraeLi 
ftroke,  and  pofTeffed,  their  Land  beyond  lordan  toward 
the  ry  (ing  of  the  funne,  from  the  torrent  Arnon  vnto  mount 
Hermon,andaltheEaft  part,  rhar  looketh  toward  rhcwiK 
dernes.  f  Sehon  the  king  of  the  Amorrheires,  which  dwelt  a 
in  Hefebon,  had  dominion  from  Aroer,  which  is  firuarcd 
vponthe  banke  of  the  torrent  Arnon,  and  of  the  middel  part  *  Dettt.i 
in  the  valley, and  of  halfe  Galaad,as  farre  as  the  torrent  laboc, 
which  is  the  border  of  the  children  of  Ammon  .  f  and  from 
the  wilderncsvnro  the  fea  of  Cenerorh  againft  the  Ea^,  and 
vnto  the  Sea  of  the  wildernes,  which  if  the  moft  fait  Tea, 
on  the  Eaft  fide  by  the  way  that  leadcth  to  Befimoth  :  and  on 
the  South  fide,whichlyeth  vndcr  Afcdorh,as  farre  as  Phafga. 
j*  The  border  of  Og  the  king  of  Bafan,  of  the  remnant  of 
the  Raphaims^ho  dwelt  in  Aftdroth,and  in  Edrai,andhad 
dominion  in  mount  Hermon,  and  in  Salecha,  and  in  al  Bafan, 
vnto  the  borders  f  of  Gefl'uri,  and  Machati,  and  of  the  halfe 
part  of  Galaad  :  the  borders  of  Sehon  the  king  of  Hefebon. 

t  Moyfes 



kingcs  ilainc.  Basvi.  495 

6  f  Moyfcs  the  fcruantofour  Lord,  and  the  children  of  Ifrael 
ftroke  them, and  Moyfes  deliuercd  their  Land  in  polTeffion 
to  theRubcnites,andGadites,and  thchalf  tribe  of  Manaflcs. 

7  t  Tliefc  arc  the  Kingcs  of  the  Land^Mchom  lofue  ftrokcand 
the  children  oflfracl  beyond  Jordan  on  the  Weft  fide,  from 
Balaalgad  in  the  field  of  Libanus,  vnro  the  mount,  part  trier- 
ofgoeth  vp  into  Scir:  and  lofue  deliuercd  it  in  poflcffion 

S  to  the  tribes  of  Ifrael,  to  cuerie  one  their  portions,  f  as  wel 

inthcmountaincsasin  theplaincand  champaine  countries. 

In  Afedoth,andinthc  wildcrnes,  and  in  the  fouth  was  the 

Hcrhciteand  the  AmorrheitejthcChanancite,  and  the  Phc- 

f)  rezcitc,  theHcueitc,  and  the  lebufcite.  f  The  king  of  Ic- 

richo  one:  the  king  of  Hai,  which  is  on  the  fide  of  Bethel, 

10  one;  f  thckingoflerufalem  one,  the  king  of  Hebron  one, 

iiiif  theKingof  leriraothone,  the  King  of  Lachis  one,  f  the 

13  KingofEglon  one,  the  King  of  Gazer  one,  f  the  King  of 

14  Dabir  one,  the  King  of  Gader  one,  f  the  King  of  Herma 
If  one,  the  King  of  Hercd one,  f  the  King  of  Lebna  one,  the 

16  Kingof  Adullamone,  f  the  Kingof  Maceda  one,  the  King 

17  of  Bethel  one,  f  the  Kingof  Taphuaonc,the  Kingof  Opher 
18  19  one,  f  the  King  of  Aphec  one,  the  King  of  Saron  one,  |  the 

io  Kingof  Madonone_^,  the  King  of  Afor  one  f  the  King  of 
ai  Semeron  one, the  King  of  Acfaph  one,  f  the  King  of  Thenac 
li  one,  the  King  of  Mageddo  one,  f  the  King  of  Cades  one,  the 

15  Kingoflachananone,  f  the  KingofCarmel  one,  the  King 
of  Dor,  and  of  the  prouince  of  Dor  one,  the  King  of  rhe  Na- 

i4  tions  of  Galgal  one,  t  the  King  of  Therfa  onc^  .-  al  the  iJlf  kln"s'& 
Kinge*  ::  thirtie  one.  llfueSe 

Chap.    XIII.  •««• 

God commAndtth U^ue to  diuide  the  land  (depriving  the  limit eit hero f)  xhe  itiii 
amongfl  nine  tribes  and  a  half.  8.  "With  a  recapitulation  of  the  partes  part. 
alreadygeuen.on  the  other  fide  Jordan,  to  the  other  two  tribes  and  a  half.  Pa^^'ino  of  the 
The  tribe  ofLem  (>.  i^.Cr.n. )  bath  their  prouifton  tn  other  maner.  ^"^  amoug 

svi  vas  old,  and  ftrikcn  in  age,  and  our  Lord  faid  to  ahalf. 
im  :  Thou  art  old,  and  of  a  great  age,  and  there  is  a  verie 
1  large  countrie  left, which  is  not  yet  diuided  by  lottc*  f  to 
5  witte,  al  Galilee,^,  PhiHfthijm,  and  al  Gefluri.  f  From  the 
trubled  riuer,  that  watereth  itgypt,  vnto  the  borders  of  Ac- 
caron  againft  the  North :  the  Land  of  Chanaan,  which  is  di- 
uided vnto  fiuc  Lordes  of  the  Philifthiimcs,  the  Gazeites,  the 
Ooo}  Azotiansj 

I   TO 


494  Iosv*k.  Tlicpom<3nsofcvo/ 

Azotian^jthc  Afcalonitcs,  the  Getheitesv  an<i  the  Accarb- 
nites.  t  But  on  the  South  fide  are  the  Hcucites,  ai  the  Land   4 
orChanaan,and  Maaraof  the  Sidonians  asfarrcas  Apheca, 
and  the  bvorders  of  the  Amorrheits,  f  ^.nd  his  confines.  The  y 
councrie  a'lo  of  Libanusagsind  theEaftfrom  Daalgadvnder 
mount  Hertnon,  til  thou  enter  into  Emath.  f  Of  al  that  d'^'d  6 
in  the  mountiinc  from  Libanus,  vnto  the  Nf^aters  Maferc- 
photh,  andalthe  Sidonians.  I  am  he  that  wil  deftroy  them 
-Thcfcpartcs  from  the  faceof  the  chiidrtn  oflfraei.  •' Let  it  come  theifore 
arc  defi£fne<i    into  a  portion  of  the  inheritance  of  Ifrael;  as  I  haue  comman- 
ihough  not     cicci  thee,  t  And  nov  diuidc  the  Land  in  pofiellion  to  the  7 
yet  conc^'jc-    j,j^.„  ^j.^gs,  arid  to  the  hilf  tribe  of  Manafies,  f  ^ith  the  8 
^'^^'  -^hich  Ruben  &:  Gad  haue  poITefled  the  Land,  which  Moyfes 

theferuantof  OUT  Lord  dch'uered  to  them  beyond  the  ftrca- 
mcs  of  Iordan,on  theeaft  fide,  t  From  Arocr,  ^^'hich  is  fi-  9 
suAteonthebankeofthetorrent  Arnon,  and  in  the  middes 
of  theyalley,andal  thecharopayne  of  Medaba-j,  as  farrc  as 
Dibon:  t  and  ahhc  cities  of  Cehon,  the  King  of  the  Amor-  19 
rheitc,^hich  reigned  in  Hefebon  vnto  the  borders  of  the 
children  of  A  mmon-t  And  Galaad,  and  the  border  of  Ge{-  n 
furiand  Maccati,  andal  mount  Hermon.*,  and  al  Balm,  ixs .    c- 
farreasSalecha,  f  al  the  Kingdomeof  Og  in  Bafan,  which  ix 
reigned  in  AiUroch  and  Edrai,  he  was  of  the  reliques  of  the 
Raphaims:andMoyfesftroke,anddeftroyed  them^.  t  And  15 
the  children  oflfraelvt^oald  nor  deftroyGclTuri  and  Machati: 
and  chev  haued-^'clt  in  the  middes  of  Ifracl  vniil  this  prcfcnt 
day.  f  Buito  thetribeofLeuihegaucnopolleilion:  but  the  14 
facrificesaAdvidiroesof  our  Lord  the  God  Ot^  Ifrael,  that  is 
his  inheritance,  as  he  (pake  to  him.  f  Moylcs  therforc  gaue  15 
poffeifion  to  the  children  of  Ruben  according  to  their  kin- 
redes.  -{■  And  their  border  v^as  from  Arcer,  which  is  firuate   16 
on  the  bankeof  the  torrent  Arnon,andin  the  middes  of  the 
valley  of  the  fame  torrential  the  plainc, that  leadeth  to  Me- 
daba,  t  andHfebon,  and  al  their  villages,  which  are  in  the  17 
champayne .  Dibon  aUoj  and  Bamothbaai,  and  the  towne 
■.BaahnJon_. ,  t  ^"*^  lal^a.^,  ^1^'^  Cedimoth,and  Mephaath ,  18 
•j-  2ndCariirhaim,andSabama,  andSarathafann  the  moim-  19 
•taineof  the  Valley,  f  Bcthfogorand  Afedorh,  Phafga  and  io 
-Beihiei^.nmth ,   t  a"^  ^i  ^^^  champayne  cities ,  and  al  the  11 
-KiugdomesofSehontheKingof  the  Amorrheite,  that  rei- 
trncdm  Hefebon,  whom  Moyfcsftroke  with  the  princes  of 
^  MadiaiiJ 

tribes  and  a  halfc.  Iosve.  49y 

Ma  ian:theHcueitc,  ^Reccm.arclSorjand  Hur,ancl  Rebe 

21  Dakcs  of  Sehon  inhabitannrs  oi  nlve  Land,  f  And  Ba'a^m 
rhcfonneof  Btor  rhe  (botWaycr,  did  the  chiidren  of  llrael 

iz  kil  bjthcr'orord  v-ith  the  reft  that  were  fkynt_^.  f  And  the 
riuer  of  Ioidan\sv.s  made  theboidtr  of  the  children  of  Ru- 
ben. This,  is  rhepolTeilion  of  the  Rubenitcs  by  their  kinrcdes 

24  of  cities  and  villages,  f  AndMoyfes  gaice  to  the  tribe  of  Gad 
and  ro  his  children  polleilion  by  their  kmredeSj  the  diuifion 

a;   wherof  is  this,  j-  The  borderof  later, and  al  the  cities  of  Ga- 

kzd,  and   the  half  part  of  the  Land  of  "the  children-  of  ..  This  part- 

a6:  AiTimbn-.Ssfarre  iiS  Aretri  which  is  againft  Rabba:  -f  and  the  Amonci- 
i'rova  Hcfebon  vnto  Ramorh.Mafphe  and  Bcconimiand  from  ^'^^  haH  vAttn 

27  K-laniim  vnto  the  borders  of  Dabif.  t  In  the  valley  alo  Beth-  ^^^pofTcfTe^i 
har.Tj  and  Bethnemra,  and  Socoth,  and  Saphon  the  other  I'fradiTs  \ve\  * 
p:irr  of  the  Kingdom  of  Schon  the  King  of  Heleboii-*:  the  plohi^it£(I  to 
end  cf  this  a!{o  IS  lordan,  vnt©  the  vtrerrrxft  part  of  the  fea  takeanie  thig 

aS  Cencrcth  beyond  lordan  ontheeaft  fide,  f  This  is  the  pof-  froi^.tl^c  Am^ 
(ellionof  the  children  oF  Gad  by  their  families,  their  cities,  ^^J^^^^^^' 

i9  and  villages,  f  Hegaue  a  I  To-  to  the  half  tribe  of  ManaffeSj 
and  their  children  poIk'iHon  accord ih^^  to   their  kinrcdes  , 

30  f  the  beginning  vfhcrof  is  this  :  from  Manaim  al  Bafan,  and 
al  the  kingdoms  of  Og  the  King  of  Bafan,  Jind  al  the  villages 

•51  of  Liir,  which  are  in  Bafan,  threelcore  rownes.  f  And  the 
half  part  of  Galaad,  and  Ailaroth,  Ttud  Edrai,  cities  of  the 
kingdom  of  Or:  in  Bafari^;  to  the  children  of  Machir,  the 
fonneof  Manp-ffes  ro  the  half  patt  ofthe  children  of  Machir 

5Z  accordirg  co  their  kinredes  .  t  This  pofTtllio  diuided  Moyfes 
in  the  chair.paynecountries'of  Moab,bevonJ  lordan,  againft 

33  lericho  on  the  Eaft  fide,  f  But  to  the  tribe  of  Leui  he  gauc 
no  pciitriiion  :  beciufc  our  Lordthe  God  of  Ifrael  him  felf  is 
their  poireOIon,  as  he  fpake  to  rhem. 

Chap.     X  1 1 1 1. 

cAih  tifthe tuhe of  ItcAA  { fiin^^fomtkjiew  theirlotiei  dready,  and  thai  the 
fcholc  Lnd'^JineiV  to  he  iiuidcd)  6.  demandctb,  according  to  Gods 
prort^tfl-madi  lyMojfes  ( for  Lis  true  dnc  good  report  of  the  fdmt  Und^ 
^i^hoi  he  :vith  ctbirs  Ifiewed  it )  that  Hebron  hcgtuen  him,  *nd  hhfude 
to  nibentey  13.  'T^hich  lo^ueconf.rtntth  ynto  him. 

1  '"T^His  is  it,  Trhich  the  children  of]  fraelpofTefTcd  in  the 

j|     Landof  Chanaan,^hichE]eazar  the  prieft,  and  lofuc 

the  fonne  of  Nun,  &  the  ririncesx)f  the  families  by  the  tribes 


49^  losvi.  Calebs  portioBc 

•flfraclgauctothera:  t  diuidingal  thingcsbylottc,  «  our  i 
Lord  had  commanded  in  the  hand  of  Moyfcs,  to  the  nine 
tribes,  and  the  half  tribe,  f  For  to,two  tribes  and  a  half  j 
Moyfes  had  geuen  polTenion  beyond  lordan  :  befides  the  Le- 
uices,  •which  rccciued  no  land  among  their  brethren  :  f  but  4 
t>TheLcmte8  ••  into  their  place  fuccedcd  the  children  of  lofcph  diuided 
haiiing  their    i^fo  tvo  tribes,  of  Manaflcs  and  Ephraim ;  neither  did  the  . 
l»ortionj  mo-  Leuites  receiue  other  portion  in  the  Land,  but  cities  to  inha- 
yettherc  vccc  ^^^^y  '•^^'^  ^ ^eir  fuburbes  to  fecde  their  beaftcs  and  cattch  t  As  ; 
twcluc  tribes   our  Lord  had  commanded  Moyfcs,  fo  did  the  children  of 
torcceiucpar  Ifrael,  and  they  diuided  the  Land,  f  Thcrfore  the  children  6 
If  ^  l7cob  aT  °^^^^^  ^^"^^  ^°  ^°^^=  ^^  Galgal,  and  Caleb  the  fonne  of  le- 
Iptcd^Iofephs  p^o"e  the  Cenezcite  fpake  to  him  :  Thou  knovreft  vhat  our 
tvo  fonncs.     Lord  fpake  to  M  oy fes  the  man  of  God  concerning  me  <5c  thee 
Gtm.^S.  inCadesbarnc.  f  Fourtie  ycarcsoldvaslvhen  Moyfes  the  7 

feruantofour  Lord  Cent  mc  from  Cadesbarne,  tovie^Jrthc 
Land,  and  I  reported  to  him  that  which  tome  femcd  truc^. 
•J-  But  my  brethren,  that  had  gone  vp  vith  me,  difcouraged  S 
the  hart  of  the  people  :  andl  ncuertheles  foloved  our  Lord 
my  God.  t  And  Moyfcs  fvrarc  in  that  day,  faying;  The  Land,  9 
▼hich  thy  foote  hath  troden,  shal  be  thy  pofTeflioa,  and  thy 
childrcns  for  cuer,bccaufc  thou  haft  folovcd  our  Lord  my 
God.  f  Oar  Lord  therfore  hath  granted  mclifc,  as  he  promi-  i« 
:«  After  the      fed  vntil  this  prefentday.  It  is  "••  fourtictnd  fiueyeares,fince 
hnl'"it  I*"  Gur  Lord  fpake  this  vordc  to  Moyfcs,  vhen  Ifrael  walked 
the  ifraelitcs    through  the  wildernes.:  this  day  am  I  eightie  and  Hue  yeares 
remained  ia     old  f  (o  luftic,  as  I  was  at  that  time  vhcn  I  was  (ent  to  view:   it 
thcdcfert.  }8.  the  ftrength  of  that  time  continewcth  in  rac  vntil  this  day, 
ycaresifo  they  ^^  ^^j  ^^  g^j^^  ^^  ^^  g^^^  f  Geue  me  thcrfore  this  mounrame,  li 
uen*Tcarc$  in  vluch  our  Lord  promifed,  thy  fclfc  alfo  hearing  ir,  wherein 
wiires.  arc  the  Enacims,  and  great  cities  and  fenfcd:  "  if  perhaps  our 

:•  Gods  pro-    Lord  be  with  me,  andl  ihal  be  able  to  deftroy  them,  as  he 
mife  is  cuct     promifed  mc.  f  And  lofue  bleffed  him,  and  deliuered  to  him  i:; 
%'rt  °but  be-  Hebron  in  polTeffion  f  And  from  thence  forth  "  Hebron  be-  14 
caufcitiscon-  longed  to  Caleb  thc  fonne  of  Icphonc  the  Cenezeitc,  vntil 
ditioi)al,ifve  thisprefenr  day  rbecaufe  hc  folowed  oor  Lord  thc  God  of 
fnnebini  fin-  jr^^^i  ^  ^hc  name  of  Hcbton  before  was  called  Cariath  1$ 
bcL^^  frc^c  Te  Arbc:  Adam  thc  greateft  among  the  Enacims  "Was  iayd  there; 
faith?i/>"W^  *"*^  ""  ^'^^  ^^"'^ccafed  from  battels. 

o«*r  Lord  beyyithme^. ::  Oniie  the  coimtric  of  Hcbrou  vas  gcttea  CoCiafkb,  for  tkccitic  it 
felfaud  fuburbes  belonged  to  the  Prieftes.  cfc<*/»..  iiiv.  II.  .  ,      :  .  ]  , 

c  Sec  before. c:/?d/».  n.  r.  ij.  ChAP.        , 

1  ki 

The  portion  of  lu di.  I  o  s  v  E  497 

Chap.    XV. 

Thehordenofthelottecjluddf  15,  including  Calch  purttmlar  inheriUHcg 
(  16.  out  of'^hich  hegeueth  CariAtb  Sephert  and  hts  daughter  to  Othomel, 
for  "^mntngit : )  21.  ^ith  the  names  of  the  cities  thtrof.  65.  the  lebufeite 
y^t  dt9:lltn<r'^tth  ludu  in  Bierufalem. 

H  E  R  F  o  R  E  the  k)tre  of  the  children  of  ludas  by  their 

kinredes  was  this  :  From  the  border  of  Edom,  vnto  the 

defert  of  Sin  againft  the  South,and  vnro  the  vttcrmoft  part 

z  of  the  fouth  coafte.  f  ^^^  beginning  rherof  was  from  the 

toppeofthemoftfaltfca,  and  from  the  brinke  therof,  that 

5  looketh  to  the  South,  f  And  it  gocth  forth  againft  the  Af- 

cencofthe  Scorpion,  and  pafleth  through  into  Sina_.  .and 

ryi'eth  vp  into  Cadesbarne,«5c  reacheth  into  Efron,  afccnding 

4  to  Addar,and  copaiiing  Carcaa,  f  and  thence  paffing  through 
into  Afcmona,  and  reaching  to  the  Torrent  ofy£gypt:and 
the  borders  therofshal  be  the  great  Tea.  this  fhal  be  the  end 

5  of  the  fouth  coaft.  f  But  on  the  Eaft  fide  the  beginning 
flial  be  the  moft  fait  fea  vnto  the  vtmoft  partes  of  lordan :  and 
thofe  places  that  lookc  to  the  North  from  the  brinke  of  the 

6  fea  vnto  the  fame  riuer  of  lordan.  f  And  the  border  gocth 
vpinto  Beth  hagla,  and  palTeth  from  the  north  into  Beth 
Araba  :  afccnding  to  theftoneof  Bohcn  the  fonne  of  Ruben, 

7  t  And  reaching  as  farre  as  the  borders  of  Debera  from  the 
Valley  of  Achor,  againft  the  North  looking  toward  Galgal, 
which  is  oppofirc  to  the  Afcent  of  Adommim,on  the  fouth 
fide  of  the  torrenti-.:  and  palTcth  the  waters,  that  are  called 
The  Fountaync  of  the  funne_^  :  and  the  endes  therof  ftial 

8  be  to  the  Fountaync  rogel.  t  -And  it  afcendeth  by  the 
valley  of  the  funne  of  Ennom  on  the  fide  of  the  lebufeite 
toward  the  South,  this  is  Icrufaleraj.-  and  thence  rearing 
it  felf  to  the  toppc  of  the  mountayne.^  ,  which  is  againft 
Geennom  toward  the  Weft  in  the  toppe  of  the  Valley  of 

f)  Riphaim  againft  the  North,  f  And  it  pafleth  through  from 
the  toppc  of  the  mountaine  to  the  fountainc  of  the  water 
Nephtoa:  and  reacheth  to  the  townes  of  mount  Ephroru: 
and  benderh  into  Baala,  which  is  Cariathiarim,  that  is  to  fay, 

10  acitieofwooddes.  j-  And  it  compafleth  from  Baala  againft 
ihc  Weft,  vnto  mount  Seir ;  and  paiTeth  by  the  fide  of  mount 
larim  toward  the  North  into  Chcflon ;  and  gocth  downc 

11  into  Bethfamcs,  and  pafleth  into  Thamna.  f  Anditrcacheth 

Ppp  toward 

45S  losvE.  The  portion  of 

::  Though  it   toward  the  North  coaft  of  a  part  of  Accai'on  at  the  fid;.* :  and 
v/as  prohibi-    benderh  to  Sechrona,  and  pairerh  mount  Biala :  and  comcth 
ted  that  the     .^j.^  lebnecl,  and  is  ihut  vp  wich  rhc  end  of  the  great  Tea  to- 
(houuTraaric   ward  the  ^eft.  f  Thefeare  the  borders  of  the  children  of  u 
his  Jttnt,  yec   Iuda5  in  circLiirein  their  kinrcdes .  f  But  to  Caleb  the  (onne  15 
the  vnclc  v/as  of  lephone  he  gauc  a  portion  in  the  middes  of  ihc  children  of 
not  exficay     jy^^^j,  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  him  ;  Cariath  Arbe  the 
rk  his  n°eT  father  ofEnac,that  is  Hebron,  f  And  Caleb  dcftroyed  out  14 
by  Moyfej       of  it  the  thrcE  Tonnes  of  Enac,  Scfai  and  Ahiraan  6c  Tholmai 
law.  Lw;f.  18.  oftheftockeof  Enac.  t  And  from  thence  goingvp  be  came  ij 
And  albeit        to  rh'"  inhabitantcs  of  Dabir,  which  before  was  called  Ca- 
famc  digrce     "^^'^^  ^'?^^''^  '^'-'  ''^  '''  ^"^^^  ^  cirie  ofletters.  f  And  Caleb   16 
of  cGRfangui-  faid :  He  that  ibai  flake  Cariath-fepher.and  rake  it, I  wi!  gcue 
nide,  yet  not  him  Axaniy  daughter  to  wife,  t  And  Othonicl  the  (onne  17 
thcfamcinco-  of  C&nez.  the  yongcr  brother  of  Caleb  tooke  it :  and  he  galic 
rcaTon?hc^^    him  "  Axa  his  daughter  to  %ife   f  Who  going  together",  she  18 
fame  perfon     '^'as  moued  by  her  husband  to  aske  a  field  of  her  father,  and 
rcraaineth  Tub-  Ihe  righcd  a*  (he  face  on  her  aiTe.  To  whom  Caleb  faid  :  What 
icd,  that  ^is  aileth  theei-/ ?  t  But  il:ie  aHfvvcrcd:  Gcue  me  a  blclling  :  "  a'19 
iHfenor  be-  ^   50^^^  and  drie  Lind  thou  haftgcucn  me,ioyne  alfo  a  wateric. 
:TBsciak^oi-  Caleb  therfore  gauc  her  a watcrie  ground  aboue  &  beneath,  v- 
dinariW  the      f  This  is  the  poffetlion  of  the  tfibe  of  the  children  of  ludas  20 
fouth  pan  of  by  their  kinrcdes.  t  And  the  cities  from  the  vtcermofi  partes  21 
the  world  IS    of  the  children  of  ludas  by  the  borders  of  Edom  on  the 
baacatlfeno    South:  werc  Gabfeel  and  Eder  and  lagiir,  f  and  Cina  and  ix 
iher  partes,  a  Dimona  and  Adada,  f  and  Cades, and  A{or,and  Icthnart^,  15 
barren  place  IS  -|-  Ziph  and  Telem  and  Baloth,  f  Afor  thenev?  and  Carioth,Z4  25 
callcdafoutb  f^c{>on,rhis  is  Afor.  f  Amxm,  Sama_,,  andAlolada,  f  andi627 
!jmo"-HtU^  Afergadda  and  HaHenion  and  Bethpheler,  f  aridHaferfiial  x8 
groandV"'^  and  Berfabee  and  Baziothia  t  andBaala  and  lim  an  Efenu,  19 
f  and  Eltholad  and  Cefd  and  Harma  t  and  Siceleg,  and  Me- 50  31 
demena  and  Senfenna,  t  Labaoth  and  Sehm  and  Aen  and  yi 
Remon.althGcitiesrwentienine,andtheirvillagcs.  t  Burin  55 
thechampaynecoimtriesrEftaolandSareaand  Afcna,  f  and  34 
Sanoe&EugannimandTaphuaandEnaim,tandIerimoth,  ;5 
and  Adnllam,  Socho  and  Az«ca,  t  and  Saraim  and  Adithaim  56 
and  Gedera  and  Gcdcrorhaim :  fourteene  cities,  and  1  heir  vil- 
lages, f  Sanan  and  Hadafti  and  Magdalgad,  f  Deloan  and37  58 
M^afepha  and  ledhcl ,  f    Lachis  and  Bifcath  and  Egloiu,  39 
f  Chebbonand  Lehcman  andCethlis  -j-  and  Gideroth  and  40 
E;echdagonamlNaatriaandMaccda;rixccnc cities,  and  their  41 
1-    ,  .  villages. 

luda  defcribed.  I  o  s  v  e .  49^ 

41  45villagcs.  t  LabanaandEthcrand  A{an,  f  lephthaand  Elna 
44  and  Ncfib,  f  ai)d  Ceila  and  Achzib  and  Marcza:  nine  cities, 
4;  and  tlieir  villages,  f  Accaron  with  the  towncs  and  vilhges 

46  rherof.  f  From  Accaron  vnto  the  fea:  al  places  that  bend 

47  toward  Azotus  and  the  villages  ihcrof.  +  Azotus  with  the 
townes  and  villages  thcrof.  Gaza  with  the  townes  and  vil- 
Jages  therof,  vnto  the  torrent  of  i^-gypt,  and  the  great  feais 

48  the  border  therof.  f  And  in  the  mountaynci-':  Samir  and 

49  lecher  and  Socoth  t  snd  Danna  and  Cariath  fenna,  this  is 
jojiDabir:  j  Anab  and  Illcmo  and  Anim_»,  f  Gofen  and  Olon 

ji  and  Gilo  :  cleuen  cities  and  their  villages,  f  Arab  and Ruma 
J3  and  Efaan ,  f  and  lanum  and  Beth  thaphua  and  Aphcca_», 

54  t  Athmacha  and  Cariath-arbe,  this  is  Hebronjand  Sior:  nine 

5f  cities  and  their  villages,  f  Maonand  Caimel  and  Ziph  and 

j^jylota,  f  lezrael  and  lucadam  and  Zanoe,  f  Accain,  Gabaa 

^8  and  Thamna  :  ten  cities  and  their  villages,  f  Haihul,  and 

59  Bethfur,  and  Gedor,  f  Mareth,  and,&  Eltecon  : 

60  fix  cities  and  their  villages,  f  Cariathbaal ,  this  is  Cariath- 

iarim  the  citie  of  wooddcs,  and  Arebba :  two  cities  and  their  .vThe  lebafeii 

61  villages,  f  In  chcdefcrr  Beth-araba,  meddin,  and  Sdchacha,  te«  kept  a 
Ci  t  and  Nebfan,  and  the  citie  of  fair,  and  Engaddi :  fix  cities,  .^"^""S  "^'c 
<$3  and  their  villages,  t  But  the  lebufcite  the  inhabitant  of  le-  ^Ikin^DW 

rufalcm  the  children  of  ludas  •'•  could  not  dcftroy:  and  the  tookcltfrom 
lebufeite  dwelt  with  the  children  of  ludas  in  Icrulalem  vntil  thein.i.JLej.f. 
this  pre  fen  t  day^ 

Chap.     XVI. 


''aetrlbeofEPhriim,{younga[onmoflofeph)rec€iHe  their  lotte.  lo.  The 
Chananeitejct  drvcUah  ^onh  them  paying  tnhute. 

I  nr  H  E  lotte  alfo  of  "  the  children  of  lofcph  fd  from  Ior_  '■  R'^beo  fo 
1    dan  againftlericho  and  the  Waters  therof,  on  the  eaft;  l^ccftTofin^ 
thewildernes  which  goeth  vp  from  lericho  to  the  moun-  Ih"pnuclc? 
1   raine  of  Bethel :  f  and  goeth  out  from  Bethel  to  Luza_. :  and  g«c$  of  birth- 
5  pafiethfheborderof  Archia,to  Atharoth.f  Anddefcenderh  ''g^t('^"»-4?) 
Wcftward,bythc  border  of  lephleti,  vnto  the  borders  of  ^''^^^^^^ 
Beth  horon  the  lower,  and  to  Gazer:  and  their  counrriesare  UmfhcJung- 
4  ended  by  the  great  fea_,:  f  and  ManalTes  and  Ephraim  the  domctoludt 
;  children  of  lofephpoirelfed  it.  f  And  the  border  of  the  chil-  anddubJcpoc 
drenofEpKraim  was  made  according  to  their  kinredes:  and  "^^^  ^o^^ph- 
their  poirelllon  toward  the  Eaft  was   Ataroth  addar  vnto  "''"''f''''"^^^^'- 
.6  Bcth-horon  the  higher,  t  And  the  confines  goe  out  vnto  the 

Ppp  i  fea:  bat 

fo«  losTE.  Ephrairaand 

fea :  but  Machmethath  looketh  to  the  North,  and  it  compal- 
fcth  the  borders  againft  the  Eaft  into  Thanath-felo  :  and  paf- 
feth  through   on  the  Eaft  fide  to  lanoc^ .  -{•   andirgoeth  7 
do'vne  from  lanoc  into  Ataroih  &  Naaratha:  anditcomcth 
into  lericho,  and  goeth  out  to  lordaR-..  f  FromTaphuait  8 
palfeth  through  againft  the  fea  into  the  Valley  of  reedcs,  and 
theidues  iherofarc  into  the  moft  fair  Tea. this  is  the  pofleffion 
of  the  tribe  of  the  children  ©f  Ephraim  by  their  families, 
f  And  ciries  with  their  villages  were  feparated  to  the  chil-  f 
dren  of  Ephraim  in  the  middcs  of  the  poirclfion  of  the  chil- 
dren of  Manaftes,  f  and  the  children  of  Ephraim  devir  nor  10 
thcChananeite,  which  dwelt  in  Gazer:  and  the  Chanancite 
i^tk  in  the  middes  of  Ephraim  vntil  this  dxv-  tributaric. 

Chap.     XVII. 
f^ehdftrthe ofManajfei  ( eUe^fonne  of  loft^h )  receiste  their  hUe,  5. i»- 

clttdtng  the  daughters  of  Sal^haad^  14.  f»tth  an  enUrgemtM  •f  inherit 

tdnce  to  the  fame  tribes  of  Ephraim  and  M4najjes. 

ANd  this  lottcfeltothetribeof  Manaires(forhcistfec  s 
firft  borne  of  lofcph)  toMachirthc  firft  borne  of  Ma- 
Bafles  the  father  of  Galaad,  who  was  a  warlike  man,  and  had 
for  poffeflion  Galaad  and  Bafan:  f  and  to  the  reft  of  the  chil-  t 
dren  of  Manaftcsaccording  to  their  families,  to  the  children 
of  Abiezcr,and  to  the  children  of  Helec,  and  to  the  children 
of  Efriel,  and  to  the  children  of  Scchem,  and  to  the  children 
of  Hepher,  and  to  the  children  of  Scmida,  thefe  arc  the  chil- 
dren of  Manaftes  the  fonne  of  lofeph,  males  by  their  kin- 
redes    f  But  Salphaad  the  fonne  of  Hepher  the  fonne  of  Ga-  5 
laad  the  fonne  of  Machir  the  fonne  of  Manaffes   had   no 
fonnes, but  onlic daughters:  whofe  names  be  thcfe,  Maala, 
and  Noa  and  Hegla  and  Melcha  and  Therfa-^.  t  And  they  4 
camcin  theprcfenccof  Eleazar  ihe  prieft,  and  of  lofue  th« 
fonne  of  Nun,  and  of  the  princes,  faying:  Our  Lord  com- 
manded by  the  hand  of  Moyfes,  that  a  pOilVftion  should  be 
geuenvs  in  the  middes  of  our  brethren.  And  he  gaue  them 
according  to  thecommandemcntof  our  Lord  a  poftcllionin 
the  middes  of  their  fathers  brethren,  f  And  the  cordcs  fel  f 
to  ManaflTes  ten,  bedde  the  Land  of  Galaad  and  Bafan  beyond 
lordan.  f  For  the  daughters  of  Manaffes  poftefted  inhcri-  < 
tance  in  the  middes  of  his  fonnes.  And  the  Land  of  Galaad 
fdto  thclottc  of  the  children  of  Manaffes  chat  remayned. 
"|-  AndtheborderofManaflcsfromAfcjc,  was Machmat  hath  y 


Manafles  portions.  Iojve.  joi 

▼  hichlookcth  toSichem:  andgocthouron  the  right  hand 
bcfidc   the  inhabitantes  of  the  Fountaine   of  Taphua_>  . 

S    t  For  in  the  lotrc  of  ManalTes  \tas   faJlcR    the   Land  of ::  The  land  ot 
Taphua-,,  ::  which   is  -befidc   the   borders  of  ^^^"'^^"" '  ^"'j^^'jf.Jlf    ■ 

«)  the   childrcns  of  Ephraim..  .   f    And   the    border  of  the  to^hc^'oac'Gf 
Recdevalley  went  do-srne  into  the  fouth  of  the  torrent  of  j^ana{ics,yct 
the  cities  of  Ephraim  ,  which  are  in  the  middes  of  the  cities  Tapbua  (that 
of  Manaffcs:  the  border  of  ManalFcs  on  the  North  of  the  isthecuieit 
JO  torrent, and  the  ilTuetherof  goeth  tothe  Tea:  f  (o  that  the^^j^^y^^'^"^^  ^ 
polFeilion  of  Ephraim  is  on  the  South,  and  on  the  North  of  ^p^j^nj^^ 
ManalFes.and  the  (eainclofeth  both,  and  they  be  ioyned  one 
toanother  inthe  tribeof  Afcr  on  the  Noth,and  in  the  tribe 

II  of  llTaLharon  the  Eaft.  f  And  the  inheritance  of  Manailes 
in  Iflacharandin  Afcr  was  Bcthfanand  the  viikgcs  therof, 
and  Icblaam  with  the  villages  therof,  and  theinhabitantesof 
Dor,  'a'ith  the  to  wnes  therof,  the  inhsbi'antcs  alio  of  Endor 
with  the  townes  therof.  and  in  like  maner  the  inhabitantes 
of  Thendc  with  the  towncs  therof,  and  the  inhabitantes  of 
Magcddo  with  the  townes  therof,  and  the  third  part  of  the 

li  cifieof  Nophetb.  t  Neither  could  the  children  of  Manaffes 
cuctthrow  the  cities,  bur  the  Chananeire  began  todwel  in 

13  '•'  his  Land,  f  But  after  that  the  children  of  Ilrael  gtcw  to  ..  jhcdiana- 
beftrong,  rhey  fubdewed  the  Chananeites,  and  made  them  ncitc  remai- 

14  their  tributaiies,  neither  did  they  kil  them,  f  And  the  chil-  ncd  in  the 
drfnoHo'ephfpakeio  Iofue,and  (aid:  Why  haft  thou  geuen  Land  cf  Mi- 
me the  poflellionof  one  lotte  and  corde,  whcrasl  am  of  fo  ^  ^^*  °^^ 

ij  great  a  multitude,  and  our  Lord  hath  blelFed  me  ?-f  To  whom 
lofue  faid  :  If  thou  be  a  great  people,  goevp  into  the  wood, 
and  cutte  thee  roome  in  the  Laiad  of  the  Pherezeire  and  Ra- 
phaims  ;  bccaufe  the  pofTellion  of  mount  Ephraim  is  narrow 

z6  for  thee,  f  To  whom  the  children  of  lofeph  anfwcred  : 
We  can  notgoc  vpto  the  mountaincs.wheras  the  Chan^nf  itc 
thatdwelin  thechampayne  countrie,  wherein  are  firuated 
Bethfan  with  the  townes  therof,  and  Iczrael  poffeffing  the 

37  raiddcs  of  thevalley,  vfe  yron  chariottes.  f  And  lofue  faid 
to  the  houfe  of  lofeph,  of  Ephraim  and  Manafles :  Thou  art 
a  great  people,  and  of  great  ftrength,  thou  shah  not  haue  one 

iS  lotte,  t  but  thou  shalt  pafTe  to  the  mountaine,and  shalt  cuttc 
and  make  glades  for  thee  toinhabite:  and  mayeft  procedc 
farder,  when  thou  haft  fubucrted  the  Chananeite,  whom 
thou  fayeft  to  haue  yron  chariotes,and  to  be  very  ftrong. 

Ppp  3  Ch Aff. 


fot  I  o  s  V  E.  Siirucycrs  diuidc  feiicn  partes^ 

Chap.    XVIII. 

From  the  umpt of  ifuel  itt  s'tU  furueyen  Are  fcnt to  iiuide  the  r-f}  of  tf.e 
Lund  into  feuei  partes  ^  for  the  fettett  trihei  yet  without  portions.  lo, 
ryhtch being-  donne^  lofue  cafleth lottes  for  them^  ii.aad  thefirfilotte 
fjilleth  to  Beniamimyii.  yvhofe  part  a  defcribedby  the  Itmites,  ii,  with 
thenxmciofthe  frindpd  cities. 

Nd  al  thechildren  of  IfracI  were  afTembletl  in  Silo,  i 
and  there  they  pitched  the  tabernacle  of  the  teftimony, 
and  the  Land  vasfubde^red  to  them,  •\  But  there  remained  i 
ftucn  tribes  of  thechildren  of  Ifrael,  which  as  yet  had  not 
receiued  their  pofTelHons.  f  To  whom  lofucfaid .- Howlong  5 
are  you  Hack  with  co^rardenes,  and  enter  not. to  pofieirs  the 
Land,  which  our  Lord  the  God  of  your  fathers  hath  geucn 
you?  t  Choofe  of  eueric  tribe  three  men,  that  I  may  (end  4 
them,  and  they  may  goe  and  circuite  the  Land,  aad  marke  it 
::  Not  equal     ©ut  according  to  the  number  "  of  euerie  multitude  :   and 
but  pioporcio-  report  vnto  me  that  which  they  haue  marked  out.  j-  Diuidc  $ 
nable  partes      ynj-Q  you  the  Land  into  feuen   partes  :   let  ludas  be  in  hiS 
loiCo'n^^l  '  ^°^"^^5  o^  the  fouth  quarter,  and  the  houfe  of  lo-feph  on 
commanded.    ^^^  North,  f  the  Land  in  the  middes  betwcn  thcfe  marke*^ 
jsr«/».i6'v';4.  out  into  feuen  partes  .•  and  you  shal  come  hither  to  me,  that 
TothtgreMer    '.:  before  our  Lord  your  God  I  may  caft  thelottc  for  you: 
num  erto^euta  .  for  the  Lcuitcs  part  is  not  among  you,  but  the  priefthood  7 

greater  portion^    '  ^  , »  .  .  °4       i   V^     i  i  tt.     i  i 

and  to  the  fewer  ^^  our  Lord  IS  their  inheritance.  And  Gad  and  Ruben, and 
alefje.  the  half  tribe  of  Manalles  had  now  receiued  their  podcflions 

.••After  thc^or  beyond  Jordan  at  the  Eaftflde:  which  Moyfcs  theleruant  of 
tionsvercap-  our  Lord gaue  them,  f  And  when  the  men  wercryfenvp,  g 
roensinduftric  ^^^'^  ^^^Y  might  goe  to  markc  oat  the  land  ,  lofue  coiB- 
&  difcretion  ,  manded  them,  faying:  Circuite  the  Land  and  marke  it  out, 
God  Gonfir-  and  returnc  to  me  t  that  hcrc  before  our  Lord,  in  Silo  I  may 
mcd  the  fame  calt  thelottc  for you  t  They  therfore  went  on  :  and  eoin^  9  •     J       J     !••         r  ■■        •     •  V        ^ 

takeawayal      ouerit,  diuidedit  into  leuen  partes,  writing  it  ina  volume. 

occafioofdif-  And  they  returned  fo  lofue  into  the  canipe  in  Silo,  j  Who  10 
contentment,  did  caft  lottes  before  out  Lord  in  Silo,  and  diuiied  the  Land 

to  the  children  of  Ifrael  into  feuen  partes,  f  And  firfi:  came  u 
vp  the  lorte  of  the  children  of  Beniamin  by  their  families,  to 
polFeilethe  Land  betwcn  the  children  of  ludas  and  thechil- 
dren of  lofeph.  •{■  And  their  border  was  againft  the  North  11 
from  lordan  ;  going  forward  by  the  fide  of  lericho  on  the 
north  quarter  ,  and  thence  Wcftward  ryfing  vp  vnro  the 


Bcniamins  portion.  Iosve,  joj 

mouncaincs,  and  reaching  to  the  vilderncs  of  Bethancn  , 

15  t  &:  palling  through  by  Luza  to  the  South,  the  fame  is  Bcchch 

andgoeth  downe  into  Ataroth  addar  vnto  the  mounraine, 

14  thatison  theSouthof  Bethhoron  the  lower,  f  And  it  ben- 
deth  compalling  againft  the  feajSouthward  of  the  niounraine 
that  looketh  to  Bethhoron  againft  the  South :  -and  the  ifllies 
therofarc  into  Cariathbaal,  which  is  called  alfo  Cariathbaai 
which  is  called  alio  Cariathiarim,  acirie  of  the  children  of 
ludas.  This  is  their  coaft  againft  the  fea,  toNS'ard  the  Weft. 

15  t  Bat  on  the  South  from  part  of  Cariathiarim  the  border 
iifucth  forth  againft  the  fea,  and  Cometh  to  the  fountainc  of 

16  the"«3rarcrsof  Ncphtoa.  f  Anditgoech  downe  into  part  of 
the  iTiOuntaine  thar  looketh  rowatd  the  Valley  of  the  chil- 
dren of  Ennom  :  and  isagainft:  the  north  quarrer  in  the  vr- 
termoll:  part  of  the  Vajley  raphaim.  And  it  gocth  do^ne  into 
Gchennom  ( that  is,  the  valley  of  Ennom  )  by  the  fide  of  the 
Icbufcice  to  the  South  :   and  cometh  to  the  Fountainc  of 

17  RogeL  t  P'llfing  to  the  north,  and  going  forth  to  Enfcmcs, 

18  that  is  to  fay,  the  fountainc  of  the  funnc  :  f  and  it  paf- 
feth  vnto  the  Iitlc  hilles,  that  are  againft  the  afcent  of  Adom- 
rr.ira:  and  goeth  downc  to  Abcnboen,  that  is,theftoneof 
Bocn  the  fonnc  of  Ruben  randit  pa/Feth  on  the  north  fide 
to  the  champaint-/  countries  :  and  goeth  dovnc  into  the 

19  plaync-^,  f  and  pafleth  by  againllthc  North  of  Bethag!a_j: 
and  thcidhes  therofare  againft  the  brincke  of  the  moft  fait 
fcaonthe  Northin  the  end  of  Jordan  to  the  fouth  quarter? 

zo  t  which  is  the  border  therof  on  the  Eaft.  This  is  the  poflef- 

fion  of  the  children  of  Scniamin  by  their  borders  round 

21  about,  and  their  families,  f  And  their  cities  were,  lericho 

21  and  Bethhagiaand  ValHsCafis,  ■}■  Beth  Arabaand  Samataim 

23  24  and  Bethel,  f  and  Auini  and  Apharaand  Ophera,  t  To\r»c 

Emonaand  Ophniand  Gabee:  twelue  cities,  6c  their  row ncs, 

2/ 26 -J-  Gabaonand  Rama  and  Beroth,  -f  and  Mcfphe,  and  Ca.. 

17  phara,  and  Amofa,  f  and  Rcccm  ,  larephel  and  Tharela , 

2.8   f  and  Stla,  Eleph,and  Icbus,  which  is  lerafalem,  Gnbaath 

andCariath  :  fourteenne  cities,  and  their  to^rnes.  This  is  the 

pofrelHon  of  the  children  of  Bcniamin  by  their  famihcs. 

Cfjap.     XIX. 

Tbt  ffc»nd lotte  falltth  to  thttuhe  of  Simeon,  the  JttUdt'nn  of  ^hofe'tnheri-^ 
tAnceu  (itferM,  with  the  namei  of  their  ^nnct^4l  attes.  10.  7 be  thri 

I© 4  I  o  s  V  E.  O  tlicr  fix  tribes 

in  like  forte^  to  ZxhuUn.  17.  rhe  fourth  to  ifachdr.  24.  The  fifth  to  ^fer, 
^x.The  fixttQ  Nepthdi.  4f0.  ^ndthe  feuenthto  Dan.  ^^.  ^Ithe  Uni 
leing  di^ribitted  amon^  the  triheSy  Jfith  common  confent  they^eue  a/^mal 
citteto  IofHe,inthemiddessf  them. 

ANd  tht  fecond  lotte  came  forth  of  the  children  of  i 
Simeon  by  their  kinrcddes  :  and  their  inheritance  was, 
f  in  the  middes  of  the  poffeiHon  of  the  children  of  ludas:  2 
Berlabecand  Sabeeand  Molada,  f  ^^^  Haferfual,  B^la  and  ; 
Afcm,  t  3.nd  Eltholad  ,  Bethul  and  Harma,  f  and  Siceleg  45 
and  Bethmarchabothand  Haferfufa,  f  and  Bethlebaoth  and  6 
Sarohen:  thirtene  cities,  and  their  towncs.  f  AinandRcra-  7 
mon  and  Athor  and  Afan;  foure  cities,  and  their  tovrnes: 
f  aithelitle  townes  round  about  thcfe  cities  vnto  Baalath  8 
Beer  Ramath  againft  the  fouth  quarter.  This  is  the  inheri- 
tance of  the  children  of  Simeon  according  to  their  kinredes, 
•j-  in  the  poflTellion  and  corde  of  the  children  of  ludas  ;  be-   9 
caufe  it  was  greater,  and  therfore  the  children  of  Simeon 
poffeffedin  the  middes  of  their  inheritance,  f  And  the  third  10 
lotte  felof  the  children  of  Zabulon  by  their  kinredes  ;  and 
the  border  of  their  polTellion  was  made  as  farre  as  Sarid  -  . 
f  And  it -went  vp  from  the  fea  and  Merala,  and  came  into  it 
Debbafeth :  as  farre  as  the  torrent,  'which  '\s  againft  leconam. 
-j-  And  it  returneth  from  Sared  againft  the  Eaft  into  the  endes  rt 
of  Ccfeleth  thabor :  and  it  goeth  out  to  Dabereth,  and  ryfeth 
vp  againft  iaphie,  f  And  thence  it  pafteth  along  to  the  eaft  15 
fide  of  Geth  hepher  and  Thacafim:  and  goeth  out  into  Rem- 
mon,  Amthar  and  Noa.  \  And  it  compafteth  to  the  North  14 
of  Hanathon :  and  the  illiies  therof  are  the  valley  lephtahel, 
t  and  Cateth  and  Naalol  andSemeronand  lerala  and  Beth-  ly 
lehem;  twelue  cities,  and  their  towncs.  f  This  is  theinheri-  16 
ranccof  thetribeof  the  children  of  Zabulon  by  their  kin- 
cedes,  the  cities  and  their  iiile  to^rnes.  f  The  fourth  lotte  17 
came  forth  to  Illachar  by  their  kinredes.  -f  and  his  inheri-  i8 
stance  xraslezraei  and  Cafaloth  and  Sunem,  f  and  Hapha-  19 
xaimand  Sehon.and  Anaharath  f  andRabboth  andCeiion,  20 
Abes,  f  and  Rameth,  and  Engannim,  and  Enhadda  and  21 
Bethphefes.    -{■    And  rhe  border  therof  comcth  to  Thabor  22 
andSchefemaand  Bethfames;  and  their  iifues  were  lordarL^: 
iixcenc  oiries,  and  their  townes.  f  This  is  the  pofleffion  of  25 
liracharby  their  kinredes,  the  cities,  and  their  litle  townes. 

t  And 

reeciuc  portions.  losvE.  jo/ 

i4  f  And  the  fifth  lotrc  feJ  to  the  tribe  of  the  children  of  Afcr 
a  J  by  their  kinrcdcs ;  f  and  their  border  was  Halcath  and  Chali 
X6  and  Betcnand  Axaph,  f  ardElmeJecand  Amaadand  Meflal: 
aiiditreachethco  CarnieJ  of  the  fcaand  Sihor  and  Labanath. 
17  "f  Andit  rtturncth  againftthc  eafl  of  Icthdagon:  and  paf- 
feth  along  ro  Z-^bulon  and  the  Valley  lephthacl  againft  the 
North  iwro  Bcthcmccand  Nehieh  And  it  goeth  out  to  the 
1%  left  fide  of  CaDul,  f  and  Abran  andRohoband  Haraon  and 
x^  Cana,  as  farreasgreat  Sidon.  f  And  it  rcrurncth  intoHorma 
vnro  the  veric^elfenfedcitie  Tyre,  and  vntoHofa:and  the 
iducs  therofshaibcinto  the  feafrom  thecordeof  Achziba: 
50  f  and  Amma  and  Aphec  and  Rohob.  cities  t\rentic  two^ 
31  and  chcir  townes.  f  Thisisthe  pofl'eflicnof  the  children  of 
52  Aler  by  their  kinredej,  and  the  cities  and  their  townes.  f  Of 
the  fonnes  of  Ncpthali  fel  the  fixt  lotte  by  their  families  .* 
35  t  and  the  border  bcgannefrom  Heleph  and  Elon  into  Saa- 
:  naim,  and  Adarai,"«'hichis  Neccb,and  IcbnaeivntoLecum  : 
54  and  their  idues  vnto  Jordan:  f  and  the  border  returneth. 
;  againft  the  Veftinto  Azanoththabor,  and  thence  goeth  ouc 
into  Hucuca  ,  and  pafleth  along  into  Zabulon  againft  the 
.,  South, and  into  Azer  againft  the  Weft,  and  into  luda  vntot 
35  lordan  againft  the  tifing  of  the  funne.  f  cities  very  ^J^eI  fen- 
fed,  Afledim,  Ser,  and  Eraath,  and  Reccath  and  Cenercth, 
3^^7f  and  Edema  and  Arama,  Afor  f  and  Cedes  andEdrai,  En« 
;S  hafor  f  and  leron  and  Magdalel ,  Horera  and   Bethanath 
59  and  Bethfamcs .' ninetene  cities,"  and  their  tovncs.  f  This 
is  the  polTellilon  of  the  tribe  of  the  children  of  Nephthali 

40  by  their  kinrcdes,  the  cities  and  their  rovnes.  f  To  the  tribe 
ofthe  childrcnof  Dan  by  their  families  came  forth  the  fc- 

41  uenth  lotte:  f  and  the  border  of  their  poflcflion  was  Sara 
41  and  Efthaol,  and  Hirifemes,  that  is  the  funne.  f  SeUbin  and 

44  45  Aialonand  Icthela,  f  Elonand  Themna  and  Acron,  f  El- 
45  thece,Gebbethon  andBalatthjf  and  ludand  Bane  and  Barac 
4(J  andGerhremmon:  t  and  Meiarcon  &  Arecon,  with  the  bor- 

47  dcir  that  looketh  toward  loppcf  andis  ft)utvp  with  the  fame 
9  end.  And  the  childten  of  Dan  went  vp, and  fought  againft  Lc- 

fcm,  and  they  toqlce it;  and  they  ftrokcitinthe  cJge  of  the 
fword,  and  poireflcd,anddweltin  it,  calling  the  name  of  it 

48  LefemDan,  by  tke  name  of  Dan  the  father  thcrof.  f  This 
is  thcpofTcilionofthctribeofthcfonnesofDanjby  their  kin- 

49  redes,  the  cities  and  their  to  vncs.  f  And  when  Ijc  had  made 
..       .  0^4  an  end 

jKS^  I  o  s  V I .  Cities  of  refugo 

anenci  oFdiuiding  the  Land  by  Jottc  to  euerie  one  by  tlieir 
.vOfmo^cftic  tribes,  "  the  children  of  Ifrael  ga nepolTeflion  to  lofue  the 
lofue  would     fonne  of  Nun  in  the  middes  of  them  ,  f  according  to  the  50 
notaiTigncto    comttiaiidement of  our  Lord,  the  citie -u-hich  herequefted, 
ilTJc^buTchc  Thamnath  Saraain  mount  Ephraim  :ard  he  built  the  citie, 
who*le  people  and  dwelt  in  if.  f  Thefe  ate  the  pofl^ffions,  which  Eleazar  51 
freclygrantcd  rheprieft,  and  lofue  the  fonne  of  Nun, and  iheprincesof  the     » 
burc^ueft.       families,  and  of  the  tribes  of  fs  e  childten  of  Ilrael,  diuided 
by  lotte  in  Silo,befofe  our  Lord  at  the  doote  of  the  taber- 
nacle of  teHimonie,  and  they  parted  the  Land. 

C  H  A  P.      X  X. 
six  cities  of  refwre  for  fu^h  as  commit  cafnal  manjlaufhter  Are  n^mtd^G  in 
^'hvih reminyninguixhi dtAxh 6f  the  bi^h  ^rieli^thcj  m.iyi^ett  nturnet^ 
their  froferdtvdtmgfUctydnd  ye  fii^e. 


N  i>  our  Lord  fpakc  to  lofue,  faying :  Speake  to  the  i 
children  of  Ifrael,  ahi  fay  to  them;  f  Separate  the  ci-  1 
ties  of  the  fugitiues,  of  the  which  I  fpake  to  you  by  the     '- 
hind  of  Moyles  j  f  that  be  may  flee  to  them  vs'hofoeuer  fhah  5 
flrike  a  foule  vn-victing:  and  may  efcape  the  vtrath  of  the 
mghkinfeman,  which  IS  thcreuengerof  bloud:  f  when  he»4 
shal  be^edroone  of  thefe  cities:  he  ihal.Oand  before  the 
gate  of  the  citie,  and  Oia!  fpcake  to  the  ancientes  of  that  citic 
s:  Atfirftente-  ::  tho(e  thinges,  that  may  proue  him  felfe  innocent:  and  fo    . 
xine  itlufficcd  {^gy  5^3!  rcceiue  him,  and  ge«e  him  place  to  inhabire.f  And  |J 
toalLgcin       ^hen  die  reuenger  ofthe  blond  flial  pnrfew  him,  they  thai 

ccncralhisin-  ,  .       ■  11         1  1  r    i      n.      1      l  •  •    t 

roccncie  but  hot  deliiier  hin3  mto  his  hanaes  :  becaulc  he  Itroke  his  neig.h- 

afrcrhcmuft    bouT  by  JO'nor.ince,neirheir  is  he  proued  to  be  his  enemietwo 

be  tiled  in  par  Qj.  fjyfcgtl^ayes  before,  f  And  heshal  dwelin  that  cirie,  til  iie  6 

Sicular.  ftand  beforeiudgementrcndringacaufeof  his  fad,  and  the 

high  pricfl:  die  ,  which  shil  be  at  that  timer  then  shal  the 

manllaer  returne,  and  cnterinro  the  citieand  his  houfe  ouc-.;^ 

©f  the  which  he  had  Hed.  +  ^^-^  t^^v  appointed  Cedes  in  7- 

Gihlecof  themounrof  Neptha!i,andSichemin  the  mount  ')-^ 

of  Ephraim  ,  and  Cariarharbee ,  the  (rfmc  is  Hebron  in  the  -: 

■mount  of -luda    t  A"d'bcyond  Tordan  againft  the  EaO  quar-  8 

ter  of  lericho,  rhev  appointed  Bofor,  which  is  fituated  in 

the  champaine  wilderne'^  of  the  tribe  of  Ruben,  and  Ramoth 

in'Galaadof  rhe  tribe  rtf  Gad,  and  Gaulon  in  Bafan  of  the 

tribe  of  Manairts  .  f  Th^fe  cities  were  appointed  to  al  the  9 

childcen^f-Ifracl,  aiid  to  the  ftrangesrs,  chat  dwelt  among 

them ', 

arc  appointed.  losvi.  fo^ 

them:  that  he  might  flee  to  them  Nrhich  vnNrittingly  had 
ftrikenafoule,  andmight  not  die  in  the  hand  of  the  kinfc- 
man,  coueting  to  reucnge  the  bloud  shed,  vntil  he  might 
ftahd  before  the  people  to  declare  his  caufe. 

Chap.  XXI. 
cities  '^ith  fuhurhei  are  *p^ned  to  the  tribe  of  Leui.  4.  To  the  fonnei  of 
CdAtb  ly  the  Itne  of  ^aron  hein^priefiti^  thntenne,  $.  td  the refl  of  Cdaths 
frogeniey  lemg  Letiiteiyttnm.  6  Tc  the  fonties  of  Cerfen  Leuites  thirtmne 
7.  Tothe  fomici  of  MevAri  Leuites  {2^^.  ef  4  lower  degree)  twelue,  9. 
Tfitth  the  names  of  al  the  cities:  39.  laal  fourtieei^ht.  j^i.So  Gods  fro- 
tmfe  if  fully  performed  hauing geuen  the  whole  Li»d  t$  jfraelin pedceMc 

1  A  N  o  the  princes  of  the  families  of  the  Leui  came  to 
./jL  Eleazar  the  prieft,  and  lofue  the  fonne  of  Nun,  and  to 
thechief  of  the  kinredesin  euerie  tribe  of  the  children  of 

2  Ifrael:  f  ^"^  ^^^7  ^P^ke  to  them  in  Silo  of  the  Land  of 
Chanaan,  and  faid:  Our  Lord  commanded  by  the  hand  of 
Moyfes,  that  cities  should  be  geuen  vs  to  inhabitc,  and  their 

5  fuburbes  to  feede  cattcl.  f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  gauc 
oftheirpoiTeirions  according  to  thecommandement  of  our 

4  Lord,  cities  and  their  fuburbes.  f  And  the  lotte  came  forth 
vnto  the  familie  of  Caath  of  the  children  of  Aaron  the  pricft 
our  of  the  tribe  of  Iudas,and  Simeon,  and  Beniamin,  thirrenc 

^5  cines.  t  And  to  the  reft  of  the  children  of  Caath,  that  is  to 
v-^  the  Leuites,  Srhich  remayned,  our  of  the  tribes  of  Ephraim, 

6  and  Dan,  and  the  halfc  tribe  of  Manaffes,  ten  cities,  t  Morc- 
ouer  to  rhe  children  of  Gerfon  came  forth  a  lotte,  that  they 
should  take  of  the  tribes  of  IfTachar  and  Afer  and  Neph- 
thali.  arid  t'le  halfe  tribe  of  Manalfcs  in  Bafan,  cities  in  num- 

•  7  ber  thirccne.  f  And  to  the  Tonnes  of  Merari  by  their  kin- 

redcs,  of  the  tribe  of  Ruben  and  Gad  and  Zabulon,  tweluc 

8  ciries.  f  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  gaue  to  the  Leuites  cities 

and  their  fuburbes,  as  our  Lord  commanded  by  the  hand  of 

5  NloyftSjgeuing  to  euerie  one  by  lotte.  -f  Of  the  tribes  of  the 
children  of  ludas  and  Simeon  lofue  gaue  cities:  vhofe  names 

ID  bethel'e,  t  to  the  children  of  Aaron  by  the  families  of  Caath 
of  the  Leuitical  ftocke  (for  the  firft  lotte  came  forth  to  them  J 

II  t  Carisrharbe  the  father  of  Enac,  which  is  called  Hebron, 
in  the  n  ounraine  of  ludas,  and  the  fuburbes  rherof  round 

11  iabour.  -f  Butthcfieldesandtheto'vnesthcrofhehad  geuen 

Qjiq  1  to  Caleb 

jbS  1 6  s  V  E .  4S.  cities  appointed, 

to  Caleb  the  Tonne  of  lephone  to  poflefTe.  f  He  gaue  therfore  15 
to  the  children  of  Aaron  the  prieft  Hebron  a  citic  of  refuge, 
andthefuburbcsrherof:  &  Lobna -with  the  fuburbes  therof:  (16 
f  and  lether  and  Eftemo,  f  and  Holon, and  Dabir,  f  and  Ain,i4  ij 
and  Teta,and  Bcthfames,  with  the  fuburbes  therof;  nine  cities 
of  two  tribcs,as  hath  bene  faid.  f  And  of  the  tribe  of  the  chil-  17 
drenofBcniamin,  Gabaon,andGabae,  f  and  Anathoth  and   18 
Almonjwith  theirfuburbes  :  foure  cities  .  fAl  the  cities  to-   19 
gethcrofthe  children  of  Aaron  the  prieft, thirtenc,with  their 
fuburbes .  f  But  to  the  reft  by  the  families  of  the  children  of  10 
Ciath  of  the  Leuiticai  ftockc  was  gcuen  this  pofTeflion  .  -j-  Of  ai 
the  tribe  of  Ephraim,  the  cities  of  refuse,  Sichem  with  the 
fuburbes  therof  in  the  mountayne  of  Ephraim,  and  Gazer 
f  andCibfaina,  and  Beth  horon,  with  the  fuburbes  therof,  11 
foure  cities,  t  Of  the  tribe  of  Dan  alfo,  Elthcco  and  Gaba-  zj 
thon,  t  ^"^  Aialon  and  Gethremmon,  with  the  fuburbes  24 
therof, foure  cities,  f  Moreouer  of  the  half  tribe  of  Ma-  ij 
nalfeSjThanac  and  Gethremmon,  with  their  fuburbes  two 
cities,  t  Altheeities  ten,  and  their  fuburbes,  wcregeuenio  iC 
the  children  ofCaath  of  the  inferiour  degree,  -f  To  the  chil-  17 
dren  of  Gerfon  alfo  of  the  Leuiticai  ftocke  he  gaue  of  the  half 
tribeofManaifes  the  cities  of  refuge,  Gaulon  in  Bafan  ,  and 
Bofram,with  thcirfuburbes,  twocides.  t  Moreouerof  the  18 
tribe  of  Iftachar,  Cehon,  and  Dabcreth,  -f  and  laramoch,  2^ 
and  Engannim,  with  their  fuburb-es,  foure  cities,  f  And  of  30 
the  tribe  of  Aicr,  Mafal  and  Abdon,  f  andHelcath,  and  51 
Rohob  ,  with  their  fuburbes  ,  foure  cities .  f  Oi  the  tribe  51. 
alfo  of  Ncphthali  the  cities  of  refuge.  Cedes  in  Galilee^  ; 
and  Hammoth  Dor,  and  CarthafL>,  with  their  fuburbes,, 
three   cities,  f   ^^  r^^  cities  of  the  faaiihes  of  Gerfon..,   ^5 
thirtene,  with  their  fuburbes'.   f  And  to  the  clnldren  of  ^4- 
Ivterari  Leuircs  of  the  inferiour  degree  by  their  i^milies 
was  gcuen  of  the  tri^bc  of  Zabulon  ,  lecnsm  and  Cartha 
f  and  Dai'nna_.and  Naalol,  foure  cities  with  their  fuburbes,  jy 
•f  Of  thexribe  of  Ruben  beyond  Jordan  againft  lericho  the  ^ 
ciriesof  refuge, Bofor  in  the  \Tildcrnes,  Miior  and  laferand 
lethfonand  Mephaath  ,   foure  cities  ^s^■ith  their  fuburbes. 
r\-  Ofthc  tribe  ofGadthc  cities  ofrefugc,Ramoth  in  Galaad,  }7 
andManaimand  Hcfebon  and  Ufer,  foure  cities  with  their 
fuburbes    f  Al  the  cities  of  the  children  of  Mcrari  by  their  ?8 
families  and  kinrcdcSjtwcJav.  t  TKeffore  altheeities  of  the  39 


fcrtlicLcuitcs  losvE.  505 

Leuitesin  the  middcs  of  the  pofieflion  of  the  children  of  If- 

40  radveie  fourtic  eight  f  xrith  their  fuburhes,  eiicrie  one 

41  diftributed  by  the  famihes.  f  And  our  Lord  God  gauc  ro  If- 

racl  '•'  al  the  Land, that  he  had  iVcrne  he  would  geuero  their.-:  Godjraueal  • 

4Z  fathers :  and  they  pofleiTeditjand  dwelt  in  it.  f  And  peace  J^^«  Land  m 

was  ^euen  bv  him  on  al  nations  round  about-,:  and  none  of    "!  i^"l''    " 
L    •  -'in/-/,!  t  I  <  I      •  r.otalat  once, 

their  enemies  durft  refill  thctru,  but  ai  were  brought  mro  forthecaufes 

43  their  dominion,  -f  Not  fo  much  certes  as  one  word,  which  cxprelTed/^-vo. 
he  had  promifed,  that  he  would  pcrforme  vnto  them_>,  was  i;t.  19. -DfKf. 
fruftrate,  but  al  thinges  wcrcaccompUrned  in  dcedcs.  ''"'*''  ^^' 

Chap.     XXII. 
Thetnhiicf  ^itlen  andGadyAndhAlfMuKafes  rcturneto  their  Pojefi^ns.  The  fourth 
1  o .  rrho  iuiUing  an  altar  hy  theftde  of  lord  an  ^  the  other  tnba  fufpeB  part. 
that  they  ^/7  makeafchirme, and  thcrfore p-irpofe  to  foht  aratnft  them.  T*'o  tribes  5c 
15.  Sutj.TsijendingAn  ambafjage  to  adjnaniih  ihem^ii.  they  anjrver  th^t  ^^  jj^^-j  poUcf- 
thij  made  not  an  altar,  for  facr/Jiic,  hat  only  for  J  monununt,  that  not-  fions  ;  lofucs 
'U:tthj?adtaf  they  diPel  on  the  other  fide  of  Jordan, )it  they  are  of  thejams  godly  admo- 

pecple  of  Cod,  50.  T^hcrwitb  al  ifraclisfatis/ied.  "■",°,",''  ^  ^'^' 

'■     ^      ■'  ■'  ^  ^  ^  and  Lleazars 

I    r-r^  i-j  £  fame  time  lofue  called  the  Rubenite$,and  Gadites,  deatli. 
^      X    and  the  halfe  tribe  of  Manailes,  f  and  faid  to  thcm_, : 
Youhaue  done  al  thinges  that  Moyfes  the  fcruant  of  our 
Lord  c6mandedyou:me  alfo  haue  you  obeyed  in  al  thinges, 
}  t  neither  haue  you  left  your  brethren  a  long  time,  vntil  this 
prcfentday,  keeping  the  eoramandement  of  our  Lord  your 
4  God.  f  Therfore  bccaufe  our  Lord  your  God  hath  gcucn, 
your  brethren  quietnes  and  peace,  as  he  promifed  ;  returnc, 
and  goc  into  your  tabernacles,  and  to  the  land  of  your  pof- 
fcJlion,  which  Moyfes  the  fcruant  of  our  Lord  dcliuercdto 

J  vou  beyond  lordan  :  +  "  alwayes  fo  that  you  keepe  atten-    ,,  •    »!; 

•      >  1-  I      r  1C1    L  J  J    L     1         ::Itperteinctla 

tiucly,andin  worke  rulnl  the  commandemcnt,  and  the  law  toalma<riftra- 

which  Moyfes  thefcruant  of  our  Lord  commanded  you,  that  tcs,  and  other 
you  loue  our  Lord  your  God,  and  walkc  in  al  bis  wayes,  and  Superiors  to 
obfcrue  2I  his  commandementcs,  &  cleaue  to  him,  and  feme  ^^™°^l  •  «  , 
6  him  in  al  your  hart, and  in  al  your  foule.-f  And  lofue- blelFed  of  their  dutie 
them, and  dirmilfed  them.  'Who  returned  into  their  taber-  to'»'ardesGod, 
7    nacles.  t  And  to  the  halfc  tribe  of  Manalfes  Moyfes  had  gc- before  alothci 
uen  pofieiHonin  Bafan., :  and  thcrfore  to  the  halfe  that  re-  '^^'"gci- 
mayncd,  lofue  gaue  a lotfc  among  the  reft  of  their  brethren  .:  Allupcriors 
beyond  lordan  at  the  Weft  fide.  And  when  he  difmiirc(*>  them  ^^f^^^"'^"' 
%  into  their  tabcrnaclcs,&  had  blcilcd  them,  •{•  he  faid  to  them:  theirTub  ° 

Qj]  (J  3  In  rauch  ieclcj^ 

yio  losvE.  Sufpition  of 

In  much  fubftance  and  riches  rcturnc  to  your  featcs,  \rirh 
filuer  and  gold,  brafle  and  yron,  and  varierie  of  rayment:  di- 
uidcthcprayeofyour  enemies  with  your  brethren,  f  And  9 
the  chiliren  of  Ruben, and  the  children  of  Gad, and  the  halfc 
tribe  of  ManalFes  returned,  and  went  from  the  children  of 
Ifraclin  Silo,  which  is  fituared  in  Clianaan,  to  enter  into 
Galaad  the  Landof  their  pofTcflian,  which  they  had  obtey- 
ned  according  to  the  commandement  of  our  Lord  in  the  hand 
of  Moyfcs.  t  And  when  they  were  come  to  ihelitle  banckes  10 
of  Iordan,into  theLandof  Chanaan,  they  built  befide  lor- 
K  So  itbcho-^an  an  altar  of  an  infinite  grcatnes.  f  '•'•  Which  thing  when   ri 
ucchalthcfer  the  children  of  Ifrael  had  heard,  and  certaine  mefTengers  had 
uanvcs  of  God  reported  to  them  that  the  children  of  Ruben,  and  Gad,  and 
*S^"'"rTr' the  halfe  tribe  of  Mana^Tes  had  builded  an  altar  in  the  Land 

that  no  ichit-      ,     .  t.      i-  1      1  i  r»       1  •    /»    '. 

incbcmadc.    otChanaan,  vpon  the  litle  banckes  of  lordan,  agamft  the 
and  thcrfoie   children  of  Ifrael :  f  they  aflcmbled  al  in  Silo,  that  they  might  11 
cidcrlvfo  in-  goe  vp,  and  fight  againft  them,  f  And  in  the  mcane  time  they  15 
quire  of  cue-  fcnt  to  them  into  the  Land  of  Galaad,  Phinccs  the  fonnc  of 

nclhoWOtC-    rt  1  nj.  J  •  -IL-  r 

uil.i.r/;*/".;.    Eleazar  thepnelt,  f  andtcn  prmces  with  him,oneof  cuenc  14 

tribe,  f  Who  came  to  the  children  of  Ruben,  and  Gad,  and  ly 

the  halfc  tribe  ofManaffes  into  the  Landof  Galaad,  and  faid* ' 

to  them;  t  This  meirage  doth  al  the  people  of  our  Lord  fend  16 

to  you :  what  is  this  tranfgrefTion  ?  Why  haue  you  forfaken 

our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael,  buildmg  a  facrilegious  altar,  and 

reuoliingfrom  the  worlhippc  of  him  ?  j  Is  it  a  fmale  rhino-  17 

;:  Sinncs  paft  to  you  that  ••  youiinnedin  Bcelphegor,  and  vntil  this  pre- 

are  imputed    fencday  the  fporte  of  this  abomination  abideth  in  vs?  and 

to   uc    as  a   many  of  the  people  fcl  dead,  f  And  vou  to  day  hauc  Forfakcn  18 
againeasaara-  t        ,  1  l-  1         1  ..         ■•    /-     .  x^       ■ 

uaiina  their     ^^^  Lord,  and  to  morow  his  wrath  wil  rage  ••  againft  al  Ifrael. 

newfitincsby  f  But  if  you  thinkc  the  land  of  your  poflcilion  to  be  vn-  19 

rcafon  of        cleane,  palfc  to  the  Land,  wherein  is  the  tabernacle  of  our 

moreingra-     Lqj-^j^  j^pJ  dwei  among  vs:  only  that  you  depart  not  from 

::  As  before    o^f  L<^rd,  and  from  our  companie,  an  altar  being  built  befidc 

f/j.j/».  7.  fo  if  thealrarof  our  Lord  God.  f  Did  not  the  fonne  oi  t© 

thc!ehadbene  Zare  rranfgrefs  the  commandement  of  oor  Lord,   and  his  chat> 

'^"'p^l'^j'^  ^^' wrath  lay  vponal  [he  people  of  Ifrael?  And  he  wasone  msn, 

fe,m"toVc  pa-  ^"'^  ^  vrould  he  alont  had  peri ilied  in  his  wicked  fact .  f  And  11 

niflied,  ex-     the  children  of  Ruben,  and  Gad,  and  of  the  halfe  tribe  of 

ccpt  iaftice      Manxflcs  anf-ou-ered  the  princes  of  the  legacie  of  Ifrael:  f  The  11 

xt^errdonnev-  moft  n>i5;htie  God  our  Lord, The  moftniightic  God  our  Lord, 

pontheoftcn  Umi  fclfc  kaowcch,  and  Kracl  togcthtr  shal  v«derftand :  If 


fchifrac  fatisficd .  I  o  s  v e .  /rt 

virh  the  mind  oFpreuarication  v/ebauccre<5t  d  this  alrar.  Jet 

15  him  not  kcfpt  vsj  butpuni.h  vs  prclctuly-  t  ^"d  if  >*e  <iid 
ir  virh  that  minde,  that  we  mighr  lay  vpon  ir  holocaulUs, 
and  facrifice,  and  pacifique  vidtimes,  let  him  IcJk  cxamineit 

14  and  iudge  :  f  and  nor  rather  with  that  meanmg  and  dthbe- 
rarion,thai  sec  laid  :  To  moiiow  your  children  xrii  i'^y  to  otr 
children  :  what  hsuc  you  to  doe  with  our  Lord  the  God  of 

Sj  Ifracl?  f  Our  Lord  harh  put  a  border  bet>rtn  vs  and  you, 
O  yc  children  of  Ruben, and  children  ot  Gad,  the  riuer  Jor- 
dan :  and  rherfore  you  haue  no  part  in  our  hord.  And  by  this 
occafion  your  children  flial  aucrrour  children  honi  the  fcare 

2.6  of  our  Lord.  Wt  thcriore  thought  it  better,  f  and  (jid  :  Let 

vs  build  vs  an  altar,  ••  not  for  holocauftcs,  nor  to  odcr  vidti-  .-.-in  thclau'of 

i7  mes,  f  but  fora  teftiraonie  berwen  vsand  you,  and  ouriduc  Moyfcs  wai 
and  your  progenie,  that  "ve  may  ferue  our  Lord,  and  it  may  oneonliealrar 
beour  right  tooffcrboth  holocauftes,  and  vidlimts,  and  pa-  ^'°'' ^^cnfice, 
ci^quchoftes;  and  that  your  children  to  morrow  (ay  nor  to  p°obI^%*'* 

iS  cur  children  :  You  haue  no  part  in  our  Lord,  f  And  if  they  God    ro  a- 
wilfay  fo,  they  thai  anfwer  them:  Behold  the  altar  of  our  noide  fchifme 
Lord,  which  our  fathers  made,  rot  for  holocauftes,  nor  for  '"d  idolatric 

29  facrifice,  but  for  our  reftimonic  and  yours,  t  God  (aue  vs  ^^"^  ^lu^^ 
from  this  abomination  that  we  should  reuolt  from  our  Lord,  in  ^j  na[  J^"? 
and  leaue  his  fteppcs,ered:ing  an  altar  to  ofter  holocauftcs,  arcmaniealra- 
and  racrifices,andvi(flimcSjbefide  the  altar  of  our  Lord  God,  ^^s,  &butonc 

|o  which  is  cieded  before  his  tabernacle,    f  Which  thingcs  ""^^f  Sacrifice 

beins  heard,  Phinees  the  prieft, and  the  princes  of  the  Jega-  ,5^  v"^^      ^ 

■  L-   L  UL-  C    J  J    u  J      •  "    J  *i  the  former. 

ciCi  which  were  With  him,  were  pacihcd  :  and  they  admitted  asS.  AuTuftin 

mod  willingly  the  wordesofthe  children  of  Ruben,  (ScGad,  tcacl.crlfo  '.j. 

}t   andof  the  halfe  tribe  of  Mannfles.  f  And  Phinecs  the  ptitk  '^-^o  dtuuit.f, 
thefonne  of  Eleazar  faid  to  them  :  Now  we  know  that  our  ^'*:'^"-  *•  *♦ 
Lord  is  with  vs,  becaufe  you  arc  nor  culpable  of  this  prcua-    "^ 
ricarion,and  haucdcliucrtd  the  children  of  Ilrael  from  the 

51  hand  of  our  Lord,  f  An-i  he  returned  wirh  the  princes  from 
the  children  of  Rubenand  Gad,  outof  the  Land  of  Galaad, 
into  the  Land  ofChanaan,ro  thcchildren  of  Hracl.and  repor- 

35  red  to  them,  f  And  thcCiying  plcafed  al  that  heard  ir.  And 
the  children  of  Ifracl  piayfed  God,  and  thev  did  no  more  lay, 
that  they  would  goe  vpagainil  them,  and  fight,  and  dcftroy 

54  the  Land  of  their  poflellion  f  And  the  children  of  Ruben, 
&:  the  children  of  Gad  called  the  altar,  which  they  had  builr, 


^Ti  I  o  s  V  E.  lofue  exhortetb 

Chap.     XXIII. 

lofue  being  old  admoaLheth  the  proj^U  to  kte^e  Cods  cowm^ndementes, 
11.  and  to  ^uoide  miriaga^  and  aljociftie  "^nhg  ntilei,  ItfiJaHtnpto  m'o- 
Utrie  God  *s  certaml)  jfuni:,h  theWy  ai  he  hath  bennthemjiculy  andlvun-* 
tif-ul  to  thi-m. 


Nd  when  much  time  was  pafllcd,  after  that  ©ur  Lord  i 
had  geaen  peace  to  Ifracl,  al  the  nations  being  iub- 
*  Go'^foTJsIn^^'^^*^  ^^^^'^ '^'^°'^^'*"^  lofuc  now  vcrie  ancient,  and  of  a 
for  the  luacU- great  age:  f  lolue  called  al  Ifrael,  and  the  ciders,  and  the  i 
tesrhrcema-    princes  and  the  iuJges.and  the  roaifters,  and  faid  to  them: 
of  ws-yts :       j  ^j^^  qJ^j^  j^j^j  facte  grone  in  age  :  t  and  you  feeal  tnin^es,  ? 
lone  rhcvnot  that out  Lord  yout  God  hath  done  to  al  the. nations  round 
fii»htin2;  at  al;  about ,  '■'•  ho'cr  him  felfe  hath  fought  for  you:  -f  and  no^y  4 
as  \yhen  the    bccaufe  he  hath  by  lottc  diuided  to  you  al  the  Land,  from  the 
jEgYpnans       £all:  part  of  lordan  vnto  the  great  fca,  and  manie  nations  yet 
in"h  T^TF  •  ^*^"^2^"^  :  f  Our  Lord  your  God  wil  dcftroy  them,  and  take  f 
fomenmcs       them  away  from  your  face,  and  you  shal  pofTefle  the  Land,  as 
they  doing  his  hc  hath  promlfed  you.  f  Onlie  take  courage,  and  be  carefuh  6 
cotnandmen-  that  you  keepc  al  thinges  which  bc  written  in  the  volume  of 
rentl^  aHlft'd  ^^"^^  law  of  Moyfes :  and  decline  not  from  them  neither  to  the^  - 
them,asinthc  "5^'^^'^'^'^^°^'^^ '^^^^^^^*  t  left  after  that  you  are  entred  in  7 
iicgc  of  Icri-  CO  the  Gentilcs,  which  (hal  be  among  you,  you  fwearc  in  the 
cko.thc  walles  name  of  their  goddes,  and  ferue  them,  and  adore  them ;  •}•  but  8 
wiraculouny    cleaue  to  our  Lord  your  God ;  which  you  haue  done  vntil  this 
&haiIe"ftoncs  ^^X*  t  And  then  our  Lord  God  wil  take  away  in  yout  fight  ^ 
kille<l  their  e-  the  gf  eat  nations  and  very  ftrong,  and  no. man  shal  be  able  to 
mmics  (chap,  rcfiftyou.  "f- One  of  you  thai  purfew  a  thoufand  men  of  the  i« 
10.)  but  moft  enemies  ;  becaufe  our  Lordyour  God  him  felf  tril  ficht  for 
u files  inui ft-  L      L     L  T  J      J.  T-i  ■  r      L  j-i- 

bJy   aswclby  J^^*  ^^  ^^  "^^"^  promucd  .  f  This  oniic  beware  very  dih-  11 
geaingthcm    gduly  before  hand,  that  you  louc  our  Lord  your  God  .  f  But  it 
couregCjasby  if  you  wil  cleaue  to  the  errour  of  rhcfc  nations,  that  dwel  a- 
ftnkiug  their  mong  you,  and  make  mariages  ^x"ith  them, and  ioyne  amitic: 
enimies  with   j.  ^^^^^^  now  know  ye  that  our  Lord  your  God  wil  not  deftroy   u 
tcrrour.  And     \  ,     r  r  i  t         -     !  i  ■  i     r  r 

altherc\»'aycs  '^hem  before  your  iace,  but  they  ma;  be  i pure  and  ainarc  for 

Gocialfofigli-  you,  and  a  ftumbling  blocke  31  yoiu' (idc,  and  flakes  in  your 
terhforhisfer  cies.tilhc  take  you  iway  anddeftroy  you  from  this  excellent 
uancs  in  (pi-  Land,  which  he  hath  deliuercd  to  you.  t  Behold  I  this  dav  14 
ntual  wanes  i  r    t  n    r,  1111  •  1      1         ' 

aeainftrhcdi-  ^"^^rmro  the  way  or  al  lieth,andyoushal  know  withal  your 

wcl,  tiic  flcfli,  niindcthatal  the  wordes, which  our  Loripromifed  that  he 
-*  the  world,    would  performe  to  you,  one  is  not  cfcapcd  without  effed. 


the  people.  Iosve.  5-15 

j;  I  Therfore  as  he  hath  fulfilled  in  dccdc  that  vhich  he  pro- 
mifed,  and  al  thinges  profperous  haue  come ;  (o  vil  he  bring 
vpan  you  what  euils  foeuer  he  hath  threatened,  til  he  take 
you  away  and  dcftroy  you  from  this  excellent  Land,  which 
16  hchathdeliuered  to  you,  f  becaufe  you  haue  tranfgrefled 
thecouenant  of  our  Lord  your  God,  which  he  hath  made 
with  you,  and  haue  ferued  ftrange  goddcs,  and  adored  them: 
quickly  and  in  haft  shai  the  furie  of  our  Lord  ryfe  againft  you-, 
and  you  shal  be  taken  away  from  this  excellent  Land,  which 
he  hath  dtliucred  to  ypu. 

Chap.  XXIIIL 
In  conftier^tion  of  diners  princtfulhenefites  here  recited^  14.  Jofut  exortcth 
the  people  to  feme  Gedjfnccrlj,feif}g  it  is  tn  their  chotfe  to  do  T»el  or  eutl, 
l6.thiypromtfe4ltrtteferuice4itd  obedience  to  God.  25.  Ff^herupon  he 
reneWcth  thepd^  betrven  Cod  and  t  hem, Writing  tt  in  the  l^olume  of  the 
Uopy  4nd  erefttng  4gre4t  fione  tn  tcjfimonie.  1^.  Be  dieth  dnd  ts  buried 
in  mount  Ephraim.  52.  Jofephs  bones  are  buried  in  Stchem,  55.  ELa^r  the 
high  priefi  alfo  dieth  and  is  buried m  Ephraim. 

I     \    Nd  lofue  gathered  together  al  the  tribes  of  Ifrael  into 
^JL  Sichem  ,  and  called  the  ancicntes,  and  princes,  and 
iudges,  and  maifters;  and  they  ftoode  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord: 
1  f  and  to  the  people  he  fpake  in  this  maner;  Thus  faith  our 
Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael :  Beyond  the  riucr  did  your  fathers 
dwel  from  the  beginning,  Thare  the  father  of  Abraham,  and 
5  "  of  Nachor:  and"  they  ferued  ftrange  goddes.  f  I  tooke  ..  Thelfraeli- 
therforeyour  father  Abraham  from  the  coaftes  of  Mefopo-  Ksdcfccndcd 
tamia  rand  brought  him  into  the  Land  ofChanaan  tandmul-  alfo  of  Na- 
4  tiplied  his  feede,  f  andgaue  him  Ifaac;  and  againc  to  him  ?^°^*  \J;  f' 
I  gaue  Jacob  and  Efau.  Of  whom,  to  Efau  I  gaue  mount  Seir  nes"au2h«r! 
to  pofleHTe:  but  lacob,  and  his  children  went  downe  into  r.hc  wife  of  I- 

5  ^gypt.  t  And  I  fent  Moyfes  and  Aaron,  and  ftroke  ^gypt  iaac.Gw.1.4. 

6  with  many  fignes and  wonders,  f  And  I  brought  you  and 
your  fathers  out  of  yCgypt ,  and  you  came  to  the  fea :  and  the 
itgyptians  purfewed  your  fathers  with  chariotes  and  horfe- 

7  mcn,as  farreas  the  Read  Tea.  f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael 
cried  to  the  Lord  :  who  did  putdarkencs  betwenyouand  the 
>£gypti3ns,and  broughtche  feavpon  them,&  ouerwhelmed 
them.  Your  eies  faw  al  thinges  that  I  did  in  y^gypt,  and  you 

8  dwelt  in  rhe  wiidernes  a  great  time:  t  and  I  brought  you 
inro  rhe  Land  of  the  Aniorrheit^,/ ,  which  dwelt  beyond 
lord  an.  And  when  they  fought  againft  you,  I  deliuered  them 

'  Rrr  into 

yi4  losvE.  Godscoucnant 

inco  your  han(!es,  and  you  pofTefled  their  Land,  and  flc\r 
them,  f  And  there  rofe  Balacthe  (onnc  of  Sephor  king  of  9 
Moab,  and  fought  againft  Hrael .    And  he  (enc  and  called 
Balaam  the  fonne  of  Beor,  that  he  might  curie  you:  f  and  10 
I  would  not  heare  him, but  contrarivs'jfe  by  him  I  bleffcd  you, 
and  dehuered  youout  ofhishand.  f  Andyou  palfed  lordan,  n 
and  came  ro  lericho.And  rhe  men  of  ihatcitie  foughtagainft 
you,  the  Amorrheiie,and  Phcrezpite  and  Chananeitc,and  the 
Hctheite,andGergefcitc,and  the  Hcucire,  and  lebufeite.^; 
and  I  dcliuered  them  into  your  handes.  f  And  I  lent  before  i& 
you  hornettes  ;  and  I  cail  them  forth  out  of  their  places,  the 
two  Kingesof  the  Amorrheites,notin  thy  fx*  ord  and  bo\r. 
t  And  I  gaue  you  the'hercin  you  laboured  nor,  and  sj 
the  cities  ^ybich  you  built  nor,  to  d'«3rel  m  them  :  vineyardcs 
and  oliuc  trees,  which  you  planted  not.  f  IMow  thcrfore  14 
feare  our  Lord  and  feruc  him  with  a  perfe<5t  and  verie  true 
•:  lofucbeinff  ^^^t :  and  ••  take  away  rhe  goddes,  which  your  Fathers  ferued 
1  prophet  fa^  in  Mefopotamia  and  in  ^gypt,  and  ferueour  Lord,  f  But  if 
fomeofthcir   if  it  like  you  not  to  ferue  our  Lord,  choifc  is  geuen  you: 
hartcs  inch-     choofc  this  d.-iy  ihac  which  pleareth  you,  whom  you  oughc»  . 
thoitch  extc-  cfpecially  to  ferue,  whether  the  goddes,  which  your  father* 
tiotlj  they      ferued  in  Mefopotamia,  or  the  goddes  of  the  AmorrheiEes, 
then  had  none  in  whofe  Land  you  dwel:  but  I  and  my  houfe  wil  ferue  our 
among  them,  l^^j^  ^  And. the  people  anfwered, and  faid :  God  forbid  we  \^ 
m  lo^Je  ^  *^   should  leaue  oui  Lord,  and  feruc  (Irange  goddes .  f  Our  17 
Loj:dGodhebroughtvs,andouFfathersoutof  the  Land  of 
i€gypt,out  of  the  houfe  of  feruitude:  and  did  in  our  fight 
great  fignes,  and  kept  vs  in  al  the  way,  by  the  which  we 
walked,  and  among  al  the  peoples, through  which  wc  pailed. 
f  And  he  hath  caft  out  al  the  nations,  the  Amorrheite  inha-  18 
biter  of  the  Land,  which  wc  haue  entred.  We  therfore  wil 
ferueour  Lord,  becaufe  he  is  our  God.  f  And  lofue  faid  to  19 
the  people:  You  can  not  ferue  our  Lord:  for  God  is  holic, 
and  a  mighrie  emulator,  neither  wii  he  pardon  your  wicked^ 
nesandfinnes.  f  If  you  leaue  our  Lord,  and  ferue  ftrange  2© 
goddes»hewilturnehimfelf,and  wil  afflid;  yoa,  and  ouer- 
throw  you  after  he  hath  geuen  you  good  thinges.  t  Andthe  21 
people  faid  to  lofue:  No,itshalnot  be  fo  as  thou  fpeakeft, 
but  wc  wil  ferue  our  Lord,  f  Andlofuc  faid  to  the  people:  n 
You  are  witneifcs,  that  your  felucs  haue  chofen  to  you  our 
Lord  for  to  feruc  hiinl,.  And  they  anfwered  :  ^Titnelfcs. 

t  Novr 

renewed.  Iosve.  5^f      . 

13  •}•  Nov  t^crforc,  quoth  he,  take  avay  ftrange  goddcs  out  =  Thisrenou*. 

ofthcmiddcsofyou.andindineyourbartestoourLordthe  Ji°"  °  '  %• 
-  ,        ' .      ,    I  1/1       T    r  I  /-  laxnc  coucnat 

14  Godotllraei.  f  And  thepcople  laid  to  loluc  rWc  wii  leruc  prefiaured 
2j  our  Lord  God,  and  wil  be  obedient  to  his  preccptes.  t  lofue  the  late  of  the 

tlietfore  in  that  day  ••  made  a  coucnant,  and  propoled  to  the  "^^  Tcfta- 
16  people  prccepres  and  iudgemenrcs  in  Sichcm.  f  He  wrote  ™^"^*-     '^' 
alfoal  thefe  '«'ordcs  in  the  volume  of  the  iavc  of  our  Lord:  :.To  tfecmore 
and  he  tookeavrry  great  (lone,  and  putit  vnder  theoke,  that  confufion  of 
ly  vr/as  in  the  Snnduane  of  our  Lord  ;  f  and  faid  to  al  the  people:  reafonablc  ere 
Behold  this  ftoncshai  be  a  teilimonic  for  you,  that  '•  it  hath  Xndki'^'^^Tn' 
heard  al  the  >5'ordes  of  our  Lord,  which  he  hath  fpoken  to  fcnfiblc  things 
you ;  left  perhaps  hereafter  you  wil  denie,  and  lye  to  our  Lord  arc  made  wit- 
jS  your  God.  f  And  he  difmift  the  people,  cuerie  one  into  their  nefles,bccaufc 
25?  pofTclIlon.  f  '•'  And  after  thefc  thinges  lofuc  the  (onnc  of  J^^^7  ^"^'^  °" 
Nun  the  feruanr  of  our  Lord  died,  being  a  hundred  and  ten  ^^jfi^u^  'T** 
JO  yeares  old:  f  and'^they  buried  him  inihe  coaftes  of  his  pof-  beft  maner  of 
feflion  in  Thamnathfare,  which  is  fituated  in  the  mountaine  hcaring.T/jM</. 
51  ofEphraim,on  the  North  partof  mount  Gaas.  f  And  Ifracl  ?-i^- "»/«>?. 
fcrued  our  Lord  al  the  daies  of  lofue,  and  oftheancicntcs,  lu      a%V-^ 
thatliuedalong  time  after  lofue,  and  that  had  knowen  al  bookc   then 
ji  the  workes  of  our  Lord  which  he  had  done  in  Ifrael .  f  The  Samuel  addc4 
••  bones  alfo  of  lofeph  which  the  children  of  Ifrael  had  taken  ^^cfe  laft  Tcr- 
fiwl.ij/  outof^gypr,  they  buried  in  Sichcm,  in  part  of  the  field,  ^"-  "*f^-^'^»i* 

which  lacob  had  bought  of  the  fonnes  of  Hcmor  the  father  iuu/olLm  (ot 
of  Sichem,  for  a  hundred  yong  ewes,  and  it  was  in  the  pof-  famous  fepul- 
53   L'ffion  of  the  fonnes  of  lofeph.  -f  Eleazaralfo  the  Tonne  of  chre)  remai- 
Aaron  died:  and  they  buried  him  in  Gabaarh  of  Phinecs  his  "cdin  Sichem 
fonne,  which  was geuen  him  in  mount  Ephraim.  time  as'h'^^w* 

ANNOTATIONS.  nc(rcth.rr-i^»>.  Hebra.  in^aTn! 

Chap.      X  X  I  I  I  I.  propefmem. 

I.    rheyftrui^i^alfepidei.  ]  Itiscuidtntby  thisplacc,  thatTh,irc,and  fomc  -rLa-    /r^_ 
othcrproccnitorsoflfracl  fcmcnmes  (erued  falfe  ccddes,  from  which  they  .;_     r        j 
J  "    J  1       al     u  /-        J-       °       I-  J  I        11    ^'"ic  lerucd 

^were  reduced,  but  Abraham  v/aseuerprclcrued  in  true  rehgjon  jandihci*  hole  c  \r         1  . 

famiheofXharcwas  therforcperlccutcd  in  Chaldca.  as  S.  Auguflin  Ihewcth  l       fi      .     ' 
i>.  1(5.  f.  13.  <^frn(»i.  LikwifcTheodorct,  5^.18.  J«;e/«r,  and  other  both  ancient  ^ 
and  late  writers  teach  the  fame,  as  is  already  noxzA.pag.xo]. 

JO.  Thcyhi'.rnd.'\  la  that  no  metnion  is  made  of  mourning  for  lofue, S.Hic- 
romnotcthamyi1crie,anda  fpccial  point  of  Chlftian  dodrin  :  It  femeth  to  ^^^°^^  Cnrifl 
nie(laicthhcE/'r/2. 6/if4i  M<<h/  wrfrt/.  J].)  thatin  Marie  prophccie  is  dead,  in  ^°^^  entered 
Moyfcs  and  Aaron,  an  endisputtothclawandprienhood  of  the  Icwcs,  p^r  mto  bcaucn. 
fo  much  as  they  could  neither  pafle  into  the  land  of  piomifc,  nor  bringr 
thcbelcuing  pcopleout  of  the  wili^erncs  of  this  world.  And  (M«»/'  34.)  Aaron 
(fayeth  he)  was  mourned,  (and  fovrasMoyfes)  lefus  is  not  mourned,  that  is, in 

R  rt  »  Thi 


THE     ARGVMENT     OF     THE 



A  I  N  c  T  Hieromgeulngthis  general  rule  {Epift.  adEu(foch.v'trg^.)thzt 

Arulcforrea-  ^      reading  hiftorical  bookes  of  holic  Scripture,  the  hiftori 

bookc«.  as  fundanon  of  veritie,  is  to  be  ioutd,  but  the  Ipirirual  vnderltan- 

din^  rather  to  be  folowed  :  agreMy  therto  teachetb  (Effiftad  Paulw.  ) 

j^S'^nntbisbookeof  ludges  there  be  as  manie  figures,  as  princes 

ohhe  people.  Neither  doth  he  me4ne  that  therelifereno  mare,  but  for  ex- 

dmplefike af*rmetb  that thefe  Judges^  ratfedyp  after  loftte,  and  fent  of  God 

ThcIucJgesof  to  deliuer  the  people  fallen  for  their  fmnes  into  a  f  Unions,  -^ere  types  and 

lirarl  figures  Jigftr,s  of  the  ^pofila  and  ^pojlolical  men,  ftnt  hy  Chrifito propagate  and 

*'^fUe  "^*  ^     ^'f^"^  ^^  CJ^«r<:i&  of  the  n.  W  Tefiament.  For  alheit  dtuers  oftbe[e  Judges  It^ere 

^°    ^*°  fomet'imes  great  offenders^  yet  they  ^ere  reclamed  by  Gods  fpedal  grace,  and 

fo  amending  their  errors  did  great  thmges,  to  thefingular  honour  ofGo^:  and 

dre  renowmed  amongthe  holte  Patnarces  and  Prophetes,  particularly  prayfed 

They  vcrc  al  inbolie  Sctpture,  faying:  And  the  ludges,  euerie  one  by  his  name,  Eccli.^f. 

finally  hoiic     whofe  hart  was  not  corrupt :  Who  were  not  auerted  from  our 

^^"'  Lord,  that  their  memorie  may  be  bleflcd,  and  their  bones  fpring 

out  from  their  place,  and  their  name  remaine  for  euer,  the  gloric 

of  holie  men  remaining  to  their  children,  ^fter  lofuetherfore,  'ftfho 

it  femethgmded  and  ruled  the  people  51.  yeares^  this  booke,  "Written  (as  it 

'^u^k""^"  f»ofi probable)by  Samuel, shaving  thefamoufe  ^Hes  ofthe[e  ludges  of  ifrael, 

ofthisbookc.  ^^^p^^^^^Ij  ^^^  hiHorieof  the  Church  the  fp dee  ofi2%,yeares  more,  ^nd  may 

r.-   U,j;«r«    be  dmided  into  three  par  te<. Fir/},  is  defcribedingeneralt  he  fiate  of  the  people, 

shrcc  parus.     fomctimes  ml  and  fincerly  ferwng  God,  other  times  faUmg  to  gredtftnnes. 

tn  the  two  firfl  chapters.  Secondly,  their  offences,  affliBions,  repentance,  and 

deltttmefrom  their  enemies  are  more  particularly  reported,  from  the  third  chap. 

to  the  ij.rbirdly, other  rpecial  accidents,  Ttfhich  happened  fjpithin  the  [ami 

time,  are  recorded,  in  the  laji  fine  chapters. 



IV    D     G     E    S, 


Chap.     I. 
rnAtr  d  general  cdptaine  of  the  tnbe  of  luda,  dfified  hy  tie  tnhe  cf  simgoBy   The  fi  rft  part, 
ifrdel  juhdueth  diuerscit'ies  of  the  gcntilts  {  iz.   Othomel  takjng  Cariath  Agcneaalreca 
fepher^offfiethity  and marieth  Calths  daugher^oltatnig  alfo  audition  of  P«ulatioHo^ 
krdowrie)  iLlebitfeitesyetdwelmBieru/alem  "wuh  Beniamm.iy.and  J^^^J'^''^^" 
the  Chananeites  '^tth  diuers  oft  he  tribes. 

F  T  E  R  the  death  of  lofue  the  children  of  Ifrael 

■•  confulted  our  Lord,  faying:  Who  fral  goe  vp  -  The  mancc 

before  vs  againft  the  Chananeite,  and  Ihal  be  ^f^^"^*^'""^ 
.^ ,  _^     A      I  r        ir-j      our  Lprd  was 

captaine  of-  the  warre  ?  f  And  our  Lord  faid  :  by  thcHic;h 

•'•  I udas  fhal  goe  vp  :  behold  I  haue  deliuere  '  the  pneftprafing 

5   Land  into  his  handes,  f  And  ludas  faid  to  Simeon  his  brother:  *"  ^^^  taherna- 

Comevp  with  me  into  my  lotte,  and  fight  againft  the  Ghana-   ^^^'  ^"^^  *^* 

neite,that  I  alfo  may  goe  forward  with  thee  into  thy  lotte.   i.Thcfirftge- 

4  And  Simeon  went  with  him.  f  And  ludas  went  vp,  and  our  neral  captaine 
Lord  deliuered  the  Chananeite, and  the  Pherezeite  into  their  ^f^^""  lofuc, 

5  handes  .-and  they  ftroke  in  Bezec  ten  thoufandmen.  f  And  j^c  j^^^""*"^ 
they  found  Adonibezec  in  Bezec,  and  fought  againft  him,  were  oA"c 

6  andftroketheChananeite,andthePherezeite.  t  And  Adoni-  tribe  of  luda. 
bezec  fled :  whom  purfewing  they  tooke,  cuttmg  of  the  ex-  ^""^  "ot  al,  aj 

7  trcme  partes  of  his  handes  and  fcete .  f    And  Adonibezec  ^f^'^^^^^^^^ 
faid  :   Seuenric  kinges  hauing  the  extreme  partes  of  their 

handes  and  feete  cur  of,  gathered  vp  therehques  of  meates 
vnder  my  table:  as  I  haue  done,  fo  hath  God  repayed  me.  And 

S  they  brought  him  into  Icrufalem,  and  there  he  died,  f  Ther- 
fore  the  children  of  ludas  afTaulting  lerufalem,  tooke  it,  and 
flrokeitin  the  edgcofthefword,  fetting  the  whole  citie  on 

9  fyre.  f  And  afterward  going  downe  they  fought  againft  the 
Chananeite,  which  dwelled  in  the  mountaines,  and  fouth- 

10  ward,  and  in  the  champainc  countries,  •\  And  ludas  going 
forward  againft  the  Chananeite,that  dwelled  in  Hebron  C  the 
name  wherof  was  before  time  Cariatharbe  )  ftroke  Sefai, 

11  and  Ahiman,  and  Tholmai:  -f  and  departing  thence  went 
to  the  inhabitanrcs  of  Dabir,the  old  name  wherof  was  C-i 

I II  riath  Sephcr,that  is,  a  citie  of  letters,  t  And  Caleb  faid :  He 

Rrr  3  thas 

5i8  IvDGEs.  Gentiles  mixt 

thatshal  ftrike  Cariath  Sephcr,  and  fpoile  it,  T  vril  geuc  him 
Axa  my  diughterco  wife,  f  And  vf  hen  Othoniel  the  fonnc 
of  Cenez  ,  the  yonger  brother  of  Caleb  had  taken  it,  he 
gaue  him  Axa  his  daughter  to  wife,  f  Whom  going  on  her  14 
xray  her  husband  admoniihcd  to  askeafieldof  her  father.  To 
whom,  when  she  had  fighed  fitting  on  her affe,  Caleb  (aid: 
Whataileth  thee?  f  But  sheanfwerediGeue  meableiIing,for  ly 
adrieiand  thou  haftgeuen  me:  geucmealfoawaterie.  Caleb 
therfore gaue  her  a  wanie  ground  abouc,&  waterie  beneath. 
f  And  the  children  of  the  Cineite  the  cofin  of  Moyfes  went  iG 
vp  from  the  citie  of  palmes,  with  the  children  of  ludas  into 
the  defer  of  his  lotcc,  which  is  at  the  fouth  fide  of  Arad,  and 
dwelt  with  him.  f  But  ludas  went  with  Simeon  his  brother,  17 
and  together  they  ftrokc  the  Chananeire  that  dwelt  in  Sc- 
phaath,  and  flew  him.  And  the  name  of  the  citie  was  called, 
Horma,  that  is.  Anathema,  f  And  ludas  tooke  Gaza  with  the  iS 
coaftes  therof,  &  Afcalon,  and  Accaron  with  their  boundes. 
t  Andour  Lord  was  with  ludas,  and  he  pofefTed  thc.moun-  i^ 
taines  :  neither  could  he  deftroy  the  inhabitanres  of  tho" 
j; Strong wca- valley,  becaufe  they  had  manie  '■'•  hooked  chariotes.  f  And  10 
fikcYckJ^^'^  they  gaue  to  Caleb  Hebron,  as  Moyfes  had  faid,  whode-  . . 
made  faft  to    ^J^oyed  out  of  it  the  three  fonnes  of  Enac.  t  But  the  lebu-   it 
the  chariottcs  ^eitc  tbc  inhabitcr  of  lerufalem  the  children  of  Beniamin 
vhich  cut  in  defttoyed  noc :  and  the  lebufcitc  dwelt  with  the  children  of 
peeces,  men,   Beniamin  in  lerufalem  vntil  this  prefent  day.  f  The  houfe  i» 
ther  chad-  °' ^l^o  o^  lofcpb  went  vp  into  Bethel,  and  our  Lord  was  with 
ottes  that        them,  f  For  when  they  befieged  the  citie,  which  before  was  ij 
came  in  their  called  Luza,  f  they  fawaman  commingout  of  the  citie, and  t'4 
^*y*  faid  to  him :  Shew  vs  the  entrrancc  of  the  citie,  and  we  wil 

shew  thee  mercic.  f  Who  when  he  had  shewed  them,  they  ij 
ftroke  the  citie  in  the  edge  of  the  fword ;  but  that  man, and  al 
his  kinred  they  difmilFed.  f  who  being  difmiftjWent  into  the  16 
LandoftheHetthims,  and  built  there  a  citie,  and  called  it 
Luza:  which  is  fo  called  vntil  this  prefent  day.  f  ManafTcs  27 
alfo  deftroycd  nor  Berhfan_.  ,  and  Thanac  with  their  litle 
townes  ,  and  the  inhabitanres  of  Dor,  and  leblaam,  and    . 
Mageddo  with  their  litle  townes.  And  the  Chananeire  begin 
to  dwel  with  them,  f  But  after  that  Ifraelv^as  waxen  ftrong,  iS 
he  made  them  tributaries,   and  would  not  dcfbroy  thcni-,. 
f  Ephraim  alfo  killed  not  the  Chanancite  ,  that  dwelt  in  29 
"Gaier,  but  dwelt  with  him.  f  Zabulon  deftroyed  not  the  30 


wHirraelites.  Ivdges.  /i^ 

inhabirantesofCerron,&NaaloJ;  but thcChananeire dwelt 
51  in  the  middes  of  him,  and  was  made  tributaiie  ro  him.  f  Afer 
alfodeftroycd  not  the  inhabltanrcs  of  Accho,  and  of  Sidon, 
of  Ahalab,and  Achazib,  and  Helba,  and  Aphec,and  Rohob: 
51  t  and  he  dwelt  in  the  middes  of  the  Chananeite  the  inhabiter 
55  of  that  Land,  neither  did  he  kil  them,  -f  Nepthah  aifo  de- 
ftroycd  not  the  inhabitantes  of  Bethfaraes,  6c  Bethanathrand 
he  dwelt  in  the  middes  of  the  Chananeite  the  inhabiter  of 
the  Land,  and  the  Bethfamifes&  Bechanitcs  were  tributaries 
34  to  him.  I  And  the  Amoriheite  Orayrened  the  children  of  Dan 
m  the  mountaine,  and  gaue  them  not  place  to  goe  downe  to 
3^  theplayne:  f  and  he  dwelt  in  mount  Hares  which  is  inter 
preted  sheiks,  in  Aialon  and  Salebim.  And  the  hand  of  the 
houfeoflofcph  wasagrauared,  and  he  became  tributaric  to 
56  him.  t  And  the  border  of  the  Amortheirc  was  from  the  AC" 
cent  of  the  Scorpion,  the  rocke,a:nd  the  higher  places. 

Chap.    II. 

L/f/j  ^n^^el  reciting  mxnle  benefit  ei  of  God  to  JVarJcs  I  freely  and  their  ingrd^ 
titude  y  4.  tbej  ^ecpe  for  their  fault es ,  10.  ^fter  the  death  of  lofue 
and  other  Ancientcs  oj  his  time^  the  pec  fie  often  fal,  andrepenttogare  de*- 
tiueredfrom  affltflions.  15).  hutjidfal  a^atne  '^orjeand  tvorfe. 
I      A    Nd  the  "•  Angelof  our  Lord  went  vp  from  Galgal  to  •:  A.n  Anp-c!ta- 
JjL  the  place  of  weepers,  and  faid  ;  I  brought  you  out  of  kingthefonrc 
.^gvpt,  and  haue  brought  you  into  the  Land,  for  the  which  ofaraanasbc- 
Hware  to  your  fathers :  and  I  promifed  that  I  would  "of  l^;,*^^ '?/"^"*' 
1  makefruftratemy  couenant  with  you  for  tuer:  f  onlic  fo  appe.irinVtcT 
that  you  should  not  make  a  league  with  the  inhabitantes  of  rhe  people, 
this  Land, but  should  ouerrhrow  their  altares:  and  vou  would  Jpalfcto  them 
3  not  heare  my  voice:  why  haue  you  done  this?  f  For  the  '"thenamrof 
which  caufe  I  would  not  dtftjoy  them  from  before  your  mciTcnect  he 
facc:thatyoumay  haue  enemies,  and  their  goddes  may  be  a  ^as. 

4  ruine  vntoyou.  t  And  when  the  Angel  of  our  Lord  fpake 
thtfe  wordes  to  althc  children  of  Ifrael:  thev  lifted  vp  their 

5  voice,  and  wept,  f  And  the  name  of  that  place  was  called, 
the  place  of  weepers,  or  of  teares  ;  and  "  there  they  immo- 

6  latcd  hoftei  to  our  Lord,  f   lofue  therfote  difroiflcd  the  r;  By  foccJal 
people,  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  vrent  eueric  one  into  his  difpcnfarion 

7  polleilion,  toobtayneii  :  f  and  ihey  ferucd  our  Lord  al  his  Jj'^'^'^f^ '^^^ 
daies,and  the  daies  of  theancienfes,of  them  thatliueda  long  ja^f^inT^Ve- 
time  after  him,  and  knew  al  the  workes  of  our  Lord,  v  hich  red  in  oihct 

he  had 

yio  IvdgEs.  The  people  often 

places  tijough  he  had  done  with  Ifraei.  f  And  lofuethe  fonneofNun,  the  8 
the  Taberna-   fgryant  oFour  Lord,  died,  being  a  hundred  and  ten  yeares  old, 
*^^'^'d"h  ^T^"^'  t  ^"^  ^^^y  buried  him  in  the  borders  of  his  poiTeflion  in  9 
plO  talthr  Thamnathfare  in  the  mountof  Ephraii'n,on  the  North  fide 
onlic  place      of  mount  Gaas.  f  ^^^  ^l  that  generation  was  gathered  to  ;o 
commanded,    to  their  fathers;  and  there  rofe  others,  that  knew  not  our 
xITa""  ''"^'*'*  ^°^^'  ^"^  ^^^^  workes  which  he  had  done  with  Ifrael.  f  And  11 
^initidic.^'^  ^  '  the  children  oflfrael  did  euil  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  and 

feruedBaahm.  f  And  they  left  our  Lord  the  God  of  their  u 
fathers,  that  had  brought  them  outof  the  Land  of  ^gypr: 
and  fo!owedftrangegoddes,and  thegoddes  of  the  peoples, 
that  dwelt  round  about  them,  and  adored  them;  and  they 
proijoked  onr  Lord  to  anger,  f  leaning  him,  and  feruing  15 
Baal  and  Adaroth.  f  And  our  Lord  being  wrath  againft.If-  14 
rael,  dcliuered  them  into  the  handes  of  ranfackers :  who 
tooke  them  and  fold  them  to  the  enemies,  that  dwelt  round 
about :  neither  could  they  refift  their  aduerfaries:  t  but  whi-  1/ 
ther  foeuer  they  had  meant  to  goe,  the  hand  of  our  Lord  was^ 
vpon  them,ashefpake,  and  fware  to  them:  and  they  were 
Tlicfc  ludffcs  vehemently  afflidled .  f  And  our  Lord  '•  rayfedvp  Iudges,^i^ 
were  eitraor-  that  should  deliuer  them  from  the  handes  of  the  wafters  :  but 
dinarily  raifed  neither  would  they  heate  them,  f  fornicating  with  ftrange  17 
Tp  to  deliuer   go^des,  and  adoring  them  .  They  did  quickly  fotfakc  the 
pcntine^whe^n  "^^Ys  *"  the  which  their  fathers  had  gone;  and  hearing  the 
they  we're  fal-  commandementes  of  our  Lord,  they  did  al  thinges  contrarie. 
len  into  affli-    j-  And  when  our  Lord  rayfed  vp  ludges,  in  their  daies  he  was  iS 
aios  for  their  j^gued  with  mercie,  and  heard  the  groninges  of  the  afflided, 
""*  anddeliuered  them  from  the  flaughter  of  rhe  wafters.  f  But  19 

after  the  ludge  was  dead,they  returned,  and  did  much  worfe 
things  then  their  fathers  had  done,  folowing  ftrange  goddes 
feruing  them,  and  adoring  thcmo  They  left  not  their  inuen- 
tions,  and  the  verie  hard  way,  by  which  they  were  accufto- 
rned  to  walke.  f  And  the  furie  of  our  Lord  was  angrie  a-  10 
gainft  Ifrael,  &  faid  :  Becaufe  this  nation  hath  made  my  coue- 
iiat  fruftrace,  which  I  had  made  with  their  fathers,&  hath  c6- 
temned  my  voice  :  f  I  alfo  wil  not  deftroy  the  nations  which  zi 
lofue  did  let  alone,  and  died  :  f  that  in  them  I  may  trie  Ifiael,  ii 
whether  they  wil  keepe  the  way  of  rhe  Lord,  and  walke  in  ir, 
as  their  fflthers  kept  it,  or  no,   f  Our  Lord  therforeleft  al  15 
thefenations,  and  would  not  quickly  ouerthrow  them,  nei- 
ther deliuered  them  into  the  handes  of  lofu*. 


Ochoiiicl.  IvDGES.  jir 

;  V 'i  ■;  rr :!  b;  i"  I  ". C  h  A  p.     1 1 1. 

ihcpeofie  AJfoUAtifi^.  thsmfelnes  fi^iib  Centdtiy  again fi  tfhcm  they  tugit  ta  Tlie  fcconi 

fip'ht.  8  4rf  mu&dtdhy  f  online  i^inprs :  i,.  />Kf  reptnttnr  *rt  delmtrcd  hj  P^J^; 

'^'^f         1         r^  II  jrt  <?  J       J  .        '^  J  I         JL     Of  the  com- 

OtkonieL.  II.  Fallfngd^aine,  nfiUted^And  reproting,  i^.  uredtltueredby  mon peopled 

^od^ii.  ftcrttrly  {iliirgEglGn  tbtirenemie.  ^i.^jurhim  Sam^Arde-  oftenfalling 

frndeth  Jfrad  n^AtnJi  the  rhilt/fbimes.  to  idolatric, 

'-  I   'np  H  iSE  are  the  Nations,  vhich  our  Lord  kft,  that  in  '^eirrepen- 

X    them  he  might  intkudt  IfraeJ,  and  ai  that  had  not  kno-  jj^^Jg  ^     ^ 

z  Vf'en  the  vrarresof-  the  Chananeices;  t  that  afterward  t-lieir 

-children  might  lernc to  iight  with  their  enemies,  and  to  be 

5  accuftomed  to  warre.-  f  thcilue  princes  of  the  Philifthimes, 
and  the  Chananeite,and  Sidonian,  and  Heueite,  that  dxx'elc 
in  mount  Libanus,  from  mount  Baai  Hermon  to  the  entring 

•  ^  into  Emath.  f  And  he  icfrthem,  that  in  them  he  might  trie 

Ifraei,  whether  thejr  vtould  hcarc  the  commandcmentes  of 

our  Lord,  which  he  had  commanded  their  fathers  by  the  hand 

J  ofMoyfes,  ornoc.  f  Therforethe  children  of  Ifrael  dwelt 

in  themiddesof  the  Chananeite,  and  Hecheite,  and  Amor- 

6  rheitc,  and  Pherezcite,  and  Heueite,  and  Icbufcite:  f  ^^^ 
thc-ytocke  their  daughters  to  wiucs,  and  them  feJues  gauc  ::Tn  maiiie 
their  ownc  daughters  to  their  fonncs,  &  ierucd  their  goddes.  places  wc fee 

7  f  And  they  did  cuilin  the  (ight  of  our  Lord,and  forgat  their  fhc  wordc/4» 

8  God,  leruing  BaaUm  and  Aftaroth.  f  And  our  Lord  being  "idcsVcuca  to 
vc-rath  again  It  Hracl,  deliuered  them  into  the  handcs  of  Chu-  incn,as  thefcr 
fan  Rafithaim  the  king  of  Mcfoporamia,  and  they  ferucd  uantcsaRdof- 

9  him  eight yeares.  f  Andthejcricd  toour  Lord:  vrhorayfed  fi«rsofGodg 
thcmvp  "  afauiour,  and  deliuered  them,  to  wicte,OihonieI  rcrtn*dprind- 

10  the  fonneofCcneZjtheyongexbrother  of  Caleb  :  -f  and  the  pilSauiourof 
Spirirofour  Lord  vrasfn  him,  and  he  ludged  Iirael.  And  he  ils.^ug.^.ii. 
went  forth  to  fight,  and  our  Lord  deliuered  irrro  his  handcs  "»^'*«^*'"- 
Chufan  Rafathaim  rhe  king^af  Syria,  and  opprelfed  him, 

II  t  And  the  Und  refted  -'  fourtic  yeares  ,  and  OthonicI  the  '.|",^'|'a'Je1a.* 

11  fonneof  Cenezdied.  f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  added  to  eluded  the 
doc  euil  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord  •  who  (Ir^ngthncd  againft  cightycarcs 
them  Eglon  the  king  of  Moab  :becaufe  they  did  euil  in  his  oftheirferui- 

13  -fight,  t  Andhcioyncdto  him  rhe  children  of  Amraon,  and  '"^^.T.s^&fo 
Amalcc:  a-nd  he  went  and  Itroke  Krael,  and  pollefied  the  this  hiftorie. 

14  Citieof  palmes.  f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  ferued  Eglon  othcrvifethc 
ij  rhe  king  of  Aloab  cighrcne  yeares:  f  and  afterward  they  numberof 

cried  to  our  Lord:  whorayfedvp  vnro  them  a  {auiour  called  )crcsaorecth 
i^od^  the  fonnc  of  Gcra,  the  fonne  of  lemini,  who  vfed  both  "oiin'i.^.'fr'! 

S£[  handcs  6,y.i, 

yii  ^  IvDGES.  Aod.  Samgar, 

hand?$forthe  right.  And  the  children  of  Ifracl  fentby  him 
prefcncestoEglonthekingof  Moab.  t  Who  made  him  k\(  iC 
a  two  edged  (word,  hauing  in  the  middcs  a  hafte  in  length 
the  palms  of  a  hand,  and  was  girded  thervith  vndcr  his  caf- 
focKeonthc  right  thigh,  j-  And  he  prefentcd  the  giftes  (o  17 
Eglon  the  king  of  Moab.  And  Eglon  was  exceeding  groffc. 
f    And  when  he  had   prefented  the  giftes  vnto  him  ,  he    t8 
brought  his  felowes  on  the  way  that  came  with  him.  j-  And  19 
returning  from  Galgal,  where  the  Idols  were,  he  faid  to  the 
King  :  I  haue  a  fecrere  mcflage  to  thee  6  king.  And  he  com- 
manded filence:  andal  being  gone  forth,  that  were  about 
him,  f  Aod  went  in  to  him  :  and  he  fate  in  a  {ommer  cham-  im 

t:  AoJ  hauiog  ber  alone,  and  he  fiid ;  "  A  word  from  God  I  haue  to  thee. 

Ipccial  infpi-    who  forthwith  rofe  out  of  his  throne,  f  And  Aod  put  forth  ii 


a'*"!"   ^is  left  hand,  and  tooke  the  dagger  from  his  right  thigh,  and 
faa,fass!Au-  f^^ened  it  into  his  beUie  f  Co  mightelyt  that  the  haft  folowed  it 
guftin  notcth  the  blade  in  the  wound  ,  and  was  clofed  vp  faft  with  the 
vpon  thcfe      moft  fatte  greafe.  Neither  did  he   plucke  out  the  dagger, 
voidcs.5  10.  butashehad  ftriken  fo  leift  it  in  the  bodic:  and  forthwith  by 
to bcimiute°d  ^^^  fecrete  partes  of  nature   the  ordure  of  the  bellie  came 
by  priuat men.  forth,  f  But  Aod  shutting  the  doores  of  the  chamber  very  i| 
SccKwOT.i;.  T.  diligently,  and  locking  them  fure,t  went  out  by  a  pofterne  24 
^^'  doore.  And  the  kinges  feruantes  going  in,  faw  the  doores  of 

the  chamber  shut,  and  they  faid  :  Peraduenture  he  purgeth 
his  bellie  in  the  fommcr  chamber,  f  And  expeding  long  til  1/ 
they  were  ashamed,  and  feeing  that  no  man  did  open,  they 
tooke  a  key:  and  opening  they  found  their  lord  on  the  earth 
lying  dead,  f  But  Aod,  whiles  they  were  trubled,  efcaped,  i€ 
and  palfed  by  the  Place  of  ldoIs,whence  he  had  returned.  And 
he  came  into  Seirath:  f  and  forthwith  the  trumpet  founded  17 
in  the  mount  of  Ephraim  :  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  went 
downe  with  him,  him  felf  going  in  the  front,  f  ^^hofaidto  i% 
them:Folow  merfor  our  Lord  hath  deliuercd  our  enemies  the 
Moabites  into  our  handcs.  And  they  went  downe  after  him, 
and  occupied  the  fordes  of  lordan,  which  bring  ouer  into 
Moab  rand  they  fuffcTcd  no  man  to  pallc  :  f  bur  they  flrokc  29 
the  Moabitcs  at  that  rime,  about  ten  thoufand,  al  ftoute  and 
ftrong  men,  none  of  them  could  efcapc.  t  And  Moab  was  50 
humbled  that  day  vndcr  the  hand  of  Ifrael:  and  the  Land 
reftcdeightieycares.  t  Afterhim  was  Samgar  the  fonnc  of  31 
Anath,  who  ftroke, of  th*-  Philifthimes  fix  hundred  men  with 
the  cuitcr  of  a  ploughe  :  and  he  alfo  defended  ifrael. 


Dcbbora  and  Barac  I  v  d  g  e  s.  ^i) 

Chat.     nil. 

^^dinethe  feofU  fmning  arc  opprtpd.dndcrpn^U  God,  4.  h  direSIion 
cf  VehUvA  4,  prcphitijjt^  BAidc  f>ghteih  dgAin/l  Sifard  tkeir  eficmic.  15. 
ffhoflntken  rvtthftare,  and  feeing  4Wa^>i7'  Uhel  pretending  his  faftte 
kiUetb  hmm  her  houfe. 

No  the  children  oflfrael  added  to  doe  cuil  in  the  fight 

ofour  Lord  after  the  death  of  Aod,  f  and  our  Lord  dc- 

liuercdrhem  into  the  handcs  of  labin  the  king  of  Chanaan, 

\rhich  reigned  in  Afor :  and  he  had  a  captaine  of  bis  armic 

3  named  Si(ara,and  he  dwelt  in  Haro'eth  ©f  the  gentiles,  f  And 
the  children  of  Ifrael  cried  to  our  Lord  :  for  he  had  nine 
hundred  yron  hooked  ch3riottcs,and  for  tven-tie  ycrcs  had 

4  vehemently  oppreiTed  them,  f  And  there  was  one  Dcbbora 
a  prophetefe  the  wife  of  Lapidoth,which  -  iudged  the  people  ..  Bejng  a  »ro- 

5  at  that  time,  f  And  (he  fate  vnder  a  palme  tree,  \rhich  vas  phcteffc  (he 
called  by  her  name,  befcren  Rama  and  Bethel  in  the  mount  rcfo'ucd  hard 
of  Ephraim  :  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  ^ent  vp  to  her  for  f^j^  „'but 

6  aliudgement.  f  Who  fent,  and  called  Barac  the  fonnc  of  A-  excrafeduo 
binocm  of  Cedef  in  Nepihaii:  and  friC  faid  to  him  :  Our  iurifdi£lioBin 
Lord  God  of  Ifrael  hath  commanded  thee,  Goe,  and  lead  an  anic  caufcj.for 
armic  into  mount  Thabor,  and  thou  flialt  take  with  thee  ten  *^*u^*j.'°"f  ^cl 
thoufand  fighting  men  of  the  cKildren  cf  Nepthali,  and  of  ©fpneftciaud 

7  the  children  of  Zabulon:  t  and  I  wilbring  vnto  thee  in  the  offcucntiean- 
placeof  the  Torrent  Cifon,Sifara  the  prince  of  the  hoftc  of  c«entc$,vhcrc 
labin,  and  his  chariotes,  and  al  the  multitude,  and  wil  dchucr  ^^l^[^^ ^  ^^if 

8  them  in  thy  hand,  f  And  Barac  faid  to  her:  If  thou  come  i^^iotKum.ii. 
xritli  me,  I  wilgoe:  If  thou  wilt  not  come  with  me,  I  wil  /)*»».  17.  Spi- 

5>  notgoe.  f  Who  faid  ro  him  :  I  wil  goein  deede  with  thee,  ritually  Deb- 
but  at  this  time  the  vidoric  (hal  not  be  imputed  to  thee,  H^"^^"'^ji 
bccaufe  Sifara  (hal  bedeliuered  into  the  hand  of  1  woman,  garacchriftian 
Debbcratherforearofc,  and  went  with  Barac  into  Cedes,  princes, who 

10  t  Who  calling  vnto  him  Zabulon  and  Nepthali,  went  vp  arcdirc^Vcdin 
^s'irh  ten  thoufand  fighting  men,  hauing  Debborain  his  com-  ihcirwatrci, 

11  panie.  f  And  Habet  the  Cineire  wasm  time  paft  departed  ^^stV^LV* 
from  the  reft  ofthe  Cineites  his  brethren  of  Hobab.the  cofin  tualfupcriorj. 
of  Moyfes  :  and  had  pitched  his  rentes  vnto  thevalley, which  a$Oiigcn,and 

iz  is  called  Sennim ,  and  was  nerc  Cedes  .  f  And  it  was  told  oihcrancient 
Sifara,  that  Barac  the  fonnc  of  Abinoem  was  gone  vp  into  ^"^'^'j^L^'t,- 

15   mount  Thabor  :  t  and  he  gathered  nine  hundred  yron  hoc-  JqJ-^ 
kcd  chariotte$,and  al  his  armie  from  Harofeth  of  the  gentiles 
S  f  f  1  to  chc 

5  i  4  I V  i>  G  E  s .  D  eb bora .  B a rac.  labels 

to  tlie  torrent  Cifon.  t  And  Debbora  faid  to  Barac:  Arife,  foe  14 
this  is  the  day,  \rhefin  our  Lor.i  hath  dehuered  Sifara  into 
thy  handes :  behold  he  is  thy  leader.  And  B4rac  went  downo 
from  mount  Thabor,  and  ten  thoufand  fighting  men  \rith 
him.  t  And  our  Lord  terrified  Sifara,  and  al  his.chiriores,  i; 
and  al  the  multitude  in  the  edge  of  the  fword  at  the  fight  of 
Barac:  info  much,  that  Sifaralcaping  downe  from  hi3  cha- 
riote,  Hcd  a  toote,  f  and  Barac  pudewed  the  chaxiotes  Hee-  16 
ing,and  thearmie  vnto  Harofcrh  of  the  gentiles,  and  al  the 
muiticude  of  the  enemies  wasvtterly.dcftroycd.  -f  But  Sifara  17 
fleeing  came  to  the  tcntof  label  the  wife  of  Habcr  the  Ci- 
neite.for  there  was  peace  betwixt  labin  the  king  of  Afor.and 
the  houfe  of  Habcr  the  Cineirc.+  label  therfot-e  going  forth  18 
to  meete  Sifara,  faid  to  him  :  Gome  into  mc  my  Lord,  come 
in,  feare  not.  Who  being  enrred  into  her  tabernacle,  and  co- 
uercd  of  her  with  a  cloke,  f  (aid  to  he^ ;  Geue  me,  I  befeech  i«j 
thee,a  litrlc  watcr,far  I  am  v^ry  rhirftie.Who  opened  a  bottle 
ofmilkcvand  gaue  himro  drinke,  and  coiiered.him.  f  And^io 
Sifarafaidto  her:  Stand  before  the.doore  of  the  tabernacle, 
and  when  any  sha]  corae  asking  thee,  and  faying:  Is  there  ^ 
J     I    '    1,;    any  man  here  ?Thou,'sbalt.lay  .-There  is  none,  t  ••  label  ther-  IK 
woman  fa\  of  f^^e  thfi  wife  of  Hibcr  tockcaiiayk  of  ;t  he.  tabernacle,  ta- 
coafiacnce,      king  withal  a  hammer  alfb  land.. goiiyg  in. fecpetely,  and  with 
piercing  the     fiiencc  she  put  the  nailcvpon-thje  temple  of  his  head,  and  ftri- 
tcmplesofthc  jcing  it  with  the  hammer,;faftenedit  inio.his  brainc  euen  to 
Idtha^n-i"      the  ground  :  who  loynma  dcepc  lleepe  and  dsath  together, 
bacthcfaitli     faynted  ,  and  died,   f   And  behold  Barac  folowing  Sifara  11 
ofchc  Church  came  :  ovclahcleoinfi. forth  to  mcete  hirs),  iaid  to  him  :  Come, 
deftroyingciic  and  I  wiUhew  thee  the  man  Wnom  rhoH  feekef^.  Who  when 
aomcs^'^ifh      ^".'^^''  'entered  m.-  vato  her,  faw.  Siiara  lying  dead,. and  the 
thccrofl^W     "ayle  faftenedm  hi.s  temples,  t  Therforc  God  that  day  hum-  25 
chn{i}s../I^,■T^  bJcd  Inbin  the  king  of  CKanaaii  before  the  children  of  Ifrael: 
h.}z.e,}z.-cont,  ^  which  increafed  daily,  and. with  rtrong  hand  opprcffcd  24 
raufi  yiamch  .  j^^-    ^j.^ ]cine of  Chanaan, til  they  deftfo.jed  hira. 

figured  our  C  H  A  P.      ^^    ,       ^        ,    .      .        . 

'&.  I.-adic  u"iic  The  CAntnU  of  Dehhorx und  Bj,rac  ^eiiin^  ihAftkfs  After  their  yiflor'ie. 

fcipeiiics  *     -^j ^  Debbora  and  B.jrac  the  foiin?  of  Abinocm  fangin  r  . 

that  day,  faying 



I  Yoathatof  Ifraclhaucvoiuntariiy  offtrsd  your  hues  to 
McircthcTeifc  peril,  ::  bklle  our  Lp.rd, 

t  Hsiire 

Debora and  Barac,   •  I  v  d  c  e  s.  525 

5  t  Hearc  yoii;kingcs,and  geuccare  ye  princes:  lam,  -  1  feyimparting 
amlbe,  thacwilliiiL'  t©  our  Lord,I  ^ilchaunrc  to  our  Lord  fpiritualbcnc- 
the  God  of  Ifracl.  .n<iiupci,ors 

^        t  lord  vhcn  rhou  wcntft  out  of  Scir,and  did  IV  pa  lie  by  blciTc  their 

^  the  countries  of  Edom,  the  earth  \ras  moued,  <5^'  the  hcauens  f>jbicats.Meft 

and  cloudcs  dirtillcd  vatcrs.  l^hc'^ciTc'^thcu 

J       t  Thcmountaines  melted  before  the  hcc  of  our  Lord,  bc^te'rs  by  ^c- 

and  Sinai  before  the/acc  of  our  Lord  God  of  Krael.  ui;,cr  thankcs, 

6  t  In  the  daics  of  Sitngarthcforhncof  Anarh,  in  the  daics  aRciprayfcs. 
of  lahel  theparhesrcftcd:andthev  that"wcntby  them,  xcal-  :-Sticincu!ca- 
I      1  I       L         ■                                       '  t<^fM  '"»t  the 
kcd  by  bywaics.  ^„,-,  .    ^„-l, 

7  The  vahantcj  m  Ifracl  ceatcd  ,  andrcncd  :  vntiiDcbbora  ^0^^  praifc 
arofeja  mother  rofein  ifracL  God  for  this 

8  Our  Lord  chofe  new  xparres,  and  the  gates  of  the  cne!T,ieS'^''^°f'«^3  ^c- 
Inm  fclfe  fubuertcd  :  lliield  and  fpeare  if  there  appeared  a-  ""^=  'j"/?"^" 
mong  tourtic  thoulando^  Ilraeh  j^pj.    Sibvhcr 

5       t  My  hartloueththc  princes  of  Ifrael:  you  that  of  yo-ur  direded'thc 
o»*'n.e  good  vrii  offered  your  lekhes  to  danger, blclFc  our  Lord. ^  general  cjp- 

10  t  Ycu  rhat  ride  vpon  your- faire  allcs,  and  fitte  in  iadee-  ['''"^  Barac, 

,        .,       .     '^,      '  r       J  °       left  It  mighr 

inenr.nnd  watke  in  the  way,  ipeake.  beafciibe^ci- 

11  t  where  the  charlottes  were  frtrshcd  together,  and  the  thcr  to  vif- 

.  arinieof  the  enemie  was  fu-ifocated  ,  there  let  the  iuibces  (iomc  or  va- 
of  our  Lord  be  told,  and  his  clemencic  to\rard  the  valiantcs  ^^'^^  ofamc 
of  Hracl :  ihendid  thepcopleof  our  Lordgoe  .dovrnc  to  the  f!^-^^,  f  tfc  t 
gites,and  obteyned  the  principahtic. .  fubdcw  their 

u  t  Arife,arifc  Dcbbora,arife,  arife,  arjdfpeake  a  canticle  :  bodies  to  the 
Arife  Barac,  and  apprehend  thy  captiucs  thou  fonnc  of  Abi-  fpi"<eridcv- 
noern..  .      ••  'orfenT.H" 

15  The  remnant efth« people isiaucdjQur  Lord  haih  fought.  g,„f_j'j^^,^^ 
in  the  valiantes. 

14      Out  from  Ephraim  he  dcftro^ycd  them  into  Amalec,  ani. 
after  him  out  from  Beniamin  into  thy  peoples  O  Araalec: 
Out  from  Machir  there  defccndcd  princes,  and  out  from  Za- 
bulon  they  that  led  thearmic  to  fight. 

jj  -j- Thecaptaincsof  IfracharNP'etc>vith  Debbora,  and  fo- 
lowed  the  Oeppes  of  Barac,  "who  asit  \rcrc  into  a  headlong^ 
and  bottoniclcs  pitte  gaue  hira  fclf  to  danger  ;  Ruben  being^ 
diuidedagainft  it  felfj  there  \ras  found  contention  of  cou- 

16  Whydwclleft  thou  bet\rcn  the  two  boondcs,  that  thou. 
mayefthcare  the  whifllingcs  of  the  flockes?  Ruben  being 

S  f  f  3  diuidc^ . 

ji6  IvDGESi  DebboraandBarac, 

di aided  againft  it  felf,  there  vas  found  contention  ef  coiira- 
gious  men-.. 

•f  Galiadrcfted  beyond  Iordan,and  Dan  gauc  him  felf  to  17 
{hippes :  Afer  dwelt  in  the  fea  shore,  and  abode  in  hauens. 

t  But  Zabulon  and  Nepthali  offered  their  lines  to  death  iS 
in  their  countric  of  Mcrorat>  . 

f  The  kingescameand  fought,  the  kinges  of  Cbanaan  19 
fought  in  Thanac  bclides  the  waters  of  Mageddo,and  yet 
going  a  praying  they  tooke  nothing. 

I  From  heauen they  fought  againft  them;  the  ftarres  re-  to 
mayning  in  their  order  and  courfe,  fought  againft  Sifara. 

t  The  torrent  of  Cifon  drew  their  carcalfes,  the  torrent   21 
of  Cadumim,  the  torrent  of  Cifon:  my  foule  tread  downc  the 

t  Thehoofesofthehorfesfelofjtheftrongeftof  theene-  n 
mies  fleeing  violently,  and  falling  do wne  headlong. 

t  Curfe  ye  the  land  of  Meroz,faid  the  Angel  of  our  Lord;  15 
Curfe  the  inhabitantes  therof,  becaufe  they  came  not  to  help 
our  Lord,  to  aide  his  raoft  mightie  ones. 

t  ••  SlefTedamong  wemenbelaheithcwifcof  Habcrthe  14 
''u^^c^^^asbief-  Cincite,  and  blcfled  be  she  in  her  tabernacle, 
fcd'lwongft        t  To  him  that  asked  water  she  gaue  milkc,  and  in  the  ij 
vemen:  much  phial  of  princes  she  offered  butter. 

more  the  moft      ^  y^^^  {gfj  h^nj  ^\^^  put  to  the  nailc,  and  her  right  hand  to  16 
mothcio^r     the  fmirhes  hammer,  and  ftrokeSifara,feeking  in  his  head  a 
GodisWelTed place  for  the  wound,  and  piercing  valiantly  through  his 
aboucalwc-    temple. 

men.  -j-  Betwen  her  feetehe  fel:  hcTailcd,and  died:  he  was  row-  zy 

led  before  her  feerc,  and  he  lay  without  lif«  and  mifcrable. 

•f  Lookinp  through  a  window,  his  mother  howled  :6rshc  18 
fpake  oucof  a  higher  chamber:  Why  lingereth  his  chariorc 
tocomebacke?  Vherforearexhe  feeteof  his  vaggansflow? 

t  0"«  ^^^^^  ^^^^  the  reft  of  his  wiues,  anfwcred  thefe  19 
wordes  to  her  mother  in  law : 

t  Peraducnrure  now  he  dinideth  the  fpoylcs,  and  the  fay-  ;• 
rpftofthcwemenis  chofen  for  him;  garmentes  of  fundrie 
coloursarcdeliucrcdto  Sifarafor  a  praye,  and  diuerfc  furni- 
ture is  laid  together  to  adomc  the  neckes. 

t  So  perish  al  thine  enemies  O  Lord;  but  they  that  louc  }i 

t  And  the  Land  refted  for  fourtie  yeate«.  5^ 

'  Chap. 

Gcdcon.  I V  D  G  E  9.  yi7 

Chap.  VI. 
7he  people  fuHwg  a^dinete  ftnne,are  opprepd  by  the  MddUnites.  li  ^t% 
^n^el dtpeAung  to  Ctcleon,  ftndith  h  m /« d. liuer  Jjraily  17 .  confirming 
kif  minion  by  mir»itU.  ij.  So  he  Jirft  defiroyith  Easls  altar.  34.  thengathf" 
rjhanaimie  4gatnft  idolaters.  ^6,  snd'n  ajinrtd  againe  of  Cods  pr9ti<~ 
Bion  by  two  mirdcles  m  4,  fieete  of  "doolie, 

I  A  Nd  the  children  of  Ifrael  did  cull  in  the  fight  of  ouf 
jr\.  Lord  :\vho  deJiuered  them  into  the  hand  of  Madian 

1  fcuen  yearcs,f  &  they  vrereloreopprefTfd  of  them  And  they 
made  them  feluesdcnnes  and  caues  in  the  mounraines,  and 

3  very  wel  fcnled  places  to  refill:,  f  And  when  Ifracl  had 
foven,  Madian  came  vp and  Amalcc,and  the  rtftof  theEaft 

4  nations:  f  and  pitching  their  tentes  by  rhem  wafted  al  thin- 
ges  as  rhey  were  in  the  blade  vnto  the  cntnng  of  Gaza:  and 
they  left  nothing  at  al  in  Ifrael  that  pertcyncd  to  mans  life, 

J  not  flieepe,  not  oxen,  not  alTes.  t  For  they  and  al  their  flockes 
came  with  their  tabernacles,  and  like  vnto  locnftes  filled  al 
places,  an  inumerablc  multitude  of  men,  and  of  camels,  wa- 

C  ftingwhatfoeuer  they  touched,  f  And  Ifrael  Was  fore  bum- 

7  bledin  the  fighrof  Madian.  ■\  And  he  cried  to  our  Lord  de- 

8  firing  helpe  againft  the  Madianitcs.  f  Who  fentvnto  them 

*•  a  man  that  was  a  prophet,  and  he  fpake  :  Thus  fayrth  our  ::S.  Auffuftla 
Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael:  I  made  you  to  come  vp  out  of  y£eypt,  f*/  ^x.tniuJ»  ) 

5  and  brought  you  out  of  the  houfc  of  feruitude,  f  and  dth-  ^"pp^fcrh  that 

ucrcdyououtof  the  handcsofthe  itgvptians,  and  of  al  the  J.''^*"i<^'^"g« 

■         t  /n  rL    J  IT       /i°  I  tent  fiom  God 

cncir.ics,thataftljdtcdycu:  and  I  call  them  out  at  your  en-  c^lkd ama,>& 

10  tring,  and  dcliuered  you  their  Land,  f  And  I  faid  •  I  the  Lord ''/'r''/''«<f  for 
your  God,  feare  not  the  goddes  of  the  Amorrheites,  in  whofe  ^^^  forme, 

11  land  you  dwel.  And  you  would  not  heare  my  voice,  t  And  '"'"^"["'''c  ^P- 

Air  11  \  r  1  1  1  reared }  vas 

an  Angel  of- our  lord  came,  and  larevnder  an  okc,  t^at  was  thefarrcAn- 

inEphra,andperteyned  toloas  the  father  of  the  familie  of  gclvrhi..h(jic 

Ezri.   And  when  Gedeon  his  ionnc  did  thresh  and  pnrqe  vndcrtheoke 

u  whcatcin  awineprclTe,  to  flee  Madian,  f  ^he  Angel  of  our  ^ndieucGc- 
Lord appeared  to  him,  and  faid;  Our  Lord  be  \Pirh  thee  6  utniraelV' 
1}  moft  valiant  of  men.  f  And  Gedeon  faid  to  him:  I  btfcch  u.ii.&t' 
thee  my  Lord,  if  our  Lord  be  with  v$,  why  hauc  thefe  cuils 
apprehended  vs?  where  arc  his  meruelous  workes,  which 
our  fathers  haue  told  vs,  and  faid;  Out  of  i€gypt  did  our  Lord 
bringvs?butnowour  Lord  hath  forfakcn  v$,  and  deliuered 

14  vs  into  the  hande  of  Madian-. .  f  And  our  Lord  looked 


jiS  iTDGEt.  Gedeon. 

toward  hitrij  and  faid:  Goe  in  this  thy  ftrength,and  thou  shak 
■  deliuer  Ifraeloatof  the  hand  of  Madian:  know  that  I  haue 
fent  thee,  f  Who  anfwering  faid:  I  befcch  thee, my  Lord,  ij 
wherein  fhal  I  dciiser  Ifrael?  behold  my  familic  is  the  meaneft 
in  ManalFes,  and  I  the  Icaft  in  my  fathers  houfc.  f  And  ouri^ 
Lord  (aid  to  him:  I  wil  be  with  thee:  a«d  thou  (halt  ftrike 
Madian  as  it  were  one  man.  f  And  he  faid:  If  I  haue  found,  17 
^uofh  he,  grace t)efore  thee,  geue  mca  figncthat  itis  thou 
■which  fpciikeft  to  me.  f  Neither. depart  thou  h^ncc,  til  I  i2 
:?  He  meant    rerurne  to  thee,  bringing  a  facrifice,  and  offering  ••  to  thee, 
not  to  offer     \j^ho  anfwercd  -•  I  wil  rarie  thy  coming,  t  Gedeon  thetfore  19 
A^^dlnutlut  ^""^^^ '" '  ^"""^  '^"^^^'^  a  kiddo  ,  and  of  a  bulliel  of  iflowrc  ^ 
eithct'the  An-  baked  vuleuened  loaues  ;  and  putting  the  .flesh  in  a  basket, 
gel,  or  him-  and  tiie  broth  of  the  ileeh  into  a  poite,  he  caricd  a)  vndcr  , 
(clfc  in  pre-     thcoke,  and  offered  to  him.  f  To  whom  the  Angel  ofour  2® 
fence  of  the     Lord  faid :  Take  thelleihandthe  vnleuencd  loa-ucs,  and  put 
offfr^ittoGod  ^^^^  vpon  that  rockc,  and  powre  cut  the  broth  theron  . 
andfoin  dedc  -And  when  he  had  done,  f  the  Angel  of  our  Lord  ftrcrchcd   u 
the  Angel  part  fortbthe  tippe  of  theroddc,  which,  he -held  in  his  hand  ,  arfd 
if-^"'^?^^        touched  the  Hesh and  the  vnlcucncdloaucs :  and  there aio(e 
<lo"prrir/jc-  afyrefrom  the  rocke,  and  confumcd  the  Hesh,  and  the  le^- 
catcd  the  of-   ucned  loaucs .-  and  the  Angel  of  our  Lord  vanithed  from  his 
fioe  hirulcifc,  eies  .   f    And 'Gedeon  feeing  that  it  was  the  Angel  ofour  21 
by  touching    -Lord,  faid:  Alas  my  Lord  God;  that  I  haue  feenc  the  Angel 
whl^hiT^"    our  Lord  face  ro  face,  t  And  our  Lord Taid  to  him :  Peace  25 
roddcjandmi-  be  with  thee  :  feare  not,  thou  Ihaltaot  dte.  f.  And  Gedeon  24 
raculoufly        buik  there  ••'  analtarcc  our  Lord.,  and  called  it,  our  Lords 
bringing  fire    pcacjO  ,  vntil  this  prcfcnt vday  ,  'And  w4ien  he  was  yet  in 

pcacjo  ,  vntil  this  prcfcnt vday  ,  'An 
Ephra  ,  which  is  of  the  familie  of  E 

thcfacr T*"  '^P*^*^*  '  ^^hich  is  of  the  familie  of  Ezri,  f  th&t  night  our 
•:  Anluar  for  Lord  faid  to  him:  Take  a  ballockc  of  thy  fathcrs,and  an  other 
amonument,  bullockeof  fcuen  yeares,  and  thou  (halt  <ieftroy  the^ltar  of 
motferfacu-  Baal,  which  is  thy  farht  rs :  arhd  cut  downc  the  groae,  that  is 
^^'  aboutthcalcar:  I  a3id  thou  (halt  build  an  altar  to  the  Lord  16 

thy  God  in  the  toppc  of  this  rccke,  whereupon  thou  di^ft  lay 
-the  (acrifice  before  :  and  thou  {halt  take  thcfecond  buliocke, 
and  ihalrofferanholocauftevponapilcof  the  -wood,  which 
-thou  ftialtcucdownc  out  of  the  groue.  j-  Gedeon  iherfore  17 
.rakin;;to  him  tcnmenof  hisferuautts,  didasour  Lord  had 
-commanded  him.  But  fearing  his  fathers  houfe,  and  the  men 
,of  that  cine,  he  would  not  doe  it  by  day,  but  accomplnhcd  al 
M-hii?gcs  by  night,  t  And  when  the  men  of  that  towncwere  iS 


Gcdcon.  IvDGES.  $1$^ 

riieninthe  morning,  they  fav  the  altar  of  Baal  deftroyed, 
and  the  grouc  cutdovnc,  and  the  other  buliockclaid  vpon 

itf  the  altar,  vhich  then  vas  built,  f  They  faiddllc  to  an  other: 
Who  hath  done  this  ?  And  irben  they  inquired  for  the  author 
of  the  fad,  it  was  faid :  Gcdcon  the  fonne  of  loas  did  al  thefc 

50  thinges.  t  Andthey  faidto  loas;  Bring  forth  thy  Tonne  hi- 
ther, that  he  may  die  :  becaufe  he  hath  deftroyed  the  altar  of 

31  Baal,  and  hath  cut  downe  his  groue.  f  To  vhomhc  anf\rc-. 
red  :  Why  are  you  reuengers  of  Baal,  thatyou  fight  for  him  ? 
he  that  is  his  aduerfarie,  let  him  die  before  to  morrow  light 
appearc ;  if  he  be  God,  rcuengc  he  him  feif,  on  him  that  hath 

ji  ray  fed  his  altar,  f  From  that  day  Gcdeon  was  called  "•  lero- :-Thc  ftreagtii 
baal,  becaufe  loas  had  faid:  Let  Baal  reuenge  him  feif  on  him,  ©^  B"l>  of 

35  that  hath  rayfed  his  altar,   f  Therefore  al  Madiaa. ,  and  ft];°J'2"»'»« 
Amalec,and  the  eaft  peoples  were  gathered  together,and  paf-  .-.-Dev  firft  ia 

34  fing  ouer  lordan,  camped  in  the  vaile  lezrael.  t  But  the  (pirit  the  fleece  an^ 
ofour  Lord  reunited  Gcdcon,  who  founding  with  a  trumpet  *^"'°°*^*. 

3;  called  together  the  houfe of  Abie2cr,  to  folow  him.  t  -And  |^j""^^^2^^^ 
hefentmeffengers  intoal  ManafTes,  which  it  felfc  alfo  did  true  religion 
folow  him :  and  other  mefTengers  into  Afer  and  Zabulon  and  firftin  onepeo 

36  Nepthah,  which  mette  him.  -j-  And  Gedeon  faid  to  God:  If  pic,  after  in  al 

37  thou  faue  Ifrael  by  my  hand,as  thou  haft  fpoken,  f  I  ^il  putte  "^nV/T"?* 

this  fleece  of  wool  on  the  floore  :  if  there  (hal  be  -  dew  in  j^^ai  Dtm! 

the  fleeceonlie,  and  onal  the  ground  drienes,  Tshal  knovy  ytnr.seda.jqi 

that  by  my  hand, as  thou  haft  fpoken,  thou  wilt  deHuer  Ifrael.  "*  ^'*'^''-  f  ■  4* 

j8  t  Andit  camefotopafTe.  Andryiing  in  the  night  wringing  ,  "^* 

I       a  1      /:ii    J  /r  1  l     u      j  ,     «      i  i     ^/-  •  .  Incarnation 

39  the  fleece,  he  hlled  a  veliel  with  the  dew.  f  And  he  faid  without dctri- 

againe  to  GodrLernot  thy  furie  be  angry  againft  me  if  I  tempt  ment  of  hii 
once  againe,  feeking  a  figne  in  the  fleece.  I  deflre  that  the  mothersyir- 
fleece  onlie  may  be  drie,  and  al  the  ground  wette  with  dew.  ^'JJ*  p^'  °^ 

40  t  And  God  did  that  night  as  hehadrequefted  -and  there  was  ^^jglfj"" 
drieacsinthc  fleece  onlic,and  dew  onal  the  ground.  (hcds.Bfrndrd, 

Chap.      VII.  h:x.iuiatffm 

Gtdton  w4Tching  with  ihirtie  tfPo  thoufsnd  wen  ,4/  tkdt  drtfearful^anJ  tbdt  *^' 
drinhs  WAterkjterling  Are  dimifedy^  onUe  thret  hundred  thtt  drinke  Ittle 


i4dne.^.By.i  Madumtes  dreamt  Gedeonis  encour^fed  i6Bj/4j}rAtffemt 
fnemn U  jrihgtsdcr  oHc'rtbro$¥ne.  14.  TheE^hrMtes  ktl  Oreb  4nd  Zeb, 

r'Tp  H  E  RF  o  R  E   lerobaal ,  which  is  alfo  Gedeon,  ryfing 

X    in  the  night,  and  al  the  people  with  him,  came  to  the 

fountaine  tlutis  called  Harad.  and  the  campe  of  Maoi^n  was 

T  t  c  in  the 


J30  IvDGEs.  Gcdeon. 

inthcvalley  on  the  North  fide  of  the  high  hil.  -f  And  our  i 
Lord  faid  to  Gedeon  :  There  is  much  people  -with  thee,  nei- 
ther (hal  Ma#ian  be  dehuered  into  their  hand  :  left  Ifrael 
glorie  againft  n-e,  and  fay  :  By  mync  ownc  force  I  am  dehue- 
red. t  Speake  to  the  people,  and  proclamc  in  al  their  hea-  5 
ring:  He  that  is  fearful  and  timorous,  let  him  returne.  And 
they  departed  ftom  mount  Gaiaad,  and  there  returned  two 
and  twentie  thoufand  men,  and  onlie  ten  thoufand  remained . 
-j-  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Gedeon  :  Yet  there  is  a  great  multi-  4 
tude.Icade  them  to  the  waters,  and  there  1  wil  proue  them: 
and  of  whom  I  shal  tel  thee  that  he  goe  with  thee,  let  him 
goc:  whom  I  shal  forbid  to  goe,  let  him  returne.  f  And  when  y 
the  people  were  come  downe  to  the  waters,  our  Lord  (aid  to 
Gedeon  :  They  that  ihallappe  the  water  with  their  tongues, 
as  dogges  are  wont  to  lappe,  thou  fhalt  feparate  them  aparr  :• 
but  they  that  (hal  drinke  bowing  downe  their  knees,  ftal  be 
on  the  other  part,  t  The  number  therforc  of  them  that  had  6 
lapped  wattcr,  their  hand  cafting  it  ro  their  mouth,  was  three 
hundred  men  :  and  al  the  reft  of  the  multitude  htd  drunck 
kneeling,  f  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Gedeon  ;   In  the  rliree   7 
hundredmen,thatlapped  water,  Iwildeliuer  you,  and  gene' 
Madianin  thy  hand  :  but  letal  the  reft  of  [he  nsulrirude  re- 
turne into  their  place,  t  Taking  therforc  vidiuals  and  trum-  f? 
peites  according  to  the  number,  al  the  reft  of  the  multitude 
he  commanded  todepart  to  their  tabernacles  :  and  him  feiie 
with  the  three  hundred  gauc  him  felfe  to  the  battel.  And  the 
campc  of  Madian  was  beneath  in  the  valley,  f  The  fame  9 
night  our  Lord  faid  to  him :  Arife,  and  goe  downe  into  the 
campc  :  bccaufe  I  hauedcliuered them  into  thy  hand,  f  But  10 
if  thou  be  afraid  to  goe  alone ,  let  Phara  thy  fetuant  goe 
downe  with  thee,  f  And  when  thou  shalt  heare  what  they   11 
fpeake,  then  shal  thy  handcs  be  ftrengthncd,  and  thou  shale 
goe  downe  more  fecure  to  the  enemies  campe.  He  therforc 
went  downe  and  Phara  his  feruant  into  part  of  the  campe, 
where  the  watch  was  of  men  in  armcJ.  f  But  Madian  and  ix 
Amalec,  and  al  the  Eaft  peoples  lay  fcattercd  in  the  valley,  ^s a 
multitude  of  locuftcs:  their  camels  alfo  were  innumerable,as 
thefand  thatlicrhin  the  fea shore,  f  And  when  Gedeon  was  15. 
jrObfcruatJoft  come,  one  told  his  neighbour  ••  a  dreame:  Sc  in  this  manner  he 
ofdrcamcsis     reported  that  which  he  had  (eene:  Law  a  dreame,  &c  there  ie- 
Vd^itufl  i^r  "^^^  ^o  ^^c  *5  it  were  a  harth  loafe  of  barlic  to  roll,  &  to  come 

into  the 

Gcdeon.  Ivdges.  551 

into  the  campc  of  Madian  :  and  when  it  ▼»$  come  ro  the  ta-  '^'  »'•  P'*"-  it 
bernaclcjirftiokcit,  and  ouerthrew  it,  and  beate  it  al  flattc  >•«o•7<tj^«^e^ 

14  vich  the  earth  .  -f  He  to  whom  he  fpake  ,  an(wercd:  This  piacci,it  is  e- 
is  no  other  thing  ,    but  the  {word  of  Gcdeon  the   fonnc  uiHent.God 
of  loas  the  manof  Ifrael.  For  the  Lord  bath  dcliuered  Ma-  vouldiiauc 

ij  dian  into  his  handes  ,    and  al  their  campe .   f    And  when  ^"'J^^^"' 
Gcdeon  had  heard  the  dreame,  and  the  interpretation  therof,  g^^  "^"^ 
he  adored;  and  turned  to  the  campe  of  ffraeJ,  and  faid  :  Arilc 
ye,  for  our  Lord  hath  deiiuercd  the  campe  of  Madianinto  our 

16  handes.  f  And  he  diuided  the  three  hundred  men  into  three  .-rThcfc  thia- 
partcs  ,  and  gaue  thcm_.  trumpettes  in  their  handes,  and  gcswcre  ridi- 
••emptic  pitchers, and  lampes  in  the  middesof  their  pitchers.  culous(ra!ctk 

17  t  And  he  faid  ro  them  ;  What  you  shal  fee  me  doe,  that  doc  ^^5""*»«/5io 
ye  :  I  wil  enter  into  part  of  the  campe,and  that  which  I  shal  if  they  had  not 

18  doefolowyou.  f  When  the  trumpet  shal  found  in  my  hand,  bene  terrible 
doe  you  alfo  found  and  crie  together  round  about  the  campe :  'o  t*'c  cnt- 

19  To  our  Lord  ''■  andtoGedcon.  f  And  Gedeonwent  in,  and  "i"*^^^  ^ 
the  three  hundred  that  were  with  him,into  part  of  the  campe,  rogation  to' 
the  watch  of  midnight  beginning,  and  raydngvp  the  watch  God,  thatho- 
menthey  began  to  found  with  their  •*  trumpettes ,  and  to  nourisalfoge 

20  clappc  the  pitchers  one  againft  an  other,  t  And  when  they  "CHtohiifcr- 
lounded  in  three  places  round  about  the  campe,  and  had  ::Trumpctei 
brokenthepitchers,  they  held  the  lampesin  thcleft  handes,  fignificdprca- 
and  with  the  right  chey  founded  the  trumpettes,  and  cried:  chers  of 

21  Th#fword  of  our  Lord  and  of  Gcdeon :  f  ftanding  eucric  f^wfth^bo. 
one  in  his  place  round  about  the  enemies  campe.  Thcrfore  dic$ofMarty- 
thc  whole  campe  was  trubled,and  crying  out  and  howling  res,  3c  lampe* 

ii  they  fled:  f  and  the  three  hundred  men  ncuertheles  per-  their vcrtties 
iifted  founding  with  the  trumpettes.  And  our  Lord  fent  in  an«l  ""laclcs. 
the  (word  in  al  the  campe,  and  they  murdered  one  an  other,  ,„7»i»f.c.V. 

15  f  fleeing  as  farre  as  Bethfetta,  and  the  brinke  of  Abelmehula 
inTebbath.  But  the  men  of  Ifrael  of  NephthaH,  and  Afer 
shoutting  together  ,  and  al  ManalTes  purfe>»'ed  Madian.*  . 

14  t  And  Gcdeon  fcnt  mcflengers  into  al  mount  Ephraim  , 
faying  :  Come  downe  to  mcetc  Madian, and  take  the  waters 
before  them  to  Bethbera  and  lordan.  Andal  Ephraim  shou* 
ted  ,  and  tooke  the  waters  before  them  and   lordan  rnto 

1;  Bethbera.t  And  two  men  that  were  apprehended  of  Madian, 
Oreb,andZeb:  OrebhcflewinthcRockc  ofOreb,  Zeb  in 
thePreflcofZeb.  And  they  purfewcd  Madian,  carying  the 
heades  of  Oreb  and  Zcb  to  Gcdeon  beyond  the  ftrcames 
of  lordan.  Ttti  Chap.  ^ -^ 

f^t  Iv  D  G  E  s .  Gcdeoni 

Chap.     VIII. 

The  Ephr^imites  jUdrelin^  heeaufe  they  leere  not  tiUtd  to  the  warres^dtef  dei- 
fied by  Gedeon.  4.  The  men  of  Soccoth  dnd  phanuel  denying  yifluals  for 
theeampeyGedeon  {inthe meant time{iot)  ouerthrowmg the enemie )  ly. 
renengeth  their  reprechful contempt,  18.  k.illeth  Sebee  and  Salmana.ii.  re- 
fufeth  dominhny  14.  hut  receiueth  m  Agtft^  the  ltn>ds  taken  tn  the  fraye» 
17.  m^k'fh  therofan  Ephody^huh  turneth  to  the  ruine  of  hit  familte,  30. 
ffauingfeuentie  fonnis hy  h'u! Tomes y  and  one  by  4  concubine ^  dtetb m  good 
old  ag^,  3).  snd  the  people  fal  againe  to  iddlatrtc,  . 


N  D  the  men  of  Ephiraim  faid  to  him  :  What  is  this  that  t 
thou  didft  meane  to  doe,  that  thou  wouldcft  not  cal  vs 
vhen  thou  didft  goe  to  fight  againft  Madian?  chyding  bitterly 
and  almoft  offering  violence  .   f  To  whom  he  anfvercd :  & 
?.'A  foftanrocer  "  What  could  I  haue  done  like  to  that,  which  you  haue  done, 
brcakethtn-   Is  not  the  clufter  of  Ephraim  better  then  the  vintages  of 
r"'  k  ft'*^     I,  Abiezer  ?  f  Into  your  handes  hath  our  Lord  dcliuered  the  5 
^ohvkZl    ?^^^^^^  Oreband  Zeb,what  could  I  hauedone 

JJ-.  '    the  like  as  you  haue  done?  which  vrhen  he  had  fpoken,  their 

fpirit  rcfted,  wherwith  they  did  fwel  againft  him.  f  And  4 
when  Gedcon  was  come  to  lordan,  he  paued  ouer  it  with  thcT 
thrcehundredmen,  that  were  with  him;  and  for  wearines, 
they  could  not  purfew  them  that  fled.  -J"  And  he  faid  to  the  5  . 
men  of  Soccoth  :  Gcue,  Ibefeechyou,bread  to  the  people, 
thatiswithmc,  becaufe  they  arc  vcric  faint:  that  we%iay 
purfew  Zebce,  and  SaJmana  the  kinges  of  Madian.  -f  The    6 
princes  of  Soccoth  anfwcrcdtPcraduenture  the  palmes  of  the 
handes  of  Zebec  and  Salmanaare  in  thy  hand,&  therrore  thou 
rcquireftthatwcgeue  bread  to  ihyarraic.  f  To  'S'hom  he  7- 
laid  :  When  our  Lord  therfore  shal  haue  deliucred  Zebce  and 
Salmana  into  my  handes,  I  wil  teare  your  flesh  with  the 
thornes ,  and  briers  of  the  defert .  f  And  going  vp  from  8  . 
thence,  he  came  into  Phanuel;  and  he  fpake  to  the  men  of 
fhat  place  the  like  thingcs.  To  whom  they  alfo  anfwered, 
as  the  men  of  Soccoth  had  anfwcred.  f  He  faid  therfore  to  9 
them  alfo  .-when  I  shal  be  returned  conquerour  in  peace, 
I  wil  deftroy  this  towrc.  f  But  Zebee  and  Sahnana  rcfted  10 
withal  their  armic.  For  fiftene  thoufand  men  were  remay- 
ning  of  al  the  troupes  of  the  Eaftpeoples,  an  hundred  and 
twentie  thoufand  fighting  men  and  tho£c  that  drew  fword, 
being  fiaync.  t  And  Gedeon  going  vp  by  the  way  of  them,  n 


Gcdeon.  Ivdges.  535 

that  dwelt  in  tabernacles,  on  the  Eaft  fide  of  Nobc  ,  and 

Icgbaa,  ftroke  the  campe  of  the  enemies,  vhich  were  fecure, 

II  andfufpedtcdnomifchancc.  f  -And  Zebec  and  Saln^ana  fled, 

xfhamGedeonpurfeMring  apprehended,  al  their hofte  being 

13  put  out  of  aray  .   f  And  returning  from  the  battel  before 

li).  funneryfing,  f  hetookeaboy  of  the  menof  Soccoth:  and 

he  asked  him  the  names  of  the  princes  and  ancientes  of  Soc- 

15  coth,  and  hedcfcribed  feuenrie  feucn  men.  f  And  he  came 
toSoccoth,  and  {aid  to  them:  Behold  Zebce,  and  Salmana 
concerniHgwhom  youvpbraided  me,  faying;  Peraduenturc 
the  handcs  of  Zcbec  and  Salmana  are  in  thy  handes,  and 
therfote  thou  defireft  that  \re  geue  bread  to  the  men  that  bc- 

16  \fearic,and  are  fainte.  f  He  tooketherfore  the  ancientes  of 
thccitie,  and  thornes  and  briers  of  the  defeitj  and  tore  them 
vith  the  fame,  and  cut  the  men  of  Soccoth  into  pieces  . 

17  t  Thctower  alfo  of  Phanuel  he  ouerthrew, killing  the  inha- 
iS  birantesof  thecitie.  f  And  he  faid  to  Zebee  and  Salmana: 

"What  manner ofmen  "were  they,  Nrhomyou  flew  in  Thabor? 
who  an{\)parcd :  Like  vnto  thee,  and  one  of  them  as  it  vrere  ..  Zc\>te  and 
29  thcfonne  of  a  king,  f  To  whom  he  anfwcred:  They  were  Salmana  were 
mv  brethren,  thefonnes  of  my  mother.  Our  Lord  liueth,  that  not  ofanic  of 

20  if'youhadfauedihem,  ::  I  wouldnotkil  you.  f  And  he  faid  ^^^^^^^J^^"^' 
to  lether  his eldeft  fonne :  Arife,  and kil  them.  Who  drew  not  q^'^ commau° 
outhisfword:  for  he  was  afraid,  becaufc  he  was  yet  a  boy.  dcd  to  deftroy 

21  t  And  Zebee  and  Salmana  faid:  Doe  thou  rife,  and  runne  andthcrforc 
vpon  vs :  becaufc  acording  to  his  age  is  the  ilrcngth  of  a  man.  ^^^1°^ 
Gedeonrofcvp, and  flew  Zebce  and  Salmana:  and  he  tooke  ™!^^  j^j^^jj 
theornamentesandbofles,  wherwith  the  neckes  of  kingcs  iiucs,if  he 

21  camelsare  wonrto  be  adorned,  -f  And  al  the  men  of  Ifrael  would. 

faidtoGedeon:  "  Rule  thou  oucrvs,  and  thy  fonne,  and  thy  •"•  Kingcs  may 
fonnes  fonne  :bccaufe  thou  haft  deliuered  vs  from  the  hand  ^°j\"^^„'[*^^^^ 

23  of  Madian.  f  To  whom  he  faid  :  I  wil  not  rule  ouer  you,  to  the  law: 
neither  shal  my  fonne  rule  ouer  you,  but  our  Lord  shal  rule  but  ludgcs  & 

24  ouer  you.  f  And  he  faid  to  them:  One  petition  I  requcft  of  Dukes  may 
you;  Geuemctheearlettes  of  your  prayc.  For  the  Ifmalites  °"'\*j^°*^', 

1;  were accuftomed  to  haue golden  earlcctes.  f  '^^^^^^^^^^^'h^^stf.i^K'^z 
we  wil  geue  them  moft  willingly.  And  fpreading  a  mantel  8. 
on  the  ground,  they  caft  on  it  the  earlettes  of  the  praye: 

16  t  and  thcweightofthecarlettesthathedefired,  wasathou- 
fand  fiue  hundred  ficles  of  gold,  befides  the  ornamentes,  and 
icvels,  and  purple  vefturc,  which  thekinges  of  Madian  were 

T 1 1  3  wons 


T34  I V  D  G  E  s.  Abimclcch. 

vonctovfc,  and  bcfides  the' golden  chaincsof  the  camels, 
•f  AndGedconmadc  rherof  an  Ephod,  and  putitinhisciric  17 
Ephra.  And  al  Ifrael  did  fornicate  in  ir,  and  it  became  a  ruinc 
toGcdeonand  toal  hishoufe.  f  But  Madian  was  humbled  18 
before  the  children  of  Ifrael,  neither  could  they  any  more  life 
vp  rhcir  neckes  :  but  the  land  rcfted  for  fourtic^  yearcs  , 
vhenn  Gedeon  ruled,  t  lerobaalcherforc  thcronncof  loas  29 
vent,  and  dwelt  in  his  ovrnc  hoofe:  f  and  he  had  feuentie  }o 
fonnes,  which  came  our  of  his  rhigh.becaufe  he  had  manie 
::Hls  hand-    '«'iucs.  f  And  his  .":  concubine,  Vhich  he  had  in  Sichem,  51 
maidcotfcr-   bare  him  a  fonne  named  Abimelcc.  f  And  Gedeon  the  fonne  51 

ToTte^^ol^r  °^  ^^^^  '^*^*^ '"  ^  S^^'^  ^^'^  ^S^'  ^  ^^^  ^""^^  ^"  ^^^  fepulchre 
fuchVonras  ^^  ^^^  fdther  in  Ephra  of  the  famihe  of  Ezri.  f  But  afterthat  ^ 
had  not  the      Gideon  was  dead,  the  children  of  Ifrael  were  auerted,  and  did 
priuilcdge  of  fornicate  with  Baalim.  And  they  made  a  couenant  with  B«.al, 
a  vifc.  as  Gen.  that  he  should  be  their  God:  f  neither  did  they  remember  our  54 
ij.  y.  4.  j^Q^j  jj^^jj,  Qq^^  ^hich  deliuered  them  out  of  the  handes  of  al 

their  enemies  roundabout:  f  neither  did  they  mercicvith  55 
the  hdufe  of  Icrobaal  Gedeon,  according  toal  the  bencfites 
that  he  had  done  to  Ifrael. 

Chap.     TX. 

,y€htmelech  Gedeons  cenmhins  fonne  killeih  his  brethreti^  7.  onliethejfon^efi 

efcdpethfO'h  apAnhle  exfo^uUteth  the  inmrie  donne  t9  hit  fathers  houfe. 

15.  shortly  the  Sichemites  detefl  ^y^imelecb.  iG.  Gddl  con/psreth  dguinji 

htm,  hut  it  ouercome.  ;o.  Ft/tdUj  ^himdech  k  "Wounded  to  death  hjf  d 

::Thisfoti«c      A    N  d    "  Abimelech  the  fonne  of  Icrobaal  went  into   i 
ofGcdconby   xJL  Sichem  to  his  mothers  brethren  and  fpake  to  them, 
hisfcruantprcand  to  al  the  kinred  of  the  houfe  of  his  mothers  father  , 
fi(Tur-<^Anti-   faying.  ^  Speake  to  al  the  men  of  Sichem :  whether  is  better  1 

thrift  ■«' no  Vf'il  r  i     ^  r  i     •         t        •    •  i     r 

PiO-cutethc  '^'^y<^">t"*t'fe"enrie  men  hauc  dominion  ouer  you  al  the 
ChwrcHand  foiines  of  Terobaal,  or  that  one  man  hauc  dominion  ouer 
rei<Tnefora  J^u  ?  and  wirhalconfider  that  I  am  your  bone,and  your  flcfh. 
while  -'^"f^"  t  And  his  mothers  brethren  {pake  of  him  to  at  the  men  of  5 
'idho'^cd  S^*"  Sichem,  al  rhcfc  v;  ordcs,and  inclined  their  hartes  after  Abi- 
BcUV.e.qqin  ™^ifch,  faying:  He  is  our  brother,  f  And  they  gaue  him  fc-  4 
imdie^  uentie  weight  of  (iluer  out  of  the  temple  of  Baalberit.  Who 

hyrcdthcre-aith  vnto  him  felf  ncedic  men  and  vagaboundes, 
and  they  folowed  him.  f  And  he  came  into  his  fathers  houfe  y 
in  Ephra,  and  murdered  hi^  brethren  the  fonncs  of  Icrobaal 


an  vfurpcr.  Ivdgei.  551 

feucntie men, vpon one ftone rand  there  remayncd  loatham 

6  the  youngeft(onneofIcrobaal,and  was  hifide,  +  Andalrhe 

men  of  Sichem  afl'emblcd  together  al  che  hmilif  s  of  the  chic  :■  "^rue  pafto- 
of  Mcllo:  and  rhey  went  &  made  Abimclech  king,  bcddc  the  ^"  mthc  time 

7  oke,  that  flood  in  Sichem.  t  Which  being  told  ro  loatham,  ^^i^^nf/ 
he  went,  -and  fboode  in  the  toppe  of  nioiint  Garizim  .  and  ^jouch  the 
lifting  vp  his  voice  ,  he  cried,  and  faid :  Heare  me  ye  men  tnnkandthc 

8  ofSichcm,fo  as  God  may  heare  you.  t  "  The  trees  went  to  rigluot  the 
'  ^  Church. 

anomre  a  king  ouer  them  :  and  they  faid  to  the  ••  ohue  tree:  -  !l^   /    . 

n  °       ,    ^,ri       I  r  1      ^       T    r      /   »  r        :  Ovk Tpiritu 

Rcigneouer VS.  f  Which  aniwered;  Can!  forlake  my  ^^^-  ^\\y  {{rrmdeti. 
ncs,  which  both  goddcs  do  vfe,  and  men,  and  come  to  bcthcqrjceof 


g^  "      '        '  '  '  '         '  /' 

ID  promoted   among  the  trees?  f   And  the  trees  faid  to  the  the  Hohc 


..   "  figgc  trec:Come,  and  takethckingdomeoucr  VS.  f  Which  Ghoit, 

aniwered  them:  Can  I  forfake  my  Tweetenes,  and  my  moft  ^'^^^** 

.  ■'  -'  encc  in  mens 

fweeterruitcs,andgo  ro  be  promoted  among  the  other  trees?  foulcs  rowar- 

li  t  And  the  trees  fpake  to  the  '-'  vine ;  Come,  and  reigne  ouer  dcs  God. 

1}  v».  f  which  anfwercd  them;  Can  I  forfake  my  wine,  that  r;Thcivctncs 

chereth  God  and  men,&:  be  promoted  among  theotl^cr  trees?  °^^°  I 
jAii  ri..    LL  r-  1-  producing 

14  t  And  the  trees  laid  ro- the  *  rhamnus :  Come,  and  reigne  i.^^^  workes. 

15  ouer  vs.  f  Who  anfwered  them  :  If  in  decAc  yoii  make  me  .-.Contcmtiblc 
your  king,  Come,  and  reft  vnder  my  fhadow:  but  if  you  in  outward 
meaneit  not,  let  there  fyre  ilTue  forth  of  the  rhamnus,  and  ^ew.butbrm- 

16  deuourethecedersof  Libanus.  t  Now  therfore,if  youhaue  ^\"f,.  °ir„i* 

1        J      •  L         r  •        J   A)  •       !      Li  •  quourotmcr- 

wel,  and  without  Imneappointcd  Abimclech  king  oier  you,  uclnus  force; 

and  hauc  dealt  wcl  with  lerobaal,  and  with  his  houfe,  and  whichforreof 

hauc  rcquitred  him  the  like  for  his  bencfires,  who  fought  ■workcsGodii 

17  for  you,  t  and  put  his  life  in  daneers,  thathemieht  dehucr  "^o"°chgh- 
z8  you  from  the  hand  or  Madinn,  -f  wno  now  are  men  agamlt  sndmcnmoft 

my  fathers  houfe,  and  haue  killed  his  fonnes  feucnric  men  acmire.rA/.Sy 
vpon  one  (lone, and  haue  made  Abimclech  the  fonnc  of  his  ••••  The  rham- 
handmaide  king  ouer  the  inhabitantcsof  Sichem,  becaufe  he  ""*  ^gn'fietl* 
15  is  your  brother  .  -f  If  therforc  you  haue  dealt  wel,  and  vrich-  bkiousmen!" 
out  fault  with  lerobaal.  and  his  houfe,  rcioyle  this  day  in 

10  Abimclech,  and  reioyle  he  in  yon.  f  Butiivniu(^ly  :  let  there 
fyreifTue  forth  from  him, and  conlume  the  inhabirantcs  of 
Sichem  ,  and  towne  of  Mclio :  and  let  there  fire  goe  forth 
from  the  men  of  Sichem,  and  from  the  towr)e  of  Mello,  and 

11  deuouic  Abimclech.  f  Which  thinges  when  he  had  (aid,  he 
fled,  and  went  into  Bcra:  and  dwelt  there  for  feare  of  Abi- 

11  mclcchhisbrother.t  Abimclech  thcrforercignedouetlfrael..  q^^  j^^i^ 
15  three  ycarcs.  f  And  our  Lord  fenc  -  a  veric  euil  fpirit  betwen  iuggcft  only , 


J5<^  IvDGEs.  Abimelcc. 

good  cogiMti.  Abimclechandthc  inhabicantesof  Sichem :  Vho  bcgsn  to 
of  crnflunw   '^^fcft^^"^*  t  and  rolay  thcwickedncs  of  the  murdering  of  24 
intheVche-     ^^^  fcuentie  fonnes  of  lerobaal,  and  the  (heading  of  their 
»"i£c8,forrheir  bloud  vpon  Abimeiech  their  brother,and  vpon  the  red  of  the 
ingratitude      princes  of  the  Sichimites,  that  had  holpen  him.  -f  And  they  ij 
jovt'ardes  Gc-  fctte  anambuihment  againft  him  on  the  toppc  of  the  moun- 
deonandfor     twines:  and  whiles  they  tarycd  for  his  coming,  they  com- 
c^^l    mur-     "^^"^cl  robberies,  taking prayesofthemthatpailed  by :  and  it 
dcr  of  his        Was  told  Abimeiech.  f  And  Gaal  the  fonnc  of  Obcdcamc  16 
fonnes.  wher-  with  his  brethcn,  and  paffed  into  Sichem.  At  whofc  coming 
«ponthe)rb.-   the inhabitantes  of  Sichem  taking  courage,  f  iiTued  forth  27 
ganc  todcceft  jj^j.^  ^j^^  fieldes ,  waftina  the  vineyardes ,  and  treading  the 
Abimelccand,  j        i       ■  ^  ■         r        r    ■  •  u 

fo  hatred        gr''»pcs ;  and  gathermg  companies  of  muhcions  went  into  the 

fre-w  bctwen   temple  of  their  god,  and  in  their  bankettes  and  cuppes  curfed 
im  &  them  ,  Abimeiech,  f  Gaal  thefonne  of  Obed crying:  "Who  is  A*bi-  28 
vhich  is  a       melcch,  and  what  is  Sichem,  that  we  fliould  ferue  him  ?  I«  he 
iTte^bai  thc'k  ^^^  ^^^  fonneof  lerobaal,  and  hath  made  Zebul  his  feruanc 
fbrmer  finnc,    P"nce  ouer  the  men  of  Emor  the  father  of  Sichem  ?  Why  then 
not  God,  was  »hal  we  ferue  him  ?  f  would  God  that  fome  man  would  geue  25 
thccaufether-  this  people  vnder  my  hand,  that  I  might  take  Abimeiech  out 
o  .s.^u^.q,     of  the^ay.  And  fome  faid  to  Abimeiech  .-  Gather  together  a»  - 
multitude  ofanarmie,  and  come,  f  For  Zebul  the  prince  ot  30 
the  citie,  hearing  the  wordes  of  Gaal  the  fonnc  of  Obed,  was 
very  wrath,  f  and  fent  meffengcrs  fecretely  to  Abimeiech,  31 
faying  :  Behold,  Gaal  the  fonne  of  Obed  is  come  into  Sichem 
with  his  brcrbren,andrayrerhthe  citie  againft  thee  f  Atifc  3Z 
thcrfore  in  the  night  with  the  people,  that  is  with  thee,  and 
lie  hidde  in  the  field;  f  and  berimes  inthe  morning  at  funnc  3J 
ryfing,  iette  vpon  the  citie.  And  when  he  ilTueth  forth  a- 
gainft  thee  with  his  pcople,do  to  him  what  thou  (halt  be  able. 
t  Abimeiech  thcrfore  arofe  with  al  his  armie  in  the  night, and  54 
hide  ambufliemenres  Hereto  Sichem  in  fourc  places,  f  And  3; 
Gaal  the  fonne  of  Obed  went  forth,  &:  ftoode  in  the  entrance 
of  the  gate  of  the  citie.  And  Abimeiech  rofe,  and  al  his  armie 
withhimfrom  the  place  of  the  ambuflimentcs.  f  And  when  36 
Gaal  had  feene  the  people,  he  faid  to  Zebul :  Behold  a  multi- 
tude comethdowne  from  the  mountaiiies.  To  whom  he  an- 
fwered  :  Thou  fcefl:  the  (hadowcs  of  the  mounraines  as  it 
wereheadesofmen,  and  with  this  errour  thou  art  dcc:iued. 
f  Againe  Gaal  faid:  Behold  there  Cometh  downe  people  from  37 
chenaueiof  the  land,  and  one  trouppc  cometh  by  the  way, 


Gcdcon.  IvDGES.  f57 

38  that  lookcth  to  the  oke.  f  To  whomZebulfaid :  Where  is 

now  thy  mouth,  whcrwith  thoudidft  fpeake  >  "Who  is  Abi- 

mclecji  that  ntc  (hould  (cruc  him  ?  Is  not  this  the  pcoplcj) 

which  thou  didft  dcfpife?  Goc  forth,  and  fight  againit  him, 

J5)  t  Gaal  thcrforojp-ent,  the  people  of  the  Sichimitcs  looking 

40  on,  and  fought  agj.inft  Abimelech,  f  who  purfewcd  him 
fleeing,  and  driue  him  into  the  citic:  and  there  were  flaine 

41  of  his  part  manic ,  vnto^the  gateiof  the  citie;  f  and  Abi- 
melech late  in  Ruma  :  but  Zebul  expelled  Gaal  ,  and  his 
companions  out  of  the  citie,  neither  did  he  fuiFcr  them  to 

41  abide  in  it.  f  Therfore  the  day  folowing  the  people  wenc 

45  forth  into  the  field.  Which  being  told  to  AbimeLch,  f  he 
tooke  his  armie,  and  diuidcd  it  into  three  troupes,  fetting 
ambuihracntes  in  the  fieldes.  And  feeing  that  the  people  came 

44  out  of  the  citie,  he  arofe,  &c  fet  vpon  them  f  with  his  ownc 
troupe, oppugning  and  befieging  the  citie:  and  two  troupes 

4J  fcattcred  through  the  field  purfcwed  the  aduerfaries.  f  More- 
oucr  Abimelech  al  that  day  oppugned  the  citie:  which  he 
tooke,  &  killed  the  inhabitantes  therof,  and  deftroyed  it,  Co 

j^6  that  he  ••  fowed  fait  in  it.  t  "Which  when  they  had  heard  ,,p 

that  dwelt  in  the  towre  of  Sichem,  they  entered  into  the  ieucngche 
temple  of  thsir  god  Berith,  where  they  had  made  a  couenant  fowed  the  ci- 
with  him,  and  therof  the  place  had  taken  his  name,  which  tie  with  fahc, 

47  wasexccdingwclfenfed.  f  Abimelech  alfo  hearing  that  the  '^"'^^h jn^lccth 

48  men  of  the  rowre  of  Sichem  were  gathered  together,  f  he  f^„  j-j^^^j  ' 
went  vp  inro  mount Sclmon withal  his  people:  and  taking  ly.mUb.ittdH. 
an  axe,  he  cut  of  the  bough  of  a  tree,  and  laying  it  on  his 

Ihoulder  &c  carying  it,  he  faid  to  his  companions:That  which 

49  you  fee  me  do,  doe  ye  out  of  iiand,  -j-  They  therfore  cut- 
ting of  boughes  from  the  trees,  eucrie  man  as  fall:  as  he  could, 
folowed  rhcir  captaine.  Who  compaflingche  forte  burnt  it: 
and  fo  it  came  to  paife,  that  with  the  fmokeand  the  fyrea 
thoufandperfons  were  fliine,  men  and  wemen  together,  of 

$0  tfie  inhabitantes  of  the  towre  of  Sichem.  f  And  Abimelech 
departing  thence  came  to  the  towne  of  Thebes,  which  com- 

ji  pafunghebeficgcdvfith  his  armie.  f  And  tlicre  was  in  the 
middesof  the  citie  an  high  towre,  to  the  which  were  fled 
both  men  and  wemen  together,  and  al  the  princes  of  the 
citio,  the  gate  being  lliut  very  flrongly  ,  and  they  ftari- 
ding  vpon  the  barlcmenteso  f  the  towre  by  the  bul^xarkes. 

51  t  And  Abimelech  coming  ncre  the  towre,  fought  manfully  : 

V  V  V  and 

53^  IvDSES.  Thola. 

and  approching  to  the  doorc,  endeuoured  to  put  fire  vnder  it: 
t  and  behold  one  woman  calling  from  abouc  a  pcece  of  a  ;j 
-Euclsfiial     milftone  ,  -  dalhcd  it  againft  the  head  of  Abimcleeh  ,  and 
^''h'^^I  w  Te- ^^^^^  ^'^  braync.  f  '^^ho  called  by  and  by  his  efqurc,  and  54 
fitaSion^faL  ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ' ^^^^ °^^ ^^7 f'^'ord, and ftrikc  me :  left  perhaps 
3J9,       '        itbcfaid  that  I  -was  flaineofawoman.  "Who  doing  as  he  was 

commanded  fle\r  him.  -j-  And  \rhcn  he  was  dead,  al  that  55 
vcre  with  him  of  Ifrael,  returned  into  their  fcates;  f  and  j^ 
Godrepaycdthe  cuil,  that  Abimelcch  had  done  againft  his 
father,  killing  his  feuentie  brethren,  -f  The  Sichemites  were  57 
alfo  rewarded  for  that  which  they  had  wrought,  and  the 
curfe of  loatham  the  lonncof  lerobaal  came  vpon  them. 

Chap.   IX. 

^.  J  8.     Thttreru>e'ftt9,7nnoi>rtal^Hg.]   According  to  tLc  hiAoricIoatham  Ge- 

vng  2  u  pco  jgQjjj  youngcft  fnnnc,  by  a  parablciuftly  crpoftuljtcth  thciniurledonnc  by 
4  '  .  ^-  ,  '  ihcSichcmitcstohisfarliershoufciniprcferringa  bafcbound  vt'omans  fonns, 
^  1^^  °  ^"  awdcrucllyraurderiflg  the  rcftofhiifonncs:  who  with  much  traacl,»nd  manic 
*»c    cs.  dangeriol  h3SG-*'nch-fc,  had  dcliucrcdthcmfrom  fcruitudc.  But  in  thf  fpiri^ 

tualfcnfc,  which  (as.tlijc  ancient  fathers  note)  is  chiefly  Intended,  TdoUters  and 
Infadcis  pro-  Heretikcs  ate  rcproucd,  who  rather  accept  of  vniuft  vCuipeis,  that  wil  fcruc 
aiotc  vricked  their  Ucentious  appetites,  and  manrainc  vice  and  wickedncs,  then  to  be  ruled 
tnenroaucho.  by  iuft  and  lawful  Superiors,  appointed  by  Gods  ordinance,  indued  with  grace 
■^■itiCi  ofthcHolicGhoft  (fignificdby  tbr  o'tue  trfey)  (ucha«  bring  forth  whoUbmc 

fwetc  Terrucs  riignificd  bjthrjig^etree;)  and  are  replenifhcd  with  admirable  for- 
Abimcicch  a  tirudc  Tfignififd  by.the  vine  tree  •)  and  in  their  places  fet  Tp  bafc,  ambitious, 
figure  of  An-  cracHandcrabbcdfpifireSjfignifiedby  the  bramble,  orbrerc.  Thus  Nemrod, 
«ichiift.  Abimelcch,  M'ahomcr,  and  innumerable  othet  tyranres  hauc  bcnncaduanced, 

&  efpecially  Antichiift.*/'<»/  be  extoEfd.i.bout  althat  m  caU.ei  Go d, or tf  ■yy»>shif'peii,  and  l.TheJf, 

flial  moft  cruelly  pcrrecutcalChatboliqucs,  that  wil  notconformc  them  (clues  1. 

tohisprocedings.  But  in  fine  (as  here  is  prefigured  >n  Abimelcch  )  j<»e  ./j*/ r»/« 

a^atHJi  this  bramble ^n]ichrift,  4nd  shaldenotirehun a»d albif  together.  S.  Bcda.g^. 

i»-ltb.  I»dic.  c.  6. 

Chap.    X. 

I'hoU  rulcth  in  Ip--deltX\rentit  three  yedres.  5.  lair  twentie  two,  6.  Theftoplt 
fsl Aratne to fdsl4me,a,  e af/iiffed hy  the  Phiti/himes,4nd  Ammonites, 
10.  the)  crie  to  G^d  for  helpe^  ^ho  btddeth  them  cal  for  helpe  to  the 
^odie$  whom  thij  ha'.t^"  fern^ed.  \6.  Lm  crym^  fltl  to  Ged,  and  throrvtn^ 
4VP1)'  thetr  tdolti,  b'  hath  ccmpajSion  of  them. 

AFter  Abimelech  there  arofe  Ruler  in  IfraclThcIa  the  i 
fenncof  Phiiathevncleof  Abimelcc4i,a  man  of  lila-. 
«;hac,wh)chd,vckinSamirofnaountEphraim:  landiudged  i. 


IvDG£S.  yj^ 

Ifrael  three  and  tventie  yeircs,  and  dirdand  ^aras  biiricd  in 

;  Samir.  f  After  him  fucccdcd  lair  the  Galaadite,  who  iudged 

4  Kracl  for  two  and  twcntie  ycarcs,  t  hauing  thirtic  fonncs  fit- 
ting vpon  thirtie  alfc  cokes,  &  princes  of  rhirtic  cities,>x'hich 
of  his  name  were  called  Hauoch  lair,  that  isy  the  tovrnes 

J  of  Iair,vntil  this  prefentday  in  the  Land  of  Galaad.  f  And 
lair  died  •,   and  was  buried  in  the  place./,  which  is  called 

6  Camon.  f  But  the  children  of  IfracI  ioyning  new  finnes  to. 
their  old,  did  cuil  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  5c  if  rued  the  Idols, 
Baalim  and  Aftaroih,  &  the  goddcs  of  Syiia  and  of  Sidon  and 
of  Moab  and  of  tie  children  of  Ammon  and  of  the  Philift- 

7  himcs  :  and  they  Icfr  our  Lord, and  did  nor  feruc  him.  -f  A- 
gainft  whom  our  Lord  being  wrath,  deliuered  them  into  :hc 
handes  of  the  Philifthijms  and  of  the  children  of  Ammon. 

5  t  -A^d  they  were  afflided,  and  fore  oprciTcd  for  eightcnc 
ycares ,  al  that  dwelt  beyond  Jordan  in  the  Land  of  the 

J)  Amotrheitc,  which  is  in  Galaad  :  -j-  in  (o  much,  that  the  chil- 
dren of  Ammon  palling  ouer  Iordan»  wafted  ludas  and  Benia* 

10  min  and  Ephraira:  and  Krael  was  affiided  exceedingly,  -j-  And 
crying  to  our  Lord,  theyfaid:  Wehaue  finned  to  thee,  be- 
caufe  we  haue  foriakcn  our  Lord  God  <Sc  haue  ferucd  Baalim. 

11  t  To  vchomour  Lord  fpakccHaue  not  the  ^gjrptiaiis  and 
the  Ammorrheitcs,and  the  children  of  Ammon  and  the  Phi- 

11  lillhijms,  t  the  Sidonians  alfo  and  Amalech  and  Chanaan 
opprelTed  you,  &  youcried  tome,  and  1  deliuered  you  our  of 

ij  their  hand?  f  And  yet  you  haue  forfaken  me,  and  haue  wor- 
fi-.ipped  ftrange  goddes :  therforc  I  wil  not  adde  to  deiiuer 

14  you  any  more  :  f  goe  and  inuocatethc  goddes  which  you 
hauechofen:  let  rhera  deiiuer  you  in  the  tim.c  of  diflreffc. 

15  f  And,the  children  of  Ifrad  (aid  to  our  Lord:  We  haue  finned, 
-  tender  to  vs  whatfocucrpleafeth  thee  :  only  now  deiiuer  vs. 

16  t  In  faying  which  thinj;es,  ••  they  ihrcw  away  out  of  their, 
coaftesalthe  idols  of  flrangc  goddcs,  and  (erued  our  Lord  ''^  °^-"=f^e 

17  God:  who  forowed  for  their  miferics.  |  Thciforethechil- »tli:t«r</,  W 
dren  of  Amnion  crying  together  pircht  their  rentes  in  Ga-  b-jc  hctha* 
laad:  againll  whom  the  children  of  IfracI  being  adcmbled  «^oththcwil 

i8  camped  in  Mafpha.  f  And  the  princes  of  Galaad  (aid  eueric  lj^°^'^^' 
one  totheir  neighbours  :  ^'uo  of  vs  shal  firft  beginne  to    '*  ''^' 
fight  againtV  the  children  of  Aramon,  fhal  be  the  duk^  of  the 
people  of  Galaad. 

Vv7  ^  Chaf, 

H®  IvDGEs.  lephte, 

Chap.     XI. 

JejfhtereieBedhy  hU  hrethrem^is  intre^ted  by  the  dncientei  ©/  GaUdd  to  re- 
turnedndfi^htforthimd^ainj}  the  Ammonites, \t. '^ith'^hemhe fafi 
fleddeth  the  catife of  ifrdtlby  iuji  reafoniy  16.  dndlon^  prefcriftion.  But 
they perftfiing obfiindtty  he  ( 50.  inconffderatly  "yowin^)  51,  overthrow- 
eth  them,  34.  andfacrtficeth  his  onlie  daughter. 

THer  E  wasatthattimelcphtethe  GaUadireamoftva-  I 
liant  man  and  a  v/arner,  the  fonnc  of  a  woman  that  was 
jrThehcbrew  ■•an  harlot,  who  was  borne  of  Galaad.  f  And  Galaad  had  a  z 
w  or  A  :^nah     wife  of  whom  he  had  fonnes :  who  after  they  wcre  gtowen, 
figrifieth  a!fo  ^^^  q^j.  lept^tg^  fiyine:  Thou  canfl:  not  be  heyrc  in  the  boufe 
an  in  t'*pfr»         r        r    1          1  r      1  1  r  \  . 

-       ^^  of  our  father,  becaule  thou  art  borne  or  an  orhsr  mother. 

t  whom  he  fleeing  and  auoyding,  dwelt  in  the  Land  of  Tob:  j 

and  there  were  gathered  to  him  needie  raen,and  theeuiib,and 

folowcdhimasrheir  prince,  f  In  thofedayes  the  children  of  4 

.  Aminon  fought  againll  I  rael.  -f-  who  prefllng  fore vpon  them,  j 

the  ancienres  of  Galaad  w«nt  to  takelephte  lOut  of  the  Land 

of  Tob  to  helpe  them:  f  and  they  faicd  to  him :  Come  and  be    6 

our  prince,  and  fight  againft  the  children  of  Ammon.  f  To  7 

whom  he  anfwered:  Are  not  you  they  that  hated  me,  and  ca'ft 

„.  ,      ,    J    me  out  of  my  fathers  heufe,  and  now  are  come  to  me  forced 
t:li  they  had    ,  ,r  •       ,     ,     ,    ,  :  r^  1      «  /-  •  1       ,      «        ,^       « 

notconcuried  by  necellitic.  f  And  the  princes  orGalaad  laid  to  Icphte;  For  S 

tohisexpuiti-  thiscaufe  be  we  now  ••  come  to  thee,  that  thoa  goe  forth 
on,  it  misrht  \yith.  vs,  and  fight  againft  the  children  of  Ammon,  and  be  the 
Kauefufficcd  captainc of  ahhatdwelHn  Galaad.  f  lephtealfo  faid  to  them:  9 
for  him  butin  ^^  y^^^  ^^  come  CO  mc  fincerly,  that  I  fliould  fight  for  you 
thiscalcthc  againfl;  the  children  of  Ammon,  and  if  our  Lord  dcliuer  them 
ancieHtes  iud-  ioto  my  handes,  (hal  I  be  your  princeJ  f  Who  anfwered  him:  le 
gedicineete  q^jj.  Lord  which  hearctn  thefe  thinges,  him  fclfeis  mcdia- 
'ogoe  "  pc  j.Q^j-  gj^j  witnes  that  we'  wil  doe  as  we  hauc  promifed  . 
Ion,  and  to  in  1       r  11  •  r  .r^   ^       ^         ^     \ 

treat  him.  So     t  lephte  therroce  went  with  the  princes  or  Galaad,  and  al  \i 

Chnftwas  re-  trc  people  made  him  their  prince.  And  Icphte  fpakeal  liis 
jeftedbyihe     vf'ordes  before  our  Lord  in  Mafph:i.  f  And  he  /enr  mefien-  it 
ewes, an   re-     ^^^  to  the  kint^of  the  children  of  Ammon,  which  should 
liunctbnotto  c?      .     ,  .  <      ^        t        •    1  111  1 

ihcmtilinthc  lay  in  bis  perlon  :  Whatis  bctwen  mc  and  thee,  that  thou  art 

end  of  the       come  againft  me,  to  waft  my  Land?  I  To  whom  he  anfwered:  15 

world  they       Becaufc  Ifrael  tooke  my  land,  when  he  afcended  out  of  JE- 

^    1!^^         wypt,  from  thccoaftsof  Arnonvnto  labocand  lordan:  now 
vntohim.  .?.       ^/^  r  .1  A  I      /-  ,  r.         I  »      1 

^nr.  a   A.),  in  '  hfi' ore  With  peace  relrorc  the  lame  tome,  f  By  whom  Icphtc  14 

■h^diC'foflmedtil.  againe  lent 'QP'ord,  and  Commanded  them  th^t  they  should  fay 

.  50  the 

ItC.  IVD!GES.  J4» 

ij  tothekingof  Annraon;  f  Thus  Uyth  lephtc:  Ifracldid  not 

take  the  Land  of  Moab,  nor  the  Land  of  the  children  of  Am- 
1(5  men:  -f  but  when  they  afcendcd  out  of  /Egypt,  he  talked 

through  the  defertvnro  the  Rcadiea,  and  came  into  Cades. 

17  I  And  hefentmeirengcrs  to  the  king  of  Edom,  faying  :  Suf- 
fer me  that  I  may  palle  through  thy  land.  Who  would  not 
condefcend  to  his  requeftes.Hc'fent  aHo  to  the  king  of  Moab, 
-who  alfo  him  felfe  contemned  to  geue  pafiage  .  He  abode 

18  therfore  in  Cades,  -f*  and  compalled  the  Land  oi^  Edomatthe 
fide,  and  the  land  of  Moab  :  and  came  againft  the  Eaft  quarter 
of  the  Land  of  Moab,  and  camped  beyond  Arnon:  neither 
Msrould  he  enter  the  boundes  of  Moab  :  for  Arnon  is  the  bor- 

19  derof  ihc  Landof  Moab.  f  Ifrael  therfore  fent  meiltrngersto 

Sehon  the  kirg  of  the  Ammorrhei'es,  who  dwelt  in  Hele-  ,.jnti,eopU 
bon,and  rhey  (aid  ^o  him;  Suffer  me  topafTe  thrcugh  thy  land  nionof  infi- 

20  vntorheriuer.  f  Who  al(o  him  felfedefpifing  the  wordesof  dels,  it  fcracd 
llrael,  fufFcred  him  not  to  paffe  through  his  borders  :  but  ga-  that  they  pof- 
thering  an  infinite  multitadc  went  forth  againft  him  into  ^-'b^thc 

ii  Lifa,  andrefifted  ftrongiy.  f  Andour  Lord  dcliucred  him  into  Kelpcoffalfc 

thehandesoflfrael  with  a!hisarmie,andhe  ftrokehim,  and  goddes.andfo 

poGrGiTcdal  the  Land  of  the  Ammorrheire  the  inhabiter  of  they  thought 

11  thatcounrric,  t  and  al  the  coaftestherof  from  Arnon  vnto  l^^™- ^n""/.** 
ti  e/-L  I  J  Ti  j.i-»TJL         haueiuft  title. 

15  laboCj&from  the  wiiderne*  vnto  lordan.  t  Our  Lord  ther-  Much  more 

fore  the  God  of  Ifrael  lubuerted  the  Amorrheite,  his  people  iuftisthc  titU 

of  Ifrael  fightingagainft  him,  and  wilt  thou  now  poflcffe  his  whcnGodaU 

24  land?  t  Are  not  thofe  thinges  which  "  Chamos  thy  God  pof  mighty  gc- 
fefled,  dew  to  thee  by  rioht?  But  the  thinges  that  our  Lord  "r^„!!,„,,-ft 
God  hath  obtcyncdconquerour,shal  come  to  our  pofletiion  :  s.jiug.  5.48. 

25  •{•  vnlefle  perhaps  rhou  be  better  then  Balac  the  fonne  of  Se-  iniudtc. 
phor  thekingof  Moab  ;  or  canfl: shew,  that  he  wrangled  a-  •  Hcargueth -^ 

iG  gainfl  Ifrael,  and  fought  againft  him, -f  when  he  dwelt  in  He-  ^po"P'^^'^^*P, 
lebon,and  thelitletownes  therof,and  in  Aroer,and  the  tow-  yearcs  being 
nes  therof,  or  in  al  the  cities  nrre  lordan,  for  ••  three  hundred  nerc  Co  much. 
yeares.Wherfore  hauc  you  fo  long  attempted  nothing;  for  re-  for  there  Avan- 

27  claime?  +  Therfore  I  doc  not  fmne  againft  th«e,  but  rhou  ^^^  <"t:ethir. 
I      n.        1         •    rt  I  •  -^  n  Vv       »        1  tie.-bcingfrom 

doelteuuagainltme,  denouncmgmevniult  warres  Our  Lord  j^g  conque(t 

be  iudge  the  arbiter  of  this  day  bctwen  Ifrael, and  b^rwen  the  raadcby  Moy- 

28  children  of  Ammon.  f  And  the  king  of  the  children  of  resfKww.zi.) 
Ammon  would  not  harkcn'o  the  wordes  of  Icphte,  which  ^'' the  nmc 

29  hcffnthimby  themeflengers.  -f  Therfore  the  fpiriteofour  bou^t^irc*" 
Lord  carae  vpon  lephtc,  and  circuiting  Galaad,and  ManalTes,  y cares, 

Vvv  3  Mafpha 

^4^  I  V  D  C  E  S.  IcpIltC. 

Mafphaalfo  of  Galaad,  and  thence  palling  ro  the  chilJfn  of 
Ainrnon,  -f  he  vo>jrecI  avow  to  our  Lord,  faying:  If  thou  30 
\viic  dcliuer  the  children  of  Animon-»  in:o   my  handes  , 
y.Thhyovr      |  ::  whofoeuer  Oial  fitft  come  forth  oat  of  the  dootesof  my  u 
foifhcia*'       noiue,  and  shal  mcctc  me  returning  xruh  peace  from  the 
fniD'dacAi  to    children  of  Ammon.him  Mtil  I  offer  an  holocanlle  to  our  Lord. 
offcruianor     f  And  Icphte  palfcd  to  the  children  oF  Anmon,  to  fight  51 
womanirtU-    agamffc  them:  whom  our  Lord  dehuercd  into  his  handes. 
T  io^Di«ril'  ^  ^""^  ^^  ftroke  from    Aroer  til  thou  come  to  Mennith  ,35 
^.ji.  *  t^e»i"cciries,tndasfarreas  Abel,  which  is  fette  with  vine- 

yardes ,  with  a  very  great  plague,  and  the  children  of  Amnion 
were  humbled  by  the  children  onirael    f  Buclephrererur-  34 
ninginto  Mafphato  his  houfe,  his  onlie  begotten  daughter 
roette  him  with  tymbrels  and  daunccs.  for  he  had  not  other 
children,  f  Whom  when  he  faw  ,  he  rent  his  garmentes,  55 
anJfaid:  Wo  is  me  my  daughter  thou  haft  decciued  me,  and 
thy  Cslf  art  deceiucd  :  fori  haue  opened  my  mouth  to  our 
Lord ,  and  I  Can  doe  no  other  thing,  f  To  whom  fljc  an-  5^ 
fwercd:  My  father,  if  thou  haft  opened  thy  mouth  to  our 
Lord^do  vnto  me  whatfocuer  thou  haft  promifed,  the  re- 
venge and  vidorieof  thyne  enemies  being  granted  to  thee." 
t  And  (hefaid  to  her  father:  This  only  graunt  me  which  I  37 
dcfirc:  Suffer  me  that  two  monethes  I  may  goe  about  the 
^-InthtoM      mouniainessand  "  bcwaylcmy  rirginitie  with  my  felowes. 
tcihmentma-  f  To  whom  he  anfwcred :  Goe.  And  he  difmifTed  hcrtwo  58 
mgewasor-     nionerhes.  And  when  she  was  gone  with  her  fcIowcs  and 
ferredbcforc    ^<^'"P^"'o*"»  ^hc  mourned  her  virginiticinthe  mountaines. 
fijiglehfebut    t  And  the  two  monethes  being  expired,   (he  returned  to  39 
iiithcncw,  it  her  father,  and  he^'  did  to  her  as  he  had  vowed,  who  knew 
is hcti,r  'o       not  man.  Tnence  forth  a  h(hioam  I{raei,and  a  cuftome  was 
j'ccrT^T  V  ^''?^'  "f"  ^^^"  ^^^^-  thecompafTeofa  yearc  the  daughters  of  49  . 
■   *   ■■^  *  Iiraela(rmb!c  together,  and  mourne  thcdaughtcr  of  lephte 
tae  ualaadite  fouredjyes. 


C  H  A  P.       X  I. 

^p.  DiJtohcrtishehai-vavved.]  Whether  IcpKtc  did  wcl  of  no  in  facrificing  his 

dja(,>htcr,!riuiogyo«i'cdco  offcrin  ("aciificc  Vf  hofoeiSer(or  whatfocucr)  Qioald 

fir!^  mete  him  rctuining  Wxth  viAorie,3«it  hapcncd  (he  did,  isagreatacd  bard 

,         ^         quei"Hon,r,iieth  S.Au«i;iiil:in(g.  49. !«/»/». /*»</»£•  )and  noteaftly  decided, the  holic 

lephteofl-rn-    fcM^rurcnLMrticrapproiung  nor  rep  rouin^  hit  faANcucrthclcs  by  conference 

<lcdinvowjng  of  otheikripcurcsAaddiicoucTc  of  xeafon,hc  iudjjeth  u  jmoft,fiob»Wc  that 


htc.  IvDGEs.  5'45 

Icphte  offendfd  in  roving  virhoutlpccialvjiran^ from  GoJ, to facrjfice,  thar  vnJifcrerlr; 
whichby  tfeclav  wwnotracrificabkiveifiHncdnprin  peiforming  hiJvov,but  Biitnnt  in  per 
lather  pacified  God  thcrby,  vhofc  wiluiemcd  lobc,  rhat  foi  punifhmcntof  formicghij 
his  {Jnnchc(Koaldfacrificchi»dAugh:tr,  bccaufcbj'  Lis  diuuieprouidencc  flic  vow  as  anci-  ' 
firft  metteHim  ;  and  the  omiflionirigfat  rather  h.  ue  benncfor  his  natural  louc  en t fathers 
towards  hif  onlic  child*,  then  torthe  vnlawfulncsofchefacrifice  .-fcingitonce  thinkemora 
plcafcd  God  to  command  Abraham  to  iRimoiate  hislonnc  liaac,  though  when  probable, 
it  came  to  execution,  heforbade  thcfamejappointmr  aaoiherhol'tein  pijceof 
the  childc,  which  here  he  did  not.  Nclthei  was  u  inmrious  to  the  daughter, 
feing  (he,  as  al  mankinde,  muft  once  die  when  God  appoirjteth.  Yea  further 
fheofFcred  her felf  freely  (which  fcmed  to  be  by  Gods  inftira)  willing  her  ^"^^S""*«- 
father  to  do  to  her  whatfocuerbe  hadproiri'.c d  ro  God.  ^  hh  [%  the  lumrnc  of 
5  .  Auouftins  large  difcourlc.  Likewifc  5    /mbrole  f  /;.  5.  dt  offuns  c.  11.  ) 
fuppofethaiTuredly  that  this  prince  Icphre  eife  ncic  din  rowing  vuaduifedly,  for  S.Ambrofc. 
iiaKoiepcntedhim,  whcnhis  daughter  fir('  mfttc  hiiij  :  yet  tliat  '^iih  go dlie 
/f<T»ed»i/<^)M</f  he  performcdto  hisownebittcr  paine  chat  which  he  had  pro- 
mifedMBftjtutingananniucrfaiic  lamentation  ofhi'sdaughrcr,  for  a  warning  to 
poucritieofmorecircumrpeition  in  making  fowci.S.  Hicrotaairo('».  i  adutrf. 
joHtnian.)  approucth  their  opinion  that  f^y  :  It  vas  Gods  ordiniincc  Icphtc  S-Hlerooi. 
fhould  fccic  the  errour  of  his  vnaduifcd  row,  by  the  dearh  of  his  dauj^hter,  for 
a  documentto  others. The  vcryfamc  rcacheth  S.  Chtifoftom,  [ho.  li^.ad  pop. 
^ntioch.)  that  God  would  haueth's  errour  to  be  thus  punilhed,  that  ethers        , 
might  be  warned  from  vowing  the  like  S.Gtcgoirc  Naziazen  {orat.deMatha-  S.Chryioilom. 
fc'H)  preferring  the  martyrdomcef  the  feuen  biothcrs  and  their  mother,  be- 
for  this  ("acrificc  of  lephte  amort  Mdnred,  and  m</r9  hentfabU,  yet  condemncih  ^-  Gtegoric 
not  this,  bat  recounteth  it  amongft  other  commendable  ade».  Thcodorct  Nrzianzea. 
(<].  i<>./»7K^»f. )  *"dal  the  afore faid father*  do  highly  commend  thcdaugh-  Ihcodcteto 
ters  promptncsinoffetinghcr  fclf  tobc  factificcd  ,,  which  either  much  txtc- 
nuai:cdherfjthtr$  fault,  of  wholly  iuftificd  his  fiCt.  Thus  theaneient  bthcrs 
moderate  their  cenfuresYcta  new  glodcr  of  the  tn«li(h  Bible  without(eiuple 
fayethjthatby  hisiafti  yxi'^,andyyhl(edpnf»'m4nctliuyic}oiM^-vas  drfaad;  and  ^''^'^cflantg 
^'     agairie,  thathe  wasouercomeTT*</>/j/m<^:^W»,ife«e«;//f  i«(i»jwk>.ther  the  row  ceniurc. 
was  lawful  or  no. 

Chap.    XII. 

E^hraiies  fifing  dgAinJi  lepLte,  foitrtietwo  thouJanJ  0/  th'm  dnJIdioe.Z* 
^efan  li  Inig:.  11.  ^fur  him  ^idon  1  j.  Tkm  yivcion. 

1  "O  V'^  behold  in  Ephraira  thcreaTofcafcdition.  For  rhey 
Xjpndingagainft  the  North,  faid  to  Icphtc:  Going  to  fight 
againft  the  children  of  Ammon,  why  vouldft  thou  not  cal 
vs,  that  vc  might  goe  virh  rii^c  ?  Therfore  we '<»il  biirnc  thy 

z  hou'c.  t  Towhomhcaniwcrtd:  I  and  ray  people  vcre  at  ''T^''''  ''/fr 
great  ftrife  againft  the  children  of  Ammon :  and  I  called  you,  ^adangeVtru- 

5   that  you  should  aydcme,and  you  would  not  doe  it.  ■}-  Which,  i^ing  to  Gods 
f  feeing  ••  putmy  life  inmync  owne  handes,  and  paflcd  to  hclpe&mrn 
the  children  of  Ammon,  and  our  Lord  dcliucrcd  them  into  °T"*^  handes, 

my  handes.  hauel  dcfcrucd,  that  you  rife  ap,ain  ft  me  in^^u"l^not"r= 
4  battel.  \  Thcrforc  al  the  men  of  Galaad  being  called  ro  him,  fia  mc. 

he  fought 

J44  IvDGES.  Abefan.  Aialon- AbdoR, 

he  fought  againft  Ephraim  :  and  the  men  of  Galaad  ftrokc 
;.lcplitc being  EphraitTUi,   bccaufe  he  had  faid:  ••  Galaad  is  a  fugitiuc  of 
^'^b^T^r     Ephraim,  and  dwclieth  in  the  middcs  of  Ephraim  and  Ma- 
phraitcscn-'    "*^^^S'  t  And  the  Galaaditcs  tooke  thefordes  of  lordan,  by  J 
uicdhiigloricthe  which  Ephraim  was  to  returne.  And  when  there  had 
andcalumni-    come  to  the  fame  one  of  the  number  of  Ephraim,  fleeing, and 
Th^l^t hfandhit  ^^"^  ^"^*'^'  ^  befcchyouletraepaire:  The  Galaaditcs  bid  to 
foHovi/e*s     '*  '^''^*  ^''^  ^^°^  ^'^^  *"  Ephraiic?  "Who  faying:  I  am  not :  f  they  ^ 
veccfugitmcs-'isk^'^  him:  Say  then  Schibboleth,  which  is  interpreted  an 
(o  raifeda       Earc  of  corne.  Who  anfwered,Sibbolcth,  not  being  able  by 
tuinulcc  to      the  fame  letter  to  exprelFc,  an  care  of  corne.  And  immethatly 
jj^j"°*'^^       being  apprehended  they  killed  him  in  the  very  pafTage  of 
lordan  .  And  there  fel  at  that  time  of  Ephraim  two  and  four= 
tiethoufand,  f  Therfore  Icphte  theGalaadireiudged  Ifrael  7 
fixyeares :  and  he  died,  and  was  buried  in  his  citieof  Gafaid. 
I  After  hira  AbcfanofBethlchetniudged  Ifrael:  f  who  had  8  9 
thirtic  fonnes ,  and  as  manie  daughters,  which  he  fending    ,. 
abrodc,  gaue  to  huibandes,  and  tooke  wiues  for  his  fonnes  of 
the  fame  number,brmging  them  into  hishoufc.  Whoiudgcd 
Ifrael  fcuenyeares;  f  and  died  and  was  buried  in  Bethlehem,   i® 
f  To  whom  (acceeded  Ahialon  aZabuloniterandheiudgcd  11 
Ifrael  ten  yeares:  f  and  he  died  and  was  buried  in  Zabulon.  it 
t  After  him  Abloniudged  Ifrael,  the  fonne  of  Illel  a  Phara-  15 
thonite:  f  who  hvid  fourtic  fonnes,  and  of  them  thirtie  nc-  14 
phewes,  mounting  vpou  feuentieafTc  coltes,  and  he  iuJged  v-^ 

Ifrael  eight  yearts:  t  and  he  died,  and  was  buried  in,Phara-  ij        '     ** 
thonof  the  Land  of  Eohroiim,in  the  mount  of  Amalec. 

'  Chap.  XIII. 
The  people  faltiTyiineto  idoUtrie  and  are  affltfled  by  the  Phihftbims. ;.  ^» 
i/Cn^el  fortcUi'tb  MartH'i  hlf'^tfst  that  she  shai  haue  4  fonne,  And  that  he 
shai  be  A  NoiU.reitefrom  his  btrth.  1 1,  confirmeth  the  fame  to  Munue.  i6. 
They  offer  fucnficeH  Cod.  14.  The  chtlde  is  heme,  called  SAmfon^  and 
yieffcdof  God,  .    .   '     ■   .     .  ■ 

Nd  againe  the  children  d^riffia  diH'eiiH  ifi'thcTig^ht  d  f  i 
our  Lord  :  who  deliuercd  them  into  the  handcs  of  the 
Phihllhitlicsfourne yeares.  t  Andthcre  was  a  certaine  man  1 
of  Saraa,  and  of  the  ftocke  of  Dan,  named  Manue,  hauing  a 
wifehafireti.  f  To  whom  an  Artgel  of  our  Lord  appeared,  3 
andfiidtoher  :  Thou  art  barren  iand  without  children:  bnc 
thou  ihaltconceiue  &bcstrcafonne:  t  beware  therfore  that  4 



Samfon.  Ivdges.  HT 

thou  "  drinkc  not  wine  &  ficcr,  nor  catc  any  vnclcanc  thing; ::  AbAinence 
;  t  bccaufcthouiTialtconceiucindbearcafonnCjvhofchcadn^Y/^^^Yll^^^^^^ 
the  rafcr  flial  not  touch:  forhe  flialbca  Nazareiteof  God,  ^j^*J'|"jJ"f^^ 
-  -  •:  from  his  infancie  ,  and  from  his  mothers  wombc,  and  he  butalfofrom 
•  (balbcginne  todcUucrlfraclfrom  the  handes  of  the  Phili- wincandfidct 

6  frijmcs.  \  Who  when  ihe  was  come  to  her  hulband-jfaid  to  ^»saprcpara- 
him:  A  man  of  God  came  ro  roc,  hauing  an  AngeHcalcon- "°.y^®^^J*^ 
tcnance,  exceeding  terrible.  Whom  when  I  had  asked,  who  fl-,ouldab- 
he  vras,  and  whence  he  came,  and  by  what  name  he  was  cal-  ftaincfrom 

7  led,  he  would  nor  tel  me:  -f  but  this  he  anfwered  :  Behold  thcmalhis 
thou  shalrconceiue  and  bearcafonne  :  beware  thou  drinke  |^/^ 

net  wine,  nor  ficcr,  and  that  thou  eatc  not  any  vncieane  zerijes^bfcr- 
thing:  for  the  child  shal  be  the  Nazercireof  God  fromhis  ucdsapref- 
inFancie,and  from  his  mothers  wombe  vntii  the  day  of  his  cripte  rule  of 

8  death.  •\  Manuc  thcrforc  prayed  to  our  Lord,  and  faid :  I  abftinencc  fw 
bcfech  thee  6  Lord,  that  the  man  of  God,  whom  thou  didft '!"'"«;,°P'j^  , 
lend,  may  come-agame,  and  teach  vs  what  we  ougnt  to  doe  san^^-on^jj^j^ 

9  concerning  the  child,  that  shal  be  borne,  f  And  our  Lord  life;  r$a more 
heard  Manue  praying,  and  the  Angel  of  our  Lord  appeared  perfcdl  figure 
againe  to  his  wife  fitting  in  the  field,  but  Manue  her  hufband      thrift. 

lo  was  not  with  her.  Who  when  flie  had  feenc  the  Angel,  f  ha- 
ftencd,andrannc  to  herhufband:  and  she  told  him,  faying: 
Behold  "  the  man  hath  appeared  to  me,  whom  I  favv  before. 

II  t  who  rofcjand  folowed  his  wife:  and  comraing  to  the  man, 
faid  to  him:  Art  thou  he  that  didft  fpeakc  to  the  wornin./? 

II  And  he  anfwcrcd  :  I  am.  j-  To  whom  Manue, when, fayd  he,  =■  Manue  ta- 
thy  word  shal  be  fulfilled,  what  wilt  thou  that  the  child  doe  \    ^^f^^^l^^{^^ 

15  or  from  whit  shal  he  kccpe  him  fclf  ?  f  And  the  Angel  of  pr^pj^gje  juj^. 
our  Lord  faid  to  Manue :  From  al  thinges,  which  I  haue  fpo-  iy  thought  he 

14  ken  to  thy  wife,  lethim  rcfrainehimfelf:  t  ^nd  whatfoeuer  ^ou'i^oot  ad- 
gfowc'  h  of  the  vineyard,  let  him  not  eate  :  wine  and  ficer  let  "^"^^^'"of  <^o- 
himnotdrmke,  let  him  not  eate  any  vncieane  thing:  and  ^^j^^  but  that 
whatfoeuer  I  haue  commanded  her,  let  him  fulfil  and  kcepe.  \57as7avful. 

15  I  And  Manue  faid  to  the  Angel  of  our  Lord  :  1  befcch  thee  And  Co  did  as 
that  thou  condefcend  to  my  petitions,  and  let  vs  '•'•  make  to  ^^':  ^"Sjl  ^P* 

iG  theeakiddcof  goares .  f  To  whom  the  Angel  anfwcrcd  :  If  ['h'o"giihcwas 
thou  conftrainc  me,  I  wil  not  catcthy  breade  :  but  if  thou  nopricft,  nor 
wilt  make  holocauft,  offer  it  to  our  Lord.  And  Manue  knew  the  place  pro- 

27   not  that  it  was  an  Angel  of  our  Lord .  -j-  And  he  faid  to  him  :  F*^"^  ^°  facnfi- 

X«^hatis  thy  name,  that,  if  thy  word  shal  be  fulfilled,  we  may  !*^'     j-^    ■^•'^^' 
I  .T'l  I  r  1  T  i/,t^   traordmanc 

iS  honour  thee?  7  To  whom  he  anlwercd  :  Why  askeft  thoa  difpcnfation, 

Wwv  mynamc;, 

S4^  IvDGES.  Samfon, 

my  name,  which  is  meiueilous  ?  f  Manaetherfore  tooke  a  19 
kiddc  of  the  goatcs,  and  the  libamcntes,  and  put  them  vpon 
a  rocke,ofFcring  to  out  Lord,  who  doeth  meruclous  thinges : 
andheandhis  wife  Jooked  on.    f   And  when  the  flame  of  io 
the  altar  afcendcd  into  hcauen,  the  Angel  of  our  Lord  afcen- 
dcd  together  in  the  flame.  Which  vrhenManuc  and  his  wife 
had  Ceenc^  they  fel  flatre  on  the  ground  ,  f  and  the  Angel  of  ii 
our  Lord  appeared  to  them  no  more.  And  forthwith  Minuc 
vnderftood  that  it  was  an  Angel  of  our  Lord,  f  and  he  faid  to  iz 
.vThoughMa- his  wife:  Dying  we  Oial  die,  bccaule  we  haue  feenc  -  God. 
Buefawnot     f  To  whom  his  wifc  anfwered  :  If  our  Lord  would  haue  kil-  i| 
o^ne"crfon    '^^  ^^'  ^^^  would  not  haiic  taken  of  our  handcs  holocauftts 
yetfcing  him  ®"*^  libamentes,  neither  would  he  haue  shewed  vsal  thcfe 
in  his  mellcn-  thinges,nor  haue  told  vs  thefe  thinges  that  are  to  come.f  She  24 
^er  feared        therforc  bare  a  fonne,  and  called  lis  name  Samfon.  Ar\d  the 
**^*'^-.^-;^7?- child  grewc,  and  our  Lord  blclTcd  him.  t  And  the  Spirit  of  if 
"*  our  Lord   beganne  to  be  with  him  in  the  campc  qt  Dan 

betwixt  Saraa  and  Efthaol. 

Chap.     XIII. 

10.    The manhdth appeared.  ]  Al  .nncicntfathersansi CatKolique writers  fajr, 
Protcftantes     thiswasan  Angel,  which  appeared  in  the  forme  of  a  man,  anc^  it  isplaincby 
cither  contra- the  text.  Yet  feme  proteflantcswil  haue  this  pcrloa  to  be  Chrift,  ttye  eternal 
di£t  them-        T»T»ri^of  Gorf.  Who  afterwardesbccame  man.  Andneucrthcles  where  by  &  by  ^^^^^ 
fclueS:or  teach  ( v.  16,)  headmonifhcch  Manuc  to  offer  facrifice  to  God,  they  note  that  he  ^  ^^  , 
Arrianilmc.      Jhu^gln not  })fsoyvnehonourbinGods,-vyh9femej]'enn^er  he -vyas:  cither  plainly  con- 

tradi(5ling  themlclues,  or  els  teaching  ArrianifmCjas  though  the  Sonne  of  God 

were  not  God  j  or  infcriour  to  God  the  Father. 

Chap.  XII II. 
SAmfon  dfftroui  to  m^rrie  a,  PbUi(}hifne  wom^n  5.  by  the  '^Ay  kiHetha.  lion. 
S.  In  wbofe month  After  fevifdxye$,finiingheney,\i.  he  propsfeth  therof 
A  rUdleto  the  Phtltflhiimi  for*  ^'ager:  15.  which  rcHelmg  to  hU  Ttufe^ 
shetelleth  it  to  hk  adttcrf&nei.  19.  He  kilieth  and  J}oyletb  thirtie  mtK,  fe 
pAyeth  the  ypagcr :  4nd ha  '^ife  tAhsth  an  other  m*n, 

S  A  MS  ON    therforc  went  downc  into  Thamnarha,  and  i 
feeing  there  a  woman  of  the  daughters  of  the  Philifthims, 
t  he  went  vp,  and  told  his  father  and  his  mother,  faying:  I  i. 
faw  a  woman  in  Thamnatha  of  the  daughters  of  the  Phili- 
fthijms:  wliich  I  befcch  you  take  forme  to  wife,  t  To  whom  5 


Samfon.  Ivdges.  547 

his  father  and  mother  faid  :  ••  Is  there  not  avoraan  among 

\  the  daughters  of  thy  btetheren,  and  in  al  my  people,  that  ••It  va$ prohi- 

thouwiittakea  wife  of  the  PhiHfthijms,  which  are  vncir- ^^"'^(^'•'•7» 
cumcifed  ?  And  Samfon  faid  to  his  father :  Take  this  for  rac  .-  mVria^e'^hh 

4  becaufe  she  hath  plealed  mine  eyes,  t  But  his  parentesknev  the  Gentiles 
not  that  the  thing  was  done  of  our  Lord,  and  he  fought  an  but  Godfomc 
oceafionagainftthe  Philifthims.  for  at  that  time  the  PhiH-  times  difpcn- 

5  fthiims  had  dominion  ouer  Ifrael.  f  Samfon  thcrfore  '*'cnt  ^'^'^•^*^*^"j^" 
dovpne  with  his  father  and  mother  into  Tharanatha.  And  did".'^"     ^ 
^»'hen  they  were  comc_y  to  the  vineyardes  of  the  towne , 

there  appeared  a  hons  vrhelpecrael,  and  roaring,  and  metre 

6  him  .  f  And  the  Spirit  of  our  Lord  came  vpon  Samfon  , 
and  he  tore  the  hon,  as  if  he  (hould  tcare  a  kidde  into  peeces, 
hauing  nothing  at  ai  in  his  hand:  and  this  thing  he  would  not 

7  tel  to  his  father  and  mother,  f  And  he  went  dovrne  and 

8  fpake  to  the  woman,  that  had  pleafcd  his  eies.  f  And  after 
fome  dayes  returning  to  take  her,  he  went  afidc  to  fee  the 
carcafleof  the  lion,  and  behold  there  was  a  fwarmc  of  bees 

9  inthemourhofthelionandahoniccombc.  t 'W'hich  when 
he  had  taken  in  his  handes,  he  did  eate  in  the  way:  and  co- 
ming to  his  father  and  mother,  he  gaue  them  part,  who  alfo 
them  felucs  did  eate:  neither  would  he  for  al  that  tel  them, 
that  he  had  taken  the  honic  from  the  bodie  or  the  lioru . 

10  t  His  father  therforc  went  downc  to  the  woman,  and  made 
his  fonne  Sam(on  a  feaft .  for  fo  yong  men  were  accufto- 

II  mcd  to  doe.  f  When  the  citizens  therfore  of  that  place  had 
fecne  him ,  they  gaue  him  thirtie  companions  to  be  with 

12  him.  t  To  whom  Samfon  fpake:  Iwilpropofc  you  a  riddle, 
which  if  you  ihal  folue  me  within  the  feuen  dayes  of  the 
feaft,  I  wil  geue  you  thirtie  fmdoncs,  and  as  many  coates  : 

13  t  but  if  you  shal  not  be  able  to  foluc  it  ,  you  shal  geue 
me  thirtie  findones,  and  cotes  of  the  fame  number.  "Who 
anfweredhim  :  Propound  the  riddle,  that  we  may  heare  it. 

14  t  And  he  faid  to  them  :  Out  of  the  eater  came  forth  meatc, 
and  our  of  the  ftrong  iiTued  forth  fwectcnes.  neither  could 

15  they  for  three  dayes  folue  the  propofition.  t  And  when  the 
feuenth  day  Was  come,  they  faid  to  the  wife  of  Samfon : 
Spcaketothy  husband,and  vfe  perfwafion  to  him,  that  he 
tel  thee  what  the  riddle  fignifieth.  Which  thing  ''-  if  thou 

wilt  not  doe,  we  wil  burne  thee,  and  thy  fathers  houfc :  hauc  the^Jnldc  hct 
you  therforc  called  vs  to  the  bridal  that  you  might  fpovl^  vs  ?  bctu^'hcr  ^ 
Wwv  2  -j-  who 

fiuHjind:  and 
both  Her  and 
her  father. c^rf. 
jj.-v,  tf.foper- 
Church  dcale 
withfuch,  as 
or  of  fraikic 
ferue  their 

548  IvDGES.  Samfon, 

t  who  shed  teares  before  Samfon,  and  compUined  faying?  \6 

Thou  hateft  me,  andlouefl:  me  not:  therfore  the  problemc, 

which  thou  haft  propounded  to  the  fonncs  of  my  people, 

thou  wilt  not  expound  to  me.  But  he  aHfvvcred  :  I  would  not 

tel  it  to  my  father  and  mother  rand  can  I  ttl  it  to  iheer  |  The  17 

feuendaies  therfore  of  the  feaft  (he  wept  before  him:  andat 

the  length  the  feucnth  day  for  that   she  moleftcd  him  he 

expounded  it.  \f^ho  im.mediately  told  her  countrie  men_/ . 

f   And  they  told  k  him  the  feuenth  day  before  the  going   18 

downeof  the  funne:  "What  is  fweercr  then  honic,  and  what 

ftronger  then  a  lyon  ?  Who  faid  to  them :  If  you  had  not 

ploughed  with  my  hay  fer,  you  had  not  found  out  my  propo- 

firion.  t  The  Spirit  therfore  of  our  Lord  came  vpon  him,  19 

and  he  wentdownc  to  Afcalon,  and  ftroke  there  rhirtie  men, 

whofe  garmentes  being  taken  away  he  gaue  to  them, -that 

had  folacd  thcprobleme.  And  being  exceding  wrath  hevTeni 

vpinio  his  fj.tbers  hou(c:  |  but  his  wife  tookc  a  husband  2.0 

one  of  his  freindcs  and  bridal  companions. 

Chap.     XV. 

Sdmfon  tyingfirehrarJifi  tofoxss  tdylei  hurneth  the-  Philifthlim?  corne.%'.*hej 
burne  his  ^ife  A»d  ber  father,  8.  he  hedUth  thftn  dnd  hideth 
Hii  owne  coantrimcnto  ^et  feace  "^itkihe  vhlifthimes^  take  ank  imi 
hm,  fo  meaning  to  delmer  him.  14 .  bui  he  bre^ketb  the  cordes^  and  "^ith 
the  laW  bone  of  in  ajje  k^Ueth  4  tbou[aKdof  his  eifemies.  18.  ieing  exce- 
dmg  drie  ^is  refreshed  fpith'^dterf  from  the  tooth  of  ihtftmeutP, 


Nd  after  a  certainc  time,  when  the  daycsof  whcatc  i 
harucft  were  at  hand,  Samfon  came,  meaning  to  vifite 
his  wife,  and  he  brought  her  a  kiddc  of  goatcs.  And  when  he 
would  enter  into  her  chamber  as  he  was  wont,hcr  father  pro* 
hibited  him,  faying  :  f  T  thought  (hat  thou  hadll  hated  her,  x 
and  therfore  I  dcHuetcd  her  to  thy  frcind  ;  but  she  hath  a 
fifter ,  which  is  yonger  5c  fayrer  then  she,  let  this  be  thy  wife 
inftcadcof  her.  f  TowhomSamtoa  anrwcrcd;  From  this  3 
-Btin<T  uig-c  ^^v  thsrs  shal  be  no  fault  in  mc  again fahe  Philifthime$:  for  I 
oftL^'pcopk  wiidocyoucuils.  t  And  he  went,  and  '■■  caught  three  hun-  4 
hehad  helpc     <^rcd  foxes,  and  he  coupled  them  tayle  to  ti>le,  and  tycd  fyre- 
©f  others  to     ijj-andcsin  rhc  middcs:  f  which  kindling  with  fyrc,  he  let  j 
rlcs^whh'"^  them  goe,  that  they  might  runncabroadc  hither  and  thither, 
who  immediately  went  on  into  thccorneofthcPhiliUhimcs. 


Hettpj,  or  o- 

I.  IVDGES.  54^ 

which  being  fettc  on  fire,  both  the  cornc  no\r  caried  toge-  ihcr^'ifc^bc- 
ther,  and  that  which  yet  ftoodc  in  the  ftalke,  was  alburntjn  jnggrcatl^ore 
fo  much,  that  the  flame  confumed  the  vineyardcs  aUoand  J"^*^  at  coun- 

6  the  oliuetes.  f  And  the  Philifthijmcs  faid:  Who  harh  done 
this  thing  ?  To  whom  it  \ras  faid:  Sam{on  the  fonnc  in  la\r 
of  theThamnathate :  becaufc  he  tooke  his  wife,  and  gauc 
her  to  an  other,  he  hath  wrought  thefc  thinges.  And  the 
Phihfthims  went  vp,  and  burnt  both  the  woman  and  her  fa- 

7  ther.  -f  To  whom  Samfon  faid:  Although  you  haue  done 
thei'e thinges,  notwithftanding  yet  will  require  rcucnge  of 

8  you,  and  then  I  wil  reft,  f  And  he  ftroke  them  with  a  great 
plague,  fo  that  aftonied  they  laid  the  calfe  of  th?  leg  vpon  the 
thigh.  And  going  downe  he  dwelt  in  the  caue  of  the  rockc 

f)  Etam.  t  Therforc  the  Philifthijms  going  vp  into  the  Land  of 
luda  camped  in  the  place,  which  afterward  was  called  Lechi, 
that  is,  the  iawbone,  where  their  armie  was  fprcd  abrode. 

ID  -f  And  they  of  the  tribe  of  ludafaid  to  them;  Why  are  you 
come  vp  againft  vs  ?  Who  anfwered  :  That  we  may  bind  Sam- 
fon,we  are  come,  and  may  repay  him  the  thinges  that  he  hath 

M  wrought  againft  vs.  f  There  went  downe  rhcrfore  three 
thoufand  men  of  lada,  to  the  caiic  of  the  flint  Etam,  and  (aid 
to  Samfon  :  knowcft  not  thou  that  the  Philifthijms  reigne 
ouer  vs  ?  why  wouldeft  thou  doe  this  thing?  To  whom  he 

11  faid ;  As  they  did  to  rae  fo  haue  I  dene  to  rhem.  f  To  bind 
thee,  quoth  they,  wc  are  come  ,  and  to  dcHuer  thee  into 
thchandcs  of  thePhiliflhijms.  To  whom  Samfon:  Sweare, 

15  quoth  he,  &  promife  me  that  you  ki!  me  nor.  f  They  faid;  We 
wil  not  kil  thee,  but  wildcliucr  the  bound.  And  they  bound 
him  with  two  new  cordes,  and  tooke  him  from  the  rockc 

14  Etam.  t  Who  when  he  wss  come  to  the  place  of  the  lawe- 

boneandrhc  Philifthijms  shouting  were  come a^ainft him,  ■•.^"?^°'''°"* 

L     r    •   •       r  T       J  f  I  I  •  '^'  1         n        ■  miracJc  to  kil 

the  Spirit  Of  our  Lord  f  el  vpon  him.-  and  as  flax  is  wont  to  fo  manic  \fitli 

be  confumed  at  the  fauciirof  fyre,  fo  the  bandes  wherwith  fo  meane  a 

ij  he  was  bound,  were  diflipaced  and  loofed.  f  And  finding  v^'capon  with- 

a  iawe  bone,  to  wirtc ,  the  iawc  bone  of  an  aflc ,  which  ^"^'^^^'^r  hel- 

lav  there,  catching  it,  -  heflewc  therwitha  thoufand  men,  An°by"com- 

16  t  and  faid;  In  the  iawc  bone  of  an  allc  ,  in  the  iawc  of  the  mon  rcafbnas 
coltof  {heaffeshaucl  deftroyed  them,  and  haue  ftrooke  a  incredible,  a« 

17  thoufand  men  .  f  And  when  he  had  ended  thefe  wordcs  J^^^"'"/i"J'" 
finging.hc  threw  the  iaw  bone  out  of  his  hand,and  called  rh?  iholique  Rdd- 
naincof  that  pUcc  Ramathlechi,  which  is  interpreted  the  gioa, 

V  w  }  lifting 

5TO  IvDGEs.  Samfon, 

lifting  vp  of  the  iawbone.  f  And  being  very  thirftie,  he  i8 
::  It  wasagrca  cried  to  our  Lord,  and  faid:  Thou  haft  geuen  in  the  hand  of 
t"draw'^water  ^^^^  ^^ru^nt  this  very  great  faluation  and  vidtorie:  and  behold 
oucof  adiie  I  die  for  thrifl,  and  shal  fal  into  the  handes  of  the  vncircum- 
bonc.  then  out  cifed.  f  Our  Lord  thcrfore  ••  opened  a  great  tooth  in  the  19 
ofthc  earth  or  iawe  of  the  afre,&  there  iflued  out  of  it  waters,  which  being 
ftoncs;  but  al  drunke,  herefreOied  hisfpirir.and  receiued  ftrength  againe. 
things  arc        ^,       ,  1  r    1    ^    .  n     .    -^.    ^r      ^     . 

poiFible  to        ^  nertorc  the  name  ot  tliat  place  was  called  :  The  fountaine 

God,  which     of  him  that  inuocated  from  the  iawbonc,  vntil  this  prefcnt 
hcpleafcchto   day.  f  And  heiudgcd  L'raclm  the  daies  of  the  Phihfthijms  20 
*^°-  tventie  yearcs. 

Chap.  XVI. 
SamCon  tnuironed  in  <t  citie  tAkstb  aWmj  the  gates  y^mdciriith  them  on  his 
shottldrrs  into  a  mountame,  4.  Is  At  Uft  deceiued  by  DuliU,  zi  his  eyes 
f>i*touty  xnd  f earn  fully  dhufed.  16.  But  finttlly  Godrtj]-ortrig  his'fhenjrthy 
he/nktngtw&pfllers  the  boufe  falietb,  dttd  Wttb  himfelf,  kjUetb  three. 


*  or.  An 

E  went  alfo  into  Gaza,  and  faw  there  a  woman  that  i 
was*anharlor,  and  wentinvntohcr.  f  Which  when  2 
the  Phihfthiims  had  heard,  and  it  was  bruted  among  thcm,»        inketfer^ 
that  Samfon  was  entered  into  the  citie,  they  comparfed  him, 
keepers  being  fette  in  the  gate  of  the  citie:  and  there  al  the 
::Forfuclia^-  night  wayting  with  filence,  that  in  the  morning  they  might 
mirablc  ftre-     kil  him  going  out.  f  But  Samfon  flcpt  vntil  midnigt,  and  5 
mgththcheth  then  arifing  he  *:  rooke  both  the  leaues  of  the  gate,  with 
thought^Sam-   ^^^^"^  poftes  and  locke,  and  laying  them  on  his  shoulders, 
fen  robe  Her-  cariedthemto  the  toppe  of  the  mounraine,  which  lookcth 
cules.  y.^«^.  toward  Hebron,  f  After  thcfethinges  he  loued  a  woman,  4 
But\'ewaT"   ''^hi^^  ^'"'^^^  ^"  V^^^ey  Sorec,  and  she  was  called  Dalila^. 
dcede^farre  ^     t  And  the  princes  of  the  Philifthiims  came  to  her,  and  faid :  j 
Wronger  then    Deceiuc  him,  and  learne  of  him,  wherein  he  hath  fo  great 
theyf  caned  of  rtrength,  and  how  we  may  be  able  to  ouercomc  him,  and 
Hcrculc$,v/ho  being  bound  to  afflid  him.  which  if  thou  shalt  doc,  we  wil 
not^abl  \*^'"  geue  theeeuerie  one  a  thoufand  and  an  hundred  pecccs  of 
fightagainft     filucr.  f  Daiila  therfore  fpake  to  Samfon  :  Tel  me,  1  befcch  6 
two  .-whereas  thee,  wherein  thy  greateft  ftrcngth  is,  and  what  it  is  where- 
^^/^f®"  3'°"c  with  being  bound  thou  canfl:  not  breake  forth,  f  To  whom  7 
fand   ^th  T-  ^^^'"'^o"  anlwered  :  If  I  shal  be  bound  wirhfcuen  cordesof 
iawboneofan  ^'lewes  not  yet  drie,  and  moyfte  as  yet,  I  shal  be  weake  as 
alTc.c.ty.-v.i;.  Other  men.  f  And  the  princes  of  the  Philifthimcsbrought  8 


Samfon-  ~  Ivdges.  jji 

vnto  her  fcuen  cordcs,  as  he  had  faidcwith  the  which  she 
9  bcund  him  ,  f  ^""^"shenKrtcslyingfecrctelyin\raytencere 
her,  and  in  the  chamber  eypeding  the  endof  the  thing,  and 
shecried  to  him  :  The  Phihlthijmsvpon  thee  Samfon.  Who 
brake  the  bandes,  as  if  a  mm  should  breake  a  thread  of  toe 
t\ryncd  vp-ith  fpittlc,  when  it  hath  taken  the  fauor  of  fyr?  ; 

10  and  it  was  not  knowcn  wherein  his  ftrength  was.  f  And 
Dalilafaid  tohim:  Behold  thou  haft  deluded  me,  and  haft 
fpokcn  faHe:  now  at  tf  e  leaft  tel  me  wherwith  thou  mayeft 

11  be  bound,  f  To  v?'liom  he  anlwcrcd:  If  I  shal  be  bound  with 
new  cordes,  that  vterc  neuer  occupied,  I  shalbeweake,  and 

ri  like  to  other  men.  |  Wirh  the  which  Dalila  againe  bound 
him,  and  cried :  The  Philifthijmes  vpon  thee  Samfon,  ambu- 
(hcmentes  being  prepared  in  the  chamber. "Who  did  fo  brcake 

1}  the  bandes  as  rhrcadcs  of  linnen  cloth,  f  And  Dalila  faid  to 
hira  againe  :  How  longdeceiueft  thou  mejandfpeakeft  falfc? 
Shew  wherewith  rhou  maycft  be  bound.  To  whom  Samfon 
anfwcrcd:  If  thou  platte  ieuen  heares  of  my  head  wirh  a 
hearelafejand  fafttn  a  nayle  tved  round  about  them  in  the 

14  ground,  I  shal  be  wfske.  f  Which  when  Dahla  had  done, 
she  faid  to  him  :  The  Philifthijms  vpon  thee  Sam.fon.  who 
ryfing  vp  from  Hcepe  drew  out  the  nayle  with  the  heares  and 

ij  the  hearelafe.  f  And  Dalilafaid  tohim  :  How doeft  thou  fay 
that  thou  loueft  me,  whereas  thy  mind  is  not  with  me?Thef"e 
rhrce  times  thou  haft  lied  to  me,  &  wouldeft  not  tel  wherein 

16  thy  gteatcftftrengfhis.  f  And  when  she  moleftcd  hira,  and 
continually  hong  vponhim  for  many  daics,  not  geuing  him 
fpacc  toreft,hisfoulefaynted,  and  was  wearied  cuen  vnto 

17  death,  f  Then  opening  the  truth  of  the  thing, he  faid  ro  her: 
There  neuercaroe  yron  vpon  my  head,  becaufe  lamaNaza- 
reite,that  is  to  fay,  confecratcd  to  God  from  my  mothers 
wombe:  if  my  head  shal  be  fhauen,  "  my  ftrcngth  shal  de-  •Supernafiural 
part  from  me,  and  I  shal  favlc,  and  shal  be  a$  other  men...  ^''cin^th,  or 

18  t  And  she  (eing  that  he  had  confeffcd  to  her  al  his  minde,  '^"/""J^P"' 
fcnt  to  the  princes  of  the  Phihfthijms  and  willed  them:Come  kaue  th?rde 
rp  yet  once  more,  for  now  he  hath  opened  iiis  hart  tome,  ofthcirpr 
Who  went  vp  taking  with  them  the  money  which  they  had  fc^oa. 

19  proraifed.  +  Butshe  made  him  to  fleepc  vpon  her  knees, and 
to  l.iy  his  head  inherbofome.  And  she  called  a  barber,  and 
shaued  his  feucn  heares,  and  begannc  to  driue  him  away ,  and 
thiaft  him  from  her :  for  immediately  the  ftrungth  departed 



55^  IvDGEs.  Samfbn. 

from  him :  f  and  she  faid :  The  Philifthijms  vpon  thee  Sam-  20 
fon.  "Who  aryfing  from  fleepe,  faid  in  his  mind:  I  \ril  goc 
forth  as  I  did  beforCjand  wil  ihakc  my.felf,not  knowing  chat 
oar  Lord  was  departed  from  him.  f  "Whom  when  the  Phili-  ii 
^fthijmcs  had  apprehendcd,forthwith  they  plucked  forth  his 
eicSjandied  him  to  Gaza  bound  with  chaynes,  and  being 
shut  vp  in  pnfon  they  made  him  grinde.  f  And  now  his  hca-  22, 
res  had  begone  to  grow  againc,  f  ^"^  ^^^^  princes  of  the  ij 
Philiflhjjms  aifemblcd  in  one,  that  they  might  immolate  ma- 
gnificalhoftcsto  Dagon  their  god,  and  might  feaft,  faying: 
Our  God  hath  dciiucred  our  eneniicSamfon  into  ourhandes. 
t  which  thing  the  people  alfo  feing,praj?fed  their  god,  and  24 
faid  the  fame  thinges :  Our  God  hath  deliutrcd  our  aducrfarie 
into  our  handes,  vfho  deftroyed  our  countrie, and  killed  venc_ 
*Tunie.  t  And reioy(ing through  out  their  bank^ttcs,  when.ij 
die)'  had  now  taken  their  good  chcerc,theY  commanded  that 
Samfon  should  he  called,  and  should  play  before  them.  Who 
feeing  brought  out  of  prifon  played  before  them, and. they 
made  hiin  to  fland  bet  wen  two  pillcrs.  f  Who  faid  to  the  1^ 
feruant  that  gouerned  his  fteppes ;  Suffer  me  to  touch  the 
pillers,  on  which  al  the  houfe  ftayeth,  and  let  mc  Icanc  vpoh 
them,andreftalitle.  f  And  the  houfe  was  ful  of  men  and  17 
wemen,  and  there  were  al  the  princes  of  the  Philifthijms, 
alfo  from  the  roofc  and  higher  parr,  about  three  thoufand  of 
both  fcxc  beholding  Samfon  playing,  f  But  he  inuocating  iS 
our  Lordjfaid:  Lord  Godremembcr  mc,&  reftore  novr  to  mc 
.°:Hcdc/iredto  myne  oldftrength  ray  God,  that  I  may  "rcuenge  me  of  myne 
bereucngcd^    enemies,  and  for  the  loffe  of  two  eies  may  r.eceiue  one  re- 
nocofranconr  yen^^.  t  And  taking  boththe  pillers,  on  which  the  houfe  15 
zelc  ofiufticc.  «^efted,and  holding  the  one  in  his  right  hand,  and  the  other  in 
Andfoahhe  '  hlsleft,  t  he  faid :  "  Letme  die  with  the  Philifthijms.  And  5^ 
clea&glori-    the  pillers  being  ftrongly  shaken,  the  houfe  ftl  vpon  al  the 
dcfi/T^^*     princes,  and  the  reft  of  the  multitude,  that  was  there :  and  he 
Luc.ig.T.^^^'  killed  maniemoc  dying,  then  before  he  had  killed  Huing. 
•ff'  >,io.  t  And  his  brethren  going  downe  and  al  his  kindred,  they  51 
tookc  his  bodie,  and  buried  it  betwixt  Saraa  and  Efthaol  in 
the  fepulchre  of  his  father  Manue_> ,  and  he  iudged  Ifrael 
twcntic  yeares. 

Annotations.      Chap.    XVI. 

Samfon  excu-       ^^     Let  medieyviththepJnUfllnims.]   Manic  thinges  do  iuftifie  Samfon  J  facS: 
(ciiti  killing    in  jiiiiing  himfclf  with  rkc  Philifthiiras,  Full  it  appcarcth  by  the  miracle,  that 


Michasidol.  Ivdges.  yj^ 

God  direcfVlyan^  extraordinarily  concurred  by  rcftoriag  in  tkatmoMicat  his  liimfclfc  vitk' 

admjrablcftreingtk, thatheconldpuU  downe  two  fuch  pillers.  And  confer-  his«ncmicj; 

mably  vc  may  gather,  that  God  infpircd  his  miad  to  attempt  this  fad,  and  fo 

he  erred  nor,  but  obeyed  God  here)n:3sS-  Augafiin  noreth.  h.i.c.zi.(^ 

<■/»!/-.  y~)f».  Secondly  he  was  moucd  with  zeic  of  Gods  honour,  hearing  the  Ido- 

lateispraifc  theirfalfcgodDagon.  Thirdljr,  he  had  a  good  and  pure  intention 

to  reuenge  him  felfe  for  Gods  more  glorie,  praying  to'  him  for  reOauration  of 

ftrcmgth.  Pourthy  he  did  not  diredly  defirc  to  kirhimfclfe,  but  to  kil  the  Phi-  Samfon  a  fi- 

If?lhims,  though  himfelfe  muft  aho  die  with  them.  And  in  this  ad  cfpecially  he  gurc  of  ChrilL 

vasafigurcof  Chrift,  who  chiefly  by  his  death  concjucredhis  enemies.  - 

Cfiap.    XVII. 
Michas  Ani  his  mother  cdufe  a^Auen,  and  a.  molten  idol  to  he  made  offduer^  "^^^  ^^^^^ 
5.  He  maketh  one  ofhufonnespriejlfor  the  tdoL  10.  and  for  the  fame  pur-  ^^V"      ■ 
pofehyrethairoaLemte.  ^  J        t 

^    X  !>  4  TT  f  •  ^  accidentcs 

1  1^  Here    was  at  that  time  a  certaine  man  of  mount  which  happc-*. 

2  X    Ephraim  named  Michas,  |  ^ho  (aid  to  his  mother:  nc^inthc 
The  thoufand  and  hundred  filucr  peeces,  which  thou  hadft  ^^"jeoftk© 
fcparaced  to  thy  felfe,  and  concerning  the  which  thou  didft  ^^^"* 
IVeare  in  my  hearing,  behold  I  hauc,  and  they  are  with  me.  '•'•Y,^''^'^'^  ^ 

5  Towhomshefaid:  BlefTedbemy  fonne  to  the  Lord,  f  He  ^Mxl^nt 
therforerendred  them  to  his  mother,  who  had  faid  to  him:  tde  &confia^ 
I  haue  confccratcd  and  vowed  this  fiJuer  to  the  Lord,that  my  ^'^^'»<?'''«f'» 
fonne  may  rcceiueitof  my  hand,  and  make  ••:  agrauen  and  •^f""^''''*'"""^ 

4  "amoIt€n(god)andnowIdeHuerthat  to  thee,  f  He  ren-  formcmadc 
dred  them  therfore  to  his  mother:  who  rooke  two  hundred  in  mettle  for 
(iliier  peeces  and  gaue  them  to  the  filuerfmith,  that  he  might  a  god,  and  fo 
rnakeof  them  agrauen  and  a  molten  (eod)  which  was  in  the  '^^^^'=^>^'S' 

5  houfe  ofMich«.  t  Who  feparatcd  alio  therein  a  litle  houfe  iToIoVgIT 
rotheGod,andiY,adeanEphod,  and  Theraphim,  that  is  to  Htie,  and  no- 
lay,  a  pricftlie  vcftiment,  and  idolcs  :  and  he  '■'  filled  the  hand  thingatala- 

6  of  one  of  his  fonnes,  and  he  became  his  pricft.  f  In  thofc  S^'^'^^acrci 
daicsiherewasnotakinginlfrael.but  eucrie  one  did  that    r'i!''^fv"°5i-- 

7  xvhichfcmed  right  to  him  felf.  t  There  was  alio  an  orher  waesinthc 
yongmanof  Bethelem  luda,  of  the  kinred  therof:  and  he  Catholique 

8  ^-asaLeiiire,  and  dwelt  there,  j-  And  giing  forth  out  of  the  Church. whcr- 
cirie  of  Bcthelchem..  ,  he  would  feiourne  wherefocu^r  he  ^^ "^°^«isno- 
shouldhndircomoaiousTor  him.  And  when  he  vras  ,come  'rf'Z'^'' 
into  mount  Ephraim ,  m^.king  his  ionrney,  and  had  rnrncd  •:  Anaointcd 

S>   alide  a  Jictie  inro  the  houfe  of  Michas ,  t  he  was  dcman-  I^'sti^deswitb 
dcd  of  him  whence  he  came.  Who  anC^f-cred:  I  im  a  Le-  °-''^'  **  ^" 
nice  of  Bethlehem  luda,  and  I  goe  to  dwel  where  Ishal  be  l^lf.f  it  ,. 

to  sole,  and  shal  percciuc  k  to  be  profitable  for  mc.  j  And  Butfhchai.  a- 

X  X  X  Michas  P^  imitati«»B 

5^4  IvDGES.  Thctribcpf  Daa 

visofno  va  Michas  tvA  :  A%'f^e  vrith  nie,  and  b^  to  me  a  father  anJ  a 

luc-vhcrc  v/as  pn- ft,  arici  I  wil  gtue  thte  (ucric  yearf  rmnt  filnrr  pet  ces, 

vocar^os'itT  ^^^  cHible  liucnc^  ,  ^nd  the  thnigcs  thu  be  necelfarje  for 

the  annointftJ  viAuil   f  He  wjs  content, and  abode  with  the  man, and  uas   ir 

(fothcHeiccn  vnto  him  as  one  of  his  fonncs.  f  And  Mi^has  filled  his  hand,  u 

dednotof  and  had  the yong  man  for  a piicll  with  him,  faying:  f  No\p'  it 

Wo7«^rl,'4fr  I  ^"o^  thAtGod  wildo  me  good  *>  h.iuing  a  pncft  of  the 

xS°J.}o.fnor  Lcuiricalkinde. 

aur'noritie  in  C  H  A  P.      X  V  T  I  I. 

Jiim  thar  vied  flr^ffenJin^fpir  to  dtfcoHeryJi  fix  hmUrtd  Armed  mm  of  the  triheafDdn 

thisceremony  ^^  feek^ p«f!e/iio>is.  14.  ^>  */j^  W^y  <;&':>  f4)^f  lif  /V»/,  and  tdoUtrtcal 

bAnApoftaia  ^   ■  ^  r       "^      1             Z         r     1                  r                         11        r 

Lcuite  was  ac-  /"""/^  P'^^*  MicbAi.  ly,  JurpTiJe  thetofvne  cf  Lais,  30,  and  there  Jet  v^ 

coantcdmorc  tdoUtrtt, 


aniJoIatmal  |  j^  thofcdaycs  there  ^js^as  not  a  king  in  Iff  ael,  and  the  fribe  i 

left  to  fcruc 


anldoL  (©  he  -*■  °^  ^^^  fought  poflcffion  for  it  idk,  that  it  might  d\Fcl 
uhai  isaPricft  therein  :  for  vntilrhat  day  it  had<^  notreceiued  alotte  among 
or  a  Deacon  the  other  tribes,  f  Therfore  the  children  of  Dan  fcnc  fiue  t 
oncecaihohk-  men  of  their  flocke  and  familic  reoft  rahant  from  Saraa  arrd 
tcd^^^i^afuf-  Eftbaol,  that  they  might  view thcland, and  diligently  behold 
£cicnt{yca  it,  and  they  faid  to  thcra  :  Goc,  and  confider  the  lat5d.  Who- 
itoo  fufficicnt)  going  forward  when  they  were  come  into  mount  Ephraim, 
a  mimftcr  ^^^  \^^^  entered  into  the  houfe  ef  Michas,  they  rcftcd  there  t 
vu    piotc-      ^  and  knowing  the  voice  of  the  yong  man  the  Leuite,  and  5 

vfinghis  lodging,  they  fiid  to  him:  Who  brought  thee  hither? 
«Theirwholc  \vl-.3t  doeft  ihoii  here  ?  For  what  caufewoulde/l  thou  come 
eorno  yasaf-  ,^.  j^  .^  ,  ^^^  anfv/ercd  them:  Theie,and  thcic  thin^cs  hath  a 
bnt  throarh  Michas  done  to  mcoc  naih  hyrcd  me  lor  wages  to  benispnett. 
their  otic  j  And  they  dcfircd  him  that  he  would  confuh  '^  the  Lord, that  j 
flouth  they  they  might  know  whether  thcy  shonid  eoc  on  a  profperous 
pofrcfTcd  htlc   iourney,and  the  thine  should  hauctffcd^  t  '  Whoanfwcred  6 

of  It.  (©that        ,  V>  -r-U     T  I  J      L  1      L 

hithcito-the  ^"^'"  *  ^^^  "^  peace  :  The  Lord  rcgardeih  your  way,  and  the 

grcateft  pait  iourney  that  you  goe.f  The  flue  men  therfore  going  camc  to  7 

vasnotrccci-  Lais  ,  &  they  faw  the  people  dwelling  in  it  without  any  fcare, 

^^^-  according  to  the  cuftome  of  the  Sidonians,  fecure  and  quiet, 

xht  UKs^Ti  "^  '""^^  ^  ^'  refilling  them,  5c  of  greatc  riche5,  and  feparated 

whichtlfta-  farre  from  Sidon  and  f'omal  men.  t  And  returning  to  their    S 

jjcjftata  Leuite  brethren  in  Siraa  and  Eftaol,  and  asking  whatthey  had  done 

f^^°^^-  they  anlwered  them:  f  Arife,and  Icrvsgocvp  to  them:  for  5 

Int^lTcT'^si  ^^  '^'^""  ^^^^^  f^^  L^"'^  exceding  rich  and  plentiful :  ncgled 

hif  maner  is  not,  ilackc  not ;  let  Y$  goc,  and  polleile  it^  it  vil  be  no  labour. 

fettcthvpidolatric,  Ivdges.  ^,j 

10  t  ^c  *^*^  enter  vnto  them  being  (ccure,  intoansoft  large  obfcurly/oae 
councric,and  our  Lord  wildcliuer  to  vt  the  plac«,  therein  ""e^^aly* 
IS  penurie  of  nothing  ,  of  thole  ininges  that  groxr  on  the  f^j^ 

XI  earth.  |  There  departed  therfore  from  the  kinred  of  Dan, 
thatistofay,  froo)  Saraa  and  Efthaol  fix  hundred  men,  fur- 

iz  nisbed  with  warhkc  armour,  f  and  going  vp  they  tariedin 
Cariari.iarim  of  luda:  vrnich  place  froro  that  time  tookc  the 
narnc  of  the  Ten  res  of  Dan,a»dit  is  at  the  backe  of  Cariathia* 

15   rim.  f  Thence  they  pafll'd  into  mount  Ephraim.  And  when 

1^  rhey  ^e»cccmetu  the  houfeofMichas,  f  the  fiuc  men,  that 
before  had  been  fcnc  to  viev  the  Land  of  Lais ,  faid  to  the  reft 
of  their  brethren  :  You  kno\f  that  in  thcfe  houfes  there  ii  an 
Ephod.and  Thcraphim,and  a  grauen,  and  mohen  god:  Sec 

15  vrh*rplea(cthyou.  t  And  ^^hen  they  had  turned  a  hiicafide, 
ihey  entred  into  x\\z  houfeof  iheyong  man  the  Lcuite,vrhich 
was  iw  the  houfc  iii  Michas :  and  falurcd  him  trirh  peaceable 

i5  wordcs.  t  A  id  the  fix  hundred  men  fo  as  tbey  vcre  armed, 

17  fioodc  before  thedoore.  f  But  they,  that  sj^erc  entred  the 
houfe  of  the  yong  man,endeuoured  to  take  axray  the  graacn, 
thcEphod  and  theiools,and  mohengod,and  theprieft  fi"oodc 
before  the  doorc^the  fix  nun  ired  mofl  valiant  men  cxpedling 

eS  notfarrtof. -j-They  rherfore  that  v^ere  entred  tooke  the  gra- 
u^n,the  Ephod,  thctheraphim  and  molten  god.  To  "whom 

15)  the  prir  fl  find  :  "What  doe  you  ?  f  To  vfhom  they  anfwered : 
Hold  thy  peace,  and  put  thy  finger  vpon  thy  mouth  and  come 
v»th  vs,thatwe  may  hauethce  for  a  father, and  apricft.  "Whe- 
ther is  better  for  thee, that  thou  be  a  prieft  in  the  houfe  of  one 

10  man,  orin  onerribeandfamilie  in  Ifrael?  ^  Which  when  he 
had  heard,  he  agreed  to  their  wordei,  and  tookc  the  Ephod, 

21  and  idols,  and  graacn  god,  And  departed  with  rhem.  f  "Who 
when  they  went  forward,  and  had  made  the  children  and  the 

21  catttlrogoc  before  them,  and  a!  that  was  pcrcious,  f  and 
were  now  farre  from  the  houfe  of  M  ichas.the  men  that  dwelt 

IX  in  che  houfe  of  Michas  crying  out  together  ioiowed,  t  and 
at  their  backe  began  to  shoutc.  'VX'ho  looking  backe,  faid 

i4  to  Michas:  ^y'hatmeantft  thou?  Why  doefl  thou  crie?t''^o 
anfvf'cred:  My  Goddcs,  which  1  made  rac,  you  haue  taken 
away,  and  the  priefl,  and  al  that  I  haue,  and  doe  you  fay  ; 
2j  "^/hat  aileth  thee?  f  And  the  children  of  Dan  faid  to  him  : 
Beware  thou  (peake  no  more  vnto  ts,  and  there  come  vnto 
thcc  men  prouokcd  in  mind,  and  thou  with  al  thy  houfc 
Xxx  2  perish. 

y,6  .    I V  Db  E  s.  '   A  Leukcs 

perish,  f  Andfo  they  ".^renc  on  their  iourney  begone.  Bat  16 
Michasleing  that  they  were ftronger  then  he,  returned  into     . 
hishoufc.  t  And  the  fix  hundred  men  tooke  the  priell,  and  17 
the  thinges  which  we  (pake  of  before  ,  and  came  into  Lais  to 
a  people  that  was  quiet  and  fecure,  andftrokethemin  the 
*  %  edgcofthefsrordrandthecitic  theydehueredto  fyre,  t  no   28 

manatal  bringing  them  fuccour,  for  that  they  dwelt  farre 
from  Sidon,  and  had  with  no  menaniefocietieandaffayres. 
And  the  citie  was  fituated  in  the  countrie  of  Rohob :  which 
building  agayne  they  dwelt  in  it,  f  calling  the  name  of  the  i^r 
citie  Dan,according  to  the  name  of  their  father,whom  Ifrael 
had  begotten,  which  before  was  called  Lais,  -f   And  they  p 
"ftfel  eidolon  fettcvp  to  them  felues  the  ••  grauen  idol,  and  Jonathan  the 
fcHlptilt,  the     fonne  of  Gerf«n  the  fonne  of  MoyleSjand  his  (onnesprieftes 
^rduenthing^^    in  the  tribe  of  Dan,  vntil  the  day  of  their  captiuitic,  f  And  31 
fallly  called     ^^ic  idol  of  Michas  remayned  with  them  althe  time,  that  the 
S°'*'*^*^^'''''^'houfeofGodwasinSilo.  In  thofedaies  there  was  not  a  king 
*' in  Ifrael. 

Chap.  XIX. 
\^^Lemte  bringing  homewardhnreconcdedmfeii^.  ntGah^a  in  thi  tribe 
efSeniamm  hardly getteth  lodging.  25.  his  wife  is  there  lnUnouJly  ahufed 
hy  tvicked  men,  4nd  in  the  mornmg  found  dead.  ic).  rvhereupon  her  huf- 
hand  ctitteth  her  hodh\  and  [endethfeeces  to  emrie  tribe  of  ifrael^  rejui- 
ring  tbem  to  reuenge  the  }V(i  l^edftfl. 

THeri  was  a  certaine  man  a  Leuite,  dwelliHg  on  the  i. 
fide  of  mount  Ephraim,  who  tooke  a  wife  of  Bethlehem 
luda:  f  which  left  him,  aiid  returned  vnto  herfathers  houfc   1 
into  Bethlehem, and  abode  with  him  foure  moneihes.  f  And  5 
her  hufband  folowed  her,  willing  to  be  reconciled  vnto  her, 
and  to  fpeake  her  fayre,  and  to  bringherbacke  with  him, 
hauingin  his  companie  a  feruant  and  two  afles  :  who  rc- 
cciued   hinu  ,  and  brought  him  into  her  fathers  houfe-. . 
Which  when  his  father  in  law  had  heard  ,  and  had  fcene  him, 
he  metre  him  ioyful,  f  and  embraced  the  man.  And  the  fonne  4 
in  law  taried  in  the  houfc  of  his  father  in  law  three  daies, 
eating  with  him  and  drinking  familiarly  .  -f  But  the  fourth  5 
day  aryfing  before  day,  he  would  depart.  Wiiom  his  father  in 
law  held,  and  faid  to  him:  Tall  firft  a  Htle  bread, &  ftrengthen 
thy  ftomacke,  and  fo  thou  sh.ilt  depart,  t  And  they  fate  to-  4 
geth^er,  and  did  eatc  and  drinke.  And  the  father  of  the  yong 


wifeflainc.  I  v  d  c  r  ?.  557 

troinan  faid  to  his  foime  in  last  :  '  bekch  thee  that  thou  taric 

7  here  to  day,  and  lei  vs  make  incrie  together,  -j-  Buthcry- 
fingv^jbeganne  as ifhc\rouId  depart.  Andncucrthcles^rith 
much  adoe  his  father  in  law  flayed  him,  and  made  him  to 

S  tarie  with  him  .  f  But  when  morning  vrascoHie,  theLcuitc 
prepared  to  goe  his  lourney.  To  whom  his  father  in  lav  ^ 

againe  :  I  bcfech  thee,  quoth  he  ,  that  thou  take  alitle  meatc, 
and  making  thy  fclf  ftrong,  til  the  day  be  farder  fpent ,  after-  - 
■ward  thou  mayeft  depart.  They  did  eate  therforc  together. 

J?  t  And  the  yong  man  arofe,  that  he  might  fcttc  forward  with 
his  wife  and  his  feruant.  To  whom  his  father  in  law  fpake 
againe:  Confidcr  that  the  day  is  moredecHning  to  the  wtft, 
anddrawethnigh  toeuening  :  tarie  with  me  today  alfo, and 
fpcnd  the  day  in  mirth,  and  to  morrow  thou  shalt  depart  that 

10  thou  mayftgoc  into  thy  houfe.  f  His  fonne  in  law  would 
not  condefcend  to  his  wordes :  but  forthwith  went  forward, 
and  came  ouer  againft  Icbus,  which  by  an  other  name  is  cal- 
led lerufalcnu,  leading  with  him  two  alTesloden,  and  his 

ir  "-concubine,  f  And  now  they  were  come  nigh  tolebus  and  -shewashls 
the  day  changed  into  night;  &  the  feruant  faid  to  his  maifter :  lawful  wife 
Come,  I  bcfech  thee  ,letvs  turncinto  the  citieof  the  Icbu-  andfo  called. 

iz  fcitcs,  and  taric  in  ir    -*•   '  '  >yhomhismaiftcranfwercd:  I  wil  "*;/ .^  ^,r  5^ 
not  enter  mto  the  t  a  ftrange  nation,  which  is  not  ot  concubine  be- 

13  the  children  of  Ifraci,  oui.1  wilpaife  as  farre  as  Gabaa;  f  and  caufcfbekad 
when  I  shal  come  thither,  wc  wil  lodge  in  it,  or  at  the  leafl  in  no  dawrie.Ror 

14  thcciticofRama.tThcypa(redtherforebyIcbus,andwent  ^^f '^•^^°^!'^. 
on  theiriourney  begone, and  the  fonnc  went  dewne  to  them  g^s  of  ami- 

ij  by/idc  Gabaa,  which  is  in  the  tribe  of  BcniamiH  :  f  and  they  firis  in  her 
tutned  into  it,  that  they  might  lodge  there,  whither  when  hufbands 
they  were  entfed,  they  fate  in  the  ftreate  of  the  citic,  and  no  houle. 

\6  man  would  receiue  them  to  lodge,  t  And  behold  there  ap- 
peared an  old  man,  returning;  out  of  the  field  and  from  his 
workc  in  the  euening  ,  who  him  felf  alfo  was  of  mount-* 
Ephraim,anddwehas  aflranger  in  Gabaa^but  the  men  of 

17  that  countrie  were  the  children  of  lemini.  f  And  lifting  vp 
his  eies,  theoldman  faw  the  man  fitting  with  his  fardels  in 
the  flreate  of  the  citie,  and  faid  to  him:  Thence  comeft  thou  t 

18  and  whither  goefl  thou?  t  Who  anfwered  him:  We  depar- 
tedfrom  Bethlchemluda,and  wegoe  to  our  place,  which  is 
on  the  fide  of  roouar  Ephraim,  from  whence  wcwentinto 
Bethlehem:  anduow  we  goe  to  the  houfe  of  God,  and  none 

Xxxj  vil 


^^t  I V  D  G  E  s.  A  Lcuitcs  vifc  flaini, 

^ilrcceiuevivnderhis  roofe,  j  hautng  draw  and  hay  for  15 
prouenderof  thcaircs,  and  bread  and  ssp'ine  for  thevfe  of  my 
£elf  and  of  thy  handmaid,  and  of  the  feruAnr  that  is  with  me  : 
"welackc  nothing  but  lodging,  f  To  whom  the  old  man  i© 
ant^p-ercd:  Peace  bevcith  thee  ,  I  vil  geueal  thingcs  ihatare 
fiecelTarie :  only,  I  befcch  thee,  tarie  not  in  the  ftrcatc.  f  And  11 
Jicbrought  him  into  his  houfe  ,  and  gaae  prouendcf  to  his 
afFei;  and  after  they  had  vaihed  their  feete, he  rcceiued  them 
toabjnkcttc.  f  They  maicing  merle  ,  and  after  the  labour  of  3.x 
their  iourncy,  refreshing  their  bodie  with  nieate  and  drink e> 
there  came  men  of  that  citie,  the  children  of  Belisl  C  that  is 
to  fay,  wuhout  yoke)  and  bcfetting  rkc  old  mans  houfe,  be- 
ganne  to  knocke  at  the  doores,  crying  to  the  maiticr  of  the 
hoafe,  and  faying:  Brinj  forth  the  man,  that  cntrcdiaro  thy 
feoufe,  that  v/e  may  abufe  him.  f  And  the  old  man  vrent  out  if 
to  them,  and  faid  ;  Doe  not  (o  brethren,  doc  not  rhiseuil :  bt- 
caufe  this  man  is  entered  to  my  lodgings  aad  ceafe  from  this 
folic:  t  I  haac  a  daughter  that  is  a  virgin,  and  this  man  ha^iii  14 
•  concubine,  I  wil  bring  them  forth  to  you,  rhit  youmay 
humble  them,  &:  fulfil  youilll^ft::  only,  I  b?iech-.  you^worke 
notthiivickcdnesagainft-iisture  an  th;r  man.  j- They  would  ij 
not  agree  to  his  wordes  vrhich  tM|nan  feing,  he  brought 
forth  his  concubine  to  them,  <iR4BH[Tiuored  her  to  theni  to 
bciliudcd:  vj/honj  \rhen  thdflHIWroaredal  the  nighr,  they  . 
l«^thcrgoe  in  the  marning .  f  Bat  the  ■woman,  when  the  16 
darkenes  departed,  came  to  the  doorc  of  the  houte,  where 
her  lord  lodged,  and  there  fcl  do>vne.   f  Morning beisg  17 
come, the  man  arofe,  and  opened  the  doorc,  that  he  miglit 
finiibhisiourney  begone  rand  behold  hi*  concubine  lay  be- 
fore the  doorc,  her  handcs  fpredde  on  the  thrcthold.  f  To  iS 
vhom  he,  thinking  that  the  tookc  her  reft,  fpake;  Arife,and 
letvswalke.  Who anfvrering  nothing,  perceiuing  that  flic 
vas  dead;  he  tooke  her,  and  laid  her  vpon  his  afie,  &  rctarncd 
intohishoufc.f  Which  when  he  vras  entered  vnto,  he  tooke  29 
a  fxrord,  and  cutting  the  carcafle  of  his  wife  with  her  bones 
into  twclue  partes  and  pceces ,  he  fent  them  into  al  the  bor- 
ders of  Ifiael-  t  which  when  eueric  one  had  (eene,  ihcy  30 
cried  together :  There  was  neuerfuch  a  thing  done  in  Krael 
from  that  day,  when  our  fathers  afcended  out  of  i€gypt,vntil 
this  prcfent  time;  gcuc  fcntencc,  and  decree  in  common  what 
is  occ^cful  CO  be  done.  ,      r 

^  ■    ^- '  - '  '  '  ■■  amA^ 

LttleagainPi  B?niamin,  Ivdgfs.  jy^ 

Chap.     XX. 

^l  he  ( thrr  *r'ih  ^  fghtln^  4gAin(i  ■  eniMmnt.i,,  h  caufethcy  'Vti!  o^tpfiai.b 
th  malrfjtSIoriy  11.  h  ft  thf  rvoyf^-y  ij,  alio  the  /  tondtiirf.  ic).  but  the 
third  umitke  Bitnamitcs  Art  Aflame  J amh^ fix  hi  ndr.dmen* 

I  "T^  H  E  R  F  o  R  E  al  the?  children  of  Ifracl  vrert  Forrh,  and  ^ 

X    were  garnered  together  , as  ir  >3?'ere  one  man,  from  Dm 

to  Bcrfabee,and  theLando^'Galaad,  to  our  Lord  inMafpha: 

X  t  and  al  the  corners  of  the  people,  arhdahhe  tribes  oi  Ifrael 

•  afTembled  inro  the  charch  of  the  people  of  God  foure  hun- 

5  dred  rhoufand  footemen  warrieis.  (  f    Neiihtr  were  the 

children  of  Beniainin  ignorant  that  the  childrtn  of  Ifrael 

"^cre  ccme  vp  into  Mafpha. )  And  the  Leuitc  the  hufband  of 

the  woman  that  \ras  killed  being  aikcd,  how  fo  great  wic- 

4  kcdncshad  bccnc  comitted,  f  anlvercd;  I  cameinro  Gabaa 
of  Beniamin  with  my  wifejand  there  I  tooke  my  lodging: 

5  I  andbehold  the  mcnofthatcirieby  night  befctrethehoufc     ' 
vi'hcrein  I  taricd,  meaning  to  kil  me,  and  vexing  my  -vifc 

6  with  incredible  furie  of  luftj  finally  she  died,  f  "^/honi  being 
taken  I  did  cutte  inro  pecces,  andfent  the  partes  inro  al  the 
borders  of  your  poircilion:  becaufc  neucr  was  therefo hei- 
nous an  offenfe ,  and  fo  gr«t|G  an  abomination  done  in  Ifrael. 

7  I  You  are  alprefcnt  the  children  of  Ifracl,  detcrn  inc  what 

8  you  ought  t-o  doe.  j-  And  al  the^peeplc  (landing,  an;  wcrcd  as 
'  it  were  by  the  word  of  one  man  :  we  wil  not  depart  into  cur 

f  tabernacles, neither  shalany  man  enrer  into  his  houlc  :  -[  but 
lo  this  wil  wc  doc  in  common  againft  Gabaa .  -f  Let  ten  men  be 
chufen  of  an  hundred  out  of  al  the  tt'bes  of  Ifrael,  and  an 
hundred  of  a  thoufand,  and  a  thoufand  often  thouland,  to 
bring  viAuals  for  the  armie,  and  that  we  ro&v  fight  ^gainS 
Gabaaof  Beniamin,  &  render  roit^or  the  wicked  fad:,which 

II  itdelerucrh.  ■\  And  al  Ifrael  aflemblcd  to  the  cirie,  as  ir  were 
li  one  man  with  one  minde,  a-.d  one  counfel :  t  and  they  fcnt 

mclTengerstoalthe  tribe  of  Beniamin, which  ihould  fay;'Vhy 

55  is  there  foe  great  abominaMon  found  in  you?  f  Ddiucr  the 

men  of  Gflbaa,  thar  haue  committed  this  heinous  fad:,  -  that  :•  OmifHon  & 

they  may  die,  and  the  fuil  may  be  taken  away  out  of  Ifraek  comrmpt  to 

Who  would  not  he.ire  thccoin^-'andmentofthtii  brethren  ^''"       '^'\ 
I  III  r    r       I  I  *     1     ■   •  II  '  non^  crimes 

I4  the  children  of  ](r,i!  I :  -\  bur  our  or  al  ones,  which  were  of  j,  ^  \y^{\  c^ufe 
their 'otte,  they  ad' nibl.  d  i'^'o  C/na?,  to  ayde  them,  and  to  torap'cevfaric 
x;   fightAPUiiUal  chepvcpleof  I  rad    t  And  there  v* ere  found  a:;3i«r^  ania 
^  ■  fme  P"^.^^'"^"- 

j^o  Iydges.  400000. 

fiae  and fventic  rhonfand  of  Bcniamin  of  them  that  drew 

tvord,  befide  the  inhabitantes  of  Gabaa,  f  "^'hieh  xrere  16 

fcuen  hundred  raoft  valiant  men  ,  ih  fighting  with  the  left 

Kandasxriththe  right:  and  Co  dire(flly  cafting  ftones  ^ith 

linges,  that  they  could  llnke  a  hcarc  alfo,  and  the  flrokc  of 

the  ftone  (hould  not  be  caried  awry  on  either  part,  f  Of  the  17 

men  of  Ifrael  alfo,  befide  the  children  of  Beniamin,  were 

found  foare  hundred  thoufandccFthem  that  drew  fwordes, 

&  were  prepared  to  fight  ^  f  "Who  rifing  came  into  the  houfe  18 

of  God,  that  is,  into  Silo:  and  they  conCiilred  God,  and  Gjid  : 

"Who  shalbein  our  armie  general  of  the  barrel  againfl:  the 

children  of  Bcniamin?  To  whom  our  Lord  anfwered  :  Let 

•rOncofthc    '•  ludasbe  your  captaync  .  f  And  forthwith  the  children  af  19 

tcibc  of  luda.  Ifrael aryfing in  the  morning,  camped  befide  Gabaa:  ;[-  and  2.0 

thence  proceeding  to  fight  againfl:  BcRiamiru  ,  bcf^annc  to. 

afiaultthcciric. -f-  And  the  children  of  Bcniamin  iiTaifsg  our  i\ 

''  Eei»g  f*"e  of  Gabaa,  flew  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  that  day  two  and 

i'^°^5*L°"'*' twentiethoufandmcn.  t  Aeayne  Ifrael  hauine  confidence  21 
ber  &  hauincr       .       ,     .    ^  ,         ,         ■  1^   ^    r  1  •     •  •     "i 

thciuft  caaff,  ''  ^^  ^^^eir  ftrength  and  number,  fette  the  arnsie  in  aray  m  the 

yet  had  the  '  fame  place,  wherein  they  had  f®ught  before:  t  ye'  ^o  fl^^t  25 

worfcbccaufc  they  did  firft  goc  vp  and  we(rpe  before  our  Lord  vntil  niglit  : 

tbcy  truacdin  ^^^  confulf cd  him,and  faid:  Shal  I  precede  any  more  to  fight 

their  OWnC  .^i  iiirr^-         •  1  L  ^^- 

ftrcingth.        agamfl  the  children  of  Beniamin  ray, brethren,  or  not?  To 
::Godiiropu-  whom  he  anfwered:  -  Goc  vp  to  them,  and  enter  bartcl. 
nifticdallf-      -j-  And  when  the  children  of  Ifrael  the  nextday  had  preceded  24 
raelbythis       againft  t^e  children  of  Bcniamin  to  battel,  f  the  children  of  2j 
for  fuffering     Bcniamin  brake  forth  out  of  the  gates  of  Gabna-  .^nd  mecring 
idolatriein       them  they  raged  with  fo  greit  a  fliughtcr  again 0:  rhem,  that 
thctiibcof       they  oucrrhrcw  cightene  thoufand  men  that  drew  fvrord. 
Dan.cha.i^.     ^  For  the  which  tlimg  al  the  children  of  Ifrael  cnmc  into  the  i6 
*hro^^hf     houfe  of  God,  and  fitting  wept  before  our  Lord;  and  they 
tohiiac  pumi-  faftcd  that  day  vntil  cuening,  and  offered  to  him  holocauftes, 
ihcd.Dettt.  13.  and  pacifiquc  vidimes,  f  and  asked  him  concerning  their  17 
'^•'^^-   ..         ftate.  At  that  time  the  arkeoFthccoucnant  of  our  Lord  was 
''^^^\**K^^'  "^here,  f  ^^<^  ''  Phinees  the  fpnne  ofEleaztrusthc  fonne  of  iS 
fhiYhiftorfc      Aaron  prouoft  of  the  houfe.  They  therfore  confulted  our 
happened  nat  Lord,  and  faid:  Shal  we  goc  forth  any  more  to  fight  ngainft 
long  after  the  the  childrcnof  Bcniamin  our  brethren,  or  reft?  To  whom 
death  of  Elca-  ^^^  ^^^^  ^^■^.  q^^  ^^^  f^^  ^^  morrow  I  ^ril  deliuer  them  into^to'^hom  yo"'^  handcs.   t    And  the  chiMren  of  Ifrael  fcrrc  ambufli-  29 
t'isfonne  Phi-  mcotcs  round  abouttheciric  of  Gabaa:  f  and  the  tMrd  rime,  36 

as  ancc 

againftBeniamin.  Ivdces.  j6i 

as  once  and  t^^rife,  they  brought  forth  their  armie  againft  neeiCveeedtd 

51  Beniamin.  f  Bat  the  children  of  Beniamin  alfo  ifTacd  forth  *"'^*^^P^''""^^ 
boldly  out  ofthecitie,  and  purfcwcd  a  long  way  the  aducr- fj^^P^^^^^j^'j,'*'^ 
farics  fleeing,  fo  that  they  wounded  of  them,  as  the  firil  day 
and  the  fccond,  and  flc^J>' them  turning  their  backes  by  two 
\raycs,  whcrof  the  one  \rent  into  Bethel,  and  the  other  into 

31  Gabaa,  and  ouerthrew  about  thittie  men  :  t  for  they  thought 
to  kii  them  after  their  accuftomcdmaner.  Who  fc/ningarti->. 
ficially  as  though  they  fled  rookeaduife  to  draw  them  away 
from  thecitie,  &  as  ic  were  fleing  to  bring  them  to  thepathcs 

5}  aforefayd.  f  Thcrforeal  the  children  of  Ifrael  ryfinj;  out  of 
their  fcatcSjCetts  their  armie  in  battel  aravjin  the  place  which 
iscilicdBaalrhamar.  The  ambuflimentes  alfo,  which  were 
about  the  citic,  began  by  litleandlitle  to  open  them  felues, 

34  t  and  to  proceedc  from  the  Weft  part  of  the  ciiie.  Yea  and 
other  ten  thouland  men  of  al  Ifrael  pTouoked  the  inhabitant 
tes  of  the  citie  ro  skirmishes.  And  the  battel  grew  fore  af^ainft 
the  children  of  Beniamin:  and  they  vndcxfloode'not  that  on 

"3J  cuerie  fide  defiru^lion  hong  ouer  them,  ^f  And  our  Lord 
;ftroke  therain  the  fight  of  the  children  of  Ifrael,  and  they 
ilew  of  thein  in  that  day  fiueand  twentie  thoufand,  and  an 

3(3  hundred  men,  alwarrycrs  and  that  drew  fword.  j-  But  the 
childrenof  Beniamin  when  they  faw  them  felues  to  be  infe- 
riour,beganne  to  fiee.Whichtkechildren  of  Ifrael  fcing,gauc 
them  place  to  flee,  that  they  might  come  to  the  ambulhmen- 

57  tesprepared,  which  they  had  fettc  ncere  the  citie.  f  Who 
when  they  had  fodcnlyrifen  out  of  their  dennes,  and  Benia- 
min turned  their  backes  to  the  fleaers,  they  entred  the  cirie, 

5S  and  flroke  it  in  the  edge  of  the  fword.  f  And  the  children  of 
Ifraelhidgeucnafigneto  them,  whom  they  had  laid  in  the 
ambushemestes  J  tkat  after  they  had  taken  the  citie,  they 
ihould  kindle  a  fire  :  that  the  fmoke  afcending  on  high  ,  they 

3*)  might  ihew  that  the  citie  was  taken,  f  Which  when  the 
children  of  Ifrael  faw  being  in  the  verie  fight  (  for  the  chil- 
dren of  Beniamin  thought  that  they  iled,  and  purfc  wed  more 

^o  inflanrly,  hauing  flainc  thirtie  men  of  their  armic. )  -j-  and 
they  faw  asitwereapillcroffmcke  torifevpfrom  the  citie. 
Beniamin  alfo  looking  backe,  when  he  faw  the  citie  taken, 

41  and  the  flames  caricd  on  high:  t  they  that  before  had  fevned 
as  if  they  fled,  turning  their  face  refiflcd  more  manfully. 
Which  when  the  children  of  Beniamin  had  fene,  they  were 

Yyy  turned 

5^1  IvDdES.  The  tribe  of 

turned  into  flight,  f  and  bcgannctogoctbevay  of  the  dc-  41 
fcrt,  the  aduerfariei  purfewing  them  thither  alfo.  But  they 
alfo  that  had  fyred  the  citie,  metre  them   f  And  fo  it  came  to  45 
paflc,  that  on  both  fides  they  were  flainc  of  the  enemies,  nei- 
ther xras  there  any  reft  of  men  dying.  They  fel,  and  were 
oucrthrovrcnonthecaft  fide  of  the  citie  of  Gabaa.  f  And  44 
there  verc  that  were  daine  in  the  fame  place,  cightene  thou- 
fandmcn,  al  moft  valiant  varryers.  f  Which  wncn  they  had  45 
fecne,  that  were  remayning  of  Bcniamin,  they  fled  inro  the 
>arildcrnes,and  \rent  on  to  the  rocke,  the  name  wherof  is 
Remmon .   In  that  flight  alfo  ftragling,  and  going  diuers 
\raies,  they  flevr  fiue  thoufand  men.  And  whereas  they  Nf'ent 
farder,  they  purfcwed  them, and  flexr  alfo  other  two  thou- 
fand. t  Andfoitcaraetopafle,  thatal  which  were  flaine  of  ^G 
Beniamin  in  diucrfc  places,  were  fiue  and  twcntic  thoufahd 
cne  hundred  fighting  men,  moft  prompt  to  warres.  f  There  47 
xcmayned  thcrfore  of  al  the  number  of  Bcniamin  that  could 
cfcapc,  and  flee  into  the  wildernes,  fix  hundred  men:  and 
they  abode  in  the  Rocke  Remmon  foure  monerhcs.  -f  But'4S: 
the  children  of  Ifraelretyring.ftroke  al  the  remaines  of  the 
citic  with  the  fword  from  men  euen  to  beaftes,  and  al  the  '' 
cities  and  villages  of  Beniamin   the  deuouring  flame  did 

Chap.    XXI. 

The  frihe  of  Beninmin  is  repayrcd^  8.  by  foure  hundred  Yirr'ms  reprued  in 
thejldtt^hterofuhes  GdUad.  i^.aad  by  ether  liir^ins  tdkcnythdUcome 
forth  of  Silo  to  ddunce. 

TH  E  children  of  Ifraelfwarcalfoin  Mafpha,  and  faid  :  i 
None  of  vs  shalgcuc  of  his  daughters  to  the  children  of 
Beniamin  to  wife,  f  And  they  came  al  to  the  houfe  of  God  x 
in  Silc/,  and  fitting  in  his  fight  vntil  cucning,  lifted  vp  their 
voice,  and  with  great  wayling  beganne  to  wcepe  laying  : 
Whcrforc  6  Lord  God  of  Ifrael  is  this  euil  done  in  thy  people, 
that  this  day  one  tribe  ihould  be  taken  away  out  of  vs? 
■j-  And  on  the  morrow  rifing  early,  they  built  an  altar:  and  4 
offered  there  holocauftes,  and  pacifiquc  vidtimcs,  and  faid  : 
•f"  who  hath  notafcended  in  thehofteof  our  Lord  ofal  the  f 
tribes  of  Ifrael?  For  they  had  bound  them  felues  with  a  great 
©the,  when  they  werein  Mafpha,  that  they  Chould  be  flaync 
vJiichhad  beene  vanting.,  t  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  being  6 

'''  moucd 

Beniamin  repaired  Ivdges.  j^j 

"  Rioued  VFith  rcpcntaxiee  vpon  their  brother  Bcniamiti^,  ::Lefteirher 
begannc  to  fay  :  One  tribe  is  taken  avay  out  of  Ifrael,  Jjjfiiccbeouer 

7  t  whence  shal  they  take  vriucs?  Forvc  hauc  al  fxrornc  in     "^^*°^ 
common,  that  vc  \ril  not  geue  our  daughters  to  them-.,  rclaxcvitk  * ' 

S  t  Thcrforc  they  faid :  "Who  is  there  of  al  the  tribes  of  Ifrael,  grc»t  artof 
that  vent  not  vp  to  our  Lord  into  Mafpha?  And  behold  the  ^J^^"^"*'^ 
inhabirantes  of  labes  Galaad  were  found  not  to  haue  bene  in  go^^^^/jy" 

9  thatarmie.  (  f  At  that  time  alfo  M'hcn  they  were  in  Silo,,  !^^„ °«yt^J1i. 

le  none  of  them  vas  found  there.}  t  They  fcnt  thcrfore  ten  mfmg,Aniiif<i- 
thoufand  the  flirongeft  men,  and  commanded  them:  Goc, /''"«'/'<"*/3'*"'"* 
and  ftrike  the  inkabitantesoflabes  Galaad  in  the  edge  o f  the  ^'""g''-*^''''?'^'- 

n  fword,  as  vel  their  xriues  as  their  litlc  ones,  f  And  this  ftial '"'^      ** 
be  it  which  you  shal  obferue :  Al  of  the  male  kindc,  and  \rc- 
men,  that  hauc  knowen  men,  kil  ye,  but  the  virgins  refcrue. 

u  t  And  there  were  found  of  labes  Galaad  foure  hundred  vir- 
gins, that  knew  not  mans  bcdde,  and  they  brought  them  to 

13  the  campe  in  Silo,  into  the  Landof  Chanaan.  f  And  they 
fent  mefTengers  to  the  children  of  Beniamin,  that  were  in 
Rocke  Remmon,  and  commanded  them  that  they  should 

14  receiue  them  in  peace,  t  And  the  children  of  Beniamin  ctmc 
at  that  time,  and  there  wcregeuen  vnto  them  wiucs  of  the 
daughters  of  labes  Galaad;  but  others  they  found  not,which 

1;  they  might  geue  them  in  like  raaner.  f  And  al  Ifrael  was 
very  forie,  and  repented  for  the  killing  of  one  tribe  out  of 

\6  Ill-ael.  t  And  the  ancientes  faid :  AVhat  shal  we  doe  to  the 
reft,  that  haue  not  taken  wiues?  For  alrhe  wemcn  in  Benia- 

17  min  arc  dead,  f  And  we  muft  very  carefully,  and  with  grcac 
ftudieprouide,  that  one  tribe  be  not  dcftroyed  out  of  Ifrael. 

•j8  t  For  our  owne  daughters  we  can  not  geue  them,  being 
bound  with  an  oath  and  a  curfc,  wherby  we  faid  :  Curfed  be 
he  that  shal  geue  to  Beniamin  anie  of  his  daughters  to  wife. 

ic)  Andtheytookecounfail,  and  faid  :  Behold  rhere  is  an  anni- 
uerrairefolemnitieofourLord  in  Silo,  which  is  fituarc  on 
the  North  of  the  citie  of  Bethel,  on  the  Eaft  fide  of  the  way, 
that  gocth  from  Bethel  to  Sichem, and  on  the  South  of  the 

2.0  cowneof  Lebona.  f  And  they  commanded  the  children  of 
Beniamin,  and  faid:  Gee,  and  lie  hidde  in  the  vineyardes. 

zi  t  And  when  you sha!  fee  the  daughters  of  Siio  come  forth 
after  the  nianer  to  lead  daunfes,i^ue  forth  fodcnly  out  of  the 
vintyardcs,  and  catch  of  them  eusrie  one  his  wife,  and  goe 

ti  iiito  the  Land  of  Beniamin.  f  And  when  their  fathers  shal 

Yyyz  come, 

5^4  IVDGES. 

come,  and  their  brethren,  and  shal  bcginnc  to  complaiiic 
againft  you,  and  to  chide,  we  wil  fay  to  them  ;  Haiie  pittie  on 
s  In  the  time  them:  for  they  tooke  them  not  away  by  the  right  of  warryers 
ofthcTudges  indconqucrours,  but  when  they  defire'd  to  receiuc  them, 
ly^^j^j^'^j.^'^^  you  gaue  them  not,  and  on  your  part  the  fault  'eras  commit- 
to  do  */jrff/f-  ted.  f  And  the  children  of  Beniamin  did,  as  it  had  bcenc 
tntdtt  them  commanded  them-/:  and  according  to  their  number,  they 
f*^'*"^ig^t,  or  tooke  away  to  them  felues  of  thofe  that  ledde  thedaunfes, 
?,°«-,r  ."^^.""u,  cucrie  one  his  wife :  and  they  went  into  their  pofTefiionjbuil- 
whichafter-  ding  Cities,  and  dwelling  in  them,  f  The  children  ot  Ilrael 
vardestlie  alfo  returned  by  their  tribes  ,  and  families  into  their  taberna- 
kingcsmorc  des.  In  thofe  daies  there  was  not  a  King  in  Ifrael:  butcuerie 
pamrcd!       °»^  ^'^  ^^^^  •■  vhich  fcmed  right  to  him  felfe, 

{<3tn  f<*>^  fV»?t^( V?St^.--k'^>-  rK_*?t.*^ r^^*^  fV*?L^  t*S*^  r^ >^-^.  C\!^-^l -^*t>-. 

'^■nKjC^  '^iCe^  ^^-^S^vj  tr;j,->j  c<^rv>  tf-^gr^J  ?-<7f?>-^  t<  v*>-  ^-r^if^  ■ ''"SO-  w-ij.  >  t<;jr>  J 

THE     ARGVMENT     OF    TH'E 


AMONGST.  Other  thinges  that  hdpfentdto  the  people  of  ifrael,  m  the 
timeofthe ludges:,this  hiUorieof  Ruthy  to  '^itt,  her  coming  from 
Modb  ,htr  conuerfion  to  true  I{elig(6n, god  lie  ccmterftt  ion,  andmArmge  With 
TKekftoricof  jj^^-r^  o/r^e  trihe  oflnd<t,  ts  recorded,  as  a  more prtnciffal  mitter.For  that  not 
itrcVin'hoh'c  onlie i^mg V^trndy J^ut cwfequeatl^ alfo our  S  AV  i  o  v  ii,  the  l{edemer  of 
Scripture,  for  mankiod  dcfcended  from  her.  rrherhy  -^as  f(}rejignified,thatas  fAluation 
the  genealo-  thus  proctded  from  the  Gentiles  togethtr  Ti^ith  the  lefVes :  fo  the  Genttles  xre 
^ic  of  Dauid,  fff^de partakers  of  the  fime  g^race.  More  clerlyprophmed,  as  S.Hierom  neteth, 
ZfomlTrltoJi  h.^h*  ( cap.  i6.  )f<*ytng  :  Send  forth  6  Lord  the  lambe,  the  Pvuler  of  _ 
.Qhiift.  the  earth,  from  the  Rocke  of  the  dcfcrt  to  the  mount  of  the 

daughterof  Sion.rirf^/j, /row /(«//j/^e^f»^//f^o  Utcrufalem,  orrather 
to  the  church,  this  m*riage  of  J(uth  came  to  paffe  About  the  time  of  .yfhifAH 
Judge.  Theh:>oke  >^45  ivrtttcn,  ds  is  moft prohMc,  hy  Samuel:  aad  is  dmided 
intofmre  ch<ipters  f  whop  cotttf»t€sfoloW  m  their pUces. 



-  e<>^^  ^'^^  <^^^^c<^~^^s^^>7S<^i^0O('':^^ 


Ch  A  p.       I. 

Hj  ficcdjion  of  famine  Elimekch  of  Bethleem  going  with  hit  mfe  Nocmiy  dnd 
twofonfies,  into  the  Undef  Moab,  there  dieth.4,.Hisfonnes  marrie  wiues 
cfthat  couotriCy  and  die  ^-ithout  ijfu\  6.  Noemi  returning  bome}t;Ardei 
hardly  ferfwadeth  one  of  her  daughters  in  Uw,  to  part  front  her.  i;.  The 
cthery  called  J{ttth,  wUneedts  f^oe  Tfiith  her,  frofifmg  the  fi^e  God  aod 
J^limnA^.So  tkefe  trvo  arrmc  inBetheltem. 

I   j^^^^^]N  the  daycsofoneludge^M  hen  the  lunges  ruled, 
'^^'  there  came  a  famine  in  the  Land.  And  there  went 

lamanofBethlecmliidajtorciourneinthe  land  of 
Meabvrith  his  vife,  and  two  children,  t  himfelf 
sras  called  Eiimelech ,  and  his  wife,  Not-mi :  and  his  two 
ronncs,theoneMahalon,and  the  other  Chelion,  Ephraites 
of  Bethleem  luda.  And  enrring  into  theconntiic  of  Moab, 

5  they  abode  there,  f  And  Eiimelech  the  hufbanJ  of  Noemi 
4  died:  and  fne  remained  with  her  Tonnes,  f  \Yho  tocke  wiucs 

of  the  Moabitcs,  of  the  which  one  was  called  Orpha,  and  the 

$  other  Ruth.  And  they  abode  there  ten  yeares,  f  and  both  died, 

to  vpitte,Mahalon  and  GheIion:and  the  woman  remayncd  dc- 

6  flitute  ofhcr  two  children  &  her  hufbaftd.  t  And  fhcarofe  to 
^oeintohercountrie  with  both  her  daughters  in  law  from 
Thecountrieof  Moabrfor  ftehad  heard  that  our  Lord  had 

7  rcfpeded  his  people,  (Sc  had  geuen  them  victuals .  f  She  ther- 
fore  went  forth  from  the  place  of  her  peregrination,  with 
both  her  daughters  in  law:  and  being  now  fettc  in  the  way 

8  toreturneinto  the  Land  of  luda,  f  fiiefaidto  them. Goc into 
your  mothers  houfe,  our  Loid  doe  mcrcie  with  you,  as  you 

<)  hauedonewitii  the  dead  and  with  me.  •\  Grant  he  vnto  yoit 
to  find  reftinthehoufesof  your  hufbandes,  which  you  flial 
take.And  she  kiifed  them.  Who  lifting  vp  their  voice  beganno 

lo  toweepe,  -f  (!v:  to  fay:  We  wilgoe  on  with  thee  to  thy  people. 

II  t  To  whom  (he  anfwered:  Returne  my  daughters,  why  come 
you  with  me  ?  shal  I  haue  fonncs  any  more  in  my  wombe,that 

Ui  you  may  hops  for  hufbandes  of  mc?  t  Returne  my  daugh- 
ters, and  goe  your  wayes  :  for  I  am  now  fpcnt  with  old  age, 
and  notfittefor\redlockc.  Although  I  might  qgacciuc  this 

Y  y  y  5  aightj 

$(S  R  V  T  H.  Elimclcch.  Nocmi. 

night,  and  bcare  children,  f  if  you  would  cxpedb  til  they  ij 
grov,and  bcof  mans  age,  yoa  fiial  be  old  women  bcFor   you 
raarrie.  Doc  not  fo  my  daughters,  I  befcch  you :  for  your  di- 
ftrcfle  doth  the  more  greue  me,  and  the-  hand  of  our  Lord  is 
come  forth  againft  me.  f  Therfore  hfcing  vp  their  voice,  they  14 
begannctovrcepeagayne,  Orpha  kilTed  her  mother  in  law, 
and  returned:  Ruth  cleaued  to  her  mether  in  law.  f  to  whom  15 
Noemi  faid :  Behold  thy  kinfewoman  is  returned  to  her  peo- 
K- Nocmi  per-  pie,  and  -  to  her  goddes,  goe  with  her.  f  Who  anfwcred:  i(j 
fvadcd  not  to  Be  not  againft  me,  to  the  end  that  I  should  leaue  thee  and  dc- 
idoUtrcbut  m       j.  (^^  thither  foeuer  thou  shalr  goe,  I  wii  goe :  and  where 
Ilnuatedthat    V       /^    1      1  ■  i      ,    ir        t    i  •  •      ^r  1   ^  1 

ifRuth  would  tnouibalt  abide,  I  alio  wil  abide.  Thy  people  my  people,  and 

notrcturncto  thy  God  my  God.  f  The  land  that  (halreceiuc  thee  dying,  in   17 
her  countrie,   the  fame  wil  I  die ;  and  there  wil  I  take  a  place  for  my  buriil . 
ul^thtf^lCc  "^^^^^  twinges  doc  God  to  rac,&  thefc  thinges  adde  he,if  death 
goddes.  And    o^hc  flialnot  feparate  meand  thee,  f  Noerai  therfore  feing,  18 
fofiieanfwc-    that  Ruth  with  a  ftidfaft  mind  had  determined  to  goe  for- 
red,  that  (he     ward  with  her,  would  not  be  againft  it,nor  perfwadc  her  any 
would  feme     njQfc  to  rcturne  to  her  frcndes  ;    f  »n^  they  went  forth  '19 
Ged  of  Israel,  together,  and  came  into  Bethlehem.  "Who  being  entered  into 
the  citic,  a  brute  was  cj^iickly  fprcd among  them:  and  the 
wemenfaid:  This  is  thatNocmi.  t  To  whom  (he  faid:  Cal  lo 
racnot  Noemi  (that  it  to  fay,  beautiful)  but  cal  me  Mara 
(that  is  to  fay,  bitter)  becaufe with  bitterucs  hath  the  Al- 
wSlickada       »nightic  very  much  repleniflicd  me.  f  I  went  forth  "•  ful ,  ai 
hulbandand    and  our  Lord  hath  brought  me  6ackc  emptie.  "Why  therfore 
tw'ofonncs,      doc  youcal  me  Noeraiwhom  our  Lord  hath  humbled,  and 
andfafficlcnt    the  Almightic  hath  afflifted?  f  Noemi  therfore  came  with  it 
prom  ion,   ut  j^^^j^  ^^^  Moabitc  her  daughter  in  law,  frotn  the  land  of  her 
novwasbere-  o  «     1  1  1  i        i      1 

ucdof  ihem    -peregrination;  and  returned  into  Bethlehem,  when  batiey 

al.  was  firft  reaped. 

Chap.     IL 
l{uth^dtherin^  edres  of  come  in  SooT^  field,  S.  he  kindly  biddeih  her  Urie 
Jfiithhis/erudntcs.i'j,  Airtight  she  returnfth  C4rymg good  qiiAntitie 
ofcorne,  Andfxrt  of  the  me4te,  Jfi  huh  they  gum  hereto  her  mother  in  Uw. 

ANd  Eiim£]cchherhu{bandhadacorin,amighticman,  i 
and  of  great  riches,  named  Booz  .  f  And  Ruth  the  1 
Moabice  faid  to  her  mother  in  law :  If  thou  command,  I  wil 
goe  into  the  field,  and  gather  the  cares  of  corne,  thacshal 
cfcape  the  handcs  of  the  reapers,  where  focucr  I  ilial  find  the 


Booz.  RvTH.  y^7 

graccof  the  father  of  the  houfe  fauorable  tovardcsme.  To 
}  whom  ihc  anfwered:  Goc  my  daughter,  f  She  vent  therforc 
and  gathered  the  cares  oFcorne  after  the  backes  of  the  rea- 
pers. And  it  chanced  that  the  owner  of  the  fame  field  was 

4  Booz,  who  was  of  the  kinred  of  Ehmclcch.  f  And  behold, 

he  came  out  of  Bethlehem,  and  faid  to  thereapers:  ''•  Our  :.*TfceChurch 
Lord  be  with  you.  Who  anf^eicd  him  :  Our  Lord  blelTc  thee.  7^*^'^.  ^^'^f^^- 

5  t  And  Booz  faid  to  thcyongman,  that  was  ouerfeer  of  the  hoTic  facrifice 

6  reapers  :  Whofe  maide  is  this?  t  To  whom  he  anfwcred :  andothcrdi- 
This  is  that  Moabite,  which  came  with  Nocmi,  from  the  uiBto&cc. 

7  countrieof  Moab,  f  and  she  defired  that  she  mightgathcr 
the  earcsof  corne  thatremaync,  folowing  the  ftcppesofthc 
reapers :  and  from  morning  vntil  now  she  ftaycth  in  the  field, 
and  not  fo  much  as  for  a  very  moment  hath  she  returned 

S  home,  f  And  Booz  faid  to  Ruth:  Heare  me  daughter,  goc  not 
into  an  other  field  to  gather,  neither  depart  thou  from  this 

5>  place:  but  ioyne  thy  felfeto  my  maides,  f  and  where  they 
haue  reaped,  folow.  For  I  hauc  commanded  myferuantes, 
that  no  man  moleft  thee:  but  if  thou  shalt  thirft  alfo,  goc 
to  the  fardels,  and  dri  nke  the  waters,  wherof  the  feruantcs 

lo  alfo  doe  drinke.  t  who  falling  on  her  face  and  adoring  vpon 
the  ground,  faid  to  him  :  Whence  cometh  this  to  me,  that 
I  should  find  grace  before  thine  eies,  and  that  thouwouU 

XI  deft  voutfafetoknowmea  ftrangc  woman?  f  To  whom  he 
anfwered;Al  thinges  haue  beene  told  me,  which  thou  haft 
done  to  thy  mother  in  law  after  the  death  of  thy  hufband: 
and  that  thou  haft  leift  thy  parentes,  and  the  land  wherem 
thou  waft  borne,  and  art  corae  to  a  people,  which  before     „        ,    , 

12  thoukneweft  not.  f  Our  Lord  ••  render  vnto  thee  for  thy  ted  notbutrc- 
worke,  and  God  grant  thou  mayeftreceiue  "  aful  reward  of  v/ard  was  due 
our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael,  to  whom  thou  art  come,  &  vndcr  ^°  go"Q  v^or- 

1}  whofcwJngcs  thou  art  fled,  f  who  faid:  I  haue  found  grace  f;*^*'      c  < 
in  thine  eiesmy  lord,  which  haft  comforted  me,  and  halt  fpo-  ^^^d  anfwci- 
ken  to  the  hart  of  thy  handmaide,  which  am  not  like  to  one  able  to  Ruch 

14  oftbymaides.  f  And  Boozfaid  tohcr :  When  thehoure  (hal  pic"«^" Vvhich 
come  to  eatc,  come  hither,  and  eatc  bread,  and  dippethy  "^"^''^4)111- 
morfel  in  the  vinagre.  She  therforc  fate  at  the  fide  of  the  rea-  'j^^[^ 
pers,  and  she  heaped  to  her  felfe  polent,  and  did  eate  and  was 

i;  filled,  and  tooke  the  leauinges.  f  And  from  thence  she  arofe, 
to  gleane  the  cares  of  corne  after  her  maner.  And  Booz  com- 
manded his  feruantcs,  faying :  Yea  and  if  she  wil  rcapc  with 


j68  RvTH.  Booz. 

yoa,  forbid  her  not:  f  andof  youro^rne  handfuls  alfo  caft  i6 
forth  ofpurpofe,  and  let  them  rcmainc,  that  she  may  g.  thcr 
them 'without  bashcfulnes, and  gathering  let  no  man  con- 
trol* Ic  her.  f  She  gleaned  therforc  in  the  iicldvntilcuening:  17 
&  that  Vhich  she  had  gathered  beating  with  a  roddc  &  thre- 
(hing  she  found  of  barley  as  it  vrcrc  the  meafure  of  an  ephi, 
that  is,  three  bushels,  f  Which  carying  she  returned  into  iS 
thecitic, andshcNtrcd  to  her  mother  in  law:  moreouer  she 
brought  forth,  and  gauc  her  of  the  remayncs  of  her  meate, 
wherwith  she  had  bcene  filled,  -f  Andher  mother  in  law  faid  19 
to  her:  "Where  haft  thou  gathered  to  day,  and  vhere  haft  thou 
wrought  ?  blcfTcd  be  he  that  hath  had  mcrcie  on  thee.  And 
she  told  her  with  whom  she  had  wrought:  and  she  told  the 
mans  name,  that  he  was  called  Booz.  t  To  whom  Noemi  10 
tnfwcred ;  Be  he  blefPed  of  our  Lord:  bccaufe  the  fame  gra'ce, 
which  he  had  shewed  to  the  liuing,  he  hath  kept  aifo  to  the 
dead.  And  agaync  she  faid :  The  man  is  our  nigh  cofia.  -f  And  it 
Ruth,  This  alfo,  quoth  she,  he  commanded  me,  that  (o  long 
I  shouldioync  my  felf  to  the  reapers,  til  al  the  cornc  wer^ 
reaped,  t  To  whom  her  mother  inlaw  faid:  It  is  better  my  22 
daughter,  that  thou  goe  forth  with  his  maides  to  reape,  Icfl  *  • 
inanother  mans  field  fome  may  rsfift  thee,  -f  She  therforc  23 
ioynedherfelfto  the  maides  of  Booz:  and  fo  long  reaped 
•with  them,  til  the  barley  and  the  whcatc  were  layd  vp  in 
the  barnes. 

Chap.     111, 
J(Hth  inpruEheihy  her  mother  in  Uwjleefetb  at  Boo'^feete,  S.  xndff^nljjtng 

that  iheperteyneth  to  him  hy  the  lafV  ofaffinitu,  receiueth  agood  an/ivcr^ 

■ij^.andftxmeafitresof  barley, 

BVt  after  that  she  was  retcrncd  to  her  mother  inlaw,  1 
she  heard  of  her :  My  daughter,  I  wil  feeke  thee  reft,  and 
wilprouiderhatitmay  be  wel  with  thee,  -f  This  Booz,  to  2 
whole  maides  thou  art  ioyned  in  the  field-,  is   our  nigh 
.kinfman,and  this  night  he  wynoweth  thebarne  Booreofthc 
barley,  f  "^ash  therfore  and  annoyntc  thy  felf,  and  put  on  5 
thy  better  garmcntes,  and  goe  downe  into  the  barnc  Hoorc, 
let  no  man  fee  thee,  til  he^hal  hauc  ended  eating  &  drinking, 
t  Andwhenheshalgoc  to  fleepc,marke  the  place  wherein  4 
hcflcepeth:  and  thou  shalt  come,  and  difcouer  the  mantel 
whervithhciscoucrcdtovard  his  fcetCj  and  shal  caft  thy 

RVTH.  ^69 

felfdovBC  and  lie  there:  :•'  and  he  vil  tel  rhcc  vhat  thou  jj^^^Ytlu* 

5  maft  doe.  f  Who  anfver«d :  \7hatfoeucr  thou  shalt  com-  js^Q^mi  was 

^  mandjthatwill  doe.  t  And  jhc  vent  dovrneiato  the  barnc  mipircd  by  • 
floorc,  and  did  al  thethingcs  -which  her  mother  in  lav  had  God  to  gcue 

7  commanded  her.  t  And  when  Booz  had  eaten,  &  drunken,  iuchdiiccAioa 
and  was  made  pleafanr,  and  was  gone  to  fleepc  by  the  heapc  J°^.^j"[  ^^j^* 
ofshcaues, she  came  clofcly, and  difcoucring the  mantel,  at  goox  would 

S  his  fectcjaydhcr  rdf  downc.  f  And  behold,  when  it  was  doc. 
HOW  midnight  the  man  was  afrayd,  and  rrublcd  :  and  he  faw 

5>  a  woman  lying  at  his  feete,  f  ^"d  faid  to  her  :  Who  art  thou  ? 
And  she  anfwcred:  I  am  Ruth  thy  handmaide:  fprcd  thy 
mantel  vpon  thy  fcTuantjbccaufe  thou  art  nigh  of  kinnc^. 

10  t  And  he  faid:  BlclTcd  art  ihcu  of  our  Lord  my  daughter, 
and  the  former  mercie  thou  haft  pa  (Ted  with  the  later:  bc- 

caufe  thou  haft  ••  not  folowed  yong  men  either  poorc  or  rich.  ..  jj  ^^,  ^ 
XI  t  Fcarcnotthcrfore,but  whatfoeuer  thou  shale  fay  to  me,  comcndablc 
I  wil  doe  to  thee.  For  al  the  people  that  dwcllcth  within  the  that&c  loacd 
gates  of  my  citiCjlcHOwe,  thatrhouartayoman  of  vertuc.  J"?'^]^*^^" 

11  t  Neither  doc  I  dcnie  my  fclf  nigh  of  kinnc,  but  there  is  an  thcr  in"law^' 
^5  ©thcrnecrcrthcn  I.  f  Reft  this  night:  and  when  morning  is  batmoreTcr- 

come,ifhe  wilrctaynethceby  therightof  nigh  of  kindred,  tucinflcingoc 
the  thing  is  wci  done,  but  if  he  wil  not,  I  wil  take  thc«  with-  c*Gonof  fmae 

34  out  al  doubt,  our  Lord  liucth,fleepe  vntil  morning,  -f  She  ^' „  ^^jf 
flept  th^rfore  at  his  feete  til  the  night  was  gone.Thcrfore  she  kiBg'to  marie 
arofc  before  men  could  k-nowoine  aft  other,  and  Booz  Taid  :  a«cordin^  to 
Beware  left  any  man  know  that  thoa  camcft  hither,  j*  And  tl»c  lav  ofGod 

ij  agayne,  Spred,  quoth  he,  thy  mantel,  wherwith  thou  art  ^"^^J^  ^°j" 
couercd,  and  hold  it  with  both  handes.  Who  fpredding  and  ]jinfinan.De«r. 
holding  it,  he  meafured  fix  roeafurcs  of  barley,  and  put  it  1;. 

16  vponhcr.  "Whocarymgit  entred  into  the  citie,  f  at^d  came 
to  her  mother  in  law.  Vho  faid  to  her :  What  haft  thou  done 
daughter  ?  And  she  told  her  althingcs,that  the  man  had  done 

17  to  her.  t  And  she  faid:  Bcholdfix  meafures  of  barley  hath 
he  gcucn  me,  and  he  faid :  I  wil  no  t  haue  thee  returne  emptic 

18  tothymotherin  law.  f  And  Noemi  faid:  Expedi:  daughter 
til  we  fee  what  end  the  thing  wil  haue.  For  the  man  wil  not 
ccafe  vntiJ  he  haue  accomplished  that  which  he  hath  fpokcn. 

Chap.    I II  I. 

SooXjefore  thtdneientes  of  the  citte  ( the  neercr  kinfman  refuftng )  foffe([eth 
the  mhent Ami  of  Elimeleth,  10, 4nd  mtiritth  i{Hth.  15.  H4tb  by  her  4 

Z  z  2  fonne^ 

57*  RvTH.  Booz. 

fottnej  the g*4ndfxther of  DAutd.  \%.  rr^hore^eneMgtt^jthii occdfrn is 
reatUifrom  Phares  the/»i$ne  of  ladai  tbe^atridrcb. 


0  o  z  thcrforc  vent  vp  to  the  gate,  and  fate  there.  And  i 
when  he  had  fcenc  the  nigh  kinfinan  paflc  by,  of  whom 
the  talke  was  had  before,  he  faid  to  him;  Turne  in  a  litlc 
vhile, and fitfc here:  caUing him  by  his  name.  "Who  turned 
in,  and  dtc.  t  And  Booz  taking  ten  men  of  the  citic ,  faid  to   i 
them  rSittc  ye  here,  f  "Who  fittmg  downc,  he  ipake  to  the  3 
nigh  kinfcman:  Noemi,  who  is  returned  from  the  countrie 
jtBoozcallcth  o^Moab,  wil  fcl  the  part  of  the  field  belonging  to  ••  our  bro- 
his  kinfraan     thcr  Elimelech.  f  Which  L  would  thee  to  vnderftand,  and  4 
brother,  as  A.- -^jrould  tel  thee  before  al  that  (itte,  and  the  ancicnrcs  of  my 
Lofhirb"".^'^  people.  If  thou  wilt  pofleffc  it  by  the  right  of  nigh  kindred: 
thct.  Gen.  i].   Dye,  andpoffcHc  it.butifitpleafc  thcenot,  tcl  me  the  fame, 
heiaghisTie-  that  I  may  know  what  I  ought  to  doc.  For  there  is  no  nigh 
fh«yy,  kinfcman  iauing  thee,  which  art  firft,  and  me,  who  am  fc- 

cond.  But  he  anfwered :  I  wil  bye  the  field  .  f  To  whom  j 
Booz  faid:  When 'thou  sbalt  bye  the  field  at  the  womans 
hand,  thou  mufi:  take  alfo  Ruth  the  Moabite,  which  was^ 
the  wife  of  the  dceeafcd  :    that  thou  mayefl  rayfc  vp  the 
name  of  thy  kinfmanin  his  inheritance,  -f  Who  anfwered:  6 
lyeldmy  right  of  nigh  kindred:  for  I  may  not  abolifli  the 
pofteritie  of  niyne  ownc  famiHe .  Doe  thou  vfe  my  priui- 
ledge,  which  I  profelTe  that  I  doc  willingly  forgoc.  t  And  7 
<:S€eDwM5.  ••  thisinold  time  was  the  maner  in  Ifrael  bctwen  kinfemen, 
siotiBg  here     that  if  at  any  time  one  yelded  to  an  other  his  right :  that  the 
withal,  that    g^aunt might  bc  furc,  the  man  putof  his  (hoe,  and  gaue  it 
wasleffc.Vhca  to  his  neighbour,  this  wasatcftimonie  of  yclding  in  Kracl. 
an  other  f   Booz  therfore  faid  to  his  kinfeman:  Take  of  thy  flioe.  8 

kinfmanvn-  Which  immediatly  he  loofed  from  his  foote.  t  Buttothean-  5 
dertaking  the  cicntes,  and  the  whole  people  he  faid :  You  are  witneffcs  this 
woman^4ai  ^^Y'  ^^^^  ^  ^»"« purcbafcd  al  thinges  which  were  Elimclechs} 
preuetedfrom  and  Chelions  and  Mahalons,  Noemi deliuermg  them  :  f  and  10 
complayning  haue  taken  in  mariage  Ruth  the  Moabite,  the  wife  of  Ma- 
befote  the  halonj  that  Imay  rayfe  vp  the  name  of  the  deceafed  in  his  in- 
^^^'  heritancc,  left  his  name  We  abolithcd  out  of  his  familic  and 

brethren  and  people.  You,  I  fay, are  witnelTcsof  this  thing. 
f  Al  the  people  that  was  in  the  gate  anfwered,  and  the  an-  li 
cientes  :  We  are  witnefles:  Our  LorcT  make  this  woman  , 
•^hich  cntcrcth  inco  tl?y  howfe,  as  Rachel,  and  Lia,  which 
"  builded 

RvTH.  57f 

buildcd  tKc  houfc  of  Ifracl:  that  flic  may  be  ad  example  of 
vcrtuc  in  Ephrata,  and  may  hauc  a  famous  name  in  Bcthlc- 

u  hem:  f  and  that  thy  houfc  maybe,  as  the  houfc  of  Pharcs, 
\rhom  Thamar  bare  to  ludas,  of  thcfccde  vhich  our  Lord 

?5  (balgcuc  thee  of  this  yong  '^roman.  f  Booz  thcrfore  tookc 
Ruth,  and  had  hcrtoxrife:  and  went  in  vnto  her,  and  our 

r4  Lord  gaue  her  ro  concciue,  and  to  bearc  aionne.  f  And  the 
wcmenfaidtoNoemi  ".BlcfTedbcourLord,  vrhich  hath  not 
fuffcred  that  there  should  fayle  a  fucccfTof  of  thy  familic : 

ij  that  his  name  fliould  be  called  inlfrael.  f  And  thou  (houl- 

deft  haue  one  that  may  comfort  thy  foule,  and  chcriflithy  ::HereapfeA- 
old  age.  For  of  thy  daughter  in  law  is  he  borne,  which  wil  ^eth  the  ioai 
loucthee:and  rauchb«trcrislhe  to  thee,  then  if  thouhadft  "      l  T?". 

iS  fcuenfonnes.  f  And  Noemi  taking  the  child  put  it  in  her  ricioftevthc 
bofomc,and  did  theofficeof  anouiceandof  one  that  (hould  Gcncalogicof 

17  cariehim.  t  And  rhewemen  her  neighbours  congratulating  King  Dauii 
her,  and  faying :  There  is  a  fonne  borne  to  Noemi:  called  his  ^j^°"J,^".     ,. 
name  Obcd :  this  is  -  the  father  of  Ifai,  the  father  of  Dauid.  o/^^onf "  ' 

18  t  Thcfe  are  the  generations  of  Phares:  Phares  begat  Efron,  chiift  flioul* 
If) zc-fEfron  begat  Aram,  Aram  begat  Aminadab,  t  Aminadab  dcfcend,fa 

21   begat  Nahalfon ,  NahafTon  begat  Salmon,  f  Salmon  begat  prophccicd : 
li  Boo2,Boo2  begat  Obcd,  t  Obed  begat  Ifai,  Ifai  begat  Dauid.  ^'";^ed'to  bt 

.^ —  fAdt.l, 

THE     ARGVMENT     OF     THE 


AF  T  E  R  the  hooke  of  Judges  (fifheruttto  ^tth  is  mnexed)rlghtlj  fololV 
the  bookts  of  Kinges  .figmfytngthat  tkfter  the  general  ludgemcnt  f9- 
J^  hi.  meth  the cncrhdin^  Kin^domc.  ^syeneraUe  Bedaexpoundeth  this  con- 
^^Z-  '■^'  ntxion efyookes,  wherm  he alfo  explicateth mxnie  other  Myfiencs  ofchrtjl  ZT  ^-^^^^  ^'?J?' 

the  church  ^r^fi^ured  in  thcfe  hiJ}ories. LtkfWtfc  S.  G redone  teAiheth  that  heft-  ""  o^undcd 
'Z  Te^.  ^«^^^hiftori:al(5r  moral  fcnfeexprcITedin  the  fimplicitieof  thclet-  myftically  hj 
It.    -  %'.  rct>anothcrniyfticalvndcrtl:andmgi$to  befoughr  in  thehcight  of  the  anc.cnt 
4.  ciuit.  the  AWc^onQ.Inconfrmationlpherof  he citeth S.^HiTHjiin  and S.Bierom-y  f^^^e"- 
Er-  ^^      fphe  fay,  th^t  Elcana  his  tw^  tViuesftgnified  the  Synagogue  of  the  IcWes,  and 
'''"' '  '■•     %he  church  ofchnft :  cr  that  the  de.tth  of  Hth  e?-  Uul,  ^fiith  tranjlutton  of 

Zzz  i  Pnejihooi 

Triejlhooi  t»  Sdmnel  Jind  SdJochy  dndof  the  Kh^domf,  to  Ddttii  dni  his 

SucceJforSypr^efi^urcd  thencyr  Pricfthood,and  nc\r  Kingdomc  ofChiift 

tbeoUcedftn^'^hich  ^ere  shAdoPfes  therof.  So  thefe  two  g  (4t  Dolors  S. 

Gregone  *nd  S  Bcdx^  inji/iag  i»  thej^eppei  of  other  lerned  hoUe  Fathers ,  thAt 

had  font  before  thtmy  expound  thefe  hijtories  not  only  bifiorici'dy  hut  alfo  tny- 

Tlic  general     flicti'ly.  The  bi/fonefirfi  /etteth  forth  the  chdnging  oft  be  forme  of  gouernr/ient 

contents  of  al  r   ^  ji^^  ^^  Kin<rtit  4tid  then  at  Urre  '^hat  Km^ei  did reipne  ouer  the  m- 

Kinecs&Pira  *'^'^  pe^pl'-yO^  wdmonettttire  ReAimeydSoutr  the  fame  pfoplediutdedmta 

HippomcAon.    *Wo  ktngdomts  j  their  more  principal  ^ftts ;  their  good  and  euil  hehamour  y 

Mlfo  the  profpentUy  dedinattony^  andfnal  captimtitiof  both  the  Kingdenxu 

^l  fffhich  iicentetnedtn  fourc  bookcs of  KingcJ,  ^itb  other  fvo partly 

repeting  that  >4;  faied  before^  but  ejpetully  fupplying ihinges  emitted  in  the 

"^hok  [acred  hiJJonefrom  the  begmmrgofthe  THorldy  tailed  Paralippomc- 

Saraael  ▼rit     tton.  Th0  ttPofirfi  tre  alfi  called  the  Bookcs  ofSamudy  though  he  )*  ritn^ot 

the  firft  part,     9;,,  of  them  "Wholly,  for  he  died  before  the  hiflorte  of  the  former  ended ;  btii 

but  vnccrtainc  ^^  ^^^y  y  j    y    ^^^    hecauft  he  ant^ointed  the  two  fir  ft  Ki  nres ,  a»d 

vho  vrit  the       <  S  '  '  , ,   ,     t      >  ^         •  , 

gg^^  Wrtt  a  great  fart  of  their  ^cres.  whertothe  rtjf  was  aadeil  either  by  Dauii 

dnd  Salomon^  di  fome  thmkf  yorby  Natbatt  and  Gad,ai  is  probably  gathered, 
1.  Paralip.  19.  v.  19.  The  authors  alfo  of  the  third  and  fourth  bool-^es  of 
JCingcs,  and  of  the  two  of  Paraltppomenon  are  ynccrtame  ',yet  al  bane  eutf 
hene  receined  and  held  for  Caaonual  Scripture, 


**X      »     f  h    ^T^  ^  '  ^  f^^  ^^"^^  "*^^  ^'  diuided  into  foure partes.  Tirfi  are  recorded tht 

firft  bookc.di-     -I   gouernmetes  r>f  HeU  cr  Samuel^  with  the  occaftons  of  changing  tbejfate 

teided  into        ©/  ihat  commonwealth  into  4  iCingdome.  in  the  eigbtjirfi  Chapters,  Secondly, 

iouxcpaxtct.     the  eleShion  and  goaemment  of  Saul  thetrfirfl  iCing.  frtm  the  9.  chap,  to  the 

iCTbirdly^Dauidsannomtingy  hts  Itertuesy  trublesy  and perfecutiom.  from 

the  16.  chap,  to  the  18-  Fot$rthlj,  the  ritine  of  SduUnd exaltation  of  Damdo 

in- the  foure  laji  Chapters* 




K  I  N  G  E  S. 

Chap.     T. 
ElcdKA  hAtung  ttvo  "^iueit  the  onecdlled  ^nn  <,  U  hxrrtny  dndfor  the  fame 
if  re^roihed  i>T  the  other,  cdlledPbenenna,^,  ^nna^oivetb,  And  f>r*yeth 
jar  a  mm  child  ^  19.  cancemeih  and  hedreth  4  fanncy  cdUeth  him  Samuel : 
24,  and  prejenteth  bim  to  the  feri^ce  of  God  in  Silo, 







Herb  was*  man  of  Raraathaimfo- 
phim,of  mount  Ephraim,  &  his  name 
Elcana.thcfonncof  Icroham.theronnc 
of  Eliu,  rhcfonnc  of  Thohu,thc  fonnc 
of  Suph,  an  Ephrai  c  f  and  he  had 
two  wiues,  the  name  of  one  ^as  Anna, 
and  the  naraeof  the  fecond  Phcncnna. 
Phcncnna  had  children  :  but  Anna  had 

3  not  children.  •\  And  that  man  went  vp  from  his  citic  vpon  or- 
dinarie  dayes,  to  adore  and  facnfice  vnto  the  Lord  of  hoftes  in 
Silo.  And  there  were  the  two  lonnes  of  Heli,  Ophni  and  Phi- 

4  nees,  prieftes  of  our  Lord,  f  The  day  came  thcrfore,&  Eicana 
immolated, and  gauc  to  Phcncnna  his  wife, &  to  al  her  fonncs 

5  and  daughters  partes;  t  burto  Annahegaue  one  part  with 
heauie  cheere,becaufe  he  loued  Anna.  And  our  Lord  had  fhut 

6  her  marrice.  f  Her  adurrfarie  alfo  afflidcd  her,  and  vexed 
her  fore, in  (omuch  that  ihcvpbraydedher.that  our  Lord  had 

7  fhut  her  marrice:  f  ^^^  ^®  ^^^  *^^  euerieyearc, when  the 
timereturned,thaf  they  went  vp  to  the  temple  of  our  Lord.* 
and  fo  file  prouoked  her :  raoreouer  she  wept,  and  tooke  not 

S  meat,  f  Elcanatherfere  her  hufband  faid  to  het:  Anna,  why 
weepeftthou?  and  why  doeftthou  not  eatc  ?  and  whcrforc 
docft  thou  afflidl  thy  hart?  Am  not  I  better  to  thee,  then 

Z  zz  5  tenr55 

Tlicfe  b»oket 

are  read  at 



B  Trinitic  vn- 



Thcfirft  part. 
Of  the  go- 
vicrnmcnr<;  of 
Hcli  and  Sa- 
muel :  and  of 
changipg  the 
ftate  into  a 

574  FiRSTBooKi  '  Hcli.  Samuel 

tcnnc  children  ?  f  And  Annaarofe  after  she  had  carenfndjj 
drunkciaSilo.  And  Hcli  the  pricft  fitting  vpon  a  Sroole  be- 
fore the  poftes  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord, -f-  vheras  Anna  had  Id 
aheauie  hart,  she  praied  to  our  Lord,  we'eping  aboandantly, 
f  and  she  voxred a  vo've,  faying:  O  Lordof  hoftes,  if  rcgar-  ir 
ding  thou  ^yik  behold  thcafflidion  ofthy  feruantjand  wile 
be  mindeful  of  me,  and  not  forgctte  thy  handmaide,  and  \ri!t 
;:  TKis  cKildc  geue  vnto  thy  fcruaat  a  man  childe  :  I  '•'■  vil  geue  him  to  our 
being  of  the    Lordal  the  daies  of  his  life  ,&  the  rafour  shal  not  comc  vpon 
"'^^°^^'^'^^j.  his  head,  t  Anditcame  to  pafTejwhen  she  multiplied  praiers  rx 
Aa°oni  ftock,  before  our  Lord,  that  Hcli  obferucd  her  mouth,  f  Morco-  13 
vas  lawfully '  uer  Ani^afpake  in  her  hart, and  onlic her lippes  moued  ,  and 
Toved  to  the  yoiee  there  vas  not  heard  at  al.  H^li  thcrfore  thought  her  to 
fcruicc  of  the  ^^  Jrankejf  and  fayd  t®  her:  Hont  long  wilt  thou  be  drunkc?  14 
hispTintcs^  digeftahtle  the  wync,  vhcrwith  thou  art  vctte .  f  Anna  ly. 
during  his       tnrvcring,  Not  fo,quoth  she,  my  lord:  for  I  am  an  exccding 
childhood,      vnhappie  woman,  and  wine  and  whatfocuer  may  inebriate, 
bot  coming  to  j  ^^^^  ^^^  drunke,  but  I  htuc  powrcd  out  my  fouleinthe^ 

I«V;"  u.i«  fishtofourLord.  t  Account  not  thy  handmaide  as  ©nc  o('i6 

cretionnoras     &  /-^i-tr        ri  «-j        r  r 

at  his  ovnc     the  daughters  of  Bchal :  for  of  the  multitude  of  my  iorrow  ^ 

elc^iotocon-  and  heauines  haue  I  fpokenvntil  this  prefent.  t  Then  Heli  '7 
tine*',  or  to    fj^jg^  ^q  j^^j. .  Qq^  [^  peace  :  and  the  God  of  Ifrael  geue  thee 
hadTw/of    thy  petition,  which  th'ou  haft  asked  him.  f  But  she  fayd:  18 
anic  other        "Wottld  God  thy  handmaide  may  find  grace  in  thyiae  eyes.  And 
tribe,  hcmuft  the  woman  went  on  her  way,  anddideate,  and  her  countc- 
hauc  bene  rc>  nanccwasno  more  changed  othcrwifc.  f  And  they  rofe  in   19 
6ciacd. Unit.    ^^^  morning,  and  adored  beforcour  Lord  :  and  they  retur- 
^^'  ned,  &  came  into  their  houfe  to  Ramatha.  And  E.lcana  knew 

Anna  his  wife:  and  our  Lordremcmbred  her.  f  And  it  came  1© 
to  palTc  after  a  certainc  compafTe  of  dayes,  Anna  concciued  & 
bare  a  fonne,  and  called  his  name  Samuel ;  becaufe  she  asked 
him  of  our  Lord,  f  And  Elcana  her  husband  went  vp,  and  al  ti 
her  houfe,  to  immolat  vnto  our  Lord  the  folemnc  hollc,  and 
hisvowe,  f  andAnna  wentnot  vp  :  forshe  {ayd  to  her  huf-  ri 
'band:  I  wilnotgoe  tilthe  infant  be  weaned,  and  til  I  may 
bring  him,  that  he  may  appearc  before  the  fight  of  our  Lor«i, 
and  may  rcmaync  there  continually,  t  And  Elcana  her  hu-  25 
/band  fayd  to  her:  Doe  that  which  fccmcth  good  to  thec,and 
taiie  til  thou  weane  him  .-  and  I  pray  that  our  Lord  fulfil  his 
word.  The  woman  therfore  tatied,and  gaue  her  fonne  fuckc, 
tilshc  rcmoucd  him  from  the  milke.t  And  she  brought  him  14 


Samuel.  of  kinges.  57y 

with  hcr,afcer  she  had  >arcancd  him,vith  three  c*Iucs,&  three 
buflicls  of  meile,  and  a  flagon  of  vrinc,  and  she  brought  hira 
to  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  in  Silo.  But  the  childe  vas  yet  a  htlc 
25  infant:  f  and  they  immolated  a  calfe,  and  offered  the  childe 
i6  toHeli.  t  AndAnnafaid:  I  bcfechthecmy  lord,  thy  foule 
liucthmylord  :  I  amthat\roman,which(loode  before  thee 
27  here  praying  our  Lord,  f  For  this  childe  did  I  pray,  and  oar 
iS  Lord  hath  geuen  mc  my  petition, which  I  asked  him.  •fThcf- 
fore  I  alfo  haue  gcucn  him  ro  our  Lord  al  the  daics,  which  he 
shalliucjthat  he  may  be  applied  to  our  Lord.  And  tkcy  ado- 
red our  Lord  there.  And  Anna  prayed,  and  fayd  : 
Chap.    IL 
^nnAgetteth  thankesin  a  CAntide,  11.  the  fonues  of  Heli  ^reuohjly  ftnning 
ar:  reprehended,  but  not  duly  cereBed,  hy  their  father.  1 1 .  ^nna  bedreth 
three  fonnes  morCy  and  two  daughters.  17.  Heii  is  thteatntdy  34.  dnd  tkt 
death  of  his  two  fonnes  fortold* 

1  "X  vT  Y  hart  hath  rcioyfed  in  our  Lord,  and  my  hornc  is 

jLVjL  exalted  in  my  God:  my  mouth  is  dilated  vpon  myn  enc^      /  Canucle 
mies  :  becaule  I  haue  xoyed  m  thy  faluation.  vcncfday. 

2  t  There  is  none  holie  as  our  Lord  is :  for  neither  h  there  an 
other  bcfide  thee,  and  there  is  none  fo  ftrong  as  our  God. 

3  t  Doenotmultiplietofpcake  high  thinges,boafting  :- let  ::Lcaueofto 
old  matters  depart  from  your  mouth:  becaufeour  Lordisa  prailc  tdolct, 
Godofalknowiegc,  and  to  him  cogitations  are  prepared.        *' J^  haucac- 

4  t  The  bov  of  the  ftrong  men  is  oucrcome,  and  the  weakt  5^5°™*^    '** 
arc  girded  with  ftrength. 

J      t  They  that  before  were  filled  haue  hyred  out  them  felues 
for  bread:  and  the  hungric  are  filled,  vntil  -  the  barren  wo-  ""^^  Church 
man  bare  verie  raanie  :  and  -  she  that  had  manic  children,  ..  xhe  Syna- 
was  weakened.  gocuc  of  th« 

6  t  Our  Lord  mortificth  and  quickeneth,bringeth  downe  Icwes.j.c/f«^. 
to  hel  and  fetcheth  backe  agaync.  '*•  '7-'-4«  "»»<. 

7  t  Our  Lord  maketh  poore and enrichethjhumbkth  and 
lifreth  yp. 

8  t  Herayfcththcneedie  man  from  the  duft,  and  from  the 
dung  he  lifrcth  vp  the  poore :  that  he  may  fitte  with  princes, 
and  hold  the  throne  of  glorie.  For  the  polct  of  the  earth  are 
our  Lords,  and  vpon  them  he  hath  fette  the  world. 

5>  j  The  fcete  of  his  Saintcshe  wilkcepe,and  theimpiout 
shal  beTilcnti^darknes:  bccaufc  in  his  oirnc  force  man  thai 

not  be 

J7^  First  booke  Hell.  Samwel 

Aocbeftrcngthned.  -f  Our  Lord  shal  his  adaerfaries  fcarc:  lo 
and  vpon  them  shal  he  thunder  in  theheauens:  our  Loid  shal 
.'.Neither  Da-  iudgc  thccndcsof  ••  the  Earth,  and  shal  gcuc  empire  to  hi* 
mormuch'    king,andihal  exalt  the  home  of  his  Ghrift. 
leffeaaicother       t  And  Elcana  vent  into  Ranaatha.Ynto  hif  houfe;  but  the  u 
King^poH'cOVa  childc  rainiflered  in  the  Ughc  of  our  Lord  before  the  face 
or  ludgcd  the  ofHelitheprieft.  f  Moreoucrthefonnct  ofHcli,  vcrc  the  u 
h'- b  fonnesofBelial,  not  knowing  our  Lord,  f  nor  the  office  of  15 

Chrifti  cnhcri.  pricftes  to  the  people :  but  vhofoeucrhad  iramolaxcd  a  vi- 
tanccrcachcth  ^imc,  the  fcruant  of  the  prieft  came,  whiles  the  flesh  was  in 
to  thccndcsof  boyling,  and  had  a  flesh  hooke  vith  three  tcerh  in  his  hand, 
the  eaith.?/4/.  |  ^j^^  thruftitinto  the  kettle,  or  into  the  caudron,  or  into    14 
*"~'^  '  thcpottCjOrinto  the  pannc_^ :  and  al,  that  the  flesh  hookc 

brought  vp,  the  prieft  tookc  to  him  did  they  taal 
Ifracl  that  came  into  Silo  .  |  Yea  before  they  bumt the  fatte,  1$ 
the  feruant  of  the  prieft  came,  and  fayd  to  him  that  iramoU- 
ted:  Geuc  me  flesh,  that  I  may  boyle  it  for  the  prieft :  for  I  wil 
not  take  flesh  of  thee  foddc,  but  raw.  f  And  he  that  immola- ,  16 
lt6.  fayd  to  him :  Let  the  fatte  firft  be  burnt  to  day  ac£or^ing 
to  the  maner ,  and  take  vnto  thee  how  much  foeuer  thy  foule  ^ 
defircth,  'Who  anfwering  faid  to  him  :  Not  fo :  for  thoushalt 
gcue  it  now,  or  els  I  wil  take  it  away  by  force,  f  Therfore  17 
thcfinnc  of  the  yong  men  was  exccding  great  beferr  our 
Lord  :  becaufe  men  detraftcd  from  thefacrificeof  our  Lord. 
•f-  But  Samuel  miniftred  before  the  face  of  our  Lord:  a  child,  18 
girded  with  an  cphod  of  linncn.  f  And  his  mother  made  19 
him  a  litle  tunike,  which  she  brought  vpon  the  ordinarie 
daics,  going  vp  with  herhusband,  to  immolate  the  iolemne 
hoft.  t  AndHeliblcflcdElcanaandhiswife:  andhcfaicd  to  le 
him;  Our  Lord  render  thee  feede  of  this  woman,  for  the 
vfurie  thit  thou  haft  gcucn  our  Lord.  And  they  went  into 
their  place,  f  Our  Lord  therfore  vifited  Anna,  and  she  con-  u 
ceiued,and  bare  three  Tonnes,  and  two  daughters ;  and  the 
childc  Samuel  was  magnified  before  our  Lord,  t  And  Heli  ri 
was  very  old,  and  heard  al  thinges  which  his  fonnes  did  to  al 
Ifracl :  and  how  they  flcpt  with  the  wemen  that  wayted  at  the    . 
doorc  of  the  tabernacle:  f  an^  he  fayd  to  them:  Why  doe  aj 
youthefckinde  of  thinges,  which  I  heare,  very  uaughtic 
thinges,  ofal  the  people?  f  Doe  not  fo  my  (onnes:  for  it  is  14 
not  a  good  rcporr,which  I  doe  heare,  that  you  make  thepeo- 
jpleofour  Lord  to  tranfgrclTc.  t  If  man  shal  fmnc  againfl:  i$ 


Samuel  of  kingis.  5-77 

man,God  raay  be  pacified  toward  him:  but  if  a  raan  fiial  fmne  : :  Sinnes  dirc- 
againftourLord  -■  ^rho  (liaJprayfor  him?  And  rhey  heard  <^lyagalnft 
not  the  voice  of  their  father,  '•■  becau/eour  Lord  would  kil  P°j'^"*?  *^^', 

16  thevA.  f  But  the  childe  Samuel  profpcred,  and  grew,  and  ukc  "remorc 

ly  pleafcdborhour  Lord  and  men.  f  And  there  came  a  man  of  hardly  rcmit- 
God  CO  Hcli,  and  faid  to  him  :  Thus  fayth  our  Lord  :  Was  not  ^^^  •'  butnonc 
I  openly  reueled  to  thy  fathers  houfe,  when  they  were  in  ^^^lj[^,""* 

aS  ^gyprin  the  houfe  of  Pharao  ?  t  and  I  chofe  him  of  al  the  f^redcath%c- 
tribes  of  Ifraelformy  prieft ,  that  he  might  afcend  to  my  caufrrhrring  ■ 
altar,  and  burne  to  me  incenfe,  and  might  cane  the  cphod  lifeeuerieone 
before  me  :  and  I  gaue  to  thy  fathers  houfe  althinges  of  the  ""^^  ""^^  '■.^" 

19  facrificcs  of  the  children  of  Hrael.  f  Why  hauc  you  with  Ind'to  auTuc 
your  heelc  reiedted  my  vidime,  and  my  giftes  which  I  com-  peniteres  God 
manded  to  be  offered  in  the  temple:  and  haft  rather  honoured  promifleth  re- 
thyfonnes  then  mc,  that  you  would  care  the  firftfruiresof"'^°"<'[^"' 

^  eueriefacrificeof  IfracI  my  people?  f  Therfore  fayeth  our  ""o^dTderir- 
Lord  theGodoflfracl :  Speaking  I  fpcake  that  thy  houfe,  miaation  to 
andchchottfe  of  thy  father  should  minifter  in  my  fight,  for  punifli  tooke 
cacr.  But  now  fayeth  our  Lord:  Be  this  farrc  from  me:  but  "^^^^^r^^"*^ 
whofoeuer  fioal  glorifie  mel  wilgiorifichim  :  and  they  that  f^'™;^^^"' 

31  contcmnc  mc,  ilial  be  bafe.  t  Behold  the  daies  come:  and  I  n^ciehHdfc  * 
wilcutofrhy  arme,andthearmc  of  thy  fathers  houfe,  that  thcmtothem 

3i  there  may  not  be  an  old  man  in  txhy  houfe.  t  And  thou  {halt  ^eJues^with- 
fee  :.•  whom  thou  enuiefl  in  the  temple,  in  al  profpcrities  of  °^"J  foMftr* 
Ifrael  and  there  (hal  not  be  an  old  man  in  thy  houfe  for  euer.  py.,;/^/]^    ^ 

33  t  NotwithftandingI  wil  not  altogether  take  away  a  man  of  them,  ste  s. 
thee  from  myn  altar:  burthatthyne  eyes  may  faylc,  and  thy  ^'^g"-''- 5  •<•««?. 
foule  melt:  and  a  great  part  of  thy  houfe  die  when  itis  ^*'i,'f^^•^  .  , 

34   come  to  mans  age.  f  And  thisshai  bca  %ne  to  thee,  which  fiiijj'Jf^;i';^^ 
^   s-hal  come  vpon  thy  two  fonnes,  Ophni,  and  Phinees  :  In  one  figure  in  Sa- 

3;  day  they  shal  both  die.  f  Andl  wil  rayfe  vp  vnto  mea  faith- muel,  net 
ful  prieft,  which  ihal  doe  according  to  my  hart, and  my  foule:  ^^'olly^for 
and  I  wil  build  him  afaythfal  houfe  and  the  fame  shal  walke  ^1;!*!;  °°/  ^'^ 

IS  before  my  Chriftaldaics.  f  And  it  'shal  come  to  paffe,  that  die  line  0° 
whofoeuer  shal  remayne  in  thy  houfe,  shal  come  that  he  Aaron,  as  ap> 
may  be  prayed  for,  and  shal  offer  a  ^tzcQ  of  filuer,  and  a  man-  peareth  in 
chctofbrcad,  and  shal  fay:  Lcaue  me  I  befcch  thee  to  one  f.'^^^'^' ^^'^• 
prieftlyparr,thaclmaycatcamorfclof  bread.  T^.A^^'^, 

_  i^fJ.S.butpcr- 

Aaaa  <-«  a  p.  fectiyinChrift 

fj%  First  BooKE.'  Hell.  Samuci. 

Chap.     III. 

5AntHdthrlfsuUec['))^oninJle:'pe  by  yifton  from  Go  J  ^  rtpaireth  to  Heli, 
10.  thi  fo'trth  n.n'  oar  Lord  reueleth  to  him  the  euily  thdt  shal  fall  /» 
Hdi,  And  his  hnfc.  i6.  '^'jich  he^heing  ret^nefied,  decUtcth  to  Helu 

A  No  the  childe  Samnd  rainidrcd  to  our  Lord  before  t 
Heli, and  the  ^yord  of  our  Lord  was  "  precious  in  thofc 
arecallfd  pre- cijifs,  there  viras  no  vifion  manifeft.  f  Ir  came  to  palTc  ther-  r 
Clous    and  fo  fore  on  a  certavnc  day  HcH  lay  in  his  place,  and  his  eics  were 
the  o\it  of       I  J.         '  .   ,  1 J  I       r         i   ..  ?     r  l     i 

prophecieis     become  dimme,  neither  could  he  lee.   \  ••  berorc  the  lampe  5 

Lererermtd,   of  God  was  extinguished,  Samuel  flept  in  the  temple  of  our 

which  was      Lord,  where  tiie  arke  of  God  was.  f  And  our  Lord  called  4 

then  granted    Samuel.  Who  an^^rering,  faid :  Loe  here  I  am  .  f  And  he  ; 

^'^ ^?^.'   .^       rannc  to  Heli  andfaid:  Loe  here  I  am  :  for  ihoadidft  cal  me. 
::  .1  his  vilion         1      r       1  i-  1  11  1   /i  «      .•  » 

happened  car- "^'^'^  ^^'^d:  I  did  not  cal  thec  ;  returnc  and  lleepe.  And  he 

ly  inche  mor- wentand  llept.  f  And  our  Lord  added againe  to  cal  Samael.   ^ 
nijig,  before    ;\nd  Samuel  ryfing  vp  went  to  Heli,  and  faid  :  Loc  here  I  am: 
the  time  of     ^ccaufe  thou  didft  cal  me.  Who  anfwered  :  I  did  not  cal  thee 
dremn^  the  ,.  .   ^.  ,    .^  o  1    v  1       - 

lampesTvi^hea  niy  lonne  :  returnc  and  lleepe.  f  Moreoucr  Samuel  did  not  7 
iome  were  put  yet  know  our  Lord  ,  neither  had  the  word  of  our  Lord  becne 
oatand  others  reueled  to  him.  f  hn(\  our  Lord  added  ,  and  called  SamueiS 
Bghtc  ygj.  j-i^g  third  time,  who  ryfing  vp  went  to  Hcli,  f  andfaid:  9 

Loe  here  I  amrbecaule  thou  did fl  cal  me.Heli  therfore  vndcr- 
ftood  that  our  Lord  called  the  cliilc]e,and  faid  to  Samuci:  Goe, 
&  ilcepe:  &  if  lie  shai  cal  the  hereafter, thou  shalt  faierSpeake 
Lord,  for  thy  fcruant  heareth.  Samuel  therfore  went  &  flcpt 
in  his  place,  t  And  our  Lord  came,  and  iloodc:  and  he  called,  le 
as  he  had  called  twife,  Samuel,  SamueL  Aad  Samuci  fayd  : 
Speake  Lord  for  thy  feruant  heareth.  f  Andorir  Lord  faid  to  11 
Samuel:  Behold  I  doc  a  thing  in  Ifrael:  ^:?'hich  whofoeuershal 
hcare,  both  his  cares  shal  tingle,  t  In  rhatday  wil  I  rayfe  vp  la 
againft  H«!i  al  thinges  which  I  haue  fpakcn  touching  his 
houfe:  I  wil  bcginne,  and  accomplish  it.  t  For  I  hawe  fore-  15 
told  him  that  I  would  iudge  his  houfe  for  euer,becaufc  of  ini- 
quitie,  for  that  he  knewc  that  his  fonnesdid  wickedly,  and 
hath  not  corrcded  them,  f  Therfore  haue  I  fworne  to  the  14 
houfe  of  Heli, that  the  iniquitie  of  his  houfe  can  not  be  expia- 
ted with  vidimes  and  giftes  for  euer.  f  And  Samuci  flept  ij 
vntil  morning,  and  opened  the  doores  of  the  houfe  of  our 
Lord.  And  Samuel  feared  to  tel  the  vifion  vnto  Heli.  f  Heli  i^ 
ihcrfore  called  Samuel, and  faid  :  Samuel  ray  fonne  :  Who 


Hcli.  Samuel,  op   kinges.  57^ 

17  anrsrcring,faid:  Here  I  cm.  t  And  he  asked  liim:  "What  is 
the  word,  that  our  Lord  hath  fpokcn  to  thee  }  I  befech  thee 
conceale  it  notfrommc.  The(e  thinges  doeGodto  thee,  and 
th^cfedoc  headde,  iftliou  shalthidcfromme  aword  ofal  the 

18  wordes,  ^rhich  vere  faid  to  thee .  f  Samuel  therfore  told  him 
althc  wordcs,  &  did  not  hidethem  from  him. And  he  anfwc- 
red  :Ic  is  our  Lord  :  let  him  doe  that  vrhich  is  good  in  his  eies. 

19  t  And  Samuel  grewe,  and  our  Lord -was  vt'ith  him,  and  there 

20  felnetof  his  wordesvpontheground.  t  Andallfraelknewc 
from  Dan  to  Bcrfabec,  that  faithful  Samuel  si^is  the  prophet 

zi  of  our  Lord,  t  And  our  Lord  added  to  appcarcin  Silo,  bc- 
caufe  our  Lord  had  bene  reueled  to  Samuel  in  Silo,according 
to  the  \f  ord  of  our  Lord.  And  the  word  of  Samuel  came  t® 

Chap.  HIT. 
The  lfr4tlitei*rehe4ten  lahitliby  tht  rhilijfhtjm?.  3.  Frho  for  their  letter 
frote^tomutd  comfort,  fetch  the  ^rke  of  God  into  thecampe:  10.  but 
are  beaten  AgMne^the^Arhft^h^'i'^^d'^ith  manie  ethers  the  two  fonnes 
of  Belt  arejidine.  15.  ^l  Johich  Belt  '^nder/tandw^  falleth  from  his 
p4te,  Andbreakfth  his  nec^:  19.  alfa  his  daughter  m  UlV prefentlj  tuuelin^ 
of  chUde  ts  delutertd  of  a  fonne. 

%  A  Nd  it  cans c  to  pafle  in  thofc  daics,  the  PKilifthijras 
X\,  aflcmblcd  together  to  fight:  and  Ifracl  ^s'ent  forth  to 
meetc  the  PhiHfthims  into  battle, &  camped  befide  the  Stone 

a  ofheJpc.  Morcouer  thcPhihfthijmscam.Mnto  Aphec,  f  and 
put  their  armie  in  arayagainft  Ifrael  And  after  they  had  icy- 
ned  battle,  Ifrael  turned  their  backes  to  the  Philifthims :  and 
there  were  ilaine  in  the  fight  here  and  there  through  the  ficl- 

^   des,  asit  werefourethoufand  men.  f  And  the  people  retur- 
ned to  the  campe  :  and  the  ancicntes  of  ifrasl  (aid :  "Why  hath 
our  Lord  ftrickcnvs  to  day  before  the  Phili^thijms  ?  ''-  Letvs  .•:  Their  cohfi- 
fetchvnto  vsthearkeofthecoucnantofour  Lord  from  Silo,  ^'^"'^^^^J^'f^ 
andlctitcomeinto  the  middcsofvs,  thatit  may  faue  vsfrora  p^j'^.^pfc  of 

4  thchandofour  enemies,  f  The  people  therefore  fi-^nt  into  thearkewas 
Silo,  and  they  tooke  from  thence  thearkcof  the  couenant  of  good  and  com 
the  Lord  of  holies  fitting  vpon  the  Cherabims  :  and  the  two  mead^bic.but 
fonncs  of  Heli  vere   vrith  the  arkc  of  the  couenant  o^'  ^gferu"d"tobc 

5  God,  Ophni  and  Phinees  ,  f  And  \rhe«  the  arke  of  the  puaiQicd. 
couenant  of  our  Lord  was  come  into  the  campe, al  Ifrael  made 

G  a  Ihoutc  vfrixh,  a  great  crie,  and  the  earth  founded .  t  And 

Aaaa  2  the 

jSo  First  booke  Heli  dicck. 

the  Philifthims  heard  the  voice  of  the  crie,  and  faid ;  "^hat  is 
this  voice  of  a  great  crie  in  the  campc  of  the  Hcbrewes  ?  And 
theyknewe  that  the  arkc  of  our  Lord  was  come  into  the 
campe.  t  And  the  Philifthijms  vete  afrayd,  faing :  God  is  7 
come  into  the  campc.  And  they  mourned,  faing;  f  Woe  to  vs;  S 
for  there  was  not  fo  great  reioyfing  ycfterday  and  the  day  be- 
fore ;  woe  to  vs.  who  ftial  keepe  vs  from  the  hand  of  thefe 
high  Goddes  ?  thefe  be  the  Goddcs,that  ftricke  itgypt  with  al 
plague,  in  the  defert.  f  Take  courage,  and  be  men,  ye  PhiU-  9 
fthijms:  left  youbeferuantes  to  the  Hebrewcs,as  theyalfo 
haue  ferued  you :  take  courage  and  fight,  f  The  Phihfthijms  i® 
therfore  fought,  and  Ifrael  was  flaine,  and  eucrie  jnan  fled 
into  his  tabernacle :  and  there  was  made  an  cxeeding  great 
plague:  and  there  fcl  of  Ifrael  thirtie  thoufand  footcmcru. 
f  Andthearke  of  God  was  taken;  the  two  fonncs  alfo  of  11 
HeH  died,  Ophni  and  Phinees.  f  And  a  man  of  Beniamin    a 
runningout  of  the  battle  aray,  came  into  Silo  that  day,  his 
garment  rent,  and  fprinklcd  on  hisheadwith  duO.  f  -And  15 
when  he  was  come,  Heii  (ats  vpon  a  ftoole  ouer  againft  the  ' 
way  looking.  For  his  hart  was  fearful  for  the  arke  of  God. 
And  that  man  after  he  was  etured  in,  told  it  to  the  ciric :  and  »  - 
al  the  citie  howled,  f  And  Heli  heard  the  found  of  the  crie,  14 
and  faid  •.  Whatis  this  found  of  this  fame  tumult  ?  But  he  ha- 
ftened,and  came,  and  told  Heii.  f  And  Heli  was  nintie  and   ij 
eight  yeares  old,  and  his  eyes  were  dimme,  and  he  could  not 
fee.  t  And  he  faid  to  Heli ;  I  am  he  that  came  from  the  battle,   16 
and  I  he  that  fled  out  of  the  field  this  day.  To  whom  he  (aid  : 
what  is  done  my  fonne  ?  f  And  he  brought  the  newcs  anfwe-  17 
ring:  Ifrael,  quoth  he,  is  fled  before  the  Philifthijms,  anda 
great raine is  made  in  the  people;  morcouet  alfo  thy  two 
vTliiszeleof  ionnes  are  dead,  Ophni  and  Phinees;  and  the  arkc  ©f  God  is 
religion  in      taken,  f  And  when  he  had  -  named  the  arke  of  God,  he  fel  iS 
Heli  towards   from  his  ftoole  backward  befide  the  doore,&  his  necke  being 
»heavke,isa     broken  he  died.  For  he  was  an  old  man,  and  of  a  great  age: 
^hathe^iTd      ^"^  ^^^  iudged  Ifrael  fourtie  yeaTcs.  f  And  hisdaughtcr in  19 
insoo^dftAte    law,  the  wife  of  Phinees  was  great  with  childc,  and  nigh  to 
though  he        be  deliucred ;  and  hearing  the  reporte  that  the  arke  of  God 
v/astempo-      >35'as  taken,  and  her  father  in  law  was  dead  ,  andher  hufband, 
jallypuniflaed  ^^^  5owcd  her  felf  and  was  deliuered :  for  fuddcn  paynes 
ai'ii"°h.s°'^^*^*  were  fallen  vpon  her.  f  And  in  the  very  moment  of  her  io 
ronoe^j  death ,  they  faid  to  her  that  ftoodc  about  her  ;  Fearc  not 


Samuel.  of  kinges.  j8i 

bccaufe  thou  haft  borne  a  fonne.  "Who  anfvcrcd  them  nor, 
II  norgauehccdetoit.  f  An<i  she  called  the  childe  Ichabod, 
faing :  The  glorie  is  tranflated  from  Ifracl ,  becaufe  the  arke 
ofGod  is  taken,  and  for  her  father  in  law,  and  for  her  huf- 
21  band  J  f  andshefaid:  Thegloricis  tranllated  frora  li'rael, 
for  that  the  arke  of  God  was  taken. 
Chap.     V. 
i)Agon  falleth  dorvne  twife  tn  prefence  ofthe^rkcy  his  head andhanda 
broken  of.  6.  The  PhUifihijms  being  fore  plagued  tn  d  their  cities  ^here 
the  arke  comet h,  u .  determine  ffend  it  backe  to  the  ifraelitet. 

1  A    Nd  the  PhiHftijms  tookethearkeofGod,and  caried 

2  XJL  it  from  the  Stone  of  helpe  into  Azotus .  f  And  the 
Phihftijrns  rookc  the  arke  of  God,  and  broughtit  into  the 

5  temple  of  Dagon,  and  fette  it  befide  Dagon.  f  And  when 
the  Azotians  had  rifen  early  the  next  day,  behold  "•  Dagon  -So  fo^ncas 
lay  flatte  on  the  ground  before  the  arke  of  our  Lord:  and  Chrifts  Gofpel 

4  rhey  tooke  Dagon,  and  reftored  him  into  his  place,  f  And  °^'^^^^™^"^ 
agayne  early  the  next  day  rifing  vp,  they  found  Dagon  lying  ^^^  gendlcf 
vpon  his  face  on  the  earth  before  the  arke  of  our  Lord  :  and  alfaUegoddcs 
the  head  of  Dagon,  and  the  two  palmes  of  his  handes  were  &  idolatry  fel 

5  cuttc  of  vpon  the  threshold  :  f  morcouer  the  bodie  only  ^°'*'"^-'^"^''^'** 
of  Dagon  was  renaayning  in  his  place.  For  this  caule  the^'^"*^"  ^^'''^' 
prieftes  of  Dagon,  and  al  that  enter  into  his  temple,  tread 

not  vpon  the  threshold  of  Dagon  in  Azotus  vniil  this  day. 

6  t  And  the  hand  of  our  Lord  was  heauie  vpon  the  Azotians, 
and  he  plagued  them,  andftroke  Azotus  and  the  coaftcs 
thereof  in  the  fecrete  part  of  the  fundament.  And  the  tow- 
nes  and  fieldes  bubbled  forth  in  the  middes  of  that  country, 
and  there  came  forth  mife,  and  there  was  confufion  of  great 

7  death  in  the  citie.  -j-  And  the  men  of  Azotus  feing  this  maner 
of  plague,  faid  :  Let  not  the  arke  ofthe  God  of  Ifrael  tarie 

with  vs  :  becaufe  his  hand  is  fore  vpon  vs,and"-  vpon  Dagon  ;■  The  arke  bc- 

S  our  God.  t  And  fending  they  gathered  together  al  the  prin-i"g  3  holic^ 

CCS  ofthe  Phihftijrns  to  them,  and  faid:  ^hatshal  wedoe  f.^^"S^'^^^  R=- 

with  thearkeof  the  God  of  Ifrael?  And  theGethcitcsanfwc-  terrible  ro 

red;  Let  the  arke  of  the  God  of  Ifracl  be  caricd  about,  and  their  falfc  god, 

9  they  caried  about  the  arke  ofthe  God  of  Ifracl.  t  And  they  ^^e  diuel,  fe 

carying  it  about,  the  hand  of  our  Lord  was  made  through  ^^*    „'?"," 
•°--L  J-  n        L  1-n.iL     ©f  S.  Babilas 

euerie  citie  by  an  excedmg  great  {laughter  :  and  it  ftrake  the  oyjjthi.j.^t},e 

snen  of  cucry  city,fromlitle  vnto  great,&  they  had  cmeroide*  fajfcgod  ApoU 

Aaaa$  in  their 

jSx  First  booke 

Jo.asS.  Chry-in  their  fccrctc  partes.  And  the  Gecheices  tookc  counfeil.aiKi 
fort.ieftifictk  ^^^^^g  thcmfckies  ftoolcs  of  skinnes.  f  They  fcnt  thcrfore  the  i® 
TtJ^Gmide's     arke  of  God  into  Accaron.  And  vhca  the  arke  of  God  was 
fff.j.  '    conic  in:o  Accaron,  the  Accaronitescryed  out,  faying  :  They 

haiie  brought  vnro  vs  the  arke  of  the  God  of  Ifrael,to  kil  vs  8c 
our  people,  t  They  fcnt  therefore  &  gathered  together  al  the  ii 
princes  o f  the  PhiliftijQis;  who  fayd:  Dimifle  thearkeof  the 
God  of  I  frael,&  let  ic  rcturne  into  his  place,  &  not  kil  vs  with 
our  people,  f  For  there  was  made  the  feare  of  death  in  euery  ii 
citie,  8c  the  hand  of  God  cxccding  greuous.  the  men  aifo  that 
had  not  died,  were  ftriken  in  the  fecrete  part  of  the  but- 
tockes:  ani  the  howling  of  euery  citie  went  vp  into  heauen. 

Chap.     VI. 
the  ^r^  ii  fcnt  hucke  mthjine  emtroids  andfius  mife  of^oU,  li^on  4  ntW 
"^jyne  drarvne  by  tw  milch  kjfie.i^.  Iphuh  camtngdireBly  to  Befkfamei 
arefacrificedythefOAyfieferuiftgfor  fre^theUuius  ke^e  the  ^r^f.  i^. 
Miny  otbm  arcjlaine  looking  of  curie/it  ie  into  U» 

THEREFORE  the  arke  of  God  was  in  the  country  of  i 
the   Philifthijms  fcucn  monethes  .   f    And  the  Phili-  z. 
fthijms  called  the  pricftes  and  foorhfaiers,  faying:  N57hat  fhal   »- 
we  doc  with  the  arke  ofthe  Lord  ?telvs'howwc  may  fend  it 
backc  into  his  place.  Who  faid :   f  If  you  fend  back  the  5 
arke  of  theGodof  Ifracl,  fend  it  not  awaycmptie,  but  that 
which  you  owe  render  vnto  it  for  finne,  and  then  you  ihal 
be  cured  :  and  you  (hal  know  why  his  hand  depart*  th  not 
from  you.  f  N/hoanfwered:  What  is  that  ■«'hich  we  ought  4 
to  render  vnto  it  for  fume?  And  they  anfwcred:  -f-  Accor-  y 
ding  to  the  number  of  the  prouinces  of  the  Piulifthijms 
you  (hal make  hue  golden  emroidcs,  and  fitie  golden  mife; 
bccaule   there  hath  bene  one  plague  to  you,  and  to  your 
princes  .  And  you  shal  make  the  limilirudcs  of  your  eme- 
roidcs,  and  the  fimilitudes  of  the  mifc,ihat  haue  dcftroicd  the 
land,  and  you  ihal  gcue  glorie  to  the  God  of  Ifracl :  if  perhaps 
hewil  lighten  his  hand  from  you,  and  from  your  goddes  and 
from  your  hnd.  t  Why  doe  you  harden  your  hartcs,  as  "  M-  6 
gyptawdpharaodid  harden  their  hart?  did  not  he  after  he 
notGoa,buE    >^-isftriken,thendimi(Ie  them,  and  they  departed?  f  Now  7 
by  fufrcnng^      thcrfore  take  and  make  one  new  waync  :  and  two  kine  ha- 
j-SsHor  "°'  "'"S  calacd,  on  which  there  hath  no  yoke  bcene  pur,  couple 
jixoli.  '       ill  the  wayue,  ajjd  shutvp  their  calues  at  home,  t  And  you  S 


.••  Obfimatc 
finners  doe 
hart^cn  their 

famucL  of  kinges.  5?5 

shaltakethcarkcofthcLord,andpiuit  in  tlic  -wayne,  and 
the  vefTcIs  of  gold,  which  you  hauc  payed  bira  forlinne, 
yonshal  put  into  a  litle  casket  at  the  hde  thereof:  ^nd  di- 

9  mifle  it  that  it  may  goc  .  f  And  you  thai  lookc  :  and  if  fo  be 
thatitshalgoe  vp  by  thc^ay  of  his  coaftcs  againll  Bcthfa- 
mes,  he  hath  donne  vs  this  great  cuil:  butitnot;  weshal 
know  that  his  hand  hath  not  touched  vs,  bur  it  hath  bappe- 

10  ncd  by  chance,  f  They  therefore  did  in  this  miner:  and  ta-- 
king  tNTO  kinc,  that  had  fucking  cahics,  yoked  them  to  the 

11  waync,  and  shut  vp  their  calucs  at  home,  f  And  they  lajd 
the  arke  of  God  vpon  the  wayne,and  rhclitle  Cflsker,rhat  had 

u  the  golden  mife  and  the  fimiHtudes  of  emeroides.  f  And  the 
kine  went  direcftly  by  the  ^3?ay,  that  leadeth  toBethfames, 
an  J  they  went  one  \ray,  going  forward  and  lowing:  and  they 
declined  not  neither  to  the  right  hand  nor  to  the  left:  but 
rheptincesaifoofthePhiliftijms  folovred  vnto  the  borders 

1^  of  Bethfames.  f  Moreouer  the  Bcthfamircs  reaped  wheat 
in  the  valley  :  and  lifting  vp  their  eies,  they  faw  the  arke,  and 

14  were  gladde  when  they  had  fcene  it.  t  And  the  wayne  came 
into  the  field  of  lofue  the  Bethfanaite,  and  ftoodc  there.  And 
there  was  a  great  ftone,  and  they  did  cur  the  wood  of  the 
wayne_^  ,  and  layed  the  kine  vpQn  it  an  holocauft  to   our 

ij  Lord,  t  And  the  Lcuites  tooke  downe  the  arke  of  God, 
and  the  litle  casket,  that  was  at  the  fide  of  it,  wherinwerc 
the  veflels  of  gold  ,  and  they  put  it  vpon  the  great  ftone_>. 
The  men  alfo  of  Bethfames  offered  holocauftei.,  andimmo- 

i'6  lated  viAimes  that  day  to  our  Lord,  t  And  the  fiue  princes 
of  the  Philiftijms  faw, and  returned  into  Accaron  that  day. 

17  t  And  rhefeare  the  golden  emsroides,  which  the  Philiftijms 
rendred  for  linne  to  our  Lord:  Azotus  one,Gazaone,  Afcalon 

iS  one,  Gcth  one,  Accaron  one:  f  and  the  golden  rai'^e  accor- 
ding to  the  number  of  the  cities  of  the  Philiftjjms,  of  the  fiuc 
prouinces,  horn  walled  citie  vnto  towne  that  was  without 
wal,and  vnto  Abel  the  great,  whcrupon  they  put  the  arke  of 
our  Lord,  which  was  vntil  that  day  in  the  field  of  lofuc  the  ^^Asihcar  c 
^     J  r      .  ,.1/11  /'I  r»i/-  r      was  terrible  to 

If)  Bethfamire.  -f  Buthcftroke  of  the  men  of  Bethlames,  for  jj^j.-jjf^^jeigs^ 

that  they  had  •'  feene  the  arke  of  our  Lord:  and  he  ftrokeof  ((r/7.t|j.j.)  fo 
the  people  feucncie  men,  and  fiftie  thoufandof  the  common  alfotothofc 
people.  And  the  people  mourned,  becaufe  our  Lord  had  ftri-  thatbclcuc 
fr,  ^"^1  I  1  J.AJL  t!{;hc  but  vied 

10  ken  the  common  people  With  a  great  plague,  f  And  the  men  ijljotrcuc. 

of  Bethfames  iayd :  "^ho  fhal  be  able  to  flandinthe  fight  of  ready. 


5S4  FiRSTBooKE  Samuel. 

our  Lord  God  this  holie  one?  and  t©  vhom  shal  be  goe  vp 
fromvs?  t  Andtheyfentmeirengers  tothe  inhabitantes  of  u 
Caiia  Thiarim,  faying :  The  Philiftijms  haue  brought  backe 
the  arke  of  our  Lord, come  doxrnc  &  fetch  it  backe  vnto  you. 

Chap.     VI  L 
The  ^rl^e  if  brought  to  the  houfe  of^hiHadab  in  GdhdA^  i-By  Samttels  exhor- 
tation, the  people  caft  away  the  idols  And  [true  only  God.  10.  Samuel  of~ 
ferin^  facrific:  and  fraying,  ifrAelpreU'dUeth  a^amfi  the  Philifthi^mu 

THEREFORE    the  men  of  Caria  Thiarim  came ,  and  i 
.  ••  brought  backe  the  arke  ofoar  Lord,  and  caried  it  into 

knowingthat    the  houfe  of  Abinadab  in  Gaaba :  And  Elcazar  his  fonne  they 
^^M^"  k  ^     fandified,  that  he  might  kecpe  the  arke  of  our  Lord*  f  And  t 
eoVdforthem  ^^  Came  to  paffe  ,  from  the  day  that  the  arke  of  eur  Lord 
( though  the     abode  in  Caria  Thiarim  the  dayes  were  multiplied  ( for  it  vas 
Bethfamitcs      now  the  twentith  yeare  )  and  al  the  houfe  of  Ifraelrefted 
^^^tn^e.fw-  after  our  Lord,  f  AndSamuelfpake  toal  the  houfeof  Ifrael,  5 
their Irr"*^  -     faying;  if  you  turnc  to  ©ur  Lord  in  al  your  hart,  take  away 
rencetowar-     ^^"^^  ftrange  goddes  out  of  the  middes  of  you,  BaaKm,  and' 
desit;  feared  A ftaro th  :  and  prepare  your  hartes  to  our  Lord, and  f©rue  him 
nottorcceiuc  only',  and  he  wii  deliuer  you  from  the  hand  of  the  Phili-' ' 
Kepe  IE.     fthijms.fTherefore  the  children  of  Ifrael  tookeaway  Baalim  ^ 
and  Aftaroth,  and  ferucd  our  Lord  only.  •\  And  Samuel  fayd:  y 
Gather  together  al  Ifrael  into  Mafphath,  that  I  may  pray  our 
Lord  for  you.  f  And  they  alTembled  into  Mafphath;  and  C 
they  drew  water,  and  powred  it  out  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord, 
and  thc7  filled  that  day,  and  fayd  there  :  Wc  haue  finned  to 
our  Lord.  And  Samuel iudgcd  the  children  of  Ifrael  in  Maf- 
phath. f   And  the  Philifthijms  heard  that  the  children  of  7 
Ifrael  were  gathered  together  into  M'iipharh,and  the  princes 
of  thePhilirthijmsxrentvp  to  Krael.'^hich  when  the  chil- 
dren of  Ifrael  had  heard, they  were  afrayde  at  the  face  of  the 
Philifthijms.  f  And  they  faid  to  Samuel:  ceafc  not  to  crie  to  S 
our  Lord  God  for  vs,tkat  hefaue  vs  from  the  hand  of  the  Phi- 
liiihims.f  And  Samuel  tooke  one  fjckinglambe,  and  offered  9 
irawholcholocaufte  toour  Lord:  and  Samuel  cried  to  our 
Lord  for  Ifrael,  and  our  Lord  heard  him.  f  And  it  came  to  i* 
pa(re,\)i'hen  Samuel  offered  the  holocaufte,  the  Philifthijm.s 
beganne  battel againft  Ifrael;  but  our  Lord  thundered  with 
.1  great  noife  in  that  day  rpon  the  Philifthijms,  and  terrified 
them,  and  they  were  flaine  before  the  face  of  Ifrael.  t  And  11 

the  men 

Samuel.  OF  KING Es.  5Sj 

the  men  of  Ifracl  illbing  out  ofMafphathpurfuedthcPhi- 
lifthijms,  and  ftroke  them  vnto  the  place,  that  was  vnder 

U  Bethcar.  f  And  Samuel  tooke  one  ftonc,  and  Jayd  it  bciwen 

.  Ma'phath  and  Sen;  and  he  called  the  name  of  that  place,The 
ftoneofhelpe.  Andhefayd:  Thus  farre  hath  our  Lord  hol- 

13  pen  vs.  t  AndthePhilifiijms  wete  humbled,ncither  added 
they  any  more  to  come  into  the  borders  of  Ilrael.  Therefore 
the  hand  of  our  Lord  was  made  vpon  the  Philiftijms,  al  the.::  That  is  t6 

J4  daycs  of  Samuel,  f  And  the  cmes^whichthc  Phihftijms  had  ^^^y>;Jj^ePi»ij'^ 
taken  from  Ifrael.were  rendred  to  IfraeUfrom  Accaron  vnto  ^^'j^^^J^^^ 
Geth,  and  their  borders :  and  he  deiiuered  lirael  from  the  the  feucn  na- 
handofthePhiliftijms,  and  there  'was  peace  betwen  Ifrael  tionsof  Cha- 

ij  and  the  ::  Amorrheite.  f  Samuel  slfo  iudged  Ifrael  al  the  n^^">  ^h^ch 

16  daiesofhislife:  f  and  he  Nf'ent  euerieyearecircuting  Bethel  ^°^j^'j^^^'"J"j 
and  Galgalaand  Mafphath,  andiudgtd  luaelin  the  fortfaid  toclcflioy,co- 

17  places,  f  And  he  returned  into  Ramatha  :  for  there  N^as  monly  called 
his  houfe,  and  there  he  ittdscd  Ifrael :  he  built  alCo  there  an  ^he  Amorxhc- 
ftltar  to  ou£  Lord. 

Chap.     V  I  IL 
Smuel  gromng  eUy  dttA  h'n  fmnes  for  bribes  fjeruertin^  iu^gmentytU 
people  require  to  hatie  4  king.  7.  fo  "fvhcm  by  Gods  commandment ^Sttmutl 
farsbeiveth  theUw  of*  kf^^i  ^0  »'^^^  ^^^"*  ceaje  jromthtir demAnij  i^. 
hut  thy  pcrfijl  therin. 

1  A     Nd  it  came  to  pafle 'rhcn  Samuel '^axed  old,  he  ap- 

2  X\  poyntedhisfonnesiudgesoucr  Krael.  f  And  the  name 

of  his  firft  begotten  fonne  was  loel:  and  the  name  of  the  fc-    -^  .. ,.  -    - 

3  cond  Abia,  iudges  in  Berfabee.t  And  his  fonnes  walked  nor  ij^^^^'.^^^^^^ 
in  his  waies:  but  rhey  declined  after  auance,  &  tooke  btibes,  ofFcnding  in 

4  and  peruerted  iudgement.  "f  "•  Therfore  al  the  ancientes  of  their  officebc- 
j  Ifrael  being  a!Temblcd,came  to  Samuel  into  Ramatha, f  And  fore  ( chap,  i.) 

they  dyd  to  him  :  Behold  thou  art  old,  and  thy  fcnncs  walke  ^"'^  "^^  ^^" 
notinthy  wayes  :  appoynt  vsa  king,thar  he  iray  ladge  vs,  as  gjf^  peruci- 

6  alfo  al  nation*  haue  f  And  thewordNP-as  mifliked  in  the  eyes  ting  iudgemet 
ofSamucljbccaufe  they  had  fayd:  Gcue  vs  a  king,  that  he  gaue  occafion 

7  may  iudge  vs.  And  Samuel  prayed  to  our  Lord,  f  And  our  ^<^  ^j^^  P'^°P'^» 
Lordfsyd  to  Samuel :  Hcare  the  voice  of  the  people  in  al  ^-^^^  to  iudec 
thingcs  which  they  fpcake  to  thee,  for  they  hauc  not  "  re-  theutempoial 
iedledthee,  but  me,  that  T  ihould  not  reigne  oner  them-.,  caufcsrjghtly 

5  t  Accordingtoal  their  workcs,which  they  hauc  done  from  ^^^  c^echnuig 
chc  day  that  I  brought  them  out  of  ^gypc  vntil  this  day :  as  {^^^/j^^'^  °^ 

Bbbb  they 

^t6  First   booke.  SaniueL. 

they  haue  forfaken  mc,and  ferucd  (Irange  goddc$>  fo  <3oe  they 
alto  vnto  thcc.  t  No\r  therefore  heart  their  voice  :  but  ycc  9 
::Mifpbatfig.  tcftific  to  them,  and  forctfl  them  the- right  of  the  king,  that 
TJhia^o^"'  tliahcigneoucr  them,  f  Samuel  therforc  fpakc  ahhc  hordes  i<j 
cxiiafr'.  of  our  Lord  to  the  people  srhich  had  del'ired  a  king  of  him, 

t  and  (ayd:  This  ihal  be"thenght  of  the  king.that  final  reigne  n 
ouer  you:  Your fonncs he  \rii  take,  and  put  in  his  chitiotcs, 
and  wil  make  them  vtno  him  the  horiemcn  »  and  tunning 
foornicn  before  his  charioteS;,  t  s*''"^  '^'J^  zppoynt  rhera  his  u 
tribunes, and  centurions,  and  the  plovers  of  iiij  fieldcs,  and 
ino  wets  of  his  come,  and  makers  of  his  armour  and  of  his 
chaiiorei.  f  Your  daughters  alfo  vil  he  take  to  make  ointe-  15 
inenres,  and  to  be  cookes,  and  bakeis.  f  Your  ficldts  alio,  14 
and  vincyardcj,  and  thebfd  olmercs  he  \ril  take  avay,  and 
geue  to  his  (cruantcs,  f  Yea  and  your  cornc  alio,  and'the  ij 
rcuene-srcsof  your  Tineytrdcs  hc^il  tithe,  to  gcuc  his  eu- 
nucbesand  frruantes.  f  Your  feruantesalfo  and  handmaides,   16 
andgoodlicft  yong  men,andallct  he  ^~il  take  a  t'ay,'and  pur 
in  his  workc.  f  Your  Hockcs  ilfo  wil  he  tithe,  yju  fnal  be'  17 
^        .        .      bis  i'eruantcs.  t  And  you  ibil  ctic  in  that  day  from  the  face   18 
liearcth  thofc  of  the  king,  which  you  hauechofcn  you:  and  our  Loid-  wit ' 
thatirulyrc-     not  hcate  you  in  that  daf,  bfcaufc  you dcfacd  vnto  your 
pen:  for  their  felues  a  king,  f  Bat  the  people  Mvould  not  heart  the  voice   19 
^innci ,  but      j^jT  Sifj,u-1  ^  bur  fayd  ;  Not  fo  ;  for  there  Chal  be  a  king  oucr 
w°ye"7cVucr  ^s,  f  »"^  ^^  ^'^^  ^'^  l^=  "  ^^  nationfi :  anv^  our  king  Oial  19 
%h«-mfrom       iudgc  YS,  ind  Ihal  goe  forth  before  vs  ,  and  sbal  fight  ouc 
afflidions,        battels  for  vs.   t  ^^"^1  Samuel  h^ratd  il  the  Ns^ordcs  of  the   u 
wfeichareduc  people,  and  fpakc  them  in  the  cares  of  our  Lord,  t  And  our  ii 
«r  profitable'     ^^"^^  ^^^^  ^°  Samuel :  H  'arc  their  voice,  and  appoynt  a  king 
for  probation  oucr  them  .  And  Simud fayd  to  the  men  of  ifracl :  Let  cuene 
and  mcrirc  of  man  goc  into  his  citie* 
hii  childicn.     „__________ _-_—_——_ - — ^..■.  .         i.  ..     -on 

Ghap.     VIU. 

7.  n^eieBei  me]  Vol  Co  tttMchki  God  h&i  chofknlfiiel  A  peculiar  people  to  j:^,,^^^^ 
VvKvthcpeo    hitnfclf,  and  hitherto  ruled  the  fame  by  hir  Pricftes  eftabHihcd  among;  them,  p^^^  ^j[ 
telcsdemand      and  by  ludgcs  extraordinarily  raifcd  Yp,  and  fesi  by  him,  to  dcliuer  tbcm  la  j,^^,^.^^ 
t«h«Hcakincr  their  diftrcfTrs,  their  demand  novf  to  hauc  a  King,  who(aftcr  the  mancr  of  other  ^  ^^^ 
is  diilikcd     °  nations)  lliauld  be  their  Lord,  and  hauc  more  digoitie,  and  autl^ovitie  oucr 
them,then  Dukes  or  ludges  had,  ii  interpreted,  as  ineffcd  to  icicifk  God-  ia 
that  they  diflilccd,  &  f®ughc  to  change  his  forme  of  goucniment.  And  thcrforc 
fikis  K^ucii  of  the  people  iullly  difplcafcd  both  Saii^iucl  and  Cod  biAifelf . 

Samuel.  OY  KIW€«5.  j«7  ^     , 

n.    tht  right  »ft%t  King.  ]  Samuel  here  by  Go(?«  «ppointftieht,fo  difvade  Kinges  fom;. 
tfcc  people  frem  their  dcfire  of  a  king,  atleaft  to  admonifli  them  before  han^,  nmesopprcirc 
what  they  are  like  to  find  by  experience,  recitcthfuchthinges,  as  Kinges  abu-   ihcir  iubica«« 
fine;  tbeir  powre  do  oftcniimcs  pradtifc,  by  lealbn  of  thcirhi^h  dignitie,and   by  Godslutte- 
liricfcareofcontrolircnt,  but  voiulUy  and  unlawfully;  accotding  to  the  do-   rance,but  vn' 
aiin  of  ancient  Fathers.  Amon^a  others.  S.  Cyprian  calleth  the  exaftionsof  iulily. 
kingcs  here  recited,  »ri'«#i»>  muti'ies.  S.  Hierom  cura  impena,  &  jerutttnem.  r$go. 
ieuseraHd  jf^oucrnmentf,  and  lerumpJt.  S.  Gregoric  proucth  the  fame  by  tvo 
conrrarieet:anp!cs.  Seina;  (Tayethhe)  that  which  is  here  foretold,  was  pu- 
niihcd  in  Achabaftd  icfabel  { ].  lltg.ii.)  it  fticwcth,  that  it  was  not  right  by 
diuineiudccment,  ^X'hich  they  exaded.  And  when  the  elc<fit  King  Dauidvs'as  to 
bull  .1  an  altar  to  our  Lord  [t  P.*>-4/.  n.)  he  would  not  take  patrol"  Ornans  field, 
except  he  pajcd  a  mt>  piiee  for  it.  Moreoucr  the  lav  prcfcribing  theduiicof 
Kln^cs(D<»f.  17.  T.i(J.e>c- )  commandcththem  not  to  multiplie  hories  ,  not  Kingcs  haue 
to  hfdfcruheSy  not  to  tui-thi^h  CQtira^f,that  thtir hartesbt  not hftfdyp  mto  frtde  oner   preio'^atiues 
t/jfM-  tre/?7frf?».Neuerthelcs  K'ngei  hauc  great  prerogatiucs  ('more  then  Dukes  aboucbutnoc 
andIudges)befidcs,andaboi]c, bat  neuer  contrarie  to  the  lav;  that  albeit  conuaric  to 
they  can  not  take  their  fubicftes  landcs  orgoodcs ,  neither  for  themfelues,   thciawe*. 
nor  to  gcuc  to  thcii  fciuunccsat  theif  pleafure  :  yet  in  diuers  cafes  fubieetcs 
arc  bound, to  contribute  of  thcirpriuate  goodc$,to  fupplie  the  nccellitie  of  the 
King,  or  of  the  commonwealth  ,   as  by  nature  euerie  part  muft  fufFcr  da- 
mage, or  danger  in  deJ-eiice  of  the  principal  member,  or  whole  bodie.  And  if 
aniercfufcfo  to  do,  thev  may  luftly  bccompcUed. 

Ftirthei  more  in  cafe  Kinges  or  other  Princes  commit  cxcefTes,  andoppreffa  Fnilorineet 
ecndl,  their  fubiectes,  yet  arc  they  Mctby  and  by  to  be  depoled  by  the  people,  nor  mavbcdepo 
lateran  commonwewlth,  but  mufl  be  tolerated  with  parjcncc,  peace,  and  mceknes,  til  fj^iVy  God  at 
t.^.de  God  by  his  foucrcignc  authorise,  left  in  his  Church, difpofe  cfthcm:  which  ^^^  Church- 
heret.  his  diuincwifdom  and  goodnesoften  diffcrrcth  ro  f^o, as  here  ke  exprefly  fore-  butnot  by  the 
waiaeth, faying:  (t.  i8.)  Tot*  shal  triftnthat  day^frotnihcfaceifyoMr  Ktfg,  pivd  pp«„i  _  !„ 
our  lordyvtl  nut  I  fjuyon  Aad  the  teafon  is,  bccjufc  hc  wil  puniih  the  finnex   "     ^  ^' 

of  the  people,  by  fufftring  euii  princes  to  reigne./et.  ^4.-r.  jo. 

Of  which  imporraBtdifficultie,fallingromctimcsbetwcnPrincctaod«fjeir  Pointcs  obfcr- 
rubieftes,whofodcfitcth,may  faaich  th'eiudgcmentofancicnt  Fathers,  and   uedinthccon 
fee S.  Thomas, and  other  fcholeDodors,  1.1.^.  ii.a.x.  Here  only  for  better  ititutionaad 
Tfldcrftanding  of  this  preienttcxr,  rlicfe  brief  pointcs  may  be  obferued.  Firft,   depolition  of 
thepeopleof  iheirowne  wil  defircd  to  hauea  King.  Secondly,  th«y  reciuef^ed  Kiag  Saul, 
ihefameatthchandes  of  Samutl  their  prcfent  Superiour.  fhitdly,  this  de-        i.  x. 

mand  difpleafcd  both  Samuel  and  God  himlelf.  Fourthly,  yet  C^od  condefccn- 
dcdto  grant  thcirfuite,  but  withan  admonition,  and  forcwarnno  ot  the  in- 
conuenienccs,  which  they  fhouldfindeandfeele.  FiftIy,God  himtclf  defigned  e. 

theperlon  that  lliouldbeKingireucUd  him  by  viiion, and  commanded  Samuel 
to  annouuhim.Sixtly,  Godneuerthelesby  guidingihclotre,moretranifcniy  ^^ 

declared,  and  confirmed  his  clciTion.  Scucntly,  Gou  depofcd  the  fame  King, 
fortranrgicd-aghis  law,  chap,  i?,  y.  ij.  aod  difobeying  his  eommandment. 
t!)af>.  If.  V.  i?.  appointing  an  other  ,  by  the  minillcrie  of  Sairuel.  chap.  i6, 
Eightly,  noivithftandinghis  depofiiion,  he  remained  in  his  dignitic  til  bij 
death,  which  happened  by  other  meanes.c''*/*.  u.  Ry  al  which  it  appeareth, 
that  Cod  conHituted  Saul  the  firi^Kingofihe  lewes,  the  people  fuingio  haue 
a  King  ;  but  .lepofcd  luni  for  cuilbehauiour,  ihc  people  deli  ring  no  (uch  thing, 
and  Samuel  he  Prophet  much  lamcuing  thefame.  Yetwas  hcBoiadually  be- 
f  i<icd  of  the  crownc  and  kingdom  during  hislife. 

Bbbbi,  Cha?' 

}•  4. 


jSS  FiRSTBooKB  Samuel.  Saul. 

Chap.     IX. 
Sdul  by  occd/fon  nffetkjnghis  fathers  djies  cometh  ioSdmuel.  if.  ^t^ho  had  a 

retilition  of  his  coming,  and  a  commandment  to  annoittt  him,  ii.  Hi' is 

tntertdined  and  lodged  Withs^imutl, 

The  fecond        A    N  D  there  was  a  mm  of  Bcniainin  named  Cis,the  fonne  i 
P^/'^-  JA.of  Abieljthefonncof  Sforjthefonncof  Bechorathjthc 

t«3b^tin°"&  ^^"''"^  of  Aphia-.,  the  fonnc  of  a  man  of  lemini,  valiantin 
o-ouerneme'nc  ftrcngth.  "j*  And  he  had  a  fonne  called  Saul,  chofen  &  good  :  i 
ofKingSaul.  and  there  was  not  a  man  of  the  children  of  ifrael  better  then 
he:  from  the  (lioulder  and  vpw?.rd  he  appeared  aboue  al  tiie 
people,  f  And  the  affesof  Cis  the  father  of  Saul  were  loft:  5 
tind  Cis  faid  to  Saul  his  fonne  :  Take  one  of  the.  leruanrs  with 
thee, and  riling  goe, and  f^eke  the  affes.  Who  when  tbey  had 
paflTed  by  moirnt  Ephraim,  -f-  and  by  the  land  ofSalira,iind  4 
had  not  found,  they  palTedalfo  through  the  land  of  Salim--, 
and  they  were  not :  yea  and  by  the  Land  of  Icmini,and  found 
them  nor.  j-  And  when  they  were  come  into  the  L;in'i  of  y 
Suph,  Saul  faide  to  the  fcruant  that  was  with  him  :  Come  let" 
vs  returne,  left  perhaps  my  father  hath  let  alone  thcaftes,  and 
be  careful  for  vs.  t  Wiio  fayd  to  him  :  Behold  a  man  of  God*  G 
is  in  this  citie,  a  famous  man  :  al  that  he  fpcakcth,  cometh  to 
pafte  without  doubf.  now  therefore  let  vs  goe  thirlicr,  if  per- 
haps he  may  tcl  vs  of  our  way,  for  which  we  are  come.f  And  7 
Saul  fayd  to  his  fcruant:  Loe  we  wil.  goe  :  what  O-ialwecarie 
to  the  man  of  God  J  The  bread  is  fpentin  our  males :  andpre- 
fent  we  haiie  |ionc  to  gene  vnto  the  man  of  God  ,  nor  any 
thing  els.  f  Agaync  the  fciruant  anfwercd  Saul  and  fayd  •.  Be-   § 
hold  there  is  found  in  my  hand  the  fourth  part  of  a  ficle  of 
filuer,  Ictvsgeueit  to  chemanof  God,  that  he  may  tel  vsour 
way.  t  (Forintirnepaftinlfraelfocuery  man  fpake,  going 
toeonfuItGodjCome,  andletvsgoetothcScer.  Forhe  that  . 
;•;  Onctlutby  at  this  day  is  called  a  Prophcre,  in  time  paft  was  called  "  a 
diuine  infpira-  Seer.)t  Avnd  Saul  fayd  to  his  feruant :  Thy  word  is  very  good,  i  © 
tion  forefceth  come  let  vs  g;oe.  And  they  went  into  the  citie,  wherein  the 
comir '°°"    i""3.nof  God  was.  f  And  when  they  wen^tvp  the  afcent  of  the  11 
citie,  they  found  maidcs  coming  forth  to  draw  water,  and 
fayd  to  them:  Is  the  Seer  here?  ■\  Who  anlVcringfayd  to  u 
them:  Here  he  is.  Loe  before  thee,  make  haft  now:  for  this 
day  he  came  into  the  citie,  becaufe  this  day  there  is  a  facrifice 
q/ thcpcoplein  theexcelfc.  f  Entring  into  the  citie  imme-  13 


Samuel. Saul.  of  king es.  ^89  ^ 

diatly  you  Ihal  find  him,  before  he  goevp  into  the  cxcelle  to 
cate.  for  the  people  wil  not  eatc  ril  he  come:  becaufehewil 
blcfle  the  Hofte,  and  afterward  they  flial  eate  that  arc  inui- 
tcd.  Now  therefore  goevp,  becaufe  this  day  you  (hal  finde 

24  hun.  t  And  they  went  vp  into  the  citie^.  And  when  they 
walked  in  the  middes  of  the  citie,  Samuel  appeared  coniing 

ij  forth  againft  them,  to  goe  vp  into  riic  cxcelfe.  f  And  our 
Lord  had  reuelcd  the  care  of  Samuel  one  day  before  Saul 

16  came,  faying:  f  This  very  houre  ,  that  now  is,  to  morrow 
wil  I  fend  to  thee  a  man  of  the  Land  of  Beniamin,  and  thou 
{hale  annoint  him  ruler  ouer  my  people  of  Ifracl:  and  he  shal 
faue  my  people  from  the  hand  of  the  Philiftijms  :  becaufe  I 
hauerefpcded  my  people,  for  -  their  crie  is  come  to  mz^.  -  opprenTeft 

17  t  And  when  Samuel  had  beheld  Saul,  our  Lord  fayde  to  oFinnocences 
him  ;  Behold  the  man, of  whom  I  told  thee, this  man  shal  rule  ^'^^^h  to  hta- 

18  ouer  my  people,  f  And  Saul  came  to  Samuel  in  the  middes  ^^'^' 
of  the  gate,and  fayd;  Shew  me,I  pray  thee,whcreis  the  houfe 

15?  of  the  Seer?  t  And  Samuel  anfwered  Saul, faying  :  I  am  the 
Seer,  goevp  before  me  into  the  cxcelfe,  that  you  may  eate 
with  me  to  day,  and  I  wil  diroilTe  thee  in  the  morning  :  and 

2.0  althingGS  tharareinthy  harr,wil  I  tel  thee,  f  And  concer- 
ning the  al]cs,which  thou  didft  lofe  three  dayes  agonc,be  noe 
care:ul,  becaufe  they  are  found.  And  whofe  shal  bealthe 
beft  thingcs  of  Ifrael?  not  to  thee  and  to  al  thy  fathers  houfe  ? 

21  I  AndSaulanfweringjfayd  :  Am  noti  the  fonne  of  lemini 
of  the  leaftttibe  of  Ifracl,  and  my  kindred  the  laft  among  al 
the  families  of  the  tribe  of  BeniaminP'^hy  therfore  hafl:  thou 

11  fpoken  this  word  to  me  ?  f  Samuel  therefore  taking  Saul 
and  his  feruant,  brought  them  into  tlvc  parlour,  and  gaue 
them  a  place  in  thechieferowmeof  them  that  wereinuited. 

4}  for  there  were  about  thirtie  men.  f  And  Samuel  fayd  to  the 
cooke :  Geue  the  portion, whic^  I  gaue  thee, and  commanded 

24  that  thou  shouldcfl;  lay  it  vp  apart  with  thee,  f  And  the  cooke 
lifted  vp  a  shoulder,and  fette  it  before  Saul.  And  Samuel  faid: 
Behold  that  which  hath  remaynedjfette  it  before  thee,  and 
cate:  becaufe  ofpurpofe  it  was  kept  for  thee,  when  I  called 

2;  the  people.  And  Saul  did  eate  with  Samuel  that  day.  f  And 
they  defcended  from  the  excelfe  into  the  fowne,and  he  fpake 
with  Saul  in  the  toppc  of  the  houfe.and  he  prepared  a  bed  for 

16  Saul  in  the  highcft  rowme,&  he  flept.f  And  when  they  were 
rifen  in  the  morning,  and  it  bcgannc  now  to  belight,Samucl 

B  b  b  b  5  called  '-.^ 

f9o  First  books  Samuel.  Sauf. 

called  Saul  in  ihc  high  chaber,fayirtg:  Arifc  that  I  may  difmifTc 
thee.  And  Saul  aro(c  :  and  rhey  vf  cnc  both  forth  :  to  witcc,  he 
and  Sim  ucl.  f  And  when  they  came  downe  in  the  vttcrmoft  17 
part  oF  the  cirie,  Samuel  faid  to  Saul :  Spcake  to  the  feruaat 
that  he  goc  before  vs,  and  palle:  but  ftay  thou  alitle  vhiic, 
that  I  n\dy  tcl  thcc  the  word  of  our  Lord. 

Chap.     X. 
Sdul  is  dftnolnttd  k'tngy  dnd  confirmed  by  ji^nti  thdt  his  erdtridnce  h  of  dd, 
10.  fJ^prophecie.hy  ^httbthe  peofU  doth  admire,  £7.  Simuel  cJitihthe 
people  tofrether^for  Appotntm^ 4  kingy  the lostefalleth  on  SahI.  zj,  und  th^ 
Uw  of  the  kingii  *gAine  mgnttoneA, 

t^S,  rrregoric  A    ^D  Samuel  tookc- a  litlc  vclTcl  of  ••  oylc,  and  po^Tfcd   i 

herenorctb,  X\  vpon  his  head, and  kKFed  him,  and  fayd ;  Behold,  our 

*'j*''"'"j^"  Lord  h  If  h  annointcd  cheevpon  his  inheritance  to  be  prince, 

t'clJhrof  la-  *'^'^  rhou  ihalcdeliuer  his  people  oui:ot  the  handts  of  their 

ueriicment^  enemies,  that  are  round  abouc  them.  And  this  ibalbcafignc 

are  annoinred  vnto  thee,  that  God  hath  annoinJcd  thee  to  {»c  prince,  f  When  i 

wicii  Gy!«,  JhQ^  pj^^lc  be  departed  from  me  this  day,  thou  ibait  findc  tvs^o 
■which  lignni-  i     r  1      l     <         11  en      >     i      '  •      1         1         '  r  ^ 

*rk  r,  .rrf^  ^^^^^  bef'.dc  thc  lepulcluc  of  Racnel  m  the  borders  oh  Iknu- 

li^iu,  and  cu-  min,  in  rhe  South ,  and  they  ilial  fay  to  thee:  Thc  alles  ar«  , 

lingofotheis.  found,  Nx^hich  (hou  dift  goe  to  feeke:  and  thy  father  letting 

;;Biitrii:/»(/f    goe  the  affes,  is  careful  for  you,  and  fayeth  :  Whit  shal  I  doc 

Ihtvca^that     conccmmg  my  lonnc  ?  f  And  u-hcn  thou  fnait  depart  thence,    ^ 

Siuinotper-    and  paCc  iarder,  and  ll)a.t  come  10  thc  oke  Thibor,  three  r' 

(eucrin^^  in       men  ^oing  vp  to  God  into  Bethel  inal  findc  thee  there,  one 

grace,  Ihould    catying  three  kiddcs.andAn  other  three  manchertes  of  bread, 

e    cpoic         and  an  other  carymq  a  Hai^on  of  wine,  t  And  when   they    4 
fiom  his  king-   ,  ^  ,         ,    .      "^     ,■  ■  ,  ,  .     ,     -^ 

doni./r.  4  ^.f.  haue  laluted  thcc,  they  wii  gcue  thee  t^o  loaues,  and  thou 

««  1.  Kfg.  .0.      ihalc  take  them  of  their  hand,  f  After  the (3  thinges  thou   5 
Hiilc  come  mtothe  hil  of  God,  where  the  garrifon  of  the 
Phiiiilhiimes  is :  and  when  thou  shalt  be  entered  thereinto 
thccitic,  thou  shale  mecrc  there  a  flockc  of  propheres  co- 
ining do  ^rnc  from  thce.t:eel(e,and  bcforctheni  pfdtcrieand 
tymbrcl,  and  fliahiic,  and  harpe,  T>.nA  ihomiJufS  prophe- 
cying.  t  And  the  Spirit  of  our  Lord  shal  Icafe  vpon  thee,  (> 
a.nd  thou  shalt  prophecic  with  them,  and  shattbc  chsn^cd 
into  an  other  man.   f   Thefore  when  a!  ihifc  (ignes  shal  7 
chanccto  thee,  doc  whatfocuer  thy  hand  ihal  hnde,  becaufe 
our  Lord  is  with  thee,  f  And  thou  shalt  goe  downe  before  S 
fiie into Galgala(  for  Iwil  come  downc  to  thcc)  that  thou 



Samuel  Saul.  of  king  es.  591 

mAvtft  offer  obliiion,  and  immolate  pacifiquc  vidimes:  •■  ie-  .;:Samiicl  en- 
uendaics  shah  thou  txpcd:,rill  coir.c  to  thee,  and  1  \riishc>y  »"ynft^obe. 
,  1  ,  A    .  ,  T-i       r  '         u    I     J  J        dicnccto  S.TUl 

<?  thee  vhat  thou  malt  doc. -j- Ther fore  v^ncn  he  had  turned  a-  totric  his  hu- 

"vay  his  shoulder  to  depart  from  bamuci^God  ••  changed  vnto  mihne.s.oyfg. 

10  hiir.  anothci  i.aft,andal  thcTe  thinges  c.nmc  in  that  day.  f  And  if.  a-  ^-  5  '»  i« 
thcv  came  to  the  forelaid  hii,  anu  behoia  a  troupcof  prophe-  ^^<x  ^?" 

tes  meeting  hiro  :  dc  the--  Spirit otoiM  Lord  leaic-ivpon  him.  i,jm  peculiar 

11  andhcprophcciedin  thcmiddcso^thcm.  f  And  ai  that  liad  j,racc  for  cxc* 
kno\;c'cn  him  ycfterdav  and  the  day  be'xjre,  (eing  that  he  was  cunngthcof- 
vith  the  prophctcs,  &  did  prophecic,  laid  roecnoiher.-  What  ^^^'^  *^^  *j*u"^* 
thing  hath  happened  to  the  lonneof  Cis?  "whatisijaul  alio  au/thTpif/ 

11   among  the  prophctes?  f  And  one  anfvered  an  other,  laying:  ot  prophecic. 
And  who  IS  ••  tlicir  father?  theicl-ore  it  vas  turned  into  a  pro*  ;.rhcuiups> 
i^i  ucrbc:  what  is  Saul  alio  among  the  prophctes?  f  Aiidhecea-  J-i^iis- 

i-4  led  roprophccie,and  came  to  theexceiic.  f  And  Sauis  vncic 
faydto  him,  and  to  his  (cruant ;  >X''hirher«'eni)ou?  whoanf- 
Nrercd  ;  To  (cckc  thf  allcs;  \fhich  vlicnve  had  not  Toiiwd, 

I J  wccam.c  to  Samuel. f  iHndhisvncle  {ayd  to  hira:  Tel  me  what 

l6  Samuel  fayd  to  thee,  t  And  Saul  fayd  to  his  vncle:  He  told  vs 
than  he  afles  were  found.  But  concerning  the  word  of  the 
kingdom  which  Samuel  had  fpoken  to  him,  he  tolJ  him  not. 

iy  f  And  Samuel  called  together  the  people  to  our  Lord  in  MaU 

i8  pha:  f  Andfayd  to  the  children  of  Hracl;  Thus  fay  th  our 
Lordihe  God  of  Ifraci:  1  brought  iiracl  out  of /Egypt,  and 
t'.chuerd  you  from  th«  hand  of  the /Egyptians,  and  from  the 

ip  hand  of  al  the  kingps  which  affli6led  you.  f  liut  you  this  d^v- 
haue  rcicctcd  your  God,  ^hooniy  hath  iaucd  yol  pur-^*^*! 
your  cuils  and  tubuiaiions:  and  you  hauc  '"^id  :  Isot  fo  :  bur 
appoint  a  king  oucr  vs.  Now  therefore  f.ind  before  our  Lord 

a.0  by  your  tribes,  and  by  your  families,  f  And  Samuel  brought 

al  the  tribes  of  Ifrael,    and  the  "  lottc  fcl  on  the  tribe  of -Bylottc  the 

11  Beniamin  .   f  And  he  brought  the  tiibc  of  Bcniamin  and  ptoplcMferc 
the  kinreds  thereof,  and  it  fel  vpf>n  the  kindred  of  Mccri,  =^5""^ 
anditcame  vnto  Saul  the  ionnc  of  Cis.  They  thcrforc  fought  Yo-asofGod  j. 

J.1  him,  and  he  was  not  found,  -f  And  after  ihcfc  thingcs  they  Greg,thdtm. 

confuhed  oar  Lord  whether  he  would  come  thither*  And 

43  our  Lordanfwcrcd  :  Bsholdhcishidac  home,  "f  They  ranne 

thereforcand  tooke  him  from  thence:  and  he  ftood  in  iho 

middcsofthe  people,  and  he  was  higher  then  al  the  people 

84  from  the  shoulder  and  vp'^-ard.  f  And  Samuel  faid  to  al  the 
people:  Cerccs  you  fee  Thorn  ouc  Lord  hjth  cholcn,  that 


5^2.  First   booke  Samuel. Saul. 

there  is  not  the  like  to  him  in  al  the  people.  A  tidal  the  people 

cried,  and  fayd:  Godfaue  the  King,  f  And  Samuel  fpake  to  2; 

the  people  the  law  of  the  kingdom,  and  wrote  icin  a  booke, 

and  Ixyd  it  vp  before  our  Lord  :  and  Samuel  difmiffed  al  the 

people,  euerie  one  into  his  ownehoufe.  f  But  Saul  alfo  dc-  16 

parted  vnto  his  houfe  into  Gabaa:  and  there  went  >5'ith  him 

part  of  the  armic,  they  whofe  hartcs  God  had  touched,  f  But  17 

the  children  of  Belial  fayd  :  What  shal  this  fellow  be  able  to 

faaevs?  and  theydefpifed  him,  and  brought  him  not  pre- 

fentes :  but  he  dilTcrabied  as  though  he  heard  not. 

Chap.     XI. 
^mmonitei fighting d^ninU  labes  GaUady  andtheeitic  rudie  to  y side  ,  j. 
SAulgAthereth An  arntie^iu  ouerthroweth  the  emmis,  14.  di'i-d  is  eJisL- 
hliihed  King. 

ANd  it  came  to  pafTc  as  it  were  a  moncth  afren  Naas  i' 
the  Ammonite  afcendcd ,  and  began  to  fipht  againft 
labes  of  Galaad.  And  al  the  men  of  labes  fayd  toNaas;  Make 
a  league  with  vs,  and  we  wil  ferue  thee,  f  And  Naas  the  % 
Aromonitc  anfwercd  them  :  In  this  wil  I  make  a  league Xvith 
you,  that  I  may  plucke  out  therighr  eyes  ofyoual,  acJ  maj^  • 
makcyouareprochin  al  Ifrsel.  f  And  the  ancientes  of  labes  5 
fayd  to  him:  Graunrvnco  vs  feuch  daies.  thatwe  may  fend 
meffcngers  vnro  al  the  cGaftesoflfrael;  andif  theicshalnot 
berhatmay  defend  vs,  we  wil  come  forth  to  thee,  f  The  4 
raelfengers  therefore  came  into  Gabaa  of  Saul  :   and  they 
fpake  thcfc  wordes,  in  the  hearing  of  the  people :  and  al  the 
people  lifted  vp  their  voicCjand  wept.  |  And  behold  Saul  j 
came,  folowing  oxen  our  of  the  field,  and  fayd:  What  aylcth 
the  people  that  they  wccpe?  And  they  told  him  the  wordes 
of  the  men  of  labcs.  f  And  the  Spirit  of  our  Lord  leafed  on   G 
Saul,  when  he  had  heard  thefc  wordes,  and  his  furie  was  ex-  . 
ceding  wrath,  f  And  taking  both  the  oxen,  he  cutre  them  7 
into  peeces,  and  fent  them  into  al  thccoaftesof  Ifraelby  mcf- 
fengers,  faying :  "Whofocuer  shal  not  goe  forth,  and  folow 
Saul  and  Samuel,  fo  shal  it  be  done  to  his  oxen.  Therefore 
the  feare  of  our  Lord  inuaded  the  people,  and  they  went 
forth  as  it  were  one  man.  f  And  he  numbered  them  xw  Bezec:  8 
and  there  were  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  three  hundred  thou- 
fand:  and  of  the  men  of  luda  thirtiethoufand.  f  And  they  9 
fayd  to  the  melfcngers  that  came .-  Thus  jhal  you  fay  to  the 


Samuel. Saul.  of  king ej.  y^^ 

men,  tliat  arc  in  Ia6es  Galaad  :  To  morov,  when  the  /unne  ••■  As  the  mea 
thai  waxchore,  you  fbal  hnuc  relife.  The  mc/Ffngcrs  there-  o^Iabcsdelu- 

10  fore  came,  and  told  the  men  of  labes;  who  \f  ere  plad.t  And    ^    tbcu  cni- 

V,     ^r  •  J     T       I  •        ••  «  r       1      ^  micsby«qm. 

they  laid  :  In  the  morning  ••  we  wii  come  forth  to  you  :  and  uocation    Co 
n  yvou  fnaldoc  to  vs  NJfhatlocuer  fhalpleale  you.  f  And  it  came  ipcaking  thac 
to  paflc,  when  the  morow  ^^zs  come,  Saul  (eiu  the  people  "^^^  ^^^^  °' 

into  three  partes .-  and  entered  into  the  middes  of  the  campc  j    a'^^^j  \"' 
L  L  J  n     I       A  t    1       /    deiftood  then 

in  the  morning  watch,   and  Itroke  An.mon  vntil  the  day. they mep.t.-fo 
waxed  hotc, and  the  reft;  were  difpcrfedjfo  that  there  were  thc'ieiuantes 

11  not  left  among  them  two  together,  f  And  the  people  fayd  of  God  being 
to  Samuel:  Who  is  this  thatTaid  :  \»  hat  ihal  Saul  reignc  ouer  ■"'"^^^^  "^^'^^ 

ij  vsiGeuevsthemenandwewilkil  them,  t  And  Saul  fayd  :  ofXf^lJ;'^"^^ 
No  man  ilial  be  killed  this  day, bccaufeonr  Lord  this  day  hath  gnified  by  '    ' 

14  rclcucd  IfracI;  j-  And  Samuel  faid  ro  the  people  :  Come  and  ^"^''^^i  muft  dc- 
Icfvsgoeinto  Galggl  ,  and  let  vs  rencwe  there  a  kingdome. '^^'"^/^'=^" 

j;  t  And  al  the  people  went  into  Gaigal,  and  there  they  made  "j^^"^' ^f^^*'- 
Saul  king  before  our  Lordin  Galgai,  &  they  immolated  there  iing  to  fadSic 
pacifique  vidimes  before  our  Lord.  And  Saul  reioyfed  there,  the  defirc  of 
and  al  the  men  of  IfracI  excedingly.  ^^^  flc^i ,  tut 

Chap.      X  H.  fudrtcm^'*"?* 

SiimHclheln^iUj^ifieihy  the i>ev^le  for  hii good hthaHtour^  6.  chdr^eth  <if»»  ranee ^'^as^hcy 
'^nhmgrAtitudetoWdrdts  God^l^.ddmBniihingthem^andshetvin^yy  A  may  Icil  the 
ftgneythnttheyoffindedm  dtmanding  a  k"^g-  ^o.  Exhorteth  them  now  cocupifcence, 
to  Jeme  G<)d,promifethto  pray  Ur  them,  and  fonvtrncth  that  they  shalf^^P^^^^^^^' 
raeiHCAi  thty  defer nt.  ^^^^  \. ^  ^  ^^ 

I  A  Nd  Samuelfayd  to  al  Tfrael:  Behold  I  hauc  heard  your 
7lL  voice  according  to  al  thinges  which  you  haue  fpoken 

1  tome,  and  I  haue  appointed  a  king  ouer  you.  f  And  now 
the  king  goerh  before  you  :  and  I  am  waxen  old  and  haue 
gray  hearesrtnoreouer  my  fonncs  arc  with  you  ;  therfore  ha- 
uing  conuerfed  with  you  from  my  youth  vntil  this  day,  loci 

5  amreadie.  f  Speake  of  me  before  our  Lord,  and  before  his 
Chriil,  whether  I  hauc  taken  any  mans  oxe  ,  or  aifc  :  If  I 
hau€  calumniated  any  man,  if  I  haue  oppreflTed  any  man, if 
I  haue  taken  gift  of  any  mans  hand;  and  I  wil  conttmne 

4  that  fame  this  day,  and  wil  rellore  it  to  you  .  f  And  they 
faid  thou  hift  not  calumniated  vs ,  nor  opp.rclled  v$ ,  nor 

J  taken  ought  of  any  mans  hand,  -f  And  he  fayd  to  them  :  Wic- 

nes  is  oar  Lord  againft:  you,  and  witnes  is  his  '■'  Chrift:  in  .•.Theanaoia- 
ichisdayjthatyouhauecoc  found  any  thing  in  my  hand.  And  tedkiag. 

C  c  c  c  they 

5^4  First  booke  Samuel.  SauL 

chcyfaid.-Witnes.f  Ani  Samael  faii  CO  the  people;  Our  Lord  6 
"who  made  Moyfesand  Aaron,  and  brought  our  fathers  out  of 
thcLandof^gyptisprefcnt.  f  No^r  therefore  ftand, that  I  7 
may  contendiniudgementagainft  you  before  out  Lord,  con- 
cerning al  the  mercies  of  our  Lord,  which  he  hath  done  vrith 
you,and  \rith  your  fathers.-  f  how  lacob  entred  into /Egypt,  S 
i:They  went  and  your  fathers  cried  to  our  Lord  :  and  our  Lord  (ent  Moyfes 
thatthey         and  Aaron,  and  brought  your  fathers  out  of  y€gypt :  and  pla- 
^^j'^'j^^^^'^^^  ced  them  in  this  placet  Who  forgat  our  Lord  theirGod,and  9 
tedled  as  hi-     hedcliuered  them  in  the  hand  of  Sifara  mafter  of  the  hofte 
tlicrtothey      of  Hafor,and  in  the  hand  of  the  Phiiifthijmes,  and  in  the 
had  bene, by     hand  of  the  king  of  Moab,  and  they  fought  againft  them* 
Dukes&  Iud-|  But  afterward  they  cried  to  our  Lord,  andfaid:  "We  haue  10 
and  (cnt  im-  ^nncd,  becaufe  we  haue  forfaken  our  Lord,  and  haue  fcrued 
mediarly  by    Baalim  and  therefore  deliucr  vs  from  the  hand   . 
God,  but        ofourenemies,and  wewilfcrue  thee,  t  And  our  Lord  fent   11 
would  haue  a  lerobaal,  and  *  Badan, and  Icpte,  and  Samuel,  and  dcliuercd  mi^hie 

^"^  1    ,„^_,  you  from  the  hand  of  your  enemies  round  about,  "and  you  SAmfon. 

oueithem.ima/  1        ,    r>  r-         u       vt  \-  c    \         u  f 

eenirK^thatfo  dwelt  lecurelv.  -j-  Rat  you  leing  that  Naas,  kmgorthe  chil-  11 

they  fliouldbe  dren  of  Ammon  was  come  againft  you,  you  (aid  to  me:  '••  Not 
better  P^i^j"   fo,  but  a  king  shal  reigneouer  vs:  whereas  our  Lord  your  God  ' 
f  ^d'd^fr  m*^' ^"^'^^^g"ca'""0"gyoi^-  t  Now  therfore  your  king  is  readic,   15 
forrainecne-    whom  you  haue  chofen  and  defired:  behold  our  Lord  hath 
mie? 'yhcrin    geuen  you  a  kmg.  j"  iFvou  shal  feare  QUt  Lord,and  (erue  him,  14 
they  preferred  ^nd  hcarc  his  voice,  and  notexafperar  the  mourbofour  Lord; 
t  tM  owne      \iQ^\x  you,  and  the  kine  which  reifineth  ouer  you,  shal  be  fo- 
conceuc  and    ,  ^      r         t       j  .-    j    ^  u.        r  1  u  u 

jud.^ei^en^bc- lowers  of- our  Lord  your  God.  f  but  ifyou  wil  not  hcare  the   i; 

fore  Gods  dif  voice  of  our  Lord,  butshal  exafperat  his  wordes,  the  hand  of 
pofition.  and  our  Lord  shal  be  vpon  you,  and  vpon  your  *  fathers,  -j-  But  16     ;?«««'. 
therfore  this    j^^^  ^j^^  ftand,  and  fee  this  great  thing  which  our  Lord  wil  nmres. 

hereinculca"  <ioe  in  your  fight-  f  Is  it  notwheare  harueft  to  day?  I  wil  17     •^•^'■'■^• 
red,  andmuch  cal  vpon  our  Lord,  Sc  he  wil  geue  *  noyfes  and  rayne:  and  you  thunder. 

xcprchended.  shal  know,  and  fee  chat  you  haue  done  great  euil  to  your 
s.Greg.U.  y- f.  feluesin  the  fightofour  Lord,defiringakingoucryou.|  And  iS 
'•Thiyfeaxei  Samuel  cried  to  our  Lord,  and  our  Lord  gauenoy(csandraine 
God  fo  much  »"  fhat  day.  f  And  al  the  people  feared  cxcedingjly  our  Lord  19 
?hemorc,be  and  -"  Samuel.  And  a!  the  people  faid  to  Samuel :  Pray  for  thy 
caufc  they  fea- f^-j-uamcs  to  our  Lord  thy  God,  that  we  die  not.  forwehaue 
xe   a  lo  his      added  euil  CO  al  our  finnes,  that  we  defired  vnro  vs  n  kinp. 
::  Forfinners    t  And  Samuel  fayd  to  the  people :  Feare  not,  you  haue  done  20 
•o  c«»«ne  be-    al  this  cull;  but  yet  depart  not  from  the  ••  backe  oFour  Lord, 


Samuel.  Saul.  of   kinges.  y^j 

ai  bucfcrueonrLordin  al  your  hart,  t  And  decline  not  atter  fore  Gods  fact 

vainethinpes,  which  shal  not  prcfirc  you,  nor  deliuer  you,  ^'^'^  prcfum- 
I  /I  ,     «      I  T        ,        I  r     /    I       L      prion,  not  to 

11   becauletliey  arc  vainc.  f  And  our  Lord  vril  not  foriake  his  ^,,jj^^.  ^q  ^j, 

people  for  his  great  name:  becaufe  our  Lord  hath  i^otorne  back  ortode- 
25  to  make  you  a  people  to  him  felf   f  And  farre  from  me  be  put  from 

thisfinncin  our  Lord,  that  I  should  ceafe  to  pray  for  you,  t]^<^n'^c ,  vere 
14  and  I  wil  teach  you  the  good  and  right  way.  f  Therciore  5^  {^j^j-icMag 

fearc  our  Lord,  and  (crue  him  in  truth  and  trom  your  whole  dalcn  wiih 

harc.for>ouhfluefccnethegreat  workes  which  he  hath  done  feaieandhopc 
If  amoneyou.  t  But  if  you  shal  perfcuer  in  raahce  :  both  ycu  approchcd  & 
jiuiu  L  taricd  at 

and  your  king^halpcnsli  together.  Chrnls  back; 

Lucy .  S.Gre^ 

Chap.    X I  If.  ^o'«  cnata. 

SAulAfid  lonxthds^reuftileinbuuel  tt^AifjIi  theVhilif^ltjms.  5.  "^ht  incrfa- 
ftn^  thtir  forCiiy  thi  ](r4:lites  for [ex.e  jiet  ax^a}  Ani  hid  th  mfclHts^Z. 
Samuel  act  comtri^  to  (be  campffSAul  prefumcth  to  o^'erfain.ce^  11.  fur 
%  huh  S*mud  refrcueth  htm,  and  deiUnth  that  hit  k^figdom  ihdbetran" 
Jla.tedto  An  ether.  17.  The  Philijihijm^  ^FP^^Jf'  *ht  ifraeUttS.  And  d-^ntte 
them  of  drmotir, 

I  A  Child  of  ••  one  yeare^js^as  Saul  when  he  began  to  •■Saul  begin- 
t  jl\.  reii;ne,and"-  two  yearcs  he  reigned  ouei  Ifrael.  t  And  "'"g^oreignc 
Saulchofe  cohim  felfe  three  thoufand  of  Kratl:  and  there  an^d^iumblcw 
verc  wirh  Saui  two  thoufand  in  Machmas,and  in  the  mount  a  child  of  one 
of  Bethel.anda  rhoiifand  with  lonathas  in  Gabaa  of  Ben-  ycare. 
iamin>moreouerthe  rertafthc  people  he  fent  backe  euerie  '•'  ^^'^  ^"  ^1^** 

3  manintoreir  tabernacle?,  t  Aad  lonathas  ftrokc  the  "ar-  ?''Vrft^r 

•r         r    I      r»i    1  /I  I    •  i      i  i       i  tile  nrlt  two 

nlonof  the  PniJiithijms,  which  sras  in  Gabaa.  '^'^nich  when  j cares. t.g»c^; 

the  Philidhijms  had  heard,  Saul  founded  ^3r■i{h  the  trumpet  tnUttncUium. 

4  in  al  the  land,  fiying;  Let  the  Hebrcwes  hcare.  f  And  al 
Ifraci  heard  this  mancr  of  bru:te  :  Siul  bach  ftrikcn  thegarri- 
fonof  the  Phiiifthijrns.-iind  Ifrael  tooke  courage  againit  the 
Philifthijms.  The  people  therfore  cried  after  Saul  in  Galgal. 

5  t  And  the  Phihfthims  vrcrc  gathered  together  to  h^iuagainft 
Ilrael,  chirrie  thoufand  chariotcs, and  fix  thoufand  horlcmenj 
and  the  reft  of  the  common  people,  as  the  land  which  isin  the 
fea  shore  very  much.  And  going  vp  they  camped  in  Machmas 

6  at  theEaft  of  Bethauen.  I  Whicli  when  the  men  of  Ifrael 
ha-i  fec-ne  them  fclu.-":  put  in  a  ftreid  ( for  the  people  was  af- 
fli<5tcd)  they  hid  them  fTlues  in  caucs,  and  in  fccret-e  places, 

7  in  rockcsalfo,  and  in  dcnnes,  and  in  ccflerncs.  f  And  the 

Cccc  1  HebreNTcs 

59^  FiRSTBOoKE  Samuel.  Saul. 

Hebrcwcs  paffed  lordan  into  the  Land  of  Gad  aiidGalaad, 
And  when  Saul  was  yet  in  Galgal,al  the  people  \ras  fore 
afrayd,  which  folowcd  him.  f  And  he  expedled  feucn  dales  8 
according  to  the  appointment  of  Samuel,  and  Samuel  came 
not  into  Galgal,  and  the  people  ilipt  away  from  him,  f  Saul   9 
thcfForeraid :  Bring  me  the  holocaude,  and  the  pacifiqucs. 
And  hcoftcred  the  holocaufte.  f  And  when  he  had  finished   i© 
offering  the  holocaufte,  behold  Samuel  came  :  and  Saul  went 
forth  to  mete  him  &  falute  him.  f  And  Samuel  fpake  to  him  ;    11 
'What  haft  thou  done  ?  Saul  anfwered  .-  Becaufe  1  fawe  that  the 
people  flipt  from  me,  and  tkou  waft  not  come  according  to 
the  dayes  appointed,  moreouer  the  Phijifthijms  were  gathe- 
red together  into  Machmas,  f  I  (aid  .•  Now  wil  the  Phili-  12 
fthijms  come  downe  ro  me  into  Galgal, &  I  haue  not  pacified 
the  face  of  our  Lord.  Compelled  by  neceflitic,  I  offered  the 
cHeofFcndedholocaufte.  f  And  Samuel  faid  to  Saul :  Thou  haft '••  done  fo-  15 
!n  offering  fa-  liftily,  neither  haft  thou  kept  the  commandemente5  of  our 
cnfice  being    Lord  thy  God,  which  hecommanded  thee.  "Which  '•'•  if  thou 
prieft   norex- ^•^^^"°'' '^°"^' ^"^^^  ^^^""^  ^^^'^  °^'-  Lord  prepared  thy  king- 
traordinarily    dom  ouer  Urael  for  euer,  f  but  thy  kingdom  shal  no  fardet  ,14 
allo'iK'ecl  to  do  arifc.  Out  Lord  hath  fought  him  a  man  according  to  his  hart; 
thatoiBcesond  ^nj  him  hach  oar  Lord  coiMmanded  to  be  prince  ouer  his 

°u   "l^i!       people,  becaufe  thou  haft  not  obferucd  the  thinees  which 
other  taultes    *\,  ti4ir>  1         r         1  r 

xyns  dcveCcd.   ^^^  Lord  commanded.  -}•  And  Samu  i  arole  and  went  vp  irom   ij 

?•  Gods  fore-   Giigelinto  Gabiaof  Beniamin.  And  numbered  the  people, 
fight  of  finnc,  ^jrhich  were  found  with  him,  as  it  were  fix  hundred  men. 
end  perotJina  -.  ^j,j^|  ^^^^j  ^^^  lonathas  his  fonn^  ,  and  the  people  that  16 
t»onto  pun  in  £.         jiu  -^i  ro" 

if  takerh  noi  "^^J^c  ^ound  With  them,  was  in  Gabaa  ot  Beniamin :  morc- 

r^ay  frcewil,  ouer  the  Philifthijms  had  pitched  in  Machmas.  f  Arid  there   17 
HorpotlTbilitic  iifued  forth  t®  praye  from  the  campe  of  the  Philifthians  three 
of  wel  dpin:r,  (Companies.  One  compainc  went  on  again  ft  the  way  of  Ephra 
noro  icwar  •  j^  j-^g  L^nd  of  Saul,  t  Moreouer  another  went  by  the  wav  18 

S<.^U^.li.i.C.A.       r»-,it  11-111  i-rir  i  ri' 

«/« lih.Arhit.       ot  Bethhoron,  &  the  third  had  turned  it  leU  to  the  way  ot  the 

border,  in  the  valley  Seboim  againft  the  defcrr.  f  Moreouer  19 
there  was  not  found  an  yron  fmith  in  al  the  Land  of  Ifrael. 
for  the  Philifthijms  had  fo  prouided,  left  perhaps  the  He- 
brcwes  should  make  fword  or  fpeare.  f  Al  Ifrael  therefore  20 
went  downe   to  the  Philifthijms  ,  that  eucrie  man  might 
whette  his  plough  culter,and  fpade,&:  axe, and  rake,  f  There-  11 
fore  the  edges  of  the  shares,  and  fpades,  &  forkcs  with  three 
teeth, and  axes,  were  blunc ,  euen  to  the  godeprickj  which 


Samuel. Saul.  gp  kinges.  j97 

11  \ras  to  be  mended,  f  And  when  the  day  -^as  come  to  fighr, 

there  was  not  found  fword  and  fpeare  in  the  hand  of  a)  rhe 

people,  that  was  with  Saul  and  lonathas,  except  Saul  and  !o- 

24   nachas  his  Tonne,  t  Andtheftation  of  the  Phihftijrcs  ^tnt 

forth,  to  pad'e  vp  into  Machmas. 

Chap.  X  1 1 1  I. 
Jondthus  truftmg  in  Cod,  dccompained^ith  one  m^n,  his  father  not  ^r'o- 
xvinf  y  loeth  into  the  Pbilifihtfms  campe ,  fillet h  tri'fntie  men  atjd  tru^. 
bleth  then  "^ hole  ayrnie.  16.  ytiderfianditJg  the  f^me  ,  apfrcchith 
:  ^ith  his  armie,  and  they  gette  a  great  liiihne.  24.  But  Sfulhaniag  (ont- 
manded  lender  paine  of  death,  that  ncne  $houUeate  til  night,  hnathai  for 
tatjiing  a  litle  haaic  (though  ignorant  of  the  prohibition)  mudged'o 
die.  4J.  But  the  people  oppofe  themfclues,  and  deliucr  him  from  death.  47. 
Sdtfl  profpereth  in  hn  kingdont  ^  ^ith  his  famine, 

I  A  Nd  it  chanced  on  a  certeine  day  that  lonathas  the 
./jL  fonne  of  Saul  fayd  to  the  yong  man  that  bare  his  ar- 
mour: Come,  «Sc  let  vs  pafTe  to  thcgarifon  of  thcPhilifthijms, 
which  is  beyond  yonder  place.  But  to  his  father  he  told  not 

2  this  fame  thing,  f  Moreouer  Saul  abode  in  the  vtmoft  part 
of  Gabaa  vnder  the  pomegranate  trec,which  was  in  Magron: 

5  and  the  people  with  him  was  about  hx  hundred  men.  f  And 
Achias  the  fonne  of  Achirob  the  brother  of  Ichabod  the 
fonne  of  Phinces,  which  was  borne  of  Heli  the  prieft  of  our 
Lord  in  Silo,  bare  the  cphod    Bur  the  people  alfo  was  igno- 

4  rant  whither  lonachas  was  gone,  f  And  there  were  betwen 
theafcenres,  by  the  which  lonathas  endeuourcd  to  paife 
vnto  the  garifon  of  the  Philiftijms,  rockes  ftandinc;  vp  on 

oth  fides,  and  as  it  were  in  maner  of  rceih  ftiepe  broken 
rockes  on  cither  fide,  the  name  of  one  Bofes,  and  the  name 

5  of  the  other  Scne  :  f  one  rocke  (landing  our  roward  the 
North  ouer  againft  Machmas,  and  the  other  to  the  Sourh, 

6  againftGabaa.  t  And  lonathas  fayd  to  the  yong  man  that 
bare  his  armour:  Come,  let  vspaife  to  the  ftationof  thefe  vn- 
circumcifed,  if  haply  our  Lord  wil  make  for  vs  .-  becaufeit  is 
not  hard  for  our  Lord  to  faue  either  m  manie,  cr  in  fewc_. 

7  t  And  his  efquierfaydto  him  :  Dceal  thinges  which  plcafc 
tiiy  minde  :  goe  whither  thou  dchrefl:,  and  I  wil  be  with  thcc 

8  wherefocuer  thou  wilr.  f  And  lonathas  fayd:  Behold  we 

9  pilFe  to  thefc  men.  And  when  we  (hal  appeare  to  them,  j-  If 
they  fnal  fpcake  to  vs  jn  this  maner:  Tarienl wecomero 

C  c  c  c  3  you: 

5^8  FiRSTBOOKi  Samuel, 

yoa f  let vsftand  in  ouf  place,  andnocgoevp  tothem.  f  Buc  i© 
ifihey  tlial  lay:  Ciinevpto  vs:  lee  vs  goe  vp,  becaufc  our 
;:Ominoos      Lord  hith  dtliuercd  fhcniinouchandcs,  v  this  <>ial  be  afigne 
fpcrfchcsare     viitovs.  f  Bo»h  of  them  therefore  appeared  to  the  ftation  of  it 

thcieximples  come  oar  of  the  caues,  wherein  they  vere  hid.  f  And  the  u 
to  be  Come-  men  of  die  garnifon  fpake  to  lonarhas  and  to  hisefquiefjand 
tunes  of  God,  [^y^  .  (Jome  Vp  to  vs,  and  we  wii  fliew  you  a  thing,  And  lona- 
tioug  loiae  jhjg{:|y(;{  fQ  hj5  cfquicj-j  Let  vs  goe  vp.folo^  me;  for  our  Lord 
kuuiofoblcr.  ^^-^^  deiiucrcd  them  into  the  handes  of  Ifrae!.  f  Andlona-  i; 
uationisiu-  '«'enc  vp  on  his  handes  £<:  feetc  creeping,  and  his  cfquier 
pcrfiicious.As  afcer  hiin.  Thej:efore(ome  fel  before  lotiathas ,  other  (omc 
befoccisno-     ^-   efqaier  folosirine  fiewe.  t  And  the  firft  Ihuebter,  with  14. 

tcd.Ge»,  14.  ,  .    ,\  ,         our-  j  c  • 

\rhich  lonachas  ^  his  elquicr  madc,Nras  asit  wercor  tventie 
men  in  thchalfc  part  of  an  aker,  which  a  yoke  of  oxen  is 
'^'Ont  to  plough  in  aday.  f  And  there  was  nude  a  miracle  in  ij 
the  campe,  through  the  ^C'ldcs:  yea  and  al  the  people  of  their 
garrifon,  •whicl)  had  gone  to  take  prayes,  vfas  adonyed,  and  .. 
the  land  was  trnbled  :  and  it  happened  as  a  miracle  from  God. 
t  And  the  xTatchemen  of  Saul,  which  were  in  Gabaa_-,  of  i^, 
Beniamin  looked, oc  loe  a  multitude  ouerthroven,  tSc  fleeing 
hither  and  thither,  f  And  Saul  fayd  to  the  people, vhich  was   ty 
with  him  :  Enquire,  and  fee  who  is  gone  from  vs  And  when 
they  had  fought,  it  was  found  that  lonathas  was  nor  prefenc 
and  his  efqiiier.  f  AndSaulfayd  to  Achias:  Bring  the  arkc  18 
of  our  Lord.  (  for  the  arkc  of  God  Wi^s  there  that  day  wiih 
the  children  of  Ifrael.)  t  And  when  Saul  fpake  to  the  prieflr,  i^ 
there  arofe  a  great  tumult  in  the  campe  of  the  PhiliOijmes: 
and  it  grcwe  by  Hrle  and  litic,  and  founded  more  cleercly. 
•  Fray  no  AndSaulfayd  to  theprieft:  ••  Draw  together  thy  hand.  fSauI  i® 

Kiorcnorex-  thcreforcand  al  the  people  that  was  with  him,  (houted  toge-  j{^  and  they  came  to  the  place  of  the  fight:  and  behold 
10  they  proce.  '  /         1  !      i i  ^  •         i  •         •    t  l  i 

dc>^co battel     euerie  mans  fword  had  becne  turned  to  hi<;  neighbour,  and 

witKouiui-  a  ilmghter  cxceding  great,  f  Butthc  Hcbiewesalfo  which  ii 
thcrvauanr.  jj  :^(|  b^ne  'a'ith  the  Philiftijms  yeftcrdiy  and  the  day  before, 
and  went  vp  with  them  in  the  campc,  returned  to  be  with 
Ifrael,  which  were  with  Sauland  lonathas.  f  Al  the  Ifraeii-  ii 
tesalfo  which  had  hid  themfelttes  in  mount  Ephraim,  hea- 
ring that  the  Phihltijms  were  fled,  ioyncd  them  felues  wirh 
their  ftilowcs  in  battel.  And  there  were  with  Saul  as  it  were 
ten  thoufandraen.  f  And  our  Lordin  that  day  faucd  Ifracl.  2| 


Samuel.  Saul.  o  f  k  i  n  c  e  s.  ,^j^ 

24  and  the  fight  reached  as  farre  as  Bethauen.  f  And  the  men  ot 
Ifrael  were  ioyned  among  ihemfclues  in  that  day.-  and  Saul 
adiurcd  the  people,  faying  .-Curled  be  the  man,  thatfhal  eatc 
bread  vntil  euening,  til  I  be  reucngcQ  of  myne  enemies.  And 

2;  the  whole  people  did  eate  no  bread;  -f  and  al  the  common 
people  of  the  land  came  into  a  forcft,  wherein  was  honic 

iC  vpon  the  face  of  the  field,  f  Tiie  people  therefore  cncred 
into  the  foreft,  and  there  appeared  dropping  honie>  and  no 
man  put  his  hand  to  his  mouth. for  the  people  feared  the  oath. 

17  t  But  lonathashadnot  heard  when  his  father  adiured  the 
people:  and  he  put  forth  the  tippe  of  the  rod,  which  he  had 
in  his  hand,  and  clipped  it  into  a  honie  combe:  and  he  turned 

28  his  hand  to  his  mouth,  and  his  eics  were  illuminated,  f  And 
cncof  the  people  anfwcring,layd :  Thy  father  hath  bound 
the  people  with  an  oath,  faying  :  Cucfed  be  the  man  that  ihal 

25)  erite  bread  this  day.  (and  the  people  was  faynt)  f  Andlona- 

thasiayd:  -  My. father  hath  trubled  the  land:  your  felues  ::lonatliaswas 
hauefccne  that  myn  eics  are  illuminaited,  becaufe  I  haue  ta-  cxcufed  by 

50  ftedalirleof  thishonie  ;  f  how  much  z-iiore  if  the  people  had  igt^orancc,  & 

eaten  of  the  praye  of  their  enemies,  v;'hich  they  found?  had     ^j^!'u^  r"^' 
I  •        f       T-'    in-  and  tnciiorc 

there  not  beene  made  a  greater  plague  m  the  Philiftijms :-  w'asiuftlvdcli- 

51  f  They  ftroke  therefore  in  that  day  the  Pbiliftijms  from  uercd  by  the 

Machmas  vnto  Ailon.  And  the  people  was  wearied  exec-  people;  and 

xi  dinrAy  :  f  and  beina  turned  to  the  praye  tooke  fheepe,  and  }^^  ,^\  cr  o - 
-*  0/1  iD  r     /  ^  ,    ,   ^  t     fended,  10  not 

oxen,  and  calucs,  &iie  w  them  on  the  ground;  and  the  people  excepting-  the 
35   did  eatc"  with  bloud.  -f  And  they  told  Saul  faying  that  the  calcof'ncccfli- 

peopichad  finned  to  our  Lord, eating  x^'irh  bloud.  Who  fayd:  tie,&  through 

You  haue  trani'orcfi'ed  :  Roule  to  meeuen  now  a  great  fione.  "^^''^  i^gg^^^ 
,     .      ,  f,      I  -•      ,     T-.r        "  ri  I  zcleorreuege, 

34  7  And  Saul  iayd  ;  Diincrle  your  lelaes  among  the  common  fVjg„  j^g  l^^l 

people,  and  tel  them  that  eueiie  man  bring  me  his  oxc  and  warrant  from, 

ramine,  and  kil  ye  them  vpon  this  fame,  andcate,  andyou  God,  wUofe 

shalnot  finnetoour  Lordcarinc;  with  bloud.  Al  the  people  ^^''^^"  "^ 
T         --        ,  ,  ,v  ....         .  11       would  notex- 

inererore  brought  eueric  man  his  oxc  in  his  hand  vntii  night:      ^^  ^  j^ 

5;  andflewe  them  there,  f  And  Saul  built  an  altar  ro  our  Lordj  ::VVheroffo- 
and  then  fin^'did  he  bcginnc  ro  build  an  alrar  to  our  Lord  .  lo^cd  alfo  an  ■ 

3!^  t  And  Sni!  fayd  -.  Letvs  fal  vpon  the  Philiftijms  by  nighr,and  o^her  flnnc, 
let  vsfpoylethem  til  it  waxc  light  in  the  morning,  neither  picVanum^c^' 
let  vsleauea  man  of  them.  Andtaepcople  fayd:  Docal  that  for  Ijckco? 
fcmeth  good  in  thync  eics.  And  the  priell  fayd: Let  vsapproch  meatc  did  care 

37  hither  to  God.  -j-  And  Saul  confulted  our  Lord;  Shal  1  pur-  ^^^^  "^^^^  ^^« 
few  the  Phihftjjms?  wilt  thou  dcliucirhcm  into  the  handes  ^ie^^a'c"^'^; 

of  Ifrael  ? 

6ao  FiRSTBooKE  Samuel. Saul, 

;.Before,7. 19.  of  Ifracl?  And  ••  heanfwercd  him  not  in  that  day.  f  And  Saul  }8 
Saul  would      ^^y  J  .  g^i„g  hither  al  the  corners  of  the  people :  and  know, 
Godsanfwer:  and  fee  by  Nrhom  this  finne  hath  chanccd  to  day.  f  Our  Lord  39 
HON*'  thetfore    the  fauiour  of  Ifrael  ilueth,  that  if  it  were  done  by  lonathas 
God  wil  not    my  fonnc,  he  shal  die  without  rcuoking.  ^hereunto  none  of 
iBfvcr  him.      f}^e  people  gaynefaycd  him.  t  And  he  fayd  to  al  Ifiaei :  Be  you  49 
fepcrated  into  one  (Ide,  and  I  with  lonathas  my  Tonne  wil  be 
on  the  other  fide.  And  the  people  anfwcrcd  Saul :  Doc  what 
femethgoodin  thyneies.  j-  And  Saul  fayd  to  our  Lord:  Lord   41 
Godoflirael,  gcuc  a  ligne  :  and  lonathas  was  caught  and 
Saul,and  the  people  went  forth,  t  And  Saul  iayd:Caftyclotfe  4* 
::Ionathas  vas  betwcn  me,  and  lonathas  my  fonne.  And"  lonathas  was  ta- 
tranfgrcffcd"^  ken.  f  And  Sani  fayd  to  lonathas:  Tel  rae  what  thou  haft  45 
the  vnaduifed  done.  And  lonathas  told  him,  and  fayd:  TaGing  I  tailed  in 
romandmcnf,  the  tippe  of  the  rod,which  was  in  myn  hand  a  litle  honie,and    . 
but  S^aul  liim    behold  I  di^ .   f    And  Saul  fayd;  Thefe  thinges  doc  God  44 
ereaTccr  ^fauh  ^°  ^""^j^nd  thcfe  thinges  adde  he, that  dying  thou  shalt  die  lo- 
©fraili  proce-  "^thas .  j"  And  the  people  faid  to  Saul:  Sha!  lonathas  then  45 
ding,  and  vn-   ciic^  which  hath  made  this  great  faluation  in  Ifrael  ?  this  is  vn- 
Mcicre  com-  lawful:  our  Lord  hueth,  if  there  shal  fal  a  hcare  from  bis  head 
»ian  ing.         vpon  the  ground,  becaufe  with  God  hath  he  wrought  to  day.' 
The  people  therefore  deliuered  lonathas ,  that  he  should  not 
die.  f  And  Saul  retyred, neither  did  he  puifew  the  Philifljims:  4^6 
moreouer  the  Philiftijms  departed  into  their  places,  f  And  47 
Saul, his  kingdom  being  eftablished  ouer  Ifratd,  foughtround 
about  flgainllal  his  enemies,  againftMoab,  and  the  children 
of  Ammon,  and  Edom,  and  the  kinges  of  Soba,  and  the  Phi- 
liftians :  andwhither  foeucr  he  turned  him  felfjiicouercamc. 
t  And  gathering  together  an  armie,  he  ftroke  Amalec,  and  4S 
deliuered  Ifrael  from  the  nand  o»f  the  fpoylers  thereof,  f  And  4*^ 
thefonncsofSaul,  were  lonathas  and  Iefui»  and  Melchifca:        - 
and  the  names  of  his  two  daughters,  the  name  of  the  ficft 
boine  Mcrob,  a!id  the  name  of  the  yonger  Michol.  f  And  ;o 
the  name  of  Sauls  wifc,Achinoam  the  daughter  of  Achimaas; 
find  the  name  of  the  prince  of  hishoft  Abncr,  the  fonnc  of 
Ncr,  the  cofin  german  of  Saul  by  the  father,  t  Moreouer  51 
Cis  was  the  father  of  Saul,  and  Ner  the  father  of  Abncr,  the 
fonnc  of  Abiel.  f  And  there  was  mightic  battel  agaynft  the  yz 
PhiHfthians  al  the  dayes  of  Saul.  For  whomfoeuer  Saul  had 
feeiis  a  valiant  raa^1^,  aud^fitcc  for  battel,  he  ioynedbimto 
him^felf^  "•'  •<i3fH,ci^rtJj:!.3jrfii..;i^ji^d;  lUiv  ;  orv.^nii/jd-I  :i(i-:  ^'^l 


Samucl.SauI.  o  f  k  i  n  g  e  $,  ^oi 

Chap.  XV. 
S^tul  is  commandeA  ytierly  to  defitoy  the  ^malecites.  8.  but  he  ukjhg  ^^*i 
thtir  kingfpArtth  hu  iife^cp- chief  e  which  dijohdicncs 
( iG.  though  ^retendin^  that  the  bt[t  thmgts  rvtrt  referuedforJAcrifice )  he 
ti  depofedfrom  hn  (/»^<^'ow.i4-  Thtn  acknofvUdgeth  htsfdult.  ^LSAmuel 
cutteib  ^X^'i  i^pf^^fi  5J'  '""^  mourneth  forSdui. 

I  A  N  ^  Samuel  faid  to  Saul :  Our  Lord  Cent  mc  to  annointc 
y^lL  thee  king  oner  his  people  Ifrael  j  nov  therefore  hears 

I  the  voice  of  our  Lord:  f  Thus  fayth  the  Lord  of  hodcs:  I 
hauc  recounted  whatfoeucr  AmaJec  hath  done  to  Ifrach  hov" 
he  refilled  themin  the  wayvhcn  they  camevpoutof>£gypc. 

3  t  No\T  therefore  gee,  and  '■'  ftrike  Amalcc,  and  '''  deftroy  ::  Amalec  i« 
al  that  he  hath:  fpaic  him  not,  and  couct  not  ought  of  his  ftrickcn  whca 
thingcs:  but  kil  from  man  vnto  ^^oman,  bothchilde&fuck»  '^'^a-^^,  ^ 

4  hng,  oxe  and  ihecpc,  camel  and  aiTc.  f  Saul  therefore  com- ^^J-^^^^^  ^ 
mandcd  the  people,  and  numbered  them  as  it  verc  lambcs:  :..  Dcftroyci 
t^o  hundred  thouf&nd  footemen,&:  ten  thoufand  of  the  men  vhcn  the 

f  of  luda.  t  And  when  Saul  vas  come  vnto  the  citie  of  Ama-^'^'J.""^''"' 
^  lee,  he  laid  ambuihcmcntcs  in  the  torrent,  f  And  Saul  faid  to  ^fj^^^°^^  ^"^ 
the  Cineitc  :  Goe  ye,  retyre  and  depart  from  Amalec:  left  per-  iio^s,  s.  Grert 
haps  I  vrrappc  thee  in  ^rirh  him.  for  thou  haft  done  mcrcic  U.  6.  c  i.  m  t, 
with  al  the  children  of  Ifracl,  ^hen  they  dcfccnded  outof^^^'^J* 
.'tgypt.AndtheCincitcdrpartedoutofthemiddcsof  Araalec. 
7  t  And  Saul  fttokc  Amalec  from  Heuila,  vntil  thou  come  to 

5  Sur,  which  is  cuer  againft  >£gypt .  f  And  he  apprehesdcd 
Agag  the  king  of  Amalec  aliue;  but  ai  the  comon  peopk  he 

9  flewcin  thecdgeof  the  fword.  -f  And  Saul  and  the  people 
{pared  Agag,  and  the  bcft  f^ockcs  of  (hcepc  and  hcardes,  and 
thcgarmentesand  rammes,and  al  thinges,  that  verc  fayre, 
neither  would  they  dcftroy  them;  but  whatfocuer  was  vile 

la  and  tefufe,  that  they  deflroyed.  f  And  the  word  of  our  Lord 

Ti  was  made  to  Samuel,  faying:  f  It  repcnteth  me  that  I  hau« 
made  Saul  king-  bccaufe  he  hath  forfaken  rae,&  hath  not  ful- 
filled my  wordesinworkc.  And  Samuel  was  ftrooken  fadde, 

ri  an-d  cried  to  our  Lord  al  the  night,  f  And  when  Samuel  had 
rifenin  the  night,  to  goe  to  Saul  in  the  morning,  iz  was  toW 
Samuel,  that  Saul  was  comeinto  Carmelus,  and  had  ercftcd 
to  him  fcife  a  triumphant  arch,  and  returning  was  paffcd,  and 
gone  into  Galgah  Samuel  therefore  came  to  Saul,  and  Saul 
otfcrcd  anholocauftto  our  Lord  of  the  firft  of  the  praycs, 

Dddd  which 

^02,  First   booke.  Samuel.  SauL 

xrhichhchad  brought  from  Amalec.  f  And  when  Samuel  ij 
\ras  come  to  Saul,  Saul  fayd to  him:  Blefled  be  thou  to  our 
Lord,  T  bauefulfiiled  the  vj'ord  of  our  Lord,  f  And  Samuel  14 
Tayd:  And  wharis  this  voice  of  flockes',  which  foundcth  in 
myne  cares,  and  of  heardes,  which  I  heare?  f  And  Saul  faid:  ij 
They  haue  brought  them  from  Amalec  for  the  people  hath 
fparcd  the  better  (hcepe  and  heardcs  that  they  might  be  im- 
molated to  our  Lord  thy  Ged,  but  the  reft  wc  haue  Hainc. 
t  And  Samuel  faid  to  Saul:  Suffer  me,  and!  wil  fticw  thee  i^ 
what  our  Lord  hath  fpoken  to  rocthis  night.  And  he  fayd 
to  him  :  Spcake.  f  And  Samuel  faid  :  When  thou  waft  a  httlc  17 
?r  When  Saul  oncin  thyneownc  eyes,  -  vcas  thou  not  made  chief  in  the 
was  humble     rribes  of  Ifracl?  And  our  Lord  annointed  thee  to  be  king 
ecdJo^'bdHe  ^^^^  Israel,  f  andour  Lord  fent  thee  on  the  way,  and  fayd;  iS 
proud  he  L$     Goc ,  and  kil  the  finners  of  Amalec,  and  thou  shah  fight 
EtieCkei.  againft  them  vntil  the  vtterdcftrudion  of  them,  f  Why  there*  if 

fore  haft  thou  not  heard  the  voice  of  our  Lord;  but  art  turned 
to  the,  and  haft  done  euil  in  the  eies  of  our  Lord?  f  And  i© 
Saul  faid  to  Samuel :  Yea  I  haue  heard  the  voice  of  our  Lord, 
and  haue  walked  in  the  way  bywhichourLordfenr  me,  and 
hauebroughtAgag  the  king  of  Amalec,  and  Amalec  Lhauc  ' ' 
fliinc.  f  But  the  people  too kc  af  the  prayc  iheepe  and  oxen,  11 
the  principal  of  ihofc  thinges  which  were  flaine,  to  immo- 
late to  our  Lord  their  God  in  Galgal.  f  And  Samuel  faid:  ti 
"Why  wil  our  Lord  haue  hciccaudcs  and  vicVimcs,  and  not 
father  that  the  voice  of  our  Lord  be  obeyed  ?  For  •=  L  E  T  T  E  R. 
gjBy ordinane  jj  obedience  then  vidimcc ;  a  nd  to  harken  rather  then  to  offer 

JL^yiJf!'.^*  the  fatte  of  rammcs.  t  Becaufc  it  is  is  it  were  the  Hiine  0/  ix 
gejieoarci-     .  r/11-  1  11  ri» 

tctnal  goodci  inchantment,  to  rehit:  and  as  it  were  the  wicKednes  or  idola- 

ftoGod.byo-  trie,  to  rcfufe  to  obey.  For  as  much  therefore  as  thou  haft  re- 

bcdiencc  VT    jedcd  the  word  of  our  Lord, our  Lord  hath  rciedtcd  thee  that 

omVgj--'^/;   fhoushaltnotbcking.  f  AndSaal  faid  to  Samuel:  I  haue  24 

6.e.x.hiXt?.  finned,  becaufel  haue  tranfgreflcd  the  faying  of  our  Lord, 

?!.'  and  thy  wordes,  fearing  the  people,  and  obeying  their  voice. 

t  Butnowbcare!  befech  thee  my  finnc,  and  returne  with  1; 

inc,thit  I  may  adore  our  Lord,  f  And  Samuel  fayd  to  Saul:  16 

1  wil  not  returr.c  with  thee,  becanfe  thou  haft  reieded  the 

^ordofourLord,andour  Lord  hath  rcie<5ted  thee  that  rhou 

flialtnot  be  king ouer  Ifracl,  f  And  Samuel  turned  him  felfc  17 

ffo  depart  .but  he  caught  the  hemme  of  his  clokc,  which  alfo 

did rcat.  f  AndSam"aelUidcobim.OurLoi:d  hath  rent  the  2! 


Samuel.  Saiil  of  king  is.  ^o| 

kingdom  of  IfracI  from  thee  thii  day,  and  hath  deliucred  it 

29  -to  ihy  neighbour  better  then  tliou.  f  MoreoHcr  the  Trium-. 
phcrin  Ifrael  wilnot  fpare,and  hevil  not  be  turned  vith 

30  repentance :  forneither  is  he  a  man  that  he  may  repent,  t  But 
he  faid  :  I  hauc  finned  ;  hcwbeit  no^gr  honour  me  before  the 
ancientcs  of  my  people,  and  before  Ifrael,  and  returne  ^ith 

131   me,  that  I  may  adore  out  Lord  thy  God.  f  Samuel  therefore 
51  returning  folowed  Saul:  and  Saul  adored  our  Lord,  f  And  Sa« 
mud  faid:  Bring  vnto  me  Agag  the  king  of  Amalec.  And  Agag 
vas  prcfcnted  to  him  very  latte,  jrembiing.  And  Agag  fayd: 
53  Doth  bicrsr  death  thus  feparat  ?  f  And  Samuel  faid;  As  thy  ;:  God  it  fdi 
fword  hath  made  vcmcn  without  children,  fo  dial  thy  mo-  i^propcrlvt® 
ther  among  wcmcn  be  without  children.  And  Samuel  hcved  "/j|*i"cr*cththe 
.54  him  into  peeccs  before  our  Lord  in  Gaigal.  f  And  Simuel  thing,  »hath« 
departcthinroRaraatha;  but  Saul  afcendcd  vnto  his  houfe  did  before.  /. 
3;  inroGabaa.  f  And  Samuel  faw  Saul  no  more  vnto  the  day  -yirnb.  U.dcHn 
of  his  death:  but  yet  Samuel  lamented  Saul  bccaufeit  -  re-  *^*"** 
pentcd  our  Lord  char  he  had  appointed  him  king  oucr  Ifraci. 
Chap.    XVL 
SdmHtl  iy  Godi  tomm4ndm€nt  ^naoiatetb  Pduid  Km^.  14.  Cods  fpirrtt 

pArteth  from  Saul i  unda  picked  ff  trite  Ifextth  him.  16,  the  "^eXAtion  is  "^^^  *^ir^ 
miu^dtid  h  £>4tiids  pUjfingon  a  h^rpe  D '^^'ds  an- 

"  D  our  Lord  (aid  to  Samuel;  How  long  docft  thou  nonjung,lii* 
.urneSaul,  vhom  I  hauc  reicdcd  that  he  rule  nor  vcrtucj,  and 
ouer  Ifrael  ?  fil  thy  home  ^riih  oile,  and  come,  that  I  may  fend  peilccmioa, 
thee  to  Ifai  the  Bethlehcmire:  for  I  haue  prouided  mcaking 
X  among  his  fonncs.-f-  Anf<  Simutlfaid:How  ihal  I  goe?forSaul 
xrilhearcof  it,  and  vril  kil  me.  And  our  Lord  faid  :  A  calfcof 
the  heard  fhalr  thou  takein  thy  hand,andshaltfay:Iam  come 
-|  toimmolite  vnto  o'lr  Lord,  f  And  thou  shalr  calKaitothc 
vidime.and  I  AX'il  (liev  thee  \rhat  thou  muft  doe,  and  thou 
4  shalt  annointe  \rhom(oeucr  I  fljal  (hevtr  to  thee,  f  Samuel 
therefore  did  as  our  Lord  fpake  to  him.  And  he  came  into  Be- 
thlehem, and  the  tncientcs  of  the  citic  merueled,  meeting 
5  him,and  they  faid:  Is  thy  entrance  peaceable?  t  And  he  faid  ; 
Peaceable:  I  am  come  to  immolate  vnto  our  Lord,  be  ye  ftn- 
.^ificd,  and  come  virh  me  that  I  may  immolate.  He  therefore 
fandificd  Ifai  and  his  fonnfs, and  called  them  to  the  facrificc.         '/■ 
0  t  And  when  they  vere  entered  in,  he  faw  Eliab, and  faid;  Is 
7  there  before  our  Lord  his  Chriil:?  -j-  And  our  Lord  faid  to  Sa- 
muel. Refped  not  his  count€na:e,nor  the  talnes  of  his  ftature: 

Dddi  2.  bccftufe 

1     A    N 
j\  m, 

^04  First   booke  Samuel. Saul. Dauid, 

becaufe  I  hauc  reicdcd  hini,neither  doc  I  iudge  according  to 
the  lookc  of  man  :  for  man  Teeth  thofe  thinges  which  ap- 
pearCjbut  our  Lord  "  behoidcth  the  hart,  f  ^^^nd  Ifai  called  8 
Aminadab  ,  and  brought  hira  bcforc'Samuel .  "Who  faid : 
Neither  this  hath  oar  Lord  chofei-u .  ■}•  And  Ifai  brought  9 
Samma»j,  of  vhom  he  fayd:  This  alfo  hath  not  our  Lord 
chofen.  f  Ifai  therefoie  brought  his  feauen  Tonnes  before  i^ 
Samuel :  and  Samuel  fayd  to  Ifai :  Our  Lord  hath  not  chofen 
ofthcic.  t  And  Samuel  fayd  to  Ifai:  Areal  thy  fonnes  now  11 
fully  come?  \7ho  anf^ered  :  Yetthcreis  Icftalitleonc^and 
hcfeedeth  sheepe.  And  Samuel  fayd  to  Ifai:  Send,  and  bring 
him  :  for  neither  wil  wc  fitte  dovrne  til  be  come  hither,  f  He  u 
fent  therefore,  and  brought  him.  Aad  he  was  readcandbeau- 
.  tifultobchold,  and  of  a  comelic  face.  And  our  Lord  faid: 

liiiTion'  s        Arifc,  and  annoint  him,  for  he  it  is.  t  Samuel  therefore  tooke  15 
^:<-g  h  t.if.t.  thehorne  of  oile,  and  annointed  him  in  the  middcs  of  his 
ad  ti<n<lician     brethren:  and  the  Spirit  of  our  Lord  from  that  day, and fo 
s  Beda.q<i.ini    forward  ^as  dircfted  vpon  Dauid:  and  Samuel  riiing  went 
'•  Naturally  fa$  i^toRamatha.  f  And  the  Spirit  of  our  Lord  Qcoat'tcd  from  14 
thefcmentru-   Saul,  and  a  wicked  fpirir  vexed  him..,  ••   from  our  Lord. 
lyiuc]sye.^)mu-  j-  And  the  feruantcs  of  Saul  (aid  to  him:  Behold  an  cuil  fpiiir 'i| 
^quc  helpeth   ©f  God  vexeth  thee,  f  Let  our  lord  command,  and  rhyfcr-  i& 
ornei    1  po-    yj^j^j.^^  vhich  are  before  thee,  wil  fecke  a  man  skilful  to 
finon  ot  hu-    ,,    ,  ,     ,  ,  ,         :  ■, ,    ■   .      r  ,        .    -    1 

jnorcs,  and  ••  play  on  the  harpe,  that  when  the  cull  Ipirit  of  our  Lord  Inal 
draweth  alfo  take  thee,  he  may  play  with  his  hand,  and  thou  beare  it  more 
ehcmindfrom  it  more  eafily.  -f  And  Saul  fayd  to  his  (eruances :  Prouid  me   17 

ement     therefore  fome  man  that  playeth  wel,  and  brins:  him  to  me. 
apprehcnlion     ,     .      .  r    \     r  '■     ^      ^        .         ,-      ,     R   i     i  1  t  j  <« 

ofafBidtiona  :  t  -And  one  01  the  Icruaatesanlwenng,  (ayd  :  Behold  I  haue   iS 

bsit  hercitfc-  fccnc  the  fonnc  of  Ifai  thc  Bethlchcmitc  skilful  to  play,  and 
gacthmore       very  valiant  in  ftrength,  and  a  warlike  man,  and  wile  in  his 
P^°^^^*^'^^^^  vordcs,and  a  beautiful  man:  and  our  Lord  is  with  him.  t  Saul  i^ 
mally^Sfucd  f^crforc  Tent  mclTengcrs  to  Ifai,  faying :  Send  vnto  me  Dauid 
SaulbyDauids  thy  fonnc,  which  is  in  the  pafturcs.  f  Ifai  therefore  rooke  20 
playjngonthc  an  afle  loaden  with  loaucs,  and  a  flagon  of  wine,  and  one 
harpc,togc-     kiddc  of  the  goatcs,  and  fent  it  by  thc  hand  of  Dauid  his  fonnc 
Wr'I'fcJ'o-   f^^Saul.  t  And  Dauid  came  to  Saul,  and  ftoodc  before  him:  11 
tion^  for  more  but  heloucd  him  cxcedingly,&  wa$  made  hiscfquicr.  f  And  i% 
inanifcft  con-  Saul  fent  to  Ifai,  faying:  Let  Daiiid  (land  in  my  fight:  for  he 
dcmnation  of  hath  found  grace  in  myn  cies.  f  Therefore  whenfoeucr  the  15 
•^^ft  r^  'i  ^°*^f  ^"'^  ^P^"^  of  our  Lord  caught  Saul,Dauid  tookc  his  harpe,  & 
the'ochcr.G/o/;  ft^ookc  wich  his  hand,  and  Saul  was  refreshed,  and  waxed 
@ritn,  S.Greg.  '  better,  for  the  cuilfpirit  departed  from  him. 


Dauid.  Goliath.  of  kikges.  6oy 

Chap.     XVI. 

7,'  BehsUtth  the  hart.  ]   It  if  proper  to  God  to  fee  the  fecrete  cogitations  of  jr        ^ 
mens  hartcs,  of  himfelfe  and  by  his  ownc  pov/rc.  And  glorified  Sainftcs  knov       ,  _    ^'P' 
our  cogitations  by  Icing  God,  in  whom  al  things  appeare,that  perteinc  to  their  ,         '^^^ 
ftatc,  and  for  the  profits  of  others.  1.  c/fK^. />.</«  f«r<i^rom«rm«,c.  If.  J.  Gr<g-./».   ,         ,^ 
it.c.  15. 3^/<»r4i.Prophetcs  being  yet  mortal,  by  infpiration  do  alfo  fee  Iccrete     °"S  ^^^* 
cogitations. I. Rf^. ?. 3.  il'^.  14-  O-f- 

Chap.    XVII. 
GslUthit  Philip Un  chalengeth  unie  one  of  ifuel  t$  comhAte.  12.  Dduid 

being  [ent  by  his  father  to  Ififtthtsbrethrtn.ii.  dndhtdnngAl  Ifr^elfo 
reprocbfully proHokfdy  offereth  to  l/ndcrtdke  the  tbdlenge :  54.  sbevctnf 
by  formtrn^tes  thut  he  dare  Accept  it.  57.  ^nd  fohy  Gods  f^cculhelpe 
"flp herein  he  triif}'.thy  ^^.ouerthrowetb  the  chdlenger  flfttb  a  Jione  vf  hit 

JlingiAndcHttttbofbis  head  Jifitb  his  orvne  ftvord.  51.  the  rhtlijtijms 

feeing  AreJlAtne ,  and  D  mud  brmgeth  the  mdfts  btAd  to  SauL 

I  \  Nd  the  Philifthijms  gathering  together  their  CGinpa- 
J^L  nics  vnro  battel,  aflcmblcd  into  Socho  of  ludarand 
camped  betvrcn  Socho  &  Azecain  thebordcrs  of  Dommim. 

a  J  Moreouer  Saul  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  being  gathered 
together  came  into  the  Valley  of  terebinth,  and  they  put  the 

3  armieinaray  to  fight  againft  the  Philiftijms.  f  And  the  Phi- 
liftijms  ftoodc  vpon  rhe  mountaine  on  this  {idc,  and  Ifrael 
ftoodc  vpon  the  mountaine  on  the  other  fide:  andthcralley 

4  vras  betwen  them,  f  And  there  came  forth  &  man  that  \ras 
abaftardfromthccampcofthePhiliftians  named"-  Goliath,  =•' '''^'s  bold 

5  of  Geth,  in  height  fix  cubitesanda  palmc:  t  and  a  helmet  "V"'^"7" 

/-•/-?»  I  •    I        1  II  ^    f     I      ,      .  1  .cnaJenecru- 

ot  braiie  vpon  his  head,  and  he  was  clothed  with  a  cote  of  gnificth  the 
maylclinked.  moreouer  the  weight  of  his  cote  of  maylcvas  diuel,  or  anie 

6  Hue  thoufand  ficles  of  brafie  :  f  and  he  had  braficn  boote$  *^^^^'^""^*^» 
onhi8thighcs,andatarget  of  brafic  couered  hi«  shoulders,  jj^*^^'^'''^" 

7  t  And  the  (baft  of  hii  fpeare  was  as  it  were  a  wctucrs  bcame.  church  of 
and  the  veric  yton  of  his  fpcarc  had  fix  hundred  ficles  of  God.  but  if 

8  yron:  and  his  efquicr  went  before  him.  f  And  ftanding  he  °"*'"^°'"«  ^^T 
cried  againft  the  bandes  of  Ifrael,  and  favd  to  them :  Why  h^^'ii^^^'^jf 
came  you  prepared  to  fight?  Am  not  I  a  Philiftitn,  and  you  dcnt*in  God,' 
the  feruantcs  of  Saul?  Choofeout amanofyouandlet him  &flaincwith 

5)  defccnd  ro  fight  hand  to  hand,  f  If  hcilialbcablcto  fight  ^"•^"*^«** 

Dddd5  withP°"- 

^o^  FiRSTBooKE  Bauid.  GoKath. 

^hh  me,  an^  ftrikc  mc,  wc  wil  befcruanres  to  you  :  but.if 
I  thai  prcuaile,  and  flial  bcate  him,  yoil  (hal  be  ftruanrcs,  and 
shalferuevs   f  And  the  Philiftian  fayd:  I  haue  defycd  the  19 
bandes  of  Ifracl  this  day:  Gcue  mca'raan,  and  let  him  fight 
vith  me  hand  to  hand,  f  And  Saul  mdal  the  Ifraelites  hea-   ii 
ringfuch  wordesof  the  Philiftian  were  iftonied,  and  feared 
cxcedingiy.  t  And  there  vasDauid  the  fonnc  of  a  man  that  li 
vras  an  Ephrajheite,  of  whom  there  was  mention  before,  of 
Bethlehem  luda.Nrhofc  name  vrax  Ifai,  Nrho  had  cightfonnes, 
and  he  \yas  in  the  dayes  of  Saul  an  old  man,  and  aged  among 
men  .  f    And  his  three  elder  Tonnes  vent  after  Saul  into  13 
battel:  and  the  names  of  his  three  fonncs,  Nrhichwentto 
battel, wercEliabthcfirftbcgotten,  and  the  fecond  Abina- 
dab,  the  third  alfo  Samma:  f  and  Dauid  \ras  the  yongeft.  14 
The  three  elder  therefore  hauing  foloved  Saul ,  f  Dauid   i; 
vent,  and  returned  from  Saul,  to  feede  his  fathers  flockc  in 
Bethlehem,  -f  But  the  Philiftian  came  forth  morning  and  16 
cuening,  and  ftoodefourtie  dayes.  f  And  I fai  fayd  to  Dauid  17 
hisfonne  :  Take  for  thy  brethren  an  ephi  of  pok nt,  and  thefc 
ten  loaues,  and  runne  into  the  campe  to  thy  brethren,  -j- and  iS 
thefetcn  litle  cheefcs  thou  shair  carie  to  the  tribune:  and 
thalt  vifttc  thy  brethren,  if  they  doe  weh  and  learnc  with 
vhom  they  arc  placed,  f  And  Saul,  and  they,  and  al  the  if 
children  of  Ifrael  fought  in  the  Valley  of  terebinth  againft 
the  Philiftijms.  -j-  Dauid  therefore  arofe  in  the  morning,  and  10 
commended  the  Hockc  to  the  keeper :  and  he  went  loaded  as 
Ifai  had  commanded  him.  And  he  came  to  the  place  Magala, 
and  to  the  hoft,  which  iiTuing  out  to  fight  had  m.adc  a  shoutc 
in  the  battel,  f  For  Ifrael  had  put  themfcluesinaray,  andthc  11 
Phihftijms  on  the  contraric  fide  were  prepared,   f  Dauid  li 
therefore  leaning  the  veflcls  >j^hich  he  had  brouglit.vnder  the 
hand  of  him, that  was  keeper  at  the  bag3ge,ranne  to  the  place 
of  the  battel  and  asked  if  al  rhinges  went  wel  with  his  bre- 
thren, f  And  when  he  yet  fpake  to  them,  that  man  the  ba-  15 
ftard  appeared  coming  vp,  named  Goliath,  the  Philiftian  of 
Geth,  coming  vp  from  the  campeofthe  Philiftiins.and  he 
s-'Chrift  ooer-  fpcaking  thcfe  felf  fame  wordcs,  Dauid  heard  them,  f  And  24 
d?«rrfcciued  *  ^^^  Ifraclites  when  they  had  (ene  the  man,  fled  from  his 
the  Church  to  ^*cc,  fearing  him  exccdingly.  f  And  fome  one  of  Ifrael  fayd  :  ij 
feisfpoute.f.     Haue  you  feenethis  man  that  came  vp,  to  defye  Ifracl  he 
Gre£.  came  vp  ?  The  man  tharcforc  "  chat  shal  ftrikc  hini,  the  King 

Dauid.  Goliath.  ofkinges.  6oy , 

Mil  gcuc  him  his  daughter,  and  he  wil  make  his  fathers 
16  houlc  without  tribute  in  Ifracl.  f  And  Dauidfpakcro  the 
men  that  l^ood  st  irh  him,  faying :  Vhat  shal  be  geucn  to  the 
xiunilhat  shal  bcate  this  PhiUftian,  and  shal  take  away  the 
reproch  from  Ifrael?  For  ^3^hois  this  vncircumcifed  Phili- 
ftian,  >rhich  hath  vpbraided  the  armies  of  the  liuing  God? 
.27  t  And  the  people  reported  vnto  him  the  felf  fameworde, 
fayin<':  Thefe  thingcishal  be  gcuen  to  the  man,  that  shai 

18  ftrikehim.  f  "Which  when Eliab  hiseldeft  brother  hadheard, 
vhcn  he  fpake  xrith  others ,  he  was  angrie  againft  Dauid, and 
fayd :  Wherefore  camcft  thou  ?  and  vhy  haft  thoti  left  thofc 
few  shecpe  in  the  dcfert  >  I  know  thy  pride,  and  the  \rickcd- 
lies  of  thy  hart ;  that  to  fee  the  battel  thou  arc  come  downc. 

19  t  And  Dauid  fayd:  Whathaue  I  done?  is  there  not  caufe  to 

30  fpeake?  f  And  he  went  a  litle  afide  from  him  to  an  other: 
and  (ayd  the  felr  fame  word.  And  the  people  anfwered  him  as 

31  before. t  And  the  wordcs  which  Dauid  fpake  were  heard,nnd 
ji  told  in  the  fight  of  Saul,  f  To  whom  when  he  was  brought, 

he  fpake  vnto  him  :  Let  not  any  mans  hart  be  difcoura- 
gcd  in  him:  I  thy  feruancwilgoe, and wilfight  againft  the 

55  Philiftian.  t  And  Saul  fayd  to  Dauid  :  Thou  art  not  able  to 
lefift  this  Philiftian,  nor  to  fight  againft  hitii,becaufe  thou 

54  artachildc,  but  he  is  a  man  of  warrc  from  his  youth,  f  And 
Dauid  fayd  to  Saul:  Thy  fcruant  did  feede  his  fathers  flock, 

*^  or,  for  and  there  cameaiyon,  ^  or  abeare,and  tookearammeout  of 

and.y,       ^^  the  middcs  of  the  flocke :  f  and  I  purfued  them,and  ftrokc 

^^'''^'  them,  and  plucked  them  out  of  their  mouth,  and  they  arofc 

vpagai:ift  me,  and  I  caught  their  chinne,  and  I  ftrangled  and 

56  flew  them,  f  for  "  both  the  lyon  and  the  beare  did  I  thy  _  .     . 
fcruant  kil:  therefore  this  vncircumcifed  Philiftian  alfo,  shal  oucrcomc  the 
be  as  it  were  one  of  them.  Now  wil  I  goe  and  take  away  the  fpiritofpridc, 
reprochof  the  people:  for  who  ii  this  vncircamcifed  Phili-  andofcar- 
ftian  ,  which  hath  beenefo  hardic  to  curfeihe  hoft  of  the  li-  oalitic  (figni- 

37  uingGod?  t  AndDauidfayd:  Our  Lord  which  hath  deli-  f„^j^{,^\Ji°"; 
uercdmefrom  the  hand  of  the  lion,  and  of  the  beare,  he  wil  ^^^^^  alfotoo- 
deliuer  me  from,  the  hand  of  this  Philiftian.  And  Saul  fayd  to  ucrcomc  the 

55  Dauid:  Goe,  and  our  Lord  be  with  thee,  f  And  Saul  clothed  dmcl. 
Dauid  with  his  rayments,  and  put  anhelmet  of  brafTc  vpon 

5<)  his  head, and  veiled  him  with  a  coate  of  mailcf  Dauid  there- 
fore being  girded  with  his  fword  ouer  his  ray mcnt ,  begannc 
CO  prouc  if  he  could  goe  armed ;  for  he  was  nor  accuftomed. 


€o%  First  BOOKE  Dauid. Goliath. 

And  Dauid  fayd  to  Saul :  I  can  not  goc  fo,  bccaufc  I  am  net 
V fed,  and  he  laydthcmof.  f  And  he  tookc  his  ftafFc,  which  40 
he  had  aivaics  in  his  handcs;  &  he  chofe  him  fiuc  moft  bright 
ftoncsoutof  the  torrent,  and  caft  the'm  into  the  shepherds 
jkrippe,  which  he  had  \rith  him,  and  he  tooke  a  fling  in  his 
hand,  and  went  forth  againft  the  Philiftian.  f  And  the  Phi-  41 
liftian  went,  going,  and  approching  againft  Dauid,  and  his 
cfquier  before  him.  f  And  when  the  Philiftian  had  fecne^  ^i 
a«d  beheld  Dauid,  he  defpiCcd  him.  And  he  was  a  yong  man 
rcdde  ,  and  beautiful  to  behold .  f  And  the  Philirtian  fayd  ^3 
to  Dauid  :  "Why  am  la  dogge,  that  thoucoraeft  to  me  virh  a 
ftafFc?  And  the  Philiftian  curfcd  Dauid  in  his  goddes.  f  and  44 
fayd  to  Dauid  ;  Come  to  me,  and  I  wii  geue  thy  flesh  to  the 
foulcs  of  the  ayre  and  the  beaftes  of  the  earth,  f  And  Dauid  45 
f&yd  to  the  Philiftian :  Thou  comeft  to  me  with  a  fword,  and 
fpcare,  andshceld,  but  I  come  to  thee  in  the  name  of  the 
Lordofhofts,thcGodof  the  bandes  of  Ifrael,  whom  thou 
haft  defied  f  this  day,  and  our  Lord  shal  geue  thee  in  my  j^6 
hand,  and  I  shal  ftrikc  thee,  and  take  away  thy  bead  from 
thee:  and  I  shal  geue  thecarcaflesof thccampcofthe  Phi- 
iiftijms  thisday,  t«  thefowlesof  the  ayre,  and  to  the  beaftes 
©f  the  earth:  that  al  the  earth  may  knowc  that  there  is  a  God 
mlfrael.f  And  al  this  allemblie  shal  know, that  not  in  fword,  47 
nor  in  fpeare,  doth  our  Lord  fauc,  for  it  is  his  battel,  and  he 
wildehucr  you  into  our  haades.  ■\  When  the  Philsftian  there-  ^8 
fore  was  rifcn  vp,  and  came  and  approchcd  againft  Daiiid, 
Dauid  made  haft ,  &  ranne  to  the  battel  againft  the  Philiftian, 
f  And  he  put  his  hand  into  his  skrippe,  and  tooke  one  ftone,  ^9 
and  caft  it  with  the  fling,  and  fetching  it  about  ftroke  the 
.vPridchauing  Philiftian  in  ••  the  forehead, and  he  felon  his  (nC'Z  vpon  ihc 
impudicndc of  earth  .   f   And  Dauid  preuailcd  agaynft  the  Philiftian  with  50 
the  forhead,  is  fling  and  ftone,  and  he  ftroke,  and  flew  the  Philiftian.  And 
rTumilTdc    ^i^ereas  Dauid  had  no  fword  in  his  hand,  f  he  ranne,  and  51 
of  Chrifts        ftood  vpon  the  Phfliftian,  and  tooke  his  (word,  and  drew  it 
croffc.  vhofe  out  of  the  fcabard,  and  flew  him,  and  cutof  his  head.  And 
figncthcrfore  j^e  Philiftijms  feing,  that  the  ftrongeft  of  rhcm  was  dead,  did 
vccaneinourfl       f  And  the  men  of  Ifraeland  ludarifin^  vp  shouted,  and   fi 
jtug.U.^o.     purfued  the  Phihftianstilthey  came  mto  a  valley  to  the  gates 
h9mU.h9.ji,      of  Accaron,  and  there  fel  wounded  of  the  Philiftijms  in  the 

wayofSaraim,asfarreasGeth,&a$farreas  Accaron.  f  And  ^j 
the  children  of  Ifracl  returning,  after  they  had  purfued  the 


Saul.  Danid-Ionathas.  of   kinges.  go^ 

j4  Phili!'>ians,  inua^cd  their  campc.  -f    And  Dauid  raking  the 

head  of  the  Philiftian  brought  it  into  Ifriifalcm  :  hut  his  ar- 

5;  mour  he  iayd  in  his  tabernacle,  t  And  at  the  fan-iC  time  that 

Saul  Taw  Dauid  ^'oing  forth  againft  the  Phihftian,  befayd  tOt--  -       -      ;  - 
Abncrrhe  prince  oF  rhcarmic:  -  Of  what  Hockeis  this  yong  "Saul  krieir 
mandercendrd,Abner?  AndAbncrraydtThyrouleliuerho!'^''^'^^'^"^'^^^^^^^ 
j6  king.ifl  know.f  And  the  king  fayd:  Aske  thou^xrhofc  (onne  a^fhcpla^aftls'" 
'57  this^yongman  is.  f  And  whenDauid 's-^as  returned,  after  thebabite-though 
PhiiifVnian  was  flciine,  Abner  ropke  him,  an  J  brought  him  in  he  haH  not 
before  Soul,  haurng  rheheadof  the  Phihftian  in  his  hand.  ^*"'S^*^^"'^J^ 
;8  f  And  Saul  fayd  to  him:  O  ycrg  man  of  xjchar  piogc<ueart  ^-^Jj"jj„  ^J/ 
thou?  And  Dauid  fayd  :  I  am  the  ionne  of  ihy  (eraanc  Ifai  f/,.  u.v.ii. 

Chap.  XV  111. 
pAuiditnd  lotiAthas  enter  Ua^ue  of  fnnJib.-p.O.  Siulhe^rfngDmid  jtriifed 
Ahouihimfe'ifis  ofen(lui^\o.  andycxtd '%tth  an  euilfpnit,  atiimpteth 
tvpife  to  kt'-  htm:  i-j.prcmtfeth  togtut  hin;  his  rldefi  djuirkter  )ts  fnarufCy 
hut  feueih  her  to  an  other y  10.  And  geuah  bim  they9n£cr^thereh  to 
CHCi  throw  bim:  zj.  putting  him  ^Ifo  tn  more  d Anger,  hj  nquinng  of  him 
jn  hundred  prepuces  of  philifiijms.  17.  JDmid  bnpgeth  Lim  ttVo>bi{tt' 
dred,  and  his  f*me  eticrtAJith, 

I      A     Nd  it  eamc  to  paffe,  vrhen  he  had  finished  to  fpeake 
XlL  vnro  S^iul,  the  (oule  of  lonathas  was  ioyned  fail  to  the 

5.  fowlc  of  Dauid,&  lonathas  loucd  him  as  hisfoulc.  f  And  Saul 
rookei)in'5in  rhat  day  ,  and  did  not  grant  vnto  him  tofcturne 

,?j  into  his  fathtrs  houf?.  f  And  Dauid and  [onathas  entered  a 

4  league,  for  he  Jiued  him  as  hisfoulc.  f  For  lonathas  ftripped 

himleifofihe  cere  -«'hci>s7ith  he  was  clothed,  and  gnnc  it  to  :;Thtshapp4^ 
Dauid,andrhere(i  of  his  garments, vnto  his  fv/ord.&  boTJ-e,  ncdnotimmc 
'  5  &  vnrc  his  belt,  f  Diuid  ai(o  went  forth  ro  al  thingcsxrhere-  f^'atly  after 
tofocucr  Saul  fenr  him,&  he  behsued  hin-.fdfwiftiyrsnd  Saul  '^''^^^^?^l^  I* 
placed  him  ouer  the  men  of  ^sp-.nrre,2nd  he  »i'as accepted  in  the  bJi"v;'hen  Da- 
cics  of  al  the  people,and  fpe  ciaily  in  rhe  eies  of  Sauics  ff  ru^n-  i,id  had  ^^i\% 

i  res.  t  MoreoLicr  -  when  Dauid  returned,  after  he  ftrokc  the  ^"jrn^  time  in 
Philiflian,  rhe  wemen  came  forth  from  ai  the  tribes  of  Ifrael,  ^^""'^  hoitfe, 
finging  and  dancing  ro  S^ul  the  King,  in  timbrels  of ioy,  tnt^rjh[m 

7  and  in  cornettef.  f  Andthewemcn  fang,  playing, and  faying  :  Tnd  to  a!  the 

8  Siul  Jlrokerflf  thoufand,    and  Dauid  tcnthoufand ,   f    And  court  and 
Saul  was  "  exceding  a-ngrie,  and  this  word  xvasdifpleafant  P^^^'^' 

in  his  cics:and  he  rayd;Thcy  haue  geucn  D.uid  ten  thoufandi  p  J^,  ^'f  „Jc 

B  e  e  c  im4  te 

6i9  First  booke  Saul.  Dauid. 

Importc 5iml-  and  to  mc  they  hauc  geuen  a  choutand  ;  what  remayncth  for 
*^{J**"S  °^*"  him  but  only  the  kingdom?  t  Therefore  Saul  did  not  looke    9 
•'s"  vp°"  Dauii  vich  right  eies  from  th'at  day  and  afterward. 
Saul  now  was,  t  Anda  day  after,  the  eiiillpirit  of  God  inuaded  Saul,  and  he  10 
i«  moued  to    prophecied  in  the  raiddes  of  his  houfe.  And  Dauid  played 
cnulcandma-  ^rith  his  hand  «s  euery  day.  And  Sad  h^Id  a  ipeare,  -f  and  11 
morcT/th°   ^^^^"^  it,i:hinking  that  he  could  naile  Dauid  to  the  wal,  and 
▼crtues  of  the  Datiid  declined  from  his  face  the  fecond  time,  -f  And  Saul  n 
other  and  his  feared  Diuid  becaufc  our  Lord  was  with  him,  and  was  de- 
praifcsdo  in-  pjffgji  ff^in  himfelf.  f  Saul  therefore  remoued  him  from   15 
crcaie.  J^im,  and  made  him  a  tribune  ouer  a  thouland  men,  and  he 

went  out  and  came  in  before  al  the  people,  f  Alfoinalhis  14 
\jrayes,  Dauid  deltwiftly,  and  our  Lord  was  with  him.  I  Saul  ij 
therefore  iaw'that  he  wasexceding  wife,and  he  begann.eto 
beware  of  him.  -f-  Burallfrael,  and  ludaloued  Dauid,  lor  he  i6 
came  in.  and  went  out  before  them  0    f   And  Saul  fayd  to  ij 
Dauid:  Behold  my  elder  daughter  Merob  ,  her  wil  I  gfuc 
thee  to  wifcjOnly  be  thou  a  valyanr  man, and  fight  the  battel^ 
©four  Lord.  And  Saul  thought  faying:  Be  not  my  haudvpon 
him,butletthehandesof  thePhiliftiansbevponhim.  |  And^  iS 
Dauid  faydtoSaul:  What  am  I,  or  w^hat  is  my  life,  or  the 
kindred  of  my  father  in  Ifrael ,  that  I  fliould  be  made  the 
fonne  in  lawc  of  the  king?  |  And  it  came  to  palTt^,  at  what  1^ 
time,  Merob  the  daughter  of  Saul  fbouldhaue  beene  geuen 
SoDauid,  ill?  was  geuen  to  Hadriel  the  MolathiCito  wife^. 
f  But  D<tuidloued  Michol  the  other  daughter  of  Saul.  And  10 
it  was  told  Saul,  and  it  pleafed  him.  t  And  Siul  fayd  ;  I  wil  21 
geue  her  to  him,  that  fVic  may  bcafcandal  vnro  him,  and  chat 
she  hand  of  the  Philiftians  may  be  vpon  him.  AndSaul  fayd 
to  Dauid  :  In  two  thinges  thou  (halt  be  my  fonnc  in  laWe  this 
day.  f  And  Saul  commanded  his  feruantes-.Speake  to  Dauid  11 
fecretlyoutofmyprefence, faying:  Behold  thou pleafcft  the 
King, and  al his feruantesloue thee.  No sv  therefore  be  thou 
skekinges  fonneinlawe.  f  And  theferuantesof  Saul  fpike  rj 
althefewordesin  the  eares  of  Dauid.  And  Dauid  i'ayd;  Doth 
it  feme  vnro  you  a  fmal  matter  to  be  the  Tonne  in  lawe  of  a 
King?  ButIamapoorcman,andof  fmilability.  -f  And  the  14 
feruancesof  Saul  reported,  faying'  Thcfe  miner  of  wordes 
hath  Dauid  fpoken.  f  And  SauHayd :  Speakcthu?to  Dauid: 
Thekiagnedethnodowric,  but  only  an  hundred  prepuces 
of  fefae  Phihftia«s,  that  reuengc  may  bemadcofthekinges 


Saul  Dauld;  er  Xinces.  ^n 

enemies.  Moreoucr  Saul  thought  to  dcIiucrDaaid  into  the 
16  handesofthePhiliftians.  f  And  when  his  feruantcs  had  re- 
ported to  Dauid  the  \rordes  that  Saul  hadfayd,  the  word  "vras 
liked  in  the  eies  of  Dauid,to  be  made  the  kings  fonnc  in  lawe, 

27  f  And  after  fevc  days  I>auidrifingvp,  Trent  with  the  men 
that  were  vndcc  him,  and  heftrokeof  the  Philiftijms  two 
hundred  men,  and  brought  their  prepuces  ,  and  numbered 
them  te  the  King,  that  he  might  be  his  fonneinjavr,  Saul 

28  therefore  gaue  him  Michel  his  daughter  to  wife,  f  And  Saul 
faw,  a^nd  vnderftood  that  our  Lord  was  with  Daiiid,  And. 

tf  Michol  the  daughter  of  Saul  louedhim.  f  And  Saul  began 
more  to  fcare  Dauid :  and  Saul  became  enemie  to  Dauid  al 

3®  dai^s.  t  AndihepriaceiofthePhiliftians  went  forth:  and 
from  the  beginnmg  of  theijc  going  forth  ,  Dauid  behaued 
him  fclf  more  wifely,  then  al  theternantcs  of  Saul,andhis 
name  was  made  reno  wmed  exccdingly. 

C  H  A  F-       X  I  X. 

Uut intending  /»  kfl DdHidis  fAtifitdhy  lonxtbxs^  9.  Nt/icrthtles  Attim^Uth 
dg*ynto  kilhtmy  andmilfm^  hts  furpofe,  it.  ftndeth  foHldiars  t»  tdke 
Andhn^g  him  btcke  that  he ntdy  became ,  hut  MtchoL  his  "[Ifiifehflpetb 
him4Waj->  *ndtxcHf:thher  fclf  to  he'  father,  as  if  she  bad  done  it  for 
feare.  iZ.Dittid  and  Umuel  fee  into  N.4toth»  20.  ^y^aine  Saulfendetb 
Jouidi'in  afterthtmthreetimcy'^nd  they  al  doe  prophecie.  11,  then  him 
ftlf pttrfuvibD Mild y  and  alfo  fruphtcitth, 

1  A  Nd  Sauirpaketolonatha?hisfonne,andtoalhi$rcr- 
JjL  uanres,  that  they  ihouldkjl  DauiJ.  Moreoucr  lonarhas 

2  thefonneofSiul,  loued  Dauid  excedingly.  f  And  lonathas 
fold  Dauid ,  faying  :  Saul  my  father  feeketh  to  kil  thce^ : 
wherefore  looke  ro  thy  felf  I  befech  thee  in  the  morning, 

3  and  thou  fhalt abide fecretly, and  (halt be  hid.  f  Butlgomg 
forth  wil  ftand  befide  my  father,  in  the  field  wherefoeucr  he 
Chal  be:  and  I  wil  fpeake  of  thee  to  my  father, and  whatfoeuer 

4  I  (hal  fee,  1  wil  tel  thee,  f  lonathas  therefore  fpake  goo4 
wordcsof  Dauid  ro  Saul  his  father  :  and  fayd  to  him:  Sinne 
not,  o  King  ^gainfl  thy  feruant  Dauid,  becaufe  he  hath  noc 
finned  toward  thee,  and  his  workes  are  very  good  for  thee. 

5"  -j-  And  he  put  his  life  in  his  hand  ,  and  ftroke  the  Philiftian, 
and  our  Lord  made  great  faluation  to  al  Ifrael.  Thou  haft 
feene  &  didft  reioice,  why  therefore  finnert:  thou  in  innocent 

<5  Wood  killing  Dauid,  who  is  without  fault?  f  Which  whea 

E  c  c  e  1  Saul 

6it  F I  R  s  T   ff  o  o  K  E  Samuel.  ^&\xL  Dauid. 

Saul  had  hcardjbeing  picificd  with  the  yoicc  of  lonathas,  he 
Tvpare  :  Our  Lord  liucth,  he  shal  not  be  flainc  f  lonathas  7 
therefore  called  Dauid  and  shcvs^cd  him  al  rhcfe  vordes,  and 
lonathas  brought  in  Dauid  to  Saul, and4-ie  was  before  him^as 
he  had  bene  ycfterday  and  the  day  before,  f  Andthcrewas  ^ 
battel  rayfcd  againe  ,  and  Dauid  going  forth,  fought  againft 
the  Philiftijms.and  (Iroke  them  witha  great  flaughter,  and 
they  fled  from  his  face. f  And  the  euil  fpirit  of  oar  Lord  came  5? 
vpon  Saul ,  and  he  fate  in  his  h-oule,  and  held  a  f^eare:  more- 
ouer  Dauid  played  with  his  hand. -j-  And  Saul  cndeuourcd  to  10 
naile  Dauid  to  the  xral  with  his  fpeare.  And  Dauid  declined 
from  the  face  of  Sauhand  the  fpeare '« ithout  making  wound, 
pearccd  the  wal,and  Dauid  Hed,  and  was  faucd  that  night, 
f  Saul  therefore  fcntof  his  guardc  into  Dauids  houfc,  that  n 
they  (houldJceepehim,  '?<:thachc  might  be  killed  in  the  ni'or- 
ning :  Which  when  Michol  his  wife-  had  told  Dauid,  faying  : 
Vnlcs  thou  faue  thy  felfthis  nighr,to  moro we  thou  shalt  die: 
f  shelethim  downc  throughawindowe.  morcoucr  he  'c^enc  n  = 
and  fled  away,  and  was  faued.  f  And  Michol  tooke  -a  ftaru.n;   i} 
;'"This  ftatua    and  putit  vpon  the  bcd^and  ahearie  skinnc  ofgoatesshelayd 
or  image  can   at  the  head  thereof,  and  coucred  it  with  gar.nienres,  t  And*  14 
notimp.orte      Saul  fcnt  ferieantcs,  th&c  should  take  away  Dauid  by  torccj, 
Tm^^'oti^te    ftndicwasanfwcred  that  he  was  ficke.  jAnd  againe  Siul   1/ 
rlphi^Tczh''  ^cu  c  Rieflengers  to  fee  Dauid ,  faying :  Bring  him  co  mc  in  the 
Gfn.ji.forhe'rc  bed,  that  he  may  be  Ibine.  f  And  when  the  mefTcngers  were  i^ 
noidolacrieat  come,  there  was  found  a  flatuavpon  the  bed  ,  andskiniies  of 
al.  vascomu-  ooates  at  the  head  thereof,  t  And  Sauifayd  to  Michol;  Why  17 
^'ft'^^j'^^'^b^'^  hafl  thou  mocked  me,  and  let  goe  myn  encmie  that  he  might 
Sic  wifrto-  ^'  flee  ?  And  Michol  anf  wered  Saul :  Becaufe  he  fayd  to  me:  Let 
wardslierhuf-  mc goe, othcrwife  I  wilkil  thee,  f  Cat  D^raid  flcing  was  Ci-  iS 
band.  The        qcJ^  and  came  to  Samuel  in  Rttmarha,  and  cold  him  al  thingcs 
toe  ward  al-  ^j^ ^^  ^^^^^  j^^  j  ^^^^^  to  him:and  hc  &  Samuel  went  S:  .ibcde  in 
itSint^^^^  Niioth.'tA.n<iKwasto!dSaulbyfome  faying:  Behold  Dauid   19 
belongings    IS  inNaiothinRamatha.  f  S:iul therefore  lent  fcnanrcs  to  10 
Gods1"ciuicc.    fake  asi'ay  D<iuid:  who  when  they  had  fetric  a  troupe  ofpro- 
pM}'  phcteJprophccying,  &  Samuel  ftanding  oner  thcmjthcfpirit 

of  our  Lord  came  alfo  on  them,  and  chcy  alfo  began  to  pro- 
ph'ecie.  f  Which  when  it  was  toldSaul,  lie  fent  other  mcf-   ti  - 
fenaers:but  they  alCo  did  piophecicr.  And  againe  Saul  Cent  the 
third  mcrTcngeri;  who  aUe  prophecied.  And  Saul  being  wrath 
f^oran'^ep.  t  VerivR'-ro  himfcifc  intoRim^uha,  and  came  as  it  - 
i-y   ""  :.■      ■  farre 

Saul, Dauid. lonathas.  of  king  e$.  6i^ 

farre  as  the  great  ccfternc,vhicli  is  in  Socho,  and  asked, and  -Saulaadkis 

faid :  In -^ hat  place  arc  Sannicl and  Daaid?  And  it  vras  told  ["^^*^"S^'* 

2}   him  :Loe  they  arc  in  Naioth  in  Ramatha.  -f  And  he  ''fcnf  eu'cJiVrc  he 

intoN:ioth  in  Ramatha,  and  the  Spirit  of  our  Lord  came  vicwi  goah© 

vpon  him,  and  he  walked  going,  and  he  ••  prophecicd  til  he  propiictcshad 

2.4  came  into  Naioth  in  Ramatha.  f  And  he  ftrippedhimfelFc  |j^  ^"'"^^'^'^^'^^ 

of  his  garments,  and  prophecicd  with  the  reft  before  Samuel,    "^'''r^ '    "^ 

and  lang  naked  al  tnat  eay  and  night.  Whcrupon  there  went  Baahms  afic 

cut  alio  aproucrb:  what  IS  Saul  alio  among  thepropheres.       hadficuhicto 

Chap.      XX.  fpeake,  atoRC 

Jonith;ticomfortcthl^Ani.-i,xx9nfitmtththetr  for7?:erlea£ue.  18.  ^y  /in  aP-  ""^^f-  ^"'  ***? 
J /-       /  I        ■       £.  rt  I  ■  ^  r   I-    <    1         '     noiatccrvard 

pintedf^m{ij,.fnde:tonnzpn;butinvAin",to  p^afie his  />«fW)  5J.ipeikc  amc 

certifieiii  Diutdof  hii  f Atbsn  malice  agAiti}^  him.  41.  They  meet e  i>ga'ne  moxc.s.  jiur, 

jecretly^  and  forowfulij^pirt  ecb  ^romothcr^  li.  x.  q.  1.  ad 

I  "O  Vt  Dauid  alfo  fled  from  Naioth,  vhich  is  in  Rain athaj 
j3  and  coming  fpake  before  lonathas  :  What  haue  I  done  J 
^hat  is  niyn  iniqaicie,  and  Kfhat  finnc  of  myn  agcinft  thy 

1~  father,  that  he  (eekerh  my  life?  f  Who  fayd  to  him:  God 
forbid  ,  thou  ihalt  not  die :  for  neither  ^i\  my  father  doe  any 
thing  grearorlitle,vnlcs  he  firlt  telme  :  ihirword  therefore 
only  hath  my  father  concealed  from  me?  no  this  fhal  not  be. 

>  f  And  hef'^are  againeto  Dauid.  And  Dauid  fayd:  Thy  fa- 
ther furely  knoveth,  that  I  haue  found  grace  in  thy  fight, 
and-.vilfay:  Let  nor  lonathas  know  this,  left  perhsps  he  be 
fad.  Yea  more  our  Lord  liucth,  and  thy  foulc  liueth,  by  one 

4  degree  only  (as  I  mayfo  fay  )  I  anddeath  arediuided.  f  And 
lonathas  faid  to  Dauid  :  Whatfocucr  thy  foulc  shal  fay  to  rae, 

f  I  wildocfor  thee,  t  And  Dauid  fayd  to  lonathas:  Behold  the 
calendcs  are  to  moro\Te,&  I  after  the  mancr  am  wont  to  fitte 
befidethekingtoeateidirrfiifrc  me  therefore  that  I  may  be 

6  hid  in  the  field  vniil  the  euening  of  the  third  day.  f  If  thy 
father  lookinginquire  for  me,  thou  (halt  an fwcr  him:  Dauid 
defired  me.  that  he  might  goe  quickely  into  Bethlehem  his 
citie:  becaufe  there  be  (oiemne  vidimcs  to  al  of  hii  tribe. 

7  t  ^^  ^^  ^^^  ^2y,  Wcl:  peace  tlial  be  to  thy  fcruant,  but  if 

8  he  be  angrie,  know  that  his  malice  is  complete,  f  Doe  nacrcie 
therefore  toward  thy  fcruantibecauie  thou  haft  caufed  me  thy 
feruant  to  enter  the  league  of  our  Lord  with  thee. but  if  there 
be  any  iniquitic  in  me,  do  thou  kil  mc,and  bring  me  not  in  to 

5)  thy  father,  f  And  Unathaj  fayd:  Be  this  farrc  from  thee,  fov 

E  c  c  c  3  ficickci . 

^14  First  BOOKE     Saul.  Dauid.  lonatlwf. 

neither  can  it  bcjthtt  I  ihoald  not  tcl  thee,  if  I  (bal  certainly 
know  that  my  fathers  malice  is  complete  againft  thee,  f  And  i« 
Dauidanlxreredlonathas:  'Who  (l»al  bring  me  vord,  if  thy 
father  anfwer thee  perhaps  any  thing  0iarpely  of  me?  f  And  it 
lonathasfaydtoDauid:  Comejet  vs  gee  forth  abroad  into 
the  fiel  J,  and  when  they  were  both  gone  forth  into  the  field, 
f  lonathfcsfaidtoDauid:  LordGodof  Ifiaeljif  I  (haHearch    tt 
out  my  fathers  meaning,  to  morowe  or  the  day  after,  and 
fome  good  thing  be  vpon  Dauid,  and  I  fend  not  immcdiatly 
vnro  thee,  and  make  thee  know  thereof,  f  thefethinges  doc  rj 
our  Lord  CO  Ionathas,and  thefe  thingcs  adde  he.  But  if  my 
fathers  malice  (hal  perfeuer  againft  thee,  I  wil  reuclethyn 
care,  and  wildifmiffc  thee,  that  thou  may  ft  goe  in  peace,  and 
our  Lord  be  with  thee,  as  fee  hath  beene  with  ray  father. 
-f  And  if  I  Hue,  thou  (halt  doe  me  the  mercie  of  our  Lord;  but  14 
if  I  die^  f  thou  tbalt  not  rake  away  thy  mercie  from  my    if 
houfe  foreuer,when  our  Lord  (halhauc  rooted  outrhe  ene- 
mies of  Dauid,  euerie  one  oHt  of  the  land,  take  he  away  fo- 
gwthas  from  his  houfe,  and  our  Lord  require  it  of  the  handfs 
of  Dauidcs  cnemies.f  lonathas  therefore  made  a  league  with   »6 
the  houfe  of  Dauid :  and  our  Lord  required  it  of  the  handej 
•fDauids  enemies,  f  And  lonathas  added  to  fweare  vnro  17 
Diuid,  becaufe  he  loued  him,  for  as  his  owne  foule,  fo  he 
loued  him.  f  And  lonathas  fayd  to  him  :  To  morowc  are  the  j8 
calendcs,  and  rhou  ilialt  be  asked  for:  f  for  thy  fitting  wil  be  19 
inquired  of  til  after  to  morowe.  Thoti  fhalt  therefore  goe 
downe  in  haft,  and  )>)a!t  come  to  the  place ,  where  thoo  muft 
be  hid  in  the  day,  when  it  is  lawful  to  woik?,  and  thou  (halt 
fit  befide  the  ftone, which  is  named  Ezel.  -f  And  I  wil  (hoote  10 
three  arrowcsncrcir,  and  wil  shootc  as  it  were  excerfifing 
myfelfataraarkc.  t  I  wil  fend  alfo  a  boy  faying  to  him:  Goe,  11 
and  fetch  me  the  arrowejf.  f  If  I  (halfay  to  the  boy  :  Loe  the  Ji 
arrowes  are  on  this  fide  thee,  take  them  vp;  come  thou  to 
raCjbecaule  there  is  peace  to  thee,  and  there  is  no  euil,  our 
Lord  hueth.  Rut  if  I  shal  fpeake  thus  to  the  boy  -.  Loe  the  ar- 
rowes are  beyond  thee:  Goe  in  peace,  becaufe  our  Lord  hath 
dimifted  thee,  f  And  corccrning  the  word  which  land  thom  i^ 
hauG  fpoken ,  our  Lord  be  bctwen  thee  and  me  for  cuer. 
t  Dauid  therefore  was  hiddc  in  the  fielde,  and  the  c^lendes  24 
came,  and  the  king  fate  downe  to  cate  bread,  f  Ani  when  t^ 
the  king  was  (ettevponhi$chaire(aGCordingto  iKecuftome) 


JaulyDauid. lonathas.        of  kinoes.  Ctf 

iphich  was  bcfi<3c  the  val,  lonachas  arofe,  and  Abncr  fate 

16  at  the  fide  of  Saul,  and  Dauids  place  appeared  voide.  f  And 
Saul  {?iyd  nothing  that  day,  for  he  thought  it  had  chan:cd 

17  perhaps  vnto  him,  that  he  was  not  cleanc,  nor  punfied.  f  And 
when  the  (econd  day  "was  come  after  the  caiendes,  againe 
Dauids  place  appeared  emptie.  And  Saul  (aid  to  lonathas  his 
fonne;  Why  came  not  the  fonne  of  llai  neither  yefteiday, 

2-8  nor  to  day  to  cate  ?  •\  lonathas  anlMcred  Saul;  Me  defired 

2.f)  raeinftantly,  that  he  might  goe  inro  Bcrhieheno,  -f  and  he 
faid;  Let  me  goe,  bccaufe  there  isaiolemne  facnficc  in  the 
citic,  one  of  my  brethren  1  ath  fent  for  me:  now  therefore  if  I 
haue  found  grace  in  thy  fight,  W  il  goe  quickly,  and  fee  ray 

fo  brethren.  For  this  caufe  he  came  not  to  the  kmgs  table,  f  BuE 
Saul  being  wrath  againft  lonathas,  faid  to  him  :  Thou  (©nnc 
ofa  woman  which  of  her  owne  accord  rauishetha  man,  am 
I  ignorant  that  thou  loueft  the  fonne  of  Ifai  vnto  thyneowne 
confufion,and  to  the  confufion  of  thyne  ignominious  mo- 

31  ther?  f  For  al  the  dayes,  that  the  fonne  of  Ilai  shalliuevpoa 
the  earth,  thou  shalt  not  be  eftablished,  nor  thy  kingdom. 
Therefore  now  prelently  fend,  and  bring  him  to  me:  becaufe 

31  he  is  the  fonne  of  death,  f  And  lonathas  anfwering  Saul  his 

35  father,  faid  .-"Why  shal  he  dye?  what  hath  he  done?  f  And 
Saul  caught  a  fpeare  to  ftrike  him.  And  lonathas  vnderftood 
that  it  ^as  determined  of  his  father,  that  he  would  kil  Dauid. 

54  -f  lonathas  therefore  rofe  from  the  table  in  anger  of  furie, 
and  did  not  eate  bread  the  fccond  day  of  the  caiendes.  For  he 
was  ftroken  htauie  vpon  Dauid,  becaufe  his  father  had  con- 

3j  founded  him.  f  And  when  the  morning  appeared,  lonathas 
came  into  the  field  according  to  the  appointment  with  Dauid, 

)S  and  a  little  boy  with  him.  -f  and  faid  to  his  boy:  Goe,  and 
fetch  me  the  arrowes,  which  I  shoore.  And  vrhen  the  boy 

^7  had  runne,  he  shotte  an  other  arrowe  beyond  the  boy.  j-  The 
boy  therefore  came  to  the  place  of  the  arrowe,  which  lona- 
thas had  shotte:  and  lonathas  cried  behind  the  back  of  the 
boy,  and  faid  :Loe  the  arrowe  is  there  further  beyond  thee. 

5^  t  And  lonathas  cried  againe  behind  the  back  of  the  boy, 
faying:  Make  haft  fpedely,ftand  nor.  And  lonathas  his  boy 
gathered vp  his  arrowes,  and  brought  them  to  his  matters 

|9  t  and  he  was  altogether  ignorant,  what  was  done:  for  only 

40  lonathas  and  Dauid  knew  the  matter,  f  lonathas  therefore 
gauc  his  ftrmoore  to  tkc  boy,  and  faid  to  him :  Goe ,  and  cary 


#1^**  First  BO  OK  E  Dauid.Ionatlia^i 

thcroinrothecitie.  f  And  when  rhe  boy  rras  gone,  Dauid  ^i 
rofe  out  of  his  place  ,  which  did  bend  ro  the  South  ,  and  fal- 
ling Hatr  on  f  he  ground,  adored  thtile.-  and  killing  one  an  o- 
jher,  wept  together, but  Dauid  more,  f  lonarhas  there-  4a 
fore  faid  toDauid:Goe  in  pcaceiwhatfocucr  we  hauefworne 
bo<hofvs  in  the  name  of  our  Lord  ,  faying :  Our  Lord  be 
becwcn  me  and  thcG, and  betwen  my  feede  and  thy  fcede  for 
€uer.  t  And  Dauid  arufc  ,  and  departed:  but  Ioi:athas  alio  45 
cntred  into  the  Cine.: 

Chap.    XXI. 
£n  cafe  of  necefitie  ^chimAech  the  pr/ejl  i^ucth  hdowed  hreni  to  DAuld^ 

So  al/o  the  (word  wijrih  he  h^d  tH^cD  from  Golitth  lo.rbcn  DsUid  goin^r 

to  ^ihii  kin^  QJ  Cetht  ps  forced  so  fame  hirvflf  ntA  iide. 


Nd  Dauid  came  into  Nobe  to  Achimelcch  the  prieft:&:    i 
Achimclech  was  aftonyed  ,  becaufie  Dauid  was  come. 
And  he  (aid  to  him  :  \{^hy  thon  alone,  and  none  ij  wjih  thee  ? 
f  And  Dauid  faid  to  Achimciech  the  pried:  The  king  hath  i 
commanded  me  a  word  and  faid:  Let  no  man  know  the  thing, 
for  which  thou  art  fcntbvme, and  what   maner  precept^. 
I  hauc  geuen  thee,  for  my  fcruanrcs  alfo  I  hauc  appointed 
into  fuch  and  fuch  a  place,  f  Now  chcrforcif  thou  haue  any  3 
^hingat  har.d,  yeaif  but  fiue]oaucs,gcuc  me.orwhatfocuer 
fhoushah  findc. ^  And  thcpticftanfwcred  Dauid,  faying;  I   4 
srDiRintVien    hauc  no  -  Jay  breads  at  hand  ,  bur  only  holy  bread,  if  «he 
r.f  f  ommpn  &  fcruants  be  cleanc,  cfpecially  froni  wemen?  f  And  Dauid  an-  5 
fcniic  bread,     f^^red  the  pricH:,  and  faid  to.him  :  And  truly,  if  the  matter  be 
Alio  an  exam-  .      ^  ,  r     •       j  /   s         r 

r!c  ofi^ifpen-  Concerning  vTcmen  ,  wc  hau?  refrained  our  lelues  from  yc- 

fation  in  cafe    f^erdayan.d  vhe  day  before,  when  we  came  for.h,  an«i  thcvtf- 
©fneccirmc.    fclsof  the  fcruanrs  were  holie.  Morcotier  rhis  w:iy  is  pol- 
Jured,  bac  it  alfo  shal  be  fandlified  this  day  in  the  vtiVds. 
f  The  pried  therefore  gaue  him  halo  wed  bread  j  for  neither  6' 
■was  anie  bread  there,  but  only  the  loaucs  of  propofition, 
-which  had  bene  taken  away  from  the  face  of  our  Lord,  that  • 
houe  loaucs  might  jbe  fettc  downe,  -f-  And  there  was  there  7 
acertainemm  of  thcfau.intcs  of  Saul  that  dfly,\Tuhin  the 
ubernicleofour  Lord:  and  his  name  was  Doeg  an  Idumctte, 
thcmighricf^of  ^lulf  spaftours.  -f  And  Dauid  (aid  to  Achi-  S 
mciech:  H  .fl.d^ou  hc^e  at  hantiaiprarcor  a  fword  ?  bccaufc 
Ciyn  ownc  fword.and  my ne  o wne  weapons  I  tookc  not  with 
me.  for  tbckjhg^'^orci  hiCt^ncd  forward,  t  And  the  prii  (^  p 


Dauid'  Of   K I N G  E s.  ^^7 

fdd'.  Loe  here  the  fword  of  Goliath  the  Philiftian,  vhom 
thou  flewcft  in  the  Valley  of  terebinth, is  N^rappcd  vpin  a 
mantel  behind  the  Ephod  :  if  thou -wik  take  this,  take  it.  for 
neither  is  here  any  other  bcfidc  that.  And  Dauid  faid :  There  ::  Dauid  laoft 

zo  isaonccthcrhketorhar,geuGmcit.tDauidthereforearo{e,  vifcly  in  fuch 
an. 1  fled  that  day  frotn  the  hce  of  Saul :  and  came  to  Achis  ^'^J'T^  r""}; 

II  the  king  ot  Geth,  |  and  the  ieriiantesof  Achis  laid  to  him,  j^  ^e  a  foole.' 
\rhcn  they  bad  fccne  Dauid:  Is  not  this  DAuid  the  king  of  the  By  which  th« 
l2-nd  ?  Did  they  not  fingin  dances  to  this  man  faying:  Saui  Holic  Gholl 

11  ftroke  athounind,  and  Daiiid  ten  tboufand  ?  t  But  Dauid  ^Jj'^'^^^j'l^^^^" 
put  thcic  'jfordes  in  his  hartiand  feared  cxcedingly  at  the  face  |;"jrift  fhould 

15  of  Achis  thekingof  Geth.  f  And  he  "  changed  his  countc-  dofuchthings 
nance  before  thcM  ,  andflipc  dovne  bct'i'cn  their  handes:  "ot  offcarc 
and  he  ftumblcd  at  the  doores  of  the  sate  ,  &  his  fpittlc  rannc  but  of  diumc 
1  L'U        J      _L.AJAt-rt         ir  wildom,  as  he 

14  downe  vpon  his  bearde.  f  And  Achisfaid  to  his  leruanres:  (Kouidbecou- 

You  haiie  fcenetheman  madde  :  why  haueyou  brought  him  teda  foolc. 

15  to  me?  f  Doc  nts  lack  madde  men,  that  you  hauc  brought  in  war.  j.  y.  ir.- 
this  felove,to  piny  the  TTjadde  man  in  myprefcncc?  ftiaithis  iw^-ij"^"*!' 

If.  ^  Cor.  i.-r.i?  *, 

maa  enter  into  my  houfe  ?  seua.x^.jhLi, 

Chap.     XX  IT.  il'^-f-J-^. 

^4ftid  y^ith  a  ^rent  retitt-  ip  gocth  to  the  k'->^^ cf  Moah  5.  ^«f  hy  ndtiife  of 
G4d the prophet^retU'Ktth loto  ludj.  G.  SAulUrnsnting  tb-it  many  con- 
J;ire  araiitifhim.c).  Doe^a:cufeth  ^chtmelech,ij^.  ^ho  tttdificth  h^th 
Viiiid  and  himflf  i6.  fit  dnidal  ibs  Priel^esy^itb  much  people  tnNolfe 
Ari  flAin:  hy  SahU  comm^ndmtnt  ^  20.  etiUe  ^huthar  tjc^pm^  fisetb 
to  D  nuid. 

•  I  1^  A  V  I  D  therefore  Tv'ent  from  thence, and  fled  to  rheoaae 
X^ofOJellam.  Which  when  his  brethren  had  heard,  and  a 

%  his  fathers  houfe,  they  went  downc  to  him  thither,  f  And 
there  ^»'ere  gathered  vnto  him,al  that-werein  diftreire,and 
opprefTed  with  debt, and  ofapenfiue  hart, and  he \ras  made 
their  prince,  and  there  were  vith  him  about  fourc  hundred 

.3  mcn.f  And  Dauid  departed  from  thence  into  Ma{pha,which 
is  Mo.ib  :  and  he  faid  to  the  king  of  Moab  :  Let  my  father  and 
my  mother  tary  with  you,  I  befich  thee,  til  I  know  ^»'hac 

4  God  wil  doc  to  me.  f  And  he  left  them  before  the  face  o£ 
the  king  of  Moab,  and  they  abode  vith  him  al  the  daycs.that 

J  Dauid  wasingarrifon.  f  And  Gad  the  prophet  faid  to  Dauid: 
Tary  not  in  garrifoH,  depart ,  and  goe  into  the  Land  of  luda. 
And  Dauid  departed  ,  and  came  into  the  forcd  of  Hareto 

Ffff  tAnd 

^i8  First  books.  Dauid. 

f  And  SftuIheardrKarDauid  had  appeared, and  iKc  men  thit  (» 

uere  ■wirh  him.   And  Saul  when  he  abode  in  Gabaa,  and  was 

in  the  wood  .which  is  in  R  irna,  holding  a  fpearc  in  his  hand, 

and  al  his  fcriiance?  that  ftood  about  him  ,  f  he  fayd  to  his  y 

feruances  that  ftoode  about  him  :  Heare  me  novs'  ye  childrcii 

of  Icmini :  vril  the  Tonne  o\  Ifai  geue  to  al  you  fieldfs,  and  vi- 

ncyardes,  and  make  al  •,  ou  rribunes,  &:  centurions  :  f  becaufc  % 

youhaue  alconfpircd  againft  me,  and  there  is  none  that rcl- 

Icth  me  5  cfjijccialfy  vhcrc  my  (onnealfo  harh  entrcd  league 

vith  the  fonneof  Ifai?  There  is  none  of  you,  that  piricth  my 

cafe,  neither  is  there  that  tcllcth  me  :  for  that  my  fonnehatU 

raifed  vp  my  fcruant  againft:  me,  lying  in  wairc  for  me  vniil 

this  day.  f  And  Doeg  the  Idumeite  which  rtood  by,  and  was  ^' 

the  chief  among  the  (eruantes  of  Saul,  anfss'ering  ,  I  fawc, 

quoth  he,  the  (onnc  of  Ifai.  inNobcv^rith  Achirnclech  the 

fonne  of  Achitob  thepricft.  -f-  \^ho  confultcd  our  Lord  for  \& 

him;  and  gaue  him  viduals,  yea  and  the  fword  cf  Goliath  the 

Fhiliftian  hegauetohim.  f  The  king  therefere  lenr  to  cal  ii 

for  A.chimclech  the  pried  the  fonne  of  Achitob,  and  al  his' 

fathers  houfe,  the  prielles  that  were  in  NobejVifho  came  al  to 

the  king,  f  AndSaul  faid  to  Achimeiec  :  Kearc  thou  (onne»i.2, 

of  Achitob.  who  ar.fwered :  I  am  readie,  my  Lord.  |  And  13 

Saul  faid  to  him  :  Why  hiue  you  confpired  againlt  mc,  thou, 

and  the  fonne  of  Ifai,  and  haft  geucn  him  bread  and  a  f'^ord, 

and  haft  confulted  our  Lor<i  for  him,  that  he  might  rife  vp 

againft  mc  ,  continuing  a  trairourvntil  this  day  ?  t  •'^'""^  ^'^^^-  M 
melech  anfwering  the  king, faid:  And  who  amongftalthy 
fcruantcs  faithful  3l%  Dauid,  and  the  kings  foniac  in  Kiwe,  and 
going  fourth  at  thy  commandmct,  and  glorious  in  thy  houfc? 
f  Did  I  beginnethisday  toconfulrour  Lordforhim?  farre  15 
be  this  from  mc :  let  not  the  king  fufped;  fuch  a  thing  againft 
e'Sau^fmuftly  ^^^  feruant,  in  al  the  houfc  of  my  fatherrfor  thy  feruant  kner^r   . 
icondcmning     not  any  thing  concerning  thisbufincs,  cirherlitle  or  great. 
Dauid,  con-    |  And  the  king  faldy:  Ding  thou  shalt  dye  Achimeiec,  thou,  36 
'^rTf^  'ha°     *"'^ ^'  ^^^  fathers  houfe.  t  And  the  king  faid  to  the  cuniers,  37 
luftificdhim.    that  ftood  about  him:  Turneyourfclues  ,  and  kil  the  priefts 
t.-Seingfoma-  of  our  Lord,  "  for  their  hand  is  with  Dauid,  knowing  that 
ntfeftiniufticc  he  was  fled, and  they  told  me  not.  And'-  the  kings  feruantes 
T^  ^^h*^''!l     ^ouldnotextendthcirhandes  vponthcprieftsof  our  Lord. 
God    rather     t  And  thekingfaid  to  Doeg:Turne  thou  ,  and  ranncvpon   iS 
thjinman.  \   thcpri&fts.  And  Doeg.theId«meitc  being  turned,ranncvpon 

"     •        ■ '    ■  she. 

jpauid.  OF    KINGES.  ^15 

the  pricfts,  and  murdered  in  that  day  cightie  Hue  men  rcuc- 
19  ftedvithan  cphod  of  linnncn.  f  AndNobc  the  citieof  the 

priefts,  he  ftrokc  in  the  edge  of  thefvord ,  men  and  \remen, 

and  children,  and  fucklinges  ,  and  oxe  and  alTc,  andfliepein 
io  theedgeof  rhcfvrord.  f  Butonefonne  of  Achimclcch  the 

fonnc  of  Achitob,  efcaping,  whofc  name  was  Abiathar ,  fled 
II  to  Dauid  ,  -j-  and  cold  him  that  Saul  had  ilaine  the  prieftes 
21  of  our  Lord,  f  And  Dauid  faid  to  Abiathar;  I  knev  in  that 

dayvhcw  Docg  the  Idumeit  \ras  there,  "varhout  doubt  h« 
25  vould  tel  Saul,  I  am  giltic  of  al  the  foiilas  of  thy  father. 

f  Abidexrith  rac,  fcare  not :  if  any  man  fhal  feckc  my  life^hc 

flial  feeke  thy  hfc  alfojand  with  me  thou  ihai  be  prcfcrucd. 

Chap.  XXIII. 
The  c'ttie  ^  CdU  oppugned  hy  the Thiliflfjmi  isrelethtdhj  DAuid.  7,  ^h» 
fexrin^  t»  he  tktre  betrjyed,  i^^.fleeth  tnto  the  defer t  ofZifh.  16.  londthas 
re^tyreth  fe^retly  »o  him,  and  they  confrme  d^dine  their  former  league.  19, 
rhi  Zifhfdnsframife  io  betray  pamd:  xj.  hut  Saul  leauethfor  4  -^htle  t§ 
^erfecHte  him  ,  h.irg  forced  to  defend  the  land  from  the  PhiU^iamin^ 
madtnr  it. 

I  i  Nd  they  told  Dauid , faying :  Behold  the  Philiftijms 
^  -^^oppugne  Ccila,  and  fpoyle  the  barnes.  t  Dauid  there- 
fore confultcd  our  Lord,(aying:  Shal  I  goc,andftrikc  thcfc 
Philiftians  ?  And  our  Lord  fayd  to  Dauid :  Goe,  and  thou  fliaic 
3  ftrike  the  Philiftians,  and  shalt  (aueCeila.  f  Andthcmca 
that  were  with  Dauid,  fayd  to  him:  Behold  we  rcfting  here 
in  luric  arc  afrayd,  how  much  more  if  we  shal  goe  into  Ceila 

4  againft  the  bandcs  of  the  Phihftiaus  >  f  Againc  therefore 
Dauid  confultcd  our  Lord.  Who  anfwering  fayd  to  him: Arife, 
and  goe  into  Ceila:  for  Iwildeliuer  the  Philiftians  in  thy 

5  hand,  t  Dauid  therefore,and  his  men,  went  into  Ceila,  and 
fought  againft  the  Philiftians,  and  droue  away  their  beaftes, 
and  ftroke  them  with  a  great  flaaghter,  and  Dauid  faued  the 

6  inhabitantes  of  Ceila.  f  Moreoucr  at  that  time,  when  Abia- 
thar the  fonnc  of  Achimclcch  fled  to  Dauid  into  Ccila^,  he 

7  went  downc  hauing  with  himanephod.  f  And  itwas  told 
Saul  that  Dauid  was  come  into  Ceila:and  Saul  fayd;  Our  Lord 
hath  deliuered  him  into  myhandes,  and  he  is  shut  vp  being 

S  cntcied  the  citie,  wherein  arc  gates  and  lockes.  f  And  Saul 

commanded  al  the  people ,  that  they  should  goe  downe  into 

$  Ceila  tofight,  and  bcfcigc  Dauid,and  his  men.  f  Vhich  when 

FfffA  Dauid 

€sa  First  book:^  Dauid. 

Daaid  vnJcrftood.that  Saul  fccrctly  prepared  cuil   agaiatl: 

if  Bythisitap- him  ,  he  fajrd  to  Abiathar  the  pricft  :  •"  AppHc  the  Ephod. 

pearcth  that    ^  ^^j  Dauidfayd:  Lord  God  of  Ifracl/thy  fcruant  hatii  heird  i® 

.  j"J-  j°u  "a  bruite.that  Saul  dercrmineth  to  conic  into  Ceikjio  defiroy 
ted  God  by  •   •     r  j  i    i  r^     i      i    i-  •  i 

the  hiah  '"C  citicrormc:  ■}-  Wil  the  men  of  Ccuadehucr  mcinto  his  ir 

pneft.and  the  handes?  and  ^ril  Saul  come  downe,  as  thy  fcruant  hath  heard? 
highpricftfor  Lord  God  of  Ifracl  tcl  thy  fcruant.  And  our  Lord  (ay J  :  He 
th.sputpofc    ^jj  ^^^^  dovrnc.  t  And'Dauidfaid;  ^il  the  men  of  Ccila  :i. 
loyncd  the  j    .  l  •  i  l     i        j         r 

prieftlie  orna-  dciiuer  me,  and  the  men  that  are  vt'ith  me  ,  mto  the  handc s  or 

jncnt  called     Saui?  And  Our  Lord  fayd;  •"  They  vil  dciiuer  thee.  fDauid  ij 
Ephod  to  the    therefore  arofe  and  his  mea  about  fix  hundred,  and  going  out 
Rationale,  an    of  Ceila,  wandcted  hither  and  thither  vncertaine  :  and  it  was 
tio  from  God.  told  Saul  that  Dauid  was  flcd  from  Ccila,  and  vras  faucd  :  for 
Exo  is. Lemt.s.  which  caufc  hc  diffcmblcd  to  goe  forth,  f  But  D.und  abode  i:^ 
t:  Conditio-    jn  thedefcrtJu  moft  ftroneplaces,and  he  taried  in  the  mount 
^^^I'y/^^'*'®"  of  the  defertZiph,  in  a  {bado^»'ed  hil.  Saul  not^'irhftandinir 
foughr  him  alvrjyes :  and  oor  Lord  aclruered  him  not  mto 
hishandes.  f  And  Dauid  fa>a?' that  Saul  was  gone,  forth  fo   ij 
fcekc  his  life.  Morcouer  Djuid  Vfas  in  the  delcrt  Ziph,  in  a 
"wood,  t  And  lonathas  the  fonnc  of  Saul  arofe,  arid  \rent  zoi6 
Dauid  into  the  >:5'0Gd  ,  snd  flrengthencd  highandcs  in  God: 
and  fayd  t©  him  :  f  Fearenot:for  neither  i'bal  the  hand  of  ij 
Saul  my  father  finde  thee  ,  2nd  thou  shalt  reigne  ouer  Ifiael, 
and  I  Hial  be  fccond  to  thee,  yea  and  my  father  lcn®Kf  eth  this. 
f  Both  therefore  made  a-league  before  our  Lord  :  and  Dauid  iS 
abode  in  the  "^ood  :  but  lonathas  returned  inro  his  hcurc-/. 
"f:  And  the  Zeipheitcs  went  vp  vnto  Siul  in  Gabaa,  faying:   15 
Loc  doth  not  Dauic  lye  hid  with  v$  in  themoft  fafe  places  of 
the  \rood  ,  in  the  Hil  Hachila,  which  is  on  the  right  hand  of 
the  defert  ?  t  Now  therefore.j  as  thy  foule  hath  dehred,  come  IG 
doNrne:  Scii  Cbal  be  our  charge  to  dcliucr  him  into  thekingcs 
h-andes..  t  And  Saulfayd:  Blefledbeyeofour  Lord,  brcaufc  11 
yon  haue  pitied  ray  cafe,  f  Goe  therefore  I  pray  you, md  pre-  li 
pare  diligently,  and  dealccurioufty,  and  con  fide  r  the  plicc, 
vhcre  his  footeis,and  who  hath  (ecne  him  there,  for  he  thin- 
Jccth  of  racjthac  I  craftelylyein  waiteforhim.  f  Canfi<icr  17 
andfcc  al  his  lurking  holes,  wherein  he  is  hid,  and  returns  to 
mcwith  theccrrcintieofthething,that  I  may  goc  with  you. 
Yea  an4  if  he  sJial  ftoppc  vp  himfelfc  into  the  earth  ,  I  wii 
fearch  him  out  among  al  the  thoufandes  of  luda.  f  Bur  they  14  before  Saul:  and  j&  mid  and  his  men 

Oauld,  OF  kiNGES.  62,1 

Xf'etc  in  the  dcfcrc  Maon,in  the  champaiaccoiintry  at  the 

i;  right  hand  oflefimon.  t  ^^^^  therefore  and  his  companic 

"vcntto  feeke  him  :  and  it  was  told  Dauid,  and  forth>*'ich  he 

venrdo'«-nc  to  the  rocke  ,  and  abode  in  the  dcfert  Maon_/, 

"which  wren  Siul  had  heard,  licpurfued  Dauid  in  the  dc(ctc 

i.6  Maon.  f  AndjSauI  went  at  the  fide  of  the  mountainc  on. 

the  enc  part:  and  Dauid  and  his  men  vf  ere  in  the  fide  of  the 

mountaine  on  the  other  part  r  morcouer  Dauid  dcfpayred 

that  he  could  efcape  ,  from  the  face  of  Saul  .•  Saul  therefore 

and  his  men  in  inancr  of  a  ring,  compifTed Dauid  andhij 

27   men,  to  take  them,  j-  And  a  medengcrcame  to  Saul, faying: 

Make  haft,  and  come  ,  bccaufe  the  Philiftijms  haucpowrcd 

iS  in  thcmfelues  vpon   the  land,   f  Saul  therefore  returned 

Jcauing  of  to  purfew  Dauid,  and  he  went  to  meetc  the  Phili= 

f(ians/for  this  caufe ,  they  called  that  place ,  the  Rockc  diui- 


Chap.     XXIIII. 
S^til  chanting  tc  com:  into  4  cane,  Dauid heing hid Ivith  olhers  in  the  ftme 
^Ucc,onlf  CHtteth  the  iljtt  ef  hii  (loke»  ^  "^hich  *[tcr  sherping  j  Saul 
AckncrvUd^tth  hufAtih,  and ccAfethfer  a  timeioferjtcutt  him, 

I   TpV  AriD  therefore  went  vp  frtsm  thence,  and  dwcltia 

i  J.^  the  fafcft  places  of  Engaddi,  f  And  when  Saul  was  re- 
turned, after  he  purfued  the  Philiftians,thcy  told  him, faying: 

J  Behold,  Dawid  isin  the  dcfert  Engaddi.  f  Saul  therefore  ta- 
king vnto  him  three  rhoufand  chofen  men  ofal  Ifrael ,  went 
forth  to  fearch  out  Dauid, and  his  men,  yea  ouer  the  ftcepc 
broken  rockes,  vhich  arc  acceffihlc  only  to  wilde  goatcs, 

4  -j-  And  he  came  to  the  shepcotes ,  which  fel  in  his  way  as  he 
vent,  and  there  was  a  caue,  which  Saul  entred  into,  to  d®e 
hiscifemcRt:  moreoucr  Dauid  and  his  men  lay  hid  in  the 

5  inner  pin  of  the  cauf.  t  And  the  feruantes  of  Dauid  ^*y^  fo  ...  Atcn(3crcS* 
him  :  Behold  the  day,  whereof  our  Lord  fayd  to  thee  ;  I  wil  fcicncc  had 
dclmer  thee  thync  cnemie,  that  thou  maycft  doc  to  him  at  it  fcruplc  of  a 
flial  fccmc  good  in  thyne  »ic$.  Dauid  therefore  arofc,  and  cut  ^"J^'  <Joubr 

^  ofthchemraeofSaulcs  cloke  foftly.  t  After  this  ::  Dauids  f'  '"'V"'' 
hart  ItroKc  hmi ,  tor  that  hehadciuofthc  hcmmeof  Saules  cyfcicnccfltc- 

7  cloke.  t  And  he  fayd  to  his  men  :  Our  Lord  be  merciful  rnto  kcth  at  n»- 
Ric,  •■■  that  I  doe  not  this  thing  to  my  Maiftcr  the  annointed  ^hirg 
of  our  Lord,  that  I  (hould  lay  my  hand  vpon  him,  bccaufe  .'n»ointcd"^ 

?  ^^.  ^*l^i  *5"*!"^^^  ?^  ?!^^  ^^"^^^  t  And  Dauid  pcrfwaded  king  by'^Goij 

€%%  First  bookb  Daiai^i 

Appointment,  his  men  with  HTordes,  and  permitted  them  not  to  rife  a-gainft 
J®"^'*"®^^*'*'"  Saul :  moreoucrSaulrifing  out  of  the  caue,\renton  hisioar- 
bylnsfubic-^  ijey  begunnc.  f  AndDaaidrofevp  after  him;  and  going  out  5 
ftcs  without    of  the  cauc,  cried  behind  Sauls  backc/faying;  My  Lord  King. 
Jikeordinancc  And  Sauliookedbackc  behind  him  :  and  Dauid  bowing  him 
^r  u  h  DaS  ^^^^^  ^^^  to^ar«i  the  ground  adored,  f  and  fayd  to  Saul :  Why  is. 
Is'asSfo  akca-  «J®eft  thouhearc  the  wordes  of  men  that  fay :  Dauid  feckcth 
ajyannointcd,  cuil  againft  thcc  ?  f  Loe  this  day  thync  eie$  haue  fecne,  that  11 
yet  that  w^as    our  Lord  dcliuercd  thee  in  my  hand,  in  the  cauc,  and  I  had  a 
noEcorcigBc    cogitation  to kilthcc,  but  myn  cie  hath  fparcd  thee.  For  I 
wLa^SauL  ^   fayd :  I  >jril  not  extend  myn  hand  vpon  my  lord,  bccaufe  he  is 
llioulddie,  oc  the  annointedof  our  Lord,  f  But  rather  fee  and  knowc,  o  12. 
othctwik  be    my  father,  the  hemmc  of  thy  cloke  in  my  hand,  that  when  I 
^icaavay.     did  cut  of  the  hcmme  of  thy  clokc,I  would  not  extend  niy 
handvpoathet.  Marke,and  fee,  that  thcreis  no  euil  in  my 
hand, nor inicjuitie, neither  hauci  finned  againft  thee:  but 
ehoulyeftin  waiccfor  mylife,  to  take  it  away,  f  Our  Lord  13 
iudge  betwen  rac  and  thee,  and  our  Lord  reucngc  me  of  the^, 
but  be  not  my  hand  vpon  thee,  f  Asalfoit  isfiydia  the  old  14 
prouerbe  :  From:  the  impiovs  (liaUrapieticproccdc:  benoc 
chereforc  my  hand  vpon  thee;  'Whom  doeft  thou  pcrfecute  O 
Kingoflfracl?  f  Whom  doeft  thou  pcrfecute?  rhouperfecu-  ij 
ce(!:  a  dead  dog,  and  a  flea,  t  Our  Lord  be  iudge,  &:  iudge  bet-  16 
wctt  me  and  thee,  and  he  fee,  and  iudge  my  caufe,  and  deliiier 
meoutof  thy  hand,  t  And  whea  Dauid  had  fully  ended  fpea-  ij 
kingfuch  wordes  to  Saul,Saulfayd:Is  this  thy  voice  my  fonnc 
Dauid  ?  and  Saul  lifted  vp  his  voice,  and  wept:  f  and  fayd  to  iS 
Dauid:  Thou  art  iudcr  then  I  :  for  thou  haft  donnc  me  good 
turnes,  and  I  haue  rendrcd  thee  cml.  -J-  And  thou  haft  ihewed  15 
this  day  what  good  thingcs  thou  haft  done  ro  me:  how  our 
Lord  dcliucred  me  into  thy  handc  and  thou  haft  not  killed 
me.  t  For  who  when  he  hath  found  his  cnemie,  wil  let  him  a© 
goe  in  a  good  way  ?  But  our  Lord  render  thee  this  good  turne, 
for  that  which  rbouhaft  wrought  toward  me  this  day.  f  And  21 
nowbecaufe  I  knowe  that  thou  moft  certcinly  ihalt  reigne, 
andhauethekiiigdomeofIfraeliHthyhand;t  fwcare  to  mc  li 
inotirLord,  not  to  deftroy  my  feedc  after  mc,  nor  to  take 
away  my  name  from  the  houfc  of  my  father,  f  And  Dauid  i| 
fware  to  Saul.  Saul  therefore  went  into  his  houfe  i  and  Dauid 
fend  his  men  went  vp  into  fafcrplacese 

G  EI  A  P» 

Dauii  OF   KING  ES.  Cl) 

Chap.  XXV. 
Samuel tiieth  dnd u  mtu^ned^ ^  Duud rfjue/hitf^  iq.  gndmt ^U/tnln^ >/» 
BuaL  of  A'4/^4',  15  ihrcitnah  ts  kii  him  14  But  hit  "^tfe  Abtgiil  fru- 
^tntly prtutnttth  thi  rc»  ngf,\%  'cj  fettdtnr^nffuilstt].  And ^eutnT  good 
%'Ptdti.  ^7.^1  l^hich  'trhen  NaIaI  yndar^andeth.he  fnint  th^  And  aftef 
teHnednyesdieth  59.  OAHiimAneth  ,y€^tgAil :  4f).  *lfo  xAchim^m  :  4^\^ 
And  his  mfe  Michol  U^iuen  f  an  other. 

I  A  N  D  Samuel  died  ,  and  4I  Ifracl  vras  gathered  together, 
jLjL  and  they  mourned  for  him,  and  buried  him  in  his  houfc 
inRamatha.  And  Dauidrifing  srent  downe  into  the  dcferc 

2,  ofP.jaran.  f  And  there  \;fasaccrraine  man  in  the  vildcrncs 
of  Maon,  and  his  poITefiion  in  Carmel ,  and  that  man  was 
cxceding  great :  and  he  had  three  thoufand  sheepe,  &  a  thou- 
fand  ^oatcs:and  it  chanced  that  his  flocke  was  shorne  in 

;  Carmel.  f  And  the  narae  of  that  man  was  Nabalrand  the 
name  of  his  wife  Abigail,  and  that  woman  was  very  wife 
and  bcuriful:  moreoucr  hcrhu/band  hard,  and  very  il,  and 

/\  vnaHcious  :  and  he  was  of  the  kindred  of  Caleb,  t  When  Da- 
uid  therefore  heard  in  the  defert ,  that  Nabal  sheared  hi« 

5  flocke,  f  hefcnt  tenneyong  men,andfayd  to'  them:  Goe  vp 
into  Carmel,  and  you  shal  come  to  Nabal,  and  shal  falute  him 

6  in  my  name  peaceably,  f  And  you  shal  fay  :  Peace  be  ro  my 
brethren, and  to  thee,  and  peace  to  thy  houfe,and  to  al  what* 

7  focuer  thou  haft  be  peace,  t  I  haue  heard,  that  thy  shcphards 
which  were  wiihvs  in  the  defert  did  sheare  we  haue  neucr 
moltfted  them,  neither  hath  ought  beenc  wanting  to  thcra 
at  any  time  of  th.e  flocke,  al  the  time  that  they  were  with  vs 

8  in  Carmel  f  Aske  thy  fcruantes,  and  they  wiltel  thee.  Now 
therefore  let  thy  feruantc£  findc  grace  in  thync-  cies  :for  we 
are  come  in  a  good  day,  whatfoeuer  thy  hand  shal  finde,gcuc 

S)  thy  fcruantes  ,  and  thy  fonne  Dauid.  f  And  when  Dauids 

feruinics  were  come,  they  {poke  to  Nabal  althefc  wordesin 

10  Dauids  name:  and  fo  held  their  peace,  f  But  Nabal  anfwe- 

ring  theferuantes  of  Dauid,  faid:  Who  is  Dauid  >  an-f, what 

is  the  fcnne  of  Ifai?  There  arc  feruantcs  multiplied  now  a 

i!   daics  which  flee  from  their  mafters.  f  Shall  then  take  my 

brcades, and  my  waters,  and  the  flesh  of  my  catccl,vhich  I 

haue  killed  for  my  sheares,  and  geuc  to  men  whom  I  know 

S&  nnt  whence  they  are?|  Therefore  rhc  feruantcs  of  Dauid 

returned  by  thcix  way,  andreturning  came  and  told  him  al  the 


6i4  First  BOO KE  Dauidi 

\rordc$  thathehadraid.  f  ThcnfaydDauid  tohisfcruanres:  i| 
Eaery  man  gird  him  with  his  (worde.  And  they  were  eucry 
one  girded  with  their  Cwordes.  And  Dauid  al(o  was  girded 
"^rith  his  (wordc :  and  there  folo  wed  Dauid  about  foure  hun- 
dred men  :  moreouer  tvo  hundred  remayned  at  the  baggage, 
t  Bur  to  Abigail  the  wife  ofNabal  one  of  their  feruantcs  told,  1,4 
faying:  Behold  Dauid  hath  fent  mefTengers  from  the  deferr, 
to  blelFe  our  maifter.  ik  he  difdayncd  them  :  f  thefe  men  were  i| 
good  ynough  to  vs,  and  not  trublelome  ;  neither  did  euer  any 
thing  perish  al  the  tune,  chat  we  hauc  couuerft  with  them  in 
thedcfert:  t  they  werein  fteedofa  walrovs  both  in  theday  k? 
and  in  the  night,  althedayes  that  we  fed  the  flockes  v/ith 
them.f  "Wherefore  confider,  &  thinke  what  thou  hall  to  doe,  17 
*:Notamali-  ^^^   "  "malice  is  accorapUfhed  againft  thy  hufband,  and  againfl: 
cionj  mind,    thy  houfe,  and  be  is  -tli.e  fojincof  BeliaJ,  fo  that  no  man  can 
fuch  as  Saal     fpcakc  to  him.  f  Abigail  therefore  made  haft,  and  tooke  il 

fl-'n"^  J   ^^"^  hundred  loaucs,and  two  botttls  of  wine,  and  iiue  mut- 
barpunil^imcr  ^^"^  ready  drcft,  and  fine  mcafures  of  polenr,  and  a  hundred 
is  decreed  1-    branches  of  rayfens,  and  two  hundred  ms.(cs  of  drie  %ge$, 
s;ainftNabal,    and  laid  them  vpen  alFes :  +  and  faid  to  her  feruantcs:  Goe   15 
for  not  only    before  me :  loe,  I  wil  folow  you  at  your  backc  :  but  ihe  cold 
fonMcvl^^'  "^^  ^'^^  ha{band  Nabal.  f  When  the  therefore  had  gotten' 20 
quoO,  butalfo  vpon  an  alfe,  and  came  downe  to  thefooteof  the  mountaine, 
forforeproch.  Dauid  and  his  men  Came  downe  meeting  her,  M'hom  fliealfo 
ful  ananfwer.  nietre.  f  And  Dauid  faid:  In  vaine  VeryJy  haue  I  preferu^cd  22 
al*chinges  that  were  this  mans  in  the  deferr,  and  there  peri- 
fned  nothing  of  al  that  perteined  to  him:  and  he  harh  rendred 
.^•EtriI^K'ordcs  me  '•'•  euil  for  good,  f  The(c  thinges  doe  vGod  to  the  ene-    11 
forcurtcous     miesof  Dauid,  and  thefe  thihges  adde  he,if  I  ihalleaue  of  al 
yU^t  hereto   jj^jj-iaes  that  pcrteine  to  him  vhtil  morning,  any  thine;  pilling 
ht'e%ent.!ia-  againathc  wal.  t  And  when  Abigail  had  (eene  Dauid,  ihe  13 
ueitm  "  by  ^    made  haf^,  and  light  from  her  affe,  and  fel. downe  before  Da- 
mefTcngcrs.      uidvpon  her  face,  and  adored  vpon  the  earth,  f  and  fel  a:  24 
his  fecte,andrayd:  In  me  my  lord  be  this  iniquitie  :  let  thy 
handmn.ydefpeake  1  befe.cli  thee  in  rhine  eares;  and  hcare  the 
-^-ardcs  of  thy  feruant.  t  ^-^^  "or  ray  lord  the  king  I  pray  ij 
tlice,  fft  his  hart  vpon  this  naughcie  raanNabal:  becaufe 
according  to  hi;  name,  he  is  a  foolc,  and  follie  is  with  him: 
but  I  chyhandmaidefawenotthy  fcruintes  my  lord,  whom 
thou  didft  fend,  f  Now  therefore  my  lord,  our  Lord  liueth,   26' 
^nd  thy  foule  liueth,  N»^ho  hath  ftayed  thee  that  thou  ihouldeil 


>  ^  OF  ;K;INvGES.  ^i{ 

%iSX come  vnto;  bloo^i^^ndhath  fauedthy  hand  to fhcc:  aQd, 

nov  hf  thine  enemies  as  Nabal,  and  rhey  thatfeekeciiil  to- 

;17  my  loud,  f  Wherefore  recfiuc  this  benedidlion,  \rhich  thy 

handmnidcliath  brought  to  ,thce  my  Jord  :aud  geue  tq  thy 

i8  feruantes  th^r. f o.lox'/  ;thec  mjj  lord  .  "f  Take  avzay  the  ini- 

quitie  ofthyhandmaide:  for  ou;-'Lord  making 'W'il  iTiake  rp 

:  my  lord  a  faithful  houfcjh^caufc  thou  my  lord  doeft  fight 

tiic  barrels  of  our  Lord;,  Jet  not  malice  therefore  be  found 

2^  in  thee  al  the  tiaycs  of  thy  life,  t  For  if  a  man  ihal  rife,  pcrfe- 

.    cuting  thee,  and  fecking  thy  life,  the  life  of  iny  lord  fnal;bc 

'    kept,  asinthe-'bundel  of  thcliuing,\rdthour  Lord  thyGodr  :: Things tj-ei 

Moreoucr  the  hfe  of  thine  enemies  ihal  be  xsphurled,  and  in  *"  bundcls  are. 

50  the  violence, and  whurle of?,  fling,  f  WhenourLord  ^herc-^''°^"^?-"^"^ 
fore  flul  doe  to  thee,  my  lord,  al  good  thinges,"which  he  hath  ji,^^  dazlc  * 
fpokcn  concerning  thee,  and  fhal  conftitute  thee  prince  oucr  andloofe. 

51  Ifrael,  f  rhis  (hal  an  occaflon  of  fobbing  to  thee,  and 
afcruplc  of  hart  to  my  lord,  that  thou  haft  tbed  innocent 
blood,  orthy  felfc  hafl  reuengcd  thy  felfe:  and  when  our 
Lordhathbcftowedthefebenefitesvpon  my  lord,  thou  (bait 

:^i  remember  thy  fcandmaidc.  f  ^^'^  Dauid  fayd  to  Abigail  r  '■     • 

Bleflcd  be  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael,  who  hath  fenr  thee  this 
55  day  to  nieete  me,  and  bleflcd  be  thy  fpeach,  -f  and  blefied 
be  thou,  ^)fhich  haft  ftayed  me  tcdayjthar  Imightnot  goeto 

54  blood,  and  reuenge  me  with  myn  owne  hand,  f  Otherwife 
ourLordliucththcGodoflfra-';!,  who  hath  ftaicd  me,  that 
I  ihould  not  doe  thee  any  euil :  vnles  thou  hadft  quickelf 
come  to  meetc  me,  there  had  not  remained  to  Nabalvntil 

55  morninglighr,  any  piffing  againfta  wal.  f  And  Dauid  rookc 
of  her  hand  al  rhinges  which  ftse  had  brought  him  ,  and  faid 
to  her  .-Goe  peaceable  into  thy  houfe,  behold  I  haue  heard 

i^d  thy  voice,  and  haue  Honoured  thy  face,  -j-  And  Abigail  came 

to  Nahalrand  behold  he  had  a  feaft  in  his  houfe>  as  it  were 

the  feaftofa  king,  and  Nabals  hart  was  pleafant :  for  he  was 

drunkeexcedingly:  and  ."he  told  him  not  a  word  little  or  great 

37  vntil  morning,   f  But  early  when  Nabal  had  digcftcd  his 

wine,  his  wife  told  him  thcfewordcs,  and  his' hart  w/ij  dead 

5S  inwardly,  and  he  became  asaftone.  f  And  when  ten  dayes 

^,!)   had  pafTed,  our  Lord  ftroke 'Nabal,  and  he  died,  f  "Which 

when  Dauid  had  heard  that  Nabal  was  dead,  he  fayd  .•Blefled 

be  our  Lf^rd,  who  hath  iudgcd  the  caufe  of  my  reprochat  the 

Jund  of  Nabal,  and  hath  kept  his  fcruant  from  cuil,and  th« 

Ggg^  malice 

€t4  First   B'WKi>»  Saul.  Dkuii 

maHcebf  NaWlhlthoiirLordreri'dredv|ionhis1ie2?^  DauM 
therefdre  fent,anH  fpake  to  Abigail,  that  he  might  talct' her  to 
himlelfe  to  wife,  f  And  Daiiids  feruantcs  came  to  Abigtil  40 
into  Carmel,  andfpaketo  her,faing;  Dauid  hath  fent  vsvnto 
thee,to  take  thee  to  his  wi^e.•f^55^hoarifing  adored  flattoward  41 
the  earth;  and  fayd :  Lbe  let  thy  feruant  be  as  an  handmaid e,to 
wath  thefeeteof  theTeruantes-  of  my  lord.  f^And  Abigail  4^ 
irofe,  and  made  haft^  and  gatte  vpon  an  alFe,  and  Hue  \remen 
"went  with  her  \raiting  niaidcs,  and  folowed  themeflengers 
of  Dauid,  and  became  his  wife,  f  Yea  and  Achinoamalfodid  45 
Dauid  takeof  lezrahcl :  and  both  were  his  wiues.  f  But  Saul  44,  . 
..'gauc  Michol  his  daughter  Daiiids  wife  to  Phalti^  the  fphne  of 
Lais,  who  wasof  Galliin. 

Chap.     XXVI.' 
The  ZlplUns  ht^ntiyin^  the  phcej  Sanlbeftegeth  DdUid.  j.  who  by  ni^hs 
'-'  ^etih  'f^ here  Saul  and  JjUmn  are  d  Jleepe\  9.  hurtcthhim  not.W.  but  ■ 
''ukeih  from  him  hlf  fpearh  afid bottle  of  W -iter':  i^.  sheiVeth  wh'u4  Jie  hAth 
' '  done.  It,  Sdjd  againe  'confeff'eth  hU  faulty  and  promipth  fe^cc, ' 

A    N'D  there  cSme  Zepheitesvntb  Saul  in  Gabaa;  faying:  i 
Jl\.  Be\ib]d  Daiiid  is  hid  ih  the  Kil'  Ha-^chiia;  wluch  is  oner  ■ 
a'gainft  the  wiJderncs.  f  Aiid  Saul  atofe,and  Went  downe  into  2. 
the  defert  Ziph,  and  with  him  three  thoufand  men  of  the 
chofen  of  Ifrael,  to  feeke  Djuid  in  the  defert  Ziph.  -f  And  5 
Saul  camped  in  Gabaa  Hachila,  which  was  oucr  agaiiiH:  the 
Vildcrnes  in  the  way:  and  Dauid  dwelt  in  the  de(err.  And 
feing  that  Saul  was  come  after  him  into  the  dtfct,  i  he  fent  4 
(^ifeotieretSs  and  lerned  that  he  was  come  thirher  moH:  cer- 
tainly, t  And  Dauid  arofe  fecretly,  and  came  10  the  place  j 
where  Saul  was :  and  when  he  had  feene  the  place,  wherein 
Saul  flcpt,  and  Abner  the  fonne  of  Ner,  the  prince  of  his 
\f arre,^rid  Saul  keeping  in  the  tent,  and  the  reA:  of  the  mul- 
titude found  about  him,  f  Dauid  fpake  to  Achinaelech  th'?  6 
Hethcit,  and  Abifai  the  fonne  of  Scruia  the  brother  of  loab, 
faying  :  '^v'ho  wil  goedowne  with  me  to  Saul  into  the  campe  ? 
And  Abifai  faid  :  I  wilgoc  with  thee,  f  Dauid  therefore  and  7 
Abifai  came  to  the  people  by  night,  and  found  Saul  lying 
and  flecpingin  rhetent,  andhis  fpcare  fixed  m  the  ground' at 
his  head:  and  Abner,  and  the  people  fleeping  round  about 
him.  •{-  And  Abifai  faid  to  Dauid:  God  hath  shut  vp  thine-  S 
caeraie  this  cUy  into  thy  handcs :  now  therefore  I  wil  thrufl; 


5anl.  DaUi^.  of   ki^rpES:.  (ij 

him  throHgl^  with  my  fpcarein  the  ?arth  OHce,and  t^ife  shal 

9  not  needc.  f  And  Dauid  faid  to  Abifai:  Kil  him  not:  fer 

•?,vho  (halexcendhis  hand vpon  the  annointed ©four  Lord,«?i:  .'••  Dauid is rc- 

jo  shal  Se  innocent  ?tl  And  Dauid  faid  ;  Our  Lord  hucth,  rnr  [°i""' ^J'/^j^*^ 
lefle  oat  Lord  shal  ftrike  him,  or  his  day  come  to  &is,  or  dcfr  tWatT/isaoc* 

n  cendiginto  barrel  he  perish;  f  Our  Lord  be  merciful  vn to  me,  lawful  for  pri- 
that  I  extend  nor  my  hand  vpon  thcanhointed  ©four  Lord,  uatc  fubieiles 
no\»'  therefore  take  the  fpeare,  which  is  at  his  head,  <&:  cuppc  ^°.^^^  ^^*^" 

It  ofwater,arjdlet¥3goe.  fDauid  therefore  tooke  the  fpcarc,  f^oueit^Hra"' 
and  CHppc  of  w^icj:,  which  was  at  Saules  head,  and  they  went  fdfe  wasan- 
away  :  and  there  was  none  thatfawc,  or  vnderftcod,  or  a-  aointcdtofus 
waked,  but'al  flcpt,  becaufc  the  dead  lleepe  ••  of  our  Lord.  *^^^*^- 

15  had  fallen  vpon  them.. -f  And  when  Dauid  had  pafFed  ouer  -"Godsproui- 
againft,  and  (lood  m  the  toppe  of  the  mowntanie  farre  of,  and        "  ^cntthis 

*4  a  good  fpace  berwenthcm,  f. Dauid  cried  to  the  people,  and  Qe€pcand"in- 
ro  Abner  the  fonne  of  Ner^  faying:  Wilt  thou  nor  anfxjf-er  fpiredDarnd> 
Abner?  And  Abneranfweringfayd:  Who  art  thou, that  crieft  todoethis 

15  and  difquieteft  the  king?  f  And  Dauidfayd  to  Abner-.  Art  not  f^A-/°^"'°^\ 
thou  a  man?  And  who  is  like  thceinjirrael?  why  therefore  haft  Hsla^^ceL^' 
thou  not  kept  thy  lord  the  king?  for  one  of  the  multitude  cic.  ^ 

2^  hath  entered  in  to  kil  the  king  thy  lord,  -f  This  thing  is  not 
goodvwhich  youhaue  done.-  Our  Lord  liueth,  you  are  the 
children  of  death,  which  haue  not  kept  your  lord,  the  an- 
nointed  of  our  Lord. Now  therefore  behold  where  thekinges 
fpeateisy^:  v/hercthe  cup  of  water  is,  ^5(^hiGh  was  at  his  head, 
■  17-  t  And  5aul  khew  Dauids voice,  and  fayd:  Is  this  thy  voice, 
•  my  forinc  Dauid  ?  And  Dauidfayd  .-My  voice,  my  lord  kmg, 

18  t  and  he  laid:  For  what  caufe  doth  my  lord  pctfecute  his 
feruant  ?  What  haue  I  done?  or  what  euil  is  there  in  my  hand  ? 

19  \  Now  therefore 'he  arc,  I  pray,  my  lord  King,  the  wordcs  of 
thy  feruant:  I  four  Lord  frirre  thee  vp  againft  me,  let  there 
be  odourc  of  facrifice  :  but  if  the  forincsof  men,  they  are  cur- 
fcd  inthe  fight  ofour  Lord,  which  hanecafi:  me  our  this  day, 
that  I  fliould  not  dvrcl  in  thcinhe'ritance  of  our  Lord, laying  : 

£»■  Gee,  feme  ftr.angc  goddes.  t  And  now  let  not  my  blood  be 

(hed  vpon  the  earth  before  our  Lord,  for  the  king  of  Ifracl,'    "';''"^^  olarlt-.^t 
kcomc  forth  to  fceke  one  flea,  as  the perdi^is  purfuedin  the'     '"" '" ''''■ "''' 

z\  mountaines.  f  And  Saul  fayd  :  I  haue  finned,  returne  my 
fonne  Dauid,  for  I  wil  no  more  doe  thee  cail,  fot  that  my  life 
hath  bene  precious  in  thyne  cics  to  day  :  for  it  appearerh  thac 

.-'Fhaftedono foolishly, «ad  haue  bene ignor^HC  ©f  very  miny 
^^  Ggggi  ihingGS. 

'€:it  First  book  e  Saul.  Dauid. 

thinges.  t  And  Dauid  anfwcring  ,  iiyd:  Behold  the  kings  12. 
fpeare,lec  one  of  rh^  kings  feriunts  pa{I'e,and  rakcir.  -f  And  25 
-.'•iCI'..  ^ur  Lord  wil  reward  eucrie  oneaccording  xo  hisiufticCjand 
f-jjoio    £<ic[it.i^;  for  our  Lard  iiathdeh tiered  thee  this  day  into  my 
hand,  &I  would  not  extend  my  hand  vpon  the  annointed  of 
our  Lord,  f  And  as  thy  life  harh  bene  magnified  to  day  in  24 
myne  eicSjfo  be  my  life  magnified  in  the  eiesofour  Lord, and 
deliuer  he  mc  from  al  dilhcilcct  Saul  therefore  fayd  to  D anid:  i| 
Bleflcd  art  thou  my  fonne  Dauid  ;  and  rruly  doing  thou  shale 
doe,andpreuayling  thoushakprcaaile.  And  Diuid  went  into 
his  way,and  Sauixerurncd  into  his  place.  ■ 
H  Chap.-  XXVII.' 

DAuid fermcre  fectirlne gottb  AfaiTH  to  ^chis  k}»^  of  Gcth,  ^.  ohtdjnah 
of  him  the  citii  of  Stech^,  ( 6-  by  "^^hich  meanes  it  becometh  fnl'teB  to  tie 
k}nre%  of  uUa  )  8.  aadmAk^ethprayes  >poa  the  enemies  of  Xing  ^Adk^ 

ANd  Dauid  fayd  in  his  hart:  at  length  I  shalfal  one  day  i 
into  the  handes  of  Saul :  is  it  not  better  that  I  flee,  and 
befau^dinthe  Landxjf  the  PhihllianSjtliat  Saul  maly  defpaire, 
and  ccafe  to  feekc  me  in  al  the  coaftes  of  Ifrael?  I  wil  flee 
therefore  his  handes.  f'  And  Dauid  arofe^ and  went  himfelfe,  r . 
and  the  fix  hundred  men  with  him,  to  Achis  the  fonne  of 
Maoch,  the  King  of  Gctir.  f  And  Dauid  dwelt  vrich  Achij  j 
inGeth,  h^  and  his  men;  eucrie  man  f5«:  his  houfe, and  his  two 
viuesy  Achinoamthe  lezrahclirc  ,  and  Abigail  the  wife  of 
NabalofCarmtl'.;  f  And  it  was  told  Saul  chat  Dauid  w'as  fled  4 
into  Geth,,and  he  added  no  moreto  feeke  him.  f  And  Dauid  $ 
fayd  to  Achis:  If  I  haue  grace  in  thy  fight,  let  there  a  place 
he  geuen-  me  in  one  of  thy  cities  of  this  countrie,  that  Lmay 
dwcl  there:  for  why  abideth  thy  fcrnant  in  the  citie  of  ih«    , 
king  with  thee?  f  Achis  thercfoi-e  gauc  him  in  that  day  Si-  6 
celeg.r  for  \rhich  caufeSiceleg  became  the  kingcs of  luda 
vntilthis  day;  f  And  the  number  of  the  daies,  that  Dauid  7 
dwelt  in  the  country  of  the  Philiftians,  was  foure  nroncthes. 
f  And  D.iuid  went  vp,andhijmen,anddraue  prayes  outof  8  ^ 
-  GelVufii  andGcrzijand  ffomthe  Amalecites  :  for  rhefe  vU- 
lages .rJc'ereinhabifcdintKelandin  old  time,  as  men  goe  to 
Sur,  as  farre  as  the  Lsnd  of  v€gypt.  f  And  Dauid  flrokeal  the  9  ^' 
land,  neither  left  ho  anie  man  or  woman:  and  taking  the 
flieepe  &c  oxen, and  aflesj^  camels,and  garments, hereturncd 

Dauid.Saul.  of  kinges.  6i^ 

fee  Vponto  Jay?  Dsuid  an{\^crcd  :  Againft  thefouth  of  luda,  thofc  nations . 
?nd  againft  the  fouth  of  lertmicl,  and  againft  thefouth  of '*hom  God 
II  Ceni.  t  Dauid  gaue  life  neither  to  man  rorvf  Oman,  neither     '^,'^"/"*"'^^^ 
broughtthem  intoGcth  ,  faying:  Left  perhaps  they  fpcake  jj,^clhnav/i'th- 
againft  vs.  Thc(e  thinges  did  Dauid,  and  this  vras  decreed  of  in  the  Lnd  of 
him  al  the  daies  that  he  dwelt  in  the  ccuntiic  of  the  Phili-  Chanaan.i;««^, 
11   ftians.  f  Achis  therefore  did  crcdite  Dauid,  faying:  Manie  *^' 
cuilshath  he  wrought  againft  his  people  Ifracl :  Therefore 
he  ftial  be  n)y  fcruant  foy  eucc. 

Chap.    XXVIII. 

The  Philijfians  fx^tmg  Againft  Saul,  DauicI  frdmiftth  fidditteto  yichii, 
3.  SauI dejlroyeth  magicuns,  6.  lut  Gcd  not  4r%,jvering  him,  7.  feeketh 
A  ^(omAn  thjit  bath  a.  Pithon  fpirite,  12.  '^lUeth  hirto  raife  yp  Samuel. 
jy.  fpbo  appearti?gforttll(th  kim,  that  he,  and  his  fonnes  ihal  die  the  ^^*  fourcfji- 
tJ  xt day.  K^r  \ 

I      A    Nd  ircamc  topaffe  thacin  thofe  daics  chc  Phiiiftijms  ofSaul,  and 
S\  gathered  together  their  companies,  that  they  might  be  exaltation  o.^' • 
prepared  to  battel  againft  Ifrael:  and  Achis  fayd  to  Dauid:  Daui^. 
Knowing  knoNT  thou  now,  that  thou  shale  goe  forth  with 

i  mein  the  campe,  thou,  and  thy  men,  f  And  Dauid  fayd  to- 
Achis:  Now  thoushalc  know'what  thy  fcruant  wil  doe_--. 
And  Achis-  (ayd  co  Dauid:  Arrd  I  wil appoint  theekcper  of 

5  my  head  al  daies.  f  And  Samuel  w.'is  dead,  andallfrael  mour- 
ned for  hiin-,  and  buried  him  in  Ramathahis  citic.  And  Saul 

4  tookeal  the  niagiciansand  foothfayers  oat  of  the  land. -f- And 
the  Philiftijms  K'e re  gathered  t©gether,and  came  and  camped 
in  Sunam:  and  Saul  alfo  gathered  together  al  IlVae),and  came 

5  intoGelboe.  t  A-ndSaul  faw  the  campe  of  the  Philiftijms, 

6  and  fcarcJ",  and  his  hart  was  afrayd  excedingly.  f  And  he 
confultcd  our  Lord,  and  he  anfwercd  him  nor,  neitherb/ 

7  drcamcs,  nofl-,y  priiftes,norbypn5phetcs.  t  AndSaulfayd 
to  hisfcruanres:  Seekc  me  a  woman  that  haih  a  pithonicai 
fpiticc,  and  I  wil  goe  ro  her,  and  wii  askc  by  her.  And  his  fcr- 
uantcs fayd  to  him:  Th<fre is  a  woman  chat  hath  a  pithonicai 

3  (piriccin  Endor.  f  He  therefore  changed  his  habire  and  was 

clothed  with  other  garmentes, and  he  went  himfclFe, and  two 

men  with  him,  and  they  came  to  the  woman  in  the  nighr, 

and  fayd  to  her:.  Dcuine  vnto  me  in  the  pythonical  fpirite, 

9  aadraiicmeyp  whom  I  fl)altchhee.  t  And  the  woman  fayd 

•    sohim:Loe;thouknowcft  ^  hat  great  thinges  Saul  hath  donc>; 

6^0  First  bookb       _        Saul  confulteth a 

and  how  he  hath  rayfed  the  magicians  and  Tothfayers  out  of 
the  land:  why  therefore  doeft  thou  lye  in  waitc  for  ray  life, 
that  I  may  be  flaine  ?  -f  And  Saul  f^orare  vnto  her  in  our  Lord,  i& 
laying  :  Our  Lord  liueth,  there  shal  no  euil  happen  vnto  thee 
for  this  thmg.  f  And  the  womanfayd  tohim;  Whom  fliall  ii 
rayfe  vp  to  thee  ?  Who  layd  :  Raife  me  vp  Samacl.  f  And   ii 
when  the  woman  had  feene  Samuel,  fhe  cried  out  with  a  loud 
voice,  and  fayd  to  Saul :  Why  haft  thou  deceiued  me  ?  for  thou 
art  Saul,  f  And  the  King  fayd  to  her:  Feare  not :  what  fawcft  13 
;:  Not  manle  thou  ?  And  the  woman  fayd  to  Saul :  I  faw  "  Goddes  coming 
©ttconeexccl-  outof  the  earth,  f  And  he  fayd  to  her  :  What  maner  of  forme   14 
lent  perfon,an  j^^^j^  ^^^  ,  ^^^  ^^  ^.  ^^  ^^  ^^^  -^  ^^^^^         ^^^  ^^  -^  clothed 
oidmaneome       .  ,  1    *     j  //  r      1  1^11-  o  1 

lie  in  apparel .  '^^^"  ^  mantel.  And  Saul  *  vndcrftood  that  it  was  Samuel, 
:t  Saul  adored  and  he  bowed  himfelfe  vpon  his  face  on  the  earth,  and  '■  ado- 
noc  Samacl  red.  f  And  Samuel  fayd  to  Saul:  why  haft  thou  difqaietedij" 
h'noMr^'but  ."^^'^natl  (houldberaifedvp?  And  Saul  fayd,  I  am  in  great 
Ji"Kduiia,re-  ^^^^^^^-  ^^^'  ^^^  Philiftijms  fight  againft  me,  and  God  Tsde- 
werenccdiieto  parted  from  mc,and  would  nor  heare  me,  neither  in  the  hand 
abldiedfoulc.  of  prophetes,  nor  by  dreames :  therefore  I  haue  called  thee, 

that  thou  (houldeft  ihew  me,  what  I  rtial  doc.  -f  And  Samuel  iS 
layd:  Why  askeft  thou,  whereas  our  Lord  is  departed  from 
thee,  and  is  palTed  to  thine  aduerfaxic  ?  f  For  our  Lord  wil  17 
doecotheeashcfpakcinmy  hand,  and  he  wil  cut  thy  king- 
dome  out  of  thy  hand,  &wilge«citto  thy  neighbour  D.iuid:   " 
t^^C''^''-^^'^ '^^lo'-^^^^f^  •''^i^ohcyed  the  voice  of  our  Lord, neither  18 
didft  thou  thewrarh  oFhis  furie  in  Amalec.  Therefore  that 
which  thou  fLiffereft  hath  our  Lord  done  to  thee  this  day. 
t  And  our  Lord  wil  geuelfraelalfo  with  thee  into  the  handes  19 
of  the  Phililliijms  :and  to  morow  thou  and  thy  fonnes  ll-ial  be 
j:  In  i^ate  of    ::  v/ith  me  :  yea  the  campe  alfo  of  Ifrael  wil  our  Lord  dcliuer 
^''tv"tJ  Hd"  into  the  handcs  of  the  Philiftaijms.  f  And  forthwith  Saul  2^ 
tt'^ri'iiThc    '   ^'^^  ftcctched  forth  on  the  ground,  for  he  feared  much  the 
fame  particw-  wordes  of  Samuel,  and  there '^as  no  ftrength  in  him^bccaufe 
kr  ftate-  he  had  not  eaten  bread  al  that  day.  t  That  woman  therefore   21 

went  vnto  Saul  ( for  he  was  very  much  trublcd  )  and  fayd  to 
him:  Brhold  thy  handniaide  hath  obeied  thy  voice, and!  banc 
put  aiy  life  inmy  hand  .•  and  I  heard'rhe  wordes,  which  thou 
fpakefi:  to  me.  f  Now  therefore  heare  tliou  alfo  the  voice  of  22 
thy  handmaide,and  I  wilfer  before  thee  a  morfel  of  bread, 
that  eating  tliou  maycil  recouer  ftrength,  and  be  able  to  goe 
onthyionrney*  f  Whorefured,aiidfayd:  I  wilnoceate.  But  ^ 


pidiomcal  fpiritc  of  king  es.  ^31 

kis  feruanrcs  and  the  woman  forced  him,  and  at  length  hea- 
ring their  voice,  he  arofc  from  the  ground,  and  fate  vpon  the 
»4  bcJ.  t  And  that  woman  had  a  pafture  fed  calfein  the  houfe, 
and  ftic  made  haft,  and  killed  him  :  and  taking  mcaleknedcd 
i;  it,  and  baked  azimes,  f  and  fctte  before  Saul,  and  before  his 
feruanteSjwho  vhen  they  had  eaten  rofc  vp ,  and  Nj'-alkcd 

al  that  nioht. 

Chap.     XXVIIL 


f!^!iil  ynclerjiiod  that  it  yyas  Samuel.  ]  It  is  not  defined  nor  certainc,  whc- 
thcrtheCoulc  of  Samuel  appeared,  oianeuilfpirit  tookc  Kisfhapc,  andfpakc 
-to  Saul.  S-Augultinf/*.  2.7. 5.  <ti  J'»w/'/»Vm»)  propofeth  both  the  opinions  as 
probable.  VVlieie  firft  he  fiiewcth,  thatSamuclsfoulc  might  appcaie;  cither  ^'  AHguftins 
brouf^ht  thithei  by  the  euilfpirite,  whichisnotfo  much  to  bemeraeledat,  as  "Pi"i^n  whc= 
that  our  Lord  andSauiGurfuiiFeied  him  felf  tobcfcttc  vpon  the  pinnacle  of  the  J."^^  SamucU 
temple,  and  tobecaricdintoahighraountaine  by  thediucl;  yea  to  be  taken  ^'^"'^  appea- 
prlfoner, bound, whipped,  and  crucified,  by  the  diuelsminiftersror  els  that  the  red,  or  no. 
ipivite  of  the  holie  prophet,  was  not  raifed  by  force  of  the  inchantmcnt,  or 
aniepowre  of  the  diuel,  but  by  Gods  fecrcte  ordinance  vnkmowen  to  the  py- 
thonical  woman,  and  to  Saul, and  fo  appeared  in  the  kings  prefence,  and  ftrokc 
him  withdiuinefentcnccAgaineheanfwercth,  that  there  may  be  a  more  eafic 
and  readicfenfe  of  this  place,  to  v/it,  tha  t  Samuels  fpirite  (orfaule)  was  not  in 
dccde  raifed  ,  but  an  imaginarie  illufion  made  by  the  diucls  inchantmcnt, 
whichfemcd  to  be  Samuel,  and  which  the  Scripture  calleth  by  the  name  of  Sa- 
muel, as  pictures  or  images  are  commonly  called  thofeperfons  or  thingesj  j^ofg  proba- 
which  they  rcprefcnt.  So  when  wc  behold  pi6lures  inatable,  or  ona  vral,  we  ble  thathisvc- 
fay,  this  is  Cicero,  that  is  Salufl:,  that  Achilles,  that  is  Rome.  To  this  effects,  ^.j^  [o^]q  ap_ 
Auguftin  difcourfcth  more  atlarge  in  the  place  before  cited.  But  in  an  other  pgaj-gd    not    ' 
\voikc\i^mtcn  zftcx  [  ife  cum  pro  mortuisrerenda.  c.  15.)  teaching  that  foules  of  compel'ledbv' 
the  dead  appearefomctimes  tothcliuing,  hefaicth  cxprcfly,  Samuel  the  prophet  the  cuil  fpirite 
hang  dead,  jortteUfnture  thin^es  to  K^ing  Saul  yet  liuing.  Though  fome  be  of  opi-  ^J^t  obeying: 
Mion(  faicth  he]  that  Samuel  himfclf  appeared  not,  but  fo'meeuilfpirittookc  Qq^^  fccrct* 
hisfimiluude,    .  ordinance. 

And  this  laft  iudgcment  of  S.'Auguftin  is  much  confirmed  ;  firft  by  the  wor- 
ses of  this  text,  literally  and  pla'nly  affirming  that  S^imuel  appeared,  and  fpakc     .  f,  c 
lo  Saul,  and  Sdi\i\io\\\m.iniih3itSAn\yni.nflood{orl,ney'v^noton\jt)\oxi^t,  FirftprootC* 
imagined,  or  (uppofed)  that  h  yvas  samncl.  Secondly,  this  apparition  came 
fooner,  prcucnting  the  inchantment,  and  in  better  order,  then  the  pithonical             * 
vomanexpeaed.asappearethby  herap.fwerjfayingflic  faw  God  (  or  an  ex- 
cellent pcrfon)  afcending  In  comclic  maner  andattytc  :  whereas cuilfpiritcs 
vfcd  to  appe£rc( as  the  Rabbins  teftifie)  in  vglic  bodies,  with  the  heelcs  into 
the  ayer,and  head  downward.  Thirdly,  the  Author  of  Eccleflafticus  (  ch. 46.) 
amongft  the  prayfcs  of  Samuel  the  prophet,  izlcthjie  fief>t,  (or  died)  and  m-              * 
tifted  the King.andshn'yed to  him,the endof  hislife.  VVhcre  it  femcth  clcrc,  that 

she ikjncpcfibntiiatdicdjdenouaced  Gods  wilaadkfttcflcc  to  Saul.  Mareouer 

•^52.  First  BOO  KE  Dauid. 

if  itha(!beneatiiIlufronofan  cuil  fpiritc,  it  >rouId  hardly  feme  anie  praifcat 
\  al.  Fouichly  ,  the  diuel  could  not  naturally  forerel  thatSaul   ahd  his  fonnes, 

with  mmicofthe  people  fhould  be  flainc  the  next  day,  and  Dauid  rcigne 
after  him:  neither  is  it  probable,  that  God  rcueilcd  fuch  {ecrctes  to  euil  {pi- 
rites,  whsrby  raenmi^ht  take  more  occafion  to  £o\o\p  nicromancic.  Fiftly, 
J  raoft  Fathers  and  Do£tois  arc  of  the  fame  ludgctnent .  S.  luflinus  Marryt.  tex.parl 

T>i<iiigo  cumTuphone.S.  Bifjl.  Epifl.  io . ad Eiifiatbiutn. S .  AmhtoCc It.  i .  t»  Luc.  i.   zxo. 
S.Hierorn.»«  //^j^e.y.  lofepbus /».<;.  c.  ij.vl^^wn^i.andmanic other  old  ^nd  late 
wiiters.  The  chiefeCl  argument  for  the  other  opinion  is  thcauthoritie  of  Tcr- 
tullian./».^f<i)^»'«'<.  Pi'ocopius  andEuchciias  vpon  this  place,  and  the  vncer- 
taiaea»thors,  Quejlionum  ap»dl»fiinHm.q,  jt.  lib.  demirabil.  Sac.  Script,  nnd  ^rfl, 
'vei.Tf(ltmenti,c].x7.  ajmd  jlu^^Hlimum,  j^.   As  fchrthcProtcflantcs  dc- 
nyinrr,  ihatfoules  onccpartcd  from  their  bodies,  can  appcare  to  anie  aline, 
Soules  Tome-   S  Auguftinconfutcth  them,bothby  this  cxampleof  Samuel ,  fuppodngthe  loced*- 
times  appcare  bookc  ofEcclefiafticustobeCanoBicalScripturc,  andofMoyfes  being  dead,  tatt, 
after  death.      andElias  yctliumg(  whom  theyhold  alfo  to  be  dead)  bath  appearing  with 
Chriftinhis  transfiguration.  Wrft.i7« 

Chap.    XXIX. 
•Piuidi^oing  With  the  phUf/iijms  torvards  the  tParre,  4.  the  princes  l/rfe  and 
[tree  thekjn^  to  fend  him  buck. 


Herefore  al  the  companies  of  the  Philiitijir.s  were  t 
gathered  together  into  Aphcc  :  and  Ifrael  alfo  camped 
vpon  the  fountaine, which  vras  in  lezrahcl.  •\  And  the  prince's'  2. 
in  dcde  of  the  Philiftijms  marched  in  hundreds  and  thou- 
fandestbut  Dauid  and  his  men  >3rerein  the  lad  companic  with 
Achis.  t  And  the  princes  of  the  Philidijms  fayd  to  Achis:  .5 
■What  raeane  thefe  Hebrcves  ?  And  Achis  fayd  to  the  princes 
oFthe  Phihftijms :  Doe  you  not  kno\j'C  Dauid,  which  waf 
thefe^-uantof  Saul  che  king  of  Ifrael,  and  is  with  me  manic 
jtl^efpeaketh  daics  i  or  '-'•  ycares  »  and  I  haae  not  found  any  thing  in  hini_>, 
hy  ampllfica.  finccthc  day  that  he  (led  to  me,  vntil  this  day?  f  But  the  4 
tjon  to  mike  princes  of  the  Philiftiims  NJ^cre  an^rie  againft  him  ,  and  fayd 
iTiorer-arona-  ^^      ''^ '  ^^^  ^"^^  ^^^'^  returnc,  and  abide  m  his  place, -qcherein 
hie:  whereas  thou  haft  appointed  him  ,  and  let  him  notgocdownewich  vs 
the  tine  of     into  battel,  lert  he  become  an  aduerfarie  to  vs,  vrhcnweflial 
Da«'^J  abode  beginnc  to  fight:  for  hovs*  can  he  orhcrvrifc  pacific  his  lord, 
but  in  our  heade??  f  Is  not  this  Diuid,  to  whom  they  fang  5" 



m  was 
or. re  mo- 

rvpthcs.c/;.  17.  ^"  dxnces,  faying:  Saul  hith  ftrooke  his  rhoufandes,  &  D mid 
V.7.  his  tea  th?Mi!andes  ?  t  Achis  therefore  called  Dauid, and  fayd  6 

to  hi'.Ti  -.The  Lordliueth,  thouart  iuft,and  good  in  my  fight: 
and  rhy  going  out,  &  chy  coming  in  is  with  me  in  the  cimpc: 
and  1  haae  not  found  in  thee  anie  euil,  fince  the  day  that  thou 
eattieft  to  ms  vntil  thisday ;  but  thou pleafeft  not  the  nobles, 

'\  Returi^ 

Dauldo'  OF    KING  E  J.  ^53 

7  f  Rctarne  therefore ,  and  goe  in  peace,  and  offend  not  the 

S   eies  of  the  princes  of  the  Phili{lijms.  f  AndDauidfayd  to 

Achis:  For  xirhat  haue  I  donc,and  what  haft  thou  found  in  me 

thy  feruant,  fince  the  day  thati  hauebecnein  thy  fight,  vnril 

this  day, that  I  may  not  come,and  fight  againft  the  enemies  of 

9  my  lord  the  King?  t  And  Achis  an  fvcringfpake  to  Dauid: 

I  know  that  thou  art  good  in  my  iight,  as  an  Angel  of  God  ; 

but  the  princes  of  the  Philiftijms  hauc  fayd  :  Heshalnotgoe 

io  vp  witii  vs  into  battel,  f  Therefore  arifc  in  the  morning, 

thou,  and  the  feraantesof  thy  lord,  which  came  with  thee  : 

and  when  you  arc  rifen  in  ths  night,  anditshalbeginne  to 

II  waxe  light ,  goe  foreward.  f  Dauid  therefore  arofe  in  the 

night,  he  and  his  men,  that  they  might  fette  foreward  in  the 

morning,  and  returne  to  the  land  of  the  Philiftijms  :  and  the 

Philiftijms  went  vp  into  Iczrahel. 

Chap.  XXX. 
J^duid  tcturningto  Siceleg^  jindeth  it  burned  and  f^Qiled ,  anciJjtmfelf  in 
danger  of  thebeofle :  7.  B^  ourLerds  '^xrunt  be  furfueth  thcenemie,  ir<. 
takfih  4gHide:  ij.  rccouereth  al that  yicas  takm  dWay.  ii.  and rcWdrdeth 
the  fouldiars  j  alfo  thofe  that  fiayed  fifith  the  ^dggage  j  i J.  mak^ing  it 4 
Uwe  for  the  time  to  come,  shxt  the  peepers  of  the  barrage ,  shal  haue  Itkf 
share  Tfiith  thofe  that  fight  tn  battel. 

1  A  Nd  when  Dauid  and  his  men  were  come  to  Siceleg 
uTL  the  third  day,  the  Amalecites  had  made  an  inuafion  on 
the  fouth  fide  into  Siceleg,  and  had  ftrooken  Siceleg, and 

2  burnt  it  with  fire,  t  And  had  led  away  wemcn  captiuc  out  of 
it,  from  the  lefTcvnto  the  great:  and  had  not  killed  any  man, 
bur  had  led  them  with  them,  and  went  on  their  iourney. 

3  -f  when  Dauid  therefore  and  his  men  were  come  to  the  citit, 
and  had  found  it  buriat  with  fire,  and  their  wiucsi,  and  their 

4  fonries,  and  their  daughters  to  be  led  away  captiue,  |  Dauid 
and  the  people  that  was  with  him,  lifted  vp  their  voices,  and 

5  mourned  til  rcares  faylcdthera.  -f  For  the  two  wiues  alfo  of 
Dauid  were  led  away  captiue,  Achinoam  thelezracHte,  and 

6  Abigail  the  wife  of  Nabal  of  C'lrmel .  f  And  Dauid  was 
llrooken  very  fad:  for  the  people  would  haue  ftoned  him, 
becanfethefouleof  eueric  man  was  bitterly  affeded  vpon 
their  fonnes  ,  and  daughters*  but  Dauid  was  ftrengrhened  in  , 

7  our  Lord  his  God.  t  And  he  fayd  to  Abiatha-r  the  prieft  the  ^  ... 
fonne  of  Achiraelech:  Applie  -  vnto  m«  the  Ephod.  And  Loj^jf^^^g^^J 

Hhhh  Abiathar 

^34  First   books.  DauiJ; 

Baaldby  the    Abiathar  applied  the  Ephod  to  Dauid,  f  and  Dauid  confuhcd  S 
Son^^wTs'ili-^'  O""^  Lord,  faying:  Shil  I  purfucthefc  theeues,  and  shall  take 
ftniftcd  wlut    '^^"^^'^  "o-  And  our  Lord  fayd  to  him:  Purfue  them:  for  thou 
iodo.  sJialt  take  them  without  doubt,  &  take  from  them  the  prayc. 

•f-  Dauid  therefore  went  himfelfc ,  and  the  fix  hundred  men    ^ 
that  were  vrith  him,  and  they  came  vnto  the  Torrent  Befor : 
&  fome  being  wcaneftayed.f  But  Dauid  himfelf,  and  foure  i® 
hundredmenpurlued:  for  tw^o  hundred  ftayed,  who  being 
wearie  could  not  paiTe  the  Torrent  Befor.  t-And  they  found  li 
an  i£gyptian  in  the  field, and  brought  him  to  Dauid:  and  they 
gauehim  bread  to  eatc,and  water  todrin-k,  f  andalfoapeecc  12 
of  amafTeofdrie  figges,  and  two  bunches  ofrcfinncs.  Who 
when  he  had  eateB,hisfpir!Ee  returned, and  he  was  refreshed: 
for  he  had  not  eaten  bread,  nor. drunken  water  three  daies, 
and  three  nighres.  t  Dauid  therefore  i"ayd  to  Kim. 'Whofe  art  if 
thou  ?  or  whence  ?  and  whither  goefl:  thoa  ?  who  fayd  :  I  am 
fi,yongmanof^gypt,thefefuant  of  an  Amalacire  :  and  my 
maifterhath  Icifr  me,  becaute  I  began  to  be  fuke  three  diies^ 
agone.  f  For  we  brake  fo-rth  at  the  fouth  fide  of  Cercthi,  i^.'. 
and  againft  luda,  and  at  the  fouth  of  Caleb",  and  burnt  Siceleg 
withhre.  t  AndDauii  fayd  to  him;  Canft  thou  bring  mc  to 'ij? 
thiscompmie?  Whofayd:  Ssrcarc  tome  by  Gad  ,  that  thou 
"wiltnot  kilmc,nordeIiuer  me  into  the  handes  of  my  lord,, 
and  I  wil  bring  thee  co  this  companie.  And  D.iuid  fwaie  to 
liim.f  who  when  he  had  brought  them,  behold  they  fare  16 
vpon  the  face  of  al  the  earth,  eating  and  drinking,  and  as  ic 
Nrcrekcpingfeftiu^lday,  foral  the  prave,  and  fpoilcs  which 
they  had  taken  out  ofthe  Land  of  the  Philiftijms^and  out  of 
the  Land  of  luda.  t  And  DauiJ  ftrokc  them  from  cucning  17 
vntil  the  eucning  of  the  next  day,  and  there  efcaped  not  anie 
of  them,  but  foure  hundred  yongmen,  which  had  gotten 
Tpon  camels,  and  were  fled,  f  Dauid  therefore  reskcwcdal  iS 
thingcs,  that  the  Amalccites  had  taken, and  he  reskewed  his 
two  wiues.  f  Neither  was  there  anie  wanting  from  litle  to   19 
great  as  wcl  of  their  fonnes  as  of  their  daughters,  andof  the 
fpoilcs,  and  what  thingcs  (oeusr  they  had  taken_.,  Dauid 
brought  al  againe.  f  And  he  tooke  al  the  flockes  Sc  heardcs,  im 
and  draue  them  before  his  face  :  and  they  fayd  :  This  i$  the 
prayeof  Dauid.  f  And  Diuid  came  to  the  two  hundred  men,  11 
•which  being  wcarie  had  (laied,  neither  were  able  to  folow 
PiUiJ^ariJ  h;- havi  bidden  ihem  to  reft  in  the  Torrent  Befor: 
h  '      ■  vh£ 

Dauld.  Saul  xtv  Zivctf,  €$f 

trho  came  forth  to  mectc  Dauid,and  the  people  that  xrerc 
■with  him.  And  DauiJ  coming  to  the  people, ra}utcd  rhcm 

21  peaceably,  t  And  cueric  naughtie,  and  kicked  felow  of  the 
men,jhat  had  gone  \pith  Dauid  anrvcring,  fayd  :  Becaufc 
they  came  not  vich  vs,  we  vril  not  geue  them  anie  thing  of 
the  praye,  which  vre  haue  recoucred  :  but  let  their  wife  an4 
children  fuffice  cuerie  man,  vhom  vhcn  they  haue  receiued, 

tj  let  them  depart,  t  But  Dauid  (ayd;  You  Qnalnot  doe  fo  ray 
brethren,  of  thefc  tkinges, which  our  Lord  hath  dcliucred  to 
v$,  and  hath  kept  vs,  and  hath  geuen  the  theeues,  that  wer« 

24  broken  out  againftvs ,  into  our  handes-.f  neither  (halanic 
man  h'care  you  vpon  this  taike.For  there  flial  be  equal  portion 
ofhimthac  went  do  wne  into  battel,  and  of  him  that  abode  at 

2;  the  baggage,  (?c  they  shaldiuide  alike,  t  And  this  harhbeenc 

downe  from  that  day,  and  eucr  after  ••  it  was  decreed,  and  .-..  jt  is  a^t  ti 

ii  ordained  as  a  law  in  Ifrael.  t  Dauid  therefore  came  into  Sice-  gainflGeds   * 

leg,  and  fent  gifccs  of  the  praye  to  theancicntcsof  luda  his  ^^^"laadincBr; 

neighboures,  lavin^  :  Take  a  benedidion  of  the  praye  of  our    ,  "'^■'^•^'  i*- 

T     ^i  .         -T<      1  I  •     «     I    I     '  I    1  ^^  make  nc^ 

17  Lords  enemies. t  To  them, that  were  in  Bethel,and  that  were  hwes,fo  thev 

in  Ramoth  toward  the  South,and  them  that  were  in  Gether,  be  coDforma, 

iS  f  and  them  in  Arocr,  and  them  in  Sephamoth,  andthemin  ^1^,  &iiotcon 

ap  Efthamo,t  and  them  in  Rachal,  and  them  in  the  cities  of  le-  f"/'****!?***^' 

30  rameel,  and  them  in  the  cities  of  Semi,  f  and  them  in  Hara-    °  *"  . ^*if 
ma,  and  them  in  the  lake  of  Afan  ,  and  them  in  Athach, 

31  t  and  them  in  Hebron,  and  to  the  reft  that  were  in  thofff 
places,  in  the  which  Dauid  had  taried,  and  his  men. 

Chap.    XXXL 
J4ul  '^ith  hiifonnes  are  Jlainein  ^Mttel.  7.  The  ThtUJiijmsfepJie  ihefUce, 

4nd  hang  the  dedd  hodia  en  d  tVdl,  ir.  but  Ifdlidnt  men  of  Jdbes  GaUdd 

tdke  them  dWJjfy  andhiirne  them,  bane  tbtir  bones,  dnd  fd^feuen  ddjes. 

I  \  N  D  the  Phihfhjms  fought  againftlfracl,  and  the  men 
wcXof  Ifrael  fled  before  theface  of  the  Phi!iftijms,andfei 

a  being  flaine  in  mount  Gelboe.  f  And  the  Philiftijmsfel  vpon 
Saul,  and  vpon  his  fonnes.  and  they  ftroke  lonathas,  and  A- 

3  binadab,and  Melchifua  the  fonnes  of  Saul,  t  and  the  whole 
weight  of  the  battel  was  turned  vpon  Saul:  and  the  archcrj 
ouertookehim,  and  he  was  fore  wounded  of  the  archers. 

'4  J  And  Saul  fayd  to  his  efquier:  Drawc  out  thy  fword,  and 

ftrike  me  :  left  perhaps  thefe  vncircuracifed  come,  and  kilmc,  i'.^^"J-^'""'S 
mocking  me.  And  his  cfquicr  would  not  .-for  he  was  frighted  tCt  he  wa" 
'^^'■^  exccding  fearc.  Saul  therefore  caught  his  fword,  and  fcl  woundtd  by 

H  h  h  h  a  vpon 

jiiifieth  tbofe 
that  beintr  o 

^3^  First-boo  KE  Saulflaine* 

feh^nimicsfi-  ypon  it.  f  "Which  when  his  efquier  had  feene,  to  vrir  that  Saul  j 
was  deadjhimfclFe  alfo  fcl  vpon  his  fword  and  died  with  him. 

%"'  fSaul  therefore  died,andliis  three  Tonnes,  &  his  efquiei-,and  6 

tcntationsdc-  al  his  men  in  that  day  together.  +  And  the  children  of  Ifrael,  7 
fperatly  per-    that  were  beyond  the  valley,  and  be'yond  Jordan,  fcing  that 
die  fnThiif  ^  che  men  of  Ifrael  were  fied,  and  that  Saul  was  dead,  and  his 
£nVe!i.Grf?-/°""^^'  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^  citics,  and  fled:  and  .the  Phihftijms 
he.  10.  '       "  came,  and  dwelt  there,  t  And  when  the  next  day  was  come,  8' 
:;  Thefc  men  the  Philiftijms  came  to  fpoiie  therm  that  were  flame,  and  they 
blefor^"i*'  ^^"'^'^^^^'^^'l  ^^^^  ^'V'ee  fonnes,  lying  in  mount  Gclboe_.. 
tHdeto^lris    "^  ^"^'^^^ey'li^cutofSaulcshead,andfpoiledhimof  his  ar-  9 
Saul,  who  had  "^o^'j^f^^^^^i^^i^fot^ie  land  of  the  Phiiiftinns  roundabout, 
deliaercd         that  if  fhould  be  declared  in  the  temple  of  their  Idols,  and 
them.  c/;n     among  their  people,  f  And  they  did  put  his  arniourinthe  10 

w^rflTrla-    ^^"^P^^'°^^^^''°^^''^"'^^^*  ^^^^^  ^^^y  h"^"g  on  the  of 
lying  the  ■      Bcthfam.  f  Which  when  -  the  inhabircrs  of  labes  Galaad  11 
dead; for/';>f;e  had  heard  whatfoeuer  the  Phihftijms  had  done  to  Saul,  f  al  u 
towards  their  the  moft  valiant  men  arofc,  &  walked  al  the  night,  and  tooke 

ccsf  and  ^for '  ^^^  ^^"^^^  °^  ^^^^^  ^""^  ^^^^  ^O'^^"  ^'^^^»5  fonncs.  from  the  v^;al 
ft»rJ^«c/dn  ar-  °^^^'^^^^^^".^"^^^iey  came  to  libes  Galaad,  and  burnt  them 
chiuing  fohc-  there  :  t  ^"d  they  tooke  their  bones  ,  and  buried  them  ip.  13 
loicaian  ad.    the  wood  of  labes^  and  fafted  feuen  daics. 


IholW  ofoa!  R  ^,  '  V°  ^  '  ^  of  the  firfi  hoohj,  and  heginnin^  of  the  third 

jjjjd  XJ  this  (ccondbooke  ts  yi^hoUy  (if  King  Dduid.  rriofe  mttnte  Undible 

c^fles,  as  alfo  his  fauttes  (which  wm  fewer  )  with  his  true  repentance,  and 

punishment  are  related,  not  in  fiith  method,  as  may  e^ftly  he  diuided  into  di- 

His  Cuce^daotifif^^  P*''lfh^^o>'der  of  the  chapters-^but  according  to  the  d^^inH-ion  ofthinges 

(to  the  king-      conteined,  his  fuccefion  to  the  royal  croWne,jirfi  in  Iiid.i,and  after  in  al 

<dom.  ifrael,  with  the  declination  and  death  of  his  competitour  hhofeth,  are  record- 

His  vcrtacs.     dedin  the  i,  ^o^.and  ^chapters.  His  yertties,aadpraifes,  to  nn^  hisfolemM 

mourning  for  SahI  and  that  familit,  his  d^imion,  fortitude, pietie,  arkdgrA'- 

au  .es.  titiide  are  fpecially  touched  in  the  i.  6:  7.8.9.  and  10. chapters.  His  ftnnes  of 

adiiltenc  ivith  Bethfabce,  of  ^.tiling  her  hiishand  Trias, of  pride  in  nttmbe" 

ring  his  people^  with  his  hartie  repentance,  and  temporal  punishment  for  the 

fame,  are  'Vfritten  from  the  I  r,  chapter  to  the  11,  together  '^ith  the  14.  The 

PxT-li  a  ^^'  '*"^^>*  ^^^p^erscontcynehis  tha'ik.efgeisingto  Godforheneftes  resaued^ 

^         '  .    AndprophedeofthinrestocQm-CAVithacAtaloTneofyaliAntmWt 

ophede  ofthinges  to  com-e^  with  a  catalogue  of  Valiant  mt}*^ 


^ f}7 

i--^^:g5'^5E5^^''  S^FZ^SBF^^g  garjr  ^n^g;  ^i^ 



Chap.     I. 

P^md  hearmg  that  S4ul  and lonathas  dre  JIawe,  ii.mottrneth  mthttlhU 
famtliey^eefin^and  fafrin^.i^.CAufeth  him  to  he  pine  whe  affirmed 
that  be  had  killed  km^  Saul.  iS.  He  traineth  ^f  archers.  19.  andiniik- 
teth  alfo  al  Ijrael  to  mourne. 

Nd  it  came  to  pafTc,  after  that  Saul  was  dead, 
that  Dauid  returned  from  rhe  flaught er  of  Ama- 
lec,  and  laryed  in  Siceleg  two  daycs.  t  And  in  the 
third  day  there  appeared  a  man  coming  out  of 
Sauls  campe,  his  garments  torne,  and  fprinkled 

on  the  head  with  duft,  and  as  he  came  to  Dauid,  he  ki  vpon 
^  his  face,  and  adored,  f  And  Dauid  faid  vnto  him:  Whence 

comeftthou?  Whofaidtohim  ••  I  Hedde  outof  the  campeof 

4  Ifrael.  t  And  Dauid  faid  vnto  him:  What  is  the  matter  that 
is  done  1  tel  me.  Who  faid  :  The  people  is  fled  out  of  the  bat- 
tel, and  many  of  the  people  are  ouerthrowen  and  dead  :  yea 

5  Saul  alfo  and  lonathas  his  fonnc  are  dead,  t  And  Dauid  faid 
to  the  yong  man  that  told  him  :  How  knoweft  thou  that 

6  Saul  is' dead  5  and  lonathas  his  fonne_v?  f  And  the  young 
man  that  told  him ,  fayd :  '•'-  By  chance  I  came  into  mount 
Gelboe,  and  Saul  leaned  vpon  his  fpeare:  raoreouer  the  cha- 

7  riots  and  hoifemen  approched  vnto  him,  f  and  turning  back- 
ward ,  and  feing  me  he  called.  To  whom  when  I  had  an- 

S  fwered,  here  I  am  :  t  he  faid  to  mc  :  Who  art  thou?  And 
s)  I  faid  to  him  :  I  am  an  Amalecite,  f  And  he  faid  to  mc :  Stand 

vponme,andkiIme:becaufe  anguiihcs  hold  mc,  and  asyet 
JO  al  my  life  is  in  me.  t  And  flanding  vpon  him,  I  killed  him: 

fori  kncwe  that  he  could  not  hue  after  the  fal  .•  and  I  tooke 

the  Diademc  that  was  on  his  head,  Sc  the  braceletre  from  his 
II  arms,  and  haue  brought  to  thee  my  lord  hither,  f  And  Dauid 

taking  his  5^arments  rent  them, and  al  the  men  that  were  with 
li.  him,-]-  and  they  ••  mourned, and  wept,and  faded  vntil  cuening 

vpon  Sawl  and  vpoa  lonathas  his  Tonne,  and  vpon  the  people 

:.*Hc  faincdal 
this,  thinck- 
uoure  (for 
Saul  killed 
himfelf,  /»,  i, 
ff>.  31.)  but  Da- 
uid puniftici 
him,  as  fucha 
crime  defer- 
ued.  -y.  15. 

::  Exequies  of 
Saul  ohfevuci 



»}ng  vcffpitig 
and  fiAmg. 

flhijms  were 
fi:rong&  cun- 
ning archers 
therefore  Da- 
yid  comman- 
ded that  his 
ihoald  lcrnc 
she  famema- 
Bcrot  tight. 


^3^  Second  booIce  Dauicfe 

ofourlord^mdrpontheiioureof  Ifracl,  beeaufcthey  wfre 

fallen  by  the  fvord.f  And  Diaid  faid  to  thcyongmm  that 

had  told  him:  whence  arc  thou?  Who  anrwered  :  I  am  the 

fonneofamanaftrangcr  of  Amalcc.-t  Dauid  faid  to  him:  14 

'^hydidft  thou  not  fcarc  to  put  to  thy  hand,tokil  the  an- 

noinredof  ourLord?  f  And  Dauid  calling  one  of  his  fer-  i; 

uants/dd:  Goe  runnevpon  him.Who  ftrokc  him,and  he  died. 

t  And  Dauid  faid  to  him:  Thy  bloud  be  vpon  thins  ownc  16 

head;  for  thyn  owne  mouth  hath  fpoken  againft  thee,  faying: 

Ihaueflainetheannoinrcdof  our  Lord,  f  And  Dauid  mour-  17 

ned  this  kind  of  mourning  vpon  Saul.and  vpon  lonathas  his 

fonnes(t  and  he  commanded  that  they  fliould  "  teach  the   i§ 

children  of  luda  the  bovre, as  it  is  \3fritten  jn  the  Booke  of 

the  iud.)  And  he  fatd :  Confider,o  Urael  for  them  that  be  dead 

wounded  vpon  thy  high  places,  f  The  Nobles,  6  IfraeJ,  are  19 

flaync  vpon  thy  mountaynes:  how  are  the  valiants  fallen? 

■f  Tel  K  not  in  Geth,  neither  teiye  it  in  the  high  vaics  of  1® 

Afcalon:  left  perhaps  the  daughters  of  the  Phihfthijms  be 

gladdc,  left  the  daughters  of  the  vncircumcifed  rcioice^' . 

t  Mouncainesof  Gelhoe,  let  neither  dev7,  nor  raync  come  i» 

vpon  you,  neither  be  they  fields  of  the  firft  fruits:  becaufe- 

there  was  the  (bieldof  thevalianrescaft  away,  the  (hield  of 

Saul,  as  though  he  vrere  not  annointed  with  oylc.  -f  From  the  22. 

bloud  of  the  flaine,  from  the  fatte  of  the  valiants,  the  arrowc 

of  lonathasncuer  returned  backward, and  the  fword  of  Saul 

did  not  returne  craptic.  f  Saul  and  lonithas  amiable,  and  15 

comely  in  their  life, in  death  alfo  were  not  diuidcd:  fwifrer 

then  eagles,  ftrongef  then  lyons.  f  Yee  daughtets  of  Ifrael  24 

wccpe  vpon  Saul,  who  clothed  you  with  fcarlet  in  delicaces, 

who  gauc  golden  ornaments  to  yout  atryre.  f  How  haue  ly 

the  valiantes  fallen  in  batteljjonathas  bene  llayne  in  thy  high 

places?  t  I  am  forie  for  thee  my  brother  lonathas  exceeding  z^ 

beautiful,  and  amiable  aboue  the  loue  of  wemcn.  As  the 

mother  loucth  her  onliefonnc,  fo  did  I  loue  thee,  f  How  27 

haue  the  ftrong  fallen,  and  the  weapons  of  warrc  peri fhed? 

Chap.  II. 
Pah'i^U  receiued  4nd  Annointed  Ktrgof  lada.  y.  Ne  commendeth  thofe of 
Uhts  G*l4^dy  which  buried  SxhL  8.  lihofnh  the  fonne  of  Snul  reigneth 
msr  thi reji  of  ifrxel.  12.  whereby  rifeth  shdrpe  "^arrc  betWen  ^bntr  and 
Joab ,  chtej  ca^tamrs  of  the  nv9  {litres.  30.  I4'*ffie  more  are  Jlaine  of 
y^bners  f^rtte  then  of  hubs, 


6F   KINGES/  *  ^39 

I    r-|-^  Hherefore    after  thefe  thingcs  Dauid  confuUei 

1    our  Lord,  faying  :Shal  I  goevp  into  one  of  the  cities  of 

luda  I  And  our  Lord'faid  to  him  :  Goe  vp.  And  Dauid  faid  : 

"Whither  (Val  I  goevp  :-  Andhcan(\rcred  him:  Into  Hebron. 

I  t  Dauid  therefore  went  vp,  and  his  two  wiues.Achinoam  the 
5   Iezrahchte,andAbigail  the  vifcof  Nabalof  Carmcl:  t  y^^ 

and  the  men  al(o  thrWerc  vpith  him,  Dauid  brought  euery 
one  with  his  houshould:  and  they  f'bode  in  the  townes  of  f  le- 

4  bron.  -f  And  the  men  of  Iudacame,and  -  annoyiited  Da-  rrThisfccond 
uid  there,  to  reigneouer  the  houfe  of  luda.  And  it  was  told  ^'?,"°|i'^"J°^^* 

J  Dauid,  that  the  men  of  labesGalaad  had  buried  Saul,  t  E)a-  J,/°' 'J^'^^^ii 
uid  therefore  fcntmefTcngcrsvnto  the  raen  of  labes  Galaad,  contirnmcioa 
?.nd  fayd  vnto  them  ;  Blellcd  be  you  toour  Lord,  which  haue  andcoputkim 
done  this  roercie  with  your  lord  Saul,  and  haue  buried  him.  inpoikiUouof 

^  7  And  now  our  Lord  certes  wil  render  you  mcrcieand  truth  :  J^*  J^J^J^^" 
but  I  alfowil  requite  you  the  good  turne,for  that  you  haue  i^i^,^,^^^ 

7  dons  this  thing,  t  Let  your  handes  be  ftrcngthncd,  and  be 
yee  ftout  men  ;  for  ahhough  your  lord  Siul  be  dead,  yet  the 

8  houfe  of  luda  harh  annointcd  mc  to  be  their  king,  f  But  ^  ^ 
Abncrthefonneof  Ncr  prince  of  Sauls  armic,  tooke  Ifbo-  ■^^^''' 
feththefonneof  Saul,(5c  led  him  about  through  the  campe, 

^  t    and  ordained  him  king  ouer  Galaad,  and  ouer  Gelluri, 
and  ouer  Iczrahcl,  &:  ouer  Ephraim,and  ouei  Beniamin,  and 
ic  ouerallfrael.  f  Fourtie  yeares  old  was  Ifboleth  the  fonnc  ..Hcrcigncd 
of  Siul  when  he  began  to  reigneouer  lfrael,and  he  reigned  twoycatesbr 
-■  tvT'o  yeares:  and  only  the  houfc  of  luda  folowed  Dauid.  fore  he  bc- 

II  t  And  the  number  of  the  dales,  that  Dauid  abode,  reigning  gAnncmuch 
in  Hebron  ouer  the  houfe  of  luia,  was  fcuen  yeares  and  fix^^   echncbuc 

II  monethcs.  t  And  Abner  the  fonneot  Nurwent  rorth,  and  tcs^nj^  i/^jf 
thcftruantesof  Ifbofeth  the  fonne  ofSaul,  out  of  thecampc  forfolongDi 

IJ  into  Gabaon.  f  Moreoucr  loab  the  (onne  of  Saruia,  and  uiJreignei 
the  feruants  of  Dauid  went  forth,  and  metre  them  befide  onlyialad*.  - 
the  poolcof  Gabaofi;  and  when  th?y  were  come  together 
into  one  place,  they  fate  one  ouer  againft  an  other:  thefe 

14  on  theone  fiie  of  thepoole,  and  they  on  the  other,  j*  And 
Abner  faid  to  loab:  Let  the  yongmenrifc.and  -  play  before  \ 

1/  vs.  And  loab  anfwcred  :  Let  them  rife,  t  There  rofe  there-  i^apscorne*th 
fore  and  paflcd  twelue  in  number,  of  Beniamin,'  of  Ifbo-  thcphraifc, 
feths  part  thefonneof  Saul, and  twelueof  the  feruantes  of  thAt<;«/'4»wM 

U  Dauid.tAnd  euery  one  taking  the  headof  hismitc,(licked  his  p^^y"''  ypo»a» 
iwoid  into  the  fide  of  kisaducrfaric^  and  the;  fel  together :  •^;7:;.;;f^(;^^ 

^4©  S E co%D  BOOKS  Dauidl. 

f..«v,  tSiat  is,    ,r>c  the  name  of  the  pl-ice  was  called.The  field  of. the  raliantcJ, 
{Irike  and  kil    j„  Gabaoii.  f  And  there  rofc  a  very  fore  battel  in  that  day:  and  17 
wkh  llCort\  Abncr  was  put  to  flight,  &  the  men  of  Ifrael^by  the  leruantcs 
of  gunncs./a-  oFDiuid.  f  Ani  there  Nst^efc  there  the  three  fonnes  of  Saruia,  i§ 
fephi*sU.y.c.i.  Ioab,and  Abifai.and  AfacI :  tnoreouer  Afael  was  a  moftfwift 
^ntii.  raiiner,  as  it  were  one  of  the  roes,  that  abide  in  the  wooddes. 

f  Aad  Afacl  purfued  Abncr,  and  declined  not  to  the  right  19 
hand  nor  to  the  left  omitting  to  purfue  Abner.   f  Abner  zo 
therefore  looked  bscke  behind  him, and  faid:  Art  thou  Afael  ? 
Whoanf  rered:  lam   f  And  Abner  faid  to  him:  Goetothe  21 
right  han  1,  or  to  the  left,  and  apprehend  one  of  the  youug 
men,  and  take  to  thee  his  fpoyles.  But  Afael  would  not  Icaue 
but  vrged  him.  f  Aad  againe  Abner  faid  to  Afacl:  Retyre,  iz 
anddonot  folowemejeft  I  be  compelled  to  flicke  thee  to 
the  ground,  and  I  Ihal  not  be  able  to  lift  vp  my  face  to  loab 
thybrother.  f  who  contemned  to  heare,  and  would. not  goe  25 
a(idc:   Abner  therefore  ftroke  him,  with  his  fpeare  turned 
backein  the  priuy  partes,  and  thruft  him  through,  andjie 
dyed  in  the  fame  pUceiandal  thatpafTedby  that  place, ^T here- 
in Afael  fel  and  dyed,  did  ftay.  t  Bat  whiles  loab  and  Abifai  24 
parfu^d  Abner  Beeing, the  iiinnc  went  downc:  and  they  came 
as  farre  as  the  hil' of  the  water  conduit, that  is  ouer  againft  the 
valley  the  way  of  the  dcfert  in  Gabaon.  f  And  the  children  25 
©f  Beniamin  were  alTembled  together  to  Abner:  and  being 
gathered  in  a  plumpe, into  one  troupe,  tliey  ftoode  in  the 
roppeof  one  hil.  f  And  Abner  ciicd  our  to  Ipab,  and  faid  :   16 
Stialthy  fword  rage  vnto vttcr deftrudrion  ?  knowefl:  thou 
not  that  defperarion  is  dangerous?  how  long  difFerreft  thou 
to  fay  to  the  people,  that  they  leaue  to  purfue  their  brethren  ?    ' 
t  And  loab  faid:  Our  Lo.rd  liueth,  if  thou  hadeftTpoken,  27 
in  the  morning  had  the  people  retyredi,  from  purfuing  their 
brethren  ,  f  loab  therefore  founded  the  trurapette,  and  al  2§ 
the  armie  flood,  neither  did  they  purfue  Ifrael  any  further, 
nor  enter  into  fight.  I  And  Abncr  and  his  men  went  through  25 
the  champaine  country,  al  that  ni^;ht:  and  they  palFed  lordan, 
and  hauing  viewed  al  Bi^th  horon,came  to  the  campe.f  More-  30 
ouer  loab  returning, after  he  had  leift  Abncr, adcrabled  althe 
people:  and  there  wmted  of  Dauids  fcruantes  nintcne  men, 
bcfidc  Afacl.  f  But  thefevnantesof  Dauid  flroke  of  Benia-  51 
rain,  and  of  the  men,  that  \^ere  with  Abner  three  hundred 
three  fcore,  who  alfo  died,  t  Aiid  they  tooke  Afael,  &  buried  52 

him  in 

him  in  iht  fepulchre  of  his  father  in  Bethlehem  :  and  loabj 
and  the  men  that  were  vith  him,  \t'a)kedal  the  night,  and 
in  the  very  iwiJight  they  came  into  Hebron. 
'      Chap.     III. 
Mofeths  forces  dailj  decay,  DmU  mcreafeth  in  pofPre  y  dnd  hath  mdnie 
fonnes.  7.  ^hner'y^on  occaften  of  a  f dander  hreaketbfrom  Iihofeth,4ttd 
ferueth  Daiudy  hnngmg  Mtchil  to  him,  ani  much  people  of  l/raeL  i\, 
loabef  fmiiUtioHand  renenge  kjlleth  ^hner.  1%,  for  which  Dam d  h 
offended  with  lodl',  31 .  and  monmeth  for  ^hner. 

I  ♦Tp  Here  was  made  therefore  long  ftrifc  bctventhe 
I.     houfe  of  Saul,  and  betwen  the  houle  of  Dauid .-  Dauid 

profpering  and  alwaics  ftronger  then  himfclf,  but  the  houfe 
■2.  of  Saul  dscreaijng  daily,  f  And  there  Nrerc  formes  borne  to 

Dauid  in  Hebron;  and  his  fir  ft  begotten  was  Aranon  of  Achi" 
5  noam  the  lezrahelite.  f  And  after  him  Cheleab  of  Abigail 

the>Tifcof  NabalofCarrael ;  moreoaer  the  third  Abfalom 

the  fonne  of  Maacha  the  daughter  of  Tolmai  king  of  Geffur. 

4  f  And  the  fourth  Adonias,  the  fonne  of  Haagirh:  and  the 
J   fifth  Saphathia,  the  fonne  of  Abital.  f  Thelixtalfo  lethra- 

am  of  Eg!a  the  vrife  of  Dauid.  thefc  were  borne  to  Dauid  in 
B  Hebron.  fThereforc  when  there  was  battel  betwen  the  houf* 

of  Saul  and  houfe  of  Dauid,  Abner  thcfonncof  Net  ruled  th« 
7  houfe  of  Saiil.  f  And  Saul  had  a  concubine  named  Refpha,the 

5  daughter  of  Aia.  And  Ifboleth  faid  to  Abncr  :  f  Whydiddeft 
thou  go  in  to  my  fathers  concubine?  Who  being  wrath  excee- 
dingly for  the  wordes  of  IfDofethj  laid  :  What  '•'  am  I  adogges  ..  y^j„  j  ^.^^^ 
head  againft  luda  this  day, which  haue  done  mercie  vpon  the  tcmptible  i« 
houfe  of  Saul  thy  father,  and  vpon  his  brethren  and  neereft  thvfigiit,  and 
freindsj&  haue  not  deliuercd  thee  into  the  hands  of  Dauid,  &:  ^^^    ead  of 
haft  rhou  foui^htagainft  me  that  thou  mighteft  charge  me  for  pofc  acTainft 

5  a  woman  to  day  ?  f  Thefc  things  do  God  to  Abner,  and  thefe  Dauid^  I  tlu: 
things  adde  he  to  him,  vnlclfe  as  our  Lord  hathfworneto  haucdonneib 

io  Dauid,  fo  I  doe  truth  to  him.  f  Thar  the  kingdom  be  tranf-  n;uchfoi-thcc, 

.11  ferred  from  the  houfe  of  Saul,  and  the  throne  of  Dauid  be  ^\7,"",,."'' 
exalted  ouer  Ifrael,  and  ouer  luda,  from  Dan  to  Berfabce.  hendcd,  for* 
f  And  he  could  notanfwer  him  any  thing,  bccaufs  he  feared  fmal  fault.  So 

II   him.  -r  Abner  therefore  fent  mefTsngers  to  Dauid  for  himfelf  God  lafFcrech 
faving:  Whofeis  theland?  Andrharrhev  tliould  fay:  Make  '^'^  "^a^ntai- 
amuic  with  me,oc:  my  hand  fhal  be  with  thee:and  I  wil  reduce  „^^^^i  ^^  f^j 

i}  vnro  thee  al  Ifracl.  t  Who  faid:  Very  wel;  I  wil  make  amiricoiit  ainon*    ' 

I  ill  NTith 

€4^  Second  BOO KE  Dauii. 

thcmfclucs,  >yirhtbec  :  Inltone thing  1  defirc  of  thcc,  faying:  Thou  ibalt 
w  eioythc  not  fee  my  face  before  thou  brinci  Michol  the  daughter  of 
aiuanced  oaul  .and  lo  thou  Ihalt  come, and  lec  me.  f  ^'"^  D.mid  lent  14 

mclTengcrs  to  Ifbofeth  the  fonne  of  Saul,  faying:  Rcftore 
my  wife  Michol,  which  I  betrothed  to  me  for  an  hundred 
prepuces  of  the  Philiflhijms .   f    lAjofcth  therefore  lent ,  ij 
and  tooke  her  from  her  hufband  Phahiel,  the  fonne  of  Lais . 
•f  Andhcr  hufbind  folowedhcr,  weeping  as  farre  as  Bahu-  16 
rim:  and  Abncr faid  to  him:  Goe,  and  rcturnc.  who  retur- 
ned .  f  Abner  alfo  fpake  to  the  ancients  of  Ifracl ,  faying  :  17 
J3ath  yellerday  and  the  day  before  you  fought  Diuid  that  he 
might  rcigneouer  you.  -j- Now  therefore  do  fo  :  becaufcour  iS 
Lord  hath  fpoken  to  Dauid, faying:  In  the  hand  of  my  fcruant 
Dauid  I  wil  fauc  my  people  Ifrael  from  the  hands  of  the  Phili- 
ilijms,andofai  their  enemies,  f  And  Abner  /pake  alfo^to   1^ 
Ecniamin.  And  hewent  to  fpcakc  vnto  Dauid  in  Hebron  al 
things  which  pleafed  Ifrael,  and  al  Beniamin.  |  And  lie  came  i® 
to  Dauid  into  Hebron  with  twcntie  men:  and  Dauid  made 
afcadto  Abncr,  and  to  his  ra^n  that  came  with  him."  f  And  21 
J^bnerfayd  to  Dauid  :  I  wilrife,  that  I  may  gather  vnto  thee 
inylord  kingal  I(iael,and  may  enter  a  league  with  thee,  and 
thou  mayH;  rcigne  oucral,  as  thy  foule  dcfircth.  \Vhcn  Da-r' ' 
uid  therefore  had  brought  Abner  on  the  way,  and  he  was 
^one  in  peace,  f  forthv/ith  Dauids  feruautes  and  loab  came,  it 
hauing  ftayne^ the  robbers,  with  a  prayeexccding  great:  and 
Abncr  was  not  with  Dauid  in  Hebron,  Becaufe  he  had  now 
difiriinTed  him,  and  he  was  departed  in  peace,  f  And  loab,  i| 
and  al  the  armie  which  were  with  him,  came  afrciward:  it   . 
Vas  therefore  tolJ  loab,  that  Abner  the  fonne  of  Ner  came 
To  thcking>and  hcdifmifled  liira,  and  hs  dcpartedin  peace, 
t  And  loab  went  in  to  the  king,  and  faid:  "^yharhifl.  thou  24 
donefBchold  Abncr  came  to  thee:whydidQ;  thoudifinidc  him 
and  he  is  gone  and  departed  ?  f  knowe ft  thou  not  Abner  the  zj 
fonne  of  N?r,  thatto  thisend  he  came  to  thee,  that  he  might 
decciue  thee, and  might  know  thy  going  oat,  and  thy  coming 
in, and  yndfirPcandai  things  that  thou  docil?  -f-  loab  therfore  i& 
being  gone  from  Dauid,  fent  msflcngers  after  Abner,  and 
brought  him  backe  from  the  ceftcrne  Sira,  Dauid  bfing  ig- 
norant,therof.  I  And  when  Abner  was  returned  into  Ha-  i/ 
!>ron,  loab  brought  bimaude  to  the  middes  of  the  gate,  to 
ipakjviuo  him  in  guils:  and  flroke  hiin  there  in  the  priuie 


Dauid.  ©r  iCi^ges^  64^ 

•partes,  and  he  died ,  in  reuenge  of  the  blond  of  Afacl  his 

28  brother,  -f  \7hick  when  Dauid  had  heard,  that  the  thing 
was  now  done,  hefaid  :  I  am  innocent,  and  my  kingdom  be- 
fore God  for  euei  from  the  blotidof  Abner  the  fonneofNer, 

2f)  f  andcomeit  vpon  the  head  of  Ioab,and  vpon  alhis  fathers 
houfe:  neither  let  there  faylc  of  the  houfe  of  loab  one  liauing 
a  fluxeof  feedc,  and  a  leper,  and  houlding  the  diflaffe,  and 

30  falling  by  the  fword,  lacking  bread,  f  loab  therefore  and 
Abifai  hisbrethcr  fiewe  Abner,  bccaufc  he  had  killed  Afae-1 

51  thcit  brother  in  Gabaon  in  the  battel,  f  And  Dauid  faid  to 
loab, and  to  al  the  people,  that  were  with  him  :  Rene  your 
garmentes,  and  be  girded  with  facke  clothes,  and  raourne 
before  the  funeral  of  Abner.  Moreouerking  Dauid  folowed 

^  thebccrc.  f  And  when  they  had  buried  Abner  in  Hebron, 
kingDauidlifted  vp  his  voice,  and  wept  vpon  the  graue  of 

33  Abner :  and  al  the  people  alio  wept,  -f  And  the  king  mour- 
ning and  lamenting  Abner,  fiyd  :  Not  as  cowardcsare  wont 

34  rodic,  hath  Abner  died,  f  Thy  handesvferc  not  bound,  and 
thy  feete  were  not  loden  with  fetters :  bur  as  men  arc  wonc 
to  fal  before  the  children  of  iniquirie,fo  art  thou  fallen.  And 

55  al  the  people  dubling  it 's^eptvponhim.  -f-  And  when  ai  the 
multitude  was  come  to  take  meate  with  Dauid,  when  it  was 
yetcleere  day  Dauid  fware,{aying:  Thefethinges  do  God  to 
me,and  thefeadde  he,  if  beforelunne  fet  I  dial  taft  bread  or 

^6  any  thing  els.  f  And  al  the  people  heard,  and  al  thinge;  plea- 
fed  them  which  the  kine  did  in  the  lif^ht  of  al  the  people.  •'^"^f^^'^^'H 

37   t  And  ai  the  people  kne-we,andall(raclin  thacday  that  n  uedk'mz  actl 
was  not  the  kinges  doing,  that  Abner  thefonnc  of  Ner  was  rotable'ta  pu 

3^  flayne.  f  The  king  alfo  faid  to  his  feruanres  :  Are  you  igno- ^'^'^i^ro^gof- 
rantthatanrinceand  thecrrcareflis  flavne  this  day  in  Ifiacl  ?  i'^'^'^^'"'^'  ^'^' 
,    „       T  ••   J    T  I  •       '-T  •  J      -O'""'^  Mothers 

35)    1  But  I  as  yet  ••  delicate,  and  annoiuted  king:  morecucr  the  vcreafrciwar 

thcfonncsof  Saruiiarc  hard  to  me:  our  Lord  reward  him  dcs  puniiiicd, 
that  doth  euil  according  to  his  malice.  y^^g-'- 

C  H  A  p.        I  I  I  I. 

idJnaand j\echih  fecrftlj^ilhboreth'.S.  bring  his  hud  to  D»tiiU.  £)•  trho 
tondemniTi'^  ihcr  fActy  tmtteththemfo  dfAth, 

1  A  ^°  Kbofeth  the  fonnc  of  SaVil  heard  that  Abner  was 
Ujl  fliine  in  Hebron:  and  his  handcs  were  weakened,  and 

2  all(raelwastrubl"d  -f  And  the  fonnc  of  Saul  had  two  n>ci-i 
capraync5  of  robbers,  the  name  of  one  Baana,  and  thcnamc 
of  the  other  Rcchab,  the  fonnes  of  Rheramon  the  Berorhir« 

liii  1  of  the 

^44  Second  b  o  o  k  e  Dauid' 

of  the  foHftcs  of  Bcniamin  :  for  Beroth  alfo  \ras  accounted  in  j 

Beniamin  .   |   And  the  BerocKites  fled  into  Gethaim  ,  and  5  ^ 

Nrere  there  ftrangers  vntil  that  time,   f  And  lonathas  the  4 

fonne  of  Saulhadafonne  lame  in  his  feete  :  for  he  \ras  fiuc 

yeares  old ,  when  the  rydinges  came  of  Saul  and  lonathas 

from  lezrahel.his  narfe  therefore  taking  hire,  fled:  and  when 

ilie  made  haft  to  flee,  he  fel,  and  was  made  lame  :  and  he  was 

called  Miphibofech.  f  Therefore  the  fonnes  of  Rhemmon  5 

rhe  BerothitCjRachab  and  Baana  coming,  entered  into  the 

hcufeof  Ifljofcthinthcheatoftkeday  :  vrho  ilept  vpon  his 

bedatnoone.  f  And  they  entered  into  the  houfe  fecretcly  ^ 

taking  earcs  of  corne,  and  Rechab  and  Baana  his  brother, 

ilirokehimin  priuy  partes  and  fled.  I  And  when  they  were  7 

entred  into  the  houfe,  he  flept  vpon  his  bed  iri  a  oarler,  and 

ilrikmg  they  killed  him  :  and  talcing  away  his  hea  1  they  went 

by  the  wayofthedefert  al  night,  y  And'hrought  uKehead  of  I 

Ifbofech  10  Dauid  into  Hebron:  and  they  faid  to  ihe  king:  Bc- 

iiold  the  head  of  Ifl>ofeth  the  fonne  of  Saul  ihine  cnemic 

■who  fought  thy  life:  and  our  Lord  hath  geuen  my  lord  the 

king  this  day  reucnge  of  Saul,  and  of  his  feede.  f  But  Dauid  9 

anfwering  Rechab,  and  Baana  his  brother,   the  fonnes  of,. 

Rhemmon  the  Bcrothite,  and  fayd  to  them  :  our  Lord  liueth, 

■^hichhathdcliuered  my  fouleoutofaldiftrelTcj-for  fa  much  i« 

as  him  that  told  me,  and  faid:  Saul  is  dead,  who  thought  that 

he  told  profperous  thinges,  I  apprehended,  and  flewe  him 

in  Siceleg,  to  whom  I  Ihould  haue  geuen  a  reward  for  his  ty- 

d-ingcs.f  How  much  more  now  when  wicked  men  haue  flaine  11 

an  innocent  man  in  his  ownehoufc,  vpon  his  bed,  flial  I  not 

require  his  bloud  of  your  hand,  and  take  you  away  from  the  11 

earth?  t  Dauid  therefore  commanded  his  fcruanres,  and  they 

flew  them,  and  cutting  of  their  hands  and  feete>hanged  them 

ouer  the  poole  in  Hebron:  but  the  head  of  in:>ofeth  they 

cooke,  and  buried  in  the  fepulcher  of  Abner  in  Hebron. 

Chap.     V. 
fTtth  general  confent  Damd  is  annointcd  kingsfA  lfr4el.  7.  He  tuketh 
thetowre of  Sionm  lerufilem^dejiroyingthi h-yufeUei-  9.  huildeth  thert 
A  new  h!>ufe:ii).maneth  more  '^iues,andk4tk  more  children. ly. The  Phdi- 
Jltjra  rijlng a^iiinfl-  bim4re  ouerthrorven  :  11,  alO)  the  fecondtmie. 

ANd  al  the  tribes  of  Ifracl  came  to  Dauid  in  Hebion,   i 
faying:  Behold  we  arc  thy  bone  and  thy  flefti.  f  Yea  and  2 
■xfterdAy  aUo  and  the  day  before  vhca  Saul  was  king  ouer  vs, 


Pauid.  OF    K  I  N  G  E  s.  ^4; 

thou  waft  he  that  didft  leaders  forth  ani  bring  backc  Ifracl; 
and  our  Lord  (ayd  ro  thee  :  Thou  ihalt  fecde  my  people  Kracl, 
3  and  rhoushairbeprinceouerHrael,  f  The  ancienres  alfoof 
Ifraeicame  to  the  king  into  Hebron,  snd  king  Dijid  rr.jde  a 
league  with  them  in  Hrbron  before  our  Lord  :  and  they  ••  an-  "  Tlicy  >«- 

nointed  Dasid  to  be  king  ouer  IfraeLf  Thirtie  ye-rres  old  Mas 

noint  him  a- 
_.,,,,  -      ,  J  ,  J    /-  .  came  ia  con- 

Dauid  whcnhe  began  toreignc,andhe  reigned  lourtie  yea-  ^miat-.on  ot 

J  res.  t  In  Hebron  hercigned  oucr  ludafeucn  yeares  and  Gx  then  confeiit 
monerhes :  and  in  Icrufalem  he  reigned  three  and  rhirric  vea-  (  ^s  ludahad 

4  res  ouer  al  Ifrael  6c  luda.  j  And  the  king  x^entA'  al  the  men  'l°°„''y'^'j^\^'  ^ 
that  were  vith  him,  into  lerulalem  to  the  Icbufeire  the  inha-  ^^^  CodToz- 
biter  ofthc  laad:&  theyfaid  toDauidThouskaknor  ccmein  dmancci.iif^ 
hither,  vnlcffe  thou  take  a-^ay  the  blind  and  thelanie,  faying:  i<i- 

7  Dauid  ihal  not  come  in  hither. I  But"  Dauid  tookethe  to'jrre  :-K;ngDauKi 

?  ofSion,  thisisthecitieofDauid.  t  For  Dauid  had  propofed  "haTdie  mbe 

in  rhat day  a  reward  to  whofoeuer  fhould  llrike  the  Icbulcice,  ot  luda  could 

and  touch  the  gutters  of  the  houfe  toppcs,  and  takeaway  the  notinthctimc 

bhnd  and  the  lame  that  hated  the  foule  of  Dauid:  therefore  ofIoluc.i»>e. 

icijfaydin  the  proucrbe  :  "  The  blindand  thelame  (hal  not  ^^V,  ,      , 

•  L      ^       1      J.    A     J  T^      -J  J       1    •       1  J  ••:  Idoles  that 

5?  enterinto  the  temple,  f  AudDauiddwelr  in  the  towrc,  and  h^uc  eyes  and 

called  it,The  citie  of  Dauid:  8c  built  round  about  from  Mello  can  not  ice, 

10  and  inwards,  f  And  he  wenrprofpering  and  growing  vp,and  tceuaHdcan 

n  our  Lord  the  God  of  hoftcs  was  with  him.  f  Hiram  alfo  the  ^^^  goe,  Ihal 

king  of  Tyre  Tent  mefTengers  to  Dauid,  and  ceder  trees,  and  thcChuich  cf 

carpenters,  and  mafons  for  walles :  and  they  built  a  houfc  for  Cbnft. 

12  Dauid.  t  And  Dauid  knew  that  ©ur  Lord  had  confirmed  him 
king  ouer  Ifrael,  and  that  he  had  exalted  his  kingdome  oucr 

13  his  people  Ifrael.  -f  Dauid  therefore  tooke  yet  concubines 
andwiucsof  lerufalem,  after  he  was  come  from  Hebroru: 
and  there  were  borne  to  Dauid  other  Tonnes  alfo  and  daugh- 

14  ters  :  j-  And  thefe  be  the  names  of  them,  that  were  borne  to 

him  in  lerufalem,  Samua,  and  Sobab,  and  Nathan,  and  Sa-  v^ 

15  16  lomon,  J  and  lebahar,  and  Elifua,and  Ncpheg,  fand  laphia, 

17  andElifama,  and  EHeda,  and  Eliphaleth.  f  The  Philidijms 

therefore  heard  that  they  had  annointcd  Dauid  to  be  king 

oucr  Ifrael :  and  they  went  vp  al  to  feekc  Dauid:  which  when 

iS  Dauid  had  kcard,he  went  downe  into  a  hold,  f  And  the  Phi- 

19  liftiims  coming  werefpredin  the  Vale  Raphaim.t  And  Dauid 

confulted  our  Lord,  faying  :  Shall  goe  vp  to  the  Philiftijms  ? 

and  wilt  thou  geuc  them  into  my  hand?  And  our  Lord  fayd  to 

Dauid:  Goevp,  becaufedeliueringl  wilgeuecJkcPhihftjiras  '     ^. 

liii  5  '      in  thy 

1^4^  Second  booke  Dauid. 

in  thy  hanj.  f  Dauid  therefore  came  into  Baal  Pharafim  rand  lo 
ftroke  them  there,and  faid  :  Our  Lord  hath  diiiided  mine  ene- 
mies before  me,  as  waters  are  diuidcd,  therefore  the  name  of 
the  place  was  called  Baal  Pharalim.,f  And  they  leifc  there   ai 
their  *  grauen  goddes:    which  Dauid,  and  his  men  rookc.  '*  fcut^" 

-f  And  the  Phihftians  added  yet  to  go  vp,  and  fprcdthem  it    "''**• 
fclues  in  the  Vale  Raphaim  t  And  Dauid  confulred  our  Lord:   ij 
Shal  I  goe  vp  agiinfl:  the  Philiftijms,  and  wiJt  thou  deliucr 
them  into  my  hanJes?  Who  anfwcrcd:  Goe  not  vp  again fl 
thcm,but  fetch  a.compalTe  behind  their  backc, and  thou  Oialc 
come  to  them  o'>.ier  again  ft  the  peare  trees,  f  And  when  thou  24 
ilialr  hcarc  the  found  of  one  going  in  the  roppe  of  the  pcare- 
trces,  then  (bait  thou  enter  battel:  bccaufc  then  wil  our  Lord 
goc  forth  before  thy  face,  to  (Irike  the  campc  of  the  Phili- 
ftijms.  f  Dauid  therefore  did  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  2j 
him, and  he  flroke  the  Phiiiftijms  from  Gabaa,  vntii  thou 

Chap.  VI. 
rrith  ^^redt  fclcmniiic  Dk'itd brin^eih  the  ,Ark:  ofcorl  frpm  ^hln^hhs 
kmfe.  6.  O'^i  for  touching  it  is  fodenly  JIaine.  9.  "^hereupan  Damd  fea- 
ringto  bnnrit  to  hts  owne  honfc^U-iUtth  it  in  the  houfe  of  ohedcdor,h three 
monetheSy  11.  then  fetchcth  it^d.incin^  before  it^  though  Michol  fcorne 
hts  dcuotinii.  17.  Hs  ofcreth  facnfices,  dij^rihitctb  nftts ,  blefeth  tht 
fto^li\  25.  y£nd  Muhol  IS  (farrcn. 


Nd   Dauid  aqainc  gathered  to^ctheral  thechofen  of  i 
Kracljthirtie  thoufand.  f  And  Dauid  arofe,and  went,  z 
and  al  the  people  that  was  with  him  of  the  men  of  luda,  to 
bring  ih::  arke  of  God,  vpon  \rhich  the  name 
of  the  Lord  oFhodes,  which  fitteth  in  theCherubins  vponir. 
•f  And  rhey  lavd  rh;  arkc  of  God  vpon  a  new  wayne:  and  3 
tooke  it  out  of  the  houfe  of  Abinadab,  who  was  in  Gabaa:*. 
andOza,and  Ahio  the  fonncs  of  Abinadab,  did  driue  the 
ncwwaync. -j-  And  when  they  had  taken  it  out  of  the  houfe  4 
of  Abinadab,  who  wa5  in  G.ibaa,  Ahio  keeping  the  arke  of 
God  went  before  the  arke.  f  But  Dauid,  and  al  Ifrael  played  5 
before  our  Lord  in  al  wrought  wood,  both  on  harpcs,  and 
l«tes  and  timbrels  and  firterns  and  cymbals,  -f  And  after  they  6 
earns  to  the  Fioorcof  Nachon,  Ozapu:  forth  his  hand  to  the 
arkc  oCGod,  and  held  it:  becaufe  the  oxen  rparned,and  made 
irlcancafide.  -f  And  oiu- Lord  was  wrath  with  indignation  -7 


OF    KIKGES.  ^47 

againil  Oza>  and  ftrokc  him  for  the  '•'  raHirncs:  xrho  Jicfi  ::  Eiiher there 

8  there  before  the  arke  of  God.  t  And  Daiiid  vt'as  fUookcn  (3d,  bic'c'ri  ^  •'.'':  ^6c' 
for  that  our  Lord  had  ftrcokcn  Oza,  r.nd  the  iiaiiic  of  ihat  ^J  vuholt' 

9  place  \pas  called  ;  The  (Iriking  of  Oza  vntil  this  day.  f  And  cauicGx.,  :ou- 
DAuid  feared  our  Lord  in  thai  day,  faying:  How  G^sal  the  arkc  '■''-■^^  '*^'-'  ^•■•*=» 

10  of  our  Loid  come  vnto  me  ?  f  And  he  vtould  not  haue  the  J'^'^'^  '"■  ""^''.'^ 
arkc  of  our  Lord  turne  into  himfelf  into  the  citie  of  Dauid:  ly'c:.i'ttuior 
but  hccaufedit  to  turncinvnto  the  houfe  of  Obcdedomihc  cis  he  viccx.oc 

11  Getheitc.  j  And  the  arke  of  our  Lord  dvrelt  in  the  hcufc  of  iwii-i^tii  >eKc- 
Gbededom  the  Getheitc  three  monethcs  :  and  our  Lord  blc(-  '^^^'^'^>  "^  ,^'^ 

II  fed  Obcdcdoro,  and  al  his  houfe.  f  And  it  was  tGJd  king  ''^'f"^''J^  'J^'^* 
Dauid,  that  our  Lord  had  blefled  Obedcdom,  and  al  that  he  ^^/^i,  ,"„,,'..6»/. 
had  for  the  arke  of  God.  Dauid  therefore  \renr, and  brought  s.  s^n^.a^nxi 
away  thearkeof  God  out  of  the  houfe  of  Obededom,  into  "-^'*,^- ""*•  J* 

15  thcciticof  Dauid  with  ioy.  f  And  when  they  had  parted, 
that  caricd  the  atkeofour  Lord,  fix  pailcs,  he  immolated  an 

14  oxeanda  ramme.  f  And  Dauid  danced  with  al  his  might 
before  our  Lord,  moreoucr  Dauid  was  girded  with  a  linncn 

i;  ephod.  •{-  And  Dauid,  and  al  the  houfe  of  Ifrael  brought  the 
arkeof  tefiamcntof  our  Lord  in  iubilation  ,  andin  foundeof 

16  trumpet,  f  And  when  the  arkeof  cur  Lordv/as  enrrcd  into 
the  citie  of  Dauid, Michol  the  daughter  of  Saullooking  forth 
thiougha  windovf',  fawe  king  Dauid  leaping,  and  dancing 

17  '••  beforeour  Lord:  and  Ihedclpifed  him  in  her  hart,  f  And  ::Todancc'- 
they  brought  in  the  arke  of  our  Lord,  and  fctrc  it  in  his  place  ^^'^^^'^  ^^'"^ 
in  themiddesof  the  tabernacle,  which  Dauid  had  pitched  ^.'^/^.^  t^i-tore 
for  it :  and  Dauid  offered  holocauftes ,  and  pacifiques  before  our  Loid, 

18  oar  Lord,  f  And  when  he  had  accoraplithed  offering  holo- 
cauftes  an  J  pacifiques,  he  blellcd  the  people  in  the  name  of 

19  theLordofhoftes.  f  And  he  diftributcd  toal  the  multitude 
of  Ifraelaswclmanas  woman  ,  to  eueric  one,  one  cake  of 
brcadjandoncroafted  peeccof  bcefe,andilowrcfryed  with 
oyle:  and  al  the  people  went,  euerie  man  into  his  houfL^. 

40  t  And  Dauid  returned  to  blclie  his  owne  houfe -.and  MichoL 
the  daughter  of  Saul  coming  forth  to  mcetc  Dauid,  fayd : 
How  glorious  was  the  king  of  Ifrael  to  day  vncoucring  him- 
feif  before  the  handmaydcs  of  his  feraantcs,  and  was  naked, 

ii  asifoneof  the  ribbaldts  fhould  be  naked.  •}-  AndDauidfayd 
vnto  Michol:  Beforeour  Lord,  which  hath  chofcn  me  ra- 
ther then  thy  father,  and  then  al  his  houfe,  and  commanded 
wic  that  1  fliould  be  duke  ©uet  the  people  of  o«r  Lord  in- 


S4^  Second  bookb  DauIcT.' 

IfracI,  f  both  will  play, &:>3Fil  become  more  vile  then  I  hauc  ii 
beenc  :  and  I  wil  be  humble  in  mine  eies,  and  with  the  hand- 
inaydcs,  of  whom  choii  fpcakeftjl  wil  appears  more  glorioHS. 
f  Therefore  VHCoMichal  the  daughter  of  Saul  wai  there  no  13 
ehiid  borne  vnto  the  day  of  her  death. 

Chap.     VI L 
Bjtuids  good  ^urpofe  td  IhiU 4  Temple  isdifferrtdhy  Gods  appointment.  12,' 

^ith  promife  thut  his  fonne  shdl  ptrformc  it,  and  he  ejhUnhed  in  the 

kingdom.  18.  FoTnL  ^hicb  he  renderttb  th4»k/i  to  God. 


N  D  it  camp  to  palTe  when  the  king  Tate  in  his  houfe,  i 
and  our  Lord  had  geucn  him  reft  on  euery  fulc  from  al 
his  enemies,  f  he  fayd  to  Nathan  the  prophet:  Doeft  thou  2, 
fee  that  I  dwei  in  a  houfe  of  cedar,  and  the  arke  of  God  is 
r  The  tabcr-  ^^^^^  "■'  ^^  ^^^  middes  skinnesJ  -f  And  Nathan  fayd  to  thcJcing:  5 
;iaclemad«  by  Al  that  is  in  thy  hart,  goe  doe,  becaafc  oar  Lord  is  with  thee. 
Moyfes  vras  a  -j-  Audit  came  to  paflTc  in  that  night;  and  behold  the  word   4 
goodhcthing,  of  our  Lord  to  Nathan,  faying  :  f  Goc,and  fpcakc  to  ray  fcr-  j 
uered"wifh^°"  aant  Dauid.Thus  fayth  our  Lord:Shalt  thou  build  mc  a  houfe 
skinnesandin  todwclin?  f  For  neither  haue  1  dwelt  in  houfc  from  ihc  day  6 
manie  refpe-    that  I  brought  the  children  of  IfracI  out  of  the  Land  of  ,^^.- 
aes^iniuffici-    gypt,  vntil  this  day ;  bud  walked  in  tabernacle,  and  in  tent. 
rll^^'^^'r^  'j  t  Through  out  al  the  places,  that  I  haue  pafled  with  al  the  7 
dcfired  to        children  ot  Ilrael,  Ipeakmg  did  I  fpeakc  to  one  ot  the  tribes 
build  a  glo-     of  Ifrael ,  which  I  commanded  to  feede  my  people  Ifrael, 
xlous  fempie.  faying:  'Why  did  you  not  build  mc  a  houfe  of  cedar  ?  f  And   8 
But  \ras  not    now  rhcfe  thinges  fhalt  thou  fay  CO  my  fcruant  Daiiid:  Thus 

j^  •     r      °    fayth  the  Lord  ofhoftes:  I  tookcthce  out  of  the  paftures  fo- 
00  It,  for  my-  ,   •'    .  t       n      1  1  1  «        »  1    n   »  ■ 

{\cue  fake  to     lo''''i"g  fhc  fiocKes,  that  thou  ihGuldcft  bcprmce  oner  my 
fignifie  tkat      people  Ifrael:  f  and  I  hauc  bcene  with  rhcc  whtrefoeuer  9 
Chrift  the  true  thou  haft  walked,  and  haue  flayneal  thine  enemies  from  thy 
ru^*"r/k  -I      ^*ce  :  and  haue  raade  thee  a  great  name,  according  to  the 
liis"chirch       »^*"^soff^cgreatones,  that  are  in  the  earth,  f  Andlwiiap-  10 
that  fjrre  ex-   point  a  place  for  my  people  IfracI,  and  wil  plant  it ,  and  they 
celleththcSy-  ftial  dweWnderit,  and  ihal  be  trublcd  no  more  :  neither  f^al 
nj^ogue  of      the  children  of  iniquitie  addc  to  aftlid  thera  as  before-^. 
^"^jlf^Y*'*'      t  From  the  day  that  I  appointed  ludscs  ouer  my  people  If-  u 
s.  ^'fu'  raehand  I  wilgeuc  thcerelttroraal  rhinc  enemies.  z.nA  our 
i7.c.s]dtciHit.  Lord  foretelleth  thee,  that  out  Lord  wil  make  thee  a  houfe. 

•f  And  when  thy  dales  (Kalbe  accomplifhcd,  and  thou  fhalt  li 
flccpe  with  thy  fathers,  I  wil  riyfe  vp  thy  Cq'^'U  ifter  the^i,., 


Dauid;  of   kinges.  649 

'which  (halcomcforthofthy  wombcand'^I'wilcftablishhij  "yjsthitfaf^ 

15  kingdom,  f  He  fnal  build  a  houfe  ro  my  ncmc,  and  I  vnl  ^j^^^/'p^^'*^!^^ 
14  eft.ibliiVi  the  throne  of  his  kingcdome  for  eucr.  t  ^'  I  wil  be  fo  be  fulfilled 

to  him  for  a  father,  nnd  he  fhal  be  to  me  for  a  fonnc  :  >yho  if  in  Salomon  ,• 
•^  he  (hal  do  any  thing  vniuftly,!  w)l  rebuke  him  in  the  rod  of  crrcrh  much 
If  men,  and  in  the  nlaiiues  of  the  fonnes  of  men.  f  Bur  my    ^^'^^^^  ,^?' 
mercie  I  veil  not  take  away  from  him,  as  I  tooke  from  Saul,  ^S  raultr- 

16  vhom  I  remoued  from  thy  face,  f  And  t.hy  houfe  fhal  be  poundcththis 
faithful,  and '^  thy  kingdom  for  euer  before  thy  face,  and  thy  of  Chrift.^M. 

17  throne  shal  be  firme  continually,  f  According  to  al  thefc  ^'ZsJ' 
NTOtdes,  and  according  to  al  this  vifion,  fo  did  Nathan  fpcakc  J,^  p^|^^  ^^ 

18  to  Dauid.  f  And  Dauid  vent  in,  and  fate  before  our  Lord,  chnft,  but  of 
and  faid  :  "^'^bo  am  I  6  Lord  God,  and  what  is  my  houfe,  that  Salomon,  and 

15)  thou  haft  brought  me  thus  farrc?  f  But  this  aUo  hath  fcmed  ^.'^^'y'^^\- 
iitlein  thy  fight  6  Lord  God,  vnles  thou  didft  fpeake  alfo  of  |^^^  j^^^^'*' 
the  houfe  of  thy  feruant  for  along  time:  for  this  is  the  lav  nic  literal 

ao  of  y\dam.  Lord  God.  f  What  can  Dauid  therefore  adde  yet,  fcafes. 

tofpeakcvnto  thee?  for  thou  knoweft  thy  feruant  6  Lord  '^  The  Sea  A- 

21  God.  '{•   Forthyvord,  and  according  to  thy  hart  thou  haft  P*'.  aj'?"^ 
done  al  thefc  great  thinges,{o  that  thou  wouldcft  notific  it  jnthcchuich 

11  to  thy  feruant.  f  Therefore  art  thou  magnified  6  lord  God,  ofchrift,  is 
becaufc  there  is  none  like  to  thee,  neither  is  there  a  God  be-  thu  perpetual 
fides  thee,  in  althingcs  that  \rc  hauc  heard  v/ith  out  cares.  *'"SQom^f. 

23  t  And  what  nation  is  therein  the  earth,  as  thy  people  Ifrael,  //,rf/j.a«).  ' 
for  the  which  *  God  hath  gone,thar  he  might  ''rcdemc  it  to  be  t  Here  and  i& 
his  people, and  might  make  him  fclfe  a  name,  &  doe  for  them  manic  ochcr 
great  wonders,  and  horrible  thingcE  vpon  the  earth,  before  p'acesrhcHc- 
the  face  of  thy  people,  whom  thou  redcmcdft  to  thy  fclf  out  of  the  plural 

24  of  i£gypr,  from  the  nations  and  from  their  goddes.  f  For  number,  £/#- 
thou  haft  confirmed  thy  people  Ifrael  to  be  an  euerlafting  '"»»,  oodtiti^d. 

2;  people  .-and  thou  Lord  God  art  become  their  God.  f  Now  g"'f7»"^°'-o'' 
therefore  6  Lord  God,  raife  vp  for  cuer  the  word,  that  thou  ^^^j"' 
haft  fpoken  vpon  thy  feruant,  and  vpon  his  houfe  :  and  doc  as  y  jhe  workc 

26  thou  haft  fpokcn,  Y  that  thy  name  may  be  mignified  for  eucr,  of  mans  Rc- 
and  it  may  be  faid:  The  Lordof  hoftes  is  God  ouer  Ifrael.  And  <icmption  is 
the  houfe  of  thy  feruant  Dauid  shal  be  eaablished  before  our  "^^GXhe** 

27  Lprd,  -j-  becauferhouo  Lord  of  hoftes  God  of  Ifrael  haft  re- s^jn^g, 
uelrd  the  eare  of  thy  fcruanr,  faying:  A  houfe  I  build  thee: 
therefore  bath  thy  feruant  found  his  hart  to  pray  thee  with 

2S  thispr.-iycr.  f  Now  therefore  6  Lord  God,  thou  art  God,  and 
th^  wordcs  shal  be  true  :  for  thou  haft  fpoken  to  thy  (eruanc 

Kkkk  thefc 

trTorfnoTc  ic- 
them  with  cor 
des,as  cattel 
caft  them  on 
«hc ground, 
killed  fome, 
and  fparcd 
1ms  aliiic. 

Arch  inmj- 

^J«  Second  booke.  Dauid, 

thcfegoodthinges.  f  Bcginne  therefore, and  bleffc  the  houfc  25 
ofchv  Tcruant,  that  it  may  be  for  eucr  before  thcc  :beeaufc 
thoaLord  GodhafKpoken,  by  thy  blclHngshalthe  houle  of 
thy  fcruant  be  biefied  for  euer.' 

Chap.     VIII." 
Doners  nitiansmd  countries  to  which  Jfrael  paytj  tril/uts,  are  fthdued  hy 
Duu'd,  f.nd^xy  tnbitte  to  ifrasi  16,  Ch:^fof.'ccrs4rc  mentioned. 

AN  D  it  came  to  palL;  after  these  thingcs  Dauid  llroke  i 
thePhihflijms,  and  humbled  them,  .nd  Dauid  tooke 
the  Bridle.of  tribute  out  of  the  hand  of  thePailiftijms  f  And  a 
he  ftroke  Moab,  and  mealnrcd  th-m  vrirh  !•  a  corde,  ma- 
king them  eucn  wi:h  the  carrh  .-  and  he  mcafured  two  cordes, 
one  to  ki!,  and  one  to  fauealiue  rand  Moab  became  feruing 
Dauid  vndcr  tribute,  f  And  Dauid  ftrokc  Adarczcr  the  fonae  | 
Oi  Rohobkingof  Soba,  when  he  went  forth  to  haue  domi- 
nion ouer  the  riuer  Euphrates,  -f*  And  Dauid  hauing  taken  4 
oi  his  part  a  thoufand  feusn  hundred  horfemen,  and  twentic 
thourandfootemcn.hoghfinewedal  the  chariot  horfes  :  and, 
heleiftof  thctnahundredcharioteso  f  There  came  ah'"o  Syria  $ 
of  bring  ayde  vnto  Adarezer  the  kingof  Soba: 
and  Dauid  ftrokeof  Syria  two  and  twenrie  thoufand  men. 
t  And  Dauii  put agirrifon  in  Syria pf  Damafcus:  andSyria  <» 
became  feruing  Dauid  vndcr  tribute.-  and  our  Lord  preferued 
Dauid  in  al  thinges  to  whaifocucr  he  went  forth,  f  And  Da-  j  ■■ 
uid  tooke  the  golden  armour,  which  thefcruantes  of  Adar- 
ezerhsd,  and  brought  them  into  lerufalem.  -j-  And  eut  of  S 
Bete,  and  outof  Beroth  the  cities  of  Adar-eztr  king  Dauid 
tooke  brade  deeding  much,  f  And  Ton  thcking.of  Emath   9 
heard,  that  Dauid  had  ftrikeh  al  the  force  of  Adar-ezer, 
t  AndTou  Cent  lorara  his  fonnc  to  king  Dxuid,  to  falute  10 
liim  congratulating,  and  to  geue  thankcs:  for  that  he  had 
ouerthrowsn  Adarezer,  and  (Irikcn  hisiu  .    For  Tou  was 
cnemie  to  Adarezer,  asd  in  his  hand  wcreveilels  of  gold, 
and  vefTelsof  filurrjandvefTelsof  bralTe  :  f  which  alfoking  xi. 
Dauid  fandified  to  our  Lord  with  the  (ilucr  and  gold,  chat 
he  had  fandiiied  of  al  the  nations,  which  he  had  fubdewed 
t  of  Syria,  asd  Moab,  and  the  children  of  Ammon,  and  the  11  . 
Phih{lijms,and  AiHaiec.and  of  the  fpoiles  of  Adarezer  the 
fojincof  Ro.hobkingofSoba.  f  Dauid  alfo  "made  himfcifc  tj 
a  nafiie.  when  he  rctucncd  hauing  taken  Syria  in  the  Vaiie  of 
Sih-pitrrs,  sighcens  thoafind  being  ilayne:  t  and  he  put  14 


Dauld.  OIF    KINGIS.  6^1 

fouWiourf  inldumca,and  placed  a  gtrrifcm:  and  al  Idumea 

i  vasmadetoft-rucDauid  :andoLir  Lord  preferncd  Dauidin  al 

Ij  thingcs  to  whatfocuer  ke  proceeded,  -j*  And  Dauid  reigned 

oucrallfrael:  Dauid  airodidiudgcmenr  and  iufticc  to  al  his  rrThefeweF® 
i4  people,  t  And  loab  thefonncof  Scriiia\rasouer  thearmie:  a';c^-ersand 
»$rchan  morcoucr  lofaphat  the  fonnc  of  Ahilud  was   ♦   recorder  :  of"hccuaTdr 

ttlir,         17  -f- and  Sadoc  the  fonnc  of  Achitob, and  Aichimelcch  the  (onnc  fhtrAi>hrafii° 
18  of  Abiathar,  wcrepricftcs:  and  Saraias,  (cribe  :  f  And  Ba-  ch^U. 

naiasthefonneof  loiada  wasoaer  "  thcCcrethiand  Phclc-  "••Orpriea?s, 

thi:  and  the  fonncs  of  Dauid  "  princes.  orcUkf  ruler,, 

„  ^  ^  Sec  toe  aano- 

(^HAP.       lA.  favion.G.-».47. 

i^h^hilf^feth  a  Umefoftne  of  ItntthAsts  piohJIj  rtkefted  by  PdUid :  ^.^eftif^  y.  it.  x .  VaraL 

tobis  yftthepartictt^rtnhenidnieof  Saul.  iZ.y.ij. 

t  A  Nd  Dauid  fayd:  Is  there  any  ihinkc  you  that  is  rcmai- 
JTL  ning  of  the  houfcof  Saul,  that  I  may  do  mcrcie  vrith. 

1  him  for  lonathas  fake  ?  t  And  there  ^yas  of  the  houfc  of  Saul;, 
aferuant  named  Siba  :  whom  \rhcn  the  king  had  called  vnro 
him,hefaid  to  him:  art  thou  Siba?  And  he  anlwered:  I  am 

^  fo  thy  feruanr.  -f  And  the  king  faid  :  Is  there  anie  remaining 
of  thehoufeof  Saul,  that  I  may  doc  with  him  the  mercic  of 
God  ?  And  Siba  faid  to  the  king  :  There  h  yet  liuing  a  fonne  of 

4  lonarhaSjlame  of  his  fcctc.-f  Where  is  he?  quoth  he.  And  Siba 
faydtothe  king:  Behold  he  is  in  the  houfe  of  Machir  the 

5  loaneof  Ammiel  in  Lodabar.  f  Kin^Dauid  therefore  fenr, 
and  tooke  him  out  of  the  houfc  of  Machir  the  fonnc  of  Am- 

€  niiel  of  Lodabar.  f  And  when  Miphibofeth  the  fonne  of 
lonathas  thrfonne  of  Saul  ^a$  come  to  Dauid, he  fel  on  his 
face, and  adored.  And  Dauid  (aid  :  Miphibofeth?  "Whoan- 

7  fvercd  :  Here  I  am  rhy  feruant  f  And  Dauid  faid  to  him; 
Fearcnot,  becaufe  doing  I  wildomcrcicon  thee  for  lonathas 
thy  father,  &  I  wil  reftore  ••  the  landcs  of  Saul  thy  father,  and  :;Theparti'e«- 

%   thou  (halt  eate  bread  vpon  my  cable  al'^'aics.  f  "Who  adoring  lar  inhcrrace 
him,  faid:  Who  am  I  thv  feruanr,  that  thou  haft  refpedvpon  tliatpctuincd 

5  a  dead  dogge  like  vnro  me?  t  The  king  therefore  called  [^jif ^  *  *" 
Siba  the  fcraant  of  Saul,  and  faid  to  him:  Al  thinge*  what- 
focuer  were  Sauls,  and  al  htshoufc,  I  hauc  geuen  to  thy  ma- 
£0  ftcrsfonne.  f  Til  for  him  therefore  the  land,  thou  and  thy 
fonnes,and  thy  fcruants:  and  thou  (halt  bring  in  meares  for 
thy  mafters  fonnc,  that  he  may  be  maintained:  and  Miphi-  ..^'otlitreaf 
bofcth  the  fonne  of  thy  lord  (hal  cate  alwaies  bread  -  vpon  table  vitk  tkc 

Kkkk  z  my  table. 

6,^z  Second  BOOKS  Dauid, 

kir.gbuthaue  my  table.  And  Siba  had  fifrene  Tonnes,  and  cocenrieferuants. 

his  diet  otch;  ^  and  Siba  faid  CO  the  king :  As  thou  my  lord  king  haft  com-  ii 
ingei  pr^'tii-  j^^j^  j^^j  (.^y  feruant,  Co  wil  thy  feruant  doe  ;  and  Miphiborcihi 

the  foriaiJc      (hal  eace  vpon  my  cable,  as  one  of  t!xe  Icnnes  oi  the  kmg  , 

inhciiUQcc.     f  AndMiphibofeth  had  a  lirtle  fonne  called  Micha:  and  al  il 
thekinredoFche  houfeof  Siba  ferued  Miphibofeth.  |- More-  13 
ouer  Miphibofeth  d^clt  in  lerufalcm :  becaufe  he  did  eatc 
alwaics  of  the  kings  table  .•  and  he  \ras  lame  on  both  feccc. 

Ch  AP  .      X. 
U^non^9f  ^mmon  for euil  entrtAtin^  Oauids  me»,fent  linto  him  of  iujflj  pUgueJ^  with  hit  CGpftderatiS.  ij.  ^Ifo  the  fccegd 
timetb^j  *reomnhTo^enby  Dmid, 


Nd  it  came  to  paflTe  after  thcfcthingeSjthat  the  king  of  1 

the  children  of  Ammon  died,  and  Hanon  his  fonnc 

reigned  for  him.  f  And  Dauidfaid;  I  vil  doc  mercie  with   2 

r;TbisNaas    Hanon  the  fonnc  of  Naas,  as  ••  his  father  hath  done  mcrcic 

king  of  Am-     '^ith  mc.  Dauid  therefore  font,  conforting  him  by  his  fer- 

mon  curtou-    ^^^r^  vpon  his  fathers  death.  But  when  the  feruantes  of  Da- 

flyintertainc       .^  -vx^ere  come  into  the  land  of  the  children  of  Ammoni^. 
Dauidsfrcin-  . 

dcj  which  e-    t  ^^s  princes  of  the  children  or  Ammon  laid  to  Hanon_.  | 
fcapec!  from     their  lord  :  Thinkcft  thou  that  for  the  honour  of  thy  father 
the  king  of      Dauid  har"h  fen t  comforters  vnto  thee,  and  not  rather  that 
Moab,  ki.uig  |^^  tni^ht  fearch,and  fp^inro  the  citie,and  ouerchrcw  it,  hath 
moft  or  thera  .^      .  ?--         \  •    r  1  t    it  i         r  1 

that  v;'eie  c6-  D^nidlcnt  his  Icruanis  viito  thce  ?  f  Hanon  theremretooKc  4 

mended  ro       the  fciuants  of  Dauid,  and  thauedtheone  half  of  their  breard, 

iiim,  becaufe    and  curte  away  halfe  their  garments  vnto  the  buttockcs,  and 

Dauid  had        ^^^^  them  away,  f  Which  when  it  was  told  Daaidshcfent  to  $ 

J         '  mcete  them:  for  the  men  were CDunfoundcd  very  fowly,  ?nd 
sne.and  wai  .  ,  ,     ,    1  r—         .      ,      .    ,  ■1111 

returned  into  Dauid  Commanded  them :  Tary  in  lericno,  iiiyour  beard  be 

luda.  i.i^c^.     growen,  and  then  rcrurne.  f  And  the  children  of  Ammon  ^ 

%%.ii,jltr.EC'    feing  that  they  had  done  iniurie  to  Dauid,  fenr,  and  hyred  for 

'"'"'  wages  the  Syrian  of  Rohob,  and  the  Syrian  of  Soba,  twentic 

thouf4ndfooccmcn,and  of  thckingMaachaathoufand  men, 

^ni  of  Iftob  twelue  thoufand  men.  f  which  when  Dauid  had  7 

Keard,  he  fent  loab  and  the  whole  armieof  warrycrs.  f  The  f 

children  therefore  of  Ammon  ilTued  forth,  and  fetrc  their 

men  in  aray  before  the  veric  entrance  of  the  gate:  but  the 

Syrian  of  Soba,  and  Rohab,  and  Iftob  ,  and  Maacba  were 

hj  tkcm  fellies  in  the  ^daz  .  t  loab  therefore  Tcmg  ,  that  f 


LUid-  OF     K  I  N  G  E  S.  6J5 

rherc  ^ras  battel  prepared  againft  him^,  both  before  hini 
and  behind  hin\,  he  piktd  out  of  al  the  chofen  cf  lirael,  ard 

10  direded  his  armie  agaynft  the  Syrian  :  f  and  the  reft  of  the 
peoplphedehuered  to  Abifai  his  brother,  who  dircdcd  his 

n  armifagainll  the  children  of  Ammon.  t  Andloab  layd  :  If 
the  Syrun  shal  prciiayle  againft  me,  thou  shalt  ayde  me  :  and 
if  the  children  of  Ammon  shal  preuayle  agaynft  thee,  I  wil 

11  ayde  thee,  j-  Play  the  man,  and  let  vs  fight  for  our  people,  and 
the  citie  of  our  God:  and  our  Lord  Ns^-il  doe  that  which  is  good 

15  in  his  fight,  f  loab  therefore  and  the  people  that  were  witli 

him,  began  to  fight  againft  the  Syrians  :  Who  immcdiatiy  fled 

14  from  hii  face,  f  And  the  children  of  Ammon  feing  that  the 

Syrians  verc  fled,  they  alfo  fled  from  the  face  of  Abifai,  and 

cntred  into  the  citie :  and  loab  returned  from  the  children  of 

1;  Ammon,  and  came  to  lerufalem.  |  Therefore  the  Syrians 
feing  that  they  were  fallen  before  Ifrael,  they  gathered  them 

i^  fclucs  together,  f  And  Adar-ezcr  fent,  and  fetched  out  the 
Syrians, that  were  beyond  the  riuer,and  brought  their  armie : 
and  Sobach  the  maifter  of  Adar-ezers  warrc  ,  \ras  their  chief 

17  captaine.  f  "Which  NPhcn  it  was  told  Dauid,  he  gathered  to- 
gether al  lOracl,  and  palled  ouer  lordan,and  came  into  Helam: 
&:  the  Syrians  put  them  felues  in  aray  againft  Dauid^d:  fought  ' 

18  againft  him.f  And  the  Syriansfled  from  the  face  of  Ifrael, and 
Dauid  flewe  of  the  Syrians  feuen  hundred  chariotes,and  four- 
tie  thoufand  horfemen:and  Sobach  the  prince  of  the  warte  he 

ijj  ftroke:  who  forthwith  died,  -f  And  al  the  kinges,that  were  to 
ayde  Adarezer,  feing  them  fclaes  oucrcomc  of  Ifrael,  were 
afrayd  and  fled  eight  &  fifrie  thoufand  before  Ifrael.  And  they 
made  peace  with  Ifraehand  ferued  them, and  the  Syrians  were 
afrayd  any  more  to  ayde  the  children  of  Ammon. 
Chap.     XI. 
Dduid euereome  "Xfiitb  concu^ifcence  committeth  ndulttrie  l^tth  Sithftlee :  6. 
not  finding  other  mennes  to  hide  the  crime  ^  C4ufeth  her  huh  And  f^rias  to  be 
Jldine.  ij.  Then  mdritth  her^  she  heareth  a  Jonne^  And  God  is  ofcnded, 

I  A  N  D  it  came  to  paflc  the  ycare  turning  about,  at  fuch 
jL\.  time  when  kingcs  arc  wont  to  precede  to  battels,  Dauid 
fent  loab,  and  his  feruantes  with  him,  and  al  Ifrael,  and  ihcy 
fpoylcd  the  children  of  Ammon,  and  befiegcdRabba :  but 

a,  Dauid  rcmayncd  in  lerufalem.  f  "Whiles  thcfe  thingcs  were 

in  doing,  it  chanced  that  Dauid  arofc  from  his  bed  afret 

Kkkk)  nocRC;, 

^y4  Second  boojcb 

noone,  and  walked  in  the  toppeofthc  king?  s  houfe:  and  he 
fa^  a  woman  washing  her  (elf,  ouiragiinft  the  roofc  of  his 
houfc  :  and  the  woaian  xsras  very  beautiful,  f  The  king  there-  f 
fore  fcnt,  and  inquired  what  voman  it  was.  And  it  •ss'as  told 
him,  that  she  was  Bsthfabee  tlie  daughter  of  Eium,  the  wife 
of  Vrins  the  Hetheitc.  f  Dauid  therefore  fending  meffcngcrs,  4 
;:  Thcodofiuj  ••  tookc  her,  "who  when  she  was  entered  in  to  him  ,  he  flepc 
iJieExTipcrour  with  her  :  and  forth  with  she  was  fandified  from  her  vnclen- 
{^r-Tcvf"?!  ^°  ""^^  '   ^  ^"^  ^^"  returned  into  her  houfe  hauing  conctiued  5 
fiompunifh-    achildc.  And  fending  she  told  Dauid,  and  fayd:  I  haae  con- 
men:  for  hii    ceiued.  f  And  Dauid  fcnt  to  loab,  faying  :  Send  mcVrias  the  6 
^(inies.becaufc  Hetheite.  And  loab  fcnt  Vrias  to  Dauid.  f  And  Vcias  came  7 
king  Dauid      JO  Dauid.  And  Dauid  asked  how  wcl  loab  did,  &  the  people, 
ultercranda    and  bow  the  warre  was  ordered,  f  And  D  luid  faydto  V^rus ;  S 
mandiyer,  S-  Goe  into  thy  h'nifc, and  wash  thy  fccte.  And  Vrias  went  forth 
Ambrofc  re.    out  of  the  kingcs  houfc,  and  the  kinges  meate  folowcd  him.  . 
plica  {avin-v    ,  But  Vrias  ilept  before  the  qatc  of  the  kinj^cs  houfc,  with  9 
foloyyii hini-      ^"^  Other  Icruantes  ok  his  lord,  and  wentnotdowne  to  his 
'rjdmicrnng,     ownc houfc.  f  And  it  was  toM  Dauid  of  them  that  fayd^;  r® 
foloyy  him  rt-    Vrias  Went  not  iiKo  his  houfe.  And  Dauid  fayd  to  Vrias :  didd 
fcnim^.  After    tho^  noj.  come  from  thy  iourney  ?  Whydidfl  thou  not  goe 
n '^ionthc'Em    '^'^'"'"^  into  thy  houfe  ?  f  And  Vriisfayd  to  Dauid:  The  Arkc'is 
pcrour  inoft      of  God  and  Ifrael  and  luda  dwcl  in  pJU'.lions,  &  my  lord  loab 
humbly  did       and  the  fcruanrcs  of  my  lord  abide  vpon  the  face  of  the  earth : 
pubhquc  pe-    a^j  s^-j]  \  enter  into  my  houfe,  to  earcand  to  drinke,  and 
«anceinloy-     (j.^pc  ^-ifh  ^^    wife  ?  bv  thy  health,  and  by  the  health  of  thy 
Biiiiop.  myna.  i<^ulc  1  "^^  "ot  do  this  thing,  f  Damd  therefore  layd  to  Vrias:  u 
thitdti^.  Tarie  here  alfo  this  day  ,  and  to  mo  row  I  wil  difmiirc  thee. 

Vrias  tari-d  in  leriifalem  that  day  and  the  next:  f  and  Dauid  ij 
called  him  to  cate  before  him  and  to  drinkc,andhe  m.tdc  him 
drunkc ;  who  goingout  at  eucn,  flepr  on  his couchc  with  the 
fcruantesofhis  lord,  and  went  not  downe  into  his  houfei^. 
t  The  morning  therefore  was  come,  and  Dauid  wrote  a  14 
letter  to  loab:  and  fcnt  it  by  the  hand  of  Vrias,  f  writing  in  ij 
the  letter :  Sctte  ye  Vrias  in  the  front  of  the  battel,  where  the 
fightis  ftrongcft  ;  and  Icaue  him,  that  being  ftriken  he  may 
die.  f  Therefore  when  loab  bcfiegcd  the  citie,  he  put  Vrias  i^ 
in  the  place  Nrhcrchc  knew  the  ftrongcft  men  wcte.  f  And  17 
tbcmcniilaingout  of  the  citie  ,  fought  againft  loab,  and 
there  fel  of  the  people  of  the  feruantcs  of  Dauid  ,  and  Vrias 
alfo  the  Hetheite  dicA,  j-  loab  cheicforc  fcnt,  and  told  Dauid  1% 


DaUid«  OFKINGES.  ^fj- 

xp  al  the  Aory  of  chc  battel:  f  and  he  commanded  the  mcOcn- 
ger,  faying:  When  thou  haft  told  al  the  ftory  of  the  battel  to 

to  thekiprr,  -j-  if  dioufce  him  tobcangiic,andhefay ;  Whyap- 
prochcd  you  to  the  wal,  to  fight  ?  Knew  yoa  not  that  m  uiie 

II  weapons  arc  throwcn  from  aboue  of  the  wal?  f  Who  ftrokc 
Abimclec  thefonneof  leiobaal  ?  did  not  a  woman  caft  vpon 
him  a  peece  of  a  milftonc  from  the  wal ,  and  Hew  him  in 
Thebes?  Why  approched  you  ncre  fhcwai  ?  Thou  ftalt  fay: 

«  Alfo  thy  fcruant  Vrias  the  Kctheireis  flaync.  f  The  mcircn- 
ger  thcreforedeparted,and  came,  and  told  DauJd  al  thinges 

2.5  that  loab  had  commanded  him.  f  And  the  mclfenger  fayd  ro 
Dauid:Themen  haue  prcuailed  againft  v.«:,  and  theyiffaed 
forth  to  vs  into  the  field:  and  we  violently  purlevrcd  them 

44  cuen  to  the  gate  of  thccitic.  f  And  the  archers  ibot  arrowcs 
at  thy  feruantcs  from  of  the  wal  aboue :  nnd  there  died  of 
the  kingesfcruantcSjVeaand  thy  feruant  Vrias  tbeHerheicc 

•;  is  dead,  f  And  Dauid  fayd  to  the  meflengcr:  Thus  {halt  thou 
fay  to  loab:  Let  not  thiS  thing  difcomfort  thee :  for  the  cuenc 
of  warrc  h  diucrfe:  now  this  man,  and  now  that  man  tho 
fword  confumeth  :  encourage  thy  warryers  againft  the  citie, 

2^  that  thou  maySdeftroy  it,  and  exhort  them,  f  Alfo  the  wife 
of  Vrias  heard,  that  Vrias  her  hufband  was  dead,  &  shcmour- 

17  nedforhim.  f  And  the  mourning  being  paftDauidfcntjand 
brought  her  in  into  his  houfe,  and  the  became  his  wife,  and 
she  barehimafonnc:  and  this  thing  which  Dauid had  done, 
"«^as  difplcafant  before  our  Lord. 

Chap.     XIL 
^atljdn  the  prophet  hyu.  pdrali'U  induceth  DiuUto  condemne  him  ft  If  of 

^reatfmnfi  7.  bUmeth  aftJ  threatneth  him  fdr  the  fume,  ij.  But  lipon  hk 
fcnfjiidn  dentttnceth  remi-jlisn  of  his  fmne ,  wuh  teferuntion  of  tem- 
forxl  ptiniihmtnti^.  the  dcAth  of  the  childe.  24.  Bcthfdh^  bejireth  tin 
0ther  fonney  \V^e  n  called  Salomon,  16.  The  (itte  of  J^abbdth  is  takeny  dnd 
4  rich  crowne  with  otbir^ra^e. 

J  /^  V  R.  Lord  therforc  (ent  Nathan  to  Dauid :  Who  when 
V-/  he  waj  come  to  him,  he  fayd  vnto  him:  There  were  two 
ft  meninoncciticjoneriche,  and  the  other  poorc.  -f-  The  rich 
§  man  had  sheepe,  and  oxen  axceding  manic,  f  Bur  the  poorc 
man  had  nothing  at  al,  bpfide  one  litle  ewe,  which  he  h^id 
boughtandnourished,and  which  had  growcn  in  his  houfc 
together  with  his  childreiij  eating  pf  his  bread,  and  drinking 

of  his 

(^^6  Second  booke  Dauid. 

ofhiscuppe  ,  andflepingin  hisbofome  :  andit  was  to  him  as 
a  daughter,  f  And  when  a  cerrayne  ftranger  was  come  to  ^, 
theiicheman,  he  fparing  to  take  of  his  owne  (beepe  and 
oxen,  to  make  a  feaft  for  that  ftranger,  which  was  come  to 
him,  tooke  the  poore  mans  ewe,  and  made  raeates  therof  for 
the  man  that  was  come  to  him.  f  And  Dauid  being  exec-  j 
dingly  wrath  with  indignation  againft  that  man  ,  fayd  to  Na- 
than: Oar  Lord  huech  ,  the  man  that  hath  done  this  is  the 
childe  of  death,  t  He  (hal  render  the  ewe  fourefold,  becaufe  6  ' 

he  hath  done  this  thing,  and  hath  not  fpared.  f  And  Nathan  7 
fayd  to  Dauid  :  Thou  art  that  man  .  Thus  fayth  our  Lord  the 
GodofUaael:  I  annoinred  thee  to  be  king  ouer  Ifrael,  and 
I  deliuered  thee  from  the  hand  of  Saul,  f  and  gaue  thee  the  S 
houfcoFthylord,andthewiucsof  thy  lord  in  thy  bofomc, 
andhaucgeuen  thee  the  houfeof  Ifrteland  ludarandif  thcfc 
thingesbclitlc,  I  wil  adde  farre  greater  thinges  vnto  thee. 
•^  why  thetefore  haft  thou  contemned  the  word  of  the  lord,  ^ 
that  thou  wouldeft  doe  euil  in  my  fight ;  Vrias  the  Hethfitc 
"•Now&-  tKcn  ^^°^  ^^'^  fmitten  with  the  fword,  &  bis  wife  rhou  haft  taken 
fomc  of  thy     to  thy  wifc,  and  haft  Hayne  him  with  the  fword  of  the  chil- 
feciie  n-ial  be    drcn  of  Ammon.  -f  For  which  thing  the  fword  vhalnotde-  10 


.  '"^j.y  part  from  thy  houfe  ''•  for  euer,  becaufe  thou  haft  defpifcd 
fl'inTthrlc"'  "^^'  ^"^  ^*^  f^^^"  ^^^  "^'^"^  of  Vrias  the  Hctheitc  ,  to  be  thy 
ofhiso^»'nc  wife,  f  Thetfore  thus  fayth  our  Lord:  Behold,  I  wil  rayfc  11 
fonnes ,  Am-  vpon  theecuil  out  of  thine  owne  houfe,  and  wil  take  thy 
tr\on,cJutp.i^.  viues  bet'ore  chine  eies ,  and  gcue  them  to  thy  neighbour, 
AbCilom  chap.  ^^^  ^^  {baiaepc  withthv  wiues  in  the  fight  of  this  Sunnc. 

la.  Adonias,  ,         ,     C    ,  •    /♦'  1       i         •.■11  1  •  1    ■ 

^  Ke^.  1.  fix    t  ^^^  ^'^^^  ^^^^  ^°^^  "  fecretly  :  but  I  wii  doe  this  word  in  ii 
fonnesoflo-    the  fight  of  al  Ifrael,  and  in  the  fight  of  the  Sunne.  f  And  i) 
faphar,  anti  al  Dauidfayd  to  Nathan:!  haue  finned  to  our  Lord,  And  Nathan 
lovams fonnes  ^^^ ^^  Dauid:  Our  Lord'alfo  hath  taken  avray  thy  finnc: 
t.f.'</7.  zi.  alCo    thou  fhalt  not  die.  f  Ncuecthcles,  becaufe  thou  haft  made  14 
Ochotias,  A-    the  enemies  of  our  Lord  to  blafphemc  ,  for  this  thing,  the 
mafias, Ioria3 .  forme  tha.t  is  borne  fo  thee,  dying  (hsl  dye.  f  And  Nathan  ij 
an^it!-^  r.  nn'^'  rcrumcd  into  his  honfe  Our  Lord  alfo  ftrokcthe  child, which 
of  s'^iech"a"s"  ^^^  "^^^^  of  Vrias  had  borne  to  Dauid,  and  he  was  paft  hope. 
himfclfe  ha-  '  f   And  Dauid  bcfought  our  Lord  for  the  child:  and  Dauid  16 
tiing  his  eyes    fafted  a  faft,  and  going  in  afide.lay  vpon  the  ground,  -f  And  17 
bro-'^<^^hr"n  ^'^  ^^^  A.ncicntcs  of  his  houfe  came,  being  earncft  with  him,  that 
Babyfon  4"^°   ^-  would  rife  from  the  ground  :  who  would  not,  neither  did 
He^.zi.      '      he  catemeatc  with  them,  t  And  it  chanced  the  feucnth  day  18 


Dauid*  OF    KIN€F.  £.  g^y 

tliat  the  infant  died  :  and  rhe  (truanfcs  of  Danid  fean^d  to  re! 
him,  that  the  child  was  dead.  For  they  fayd :  Behold  when 
the  child  yet  liutdjWcfpakc  to  him,  and  he  heard  not  oiir 
voice  :how  iriuch  moreitVc  ihilfay  : The  child  is  dead,  wil 

i^  heafflidhimTelf?  t  when  Dauidthtrforcfawe  hisferuanrcs 
nnurering,  he  vndcrftood  that  the  infant  was  dead:  and  he 
fayd  to  his  fcruantes :  Is  the  child  dead  ?  Who  anfwercd  him  : 

to  Hf  is  dead,  f  Dauid  therfore  rofe  from  the  ground  j  and  wafi 
washed  and  annoynred  :  and  when  he  had  changed  his  gar- 
ment,he  entered  into  thehouleof  our  Lord  :  and  adored, and 
came  into  his  owne  houfe,  and  he  called  for  bread,  and  he  did 

i.1  eate.  t  And  hisferuantes  (aydvntohim  :  What  thing  is  this, 
that  thou  haft  done  ?  for  the  infant,  when  he  yst  liued,  thou 
didft  fad  and  weepe :  but  the  child  being  dead,  thou  didft  rife 

fti  vp,and  haft  eaten  bread,  t  Who  fayd  :  For  the  infant,  whiles 
heyetliued,  I  faftcdand  wept:  for  I  fayd:  Who  knowerh  if 
perhapsour  Lord  wii  geue  him  to  me,  and  the  infant  may 

45  liuc?  t  But  now  becauie  he  is  dead,  why  do  I  faft?  Shall  be 
able  to  cal  him  agafnc  any  more  }  I  ihal  go  to  him  rather :  but 

44  he  ihal  nor  rcturne  to  me.  t  And  Dauid  comforted  Bethfabes 

his  wife,  and  going  in  vnto  her,  llt^pt  with  her :  Who  bare  a 

fonne^and  he  called  his  name  Sa'umon,  and  our  Lord  loued 

,  jj  him.  t  And  hefcntby  the  hand  of  Nathan  the  prdphcre, 

I  and  called  his  name,  Amiable  to  our  Lord,  becaiife  our  Lord 

16  loued  him.  f  loab  thertore  fought  againft  Rabbath  of  the 

27  children  of  Ammon,  and  wonne  the  kingcs  ci:ie.  f  And 
loab  Tent  raeflengcrs  to  Dauid,  faying  :  I  haue  foughr  againft 

18  Rabbarh,and  the  Citie  of  waters  is  to  be  taken,  f  Now  ther- 
fore  gather  the  reft  of  the  people,and  bcfiege  the  ritie,&  take 
it:  left  vjf  ben  the  cirie  fhal  be  vrafted  of  me,  the  vidorie  be  a- 

ap  fcnbedto  my  name,  f  r)Auid  iherforc  gathered  alt  he  people, 
and  went  forth  againft  Rabbath:  and  when  he  had  fought, he 

30  tookcit.  t  And  he  tookc  the  crowne  of  their  king  frfut  his  weight  a  talent  of  gold,  hauiug  moft  prttiou:  ftones, 
and  it  was  put  vp©n  Dauids  head.  Yea  Sc  the  piaye  of  the  ciric 

51  he  carved  aw.iy  cxceding  much:  f  bringing  forth  alfo  the 
people  therof  fawed  them,and  drcwe  round  about  ouer  them 
chariotes  ft^od  with  yron:  and  he  diuided  them  with  kniues, 
and  drew  them  throughin  forme  of  brikes  :  fo  did  he  to  al 
the  cities  of  the  children  of  Ammon:  and  Dauid  returnedj 
and  al  the  sirpiic  iat©  lerufalcm. 

Llll  Chaf. 

^38'  Second  BOOKE  Dauid, 

Chap.     XIII. 
^mnon  miUhcth  Thimir.  2.0.  For  ^hich^hJ^omkJUeihhim.ij.dni 
Jiyetk  iiUo  Gepur. 

ANd  it  came  to  pafle  after  thefethinges,  that  Amnon  i 
the  fonne  of    Dauid  loued  the  fiftcr  of  Abfalom  the 
fonneof  Dauid,  being  very  beautiful,  called  Tharnar,  f  ^I'^^l  a 
was  fond  on  her  excedingly  ,  fo  that  for  the  loueof  her  he 
was  ficke  :  becaufe  whcras  ihe  was  a  virgin, iciemedvnio  him 
h;id  hard  to  doe  any  thing  vnhoneftly  with  her.  t  But  Amnon  5 
afreind,  named.  lonadab  the  (onne  of  Scmmaa  Dauids  bro- 
ther, a  very  wife  man  :  -f  Who  fayd  to  him  :  Why  art  thou  (o  4 
worne  away  with  leanenes  the  kmges  fonne, day  by  day?Why 
doert:  thou  not  tel  me  ?  And  Amnon  (ayd  to  him  :  I  loue  Tha-  the  fiftcr  of  my  brother  Abfalom.  f  To  whom  lonadab  j 
aniwered  :  Lye  vpon  thy  bed,and  fayne  lickenes  :  and  when 
thy  father  ilial  come  to  vifite  thee,  fay  to  him:  Let  my  iifter 
Thamar,  I  pray,  come  to  me,  to  geue  me  meate,  and  to  make 
me  broth,  that  I  may  eate  of  her  hand,  f  Amnon  therefojrc  6- 
lay  downe,  and  began  as  it  wercro  be  ficke:  and  when  the 
kin!7  came  to  vifite  him,  Amnon  fayd  to  the  king:  Let  Tha- 
mar my  (ifter  come,  I  befcch  you,  that  fl-.emay  makein  my 
(ie,ht  two  litlc  fuppinges,  and  I  mav  take  meate  of  her  hand. 
•f  Dauid  therfore  lent  home  to  Thamar,  faying  :  Come  into  7 
the  houfe  of  Amnon  thy  brother,  &  make  him  broth.  I  And  8 
Thamar  came  into  the  houl'c  of  Amnon  her  brother:  and  he 
lay,  who  taking  meale  tempered  it:  and  refoluing  it  in  his 
fiaht  she  made  (uppinges.  f  And  taking  that  which  she  had  p 
boyledjshe  povarredit  our,and  fetit  before  him,and  he  would 
nor  cate:and  Amnon  fayd:  Put  forth  al  from  me.  And  when 
they  had  put  forth  a),  f  Amnon  fayd  to  Thamar:  Bring  in  U 
the  meate  mtorheparler,thatI  may  eate  of  thy  hand  Thamar 
therfore  tooke  the  fuppinges,  which  she  had  made,  and  ca- 
rved it  in  to  Amnon  her  brother  in  the  parler.  f  And  when  is 
she  had  offered  him  the  racate,  he  caught  hcr,and  fayd  Come, 
lie  with  me  my  fifter,  f  Who  anfwered  him  :  Doe  nor  fo  my  n 
brother,  doe  not  rauish  me:  for  this  is  not  lawful  in  Ifraet. 
Doe  not  this  folie.  f  For  Ishalnot  be  able  to  beare  my  re-  ij 
proch,and  thoushait  be  asonc  of  the  foolish  in  Ifracl:  but 
rather  fpeake  to  the  king,  and  he  wil  not  denie  me  to  thee. 
f  But  he  ^ouldnotrellat  her  petitions,  but  prcuayling  by  14 


Dauid;  of   king  e$.  ^55 

jj  force raui(hcd  her,  and  lay  with  her.  j  And  Amnon  hated 
her  with  exceding  great  hatred  tfo  that  the  hatred  was  grea- 
ter, wherewith  he  hated  her,  then  the  louc  with  the  which 
before  he  loued  her.  And  Amnon  faid  to  her:  Arifci»nd 

j6  goe.  f  "Who  anfwered  him;  This  euil,  which  now  thou  doell 
againft  me  expelHng  me,  is  greater  then  that  which  thou  didfl: 

17  before  .  And  he  would  not  hearc  her  :  f  but  calHng  the 
reruanr,thatminiftred  to  him,  hefaid;  Thruft  this  woman  out 

^  from  me:  and  (hut  the  doore  after  her.  -f  Who  was  clothed 
with  a  garment  downe  to  the  foote:  for  the  kinges  daughters 
that  were  virgins,  vfedfuchkinde  of  garmentes.  His  feruanc 

l^  therforethruft  her  out:  and  Hiut  the  doore  after  her.  f  "Who 
Tprinkling  ashes  on  her  head,  renting  her  long  garment,  and 

10  herhandesvpon  her  head,  went  going  on, and  crying,  f  And 
Abfolon  her  brother  fayd  to  her:  hath  Amnon  thy  brother 
lyen  with  thee  ?  but  now  fifter  hold  thy  peace,  he  is  thy  bro- 
ther: neither  afflidt  thou  thy  hart  for  this  thing.  Thamac 
therefore  taryed  pyning  in  the  houfe  of  Abfalom  her  bro- 

ti   ther.  -f  And  when  Dauid  the  king  had  heard  thcfe  wordes, 

ti  he  was  greened  excedingly.  f  Moreouer  Abfalom  fpakenot 
to  Amnon  neicheirgood  nor  euil:  for  Abfalom  hated  Amnon 

aj  becanfe  hehad  rauili)edTham3r  hisfifter.  f  And  it  came  to 
paife  after  the  fp ice  of  two  yearcs,  that  the  fheepe  of  Abfii- 
lom  were  (home  in  Ba.-!lha(or,  which  is  befide  Ephraim  :  and 

14  Abfalom  called  al  the  kinges  (bnnes,  f  and  he  came  to  the 
king, and  (aid  to  him:  Behold  thy  feruantes  sheepeare  to  be 
shorne  :  Let  the  king,  I  pray,  with  his  feruantes  come  to  his 

25  feruanr.  -f  And  the  king  (aid  to. Abfalom:  Doe  not  fo  my 
fonne,requeft  not  that  we  come  al,&:  charge  thee.  And  when 
he  was  earned:  with  him,  &  he  would  not  goe,heble(red  him.' 

16  -f  And  Abfalom  (aid  :  If  thou  wilt  not  come,  at  the  leaft  let 
Amnon  ray  brother,!  befcch  thee^comewith  vs.And  the  king 

27  faid  to  him:  It  is  not  nccellary  that  he  goe  with  thee,  f  Ab- 
falom therefore  was  earned  with  him,  and  he  let  Amnon  and 
al  the  kinges  fonncs  goe  with  him.  And  Abfalom  made  a  feaft 

1%  asit  were  thcfcaftof  aking.  f  And  Abfalom  had  comman- 
ded his  feruantes  ,  faying  :  Marke  when  Amnon  shal  be 
drunkc  with  wine, and  I  shal  fay  to  you:  Strike  him,  and  kil 
him,  feare  not ;  for  it  is  I  that  command  you.-  take  courage, 
29  and  play  the  valiant  men.  t  Therefore  the  feruantes  of  Ab- 
falom did  againft  AmaoD,  as  Abfalom  had  commanded  them. 

Llll  1  And 

66o  Second  books  Dauid. 

And  al  the  kinges  fonncs  ryfing  gatte  vp  eucry  one  vpon  their 
mules,  and  fkd.  f  And  >»'hen  rhcy  yet -^'entonin  their  way,  50 
«  rumour  came  to  Dauid,  faying  :  Abfalom  hath  ftrickcn  al 
the  kinges  fonnes,  and  there  isnotleift  ofthcmfomuchas 
one.  f  The  king  ther fore  rofe  vp,  and  rent  his  garmentes;  31 
and  fel  vpon  the  ground  ,  and  al  his  fernantcs,  that  fVood 
about  hira,  rent  their  garEflentcs.  f  Butlonadab  the  fonnc  34 
of  Scmmaa  Dxuids  brother  anfwcrii*g,  fayd:  Let  not  my  lord 
the  kingthinke,  that  al  the  kinges  fonncs  be  flaync;  Am- 
jion  only  is  dead,  bccaufc  he  was  put  in  the  mouth  of  Abfa- 
lom fincc  the  day  rhat  he  rauishcd  Thamar  his  fiftcr.  t  Novr  3^ 
therefore  let  nor  ray  lord  the  king  put  thifi  word  vpon  his 
hart,  faying ;  Al  the  kinges  fonnes  are  flayne  :  becaufe  Ara- 
non  onlyisdead.  And  Ablalom  fied:  and  the  feruanr  that 
"^as  the  fcourcwatch,  lifted  vp  his  cies,  and  looked:  and 
behold  much  people  came  by  a  byway  on  the  Cide  of  the 
mountayne.  f  And  lonadab  fayd  to  the  king:  Loe  the  kinges  55 
fonnes  be  come:  according  to  the  wordes  of  thy  feruantfo, 
is  it  done,  f  And  when  he  had  ceafcd  to  fpcake  ,  the  kinges 
fonnes  alfo  appeared  :  Sc  entring  in  they  lifted  vp  their  voice,  ^ 
and  wept:  yea  the  king  alfo  and  al  his  feruantcs  bewailed 
with   ara  exceding  great  weeping .   f  Moteoucr   Abfalom  ^f. 
fleing,  vent  to  Thojomai  thefonneof  Ammiud  the  king  of 
GelTur  ,  Dauid  therefore  mourned  for  his  fonne  al  daies. 
j-  And  Abfeiom  when  he  was  fled,  and  come  into  Gcflur, 
was  there  thre€  ycares.  f  And  king  Danid  ccafed  to  purfew  jS 
Abfalom^,   becaufe  he  was  comforted  vpon  the  death  of 

C  H  A  p.       X  I  I  I  I. 

Jod>  fuhorning  a  woman  Jjifl  t&  propofe  the  fuitehy  a  pdrMe,  21.  ohfdjf^ 
t3(th  pardon  for  ^hjUlom.i^.  hut /o  that  he  api>e4reth  not  in  the  ktn^es 
preftme.  1^.  He  is  exceding  fdyre^hAth  th  ee  fonna  andone dmghttr.i^, 
Joah  refuftn^  to  deah  further  for  his  free  releafct  ^hfAomburnethhi^ 
(erne,  31.  Then  loAhprocttreth  himcceffetd  the  kiff^- 

ANd  loab  the  fonnc  of  Saruia,  vnderftandiiag  thatthc  V 
kinges    hart  was  turned  to  Abfalonv^,  f  he  fent  to    p 
Thccuci,and  tooke  thence  a  prudent  woman:  and  he  fiyd 
10  her :  Fcyn  c  that  thou  mourneft,  and  put  on  a  mourning 
gatment,and  benotannoyntcd  with  oyle,  that  thou  may  it 
be  as,  a  .woman  now  along  tyrae  mourning  for  one  dead. 

t  And 

Dauid.  O  F    K  I  N  G  E  S.  C6l 

J  f  AndthoufliJilrgoe  in  vnto  the  king,  and  (halt  fpcakc  to 
him  thefe  manerof  woides.  y\nd  loabpuc  the  wordcsin  her 
4  mouth,  f  Therefore  "when  the  \coman  of  Thccua  was  gone 
in  to  the  king, (he  fcl  hefore  himvpon  the  ground, and  adored 
^  andfaid  :  Saueme  o  king,  f  And  the  king  layd  to  her:  Whac 
matter  baft  thou  ?  Who  anfwercd  :  Alas,  I  am  a  widow  wo- 
^   man:  for  my  hufband  is  dead,  f  -And  thy  handmaidc  had 
two  fonnes;  vho  fel  at  wordcs  againft  echc  other  in  the  field, 
and  there  was  none  to  ftay  rhem.and  the  one  ftroke  the  other, 
1^  andflewhim.  |  And  behold  the  whole  kinred  ryfing againft 
thy  handmaidc,  fairh  ;  Dchuer  him  that  haih  ftrikcn  his  bro- 
ther that  wc  may  kil  him  for  the  life  of  his  brotlier,vhcm  he 
hath  flayne,  and  may  cleanc  deflroy  the  heire :  and  they  feeke 
to  extingniOi  my  fparkle,  which  is  leift,  that  there  may  no 
naroeremaine  to  my  hufband,  nor  rcliques  vpon  the  earth. 
8  t  And  the  king  faid  to  the  woman  :  Goc  into  zhy  houfc,  and 
j>  I  wil  geue  commandcment  for  thee,  f  And  the  woman  of 
Thecua  faid  to  the  king  ;  Vpon  me,  my  lord, be  the  iniquitie, 
and  vpon  the  houfeof  my  father:  but  be  the  king  and  his 
io  throncinnoccnc.  f  And  the  king  faid:  Me  that  {Ivalgayncfay 
thee  bring  him  to  mc,  &  he  fhal  adde  no  more  to  touch  thcc. 
II    f  "Who  fayd :  Lctrhe  king  remember  our  LordhisGod,  that 
the  next  of  blcud  be  not  multiplied  to  rcuengc,  and  that  they 
kilnotmy  fonne.Who  (ayd  :  Our  Lord  liuetb,  there  not 
IX  fal  of  the  hearcs  of  thy  fonne  vpon  the  earth.  •\  Thewomian 
therefore  fayd  :  Let  thy  handmayde  fpeake  to  my  lord  the 

13  king  a  word,  f  And  he  fayd :  Speakc_^.  f  And  the  woman 
fayd:  "Why  haft  thou  thought  fuch  a  thing  agaynft  the  people 
of  God,  and  why  hath  the  king  fpokcn  this  word,  that  he 

14  would  fmne,  and  not  bring  againc  his  banifbed  one?  f  \f'e 
doeal  dye  ,  and  as  waters  that  returnenot,  we  fal  downe  on 
the  earth;  neither  wil  God  hauc  a  foulc  to  periflj,  bur  reuo- 
keth,  meaning  that  he  perish  not  altogether  that  is  caft  of. 

i^  t  Now  therefore  I  come,  that  Imay  fpcake  ro  my  lord  the 
king  this  word,  the  people  being  prelenr.  And  thy  handmayd 
fayd  :  I  wil  fpeeke  to  the  king,if  by  any  meanes  thckingmay 
16  doc  the  word  of  his  handmaidc  .  f  And  the  king  hath  heard, 
todeliucrhishandmaideout  of  the  hand  of  al,  that  would 
deftroy  me  out  of  the  inheritance  of  our  Lord  ,  and  my  fonne 
iy  together,  f  Let  thy  handmaidc  therefore  fay,  that  the  word 
©f  my  lord  the  king  be  made  as  a  facrificc-/.  For  cucn  as  an 

LIII3  Angel 

(^^1  Second  bookk  Dauid, 

Angel  of  Go(3/o  is  my  lord  the  king,  tli.ic  he  is  moucH  neither 
with  bleffing  nor  curfing  :  wherefore  our  Lord  alfo  rhy  God 
is  with  thee,  f  And  the  king  anr>»'enng,fayd  to  the  woman:   i3 
Hide  not  from  rae  the  thing  that  I  aske  thee.  And  the  woman 
fAydtohimrSpeakemylordking.  t  And  the  king  fayd :  Is  if 
'  the  hand  of  loab  with  thee  in  al  thefe  thinges?  The  woman 
anfwcred,  and  fayd:  By  the  health  of  thy  foiile,  my  lord  king, 
iris  neither  on  the  left  hand,  nor  on  the  right  of  al  thefe 
thinges,  which  my  lord  the  king  hath  fpokeu:  for  thy  feruanc 
loab,  he  commanded  me,  and  he  put  al  thefe  wordes  into  the 
mouth  of  thy  handmayde.  f  That  I  fliould  change  the  forme  29 
ofthisfpeach,  thy  feruant  loab  commanded  this:  and  thou 
my  lord  king,  art  wife,  as  an  Angel  of  God  hath  wifdom, that 
thou  vnderftandeft  al  thinges  vpon  the  earth,  f  And  th'e  king  zr 
fayd  to  loab  :  Behold  I  being  pacified  hauc  done  thy  word  : 
Goe  therefore,  and  cal  agayne  the  boy  Abfalom.  f  And  loab  li 
rJPraife.Und     falling  vpon  his  facevnto  the  earth,  adored,  and  -blciTed  the 
tkankedtiic      king  :  and  loab  fayd  :  This  day  thy  feruant  hath  vnderfto'od, 
S^tsg-  that  I  haue  found  grace  in  thy  fight  my  lord  king:  for  thou 

haft  done  the  word  of  thy  feruant.  f  loab  therefore  arofe  i^ 
andwentinroGcfFur,  and  brought  Abfalom  into  Icrufalem, 
t  But  the  king  fayd:  Let  him  returne  into  his  houfe,  and  not  24 
fee  my  face.  Abfaiom  therefore  returned  into  his  houfc ,  and 
the  kings  face  he  faw  nor.  j- Moreouer  like  as  Abfalom,  there  if 
was  not  a  man  in  al  Ifrael  fo  beautiful,  and  exceding  comclie : 
from  thefoleof  the  foote  to  the  crownc  there  was  no  ble- 
mish in  him.  t  And  when  hcpowled  his  heare  (oncea  yeare  iS 
hewa$powled,becaure  his  bush  did  burden  him)  he  weighed 
the  heare  of  his  head  at  two  hundred  ficles,  of  the  common 
KTKcfccliil.    weight,  f  And  there  were  borne  to  Abfaiom  '•  three  fon-  ij 
«lrendicd  be-    j^^, .  and  one  daughter,  named  Thamar,  of  a  goodly  beautie. 
pcazctklha^'  t  And  Abfaiom  abode  in  Icrufalem  two  yeares,  andfawnot  z8 
18.  *     the  kinges  face,  t  He  therefore  fent  to  loab,  to  fend  him  to  i9 

the  king;  who  would  not  come  to  him.  And  when  he  had 
fent  the  fecond  time,  and  he  would  not  come  to  him,  •[•  he  30 
fayd  to  his  feruanrcs  :  You  know  the  Hide  of  loab  befide  my 
fildc,  that  hath  barley  harueft:  goe  therefore  and  burne  ic 
with  fyre  .  The  feruantes  therefore  of  Abfaiom  burnt  the 
Gorne  with  fyre.  And  loabs  feruantes  coming,  renting  their 
garmentes,  fayd  :  The  feruantes  of  Aufaiom  haue  burnt  p.irt 
of  the  fiUe  with  fyre.  t  And  loab  arofc,  <3(:  came  to  Abfaiom  51 

in  hii 

Dauid.  OF   KiNGES.  66^ 

in  kishoufe,v\:  fayd:  Why  hauethy  feruanrcs  burnt  my  come 
51  Ns-ith  lire  ?  j-  And  Abialom  ar.fwered  loab  :  Hcncto  thee  bc- 
I  feching  thee  that  thou  wouldcft  come  vnto  me,  and  1  might 

fend  thee  to  the  king, and  thou  fl.ouMeftfay  to  him  :  Where- 
fore ciroe  I  out  of  Gcflur  ?  It\!ras  better  for  rae  to  be  there; 
I  befech  thee  therefore  that  I  may  fee  the  face  of  the  king  : 
53  &  if  he  be  mindefui  of  mine  iniquicie  Jet  him  kil  me.  f  It^ab 
therefore  entring  in  to  the  king,  told  him  al  thinges:  and 
Abfalcm  was  called,  and  he  entered  in  to  the  king:  and  ado- 
red vpon  the  face  of  the  earth  before  him  :  and  the  king 
kiifed  Abfalom. 

Chap.  XV. 
't/fl'fa!om  fdteth  fauour  ef  the  pevfle^  7.  andcor.fptreth  in  Belrcn  d^aynfi 
his  futhcr.  14.  VP'ho  flieing^  19.  '^ith  dijjicultie  ptimittch  E  httt  a, 
jlrAVi^er  to  gae  "^ith  him :  2.^.  but  fendah  Sadoc^  and  other  prtcjies  and 
Leuites  With  the  arks  ^^^k  f*i'0  ^^^  ('^'^'  S^-  Stndeih  Cbhjai  to  defeats 
^chitopheU  counfeU 

I  '"T^  Herefore  after  thefe  thinges  Abfalom  made  hira 
A    felfchariotes,  and  horfcmenjand  fifne  men,  that  shouid 

i  goe  before  him.  t  AndAbfalem  rifing  early,  ftoode  befide 
the  entrance  of  the  gate,  and  eucrie  man  that  had  bufmes  to 
thekingesiudgemenr,did  Ablalom  cal  to  him,  andfayd:  Of 
what  citie  arc  thou?  Who  anfwering  fayd  :  Offuch  atribe  of 

}  Ifraelam  I  thy  fcruant.  -f  And  Abfalom  anfwered  him  :  Thy 
>5^ordes  fceme  vnto  me  good  and  iuft.  Bat  there  is  none  to 

4  heare  thee  appointed  of  the  king.  And  Abfalom  {ayd:  f  Oh 
who  would  appoint  me  iudge  oucr  the  land,  that  al  might: 
come  to  me  ^hich  haue  bufmes,  and  I  might  ludgc  iulijy  ? 

5  t  Yeaand  whcna  mancamc  vntohim  to  (alute  him,  he  put 

6  forth  his  hand^  and  raking  him,  kyfledhim,  f  And  this  did 
he  to  al  Ifracl  coming  for  iudgeraent,to  be  heard  of  the  kmg, 

7  and  he  intifcd  the  harrcs  oF  the  menofllracl.  t  Andafter 
fourtie  yeares,  Abfalom  fayd  to  king  Dauid :  Let  me  goe,  and 
pay  my  vo^yes -which  I  haue  vowed  to  our  Lord  in  Hebron. 

S  t  Por  thy  feruant vowing  did  vow,  whenhe  wasinGellur  of 
Syria,  fayingrif  our  Lord  wil  bring  me  againe  into  lerulalera, 
5)  1  wilfacrificc  toour  Lord,  f  And  king  Dauid  (ayd  to  him: 
[^10  Goe  in  peace.  Andhearofe,  and  went  into  Hebron,  j*  And 
Abfalom  fentfpics  into  al  the  tribes  of  Krael,  laying -.  forth- 
with as  you  shal  heare  the  found  of  the  trumpet,  (^a\  ye: 


<f <^4  Second  books  Dauii 

Abfaloiw  reigncth  in  Hebron,  f  Moreouer  with  Abfalom  ix 
there  went  two  hundred  men  out  of  Ieru(alem  being  called, 
going  with  a  rimplc  hart,  and  vtterly  ignorant  of  the  caufe. 
t  Abf^lom  alfo  (enc  for  Achirophel  the  Gilonite  ,  Dauids   li 
-      yII     eounfeler,  from  his  citie  Gilo.  And  when  he  immolated  vi- 
€limes,  there  was  made  a  ftrongconlpiracic,  and  the  people 
running  together  increafed  with  Abfalom.  -f  A  meffenger  if 
therefore  came  to  Diuid,  faying  :  Al  Ifrael  with  al  their  hare 
foloweth  Abfalom.  f  And  Dauid  faid  to  his  feruanres,  that  14 
verc  with  him  in  Icrufalcm:  Arifc  letvs  flee:  for  there  wil 
benocfcape  for  vs  from  the  face  of  Abfolom:  make  haft 
togocout,  left  coming  perhaps  he  ouertake  vs,  and  force 
mine  vpon  vs,  and  ftrike  the  citie  in  the  edge  of  the  fword. 
•f  Andthckinges  feruantes  laid  tohim  :al  thinges  whatfoc-  1/ 
-if.         uer  our  lord  the  king  (hal  command,  we  thy  (eruantes  .wil 

gladly  execute,  f  The  king  therefore  went  forth,  and  al  his  t^ 
f ?  ^o»i<:a1>tnes  hoiife  on  foote  :  &  the  king  Icifc  ten  wemen  his  "  concubines 
were  laiacfully  to  keepc  the  houfe.  f  And  the  king  going  forth  &  al  Ifrael  on  17 

ha'daotarri  ^^^^^  ^'^^^^ '  ^°°'^"  ^^"^^^  ^^°'^  the'^houtc;  f  aftd  al  his  fer.  i*S 
sflcriMaso"'  "-^"f^s '^'il^cd  by  him,  and  the  legions  Cerethi,  andPhcIcthi 
^erViucs.^e*  a^id  al  the  Gctbcites,  valiant  warriers, fix  hundred  men  which^ , 
Geu.ij.  judic,    had  folowed  him  from  Geth  footemen,went  before  the  king. 
*^-  t  AnJ  zhs  king  faid  to  Ethai  rhe  Gctheite  :  Why  comeft  thou  ir> 

with  vs  ?  returnc  and  dwel  with  th:  king,  becaufe  thou  art  a 
ftrangcr,  and  art'cora^  forth  out  of  thy  place,  f  Yefterdiy  zo 
thou  came!l:,and  to  day  (h  ilt  thou  be  forced  to  goe  forth  with 
vs?  but  I  wil  goe  whither  I  thai  goe:  retuiae  ,  and  leade 
backe  thy  brethren  with  thee,  and  our  Lord  wil  doe  wirh 
thee  mcrcic,  and  vcritie,  becaufe  thou  haft  iTie  w^'d  grace  and 
fidelitie.  f  And  Ethaianfwered  the  king,  faying  :  The  Lord  11 
liueth,  and  my  lord  the  king  liucth:  for  that  in  what  place  fo- 
euer  thou  llialt  be,  my  lord  king,  cither  in  death,  or  in  life, 
there  wil  thy  (cruant  be.  f  And  Dauid  faid  to  Erhai:  Come,  ix 
and  paffc.  And  Ethai  the  Gctheite  paffed,  and  al  the  men  that 
were  with  him,  and  the  reft  of  the  multitude,  t  And  th'?y  .nl  2) 
wept  with  a  lowd  voice,  and  al  the  people  paded:  the  king 
alio  wentoucr  the  Torrent  Cedron  ,  and  al  the  people  rair- 
chedagainft  the  way,thar  lookethto  thedefert.-f  And  Sadoc  14 
aifo  the  pricft  came,  and  al  theLeuitcs  with  him  caryingrhe 
arkc  of  rhe  couenant  of  God ,  and  they   fettc  downe  the 
arke  of  God:  Sc  AbiatUar  afcendcd,  tiUl  the  psopic  vas  fully 


Dauid.  OF    KING  Es.  66^ 

IS  paHPed,  which  vras  come  forth  of  the  citie.  t  And  the  king 

fayd  to  Sadoc :  Caty  backc  the  Arke  of  God  into  the  cicie  :  if 

I  ihaliindcgraceinthc Tightof  my  Lord  ,  he  wil  bring  me  a- 
26  gay^ie,  and  M'll  show  meir,  and  his  tabernacle,  t  But  if  ke 

shal  fay  to  me;  Thou plcaftft  me  nor:  I  am  rcadic,let.him  doe 
17  that  vs'hich  is  good  before  him.  f  And  the  king  fayd  to  Sadoc 

the  prieft  :  O  leer  returnc  into  the  citie  in  peace  :  and  Achi- 

maas  thy  fonne,  and  lonathas  the  fonne  of  Abiathar ,  your 
1%  f^o  fonncs  let  them  be  \Fith  you.  f  Bcholdl  wii  be  hid  in 

thechampayneofthcdeferc,  tii  there  come  word  from  you 
29  aduertifingmc.f  Sadoc  therefore  and  Abiathar  carved  backc 

the  Arkc  of  God  into  lerufaleni  :  and  they  taried  tlierc^. 

50  t  Moreouer  Dauid  went  vp  mount  Oliuet,  climbing  &  wee- 
ping, going  bare  foete,  and  his  head  ••  couered,  yeaandal  .-.•  He  couercJ 
the  people  which  was  with  him,  tkeic  head  couered  wsntvp^isiicadthac 

51  weeping,  f  Audit  was  told  Dauid  chat  Achitophel  alfo  was  Je  might  roc 
in  the  confpiracie  with  Abfalora  ,  and  Dauid  (ayd  :  Infatuate  ^ireepc  "left  he 

13  o  Lord  I  bcfcch  thee, the  counfel  of  Achitophel.  f  And  when  {Koulddifco- 

Dauid  wentvpto  the  roppe  of  the  mount,  wherein  he  would  rcgc  the  peo- 

adorc  our  Lord  ,  behold  there  metre  him  Chufd  the  Ara-  f^'^^^  "^'"^/^^'f^ 

35  chitc,  his  garment  rent  and  his  head  ful  of  earth,  f  And  Da-  alfo^tpt^nd 

uid  fayd  to  him:  Ifthoucomcwith  me,  thou  shaltbeabur-  hkewik  co- 
54  den  to  me:  ■\  but  if  thou  returne  into  the  citic,  and  wilt  fay  uered  their 
to  Abfalom  :  I  am  t'  y  feruanr,  o  king  :  as  1  hauc  beene  thy  l^eadcs. 
fathers  feruant,  fo  I  Ncil  be  thy  feruant:  thou  shale  dcfcatcthe 
3;  counfel  of  Achitophel.  f  And  thou  haft  with  thee  Sadoch, 
and  Abiathar  the  pcicfls:  and  eucry  word  whatfoeucr  thoa 
shair  heare  from  out  of  the  kinges  houfc,thou  shalr  tel  Sadoc, 
3^  and  Abiathar  the  pricftes.  f  And  there  are  with  them  their 
two  fonnesAchimaas  the  fonne  of  Sadoc,  and  lonathas  the 
fonne  of  Abiathar  :  and  yoB  shal  fend  by  them  vnto  me  euery 
§7  word  whatfoeuer  you  shal  hearc .   f  Chufai  therefore  the 
frend  of  Dauid  ceming  iato  the  citic,  Abfalom  aifo  cntred 
;  Chap.     XVI. 

Siy*  hrin^inr  yicfttdls  •katneth  ( ^7  falp  fu^ge/ten  )  his  mAiffer  Miphiho- 
feths  enheritdnce.  y.  .lemei  cHrfeth»4nd  thrcweth  fiones  At  the  l^iK^y  W^o 
neutrtheles  firi>iddi'th  f  k}l  bim.  15.  ^jfdom  entreih  into  Plicfufdlcmy 
16.  intartaynttlf  Chufai j  20.  *nd  by  ^chito^heh  dduife  lieth  TPith  bis 
fathers  C6ficuift»ei, 

M  m  m  n\  A  n  9 


666  Second    booke.  Dauid. 

Nd  \rl\cn   Dauid  had  palled  a  litie  the  toppc  of  the-  i 
Mounc,  Sihi  the    fcruanc  of  Miphiboferh  app-arcd 
toming  to  m.cete  him,  with  rwo  .iilt'Sj>35'hich  ^^'ere  loden  vith 
t\TO  hundred  loaues,  and  a  hundred  bunches  of  rayCens,  an 
hundrq^dmsircsof  Hgges,  and  a  botrel  uf  \r'ine.  t  And  the  z 
kin2;rai5' toSiba  :  Whar  meane  the(e  thingcs?  And  Siba  an- 
fwered  .' T.hcalTesarc  for  the  kinges  houl"hould  to  fitte  on: 
and  thcloancsandthc  figges  ro  €are  for  thy  fcruantes,  and  the 
wine  rodrinkeif  any  man  rtial  fainre  in  the  defcrt.  f  And  5 
the  king  fajd:  Vhercisihy  maftcrsfonnc?  AndSibaanf^cred 
the  king:  He  hith  remained  in  lerufakm,  faying:  This  day 
^il  the  hea^e  of  Ifracl rcftorc  me  the  kingdom  ot  ray  faihcF. 
:;KinaDa«i^    f  And  the  king f^iiil  t©  Siba  :  '•'  Let  al  chinges  be  thine  that  4 
vashere  abu-  were  Miphibofcihs.  AndSibafaid:  I  bcfechtheelet  rae  find 
fedby  falfcin-  grace  before  rhec,my  lord  kmg.f  King  Dauid  iherefsfccame  5" 
whUhh"*'^^  as  farreas  Bahurim:  &  behehf  there  came  forth  thence  a  man   - 
©nsKtnotfo     ofthckinrcdofthe  houfcofSaul  named  Seraei,  the  fennecf 
eafeljto  hiue  Sera,  and  he  preceded  going  forth, 5c  ciufed.  f  And  he  threw    4 
geucn  credite.  ftoaes  againft  Dauid,  &  againft  al  the  reruanics  of  king  Dauid 
if^/.r^.  y.  14.  ^^  |.^g  v!,-l,olc  people,  oc  al  the  carriers  went  on  the  right,  and 

tiieleftildeof  thekinf^.  f  And  thus  fpake  Semei  vhcn  he  7 
«i3rfed  the  kiiig.Come  forth,  come  forth  thou  man  of  bloud, 
4nd  man  of  Beliil.  f  Our  Lord  hath  rcpaye*-!  rhre  si  the  bloud  8 
of  the  h.oufeof  Saul:  becaufe  thou  haft  inuaded  the  kingr 
iam  for  him,  and  our  Lord  harligeuen  ths  kingdom  into  the 
hand  of  Abfalom  thyfonne:  and  behold  thyne  cuiles  prefTe 
thee,  becaufc  thou  art  a  man  of  bloud.  f  And  Abifai  the  f 
fonne  of  Scruia  faid  to  the  king:T»'hy  curfeth  this  dead  dogge 
my  lord  the  king  5 1  wil  goe,  and  ftrike  of  his  head,  f  And  i# 
the  king  faid  :  What  is  it  to  me  and  you,  yc  fonncs  of  Sai  uia ) 
■^-Codruffefea  L^thim  alone  that  he  may  curfe :  for  our  Lord  hitk  -'  com- 
oFh^'sot^ns^    mandedhiaa  to  cur  fe  Dauid:  and  whoishc  that  dare  fay,  why 
frecVilmali-     hath  he  fo  don«  ?  f  And  the  king  faid  to  Abifai,  and  to  al  his  u 
ciousfoipa-    feruanrss:  Behold  my  fonne,  that  carae  out  of  my  vombe, 
niaimentof     feeketh  my  life  .-  how  much  more  the  fonne  of  leraini  ?  let 
J^^uffc  kirn"   ^^  ^^^^^  ^^^^^  '^^  ^^^y  curfe according  to  the  precept  of  our 
butwnjnot      Lord:  f  if  perhaps  our  Lord  may  refpcdt  mine  afilidion,  and  11 
tbciuthorof    our  Lord  uKiy  render  me  good  for  this  dayes  curfing.  f  Da-  i^ 
]iis  malice,  for  uid  therefore  '^-alked  and  his  companie  in  the  way  with  him. 
loScmcibad     ^^^^  j  Semei  by  the  bankc  on  the  hils  fide,  went  ouer  agiinft 
fc^H'tsMerd*     hii»,  catling, and  cabling  (tones  agauift  hira,  and  Iprm  tiling 


Dailid.  OF    KINGES.  ^i-j 

14  earfh.  f  The  king  therefore  came,  and  al  the  people  with  and  then  he 
ij  himwearic,  and  they  were  refrelhed  there  f  ^^^  Abfalom   cciiianctlaw«- 
andal  his  people  entered  into  Icrufalem,  yeaand  Achitophcl  bcnatpna{- 

16  with  him.  f  And  when  Ghufai  the  Arachite  Dauids  frend  fncdfoiit,  at 
was  come  to  Abfalem^hc  faidto  him  :  God  fauc  thee  6  king,  hewAg.  j.  i;..^-. 

17  God  faue  thee  6  king.  -\  Tewhora  Abfalom,  is  this,  quoth  *• 
he,thy  kindencs  toward  thy  frend  ?  why  wenteft  thou  not 

18  with  thy  frend  ?  f  And  Chufaianfwered  Ablalom  :  Not  fo-: 
becaufe  I  wilbehis,  whom  our  Lerd  hath  chofen,andal  thi? 

rp  people,  and  al  Krael,  aad  with  him  wil  taric.  •{■  Yea  that  I  V  "^'/^^^^^L* 
may  adde  this  alfo,  whom  fliall  ferue  ?  not  thekingcs  fonnc  ?  j^t'laie'ifiAic 

26  as  I  haacferued  thy  father,  fo  wil  I  ferue  thee  alfo.  f  -An<i  bcrccouciled 
Abfalom  laid  to  Achitophrl :  Corjrult  what  we  ought  to  doe.   to  his  father  j 

21  fAnd  Achitophcl  faid  to  Abfalom;  Gocin  to  the  concubines  ''•eienetana* 
of  thy  father,  which  he  hath  left  to  kecpc  the  houfe  :"  that  [^thTr.t^"* 
whenal  Ifracl  ftial  hearc  that  thou  haft  defiled  thy  father,  fuchacrima 

12  their  handes  may  be  ftrengthened  with  thee.  •\  They  pitched  commitred 
thereforca  tent  for  Abfalom  in  the  houfctoppc,  and  he  went  *slemedco 

%})  in  to  his  fathers  concubines  before  allfrael-t  Andthccoun-  [f/^l^^  ^-i*^""^?,* 
felof  Achitophel,which  hegauein  thofe  dayes,  as  if  a  man  ble.  Soalra- 
fhouldconfultGod:  fo  wasalthecounfclof  Achitophcl,both  bclIcsandT- 
when  he  was  with  Dauid,  and  when  he  was  with  AbfaJona.      fuipeis  of  o- 

thcis  richr 

t>  H  A  P.       X  V  1  I.  •  ^,^^^  i^-T' 

"^cJfttophel caunfelieth ^folom:^!refenly to aJsauhhisfdiher'Sii'iih forces, 7.  enormions 
Chtifti perfiVddeththe  contrariCy\^.AndficretlyAduertifeth  the  hjngthcrof.  h&t  to  mske 
l^.^cbitophelhdttgethhim  felf.  1^: ^hfolom afpointeth ^mAfd general  thciradhercft- 

of  his arme.  27.  Other  fremdes  hrinr^'yi^uds t» the  kifJ^es umpe.  tcsand  folovs- 

''  ■'  ^  ^   <^  r 

2      A    Chitophel  therefore  faid  to  Abfolom;  I  wil  choofe  piaguetluhcra 

./\.  me  tweluethou('andmcn,andryfing  I  wil  purfcw  Da-  i«  the  cad,  as 
2  uid  this  night. -f  And  falling  vpon  him  (  for  as  much  as  he  is  h^^did  borU 

weatv>and  of  weakened  handes)  I  ^il  ftrike  Hjm:and  whenal  ,  *^j''l^w-'f  _ 

the  people  is  fled,  that  is  with  him,  I   Cbal  ftrikc  the  king 
5  being  defolate.  -f  And  I  fhal  reduce  al  the  people,  as  one  man 

is  wont  to  rcturne:  for  thou  feckcft  one  man  :  and  al  the  peo- 

4  pic  (hal  be  in  peace,  f  And  his  faying  plcafcd  Abfilom-,  and 

5  althcancicntcs  of  Ifracl.  f  But  Abfalom  fayd  :  Cal  Chufai 
(J'  the  Arachite,  and  let  vs  hearc  what  he  alfo  faycth.  -f-  And 

when  Ghufai  was  come  to  Abfalom,  Abfilom  fsyd  to  hinu: 

This  mancr  of  fpeache  fpakc  Achitophel :  fhal  're  doc  it  or 

7  no?  what  Gounfclgcuclt  thou?  f  AndChufaifayd  to  Abfa- 

M  m  111  m  X  lorn  : 

66^,  Second  BOOK  E  Dauid* 

lom  :  Itisnotgood  coualel,  char  AchitQphcl  hath  geaen  this 
rime,  f  Andagaync  Chufaiinfcircd  rThou  knoweft  thy  fa-  8 
ther,  and  the  men  rhat  arc  with  him,  to  be  veiie  valiant ,  and 
of  fel  courage,  asif  a  bcare  in  the  \yood  her  whelpes  being 
taken  asray  iliouid  rage  :  yea  and  thy  father  is  a  man  of  varre, 
neither  wil  he  abyde  with  the  people,  f  Perhaps  he  lyeth  f 
now  hid  fccretcly  io  caues,or  in  (ome  one  place  where  he  lift: 
and  when  any  oneshal  fal  in  the  beginning,  there  shal  one 
henre  whofocucr  shaiheare  it,  6c  fay:  Theie  is  made  a  (laugh-, 
rer  in  the  people  that  folowed  Abfalom.  f  And  cuerie  one  lo 
of  the  moftvaiiant  whofehair  is  asit  were  alyons,shal  faintc 
for  feare ;  for  al  the  people  of  Ifracl  knowc  thy  fatlicr  to  b« 
avaUantman,  and  that  al  be  ftrong  which  arc  with  him_». 
•f  But  thisfemcth  vEto  me  to  begood  counfel :  Let  al  I/rael  ii 
be  gathered  to  thee,  from  Dan  to  Berfabee,as  thefandof  the 
fea  innumerabk  ;  and  thou  shale  be  in  the  middes  of  them. 
fAnd  weshairettevponrherain  what  place  foeucr  they  shai  rz 
be  found  :  and  ^reshal  couer  rhern,asdewis  wont  to  fal  vpo^n 
theearth:  and  we  shal  notleaue  of  the  men,  that  are  with 
him,  not  fo  much  as  one.  -f  Andifheshal  enter  into  any  ci-  15 
tie,  al  Ifrael  shal  call  ropes  vpon  that  citie  round  about ,  and 
wewii  drawe  it  into  the  torrent,  that  there  be  not  found 
therof  not  fo  much  as  alitle  ftonc.  f  And  Abfalom  fayd,  and   14 
al  the  children  of  Ifrael :  The  counfcl  of  Chufai  the  Arachite 
is  better  then  the  counfcl  of  Achicophel'.  and  by  the  wil  of 
our  Lord  was  the  profitable  counfel  of  Achicophel  defeated, 
that  our  Lord  mij^ht  bring  in  euil  vpon  Abfalom .   -f  And   ij 
Chufaifayd  toSadoc  and  Abiathar  the  prieflf s  :.  In  this  and 
this  mancr  gaue  Achitophei  counfel  to  AbUlom,  and  to  the 
Ancientes  of  Ifrael  :  and  I  gaue  fuch   and  fuch  counftl. 
"f  Now  therfore  fend  quickly,  and  tel  Dauid  ,  faying:  Tarie  r^ 
not  this  nightin  the  champaync  of  the  defert,  bat  without 
delayp-illeouertleft  perhaps  the  king  be  fwalowcd  vp  ,  and 
al  the  people  that  is  with  him.  j  Andlonathas  &  Achimaas  17 
flood  by  the  Fountaync  rogel  :   there  went  a  maide  and 
toldrhem:  and  they  x^ent  forward  ,  to  report  the meflagc  to      • 
kingDiuid:  for  they  could  not  be  feene,  nor  entcrinto  the 
citic.  f  Andaccrtayne  boy  faw  them,  and  toid  Abfalom:  iS 
butthey  making  hail  entered  into  the  houfe  of  a  certayne 
man  in  Bahurim,  who  hadawcl  in  his  court,  and  they  went 
do^ncintoit.  t  And  a  wom^n  tooke,  and  fprcd  a  couering  ip 


Dauid.  OT    KINGES.  669 

oner  the  mouth  of  rhevjcl,  as  it  were  drying  fodde  barky: 

\  io  and  Co  the  thing  was  not  knowen,  f  And  when  Ab(a!oms 

fervantcs  were  cctv.c  into  the  hoiifc,  they  fayd  tothe  v/omsn: 
\t''here^is  Achimaas,  and  lonathas?  And  the  woman  anfwe- 
red  them  :  They  palled  in  haft,  hailing  taO.ed  a  lirlc  warcr. 
But  they  that  fought,  when  they  had  not  found  ,  rerutncd 
21  intolerufalcm.  t  And  when  thefe  were  gone  ,  theywcntvp 
out  ofthe  wel,  and  going  on  told  king  Dauid^and  fayd:  Aryle 
ye,  and  paffe  quickly  the  riuer-.  becaufethis  manerofcounfel 
2,1  hath  Achitopheigeuen  sgainft  you.  f  Dauid  therfore  arole, 
and  al  the  people  that  was  with  him, and  they  palFcd  ouer  lor- 
dan,  vntil  it  waxed  hght,  and  not  one  at  al  was  rcmayning, 

25  which  did  nor  palfc  the  riucr.  f  Moreoucr  Achirophel  feirg 
that  his  counfel  was  not  executed,  fadled  his  alle,  and  role 
and  went  into  his  houfe  and  into  his  citic:  and  taking  order 

with  his  houfe,  •'•  hanged  him  (elf,  and  was  buried  in  the  fc- ,.,.Badcounfail 
<^  pulchre  of  his  father,  f  But  Dauid  came  into  the  Campc,  and  often  falleth 
Abfalom  palled  ouer  lordan,  he  and  al  the  men  of  Urael  with  ^'^'«r'|.^^  ^1^= 
*;  him.  f  But  Abfalom  appoynted  Amafa  for  loab  ouer  the  *^°""  '^  ^^' 
armie  :  and  Amafa  was  the  fonneofaman,  which  was  called 
Icthra  of  Iczrael,  who  went  in  to  Abigail  the  daughter  of 
Kaa?,  the  fifter  of  Saruia  which  was  the  mother  of  loab. 

26  t  And  Ifracl  camped  with  Abfalom  in  the  Land  of  Galaad. 

27  t  And  when  Dauid  was  come  into  theCarape,Sobi  the  lonne 
of  Naas  of  llabbath  thefonnesof  Ammon  ,  and  Machir  the 
fonne  of  Amihelof  Lodabarj&  BerzellaithcGalaaditeof  Ro« 

28  gclim,  f  prefented  vnto  him  hanginges  ,  and  tapeftrie,  and 
earthen  velfels,  wheatejand  barley, awa  mealcjand  polcnt,and 

xp  beancs,and  rishe?,  and  fryed  peafe,  -f  and  honie,  and  butter, 
sheepe,&  fatte  calues.  and  they  eaue  to  Dauid  and  the  people, 
that  was  with  him,  to  eate :  for  they  fufpeded  that  the  people 
Nrith  hunger  and  thyrft  was  faynte  in  the  defer C. 
Chap.     XVIII. 
J^ing  DduidAifpofeth  his  armie  in  three  partes,  gittin^  fpecUlchar^e  to  fuue 
Skhfalom  altne.  9.  Vrhom  ncuerthdei  (  httnging  hy  the  heans  of  Its  head 
in  an  o.^e  )  loa'c  {iHeth  :  16.  and  faueth  the  common  people.  19.  F/hicb 
Dauid  ')>nderjianding greatly  bnvajleth  ythjalom-. 

1  TPV  A  T  r  D  thcrforc  hailing  viewed  his'peoplc,  appointed 

1   X^  oucrthsm  tribunes  &  centurions,  f  and  gaue  the  third 

part  of  th^' people  vnder  the  hand  of  loab  ,  and  the  third  pare 

Mmmm  j  vnder 

Sjo  Second  booke 

vndei-tbehandof  Abifaithefonneof  Seruiathc  brother  of 

loab,andthe  third  part  vnder  the  hand  of  Ethai,  ^rho  \rasof 

Gerh  ;  and  the  king  (aid  to  the  people:  I  alfo  wil  ^oe  forth 

Nfithyoii.  f  And  the  people  anfu'ere'd  :  Thou  Oialt  not  goe  ^ 

forth;  for  whether  we  ihal  flee,  it  wil  be  no  great  importance 

to  thcmof  vs  ror'rhcthcrthehalfepart  of  VJ  ihal  fal,  they 

>sril  not  greatly  care:  becaufe  thou  alone  art  accounted  for  tea 

thoufandes ;  it  is  better  therefore  that  thou  be  in  the  citic  to 

aydevs.  f  To  whom  the  king  faid:  Vhat  iecraeth  good  to  4 

you,  that  vril  I  doe.  The  king  therforc  ftoode  behde  the  gate  ; 

and  al  the  people  ^enc  forth  by  their  troupes,  by  hundredes 

and  by  thoufandes.  f  And  the  Kisg  commanded  lo&b,  and  j" 

::ii9»i?amo-     AbiGii,ind  Ethai,  faying  :  -  Saue  me  the  child  Abfalom.  And 

ueci  with  com  al  the  people  heard  tfee  King  comraan-«lin|  «1  the  for 

wal'd'es  H-        Abfalora.  f  The  people  therfore  vent  out  into  the  fildc  a.  6 

fomtc  A.b'ft-      gainfl  irrael,(?,:  the  battel  xras  fought  in  the  forefi:  of  Ephraitw. 

lorn,  being      t  And  the  people  of  Ifrael  \ras  flayne  there  oF  Dauids  armie,  7 

ia  adBal  re-     and  there  wa5  made  agrearflaughterin  that  day,  of  twei^tie 

bclhona^amft  thoufand.  f  And  the  battel  there  was  difperfedvpon  the  face  S 
hun  prch'T^u-        ^ill         11  ■  \  \       r       n 

Ted  clirift\  *'  ^^  catch,  and  there  were  manie  moe,  \rhom  the  f orcft 

c5pa!hon,to.   ^'^^^  con(umcd  of  the  people,  then  they  \rhom  the  fword 
>»ard';hijper-   deHouredin  that  day.  |  And  it  chanced  that  Abf&Iom  mctte  9 
fccutcrs, being  the  fetuantcs  of  Dauid,  fitting  on  a  mule;  and  when  the  mule 
prayina  £01^'    ^^^  ^^^^"  ^'^  vndera  thicke  oke  and  a  greaf,his  head  flucke  to 
tliri-n  in  his      the  oke ;  and  he  hanging  bstwcn  heauenand  earth,  the  uuile 
\''i(^\on.s..Am.  that  he  rode  vpon  pafTed  through. -f  And  ©ne  fawcthis  &  told  10 
brofe  ,n  pial.      loib  .-  faying  :  i  faw  Abfolom  hang  vpon  an  oke.  f  And  loab  11 
(ajd  to  the  man  that  told  him  :  If  thou  fawed:  him,  why  didll: 
thpu  not  naylchim  to  the  earth  ,  and  I  had  gcuen  thee  t€n 
ficles  of  filuer  ,  and  one  belt  ?  f  ^^ho  fayd  to  loab  :  If  thou  li- 
wouldeA;  pay  downe  in  my  handcs  a  thoufand  peeces  of 
filuer,  I  would  not  lay  my  handcs  vpon  the  kingcs  fonne  :  for 
In  our  hearing  the  king  commanded  thee,  and  Abilai,  and 
Ethai,/aying:  Keepe  me  the  child  Abfalom  .  f  Yea  and  if  ij- 
I  had  done  agaynft  my  life  boldly,  this  could  not  haue  beenc  r 
hid  from  the  king,  and  thou  wouldcft  hauc  fcandagaynft  it  ?  ; 
f  And  loab  fiyd  :'Not  as  thou  wilt,  but  I  wil  fet  vpon  him  i^ 
before  thee.  He  tooke  therefote  three  lances  in  his  hand, 
and  thru(]L-  them  iu;  the  -Ki-rt   af   Abfaloiiu  .-and  •when  as-    • 
yet  he  panted  for  life  fticki;n,g on  the  oke,  f  there  rannc  tea  vf 
yongmen  thcfquyersof  loab,  andlhiking  chey  killed  him. 

t  And 

iii.y.  io8. 

)    uitl.  O  F   K  I  NG  ES.  6yi 

16  f  AnJ  ToaB  founded  the  iiumper ,  and  flayed  the  people, 
that  they  should  uoc  purfew  Uraclfltcing,^iihng  to  fparethc 

17  muhirude.  f  And  they  tooke  Abfalom,  and  calt  him  in  the 
forrcft;  into  a  great  pittt:,  and  they  heaped  vpon  him.aa 
cxceding great hcapcot  ftoncs:  but  al  Hrael  lied  into  their 

iS   tabcrnacrts.  f  Moreoucr  Abfalom  had  crc6iefto  himlcif, 
whilesheyethuedjatiilcwhichisin  the  kinges  Valley;  for 
hefaid:  I  haue  '•  no  fonne,  and  this  shal  be  a  monument  ::Alhis  fandcs 
ofroy  name.  And  he  called  the  title  by  his  name,  and  it  is  bcmgiieaJ^.Vf 

i^  called  The  hand  of  Abfalom,  vntil  this  prefcnt  day.  |  And  [^t!^r|.'clo*'rHX^ 
Achmsaasthcfonneof  Sadoc  faid;  I  wil  runnc,  and  tcl  the  sliCui^-'uui:, 
king,  that  our  Lord  hath  donehimiudgementof  the  hand  of  Ji.ip,i^,^y,v/', 

20  his  enciTiies.  f  Te  whom  loab  faid;  Thou  shalr  not  be  mef- 
fenger  this  day,  but  thcu  shale  carie  the  racffagc  an  other 
day :  to  day  I  wil  not  haue  thee  carie  the  meffage  ,  for  the 

zi  kingcifonnc  is  dead,  f  And  loabfaid  toChulai:  Goe,nnd  rel 
the  king  what  then  haft  feene.  Chufai  adored  Ioab,and  ranne. 

12.  t  Andflgsinc  Achimaas  tlie  lonne  of  Sadoc  faid  to  loab : 
what  lertetbif  I  alfo  runne  after  Chufai?  Aind  loabfaydto 
him:  Whyxiltthou  tunne  my  fonne  ?  thoushalt  not  be  ca- 

15  ryerof  good  tydinges.  f  "WhoaniVcred;  But-^hatif  I  runne? 
And  he  faid  to  him;  Runne,  Achimaas  therfore  running  a 

14  Jicre  way  out  went  Chufai.  j-  And  Dauid  fate  betwen  the 
two  gates  .and  the  watchman  that  was  in  the  toppe  of  the 
gate  vpon  the  wal,  lifting  vp  his  cies,  fa"v  a  man  running 

2/  alone,  j  And  crying  oui  he  told  the  king :  and  the  king  fiid  : 
If  he  be  alone,  there  arc  good  tydinges  ui  his  mouth.  And  he 

16  making  haft,  and  coming  neerer,  •\  the  watchman  faw  aa 
other  man  running,  and  cryuig  alowde  in  the  toppe,  he  faid  i 
Thcreappc4rethvnto  mean  other  man  running  alone.  And 

£f  the  king  (aid  :  And  this  is  a  good  mellcnger .  -j*  And  th^ 
watchman,  I  behold,  faid  he,  the  running  of  the  former,  as  it 
were  the  running  of  Achimaas  the  fonne  of  Sadoc.  And  th^ 
king  faid:  He  is  a  good  man;  and  coraeth  bringing  goo4 

iS  ncwes.  t  And  Achimaas  crying,  fayd  to  the  king  :  God  {au« 
thee  6  king.  And  adoring  the  king  before  him  Hattc  to  the 
earth, he  faid:  Blcffed  be  our  Lord  ihy  God,  who  hath  shut  vp 
the  men  that  haue  lifted  vp  their  handes  againft  my  lord  the 

Ijj  king. I  And  the  king  faid:Is  the  child  Abfalom  fafe?  And  Achi«» 
maas  fayd  ?  I  fiw  a  great  tumult,  when  thy  fcruanc  loab  (enr» 

50  ©king,  rue  thy  fcra-:nt;  other  thing  I  knov  not.  f  To  who  r^? 

^7^  Second  booke  E)iiiii4? 

thekin^,  Paffl-j  faydhe,  and  tVaiidhere.  I  And  whenhehad    31  j 

palled,  and  ltoo:1,  f  Chufai  appeared  :  and  coming  he  fayd  :  I  ji  ; 

bring  good  tydingesmy  lord  king:  for  our  Lord  iiatli  iudged 
for  thee  this  day  of  the  hand  of  al  that  haue  ryfen  againft  thee. 
f  And  the  king  fayd  to  Chufai:  Is  the  child  Abfalorn  fafe?  31 
To  whom  Chufai  anfwering,  fayd:  Let  the  enemies  of  my 
lord  the  king  become,  as  the  child,  and  al  that  ryfc  againft 
himvntoeuil.  j-  The  king  thffrfore  being  made  forie  ,  went  55 
vpinto  the  high  cliamber  of  the  gate,  and  wept.  And  thus  he 
fpake,  going  :  My  fonne  Abfalom,  Abfalorn  my  fonne  :  who 
>would  graunt  me  that  I  might  die  for  thee,  Abfalorn  my 
fonne,  my  fonne  Abfalom. 

Chap.  XTX. 
MahU  moued  hy  loahs  ddmonttiofjy  8.  ceafeth  mottrntng  far  ^hfaUm ,  and 
reconcileththerebeli- 1^).  Semcii-s panioned.  14.  Mifhthofith  cltrethhtn% 
[elf  of  his  fertiantes  falfe  dccufxtton ,  yet  recouereth  not  his  T^hoU  rights 
5i.  BerXdlni  is  ourteQuJly  iniredted.  40.  The  other  tribes  contend  rvith 
ludtt  for  their  afe[hion  to  the  h}t*f' 

ANd  it  was  told  loab,  that  the  king  "wept,  and  moar-  £ 
ned  for  his  ionne  :  f  And  the  vidorie  was  turned  into  2, 
mourning  that  day  to  al  the  peoplerfor  the  people  heard  it  fayd 
in  that  day  :  The  king  forovrcth  vpon  his  fonne.  f  And  z*at  5 
people  shunned  that  day  to  enter  into  the  cirie, as  a  people  tur- 
ned, &:  lleing  out  of  battel  is  wont  to  shrinkcafide.  f  More-  4 
ouer  the  king  couercd  his  head  ,  and  cried  with  a  lowd  voice: 

0  my  fonne  Abfalom,o  Abfalo  my  fonne, o  my  fonne.  f  loab  5 
^  rhcrfore  entrin^  in  to  the  king,  into  his  houfe,  fayd:  Thou  ■ 

hall:  CO  rounded  this  day  the  countenances  of  al  thy  feruantes, 
that  haue  faued  thy  life,  and  thelifc of  thy  fonnes,  and  thy 
daughters,  and  the  life  of  thy  wiaes,  and  the  life  of  thy  con-  ^ 
cubines.  f  Thou  loucft  them  that  hate  thee,  and  thou  hatefV  6 
them  that  loue  thee .-  and  thou  haft  shewed  this  day  that  thou 
cared  not  for  thy  nobles,  and  for  thy  frruinres :  andindeedc 
Tknowe  now,  that  if  Abfalom  lined,  and  al  we  had  beenc 
flayne,  then  it  would  pleafe  thee,  f  Nov^  thcrforearife,  and  7 
come  forth,  and  fpeakingvnto  them  (atisfic  thy  feruantcs:for 

1  fweare  to  thee  by  our  Lord,  that  if  thou  wilt  not  goe  forth, 
fioroneverely  wilremaytie  with  thee  this  night:  and  this 
shal  be  worfe  for  thee,  then  al  the  curls,  which  haue  come 
vpon  thee  from  thy  youth  Yntil  this  prcfent.  +  The. king  S 


X)auid»'  OF  KiNGEs.  ^71 

tVicrfore  Mofc  and  Crte  in  the  gate:  and  it  was  told  althc 
people  that  the  king  fate  in  the  gate:  and  al  the  multitude 
came  forth  before  the  king ,  but  Ifrael  fled  into  their  taber- 

5  nacles.  f  Al  the  people  aifoftroue  in  al  the  tribes  of  Ifrael, 
faying:  The  king  harh  dcliuered  vs  out  of  the  hand  of  our 
enemies,  he  hath  faued  vsfrom  thchcadof  thePhiliftianes  2 

-l«  andnovheHcdoutofthelandfor  Abfalom.  f  ButAbfalom 
whom  we  annoyntcd  oner  vs,  is  dead  in  the  battel:  hov  long 

ti  areyouftil,  and  reduce  not  the  king?  f  But  king  Dauid  fcnc 
to  Sadoc,  and  Abuthar  rhe  prieftes,  faying:  Speakccoths 
Ancientes  ot  luda-j,  (aymg:  Why  come  you  laft  to  bring 
backe  the  king  int®  his  houfc?  (  And  thefaying  of  al  Ifrael 

R  \ras  come  to  the  kmg  in  his  houfe. )  f  You  arc  ray  brcthrenj 
youmy  bone,  and  my  Besh,  why  do  you  laft  bring  backe  the 

^  king?  t  Andfjy  ycto  Amafa:  Art  not  thou  my  bone,  and 
my  flesh  ?  Tne^c  thinges  do  God  to  me,  and  theL*  adde  he,  if 
thou  be  not  the  chiete  captaync  of  warfare  before  me  al- 

14  wayes  for  loab.  f  And  he  inclined  the  hart  of  althc  men  of 
luda,  as  it  were  of  one  man  :  and  they  fent  to  the  king,faying: 

15  Returne  thou,  and  al  thy  (eruantes.  t  And  the  king  retur- 
ned,and  came  a«  far  as  lordan,  andalludacamc  asfaras  Gal- 

t(  galtomcete  thekmg,  and  to  bring  him  oucrlordan.  f  And 
Scmeithe  fonne  of  Cera  the  fonnc  of  Icmini  of  Bahurim 
made  haft,  and  went  downe  with  the  men  of  luda  to  meete 
»7  king  Dauid  f  witha  thoufand  men  of  Benjamin,  and  Siba 
thcYeruant  of  ihehoafe  of  Saul:  and  hisfiftcHcfonneSjand 
twcntieferuantes were wirh him:  and  rushing  into  lordan, 
>S  t  pafTcd  the  fordes  before  the  king,  that  they  might  helpe 
cuer  thckinges  houshould,  and  doc  according  to  his  cora- 
mandcment.  And  Scmeithe  fonne  of  Cera  proftrate  before 
9ip  the  king,  when  he  had  now  pafted  lordan,  f  faydtohim  : 
Impute  not  C'->  me  mv  lord  the  iniquitie,  nor  remember  the 
iniurics  of  thy  fciumt  in  the  day  that  thou  my  lord  king 
«e  wenteft  oHt  of  Iwrufalcm,  nor  put  itin  thy  hart  o  king,  f  Fjf 
1  thy  ^cruanr  acknowledge  rav  finne:  and  therefore  this  day 
I  am  hrif  coTie  of  al  ••  the  houfe  of  lofeph,  andam  dcfcended  ..  f^]  ,j^g  g|g, 
41  to  mectc  my  lorii  rhe  king,  -f  But  Abilaithe  lonne  of  Saruia  um  tribes  arc 
anfwering,fayfi  :'W'iatshalScmei  for  tfeefc  wordes  not  be  c-^'^*!  hy  the 
ii  flayne,becaa(c  he  reuiied  the  annoyntcd  of  our  Lord  ?  I  And  J^^"?^  ?       ' 
Dauid  faydr  Wriaiisio  mcandyouye  fonnesof  Saruia  ?  Why  Xnfc  after 
Mc  you  made  this  day  as  fatan  to  me?  Shalthcrca  manbc  luca.ioSeoa« 

t-Jnnn  killed 

^74  Second   booke.  Dauid 

not  of  the  pro  killedin  Ifrael  to  day?Doe  I  not  know  that  this  day  I  am  made 
j)cr  tribe  of     ^[j^^  ouet  Ifrael?  f  And  the  king  fayd  to  Semei:  Thou  shale  i^ 
linhl^r^lL  not  die.  Andhef>yaretohim.  f  Miphibofethalfo  thefonnc  i^ 
diner  for  par-  ©f  Saul  came  downe  to  raeete  the  king,  his  fcetc  vnvashed, 
doH  ofhisfor-  and  his  beard  not  potiled  :  and  he  had  net  washed  his  gar- 
mer  fault,  al-  tnentes  from  the  day  that  the  king \rcnt  forth,  vntiltheday 
leagetk  that     of  his  tcturne  in  peace,  t  And  when  he  had  mette  the  king  if 
he  came  firft  »        /-  i  i      i  •         /       i         i  •         «„i  •.     l  ^ 

oftheelcuen   at  lerufaism ,  the  king  layd  to  him:  ^hy  cameft  thou  noe 

tribes,  to  fub-  with  me  Miphibofcth  ?  |  And  he  anfwcring,  iayd  :  My  lord  2.4 
Biitte  him  felf  king  ,  my  feruant  contemned  me  :  and  I  thy  fcruant  fpake  to 
aad  feme  the   him  that  he  should  fadje  me  an  aflc,  that  getting  on  I  might 
^°^"  goewirh  the  king:  for  I  thy  feruant  am  lame,  f  Moreouer  if 

he  hath  aUo  sccufed  me  ihy  feruant  to  thee  my  lord  king:  but 
thou  my  lord  king  art  as  an  Angel  of  God,  doe  what  pieafeth 
thee,  t  Foi'  neither  was  my  fathers  houfe  ought  els,  but  iS 
guiltieofdeathtomy  lord  king:  and  thou  haft  put  me  thy 
feruant  among  the  gueftes  of  rhy  table  ?  "Whatiuft  complaync 
thcrfore  haue  I  ?  or  what  can  I  further  crie  out  to  the  king  ? 
f  The  king  therfore  fayd  to  him  :  "What  fpeakcft  thou' any  29 
more  ?  That  is  determined  which  I  haue  fpoken :  Thou,  and 
Siba  diuide  the  polfcffions.  f  And  Miphibofeth  anfwcrecf  the  5® 
the  king:  Yea  let  him  take  al,for  fo  much  as  my  lord  king  is  re- 
turned peaceably  into  his  houfe.  fBerzellai  alto  theGalaadite,  31 
coming  downe  from  Rogelim, brought  the  kingouer  lordan, 
being  readic  alfo  to  attend  on  him  beyond  theriuer.  -f  And  jt 
Berzellai  the  Galaadite  was  verie  old,  that  is  to  fay  ,  of  four© 
fcore  yearcs,  and  he  gaue  the  king  viduals,  when  he  abode  in 
the  Fild  :  for  he  was  an  exceding  rich  man.  f  The  king  ther-  55 
fore  fayd  to  Berzellai:  Come  with  me,  that  thou  mayftrcfl: 
fecure  with  me  in  lerufalem .  f  And  Berzellai  fayd  to  the  3^ 
king:  Howmanieare  thedaiesoftheyearesof  my  life,  that 
I  [hould  goe  vp  with  the  king  into  Icrulalem  ?  f  I  am  this  3^ 
day  foure  fcore  yeares  old,  are  ray  fenfes  quicke  to  difcerne 
fweere,or  {owre  ?orcaa  meatcor  drinkc  delight  thy  feruant? 
or  can  I  heare  more  the  voycc  of  finging  men  and  finging  i 

wemen  ?  Why  should  thy  feruant  be  a  burden  to  mv  lord  the 
king?  t  I  thy  (eruant  wil  goe  forward  a  litlc  from  lordan  36 
with  thee  :  I  necde  not  this  recorapenfe,  t  hut  1  befech  thee  57 
that  I  thy  feruant  may  rcturne  ,  and  diein  my  citie,  and  be 
buried  by  chcfepulchre  of  my  father,  and  my  mother.  But 
ihsre  is  thy  feruant  Chamaara,  let  him  goe  with  thec,my  lord 


Dauid.  ©F  KiNG^s.  ^7j 

38  kin^,  and  doe  to  him  whatfocucr  femeth  good  to  tlicc.f  The 
kingihcrforefayd  tohim:  LetCharnaam  pafTc  on  \pith  me, 
and  I  \ril  doc  for  him  whatfoeucr  flial  pleafc  thee,  and  a],  that 

jj  thou  shale  aske  of  me,  thou  (halt  obtayne.  f  And  vhenal 
the  people  and  the  king  had  pafTed  Jordan,  the  king  kiiTcd 
Berzellai ,  and  bleffcd  him  :  and  he  returned  into  his  place. 

49  t  The  king  thcrforepalTcd into  Galgal,  and  Chamaam  witk 
him,  and  al  the  people  of  luda  had  brought  ouer  the  king, 
and  the  halfe  part  onlie  of  the  people  of  Ilrael  were  prefent. 

41  t  Thcrforealthemenof  Ifrael  concurring  to  the  king,  fayd 
tohim:  Why  hauc  our  brethren  the  men  ofludaftolen  thee, 
and  brought  the  kingand  his  houshould  ouer  lordan  ,  andai 

^1  the  men  ofDauid  with  him?  f  Andcuerieraan  of  luda  an- 
fvrered  the  men  of  Ifrael.  Bccaufe  the  king  h  necrer  to  me: 
xrhy  art  thou  angrie  for  this  matter  ?  hauc  we  eaten  any 

45  thing  of  thckinges  ,  or  were  there  giftes  geucn  vs  ?  f  And 
a  certayne  man  of  Ifrael  aHfNxrered  the  men  of  luda,  and  fayd  : 
I  am  greater  by  ten  partes  with  the  king,  &  to  me  pertayneth 
Dauid  more  then  to  thee:  "Why  haft  thou  done  me  wrong, 
and  it  was  not  told  me  firft,  that  I  might  bring  backe  my 
king?  And  the  men  of  luda  anfwered  more  sharply  then  the 
men  of  Ifrael. 

Chap.    XX. 

Sehdrdtfeth  reheUiony  ispurfaed  by  Jeal>,  ( 10.  Frho  in  the  "^Ay  trecherou^y 
killeth  ^m^ft, )  i  j.  ^leU  n  befte^redy  heciiufc  Sehtt  faucth  him  /elf  there. 
20.  Ifut  hii  head  bemg  cut  of  and  cafl  ouer  the  ^d  to  lonhj  the  Avrnis  dt- 
fdrteth.  23.  chief  men  in  office  ai  e  mentioned. 

,  TT 


chanced  alfo  that  there  was  there  a  man  of  Belial , 

he  founded  the  trumpet,  and  fayd  :  We  haue  no  part  in  Dauid, 
nor  inheritance  in  the  fonne  of  Ifai:  Returne  into  thy  taber- 

2  nacles  Ifrael.  f  Andallfrael  was  feparated  from  Dauid,  and 
folowcd  Seba  the  fonne  of  Bochri  :  but  the  men  of  luda 

3  ftucke  to  their  king  from  lordan  vnto  lerufalcm  .  •[-  And 
when  the  king  was  come  into  his  houfs  to  lerufalem,  he 
tooke  the  ten  wemen  his  concubines,  which  hehadleift  to 

kecpe  the  houfc,  and  he  deliuercd  them  into  cuftodie,  al 


ing  thera  viduals;  and  he  went  not  in  vnto  them,  but  they 

were  ihutvpvntil  the  day  of  their  death  Iming  in  widow- 

'4  hood,  f  And  the  king  fayd  to  Amafa:Cal  me  together  al  the 

Hnnn  2  mea 

6^4  S  E  c  o  K  D  B  o  o  K  E  Dauid* 

men  of  luda  agaynft  the  third  day  ,  and  be  thou  prefcntl*.^ 
t  Amafa  thctfotc  Nrent  to  cal  together  luda  ,  and  taryed  j-     ^  .  >■ 
beyond  the  time  appoynted  which  the  king  had   affigncd        1 
him.  t  And  Dauidlavdto  Abifai:  Novrwil  Seba  the  fonnc  ^ 
of  Bochri  more  afflidvs,  then  Abfalom?  take  therefore  the 
fcruanresof  thy  Lord  ,  and  purfew  him,left  pcthapshcfindc 
fenfed  cities,  Scefcapc  vs.  f  There  \rent  forth  rherforcvith  7 
him  loabs  mcn,Cerethial{oand  Pheltthi:  and  althc  ftrong 
men  yiTued  forth  of  Icrufalem  to  purfev  Sebathcfonneof 
Bochri.  f  And  when  they  ve'ere  bcfide  the  great  rtonCjwhich  S- 
is  in  Gabaon,  Amafa  coming  mettc  them.  Moreoucrloab 
"was  clothed  with  a  ftraytc  cote  according  to  the  meafure  of 
his  ftature,  and  vpon  it  girded  with  a  fword  hanging  downc 
to  thefiankc,  in  afcabbardc,  which  being  made  for  the  pur- 
pofe  could  with  light  mouing  come  forth  and  ftcike.  f  lotb  ^ 
cherforc  fayd  to  Amafa:  God  fauc  thee  my  brother.  Awdhc 
held  with  his  right  hand  the  chinne  of  Amafa,  as  it  were  kif- 
(Inghim.  f  But  Amafi  marked  not  the  fword,  which  Toab  t#^ 
had  ,  who  ftrick  him  in  the  fide,  and  powred  out  his  bowets 
on  the  ground,  neither  added  he  the  (econd  wound,  and  he 
dyed.  And  loab, and  Abifai  his  brother  purfewed  Seba  tfic 
fonnc  of  Bochri.  f  In  the  meane  time  certayne  men  ,  when  it 
they  ftoode  by  the  carcaffeof  Amala,  loabs  company  ,  fayd  : 
Loehe  that  would  haue  beenc  for  loab  the  companion  oi 
Dauid.  "f  And  Amafa embrcwed  with  b[oud,lay  in  themiddfs  11 
of  the  way.  A  certayne  man  faw  this  that  al  the  people  ftayed 
tofce  him,and  hercmoued  Amafa  out  of  the  way  into  th^ 
filde,  and  coucred  him  with  a  garment  ,  that  they  which 
palled  might  not  (lay  becaufe  of  him.  f  He  therefore  being  15 
remoucd  outof  the  way,  cucry  man  palTed  folo wing  loab  to 
purfew  Seba  the  fonnc  of  Bochri.  f  Morcoaer  he  hadpaifed  14 
through  al  the  tribes  of  Ifraelvnto  Abel.i,and  Bethmaaca: 
and  al  the  cho^rn  men  were  gathered  together  vnto  him. 
t  Thi^y  thcrforecame,  and  afliuhcd  him  in  Abela,  and  in  if 
Bcchm.iaca,and  they  compalfcd  the  cirie  with  munitions, 
as^d  the  citie  was  beficgcd:  and  al  the  multitude,  that  was 
with  loab,  laboured  to  deftroy  the  walle-s .' f  And  a  wife  i(f* 
woman  crycd  out  from  the  citic  :  Hcare ye,  heareTe,rcl  loab: 
Approchc  hither,  and  I  wilfpcake  with  thee.  ■{■  "Who  when  1.515^ 
lie  was  come  to  her,  i>>c  fayd  to  him  :  Art  thou  loab  ?  And  he 
a^fvercdj  I  amo  To  whom  she  fpake  thus :  Heare  the  worde* 

of  thy 

'DsLHld^  O  F    K  IN  C  E  S.  ^77 

18  of  thy  handmayd.  'Who  anfweicd;  Idoehcare.  f  Andsh« 
agayne  (ayd;  A  fnying  "vas  vied  in  the  old  proucrbe:  They 
that  a&ke,  let  them  aske  in  Abela:  and  To  they  profpcrcd. 

ty  t  Am'not  I  she  that  anfNrer  truth  in  Ifrael,  and  thou  Icekefi; 
to  fubuert  the  citie,  Sc  to  ouerthrowe  a  mother  citic  in  Ifrael) 
"Why  throweft  thou  do\rne  hedlong  the  inheritance  of  our 

29  Lord?  f  Andloabanfwcring,  fayd  :  God  forbid,  God  iorbid 
thatlshould,  I  do  not  throw  dovarne,  nor  deftroy.  -f  The 
mattetis  not  fo,but  a  man  of  mount  Epl  raimjSeba  the  fonne  • 
•f  Bochri  by  name,  hath  hfttd  vp  his  hand  agaynfl  king 
Dauid :  Dehucr  himonlie,  ard  we  wil  depart  from  rhc  citie. 
And  the   Vfoman   fayd  to  loab  :  Behold  his  head  shal  be 

41  throTTcn  to  thee  of  the\ral.  f  She  therfore  went  roal  the 
people,  and  fpake  to  them  wifely;  \fho  threw  the  head  of, 
Scba  the  fonne  of  Bochri  being  cur  of,  to  loab.  And  he  foun- 
ded the  trumpet,  and  thtry  departed  from  the  ciric,eucry  one 
into  their  tabernacles;  and  loab  returned  to  teru(alcm  vnto  . 

25  the  king,  t  loab  therfore  was  oueral  the  arn)ie  of  Iff  ael:  and 
Banaias  the  fonne  of  loiada  ouer  the  Cherctheites  and  Phe- 

24  letheitcs.  f  Bur  Aduram  ouer  the  tributes  :  moreouer  lofa- 

2j  phat  the  fonne  of  Ahi'ud,  was  regiftcr.  f  And  Siua,a  fcribe: 

16  and  Sadoc  and  Abiaihar,  prieftts.  f  Andlrathc  lairite  was  ..  ci,{efe  or 
the  -  prieft  of  Dauid.  greatinfansi 

Chap.     XXI.  iuritie. 

Fdmine  cpprejiing ifr^el three yeares^  for  theftnne  efSaul  <fgdynli  the  Gahdo- 
ttftts,  O.feuea  »fS£ul$rAce  ( 7.  Mi^hiyojethfAUfd )  4re imajlcd.  11.  Thar 
bones  ivith  S^uls  and  lonath^s  are  htficd  in  the  Lund  of  Bi»iamm.  15. 
VaHid  hathfoure  g^e4t  Uttels  dod  ')>i^oriei  a^Aittfi  the  Fbili/iuns, 

t  A  Nd  there  came  a  famine  in  the  daies  of  Dauid  thre<S 
.XjL  yearcs  continually:  and  Dauid  confulted  the  oracle  of 
our  Lord.  And  our  Lord  fayd:  For  Saul.and  his  bioudy  houfe, 

1  becaufche  flewethc  Gabaonires.  -f-  The  king  therfore  cal- 

hngtheGabaonitcs,  (ayd  to  them.  (Moreouer  the  Gabaoni- 

t(s  were  not  of  the  children  orUrael.butthereliqucs  of  ih^ 

UJut.f.  Amorrheites:  For  the  children  of  Ifrael  had  fworne  to  them, 

and  Saul  would  ftrike  them  of  zealc,asit  were  for  the  chiU 

5  drcn  of  Ifrael  and  lada. )  -f  Dauid  therfore  fayd  to  the  Gabao- 
nifes:"*«i^hatshall  do  foryou  i  Andwhatshal  be  the  expia- 
tion for  you,  that  you  may  blcflTc  the  inheritance  of  cur 

4^  Lord)  f  Aad  the  Gabaonitcs  fayi  to  hiiiu :  >lfe  hauc  u& 

Nann  5  qucftie« 

6^$  Second  »ooki  Dauld. 

queftion  vpon  filuct  and  gold,  but  agaynft  Saul,  and  agaynft 
hishoufe:  neither  vil  we  that  a  man  be  flayne  of  Ifrael.  To 
^)f  horn  the  king  fayd  :  "What  vil  you  then  that  I  do  for  you  ? 
t  Who  fayd  to  the  king?  The  man,  that  hath  wafted  vs  and  / 
opprefTed  vs  vniuftly,  >sre  muQ:  fo  deftroy ,  that  there  be  not 
fo  much  as  one  leift  of  his  ftockc  in  al  the  coaftes  of  Ifrael. 
f  Let  there  be  geuen  vs  feucn  men  of  his  children ,  that  wc  ^ 
maycrucifiethcmto  our  Lord  in  Gabaa  of  Saul,  once  the 
ehofenof  our  Lord.  And  the  king  fayd:  I  vil  gcue  them, 
t  And  the  king  fpared  Miphibofeth  the  fonne  of  lonathas  7 
thefonneofSauljfortheoth  of  our  Lord,  that  had  becne 
be^ren  Dauid ,  and  bctwen  lonathas  the  fonae  of  Saul. 
t  The  king  therforc  tooke  the  two  fonnes  of  Refpha  the  8 
daughter  of  Aia,  whom  ftie  bare  to  Saul,  Atraoni,and  Miphi- 
bofeth :  and  the  fine  fonnes  of  Michol  the  daughter  of  Saul,, 
which  fhe  bare  to  Hadricl  the  Tonne  of  Berzellai,  that  was 
ofMolathi,  f  and  gauc  them  into  the  handes  of  the  Gaba-  9 
©nircs  :  who  crucified  them  on  a  hil  before  ©ur  Lord  :  and 
thefefeuen  dyed  together  in  the  firftdaycs  of  harueft,  when 
the  reaping  of  barley  began,  f  AndRefphathc  daughter  of  10 
Aia  takinga  hcareclorh.fpred  it  vnder  her  vpon  the  rocl^e 
from  the  beginning  of  harueft,  til  water  dropped  vpon 
them  from  heauen  :  and  she  fuffered  not  the  birdcs  to  teare 
them  by  day,  nor  the  beaftcs  by  night,  f  And  the  thinges   11 
were  told  D.mid,  which  Refpha  had  done,  the  daughter  of 
Aia,  the  concubine  of  Saul,  f  And  Dauid  went,  and  tooke  u 
the  bones  of  Saul,  and  the  bones  of  lonathas  his  fonne  from 
the  men  of  labesGalaad,  who  had  ftolen  th.em  out  of  the 
ftreate  of  Bethfan  ,in  the  which  the  Philiftijms  hanged  them 
when  they  had  killed  Saul  in  Gelboe.  f  And  he  caried  thence  1$ 
the  bones  of  Saul,  and  the  bones  of  lonathas  his  fonne:  and 
gathering  the  bones  of  them,  that  were  crucified,  f  they  14 
buried  them  with  the  bones  of  Saul,  and  of  lonathas  his 
fonne  in  the  Land  of  Beniamin,in  the  fide,in  the  fepulchre  of 
Cis  his  father  :  and  they  did  al  thinges  that  the  king  had  com- 
manded, and  God  was  made  propitious  agaync  to  the  land 
after  thefe  thinges.  f  And  there  was  a  battel  made  agaync  of  ij 
the  Philiftianes  againft  Ifraeljand  Dauid  went  downe, and  his 
feruantes  with  him,  and  fought  agaynft  the  Philifthijms.  And 
Dauid  faynring,  f  lefbibenob,  which  was  of  the  kinred  of  i^ 
Arapha  ,  the  yron  of  "whofe  fpearc  veycd  thrce;hundred 


OF   K  I  N  G  E  S.  ^79 

ounces,  and  he  was  girded  wirh  a  new  {wordjaiTayed  to  ftnkc 

17  Dauid.  t  And  Abifaitheforneof  SaruiareskeNrcdhim,an<i 
ftrikingthePhiliftian  killed  him.  Then  {ware  Dauids  men, 
faying:  Thou  shale  no  more  goe  forth  with  vs  into  battel, 

18  left  thou  put  out  thelampcoflfrael.  f  Thcrewasalfoafe- 
cond  battel  in  Gob  againft  the  Philiftians:  then  ftrokeSo- 
bochai  of  Hufathi ,  Saph  of  the  ftocke  of  Arapha  of  the 

19  kindred  of  the  gyantcs.f  There  was  alfo  a  third  battel  in  Gob 
agaynft  the  Philiftians,  in  the  which  Adeodatus  the  fonne 
oftheForeftabrodererthcBethlehemite  ftroke  Goliath  the 
Gcthcite,  the  shaft  of  whofefpearc  was  as  it  were  a  wca- 

Z9  ucrs  beame.  -f  The  fourth  battel  was  in  Geth:  in  the  which 
was  a  tal  man,  that  had  fix  fingers  and  fix  toes  on  cchc  hand 
and  foote,  that  is  fowre  and  twentie,  and  he  was  of  the  race 
21  of  Arapha.  f  And  he  blafpheraedlfrael:  and  Jonathan  the 
11  fonne  of  Samaa  the  brother  of  Dauid  ftroke  him.  f  Thefe 
foure  were  borne  of  Arapha  in  Geth,and  they  fei  by  the  han4 
©f  Dauid,  and  of  his  feruantes. 

Chap.     XXII. 
Kin^  Dduids  Canticle  ofthanhf^f^^ing ,  for  his  deliuirie  from  al  enemies: 
Jif4f.  VF'tth  4  ^rs^hecie  of  the  reunion  ef  theleWeSy  andl'ocatien  of  ths 

1  A    Nd  Dauid  fpake  to  our  Lord  the  wordcs  of  this  fong, 

-ZJl.  in  ••  the  day  that  our  Lord  deliuered  him  cut  of  the  ::  Aftenliat 

2  hand  ofal  his  enemies,  and  out  ofthe  hand  of  "  Saul,  f  And  Dauid  vasde- 

■     hefayd:  ^u'l    ^""'f 

Uur  Lord  is  my  rocke,  and  my  ftrcngth,  and  my  fauiour.      saui  (^s^Ko  finl 

j       t  God  is  my  ftrong  one,  I  wil  hope  in  him :  my  shilde,  and  and  longeft  & 

thehorneofmyfaluation:  my  lifter  vp,  and  my  refuge:  my  *"°^  dange- 

fauiour,  from  iniqaitie  thou  wilt  deUuer  me.  ^°"^^    r 

^       t  ^^^  Lord  prayle  worthic  wil  I  inuocate  :  and  from  mine  ted  kim,  aad 

enemies  I  {hal  be  faucd.  tlierforc  is 

;      t  Becaufe  the  pangucs  of  death  haue  compafTed  mc  :  the  ^^"e  fpccially 
ftreames  of  Belial  haue  terrified  me.  ?rom'al  Lst- 

^      t  The  ropes  of  hel  haue  compalfed  me:  the  fnares  of  deatk  nimies^corpo- 
hauepreuentedme.  ralst  fpintaal, 

.7  t  I"  I'^y  tribulation  I  wil  inuocate  our  Lord,  and  I  wil  eric  ^hen  be  Ual 
inyGod:andhewilhearcmyvoiceout  of  his  holie  temple,  S^"^  ?f®^^' 
and  my  ctie  shal  come  to  his  eares.  ^        fil™'emmier 

I      t  The  earth  quaked  andtremblcd^  thcfundationsof  the  being  fubucr. 


e%9  Second  BOOKi  Dauld. 

tea,  ana  Kif   mountftyncs  vereftryckcn,andihake«,bcciufe he vas  ttigtU 

finnesierait-    ^ich  tliem. 

tca,ack«o*'-      a. /^  fmokcarofeoutofhisnofcthrcls,  andtfyrefromhit  9 
Sigood.  mouth  shal  dcuoure  :  colcj  vcrc  kindled  from  him. 
acs,  hj  tnfpi.      f  And  hc  bovcd  thc hcaueiij,  and  dcfcendcd:  and  taifte  xe 
ration  of  tlic  yndcr  his  feetc. 

HoIicGhoft.        ^  And  he  afccnded  vpon  the  Chcrubins,  and  flcv:  and  i? 
ddeVfcKank?-  Ai^de  ouer  theyinge,  of  the  winde 

geuing,  aotl         f  He  put  darkenes  roundabout  him  a couer:  ftilhng  \ra-  U 
praifcofGoJ.  tcrs  outof  the  clowdes  of  hcauctt. 
Ititinfcrted       a.  gy  jj^^  shynln?  in  his  prcfcnce:  the  coles  of  fire  \rcrc  n 

i7*in  order,  al      t  0^1^  Lord  wil  thundcr  from  heaucn :  and  the  high  one  14 
«ne  in  fcnfe,   \ril  gettc  his  voice. 

fo  differing  in      |  Hc  shot  his  arrovcs  and  difperfed  them :  h'ghtning,  and  ly 
fcrol"   confumcdthem. 

expiicatet*h*         t  ^^^^  ^^^  ouerflowiBges  of  the  fea  appeared,  and  the  fun-  \i 
thz  ©thcr.        dations  of  the  world  were  difcouered  %i  the  rebuking  of  our 
Lord,  at  the  breathing  of  the  fpirit  of  his  furie. 

t  He  fent  from  hygh  heaucn  ,  andiookc  inc,aiid  dreve  1^ 
mc  out  of  manie  waters. 

t  He  deliuered  me  from  my  moft  mightie  cncmic,  and  iS 
from  them  that  hated  me  :  bccaufe  they  were  ftronger  then  I. 

t  Hepreucntcdmeinthe  day  of  my  afflidion,  and  omr  if 
Lord  became  my  ftay. 

f  And  he  brought  me  forth  into  latitude ,  ht  deliacred  1© 
mc,  becaufe  I  \rcl  pleafed  hira. 

t  Our  Lord  wil  reward  me  according  to  my  iufticc:  And  zi 
according  to  the  cleannes  of  my  handes  wil  hc  render  to  me. 

f  Becaufelhauekeptthe  wayes  of  our  Lord ,  and  hauc  iz 
not  done  impioufly,  from  my  God. 

f  For  al  his  mdgemcntes  are  in  my  fighti^:  an^  his  pre-  Jj 
ccptesi  hauenot  remoued  from  me. 

•J-  And  I  shal  be  per  fed  with  him:  andshalkecpc  my  felf  14 
from  myH^iniquitie. 

f  Aaioiir  Lord  wilreftorevntomc  according  to  my  iu-  i| 
nice  :  and  according  to  the  cleannes  of  my  handcs  ia  the 
fight  of  his  ryes. 

t  '^ith  the  holie  one  thoushalt  be  holic:  and  with  the  tS 

t  With  the  elcd  thou  shalt  bc  dcd :  and  with  the  pcrnerre  ly 
tlxousiaakbepeiuertcd.  t  ^^^^ 

DauiJ.  OP  KiNCBs.  €U 

iS      t  And  the  poorc  people  thou  wilt  fau  e :  tnd  the  hautie  in 

thyne  eics  rhou  ^ilt  humble. 
29       t  Bccaufe  rhou  art  my  lampcoLord  rand  thouviltillu- 
miiMte  my  dark«nes. 

50  t  for  in  thee  I  "wil  runnc  girded;  in  my  God  I -willcapt 
©uer  rhcwal* 

31       -j-  God,  his  \ray  immaculate,  the  word  of  our  Lord  is  exa- 
mined by  fyre  :  he  is  the  fhicld  of  al  that  truft  in  him. 

51  t  Who  is  God  befide  our  Lcrd  :  and  who  is  ftrong  befide 
our  God?  ^ 

;)       t  God  who  hath  girded  me  with  ftfcngth:  and  made  cuen 

ray  peiie<9;  way. 
34       t  ^ia^i"K  "^y^t^ctc  equal  with  the  hartcs  5  and  fettingmc 

vpon  my  high  plxces. 
3/       Teaching  my  handes  vnto  battel  :  and  framing  myne 

armes  as  it  were  a  brafcn  bow. 
|i       t  Thou  haft  geucn  me  the  (hicld  of  thy  faluatioji :  and  thy 

mildf  nes  hath  multiplied  me. 
37       t  Thou  fliilc  enlarge  my  Ilcppcs  vnder  me  ?  and  mync 

ankles  ^32!  not  fayle, 
}S      •}•  I  wil  purfew  mync  enemies,  andbruife  them :  andwil 

not  rerurne  til  I  coniumc  them, 
3<>       t  !  wil  confume  and  brcake  them,  that  they  rife  not:  they 

AjaI  fai  vnder  my  feete. 
4©       t  Thou  haft  girded  mc  with  ftrength  t©  battel :  then  haft 

bowed  vnder  me  them  that  reflft  mc. 
^\       f  Myne  enemies  thon  haR  made  to  turne  to  me  the  backa? 

them  that  hated  me,  and  I  shal  deftr oy  them. 
41      t  They  shal  crie,and  there  shal  not  be  to  raue,to  our  Lordj 

and  he  wil  not  heare  them. 

43  t  I  wil  deftroy  them  as  the  diifl  of  the  earth :  as  the  rayrc 
of  the  ftreates  wil  I  bruife  and  brcake  them. 

44  f  Thou  wilt  faue  me  from  rhe  contrcdidions  of  my  peo- 
ple :  rhou  wilt  keepe  me  to  be  ••  the  head  of  the  Gentiles:  the  •■  Tiieugk 
people  which  I  knowe  not,  wil  ferue  mc.  •         {'^ksiTtcTh- 

4j  t  The  children  alienes  wil  rcfiftme,  with  the  hearing  of  ^^"^3^"^^  ' 
the  eare  they  wil  obey  mc.  tiid,  andlbmc 

4#  t  The  children  alienes  arc  fallen  away,  and  shal  be  ftrayte-  ^«re  conuci. 
Bed  in  their  diftreflTes.  ted  to  true  jc- 

47  t  Our  lord  liueth,  and  my  God  iiblcfTed:  and  the  ftrong  God  Jj^"^^^^^^ 
©f  mj  faluation  shal  be  exalted.  yet  the  f«l  torn 

Ooo#  t  GotI 

$$i  Second   booke.  Daui4» 

„..r r  J  ^o<i  vhich  geuclt  me  rcuenges,  and  throvcft  dov nc  4S 

Gent.Iespef-    peoples  vnder  m<-. 

Church  of  t  Wnich  bnngelt  mc  out  from  my nc  enemies,  »nd  from  49 

Chrift. which  them  that  refifl:  mc  doft  Jift  mevp:  from  the \rickcd man 
is  bere  for-      thou  shale  deliuer  me. 

ilie'K'ccJ  aDc{         J.  Therforc  wil  I  confede  vnto  thcc  o  Lord  among  the  ;• 
haue  pcipetu.  Gentiles,  and  vil  iing  to  thy  name. 

al  feedc  for  t  Magnifying  the  faluations  of  his  king,  and  doing  mcrcic  $1 

cuer.  CO  his  ChriR  Dauid,  and  to  his  (cede  for  euer. 

Chap.    XXIII. 
ThelaJ^  y^^rdes  ofDduid  concerning  ren>4rd  of  the  good,  6,  *nd  ^uniihmtBi 
of  the  hd.  8.  ^  Catalogue  cfDauids  iKtlsAUt  men» 


Nd  thefe  are  Dauideslaftvordes.  Dauid  the  fonne  of  g 

Ifai  favd:  The  man  fayd ,  to  whom  it  \r»s  appointed 

concerning  the  Chtift  of  the  God  of  lacob  ,  the  excellent 

Efalmiftof  Idael:  f  The  Spirit  of  our  Lord  hathfpokenby  t^ 

me,  and  his  wordes  by  my  tongue,  f  The  God  of  Ifrael  layd  j 

to  me,  the  Strong  one  of  Ifrael  hath  fpoken,theDominato«r» 

of  men  ,  the  iuft  ruler  in  the  feareoF  God.  f  As  the  light  of  4 

the  moiiining-when  thefunneryieih,  early  without  cloudes^ . 

gli(lereth,andas  byrayncgrade  fpringeth  out  of  the  earth. 

srirlngDauid    f  "  Neither  is  my  houfefo  great  with  God,  that  he  should  en-  f 

in  thislaft  pro  rer  with  mc  an  eternal  couenantfirme  in  al  thinges  &c  afiurcd. 

P^'"*^  ^^n,'"'f  f°^  s^  "'y  Valuation,  and  almy  wil:  neither  is  there  ought 

IbctwelTthTco  f^^^^of  that  fpringeth  nor.  f  And  tranfgrcHorsshal  bepluc-  C 

aensnt&pro-  ked  vp  as.  thornes  euety  one_^ :  which  are  not  taken  with 

aiife  made  to   hsndcs.  f  Andiramanwii  touch  them,  he  shal  be  armed  7 

liim  touching    ^ith  yron  and  aiancc  ftaffc,  and  kindled  with  fyre  tkcy  shal 

%!!^  T!i  ,n^  be  burnt  vnto  nothinc;.  +  Thcfe  be  the  names  of  the  valiantes  $ 
xsngdom  ana      ^  ^      .  ,    ^.  .v.i.        1  -r/*        •  cl 

the  kingdom    of  Dauid.  Sitting  m  his  chaise  the  wifeft  prince  amongclt 

of  c/>r*/t.  ^ho  three,  he  u  as  it  were  the  moft  render  litle  worme  of  the 
foouia  b©  wood,  which  killed  eight  hundred  at  one  brunt,  f  After  9 
fecli?'**^  *'^  ^^^'  Ekazar  the  fonne  ©f  his  vnclc  the  Ahohite  among  the 
Ifl\oth\rhidi  three  valiantes  ,  that  were  with  Dauid  when  they  defyed  the 
hcforcteUcth  PhiUfthijms,  and  wcrc  gathered  ihithcr  into  battel,  f  And  i« 
the  reward  of  vhcn  the  men  of  Ifrael  were  gone  vp  ,  he  flood  and  ftroke 
the  good  and  the  phiHflians  til  his  hand  faynted,  and  waxed  ftiffe  with  the 
Sar""^'"  fword  :  and  our  Lord  made  a  great  vidotie  that  day  :  awA  the 
people,  that  was  lied,  returned  to  take  away  of  the  fpoyles  of 

them  chat  were  flayne.  t  A*^«l  *ftcr  him  Semraa  the  Tonne  of  11 


OF    KING  Is.  ^83 

Ageof  Arf.ii.  And  the  Phililthijms  were  gathered  togchrer 
in  their  vArd:  for  there  was  there  a  filde  ful  of  rice.  And 
Nphcn  the  people  •* as  fled  from  the  face  cf  the  Philifthijms, 
II  t  he  P  jod  in  the  rniddes  of  the  fildc  ,  and  defended  it ,  and 
fttok<  rhePhiUithians:  and  our  Lord  gaue  great  faluation^. 
ij  I  M   rcouer  aifo  be  fore  there  went  dovne  three  \f  hich  \rere 
princes  among  rhirtie,  and  came  to  Dauid  in  the  haruefl  time 
into  thecaucofOdoIlam:  andthecampc  of  the  Philitlianet 
14  vas  placed  in  the  Vale  of  the  giantes.  f  And  Dauid  >ras  in  a 
hold:  moreouer  the  ward  of  the  Philifthianes  >ras  then  in 
i;  Bethlehem,  t  Dauid  "  therforedefyredj&fayd:  O  that  Tome  ;:  The  king 
man  would  gcue  me  drinkc  of  the  water  out  of  the  cefterne,  propofednot 
1^  that  is  in  Bethlehem  befide  the  gate,  f  Three  valiantes  ther-  this  for  defuc 
fore  brake  into  the  campe  of  the  Phihftianes,  and  drew  wa-  butt^Ti^^^'^k 
teroutofthe  cefterne  of  Bethlehem, that  was  befide  the  gate,  cxercife  his 
and  brought  it  to  Dauid:  but  he  would  not  drinke,but  ••  offc-  mens  fbni- 
27  red  it  to  our  Lord,  f  faying:  Our  Lord  be  merciful  to  me,  ^"'^c. 
that  I  doc  not  this  thing:  (hal  I  drinke  the  blond  of  thefe  ^hf^'^^""' 
men  that  went,  &  the  peril  of  their  liues  i  Thcrfore  he  would  moffmctc'ro 
\%  not  drinke.  Thcfc  thinges  did  the  three  ftrongeft.  t  Abifai  be  offered  c» 
alfo  the  brother  of  loab  the  fonne  of  Saruia,  was  prince  of  God. 
three,  it  is  he  that  lifted  vp  his  fpeareagaynft  three  hundred, 
15)  whomhcflewe,  renowmed  among  three, -f  andthenobleft 
ofihrec,  andhewaschc  chiefe  of  them,  b«tto  the  three  firft 
ao  hcraughtnot.  f  And  Banaiasthe  fonne  of  loiada  the  moft 
valiant  man  of  great  workes,  ofCabfeel:  he  ftroke  the  two 
hons  of  Moab  ,  and  he  went  downc,  and  ftroke  the  lyon  in 
»i  the  middes  of  the  cefterne  in  the  dayesof  fnow.  •}■  Healfo 
ftroke  :hc  ^Egyptian,  a  man  worthie  to  be  a  fpc6lacle,  hauing 
l^  his  handafpeare:  thcrfore  when  became  downc  to  him 
With  a  rod,  byforcehc  wreftedthc  fpeare  out  of  the  handof 
11  the  i€gyptian,  and  flcwe  him  with  his  owne  fpeare.  f  Thefe 
ij  thingesdidBanaiasthcfonneof  loiada.  t  And  he  renowmed 
among  the  three  valiantes,  which  were  the  nobler  among 
thirtie:  but  vnto  the  three  he  raught  not:  and  Diuid  ntftde 
ij^  him  ofhisfecretccounfel.f  Afacl  the  brother  of  loab  among 
the  thirtie,  Elahanan  the  fonne  of  his  vncle  of  Bethlehem. 
2;  16 1  Semma  of  Harodi ,  Euca  of  Harori ,  -f  Heles  of  Phalti , 
&7  Hira  thefonneof  Accesof  Thccua, -j-  Abiezerof  Anathotb, 
aS  MobonnaiofHufati,  f  Selmonthe  Ahohite,  Maharai  the 
ly  Nctophithito,  t  Heled  the  fonne  of  Baana-j,  he  alfo  4 
Ooooz  NctephathitCj 

^§4  Second  sooke  Dauid* 

Nctophathicc,  Ithaithe  fonnc  of  Ribai  of  Gabaath  of  the 
children  of  Benjamin,  f  Banaia  the  Pharathonite,  Hcddai  50 
of  thcTorrentGaas,  f  Abiaibon  the  Arbathirc  ,  Azmaueth  51 
ofBeromi,  f  EliabaofSalaboni:  The  fonnc*  of  lafTen,  lo-  31 
nathan,  f  Semmaof  Orori,  Ahiam  the  fonnc  of  Sarar  the  55 
Araritc,  f  Eiiphelct  the  fonnc  of  Aafbai  the  fonneof  Ma-  34 
chatijEHam  the  fonnc  of  Achitophcl  the  Gclonitc,  t  Hefrai  55 
ofCarmcIjPharaiof  Arbi,  f  Igaaithc  fonne  of  Nathan  of  5^ 
Soba,  BonniofGadi,  f  Selecof  Ammoni,  Naharai  the  Be-  57 
rothite  the  fquyerof  loab  thefonnc  of  Saruia,  -f  Ira  the  Ic-  jS 
thrite,Gareb  he  alfo  a  Icthrite,  t  Vrias  the  Keiheire .  Al  55 

'■rw  &      ir  Chap.     XXIIII. 

■  n      J^,     For  Dmids  Jtnne  in  nnmhin^  the  peBple ,  lu  three  fortes  of  pumslments 
happencti  be-       '*^'  (>ropojed  to  hn  election :  14.  of  ^hich  he  choojeth  the  fUgue ,  and 
forc'sfhcnDa-     feuende  theufund die  i»  three  daya.  i6.  Codihtweth  mercte.  17.  Vuuid 
aid  Kad  health      prayeth.  18 .  hildeth  an  dtuvt  1$.  and  the  pWue  ceaCetb, 
ftr.aftreingtli         '^    ^  ^  t   6         J 

::Thcfuricof    A    N  D  "  thc  furic  of  our  Lord  added  to  be  angficagaynft  I 
our  Lord,  tkit -/j^  Ifrael,  and  flirred  vp  Dauid  among  them  faying;  Gqc, 
8j,Sacan  (a  fu- number  Ifrael  and  luda.  f  And  the  king  fayd  to  loab  the  1 
""'^^^F'^'j'^^^    General  of  his  armie:  Walke  through  al  the  tribes  of  Ifrael 
aire  )°ao\'^our  ^^^"^  ^^"  ^°  Berfabee,  and  number  yc  the  people,  that  I  may 
lotd  him        kno^3r  the  number  therof.  f  And  loab  fayd  to  the  king  :  Our  5 
fclfc,  but  by    Lord  thy  God  increafe  thy  people,  as  much  more  as  now  it  is, 
pcim;/T»on       ^j^j  agaync  multiplie  it  an  hundred  fold  in  the  fight  of  my 
^atln  Ira/il^^^^'^  thc  king:  but  what  meancthmy  lord  the  king  by  this 
^tf/^y^f/Ms;,^  kind  of  thing?  f  Hovbcit  the  kinges  word  more  prcuaiied  4 
mtHeiDauU.    then  thc  vordes  of  ioab,and  of  the  chiefe  of  the  armie:  and 
loab  went  forth,  and  the  captaynes  of  thc  foulciiars  from  the 
face  of  thc  kingjto  number  the  people  of  Ifrael.  f  And  >yhcn  j 
they  had  pafledlordan,  they  came  into  Aroer  to  the  right 
hand  of  the  citie,  which  is  in  the  Vale  of  Gad.  f  And  by  lazcr  ^ 
they  parted  into  Galaad  ,  and  into  the  lower  countrie  of 
Hodfi,  and  they  came  into  the  wooddic  countrie  of  Dan.  And 
going  about  necrcSidon,  f  they  palTed  nigh  to  the  walies  of  7 
Tyre,  and  al  thc  land  of  the  Heueitc,  and  thc  Clunancitc, 
and  they  came  to  thc  (outh  of  luda  into  Berfabee:  f  and  ha-  I 
uing  viewed  thc  whole  land,aftcr  nine  monethes  and  twentie 
dayes  ,  they  were  come  to  Ictufalem.  f  loab  therforcgauc  f 
thcnumbcrof  the  defcription  of  the  people  to  thc  king,  and 


Dauid.  o'  KING  I  J.  ^8  J 

there  verc  found  of  Ifrael  eight  hundred  thoufand  ftrong 

incn,that  could  drawe  fvord:  and  of  luda  Hue  hundred  thou- 
10  fand  fighting  racn.  f  But  Dauids  -  hart  ftrookc  him,  after  the  "  CoatriticB. 

peoplc^^as  numbrcd  :  and  Dauid  fayd  to  our  Lord  ;  -  I  haue  -  CocfcfTion. 

finned  very  much  in  this  fad:  but  I  pray  thee  Lord  to  tranf- 

fcrrc  the  iniquitic  of  thy  feruant,  becaufc  I  haue  done  cxcc- 
XI  ding  folifiily.  f  Dauid  thcrforc  arofc  in  the  morning,and  the 

\rord  of  our  Lord  "was  made  to  Gad  the  prophefc  and  Seer  of 
€1  Dauid, faying:  f  Goe,andrpcake to  Dauid  :  Thus  faythour 

Lord :  '•  Choyfc  is  gcacn  thee  of  three  thingcs,  choofc  one  of  ::Satijfa6lJ»fi. 

13  thcmNrhichthou"wilt,  thatlsnay  doittothec,  t  Andwhen 
Gad  vas  come  to  Dauid,  he  told  him,  faying :  Either  famine 
ftal  come  to  thee  feucn  yearcs  in  thy  land :  or  three  monethet 
ehou  ftalt  flee  thy  aduerfarics,  and  they  thai  purftw  thee:  or 
certes  three  daycs  thepcftilencc  (halbe  in  thy  land.  Now 
therforc  dchbcrate,  and  fee  what  irord  I  shal  anfwer  to  him 

14  that  fcnt  me.  f  And  Dauid  fayd  to  Gad  :  I  am  diftrelfcd  exce- 
dingly:  butiiis  better  that  I  falintothehandesof  our  Lord 
(for  his  mercies  be  manic)  then  into  the  handes  of  metu. 

1;  t  And  our  Lord  fent  thepcftilencc  in  Ifrael,  from  morning  The  Epiftleia 
vnto  the  timcappoyntcd,  and  there  died  of  the  people  from  a  votiucMaflc 

iC  Dan  to  Berfabee  fcuentie  thouland  men.  f  And  when  the*"  ty^e  of 
Angel  ofOur  Lord  had  ftretchcdfotth  his  hand  oucr  I^rufa- ^jj'f",'°'°'''' 
lem  to  dcftroy  it,  our  Lord  had  pitie  vpon  the  afflidion ,  and 
fayd  to  the  Angel  that  ftroke  the  people:  "  It  is  fufficicnt: :: Temporal 
noNT  hold  thy  hand:  and  the  Angel  of  our  Lord  was  beflde  punirnmcnt 

17  thcflooreof  Arcunathelcbufeitc.  f  And  Dauid  fayd  to  our  ^°-'^^*^^'j  ^^""^ 
Lord  when  he  fav  the  Angel  ftriking  the  people  :  I  am  he  j,,',f^,,''/,_ 
that  haue  finned,  I  haue  done  wickedly .-  thefe  that  are  the  mict«d. 
fhcepc,  what  haue  they  done?  let  thy  hand,  Ibefechethec 

iS  be  turned  agaynft  me,  andagaynftmy  fathers  houfe.  f  And 
Gad  came  to  Dauid  in  that  day,  and  fayd  to  him ;  Goe  rp,  and 
build  an  altar  to  our  Lord  in  the  floorc  of  Areuna  the  Icbu- 

ij  feite.  t  And  Dauid  went  vp  according  to  the  word  of  Gad, 

to  which  our  Lord  had  comanded  him.  f  And  Areuna  looking, 
perceiued  the  king  and  his  feruantes  to  come  towards  him 

n  t  And  going  forth  he  adored  the  king  with  his  face  bowing 
to  the  earth,  and  fayd ;  Vhat  is  the  caufc  that  my  lord  the 
king  Cometh  to  his  feruant?  To  whom  Dauid  fayd;  That  I 
may  bye  of  thee  the  floore,  and  build  an  altar  to  our  Lord,and 
thcflaughtcr  may  ccafc  which  ragcth  among  the  people^. 
Oooo$  f  An(4 

6%6  Second  booke  Bauid* 

-  If  fubicacs  "I-  And  Arcunafftyc!  to  Dauid ;  Let  ray  lord  the  king  takff,and  14 
hacinocpro-    ofFcr,asit  plealcth  him  :  thou  haft  the  oxen  for  holocauftc, 
^oodcs^bur'^  and  the  vayne,  and  the  yokesof  theorenfor  piouifion  of 
that  the  right  vood.  f  Ateuna  gaucal  thinges  to  the  king;  and  Arcuna  2j 
and  dominion  fayd  to  the  king:  The  Lord  thy  God receiue  thyvovre.  f  To  24 
of  al  pcrtcy-    vhom  the  king  anfw^eiing,  fayd  ;  Not  fo  as  thou  wilt,  but  I 

"rinc°     hen     ^^^il  ^T^^^  °^^^^^^^*  P"^^*^*^*^  ^  ^^^  "°^  °^^^  f°  ^^^  ^^^^ 
could  nothincr  my  Godholocauftes  "  gcuen  gratis.  Dauid  therfore  bought 
atal,  in  anlc°  tkc  floore,  and  the  oxen,  for  fiftie  (iclcs  of  iiluer:  f  *^^  ^ 
cafe  be  gcucn  Dauid  built  there  an  altar  to  out  Lord,  &:  offered  holocauftes 
gratis  by  the    ^^^  pacifiques ;  and  our  Lord  became  merciful  to  the  land, 
o"nJyyclde"d     and  the  plaguc  vas  flayed  from  IfraeL 
as  due,  to  hii 

THE     ARGVMENT     OF     THE 


I  TH  tommemordtion  of  king  DAuidsolddge^  cfhkdppoin'- 

tin^dfnccejiour,  and  of  bis  dedth,  in  the  jirfl  dndfdrt  of  the  Jim 

cond  cbiptersy  thu  ^oo^r  rt»/y»f/A  two  other  ftinci^dl  partes :  the  former  is 

of  king  Sslomon  i  of  his  entrdnce  to  the  kif^gdom ',  his  demotion  j  Jfifdom ; 

The  contentcs  '^'igfif-e^ce 'y  richefe;  gredt  fdmilie ',  building  of  the  Temple  y  and  other 

of  this  bookc,  fumptuouspdUces ;  of  his  fdl  al/o  into  luxuries  and  idoUtrie-y  m  the  re^  of  the 

diuidcd  into     fecond  chapter  to  the  end  of  the  eleumth.  The  other  part  shewetb  the  dmiffan 

three  partes,     offing  kingdom ;  onlte  two  tribes  remajning  to  J^ohoam,  Silomonsfonne^'^ith 

titUofktfigofJuddydndtennepd(?ingto  lerobodmhts  feruant ,  cdUed  k.f»g 

oflfrad.  SofoloW  thefeueral  of^hidSy  ^fdy  dnd  loftpbat  kj^ges  of 

Jitdd  :  dnd  of  Midahy  Baafd,  Eldy  Zambri,  ^tnriy  ^chah  'Sfitth  leHabelydnJ 

Ochoftds  kinges  of  ifrdtl:  tvithihe  preaching  y  mirdcles ,  and  other  aHa  of 

yXhids,  ElidSy  Eltftus,  4ftd  other  pro^httts,  in  thi  •thtr  elcnrnthapurs. 



frxrjf  acar  J^  Irzxjit  gr^jES  iEjIT^  ^t^mzx.  'zr-:x:-£  'jacjrx.  'xijr3p_  "Wzxrjt  jljl^ 




Chap.     I. 

Xmg  Diuid  rVdxing  old,  ^ifagd  Suttdmite  is  hrotight  to  him,  5.  ^Jonias 
fret  ending  to  nigncy  11.  Nttban  und  Betbfabee  cbtdmt,  1%.  tb,<t  5<t/ewo» 
;';  decUredand  dnnointed  King,  41.  rrherupoo  ^dcmas  ( bt>  folorvers 
fxrting  to  tbeir  beufcs )  50  Jiettb  to  the  altar  in  the  tdberndcie ,  but  'yfoit 
fromifi  •ffdfetit  doth  homage  to  sdcmon. 

5^^  Nd  king  DauJd  was  old,  and  had  maniedaics  Yj,ef^rf>pait. 
i^A  o»sge:and  v  hen  he  vascoucrcd  with  clothes,  KingDauidcs 
ht  'R  as  nor  \partred.  t  His  feruantes  therfore  admonuions 
(ayd  to  bim:  Let  vsfeekerof  our  lord  thcking  ^^"j'^'/j""^ 
X  yong  ^3f  Oman  a  virgin ,  and  let  her  Hand  be-  ""    '^*  ^*^ 
fore  the  king  ,  and  cherishc  him^,  and  fleepe  in  his  bo- 
J  fome,  and  \ratme  our  lord  the  king,  f  They  fought  ther- 
fore a  beautiful  yong  woman  in  al  the  coftes  of  Ilrael,  and 
they  found  Abifag  a  Sunamite,  and  brought  her  to  the  king. 

4  t  And  the  damfel  xras  exccding  beautiful ,  and  she  (lept 
"with  thcking, and ferued  him,  but  the  king  did  not  kno\r 

I  her.  f  And  Adonias  the  fonne  of  Haggith  \ras  clcuated , 
faying;  I  ^ril  reigne.  And  he  made  him  fclf  chariotcsand 
horlemcn,  and  fiftic  men,  that  should  runnc  before  him^. 

6  t  Neither  did  his  father  conrrovrle  him  at  any  time ,  faying  : 
Why  didft  thou  this  1  And  he  alfo  was  very  beautiful ,  the  fc- 

7  cond  borne  after  Abfalom .  f  And  he  had  talke  with  loab  the 

fonnc  of  Saruia,&  ^ith  "  Abiathar  thcprieft,  who  furthered  [•y°J^-^'^b'ia- 

5  Adonias  fide,  f  ButSadoc  theprieft,  and  Banaias  the  fonnc  j'^^^^as  dc-' 
ofloiada,  and  Nathan  the  prophet,  and  Scmei,  and  Rci,  and  pofed.  ch.  1. 

9  the  ftrength  of  Dauidsarmic  was  not  with  Adonias.  t  Ado-  1.17. 
nias  therfore  hauing  immolated  rammes  andcalues,  andal 
fattc  bcadcs  bcfide  the  Stone  zohclcth,  which  was  nigh  to 
the  FounraineRogelj  called  al  his  brccUrcnthefonnes  of  the 


gSS  First  BooKE  DauiA 

king,  and  al  the  men  ofludathcfcrumtes  of  the  king:  f  But  lo 
Nathan  the  prophet,  and  Banaias,  and  al  the  ftrong  ones,  and 
Salomon  his  brother  he  called  nor.  f  Nathan  therforc  fayd  is 
to  Bethfabee  the  mother  of  Salomon  :  Haft  thou  not  heard 
that  Adonias  the  fonne  of  Haggith  hath  r€igned,and  our  lord 
Dauid  is  ignorant  therof  ?t  Novrrherforc  come,  take  coun-  il 
felofmc,arjdfauethylifc,  and  thy  fonne  Salomons,  f  Goe,  15 
and  enter  in  to  king  Dauid,  and  fay  to  him  .*  Didft  not  thou 
my  lord  king  fN^earc  to  rae  thy  handmayd ,  faying  :  Salo- 
mon thy  (onne  (bal  rcigne  after  me,  andhc  flial  fittein  my 
throne  ?  "Why  then  reigncth  Adonias?  f  And  -^^hilcs  thou  14 
art  yet  fpeaking  there  vith  the  king,  I  ^yil  come  after  thee, 
and  make  vp  thy  "^s^ordes.  f  Bethfabcs  thsrfore  '^^cnt  in  to  i; 
the  king  in  the  chamber:  and  the  king  vas  cxccding  old  ,  and 
Abifag  the  Sunamire  miniilred  tobim.  f  Bethfsbee  [)o^cd  1^ 
her  fclf,  and  adored  the  king.  To  'rhom  the  king  fayd :  Vhat 
is  thy  wil  ?  quoth  he.  t  '^ho  anfweringfayd  :  My  lord,  thou  17 
^idft  fwearc  t©  thy  handmayd  by  our  Lord  thy  God ,  that^Sa- 
lomon  thy  fonne  fhal  rcigne  after  me  j  and  he  flialiirte  in  my 
throne  .  f  And  behold  x^our  Adonias  reigneth,  thou  my  lord  iS 
the  king  not  knowing  iherof-tHe  hath  killed  oxen,&alfaftc  i^ 
ihinges,  and  manie  rair)iiies5  and  called  al  the  kinges  fonnes, 
Abiathar  alfo  the  pried^and  loab  the  General  of  the  warfarre: 
but  Salomon  thy  feruant  he  called  not.  7  Notsrithdanding  1© 
my  lord  king,  the  eyes  of  al  Jfrael  looke  vpon  thee,  that  thou 
^ouldeft  fnew  them,  who  Ihal  litte  in  thy  throne  my  lord 
king afrer  thee,  f  Andit  shal  be  whenmy  lordkingfleepcth  i| 
;:Bafely  cfte-    with  his  fathers,  I  and  my  fonne  Salomon  shal  be  ••  finncrs. 
mco,  or  ptv)l-  -j- As  she  '^as  yet  fpcaking  -^ith  the  king, Nathan  the  prophet  2* 
fticd  as  off--n.    came,  f  And  they  told  the  king,  faying-^  Narhan  the  prophetc  25 
ft^itioroTicb    is  here.  And -^hen  he  vasgonein  to  the  king  ,  and  had  ado- 
ie\  '  red  bo^'ing  to  the  earth,  f  Nathan  fayd  :  My  lord  king,  didft  24 

thou  fay:  Let  Adonias  reigns  after  me,  and  let  him  ficte  vpon 
my  throne?  f  Becaufeheisgonedo^rnc  to  day,andharhim-  if 
moiared  oxen, and  fartelinges,and  manic  rammes,  and  called 
&]  the  kinges  fonnes,and  the  captaynesofthearmie,  Abiathar 
al?-0  the  prieft :  and  they  eating  and  drinking  before  him  ,  and 
faying:  God  fauc  the  king  Adonias:  f  mc thy  feruanr, and  i€ 
Sidocthcpriefl;,andBan?.ia,s  the  fonne  of  Iciada  ,  and  Salo- 
mon thy  feruant  he  called  not.  t  Is  this  word  proceded  fmm  17 
^y  lord  ths  king,  and  hail:  thea  not  told  mg  thy  feruant  vho 


Dauidi  OF  kinges.  6S^ 

fliould  fitt€vponth«  throne  of  my  lerd  tkc  king  after  him? 

28  t  -^"^  ^^"8  Dauid  anfverei,  faying:  Cal  vnto  me  Bethfabce. 
irhovh^n  fliewastntcrcdinto  the  king,  and  flood  before 

19  him,>t  t^c  ^^"g  f^are,  and  fayd:Our  Lord  liueth,  whicii 

50  hith  deliucrcd  my  foule  ruora  a!  diftrjiTe,  •{■  rharas  I  iVare  to 
thee  by  o«r  Lord  ths  God  of  Iiracl,  faying:  Saloraoii  thy 
fonne  thai  raignc  after  me,  and  he  ihal  firte  vpon  my  throne 

ji  fornasjfo  will  doe  this  day.  j  And  Bethfabce  bo'^fing  her 
contcnancevjito  the  earth  ador«d  the  kicgjfa-ving  :Godfaue' 

ji  iny  lord  for  cuer.  f  K'ng  Dauid  alfo  faid  :  Cal  ms  Sadoc  the 
pri€ft,rind  Nathan  the  propher,&  Banaias  rhe  ibnncof  loiada, 

^  '^ho  when  they  were  enired  in  before  the  king,  f  he  laid  co 
them:  Take  vith  you  the  feruantcs  of  your  lord,  and  fctie  Ss.- 
loraon  nay  fonne  vpon  my  mule  :  and  bring  him  into  Gihcn. 

54  f  AndlcrSadoctheprieil:anoint  him  there,  and  Nathan  the 
prophet  to  be  king  oner  L^rael :  and  yoa  llial  found  the  triim.- 

jj  pec,  and  rnal  fay;  God  fauc  king  Salomon.  |  And  you  fcal 
goerp  after  him,  and  he  ihal  come,  and  llial  lltte  vpon  my 
throne,  and  he  shal  reigne  for  rac :  and  I  xril  ordaine  him 

1^  that  he  be  prince  oucrlfrael,  and  ouer  luda.  t  And  Banaias 
the  fonnc  oif  loiada  aniwcred  the  king,  faying  :  Amen  :  fo 

fj  fpeake  our  Lord  the  God  of  ray  lord  the  king,  f  As  our  Lord 
hath  beena  with  my  lord  the  king,  fo  be  he  xr'ith  Salomon, 
•nd  make  his  ckrone  higher  then  the  throne  of  my  lord  king 

5?  Dauid.  f  Sadoc  therforc  rhe  prieltjand  Nathan  the  prophcc 
vcnc  downs,  aud  Banaias  the  fonne  of  Ioiada,and  Cherethi, 
andPhelethi:  and  they  fee  Salomon  vpon  the  mule  of  king 

^$  Dauid,  aad  brought  hir«  into  Gihon.  f  And  Sadoc  the  ptielt 
tookcahorneof  eile  out  of  the  tabernacle,  and  annoinceJ 
Salomon:  and  they  founded  the  trumpet,  and  al  the  people 

40  faid:  God  fauc  king  Salomon,  t  And  al  the  multitude  went 
vp  after  him,  and  the  people  Trnging  on  jlsaulmes,  and  re- 
ioyfingwith  great  gladnes,  and  the  earth  founded  of  their 

41  eric,  t  And  Adonias  heard,  and  al  that  were  inuitcd  of  him, 
and  ths  feaft  was  ended  :  y«a  and  loab  hearing  the  voice  of 
the  trumpet,  faid:  What  meancththe  crie  ©f  the  citie  ma- 

41  king  a  tumult?  t  As  heyecfpakc,  came  lonithas  the  fonne 
of  Abiathar  the  prieft  .•  to  whom  Adonias  faid  ;  Come  in,  be- 

45  caufe  thou  art  a  flout  man,  and  bringeft  good  newes,  f  And 
lonathas  anfwercd   Adonias  :   Not  fo  .•  for  our  lord  king 

44  Dauid  hath  appointed  Sjiomonking.  t  and  hath  fcnt  with' 

Pppp  him 

6^9  Third  BOOKE  Dauii 

him  Sadoc  the  prieA:,  and  Nathan  the  piophetc,  and  Banaias 
the  fonneofloiada,  andCerethi,and  Phelethi,  and  they  haue 
fet  him  vpon  the  kingcs  mulc.-j-  And  Sadocttieprieft,and  Na*  4f 
than  the  prophetc  haue  annointed  him  king  in  Gihon:  dc  they 
are  gone  vp  thence  reioyfing,  and  the  citie  Tounded:  this  is 
the  voice  that  you  heard.  *f  Yea  and  Salomon  fitreth  vpon  4^ 
the  throne  of  the  kingdom,  f  And  thekinges  Teruantes  en-  47 
tring  in  ,   haue  bleffed  our  lord  king  Dauid ,  faying:  God 
amplify  the  name  of  Salomon  aboue  thy  name,  and  magnifie 
!^King  Dauiii  his  throne  aboue  thy  throne.  And  the  king  ••  adored  m  his 
6id  not  adure  bed:  f  and  he  hath  thus  fpokcii  .•  Bleifed  be  our  Lord  the  4I 
his  fonneas  a  q^^  ^^-  ifiacl,  who  hath  oeuen  this  day  one  fitting  in  my 
lethkisprin-    t^ro^^^*  mine  cies  lemg  )t   f  i  hey  thcrJorc  were  ternhed,  49 
ce,  bat  adored  and  they  al  arole,  that  had  beene  inuired  of  Adonias  ,  and 
God,  geuing    eucty  man  went  his  way.  f  And  Adonias  fearing  Salomon  50 
*r"i^^^^'J?'^      aroicjand  went,  and  he'd  the  home  of  the  altar,  t  Aj'sd  they  51 
of  a  focceilor  ^°^*^  Salomon,  (aying:  Behold  Adonias  fearing  king  Salomon, 
ssit  foloweth  hath  taken  hold  of  the  home  of  the  altar,  faying. -Let  king 
in  the  next      Salomon  fweare  to  mc  this  day,  that  he  wil  not  kil  his  feruaht 
t?erfc.  ■with  the  fword.  f  And  Salomon  fayd  ;  if  he  be  a  good  man,  $% 

there  (hal  not  fo   much  as  one  heare  of  his  fal  vpon    tlie 
ground ;  but  if  euil  Oial  be'fmnd  in  hira,  he  fhal  die.  f  King  jj 
Salomon  therforcfentj  and  brought  him  out  from  the  altar : 
andgoii/gin  he  adored  king  Salomon  :  and  Salomon  fayd  ta 
him  ;  Goe  to  thy  houfe. 

Chap.  1 1. 
J) Auld  getteth^odhtpreceftes  to  Salomon,  c.  WtUeth  him  to  punish  cerfd'mi 
effetiders:  10.  anddinh.  ii.Salonfinreigneth.  i^.  ^donids  yhj  wterfeftott 
ofBttkfahse,  rcquejlitb  to  h&ke  ^Ainftgto  t&tff ;  1 2  •  hut  is  put  to  death  for 
dcmdt)eling her. i6.  ^htathdr  tbephefi  is  hxnishtd,  and  Jfpofed,for  confpi- 
rmp-  with  ^dontas.  i8.  leali  ulfefor  the  feme  atufe,  tnd  former  crimes  it 
Jliine.iC.Sen7£i;s  c^nfimdin  ]erHfaUm,^o.a'^fortra}ifgrefirghiilimites, 
together  jviihold  fAultes  is  UkcWtfe  flame. 

Nd   the  dayes  of  Dauid  approched  that  he  should  die,   i 
and  he  commanded  his  fonnc  Salomon,  faying:  t  I  * 
enter  into  the  way  of  al  Besh  :  take  courage, and  play  the  man. 
f  And  ob(erue  the  watches  of  our  Lord  thy  God,  that  thcu  ^ 
walkein  his  waics,  and  kcepe  lis  ceremonies,  and  his  pre- 
ceptes,  and  iudgementes,  and  tcftimonics,  as  is  written  in  the 
law  of  Moyfes  :  that  thou  mayft  vnderftand  al  thinges  which 
thou  docfl,  and   whitherfoeucrthou  shale  turnc  thy  felfc; 

X  that 


Salomon.  of  kinges.  6^t 

4  f  rliac  our  Lord  may  confiimc  his  wordes,  ^hich  lie  harh 
fpoken  of  me,  faying:  If  thy  children  ihalkccpe  their  waics, 
and  ibal  walkc  before  me  in  truth,  in  al  their  hart,  and  in  al 
their  foul,  there  shal  not  altogether  be  taken  from  thee  a  man 

J  outof  the  throne  of  Ifrael.  f  Thouknowed  nlfo  what  lo.ib 
the  fonne  of  Saruia  hath  done  to  me,  '^  hat  he  did  to  the  t>3ro 
princesof  the  armieoFIfrael,to  Abner  the  fonne  of  N'  r,and 
Amala  thefonneof  lether.whom  he  flcvpe,&  shed  the  bloud 
of  wdtre  in  peace,&  put  the  bloud  of  battel  in  his  belt, which 
xras  about  hisloyncs,andin  his  shoe,  which  was  on  his  feete. 

6  t  Thou  shalt  doe  therfore  according  to  thy  wifdom,  and 

7  shalt  not  bring  his  hoare  head  peaceably  vnro  hel.  |  But  to 
thefonnesahoof  Berzellai  the  Galaadite  thou  shalt  render 
kindnes,  and  they  shal  eate  on  thy  table:  for  they  mette  me 

5  when  I  fled  from  the  face  of  Abfolom  thy  brother,  f  Thou 
haft  alfo  with  thee  Ssmci  the  fonne  of  Gera  the  (onne  of 
lemini  of  Bahurim  ,  wh©  curfed  me  -^'ith  a  ^^icked  curfe, 
"vhen  I  went  to  thcCarapc;bac  becaufe  he  came  downe  fo 
meetemesrhcn  I  pafTcd  lordaa,  and  I  fware  to  him  by  our 

J  Lord, faying:!  wil  notkil  thee^irh  thefword:f  doenorthca 
fufFerhimtobc^uiltles.Butthoi!  art  a  wife  man, fo  that  thou 
knoweft  what  thou  ihalcdoc  to  him, and  thou  shalt  bring  his 

10  hoarchcarcNrith  bloud  vnro  hel.  tDauid  therefore  flept  with 

11  his  fathers,  and  was  buried  in  the  citie  of  Dauid.  +  And  the 
daies  that  Dauid  reigned  in  Ifrael,  are  fourtie  yeares :  in  He- 
bron he  reigned  feuen  yeares,  in  lerufalem  thirtie  three. 

II        f  And  Salomon  fate  vpon  the  throne  of  Dauid  his  father,  ^^^f^^°"d 

Ij  and  his  kingdorac  was  confirmed  cxcedmely.  t  And  Adonias  ^^'^'  , 

I      /-  ^TT         .1  1-  T,     1    -  1  I  I  -Ot  Salomons 

thelonnc  or  Haggith  entered  m  ro  Bcthlabeetnc  mother  o^i^.j^ne  anti 

Salomon.  Who  faid  to  him  :  Is  thy  coming  peaceahlf  ?  Who  adtesgood 
14  anfwercd:peaccable.-f  Andhe  added:  I  hauca  word  to  (ptake  and  bad. 
ij   with  thee. To  whom  she  faid:Speake.Andhe;t  Thou  know- 
eft,  quoth  he,  that  the  kingdom  was  nun. ,  and  al  Ifiacl  had 
)urpofed  to  make  me  ouet  them  to  b?  their  king:  but  the 
:ingdym  istranfpofed,  &  is  made  my  brothers:  for  it  was  ap- 

16  pointed  him  of  our  Lord,  t  Now  therefore  I  dchre  one  peti- 
tion of  theeiConfound  not  my  face."^'ho  faid  to 

17  -J-  And  he  faid:  I  pray  (pcake  to  Salomon  the  kmg  (  for  he  can 
notdcniethecany  thing)  chat  he  geue  me  Abifajj  the  Suna- 

18  mire  to  ^nff.f  And  BethfAbce  f  iitd:wel  J  vr  il  Ip^  ake  for  thee 
jp  roth^kiog   t  ficthlabeethtrefore  came  rokiiig  Salcmon,  ro 

Pppp  2  fpeake 


f6^t  Third  books  Salomon. 

ilpr-akavnto  bira  for  Adoiiiis:aad  tbckiag  arofe  to  meerefecf, 
'  aadadorei  her,  anal  face  daMfiterpon  his  tbrene:and  a  throne 
xras  fcttc  f&c  ike  ktngss  Rxsrhcr,  who  fate  oa  his  right  hand, 
t  And  His  faid  ro  him.-  One  litis  p#titi©n  I  defire  of  tiiec,  con-  lO 
fov3n^  p.otmy  (xce  And  the kiog  kid  rohcr.My  mother  askc: 
-Tnaleon^ic    for  "  it  behoucrh  not  t^2L  I  rernc  a-vrgf  thy  face,  f  "^hofaid;  ti 
r  itnffuifesic    {^^^  Abifag  the  Sunat«itG  begeuen  to  Adonias  thj  brother  to 
.e  oucL  w  e   %yife.f  And  kino;  Salomon  aiiiwcr^dj and  fftid  t«  his  mother:  ^ 
his  mother.      ^'-Y  ^"~'^''  ^''^^  ^**'  -^»i'*g  the  Sunamite  ior  Adenias  ?  aske 
for  him  alfo  the  kingdom: for  hci«  my  brother  elder  then  !,& 
hath  Abiirhar  the  piif  ft,&  loab  the  fonne  of  Sfiruia.f  Ther-   i| 
fore  king  Salomon  (Var«  by  ojsr  Lord,  faying  :  Thefe  thinges 
doe  Gotl  to  rae,  and  thcfe  addc  he,  bccaufc  Adonias  hath 
fpokf  n  chis  ^rcrd  agaiaft  his  hfe.  "f  And  nov,  our  Lerd  Uucth  24 
which  hathcftabhrtied  me,  and  placed  rae  yfan  the  throne  of 
Dauid  my  father,  and  vr'hich  hath  maie  rac  a  houfe,  as  he 
fpakc,  this  day  Chal  Adonifisbc  flaine.  f  And  king.  Salomon  ij 
fentby  rhehand  ©f  Banaias  the  fon»e  of  loiada,  yho  fle-we 
him,  andhedied.  f  To  Abiatharalfo  the pficil  the  king faid:  %(» 
Gseinio  Anathoth  ro  thy  ^c\i.^&nd  thou  in  dssdc  art  a  m^^ 
of  deith.-but  to  day  I  wilnor  kil  thee,  becaufe  choudidft  catic 
the  arke  of  our  Lord  God  beforc'Dsuid  my  father,  «5^  haft  fii- 
ftcyncd  labour  in  al  thinges,  'therein  my  father  laboured. 
r  ^  •  ]'     t  Salomon  therefore  "  caH;  oat  A  biathar,  that  he  {h©uld  not  i7 
iiinclSalemsn  ^>*J  th@  prififl- of  oui'  Lofd,  that  the  word  of  ®ur  lord  might 
di^chiserrra-  be  fulHiled,  xs'hicii  hc  fpake  concerning  the  keufeoi-  Heli  ia 
ordiaariefacfl-   Silo.  |  And  then  a  caefTenger  came  to  I®a.b  for  that  loab  had  it 
asaptophc!:&  T'l-ned  after  Adonias,  and  after  Salomon  had  aot  turned: 
mtm  er  o        loab  therfoie  Hed  into  the  tabernacle  of  our  Lord,  &  caught 
fetoe,  execu-  ^,  ,,•  iiir-i  r 

tin"' kisfcatcH  tRenornGot  the  altar.  7  And  it  waitald  king  Salomon,  that  1^ 

ccgcacnbe-  loab '^•as  Bed  iato  the  tabernacle  of  our  Lord,  and  ^ras  beiidc 

fore  againft  the  altar:  &  Salomon  iltni  Banaias  the  fonae  of  loiaaa, laying: 

thchfflafeof  ^       j^.j  ^^^    .   ^j^j  B^inaias  ca33e  ro  the  tabcrn.^cle  of  owr 

nshh>rtk<t  ^       ;  ,         rr--         riti-  ^  r       % 

Hnnp.<:ofhis  Lord, and  laid  to  him  :  Thus  layth  rhe  king:  Come  rorth. 

cliil«!rcn,  i.  "Who  Grid  :  I  wil  wotcome  forth,  but  h^re  "^ii !  die.  Baniias 

nf~'^. '<'\\i.  rr  ported  his  iSB-ord  to  the  king,  faying:  Thss  (p^ke  lo^b,  and 

anaFovAi.ia-  f l^us  l^ganfvcred  mc.  t  And  the  kinc  faid to  him  :  Doe  as  he  51 

rhars  proper  ,       ,    ,      ,  .  1  -i  i  •         r,    1        •    1  •  1    i  >i     1 

fault  ovnircr  hath  (pokentana  kil  him,  &:  buiie  hjm,and  then  «h.-\lr  remouc 

with  Adonias  theinnocenr  bloud, which  kath  becnc  flied  of  loab, from  mr, 
againR  Salo-    and  from  rhe  houfc  of  my  fath':rr.  +  And  our  Lord  \^A  render  ;i 
jr)«»  3-  il'^.  I.  iiis  hloui  vpon  his  hcad^becaufe  he  murdered  two  iuft  men,  Sz 


Salomon*  or  B:m«ES.  r<?5 

better  tticr  Iiim  felf:  and  firv  iherc  vich  his  fvord,  my  father 

'  Dauid  not  kno\firg,  AbrcrtLc  icnuc  cf  Nei  f^tncrilcf  tl^c 

vrarfare  of  irracl,2nd  ^mz.(c  tie  {ex.nccf  Ictl  trgcimal  cf  the 

^3j  armicof  Iwci&:i-sfi<}  liricir  bloud  fndrctiirrcx  j-cn  tlu  head  of 
Ioab,aiad  vpon  rfce  head  of  hn  leedc  for  ever  But  to  Diiiid 
and  iiis  fccdc  ar^d  his  houfe,  ard  to  hU  tkrouebc  peace  for 

54  euer  from  onr  Lord,  f  Eanajas  rfcerfcre  tfec  feme  oi  Iciada 

.  went  vp,  and  (citing  vpcnhiin  f!c"«re  hiin  :ar)d  he  was  buried 

5j  inhis  hou(cin  thcdcicrt.  f  A»d  the  kiiigxppoynted  Banaias 

thcfonnc  of  loiada  for  bins  eticr  the  arfiriC,  snd  Sadoc  tS.c 

36  pritft  he  ••  placed  for  Abia'  f  The  king  alf©  fcRt,  and  .-.Ssloir.en was 
called  Semei,flnd(£id  to  him:  Build  the*  aboulcie  leryfalerj,  net  only  a  i.Tg 
and  d-srcl  there  .and  thou  sbalt  not  goe  out  thence  hither  and  ^^  *!fe£s  pro- 

57  thither,  t  But  ^batdayfocucrtkcu«halrgo«cKt,  and  shaJr  «uei'{Vm«'*^fc. 
pafTc  the  Torrent  Cedror  knov  tbatthou  art  to  bcfl.iire:rhy  c^lai  princes 

3S  bloud  shalbc  vpon  rhy  head,  f  AndScmcifaid  t«  the  king;  ii©c  nccinatc 
The  faying  is  good  :  as  my  lord  the  king  hath  i^ckcti,  io  vil  fp*'*-*"^  l»P*- 
thy  fctHint  doc.  Stmei  therfore  dvclt  in  J«tu(a]en%  n-acie  ^^'^^j^J*^^"^^'" 

3^  dayes.  f  Andit  came  to  pafc  after  three  ycfercs,  that  the  fcr- i,,.„  fc^.,ei' 
uanicsof  Stmci  fled  to  Achis  the  (onn^of  Maachatbe  king  )cr  tk^iriuiifr 
of  Geth  :  and  itxeas  teldSeu-ici  thgt  h!sfrruant?:8  ver«  gore  rt'^'O"  1*  «  oc 

40  iiitoGcth.  t  AndSemeiaiofe,snd(£«lkdhis  alTc,  erd  went  ^.^P*""^^'^^^"" 
to  AchisincoGcthto  rec|uifc  his  iciiuRtes,  ana  be  brctjght  tJsefrujccto 

41  ihtm  oatof  Gcth.  -f-  And  it  vas  toid  Salomon  that  Senici  be<iifcdc«i  by 
^i  went  into  Geth  out  of  leujlalcm,  end  sees  retursed.  f  Ard  rl^cr.i  \.7«  x?- 

fending  he  called  him,  and  faid  to  him;  Did  I  not  tcfti£f  to  ^•^^* 

thee  by  our  Lord,  and  told  thee  before.- Vhat  day  foeuerthcu 

going  out  shait  paHe  hither  &  rhirhf  r,  know  that  thou  shale 

die  ?  And  thou  cidflanl^  ere  me  ;  The  fa)iig  is  good,  vhich 

4^  1  h«uc  heard,  f  Why  then  haft  tiiou  nor  kept  the  oarh  of  cur 

44  Lord,  and  rl\e  precept  that  I  commanded  thee  ?  f  And  the 

king  laid  to  5tmci;Thou  knovcf^  al  the  euihvherof  thy  hart 

is  priUT  to  rhy  felfc,"«-hich  thou  diftro  Dauid  n^y  father  :  our 

j^^  Lord  hath  rrndrcd  iliy  malice  vpon  thy  head:  I  Ard  king 

Salomon  be  blcficd,  and  the  throne  of  Dauid  shal  be  (lablc 

l>cfort  ou.-- Lord  for  fucr    f  The  king  therfore  commanded 

Banaias  rht  loiuic  of  loiada  ;  vi.o  going  out,  ftroke  him>  and 

he  died. 

C  H  A  P.       1  IL 

Iv'/Rv-^  Sdlitrun  mjrietl  rh<»r.iOi  f'fier.  2.  ofereth  ~\'ftiin!  in  hirh  places,  f. 
admoni.h.di)  Cod  in  kufUi^eto  drmaiid  n'i^atbe  n  ilyhe  AiX'ih  Vifdom- 

^94  Thirdbooke  Salomon. 

tQgottsfnehis^iefle^  lo.  w^7ich  God ^r4ntetb  hin$,  '^Ith  much  rtcheRg 
dlfoAniglarie.  i6.  Hj  dectdeth  4  cottronerfig  betwfen  t^j  J^emcn  CQntefi» 
di»g  (tb»tit  4  Irnrn^  chUd  und  a  dexd. 

THe  king iomther fore  wx%  eftablished  in  the  hand  of  r 
Si!omDa,ani  he  vdsioyned  in  affitiicie  to  Pharao  the 
kmgofi£gypt :  for  he  cooke  his  daughter,  and  brought  her 
incochecuieof  Dauid ,  varil  he  accompHshed  building  his 
o-^nehoure,and  thshoufe  of  our  Lord, and  the  valof  Icru- 
falemrounJ  about,  f  Bur  yet  the  people  inamolated  in  the  t 
exceifes.-fortherc  WIS  no  temple  built  to  the  name  of  our 
Lotd  vntil  that  day.  t  And  Salomon  loued  our  Lord,  A?ralking  5 
in  the  pceceptes  of  D  luid  his  father,rauing  that  he  immolatf  d 
in  the  excelfes,  and  burnt  ineenfe.  f  He  went  therforc  into  4 
Gabaon,  to  immolate  there; for  that  was  a  verie  great  excelfe: 
a  thoutand  hoftcs  for  holocaufl  did  Salomon  offer  vpon  that 
alrarinGibaon.  -f  Andour  Lord  appeared  to  Salomon  in  »  f 
dreame  by  nighr. faying:  Aske  what  thou  wilt  that  I  may  gcue 
it  thee,  f  And  Salomon  fiidr  Th  n\  hail  done  great  mercic  6 
with  thy  TeruintDAuid  my  father,  cuen  as  he  walked  in  thy 
fightia  truth,  and  iullicc,  and  a  right  hart  with  thee:  for 
thou  haft  kept  thy  great  mercie,  and  haft  gcuen  him  a  fonne 
firtingvpon  his  throne,  as  it  is  this  day.  ■\  And  now  Lord  7 
God,  thou  haft  made  ehy  feruant  to  reigne  for  Dauid  my  fa- 
ther :  but  I  ara  a  Htic  chdJc  ,  and  ignorant  of  my  going  out 
and  coming  ixi.  f  And  thy  feruant  is  in  the  middes  of  the  S 
people,  which  rhou  hift  chof?n,apeopIeinlinite,  which  can 
not  be  numorcd  and  counted  for  the  multitude  .   f  Thou  f 
shaltth:rfore  geue  to  thy  feruint  adociblc  h  Art,  that  he  may 
iudgethc  people,  &  di{cernebet\ren  good  and  euil.  For  who 
ihal  be  able  to  uid_^c  this  people, this  thy  people  great  in  nura»  10' 
ber?  +  Tne  word  therfore  was  liked  before  our  Lord,  that  Sa- 
lomon had  asked  fuch  a  thing  .  f  Andour  Lordfayd  to  Salo-  ie 
mon:Beciafe  thou  hart  asked  this  thing,  and  haft  not  de fired 
for  thy  !elf  miaie  dayes,nor  righes.nor  the  Hues  of  thine  ene- 
rnies,  bat  haft  dcfired  witV-domfor  thy  felf  todifcernciudge- 
ro«nt :  -{•  behold  I  haue  don?  vnto  thee  according  to  thy  wor-  11 
des,  ^z  hiue  g-=ucn  thee  a  wife  hart  and  intelligent,  info  much 
thatn  >n°  before  theeharh  boene  like  thee,norshalacife  after 
thee.  ■\  Yi-a  and  thefe  thinges,  which  thou  did!  not  aske,  I  15 
kaaegeuen  thee:  to  wittc,  riches,  and  glorie,  (q  that  none 


lalomon.  of   kikges.  osjj 

l:aib  bccnc  like  thcc  the  kingcs  al  daycs  hertolore, 

J4  t  >\r.dif  thou  "wjlr  xtGlkciii  my  >»aycSj  ?r<l  kecpe  niy  j  re- 
ceptcs,at)d  my  ctn  mprddrdircsjas  thy  father '«ralicd,l  v  ii 

ij  malcct}  y  caytslcrg.  I  Thcrfcrc  Salcmcrsvaktdjfrc' p<r- 
cciued  liarii  was  o  die:  me  :  ard'whcr  he  vras  ccn  c  tokru- 
ialim^he  flccd  before  the  aike  of  coucnanr  ofocr  Lord,  and 
cftVrcdholccau(lc*,and  n^ad-epacifique  vidimes,  ard  s  gieat 

56   fe^ft  to  a]  hisleriianres.  -f  Then  came  there  tvo  "^5f<  nun  har-  ThcFpiftk 

17  loitfs  to  the  king,  ard  flood  belcrchitT' :  f  of  the 'e:  huh  one  os^n'ti^c^y  In 
/aid:  I  befcch  thecjiny  lord,  I  and  this  vc  ngn  dxjelr  in  oi^ic'l^*  ^''^^ 
houic,  and  I  was  dcJiutrcd  of  a  childt  befide  her  in  ihe  chrm- 

it  bcr.  t  ^nd  the  third  day,  after  th«t  I  wasdehuercd.shc  alfo 
was  dcliucred,and"we  were  together,  and  no  other  pcrfcn 

18  with  vs  in  the  hcufe,  except  Vfc  two.  f  And  this  womans 
20  childe  died  in  the  night.  For  flepirg  shcopprtfled  him.|  And 

ry  fing  in  thetlcad  tymc  of  the  night,  she  tookc  my  childe 
from  the  fide  of  me  thy  h? ndmayd  being  aflepe,  and  Jayed  it 
in  herbofome  :  and  her  childe  that  \f  as  dczS,  she  put  in  my 
ii  bofome.  f  And  when  I  was  r}  fen  in  the  morning  to  geue  my 
childe  milke,  he  appeared  dead  :  vhcm  m.ore  diligently  be- 
holding when  it  was  clcere  day,  I  found  that  it\f  as  nor  mine 

22  vhichlbaie,  f  And  the  other  woman  anfwered:  Itis  not 
fo  as  thou  (ayfljbut  thy  childe  is  dead, and  mine  liueth.On  the 
conttatie  part  jhe  friyd  :  Thculiifl .-  for  my  childe  liueth,  and 
thy  childe  is  dead.  And  in  this  maner  they  firoue  before  the 

23  king,  f  Then  fayd  the  king:  This  woman  faith,  My  childe 
iiuerh.and  thy  childe  is  dead.  And  this  hath  anfwered.  No, 

24  but  thy  childe  is  dead,  and  mine  liueth.  t  The  king  therforc 
faid :  Bring  me  a  fword.  And  when  they  had  brought  a  fword 

15  before  the  King,  f  Diuide,  quoth  he,  the  lining  cfild  into 
two  partes,  and  geuc  the  halfepartio  one,  and  halfc  to  the 

16  other,  f  But  the  woman,  whofechi'de  was  aliue,  faid  ro  the 

king  (for  her  bowels  were  mouedvpon  her  childe)  1  befech  .-So  Jicreti^es 
thee  my  lord,  gcue  her  the  childe  aliue,  and  kil  it  not.  On  the  ""tbeine  -blc 
contrarie  part  she  fayd;  '■'  be  it  neither  mine,  nor  thine,  bur  ^f'P'''?."'^^''^' 

»7  let  it  be  diuided.  f  The  king  anfwered,  and  faid  :   Gcue  'uJ^stK^^u'e 
vnto  this  woman  the  infant  aliue,  and  let  it  not  be  killed  ^-pcrmftntnc 

ftS  for  this  isthc  mother thcrof.f  AllfiacI  therforc  heard  rhe  Church.w'oul^ 
judgement  that  the  king  had  iudged,  and  they  feared  the  '"^"^;*^*>  dieCa 
"king,feingthewifedomofGod  to'be  in  him  to  doe  iudge-  fohnScnonl 
n^c«t-'«  atai. 

Cll  A  P. 

C^S  Thiild  bookk  Salomon. 

Chap.     1 1 1 1. 

Chicfe  mm  of  Sdk^ft^nsk^n^'^amdr-e  recited  l^jtheif  ntmiff  dnX  ^ficei.  ii. 
UkeWje  thi^r^ir.jhn  of  viBnihfsrhis  kQ:tfi,  i6.  the  numher  efhk  karfes, 
'.^,  hn  wifihm  rcallsth  dethar?, 5^.  hi  l^ntts  tiunie  faraifUs  4»d  verffi, 
4nd  ler^ilj  difcoitrfed  of  al  thinges, 

Nd  king  Silomon  vasrcigmagOHsr  allfraal:  f  an-:!  1  2 
c'lefa  wexc  c  he  princes  vhieh  fcckad:  Azariastbefoano 
ofSadocthepricft:  t  £^if^®J"cph,ari(i  Ahiathefotinesof  SiHi  5 
Scribes;  Tofapliac  the  (onne  of  Ahiliiijr«giftcr  :f  Saniias  the  4 
fonns  orioiad.i,ouer  chearmie:and  Sadoc,and  Abiathar  prie- 
(les.  I  Azariasthefonneof  Nachan,  oner  them  that  ailifted  f 
tlickmg:  Zibuichsfonncof  Nachan  prieftche  Icingcs  fcend: 
f  and  Ahizar  gousrnQur  of  cl»e  hoai's :  and  Adonirara  rhe  d 
Tonne  of  Abdiouer  the  tribucss.  f  AndSiIomon  had  rVeliie  7 
gouernoursoucrallfrrici, 'which  lerucidpuE  vidaals  for  the 
king  and  for  his  houle:  for  eueric  one  miniftred  neccILiries, 
ecbe  man  his  moneth  in  the  ycare  .  f  ^'^'^  thefe  are  their  8 
names:  Benhur  in  mount  Ephraicn.  f  Bendecar,  in  Macce?,   9 
andinSalebin3,andinBethrame.s,andin  Elon^sndin  Beth- 
han-^n.  f  Benhefed  in  Araboth  ••  his  was  Socho,  and  althe  10 
landEpher.  f  Bsnabinadab,  whoCe  vas  al  Nepha  Dor,  had  11 
Tapheth  the  daughter  of  Salomon  to  wife,  t  Bana  the  fonne  it 
of  Ahiludgouerncd  Thanach  and  Magedd©,andal  Berhfan, 
which  is  bciide  Sarthanavnderlczrahe!,  from  Bethfan  vnto 
/>belmehuia  ouer  againft  lecmaan.  f  Bengaber  in  Rambch  15. 
giUad:  had  Auothiair the  fonne  of  ManalFes  in  Galaad,  he  ciiiefe  in  ai  the  coiintris  of  Argob,  which  is  in  Bafan, 
three  fcore  cities  great  and  waiied,  vrhich  had  brafen  lockes. 
•{•    Ahinadab   the  fonne  of  Addo  was  chiefe  in  Manaiocu  .  14 
•j-Achimaas  in  NephthaH.-yeahealfohad  Bafemaththedaugh-  ly 
fa-Tof  S.'ilomon  in  mafiage.  f  Baana  the  fonne  of  Mufi>  in    \6 
Arcr,a.nd  in  Baloth.  t  lofaphat  the  fonncof  Pharue,  in  Kacac.  17 
t  Semsi  the  fonne  of  Ela,  in  Beraiamin,  f  Gabcr  the  fonnciSi^^ 
of  Vrijin  the  land  of  Galaad  in  theland  of  Schon  fbckingof 
t'le  Ammorrhsire,  &  ofOg  the  king  of  Ba[an,  ouer  aithinges 
that  were  in  that  land,  f  ludaand  lirael  inni;irjiereble;as  the  20 
find  of  the  Tea  in  malcitude  -.  eating, and  drinking,  and  reioy-  u' 
fing.  j-  And  Salomon  was  in  his  dominion, hauing  al  the  king- 
domes  with  him  from  the  riucc  of  the  land  of  the  Phili- 
flh*-iiias  viud  the  border  of  /Egypt :  of  th^nn  thacofrered.him 


Salomon.  -of   binges.  657 

11  prefenrs,and  fcruedhimai  the  dayes  oflHilif^.  f  And  the 

J   prouition  of  Salomon  "xas  cuerie  day   thirtie  mcifufcs  ot 

■„lj..  flourc,  &:  three  fcoremeafurjs  of  raca!e,  f  tenrefat  cx«n  and 

tNTcntiepafhire  fed,  &ahunired  rarrmcs,  bciide  the  vrniTon 

24  of  hartes.  roes,  and  byffles,  &c  fatted  foule.  |  For  he  pclieirfd 
ai  the  countric,  which  \ras  beyond  the  liuer,  froraThnpfa 
vnto  Goza,  and  al  the  kinges  of  thole  countries  :  and  i^e  hsd 

2j  peace  on  cuerie  fide  round  about,  f  And  luda  and  Ifiaci 
dwelt  \pithoutsnic  fcarejcuerie  one  vnder  his  vine,  and  vn- 
dcr  his  figtree,  from  Dan  vnto  Berfabe  al  the  dcxjcr.  of  Salo- 

16  raon.  -f  And  Salomon  had  fourtie  thoufand  (talles  cf  charior- 

27  horfes.andtwclue  thoufand  for  the  faddie.  -f  And  the  fore- 
faidcgouernoursoi-the  king  fed  them:  jeaandrbe  necciraries 
of  king  Salomons  table  they  gaue  forth  with  great  core  m 

1%  their  timc.f  Barley  alfo  and  firovr  for  the  horfcs,?.nd  beafle.?, 
they  brought  to  the  place,  vkere  the  king  vas,  according  ps 

z^  it  vas  appointed  them,  f  God  alfogauc '^ifdom  to  Salorroii 
and  prudence  cxceding  much,  and  latitude  of  hart  as  the  fand 

30  that  isin  thefca  ihore.  f  And  the  "^ifdom  of  Salomon  pafled 
thevfifdom  of  al  them  in  the  eaft,  and  of  the  /Egyptians, 

31  t  andhc  vrasxriferthenalmcn  :  wiicr  then  Ethan  the  Ezra- 
lire,  and  Heman, and  Chalcol, and  Dorda  the  Tonnes  of  Mahol 

51  and  he  was  rcnccrmcd  in  al  nations  roundabout,  f  Salomon 

alfofpakc  ••  three  thoufand  parables:  and  his  fongues  were  -jhefs 

35  a  thoufand  &  flue,  t  And  he  difputed  of  trees  from  the  ceder,  bookcs 
tharisin  Libanu5,vnto  the  hyflbp  which  comcth  out  of  the  nocexun 
▼al :  and  he di(cGurfed of  bcaftes, and  foulcs  ,  and  creeping 

54  wormes,and  fi  (hes.  f  And  there  came  from  2I  people  to  heare 
the  wifdom  of  Salomon,  and  from  al  the  kirgcs  of  the  earth, 
"vhich  heard  his  wifdom. 

Chap.     V. 
'HlfAmkingof  Tyre ^ranteth  timber  and^ork,y>icn for  lu'-.lJ  rr  tleTtntfiU: 
SAlawin  4.llowing  yi^ttdls^ancl ^a^in^tvaces,  15.  tksHtutiycrofrVQtk/nen 
and  oiicrpers, 

t  TT  Tram  alfo  the  king  of  Tyre  fcnr  his  feruinrcs  to  Si- 
S  JL  lomon  :  for  he  he-ird  that  they  had  auomcrd  him  king 
for  his  father:  becaufe  Hiram  had  bene  Dauids  frend  at  al 

1  time.  I  And  Salomon  fent  to  Hiram,fciying;-f  Thou  know 


Kcs  srs* 

wil  of  Dauid  my  fathcr,aad  that  he  could  not  build 
ihoufeto  thenameofouc  Lord  his  God,  becaufe  of  warrcs 

5  eft  the 

to  the  name  of  our  I 

Qqqq  imminent 

6^t  Thijld  BOOK!  Salomoa. 

imaiinent  round  about  vntil  our  Lord  put  them  rn^ler  tkt  folc 
of  tin  fccte.  t  But  noxr  our  Lord  my  God  htth  {eucn  nrie  reft  4 

round  ab@ut:  and  there  is  no  Utan,nor,il  rencounter,  f  Vher-  g 
fore  !  purpofc  to  build  a  temple  to  the  name  of  our  Lord  my  our  Lor^  hath  fpoken  t©  Dauid  my  fatherjGiying-.Thjr 
fonne,  whoral  wilgcae  for  thee  vpon  thy  throne,  he  shal 
build  &  haufc  to  my  name,  f  Command  therfore  tkat  thy  6 
kiuantcs  cut  me  downc  cedrcsout  of  Libanut,  and  let  my 
fcraantes  he  wiih  thy  fcruantes  :  and  I  wil  gcuc  thee  the  hire 
oftbyferu;intcs'whatfoeuer  thou  viltaskc>for  thou  kno^eft 
kow  there  is  nor  in  my  people  a  man  that  hath  skil  to  kev 
vood  as  the  Sidonians.tWhcn  Hiram  thtrforchad  heard  tke  7 
hordes  of  Salomon^  he  reioyfcd  exccdingly,  and  faid:  Blcffed 
be  the  Lord  God  this  day,xrho  hath  geucn  vnto  Dauid  a  fonnc 
mo^  wiCe  ousr  this  people  fo  great  in  number,  f  And  Hiram  8 
fejitco  SaUfRon, faying:  Ihauc  heard  vhatfocuer  thou  haft 
willed  mc  :  I  vil  doe  al  thy  vil  in  cedre  trees,  and  firre  trees. 
f  My  feruances  shal btiBg  them  dovnc  from  Libanus  to  the  f 
Tea  ^  and  I  wi\  put  tkem  in  boates  in  the  fca,  vnto  the  place, 
which  thou  (halt:  figniSc  to  rac ;  and  iril  land  them  thercj  ajid 
thou  s  hair  take  thcra  :  and  thou  Tnalr  allo'v  me  ncccfTarics, 
fhat  tliere  be  nicatc  geucn  lor  myhoufc.  f  Therfore  Hiram  id 
g.i,uc  Salomon  cedrc  trees,  and  firrc  trees,  according  to  al  hi« 
*S'-ih  t  And  Stlomon  alio  a/ed  Hiram  t^entie  thouland  cores  n 
of  ^'hcat€j  for  prouifion  for  his  houfe,  and  t'lrentie  cores  of 
mod  pure  m\c  :  thcfc  thinges  did  Salomon  geuc  to  Hiram 
tuerieyearc.f  Our  Lord  alto  gaut'xs'i fedora  to  Salomon,  as  he  11 
fpake  to  him  :  3c  there  was  peace  bctwen  HirasD  &  Salomon, 
•  and  bojh  made  akague.  f  And  king  Salomon  chofc  work-  r$ 
men  o.«i,tof  al  Ifntl,  and  the  taxed  nUmbcrwas  of  rhirtie 
thoufsiad  men.  -f  And  he  fent  them  into  Libaniis,  ten  thou-  14 
fand  cacrie  moneth  by  coutfc  ,  fothat  twomonethcs  they 
'•rcre  in  their  houfes:  and  Adoniram  was  ouer   this  taxing. 
f-  And  Salomon  had  feuenrie  thoufand  of  them  that  carifd  1$ 
burdens,  and  cightie  thoufand  hcw^ers  of  ftones  in  the  moun- 
taine:  f  besides  the  oucrfeers  which  were  ouercucrie  workc,   16 
in  number  three  thouland, and  three  hundred  that  comman- 
ded the  people,  and  them  that  did  the  vrorke.  f  And  the  17 
king  commanded,  that  they  should  take  great  ftones,  cho- 
fcn  ftones  for  the  foundsttiori  of  the  temple, and  should  fquare 
&hei2i  :    f  which  the  maiom  of  Salomon,  and  mafons  of  18 


Salomon.  ©f  kingI5.  ^55 

Hiram  heved  :  moreoucr  ihc  Giblians  pfeparecl  tiaiiber  aiid 
ftones,  to  build  the  hou(e. 

Chap.    VI. 
//» the  yedre  f»uri  huudreJ,  dnd  foure  /core  dfter  the  ]fr4gUtei  ume  from  JE- 
^ypt,S4'omo»,thcjc»,thji:*re9fhif  rtigne, legirtKsth te htuUthe  Tin^^ie. 
t.rkefrmcipAlpMrtes  ftitb thegreitntifformi^  and  sr^Amiiitu thetdj «,re 
ieferihtd.  }8.  It  it  m  building  jmtn  jieares. 

i  \  Nd  ir  came  to  paflc  in  the  foure  bandrcd  and  fourc 
./jLfcoreyearc  of  the  ccTfiing  forth  of  thechildrtn  of  Ifrac! 
outof  the  Land  of  yligvpt,  in  the  fourth  vearc,  th?  monedi 
Zio  ( tharis  the  fecond  moneth  ;  of  the  rcigne  of  Salomon 

a  ouer  Krael,  he  btgin  to  buiM  a  houfe  to  our  Lord,  f  ^^^^^d. 
the  houic,  which  king  Salomon  built  to  our  Lord,  had  three 
fc»recubitcsin  length,  and  t^rentie  cubitcs  in  bretkb,  end 

3  thirtic  cabires  in  height.  *f  And  there  ^as  aporchc  before 
the  temple  of  twtniic  cubites  of  Jcngrh,  according  to  rhe 
meafurcof  the  brcdth  of  the  tenjplc  :  and  it  bad  ten  cubirc? 

4  ofbredth  before  rh«  face  of  the  temple,  j-  And  he  n:?.ade  in 
the  temple  *  oblique  vindo^es.  t  An4  he  built  vpon  ?he 

J  val  of  the  temple  loftes  round  about,  f  in  the  walkiof  thr 
houfe  round  about  the  temple  and  the  oracle,  and  hz  mAcic 

4  fidcj  round  about,  f  The  loft  that  was  vndcrncth,hsd  liae  cu- 
bites of  bredth,&  the  middle  loft  ^as  of  fis  cabitcs  in  brsc'ch, 
and  the  third  loft  had  feucn  cubites  of  brcdth.  And  lie  pus 
beames  in  the  houfe  round  about  ©n  the  outfide,  that  ms:f 

7  might  not  cleaue  to  the  walks  of  the  temple,  t  And  the 
houfe  vhcn  it  "w^as  buiitj  was  built  of  ftones  hewed  and  per- 
fected :  and  hammer,  and  hacher,  and  al  the  toole  of  yicn 

5  -were  '••  not  heard  in  the  houfe  when  it  \ra$  built,  -f  The  doore 
of  the  middle  fide  va$  in  the  val  of  the  houfe  on  the  right  *'  ^"  P"ie'^_^ 
hand:  and  by  wyndingftaircs  they  wear  vp  into  the  middle  fji^eTnoifc  of 

^  rovme,  and  from  the  middlcinco  the  rhiid.  f  And  hebMilt  inurmuriaad- 
thc  houfe,  and  finished  it:  he  coucrcd  alfo  the  houfe  "grith  v!crfic!c,noro£ 

io  feelings  of  ccdrc  trees,  t   And  he  built  a  lofc  girt  al  the  ^o^i'.ing  m 
houfefiuecubitesofhcight,  and  he  couered  the  ^"»o"^e''»'irJi  bTc^^aT-cc 

It  ccdre  timber,  -j-  And  the  vordof  our  Lordcamcto  Salcmon,  andlutrnjlicic 

II  faying:  -j-  This  houflo ,  \rhich  thou  buildcftj  if  thou  ^ils  wichiiicnce, 
vralkcin  mypreceptcs.and  docmyiudgemenjcs,  and  kcepc 
al  my  commandementc«,  going  in  them  ,  I  vj)  cftablish  my 

13  word  to  thcca  ▼hich  1  (pake  to  D*«id  thy  father,  f  Andl 

/o©  Th  I  r  d  b  o  o  k  e  Salomon" 

xril  i-rcl  ill  riiemMiesoFchs  children  of  Krael,  ani  wil  not 
forfakera/p:op!c  Krasl.f  Salomon  cherfore  built  the  houfej  14 
anj  iinishrdir.  f  And  lie  built  the  Nx^allesofthehoufe  on  the  15 
iiifiie,  ^5'ich  cedre  lafces ,  from  the  pauem:nt  of  the  houfe  to 
the  toppe  of  the  •^!raile$,  and  to  the  roofes,  he  couered  it  with 
Ciii,' frees- on  the  iafide:  and  he  couered  the  floore  of  the 
hoaf;:  wirhboordesofliurc.  f  And  he  built  loftes  of  cedre  16 
tiarber  of  t-e'-cntie  cubiccs  at  the  hinder  part  of  the  temple, 
fromthepaiisment  to  the  higher  partes:  and  he  made  the 
,.,.j5;,,^/,of;,^ inner  houfe  of  the  oracle  to  be  -  Sandum   SandoruiTi^. 
©r  rns.'r  holie  t  Msi'^oucr  the  temple  izCelfwis  fourtic  cubites  before  the  17 
place.  doores  of  the  oracle,  f  A  ndal  the  houfe  \7as  couered  within  18 

■W'i:h  cedetj  hauingroundelsj  and  the  ioymtes  thcrof  coning- 
ly  V  iOiigb!:  and  the  engraumgcs  (landing  out  :  a!  thingcs 
;:  Stones  in     "^^^c  couercd  "^ith  hordes:  ■-  neither  could  there  a  ftone  ap- 
builduicres ,     pearcin  the  wal  at  al.  f  And  he  made  the  oracle  in  the  middes  15? 
an  1  bon:-s  ni    of  chc  houfc,  in  the  inner  pirt,  that  he  might  put  the  arke  of 
xlT  "if"- m  die    coucnant  of  oyr  Lord  thcie.  f  Moreouer  the  oracle  had  io 
ilate  oF  reli-    tvTcnrie  cubites  in  length,  and  twcncie  cubites  of  biedth ,  and 
gious  perfo-    twcnrie  cubites  in  height.  And  he  couered  and  feslcd  it  \ykh 
sies.vha being  rnoft  pute  gold.  auJ  the  alrar  alfo  he  decked  with  ceder. 
MllaftetiiT' t  The  houle  alfo  before  the  oracle  he  couered  Nrith  moft  it 
and  ceiles^  fo  P''^'-"^  §o\d  ,  and  faftencd  on  plates  ^ich  nailts  of  gold,  f  And  IL. 
much  the         there  was  nothing  ia  the  temple  that  was  not  couered  with 
mere  fortifie    gold  :  yea  and  al  rhc  akar  of  the  oracle  he  couered  with  gold, 
tne  Cnurch,     1  And  he  mid:  in  the  Oracle  two  cherubs  of  oiiue  trees,  of  15 
L'iTcthcya-?-    f^"  ciibites  in  height. f  Oie  \vin;T  or  a  cherub  oJ-iiuc  cubites,  24 
y^  abro^.e.  ^^^'^  ^^^  Other  wing  of  a  cherub  fiae  cubites:  that  is  ,  hauing 
icraafc  .'-/.J     tenne  cubites,  from  the  end  of  one  win^  vnto  the  end  of 
tJft:iisnoi  to     ji^e  Other  wnig.  f  Of  ten  cubites  alio  was  the  fecond  cherub:  ajr 
ieacJ,,  b-^tto      [^\^\^Q  meafure,  and  the  worke  was  one  in  both  cherubs, 
7}4rU.ser.6j,.    t  that  isfo  lay,  one  cherub  had  tne  height  of  ten  cubites,  z6 
and  in  like  miner  the  fecond  cherub,  f  Andheputthe  chc-  27 
rubs  in  the  middes  of  the  inner  temple  :  and  the  cherubs  ci.- 
rendcd  their  wingesjand  the  one  wing  touched  the  wal,  and 
the  wing  of  the  fecond  cherub  touched  the  other  wal:  and 
the  cdier  wingesin  the  middle  part  of  the  temple  touched 
t:hctkcr.  f  He  couered  alfo  the  cherubs  with  gold,  t  AfiiiSxp 
al  the  wallcsof  the  temple  round  about  he  graucd  with  di- 
::  It  is  a  clere  '■'-I'^t:  cngiauinges  and  caruing  :  &c  he  made  in  them  cherubs^ 
€jfc,:hat altar  and piimc  trees, and  -  diuerfc pictures ,  as  it  \rerc  ftanding 


ilrtmrm  OT    K  I  N  G  E  5.  /CI 

I    of  the  houle  he  couer.d  ^.-iih  gold  ^.-lrhIn  ana  v;-irhout  f  And  f^^f^^f;^,^ 

in  the  entrance  ofchc  oracle  he  made litledoores  of  the  tim-  j,^,^  vnU^^ful. 
5Z    berof  oliuetrces,  and  fiu.  cormipcaes.  f  And  tNro  doorcs  but..e>e  rdi- 
'     ofohuetio^ber:  nnd  he  then,  pidares  cF  Chcmbs,  ^^-^^ 
and  figures  of  Palme  trees,  and  gr.u.n  N.-ofkcs  frandmg  out  ^jr,^-,^^^^^^ 
very  much  5  and  he  eoutred  then.  M-ith  gold:  and  he  coucred  f,3,^hcraorc 
as  4el  thechft-ubsasthepalmctrecs,  andthc  other  thinges  honourof 
5t    v^ithcrold-t  Andhcmadcmthccnrrinceofthct.mpicpoftes  God. 
l\  ofolmetimberfourefquare;  t  and  c-«  o  doorcs  oj  firre  trees, 
one  a'^avnft  an  other:  and  either  doorev^-as  cuole    and  to 
,<  opene'd^iih  folding  leaues.  t  And  he  grsucd  cneruhs    and 
palmctrees ,  and  engraumges  appearing  very  much;,  aivu  he 
.C  couered  al  vith  golden  plares  in  Iquare  svorke  by  ruie  t  A nd 

hcbuilttheinnercourtsTiththreero^^esof  ftonespohs..^d  ^ 

37  and  one  roxre  of  ceder  timber,  t  In  the  f3urrhyeare>.a^ae  Tl^-^-- 
S  hou(eofour  Lord  founded  in  the  moneth  oi  Z'.o  :  T,^nd  in  ^•^-'-»-.= 
theeleuenthyeareinthemonerh  Bui  (  that  is  tae  eigne  mo- 
neth)  the  houle  was  perfeded  in  al  chc  there,     and 
inahheimpleraentestherof;  and  he  was  buniing  :c  fcucn 



the  parting  of  Ifracl  out  of  ^gypr,  to  the  funditian 

cf.  he  Temple.  The  fpace  of  480.  yeares. 

TTT  7E   UA^r^  fennedre^dy  inthe  three  fir]}, gcs^firil'iltnElttmi^ 
\     \    of  the  woHd.thdmnmnrr^incre^fe,  and  contmuar.ce  of  tDe 
ChunhandFelmonof  Cod,  ^nhout  interruftton.  Nnvmtht^f'>nrth  .ge 
t7:ch  o}4-  d,e.,le  .  ^..Un  U.   .  ^ ^^  more  -'^-^  j^^j^  ^^^-^^^ 
Gim'  Uith  ^ntrel,mn,noiPnly  eonnmed  kit  Aj.  X^x,  more  ex^rt^a,  and  ^^.^^^^  ^,  ^^^ 
exphutid;  and  the  Church  had  more  yaneuc  of  Sacrfices,Sacr4r»e^ts,a.'id  y,„^^^^  s,  ^.zc 
Jher  hole  Rites^CT  ohfnnancey.  cr  the  tw^ftat^^  EccUf^^ua  and  T.mford  ot  :hc  Chnrch 

rarchtt,mo1e  difpofed  m  fubordmation:  the at^dgoHerBmeBtal,.  vndcr  Du^es  ^^^^^^  ^ 
JudgeuandKiPgei.mBre  di^nhntei  am^ng  jufm^ur  andtnfertotiropcers  ,v,,nbcrore. 

ihert  before.  ,     ,    -         1      t    i     f    • 

For  frfi  the  prineipa! point  and  ground  ef  al  religion,  the  beiccte  in  Belcefcincn* 
©neGod,  andhttproperdimnejf>.nhip,nai>oued  mo^  (innij  commar.-  God. 
ded,  often  reptaud,  dtUs^ntly  ohjemed  hy  the  ^ood,  4ndJcHerely  puntih'r,.  try 

70  2,  Thirdbooki  Salomon, 

irAnffr.'fQW!.  T&'^hch  end  *nd  pts  f^fe,  r  fh4t  God  hid  fn^ttUrly 

ftli^'sd three msre  rsnowmed  PAtriarcL-^  Abraham,  Haac,  and  lacobj, 

^r^'ferntnjr  them  hy  hk  f^cUl^^fAce  fr<im  tdoUtrie^  r,nd  fr«m  Witkjdlif.jes 

9 f  molt  ^r*p/<?;  ^-nd,  adtionSf  lltfed  thttr  feede ,  not  in  the  "fehole  i>rogtnie 

0f  ths  two  former,  hni  m  Ucolf  onUe  ^Ifihom  be  •th.r  wife  Kerned  Uracil 

miilndyinf  ba  chddnn  excsdmgly,  ye4  mo/?  0^4/  (which  Was  mo/}  mar- 

tteloiii  )  in  k^tt;  ^srfsc'Miom  :    then  ynn^ing  tkcn  jarth  of  the  fo  natetf 

Alirypt ,  in  kn  ftrong  ^  4S  ts  r  ctrded  iit  the  farmer  age  ,  dt  Uft  hu 

D^uineiaves.  Dm^fte  MAitfUs  dtlmned  to  them  hn  f:rfe^  a»d  eleradl  Law  ,  (ont.j' 

lied  IB  t'iVi  t&hlfi,  dtflnl^iatei  into  tenne  freceptes  ,  tetchin^  them  thsif 

Moral.  proper  daHei  f,rU  ts^Ardi  htmfelfe  theer  God  and  Lord,  thin  tcrtJ^rds  eeb 

.  .     ower,  ^yI:Jdinr  m&reoUi'r  for  tbe-ftAfltfe  and  execution  therof^  other  pArticn- 

idr precepts  ef  trps  j^rtcsyto  '^utte.  Ceremonial  prejcnt^m^  (trtaine  d  tgy^ 

fninate  msitcn  and  nfes,  in  ohfermngihe  c«mm4ndimenti  ojthefirj}  table  per- 

-    ,.  •  ,  tAinmr  ee  God  land  liidiciAluwes  direc^i^fiiip'irttcuUT  ho'f?  to  fulfil  ths 

ammn-iiti^.'nti  sftkil-fi<snd  tAjieyConernn^our  dKimi  tot&ards  onr  neig^k- 

ham.  S.)  ^^  jci  the  "^ hoU  Uuf  ^  HQihmr  »•/>.  but  i«loue  God  abous  a!,  ^fat.^t^ 

and  our  neighboures  as  our  fellies.  The  miner  of  perfeiminr  al^'h  to 

bcleue  and  hope  in  one  onlie  Lord  God,  honour  and  ierue  hizn 

alone, T^  ^«  wj^Jif  rf/  if  nothingyCon(griieih  aI,  J^tl  mdge  «/,  And  render  s» 

4I  men  nts  they  dcfkru'^^nd  therhre  fully  to  .oafirme  th'u  point  Jit  yee'inmsk  kk 

con^mandemeats  veith  ev^rt'lieprohtL^noH  of  aI  f^lfe  a^d  imdgmarie  gsddh^ 

0nd7  Go(?co>^^"'.f  (  Exod.2.0.  V.  5.)  Thou  shale  not  hauc  ftrangcgoddcs,cr  ^/f^T 

be  fcruca-s'ich  the^ta  Se  the trs»f?reUoHrSy  tind retital of  ths  oiher  nme  (ommafidementet„' 

diuincho-        k<s  ceK'.Usdi:ih(v.i],  )  with  re^ei^iion  ef  th^prfi,  Uyln^:  You  ihal  no£ 

KGur..  makcgoddesof  fiiuer,  norgoddes  ofgoidsha!  yoa  make  to  yo«o 

Th?  Ume «  rc^eted  mdex^Uned  (  Deut.5.)  ^-^ndm  the  next  chapter  Moyfes 

txh^riingth'  pcfplefAith:  Hcare  Ifracl,  the  Lord  our  God  is  one  Lordo 

^K'd  Godlr.mfelfe  (peaking agAtne  fayth :  (  Exod.  n,,  )  See  yc  that  I  am 

•nlir,and  there  is  n©  other  God  beiidcsme.  The  royal  prcphet  Dauid 

(1  i^f.ii.andPfiim.  17.)  yi^ho  is  God  hm  onr  God}  and  mfundrifthef 

places  ths  fimedofttlneofene  God  is  grounded  y  confirmed,  arid  eji«l>inhed, 

TKc  BTrlnl:  le       f^.  My^mt  of  the  B.  Trinitie,  or  of  threiDtmne  ferfcns,  ps  ne  lefe  trtit 

dnicerr^tne,  then  th^^i  there  ts  hut  one  God,  though  not  fo  mamfe^  to  reafsn, 

nor  fo  expre;llytA!t^htiT!.th£  aid  Te^aimfH^  ytt  helmed  then  4' fo,  and  ofte» 

infmHAird,  inhere  God  is  exprcjied  hy  n.tmcs  of  th^  plural  number:  as  Elohirm, 

Ml:m,  Ehb\  S-iddat,  ^donAt,  ifiifAQik  t  ^hieh  import plHTaUtietf  Perfam 

m  Go'l,  rwhi  is  hut  onsnAimeand  fhl>f^&;9ee.  Diftindiion  *lfo  of  Pcrfons 

m  God'i-s  duiicsd  ( Esod.  3v  )  Gsd  frying:  I  wi!  calin  the  natre  of  the 

Lord.  That  is  (  as  S.  .X-igi^m  and  of  her  fathers  expound  it  )  the  fec&nd  -^j^;^ 

ferf9»hyhis^r.(e:  mx^eth  his  femmti  t9  saI  >^<j»  Gad,  More  dtflinfl'j  i^oxi, 


Salomon.  e?KrN8XS.  705 

(?/</»».  i.)TKf  Lord  falsi  to  ine  :Tho»  artir-y  Sonne,  I  this  day 
fcau«  begotten  thee,  (r/^lm.  IC9. )  The  Lord  faid  to  my  Lord:  that  a, 
God  the  Fttl'.cr  to  God  ihe  Sonne  :  nbe  dNtnltff^n  his  dtmnitisii  the 
Ri<?|.t».  tordoj  D*uid^it<»rdi»^  /•  hU  hvf»*mtie  the  foani  of  D^ttid.  The  f< 
l(tM£  DauU  PKdkfth  mtntiom  slfa  efthe  thi>d iV//off,r'nc  Kolic  G bo fi:,pr.?>» 
in^  ( Ffilm.  50. )  Thy  bolic  Spirit  rake  not  £r*!m  mc.  /«  tkt  ferme  of 
ileJ?$tif^fkefMple(Num.  (,)  althreiPnlms  fttnt  toys  ^xdirUood  in  ths 
ndmt  9f  »mr  Lord tkrtfe  reacted  j  out  Lojd  (  thi  Faiher)  bledc  thec  and 
kecpethce.  Our  Lord  (.'j&fJf»»r)  ftev  his  face  to  thee,  and  hauc 
mercie  vponthccOur  Loi<l{the  HthsGhtJl)  turns  kis  coanrenancs 
vnto  thec,ftnd  gcuc  thee  peace. 

of  the  Inctrnstion  of  the  Son»eef  God,  >tf  kauf  1st  thtt  age  mi»isprc-  iHcrt  j^atioo 
fhetitidndfigurn.  hioyfa  cmdintly  (  Vtut.  18.  ) fonleweth  th^t  tifter  athsr  of  Cluift. 
frtfketi  Chrift  the  Sonne  of  God  skculd  eomeinfiahy  andredtrnt  m«K- 
kjndy  4i  S.  Vtitr  teitlBtth  (  ^B.  5. )  ukt^ifi  /»  hU  Cannsir,  and  Bltjiing  */ 
ihetnhti  (Veut.  ^i  i^^  )  be  ffuikpih  more  ex^n^jly  »/  Chrift  ^f^d  hk 
ChttuhtthtH*/ ths Itwesdndthter SjnAgtguc.  Th Jfarrt pro^'jmtd  ^7  3^- 
ham  (  Num»i^,)  fenhcWtd  ietb  /•  Jtrvn  tnd  Gtntt'eSytht'.t  ckri/l  should 
/ultdHeA  natttnu  lofne  both  in  nAme  48d  ofice  'p.-'.s  a  n^oAjfe/f  ffure  of 
I  E  S  V  s  Chrijt,  ^Ifo  tkt  /a«/^r»,  and  Kingtiy  Jome  in  *«f  tkin^,  f^^t 
tn  4n  •ther ,  mc^  tjffcuUy  kjr^  Pnutd  and  kfngSdhmsn ,  vptre  ffures 
•f  OUT  Lord  dnd  Sduiettr  Icftn  chn/i .  fbt  hvAJen  fftftnt  (  A'«?».  zi.  ) 
fi^ifitd  Chiift  to  he  ctiirificd,  m  him  fe!fe  rxfor.ndtth  tt  [lo^n.  3.  ) 
Srufiy  the  whole  Lgw  %Ai  4  f.d,fgcgne  ,  #r  fsudh^or  to  hnnir  jm^  to 
Chrtfl-  (G*Ut.\.)  dhd  iy  h^mtQ  k*ioW  God  and  tktmfelHes  :to  ><>,  Ced 
tmfptpotemt,  dl  ptrf^^.  Creator  if  al,  »ur  Fatier^  I(edmer  ^  dtid  Sdnaifen 
4ndm*m  liif  (kiffearthUe  cvAtttrc ;  /  ouph  of  hirrjsije  ^f.k'  did  smp&tf/it, 
pA  ibrohgh  finnt  miJer^Ue^  pt  m  n.ture  tf  free  tondman,  tudui-d  yiub 
▼nder(laD<»mMr,  dnddifcmrje  i  and  y^ttb  f  rce\('il,  f»  dooje  or 
fefujt  what  iikth  or  dtCfUtfth  kim. 

For  G»d  dpfoidting  dl credtur^i  then  ofues^  h^afediio  aI  other  thmfti  FrecK-H  in  An 
inudrtdhle  imcUndtittt  f  ferfeime  the  fame^  j's  tldt  thty  tonld  Btuher  by  gels  and  mea 
"^fertne  nor  ftume  mdkt  then  jidte  better  nor  tvpr/e  then  it  "i^ds  created,  ^ut 
^rdsiming  J<i*^tls  « W  mem  to  d  higher  end  of  eterndl  feltcitn,  left  then  Tfdi 
frteto  dgreelfmtOyOrto  ttfifibnfreeeftSy  dnd  connfeli.  rrbfruf>»tt  ^n^el< 
eooperdttng  "^nh  Godi  grdc,  Jterecnfirmedm  glorte,  dnd  fome  rtuolttng 
>  re  eter^dUj  ddmnd.  M*n  dlf»  cfendi»g  fel  tnte  damndUe  /*te,  iht 
through  fendnce  mty  he  (dued,  if  he  cooperate  Iftth  Bervgrdtt  of  eur  .R^demeVy 
yfhich  K  /•  hischetfeto  d»fy  0r  ^mitte.  ^i  ^hen  Godg4nehif  f.ojile  mente 
in  the  drfrt  { Exod.  16. )  he  fo  inJhmBed  thenOy  how  to  raceme  it  aad  "^tfe  ity 
^ttbout forte  or  (om^mftoriftbdtbt  «Mj('f  prouc  ihcm(4;  bimfelffpe^ksth) 


,^o4  T  H  I  -R  D  B  o  o  K'E  Salomon^ 

wherber  th(^y  voiild  vyalke  in  his  law  or  no.  ^nd  ^fttr  mdt^in^cout-. 

n.irit  ^lih  them  {ExaJ.  19.  Deut.  z6.)  reqmrcd  and  accepted  tbeirvolunUrU 

confcnt :  intriH^  into  formal  contvA&r  or  Ur^aine  hetwen  him  fclf  and  them  : 

he  frem:jl}7g  en  the  ent  pxrtit  to  make  them  his  peculiar  people,  a 

pricft'ic-  kingciome,  and  a  holie  nation  :  theji  on  theothtt  ftrtie  promi- 

Jifzr  lojAUkfohcdttnce  and  obftmation  ef  bii  eommdndtmentSy  fajtn^ :  Al 

thingcs  chat  our  Lord  hath  fpckcn  we  wil  doe.  Forrvhiei cmfi  Gods 

■brow/'Jh 4re condition aH  D(Ht,  7. }  if  thou  kepe  his  iudgeracnts,  God 

Nril  keepc  his  couenant  to  thee .  ^giiae  me^ phtrdy  (Diuf.  rj. ) 

Behold  I  fsttc  before  your  (Ight  this  day  benedidion  and  maledi- 

^'.Qn,4fid  {Dcut.:^o.)  I  calFor^R'itnedes  cfeisday  hcauen  and  csrrth, 

that  I  hauc  propofed  to  you  life  and  death,  bleiUng  and  curflng. 

Choorc:therforelifc  chat  thou  mayeil  Imz.In  al  fvkich  it  is  cerui^t  that 

Cod. promife  bein^Jirme.mani  wU  ii  yxriahle^  4ndfo  tht  iuent  noi  necejfurie.i 

"V^htchr/ijidi  Caleb  hopm^  of  ln^orie  to  fay  (/o(«ei4. )  if  perhaps  our 

Obicaion  of    ^'^-'^  ^^  ^'iih.  me  Neither  doth  Gods  forek^mrvlsd^cmAie  the  eueDt  necff- 

c»is  forhmrvJ  /*ne,  for  he  feeth  the  ejfefi  in  the  caufe,  as  it  is  yeluntarie  orcdfualt  yea  God 

/«4eaniVcrcd.  ,^/jojV;*;^  ,il  he  for  e,  And  fome  times  fortellcth  thingeSy  "yvbich  (ondlsionally 

"yvoaid  hapl'er},  and  indeed  ( the  eandition  JAylin^)  teme  not  to  pa([e,4i 

(  r./jg'.  i^.}Godanfivered,  that  the  men  of -Ccila  would  betray  Da^uid 

(me4nir>^  tf  he  fiaied  there )  ')>vhichth<y  didnot:,  for  he  parted  f rem  thence» 

G^TiCz  tisccf-        Ti't  is  not m4n  Mehy  this  lis  freedome,  nor  Gtherwife  ef  himfdf,  to  do^ 

lane.  „g^  |-o  fy^!^;}j  4^-  tQ  th'mke  ante  ^ood  thinj^  hut  through  Gods  mere  mmif^  and  ^  ^^^    ; 

grace,  ecuen  him  without  hi^  dcfcruing,  fufficient  to xl,  and  efeflud 

to  thnf:  Accept  it.  God  dfo  ^-  ueth  partiad-t  r  grace  for  fpecial  fnnclions  j 

04  (  Leitit.  8  )  to  Prie{hi  C  Num.  u*)to  fenentie an cients^ and  ( i.  /[eg.  10.) 

to  l;jng  Sxiil. 

r    \    -       J       5v>Vij!/r/j>6''f«/»f  4/?ilif^'rf'f??ecorrimandements  of  God  are  poffi- 

isacnccv  p.);!!'   t?l^j  <^^  htmfelfe  AHoitihcth, jiymg:  {Deut.  50.  )  This  coramanament 

l-iletobckcpt.  that  I  command  thee  this  day  is  not  aboue  thee.  .^giiwe\  I  hauc 

fctre  before  thee  life  and  good,  death  and  cuil,  that  thou  maycll 

loue  God,  xralke  in  his  wayes,  and  keepe  his  ccmmandemenrcs. 

"SJf''or  kes  done  hy  grne  and  fetVVi  I  <ire  good  and  commend  <thlt^  Moyfcs  fh 

te^ifHn^{D(ut.iJf.)  This  is  your  wifdome  and  vrideril.inding  be- 

Cocd  \j  cilrcs.  fore  peoples  7>d  are  mttizonousiand revv-trdes are prcmiltd for  thcftjm 

Mciitoiious.    (Lcutt.  i6.)  and  corstrari^ife  pitnishments  toreatned  io  the  tranfgrcjfonrs. 

^nd  Soo7  kperining  rtvV4rd  to  be  d/i^for  >  vel  doing,  prayed  God  to  render 

to  Rnth  {  ch.  I.)  a  fulr.TV-^rd  forh  r  Wf/  def  ruing.  The  ray  A  prophet  af- 

firmf.hi  pfj.m.1%.  )that\n  keeping  Gods  prcccpt«s  is  much  reward* 

,4nd{Pfil.  1 18.  )profeili:th  th^t  he  incline  i  h's  hart  to  l-^eepetbrn  for  reward. 

^mung^t  other  feruices  of  God,  a?id  meanes  of  mens  Jaluation^  external 


Salomono  ®f  kincis.  7oy 

Sacrifice  it  oftht^reatejf.  ^nd  therfore  tht  maner  of  e feting  A  fortes  »j  <»  E>»  oeri  fortesi 
UrgefrefcnMin  the  LafV,efprcialiy  m  tht f,.ue9firji  Ch^ften  of'Lcuiticus.  "^  Sacrifices 
Tht  firfidni  prifrcipdl  yt^4s  Holocauft,>/tw»  4I  theoyiatttn  Tf4s  burnt  J  Holoeauft. 
ttndeonfumed  inthshwottr  of  God  our  S9tter4igne  Lord.  Tht  ftcond  1t>^  Sx~ 
etifictfozfinnCyaccordingtotbedtuerJftieofojftncesdndper/oneSt'Wheref  for  finnc,  . 
f4rt  >4;  Imrnedytih  other  part  rematned  to  the  prte^es,  except  it  Were  for  the 
ftnnes  of  priefieSf  or  of  the  Tl^hole  mttltUkde  (  Ltuit.  4 . )  for  then  the  pnejfet 
tdd ttoportioftfhut  4I  ptai  ofered  to  God.  The  third  yt>at  pacifiquc  facd- Pacifl<ju«,  • 
Mce, either  of  rhankfgeuing  for heoef tes receiuedf  or  19  ohuin^  Gods 
fiaouTindi oecurrent ntcejiitiesy  aud  good deftres.  ^nd  of  both  thefe  fortes 
9ne  fdrt  fpas  confumed  itt  Gods  honour ^  dn  other  p4rt  ftfas  thtfrttfieSy  tke 
third  ft;  AS  theirs  that  gaue  the  oyUtion.  in  confirmation  of  thefe  fAcnfces  God 
at  fir^  mir4cuUuJly  fentfire  to  hnrne  them  (  Leuit.  9. )  ^tfherof  he  had  geuett 
sommaitdment  before  (  Leuit.  6. )  that  it  should  be  confetued,  and  nester  <X'  »•     r      r 
tinguisbedi  to  teach  vs  efptcially  of  the  new  Teffamettt,  that  haue  the  reaisacri-  q^^  fieoiScdk- 
fce,  aadveriehodieof  the  former  shadowes  and  fgureSyto  nourish  and  keepe  chariuc. 
ihe  fre  of  charttity  not  procured  by  our  otvne power,  butgeusn  by  Cod,  that 
it  neuircedfey  nor  be  extinguished  m  our  hartes. 

Likervifeinth^  fametawtf  MoyfeSy  beJidesC\rc\imcifloninJlitutedbe-' 
foye(^Cen.  17. )  and  here  confirmed  and  continued  ( Leuit. 11.  lofue.  ^,)alho- 
£tcs  and  faGrifice*  for  (inne  (Leuit.  ^.^.6.  and y.)  confccratioM  of 
Prieftcs,  (Leuit.  8.)  and  the  (acrifices  adioyncd  tberuniOy  alfo  diuert 
o/^frTfafhingesi<«</ purifications c/  legal  Imcleanues  (Leuit.  14.  rj.  16. 
ilTa^^-a  '^"^^7'J  ^'f'*l  SsiCiznicrxis-jfignifying  either firjf  lufiificMion  and  re- 
(t.%  '  ^i^fow  of/tnoe,  or  mcreaft  of  grace,  and  puritti\  of  ychich  fort  it  k  alfo 
probable  that  the  Pafchal  hn-\tic,and  Loaacsof  propofition  w^rr  yi- 
cramentes  ( Exod.  11  i^.  )  VFhich  multitudes,  ^ugufitn  comparing  with 

cursofthe  new  Teliamcnt,  fajth:  The  people  boond  with  feare  in  ^^tf*  u®i' 
I        1  1  I  «        I         I      •  1  •     /  T-         1  ■  in  the  old  T«- 

^/.rffvff*  the  old  law,  \ras  burdened  With  nnanie  facramcnts.  For  this  was  ftamcimhen 

HtUp.    profitable  tofach  men  (faith  he)  to  make  them  dclirc  the  grace,  in  thencv. 

^f'lj'  Foretold  by  the  propheres,  which  being  come  from  the  wifdome 
of  God  becoming  Man,  by  whom  wcare  called  into  freedom,* 
fcwmoft  wholfomc  Sacraments  are  inftituted,  which  hold  the 
focietie  of  chriftian  people  vnder  one  God  of  a  free  multitude. 
3Mt  M  Chri/ies  Sacraments  are  fewer  m  numberi  fo  they  are  more  excellent  ijf 
"yertite.^ni  to  mo(^  of  thefi  neiv,  the  former  do  anfwere  Oi  figures  and  sha^  Chrifts  Sacta« 
</•»«.  S»  to  our  Baptifme  anfweretb  Cireumctfio»y  as  S.  Paul  teuheth  "'^"^.f  ^^'^^ 
(Co/oj^i.)  that  Chriftiins  arc  ciccaracifcd  in  the  circumcifionof  ^^*^^  *^'^ 
Chrift,  buried  with  him  in  Baptifme^  To  our  holte  Eucharift,  as  $t  U 
4  Surament, did anfwerethe  Fafchallantbe, O- Loaues  ofpropofttion,  as alf§ 
'U4»it4^MdbMofthcr^aim§t,ttwasprophecbied  f/4/.  iS.  Adore  h^s 

8H:€€  foat© 


7©^  Tmirdbooke  Salomani* 

Moftof  foote  ftoole:  as  h»Uc  Fatkers^  expound  tt.  ^ndus  the  fame  Euckarift  s,  of«*f, 

'Chnfts  Sacra-  iittSucuhcQ^'tt'Vffxi^refigimdyydhkeoU  SAcnfices&f  the  Uiv  9  f  nature,  "'''*»f- 
gui"cdin?hc"    ^nd0f  Moyf.s:  as S.^i^mpa,4>^ S.Leo dbproue-,^^^^  ^l^y!ihu 

old  lav  but     Be  he  mindful  of  al  tny  facrifice  &c.  Tethtfacramrntoj  holic  Orders  Domini, 
aoiaL  anfivered confccration  i^.  Pnefis.  ^Ithe  aUations^  ^unfjcations,  cleanjinfes  ii-i?  ci- 

and  ohliiions  for  fin ns,  '^huhin  great  farf^^er^  heth  SAerAmentti^odSa-  '"^-^  ^®* 
crtfices,  anfwered  t()  our  Sacrament  (>f.  Penance,  '^hi-ch  IfiAi  aifo prtfi^ttred  ^J^l'r^' 
hy  the fecond  taU,esff  .^h^  decdt>gut,  {Ex,,od.i,4^,)  More  fUinly  fonhewed  Ug  f.i'g. 
hy  exampleof  particular cofifeJIiQiieffitii^.ei  and  fatifiiBion  (  Nam.  j.  14.  s  CyrtU 
and  29. )  Cantrition  alfo  w^i  m  iefe  re^utred,  as  a^peareth  tny  the  example  of  ''•  5"  '* 
kin^DAHid,!..  I^^,  1^.  AUrt-t^e mtjgeold  Tcflarnrnt, tboH^knot after Amept  /^,"y^ 
yet fi^mfied the Sacra^mem  Ql^i3^t,\?^QaritpA^^  But  the  ^acrammi  %  iebnL 

of  Co  nfl  E  iitaciori  had  ttou.a»ie  fo-^fifwerable  a  figme^  ^f  the  old  la  w  rphtch  fio 
hrotight  not  to  perfstlion.  Neither  Exrremc  vndi-ion.  becaufe  the  Uw  gaut 
not  imr^ed^ate  entrance  into  ike  ktn^d».me  of  he^u^^  '^hich  defines  '^erefigr 
mfied  by  the  high  prie^iS€nt^irj^/»,aiy.ini,e4fitJ!)e;^y^^ 

£\im.  Lffilt,  iC.  ^j-\   '/,'.,,..      ,-;    ,  VI.    ,-':/.^.,   :.-.    .-A-:.'..,:'     .   ■■:.  ■;V^    ■  .■)- 

Some  likeira-      LikeWife touching pr^flife of  h&lie ^ites\  ditiers  Itpdukneshin^erltigpAr- 

pediments  in   tUipationof  facrificfs,  andcoftfietjAfJon  With  athtr  men{  Leuit.  14.)  Degrees 

vfe  of  holic      ofconfftnguioitieand^il^^'ti^j^^'^dertng  manage  (LetntiiS,)  And  fandrie 

Rues.  JnegjiUritiss  .exxkidin^'fmm^  Im  fi^tfie-fi^  PrisJ^s  {Lei^it,  ?li  .jUrdrf  figuratijJC 

rcfembUnGW  of  lioues and^cenfure^s,  md<>f  i^npedimcncs , co  bolii? 

Or:6.i:.^Syan.diQ'h^ljiU^gQiin  the  new  reflammt.  », 

To  the  peculiar  feruiceof  God perteyned  alfo  the  Tabernacle,  "^ith  the 

Tabcrrncie.     Pj:opiriacoric  j„ Arke, ..Cherubims  3  T 2tb\-&. for  loAnes. of  prop^fitton  , 

witliappcrd-   Candle rdcke^  Lampe^  AkiitLl/e**  if^a/^frf^fe-Cr /»««/«•,.  Veftments 

^aaces,  for  Pricites,a  brafen  \^\lzx:yf.n.d:ather■  'Ve(sels  defcriljed ExoU.t).  etfeq^^l 

yi)hich  Tffrc  kfipt  and  earned  hy  tbe.LcHitpy  refiing  •r  marchiKg  in  the 

',.'.:  f»*4'^ei  of  t^.e  eampe.  N^m-  i.^.^ftd  when  the  Land  of  Chanaan  y^ai  con^ 

.  ^  -fi  -ii:  //:  gft^jpidi th^-fame ^eH^Jffijdtn .S:ih  i^kipherfhe  peopk  rtforted  at 

.C^rt4m,lfettetia»€Siafid^pott  ftiind'-teoceafioBu  Frenfn  the tfc/r  long  after  they  • 

tcql^e  tke  ^rke^  a>id  often  'ypon  dtuers  occajhm  rempHW^  tt^  madeOratsrifSf, 

or  ChippdiyWhertefoeuer  it  reffed,  deu_otfon  tncreafimr^^y^  rdi^ions  efiimarion 

efitinjllfr^d.i,  ^«^-.4.  7.  ^p.  Tea -f he  injidd  Pkdifihins  in  ^X^ttff 

feingand  fedif^^  ^h  %fft¥e  tf^/ofj eij^e^thr&vVingthm' g^d D^gony^d,  tkei^ 

/eluti  fi)re^pUgi^ed  foiind (thyf}  for  themto  fenSthe  j€rke.hf*met9the.Jfraii^ 

elifesy  /f»jV,.>,j>^t^,oM/co/?/*e  and  pretious  obUttom(i.i{eg.f.  cy  6  )  Xtr^  D^uid 

m/'fi  l^f<''4liy:W^^'^  1^  'p.  {  i*  Af ^  ^\)^-Kk'>  [''rdjer cofffide<ing  th/tt'himfrlf 

■dtVH-t  in  A  h^iftrf  ceda'-y^nd.t^h^  yfrke^^fpf.^ ri!.v*^W^4  /«  th^  tifhfm  ((It 

fO^'-'r  4 ■Jt'')!ttk  ftk'H^^^S i  jn:t-i=^eii^'t^  hr  G'>'f, 

$^4fg*.  fSM Uttf  ^ >dlui^iiiof^efeyYjp,di£ffn4.h  g^- 'j^^p^''ffffm^'t . nsd 

Salomon.  -  t)F  ktinges,  707 

hiifonne  kjn^  Salomon  luiUed  the  famous  TemfU  in  J-^ierufkJem.  5. 1(e^.  6. 

yrhich  juccedin^  in  .fUce  of  the  Tahernacle,tch  of  them  (oneaftertbe  ThcTabcrna' 
•tb<r)  T»as  th  only  ordifkAntflactof  Sacrifice.  The  Uw  commAndmg  (  Leuit.  *^}^'  *"^  aftci-^-' 
17.)  ifanierfianofthehoure.QflflraeJ,  kil'^n  oxcj  orashcepe,  or  Tcmp*e,thc 
jS^f/}56.  agoatc  (toiVit  forSAcnjice^  as  S^^u^jim^  and  other  fut^htrs  expound  it)  onlie  place  foi 
inumt.  andofFerit  nocatthc  doreof  thetabernacle,  (  afterwards  at  the  dore  SAciificc. 
ofthe  Temple)  he  shaibegaildc  of  bloud,  asif  he  had  shed  bloud. 
40<^foshal  he  perish  out  of  the  middes  of  his  people.  Neuerthtles  YctGodfomc 
'y^onoccaffOKS,  and  hyfpecial  rtuelattonfacrifce^ as  latvfully  offered  tn  other  "rnci  difpca- 
places.  For  fo  :n  thetimeofihetahernacle,  Sawxielthe^rcpLt,  offered  Sa-  ^^^^^^^^°. 
crificein  Mafphath.  ii[e^.  y. ^nd thefrophetEVi^is  offered  Sacrifice 
\rithout  the  Temple,  ■>>'!&*»  he  comtmcedthcfalfe prophetesof  Baal.  3  J^t^. 
ihdim.    ^^'  ^hofefa[}  (asS.  ^uguftm  noteth  )  the  miracle  fuffictently  shtfued  to  be 
"~  . d^nne  by  Gods difpenfaiion, 

^nd  as  peculiar  places  ^irededic^tedifo  at  fo  fpecial  times  "Sif  ere  fknSfJfied,  peaftcsof  the 
,  and  diuersjeajles,  and  fefhuittes partly  ordained  before  (as  the  Sabbath. Gen.l.  oM  lav/, 
and  Pafcb  Exod.  11.)  Vi?fre  confirmed  by  the  Law  (Exod.  20.  z^.)4od 
ethers  li^evvtfetnfiituted  ( Exod.  t^.  Zeuit.i^.  Num.  28.  29.  and  Deut.  iG. ) 
^ith  proper  facrijicfs  for  eueriefert .  Firji^indmofi  general  was  the  daihe 
facri  fi  ce  of  4  Umbe  eaene  day  trnfet  **  morning  and  euening  (  Exod.  19. ) 
ffihich  was  a^t properly  afeafl^  hut  a  facnd perpetual  effice  in  the  tabernacUy 
andafter  tn  the  temple,  ^l  the  refitvere  fefiiualdayesy  tn  'P^hich  tt  Wds  not  Eig^tfortesbf 
Uwftd ordinarily  to dofermleworke.  The frsl of  tbefe  was  the  Sabbath,  ^"^"'J'*'^'^^* 
that  ts  thefeuenth  and  lafi  day  ofeuene  wekf,  ^huh  n  ourfaturday:  Keptfitl  ^  '^r  l^  ^'^  ^' 
filemnlyby  the  Jewes,  euen  at  this  timcy  in  al  places  yvhere  they  dvvd  i  bttt 
nefby  Chrtjfiansibccdufethe  cidlavv  is  abrogaeed  i  and  "^ye  hj-pe  the  next 
day  t  '^hich  ts  Sunday  ,  hohc  ,  by  inftitution  and  tradition  of  the 
Church.  Thefecond,  Neomenia,  or  new  moonc^  tn  which  day  they  alivaies 
heganne  the  monetk  \  and  twelite  fach  monetbes  made  aye^re.^  by  the  courfe  of 
the  mooneifor  by  the  courfe  of  the  [unne,  the  year  e  contcmtth  cLuen  dayes 
morcy  Jiphichin  threeyearesmakeaboue amoneth.  ^nd  fo  eucrie  thirdyeare, 
and  fomettmes  the  fccor^d  (  for  it  happened  [euen  times  m  nintene yeares) 
^.  ttda   hadthirtene  monethcs:  and'P?as  called  Annus  emboHstnaHs,i'f;»^  ;»- 
deEmbo-  creafedhymeanes of  thofe  eleuen  dayes.  fhe third feaftlP as  Patch,  or  rhafe, 
:hfmo,t$  .jijrj}^  injiitutedat  the  parting  of  the  chddren  of  ifrael  out  ef  J^gypt,  in  t '  eftil 
m9on!oftheJir,^monethtnthefpringfinwbicktheFafcJMllambeWas  eaten^ 
as  is  prefcribed  \  Exod.  u.  The  fourth  feafi  ivas  Venteco^,orfirf}fruites,the 
fftith  d4y  after  Pafcb y  when  Moyfes  receiued  the  Law  m  mount  Synai,  The  '       ^ji 

f/th,  the  feaft  of  Trumpets,  the  firjl  day  ofthe  feuenth  moneth,in  grateful 
memorie  that  a  rammt  ftic\ing  by  the  homes,  Iv^i  offered  in  facr'ffce  by  y(' 
h^ham  in  place  of  Ifaac.  Theftxth  "Vv^tJ  the  feafl  of  Expiation,  the  tenth 
,         ,  R  r  ir  r  1  daj 

70*  THiRo-gooicE  Salomoa^ 

VscCcrihzifid  day  of.  the  O^ten^h  n%fn?th;y  nemn ,  jlciiine  U'  t  S^iUlfh  »refcri^ed  f-om 
ttomeueato    eiirnm^ofthtnintijclAy  to  ^u'-nin^r,nf  the  temh^f  )r  ftn^ion  of  Jfnnei  t.i  ge<, 

mat  f  1)141  Ih  rnfelfr^ilne,   th   fenenth  >n>  the  feallof  Tabernacles, 

pii.ndiy^^.tQrefher^h.nnmnxthefifteathQfthe  (eutfith  mm  th,  m  m.mone 

>       of  Otis  fi>fculprot>'^ion,^v'vm  they  r-mundtr)tibtrn4clei,  foiirtte  yeares 

in  .tbidrfe-t.  foeeigbt  feaff^  vv4i  j/"Aire.nb!ie  and  C  >il;  dioti,  the  next 

diyjAer>hf'»-f*Uk'ien,ntcofnm'mi'Mionnf  ynton  m  t>e  people  y  and 

peicexhlep  if^Montnthi' prom  fed  Ltnd.   Ii  t'vA  day  a;  ne>al  coUeflion  "^vas 

mi  i:for  /lecrjhne  "xp^nca  m  thepnyii/jiffe'-ttice  of  God. 

SeucntTiyeir?        Mor^o  ier  rhe  (eaenrh  yeare  yvasa^a  Sabhath  of  r^'i  (Iw/.  if.)  in 

®f  reft;  and     y^hich  no  It^dlf-^Mi  piorveL  no  )»ne^  prmned,  nor  th  >fe  frime^g4'her-d  that 

lui3iii.7  i^'-"^^-  f.jro^^i'ffithoH:  mim  mitilne  of  the  earth.  ^A^i'ne  the  ''fttth  yeare  '\vas 

peniliX'lym.idehoUeyX>ii>t'lcdzi\Q\\i\-)\\cy^  orioyfitl  yeare.  Inttalbond- 

m'.n  ^V''re Tettf  frte ;  4I  tnb^rtances  amoniH  the  jfraeLteSiheing  for  the  time, 

fold -IT  Q^is-Vt>'4e  JiUenMi-d^r  turned  to  the  former  owners, 

OLh-rccrctno       B'ftlei S ien!}€es\SACrxmente'\  holie places,  holte times,and  rr) ante  other fn- 

credihingibelf)>i(^i,n'^th  rto:,then  Vefre  yet  more  ceztmomz\Ooitx\.\AncQt 

Cleaae  aal      com-nanded by  Miyjh  UiV,  d<:  ^vel  perteyning  to  the  feruice  of  God  in  that 

vr.cleanc.         tim?y  an  ft^nrf^tn^  cbn/ltan  life  andmnnen.  Socertamcbeaftesy  hirdes,anei 

fiihei  W?re  reputed  ^mcleane  (  Leuit.  11. )  and  Gods  people  forbid  to  eJethem ; . 

Mobioudtcj     asafpj  thxt  they  should  nnexte  ante  blond  at  al,  nor  fatte,  Lett',  3.  rhe^ 

->eeicen,aor     ^,,.Cf^  ^fj  ^}^.^h  I'-^ai  though  anie  crsAture  Were  Utn  natHre, hut  part- 


riA'^on  or  al  w-'Jicri  v-cas  not, as  t.-joug'}  ame  crs/ittire  Were  U  m  natHre.but part- 
ly to  auotde  idoUtne,  pxrtly  to  excrctp  them  tn  cbtdtence,  andt-mpennce-j, 

C^C  irrly  for  thit  thrft^^  thtfiaes  ftzmfjed  "ittces  and  corruptiotis.from  ^hich 
Not  diuers         ^r     n  r         n  1  .  ^    l  1         '  1 

iecd-  Ki  one      C^^^'^'i^^^  elpecirUy  ought  to  relram  :  Lt'^fWiU'  Letut.  19.  /  key  ^ere  comman- 

fisld.  A  dnottofjvo  thetr^^eldes  ^/vitk  two  fortes  offeedey  norto  '\veare  garmrntes 

Nocioth  of       Vt';».«  of  two  fortes  offtuffe,  that  thsym-igh  bf  mtre  dtfltrtvunhed  from  In- 

diuers  inatcei'.^/f^'  by  extefrtil  ilT^nes^  and  not  only  by  .f^irmmcifion^  but  e'fpectally  to  teacB'' 

chnhan'^  to p  a^tCfftmoU innorencte^^!;;^?'  to  auo'd dubte c^ denptftti dialinf. 

Stticl  com-  ^i  y^brch,  a>nd other  precepres  as  ^peirfjsrd,as  ceremootnl  tnd mdicial, 

manumentto    y^fj-gf^^f}  [\n{l\y  c6imndcd;theobfeptPrsble(^.d CT'  tewMded^CT  tranf^ 

Law'  "  greflours (eaerlv  rhreatned  I'Vth  'rreatcnrfes  [ i6. Deut  4*  27.  iS.) 

and dine>^  nFludty  r»unii})ed,i5'ro</.  ^uhreethott'and ^.unr  fot committing' 

idoUtrir.MJmeftV'dlovved  >/?  m  the  earth. ! Num.  lC>.)d'Tcen-ltnr  tjuickc int9  • 

Thcnbferuers  h:  I, iZP^  mtnte  more  btfned  With  fire  from  hcaun,  frirmxk'nf  ^nd  ftnortn^ 

bk* 'H  uidic-  schi,me.  Tex  by  one  meanes  c^  othefy  al  thst  ^ivre abowt '.venttt yeare-  of  age^ 

varcct .  coming  forth  of  /E^pt ^except  tWo  onlie[lofi*e  cj^  Caleb)  li'dm  the  defr^j\of  ■ 

^      -      .         the  crencrd  murmur  of  the  veople,'^tt.m.  II.  I  ±  IS  C  iG^Al  JfrAelbcAtentm- 

fonrs  cuiied      '-^'Attle  til  one  m.-ii.  ficlor^AfhAn  xvi>  difcouered  cr  pHii  hcd.  loj.  7.  ^l  ths 

aitLJpuiiilhcd.  tribii  Wire ^mnhed  jor fn^mn^  pnbli.2'*ndoUmet»  Dan  :  and  Bentimfm- 


Salomon.  of  kivgjs.  709 

airroj} extirpate,  fortiotpunnhin^  ortatnr  malff^Slotfrs.  luJic.  10.^y4t,ct  the 
^violefeo^'ltl/iittofitn  'nuadeo  effort  a^.'tSh J jcrtbettJir.Ker,m  ofpeareth 
it-  tie  hook'  0/  ludgf^  Inparnchiar  ^Ij'o  eli,-t;ti,  H^e  e  aditanceen'  C7  projpe'edfor 
thttr  '\trtueiyas  lofue^CaLeby  Phince:,,Sumutl,Ddut£t  and  otktn.  Cinir^np  ifi 
It/adab and ^hiu prieJIs  Per  miriiulouJlyiyHrtttfordfftih^flrangffirf^  Le- 
U  t.  10.  One  ffontd  to  dtath  forgatlenn^ (hck.<s  on  the  jaI  hath  day.  Num.  15, 
iimg  Sauldfpofe/^f  for  prefnmiT-gto  offer (aenfice  ,  CT"  nrt dt/troytn^ Infidels 
(..I{ejr.i^.i^)  cjp-  0^,i./{eg  d.jidenly  flamtjor  touching  the ^rk^oj  Gody 
tk?  L*xv ^urhidding  '\ndirpair,e  of  JeatL^Num.  i.  >.  y  .  C7'  18.  "V.  7.  tbut 
fione  should  approch  tohnhtcjfnebetno-nct  th/rto  orderl)  cJitd. 

of  W'-rkes  *lfo  ot  Supct( i:ooirion{cAlled coutifailes  not prt(eptes)yvc'  haue  VVortesof 
examplei  in  "Vovi'rs  yoluntanlj  made  oftkin^ei  not  cemmundtcf^the  law  pre-   iupereioga» 
jcr,bttg  ')>vhat  "Vovvf>  might  he  mudt,  ^  by  '\vl-om.  Nn.  ^o     yind Nurn.  6.  ^\'^" 
apanicular  rule  XCAipropoledioluc'  oiof  thnruvvne  accordy^V  mid  em- 
hrAiC  It,  (y  a  diflmfl  name  ff men  thfm,  to  be  calted  Nazarites  ,  that  n,  Se-   kt  ^aiite-. 
perate  or  Sandbified  .  In  Johtch  jlate  thfy  "Vvcrf  to  nm  tin-  either  jorti 
time,  limited  by  them'elitei  or  their purefitSj  at  pe  petually,  if  thty  (0  p"  mijed, 
ludic.  It,.  I.   R^a.  I.  For  Co f^rre  as  their promijt  extendtdytley  ^tre  ftrtttlf 
obliged  to  performe.  D  ut.  i\.  When  thou  haft  vo\red  a  vow  to  our 
Lord  thy  God, thou  fhalt  not  llackc  ro  pay  ir:becaufecur  Lord  thy 
God  vx'il  require  it ;  and  if  thou  delay,  it  ihal  be  reputed  to  thee  for 
finne.Uthou  wilt  not  promilejthon  shalr  be  withour  (  A;.!-)  (iime. 
Pay  thy  V  jwes  vnto  the  Highefl,  pful.  7 j.  Wo\(r  ye, and  render  {your 
'Reives)  to  our  Lord  your  God,  P/^/.  49.  Toe  Rechabires  aftervvtrdes  Rechabitct--. 
had  a  ///^f  rule  to  the  Na'^rttei'^  C^  the  fame  perpetual  (  fiterem.  ^). )  ncucr 
to  druike  wine,  nor  to  build  nor  dwtl  in  houfc  s  ,  but  in  tsb;  rna- 
clcs,  nor  fow  corne  ,  ncr  plant  vincyardes. /-T^t/fj^rM  ethon-hmfli- 
tutedbf  a  m^t,  yet  the  ob/eruation  ther  f^oi  mttch  con.meidtd  z^r  rettur- 
AedbyGtd.  >.  19.  Such  diftin<fi  ftate  of  religious  peilons,  with  other 
ftates  of  the  church  of  Chrtff,  J^ere  alio  prefgtindiLeuit.  1  i.)by  thf  deune  Three  fortes 

Jishe>,  of  three  difiinfl-  'W-iten,  as  fame  hoLe  FatKuri  do  my/lic^llj  expound  ot  Cliiii.ijans 
tbatpltc  To  '^v  tie,  thecl  anefi  hes  of  thefcs  <trr  the  multitude  of  iaypcr-   pftflguicd. 
fons, Kvbich  are  dravven  out  of  the  feu  ef  this  Iryo  Idyaad  happ  lyf>und^oo4   .^.  . 
fiihes  in  our  Lords  nett? .   Math.  ij.  The  cleane  H^hes  of  the  nite  Syarcthe 

good  and  fruitful  Clcrgic  men  ,  that  ^tfitter  the  ^vholeea  tr  ^b,  teaching  Q\^xelc, 
Chnliian  do  htn^  and  mmisirtng  bolie  Sacrum  ntf>i  ^vnhoth  r  /{lie^y  and 
GoHTning  the  Ti>hol(  Chwcb.  j€nd  the  cleane  jishei  of  (landing  poolesyare  Mounkes. 
the  Monaftical  perfons,   liinng  perpttnally  in  cloyfferSy  "^fV  here  good 

foules  arealwayes  readie  for  ottr  hordes  table  ,  as  S  .  Bernard  tcache  b ,  HoHcfcipru- 
Miiihmnrethem  re  an  lent  fathers.  S.  Beds  S.  Cregone.S  yfugtflin,  and  resexpouced 
oibcn  exphcaieinni*7n>r  able  places  of  holie  scripture  myjiualiji  rd)  ing  thn-n   '"^^  ^*''*   ^'* 

Rrrri-j  >^o» 

yio  Third   booke  Salomon,' 

y^on  exAmjfleof  the  new  Tefiamtnt  fo  expounding  tie  oU.N4meijS»  Paul  s.  Btrn. 
Setehing{M  before  PS  noted)  thxt  the '^  hole  Uw  "Wm  a  pedagogue  guiding  men  ^^*'-^-^* 
to  Chri^y  and  afirmingthat  at  thmges  happened  to  thefeople  oft'je  §ld  U/fa-  ^rffg'g^ 
mentinfigtcre  of  thenerv.  ■    da.t'o.^, 

Lenmng  therfore  to  frofccute  the  fame  further  ,  "fph'uh  'Tfould  required  J.  <^f*^' 
yerte great  TVork,e,  it  may  here  fufftce  togeue  according  to  the  literal  fenfe,  a  ""*; 
hiefe  -\>ie^  of  certame  other  point es  of  l^ehgion,  praHtfed  in  this  fourth  age.  l^re^^.'^i, 
rrherc  it  is  clere^  that<u  lacoh  the  Patriarch  hidfortold  { Gen.  48. )  that  li.u'ntjr, 
Inuocation  of  Abrahams,  iraacs,<to^^;f  c3?flf  name  j/»o«/i^?  inuocared,/o  Mayfa  ettnioK 
Pittiarches.     prayed  God  for  his  promife  made  to  them,  and  for  their  fik.e,  to  pardon  tb* 
feople^Uymg-Exod.  31.  Remember  6  Lord  Ab£aham,l{aac,  &  Ifrael. 
Andoar  Lord  was  paciiicd,  from  doing  the  cuil  which  he  had  fpo- 
ken  againft  his  people^  H'l^  diume  promdencefo  difpojing,  that  he  could  he  5.,  uiera. 
Gbiedions       hindered,  by  fuch  prajtn^  from  that  ^vhichlu  threatned.  ^ad  fifherai  Moyfes  Bp.ii.a4 
snTwcrcdby     did  not  direflly  tn\6ocatetbe  holie  PAtriardes,  m  Chri/iians  nofv  cal  ypon  Gauienz 
ho\\tScn^i\x- glorified  Saitt^eiyto pray  far  them,  the  caufe  of  difference  is,  for  that  now 
S^m^es  ftmg  Gody  knox9  in  him^  ^h^tfocuer  perteyneth  to  their  glorie, 
^hich  /fate  none  before  Chrijf  attained  v»to.  Num^.'f.  i^.Deut.  ^,1).  u. 
^gaine  Prottflantes  obteci ^that  for  fo  much  as  God  ^noweth  til  our  necefities 
deftresydifpofitions,  and  '^hatfoeuer  is  in  mAn,  it  is  needles  (  fay  they )  fuper- 
fluoui  cr  m  yameythat  Sainfles  should commendmrcaufifs.  To  this  "^e  anfwer, 
that  not  onlyglorioHi  Sam^cSybutalfo  mortal  men  by  Godsordtna(e  (by  which 
.nothing  is  done  yamely  )  do  fuch  of  ices,  as  mediators  betxven  God  andothir 
men,  for  fo  Moyfes  told  the  wordes  of  the  people  ro  our  Lord  (Exod, 
19.)  notcvithjlandmgGois  ommicicncc, or  knowledge  of al  thinges.^lfo 
Codexprefl.y  csmm^aded  lobs  freinds  to  goeto  lob,  promipng  to  heare  his  lob.  41-. 
How  Simctcs  prcfj^er  for  them. ^/Cs  for  S^m^es  hearing  orXnomng  oitr  prayers  raade  to  them, 
"°!*^j."^^°*     ihdugb  onlie  God  of  himfelfe,  and  by  his  owne  power,  feeth  mens  fecretecogir- 
tations,  and.tberfore  is preperly  called  the  fearcher  of  hartes  ( 1. 1{_eg.  16.  ) 
ytt  God  commnntciteth  this  pow.r  ta  prcphetes,  to  fee  thefecrets  thoughtes  of 
others  \  fo  Samuel  knew  the  cogitatiom  of  Saul  (  i.  I{eg.  9.  >.  zo. }  ^ni 
^hia^faw  by  reuelatioo  the  coming  of  lerpboams  "^ife  to  him  in  silo  {]-l{eg, 
14. )  Much  more  God  reuealetb  our  prefent  Jiate,  and  afles  to  glorified 
ioules;  yvho3.:c  as  Angels  in  heauen  (Math,  ii.)  and  being  fe^ 
Titles  gcucn    cureof  their  OHPne  glorie,  are  careful  (A>e/^  5.  Cyprian)6iom  Sal-  //t.  it 
to  men  in  of-    uation  .  Neither  is  it  derogation  to  God  that  Saints  are  honoured ,  and  »*oruli~ 
^cc,  and  to    $itles  afcribed  to  them,  ofintercej^ars,  mediators,  and  the  like ;  for  fuch  titles  *^^*' 
Siinftes.  aregeuen  to  them  not  as  to  God,b(tt  by  y^ay  of  participation  only.  So  Judges 

are  ealled^oddes  and  fauiours  (  Exod.  ii.  ludic.  3. )  andVckkescallU 
Ao^clsado-  goddcs  {Exod.  i\.  )  Praife  geuen  to  God  and  GedcorL/  ludic,  7. 
£cd.  Proccdionrf^iadoratipn  of  Angels  is  yery  frequent,  Exod.  25.  51, 

Num.  ii. 

SalpmOti.  OFKIN6ES.  711 

num.  11.  lofue.  ^.  Indie.  2.  6.  ij.  The  names  of  the  fvcluc  fonncs 
of  Ifrael  were  ^rauen  in  the  two  chtcfe  ornaments  of  the  hifh  priefl,  tn 
the  Ephod  and  Rationale  [Exod.  28  )  IVlanna  ^asnot  enly  re/emed 
as  4  mtmorte  of.  <7cds  fmguUr  htMpte ,  hut  a'fo  h^nombly  rtpohd  as  a  Peliqoer; 
ReUque  in  a  goldt^n  velleJ,  and  kept  in  the  ^rk^of  Cod { Exod.  jrt.  . 
Hcl^.  9-J  lofrphs  bones  nf  rued  and  nmoued  ( lofue i^.)  Images  of  imafreJ. 
hqlte  Cherubims  '^ere  made  andfette  "^f  together '^ith  the  ^rl^e,  and 
Trofitidtvnt  m  the  chief epUce  of  the  Tahernacle,  called  Sindta  Suniloxum 
{  Exod.  2'. )  ^n  image  al(o  of  a  Terpent  «  4i  madeinhrafiefor  the  kalth 
tf  thoJeth4tJiifere  firtken  by  ferpentts  (Num. 11.)  Images  alfo  of  lions  ' 

and  oxen  Ipers  made,  and  Jette  Iftider  the  fecteof  ihe  Uuer  ( caiicda  fea  ) 
intbeTim^le  {i- ^^'7-)  The  honour  done  to  ante  holic  th:ng,  namely 
to  the  Arke  (  2.  ){eg,  6  .)  redounded  to  Gods  more  honour ,  and  al  this 
fo  farrc  from  idolatrUf  that  ^uite  con tr arte,  m  prefence  of  the  ^rke  the  idol 
DA?on  fel  tothe  ground^andhroke inpeeces.i.  I{eg.  ^. 

Exequies  for  the  dead  with  vreepmg  and  fafting  Wert  then  praBiftd  ■  ,  e  .. 

in  the  churchy  asappeareth  by  the  peoples  mourning  for  ^urcn  thirtte  dayts.  ^^^^^l^^]  ** 
Num.  iQi.  ^'fa  for  May fti.  (  Vent.  :^^, }  Bj  the  Cahaonites  faffing  Cencti 
dayes  for  Saul  and  his  fonnes  lately  flainc.  i.  ^g.  fi.  Likewife  ;^/«f- 
Diuid  "^itbal  his  court  mourHing  weping  and  hdifig  for  them.  1  /^ez-fU 
^l  which  Were  to  no  purpafe,  »/■  fonles  departed  could  not  he  releiued  hy 
fucb  mSAnes .  Jt-monoiter  appcareth  that  the  fame  royal  fropket  hcleittd 
diueys  places  to  he  m  b-l ,  ^im  h€  faid  (  P/4/ »  Sy.  )  Thou  haft  deli»- 
ucredmy  foule  from  the  loA»'er  ht\yfigmfiyng  plainly  that  there  is  'z 
lover  and  a  higher  hel:  Tvhich  higher  the  church  calieth  Piirgatoric,  p  ^  'V  ~' 
where  foules  fnffer  tbatpaiae  m  fansfa^ion  for  their, which  remaineth  ^  ^  ^*  ■ 
pot  faiisfiedhefere  death,  erts  due  after  the  guilt  offmne  is  remitted,  the 
law  ^rep.rihtr,g  that  hefides  refiitutien  of  damage y  ptcrifice. should  alfo  U 
offered  (LeHit.  ).  6.  16  .  )  ^nd  Dauid  was  punnhed  hy  the  death  of  hU 
child .  2.  I{cg.  12.  cr  hy  the  plague  fent  amongfi  his  people  z.  /^f^.  24,. 
i.::  ;  '*''^'^  ^^  f^^^^^  ^^^^  remitted  .  he  feared  al{o  punishmnt  in  the  other 
1^*  W'Mdy  yea  I  If?  0  fortes  and  therfbre  prayed  to  be  deliuered  from  bothy  fay^ 

'n  1  in  *"^'  (  f/-*^-  6.  )  Lord  rebuke  me  not  in  thy  furic ,  nor  chafticc 
/f^^/.meinthy  wrath,  rhat  is  {faith  S  Gregorie)  Strike  rac  not  with  the 
pAHitm-  reprobate,  nor  aflicV  me  with  thofe,  that  are  purged  by  the  puniw 
*hing  flarnes.^^^wo^  exprefl'^  ft^nifeth  alfo  ahgherpUee  called  hel, 
fajtnglrfal.  i^.)  tn  the  perfon  of  ChrtH  to  hit  Father,  Thou  sb alt  noC  f.    , 
leaue  nty  (oale  in  heS.  From.  -),yhence  Chmf  delmered  the  holiePatriarchet  ^'"^'^**P"f«' 
.\^     '■  Prupherci  And  other  perfect  foules,  re/^mgyinthout  fenfMepameyCr  brought  ^ 
•**'^  ^  ^  numtiheMrny  lirnther  hefae  htm  none  conldenter   f^f^hicb  ^vas alfo-  ^^^^^^^^^^ 
'Jtgn-^pU,^y  the  ernes  of  r.ftt^e,  WMce  nQt^e  -fm^ht  dqm  to  their  proper^  before  Chui\. 


7*^  Third   booke  Salomoao 

,      '  sonntuty  til  the  death  of  the  high  prieft  ( Num.  ^y. )  tr  hj  Moyfes 

dying  in  tbetiejert,  *nd  not  entring  into  the  promifed  land  oucrlordtn* 
Deut.  4.  ji.  cr.  34, 

Prefu^poffng  the  gcnGr^lRctarrcCtion  of  4I mm  ( 4s  4  truth  knowen 
R<forrc6tion.   hj^  former  traditions )  k.tng  DMidsbewetb  thcdifm»ceoftbe'yvickedy4»d 
godlie  in  that  time  i  \4jing{Pfd.  i. )  The  impious  (hal  not  rife  againc 
iniudgement;  nor  fiancrs  in  the  conned  of  the  ivi^^  That  is, tht 
l/Tickedibalnotrifetotoy  cr  glorUy  ^  the  iufl  cr  godlte  shaldoe. 
Of  general  iudgcmenc  if  nytre phmiy profhecied,  i.  l{eg.  2.  ThatouE 
Xa%emcnc.     Lord  ll»al  iudgc  the  cndesof  the  earth,  mt  that  Daitid,  nor  Sutomon, 
but  Chrifi  should raigne  in  bifmtlituniChurck,  euen  to  the  endcs  of  the 
CZTth,<tndtn  ^ne  tudge  theyvhole^Vi^rld.Tbe  fame  it  confirmed  pCaI.  49^ 
God  vil  come  manifeftlyour  God,  and  he  \ril  not  kcpe  filence. 
Fire  Ihal  burne  forth  in  his  fight.  PfAl.  ^^.  He  {hal  iudgc  the  round 
\rorldin  equitie,aftd  the  peoples  in  his  truth  Pftl.96:  Fire  (hal  goc 
before  him,  and  thai  inflame  his  enemies  round  about,  ^gdinethe 
fkmeroy4tprcphete  (  Pftim.  48.  }  defcnbeth  the  future  And  etern*l  /Idte  of 
the  damned  faying :  as  &eepe  (  ereatteres  yn4ble  to  helpe  tbtmfelues) 
they  arc  put  in  hel,  death  iTjal  feede  vpon  them,  of  the  Uejfed  he 
4ddetb  :  And  the  iuft  shal  rule  ouer  them  in  the  morning,  th4t  if  ,i» 
the  refurre'^isny  and  Pf4l.  149.  The  Sain<5les  shal  reioyle  in  glope^ 
they  shal  be  ioyful  in  their  bcddes  ( i»  etemalreft. )  The  exaltations 
(^r4>/^i)  ofGod  in  their  throate,  and  rvo  edged  fsrordes  in  thcjr 
handes;  to  doereuengein  the  nationi ,  pnnishments  among  the 
^TsmaTpame    peoples.  To  bind  their  kinges  in  fetters,  and  their  nobles  in  yron 
nfihcAzmntA.  manicles.  That  they  may  doe  in  them  the  iudgement  that  is  writ- 
Sebldlid?     ^^^  '  ^^*^  gloric  is  to  al  his  Saindes.  And  much  greater  glorie  belongeth 
to  Saindfces :  for  thu  is  hut  accidental,  Ottered  according  to  ')iulgar  eapacitie. 
The e/Iential and perfeBglorieyT»hi<hf$oeje hath  feene-, nor  e*r« hath  heard,  ^ 
Fooredow-     J*or  hart  can  conceiuey  con/i/i-eth  m  peing  God.  ^mon^  accidental  glar  torn 
lien  of  glo  ri-    giftesythefourt  dowries  of  glorified  bodies  are  efftectally  frefigfired :  Impaffi-  x.c»r.xj<. 
fic<4bo(<ics       bilitie  bj  the  vood  Setim,  Ifberoftbe  .y&rke  was  made  (Exod'  15. ) 
jfehgcrcd.       j\gilitic  and  Penetrabilitic  in  fame  forte  bj  Dauids  quickies  *g*in^ 
Goliath,  and bif  conueying  of  bim  felf  into  Sauls  campe  and  forth  againe 
(  I.  !{eg.  17.  and  1(3. )  but  4  more  pUine  figure  of  Claritie  »4S  in  Moyfes 
jfiCtiExod.  ^4. )  which  h  hif  connerfation  with  God,  bec4me  more  glorious 
t  hen  m»rt4leyes  were  4bleto  behold,  ^liflmnr  and  shining  as  mo (tfp Undent  cat^t* 
lijrljt  through  chrilt4l,  defcrtbed  4t  if  kif  skinne  b4d  binne  4  cleft  horncj  cbif, 
4j>9ianng  ani  f^reaiing  IteamuUke  the  funni',  proceding  from  the  be4Utit  ^"'"'f- 
of  hit  liale,  Co  tbit  n^nt  ofaltbefetfU eonldUtkt  dtre^lj/  >/*«  bim,  txce^t^'  ^^  *' 
hs  foaered  hif  f*ctt; 


Salomon.  o?  kins  is?  ^     ^^^ 

ThM  much  coHcirnin^pArticuUr  faintts  of  faith  dnd  reJigkn.Z^ndttis  The  ChnrA 
no  Ufit  emdent ,  thxt  'the  linliierld  Church  And  Citie  ef  God  fid  conn-  "^°^«  ^^^""^T 
nuca:  yu  "ft'rfi  more  vilioic,  mA  confficmu%  to  the  vfhols  rvoHa  then  oasthcubc- 
brfore.  Firfl  by  Cods  ;n.-irurlo»i  frottSlion  theref  in  tbtdtftrt^  and  famous  fort, 
~'i'i.:}o'.-itiAndconf.ieftesof  tkei-indof  CbAKiAV.  ^nd  by  the  exceUcnt  Urvei 
gctie/iHo  ihii  peo'Afy  Vuhiih  aI  tiAtions,  and  none  hdd  tkt  Uh-  r>e»t.^. 
For  m  thu  fonth.iige,  hefidfi  other  Lvvis  .lad  frtctptts^  the  fpiriiualand 
■tem^>rtii States  ivere more difiirgiiishidj and th:  Ecclchaibcal  Hierarchic  Tiij  Eeclefia- 
.  ejpecia'dy  difpofd  inf-^isrdinAtier.ofcne  [upferm  heid,  with  tnfertiur^ouer--  ft»cal  and  tern- 
n^rs,  ich  in  ihctrpiice  ^ndcjtcf,  foi'edificAtian  of  the  rvhoie  bodtt.  For  Moyfes  ^^^^  diftin- 
hanr chiif  Tul:r And condnCtir  «f  tht  .'p.i:iiies  cut  ff  As^^ft,  receiued  and  guifticd, 
deli^sercdto them  t^bs  ^ffrittm  Lam  (Exod.  zo.)  ^»d  for  obferttation  and 
canGnution  thtrof  by  Gods  exprtfis  appoint?7jent  (  Lettit.  8.  )  confecrated 
Aaron  rhc  ordi^iaric  High  prie^,htmfetfremdyning  fid  extmordindrie 
.  Stijunoar^alfa  Abotit^/S^ron.Si'nd Afs(r SiAjon  ht conJecrAtedin  hkemancr 
his fonmEUzz^v hi^h ^neft.andfucce^'iur  to  hi-s  fjither{Niim.xo.)To  whom  Succefli»n  of 
[Mccidid  Qthtnin  tk'is  ord^r  (i.Parali/.  6.)  Phinecj,  Abifuc,  Bocci,  HighPiicftcs. 
Ozi,  Z3.cha.1hs,  (othirnnfe I.  i^^f- 1.  called  Belt)  MertiothyAmanas 
(otfjcrA:tfe  ^chinelu,  wkorr. SahI plVyi,  I^eg.  11. )  Achircb  ( otherl'Vife 
^isuthar^  l.';ho  liVAi  de^ofedj  3.  /[f^. 2.)  and SsidQC, in'Whefi  ttmethe 
Templs  "^/va^  founded. 

To  thefe  ^vere  adteysted  other  Ihic (1^5  ,  dlfo  confecntted  in  a  frafiript 
forme  ( Letdt.  8.  )  dnd  L€uitcs  ordaynedto  apfl  tn  lower  and  difiinfr  efi- 
ce<  ( Num.  3.  cr  4. )  -^^  thcjirfi  degree  the  Caathites  ,  Yvio/f  office  Ti>^  to  DifHaaion  of 
earns  tkiSA.^icliiuric,  And  ysfeltherofyvrapped^p  by  thefriefies,but  l>vere  ^'^.'/^^"cy^/^cs" 
farhiiinpAim  of  death,  to  touch  ihemy  or  to  fee  them  .  In  the  fecond  degree 
the  Gcrfonites  i  '^tvho  carried  tb;  cortines  and  toners  of  the  TAhern4e!e,  and 
yejfelofthe  ^  In  the  third  degree  tkc  '^itmilQi\'^^vho  carried  the 
hsrdcs,  b^i-res,  ^.nd pillcrs^livith  their feeteypmnes^cordes,  ^nd other  uss-ple- 
meates  afth;  tdernack ',  euerie  one  according  to  their  office  and  bur- 
dens, Num. ,4.  v.  vlr. 

Bnt\i\  the  temporal  Ctztcandgotiernment  lofue  ef  the  tribe  of  Efhra-  ^'^^"j^^j"  ^^^ 
zw Succeeded  to  Moyfrs  (Num.iy.  Z?fM^  5.  c2r.  54. )  ^nd after hfue  ceTi^a°crrup- 
rvere diners  iKrcrruprions  ©f  (uccellion,  With  gouermrs  of  diuers  tribes^,  t(.<i. 
4wi  change  of  go u srii its cnr,  /row  Dukcs^oludgcs,  and  from  Iitdges  Dakcs; 
to  Kingcs. Far  after  lofttes  death  the  people  being  fere  affh^ed  by  innafiens  •/ 
Ir'fdeli.Gid  rjifed  rer:ditie  fpecial  r^e»y  ^^itb  ittle  of  ludges  ta  dtliuer  and  I«<3sc*: 
fane  them.  FirH  Orhoniel  of  the  tribe  of  Juda-y  then  KQ<i9fBcniamin\ 
after  him  Samgar  {the  Scripture  not  ftgsifymgof  what  trib:  )then  Barach 
*pith  D^bora  of  EphrAim\  Gedcon  e/iVl.4is«r|C#i  •,  AbimclccK,  hts  baft 
fonne i  anriarperj  Thohof  IffachAr-,  lair,  and  lt^\\lQof  Manaflss  j 

Sfff  Abcfaii 

714  Third  booke  Salomon 

Abefan  ofltt'h  •,  Aialon  ofzal/ulon  j  Abdon  •/  EphrAim  \  Sampfon  of 

Pdn  J  *nd  Heli,  Vfho  rV4s  dlfo  bi^hpriej}  ef^dr^mjlockt ,  otbirfVife  tilled 

Zdraus  (i.PAulip.  6. )  And  Samuel  <//«  •/  tht  tribe  of  Ltm  a  Prophet. 

Kingei,  InbhtimeihefesfUiemAnd'mg^nd'yrgin^tQ  haut  x  King,  Saul  of  the 

tnlft  of  BcnUmin'Pf ^is  dnnomted'  i./^^.io.  But  fer  tranfgrtfutg  Gods 

csmmanimcnth  (fffeadUj  [•rtxernfmg  jfintudfunB^ion  Jfitbottt  ffdrrdnt 

(  {.  J^f^.  I  \. )  And  not  dejfroji^^  idoUten  (i.  ^g-  15. )  W4i  de^ofed,  d»d  Dx- 

wd  of  ths  trtlft  of  luda  ^4s  anaotnted  KiH^jJvho  dfter  mdntegrtdt  trubltff 

fofej^cd  ths  "whole  k}r>gddme,  and  dtsd  ntfeace^  leAm»^hii[»nnt  Salomon 

imuejied  and  dnnoi»ted  k}^^  m  his  thrent. 

Manic  finals        ^^^  Chnrch  hemg  thtti  tfiMtshed  io  dijtinBfldm  und  trdtrs ,  dlheit  there 

&  d,ifticulncs  "peri mmie  imptrfsfiioni t»  alftrlti  offerfmSy *nd gre^t  ftnun  etmmitted^ 

m tlac  Chuich.yet  God  fo  funhhed offenders j  4i$d chdfnfed the  '^holepet^U,  that  heft'tl nw- 

ferucd,  tbegreatijfy  or  (kiefe  f>4irty  iatruefdithdnd  rehptn.  For'^hdes  they 

Murmitrc.       i^cre m  tks  dsfiri,,  they  marnsured  ^erjf  often  d^dinfi  God,d»d hn  Mtmflert 

Idoktiic.  "'   '^'^"''  ^^f^'i^^^^'  C  i^^^od.  17.  Nnm,  ii.  14. 10. 11. )  Mdnte  fel  ro  idolatri* 

( Exod.  5 1. )  Aaron  not  free  from  coepcrating  in  thefeophsfmni.  Na- 

dab  Atid  Abiu  ^drgns  fo»»es,  dnd  tinfecrdted  pr;fyf«,  offered  ftrangc 

Sc^iifme.  6re  (  Unit,  i®. )  Core  Dathan  ^.nd  Abiron,  riuth  thtir temPiices  madt 

1  f  r  :    x%V9ZLi(c\\\(i'at  {Num.  \6. )  Mdnls committed  carnal  fornicarion  with 

c,uion€:iVic'of  ^"J^^^*  ■)  ^^^  '^*''*  therhy  drdwents  fpirirual  ( Num.  1$. )  of  Jfibich  *nd 

Uois-ins.         9tkir  hh  pnnn  the  ffdlmiji  fftdkith  ( ?fd.  94. )  exhortinf  hn'fe$fle  not  to 

harden  tksir  hartcs,as  in  the  dcfcrt  their  fathers  had  tempted  God. 

Fourticycarcs>5f  as  I  offended  (,  fayth  God)  with  tkat  generation, 

and  fayd  :  They  al-vayes  errc  in  hart,  ^nd  therfere  he  fWdrt  in  his 

Tifrnsb:  thit  the  ftme  geacrdtien  shmUnoteittsrtntetbepromifedUndof 

ChAnidn  :  but  their  children  etHred  And  fojiejjed  tt.  Num.  14.  Ufue.  5. 

^ffdine  thips9fUJAllin^t@  idoUtnt  dnd  other finncs,  ^-^ere  ^fUBeddSid 
The  Cl'.urch    j^rgprejpd  by  f^rrdine  enemiss,  hut  repenth^^  Wen  deliuergd dndfkued  hy  ter- 
ailiided  for     tAincdsitdikei  sdlltd  ludges  dnd  *  Sauiours  ;  as  Af)feareshi»  the  bookie  of  ^iw^/cj. 
Anncsjci  V3S  ;^j^^^^  j-j^g   ^^^  ^m  tyiy^lmnns  by,  fome  of  their  ovfnt  nation,  for  amonr 
ilil  coBierued.    .^,-^,dj,-i.^         ^  •     1     r  .,    r       *^ 

the  Indies  Gtte  [cdUed  ^bimelic)  n?45  <f  tyrannical  vlurper.  ( ludic.  9.  ) 

Saul  their fir^  KiKgfdllinjr  frora  God  '^imuftly  pcrfecured  Dauid.  1. 1^. 
iS.  tT'c.)  ^Amhittopu  Abfolom  reh  tiled  Agatn^  ths  iCtng  his  father.  (2..^. 
i^,)  ani  Sicb&eftbe  trihcofBe^iiAmimraijcdAn  othemhelli^»{  i.J(^.  20.) 
I.iliewife  AdonixSjAfit^edby  Abia.lh.a.i  the  high  priefl^  And  by  loab  gene- 
t4  sf  the  drmie,  fretendcd  to  reigtas  kis  father  Dattid  yet  limng,  to  prettent 
S«i  >msn  lifths  kingdom(.i,,I^^.  u)  Ss  God  both  shewed  his  mjiice,infujferin^ 
fii-h  affiiciions  to  hipptny  forfunishment  of  finne :  and  his  meme,  infuumg 
hts  Chnrch  from  mtne. 

M^rtouerfor  freftriuitit  of  the  Chttrchithen  r^irUinen  diuim  OrdinaM- 


StIomonI  OF  KiNcis.  '     715 

fes proUfJedly  theUl».T6YfirH  al  "Si^ere  firiBlj)/  ccmmdndtdytiot  H  cSmunicdte  OrdiRaric  we-. 
Ifiith  InfideL  in  their  tdoUtne  {Ex.n^.)  nor  with  Scbifmatikes  in  their  fchifme  V^^^.  ^^  *^°^" 
{Nh.  16.) but  to  deftioy  al  Idolaters  (Num.  33.)  ^Wshunne  al  nouel-  r|!"  ° ?, 
f.  chrif.  liti'tnrelirionyAS  a  ftirem^rke  of  tdoUtricyOr  jalfe  doHrtne[Deut.\t,)Furthcr  No  puricipa- 
oraf.  I.  fg  cotrferuel^mtie there  tV4s  but  one  T ah eina.c\c  ,  *b/^  one  Altar  for  Sa- t'oi;*.itkln- 
'*J'/J^{[    cxi^celtntbe  whole  feefU  of  J/ruel.  rrherupon  liijjen  thetwotriLts  and  ^^'j^'^'^- 

hdfe,  on  the  other  fide  lot  dan  ,  had  made  a  feund  altar,  al  the  trihti  that  ^?  *'-o«eitsp 
dp^elt  in  Chan4an,fHfpeLfin^ it  Tttaaforfacnjice,  fent  prefcntly  to  udmoniih  j^.^ 
them  J  and  prepared  to  make  If  4rrs  agamfi  them,  exciptthey  defiroycd  their  ButoncTabar 
mexvdtar-f  bmhsmg  aduertifed  that  ttjifxs  only  an  akar  of  monument,  nacie. 
4nd  not  for  facnfice  ,  tvert  thermth  fatiifed.  ( lofue,  22.  )  afterwards  the  J?'"':  •*-'^''  ^' 
tribe  of  Diriy  fetting  vpidolatrie,  and  the  other  tribes  not  concAing  ^""^^  '■"^' 
if,  they  "^fere  al  punished.  FVhtch  happened  by  occafton  of  an  other  (nerfrons 
ftnne,  committed  and  not  correfied  m  the  tribe  of  Bemamin,  For  the  other 
deuen  tribes  making  tvarre  a^ainfi  them  for  this  tttfi  cmfe,)ea  by  Gods  di- 
t&6tion,ani  "^arrant, yethzd  the  v^oiictfufi  eyning  great  flau^hter  of  men 
in  two  confiiH-es  j  and  in  the  third  Beniamm  was  dmoji  dej?reyed.  Indie.  10. 

Finally  for  dccifwn  of  al  controuerfies  and  ending  of  firifeythe  High  0"«  fnpreme 
Prieft  T^as  exprejly  ordnynedftipreme Judge,  (Dent.  17.)  ^nd  alji^re  l^^^^^^ll'^^^' 
temmandedin  pdme  of  death  tofubmitte  then  opinions^  and  obey  hisfentence ;  ^1  bound  to 
tfitthpromife  of  Gods  al^tffance,  Ifherby  his  definitions  ^ne  certaine  and  obey  him. 
iv\{x\\ih\t,Tortncenfultatiomofdo»btes,  and  difficult  cafes,  Gtd  mfpired  1-1  J^s  Tcntcncc 
hm  with do6knneo( verizic  (Exod.iS.  ic).  Lcuit.^.  Num.  3.  7,  9.  j/^'^^'-i-^^c- 
^.  25, 30.)  rrhich  Uidgement  State  Chri/}  admonished  the  lewes  to  repay  re 
"ynto  andfolotv  ( Math.  2j. )  though  the  Judges  themfelues  did  not  the  thtnges 
Ifhich  they  taught,  Jn  fo  much  that  Caiphas,  through  this  afifiance  of  Gods 
Jptrite,  being oiberwife  a  "^icl^ed  man^yet pronounced  the  truth.  That  one 
muft  die  for  the  people,  rrhich  therfort  S.  John  the  Euangelifl  afcnbetb 
tohisCbayreandoficeyheca.uCe  he  vas  High  prieft  thatyeare./o>»«.  11. 

Seingthem  Gods  prouidenee  and  continual  aft^ance  Ifasfo  tlere,  and  ajfn-  The  Churck 
red  m  tie  church  of  the  old  Te^amtnt,  much  more  is  the  Church  of  chtiil  of  Chnlt  pre- 
builded  Ypon  afurcrocke,  affured  of  his  perpetual  alliftance,  and  ^'^'':'*^.^^°"^,. 
16.  ri     always  preferued  from  erring  in  Faith  ,  or  in  general  prad 
iHc.  It.  Religion,  ^nd  that  by  Gods  like  affured  ordinance  of  one  fupremc  head 
Uan.i^.  and  Iudge,S.  Peter,  8c  hisSucceifour :  for ^ivhom our Sauiour prayed,. 
"^-  tkdt  his  faith  should  net  faile.  Further  commanding  htm,  that  he  Ihould 

„V  "^'  con  fir  me  his  brethren,  ^l  '^vhich  "^vefeeis  performed  m  the  Succefioun 
•f  S.  Peter,'\yheras  the  fuccfffoHrstf  the  other  ^poftles,  are  al  faded  long 
ftnte.  The  fame  mtj^  afiured  (labtlittt  of  the  Chunh  of  Chriff,  is  further  confr- 
medby  the  fifhole  Z4VV  and Prophetet. Namely, D(ut.t,i.4nd i^.yvhcre  Moyfti 
/•rfellith  morcfovfer  And  rrdcein  the  Charch,  to  be  coikded  in  the 

Sfffi  Gcmiks 



jiG  Third  books  Salomon 

Gentiles  of  alnatioS,thf»f«fr"Vv^;»  th4t  oftht  1/rAelifesor  IcWS.Lil^t- 
l^ife,  r.  /{e^.  1.  The  fame  >V4J  hoth  ^rejigiired  ^nd^nbhectedhy  holie  ^nnA  i 
The  hiingric  ( thofs  that  dcfi-re  Geds grace  andgUm)  ate  filied:vntil  the 
barren  womzn{thi  church  tefthi  Ge>9tdes)bzrc  relic  manic:&  Ihe  that 
had  manic  children  Nras  vcakncei.  jAr>r/»^  that  the  church  oftht  Jewcs 
hidmnfti",  vniilthe^ltnitiide  of  Gtntilesmtich  more  abcundsd.'Wherfvreths' 
TfAlmifrimuteth  4 nations  tt^rxife  God,fdytng;  Pf4l.ii6.  Praife  our  Lord 
al  ye  Gentiles  :  praife  him  al  yc  peoples.  vX//«  i.  I{^g.  7»  God  promtfcd 
Not  anic  t«m- ■C''<"^'^>  A?"*^ •'  Thy  Kingdomc  for  cucr  before  thy  face  ,  and  thf 
yoralbut         thronc  llial  bc  firme  Continually. "S?i!;f:&>^ ««?  Vfr;^fi!^/o i^rfK/'i^i  ^fw-  5.  ^^,«.; 
Chnftsking-  poralki^gdome.Fsrif^dsuwcklydmided,  after  SdiUmins  dt/nb ^  and ttfmal  U.  tT.c, 
iam  IS  in  al        ^^^  ^.  ^^  j^^^  .^  f^hojim.  ^nd  4ft it  the  ciPtiuitie  in  S«kUn,  ha  f:cdc  8-  */*  "- 
nations  and      'i     ,      ,■     ■  ■         1    •   j         •  »  ^  ^  r  11  ■  uit 

perpetual.        had  onlietKle  and  right  ^  itbmt  pojJeJsioM  ef  rejd  throne,  ^gaine  1.  /{eg.  ^   '  -f^, 

11.  The  fame  royal  f  rochet  in  kti  Canticle  of  thatbkjts  getting ,  andUHp-ophe-  he/ef.t')'. 
tical  f»ordes(cha^.  15.)  Tty^ch prefsrrsth  the  C^mttiai kjngdome of  chri^i,  be- 
fore the  earthlie  fmgdome  sf  the  leWa.  But  v^ojS  ffeaally  and  plainly  tn  the 
Ffalmes.PfaL  1.  Why  did  the  Gentile.<  rage,&:  peoples  meditate  vainc 
ihinq^tst  Signifying  that  the  furit  c-f  aI  adtierfiriti  rageth  in  ')'jiinej  againjv 
The  Church    Chrift  andkts  chttrch.  For,  I  am  appointed,  by  \-\im  {f^yth  chrifi  of  his 
of  Chrift  mi-  Father)  king  oucrSion,  his  holie  hil.  I  wii  geucrhce  ( fi)th  Godt9 
BzerUl.  hi  Sonne )  the  Gentiles  for  thmeinherit.incej  and  thy  pofrcillon  the  ^7.  ^; 

cndes  of  the  earth.  Pfil.  ij.  Apeople  which  I  knew  nor,  hath  fcr- 
ucdmjz.Pfai.  44.  The  Qn^cm  (the  Church)  flood  on  thy  right  hasAi: 
in  golden  raymcnCj  comeafTcd  with  varic.tie  •,sf  yertvM,  4nd  Aiticn 
forte;  of  holie  profepotis.  Pfal.j^j.  Mount  S'ionis  foaniif  ci  Nf'ith  the  ex- 
ultation of  the  wii^Ic  earth.  For  euer  and  euer  he  (chnjf )  fl-sal  rule 
vs  euermorc.  Pfal.  Z6.  Glorious  thing;es  arefayd  of  thee  ,  o  citic  of  ■ 
Qo'A.  Eat  om'.ttinginmimcrahle other fn(htcxtei^  the'i>B.  pfdme  $onttynetb 
A  Urge  prcphccie  »f  chrifi  and  his  Chwch, Habere  S.^n^u/ringehethlis  thif  in  hanc 
Prief  admonition.  Cbriftiini  eftis,  Chril^am  agnol^cite.You  arc  Chri-  ^falm, 
ilians,  agnize  Chnd.  I  wil  put  (fiythGod)  his  baud  in  the  fca-j^, 
Chr//}s  dominion  ia  the  GcntUe-.,and  his  righ  t  hand  in  the  riuers ;  <itfQr^  ■ 
ienhalferuebim.  He  {bal  be  highabouc  file  kinges  of  the  earth,  of  ■ 
the  church  ha  addetb  :  I  wil  put  his  fcede  for  euer  and  euer>  and  his. 
throne  as  the  daycs  of  hcaucn.  N  either  do  fmnes  friij}r4te  thispromife  of 
God^  therfore  it  f&loweth'.  But  if  his  children  ilial  forfake  my  law :  and  . 
^Jp■ilnot\ralkein  my  iadgements.  If  they  £ha!  profane  ray  iuftices, 
TheTc'3'es  wii  and  not  keepe  my  commandemeHts  i  f-'Vhat  nhen^  "Vfulchrij}  for  al  this 
aiotfec  Chnfr :  4^^,^^^^  ^„  ch^rch,4i  he  did  the  old  Synagogue,  of  J^buh  Godfayth:Deut.'^i. 
H^retikcswil  They  hauc  prsaoked  me  in  that  v/hich  \ras  no  God:  andl^ii 
Slot  fee  the       prouokethcm^in  that  vhich  is  no  people  ?/^9t/«?.  HQ'pthe»  ?  I  wil 


Salomon,  ofktnges.  717 

yiCitCyfiyth  9«rZ«r<^,  rhcir  iniquities  vith  a rodik,a«cI  their  finncf  Churclvrhick 
''X'irh  ftripcs.  Bur  n.7  cncrcie  I  \ril  not  takeaway  from  him.  This  u  a  7^"*  alwaycs 
iiU:m-  flroggFnv%A7tiint  { fayth S.  ^M^ufim)  Gcdprornifeth,  ^m  fwcireth  ,  J^^prJ^*"'/'^"'" 
>*;7^^Vf/norIicro  Dauid,thathi5  fecde  fhal  continc^  foreufr.  His  i.csllat.carJ' 
thron.-asrhe  Sunnein  Gods  hghr,  and  lae  Moonc  perfected  for  th^^.tt  c»»t, 
enzr.Sothis^rcAi  Doclor  ihtWethbyholitScripiurc:  Arainflthe  DondttfteSy  C*'"''"/^' 
4ndin  them  a^itnf}  ProtifTAntts,th4t  the  mdttan*  Church  ofchnji  hash  i\ane 
fiiiy  and  ibd  he  I'ifti'lc,  during  thu  trdnjitorie  It^srld, 

Chap.     VI  I. 
SulomdnstdUcf,  i.  hts  htufe  m  tkefenefi,  S.  gndtkejUiKfi  heufc  is  Guilty  13.  Tkc  be^iti- 
TiVO  gre4tbyapn  fillers :  ^.  i.[ex  ( »r  idner }  27 .  ttnfie  kraftn  fcete.  38.  "ing  of  the 
tcnne  UJteLhdtcrteSyHnd.etherytjltlsy  4Hd imfleweHtes pertainir.^ to  the  ^t>^' 

Temple,  adorficdlfVith  imM^es  af  ^n^eli^und  •ther  crentHres  ^rt  further 

1  A    Nd  his  ownchouic  Salomon  built  in  thirtenc  ycares, 

2  l\  and  brougk  ittopcrfedlion.  f  He  built  alfo  the  houfa 

of  rhe  forcft  of  Libanus  of  an  hundred  cubites  in  length,  , 

and  fiftiecttbircs  in  bredtfe,and  thirtic  cubites  in  height  rand 
foure  fcorc  galleries  betven  pillcri  of  ccder  :  lor  he  had  cur 

3  ccdcr  trees  into  pillcrs.  •{-  And  he  decked  ?hc  >3rho!c  vairt 
\rith  hordes  of  ceder,   \rhich  \ra$  held  vp  ^ith   fuc  and 

4  fonrtiepillers.  And  oncorder  had  fifrcn  piller?,  j-  fet  one  a- 

5  gaind  an  other,  f  and  looked  one  ouer  againfi:  an  other,  ^rith 
equal  fpicc  bcc^sren  rhe  pillers,  and  oaer  the  piUcrs  fquare 

6  bcamcs  in  al  equal. t  And  the  porche  of  the  pillers  he  rnadc  of 
fiftie  cubites  in  length,  and  chiriic  cubites  in  brsdthtand  an 
other  porche  before  the  greater porche:  and  pillers,  and  top- 

7  pes  vpon  the  pillcrs.f  He  made  aifo  the  porche  of  the  throne, 
wherein  the  fcateof  iudgement  is  *,  andcoucredit  vithceaer 

S  wood  from  the  pauement  vnto  the  toppe.  -f  And  the  lirl« 

howfe,  where  they  fate  in  iadgement,was  m  the  middes  of  the 

porche  of  like  ^ycrkc.  He  madcalfo  ahoufe  for  the  daughter 

of  Fharao(\rhich  Salomon  had  taken  to  vrife)of  fuch  Nfoikc, 

5    as  alfo  this  porche.  t  Al  of  chofcnftoncs,  which  wercfaved 

by  a  certain  rule  &  racafure  both  within  &  vithout.-from  the 

fundatioH  to  the  toppcof  rhe  valles,  &  without  vnto  the  grea 

'  30  ter  courte.f  And  the  fundations  of  chofen  ftones, great  ftones 

21   often  or  eight  cubites.  f  And  abouc  there  were  h.t  wed  cho- 

11  fen  n:oncsofequilmeafure,and  in  like  maner  of  ccder.  t  And  ; 

^         the  greater  court  romid  vrith  three  rcves  of  hcvfd  flones, 

^:  Srff^      ^  ^  ^udene 

yiS  TniRbBooKS  Salomon, 

and  one  re^  ofplaned  cc4er,  moreouer  alfo  in  tKe  inner  court 
of  thehoufeof  our  Lord,  and  in  the  porchc  of  the  houfc. 
f  King  Salomon  alfo  fent,  and  rookc  Hirana  from  Tyre,  15 
f  the  fonneofa  widovr  woman  of  the  tribe  of  NepthaH ,  14 
his  father  a  Tyrian,  an  artificer  in  brafTs,  and  ful  of  wifdom, 
and  intelligence, snd  ski!  to  raake  al  worke  of  braffe.  "Who 
when  hc-sras  come  to  king  Salomon,  made  ai  his  \rorke. 
I  And  hecatltwo  brafenpillers,of  cightcne  cubitcs  ia  height  i| 
one  piller:and  a  line  of  t\relue  cubites  compalTed  both  piliers. 
fHc  made  aire  t^«'o]itIeheades,^hich  should  be  pat  ypon  the  itf 
hcades  of  the  piliers,  cad  of  brafl'c:  fiuecubites-highonelitlc 
head,  and  iiue  cubites  the  other  litle  head  :  f  and  as  it  were  in  17 
laancr  of  a  ncCLe,and  of  cheynes  knitte  one  to  the  other  with 
tnarueloiis  worke.  Bothlirle  headcs  of  the  piliers  were  caft*. 
feusn  rehires  of  iitle  nettcs  in  one  litle  hcad,&:  fcuen  litle  ncc- 
tes  in  rhe  other  liclc  head,  t  And  finifhed  the  piliers, and  txro  18 
rewes  rovind  about  euerie  nette, that  they  might  couer  the  li- 
tle head£S,which  were  ouer  the  toppe  of  the  pomegranatesrin 
likemancr  did  heaho  totherccondiitlchcad.  f  And  the  litle  if 
keades,  that  were  vpon  the  heades  of  the  piliers,  wexc  made 
as  it  were -^ith  lilieworke,  in  the  porchc,  of  fourc. cubites' 
f  Andagainc  other  Jirlc  headcs  in  the  tsppc  of  the  piliers  z* 
abouCj  according  to  the  mealfire  of  the  pilier  againft  the  litlc^  • 
nett-es .-  and  of  the  pomegranates  were  two  hundred  rewes 
ronnd  about  the  fecondhcle  head,  f  And  he  fette  two  piliers  11 
in  the  porcheoF  the  temple:  and  whenhehaderededthepil* 
ler  on  the  light  h^nd.he  called  the  name  therof,  *lachin:in  ^  pim* 

like  maner  he  cvcdccd  the  fecoiid  pillcr,  and  called  the  name  nes. 

therof*  Booz.  f  And  vpon  thcheadesof  the^'pillers  heputa  li     "^  "* 
.    vorke  in  maner  of  a  lilic  :  and  the  worke  of  the  pyllers  was         r^'Z^"" 
,      (     pc)^fe6ved.  -f  He  made  alfo  ••  afea  of  founders  worke  of  ten  ij 
caficd  For  the   cubites  from  brimmcto  briramc,roundin  copa(T'c,the  height 
biv^acffebeinT  therof  was  of  Iiue  cubites,  and  a  corde  of  thirtic  cubites  did 
£  g:c;it  hua-    compafle  it,  iS'Sind about,  f  And  the  grauing  vnder  the  brimc  14 
compailcd  it,  reii  cabires  going  about  the  lauatorie  .-  there 
were  two  rcwcs  of  chamfered  forowcd  grauinges  caft.f  And  ly 
it  iload  vpoa  twcioe  oxen  ,  of  which  three  looked  to  the 
NorcIi,3,ndi"hrec  to  the  "Weft,  and  three  to  the  South,  and 
•  three  to  the  Esfl ,  and  the  fca  was  oucr  them  :  whole  hinder 
partes 'QC'Cical  hid  inward,  f  Aad  the  thickenes  of  the  laua-  1^ 
torie  -^y&s  of  three  ounces;  and  the  brimme  chcrofasic  were 




Salomon.  or  king  is.  71^ 

the  brimme  of  a  chalice,  and  the  Icafc  of  crifped  lilic :  it  con- 

27  tayncd  two  thoufand  :•  bates,  t  And  he  made  ten  brafc n  fcctc,  ••  P^t"'  f©"' 
of  fourecubites in  length eueric  foote, and  foure  cubitcs  in  £j"^,iQ*^*f^ 

28  bredth,and  three cubites in  height,  t  And  the  veric  voric  this  vciui  cob 
it  fclfe  of  the  fcete ,  \ras  entergraucn:  and  entcrgrauinges  ic/.Tca  tcnr.c 

15  betwen  theioynturcs.  f  Andbetwcn  the  htlc  crc^nesarjd  thoufandga- 
the  playtes,hons,and  oxen,  and  cherubs:  and  in  the  ioyntures 
likewifeabowe:  and  vnder  the  lions, and  oxen  as  it  were  ban* 

30  dcs  of  brafle  hanging  dovnc.  -f  And  foure  whecles  at  eucric 
foote,  and  axcltrccs  of  braiTc:  and  at  fourc  iides  as  it  xrerc 
litle  fhculders  vnder  the  lauatoric  caR,  looking  one  againftan- 

51  other,  "f  The  mouth  alfo  of  the  lauatoric  was  inward  in 
the  toppe  of  the  head;  and  that  which  appeared  outward^ 
vas  of  one  cubiteal  round,  and  together  it  had  one  cubirc 
&aha!fe  rand  in  the  corners  of  thepillers  wcreciucrscngra- 

3i  uinges  :  and  the  middle  enterpillersfquare not  round,  t  The 
fourc  wheelesalfojwhich  were  at  chc  fourc  corHcrsof  a  foote, 
ioyned  one  to  an  other  vnder  the  foote:  one  wheele  had  in 

53  hcightacubiteandahalfe.  t  And  they  were  fuchwhecles  as 
areaccuftomed  to  be  madeinachariote:  and  their  axeirrccs 

54  andfpokes,and  ftrakes,  and  naaes,  alcaft.  -f  For  ihofc  foiuc 
litle  {houldersalfoat  eueric  corner  of  one  foote,  were  caft  out 

5J  of  the  foote  and  icyned  together,  f  And  in  the  roppe  of 
the  foote  was  a  certayne  roundnes  of  halfe  a  cubire^,  fo 
wroughijthac  the  lauatoric  might  be  put  thereon,  hauing  the 

35  engrauinges  therof ,  and  diuerfe  caruinges  of  it  (elf.  f  He 
graued  alio  in  thofe  fielinges,  which  were  of  brafle,andin 
the  corners,  cherubs,  and  lions,  and  palmetree?,  as  it  were  in 
the  fimilifude  of  a  man  (landing,  that  they  femed  not  to  bs 

37  engrauen,  bur  put  to  roundabout,  f  After  this  mancr made 

38  he  ten  feete,of  one  cafting  and  mearure,^  like  grauing.  t  He 
madealfoten  lauatories  of  braiFe:  one  lauatoric  con'reyned 
fourtie  bates,  and  it  was  of  fourc  cubites :  alfo  at  eueric  fcote, 

35  that  is  ten,  he  put  fomanie lauatories.  f  Andhcferte  the  ten 
fcete,iiueon  the  right  fide  of  the  temple,  ard  Hue  on  ,t{:e 
leafr:  and  the  feahc  put  on  the  right  fide  of  the  temple  a;7ainft 

40  the  Eaft  toward  the  South.f  Hiram  therfore  made  cauldTons, 
andihoueles,  and  litle  pottes,  andperfed-edal  the  workcof 

41  king  Salomon  in  the  temple  of  our  Lord,  t  Two  pyilers,and 
two  cordcs  of  the  litle  heades,vpon  the  litle  heades  of  the  pvl- 
IcK  rand  two  litle  nettes,  to  couer  the  two  c©rdcSp  that  were 


72.0  Thirdbooke  Sabmcji*' 

©ucr  tkc  heades  of  the  pyllers .  -f  And  foure  hundred  po-  4^ 
rcegranatcs  iathctv^'o  r.eitcs:  two  rewes  of  pomegramatcs 
in  euerie  ncttc  ,  to  couer  the  cordcs  of  the  iitle  heades  , 
which  were  vpon  the  heades  of  the  pyiiers.  f  And  lenne  45 
feere,  andtcnns  Uuarories  vponthe  recte.  f  Aad  one  fca ,  44 
and  cwelue  oxen  vndsr  the  fea.  t  And  cauldrons,  and  tlicaels  J  4; 
and  licle  potces  ,  mKI  the  vciTels  that  Hiram  made  to  king 
Safomon  in  the  hoiifc  of  our  Lord,  ^sre  of  bright  b.tten. 
f    In  the  charapayne  coiintric  of  Jordan  did  the  king  caft  ^6 
thofe  thingesinachy  groundj  berwen  Sacoth  and  Sarchan. 
•f-  And  Saiooion  placed  al  the  vellel :  but  far  the  txcet'ing  47 
greatraukirade  the  braife  could  not  be  weycd.  f  And  Salo-  48 
mon  mads  ai  the  veileis  in  the  hoiifc  of  cur  Lord  .-  an  alrarcf 
gold,  and  a  cable,  wherupon  the  loiucs  of  propoiidon  feouid 
be  put,  of  gold  :  t  aad  candiellickes  cf  gold,  fiue  on  the  right  45s 
hand,  and  iiue  on  the  Icaft  againfl:  the  oracle,  of  pure  gold: 
andasit  were  hlie  lioures,  and  lampes  aboue  of  gold:  asjd 
golden  fnuiiers,  t  and  water  pottcs,  and  Scshehookes,  and  50  ■ 
phiiles,  and  niortcrs,  and  ceniars,  of  mod  pure  gold;  and  the 
hindgesof  doores  of  the  inner  Sanftum  fandorum,  and  of 
thcdooresof  the  houfe  of  the  ceraplc,  wereof  gold,  f  And  ;t 
Salomon  perfc<n:ed  al  the  worke  that  he  did  in  the  houfe  of 
our  Lord,  and  brought  in  the  thingcs  that  Dauid  his  father 

.':Had<lefig-    ..  ^^^ fandified,rilucr and  ^old, and  the veilcl, and layed  them 

ncd  and  dcdi-     .       ,  ^  r    l    l       r      f         t       j 

cited  to  hohe  m  the  trealures  or  tkchouleorour  Lord. 
vies.  Chap.     VIIL 

The  url^e  is  hrought  in,  and  the  temple  dedicated,  i  o.  4  glorious  cloyvde  reple- 

mibeihit,  14.  Salomon  praytth  lon^to  Gtdy^^,  hiij^eth  the  people.  61. and 

m&nie  ">»:l;.wfj  are  of  end  in  this  felemne  fejlfuitie, 

TH  E  N  were  gathered  together  al  the  ancientcsof  Ifrael  i 
with  the  princes  of  the  tribes,  and  the  heades  of  the 
families  of  the  children  of  Hrael  to  king  Salomon  into  leru- 
falemrthat  they  iTiip^htcarrie  theArkeof  the  coucnantofour 
Lord  outofrhecirieof  Dauid,  that  is,  out  of  Sion.  f  And  t 
alirraeladembledtoking  Salomsn  in  the  rnoncch  of  Erha- 
niin.ona  Hjlemnc  day,  that  is  the  feuenth  moncth.  f  And  5 
al  the  ancientes  of  Ifrael  came, and  the  prieftcs  tooke  the 
arke,  f  and  caricd  the  arke  ©four  Lord,  a»d  the  tabernacle  4 
ef  couenant,  and  al  the  velRIs  of  the  Sinduarie,  that  were  in 
the  taberni.dc  :  and  the  Pncftcs  and  the  Lcuitcs  cacied  them. 

t  And. 

^dlomotl-  O  F    K  I  N  G  E  §.  J^t 

.;  f  AiiHkingSalomon,  thcmultitucle  of  Ifrael,  ^yhich 

vas  aflenibleM  vnto  him,  vent  viih  him  before  the  arke,  and 

tkcy  UKinolatcd  (iTCcpc  and  oxen  Nrichewt  eftirrjation  &  num- 

J  ber.  t  And  the  piicftes  brought  in  the  arke  of  the  couenanc 
cf  our  Lord  into  liis  place,  iEto  tke  oracle  of  the  temple,  into 

7  Saiiifcuin  fandorumvndcr  the  \ri5"5gcs  of  the  cherubs,  t  For 
the  chcfubs  fpicd  th«ir  xringe^  oucr  the  place  of  the  arke, 

*S  and  couer»tJ  the  arke,  and  tlie  baires  tlirfof  abouc.  f  And 
5wh«ras  the  barrel  (lood  out,  and  the  tndcs  of  them  appeared 
without  in  the  Sandiaarie  before  the  oracle,  they  appeared 
no  farder  outward,  which  alio  weie  there  vaiil  this  prcfent 

^  day.  t  And  in  the  arke  there -^as  ••  nothing  els  but  t'S'o  ta-  ..  'XV.^xt  ^va? 
bles  of  ftone  ,  -^hich  Moyfes  put  in  it  in  Horeb,  vhenciir  no  mcrf  with 
Lord  made  the  couenant  ve-ith  the  children  of  Ifrael,  when  *"  the  arkc, 

tio  they  cams  oeRtofthc  Land  of  y^eypt.  t  And  itcame  to  p^i^s,  ^<k^  ic.  buc 
when  the  jBru'.'Ftessf'iEre  gone  cut  or  tne  Sanciuane,  aclo>3rde  ^asihc  rodde 

-II  filled  tl;e  houfc  of  out  Lord,!  «nd  the  prieftcs  could  riOt  ftand  of  Aaron.  n»>. 

and  minillcr  for  the  clo^de:  for  tiie  glorie  of  our  Lord  had  i7."<t.i?.  the 

11  filled  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  f  Then  fayd  Salomon:  Our  g«'$^^n  pottc 

,  ^      ,    ,        ,  ,  ,  ,        ,  .    '       ,         I        ,    T.     1  •         1  I  wicn  Manna, 

1)  Lord  iayd  that  iic"«'cuiddwel  ma  cio'B^de.  f  Bwilding  J  hauo  £xoa.-i6.Heb.% 

built  a  houfe  for  thy  habitation,  thy  mofl  firmc  throne  for  andthebooke 

34  cuef.  -f-  And  the  king  turned  his  face,  and    '-  blellcdalthe  of  the  law  rc- 

j;  church  of  Ifrael:  for  al  the  church  if  Ifrad  flood  .  f  AndSa-  l^^''^}^^"^' 
lomon  fayd:  Bleded  be  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael,  vho  ^Jp-iccsbJcfTe 
fpake  by  his  mouth  to  Dauid  my  father, &.  in  his  ownc  handcs  their  people  8c 

i6  hdth  perfeclcd  it,  faying:  -f  Since  the  day  that  I  brought  my  patcmcs  their 
people  Ifrael  out  of-^gypt,  I  chofenocitie  ofalthe  tribes  of  thi^dieii. 
jfrael,  that  a  houfe  might  be  built,  and  my  name  might  be 

17  there  :  but  I  chofe  Dauid  to  be  oucr  my  people  IfracI.  j-  And 
Dauid  my  father  would  haue  built  ahouie  to  the  name  of  our 

iS  Lord  fheGodoflfrael:  f  and  our  Lord  fayd  to  Dauid  my  fa- 
ther :-In  that  thou  h.ift  thought  in  thy  hart  to  build  a  houfe 
to  my  namcjthou  had  d©nc  wel,  cafiing  this  fame  thing  in  thy 

i«)  mynd.  f  NcnerthtklFe  thou  £halt  not  build  me  ahouie,  buc 
thy  fonne,thac  shal  come  forth  of  thy  reynes,  he  shal  build  a 

19  houfe  to  my  name,  j  Our  Lord  hath  con/irmrd  his  word, 
which  he  fpikc  :  and  I  (land  for  Dauid  my  father,  and  fitte 
ypon  the  throne  of  Ifrael,  as  our  Lord  hathfpoken  :  and  I 
haue  built  a  houfe  to  the  name  of  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifriiel. 

21  7  And  I  h,iu£  appoyntcd'therea  placefor  the  aiktt  ,  "«^herin 
the  couenant  of  our  Lofdis,vhicli  kc  made  \Fiih  our  fathers, 

Tttt  ^hen 

T^-i'  Third  eooke  Salomami 

when  they  came  out  of  che  Land  of  _^eypr.  f  And  Salomon  ii 
fijod  before  ckeaitar  ofour  Lor^  in  tkc  hghtof  the  ilurablie 
ofirrael.and  extended  his  handes  toward  hcauenjf  and  favi:  15 
Lord  God  of  Ifrael,  there  u  n©  GedLkc  to  thee  in  hcautnt- 
boiie,  and  vpos  the  earrii  benerh  :  which  kcepefl:  couenant 
s.n4  mcrcie  >yuh  thy  fcrBantcs,  that '<ralke  before  thee  mal 
rfeei.r  harr.  t  l^rhich  hafl:  ksfpt  to  thy  feruant  Dauid  my  father,  24 
the  thinges  that  thou  haft  fpokcn  to  him:  by  mouth  thou 
didft  fpeake,  and  Nrith  thy  haisdfs  thou  hftft  accomplished,  as 
thisda/  proucch.  -f  No^^r  ckcrf®rcLord  Godof  Iftaeljkerpe  2/ 
vnto  chy  feruanr  Dauid  ray  father  the  tkinges  vhich  theu 
hzd  f^s^ken  to  hins,  faying  :  There  ska!  net  be  taken  a^ay  o£ 
thee  a  man  before  me,  which  fictedi  ypoE  the  throne  of  If- 
'::  SalsraoK      rael ;  ••  yet  fo  if  thy  chiUrcia  shtl  keeps  their  vay,  thatthey 
Icaevwci        waikc  before  me  as  thoiaka^  walked  in  my  righ#fAad  MOV  i^ 
Gods  con^m- Lor<iGodofirr£sl,lctrbTwrdesbeclkablisk€d,whichthou 
bacDerftucied '^*'^  Ipofcen  to  thy  ieriaant  Daiud  my  father,  -f  Isit.thcnto  if 
jiot'in  kcpiag  be  thought  thet  in  decde  God  dweileth  vpon  the  earcJb  ?  for  . 
his  c6man-i-    if  hcaucH.and  thg  hcauens  ©f  haaaens  can  not  conteyns  thee, 
meats,  ina     ^^^  much  more  this  houfe,  'which  I  Kaue  built  ?  +  Bat  lookc  iS 
ffceat  pare  af  ^^'^^id  tlie  prayer  or  tUy  letKant.tad  to  ms  pennons  o  Lord 
.thckiagiiom    «3y  God  :  heare  the  h^mne  and  the  prayer,  which  fhy  feruanc 
was  jikcfrerrt  pray eth  before  th@e  this  day  :  f  that  thy  eiesbc  opsned  vpon  2^' 
hisckiUisB,   ^^J5  houfeniwhtand  day:  vponthchoufCjKS'herof  thoiifsyeft: 
of  cKskiso.    Mynameinal  be  there  r  liiat  thou  hcarc  tiit  prayer,  ^jrnich 
^ova  of  ludla    thy  (eriiaHt  praycth  in  this  place  to  thee,  r  Thatthou  heare  j© 
lemtjacd  co    the  requcft  of  thy  feruanr  and  of  thy  people  Ifraei,  what- 
his  kedc  eucn  foeucr  f  hey  shal  pray  for  in  this  piaec,  and  thou  shalt  heare  in 
SoCktilt  our      I         1  r    1    '  !  ' !  •       ■        •    ')  1      ?  »         1     f> 

Sauioui-.  ^^^  place  oi-  my  naDiration  in  hcauca  :  and  whan  tnou  halt 

heard,  rkoa  shalt  be  merciful,  f  !fa  man  skal  (inne  agaynil  51 
his  neighbour,  and  shai  haueany  oath,  ■wherwith  hcis.  held 
fafl  bound:  and  shal  ccme  bscawfe  of  the  oath  before  thine 
aharintothy  houfe,  +  thou  shal't  heare  in  hcausn  :  and  shale  3^ 
doe, and iudge thy feraanres, condemning  the  impious,  and 
rendringhis  way  vpoa  his-head,  and  iaftifying  the  iufi:,  and 
:;Pve'©'atd  of   '*  tciwarding  him  according  to  his  iufticc.  f  If  thy  people  If-  35 
gocJTorkes.  rael  shaHiec  their  enemies  ( becaufe  they  wil  fiane  agaynft 
thee)  and  doing  penance,  and  confeffing  to  thy  name,  shal 
come,  and  pray  ,  and  befecli  thecjn  this  hoafe •,  f  hearcin  54 
heaueu,  and  forgcuc  the  flnne  of  thy  people  Ifrael,  and  thou 
sKal:  reducs  them  vnro  ihe land,  \yhich  thou  gaueil  to  their 


f  T    mnn  O  ?    K  I  K  C  S  S.  7^  J 

Salomon.  ^^^^^^^^      ^^  ^^^  ^^^^^^  ^^^^  ^^  ^^^     «aitmna«ot,bc« 
caufc  of  thm-  finn^s,  and  praying  in  this  plicc,  they  doc  pe- 
nance to  thy  nan^e.  a..d  shal be  concerted  .r.m  taeirrinn« 
.tf  through  their  afflidion:  t  them  in  he.ycB  a«4for- 
^     .cuetherin«.esofthyferuantes..ndofthyj,copchrachind 

r^e^  them  z  good  way  >^herin  they  R.ay  ^alke,  «nd  puc  •        . 

raynevpon  thy  land,  ^hich  thou  haft  g.nen  lo  thy  people  m 
.7  poffcCon.  tiff*minearyfeintheknd,orpeftilcnce,orcer- 
r«pt  ?-re,or  bkftin-,  or  i©caft,orruft,  and  their  encwieaf- 
=S  flid  them  befisging^the  gfttes,  al  plague,  alinfir«itytal 
curfir.^  .  and  bawnin-  ,  that  shal  chance  to  ^»y  man  of  thy 
r-opUI^i-'e^:  if  any  rfian  shalknoxr  the  wound  of  hiiiiarr, 
-a  ard  s'hal  fprcd  foi^th  his  handc.  in  thishoufe,  t  th»u  &ak 
hearcitiheauen.inthepkceofthyhabiCRtioa,  and  shalt  be 
mcrcifulagayne^and  shdr  fo  doe  th.t  thou  geue  to  eucne 
one  according  to  his  ^ey^s  ,  as  tkoushak  fee  his  hart  (for 
•^o  tho«.onlieknWeftthshartof.lthechi  dremof«en)  t  that 
'■     theyfeare  thecal  the  dnyes,  ^yhich  they  hue  rpon  the  face  of 
41  the  Una,  ^hich  thou  haft  gcuen  our  fathers,  t  Moremier 
alfo  the  te«ger,Voich  is  aot  of  thy  people  Ifracl,  y  hen  he 
ghalcomefromaft-rrecountricfTthynaiiae  (for  thy  great 
4Z  name  shal  be  heard  of,  aad  thy  fcrong  hand    t  a«d  thy  ftret- 
ched  out  arme  eucrie  ^here)  ^hen  thenorchcskalconae, 
4.Z  and  shal  pray  in  this  place,  t  thoushalthearemheaueH,m 
the  firmament  of  thy  habitation,  &  tho«skalt  doeathmges, 
for  the^bkk  the  ftranger  shalinuocare  thee:  that  al  the  peo- 
ples of  the  earth  may  Icrnc  to  feare  thy  nanae,  as  thy  people 
Ifrael,  and  may  preue  that  thy  name  is  inuocatedvpon  this 
:.4  hcufe,  ^'hichlhauebuik.  f  if  thy  people  saalgoe  forth  to 
\rarre  agaynft  their  enemies  ,  by  the  way,  Nrhitherfoe«er 
thou  shtit  fend  them,  they  shal  pray  to  thee  agay»ft  the  ^^y 
of th-ecitic, which tkouhaftchofen,  and  agaynft  tne  houfe, 

4?  wkich  I  haue  built  to  thy  n.nnse,  t  ^^^  ^^^^f  «^^f  ^^^^/ '~ 
heaucR  their  praycrs,and  their  petitions,  aad  Shalt  uoe  ludge- 

46  men:  for  them  .  t  But  if  they  shal  fmne  to  thee  (  for  there  1$ 
no  man  which  fmneth  not )  tnd  thou  being  ^rath  shalt  dcli- 
ucr  them  to  their  enemies,  and  they  shal  be  led  captiue  int» 

47  the  land  of  their  enemies  farre  or  «eere,  t  andsHal  doc  pe- 

nance  in  their  '-■  kartin  thcplaceof  captmine,*«d  coaucrted  ;.^^,,^^,^.  ^ 
shal  befrch  thee  in  their  captiuitie,  faying:  Vc  kaue  hnned,  ^,^^_.^  ^^^^.p 
^S  we  hauc  done  wickedly,  ^e  haue  dealt  impiouHy :  t  and  tkcyji^cced 
^  ■         Ttttz  ehal 

7^4  Third  booke  Salomon, 

fu^lTc  not  f"'  *'^^'  ^«f^i^ne  to  thee  in  al  their  hirt,  and  al  their  foulc  ,  in  the 
lemuHonof  "^  ^a-"cio^  their  enemies  to  the  \fhich  they  shal  be  led  capriae  : 
fiuue.  <^  :hal  pray  to  thee  agtynft  the  \ray  of  their  land.which  thou 

giaefttoth^ir  fathers,  and  of  the  cicis  which  thou  haft  cho- 
iffn,«5<;  of  the  temple  \rhich  I  haue  built  to  thy  nams:  f  thou  45). 
shtlt  hcare  in  heauen  ,  in  the  firraiment  of  thy  throne  their. 
prayers,  and  their  petitions,  and  shalt doc  their iudgement 
for  then3  :  f  and  shaft  be  merciful  to  thy  peoplej'crhich  finned  ;q. 
to  rhee,and  toil  theiriniqnicjcs,  'cp'here  vith  they  hauc  ttanf- 
grcfftd  agiynfl  thecrind  thou  shalt  geuemercic  before  thens, 
chit  jhil  n^ue  th^^rn  captiues,  that  they  may  haue  compalHori 
on  them,  f  For  they  arc  thy  people  ,  and  thine  inheritance,  yi 
"•"hom  thou.hsft  brought  out  of  the  Land  of  ^£gypt,from  the 
mi^des  of  the  yron  fornace.  f  That  rhy  eics  boopen  to  tke  ja 
petitionof  thy  fcruant,andoFthy  people  lfrael,&  thou  heare 
thrnsinal  thingcs  for;crhich  they  shal  inuocatei'hec.  f  For  pj 
thou  haft  feparatei  them  to  thee  for  an  inhcritfiacc  from  al. 
the  psoplesofthe  earth,  as  thouhaH;  (pokcn  by  MoyCes  thjr 
fcruajvr,^hcn  thou  iidd  bring  our  farh?rs  out  of  ^gypr,. 
Lord  God.  f  And  it  came  to  paffe,  when  Salomon  had  ac-  ^^ 
complishtd  ptaying  roour  Lord  al  this  prayer  and  petition, 
he  rofe  from  the  light  »f  the  aliar  of  oar  Lord;  for  he  had 
faftcncd  both  knres  on  the  ground,  and  hadfpred  hishandcs 
toward  heauen.  t  He  ilaoi.  therforc  and  blelfedal  th«  affem-  j<;^ ' ' 
blie  of  Ifrael  with  8,- losx^de  vaycc,  faying:  f  Blelfcd  beour  56 
Lord,  which  hath  gjucn  rtfcto  his  people  Ifrael,  according 
to  al  thinges  that  he  hath  r^oken  :  there  hath  not  fayled  Co 
much  as  one  word  oFal  the  good  thingcs,  that  hefpakeby 
Moyfcs  thisferafent.  f  Be  o«r  Lord  God  with  vs,as  he  hath  f^ 
becnc  without  fttcbers,  not  forffiking, nor  rcicdiing  vs.  t  But  j8' 
incline  he  our  hartes  to  hivci ,  that  '^/e  may  walke  in  al  hii 
waics,  nnd  kerpc  his  cornnundemcnccs ,  tnd  his  ceremo- 
nies, ani  iudgcmcnrcs  'srhfttfoeuer  he  commanded  our  fa- 
thers, t  AndbcthcfemyxrordfS',  wherewith  I  hauc  prayed  j^ 
before  our  Lord,  approcking  to  our  Lord  God  d&y  tni.  night, 
that  he  may  doe  iudgement  for  his  fcrn«nr,  tad  for  his  people 
ifrael  day  by  day :  t  that  al  the  peoples  of  the  earth  may  60 
knoxre,  that  our  Lord  he  is  God,  and  there  i«  none  other  be- 
iides  him.  f  Let  cur  hart  alio  be  pcrfc^  with  our  Lord  God,  61 
that  wc^a'ke  in  hie  decrees, and  keep?  his  corftandemcntes, 
as  aifp  tills  day.  j  Therforc  the  king,  nnd  al  Ifratl  Nrith  him,  <J& 


Salomon:.  of  kimcas.  72.^ 

6}  did  imraolatcviift-mes  before  our  Lord,  f  And  Salomon  l»il- 
kd  patiRque  hcftcs  ,  which  he  immolated  ro  ©ur  Lord, of 
oxen  two  and  t^entie  thoufand,  nvid  of  sKeepe  an  hundrci 
tvcntic  thoufand:  and  they  dedicsctd  the  uirple  oi  cur  Lord, 
lC»f  the  king,  and  the  chikirenof  Kracl.  f  In  that  day  the  king 
fandified  the  middcs  of  the  court ,  that  was  before  the  houlc 
of  our  Lord:  for  he  made  the  lioiocauft  there,  and  laciifice, 
and  fatteofihepacifiques  :  bccaufethc  brifen altar,  tharwxs 
befoie  our  Lord,  -vcas  coo  litle,  and  could  not  take  the  holo- 
(?;  ciuft,  and  facrifice,  and  farte  of  the  pacifiques.  f  Salomon 
therfore  made  in  that  time  a  I'olemnc  itfliuitie  ,  snd  al  lirael- 
V7ith  hirn,agrcai:  multitude  from  the  entrance  of  Emathvnto 
the  Ryucr  of  /Egypt,  before  our  Lord  God,  feuen  daics  anal 
66  feuen  daies  ,  that  is,  fourtenedaies.  t  And  in  the  eight  day 
he  difmilfed  the  people  :  Who  '•'•  blcillng  the  king,  went  into 
their  taberriacks  reioyfing,  and  with  a  loyfui  hart  for  al  the 
good  thinges,  that  cur  Lcrdhad  done  to  Dauid  his  feruanr-j 
and  CO  ifraelbispeop'e. 

Chap.  IX. 
Oftr  LorJ.ippcdring^gKin^to  Salomon.^.  admsKi^heth  him  and  his  people 
to  l^ee^e  the precepti.  6.  threj-tntngpuniihr/icfit  if  tks)  do  mt.  lo.  Tht  kin^ 
tf  Tyre  recenitth  twtntie  cities «/  Salomon,  but  likfth  them  not.  14.  J^/o- 
monbiiildeth  more  citiei  .md tovvnei.  ic».  Makjtth  diusrs  Nations  inhutA* 
rie,  24.  The  Qjiem  re^ayreth  to  her  hettfe.  15.  The  km^o^ertthlnilimei 
thrifeeucrie  jtaie.  16,  ind  fetcktkgold  Jrcm  O.^hir. 

1  A  '"^  ^  it  came  to  paHe  when  Salomon  had  pcrfcded  the 
./^  building  of  the  houfc,  of  our  Lord, &  the  kinges  houfc^ 

2  and  ftl  that  he  wifhcd  and  would  hauedone,  -j-  our  Lord  ap- 
peared to  him  the  fecond  time,  as  he  had  appeared  to  him  in 

3  Gabaon.  +  And  our  Lord  faid  to  him:  I  hauc  heard  thy  prayer 
&  thy  pcruion, which  thou  haft  prayed  before  me:I  haue  fan- 
Ailied  this  hou(e,  which  thou  haft  builr,  that  I  might  put  ray 
Hame  there  for  euer,£nd  myne  eiesand  my  hart  shalbc  there 

4  alwaies.fThoualfoif  thou  wilt  walke  before  me,a5  thy  father 
walked,  •'•  in  fimpliciticof  hart,  and  in  equitic  :and  wilt  doc  ,..  Zxtcj-nzi 

al  thinges,  xt  hich  I  haue  commanded  thee,  and  writ  kcepc  my  vt-orHiip  is  nos 

5  ordinances  and  my  iudgcmentcs,  j  Iwilfotte  the  throne  of  -ifceptablo  to 
thy  kingdom  ouer  Ifrael  for  eucr,  as  I  haue  fpoken  to  Dauid  ^"'^'.^^r'!^^,'^ 
thy  father,  faying:  There  (hal  not  be  taken  away  a  man  of  thy  fnternaUincc-. 

S  ftockc  from  the  throne  of  Ifrael.  f  But  if  by  reuohing  you  riucaaddcvic: 

T  t  n  1 3  and 

1'-^  Thikdbooks  Salomon, 

u«a,  yvk«!.--  and  jrouc  ehiUrtn  ■Oiai  turnc  away,  not  fol@^iBg  me,  nor 
ft'^^'i^^^ri  fc^cpingmy  corammdcmenrci,  and  my  cercmoniss,  Nfhicb 
ii  »*rlf;*?3l»  -^  ^***  propofcii  to  yoH,  but  sinl  goc  and  vorihippe  ftrange 
fanh,h»i^a,aiid  godd««,  afid  adofg  them  :  f  I  ^il  take  avay  Itraci  from  the  7 
eh&rmf.Enehi-  fase  of  the  land,  vkich  I  hau«  gcsen  them,  and  the  tcmpU 
fjrt.f.j.  vhichlhaucfandifiedtomy  Hamc,!  wilcaliavay  from  mr 

iigkr,aniirracl$halbcfora  proucrbc,' and  for  a  fable  to  al 
peoples,  t  And  this  haufc  shal  be  for  an  example :  cucrie  one  S 
thatshalpaffeby  itj  shai  voadcr,  and  hilTc ,  and  fay:  Why 
iiath  the  Lord  done  thus  t»  thi«  land,  aad  to  this  houfc  ? 
t  And  they  shal  anf'sycf  e ;  Bccaufc  thsy  hauc  forfaken  the  51 
Lord  tkcir  Gad,  vhich  brou|ht  :keir  fathers  out  of  the  Land 
of  iEgyptjaftd  ha»e  folo'ired  ftrange goddeJ,  &:ad©rcd  them, 
and  worshipped  tkena  ;  therfore  hath  the  Lord  brought  rpan 
them  al  this  auil.  f  And  cwendsyearss  being  coniplcteaaftfr  i® 
that  Salomon  had  built  the  two  hciifes,  that  is  ,  the  houfe 
©four  Lord,  and  the  heufe  of  the  king  f  (Hiram  the  king  of  11 
Tyre  mini^ring  to  Salemea  ceder  trees  &  iirre  tr«€-s,  and  g#]d 
••^'•I?,®,^'*/^   accordins  toalthatkehad  ntedc)  thca  Salonioa  -  faiac  t® 
cities  fsfkc    Hiram  twentietawnes  in  tkc  Land  ©f  Gfthkf.  f  And  Hiram  12 
Gomld'notalie-  went  from  Tyrcto  fee  the  townes  wkich  Sabmon  kadgeueo 
nate  thcr.i,feut  hitn,  and  tkey  plcafed  him  not,  f  and  he  fayd :  Are  .thcfe  the  15 
let  the  kia|  of  cities, whick  thou  haft  geuew  me,  brother?  And  he  called  theia^ 
Yir  rurieae-*  ^^^  ^^^^  *  Chabttl,  VMtii  this  day.  f  Hirara  alfo  ftnt  to  king  14    ^  diniel 
n£\;^'c3i«pa7-  Salomon  an haadred and  twcntie  t^lcntesoF  gold,  f  Thisis  ij     ordifpUa 
m-Htfortim.  the  fami-ac  of  the expences,  which  king  Salomon  offered  t®         ^'"•S- 
bsi:  &ror  the  bmld  the  heufe  ®f«ur  Lord, and  kisowne  houfe-i  2nd  Mello, 
lilt. '''  and  the  wal  of  lerKiialem,  and  H«rcr,and  Mageddo,and  Gazer 

*}-  Phara®  the  king  of  ^.gypt  came  rp  and  tooke  Gazer,  and  16 
burnt  ir  with  Src:  Atid  chsChananite,  that  dwsltin  thccitie, 
he{l«^:7e,  andgaueit  faradowric  to  his  daughter  the  wife 
©f  Salomon,  t  Salomon  thcrfore  built  Gazer,  and  B«thhoron  17 
the  l®w£r,  t  and,  and  Piili^ira  in  the  Land  of  tke  wil-  iS 
dcrnes.  f  And  al  the  viilages,  that  perteyntd  to  hins,  and  were  15?    ^ 
without  wal,  kfcfcafed,  and  the  ciriss  of  the  chariotcs,  aad 
checitiss  ©f  the  horlcmen,  and  whatfoeuer  plaafed  him  to 
buildin  Isriirtlem,  andinLibanus.and  in  al  the  laisd  of  kis 
domiHioa.  t  Al  the  peopl:,  that  was  remaynin^ofthc'Araor"  2® 
rheites,  and  Hstlmires,  and  Pherezcites,  and  Hcueitcs,and 
Icbufciras,  that  arc  not  of  rhe  children  of  iCrael;  f  their  chil-  zi 
dren,  that  were  remavning  in  the  land,  t©  wictc,  thofe  wkoju 


Sllomon.  Of  mzvcits.  jty 

the  chiWrcn  of  Ilrnel  could  not  abolish:  S»l«mcn  made  rri- 
zi  butanes,  vrril  this  daj.  t  But  of  the  children  of  Ifracl  Salo- 
mon sppcyrtcd  notany  mantoferuCjbut  they  vcrcnccnof 
varrc,ap.dhis  fcruaiitesjflnc?  princes, and  captayn«s,andoH€r- 

2.5  feersoirhcfhiriotcgand  horics.  t  And  there  were  princes 
fcuer-al  the  "<»  01  kes  of  Sale mon^msde  oecrictrs,  (iuc  hundred 
fiftie.vhich  had  the  people  fubiedt,  and  commanded  oucr 

24  their  appointed -workss.f  And  the  dawghrcr  of  Pharaowent 
vpoutoT  theciticof  Dauidinto  her  houfe^-^hich  Salomon 

£^  had  ba^lt  her:  then  did  he  build  Mcllo.  j  Salomon  alfo  of- 
f§r§d  tkree  tymes  f  uerie  ycare  holocauftefc,  aad  pac:fi^ue  vi- 
dbiraas  vpon  the  alrar,  vhkh  he  had  buiic  to  our  Lord, and  he 
burntincrnfc  before  our  Lord;  and  the  rernple  irasperrcded. 

iC  "I- King  Salomon  alio  made  "  a  name  in  A  liongabcr,  \rhich  is  xaRaonu- 
bcfidc  Ailathinthe  fViCreofthcRcadfe-a  in  ih«  Landef  Idu-  meat. 

17  rKcft.  t  And  Hiram  fentiu  that  nauiehis  men, that  ^crenaari- 

25  ncis  &:  skilful  of  the  rea,-^ith  the  feruantes  of  Salomon. -j-Xfho 
•vrken  they  were  c©ir,ci«to  Ophir,  the  gold  taken  thence  of 
fourchundrtd  and  t^entie  takntcs,  they  brought  to  king 

Chap.  X. 
theifHefiief  S&hacemin^iokjn^SaUmin,  a^mirtth  his  "Vv'/is^ow,  m^^m^ 
fisomct  i^nd  ordertf  pmrnmint  10.  she  gtutth  «nd  receitmh  gifti's.  14. 
S&Umm  rscehveth  muck  ^sU  diners  "W ayes ;  16.  mal^eth  gsidtn  tar^ggfes. 
28.  A  m^gnifictnt  tknne.  21.  and  mush gtUlen  liepL  25.  Manis  brwg  him 
frffsntis,  x^.  MekathmAiiicihAnottgSyhirlsmin.  xj*  ahundi^ff  if  fit^ 
UifzZ.  MArchAUtis tf  dwm  kJH^snfis  fei  him  htrfis,  I"  '^■^^'^  ,,'j'*" 

Snba,  ncrcto 
I  T>  Vt  theQueeneof  •'•  S^ba  alfo  hauing  heard  the  fsine  luric.  bat  this 
j3  of  Salomon,  in  the  name  of  ocr  Lord  came  to  prouc  him,  Sabxi«b«yoRci 
1  inhardpropofuions.  t  And  enrring  into  lerufaicm  >rith  a  ^^^'"''"^  ^s  S. 
greatrrayne,  and  ricaes,  and  camels  carying  fpices,  and  gold  fictb<»  Ef^>.t. 
exceding  infinite,  and  pretioas  (lones,  she  came  to  king  Salo-  60  It.  17  iife- 
naon.andfpaks  to  him  al  tbinges  that  she  had  in  her  hart.  «cthtobciB 

3  t  And  Salomon  intertjretcd  to  her  al  the  wordcs,  that  she  ^^^1°?]^^°^ 
propoled  :  there  ^as  not  a  vord  ,  that  the  king  could  be  Qinh%ut  iz. 

4  ignorant:  of,  and  coald  nor  anf^er  her.  f  And  the  queene  Theqtimeofthi 
of  Sabi  feing  al  the  ^ifedom  ©f  Salomon,  and  the  houfe,  ^»«^*'  came  fro 

5  -whichhehad  builr,  f  and  the  meatcs  of  his  table,  and  the  'j!' 7 /"^'^ "/fir' 
habitations  of  his  feruantes,  and  the  orders  of  them  that  fee  \he-ly}Lml7 
ucd,  and  their  garmcntcs^  cupbearers,  and  the  holosauftes  scimfin. 


72*^  Third  booke  Salomon^ 

.vAstliisquenc  >s7i:ucK  heoH'eredin  the  houfeofour  Lord  :■  ihe  had  nolongef 
hadnofpime,  r-        ^  an  J  she  (aid  to  the  kin^  :  The  rcporr  is  true,  '^hich  « 
vhsn  ihe  lavs'   /,,',.  .        . '^  .*        ,  ,  , 

Salomons  wif-  I  haue  heard  in  mycounrne,  j-  concerning  my  vrordcs,  and  7 

doni ,  Co  the  Concerning  thy  wifedom.  snd  I  did  not  be!cue\hem  that  rold 
C'uuch  githc  rae,  tilmy  (elk  came,  and  fawe  with  myne  cies,  and  haue 
reo  otgeiuiks  pj-Qued  that  th:  half  not  been  told  ine  :  g;rcater  is  thy  wifdom, 
Chri'>3  jrace  **^  ^"^  NTorkes ,  tnen  the  rumour,  vnich  I  hauc  rieara  . 
&  findino-  rhs  t  Bleilcdare  thy  mciijand  bleded  arr  thy  feruantcs,  N^hich  § 
mafteiso'fE-  fhnd  before  thee  al^'aies,  and  heare  thy  wifcdom.  f  Be  the  9 
«angelica! do-  L^fj  ^^y  God  blelTcn,  whom  thou  haft  plcafed^and  that  harh 
iin,caTiBg  feffg  ti^^gypQ^  j-'fjo  throne  of  lirae!,  for  that  the  Lord  hath 
ax'ay  tnc  ipi-  ,  ,      f  -  1    i       »  •  1     •     1 

rite  of  pride,    loued  Krael  for  cuer,and  hath  appointed  thee  king, to  ao  lud- 
andlayingof    gdiieat and  iuHice.  f  She  thcrfore  gaue  to  the  kingan  hun-  10 
al  Kautincde     d  red  and  f^^sntie  talenres  of  gold,  and  fpices  e:x:ceding  much, 

°  i"^"  j-'i  ^"^rt.  andpretiousilones;  There  ^is  no  more  brow2;ht  fo  reuch 
Bed  to  dvftruft   ,    .    f  .  ,  .    ,     ,       ^  ,■  ^    \  -       1  •         <-   i 

^ihcrfeir,  and  iptcc,as  ttiat  whicn  the  Qucncot  Saba  gauc  to  King  Silo- 

tocruGrtn  the  mon.  t(Biic:h£naue  aU^o  of  Hiram,  which  caried  gold  GUt  ri 
fjeatmercic     of  Ophif,  brought  from  Ophir  thyinc  frees  exccding  manie, 
cfiierkmg.  s.  end  prettoiis  ftoncs.  t  And  the  kine  madeof  the  thyinetrees   fi 
p/     chcporciicsot  m;  houie  of  our  Lord,and  ot  thc  kirigeshoulc 
-f- Awonlcrfal  and  harpe?  &  vials  for  the  fingers:  there  'o/ere  norlach  thyin& 
thing,  chaca     trees  bro.jghE,  nor  (cen  vntil  this  prcfent  dayc.  )  t  And  king   15 
Qo^ne^vpon    Salomon  gaae  to  the  quccnc  of  Saba  al  that  she  would,  and  .  ". 
\v\dom^xx^    asked  of  him:  bsfids  thofe  thinges,  which  of  him  (elfc  he 
tclcd  fo  fan-c  offered  her  for  a  royal  gift,  ^'lio  rttiuned,  and  went  into  her 
coiie.ue  him     countrie  v^ith  hcr  feraintes.  \  And  ihewciglu  of  thegold,  14 
fpcike,  and      jV^^^j.  ^^^  brought  to  Saiomon  eucric  ycare,\y'as  of  fix  hundred 
to   ce    IS  go-  ^   jj     p^  talentcs  of  qold :   t  befidc  that,  -^^hich  the  men   if 
it  W2S  Gods     brought,  that  were  oucr  the  tributes,  and  mercnanres,  and  a! 
inTpiration,  to  that  Ibid  light  NS'ares  ,  and  al  thekingesof  Arabia,  and  the 
fignificbyrfeis  dukcs  of  the  land  .   f   Salomon   alfo   made   two    hundred   vS> 
C^^u'ck'of  ^^  (hieldcs  of  mod  pure  gold,  fix  hundred  ficles  of  gold  did  he 
Cki-'iftHiould   allow  for  the  plates  of  one  shield,  t  And  three  hundred  ter-  17 
bcrathsrcd  of  gattes  oftricd  gold:  and  three  hundred  poundcsofgoldgar- 
thc  C-entilcs     nishcd  onerergcr :  and  the  king  put  rhem-in  the  houfe  of  the 
inalnnicionj.    foreft  of  Libanus.  f  King  Salomon  alfo  made  a  great  throne  if 
&m"i?Stcnt  of yuorie:and  coueredic  vith  gold  cxceding  yellow,  t  'S'hich  15 
riiMccsaltb      had  fixe  flrppcs:  and  the  toope  of  the  throne  was  round  in 
fwbmitting       the  hinder  pait :  and  the  two  handts  on  either  fide  holding 
ihcir/cl  11(^5  to  .jy^„  feate:  and  two  lyons  froodarcuery  hand,  f  Andtwelue  2«» 
>ri  . /,.jw.    j^-jg  j^Qjj5{^2j^j{j„gypQm};jj.  fixe  flcppes  ©neither  fide  :  thera 


Salomon.  of  kinges.  7i> 

u  vas  not  fach  a  \rorke  inadcinalking^omcs.  f  Ycaandal 
the  vciTclsjOutof  the  which  the  king  Salomon  drunke,  were 
ofgoId:andal  the  furniture  ot  the  houfeof  theforcftof  Li- 
banus  of  rooft  pure  gold  :  there  \ras  no  filucr,  neither  was  it 
XI  thought  of  any  priccin  the  daies  of  Salomon,  -f  becauferhc 
kinges  nauie  ,  once  in  three  yearcs,  went -with  the  nauie  of 
Hiram  on  the  Tea  into  Tharfis,  bringing  thence  gold,  and 
iiluer,  and  the  teeth  of  elephantes,  and  apes,  and  pecockcs. 
£5  f  King  Salomon  therfore  was  magnified  aboueal  the  kinges 
24  of  the  earth  in  riches,  andwifedom.  +  And  al  the  earth  de- 
fired  CO  fee  Salomons  faecjthat  they  might  heare  his  wifedom^ 
2j  which  G©d  had  gcuen  in  his  hart,  -j-  Andeuerie  oneprefen- 
tcd  him  gifces,  vefTcI  of  filuer  and  geld,  garracntcs  and  inftru- 
mentes  for  warre ,  fpices  alfo,  aRdhoiTcsand  mules  eueric 
16  yeare.  f  And  Salomon  gathered  together  the  charietesand 
horferaen,  and  there  amounted  to  him  a  theufaud  foure  hun- 
dretichariotes,  andtweluc  thoufand  horfemcn  :  and  he  dif- 
pofed  them  in  fenfcd  cities,  and  with  the  king  in  lerufalem. 
ly  f  And  he  made  that  there  was  as  great  abundance  ©f  filuer 
In  lerufalem,  asofftones:  and  ©feeder  trees  he  caufedfuch 
a  multitude,  as  if  it  were  fycomore  trees  ,  which  grow  in  the 
28  playnes.  f  And  there  were  horfes  brought  for  Salomon  out 
of  ^gypt,  and  Coa,  for  the  kinges  merchantcs  brought  thera 
2-5)  out  ofCoa,  and  brought  them  at  a  fette  price,  f  Aadacha- 
riore  of  four e  horfcs  came  out  of  ^gypt,  for  fixe  hundred 
ficles  of  filuer,  and  one  horfe  for  an  hundred  and  fiftie.  And 
after  this  mancr  did  al  the  kinges  of  the  Heth€ites,andof 
Syria  fel  horfes. 

Chap.  XI. 
Silomon  louing  dmd  mdrying  mAme  rvemen  of  diuirsnAttonSyh  irav&en  by 
thcmtoideUtrn,  9.  God therfore offended fuffcnth ^dAdtinldumtAOy 
23.  B^'X^n  kfi"'^  of  DamafcHSy  16.  and^Hierohoum  hiso'pnefem^ntto 
r/^akc  ^urre  agmnfl  him.  29.  ^hitt*  ihe  prophctforttUith  Bieroloamy 
thttt  be ibal rei^ne oHcr team  ttiheif  leaning iut two  to  SAlowons  heyres, 
38.  vvith  frcmifs  toprofpety  if  he  feme  God.  42.  Salomon  dtith. 

1  A  Nd  king  Salomon  loucdmanievaraen  ftrangers,  the 
Jl\  daughter  alfo  of  Pharao  ,  and  Moabirc3,and  Ammo- 

2.  nit'cs,  Idumeians,  and  Sidoniani ,  andHcthcians;  f  of  the 
nations,  wherof our  Lord  fayd  fo  the  children  of  Ifrael :  Yeu 
flial  not  goeinvRto  them,  neither  shalanie of  thcjn  CO mein 

Vhuu  ynro 

.    ,/r5<3  T  fi  I  R  D  BOO  ic  E  ;  '^aiomon,, 

vnro  y6arSvFor  thev  wii'  moll  certainly  turne  a^ay  yeur  kartes- 
tofola^x^tlieii-  je.oddes.  To  thefc  thcrforc\ras  Salomon  copied 
inmoitfenieiicloue.tAMcl  he  had  wines  as  it  were  queenes  j  , 
•iTlioQgliplu-  (caen  hundred,,  and  concubines  three  hundred:  and  the 
ralitic  of  v?t-    ^cmen  tinned  away  his  hart,  f  AadH7henhe  \vasnoNr  old,  <> 
""^^?  ^^'^'^  ^^^  ^^^'^  ^'"^^  depraaed  by  Nremen,  that  "he  folowed  ftrange 
it  was  forbid    goddes:  ncichsr  -was  his  hart  pcrfc6b  with  our  Lord  his  God, 
.ro  multjphe    a$  the  hart  of  Dauid  his  father,  f  But  Salomon  \rorshippcd  5 
mtnl9.Dt»t,  .  ^yPcarthcc  the  goddeffe  of  the  Sidonians,and  Moloch  the  idol 

oithc  Animonitfs.   j-  And  Salomon  did  that  ^hich  was  not  ^r 
liked  before  ow:  Lord,  and  he  accomplished  not  to  f-blovrour 
Lord,  as  Dauid  his  father,  f  Th<;n  buik  Saloraon  a  temple  to    " 
Ganios  the  idol  of  Moab,  in  rhc  aiount  that  is  agayn  (l  lerufa- 
lem  ,  and  to  Moloch  the  idol  of  the  children  of  Ammon^  . 
f  And  in- this  raancr  did  iae  toal  his  DriueschatNyereflran-  S 
ger? ,  \phich  burnt  frankcncenfe ,  and  immolated  to  their 
goddes.  t  Thfrfors oar  Lord  vasxrrath -with  Salomon,  be-    9  . 
caufe  his  mindc  ^13  turned  axray  from  our  Lord  the  God  of 
IfraeljNrho  had  appeared  vnto  hiiri  the  fecond  ryme,  -f- and  i© 
had  cofnmandcd  him  concerning  this  ^rord,  thar  hs  should 
not  folow  ftrange  goddc«,  &:  he  kept  not  ?he  shinges'^'hich  ' 
our  Lord  commiinded  him,  f  Our  Lord  thcrfore  (ayd  to  Si-  n 
lomon:  Becaufe  thovi  haft  done  this,  and  ha^  not  kept  my 
couenant ,  and  my  precrpres,^hich  I  haue  commanded  thee, 
breaking  I  wi!  rent  ai.ii:sd2rfhy  kingdc-sn,  and  ^^il  ;^eue  it  to 
thyfcrumt.  t  Neuerrbeleilein  rhy  dayesI^ilnordceii,bc-   12  • 
caufe  of  Dauid  thy  father  :  out  of  the  hand  of  thy  fonne  I  wil 
__       .,         rent  it,  f  neither  \»^il  I  take  av^ay  the  vrhole  kingdom,  but  15 
'■^  r' J  '^'^'^      ■'  °^'^  nVoQ  I  wil  gcue  ro  thy  Tonne  for  Dniid  my  feruanr,  and    \ 
■vBvIeruulc.T.  '*  lerufaiera.  i:'hich  I  hiue  chofen.  -f  And  our  Lord  rayfed  14 
is  vnacwlbod  vo anaducrfai-ie  to  Salomon, Ada'd  an  Idumcircof  thekingfs 
■the  tribe  of     fcede,  ^?'ho>3Pa'»  in  Edom.  +  For  when  Dauid  >ras  in  Idumea,  15 
Bciiamin,        ^^^^  Io:\b  the  general  of  the  ^-arfare  ^'SiS  eone  vp  to  burie 
{\00d.f9  there  tncra.  tbacwerellayne.andnadfiayneaimalekindinldumea,  '^ 

■rcmjiacd  tsre>  ( t  ^^^  ^^*^  uvkd  there  C\\  monerhcsandal  Ifrael,  til  he  ilew  iS 
cnbcstoSilc-  al  malekind  in  Tdumea, )  j  Adad  himfelf  Bed,  and  racaof  17 
mons  hcycfis.^  Idumea  of  his  fathers  fcruantes  with  him,  to  goe  into  ^gypt : 

and  Adadiwasalitleboy  .  f  And \Brhen  they  rofe  out  of  Ma-  iS 
dian,they£amein?oPharan,  and  they  rookevt^ich  theisi  men 
of  Pharnn,  and  entered  into  .€gypt  to  Pharao  the  king  of  ^- 
^ypt :  ^ho  gauc  him  a  houfc,  and  appoyntcd  him  nieatcs,and 


Salomon.  oy  king  is.  7|i 

Z5»  afllgued  Iiim  land,  f  And  Adad  found  grace bcfcrcPharao 
excedinglvjin  Co  wiiich  that  he  gaut  him  ro  vifc,thc  s;crn-.ane 

20  filter  of  his  vriic  Taphnes  the  quecnc.  f  And  the  fiOcr  ©f 
Taphnes  bare  him  a  fonne  Gcnubathj  and  Taphnes  brought 
him  vp  inthehGufeof  Pharao  :  and  Genubath  \ras  dwelling 

2.t  at  Pharaoes  houfe  with  his  children,  -f  And  when  Adad  in 
^fjpr  had  heard,  that  Dauid  flept  \Fith  his  fathers  ,  and  that 
lo-J.b  the  general  of  the  xrarefare  wasdead,  hefajdroPha- 

ii  rao  :  Diiiniile -me,  that  I  may  goeinromy  countrie.  -f  And 
Pharao  fayd  to  kim  :  For  whai:  iackeft  thou  withme^  that 
rhouTeckeftto  goeintothyneovncccnnTrie?  But  heanfwc- 
red:  Nothing  ryet  f  belech  thee  that  thou  dih-uiile  nac^  .  > 

1}  t  Gcdallo  rsyi'ed  vp  to  him  anaduerfarie  ,  Razon  the  fonne 

^.&eT,  oFEliada,  who  had  fled  Adarezer  thckingofSoba  hislord  : 

10.  24  t  ^"d  he  gathered  nien  agaynft  him  ,  and  h«   became  the 

captayneof  thcues, -when  Dauid  killed  them  :  and  they  wenc 

ro  Damafcus  ,  and  dwe!r  there  ,  and  they  hiir.  king  in  . 

Z-j  Damafcus,f  and  he 'vs^asa-naduerfaric  to  Ifrael  ••  al  the  dayes  .,  .p_. 

of  Salomon  :  and  this  IS  the  euil  of  Adad,  and  hatred  agaynft  ij^^^^^^^^^^^ 

t6  Ifracl ,  and  he  reigned  in  Syria,  f  I^roboamalfo  the  fonne  of  lomoa  fd  to 

Nabath,  an  Ephrathciteof  Sareda,  the  (cruant  of  Salomon, ^^t;Iatrie,  he 

whofe mother  >a-as  called  Serua,  a  woman  widow  liftcdvp  ^•'asraoicjm- 

:^j  his  hand  agaynft  the  king,  f  And  this  is  the  caufe  of  his  re- Jjj"|"^pgj.  ^^ 

beliion  agsynft  him,  becaufc  Salomon  built  Mtllo,  and  filled  tunl  aduciTa- 

2.8  vp  the  breachc  of  the  citie  of  Dauid  his  father,  f  And  Icro- ncs.Adac!,Ra'' 
boam  was  a  llreng  man  and  mii^htie  :  and  Salomon  feingthc  ^^''^.andHie- 
younaraan  of  a  good  wirte  &  induftriouSjhad  made  him  chief  r°,^M^  ''/^^'' 
-^5  ouer  the  tributes  oral  the  houle  or  lolcph.  f  Itcame  to  pallc  fvinat'iiciicfli:, 
therfore  at  that  tyme,  that  Icroboanni  went  out  of  Icrufalcm,  the  world, and 
and  the  prophetc  Ahias  the  Silonite  found  him  in  the 'Nf'ay, 'l^^diucl. 
couered  witk  a  new  clokc  :  and  they  two  onlic  were  in  the 

|o  field,  t  And  Ahias  taking  his  new  cloke  ,  wherwithhe  was 

31    couered  ,  '■'  cur  it  into  twcluc  partes,  f  And  he  fayd  to  lero- 

boam  :  Take  vnto  thee  ten  pieces;  for  thus  fayrh  our  Lord  j."^^'^^^/^^^" 
the  God  of  Ifracl :  Befeold  I  wi!  rent  the  kinpdom  out  of  the  ^'"^5      'I 

31 -hand  of  Swlomon  ,  and  wii  geu«  thee  ten  tribes,  -f  But  one  hefnokrfcri- 
tribe  (halremaync  to  hi,m  for  my  (eruant  Dauid  ,  and  lerufa-  oufly  ^faine^ 
1cm  the  citic,  which  I  haue  chofen  of  al  the  tribes  of  Krael :  "^^■ 

^3  t  bccaufehehath  forfakcn  me,  and  hath  adored  Aftarthce 
the  goddefle  of  the  Sidoni?ns,  dc  Chamos  the  god  of  Moab, 
:CLnd  2\4oloch  the  god  of  the  children  of  Ammon:  andhath  c, 

Y 11  iiu  2.  nor:  .    . 

7)1  Third  booke  Salomon dieth* 

not  walked  in  my  waies,to  doe  iaftice  before  me, and  my  pre- 
ceptes,  and  iudgemencesas  Damd  his  father,  f  Ncicherwil  34 
I  take  away  al  the  kingdom  out  oi  his  hand,  but  1  wil  make 
him  prince  al  the  daies  of  his  \\iz  y  for  Dauid  my  (truants, 
vrhomi  cliofe,  Nvaokeptmy  comraandracntes  and  my  pre- 
cept  es .  t  But  I  wil  take  a^sray  the  kingdom  out  of  his  fonncs  55 
hand,  and  >s^il  gene  thee  ten  tribes :  t  and  to  hisfonnel  wil  5^ 
geuc  one  tribe,  that  there  may  remayne  a  iampe  to  Dauid  my 
reruantacal  times  before  me  in  Ierufalem,thecitie  which  I 
haue  chofen,  that  my  name  might  be  there,  f  And  thee  wil  37 
Irake,andthoushaltreignc  ouer  al  thinges,  that  thy  foule 
defireth,  and  thou  shalt  be  king  ouer  Ifrael.  f  Iftherfore  5S 
thou  wilt  heare  al  thinges,  that  I  shal  command  thee,  and 
wilt  walke  in  my  waies,  and  doe  that  which  is  right  before 
me,  keeping  my  commandmentes  and  my  preceptes,  as  Da- 
uid my  feruant  did:  I  wil  be  with  thcc,  and  wil  build  thee  a 
fayrhful  houfe,  as  I  built  a  houfe  to  Dauid,  and  I  wildehuer 
Ifrael  to  thee  :  f  and  I  -wil  afflicQ:  the  feede  of  Dauid  vpon  this,  5^ 
but  yet  not  alwaies.  f  Salomon  therfore  would  haue  killed  40 
leroboam:  who  arofe,  and  fled  into  ^gypt  toSefactheking 
of /£gypt,  and  wjis  m  ^gypc  vntil  the  death  of  Salomon-', 
t  Andrhercftofchewordes  of  Salomon,  and  ai  that  he  did,  41 
and  his  wifedom :  behold  they  are  al  written  m  the  Booke  of      '  ' 
jrVVhetner     the  Wordcs  of  the  daies  of  Salomon,  f  k\\^  the  daies,  that  Sa-  42 
lie  repented     lomon  reigned  in  lerufalem  ouer  al  Ifrael ,  aiefourtieyeares. 
orlrr  fl''^'^  "^  And  Salomon  :•■   ilept  with  his  fathers,  and  was  buried  45  ' 
°a\nc?'^^^"'^'in  the  citie  of  Dauid  his  father,  and  Roboam  iiis  fonne  rei- 
gned for  him_.. 

Chap.     XII. 
T{a'joim  foloYvlng  yom^mens  co!infel,i6,  lerohaAmpopffeth  ten  tribes  of  his 
The  thirdpart.      Kitmlom.  21.  Vl^hich  he  endomrin^io  recover  by  '^xrre,  is  admanuhedhy 

The  diuifion  ap'^opbei  to  ceafe.  z6.  Hlerobodm  fetteth  >/'  o-oUen  cdues  to  beddored,  ^^^^^^^  .         .  .      ...       JO 

tloin.Scnfral  o 


tn7  temples,  altAVes,  dnd priejles  -fittefor  hufurpo/e. 

laice hinges:      ^    No  Roboam  came  into  Sichem:  for  thither  \ras  al  i 
ana  preaching  /"\  Ifrael  gathered  together  to  make  him  king,  f  Butle-  z 
V^^J^g'^'f^'*"  roboam  the  fonnc  of  Nabat,when  he  was  yet  in  ^gypt  fu- 
giriue  from  the  face  of  king  Salomon,  hearing  ofhis  death, 
returned  out  of. ^gyp;-.  f  And  thc7  fent  and  called  him:  le-  5 
roboam  therfore  came,  and  al  the  multitude  of  Ifrael, and 
they  fpakc  to  Roboam,  faying.  •{•  Thy  fatherlaydaraofthard  4 


Roboam.  of  king  es.  755 

yoke  vpon  vs:  thou  therforc  diminish  now  a lirlc  of  thy  fa- 
thers moft  hard  empire,  and  ofthe  mod  hcauie  yoke,  that  he 
I  layd  vpon  vs  ,  and  we  vilferue  thee,  f  "Who  faydto  them  : 
Goc  vntil  the  third  day,  and  returnetomc.  And  when  the 

6  people  was  gone,  -f-  king  Roboam  tooke  counfel  with  the 
anci^ntes,  that  afliftcd  before  Salomon  his  father,  whiles 
he  yet  lined,  tnd  he  fayd  :  What  coun(cI  doe  you  geue  me, 

7  that  I  may  aniwer  this  people?  f  Who  fayd  to  him  :  If  this 
day  thou  wilt  yeld  to  this  people,  and  condefcend  to  them, 
and  graunt  to  their  petition  ,  and  wilt  fpeake  to  rhcm  gentle 

S  wordes,  they  wil  be  thy  feruantesal^jfaies.  f  Wholeaftthe 
counfel  ©f  the  ancientes,  which  they  had  gcuen  him,  and 
admitted  yongmcn,  that  had  bene  brought  vp  with  him,  and 
2?  way  ted  on  hull,  f  and  he  fayd  to  them:  What  counfel  geue 
you  me,  that  I  may  anfwer this  people,  which haue fayd  to 
me:  Make  the  yoke  lighter  M'hich  thy  father  hath  put  vpon 

io  vs  ?  f  And  the  yongmen,  that  had  bene  brought  vp  wirh  him, 
fayd  :  Thus  fpeake  to  this  people,  which  hauc  Ipoken  to 
thee,  faying :  Thy  father  aggrauated  our  yoke  ,  doc  thou  eafc 
it.  Thus  &alt  thou  (peake  to  them  :  My  leaft  finger  is  grofTer 

ii  then  the  backe  of  my  father,  f  And  now  my  father  layd 
vpon  you  a  heauie  yoke,  but  I  wil  adde  vpon  your  yoke  :  ray 
father  bette you  withfcoHrges,butI  wil  beatey©uwitkfcor- 

II  pions.  t  leroboam  thcrforecarae,  and  ahhe  people  to  Ro- 
boam the  third  day,  as  the  king  had  fpoken,  faying :  Returns 

15  to  me  the  third  day.  f  And  the  king  anfwered  the  people 
rough  wordes,  leauing  the  counfel  of  the  ancientes,  which 
they  had  geuen  him,  f  and  he  fpakc  t©  thcra  according  to 

14  the  counfel  of  the  youngmen,  faying:  My  father  made  your 
yoke  heauie,  but  I  wil  adde  to  your  yoke:  my  father  bettc 
you  with  whippes  ,  but  1  wil  beate  you  with  fcorpions  . 

ij  t  A"'^  t^s  ki"g  condefccnded  not  t©  the  people:  becaufe 
our  Lotd  was  turned  awav  from  him,'-  that  he  might  rayfe  vp 
his  word,whiGh  he  had  fpoken  in  the  hand  of  Ahias  the  Silo-  '•  Ti^i?  phraife 

16  nite,  toleroboam  the  loane  of  Nabat.  j  The  people  ther-  ^q^^  no^  the 
fore  feing  that  the  king  would  not  heare  them,anfwer€d  final  caufe.  As 
him,  faying:  What  parthaue  wein  Dauid?  or  whatinheri-  cfr^p  .14,^. ;?. 
tance  in  the  {onne  of  Ifai  ?  Goc  into  thy  tabernacles  Ilrael, 

now  fe«  to  thy  houfe  Daaid.  And  Ilrael  went  into  their  ca- 

17  bernacles.  t  But  oucr  the  children  ©f  Ifrael,  whofoeucr 
iS  dwelt  in  the  cities  ©f  I^ia^Roboam  r«igt\cd.  f  King  Roboam 

V  tt  u  u  5  "  thetfore 

754  Third  BOOK!  Icroboam^ 

therfore  fcnt  Aduram,  who  \r'as  ouer  the  tributes;  and  al  If- 
rarl  iloncd  him,  and  he  died,  morcouct  King  Roboam  in  haft 
■went  vp  inco  his  vhariotc,  and  fled  into  lerufalcni :  f  and  i^ 
li'rael  rctiolced  from  the  houfc  of  Dauid,  vntii  this  prcfent 
day.  I  Anditcama  topafTc  when  al  Ifrad  had  heard,  that  iq 
leroboam  xpas  rcrurftsd,  they  fentjandrcalledhJmjan  afTcm- 
blic  being,  gathered  ,  and  they  rBadc  him  king  ouer  alffracl, 
neither  did  any  raanfolos-r  thehoule  of  Daijid  befide  thettibc 
oFludaonlic.  f  AndRoboau^canae  tolcrafalcm^andgarhe-  it 
red  together  alche  houfsof  luda,  and  the  tribe ©rBgnjimin, 
nn  hundred   fourcfcor^  thou'.-ind  chofen  men  wariicrs ,  to 
fight  agaynft  ;hs  houfe  oflfrael,  and  to  reduce  the  kingdom 
to  Roboam  the  (bnnc  of  Salomon  .  f  But  thc>orord  ofour  i& 
Lord  came  to  Semeias  the  man  of  God,  faying  :  f  Speakc  ro  i| 
Roboam  the  (onneef  Salomon,  the  king  of  luda,  and  to  al  , 

the  houfc  of  luds,  and  Beniamin,  and  the  reft  of  the  people, 
laying :  f  Thas  fayth  our  Lord :  You  ilial  not  goc  vp,  neither  14 
thai  you  fight  agaynft  your  brethren  the  children  of  Ifrael: 
let  eueric  man  rctucnc  into  hishoufe,  for  this  word  is  done 
byme.  They  heard  the  ^ord  of  oar  Lord,  and  returned  from 
their  iourney  as  our  Lord  had  commanded  them,  -f  And  le-'  zj 
roboam  built  Sichcm  in  mount  Ephraim,  and  dweh  there: 
and  departing  thence  he  built  Phanuel.   f  And  leroboam  "16 
fayd  in  his  hart:  Novr  wil  the  kingdornrcturne  to  the  houfe 
©fDduid,  t  if  this  people  shal  goe  vp  to  make  facrifices  in  ij 
the  houfe-of  our  Lord  into  lerufalcm  :  and  the  hart  of  this 
people  wil  be  turned  to  their  lord  Roboam  the  king  of  luda, 
and  they  wil  kil  me,  andrcrurne  to  him.  f  And  finding  out  1% 
i;Adiuelirr.  po  "adeuiiehc  nsad^  tvro.goldcn  ealues,and  fayd  to  them  :  Goc 
licietoraakea  y^  „q  more  into  lerufalcm:  Behold  thy  poddes  Ifrael,  ^-hich 

rcli2ioa  con-    1  ,        ,  rit         \     r   r  jajl' 

formable  to  brought  rh?c  out  oHhc  Latsd  of /Egvpt.  |  And  he  put  one  in  i$ 
the  tcmperal  Bethel ,  and  the  other  in  Dan :  f  and  this  thing  ■«'as  an  occa-  30 
Itate.  lienoffinne  :  for  the  people  xyeni  t©  adore  I  We  calfe,  as  farre 

as  Dan.  -j-  And  he  made  temples  in  the  excelfcs,  and  prieftcs  31 
^.-Forfuchare  ::  ©f  the  abieAes  of  the  people,  which  vcrenotof  the  chil- 
'nc°a  drenofLeui.  f  And  hcappoyntcdalGlerane  day  ia  the  eight  ji 

fitcaft.  snonech  ,  the  fiftenth  day  of  the  moneth,  after  the  fimilirudc 

of  the  lolemniriiT,  that  ^.is  celebrated  in  luda.  And  going  vp 
he  made  in  like  maner  an  alraf  in  Bethel ,  t©  immolate  to 
hi)l  ^"^  b°      ^^^  calucs  ,  \7hich  he  had  framed  :  and  he  orday  ned  in  Bethel 
tiieriacrificgif^^^^'^^  of  the  ". cxcelfcs,  which  he  had  made,  f  And  he  53 


I     A   Nd 

lerohoam, .  o  f  k  r  n  g  i  s.  755" 

^em  vpon  th«  alcar,  which  he  had  tuilt  in  Bethel ,  the  ftK  "lues,  an<i  o- 
tcnth  day  of  the  eight  nioncth,  N^hich  he  had  forged  out  of  IJl^^  iw^e'cs 
his  owne  hare:  nnd  he  made  a  (olcrr.nitie  to  the  children  of  ofcaluci. 
Ifracl,  and  \rent  vp  vp©n  the  alrsr,  to  b uinc  inctnf c. 

Chap.     XIII. 
Z^ *fr6^hi}  feiti  frem  Itida  ta  Bdhtlfortnlitth  the  iirti  <sf  hftas ,  and  aeftru- 
ftion  of  leniiOAms  Altir^  4.  i»hofe  k*nd  hnfigfudtniy  yvitkeredy  6.  n  re- 
^ored  y/the  f>rofieh  prayer,  n.  fheftmeprti^hefis  dtiuucdby  4n  oh'tn' 
Prophet f  and JUine  l>y  a  li6», ;;.  H urohodm proceedeth  m  tm^itiie, 

Nd  beholdaman  of  Godcameoucof  luda^in  the  ^ord 
our  Lord  into  Bethel,  leroboarn  •'•  ftandisg  vpon 
X  the  altar,  and  cenfing.  -j-  And  he  cried  out  againft  the  altar- 
in  the  word  of  our  Lord,  and  fayd:  Altar,  altar,  thus  (aitii  cur 
Lord :  Behold  a.child  flbal  be  borne  to  the  houfe  of  Dauid, 
named-- Io(ias,andhe  OialimmoJatevpon  thcc  pricftcs  of  the  ...t-l-  r 
cxceires,\rhicb  now  doe  burne  frankencenfc  on  thee,  and  iijcvi-incy  lono^ 

3  he  fhal  burne  mens  bones  vpon  thee,  f  And  he  gauc  a  Tignc  before  tho 
in  that  day,  faying:  This  fhal  be  thefigne,  tharour  Lord  hath  nsmecfa 
fpokcn:  Behold  the  altar  shal  he  cloucn,  and  the  ashes  shal  Jil^'^'tiVbe'^ 

4  be  po'vs'red  oiu  in  it.  j'  And  \rhcn  the  kinghad  heard  the  b„rncimpor- 
Vordof  the  man  ofGod, 'vhich  lie  cried  out  againft  the  altar  tcthrhathe 
in  Bethel,  he  ftrctched  forth  his  hand  from  the  altar,  fsying:  fiiould  do 
Take  him.  And  his  hand  withered,  which  he  ftrerched  forth  S^;*'^  '^H^H' 
agaynft  him  :  neither  xras  he  able  to  draw  it  backevnto  him.  ^**"*'   '-i-'^^' 

$  f  The  altar  alfc^asclouen, and  the  ashes  vcre  po^»'red  cut 
ofthsaltar, according  to  the  figne  which  the  man  of  God 

^  had  told  before  in  the  vordof  our  Lord. -j-  And  the  king  faid 
to  the  man  of  God:  Befech  the  face  of  out  Lard  thy  God, 
and  pray  for  me,  that  my  hand  may  be  rcftored  rae.  And  the 
man  ofGod  befoughtthe  face  of  our  Lord,  and  the  kinoes 
hand  wa,^  reftored  to  him,  and  \z  became  as  it  xvas  before. 

7  t  And  the  king  fpakc  to  the  man  of  God  :  Come  honac 
with  me,  that  rhou  mayil  d-j.nt,  and  Ivii  geuc  thcgiftcs* 

5  f  And  the  man  of  God  ttnfwered  the  king :  If  thou  vouU 
deit  geue  me  the  halfe  part  of  thy  houfe,  I  wil  not  come 
Tirirh  thee,  nor  eatc  bread,  ncr  drinkc  "water  in  this  place; 

^  t  forfoxrasitenioynedin  the^s'ordofourLordcomaQdino: 
Thou  (halt  not  eate  bread  nor  drinkc  vrater,  nor  rjturne  by 

•0  the  vay  that  thou  cameft.  ■\  He  departed therfore  by  an  other 
way,  and  returned  not  by  diG  \ray,that  the  came  into  BetheL 

t  And 

73^  Thirdbooke  Icroboam.  Ahias. 

\  And  a  certaine  prophctc  being  old  dwelt  in  Bethel,  to  u 
-vhoai  hii  fonnes  came  and  told  him  al  the  woikcs,  rhat  the 
man  of  God  had  done  that  day  in  Bethel :  and  the  v^ordes 
■which  he  had  fpokcn  to  the  king,  they  told  thtir  father, 
f  And  their  fatheL- fayd  to  thesi :  What  way  xjrent  he.l  His  it 
lonnes  fns^ed  him  the  xray,  by  vrhieh  the  man  of  God  vras 
gone,  which  6imc  out  of  lada.  ■{-  And  he  (aid  to  his  fonngs:  ij 
Sadie  me  and  aiTe.  who  when  they  had  fadled  ir,  he  got  vp, 
+  and  \Tent  after  the  man  of  God,  and  found  him  fitting  14 
vader  a  terabinrh  :  and  hefaiatohira:  Art  thou  the  man  of 
God  that  ca^eft  outof  Iuda?Heanf«'cred  :  I  amhc.  t  And    i; 
he{-3.ydtohia%:  Come  home  \rith  me,  that  thou  mayft  eite 
bread,  -f  Whofayd:  I  can  not  rcturue,  nor  c?irae  with  thee,  i^ 
neither  will  eate  bread,  nor  drinke  "vrater  in  this  plact^: 
t  becftiifeour  Lord  fpake  to  me  in  the  word  of  our  Lord,  17 
^  faying:  Thou  fhaltsaotcate  bread,  and  thou  &alt  not  drinke 
Bethcf^a^la'  '^^tsr  thcrCsnor  returne  by  the  way  thou  weHtclt.  -f  "^ho  i§ 
dcede  a  pro-     ^^V^^  f  ^  ^in? :  I  alfo  am  a  prophet  like  to  thee :  and  ••  an  Angel 
phetsfGod,    hath  (poken  romciR  the  word  of  our  Lord,  faying  :  Bring 
burin  ttis  lied  him  backevirh  tkcc  into  thy  houfe, that  he  may  eate bread, 
jic'Q<  .7>3^^  ai;ij  drinke  water.  He  decciued  him-^j  t  and  brought  him  if 
theotkerpm-  backe  with  him  :  he  did  eate  therfore  bresd  in  his  houfe,  and 
phet,  made      drunkc  Water,  f  And  when  they  fare  at  the  table,  the  word,'  id 
iiimto  breake  of  out  Lord  to  the  prophete,  that  brought  him  backc. 
Go  s  com-      .J.  And  he  cried  oat  to  the  man  of  God,  which  came  out  of  zi 
which  he  i'as  ^^^^i  fdyiag:  Thus  fayth  our  Lord:  Becaufe  thou  haft  not 
flsine  vvher-  bcenc  obedient  to  the  mouth  of  our  Lord, and  haft  not  kept 
vpoR  Itiero-    ths  commandment,  which  our  Lord  thy  God  commawded 
,    '^.f  ^''^®'"  thee,t  ^"^  ^^^  returned,  and  eaten  bread,  &  drunke  water  in  ,  la. 
piVri^-^crht^"  ^^^  place  wherin  he  commanded  thee  that  thou  ihouldeft  not 
toplcare)was  c^te  bread,  nor  drinke  water,  thy  dead  bodie  thai  not  be 
leflcafeardto  brought  into  the  fepulchre  of  thy  fathers,  f  And  when  he  25 
precede  in       J^ad  eaten  &druiike,  he  fadled  his  affe  for  the  prophct,whom 
idoatne.         |^^  brought  backc.  t  "Who  whenhe  was  gone,  a  lion  found  24 
::Not©nly  tKe  ^^^  ^^  ^^^  "^^J^  *"*^  *'  ^'^^'^^  ^^^>  ^"^  ^^^  bodie  was  caft  forth 
decctner,'buc   in  the  way  :  and  the  afTe  ftood  by  him,  and  the  lion  flood  by 
alfo  hethatis  the  dead  bodie.  f  And  behold,  men  paffing  by  faw  the  dead  if 
deceiHed  IS     bodie  cafl  inthe  way.  and  the  lion  (landina;  behde  the  bodie. 
HiPnablefoi      ^.nd  they  came  and diuulgeditmthe citie,wherein thatoia 
breakigGods  ptophgt  dwelt  j  f  ^Vhich  when  that  prophet  heard,  which  iC 
comsRoiraent.  had  brought  him  backe  out  of  the  way,  he  hjd:  It  is  the 

Icroboam.  of  king es.  737 

man  of  God,  rKat  >yas  difobedicnt  to  themoutli  of  our  Lord, 

and  our  Lonj  iiach  deliucrcd  him  to  ilie  lion,  d  he  hath  tome 
iiim,  and  killed  In'm  accordint;  to  the  word  ©four  Lord  ,  thtt 

•  Zy  he  fpakc  to  him.  f  And  heVayd  to  hisfonnes :  SadJemean 
i8  a/lc.  Who  when  they  had  fadied,  f  and  hcwasgons^ ,  he 
found  bis  dead  bodic  caft  forth  in  the  way,  and  the  allb  and 
thehonftandinobythecoF(e:  the  Hon  =:  old  not  eaicof  the  ::By  thisit^^- 

■  ap  dead  Dodie,  nor  hurt  the  a(re.  f  The  prophet  thcrforc  (ookc  P^^^cih  to  be 

thecorreofthemanotGod,andIayduvuontheaiTc,  andre.  ^°^*''°^'^'' 
turningbroughtnnuo  the  citie  of  the  old  prophete ,  that  11?"°'^'"- 

30  they  might  rnourne  for  him.  f  And  helayd  hiscorfein  his         "' 
o>»'ne  fepulchie:  and  tney  n-,ourned  for  him:  Alas,  alas  my 

y.  btother.  j  And  when  they  had  mourned  for  him,  hefavdto 
his  ronncs:  When  I  fi>al  be  dead,  bnric  mem  the  fepulchrc. 
whercm  the  man  of  Ged  is  buried  :  bcfide  his  bones  lay  try 

31  bones,  t  For  afTuredly  the  word  (hal  come  to  paOe,  which 
he  hath  foretold  m  the  word  of  our  Lord  agaynft  the  altar 
that  IS  m  Bethel:  and  agaynft  al  the  temples  of  the  e^celfcs. 

53  that  arc  m  the  cities  of  Samaria,  f  After  thefewordes  Ier«- 
bomi  returned  nor  from  his  wicked  way :  but  on  the  corj- 
trarie  parr  he  m  ide  of  the  moft  abie^  of  the  people  prif  ftes 
oi  the  e;ccd(es  :  Whofoeucr  woald,  he  filled  his  hand/and  he 
34  was  made  a  piicftof  ihee^tcelfes.  t  And  for  this  caufc  di<i 
ihehoufVof  Icroboam  finnc,and  wasouerihiowen,  anddc^ 
ftroyed  from  the  face  of  the  earth. 

Chap.     XII II.  , .,, 

L^-45 iheprophnfoKhtWeib  th,  ruint  ^[ mmhz,mif*m^i^,  ,2.  nimtlj  rh 
d^^th  ofbisfontie.for  whom  Itm^  fuk.,  th.  motytr  cof^fnltah  ihe prophet, 
40.  f/terohoam  dteth,  *ndhii[onnc N^d^yra^nctLu.  s$me  aljo^f  the 
p^fle  of  Iicd4,  ccmmitur.^  idotdtne  ^tid  aiher  fwnes,  2;.  the  K,n^  of 
A^ypt  tnu.dcth^nd  Jack^thUter.faLm.  51.  j^oboMm  dutL  and  h»s  itnne 

'    A  ^  /^'^^  ""'^  ^^^^  thcfonneof  leroboam  wasfickc.. 

'    ^    u     L  .  I.'^'-oboam  [Ajd  to  his  wife:  Arile^and  change 

thy  habire,  thatthoubcnot  knowen  to  bethe  wifeof  Icro- 

boam,  and  goe  into  Silo,  where  Ahias  the  prophcte  is,  which 

%  to  me,  that  I  should  rcigne  ouer  this  people  .  \  Take 

alfo  in  thy  hand  ten  loaues,  and  cracknclcs.  andaveflelof 

nonic ,  and  goe  to  him  :  for  he  wiJ  shew  thee  what  shal  hat>» 

A  pen  to  this  childc.  t  The  wife  of  leroboam  did  ash.hS 

73^  Third  booke  kroboam dietk. 

fpoken:  and  ridng  vp  ^r€nt  into  Silo,%nd  cams  into  the  houfe 
of  Aiiias:  but  he  could  not  fee,  becaufe  his  eics  were  dimnic 
foirage.  f  Anioui:  Lordfaydto  Ahias:  Behold  the  wife  of/ 
leroboam  cometh  in,  to  confult  thee  concerning  her  fonnc 
that  is  fieks:  thus  and  thus  shalt  thou  fpeake  to  her.  Wtisn 
{he  therfore  entered  in  ,  and  dilTembled  to  be  that  she  was, 
t  Ahias  heard  the  found  of  her  feetcentring  in  at  the  doore,  6 
andfayd:  Corns  in  leroboams  wife:  Why  doeft  thou  fayne 
thy  felf  to  be  an  other  woman?  But  I  am  fsnt  to  thee  a  heauie 
meffenger.  f  Goc,and  tel  leroboaai:  Thus  fayth  our  Lord  7 
the  God  of  Ifrael  :  Becaufe  I  haue  exalted  thee  out  of  the 
raiidesof  the  people,  and  made  thee  prince  outc  my  peeple 
Iftaef:  f  and  haue  rent  the  kingdom  of  the  houfe  of  Dauid,  8 
and  geuen  it  ro  thee,  and  thouhaH:  net  beeiic  as  my  feruanc 
Dauid,  who  kept  ray  commandementes,  and  folowed  me  in 
al  his  hatt,  doing  that  which  was  wel  liked  in  my  fight :  f  bujt  ^ 
haft  wrought  euil  aboue  al,  that  haue  beene  before  thee,  and 
-„     ,       -~   haftmais  thee  ftrangs  and  molten  goddes,  "  that  thou  micrh" 
i'lA  notwir-    felt  prouoKe  me  to  anger ,  and  haft  ueiccted  me  beaind  tny 
tinf^lyant^of  •   backe  :  |  therfore  behold  I  wil  bring  in  suilsvpon  the  houfe  {.o 
purpofefetvp  of  leroboam,  and  wil  (Irike  of  leroboam  him  thatpyircth  ro 
falfcgoddes,    fi^g  ^al,  and  the  incloftd,  and  the  vileftin  Ifraehand  I  wil 
miffKt  pro-      clcanfc  the  rcmaynes  of  the  houfe  of  leroboam,  as  dung  is 
uoke  God  to    wonc  to  be  cleanfed  til  al  be  pure.-  -j- They  that  shal  die  of  11 
anger:  for  his  Ierob©ara  in  the  citie,thera  the  dogges  Hial  care;  and  ihey  that 
mtenrion  only  ^\^^\  ^[q  j^  jj^g  /ield,  them  the  foules  ofthe  ayre  shil  deuoure : 
waste    cpe      ]^^^^^[q  q^,^  Lq^^j  ]^^^\^  fpokcn.  f  Thou  therfarc  nrife,  and   12, 
the  people:  Fro  .  i       1        r  3   •       l  •  r    j       r 

croinTtolrru-  go^  into  thy  houle:  and  m  the  verie  entrance  of  thy  feete. 

falcmT,  left  by  into  the  citic,  the  childe  shal  die,  f  andallfrael  shal  mourne  15 
thatoccafion    for  him,  and  shal  burie  him  :  foi  tUis  onlie  of  leroboam  shal 
theyshouUre-     ^^  btoughc  into  the  fepulchrc,  becaufe  vpon  him  hath  becne 
their  Lard,  iinr  f^und  a  good  word  from  our  Lord  the  God  oflfracl,  in  the 
»fiud4.  ch.  \i.  houfe  of  leroboam.  f  And  our  Lord  wilappoynt  to  him  fclf  14 
T.  17.  Butbv    a  king  ouer  Ifrael,  that  shalflrike  the  houfe  of  leroboam  in 
^f^Hy  '^'"^^  this  day,andin  this  timc:t  and  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael  shal  15 
uoke  GodTon  ^"^^  it,  as  a  reede  is  wont  ro  be  moued  in  rhe  water  rand  he 
fequenrly  to     shal  pluckcout  Ifrael  from  this  good  countrie,which  he  gane 
an-zcr.So  here  to  their  fathers,and  shal  fcatter  them  ouer  the  Riuer:becaufe 
and  in  other    j^^y  )\^\xz  made  to  them  felucs  groues,  to  prouoke  our  Lord. 
^\xlL  Zthe  fAnd  our  Lordshaldeliuer  Ifrael  for  the  finnes  of  leroboam,  \6 
w«v/;f^rff«V/.'   who  hath  finned,  (?c  made  Ifrael  to  finne.  t  The  wife  therfore  17 

of  leroboam 

Roboamdieth.  of  kinges.  735 

olleroboamarofe,  and  departed,  and  cflmeinto  Ttcrfa:  siid  t^^t  it  ml^fitZe 
'o'hen  she  entered  the  threihold  of  the  houfe,  tke  childe  died,  (■j^^^'^;^3"gjj'^ 

18  t  andthcy  buried  him.  And  allfrael  mourned  for  him  accor-  notthffiral 
ding  to  the  word  of  our  Lord  ,  which  hefpakein  the  hand  of  caufc,butthc 

i^  hisieruant  Ahiasthcprophete.  f  But  thercft  of  the  wordcs  ffoudeof  o- 
of  leroboam  ,  kow  he  fought ,  and  how  he  reigiied,  behold  thcr  fa£Vcs, 
they  are  written  in  the  Bookeof  the  wordesof  ihedaiesof  ^"^j^°"Jj^"^ 

20  thekingesof  Ifrael.  f  And  the  daies, that  leroboam  reigned, 
are  two  and  twentie  yeares  :  and  he  flept  with  his  fathers:  and 

ai  Nadab  his  (onne  reigned  for  him  .  -f  Morcouer  Roboam  the 
fonneoFSalomon  reigned  in  luda:  one  and  foartie  yeares  old 
was  Roboam  when  he  began  ro  reigne:  feuentene  yeares 
reigned  he  in  Icrulalcm  the  citic  ,  which  our  Lord  chofe  to 
put  his  name  there,  of  al  the  tribes  of  Krael.  And  his  mothers 

11  name  was  Naama  an  Ammenire.  t  And  ludasdid  euil  before 
our  Lord,  and  prouckcd  hirH  aboucal  thinges,  that  their  fa- 

25  thershad  done,  in  their  finnes  which  they  (inned.  f  For  they 
alfo  built  them  altars,  and  ftaiues ,  andgroues  vpon  cuerie 

2^  high  hil,  and  vnder  euerietree  ful  pfgreneieauestfyca  and 
effeminates  were  in  the  ]and,and  they  did  al  theabominations 
of  thegenriics,  whichour  Lord  deftroyed  before  the  face  of 

2;  the  children  of  Ifiacl.  f  And  in  the  fifth  yeareof  the  reigne 
of  Roboam,Sefac  the  king  of /^gvpt  came  vp  into  lerufalenis 

iC  t  and  tooke  the  treafuresof  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  ,  and  the 
kinges  treafures,  andal  thinges  hefpoylcd:  the  shieldes  alfo 

27  of  gold, which  Salomon  had  made  :  -f  for  the  which  Roboam 
made  brafenshieldcsj&deliuered  them  into  the  hand  of  th« 
captayncsof  shield  bearers,  and  of  them  that  kept  watch  be- 

iS  fore  the  doore  of  the  kinges  houfe.  *}-  And  when  the  king 
went  int©  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  they  that  had  the  office  to 
goe  before,  caried  them:  and  afterward  they  recaried  them 

29  to  thearraourie  of  the  shicldbearers.  f  And  therellof  the 
wordes  of  Roboam,  &  al  that  he  did,  behold  they  are  written 

-   in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  the  daies  of  the  kinges  of  luda. 

30  t  And  there  was  warre  betwen  Roboam  and  leroboam  al- 

31  waies.  f  And  Roboam  ilcpt  with  his  fathers,  and  was  buried 
with  themin  thecitieof  Dauid  :  and  his  mothers  name  was 
Naama  an  Ammonite:  and  Abias  his  fonne  reigned  for  him. 

Chap.     XV. 
[.yflias  nigneth  wickedly  tnlttda  three  yedres.  8.  ^fterhim  his  fonne  ^f* 
fjiccedm^  deftrojeth  tdoUtrie^ret^mn/  fourtie  one  yeares. i6.  Vyho  hauing 

74«  T  H I R  D  B  o  o  K  E  oF  luda  Abias.  Afa 

tvirrtiwith  tht  k}n^  of  Ifr^el^  mtketh  lex^ite  with  tbei^in^  of  S^rit,  14. 
^fid/tnT  Iofiph*t [uccedeth.  i;.  MJid*^  reirneth  wickedly  twa  ysures 
inlp»tel,isthenfuinel?y  B44f4ofthi  tribeof  lf*ch4r  f  1^.  and  bts  whole 
familu  li  defirsyed.  55.  Biti[4  aIjq  rcigntth  ^ickedl-^  twennefoariytAra* 

TH  ERF  ORE  in  the  cightenth  ycarcofkinglcroboam  i 
thefonneof  Nabar,  Abiasreignedouerluda.  f  Three  1    . 
yearcs  reigned  he  in  lerufalem  :  the  name  of  his  mother  vas 
Maacha  the  daughter  of  AbcfTalom.  f  And  he  walked  in  al  5 
thcfinnesof  his  father,  which  he  had  done  before  him:  nei- 
ther was  his  hart  per  fed  with  our  Lord  his  God  »  as  the  hart 
of  Dauid  his  father,  f  But  for  Dauids  fake  our  Lord  his  God  4 
gaue  him  a  lamps  3n  lerufalem  ,  that  he  might  rayfevp  his 
::Dau;<3spo-    Ibnnc  after  him^andeftablish  lerufalem ;  f  -  bccaufc  Dauid  $ 
flcritieconfcr- had  done  right  in  the  ties  of  our  Lord,  and  had  not  declined    , 
^cdforhis       £j.Qj^  ^j  thiuges ,  which  he  commanded  him,al  thedaiesof 
'*'^''  his  hfc,  except  the  matter  of  Vriasthe  Hetheitc.  t  But  there  6 

"vas  vrarre  betwen  Roboaraand  leroboamalthetimeof  his 
life,  t  And  the  reft  of  the  wordes  of  Abias,  and  al  that  he  7 
dida  are  they  not  written  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  the 
kingesofUida?  And  there  was  warrc  betwen  Abias  and  Icro-    ' 
boam.  t  A"cl  Abia^sHcptwith  his  fathers,  and  they  buried  S  • 
him  in  thecitieof  Daind:and  Afa  his  fonne  reigned  for  him.     '  ■ 
t  In  the  twcnteth  yeare  therfore  of  leroboam  the  king  of  9  : 
Ifr.ael  reigned  AJa  the  king  of  luda.  f  And  be  reigned  one  10 
&  fourtie  yeares  in  lerufalem-  His  mothers  name  was  Maaca, 
ihe  daughter  of  Abeffalom.  f  And  Afa  did  right  before  the  ir 
fight  of  our  Lord,  as  Diuid  his  father :  f  andhetooke  away  1% 
she  effemmare  out  of  the  land  ,  and  he  purged  al  the  filth  of 
che  idols,which  his  fathers  had  made,  t  Moreouer  he  rcmo-  15     ; 
ued  alfo  Maaca  his  mother,  that  (he  (hould  not  be  princelTe  in 
the  facrifices  of  Priapus,  an  J  in  the  groue  which  she  had 
confccratedrandhedeftroycdherdenne,  and  brake  the  moft 
-TKofr^Ua-    filthieidol,  and  burnt  it  in  the  torrent  cedron:  t  but  ••  the  14 
re^  -x'^.irli  Sa-  cxccireshe  did  not  takeaway.  Otherwifethchartof  Afa  was 

,  \^^t      parfed  with  our  Lord  al  his  daics;  f  and  he  caricdin  thofe  15 
-..eforhis     ^.^.^^^^^  ^j^.^^  hi$,father  had  (andified,  and  vowed  into  the 

rm  1'  e  f 
Tci;7e<,  thnt 

,    rei'Water'houfc  of  our  Lotd,  fiUer and  goU.and  veflels   f  Andthere  i^ 
K(x  fleftrovc.1  v/as  warre  betwcn  Afa,  and  Baafa  the  king  of  Ifraelal  their 
""J- ^''' ^^^  .  daies.  t  Baafa  alfo  the  king  of  Hrael  went  vp  into  luda,  and  i^ 
rndAbUshTd  bmlt  R*ina,,  that  no  miii  migh:  go  out  or  come  in  of  Afaes 

Of  Ifracl Nadab.  of  k i  n  g  e s.  741 

iS  fide  the  king  of  luda.  t  Afa  therfore  taking  al  the  filucr,and  madc,orfuf-J 
cold  that  remained  in  the  treafurcs  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  ^'^'^f  J°  ^J  . 

»,.,  -  ,ii-  ir  ••  ,' madefot  their 

and  m  the  trcalures  of  the  kmges  houle,  g&ue  it  into  the  ownc people 
handcsof  his  fcruantcs.-and  iicfcntto  Bcnadad  the  fonnc  of  he  pulicd 
Tabrcraonthe  fonne  of  Hciion,  the  king  of  Sytia,  which  downe.  lofus 

19  dvf^eltin  Damafcus,  faying :  f  There  is  a  league  bctwcn  me  ^^'^'"^f^l^'^'^ 
and  thee,  dc  betwixt  my  father  and  thy  father:therfore  I  hauc  i^^J^ ^i^^h, 
fcnt  thee  gifresjfiiuer  and  gold:  and  Idcfire  thee  that  thou  Salomon  had 
come, and  make  ''oid  the  Icague^that  thou  haft  with  Baafa  the  nnauci.  p-m', 

lo-  king  of  Ifracl,  and  he  may  retire  from  me.  j-  Benadad  agreing  3+' 
to  king  Afa, fent the  princesof  his  armie  into  thccitiecsof 
Ifrael,  and  they  flroke  Ahion,  and  Dan,  and  Abcldoraum  of 
Maacha,andal  Cenneroth,ro  vitte,  al  the  Land  of  Neph- 

£1   thali.  I  which  \rhen  Baafa  had  heard, he  intermitted  to  build 

ii  Rama,and  returned  into  Therfa.  I  Bur  king  Afa  fent  word 

into  al  iuda,  faying  :  Let  no  man  be  excufcd.  and  they  rooke 

.ftonesfrom  Rama,  and  the  timber  therof,  >5'hei\fith  Baafa 

had  built, and  Afa  ofitbuilt  GabaaBcniamin,  and  Malpha* 

23  j"  Butthercft  of  al  the  wordcs  of  Afa,and  al  his  fcrccs,  and 
al  that  he  did,  &  the  cities  that  he  built,  are  not  thefe  written 
in  the  Bookc  of  the  words  of  the  daycs  ofthekinges  of  Iuda? 
Howbeit  in  the  time  of  his  old  age  he  was  dileafed  in  his 

24  fectc-J- And  he  flcpt  with  his  fathers,&  was  buried  with  them 
in  the  citic  of  Dauid  his  father.  And  lofaphat  his  fonne  reig- 

2j  nedforhim.  -f  But  Nadab  the  fonne  of  Jeroboam  reigned 
oner  Ifrael  thefccond  ycareof  Afa  the  king  of  Iuda:  and  be 

16  reigned  oucr  Ifrael  two  yeares.  -f  And  he  did  that  which  is 
cull  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  and  walkedin  the  waies  of  his 
father,  and  in  his  finneSjwherwich  he  made  Ifrael  to  finne. 

27  t  And  Baafa  the  fonne  of  Ahias  of  the  houfe  of  iHachar,  lay 
in  waytc  againft  him,  and  ftroke  him  in  Gebbcthon,  'S'hich  is     ■ 
acitieof  the  Philtftimes  :  for  Nadab  and  al  Ifracl  befiegcd    ■ 

a8  Gcbbethon.  f  Baifa  therfore  flew  him  in  the  third  yearc  of 

1^   Afa  the  king  of  Iuda,  and  reigned  for  him.  f  And  when  he    ' 

reigned,  he  ftrokc  ••  al  the  houfe  of  leroboam:  he  leaft  not  fo  .•.•Thcacrhout 
rauchasonefouleofhisfeedc,  til  hcdeftroied  him  according  of fchifoepu- 
to  the  word  of  our  Lord,  which  he  had  fpokcn  in  the  hand  of  "i^^^^^.'"  ^^'^ 

10  Ahias  the  Silonitc;  t  for  the  frnnesof  leroboam,  which  he  P*^"^^""^      / 
had  finned,  and  vherwith  he  had  caufed  Ifracl  to  finnc,  and 
for  the  offence,  wherwith  he  prouoked  our  Lord   the  God 

.^i  of  Ifracl,  t  But  the  reft  of  the  wordes  of  Nadab,  and  al 

^'wwv  5  that    - 

74^  Third  booke  of irraelBaafa.  Eh, 

that  he  wrought,  are  not  thefe  thinges  ^jrrirten  in  the  Booke 
ofthe  wordesofthedaiesofthckingesof  Ifraehf  And  there  51 
vas  -varre  bec\ren  ACa.  and  Baafa  the  king  of  Ifracl  al  their 
«[aies.  f  In  the  third  yeare  of  Afa  the  king  of  Iuda,r«igned  35 
Biifa  the  fonae  of  Ahias ,  ouer  al  IfraelinTherfa  foureand 
t>«7entieyeares.t  And  he  did  euii  before  our  Lord,  dc  walked  54 
in  the  waies  of  leroboam,  and  in  hisfimies,  wherwith  he 
made  Ifrael  to  finne. 

Chap.  XVL 
jebn  for prophecying  thedeflrufiionof  B^.afadndtis  heufe,  7.  is  flaine.S. 
yet  his  fonne eU  mgneth  two  yeares.  ^.Then  Z^mbri  reMeth,  k^Uetk  F.U^ 
dnd  rei^fteth.  16.  P4rt  of  the  people  chooftng  ^mti  {prince  of  the  itrmie) 
iheir  l(ing,iS.Zain(>ri  defforAtly  burneth  himfelfs  And  the  l^ingipalice^  ether  part  folotV  ThebntAi  kjn^til  his  death.  25.  ^mn  retgneth 
tvvelueyedres  I'Vnkedly.  29.  His  fonne  ^cbdfrccedeth,  marieth  leX^bel^ 
And  feruethSn4l.i4f.  Inthemenne  time  Hielrepinerh  Jericho. 

AN  D  the  word  of  our  Lord  came  to  lehu  the  fonne  of  r 
Hanani  agayn  ft  Baafa,  faying:  f  For  To  much  as  1  haue  z 
exalted  thee  out  of  the  duftfSc  fette  thee  duke  ouer  my  people 
Ifraelj  but  thou  kaft  walked  in  the  way  of  leroboam;,  and  haft 
made  my  people  Ifrael  to  finne,  that  thou  mighteft  anger  me 
with  their  fianes:  f  behold,  I  wil  cut  downe  the  pofteritie.5 
ofBaala,  andthepofteriticof  hishoufe^  and  I  wil  make  thy 
houfeasthehoufeoflerobeam  the  fonne  of  Nabat.  f  Who-  4 
foeucr  of  Baafa  shaldiein  thecitie,  hira  shalthe  doggcseate: 
and  whofoeuer  of  his  shal  die  inrhe  countrie,  him  shalthe 
fowlesof  the  ayre  deuoure.  f  Bur  thereft  of  the  wordesof  y 
Baafa  ,  and  whatfoeucr  he  did,  and  his  battels  ,  are  not  thefe 
things  written  in  the  Bookeofthe  wordesof  thcdaicsofthe 
kinges  of  Ifrael  ?  f  Baafa  thcrfore  flcpr  with  his-fathers,  and  <J 
was  buried  in  Theifa:  and  Eia  his  fonne  reigned  for  hiiTu. 
f  And  when  the  word  ofour  Lord  came  in  the  hand  of  lehu  7 
the  fonne  of  Hanani the  prophetcagaynft  Baafa,  andagaynft 
his  houfe,  and  agaynft  al  the  euil,  that  he  had  done  before  our 
Lord,  to  anger  him  in  the  workes  of  his  handcs,that  it  should 
be  made  as  thehoufeof  Icroboam:for  thiscaufe  he  flew  hira, 
that  is  to  fay,  lehu  the  fonne  of  Hanani,  the  prophete.  f  In  S 
the  fixe  and  twenteth  ycarcof  Afatheking  of  luda,  reigned 
Eli  the  fonne  of  Baafa  ouer  Ifrael  in  Therfa  two  yearcs.f  And  j? 
hii  feruancZambri  rebelled  agaynft  him,  the  captaync  of  the 


OflfriiclZambri.  Amri.         of  king  es.  745 

halfe  part  of  the  horfemen :  and  Ela  vras  in  Thcrfa  cliinking, 
and  dronken  in  the  houfe  of  Arfa  the  gouctKOur  of  Thctla_/. 

10  t  Zambti  therfore  rushing  in,  ftrokeandflcw  himin  the  fc- 
uen  and  twcnteth  yeare  of  /kfathe  king  of  luda^^c  he  reigned 

11  for  him.  f  And  >»'hen  heteigned,  and  fate  vpon  his  throne, 
he  ftroke  al  the  houfe  of  Baala,  and  he  Icaft  not  of  it  one  that 

j2  could  pyflc  agaynfl:  a  val,  &  his  kinsfolke  and  ff  endes.  f  And 
Zambri  deftroyed  al  the  houfe  of  Baafa ,  according  to  the 
\p'ord  of  our  Lord,  that  he  had  fpoken  to  Baafa  in  the  hand  of 

1}  lehu  the  prophet,  f  for  al  the  iinues  of  Baafa,  and  the  finnes 
of  Ela  his  fonne,  \('ho  finned,  and  made  Ifrael  to  finne,  pro« 

14  uoking  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael  in  their  vanities  .  f  But 
the  reft  of  the  ^3rordcs  of  Ela,  and  al  that  he  did,  are  nor  thefc 
writenin  theBookeof  the  wordesof  thedaies  of  thckingcs 

i;  of  Ifrael?  t  In  the  feuen  and  twenteth  yeare  of  Afa  the  king 
of  luda, reigned  Zambri  feuen  daies  in  Therfa  :  moreouerthe     • 

16  armie  beiicged  Gcbbethon  a  citie  of  the  Philifthincs.  -f-  And 
when  they  heard  that  Zambri  had  rebelled,  and  (layne  the 

king,  ''■  al  Ifrael  made  Amiitheir  king,  who  ^as  General  of  ;;Altho[etKa£ 

17  the  warfare  ouer  Ifrael  that  day,  in  the  campe.  f  Amri  ther-  ^crc  in  tlic 
fore  went  vp  ,  and  al  Ifrael  with  him  from  Gcbbethon,  aud.  campe  chofc 

iB  they  befiegedTherfa. ■{- And  Zambri  feing  that  the  eitie  should  t^ieirgenetal 
be  taken,  hevrent  into  the  palace,  and  burnt  him  felf  with  kinp^ajj/prg, 

i^   the  kinges  houfe:  and  he  died  f  in  his  finnes,  which  he  had  uailcd  therin : 
finned  doing  euil  before  our  Lord,  and  walking  in  the  way  ©f  though  an  o- 
Icroboam,andinhis  finne*,  wherwith  he  made  Ifrael  to  finne.  dierhalfoflfj 

xo  t  But  the  reft  ofthe  wordes  of  Zambri ,  andof histreafon,  ff  cholcand 
and  tyrannic  ,  are  not  thefe  tninges  writen  in  the  Booke  of  jj^^^  for  a 

21   the  wordes  ofthe  dayes  of  the  kinges  of  Ifraeh  f  Then  was  cLme. 
thepeopleof  Ifrael  diuided  into  two  partes:  the  halfepartof 
the  people  foiowed  Thebni  the  fonne  ofGincth,  to  make 

2i  him  king:  and  the  halfc  part  Amri.  f  But  the  people  that 
was  with  Amri  ,  preuayled  ouer  sihe  people  that  foiowed 
Thebni  the  fonne  of  Gineth-  and  Thebni  died,  and  Amri  jnlfhcndc^d 

13  reigned,  fin  "the  one  and  thirteth  yeareofAfa  the  king  of  he  reigned 
luda  Amri  reigned  ouer  Ifrael,  twelueycares:  in  Therfahe  peaceably  fot 

24  reigned  fix  ycares.  f  And  heboughtthemount  of  Samaria  l^e  began  his 
of  Somer  for  two  talcntes  of  filucr :  and  he  built  it, and  he  ^^^^^^^^cL-'^'. 
called  the  citie  which  he  had  built,  by  the  name  of  Semer  the  ,j.  ^-.°^^  ajj^' 

2j  lord  ofthe  mount  of  Samaria,  t  And  Amri  did  euil  inthc  icignedinal 
fight  of  our  Lordj  and  wrought  ^fickcdlyaboueal,  that  were  u.jearcj, 


744  Third  BOOKE  OF  IfracI  Achab. 

before  him.  j*  And  he  ^'^Iksd  in  4I  the  "o^ay  of  Icroboam  the  li 
fonneofNxbat,  aadin  his  Jsnncs  ^Fhcrvrirh  he  made  Ifrael  fo 
finne;  chic  they  might  anger  our  Lard  tiie  God  of  Ifrael  iu 
iheit  vanities,  f  Bur  the  reft  of  the  wordesof  Amri,  ar^d  the  17 
battels  he  made,  are  not  thelc  thinge.<:  writen  in  the  Bookc,  of 
the  battels  that  he  made  arc  not  thefe  tlxinges  written  in  the 
Booke  of  the  Nfordesof  the  daics  of  the  kinges  of  Itrael? 
•j-  And  Amriflept  \rith  his  fathers,  and  was  buried  in  Samaria  i8 
and  Achab  his  fonne  reigned  for  him.  f  Bur  Achab  the  fonne  ifj 
of  Amri  reigned  oucr  Ifrael  the  eight  and  thirccth  yearc  of 
Afa  the  kingof  luda.  And  Achab  the  fonne  of  Amri  reigned  ^^^ 

ouer  Ifrael  in  Samiariat>»'0  and  twentieyeares.  f  And  Achab  jo' 
the  fonne  of  Amri  did  euil  in  the  Hght  of  our  Lord  iboue  al, 
•rWhenHiel  f^^^^'*'^^^  befote  him.  f  Neither  did  it  fuffice  him  that  he  jt 
began  tobuild  talked  in  the  (Innes  of  leroboam  the  fonne  of  Nabat:  be- 
lencho,  his     fides  he  cookc  to  vife  lezabei  the  daughter  of  Ethbaul  the 
diea^J^hTr^cft  ^^H^^  ^^'^  Sidonians.  And  he  venr,  and  fsrued  B:ial,  and 
fuccd^iucly,     adored  him.  f  And  he  fette  an  altar  to  Baal  in  the  temple  of  51 
that  the  laft     Baal,  \rhich  he  had  built  in  Samaria,f  and  hc  planted  agroue:  3$ 
dicii  «'hcn  he  and  Achab  added  in  hisworke  ,  prouoking  our  Lord  the 
fininicd  the     Godof  Ifrael  aboueal  the  kinges  of  IfraeJ,  that  were  before- 
caurecl^by'  ^''^'  t  I"  his  daies  Hiel  of  Bethel  built  lericho :  ^inAbiram  54 
ehe  mouth  of    his  fiifl  borne  he  founded  it,  and  in  Segub  his  laft  he  fctte  vp  - . 
lofuchad  for-  the  gates  thcrofraccordmg  to  the  word  of  out  Lord,  which 
kidthebuil-     hcfpakeinthehandof  lol'ue  the  fonne  of  Nun.  jofHi.  f, 

^ingtkerof.  ChAP.      XVII. 

.jduihyh'ts  fr4jir  htttetb  the  btAnen  from  rAintng.  i.  Is  fed  ij  *  trow* 
8  an.Hj4')>\;iJovv  ofSartptb^.i^.yvhofepotte  ef  mexhy  and  barrel  of 
I'j'te  diminiih.-ih not,  17,  N^rfQnnsdtailf 3  and tsrayfed to  life, 

ANd  Elias thcT'iesbitcoftheinhabitersof  Ga,iaaci  faid  i 
to  Achab  :  Oar  Lord  liueth  the  God  of  Ifratl,in  whole 
Tigbtl  (Vmdjif  there  tbalbc  thefeyearerdewand  rayne,  but 
according  to  the  wordcsof  my  mouth. -f  And  the  word  of  i 
our  Lord  came  CO  him,  faying  :  f  Depart  from  hence,  and  goe  5 
agaynfl  the  Eaft,  and  be  hidde  in  the  Torrent  carith,  which  is 
agiynftlordan,  t  and  there  thoushilt  drinkeofthc  torrent:   4 
and  I  hiue  commanded  rhe  rauens  that  they  fcedc  thee  there 
t  Hetherforewent.and  did  according  to  the  word  of  our  y 
Lord-.and  when  hewasgone,  he  dtsin  the  Torrent  carith, 
Nrhich  is  againft  lordan,  f  The  rauens  alfo  brought  him  bread  € 


Elias.  Ackb.  o  f  k  in  g  e  s.         ''  74f 

and  flesh  in  the  mornJng,in  like  rnsncrbreadandfleshin  the 
7  cucning  ,  and  he  ^rarkc  of  the  ronent.  t  Butafttr  c ertayne 
;  dales  the  torrent  vras  dried  :  for  itbad  notrayrrdvpon  the'Therpiftleon 

*  8  earth,  f  Therforc  the  vord  of  cur  Lordcamctbhim,laying  :  Tcufda)  inthc 

5  •}•  Arifc,  an<i  goc  into  Sarepiha  of  iheSidonians,  andrl.ou  ^^^^  ^^    ' 
shale  rarie  there:  for  I  hauc  comrranded  a  \rydo\r  vonan 

I©  there  rofeedc  thee,  f  He  arofe,  and  went  into  Sarcptha./ind 
vhen  hc^yas  come  to  thegare  of  the  citic  ,  the  \rydov  \r  o- 
man  appeared  to  him  gathering  ftickcs^  and  he  called  her,  ari.d 
faydto  hcr:G€uemealit]e^s'ate^inavef^ei,lhat  I  maydrinke. 

f  I  t  And  when  she  went  to  fetch  it,  he  cried  after  her  faying  ; 
Bring  mc  aifo,  I  befccbe  «hec,ft  morfelof  bread  in  thy  hand. 
■12.  f  "Who  aniVered:  Our  Lord  thy  God  iiucrhjlhaue  no  bread, 
butfo  much  tDcalcin  apotte^isa  hand  can  ho}d,and  alitleoilc 
inavelTel:  beholdl  gather  two  (iickcsjthatl  may  goein.and  »,,^  ^.-,  .- 
drelTc  It  for  me  and  my  lonne,  thatwemaycatejanddic-^.  Friday  in  the 

£3  t  To  -vhom  Elias  fayd  :  fears  nor,  but  goc,  and  doe  as  thcu  ^.wckcof 
haiH'ayd.buf  firft  make  for  mc  of  the  famcmcalcalitle  harrh  Lent, 
cake  ,  and  bring  it  to  me:  and  for  thy  klfand  thy  fonne  thou 

14  shale  make  afterwaid  .  -f  For  thus  lavth  cur  Lord  the  God  of 

Ifracl:  The  porte  of  mcaie  thai  not  fayicnor  thevefTcI  of  jj.J°  jj^j^^^s®' 
cilc  be  diminished  vntil  the  day,  ^yherin  our  Lord  wil  gcuc  AuTuain^j  the 

jj  rayne  vpon  the  faccof  the  eaith.  t  Who  went  and  did  accor-  praphccanf- 
ding  to  the  >yord  of  Elias :  and  he  did  cate,  -and  she,  ami  her  weredinTpi* 

16  houfc:  and  fromihatday  t  fhepotof  mcalc  fay]cdnot,and  ^i^^; ]^°-^'^^ 
fhevelt'rlof  oyie^as  noroimirashea,  according  to  the  word  no^thijchildc 

17  of  our  Lord,  -^hich  he  fpake  in  the  hand  of  Elias.  f  And  it  toafBidfo 
came  to  palTeaftf  r  thcfc  thingcs,the  fonne  of  the  woman, the  goodamo- 
goodw!fcorrhehoure,feificke,£ndthe  fickcncfTe  was  veric  thcr,  butto 

18  vchcmenr  lo  tliar  there  rcmayned  no  brearhinhim.  •{-  She  ^°^^  rmeiier  , 

therfore  favd  to  Eiias :  "What  is  romeandthce  thoumanof  on^^ccmfortc 
God?  comcrt  th  ju  vnto  me,  that  myne  iniquities  might  be  re-  her  by  ra)  fmo- 

1$  mcmbrcd,and  thou  mighteftkil  my  fonne?  f  AndEliasfayd  liim  from 
to  her :  Gciic  me  thy  fonne.  And  he  rooke  hira  from  her  bo-  ^"'"-^o  La-  * 
fome,  and  caricd  him  into  the  vppcr  chamber  where  himielf.j!'^  icmaiW^^'^^ 

20  abode,  and  layd  him  vpon  his  bed.  f  And  he  cried  to  oar  c{cjii},l?utip  5 
Lord, and  fayd:  O  Lord  my  God,  "-what,  the  widow  alfo  with  l^e  raj-fc.d  to  . 
whom  I  am  after  a  fort  fuftcynedjhaft  thou  afflicted, that  thou  ^^^^'^otGoAs 

5,1  wouldelt  kil  her  fonne  ?  f  And  he  flrctched  forth, &  meafureci  TcZ^^.t'^^^'  , 
him  felfc  vpon  the  childe  three  tv^raes,6<:  he  cried  to  our  Lord,;  s.  ^ugu]z''J 
andfayd.O  Lord  my  G©d,lctthe  fouleofihis  childc,!  befeche.  5-'ifismj>lnii^, 

Xxxx  thee. 

74^  Third  B0«  KB  Achab.Elia« 

thcc,returiic  into  his  bodie.  f  Andour  Lord  heard  the  voice  zi 
of  Elias:  and  the  foule  of  the  child  returned  into  him.. ,  and 
he  reuiued.  f  And  Ellas  tooke  the  childe  ,  and  brought  him  25 
do'^rncfrora  the  vpper  chamber  into  the  Igver  houic  ,  ani  ^ 
dcliiiered  him  to  his  mother  ,  and  fayd  to  her :  Behold  thy  • 
fonnehneth.  -f  And  the  woman  fayd  to  Elias :  Now,  in  this  14 
I  haue  knowen  that  thou  art  a  man  of  God,  and  the  word  of 
our  Lordin  the  mouth  is  true. 

Chap.  XVIII. 
rhf  third  ye^rt  of  famine  ^eU  as  meeting  the  chief  gouernour  of^chdi  houfc» 
hardly  pttfw^deth  him  to  tel  ^chd,thAt  he  isprefeat.  17.  ^chah  blantetb 
eUm\  Ut  Elias  freely  atioucheth  thdt  aot  hey  hm  ^chab  tmhltth  ifrdeL 
19.  By  A  mirdclefenre  hundred  uod  fftte  falfj/rophetes  4te  connimed ,  40,. 
*nd  arejlaine.  41.  Elms  f  ray  eth  And  it  rdyneik* 


Ftsr  maniedaiej  the  word  ofour  Lord  came  to  Elias,  i 
the  third  yeare,{aying:  Goe,and  (hew  thy  felf  to  Achab, 
that  I  may  gcue  rayne  vpon  the  face  of  the  earth .  f  Elias  thcr-  z.. 
fore  went  to  (hew  himfelf  to  Achab  :  and  there  was  fore  fa- 
mine in  Samaria,  t  And  Achab  called  Abdias  the  gouernour  | 
of  his  hoafe:  and  Abdias  did  fearc  our  Lord  very  much,  t  For'  4 
when  lesabel  killed  the  prophetes  of  our  Lord,  he  tooke  an 
hundred  prophetes,  and  hid  them  by  fiftie  and  fiftie  in  caues  ," ' 
;*  Abdias  ado-  and  fed  them  with  bread  and  water,  f  Achab  therforc  fayd  j 
red  Elus  as     to  Abdias :  Goc  into  the  land  to  althe  fountaynes  of  waters, 
^TG^d^'and"  ^"^  ^^^^  ^^  valleys ,  if  perhaps  we  may  finde  grafle,  and  faue 
holie  mannot  the  horf^es  and  mules,  and  the  beaflcs  may  not  vrtcrly  perish, 
witfecinilho-  f  And  they  diuided  the  counuies  bctwenthem,  that  they  6 
Hoar,  for  in      might  goe  circuitc  about  them:  Achab  wen  tone  way,  and 
the  world  Ab-  ^b^ji^s  an  other  way  (cucrdly.  f  And  when  Abdias  was  in  7 
greater  perfon  the  way,  Eiias  mette  him :  who  when  he  knew  him  ,"  felon 
norwithdi-     his  face,  "and  fayd  :  My  lord,  art  not  thou  Elias  ?  fTowhom  S 
uine  honour,    hcanfwcred:  lam.  Goe,  and  tel  thy  lord  :  Elias  is  here,  f  And  tf 
for  that  had      j^^  (-^yj .  ^j^rhat  hauc  I  finncd,  that  thou  deluiereft  me  thy  fer- 
uieflV^as'     iiant  into  the  hand  of  Achab  ,  that  he  may  kil  mc  ?  f  Our  10 
thcrforc  reli-    Lord  thy  God  liucth,  there  is  no  nation  or  kingdom,  whither 
crioushonoui",  my  lord  hath  not  fcnr  to  fccke  thee:  andalanfwering:  He  is 
called  ^«^''»,     not  here :  he  adiured  al  kingdomes  and  nations,  for  that  thou 

i^Vex^eH-'en-  '^'^^  i^o^  found,  t  And  now  thou  fayeft  to  me ;  Goe,  and  tel  11 
cieofCods  thy  lord:  Ehas  is  here,  f  And  when  lam  departed  from  thee,  iz 
i'craantes.        the  Spirit  of  our  L«d  wil  cape  thee  into  a  place,that  I  know 


thcprophcc.Achab.  of  kinges.  747 

ijoe:  and  I  entering  in  shaltelAchalTj  and  not  finding  tkee, 
he  wil  kil  me:  and  ihy  feruanc   feaitth  our  Lord  fion>  hi$ 

15  infancie.  t  Hath  it  not  beene  told  thcc  my  lord,  whar  I  did 
when  Iczabel  killed  the  prophetes  of  our  Lord  ,  that  I  hid  of 
the  prophetes  of  our  Lord  an  hundred  men, by  fifiic  and  ^tti« 

J4  in  xraues  ,  and  fed  them  with  bread  and  water  ?  t  And  nov 

thoufayft:  Goe,  and  eel  thy  lord  ;  Elias is  here  .-that he  may 

1/   kilme?!  And  Eliasfayd:  The  Lord  of  hoftcsliueth,  before 

16  whofe  face  1  ftand,  this  day  wil  I  appeare  to  hiin.  t  Abdias 
therfore  "vcnz  to  meetc  Achab,  and  told  him  .-  and  Achab 

17  cameromeeteElias.  f  And  when  he  had  fecnchim,he  fayd: 

18  Art  thou  he  that  doeft  trublc  Ifrael  ?  t  Andhefayd;  notf 
haue  trubled  Ifrad,  but  thou,  and  the  houfeot  thy  fathcf^ 
who  haue  forfaken  the  commandmentes  of  our  Lord,  and 

t^  haue  folowed  Baalim,  t  Ncuerthelefle  fend  now,and  gather 
vnto  me  al  Ifrael  in  the  mount  of  Carmel,  and  the  prophetes 
of  Baal  foare  hundred  fiftie ,  and  the  prophetes  of  the  groues 

20  fours  hundred  ,  which  eare  of  lezabelstabl*".  f  Achab  fent 
to  al  the  children  of  Krael^  and  gathered  together  the  pro- 

£1  phetes  in  the  mount  of  Carmel.  t  And  Ehas  coming  real 

the  people,  favd  ••  •'  How  long  halt  you  on  two  fides  ?  If  our  ..jn^i^g^j^gj- 
Lord  be  God,  folosi*  him:  butif  Baal,  folow  him.  And  the  cxpoftulatioij 

11  people  did  not  anfwer  him  a  worti .  f  AndEliasfayd  agayne  ""«««fiarict© 
to  the  people :  I  onlie  remaytie  a  prophcte  of  our  Lord  :  and  f  ,.  ^""a'*  '^^ 

23  the  prophetfs  of  Baal  are  foure  hundred  and  htne  men.  f  Ler  ntcZithtr  bot$ 
two  oxen  be  geuen  vs  ,  and  let  them  choofe  to  rhem  felues  nor  celd^  but 
one  oxe,  and  cutting  it  mio  peeceslet  rhemlay  itvpon  wood,  ^^  fryamit. 
bur  put  no  fyrc  vnder  :  and  I  wil  dreffe  the  other  oxe,  and  wil  ^"'^h  "  Angcis 
1       *  11  ic  J        J.  T  I     Qcseft  •*/»?.  3. 

24  lay  It  vpon  wood,  and  put  no  nre  vnder .  f  Inuocare  ye  tnc  ' 

names  of  your  goddcs,&  I  wil  inuocate  the  namt  of  my  Lotd; 
and  rhe  God  that  shal  heare  by  fyrc, let  the  fame  be  God.  And 

s;  al  the  pe  'pie  anfwcring  favd:  A  very  good  propofirion.f  Elias 
therfore  fayd  to  the  prophetes  of  Baal :  Choofe  you  one  oxe, 
and  make  i*-  firft,becaufe  you  are  manie:&  inuocate  the  names 

%C>  of  yourgoddes,  and  put  no  fircvnrlcr.  -f  "^'hr  when  they  had 
taken  the  oxe,  which  h?  i^auerhern,thsy  Hriffed  it :  and  they 
inuocared  the  ninnc  of  Baal  from  morning  vnril  midday, 
{aying.  Baal  heare  v<!.  And  there  was  no  voic<-,  nor  any  that 
an'~'^f-rc:-':  an^  rhry  leaped  ouer  thealrar,rhfit  they  had  made. 

£.7  t   And  when  it  >ira<:  no>Jt^  midday,  Elias  iefted  at  thcmXayisg  : 

Cue  yith  a  loader  roicc:  for  be  is  God,  and  perhaps  he  fpea* 

'  '  XxiLjc  i  kerb.  Of 

74^  Third  BOO  KE  E'ias.  Achabt 

kttd,  oris  i;ihisinrte,orm  the  way  or  ar  c.h?  leaO:  h'^  d'  p<^h. 
that  he  mift  be  ^otraktd.' f  They  cried  cnerfore -s'ith  a  lo^cl   iS' 
Voice,  ani  cat  them  felues  aKcer  their  rite  seith  Icniuej  ind 
lincerj,  til  rheyvs'ereal  embrewed  with  bl-^ud  f  Andaftei  2,^ 
themiJdiv  waspaft,  and  whiles  they  prophecied,  the  time 
was  co'.iiCjWhcn  they  vfed  to  oiP.:r  ficrmcj;,  neither  voice  vrat 
heird,  nor  any  did  anfwer,  nor  attend  tbciB  praying:  f  Ehas  ;* 
fayd  to  alths  people  :  Come  vnto  me.  And  the  people  coming 
CO  him,  herepayred  the  aitar  of  our  Lord,  that  was  deftroyed. 
f  And  he  tookc  twelueftones  according  to  the  nunaber  of  31 
the  tribes  of  the  children  of  lacob,  to  whom  the  word  of 
out  Lord  came,  faying:  Ifracl  (hal  be  thy  name,  f  And  he   31 
built  of  the  flrones  an  altar  in  the  name  of  our  Lord:  and  he 
made  a  varer  gutter,  as  it  vcre  by  tvro  furro'c^es  round  abonfj^. 
the  altar,  f  and  helayed  the  voodin  order,  and  diuided  the  55 
oxeiniointcs,  and  layd  ie  vpon  the  wood,  f  and  faid :  Fil  54 
fouie  buckertes  vich  vratcr,  and  powre  vpon  the  holbcaufte, 
and.vponthevs'ood.  Andagainehefayd:  Docitalfo  the  fc- 
cond  time. Who  hauing  donneit  the fecond  time,hefaid-.The 
third  time  alfo  doc  the  fame.  And  they  did  fo  the  third  time,    . 
t^"'^  f^'^s  ^rarers  rannc  about  the  altar,  and  the  trough  of  the  i§ 
conduite  was  fiiled.  f  And  vrhen  it  was  now  rime  that  the  ho-  5<?    • 
locaufte  ihould  be  otFercd,  Elias  the  propherc  coming  faid  :  ^ 
Lord  Gou  of  Abraham,  and  Ifaac,&irrael,fhew  this  day  that 
thou  art  ihc  Godof  Ifraeljand  I  thy  feruant,  &  thnt  according 
to  thy  coinmandinent  Ihauedonealthtfethinges.fHcareme  57 
Lordyhcaic  me-.--  that  this  people  raay  leaiiie,thaf  thou  art  our 
"fVVhenmi-    Lord  God, &  thou  haft  conuarted  their  hartagain.-.  t  And  the  355 
t-'mpte.:!  for      ^^^  of  our  Lord  fel,  &  deuoured  the  holocaude,  &  the  wood, 
tiialofthe        and  the  Aoncs,iicking  alfo  the  duft,  and  the  water ,  thatwas      . 
tmtli,taedi-     in.the  water  gutter,  f  Nv^hich '«?  hen  ai  tLe  people  .had  feene,  39 
"i^°  '  7^*     they  felon  and  faid  .Our  Lordhe  is  God,our  Lord 
onl\uh"°tru^h  ^^^^^  ^^'^'  t  AndEliasfaid  to  them:  Apprehend  thepr&phetes  40 
isteftifiedowr  of  Baal,and  let  not  one  efcapcofrhera.'Whom  when  they  had 
lord yvor':jnx     taken,  Elias  brought  them  to  thcTorrent  cifon,  and  killed   ^ 
yyiihaUf-^con-  thsm  there,  f  And  EHas  fajd  Co  Achab  :  Goe  vp,  cate,  and  4I 
firmmg  the  do-  ^  ■   y^     becauf«  there  is  found  of  much  rainc.  t  Achab  went  4^ 
r:s  folo-oy}n£.    Vp  to  Cateana  dnuKc  I  and  Eius  wcut  vp  ifito  thc  toppc  ot 
MArc.  yh,         Carmel,and  flattc  on  the  eartli  put  his  face  bctwcn  his  knees, 

t  and  he  faid  to  hi»  fefuant:Goe  vp,  and  looke  toward  the  4J. 
Cea.'vxrho  when  he  w^s  gone  vp,and  hadlooked,h«  faid:Thcrc 
i^,Xy-:i  '      ^  is  nothing. 

Elias.  lezaKeL  o  F  K  i  N  g  r  s.  74^ 

is  noching.  And  againe  he  (aid  to  him  :  Jletlimc  fcuen  lya^trs. 

44.  t  And  in  the  fcucnth  riinc  .-  Bthold  a  htle  dcud  as  it  >»  cfc;  a 

mans  foote, came  vp  from  the  (ca."Whoraid:  Goc  vp  and  fay  to 

Achab:  Yoke  thy  chariote  and  goe  dovrne,  left  the  rainr  pre* 

4J^Wntthec.  f  And  ^hen  heturned  him  ftlfe  hither  and  thi- 

'ther,  behold  ti\chcauens  vere  darkened,  and  cloudes  ,  and 

windc,  and  there  fel  great  raine.  Achab  thcrfore  going  vp 

4<j  \rcntinro  Iczrahcl:  t  and  the  hand  of  our  Lord  was  made 

vpon  Elias ,  and  his  loynes  girded  he  rtnnc  before  Achab^ 

vntilhe  came  into  lezrahcl. 

Chap.     XIX. 

2li AS  filing  leXdbd,  in  tk;  dcfert  eateth  a  harih  c^ke  And  drir\fth  Wdtey^ 

l/reugbt  by  an  ^'gsl,  and  fogoeth  fourtie  d^jes  snd  mghtti  '\  mount 

.  Jioreb.  5).  Umenitn^  that  he  alone  Ulcift  oftheprofbetts  of  God.  i;.  God 

C9TnmAndeth  ktm  tg  ntHrm  to  Vamafciis,and 4fief»$ HiX^el kjng ofSyrtd^ 

lehn ktr.g  of  ifrail,  ^irJ  Ehfeusdpro^ tellcth  hint,  thtre rtmiint 

ftnen  thoxf^ndin  ifiAil^n'hicbkAiienoihowtdtiBid. 

s       A    Nd  Achab  toid  Iczabcl  al  thingcs  that  Elias  had  done, 

-O.  and  how  he  had  killed  al  the  prophetes  >*'ith  the  fwordo 

I  t  And  Iczabel  fsnt  a  melTenger  to  Elias,  faying:  Thcfe  thingcs 

dothegoddestome,  and  thcfe  adde  they,  if  this  houre  to 

^  ir.oro\r  J  make  not  thy  fouie  as  the  foule  of  one  of  them. 

t  E^ias  thcrfore  -ci^as  afraid,  &  ryfing  he  ^rcnt  whither  foeuer 

bis^ilcari«dhim:andhccame  inro  Bcrfabec  of  luda,  and 

4  leaf:  his  feruant  there,  f  and\Tent  forward  into  the  deferr, 
one  dayes  iourney,  And  when  he  '^as  come,  and  fate  vnder  « 
iunipertrcc,  hedefircdforhis  foule  to  die,  and  fayd;  It  fuffi- 
ceth  me  Lord,  take  my  foul:  for  lam  not  better  then  my  fa- 

5  thers.  t  And  he  caft  him  felfdo^jrne, and  ilcpc  in  the  Qjadov 
of  the  iunipcrtrce  :  and  behold  an  Angel  of  our  Lord  tou- 

6  chedhim,  and  fayd  to  hira :  Arife,  and  eate.  t  He  looked, 
and  behold  a:  his  head  harthbakcd  bread ,  and  a  veflel  of 
vrater:  he  thcrfore  did  eate,  and  drinkcj  and  he  flept  againe. 

7  -f  Andthc  Angelofour  Lord  returned  the  fecond  time,  and 
touched  him,  and  faid  to  him  :  Arife,  care :  for  thou  haft  yet 

S  a  great  way  to  goe.  t  "Who  vhenhewas  rifcn:  did  catc  and 

drinkc,&:  ^allccd  in  the  ftrcngth  of  that  meate  fourtie  daics^ 

5  and  fourtie  nightcs,rnto  the  mount  of  God,  Horeb.  t  And 

vhen  he  was  come  thither,hc  taried  in  a  cauc:  and  behold  the 

word  of  our  Lord  vnto  him,&:  he  faid  to  him;\Vhat  doeft  thou 

!©  here  Elias?  t  But  he  jm£vered:Vithzel«  hand  bccnc  zcloaj 

"    •■"  Xxxx  5  io- 

75^  Thirdbooke  Ellas,  lezabcl. 

.  for  our  Lord  the  God  ofhortes  because  the  children  of  Ilrael 
f : Eliaskrtev    haae  forfakcn  thy  cousnanc  :  thy  alra,  s  hauc  they  deftroyed  , 
noothcrat       &  thy  propheccs  they  hauc  (laine  with  the  fvs'ord,  & '•"•  I  alonc 
tbc'tcnneul"  am  leaff,  &  they  <cekc  my  life  to  takeitaway.  f  Andhefaid  if 
bes,  thatw'erc  lo  him :  Come  forth,  and  ftand  in  the  FBount  bcSorc  our  Lord: 
notpartakcrs    and  behold  our  Lord  palTeth,  and  a  great  winde,  and  ftrong 
jnidolatncj     oucrthroxyiiig  mounrayncs,  and  breaking  rockcs  before  our 
•  '^"  Y'^*'*^'^  Lord:  nor  in  the  wmde  is  our  Liord,  and  after  the  \rinde    - 
thoufandrr.    3^  earthquake:  not  m  the  earth  quaice  is  our  Lord,  f  and  il 
i2  ]thMbow-  afrer  the  earth  quake  fiie:  not  in  the  firs  is  our  Lord,  and 
cdnoi  their     after  the  fire  a  wiftling  of  a  gentle  winde.  f  Which  when  15 
Andthzwho]'  ^'^*^  ^'^'^  heard,  he  coucred  his  face  with  his  raante!,  and 
kingdoaiof     commg  forth  ftood  in  the  doore  of  the  caue,  and  behold  a 
ludjobfsrued  voyce  vnto  him,  faying:  "Whit  docft  thou  here  Elias  ?  t  And  14 
true  religion ,  he  anfwered :  With  zele  haue  I  becne  zdous  for  our  Lord  the 
^tn'reilned    God of  hoftes :  becauf^  the  children  of  Ifrael  haue  forfaken 
andaftJrhLm    thy  couenant :  thyn  altars  they  haue  deflroyed,  and  thy  {)ro- 
lofaphatibocK  ^hetes  they  haue  flainc  with  the  fvword,  and  I  alone  am  leafc, 
goodldngcs,   and  they  feeke  m  -  hfetotakeit  atray.  f  And  our  Lord  fayd  i§ 
chap.  i;.  y  It.  jQ  j^jj^  :Goe,  and  rerurne  into  thy  way  by  the  deferc  ©f  Da- 
j,  ^ij  '  *^'  miafcus  -.  and  when  thou  art  come  thither  thou  '•  (fcalt  anoint 

HizielkingouerSyria,  fand  lehurhefonneof  Karali  thou.  iS 
!?EIiaspro-     ^^'^  anoynt  king  oner  Ifrael  rand  Elifeus  thcfonneof  S»- 
phecicdchac    phar,  which  is  of  Abclmeula,  thou  shalt  anoynt  prophet  for 
thefetvfo        thee,  t  Anditshalbe,  whofoeuer  shal  efcape  the  fword  of  17 
kin"«''aad      ^*2ael,  him  Ichu  shal  kil:  and  whofouer  shal  efcape  the 
cailfhis  clokc  fvf'ordof  lehu,  him  shal  Elifcas  kil.  f  Asid  I  wil  Icauc  mc   18 
oucE  Elizeus.  in  Ifcaei  feuen  thoufand  naen,  whole  knees  haue  not  becne 
•V.  19  Elizeus    bowed  before  Baal,  and  euerie  nsouth,  that  hath  not  adored 
lA^z^\^h'^      himkyffing  his  hanies.  ■\  Elias  therfore  departing  thence,  ip 
hcfnaaldbc     ^o^nd  Ehfeus  the  fonnc  of  Saphit,  ploaghing  with  tweluc 
king.  4  ^«g  3.  yoke  of  oxen, and  he  was  one  of  them  that  ploughed  with 
another  pro-    twelue  yoke  of  oxen  ;  and  when  Ehai  came  to  him,  he  caft 
phet  annoia-    j^j^  mintel  vpjn  him.  t  "^ ^^  forth vyirh  leauing  the  oxen  10 

^le^T'^''''     ''^'"^'■>c  ^f'^cr  Elias,  anJ  faid :  Let  me  kilT-,  [  pray  tl^ee. 



father, and  my  m'>ther,and  fo  C  wil  folow  thee.  And  he  fayd 
ro  him  :  Goe,  and  returnc :  for  that  which  was  my  part, I  haue 
donnctothec.  f  A  idrtturning  from  him,  he  tooke  a  yoke  ia 
of  oxen,  aad  killed  them,  and  (od  thc3esh  with  the  plough 
ofthc oxen,  and  gaucro  the  people,  sad  they  did  «ate:  aui 
lyiing  vp  he  departed, aad  folo xyed  EliaSj(3c  miniftred  to  him. 

Of  Ifrael  Achab.  o  f  k  i  n  g  e  s.  j<^<i\ 

Ch  A  p.-  XX. 
ThSjrUnithrtAimn^Andhffte^ing  SiimdrU,  15.  Cod  fignifieth  hj  4  pro* 
fhet  to  ^chahy  that  he  shal  haue  the  '\ifforie.  iq.  ^ktcb  he  13. 
^Ifo theftcond  yeArt  f^^htin^ in  the  ch.impdtne.  51  •  But  fnuino-  the  king 
ef  Syrtans  life,  4»d  md^tng  league  vjith  him,  55.  one  of  the  children  of 
the  prof  hetcs  hetn^  /<*;«(?,  for  notfirykt^g'^hen  he  "ft?4  5  fo  commtinded^ 
17. 4n other  denomceth  rencngc  to  ^chAb,  fornot  k_illing the  Syrtan  Kwg. 

I  XK  Ors.EovER  Benadad  the  king  of  Syria,  gathered  to- 
J-Vi  gether  al  his  hoft,  &  tvo  &  thirtie  kinges  with  him,  dc 
horfcs,  and  chariotes :  and  going  vp  fought  agaynft  Samaria, 

%  and  befieged  it.  f  And  fending  melFengers  to  Achab  the  king 

^  oflfraal  into  the  ciric,  f  hefaid:  Thus  faith  Benadad:  Thy 
fduer,  and  thy  gold  is  mine :  and  thy  wiues  ,  and  thy  principal 
4  children  be  mine,  f  And  the  king  of  Ifrael  anfM^eied:  Ac- 
cording to  thy  word  my  lord  king,  I  am  thine,  and  al  that  is 

5  mine,  f  And  the  mclTcngers  returning,  faid:  Thus  faith  Bena- 
dad,  which  fentvsvnto  thee:  Thy  filuer,  and  thy  gold,  and 

C  thy  wiues,  and  thy  children  thou  shalr  geuc me.  j  To  moro w 
thcrfore  this  veri«  houre  I  wil  fend  my  feruantes  to  thee,  and 
they  shaHearch  thy  houfe,  and  the  houfe  of  thy  feruantes; 
and  al  that  pleafeth  thera,  they  shal  put  in  their  handes,  and 

7  takeaway,  f  And  the  kirjgef  Ifrael  called  al  the  ancientcs  of 
the  land,  and  faid :  Marke,  and  fee  that  he  (eekcth  to  intrappe 
vs.  for  kc  fent  10  me  for  my  wiues,  and  children,  and  for  the 

8  iiluer  and  gold;  and  I  faid  not  nay.  f  And  al  the  ancicntes, 
and  al  the  people  faid  to  him  ;  Hearc  not,  neither  agree  vnto 

5)  him.  t  Hetherforeanfwcred  themefTengcrsof  Bcnadad  :Tcl 

my  Lord  the  king:  Al  thinses  for  the  which  thou  didft  fend     xt  *->  i 

^         ,     r  •      L    I       •      •       ,      -1  f         1         «  •      L-        :.'Notatchfi 

to  me  thy  tcruant  m  the  bcginnmg  1  wiI  doc  :  but  this  thing  putting  on  of 

le  I  can  not  doc.  f  And  the  mefTengcfs  returning  made  report  armour,  is 
vnto  him,  who  fent  againc, and  favd;  Thcfc  thingcj  doe  the  timetoboan: 
goddcs  to  me,  and  thefc  adde  the/,  i(  the  duft  of  S«mtria  shal  "^^j^J^^/j'^'^"' 
fufficcfor  thchanfullcs  of  althe  people,  that  folowetk  me.  ffn.itof.FoV 

II  t  And  the  king  of  Ifrael  anfwering,  fayd:  Tel  him  ''-  Let  not  thofe  that  art 

II  the  girded  gloric  as  the  vngirded.  f  And  it  came  to  pafTe,  girded,  and 
when  Benaded  had  heard  this  word,  himfclfand  tkc  kinges  Wrongly  ^r- 
dranke  in  pauilions,  and  he  fayd  to  his  fcraanrcs  :  Ecfettc  the  JJi^'^jntr^u^'^]!,*' 

23  citie,  and  they  did  befette  it.  f  And  behold  a  prophcte  co-  tKcir"ovnc"^ 
ming  ro  Achab  the  king  of  Ifrael^  (aid  to  him;  Thus  fayth  our  ftrcii^th ,  and 
Lord;Haft  th«u  in  dede  fene  al  this  exccding  great  mulutude?  conjtcmnirg; 


7S^  Third  booke  of IfracI Achab;l 

tkeiradacrfa-    behold,  I  wil  deliucr  them  into  thy  hand  this  dav:  that  thou 
do^n^chcV'aVe   "^^^'^^"0^3  that  I  am  the  Lord. f  And  Achab  faidiBy  whom?  14 
ofteti  oucr-       -^'^^  ^°  ^^^"^  to  ^""^""  •  Thus  fiith  our  Lord  •.  By  the  fcruantcs  of 
tluowne.  And  t^^c  princes  of  the  prouinces.  And  he  faid ;  Who  vhal  begin  to 
thofsthacaif-    fight?  And  he  (aid:  Theu.  f  He  therfore  muaered  the  Ter-  ij 
felu«"?uaTr    "^"^^^  of  the  princes  ofthe  prouinccs,and  he  found  the  num- 
God,oncvfaY    ^croftwo  hundred  thirtie  two  :and  hemuftered  after  them 
or  other  al-        the  people,  al  the  children  of  Ifrael,  feuen  tho^fand.  f  And  iS 
u'aiej  prcuaile  they  went  forth  at  noone.  Bat  Be  nadad  drankc  al  dronken  ia   . 
AHeceiranelcf  his  tent, and  t>«^o  and  thirtic  kinoes  vrith  him,  .which  'vrerc 
temporal  anl   cometoayde  aim.  f  The  leruanres  therrore  of  the  pnnces   17 
fpiricualvar-    of tkeptouincesilTued  forth  in  theforefronr.  Benadad  ther- 
fayrc.  fore fent.  Who  told  him,  faying:  Men  are  come  forth  out  of 

Samaria,  -f  A.n<i  he  faid  :  Whether  they  come  for  peace,  take  it 
them  aliuc:  or  eis  to  fight,  aliue  take  yc  them.f  The  fcruanres  if 
tlierfore  ofthe  princes  ofthe  prouinces  iflued  forth,  and  the 
reft  ofthe  armie  folowcd:  f  and  euerie  one  ftrokerhe  man,  zo 
that  came  againft  him :  and  the  Syrians  fled,  and  Ifrael  purfu- 
ed  them.  Benadad  alfo  the  king  of  Syria  fled  on  horfebacke 
with  his  horfemcn.  f  Moreouer  the  king  of  Ifrael  ilTuing  21 
forth  ftroke  the  horfes  and  chariores ,  and  he  ilroke  Syria  ' 
with  a  great  (laughter,  f  And  a  prophet  coming  to  the  king  22, 
of  Ifrael,  faidto  him  :  Goe,  and  take  courage,  and  know,  and  -  . 
fecwhat  thou  doeft:  for  the  yearefolowing  the  king  of  Syria 
wilcome  vpagainft  thee,  )t  But theferuanrcs  ofthe  king  of   25 
Syria  faid  to  him:  The  goddes  of  the  mountaynes  be  their 
goddes,  therfore  haj5  they  oucrcome  vs  :  but  it  IS  better  that 
we  fight  againil  them  in  the  chaiwpaine,  Sc  we  ihal  ouercome 
them,  f  Thou  therforc  do  this  word:  Remoueal  the  kinees  2^ 
from  thine  arn=2ie,  and  put  capraiues  for  them  :  f  and  repaue  15 
the  number  of  fouldiars,  that  ace  flaine  of  chine,  and  Jiorfes 
according  to  the  old  horfes,&  ehariotes  according  to  tbe  cha» 
riotcs, which  thou  hadfl:  bsfore:and  we  wil  fight  againft  them 
in  the  ciiampiirie,  and  thou  ihalt  fee  that  we  shal  ouercome 
them.  He  belcued  their  counfel,  and  did  Co.  f  Thcrforc  after  16 
ayeare  was  palTsd,  Benadad  muftered  the  Syrians,  and  went 
vpinto  Aphcc,  to  fight  againft  Ifrael.  f  Moreouer  the  chil-  27 
dr6n  of  Ifrael  were  muRercd,  and  taking  vidbuals  they  went 
forth.onthe  contrarie  fide,  and  camped  againft  them,  as  it 
v/eretwolitlcflockcs  of  goatcs :  but  the  Syrians  filled  the 
land,  (t  And  a  man  of  God  coming,  faid  to  the  king  of  Ifraeh  iB 


•finaclAcIiab.  or  kinges.  753 

Thus  faith  oar  Lord:  Bccaufe  ihc  Syrians  hfiuc  hid:  The  loid  - 
is  God  of  the  mountaines,  and  is  not  God  of  the  Valleis  :  I  xril 
geucal  this  great  multitude  into  thy  hand,  and  ''•  you  {hal.*:Mamcvi<£V«- 

if  knov  that  1  am  the  Lord. )  f  And  fcucn  dayes  did  ihcfc,  and  '^^'J^f^f^^^' 
thej  dircd  their  armies  one  againft  the  other,  and  in  rhc  {^^JJ^ J^^^"* 
fcaenth  day  'vas  the  battel  fought :  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  pon  Achab,to 
ftrokcof  the  Syriansan  hundred  thoufand  footemcn  in  oncmakehim 

5.-5  day.  f  And  they  that  remained  in  Aphec,  fled  into  the  citie:  ^*''°^'^God: 
and  the 'eral  fel  vpon  ftuen  and  tN»'entie  thouland men,  that    "•^^ccctenr- 
vrerekaft.MoreoufrBcnsdadficing  entered  the  citie,  i^to  rcin^me!un^ 

|i  acharobsrthatwas  vithin  a  chamber,  f  and  his  feruan tes  his  impictic, 
faidtohim:  Behold, 'we  haue  heard  that  the  kinges  of  the  and  finally  wis 
houfeoflfrael  are  merciful:  Letvs  therfore  put  fackeclothes  ^^^'se,*/;.  ij, 
onourloync$,andcordeson  our  headcs,  and  goc  forth  to  ^'^  * 

§1  the  king  of  Ifrael:  perhaps  he -wilfaue  our  hues,  f  They  gir- 
ded their  loincs  Vith  fackclothes,  and  put  cordes  on  their 
heades,  -dnd  cai^e  to  the  king  of  Ifrael,  and  faid  to  him :  Thy 
fcruanc(aith:  Lctmy  foulcUue,  Ibefech  thee.  And  he  faid: 

1}  If  he  be  yet  aliue  he  is  my  brother,  f  "Which  the  men  tookc 
forgoodlucke:  andin  haft  caught  the  word  of  his  raouthj 
and  faid:  Thy  brother  Benadad.  And  he  faid  to  them:  Goe  and 
bring  him  tome.  Benadad  therfore  came  out  to  him, and  he 

^4  lifted  him  vp  into  his  chariote.  t  '^'ho  faid  to  him  :  The  cities 
x^hich  my  father  tookc  from  thy  father,  I  "wil  render:  doe 
thou  make  thee  ftrt'tes  in  Damafcus,  as  my  father  made  in 
Samaria,  and  I  confederate  v^il  depart  from  thee.  He  therfore 

3J  made  a  league,  and  dimifled  him.  |  Then  a  ccrraine  man  of 
the  children  of  the  prophetes  iayd  to  his  fc'lo-rr  in  the  word 

5S  of  our  Lord  :  Strike  me.  But  he  would  not  ftnke.  f  To 
'whom  he  faid ;  Bccaufe  thou  -^ouldeft  not  hcarc  the  word 
of  our  Lord,  behold  thou  {bale  depart  from  me,  and  a  lion 
shai  ftrike  thee.  And  vhen  he  ^ras  departed  a  iitlc  from  him, 

57  a  lyon  found  him,  and  flew  him.  ■\  But  finding  alfo  an  other 

man,he  i'aid  ro  him  :  Strike  me. 'Who  flroke  him, and  \Toun» 

■58  ucdhira.  -f  The  propherc  therfore -went,  and  metre  the  king 

in  the  w&y,  and  with  fprinkling  of  duft  changed  his  face  and 

j^  his  cics.  I  And  when  the  king  paiTed  by,  he  cried  to  the  king, 
£nd  faid;  Thy  (etuant  went  forth  to  fight  hand  S;rokes;and 
when  accrtainc  man  wasflcd,one  brought  him  to  me,  and 
faid:  Keepe  this  man:  who  if  he  shalflippe  away,  ihy  life  shal 

40  be  for  his  life,  or  thou  shalt  pay  a  talent  of  filucr.  f  And 

Yyyy  '^hilc.^ 

75'4  Thirdbooke        Achab.Naboth.IczaWiJ 

whiles  I  being  trubled  turned  hither  and  thither,  fodenly  he 

appeared  nor.  And  the  king  of  Ifraeifayd  to  him ;  This  is  thy 

iudgement,  which  thy  felf  haft  decreed  .  f  But  he  forthwith  41 

VP'ypcd  of  the  duft  from  his  face,  and  the  king  of  Ifracl  knew 

him,  thathc  wasof  theprophetcs.  f  Who  fayd  to  him;  Thus  41 

ridoUflipittlcfaych  our  Lord:  ••  Becaufc  thou  haft  let  goe  out  of  thy  hand  a 

in  fpanng  a    yjj^j^  worthie  to  die,  thy  life  flial  be  for  his  life,and  thy  people- 

^^^?"°"f„-    for  his  people,  t  The  kine  of  Krael  therfore  returned  into  4; 
common  em-  r      f         '      .  o  ~-' 

xnie  is  ofFcn-  hishouie,concemnmg  to  heare,  &  raging  came  into  Samaria. 

fiffctoGod^S:  Chap.     XXL 

scucrely  pua:- 

(heihy  h'n'i\i-  ^dffoth  for  Jenyin^ his  vineyard  to  King  yichAhy  iihy  ^uene  Jt'}(4hels  eom^ 

^''^^^:  minAment,  fxljly  dccufed t  4nd Jlenedtodedth.  10.  ^cbnh bafienia^to 

fojfejie  theliineydrdt  Elids  tbepraphet  thredtnetbhimmitiiteuiles.  13.  4nd 
no  le(ic to  leXdhel:  both bti»r obfiwdte injinne.  ij.Tet ^ch^bforftdre  of 
fnniihmtnt^  doth  exUrndtworkei  offt»dntetdndthtrh^  efu^etbfdtt  of 

ANd  aftcrthefewordcs,  atthattymcNaboth  thclezra-  2 
hclite  had  a  vineyard,  which  was  in  lezrahcl,  befide  the 
palace  of  Achab  the  king  of  Samaria-;,  f  Achab  therfore  % 
fpake  to  Naboth,  faying  :  Geue  me  thy  vineyard,  that  I  may 
make  me  a  garden  of  hcrbes,becaufeit  is  nigh,  andioyning 
*  If  no  fubic£b '^'^ '""^y  boiifs*  ai^,<i  *•  I  wilgeuc  thee  for  it  a  better  vineyard;    ' ' 
wevclordof    orif  thou  thinke  it  more  commodious  for  thee  ,  the  price  of 
?nic  land ,  bat  dluer,  fo  much  as  it  is  worth,  f  To  whom  Naboth  anfwered:  5 
only  at  the      q^^^  L^j.^  j^g  merciful  to  mc,  that  I  geue  not  the  inheritance 
&'kfnecst/erc  <^^*^y  ^*'^^^'"^'^®^^''^^*  t  Achab  therfore  Came  into  his  houfc  4 
proper  loidcs  with  indignation,  and  fretting  vpon  the  word,  thatNabcth 
ofahhclandei  the  lezrahelitc  had  fpoken  to  him,  faying:  I  wil  not  geue 
inthciiking-   thec  the  inheritance  of  my  fathers.  Andcaftinghim  felfvpon 
AT"mf  h"    ^^^  ^^^ »  ^^  turned  away  his  face  to  the  wal,  and  did  not  eatc 
liauctaktl      bread,  f  And  Iczabcl  his  wife  went  in  vnro  him  ,  and  fayd  5 
Nabotfes  vin-  to  him  :  "What  is  this  matter,  whereupon  thy  foule  is  gteued  ? 
yard;cfpccial-  ^^^  ^^y  cateft  thou  not  bread  ?  f   Who  anfwered  her  :  I  ^ 
iTgcuing  him  .^    j^  Naboth  the  lezrahcHte,  and  fayd  to  him  :  Geue  me 
abetter,  or        f         .  ,        ,  •      ■  r      ■  r-       1      r     l         t       -l 

money  for  it.  ^^y  Vineyard,  raking  money  font :  orit  it  plcalc  thee,  I  wil 
Neither  vras  it  geuc  thcc  a  better  vineyard  for  it.  And  he  fayd :  I  wil  not 
avaincfcruplc  geue  thccmy  vincyaid.  ■\  Iczabcl  therfore  his  wife  fayd  to  7 
in  Naboth^  to  ^-^^  .  -^^^^^  ^^^  of  great  authoritie,  and  doeft  wcl  gouernc  the 
ancc"e"it!hc  ^ingdome  of  Ifrael:  Arife,  and  eatc  bread,  and  be  of  good 
nuncc.  For    chcerc ,  t  wil  qeuc  chcc  the  vineyard  of  Naboth  the  lezrahe- 

■       lite,  t  She 

Achab'.Iezabel.Nabotli.  of  king es.  7yj 

8  lice,  t  S  he  thcrforevrotc  letters  in  the  name  of  Achab,  tnd^^^^^^^^^:  ^ 

figned  them  with  his  ring  ,  and  fent  to  thcancicnics,  and  the  Jf^^'j^^"^'^^ 

chiefe  men  that  were  in  his  citic,  and  dwelt  with  Nnboth.  chtbscxtor-  ' 

f  f  And  this  was  the  tenor  of  the  letters  ;  Proclamc  a  faft,  and  tioncondcm- 

10  make  Naboth  fitte  among  the  chiefe  of  the  people  ,  f  and  nc<^"$'-^'"^tr«/« 
fuborne  two  men  the  children  of  Belial  agaynfl  him,  and  let  ^J^^f^^^^^^J 
them  bcare  falfe  tcftimony:  thatheharh  -  blcfledGodand  jj^thaMattyrj 
the  king  rand  bring  him  forth  ,  andftone  himjandfolcthim  setjinnot.i, 

11  die.  t  His  citizens  therforc  the  ancicntes  and  chiefe  men--,  i^'^- 8. 
that  dwelt  with  him  in  the  citie ,  did  as  Iczabclhadcom-  '^J^° ^^°^r^ 
manded  them ,  and  as  it  was  written  in  the  letters  which  she  blalphcmic 

IX  fent  to  them:  f  they  proclamed  a  faft ,  and  madcNaborK  hohtfcripturc 
23  fittc  among  the  chiefe  of  the  people,  f  And  two  men  the  often vfcth the 
children  of  the  diuel  being  brought  forth,  they  made  them  \"^^Jlf"^. 
fitteagaynfthim:  butthey,asdeuelishmen,  gaucteftimonie  ®   'i**^J"'l' 
agaynft  him  before  the  multitude:  Naboth  hath  blcfPed  God 
and  the  king:  for  the  which  thing  they  broughthimforth     ' 

34.  without  the  citic,  and  killed  him  withftones.  f  And  they 

2;  fent  to  Iczabcl,  faying;  Naboth  is  ftoned,  and  is  dead,  f /ini 
it  came  to  paiTe  ,  when  lezabel  had  heard  that  Naboth  was 
floncd,  and  dead,  she  fpakc  to  Achab  ;  Arife,  and  poflefle  the 
vineyard  of  Naboth  the  IczraheHtc,  who  would  notagree 
vnto  thee,  and  geue  it  taking  money  :  for  Naboth  liueth  not, 

25  but  is  dead,  f  Which  when  Achab  had  heard,  to  witte,  that 
Naboth  was  dead,  he  arofe,  dc  went  downc  into  the  vineyard 

17  ofNaboththelezrahelitejtopoirefTeit.  f  The  wordof  our 

jS  Lord  therfore  came  to  Elias  the Thcfbitc, faying:  f  Arife, 
and  goe  downc  to  meete  Achab  the  king  of  Ifrael ,  who  is  in 
Samaria:  behold  he  goeth  downe  to  the  vineyard  of  Naboth, 

19  to  pofTefTe  it :  f  and  thoushaltfpeakcto  him,  (aying:  Thus 
fayth  our  Lord:  Thou  haftflayne,  moreouer  aUo  thou  haft 
polTeft.  And  after  thefewordes  thou  shale  adde;  Thus  fayth 
our  Lord  :  In  this  place  ,  wherein  the  dogges  haue  licked  the 
V  clidp.      xo  bloud  of  Naboth,  they  ♦  shal  lickc  thy  bloudalfo.  f  And 
zt.v.iS.  Achab  fayd  to  Elias:  Haft  thou  found  mcthyncenemie?  Who 

fayd  :  I  hauc  found  thee,  for  that  thou  art  fold  ,  todoecuilin 

11  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  t  Behold  I  wil  bring  cuilvpon  thee, 
and  wil  cut  downe  thy  pofteritic,  and  wilkil  of  Achab  him 
that  pilTeth  agaynft  thcwal,  and  theiHcIofed,and  thclaftin 

zi  Ifrael.  -f  And  I  wil  make  thy  houfe,  as  the  houfc  of  leroboam 

the  fonnc  of  Nabat,  and  asthehoufeof  Baafathcfonneof 

Yyyy  i  Ahiass 

75^  Thirdbooke  Aclub.  ElU8 

Ahias :  bceaufe  thou  haft  done,  ro  prouokc  me  CO  anger ,  and 
haft  made  Ifrael  to  finna.fBut  of  lezabelalfo  our  Lord  fpakc,   ij 
faying :  The  dogges  shal  eatc  lezabel  in  the  field  of  Ie2rahel. 
f  If  Achib  die  in  the  cicie,  the  dogges  shal  eate  him  :  but  if  24 
he  die  in  the  field, the  foulcs  of  the  ayre  shal  eate  him.-{;  Ther-  i§ 
;i  So  addicicd^^rc  there  was  not  fuchanotheras  Ach^b,who  "  "w as  fold 
to  'o/ickednes,  to  doe  cuil  in  the  fight  of  bur  Lord  :  for  his  wife  lezabe!  fetre 
as  if  he  hai     him  on,  f  and  he  became  abominable  ,  in  fa  much  that  he  1(3 
^°^^l^'^^^ll   ^olo^ed  the  idols,  which  the  Amorrheites  had  made,  whom 
for  foaictcin-  ®°^  Lordconfumed  before  the  face  of  the  children  of  Ifraci. 
pQralprofltc.  f  Therfore  when  Achab  had  heard  thefewordej ,  he  rent  17 
otpleaCure.  Jo^jig  garmentei ,  and  couercd  his  flesh  with  haercloth,  and 
^Zli^e^riu/    ^^^^^'^  ^^^  ^'P'  ^"  fackcloth,  and  walked  cafting  downe  his 
il'Ie.  /qls.'    head.fAiid  the  word  of  our  Lord  came  to  Elias  the  Thefbitc,  iS 
^h;^.^.  lot.  CAT  flaying:  f  Hift  thou  not  feene  Achab  humbled  before  meJ  19 
<»*ro.f.j}*,^.  thcrfore,  becaufe  he  hadl  humbled  him  felf  for  ray  fake, I  wil 
^i^'^'*-*^^'' not  bring  in  the  euilin  his  dayes,  buniiihiifoaiiGS  dales  wil  I 
bring  the  cuil  vpon  his  houfe. 

Ghap.  XX  I  L 
Z/^chiii>  Kin^  of  ifrAel  confulting  ttnd  hdcutng  falfepro^hetes  rather  then  Mi- 
eheds  a  trm  proj^het,  naom^Anied  "R' uh  hPiphai  king ef  luda,  ref9lue4h  to 
pght  drumji  tkt  Sjirunsfor  ^matb  GaUad.  16.  C^mmitteth  Michui  to 
fripinyi^. price deth  to  the  ^.irre^  54.  is  fminc,  And  Ocho'^as  [ucccditho 
41.  lofaphtt  refiijeth  to  trafftke  longer  with  Ocho'has ;  dieth,  andbisfomi  : 
lorAtnrei^neth.ji,  Ocho^itsfoloWiththe  (Uilfiep^es  ofhis^^rentSo 

THere    pafTed   therfore   three  yeares  without  wirrc  i 
betwen  Syria  aud  Ifrael.  f  And  in  the  third  yeare,  lofa-  2. 
phac  the  king  of  luda  went  downe  to  the  king  of  IfraeL 
(  f  And  the  king  of  Ifrael  fayd  to  his  feruantes:  arc  you  igno-  | 
rant  that  Raraoth  Galaad  is  ours ,  and  we  ncgle<fb  to  take  it 
out  ofthe  hand  ofthe  king  of  Syria?)  f  And  he  fayd  to  lofa-  4 
phat :  "Wilt  thou  conac  with  me  to  fight  into  Raraoth  Galaad  } 
•J-Andlofaphat  fayd  tothekingof  Ifracl;As  Iam,fo  thoualfo:  5 
my  people  and  chy  people  arc  onc.and  my  horsemen  thy  horf- 
men.  Andlofaphatfaydto  thekingof  Ifraal;  Aske,  Ibefccb 
thee,  this  day  the  word  of  our  Lord,  f  Thekingof  Ifrael  6 
therfore  alfemblcd  the  praphctcs>about  fourc  hundred  men, 
»ndhcfayd  to  them :  Shall  gocinto  Raraoth  Galaad  to  fight, 
-The  crodlie  ^^  ^"^^  ^^^  •*  "^^o  anfwcred :  Goe  vp, and  our  Lord  wil geuc 
King  lofapliat  h  kito  the  kinges  hand,  t  And  lofaphAC  fayd ;  =•  Is  there  not  7 
T    '    '  '  "         " "'  hers 

Achab.Michcas  a  prophet       ofkinses.  7';j 

hercfome  prophcteof  our  Lord,  that  sre  raay  aske  by  him  ?  iuftly  fufped- 
S  t  And  the  king  of  Ifracl  fayd  to  lofaphat :  There  is  one  man  J^S  j'J"^^  J.^jjj;* 
Icaft,  by  whom  ve  may  aske  our  Lord:  but  I  hate  him,  be- 
caufe  he  doeth  not  prophecie  vnto  me  good,  buteuil,Mi-  uitedthcuthcr 
cheasthefonneoflemla.  To  vhom  lofaphat  fayd:  Spcakc  Kingtocofulc 
f  not>fo6king.  f  The  king  of  Ifradtherfore  called  a  certain«  *f^'^|'°f  ' 
cunuch,and  fayd  to  him:  Make  haft,and  bring  hither  Micheas 

10  the  fonne  of  lemh.  f  And  the  kingof  I frael,  and  lofaphat 
the  king  of  luda  fate  cche  in  his  throne  cUthed'^ith  royal 
attyrc,  in  a  court  be.lide  the  doorc  of  the  gate  of  Samaria,  and 

11  al  the  prophetes  prophccicd  before  them,   f  Sedcciai  the 
fonneof  Chanaana  made  him  fclf  ■•  hcrncsofyron^andrayd:  ..paifpropij^^ 
Thus  fayth  our  Lord  :  "With  thefc  shalt  thou  fttike  Syria,  til  tcs  imitate    " 

51  thou  deftroy  it.  -j-  And  al  the  prophetes  inlikeraancr  pro-  trueprophc- 
phecied, faying:  Afcend  into  Ramoth  Galaad,  and  goe  pro-  tesinfomeex- 
fperoufel)^,  &  our  Lord  wil  deliucr  it  into  the  Kinges  handcs..  J"makc\h^ii* 

13  t  Bat  the  meHenger,  that^yent  tocal  MichcaSjfpake  to  him,  prophecies 
faying :  Behold  the  wordes  of  the  prophctc*  with  one  moHth  leme  more 
preach  good  thinges  to  the  king;  let  thy  wordtherfore  be  aut^cntical. 

14  like  to  theirs,  and  Ipcake  good  thinges.  f  To  whom  Micheas  ^""^  dTn  * 
fayd ;  Our  Lord  lius th,  whatfoeuer  our  Lord  shal  tel  me,  that  prophetical  vi 

7^  willfpeake,  f  He  thcrforecamc  to  theking,  and  the  king  liontoZacha- 
fayd  to  him:  Micheas,  shal  wcgoeinto  RamothGalaad  to  ^'^  the  pro- 
fight,  or  fittcftil  ?  To  whom  he  anfwered  :  :••  Afccnd.andgoe  P^^'^^t.  z^W;.  i. 
prorpcroufely  ,  and  our  Lord  wil  deliiter  it  into  the k!ngc3.;TI,'ropjjji 

26  handes.  f  But  thekingfayd  to  him:  I  adiuretheeagayneand  geucthnot 
sgayne,  that  thou  fpeake  not  to  m®  but  that  v/hich  is  true  in  thisforarcfo-^ 

37  the  name  of  our  Lord,  f  And  he  fayd:  I  fawai  Ifracldifper- j"^^^"^^^"* 
(tAin  the  mountayncs,as  Chcepenothauinga  fhcpeheard,4nd  kfne  wif 'o^ 
our  Lord  fayd  :  The(e  haue  no  maifter  :lct  euerie  man  rcturnc  hcpraycthic 

17  into  his  houfc  inpeacc.  (  f  Therfore  the  king  of  Ifrael  fayd  maygoprofpa 
to  lofaphat .-  Did  I  not  tel  thee ,  that  he  doeth  not  prophecie-  ^^^^y-  And 

ip  mc  good,but  alwaies  cuil  ?}  f  But  he  adding,  fayd  :  Therfore  ^^^^kingcon.^ 
hcare  the  word  of  our  Lord;  I  faw  our  Lordfittiagvpon  fj).""jf£"°°* 
his  throne,  and  al  the  hofte  of  hcauen  alHfting  him  on  the  his  an{Vcr,an(8 

20  right  hand  ftnd  on  the  left:  f  and  our  Lord  ftyd  :  Vko  shal  therlorcvr- 
dcceiuc  Achab  the  king  of  Ifrael,  that  he  may  goe  vp,  and  g^tl^liimto 
fai  in  RamothGalaad?  And  one  fayd  thefc  mancr  of  wordes,  rfn^K^'n^^f 

21  and  an  other  otherwife.  f  And  there  came  forth  a  fpirit,  Tories'!"!" 
and  ftood  befort  our  Lord,  and  fayd  :  I  wil  deceiuc  him.  »w>et/;eec>«'a 

11  To  vhom  ouc  Lord  fpakc-*:  wherein?  t  Aud  he  fayd:  I 

758  Third  booke  Achab  flaine. 

\ril  goe  forth,  and  be  a  lying  fpiric  in  the  mouth  ofalhis 
prophetes.   And  our  Lord  fayd :  Thou  shalt  dcceiuc ,  and 
f:TKscohc-     shale  preuayle:  ••  goe  forth,  and  docfo.  f   Now  therfore  25 
jrence  of  th*    behoid  oui  Lord  hath  geuen  the  fpiritc  of  lying  in  the  mouth 
thaicToal    ^^  ^^  '^^  prophetes,  that  are  here-*,  and  our   Lord   hath 
permittcdjbui  Spoken  cuilagaynftrhee.  f  AndScdecias  thefonneof  Cha-  24 
commanded    naana  came,  and  fmote  Micheas  on  the  cheeke,  and  fayd: 
nor  the  diucl  Hath  the  Spirit  of  our  Lordlcafr  me,andhathitfpoken  to 
chat's©  SA^'  ^^^^  •  "^  ^"'^  Micheas  fayd :  Thou  (halt  Tee  in  that  day,  when  2; 
aadia.ltiq.  thou  shale  enter  into  thy  chamber,  "  within  the  chamber  to 
T/^  ad  simfUc.  bc  hid.  f  And  the  king  of  Ifrael  fayd :  Take  Micheas,  and  let  xG 
S.Grcg./j.i.f.  hitn  tarie  with  Amon  the  gouernour  of  thecitie,  and  with 
^^'^V\^^^  loabthefonneofAraelech,  f  and  tel  them:  Thusfayth  the  ly 
explicate  this   ^^^Z '  ^^^  ''^^^  "^*"  ^"^°  prifon,  and  feede  him  with  bread  of 
&  like  places,  tribulation,  and  water  of  diftreflfc,  til  I  rcturne  in  pcact-^. 
::  When  this  \  And  Micheas  fayd :  If  thoureturne  in  peace,  our  Lord  hath  2S 
£*^^^fT^^^u    not  fpoken  in  me.  And  he  fayd:  Hearealyc  peoples,  t  Ther-  i$> 
kl^tls  Aaine  ^""^^  ^^^^  ^^"g  °^  ^^^""^^  "^^""^  ^P '  ""^^  lofaphat  the  king  of 
he^hiddehim    luda  into  Ramoth  Galaad.  I  The  king  oflfrael  therfore  fayd  J® 
felfe,  fearing  to  lofaphat:  Take  armour,  and  goe  into  the  battel,  and  put 
the  kiags        q„  thync  ownc  garmentes.   Moreoucr  the  king  of  Ifrael 
ehcy"oulikU  changed  hii  habite ,  and  went  into  the  battel,  t   And  the  \f- 
him. lofephtii    king  of  Syria  had  commanded  the  princes  of  hischariotes*  - 
li.8.  c.  i4*v'/»-  thirtic  and  two,  faying :  You  shal  not  fight  agaynft  any  lefler, 
**2'  orgreater,  but  agaynft  the  king  oflfrael  onlie.  t  When  ther-  ji 

fore  the  princes ©f the  chariotes  had  fecne  lofaphat,  they fu- 
fpc£bcd  that  he  was  the  king  oflfrael,  and  making  a  violent 
affault  they  fought  agaynft  him  :&  lofaphat  cried  out.  t  And  55 
the  princes  of  the  chariotes  perceiued  that  he  was  not  the 
king  oflfrael,  and  they  ceafed  from  him.  f  And  a  certain©  54 
man  bent  his  bow,  direfting  the  arrow  at  aladuenture,  and 
b  ^chaS«Tri    '•  ^y  chance  he  ftroke  the  king  of  Ifrael  betwen  the  lunges 
rcfpcd  of  the  ^^^  ^^c  ftomackc.  But  he  fayd  to  his  cochere:  Turne  thy 
archers  inte«.  hand,  and  carric  me  out  of  the  armie,beca«ife  I  am  grcuoufely 
tio,butother-  -jajrounded .  f  The  battel  therfore  was  fought  that  day,  and  3J 
"^To^Inc^  ^^^  ^^"^  °^  Ifrael  ftood  in  his  chariote  agaynft  the  Syrians, 
rc£ting  his       ^"^  ^^  ^^^^  ^"  ^  1^^  euening :  &  the  bioud  of  the  wound  ranne 
feand  So  A-     into  the  middes  of  thcchariotc,  f  and  the  herauld  founded  5^ 
ckabj  crafcic   in-al  the  armie  before  the  funnefctte,  faying:  Eueriemanre- 
fofr^hat"!      turne  into  his  citic,  and  into  his  countrie.'  f  And  the  king  57 
gut  oa  his*     ^^^^>  ^^'^  ^**  carried  into  Samaria :  and  they  buried  the  king 


Of  ludalofaphat.  loram.  ofkinges.  7y5> 

58  in  Samaria,  f  and  \rashed  his  chariote  in  the  pooleofSa-  kinglie anyr e , 
maria,  and  the  doeges  licked  his  bloud,  and  rhey  washed  the  iVA°\^      ■ 
raynes  of  the  bridle,  according  to  the  vord  ot  oar  Lord  vuUar  ar- 
5P  which  he  had  fpoken.  f  But  the  reftof  the  wordesof  Achab,  mour,{aucd 
andalthathedid,and  thehoufeof  yuofie,thathe  built,  and  him  not  from 
of  al  the  cities  that  he  built,  are  not  thefc  thinges  written  in  ^0"'cucng€, 
the  Bookeof  the  wordesof  thcdaicsof  thekingesof  Ifracl? 
49  t  Achab  therfore  flept  with  his  fathers ,  and  Ochozias  his 
41  fonne  reigned  for  him.  f  But  lolaphat  thefonne  of  Afa  be- 
gan to  reigne  ouer  luda  the  fourth  yearc  of  Achab  the  king 
41  oflfiael.  t  Fine  and  thictieyeares  old  was  he  when  he  began 
to  reigne,  and  fiuc  and  twentie  yeares  he  reigned  in  lerufa- 
lem:  the  name  of  his  mother  was  Azuba  the  daughter  of  Sa- 

45  lai,  t  And  he  walked  in  al  the  way  of  Afa  his  father,  and  he 
declined  not  from  it:  and  hedid  that  which  was  right  in  the 

44  fight  of  our  Lord,  t  But  yethetooke  not  away  the  excelfcs: 

for  as  yet  the  people  did  facrifice,  and  burnt  incenfe  in  the 

4j  excelfes.  f  And  lofaphat  had  peace  with  the  king  of  IfracL 

46  t  But  the  reft  of  the  wordcs  of  lofaphat,  andhisworkes, 
which  he  did,  and  his  battels,  are  not  thefe  thinges  written  in 
the  Booke  of  the  wordesof  the  daiesofthekingcsofluda? 

47  t  Yea  and  the  remnant  of  the  effeminate,  which  rcraayned 

48  in  thcdaics  of  Afahisfather,hc  tookeoutof  thcland.  f  Nei- 

49  ther  was  there  then  akingappoyntedinEdom.  t  But  king 
lofaphat  had  made  nauies  on  the  fca ,  which  should  failc  into 
Ophir  for  gold:  and  they  could  not  goe,  becaufc  they  were 

50  broken  in  Afiongaber.  f  Then  fayd  Ochozias  the  fonne  of 
Achab  to  lofaphat:  Letmy  fcruantcsgocwiththy  feruantcJ 

51  in  the  (hippes.  And  lofaphat  would  not.  t  And  lofaphat  ilcpt 
with  his  fathers,  and  was  buried  with  them  in  the  Citie  of 

^i  Dauid  his  father:  and  loram  his  fonne  reigned  for  him.  -f  And 
Ochozias  the  fonne  of  Achab  began  to  reigne  oucrlfracl  in 
Samaria,in  the  feuententh  yeare  of  lofaphat  the  king  of  luda, 

J3  and  he  reigned  oucr  Ifrael  two  yeares.  f  Andhedideuilin 
the  fight  of  our  Lord,  and  walkedin  the  way  of  his  father  and 
his  mother,  and  in  the  way  of  Icroboam  the  fonne  of  Nabar, 

54  who  made  Ifrael  to  finne.  f  He  ferued  alfo  Baal ,  and  adored 
him,  and  prouoked  our  Lord  the  God  oflfrael,  according  to 
al  thinges  which  his  father  had  done, 





THi  s  fourth  hdoke  frofetuteth  the  Uf^orie  tf  she  Wo Kmgdomes ef 
JiidA  And Ifraely  t9  the Cenerdl  captmties-ofthcm  both,  shewing  mame 

fpeeUl  l>ertiies  and  bereteJ  aEIci  of  good  Ktnges^  Prsfhetetj  a»d  other  godlte 
The  kiag^Iom  P^^f^^^  •  ^"^  dtners  mmes  of  the  'picked.  For  in  lada  T&ere  fame  good  hinges^ 
oilnds.  con-  highly  commended  ;  fomc  ettil ,  f^hom  God  [pa-id  ia  this  f^orU  fir  Ddutds 
fcrued  iQ  Da-  fkke.  So  tk^t  in  Lathfertss  icix^  D^idi  feede conimaedin  hss  thi-ene ,  and 
uidsfecdc.       rsyd  fiate  {prflmthetwetuetnhei^afterwardltitwo)  ntre  fours  hundred 

f our fcore yeans,  ^ud  after  the  CAfiimtie  (  4s  "^il  4ppejire  m  the  Age  enfmng  ) 
^  .^   t'^'^Aseoiifemedinhmotcr  ^ndej}imtit$onitilChrfflcttrSAtii9ur.  But  in  the 

miiufslK:^4nc  ^^^g'^o^' ^f  ^fr^^l  (trtentte  trthes)  rvkich  jiood  d>om  two  hundredfftie 
and  ieftroyed  J^^''«j  WisgreAt ckange^by  VAyfwgAnd extirpatmgr.oyal fAWili;i>  ^l their 
in  the  king-  ^/«^«  Were  had,  yet  pirtlf  Wtfi  fet  yp  hy  God  kimfelf^  partly frifercdte 
doaiofliracl.  retg»ei  and  in  leth  Kingdomes^  "Were  true  and  fidfeprophetes,  Godyfmg 

themtmfleneof  al,  tohis  on'ne  glerieythegcod  of  his  Churchtand  punishnsnt 

of  others,  and  fometimes  efthemfelaes.  So  this  books  whay  bedtufded  into  ttva 
Thisbookc  partes.  In  ihs  fenentene  formfrchMpters.  Are  recorded  ieyrjly  and  mixtly  the 
dimdcdmtp     *     •     •     i   i  t  •     *     »    •  •      i  it  .    ■  ■      r    i 

evs'opartes.      frtncipaltbtngesdonne  $»  both  k}»gd&mes ,  til  the  capitttttie  of  tbttenne 

tribes.  The  other  eight  chapters  conteme  ether  thinges  donne  in  ludtt^  Jntfl 
their  uptiuitie  tn  Bahylorfc 


According    to    thehebrewes, 

Chap.  I. 
Ocho'Xiis  Kingoflfrael conpdting  Beel'^ehnh,forhisfu{pies,isbUmedh)  eUm^ 
dndfortoU,  that  he  shal  die.  9.  Ftrefrom  heauen  dmoureth  two  capttaines 
With  eth  of  them  fiftie  men.  \  \ .  The  third  'by  hts  ntore  modcjltc  efcapeth  the 
like  danger y  ij,  "^ith  him  Ettas  cometb  to  the  King*  17,  The  ftmelCmg 
dtetbi  and  his  brother  loramt  Juccedeth, 

orthin/es      |(M^^^)I  ^  ^  Moab  tiioucd  warrc  agaynft  Ifraeljafcer  that  i 
donaeinboth  j^^ffi^m^  \chab  was dead. f  And  Ochozias  fel  through  the  1. 
Kingdomes,     I^^^aH  hnchions  of  his  vppcr  chamber  which  he  had  in 
^uh  the  decli-  ^^^^^  Samaria,  and  w^%  ficke :  and  he  fenc  mefll-ngcrs , 
r„!nc  of  ■* laying  to  them  :  Goe,  coniulc  Beelzebub  the  god 

liiaeL  of  AccaroHs  whether  I  may  liueof  this  my  inHrmitie.  t  And  5 

an  Angel 

Of  lirael  Ochozias.  otkinges.  7^1 

»n  Angel  o(  our  Lord  fpakc  to  Elias  the  Th*rbite,  faying: 
Arifc,  and  goc  vp  ro  mcctc  the  meflcngcrs  of  the  king  of 
Samaria,  and  thou  shal  fay  to  them  :  Vhat  is  there  not  a  God 
in  Ifrael,  thatyc  goc  to  confult  Beelzebub  the  god  of  Ac- 

4  caron  ?  -f  Whcrforc thus  faith  our  Lord  :  From  the  bed  on 
\rhich  thou  art  afcendcd  ,  thou  shale  not  goc  dovre,  but 

^  dying  tho«  (halt  die.  And  Elias  xp'cnt  avay.  t  And  the  naef- 
fcngcrs  returned  to  Ochozias.  "Who  faid  to  thq^:  "Why  arc 

6  youreturned?  t  But  they  anfxrered  him:  A  man  mettc  ys  : 
and  fayd  to  ys;  Goe,and  rcturnc  to  the  king,that  fent  yon,  a^ad 
you  (halfay  to  him:  Thus  faith  our  Lord;  Doeft  thou  therforc 
fend  to  confult  Beelzebub  the  god  of  Accaron,  becaufc  there 
■was  no  God  in  Ifrael  ?  Therforc  from  the  bed,  "vrhich  rhou 

V  artvpon,  thou  (halt  not  goc  dovne,  but  dying  thou  shals 

7  dye.  t  "Who  faid  to  rhem:  What  shape  and  habitehtd  that 

5  man,  vhich  mettcyou,  and  fpakc  thefewordcs  ?  f  But  they 
faid  :  A  hcaric  man,  and  girded  about  his  raincs  vith  a  girdle 

«)  of  lethcr:  Who  faid:  -  It  is  Elias  the  Thesbitc .  t  And  he  ..  Eiiaj^jj 
fent  vnto  him  a  captaineoffiftie  men,  and  the  fiftic  that -were  IcKowcnby 
vndcr  him.  Vho^rcntvpand  fayd  to  him  fitting  in  the  toppc  hismuch 
of  the  moont:  Man  of  God,  the  kins  hath  commanded  that  l!^^'^^?  \".^ '^^^ 

£0   thou  com.c  dovne.  f  And  Elias  an(wermg,layd  to  the  c^p-  from  ordinary 
taineof  fifiiemcn:  If  I  be  a  man  of  God,  "  let  fyre  come  men. 
do';rnef'fom  heauen,  and  deuoure  thee, and  thy  fiftie.  Fyre  ••  In  zdeofiu- 
thcrfore  came  downc  from  heauen,  anddcuoured  him  and  ft'ceEhaspro- 

II  the  hl^tie  men  that  vrere  with  him  .  f   And  he  fent  againe  f"oniheauca 
vnro  liim  an  other  captaineof  fiftie  men,  and  his  fiftie  with  tobume  thrfe 
him.  "Who  fpakc  to  him:  Man  of  God,  Thus  faith  the  king  :  pjoudcapitai- 

ji  Make  haft,  come  downe.  -f  Elias anfwering  faid:  If  Ibca  nesand their 

man  of  God,  let  fyre  come  dow ne  from  heauen,  and  deuoure  '"^"'  ^%  r 

1  ^    1      rr  ■      T'  y       r  \  c  I  procuredfiic 

thee,  and  thy  nftie.  Fyre  thcrrore  came  downc  trom  heauen,  \q  bumc  the 

13  and  deuonred  him,  and  his  fiftie.  f  Agaync  he  fent  a  third  holocanft^and 
captaine  of  fiftie  men,  and  the  fiftie  that  were  vith  him.  then  flew- the 
Who  vhen  he  \rt$  come,  boved  his  knees  toward  Ehas  .^"'^fP'^g'^'"/ 
and  prayed  him  and  fayd:  Man  of  God  dcfpife  not  my  life  ^«  ?/,>_. /rii 

14  and  the  liues  of  thy  feruantes  tliat  are  with  me.  f  BehoM  demirAhil.  s. 
fyre  came  downe  from  heauen,  and  hathdeuoured  the  two  script. 
firftcaprayncs  of  fiftie  men,  and  the  fifties,  that  were  with 
themrbut  now  1  bclech  the  that  thou  haue  metcie  on  my  life. 

x;  t  And  an  Angel  of  our  Lord  fpakc  to  Elias,  faying:  Goc 
downe  with  him,  fcarc  not.  He  thctfore  arofc,  and  went 

Zzzz  downe 

"j^h  Third  booke      Oflfr.Toram.Elias.EUrcuf. 

do wne  with  him  to  the  king,  f  and  fpakc  to  him :  Thus  faith  i6 
our  Locd  :  Becaufe  thou  haft  (cnt  melftngcrs  to  confult  Beel- 
zebub the  god  of  Accaron, as  though  there*  were  not  a  God 
in  Ifrael,  of  whom  thou  mightcft  aske  the  word,  therforc 
from  the  bed,  which  thouart  afcended  vpon,  thou  shak  not 
dtfcend,  bucdying  thoushalt die.  j  H-e  died  therfore  accor-  17 
ding  to  the  word  of  our  Lord  which  Ehas  (pake,  &  lorara  his 
brother  reined  for  him,  in  the  fecond  yeare  of  loram  the 
fonneof  lofaphat  the  king  of  luda:  for  he  had  no  fonne. 
■f-  But  thercflof  the  wordcs  of  Ochozias,  which  he  wrought,  iS 
are  not  thefe  written  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  the  daies 
of  the kingcs of  Ifrael? 

Chap.  II. 
El'ifiui  "^ilnotpartfromElias.y.FiftieeiifcipleifoloiVthemtohrJan.S, 
The  "fVaier  is  dimdidby  Elita  cloks  ■,  and  thejy  trvo  palse  the  due  chane!,  9* 
Ehas  is  afumpied in  a  jirie  charioie^and  his  dublefptnte  i^gtuen  to  ElifiUf^ 
13.  '^'ho  returning  bj  iikemirAcuLiis  meancs  ouer  Fordanythe  dtfciples  tt- 
tetue  and  honour  him  as  their  reli^i'ius  Snpenouf.  iG.  They  (eiks  eIias,  lut 
Jjnd  him  not.  19.  Elifeus  amcndeth  the  waters  by  (afitn^'mfMi.  2j.  Sojes 
4ret9r»e  by  beares/or  mocking  £life:is. 

Si    ^  ^  ^^  came  to  pafTe,  when  our  Lord  would  rake  vp  i 
JljL  Eliai  by  a  hurlc  windcinto  *  heaucn,  Ehas  and  Ehlcuj  ,         ^ayrger 
went  from  Galgal.  f  And  Ehas  fayd  roEliieus:  Sittehcrc,  a       loyvt)- 
becaufe  our  Lord  hath  fent  me  as  fur  as  Bethel. To  whom  hsauest, 

Ih^w^'I'cl^'  ^^^^^^^  ^'^ '  ^^^  ^^^"^  hutth,  and  thy  foule  hueth  ,  I  wil  not 
lied  being  ta'.    J^aue  thcc.  And  when  he  was  comc  downe  to  Bethel,  f  ^he  5 
Jcen  yp  into     children  of  the  prophetes,  that  were  in  Bethel,  went  forth  to 
thcayrejisvn-  Elifeus,  and  (ayd  to  him  :  Doeft  thou  know,  that  this  day  our 
certain.batccr  j^q^^j  ^j]  take  thymaiftcr  from  thee  ?  ^hoanfwered:  I  alio 
KTliu'e'^th  and  knowit :  hold  your  peace .  f  And  Elias  fayd  to  Elifeus:  Sittc  4 
muAdyeAsj'.  here,  becau(e  our  Lord  hath  fent  me  intolcricho.  Andhc 
^ngufliii  tea-    faydiOur  Lord  liueth,&  thy  (oule  liueth,!  wil  not  leauc  thee. 
th*ih.h.9.c.6.  And  when  they  were  come  to  lericho,  f  the  children  of  the  $ 
decen.  a  .  lit.    p^Qpj^gfej  j^gt  ^grc  in  fcricho.  Came  to  EHfcus ,  and  fayd  to 
Cfn.6.c^^po'  him:  Doeft  thou  know  that  this  day  our  Lord  wil  rake  away 
saU^.ii.  thy  maifter  from  thee?  And  he  fayd:  I  alfo  know  it,  hold  your 

peace,  t  And  Ehas  fayd  to  him:  Sitte  here, becaufe  our  Lord  ^ 
hath  fenc  me  as  farrc  as  lordan.  Who  fayd  :  Our  Lord  liueth, 
and  thy  foule  liueth,  I  wil  not  leaue  thee:  They  went  therforc 
both  together,  j  <3c  (if  tic  men  of  the  children  of  the  prophetes  7 


Elias.  Elifeiis  o  f  K  i  n  g  e  s.  7^3 

foloved  them  ,  who  alio  ftood  oueragaynft  them,  firrc  of  •. 
8  butthey  two  ftood  vpon  Jordan,  t  And  Elias  tooke  hisinan- 
tel,  and  folded  it  together, and  (mote  the  waters,  which  were 
diuided  into  two  partes, and  they  both  paflcd  ouer  by  the  dric 
5  land,  t  And  when  they  were  ouer,  Eliasfayd  to  ElifcusriAskc 
wh^at  thou  wilt  hauc  me  to  doe  for  thee,  before  I  b§  ttkcn 
from  thee.  And  Elifcus  fayd ;  I  befech  thee  thatinmemay 

10  be  ••  thy  dublc  fpirit.  f  who  anfwered ;  Thou  haft  asked  a  ::  HciedrcA 
hard  thing:  Neuerthclelfe  if  thou  fee  me,  when  I  Ckal  be  ta-  notdublefpi- 
ken  from  thee,  thou  (halt  haue  that  thou  haft  asked  :  but  if  ^^^ 'but'tr^ 

11  thou  fee  me  not ,  thou  shalt  not  hauc  it .  f  And  when  ihey  dublcfpirite 
went  forward,  and  going  talked  together,  behold  a  fyrie  cha-  of  prophccy- 
riote  ,  and  fyrie  horfes  parted  them  two  afunder:  andElias  »«g>  and  of 

II  afcendcd  by  a  hurle  windeinto  hcauen.  f  And  EUfcus  faw  ^^j^^i^^jj"; 
him,  and  cried :  My  father,  my  father,  the  chariotc  of  Hrael,  liashad.^i!^.  ij," 
and  the  guider  therof.  And  he  faw  him  no  more:and  he  tooke 

15  his  garmcntes,  and  rent  them  in  two  pecces.  f  Andhetookc 
vp  the  mantel  of  EUas,  that  was  fallen  to  him  :  and  returning 

14  he  ftood  ypon  thebankcoflordan.j  and  with  the  mantel  of 
Elias  ,  that  fel  downc  to  him,  he  fmote  the  waters ,  and  they 
were  not  diuided.  Andhefayd:  Xv'hereis  the  God  of  Elias, 
now  alfo?  and  he  fmote  the  waters,  and  they  were  diuided 

x;  this  way  and  that  way,  and  Elifeus  paftedouer.  f  And  the 
children  of  the  prophetes,  that  were  in  lericho  ,  ouer  agaynft 
himfeinghim,  fayd;  The  fpirit  of  Elias  hath  refted  vpon  Eli- 
fcus. And  coming  to  meetehim,  ••  adored  him  flatte  to  the  :;Thcyadore(i 

E^  ground,  f  and  they  fayd  to  him  :  Behold,  there  are  with  thy  him  forhisho 
feruantes  fifric  ftrong  men,  that  can  goe  ,  and  feeke  thy  mai-  ^''^"'  *"^  de- 
fter Jcft  perhaps  the  fpiritof  our  Lord  hath  taken  him ,  and  ",ueJ^°^thc 
caft  him  vpon  oneof  the  mountaines,  or  into  one  of  the  val-  £^irij  ^ffo 

1:7  leis.  "Who  fayd;  Send  nor.  f  Andthey  forced  him  ,  til  he  a-  great  a  pro- 
greed,  and  fayd:  Send.  Andthey  fentfiftie  men.  Who  when  phetc,  notfor 

iS  they  had  fought  three  daiesjfoand  not.  t  And  they  returned  J^r^^iie,  ^ut 
I  •         t      ^1       1       1    •     T     •    I  1  I     V      I         J  TTN-jT    fpintual excel 

to  hmi :  but  he  dwelt  miencho,  and  he  fayd  to  them  :  i-'id  I  {^^^.^g  5:.thet- 

J5>  not  fay  to  you  :  Send  not  ?  f  The  men  alfo  of  the  citie  fayd  to  fore  not  viyith 

Elifcus:  Behold  the  habitation  of  this  citie  is  verie  good,  aJ  ciuilbatreli- ^ 

thy  fclfe  my  lordperceiueft  :  but  the  waters  are  very  il,  and  gioushoaouf' 

10  the  ground  barren,  t  But  he  fayd;  Fetch  me  a  new  vcftel, 

21  and  put  fait  into  it.  which  when  they  had  btought,  f  going 

out  to  the  fountaync  of  the  waters,  he  caft  fait  into  it,  and 

fayd :  Thus  fayth  our  Lord  ;  I  haue  amended  thcfc  waters,and 

,  Z  z  z  z  -z  death 

7^4  F  oVK  T  H  B  o  o  K  E  Of  Ifracl  loram. 

deaca  flialnonaorc  be  in  them,  nor  barrcntieffe.  t  Theva-  21 

tcfs  cherforc\rere  amended  vntil  this  day,  according  to  the 

yjU>rd  of  Ehfcus,  which  he  fpakc.  f  And  from  thence  he  went  25 

vp  into  Bschel :  Sc  when  he  went  vp  by  the  way,  Httle  Jaddes 

came  forth  out  of  the  citic,  and  mocked  him,  faying  :  Come 

vp  bildhead,come  vp  baldhcad.  -f  Vho  when  he  had  looked  24 

backc,  hefawthem,  Sccurfedthemin  the  name  ©four  Lord: 

and  two  beares  came  forth  outofthe  forcft,  &  toteof  them 

two  and  fourtic  boycs.  f  andfrom  thence  he  went  into  the  25* 

maunt  pf  Carmelj  and  from  thenc«i  he  turned  into  Samaria. 

Ch  AP>  .III. 

Uram  \ln^  of  Jfrdel  dccom^Untd with  the  kiffres  of  Ittid  O^  Ed«m,f^hteth 
d^d'nj}  the  kjnj^  of  Monhy  fir  net  ^aymg  trihute  According  to  their  league, 
9.  wxntltigWiten,  16.  Eiipsif  procttreih  fufficient  without  rAwe :  <tnci 
fnphecuth  l/ictrne  .21.  The  h}ng  of  Mimh  decaued  hy  Al>ifion  is  oucr-^ 
throw ne  in  tht  ftldf.  i6.  th:n  being  hcftgtd  immoUteth  hisfirji  Ui^otten 

A  No  loram  the  fonnc  of  Achab  reigned  oaer  Kfiel  in   1, 
Samaria-  theeightcnth  ycarcof  lofaphatthc  kingof 
Iud»,  And  he  reigned  twclueyearcs.  |  And  he  did  euil  before '2 
our  Lord, but  not  as  his  father  and  mother:  for  he  tookc  away 
the  ftatucs  of  Baal,  which  hii  father  had  made,  -f-  Ncuerthe-  '5- 
Ics  in  the  (innesof  leroboam  ihcfonncof  Nabatj  who  made 
Ifrael  to  (inne,  heftucke  fa{t,  and  departed  not  from  them. 
t   Morcouer  Mcfa  the  king  of  Moab  ,   uouriQicd  raanicL^  4 
sheepe,  and  he  payed  to  the  king  of  Ifrael  an  hundred  thou- 
fand  lambes,  and  a  hundred  thoufand  rarames  with  their 
fleeces,  f  And  when  Achab  was  dead,  he  brake  the  league,  5 
which  he  had  made  with  the  king  of  Iftael.  -j-  Thcrfore  king  6 
loram  went  forth  that  day  out  of  Samaria,  and'muftercd  al 
Ifrael.  f  Andhcfent  to  lofaphat  the  king  of  luda,  faying:  7 
The  kingof  Moabisreuoltcd  from  mc,come  withmeagainft 
him  to  battel.  "Who  anfwcred:  I  wil  come  vp:  he  that  is  mine, 
is  thine;  my  pcoplc,thy  people:  &  my  horfes  ihyhoffes.fAnd 
he  faid  .•  "What  way  $h*l  wc  goc  vp  ?  but  he  anlwcrcd  c  By  the  t 
defert  of  Idumca.  t  Therforc  the  king  of  Ifrael,  and  the  king  5* 
of  ludi,  and  thckingof  Edom  went  for  ward, and  compaiTed  . 
feuen  daics  iourney,  neither  was  there  water  for  the  arraicj 
and  the  beaftes,  that  folo  wed  them.  I  And  thckingof  Ifracl  10 
ii\i :  Alas  alas  alas,  our  Lord  hath  gathered  vs  three  kinges^ 
u  together^ 

Of  luda  lofaphat.  oflfr.  loram.     ofkinces.  y6^ 

together,  that  Ke  might  deliuervs  into  the  handcs  of  Moab. 

zi  t  Andlofaphatiaid:  Is  there  not  here  a  prophet  of  our  Lord, 

that  \re  may  befech  our  Lord  by  him  ?  And  one  of  the  fcr- 

uantcs  of  the  king  of  Ifrael  anfvered :  Here  is  Elifcus  the 

:^i     fonne  of  Saphat,  which  powrcd  water  vpon  the  handcs  of 

11  Eiias.  t  Andlofaphatfayd:  The  word  of  our  Lord  is  with 
him.And  the  kingof  irirael  wcntdowncto  hi.n,  and  lofaphac 

13  the  king  of  luda,  and  the  king  of  Edom.|  And  Elifeus  laid  to 
the  king  of  Ifrael:  "Whatis  to  me  and  fhce  ?  goc  to  the  pro- 
phetcs  of  thy  father,  and  thy  mother.  And  the  king  of  Htacl 
laid  to  him;  "Why  hath  our  Lord  gathered  together  thefe  three 
kinges,  that  he  might  dehucr  them  into  thehandesof  Moab? 

34  t  And  EHleus  faidto  hnu  :  The  Lord  of  hoftcs  Jiucth,  in 
whofe  Tight  I  (land.  If  1  did  not  reuercnce  the  face  of  lofa- 
phat  thcking  of  luda,  I  would  not  cerres  haue  barkened  to 

15  thee,  nor  looked  on  thee,  f  But  now  bring  mc  hither  aplaicr 
oninftrumentes.  And  when  the  player  fang^  the  hand  of  our 

16  Lord  came  vpon  him,  and  belaid:  t  Thus  faith  our  Lord: 
27.  Make  thechanel  of  this  torrent  diches  and  diches.f  For  thus 

faith  our  Lord  :  You  shainotfce  winde,nor  rainc:  and  this 

chanel  shal  be  filled  with  waters,  &  you  shal  drmkc,  and  your 

38  families,  &  your  beaftes.  f  And  this  is  a  fmal  thing  in  the  fight 

of  our  Lord  :  nioicouerhc  wil  deliucralfo  Moab  into  yaur 

35  handes.  f  And  you  ihal  ftrike  cueriefenied  citie,and  eueric 
principal cirie, and  ••  shal  cut  downe  al  fruiccful  trees,  and  .-.-itwaj forbid 
shal  ftoppc  vp  al  fountaincs  of  waters,  and  euerie  goodlir 

ao  field  you  shal  couer  with  Hones,  f  Itcamc  to  paflfe  thcrforc  cutdownc 
in  the  morning,  when  they  vfcd  to  offer  the  facrifice,  and  be-  f|'"'P"c«in 
hold,  water  came  by  the  way  of  Edoro,  and  the  ground  was  chanaan° 

II  filled  with  waters,  f  But  al  the  Moabites  hcarmg  that  the  >j^hich  the  If- 
kinges  were  come  vp  to  fight  againft  them,  they  called  rogc-  raclicc  fl^ould 
ther  al  that  were  girded  with  a  belt  vpon  them,  and  they  poflefle,  b>u 

2i  ftoode  in  the  borders,  t  And  ryiine  early  in  the  mornine.  L^  '"dor 
and  the  lunne  being  now  rilen  oucr  againft  the  waters,  the  nednotto 
Moabites  faw  the  waters  ouer  againft  them  red,  as  it  were  them  and  foit 

ft)  bloud,  t  andfaid:  Itisthebloud  of  the  fword:  the  kinges  wasnotproKi' 
hanc  fought  among  them  felues,  and  arc  flaine  one  of  an  ''^^^'^  ^°  ^"«y 

34  other:  now  goe  on  forward  to  the  pray,  Moab.  t  And  they  tponTuftof,' 
went  forward  into  the  carapc  of  Ifrael  :    Morcoucr  Ifrael  fence. 
ryfing  vp,  ftroke  Moab:  but  they  fled  before  them.  They 

s5therfoic  that  had ouercome,  came  and  ftroke  Moab,  f  and 

Zzzz  5  dcftroycd 

-J  66  Thirdbooke  of  Ifr.  loram.ElifeuSo 

deftroycd  the  cities :  &  euerie  principal  field  they  filled  eucrie 
mmcafting  ftones:  and  they  ftopt  vp  al  the  fountaines  of 
waters :  and  cut  downe  al  trees  that  bare  fruitc,  (p  that  there 
remained  onlie  brikc  walles :  and  the  citie  was  befette  of  the 
{lingers,  and  for  a  great  part  therof  was  ttrooken.  f  Which  2^ 
when  the  king  of  Moab  had  feenc,  to  witte,  that  the  enemies 
had  preuayled,  hetooke  with  him  fcuen  hundred  men  that 
crew  fword,  to  breake  in  vpon  the  king  of  Edom  :  and  they 
could  not.  f  And  taking  his  firft  begotten  fonne,  that  should  17 
haue  reigned  for  him,  he  offered  hira  an  holocauft  rpon  the 
wal:  and  there  was  great  indignation  in  Ifrael,  and  foi  thwith 
they  rctyred  from  him,  and  returned  into  their  countrie. 
Chap.     I  ILL 

Eli^eui  fo  multiplietha  foore  widowesojley  thai  she  pajeth  her  dthtesdndli- 
ueth  of  the  refi.2>.By  his  prayers  n  SHnamite  jvoman  hath  ^hich  ' 
dying  herayfethto  life.  58.  He  takethdtvay  the  bitternes  of  colo^uintid^t 
iiphich  by  chance  ^as  put  m  thepotte,  ^i.  and feedsth  manie'^nih fem 

ANd  a  certaync  woman  of  the  wiuesof  theprophetes  i 
1  iier.  iiwv  V."  cz'i^d  to  Ehfeusjf aying:Thy  feruanu  my  hufband is  dead,' 

Teufdayinthc  and  thou  knoweft  that  thy  (eruant  was  one  that  feared  God, 
third wcks of    &  behold  the  creditour is  come  to  takeaway  ray  two  fonncs  » . 
'^•^^'  to  ferue  him.  f  To  whom  Eiifeus  fayd:  What  wilt  thou  that  t 

I  doe  for  thee  ?  Tel  me,  what  haft  thou  in  thy  houfe  ?  But  she 
anfwcred:  I  thy  handmaid  haue  nothing  in  my  houfe,  but  a 
Htle  oyle,  to  anoynt  me  withal,  f  To  whom  hefayd :  Goe,  5 
borrow  of  al  thy  neighbours  emptieveflels  not  a  few.  t  And  4 
goe  in,  and  shut  thy  doore,  when  thou  art  within,  thou  and 
thyfonnes:  and  powre  therof  into  al  thefevelTels:  and  when 
they  sbal  be  ful,  thou  fhalt  take  them  away,  t  The  woman  5 
therfore  went,  and  shut  the  doore  vpon  her,  and  vpon  her 
fonncs  :  they  brought  her  velTels^j  and  she  powred  in.  f  And  € 
when  the  vefTels  were  ful,  she  fayd  to  her  fonne:  Bring  me 
yet  a  veflcl.  And  he  anfweredrl  haue  nonco  And  the  oile  ftood. 
t  And  she  came,  and  told  the  man  of  God,  And  hefayde,  7 
Goe,  fel  the  oylc_y,  and  pay  thy  creditour:  and  thou  and 
thy  fonnesliueof  thercft ;  t  And  there  came  a  certaync  day,  S 
and  Elifeus  pafied  by  Sunam:  and  there  was  there  a  great 
woman,  which  held  him  to  eate  bread:  and  whenhcpalTed 
often  that  way,  he  turned  in  to  her  to  eatc  bread,  f  "^^^  5 


OF    KINGES.  jCj 

fayd  to  her  hiifLand:  1  perceiue  that  this  is  aholie  man  of 

10  Godjwhich  palleth  by  vs  often,  f  I  etvs  thcrforc  make  him 
alitle  chamber,  and  fetrehima  iitlc  bed  in  it,  and  a  table,  and 
a  ftoolc,and  a  candlcfticke,that  when  he  cometh  to  vs  he  may 

11  tarie  there,  f  There  came  therfore  a  certaync  day, and  coming 
li  he  turned  in  to  the  chamber, and  reded  there,  t  Andhefayd 

to  Giezi  hisferuant:  Call  this  Sunamite.  who  ^rhen  he  had 

I)  called  her,  and  she  ftoode  before  him  ,  f  he  fayd  to  hisfer- 
uant; Speaketoher:  Behold  thou  haft  diligently  miniftred 
to  vs  in  al  thinges,  >yhat  wilt  thou  that  I  doc  for  thee?  haft 
thou  any  bufines,  and  wilt  thou  that  I  fpeake  to  the  king,  or 
the  general  of  the  warrefare?  Whoanlwered:  Id>5*'clin  the 

S4  middcs  of  myne  owns  people,  f  Andhefayd:  "What  wil  she 
then  that  I  doc  for  her?  And  Giezi  fayd  :  Askc  not:  for  she 

i;  hath  no  fonne,and  her  hufband  is  old,  t  He  therfore  coman- 
ded  him  to  calher:  who  when  she  vas  called, and  ftoode  be- 

!^  fore  the  doore,  -f  he  fayd  to  her:  At  this  ryme,  this  lelf  fame 
houre,  if  life  accompanicj  thou  shalt  hauc  a  fonne  in  thy 
vombe.  But  sheanfwered  :  Doe  not  I  befech  thee  ray  lord, 

17  man  of  God,  doc  not  lie  to  thy  handmayd.  f  And  the  "we- 
man  conceiucd  ,  and  brought  forth  a  fonne  in  that  time-,-, 

1%  and  in  the  felf  fame  hourc,  thatElifeus  had  fayd.  f  And 
the  childe  grewc .  And  vpon  a  cerraine  day,  when  going 

i^  forth  he  went  to  his  father,  vnto  the  reapers,  -j-  he  fayd 
to  his  father  :  My  headaketh ,  my  head  aketh  ,  But  he  faid 

%o  to  his  feruanCjtake  him, and  bring  him  to  his  mother,  f  who 
when  he  had  taken  him,  and  brought  him  to  his  mother,  she 

11  fette  him  vpon  her  knees  vntil  noone,  and  he  dyed,  f  And 
she  wenrvp,and  laid  him  vpon  the  bed  of  the  man  of  Godj 

\i  and  shut  the  doorc:  and  going  forth  f  called  her  husband, 
and  fayd :  Send  with  me,  I  befech  thee,  one  of  the  fcruantcs, 
and  an  alTe,  that  I  may  runne  to  the  man  of  God,  and  rcturne. 

%},  t  Who  fayd  to  her:  For  what  caufe  docft  thou  goc  to  him? 
The  Caicndes  be  not  to  day, nor  the  Sabbath.Who  anfwercd^ 

24  Iwil  goe.  t  And  she  fadlcd  the  alTe,  and  commanded  her 
feruan t:  driuc,  and  make  haft,makc  no  fVay  in  going.  And  doe 

3j  that  which  I  command  thee,  t  She  therfore  went  forvard,  ThcEpifllcoa 
and  came  to  the  man  of  God  into  mount  Carmcl:  and  when  T  ^'^^^^^t'"  f 
themanofGodfawheroweragainft  him,  he  faid  to  Giezi  his  Lcnu^*  ^^' 

16  feruant:  Behold  that  Sunamite.  f  Goc  therfore  to  mccte  her, 
and  lay  to  her :  Is  al  vei  about  thee,  and  about  chy  husband, 


y6%  FovRTH  BOOKE  Elifcus. 

*nd  about  thy  fonnc?  who  anOwered:  Wei.  f  And  when  she  17 
vas  come  to  the  man  of  God  into  the  mount,  she  caught  his 
feet: and  Giezi  came  to  remoue  her.  And  the  roan  of  God 
faid.Lcthcralonc,  fothcrfouleisin  anguish,  and  out  Lord 
harh  hid  it  from  nie,2nd  hath  not  told  me.  f  Who  faid  to  him:  iS 
Did  I  aske  a  fonnc  of  my  Lord  ?  Did  I  not  fay  to  thee  :  Mockc 
me  not?  t  And  he  faid  to  Giezi :  Girde  thy  loyncs,  and  take  ip 
my  ftaffein  thyhand,  ^rgoe.  Ifa  man  mecte  thee,  falutehim 
not  :  and  if  any  man  falute  thee,  anf^er  him  not :  and  thou 
{halt  pat  my  ft  ifFe  vpon  the  face  of  the  childc  .  f  Morcousr  :_,© 
the  mother  of  the  childe  faid:  Our  Lord  liucth,  and  thy  foul 
iiueth,  I  wii  not  kaue  thee.  He  atofe  thcrfore,  and  folowed 
her.  t  But  Giezi  was  gone  before  them,  and  had  put  the  ftaffe  \z 
vpon  the  face  of  the  childe,  &  there  vas  not  voice,  nor  fenfc  .• 
-God  feat  his  and  he  returned  to  mecte  him,  and  told  him,  faying:  '-•  The 
law  by  hisfcr-  childe  is  notrifen.  fElifeus  therforc  vent  into  rhc  houre,and 
uaiit,  and  it     behold  the  childc  lay  dead  on  his  bed:  f  and  going  in  he  shut  53 
auailcdnotto  ^^^  doore Vpon  him, (?j vpon the childc& prayed toour  Lord. 
deTdinfinncs.  t  Andhcwentvp,  and  lay  vpon  the  childe:  and  he  pat  his  34 
Buthe  coining  mouth  vpon  his  mouth,  5c  his  eies  rpon  his  cies  &  his  handes 
&  accommo-   vpon  his  handes :  and  he  bo^»red  him  felf  oucr  him,  and  the 
dating  himfelf  childes  ilefh  was  -rarmed.  t  But  he  returning,  -walked  vp  and  55 
tic°parcicjpa-   <Jo'*'"C  ^"  f'^c  hourc,once  hither  &  thither; &  he  went  vp.and  "  ■ 
tia'g  our  death  lay  vpon  him :  and  tbe  childc  gaped  feuentymes,  and  opened 
wearccjulc-     his  eies.  f  And  he  Called  Gierzi,&  faid  to  him  :  Call  this  Suna-  ]€ 
ned.SoSAu-  mice.  Who  being  called/vrent  in  vnto  him  :  Who  fdd:  Take 
guftingniyfti-    j^    f  „np^  +  She  came,  and  fel  at  his  feete,  and  adored  vpon  ^7 
caHv  apphcth        /  .iiLr  j  jl.       j  n-r  o 

thisficTuratiuc  thc  ground:  and  tooKc  her  ronne,and  vf'cnt  OUT,  j*  and  Elileus  38 

miracle  to        returned  into  Galgal.  And  there  was  a  famine  in  the  land,  and 
Chriiland  hij  the  children  of  the  t>rQtihctesdwele  before  him  j  and  he  fayd 
Church./*.  12.  fQ^jjc  of  his  (eruaiitcs ;  Scrte  on  a  greate  pottc,  and  feeth 
l^unUhatii      broth  for  the  children  of  the  prophetes.  t  And  one  \rent  35 
matuclike        out  into  the  field  to  gather  vilde  herbes :  and  he  found  as  it 
thingesofthc  vere  a  wilde  vine,  and  gathered  of  it  the  colocynthide*  of 
oldTell;amcnc  [he  field,  and  filled  his  mantel,  and  returning  cut  it  into  the 
b  f'^T^  f°  pottc  ofbrorh,  for  he  knew  not  what  it  xras.f  They  therfore  4© 
the  new.         powred  it  to  their  feloxrcs,  to  cate:  and  when  they  had  rafted 
of  the  brorh,  they  cried,  faying :  Death  is  in  the  potte,  man  of 
God.  And  rhey  could  not  eate.  f  But  he  fayd:  Bring  mcale,  41 
and  when  th^y  had  brought  it,  he  caft  it  inro  the  pottc,  and 
Caid:  powcrein  forthcnaultitudc,  that  they  may  eate.  And 


of  I/rael  Irram-Elifciis.  of   king  es.  ^C^ 

42  there  vras  no  more  anie  biticrncnc  in  the  potte.  f  /rdaccr- 

raine  man  came  from  Baalfalila  biinging  to  the  iran  of  God 

loaucs  of  the  firft  fruires,   tventie  barley  loaucJ,  and  new 

vhcatcin  his  fcrippe.  Rut  he  laid  :  Gcuc  to  the  people,  thac 

-4j   they  may  eate.  f  And  his  feruant  arfvercd  him  :  Hr.\r  n>uch 

is^his,  that  I  ft>ouldfettc  It  before  sn  hundred  mcn/'>^gayne 

hefaid:  Gcue  to  the  people,  that  they  may  earc:  for  thus 

44  (aith  our  Lord  :  They  ftialeaie,  and  there  shai  be  leait.  f  He 

therforefette it  before  them:  -who  did  catc,  and  there  "was 

ieaft  according  to  t^'.o.  vord  of  our  Lord. 

Chat.      V.  ■ 

Z^AAmAnthf  fcntrd  caffidineaf  Syna  is  clertfeelef  /^eprojie,  ly  tVdihing  him 

Jt'if  as  Eltfeus  ai^poihtcth  bun  feutn  umeiiH  loraan .  15  .  ^rcffj-^cih  bn 

ktl  ej  tn  one  God  firo/ntfm^  to  (true  him.  20  .  Cie'h  tnksib  g'pei  of 

NxamdBy  25.  Andii pmken  '^tth  Uir^ific, 

B  XT  A  A  MAN  the  General  of  the  warfare  of  the  king  of  The  Epifllc  '' 
JL^  S}r5a, M-asagreat  man  with  his  lord,  and  honorable:  onWundajin 
for  by  hira  our  Lord  gaue  health  to  Syria  .  and  he  "«'as  a  vali- ^'^^3'*''c^cof 

2  ant  man  and  rich,  but  a  leper,  t  Moreouer  out  of  Syria  there  ^^"^' 
were  come  forth  robbers,  and  had  led  a>yay  captioc  out  of 
the  Laadof  Ifrael  ahtic  gitle,  which  waytedvpon  the  wife  of 

5  Naamsn.  f  Wholaidco  her  maiftreffe  ;  I  would  my  lord  had 
bene  with  the  prophcrc,  chat  is  in  Samaria:  furcly  he  would 

4  haue  cured  him  from  the  leprofie,  which  he  hath,  f  Naaman 
therfore  went  into  hislord,  and  told  him  faying:  Thus  and 

J  thus  iiath  the  wench  of  the  Land  otKrael  fpoken.  •}•  And  the 
kingofSyriafayd  to  himrGoeA'  I  wil  (cndlcttcrs  to  theking 
oflHatl  Who  vrhctt  he  wasfettc  forward, and  had  taken  with 
him  ten  calentes  of  filuer,and  fii  thoufand  peccsof  goid,  and 

€  ten  change  of  rayment,  f  be  brought  the  letters  to  the  king 
of  I(rael,in  rhcfc  wGrdes:^hen  thou  shalt  receiue  this  letter^ 
knovf  that  I  haue  fc«r  to  thee  Naaman  my  fcruanr,  that  thoa 

7  mayeft  cure  him  of  his  leprofie.  f  And^rhcn  the  king  ot  Ifrael 
had  read  the  letters,  he  rent  his  garmentes,  and  faid  :  Ami 
God  ,  that  I  can  kil,  and  geue  life,  becaufc  this  man  hath  fenc 
to  me,  that  I  should  cure  a  man  of  his  leprofie?  marke,  and 

8  fecthtthcfceketh  occafions  againft  me.  f  ^^icb  ^JrhcnEll- 
feus  theman  of  God  had  heard,  to  witte,  that  the  king  of 
Kracl  had  rent  his  garmtnces,  he  fcnt  to  him,  faying:  Why 
hafr  thou  rent  ihy  garmentes?  lee  him  come  to  me  and  let  hira 

Aaaaft  kiio^r 

}     770  F  o  r  R  T  H  B  o  0  K  E      Of  Ifr.  loram.  Elifem. 

know  that  there  is  a  prophet  in  Ifrael.  f  Naaman  therfore  9 
came  ^jcich  horfes  and  chihotes,  and  flood  at  the  dooie  of  the 
houfe  of  Eiifeus:  find  Elifcus  Tent  a  raelTenger  to  him, faying:  10 
Goe and  be  washed  fcuen  times  in  lordan,  and  thy  flesh  shal 
feceiueheahh,  and  thou  shalt  be  cleane.  t  Naaman  being  n 
angric  departed, fiying:!  thought  he  would  come  out  to  me, 
and  iUnding  would  inuocate  the  name  of  the  Lord  his  God, 
and  touch  with  his  hand  the  place  of  the  leprofie,  and  cure 
me.  t  what  are  not  Abana,  and  Pharphnr  the  riuers  of  Dama-    11 
Cciu,  better  then  al  the  waters  of  Ifrael,  that  I  may  be  v/ashed 
in  them,  and  be  made  cleane  ?  Therfore  when  he  had  turned 
him  (eif,and  went  away  with  indignation, this  leruantes  came  15 
vnto  him,&  fpake  to  him:  rather,^:  if  the  prophet  had  fayd  a 
great  thing  to  thee,  certes,  thou shouldefl:  hauedone  it :  how 
much  more  wherasnow  he  fayd  vnto  thee;  Be  washed, and 
thou  shilt  be  clean??  t  He  went  downe,  &  washed  in  lordan  14 
feuen  times  according  torhe  word  of  the  man  of  God,  and  his 
flesh  was  the  l^eshofalitle  childe,  &:ke  was  made  15 
cleane  f  And  returning  to  the  man  of  God  with  al  -lis  trayne, 
he  came,  and  ftood  before  him<  &:  fayd:  In  very  deede  1  know 
that  thereis  noorher  God  in  al  the  earth,  but  only  in  Ifrael.I 
befech  the  therfore  to  take  a  benedidioii  of  rhy  fcruant.fBut  i^ 
heanfwcred:  Out  Lord  liueth, before  whom  I  ll:and,I  wil  not 
take  it.  And  when  he  would  haue  forced  him,  he,  didinncJ- 
wife  agree,  -f  And  Naamanfayd;  As  thou  wilt,  hilt  I  befech  17 
-   ^  p   'cL   c  thee;oraunt  vn'o  mc^hy  f^r  oar.  r,  that  I  may  take  of-  the 
Gods  fpccial     ^''^^'^h  the  burden  or  two  mules  ;  tor  thy  leruanc  wil  no  more 
ele(^in^  anci     make  holocaud,  or  vid-iracs  to  ftrange  goddes,  but  to  the 
fadifyin^the    Lord.  |  Bat  this  onlie  isit,  for  which  rhou  shalt  befech  the  i§ 
Jan'iofCha-      Lord  for  thy  feruant,  when  my  rasifter  shal  goe  into  the  tem- 
tracrcVirrinn     ple  ofRcmmon,  to  adore  :  and  hc  leaning  vpoii  my  hand,if  I 
Naamqnri^lic  shal  adore  in  the  temple  ofRemmon,  he  adoring  in  the  fame 
lyeftcmed        place,  that  the  Lord  pardon  me  thy  (cru.ant  fot  this  thing, 
that  earth  fie    ^  Ajp'ho  fayd  to  him  :  "  Gocin  peace.  5^[e  therfore  went  from  19. 
ter  for  an  altar  r--jr-         •  c  \  i.*i..  ^••ir 

then  the  earth  n*'^'' i"  the  tpnng  time  ofthc  earth,  f  And  ••  Giezi  the  ieruant  zo 

ofhisowne  of  the  mm  of  God  fayd:  M  •;' maifter  hath  fpared  Naaman  this 
countrie.  Syrian.that  he  tooke  not  of  him  the  things  which  he  brought; 
irGieziprcfi-  Oar  Lord  liucfh,  I  wil  runnc  after  him,  and  wil  take  fome 
T^lfcAB^^  thing  of  him.  \  And  Giezi  folo  wed  at  the  backe  of  Naaman;  ir 
flic  ofChrift,'  whom  when  hefaw  running  toward  him, he  lept  downe  from 
artdalthofe      his  chariote  to  mete  him^and  faid:  Areal  thinges  wel  ?  t  ^^'^  ^^ 

he  fayd : 

Elifeiis,  o  F  K 1 N  G  E  s .  771 

he  maiftcr  hath  fent  nie  to  thce,raying:Eucn  iio\r  «fcat  buy  orrd 
there  are  come  tome  tvo  yong  men  from  mount  Epbraim,  'P'^yual  thin- 
of  the  children  of  the  prophctcs.  gcue  thcma  talcnr  of  filuer,  |"ob\"their^ 

23  and  twochangeof  raymenr.  -J-  Arti  Naawan  fayd  :  Itis  better  auaiicclofe 
that  thoH  take  two  talentcs.  And  he  forced  him,  &:  bound  the  Godsgiacc, 
two  calcntcsof  fikicr  in  v<3ro  bagges,  and  rhedubleraymenr,  Jf^^p.^^^"^ 
&  layditvpon  tvr®  of  his  reruantes^vrho  alfo  caried  it  before  ^'^j'-^  "ad'c- 

24  him.  -f  And^Jhenhe  was  comenovin  the  euening,  he  tocke  ttinal  d^mn^- 
it  out  of  their  hand,  &  layd  it  vp  in  the  hcurcj&difmified  the  tionin  the 

2j  iT)en,and  they  departed,  j-  Andhimfclf  going  in, ftcod  before  «ext.  ^.^«^.- 
hismaiftcr.AndEli^cus^aic:Frcra  ^rhcncecoraeflthou  Giezi?  "^'J^i.^^/   "^ 
"Who  anfwered  :  Thy  fcruant  hath  not  gone  any  whither.  ' 

16  f  Bur  hcfayd:  Wasnor  my  hart  prefenr,  when  the  man  re- 
turned out  of  his  charioteto  mcete  thee?  Now  therfore  thou 
haft  receiuedfiluer,  and  taken  rayment,  to  bye  oliuetes,  and 
vineyardes,  and  shccpc,and  oxen,  and  feiuantes,  and  hanc^- 
-27  raaidcs.  f  But  thekprofiealfo  of  Naaman  shal  cleaue  to  thee, 
andto  thy  fcede,  foreucr.  And  he  went  out  from  him  a  leper 
as  ic  were  fnow. 

Chap.     V. 

19       Goein  feace.  ]   ShcifmatiqucSjas  they  arc  commGnlyCbutimpToperJv  ) 
now  called  in  Englandj  which  being  in  mind  aod  iudgement  Catholiqucs,  got 
fomctimesto  ProtcAajites  common  prayers,  or  ferrsons,  dravs^  an  cxcufc  of  Thgca/eof 
their  facfl,  from  this  variant  of  the  Prophet,  permitting  a  Nobleman  of  Syria  going  to  hcrc= 
togoeandierue  his  king  in  the  temple^  when  he  adored  an  Idol.  But  who-  ti<^3'feruicc, 
fbeacr  u  ildu!y<onfir!er  this  example,  flial  find  great  difference  in  rcfpcdl  of  ^naNaamans 
the  times,placcs,pcrfons,aiKl  of  the  very  doubtes  propofcd,  befarcn  this  mans  going  to  the 
cafeandours.  ForbeforeChiifts  Gofpclvas  proniulj^atc,  neither  al  Articles  ri-'^plcof  aa 
of  faith  vfercfo  cxprefly  taught ,  not  the  external  profd'Hcntherof  fo  firicbly  i^iol  diifcrin 
comm.anded,  as  now  they  are  in  time  of  more  grace  ,  which  geueth  more  ayde  ^^^'ucisrcfpe- 
to  mans  weahnes,  wherin  alfomoreperfedionisrcqaiied,  and  therfore  our   ^^^^' 
Sauioure)taci:ctliofalzof<j»/f//«/;;Wjand  his  Religion,  before  men:  els  he  y-vtl  denie  I^inerecccdf 

%Ui\lO'  them  before  hti  rather.  Likewife  ia  the  place,  vhcrc  this  Nobleman  dwelt,  his  'Unas, 
prefcncein  the  temple, and  feruicero  the  king,  could  notbeaccountcda  leuolt 
fiomr.nie  religion,  which  was  neuer  profcded  there,  norbcfcandalousto  anie  Of  places, 
man  bcirg  al  Intidels:  butin  achriftian'countric,  wbeieal  bearcthe  name  of 
ChriilianSjCfpecially  where  men  arc  at  controuerlie  about  the  true  Chriilian 
religion,  ai  that  frcqucnc>or  rcpaire  to  the  fame  all'cmblies,for  publiquc  feruicc 
ofGod,  are  reputed  to  be  of  the  fame  leligion;  or  elsdiflcmblcts,  as  it  were 

Rom    I.    to  haue  no  care  of  religion,  knowing  God,  and  not  glorifying  him  as  God. 

and  reuol  ting  from  the  ttuth  which  ihcy  had  lerncd.The  difference  alfo  of  per-  Of  pcrfons. 
fons  is  great.  For  this  Nobleman  hauing  before  his  conueifionfcrued  his  king, 
inthcofHccof  fuftayninghimjWhen  he  bowed  totheldol,  if  he  fhould  hauc 
rcfufedta  do  thefamc,  it  would  rather  hauc  bene  fuppofed,  that  he  difdained 

Aaaaa  2.  his 

z.?et,  I. 

772'  Fo  VR  T  H  B  o  o  K  E  0£  Ifr.  lorara.  Elifens, 

hi?  Miidcf,  or  (KewcddiilojfalciSjthcn  thought, that  lie  retraynedforicligion; 
wheris  in  our  cafe,  vcric  revs' do  fuch  temporal  fciuicc,  about  the  king  in  the 
church:  and  fuch  as  dje  Carrie  tbc  farord,  fceptei-,  or  the  like,  arc  accounted 
of  that  religioti,  vhich  is  there  pradtifed;  except  they  manifcft  the  contrarie,as 
this  man  did, and  our  men  comtnonlT  do  not.Yeaif  anie  do  fay  they  arc  Catho- 
lic] iie?,  andyetgoeto  the  Pro  teft>nt<-s  church,  they  arc  couuc^d  of  that  rank',  S- 
Paul  fpeiketh  of,  which  confejit  they  Inoyy  God,   hut  dtnic  him  tn  their  deedes.      .      . 
Tfjethin9;es     A'"^  thofc  which  rcfufefuch an  office,  can  not  be  iudgcd  diHoyal,  becaufeit  ^'*'^' 
«?cmandeddif.^^^^'^*^^^"'^'>''^"*^'f  "^''^*'^^^^^°'^1"'^^  rcfufc  of  mere  confcience.  An  other 
fermueh.        ' ^'^<=>'^  cfpecial  difrercncc  is  in  the  thinges  demanded.  This  Syrian  promiling 
cxprclly  before  the  Prophet,  and  his  oi^-ne  great  trayne,  that  he  vixould  neuer 
ag-.ineferuefalfe  goddcs,  and  that  he  VasuM  fcruc  the  onlie  true  God,  and  for 
:  •  that  parpofacaricd  earth  with  him,to  make  an  Alcarfor.Sacrifice,and  returning 

:_  horn:  preached  the  miracle  wrought  in  himfclf,  dcfired  not  to  doe  anie  thing, 

wherby  he  might  feme  to  feruc  an  Idol :  but  that  when  the  king  leaning  vpon  D.Bri' 
him.fliould  adore  Rcmmon,  hcmightbo\r  with  his  maifter,  not  adoiing  the  fl^otu'Sio^ 
Idol,  for.herefolued  and  promifcd  the  contraric,  but  adoring  God  Almightie,  tltio.ii, 
in  whomno-*' he  bclcucd.  Andthis  the  Prophet  approucd,  in  that  time,  ilacc, 
p,  r      I        -    ^'■"•''pcrfon  to  be  la-«'ful.  But  thofe  that  now  in  England  goe   to  Pfote'ftants 
f      ^    tj'    ^".  ^eruice,  or  fcrmons,  do  neither  publikly  rcnouncc'al  herefifes,  nor.prnfefTe 
tical  fer  ic    •'„  ^o'^^^^'l"^'^'^'^^*'^*^' ^h^"^"^'"^  ^^*^''''S'*o^  ti^e  Chriftian  diarchy  nor  auouch  the 
Eiiffland    a  r.  «^«'^'"go^ -"^'^ '^^^*'^5  ^"^  g'^s  ^°  church,  to  fliew  them  felues  obedient  to  the 
a;    a;     V  '^^'  Parlament  law,  which  abandoned  the  true  Diuine  Seruice,  and  in  place  therof 
ofconf  rm'      appointed  Sccjmmanded  al  to  be  prclent.ata  new  forme  of  common  prayer, 
j-«  u^r^a^  thereby  making  ita  diftinftiuc  (Igne  of  conformities  and  participation  in  thac 

religion,  which  thcle  diiicmoJcrs  in.theSir.coBlcicnccs  know  fiilie. 

Thtscxample  therfore  doth  in  no  forte  v/arranr  their  going  to  the  heretical 
church. but coiitrariwifcadmoniiheths,!  to  take.retolucioirin  our  cate  (asMua- 
min  did  in  his)  ofour  Elifcus,  or  fpiritual  Superior,  and  if  he  should  fay  :  Goe 
in  peace,then  might  they  pleade  an  excurejbufhefayth:  None  can  goe  without 
incurring  greuoas  ftane,  and  eternal  damnation. The  cafe  being  fomach  diffe- 
rent fromNaamaas.  Itisin  decdc  more  like  to  that  of  Eleizarus,  and  other 
Acale  very  Machabecs,who  were  commanded  hyeating  fvyt>tfsfl*sh,  to  depart  from  thelavv  of  ^_  ^j^,  . 
.tikecooucs  rjo^,  <<«i  t/;*«>/4^/j*f$.  Which  bj  no  meanes  was  lawful  to  doe,  nor  to  make  thab.  6. 
ftiewofioing  it,  but  rather  to  dye,  as  they  did  moft  glorioufly.  y. 

Chap.     VI. 
Eliffti^  ma\eth  iron  to  fivimm?  '\pan  the  "^  iter :  8.  leadeth  the^  of  SyrU 

kismy4{  fenito  4^^rchindb'.m)hhnily  into  SAmiri.t.  to.  yvbtre  their  ■ 
"  ey:i  hiin^ opmed,  they  are  (liriOHJly  inierUtned,  And  free ly  difm!-,?ed.  24. 
Th^'  Syridns  'j'/li^-*  Sxmm.i.  i6.  FDre.v^rem;  fdmtns  n  mythir  e^teth  her 
child.  }i.  ^yUh:!ki^^^i>f>*n>'ifidetht9  k}^  Elifem. 

ANd   th;ciiiUi"cn  of  tlicpropKeces  fayd  to  Elifcus :  Be-   i 
Solvl  the  place,  whsriavrc  d«?cl  before  thee  is  ftreicc 
for  vs.  t  Let  vsgoeas  faras  Iorclan,an<i  rakeoutof  the  wood  1        • 
cjisricLnia  foni:;  timber,  that \re  miy  build  thcrea  placeto 
^\ffz\  ill.  '^\\o  fiid:  Goe.  f  Aai  one  of  them  fayd:  Come  5 
di.3r£orc  thoa  alfj 'frith  thy  fcraantes.  He  anlsrcrcd:  I  wil 

come  . 

Of  Ifr. lorsm.  EJifcus.       of  kinoes.  775 

4  come,  t  And  he  ^cnt  "vith  them.  And  whci^  they  N^crc 
J,  come  ro  loi'dan  they  cut  wood,  f  And  icchanceti^  that  when 

one  had  cut  do  wnc  timber,  the  head  of  the  axe  fcl  into  the 
,:  water; and  he  Gticd  out,  and  faid:  Alas  ala$aias  ray  lord,  this 
.  j^  fame  alfo  I  -  did  boro^«^.  f  And  the  man  of  God  f^yd  :  >yhere  :•  His  grieF 

fei  it?  and  he  (hewed  him  the  place:  he  thcrfore  cucofapece  ^'asgi^^t,  be- 
7  of  wood,  and  caft  it  thither  :  and  the  yion  did  iVimme,  f-and  ^^"^^'.  nieanesto 

hefaid:  Takeitvp.  who  ftrerchcdfofthhis  hand,  and  tookc  rccouipcncc 

5  it.  t  And  the  kinj5  ol-  Sytia  fought  againillfracl,  and  tooke  thcbiicto  the 
coiinfel  >tvith  his  icruantes,  faying  :  In  that  and  xhtx  piace  let  ^"^^.'-*^' 

9  vsL.y  cmbiunementes.  f  Thcrfore  the  man  of  God  fcnt  to 
the  king  of  ifrael,  faying:  Bcvarc  thou  pade  not  into  fuch  a 

10  place:  bccaufe  the  Sytians  arc  therein  embushemcnres.fThe 
kingof  Ifrael  therforefent  to  the  place,  which  the  man  of 
God  had  told  him,  ixnd  prcucnted  hiai,and  locked  wel  to  him 

11  felftheranot  once  or  twife.  -j-  And  the  hart  oi-  tnc  king  of 
Syria  was  trubled  for  this  thing.  And  cailmg  together  his 
ferusnteSjhefayd;  Why  doeyou  not  tcl  me  whoisthe  bctraiej: 

Tz  of  mc  to  the  ktngof  IlYaclr  f  And  one  of  his  (cruanresfayd  : 
No:  fo  my  lord  king,  but  Elifeus  the  prophet,  which  is  in 
IfraeljtcHeth  the  king  of  Ifraelal  wordc:,  whatrjcusr  theu 

15  llialt  fpcakc  in  thy  priuy  chamber,  f  And  he  fayd  to  them: 
Goe,  and  fee  where  he  is  :  that  I  may  (end,  and  take  him.  And 

34  they  told  him,  faying:  Behold  in  Dothan.  f  He  ther  Fore  lent 
thither  horfes  and  chariorcs,  and  the  force  of  his  armic./  : 
who  when  they  were  come  in  the  night ,  they  befettc  the 

1)  cicie.  t  And  the  ferunnt  of  the  man  of  God  rifing  early, 
went  out,  and  faw  an  armie  roundabout  the  citie^and  horlcs 
and  chariotes:  and  he  told  him,  faying:  Alas  alas  ala;  my  lord, 

16  vpUaz  shal  we  doe.f  But  he  anfwered:  Fcare  nor:  for  there  arc 

17  more  -yith  vs  then  with  them  .    f   And  when  Elifciis  had 

prayed,  he  fayd  :  Lord  open  the  cies  of  this  man,  that  he  may  ::Ahan>anii- 
lee.  And  our  Lord  opened  the  eies  of  the  feruanr,  and  -  he  man,  in  jo:k- 
behuld:  and  loc  the  monntainc  l^ul  of  horfes,  and  of  firie  chc-  ^''"c  "'^^d 

iZ  rioccs  round  about  Elifcus.  t  But  the  enemies  went  downc  V^^^  r"^  % 
to  him:  morcouerElilcus  prayed  to  our  Loro,  laying:  Strike,  ipirircs.vv-hcr- 
1  bcfech  thee,  this  people  with  blindeneire.  And  our  Lord  by  heofrendc. 
fmot5  them,  that  they  fa-w  not,  according  to  the  word  of  Eli-  tcflcd  &  Ivndu 

19  feus.fAnd  Elifcus  fayd  to  them:  This  is  not  the  way  ncithcris  ^     ^'■^j}^^^^ 
this  the  citic:  folo w  mc,(3c  I  wil  snew  you  the  man,whom  you  i,^,^[  /,•  j,.  f,  ,1^ 

2o'*feckc.  Hethetforclcdthcminto  Samaria;  t  andwhcnthey,  jir.gUc, 

A  aaaa  i  ^rere 

774  FovRTH  BooKE       of  Ifr.  lotam.  EHfcus. 

\rcre  entered  into  Samaria,  Elifeus  faid:  Lord  open  the  eies  of 
thcfe  men, that  they  may  fee.  And  our  Lord  opened  their  eies, 
and  they  faw  them  (clues  to  be  in  the  middes  of  Samaria. 
•}•  Andthekingof  Ifraelfaid  to  Elifeus,  \rhen  he  had  fenc  21 
them  :  Shal  I  ftfike  them,  my  father?  f  And  he  faid;  Thou  12. 
shalt  not  ftrike them:  for  thou didft  not  take  them \rith  thy 
::By  bread  and  f\rord,and  thy  bo>r,  that  thou  raayft  ftrike  them  :  but  "  fee 
water  is  vnder  bread  and  vat€r  before  them,  that  they  may  eate  and  drinke, 
flood ordma-    and  "oe  to  their  maifter.  t  And  a  great  preparation  of  mea-  ii 
drinck.T.ij,       ^^^  ^**  ^^^^^  before  them,  and  they  did  eate  and  drmke  ,  and 
hcdifmiffedthem,  and  they  went  a-^ay  to  their  maifttT,  and 
the  robbers  of  Syria  came  no  more  into  the  Landjof  IfraeL 
•f-  Anditcame  to  pailc  after  thefethinges,  Benadad  the  king  14 
ofSyriagatheredtogctheralhisarmie,  and  went  vp,  and  be- 
ficgedSaraaria.  t  And  there  was  a  great  famine  in  Samaria:  2j 
and  fo  long  it  '^as  beficged  ,  til  the  head  of  an  affe  was  fold 
for  foure  fcore  iiluer  peeces,  &  the  fourth  part  of  a  cabc  ot  pi-    . 
geons  dung,  for  fiuc  fxluer  peeces.  f  And  when  the  king  i6 
of  Ifrael  palled  by  the  wall,  a  certayne  woman  cried  out  to 
him  ,  faying  :  Sauc  me  ray  lord  king,  -f  Who  fayd  :  No,  ©ur  17 
Lord  fauc.  thee:  how  can  I  fauethce?  of  the  floore,  or  of  the 
preife?  And  the  king  fayd  to  her:  Whatajleth  thee?  Who 
anfwered:  f  This  woman  fayd  to  me  :  Gcue  thy  fonne  ,  ihaf  iS 
we  may  eate  him  to  day,  &  my  fonne  we  wil  eate  to  morrow, 
f  Wetherforeboyled  my  fGnne,anddid  eate  him.  And  Ifayd  1^ 
to  her  the  next  day  :  Geue  thy  fonne  ,  that  we  may  eate  him. 
"Who  hath  hid  het  fonne  .   f   Which  when  the  king  had  30 
heard,  he  rent  his  garmentcs,  and  paffed  by  the  wal.  And 
al  the  people  faw  rhe  hearecloth,  which  he  ware  next  vpon 
his  flesh,  t  And che  king  fayd:  Thefe  thinges  doe  God  to   51 
me,  and  thefe  addc  he,  if  the  head  of  Eliieus  rhe  fonne  of 
Saphat  shal  fland  vpon  him  this  day  ,  f  But  Elifeus  fate  in  32, 
hishoufe,  and  the  ancientcs  fate  with  him.  He  therforefent 
a  man  before:  and  before  that  mefTenger  came,  he  fayd  to 
the  ancienres  :  Doe  you  know  that  this  murderers  fonne 
hath  feiit  to  cut  of  my  head  ?  See  therfore ,  when  the  mefTen- 
gershal  come,  flout  the  doore,  andfufferhimnot  toenterin  : 
for  behold  the  found  of  his  maiftcrs  fceteis  behindehim,,. 
t  whiles  hewasyctfpcakingtothem,  the  meffengerappea-  55 
red,  which  came  to  him  .  And  he  fayd :  Behold,  this  fo  great 
cuil  is  of  our  Lord  :  what  shal  I  looke  for  more  of  our  Lord  ? 


ElifcUS.  OF    KIKGF.  S.  yyy 

Chap.    VII. 

Elifeus  pre^hteieth  flentit  of  come  the  next  day^  and  death  to  a  chif  man 
that  wd  not  heUue  tt,  5.  Fonre  lepers  joiner  to  yeld  .hemfelties  to  the  Sy- 
rians y  6.  '^hohy  Godiprouidt-nce  are  frighted  and  f.ed  aWay  ,9.  hrw^ 
neft>es  thcrof  to  Samarii  ,  iz.  "Uihuh  by  trial  is  found  true,  16.  ^4nd  fo 
there  tsplentieef  (orne,  and  the  incredulous  nobleman  is  trod  todttth, 
Ti'ithprejeofmtdtitudein  thebaic,  as  tht  prophet  fortcld, 

I  \  Nd  Elifeus  fayd:  Heare  ye  the  word  of  our  Lord:  Thus 
,/lL  fayrh  our  Lord  :  Ar  this  time  to  morovc  a  bushel  of 
fioure  shal  be  atoneftater,  and  two  bushels  of  barley  atone 

1  ftater,inthe  gate  of  Samaria,  f   One  of  the  Dukes,  vpon 
whofc  hand  the  king  leaned,  anfwearing  the  man  of  God, 
fayd  :  If  our  Lord  shal  make  fludgaces  in  heauen,  "  can  that  -oifcourfcof 
pollibly  be  which  thou  fpcakcft  ?  Who  fayd  :Thou  flialtfeeit  mansreafoa 

5  with  thine  eies,  and  shak  not  eate  therof.  -f  There  were  cannot  reach 

therforeifouremen  lepers,  befide  the  entrance  of  the  gate  :  ^°/i^^  povrc 

I       r      J  1  ,-„r!  t      I  1  of  God,  who 

Vfho  laydenetoanother  :  Whatmeane  we  to  behere  til  wc  candollthat 

4  die?  f  Whether  wc  enter  into  the  citie,  we  shal  die  for  fa-  he  wil, and  veil 
mine  :  or  whether  wc  tarie  here,  die  we  mutl:  come  therfore,  docalihathe 
and  let  vs  runneaway  to  thecampeof  Syria.  If  they  fpare  vs,  ^a'th;thcr. 
wcshallius:butif  they  wil  kil  vs,  weshaldie  neuerthelefTe.  ddousVre^iuli- 

5  t  They  arofe  therfore  in  the  euening  ,  to  come  to  the  campe  ly  pumihcd. 
of  Syria.  And  when  they  were  come  to  the  beginning  of  the 

6  campe  of  Syria  ,  they  found  no  man  there .  f  For  our  Lord 
had  made  them  in  the  campe  of  Syria  to  heare  the  found  of 
chariotes,andhorfes,'  and  of  a  verie  great  armie :  and  they 
fayd  one  to  an  other:  Behold  rhe  king  of  Ifrael  hath  for  wages 
hyredagaynft  vs  thekingc5of  cheHcthciteS:,and  of  the  /Egy-  ^ 

7  ptiins,and  they  are  come  vpon  vs.  f  They  arofe  therfore, and 
fled  in  the  darke  ,  and  leaft  their  rentes,  and  their  horfes  and 
affes  in  the  campe,  and  fled  dehrous  to  faue  their  lines  only. 

8  t  Therfore  when  thefe lepers  were  come  to  the  beginning 
of  the  campe,  they  entered  into  one  tabernacle ,  and  did  eate 
anddrinke.^:  and  they  rooke  thence  filucri  and  gold,  and 
raymenr,  and  went,  and  hid  it:  againe  they  returned  to  an 
other  tabernacle,  and  from  thence  likewifc  taking  away  they 

5>  hid  it.  f  Andthey  faid  one  to  another  :  We  doe  not  wel:  for 
this  is  a  day  of  good  tydinges.  If  we  fhal  hold  our  peace,  and 
wil  not  tel  vntil  morning,  we  fhal  be  blamed  of  a  heinous 
offence :  Come,  let  vs  goc,  and  make  report  ia  the  kinges 


77^  F  o  T  ktW  %  o'^o^  E  Elifeusi 

court,  t  And  when  they 'i'ere  come  rdt-he  gate  of  rhe  citie,  lo 
they  told  rhcm  faying  :  We  went  to  the  campe  of  Syria,  and 
found  no  man  there,  but  horfcs,  and  alFes  tyed,and  the  tcntes 
pitched,  t  T"hc  porters  therfore  went,  and  told  It  to  the  king  ii 
■within  his  palace,  f  Who  arofc  in  the  night,<Sc  {a)d  to  his  {er-  it 
uants:  I  rel  you  "what  the  Syrians  haue  done  to  vs  :  They 
know  that  vet  fuffcr  great  famine,  and  therfore  they  are  ^one 
out  of  the  campe  andiie  hid  in  the  fieldes, faying  :  Wnen  thejr 
fnal  come  forth  out  of  the  citic,  we  wil  take  them  aliuc,  and 
then  vre  may  enter  into  the  citie.  f  But  one  oF  his  (eruantes  15 
anfsvered:  Let  vs  take  fiue  horles  that  are  remaining  in  the 
citie  (  becaufethcy  onliearein  the  whole  multitude  of  Ifrael 
for  the  other  are  confamed)and  fending,  we  may  trie.t  They  14 
brought  theifore  cns^o  horfes ,  and  the  king  fenr  into  the 
campe  of  the  Syrians, laying,  Goe  ye,  and  (cc.  f  Who  went  ly 
after  them  as  far  as  lordan  :  and  behold  al  the  way  was  fu! 
of.ravmcnt,  and  veffels,  which  the  Syrians  had  caft  awjy, 
^whcn  they  were amafed,  and  the  mcirengcrs  returning  told 
the  king,  f  And  the  people  going  forth  fpoyled  the  campe  of  i€ 
Svria:and  a  buihelof  flourc  became  at  one  ftater,  and  two 
bufibels  of  barley  at  one  (liter  ,  according  to  the  word   of^ 
our  Lord  .   f   Moreouer  the  king   appoynted  that.' dukc^  17 
on  whofehand  he  leaned,  to  ftand  at  the  gate:  whom  the  ^ 
multitude  troae in  rbeentra,nceof  thegate,  &  he  died,  accor- 
ding as  the  man  of  God  had  fpoken,  when  the  king  came 
downctohim.fAndit  came  to  pade  according  to  the  word  of  i§ 
the  man  of  God,  which  he  fpake  to  the  king,  when  he  iiyd: 
Two  bushels  of  barley  shal  beat  one  (later,  and  a  bushel  of 
floure  atone  slater, this  verie  rymc  to  morow  it  the  gate  of 
Sam.:ria:  f  whenrhatduke  anCwered  the  man  of  God,  and   19 
fayd:  Although  our  Lord  would  makefludgatesin  the  heauen, 
can  this  be  done  which  thou  fpeakert  ?  And  he  ("aid  to  hnn  ; 
Thou  shalt  fee  with  thine  eies,  andshal  not  earetherof  f  ^^  ^^ 
chanced  cherfore  to  him  as  it  was  foretold,  and  the  people 
trode  him  in  thcgaie,and  hedied. 

Chap.     VIM. 

^her  fen?n  ye  Jirn  famine  fir  told  by  EUfetis,  tke  Sundmite  ^otmn  rx-tHr.^ 

:    nm^haim^  rtcouenth  her  Undei  and reutncwes.  7 .  Elifem  forsbeweth  the 

■    deith  of  Btnadid  k^m^  fif  Syria,  and  cruel  reigne  of  HmlUeL  16.  lor  Am 

^ei^nin^inliid^i  the  idumsansreuolt  from  hint,  alfo  Lobm^i^.He  dtetb, 

andhlf  (oane  Ocbol^dsjucceedeth. 

loram.  Elifeus.      ofkingIES.  777 

I  A  N  D  Elifeus  fpake  to  the  Nr©man,whofc  fojine  he  rcfto- 
jTJl  red  to  life,  faying  :  Arifcj  goe  thou  and  thy  houle,  and 
foiourne  whcrfocucr  thoa  ftak  findc  ;  fcr  cur  Lcrd  hath 
called  a  famine,  and  ir  fnal  come  vpon  the  land  feucn  yeares, 
•2  fWho  arole,  &  did&ccording  to  the  word  of  the  man  of  God. : 
&  going  with  her  houlhould,  ihe  foiourned  in  the  land  of  the 

5  Philiftijms  many  dayes.f  And  when  the  feuen  yeares  were  cn» 
•ded,  the  woman  recurned  out  of  the  Land  of  thePhihfthiims; 
and  fhe  went  forth  to  fpeakc  to  the  king  for  hcrhoufc,andfor 

4  herlandes.  -f  And  che king  {pake  with  Giezi  the  feruant  of 
the  man  of  God,  faying:  Tel  me  al  the  meruelous  thinges  that 

J  Elifcus  hath  done  . -J-  And  when  he  had  told  the  king  how  he 
had  rayied  a  dead  man,  thewoman  appeared,  whofe  fonne  he  •>— 

had  reuiucd,  crying  to  thekingfor  her  houfe,and  herlandes.        "'^'^  .r.mA. 
And  Giczifayd:  My  lord  king  ,  chisis  the  woman,  and  this  is  ^  ; 

6  her  fonne,  whom  Elifeus  rayfed.  t  And  the  king  asked  the 
"woman:  who  told  him.  And  the  king  gaue  her  an  eunuch, 
faying  :  Rellore  her  al  thinges  that-are  hers ,  and  al  the  rcue- 
newes  of  the  landes,  from  the  day,  that  (he  Icaft  the  land  vnril 

7  thisprefenr.  j"  Elifeus alfo came  to  Damafcus,  and  Benadad  '  ' 
the  king  of  Syria  was  ficke  :.and  they  told  him,  faying  :  The 

8  man  of  God  cometh  hither  .f,  And  the  kingfayd  to  Hazael : 
Take  with  thee  prefentes,  andgoc  to  mcete  the  man  of  God, 
and  confnlt  the  Lord  by  him ,  faying:  Can  I  elcapc  of  this 

9  myne  infirmitie?  f  Hazael  therfore  went  to  mecte  him  ,  ha- 
uing  with  him  prefentes,  and  al  good  thinges  of  Damafcus, 
the  lodes  of  fouutie  camels.  And  when  he  flood  before  him, 
he  fayd  :  Thy  fonne  Benadad  the  king  of  Syria  hath  fcnt  me 

10  to  thee,  faying:  Can  I  rccouer  of  this  mine  inlirmitie  ?  f.And 
Elifeus  fayd  to  him:  Goe  ,  tel  him  :  -  Thou  (halt  be  healed  ;  ..-j-iii 

11  butour  Lord  hath  ilicwed  me  that  dying  he  shal  die.t  And  true  in  feme 
he  flood  with  him,  and  was  trublcd  fo  far  that  he  blushed  :  fenlc,  ficknes 

12  and  the  man  of  God  wept,  f  To  whom  Hazael  fayd  :  Why   ending  when 
doethmylord  weepe?  Rut  he  fayd  :  Becaufe  I  know  what  ^"^^«*^^' 
euils  thou  wilt  doe  to  the  children  of  Ifrael..  Their  fenfed  ci- 
ties thou  wilt  burne  with  fyre,  and  their  yongmen  thou  wilt 

kil  with  the  fword,and  their  litle  ones  thou  wilt  dash  in  pec- 

13  ces,  and  wemen  with  childe  thou  wilt  diuide.  f  And  Hazael 
fayd:  What  am  I  thy  feruant  a  dog,  that  I  should  doe  this 
great  thing?  And  Elifeus  fayd  :  Our  Lord  hath  shewed  me 

14  that  thoushaltbckiBgofSyria.tWbo  when  he  vas  departed 

B  b  b  b  b  from 

yj%  F  o  V  R  T  H  1  o  d  K  E      Of  ludaloram.  Ochozias 

from  Elifeus.came  to  his  maifVer.who  fayd  to  hira:  What  fayd 
Ehfeus  to  thee  ?  But  he  anfwered :  He  toU  me :  Thou  shalt  re- 
couer  health,  f  And  when  the  next  day  was  come,  he  tooke  i^ 
a couerlette,  and  powred  water  theron,  and  fprcd  it  vppn  his 
face:  who  being  dead,  Hazael  reigned  for  him.  j  In  the  fifth  i^ 
yeareofloramthefonneof  Achab  thekingof  Ifrael ,  and  of 
lofaphat  the  king  of  luda,  reigned  lorara  the  fonne  of  lofa- 
phatthc  kingof  luda.  j-  He  was  twoand  thirtieyeares  old  17 
when  he  began  to  reigne ,  and  he  reigned  eight  yeares  in  le- 
rufalera  .  f  And  he  walked  in  the  waies  of  the  kinges  of  If-  18 
•;-Atlii1iav. !(?.  rael,  as  the  houfe of  Achab  had  walked  ;  for  :•'  thedaughter 
is  called  the     of  Achab  was  his  wife :  and  he  did  that  which  is  euil  in  the 
daucrhtcrof     Hght  of  our  Lord .  f  But  our  Lord  would  not  deftroy  luda,  19 
fore  k  fcmeth  ^^^  D^t^id  hJs  feruant,  as  he  had  promifed  him.,  to  geue  him  a 
that  either  (lie  l^i^npc  to  him,  and  to  his  children  al  waies.. f  Inhis  daiesre-  20 
was  the  adop-  uoired  Edom  ,  from  being  voder  luda,  and  made  to  it  felf  a 
^l'^^"^^'^^'^     king.  \  And  loram  came  to  Seira,  andal  the  chaiiotes"  with  11 
Achab"^"         him  :  and  he  arofein  the  night, and  ftrokc  the  Idiimeans,  that 
there  called      had  befet  him,  and  the  captaynes  of  the  charioiesj  and  the 
she  daughter    people  fled  into  their  tabernacles,  t  Edom  therforc  reuolted  it 
of  her  giand-  from  being  vnder  Iua'a,vntil  this  day.  Then  Lobna  aifo  reuol-  ^.^^  ^^  ^j^^^.  ^,,^^^^  ^  p^j^^  the  leftof  the  wordesof  loram  ,  and  15 

althathe  did  ,  arenotthcfethinges  written  Jn  the  Booke  of 
the  wordes  of  the  kingesof  luda?  f  Andlonm  Hept  with  24 
his  fathers,  and  was  buried  with  them  in  the  Citie  of  Dauid, 
and  Ochozias  bis  fonne  reigned  for  him.  f  in  the  twelfth  i<y 
ycarc  of  lorara  the  fonne  of  Achab  the  king  of  Ifrael, reigned 
Ochozias  the  fonne  of  loram  the  king  ot  luda,  f  Twoand  tC 
twenrie  yeares  old  was  Ochozias  when  he  began  to  reigne, 
and  he  reigned  one  yearciKlerufalemt  the  name  of  his  mo- 
ther was  Ath-ilia  the  daughter  of  Amri  the  king  of  Ifrael. 
f  And  he  walked  in  the  waies  of  the  houfe  of  Achab  :  and  27 
he  did  that  which  is  euil  before  our  Lord  ,  as  the  houfe  of 
Achab  :for  he  was  the  fonne  in  lawe  of  the  houfe  of  Achab. 
f  He  wentalfo  with  lorara  the  fonne  of  Achab  ,  to  fight  a-  28 
gaynft  Hazael  the  king  of  Syria  in  Ramoth  Galaad,  and  the 
Syrians  wounded  loranu:  -f  "Who  returned  to  be  cured,  in  25 
lezrahel :  becaufe  the  Syrians  wounded  him  in  Ramoth  figh- 
ting agaynft  Hazael  the  king  of  Syria.  Moreouer  Ochozias 
the  fonne  of  loram  the  king  of  luda,  went  downe  to  vifite 
loram  the  fonne  of  Achab  into  lezrahel,  becaufe 'he  was 
fickc  there.  Chat, 

Of  jrradloram.Iehu.       op.kinges.  775 

Chap.    IX. 
Jehu  is  anointed  k}»g  of  jfrdtlj  7 .  to  deflroy  the  houfe  of^chah  dndle'^del, 
14.  Be  prcfentlj  k}lleth  Joram  kifgoflfrdtel,  27.  Likrvije  OchoTUi  ktn^ 
of  luda.^o.  alfo  Jc'^hel.,  rvho  is  eaten  hj  dog^es. 

-i  /I  -Nd  Elifeus  the  prophcte  called  one  of  the  children  of 
J^L  the  prophetcs,  and  (ayd  to  him  :  Girdc  thy  loynes  :,  and 
take  this  litle  boxc  of  oyle  in  thy  hand,and  goe  into  Ramcth 

2.  Galaad.  f  -And  when  tl.ou  Ihalt  come  thiiher,  thou  flialt  fee 
lehu  theionneof  lolaphat  thefonneof  Namll  :and  going  in 
thou  thalt  rayfe  him  out  of  the  middes  of  his  brethren  ,  and 

;3  shalt  bring  him  into  an  inner  chamber  .  f  And  holding  the 
litle  boxe  of  oyle,  thou  shaltpowrevpon  his  head,  and  shalt 
fay:  Thus  fayth  our  Lord  ;  I  haiieanoynted  thee  king  ouet 
Ifrael.  And  thou  shalr  open  the  doore^  and  flee,  and  shaltnot 

4   ftay  there,  f  The  yongman  theriore  the  childe  of  a  prophete 

J  went  into  R^amoth  Galaad,  f  and  entered  in  thither:  and  be- 
hold the  captaynes  of  the  armie  fate, and  hefayd:  Ihanea 
word  to  thet  o  prince:  And  lehu  fayd  :  to  whom  of  vs  al .-  Bu'j 

.6  hefayd  :  To  thee  o  prince,  t  Andhearore>and  went  into  the 
chamber:  but  hepowredoylevpon  his  head, and layd:  Thus 
fayth  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael :  I  haue  anoynted  thee  king 

7  ouerthepeopleof  the  Lord  of  Ifrael ,  f  and  thou  shaltftrikc 
thehoufeof  Achab  thy  maifter,  and  I  wilrcuenge  tbebloud 
of  my  feruantes  the  prophetes,  and  the  bloudofal  thefer- 

8  uantes  of  the  Lord  of  thehandof  lezabel-  f  Andlwilde- 
ftroy  al  the  houfc  of  Achab,  and  wilkil  of  Achab  hiinthac 
piiTeth  agaynfta  wal,and  the  shut  vp,and  the  mcancft  in  If- 

f}  rael.  f  And  I  wil  makethe  houfeof  Achab,as  the  houfeof 
leroboam  the  fonne  of  Nabat,  and  as  the  houle  of  Baaia  ths 

10  I'onne  of  Ahias.  f  lezabel  alfo  the  dogges  iVal  eate  in  the 
field  of  lezrahel,  neither  shal  there  be  anie  to  burie  her.  And 

11  he  opened  the  doore,  and  fled,  f  Andlehu  went  forth  to  his 
maifters  feruantes.  Whofaid  tohim  :  Are  al  tliinges  wel?  Why 
came  this.maddeman  to  thee  ?  Who  fayd  to  them:  You  know 

zi  the  man,  and  what  hefpake.  f  But  tiiey  anlwcred  :  It  isfalfe, 
butratherdoe  thourelvs.  Wholayd  to  them  :  Thus  and  thus 
hefpake  to  me:  and  he  fayd:  Thus  fayth  our  Lord,  I  haue 

1}   anoynted  thee  king  ouerKrael    f  They  ihcrfore  made  haft, 

and  eucrie  man  taking  his  mantel  layd  it  vnder  his  fcercs 

after  the  rirailitude  of  aiudgf  mcnt  featej^c  they  founded  the 

Sbbbbi  trumpet. 

f%&  Fo  VRTH,  book!e    Orifrael  Toram. lehui 

trucnpet,  and  fayd:  lehu  hich  rhe  kingdom,  f  lehu  rher-  14 
fore  c^e  fohne  of  lofaphac  the  tonne  of  Namfi  confpired 
agaynfl  lorarn-p  ;    M  ^reousr  loram  i  had   bcficged  Ramoth,  h2,aad  al  Ifracl  agiynft -Hiziel  the  ktng.  of  Syria  : 
t  and  viras  returned  to  be  cured  in  Iczrael  of  the  ^NToundes,   ly 
for  the  Syrians  had  wounded  himiifighting  againft  Hazael  the 
king  of  Syria.  And  lehu  fayd:  If  it  pleafe  you,  let  no  man  goc 
forth  fugiriueoutof  thecitie,lefl  he  goe,and  icl  in  lezrahel. 
-f  And  he  mounted,  and  ^3P■enr  into  lezrahci:  for  loram  was    i4 
ficke  there,  and  Ochozias  the  king  of  ludawas  come  downe 
to  vifice  lorara.  ■}•  The  watchman  therfore,  chat  ftood  vpon  17 
the  toure  of  lezrahel,  faw  the  troupe  of  lehu  coming,  8c  faid: 
I  fee  a  troupe.  And  loranvfaid  i  Take  a  Chariote,  and  fend  to 
meete  them,  and  let  him  that  gocth  fay  :  Are  althinges  wcl? 
f  He  went  therfore,  that  was  gotten  vp  into  the  chariote,  to   ig 
meete  him,  and  fayd:  Thus  faith  the  king:  Are  al  thingcs 
peaceable?  And  Ichu  fayd :  What  haft  thou  to  doe  with  p^ace? 
palfe,  and  folow  me.  The  watchman  alfo  told,  faying:  The 
medcngercaraito  them,&retucnech  not;  t  HefentaUo  the  19 
fecond  chariote  of  horfes  :and  he  came  to  them,  and  faid: 
Thus  fay  th  the  king:  Is  there  peace?  And  lehu  fayd  ;  "Whsrt 
haft  thou  to  doe  with  peace?  palfe, and  folow  me.  f  And  the  i© 
'watchman  told,faying:Heis  corneas  far  as  they,&  returneth  - 
net:  and  it  is  the  pace  as  it  were  the  pace  of  lehu  thefonne  of 
Namfi,  for  he  goeth  amayne.-f  And  loram  fayd  :  Make  rcadie  11 
the  chariote.  And  they  m^de  readie  his  chariote,  and  loram 
the  king  of  Ifracl  went  forth,  and  Ochozias  the  king  of  liida, 
'Cchin  their  chatiotes,  and  rhey  went  forth  to  meete  Iehu,and 
found  him  in  the  field  of  Naborh  the  lezrahelite .  f  And  it  ■- 
whan  loram  had  feene  Iehu,.he  fayd:  Is  there  peace  lehu?  But 
lie anfwered  :  what  peace?  The  fornications  of  lezabel  rhy 
mother,  and  her  manie  forceries  are  in  their  vigour,  f  And  25 
loram  turned  his  hand,  and  Being  fayd  to  Ochozias :  Treafort 
Ochozias.  j  Moreouer  lehu  bent  his  bow  with  his  hand,  14  - 
and  ftroke  loram  betwen  the  shoulders:  and  the  arrow  went 
out  throug'i  his  hart,  and  inimediatly  he  fel  in  his  chariote. 
f  And  lehu  (ayd  to  cspraine  Badacer:  Take  him,  throwe  if  : 
him  f6rth  in  the  field  of  Naboth  th^  lezrahcUte:  forlre- 
::W]icnNa-    tnembcr  when  I  and  thou  fitting  in  a  chariote  did  folow 
arcurir&''ln-  Achab  this  mans  father,  that  our  Lord  lifted  vp  this  burden 
iuft?y  ftoncd  "  "f^^^  ^^^f  faying:  f  If  not  fof  the  bloud  of  Naboth,  and '-  for  16 
^  -      '  —  the . 

GfludaiOehozias  of  Ifr.Iehu.       of   king  es.  7S1 

the  bloud  of  his  children,  which  1  faw  yefterday,  fayth  our  to  death, aslf 
Lord,  1  requite  thee  nor  in  this  field  (ayth  our  Lord.  No'o.  J;;^';,';^^  .^d 
therforc  rake  him,  and  throw  him  into  the  field  according  to  ^^^^^^  jj,g 
17-  the  word  of  our  Lord,  f   But  Ochozias  the  king  of  luda  kn.g,t"ot  his 
feing  this,  tied  by  the  way  of  the  houfe  of  the  garden  :  and  prt;cnacd     ; 
Iehu.pur(cwedhim,andraid:  This  man  alfo  ftrike  ye  in  his  [^'^'^'^"'^^^^c 
chariorc.  And  they  ftrokc  him  in  the  going  rp  ot  Gsuer,  j,,\y  ^^3,^^,  ^n^j 
which  is  belide  leblaam  ;  who  fled  into  Magcddo,  and  died  luslanacs  and 

al  there,  t  And  his  feruantes  layd  him  vpon  his  chanotc,  and  gooacs  confif 
caried him  into  Icrufalem  :  andthty  buried  him  there  in  his  ^^'^^'^  \'*\^^^ 

^9  fepulchre  with  his  fathers  in  the  Citie  of  Dauid  .  t  In  tbc  ^hckln^^crs  pjc- 

eleuenth  yearcof  loram  the  fonne  of  Achab,  reigned  Ocho-  fcntgoingco 
30   zias  ouer  luda,  f  and  lehu  came  into  lezrahcl.  Moreouer  poiiciieii.e 
lezabel  hearing  of  bis  entrance,  paynted  her  face  with  fti-  vmpid.j.K.'^^ 
bicke  ftone,  and  decked  her  head,  and  beheld  through  the    ''- 

jr  window  -f  lehu  coming  at  the  gate,  and  fayd:  Can  there  be 

3i  peace  to  Zambri,  that  killed  his  maider?  f  And  lebu  lifted 
vp  his  face  to  the  window,  and  fayd:  \fhatissheJ  And  two 

5J  or  three  eunuches  bowed. them  felues  to  him.  -f  But  he  fayd 

to  them  :  Caft  her  downc  headlong,  Sc  they  threw  her  downc  •  -' * 

and  the  wal  was  fprinkled  with  the  bloud,  and  the  hoofes  of  > 

34  the  horfes  trode  her.  f  At^d  when  he  was  entered  in,  to  eate, 
and  to  drinke,  he  fayd  :  Goe,  and  iee  that  curfcd  w  oman,  and 

5;  buric  her  :  becaufe  she  is  a  kinges  daughter.  |  And  when  they 
went  to  buric  her,  they  found  nothing  but  the  skul,  and  the 

36  feete,  and  the  extreme  partcsof  the  Ivandcs.  f  Andreturning 
they  told  him.  And  lehu  fayd;  It  is  the  word  of  our  Lord, 
which  he  (pake  by  his  feruant  Elias  the  Thefbire,  faying;  In 
the  field  of  lezrahel  shalthe  dogges  eate  the  flesh  ol  Iczabtl, 

37  t  and  the  flesh  of  lezabel  shal  be  as  dung  vpon  the  face  of 
the  earth  in  the  field  of  lezrahel,  fo  chat  they  which  palFe  by 
shal  fay;  Is  this  chat  fame  Iczabel  ? 

Chap.  X. 
Tie  Sjtmiritunes  fearing  the  force  of  Ichu,  choofe  m  other  kingt  ^«'  off^^  ^'"'W 
their  feriiice :  6.  and  by  his  csmmindm:nt  kilthe  late  kin^i  jeKenta fonneu 
1 1.  Fourtie  two  bi  others  of  Ocbt^xs  Ute  4«V  of  Ind*  are  Jlame.  1 5 .  lehu 
miking le*^:ie  ^ith  lofiadAbyytterly  defiroyeth  ^chxhs  houfe.  18.  by  a 
J}rata^em  ki^Jeth  al  the  ivorshippen  ofsaaly  16.  burneth  hn  jiatm^icr  tur- 
neth  his  temple  into  4  u(?j;iS.^«l  muntatneth  leraboams  golden  calnes.^i^ 
The  ^Jynans  afUSl  lfr*el.}  \.hh4  disthy  and  his  fonne  loach  xl^  reigneth^ 

"  v,^  .  Bbbbb  5  Anfv 

7^i  FovRTHBooKE'  of  Ifir,  Ichu. 

ANd  Achab  had  fcuenrie  Tonnes  in  Samaria:  lehuther-  s 
fore  ^*^rotc  letters,  and  lent  into  Samaria  to  the  chiefe 
ofthccitie,andto  the  anciences  ,  and  to  them  that  brought 
vp  Achabs  children,  faying:  f  As  fo^'ne  asyou  shalreceiuc  i 
thcfc  lerters,ye  that  hiue  your  maifters  fonnes,  and  chariotes, 
and  horfes,  and  fenfcd  cities,and  armoui ,  f  choofe  the  better,  5 
and  him  that  shal  pleafe  you  ofyour  maifters  fonnes,  and  fet 
him  vpon  his  fathers  throne,  and  fight  for  the  houfe  of  your 
lord,  f  They  were  fore  afrayd,  and  fayd:  Behold  two  kinges    4 
could  not  ftind  before  him,  and  how  (hal'^ebeable  torefift? 
t  The  ouerfeers  therfore  of  the  houfe,  and  the  rulers  of  the  f 
citie,  and  the  ancientcs,  and  the  tutors  fent  to  lehu,  faying: 
We  are  thy  feraantes  ,  whatfoeuer  thoushalt  command  we 
wil  doe, neither  wil  we  make  vs  a  king:Doe  thou  whatfoeuer 
pleafeth  thee,  f  And  he  wrote  letters  to  them  agayne,  the  fe-  ^ 
cond  tyme,  faying:  If  you  be  mine,  and  obey  me,  take  the 
heades  of  your  maifters  fonnes,  and  come  to  raethisv.erie 
hoiire  to  raorow  into  lezrahel.  Moreouer  the  kinges  fonnes, 
feuentie  men  were  brought  vp  with  the  chiefe  of  the  cirie. 
t  And  when  the  letters  were  come  to  them  ,  they  tooke  the  7 
kinges  fonnes,  and  llew  feuentie  men,  and  put  their  headesiji 
baskets,  and  fent  them  to  him  into  lezrahel.  f  And.a  mclFcn-  8 
ger  came>  Sc  told  him,  faying  :  They  haue  brought  ihc  heades 
of  the  kinges  (onnes.Who  anfwered:  Lay  them  in  two  heapes 
by  the  entrance  of  the  gate  vntil  morning,  f  Andwhenis  9 
was  light,  he  went  forth,  and  ftandingfayd  to  al  the  people: 
You  are  iuft:  If  I  hauc  confpired  agaynft  my  maifter,  and  haue 
flaynehim,  who  hath  ftrooken  al  thefe  ?  f  See  therfore  now  10 
there  hath  not  fallen  of  the  wordes  of  our  Lord  on   the 
ground,  which  our  Lord  fpake  vpon  the  koufcof  Achab,and 
pur  Lord  hath  done  that  which  he  fpake  in  the. hand  of  his 
■feruant  Eh'i?.  f  lehu  therfore  fmote  al  that  were  leafr  of  the  ir 
houfe  of  AcHab  in  lezcahel,  and  al  his  nobles  ,  and  famiHars, 
andprieftes,til  there  renijyned  no  reliques  of  him. -f  And  he  12 
arofe,  and  came  into  Samaria:  and  when  he  was  come  to  the 
cabbinofrhe  thepeheardesin  the  way ,  f  he  found  the  bre-  13 
thren  of  Ochozias  the  king  of  luda  ,  and  hefayd  to  them  : 
What  are  you  ?  Who  anfweredr  We  arc  the  brethren  of  Ocho- 
zias  ,  and  are  come  downe  to  falute  the  kinges  fonnes,  and 
the  qucencs  fonnes.  f  Whofayd:  Take  them  aliue.  Whom   14 
when  they  had  taken  aliue,  they  killed  them  in  a  ccflerne  bc- 


Ofirraellehu.  of  kinges.  78^ 

fide  tkecabbin,  two  and  tourrie  men,  andhe  leaftnot  any  of 
If  them,  t  And  when  he  was  gone  thence,  he  found '••  lona-  •':  This  lona- 
dabthefonneofRechabcominPtomeetcbim,  and  he  bltf-  'l^b»nf^»tutcd 
^    ,  ,  .         .i,/-!        1-        ,ii  -1  1  1     a  peculiar  rule 

fed  him.  And  he  fayd  to  him:  Is  thy  hart  right  as  my  hart  with  ^J-  rdioious 

thy  hart  ?  And  lonadab  (ayd  :  It  is.  If  it  be  (o,  quoth  he,  gtue  abftmence: 
methy  hand,  who  gauehimhishand.  Buthehftcdhim  vp  to  which  his po- 

16  him  into  the  chariote  ,  f  and  fayd  to  him  :  Come  with  mc,  ftentydulyob 

,_  ,     r  TiAjL-        f  -UL-  leiutu.  Uian, 

and  fee  my  £ele  for  our  Lord.  And  being  letteinhis  chanote, 

17  t  he  brpught  him  into  Samaria.  Andheftioke  al  that  vcre 
leaft  of  Achab  in  Samaria,  til  there  was  not  one  ,  according 

j8  to  the  word  of  our  Lord,  which  he  (pake  by  Ehas.  f  Ithu 

therfore  aflembied  al  the  people,  and  (ayd  to  them  :  Achab  .;  jchu  finned 
worshipped  Baal  a  litle,  but  ''■  I  wil  worshipe  him  more-',  inkanmg^and 

ip  t  Now  therfore  cal  to  meal  the  prophetes  of  Baal,  and  al  his  caufmi;  others 
feruantes,  and  al  his  prieftes:  let  there  be  none  but  that  he  s^af"!s^^]^*^ 
come,  for  I  haue  a  great  facrifice  to  Baal:  He  that  Dial  be  wannnuboth 
wanting  shal  not  Hue,  Moreoucr  Ichu  did  this  craftely,  that  diicretionand 

20  he  mi^ht  deftroy  the  worshippers  of  Baal,  t  And  he  (ayd:  cquitic  iortn/f  • 

21  San^rfie  a  (olemne  day  to  Baal.  And  he  called  t  and  lent  "'"i^'-'j'^^'"^ 

111  ri  -11/-  (-1-.1  that  ■^oodma^ 

into  al  the  borders  of  Ifracl,and  al  the  feruantes  ot  Baal  came:  ,0^^  tlmof, 
there  was  leaft  not  oi;e  that.came  nor.  And  they  entered  into  i^om.i. 
the  temple  of  Baal :  and  the  houfe  of  Baal  was  filled, from 
one  end  to  the  other  .  f  And  he  fayd  to  them  that  were  ouer 
11  thegarmcntcs:  Bring  forth  garmentes  for  al  the  feruantes  of 
25  Bial.  And  they  brought  them  forth  garmentes.  t  Andlehu 
going  in,  and  loioadab  the  fonnc  of  Rechab  into  the  temple 
oi  Baal,  fayd  to  the  worshippers  of  Baal :  Search,  and  fee  left 
perhaps  there  be  any  with  you  of  the  (eruames  of  the  Lord, 

24  but  that  there  be  the  feruantes  of  Baal  onlie.  f  They  therfore 
"wentin  to  make  viitimes  and  holocauftes  :  but  lehu  had  pre- 
pared him  without  fourefcore  men,  and  fayd  to  them  :  "Who- 
foeuer  shalefcapeofthefemen,  vhom  I  wil  bring  into  your 

25  handes,  his  life  shal  be  for  the  life  of  hira.  f  And  ir  came  to 
palTeswhen  the  holocaufte  was  ended,  lehu  commanded  his 
fouldiars  and  captavnes ;  Goe  in,  and  ftrike  them,  let  none 
efcape.  And  the  fouldiars  and  captaynes  ftrokethemin  the 
edge  of  thefword,  and  caft  them  forth:  and  they  went  into 

26  the  citie  of  the  temple  of  Baal, •}•  and  brought  forth  the  ftatue 

27  out  of  Baals  temple, and  burnt  it,  f  and  brakeitin  peeces. 
They  deftroyed  alfo  the  temple  of  Baal,  and  madeaiakesfor 

28  it  vntil  this  day*  f  lehu  therfore  deftroyed  Baal  out  of  Ifraeh 

7^4  Third  BOOK  E  Of  I^r.Iehu.Toacha2.- 

'''  ."        t  butyerfromthefinnesof  leroboamthe  fonne  of  Nabar,  zj 
who  made  Krael  to  finncj  he  departed  not,  neither  forfooke 
he  the  golden  calues,  that  were  in  Bethel,  and  Dan.  f  And  jo 
r.Moral^ood     our  L©rd  fayd  to  Ichu :  •"  Becaafe  thou  haft  diligently  done 
-vroriesdonc     that  which  was  ripht,  and  that  pleafed  in  mine  eies,  and  haft 
inftacc  of  nior   ,  ,..  ,  i  ■    n     i       \        r       r 

taUiuncnoc     donealthmges  that  were  m  my  hart,-againft  the  houie  of 

menrino-  eter-  Achab  :  thy  children  ihal  fitte  vpon  the  throne  of  Ifrael  to  the 
nal  life,  aie     fourth  generation,  f  Moreouer  lehu  obferued  nbr  towalke  je 
dcdcemrori  ^"  "^^^^^^  of  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael  in  al  his  hart :  for  he 
jy^.^^'°°p^,^/ departed  not  from  the  finnes  of  IcroboiMn,  who  had  made 
mead.c.t,      *  Ifrael  to  finne.  t  In  rhofe  daiesour  Lordbegan  to  be  wearie  52. 
of  Ifrael;  and  Hazael  fmote  them  in  al  the  coftes  of  Ifrael, 
f  from  lordanagaynft:  the  Eaft  quarter,  al  the  land  of  Galaad,  35 
and  Gad,  and  Ruben,  and  Mmaires,  from  Aroer,  which  is 
vpon  rhe  Torrent  Arnon,  and  Galaad, and  Bafan.  |  Bur  the  r4 
reft  of  the  wordes  of  lehu,  &  al  that  he  did,  and  his  ftrengrh, 
arenot  chefethinges  writcnin  the  Booke  of  the  wordes'of 
thedayesof  the  kmges  of  Ifrael ?  -f  And  Ichu  ftepr  with  his  5; 
fathers,  and  they  buried  him  in  Samaria:  and  loachaz  his 
fonne  reigned  for  him.  f  And  thedayes  which  Ichu  reigned  ^ 
ouer  Kracl,  be  eight  and  twenrieyeares  in -Samaria. 

Chap.     XI, 
\^thalia ^'//iw^^/ f>f;f  ^'VJ^fi  frogenie (  except  loii^-'Vfiho  U  fauedbj  hlf  aunt ) 
'\fHrpetk  the  kjngdotm.  jf.  But  the  [eugnth  ye^re  loiad^  the  htrh  frkji 
cromnethJo'is  h"^'^»  15-  cmfth  ^thdta  to  be  jlAint,  ij.andmtikftb  coi^.'- 
nant  betwen  God,  the  kjn^^  and  the 'people, 

BVt  Arhalia  the  mother  of  Ochozias  fcing  her  fonne  i 
dead,  arofe,  and  ''  flew  al  the  kingesfcede.  •\  Butlolaba  1 
caueo  nnich  J^jj^g  loranis  daughter,  the  Gftcr  of  Ochozias,  taking  loas 
-the  fonne  of  Ochozias,  ftole  him  out  of  the  middes  of  the 
::OurSai]i?ur  l^inges  chrl jren,  that  were  llaine,  and  his  nurcc  out  of  the 
callcththis       bedchamber:  and  hid  him  fromthe  face  o'i  Athalia,  that 
high  prie^/Za  he  should  not  be  (lainc.  f  And  he  was  with  her  fixe  year es  '5 
cKam«;;vhich  fecre:ly  in  the  houCe  of  our  Lord.  Morcouer  Athalia  reigned' 
}fd  of- ont  lord  oucr  thc  lan.-i.  f  And-in  the  leuenth  yeare  ••  loiada  lent  and  4 
fortKciufticc  taking  the  centurions,  and  the  fouldiarsbroughc  them  in  to 
which  be  did    him  into  the  temple  of  our  Lord,  and  made  a  couenant  with 
towart^sMtha-  them  :  and  adiuiing  them  in  the  houfeof  our  Lord,  (hewed 
uiJlmlLj^.in  ^^^^^^^  ^^e  kingcs  (bnne:  f  and  commanded  them,  faying:  ; 
Math, c. I}.'     This  is  the  thing,  whichyou  muftdoe.  t  Let  the  third  part  (^ 

of  you 

Inluda  Qj...  Atha..  i  ^ 

of  yougoein  on  theSabbath  J  a*i^  .-.-^  .  '    i 

kingeshoufe.  And  let  a  third  part  beatthegatc  Sur:'&leta 
third  part  beat  the  gate  behind  the  dwelhng  of  the  shilde= 
bearers:  andyou  shal  keepc  the  watch  of  the  houfe  of  MeiTa. 

7  f  Butlet  two  partes  of  you  al  that  goe  forth  on  the  Sabbath  ^ 
keepe  the  watch  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  about  the  king, 

8  t  And  you  shal  gard  him  round  about,  hauing  weapons  in 
your  hands  ;  &  ifanie  man  shal  enter  theprecind  of  the  tern* 
plc,lethimbe  flaine;  and  youshal  be  with  the  king  comingin 

5  &  going  out.-fAnd  the  centurions  did  according  to  althinges, 
that  loiada  the  pneft  had  commanded  them  :  &:  euerie  one  ta= 
king  their  men,  that  went  in  on  the  Sabbath,  with  them  that 

zo  went  out  in  the  Sabbath,  came  to  loiada  the  prieft.  f  who 
gaue  them  thefpearcs,&;  the  weapons  of  king  Dauid,  which 

II  were  in  the  houle  of  out  Lord,  j-  And  they  (lood  euerie  one 
hauing  their  weapons  m  their  hand  ,  on  the  right  fide  of  the 
tempJe,vnto  the  Itaftfideof  the  altar, &o^  the  ttmple,aboKt 

zi  the  king,  j-  And  he  brought  forth  the  kinges  fonne,andpuf 
vpon  him  the  diadcme,  and  the  couenant:  and  they  made  hira 
king,  and  anoyntfd  him  :  and  clapping  with  the  hand,  fayd  .- 

13  God  laue  the  king,  t  -And  Athalia  heard  the  vbice  of  peopi« 
running ;  and  she  going  in  to  themultitudts  into  thetemplc 

14  of  our  Lord,  f  (aw  the  king  (landing  vpon  the  tribunal  featc 
according  to  the  maner,and  the  fingers,  and  trumpettes  nerc 
him,andal  the  people  of  rhe land  reioyfing,  and  founding  the 
trumpettes:  and  she  rent  her  garmentes,  and  cried:  Acon{pi-= 

ij  racie,  a  confpiracie.f  But  loiada  commanded  the  centurions, 
thatwereouer  thearmie  ,  and  faydto  them:  Lead  her  forth 
-xrithout  the  precind  of  the  temple  ,  andwhofoeuershalfo- 
low  her,  let  him  be  ftriken  with  the  fword.  For  theprieft  had 

16  fayd  :  Let  her  •*•  not  be  flaine  in  the  temple  of  our  Lord.-j-And  .-.•Great  fcfpeft 

thcylaydhandeson  her;  and  threw  her  by  the  way  of  the  isrobehadof 

-entrance  of  the  horfes,  befiie  the  palace  ,  and  she  was  flaine  ,°!?_^  Peaces. 
I  j.iir  I  I  Tj"^  hcrof  co- 

17  there,  f  loiada  therfore  made  a  couenant  bctwen  our  Lord,  mcththepri- 

and  the  king,  and  beiwen  the  people,  that  it  should  be  the  uilegc  of  S«» 
people  of  our  Lord,  and  betwen  the  king  and  the  people^,  duaiici. 

18  'f  And  al  the  people  of  the  land  entered  into  the  temple  of 

Baal,  and  deftroyed  his  altars,  and  his  images  they  brake  in     -  « 

pecesftontlv:  MarhanaHo  theprieft  of  Baal  thcv  flew  before 
the  altar.  And  theprieft  fctte  gardes  in  thehoufcofour  Lord, 
x^  f  And  he  tookc  the  centunous,  and  the  legions  of  Cerethi 

Ccccc  and 

y%<}  FovRTH  BooKE  Ofludaloaj, 

and  Phelcchi,andahhc  people  of  rh^laud,  and  they  brought 
the  king  from  the  hou(e  of  our  Lord  .•  and  they  came  by  the 
vay  of  thegate  of  the  shildebearers  into  the  palace,  and  he 
fare  vpon  the  throne  of  the  icmges  ,t  And  al  the  people  of  zo 
the  land  reioyfed,  and  the  cine  was  quiet :  but  Arhaha  was 
flaine  with  the  fword  in  the'kinges  houfe.  -f  Andloaswas  il 
feuen  yeaces  old,  when  he  began  to  reigne. 

ChaPo  XII. 
Ipis  yvilli'th  the  prie^es  to  repaire  livhat  ntedeth  in  the  temple^  receiuing^l  thi 
maney  offered  there.  6.  l>vhi(h  thej  not  per/ormin^\  the  hi^h  pneil  prottt- 
deth  that  alisamrndej^  i6  .  the  frieflts  receimnr  only  the  menej/  dueto 
ihemfeUtes.ij,  Ha7 Aell^ing of S^ria taking Geth^  4nd thiCitnin^ leruft- 
lem  ispmfied  yvitb  money.  19,  Joas  is  tfAitAronJlj  Jlmtie  hjhis  fermnteis 
Andhiifonne  ^miftas  retrneth. 

N  tbefeuenthyeareoflehu  reigned  loas:  and  he  reigned  f; 
fourtie  yeares  in  lerufalem  The  name  of  his  mother  was 
Sebia  ofBerfabee.  f  And  loas  did  light  before  our  Lord  al  2 
chedaies,  that  loiada  the  prieft  taught  him  .  f  But  yet  the  ex-  j 
Cflfes  he  tooke  not  away  :  for  the  people  immolated  &  burnt 
incenfe  in  the  exceifcs.  f  And  loas  fajd  to  the  prie-ftes:  Al  4 
the  money  of  the  fandtified  thinges,  which  is  brought  inta 
the  temple  of  OUST  Lord  by  the  paflengers, which  is  offered  for 
2t  Thatis,  the  ihe  "  price  of  a  fouie, and  which  of  their  owne  accord, and  of*  ■ 
ordinaric  oh-   their  owne  free  hare  they  bring  into  the  temple  of  our  Lord  : 
ianor.  ^^^^     t  let  the  pricftes  take  it  according  to  their  order ,  and  mayn-  | 
I@n.  Exod.  JO,  teinercparationsof  the  houfc,  if  they  shal  fee  any  thing  that 

needeth  reparation,  f  Therfore  vntil  the  three  and  twenteth  6' ' 

yeare  of  king  leas,  the  pritftes  did  not  make  reparations  of 

the  temple,  -f-  And  king  Toas  called  loiadathe  high  prieft  and  7- 

the  prieftes,  faying  to  them:  Why'make  younottherepara-     .. 

tions  of  the  temple?  Take  you  .therfore  money  no  more  ac-. 

cording  to  your  order ,  but  render  it  to  the  reparation  of  the 

temple,  f  Andtheprieftes  were  prohibited  to  take  money  8 

anie  more  of  the  people  ,  and  to  make  the  ireparations  of  the 

temple,  t  And  Tohda  the  high  prieft  tooke*  a  treafurie, and  9      *  a  chji 

oJ)ened  a  hole  in  fhe  toppe  J  a,nd  Tettc  it  by  the  altar  at  the  cr  ^imt» 

right  hand  of  them  that  goeihto  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  and 

theprieftes  chat  kept  the  doores,  did  caft  into  it  al  the  money, 

tkat  was  brought  to  the  temple of'our  Lord,  f  And  when  i© 

they  faw  that  there  was  yery  much  money  in  the  treafuric,the 


iXJ  S")  J 

'''''''        '  kingej 

Ofludaloas.  of  kinges.  ^  7S7 

kingcs  fcribe,  and  the  high  pricft  went  vp^and  powred  it  our, 
and^countcd  the  money  ,  that^^as  found  in  the  houfe  of  our 

II  Lord:  t  ^"'i  tliey  gaue  it  according  to  number  and  meafure 
into  their  hand,  which  didouerfee  the  mafons  of  the  houfe 
of  our  Lord:  whobefto^pcdit  on  carpenrer.s,and  on  malonSj 

XI  fuchas^roughtittthehoufeofourLord,  f  and  made  repa- 
rations -.  and  on  them  that  hewed  ftonesj  and  that  they  should 
bye  trees,  and  ftones,  that  were  hewed,  fo  that  the  reparation 
of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  was  accomplished  in  al  thingeSj 

15  which  hadneedcof  toft  to  vphold  the  houfe.  t  But  yet  there  - 
•were  not  made  of  the  fame  money  the  watterpotrcs  of  the 
temple  of  our  Lord,  and  the  fieshhookcs,  and  ceafars  ,and 
trumpets,  and  euerievefTel  ofgold  and  filuer,  of  the  money, 

114  that  was  brought  into  the  temple  of  our  Lord  .  f  For  it  was 

"    geucn  them  that  did  zht  wbrke,  that  the  temple  of  our  Lord 

2j  might  berepayted:  f  and  there  was  no  account  riiade  with 

thofe  men,  that  recciued  the  money  to  diftribuce  it  to  the 

16  craftes men,  but  vpon  their  fidelitie  they  beftowed it.  f  But 
themoney  for  offence, &:  the  money  for  finries, they  brought 
not  into  the  temple  of  our  Lord  ,  bccaufe  it  was  the  priefles, 

Jj  tThen  Hazael  the  king  of  Syri?i  went  vp,  and  fought  agaynft 
Geth,  and  tooke  it :  and  diredted  his  face  ro  goe  vp  to  lerufa- 

j8  lem  .  t  F'^r  which  caufe  loas  the  king  of  luda  tooke  al  the 
fandified  thinges,  which  lofaphat,  and  Ioram,and  Ochozias 
his  fathers  the  kinges  of  luda  had  ••  confecrated, and  which  : .-Dedicated  to- 
him  felf  had  offered:  and  al  the  filuer^  that  could  be  found  in  hoIiev£e. 
the  treafures  of  the  temple  of  otjr  Lord,  and  in  the  kinges  pa- 
lace: and  lent  it  to  HazacI  the  king  of  Syria,and  he  retyrecl 

f^  from  Ieru(<ilem.  t  But  thereftof  the  wordes  of  loas  ,  andal 

thathedid,  arenot  thefethingeswrit'en  in  rhcBookcof  the.  "Hc^asBu- 

20   wordesofthedaiesofthekint^csof  luda?  t  And  his  fcruantes  ^-^,^"1  ^'^^' 

,  -  .      ,  ^  ,  y-  1  1  /T     1      T         .      fic  but  not  m 

aro(e  ,  and  conlpired  among  them  Iclues,  and  ItroKc  loas  m  the  fepuichcc 

XI  thehoufeof  Melloin  the  defcent  of  Sella,  f  For  lofachar  the,  of  the  kinges. 

:    fonnc  of  Scma3th,at^d  lozabad  the  fonneof  Somer  his  fer^  2- ?*'''''•  ^4; for 

uantes  ^  flfoke  him  ,  and  he  died ;  and  they  buried  him  with  !||^  ir^l'^^'*!: 

liij  'fathers »in^  °^  ihe/eitie  ©f  Dauid^  and  Amafias  his  fojinqjpajjofijiji^f^^ 

reis'nedforhitSicr'-'  "-^''^  vo::'^  - '^- '.m^"^  ■'''  '  :''^  ^""t*  «. 

"      -        -  '   ■CviA^.-^h-n.-'  "''■    '" 

IoAch)i!XjClng  oflfraeiis  afltffed  by  the SyrUns,  4.  and deliuerti.  6.Tet  de- 

firoyeth  not  idvUtrieiS.dteth-,  und  hhfoniie  loasfolow^th  his  mil  ftepf>es,  ' 

ijj.BUfeiti  Ixem^  fickt  Xic'illetb  the-k^n^  to  shootf,  i5.  andto'Jirikethe 

t  Ccccc  1  e>irtht 

j%%  ovRTH   BOOKE  Of Ifr. lachai.Ioas, 

earthy  ^ho0nk}nr  thnfe^ is  told  th  it  he  ihd  thrift  lin\e  the  Syrians.  20, 
Ehfeits  dieth,  and  a  d  ad  man  is  reumed  touching  his  banes,  li.  has  recQ" 
uereth  th  at  ^hich  the  Syrians  had  taken  from  jfraeL 

IN  the  three  and  twenteth  yeareof  loastheConneof  O-  i 
chozias  the  king  of  luda,  reigned  loachaz  thefonneof 
lehu  ouer  Ifracl  in  Samaria,  (euenteneyeares.  f  And  he  did  i 
euil  before  our  Lord,  and  folowcd  the  finnes  of  leroboam 
thefonneof  Nabat,  who  made  Ifrael  to  finne,  and  declined 
not  from  them,  f  And  the  furie  of  oar  Lord  was  wrath  a-  j 
gaynftlfrael,  and  he  dehuered  them  into  the  hand  of  Hazael 
the  king  of  Syria,  and  into  the  hand  of  Benadad  the  fonne  of 
Hazael,a!waies.f  Bur  loachaz  befoughtrhe  face  of  our  Lord,  4 
and  our  Lord  heard  him:  forhefaw  thediftreflTcof  l{rael,that 
the  king  of  Syria  had  broken  them:  f  and  ourLordgauea  $ 
fauiour  to  Ifrael,  andthey  were  dehuered  out  of  the  hand  of 
the  king  of  Syria:  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  dwelt  in  their  ta- 
bernacles as  yefterday  and  the  day  before  t  But  yet  they  de-  6 
parted  not  from  the  finnes  of  leroboam  who  made  Ifrael  to 
finne,  but  they  walked  in  them:  for  thegronealfo  remayned 
in  Samaria,  f  And  there  were  leaft  to  loachaz  of  the  people  7 
but  fiftie  horfemen,  and  ten  chariotes,and  ten  thoufand  foot- 
men :  for  the  king  of  Syria  had  flainethcm,  and  had  brought 
them  as  duft  by  threshing  in  the  barnefloore.  f  But  the  reft  S 
of  the  wordes  of  loachaz,  and  al  that  he  did,  and  his  ftrength, 
are  not  thefe  thinges  writen  inihe  Bookcof  the  wordesof 
the  daies  of  rhe  kingesof  Ifrael  ?  f  And  loachaz  flept  with  9 
his  fathers,  &  they  buried  him  in  Samaria  :  and  loas  his  fonne 
reigned  for  him.  f  In  rhe  feuen  andrhirrcrhyeareof  loas  the  10 
king  of  luda  reigned  loas  the  fonne  of  loachaz  ouer  Ifraelin 
Samaria  fixtene  yeares,  t  and  he  did  that  which  is  euil  in  the  11 
fight  of  oij^r  Lord,  he  declined  not  from  al  the  finnei  of  lero- 
boam the  idnne  of  Nabat ,  who  made  Ifrael  to  finne ,  but  he 
valkedinthem.  f  But  the  reft  of  the  wordes  of  loas,  and  li 
al  that  he  did,  and  his  ftrength  ,  ho  w  he  fought  agaynft  Ama- 
fias  the  king  of  luda,  ace  not  thefe  thinges  writen  in  the 
Booke  of  the  wordes  of  thedayesof  the  kinges  of  Krael? 
t  And  loas ilept with  his  fathers:  but  leroboam  fate  vpon  15 
his  throne.  Moreouer  loas  ,  was  buried  in  Samaria  with  the 
kinoes  of  Ifrael.  f  And  Elifeus  was  ficke  of  an  infirmirie,  14 
yU&wisdCo  he  died :  and  loas  the  king  of  Ifracl  went  downe 
w  to  him. 

Of  lir.Ioas.  Elifeusdicth.  of  kihges.  789 

to  him,  and  wept  before  him,  and  fayd:  My  father,  my  father, 
Ij  the  charioie  of  llrael  and  the  garder  therof.  f  AndEHftus 

fayd  to  him:  fetch  a  bow  and  arrowes.  And  when  he  had 
iC  brought  him  a  bow,  andarrowes,  -f  he  fayd  to  the  king  of 

Iftael:  Put  thy  hand  vpon  the  bow.  And  when  he  had  put 

17  his  handjEhfeus  put  his  handesouer  the  kingeshandes,  land 
fayd:  Open  the  eaft  window  .  And  when  he  had  opened  iti-., 
Elifeusfayd:  Shotean  arrow.  And  he  shot.  AndEhfeus  (ayd  : 
The  arrow  of  the  faluation  of  our  Lord  ,  and  the  arrow  of 
faluation  agaynft  Syria:  and  thou  shaltllrike  Syria  in  Aphec, 

18  til  thou  confume  it.  f  And  he  fayd:  Take  vp  the arrowes. 
who  when  he  had  taken  them  agayne,  he  fayd  to  him  :  Strike 
the  earth  with  a  iauelin.   And  when  he  had  ftriken  three  ti- 

15)  mcs,  and  ftood  fhl,  f  the  man  of  God  was  angrie  wirh  him, 

&  fayd:  ••  If  thou  had  ft  ftriken  fiue  or  fix  or  feuen  times,  thou  :;  It  wasrcuei- 
hadft  ftriken  Syria  euen  to  deftrudtion  :  but  now  three  times  |edtothcpro- 

10  (halt  thou  ftrike  it.  f  Elifeus  therforedied,  and  they  buried  P'^"  ^^^\^c 
him.  And  the  rouers  of  Moab  came  into  the  land  the  fame  ^^^^  fhouli 

21  yeare.  f  And  certayneperfons  burying  a  man,  faw  the  ro-  ftrike  the 
uers,  and  threw  the  bodie  in  the  fepulchre  of  Eli(eus .  "Which  earth, fo  often 
■when  it  had  touched  the  bones  of  Elifeus,  the  manreuiued,  [j^  ftiould 

11  and  ftood  vpon  his  feete.  f  Hazael  therforethc  king  of  Syria  ag^i^ft  thcSy- 
aj  affliifled  Ifrael  al  the  daies  of  loachaz:  f  and  our  Lord  had  rians,butnot 

mercie  on  them,  and  returned  to  them  for  his  couenant,  how  often  he 
xrhich  he  had  with  Abraham, and  Kaac  ,  and  lacob  :  and  he  wouldftnkc 
vrould  not  deftroy  them,  nor  vtterlycaft  them  away  ,  vntil  o"^**«"" 
t4  this  prelent  time,  f  And  Hazael  the  king  of  Syria  died  ,  and 
£j  Benadad  his  fonne  reigned  for  him.  f  Moreouer  loas  the 
fonneofloachazjtookethe  cities  out  of  the  hand  of  Bena- 
dad the  fonne  of  Hazael,which  he  had  taken  out  of  the  hand 
of  loachaz  his  father  by  the  right  of  warre,  three  times  did 
loas  ftrike  him>  and  he  deliuered  the  cities  to  Ifrael. 

Cmap.     XIIII. 

l/imdjlds  ki»^  of  luda  k'Ueth  thofe  that  hadjlaine  hif father jj.  andfirikeih 
EJom.  8.  Prouoking  loas  kif^g  of  ifratl  to  "^arre,  recemetb  a  eontem- 
tible  anfwer:  ii.  prouokjng  againe  is  beaten  inbattletdnd  leruftlem  is 
ranft^.  ly.  leas  dieth  and  his  fonne  Jeroboam  foloweth  the  bad  fle^fti 
of  thefirfl  Jeroboam ,  yet  recoutreth  manie  fUm  lo^  before.  4nd  dying 
his  fome  Z*(htms  4rei^netb, 

Ccccc  3  An© 


7^9         FovRTH  BOGKE        o f luda Amafias. of Iff. Ioas« '^ 

Ilsl  thefecondyeareof  loasthefonncofloachaztheking  i 
of  Ifrael  reigned  Amafias  the  fonne  of  loas  the  king  of 
luda.  f  Fiucandtwentie  yearesold  \ras  he  when  he  began   i 
to  reign e  ;  and  nine  and  twcntieycares  he  reigned  in  lerufa-  '  '• 
lem,  the  name  of  his  mother  vi^as  loadan  of  lerufalcm.  f  And  3 
he  did  right  before  our  Lord,  but  yet  not  as  Dauid  his  father. 
He  did  according  to  al  thinges,  which  loas  his  father  did: 
■f  but  this  onlie  that  he  tooke  not  away  the  excelfcs  :  for  yet  4 
the  people  immolated,  and  burnt  incenfe  in  the  excelfes . 
f  And  when  he  obcayned  the  kingdoms  he  Toiote  his  feruan-  5 
teSj  which  hadllaine  the  king  his  father;  -j-  but  their  children  4 
chat  killed  him,  he  did  not  put  to  death,  according  to  that 
which  is  written  in  the  booke  of  the  law  of  MoyfeSjas  our 
Lord  commanded,  faying:  The  fathers  fhal  not  die  for  the  DiutM' 

children,  neither shal  che  children  die  for  the  fathers;  but 
euerie  oneshal  diein  his  owne  iinne.  f  He  fmote  Edom  in  7 
the  Vail  of  Salt  piftes  ten  thoufand,  and  tooke  the  rocke  in 
battel,  and  called  the  name  thcrof,  ledlehel  vntii  this  prefent 
daye.  f  Then  Amafias  fenc  meircngers  to  loas  the  (onne  of  8 
loachaz,  the  (onne  of  Tehu  the  king  of  Uracl,  faying:  Come, 
"  let  v$  fee  one  an  other,  t  And  loas  the  king  of  Uiael  feht  $ 
icingesbeing     agayne  to  Amafias  the  king  of  luda  faying :  A  thiftle  of  Liba- 
ac  variance,      nus  fent  to  a  cedar  tree,  which  is  in  Libanus,  faying:  Geifc 
seingomano-    ^.t^^  daughter  to  my  fonne  to  wife.  And  the  beaftes  of  the 
teth^^s^mach  forefljthac  are  in  Libanus, pafTcd  and  trode  the  thiftle.  f  Thou  i® 
as  CO  nghta     ftriking  haftpreuayled  ouer  Edom;>,and  thy  hart  hath  puffed  ' 
battle.  thee  yp:be  content  with  the  glorie,  and  fu  in  thy  houfe:  why 

prouokeH:  thou  euil,  that  thou  mayil  fal  and  luda  with  thee. 
•|'  And  Amaiias  agreed  not.  And  loas  the  king  of  IfracI  went  ii 
vp,  and  thc7  faw  eche  other, he  and  Amafias  the  king  of  luda 
in  BethCaraes  a  townc  of  luda.  f  And  luda  was  ftrooken  be-   u 
fore  Hrael,  and  euerie  man  fled  into  their  tabernacles,  f  "^^^  ^ 
loas  che  king  of  Ifrael  did  take  Amafias  the  king  of  luda  the 
fonnc  of  loas,  the  fonne  of  Ochozias,  m  Bethfames ,  and 
brought  him  into  lerufaiem:  and  he  brake  downe  che  walof 
lerufalem,  from  i;hc  gate  of  Ephraim  vnto  the  gate  of  the 
corner,  fowre  hundred  cubites.  t  And  he  tooke  al  the  gold,  14 
andfiluer,and  al  the  vell'elj  that  were  found  in  the  houfe  of 
ourLocd,andin  thekinges  treafurcs,  and  homages,  and  re* 
turned  into  Samaria,  t  Cuf  ^be  reft  of  .the  wxjrdes  ©floAS   ij 
'rhichhedid,andhis  ftrengch,  wherwith  he  fought  againft 


:\  Amonsfi 

Oflft.Ioas.Teroboam.  Of  luda  Azarias.     of   ki-nges.       y^t 

Amafias  the  king  oi  luda,  are  not  thcle  rhingcs  v  rirtn  in  tne 

iG  Bookeofcie  wordesofthedaitsot  rhe  kingts  of  Ifratlif  Andl 

loas  flcpt  with  his  fathers, and  v^as  buried  in  Samaria  with  the 

17  kingesof  lfratl:&  leroboam  his  fonne  reigned  for  him.-fAni 
Amafus  the  {onne  of  loas  the  king  of  lucJa  iiued,  after  that 
Teas  the  Tonne  of  loachaz  the  king  of  Ifrac!  was  dead,  fifetene 

18  jeares,  f  Bur  the  reft  of  the  wordes  of  Amafias,  are  nor 
thefc  thinges  writen  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  thedaics 

I5>..  of  the  kingesof  luda?  f  And  there  was  a  confpiracic  made 
againfthimin  lerufalem:  but  he  fled  into  Lichis.  And  they 

ao.  Tent  after  him  into  Lachis,  and  killed  him  thtte,  f  Atid  they 
caried  him  away  vpon  horfes,  and  he  was  buried  in  lerufalem* 

II  with  his  fathers  in  the  Citic  of  Dauid.  f  And  al  rhe  people  of 
luda  topke  Azarias  fixtenc  yeares  old,  and  made  him  king  for 

12,  his  father  Aniaiias.  t  He  built  yElath,and  refiored  it  to  ludas 

aj  after  that  the  king  flept  with  his  fathers,  -f  In  the  hftenrh 
yeareof  Amafias  the  fonne  of  loas  the  king  of  luda,  reigned 
leroboam  the  lonne  of  loas  the  king  ®f  Ifrael  in  Samaria,  one 

%J^.  andfourtie  yeares :  f  and  he  did  that  which  is  euil  before 
our  Lord.  He  departed  not  from  al  the  fmnes  of  leroboam' 

aj  thefonneof  N,abar,whomadc  Ifraelto  finne.  f  Hereftorei'^ 
the  borders  of  Ifrael  from  the  entrance  of  Emath,vnto  the  Sea 
of  the  wildcrnefic,  according  to  the  word  of  our  Lord  the 
God  of  Ifrael, which  he  (pake  by  his  feruat  lonas  the  fonne  of 
Amathi,the  prophete.who  wasof  Geth  ,  whichisin  Opher, 

25  -j-  For  our  Lord  (aw  the  aflidion  of  Ifrael  cxceding  bitter, 
and  that  they  were  confumcd  vnto  the  impfifoned  &  mcaneft 

17  peifons.  and  that  there  was  none  to  helpe  Ifiael.  t  Neither 
did  our  Lord  determine  that  he  would  deftroy  the  name  of 
Ifrael  from  vndcr  heauen,  but  he  fiued  them  in  the  hand  of 

48  leroboam  the  fonne  of  loas.  f  But  the  reft  of  the  wordes  of 
leroboam,  and  al  that  fedid,and  his  ftrength,  wherwith  he 
fought,  and  how  hereftored  Damafcus,and  Emath  to  luda  in 
Ifrael,  are  not  thefe  thinges  writen  in  the  Booke  of  the  wor» 

3.5)  de^sof  the  daiesof  the  kingesof  Ifrael?  t  And  leroboarti  flept 
with  his  fathers  the  kinges  of  Ifrael,  and  Zacharias  his  fonne, 
reigned  for  hin).  <  .. 

,,.   ,.Chap.     XV.  . 

'^/f^rias  be^inneth  ^  /,  4.  aftertparj  ( for  offering incinfe  on  the  ti!t4r.  il 
T4r4Up.z6.)  k  ^rqoken  ll^ithleprofieyCaJ}  out  of  the  UmfUy  And  from  con- 
uerfatnn  "Jifiitb  tke^eo^le,  kMJk^fi«  Is^han  ruUngtbe  kingdom.^.  Selium 

7pl  FOVRTHBOOKE  ^OHfrae^  zlchirlas.  Selluia. 

killeth  Zacharloi  k}n^  of  J/rael  and  reigneth  in  hU  pUce,  14.  ^fter  one  mo~ 
neth  MAnahem  kjUeth  Sellum  CT  reigneth  alfo  "Wickedly.  i^.Mal^eth  league 
"^iththe  Syrians,  ii,  dith  and  his  fonne  phaceia  reigneth.  1$,  Pbacee 
hjUeth  kinty  and  reigneth.  29.  The  ^pyrians  fpoyle  the  countries  and  carte 
away  manie  captmei.  50.  Ojee  k^Ueth  Phacee  and  reigneth.  52.  In  the 
mcanettme  loathanregmngm  luda  ii  tnfefltd  Jlfttb  enemies,  }8.  dietbf 
and  hit  fonoe  ^^cha'j(jretgnetb. 

IN  thefeuenand  twenteth  ycare  of  leroboara  the  king  i 
of  Ifrael  reigned  ••  Azariasthe  fonneof  Araafias  the  king 
called  Ozias.   of  luda.  f  He  vras  fixtene  yeares  old,  when  he  began  to  % 
t.  parol.  16.     reignc,  and  two  and  fiftie  yeares  he  reigned  in  lerulalem : 
****^*  the  name  of  his  mother  was  lecheha  of  lerufalem,  f  And  he  j 

did  that  which  was  hked  before  our  Lord,  according  to  al 
thinges  that  his  father  Araahas  did.  t  But  thcexcelfeshede-  4 
ftroycd  not :  as  yet  the  people  facrificed,  andburnt  incenfe  in 
;: This  pnnilK- the  excelfcs.  f  And  our  Lord  ftroke  the  king,  and  he  was "  a  | 
ment  v/as  iti-  leper  vntil  the  day  of  his  death,  and  he  dwelt  in  a  free  houfe 

Aided  vpon     apart:  but  loathan  the  kinoes  fonne  goucrned  the  palace, 
kim     for  his     ^,^^  -yj    ^^  ^i^^  i^  ^f  ^-^^  i^^^       .     gy^  jj^^  jgf^  ^f  jj^g   ^ 

prelumption  ,     °  t    a        -^^iii       1       11  iri. 

to  offer  incefc  wordes  of  Azarias,and  at  that  he  did,  are  not  thele  thinges 

onthealtar.  1.  writen  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  thedaiesof  the  kinges 
¥arahp.t6.      of  Uida?  f  And  Azarias  flept  with  bis  fathers  :   and  th^y,  7 

buried  him  with  his  ancetors  ••'  in  the  citie  of  Dauid,  and  loa- 
•■  ?*L^^^^f   than  his  (onne  reigned  for  him.  f  In  the  eight  and  thirteth  S 
'ly^rt  the^ane    Y^are  of  Azatias  the  king  of  luda  ,  reigned  Zacharias  the 
of  Dami,  that  founc  of  letoboam  ouer  Ifrael  in  Samaria  fixe  monethes: 
is,  ncrc  to  tlie  j-  and  he  did  that  which  iseuil  before  our  Lord, as  his  fathers  9 
\ral!es,but  ia   had  donc  :  he  departed  not  from  the  finncs  of  Jeroboam  the 
^auf  h^'    a  a  ^^^^^  ^^  Nabac,  who  made  Ifrael  to  finne.  f  And  Sellum  10 
leper  eucn  to  the  fonne  of  labes  confpired  againft  him  :  and  fmorc  him 
his  death,  i.    openly,  killed  him,  and  reigned  for  him.  -f  But  the  reft  of  ii 
?arnLi6.         the  wordes of  Zacharias,  arenot  thefe  writen  in  the  Booke 

of  the  wordes  ofthedayesof  the  kinges  of  Ifrael?  f  This  is  12, 
the  word  of  our  Lord,  which  he  fpake  to  lehu,  faying :  Thy 
children  thai  (ic  vnto  the  fourth  generation  vpon  the  throne 
of  Ilrael.  And  foit  came  to  palTe.  -f  Sellum  the  fone  of  labes  ij 
reigned  the  nine  and  thirteth  yeare  of  Azarias  the  king  of 
luda  :  and  reigned  one  moneth  in  Samaria,  f  And  Manahem   14 
the  (onne  of  Gadi  went  vp  from  Therfa:  and  he  came  into 
Samatia,and  fmoie  Sellum  the  foHne  of  labes  in  Samaria, 


of  Ifr.  ManahemPhaccia.  Phacce.'  '     ^    „,  ».,-.-.«  «^- 

OflucUAwnas.  OF    XING  ES.  7^5 

15  -and  fle\r  him,  &  reigned  for  him.-j-  But  rhe  reft  of  the  wordcs 
of  Scllum^^hisconlpiraciej  v/hervrith  he  vroughttrealcn, 
arenoctheie  thiDgeswrittenin  rhe  Booke  of  the  wordcs  of 

16  thedaycsof  thekingcsof  Ifrael  J  f  Then  Manahcmftroke 
Thapfaandal  that  were  in  it  and  the  borders  therof  from 
Therfa,  for  they  \rould  not  open  vnio  him:  and  he  flew  a! 

17  wemen  therof  that  were  withchilde,  and  ripped  them,  t  In 
the  nine  and  thirreth  yeare  of  Azarias  the  king  of  luda, reig- 
ned Manahem  the  fonne  of  Gadi  ouer  Krael  ten  yeares  in  Sa- 

rS  raana.  f  And  he  did  that  which  was  euil  before  our  Lord:  he 
departed  not  from  the  finnes  of  leroboamthe  fonne  of  Na- 

15)  batjwho  made  Ifraeltofinneal  his  dayes.|Phulalfo  the  king 
of  the  Aflyrians  came  into  the  land,  and  Manahem  gaue  to 
Phula  thoufandtalentesofhluerjthathe  ihouldaydc  him,  5c 

10  eftabhfh  hiskmgdom.  -j*  And  Manahem  putataxe  of  filucr 
vpon  Krael.  on  them  that  were  mightie  and  riche  to  gene  the 
king  of  the  Airyrians,fiftie  ficlesof  filucr  euerie  man:  and  the 
king  of  the  AlTyrians  returned,  andtatied  not  in  the  land. 

21  t  But  the  reft  ofihewordes  of  Manahem,  and  al  that  he  did, 
arer.ot  thefethinges  writcn  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordesof 

2i  the  daies  of  the  kinges  of  Ifracl  ?  f  And  Manahem  flcpt  with 

i3  his  fathers:  and  Phaceia  his  fonne  reigned  for  him.  f  In  the 
fifteth  yeare  of  Azarias  the  king  of  Inda  reigned  Phaceia  the 

24  fonne  of  Manahem  ouer  Ifrael  in  Samria  two  yeares :  f  and 
hcdid  that  which  vfas  euilbcforeour  Lord  :  he  departed  not 

■  from  the  finnes  of  leroboam  the  fonne  of  Nabat,  who  made 

25  Ifraeltoiinne.f  And  Phacee  the  fonne  of  Romelia,  hiscap- 
taine  confpiredagainft  him,  and  fl:roke  him  in  Samaria,  in 
the  towreof  the  kinges  houfebefidcjArgob  and  befide  Arie, 
and  with  hjm.  fjfrije  men  of  the  children  of  the  Galaadites, 

26  and  he  llewe  him,  and  reigned  for  him.  f  Butthefeftof  the 
wordes  of  Phaceia  (Sc  al  ihat  he  did,  are  not  thefe  things  writ- 
ten in  the  Booke  of  the-  wordes  of  the  daies  of  the  kings 


of  Ifrael.  I  Inthc  twoand  llfteth  yeajes  of  Azarias  the  king 
of  luda  reifrnedPliacee  the  fonne  Pvomelia  ouer  Ifrael  in  Sa- 

28  mariatweniic  yeares.  f  And  he  did  that  which  was  euil  be- ..r 

fore  our  Lord:  he  departed  not  from  the  finnes  of  leroboam  ofRuben.Gad. 
2p  thelonneof  Nabar,  who  made  Ifrael  to  finne.  f  I"  the  daies  ManadVs,  and 
of  Phacee  the  king  of  Ifrael  came  Theglathphalafar  the  king  Ncpthali, 
otAiIur,c\:"tookeAion,andAbclthehou{eofMaachatand  ^"tmes'imc 
.  Linoe^  and  Cedes, and  Afor,  and  Galaad,  and  Galilee,  and  al  AiXylL, 

Ddddd  the  land      '     ' 

0-rm.  M  n  ^  *r  »  ^  «r    «  /^  /x  1^  n  Of  ludaloatham.  Acttf. 

7^4  tOVRTHBOOKE  Of  m.Phacce.Oree. 

thelatiiof  Nepthali;  and  tranlported  them  vnto  the  Afly» 

rians.  f  And  0(ee  the  fonne  of  Ela  confpired,  and  lay  in  50 

wayte  againlt  Phacee  the  Tonne  of  Romeha,  and  ftroke  hiin, 

and  ile NT  him  :  and  he  reigned  for  him  the  twentith  ycare  of 

c'.Ochermfe      loathani  the  fonne  of  :'•  Ozias.  f  But  the  reftof  the  wordesof  51 

called  Azarias.  Phacee,  and  dl  that  he  did,  are  not  thefe  things  written  in  the 

r  "^^  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  the  dayes  of  the  kings  of  Ifraeh 

t  In  thefecond  yearc  of  Phacte  the  fonne  of  Romeha  the   ji 
king  of  ffrael,  reigned  loatham  the  fonne  of  Ozias  the  king 
of  ladi.  f-Fiucandtwcncieyearesold  vrashewhen  hebegan  55 
to  reignc,  and  fixtene  yeares  he  reigned  in  lerufalem;  the 
ni'-ne  of  his  mother  vras  Ierufa_.,  the  daughter  of  Sadoc  . 
f  And  he  did  that  \5^hich  was  liked  before  our  Lord:  accor-  34 
ding  to  al  things,  which  Ozias  his  father  had  done,  did  he 
\rorke.  f  H  J^bcit  thcexcelfcs  he  tooke  not  away:  as  yet  5; 
the  people  immolated, and  burnt  inccn{e  in  the  excelfes,  he 
built  the  higheft  gate  ofthehoufe  of  our  Lord,  t  But  the- reft  3^ 
of  the  wor'dcsof  loatham,  and  al  that  he  did,  are  not  thefe 
thing?  written  in  the  Booke  of  the  words  of  the  dayes  of  the 
kings  of  luda?  f  In  thofe  dayes  our  Lord  began  to  fend  into  37 
luda  Rafin  the  king  of  Syria,  and  Phacee  the  (onne  of  Ro- 
mslia.  t  And  loatham  ileptNcith  his  fathers, and  was  buried  39 
with  them  in  the  cirie  of  Dauid  his  father,  and  Achaz  his- 
fonne  reigned  for  hiiti. 

Chap.  XVL 
^hi^i{lng  of  lu-la  be/ides  oth^r  idaUtrie  y  f^crif.cnh  hk  tw  €  {onne  to  -. 
tdoUs.c  Tfji  k}ng'i^t  (Z^**^^  '^"^  ^V^^  ^^f^^^^^%  lerufalem,  the  ^J?y 
ruHnrehyredto  releui  ^ihATcmfeth  Kri.t4to  make  dn  altar  like 
to  one  in  Damifcm,  i^.in  place  of  G  ads  altar:  17.  remoueth  diuers  0- 
thrtbinrs  pertejning  to  dmim  fermce ^  15.  dieth,  and hii  fonne  E'^chtas 

IN  the  feuenrethyeare  of  Phacee  the  fonne  of  Romelia  i 
reigned  Achaz  the  fonne  of  loatham  king  of  hida_,  . 
•f-Twentie  yeares  old  was  Achaz  when  he  began  to  reigne,  t 
and  hereigned  (ixtene  yearesin  lerufalem;  he  did  not  that 
which  was  pleafing  in  th:!  fight  of  our  Lord  his  God, as  Dauid 
bisfather.  t  But  hcwalkcdinthe  wayofthe  kingsoflfrael:  5 
moreouer  alfo  he  confecrated  his  fonne,  making  him  pafTe 
through  firs  accordmg  to  the  idols  of  the  Gentils :  which  our 
'  Lord  dea-ro/cd  before  the  children  of  Ifrael,  f  He  immolated  4 
'  alfo 

Of  ludaAchaz. Of  Ifr.Orce.       of  kingjs.  7^y 

alio  viftinics,atid  bumt  inceufcin  the  excelfes,  and  onf  the 
J  hhlks,  ard  vrder  cutry  tree  /uj!  of  grtfjieieaucs.  f  Thin 
•went  vp  Raim  the  kmg  of  Syria,  and  Phacce  tlicfonreof 
Romelia  the  king  of  Ilraehnro  Lciufalem  to  iight:  &  when 
they  beficged  Achaz,ihcy  were  net  able  to  ouercomehim, 

6  t  At  ^hat  timt  Rafin  the  king  of  Syria  rcftorcd  >\i]a  to  Syria, 
and  threw  cut  the  It^tes  outof  AHa.and  the  Idumcianscame 

7  into  Alia, and  dwelt  there  vnro  this  day.  j-  And  Achazfert 
mcilengers  to  ThegJathphalafar  the  king  of  the  Ailyrians, 
faying  :  I  am  thy  ftruanr,and  thy  fonne  :  come  rp,  and  fauc 
roe  cut  of  the  band  of  theking  of  Syria,  and  frcm  the  hand 
of  thtkingof  Ifrael,  which  are  rilcn  tcgether  sgainft  me. 

S  t  And  when  he  had  gathered  together  the  fiJuer  ind  gold, 

that  could  be  tounde  in  the  houle  of  our  Lord,  and  in  the 

kings  trealures,  heient  giftcs  to  the  king  of  the  Ailyrians, 

€f   f  Who  alfo  agreed  to  his  wil :  for  the  king  of  the  Ailyrians 

wentvp  into  Damaicus,  and  wafted  it:  and  he  transfetred 

JO  the  inhabitants  thcrof  to  Cyrene,  but  Rafin  he  fltw.  f  i^nd 
king  Achaz  went  forth  to  raeete  Theglathphaiafar  the  king 
of  the  AiryriansintoDamafcus,and  when  he  had  fecne  the 
altar  of  Damafcus, king  Achaz  lent  to  Vrias  the  pncftapa- 
terne  of  it,  andafimilitudeaccordingto  al  the  worke  therof. 

n  f  And  Vrias  the  prieft  built  an  altar,  according  to  al  things, 
which  king  Achaz  had  commanded,  from  Damafcus,  fodid 
the  prieft  Vrias,  whileft  king  Achaz  came  from  Damafcus, 

II  t  And  when  the  king  was  come  frcm  Damafcus,  he  faw  the 
altar  and  worjliipped  it :  and  went  vp  and  im.molatcd  holo- 

13  cauftes,  and  his  lacrifice,  f  ^nd  oftertd  hbamentes,  and 
powred  the  bloud  of  the  pacifiques,  which  he  had  oftered 

14  vpon  the  altar,  f  Moreouer  the  altar  of  brafTe  that  was  be- 
fore our  lord,  he  remoued  from  the  fa^e  of  the  temple,  and 
from  the  place  of  the  altar,  and  from  the  place  of  the.rcmple 
of  our  Lord  :  and  he  fett  it  at  the  fide  of  the  altar  toward  the 

15  North,  t  l^ng  Achaz  alfo  <:omanded  Vrias  thie  prieft,  faying: 
Vpon  the. greater  altar  offer  the  morning  hoIoc3uft,and  the 
eueningfacrif]ce,and  the  kings  holocauft,  and  his  facrifice, 
and  the  holocauft  of  the  whole  people  of  the  land,  and  their 
facrifices,  and  their  hbamentes  :  and  al  the  bloud  of  the 
holocauft,  and  alrhe  bloud  of  the  vidime  thou  ft-alt  powre 
out  vpon  ir:  but  the  altar  of  brafTe  ftialbe  prepared  readic  at 

16  mypleaCuce  f  Vrias  therf ore  tKc  prieft  did  according  to  al 

Ddddd  z  things. 

<-T-H»  e  Tl  n.'Kft  w.  T*  rr     t>  r\  r\  •»  ^  Glf  luda  Aehat.fzecHias. 

7^»  ,  i^OVRTH    BOO'KE.  OflfradOfcc 

things,  which  king  Achaz  had  commanded  him.  f  And  king  17 
Achaz  rooke  theengrauen  feete,  and  thelauatorie  rhat  was 
vpon  them  :  and  he  tooke  downs  the  *  fea  from  the  oxen  of  *  t^t 

braffe,  that  held  it  vp,  and  put  it  vpon  the  paueraent  paued         z^-tatyej' 
withftone.  f  The  *  M,ufachal(o  of  the  Sabbath,  which  he  iS    '^l^^g 
had  built  in  the  temple  :  and  the  entrie  of  the  king  outward  fi^e 

he  turned  into  the  temple  of  our  Lord  bccaufe  of  the  king  of  •vW^.-rf 

she  AfTyrians.  f  Batthe  reft  of  the  wordes  of  Achaz,  which  19.    ''!^^'"-" 
hcdid,arenorthcfe  writcninsthe  Bookeofthe  wordcsofthe  "-^"^ 

dayesof  thekingesof  luda?  f  And  Achaz  flept  with  his  fa-  20 
rhers,andwas  buried  with  them  in  the  citie  of  Dauid,  and- 
Ezechiashis  fonne  reigned  for  him. 

Chap.  XVII;. 
sdmini{j,r  kln^ofytj'^jr-unsmiketh  ofee  kj^r  of  ifrael  tribuUriey  and 
f:rceHing  his  enletiotir  tdhe  Aelititrtd  therof  y  im^rtfoneth  htm;  after 
three  ycares  fic^e  tjihth  Samaria,  and  arieth  the  people  cu^tiue  into  ^jii- 
ria.  7  .  ^/  "^bich  God  permttttth  for  diuen  great  /tones  hire  recitedo  , 
lyTbe  newinbabitantes  of  the  countrie  not  knowtn^  Godyare  deuouredhy 
lions,  ryherupon  a  true  priejl  if  fent  to  inftrufh  them.  19.  but  the^  le:ning 
the  rites  of  true  religion  do  mtxt  the  fame  rvath  idolatrie,. 

IN   thetwelfthycareof  Achaz  king  of  ruda,reigned  Ofee  t 
the  fonne  of  Ela  in  Samaria  ouer  Ifrael  nine  yeares.  f  And.  2, ;. 
he  did  euil  before  our  Lord  :  but  not  as  the  kinges  of  Ifrael, 
that  had  bene  before  him.  I  Again fl  him  came  vp  Salmanafar  5 
king  of  the  AiFyrians,  and  Ofee  wa^  made  feruant  to  him,  and 
payd  him  tribares.-j- And  when  the  king  of  the  Aflyrians  had  4. 
found,  that  Ofee  endeuoring  to  rebel  had  fent  melTcngcrs  to 
Sua  the  king  of  ^gypt,  that  he  might  not  pay  tributes  to  the 
kin^  of  the  AlTyrians^aseuery  ycarehewas  accuftomed,  he 
be(iegcdhim,andcaft  him  bloundintoprifon.f  Andheran-  $ 
£rcd  through  al  the  land:  and  going  vp  to  Samaria,  he  befieged 
itthreeyeares,  f  And  in  the  ninth  yeare  of  Ofee,  the  king  ^ 
of  AlFyrians  tooke  Samaria,  and  transferred  Ifrael  vnto  the 
AiTyrians  :and  he  put  them  in  Hala,  and  in  Habor  befidethe 
riusr  of  Gozan,  in  the  cities  of  the  Mcdes.  t  For  it  came  to  7 
paire,when  the  children  of  Krael  had  finned  to  our  Lord  their 
God,  which  brought  them  out  of  the  land  of  ^^gypt,  and  out 
of  thehandof  Pharao  the  king  ofy€gypt,  they  worlhipped 
ftrangegoddes.  t  And  they  walked  according  to  the  rire  of 
ihGGentiles,.which  our  Lord  had  confumed  in  the  fight  of 


Of  Ifrael  OCec.  n-v  king  e  S;  75?  7 

thecl-iild(.:n  "-i-luseijarid  ofthe  kings  of  Ifrael:  bccaufe  they 

9  hacidcni'ir..i)^    luanrr.  |  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  offended 

our  Loid  thtii  God  wirh  wordcs  not  right :  dc  builtthem  cx- 

celfcsinal  their  ciries  from  rhe  Towre  of  watchmen  vnro  the 

'  10  fenfcd  cirie-tAnd  rbcy  madcrhem  ftatucs  (Scgroucs  on  cueric 

II  high  Jiilj  and  vnder  fucrie  thicke  woddie  tree:  f  and  burnt 
there  incenfc  vpon  the  altars  after  the  m,aner-of  the  Gentiles, 
\rhich'0ur  Lord  remoued  from  their  face  :  and  rhcy  did  vric- 

11  ked  things,  prouoking  our  Lord,  f  And  they  worfhipped 
the  filches,  wherof  our  Lord  commanded  thenru  that  thou 

ij   fliould  not  doc  this  thing,  -f  And  our  Lord  teftiiled  in  Ifrael  , 
and  in  luda  by  the  hand  of  al  the  Prophetes  and  Seers,  faying: 
Retornefrom  your  moft  wicked  wayes,  and  kcepe  my  pre- 
cepts, and  ceremonies  according  to  althela^r,  •which  I  com- 
manded your  fathers  :  and  as  I  haue  fent  to  you  in  the  hand 

14  of  my  feruantes  the  Prophetes.  t  "Who  heard  not,  but  hardc 
nedihcir  ncckeaccord)ng  to  thenecke  of  their  fathers,  Ncho 

1/  \rouid  not  obey  our  Lord  their  God.  f  And  they  caft  avray 
his  ordinances,  and  the  coucnant  that  he  made  with  their  fa- 
th»rs,and  the  tcftifications,wherwith  heconteftcd  them:  and 
they  folowed  vanities,  and  did  vaynly  .•  and  they  folo wed  the 
Gentiles,  that  were  round  about  them,  concerning  which 
our  Lord  had  commanded  them,  that  they  ftiould  not  doe  as- 

16  they  did.  f  And  they  forfooke  al  the  preccptes  of  our  Lord 
their  God  :  and  made  to  them  fclues  two  molten  calues,  and; 
groaes,  and  adored  al  the  hoflcof  heauen  :  and  they  ferued 

17  Baal,  f  and  confccratcd  their  fonnes,  and  their  daughters 
through  fyre  .-and  rheygauethemfelues  to  deuinations,  and 
foothr^yings:  and  they  deliuered  vp  themfelues  to  doe  euil 

iS  before  our  Lord,*' that  they  might  prouoke  him.  f  And  our     _-     , 

Lord  was  wrath  with  ifrael  vehemently,  and  rooke  them  !•'      =it!5,eofi- 
away  trom  his  light,  and  there  rcmayned  but  the  rnbeofluda  did  prouoke 

i^  onlie.  f  But  neither  luda  it  fclf  kept  the  commandemcntes  him.^s  j.f^'^*^- 
of  our  Lord  their  God:  but  walked  in  the  erronrs  of  Krael,  i4« '»'•?- 

20  which  it  had  wrought,  t  Andour  Lord  reiet^led  al  the  fcede 
of  Ifrael, and  afHidedthcm,  &dehuered  them  into  the  hand 

21  ofthefpo^lers,  til  he  threwe  them  away  from  his  face:  feaen 
now  from  that  time,  when  Krael  was  rent  from  the  houfe  of 
Dauid,  and  made  leroboara  the  fonne  of  Nabat  their  king  : 
for  leroboam  feperated  ifrael  from  our  Lord,  and  made  them  - 

X2i  finne  a  great  finnc.  t  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  walked  in 
"'  "      "  '  Dddddj  alth^ 

7^8  FovRTH  BooKE  TIic lo. thbcslcdde 

al  che  linnesof  IcroboanijVFhich  hehad  donctandthey  de- 
parted not  from  them,  f  vntil  our  Lord  rookc  away  Ifrael  15 
from  his  face,  as  he  had  (poken  in  the  hand  of  al  his  feruantes 
the  Prophetes  :  and  Ifrael  vjras  tranfportcd  out  of  their  land 
vnro  the  AfTyrians,  vntil  this  day.  f  And  the  king  of  the  Ally-  I4 
rians  brought  from  Babylon  ,  and  from  Cutha,  and  from 
Auah.and  from  Emath  ,  and  from  5epharuaim  .-and  placed 
them  in  the  cities  of  Samaria  for  the  children  of  Ilrael  ; 
who  pofTeiFed  Samaria,  and  dwelt  in  the  cities  therof.  f  And  25 
when  they  began  ro  dwel  there, they  feared  notour  Lordrand 
ourLord  fent  lions  vpon  them,  which  killed  them,  f  And  it  16 
was  told  the  king  of  the  AlTyrians,  and  fa)  d.  The  nations, 
which  thou  haft  transferred,  and  made  to  dwel  in  the  cities  of 
Samaria,  know  not  the  ordinances  of  the  God  of  the  land  : 
and  the  Lord  hath  fent  lions  vpon  them:  and  behold  they 
kil  them,  for  that  they  know  not  the  rite  of  the  God  of  the 
land,  f  And  the  kingof  the  Alfyrians  commanded,  fayjng  :  17 
Bring  thither  one  of  the  prieftes,  which  you  brought  thence 
capriue,  and  let  him  goe,and  dwel  with  them:  and  let  him 
reachthemtheordinancesof  tbeGodof  theland  tTherfore  iS 
when  one  of  rhofe  priefts,  which  were  led  captiue  from  Sa- 
maria, was  come,  he  dwelt  in  Bethel,  and  taught  them  how 
they  iliould  worship  our  Lord,  f  And  euerie  Nation  framed  15 
their  o  wne  god,  and  put  them  in  the  highe  temples,  whic^ 
the   Samiritancs  had  made  ,  Nation  and    Nation  in  their 
cities,  where  they  dwelt,  f  For  the  men  of  Babylon  made  50 
Socothbenoth:  and  the  Curheifcs  made  Nergel :  and  the  men 
of  Em^th  made  Afima.  f  Moreouer  the  Heueites  made  Ne-  51 
bahaz  &  Tharthac.  And  they  that  were  of  Stpbaruaim  burnt 
their  children  in  fyre,  to  Adramelcch,  and  Anamelech  the 
.         .        goddes  of  Sepharuaim.  fund  neuerheles  they  •*  worfhipped  52. 
^grOiipped      our  Lord.  And  they  made  to  themfeluesof  thevileftperfones 
butmadefhew  prieftes  of  the  excelfes,  and  they  placed  them  in  the  highc 
to  rs/orfhippe  .  templcs  f  And  when  they  worfhipped  our  Lord,  they  ferued  33 
For  erne  wor-     ^|p^  ^|^^jj.  q^,^^  goddes  according  to  the  cuftome  of  the  Na- 
armkcethnot  fio^s  ont  of  the  which  they  were  tranfported  to  Samaria: 
worfliip  of        t  vntil  this  prefeni  day  they  foiow  the  old  maner ;  they  feare  34 
aniefaUcgod.    nor  otir  Lord,  neither  kccpe  they  his  ceremonies,  and  iudge- 
'^-  H-  ments,  2nd  law  ,  and  the  commandemet ,  which  our  Lord 

commanded  the  children  of  Licob,whom  he  fnrnamed  Ifrael: 
t  and  he hadmadea couenant  with  them,  &'had commanded  5; 


capciue  into  Aflyria.  of  k  i  n  g  e  s.  799 

them,  laying  :  Feare  not  ftrange  goddes,  and  adore  them  not, 
}(5  neither  worfhip  them,  and  immolate  not  to  them,  f  But  the 
Lord  your  God,\rhich  brought  you  out  of  the  Land  of  i€gypt 
in  great  ftrength,  and  a  ftretched  outarme,him  feare  ye,  and 
57  him  adore,  and  to  him  doc  ye  immolate,  f  The  ceicmcnies 
alfo,and  iudgementes,  and  law,  and  the  commandment,  that 
he  wrote  you,  kepe  ye,  that  you  may  doc  them  slwaics :  and 

58  feare  not  ftrange  goddes.  f  And  thecoucnant,  that  he  made 

59  with  you, fo'rget  not :  neither doeyewor(hipftrange  goddes, 
t  but  feare  our  Lord  your  God,  and  he  wil  dcliutr  you  out  of 

40  the  hand  of  al  your  enemies,  f  But  ihey  heard  not,  but  did 

41  according  to  their  old  cuftome.  f  Thefe  Nations  thcrfore 
were  fearing  of  our  Lord  but  ncuerthelefle  feruing  tluir  idols 
airo:forboth  their  children  andnephewes,as  their  fathers  did, 

Chap.     XVIIL 

El(^cbiaf  diProj/eth  aI places  of  tdoUtrie  m  ludajhriahjri^ ttlfo  the  hmfin  fer-^ 

pent,  made  by  Moyfei^  becattjt  the  people  offered  inienje  to  it.  9.  The  (Apti- 

uitie  of  the  tin  tribes  if  repeted.  15.  El(echias  not  Me  to  re/if;  the  ^ffyruns 

ayeth  much  money  to  them.  17.  They  nttarthelesfetid forces  again/t  I.jk(a- 

m,  reproch  th^  ^'Wg",  bUf^heme  God,  und  tenife  the  people. 


1   TN   thethirdyeareofOfce  thefonneof  Elakingoflfracl,  Thcleccntl 

i  X  reigned  E2echias  the  fonne  oFAchaz  king  of  luda.  j  Fiue  pair, 

and  twentie  yeares  old  was  he  when  he  began  to  reigne  :  snd  ^'-'^^^  of  other 
he  reigned  nine  and  twentie  yeares  in  lerufalem  :  the  name  ca'iuul-iVof 

.3  of  his  mother  was  Abi  the  daughter  of  Zacharias .  f  And  luja'^  ' 
he  did  that  which  was  good  before  our  Lord  ,  according 

4  to  al  thmges  which  Dauid  his  father  had  done,  t  He  de- 
ftroyed  theexceUes,  and  brake  the  ftatuees  in  peeces,  and 
cutdowne  the  groues,  and  brake  the  brafen  ferpent,  which 
Moyfes  had  made  :  for  vntil  that  lime  the  children  of  Ifrael 
'•'  burnt  incenCe  to  it:  and  he  called  the  name  therof  *  No-  ::Thisimarc 

I  heftan.  I  He  trufted  in  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael :  therfore  of  a  ferpent 
after  him  there  was  not  the  like  to  him  in  al  the  kings  "°4°"^^T'^;''" 
of  luda ,  yea  neither  among  them  that  were  before  him ;  miTa^c'ullus'    * 

C  t  ^^<^  ^^  cleaued  to  our  Lord ,  and  departed  not  from  his  henhh,  but 
fteppes,  and  he  did  his  comraandmentes ,  which  our  Lord  ailolorgafctr 

7  commanded  Moyfes.  t  Wherfore  our  Lord  alfo  was  with  ^J.^  «'0"h<^l7 
him.andinal  thin;^s,tothewhich  he  preceded,  he  bchaued  mcmorieof 
himfelfe  vrifel/.  He  rebelled  alfo  agaynft  the  king  of  the  the  benefite: 

AlFyiians  bu:viicnth« 

f§oo  F  o  V  R  T  H  B  o  o  K  E  Of  luda  EzecKias. 

people  ofFe-  AfTyrians,  andferued  him  not.  j  He  Itroke  the  PhiHfthians  8 

leducnfice  asfarre  as  Gaza,  &  al  the  borders,  trom  theTowre  of  watch- 

iTproperto^*^  "^^"  ^'""-^  ^^^^  fenfed  citie.  f  I"  the  fourth  yeare  of  king  p 

God  only  Ezechias,  which  was  the  feuenth  yeare  of  Ofee  the  fonne  of 

goodEze-  Ela  the  king  of  Ifrael,  camevp  Salmanafar  the  king  of  the 

chiasdidlau.  AlFyrians into  Samaria, and  afTaulted  i-t,  •{■  and  tooke  it.  For  la 

a  .y  breake  ^f^ef  three  yeares,  in  the  fixt  yeare  of  Ezechias,  that  is,  the 

ic  And  to  (hew      .      ,  l- r-,r        u     i  Ctt       ^     c  ■  l 

thaccherewas  ninth  veare  ot  Oiee  the  king  or  Iirael,  Samarm  was  taken: 
no  deitie  in  it ;  f  and  the  king  of  the  AlTycians  tranfported  Hrael  vnto  the   ir 
called  it  No/je-  Ailyrians,  and  placed  them  inHala,  and  in  Habor  riuers  of 
/>.r.^taatis,a    Qozan  in  the  cities  of  the  Medcs ;  f  bccaufe  they  heard  not  ii 
btaile,  Andfo  ^^^  voice  of  our  Lord  their  God,  but  tranTgrelFed  his  coue- 
inrhcCathc-    nant:  al  things,that  Moyfes  the  feruant  of  our  Lord  comman- 
hque Church    ded,  they  heard  not,  neither  did  they  it.  f  In  the  foarrenth  15 
v/ae:ianie  ho-  ygareof  king  Ezcchias, came  vp  Sennacherib  the  king  of  Afly 
Imz^z^slhL  rians  to  al  the  fenfed  cities  of  luda;  and  tooke  thcra.  f  Then  14 
feu.Tc  js  taken  fent  Ezechias  the  king  of  luda  meirengers  to  the  king  of  the 
ais'ay.or  the-    Alfyrians  into  Lachis,  faying:  1  haue  finned,  tetyre  from  me: 
eirour  other-  ^j^j  al  that  thou  ihalt  put  vponrae,  I  will  beate..Therfore 
^'  d  ^^el^V       ^^^^  '^'"§  °^  ^^^  Aflyrians  put  a  taxe  vpon  Ezechias  the  king 
.^■»--'.u.iQ.'c.s.  of  luda,  three  hundred  talents  of  filuer,  and  talents 
Clint. ser.-[^  ^e  of  gold.  f  And  Ezfichias  gaue  al  the  filuet  that  was found in  ij" 
■ierh.^l'oft.c^  t?hehoufeofourLord,and'in  the  kinoes  treafures.  t  Atthat-ii^ 
101.  eie,np.      j^^g  £2echias  brake  the  doores  of  the  temple  of  our  Lord, 
and  the  plates  of  gold,  which  he  had  faftencd  on  them,  and 
gauethem  to  the  king  of  the  Aflyrians.  f  But  the  king  of  17 
the  AlFyrias  fent  Tharthan,  and  Rabfaris,  and  Rabfaces  from 
Lachis  to  king  Ezechias  with  a  ftrong  powre  to  lerufalem: 
who  when  they  were  come  vp  they  came  to  lerufalem,  and 
iloode  befide  the  conduite  of  the  vpper  poole,  which  is  in  the 
way  of  the  fullers  field,  t  And  they  called  the  king :  and  there  iS 
went  oat  to  them  Eliacim  the  fonne  of  Helcias  gouernour 
of  thehoufeand  Sobna  the  Scribe  and  loahe  the  fonne  of 
Afaph,  the  ^  regifter,  t  AndRabfacesfayd  tothcm;  Speake  i^     ^orr*- 
to  Ezechias;  Thusfayth  the  great  king,  the  king  of  Alfy-  f"''^"*- 

rians;  What  is  this  confidence, that  thoadoeft  ftay  vpon? 
•j-  Perhaps  thou  had  taken  counfel  ,  to  prepare  thy    felfe  zo 
to  battle.  Wherin  haft  thou  confidence,  that  thou  dareft 
to  rebtl?  f  Daft  thou  hope  in  y^gypt  a  ftafte  of  reede  and  2.1 
broken,  vpon 'j^-hich  if  a  man  Idane,  broken  into  fplinrcrs  it 
Nril  enter  into  his  hand,  and  pearceit?  fo  is  Pharao  the  kmg 

of  JBgypc 

Ezechias  of  kinges.  ^or 

22  of  y£gypt,  to  al  that  haue  confidencein  him.  f  Bur  if  you 
vil  fay  tome:  Wc  haue  confidence  in  our  Lord  God:  is  not 
this  he,  whofe  excclfesand  altars  Ezechias  hath  taken  away  : 
and  he  commanded  luda  and  lerufalem:  Before  tliis  altar 

25  (hal  you  adore  in  lerufalem  ?  t  Now  therfore  pafle  to  my 
lordthckmgofthe  Allyriansjandl  wil  geueyou  two  thou- 
fandhorfesj  and  fee  whether  you  be  able  to  haue  ryders  for 

14  them,  t  And  how  can  you  refifte  before  one  prince  of  the 
leaftferuantesof  ray  lord  ?  Haft  thou  confidence  in  i£gvpt 

2;  forthechariotesandhorferoen?  f  "^^Y  am  I  come  vp  with- 
out the  wil  of  the  Lord  to  deftroy  it?  The  Lord fayd  to  me: 

-Z6  Goe  vp  to  this  land,  ==  and  deftroy  it.  f  And  Eliacira  the  fonne  ::  Hcfaflyai-; 
of  Helcias  ,  and  Sobna  ,  and  loahe  fayd  to  Rabfaces :  We  dethof  his 
pray  thee  that  thou  fpeake  to  vs  thy  feruantes  in  Syryake;  ow^erliat/;* 
for v/evnderitand this  tongue:  and  Ipeake  not  to  vs  in  the  FoiL'aiaspro- 
lewes  language,  the  people  hearing  it,  which  is  vpon  the  pheciedthc 

4,7  wal.  t  And  Rabfaces  anfwcred  themjfaying:  What  did  my  concraiie.that 
lord  fend  me  to  thee,  that  I  Ihould  fpeake  thefe  wordes,  and  ti^e  Ailyruns 
nocrather  to  the  men  that  fit  vpon  the  wal,  that  they  may  bc^ftroycd, 
eate  their  owne  dung,  and  drinke  their  vrine  with  you  J  //4/>.37.and 

28  t  Rabfaces  therfore  flood,  and  cryed  out  with  a  lowd  voyce  fo  it  came  to 
in  the  lewes  languag;e5and  fayd:  Hcarc  yc  the  wordes  of  the  pafle.  c/;.  19.  t». 

A5)  great  king,  the  king  of  the  Aflyrians.  t  Thus  fay  th  the  king  :^^'^*^  "'"  ^"- 
Letnot  Ezechias  feduceyou:  for  he  shal  not  be  able  to  deli- 

^o  ucr  you  out  my  hand,  f  Neither  let  him  geueyou  confidence 
vpon  the  Lord,  faying:  Our  Lord  deliuering  wil  deliuer  vs, 
and  this  citie  shal  not  be  geuen  into  the  hand  of  the  king  of 

^i  the  AlPyrians.  t  Doe  not  heare  Ezechias,  For  thus  fayth  the 
king  of  the  AfiTyrians:  Doe  with  me  that  which  is  profitable 
for  you,  and  come  forth  to  me:  and  euery  man  fhal  eate  of 
his  vineyard,  and  of  his  figge  tree:  and  you  shal  drinke  wa- 

51  ters  of  your  owne  cefterncs,  f  till  come,  and  tranfporte  you 

into  a  land,  that  is  like  to  your  land,  into  a  fruiteful  land,  :.-Paganes  snd 

and  plentiful  of  wyne,  aland  of  bread  and  of  vineyardes,  a  Hereukcs  arc 

land  of  oliuetes,  and  of  oyle  and  honie,  and  you  shal  Hue,  and    °^       ^  ^'"* 

LI  ITT  T-i-  '1        -L  r     ■  pudcnttocotn 

snalnotdie.  Heare  not  Ezechias,  wno  deceiueth  you,  laying  :  pare  their faUc 

35  Our  Lord  wil  deliuer  vs.  f--  Did  the  goddes  of  Nations  deliuer  goddesand 

34  their  land  from  the  hand  of  the  king  of  Affyrians?  f  Where  phancicswith 

is  the  God  of  Emath  &  Arphad?  Whereis  the  God  of  Scphar-  ^"^'  -"l'™^^}^- 

c   »  1   A        ,   II    1         J   1-  c  •  r  neandCatlio- 

uaim,ot-  Ana,  and  Aua?  did  they  deliuer  Samaria  out  of  my  j      ^  p^^^,    • 

If  hand?  f  "What  are  they  ampng  al  the  goddes  of  nations,which  gion. 

£eecc  liaue 

$q£  Fovrth  booke  Ezeehias, 

haue  deliueccd  their  countrey  out  of  my  hand,  that  the  Lord 
candeliuerlerufalemoutofmy  hand  jf  The  people  therfore  j^ 
heldtheirpeace,  and  didnot  anlVer  him  any  thing:  for  they 
had  receiued  the  kings  coramandement  that  they  should  not  57 
anfvrer  him.  -f  And  Eliacim  the  fonne  of  Helcias,  gouernour 
of  the  boufe,  andSobna  the  fcribe,  and  loahe  the  fonne  of 
Afaphrcgifter  came  to  Ezeehias,  their  garments  rcnt,and  told 
him  the  wordes  of  Rabfaces. 

Chap.  XIX. 
E'^ch'usinaffliElion  re^ttr/letb  thefnytrs  of  jfaias  the  prophet,  6.  'Who  ajfti- 
reth  him  of  Cods  helpe.  S.  The  kj^^of  ihe  ^j?yria»s  fill  threatncth  and 
hlafphemetb,  15.  l!\echUs  frdieth,  zo ,  dnd  Godhearing the  prayers  of  the 
one,  and bUJphemies  oftheother^  i^.prom'tfeth  to  protef}  lemfaUmr^s-  An 
\Angd  in  one  ni^ht  hjllctb  an  hundred  fourfcore  and  fine  ihoufand  of  ihs 
xAfiyrUns Cdmpeftheirkingreturneth to  Niniueyi^  there  flaifte  hjtwo  of 
his  oxvne  fonnes,  md  an  other  fonne  reigneth  in  his  place, 

"T  T"T  T  HicH  thinges  when  Ezeehias  the  king  had  heard,  i 

V     V    hcrenthisgarmentes,  andxrascouered^yithfack- 
clothjandcnteredintothehoufeofourLord.  t  Andhefent  r 
Eliacim  the  gouernour  of  thehoufe,  and  Sobna  the  fcribe, 
and  the  ancientes  of  the  prieftcscouered  withfackclothes, 
10  Ifaias  the  prophcte  the  fonne  of  Amos,  f  Whofaydto  $ 
kim:Thus  faith  Ezeehias:  This  day  is  a  day  of  tribulation,  and 
rebuke,  and  of  blafphemie:  the  children  are  come  to  the 
birth,  and  the  ^roman  in  trauci  hath  not  ftrength.  f  If  per-  4 
haps  our  Lord  thy  God  \ril  heare  al  the  *yordes  of  Rabfaces, 
•\rhom  the  king  of  the  AfTyrlans  his  maifter  hath  fent  to  vp- 
braydtheliuingGod,  and  reprouc  with  wordes,  which  our 
Lord  thy  God  hath  heard :  and  make  thou  pray«r  for  the  reni' 
nantes  that  are  found  .  f  The  feruantes  therfore  of  king  y 
Ezeehias  came  to  Ifaie.  f  Andlfaicfayd  to  them:  Thus  shai  6 
youfay  toyourmaifter:  Thus  faythour  Lord:  Fearenetfor 
the  wordes,  which  thou  haft  heard ,  with  which  the  fer- 
Hantes  of  the  king  ©f  the  Aflyrians  haue  blafphemcd  me. 
t  Behold  I  wilfendintohimafpirir,  andhe  shal  hereamef-  7 
fage,  and  flial  rerurne  into  his  country,  and  I  wil  ouerthrow 
him  with  the  fword  in  his  country .  f  Rabfaces  therfore  8 
returned,  and  found  the  king  of  AfTyrians  expugning  Lobna: 
for  he  heard  that  he  was  departed  from  Laehis.  t  And  when  p 
]|@  .had  heard  of  Tharaca  the  king  of  i£thiopia,  faying  : 


Ezecliias.  ot  kinges.  S05 

Behold,hc  is  come  forth  to  fight  agaynft  thee  :  and  \rent 

10  agaynft  him,  he  fent  mefTcngcrs  to  Ezcchias,  faying:  f  Say 
this  to  Ezcchias  the  king  of  Juda  :  Let  not  thy  God  feduce 
thee,  in  whom  thou  haft  confidence  :  neither  fay  thou :  leru- 
falcm  fbal  not  be  deHtiercd  into  the  handesof  the  kingof  the 

II  Aifyfians.  I  For  thou  thy  felf  haft  heard  "srhatthe  kingesof 
the  Aftyrianshaucdone  to  al  the  countries,  how  they  hau« 

11  fpoyled  them  :  canft  thou  therfore  onlie  be  deliuered  ?  f  "Why 
haue  thegoddes  of  the  Nations  deiiuercd  althofe,  whom  my 
f.ithers  haae  deftroyed,to  W4tte,Gozan,&  Haran,and  Refcph, 
and  the  children  of  Edtn^which  were  in  Thelaftar  ?  f  Where 

15  is  the  king  ofEmath,and  the  kingof  A  tphad,  and  the  king  orf- 

14  the  citieof  Sepharuaim,of  Anaand  Aua  ?  f  Therfore  when 
Ezechias  had  rcceiued  the  letters  ofthe  hand  of  mefrengers,& 
had  read  them,  he  went  vp  into  tbe  houfe  of  our  Lord,  &  layd 

15  them  open  '•  before  our  Lord,  f&prayd  in  his  fight,  faying:  -Before  the 
Lord  God  of  Ifrael,  which  fitteftvpon  thecherubins,  thou  art  Arke&  Prof^J 
the  only  God  of  al  the  kinges  ofthe  earth.-thou  madeft  hcaucn  "atorie  being; 

t6  and  earth:  j  Incline  thine  eare,  and  heare  :  open  Lord  thine  ^'J®  ^P"'ai 
cies,andfec:  and  heare  al  the  wordes  of  Sennacherib,  who  Layej, 

27  hath  fent  to  vpbrayd  vnto  vs  the  liuing  God.  t  In  verie  deede 
Lord,  the  kinges  of  the  AlTyrians  haue  deftroyed  Nations, 

18  and  the  countries  of  al.  f  And  they  haue  caft  their  goddes 
into  fire:  forthey  were  notgoddeSjbut  the  workes  of  mens 

,«c)  handesof  wood  and  ftone,  and  they  deftroyed  them,  f  Now 
therfore  O  Lord  our  God,  fane  vs  from  his  hand,  that  al  the 
kingdomescf  the  earth  may  know,  that  thou  art  the  Lord 

S.O  the  onlie  God.  f  Andlfaie  the  fonne  of  Amos  fent  to  Eze-  ::TIiouek 
chias,  faying;  Thus  faith  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael:  That  manieintke 
which  thou  haft  befought  me  concerning  Sennacherib  the  l^ingdomof 

«i  kins  ofthe  AlTyrians,  I  haue  heard.  +  This  is  the  word,  that  ^"^^f^l^o/^* 
our  Lord  hath  Ipokcn  ot  him:Tne  -  virgine  daughreror  Sion  rerpe(5t ofthe 
hath  difpifed  thee,  and  fcorned  thee :  B-ehinde  thy  backe  hath  rcfl  publikly 

11  the  daughter  of  lerufalem  wagged  her  head,  t  '^/hora  haft  profefllng 
thou  vpbrayded,and  whom  haft  thou  blafphemed  ?  aaainft  "".efai^hand 

L  I     n.   L  111  •  1   IT      t  1  •  •        rchaion  the 

whom  halt  thou  exalted  thy  voire,  and  lifted  vp  thine  eies  church  isflil 

13  in  high  ?againft  the  holie  one  of  Ifrael.  -f  By  the  hand  of  thy  called  a  virgiw 
feruantcs  rhou  haft  vpbrayded  our  Lord,  and  haft  fayd  ;  In  the  an<^  defpiccth 
multitude  of  my  chatiotes  haue  I  climed  the  height  ofmouu-  ^"^  "jolatcrs 
u  r  T  -L  11  I  11     blalphcmers, 

tayncs,  inthe  ropp-^ot  Libanus,  and  haue  cut  downe  high  andfalfe 

•cedars  therof,  and  the  chofen  fineuces  of  it.  And  I  haue  goddcs« 
■Eeeee  2  entered 

§0-4  FovRTH  BooKE  EzecKus, 

jjApIeafant     cnrered  into  the  borders  therof,  &  the  forrefl;  of  the  ••  carmel 
iullinthe  for- therof  t  haue  I  ctitdowne.  Aail  hauc  drunke  ftrange  wa-  24 
J^c^:  t«rs,andhaue  dried  vp  with  the  fteppes  of  my  feete  al  the 

waters  inclofed.  f  Why,  haft  thou  not  heard  what  I  haue  1$ 
done  from  the  begining  ?  From  ancient  daies  I  haue  made 
that  thing,  and  novr  I  haue  brought  Tttoeffed:  and  fenfed 
cities  rtial  be  into  ruine  of  litle  hilles  bickering  together. 
"f  And  they  that  fitte  in  them,  weake  of  hand,  they  haue    24     \..''\ 
trembled  and  are  confounded,  they  became  as  the  gralTe  of 
the  field,  and  the  greenc  herbc  of  the  roofesofhoufcs,  which 
withered  before  it  came  to  ripenelFe.  f  Thy  habitation,  and  ij 
thy  going  out,  and  thy  coming  in,  and  thy  waye  1  haue  kno- 
wen  before,  &  thy  furie  againft  me.  f  Thou  haft  bene  madde  i-S; 
againft  me,&  thy  pride  hath  afcended  into  myn  earcs :  I  ther- 
fore  wil  putaringin  thy  noftrels,and  a  bitte  in  thy  lippes, 
andwil  bring  thee  back  into  the  way,  by  the  which  .thou^ 
cameft.  f  And  to  thee  Ezechias  this  fhal  be  a  figne:  Eate  this  2^; 
yeare  what  thou  (halt  finde:  8c  in  the  fecond  yeare,  the  things 
thatgrowe  of  themfelues :  raorcouer  in  the  third  yeare  faw^ 
ye  and  reaper  plant  ye  vineyardes,and  eate  the  fruire  of  them, 
t  And  whatfoeuer  (halbeleaftofthehoufeof  luJa,  ftialtake  j-cr, 
rootedowneward,  and  beare  fruit  vpward.  f  For  outof  leru*  jt 
falem  there  fhal  remmantes  goe  forth,  and  that  which  is  to    - 
be  faued  from  the  raounte  of  Sion ;  the  zeale  of  the  Lord  of 
hoftes  llial  doe  this,  f  Wherfore  thus  fayth  our  Lord  of  the  51.. 
kingof  the  AiTyrians:  He  thai  not  enter  into  this  citie,  nor 
fhoote  arro  we  into  it,neither  ihal  Ihield  occupie  it,nor  muni^ 
tioncompalFeit.f  By  the  way,that  hecame,he  {halreturne:  55, 
and  into  this  citie  he  ihal  nos  enter,  fayth  our  Lord    f  And  34, 
Iwilprote<5tthiscitie.  and  wilfaueitfor  my  fel.f,and  forDa- 
uidmyfcruant.  t  It  came  to  paHe  therforein  that  night,  an  3|. 
Angel  of  our  Lord  came,  and  (Irokein  the  campe  of  the  Alfy* 
riansan  hundred  eightic  fiu€  thoufand.  And  when  he  was 
rifen  early,  he  faweal  the  bodies  of  the  dead,  f  and  Senna-  5I 
cherib  the  king  of  the  Aflyrians  departing  went  away,  and 
tariedinNiniue.  f  And  when  he  adored  in  the  temple  of  37 
Nefroch  his  god,  Adramelech  and  Sarafar  his  fonnes  ftrokc 
him  with  the  fword,  and  they  fled  into  the  land  of  the  Armc- 
siiaas,  and  Afarhaddon  his  fonne  reigned  for  him. 

G  II  A  p* 

Ezechias.  cri  kinces.  Saj 

Chap.  XX. 
E^echidf  Wm^ftck  ff  fold  hy  ifatoi  that  he  shd  die :  lut  f^*ying  to  God  ohi. 
taynetb  fijtenneyeares  longer  life,  8.  and  in  confirmation  therof  receimth 
djicnein  yicba7  dial,  returning hacl^  tenne  lines.  ii.To  the  ^jfyruns 
hringmgbim  preJentSjhe  iheweth  al  hii  treafurcs.  i6.  yfihich  l(aiasr:f>ra' 
uingpro^heaeth  the  captimtie  of  ludx,  20.  E'^thms  dieth,  and  his  fotmt 

I  T  N  rhofe  daycs  Ezechias^ras  fickeuen  to  death  :  and  Ifaic 
JL  thefonneof  Amostheprophcte,  came  and  fayd  to  him:  . 
Thus  fayth  our  Lord  God  .-Take  order  with  thy  houfe,  fox 
1  thou  i"halt  die,  and  ihair  not  Hue-  f  "Who  turned  his  face  to  the 
3  wal,  and  prayed  our  Lord,  fa_  ing:  f  I  befech  thee  Lord,  re- 
member I  pray  thee  how  I  haue  walked  before  thee  in  truth, 
andinaperfedhart,  and  haue  done  that  which  is  Uked  be- 

4  fore  thee.  Ezechias  thcrfore  wept  with  great  weeping,  f  And 
before  Ifaie  was  gone  out  of  the  middes  of  the  court,  the 

I  word  of  our  Lord  came  to  him,  faying;  f  Returne,  and  tcl 
Ezechias  the  prince  of  my  people  :  Thus  fayth  our  Lord  the 
God  of  Dauidrhy  father:!  haue  heard  thy  prayer,  and  fecnc 
thy  teares: and  behold  I  haue  healed  thee,  the  third  day  thou 

6  shaltgoevp  to  the  temple  of  the  Lord,  f  And  I  wil  adde  to 
thy  daies  fifceneyeares :  yea  &  out  of  the  hand  of  the  king  of 
Alfyrians  I  wil  deliuer  thee,and  this  citie,&  I  wil  proted  this 

7  citie  for  my  fake,  and  for  Dauid  my ieruant.  f  And  Ifaie  faid: 
Fetchraeabunchoffigges.  Which  when  they  had  brought, 

5  and  had  IciyJ  it  vpon  hisfore,he  was  cured,  f  And  Ezechias 
had  fayd  to  Ifaie :  "What  figne  shal  there  be,  that  our  Lord  wil 

■'  healeme,  and  that  Ishalgoe  vp  the  third  day  to  the  temple 

9  of  our  Lord?  f  To  whom  Ifaie  fayd -.This  shal  be  the  figne 
from  our  Lord,  that  our  lord  wil  doe  the  word,which  he  hath 
fpoken  :  Wilt  rhou  that  the  shadow  goe  forward  ten  Hnes,  or 
10  that  it  goe  backe  foe  many  degrees,  f  And  Ezechias  fayd: 
It  is  an  eafie  matter  for  the  shadow  to  goe  forward  ten  lines, 
neither  wil  I  that  this  be  done,  but  that  it  returne  back  ten 
JI  degrees,  f  Ifaie  therforc  the  prophet  inuocated  our  Lord,  .-Ifthcrctenns 
and  brought  backe  the  fliadow  by  ••  the  lines,  by  the  which  lines  imports 
it  was  now  gone  downe  in  the  dial  of  Achaz,  backward  ten  ^o^iaiehou^ 
.u  degrees  .   f  I"  that  time  Berodach  Baladan ,  the  (onne  of  ^"|[,^^"  ^^* 
Baladan,  the  king  of  the  Babilonians  fent  letters  and  giftes  to  forwardcfa- 
^gcchias:  for  he  had  heard  that  Ezechias  had  bene  ficke  .  samc^bjr  likt. 
Eeecec  j  -J- And. 

Sop  Fovrth  booke  Ezecliias  ManaHb. 

degrees; this      -j-  And  Ezcchias  reioyfed  in  their  coming,  and  he  shewed  15 
dayw'asmcrca  them  the  houfe  of  aromatical  fpices,  and  gold  and  filuer,  and 
fed  by  iv/entie     ,.       r  •  j  ^  ^ir  j     u      l      r 

houres  and      diuerie  precious,  odours,  oyntementes  alio,  and  the  houie 

foe  waslon-      of  his  veirels,and  al  that  he  had  in  his  rreafures-  There  was 
gerthendva-t     not  any  thing  which  Ezechias  shewed  thenu  not  in  his 
in  which  lo-     hou(e,andinal  his  powre.  f  And  Ifaie  the  prophete  came  14 
ftay  of  cKc^       to  king  Ezechias,  and  fayd  to  him  :  What  fayd  thefe  men  I 
funne  the         or  from  whence  came  they  to  thee  ?   To  whom  Ezechias 
fpace  ofonc      faid  :  From  3  far  counttie  thejr  came  to  me  out  of  Babylon. 
^P\^^^^^^^     t  Butheanfwered:  What  faw  they  in  thy  houfe  ?  Ezechias  i; 
LouTe's  ^urtte.    ^y^'  '^^^7  ^^^  ^l  things  whatfoeuer  are  in  my  houfe :  there  is 
i-o.asS.Dyo-  nothing  that  I  haue  not  shewed  them  in  my  treafures.  -j- Ifaic   i^ 
aifethiuketh.    therforefaid  to  Ezechias,  heare  the  word  of  our  Lord :  f  Be-  17 
^i^:ad?oU-  ^    hold  the  daiesshal  come,  Seal  things  shal  be  taken  a  way, that 
^L'iiHoftte       are  in  thy  houfe,  and  that  thy  fathers  haue  layd  vp  vntil  this 
day, into  Babylon:  there shal  not anie  thing  remayne,  fayth 
our  Lord.  •}■  Yeaof  the  children  alfo  chat  come  forth  of  thee,  1% 
whom  thou  shalt  beget  shalbe  taken  away,  and  they  shal  be 
eunuches  in  the  palace  of  the  king  of  Babylon.-f-Ezechias  faid  i^ 
to  Ifaie:  The  word  of  our  Lord  which  thou  haft  fpoken  is 
good  :  be  there  pease  and  truth  in  my  daies.  f  But  the  reft  z® 
©f  the  wordes  of  Ezechias, aadal  his  (Irengrh,  and  how  he 
-madeapoole,  and  a  conduite, and  brought  waters  in  to  tRc 
cirie,  are  nor  thefe  things  writen  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes 
ofthedaiesof thekingesof ludaJ  f  And Ezechiasflept with  ii 
his  fathers,  and  Manailes  his  fonne  reigned  for  him. 

jChap.     XXL 
*orthe  efjo:-mious  impietie  o,f  M^naffeSj  10.  God  thredtneth  deflmB:lm  sf 
the  kingdom.  16.  He  fpilteth  innocent  hloud,  18,  dietht  and  his  fenne 
^men  rd^nsth  alfe  '^tc^edlji  1  iyisjl<iine by  hiffirumtes,  and  his  fonne 
]  oft  as  ragneth, 

TWELVE  yeares  old  was  ManafTes,  when  he  began  ro  i 
reipne,  &  he  reigned  fiue  and  fiftie  yeares  in  Terufalem  : 
the  name  of  his  mother  was  haphiiba.  f  And  he  did  euil  in  z 
the  light  of  our  Lord,acording  .to  the  idols  of  the  Nations, 
which  owr  Lord  dedroyed  from  the  face  of  the  children  of 
Ifrael.  t  And  he  was  tarned,  and  built  the  excelfes,  which  $ 
Ezechias  his  father  had  deftroyed  :  and  he  fette  vp  altars  to 
Baal,and  niadegroues.,  as  Achab  the  kmgof  Ifrael  had  done  : 
and  he  adored  al  the  hoft  of  hcauen ,  and  worshipped  ic. 

Manafis.  ofiCxnges.  S07 

4  f  And  he  built  altars  in  the  houfc  of  our  Lord,  of  the  vhich 

5  our  Lord  fayd;  In  lerufaleml  wil  put  my  name,  f  And  he 
built  altars  lo  al  the  hoft  of  heauen  in  the  t  wo  courtes  of  the 

6  temple  of  our  Lord,  f  And  he  made  his  fonne  pafle  through 
fyrc;andhevfcdroothfaying,and  obfcrucddiumations,  and 
made-pithones,  and  multiplied  inchanters,  to  doe  euil  before 

7  our  Lord,  and  to  prouoke  him.  t  He  (ette  alfo  the  idol  of  the 
"uoue,  which  hchadmadein  the  temple  of  our  Lord:  con- 
cerning the  which  out  Lord  fpake  to  Dauid,  and  to  Salomon 
his  fonne :  In  this  temple,  and  in  lerufaiem,  which  I  haue 
chofen  out  of  ai  the  tribes  of  IfraeJ,  I  wil  put  my  name  for 

8  eucr.  t  Andlwilnoe  more  make  thefoore  of  Ifrael  to  be  ^ 
mouedoutoftheland,whichIgaue  to  their  fathers:  yet  fo  f'^ncd^morc 
if  in  worke  they  fnal  keepe  al  things, tbat  I  haue  commanded  greuoufly  rc- 
thcm,  al  the  law  which  my  feruantes  Moyfcs  commanded  uohingfrom 

^  them,  t  But  they  heard  not:  but  were  feduced  by  ManalTes,  ^^^^"^^^  ,  _ 

to  doe  euil  "  aboue  the  Nations,  which  our  Lord  deftroyed  te^n!nath°e* 
10  before  the  face  of  the  children  of  Ifrael.  f  And  our  Lord  admonfuons 

fpake  in  the  hand  of  his  feruantes  the  prophetcs  ,  faying:  ofholiepio- 
n  t  BecaufeManalfesrhe  king  of  luda  hath  done  thefe  moft  phetcs,tbea 

wicked  abominations  ,  palling  al  thinges  that  the  Amor-  Jij^tha'dnei. 

rheites  did  before  him,  and  hath  made  luda  alfo  to  finne  in  therlavnor 
u  hisfilthcs:  f  therfore  thus  fayth  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael:  prophctesto 

Behold  I  wil  bring  in  euils  vpon  lerufaiem  and  luda :  that  mftrud  them. 

15  Nyhofoeviershalheare  it,  both  his  eares  shal  tingle,  t  And 

I  wilftretchout  vpon  lerufaiem  the  corde  of  Samaria,  and  ::GodftiIpic- 
the  weightof  thehoufeof  Achab  :  and  I  wil  wipeout  lerufa*  inc^uerelT-^ 
lem,  as  tables  are  wont  to  be  wiped  out,and  wyping  out  I  wil  „ion,  thougU 
turne  it ,  and  draw  often  the  pencil  vpon  the  face  therof.  they  alio  (uf- 

14  t  ••  ButI  willeaueremnantes  of  mine  inheritance,  and  wil  feredrnbula- 
deliuer  them  into  the  handcs  of  their  enemies:  and  they  flialbe  ^°"^ed' for  ^ 

i|  vntowafte,  and  vntofpoile  to  al  their  aduerfaries:  f  becaufe  thej^encial 
they  haue  done  euil  before  me,  and  banc  continewed  pro-  finnesofchc 
uoking  me, from  the  day  that  their  fathers  came  out  of  ^-  kingaud  peo- 

16  gyptjvntilthis  day.  •\  Moreouer  ManalTes  shed  alfo  inno-  P  ^^el  thls^' 
cent  bloudexceding  much  til  he  filled  lerufaiem  euen  to  the  kinfrManafles 
mouth  :  befide  his  finnesjwherin  he  made  luda  to  finne,  to  iacaptiuitie 

17  doe  euil  before  our  Lord,  f  But  the  reft  of  the  wordes  of  t>gcameverta- 
ManafTes,  and  al  that  he  did,  and  his  finne.  which  he  finned,  °"'Jhir''^ 
are  not  thelethiiigcs  written  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  kin2;dom.i. 

18  thedayesofthckingesof  luda?  f  Ani  ManafTes  flcpt  with  TacaU^.xy 


%o%  F  o  V  R  T  H ,  B  p  G  K  E  Anion.  lofiasi 

his  fathers,  and  was  buried  in  the  garden  of  his  houfe,  in 
thelgarden  of  Oza:  and  Anion  his  fonne  reigned  for  hira* 
•{-  Two  and  twentie  yeares  old  was  Amon  when  he  began  i^ 
toreigne  :  two  yeares  alfo  he  reigned  in  Icrufaleni.*  :  the 
name  of  his  mother  was  MelTalemeth  the  daughter  of  le- 
tcba.  t  Andhedideuil  in  the  fightof  our  Lord,  as  ManafTes  19 
his  father  had  done,  f  And  he  walked  in  al  the  way,  by  the  ix 
which  his  father  had  walked;  and  he  ferued  the  filches, which 
his  father  had  ferued,  and  he  adored  them,  f  and  forfooke  it 
our  Lord  the  God  of  his  fathers,  and  walked  not  in  the 
way  of  our  Lord,  f  And  his  feruantes  lay  in  wayte  agaynft  15 
him,and{Iewe  the  king  in  his  houfe.  f  But  the  people  of  14 
the  land  ftroke  al  them.,,  that  had  confpired  agaynft  king 
Amon:  and  made  lofias his  fonne  their  king  for  him.  f  But  ij 
thereftofthe  wordesof  Amon  which  he  did,  are  not  thefe 
writen  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  the  dayes  of  the  kinges 
of  luda?  t  And  they  buried  him  in  his  fepulchre ,  in.  the   iC 
garden  of  Oza :  and  lofias  his  fonne  reigned  for  him. 

Chap.     XXIL 

^ojtds  repdjreth  the  temple,  andDiu'me  femice.  S,  the  hole  of  law  hfouni 
u.lvherHpon  they  con fult  our  Lord,  15.  md  Are  foretold  th  At  mncb  euil 
shal  fd  lipon  them,  18.  hut  the  good  king  shal  dje  in  peace. 

EIght  yeares  old  was  lofias  when  he  began  to  reigne, 
he  reigned  one  and  thirtie  yeares  in  lerufalem  .-  the  name 
©f  his  mother  was  Idida,  the  daughter  of  Hadaia  of  Befecath. 
f  And  he  did  that  which  was  liked  before  our  Lord,  and  t 
walked  in  al  the  waies  of  Dauid  his  father :  he  declined  nor 
to  the  right  hand,  or  to  the  lefte.f  And  in  the  eightenrh  ycare  5 
of  king  lofias,  the  king  fent  Saphan  the  fonne  of  Aflia, 
the  fonne  of  Meffulam,  thefcribeof  the  temple  of  our  Lord, 
faying  to  him :  f  Goe  to  Helcias  the  high  prieft,  that  the  4 
money  may  be  gathered  into  a  fumme,  which  hath  beene 
brought  into  the  temple  of  oiir  Lord,  which  the  porters  of 
the  temple  haue  gathered  of  the  people,  f  andletitbegeuen^ 
to  the  workemen  by  the  ouerfeers  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord : 
whoalfo  Ihaldcftributeittothem  that  workein  the  temple 
of  our  Lord,  to  make  the  reparations  of  the  temple :  t  ^^^^  ^ 
is,  to  the  carpenters  and  ma(ons,and  to  them  thatmend  bro- 
ken places :  and  that  timber  may  be  bought,  and  ftones  out  of 
the  (juarties  to  repayre  the  temple  of  ©uc  Lord,  t  Yet  let  not  7 

OF    KINGES.  ^0$ 

themGney  which  they  receiue  be  accounted  to  them, bur  lee 
8  them  haueitin  theiipoxrre,3nd  vpon  their  fiachcie.  t  And 
Hclciasthe  highe  piuit  fayd  to  Saphan  the  icnbe;  I  haue 
found che  Booke  ot  the  law  in  the  houfeof  our  Lord:  and 
Hclciasgnue  the  "volume  to  Saphan,  \c  ho  aUo  did  rcade  ir. 
^5  t  Sap.haii  aifo  the  fctibe  came  to  the  king,  and  reported  vnto 
huTS  aiat  winch  he  had  commanded,  and  fayd  :  Thy  feruantes 
haue  gathered  into  a  fumme  the  money ,which  is  found  m  the 
houfeof  our  Lord  rand  they  haue  geucn  it  to  be  deitributed 
torhe  workcmen,  by  the  ouerfeers  of  the  workes  of  the 

10  temple  of  oar  Lord .  t  Saphan  alfo  die  fcribe  told  the  king, 
fivmat' Helcias  the  prieft  hath  gruen  me  a  Booke.  Which 

11  when  Saphan  had  read  before  the  king,  f  and  the  king  had 
hcardthe  wordes  of  the  law  of  our  Lord,  he  rent  his  gar- 

11  mentes,  t  ^^-^  ^^  willed  Hclcias  the  prieft,  and  Ahicam 
the  (onne  of  Saphan  ,  and  Achobor  the  ionne  of  Micha, 
and  Saphan  the  Scribe,  and  Afaia  the  kinges  fcruanr,  faying  J 

15  t  Goeand  conlultour  Lord  for  rae,and  for  the  people,  and 
for  al  loda,  concerning  the  wordes  of  this  volume,  which  is 
found  :  for  the  great  wrath  of  our  Lord  is  kindled  agaynll  vs: 
becaufeour  fathers  haue  not  heard  the  wordes  of  this  Booke, 

14  todoe  al  thatis  wriren  for  vs.  f  Hclcias  therfore  the  prieft, 
and  Ahicam,and  Achabor,  and  Saphan,  and  Afaia  went  to 
Holda  a  prophetelFe  the  wife  of  Scilum  the  (onne  of  Thecua, 
the  Ionne  of  Araas  keeper  of  the  garmenres,  who  dwelt  in 

rj  lerufaleminthe  "•  (econd  :  and  they  fpaketohcr.  f  And  ihe  .-:  yvithintljc 
anfwer^d  them  :  Thus  (ayth  our,Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael :  Tel  fecond  wall 

16  the  man,  that  fent  you  to  me  :' f  Thus  fay  th  out  Lord:  Be-  thccuielia- 
hold,  I  wil  bring  einls  vpon  this  place,  and  vpon  the  inha-  "'"g  three 
biranrestherof,althe  wordes  of  the  law  which  the  king  of ''^^  ^'^■^'^'■^' 

17  luda hath  read."  f  bccaufe  they  haue  foriaken  me,and  haue 
facrificed  to  ftrangc  goddes,  proucking  me  in  al  the  woikes 
of  their  handes;  and  my  indignation  (hal  be  kindled  in  this 

18  place,  and  ihal  not  be  quenched.  ]  But  to  the  king  of  luda, 
that  lent  you  to  confult  our  lord,  thus  you  Ihal  lay:  Thus 
fayth  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael  :  For  that  thou  haft  heard 

15)  the  wordes  of  the  volume,  t  and  thy  haf  is  ftriken  with 
feare,  and  thou  art  humbled  before  the  Lord,  hearing  the 
wordes  ac^iynfl;  this  place,  and  the  inhabirantes  therof,  to 
wittethat  they  (liould  become  a  wonder  and  a  curfe:  and 
halt  rent  thy  garmentes,  and  wept  before  me,  and  I  haue 
F  f  i  f  f  hearciiCi, 

$19  FOVRTHBOOKE  Iofia< 

heard  it,  fayth  our  Lord:  f  therfore  I  wJl  gather  thee  to  thy  to 
fathers,  and  thou  shale  be  gathered  to  thy  fepulchre  in  peace, 
that  thy  eies  may  not  fee  ai  the  euils,  which  I  vvil  bring  in 
vpon  this  place. 

Chap.  XXIII. 
Jo/fas  rettdin^  the  hw  before  the  people,  theji  al  promife  to  feme  God.  4.,yfl 
thin^es  belonging  ts  idoUtne  arecufi  forth  oj  the  temple,  S.and  other pUces 
of  luda,  ij.  He  alfo  dejlroyeth  the  altar  in  Bethel  ( not  remouing  the  bones 
of  A  prophet )  19.  and  other  attires  mSamiria  :  k}lleth  thefalfepriejies.  21. 
S^ad Tttdl^eth a  notoriota  great  Fafch.iG.  Tet  God ihreatneth  the captiniiie 
ofliidafor  their^Joftas  ifflsine  in  battle  by  the  kj^g  of  JEgypf.and 
hisfonne  loach  a^reigneth.FF  ho  after  three  monethes  if  depofed  bj  the  kjn^ 
ofJEgypty  4ndhii  brother  Eliacim^  henceforth  called  loakimy  made  king, 

ANd  they  reported  to  the  king  that -which  flie  had  fayd.  i 
"Who  fent :  and  al  theancienres  of  luda  and  lerufalem 
were  afTembled  to  him. -j- And  the  king  went  vp  to  the  rcmple  i 
of  our  Lord,  and  al  the  men  of  luda,  and  al  that  dwelt  in  leru* 
falem  with  him  prieftes  and  prophetes,  andal  the  people  from 
litle  to  great :  and  in  hearing  of  al  he  readal  the  wordcs  of  the 
Bookeof  thecouenantj  which  was  found  inthehoufeofour 
Lord.t  And  the  king  ftood  vpon  the  fteppe:  and  made  a  coue-  3; 
nanr  with  our  Lord,  to  walke  after  our  Lord,  &  kepe  his  pre- 
cepteSj'and  teftimonies  and  ceremonies,with  al  their  hart,  arid 
withal  their  fou!e,and  toperforme  the  wordesof  fthiscoue- 
nant,  which  were  writen  in  that  booke:  &  the  people  agreed 
to  the  couenant:  f  And  the  king  willed  Helcias  the  high  4^ 
prieft,<S>:  the  prieftes  of  the  fecond  ordcr,&  al  the  porters,  that 
they  Qinuldcaftoutof  the  teaipleof  our  Lord  al  the  velfels, 
that  had  bene  made  to  Baal, and  in  the  groue,and  to  al  the  hoft 
of  heauen  ;  &  he  burnt  them  without  lerufalem  in  the  Valley 
cedron,  and  cariediheduft  of  them  into  Bethel,  f  And  he  j 
deftroyed  the  Southfayers,  which  the  kinges  of  luda  had  ap-  ^ 

pointed  to  facrifice  in  the  excelfesin  the  cities  of  luda,  and 
round  about  lerufalem  ;  and  them  that  burnt  incenfe  to  Baal, 
and  to  the  Sunnc,and  to  theMoone,and  to  thetweluefignes, 
and  to  al  the  hoft  of  heauen.  f  And  he  caufed  the  groue  to  6 
becaricdforthoutof  thehoufe  of  our  Lord  without  leru- 
falem in  the  Valley  cedron,  &  he  burnt  it  there,  and  brought 
it  into  duft,  and  threw  it  vpon'the  fepulchres  of  the  common 
people,  t  He  deftroyed  alfo  the  litle  houfcs  of  the  effeminates,  7 


OF    KINGES.  ill 

Nshich  were  in  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  for  the  ^hich  the 
8  wcinen  woue  asit  wcrelitle  houfes  of  the  grouc.  f  And  he 
gathered  together  al  the  prieftes  of  the  cities  of  Iuda:2ndhe 
contaminated  the  excelfes,  where  the  prieftes  did  facrificc 
from  Gabaa  vnto  Bcrfabee  :  and  he  deflroyed  the  altars 
of  thegaces  in  the  entrance  of  the  dcore  of  lofacchicf  of  the 
citie,  which  vras  on  the  left  hand  of  the  gate  of  the  citie. 
f  j-  Howbeit  the  pritrtes  ■•  of  the  excelfes  went  not  vp  to  the  ^Bccaufethcf 
altarofour  Lord  inlerufalem:  butonly  they  did  eateazimes  hadofieredfa- 

lo  in  the  middes  of  their  brethren,  t  He  contaminated  alfo  ^o^j^°^n<fi 
Topheth, which  is  in  the  Valley  of  the  (onnc  of  Ennora:  vnlawfulpla- 
that  no  man  Ihouldconfecrate  his fonne  or  daughter  by  fyre  cesthtywete 

■21    to  Moloch,  f  He  rooke  away  alfo  the  horfes ,  which  the  fulpcrided 
kingesof  luda  had  geuen  to  the  Sunne,  in  the  entrance  of  ^'^"'^ oifedng 
the  temple  of  our  Lord,  befide  the  chamber  of  Nathanme-  cnficcacal.*' 
lech  the  eunuch,  who  was  in  Pharurim :  and  the  chariotcs 

m  of  the  Sunne  he  burnt  with  fire,  f  The  altars  alfo  that  were 
vpon  the  roofes  of  the  vpper  chamber  of  Achaz,  which  the 
kinges  of  luda  had  made,  and  the  altars  which  ManalTes  had 
raadein  the  twocourtesof  thetempleofour  Lord,  the  king 
deilroyed  :   and  he  ranne  from  thence,   and  fprinkled  the 

Tj  afliesof  them  into  the  Torrent  cedron.  f  The  excelfes  alfo 
that  were  in  lerufalem  on  the  righit  fide  of  the  Mount  of 
otfencc,  which  Salomon  the  king  of  Ifrael  had  built  to  Afta- 
rofh  the  idol  of  the  Sidonians,  and  to  Chamos  the  fcandal 
of  Moab,and  to  Melchom  the  abomination  of  the  children 

14  of  Amnion,  the  king  deftroyed.  f  And  he  brake  in  peces  the 
ftatucs,  and  cut  downe  the  groues  :  and  he  filled  their  places 

ij  with  the  bones  of  dead  men.  t  Moreouerthe  altar  alfo,  that 
was  in  Bethel,  and  the  excclfe  ,  which  Icroboara  the  fonnc 
of  Nabac  had  made,  who  made  Ifrael  to  finne:  and  that 
altar,  and  excelfe  he  deftroyed,  and  burnt,  and  brake  into 

16  powder,  and  the  groue  alfo  he  burnt,  f  And  loius  turning, 
faw  there  fepulchres,  that  -txrerc  in  the  mount;  and  he  fenc 
and  tooke  the  bones  out  of  the  fepulchres,  and  burnt  them 
vpon  thealtar, and  pollutedif  according  to  the  word  of  our 
Lord,  which  the  man  of  Godfpake,  who  had  foretold  thefe 

17  thinges.f  And  heTayd:Vhat  title  is  that,  which  I  fee?  And  the 
citizens  of  that  citie  anfwcred  .•  It  is  the  fepulchreof  the  man 
of  God,  which  came  fron?  luda,  and  foretold  thefe  thinoes 

iS  which  thou  haft  done  vpon  the  altar  of  Bethel,  t  And  he  fayd: 

Fffffi  l,c« 

Si 2,  F  o  V  R  T  H  B  o  o  K  E  The  Pafch  of  lofias. 

Let  him  alone,  let  no  mm  moue  his  bones.  And  his  bones 
remayned  vnrouchcd  virhh  the  bones  of  the  prophet,  that 
cameoutof  Samaria,  f  Moreoueralthe  tcmplesof  the  ex-  19 
celfes,  which  were  in  the  cities  of  Samaria, which  the  kinges 
of  Ifrael  had  made  to  prouoke  our  Lord,  lofias  tooke  away  : 
and  he  did  to  them  according  to  al  the  workes,  which  he  had 
done  in  Bethel,  f  And  he  flew  al  the  prieflies  of  thcexcelfes,  ig 
that  were  there  vpon  the  altars  :  and  he  burnt  mens  bones 
vpon  them;  &  turned  into  lerLifalem.t  And  he  commanded  ii 
al  the  people,  faying:  Make  a  Phafe  to  our  Lord  your  God, 
i     according  as  itiswiiten  in  the  booke  of  this  couenant.  t  For  zs 
tttofcplius      *'•  there  was  not  fuch  a  Phafe  made  from  the  daies  of  the 
wrircihthat     ludges,  which  iudged  Ifrael,  and  of  al  the  daies  of  the  kinges 
this  gotAlie      of  Ifrael,  and  of  the  kinges  of  luda,  f  as  in  the  eightenrh  25 
king  gaue  t  iir  y^^^g  ^f  ^jj^g  Iq[{^^  (-^ig  p^afe  '.^as  made  to  our  Lord  in  leru- 
lanibcs  and      falem  .  f  Yea  and  the  Pythoncs,  and  Southfayers,  and  the  24 
kiddestotbe    images  of  idols,  and  the  filthes,  and  the  abominations,  that  . 
poor?  people    had  bene  in  the  land  of  luda  and  Ieru{alem, lofias  tooke  away; 
for  their  Pafch  ^j^^t  he  might  cPcabliilT  the  wordes  of  the  law,  that  were 

f  ^,   ^^^  c^S  writen  in  the  Booke, which  Helcias  the  pricft  found  in  the 
land  oxen  i-or  i,t-i  i-^ir         i-i-i' 

Holocanftes.    temple  or  our  Lord,  f  There  was  no  king  before  him  like  to  15. 

Thcnrieftcs     him, that  returned  to  our  Lord  in  al  his  hart,  &  in  al  his  foule, 

alfo  &  Lcuites  -j^j  in  rdhis  powre  according  toal  the  law  of  Moyfes;  neither 

^i'^^^"'^^'^'^^"^  after  him  did  there  arife  the"hke  to  him.  f  But  vet  our  Lord  16 

then-  owne.i/.  ,  „  ,  :       r  i  •  r     •'         ,  •   1 

a  .;^  r  <■  was  not  auerred  from  the  wrarn  of  his  great  tune,  wherwith 
his  fune  was  -rrath  agaynfl:  luda:  tor  the  prouocations,wher- 
::AlbeitMa-    with  ••  ManalTes  had  prouoked  him.  •{■  Our  Lord  therfore  27 
aiaiTcsiepcn-    layd  ludaallo  wil  I  take  away  from  my  face,  as  I  haue  taken 
tcc!,an;iv/as     away  Ifrael  :and  I  wil  rcied  this  citic,  which  I  ciiole  Icru- 
(^'oJs  fauour,    ^^^^"^>  ^"'^  ^^^  ^""^^'  wherof  I  fayd  ;  My  name  (hal  be  there. 
&  tohiskinc-  t  But  the  refi:  of  the  wotdrs  of  lofias,  and  al  that  he  did,  are  2§ 
r.omcz.P^-     notthefe  thinges  wricen  in  the  Booke  of  the  wordes  of  the 
»•,'.;.  5.  Yet  his     daiesof  the  kinges  of  luda  ?  t  In  his  dayes  came  vp  Pharao  2^ 
ilnncswere      ^J»chao  the  kin?  of  i£yvpt,  agavnft  the  king  of  Aflvrians  to 
temporallypu     ,      ■.         ^       ,      ^  .  t    r         1      i   •  1  •■ 

n  ihcd  both  ^^^  ^^^^^  Euphrates  :  and  lohas  the  king  went  to  meete  hira  : 
inhimfelCand  aprd  W3?  ilainein  Mageddo,when  he  had  feene  him.  t  And  30 
his  leruantes  caried  him  dead  from  Mageddo;&  they  brought 
him  into  lerulalcm,  and  buried  him  in  his  fepulchre.  And  the 
peopleofthe  land  tooke  loachazthefonne  of  lofiastandthev 
smoyntcd  hira,  and  made  him  king  for  his  father,  -f  Three  and  51 
twsutieycaresoidwas  loachazwhenhc  began  10  reigne,and 

he  reigned 

loacliaz.  loskim.  of  king  ES.  S15 

he  rtjgncd  three  n  cnaLcs  in  Iciufalem  :  the  name  of  his 

32  mother  was  An,itaI,ihcd3Uoluer  of" Icremieof  Lcbna-tAnd 
he  did  eui)  beforf  out  Lord,  according  to  al  thinges  which 

33  his  fathers  had  done,  -f  And  Pharao  Ncchao  hound  him  in 
Rcbla,  which  is  in  the  land  Emath,  that  l;c  fhciild  not  reigne 
in  lerufalcm  ;  and  he  (ette  a  penaltie  vpon  the  land,  an  hun- 

34  dred  talentcsof  filuer,  and  atalt-nt  of  gold,  -f  And  Pharao 
Necliao  made  Eiiacim  king  the  fonne  of  lofiasj for  lofias  his 
father  :  and  turned  hjs  name  loakim  .  Morcouer  he  tooke 
loachaz  and  brought  him  into  itgypr ,  and  he  died  there. 

35  t  Andloakim  gaue  the  iilucrand  thegold  to  Pharao,  when 
he  had  taxed  the  land  vpon  euerie  man,  that  it  might  be  payd 
according  to  the  precept  of  Pharao  :  and  he  cxafted  of  eueric 
manaccordmg  to  his  abilitie,as  weliilucr  as  gold  of  thcpco- 

3^  pie  of  the  land:  to  geue  vnto  Pharao  Nechao.  f  Fiue  and 
twentieyearesold  was  loakim,  when  he  begau  to  reigne: 
and  he  reigned  eieuen  yearcs  in  lerufalem  ;  the  name  of  his 
37  mother  was  zebida  the  daughter  of  Phadaiaof  Ruma.  f  And 
he  did  euil  before  out  Lord  according  to  al  thinges,  which  his 
fathers  had  done. 

Chap.  XXIII  I. 
iQAl'Jm  ferucththel^ingof  B,ih}lon  three  yeares.  2.  MAnie  rouers  inftft  his 
couatne.  f .  He  diethyandhtf  Jonne  loAchimreignetb  to.  The^of  B4^ 
b}IoncArieth  k.'^^  Joachim)  4nd  al  the  chief  p  rfone:,  and  treafttres  into 
BAhjlon,\y.  a^poinnn^ MiitthixniU'Sy'^bombe  n<xmeth  SedcciO'Sy  k}^£  of 
Jud4 .  20.  FFho  remi.eth  from  the  k}ng  of  Babjlon. 

I  TN  his  daies  came  vp  Nabuchooonoror  the  king  of  Baby- 
JL  Ion,  and  loakim  was  made  his  feruant  three  yearcs:  and 

1. he  rebelled  agaynll  him  againe.  f  And  our  Lord  fenr  in  vpon 
him  the  rouers  of  the  Chaldees,  and  the  rouers  of  Syria,  and 
the  rouers  of  Moab,&  the  rouers  of  the  children  of  Ammon: 
and  he  fent  them  into  luda,  to  deftroy  it,  according  to  the 
word  of  our  Lord,  which  he  had  fpoken  by  his  feruantes  the 

3  prophetes.  -j-  And  this  by  the  word  of  our  Lord  was  done 
againrt:  luda,  to  take  it  away  before  him  for  al  the  finnes  of 

4  ManjfTcs  which  he  did,  f  and  for  the  innocent  bloud,  that 
he  hid  I'hed,*^*:  filled  IcruCalem  with  the  bloud  of  innocentes: 

5  &  for  this  thing  God  would  not  be  made  propitious.f  Bur  the 
reftof  the  wordes  of  loakim,  and  al  that  he  did,  are  not  thefc 
shingcs  vritenin  the  Bookeof  the  wordes  of  the  daiesof 

Fifff  5  '         ths. 

8i4  FovRTHBooKE  loachin.  Scdccias. 

:.Not<!ybgui  the  kinges  of  luda?  And  loakinv-  flepc  with  his  fathers:t  and  6 
peace, forhe      Joachin  his  fonne  reigned  forhim.  t  And  the  fling  of  ^eypt  7 
Nabuchodo-     added  no  more  to  comc  out  or  hiscountne:  tor  the  king  of 
eofor,  lejephns  Babylon  had  taken  al  that  had  beenc  thekingesof  ^gypr, 
h\io.c.$.^nt.  from  the  riuer  of /Egypt,  vnto  the  riuer  Euphrates.  fEightene  8 
And  his  bodic  ygares  old  was  loachin  when  he  began  to  reiene,  and  he  reig- 
ru  .  y,r; .  .r       "cd  three  monethes  in  lerulalera  :  the  name  of  his  mother 
coidiiio- asle-  was  Nohcfta  the  daughter  of  Elnathan  of  lerulalera.  f  And  9 
Acmie  prophe-  he  did  €uil  before  our  Lord,  according  to  al  thinges  which  his 
citd  c  2.1.. y nth  father  had  done,  f  At  that  time  cams  vp  the  feruantes  of  Na-  lo 
^aLsl'l'luLT    bii-1'io^onofor  the  king  of  Babylon  into  lerufalcm,  and  the 
k'.*rkd,0'c.       cicie  was  compaffcd  with  fortes,  t  And  Nabuchodonofor  11 
the  king  of  Babylon  came  to  the  citie  with  his  feruantes  to 
alfaultit.  t  And  loachinthe  kingof  ludawent  forth  to  rhe  li 
-  kingof  Babylon,  he  and  his  mother,  and  his  feruantes,  and 
his  nobles,  and  his  eunuches :  and  the  king  of  Babylon  recei- 
uedhim  the  eight  yeare  of  his  reigne.f  And  he  broughtforth.  ij 
from  thence  al  the  treafuresof  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  and 
the  treafures  of  the  kinges  houfe  rand  h«  cut  in  peces  al  the 
golden  veird,  which  Salo^mon  the  king  of  Ifracl  had  made 
in  rhe  temple  of  our  Lord, according  to  the  word  of  our  Lore'. 
•{■  Andhe  tranfportcd  al  lenifalemjandal  rhe  princes, and  al  14 
the  ftrongmen  of  rhe  armie,  ten  thoufand  into  captiuitic': 
and  etierie  artificer  and  inclofer  :  and  nothing  was'lefr,  fauing 
the  poore  forte  of  the  people  of  the  land,  t  He  tranfportcd    ij 
alfo  loachin  into  Babylon,  and  the  kinges  mother,  and  the 
kinges  wiues,  and  his  eunuches  rand  theiudgcs  of  the  land  he 
led  into  captiuitic  from  lerufalem  into  Babylon,  t  And  al  the  i(* 
ftrongmen,  feuen  thoufand, and  the  artificers,  and  inclofers 
a  thoufand,  al  valiant  men  and  waxtiesr  and  the  kingof  Baby- 
,         Ion  led  them  captiues  into  Babylon,  f  And  he  appointed  17 
ercuoflyoff^n  Matthanias  his  vncle  for  him  :  and  called  his  name  Sedecias. 
'dcdlraiiinr      j  One  and  twentic  yeares  old  was  Sedecias  when  he  began  18 
iVorncto         to  reigne  ,  and  he  reigned  eleuen  yeares  in  lerufalem  r  the 
fciuehmiAnd  na^eof  his  mother  was  Amital,  the  daughter  of  leremie  of 
Kiel  f  17  for-  Lobna,  t  And  he  did  euil  before  our  Lord,  according  to  al  19 
tellcth'themi-  thincres  which  loakim  had  done,  t  For  our  Lord  was  wrath  20 
fcricthitwil     a^^ainft  lerulalera  and  againft  luda,   til  he  caft  them  away 
aivpotiliioi.    f°Qj^^  j^-j  r^^g  .  anj  Scdccias  -  rcuolted  from  the  king  of  h    i      i 


crease?  c'^c. 


•Certain;  falf- 

Scdccias  of   king  es.  Si; 

Chap.  XXV. 
Is^ahuchodefiofir  l{inrof  Bu!  ^Ln  h:feigtng  lerufakm  im  yedrfs,  tie  fouU 
dun  fr  Jicd  '^ah  famine  feeaivay.  KmgSedecidS  dfo  fleeth^^.  ii  taken 
and  brotiflt  before  NAuihoiiopt'j'or.j.^l  hi<:  fenms  arc/I^inein  hU  ftght: 
his  eyes  are  put  out,  and  he  is  r.tricd  into  Babylon:  the  Ti  wpUy  the  kinoes  pa' 
lace,  and  other  houjei  burned  j  the  'Mallei  dejiroyed,  the  people  cariedcaptme 
12.  except  poore  huibanJr}jen  .  15.  ^l  ^lejsel  of  brafse,  ftluer ,  and  ^eld 
broken  and  tranfportfd.iS.  Saraias  htj^'n  f;rief},and  other  principal  menare 
Jlaine.  ii.Codolioi  madegouernernour,  ij.  i^JIainehy  ifmaeL  27.  loachm 
is  deliHcrtd  fromprdon^and  exalted  by  a  neiv  k}tigof  Babylon. 

1  A  N  D  it  came  to  paffe  in  the  ninthe  yearc  of  his  reigne, 
JLjL  the  tenth  moneth,  the  tenth  day  of  thcmoneth,  came 
Nabuchodonofor  the  king  of  Babylon,  himfelfe  and  al  his 
armie  vnto  leiufalcm,  and  they  befeiteit  :and  built  rampires  f^°de^j"e^*^ 

2  rond  about  it.  f  And  the  cirie  was  fnutvp  &  trenched  about  kinaandthc 

3  vntilthceleuenth  yeareof  kingSedecias,  f  the  ninth  day  of  pcoplenotto 
the  moneth  :  and  there  was  a  lore  famine  in  the  citie,  neither  ^cleucthepro 

4  was  there  bread  for  the  people  of  the  land.  ■\  And  a  breach  foi^^^^n^d'^ 

was  made  into  the  citie:  and  al  the  men  of  warre  fled  in  the  themofthefc 

night  by  the  way  ol  the  gate,  which  is  betwen  the  duble  wal  calamiccs,  bc- 

to ward  the  kinoes  garden  (  moreouer  the  Chaldees  befieged  caure(iayd 

the  citie  round  about }  Sedccias  therfore  fled  by  the  way,  that  ^^^y,}f^^y  '""^ 
111  I        I  i-i  -11  «ii  tiadicteune 

J  leadeth  to  the  champayneof  tiie wildernes.  f  Andthearmie  another  lerc- 

of  the  Chaldees  purfewed  the  king,andouertooke  himin  the  miefa}inr(  Z?, 

plaincof  leiicho:  and  al  the  warriers,  that  were  with  him,  3i-0'54-) '''« 

6  were  difperfed,  and  forfooke  him.  f  They  therfore  hauins  7"^/f'^7'" 

en  the  kmg,  brought  hmi  to  the  kmg  of  Babylon  mto  eyioi Kah». 

7  Reblatha,  who  fpakcmdgement  with  him.  -f-  And  he  flewe  chodonojor, 
the  fonncsof  Sedccias  before  his  face,  and  he  '•'-  put  out  his  ^^d^houldhe 
eies,  and  bound  him  with  cheynes,  and  -  brought  him  into  ^^'^ '"">^^h- 

8  Babylon,  f  The  fifth  moneth,the!feuenthdayof  the  moneth,  chiclfayino-' 
thatis,  theninetenthyeareof  the  king  of  Babylon,  came  Na-  {c.xz.y.  13?) 
buzardan  the  General  ofthe  armie,  the  feruant  of  the  king  of  that  he  should 

€)  Babylon  into  Icrufalem.  f  And  he  burnt  the  houfe,  of  our  '!"^l"]^Yj^^l°^' ' 
Lord,  the  kings  houfe,  and  the  houfes  oflerufalem,  &  euerie  mofttru/y-^for 

10  houfeheburnt  with  fyre.f  And  al  the  armie  ofthe  Chaldees,  hcu'as  caricd 
which  was  with  the  General  of  the  fouldiars,  deftroyedthe  txHitherafter 

n  wallesof  lerufalem  round  about,  t  And  Nabuzardan  theGe-  ^^isercswere 
neral  ofthe  armie,tranfported  the  remnant  ofthe  people  that  lhl°ji^  i^.^' 
remained  in  the  citie,  and  the  fugitiues,  that  were  fled  to  the  jfimq^c.  10, 

king  of 

^i^  FovRTHBooKE       IuJ.i  captlue  ill  Babylon, 

kingof  Babylon,  and  the  reft  of  the  comon  ptoplt.  f  And  of  it 
the  pooreoFthe  land  heleifc  drtir,.rs  of  vineyardes  and  huf- 
bandmen.  f  And  the  braC^n  pillers,  rhar  ■vrcrein  the  reinple  of  15 
our  Lord,  and  the  feete, and  the  fea  of  brarte, which  was  in  the 
houfeofour  Lord,  the  CKaldecs  brake, and  tranfported  a)  the 
bralfe  into  Babylon,  f  ThepottesaKo.of  bralTe,  and  mafars,  14 
and  forkes  Nruh  three  teeth,  and  cuppes,  and  iide  m  jrtars, 
andalthevelTelof  bra(rc-,in  the  which  they  miniftred,  they 
tookeaway.  f  Moreoueralfo  thecenfars,and  phiils:  thofe   15 
that  were  of  gold:  and  that  were  of  filiier  the  General  of 
the  warfare  tooke,  f  thit  is,rwo  pillcrs,  one  (ea,  and  the  16 
feete  which  Salomon  had  made  in  the  temple  of  our  Lord: 
?:  There  was      there  was  ''  no  weight  of  the  bralfe  of  al  the  velTels.tOnepiN  17 
foexceding      ler  had  eightene  cubites  in  height :  andthe  litle  head  of  bialfe 
niuc  ,  chat       ypon  it  was  three  cubites  in  heieht:  and  the  nctre,  and  the 

thevwcl  could     ^  ■       i-  1      i      %     r    1  n  i      ci       .i- 

not,  ordidnot  P"'^^^S^^"^'^^^^'P'^" '^"^  litle  head  of  the  piiler,  alof  bralie  : 
vcighic.  the  fecondalfo  hadthelikcadorning.f  Alfo  thegeneralof  the  i2 

armie  tooke  Saraias  the  chiefe  prieft,  and  Sophonias  the  fe- 
cond pried,  and  three  porters,  -f  And  of  the  cirie  one  En-  19 
nuch,  which  was  caprayne  ouer  the  men  of  wane  :  and  fine 
ttieno  them,  that  wayted  before  the  king,  whom  he  foun^d 
in  the  citie,and  Sopher  the  captains  of  the  armie  who  proued 
theyongfouldiars  of  the  people  of  the  land:  and  threefcorc 
men  of  the  common  people,  which  were  found  in  the  citie. 
f   "Whom  Nabuzardan   the  General  of  the  armie  taking  ,  2® 
brought  them  ro  the  king  of  Babylon  into  Reblatha.  -f  And  11 
the  king  of  Babylon  ffroke  them, and  (lew  them  in  Reblatha 
in  thcland  of  E  nath:  and  ludawas  rranfported  ourof  their 
land,   f    And  he  made  Godolias  the  fonne  of  Ahicam  the  22, 
fonneof  Saphan  Gouernourouer  the  people,  that  wasleifrin 
the  land  of  luda,  which  Nabuchodonolor  the  king  of  Ba- 
bylon had  leift.  -f  "yhich  when  al  the  captaynes  of  ti.e  foul-  23 
diars  had  heard,  they  and  the  men  that  were  with  them,  to 
"witte,  that  the  king  of  Babylon  had  aopoynted  Godolias, 
there  came  to  GodoUas  into  Mafp  aUmael  the  fonneof  Ma- 
thanias,  and  lohanan  the  fonne  of  Carce,  and  the  Saraia  the 
fonne  of  Thanehumcth  a  Netophathit: ,  and  Tezonias  the 
fonneof  Maachathi,  they  and  their  felowes.   f   And  Go-  24 
dolias  fwarc  to  them  and  to  their  companions,  faying:  Be 
notafraydto  feme  the  Caldees  :  tarie  in  the  coontrie,  and 
ferae  the  king  of  Babylon,  and  it shal  be  welv/ith  you  f  But  2f 

it  came 

oachin  exalted.  ofkinges.  S17 

iccametopa/Tein  the  leuenth  moneth,  there  came  Ilmahel 
thelonne  of  Nathanias,the  lonnc  of  Elifamaof  the  kinges  .-.By  Godsfpe- 
fecdcand  ten  men  with  him  :  and  ftroke  Godolias,  who  alfo  ^^^*jj//j^,"^^ 
died  :  yea  the  lewcs  alio  &  the  Chaidecs,  that  were  with  him  ioachin(o^kcr 

61  in  Maipha.  -f  And  n'i  the  people  ryfingvp  from  lule  to  great,  wife  called  ic- 
6c  the  captsvnes  of  the  {ouldiars,came  into  ^gvpt  fearing  the  chonias.i.prfr, 
rz  Caldees.  t  But  it  came  to  paflc  in  the  feuen  and  tliirtcth  yeare  ^'^^'^/''V'^  j 
of  the  Tranfmigration  oi  loachm  the  kmg  of  luda,  in  the  i,,^^^^^,  al  ^he 
twelfth  moneth,  the  feuen  and  twenteth  day  of  the  moneth:  jc^^esj  vnto 
Euilratrodach  the  king  of  Babylon,  in  the  yeare,  that  he  whamothcrs 
began  ro  reigne,  '-  lifted  vp  the  head  of  loachin  the  kingof  ^"'^j^c'^c'nljkc 

aS  ludaoutof  prifon.  t  And  he  fpake  vnto  him  courteoufly  :  ^^l^'^^Jgj'j^^^^^ 
and  he  fette  his  throne  aboiie  the  throne  of  the  kinges,  that  ^^e  prophccie 

19  were  with  him  in  Babylon,  f  And  he  changed  his  gatmentes,  of  iacob.  ctn. 
which  he  had  in  the  pnfon,  and  hcdideate  bread  alwayes  in  ^y.rht [center 

50  his  fight,  al  the  dayes  of  his  life,  f  A  certayne  prouirional(o^;''^J^"^'2''„^^;* 
he  appointed  for  him  without  intermiffion,  which  was  alfo  adul^ecfUs 
geuenhimof  thekingday  by  day,  al  the  daicsof  his  life.  thu^htilhe 

THE        ARGVMENT        GF  ni["'"" 

A  R  A  L  1  p  oMENON,r;&4f  tjjAfupplemenr-DfthingesDmmif, 
ted,  called  by  the  Hebrewes  Dibre  hai?.mim,The  wordes  of  the   The  {ignifica- 
dayeSjOr  Chronicle,  Is  Ait  abridgement  bnefiy  ihemng^  beftdes  diuers  other  tionof  the 

ff-eneahp-ies,  from  the  heg^inriinp-  of  the  '^orld,  the  faith  and  relificn  both  of  "3"^^^  and  the 
'^j         ^  1    r '^  ^^^j     „  }    ,       t         I    r    ^  ■     ^   J  contents  of 

the  progenitors,  and  of ipmr>^  of  the  Fatrtarch  Ixcob,  "^bofe  fro^eme  God  ttis  jjQoitg, 

chofe  and  made  hio  peculiar  people -y  and  in  that  nation  more  pArttcuUrly  re- 
counting tbe^Brs  of  k}n^  DAutd^  and  other  k.inges  of  his  line,  til  they  "Vfiere 
led  captiue into  Babylon.  A  booke  of  fuch  and  (o  great  importance 
ipi^.  ad  {fo^th  s.  Hierom. )  as  whofoeuer  without  it  arrogateth  the  know- 
VaitUn,    iedge  of  Scriptures,  may  mocke  hixvS&\fe.  The  author  is  l/ncertttincj 
but  probably  it  jemcth  to  be  gathered  by  Bfdras,  cut  of  other  hookes  and 
traditions ,  for  the  perfeflrtng  of  the  old  Tejlament  :  und  is  "Undoubtedly 
canonical  Scripture.  Inhebrepj  it  is  al  one  boo\e, but  hein^large, is  ^oith  the  DiuJcJcdlnt* 
Creekes  and  Litines  parted  into  two.  yCnd  the  firfl  bookemay  bedtuided  twobookcs. 
into  three  principal  partes.  The  nrfl  nine  chapters  conteyne  diuers  genealcgtesj 
frjlbithe  only  ri^ht  line  from  ytdamto  Noe,  then  by  diuers  lines  of  Noes  Thcfirft 
progenie,butfnofi  fpeciaVy  of  1  acobstrvelue  fonnes.  In  the  tenth  chapter  the  booke  into 
reieflion^  wd death  of  k}ng  Saul  is  rcpcted.  The  other  ninetene  chapters  are  al  ^  ''^^  ^ ^ 
cf  Dauid  \  to  Vf/V,  of  his  eleflion  to  be  kjng^and  inunflion,  his  ^ertues,  his 
fault  es  alfo,  and  his  fpecialaffes.  concerning  Gods  feruicffgcuernmmt  o^ths 
people  •  and  prouifton  made  for  hmldmg  Gods  Temple* 



c<^->j  W^jr»J  "wT^  J  ----^-^  t-^^S^^  '--^frvJ  t«T?*v>  irjjjTVJ  tvipvJ  '-y^p^  :'<TS.>^  t*^~v» 



O  F 

The  fjrft  part. 
progenies  of 
Adim.but  fpe- 
cially  oi  la- 
cobs  iffue. 

:•  Adam  had 
nes  before 
Scrh,but  Cains 
rjce  was  vttcr- 
Jied  byi-the 
bel  had  no  chil 

Chap.     I.  . 

Thegeneaiogieof^damintberightlineto  Noe,  and  bis  three  fonnes,  Sem, 
CbimyandUfihet,  ^.The  generations  of  Upbet,^.  of  Cham.iy.  andof 
Sen.i^.rhe right  lineofsem  to  ^hraban^  16. ^br<thams generations  by 
the  line  oflfrmel  ,  the  [onncs  of  Cetara,  34.  and  by  the  line  oflfnACj- 
dnibis  fonneEfm  j  45.  '^ith  their  k}nges,$i.  and  dulses. 

Dam,"  Seth,  ErioSjf  Cainan,  MaJaleel,  1  1 
lared.tHenochjMathufale,  Lamech,t  Noe,  5   4 
SeiTi,  Cham,  and  lapheth.  t  The  fonnesof  5 
lapheth:  GomeTjand.Magog  ,  &  MaclaT,and 
iauan,Thubal,  Mofoch,Thiras.|Moreouer  6  - 
the  Tonnes  of  Gomer:  Afcenez,  and  Riphath, 
and  Thogorma.f  And  the  fonnesof  Iauan:ElifaandThar(js,  7  - 
CethimandDodanim.  t  The  Tonnes  of  Cham:  Chus,  and  S 
MeTraim,and  Phut,  &  Chanaan.  t  And  the  Tonnes  of  Chus:   ^  - 
Saba,  and  Heuila,  Sabacha,  &  Regma,  and  Sabatha:a.  More- 
ouerrheTonnesof  Regma:Saba,and  Dadan.  f  And  Chus  lo 
begat  Nemrod:  this  beganc  to  be  mightie  in  the  earth,  t  But  11 
Mefraim  begat  Ludim, and  Anamim,  and  Laabim,  ?«:  Neph- 
tuim,t  Phetrufim  alfo,  and  Cafluim:  from  whom  came  Phi-  it 
lifthijm,&  Caphfhorim.  f  But  Chanaan  begatSidon  his  firft-  15 
borne,  the  HetheifeaUojf  and  the  IebuTcite,and  the  Amer-  14 
rhcite,  &the  GcrgcTeite,  \  ^  ihcHeucite,and  the  Araceite,   ly 
and  theSineite,  f  The  Aradium  alTo,  and  the  Samareite.and  1^ 
the  Hamatheite.j  The  Tonnes  of  Sem:Aeiam,  and  Aflur, and  17 
Arphaxad,  &  Lud,  and  Aram,  and  Hus,and  Hul,  and  Gether, 
and  MoToch.  f  And  Arphaxad  begat  Sale  ,  whoalTo  begat  iS 
Heber,  f  Moreouer  to  Heber  >3/ere  borne  two  Tonnes,  the  19  . 
nameof  one  was  Phalcg,  bccaufcinhis  daicsthe  earth  was 
diuided  J  and  the  name  oY  his  brother  lectan.  f  And  ledan  20 
ocgarEIcnodadjandSalephjcrv' ATarmoth,andIare,f  Adoram  zi 


Genealogies,  P  ar  ali  p  o  m  eno  n.  819 

21  alfo^andVfal,  and  Dccla,  t  Hebal  alfo,  and  Abimael,and  .••Asbcforethc 

23  Saba,  morecuer  f  alio  Ophir,  and  He  uila,  and  lobab.  Al  the(e  ^dam  m  Noc 

24  are  the  Tonnes  oHadian:  f  -  Scm,  Arphaxad,Sale,  f  Heber  foheicfrism 
.25  PhaIeg,Ragau,  f  Serug,  Nachor,  Thare,  f  Abrsm,thisis  hislonneScm 

z6   "Abraham.f  And  the  (onnes  of  Abraham,  Ifaac  &  Ifmael.  toAbram. 
27  t  Andthcfearethe  generations  of  them.  The  fitftbegotcn  '^^^^'^qJ^  "^^ 

25  oflfmaeljWabaioth,  and  Cedar,  and  Adbed,  and  Mabfam,  changedhis 
.29  f  and  Mafma,and  Duma,?vlaira, Hadad,andThema,  t  I^'Ur,  nainetoAbra- 

30  NaphisjCedmaothefearc  the  Tonnes  or  Ifmahcl.  f  And  the  haio.e^j^.iy, 

31  (cnnes  of  Cetura  Abrahams  concubine,which  fbe  bare:  Zam« 
1.3.  ran,Iec(an,Macan,  Madian,  Ic/boc,and  Sue.Moreouerthe     - 

Tonnes  of  lecTan:  Saba,  and  Dadan.  And  the  Tonnes  of  Dadan: 

35  AfTurim,  and  Latuflim,  and  Laomim  .  f  And  thelonncs  of 
Madian;  Ephajand  Ephcr  and  Henoch,  and  Abida,and  tldaa. 

34   Althefe  thefonnesof  Cetura.  I  And  Abraham  begat  Ifaac  : 
.  35  whotc  fonnes  were  EQu,&  iTrael.  f  The  Tonnes  of  ETau:  Eli- 

36  phaZjRahuei,  lehus,  Ihelora,  andCore.  f  The  Tonnes  of  Eli- 
phaz:Theman,Omar,Sephi, Gathan,  Cenez,Thamn3,  Ama- 

37  lecf  The  Tonnes  of  Rahuei :  Nahath,Zara,Samma,Meza. 

38  t  The  Tonnes  of  Seir:  LotanjSobaljSebeon,  Ana,DiTon,  ETer, 

39  DiTan.-f  The  Tonnes  of  Lotan;Hori,Homam.  And  the  Tifter 

40  of  Lotan  was  Thamna .  f  The  fonncs  of  Sobal :  Alian,  and 
Manihath,andEbal,  Sephi,&:  OnamTheTonntGof  Sebeon; 

41  Aia<^'  Ana.The  Tonnes  ofAna:.DiTon.tThe  Tonnes  of  Difon: 
.42  Hjn}rara,and  ETeban,  and  Iethran,and  Charan.-[Thcionnes 

of  ETer  :  Balaan^and  Zauan,and  lacan.  The  Tonnes  of  DiTan  : 
.43  Has  and  Aran,  f  Thei^c  be  the kingcs,  that  reigned  in  the 

Land  of  Edom,  before  there  ^»  as  a  king  oucr  the  chidrenof 

ITrael:  Bale  the  Tonne  of  Beor:  and  the  name  of  his  citie, 
.44  Deneha.  +  And  Bale  died,  and  lobab  the  Tonne  of  Zare  of 
.4y  Bo(ra,  reigned  for  him.  -j-  And  when  lobab alfo  was  dead, 
-46  Hufam  of  rhe  Land  of  the  Thetr-anes  reigned  for  hirn.  f  And 

HiifamjiTo  died,  and  Adad  rhe  lonne  of  Badad  reigned  for 
;47  him,wi.o  ftfoke  Madian  in  the  Land  of  Moab:and  the  name 

of  hiscitie  wss  Auith.f  And  when  Adad  alio  wiis dead,Semla 
.48  of  Mafrccareignedfor  him  .  f  But  Semlaalfo  died, and  there 

reigned  for  hirn  Saul  of  Rohabcth,  which  is  Tituate  befides 

49  the  r!uer:f  Saul  alTo  being  dead, Balarsan, rhe  Tonne  of  Acho- 

50  bor  reigned  for  him.  f  But  this alTo  died,  and  Adad  reigned 
for  liim;  whoTe  cities  name  was  Phau,andhis  wife  was  called 
Meetabel  die  daughter  of  Matred,  the  daughter  of  Mezaab. 

Ggggg  2.       *"  t  Ana 

t   810  First  books  Genealogies. 

t  And  Adadbsing  dead,  there  began  to  be  dukes  in  Edom  ji 
for  idnges:  duke  TKamna,  duke  Alua,  duke  letheth,  f  duke  52, 
Oolibama,  duke  Ela,  duke  Phinon  ,  f^duke  Cenez  ,  duke  55 
Theman,dukeMabrar,  f  duke  Magdiel,  duke  Hiram,  thefe  14 
be  the  dukes  of  Edom. 


Becavse  in  cliuers  holie  Scriptures,  and  efpecialy  inthcfe  bookcsof  Paralipo- 
Bifferences  of  r^enon, manic  diflicultics  occurre  concerning  diuets  perfonSjand  placesjas  alfo 
names  num-  dilTl-tences  of  numbers,  and  times;  in  reconciling  Mfherof  the  holie  Fathers  and 
bers,  &  times,  Dodors  haue  much /aboured,  making  fomecimcs  large  coromentaties  to  fatis- 
found  in  holie  fie  them  felues.and  other  diligent  fearchcrs  of  the  truth, &  to  remouc  the  oblo- 
fcriptures,  quies  of  detradors  from  the  authontie  of  holie  Scripture,  whofe  learned  er- 
mike  them  plications  of  (ach  obfcuriries  if  wc  (liould  cite  ,  it  w'ouid  be  ouer  long  ,  and 
hardtobe  contraiieto  our  purpofe  of  brief  Annotations  j  here  once  for  often,  .we  wil 

rnderftood.      prefenttothe  vulgar  reader,  ceitaine  cleare  and  ordinarie  ruleSj  by  which- 

the  learned  Diuines  do  reconcile  fuch  apparent  contradictions. 

_•     ^ ,      .       Firft,  it  is  cuident  by  fundrie  examples,  that  manic  perfons,  places;  and  fome 

Diuersmeanes      1        .  ■  1    j  j-  >„  r         r  'n    11     '■  ^ 

.,       other  tningeshaddiuersnames.&Ioarelomenmescallcdby  onename^fomc- 
to  reconcile       •         i  1       r>  n    ^    1  •  i  •  ^  •  "     .1    , .      . 

em  ng   on        fame  names, and  fo  rauft  be  dilhriguiflied  by  the  diirercnces  of  rimes,  places, 
dictions  in  no-         1    •  i         •  n  ^-r-i  •    n      •  i      •  5      1       1.1      • 

%■    r-    ■  qualities, orother  circumitances.  Thirdly,  ingenc.ilogiesandotherhi!>oiies5 

'^  "  ^  ■   children  are  not  alvs'aies  called  the  Tonnes,  or  daughters  of  their  natural 

parentes,    but  fometimes  of  legal  fathers; and  fometimcsalfo  of  thofe  that  i^^ . . 
adopted  them  for  their  children;  and  fomeilmes  of  their  grandfi'hets,  or 

'*  former  progenitors.  Fourthly,  fometimc  tor  myfteric  fake,  an  other  nnm- 

*'  ber  is  expreifed,  being  true  in  the  myflical  CsnCc,  diiTciing  from  theprecifc 

number  according  to  the  hiftorie.  As  in  the  gcnealogie  of  Chrift  the  Euan-  %jat,i» 
gelid  counteth  thrife  fourtcne  generations  from  Abraham  toiour  Sauiour, 

fi  differing  from  the  hiftoric  of  the  old  Teftament.  Fiftly,  cuen  in  the  hiftoric  it 

felf,  fometimes  hoire  Scripture  counteth  only  the  greater  numbers^ommitting 

^'  the  leller,  and  in  fomc  other  addeth  alfo  the  odde  numbers,  Sixtly,  the  Scrip- 

tures rpeake  often  by 'tropes,  as  mentioning  part  for  the  whole,  or  the  whole 
for  the  part;  fo  by  the  figure  Synechdoche,  Chriftis  faid  to  hiue  bene  thiee 
dayes  dead, that  is, one  whole  day  and  part  ofother  t^:7o.  And  fome  kincr  liuing 
or  reigning  fo  maaie  yeares  and  parfof  an  other,  and  his  fucceTour  reigning 
the  other  part,  ech  part  iscountend  to  each  of  them  for  a  whole  yearc,  andfo.a 

^  yeare  is  added,  more  then  is  in  the  pr^icife  number.  Seuenthly,  fometimes  the 

Ibnnes  reigned  together  with  their  f.uhcts,as  louhan  reigned  his  father  OziaJ 
yGtliuing.4.Reg.i;.  &  fo  both  their  reignes  are  fometimes  counted, fometimes 

|.  theirfeucral  yeares,aseuericone  reigned  alone.  Eightly.  thetimcs  of  vacan- 

ccSjin  thegouernmentofthcludges,reigne5ofkinge^,and  the  like,  are  fome- 
times omitted  in  calculation,    fometimes  adioyned  to  the  predeceffor,  or 

l^.  facceiior.Ninthly,fomctimcs  the  holy  Scripture  raentioncth  the  only  time  that 

one  liucd  or  reigned  wel.  as  it  \were  blotting  out  the  reO  lyith  obliuion.So  Saul 
iifayd  to  hauc  reigned  two  yeares  (i.Reg  if )  Who  wel  and  euil  reigned  much 
>  longer.  Tcnthfy,  by  error  in  writing,  wordes,  names,  and  efpecially  numbers 

may  eafclybe  changed,  and  can  not  eafely  becorreded.  By  thefeor  other  like 
meanej,  al  the  holie  Scriptures  may  be  defended,  though  none  ought  to  prc- 


Gencalopies.  Paralipomenon.  ,^^^xt 

fumebylmpriuaterpmt,tovnderftandand  expoundal  Scipturcs  ;^btch  are  Natpnuatc 
haTdnoconlybyreaLoftheirprofoundfenfc.rurpairingrnansnaturalcapa-  butpubhciuc 
citicbutalfoforthatinoumardapparcnce,  lometiines  there  leeineco  be  con-  Ipmcot  inc 
tralaions,  buc  in  dedc  neither  are,  nor  can  be  vttered  by  the  Hohe  Ghoft.  the  Church  cx- 
t.m  I.  Spint  of  authjnditer of  tlaevc'holc  {acred  Bible.  And  therfore'remuftrehc  pounder  ot 

y.,  10.      yponGodsSpinMpeakinglnhisrpoufethe  Church,  comnacnded  vato  ts  by  noiiei)cnf- 
ihofeScriptures,whcrof  wearefurficientlyatrured.  ti^^c. 

Chap     II. 
The  ndmes  of  lf\uU  twehie  fonnes .  5.  Thegeneologie  ofludaj.rjl  m  the  right 
tine  to  Datiid^  the  feuentb  [onne  of  Jfir.  16.  tkn  other  geneMogies  of  tht 
fame  luda. 

Nd  the  chidren  of"  IfracI:  Ruben,  Simeon.LeuiJuda,  ::Thispam- 
2    J.  JL  Klachar,  and  Za,bulon,t  Danjofcph,  Beniamin,  Neph-  '^'5^f^^Jf"„V 

2  A 

5  thali,Gad,and  Afer.  t  Thefonnes  of  lada:  Her,  Onan,  and  ^^-i^^juf^uter 
Sela.  chefe  three  were  borne  ro  him  of  the  Chananite  the  vasatterwari 
daughcerofSue.  AndHer  the  firftbcgotten  of  Iuda,was  euil  calledi/w/, 

4_  before  our  Lord,and  he  flewe  him.  j And  Tharaar  his  daugh-  ^han^s^,  i^«»£^^ 
J    ter  in  law  bare  him  Phares  and  Zara  .   t  Therfore  al  the  ^y^thGtLQtJi 
fonnesof  luda, were  fiue.f  And  the  Tonnes  of  Phares,Hefron  jj. 

6  and  Hamul  .  f  The  Tonnes  alfo  of  Zara  :  Zamri,  and  Ethan, 

7  and  Eman,  Chalcal  alTo,  and  Dara,  together  fiue.   t   And 

the  Tonnes  of  Charmi:--  Achar,  who  trubled  Ifrael,  <Sciinned  ::Eithetthis 
S  inthethefrof  the  anathema,  f  The  Tonnes  of  Ethan;  Aza-  manhadtwo 
9   rias.t  And  the  tonnes  of  HcTron  that  were  borne  to  him:  Ie»  "^^^^Vs^crro^ 

10  rameel.and  Ram,  and  Calubi.  f  Moreoucr  Ram  begat  Ami-  inrhelaftlet- 
nadab,  and  Aminadab,  begat  Nahalfon ,  the  prince  of  the  ter,htre,of 

21    children  of  lada.   f   NahalFon  alTo  begat  Salma, of  whom  ^<'y"«'7' 

11  was  borne  Booz  .  f  But  Booz  begat  Obed,  whoalfo  begat 
15    ITai  .  t  And  iTai.  begat  the  fiiftbegorten  Eliab,  the  Tecond 

14  Abinadab,  the  third  Simmaa,  f  the  fourth,  Naihanael,  the 

15  fifth  Raddai,  j-  the  iixt  ATom,  the  feuenthDauid  .  f  WhoTe 

16  Tifters  were  Saruia,  and  Abigail.  The  Tonnes  of  Saruia :  Abi- 

17  Tai,  loab,  and  Alaeljthree.f  And  Abigail  bcare  AmaTa,  whofe 

iS   father  Wis  lether  the  iTmaclite.  t  But  "Caleb  the  Tonne  of  ..Q  ,        .^ 
HeTron  tooke  a  wife  named  Azuba,  of  whom  he  begat  le-  called  Calubi 
rioth:and  her  Tonnes  were  laTer,  and  Sobab,  and  Ardon  .  y.f, 

19  f  And  when  Azuba  was  dead, Caleb  rooke  to  wifeEphr:^tha? 

20  who  bare  him  Hur.-fMoreouer  Hur  begat  Vri:  and  Vribecrac 
11  Bezeleel. t  After  thefe  thingesHeTron  wentin  to  the  daughter 

of  Machir  thefather  of  Galaad,  and  tooke  her,  when  he  was 
zi  three  Tcoreycares  old:  who  bare  him  Segub.|  ButSegubalfo 

Ggggg  5  bcgac 


^tL  FiRSTBOOKE  GctKa  logles. 

begat  lair,  ^poffeiTed  three  and  t\rentie  cities  in  the  Land  of 
Galaad  ,  f  And  he  tooke  GeJTar,  and  Aram  the  townes  of  23 
Iiir,  and  Gcinath,  and  thevillages  therof,  threefcore  cities, 
ii'Syfcnnesas    al  thcfe  ai'e  '■'•  the  Tonnes  of  Machir  the  father  of  Galaad  , 
•ftcrt  elfe-       -j.  And  when  Hefron  was  dead:  Cale'o  went  in  to  Ephrata.  ^4 
ftoodne'hir  ^^^^«^^"  alfohadto  wife  Abia  who  bare  him  Alhur  the  fa- 
vcsand  other  fher  of  Thecua-  -f  And  there  were  borne  fonncs  to  Icramcel  ij 
ofspring,         the  firdbegotten  Hefron ,  Ram  his  firftborne  ,  and  Buna, 

and  Aram,  and  Afom,  and  Achia.  t  lerameclmaricdairo  an  2^ 
other  wife,  named  Atara,  which  was  the  mother  of  Onam. 
f  Biitthefoanesalfo  of  Ram  the  firftbegotten  of  Icramecl,  iy 
were  Moos,  Iimin,  and  Acar.  And  Onam  had  fonnes  Semei,  z8 
And  lada.  And  the  fonnes  of  Semei:  Nadab,  and  Abifur.  f  But  19 
rhenameofAbifurs  wife,  was  Abihail,  who  bare  him  Ahob- 
bin,  and  Molid.f  And  the  fonne  of  Nadab  were  Saled;&Ap-  30 
pha'm.  And  Saled  died  without  children,  t  Butthefonne  of  ^i 
A pphiim,kfi:  which  lefi  begat  Scfan.Moreouer  Sefan  begat 
Oholai.  t  And  the  fonnesofladathebrotberof  Semei:  le-  ^£ 
ther, and  lonathan.  But  lether  alfo  died  without  children, 
f  Moreoucr  lonathan  begat  Phaleth,  and  Ziza.  Thefe  were  55 
the  fonnes  of  Icrameel.  f  And  Sefan  had  noe  fonnes,  but  34 
daughters: and aferuant an  Egyptian,  named  leraa.  f  And  3)- 
hegaue  him  his  daughter  to  wife:  who  bare  him  Erhci.t  And  3^ 
Ethei  begat  Nathan,  and  Nathan  bf  gat  Znbad,  f  ZabadaKo  37 
begat  Ophlal,&  Ophlal  begat  Obed,t  Obed  begat  Iehu,Iehu  jS 
begat  Azarias.-j-Azarias  begat  Hel]cs»  and  Helles  begat  Elafa,  39 
t  Ealafa  begat  Sifamoi,Sifamoi  begat  Scllum,  f  Sc!!um  be-  ^o 
gat  Icimiam,and  Icamia  begat  Ehfaraa.  f  And  .the  Conncs  41 
of  Caleb  th-e  brother  of  Icrameel :  Ivlcfa  his  firllbcgoctcn,  42: 
he  is  the  father  of  Ziph  :  and  the  fonnes  of  Martfa  the  father 
of  Hebron,  -f  Moreoucr  the  fonnes  of  Hebron,  Gore,  and  45 
Thaphua,   and  Recem  ,  and  Samma.  t  And  Samma  begat  44 
Raham,the  father  of  lercaam,  and  Recem  begat  Sammai, 
t  The  fonne  of  Saramp.i,  Maon  :  and  Maon  the  father  of  45- 
Bethfiir.  f  And  Epha  the  concubine  of  Caleb  bare  Haran,  ^6 
and  Mofa,  and  Gezez.  Moreoucr  Haran  begat  Gczez.  t  And  47 
the  fonnes  of  Iahaddai,Regom,and  Ioathan,and  Gefan,and 
Phalet,  and  Epha,  and  Saaph.  t  The  concubine  of  Ciieb  4^ 
Maacha  bare  Saber,  and  Tharana.  f  And  Saaph  the  father  of  49 
Madmenabegat  Sue  the  father  of  Machbena,  and  the  father 
of  Gabaa.  But  the  daughter  of  Caleb,  was  Achfa.  f  Thefc  ;o 




Genealogies.  P  a  r  a  li  po  m  e  non.  825 

^3rerc  the  fonnes  of  Caleb,  the  fonne  of  Hur  the  firftbcgotten 

51  of  Ephrata,  Sobal  the  father  of  Cariathiarim.  f  Salma  the 

;i  father  of  Bethlehem,  Haiiph  the  father  of  Bethgader.  f  And 

there  were  fonnes  of  Sobal  the  father  of  Chariathiarim,  he 

*  dyyel-    jj   that  fa>3r  the  halfe  of  the*  reftinges.  f  and  of  the  kinredof 

hnns,  er         Cariatharim  ,  the  lethrcitcs,  and  Aphucheires,  and  Scma- 

f"lf  theites,andMa(cre[es.Outof  thcTeilTued  the  Saraircs,  and 

j4  Efthaolitcs.  t  The  fonnes  of  Salma,  Bethlehem,  and  Neto- 

phathi,the  ••  Crowncsof  the  houfe  of  Ioab,and  the  Halfe  of  ::  Valicntmett 
jj  the  refting  of  Sarai  ,    t  The  kinredes  alfo  of  the  fcribcs  bywliofckdg 
dweliinsin  labes,  finoine  and  faiindin{',and  abvdin<T  in  ta-  ]?     S°'  ]^' 
7  1^    -r.)     /-  J     AJ       •  1  •    i  c'         1  -.  dories  and 

berniclcs-Theic  are  the  CmeiteSjWhica  came  from  heatc  of  triumphant 
the  father  of  the  houfe  of  Rechab.  crowncs. 

Chap.    III. 
The  fonnts  cf  tCin^Diuid.  \o,The  line  of  the  Km^es  of  IhJa  from  Salomon 
to  Jofus.  !;■ .  '^'t:h  diHcrs  gtaeuthm  of  the  fame  lojias. 

I  "O  V  T  Daiiid  had  thtfe  fonnes,  which  were  borne  to  him 
Xi  in  Hebron:  the  firllbegotten  Amtnonof  Achinoarn  the 

2.  Icfraclite,  the  fecond  Danie}  of  Abigail  the  Carmelite,  f  the 
third  Abrolom  the  fonne  of  Maacha  the  daughier  of  Toimai 
the  kin^of  Geifur,  the  fourth  Adonias  the  fonne  of  Aggith,  ; 

5  t  ^he  fift  Saphatias  of  Abital,  the  fixth  lethrahara  of  Egla 

4  his  wife.fSix  fonnes  rherfore  were  borne  to  him  in  Hebron, 
where  he  reigned  fcuen  y cares  and  fix  moneihes  .   And  in 

5  leriifalem he  rciged  three  and  rhirrieycares.  t  Moreouerin 
lerufalera  fonnes  were  borne  to  him,  Simmaa,and  Sobab, 

6  and  Nathan, &  Salomon,  foure  of  Bethfabea  the  daughter  of 

7  Ammiej,  f  Icbaar  alfo  and  EHfama,  f  anti  Eliphaleth,  and 

8  No^e,  and  Nepheg,  and  laphia,  f  moreouer  Elifanna,  and 
5>   Eliada,andEhphelcth,nine:t  althefe  the  fonnes  of  Dauid,  '^-.^'^.kv 

belide  the  ionn^s of  his  concubines:  and  they  had  a  iHter  loakim, and 
10  Thamjr.  f  And  the  fonne  of  Salomon,  Roboam  :  >R^iiofe  countechle- 
it    foane  Abia  begat  Afa.  Oi- this  alfo  was  borne  Ioraphat,t  the  choniasas  tfie 

facherof  loram:  which  loram  beoac  Ochozi,u,of  whom  fL>n"^,oncfi.2. 

r    T  ,         ii-r  .         ^       i^  .  ■,.  I  The  lame  Icco 

12  role  loas:  t  and  his  (onncAmahas  oegatAzanas.  Moreouer  niaswas^llb 

Vj  Azirias  the  fonne  cf  loathan  t  begp.tAchaz, the  father  of  E-  orherwifecaU 

14  zechiasjof  whom  was  borne  Manalles.  f  But  Manadcs  alfo  l"d  loachin. 

1;  begat  Amon  the  father  of  lofias.  t  And  thclonnes  of  lofus  "^  R.'',;- 14-'>'-<^. 

■^'cre,  the  nrftbegotten  lohanam,  the  (econd  -  loakim,  the 

i^  third  Sedccias^  the  fourth  Scilum.  ■\  Of  loakim  was  borne  m^«/;. 



^^4  FiRSTBooKt  Genealogies. 

Iechonias,and  Sedecias.f  The  Tonnes  of  lechonias  vere  Afir,  17 
Salathiel,  f  Meichiram,  Phadaia,  Sennefer  8c  lecemia,  Sama,   18 
.•■  SemcU  with  and  Nadabia.f  Of  Phadaia  were  borne  Zprobabel  and  Semei.  i^ 
ircfouS"  Zorobabel  begat  Mofollom,  Hananias/and  Salomith  their 
fi'xfoimes^of     fifter:  t  Hafaba alfojand  Ohol, and  Barachias,and  Hafadias,  iq 
Scchenias,       lafabhefed, fine,  f  And  the  fonne  of  Hananias,  Phahias  the  11 
though  Se-      father  of  lefeiaSjwhofe  (onnewas  Raphaia.This  mans  fonne 
ineia  only  was  ^ifo  Arnan,of  whom  was  borne  Obdia^whofe  fonne  was  Sc- 
fonne°theo-    chenias.fThefonne  of Sechenias:Seracia,whofe  fonnes  were  11 
therhisne-      Hattus,  and  legaal,  and  Baria,  and  Naaria,  and  Saphat,  ••  fix 
phewcs.riff d«-  in  number. fThe  fonnes  of  Naaria,  ElioenaJ,&  Ezechias,and  23 
notAUon.  (h .  i.  Ezricamjthree.-}"  The  fonnesof  Ehoenai,Oduia,and  Eliafub,  14. 
^^'"'h  and  Pheleia,and  Accub,  and  lohanan,  and  Dalaia,and  Anani^ 


Chap.    I  ML 
Other  genealogies  of  Ittda  :  14.  and  of  Simeon^  29.  hy  fphomtheprogenie  -of 
Chim,  ^i.aiid reliques  of^/neUcites  ure fuhdntd. 

H  E  fonnes  of  luda;  Phares,  Hefron,  and  Charmi,  and  ^i 
Har,  and  Sobal.  ■\  ButRaia  the  fonne  of  Sobal  begat   t 
,  lahath,  of  whom  were  borne  Ahumai,  and  Laad.  thefe  be 

the  kinredes  of  Sarathi.  f  This  alio  is  the  ftocke  of  Etam:   5 
lezrahel,  and  lefema,  and  ledebos.  And  the  name  of  their 
fifter  Afalelphuni.  f  And  Phanuel  the  fatherof  Gedor,and  4 
Ezar  the  father  of  HoCa,  thefe  are  the  fonnes  of  Hur  the  firft 
begotten  of  Ephrathathe  fatherof  Bethlehem-,  t  Bat  AlHir   j 
^       .  thefather  of  Thecuahadtwo  wiueSjHalaa,  &Naara.  t  And  6 

a  vow  CO  his     Naara  bare  him  Oozam,  and  Hepher,  and  Themani,  and 
prayer  he  imi-  Ahafthari.  thefe  are  the  fonnes  of  Naara.  -\  Moxeoucr  the  7 
tatcd  holie  la-  fonnesof  Halaa,  Sereth,  Ifaar,  and  Ethnan.  f  And  Cos  begat  8 
'"'^rl  t^"  K^  K  ^"0^>  ^^'i  Soboba,  and  thckinred  of  Aharchel  the  fonne 
defirerLmpd  ^^  ^"^^I'-^i-  t  ^"^l  labeswas  honorable  aboue  his  brethren,  9 
ral  thino-es  for  ^"<^  ^'^^^  mother  called  his  name  labes,  faynig:  Becaufe  I  bare 
the  better  fer-  him  in  forow.  f  But  ••  labes  inuocated  the  God  of  Ilrael,  !• 
uingofGod,    faying.:  If  blelling  thou  wilt  blefTe  me,  and  wilt  enlarge 
Ms^^io^rie-c—  mv  bofdbrs,  and  thy  hand  be  with  me,  and  thou  wilt  make 
fpedallyt'hat  ^^^^  I  be  not  oppreffed  by  malice.    And   God  granted  the 
thcymigbtbe  thinges  that  he  prayed  for.  f  And  Caleb  the  brother  of  Sua  11 
allied  Virh    begat  Mahir,  who  was  the  father  of  Efthon.  f  Moreouer  it 
grace 'uot  to     ^1;^^^^  ^ecrat  Bethrapha,  and  Phefle,  and  Tehinna  the  father 
ycl'itotcnrati*     ^  ,        .   .^     .  ^.,       r,     ^      ...    ,  r  t^       l       j.    4     j  ^u      ,» 

on^.norfianc  ^' rhc  citie  of  N.ias :  thefe  arc  the  men  of  Recha.  f  And  the  15 

ef  ialice.       fonaes  of  Cenez,  Othoniel,  and  Saraia.  Moreouer  the  fonnes 


€eneaIogies.  P  ar  ali  po  men  ok.  Sif 

14  ofOthoniel,  Hathath,  and  Maon.ithi,t  Maonathi  begat 

Ophra,&  Saraia  begat  loab  "-the  father  of  the  Vale  of  Arci-  '■;l^^^lll°"^*'^ 
i;  ficcrs:  for  there  vcre artificers,  t  And  the fonnes of  Caleb  ^'i^^^r^ ^he ar- 
the  fonnc  of  Icphone, Hir,  and  Ela, and  Naham.  T he  fonnes  tihceri dwelt 

16  alio  of  Ela.-Cencz.  f  The  fonnes  alfoof  Ialclee]:Ziph,and  chat  made  ih« 

17  Zipha,Thicia,andArrael.  f  And  the  fonnes  of  Efra,  letber, 'lemplc. 
and  Mcred,  and  Epher,  and  lalon,  and  he  begat  Mariam, and 

18  and  Sammai,  and  lelba  the  father  of  Eriharao  .    f  Alfohis- 
wifcludaiaj  bare  lared  rhc  father  of  Gedor,  and  Heber  the 
faiher  of  Socho,  and  Icuthiel  the  father  of  Zanoc.  and  thcfe 
arc  the  fonnes  of  Bethia  the  daughter  of  Pharao ,   \c'honi 

It)  Mcred  tooke.  f  And  the  fonnes  of  the  wife  of  Odaia  the 

fifter  of  Niham  the  father  of  Ccila ,  Garn^ii,and  Eftiisrao, 

10  which  was  of  Macathi.  f  The  fonnes  alio  Simon,  Amnon, 

and  Rinna  the  fonnc  of  I^anan,  and  Thilon.  And  the  fonnes 

ir  oflefi,  Zoheih,  and  Benzohcth.  f  The  fonnes  of  Scla  the 

fonnc  of  Tilda;  Her  the  father  of  Lecha,  and  Laada  the  father 

of  Marefa,  and  the  kinrcdcs  of  their  houfe  that  worke  filke 

21  in  thefloule  ofoath.|  And  he  that  made  the  Sunne  to  (land, 

and  the  men  of  Lying,  and  Secure,  and  Burning,  which  >3f  ere 

princes  in  Moab,  and  which  returned  into  Lahem.  and  thcfe 

25  are  old  wordes.  t  Thefe  are  potters,  dwelling  in  Plantinges, 

and  in  Hedges,  with  the  king  in  his  workes,  and  they  abode 

14  there,  t  The  fonnes  of  Simeon  .•  Namuel,  and  Tamin,  Inrib, 

2j  Zara,  Saul  :  +  Stlktmhis  fonne,  Mapfam  his  fonne,  Mafma 

i6   his  fonncfThc  fonnes  of  Mafma:  Hamuelhis  fonne,  Zachur 

27  his  fonne,  Scmci  his  fonnc.  -j-  The  fonnes  of  Semei  fixtene, 

and  fix  da-oghrers:  buthis  brethren  had  not  manie  fonnes, 

and  the  whole  kinred  could  not  reach  to  the  fummeof  the 

i2  children  of  luda.  f  And  they  dwelt  in  Bcrfabee,andMolad3, 

29  and  Hafarfuhal,  f  andin  Bala, andin  Afom, and  inTholad, 

50  -j-  and  in  Bathuel,and  in  Hormi,andin  Siccleg,-)-  andin  Bcth- 

51  marcaboth  ,  and  in  Hafatfufim,  and  in  Bethberai ,  and  in 

52  Saarim.  thefe  were  their  cities  vntil  king  Dauid.  7-  Their 
towncs  alio  :  Etam, and  Aen,  Rhcmraon,  andThochcn,and 

35  Afan,  fiuc  cities,  -f-  And  al  their  villages  roundabout  thefe 
cities  vnto  Baal,  this  is  their  habitation,  and  the  dillriburion 
54  ofthfir  dwcllinges.  f  Mofabab  alfo  and  lemlech,  and  lofa 
J;  the  fonne  of  Amalias,  +  and  loel,  and  lehu  the  fonne  of  Iofa» 
:j6  bia  the  fonnc  of  Saraia, the  fonne  of  Afiel,-}-  and  Eliot:nai,and 
Iacoba,and  Ifuhaia^and  Afaia,  and  Adiel,  and  Ifmiel,  and 

H  h  h  h  h  Banaia, 

%i6  First    bookeof  Genealogies. 

Banaia,  f  Zizaalfo  thefonneof  Zephei  thefoaneof  AUon  57 

the  (onneof  Idaiathe  fonneof  Semri  thefonneof  Saraaia. 

f  Thefe  renowmed  ptinces  in  their  kinredes,  &  in  the  houfe  58 

of  their  affinities  they  were  multiplied  excedingly  .  f  And  39 

they  went  forth  to  enter  into  Gador  as  far  as  the  Eaft  fide  of 

the  valley,  and  to  feekepaftures  for  their  flockes.  f  And  they  40 

found  fatte  pafl:utes,and  very  good,  and  a  countrie  very  large 

and  quiet  and  fruiteful,  in  the  which  before  had  dwelt  the 

ftockeof  Cham,  f  Thefetherfore,  whom  before  wed efcri-   41 

bed  by  name,  camein  the  daycsofEzechiasthe  kingoFluda: 

and  they  ftroke  their  tabernales,  and  the  inhabirantes  that 

were  found  there,  &  cleane  deftroyed  them  vntil  this  prefent 

day:  and  they  dwelt  for  them,  becaufe  they  found  there  mod 

fatte paftures.  t  Alfo ofthe  childrenof  Simeon  there  went  42. 

into  mount  Seirfiu-  hundred  men,  hauing  their  princes  PhaU 

tiasand  Naaria  and  Riphaia  and  Oziel  the  fonnes  of  lefi  : 

f  and  they  ftroke  the  remnant  of  the  Amalecites, which  were  45 

able  to  efeape,  and  they  dwelt  there  for  them  vntil  this  day.  , 

Chap.    V. 
Genealogies  of^ihen,  rvbofc  birthright^  concerning dubie portion,  istranjluted 
to  lofep  .tkeprtnapalitie  toludji,  With  their  fpecid  actes.M.^'fo  of  Gad* 
18.  Si^ho  \pith  l[itben,  and  h.df  tnhe  of  M.tnafu 
25.  but  for  their  (innes  are  led  captme  into  yCffyria. 

L  s  o  the  fonnes  of  Ruben  the  fiift  begotten  of  Ifrael 
1:  Sec  annota-  £\  (^fo^  hg  ^as  his  firft  begorten  :  ■••  but  •a'hrn  he  had  violi- 
tions 5  Gen,  49.  ^^^  j^.^  fathers  bed,his  firftbrrthright  was  giuen  to  the  fonnes 

of  lofeph  the  fonneof  Ifrael,  and  he  was  not  reputed  forthe 
firftbegotten.  t  Moreouer  ludis,  which  was  the  ftrongeft   % 
among  his  brethren,  of  his  ftocke  fprang  the  princes;  but 
the  firftbirthright  was  reputed  ro  lofeph.)    f  The  fonnes    5 
then  ofRubendie  firftbegotten  of  Ifrael :  Enoch,  &PhaI!u, 
Efron,andCharmi.  fThefonnesof  loel:  Samia  hisfonne,  4 
Goghisfonnc.Scmeihisfonne,  f  Michahisfonne,Reiahis    5 
fonne,Baal  his  fonne,  f  Beera  his  fonne,whom  Theglath-  6 
phalnafar  the  king  ofthe  Alfyrians  led  away  captiue,  and 
he  was  prince  in  the  tribe  of  Ruben,  f  And  his  brethren,and  7 
al  his  kinred,  when  tliey  were  nnmbred  by  their  families, 
had  thefe  princes  Ichiel,  and  Zacharias.  t  Moreouer  Bala  the  8 
fonne  of  Azaz,  thefonneof  Samma,  the  fbnne  of  loel,  he 
dweltinAroerasfarasNebo^and  Beelmeon.  t  Agaynftthe   9 

eaft  quarter 

Genealogies.  Paralipomenon.  817 

caft  quarter  alfohe  dwelt  vnto  the  entrance  of  the  deferr, 
and.  the  riuer  Euphrates.  For  they  pofTefled  a  great  number 

10  ofcattel  in  the  land  of  Galaad.  t  And  in  the  dales  of  Saul 
they  fought  agaynft  the  Agarenes,and  ftewc  them,  and  dwelt 
for  them  in  their  tabernacles,  in  al  the  quarter,  that  looketh 

ii    to  the  Eaft  of  Galaad.  f  But  the  children  of  Gad  dwelt  ouer 

u  agaynft  them  in  the  land  of  Bafan^as  far  as  Selcha:  f  lohel 
the  head,  and  Sapham  thefecond:  and  lanai,  and  Saphat  in 

15  Bafan.f  And  their  brethren  according  to  the  houfes  of  their 
kinredes,  Michael,  and  Mo{ollam,and  Sebe,  andIorai,and 

14  Iacan,andZic,and  Heber,  feuen.  f  Thefe  are  the  fonncs  of 
Abihail,  the  Tonnes  of  Huri,  the  Tonne  of  lara,  thefonneof 
Galaad,  the  fonne  of  Michael,  thefonneof  lefefi,  thefonnc 

ij  ofleddo,  thefonneof  Buz.  t  Al(o  the  brethren  of  thcfonne 
of  Abdicl,  the  lonne  of  Guni,  prince  of  the  houfe  in  their 

16  families. •]•  And  they  dwelt  in  Galaad,  and  in  Bafan,  and  in  the 
townes  therof,  and  in  al  thefuburbes  of  Saron ,  vnro  the 

17  borders.  +  Al  thefe  were  numbredin  thedaies  of  loatham 
thekingofliida,  andin  the  daies  of  leroboam  the  king  of 

28  Ifrael.  fThechildrenof  Ruben,andofGad,and  of  halfethe 
tribe  of  ManaHes,  men  of  warre,carying  fheildes,  8c  fwordes, 
and  bendingthebow,and  taught  to  battels,  four  and  fourtie 
thoufand,  and  feuen  hundred  threefcore  going  forth  to  fight. 

19  t  They  fought  agaynft  the  Agarenes:  butthe  Itureians,and 

;.  20  Naphis,  and  Nodab  f  gaue  them  ayde.  And  the  Agarenes 

were  deliiiered  into  their  handes,  and  al  that  were  with 

them,  bccaufe  they  called  vpon  God  when  they  fought:  and 

21  he  heard  them,  '•'•  becaufe  they  belcued  in  him.  f  And  they  :.0f thefeand 
tooke  al  that  they  poftefted ,  Camels  fiftie  thoufand,  and  thelike.s.Paul 
flieepe  two  hundred  fiftie  thoufand,  and  afTes  two  thoufand,  ^jyt^--  Byfanh 

21  and  of  men  an  hundred  thoufand  foules.  t  And  manie  fel  ^i:i2dZTl!b- 
downe  vfounded  .-for  it  was  the  battel  of  our  Lord.  And  they  n,^        '       ' 

i3  dwelt  for  them  vntil  the  rranfmigration.  f  Alfo  the  children 
ofthe  halfe  tribe  of  ManafTes  polIefTed  the  land,  from  the 
coftes  of  Bafan  vnto  Baal,  Hermon,and  Sanir,  and  mount 

24  Hermon,  for  the  number  was  great,  f  And  thefe  were  the 
princesof  the  houfe  of  their  kinred,  Epher,  and  lefi  ,  and 
Eliel,and  Efriel,and  leremia  ,  and  Odoia ,  and  lediel,  moft 
valiant  men  and  mighrie  ,  and  renowned  princes  in  their 

aj  families,  f  But  they  forfooke  the  God  of  their  fathers,  and 

fornicated  after  the  goddes  ofthe  peoples  ofthe  land,  whom 

Hhhhh  2  Cod 

SiS  First  bookEof  Genealogies. 

God  cooke  away  before  chem.  f  And  rhe  God  of  Ifrael  ray  fed  i6 

vp  chefpiricofPhul  king  of  the  AfTyrians,  and  the  fpirir  ot 

Thelgarhphalnafar  king  of  AlFur:  and  he  tranfportcd  Ruben, 

and  Gad,  and  chchalfe  tribe  of  Manaflcs,  and  brought  them 

into  Lahela,  and  into  Habor,  andco  Ara,  and  to  the  riuerof 

Gozan,  vncil  this  day. 

Chap.     VI. 
The  genealogies  of  Leui,  4.  fifith  the  right  line  of  ^aron  bj  EleaX^r  to  Ufi~ 

dech^h'.ghprieft  m  the  captitiitie  of  Bdjylcn,i6.  other  progenies  of  his  three 
fonnes  \  Gerfon,  Caath,  and  Merariy  31 .  mitb  thir  offices  in  the  temple'. 

49.  onlj/  ^irons  fonnes  admitted  to  priefi hood.  ^^.  Particular  pojfej^iom 

cf  the  Letiites  dtvellingamongjt  the  other  tribes. 

THe  fonnes  of  Leui:  Gerron,Caath,and  Merari.  f  The  i    2. 
Tonnes  of  Caath:  Amram  ,  Ifaar,  Hebron,  and  Oziel. 
t  The  children  of  Amram  :  Aaron,  M  oy fes,  and  Maria.  The    5 
fonnes  of  Aaron:  Nadab  and  Abiu,  Eleazar,  and  Ithamar. 
."•The    t '•  Eleazar  begat  Phinees,  and  Phinces  begat  Abifue,  *{- and'4  j 
fuccefTion  of    Abifue  begat  Bocci,  Sc  Bocci  begar  Ozi.  f  Ozi  begat  Zaraias,  6 
HieghpneRes  andZaraias  begat  Maraioth.  •]-  Moreouer  Meraioth  begat  7' 
dircapdu°kie°  A"^a"a5>and  Amarias begat  Achitob.f  Achitob  begat  Sadoc,  8 
in  Babylon,     and  Sadoc  begat  Achirnaas,  f  Achimaas  begat  Azarias,  Aza-  9 
Tacephoruscoun  rias  bcgat  lohanau,  f  lohanan  begat  Azarias.  the  fame  is  he  10 
tcih  fome  others  that  executed  the  prieftlie  office  in  the  houfe,  which  Salo-  r^varAU 

^'"''"«^'^'^^\'^' mon  built  in  lerufalera.  t  And  Azarias  begat  Amarias,  and    n    ^** 
I'lfo'lfereth"*'  Amsrias  begat  Achitob  ,  f  and  Achitob  begat  Sadoc,  and  11 
fromthiseata.    Sadoc  begat  Selium  ,  f  Sellum  begat  Helcias,  and  Helcias  13' 
U.i'ue.  begat  Azarias, -f  Azarias  begat  Saraias. and  Saraias  begat  lofc-  14 
dec.  t  Moreouer  lofedec -went  forth,  when  our  Lord  tranfl  ij 
ported  luda,  and  lerufalcm  by  .the  handes  of  Nabuchodono-  16 
for.  -f  The  fonnes  then  of  Leui :  Gerfon,  Caath,and  Merari.    17 
t  And  thefe  be  the  names  of  the  fonnes  of  Gerfon:  Lobni  and  18 
Semei.-}- The  fonnes  of  Caath:  Amram, and  iraar,and  Hebron,  19 
and  Oziel.  7  The  fonnes  of  Merari:  Moholi  and  Mufi.  And  2© 
thefe  are  the  kinredesof  Leui  according  to  their  famihcs. 
•f  Gerfon, Lobni  his  fonne,Iahath  his  fonne,Zamma  his  fonne, 
•f  loah  his  fonne,  Addo  his  fonne,  Zara  his  fonne,  lethrai  11 
his  fonne.  t  The  fonnes  of  Caath,  Aminadab  his  foane.  Core  n 
his  fonne,  A(ir  his  fonne,  f  Elcana  his  (onne,  Abiafaph  his  25 
fonne,  A  (if  his  fonne.  f  Thahath  his  fonne,  Vriel  his  fonne,  24 
O^ias  his  fonne,  Saul  his  fonne.  f  The  fonnes  of  Elcana:  25 

/        Amafai, 


Genealogies.  Paralipomenon.  82^ 

16  Amafai,  and  Achimoth,  t  sndElcana:  The  Tonnes  of  Elcana; 
27  Sophaihis  lonne,  Nahath  liis  fonnc,  t  Eliab  hisforne,  Icro- 
z8  ham  his  i'onne,  Elcana  his  Tonne,  f  The  Tonnes  of  Samuel: 
25)  the  firft  bcgotren  Vallcni,  and  Abia.  -f  And  the  ionnes  of 
MerarJ,Moh©li :  Lobigi  his  Tonne,  Scmei  his  ionne,  Oza  his 

50  Tonne,  f  Sammaa  his  Tonne,  Haggia  his  Tonne,  ATaia  his 

31  Tonne,  f  TheTc  are  they,  whom  Dauid  appointed  ouer  the 
fingingmcnof  the  houleof  cur  Lord,  llnce  the  Arke  was 

32  pJaced;  f  and  they  miniftrcd  before  the  tabernacle  oftefti- 
monie,  iinging  vntil  Salomon  built  the  houle  of  our  Lord  in 
lerulalera  :  and  they  ftood  according  to  their  order  in  the 

35  minifteiie.  f  And  the(e  are  they,  which  alTifted  with  their 
Tonnes,  of  the  Tonnes  of  Caath,  Hemam  fingingman,  the 

34  Tonne  of loel, the  lonneof  Samuel,  |  thefonne  of  Elcana, 
the  Tonne  of  Ieroham,the  fonne  of  Eliei,the  fonne  of  Thohu, 

35  -j-  the  fonne  of  Suph,  the  fonne  of  Elcana,  the  Tonne  of  Ma- 

36  hath,  the  Tonne  of  Amafai,  t  the  lonne  of  Elcana,  the  Tonne 

57  of  lohel,  the  fonne  of  Azaries,  the  Tonne  of  Sophonias,f  the 
Tonne  of  Thahath,  the  fonne  of  ATir,  the  Tonne  of  AbiaTaph, 

58  the  Tonne  of  C'ore  ,  +  thefonneoflTaar,  the  Tonne  of  Caath, 

39  the  Tonne  ofLcui,  the  fonne  of  Ifrael.  f  And  his  brother 
ATaph,  who  ftcod  on  his  right  hand,  ATaph  the  Tonne  of 

40  Barachias,  the  Tonne  of  Samaa  ,  f  the  fonne  of  Michael,  the 

41  Tonne  of  Bafaia,  the  fonne  of  Meichia,  f  the  Tonne  of  Athanai> 

42  the  Tonne  of  Zara,  the  Tonne  of  Adaia,-|-  the  fonneof  Ethan, 

43  the  Tonne  of  Zamma,  the  Tonne  of  Semei.|  the  fonne  of  leth, 

44  the  Tonne  of  GcrTon,  the  Tonne  of  Leui.  f  And  the  children 
of  Merari  their  brethren,  on  the  left  hand,  Ethan  the  Tonne 

45  ofCufi,  the  Tonne  ofAbdij  the  fonne  of  Malochjf  the  fonne 

46  of  Hafabia,  the  fonne  of  Amalla,  the  Tonne  of  Helcias,  f  the 

47  fonne  of  Amafai,  the  Tonne  of  Boni, the  Tonne  of  Somcr,t  the 
Tonne  of  Moholi,  the  Tonne  of  Mofi,  the  Tonne  of  Merari,  the 

48  Tonne  of  Lcui.-f  Their  brethren  alfo  the  Leuitcs,  which  were 
ordained  for  al  the  minifleric  of  the  tabernacle  of  the  houTc 

^9  of  our  Lord. f  But  Aaron,  and  his  Tonnes  burnt  inccnfevpon 
the  altar  of  holocauft,and  vpon  the  altar  of  incenTe,for  euerie 
worke  of  Sanda  Sandorum:  and  to  pray  for  Ifrael  according 
to  al  thinges, which  MoyTes  the  Teruant  of  God  had  coraman' 

JO  ded.  f  And  thcfe  are  the  fonnes  of  Aaron:  Eleazar  his  fonne, 

51  Phinees  his  Tonne,  AbiTue his  Tonne  |  Bocci  his  Tonne,  Ozi 
;i  his  Tonne,  Zarahia  his  Tonne,  t  Mcraioth  his  Tonne,  Amarias 

H  h  h  h  h  3  .  his  Tonne^ 

Sjo  Fi  R  s  T    B  o  o  K  E   o  F  Gcncalogies. 

jrlnSadoc,  (3.  his  fonne,  Achitob  his  fonne  ,t  ••  Sadoc  his  fonnc,  Achimaas  y^ 
hi?h  mieft^-     ^^^  fonne.  -j-  And  thefe  are  their  habitaiion?  by  the  townes  and  ^4 
ho^odwasrc-  Confines,  to  witte,  ofthefonnes  of  Aaron,  according  to  the 
cJuccdtothc    kinrcdcsoftheCaathites:  for  they  were  fallen  to  them  by 
**'?=.  °f^l^^z=»'lo"c.  t  Theygauetherfore  to  them  ^cbronin  the  Land  of  ss 

Godsordinan-^"'^^'^"^.^^^^"^"'^^"'^"^^'"^  t  butthefieldes  ;5 

ccwasrranna-°^'^^^^*^^^»^"^'^h^'^o^"esto  Caleb  the  fonne  of  lephone. 
tcdtoHeliof  t  Moreouer  to  the  fonnes  of  Aaron  they  gaue  cities,  to  flee  j7 
Ithamarslinc  vnto,  Hebron,  and  Lobna,  and  the  fuburbes  therof,  f  lether  58 

nied  m°he'  ^^^"^  ^""^  Efthemo  vith  the  fuburbes  therof,yea  &  Hel'on,  and 
line  of  Aaron.  ^^^^^  "^"^^  ^^^^^  fuburbes:  f  Afan  alfo  &  Bethfemes,  &  their  59 

ThereftofSa-fuburbes.fAndofthe  tribe  of  Beniamin:  Gabecandthe  (ub-  60 
dochslineby    urbes  therof,Almath  with  the  fuburbes  therof,Anothoth  alfo 

thecapduitic"  ^^^^^'  t  And  to  the  children  of  Caath  the  refidue  of  their  kin-  61 
appcarethbc-  ^^d  they  gaue  of  the  halfe  tribe  of  Manaflesin  polTellion  ten 
foie^v.^.ad  i;.  cities.tMoreouer  to  the  children  of  Gerfon  by  their  kinredes  61 
of  the  tribe  of  I{rachar,&  of  the  tribe  of  Afer,  and  of  the  tribe 
of  Nephthali,  and  of  the  tribe  of  ManalFes  in  Bafan,  thirtene 
cities,  t  AndtothefonnesofMerari  by  their  kinredes  of  the  ^ 
tribe  of  Ruben,and  of  the  tribe  of  Gad,and  of  the  tribe  of  Za- 
bulon,  they  gaue  by  lot  twclue  cities,  -f  Alfo  the  children  of  64 
Ifrael  gaue  to  the  Leuitcs  cities,  and  their  fuburbcsrf  and  they  6j 
gaue  by  lot,  of  the  tribe  of  the  children  of  Iuda,&  of  the  tribe 
of  the  children  of  Simeon,  and  of  the  tribe  of  the  children  of 
Beniamin, thefe  cities,  which  they  called  by  their  nameSjf  and  66 
to  thcm,thatwereofthe  kinred  of  thefonnes  of  Caath,  and 
the  cities  in  their  borders  were  of  the   ttibe  of  Ephraim. 
t  They  therfore  gaue  them  cities,  to  flee  vnro,  Sichem  with  67 
thefuburbestherof  in  mount  Ephraim,  and  Gazer  with  the 
fuburbes  therof,  f  lecmaanalfo  with  the  fubuibes  therof,  6Z 
and  Bethhoroninlikemaner,  f  moreouer  Helen  alfo  with  69 
the  fuburbes  therof.andGethreramon  inlikemaner.f  More*  70 
oucr  oFthe  halfe  tribe  of  Manafles,  Aner  ik  the  fuburbes  ther- 
of^, Bilaam  and  the  fuburbes  therof:  to  wicte,  to  them, which 
were  Icafrofthe  kinred  ofthefonnes  of  Caath.  f  And  to  the  71 
fonnesofGerfomofthe  kinred  of  thchalfe  tribe  of  Manaf- 
fes.Gaulonin  Bafan, and  the  fuburbes  therof,  and  Aftaroth 
with  the  fuburbes  therof.  f  Of  the  tribe  of  Iflachar,  Cedes  71 
and  the  fuburbes  therof,  and  Dabereth  with  the  fuburbes 
therof,  t  Ramoth  alfo  and  the  fuburbes  thero'f,  and  Anem  75 


Genealogies.  P  ar  alipomenon.  851 

74  with  the  fuburbestherof.  -f-  And  of  the  tribeof  Afer:  Mafal 

7j  with  the  Tub urbes  therof,  &  Abdoninlikemair,er, -j-Hucac 

alfo  and  the  fuburbes  therof,  and  Rohob  with  the  fuburbes 

76  theirof.  f  Moreouer  of  the  tribe  of  Nephthali,  Cedes  in  Ga- 
lilee and  the  fuburbes  therof ,    Hamon  with  the  fuburbes 

77  therof,and  C?.riathaimjand  the  fuburbes  therof.  f  And  to  the 
reftof  the  fonnes  of  Merari;  of  the  tribe  of  ZabulonjRem- 
mono  and  the  fuburbes  therof,  and  Thabor  with  the  fubur- 

78  bes  therof;f  beyond  lordan  alfo  ouer  agaynft  Iericho,agaynft 
the  Ealtofiordan,of  the  tribe  of  Ruben,  Bofor  in  the  wildcr- 
neffe  with  the  fuburbes  therof,  and  lafTa  with  the  fuburbes 

79  therof,  -f  Cademoth  alfo  and  the  fuburbes  therof,  and  Me- 

80  phaath  with  the  fuburbes  thereof,  t  Moreouer  alfo  of  the 
tribe  of  Gad,  Ramoth  in  Galaad  and  the  luburbes  therof,  and 

81  Manaimwirh  the  fuburbes  therof,  "f  yea  and  Hefebon  with 
the  fuburbes  therof,and  lezerwith  the  fuburbes  therof. 

Chap.     VII. 
Genealogies  of  ijfach^r^^.  Bemamm^ii.  Nepbthaltj  44  Manajfes,  lo.  E^hra- 
tm,^o.and  yifer. 

I     A  if  O  R  E  o  V  E  R  the  fonnes  of  IfTachar:  Thobjand  Phua, 

1    -LVa  lafub  and  Simeron,  foure.  t  The  fonnes  of  Thola: 

Oziand  Raphaia ,  and  leriel ,  and  lemai,  and  lebfem,  and 

Samuel,  princes  by  the  hou{es  of  their  kinredes .   Of  the 

ftockeof  Thola  were  numbred  moftvaliant  men  in  the  daies 

3  of  Dauid,  two  and  twentic  thoufand  fix  hundred,  "f  The 
fonnes  of  Ozi:  Izrahia,  of  whom  were  borne  Michael,  and 

4  Obadia,  and  loel,  and  lefia,  fiue,al  princes,  -f-  And  with  them 
by  their  families  and  peoples,  readie  girded  to  battel,  raoft 
valiant  men,  fix  and  thirtie  thoufand:  for  they  had  many 

5  wiues,  and  children  .  f  Their  brethren  alfo  through  al  the  ..q  n  <  tih'- 
kinred  of  IfTachar,  mod  ftrong  to  fight,  were  numbred  foure  third  fonne  is 

6  fcore  and  feuen  thousand,  f  The  (onnesof  Beniamin  :  Bela,  called  Asbel: 

7  andBechor,  &- ladihel,  three,  t  The  fonnes  of  Bela:  Efbon,  &feuen  more 
andO€i,andOziel,  and  lerimoth,  and  Vrai,  fine  Princes  of^^^^  ^^"j^^"' 
their  families,  and  moft  ftrong  to  fight,  and  their  number  inthereftis 

8  was  twentie  two  thoufand  and  thirtie  foure.  t  Moreouer  muchdiife- 
thc  fonnes  of  Bechor:  Zamira,  and  loas,  and  Eliezer,  and  rence.-butal 
Elioenai,  and  Amri,and  lerimoth,  and  Abia,  and  Anathoth,  ^"i^^j  ^^7*^^" 

5>  and  Almath  al  thefe:  the  fonnes  of  Bechor.  f  And  there  were  ^uks  as  a^rc 
numbred  by  their  famihes  princes  of  their  kinredes  moft  noted,  cba^.i. 


831  FiRSTBooKEOF  Gcncalogics. 

valiant  vnto  battel,   r-jr-encie  thoufaad  and  two   hundred, 
f  Morcojer  the  fonnss  of  ladihel:  Balon.  And  the  Cannes   10 
ofBilan:  Ichii?,  md  Beiiiamin,and  Aad,  and  Chanana,  and 
Zerhan.andThariis,  Ahifahar.  f  al  thcfe  the  Tonnes  of  ladi-  11 
he!,  princes  oftheic  kincedes,  moll  vaUanc  men,  feucntsnc 
thonfani,  an  j  t^ro  hundred  going  forth  to  battel,  f  Sephara    n 
alfo,  and  Haphirn  rhe  Tonnes  ofHii::  and  Hafim  theTonnes 
of  Alier.    t   And  the  Tonnes  of  Ncphthali:  lafie),  and  Guni,  15 
andlezer,and  Sellum,  the  Tonnes  of  Bala,  f  Moreoucr  the  14 
fonac  of  MaaalTes,  Ezriel:  and  his  concubine  the  Syrian  bare 
Machir  the  father  of  Gilaad.  f  And  Machir  tookc  wiues  for   ij 
his  Tonnes  Happhim,  and  Saphan:  and  he  had  a  fiftcr  named 
Maacha:  thenamcof  thefecond  Salphaad,  and  to  Salphaad 
'^sus  borne  daup;hters.  t  And  Maacha  the  wife  of  Machir  i^ 
bare  a  Tjnne,and  !"hc  called  his  name  Phares :  moreoacr  the 
nameof  his  brother, was  Sites:  and  his  {onnes,Vlam,and  Re» 
cen.  f  And  the  Tonne  of  Viam,  Badan.  ThcTe  are  the  children  17 
of  Galaad,thc  fonne  of  Machir,  the  Tonne  of  Mana{res„|And   18 
r.v.oUcheth:      ^'^  TiTtct  '•  Quj^cne  bate  ••  Goodlieman,  and  Abiezer,  and  ► 
nepnaQ^ee^it.  Mohola.-}-And  the  TonncsofSemidawere,Ahin,andSechem,  19 
::  1.%'/,  r/w;w  and  Lcci,and  Anion. -j-  And  the  Tonnes  of  Ephraim:  Suchala,  2£i. 
fr  ATom'^lie  Bared  his  Tonne,  Thahath  his  fonne,  Elada  hisTonne,  Tha- 
pcfi'onable  or  hath  his  Tonne,  and  this  mans  Tonne  Zabad,  f  and  this  mans  11 
croo^^rtr  mia.  fonne  Suthala,  and  this  mans  Tonne  Ezer,  and  Elad  :  and  the 
iSo'x'eleauc     men  of  Gcth  borne  in  the  land  (lewc  them  ,  becauTc  they 
tlic  nebrew     came downc  to  inuide  their  polTeilions .+ Eghraim  therfore  11 
names  in  ttiis     ..r    •    r    i  .  j    •  j  '  •     i         1 

place  bccaiifc  t:neir  rather  mourned  many  dales,  and  iiis  brethren  came  to 

S.Terom,  and  comfort  him. f  And  he  went  in  vnto  his  wife:  who  conceiued   15 
the  whole       and  bare  a  Tonne  ,  and  he  called  his  name  Beria,  for  that  he 
Church  (^orli    ^^5  borne  in  the  euilsof  his  houTc  ;  f  and  hi?  daughter  was  14 
oinnc  arm    5^^^   ^j^^  built  Bethhoron,  the  nether  and  the  vp per,  and 
nanflare.         OzcnTara.  f  Moreouer  his  Tonne  Rapha,  and  RcTeph,  and  1? 
Thale,oTwhom  was  borne  Thaan,  f  who  begat  Laidan:this  z(» 
roans  Tonne  alTo  was  Ammiud,  who  begat  EliTama,  f  of  17 
whom  was  borne  Nun,  who  had  loTue  his  Tonne. f  And  their  1% 
poircfiion  and  habitation,  was  Bethel  with  her  daughters, 
anda  ;iynfl  the  cad  of  Noran,  and  on  the  weft  quarter  of 
Gazer  an  i  her  daughters,  SichemalTo  with  her  daughters,  as 
farre  a>  ATa  with  her  daughtets.  t  Alfo  neere  the  children  of  29 
ManifE^s  BerhTinand  her  daughters,  Thanach  &  her  daugh- 
ters, Magcddo  and  her  daughters ;  Dor  and  her  daughter; :  in 


Genealogies.  *  P  arali  pom  enon.  S53 

30  thefe  dwelt  the  children  of  lofeph  ,the  fonne  of  Ifrad.  f  The 
children  of  AfcTtlcmna,  and  lelua^srid  leilui,  and  Baria^and 

51  Sara  their  fiiler.  •]- And  the  fonncsof  Baria:  Htber.and  Mel- 

31  chiei:  he  is  the  father  of  Baifaith.  f  And  Mebcr  begat  Icph- 
35  iar,  and  Somer,  and  Hotham,  and  Suaa  their  fiflcr.  f  The 

fonnesof  lephlat:  Phofech,andChamaal,and  Afcth:  thefc 

i4  be  the  fonnesof  lephlat.  f  Moreouerihe  fonnesof  Somcr  • 

3j-   AhijandPvOaga,andHabajand  Aram,  -f  And  the  fonnesof' 

56  Hclem  his  brother :  Supha,  and  lemna,  and  Seiles,  and  Amal. 

37  f  Theionncsof  Supha  :  SueHarnapher^and  Su?.l,and  Beri, 

}8  andlamra,  f  Eofcr,andhod,  and  Samma,  and  Salufa,  and 

55)  lethran,  and  Bera.  +  The  (onnes  of  lether;  lephonc,  and 

^o  Phafpha,  and  Ara.  t  And  thcfonnesof  Oila:  Arec,  andhaniel 

and  Refia.  7  A!  thefc  be  the  fonncs  of  Afer,  princes  of  their 

kinrcdes,  the  chofenand  moft  valiant  dukes  of  dukes:  and 

theirnumbercf  the  age  that  was  fittc  for  battel,  \ras  fix  and 


Chap.     VIII. 
rhepro^enie  ofBenUmin  is  further  recital  I'nto  Saul:  33 .  and  his  iffite. 

I      A    Nd  Bcniamin  begat  Bale  his  firft  bcgotten^Asbel  the  , 
2^-/ji..fccond,  Ahara  the  third,  t  Nohaa  the  fourth,  and 

3  Rapha  the  fifth,  j-  And  the  fonnesof  Bale  wer«  :  Addar,  and 

4  Gcra,  and  Abiud,  j  Abiiue  alfo ,  and  Naaman,  and  Ahoe, 
J  6  f  and  alfo  Gera,  and  Sephuphan ,  and  Huram.  f  Thefe  are 

thcfonnesofAhod, princes  of  their  kinredcs  chat  d^^elt  in 

7  Gabaa,which  ^i^-erctianfpor ted  into  Manahath.  f  And  Naa- 
n;an,£nd  Achia,  and  Gera  he  tranfportcd  them,  and  begat 

8  Ora,  and  Ahiud.  f  MorrDuer  he  begat  Saharaim  in  the  coun- 
trieof  Moab,  afrerhcdifmiffed  Hufim  and  Bara  his  "wiues. 

^  t  And  of  Hodcs  his  wife  he  begat  lobab,  and  Scbia,  and 

10  Mofa,  and  iMolchomj -j- Ichiis  alfo,  and  Scchia,  and  Marina. 

1 1  thefe  ate  his  fonnes  princes  in  their  families,  f  And  Mehufim 
II  begat  Abitob,  andEIphaal.  -j- Morcouer  the  fonnes  of  Elphaal 

Hebcr,and  Mifaarn,  and  Samad:  this  man  built  Ono, and  Lod, 

13  and  her  daughters,  j  And  Baria,  and  Sama  princes  of  rhcir 

14  kinredesrhat  dweltin  Aialon  :  thefe  drouea>Fay  the  inhabi- 
ij  tantesofGcth.  |  And  Ahio,and  Sefac,and  lerimoth,  f  and 

16  Sabadia,and  Arod,  and  Hcder,  j  Michael  alfo,  and  lefpha, 

17  and  loha  the  fonncs  of  Baria.  f  And  Zabadia,  and  Mofollim, 

18  andHczcci,andHeber,tand  lefamari,  and  lezlia,  and  lobab 

liii'i  fonnes 

8>4  First    b  ooke  of  Genealogies 

fonnes  of  Elphaal,  f  and  lacim,  and  Zechri,  and  Zabdi,  19 
•f-  and  Elioenai,  and  Selethai,  and  Eliel,  f  and  Adaia,  and  10 
Baraia,  and  Samaiath  the  fonnes  of  Serhci.  f  And  lefpham,  21 
and  Heber,  and  Elicl,  f  and  Abdon,  and  Zechri,  and  Hanan,  zt 
f  andHanania,and^lara,and  Anathothia,  f  and  Iephd;iia,  ij 
and  Phanuel  the  fonnes  of  Sefac.  f  and  Samfari,andSohona  Z4 
andOthoha,  f  and  lerfia,  and  Elia,  and  Zechri,  the  fonnes  25 
of  leroham.  f  thefe  bethepatriaches,and  princes  of  their   i6 
kinredes,xrhich  dwelt  in  lerufalem.f  And  in  Gabaon  dwelt  27 
Abigabaon,  and  the  name  of  his  wife  Maacha:  f  Andhisfirft  28 
begotten  fonne  Abdon,  and  Sur,  and  Cis ,  and  Baal,  and  29 
Nadab.  t  Gedoralfo,and  Ahio,andZacher,and  Maceiloth  :  3c 
f  and  MacellotU  begat  Samaa:and  they  dwelt  ouer  agaynft  31 
their  brethren  in  lerufalem  with  their  brethren,  f  And  Ner  31 
begat  Cis,  and  Cis  begat  Saul-Morcouer  Saul  begat  lonathas,  35 
and  Melchifua,and  Abinadab,and  Efbaal.  f  And  the  fonne  of  34 
lonathas,  Meribbaal:  and  Merihbaal  begat  Micha.  f  The  3J 
fonnes  of  Micha,  Phithon,  and  Melech,  &  Tharaa,and  Ahaz. ' 
t  And  Ahaz  begat  loada:  and  loada  begat  Alamarh,  and  Az-  36 
moth,andZamri:  moreouer  Zamri begat  Mofa,  f  andMofa  5*7 
begat  Banaa,whofe  fonne  was  Rapha,of  whom  was  borne 
Elafa,who  begat  Afel.  f  Moreouer  Afel  had  fix  (onnes  of  3S 
thefe  names,  Ezricam,  Bochru,  Ifmahel,  Saria,  Obdia,  and  thefe  the  fonnes  of  Afel.  f  And  the  fonnes  of  Efec  j^ 
his  brother,  Vlam  the  firftbcgotten,  and  lehus  the  fecond, 
and  Eliphalet  the  third,  f  And  the  fonnes  of  Vlam  were  moft  4* 
ftrongmcn,  and  archers  of  great  force:  and  hauing  many 
fonnes  and  nephewes,  vnto  an  hundred  fiftie.  Al  thefe  the 
children  of  Bcniamin. 

Chap.      IX. 
If^jf^ho  of  lfrael{aficr  thi  aptiuiHe)  firfl  tnhal/ited  lerufalem.  10.  rf^h» 

.-.The  gencalo-       extrafed  the  offices  of  Pj-iijhst  1 4 .  and  LeuiteSy  35.  Jifitb  repetition  of  p4rf 

gies  ofal  If-  of  Sauls  fro^e me, 

rael  being  hi- 

brfo'r°d,dr'^     A   ^  ^^'"^'^  therforc"  wasnumbrcd:  and  the  fummc  of  i 
captiuinc^o-     -/^  them  was  written  in  the  Booke  of  the  kingcs  of  Ifrael, 
thcrs  are  now  andluda:  and  they  were  tranf  ported  into  Babylon  for  their 
added  which    finnc.  f  And  they  rhatdweh  firfl;  in  their  ponbflions  and  in  t 
fo^IerufaUm     f^^^^^'^i""^  Ifrael, and  the  Prieftes,and  the  Leuitcs,  and  the 
after  their  re    N^^^^ineans.  f  There  dwelt  in  lerufalem  of  the  children  of  j 
1  cafe.  *  luda,  and  ofthe  children  of3eniamin,aUo  of  the  children  of 


Genealogies.  P  ar  ali  po  m  evoij.  ^$s 

4  Ephrairr,anclManaircs.  f  Ochei  the  Tonne  of  AiTimiiid,thc 
lonneof  Amri,the  fonne  of  Omrai,  the  ionne  of  Bonni,of  the 

5  Ibnnes  ot  Pharcs  the  fonne  of  luda.  j  And  of  Siloni: Alaia  the 

6  firftbegottcn,and  hisfonnes.  j  And  of  the  fonnesof  Zara: 
lehuel,  and  rheir  brethren,  fix  hundred  ninetic.  f  Moreoueu 

7  of  the  Tonnes  of  Beniamin  :  Salo  the  for^nc  o  f  Moloilam,  the 

8  (onneofOdiua  the  fonne  of  Aiana:  f  and  lobania  the  fonne 
of  leroham:  and  Ela  the  fonne  of  Ozi, the  fonne  of  Mochori : 
and  Mofollam  thefonneofSaphatias,the  fonne  of  Rahuel, 

9  the  fonne  of  lebania,  f  and  their  brethren  by  their  families, 
nine  hundred  fiftie  fix.  Al  rhefc  princes  of  their  kinredcs  by 

10  the  houfes  of  their  fathers,  t  And  of  the  prieftes:  Icdaia, 

11  loiarib  ,  and  lachin:  f  Azarias  alfo  the  fonne  of  Helcias, 
the  fonne  of  Mofollam,  the  fonne  of  Sadoc,  the  fonne  of 
Maraioth,  the  fonne  of  Achitob,  high  prieftofthe  houfe  of 

TX  God.  +Moreoucr  Adaias  the  fonne  of  leroham,  the  fonne 
of  PhalTvir,  the  fonne  of  Melchias :  and  Maafai  the  fonne  of 
A  did,  the  fonne  of  Iczra,  the  fonne  of  Mofollam,  the  fonne 

1}  of  Mofolhmirh5rhefonncof  Emmer  .  f  their  brethren  alfo 
princes  by  their  families  a  choufand  fcuen  hundred  three 
fcore,moft  able  men  of  ftrength  to  the  \rorke  of  the  mini- 

14  fteriein  the  houfe  of  God.  f  And  of  the  Leuites-.  Semeiathc 
fonne  of  Haflub  rhc  fonne  of  Ezricam,  the  fonne  of  Hafebia 

ij  of  the  fonnes  of  Merari.  -f  Bacbacar  alfo  a  carpenter,  and 
Galal,  and  Mathania  the  fonne  of  Micha,  the  fonne  of  Zechri 

16  the  {onne  of  Afaph  :  t  and  Obdia  the  fonne  of  Semcia,  the 
fonne  of  Galal,  the  fonne  of  Idithun  :  and  Barachia  the  fonne 
of  Afajthe  fonne  of  Elcana,vhod\reltin  thecourtesof  Ne- 

17  tophati.  f  And  the  porters:  Sellum,  and  Accub,andTelmon, 
iS  and  Ahimam:  and  their  brother  Sellum  the  prince,  f  vntil 

that  time,  in  the  kinges  gate  toward  the  eaft,  waytcd  by  their 

15  courfesof  the  children  of  Leui.  -f  But  Sellum  the  fonne  of 
Core  the  fonne  of  Abiafaph,  the  fonne  of  Core,  \rith  his  bre- 
thren, and  his  fathers  houfe,  thefc  are  the  Corites  ouer  the 
workcsof  the  minifterie,  keepers  of  the  entrances  of  the  ta- 
bernacle :  and  their  families  in  courfe  keeping  the  entrance 

10  of  thecampeofour  Lord.f  And  Phineesthefonncof  Eleafar, 
21  \ras  their  prince  before  our  Lord,  f  Morcouer  Zachariasthc 

fonne  of  Mofollamia,  porter  of  the  gate  of  the  tabernacle  of 
21  teftimonic.  f  Al  thefechofen  men  for  porters,  at  eueric  gate, 

tNTO  hundred  tNreluc  :  and  appointed  out  in  their  proper 

liiii  I  to'^ncS) 

^}6  First   booke  of  Genealogies, 

townes  :  "Whom  Dauid  and  Samuel  the  Seer  appointed,  vpon 
their  fidelicie.  f  asNyelrhemas  their  fonnes.intlie  doorcs  of  2j 
thchoufeof  our  Lord,  and  in  the  tabernacle  by  their  courfes. 
"j-  By  the  fourewindes  were  the  porters:  that  is  ro  fay, toward  24 
theE-ift,  and  loxjrird  the  Weft,  and  toxjfard  the  North,  and 
toward  the  South,  -f  And  their  brethren  dwelt  in  villages,  ij 
and  came  vpon  their  Sabbaihes  from  rime  to  time .  -f  To  16 
thefefour  Leuitesx^ascomnuttedal  the  numbei  of  porters, 
andrhey  v^ereouer  the  chambers,  and  rreafures  ofthehoufe 
ofourLofd.  t  Aifo  round  about  the  templeofour  Lord  they  27 
abode  in  their  watches  :  that  \rhen  it  \ras  time,  they  in  the 
morning  might  open  the  doorcs.  f  Of  thercmens  ftocke  18 
there  were  alTo  oucr  the  vcffels  of  the  minifterie:  for  by  num- 
ber the  vefTels  were  both  brought  in  and  caricd  out.  f  Of  iff 
them  aifo  they  that  had  the  implements  of  the  fanflurie  com- 
mitted vnto  them,  did  ouerfee  the  floure,  and  wine,  and  oile, 
and  frankincenie,  and  fpices.  f  And  the  fonncs  of  prieftes  30 
made  oyntementes  of  the  (pices,  f  And  MathathiasaLeuite  "^i 
the  fiiftbegotten  of  Sellum  the  Corice  ,  was  oucrfeer  of 
thofc  thingcs,  which  were  fryed  in  the  frying  panne. fMorc-  -  - 
ouer  of  the  children  of  Ciath  their  brethren,  there  were  32, 
ouer  the  loaues  of  propoiition  ,   to  prepare  alwaies  new 
cuerie  Sabbath.  |  Thefe  are  the  chief  of  the  finging  men  by  55; 
the  fansiiiesof  the  Leuices,  which  abode  in  the  chambers, 
that  they  might  dxy  and  night  continually   ferue  in  their 
minitlerie.  t  The  hcades  of  the  Leuircs,  princes  in  their  fami-  54 
lies,  taried  in  lerufalcm.  f  And  in  Gabaon  abode  lehiel  the  5f 
father  of  Gaboon,  and  the  name  of  his  wifeMaacha.  f  His  ^6 
£r(l  begotten  fonnc  Abdon,  and  Sur,  and  Cis,  and  Baal,  and 
Ner,  and  Nadab,  f  Gcdor  alfcs.and  Ahi©,  and  Zacharias,  and  57 
Macelloth .  f   Moreouer  Macellorh  begat  Samaan  :  thcfe   38 
dvrelroucr  agaynA:  their  brethren  in  lerufalcra,  with  their 
brethren,  f  And  Ner  bagat  Cis: and  Cis  begat  Saul :  end  Saul  39 
jbegat  lonarhas,  and  Melchifua,  and  Abinadab,  and  Esbaal, 
f  And  the  fonne  of  lonathas,  Mcribbaal :  and  Meribbaal  40 
begat  Micha.  -f  Moreouer  the  Tonnes  of  Micha,  Phithon,  41 
and  Mclech,  and  Tharaa,  and  Aazz.  f  And  Ahaz  begat  lara,  4a 
and  lata  begat  Alamath,  and  Azmoth,  and  Zamri.  And  Zamri 
begat  Mofa.  f  And  Mofa  begat  Banaatwhofe fonne  Raphaia  45 
bepat  Elafa :  of  whom  was  borne  Afel.  t  Moreouer  Afel  had  44 
fix  Tonnes  of  thefc  names,  Ezricam,  Bochru,  Ifmacl,  Saria, 
Qbdia,  Hainan,  thefe  are  the  fonncs  of  Afel.  Chap. 

Saul.  Paralipomenon.  857 

Chap.     X. 
Xin^Saul'Vf'ttlhi  three  fcnnci  Are  Jlainehy  tieThliJlifns.  S.  '^ho  fpcile 
the  armte  dnd  cane  ^waj  Siiuls  head,  ii.  The  men  cj  Isles  G^laxd  bnrie 
hiskodieandhiifonneSifafiin^for  thtmfeuen  dates.  yAndthe  kingdom 
is  tYA-fiJlatcd to  Ddutd. 

1  A    M  D  the  PhiliftljiTis  fought  agayn ft  Ifracl,  and  the  men  :••  Tfec  Tecond 
y^^  of  irrsclHcdfroni  tbc  Pa!cftiiincs>  and  they  fcl  woiin-  ''^^■^• 

2  dcd  in  mount  Gelboe.  t  And  when  the  Phihi'hians  were  ^/",^^fif  ^"'^ 
comcnerepuffevingSauijand  his  Tonnes,  th-.y  ffroke  lona-  oucrihrwcnc. 

3  thas,and  Abinadsbjand  Mclchifua  the  lonncs  cf  Saul.  •{■  And 
the  battel  grevc  fore  agaynft  Saul,  and  the  archeis  fciiud 

4  him,  and  wounded  him  with  arroxres.  t  And  Saulfayd  to  his 
efquyer:  Draw  thy  f*oord,  and  kil  mc:  left  perhaps  thcfe 
vncircumcifed'come,  and  deride  me.  But  his  harnes  bearer 
would  not,  being  frighted  with  feare  :  Ssul  thcrfcre  caught 

J  his  (word,  and  feivpon  it.  j  Vhichwheu  his  harncs  bearer 
had  {eene,  to  witte,  that  Saul  was  dead,  him  feif  alfo  fcl 

6  vpon  his  fvrord.aud  died,  f  Saul  thcrfore  died,  and  his  three 

7  fonnes ,  and  al  his  hcufe  fel  together,  f  Vhich  when  rhe 
menof  Ifrael  hadfene,  that  dwelt  in  the  chsinpayne,  they 
Hed:  and  Saul  and  his  fonnes  being  dead,  they  forfcokc  cheir 
cities,  and  were  difpetfcd  hither  and  thither:  and  the  Phili- 

8  fthijmscame,and  dwelt  in  them. f  The  next  day  therforc  the 
Phiiifthijms  taking  away  the  fpoiles  of  them  that  were 
ftayne»fonnd  Saul  and  his  fonnes  lying  on  mount  Gelboe. 

<;  t  And  when  they  had  fpoyled  hi-n,  and  cut  ol  his  head,  and 
ftripped  him  of  hi?  armour,  they  fent  into  their  land,  thatic 
iliould  be  csricd  abour,  and  il^ould  be  ihewedin  ihe  tt  mples 

10  oFthe  Idols,  and  to  the  people  :  -j-  and  his  armour  they  dedi- 
cated in  the  temple  of  their  god,  and  the  head  they  railed 

ir  vp  in  the  temple  of Digon/j- when  the  men  of  labesGalaad 
had  heard  this,  to  wicte,  si  thingesthar  tl.e  Philiftijms  had 

32  done  vpon  Saul,  j  euerie  one  of  the  valiant  men  arofe, and  •••He  offered 
tooke  the  bodies  of  Saul  and  of  his  fonnes,  and  brought  chcm  -^"^r^'^"  on 
into  labcs,  and  buried  their  bones  vnder  an  oke,  that  was  in  ^^ '^'"^'''^"^- 


t)  labss,  and  they  fafted  feuendaies.t  Saul  thcrfore  died  for  hrs  i.;^e«r,  15. 
inioAiiticSjfor  that  he  -  trai.rgrefTed  the  commandement  of  And  Jc- 
ourLord  which  he  had  commanded,  and  kept  it  not;  yea  ^royednoc 
14  andbefidesalfo  confulccdthe  Pythonefte,  t  and  truftcdnoc  ^^y''"'''^- 
in  our  Lord :  for  the  which  he  flcwe  him,  and  transferred  his  ^a"comms«- 
kingdomc  to  Dauid  the  fonne  of  Ifai.  tjed.  i./v.e?- 1;, 

liiii    5  Ct^Ap. 

JjS  The  FIRST  BooKE  OF  Dauid. 

Chap.     XI. 

I><tmd  if  tiered  dnddnnointed  king.  5.  He  ouertbroweth  the  hhufttei  taking 
thetowre  ofsion  in  Jerufalemy  andprof^ereth.  10.  Bis  valtdat  men^  dnd 
their  heroieal  oHes  are  recited,  ij.  Be  defering  "^aterfrom  the  cifterne  of 
Bethleem^  '^U  not  drink  i^M*  ofereth  it  mfacrijice,  becdufe  it  ps  hromht 
faith  danger  of  his  yaliant  mem'^aliant  men  ofthefecond 
•rder^arelikervife  recited. 

acthirdpatt.      A    L  Ifrael  therfore  \ras  gathered  together  to  Dauid  in    i 
'i"lc^ndtis  "^  Hebron,  faying:  We  arc  thy  bone,  and  thy  fl^fti.  t  Ye-  i 
pcciaUacs.     ^^'^'^^y  alfo,and  the  day  before  when  Saul  as  yet  reigned,  thou 
▼aft  he  that  didft  leade  out  and  leade  in  Ifrael:  for  to  thee  our 
Lord  thy  God  fayd:  Thou  (halt  fecde  my  people  Ifrael,  and 
thou  (halt  be  prince  ouer  it.  f  Al  the  ancientes  iherfore-of   5 
Ifrael  came  to  the  king  into  Hebron,  and  Dauidentred  into  a 
league  with  them  before  our  Lord :  and  they  annoynted  him 
king  ouer  Ifrael,  according  to  the  word  of  our  Lord,  which 
he  fpake  in  the  hand  of  Samuel,  t  Dauid  alio  went,  and  al'4 
Ifrael  into  Icrufalem  this  is  lebus,  where  the  lebufcires  were 
theinhabiters  of  the  land,  f  And  they  that  dwelt  in  lebus,  .5. 
fayd  to  Dauid.Thou  flialt  not  come  in  here.Moreouer  Dauid 
tooke  the  towreofSion,  which  is  the  Citie  of  Dauid,  f  and  6 
he  (ayd:Euerie  one  that  fiial  among  the  fiifl;  ftrike  thelebu- 
feite,  flial  be  the  prince  and  chiefe  captayne.  loab  therfore 
the fonneofSaruia went vpfirft, and  was  made  the  prince, 
t  And  Dauid  dwelt  in  the  towre,  and  therfore  it  was  called  7 
the  Cicie  of  Dauid.f  And  he  built  the  citie  round  about  from  % 
Mello  vnroaround  compafTe,  and  loab  built  the  reft  of  the 
citie.  f  And  dauid  ptofpered  going  andincreafing,  and  the  $ 
Lord  of  hoftes  was  with  him.  f  Thcfe  are  the  princes  of  the  10 
valiant  men  of  Dauid,  which  holpe  him  to  be  made  king  ouer 
al  Ifrael  according  to  the  wordofour  Lord,  which  he  (pake 
tolfrac!.  f  And  this  is  the  number  of  dauids  ftrong  ones:  11 
lesbaam  the  fonne  of  Hachamoni  prince  among  thirtie  :  this 
"nanlifcedvphisfpearevpon  three  hundred  wounded  at  one 
me.  t  And  after  him  Eleazar  his  vncles  fonne  an  Ahohite,  it 
ho  was  among  the  three  mighties.  f  This  was  with  Dauid  15 
•  Phefdoraim,  when  the  Philifthijms  were  gathered  to  that 
lace  into  battel:  and  the  field  of  that  countrie  wasful  of 
alley, and  the  peoplewas  fled  from  the  face  of  the  Phili- 
llimes.  t  Thefeftoodinthemiddesof  thefielde,anddcfen-  14 

ded  him ; 


dcdhim:  and  when  they  had  ftrikcn  the  Phihfthcans,  cue 

ij  Lord  gaue  great  heahh  to  his  people.!  And  there  xrent  downc 

three  of  the  tbirtie  princes  to  a  rocke,  wherin  Dauid  "«'as,  to 

thecaueof  Odollam,>5rhcn  the  PhiUfthijms  had  camped  in 

16  the  Vale  raphaim.  f  Moreouer  dauid  was  in  a  hold,  and  the 

17  ward  of  the  Phehfthiracs  in  Bethlehem,  t  Dauid  therfore 
defired  and  layd  :  O  that  fome  man  would  giue  me  water  of 

j8  the  cefterne  of  Bethlehem,  which  is  in  the  gate,  f  Thefc 
three  therfore  went  forward  through  the  middes  of  the 
campeofthePhilifthimes,  and  drewe  water  of  the  cefterne 
of  Bethlehem,  which  was  in  the  gate,  and  brought  it  to 
Dauid  to  drinke  :  who  would  not,  but  tather  offered  it  to  our 

15  Lord,tfaying:God  forbid  that  in  the  fight  of  my  God  I  Ihould 
doe  this,  and  ihould  drinke  the  bloud  of  thefe  men:  becaufc 
in  the  peril  of  their  lines  they  haue  btought  rac  the  water. 
And  for  this  caufe  he  would  not  drinke.  Thefe  thinges  did 

10  the  three  moftvaliantes.  f  Abifai  alfo  the  brother  of  loab  he 
was  prince  of  three,  and  he  Hfted  vp  his  fpeare  agaynft  three 
hundred  wounded,  and  he  was  among  three  mofl  renowned, 

21  f  and  among  the  fecond  three  he  the  noble  one,  and  prince 

2z  of  them:  but  yet  vnto  the  three  firft  he  taught  not.  f  Banaias 

the  fonneof  loiadaa  raoft  vahant  man,  of  Cabfeel;  who  had  ::X\roftour 
done  manie  fa(5bes,  he  ftroke  the  •'•  two  ariel  of  Moab:  and  he  men  ofMoab, 
went  do  wne,  and  flewe  the  lion  in  the  middes  of  the  cifterne  as  if  they  had 

13  inthetimeoffnow.  f  And  heftorke  the  Aegyptian,  whofe  ^^°"^ 'i,°"!'^* 
ftature  wa5  of  Hue  cubites  ,  and  which  had  a  fpeare  as  the 
weauers  beame :  he  therfore  went  downe  to  him  with  a  rod, 
and  by  force  tooke  away  the  fpeare ,  that  he  held  in  his  hand, 

24  and  flewe  him  with  his  owne  fpeare.  f  Thefe  thinges  did 
Banaias  the  fonneof  loiada,  who  was  among  the  three  vali- 

aj  antes  moft  renowned,  f  the  firfl  thirtie,  but  yet  the 
three  he  raught  not:  and  Dauid  made  him  of  his  counfel. 

26  t  Moreouer  the  moil  valiant  men  in  thearmie,  Afahelthc 

47   brother  of  loab, and  Elchanan  the  fonne  of  his  vncle  of  Beth- 

zS  lehem, -j- Sammochan  Arortie,  Hellcs  aPhalonite,  t  Ira  the 

29  the  fonne  of  Acces  a  Thecaice,   Abiezcr  an  Anachothite, 

30  t  Sobbochai  anHufathite,  Uaian  Ahohitc,  t  Maharai  a  Ne- 
jt    rophathite,  Heled  the  fonne  of  Baana  a  Netophathitcj-Ethai 

the  fonne  of  Ribai  of  Gabaath  the  children  of  Beniamin, 

31  BanaiaaPharatonite,  f  Hurai  of  the  Torrent  Gaas,  Abiei 
an  Arbathicc,  Azmoth  a  Bauramite,  Eliaba  a  Salabonite. 

^:  tThc 

840  First    bookeof  Genealogies- 

t  The  Tonnes  of  A  (Tern  a  Gczonite,  lonathan  the  fonneof  35 
Sagean  Ararite ,  f  Ahiam  the  Tonne  of5achar  an  Ararice,  34 
t  EliphahheToHncof  Vfj  f  Hepheua  Mechcrathirc ,  Ahia  55  ] 
Pheloniie,  f  Hefro  a  Carmelite,  Naarai  the  Tonne  of  Azbai,  ^6 
•f  loel  the  brother  of  Nathan,  Mibahar  the  Tonne  of  Agarai.  57 
f  Selet  an  Ammonite,  Naharai  a  Berothice  the  armour  bearer  ;8 
of  loab  the  Tonne  of  Saruia,  f  Iraa  lerhrcite,  Garebaleth-  59 
reitCjf  Vrias  the  Herheite,  Zabad  the  Tonne  of  OhoH,f  Adina  ^o 
the  Tonne  of  Sizaa  Rubenite  the  prince  of  the  Rubenitcs,  &  41 
■with  him  thirtie:  f  Hanan  the  Tonne  of  Maachasand  loTaphat  41, 
aMarhanite,  -f  Oziaan  Adarothite,  Samraa,and  lehiel  the  45 
fonnesof  Hothaman  Arorite,  f  ledihcl  the  Tonne  of  Zamri,  44 
and  loha  his  brother  a  Thofaitc ,  t  E'J-^-  aMahami'tc,  and  4; 
Ictibai,  and  loLiii  the  Tonnes  of  Elnaim,  and  lethmaaMoa-  a$ 
bitejEliel^andObed,  and  lafiel  of  Mafobia. 

Chap.     XII. 
p'rho  fol'jfved  huid  %^hen  be  fled  from  SauL  23.  ^Atid  fho  came  IntB 
Hebron  to  m4h  ^^'^  ^"J^* 

TH  E  s  E  alTo  came  to  dauid  into  Siceleg,  when  as  yet  he   i 
fled  from  Saul  the  fonneof  Cis,  the  which  were  molt 
valiant  and  excellent  warriers,  j  drawing  the  bo  we,  and  1 
hurling  with  bothhandes  ilonesin  ilinges, and  {hooting  ar- 
ro«'esdired'y  :  ofthe  brethren  of  Saul  ofBeniamin,  f  The    3 
prince  Ahiezerj  and  loas  thefonncs  o^  Sammaaa  Gabaa- 
thire,  ani  Uziel,  and  Phallet  the  Tonnes  of  Azmoth^  and  Be- 
racha,and  lehuan  Anothothite.  -f  SamaiasaUo  a  Gabaonite  4 
the  moit  vaHant  amongft  the  thirtie  andabouethe  tuirtie. 
lereniias,  and  lebeziel,  and  lohanan,  and  Iczabad  a  Gadero- 
thice.  t  And  Eiuzai,  and  lerimuth,  and  BaaUa,and  Samaria,  5 
and  Saphatia  an  Hiruphite.  f  Elcana,  and  iefi  i,  and  Azareel,  6 
and  Ioczer,&  lelbaam  of  Carehim:  f  loeh  aUo,and2ibadia    7 
the  Tonnes  of  leroham  of  Gcdor.  f  Yea  and  of  Gaddi  alfo    8 
there  flcdtoDanidjWhen  he  lay  hid  in  the  defert  moft  vali- 
ant men,  and  the  beft  warriers,  holding  Tncild  and  (peare; 
theirfacesasthcfacesofalic>n,ndT\vifc  as  the  roebuckcson    9 
themDuntsynest+Ezcrihc  prince, Obdias the fccond,Eliab  10 
thet'rird,  |  Mafmana  the  fourth,  leremias  the  fifth,  f  Ethi  11 
the  Tilth,  EHel  the  Teuenih,  7  lohanan  the  eight,  Elzebad  the  u 
11141th, flerenias  the  tenth,  Machbanithc  eleuenth,  f  theTe  15 
ofihs  children  of  Gad  were  the  princes  of  his  armie :  the 


P  A  R  A  L  I  P  O  M  E  M  O  N.  84! 

mcancft  was  caprayne  ouer  an  hundred  fouldi^irs,  and  the 

15  greateftjOuer  a  thonl.ind.  f  Thcfc  are  they  vhich  palled  loi- 
dan  thefird  monethj  when  it  vfed  to  flow  oucc  his  bankes  : 
and  they  ch:ireda'yayal  that  dwelt  in  the  vaiicis  toward. the 

i4  eaft  quarter  ^nd  the  vtrfc.  f  And  ihere  came alTo  of  Bcniarnm, 

17  and  of  luda  to  the  hold,  v^hednDauid  abode,  j  AndDauid 
\rent  out  to  mete  thcra,  and  fayd  :  It  you  bz  ccme  peaceably 
to  me  for  to  hclpe  me,  my  hart  beioyned  to  you,  but  if  you 
lycin  wayteagamfl  me  for  my  aduerfaries ,  whereas  I  haue 
no  iniquiticin  my  handes,  the  God  of  our  fathers  fee,  and 

18  iudgc.  Y  But  the  fpiiir  came  on  Amafai  the  prince  ^mong 
thirtic,andhcfayd  :  \v'e  arethinco  Dauid.and  ^ich  tiiec  6 
fonnc  of  ifai:  peace,  peace  be  to  thee, &  peace  to  thy  helpers, 
for  thy  Godheipcthchec.  Qauid  therfore  receiued  them,  and 

15)  appoynted  them  princes  of  the  band,  f  Moreouer  of  Ma- 
naffes  there  flvd  to  Dauid,  when  he  came  wuh  thcPhihfthijms 
agavnfl  Saul,  to  fight  and  he  fought  not  wich  them:  becaufe 
the  princes  of  thcPhilifthimes  taking  counfei  Cent  him  backe, 
f'aying:wich  theperilof  ourheadwil  he  returncto  his  lord 

10  Saul,  f  Therfore  when  hereturned  into  Siceleg,  there  l^ed 
to  him  of  Manafies,  Ednas,  and  lozabab,  and  ledihel,  and 
Michael,  and  Ednas,  6<f  !ozabad,andElia.  and  Salathi,tha 

21  princes  ofathoufandin  Manafles.  f  Thefe  did  aydeDauid 
agaynfl;  the rouersrfor  they  wereal  motl valiant  men,and  were 

21  made  commanders  in  the  armic.  f  Yea  and  there  came  euerie 

day  to  Dauid  to  helpc  him,  til  it  became  a  great  number,  aj  it 

ix  were '•=  the  arniie  of  God.  t  This aHo  is  the  number  of  the     ,         .      -. 
1  r    1  -i-L  rxjui      :.Anarmic©f 

commanders  of  the  arraie,  which  came  to  Dauid,  when  lie  manic  euod 

was  in  Hebron,  to  transferrc  the  kingdom  of  Saul  to  him,  incn,v;'eldif- 

14  according  to  the  word  of  our  Lord-,  j  The  children  of  luda  pofea  in  order 

bearing  ihield  and  fpearc ,  fix  thoufand  eioht  hundred  wel  ^n'lconccrd, 

1  f  t      ,    ^f    I  I  -1  •  e  r-  "  as  called  ^/;e 

2j  appoynted  to  battel  f  Of  the  children  of  Simeon  vaiiant  af^.teofcod 
i6  men  to  fight,  feuen  thoufand  one  hundred.  •{■  Of  the  children  like  the  great 

27  of  Lcui,  fcure  thoufand  fix  hundred,  f  loiadaalfo  prince  of  ifo 
the  ftocke  of  Aaron,  and  wich  him  three  thoufand  fcuen  Angds, which 

28  hundred,  f  Sadocalfo  ayoungman  ofgoodlic  towardcnes,  ^^^!jt/T.jflTzT 
2^  and  thehoufeof  his  father,  princes  twcnae  t\ro.  t  ^^*^  of  '     '  ^' 

the  children  of  Beniamin  the  brethren  of  Saul, three  thou- 
fand; for  a  great  part  of  them  as  yet  folowed  the  hcuieof 
50    Saul,  t  ^'-oreouer  of  the  children  of  Ephraim  twentie  thou- 
fand ei^hc  hundred,  valiant  of  ftrength,  men  renovmed  i« 
Kkkkk  their 

842-  First    booke  of 

their  kinrcdes.  f  And  of  the  halfe  tribe  of  ManafTeSjeighrcnc  51 
thoufand,  euerie  one  by  their  names,  came  to  make  Dauid 
king,  f  A'foofthc  children  of  llFachar  men  of  vnderlUn-  51 
ding, that  knewe  al  times  to  command  ^ot'hat  Ifrael  (hould  doe, 
princes  two  hundred  :  and  al  the  reft  of  the  tribe  did  folo\r 
their  coLinfel.  f  Moreouerof  Zabulon  fuch  as  went  forth  to  55 
battel,  &  ftoodin  aray  wel  appoynted  with  armour  of  warre, 
there  came  fiftie  thoufand  to  ayde,  not  in  adubie  hart,  f  And  54 
of  Ncpthali,  commanders  a  thoufand:  and  with  them  furni- 
fhed  with  Ihieldand  fpeare,  feuen  and  thirtie  thoufand.  f  Of  3J 
Dan  alfo  prepared  to  battel,  twentie  eight  thoufand  fix  hun- 
dred, -j-  And  of  Afer  going  forth  to  fight,  and  prouoking  in  5(3 
battreljfourtie  thoufand. f  And  beyond  lordan  of  the  children  57 
of  Ruben,  and  of  Gad,  and  the  halfe  part  of  the  tribe  of  Ma- 
nafTesfurniihed  with  armour  of  warrc  an  hundred  twentie 
thoufand.  f  Al  thefe  men  of  warre  wel  appoynted  to  fight,  58 
with  perfe6t  hart  came  into  Hebron,  to  make  Dauid  King 
ouer  al  Ifrael :  yea  and  al  the  reft  of  Ifrael,  were  of  one  hart, 
that  Dauid  ihould  be  made  king,  -f  And  they  were  there  with  59 
Dauid  three  daies  eating  and  drinking:  for  their  brethren  had 
prepared  for  them,  f  Yea  and  they  that  were  neere  them  as- 40 
farre  as  IfTachar,  &  Zabulon,and  Nephthali,  broughtloaues 
on  AlFeSjand  on  camels,  and  on  mules,  and  vpon  oxen, to  eate: 
meale,  figges,  reyfens,wine,oile,  beeues,  muttons, in  al  abun- 
dance,for  there  was  ioy  in  Ifrael. 

Chap.     X  II  I. 
The  ^r^e  is  hrou^ht  from  .ytbimdAhs  houfe,S.  Dauid  an  J  ethers  dancing 
before  it.  ^.  O"^  for  touching  li  is  Jlrook^endead.  i;.  />^F'i3erupon  Damd 
jexrirg  to  hrw^tt  to  lerufdcm-y  ttremajnuh  three mohithes m  theho^ife  if 

ANd  Dauid  tookecounfel  with  the  tribunes,  and  cen-  1 
turions,  and  al  the  commanders,  t  and  he  fayd  to  al  the  2. 
afTemblie  of  Ifrael:  If  itpleafe  you  ;  and  if  the  word  which  I 
fpeakeprocede  from  Our  Lord  God,  let  vs  fend  to  the  reft  of 
our  brethren  into  al  the  countries  of  Ifrael,  &  to  the  Pricftes, 
and  Lcuircs,  that  dwelin  the  (uburbes  of  the  cities,  that  they 
rn->y  be  gathered  together  vnto  vs,-f  and  we  may  bring  agayne  3 
vnro  vs  the  Arkeofour  God  :  for  we  (ought  it  no  tin  the  daies 
of  Saul,  t  And  the  whole  multitude  anfwcred  thatit  (hould  4 
be  (oe  done;  for  the  word  had  pleafcdal  the  people,  f  D.taid  y 


Dauid.  ParAlipomenon.  S45 

therforc  afTembled  al  Ifrael  from  Sihor  of /€gypr,til  thou  enter 
into  £math,  to  bring  the  Arlce  of  God  from  Caria  Thiarim. 

6  f  And  Dauid  went  vp,  and  eueric  man  of  Ifrael  to  the  hx\  of 
Caria  Thiaiim  which  3S  in  luda  ,  to  fetch  thence  the  Arke 
of  our  Lord  God  fitting  vpon  the  Cherubim,  where  his  name 

7  is  inuocated.  f  And  they  iayd  the  Aike  of  God  vpon  a  new 
Wayne,  out  of  the  houfe  of  Abinadab.  And  Oza  and  his  bre-, 

8  ther  did  driue  the  wayne.  f  Moreouer  Dauid,  and  al  Ifrael 
playd  before  our  Lord  with  al  their  miglt  in  (ongues,  and  on 
harpes,  and  pfalteries,  and  timbrels,  and  cymbals,  and  trum- 

9  pcttes.-f  And  when  they  were  cometo  tie  Fioore  of  Chidon, 
Oza  ftretched  forth  his  hand,ro  hold  vp  the  Arke:  for  the  oxe 

10  being  wantone  had  made  it  Icane  a  litle  a  fide,  f  Our  Lord 
therfore  was  angrie  agaynft  Oza,  and  ftrokc  hmi,  for  that  he 

had  touched  the  Arke;  and  he  died  there  before  our  Lord.  ::  ObeJcdom 

11  t  And  Dauid  was  ftrooken  fad,  becaufe  our  Lrrd  haddiuided  wasaLeuitc, 

Oza :  and  he  called  that  place,  the  Diuifion  ot  Oza  vntil  this  ^  '\  V'  ^;  ^^  ' 
r         I         _L»ji,ti-<j         I  r     •  TT  and  therforc 

It   preientday.  t  And  hefeared  God  at  that  time,  laymg  :  How  moremetcro 

13  may  I  bring  in  the  Aike  of  God  vnto  me?  -j-  And  for  this  kcpc  the  arke: 
caufe  he  brought  it  not  vnto  himfelfe,  that  is,  into  the  citie  ;=  Called  a  Gc- 
of  Dauid,  but  turned  it  away  into  the  houfe  of  ••'  Obededom  l^'^u^^  j^"i"^'' 

14  the  "  Gethcite.  f  Therfcrc  the  Arke  of  God  rcmayned  in  imhetowne 
the  houfe  of  Oocdcdom  three  monethes:  &  our  Lord  bleffed  ofGcih. 
his  houfe,  and  al  thmges  that  he  had. 

Chap.     XIIII. 
zHngDtiuti  prou'deth  tir^her,  and  '^orkm(nto  huild  Ins  oWne  houf.  5. 
maneth  more  TKitues,  and h*th  mame ihildrtn'y  8.  outnbrojvuh  tht  Phdt' 

1  T_J  Tram  aUo  the  king  of  Tyre  fenr  mefTengcrs  to  Dauid, 
X  JL  and  cedar  trees,  and  artificers  forwalles,  and  tin-bcr: 

&  to  build  him  a  houfe.  •\  And  Dauid  knew  that  our  Loid  had 
eftabiifhed  him  ro  be  king  ouer  Krael,  and  that  his  kingdom 

5  was  exalted  ouer  his  people  Ifrael.  f  Dauid  alfo  rookc  other 

4  wiH°s  in  ler  ulaiemrand  he  begat  fonnes,and  daughtt  rs.f  And 
thefe  be  their  names,  that  were  borne  to  him  in  Itrufalem: 

5  Samua,  and  Sobad,  Nathan,  and  Salomon,  -f  Icb)har,and 

6  EHtua,and  Ehphaler,-}'  Nogaalio,andN^pheg,and  laphia, 

7  t  Eli(ama,and  Baalaida,anci  Eliphaler.f  And  the  Philifthijms 

5  hearing  that  Dauid  was  annoynted  for  king  ouer  al  Ifrael, 
they  wentvpaltofeekehim  .which  when  Dauid  had  heard, 

Kkkkk  i.  he  went 

844  First  booke  of  Dauid. 

be  went  out  to  meete  them,  f  Moreouer  the  Philifthijms  9 
coming,  were  fprcd  abrode  in  the  Yale  Raphaim.  f  And  10 
Dauid  confuhed  our  Lord,  faying :  Shal  I  goe  vp  to  the  Phili- 
ftc3ns,and  v?ilr  thou  dcliuerthem  into  my  hand?  And  our 
Lordfviyd  to  him  :  Goe  vp,and  I>gnldehuer  them  inio  thy 
hand,  f  And  when  they  were  come  vpinto  Baalpharafim,  11 
Dauid  ftroke  them  there,  and  I'ayd;  God  hath  diuided  myn 
enemies  by  my  hand,  as  waters  are  diuided;  and  therfore 
the  name  ofchatplace  was  called  Baal  Pharafim.  f  And  they  11 
leaft  there  their  goddcs,  which  Dauid  commanded  to  be 
burnt,  t  Another  timealfo  the  Philifthijms  invaded,  and    15 
weicdifperred  in  the  Vale,    f    And  Dauid  confultcd  God  14 
agayne,  and  God  fayd  to  him:  Goe  not  vp  after  them,  retyrc 
from  them,  and  thou  Ihalt  come  agaynft  them  oner  agaynft 
thepearerrees.  f  And  when  thou  {halt  heare  the  found  of  i; 
one  going  in  thetoppc  of  the  pearetrees,  then  ih.alt  thou 
yfluc  forth  to  battel.  For  God  is  gone  forth  before  thee,  to 
ilrike  the  campe  of  the  Philifthijms.  f  Dauid  therfore  did  as   16 
God  had  commanded   him,  and  ftroke  the  campc  of  thq^ 
Phihfthianes  from  Gabaonvnto  Gazera.  ']  And  the  name  17 
of  Dauid  was  bruited  in  al  countrieS,.and  our  Lord  gaue  the 
dreadeofhim  oucral  nations. 

Chap.     XV. 
Frith  foUnnitie  the  ^rk.i  is  hroughi  into  lemf*lem,  caried  hy  the  Prlef^esdnd 

leuites.iS.  H^ith  muffck^ofdtusrs fortes,  16.  Siin-^,ceoftbAnk'jgsHingi« 

offered.  25).  Michol  dendcth  DcuUs  deMoUsn* 

E  madealfo  houfes  forKim  felfein  the  cicie of  Dauid:    i 
and  built  a  place  for  the  Arke  of  God,  &  pitcht  a  tabcr* 
nacleforir.-f  Then fayJ  Dauid  :  Iris  vnlawfulthat the  Arkc    2 
of  God  be  eatied  of  any  man,  but  of  the  Leuircs :  whom  our 
Lordchofe  tocarieir,  and  to  minifter  vnto  himfelffor  euer. 
f  And  he  gathered  together  allirae!  into  lerufalcm,  that  the   5 
ArkeofGod  might  be  broughtinto  his  place,  which  he  had 
prepared  for  it.  f  Moreouer  alio  thcfonnes  of  Aaron,  and    4 
the  Lcnitcs.  f  Of  thcchildrenofCaath,  Vricl  was  the  prince,    5 
and  his  brethren  an  hundred  twentie.  t  Of  the  fonncs  of  6 
Mcrari  ,  Afaia  the  prince:  and  his  brethren  two  hundred 
-twentie.  t  Of  the  Tonnes  of  Gerfom,  loel  the  prince  :  and  his  7 
btcrhren  an  hundred  thirric.  f  Of  the  fonnes  of  Elilaphan,  8 
S.cmeias  the  prince :  and  his  brethren  two  hundred,  f  Of  the  9 


Daiiii^.  Paralipomenon.  84^. 

Tonnes  of  Hcbrnp.,  Eliel  the  prince  :  and  his  brethren  cightie 

10  t  Ofsthe  fonnes  01  Oziel,  Aminaciab  the  prince;  ard  his 

11  brethren  and  iiundred  cweiuc.  |  And  DauidcaUcd  Saooc.^ii'd 
Abiathar  the  Priel^es ,  and  the  Lcuircs,  Vriel,  Ataia,  lod, 

II  Semcia, Eht],and  Aminadab:  f  and  he  fayd  to  them:  You 
that  arc  the  princes  of  the  Leuitical  faniihes,  be  (o.ndified 
with  your  brethren,  and  fetch  the  Atkc  of  cur  Lord  the  God 

13  oflfrael  to  the  place,  which  is  prepared  for  it:  f  leR- as  from 
the  beginning,  bcciufe  yo'«6'  v/ere  not  prelertj  our  Lord 
(Irikevs:  fo  now  alfoitcome  to  p&fl'e,  we  doing  fome  vn- 

14  law  Fill  thing,  j  The  Prie(^es  thcrfore,and  the  Leuitcs  were 
fandififd,  to  carle  the  Arkeof  our  Lord  the   God  oflfrael. 

ij  f  And  the  fonnes  of  Lcui  tooke  the  Arkecf  God,  asMoyfes 
had  commanded  s  according  to  the  word  of  our  Lord,  vpon 
j6  their  ihonlders,  on  barres.  t  And  Dauid  fayd  to  the  princes  of 
the  Leuites,that  they 'houldappoynt  of  their  brethren  fmging 
menonmuficalinftrumentes,  to  witte,  onnablcs,  &harpes, 
and  cynjbals, that  the  found  of  ioy  might  relound  on  high. 

17  fAnd  theyappoynredLcuites:Hemam  thefonneof  Ioel,and 
of  his  brethren  Afaph  rhefonneof  Barachi3$:andof  the  chil- 
dren of  Merari,  their  brethren:  Ethan  the  fonne  of  Cafaia. 

18  t  And  with  them  their  brethren.-  in  the  fecond  order,  Zacha- 
ria3,and  Ben,and  laziel,  and  Semiramoth,  and  lahiel,  and 
Ani,  Eliab  ,  and  Banaias,  and  Maafias,  and  Mathathias  ,  and 
Eliphalu,and  Macenias, and  Obededom,  and  lehiel,  porters. 

i<)  t  Morcoaer  them  that  fi^ng,  Heman,  Afsph  ,  and  Ethsn: 

10  founding  on  brafcn  cymbals,  f  And  Zachuias,  and  Oziel, 
and  Semiramoth,  and  lahiel,^  Ani, and  Eliab,  and  Maafias, 

21  and  Banaias  vpon  nablcs  fang  rnyfteries.  f  Moreoucr  Ma- 
thathias, and  Eliphalu,  and  Macenias,  and  Obcdcdvm,and 
lehicKand  Ozaziu,vpon  harpes  for  theoCtaucfang  a  rrium- 

11  phantfong.  -J-  And  Choncnias  the  prince  of  the  Leuitcs,  was 
chiefc ouer prophecic, to  bcginne  the  melodic:  for  he  was 

25  vcric  coning,  j- And  Barachias,  and  Elcana  :doore  keepers  of 

24  the  Arke.  f  Moreoucr  Sebcnias, and  lofaphat,  and  Natha- 
nacl,  and  Amafai,  and  Zacharia?,  and  Banaias,  and  Eliezer 
priertes,  founded  with  trumpettcs,  before  the  Arke  of  God  : 
and  Obededom,  and  Ichias  kept  the  doore  of  the  Arke, 

25  f  Tiicrfor?  Dauid  and  al  the  ancientes  of  Ifrad,  and  the  tri- 
bunes, went  to  fetch  the  Arke  of  the  coucnanr  of  our  Lord, 

tS  outofthchoufeof  Obededom  with  ioy.  f  And  vhen  God 

Kkkkk  5  had 

84^  First  booke  of  Dauid. 

had  holpcn  the  Leuites,  which  caried  the  Arke  of  the  coue- 
nant  of  our  Lord,  there  were  immolated  feuen  oxen,  &  fcuen 
rammes.  f  Moreoucr  Dauid  was  clothed  with  a  robe  of  fine  27 
linen,  and  al  the  Leuires  that  caried  the  Arke,  and  the  linging 
men, and  Chonenias  the  prince  of  prophecie  among  the  Iin- 
rtAnothcr        gers  :  and  Dauid  alfo  was  clothed  with  an  ••  Ephod  of  linen. 
vfeTb^^'"'^"'  t  Andal  Kracl  brought  the  Arke  of  the  couenant  of  our  18 
phetes^  fuch  as  ^^^^  '"  iubiley,  and  founding  with  the  found  of  (haulme,and 
Samuel  did       ^ith  trumpettes,  and  cymbals,  and  nables,  and  harpes.  f  And  29 
■weaie  beinga  when  the  Arkeof  the  couenant  of  our  Lord  was  come  vnto 
child  I.  B^e^r,     jj^g  c„jg  of  Dauid,  Michol  the  daughter  of  Saul  looking 
**  forth  through  a  window,  faw  Dauid  the  king  dancing  and 

playing,  and  fliedefpifed  him  in  her  hart. 

Chap.     XVI. 
The  ^rk^e  Is  placed  in  a  tahernacle.  Sacrifice  is  offeced .  Dauid  hlefeththe 
feople^  4.  difpoptb  the  ojfices  of  LcHftes.  8.  attd  maketfj  a  Pjdme  efpraife 
to  Cod. 

TH  E  Y  ther^ore  brought  the  Arke  of  God,  and  fet  ir  in    i 
the  middes  oFfhe  tabernacle,  which  Dauid  had  pitched"' 
behfo-aholie     ^^r  it : 'and  they  offered  holocau'les  ,  and  pacifiques  before 
Prophet,  buc    God.  -f  And  when  Dauid  had  finithed  offering  holocaudes,     z 
anieothcrSu-  and  pacifiques,  he-'blefTed  the  peoplein  the  name  of  our 
pcriormighr     Lord,  f  And  he  duided  toal  chrough  out  euerie  one,  from     5 
S*^^^^  ^^^'  "^^"  ^"^°  woman  a  loafe  of  bread  ,  and  a  peece  of  rofled 
:;  Thathealfa  heefe,  and  floore  fryed  withoile.  f  And  he  -  appoynted  be-   4 
difpofcdcer-     fore  the  Arke  of  our  Lord  of  the  Leuites,  that  Ihould  mini- 
rsine  offices     ftcr,  and  (liouid  remember  his  wot kes,  ^  glorifie,  and  prayfe 
^^^'^=^J^J.^^^^  t    Afaph  the  prince,  and  the  fe-    s 

lule^Twhich  cond  after  him  Zacharias:  moreouer  lahiel.  and  Semiramoih, 
vasno  preiu-  ^"'i  lehiel.and  Mathathias,and  Eliab,  and  Banaias,&:  Obed- 
dice  to  the  edom:and  lehiel  oaer  theinfliumentesof  pfal(erie,and  the 
hieghpnefts  harpes;  &  Afaph  to  found  vpon  the  cymbals:  f  but  Banaias,  S 
authoiuie,  and  laziel  prici^es,  to  found  the  trumpet  continually  before 
foffunerior         ,       .    ,        V  i  r  ,        1     .    t        i         1        t^      •  1 

powieispro-  the  Arke  of  che  couenant  of  our  Lord,  f  In  that  day  Dauid    7 

ued  by  Gods    made  Afaph, prince  to  confefrc  to  our  Lord  and  his  brethren. 
inftitution^ra-  -|-  Confdie  ye  to  our  Lord,  and  iauocate  his  name:  make   8 
therthenby      his inuencions  knowen  among  the  peoples.  f  Chaunt    9      pr^U 

fades,  either  ,•  ^r  .  1     *1  1  u  •  1  .•  y       rj»n 

of  aood  men,  ^^  "^''"'  ^"^  ""?  ^'^  """"  '  ^^'^  ^^'^  y^  ''*"  "''^  meruelous  thinges.  104. 

whKh  doma-  t  Prsyfe  ye  his  holie  name    let  (he  hart  of  them  that  reioyfe,  ro 
aie  thinges  b/  feckc  out  Lord,.  t  Seeke  yc  our  Lord,  and  hispowre:   i: 


Paralipomekon.  S47 

u     feckcyehisfacc  alwayes.  t  Rtmeiv.ber  his  iViCiuclous  way  ofdifpen, 

thinges  wl.ich  he  hath  done:  his  fignes,  and  the  iudgc-mei)res  ^ujUiur^r'^jno- 
15    of  his  mouth.  t  The  feede  of  Ifrael  his  icruant;  the  whuhoirxj^^i- 

14    children  of  Jacob  his  eled.  f  Heis  the  Lord  our  God:  rant,thacto 

15  in  al  the  earth  are  his  iudgementes.  f  Remember  for  tlif"^  P"tey. 
euer  his  coueuant:  the  word,  which  he  commanded  vnto  a  J'^s^''^'/^^^^^ 

16  thoufand  generations  .  t  Which  he  couenanted  with  Godinfmuted 

17  Abraham:  andhisothe  with  Ifaac.  f  And  heappoynted  lupicmc  ipiri- 
ic  to  lacob  fora preccpt:and  to  Ifrael  forjan  euer  lafting  coue-  tual  powre  in 

18  nam:  +  Saymg:  To  thee  will  geue  the  Land  of  Chanaan  :  ^l^eh.ghpr.eft. 
15?  thecordeof  yourmhentance.  f  "When  they  were  tew  And  al  kinoes 
20  in  number:  fmal  and  foiourncrs  therof  .  j  ^"^  ^^^J  and remporal 

pafled  from  nation  into  nation  :  Sc  from  kingdom  to  an  other  princes  arc  to 
XI   people.  t  He  fuffered  not  any  man  to  calumniate  them:  f"^'"\^^^  . 

1*1111-  r        I     •    #'  I  ,    T-         L  lav/attkc  pu- 

ll but  rebuked  kinges  for  their  lake.  f  Touch  net  my  an-  ejies^and. 

23  noynred:  and  vnto  my  prophetes  be  not  mahciou":.       t  S'*""?  tbidem. y,i^. 

ye  to  our  Lord  al  the  earth  :  (hew  forth  from  day  to  day  his  tleazarthe 
24  faluarion  .  t  Tel  his  olorie  among  the  gentiles:  among  highpneft 

2;  alpeoles  hismeruclous  workes.  f  Bccau'e  our  Lord  is  te^toconfult 

great,  and  laudable  excedingly:  and  terrible  ouer  al  goddes.   curLoidfoi 
16       t  Foral  the  goddes  of  the  peoples,  be  idols:  but  our  Lord  lollie,  x«.  17; 

27  made  the  heauens.  f  Confeffion  and  magnificence  be-  Finally  by 

28  forehim  :  ftrengthandioyin  his  place.  f  Bring  to  our  ^^ncl°theUyy 
Lord  ye  families  of  peoples.-  bring  to  our  Lord  glorie  and  of  truth -vyasoi 

29  impire.  t  Geue  our  Lord  glorie,  to  his  name,  eleuate  tiic  mouth  of 
facafice,  and  come  ye  in  his  fight:  and  adore  our  Lord  in  hohe  p-iefesMalacz. 

30  honour.  f  Let  al  the  earth  be  moued  before  his  face:  for 

31  he  founded  the  woildvnmoucable.         f  Let  the  heauens  be 
glad,  Sc  the  earth  reioyfe.jand  let  them  fay  among  the|nations, 

ji  Our  Lord  haih  reigned.  f  Let  the 'fed  thunder,  and  the 

fulneffe  therof:  let  the  fieldesireioyfe,  and  al  thinges  that  are 

35  in  them.         -{-Then  {halrhe  trees  of  the  foreft  prayfe  before 
34  our  Lord:  becaufe  he  is  come  to  iudge  the  earth.      fConfcfle 

ye  to  our  Lord,  becaufc  he  is  good:  becaufe  his  mcrcie  is 
3J  for  euer.         t  And  fav  ye:  Saue  vs  o  God  our  fauiour:  and  ga- 
ther vs  together,  6c  deliuer  vs  out  of  the  nations,  that  we  may 
confefTc  to  thy  holiename,  and  mav  reioy(e  in  thy  fongues. 

36  f  Blciled  be  our  Lord  the  God  of  Krael  from  eicrnicie  vnto 
eternirie:and  letal  the  people  fay;  Amen,  and  hymne  toGod. 

37  t  Hetherforeleaft  Afaph  there  before  the  Arkeoi  thecouc- 
nant  of  our  Lord,and  his  brethren  to  minifter  in  the  prefence 


848  First  booke  of  Dauid. 

of  the  Arkc  continually  day  by  day,  f,nd  in  their  courfcs. 
7  Moreouer  Obedcdom,  and  his  brethren  fixcie  eight:  and  5S 
Obcdedom  the  Tonne  of  Idithun,  and  Hofa  he  appoyntcd 
for  porters  .    f   And  Sadoc  the  pri^efl:  ,  and  his  brethren   59 
priefteSj  before  the  tabernacle  of  ©ur  Lord  in  the  excelie, 
which  %ras  in  Gabaon,  f  that  they  -ihoLild  offer  ho'ocaaftcs  4© 
to  our  Lord  vpon  the  altar  of  holocaail:  continually,  mor- 
ning and  euening,  according  toal  thinges  that  are  wrircn 
in  the  la'sr  of  our  Lord,  which  he  commanded  Ifrael.  f  And  41 
after  him  Heman,  and  Idithun,  and  the  reft  of  the  cliofcn 
men  ,  euene  one  by  his  name  to  confelTe  vnto  our  Lord : 
Escaufe  his  mercie  isforeuer.   •\  Henun  aifoand  Idithun  41 
founding  the  trumpet,  and  quauering  on  the  cymbals,  andai 
mufical  indrumentes  to  flng  vnto  God:  and  the  fonnes  of 
Idirhun  he  made  porters,  f  And  alrhe  people  returned  into  45 
their  houCc:  and  Diuid,  toblefTealfo  his  houfe. 

Chap.     XVII. 
Dauid  determining  to  build  a,  Ttmlde^  n.  k  ddmantshtd  hy  Ndth^n  tht 
frophty  thit  not  ke,  but  his  fonne^  sbd  build  it  \  dud  be  e/l^bltsbej  in  the 
kingdom.  16.  DAuidextollak  Gods  bcmgnitie  toWardi  him,dnd  the peo'^U, 

N  D  when  Dauid  d'^reltin  his  houfe,  he  (ayd  to  Nathan    i 
the  prophete  :  Behold  I  dwei  in  a  houfe  of  cedar :  and 
the  Ackcofthecouenantofour  Lord  isvndcrskinnes.f  And  i 
Nathan  fayd  to  Dauid  :  Al  thinges,  that  are  in  thy  hart  doe : 
for  Godis  with  thee.  fTherfore  that  night  the ''prord  of  God   5 
came  to  Nathan,  faying:    f   Goc,and  fpcake  to  Datpd  ray  4 
feruant:  Thus  fayth  our  Lord:  Thou  (halt  not  build  me  a 
houfe  to  dwel  in.  f  For  neither  hauel  remaynedin  houfe   j 
from  the  time,  thit  I  brought  out  Ifrael,  vntil  this  day  :  but  I 
haue  bene  aKvaies  changing  places  of  tabrrnacle,  and  in  rent 
fabyJing  withal  Ifrael.  Did  I  fpeake  to  one,at  the  leaf},  of  al  G  ~ 
thciudges  of  ifrael, whom  I  cc/n-imanded  to  ^pq^q  my  people, 
and  did  I  i^s^y ;  Why  haue  you  not  built  rac  a  houfe  of  cedar  1? 
t  Now  therfore  fo  fiialt  thou  fpeake  to  my  feruant  Dauid:  7 
Thus  fayeth  the  Lord  oF  hoftes:  Itooke  thee,  when  in  the 
pafkares  thou dideftfolow  the  flocke,  that  thou  (houldef't  be 
princeof  my  people  Ifrael.  f  And  I  haue  be;ne  veith  thee  8 
whither  foeucr  thou  wenteH: :  and  1  haue  rtayne  al  thine  ene- 
mies before  thee,and  haue  made  thee  a  name  as  of  one  oFthe 
great  ones,  that  are  renowmed  in  the  earth,  f  And  I  haue  9 


P  ARALirOMEN  ON-  84^ 

geacnajAjieto  myptopIeUrafl:  it  (hal  be  planted,  and  ihai 

dvrel  theri'n  ,  and  ihal  be  mowed  no  mere,  neither  fha!  the 

children  of  iniquitieconfume  them^as  from  the  beginfiing, 

10  t  fince  thedayes  that  Igaueludgesto  my  people  Htaei,  and  •••  Thatijcon- 

humbiedal  thine  enimies.  I  thcrfore  telthee,  that  our  Lord  ""cwand 
II  vril  build  thee  "  a  houfe.  f  And  when  thou  ihalt  haue  accom-  fc^'^j""  nd^f  - 
pli  llied  thy  daies  to  goe  to  thy  fathers,  I  wii  ray(e  vp  thy  feede  njHie'as  we  fee 
after  thee,  which  (halbeof  thy  children:  and  I  wil  eftabliih  itpetforn.ed 

12  his  kingdom,  f  Heshal  build  mea  houfc,and  I  wil  coafiime  cuenrothcB. 

13  his  throne  for  euer.  f  I  ▼il  be  to  him  for  a  father,  and  he  shal  ^"J^l?  ^']"^f* 
be  to  mc  for  a  {onnc:and  my  mercie  I  vpil  not  take  from  hira ,  the  hoafe  of 

14  as  I  tooke  from  hira,  that  was  before  thee,  f  Andlwilcfta-  Dumd. Maris 
blish  him  in  my  houfc,  and  in  my  kingdom  for  euer  :  and  his  i«f•l•^ 

i^'  throne  shaiberaoft  firmc  for  euer.  f  According  to  al  thefc 
NTordes,  and  according  to  al  this  vifion,fo  fpake  Nathan  to 

16  Dauid  f  And  when  king  Dauid  came,  and  fate  before  our 
Lord,hefayd  ;  "Who  am  I  Lord  God,  and  what  is  my  houfc, 

17  that  thou  shouldeft  geue  me  fuch  thinges?  f  But  this  alfo 
hath  femed  little  in  thy  fight, and  therfore  thou  haft  fpoken 
concerning  the  houfe  of  thy  fcruant  for  time  to  come  alfo: 

18  and  haft  made  me  renowned  aboue  al  men  Lord  God.  f  What 
can  Dauid  adde  farther,  whcras  thou  haft  (oe  glorified  thy 

15  fcruant,  and  knowcn  him?-f  Lord  for  thy  feruant  according 
to  thy  hart  thou  haft  doncal  this  magnificence,  and  would 

10  haue  al  thy  great  wonders  to  be  knowen.  -f  Lord,  there  is 
not  the  like  to  thee :  and  there  is  none  other  Isefide  thee,  of  al 

21  whom  we  haue  heard  with  our  eares.  f  For  what  other  is 
there,  as  thy  people  Ifrael,  one  nation  in  the  earth,  to  the 
which  God  •cpent,  to  deliuerit  and  make  it  his  people,  and 
with  his  greatenefte-/  and  terrours  caft  cut  the  nations 
before  the  face  of  it,  which  he  dcliuered  out  of  i€gypt? 

21  t  And  thou  haft  made  thy  people  Ifrael  to  be  thy  people  t  uer, 

13  and  thou  Lord  art  made  the  God  therof.  f  Now  therfore 
Lord,  the  word,  which  thou  haft  fpoken  to  thy  feruant,  and 
concerning  his  houfe,  be  it  confiimed  for  euer,  and  do  as 

24  thou  hift  (pokcn.  t  Andlet  thy  name remayije and  bemagni* 
fied  for  euer :  and  let  it  be  fayd  :  The  Lord  of  hoftes  is  God  of 
Ifiacl,and  the  houfe  of  Dauid  his  (eruant  permanent  before 

i|  him.  f  For  thou  Lord  my  God  haft  reucltd  theeare  of  thy 
ferumt,  to  build  himahoule:  and  therfore  rhy  fcruant  hath 

zC  found  confidence,  to  pray  b.fore  thee,  t  Nov  cheifore 

Lilll  iQtd 


850  First    b  ooke  of 

Lord  thou  art  God:  andv  on  haftipoken  to  tbv'Cjruant  fo 
great  bentfictes.  f   And  thou  hail  bcgunne  to  ulellc  rhc  ly 
houfcof  ihyfcruanr,  thatir  be  alwaies  before  thee:  for  thcc 
6  Lord  blclling  it,  it  ibal  be  blefled  for  euer. 
Chap.     XVIIL 
Ajfwg"  Dauid  hith  great  "^ ; clones  ^  mtkjng  wdnie  nations  tributme 
1  J.  hif  (litfe  off  I  ceres  <tre  recottnted. 

N  D  if  came  ro  pifl'e  after  thefe  thinges,  that  D.iuid    i 
ftroke  the  Philifti'iijmSjand  humbled  hem,  and  tocke 
.•:  The  lefTcr     a>)ray  Geh,  and  her  "  daughrersoutof  th-  hand  cf  the  PhiH- 
lowncsanJ       fthijms,   f  and  flrokc  Mojb,  and  the  Moibires  were  made    z 
villieiesare      D.iuids  ft  ruantes,  offering  him  giftcs.    f   Av.  that  time  Dauid    5 
calTed^che^       ftfoke  Adazf  zer  i!fo  the  king  of  Soba  of  the  counttie  of  He- 
dauh<*r^isof    rauh,when  he  wcnt  on  to  dilate  his  empire  as  farre  as  the 
fomegieat       riuer  Euphrates  |  Duid  therfore  tookcathoufand  chariotes    4 
tovneor  cicje  of  his, &  feucn  thoufdnd  horrrnen,&  tv^cntie  ihoufand  foote- 
ojv  ic    t  cy  men,  &  he  hoghfinewcdal  the  chariot  horfes,  (auing  an  hun- 
dred chariotes,which  he  referued  to  himfelf.-f  And, the  Syrran   / 
alfoof  Dimafcus  came  moreouer,  rogiue  ayde  to  Adarezer 
the  king  of  Soba  but  Daaid  ftrokc  alfo  of  his  two  $c  tv5'enf4e 
thoufand  men.-f  And  he  put  fouldiars  in  Damafci.i5,that  Syria  6 
alfo  ftiouid  ferue  hira,&'  bring  giftcs. And  our  Lord  holpe  him 
inalrhinges,to  the  which  he  went,  f  Dauid  alfo  tookc  the  7 
'  golclcn  qayusrSsNsfhich  theferu-^ntesof  Adarezer  had, and  he 

brought  chem  into  Icrufalem.  |  Moreouer  ot  Thebarh,  and  § 
Chun  the  cities  of  Adarezer  verie  much  brafle,  of  which  Sa» 
loraon  made  the  brafen  Sea,  and  pillers,  and  brafen  vclFcls.    ^ 
t  Which  when  Tou  the  kingof  Hcmath  had  beard,  to  witre, 
chat  Dauid  had  ftiikcnal  'he  armic  of  Adarezer  the  king  of 
Soba,  t  he  fcnt  Adoram  his  (onne  to  king  Diuid,  todcfire  \m 
peaceof  him,  &  ro  congratulate  him  that  he  had  ftrikcn, and 
hadouerthrowen  Ad  irvZer:for  Tou  vrasaducfaricto  Adare- 
zer.  f  But  al  the  vcird  alfoof  gold, and  filuer, and  braire  king    11 
:' J^*"^^*!"-!^  Diuid  -  confecrired  to  our  Lord,  with  the  filuer  and  gold, 
IS  ,e  'cated      ^j^j^h  he  had  taken  out  of  al  the  nations,  as  wcl  of  Idumea, 
i?  contecrated  ^'"^^  Moan,  &  tnccnildren  or  Ammon,  asor  the  Phuiltnijms 
to  God.  and  Amaltc.  f  And  Abifii  the  fonneof  Saruia  ftroke  Edom  li 

in  the  Vale  of  fjlt  pirtcs,  eighrcne  thoufand  ;  \  aodheap- 
poynted  agarryfonin  Edom,rhat  Idumea  thould  ferue  Dauid: 
and  our  Lord  faued  Dauid  inal  thinges,  to  which  he  went. 
t  Dauid  therfore  reigned  ouer  al  Ifrael,(3i  did  iudgement  and  14 


P  ARALI  PO  M  ENON.  Sjl 

j;  iufticctoftlhispeople.  I  Morcouer  loab  thcfonneof  Ssruia 
vrasouer  thcarmie,and  lofaphar  the  ionne  of  Ahiliid  corn- 
i6  menter.-f  And  Sadoc  thcfonneof  Achitob,  &  Abimclech  tiie 
17  ronneofAbiathar»Pnettes:  and  Sufa,  Scribe,  t  Baraiasalib 
thcfonneof  loiada  oucr  the  legions  Cercthi,  andPhckrhi: 
moreouer  the  fonnes  of  Dauid  the  chief  at  the  kinges  hand. 
Chap.      XIX.  ^mmon  tuil  intreAtmg  kjf^gDautds  mtny  "^hom  he  had  cur-  - 
taujly  ftnt  to  condole  the  death  of  his  father^  >s  etiertkrcwcn  in  hatteL 
16.  y»tth  the  ^fyrUm  btshyredconfederam. 

I  A  Nd  it  chanced  that  Naas  the  king  of  the  children  of 
X  SjL  Ammon  died,  and  his  fonne  reigned  for  him.  -f  And 
Dauid  fayd  :  I  \f  il  do  mercie  with  Hanon  the  fonne  of  Naas: 
for  his  father  hath  done  me  pleaiurc.  And  Dauid  lent  mtlTcn- 
gers  to  confort  hini  vpon  the  death  of  his  father.  Who  when 
they  were  come  into  the  land  of  the  children  of  Ammon,  to 

3  confort  Flanon ,  f  the  princes  of  the  children  of  Ammon 
fayd  to  Hanon  :  Thou  thinkeft  perhaps,  that  Dauid  for  ho» 
nour  lake  toward  thy  father  hath  feni  fome  that  Ihould  com- 
fort thee:  neither  markeft  thou,  that  his  feruantes  are  come 

4  to  theefOcf(./ie,  and  feekcout,and  fcarche  tiiy  land,  f  Ther- 
fore  Hanon  made  the  feruantes  of  Dauid  baldc,and  thaued 
them,  and  cue  away  their  cotes  from  the  buctockes  to  the 

^  feete,  and  ient  them  away,  f  Who  when  they  were" gone, 
and  had  (ent  word  to  Dauid,  he  lent  to  mcete  them  ( for  they 
had  fufteyncd  great  rcproch)  and  commarded  them  to  taric 
in  Iericho,til  their  beard  grcwc,  and  then  they  (hculdrc- 

6  turne.  f  And  the  children  of  Amnion  fejng,  that  they  had 
done  iniurie  to  Dauid,  as  wel  Hanon  as  the  reft  of  the  people, 
they  (entathoufaud  talenrsof  fiIuer,ro  hyrethem  chariores 
and  horfemen  outofMefopotamia, and  from  SiriaMaacha, 

7  and  from  Soba.  f  And  they  hyred  two  and  thirtre  thoufand 
chariotes,  and  king  Maacha  with  his  people,  vho  when  they 
were  come,  camped  ouer  agaynft  Medaba.  The  children  of 
Ammonalfo  beinggathered  together  out  of  their  cifics. came 

t    to  the  battel,  f  Which  when  Dauid  had  heard,  he  fcnt  loab, 

9   and  al  the  hoft  ofvaliant  men:  fand  thcchildrcn  of  Ammon 

ifTuing  forth,  put  their  armie  in  aray  befide  the  gate  of  the 

citie:  and  the  kinges, that  were  come  to  ayde  him,liood  apart 

10  in  the  field,  t  loab  therforc  vnderftanding  that  battel  was 

Lllll  z  made 

^y*  Fi R s T   B  o  o  K  E  OF  Dauid. 

madeagaynft  himbeforeand  behind, chofe  the moft  valiant 
men  uf  ai  Ifrael,  and  marched  on  againft  the  Syrian,  f  And  ii 
the  reft  of  the  people  he  gaue  vnder  the  handof  Abii'ai  his 
brother:  and  rhey  went  forth  agaynft  the  children  of  Am- 
nion t  And  he  fayd:  If  the  Syrian  Qial  ouercomcme,  thou  li 
{iialt  ayde  me  :  and  if  the  children  of  Ammon  thai  ouercome 
thee,  I  'w^il  ayde  thee.  |  Take  courage,  and  let  vs  play  the   15 
menforourpeople,andfor  the  cities  of  our  God:  and  our 
Lord  wil  doe  that  which  is  good  in  his  fight,  f  loab  therforc  14 
marched  on,  and  the  people  that  were  vpith  him,  agaynft  the 
Syrian  to  battel  rand  he  put  them  to  flight   f  Moreouer  the   ij 
childen  of  Ammon  feing  that  the  Syrian  was  fled,  themfelues 
alfo  fled  from  Abifai  his  brother, and  went  into  ihe  citie ;  and 
loab  aHo  returned  into  lerufalem.  f  But  the  Syrian  feing  that  i^ 
he  was  fallen  before  Ifrael,  fcnt  meff^engers,  and  brought  the 
Syrian,  that  was  beyond  the  riutr  :  and  Sophachthe  General 
of  Aderezcrs  warre,  was  rheir  captiyne    f  Which  ^hen  it  17 
\ras  roll  Dauid, he  gathered  rogethrr  al  Jfrael,  and  pafled  lor- 
dan,  and  fel  vpon  them,  and  dired:ed  his  armie  agaynft  him, 
thcyfighcingon  the  contrarie  part,  t  And  the   Syrian  fliJiS 
from  lfra-1 :  and  DmiJ  ilcv/e  of  the  Syrians  feuen  thoufand 
chariotcs,andfouttiethoufand  footemen,and  Sophach  Ge- 
neral of  the  armie.  f  And  the  feruantes  of  Adarezer  (eing  i^ 
ihemfclucs  robe  ouercome  of  Ifrael,  fled  to  Dauid,  &  ferued 
him  :  and  Syria  would  no  more  giue  ayde  to  the  children  of 

Chap.     XX. 
Ki»^  Dauid profperetl  in  luarre  AgAynft  the  Ammonites y^.an  J  Phiti0hinn, 

<j.  <iwoc|-  "^hom  hnatban  Dauids  nepberv  hy  bn  brother ^  ktUeth  d  mort' 

Jirmui giant,  Tvbicb  had  trvdue  fin(rtrs  and  twelue  toes. 

ANd  it  came  to  pafle  after  the  compaffe  of  a  ycare,  at  i       j,,  |^^-. 
fuch  time  when  kinges  arc  wont  to  goe  forth  to  battel,  ai. 

loab  gathered  together  the  armie  and  force  of  warre  ,  and 
fpoylcd  the  land  of  the  children  of  Ammon:  and  went  on 
and  befiegcd  Rabba.  Moreouer  Dauid  taried  in  lerufahm, 
•when  loab  ftroke  Rabba,  and  deftroyed  ir.  f  And  Dauid  i 
tooke  thecro'jP'neof  Melchom  from  his  head,and  found  in  it 
a  talent  weight  of  gold,  and  moft  precious  pearhs,  and  he 
madehimfelfthcrofadiademe-.hetooke  alfo  the  fpoiles  of 
theciacYcry  much,  f  And  the  people  that  vas  therin,  be  5 



brought  forth  :  and  he  made  hairoweSjand  (leddeSy  andciia- 
riotes  fl^cd  vithlron  topafTeouer  them,  foe  that  they  vere 
curihfundcr,  &  broken  111  pcces  rfodidDauid  roal  the  cities 
of  the  children  of  Amnion  :  &  he  returned  \rirhal  his  people 

4  into  leiulalcm.j-Afccr  thefe  thinges  there -was  warrebegiinne 
in  Gazer  agaynft  the  Philifthians  :  in  which  Sobachai  the 
Hufathite  fttoke  Saphaiof  the  kinredof  Raphaim,  &  hum- 

5  bled  them.  •}•  An  other  battel  alfo  was  fought  agaynfl:  the  Phi- 
liftheans,\jrherein  Adcodatus  the  fonnc  of  Saltus  a  Bethlehe- 
mite  ftroke  the  brother  of  Goliath  the  Getheitc,  the  ttaffe  of 

6  whofefpearevs'asasitxrerea  weauersbeame.  t  But  an  other 
battel  alfo  happened  in  Gcth,  wherin  there  was  a  verie  long 
roan,  hauing  fingers  and  toes  by  fix  and  fix,  that  is,  together 
fourc  and  twentie;  who  alfo  was  borne  of  the  ftocke  of 

7  Rapha.  f  This  man  blafphemed  Ilrael  :  and  lonarhan  the 
(onncof  Samaa  the  brother  of  Dauid  ftroke  him.  Thefe  be 
the  children  of  Rapha  in  Geth,  which  f  el  by  the  hand  of  Da- 
uid and  of  his  feruantes. 

Chap.  XXI. 
DAuid  finntth  in  numhrtng  hU  people,  8.  repemethy  xndprdyethy  yet  is  punt- 
ihedyTnAny  tiymgof  the  pU^nCy  15.  td  God  ib-^mg  merct:-  fpareth  the 
re/}.  16.  Dauid  Accuftng  bimfelfe  tnd  excujtng  the  pi  ople  is  commanded  by 
the  An^el  to  offer  fucnjice ,  rvhub  he  (  ii.  bjin^^oundfor  an  altar  )  16: 

I  "O  Vx-Satanrofeagaynft  irriel.-flndrooucdDnuidtonum-  ..g  ^   ,    , 
1  13  bcr  Iftael .  t  And  Dauia  i..yd  to  loab,  and  to  the  princes  permiffion 
of  thepeople:Goe,and  number  Ifrael  from  Bx-rtabee  vnto  Dauidvas 
J  Dan,  and  bring  me  the  number  that  1  may  know. f  And  loab,  icmpreHand 
anfwered-.OiiA  Lord  increafe  his  people  an  hundredfold  more  °"^"omc, 
thentheyareiaretheynotmy  lord  kingal  thy  feruantes?  why  *'    ^-S**** 
doth  my  lord  (eeke  this,  which  may  be  reputed  for  a  finne  to 
4  Ifrael  rf  But  the  kingeswordprcuailed  more:  and  loab  went 
forth, andwcn  about al  Ifrael :  and  returned  to  lerufalcm. 
J  f  And  he  gaue  Dauid  the  number  of  them,  whom  he  had 
furueyed  ;  and  al  the  number  of  lirael  was  found  a  thoutand 
thoufand  and  an  hundred  thoufand  men  that  drew  fword  j 
and  of  ludafoure  hundred  (euentiethoufand  men  of  warrc,  ' 
<  t  For  Lf ui  aqd  Beniamin  he  numbred  not  :  becaufe  loab 
7  vnwillingly  executed  the  kings   commandemcnt  .    f   And 
that  which  was  conjmanded  difpleafed  God:  and  he  ftroke 

Lini  3  lirad 

.*:  S"tng  Dauid 
vas  not  with* 
•at  faith', 
nor  hope, 
and  yet  was 
from  which 
he  prayed  to 

"^S^"  First  booke  of  Dauid. 

Ifrael.  f  And  Dauid  fayd  to  God;  I  haue  Tinned  exccdingly  8 
in  that  I  would  ioe  this  :  I  bcfech  thee  take  away  -  the  ini- 
quicicof  thyferuanr,  bccaufe  I  haae  done  foolithly.  f  And 
our  Lord  fpake  ro  Gad  the  Seer  of  Dauid ,  faying :  f  Goe,  9 
andipeake  to  Dauid  ,  and  tel  him:  Thus  fayth  our  Lord  .•  10 
Igeucthee  the  choyfc  of  three  thinges,  choofe  one  which 
thou  wiir,  and  I  wil  doc  it  to  thee,   f  And  when  Gad  was  u 
come  to  Diuidjhefaydto  him:  Thus  fayth  our  Lord:  Choofe 
which  thou  wilt  ;  f  either  three  yeares  famine  ;  or  three  u 
moncthes  to  flee  from  thine  enemies,  and  not  ro  be  able  to 
efcape  their  fword:  or  three  dayes  the  fword  of  our  Lord,  and 
pedilence  to  be  in  theiand,  and  the  Angel  of  our  Lord  to  kil 
inal  thecoftes  oflfrael;  now  therfore  fee  what  1  ibalanfwer 
himjthatfentme.fAnd  Dauid  (aydtoGad:!  amon  eucrie'fidc   15 
in  great  diftreHe:  but  itis  better,  that  I  falinto  the  handesof 
our  Lord,  becaufc  his  mercies  be  manie,  then  into  the  handes 
of  men .  f  Our  Lord  therfore  lent  the  peftilencc  in  Ifratl  and  14 
there  fcl  of  Ifrael  fencntie  rhoufand  men  .  |  He  lent  alio  ah  ij 
Angel  into  lerufalem,  to  Itrike  it;  and  when  it  was  ftriken,  . 
our  Lord  faw,  and  had  compallion  vpon  thegreatenefleof ' 
the  euil;and  commanded  the  Angel,  thatfmote;  Irisfuffi- 
cient,  now  let  thy  hand  ceafe.  Moreouer  the  Angel  of  our 
Lord  ftoode  befide  the  floore  of  Oman  the  lebufeire.  f  And  16 
Dauid  lifting  vp  his  eies,  faw  rhe  Angel  ofour  L^rd  ftanding 
bctwenheauen  and  earth,  and  a  fword  drawen  in  his  hand, 
turned  agaynft  Icrufakm:*!^  they  fel  as  we"  he  as  the  ancientcs 
clothed  in  heare  clothes,  flatte  on  the  earth,  j  And  Dauid  17 
fayd  to  God  :  Am  not  I  he,  that  commanded  the  people  ro  be 
mumbred?  It  is  I  that  h^ue  finned  .•  ir  is  I  that  haae  done  the 
cuil:  this  flocke  what  hath  icdeferued?  Lord  my  God  let  thy 
hand  be  turned  I  befech  thee  vpon  me,  and  vpon  my  fathers 
houfe:  and  let  nor  thy  people  be  ftnken  f  And  the  Angel  of  18 
our  Lord  commanded  Gad  to  tel  Dauid,  that  he  fbould  goe 
vp,  and  build  an  altar  to  our  LordGod  in  the  floore  of  Oman 
the  lebufeire.  f  Dauid  therfore  went  vp  according  to  the  19 
word  of  GaJ, which  he  had  fpoken  to  him  in  the  name  ofour 
Lord,  f  Moreouer  Oman  when  he  had  looked  vp,  and  fenc  lo 
the  Ang^Land  his  foure  fonnes  with  him, they  hid  themfelues; 
for  at  chat  time  htrhreihed  wheat  in  the  floore.  f  Thf-rfore  zi 
when  D^uid  came  to  Otnan.Ornan  beheld  him, &  went  forth 
to  mete  iiau  oat  of  the  floore,  and  adored  him  flatte  on  the 


Dauid.  Paralipomenon.  8yy 

II  grounJ.  t  AiidD^uidfaydtohim  :Geueme.theplaceof  rhy 

fl...Ofe,  that  I  may  build  therein  an  alrar  to  our  Lord:  To  that 

thou  take  as  much  fiUicr  as  it  is>yorth,  and  the  plague  may 

23  ccafe  horn  the  people.  •]■  And  Oman  (ayd  to  Dauid  :  Take  it, 

and  let  my  lord  tiic  king  doe  wharlocuer  plcalcrh  hirn:  yea 

*liiile  the  oxen  alio  I  geue  for  ho'ocau!t,and  *  the  drcycs  ^or  wood, 

(mes.        24  and  wl^cat  for  iacrificc:  I  vril  glue  al  f  hinges  NPiUing'y.  f  And  . 

king  D^uid  (ayd  to  him  :  It  i"bal  not  be  (o,  but  I  wii  geue  thee 

fihur  as  much  as  it  IS  Nrorth  .-for  I  may  not  take  it  from  thee, 

2/  andf.otFr  to  our  Loid  I  olocauftes  gcuen  gratis,  f  Dauid 

th.rfore  gauc:  Oman  i'o>  the  place,  fix  hundred  liclcsof  gold 

z6  of  moft  iuft  vpeighc.  -f  And  he  built  thrrean  altsr  to  our  Lord: 

and  h"  offered  holocauftes,  and  pacifiques,  and  he  inuocared 

our  Locd,&  he  heard  him'-  in  fyre  from  heauen  vponrheajrar  :.-  Godflievfed 

27  of  holocauile.  f  And  our  Lord  commanded  the  Angel:  and  by  Ccnd'ngfirc 

28  he  turned  his  (>3rord  into  the  fcabbard.  fDauid  therfore  forth-  J^'bu^n^lf  ^ 
\rith,  feing  that  our  Lord  had  heard  him  in  the  floore  of  facufi^e  that 

29  Oman  the  lebufeite,  immolated  vidlimes  there,  f  But  the  heiraaiaeatd 
tabernacle  of  our  Lord,  which  Moyfes  made  inchcdefcrr,  Damdsprajer. 
and  the  altar  of  holocauftf  s,  was  at  that  time  in  the  excelfc  of 

lo  Gabaon,  t  And  Dauid  could  not  goe  to  the  altar  to  pray  God 
there:  for  he  had  bene  frighted  wich  exceding  fearc, Icing  the 
fwoi'd  of  the  Angel  of  our  Lord. 

Chap.     X  X  I  L 

Vyor\fmen  And  aI  necejftries  being  preD.tredyC.  DduiJ comm-tndetJj  Salo-' 

mon  to  httld  the  Temple ,  for  fo  God  JjAth  appoynted,  15.  exhortetb  him 

toferue  God  11.  and  othtrpnncipul  men  to  dj^ijl  him. 

I       \    N  D  Dauidfayd.Thisis  thohoufeofGod,and  thisisan 

i.Rff.?.      ■*     >^jL  liar  for  holocaufte  to  Ifiael-f  And  he  commanded  that 

l-Keg:s.  the  proftlytes  of  the  land  of  I'^^rael  fljDuld  be  gahcred  to 

gether,  and  he  appcynted  of  them  mafons  to  hcweftones- 

5  and  poliih  them,  that  the  houleof  God  might  be  built.  |  Da- 
uid prcpacec^alfo  vcrierauch  yron  for  the  nayles  of  the  gates, 
and  for  cheioyningesand  ioynctures:  and  otbraiFean  mmu- 

4  mcrable  weight.+  The  cedar  trees  a!fo  could  not  be  cftemcd, 
which  the  Sidonians,  and  Tyrians  brought  downc  to  Da- 

/  uid.  t  And  Diuidfayd  :Salomon  my  (onneis  yeralitlechjld 
anddelicate,andthehou(e  v^hich  I  would  hau-?  to  be  buildcd 
to  our  Lord,  mull  be  fuch  as  may  be  renowned  in  alcoun^ 
tries:  I  therfore  wil  prepare  him  nccelTarics  .  And  for  this 

6  caufe  before  his  death  he  prepared  al  the  Cipenfes.  |  And  he 


§5^  First    BooKE  OF  Dauid, 

called  Salomon  his  fonnc  :  and  commanded  him  that  he 
{hould  build  a  houfe  to  our  Lord  the  Godof  Ifrael.  f  And  7 
Dauid  fayd  to  Salomon  :  My  fonne,it  was  roy  wil  to  haue 
built  a  houfe  to  the  name  of  our  Lord  my  God.  f  But  the    $ 
vord  of  our  Lord  was  made  to  mcjfaying:  Thou  haft  flicd 
muchbloud,  and  fought  verie  manic  battels,  thou  canft  not 
build  a  houfe  to  my  name,  fo  much  bloud  being  (bed  before 
me  :  |  the  fonnc ,  which  fba)  be  borne  to  thee,  ftial  be  a  mod   5 
quiet  man:  for  I  wil  make  him  reft  from  al  his  enemies  round 
;:  Salomon  fig  about:  and  for  this  caufc,  he  (lial  be  called-  Peaceable:  and 
nificth  Peace-  I  wil  geue  peace  and  quietnefle  in  IlVael  al  his  dayes.  f  He  10 
able ,  and        fl^al  build  a  houfe  to  my  name,  8c  he  feal  be  to  roe  for  a  (onne, 

manie'otl"er    ^"^  ^  "^^^  ^^  ^°  ^'"^  ^^'^  ^  ^^^^^^ '  ^"^  ^  "^^^  tftabhh  the  throne 
ihincres.piefi-  of  his  kingdom  oucr  Hrael  foreuer.  f  Now  therfore  my  n 
gurcachrift     fonne.  Our  Lord  be  with  thee,  and  doe  thouprofper»  and 
who  smongft  build  the  houfe  to  our  Loid  thy  God,  ashcharhfpoken  of 
Ts  «UedX««  ^^^^'  t  ^^^  ^^^'^  ^^^°  S'"^'  ^^^^  wtfdome  and  vndcrrtanding,  iz 
of peaie.'ifai, :? .  ^^^^  ^^^^  mayft  be  ablctoruleirrael,andtokepethclawof' 

our  Lord  thy  God  f  For  then  thou  ihalt  be  able  to  profpetjif  15 
thou  (halt  keepc  the  com  nandcratnres,  and  iudgementes,  ••  ■ 
which  our  Lord  commanded  Moyles  to  teach  Kraehtakc 
courage  and  play  the  man,  feare  not,  neither  be  difmayde. 
f  Behold  linmy  pouertie  haue  prepared  the  charges  of  the  14 
houfe  of  our  Lord,  of  gold  an  hundred  thoufand  ralentes,  and 
of  filuer  a  thouUnd  thoufand  talentcs;  butof  br;ifle,andof 
yron  there  is  noe  weight,  for  the  number  is  furpalTcd  with 
the  grcatnelTe ;  timber  and  ftonrs  I  haue  prepared  toalthc 
-5  charges,  t  Thou  haft  alfo  veric  manic  attificers-,  hewers  of  ry 

ftones,  andmifons,  &  carpenters,  and  of  al  occapationsmoft 
skilful  to  make  worke,  f  in  gol  J  and  filuer  and  brafTe  and  16 
yron,  wherof  there  is  no  number.  Ryfc  therfore,  and  do  it, 
and  our  Lord  wil  be  with  tlce.  j*  Dauid  alfo  commanded  17 
al  the  princes  of  Ifra  I,  that  they  fhould  help  Salomon  his 
fonnc.  t  You  fee,  quoth  he,  that  our  Lord  your  God  is  with  i§ 
you,  and  hath  geuen  you  reft  round  about,and  hath  deliuered 
al  youc  enemies  into  your  handes,  and  the  land  is  fubdewed 
before  our  Lord,  and  before  his  people,  -f  Geue  therfore  your  19 
hart  and  your  foulcs  ,  to  fceke  our  Lord  your  God  ;  and 
arife,and  build  a  (andliurie  toour  Lord  ^od,  that  the  Arkc 
of  the  coucnanr  of  our  Lor  J,  and  the  v.lTcls  confecrated  to 
our  Loid,may  be  brought  mtothehoufe,\rhich is  builr  to  the 
name  of  our  Lord.  Cha#^ 

Dauidr  P  ARAL  IPO  M  EKON'.  8^7 

Cha>.     XXIII. 

King  Ddmelising  old  conjinuteth  SaIgwoii  k'»g-  5-  elif^ofeth  the  offices  of 
Unites.  7.  to  8?;«j  thefamilies  ofcerfotty  Ji.  ofCaathy  n.  and  0/  Merari: 
( i6.  ceafiirt^  to  carrie  the  t^bernAcie.  )z7>to  Jeruein  the  temple^ 

1  1^  Avid  therfore  being  old  &:fulofdaies,made  Salomon 

2  JLx  his  fonncking  ouer  Itrael.  f  And  he  gathered  althe     . 

3  princesof  Ifraeljand  thePncftesandLciiitcs  f  And  the  Le- 
uites  were  nurabrcd  from  thirtieycarcs,  &:  vpward:  and  there 

4  vcre  found  thirtie  eight  thoufand  men.  f  Of  theft  were 
choicn,  and  diftiibuted  into  the  rainiflerie  of  the  houfcof 
our  Lord  foure  and  twencie  thoufand:  and  of  theouerieers 

5  and  iudges,  fix  thoufand.  fMoreouer  fcuretiioufand  poiters; 
andasmanie  fingingtoour  Lord  oninftrumentes,  which  he 

6  had  made  to  fing  on  f  And  -  Dauid  uiftributed  them  by  the  ::  Aarons 
courfes  of  the  children  of  Leui,  to  witre ,  of  Gerfon,  and  fonncsbeing 

7  Caath,  and  Meraii.  f  The  fonnes  of  Gerfon  :  Lccdan,and  p°"j.^^^"jj^^j.Qj_ 
S    Scmci.  tTheionnesof  Leedan:  the  prince  lahiel,  &  Zethan,  aingtoGods 

9  andioeljChrect-Thefonnesof  Si:mci:Salomith,and  Holicl,  ordinance. l<- 
and  Aram,thrcc:tbef<=  be  the  princes  of  the  familesof  Letdan.  ""-^  &thcLc 

10  t  Moreoucr  the  fonnes  of  Semci;  Leheth  ,  and  Ziza,  and  J5,""oflic°s°a. 

11  laus,  and  Baria -.thefe  be  the  fonnes  of  Semci,foure.  -j*  And  bcatthetabcr 
Lehcrh  was  the  firll,  Ziza  the  fecond  :  moreoucr  laus  and  nacle.K»w>. }. 
Baria  had  not  manic  children,  and  tlerfore  they  were  coun-  0.4  ^'"S, 

li   ted  in  one  familie,a.nd  in  one  houfcf  The  children  of  Caath:  ^^"'    |(^^^ 

15  Amram,  and  Ifaar,  Hsrbron.  andOziel,  fouie.  f  The  fonnes  hio-hpricft, 
of  Amram,  Aaron,  and  Moyfes.  And  Aaron  was  fepcrarcd  an\J  other 

to  minirier  in  Sanclafandcrum  ,   he  and  his  founes   for  c^iicf  »"«"•  ^'^^ 
euer  ,  and  to  burnc  incenfe  to  our  Lord  according  to  his  ^'^'7'^     fi^' 

14  rite,and  to  bleife  his  name  for  euer.  f  The  fonnesof  Moy-  lottcswhich 
fes  alfo  the  man  of  God  were  numbred  in  the  tribe  of  Lcui.  (houM  fcruc 

I)    t  The  fonnes  of  Moy  fes ;  Gerfom  and  Eiiezari :  the  fonnes  by  courfes,  to 

16  of  Gerfon)  :  SubucI  the  firft.  f  And  the  fonnes  of  Eliczcr  ^'"g  ^^^  P'*/ 

17  were:  Rohobia  the  firft  :  andEleezcr  had  noe  moe  fonnes.  °c"*3s^"e^,^"" 
Moreouer  the  children  of  Rohobia  were  multipHed  exce-  the  tabernacle 

18  dingiy.  f  The  fonnes  of  Haar:  Salomith  the  firft.   f   The  no\»- rcfting 

19  fonnes  of  Hebron:   leriau   the  firft  ,    Amarias  the  fecond  ,  ^"  Icrufalem, 

20  lahaziel  the  third  ,  lecmaan  the  fourth,   t  The  fonnes  of  j^^^' " '^htn 

21  Oziel;  Micha  the  firft,  lefiathc  fecond.  f  Thcfonnes  of  itfl^uia'bc^'^ 
Merari:  Moholi,  <?cMafi.  The  fonnes  of  Mohoh:  Eleazarand  builr. 

f-i  Cis.  t  And  Elcazar  died,  and  had  no  fonnes  but  daughters. 
Mmmtnm  and  the 

8j8  First    BooKE  OF  Dauid. 

and  rhen^nnes  of  Cis  their  brethren  lOoke  them,   f    The  ij 
fonnes  of  Mull:  Moholi,  andEJer,  and  lerirooth,  three, 
f  Thefe  be  i he  children  of  Leui  in  t.hefr  kinredes  and.  families,  24 
princes  by  courtes,  and  number  ofeuerie  head,  that  did  the 
woikesof  minifterie  of  the  houfeof  our  Lord  from  twentie 
yeares^and  vpward.  f  For  Dauid  fayd  :  Our  Lord  the  God  of  2; 
Ifraelhath  geucn  red  ro  his  people,  and  the  habitation  of  le- 
rufalerh  for  cuer.  f  Neither  ilial  it  be  the  office  of  the  Leuites  16 
locarieany  more  the  tabernacle,  and  al  the  veilels  therofto 
minifter.  f  According  to  the  lad  preceptesalfo  of  Dauid  rhe  27 
number  of  the  children  of  Leui  ftialbe  numbrcdfrom  twentie 
ycaresand  vpward.  f  And  they  fliaLke  vnder  the  hand  of  the  2S 
fonnesof  Aaron  for  the  feruicc  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  in 
the  entrances,  and  in  the  chambers,  and  in  zhe  place  of  puri- 
fication, and  in  the  Sanduarie,  and  inal  the  workes  of  the 
rainifterieof  the  temple  of  our  Lord>  t  And  the  Prieftes,  ouer  29 
theloauesofproporition,and  forthefacrifice  of  floure,  and 
for  cakes  and  sziraes,  and  the  frying  panne,  arid  to  rofl:,  afid 
oucral  weight  and. meafure.  f  But  the  Lcuiresto  ftandin  the  5* 
morning  to  confcire,and  ling  to  our  Lord  .-and  in  likemaner 
at  euening,  -j-  as  wel  in  the  oblation  of  the  holocauftes  of  our  51 
Lord,  as  in  the  Sabbathes  and  Calendfs,  and  the  reft  of  the 
loleranuies,  according  to  the  number,  and  ceremonies  of 
euene  thing,  continually  before  our  Lord,  t  And  let  them   32, 
keepetJie  obferuations  of  the  tabernacle  of  couenant,  and 
theriteof.theSan6i;uarie,  and  the  obferuance  of  the  children 
of  Aaron  their  brethren,  that  they  minifter  inthehoufeof 
our  Lord. 

Chap.     XXII I  L 
icing  D mid  difoofcth  fixtene  familia  of  ElcAT^r^  And  eight  of  Ithamar, 

7.  bylotteSiic).  toferiM  in  the  Temple  j  dCcording  to  their  fneJlUe  function, 

20.  iikn^i/e  ^rificipJ  leiutes  in  their  offices. 

MOriovir  to  the  fonnes  of  Aaron  thefe  were  the  i 
partions;  The  fonnes  of  Aaron  :  Nadab,  and  Abiu, 
andElcazar,andItharaar.  t  But  Nadab  and  Abiu  died  before   2 
theirfather  without children-.andEleazar  and  Irhamar  did  the 
fundionof  priefthood.  f  And  Dauid  diuided  them,  that  is,    5 
Sadoc  of  the  fonnes  of  Eleazar,  and  Ahimclech  of  thefonncs 
of  Ithamar,  according  to  their  courfes  and  minifferie.  f  And  4 
there  were  found  manie  more  children  ot  Eleazar  among  the 


Paralipomenon.  ^;5> 

principal  men,  then  children  of  Ithamar.  And  he  diuidpdro  ••Theyvcre 
them  ,  that  is,  to  the  children  of  Eleazar  princes  by  their  *^^.^^f^^  V^"^^^ 
families  fixrene:  and  to  the  children  of  Ithamar  by  their  fami'  ^^^^  -^^  xdccO. 

5  lies  and  houfes  eight,  -f   Moreoucr  he  diuidcd  both  families  of  Sactifices, 
betwen  themfelucs  by  lottes;  for  there  were  ••  princes  of  ^othenacrcd 
the  Sant51:uarie,and  princes  ••  of  God,  as  wcl  of  the  children  |""    !°"*; 

6  of  Eleazar,  as  of  the  children  of  Ithamar.  t  -And  Semeias  ofGodm're" 
wrote  them,  the  fonnc  of  Nathanael  the  Scribe  a  Leuite,  aaardof  their 
before  the  king  and  princes,  and  Sadoc  the  Prieft,  and  Ahi-  ipiritual  iurif- 
mclech  thefonne  of  Abiathar,the  princes  alfo  of  the  Prieftlic  <ii^<^io"inti*e 
and  Leuitical families.-  one  houfe,  >jrhichwas  oner  the  reft,  h"""  fG^  d 

7  Eleazars  ••  and  an  other  houfe,  Nrhich  had  the  reft  vnder  it, 

8  Ithamars.  f  And  the  firft  lor  came  forth  to  Ioiarib,rhe  fecond 

9  to  ledei ,  f  the  third  to  Harim,  the  fourth  to  Seorim  ,  t  the 

10  fifth  to  Melchia,  the  fixt  to  Malman,  f  the  feucnth  to 

11  Accos,  the  eight  to  Abia,  f  the  ninth  to  lefua^  the  tenth  to 
u  Sechenia,  f    the  eleucnth  to  Eliafib,  the  twdfth  tolaeim, 

13  t  the  thirtcnth  toHoppha,  the  fourtenth  to  Ifbaab,  f  the 

14  fiftenth  to  Belga,the  lixtcnth  to  Eranier,  f  the  feuentcnth  to 

15  Hezir,theeightenthto  Aphfes,  f  f^^ninetenth  to  Pheteia, 

16  the  txrenteth  ro  Hezechicl,  t  the  one  and  txrenteth  to  lachin, 

17  the  twoandtwentcthto  Gamul,  f  the  three  and  twcnteth 

18  to  Dalaiau,the  foureand  twentcth  to  Maaziau.   f  Thefc  be 
13?  their  courfcs  according  to  their  miniftcries,  to  enter  into 

the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  andaccording  to  their  rite  vnder  the 

handof  Aaron  their  father;  as  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael  had 
io  commanded,  f  Moreouer  of  the  children  of  Lcui,  which 

^ere  remayning, there  \r  as  Subacl  of  the  children  of  Amram: 

zi  and  of  rhe  children  of  Subael,  lehedcia.   f  Alfoof  the  chil- 

11  dvenof  Rohobia  the  prince  of  lefias.  f   And  rhe  Tonne  of 

i3  IfaariSalemoth,and  the  fonneof  Salenioth  lahath  :   f  and 

his  fonncleriau  the  firft,  Araarias  the  fecond,  lahaziel  the 
i4  third,  lecmaan  the  fourth,  f  Thcfonneof  Oziel,  Micha: 
2j  the  fonne  of  Micha,  Samir.  f  The  brother  of  Micha,  lefia  : 
i6  and  the  f>nnc of  lefia, Zacharias.  f  Thefonnes  of  Merari: 
ij  Moholi  and  Mufi.  The  fonne  of  Oziau:  Benno.  f  The  fonne 

alfoof  Merari :  Oziau, and  Soam, and  Zacchur,  and  Hebri. 

iS  t  Moreouer  the  fonne  of  Moholi :  Eleazar,  ^3P'ho  had  no  chil- 

29  dren  .  t  And  rhe  fonne  of  Cis,  leramael.  f  The  fonnes  of 

.30  Mufi:  Moholi,  Edcr,  and  lerimoth.  Thefebe  the  fonnes  of 

31  of  Leui  according  to  the  houfes  of  their  families.  +  And  they 

Mrammm  2.  alfo 


B6o  First  booki  of  Dauid. 

alfo  did  caft  lottes  ag^ynft  their  brcrhren  the  (onnes  of  Aaroa 
before  Dauid  the  king  andSadoc,and  Ahimelech,  and  the 
princes  of  the  Piieftlie  and  Leuicicai  familics,as  vrcl  the  elder 
as  the  yonger.  Lotte  diuided  al  equally. 

Chap.     XXV. 
Foure  fonnes  cf^ftphy  fix  ofldithun^  and  fourtens  ofUfrnxn,  chiefe  muji^ 
cianiy  7.  IP  tb  their  brethren  m  al  /  «?o  hundred  and  fcurfcore,  S.  aredi- 
firihuted  hj  Lottos,  in  foure  and  twentie  compames.toferue  tntht  tm^le, 

THerfore  Dauid,and  the  officers  of  the  hoftefepcra-  i 
red  for  the  minifterie  the  Tonnes  of  Afaph,  and  Heman, 
called  Ethan,    and  "  Idithun:  which  (hould  -  prophecie  on  harpes,  &:  pfalte- 
ch.6.y  44.C.  15.  j-jgj^  ^  cymbals  according  to  their  number  feruing  the  office 
-^Thcyplaycd '^^^^^*^^'^^°^^^'^*  t  ^^ '^'^^  bonnes  of  Afaph :  Zacchur,  and  i 
01  inftrumen-  Iofeph,and  Nathania,  &  Afarela,  the  ronne<;of  Afaph  :  vnder 
tcs,  P£alm«s     the  hand  of  Afaphprophecyingneere  the  king   f  Morcouer  5 
'^"d^J^""^^"  Idithun  :  the.  fonnes  of  Idithun,  Godolias,  Sori,  lefcias,  and 
"k  t^  ^   ^^    Hafabias,  and  Mathathias,  fix,  vnder  the  hand  of  their  father 
Idithun,  who  prophecicd  on  harpeouer  them  that  confefled 
and  prayfcd  our  Lord.f  Of  Heman  aKo;  the  fonnes  of  Hcman  4 . 
Bocciau,  MatlianiaUjOziel,  Subuel,  and  lerimoth,  Hananias, 
Hanani,Eliatha,Geddelchi,and  Romemthiezer,  and  lefba- 
Cafli,  MeUorhi,  Othir,  Mahazioth:  -f  althefethe  fonnes  of  | 
Hemau  the  Seer  of  the  king  in  the  wordes  of  God,  that  he 
migh  t  exalt  the  horne:<S>:  God  gaue  to  Heman  fourtene  fonnes 
and  three  daughters,  t  Al  vnder  their  fathers  were  diftributed  <i 
to  fing  in  the  temple  of  our  Lord,  on  cyaibals,  and  pfalteries 
and  harpes,  for  the  minifteries  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  ncerc 
the  king:  to  witte,  Alaph,  and  Idithun,and  Heman. f  And  the  7 
number  of  them  with  their  brethren,  that  taught  the  fonguc 
of  our  Lord,  al  the  teachers  two  hundred  cightie  eight,  f  And  S 
they  did  caft  lotres  by  their courfes, equally  as  wet  the  elder 
astheyongerj  the Icaraed  and  the  vnlcarned  together,  f  And  9 
the  firft  lotte  came  forth  to  lofeph,  which  was  of  Afaph.  The 
fecond  to  Godolias,  to  him  and  his  fonnes,  and  his  brethren 
twclucfThethird  to  Zachur,  to  his  fonnes  and  his  brethren  1© 
tweluc.  t  The  fourth  to  Ifari,  to  his  fonnes  and  his  brethren  11 
rwelue. I  The  fifth  to  Nathanias,ro  his  (onnes  Sz  his  brethren   it 
twelue.fThciixthto  Bocciauyto  his  fonnes  and  his  brethren  15 
twelue.f  The  feueth  to  Ifreela,  to  his  fonnes  and  his  brethren  14 
Jwelue.  t  Tbecighttolefaia,  to  his  fonnes  and  his  brethren  15 


|5auid'  P  R  AA  L  I  P  O  M  E  N  O  N.  8^1 

i6  twclue.  t  The  ninth  to  Mathanias,  to  his  fonncs  and  his  bre- 

17  thren  tvclue.  f  The  tenth  to  Semeias,  to  his  fonnes  and  his 

18  brethren  twelue.  f  The  eleuenth  to  Azareel,  to  his  fonnes 

19  and  his  brethren  twtrlue.  f  The  twelfth  to  Hafabia,  to  his 

20  tonnes  and  his  brethren  twelue.  f  The  thirtenth  to  SiibacI,  to 

21  his  (onnes  and  his  brethren  twelue.  I  Thefourtenth  to  Ma- 

22  thatniaSi  to  his  fonnes  and  his  brethren  twelue.f  The  fi^'tenrh 

23  to  his  fonnes  and  his  btcthren  twclue.  f  The 
fixtenth  to  HananiaS;  to  his  (onncs  and  his  brethren  t\f  elue. 

24  7  The  feuententh  to  lesbacalfa,  to  his  fonncs  and  his  brethren 
2^  C"<jrelue.  -f  The  eightenth  to  Hanani,  to  his  fonnes  and  his 

26  brethren  twelue.  f  Theninetenrh  to  Mellothijtohis  fonncs 

27  and  his  brethren  tvrelue.  f  Thet\renteth  to  Eliatha,  to  his 

28  fonnes  and  his  brethren  t>yelue.  -j-  Theoneandrwenterh  to 
25)  Othir,  to  his  fonnes  and  his  brethren  twelue.  f  The  two  and 

t  wenteth  to  Geddclthi,to  his  Tonnes  and  his  brethren  twelue. 
50   t  The  three  and  twentcch  to  Mahazioth,  to  his  fonnes  and 
jt  hisbrerhren  twelue.  f  The  fourcand  rwenteth  to  Romcma 
thiezer,  to  his  fonnes  and  his  brethren  twclue. 
Chap.     XXVI 
Porters  Are  de finned  hy  lottes  to  watch  at  foure  rates  of  the  temple,  20.  otben 
mxde  ktpen  of  the  holie  treafure,  andvejfd,  50.  officers  alfo  appointed m 
the  tfvo  tribes  and  half  eittr  Jordan,  for  Gods  fermce^  and  the  kinges, 

X     A    N  D  the  diuifions  of  the  porters;  of  the  Corites  Mefc- 

2  jr\  lemia,thefonnesofCore,Gf  the  fonnes  of  Afaph.f  The 

fonnes  of  Mefclcmia:  Zacharias  the  firft  begotten,  ladihel 

3  thefecond,  Zabadias  the  third,  lathanael  the  fourth,  f  Aelam 

4  the  fifth,  lohanan  the  fixth  ,  Elioenai  the  {euenth .  f  And 
the  fonnesoF  Obededom  SemHas  the  firftbcgotten,Iozabad 
the  fecond,  loaha  the  third,  Sachar  the  fourth,  Nathanael 

5  the  fiifth,  t  Ammiel  the  fixth,  IfTachar  the  feuenth,  Phol- 

6  lathi  the  eight:  becaufe  our  Lord  bleffed  him  .  f  And  to 
Semias  his  fonne  were  borne  fonnes  ,  the  chiefc  of  their 

7  families :  for  they  were  moft  valiant  men.  f  fhc  fonnes  then 
of  Semeias:Ofhni,  and  Raphael,  and  Obed,  Elizabad,  and 

8  his  brethren  moft  valiant  men:  EliuaUo,  and  Samachias.  f  Al 

thefe  of  the  fonnes  of  Obedcdom.-  they,  and  their  fonnes, 

and  their  brethren  moft  able  to  minifter,  fixtie  two  of  Obed- 

9  cdom.  f  Moreouer  the  fonnes  of  Mefcleraia,  and  their  brc- 

lo^thren  raoftftrong,  eightene.  f  Andof  Hofa,  thatis,  of  the 

M  ram  ram  5  fonncj 

^6i  First  b,o.oke  of  Dauid. 

::  Either  his     fonnes  of  Merari ;  Seiiri  ihe  prince  ( ^  for  he  hadnot  a  firft- 
dead°o"r'Jir  begocten,  and  therfore  his  father  made  him  chief)  f  Helcias    ii 
not  fitte  to  be  ^^^  Second,  Tabehas  the  third  Zachafias,  the  fourth  :  al  thefe 
chief  ouct  the  the  fonnes,  and  brethren  ro  Hofa,  thirtene.  f  Thefe  were  ii 
refl,  diuided  into  portersjthat  the  princes  alfo  of  the  watches,euen 

as  their  brethren,  might  minifter  in  the  houfe  of  our  Lord, 
t  Lottes  therfore  were  caft  equally, both  to  htle, and  great,  by  rj 
their  famihes  for  euerie  one  of  the  gates,  f  The  lottc  then  of  14 
theEaftfeltoSelcmia,  Moreouer  to  Zacharias  his  Ton  ne,  a 
mod  wife  man,  and  skilful,  the  North  quartet  chanced  by  lot 
t  But  to  Obededomand  his  fonnes,  toward  the  South:  in  ij 
which  part  of  the  houfe  was  the  councel  of  the  ancicntes. 
t  Scphim,  and  Hofa  toward  the  Weft,  by  the  gate,  which   16 
leadeth  to  the  way  of  afccntl*  watch  againft  watch,  f  And  to-  17 
ward  the  Eaft  fix  Leuites:  and  toward  the  North  foure  a  day  : 
and  toward  the  South  likewise  in  a  day  foure :  and  where  the 
councel  was  two  and  two.  f  In  the  ceilesalfo  of  the  porters  iS 
toward  the  Weft  foure  in  the  way  :  and  two  at  euerie  celie.  19 
t  Thefebe  the  diuifions  of  the  porters  of  the  fonnes  of  Core, 
and  of  Merari.  f  Moreouer  Achias  was  ouer  the  treafures  of  2® 
the  houfe  of  God,  and  the  veftels  of  the  hoJic  places,  f  The  11 
fonnes  alfo  of  Ledan ,  the  fonnes  of  Gerfonni :  fof  Ledan 
princes  of  the  families,  Ledaia,  and  Gerfonni,  lehieli.  t  The  zi 
fonnes  of  Iehieli:Z3thanj  and  loel  his  brethren  ouer  the  trea- 
fures ofthe  houfe  of  our  Lord,  f  to  the  Amramites,  andlfaa-  zj 
rites, and  Hebronites,  and  OzieKtes.  f  And  Subael  the  fonne  14. 
of  Gerfom,  the  fonne  of  Moyfes,  chiefe  ouer  the  treafures. 
+  His  brerhrenalfo  Eliezer,  whofe  fonne  Rahabia,  and  his  if 
fonneIfaias,and  his  fonne  lorara,  his  fonne  alfo  Zechri,  and 
his  fonne  Selemith.f  Selemichhimfelf,and  his  brethren  ouer  16 
the  treafures  of  the  (an6tified  holie  thinges,  which  Dauid 

^, ,  the  king- fandified, and  the  princes  of  families, and  the  cen- 

t-'Thmaes  ate        .        -^      .    ,  r    t      i     n.   ,      r  i  . 

fanaificdby     turions,and  the  captaynes  of  the  hoft  f  of  the  warres,  and  17 

deficrnationto  of  the  fpoyles  of  the  battels,  which  they  had  confecrated  to 

holiavfe.  the  maynteynance  and  furniture  of  the  temple  ofour  Lord. 

•j-  And  al  the(e  thinges  did  Samuel  the  Seer  fandifie,  and  Saul  i§ 

the  fonne  of  Cis,  and  Abnerthe  fonne  of  Ner,  andloabrhe 

fonne  of  Saruia :  and  al  that  had  fandified  them  by  the  hdnd 

of  Sel'irmith,andof  his  brsthren.  f  But  the  chiefe  ouer  the  2.5? 

Ifaarites  was  Chonenias,and  his  fonnes  to  the  workes  abrode 

ouer  IfracI  to  teach  and  iudge  them,  f  Moreouer  the  Hebro-  3* 


Dauid.  P  ARAL  IPO  M  FNON.  8<?| 

niresHafabias,  and  his  brethren  mod  able  men,  a  thoufand 
feuen  hundred  wcrechiefeouer  iTrael  beyond  lordanagaynft 
the  "WSftj  in  al  the  woikes  our  Lord,  and  foe  the  miniderie  of 
31    thcking.-f  And  th^  prince  of  the  Htbroaitcs  was  Icria  accor- 
ding to  their  famihes  and  kinredes.  In  the  fourteth  yeare  of 
'  king  Dauid  they  were  nunibred,  and  there  were  found  rnoft 
31    valiant  men  in  lazerGalaad,  f  and  his  brethren  offtronger 
age,  two  thoufand  feucn  hundred  princes  of  families.  And 
Diuid  the  king  made  them  ouerfeers  ouer  the  Rubenitcs  and 
the  Gaddites,  and  the  halfc  tribe  of  Manafles,  for  al  the  mini- 
fterie  of  God,  and  the  king. 

Chap,     XXVII. 

TWeltte  militarie  tribunes,  ^vithfonre  andtrventie  thoufand  "^ndef  euene  onCy 

by  courfe  of  rmmthti  feme  about  the  km^-  16.  Other  twelue  tribunes  of  the 

feopie^outrne  tn  [eueral  tribes,  2j.  PrejfeSles  aljo  are  made  ouer  the  k.tnges 

treafures,  catties,  and  other  commodities  m  the  court,  campe,  and  countrie. 

1  A  N  D  the  children  of  Ifrael  according  to  their  number, 
jLjL  the  princes  of  families,  tribune,  and  centurions,  and 
ouerfeers,  that  minifired  to  the  king  according  to  their  com- 
panies, coming  in  and  going  out  euericmoneth  in  the  yeare, 
eueric  one  was  chiefcouer  foure  and  twentie-'  thoufand. 

2  t  Oucr  the  firft  companie  the  firlt  moneth  lefboanu  was 
chicfe  the  fonne  of  Zabdiel,  and  vnder  him  foure  and  twentie 

5  thoufand.  f  Of  the  fonncs  of  Phares,  the  prince  of  al  the 

4  princes  in  the  hoftc  the  iirit  moneth.   f  The  companie  of 

the  fecond  moneth  had  Dudia  an  Ahohire,  and  after  him  an 

other  named  Ivlacelloth,  which  gouerned  part  of  foure  and 

J  twentie  thoufand.  f  Captayne  alfo  of  the  third  companie  in 

the  third  moneth,  was  Banaias  thefonne  of  loiadarhe  Prieft: 

6  andiiihis  diaifion  foure  and  twentie  thoufand.  -f  The  fame 
is  Banaias  the  mod-  valiant  among  thirtie,  and  aboue  the 
thirtic.  Sifouerhis  companie  Amizabad  his  fonne  was  chiefe. 

7  t  The  fourth,  in  the  fourth  moneth,  Afahel  the  brother  of 
loab,  and  Zabadias  his  fonne  after  him  :  and  in  his  companie 

8  foure  and  twentie  thoufand.  f  The  fifth,  in  the  fifth  moneth, 
prince  Samioth  a  lezcriterand  his  companie  foure  and  rwcn- 

5>  tie  thoufand. t  The  fixth,in  the  (Ixth  moneth,  Hira  thefonne 

ofAcces  a  Thecuite  :and  in  his  companie  foure  and  twentie 

10  thoufind.  t  Thefeucnth,  in  the  feucnth  moneth,  Hellesa 

Phallonire  of  the  children  of  Ephraim  :  and  in  his  companie 


S^4  First  bookE  of  Dauid, 

fourc  and  tvcnde  choufand.fThe  eight,in  the  eight  moncth,  n 
Sobochai  an  Hufathite  of  the  ftocke  of  Sarahi;  and  in  his 
companicfoure  and  t>»'cntie  thoufand.  "f  The  ninth,  in  the  12 
ninth  moneth,  Abiezer  an  Anathothite  of  the  children  of 
lemini :  and  in  his  companie  foure  and  twentie  thoufand. 
•f  The  tenth, inthetcnth  moneth, Marai, and  heaNetopha-   15 
thiteofthc  ftockeof  Zarahi:  and  in  his  companie  foarc  and 
twcniie  thoufand.  t  The  eleuenth,  in  the  eleuenth  moneth,  14. 
Banaias,  a  Pharathonite  of  the  children  of  Ephraim  :  and  in 
his  companie  foure  and  tNx^entie  thoufand.    t   The  twelfth,    if 
in  the  twelfth  moncth,  Holdai  a  Nctophathite,  of  the  ftocke 
of  Gothoniel:  and  in  his  companie  fourc  and  twentic  thou- 
fand. f  Furthermore  there  were  chiefe  oucr  the  tribes  of  id 
Ifrael,  ouer  the  Rubenites,Duke  Eliezer  the  fonne  of  Zcchri: 
oucr  the  Simeonites,  Duke  Saphatias  the  fonne  of  Maacha: 
7  ouer  the  Leuites,  Halabias  the  fonne  of  Camuel :  ouer  the  17 
Aaronites,  Sadoc:    f  ouer  Iuda,Eliu  the  brother  of  Dauid  :   iS 
©uerlfTachar,  Amri  the  fonne  of  Michael:  f  ouer  the  Zabu-  19 
lonites,  lefmaias  the  fonne  of  Abdias :  ouer  the  Ncpthalites, 
lerimoth  thefonne  of  Ozriel-.f  ouer  the  children  of  Ephraim,  20 
Ofee  the  fonne  of  Ozaziu  :  ouer  the  halfe  tribe  of  manailes, 
loel  the  fonne  of  Phadaia:  f  and  ouer  the  haife  tribe  of  Ma-   21 
naiTes  in  GaIaad,Iaddo  the  fonne  of  Zacharias :  and  our  Be- 
niamin,  lafiekhe  fonne  of  Abner.   f   But  ouer  Dan,  Ezrihel   12 
.  the  fonne  of  leroham:   thefe  be  the  princes  of  the  children 

..    mg     ^*     of  Ifrael. t  And  Dauid-vrould  not  numbcrthem  from  twcntie  2; 
fore-offenacd  ycarcs  downeward:  becaufcour  Lord  had  fayd  that  he  would 
jncomman-     multiplie  Ifrael  "as  the  flarresof  heauen.  f  loab  the  fonne  of  ^4 
dingtoraim-  ■  Saruia begaune to  number,  and  finilhed  not  :  bccaufe  vpon 
the  \rnolc  ^.j^j^  t'^ere  fel  wrath  vpon  Ifrael  :  and  therfore  rhe  number  of 
people,  z. J? fjr.    ,  .,  f         ,  '  «      1  •       1        1 

14.  vp-ouH  northern  thar '^^ere  numbered,  was  not  regeftrcd  in  the  chro- 

now  attempt    niclcs  of  king  Dauid.  f  And  ouer  the  kinges  treafures  was  ij 
to  number  al.  Azmoth  thefonne  of  Adiel,  and  ouer  thofe  treafurcs,  which 
f^r/hifhwere    ^55r£^re  jj^  ^ ^e  cities.andin  the  townes,and  in  the  towers, lona- 
merable)but    than  the  fonne  of  Ozias  was  prchdent.  f  And  ouerhulban-  16 
cnly  thofe       drie, and  the  hiifbandmen,  which  rilled  chc  ground,  Ezrithe 
thatwereto     fonne  of  Chelub  was  ouerfeer :   -j-   and  ouer  the  drcfTcrs  of  17 
r^^     ^?''.^^^.vineyardes,  Semeiasa  Romarhite:  and  oucr  the  wine  cel- 
iliccj.'^'* '^'^'   iarSjZibdiasan  Aphonitc.  f  For  ouer  the  Oliuetes  and  the  28 
figgegroues,  which  were  in  the  champayne,  was  Balanama 
Gedefice:  and  ouer  the  oile  cellars,  loas.t  Furthermore  ouer  29 


DauiJ.  P  A  p>.A  Liro  M  ENON.  86y 

^  theheardes  tharfedin  Saron,  theouerfeer  \ras  Setraia  S.iio- 

^  nice:  and ouer  rhc  oxen  in  the  valleis  Saphat  rhe  fonne  of 

30   Adli:^t  bur  ouer  the  camels,  Vbil  an  Umaelite:  and  oucr  the 

51  aiFes,  ladiasaMcronathire:  t   ouer  the  fbeepe  alfo  lazizan  thefe,  princes  of  the  fubftance  of  king  Dauid. 

51  t  And  {onathan  Dauids  vncle,  acoiinfcler,aman -wife  and 

learned;  He  and  lahiel  the  fonnc  of  Hachamoni  vere  ^3fith 

55   the  kinges  fonnes.  f  Achirophel  alfo  rhe  kingescounfcler, 

54  and  Chufai  an  Arachite  rhe  kinges  freinde.  f  AfrerAchito- 

phel  vas  loiadathefonneof  Banaias,and  Abiathar.  And  the 

prince  of  the  kinges  armie  wasloib. 

Chap.     XXVIII. 

\ytgiyne  kjngD^uUcalltnfalhklltttes  together,  ypith  ccimmemoration  of 

GodsJinguUrfauour in  eltSlmg hinty drul Sa[omGn,%. exhorteih thtm /i, 

4ndnAmclybiifonneteferue  Codfmcerly:  10.  and  to  l^uiU  the  temple, 

defcribing  in  ffi  hat  forme  to  make  it' 

3'.R.«f.i".  I  TTV  A  V I »  therfore  called  together  al  the  princes  of  Ifrael, 
X--/  the  dukes  of  the  tribes,  and  the  heades  of  the  compay- 
nies,  vhichminiftred  to  the  king:  rhc  tribunes  alio  and  rhc 
centurions,  and  them  that  \rere  chiefe  ouer  rhe  fubftance 
andpoflcffionsof  the  king,  and  his  fonnes  Tjrith  the  eunu- 
ches,andthemighrie,  andal  the  moft  viHanrin  the  hoftof 
2  lerufalem.  t  And  when  the  king  had  rifenvp,  and  ftoode,  he 
fayd:  Heare  me  my  brethren, and  my  people:  I  meant  to  haue 
built  a  houfe,  wherein  the  Arke  of  our  Lord  might  reft,  and 
the  foote  ftoole  of  the  fecte  of  our  God:  and  rebuild  it  I 
5    prepared  al  rhingcs.  f  But  God  fayd  ro  me  :  Thou  fbalr  not 

t**.'^'?'  build  a  houfe  ro  my  name  :  becaufe  rhouartamanof  \rarrc, 

4  and  haft  (bed  bloud.  f  HowbeitourLordthe  God  oflfracl 
chofe  me  ofai  the  houfe  of  ray  father,  to  be  king  ouerlfrael  ..^   ^ 

for  euer  .-  for ''-  of  luda  he  chofe  the  princesr  moreoucr  of  rhc  propliecied 
houfeofluda,  my  fathers  houfe:  and  of  the  fonnes  of  my  fa-  that  the  royal 

5  ther,  ic  pleafcd  him  to  choofc  me  king  ouer  al  Ifracl.   |  Yea  ^^eptcr  fliould 
andof  my  {onnes(for our  Lord  harh  geuen  me  manic  fonnes  )  '^^^^  ^°  '^'^ 
he  hj.rhchofen  Salomon  my  fonnc,  rofirrcin  the  rhrone  of  "^ddier 

C   the  kingdomeofour  Lord  ouerlfrael,  f  and  he  fayd  to  me:  remaineui 
Salomon  rhyfonne  flbal  build  my  houfe, and  my  courtes  :  for  Chr1a.Gew.4-,. 
him  haue  I  chofen  to  me  for  a  fonne,and  I  \ril  be  ro  him  for  a 

7   farher.  f  And  I  wilconfirrae  his  kingdome  for  euer,  if  he 
shal  perfeucre  to  doemyprecepres  ,  and  my  iudgemenres, 

N  n  n  n  n  as  at 

%66  First  booke  of  Dauid. 

:;Itishere       as-"at  this  day.  f  Now  rhcn  before al  the  allemblie  of  IfracI  m   8 
cuuicnt,  chat    the  hearing  of  our  God.  kcepe  ye,  Sc  fcarch  al  the  command- 
Salomon   was  C  r         %  /^     ]     I  rt"  (T     1  J  1         J 

fom-tim-  the  "^^'^-^^  ^^  our  Lord  God:that  you  may  pollcile  the  good  land, 
traoVeruatu  "^  andmiykaae  it  to  your  chil.iien  after  you  for  euer  .  f  And   ^ 
and  cnildc  of  thou  Salomon  my  fonnCj  kno-^y  the  God  of  rhy  father,  and 
God ,  keeping  fpj-as  him  with  a  peifeifl  hart,'ind  a  volanrarie  minde:  for  cur 
MS  picceptes    j^qj.^  fearchech  alhartes,  and  vndcrftanderh  ?.l  cogitations  of 
taine  that  he  niindes.  If  thou  feeke  him,  thou  ilsak  finde  :  but  if  thcu  for- 
tel  into  great    fake  him  he  wil  reiefb  thee  for  eucr.  -f  No-op'  ;  hei  fore  bec.nife  lo 
ii^nacs.andloft  our  Lord  hath  chofen  thce  CO  p;;' .i  ('ue  houlc  of  iheSandiia* 
Cicdsgrace,     rie,  rake  couragc,  and  pcrfitce  ir.  f  And  Dauid  jiaae  to  Salo-  ii 
is  doubtful  in  nion  his  (onne  a  deicnption  or  roe  porch,  and  ot-the  temple, 
wh^tliatehe    and  of  the  Cellars,  and  of  the  vpper  loft>  and  of  the  chambers 
died.?.iiej.ii.  in  the  inner  roomes,  and  of  the  houfc  of  the  propitfation, 
whcrbyiscon  ^  moreouer  alio  of  a.l  the  courrcs,  which  he  had  thought  la 
vainc  phan'cie  vpon, and  of  the  chambers  round  about ,  for  the  treafurcset 
that  chiack,      the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  and  for  the  tre.ifures  of  the  hclie 
he  v/ho  is         thinges,  f  and  of  the  diuifions  of  ihf  Pi  icftesand  the  Lcuifes,  13 
cncetho  child  for  ai  the  workes  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  and  for  nl  the 
uer^iSl  "nor"*^    veflelsof  the  minifteric  of  the  temple  of  our  Lord,  f  Gold'in  14 
bccjmcawic-  Weight  for cuerievelfel of che  minifteric.  A  ^^eight  of  filuer 
kcdxnan.         alfo  according  to  the  diuerfitie  of  the  vefTcls  and  workes. 

-|-  And  for  golden  candicftickes  alfo,  and  their  larr  pes,  gold  ij 
according  to  themcafure  of  enerie  candlcflicke,and  ef-  the 
lampes.  In  like  mancr  alfo  for  the  fijuer  candlefiickts.and  for 
their  lampes,  according  to  the  diuerfirie  of  the  meafure,  he 
deliueredaweightofiiluer.  |  He  giuenlfogold  for  tables  of  i^ 
propofirion,  according  tothediuer(iif!e;cfrhe  tables;  in  like 
mancralfo  fliuer  for  orhcrfiiuer  tables,  f   FcrfJeOi  hookes  17 
alfo,  and  pliials,  and  of  mofl  pare  gold,  and  for  little     . 
lions  of  cold,  according  to  the  qualitie  of  the  meafurcjhedi- 
ftributed  a  weight,  for  lyon  and  lyon.  In  like  maner  alfo  for 
lyonsof  hluer  hefepcratcd  adiuerfe  weight  of  lilujr.  f  And  iS 
for  the  Altar  whfrcuponinccnfe  is  burnt,  hcgtuc  moil:  pure 
^old:  that  of  it  might  be  made  a  flmilitude  of  the  chariote  of 
tiic  Chembs  fpredding  their  wingcs,  and  couering  the  Arkc 
ofthecouenantofour  Lord.  +  Althinges,  quoth  he,  came  i^ 
wriren  vx^v.h  thehrmd  of  our  Lord  vnto  me:  that  I  might 
vnderfUnd  althewcrktsof ihe  paterne.   f  Dauid  alfo  fayd  20 
to  Salomon  his  fonnc:  Dcalc  manrullyjandtakc  courage, snd 
doeir:fearenot,andbenocdifmayed:forour  LordmyGod 

Paralipomenon.  iGy 

Vilbc  with  thee,  and  wil  not  leauc  thee,  nor  forfakcthcc, 
til  chcuperfice  al  the  vrorke  of  the  rniniliciie  of  the  hou'.c 
zi  ofoufLord.  t  Behold  the  diuifions  of  the  Priefics  and  the 
LeuifCF,  for  eueric  minifterie  of  the  houfe  of  cur  Lord,  allif^ 
thee,  and  are  rcadie,  and  as  wel  the  princes  knov ,  as  the 
people,  to  doc  al  thy  preceptes. 

Chap.  XXIX. 
King  DauiJ  once  more  ly  lnord.  And  txAm^U  of  \m  oivne  hcunttfulne^ y 
tmiiteih  oth:ri  to  ^pfi  m  hmldwr  tke  t(n>fle,  6.  ynherto  tbeprincesand 
fcoplecotitrihtimuch.  lo.So  after pratfeSy  iZ.'^rajerei,!!.  dndfacnj;as 
offered  to  God,  ii.  Salomon  is  annomted  king.  i6,^n^  k^rg  DauU  dietb 
bhffdlj,  humng  rei^md  fotirlie  jeares. 

1  A  N  D  Diuidrhckingfpaketoal  the  alTcmblicrSalonioti 
JL~!^  my  fonne  alone  hach  God  chofen  ,  as  ycta  child  and 
8  litle  tender  one  :  for  the  xrorke  is  great,  neither  is  the  habi- 

2  ration  prepared  for  man,  but  for  God.  f  And  I  ^3iLhal  my 
abilitic  hnu?  pr  p:\rcd  the  expcnfes  of  the  houfe  of  my  God. 
Gold  forvcirclsofgcldjand  filuer  for  thcmof  (iluer,  brafTe 
for  thcmofbraffe,  yronfor  themofyron,  wood  for  them  of 
'wood:  and  onyx  ftones,and  as  it  were  *  ftibians,  6<rof  diuerfe 
colours, and  eueric  precious  ftone,  and  marble  of  Paros  m.oft 

5  abund.intly  :  f  and  aboue  thefc  ihinges,\rhich  I  haue  oflefed 

into  the  houlc  of  my  God,  I  gtue"  of  myne  osrnc  peculiar  r.-Tka:  which 
goods,  gold  and  fiJuer  vnto  the  temple  of  my  God,  befide  hcludalieady 
thofe  thinges,  vrbichl  haue  prepared  for  the  holie  houfe.  ^owcd  and 

4  t  Three  thoufandralenresofgoldoftheqold of Ophir;  and  ?'^?''^^-^<^ 
feuen  thoufand  takntes  of  molt  apprcued  lilucr,  ro  guiirc  hiso\fc'ne 

y  the  walks  of  the  temple,  t  And,  ^crhcrcfoeuer  there  needeth  ncvgeuctK 
golijofgol.l  :  and 'crherfocuer  there  needcthfiluer, of  fikur:  more  to  the 
ler  rhe^orkes  be  maJr  by  the  handes  of  the  artificers:  and  if  ^"'''-inga'^d 
any  man  otter  volunranly,  let  him  hi  his  hand  to  cay,  ?nd  th'-TcanpTc. 

6  offer  whathe  "wil  to  our  Lord,  f  The  princes  thcrfcre  of  the 
fi^imilies  promifcd,  and  the  nobles  of  the  tribes  or  Ifratl,  the 
tribunes  alfo  and  the  centurions,  2i\id  the  princes  of  the 

7  kingcs  ponellions.  ^  hnd  they  gaue  vnto  the  vorkes 
of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  of  gold,  fiue  thoufand  takntcs, 
and  ren  thrmfanvi  folidos :  of  iiiuer  ten  thoufand  ralenrcs, 
andof  brafk  tightrne  r'^i'-u^and  talentes:   ofyron  alfo  an 

8  hundred  thou{:«r.d  ralcnrcs.  f  Aiid  vf'i^h^ThonJfocucr  vrcre 
found  ftoncs,  they  gmc  them  ir^ro  the  trf afurcs  of  ihc  houfo 

Nnnnn  *  of  our 


8*^8  First    BOO  KE  of  Dauid. 

ofour  Lordjby  rhehandoflahiel  theGerfonite.  f   And  the  9 
people  reioyfed,  when  they  promifed  vo^3res  of  their  ownc 
accord  :  becaafe  they  did  off^r  them  tooiif  Lord  with  al  their 
hart:  yea  and  Dauid  the  king  reioyfed  v^-ith  great  ioy.  f  And   10 
hebleffedour  Lord  before  al  the  multitude,  and  he  fayd.- 
Bleired  art  thou  6  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael  our  father  from  etei^ 
nitie  vnto  eternitie.  f  Thine  6  Lord  is  the  magnificence,  and    11 
might,  and  glorie,  and  vidorie  :  &  to  thee  is  the  prayfe ;  for  al 
rhinges  that  be  in  heauen^  and  in  the  earth,  are  thine ;  thine  6 
Lord  is;the  kingdoni,and  thou  art  cuer  al  princes,  f  Thine  arc  11 
riches  and  thine  is  glorie  :  thou  haft  dominion  ouer  al,  in  thy 
hand  is  power  &  might:  in  thy  hand  greareneffe , and  the  em- 
pire of  alchmges.  f  Now  therforeour  God  we  confefle  to  15 
thee.and  we  prayfe  thy  glorious  name,  f  Who  am  I,  and  what  14 
is  ray  people,  that  wecan  promide  thecal  thefethinges  >al 
are  thine:  and  chinges  that  we  recciued  of  thy  hand,  wehaue 
geuen  thee,  -j-  For  we  are  pilgrimes  before  thee,  and  ftrangers^,  ij 
.*?  As  Al^ralnm  "•  as  a!  our  fathers.  Our  daies  are  as  a  Ihadow  vpon  the  earth', 
IfaacL-icob     and  there  is  noe  abyding  .  f  Lord  our  God,  al  this  plentie,  16 
tTrelka'^.ns  ^^^^<^^  ^^^  ^^^^  prepared  that  a  houfe  might  be  built  to  thy  ' 
in  reipcdof    ^^°^^^  J'-^'^^e,  is  of  thy  hand,  and  al  thinges  are  thine,  f  I  kno\r  17  • 
Chanaanifo  .  my  God  that  thou  prouefl:  the  hartes,  and  loueft  fimplicitie, 
both  they  and  wherfore  I  alfo  in  the  fimplicitie  of  my  hart ,  gladly  haue 
alfo  Dauid  Sa-  offered  al  thefe  thinges  :  and  thy  people,  which  is  here  found, 
men  in  this      *  "^^^^  ^^"^  "^"^^  Z^^^^  ^°Y  offer  thee  donaries.  f  Lord  God  of  18 
worldarepil-  Abraham, and  Kaac, and  Ifraei  our  fathers,  keepe  for  euer 
giunesinrc-    tlus  wil  of  theif  hart,  and  let  this  mind  reinayne  alwaics  to 
rpcdofhca-    tj^p  honour  of  thee,  f  ToSalomon  alfo  my  fonnegeue  a   15^ 
*  ■^*      per  feci:  hart,  that  he  keepe  thy  commandementes,  thy  tefti- 
monies,  and  thy  ceremonies,  and  doeal  thinges:  and  build 
••/VlH  itth  V   f^^  ^ouie.,  the  expenfes  whereof  I  haue  prepared,  f   And  ic 
iidthciame     D^uid  commanded  the  whole  afTemblie;  BlefTeye  our  Lord 
exterior  aft      God.  Andal  the  affemblie  blcfled  our  Lord  the  God  of  their 
of  honour  to    fathers:  and  they  "•  bowed  themfelues,  and  adored  God,  and 
£  ^"eti        ^^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^"g-  t  And  they  immolated  vidime  to  our  Lord:  21 
th'eir  mind&    ^^^  ^^^X  o^'^^'cd  holocauftes  the  day  folowing,  oxen  a  thou- 
intsntionthey  fand  ,  rammes  a  rhoufand,  lambcs  a  thoufand  with  their 
g.iaeaiuine      libamenrcs,&  with  al  rite  moft  abundantly  for  al  Ifrael. f  And  21    i-f^'S- 

.?  ?     J   ■  .,  they  dideare,  and  drinice  before  our  Lordm  that  day  with 

<.jod,an,i  cUul  ^     .  .      ,    i  i     i       /•  i    •         n   i  i 

to  the  king,      gteat  loy.  And  they  anoynted  the  tecond  time  Salomon  the 
seeLxoi.  io.     fonnc  of  Dauid.  And  they  anoynted  him  to  our  Lord  for  the 


Dauid.  Paralipomenon.  ^69 

25  prince,  and  Sadocfor  rhe  high  pritft.  f  And  Salomon  fare 

vpon  the  throne  of  our  Lord  as  king  for  Dauid  his  father, and 

24.  heple-afed  al:6<:allfrael  obeyed  him.  •{•  Yea  and  al  the  princes, 

and  men  of  might,  and  al  the  fonnesof  king  Dauid  gaue  their 
2j  hand,  and  were  fubied  to  Salomon  the  king,   f  Our  Lord 

thcrfore  magnified  Salomon  oucr  al  Ifrael :  and  gaue  hmi  the 

glorieofakingdcm,fuchasno  king  of  Ifrael  had  before  him. 
16  t  Dauid  thcrfore  the  fonne  of  Ilai  reigned  ouer  al  Ifrael. 
.27  t  And  thedaies,  that  he  reigned  ouer  Krael,  were  fourrie  ::EitherNa- 

yeares:  in  Hebron  he  reigned  fcuen  yeares,  andin  lerufalem  ^'^^^  2nd  Gad 
2S  three  and  thirtie  yeares.  f  And  hedied  inaaocd  spe,  fulof  '^'"^  '^'f^Tl 

daics,  and  riches,  and  glorie.  And  Salomon  his  fonne  reigned  booke  andthc 
25?  for  him.   f   But  the  adcs  of  king  Dauid  the  firf^  and  the  lafl  fccondbookc 

are  writen  in  the  Booke  of  Samuel  the  Seer,  &:  in  the  Booke  0/  kinges.or 

of"  Nathan  the  prophete,  <5t  in  the  Volume  of  Gad  the  Seer: 
30  I  and  of  al  his  kingdom,  andflrength,  and  of  the  times,  that 

pafled  vnder  him,  either  in  Ifrael,  orinal  the  kingdomesof 

the  earth. 

els  their  boo- 



THE     ARGVMENT     OF     THE 


i.far.i.     A   S   the  former  hooke  shetveti,  hoiv  Mfter  manie  ^ffterdtions  from  the  "^y^  ^onnt* 
jLJLhee-mnina  of  the  ^orld,  GodfeltBinz  onefpedal  nation  for  his  peculiar  i'^**"  °^  ^  ]^ 
people  y  and  the  fume  being  afterwardes  made  a.  kif^^^cmt,  the  Scepter  therofj  thefoimer. 
'^*  yothby  Godi  and  the  peoples  eleflwn,  came  to  Dautd,  and  hi^fenne  Salomon: 

^  '         Ste  thii  booke  decUreth  thatfrj}   Salomon  reigned  peaceably  ouer 

the  whole  kingdom,  in  the  nine  Jirf}  chapters.  Then,  m  the  otler  trventie  Thccontcntes 
feuen  ihaptirs^relateth  ho  W  the  fame  k}^gd(m  was  diUidtd,tcnne  trhes  hemg  diuided  into 
taken  ajfay  (thehijlone  '^herofn  hut  here  hnefiy  touched)  and  tao  only^  ^*"°  parte*, 
with  the  t'itl/ofthe  kingdom  of  luda,  ^'ere  pofTelfed,  by  fucccnion 
of  ninctennekinges,  al  of  DiUids  and  Salomons  ifjue ,  m  rcyj  ejlate 
ultketaptiuitiiin  Babylon. 

N  n:4i  n  n     3 

^7<^  _  _    _  ^_  Salomon 

The    second    booke    of 

PA  R  A  LIP  OM  EN  ON. 

Chap.     I. 
Sdlemon  efiafpli-hedinthe  throne,  cferethd  thcuf^vd  hcfiei  of  fim^cei  7. 
4ihn^  "^ifdome,  11.  it  if  geuen  bim  ;  l^ith  ric/jife,  a^nd  ierr>poral  glorte, 
rPhich  he  Askjidnot.  14.  Be  prsmdeth  mxnic  chancttcs  and  horferr.en. 

A  L  o  ?.f  o  N  therforc  the  fonnc  ofDauid  was  i 

relgneinche      f 'fe'SiV^'^'^ii    ^"^^s  vf ich  hirj,  2nd  ni.agnifK'd  hjm  on  high., 
whole  king-     jlT^'3^•^^JI    t   And  Salomon  commanc!ed  al  Ifrae]  j'rhe  1 
«l"«^e?  I^^^t-^il    tribunes,  and  the  ceiirurious,and  the  dukes, 

k..,^.l~,z::2:^:;^uli^   ^r^^  iudgcs  of  ?.l  iTrael,  and  the  princes  of 
'  the  families  :  f  and  he  went  with  al  (he  nr.uiritude  into  ilie  5 

Exctifeof  Gabaon^whcre  was  the  tabernacle  of  the  couenant 
ofour  LoTdjSJ'bich  MoyiVs  the{fvuant©f  God  made,  m  tFiC 
Vf'ildcrncirc.  t  ft-'r  Dauid  had  brrpghr  the  Arke  of  God  from  4 
Cariathiarji-n  into  the  place,  vrhich  he  had. prepared  for  it, 
and  \5?hcre  he  had  pitchc  a  tabernacle  for  ir,  that  is,  in  lerii- 
falem.  f  The  altar  aUo  of  brafle,  which  Bciclccl  the  fonnc  5 
of  Vfithcfonnc  of  Flur  hadroade  \yas  there  before  the  ti- 
bernacle  of  our  Lord  .•  which  alfo  Salomon  fought,  and  al  the 
edercbUe.  •\  And  Salomon  wenrvp  ro  the  altar  of  braflV,  be-  6 
foic  tlie  tabernacle  of  the  cctienani  of  our  Lord,  and  offered 
©nira  rhoufand holies,  f  AvA  bcholdir.  that  veticnij^Mr  God  7 
appeared  to  bim,  faving;  Askc  ^hac  thou  wilt  that  I  may 
geueirthee.  +  And  Saioroonfuyd  to  God:  Thou  haft  doi:c  3 
great  j-ncrcie  with  my  f^ithcr  Dauid  :  andhafi:  made  me  king 
for  him.  f  Now  th'erfc?re  Lord  God  be  thy  word  fuihiicd,  9 
Nfliich  thoii  hall  ptemifcd  to  Dauid  my  father :  for  thou  hafr 
made  me  king  ou?r  th.y  people  great  in  number,  "<Khich  is  fo    , 
iiiiui  ncrablcas  th?;  duilof  the  earrh.i  t  Geuc  me  wifdom  and  10 
intclligence,that  I  may  come  in  &  goe  out  before  thy  people: 
for  who  can  vrorthely  iudge  this  thy  peopIe,which  is  fo  great? 
t  And  God  f;yd  to  Saiomon :  Becaufc  this  rather  hath  pieafcd  11 
ihy  hart,  and  thou  haft  lior  asked  riclies,  and  fubflancc,  snd 
gloriCfUoi  chvir  Hues  that  hate  thee, no  nor  manic  dayes  of  life: 


Salomon.  Paralipomenon.  gji 

buthaddcfircd  wifdotnand  knowledge,  that  thou  mayft  be 
able  to  iudgc  my  people,  ouer  which  I  haue  m^dc  thcc  king. 
xi  j  ^'ifdomand  kno^s'lec]gc  are  geuen  thee:  and  riches,and 
rubftanccandglorie  I  v^'ilgeue  thee, foe  that  none  among  the 
kingcs  neither  beForc  thee,  nor  after  thee  fiial  be  like  thee* 

13  t  Saloaion  therf:  re  came  from  the  Excelfe  of  Gabaon  into 
leruf-ilcm  btfoie  the  tabernacle  of  coiicnant,  &  reigned  ouer 

14  Ifsael.  t  And  he  gathered  to  him  chariores  and  horfcmcn,  . 
and  there  amourutd  to' him  a  thoufand  fov:re  hundred  cba- 
riotes.and  rvreUie  thoufand  horfcmen  :  and  he  caufcd  them 
robe  in  the  cities  of  the  chariores,  and  wifh  the  king  in  Icru- 

ij  (alem.  f  And  the  kingg-us  (iluer  and  gold  in  leruCalem  -  as 

ftones,  &  cedjt trees  as  (ycomotes,  which  grow  in  the  cham-  *'  ^^'J!^':."'^' 

16  paynein  srcat  nni'ritudc.  t  And  there  werehcrfesbroueht  r^^"  ^" '^ 
him  from /Egypt,  ana  from  Coa  by  the  kmg^s  merchantes,  preffe  thinacs 

17  which -rentiand  brought  by  a  price,  f  a  chariote  of  foure  ercef^j'ng;  vul- 

horfcs  for  fix  hundred  peces  of  filuer,and  anhorfeforan  hun-  ?!;arcapnfitie 

dred  ftftie:  in  hke  miner  of  al  the  kincrdomcs  of  Hethcitcs,  ^^  '^^  ^^"""^ 
1     ^   L     1  ■  ■  L  a      '  -1  1  Hyperbole. 

anJot  the '>ing';s  or  Syria  marker  was  made.  "^^ 

Chap.     II. 
Other  "tporksrysen  hciK-rhr^ni^eato  htdfdtht  Temple^,  7.  Sdhmcn  procurtth  4 
ctinmn^  4rtifi:er  from  (he  kjng  of  T'jre ,  and  f^.cid  timber  y   16.  toh 
cuttCy  and  fent  fr  m  ihencs. 

I      A    N  D  S.ilcmon  determined  to  build  a  houfe  to  the  name 

z  -/ 11.  of  our  Lord,  and  a  palace  for  himfelf  •\  And  he  num- 

bred  fr?uentie  thouijuJ  men  chat  caiied  on  their  fhouldery, 

*'    '^'^'  and  cightie  thoufand  that  (hould  hew  ftones  in  themoun- 

tayncs,  and  ouerfeers  of  them  three  thoufand  (ix  hundred. 

3  f  He  fent  alfo  to  Hiram  the  king  of  Tyre,  faying  :  As  thoii 
didft  with  Dauid  my  father,  and  didft  fend  him  cedar  trees,  to 

4  build  him  ahoLife,wherin  alfo  he  dwelt:  \  fo  doe  with  me 
that  I  may  build  a  houfeto  the  nameofour  Lord  my  God, that 

I  may  conlccrate  it  to  burne  inccnfc  before  him,  and  to  per-  . 
fume  with  aromaticalfpices,  and  to  the  euerlaftingpropcfi- 
tion  of  loaucs,  and  for  holocauftes,  morning  and  euening,  on 
the  fabbathcs  alio,  and  thenewmoones,  and  the  folemnities 

J  ofour  Lord  God  for  euer,  which  are  commanded  Krael.-f  For 
rhehoufc  which  I  defireto  build,is  great:  for  our  God  is  great 

6  aboue  al  goddes.  f  Who  then  can  be  able,  to  build  him  a 
worthiehou^e?if  hcauen,and  the  heauens  of  heanens  can 
not  conteyne  him;  how  great  am  I,  that  I  may  build  him  a 

bxO  ufe  ? 

Sjz  Se  c  o  n  d    b  o  o  k  e  o  f  Salomon, 

boufe  ?  but  to  this  end  only,  that  incenfe  may  be  burnt  before 
him.  f  Sendmt  cherfore  a  cunning  man,  chac  liarh  skil  to  7 
worke  in  gold,  and  filuer,  brsiTe,  and  yron,  purple,  icarlet, 
and  hyacinth, and  that  kno\rech  to  niake  cngraued  vrorkes 
v^ich  tkcfe  artificers,  which  I  haue  with  tncin  lewrie,  and 
lersifalem,  whom  Dauid  my  father  prepared,  f  But  fend  me  8 
alfo  cedar  trees,  fitretrees,andpintrces  from  Libanus:forI 
know  that  thy  fcruantes  haue  skil  to   hew  the  timber  of 
Libanus,  andmy  feruantes  {halbewith  thyferuantes,  j-  that  9 
manie  trees  maybe  prepared  for  me.  For  the  houfe  which  I 
dcfue  to  build,  is  excedinggrcatjandjglorious.fMoreouer  i® 
to  theworkemen,  that  flialhew  the  ttees  ,  thy  fcruantes,  I 
vilgeuefor  viduais  of  wheat  twentiethoufand  cores,  and 
of  barley  as  manic^  cores,  and  of  wine  twcntie  thouf^nd, 
oyle  alfo  twentie  thoufand  fates    f  And  Hiram  the  king  u 
of  Tyre  by  letters,  which  he  fent  to  Salomon,  fayd:  Be- 
caufe  the  Lord  loued  his  people,  therfore  hath  he  made  thee 
toreigneouerit.  j-  And  he  added,  faying:  Blefled  be  the  Lor^d  i£ 
the  God  of  Ifrael,  that  made  heauen  and  earth ,  who  hath 
geuen  to  Dauid  the  king  afonne  wife  and  learned,  and  of 
vnderftanding,  and  prudent,to  build  a  houfe  to  the  Lord,  and 
a  palace  for  him felf.  f  I  therfore  haue  fent  thee  a  man  wife  15 
;:Ttisproba-    ^"^  "^0^  skilful  Hiram,"  my  father,  f  the  fonneof  awoman  14 
blcthatthis     of  the  daughters  of  Dan,  whofe  father  was  a  Tyrian,  who 
man  had  in-      knoweth  to  worke  in  gold,  and  filuer,  bralTe,  and  yron,  and 
ftfudie-l  the     marble,  and  in  timber,  in  purplealfo,  and  hiacinth,and  filkc 
•''/^"     l'-'^.    and  fcarlet:  and  that  knoweth  to  graueal  engrauing,  and  to 
onofoneGod  deuite  wilely  whatfoeuer  in  thcworkeisnecellarie  with  thy 
whom  he  con-  artificers,  and  with  theartificersof  my  lord  Dauid  thy  father. 
feileth.v.  ir.     -|-  The  wheate  therfore,  and  barley, and  oile,and  wine,which  ry 
It- and  that      thou  my  lord  haft  promifed,  fend  to  thy  feruantes.  +  And  we  16 
therfore  the  -i  1  1  f  t    l  •  l    lu 

kinc  called  wil  CUT  downe  the  trees  out  ot  Libanus,  as  manie  as  shal  DC 
fe'.'tThisfather.  nece/farie  for  thee, and  wilconuey  them  in  boates  by  the  fca 
vnto  loppe  :  and  it  (hal  be  thy  part  to  tranfport  them  into  Ic- 
rufalem.  f  Salomon  therfore  numbred  al  the  men,  that  were  17 
profclytesinthe  land  of  Ifrael,  after  the  numbering  which 
Dauid  his  father  numbered,  and  they  were  found  an  hundred 
fif  cie  three  thoufand  and  fix  hundred. f  And  he  made  of  them  iS 
feuen  tie  thoufand, that  fliould  carie  burdens  on  their  ihoul- 
dcrs  ,  andeic^htie  thoufand,  that  fliould  cut  ftones  out  of 
the  mountayaes:  and  three  thoufand  and  fix  hundred  ouer- 
feers  of  the  wofke  of  the  people.  Chap. 

Taralxpomenok.  S75 

Chap.     III. 

The  Temple  If  htgunne  to  he  httilt  in  mount  MerU ,  the  fourth  yedre  of  Sulom 
mom  reigne.  ?.  the  forme  Timber  of  is  defcrthed,and  the  precious  m4tter, 
8.  efpecuUy  of  Sdnfl*  ftnSiornm.i^.  with  dcoJlUe  vetle,  i^.andtw 
excellent  fillers  before  the  gdt:, 

I  \    Nd  Salomon  began  to  build  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  in 
J^k^Icrufalcnijin  mount- Moria,vhich  liad  bene  Ihcwcd  .vThismoutK 
to  Dauid  his  father,  in  the  pUcc,which  '••  Dauid  had  prepared  *'»"*.  iig^'fy 

i  in  the  fJoorc  of  Oman  the  lebufcite-t  And  he  began  to  j°|jf^^'b*'\' 
buildinthcfccondmoncth,in  the  fourth  yearc  of  his  king-  braham  who 

5  dom.  t  And  thelc  be  the  fundationSjvhich  Salomon  layd,  wasthcicrea- 
co 'build  the  houfc  of  God, of  length  in  the  firft:  mcafurc  <lictoiacrifice 

4  fixtie  cubites,  of  bredth  tvcntiecubices.  f  But  the  porch  **^«|onncUaac 
before  the  front,  vhich  vas  extended  in  length  according  to  ...  An"*Dauid 
the  meafure  of  the  bredth  of  the  houfe,  of  tvcntic  cubites:  by  thcappomc 
moreouer  the  height  vas  of  an  hundred  tventie  cubites:  mcnt  oi  an 

J   and  hedidguiltitontheinfidcvithmoft  pure  gold,  -f  Alfo  Angel- oftc/ci 
the  greater  houfe  he  coucred  vith  wodden  hordes  of  firrc  '  "^    "*  ^^' 
tree,  and  he  faftened  on  plates  of  hne  gold  throughout:  and  ^ 
he  graued  in  it  palme  trees,  and  as  itvrerelitlechaincscm* 

6  bracing  one  an  other,  f  He  paued  alfo  the  floore  of  the 

7  Temple  with  moft  precious  marblcjin  much  beautie. I  More- 
c»er  it  \rasmoft  tried  gold,  of  theplatesvhcrof  he  coucred 
the  houfe, and  the  beames  therof^  and  the  po(les,and  the 
■valles,  and  the  doores:  and  he  graued  cherubs  in  the  Nralles. 

5  f  He  made  alfo  the  houfe  of  Sandkum  fan^korum:  the  length 
according  to  the  bredth  of  the  houfe, of  tvcntie cubites  .♦ 
and  the  bredth  likevifc  of  it  tventie  cubites:  and  he  couered 

5  iz  vith  plates  of  gold,  as  it  Vfere  fix  hundred  talentcs.  f  Yea 

and  he  made  nailes  of  gold,  fo  that  euerie  naile  veighed  fiftie 

ficles  apcece:  the  vpper  chambers  alfo  he  couered  with 

10  gold,  f  He  made  alfo  in  the  houfe  of  Sandum  fandorumi* 

txro  Cherubs  of  ftatuarievorke:  and  he  couered  them  \rich 

II  gold,  t  The  wingcs  of  the  cherubs  were  extended  twentie 
cubites  ,  fo  that  oncvinghad  fiue  cubites,  and  touched  the 
"sralofthc  houfe:  and  the  other  hauing  fiue  cubites,  touched 

It  the  ving  of  the  other  cherub,  t  In  like  miner  the  wing  of 
the  other  cherub,  had  fiue  cubites,  and  touched  the  wal : 
and  his  other  wing  of  fiue  cubites,  touched  the  wing  of  the 

l|  other  Cherub,  |  Therforc  the  wingcs  of  both  the  cherubs 

O  o  o  o  o  were 

S74  S  E  c  o  ND  B  o  b  K  fi  6  F  Salomoft-. 

vcrcfpred  forth, and  were  extended twcnrie  cubites:  and 
they  ftoodc  vprighc  on  their  feete,and  their  faces  were  turned 
to  thevtrcr  houfe.  t  He  made  al(o  a  v-ele  of  hyacinth,  purple,  14 
fcader,  and  filkc  :&  ^oue  in  it  cherubs,  f  Before  the  doorcs  15 
aUo  of  the  temple  two  pillers,  which  had  Hue  and  thirtie  cu- 
bites in  hcighc:rnoreoiier  their  headeSjof  fiue  cubites. fMore*  16 
ouer  alfo  as  it  were  htlc  chaynes  in  the  oracle,  &  he  put  them 
tothe  hcadesof  thepillers:  pomegranates  alfo  an  hundred, 
which  he  put  ber>yen  the  Htlc  chaynes.+The  pillers  alfo  them  17 
{elucsheput  in  the  entrance  of  the  temple,  one  on  the  right 
hnnd,and  the  other  on  the  left :  that,  which  was  on  the  right         3,R.«x-7» 
handi  he  called  lachin:  and  that  on  the  left  hand,Boz. 

Chap.     IIII. 
tJj!  formes  of  the  hrdfen  altar,  u  of  the  UnAturie  (or  Sea)  ^Ith  figuers  of 
trveliteoxefjy  6.  of  other  tenne  Ututories  ^  7.  tenne,  C4ndlejftck_es, 
S.  tenne  tMeSy  and  an  bundrtdba^ensy  agrsat  halfor  the  Prftfl(s,io.  and 
other  yejfely  and  ornameptes  of  the  Temple  are  defcribed. 

TemTJa^\c  TJ  ^  made  alfo  an  altarof  brafTe  "  of  twentie  cubites  in    i 
AUa'ts,  and      Xj.  length,  and  of  twentie  cubit's  in  bredth,  and  of  ten 
other  appcrti- cubites  in  height,  t^- A  Sea  alfo  caft,ren  cubites  from  brimme  1 
nances  were     to  brimme,rDund  in  compalle  :  it  had  fiue  cubiccsin  height,   •  -^ 

T^^R:.rmeof  ^"^  ^  ^^"^^^  °^  ^^^"^"^  <^"^^fC5  did  CGmpaflTc  It  lound  about.    ; 
Movies  Ta-    t^hcre  wasalfovnderit  thc'(imilitudeofoxen,andcertaine   5 
beruacle  al-     cngrauinges  of  ten  cubites  on  the  outfide  corapalTed  the 
tares  of  facri-    bcalieofthe  Sea,  as  it  were  with  two  rcwes.  f  And  the  oxen  4 
^'^a^^^^^^lV     ^^"^"^  ^^^  '  ^^'^  the  Sea  it  felf  was  fette  vpon  the  tweluc  oxen, 
butgreaccr  in  '^^^^^  which  thrcc  looked  toward  the  North,  and  other 
quantitic.of    three  to  the  '^cft:  moreoucr  other  three  to  the  South,  and 
more  precious  the  three  that  rcmayned,  to  the  Eaft,hauing  the  Sea  put  vpon 
macitr,  and     them  ;  and  the  hinder  partes  of  the  oxen  v^ere  inward  vnder 
kra'Jork,      ^h"  ^^a.  t   Moreouer  the  thiclcnetTe  thcrof  had -the  meafure    $ 
manlhip.  ofapalme,and  the  brimme  therof  wasasit  were  the  brimrae 

.-.A  great  bra-  of  a  chalice,  or  of  a  crifpcd  lilie  :  and  it  held  three  thoufand 
feiivciTel,  and  j^^-fj-etes.  f   Hc  made  alio  ten  lauatorics  :  and  (et  fiue  on  the  6 

fome  or  er      naht  hand, and  fiue  on  the  left, that  they  mioht  wafli  in  them 
thinsTCS  that         5  '  1  1     V      r       1     ,  ^'       ^ 

vveienotbe-    ai  ihinges,  that  tlvey  would  orter  for  holocauft:  noreouet 
fore.  intheSeathc  prirftes  were  washed,    j"   And  he  made  alfo  7- 

::  Alfo  a  great-  ::  ten  golden  candieilickcs,  according  to  the  fashion  which 
^""r'^i  kcs    '^'^^j^^^^  commanded  to  be  made  by:  and  he  fet  themin 
ind  other  the  the  temple,  fiue  on  the  right  hand, &  fiue  on.thcleft,'^  More-^  8 
like.  owQi  aifo  ten  cables:  and  he  fct  them  in  the  temple,  f\\^c  on 


Sajpmon./^  PAiVALiroMENON.    -.  ^yy 

the  right  hand ,  and  fiuc  on  the  lefc .  Phiah  alfo  of  gold  an 

,  5>    hundred,  t  He  made  alfo  the  court  ofthepricftes,  and  a  great 

hal:  anddoorcsin  the  hal,  \t-liich  he  couercd  ^jpirh  bralTe. 

10  t  Moreouerhefet  the  Sea  on  the  right  fide  agaynft  theEiH: 

11  to\rard  the  South,  f  And  Hiram  made  cauldrons,  and  flesh 
hookes,  and  phials:  andaccompHshcd  al  thekingcs  workc 

^•r/'ow-     II  in  ihehoufeofGodif  thatistcfay,tvop^lIers,andthe*cha- 
•''^^'  V  piters,  and  the  heades,  andasit  were  ccrtaync  litle  nettes, 
15' which  should  couer  the  heades  oucr  the  chapiters,  f  Pome- 
granates alfo  foure  hundred,  and  two  litlc  nettes,  foe  that 
two  rewesof  the  pomegranates  were  iojrned  to  cch  litlc 
ncite,  which  coueted  the  pommels,  and  the  heades  of  the 

14  pillers.  t  Hemadefeetealfo,  and lauatories,  which  he  put 
ly  vpon  thefeete:  f  one  fea,  alfotwelue  oxen  vnder  the  (ca. 
16  t  And  the  cauldrons,  and  flesh  hookes,  and  phials.  Al  the 

velTels  did  Hiram  his  father  make  for  Salomon  in  the  houfc 
ly  of  our  Lord  ofraoftpurebrafTe.  f  In  thecountrie  of  Jordan 

did  the  king  cafttnem,  in  a  clay  ground  bewen  Socotani 
i8  Sarcdatha.f  And  the  multitude  of  veiTels  wasinnumerablejfo 

15  that  the  weight  ofthebrafle  wasnot  knowen.  t  And  Salo-^ 
monmadealthevelTelsofthchoufeofGod,  and  the  golden 
altar,  and  the  tables,  &  vpon  them  the  loaues  of  propofition, 

ao  t  the  candleftickes alio  with  their  lampes  to  giue  light  be- 
zi  fore  the  orach  ^according  to  the  rite,  of  moft  pure  gold.-f  and 
ccrtayne  florishing  thingcs,  and  lampes,  and  golden  tongcs 
21  al  were  made  of  moft  fine  gold,  f  The  vefTels  alfo  of  perfum.c 
and  cenfars,  and  phials,  and  litle  mortars,  of  moft  pure  gold. 
And  he  graued  the  doores  of  the  inner  temple,  that  is^in 
Sanda  fandorum:  and  the  doores  of  the  temple  without  of 
gold.  And  fo  al  the  worke  was  finishd  which  Saloraou  made 
in  the  houfc  of  our  Lord. 

Chap.     V. 

Idittiie  ^iftes  are  of  (red.  4.  The  ^rke  it  hrougbt"is;'iib  ^re^t  fclennit'.t  ini9 
the  Temple. 6. InnumerMe hofies  Are  offered^  11. ^;ith excellent  mufnk.Cr 
the  Temple  it  replenished  with  thegUrie  of  Cod. 

I    ^  A  L  c  M  o  Ntherfore  brought  in  al  the  thinges,that  Dauid 

»3his  father  had  vowed,the  filu£r,and  gold, and  al  the  vcflcis 

i  he  putinthctreafuresofthc  houfe  of  God.    t  After  which 

3VR.'^7.  thingcs  hcg-ithered  together  althc  ancicntes  of  Ifrael,  and 

al  the  princes  of  the  tribes,  and  the  fccadcs  of  families,  of  the 

Oooooi  children 

ty^  Ssconbookeop  Salom6«. 

:.  A«  other      children  of  Ifrael  into  Icrufalcm,  to  bring  ••  the  Ackc  of  the 
Arke  'f'*^^^^^^  coucnant  of  oar  Lordfrom  thcCitieof  Dauid,^3rhichis  Sion. 
Ihat  vas"ioii  t  There  came  thcrforcvnto  the  king  al  the  men  of  Ifrael  in   j 
hohe  &  moft  thcfoleiPne  day  of  the  feucnth  moneth.  -f  And^hcnal  the  4 
excellent,        ancientesof  Ifrael  xrere  come,  the  Lcuites  caried  the  Arke, 
vhichMoyfcs  ^  ^j^^  brought  it  in,  and  al  the  furniture  of  the  tabernacle,   j 
wiit^o^hcr'     Morcouer  the  Pricftes,  vith  the  Leuites  did  carrie  the  veflcls 
hohc  ihinges  of  the  Sanduarie,\rhich  vere  in  the  tabernacle,  f  And  king  4 
ottbctabcr-    Salomon,  and  al  the  alFemblie  of  Ifrael,  and  al  that  vere 
nacle«'erc      gathered  before  the  Arke,  immolated  rammes,  and  oxen 
^r  um^"r    '^^^^^"^  ^"^^  number :  for  fo  great  vas  the  multitude  of  vi- 
wuhff'rcL^fo- *^^"^""  t  Andtheprieftes  broughtin  the  Arke  of  the  couc-  7 
kaiaicic.        nant  of  our  Lord  into  his  place,  that  IS,  to  the  Oracle  of  the 
temple  ,  into  Sanda  fandorum  vnder  the  vinges  of  the 
cherubs;  f  fo  that  the  cherubs  fpredtheir  winges ouerthe  8 
place,\eherin  the  Arke  \rasfet,  and  couered  the  Arke  itfclfe 
with  his  barres.  f  And  theheadesof  the  barres,whervith   p 
the  Arke  was  caried,  becaufe  they  were  a  litle  longer,  appca» 
red  before  the  oracle  :  but  if  a  man  had  beene  a  litlc  outward, 
he  could  not  fee  them.  The  Arke  therforewas  there  vnul 
this  prefent  day.  f   And  there  was  nothing  in  the  Arke,  but  !• 
the  two  tables,  which  Moyfes  had  putinHoreb,when  our 
Lord  gaue  the  law  to  the  children  of  Ifrael  coming  out  of 
^gypt.  t  AndthePrieftcsbeinggoncoutofthe  Sanduaric  II 
(  for  al  the  prieftes  that  could  be  found  there, were  fandified, 
neither  as  yet  at  that  time  were  the  courfes,  and  the  order  of 
theminifteries  deuided  among  them)  f  as  wel  the  Leuites  it 
as  the  finging  men,  that  is,  both  they  which  were  vnder 
Afaph,  and  they  which  were  vnder  Heman,  and  they  which 
were  vnder  Idithun,  their  (bnnes,  &  brethren  reuefted  with 
finnc  linnen  clothes,  founded  on  cymbals,  and  pfalteries,  and 
hirpes,  (landing  at  the  Eaft  fide  of  the  Altar,  and  with  them 
Pritftcs  an  hundred  twentic-/,  founding  with  trumpettes. 
•j-  Therfore  al  founding  together,  both  with  trumpettes,  and    15 
voyce,  and  cymbals,  and  organes,  and  with  diuerfe  kind  of 
mufical  inftrumentes,  and  hfteng  vp  their  voice  on  high  :  the 
found  was  heard  far  of,  fo  that  when  they  began  to  pray  fe 
our  Lord,and  to  fay:  ConfelTe  to  our  Lord  becaufe  he  is  good, 
becaufe  his  raercie  isforeuer;  thehoufe  of  God  was  filled 
with  a  cloud,  f  that  the  Prieftes  could  not  ftand  and  minifter  14 
forthedarkeneffc.  Forthegloricof  our  Lord  had  filled  the 
houfe  of  God,  Chap. 

Salomon,  Paralipomekon.'  ty^ 

Chap.    VI. 

UlomonhUIJeththe  people.  4.  prayethto  God,  geuing  thanhs  forhnefus 
receiutdy  \6,  and rejuejifng continual protMtorty and  that  God'Vftl  heare 
thepT4yeri  of  the  people,  jz.  yea  alfo  of  grangers  that  pray  tn  the  Temple, 

I    'Tp'  Hen  Salomon  fayd:  Our  Lord  promifcd  that  he  Nrould 
A      1   dwel-indarkenefle:  f  and  I  haue  builtahoufcto  ^»  [^jf  "j^^^^nf  ^"^ 
J    name,  that  he  might  dvrel  therefor  euer.  f  And  the  king  bw*fhc(L'rkc 
turned  his  face,  and  blefTed  al  the  muhitude  oflfraci  (foral  cloud  which 

4  the  multitude  ftoodattent)  and  fayd:  f  BleflTedbeour  Lord  replcnifticd 
the  God  cfflfrael,  vrho  in  workehath  accomplifhed  that,  t^eTcm^ic. 

J  \rhich  he  fpakc  to  Dauid  ray  father,  faying :  t  From  the  day, 
that  1  brought  ray  people  out  of  the  Land  of  Aegypt,  I  chofe 
not  a  citic  of  al  the  tribes  of  Ifrael,  that  a  houfe  might  be  built 
in  it  to  my  name  :  neither  did  I  choofe  anie  other  man  ,  to  be 

6  Duke  in  my  people  Ifrael.  t  buti  chofeIerufalem,thatmy, 
name  may  be  in  k :  and  I  chofe  Dauid,  that  I  might  appoynt 

7  himouermy  people  Ifrael.  f  And  wheras  Dauid  my  father 
bad  meant  to  build  a  houfe  to  the  name  of  our  Lord  the  God 

8  of  Ifrael,  f  our  Lord  fayd  to  him:  Becaufe  thy  \ril  was  this, 
that  thou  vouldeft  build  a  houfe  to  ray  name,  thou  haft  done 

5  vel  certcs  to  haue  fuch  a  vril:  t  hovbeit  thou  (halt  not  build 
the  houfe,  but  thy  fonne,  which  (hal  come  out  of  thy  loyncs, 

10  he  (hal  build  a  houfe  to  my  name,  f  Our  Lord  therforc  hath 
accompliOied  his  word,  which  he  fpake:and  lamrifenfor 
Dauid  my  father,  and  fit  vpon  the  throne  of  Ifrael,  as  our 
Lord  hath  fpoken :  and  haue  built  a  houfe  to  the  name  of  our 

11  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael.  f  And  I  haue  pur  in  it  the  Arke, 
wherinis  the  couenant  of  our  Lord,  which  he  made  with 

11  the  children  of  Ifrael:  f  He  thcrfore  floodc  before  the  Altar 

of  our  Lord,  ouer  agaynfl  al  the  multitude  of  Ifrael,  and  ftret- 

15  ched  forth  his  handes.  f  For  Salomon  had  made  an  eminent 

»  hafi-  place  ofbrafTc,  and  had  putitinthemiddcsof  the  *  Temple, 

^,f<,  hauingfiuecubites  of  length,(Scbrcdth,&  three  of  heigh  t:(?c 

hcftoodcvponit:&  afterward -kneeling  ouer  agaynflal  the  ::)CnccL'ncr; 
multitude  of  Ifracl,and  "  his  handes  lifted  vp  toward  hcauen,  :•  Lifting  vp' 
14   the  faydrLord  God  of  Ifrael, there  is  not  the  like  God  to  thee  ^"<^e«  >  Cret- 
in heauen  and  in  earth:  which  kecpeft  couenant  and  mercie  ^j."*^j^, 
with  thy  feruantes,  that  walkc  before  thee  in  al  their  hart:  like  external 
:;  7  which  haft  performed  to  thy  feruant  Dauid  my  father  what  geftures  c?o 
thingcs  foeucr  thou  hadft  fpoken  to  hira.-and  the  thinges  that  ™"<^^  ^«'p« 
Ooooo  5  by  mouth 


S78 '  Second   b  o  o  k  e  o  f  Salomon. 

donTn*^  rr"r"  ^^  "^^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^^  promired>in  >3rorke  thou  haft  accompli- 
andalfo  fturre  ^^^'^^^^^^^^^P'^^^"^'"^  "™^pfO"^f^*  t  Now  therforc  Lord   16 
vpothersco     Qoi^)i  Ifrael,  fuifil  Co  thy  feriiaiit:  rixy  father  Daui(l,whac 
godlitf  imica-  foeuer  thou  didll  fpeake  to  him,  faying :  There  flial  not  faylc 
f  °"'h"t  b^"  of  thcc  aman  before  me,  to  fitre  vpon  the  throne  of  Ifrael : 
inuchpta<5l^^  ^^^  ^^  if  thy  children  keepe  their  vaies,and  vyalkc  in  my  lav, 
fcdby  deuoiit  ^*^^^°^^^^<^^^^^2^-^2<i^^^'^rsi"'^C''  t  And  now  Lord  God  of  17 
pcdbnsboch    Ifrael,  bc  thy  word  confirmed,  wl^ich' thou  haft  fpoken  to 
mcheoldand  thy  feruant  Dauid.  f   Is  it  credible  then  that  God  Oiould  18 
nev    el  a-      dwel  with  men  vpon  the  earth?  If  heautn  and  the  heauens 
ofhcauens  doe  not  take  thee,  how  much  more  thishoufe, 
vhich  Ihauebuilt?  -f-  But  to  this  end  only  it  is  made,  that  19 
thou  (houldeft  refpcd:  the  prayer  of  thy  feruant,  arid  his  fup* 
plication  Lord  my  God:  and  tnayftheare  the  prayers,  which 
thy  feruant  powreth  out  betore  thee:  f  that  thou  open  thine  2© 
eies  vpon  this  houfe  daies  8c  nighces,vpon  the  place,  wherein 
thou  haftpromifcdthat  thy  name  (hould  be  inuocated,t  and  ii 
wouldefthcare  the  prayer,  which  thy  feruant  prayeth  in  it,: 
and  mayft  hearc  the  prayers  of  thy  feruant,  and  of  thy  people 
Ifrael.  Whofocuer  Iha!  pray  in  this  place,  hcare  out  of  thjr'     , 
habitation,  that  is  from  the  heauens,  and  bc  propitious,  f  If  11 
aniemanfhal  linnc  agaynfthis  neighbour,  and  come  readic 
tofweareagayn(lhira,and  bindc^hirafelf  with  a  curfc  before     ■ 
the  altar  in  this  houfe:  f  thou  ihalc  hearc  from  heauen,  and  2) 
flialt  doe  the  iudgcmcnt  of  thy  feruantcs,  fo  that  ihou  render 
tothevniufthisway  vpon  his owne  head,  and  reuenge  the 
iuft,  rewarding  him  according  to  his  iufiice.  f  If  thypeople  24 
Ifrael  thai  be  ouercome  of  their  enemies,  (for  they  wil  finne 
to  thee)  and  conuerred  dial  doe  penance,  and  befech  thy 
name,  and  pray  in  this  place,  ,t  thou  (hair  heare  from  heauen,  2^ 
and  be  thou  propetious  to  the  (innc  of  thy  people  Ifrael,and 
reduce  them  into  the  land,  which  thou  gaueft  thcm,and  their 
fathers,  f  If  the  heauen  being  fljut,  there  fal  no  rayne  for  the  16 
finnes  of  the  people,  and  they  {hal  befech  thee  in  this  place, 
and  ihalconfelTe  to  thy  name,  and  {hal  bc  conuerred  from 
their  finnes,  when  thou  fhalr  afflict  them,  f  heare  from  17 
heauen  6  Lord, and  forgcuc  the  iinnes  of  rhy  (eruantesandof 
thy  people  Ifrael,  and  teach  them  the  good  way,  by  the  w  hich 
they  may  goe:  andgcuc  raync  to  ihy  land,  which  thou  haft 
geuen  thy  people  to  poircfTe.'^t  If  famine  fliai  arife  in  the  land,  28 
and  peftiience,  ruft^  and  blaftj  and  locuft,  and  bruche,  and  the 


b!c  to  him , 
hen  other 

Salomon.  Par  a l i p  o m fN on*  ty^ 

enemies, \rafling  the  countries ,  fi-al  befiege  the  gates  of  the 

ij)  citie,  and  al  plague  and  infirniitic  fhalprcfic  them  .- f  if  any  of 

thy  people  Ilrael  (hal  pray,lnovirg  their  plague  and  infirmi- 

30  tie,  and  dial  fpred  forth  their  hand  cs  in"  this  1  oufe,  +  thou  r.-Inthischaa- 
fhalthearefrom  hcauen,  to"vt'ic,cut  of  thy.  hi^l;  habitation,  tcrandoftcn 
and  be  thou  propitious,  and  render  to  eucric  one  according  els  where  itis 
to  his  wayes.which  thou kno"<creO:  him  to  haue  in  his  hart;(for  ^?"^^" V  ^^^^ 

31  thou  onlieknovreft  the  hartes  of  the  children  of  men.)  f  that  fed^ro^Gods^** 
they  may  fearc  thee,  and  vralke  in  thy  waics  al  the  dales,  that  fcruice  are 
they  Hue  vpon  the  face  of  the  land,  which  thcu  haft  geuen  to   "^^te  acccp 

3Z   our  fathers. f  The  Forcncralfo.which  is  not  of  thy  people  If« 

raeljif  he  come  from  a  far  countrie,for  thy  ftrong  hand,&  thy  '^^"  °^ 

55    ftreched  out  arme,  and  adore  in  this  place  :  t  thcu  fhaltheare  * 

from  heauen  thy  mo  ft  firmc  habitation,  &  shalt  doal  thingcs, 
for  the  which  that  pilgrimeshal  inuocate  thee;  thatal  the 
peoples  of  the  earth  may  knoxt'  thy  name,and  may  fearc  thee, 
as  thy  people  Ifracl,  and  may  kno\r,  that  thy  name  is  inuoca- 

34  ted  ypon  this  he  ure,vhichi  haue  builr.  f  If  thy  people  flial 
goe  forth  to  varieagaynft  their  aduerfarics,  by  the  way, that 
thouihaltfend  themjihal  adore  theeagaynft  the  Nray^wherein 
i$thiscitie,vhich  thou  haft  chofen,aud  the  houfc,\vhich  I 

jj  haue  built  to  thy  name :  f  thou  (hale  from  heauen  hcaretheir 

^6  prayers,and  petition,  and  doe  thou  reuengc.f  And  if  they  Ihal 

-.      finiietothee  (forthereisnomanthat  finneth  not}  and  thoa 

beangric  vith  them,  and  celiuer  them  to  the  enemies,  and 

theylcade  them  captiuc  into  a  farre  countric,  or  which  is 

37  neereattheleaft,  f  and  being  conuerted  in  their  hart  in  the 
land,  to  the  which  they  were  led  captiue,  (bal  doe  penance, 
and  flial  befech  thee  in  the  land  of  their  captiuitiejfayng :  We 
haue  finned,  we  haue  done  wickedly,  wehauedelt  vnkiftly: 

38  f  and  flial  returne  to  thee  in  al  their  hart,and  in  al  their  foule, 
in  the  land  of  their  captiuitic,  to  the  which  they  were  led,: 
shal  adore  thee  a^aynft  the  way  of  their  land,  which  thou 

^,    gaueft  their  fathers,  andof  the  citie,  which  thou  haft  cholen, 

35)  and  ofthehoufe,  which  I  haue  built  to  thy  name:   •}-   thou 

shalt  heare  from  heauen,  that  is,  from  thy  firme  habitation 

their  prayers,  and  doe  thou  iudgement,  and  forgcue  thy 

40  people,  although  finneful:  f  forihon  arrmy  God  :  letchirre. 

eies,  I  befech  thee, be  opened,  and  let  thine  eares  be  attcnt,  to 

'41  the  prayer,  that  is  made  in  this  place,  t  Now  therfore  arife 

Lord  God  in  thy  reft^thou  and  the  Arjce  oJ  thy  iirength  iLet 



88d  Second  booke  of  Salomon, 

thy  Pricftes  Ldrd  God  puc  on  falu ation,  &  thy  Saintcs  rcioy fc 
in  goodthingcs.  f  Lord  God  turnc  not  away  from  the  face  44 
of  cayChrift:  remember  the  mercies  ofDauid  thyreruant. 

Chap.  VII. 
fire  from  hedmn  deuouretb  tbe  boloctufes ,  dnd  glorie  repltniiheth  the 
Temple. $. More fAtrifices 4rt offered yi, dni the  Temfle iidedudted^-^ith 
feveit  ddiesfolemnitie^the  eight  ddj  colMcit  is  made,  12.  God  fifitijietb 
thdt  be  hdib  bedrd  Salomons  prdyer.  £7.  conditiondllj  (ds  ity^ds  mdde) 
iftheyferuebimyi'^.otherivifebewtl^nisb  them. 

Nd  vhen  Salomon  had  finished  to  pourc  out  his   t 
prayers,fyre  defcended  from  heauen^  and  deuoured  the 
holocaudes  and  vicfbimes  :  and  themaieftie  of  our  Lord  filled 
the  houfe.  t  Neither  could  the  Prieflcs  enter  into  the   z 
Temple  of  our  Lord ,  bccaufc  thcmaieflic  of  our  Lord  had 
filled  the  temple  of  our  Lord,  t  Yea  and  al  the  children  of  5 
Ifracl  fave  the  fyre  defcending,  and  the  glorie  of  our  Lord 
vpon  the  houfe  :  and  falling  flat  on  the  earth  vpon  the  pauc- 
Baent  paued  vith  ftone ,  they  adored ,  and  prayfed  our  Lord: 
Becaufc  he  is  good,  becaufe  his  mercieis  foreuer.  f  And  4 
the  king  and  al  the  people  immolated  vidimes  before  our 
Lord.  f.    King  Salomon  thcrforc  killed  hoftcs  ,  of  oxen   | 
tventic  t\ro  thoufand,of ramraes  an  hundred  twentic  thoi*- 
fand  ••  and  the  king  and  al  the  people  dedicated  the  houfe  of 
God.  t  And  the  Prieftes  flood  in  their  ofHccs ;  and  the  Le-    6 
uites  with  the  inflruraentes  of  the  Tongues  of  our  Lord, 
which  Dauid  the  king  made  to  prayfe  our  Lord  :  Becaufe  his 
2*y^j'^j^J'"*'mercieisfQreuer,{inging  -  the  hymncs  of  Dauid  by  their 
ipccialpUcc    handcs  :  moreoucr  the  Prieflcs  founded  with  trumpcttcj 
ofpraycr.cho- before  them,  and  al  Ifracl  flood,  f  Salomon  alfo  fantSlified  7 
fen  by  God :  y.  the  middcs  of  the  court  before  the  temple  of  our  Lordrfor  he 
it.fofpccul    had  offered  there  the holocauflcs, and  the  fatte  of  the  paci- 
mcsand  other  ^*1^<^^-^^^*"^'^  thebrafcnaltar,  which  he  had  made, could 
fee  formes  of  not  fufteync  the  holocauftes  and  the  facrifices  and  the  fatte. 
blcffingarc      -j-  Salomon  therforc  made  a  folemnitic  at  that  time  feucn  S 
■"*^^8"tf"l  daies,and allfrael  with  him.anafTcmblie  reric  great,  from 
morceffedual'^^^"'^**"^^®^^^*^^'^®^^^  Torrentof  Aegypt.  f  And  he  j 
to  his  fcruaa-  madein  the  eight  day  an  afTemblic ,  becaufe  he  had  dedicated 
«cs.  the  altar  feuen  daies,and  had  celebrated  the  folemnitie  feuen 

dales,  t  Therfore  in  the  three  and  twentcth  day  of  the  fe-  !• 
uenth  moneth,  he  difmifl  the  people  to  their  tabernacles, 



Salomon.  Paralipomekon.  88! 

reioyfing  and  being  glad  for  the  good,  that  our  Lord  had 

II  donetoDauid,and  Salomon,  and  Ifrael  his  people,  f  And 
Salomon  accomplished  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  and  the  houfe 
oftheking,andalthachehaddirpofed'in  his  hart  to  do,  in 
thehoufeofourLord,  and  in  hisowne  houfc,  and  he  pro- 
II  fpered.  t  And  our  Lord  appeared  to  him  by  night,  and  iayd: 
Ihaueheard  thy  prayer,  and  haue  chofen  this  place  to  me 

15  forahoufeoffacrifice.  f  If  I  ftial  shut  heauen,  and  laynefal 
not,  and  shalbid  and  command  the  locuftto  deuoure  the 

14  land,  and  (hal  fend  peftilence  into  my  people:  f  ^"^1  my 
people  being  conuerted  ,  vpon  whom  my  name  is  inuocatcd, 
fhal  befech  me ,  and  feeke  out  my  face ,  and  shal  doe  penance 
from  their  raoft  ''kicked  waies  :  I  alfo  ^^p'il  hearts  from 
heauen,  and  vil be  propitious  to  their  finnes,  and  wil  fauc 

Xj   their  land,  f  Mine  eics  alfo  shal  be  opened,  and  mine  eares 

l^  ere(^ed  to  his  prayer,  that  shal  pray  in  this  place,  f  For  I 
haue  chofen,  and  haue  fan(9;ified  this  place  ,  that  my  name 
may  be  there  for  eucr,and  mine  cies  and  my  hart  may  remaine 

17  there  al  dales,  -f  Thou  alfo  if  thou  walkebefoferae,asDauid 
thy  father  walked, and  shalt  doc  according  to  al  thinges, 
which  I  haue  commanded  thee ,  and  shalt  kcepe  my  iuftices 

iS  andiudgementes  ;  f  I  wil  rayfe  vpthe  throne  of  thy  king- 
dom ,  as  I  promifed  to  Dauid  thy  father ,  faying :  There  shal 
not  be  taken  away  of  thy  ftocke  a  man  ,  that  shal  be  prince  in 

I^  IfracL  f  But  if  you  shal  be  turned  away ,  and  shal  forfakc  my 
iuftices,  and  my  prcceptes,  which  I  haue  ptopofedtoyou, 

10  and  going  shal  ferue  ftrangc  goddes  ,  and  adore  them,  f  I 
wil  plucke  you  out  of  my  land,  which  I  haue  geuen  you:  and 
this  houfe  ,  which  1  haue  fandlificd  to  my  name  ,  1  wil  caft 
away  from  my  face ,  and  wil  deliuerit.for  a  parable,  and  an 

11  cxemple  to  al  peoples.f  And  this  houfe  shal  be  for  a  prouerbe 
to  al  paffcngers ,  and  they  shal  fay  being  aftonyshed  :  Why 

21  hath  the  Lord  done  fo  to  this  land,  and  to  this  hoafe  ?  f  And 
they  shal  anfwe'r :  Becaufe  they  forfooke  the  Lord  the  God 
of  their  fathers,  who  brought  them-,  out  of  the  Land  of 
Aegypt ,  and  tooke  hold  of  ftrange  goddes,  and  adored  them, 
and  worshipped  them :  therfore  are  al  thcfe  euils  come  vpon 

Chap.    VIII. 
Salomon  hulldeth  diuers  chits  ,7.mak.eth  the  reftdue  eftheChanamteitri- 
bnurie,  u,  offcretb  the  ordinme  hofies  offacnfces  in  tkefohmne  feaftes, 

Ppppp  ij^.P^f- 

8  Si  Secondbookeof  Salomon^ 

14.  dif^ofeth  the  Pricjics  And  L?uites  m  their  of ices ,  <w  Vau'idhadordeii'- 
ncd;  17.  andfendeth  sbi^pei  to  fetch  gold  from  Ophir* 

Nd  twentieyearesbeing  complete  after  that  Salomon    i 
built  the  houle  of  our  Lord  and  his  o-yne  hoLife:  f  he   l 
built  the  cities,  which  Hiram  had  geuen  to  Salomon ,  and 
made  the  children  of  Ifraeldwcl  there,  t  He  went  alfo  into    5 
EmathSuba  ,andobteynedit.  f  And  he  built  Palmira  in  the  4 
deferr,  and  he  built  other  cities  very  wel  fenfed  in  Emath. 
j-  And  he  built  Beth  heron  the  vpper,  and^Beth  .horon  the  j 
ncrhcr,wailed  cities  hauing  gates  and  barrigates  and  lockes. 
f  Balaarh  alfo  and  al  the  ftrongeft  cities  that  were  Salomons ,  6 
and  al  the  cities  of  the  cb^riotcs,  and  the  cities  of  the  horfe- 
men.  Althingcs  whatfoeuer  Salomon  would,  &  difpo/cd,  he 
builc  in  Ic  ruialcm  and  in  LibanuSjand  in  al  the  land  of  his  do- 
minion, t  Al  the  people  that  was  leafc  of  the  Hetheites  5  and  7 
Amorrheitcs,  and.jPherezeites ,  and  Heueites^  and  Icbufeitcs, 
which  were  not  of  the  ftocke  of  Ifrael,  |  of  their  children:    8 
and  of  the  nofteritie  ,  which  the  children  of  Kraelhad  not 
flaine,  Silomon  fubdewed  to  be  tributaries  ,  vntil  this  day. 
t  Ivioreouer  of  the  children  of  Ifrael  he  fette  not  to  fecue  the    5) 
kinges  workes :  for  they  were  men  of  warre,  and  thechiefe 
captaines,  and  princes  of  his  chariotes  and  borfemen.  ■{•  And  10 
a!  the  princes  of  king  Salomons  armie  were  two  hundred 
^  iiftie  ,  which  taught  the  people,  f  Bur  the  daughter  of  1.1 

Pharao  he  re moued  from  the  citie  of  Dauid  ,  into  the  houfe, 
which  he  had  built  for  her.  For  the  king  fayd  :  Mywifeshal 
not  dwel  in  the  houfe  of  Dauid  the  king  of  Ifrael,  ••becaufe 
itisfandlilicd  :  becaufe  the  Arke  of  our  Lord  is  entered  into 
it.  t  Then  Salomon  offered  holocauftes  to  our  Lord  vpon  iz 
?r  Sa  omett  the  altar  0/ our  Lord  ,  which  he  had  built  before  the  porch, 
•sras  yet  lo  1  •   l    l       ir    ■  •  j- 

faireffom        t  that  euene  day  thf  re  might  beorrcring  onif ,  according  to  15 

communica-  the  ptccept  of  Moyfes,in  the  Sabbathes,and  in  the  Calendes, 
ring  with  lu-  ^j,(j  jj^  jj^g  feftiual  daies  thrife  a  ycre  ,  that  is  to  fay  ,  in  the 
Jdels ,  that  e  gyj^j^j^; ^ j^  ^f  A^ymcj  and  in  the  Solemnitie  of  wtekes,  and 
buffered  not-       -      ,      ^    ,  -  •       r      1  1        a.    a     j  1  j 

V.iswife{aH      in  the  Solemnuie  of  tabernacles,  t  And  he  appoyntcd  ac-  14 

infidel)  to  be  cordincr  to  the  difpofition  of  Dauid  his  father  the  ofHces  of 
prcfcnt  v^herc  i]^^  Priedes  in  their  miniftf  ties:  &c  the  Leuirts  in  their  order 
ihcArke-o^  that  they  shou'd  prayfc,  and  minifter  beforethe  Prieftes  ac- 
tlod had  bene  J        l       ■         r  •    j        0     u  u    •     j-    • 

-ijced.  I.  Par.  cording  to  the  nrc  of  euene  day.-iX  the  porters  in  their  dun- 

'  .,  fionsbygate  and  gate  :(ror  fo  Dauid  the  man  of  God  had 


Jalomon^  P  ar  alipo  menon.  S83 

ij  commanded,  f  Neither  did  they  irangrelTe  of  the  kinges 
commandementcs  as  >3rel  the  Pricftes  ss  the  LeuJteSjtouching 
althinges,  that  he  had  commanded,  and  in  the  cwftcdiesof 

16  thetrcalurcs.  f  Salomon  hadal  cxpcnlcs  prepared,  from  the 
day  that  he  founded  the  houfc  oF  our  Lord  ,  vntil  the  day 

17  'whereinhepcrfittedir.  f  Then  \fent  Salomon  into  Ailon- 
gabcr  ,andinto  Ailath  tothe  coafl:  of  tl;cRed  fea,  trhich  is 

18  intheLandof  Edora.  t  -And  Hiram  fcnt  vnto  him  by  the 
handes  of  his  feruantes,  shippcs,  and  cunning  mariners, 
and  they  vent  with  Salomons  (eruantesinto  Ophir,and  they 
tooke  from  thence  foure  hundred  fiftie  talentes  of  gold  , 
and  brought  it  to  king  Salomon. 

Chap.  IX. 
The  QueeneofSAbd /tdmireth  Salomons,  wifdom ,  9.  gutth  ,  And  rcctiueth 
frejetiti.iy  Of  the  great  (lore  of  tredfurcTSfhich  ts  yearely  brcu^ht  tn  y  15. 
i^tug Salomon  mal^ethpretious  Armour,  ij.  a  throne,  10.  ami  plate.  24, 
Other  k'tftges  find  bim  giftes ,  fohe  abundetb  inglone,  ar.d  riches.  29. 
s/£fterfoHrtie^)€Arei  reigne  be dicth ,  and  hn  jonne  J^obo^m  fuccedeth, 

1  'TpHE  quecne  of  Saba  alfo,  "when  {he  had  heard  the  fame 

X  of  Salomon,  came  to  proue  him  in  hard  prcpofitions 
in Ierufalem,Vith  great  riches,  and  camels,  which  caricd 
fpices ,  and  very  much  gold  ,  and  pretious  ftones.  And  ^hcn 
flie  vasGome  to  Salomon,  £he  fpake  to  him  what  tbinges 

2  foeuer  were  in  her  hart,  t  And  Salomon  expounded  to  her 
al  thinges  that  (he  propounded:  neither  was  there  anie 

3  thing,  that  he  made  uot  playnevnto  her.  |  "Who  alter  she 
faw,  to  witte  ,  the  wifedom  of  Salomon  ,  and  the  houfc 

4  which  he  had  built,  f  moreoueralfo  the  meates  of  his  table, 
and  the  habitations  of  his  feruantes  ,  and  the  offices  of  his 
minifters,  and  their  garmentes,  the  cupbearers  airo,and  their 
garmentes,  and  the  vidirces  ,  which  he  iromokced  in  the 
houfe  ofour  Lord :  there  was  no  fpiric  in'her  anie  longer,she 

5  wasfoeaftonied.  f  Andshefayd  to  the  king  :  The  vcordis 
true ,  which  I  heard  in  my  countrie  of  thy  verraes  ana  wil- 

6  dom.  -f  I  did  not  beleue  them  that  told  ic  ,  vntil  rayfelr  was 
come  ,andmineeieshadfeene  ,and  I  had  proucd  karce  the 
halfparr  ofthy  wifedom  to  hauebeene  told  me  ;  thou  hafl: 

afled  the  fame  with  thy  vertues.  t  iVicfled  arc  thy  men,  and 

lefiTed  arc  thy  feruantes,  which  alTift  before  thee  at  al  time, 

8   andheare  thy  wifedom.  t  BethcLordthy  God  blcflcd,  who 

ppppp     z  would 


SS4  Second  BOOK  EOF  Salomon* 

::  They  are  vould  ordayne  thee  ouer  his  throne  ,  king  ••  of  the  Lord 
"fGo/i"h^ch  t^yGod.BecaufeGodloucthlfrael,  andwil  prefctueit  for 
leicracb^his  euer :  ther fore  hath  he  fette  thee  kingouerit  ,to  doeiudge- 
grace  and  ac-  mentes  and  iuftice.  f  And  she  gaue  to  the  king  an  hundred  f 
cording  to  his  twentie  talentes  of  gold  ,  and  fpices  exceding  much  ,  and 
\»'il.  Where-  mod  pretious  ftoncs  :  there  were  not  fuch  fpices ,  as  thefc, 

diisftik%I/;f  ^^^^^"^^^  Qil*^^^^  °^^^^^g^"^fo  King  Salomon,  f  But  i© 
grace  of God,K,  the  feriuntes  of  Hiram  alfo  with  the  feruantcs  of  Salomon 
ofLngUnditm.  brought  gold  from   Ophir  ,  and  Thymtrees  ,  and   moft 
(aiem.c-Cf       pretious  ftones :  f  wherof  thekingmadc,to  vitte  ,  of  the   ii 
Thymtrees  ,  ftayers  in  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  ,  and  in  the 
kinges  houfe ,  harpes  alfo  and  pfalteries  for  the  finging  men: 
neuer  were  there  feene  fuch  trees  in  the  Land  of  luda.  If  And  i% 
king  Salomon  gaue  to  the  Queene  of  Sabaal  thinges  that  (he 
would,  and  that  she  asked,  and  maniemoe  thinges  then  she 
brought  to  him  :  who  returning  ,  went  into  her  counirie 
with  her  feiuantes.  f  Andthe  weightof  thegold,  that  was  15 
brought  toSalomon  euerieyeare  was  fixhundredlixtie  fixta* 
lentcs  of  gold:  f  befide  that  fumme,  which  the  legates  of  14 
diuers  nations  ,  and  the  merchantes  were  accuftcmed^to 
bring  ,  and  al  the  kinges  of  Arabia  ,  and  the  Dukes  of  the 
landes,  which  brought  gold  andiiluer  to  Salomon,  f  King  if 
Salomon  therfore  made  two  hundred  golden  fpcares,  of  the 
fumme  of  fix  hundred  pcces  of  gold  ,  which  werefpentin 
euerie  fpeare :  f  alfo  three  hundred  golden  fhieldes  of  three  16 
hundred  peces  of  gold,  with  which  euerie  shield  was  co- 
uered:  and  the  king  put  them  in  the  armarie,  which  was 
befettcwithawood.  f  The  king  alfo  made  agreat  throne  of  17 
iuorie,  andcouered  it  with  moft  fyne  gold,  -j-  Six  fteppes  18 
alfo,  wherwith  the  going  yp  was  to  the  throne,  and  a  footc 
ftooleofgold,and  twolitlearmeson  either  fide  ,  and  two 
lions  ftanding  by  the  Htlearmes,  ■\  yea  and  other  tweluclitle  i^ 
lions  ftanding  vpon  the  fteppes  on  both  fides :  there  was  not 
fuch  a  throne  in  al  kingdomes.  f  Al  the  veftels  alfo  of  the  to 
kinges  table  were  of  gold,  and  the  veftels  of  the  houfe  of  the 
foreftof  Libanusofmoft  pure  gold.  For  filuer  in  thofe  daies 
wasreputcd  for  nothing,  f  For  the  kinges  shippeswentiiato  2K 
Tharfiswith  the  fcruantes  of  Hiram,  once  in  three  yeares: 
and  they  brought  from  thence  gold  and  filuer  ,  and  yuorie, 
and  apes  ,  and  pecockes.  f  Salomon   therfore  was  magni-  Zl 
fiedaboueal  the  kinges  of  the  earth  for  riches  and  glorie. 

t  And 

loboam.  P  aralipomenok.  8Sj 

25  t  And  al  the  kinges  of  the  earth  dcfired  to  fee  Salomons 
face ,  that  they  might  hearcthe  vifcdom  ,  vhich  God  had 

24  geucn  in  his  hart .  f  And  they  brought  him  giftes^veflels  of 
filuer,  and  gold,  andgarmenres,  and  armour  ,  andfpices, 

2;  horfcs ,  and  mules ,  euerie  yeare.  f  Salomon  alfo  had  fourtic 
thoufand  horfesin  the  ftables  ,andof  chariotes,  andhorfe- 
menrwclucthoufand,  and  he  placed  them  in  the  cities  of 

2/J  the  chariotes,  and  where  the  king  was  in  lerufalem.  f  He 
cxercifed  alfo  authoritie  ouer  al  the  kinges  from  the  riuer 
Euphrates  vnto  the-/ land  ofthePhilifthines,  and  vnro  the 

27  borders  of  iCgypt.  f  And  he  made  fo  great  plentie  of  filuer 
in  lerufalem  as  it  vere  of  ftones :  and  of  cedres  fo  great  a 
multitude  as  of  ficomores,  vhich  grow  in  the  charopayne,' 

28  f  And  horfes  were  brought  him  out  of  i€gypt ,  and  al  coun- 

29  tries*  t  But  the  reft  of  of  the  workes  of  Salomon  the  firft 
and  the  laft  are  writen  in  the  wordes  of  Nathan  the  Prophet, 

and  in  the  bookes  of  Ahias  the  Silonite  ,  in  the  Vifion  ••Hisfallto 
alfo  of  Addo  the  Seer ,  agayaft  leroboam  the  fonne  of  Nabat.  |"Xde  1*5 
50  t  And  Salomon  reigned  in  lerufalem  ouer  al  Ifrael  fourtie  recorded,  j. 
}i    yeares.  f  And  he  -"  fleptwith  his  fathers  .-and  they  buried  iif|,u. 
him  in  the  citie  of  Dauid  :  andRoboam  his  fonne  reigned 
foe  him. 

Chap.     X. 
l^hoam  rejuefied  hy  lerohsdm  and  the  people  to  lighten  their  yoJ^e  ofjeruice, 
6.  lenmn^thecounfel  of  the  ancient  ,  and  folowing  yotinr  counfeliers, 
,  9breatnetht9  prejfe  the  people.  16.  whernpen  manie  remit  from  him, 

i«^<2»       '     A   ^^  Roboam  went  forth  into  Sichemrfor  thither  al  Thcfccoud 
[i^  1    J\.  Ifrael  was  affembled,  to  make  him  king,  f  Which  when  P^j."j^  Dmifioa 

leraboamthefonneofNabat  had  heard,  who  was  in  Aegypt  dom^Daufds 
(fox  he  was  fled  thither  from  Salomon)  forthwith  he  retur-  iiTue  reigning 

3  ned. -f  And  they  called  him,  &  he  came  withal  Ifrael  &fpake  only  in  two 

4  to  Roboam,  faying:  f  Thy  father  prefTed  vswith  a  moft  "[''"'  ^^''^^ 
hard  yoke,  do  thou  command  lighter  thinees  then.,  thy  l.nth^l-^rL 
tather,  who  layd  vponvs  aheauie  (eruitude  ,  and  eafe  thou  Babylon. 

J  alitleofthe  burden,  that  wemay  ferue  thee,  -f-  "Whofayd: 
After  three  daies  rcturne  ye  to  me.  Arid  when  the  people  was 

4  gone,  t  herookecounfelwith  the  Ancienres,  which  ftoode 
before  his  father  Salomon,  whiles  he  yet  liucd,  faying  ;What 

7  counfel  geue  you, that  I  may  anfwer  the  people  ?  f  Who  fayd 

to  him :  If  thou  wilt  pleaf  e  this  people,  and  pacifie  them  with 

Ppppp     J  wordes 

88^"  Second    BOOK  E    OF  Roboami 

hordes  of  clcinencie,  they  sril  fcrue  thee  at  al  times,   f  But   S 
he  forfookc  the  counfelof  the  Ancientes,  and  began  to  treat 
with  yongmen  ,  chit  had  beehe  brought  vp  with  him,  and 
were  in  his  trayne.   f  And  hefayd  to  them  :  What  femeth  to    9 
you?  or  what  fiial  I  anfwertliis  people,  which  hath  fayd  to 
me :  Eafc  the  yoke  which  thy  father  layd  vpon  vs  ?  f  ^^^  ^^ey  10 
anfweredasyongmcn  ,  and  brought  vp  with  himindelica- 
nefle,  and  fayd:  Thus  ihalt  thou fpeake  to  the  people,  that 
fayd  to  thee  :  Thy  father  aggrauatcd  our  yoke, doe  thou  cafe 
it:  and  thus  Gialc  thou  anfwer  them  :  My  leaft  finger  is  thicker 
thentheioynesof  my  father,  f  My  father  layd  vpon  yow  an    ii 
heauie  yoke,  and  I  wil  adde  a  greater  weight:  my  father  bette 
youwithfcourgeSjbuc  I  wilbeaceyouwithlcorpions.t  leiO"  12 
boam  cherfore  came,  and  al  the  people  to  Robdam  the  third 
day,  as  hehad  commanded  them.   7   And  the  king  anfwered    15 
rough  wordeSjIeauing  the  counfelof  the  Ancientes;   f  and   14 
he  fpakc  according  to  rhe  yongmens  wil:  My  father  layd 
vpon  you  a  heauie  yoke,\vhich  I  wil  make  beauier:  my  father 
bette  you  with  fcourges,  but  I  wil  bcace  you  with  fcorpions*    . 
f   Andhe  condcfcendednor  to  the  peoples  requcftes  :  for^it  ij 
was  the  wil  of  God,  that  his  word  (houldbe  accoraplifliedj 
which  he  had  fpoken  by  the  hand  of  Ahias  the  Silonitcto 
IcroboarathefonncofNabar.  t  And  al  the  people  when  the  i^ 
king fpake rough  wordes,  fayd  thus  vnto  him  :  We  haueJio 
part  in  Dauid, nor  inheritance  inthefonnc  oflfai.  Returne 
inre  thy  tabernacles  6  Ifracl,  and  do  thou  feede  thy  houfe 
Dauid.  And  Ifrael  went  into  their  tabernacles,  f  But  oucr  the   171 
chihirsaoflfrael.  that  dwelt  in  the  cities  ofluda,  Roboam 
leignccJ.  t   And  king  Roboam  fent  Aduram,who  wasouer  18^ 
the  tributes,  and  the  children  of  Ifrael  floned  him,and  he 
died:  moreouer  king  Roboam  made  haft  to  get  vp  into  his 
chariote,  and  fled  into  lerufalem-t  And  Ifrael  reuolced  from  i^ 
the  houfe  of  Dauid  vntil  this  day. 

Chap.     XI. 

K,ohum  intendinn  hy  force  to  reduce  allfr^eL  to  hU  faUeflhn,  is  ^Kiarntdhy 
a  Prophet  to  cciife  from  that  eoierprtfe,  f.  He  m^tketh'pallei  Ahout  diners 
citiesy  II.  f:iTn:ihcth  t'jctn  ytith  yiSi-uxlsy  and  mttti^tion^  15.  Prirflesy 
Umt?s,  and  m&nn  others  nuaire  to  lerufxlem,  becxufe  Jeroboam  makdh 
a ncwd/crion,  and  nnv  pr  ■f'vs.  iS.  /{ohoa.n>tak:etb mame  ^ines,  and ^referreth  .Ahids ahout dkts  other  J9nnes. 


oboam.  Paralipomenoi^T  S%f 

1  A  Nd  Roboam  came  into.  Icrufalem,  and  called  together 
jTjLclI  rhehoufc  ofluda  and  Beniamin,  an  hundred  foure- 
fcore  thoufand  chofen  menand  carriers,  to  fight  agaynftlf- 

2  raclj  and  to  conuert  his  kingdom  vnto  him.  f  And  the  \Pord 
5    of  our  Lord  came  to  Semeias  the  man  of  God,faying;-j-  Speake 

to  Roboam  the  fonne  of  Salomon  the  king  of  luda,  and  to  al 

4  Ifraeljthat  is  in  luda  and  Beniamin:  f  Thus  fayth  our  Lord: 
You  ihal  not  goe  vp,  neither  flial  you  fight  agaynft  your  bre- 
thren :  let  euerie  man  returne  into  his  houfe,  became  this 
thing  is  done  by  my\ril.\^'ho  when  they  had  heard  the  word 
of  our  Lord, returned,  neither  went  they  forward   agaynfl: 

5  leroboara.  f  And  Roboam  dwelt  in  lerufalem,  and  built 

6  walled  cities  in  ludn.  f  And  he  built  Bethlehem,  and  Etara, 

7  and  Thecue,  f  Bcthfur  alto,  and  Socho,  t*^  Odollam,  -f  morc- 

8  oueralfoGeth,andMarera,andZiph, -f  yeaand  Aduram,and 

9  Lachis,and  Azeca,  f   Saraaalfo,  and  Aialon,  and  Mebron, 

10  which  were  in  luda  and  Bcrniamin,moftrenred  cities,  f    And 

11  when  he  had  inclofcd  them  with  walles  >  he  put  in  them 
princes,  and  (lore  houfesofviduals,  thatis,ofoileand  wine* 

II  f  Yea  and  in  euerie  citiche  made  armories  of  (hieldes  and 
fpeares,  and  hcftrengthencd  them  with  great  diligence,  and 

15  reigned  oaer  luda  and  Beniamin.  -f  And  the  Prieftes  and 
Leuites,that  were  in  al  Ifraei,  came  to  him  out  of  al  their 

14  feates,  f  ••  leauingtheir  fuburbcs,  and  their  pofTellious ,  and  ..a  r- 
pallingto  luda,  andlerufalem  ,  becaufe  leroboam  had  call:  exampleto 
them  of,  and  their  pofteritie  :  that  they  should  not  execute  fuffer  rem- 

15  the  pnefthood  of  our  Lord,  f  "^'ho  made  vnto  him  felfe  poral  damage 
prieftes  of  the  excclfes,  and  of  diuels,  and  of  the  calues  which  ^^^^'^^  '^^"  ^° 

l«J  he  had  made,  f  Yeaand  of  al  the  tribes  of  Ifracl,  whofocuer  tlttn°Suesto 
had  gcuen  their  hart  to  feeke  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrasl^came  the  pradife  of 
into  lerufalem  to  immolate  their  vidims  before  our  Lord  the  f^^l^^  religion.. 

17  God  of  their  fathers,  t  And  they  ftrenghened  the  kinqdo^n 
ofluda  ,  and  eftablished  Roboam  the  fonne  of  S;ilomon  for 
three  yeares:for  they  walked  in  the  waies  of  Dauid  .ind  Sa'o- 

iS  mon,onlicthrceyeares.t  And  Roboam  tooke  to  wife  Maha- 
lath  ,  the  daughter  of  lerimoth  the  fonne  of  D.iuid:  Abihail 

19  alfo  thcdaughrer  of  Eliabrhefonneof  Ifai,  f  who  bare  hirei 

20  fonnes  lehus,  and  Somodas,  and  Zoom,  f  After  tlus  woman 
alfohetooke  Maachathe  daUj^htcrof  Abfa'iom  ,  vho  bare 

21  him  Abi^,  and  Lthai,  and  Ziza,  and  Salomirh-t  And  Roboam 
louedMaacha  the  daughter  of  Abfalomaboueal  his  wiurs, 

SS8  Second  BOO KE  OF  Roboami 

and  concubinesrfor  he  had  marici  cightcne  viues,and  three- 
fcorc  concubines:  and  he  begat  eight  and  twentie  Tonnes,  and 
threefcore  daughters,  f  But  he  appoynted  for  head  Abias  the  ii 
fonneof  Maachaduke  oucr  a!  his  brethren  :  for  he  meant  to 
make  him  king,  f  becaufc  he  was  wifer,  and  mightier  aboue  ij 
ai  his  fonnes,  and  in  al  the  codes  of  luda,  and  of  Bcniamin  , 
and  in  al  the  vralled  cities:  and  he  gtue  them  much  meate,  and 
hcdefired  maniewiues. 

Chap.     XII. 
For  thefinnes  of  RohoAmt  and  the  ftoflemAnieftrong  cities^  alfo  lerufakmi 
4re  taken  andf^oyled  hj  the  ktng  ofJE^ypt.  Z.Thej  repent^  and  the  A^jf" 
tiam  depart i  9.  hut  cam  awaj  the  treafttrcs.  13.  ^hoam  dfetb,4»d  Us 

ANd  when  the  kingdom  of  Roboam  vas  ftrengthened  t 
and  fortified,  he  forfooke  the  law  of  our  Lord,  and  al 
Ifrael  with  him  ,  f  And  in  the  fifth  ycarcofthe  kingdom  of  i 
Roboam,  camevpSefac  theking  of  ^tgypt  into  lerufalem 
(  becaufe  they  had  finned  to  our  Lord)  f   with  a  thoufand  $ 
two  hundred  chariotes,  and  threefcore  thoufand  horfemen*. 
neither  was  anic  number  of  the  common  people,  that  came  ' 

with  him  out  of  ^gypt,  to  witte,  Ly bians,  and  Troglodytes, 
and -Ethiopians,  f   And  he  tooke  the  moftfcn{ed  cities  in  4 
Iuda,andcameouervnto  lerufalem.  t  And  Semeias  the  pro-  5 
phctc  went  to  Roboam,  and  to  the  princes  of  luda,  that  were 
gathered  together  in  lerufalem.fleing  from  Sefac,  and  he  fayd 
to  them :  Thus  fay th  our  Lord.You  haue  leaft  me,  and  I  haue 
leaftyouin  the  hand  ofSefaCr  f  And  the  princes  of  Ifrael,    C 
and  the  king, being aftonicd,  fayd:  OurLordisiuft.   f  And    7 
when  our  Lord  had  fecne  that  they  were  humbled,  the  word 
ofour  Lord  came  to  Semeias,  faying:  Becaufe  thcyare  hum- 
bled, I  wil  not  dcftroy  them,  and  I  wii  geue  them  a  litle  aydc, 
andmyfurie  shalnot  droppe  vpon  lerufalem  by  the  hand 
of  Sefac.  t   But  yet  they  shalferue  him,  that  they  may  know    S 
thediftanceof  my  feruice,andof  thcferuiceofthe  kingdom 
of  the  earth,  f  Therfore  Sefac  the  king  of  y£pypt  retyred   9 
from  lerufalem,  taking  away  the  treafures  of  the  houfe  of 
our  Lord,  and  of  the  kinges  houfe,  and  he  tooke  al  thinges 
with  him,  and  the  golden  shieldesthat  Salomon  had  made, 
•f  for  tie  which  the  km  g  made  brafenones,  and  deliuered  10 
them  to  the  princes  of  the  shieldbearers ,  which  kept  the 


Abia5.  Paralipomenov.  S?^ 

11  entrance  of  the  palace,  t  And  when  the  king  cntred  into  the 
houfeofour  Lord,  the  shieldbearers  came, and  tookcthcm, 

12  &  brought  them  backeagayne  to  their  armorie.  I  But  yet  be» 
caufe  they  wcrehumbled,rhe  vrathofour  Lord  vas  turned 
away  from  them,  neither  were  they  vcterly  dcftroyed :  for  in 

15  luda  there  were  found  good  workes.  -f  KingRoboam  rher- 
fore  wasftrengthenedin  Ierufalcm,&:  reigned:  one  and  fcur-, 
ticyearesold  was  he  when  he  beganne  toreigne  ,and  he  rei- 
gned feuentene  yeares  in  Ierufalem,thc  citie, which  oui  Lord 
chofe,to  confirme  his  name  there,out  of  aJ  the  tribes  of  Ifraeh 

14  and  the  name  ofhis  mother  was  Naama  an  Ammonite.  fAnd 

i;  he  did  euil,  and  prepared  not  his  hart  to  (eke  our  Lord,  f  But 

the  workes  of  Roboam  the  firft  and  the  laft  are  writen  in  the 

BookesofSemeiasthe  Prophete,and  of  Addo  the  Seer,  and 

diligently  expounded:  and  Roboam' and  Icroboam  fought 

16  one  agaynft  the  other  al  their  daies.  f  And  Roboam  flcpt 
with  his  fathers,  and  was  buried  in  the  citicof  Dauid.  And 
Abias  his  fonne  reigned  for  him. 

Chap.     XIH. 
'i^^tM  md{eth'^4rre<tgaynfi  Jeroboam.  4.  fxhorteththepeopltofjfraelfor 
i»fiicey4itd  religions  (aketo  returne  to  him,  15.  JnthemeanctimeUro- 
Irodm innironetbbim  "^ithfoneSy  hit  hy  Cods  Afifiaoce  ^hiai  freuAilefh. 
1 1.  Aud  reigncth  fctmtlj. 

I  T  N  thecightcnrh  yearcofking  leroboam,  reigned  Abias 
i'  Z  S  2  X  ouer  luda.  f  Three  yeares  reigned  he  in  lerufal-m  ,  and 
his  mothers  name  was  Michaia,  the  daughter  of  Vriel  of 
5  Gabaa:  there  was  warrebctwen  Abias  and  leroboam.  f  And 
when  Abias  had  begun  battel,  and  had  mod  warlike  men  ,  & 
of  cholen  ones  four  hundreth  thoufand  :  Icroboam  put  his 
armieinarayon  the  contrarie  fide,  eight  hundreth  thoufand 
men,who  them  fclues  alfo  were  chofcn  men,  and  moft  vaHant 

4  to  battels,  f  Abias  therfore  ftood  vpon  mount  Semeron, 
which  wasinEphraim,  and  fayd:  Heare  Icroboam,  and  al 

5  Ifraeh't  Arc  you  ignorant  that  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael  gauc 
the  kingdom  to  Dauid  ouer  Ifrael  for  cuer,  to  him  and  his 

6  children  as  a  "*  CGu-'nant  of  fait?  t    And  there  rofevp  lero-  -Afirmeand 
boam  the  fonne  of  Nabat,  theferiiant  of  Salomon  the  fonne  P"?""*^  co- 

7  ofDauid:  and  rebelled  agaynft  his  lord.   •\   And  there  were  "g^"*°\'^*^*""* 
gathered  to  him  al  the  moft  vayne  men,  and  the  childrcnof 

Belial:  aad  they  preuaylcd  agaynft  Roboara  the  fonne  of 
Q^qqq  Salomon: 

85*0  Secondbookeob  Abias. 

Salomon:  t-noreoucr  Roboam  was  rudc,and  of  a  fearful  hart, 
and  could  not  rchd  them,   f    Now  therforcyou  fay  that  you  8 
areable  to  refill  the  kingdom  of  our  Lord,  which  he  polfef- 
fethby  the  children  ofDauid,  and  youhauca  gr^ac  multi- 
tude of  people,  and  golden  calaes,  which  leroboam  hath 
made  you  i-or  goddes.  f  And  you  hauc  call:  out  the  Prieftes  of  9 
of  our  Lord,  the  children  of  Aaron^  and  the  Leuites:  and  you 
haue  made  you  prieftes,  asalthe  peoples  of  the  earth;  who 
foeuer  l>)alcome&  confecrate  his  hand  in  a  bullock  of  oxen, 
and  in  feuen  rammes^  is  made  the  pricft  of  them  that  are  not 
goddes,   t   Bur  our  Lord  is  God,  "whom  we forfake  not,  and  10 
the  Prieftes  do  minifter  to  our  Lord  of  the  children  of  Aaron, 
and  the  Leuites  are  in  their  order,  -j-  Holocau'iesalfo  theydo  n 
otler  to  our  Lord,  cuerie  day  morning  and  euening,andin-    • 
cenPe  made  according  to  the  preccpres  of  the  law,  and  the 
loauesarcfet  forth  on  a  rnofl:  cleane  table,  and  there  is  with 
vs  the  golden  condlefticke,  and  the  lampestherof,  that  they 
may  be  lighted  alwaies  at  euening:for  wekeepe  thepreceptes 
oftheLordourGod,  whom  you  haueforfaken.   -f  Therfore^li 
in  cur  hod  God  is  the  prince,  and  his  Prieftes,  which  found 
with  rrumpetres,  and  refound  agaynft  you:  children  of  Ifrael 
fightnot  agaynit  our  Lord  rhe  God  of  your  fathers,  becaufc 
it  isnotc>:pedient  for  you.  f  Hefpeaking  thefe  thinges,  lero-  13 
boam  endeuourcd  to  enrrappe  him  behind.  And  when  he 
ftood  ouer  agaynft  the  enemies,  he  compafted  ludavnwitting 
with  his  armie.  t  And  ludas  looking  backe,faw  the  battel  at  14 
hand  before  and  behind,  and  cryed  to  our  Lo.rd  :  and  the 
Prieftes  beganc  to  found  with  trumpettes.  t   And  al  the  men  ly 
ofludamad'ea  Ihout:  and  behold  they  crying,  God  terrified 
leroboam,  and  al  Ifrael  thatftood  agaynft  Abias  and  luda. 
f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  fled  from  luda, and  our  Lord  deli-  16 
laered  them  into  their  hand,  f  Abias  therfore  and  his  people  17 
ftroke  them  with  a  great  flaughtcr,  and  there  fel  wounded  of 
Ifrael  fiue  hundrerhthoufand  valiant  men.  +   Andrhechil-  18 
drcnof  Ifrael  were  humbled,  at  that  time,  and  the  children 
of  luda  excedingly  encouraged  becaufe  they  had  truftcd  in 
our  Lord  the  God  of  rh^ir  fathers.  +  And  Abias  pnrfewcd  le-  19 
roboam  fleing,  and  he  tookehis  cities.  Bethel  and  her  daugh- 
ters, and  Tefanawith  her  daughters,  Ephron  alfo  and  her 
daughters,  t  Neither  was  leroboamable  to  rcfiftanie  more,  20 
in  the  daks  of  Abias  :  whom  our  Lord  ftroke,and  he  died. 
.      -  •.  t  Ther- 

Paralii>omenon.  ?^i 

21  t  Therfore  Abias ,  Ins  empue  being  Hicngtbtrcd  ,  iccke 

fourtene  wiues  :  and  be  begat  tx?  o  and  ivci.iit  icrrcs,  tr:d 

It    fixrenedaugbrcrs.  f  But  tbe  reft  of  the  v  oidf  s  of  Abias^crd 

of  his  vaiesEr.dv^  Dices,  are  vritci;  cili^eritl)  m  tic  Eccke 

of  Addo  the  Prophetc.  ■>■ 

Chap.     X  I  1 1 1. 
^yihtdUltthiAndhiifcnne^fAreigncthJiJiroynhidolAtrtej  (?.    fanftth 
kffcitifSy  9.  and Guerxometh i  hj  Godi/l>eci4lhelj>ej  the  ^cthicfun^  Atmie 
of  4  million  of  men, 

I  A  Nd  a  bias  flepr  vithhis  fathers,  and  they  buried  him 
J^Linthe  Citieof  Dauid:  and  A(a  his  fonne  reigned  for 

I  him,inwhofedaies  the  land  \r2S  quiet  tcnre  yeares.  -f  And 
Afa  did  that  vrhich  was  good  and  pieafing  in  the  ilgluofhis 

God, and  he  ouerthrev  the  ahars  of  '•'•  ftrange  fernice,  and  .-rTtpcrtcynf  j 
5    the  excelfes,  1.  and  brake  the  flatues,  and  cut  downe  the  P'oreil)  to 

4  groues.  t    And  he  commanded  luda  that  they  fnculd  feeke  ^  n    ".^i!° 
our  Lord  the  God  of  their  fathers,  and  fhould  doe  the  law,  cxterirr/'ra- 

5  andalthe  commandementes.  t  And  he  tookeaway  out  of  al  aifeiof  idola- 
the  cities  of  luda  the  altars,  and  temples,  S^reigned  in  peace.  ^1^'^'  b"t  fo 

(?    fHebuilc  alio  fenfed  cities  in  Iuda,becaure  he  was  quiet, and  ^/^-^  ^''^'^J'^s, 
there  had  no  battels  rifcn  in  his  time,  our  Lord  geuing  peace.  toLfoimethc 

7  j- Andhe  fayd  to  luda  :  Let  vs  build  theCe  cities, and  compaile  imenor  mind, 
them  with  walies,  and  (Irengthcn  them  wi:h  towers,  and  5>.  confcicnccs 
gates,  and  lockes,  whiles  thinges  are  quiet  from  battels,  be-  ofcuenc  one. 
caufe  we  haue  fought  out  Lord  the  God  of  our  fathers,  and 

he  hat;h  geuen  vs  peace  round  abour.Thcy  therfore  did  build, 

8  and  there  was  no  impediment  in  building,  f  And  Ala  had  in 
jiisarmieof  them  that  caried  fhieldes  and  Ipeares,  of  luda 
three  hundred  rhoufand:  andof  Bcniamin  (hieldbearcrsand 
archers, two  hundred  eightie  thoufand, ai  thefc  were  moft 

9  valiant  men.  f  And  Zarathe  Ethiopian  with  his  armieilTued 
forth  agaynft  them,  tenne hundred  thoufand,  and  with  three 

10  hundred  chariotes;  and  he  came  as  far  as  Marefa.  -j-  Morco- 
uer  Afawent  on  to  meetc  him,  and  (et  his  armie  in  aray  to 

II  battel  inthcvale  Sephata,  which  isneere  Marefa.  |    And 
,,    he  inuocatcd  our  Lord  Cod,  and  fayd:  Lord  there  is  no  diffe- 
rence with  thee,  whether  thou  hclpcin  few ,  or  in  manic  ; 
helpcvso  LordourGod  :  forhauing  confidence  in  thee,  and 
in  ihy  name  wc  are  come  agaynft  this  mulritude.  Lord,  thcii  • 

11  arc  our  Gcd.  let  not  roan  preuailc  agiynft  thcc.  f  Cur  Lord 

Q^qqqq      %  ihcifore 

S5>2!  Second  bookE  OF  Afa. 

therForccertifi.-dthc  Ethiopians  before  Afaandluda:  and 
thcy£chiopiansfi.*d.  t    And  A("a  purfe\rc4  them ,  and  the  ij 
people  that  wis  with  him,  vnto  Gerafa:  and  the  i£thiopians 
fcl  to  vtterdeftrudion,  bccaufe  our  Lord  killing  them, and 
his  armie  fighting  they  were  df  rtroyed.  They  tookc  therforc 
manie  (poilcs ,  f  and  rhey  ftfokealthe  cities  roundabout  14 
Gerarar^oi  great  terrour  hadinuaded  al  mm:  and  rhey  fpoyled 
the  citi.s,  and  caried  away  much  praye.  f   Yea  andd^ftroying  ij 
the  (he  pccoiesof  iheepe,  they  tookean   infinite  multitude 
of  cattcl^and  of  camels  .and  returned  into  leiufalem. 

Chap.     XV. 
,y4^rids  fyophecieth  that  ifael  sbjtlUck,  the  true  God  ^  Prltfies,  and  thi 
UrVy4  lorg  time.  8.  T^'jich  i^/«f  ^-T/rf  hearing moflfenoufiyJeflreyetb 
idoUtnt.  11.  m4k.eth  couenant  and  3ath  to  feme  Cod.  16.  ^nddepofeth 
hii  mother  for  offering  f^cnjice  to  PrupM. 

ANd  Azarias  the  fonneof Oded,the  Spiriraf  Godco- 
mingvponhim,   •}•  wenrout  to  mcete  Ara,andfayd  to  fc 
.     him  :  Hcareyeme  Afa,  andalludaandBeniamin:  Our  Lord 
on  «'°c'h(^o<is '^'*'^'^'"  y^*^' '*  because  you  hauc  becnewirh  hin,  If  you  wit' 
grace  men-      fceke  him,  you  ihal  finde;  bur  if  you  forfakc  him,  hew  il  for- 
te limciealc    fakeyou.  f   And  maniedaies  llialpafl'e in  Ifrafi  without  the    ( 
©igracc.  tru  :•  God ,  and  si^irhouc  Prieft  a  teacher,  and  without  the  Law. 

t   And  vrhen  rhey  (hilreturne  in  their  diftrelTe  to  our  Lord  4 
the  Go  J  of  lfrael,and  (hal  fcekehim,  theyilial  finde  him. 
t  At  th^t  time  there  flial  not  be  peace  to  him  that  gocth  out  5  ^ 
and  Cometh  in,  but  terrourson  eueric  fide  inthc  inhabitcrs 
oftheejrth.  t   fornation  (hal  fight  agaynft  nation,  and  citic  6 
figaynft  citie,  becaule  our  Lord  wil  truble  them  withal  di- 
firefTe.  f  You  therfore  take  courage,  and  let  not  your  handcs  7 
be  diflblued:  for  there  (hal  be  reward  to  your  worke.|  Which  8 
■when  A<a  h^d  heard, to  witte,  the  wordes,and  theprophecie 
of  Azarias  tne  fonneofOded  the  prophete,  he  tookc  cou- 
rngcanvitookeaway  the  Idols  out  of  .d  the  land  of  Iuda,and 
outof  B 'nii>nin,rind  outof  the  cities,  which  he  had  taken, 
of  mount  Ephraim,  and  he  dedicated  the  altar  of  our  Lord, 
■which  was  before  theporcheof  our  Lord.f  And  he  gathered    9 
'  to5>fthcral  luda  md  B^niamin,  and  the  ftrangers  with  them 
of  Ephnim,  and  of  M.inalT.s,  and  of  Simeon:  for  manic  were 
fi-iro  him  of  ffrael,  feing  that  our  Lord  his  God  was  \»ith 
iii'ij.    t    And  whwH  they  were  comemto  lerufalem  the  third  I* 


Paralipomxkoh.  tf^ 

11  moncthjinthc  fiftenth  yeareof  the  uigrc  of /fa,  f  they 
iramoUreci  ro  our  Lord  in  rbatday  ofthc  rpoilcs,&  thepraie, 
that  they  had  brought,  oxen  fcuen  hundred  ,  and  ramrues 

12  feuenthoufand.t  And  he  \^ent  in  after  the  marcr  toeftabliiTi 
thecouenanr,  that  they  (hould  ieeke  our  Lord  the  God  of 

13  their  fathers  in  al  their  hart,  and  in  al  their  foul,  f  And  if  anie 
man, quoth  he,  (bal  notfeeke  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifracl, let       . 

him  die, from  the  leaftto  the  greareft,  from  nianvnto  mo-  idoyfoth    ** 
14  man.   f   And  thejr  fware  to  our  Lord  vrith  alox^d  voyce  in  places  wheic 

iubilation.and  in  noyfc  of  rrumper,and  (bund  of  (haulmes,  icolcs  vcrc 
Ij  t  al  thatxrerein  ludawith  execration:  for  in  ai  their  hart  did  ^fi"cd,  cbap, 

they(^yea^e,  and  withal  their  vril  did  they  feekc  him,  and  [oi]crated"th 
16  found  him, &:  our  Lord  gauc  them  reft  round  about,t  Yea  and  place*  where 

Maachathe  mother  of  king  Afa  he  df  poled  from  the  royal  lomc  offered 

cmpyrc  ,becaufc  (he  had  made  inagrouc  ihcidolof  Priapu.s:  facuficeto 

^hich  hcNfholy  deftroyed,and  breaking  into  pec  ces,  burnt    ^  °  bcfidc 
.    .      ,     _  ■'        1     •'     .    „        ,  T^'^      tr  ^  1     ,     .      incpropcr  ai- 

ry ic  in  the  Torrent  cedron.  f  But  the  -  Excelles  wcreleaft  in  tarin  leiufa- 

18  Ifrael:  neuerthejcfic  the  hartof  Afa  vasppri'^etftal  his  daies.  kn^.  becaufe 
f  And  thofethinges  which  his  father  had  vowed,  andliim  thuwasdil- 
rcIf,hcbrouohtintothehoureofourLotd,Qcld  and  fiJuer,  P^^^^tleand 
J     r       n  •     J-  r       •  .     a     1    l  not ihc other. 

ij  andof  vcllcis  dinars  furniture,  f  And  there  wa,<:nowarre 

vnco  the  fiuc  and  thirtcih  yeare  of  the  reigne  of  Afa. 

Chap.     XVT. 
Z^^iyn/ftlek''»r'>firr4el^k'»g  Xf*  p^»(»reth  helpe  of  the  ^§rtans ,  7, 
\fiteh  d  prophet  repr  nin^  ii  p'lt  tn  fetters,    n.   ^f*  dieth  ,    nfit(t 
Mfedfe  «/"^"  /"'f'* » dndis  buriett  Withpempe. 

1  A  No  in  the  fix  and  thirrcthyesre  of  his  reigne,  came  vp 
Jl\.  Baafa  thr  king  of  Ifrael  into  Iuda,and  with  a  wall  com- 
pafTed  Rama,  that  none  could  (afelygoeour  and  come  in  of 

2  the  kingdom  of  Afa.  f  Afa  therfore  b- ought  forth  filuer 
andgoldjout  ofthetreafures  houfe  of  our  Lord,  and  of  the 
kinges  treafures,andhe  fcntto  Benadad  the  king  of  Syria, 

3  who  dwelt  in  Damafcus,  faying :  f  There  is  league  betwea 
me  &  thee,  my  father  alfo  and  thy  father  had  concord,  wher- 
fore  I  haue  fent  thee  filuer  and  gold, that  breaking  the  kague, 
-which  thou  haft  with  Baafa  the  king  of  Ifrael,  rhou  make 

4  him  retire  from  me.  t  "Which  being  knowen,  Benadad  fcnt 
the  princes  of  his  hoftesto  the  cities  of  Ifiatl:  who  fVroke 
Ahion,  and  Dan,  and  Ablcmaim  ,  and  al  the  walkd  cities  of 

5  Nephthali.t  which  vhcn  Baafa  had  heard, he  ceaUd  to  build 

Q^qqqcj     3  Rama, 

t94  Second    bookeof  Afa. lofaphat. 

Raraa,  and  intermitted  his  worke.  f  Morcoucr  Afa  the  king  <» 
tooke  ailuda,  and  caried  away  the  Ptonesoutof  Rama,  and 
the  timb«r  that  Baafa  had  prepared  for  the' building  .-and  he 
builc  of  ihem  Gabaa,  &:  Mafpha.  f  Ar  that  time  came  Hanani  7 
theprophetc  to  Afa  the  king  of  iuda,  and  faydto  him  :  Be- 
caule  thou  hall  had  confidence  in  the  king  of  Syria,  and  not 
incur  Lord  thy  God,  therforehath  the  armieoftheking  of 
Synaefcapedoutof  thy  hand,    f  "^^ete  notthcitthiopians,  S 
:;Tuft  punifli-  and  Libyians  manis  moe  in  chariores,and  horfemen  ,anda 
"'^"^  'fh        multitude  cxceding  great :  whom ,  when  thou  didil  beleue in 
icczLioi  iniu-  ^^^  Lovd ,  he  deliucrcd  into  thy  hand  ?  f  ^or  the  cies  of  o^c    9 
liouflyput-      Lord  behold  al  the  earth,  and  geue  ftrengthto  them,  that 
ting  Gods        with  perfed  hart  beicue  in  him.  Thou  thsrfore  haft  done 
prophet  iu       foolyshly,&  for  this  caufe  from  this  prefenttimeflial  battels 
So  God  puni- ^'^^^^^g^y^^'^^^^*  t  And  Afa  being  angrieagaynft  the  Sect,  10 
fiiedkimicni-  commanded  him  to  bc  cafl  into  fetters  :  for  he  tooke  indi- 
por?.liy,for      grtiation  excedingly  vpon  this  thing  :  and  he  flewc  of  the 
thatand  other  people  at  that  time  vcrie  manie.  f  But  the  w^orkes  of  Afathe"  il 
finaeTrand     '^"^^  ^  ^^^  ^^^^  ^^^  \rriten  in  the  Booke  of  th*c  kingcs  of  Iuda 
he  died  in        and  1/racL  f  Afaalfo  fel  ficke  in  the  nine  and  thirterh  yeare  '12, 
goodftite/or  of  his  reigne  ,of  a  moft  vehement  ••  payne  of  iiis  fecte,and 
iushart\i.'as      neither  in  his  infirmitic  did  he  feeke  our  Lord,  but  rather 
peifcaalhis       ^^  J  -jj  ^i^g  ^^j-e  of  Phifitians.   t    And  he  flept  with  his  15 
cuyes,  (  Chap  _    ,  ,,,.11  if  1  .  !  ■        • 

ij.T,  17.)  that  fathers  .-and  he  died  the  one  and  Tout tcthye^re  or  hzsteigne. 

is, moft  part  of  f  And  ihey  buried  him  in  his  fepulchre,wiiich  he  had  digged  14 
hislife,  cfpe-  for  himfelhn  the  Citic  of  Dauid  :  and  thcylayd  him  vpon  his 
ciallj  in  his       j^  ^  p  ^  of  fpices  and  odoiiferous  oyntemchtcs ,  which  were 

made  by  the  arte  of  apothecaries,  ana  they  bmrnt  it  ouer 

him  with  exceding  ambition. 

Chap.'    X  V  1 1. 
^      lofi^hat fncced'ingln  the  hlngJom  ^rttidiUth  In  battel  agajnfl'tj^e  hjn&of 
jfracl.  6,  dcftroyfth  idoiitcrs ,  andfetideth  Prifits  xnd  Ltmtci  to  itjftra^ 
the  people, II.  The  vhdi(liAnuind  ^rAhiAHi  fend  prefmteito  k}»^  iefx- 
phAt.  15,  the  leaders  of  the  armle  dnd  fouldian  Are  mitr.hred.  • 

N  D  'lofaphat  his  fonne  reigned  for  him,&  grew  {l.rong  i 

agaynftilrael.  f  And  he  appoynted  numbers  of  foul-  z 
diars  in  al  the  cities  of  Iuda,th?.t  wercct>mp?.ned  wich  walks, 
A  nd  he  placed  garrifons  in  rhc  land  of  Iuda ,  and  in  the  cities 

of  Ephrai^,  which  Afa  his  fatiicr  had  taken,  f  And  our  5 

Lord  was  with  loGiphar^becaufche  walked  in  the  firft  waics  . 

;  of  Dauid  • 


lofaphat.  Paralipomenon!^  ^^j 

4  ofDauidhis  father  :  and  he  tiullcd  not  in  Baalim,  t  butm 
theGodofhis  father,  and  went  foivi'ard  in  his  prcceptcs, 

5  and  not  according  to  the  finnes  of  liraeh  t  And  cur  Lord 
confirmed  the  kingdom  in  his  hand,  and  al  luda  gauc  giftes 
to  lofaphat .-  and  there  gre\r  ro  him  infinite  riches,  and  much 

6  glorie.   f    And  when  his  hart  had  taken  courage  -  for  the  ;.•  Good 
waies  of  cur  Lord  ,  he  rooke  a^ay  alfo  the  Excelfes  and  workcsap- 

7  grouesoutof  luda.  -j-  And  in  the  third  veare  of  his  kingdom,  T^°"^'^^y 
he  fcnt  of  his  princes  Benhail,  and  Abdias,  and  Zacharias,  fre^'^Gof '" 
andNathanael,andMichcas,  that  they  Ihould  teach  in  the  /rXard^ther- 

8  cities  of  luda:  f  and  with  them  Lcuites  ,  Semeias,  and  Na»  cfdogeuc 
thanias,  and  Zabadias,  Afael  alfo,  and  Stmiramoth,  and  Iona='  "^"^e  hope 
than  ,and  Adonias  and  Tobias,  and  Thobadonias  Leuitcs,  *"'  <^<^'^^'-'fncc 

9  and  with  them  Ehfama,  and  loram  Pnsftes.  f  And  they  ftoin°venuc 
taught  the  people  in  luda  ,  hauingche  booke  of  the  h^^  of  toTcrtue.;. 
our  Lord:  and  they  went  about  al  the  cities  of  luda,  and  in-  dere^i- 

10  (truded  the  people,  f  Therfore  the  dread  of  our  Lord  came  '"'"'**^^^^ 
vponal  thekingdomesof  thclandes,  that  were  round  about 

11  luda,  neither  curft  they  make  battel  agaynftlofaphar.f  Yea 
and  the  Philiftians  brought  giftcs  to  Ioraphat,and  tribute 
cffiiuer,  the  Arabians  alio  brought  cartel,  of  rammes  fcuen 

12  thoufind  feuen  hundred,  and  buckegoates  as  manie.  f  lofa- 
phat  therfore  grewe  ,  and  was  magnified  on  high  :  and  he 

15  built  in  luda  houfes  like  to  tourcsj  and  walkd  cities,  f  And 
hepreparedraanteworkes  in  the  cities  of  luda  :  there  were 

14  alfo  menofwarrc,and  valiantin  lerufalcm  ,  f  ofwhomthis 
is  the  number  by  the  houfes  and  families  of  euerie  one;  In 
luda  princes  of  the  armie  ,  Ednas  duke,  and  with  him  mod 

ij  valiant  men  three  hundred  thoufand.  f  After  him  lohanan 
the  prince,  and  with  him  two  hundred  eightie  thoufand. 

j6  t  After  him  alfo  Amafiasthe  fonnc  of  Zechti  ,confecrated 
to  our  Lord  ,  and  with  him  tvo  hundred  thoufand  of valianc 

17  men.  -f  Him  followed  Ehada  valiant  to  batrcls,  and' with 
him  of  them  that  held  bow  Sc  fhield  two  hundred  thoufand. 

18  t  After  this  man  alfo  lozabad,  and  with  him  an  hundred 
15?  eightie  thoufand  readiefouldiars.  t  Al  rhefewereatthehandi 

o  f  the  king,  befide  others,  whom  he  had  put  in  walled  cities^ 
in  al  luda. 

Chap.      X  V  1 1 1. 
yf^phiit  loaned  in  nfmiticypith  fucked  ^chah  {ing  of  ifmel  .gotih'^ith 
h:m  ttg^inft  F^rnotb  GaUad/our  hundndfdfe^ro^heuspromijfng '\iHc.* 

tie,  14. 

^fS  Second  BOOKE  OF  Io(aphat# 

_  ^,  rie,  14.  Mlcheu  ^rofihecjing  the  contrdrie ,  zy .  « pat  in  ffrtfoii.  i8.  ^ehuk 

(  notwnhf^ndtn^ic  chxngetb  bn  dttin,  andlaimth  lofd^hM  10  danger} 
35.  isjiain:, 

10  SAP  HAT  therfore  vas  rich  and  vcric  glorious,  and    i 
was  ioyned  in  affiniric  to  Achab.  f  And  he  went  downe  t 
to.kitn  after  certaine  yeares  into  Samaria  :  at  vhofc  coming 
Achab  killed  muttons  ,  and  oxen  very  manic  for  him  and  the 
people  that  came  vich  him  .-  and  he  perfsraded  him  to  goe  vp 
intoRamoth  Galaad.  f  And, Achab  the  king  of  Kracl  fayd    | 
tolofaphat  the  king  of  luda:  Come  with  me  into  Ramoth 
Galaad.  To  whom  he  anfwered  :  As  I  am  thou  aHo  ;  as  thy 
uFottKishe    peopleifo  my  people  alfo:  and- we  wil  be  with  thee  in  battel. 
'*'relendld  ""^  lofaphat  fayd  to  the  kingof  Ifrael:  Confult  I  befechthce  4 
buttu"  limplc  P^^^^^^'j^  ^^^  word  of  our  Lord,  |  Therfore  the  king  of  / 
intention  di-    Ifrael  gathered  together  of  the  prophetes  four  hundred  men, 
mimihcd  his     and  fayd  to  them  :  Shal  we  goe  into  Ramoth  Galaad  to  fight, 
tauic,  tndfo    orfitteftil?  But  they  fayd;  Goe  vp,  fay  thcy,aad  God  wil  dc» 
caiiTy*pSxdot    ^^^^^  ^^  ^^^°  ^^^  ^^"'^ '  t  ^"^  lofaphat  faf  d:  Is  there  not  here  C 
acd,(Scforhis  a  prophete  ofour  Lord,  that  we  may  cnquirealfo  of  him  i  . 
good  vorkcf  t  And  the  kins  of  Ifraelfayd  to  lofaphat:  There  is  one  man,  7 
•tkcrwifc       of  whom  '^e  may  aske  the  wil  of  our  Lord  :  but  I  hate  him, 
doBQcm         becaufehcdothnot  propheciemegood,  buteuilatal  times: 
eti>i9'i.    ^  **andit  :s  Micheas  the  fonnc  of  lemla.  And  lofaphat  fayd; 

Speakenocinrhismaneroking.  t  Thekingof  Ilrael  ther-  8 
fore  called  one  of  the  Eunuches,  and  fayd  to  him:  Cal  quickly 
Micheas  the  fonne  of  lemla.  t  Morcouer  tbeking  oflfr^iel,  9 
and  lofaphat  the  king  oriuda,both  fare  in  their  thrones,  clo- 
thed with  kinglie  artyre,  and  they  fare  in  the  court  befide 
the  gate  of  Samaria,  and  al  the  prophetes  prophecied  before 
them.f  But  Scd  ecias  the  fonne  ofChanaana  made  him  homes  i« 
ofyron,  and  fayd:  Thus  fayth  our  Lord:  Withthefe  flialt 
thou  ftrike  Syria,  ril  thou  dcftroy  it.   f  And  al  the  prophetes  11 
in  like  manner  prophecied,  and  fayd  :  Goe  vpinto  Ramoth 
G.  '■lid  ,  and  thou  ihalt  profper ,  and  our  Lord  wil  deliuer 
thfm  into  the  kinges  hand.    {   And  the  meifcnger  that  went  li 
tocil  Micheas,  fayd  to  him  :  Behold  the  wordes  of  al  the  pro- 
phetes with  one  mouth  tclthc  king  goodthinges:  I  befech 
thee  therfore  :hat  thy  word  alfo  diffent  not  from  them  ,and 
that  thou  fp^akeprofperousthingcs.  f  To  whom  Micheas   15 
anfwered.'  Our  Lord  liuech,  whatfocuer  my  God  (hilfayto 


Dfaphac.  Paralipomenok.  8^7 

14  mc,  that  vil  I  fpcakc.  f  He  thcrfore  came  to  the  king.  To 
whom  the  king  fayd:  Micheas,  fbal  vre  goe  into  Ramoth 
GaUad  tofightjOrfitftihTo  whomheanfvrered-Goeycvp:  ::SfcAnnota- 
for  al  thinges  fhal  fal  out  profperous,  and  the  enemies  Ibal  l>e  ^'<^"-  5  ^^^'''■^' 
i^  dehuered  into  your  handcs,   f  And  rheking  fayd  :  Agayne,  ^'^^' 

andagayneladiuretiiee,  that  thou  fpeakc  not  to  me,  but 

1(7  that  which  is  true  in  the  name  of  our  Lord,  f   But  he  fayd:  I 

favr  allfrael  difperftin  thcmountaynes,  as  fhcepc  without 

a  fhepheard  :  and  our  Lord  fayd:  Thefe  haue  no  maiftcrs: 

17  Icteuerieraan  rcturneinto  his  houfe  in  peace,  f  And  the 
king  of  Ifrael  fayd  to  lofaphat  ;  did  I  not  tel  thee  that  this 
raandid  notpropheciemeaniegood,  but  thefe  thinges  that 

18  bceuil?  t  Buthc  fayd:  Hcareyetherforethewordofour 
Lord .- 1  faw  our  Lord  fitting  in  his  throne,  and  al  the  h  oil  of 

19  heauen  allifting  him  on  the  right  hand  and  on  the  left,  f  And 
our  Lord  fayd:  who  (hal  dcceiuc  Achab  the  king  of  Ifrael, 
that  he  may  gee  vp  and  fal  in  Ramoth  Galaad.  And  when  one 

ao  fayd  in  thisraincr,andan  other  othcrwife:  fthere  cameTorth 
afpirir,  and  flood  before  our  Lord,  and  fayd:  I  wil  deceiuc 
him.  To  whom  our  Lord  fayd:  wherin  wilt  thou  deceiue 

II  him.  f  But  he  anfwered.-l  wilgoeforth,and  wilbealying 
fpirit  in  the  mouth  ofal  his  prophctes.  And  our  Lord  fayd: 
Thou  (halt  deceiue,  and  (halt  preuaile  :  goe  forth  ,  and  doe 

41.  fo,  t  Now  therforc,  behold  our  Lord  hath  geuen  the  fpirit 
of  lying  in  the  mouth  of  al  thy  prophctes ,  and  our  Lord  hat  h 

i3  fpokcnofthec  cuil  thinges.  f  AndSedecias  the  fonne  of 
Chanaanacamc,  and  ftroke  the  checkc  of  Micheas, and  jfayd: 
which  way  pafTed  the  fpirit  of  our  Lord  from  me,  that  it 

24  ihouldfpcaketoihee.  f  And  Micheas  fayd  :  Thou  thy  fcif 
(bait  feein  that  day,  when  thou  (hilt  enter  into  chamber  out 

2|  of  chamber,  to  be  hid,  f  And  the  king  of  Ifrael  commanded, 
faying:  Take  Micheas,  and  lead  him  to  Amon  the  goucrnour 

l6  of  the  citie,and  toloab  the  fonne  of  Amelech.  f  Andyoa 
fhal  fay:  Thus  fay  th  the  king ;  Cafl  this  felow  into  prifon, 
andgiisehim  alitlebread,and  alitle  water,  till 

27  peace,  f  And  Micheas  fayd:  If  thoureturnc  in  peace,  our 
Lord  hath  not  fpokcn  in  me,  &c  he  fayd :  Hcarc  al  ye  peoples. 

2$  fTherfore  the  king  of  Ifrael,  and  lofaphat  thckingof  luda 

29  went  vp  into  Ramoth  Galaad.  f  And  thekingof  Ifraelfayd 
to  lofaphar :  I  wil  change  m^  habite,  and  fo  I  wil  goe  to  the 
fight,  but  be  thou  clothed  with  thine  owne  garmentcs.  And 

Rrrrr  the 

^5)8  Sec  6ND  booke  OF  lofaph^ti 

the  king  of  Ifrael  changing  his  -habit  came  to  the  battel, 
f  And  the  king  of  Syria  had  commanded  the  captaynes  of  50 
his  horiemen  faying  :  Fight  not  agaynft  the  leaft  ,  or  agaynft 
thegreaceft,  but  agaynft  the  king  of  Ifrael  only,  f  Therfore  }i 
when  the  princes  of  the  horfemcn  faw  rofaphat,thcy  fayd: 
This  is  the  king  of  Ifrael.  And  they  compaflcd  him  fighting: 
but  he  cried  to  our  Lord,  and  h«  holpe  hina,  and  turned  them 
a^ay  from  him.  -^   For  Nsrhen  the  captaynes  of  the  horferaen  31 
i"aw,thatis  was  not  the  king  of  Ifrael,  they  leaft  him.  t  And  33 
it  chanced  that  one  of  the  people  fhot  an  arrow  at  aducn^    ' 
ture,  and  flroke  the  king  of  Ifrael  betwen  the  necke  and  the 
(boulders,  and  hefayd  to  his  cocher:  Turne  thy  hand,  and 
carie  me  out  of  the  battel,  becaufe  lam  wounded,  f  And  the  34 
fight  was  ended  in  that  day:  moreouer  the  king  of  Ifrael  ftood 
in  his  charioteagaynfl  the  Syrians  vntil  euening,and  died  at    ^ 

Chap.     XIX. 

Jofaphiitbein^nprouedhy  a  prof  ket  for  y  elding  help  to  ^chahy  $,  appoyn- 

tsth  Judges  in  fenernl  atiest  admeniibifjgthem  todoeiuPtce,  ^.exhortetb 

Pritjies  und  Lettites  to  execute  their  [nnS ions  canfullj.   11.  ^marias 

HighPneft  direEling'tnd  ruling  in  thinges  helongtng  to  God,  Zdhediai 

::  Prccifian  general  captdyutgouerneth the  {wges affajres, 

Doriatiftes  ^  °  ° 

holdingitvn-     \    N  D  lofaphat  the  king  of  luda  returned  into  his  boufc    I 
lauful  to  con- XX  peaceably,  into  lerufaicm.  t  Whomlchu  thcfonneof   i 
nei^rmonJft  H^^^^i  the  Seer  metre,  andfayd  to  him;  -  To  the  impious 
othcrsTriptu-'^^"^^°"gc"^ftay^«'»an^fotl^erathat  hate  our  Lord  thou 
rcsallcaged     artioyncd  in  frendihip,  and  therfore  thou  didft  dcferue  in 
thi>  reprehen-  deed  the  wrath  of  our  Lord  :  f  but  good  workes  are  found  in   5 
*'°"  for  h^fs"     ^^^^'^^"^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^  ^*^^"  ^"^^y  the  giouesout  of  the  land 
Fodetiewuh   ofluda,  and  haft  prepared  thy  hart  to  feeke  our  Lord  the 
Achab.  To      God  of  thy  fathers,  f  lofaphat  therfore  dwelt  in  lerufalem  :  4 
whom  s,^t*-  and  he  went  forth  to  the  people  agayne  from  Berfabeevnto 
guflin^fwe'    mount  Ephraim,  and  recalled  them  to  our  Lord  the  God  of 
wLnoi'bIa-     tbeir  fathers,  f  And  heappoynted  iudgesof  ihelandinal  the  5 
mcd  for  other  fenfed  cities  of  luda,  in  euerie  place,  f  and  commanding  the   6 
conuerfation  iudges,he  fayd:  Take  heede  what  youdoe  :  for  you  excrcifc 
w  th  A.hab,  ^  not  the  iudgement  of  man,  but  of  our  Lord  ;  and  whatfoeuer  • 
Wm  "a'tfi  loy?  ^^^  ^^^  iudge  ,  it  dial  redound  to  you.  -[let  the  fcareof  out '7 
ninvrVithhira  Lord  be  With  you,  and  with  diligence  Joe  al  i  hinges:  for 
iathcadtof     thcreisno  iaicjuitic  with,  the  Lord  our  God, nor  acccprion 

of  per- 

jfaphatl  Paralipomenon.  899 

S    of pcrfoanes,nordefyreof  giftcs.f  In  Icrufalemalfo  lofaphat  finn(r,vbcn  he 
appoyntedLeuites,  and  Pricftes,  and  princes  of  families  of  ^?"',^"^'^7^ 
'  Ifracl,  that  they  (liouldiudge  the  iudgement  and  caufe  of  our  ^^J^  p"ophete 
5>    Lord  to  the  inhabicantestherof.f  And  he  commanded  them,  of  God,ancl 
faying:  Thus  shal  you  doc  in  the  fearc  of  our  Lord  faithfully,  bcleuing  falfe 

10  and  vithaperfedhart.  |  Euerie  caufe,  that  shal  come  to  prophetes 
you  of  your  brethren,  that  dwel  in  their  cities.betwen  kinrcd  ^JJ^hc^/^bo^rh^ 
andkinred,wherfoeucr  there  is  queftion  of  the  la^sr,  of  the  kinc;cs  offen- 
commandement,  of  ceremonies,  of  iuftifications:  shew  it  dcdjbutwich 
them,  that  they  finnenot  agaynfl:  our  Lord,  and  left  there  difference  jfo 
come  Njrrath  vponyouand  your  brethren  :  fo  doing  therfore  °hou^h%el"- 

11  you  shal  not  finnc.  f  And  •■•  Amariasthc  prieft  and  your  mcd  m  be  fc- 
Bishop  shal  be  chiefc  in  thefe  thinges,  \rhich  perrayn  to  God:  curcrhc  orlier 
rrioreouerZabadias  thefonncoflfmahel,  who  is  the  prince  wasfaucdm 
in  thehoufcofludajshalbeouerthofeworkes,  which  per-  gi^^^  ^^"ge''' 
tayne  to  the  kinges  office  rand  you  hauemaifters  the  Leuites  v^^as  pardoned. 
before  you,  take  courage,  and  doe  diligently,  and  our  Lord  //.«t. 
"w^il  be  with  tie  good.  ''f-/  Parmen. 

■  -•■  •  -■     ■  Chap.     XX.  '''^'^''L- 

Toe  ^mmotittesy  Modhttes ,  and  Syridns  loynntng  forces  agj/ynjf  hjap'-at,  £^j^^^  ^f  ,     .•_ 
^.he  fetketh  GoSihelpe  by  puhlijue prayer  and  faffing.  14.  ^  Prophet  tualandtem- 
fort  tUetlj  that  God  "^il fight  for  them  :  10,  fo  they  fmgingpraife!  to  God,  poralauthori- 
tbe  enemies  k}l  ech other.  24.  Jofaphit  ytt'tthhi^  m-n  rather  ^erte  oreat  f"=an^  offices, 
fpoHes.7,0.  retgneth  tnpeacef^^,  buthtf  name pertibetbyjor btf jocieteeypith  ^     lof^phat 
"kicked  Ocko'^as.  nor ame  other 

king, but  by 
I       >t    Fter  thtfc thinges  were  the  children  of  Moab  gn-  ^"'^  hioiivif. 
jTjL  thercd  together,  and  the  children  of  Ammon,  and  with  ^^*''^-^7-  N""'- 
1  them  of  the  Ammonites,  to  fight  agaynft  lofaphnt    f  And 
there  came  mcfTcngcrs,  and  told  lofaphat,  faying :  There  co- 
meth  agaynft  thcc  a  great  multitude  from  thofe  places,which  :They  fafied 
arebeyondthefea,  and  out  of  Syria,  and  behold  thc-y  ftay  in  Xc°hcfldh 

3  Afafonthamar,  which  is  Engaddi.  f   And  lofaphat  being  totl.efpirice 
frighted  with  feare,  hetooke  him  wholy  to  befcch  out  Lord,  butalfo  for 

4  and  he  ••  proclamcda  faftto  al  luda.  f  And  ludas  was  ga-  °^^^^  nccefTi- 
thered  together  to  pray  to  our  Lord  :  yea  and  al  "came  out  of  ['^^j^     .     - 

;   their  cities  to  befcch  him.  f  And  when  lofaphat  ftood  in  the  piio;remaccto 
middesofthealFemblieof  Iuda,and  Icrufalem  in  the  houfe  hofic places, 

C  ofour  Lord  before  the  new  court,t  he  (ayd:  Lord  God  of  our  bccaufc  it 
ftthcrs,  thouart  Godin  heauen.andrulcft  ouer  al  the  king-  p'"i^f"^o 
domes  of  Nations,in  thy  hand  is  fti  ength  and  might,  neither  prayers  of 
Rrrrr     z  cananie 


500  Second    booke    of  lofapliati 

gooapeople    can  anic man refift  thee,  t  Didfl- not  thou  our  God  kiUl  the    7 
rathcrinonc    inhabitantes  of  this  land  before  thy  people  Urad,  and  gaueft 
place    then  m  .  ,,./•.  i       1  1       r   ^    t't-  ^    a      «     1  « 

itiQihcrch  6.  It  to  the  feed  of  Abraham  thy  trend  tor  cuer?  t  And  ihey    8 
7.&C-  dwelrinir,  &  built  in  it  a  Sandnarie  to  thy  name,  faying:  t  If    5 

cuilsfaWpon  vs,  thefwordof  ludgement,  peitiience,  6c  fa- 
mine,V7e  wil  ftand  before  this  houfe  in  thy  fight,wherein  thy 
name  is  inuocated  :&  we  wil  crie  to  thee  in  our  tribulations, 
and  thou  (halt  heare,  and  faue  vs.  f  Now  thcrfore  behold  r© 
the  children  of  Ammon,and  mount  Seir,  by  whom  thou  didft 
notgrant  irraeltopafl[e,  when  they  came  outof^gypt,  but 
they  declined  from  thera,&flew  them  not:  f  doe  the  contra-    11 
rie,and  cndeuourc  to  caft  vsoutof  thepolTelHonjwhich  thou 
haftdeliuiredtovs.  t  Our  God,wilt  not  thou  therfore  judge  12 
them  ?  In  vs  in  deed  there  is  nor  lb  great  ftrength^that  we  can 
rcfift  this  multitude,  -which  cometh  violently  vpon  vs.  But 
"whereas  we  are  ignorant  what  we  ought  to  doe,  this  onlic 
"wehaueleaft,  that  wediredoureiestothee.  f   Andalli\dar  15 
flood  before  our  Lord  with  their  litle  ones,  and  wiuesjand 
their  children,  f  And  thcte  was  lahazielthefonneof  Zacha-  14 
rias,  thcfonne  of  Banaias,  the  fonne  oflehiel,  the  fonneof 
Mathanias,  a  Lcuiteof  the  children  of  Afaph,  vpon  whom 
the  fpirit  of  our  Lord  came  in  the  middes  of  the  xnultitude  , 
t  and  he  fayd:  Attend  ye  alluda,  and  you  that  dwel  in  Icrufa-  15 
lem, and  thou  king  lofaphat:  thus  fayth  our  Lord  to  you: 
Feare  not,  neither  dread  ye  this  multitude ;  for  it  is  not,  your 
battel,  but  Gods,  f  To  morrow  you  shalgoe  downeagaynft  i^ 
them  .-for  they  wil  come  vp  by  the  fteepe  named  Sis  ,  and 
you  shal  find  them  in  the  vtmoft  part  of  the  torrent,  which 
is  agaynftthewildernelleofleruel.  f  It  shal  not  be  you  that  17 
shal  fight,  batonlie  fland  confidently, and  you  shal  fee  the 
helpe  of  our  Lord  ouer  you,  6  luda,  and  leruCalera :  feare  nor, 
neither  dreade  ye:  to  morrow  you  shal  goe  out  agaynfl  them,  \ 

s»nd  our  Lord  wil  be  with  you.  ■}■  lofaphat  therfore, and  luda,  18 
and  al  the  inhabitantes  of  Icrufalem  fel  flat  on  the  earth  be- 
foie  our  Lord, and  adorfid  him.  f  Moreouer  the  Leuitesof  19 
the  children  of  Gaath,  and  of  the  children  of  Gore  prayfed 
eur  Lord  the  God  oflfrael  with  a  lowd  voice,  on  high,  f  And  20 
VFhen  they  had  rifcn  earely  in  the  morning,  they  went  forth 
by  rhe  defert  of  Thecua :  and  they  being  gone  forrh,  lofaphac 
....  .,  tlic  ^^"'■'if^g  in  the  middes  of  them,  fayd;  Hcsremeye  meno£ 
rundaxion  of "  luda,  and  al  the  of  If  rufalem  :  ••  bcleiic  in  the  Lor4 


c.-iim  IS 

lofaphat.  PahAlipomenonT  5>oi 

yoarGod,andyou  ftialbe  (ccurc:  belcue  hisprophctes,and  *^  good  vor* 

ai  althingesihalfaloutprofperous.  f  Heeauecounfcialfoto  f^'*      *"• 
thc  people,  and  appoynred  the  iinging  men  of  our  Lord,  that  dcnttofalua- 
they  ihould  prayCe  him  in  their  companies,  and  ihoald  goc  tion   withoac 
Tfal.ij^.  before  the  hoit,  and  with  agrcable  voice  (hould  fay:  ConfefTe  othervertucs, 

2Z  toour  Lord,bfCau(ehis  merciejs^forcucr.  f  And  when  they  ^nd  rhercfore 
began  to  (ingpr3yfes,our  Lord  turned  their  embufliementes  beleuTd  bu/ 
vpon  themieluts,  to  ^x^inty  G^thc  children  of  Amraon,  and  aifofaftcdand 
ofMoab,  andof  mount  Seif,  who  wercgrneforth  to  fieht  prayed,  and 

25  agaynfl:  Iod^,and  were  iiriken.f  for  the  children  of  Ammon,  ^h^rencdere 
and  of  Moab,vofe  together  agaynft  the  inhabitantcs  of  mcunr  ^"JJ^^  ^°^?  ' 
Seir,tokil  and  dcflioy  them:  and  when  they  had  in  voii^e  pons,thou(Th 
atcheued  this,  beiiig  turned  alfo  agaynfl;  themfelncs,  they  at  this  time 

24  fel  wounded  t)he  of  an  other,   f  Moreouer  luda  when  tiiey  "  pjeafcdGod 
xpcrecoitte  to  the  watch  place,that  looketh  to  the  defert,  J^^  ^^  ^J- 
fawafarofal  the  countrie  abrode  ful  of  dead  bodies,  and  ij, 

2y  that  none  remayncd  aliuc  that  could  efcape  death. -j- lofaphac 
thcrFore  came, and  al  the  people  with  him  to  takeaway  the 
fpoilesofthcdead,  and  they  found  among  the  dead  bodies, 
^iuerteftufTe, garments alfo,  and moft'pretious  vefTels:  and 
they  fpoiled  it,  foe  that  they  could  not  carie  al  thinges,  nor 

i    in  three  dayes  take  aWaf  the  fpoilesfor  tKegrearnefleofthe 

16  pritye.  f  And  in  the  fourth  daythcy  weieafTcqibledin  the 
Vale  of  blelling:  for  becaufe  there  they  hadbtefled  our  Lord, 

'     they  called  thatplace  the  Vale  of  blcffing  vtitilthis  prefenc. 

17  day.  t  And  euerie  man  of  Iudareturned,and  the  inhab-^tantes 
of  Icrufalcm,andIoraph3t  before  them  into  lerufalem  with 
grcatioy,  becaufe  our  Lord  had  geuen  them  ioy  of  their  ene- 

28  mies.  f  And  they  entered  into  lerufalcm  with  pfalterics,  and 

45  harpes,andtrumpettcs  into  the  houfeof  our  Lord,  f  And- 

the  dread  of  our  Lord  fcl  vpon  al  the  kingdoraes  oFthe  landes 

whcnthey  heard  that  our  Lord  had  fought  agaynft  the  cne- 

30  micsoflfracL  -J-  And  thekidgdom  of  lofapharwasquietand 

31  God  gaue  him  peace  round  about,  f  lofaphat  therfore  reigned 
ouer  luda,  and  he  wasfiue  and  rhirtic  ycares  old  when  he 
begancto  rcigne:  and  he  reigned  fine  and  twentieyeares  in 
Ierufalem:and  the  name  ofhis  mother  was  Azubathe  daugh» 

ji  terofSelahi.  f  And  he  walked  in  the  way  of  his  father  Afa, 
neither  declined  he  from  it,  doing  the  thinges  that  were 

5}  pleafing  before  our  Lord,  f  But  -  yet  theexcelfes  he  tooke  cdtL^pirds 
notaway,  and  as  yet  the  people  had  not  direded  their  hart  to  vhcicIaaiStc 

Rcrir     5  out 

9^>-  Second   BQ OK E  Of  lofaphap.Iorana; 

'^oMolzi  ch    our  Lord  the  God  of  their  fachers,  tBac  the  reft  of  the  aa:es  34 
17. T.  6,  but   of  lofaphat,  the  firftandthelaft  arewritenin  the  vordesof 
tolerated  o-    lehu  the  fonnc  of  Hanani,which  he  difpofed  into  the  Bookes 
thcr  places     of  the  kingesof  Ifrael.    t  After  thefe  thinges  lofaphat  the  j/ 
wJicrcthcpeo  kingofluda  entered  frendshipc  with  Ochozias  the  king  of 

GodourLord^^''*^^»^^°^"^^^*^^"^^'-^"'°^^"'P^°"^*  t  Andhevaspar-  3^ 
without  the    taker  to  make  (hippes ,  \rhich  should  goe  into  Tharfis :  and 
temple,  not     they  madeanauiein  Afiangaber.  f  And  Eliezer  the  fonneof  57 
being  able  to  Dodau  of  Marcfa  prophecied  to  lofaphat,  faying  :  Becaufe 
Tcl    ^^     thou  haft  had  a  league  ^jrithOchozias.our  Lord  hath  ftrooken 
^^  *     thy  vrorkes,  and  the  shippes  are  broken,  neither  could  they 

goe  into  Tharfis. 

Chap:     XXI. 

lefaphit  dietby  and  Iwdm  fuccedm^  kfllith  hh  owm  brethren,  and  fame 

other  chiefs  m:n  .  6,  ret^neth  wukedlj .%.  Edom,  and  Lohna  remit 

from  him*  12.  Eliai  by  letters  fortparneth  htm  of  plagues,  i6.  which 

"^-  falling  Iff  on  him^he  dteth  after  two  yeares  Ungmsbtn^,  and  hgrrthle 

difeafet  iUi  OJ  UMdmtv  '^i'.ojq  Si'iin'  :,j:.-it::L:frtoi"^^r 

Nd  lofaphat  fle|)tTrith  his  fathers,  &va$  buried  with    x     4.«l«s?8. 
.them  in'che  Citieof  Dauid:aad  loiram  Kis  fonnc  reigned 
for  him.fWho  had  brethren  the  fonnesbf  lofaphat, A zariaSi    1 
and  lahieljfand  Zaeharii5,and'ABarias,  andiMichael,  aad  ^ 
Saphatias.'ele  werethefonakesof  lofaphaitbe  king  of 
:  luda.  t '.And irheir  father  gaacfhcirimaniegiftes^f  filucr,    5 
'  and  of  .goid,and  penfions,  with  the  :mo;ft  fenfed  cities  in  luda: 
but  the  kingdom  he  deliuered  to  loram,  becaufe  he  was  the 
firft  ;begotten.  t  And  loratn  rofc  oucrtheikingdora  ofhis  4 
fathet:and  when  he  had  eftibUllied  himfelf,  heflew.alhis  ;  i 
brethren  with  the  fword,and  certain  of  the  princes  of  Ifrael.  ■-",  . 
f  Two  and  thirtie  yeare  old  was  locam  when  he  began  to    y 
reigne:  atid  he  reigned  eight  veai'cs  in  lerufalem.  f  And  he   6 
walked  in  the  waies  of  the  kingesof  Ifrael,  as  the  houle  of    - 
Achab  had  done:  for  Achabs  daughter  was  his  wife,  and  he 
did  euil  in  the  fight  ofonrLord.f  Butour  Lordwouldnot   7 
deftroy  the  houfe  ofDauid  for  the  couenant,  which  he  had 

■  made  with  him:  and  becaufehe  had  promifed  that  he  would 
.  gcue  him  a;la;mpe,and  to  hi^Fonnesfor  euer.f  In  thofcdaies    8 

Edom  rebelled,  from  being  fubied  to  luda,  and  made  them 
felaes  a  kitig.  t  And  when  loram  had  pafied  with  his  princes,  9 

■  andal  the'horferacn,that  were  with  him,herofe  in  the  night, 



1.  PAK-AilPOMENON.  5)03 

and  ftroke  Edom,  syhich  had  com  pa  (Ted  him,  and  al  the  cap- 

10  taynesof  his  horlenien.+  ButyerEdom  rebelled,  from  being 
vnder  the  do  minion  of  luda  vntihhis  day:  at  that  time  Lob- 
Baalfo  rcuolred,  from  being  vnder  his  hand.  For  he  had  for- 

ii  fakcn  our  Lord  thcGodofthdr  fathers:  fmorccuer  he  built 
alio  excel fcs  in  the  cines  of  Inda,  and  he  made  theinhabi- 
tantes  of  lerufalem  to  fornicate ,  and  luda  to  rranfgrefTe. 

li  t  And  chcrexrerelettcrsbrcufiht  him"  from  Elias  the  pro-  ■••Ehaswas 

■'  phete,  in  vhich  \ras  Wnren:  Thus  fay  th  cur  Lord  the  God  ff.JJJJ'oJdina- 
of  Dauid  thy  father  :  Bccaufc  thou  haft  not  walkedin  the  rie  conuerfa- 
waies  oflofaphat  thy  father,  &  in  thevaies  of  Afa  the  king  tionwith 

15  ofruda,tbuthaftgonebythe  waiesof  the  kingesof  Ifrael,  mortal  men 
and  haft  made  luda  to  fornicate  ,  and  the  inhabitantes  of  Jgnthf ea'reof 
lerufalem  ,  hauing  imitated  the  fornication  of  the  houfeof  j^j^g  lolaphac 
Achab.moreoueralfo  haft  killed  thy  brethren, the  houfc  of  4  jjf^^.i.j.v/ho 

14  thy  father,  better  men  then  thou:   f  behold  our  Lord  wil  reigned twcn- 
ftrikc  thee  with  a  great  plague  vithal  thy  people,  and  chil-  "^^^"^JJ^^^' 

i;   drcn,and  thy  vriue$,andAl  thy  fubftance.  f  And  thou  shalt  be  ^"^  '^^  \^ 
fickcofavery  foredifeafe  of  thy  bealic  ,  til  thy  vital  partes  nicwed  this 

16  come  forth  by  lirle  and  litle  cueric  day.  f  Our  Lord  thcrfore  fpccul  care  of 
raifcd  vp  agaynft  lorara  the  fpirit  of  the  Philifthianes ,  and  of  [""'J^^'^  "* 

17  the  Arabians,  ^yhich  are  borderers  to  the  iCthiopians.  f  and  jf^gfh^^a'f- 
theywfntvp  into  the  Land  of  luda,  and  vaftedit,  and  they  fumption 
fpoyled  al  the  fubftance,  that  \ras  found  in  the  kinges  houfe^  fcuen  y«arc5 . 
moreoucr  alfo  his  fonnes,  and  \riucs:  neither  \ras  there  a 

18  fonneleft  him  but  loachaz,  "who  was  the  yongeft.  f  And 
befidc  al  thefc  thinges  our  Lord  ftroke  him  \rithan  incu- 

ip  rabledifeafeofthebealicf  And  when  day  fucceded  day,  and 

the  fpaces  of  times  pafled  about,  the  circaiteof  two  ycarcs 

was  complete:  and  foe  being  wafted  with  a  long  comfump- 

tion,focthathevoyded  cucn  his  very  bowels,  hewasridde 

of  the  difeafe,  and  of  his  life  together  And  he  died  in  an 

exccdingvileinfirmitie,3cthcpcopIe  made  him  not  exequies 

according  to  the  maner  of  burning  ,  as  they  had  done  to 

20  hisanocters.  f  He  was  two  and  thirtieyeares  old,  when  he 

began  to  reigne  ,  and  he  reigned  eight  yeares  in  lerufalem. 

And  he  walked  not  rightly,  and  rh«y  buried  him  in  the  Citic 

of  Dauid :  but  yet  not  in  the  fepulchre  of  the  kinges. 

Chap.     XXII. 

OchoT^m  rti^ninr  one  j/eare^ .'}.  is  (lame  together  ^oith  lordm  kin^  of  ifraely 

byhrt^Itu.  10.  ^thdlU  kjUeth  tke\tngei  children  (  cnlte  loAsbein^ 

faued bj  bn  aunt )  and  yjur^etk  the  kfrgd^mftx ^  wrw. 

^04  Second  booke  o^  OchozIaSi 

AN  D  tKe  inhabitaiitcs  of  Icrufalem  made  Ochozias  his    i 
leaft  fonne,king  for  him.for  al  the  eldersjthat  had  bene 
before  him,  the  roiiers  of  the  Arabians  had  flaync,  >3rhich  in- 
uaded  the  campe :  and  Ochozias  the  fonne  of  loram  the  king 
j;T6vitvhen  ofluda reigned. fTvro and**  fourricyearcsoIdNrasOcohzias    % 

. ^^g*"*^^  ^^  when  he  began  to  rcigne,  and  he  reiened  one  yearein  leiufa- 
rcigne  alone:  ^  p      *  °      a   i    i-      i       j        i 

fofhereigncd  Jem,  and  the  name  of  his  mother  vas  Athalia  the  daughter 
together  with  of  '•'  Amri.   t  But  healfowentby  thcwai-esofthehoufe  of  5 
his  father  at     Achab  :  forhis  mother  forced  him  to  doe  impioufly.  f  He   4 
thcagc  of  xt.  therforedid  euil  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  as  the  houfe  of 
Andaftcrhis  *  Achab:  for  they  were  his  counfelers  after  the  death  of  his 
fathers  dcaia    father,  to  his  deftruction.  f  And  he  walked  in  their  counfcls.    ^ 
butoncycare.  And  he  \renr  forth  with  Idram  the  fonne  of  Achab  king  of 
i:see^.^eg.s.  ifrael,into  battel  agaynftHazacl  king  of  Syria,  inroRamoth 
^'^  *  Galaad:  and  the  Syrians  wounded  loram.  j-Vbo  returned  to   6 

be  cured  into  lezrael ;  for  he  had  taken  manie  woundes  in  the 
forefiyd  battel.  Therfore  Ochozias  the  fonne  of  loram  king 
of  luda,  "wtm  do^s^ne  te  vifir  loram  the  fonne  of  Achab'in 
leziAtl  being  ficke .  f  Far  it  was  the  wil  of  God  agayr.ft   7 
Ochozias ,  man  hi,  fhoiiSd  come  to  loram:  and  when  he  wUs 
come  he  i550uld  goe  cut  alfo  igainft  I  ehu  the  fonne  of  Namfi, 
•whom  our  Lord  anoyntcd  to  dcAroy  the  houfe  of  Achab. 
t  when  lehu  thcrfore  ouerthrcw  the  houfe  of  Achab,  he    $ 
found  the  princes  of)[uda,And  the  fonne  of  the  brethren 
of  Ochozias,  which  fcracd  him,  and  he  (Icwe  them,  f  Sear-   9 
ching  alfo  for  Ochozias  himfcif,  he  rooke  him  lying  hidin 
Samaria:  and  being  brought  vnto  him,  he  killed  him, and 
they  buried  him:  becaufe  be  was  the  fonne  of  lofaphat,  who 
rHumanhopc  had  fought  our  Lord  in  al  his  hart  ••  neither  wasrhereanic 
fai!e<l,  but       more  hope  that  anie  (hould  ceigne  of  the  ftocke  of  Ochozias. 
Gods  prom-    ^  ^or  Athalia  his  mother ,  feing  that  her  fonne  was  dead,  10 
incanestocon  ^i^^fe,  and  lieu  al  the  kinges  ftocke  of  the  houfe  of  loram. 
ferue  fome  off  Sauing  that  lofabcth  the  kingcs  daughter  tooke  loas  the  ix 
Dauidsifluc     fonne  oF  Ochozias  ,  and  ftole  hiraoutofthcmiddcs  of  the 
to  fittcin  hjs    Jcinges  fonnes,  when  they  were  flayne.  and  she  hid  thim  with 
to  coruinuc     ^^  nource  in  the  bedde  chamber:  and  lofabeth  that  hid  him, 
thtfttccejiien     vas  the  daughter  of  king  loram,  the  wifc  of  loiada  the  high 
ttlchrifi.  A'/rf*.  prieft,  the  fiftcr  of  Ochozias,  and  therfore  Athaha  didnot 
'•.  kil  him* -{-He  therfore  was  with  them  in  the  houfe  of  God  fix  12, 

yeares  J  in  the  which  Arhalia reigned  ouer  the  Land. 



Chap.     XXIII. 
JoidddihelJlegh  prltUannoyntfth  and crowneth  loa-iklrg.  IJ.  emCeth  ^<- 
thaltatoie  JIainefl6.n{oUtrietohetic(trcj/(d.  iB.  ana  Cods  Jtrmce  ad- 

I  \  Nd  in  the  feaenthycarelciada  taking  courage,  tookc 
,/jki  the  centurions, to  "witte,  Azarias  the  lonne  of  leroham, 
and  Ifmahei  the  (onne  of  lolianan,  Azarias  alfo  the  Tonne  of 
Obcd,and  Maafias  the  fonne  of  Adaias,  and  Eiifaphat  the 
1  fonne  of  Zechri;  and  madea  couenant  with  them.  |  Who 
-  going  about  luda,  gathered  together  the  Lcuites  our  of  al  the 
cities  of  luda,  and  the  princes  of  the  famihes  of  Ifrarl,  and 

3  they  came  into  Ieru(alem.  f  Tiierforeal  the  multitude  made 
i  Couenant  with  the  king  in  the  houfe  of  God:  and  loiada 
fayd  to  them :  Behold  the  kinges  (onne  fhal  reigne,  as  our 

4  Lord  hath  fpoken,  vpon  the  fonnes  of  Dauid.  f  This-'ther-  ••Qoitmo' 

5  foreis  the  thing  which  you  (hal  doe.  •\  The  third  part  of  you  mife  being  ab 
that'comero  the  *  Sabbath  of  the  Prieftes,  and  of  Lcuites,  foluteandcer- 
and  of  porters  {hal  be  in  the  gates:  and  a  third  part  at  the  '»)"«,  yet  hu- 

kinaes  houfe  rand  a  third  at  the  gate,  which  is  called  of  the  "^^"^'^t^"'==^ 

o  tiiinri  II  Wfreneuer- 

Fundation  :  but  let  ai  the  reft  or  the  common  people  be  in  the  thelesrequi- 
C   courtesof  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  f  Neither  let  anie  other  led. 
cnterinto  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  but  the  Prieftes,  and  they 
thatminifterof  theLeuitcsrlec  them  onlic  goe  in,  becaufe 
they  are  fandified  and  let  al  the  reft  of  the  multitude  obferue  .     ^ 

;  7   the  watches  of  our  Lord,  t  And  let  the  Leuites  enuiron  rhe  ''j 

king,  hauingeuerie  one  their  weapons:  (and  if  anie  oticr 
flialenterinto  the  temple, let  himbeflayne)  andletthembe 

5  with  the  king  both  coming  in,  and  going  our.  t  The  Lcuites 

therfore,«Scal  luda  did  according  toalthinges,which**  loiada  rrincafcof 

the  high  Prieft  had  commanded; and  they  tooke  euerie  one  ri^luandnc- 

the  men  that  were  vnder  them,  and  came  by  the  order  of  the  cdHtiewe  fee 

Sabbath,  with  them  that  had  fulfilled  rhe  Sabbath,  and  \rere  Jf^f  '''\3t  the 

toooe  forth.  For  loiada  the  hieh  Prieft  permitted  not  the  ^JSui"     . 
•  J  L-L^  n     ^    t       r  1  could  do  and 

companies  to  depart,  which  were  accultomcd  toluccedeone  did  by  bis  au- 

5>  an  other  euerie  wccke.  f  And  loiada  the  Prieft  gaue  to  the  thoritic:  v?bo 

centurions  thefpcares,  and  the  ftiicldes,and  targattes  of  kino-  ctherMfifein- 

Dniid.  which  he  had  confecrated  in  the  houfe  of  our  Lord!  [nX^finl"°^ 

10  I  And  he  appoyntedal  the  people  of  them  that  held  weapons  afia>res.c/?.i<>.' 

on  the  right  fide  of  the  temple,  vnto  the  left  fyde  of  the  y  liy 

tei-nple,  before  the  altar,  and  the  temple,  round  abour  the 

Sdii  king. 

5>o^  Second  booke  of  loas. 

king.f  And  chey  broaghc  forth  the  kinges  fonnc,  and  put  the  ii 
crownc  vpon  him,  and  the  teftjmonie,  and  gaue  thelaw  to  be 
in  his  handA'<i  chey  made  him  king:Ioiada  alfo  the  high  Pricft, 
and  his  Tonnes  annoynred  him;  and  they  wiilied  him  wel, 
and  (aid:  God  faae  the  king  f  Which  thing  when  Athaliahad  xi 
heard,  to  NJ'iite,  the  voice  of  chera  that  ranne  and  prayfcd  the 
king,  ihe  vx-ent  in  vnco  the  people,  into  the  temple  of  our 
Lord,  f  And  ^xrhen  fhc  had  feene  the  king  landing  vpon  th^;  i| 
flcppc  in  the  entrance,  and  the  princes,  and  the  companies 
about  him,  and  al  the  people  of  thelandreioyfing,  and  foun- 
ding with  rrampertes,and  playing  on  inftrumenies  of  diuerfc 
kind,  and  the  voic^of  them  that  pray(ed,  Ihe  rent  her  gar- 
menres,and  fayd  :  Treafon,  treafon.  f  And  loiada  the  high  14 
Prielt  going  forth  to  the  centurions,  and  captaines  of 'the 
armie,  fayd  to  them  :  Bring  her  forth  without  the  precin<ft  of 
the  temple,and  let  her  be  killed  with  the  fword  without.  And 
thePrieft  commanded  that  fhc  0iould  not  be  killed  in  the 
houfeofour  Lord,  t  And  they  laydhandes  vpon  her  necke':  i| 
and  when  flie  was  entred  within  the  gate  of  the  horfes  of  the 
kinges  houfe,  they  killed  her  there,  f  And  loiada  made  ar  itf 
couenint  betwen  himrclf,andal  thcpeople,andthe  king, that 
they  would  be  the  people  of  our  Lord,  f  Al  the  people  ther-  17 
fore  entred  into  the  houfe  of  Baal,  and  deftroyed  it :  aqd  they 
brake  his  altars  and  ••  his  *  images  :  Mathan  alfo  the  prieft  of         */tmttU 
'"if  Uv  blind  Baal  they  fie  we  before  the  altars,  f  And  loiada.  appoynted^iS    *— - 
that  wil  not     ouerfecrs  in  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  vndcr  the  handes  of  the 
fee  difFcrencc   Prieftes,  8c  the  Leuites,  which  Dauid  diftriburcd  in  the  houfe 
betweu  ima-    of  our  Lord:  that  they  ftioald  offer  holocauftes  to  our  Lord, 

^r!-L    i^^r-^c  asitis  writcn  in  thelaw  of  Moyfes,  inioy  and  fon2es,accor- 

orCnnltoror  .  .  ,       »,  1    ,,- 

Siijidcs.         ding  to  the  difpohtion  of  Dauid.  t  He  appoynted  alio  porters  19 

in  the  gates  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  that  the  vnclcanc  in 

anie  thing  ihould  not  enter  in.  f  And  he  tookc  the  centurions,  10 

and  the  moft  valiant  men  and  princes  of  the  people,  and  al  the 

common  people  of  the  land, and  they  made  the  king  to  goe 

downe  from  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  Sc  to  enter  by  the  middes 

ofthevpper  gate  into  the  kinges  houfe, and  placed  him  in  the 

royal  throne,  f  And  al  the  peopleof  the  land  reioyfed,  &  the  il 

eitic  was  quiet:  morcouer  Athalia  was  (laync  with  the  fword. 

Chap.     XXIIIL 

Io4i  rtigningfioufty,  fo  long  as  lo'uda,  huethy  caufeththe  Temple  to  he  re~ 

f.4}redti^,Andf}emfuredYe/^eli  ta  hmade.i^.  loudji  an  hundred  thntit 

Paralipomehon.  5)07 

yedresold  Meth.17.  JoAi  ffUtth  to  tdoUtm :  10.  cdufeth  Zachdri^^  to  be 
jltymtnjhecourtof  the  Temple.  15.  ^  few  Syrixm  h^  thf  chief  men 
ahout  the  k^f^^i  ^f*d (^r^f  dWay great  prayes.  i^,  lods  tsfia^nc  ly  bit  ownc 
.  meni  aitdhtf  fonne^mafttn  teigneth. 

1  ^EvEN  ycares  old  was  loas  when  he  began  to  reignc;  and 
i3he  reigned  fourty  yearcs  in  Ierufalcra,the  name  of  his  mo- 

2  ihcrwasSebiaof  Berkbee.  f  And  he  did  that  which  is  good 
'}.  before  our  Lord  al  chcdayesof  loiadathe  Pried. f  And  loiada 

tooke  for  him  two  wiues,of  whom  he  begat  fonnes  &  daugh» 

4  rers.  f  After  which  thingcs  it  pleafed  Teas  to  repayre  the 

J   houCeof  our  Lord.  And  he  aflcmbled  the  Prieftes,  and  the 

Leuires,and  fayd  to  them  .Goeyc  forth  to  the  cities  of  luda, 

and  gather  of  al  Ifracl  money  for  the  reparation  of  the  temple 

of  your  God,  yeare  by  yeare,  and  doe  this  in  haft  :  moreouer 

6    the  Leuites  did  negligently,  f  And  the  king  called  loiada  the 

prince,  and  fayd  to  him  :  why  haft  thou  had  no  csre  to  con- 

'::   ftraync  the  Leuites  to  bring inout of  ludaand  leiufalcra  the 

money,  that  was  "  appointed  of  Moyfes  the  fcruant  of  our     ^    ,    , 
T        1     •  II  1-^1       r-tr      1  n        1  11  ...  ,       :-i5ythcIav 

.     Lord,  tttatal  the  multitude  oHIrael  ft-iould  bring  u  in  into  the  cucric  one 

7  tabernacle  of  leftimonie?  t  For  the  moft  impious  Athalia,  payed  yearly 

and  her  children  hauedeftroyed  the  houfe  of  God,  and  of  al  halfcafidc, 

thinges  that  had  bcn^  fandified  in  the  temple  of  our  Lord,  towards  the 

,    S  they  adorned  the  temple  of  Baalim. -f-The  king  therfore  com*  thctabernaclc 

:.    mandedandtheymadeacheftcandfet  it  by  the  gate  of  our  andfoaftcr- 

9  Lord  on  the  out  fide,  f  Audit  was proclaymed  in  luda  and  *^ardcsof  the 

I  IcrufaJcm,thateuery  man  should  bring  the  price  to  our  Lord,  t€niplc-£*.3o« 
which  Moyfes  the  feruant  of  God  appoynted  ouer  al  Ilrael, 

10  in  the  dcfert.f  And  al  the  princes  reioyfed,  and  al  the  people: 
and  going  in  they  contributed  into  the  cheft  of  our  Lord,  and 

II  caft  info  that  if  was  filled,  f  And  when  it  was  time  that  they 
should  bring  the  cheft  before  the  king  by  the  handes  of  Le- 
uites (  for  they  faw  much  money )  the  kingcs  Scribe  went  in, 
and  he  whom  the  high  pricft  had  appoynted  :  &  they  po"vrred 
our  the  money  that  was  in  thecheft,&  recariedit  to  hisplace: 
and  fo  did  they  from  day  to  day,  and  there  was  gathered  in- 

*I2  finite  money,  f  Which  the  kiug  and  loiada  gaue  to  them, 
that  ouerfaw  the  workes  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  :  but  they 
hired  wirh  it  hewers  of  ftones,  and  artificers  of  al  workes,  to 
repayrc  the  houfe  of  out  Lordrfmithesalfo  ofyronand  braffe, 

.Ij  that  that  which  began  to  fal,  might  be  vpholdcn.  t  And 

S  ffff  X  they 

$0%  Secondbookeof  '  loasJ" 

they  that  vrrougnt  did  induftrioufly,  aivd  the  breach  of  the 
vallcs  \f'as  doled  by  their  handes,  and  they  ray(ed  the  houfc 
of  our  Lord  into  the  old  (late,  and  made  it  ftand  firmely. 
t  And  when  they  had  accompliflied  al  the  workes,  they  14 
brought  the  reft  oFthe  money  before  the  king  and  loiada  :  of 
the  which  ^-crc  made  veilels  of  the  temple  to  the  miniftericj 
and  for  holocauftes,  phials  alfo,  and  other  veirds  of  gold  and 
filuer;  and  holocauftes  were  offered  in  thchoufeof  our  Lord 
continually  al  the  daics  of  loiada.  t  Bat  loiada  became  old  tf 
being  ful  of  dayes,  and  died  "w hen  he  was  an  hundred  and 
thirtieyearesold.|  And  they  baricdhiminthe  citieof  Dauid  iS 
"with  the  kingcSjbecaufe  he  had  done  good  \rith  Ifrael,  and 
with  his  houfe.t  Andafter  that  loiada  \ras  dead,  the  prinpes  17 
^    of  luda  went  in,  and  adored  the  king,  who  being  altered  by 
their  feruiccablcnefie, agreed  to  them,  f  And  they  forfookc  18 
the  temple  of  our  Lord  the  God  of  their  fathets,  and  ferued    . 
groues,andfculptilles,  and  there  came  wrath  agaynft  Iiidaj^ 
and  Icrufalem  for  this  finne.  t  Andhefenc  them  prophetesj  15? 
that  they  Hiouldreturnc  to  our  Lord,  whom  protcfting  they  ^ 
would  not  heare.  f  Thcfpiritof  Godtherfore  inuefted  Za-  20 
charias  the  Tonne  of  loiada  the  Priertr,  &  he  ftoodin  the  fight  ^ 
ofthepeople.andfaydtothem:  Thusfayth  our  LordGod: 
why  tianfgreire  you  the  precept  of  our  Lord,  which  thing 
{hal  not  profit  you,  &c  haue  forfaken  our  Lord,  that  he  fliould 
forfake  you?  f  Who  being  gathered  agaynft  him,  they  threw  21 
Aonesaccordingtothekingescomm'andementjin  the  court 
ofthehoufeof  ourLord.  j  And  loas  the  king  did  nor  re^  12.     ^^J*^$i 
member  the  mercie,that  I^iadi  his  fathet  had  done  with  him, 
but  he  killed  his  Tonne.  "Who  when  he  died,  fayd;  Our  Lord 
fee,  and  require  it.  f  And  whchayeare  was  come  about,  the  15 
arniieof  Syria  came  vpagainft  him:  &it  came  into  luda  &  le- 
rufalem,  Scdeweal  the  princes  of  the  people,  and  al  the  pray 
they  fent  to  the  king  into  Damascus,  t  And  wheras  there  was  24. 
comeavcryfmalnumberof  the  Syrians, our  Lord  deliucred 
into  their  handes  an  infinitmukitude,  forthatthey  had  for- 
faken our  Lord  the  Godof  their  fathers :  on  loas  alfo  they  ex- 
•••Herliatkil'.  ^rcifed  ignoraious  iudgementes.  f  And  departing  they  left  a^- 
ita  hisfpiritu^  him  in  great  difeafes  :  and  his  fetuantes  rofe  agaynft  him, 
al  fuhcr  was,    >■  for  rcuenge  of  th€  bloud  of  the  (bnne  of  loiada  the  pricft,& 
Qiineby  his.      jj-j^y  rj^^.  i^j^  in  his  bed,  &  he  dyed  :  andthey  buried  him  in 
ov/ne  icrma-   ^^^Qjig  of  Dauid,  but  aotin  thekingcsfegulchres.  t  And  16- 
^^>'^  -■  -         ■  jjicta 

k  there  eonfpired  againft  him  Zabad  the  {onnc  of  Semmaath 

an  Amraoniteffe,  &  lozabad  the  fonnc  of  Scraarith  a  Moabi- 
x-j  tefTe.  t  Moreouer  his  children, and  the  fumme  of  money, 
which  was  gathered  vnder  him,&:  tberepayringof  thchoufe 
ofGodare  writen  more  diligently  in  the  Booke  of  kinges: 
and  Amafias  his  fonne  reigned  for  him. 
Chap.      XXV. 
Z/{mjtfifU  htlleth  thofe  thatjierv  his  father,  f .  Beftdes  htso'Vpnefeopk,  hyreth 
foiildtaridflfrttely  hut  i^j  adui^e  of  a  Propkete  difmijjetb  them  y  ii.  and 
ycitb h'ps ovpne oyfierthro'^tth the idnmeAnSy  ffhofe  idols tithn  in  battel 
(  15.  the difmijfed  fouldiars  in  themeane  time  fpoy ling  hif  countne  )  ha 
adortth.  rj.  Contemning  admonttion,  17.  4ndfro»oking  the  king  of  ifrael 
to  warre;  it.  if  taken  in  battel  andf^ojUd.  17.  Feanng  treajon  m  leriifk'^ 
Itmfletthi  and  ifjlaine  in  Uckis* 

A  R.*?.  ^  TH"  ^  ^  ^  ^"*^  twcntie  yeares  old  was  Amadas  when  he  began 
X4.  JL   toreigne,  and  he  reigned  nine  and  twentic  yeares  in  le- 

rufalem  J  the  name  of  his  mother  was  loaden  of  leriifa- 

i    lem.  •\  And  he  did  good  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord:  but  yet  not 

'*'V^'^     '-5   in  a  pcrfe£l  hart,  f  And  when  he  faw  his  kingdom  ftrength- 

ned,  he  put  to  death  the  fcruantes,  that  hadflaync  the  king 

4  his  father,  f  but  their  children  he  flew  not  ,as  it  is  writen  in 
the  Booke  ofthe  law  of  Moyfes,  where  our  Lord  comman- 

t)«»t.t±     '     dcd, faying.  The  fathers  Qialnotbeflaynefor  the  children^, 
nor  the  children  for  their  fathers,  buteucric  one  (hal  die  in 

5  hisownelinne.  f  Amafias  therfore  gathered  together  luda^, 
andappoynted  them  by  farailies,and  tribunes,and  centurions 
inal  luda,  and  Beniamin  :  and  he  numbred  from  twentie 
yeares  vpward  ,  and  found  three  hundred  thoufand  of  yong 
men  that  went  forth  to  battel,  and  held  fpeare  and  (hielde* 

€    •\  He  hyred  alfo  for  wages  of  Ifrael  an  hundred  thoufand. 

7  (irong  men,  for  an  hundred  talentes  of  filuer.  f  Butamanof 
God  came  to  him,  and  fayd  :  O  king,  let  not  the  hofl  of  Ifrael 
goe  forth  with  thee,  for  our  Lord  is  not  with  Ifrael,  andal 

8  the  children  of  Ephraim:  f  and  if  thou  rhinke  that  battels 
confiftinthe  force  ofan  armie ,  God  wil  make  thee  to  be 
oucrcomeof  the  enemies  :  for  icperteyneth  to  God  both  to 

^    helpe  ,  and  to  put  to  flight.  •{•  And  Amafias  fayd  to  the  maa 

"'    of  God  :  Vhat  flial  become  then  of  the  hundred  talentes, 

which  I  hauegeuen  the  fouldiars  of  Ifrael?  And  the  man  of 

Godanfvcred  him  :  Our  Lord  hath  wherby  he  is  able  to 

•'■'-'  "  Sffff  3  geue 

fixy  Seco-ni^  tBoo  KE  OF  Amaflas, 

geuc  thee  much  more  then  this,  t  Araafias  rherforc  fepera-  lo 
tcdthehoft,  that  came  to  him  out  of  Ephraim,  that  they 
fiiould  returne  into  theit  place  :  but  they  being  wrath  exec-  .  . 
dingly  agaynftluda,  returned  into  their  countrie.  f  More-  u 
ouer  Amafus  brought  forth  his  people  confidently ,and  went 
into  the  Vale  of  fait  pittes,  and  ftroke  the  children  of  Seir, 
ten  choufand.  f  Andother  ten  thoufand  men  did  the  children  u 
of  luda  take,  and  bring  to  the  fteepe  of  a  certaine  rocke,  and    . 
caft  them  down  headlong  from  the  roppe,  who  burft  in  fun- 
der  eucrie  one.  f   But  that  armie  which  Amafias  had  fcnt   15 
backe,  from  going  with  him  to  battel,  was  fpred  in  the  cities 
of  Iuda,from  Samaria  vntoBethhoron,&  killing  three  thou- 
fand tooke  away  a  great  praye .  f  But  AmaGas  after  the  14 
{laughter  of  the  Idumeans,  fetteypthe  goddes  of  the  "chil- 
dren of  Seir,  which  he  had  brought  thence,  for  hisgoddes, 
and  adored  them,  and  burnt  incenfe  to  them,  -j-  For  which   ij 
thing  our  Lord  being  angrie  againft  Amafias,  fent  a  prophetc 
vnto  him,  which  fhould  fay  to  him  :  "Why  haft  thou  adored 
goddcSjthat  haue  not  dehuered  their  owne  people  out  of  thy 
hand?  f  And  whenhefpake  thefe  thinges,heanfwered  him.*  i(>     4'^'^«'' 
Art  thou  the  kinges  counfeler?  bequiet,  left  I  kil  thee.  And 
the  prophet  departing,  fayd  :  1  know  that  God  is  minded  to 
kil  thee,  becaufe  thou  haft  done  this  cuil,  and  befides  haft 
not  agreed  to  my  counfel.  f  Therfore  Amafias  the  king  of  17  , 

luda  taking  verie  il  counfel, fent  to  loas  the  fonne  of  loachaz 
the  fonne  of  lehu,  the  king  of  Ifrael,  faying :  Come,  let  vs  fee 
one  an  other,  f  But  he  fent  backe  the  melFengers,  faying:  A  iS 
thiftle  that  is  in  Libanus  fent  to  a  cedar  of  Libanus,  faying: 
Gcue  thy  daughter  to  my  fonne  to  wife:*Si  behold  the  beaftes 
that  were  in  the  wood  of  Libanus  parted  ,  and  trode  downe 
the  thiftle.  f  Thou  haft  fayd :  I  hauc  ftrokcn  Edom,and  ther-  19 
fore  thy  hart  is  extolled  into  pryde,  fitte  in  thy  houfe,  why  . 
doft  thouprouokeeuil  againft  thee,  that  both  thou  mayeft 
fal,  and  luda  with  thee,  f  Amafias  vFould  not  heare, becaufe  10 
it  wasour  Lordes  wil,  that  he  should  be  deliucred  into  the 
••Ob(lurarion  ^^"^^^  of  the  enemies  '•  for  the  goddes  of  Edom.f  loas  ther-  11 
ofhart  for  foi- fote  the  king  of  Ifrael  wentvp  ,  and  they  gaue  thcrafelues 
merliimc.        one  the  fight  of  the  other  .-and  Amafias  the  king  of  luda  was 

in  Bethfames  o  f  luda  :  f  and  luda  fcl  before  Ifrael,  and  fled  21 
into  their  tabernacles,  f  Moreouer  Amafias  the  king  of  z} 
luda,  the  fonne  of  loas,  the  fonne  of  loachaz,  did  take  loas 


uOziaS.  P  ARAL!  POME  NOK.  "5II 

L  thckingoflfraelin  Bethfamcs,  Sc  brought  him  into  Icrufa* 

lem :  and  deftroycd  the  \ral  therof  from  the  gate  of  Ephrainj, 

24  to  the  gate  of  the  corner, fourc  hundred  cubites.f  Al  the  gold 

alfo,  and  filuetj  and  al  the  vcflTels,  that  he  found  in  the  houfc 

of  God  ,  and  with  Obedcdom  in  the  trcafures  alfo  of  the 

kingcs  houfc,  morcouer  he  brought  backe  the  fcnnes  of 

2/  the  hoftages  into  Samaria,  f  And  Amafias  the   fonne  of 

loas  the  king  of  luda  lined,  after  that  loas  died  the  fonne  of 

26  Ioacha2thekingof  Ifrael,  fiftenc  yeares.  t  But  the  reft  of 
the  wordes  of  Amafias  the  firft  and  the  laft  are  Writen  in  the 

27  Booke  of  the  kingcs  of  luda  and  Ifrael.  f  "Who  after  he  re- 
uolted  from  our  Lord,  they  lay  in  waite  agaynft  him  in  lern- 
falem.  And  when  he  had  fled  into  Lachis,  they  fcnr,  and  flew 

28  him  there,  f  And  carying  him  backe  vpon  horfcs,  buried 
hiim  vith  his  fathers  in  theCitie  of  Dauid. 

Chap.     XXVI. 
§r(tasferumg  Gody  6.  preuailetb  in  battel a^^in/r  the  PhiliJfianSi  lAuhUns^ 
and^mmonites.  c).  ^rofpereth  in  honour  and  health.  16,  Therj  tV-ixing 
.proud  ofereih  incenfe  on  the  dtAr ,  ps  flnken  With  leprofte,  ex  felled  out  of 
the  Temple,  and  citie.  lo.  (tndh'tf fonne loathan ruletb  tbe  k}*^gdom, 

1      \    Nd  al  the  people  of  luda  made  his  fonne  Oziasfixtcne 

X   JlX yeares  old,  king  for  Amafias  his  father,  f  He  built 

Ailath,and  rcftoted  it  to  the  dominion  of  Iuda,af(er  that  the^ 

3  king  flept  with  his  fathers,  f  Sixtene  yeares  old  was  Ozias 
when  he  began  to  reigne,and  he  reigned  two  and  fiftie  yearcS' 
inlerufalem,  the  name  of  his  mother  was  lechelia  oflerufa- 

4  1cm.  f  And  he  did  that  which  was  right  in  the  cies  of  our 
Lord,  according  to  althinges,  which  Amafias  his  father  had 

J  done.  •\  And  he  fought  our  Lord  in  the  daies  of  Zacharias 
that  vnderftood  and  faw  God:  and  when  he  fought  our  Lord, 

6  ''•  he  direded  himin  al  thinges.  f  Moreouerhe  went  forth,  ^  .  - 
and  fought  againft  the  Philifthijms,  and  deftroyed  the  wal  of  ihis  k*?"! L 
Gcth.and  the  wal  of  labinia,  and  the  walof  Azotus:  he  built  fcrncdthe  op- 

7  alfo  townes  in  Azotus ,  and  among  the  Philifthijms.  f  And  finance  of 
God  did  helpehim  againft  the  Philifthijms  ,  and  againft  th^  ^a"^?,^*^  ^^" 
Arabians.thar  dwelt  in  Garbaal, and  againft  the  Ammonites,  hlahpri^ftv 

5  t  And  the  Ammonites  gauegiftes  to  Ozias  .-  and  his  name  ly^r.  ii.he 
wasrenowmed  vnto  the  entrance  of  ^tgypt  for  his  often  profpfrcdin 

9    vidlories.  f  And  Ozias  built  rowers  in  lerufalcm  ouer  the  ^'saiFajrej.. 
gate  ofthc  cor  ncr^  and  ouer  the  gate  of  the  valley,  and  the 



fii  Secokd  .BO  o  KE  OF  Czias, 

reft;  iQ  the  fame  iide  of  the  val,  and  ftrengtheneJ  them* 
j*  He  built  to'orersalfoin  the  wildernelTe,  and  digged  manie  lo 
ccfternes,  becaufehe  had  much  cattel  as  wel  in  the  cham- 
paine,asin  the  vafticieofthe  defert.-he  hadalfo  vineyardes  &. 
dreflersofvincsin  the  mountaynes,  and  in  Carmel  :  forhe^ 
\rasa  mangeuen  to  huHJandrie.  f  And  thehoft  of  his  war-  ii 
ricrs,  which  went  forth  to  battels,  was  vnder  the  hand  of 
Ichiel  the  rcribe,&  Maafias  the  dodor,and  vnder  the  hand  of 
HananiaSjwho  was  ofthekinges  dukes,  t  And  al  the  number  ii 
of  the  princes  by  famihes  of  vahant  men,  was  twothoufand 
fix  hundred,  f  And  vnder  them  al  the  huft  of  three  hundred  IJ 
&(euLn  thoufand  fiue  hundred  :  which  wcreapt  to  battels, 
and  fought  for  the  king  againft  the  aduerfaries.  •{•  Oziasalfo  14 
prepared  for  them,  that  is  to  Cay ,  for  al  the  armie,  fbildes,Und 
fpearcs,  and  helraectcs,  and  coates  of  raayle,  and  bowcs,  and 
flinges  to  caft  ftones.  f  And  he  made  in  Icrufalem  engines  ly 
of  diusrfekind,  which  he  placed  in  the  towers,  and  in  the 
coiners  of  the  walles,  to  shoote  arrowes,  and  great  flone?": 
and  his  name  went  forth  farrc,  for  that  our  Lord  did  aydc 
hnn,  and  had  ftrengihned  him*  f  But  when  he  was  ftrengrh-*  16 
ned  ,  his  hart  was  eleuared  to  his  deftrudion  ,  and  he  neg- 
-     .      leded  our  Lord  his  God  :  and  enrerins;  into  the  temple  of 

f    ■      ,   '„  =•  our  Lord:he  would  burne-incenievpon  the  altar  of  incenfe. 

Ipintu  ii  au-  .  r 

thority  wHich  t  And  incontinent  Azarias  the  Pnelt  going  in  after  him,  &  17 
peitavned  not  with  him  the  Piit  lies  of  our  Lord  eightie,  mod  valiant  men,- 
tohim,  the      ^  theyrefiltedtheking.and  fayd:Itisnot  thy  office  Ozias,  18 

'^ch  Ms^afH-  to  burnemcenfe  tooiirLord.butofthe  PriefteSjthatis,  ofthe 
flantcs  oppo-  children  of  Aaron,  which  are  confecrated  to  thiskind  ofmi- 
felchcmfel-  nii^erie  :  goc  out  of  the  Sandluarie ,  contemnenor  :  becaufe 
ucs  aaamft  the  this  thing  shal  not  be  reputed  to  ihec  for  glorie  of  our  Lord 
crr^rmlf  "'^  God.  f  And  Ozias  being  angrie,  and  holding  in  his  hand  the 
their fentcncc,  c*^"^^^  ^o^*^'^'^^  incenfe,  rhreatned  the  Prieftes.  And  fotth- 
bydrikincT  wi'h  there  rofe  a  Icprode  in  his  forehead  before  the  Prieftes, 
thtrfame  king  in  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  vpon  the  altar  of  incenie.  f  And  iq 
^nd'fo  hTJis  "^'"^^  Azaiias  tne  high  Pnefl  had  beheld  him,  and  al  the  reft 
notonlTcaft^^  of  the  Priefles,  they  faw  the  leprofie  in  his  forehead  ,  and  in 
oiuotchc  haft  they  thrufl:  him  out.  Yea  and  him  felf  being  fore  afrayd, 
temple,  but  made  haft  to  goe  out,  becaufehe  felt  by  and  by  the  plague  of 
alfooutoflns  om- (^ord.  f  Ozias  thcrfore  the  king  was  alepervntil  the  day  21 
common'con  of  his  death,  and  he  dwelt  in  alioufeapart  fulof  theleprofie, 
uetiacionwith  foi^  the  which  he  had  bene  caft  om  of  thehoufe  of  our  Lord. 



loatlian.  P  aralipomenok.^  ^15 

Morcouer  loatbanhisionncgoucrncdihekingetlioure,  and  ot^'crmrn,  & 
11  iufigcd  the  people  of  the  bn«J.  f  But  the  rcftof  rhe  wordes  ^^tced  to  6vycl 

of  OzUs  the  firft  and  the  laft  wrote  Ifaias  the  fonneof  Amos,  iTouic^^'uhouc 
23  the  prophet,   f  AnJOzias  flcpr  vrith  his  fathers,  and  rhey  thccitic  accor 

buried  him  in  the  '■  kings  (epuichres  field,  becaufehc^as  dingtothc 

a  leper  :  and  loathan  his  lonne  reigned  for  him.  hv.ieun.t}. 

Chap.     XXVII.  ;."Neithcr 

r  If   >  1    ?  •     I        I        •   /»   F  •  f    .     could  he  be 

JodtbdH  dgodlte  ktng^  5  pretutletb  tn  battel  d^amjt  the  ^mmonttes.j.dtethi  buried  in  the 

dndbti  jonne  ^cba^Jucctdetb.  propcrfepuL 

1  in  ^  V  E  and  tTrenrie  ycares  old  was  loathan  when  he  began 
Jl    ro  reigne,and  he  reigned  fixtene  yeares  in  lerufalem :  the 

2  name  of  his  mother  was  lerufa  the  daugtcr  of  Sadoc.  f  And 
he  did  that  which  was  right  before  our  Lord,  according  to 
althinges,  which  Ozias  his  father  had  done, fauing  that  he 
entered  not  into  the  temple  of  our  Lord,and  as  yet  the  people 

5  did  finne.  f  He  built  the  high  gate  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord, 

4  andinthe  valofOphel  hebuiltmaniethingcs.  f  Cities  alfo 
he   built   in   the  mountaynes  of  luda,  and  caftelles  and 

J  towres  in  the  forreftes.  f  Hefought  agaynft  thekingofthc 
children  of  Ammon,and  ouercarae  them, and  thechildren  o£ 
Amraon  gaue  him  at  that  time  an  hundred  talenres  of  filuer, 
and  tenne  thoufand  cores  ofwheate,  and  as  manie  cores  of 
barley:  the  children  of  Ammon  gaue  him  thefe  thinges  in  the 

6  fecond  and  third  yeare.  f  And  loathan  was  ftrengthened, 
becaufehe  had  direded  his  waies  before  our  Lord  his  God, 

7  t  But  the  reft  of  the  wordes  of  loathan,  and  al  his  battels, 
and  workes,  are  wriren  in  the  Booke  of  the  kinges  of  Ifrael 

8  and  luda.  f  He  was  fiue  and  twentie  yeares  old  when  he  be- 
gan toreigne,  and  he  reigned  fixtene  yeares  in  lerufalem. 

5  t  And  loathan  flept  with  his  fathers,  and  they  buried  him 
in  the  Citie  of  Dauid  :  and  Achaz  his  fonnc  reigned  for  him. 

Chap.     XXVIII. 

for  bif  ^reat  ypickednes  ^chaX^if  tdkfn  tn  bdttel,  bis ceuntrie  fjntyleJ, dnd 
mAnie  fl*ynehy  tbe kinj^ti »f  Sjrt4y4nd ifrad.  ^.yet  Godfnffretbnotthe 
l^in^dom  to  befuhducd.  16.  Tben  re^mrtn^helpeof  tbe  ^Jijrians,  17,  if 
fpnyUdby  thfldumeanSyPbilifhianSyand^Jiyrtdns.  zi.  Softer  dl  which 
pU^ttes  h<  committetb  more  idoUtrte.  i6.dtethydndbi!  fonne  Ml^cbtdi 

Ttctt  Twcntic 


5)14  Second  BOOK  EOF  Achaz^ 

T"^  E  NTi  E  year es old  was  Achaz  when  hcbegan  totci-  x 
gnc,&  he  reigned  fixtene  yearcs  in  lerufalem  :  he  did  4.   ii<x'» 

not  right  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord  as  Dauid  his  father,  "j*  but  i       ^^t 
walked  in  the  waycs  of  the  kinges  of  Ifrael,  moreoucr  alio  he 
didcaft  ftatuesto  Baaliai.f  Hcitis  that  burnt  incenfe  to  the  5 
Valebenennom,  and  he  confecrated  his  fonnes  in  fire  accor- 
ding to  therireofthe  nacions,  which  our  Lord  flewe  in  the 
coming  ofthe  children  of  IfracL  f  He  facrified  alio,  &  burnt  4 
incenfe  in  the  excelfes,  6c  on  hilles,  and  vnder  cuerie  tree  ful 
ofgreneleaucs.  f  And  our  Lord  his  God  dcliucrcdhim  into  j 
the  handes  of  the  king  of  Syria,  who  ftroke  him,  and  tooke 
a  great  ptnye  out  of  his  kingdom,  &  brought  into  Damafcus: 
to  the  handes. alfo  ofthe  king  of  Ifrael  was  he  dcliuercd,  and 
ftriken  with  a  great  plague,  f  And  Phacee  thefonne  of  Ro-  <? 
melia  flewe  of  luda  an  hundred  twentie  thoufand  in  one  day, 
al  men  of  warrc:  for  that  they  had  forfaken  our  Lord  the  God 
of  their  fathers .  |  At  that  time  Zechri  a  raightie  man  of  7 
Ephraim  ,  flewe  Maafias  the  kinges   fonne,  and  Ezricam 
the  gouernour  of  his  houfe,  Elcana  alfo  fecond  from  the 
king,   t   And  the  children  cf  Ifrael  tooke  of  their  brethren  8 
two  hundred  thoufand  of  women,  of  boyes,  and  of  wen- 
ches, and  an  infinite  praye :  and  they  brought  it  into  Samaria, 
t  At  that  time  there  was  a  Prophcte  of  our  Lord,  named  5   ] 
Oded  :  who  going  forth  ro  meete  the  arraic  coming  into 
Samaria,  fayd  to  them  :  Behold  our  Lord  the  God  of  your 
fathers  bcingangrieagainft  luda,  hath  dcliuercd  them  into 
your  handes,  and  you  haueflayne  them  cruelly,  fo  that  your 
crueltie  did  reach  to  h?au£n  .  f  Moreoucr  the  children  of  10 
ludaandleruialera  ycu  wil  (ubdue  vnro  you  /or  bondmen 
and  bond  wemen,  which  tiedcth  not  to  be  done  :for  you  haue 
finned  hereupon  ro  cur  Lord  your  God.  f  But  heare  ye  my  11 
counfel,  and  carie  bscke  the  captiucs,  that  you  haue  brought 
ofyour  brethren/oecaufe  the  great  furieof  our  Lord  hangeth 
oueryou.  t  There  ftoodtherfore  princes.of  the  children  of  12 
Ephraim,  Azarias  the  fonne  oflohanan,  Barachiasthe  fonne 
of  Mofollomoth,  Ezcchias  rhe  fonne  of  Sellum,  and  Amafa 
the  fonne  of  Hadalijagainft  them  thar  came  out  ofthe  battel, 
t  and  they  fayd  to  them:  Yoa  ihal  nor  bring  in  the  captiues  15. 
tither,  left  wtllnne  to  our  Lord.  "Why  wil  you  adde  vpon 
our  finnes,  andheape  vpold  offences  ?  for  it  is  a  great  finne, 
4J)d the angcr.of the  furieof  «ur  Lord  hangeth  ouer  IfrarU 


Paralipomenon.  ^ly 

14  t  And  the  men  of  warrc  difnnft  the  pray,&  al  che  thinges  thar 
i;  they  had  taken, before  theprincesandal  the  niulcitude.-j- And 
the  men,  whom  VFc  mentioned  aboue,  ftood  and  taking  the 
captiues,  and  al  that  vrere  naked  they  clothed  and  ihod  them, 
vrith  the  fpoyles :  and  xrhcn  they  had  clothed  and  refreibcd 
them  vith  meatc  and  drinke,and  annoynted  tliem  bccaufcof 
thcirlabour,  and  had  looked  carefully  to  them:  as  nianiea's  ■ 
could  not  walke,  and  verc  of  a  veake  bodie ,  they  (eron 
bcaftes ,  and  brought  them  to  Icricho  the  Cuie  of  palme 
trees  to  their  brethren, and  thcmfclues  returned  into  Samarin. 

16  -j-  At  that  time  king  Acha2  fent  to  the  king  of  the  All'yrians 

17  asking  helpe.  And  the  Idamcans  came  and  ftroke  manie  of 

18  Iuda,andtookeagreat  praye.  f  The  Phiiifthijras  alfo  were 
fpred  abroad  by  the  cities  of  the  champayne,  and  to-ward  the 
South  of  luda:  and  they  tooke  Bcthfames,  &c  Aialon,  and  Ga- 
deroth,  Socho  alfo,  &  Thamnan,and  Gamzo,  with  their  vil-^ 

19  lages,andd\?'cltin  them,  -f  For  our  Lord  had  humbled  luda 
becaufeof  Achazthekingof  luda,  fot  that  he  had  made  ir 

20  naked  of  helpe,  and  had  contemned  our  Lord,  -j-  And  he 
brought  agaynft  him  Theglathphalnafar  the  king  of  the  Af- 
fyrians,  who  alfo  afflicted  him,  and  fpoyled  him  no  man  refi- 
ll fting.  I  Thcrfore  Achazfpoyhngthe  houfeofourLord,and 

the  houfe  of  the  kinges,  and  of  the  princes  gauegiftcsro  the 
king  of  the  AlTyrians,  and  yet  it  did  nothing  profitehira. 

Al  t  Moreoueralfo  in  thetimeof  hisdiftreffeheincreafed  con- 
tcmpre  agaynO-  our  Lord,  king  Achaz  himfelf  by  himfelf, 

15  t  immolated  vicVimcs  to  the  godde-s  of  Damascus  that  Ilroke 
him,andfayd  :  Thegoddesofrhe  kinges  of  Syria  doc  helpe 
them,  whom  I  wilpacifie  withhoftes,  and  they  wilayde  me,  ..wickedpo- 
wheras  on  the  conrraric  part  they  were  his  ruinc,  and  al  If-  Hcieauailcth 

14  raels.  f  Achaz  therfore  hauing  fpoyled  al  the  vefTels  of  the  nothing,  but 
boufe  of  God,  and  broken  them  i\mz  the  gates  of  the  temple  liunechraucW 
ofGod,and  made  him  altars  inal  the  corners  of  Icrufalem. 

25  -j-  In  al  the  cities  alfo  of  luda  he  built  altars  to  burne  frankin- 
cenfe,  and  he  prouoked  to  wrath  our  Lord  the  God  of  his  fa- 

16  thers.  -j-  Bat  t!ie  reflof  his  wordes,  al  his  workcs  the  fiiftand 
thelail:  are  writcn  in  the  Bookc  of  the  kinges  of  luda  and 

17  Ifrael.  f  Anci  Achaz  flcpr  with  his  fathers,  and  they  buried 
him  in  the  Cirieof  Icrulalcm  :  for  they  rcceiued  him  not  into 
the  fepulchresof  the  kinges  of  Ifrael.  And  Ezcclaiashisfonne 
reigned  for  him^ 

Ttttti  Chap, 

$i6  Second    booke    of  Ezechias., 

Chap.     XX IX. 

J^^cbias  reffdyreth  ibe  Temple^anddiitineferMtee  5,  lUlouJly  exhtrteth  o^eU" 
din  to  repentAme.  ii«  tht  Temple  a  p\tnjied in  ftxtent  dates,  18.  the  king 
and  nobles  offer  k^fies  ^  J^hub  the  Pnejies  tmmoUte.  if.  Tifttb  folemne 
mufu\  (  ordatned  by  k^mg  Damd  )  and  great  loj  ofal  the  people* 

THerfoFvE  Ezechias  began  to  reigne,\rhcn  hewas  fiue    I      4.  it^. 
and  tvjp-entie  yeares  old,  and  he  reigned  nine  and  twen-  ^^» 

tieyeares  in  lerufakm:  the  name  of  his  mother  was  Abia, 
the  daughter  of  Zacharias.   f   And  he  did  that  which  was    z 
pleafing  m  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  according  to  al  rhinges  that 
Dauid  hjs  father  had  done. -f  He  in  the  firftyeare  and  moneth    | 
of  his  reigne  opened  the  doores  of  the  houfc  of  our  Lord,  and 
repayredthcm.  f  And  he  brought  the  Pricftcsand  the  Leui-    4 
tcs,  and  atfcmbled  them  in  the  Eafl  ftreate.  f  And  he  fayd  to    | 
them  :  Heare  me  ye  Leuices,  and  be  fandificd,  cleanfe  the 
houfe  of  our  Lord  the  God  of  your  fathers,  and  take  away^l 
vncleannes  out  of  the  Sanduaric*  f  Our  fathers  hauc  Cm-  $ 
ned  and  done  euil  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord  God,  forfakin^ 
him  :  they  haue  turned  away  their  faces  from  the  taber- 
nacle of  our  Lord,  and  geuen  the  backc.  \  They  hauc  (hut   7 
thedooresjthat  were  in  the  porch,  and  put  out  the  lampes, 
and  haue  not  burnt  incenfe,  and  haue  noDoffered  holocaullcs 
in  theSan(ftuarieofthe  God  of  HraeL  f  Therfore  was  the    S 
furieof  out  Lord  ftirred  vp  vpon  ludaand  lerufalem,  and  he 
hath  deliucred  them  into  commotion  ,  and  into  deftrudlion, 
&ro  be  hilTedat,  asyour  fdu«,sfee  wici  your  eyes,  f  Behold^   5 
our  fathers  haue  fallen  by  the  fwordes,  our  Tonnes,  and  cur 
daughters,  andwiuesare  led  captiue  for  this  wickcdnelTe. 
f  Now  therfore  it  pleafcth  me  that  we  make  a  coucnant  10 
vuhour  LordrheGodof  Hrael,  and  he  wil  rurne  away  the 
furie  of  his  wrarh  from  vs.  f  ^^v  chiWrtn  be  not  negligent:    ii 
our  Lord  bath  chofcn  you  to  ftand  before  him,  and  to  mi- 
nifter  to  him,  and  to  wonhipe  him,  and  to  burne  incenfe  to 
him.  t  The  L.uitcs  therfore  arofe  ;>Mah&th  the  fonnc  of  <% 
Amafai,  and  lod  the  fonne  of  Azarias,  of  the  childrtn  of 
Caath.morcoutr  the  children  of  Mtrari,  Cis  the  fonne  of 
Abdi,  and  Azuias  the  lonneof  Lil.ileel.  And  of  the  children 
of  Gf  rfon^Ioah  the  fonne  uf  Zemma,  .-in<.<  Eden  the  fonne  of 
^oah.  t  Sq  oftbechildren  o»  Eiifap'sanj  Siimri,  ant!  laiiKl,   ^5. 
Alio  of  iks:  whiUrcn  of  AU^h,  2;;schafias,  and  M  uhanias. 

f  Moieoiicic 

Ezcchias.  Paraii?omengm^  51^ 

14  t  Moreoueralfo  oh  the  children  of  HcmanJahielj&Senici: 
yea  an<l  of  the  children  of  Idithun ,  Semeias,  and  OzieL 

j^  -f  And  chey  gathered  together  their  bterhren,  andvrcrefan- 
ftificd,  and  vent  in  according  to  the  commandment  of  the 
king,  and  the  prcct^ptof  our  Lord,  to  purge  the  houfc  of 

J^  God.  t  Tht  Prieftcsalfo  going  into  the  Temple  of  out  Lord 
to  fandbifieir,  brought  out  al  vncleannfs,  vhich  they  found 
vithintheencrance  of  the  houfc  of  out  Lord,  which  the  Le- 
uitcs  rooke,  and  caried  to  fhe  Torrtnr  cedron  ■without, 

17  t  And  they  began  to  clenfe  it  the  firft  day  of  the  firft  moneth, 
and  in  the  eight  day  of  the  fame  moneth  th<  y  cntrcdinto  the 
porche  of  the  temple  of  our  Lord ,  and  they  purged  the  tem  • 
pie  in  eight  daycs,  and  in  the  fixtenth  day  of  tht  lame  mo- 

18  neth,  they  accompli  ilied  that  which  they  began  f  Thcf 
entered  in  alfo  to  Ezechias  the  king,  and  fayd  to  him  ;  Wc 
hauefancflificd  al  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  and  the  altar  ofho- 
locauft,  and  the  vefTcls  thcrof,  moreouer  alfo  the  table  of 

I5>  propoficion withal  thevcfTels  therof,  f  and  al  the  furni- 
ture of  the  tcmple,which  king  Achazin  his  reignehad  pollu* 
ted,after  thathe  tranfgreircdj  and  behold  al  thjriges  ate  fet 

20  forth  before  the  altat  of  our  Lord,  t  and  Ezechias  the  king 
rifing  early,  alFembledal  the  princes  of  the  citie,  and  went 

II  vpinto  the  houfe  of  our  Lord  :  f  and  they  offered  together 
feuen  oxen,  and  feuen  rammes,  feuen  lambcs,  and  feuen 
buckgoares  for  finne,  for  the  kingdom, for  thefan(5luarie,for 
luda,  and  he  fayd  to  the  Pritfl  s  the  children  of  Aaron, 
that  they  (hould  offer    them  vpon  the  altar  of  our  Lord, 

li  t  They  killed  therfore  the  oxen,  and  the  Priefles  tooke  t:  c 
bloud,and  powred  it  vpon  the  altar, rhey  killed  alfo  the  ram- 
mes, and  their  blouJ  they  powred  alfo  vpon  the  altar,  and 
they  immolated  thelambes,  and  powred  the  bloud  vpon  the 

15  altar,  f  They  broUj^hcrhe  buckgoares  for  finne  before  the 
king,  and  the  whole  mulnrude,  and  rh-^y  put  their  hand'?s 

^4  vpon  them.-  f  and  the  Prieftcs  immolated  them,  and  fprink- 

led  their  bloud  on  the  aicar  for  an  expiation  of  al  Ifrael :  for 

'  the  king  had  comTianded  for  al  Ifrael,  that  holocaufl  fhould 

2/  be  mide,  ana  for  finne.  f  He  rppoynted  alfo  the  Leuires  in 
the  houfe  of  our  Lord  with  cymbals, and  pfalreries  ,and  har- 
pcs  according  to  the  di^i'ohtion  of  Dviuid  the  king,  and  of 
Gvi  the  Sc  r,  ind  of  N^^H  '.n  tht  Prophfte  :  for  it  wis  the 

1^  precept  ol  our  Lord  bv  the  hand  ofhispropheres.  f  Andrhe 

Tcttt  y  Leuirc* 

5)iS  Second  BOO KE  OF  Ezecliias^ 

Lcuicesftoodc,  holding  the inftrumenrcsolTDdmd,  and  the 
Pricftestrumpettcs.   f   And  Ezechias  commanded  that  they  17 
should  offer  holocauftes  vpon  the 'altar  :  and  when  holo- 
cauftcs  were  offered,  they  began  to  fing  prayfes  to  our  Lord, 
and  to  found  with  trumpcttes,  and  ondmerfe  inftrumentes, 
which  Dauid  the  king  of  Ifrael  had  prepared  for  to  found. 
•}-  And  al  the  multitude  adoring,  the  finging  men  ,  and  they   28 
that  held  the  trumpettes,  wercin  their  office,  whiles  the  bo- 
locauft  was  accomplished,  f  And  when  the  oblation  was  19 
ended,  the  king  bowed,  and  at  that  were  with  him,  and  ado- 
red, f  And  Ezechias,  and  the  princes  commanded  the  Leui-  j© 
tes,  that  they  should  pray(e  our  Lord  in  the  wordcs  of  Dauid, 
and  Afaphthc  Seer:  who  prayfed  him  with  great  ioy  ,  and 
bowing  the  knee  adored.  |  But  Ezechias  added  thefe  wordes  51 
alfo:  You haue filled  your  handes  to  our  Lord,  come,  and 
offer  vidimes,  and  prayfesin  the  houleofour  Lord.  A!  the 
multitude  therfore  offered  hoftes,  and  prayfes  ,  and  holo- 
cauftes with  a  deuout  niinde.  f  Moreouer  the  number  of  3.1 
the  holocauftes,  which  the  multitude  offered,  was  this,  oxen 
reuentie,rammes  an  hundred,  lambcs  two  hundred,  f  And  35 
they  fandlified  to  our  Lord  oxen  fix  hunercd,  &:  sheepc  three 
thoufand.  f  But  thePrieftes  were  few,  neither  could  they  34 
fuffife  to  draw  of  rhefkinncs  of  the  holocauftes  :  whcrfors 
the  Leuires  alfo  their  brethren  holpe  them,  til  thewoike 
■was accomplished,  and  the  Priefles  were  fandified,  for  the 
Leui  tes  are  fan  (flified  with  an  eaficr  rite,  then  the  Prieftes. 
•j-  There  were  holocauftes  therfore  verie  many,  the  fattcof  ;/ 
pacifiques,  and  the  libamentes  of  the  holocauftes:  and  the 
feruice  of  the  houfeofour  Lord  was  accomplished,  f  And  5^ 
Ezechias  rcioyfed,  and  al  the  people,  becaufe  the  minifteric 
of  our  Lord  was  accomplished.  Forit  pleafedthem  that  the 
thing  should  be  done  of  a  foden. 

Chap.  XX  X. 
£^ch'us  hy  mefettgers  dnd  Utters  exhorteth  the  people  loth  of  luid  tnd  ifrael, 
to  mAkj:  Tjefcb  in  leruf^lcm.  11.  %-hich  fory^e  of  ifrael, and  nl  Indi  pe' for- 
me^ 18.  the  fsurtenth  diy  of  the  fecortd  moncth,  though  xl  could  not  he 
turifed  According  to  the  U'^.  ij-  they  make  an  other  feaf}  of  ,yC^mti 
feuen  dayes  mere,  the  ktng^ndpnnce'.geiung  ho/tes  to  theptople, 

EZ  E  c  H  I  A  s  alfo  fent  to  al  Ifra-1  and  luda  :  and  he  wrote    i 
letters  to  Ephraira  and  Manaftcs,  that  they  ihould  come 

to  the 

izecliia^  P  Aft.  alipom  enok^  9^9 

to  the  houfe  of  our  Lcrd  in  Icrufalcm,  und  should  make  a 

2    Phafe  {o  our  Lord  the  God  of  Iirael.  f  Counfel  therfore 

being  taken  of  the  king  and  theprinces ,  andof  al  rheaifcm- 

bheof  kruLalem,  they  d*' creed  to  make  the  Phafc  the  feccnd 

5  moneth.  f  For  they  could  not  make  it  in  his  time  .*  becaufe 
the  Pricftes  that  might  fuflife^bad  not  bene  fanctified.and  the 

4    people  had  not  as  yet  bene  gathered  into  leruialem.  -f  And 

J    the  vord  pleafed  the  king,  and  al  the  multitude,  t  And  they 

decreed  to  fend  meflengers  into  al  Ifracl  from  Becfabee  vnto 

dan,  that  they  should  come,  and  make  the  Phafe  to  our  Lord 

theGodof  Ifraelinlerufalcm  :formanic  had  not  made  it  as 

6  is  prefcribed  by  thela^JT.  f  AndthepoRes  went  forth  with 
letters  of  coramandemcnt  from  the  king,  and  his  princes, 
into  al  Ifraeland  lada,  according  to  that,  which  the  king  had 
commanded,  proclaming  :  Children  of  Ifrael  retuine  ye 
to  our  Lord  the  God  of  Abraham,  andlfaac,  and  Ifraeltand 
he  wil  rcturne  to  the  remnant,  that  hath  efcaped  the  hand  of 

7  thekingofthe  Ailyrians.  f  Become  notasyour  fathers, and 
brethren,  which  haue  teuolted  from  our  Lord  the  God  of 
their  fathers,  who  hath  deliuered  them  into  deftrudion  ,  as 

8  your  felues  fee.  f  Harden  not  your  ncckes,as  your  fathers: 
geue  handes  to  our  Lord,  and  come  to  his  Sandluarie,  whicK 
he  hath  (andified  for  euer  :  fcrue  our  Lord  the  God  of  your 
fathers,  and  the  wrath  of  his  furic  shal  be  turned  away  from 

f)  you.  t  For  if  you  shal  returne  to  our  Lord  :  your  brethren, 
and  children  shal  haue  mercie  before  their  Lordcs,  that  hauc 
led  thcracaptiue,  and  they  shal  returne  into  this  land  :  for 
our  Lord  your  God  is  merciful,  and  wil  not  turne  away  his. 

10  face  from  you>  if  you  shal  returne  to  him.  f  Therfore  the 
poftcswent  forward  fpedcly  from  citie  to  citie,  through  the. 
landofEphraim,andofMana{res,  as  farre  as  Zabulon,  they 

li  mocking  and  fkorning  them,  -f  NeucrtheleiTe  certayne  men 

of  Afcr,  andManalTes,  and  Zabulon,  condefcending  to  the 

[  u    counfel,  came  to  IcruLlcm.  f  But  the  hand  of  God  <jras  in 

luda,  to  geue  them  one  hart  to  doe  the  word  of  our  Lord, 

according  to  the  precept  of  the  king  and  of  the  princes. 

15  t  And  much  people  was  gathered  into  Icrufalem  to  make 

I4  the  folemnirie  of  Azimes  in  the  ftcond  moneth  :  ■{-  And' 
rifing  they  dtftroyed  the  altsrs  that  were  in  lerufalem,  and. 
oucrthrowingal  thingeswhcrin  inccnfe  was  burnt  to  idols, 

i;   they  threw  it  into  the  Torrent  ccdron-t  And  they  immolated 

^10  Second  booke  of  Ezcchias* 

the  Phtfc  the  fourfenth  day  of  the  fccond  moneth  .  The 
Pcicftes  alfo  and  the  Leuites  at  length  being  Candified  offe- 
red holocauftcs  in  the  houCe  of  our  Lord.  And  thty  ftoodc 
in  rheir  order  according  to  the  difpofirion,  &  lav  of  Moyfes 
tht  man  of  God:  but  the  Pneftes  rcceiued  the  blond  to  be 
poxrredoutofthehandesofihe  Leuites,  t  becaule  a  great  17 
niulrirudeWasnotfandlified:  &thcrforethe  Leuites  immo- 
lated the  Phafe  for  them,  that  came  not  in  time  to  be  landti- 
fied  to  our  Lord,  f  For  a  great  part  of  the  people  of  Ephraim,  18 
andManafleSjandlflachar,  andZabulon,  that  had  not  bene 
(andified,  did  eate  the  Pha(e,  not  according  to  that  which  is 
.  xrnten  landEzechias  prayed  for  them,  laying  :  Oui  good 
;t  Being  peni-  Lordwil  be  meiciful,  t   to  al  them,  '•'  that  iri  al  their  hart  ig 

cctin  hart  tor  ,    •      ^     .     r  i     ■    r     1  1        1  • 

thtfir  iinnes,     leeke  our  Lord  the  God  of  their  fathers ;  and  wil  not  impute 
Godsdifpen-   it  to them  that  they  are  not  fandtificd.  t  Whom  our  Lord  10 
facion  might    heard,  and  Was  pacified  to  the  people,  t  And  the  children  of  zi 
^^il^^S     n  Ifrael,  that  were  found  in  lerulalem,  made  the  folcmnitie  of 
ficationin        Azimes  feuen  dales  in  great  ioy,  prayfing  our  Lord  eucric 
cafcof  nccc    day.  The  Leuites  alfo  and  the  Prieftes  by  inftrumentes,  that' 
fitie,  which  o-  agreed  to  their  office,  t  And  Ezechias  fpake  to  the  hart  of  it 
fh^ai'^c^*    al  the  Leuites.  that  had  good  vndcrftanding  concerning  out  -■ 
stMtiicd  Leutt.  Lord  :  and  they  did  eate  during  the  feuen  daief  of  the  fohm~ 
$.et[e(^.Deut.  nitie,  immolating  vidimes  of  pacifiques,  and  prayfing  our 
17. &c.  Lord  the  God  of  their  faihers.t  And  it  pleafed  the  whole  mul-  zj 

titude  to  celebrate  it  "'  other  feuen  daies  ••  which  alfo  they 
riVoluntanc  ^^^  ^^^j^  gtt^t  ioy.  f  For  Ezechias  the  king  of  luda  had  14 
(Upcrcroea-  gfucnihe  multitude  a  thoufand  oxen,  and  feuen  thoufand 
tion,  more  (heepe :  but  the  princes  had  geuen  the  people  oxen  a  thou- 
thcn  v/as  com- fand,&  (heepe  ten  thoufand  :  there  was  fandified' therfore  a 
manded.  verie  great  multitude  of  Prieftes.  f  Andal  the  multitude  of  zy 

luda  was  ful  of  mirth,  as  wel  of  the  Prieftes  and  Lcuires,  as  of 
al  the  afTcmbhe,  that  came  out  of  Ifraeljof  the  profelites  alfo 
of  the  land  of  Ifrael,  and  them  that  dwelt  in  luda.  f  And  16 
there  was  made  a  great  folemniticin  lerufalem,  fuch  as  had 
not  bene  in  that  citie  from  the  dayes  of  Salomon  the  fonne  of 
Dauid  the  king  of  Ifrael.  •\  And  the  Prieftes  &  the  Leuites  17 
rofevpblelHngthe  people:  8^ their  voice  was  heard:  and 
their  prayer  came  into  the  holie  habitation  of  heauen. 

Chap.     XXX  f. 
idsUs  heiK^Je/iroycdin  dllndi  andpMrt  of  ifrael^  Priejles  and  Leuites  freely 
execute  their  fiinBioas.  4  Tfthes  andfi.l^  fruiBts  are  payed  m  fuch  abitn" 
I  d4acc,i^.  that thej  are  pHt mjiort hotifeSiand dijiributtdbji  ojftcers. 

f.  PARALIPOMf  NON.  ^21 

f  A  N^  vhcntl>e{e  thingcs  had  bencritcly celebrated, si 
J\,  Uracl  that  vras  found  in  the  cities  oUuda,  went  forth, 
and  they  brake  the  idols,  and  cue  dovnc  the  groucs,  ouer- 
threvp-  cheexcelfcs,  and  dcftroyed  the  altars,  not  oniie  out 
ofal  ludaand  Beniamin,  butout  of  Ephraim  alfo  aad  Ma- 
nartes,  til  they  vtterly  deftroyed  rhem  .- and  al  the  children 

z  oflfrael  returned  into  their  poilcliions  and  cities,  f  And 
Ezechiasappoyntcd  companies  of  Pricftes,and  ot  Leuires, 
by  theirdiuifions,  cueriemanin  hisowne  office,  towitce,  as 
"vcl  of  the  Pricrtes,  as  of  the  Lcuites,  for  the  holocauftes,  and 
pacifiques,  that  they   fliould  miniiler,  and  ••  confeile,  and  ::Befidc«coti- 

j  (ing  in  the  gates  of  the  campe  of  our  Lord,  f  And  thckingcs  ^^^'°" ''^^i"" 
part  >*'as,  that  of  his  proper  fubftance  holocault  Ihould  be  "J^i^-^Jj^^J^^^^ 
offered,  morning  alwaies  and  euening ,  in  the  Sabbathes  alfo,  Gq^s  txcellcn 
and  theCalendcsandin  other  folennites,  as  it  is  Nrriren  in  cie  fi^g^sodncs 

4  thelaw  of  Moyfes.  f  He  commanded  alfo  the  people  that 
dvelt  in  lerufaiem,  to  geue  portions  to  the  Prieftes,  and  the 

5  Lcuites,  that  they  might  attend  the  lav  of  our  Lord,  f  Which 
whenit  wasnoyfcdin  the  eares  of  the  multitude,  the  chil- 
dren of  Ifrael  offered  very  manic  firft  fruites  of  come, of 
vinCjandof  oyle,  of  honicalfo;  ajidofalthinges,  which  the 

€  ground  bringeth  foitb,  they  offered  tithes,  f  Yea  and  the 
childrcnof  Ifrael  and  luda,  that  dvelt  in  the  cities  of  luda, 
offered  tithes  of  oxc-n,  and  {hcepc,  and  tithes  of  fandified 
thinges,  which  they  had  voxc'cd  to  our  Lord  their  God  :  and 

7  caryingthem  al,  made  manic  hcapcs.  -f  The  third  moneth 
they  began  to  lay  the  fundaiions  of  the  heapes,  and  in  the 

8  feuenth  moneth  they  finifted  them,  f  And  when  Ezechias, 

and  his  princes  came  in,  they  faw  the  heapes,  and  bleifed  our  •  *■ 

9  Lord,  and  the  people  of  Ifrael.  f  And  Ezechias  asked  the 

10  Prieflcs  and  the  Leuites,  why  the  heapes  lay  fo:  f  Azarias 
thehigh  Pricftofthe  ftockeof  Sadoc  anfwered  him,  faying: 
Since  tirff  fruites  began  to  be  offered  in  the  houfe  of  our 
Lord,  we  haue  eaten,  and  haue  bene  ful,  and  very  much  hath 
remayned,bccaufcour  Lord  hath  blefTed  his  people  :  and  of 
the  remaynes  this  is  the  abundance  ,  which  thou  fecfl. 

11  t  Ezechias  thcrfore  commanded  that  ftorehoufes  fliouldbc 
prepared  in  the  houfe  of  ©ur  Lord.  Which  when  they  had 

II  done,  t  they  brought  in  as  wcl  the  firft  fruites,  as  the  tithes, 
and  watfoeuerthey  had  rowed,  faythfully.  And  the  ouer- 
fecfoftiicmva*  ChoncniasaLcuite,  and  Seincihis  brother 

V  T  T  ?  ▼  the 

:92Li  Second  booke  of  Ezcchias^ 

ihefecond,  f  after  whom  lahiel,  and  Azarias,  and  Nahath,  15 

And  Afaeljand  leriinoth,  lofabad  alfo,and  Elicl,  and  lefma- 

chias,  and  Mahatli,  and  Ban^ias,  oucrfecrs  vnder  the  hand  of 

Chonenias,  and  Semei  his  brother,  by -ihe  commandment  of 

Ezschias  the  king,  and  Azariasrhe  high  Pried  of  the  houfe 

ofGodjto  whom  al  thingcs  apperrcyned.  f  But  Core  the  14 

Tonne  of  lemna  a  Leuite,  and  porter  of  the  eaft  gate,  vas 

ouerfeerofthofethinges,  which  were  voluntarily  offered  to 

ourLordjand  of  thcfirft  fruires  and  the  thinges  confecrated 

for  Sanda  fandonim.  t  And  vnder  his  charge  Eden,  and  1/ 

Beniamin,  lefue,  andSeraeias,  Araarias  alfo,  and  Scchenias, 

in  the  cities  of  the  Piieftes,  that  they  (hould  faichfnlly  diftri- 

bure  to  their  brethren  portions,  to  the  lefler  and  greater: 

f  fauing 'the  men  children  from  three  yeares  and  aboue,  to  1^ 

al  that  entered  into  the  temple  of  our  Lord,  and  whatfofuer 

day  byday  wasprofitablein  the  minifterie,  and  the  obferuan- 

ces  according  to  their  diuifions,  t  to  the  Prieftes  by  families,  17 

andtotheLeuitesfrom  the  twcntitb  yeare  and  vpward,  by 

the  orders  and  companies,  f  and  to  al  the  multitude,  as  wd  18 

their  wiues,  as  their  children  of  both  fcx,  meares  were  geuen 

faithfully  ofthefe  thinges, that  had  bene  fandified.  f  Year  i^ 

andof  the  children  of  Aaron  by  the  fildes  and  the  fuburbes     - 

of  cuerie  citie,  there  were  men  ordayned,  that  fliould  diftri-  .  "] 

bute  portions,  to  al  the  male  fexe,  of  the  Prieftes  and  the  .] 

Leuires.  f  Ezcchias  therfore  did  al  thinges  which  we  haue  20 

faydin  al  ludarand  wrought  good  and  righr,and  truth  before 

our  Lord  his  God,  f  inalthe  feruiceofrhe  minifterie  of  the  11 

houfe  of  our  Lord,  according  to  the  law  and  the  ceremonies, 

willing  to  feeke  his  God  in  al  his  hart,  and  he  did'  it  and  pro- 


Chap..  XXXII. 
Scntfacherih  k'ff^  of  ^f[)ria  tnnading  luda,  k}f^^  Elnhi^  encord^eth  the 
ptopUy  and  protudeth  to  defend  the  countrit.  9.  the  ^jfyrians  threaten, 
ihe  people y  And  lU^heme  God.  20.  EXichids  and  Jfaias  pny.  21.  ^» 
^>7f^clde/froyeth  the  ,y{fyriam  aimie,fo  their  king  retiring  home.ujlayne 
in  his  idols  temple y  by  bis  ownefonnes.  22.  E^echiai  rei^neth  tnpcace,!^, 
falldh  into  de^dliefickneSi  hat  miraculoujly  rccoiiereth,c.jfendeth  in  prjdif, 
a f>d  repent eth.  27.  is  excedingrichy  y^hicb  he  impyndently  ihewetb  t$ 
ftranfen'.^i.  diithyand Manaffeifuccedcth.  <  ^ 

AFter  which  thinges,  and:-  this  maner  of  rrurh,  came    r      ^'^  '^'**' 
Sennacherib  the  king  of  the  Ailyrians^  and  entering         i/aie  }^^ 



intoTuJa,beficged  the  fcnfed  cities,  dcfirous  to  take  thern. 

z  t  Vhichvrhen  Ezechiashadfene,  to  witte,  that  Sennache- 
rib was  come,  and  the  whole  force  of  the  battel  to  be  turned 

5  agayhftlcrufalera,  f  taking  counfcl  with  the  princes,  and 
the  raoft  valiant  men,  to  ftoppe  vp  the  heades  of  the  fountajr- 
nes,  that  were  without  thecitie;  and  the  fentcnceof  thcmal 

4  decreing  this,  f  hegathereda  very  great  multitude,  &rhey 
Hopped  vp  al  thefountaynes,  and  the  riaer,  that  ranne  in  the 
naiddesof  the  land, faying  :  Left  the  kingcs  of  the  AlFyrians 

y  corae_y,  and  findc  abundance  of  waters,  f  He  built  alfo 
doing  induilrioufly  etierie  wall  that  had  benedeftroyed,  and 
built  towers  vpon  them, and  another  wall  without :  and  he 
repayrcd  Mello  in  thecitie  of  Dauid,  and  made  armour  and 

6  (hildcsofai  fortes.-  f  And  he  appointed  princes  of  warrycrs 
inthearmie  ;  and  he  called  thcni  altogether  in  the  (Ireateof 

7  the  gate  oi  thecitie,  and  fpake  to  their  hart,  faying:  -j-  Doe 
manfully,  and  take  courage;  fearenof,  neither  dread  ye  the 
king  of  the  Adyrians,  and  al  the  multitude,  that  is  with  him: 

8  for  there  arc  maniemoe  with  vs,  then  with  him.  f  For  with 
himisanarraeoffle{h:withvsthe  Lord  our  God,  which  is 
our  helper,  and  fighteth  for  vs.  And  the  people  was  encoura- 
ged with  thefe  maner  of  wordcs  of  Ezcchias  the  king  of 

p  luda.  f  which  thinges  after  they  were  done,  Sennacherib 
thekingof  the  AlFyrians  fent  his  (eruantes  to  Icrufalcm  (for 
himfclf  withal  his  armic  befeiged  Lachis)  to  Ezechias  the 
kingof  luda,  &;  toal  the  people,  that  was  in  the  citie  ,  faying: 

JO  f  Thus  fayth  Sennacheiib  the  king  of  the  AfFyrians  :  In 
whom  hauing  affiance,  doeyoufitte  beficged  in  lerufalem? 

II  t  Hath  Ezechias  deceiucd  you,  to  deliuer  you  to  death  in 
hungerandthiift,  affirming  that  the  Lord  your  God  can  de- 
li liuer  you  from  the  hand  ofthe  king  of  the  AlFyrians?  |  Why, 
isnot  this  Ezechias,  that  hath  deftroycd  his  exceires,and  al- 
tars, and  hath  commanded  luda  Sc  lerufalem,  faying  :  Bef^ore 
one  altar  you  flial  adore,  and  on  it  you  dial  burne  incenfe? 

15  f  Arc  you  ignorant  what  thinges  I  hauedone,and  my  fathers 
toal  the  peoples  of  the  landes?  hauethe  goddcs  of  nations, 
and  of  al  landes  bene  able  to  deliuer  their  countrie  out  of  my 

14  hani?  |  Who  is  thereofal  thcgoddesof  the  nations,  which 
my  fathers  wafted,  that  could  deliuer  his  people  out  of  my 
hand,  chat  your  God  alfo  can  deliuer  you  out  of  this  hand? 

1/  t  ^sf  ^^^  therfore  Ezechias  deceiuc  you,  nor  delude  you 
V  V  y  V  Y    1  vith 

5^4  Second  BooKE  Of  Ezechias. 

witn  vayneperfuafion,  neither  beleucye  him.  For  if  no  god 
o    al  nations  and  kingdomcs,  could  deliuer  his  people  out  of 
my  hand,  and  out  of  the  hand  of  my  fathers,  confcquently 
neither  iTial  your  God  be  able  to  deliuer'you  our  of  my  hand. 
t   Yea  and  minie  othsrthingcs  did  his  feruantes   fpeake,   iG 
agaynft  our  Lord  God ,  and  agaynft  Ezechias  his  ftruanr. 
t  Letters  alfo  he  wrote  ful  of  blalphemieagainft  our  Lord  the   tf 
Godof  Ifracl,  and  he  fpake  agaynft  him  :  as  the  goddcs  of 
their  nations  could  not  deliuer  their  people  out  of  my  hand, 
fo  the  God  alfo  of  Ezechias  can  not  deliuer  his  people  out  of 
this  hand,  t  Moreouer  alfo  \rith  alovd  crie,  in  the  lewes   i8 
tongue,  he  founded  againft  the  people, that  (ate  on  the  walles 
of  lerufalem^  that  he  might  terrific  thera,  and  take  the  citic. 
f  And  he  fpake  agaynft  the  God  of  lerufalem,  as  agaynft.the  i^ 
goddes  of  the  peoples  of  the  earth,  the  vrorkes  of  mens  han- 
des.  t  Ezechias  therfore  the  king,  and  Ifaias  the  prophet  the  lo 
fonne  of  Amos,prflyed  agaynft  this  blafphemie,and  cried  out 
euenroheauen.  t  And  our  Lord  fent  an  Angel, which  ftrok?  il 
euerieftrongman.and  warryer,  and  prince  of  the  armie  of 
thekingofthe  Aftyrians  :  and  he  returned  >!rith  ignominie 
into  his  countrie.  And  when  he  was  entered  into  the  houfc' 
of  his  God,  his  fonnes  that  werecome  forth  of  his  wombe, 
flewe  him  with  thefword.  f  And  our  Lord  faued  Ezechias  i* 
and  thcinhabitantesofIeruraIem,outof  the  hand  of  Senna- 
cherib rhe  king  of  the  A  (lyrians,  and  out  of  the  hand  ofal, 
&gaue  them  reft  round  about,  f  Manie  alfo  brought  hoftes,  ij 
andfacrificestoour  Lord  into  lerufJem,  and  gifrcs  to  Eze- 
chias rhe  king  of  luda:  who  was  exalted  after  t.hefe  rhinges 
beforeal  nations,  f  In  thofe  daies  Ezechias  was  fiek  euen  24 
to  dparh,  and  he  prayed  our  Lord :  and  he  heard  him, and  gaue 
hisnafigne.  t  But  nor  according  to  the  bnefires,  which  he  xy 
.  ,         receiued,  did  herecompenfe,"becaufchis  hart  was  eleuared: 

ccrofpri'e     and  wrath  Came  agaynft  him,  and  agaynft  luda  and  lerufa- 
inprofpcririe,  l"m.  f  And  he  was  humbled  afterward,  becaLiTe  hisharthad  1^ 
thenmaduer-  beneexilted,  both  he  and  rheinhabitantesof  lerufalem:  and 
""^'  therforp  rhe  wrath  of  our  Lord  came  not  vpon  them  in  the 

daips  of  Ezechias.  -f  And  Ezechiis  was  rich,an,d^g]oriousex-  17 
cedingly  and  githered  to  himfelfgrcar  treafures  of  liluerand 
of  gold,  and  oFprerious  ftone,  of  fpiccs,  and  of  armour  ofal 
kinde,  and  of  vtfTcls  of  great  price,  f  Srorchoufes  alfo  of  iS 
come,  of  wyne,  and  of  oyle,  and  ftallcs  of  al  bcaftcs,  and 


Mana/Tes.  Paralipomenow.'  5if 

19  foMesofcatreljfand  fix  cities  hebuili  tohim  fcirrforhc  had 
flockesof  {Vicepe,anH  of  hcardes  innumerable,  becaufe  ouC 

30  Lord  had  geiien  him  fubftance  cxceding  much,  f  The  fame 
is  Ezechias,  that  flopped  the  vpper  fcuntaine  of  the  waters 
of  Gihon,and  turned  the roaxrayvndeineth  toward  the  "Weft 
of  the  Citic  of  Dauid:  in  al  his  vrorkes  he  did  profpcroufly 

jl  what  hcvrould.  f  Butyec  in  the  enibaflie  of  the  princesof 
Babylon,  that  were  Tent  to  him,  to  askc  of  the  wonder,  that 
had  chanced  vpon  the  earth,  God  leift  him  that  he  might  be 
tempted,  and  al  thingcs  might  be  made  knowen.that  were  in 

31  his  hart,  f  But  thereft  of  the  wordes  ofEzechias,andof  his 
mercies  are  wtiten  in  the  vifion  of  Ifaias  the  fonnc  of  Amos 
the  prophete,and  in  the  booke  of  thekingcs  of  luda  6:  Ifracl, 

J5    t  And  Ezechias  flept  with  his  fathers,  and  they  buried  him  in 
thechiefefepulchrcsofthc  children  of  Dauid  rand  al  luda 
celebrated  his  funeralles,  &  al  thcinhabitantes  of  lerufalem  s 
and  ManafTcs  his  fonne  reigned  for  him. 
Chat.     XXXIII. 
Mdndfs  for  bismdnlfoU  "^icktdnei  n  led  capt.ueinto  iahylon.  \i.  repenteth 
tnpnfon^  ts  re  flared  to  hii  k.'>^g^om.  dnddejlroyeth  idoUtrie:  18.  ditth^  li, 
O'  u4monfuc(e4tn^j  Z4.  isjlaj^ne  by  bifferuanies,  ^nd  lofm  reigmth, 

4.R«f.  i*Tp"WELVE  yearesold  was  ManafTcs  when  he  began  to 

"•  A    rcigne,  and  he  reigned  fiftie  fiuc  yeares  in  lerufalem. 

2  t  And  he  did  euil  before  our  Lord,  according  to  al  the  abo- 
minations of  thenations,  which  our  Lord  ouerrhrcw  before 

)  the  children  of  I frael:  -f-  and  being  turned,  he  reedified  the 
cxcelfcs  which  Ezechias  his  father  had  dtftroycd  :  and  he 
built  altars  to  Baalim,  and  madegroues,  and  he  adored  al  the 

4  hoftof  heaucn,and  worihippedit.  f  He  built  alfo  altars  in 
the  houfeofour  Lord,  wherof  our  Lord  had  fayd  ;  In  lerufa- 

j  lem  {hal  my  name  be  for  euer.  "I-  And  he  built  them  to  al  the 
hoft  of  heauen  in  the  two  courtes  of  the  houfc  of  our  Lord  . 

i  f  And  he  made  his  Tonnes  to  pafTc  through  fyre,  to  the  Vale- 
bcnennom  ;  he  ob(erued  dreames,  folowed  fourhfayings, 
gauehim  fclfro  mAgikeartes,he  had  with  him  migicians,  & 
inchaunrer<:  and  he  wrought  manie  cuils  before  our  Lord, to 

7    prouokc  him.  |  Alfo  a  graucn,  and  a  molten  fiLme  he  put  in 

the  houfe  of  God,  wherof  our  Lord  fpake  to  D.iuid,  and  to 

Salomon  his  fonnc,  faying:  In  this  houfe,  and  in  lerufalem^ 

which  Ihaue  choicn  ai  the  tribes  of  IlracI,  Wil  I  put  my 

Vvvvv   5  name 

fi^  Second  booke  of  Manaifes.  Amoa, 

nameforcuer,  t  Andl  v^ilnotraake  the  foote  of  Ifraei  to   8 
moue  out  of  theland/orhich  I  haue  deliuered  to  their  fathersr 
yet  fo  if  they  fiialobfcrue  to  doe  that  I  haue  commanded 
them,  and  al  the  law,  and  the  ceremonieSjand  iudgeraentes 
by  thehand  of  Moyfcs.  |  ManafFes  therforefeduced  luda,  9 
and  theinhabitantesof  lerufalctH,  that  they  did  cuil  abcueal 
the  nations,  N^hich  our  Lord  had  oucrthrowen  before  the 
face  ofthe  children  of  Ifrael.  f  And  our  Lord  fpake  to  him,  10 
and  to  his  people,  and  they  ^ould  not  attend,  f  Therfore  he  11 
brought  vpon  them  the  princes  of  the  hod  of  the  king  of  the 
Alfyrians :  and  they  tooke  ManalFcs,  &  led  him  bound  with 
chaynes,  and  fetters  into  Babylon,  -j-  Who  after  that  he  was   li 
in  diftrefTe,  prayed  our  Lord  his  God  :  and  did  penance  exce- 
dinglybeforc  the  God  of  his  fathers,  f  Andhe  defircd  him,  ij 
r;  A  pregnant    and  befought  him  carneftly  :  ••  and  he  heard  his  prayer,  and 
cxampleofthc  brought  him  agaync  to  lerufalem  into  his  kingdom,  and  Ma- 
repetflicc!"^  nafTes  knew  that  our  Lord  he  was  God.  f  After  thefe  thin-  14 
gcshcbuiltawalwithoutthecitieof  Dauid, onthe  weft  of 
Gihon  in  the  valley,  from  the  entrance  of  the  fifh  gate  round' 
about  vnto  Ophel,  and  rayf:d  it  excedingiy  :  and  he  appoyn- 
tedprincesof  thehoft  inalche  fenfed  cities  of  luda:  f  and  4j 
hctookeawayftrangc  goddes,  and  the  idol  outof  the  houfe 
ofour  Lord:  the  altars  alfo  which  he  had  made  in  the  mount 
of  thehoufeofourLordjandin  lerufclem,  and  he  threw  al 
"without the citie.  f  Morcoucrbe  reedified  the  altar  ofour  16 
Lord,  and  immolated  rpon  it  vidimes,  and  pacifiques,  and 
prayfe  rand  he  commanded  luda  to  ferue  our  Lord  the  God 
oflfrael.  f  Neuertheleile  as  yet  the  people  immolated  in  the  17 
excelfes  to  our  Lord  their  God.  f  But  therefloftheadesof  18 
ManafFes :  and  his  obfecration  to  his  God ;  the  wordes  alfo  of 
the  Seers,  that  fpake  to  him  in  the  name  ofour  Lord  the  God 
of  Ifrael,  are  conteyned  in  the  wordes  of  the  kingcs  of  Ifrael. 
::This  prayer  ^  j^-^  ;.  ^^^y^j.  q\Qq^  and  his  obtayning,  and  al  his  finnes,  19 
in  the  Hebrew  and  Contempt,  the  places  alfo  wherein  he  built  excelfes,  and 
butinGrekc     made groues, and  ftatues  before  he  did  penance,  are  writcn 
ScLarin-asyct  in  the  wordes  of  Hozai.  t  ManaflTes  therfore  flept  with  his  lo 
neither  rccei-   fath-rs.and  they  buried  him  in  his  houfe :  &his  ionne  Amon 
ucd  tor  cano-       •  ,  r      f  ■         ,     a  j  •  u. 

nical.bythc      reigned  for  him.  f  Ammon  was  twoand  twenne  yeares  old  ii 
Church  nor     when  he  began  to  reigne,  and  he  reigned  two  yeares  in  leru- 
refufed.  falcm.  f  And  he  did  euil  in  the  fight  ofour  Lord,  as  ManaflTes  li 

his  father  had  done  :  and  he  immolated  to  al  the  idols,  which 


lofiaS.  P  ARAIIPOMEKOVT  5)17 

25  ManaHes  his  father  had  made,  and  fcraed  them,  f  And  he 

did  not  reucrence  the  face  our  Lord,  as  ManafHs  his  father 

did  reucrcnce  it,  and  he  commitred  farre  greater  finnes. 

14  -f  And  when  his  feruanres  had  conrpireQ  agaynfi:  him,  they 

2j  flcwehimin  his  o^3rne  houfe.   f   I\Iorconcr  the  reft  of  the 

muhitude   of  the  people,  haumg  flainc  them  that  ftrokc 

Amon,  made  lofias  his  lonnc  king  for  him. 

Chap.      XXXIIII. 

loft  AS  defiroyeth  lAohtrie.  8.  repaireth  the  Temple.  14.  The  hooke  of  the  U  W 

foumdin  the  Temple  is  redde  before  him.  19.   ^^htrby  ')fnderfxndlngthe 

ftnnes  of  the  people,  25.  a  prophetc  foreshen^e:h  their  punishment  ^  iS.btit 

not  in  his  ditei.  i<)*He  reneweth  thecoucmnt  betwen  God  and  the  people, 

•♦•  ^'a'    ^     T7  I  GH  T  yeares  old  \ras  lofias  ^3^hen  he  began  toreigne,  & 
ai,  2    JIL  he  reigned  thirtie  and  oneyeares  in  lerulalcm.  •}•  And  he 

did  that  •which  was  right  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,  and  wal- 
ked in  the  waies  of  Dauid  his  father:  he  declined  not  nei- 
j  thertotherighthand,norto  the  left.  +  And  in  the  eight 
yeare  of  his  rcigne,when  he  was  yet  a  childjhe  began  to  fecke 
the  God  of  his  father  Dauid  :  and  the  twelfth  yeare  after  he 
began  toreigne,  hecleanfed  luda  and  leruCalem  from  excel- 

4  fcs,  and  groues,  and  idols,  &  fculptils.  f  And  they  deftroyed 
before  him  the  altars  of  Baalim,  and  the  idols,  that  had  bene 
fet  vpon  them,  they  deftroyed  :  thcgroues  alfo  and  fculptiFs 
hecutdowneandbrakein  peeces  :  and  ouer  their  tombes, 
that  were  accuftomed  to  immolate  vnto  them,  he  ftrawed 

J    the  fragmentes.  ■\  Moreouer  the  bones  of  the  Prieftts  he 
Vt     '^'  burnt  on  the  altars  of  the  idols,  and  heclcnfed  luda  and  leru- 

6  falem.  t  Yeaand  in  thecitiesof  Mana(Tes,and  of  Ephraim, 

7  and  of  Simeon,vnto  Nepthali  he  oucrthrew  ah  -f-  And  when 
he  had  deftroyed  the  altars,  and  the  groucs,  and  had  broken 
the  idols  into  peces,  and  had  ouerthrowen  al  profane  tem- 
ples out  of  al  the  land  of  Ifracl,  he  returned  into  Icrufalcm. 

8  t  Thcrfore  in  the  eightenth  yeare  of  his  reigne,  the  land 
now  clenfed,  and  the  temple  of  our  Lord,  hefentSaphan  the 
fonneof  Efeli3S,and  Maafiis  the gouernour  of  thecitie  ,  and 
loha  the  fonnc  of  loachaz  Commenter,thatthey  (hould  re^ 

5  payro  the  houfe  ofour  Lord  his  God.  t  Who  came  to  Hclcias 
the  high  prieft:and  raking  of  him  the  money,  which  had 
bene  brought  in:o  the  houfe  ofour  Lord,  and  which  thcLe- 
uitcs  and  porters  had  gathered  together  of  Marafles,  and 


fx%  Second    bookeof  lofias. 

Ephraitn.andof  ahhercrananc  ofirracl.ofalludaairo,  and 
Beniamin,andthcinhabitcrsofIcrufalem,  t  tbeydeliucred  lo 
in  their  handcs,  that  ouerfav  the  vrorkcmen  in  thehoufeof  ^ 
our  Lord,  that  they  Aould  repayre  the  temple,  and  mcndal 
xreakc  partes,  f  But  they  gaaeit  to  the  artificers,  zni  to  the  ii 
mafons,  that  they  fhould  bye  ftones  out  of  the  quarries,  and 
timber  for  the  ioynturex  of  the  building,  and  for  making  the 
roofeof  thehoufe,vhichthekingesoi-  luda  had  deftroyed, 
t    who  di J  al  thinges  faithfully.  And  theouerfeers  of  the  u 
verkeracn  vcre  lahath  &  Abdias  of  the  children  of  Mcrari, 
Zachariasand  Mofollam  of  the  children  of  Caath,  vhich 
vrgcd  the  vorkc :  al  Leuites  ikilful  ro  fing  on  inftrumentcs. 
t  Butouerthem,  tharcaried  burdens  to  diuerfe  vfcs,  verc   15 
fcribes,  and  maftersofthc  Leuites,  and  porters,  t  And  when  14 
they  caried forth  the  money,  that  had  bene  brought  into-thc 
temple  of  our  Lord,  Helcias  the  Prieft  found  the  Booke  of 
r.  (jcuenby      "^^^  ^^^  of  out  Lord,-  by  the  hand  of  Moyfcs.  f  And  he  fayd   if 
the  hand  of     to  Saphan  theScribc  :  I  hauefound  the  bookc  of  the  law  in 
Mo/Icj,         thehoufeof  our  Lord  :  and  deUuered  it  to  him.  -f   But  h»  16 
brought  in  the  volume  to  the  king,  and  told  him,  faying ;  Al 
thinge$,whichtbou  gaueft  into  the  hand  of  thy  feruantes^  . 
locate  accomplished,  f  The  filuer  that  was  found  in  the  17 
houfeofourLord,  they  haue  gathered  into  a  malFe  ;  andic 
vas  gcucn  to  the  ouerfeers  of  the  artificers,  and  of  them  that 
makediuerfcworkes.  f  Moreoucr  Helcias  the  Prieft  deli-  iS 
uered  me  this  booke.  Which  when  he  hid  read  in  the  kingcs 
prefence,  f  and  he  had  heard  the  wordes  of  the  law,  he  rent  19 
his  garraentcs:  f  and  he  commanded  Helcias,  and  Ahicam  to 
the  fonne  of  Saphan,  and  Abdon  the  fonnc  of  Micha,Saphan 
alfo  the fcribe, and  Afaa  the  kinges  feruant,  faying:  f  Goc,  n 
and  pray  our  Lord  for  me, and  for  the  remnant  oflfrael,  and 
luda,  concerning  al  the  wotdes  of  this  Bookc,  which  is 
found;  for  the  great  furie  of  our  Lord  hath  diftillcdvpon  vs, 
for  that  our  fathers  haue  not  kept  the  wordes  of  our  Lord,  to 
doealthinges,  that  are  writcn  in   this  volume,  f  Helcias  it 
therfore  went,  and  they  that  were  fent  together  by  the  king, 
to  Oida  a  prophetefTe,  the  wife  of  Selluna  the  fonne  of  The- 
cuath,  the  fonnc  of  Hafra  keeper  of  the  garmentes  ;  who 
dweicin  lerufalemin  the  fecond  part  :  and  they  fpakc  ro 
her  the  wordes,  which  we  haue  aboue  mentioned,  f  But  the  ij 
mfwered  thcna :  Thus  fayth  out  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrad:  Tel 

P  AR  ALI  P  O  MFKON.  ^1^ 

24  thcman,tbr4tftiiryou  ro  me;  j  Thus  fay  tlj  our  lord;  Behold 
I  wilbiitigeuiUvpon  this  place,  and  vpon  the  jnhahit.'nrfs 
therof,  and  al  rhe  cuifcs,  tliat  arc  m  liters  in  ihis   Ecoke, 

2;  Ns^hich  rhcy  redde  befcrc  thekingof  luc'^.  t  Brcaufc  they 
haue  for(«ken  me,  and  hcue  (ccrificed  to  ftrancc  goddcs,  rliat 
they  might  proucke  me  to  ^' rath  in  al  the  voikes  of  their 
handes,  thtrtorc;  lliai  rr-y  furicdroppevpon  this  pLice,  8c  (hal 

16  jiot  be  extinguished,  -j-  But  tothe  kingof  luda  that  fenryou 
to  be(ccheour  Lord,  thusfpeake  ye  :  Thus  fayth  our  Lord 
the  God  of  Ifracl  :  Bccsule  thou  haft  heard  the  vordts  cf 

27  thisvohame,  t  and  thy  hart  is  nioiiificd, and  thou  art  hum- 
bled in  the  fight  ofour  Lord  for  thcfe^thingcs, which  arcfpo- 
kenagainft  this  place,  and  theinhabitantesof  leiufaleiri.and 
reucrcncing  my  face,  haft  rent  thy  garmcntcs,  and  vcpc  be- 

iS  fore  me;  lalfo  baue  heard  thee,  fay  rh  our  Lord,  f  ••  For  now  ::Itis  a  ttne- 

_    vil  Igather  rheeto  thy  fathers,  and  thcu  fiialt  be  brought  ^"^ '^^  '^'^ 
into  thy  ^rauc  in  peace:  neither  shalthync  eicsfcc«lihc  cuil  "^-^"^"^^ 
that  I  wil  bring  in  vpon  thisplacc,  and  vpon  the  mnabuantes  befoicccr.cral 
therof.  They  iherforexeporced  to  the  king  al  thinges  that  ir.ikjiccoiac 

1^  {h«had  fayd.  f  But  he  caUing  together  al  the  ancicnrcsof  vpon  cue  fco- 

30  luda  and  lerufaUm,  -f  vent  vp  into  the  hcufeofour  Lord,  I'^"' 
and  al  the  men  of  luda,  and  the  inhabitantes  of  Icruialcm, 
Prieftes  andLcuites,  and  al  the  people  from  the  ieaft  to  the 
gicatcfl.  In  vhofe  hcaiirg  in  the  lioufe  of  our  Lord,  the 

31  Ki»gread  al  thevordes  of  the  volume,  f  And  ftanding  on 
his  tribunal  ficate,  he  made  a  couenant  before  our  Lord,  that 
he  vould  walke  afrcrhiro,and  kefpehispreceptes,  and  tcfli- 
monies,  and  iuftifications  inslhishart,  and  jn  al  his  ioule, 
and  would  do  the  thinges  that  were  wriccn  in  that  volume, 

31  which  he  had  read,  f  He  adiured  alfo  vpon  this  al  that  were 
feund  in  lerufalem,  and  BeninmJn  :  and  the  inhabitantes  of 
^.  lerufalem  did  according  to  the  couenaut,  of  our  Lord  ihp 
35  God  of  their  fathers,  f  loHas  thcrfore  tooke  away  al  abomi- 
nations of  al  the  countries  of  the  children  of  Ifrscl:  and  made 
al,  that  were  left  in  Ifracl,  to  fcruc  our  Lord  their  God.  Al 
his  daies  they  reuoltcd  not  from  our  Lord  the  God  of  their 

Chap.     XXXV. 
Icjftts  celihratetJj  nmefi Solemne Pafch.  i c.  Isjlatne  bj  the kjnr  ofJEnttj  al 
Judi  Umintin^himt  zj.  moj}  jleciallj  Icnmi^. 

"VT  V  w  w  And 

::This  Phafc, 

by  lofusis  fa- 
flious,  partly 
for  that  this 
fcaft  had  bene 
omitted  fome 
ycarcs,  butfpe 
cully  for  the 

:catand  ei- 

made  at  this 


ANd  lofias  made  in  lerufalera  '•  aPhafe  to  our  Lor<!,   i 
which  was  immolated  the  fourtenth  day  of  the  firft 
moneth.  f  And  he  appoynted  the  Prieftcs  in  their  offices,  z 
and  exhorted  them  that  they  would  tninifter  in  the  houfe  of 
our  Lord,  t  To  the  Leuites alfo,  at  whofe  inftrudion  al  Ifrael   3 
wasfandified  to  our  Lord,  hefpake:  Put  the  Arke  in  the 
Sanduarie  of  the  temple,  which  Salomon  built  the  fonne  of 
Dauid  the  king  of  Ifrael,  for  you  flial  carie  it  no  more;  but 
now  miniftcr  to  our  Lord  your  God,  and  to  his  people  Ifrael. 
f  And  prepare  your  felues  by  your  houfes,  and  kinredes  in  4  ' 
thediuifionsofeuerieonc,  asDauidtheking  of  Ifrael  com- 
pianded,  and  Salomon  his  fonne  defcribed.  f  And  minifter   § 
ye  in  the  Sanduarie  by  families  and  Leuixical  companies, 
f  and  being  fanftified  immolate  the  Pliafe,  prepare  alfo  your    C 
brethren,  that  they  may  doe  according  to  the  woxdes,  which 
oui  Lordfpakcinthehand  of  Moyfes.   f   Moreouer  lofias   7 
gaue  toal  thepeople,  that  was  found  there  in  the  folemni- 
tie  of  the  Phafe,  lambesand  kiddes  of  the  flockes,  and  of 
the  reft  of  the  cattcl  thirtie  thoufand,  of  oxen  alfo  three 
thoufand,aI  fhefe  thingcs  of  the  kinges  fubftance,    f  His   8 
dukes  alfo  voluntarily  offered  that  which  they  vowed, "as 
wel  to  thepeople,as  to  the  Prieftes  and  the  Lcuites.Morf  ouer 
Helcias,  and  Zacharias,  and  lahiel  princes  of  the  houfe  of  our 
Lord,  gaue  to  the  Prieftes  to  make  the  Phafe  eattel  one  with 
an  other  two  thoufand  fix  hundred,  and  oxen  three  hundred, 
t  And  Chonenias,  and  Semeias,  alfo  Nathariael,  his  bre-  9 
tbren,  moreouer  Hafabias,  and  lehiel,  and  lozabad  princes 
of  the  Leuites,  gaue  to  the  reft  of  the  Leuites  to  celebrate  the 
Phafe  flue  thoufand  shccpe,  and  oxenfiue  hundred,  f  And  10 
tbeminifterie  was  prepared,  and  the  Prieftes  ftood  in  their 
ofiicc :  the  Leuites  alfo  in  companies,  according  to  the  kinges 
commandemcnt.  f   And  the  Phafe  was  immolated  :  and 
Prir  ftes  fprinkled  the  blood  with  their  hand,  and  the  Leuites 
drew  oftheskinnesofthe  holocauftes  :   f  ^^^  ^^cy  fepera- 
ted  them  to  gcue  thcmby  the  houfes  and  families  of  eueric 
one,  and  to  be  offered  to  our  Lord,  as  it  is  writen  in  the 
Bo4>ke  of  Moyfes  ,  of  oxe.n  alfo  they   did  in  like  maner. 
t  And  theyrofted  the  Phafe  vpon  fyre,  according  to  that  15 
which  is  writen  in  the  law:  but  the  pacifique  hoftes  they 
b-^vicd  in  caudrons,  and  kettles,  and  pottcs,  and  in  haft  they 
diilributcdit  toal  thepeople,  f  And  for  chemfclues,and  for  14 






las.  Paralipomehon.  5)51 

the  Prieftes  they  prepared  afterward  :  for  in  oblation  of 
holocauftes  and  of  facte  the  Prieftes  vere  occupied  vntil 
night :  \rherfore  the  Leultes  prepared  for  themfelucs,  and 

i;  for  the  Prieftes  the  children  of  Aaroitlaft.  f  Moreouer  the 
finging  men  the  children  of  Afaph  ftood  in  their  order,  ac- 
cording to  theprecept  of  Dauid,and  A(aph,and  Heman,and 
Idithun  the  prcphetesof  the  king  :  and  the  porters  watched 
at  euerie  gate,  lo  that  thc)^  departed  not  a  moment  fro n?i  the 
minifterie  :  for  the  which  cauiealfo  their  brethren  the  Leui- 

16  tes  prepared  raeates  for  them,  f  Therfore  al  tlie  feruice  of 

Oiir  Lord  was  ritelyaccompiifhed  that  day,  fo  that  they  made 

the  Phafe,and  offered  holocauftes  vpon  the  altar  of  our  Lord, 

'17  according  to  the  precept  of  king  lollas.  -f   And  the  children 

of  Ifrael  that>»ere  found  there,  made  the  Phafcat  that  time, 

iS  and  thefoleranitieof  Azymesfeuendaies.  f  There  was  not 

aPhafelikcto  this  in  Ifrael,  from  the  daies  of  Samuel  the 

:  prophcte :  neither  did  anie  of  al  the  kinges  of  Ifrael  make  a 

Phafeas  Iofias,to  the  Prieftes, and  the  Leuites,and  to  al  luda, 

and  Ifrael  that  was  found,  and  to  the  inhabicances  of  Icrufa- 

19  lera.  f  Intheeightenth  yeareof  the  kingdom  of  loiias  was 

10  thisPhafecdebrared.  f  After  that  lofias  had  repayred  the 
temple,  came  vp  Nechao  the  king  of  ^gypt  to  fi^ht  in  Char- 
camis  befide  Euphrates  :  and  loiias  vp  ent  forth  to  meete  hira. 

21   t  But  he  fending  raelTengersvnto  him,  fayd  :  \!f  hat  haue  I  to 
doe  with  thee  king  of  ludai  I  come  not  agaynft  thee  this  day, 
buti  fightagaynft  another  houfe,  to  the  which  God  hath        - 
commanded  mc  to  goeinhaft  :leaue  to  doe  agaynft  God, who  thouclutfeat 

ii  is  with  mc,  left  hekilthee.  f  -  lofias  would  not  returne, but  the  king  of 
prepared  battel  agaynft  him,  neitherdid  he  agree  to  the  wor-  -^gypt  inten- 
dcs  of  Nechao  from  the  mouth  df  God,  but  went  forward  to  ff'^J°  ^^^^^^ 

2}  fightinthefieldeof  Mageddo.  f  And  there  being  wounded  Anditwa""^^* 
of  the  Archers,  he  fayd  to  his  feruantes :  Carie  me  out  of  the  Gods  wil  he 

24  battel,  becaufc  I  am  fore  wounded,  f  \Fho  remoufd  hira  lliouldbe 
from  one  chariotc into  an  other  chariote,  that  folowed  hira  flame,  andnoc 
after  the  mancr  of  kinges,  and  they  caried  him  away  intole-  f" '^/^  ^?j" 
rufalera,  &  hedied,and  wasbuficdin  the  monument  of  his  happen  to  ckc 

2j  fathers,  and  al  luda  and  lerufalem  -  mourned  for  him.  f  le-  people. 

remie  moft  of  al:  whofe  lamentations  al  the  (inging  men  and  :.Solcinnecx- 

fingingwemen  repcatc  vntil  this  prefent  day  vpon  lofias,  f^"'^^  ^'^'* 

J  •    •  •  1  T/-      1       r.    I     1  I   •     •     /-      1  lamciuations 

anditisgrowenasitwerealawin  Ilrael  :  Behold  it  is  fayd  and  muiii«, 

16  to  be  writen  in  the  lamentations,  f  But  the  reft  of  the  wordes 

"Wwwww    2  of 

9|:r  Sbcowd  BOCKB  or  KSA'S'Si. 

des  of  loii'as  5:  of"  his  mercies^:  which  are  commitided  by  the 
law oFour  Lord:  f  his  workesalfo  the  firft  and  the  laftjare  17 
writcnin  che  Booke  of  the  kinoes  of  ladaandlfraei. 

loAchAXj-eig^mh  three  ino9e;hes.  4.  H^f  brothrr  (  named  lodkim) 
eUiienjieAres,<).  his  fonm  lodchsn  three  momthes,  11.  bis  yncU  Sedtciat 
eUumy.iirts.  14.  Afo/?  Pritjies,  md people  contemning  the  Admonitions  of 
Frophetes,  17.  mxme  are  flame  hy  the  Cb^lim ,  the  Temple  and  Jeruf4lem 
Jfo  lid  and  burnt.  10.  T/jefaydiingis  fiiccejfmely,dnd  people  are  carjed 
cupiiui  into  B.ibjlon. II, ^fterf.ttenttcy^4rci  Cyrt4<s  k^n^  of  Perfidy  Yele4~ 
fcth i!is cdptiaitie, and^ensth U^ue io  reedif,e  theTcmple, 

THe  people  thcrfore  of  the  land  tooke  loachaz  the   i 
fonne  of  loGas,  nnd  mide  him  king  for  his  father  in  le- 
rufalem.  •\  Taree  and  t sifentic  ycares  old  was  loachaz,  when  a 
he  began  to  reigne,and  he  reigned  three  monethes  in  lerufa- 
lem.  -j-  And  the  king  of  -''Egypt  when  he  came  into  leriifa-  5 
Icmjdepofed  him, and  condemned  the  land  in  an  hundred 
talentesofriluer,andatalentofgoid.  f  And  he  made  Elia-    4 
::H'tlierto      kim  -'  his  brother  king  for  him,oucr  ludaandlerufalcmrand 
fromK.Di-     he  turned  his  name  loakim  '.  but  he  tooke  loachaz  himfcif* 
uid';  death  the  ^•j.j^  kim,  and  caried  him  away  into  i^gypr.  f    Fiue  and  f 

lonnehaJ  ,,  ti-  ill  •  1 

c*ier  fiiccedjcl  twcntieyeires  old  wa$  loakira  when  he  began  to  rcJgne,  and 
tohisfathcr,    he  reigned  eleuenycares  in  leruCalem  :  and  he  did  euil  before     " 
our  Lord  his  God.  f  Agaynll  him  came  vp  Nabuchodonofor    ^ 
the  king  of  the  Chaldces,  and  brought  him  bound  in  chaynes 
into  Babylon,  f  Whither  he  tranfportcd  alfo  the  veffcls  of  7 
oar  Lord,  and  put  them  in  his  temple,  f  Bur  che  reft  of  the    S- 
wordcs  of  loakim  »  and  of  his  abominations ,  which  he 
wrought,  and  the  thinges  that  were  found  in  him,  are  con- 
t?yned  in  the  Booke  of  the  kinges  of  luda  and  Ifraeh  And 
loachjn  his  fonne  reigned  far  him.  f  Eight  yeares  old  was  Io-  9 
achin  when  he  began  to  rcigne,  and  he  reigned  three  mo-  .  • : 
nethesandtendayesinleruratem,andhedidcuil  in  the  fight 
ofourLo-rd.tAndwhentheconipsflTe  ofayearewascome  I© 
aboar,  Nabuchodono(or  the  king  fent  feme,  that  brought 
him  in  to  Babylon,  the  moft  precious  velTels  of  the  houfe  of     : 
our  Lord  being  caried  away  wichal  :   Bat ihe  made  Sede- 
cias  his  vncle  king  ouerluda  and  leiufalcm.f  One  &  twentie  11 
yeares  old  wasSedecias  when  he  began  to  reigne  :  &  he  rei- 
gned elcuen  yeares  in  Icrufalem.  f  Andhs.didcuilinthe  eies  12 

of  our 

Captiui'tieof  loda.  PARAtiPOMEWoir^  3^> 

of  our  Lord  his  God, neither  did  he  reucrence  the  face  of  lerc* 

13  mic  the  prophet  fpeaking  to  hirr.  from  the  mouth  of  our  Loid 
f  He  reuohed  alfo  from  king  Nabuchodono(or,>!rho  had  ad- 
iured  him  by  God  :  &  he  hardened  his  ncckc  &  his  harr,  that 

14  he  wouldnotrcturnc  toour  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael.  t  Yea  ^ 
al  thcchicfeof  the  Prieftes,  and  the  people  tranfgrefTed  vn- 
la'cc'fully  according  ro  al  the  abominations  of  the  Gentiles; 
and  they  polluted  the  houfe  of  our  Lord, which  he  had  UnCii* 

i^  fiedtohiminlerufalem.  f  And  our  Lord  the  God  of  their 
fathers  Cent  to  them,  by  the  hand  of  his  meflengcrs,  ryfing 
by  night,  and  daily  admonifhing  them  :  for  that  he  fpared  his 

16  people  and  his  habitation,  f  But  they  mocked  the  mefTen- 

gers  ofGod,and  lirle  cflemcd  bis  \i'ordes,  and  fcorned  the  j 

prophetes,  vntil  the  furie  of  our  Lord  alcendcd  vpon  his 

17  people,  and  there  vras  no  amendment,  f  For  he  brought 
vpon  them  the  king  of  the  Chaldees,  and  fle^c  their  yong 
men  vith  the  fword  in  the  houfe  of  his  fanduarie,  he  pitied 
not  yonp  man,  and  virgin,  and  old  man,  no  neither  him  that 

iZ  ftoupcd  forage,  but  he  deliuercdalinto  his  handes.  f  Andal 
the  vefTels  of  the  houfe  of  our  Lord,  as  wel  greater  as  Icfler, 
and  the  trcafures  of  the  temple,  and  or  the  king,  and  the  prin- 

Ip  ces  he  tranfported  into  Babylon,  f  The  enemies  ict  fyreon 
thehoufeof  God,anddeftroyed  the  wal  of  lerufalem,  al  the 
tovres  they  burnt*,  and  what  foeuer  -was  pretious,  they  de- 

20  ftroyed.  f  If  anic  man  efcaped  the  fxrord,  being  led  into  Ba-  ~ 
bylot*  he  ferucd  the  king  and  hisfonnesjtilthekingofthe 

21  Perfians  reignt  d.  f  That  the  word  of  our  Lord  by  the  mouth 
f^ft  1^           ofleremiemis^ht  be  accomplifhed,  and  the  land  might  ce- 
lebrate their  Sabbathes  :  for  althedaies  of  the  defoktion  mlll'^dllT 

22  (he  kept  a  Sabbath,  til  the  feucntie  ye^res  were  cxpyred.  thiscoclu/ion 
tButin-  the  firftyeare  of  Cyrus  king  of  Perfians, to  fulfil  the  whenhereHo- 
"vrord  of  our  Lord,  which  he  had  fpokcn  by  the  mouth  of  le-  red  the  holic 
rcmie,  our  Lord  rayfed  vp  the  fpirit  of  Cyrus  king  cf  the  ^y'^^^^",  a, 
Perfians :  \rho  commanded  to  be  proclaymed  in  al  his  king-  {^^  }^g  ^co'ln- 

25  dom,  yea  by  writing,  faying:  f  Thus  favth  Cyrus  king  of  th.e  ncth  hiso'^-sc 
Perfians:  Alkingdomes  of  the  earth  hath  the  Lord  the  God  bookc  with 
of  heauen  geucn  me,  and  he  hath   commanded  me  that  I  ^hefamewoi- 
fhouldbuildhima  houfe  in  Icrnfalem,  >Fhich  is  in  levrric:  xhecnc^of 
who  of)  ou  is  there  in  al  his  people?  The  Loid  his  God  be  the  fifth  age. 
■withhim,  and  lethim  goe  vp.  **  ■ 

Ww^y^yff    3,  The 


The  Church 

ftil  vidblc^and 
thcfime  taith 
as  before^ 

One  Goi. 

Three  Perfons 

tobe changed 
bj  Chiift. 

Pniid  of  pe- 





AND     RELIGION.    IN     THE     FIFTH      AGE. 
From  che  fundatlon  of  the  Temple,  ro  the  cap- 
tiuiticin Babylon.  The fpace  oi'430.^yearcs. 

AL  B  E I  T  there  were  greater  Schifmes,  Hereftes^dndmore  reuolteifrom 
Gods  Urv  andfemice  tn  this  fifth  4^?,  then  in  the  former :  Jet  the  true 
church  mdl^ligton  continued  fill  ^  and  were  no  teffe  conlficuom  then  before. 
f^Fhich being dere  And enidentytomhing  mxnis  Articles y  '^e  ^il 
here  only  remitte  the  reader  to  fome  J^ecid  places ,  for  ctufrmationtherofi 
mitheryifil  we  be  proUxe,  in  declaring  other  fomt^s  dented^  or  called  mt9 
controuerfte  at  this  time,  by  thetmpugners  ofCatbolii^ue  Religion. 
Beleefc  in  one  God  appeareth plainly  in  buildtngy  adorningyCr  dedicating 
the  Temple  Ttfith  fo  great  folemniti^  of  the  Friezes,  LeuiteSy  and  al  the  Trtbes, 
and  particularly  by  J^mg  Salomons  pray  :r,  3. 1(eg.  7.  cr  8.  z*  Paral'.  z.  <crc. 
^Ifo  ProHerb.  8.  Eccle.  iz.jfaie.^i.^^.^s-  ^^^  Myjleneof  the  B.  Trinitie, 
Fromr.ii.  ifaia.  6.^%.4^^uOfe.  11.  laeLz.  Of  Chrift  our  Redcmer.Ifaie. 
7.8.  9.  II.  18.  55.  lerent.  25. 30. 55.  E'Xfch.  17. 34.  ^j.JPan.  7;  9.  ofee.  6. 11. 
14.  loel.  X.  Sopbon.t .  ^^gtsi.  1.  Zacbar.  i.  <crc.  Sacrifices;  'Sa- 

cramentes,  O*  othir  J(^tes  the  fame  as  before.  Bin  more  frequent  Prophecies, 
that  they  fhould  be  changed  into  better,  and  perfeBer  by  Clnift. 
Frott.^.  l[ai.  11.  51.  55.  6t.  In  the  meane  tirae  for  more  figmficition  of 
the  fingular  vertue  of  ChriftsS»cramentes,/kp/«r(r7o/penitentiaI 
xrockes  ts  often  recorded.  For  fAr4w;'/f,  w/VW  Achab  by  hairecloth, 
fading,  and  other  humiliation  efcapcd  part  of  his  deferued  punifli- 
ment.  5.  ^g*  11.  ManafTcs  recouercd  Gods  fauoure,  and  his  tem- 
poral kingdom.  1.  Par.  ^.^^h«yet  Wis  punished tnhif  pojreritie.^.l^eg. 
25.  ^ndthe  t^mviiits by fuch panance  auoided  deftrudion./oo*?.  5.  Tea. 
nttbing  is  more  frequent  in  the  Propbetes  ti/en  preaching  of  penance,  ifa.  i.  z- 
t.  30.  lere.  5. 18.  €^c.  and  others,  alafcribing^e  caufe  ofpUgttes,  and  affli- 
hionsto  the  ^xnt  of  repentance,  ^nd  falfe  Prop  h  ctes  condemned  of  errour 
and  falfe  doB-rine,  forproraifing  the  people  peace,  and  fecuritie  in 
their  CinnQS.lerem.  u.  Lamen.z.  S  fides  abftinence  from  dmers  fortes 
ofmeatesycountedyncleane  (Ifai^  66.)  andovAin2ineh&:es,accordingto 
thelaWy  other  faftes  Soere  appoimcd  fometimeSyl>pon  occaftons  re^uinngy 
notonlytofubdttey  and  morttfie  the  fleshy  hut  alfo  toobtainc  mercie<i* 
Gods  handesinjfecialdtfireffes.  z.  Par.  zo.  loel.  i.  2.  lone  3.  Elias  fafling 
fourtiedayes,  '^.I{eg.i^. prefigured  Chrifts  faft,  rrhich  the  Churchimita- 
tefh  in  Lent  of  fourtie  daies,  according  to  huPMne  babditie, for  the  fafles 
ofchrifiy  Eliasy  and Moyfcslver emir achIous. 

To  the  Feajlei  mjiitnted  before.  Was  added  th»  Dedication  of  the 
'  Temple. 

Continuance  ofthc  Church  and  Religion.  5rjy 

Temple.  5.  /^.  7.  1,  Far.  3.  "Which  was  built  in  Mount  Moria, 
1.  P4r.  3.  theJ^ecialfUce  defigncd  long  before  for  this  ^urpofe,  when  ^- 
hraham  n'Kf  direSled  thither  hj  God.Cr  VH^  there  readte  to famfice  his fonne  j^^"  5*/ jjg. 
JfA4C.  Gen.  11.  where  Dauid al/o of ered/acrijice.z.  I{eg.  24.  i.  fax,  21.  gnedlongW 

Thii  hetngtheor\\\eoz^\nz.x\e^\2LCC  for  S^cu^ccy  there  were  for  0-  iom. 
ther')'fesof  ddylie  grayer  reading,  ^reachingidnd  hearing  the  T»ord  e/  God 
0ther  Synagogues  built  ( ^  it  were  Pansh  churches )  mgreat  nttmhtr ;  in  S/nagogues. 
Jernfalem  itfelffoure  btmdred  andfourefcereyand  mame  more  m  tht  whole 
kjngdonjyO^  the  Hebrew  Traditions  teffijie.  Of  al  ^bicbpUceSj  fjfecialljof  Sau£kuaric. 
the  Temple,  there'^a^  venerable  refped  had.  For  yphich  canfe  yphen 
Joiada  the  High  Friejlgane  order  to  kil  ^thdiAyhefuf credit  not  to  be  donne 
to  theTemple,  but  commandedjirji  to  draw  her  forth.  4.  I(eg.  il.  *.  Tar.  25. 
^nd  Of  peculiar  fUceSyfof^edzWfdXmeSj  and  HyVTitie^  JPtr^  appoin-  Sctce  forme 
ted  for  diuers  purpofes  and  occafions.i. Par.  zo.  of  praycis. 

TheminiderieofAr^gehs  Was  ytry  l>fual in  ihii time.  One  fp^ti Cent  . 

to  comforte  and  dire  fl  Eli  as  the  prophet  in  his  afliSlion:.  3.  ^f^.ic),  4. 2(eg.  i .  ^ng^ig, 
tAn  Angel  ftroke  the  AlTyrians  Tifhole  campe,  4.  l{eg.  19.  1.  Par.  32. 
^y€lfo  the  Inieice^ion  of  AT\2,e\s  IS  Jo  euidentyTobia  12.  Raphael  offe- 
ringTobias  prayer  to  God  ^thatPreteJiantsbaue  no  other  refuge  to  anoids 
this  point  of  faith,  but  by  denyrngthe  Booke  to  be  Canonical  Scripture. 

Honour  of  e/W  Saindes,  and  their  Interccflion  isprened  a  Maiorl  Hononrana 
tor fo  much  as  honcur  was  religioufly  exhibited  to  jfiritual  power  and  excel-  Interccifion 
lencicy  in  menyet  Imingtn  this  '^erld.  So  a  Noble  man  adored  Elias  the  of  Saunttes* 
Prophet,  being  farre  greater  then  he  in  ciuily  and  Tforldlie  rejpe^es.  5.  Reg.  18. 
Elifeus  alfo  ^ft^rf;  adored  by  his  difciples,  not  for  anie^orldlie  authoritie 
orfw/wfo^f,  ^«f  for  his  fpiritualpower  and  Iuperioritie<<mo»g^/?/j&fW^. 
j^.^.i.ltkewifed  Prophetes,4«d  Prieftes'B^frf  religioufly  hono- 
red for  their  holie  and  fpiritual  fundions.  5.  I{eg.  15.  Much  msre 
SainUes  are  rightly  honored  being  immortal^  and  in  eternal glotie.  It  appea^ 
reth  al/o  that  ElizsSeuen year es  af:ev  that  he  was  tranflated/Vo»>^«w4» 
neconuerprtion  ( "^hen  Eliftuswas  chiefe  Prophet.  4.  l{eg.  3.  "^huh  wis  m 
«r  before  the  eightenth  yeareof  lofaphat ,  T^ho  reigmdjiue  and twcntie.  3. 
J^f^.  il. )  hadcareofloram,  dw^^if  ^"'^^ow,  admorii'diing  him  by 
letters  of  Gods  wrathyagainfl  him  and  hii  peoplefor  tkt'trfinnes.  1,  Par.  21. 
^nd the  Scripture  faiethoften^  that  God  (pared  and  proteded  lerufa- 
Jem,  andthekingdomofludaforDauidsfake.  3.  ;(c^.  II.  i).4f.l{eg. 
S.  19.  20. 1.  Par.  6.  21.  Ifa.  37.  ^>t>e  haue  alfo  example  of  SiLincies  Reli-  R«Iin\ie^      ' 
qucsfw  fjfce  cloke  of  Elias.  4.  ^"^.  2. ;'»  Ehfeus  bones,  4. /(rg".  13.  <<W 
»«  an  other  Prophetes  bodie  buried  in  Bethel.  Fyhuh  loji.ts  would 
notfuferto  be  touched.  4f.I{eg.  25.  Images  '^cre  cor:  fcrufd  in  ;he  Temple,  Images. 
j.J^f^.  J,  as  before  m  the  Tabernacle  :  %'hef%  tdoUrtietvas  mojl  depojed. 

53^  Continuance  of  the 

J./^f^.rj.  4.  I^e^.i^.yea  dnaynfcrifmgef  the  brafen  fcrpec,/o>-W^/V£  £^-, 
fi>ui  deft  toyed  ic  4.  P^^.  18.  yet  be  iouchcd  not  the  Imager  0/  Cbernbtnun 
the  Temple.  FFhuhtione  hut  Infidelesfm^ht  to  dejlr  oy.  ^^ndO^zc  the  Pr9^ 
fhet(tij.^.)  bevrayleth  the  want  of  Th-eraphim  or  Images,  4mo»P.f? 
other fxcred  thin^es.  Sacrifice,  ^Itur,  and  Ephod.  Frherhy  the  ancient  i^nh- 
him  proue  ^ery  ypety  that  im&ges  of  Angels  (  and  the  fame  of  other 
Sainfles)  are  not  contrarie  to  the  Decalogue,  hut  the  imagei  of  i  doles. 
Good  woikes  Good  workes  ^.Ti rewarded, <<»i/ bad  puniihed,  5.  l{eg.<).  and  the 
nis|itorioHS.    ^^^/^  hijloneofthis  4^e  ie(iifieth  ihefime,  Frhtre  hy  the  way  mjy  he  ohfer- 
ueciy  thatfome  inft  men  fci  from  their  iuftice,/i*  Salomon,  i.  Par.  iS.  3, 
Kfg-ii'  loas,  4.  i^"^.  II.  jL.^4r.  24,  0\ias,  2..  VxraL  16.  Others  frorai 
■wickednes returned  to  pietic.  45  Ai4»<:j/7f5  4.  i^e^.  Z3.  i.  p^r.  53.  «^e 
coanl^Hcs>re  '^'''^^''"^'^^  c/ /if  ppp;;/c  >frj  e//f»  much  folowmg  the  di^ofition  of  their 
iiauTed,  hnres.  Special  St^tte  odifc  not cemmAndedhy  thelan\  Tifas  voluntariiy 

profcfled,  and  ohfertted  hy  feme  Prophttes,  and  their  difcipleSy  called  the 
Cliailiric  of     children  of  Prophetes.  A'f/'/w^ particular  Rules,Wirwrin^diftin<5b 
clergie mca,     habite.  4. 1{^g,  1. 1.  4.  Thsorden  o/Nazarites,  And  Rechabites  injiitu' 
&  rdigious      ted  before,  continued/;/.  yCinos*  z.  lerem,  ^;.  fid  which  '^ers  1/ery  exam-  %ut.  19. 
jp/tf^figure^ofReligious  State,  and  Orders  in  the  ne\r  Teftanfient,  i  cor.j, 
4nd  perpetual  cbafiitte  of  clergie  men  embraced  hy  fuch^ai  folorp  Euangelical  •^^•S- 
counfailcs.  propofedj  and  not  commanded  by  our  Sauiour.  To'Si'hichs.-Pdul  ^'  "^'^* 
h^fwife  exhorteth,  thoui b  there  be  no  f  recent  therofto  anic,  before  they  bind 
,.  ;,     _  tbemjdues. 

_  ,         ^  Exequies  for  the  dead  ^crecontinHah  kept,ai  thefacred  hifforie  ^nt» 

cuicsfoitkc     ^fljtt^irecording'^hereand'^ith'^hat  (oltnnitte  the  hinges  ^cre  buri-ed.. 
dead.  "^bith  Would  be  ouerlong.c^  nedeles  to  recite :  the  lil^e  is  aljo  toriten  of  feme 

Prophetes.  j,I^g  15.  4.  /^f^.  25.  Bohe  Tobias  by  example,  and  fat  her  lie 
admonition  exhorted  h-<  fonne,  10  do  -workes  of  mcrcie,  not  only  to 
thi-limngybttt  alfo  to  the  dead.  Put  thy  bread,and  thy  wine  vpon  the 
fepulturc  of  the  iuft.  c.  4. 1  (aias,  r^.  57.  ^  theJevveshoth  ')>nderpood  and  ^ 
praHijed,  prayed,  that  peacebe  gcuen  to  theiuft,  in  his  couch,  or         * 
Refarreaion .  TefiingpUce after  hu  death.  Of  the  general  Refurredlion,  Elia^i  tranfla- 
tion  is  afgnrCy  "^hoyet  lining  shetvetb,  that  God  can  and  wil  reflore  almen 
to  life dg-4in;  in  their  bodies,  jifter  deatbf  as  he  coafettttth  him,  and  Enoch  ia 
thfir  mortal  bodies  ^vithont  corruption,  if^chiel  al/o  propbecieth  of  the 
Rcfurre^tiano/*/^;' </(•■«/,  applying  it  myjhcaUy  to  ^iritual  reftrre^iony 
ludgemcnt.     andr^ftanrtition  of  Ipael  to  former  fine,  ch  37.  of  the  laft  ludgmcnt,  and 
eternal  glorie  to /.^^^^ooi,  andsuerla/Iing  ^^inctothe  tyicl^ed,  SaUmoid 
Eteinal  glorie  agreahljto  the  doFlrin  of  other  Prophttes,  difcourfeth,  in  ku  bookje  ofEcclefia^ 
orpuinc.  ji^^^  namely  ch,  ^  M.  andtnthe  Uflconclndcthth>fs.  Let  vs  al  together 

heare  the  end  of  fpeaking ;  Feare  God;  and  obfcrue  his  coromand- 



Churcli  and  Religion.  557 

ircntcs:  for  this  is  euerie  man  (or,  to  thif  end  nun  ucrtdicd  )  and 
God  vril  bring,  into  Judgement  al  thinges ,  that  arc  done,  for 
euerie  errour  [or  ohjcure  thing)  ■vhctherit  be  gcedortuii. 

Neither  "U^ere  theje  and  other  pointes  of  faith  and  F-^tUgwi^  ifitcrrtfy.  ^''^^''^  ^^»'h- 
/f^j^w*  ftilbeleued  and  profeired/» /^f  Church  aiwaics  vjfiblc  and  ^-.^^^^^     c.-^ip- 
incont3Lmmate,noirvfth/hndinglom€hcuohcsafiG branches ieumt  vn^ 
Jlru^ftil,  and  rotten  '.others  brake  of  and  were  ft  parated /row //^  >/«£>. 
/orT>?/;f» Salomon  falhng  to  ltixurie,mHltiplyin^mat}te"f^tucs  and 
cuhmes,  Wa^  bj  them  /educed and hronght  to  Ipintual  forricatior 
tdoUtrie,  making  altars,&  offering  facrificcs  to  Idoles,  the  Priefles, 
Prophetcs,  and  people  generally  pcrfeucred  in  Gods  law  cy^  fcruice. 
5.  ^.  II.  ^fter  yphofe  death  leroboam  hps  ferttant,  of  the  tribe  of  E-  lersbcams 
^)&r4fw,poireiringTenne  Tribes  {called  the  kingdom  of  Ifrael)  to  main-  vickcdpoi.cie 
tAine  hU  new  fiate,  fearing  that  if  the  people  reforti  d  to  Icrttfalemy  for  rtli- 
gions  fake,  they  "^otiU  depart  from  him ^  andreturne  to  the  right  hejres  of 
Pattid  and  Salomon^  made  an  egregious  Sqhifme;  fettmg  vp  two 
golden  calucs  in  Bethel,  and  Dan.  5.  i{eg.  12.  made  temples,  alrarcs, 
^nd  ^li&^ts  to  f-rue  them yaloppofite  to  Gods  ordinance.  But  not  only  the 
etkerTwoTdheSjCaUed tbt  kingdom  of  Juda^hutalfo  thegreattft  pare 
of  Ifra^ljl^j^wrf//;  Prieftes,  Leuites,ij»^  deuoutcft  people, rcpayrcd 
ftil  toleru{alem,not  yclding  tot^<<*fchilme  and  idolatrie.  i.Par,  ii. 
Moreouer  God  raifed  >p  andiemj^ecial  Prophetcs,  to  confrme  the  '^cake 
dftdrccalthe  fedticed. 

For  Jeroboam  bad  no  forvner  feite  >/?  hit  ntW  altar  in  Bethel,  and  bcgunne  proplie  ts  infpi 
toof^er  tncenfeypontt,  but  zV  10 phei  came  our  of  ludSjinthc  word  red  byGodro 
of  our  Lord  :  and  critdagainjl  that  altar,  foretelling  that  "pphera^  for  that  ^^'^^  Schifjnc 
frefent,  ihey  burnt  frankineenfe  1/pon  it^  the  time  should  come,  ^h(»  thefalfe  ^"       ticic. 
priefles  should  be  burned  there ,  cotijirming  by  prefent  miracles  that^yhtcb 
/fef«<«frr^<i/«)i?ori/ff,  the  kings  hand  luddanly  withering,  crreftored  ^j^ 
rf^4<«tf  by  the  prophets  prayer,«<»<^<«^fl«valtarcleuing/R/ftff^fr,.'i4f  chancre  of 
thettshes  fdout.T^,Rjg.\y  Further  an  other  Prophet  called  Ahus  forefhew-  Kinges.and    * 
cd  the deflruElion and  "V/.^r  extirpation  of  leroboaras  familic, /or  y^i^  euilfucccire 
enormioM  fpickednes,  and  namely  ( "^hich  is  mofl  often  incfiUate )  for  ma-  ^"  J^*^  kingdo 
king  Ifrael  to  finnc,  by  deuifmgand  fettingabroch  a  nciv  religious.  5,  R^cg. 
I^.tvhichruinehappenedvery  shortly. For  himfclf  reigning twentit two yrares  rj.^_^   r  r>r     . 
i^.J^fg-  14- )  oneof  hif  fmnts  died  prefcmly  according  to  the  Prophets  liercianedbai 
vord.  V.  iB.  Another  called  N  ad  Ah  fuc  ceding  to  his  father,  reigned  only  14.  ycarcs 
two  yeares,  and  >V4i  flaine  together  with  their  w  hole  race  and  kmdredf 
by  Baa.Ciof  the  tribe  of  Jjiachar.^.  I^eg.  ly.  likemfe  Baafa  foletvmg  the  Thcfecond 
badjfeppes  of  leroboam  Jfias  forewarned  by  lehu  a  Prophet,rki  hk'  boufe  ^ew'cfamilic 
shohldalfo  bcdejirojed.  ^yind  accordingly  ffihen  he  bud  rci^ncd  foure  and 

Xxxxx  f^cntie 

53*  Continuance  of  the 

twentlf  ytdfei,  kis  fonne  Ela  retgning  but  twoyedres,  Wds  flaine  Irj/  iis^tf» 

tKc  third  but  ^^^^  Z^mhri,  dnd  dl  bis  kinred  dejtroyed,  rrhithZdmbri  reined  hut ftutB 

7  •     f ''rth     ^*y"'  For  If  ein^  forthwith  Ifejieged  hy  Amri,  of  the  tribe  of  Benidmin,  bt 

S  Tcarc"  '     dejfer4tly  yarned  him  felf  together  Tvttb  the  kiftges pdldce.  Neither  dtd  ^mri 

then  foffcffe  the  kin^dome  with  ffedce.  For  he  being  chofen  kiffg  by  the  drmie 

•nljf,  Tif  hereof  he  Ofds  gsncrdl^  dn  other  pdrt  ofthefeople  cbofe  crfolowei 

Thcbni.Whcrof  4ro/*  ciuil  Varre  betwen  the  ^ntikingei^continuin^ 

three  jedres :  til  rhehni  diedydnd  fo  ^mri reined  dlone,  hut  J»ickedly  4»  hit 

fredetej^orsytw  elueyedrestn  dl.Then  fuccuded  his  fonne  Achab  mojl  VPtcked, 

Who  maricd  Iczabel  dSydonidnyCr'byher  Hfds  fttftvdded  to  ytonbifft 

t44l.yl{eg.i6.  Tobtmnof^pitb^duding  God  fentmdnii  ddm$nitions  by 

fundrieProfbettSydnd  bejioV'ftd gredt  benefites  yfonbimyWheruponbedid 

fame  notorious  fenitentidlworkei\^Htnotferff.ueringin  dnie good  things  re» 

mrnedtohit  mck.ed»es.^,/^g.  lo.  ^ndfindUy  bclcuing  falfc  prophetcs, 

dnd  ferfcctiting  Mtcheds  forfrofbccymgthe  truth,  Vfdsjldinein  bdttel  'Whett 

be  thought  himfelfmoji  fecure.^»  J^g.  ii.bduingreigned  twitttit  ttpoyedres, 

i.I(Sg.  i6.  Htsfonn:  Ochozias  retgningbut  ttpo jedres fel  thr»urb  d  J»iff 

doTP,  dnd  died  of  the  hurt  .4.  l^g  .1.  Nif  other  fonne  loram,  dfier  trvelut 

The  fifth  1 03  .yedres  T»4;  flaine  by  lehu  ofdn  other  fdmilu:  T>»A»  tbetkdiffdtcbid  Iczabel, 

dndUdHingher  in  the  flreete.the dogges  did  edte  her  Cdrcdjfe,  HidlfocAufed 

/et*entiefon»esof  lofdmto  beJl*ineydndvtterlydeflroyeddl  ^ehdbsboufe,  4. 

J{eg.  10.  tor^fhichferuicebe W^  eftdblisbedinthel{i»gdome,forfouregtne» 

rdttons,v.  50.  So  bimfelfe  reigning  f^entie eight  yedres,  5.  ^^.10.  dfterbint 

reigned  fucceJiittelyhU  fonne  loich^z /euentteaeyedreStbif  fonnt  Ioas,/i*- 

tene  yexres.  ^.  I{e^.  r^.bii  fonne  Icroho^m  one  dnd fourtie yedres.  Ldfilit 

Theftrth,       bis  /osi«fZacharia5 ,  If^hom  his  ferudnt  SzWamofdU  othtrrdcey killed 

one  moncth .  fphen  be  hdd  reigned  but  fix  monethes.  4.  f^eg.  ly.    ^td  dfter  one 

Thrfcucnth,  jt^ttfnyvMfldtneby  M^mhcn  ofdn  Other progenie ,  rrho  reigned  tennc 

The  ci»"t       ^"''«»  Thfn  hif  fonm  Phaccia  reigning  two yedr is y  Tfi^a/ldineby  Phaccc 

xo.yeafcs.       ofdn  other  gencrdtion.  Hereigning  tfpentieyedres,  rxiznic  of  hit  people  Ti^ert 

carried  capciue  into  \i{iria.y dnd kimfelfe  Wdsftdineb^  Ofee  ofdn  other 

The  ninth       kindred.  ^  J^r.  15".  Ftnallie  the  Allirians  tdkjng  Sdmdrid  by  three ytdret 

Bine  y.ares.   yj^^,  ^ ,,  the  ninth ye-ire  of  0 fee  }^o^c{^z^  the  kingdome  of  Ifracl ,  and 

th^-m/nTnd    ' ^^  *^  ^^^  principal  pcrfons  captiucs  into  ^firid :  dbout  two  hundred 

the  kingdom  fottftirtwoytdres  dfter  thdt  lerobodmfirli  reigned  otter  the  Ten  Tribes  •  Thus 

neucrrcftorci  there  "herein  dlnmttcnckin^cs.   BcfidesThcbni ,  ^  ho  onlie  reigned 

inpdrtdgdin/fdnotb.r.  of  'Vfibichthe flrfi lerohodmy  dndhhu^eredduin* 

ted  by  Gjds  ordtntnce ,  for  punishment  of  others .   ^mri  T»X4  chofen  by  the 

drmie  Jthe  re(i  of  the  people  choftng  Tbebm .  Six  inudded  by  mere  force, h^Ung 

their  predecej^ors .   The  re/I-  fucceededy  by  fucb  titles  as  their  fathers  hid.  ^nd 

though fome  "^ere  better fomc  Worfetbtn  othersy  dl  Jifere  Wicked y  dnddt  Ufi 

oaeyiorowtn,  Cofftrdri^^ 

Churcli  and  Religion.  9$9 

a9*r4rimfiin  the kingdome  onnd^fiandin^^fier  thefifer4Uon  of  ^^^^J^^'^l]'''* 
ttnne  tnhes  about  fo$tre bundrcdje4r<s ,  though fome  hf^ei  ^^r^^icW,  ^^^-^^^^^^^ 
^eif9me^eree.oodi and mthtmul God pteictucd  Dauidskcdc,by  the  confciued  m 
UncoiSi\omon,tntbMdtrcnfmfp»n:  Roboarn,  Abias,  Afajofa-  hijfcde. 
phar,Iorain»  Ochozias,  \Qzs{tny(hofttnfancit  yhUgrandmothtr k- 
thalia  v(urpcd  tht  kmrdome/ixjeates)  Amafias ,  Ozias, loathan,  A- 
chaz,Ezechia$,Manafre$,Ainon,Iofias,Ioacha2  (btthtrtotiefonne 
iutrfu(ceedinghti father) thtn  \o9.)i.\m  {hrcther  of  lo4chA\)loAchinotber- 
l^tfeulied IcchoniiS, ftnnffJoachaT^  ^ndJinaUithU  rncleSzicQizi\ 
'pko^M  (drriedcMpttue  mtohayU9tt»  <Fi**Icchonias  by  Gods  Ipccial 
prouidcncc,  nfdt  fauored  and  exalted  hj  d  nt"^  kit^ofBdilon .  »A«- 
tber ke W4*  ledcaftiue before.  In vhofc hnc  Dauidsoffpring continu- 
ed  though  not  mtk  title  ofkjnges ,  yet  in  eminent  ftatc ,  andtfiimatton* 

r/&fprogemc4//«  of  Aaron  continued  intheirofceandfunilionof  SucceflTioaof 
Triefibood.^iih  ^MCCtdiion  of  High  Viictic^s  4s  before  from  parent*  Pheftcs  coou- 
tddocy  partly  in  the  line  of  EleaXdr.pdrtlte  of  Jtbamary  both  Karons fenne.;  ^^^  • 
fofrom  Sadoc,  by  the  Itkefuccefion  of  bothfamtlies .  Foroi  Elcazar  is recr^ 
dedtbti  Genealogie  i.  Parol.  6,  Sadoc,  Achimaas,  Azarias,  lohanan, 
Azarias,  Amarias,  Achitob,  Sadoc,  Sellum,  Hclcias,  A  zarias,  Za- 
raias,  dnd  lofedcch .  "Vy&d  '^vsi High  fr'tefi  in  the  captiuitie.  ( >.  i;. ) 
being  earied  into  Btbtlon  in  tbefirjl  trdnfmigrdtion  ')^tth  k't^g  lecboniasy  tf- 
fore  the  general  taptiuitteofal ,  asitfeemetb  ^l{er.i^.  hisfdtherZ^tziai 
yetliuingy  lifho  livdt  flaine  nineyeares  after  by  Ndlucbddonofory  4.  l^eg  25* 
^nd  among/}  thefe  there  "^yere  fome  High  Priefts  of  Irhamarslinc. 
Towitte,  loram,  loiada  (4.l{eg.i\.i.  Par.iy)  loathan,  Vrias,  (4. 
J(eg.i6  )ind/ome  otbers\«r  elsfome  of  the  abouementioned,  bad  other  names, 
reetted  bylofepbm.lib.  10,  cap.  n.  .yfntif.  andNicepbormlib.i.  tap.  4. 

Moreouer  befides  this  ordiniLrie  fuccefton  ofPriefies,  there  ^VM  an  extra-  Extraordlna- 
ordinaricmiffionof  Prophetcs;  tofupply  more  fnllie  the  ofue  off  red*  p^^^'^""^®^ 
thing  the  truth  ,  and  admentshing  ofenders .  ^nd  thefe  God  in  fpired  and     '°^ 
fentywof} efpeaaSie  irhcnand  ^hcre  errors  fprong,  and  finncsmoft 
thoundedigeuingtbem  cxtraordinaric  grace4i»<i  m^^  exaBentyertues, 
f  conterpoife  the  enormities  ofyyiekjcd  men  ,  Such  Ifvere  tn  the  times  of^» 
ibab  and  leT^belyin  the  kingdome  of  ifraelybeftdes  mame  otherSythe  tvo  fa-   Great  cfTcacs 
Rious  great  Prophets  ERas,  &  Ehfcus.  yyhofe  admirable  Hues  andh*lie  of  their  prea- 
ionuerfdtton  ^vere  a  mirrour  to  the  ^rorldy  and  great  terrour  to  the  Ifvieks^y  ^*»'°g  "d 
fvhofe  ^vorkes  and  miracles  meruelouflie  tonfrmed  tbe^vel  difpofed  y  en-  **"'  "' 
touragedthc  Pf^akfyConuertedmanie  tranfgrejfors, confounded falfe  PrephetSy  tj-^j  ^j 
iujiifitd  their  ovfneprtacbing,  and  much  glorified  Cod.  Elias  i.  fhurte  the  miracle*. 
Xxzzx  a  heauca 

^4^  Continuance  of  the • 

^"icmcn,  th3.t  it  tzyned  not  in  three  yedres.  I.  was  fed  de  by.raucns. 
3.  Mulnpliea  ap^orelnpidoyves  meale  6c  oilc.4.  Railed  her  dtad  fonnc 
to  life(  ^.!^'g.  17,;  J.  Brought  fire  from  hcaucn,  to  burne  his  facrifice; 
ihere!;j  confounding  foure  hundred  andfiftyfdfc^ro^hets  ofBad.6^  By  prayer 
procuL-ed  rayne.  (5.  -^g .  18.)  7.  Fafted  Without  eating  or  dnncking 
fourtie  daics4wi  ni^hics  to^eihir.  (].I{e£.  19.)  8.  Procured  fire/rcw 
hemen^  which  dcuoured  two  infoknt  captaines  ,  and  their  hundred 
men  {4r\^T.  u  )  9.  Diuidcd  theriuer  o/Iordan  l>vithhUcloke  ,  thathim- 
felfeand  Etfeu^  pafed  oner  the  driechanel.  10.  rr^aiTumpted  in  a  firic 
chariote  tntofome  fUce  y  'Where  he ytt  liueth  .  ^nd parting  a'^v^j  ob- 
tained of  God,  the  like  Awh\  e  fpirit  (  of  prophc'te  And  miracles )  to  Elifew. 
"Elifcashismi-  in  likem^nerEMUus.  i.  diuided  lordan  againe  by  Eliascloke  ,  andfh 
racics.  returned  to  hif  difciplei.  x.  Amended  the  bitternes  of  cert  awe  waters  ,  by 

cafting  in  falre.  v  Boies  being  curfcd  by  hiiDj/or  deriding  him  ,  were 
jorthl/vnh  torne  by  bearcs  (4.  i{eg.  1. )  4.  He  procured  water with- 
outraynej/or/zW^in^fi  inthecampe  {^.l{fg.  5.}  5.  Multiplied 4/'oortf 
')>vidovves  oilc.  6.  By  his  prayers  a  barren  woman  became  frutefull. 
7.//<rrairedL-r/3«»v'fromdeath.8.  Made*/;^  bitter  hioih  of  hii  dtf- 
(iples  fwccte.9.  Feddc  manie  with  few  loaues  (4.  K^g.  4^.)  10.  Cured 
Naamanofleprofie.  11.  Stroke  Gieziwith  rhefame  (4.  J(f^.;-).i2, 
Madeyrontofwimme-  ij.  Knewe  thefecret  counfels  0^  the  Syrian 
king.  1 4.  Made  one  fee  horfemen, and  firic  chariotes,  which  too- 
thers were  inuifible.  i;.  Made  the  Syrianes  blinde,,/W>Vfr*/f»*/o 
apprehend  him  ,  andfo  ledde  them  into  J^wrfnrf.  i6.Forfhewed  vnex- 
pC(5ledplentieofcorne  thsnextday,  FFiththede&lhoHgreatvatany 
that  would  not  beleueit.  (4.^/^.  7.)i7«  ^nd  after  his  death  an  o- 
ther  mans  deadbodic  ,  touching  his  bonesreuiued.  4.i^<'j'.  15. 
Othsr  Prophets  ^vrcughtalfo  miracles,  hut  thefe  for  example  may  fit ff ice  t9 
Rrticrionnot    -^^^'*'''  ^^''^God  preferucd  reh'gion  alfo  in  the  kingdomeof  Ifrael. 
'j^hoTly  de-       >'yhich  htmj elf e further  teftified,  euen  tn  mofi  defolate  times,  '\vhen  Eltas  U» 
i}roye<\  in  the  mented,  th'it  he  '\7^s  Icift  aloae{ ;.  H^g.  i^.)For  God anfyvireJ,  that  feuen 
kingdom  of     thoufand  ( meaning  therhy  aguAt  multitude  )  had  not  bowed  their 
'  knees  to  Baal,  not fo  much  as  in  0 utlivard she'^Ve conformed  tbemfelnes  to 

in/:delltie,oridoUtrie'    Ifhu  in  his  time,  difrroyed  all  f;^f  worfhippcrs 
of  B-ial.  (4.  ^fiT.  10.)  But  none  at anie  time  con\<^  wholy  deftroy  true 
Kraelites.' for  God  would  not  fuSerir.  4.^<'/.  14.  >.  27. 
Herefic^in  Tea.niit\vith(ianding<\'\nzi'i  notorious  hdz^izs'yvere preached,  ^fo* 

the  kir,;T;aom    /o>vt^in  that  kin^dome  of  the  Tenne  xt\\>&^,y;td  did  notfall^  n»r 
of  Krarl.  smhrue them.  ler oboam  not  onlie  made  andfet  "Vp golden  calues ,  hut  tlfo- 

■i-  r   u..r,;r.«    fanght,  zhnthryyvere  Cods,  faying:  Behold  thy  ^odda,  0  ffrad,^hi'ch' 
bioiig.'it  ihec  QUtol  the  land  of /Egypt.  5.  i^g.  n.  nfiaking  temples,, 

altar  5a. 

Church  and  Religion^  ^41, 

altars,  4»^imaginarie  pricftes  ,  which  weie  not  of  the  children  of 
Leui.  ^//o  afeaft  thcfiftcnth  dayof  the  rRoneth^aftcrthc  fimili- 
tudeof  th-jefolemnirie,  that  was  celebrated  in  luda.  ^l  whub  the 
holieScrtpti4ref<titk:Hefoutgcio(hisoyx'r\chzn.  rhel/try frcpcrtieof 
^rcherettc{es.  But  the  xiue  Pricftes,  Lcuitcs,  and  w4n;V  others  ,  that  Manic  con- 
had  geucn  their  hart  to  feke  onrLord,\rentinto  lerHfalemjtoim-  ftantJBtru© 
molate  theirc  vidimcs  before  ©ur  Lord  the  God  of  their  fathers,  t  "  ^g'o^* 
Tar.u.Tea  Naaman  ajiran^trof  SjrU^and a  Ntcfhitein  religion,  taught 
hy  hi)  fxdmple,ihaz  none  may  yeld  conformitic,  nor  otherwife  com* 
municate  with  Infidclcs,  then  Gods  Priefts,  or  Prophetes  approue 
for  lawful.  4.  J{e^.  5. 

ro/o^^i*/&fff//f  ®//'>'o^O'<»»Achab,byIe2abelsperrwafion,adde^ 
the  worfnipping  of  Baal  ,  as  ad.  5.  n,fg.  16.  waking  both  temple  and  ^^^  ^  ^^"* 
Mtdr  to  htm  m Samarid.  lerdoams priefis  fcruin^  fitly  thU purpose.  Though 
al  the  former  h  ereti^es  no  tKore  agreed  to  thii  tiefv  herejle^then  Lutherans  now 
ddmitte of  Caluimfme.  For  Ichua  leroboamite  deftroyed  al  lezabilits 
that  he  could  hy  ajiratigtmegettt  together,  4.  E^g,  10.  "V.  28. 25.  Muchlejfc 
didal  ifratlfertit  Baal.  '. 

-^fa'trie  after  that  Salwana7ar  h^xf  of^E)  rta  had  takefi  Samaria ,  4/»/  ,        .      .     - 
J     JL  ^         ;        ^  ^L     I        ■       I     •         ft       r    r     Samarifamtts, 

placed  there  a  neTif  pecftej  ^.l{e^.  17.,  they  learning  the  ntcsotihe  ifraelits  diuidedinto 

xeiigion,  mixed /^f;rPaganirme/WTi?/V)&,  rfwa^madeanewhcrcfie,  manieScftes..  " 

orrrf^^ermanienewhercfies.  Forheingdiucis  mtions  they  had  in fs* 

ucraleenuenticleSi  their panicuhrgoddcs,  i<«<s^roraaniediuersSe(5ls. 

r^e  Babylonians,  Cuthcitcs,Emathites,  Heueites,  4»^Sapharuai- 

nrites.  4 .  J^fg  17'  Butasthe  Fneftes,  "^hich  tau^^ht  them  rites  of  true  religi- 

en,  alloyfiednotofthif  mixture^  fo  doubtles  fame  people  hardened  to  their  ad- 

njomtionsj  and  kept  religion  Jim^ly  andftncereh .  iind  at  tbit  Jerj  time  of 

theTenne  tribes  captimtie3ho\ieTohia.sTi;  ho  was  carried  capime'^ith  the  Tobias  nenar  ' 

r(/?,  neither  before  nor  after  thecaptiuitie,  leiftthelawof  God.  ycldedto 

But  went  to  lerufalem  {when  others  ferned  Jerohoams golden calties)to  the  ^*^^^f™C' 

Temple  of  cHr  Lord,  and  there  adored  the  Lord  Cod  of  ifrael.  ^ndincapfi- 

uitie  befiorved  himfdfe  in  Ttforkes  ofmercie^  torrardes  tie  liuing  and  dead  of 

hii  nation.  Tab.  r. 

^i/orthe  kingdom  of  Iuda,;>jrrfj  more  free  from  herefies.  For  T?,<.t;«^4^« 
l^eryjewot  none  of  tboje  fringes  that  fell  to  othergrnJ^eenorr,iitteSy  yea  to  ofluHamorc 
tmnifefl  tdoUtrie,  became  beretikes, as  ts probablie  coUe^edby  that  ifaias  the  f^ «" c from  hc- 
Prophct  being  fent  to^cba\,admonished  him.conuer/ed and  dealt  f^ith  him^  ^*^'^* 
Oiyiithone  that  beleued  y^hoUy  and  folly  true  rclmon  :  ajfwirg  him  that 
Oodftfouldprote!}  hrufalem,  biddinghim  not  to  Feare  the  two  (mokine 
firebrandes,  in  the  wrath  of  RaTin  king  of  Syria,  andof  Phacce  ^'^?>  ^^^^** 
kingof  IfraeL  Ifa.  7.  Further  bidding him-aske  a /igne  of  Cod,  he  anfwe- 

XX.XXXJ,  '  vedy, 

f  4^  Continuance  of  the 

red,  though  frtVfdMe,  yet  not  as  an  infitl :  I  vil  net  askc :  tn  d  I  xril 

Vriasliigk       not  tempt  our  Lord .  Testbou^h  Vrias  the  High  Pricft  hyccmmaad" 

P"«*'  ment  of  the  fame  k}ff^  (4-  l(eg.  16.)  made  a  ncv  altar  inpUte  of  Cods  ^U 

far,  yet  he  erred  not  in  faith,  nor  in  doHrinelas  teachnrtn  Mojfes  thayrtt 

but  in  fad  onelte,  and  offraUtiefor  feare  of  the  kin^,  as  the  kmj^  offended  i» 

bif  externall  4^,  to  flatter  the  hng  of  Syria .  ^nd  in  thU  (aft  God  fen  t  ifauu 

King  loram.    to  admoniib  the  kfn^f  "^huh  Krtas  negleBed ,  or  durfi  not  do .    ukyvife  lo- 

and  others       ram  (4.  ^tg.  8.  i.Par.  xi.)  Ochozias  {i.  Par,  11.)  loas  intbe  Utter  Pari 

Sric'Ta      */**" ''/""'  ^-  ^^'^  "-♦•  ManafTcsii,  the  farmer  fart  of  bit  ragne  U.Bj^.x.  i, 

ha,  manic o- ^'^^ \\)*ndfovte other k}nges ofluda eommtttin^idolatrieyandmaktng others 

thcrs  ftil  pro-  to  fall  tvitbthem,  either  Were  not  vholie  pcruertcd,  or  at  leafi  drcv  not 

fclTcd  true  Re- al  with  them,  for  »or»»/Kprophets,in\rhofchand(ori»/»i/?mV;God 

"S'OO'  fpakc,  and  reprouedthefe  ftnnei,  httt  mante  others  kfft  thetr  Zele  of  trut  ntf 

^ion,  04  appeared  in  their promptnes  to  ferue  Cod,  when  hygood  hinges  ^fa^ 

lofaphaty  E^chiatyJoftM  and  others,  they  were  exhorted ,  or  admttted  [o  f 

do.  4.  ^g,  1 8. 25.  u  Par,  ly.  17. 29. 50. 51. 55. 54.  arc. 

Finally  wberat  diners  good  princes  difpof  cd,  thingcs  belonging  to 
Diuinc  fcruicc  inthe  temple,  correding  faultes,4»d^puniQiing  ofticn- 
dcrs  in  that  behalf e,  ( 5.  ^f-^.  i;.  4,  i^eg,  18. 15.)  they  did  the  fame  with- 
out prci  udicc  of  the  High  Prieftes  fuprcmacic  injfirituall  caufes,  ^td 
Aothoriticde-  theirgodlteaBes  mzkc  nothing  for  the  Englifti  Paradoxof  Laihead- 
Viuincltli^'^  fl'ippe. For  fuperior autboritit,  andordmartepovvre is  notprouedby  faBti 
nance,  is  not  goodoreml,  but  rather  by  Gods  ordinance  and  infiitution ,  For  as  the  fait  es 
changed  b  y      ofyfurfers  make  no  UwfuU  prefcription\  fo  neither  tbefaSes  of  good  men,  do 
faftcs  or  prac-  change  Godsgentrd  ordinance  and  law :  But  are  done  eikher  by  Jcaie  ofexe^ 
^"^*  cutton,  or  fometimes  by  dtfpenfation.  Often  dfo  by  commifSion  andfpecial  in* 

Goodkinecs  P^*''°^°f  ^0^'  ^ihngDamd  by  difienfatton  iideatethe  holie  bread,  ^^^  ^^ 
defended  and  *^f ^^  ^'"  ordained  for  Prtefis  onlie.  i.  l^g.  11.  He dt^ofed  ofTritfies  and 

firomoted  re-  XW«  offices  about  the  ^rke  of  God.  far.  1$.  19.  by  way  of  execution  actor* 
ieion  not  as    dmg  to  the  law  .  ^nd  of  the  like  offices  in  the  Temple  (ft/hen  tt  should  be 
chiefc  m  fpiri-  ^^^/^)  j^  p^^^  ^^  ,  ^  ^^^  ^5  i,^  ^^^^-^  inffiration .  ^nd  Salomon  by  com- 
b!u  by  ^a  y      »*ifionfrom  God  depofed  ^biathar  the  High  Priefi ,  firom  his  office  and  put 
oi  execution,  Sadoc  in  hii place,  ^.^g-  1.  FFherefore  albett  good  hinges  did  excellentlit 
difpcnfation,    Ifiell  in  calling  together  the  Pnefies,  and  difpojing  them  in  their  offices,  for 
>•!  toruiilioa ,  execution  ofcodsferuice^  yea  in  commanding  what  they  should  do  4.  It  eg,  x8. 
19.  It.  ind  m  punishing  Priefies  (  4.  J^g.  15.)  ytt  they  did fuch  thmges  aa 
Gods  Comn3iflioners,»o*  at  ordinarie  Superiors  in  fpiritual  caafcs,4«^ 
fiUtheordinariefitbordinationmadeby  thelarVtDeut.iy.  Num.iy.  flood 
firme and  inutoUble,the  High  Prieft  fuprcmc  ludgc  ofaH  doubtesitt 
faith,  caufes^  and  ^uarels  inreltgion,  Jif  hen  other  fitbordtaate  inferior  Judges 
yartidit^  their  iuJgmentes .   of  which  offices  Malachiat  the  Prophet  {cap.  1.) 
,  admoniiheti 

""  Church  and  Religion.  54? 

gdimmslel  PrleSes  in  bit  tim  ,  thdt  wheras  they  were  negligent ,  no  t  per-  P"«^^»  ^T 
forminftbeirdutie,theirfnneWasthem4ter,fortb4ttUirAmhonUeJitlre^  ogccdolnnt 
mdinedldnd  the  perpetual  K!*lf  of  tbeUvv,  /i>4nhc  lippcsof  the  Prieft  futiofcnot 
(hal  kepc  knovlcgc,  and  they  ( other  men genersUy )  dial  require  the  their  luchori- 
law  of  his  mouth,  becaufe  he  is  the  Angel  of  the  Lord  of  hoftes.  tic, 
©«*».      ^»ial?rw«ic^«^*crjvcrctorecciuethcla\ratthcpriefteshado/ 
«7.  y>    the  Lettiticdl  Tribe .  This  >rrf*  the  ^VArrdnt  offldtlitie  in  truth  •/the  Sjnd-  "^J^^^^^l^^ 
'*•        gogue  in  the  old  Tejfament.  Much  more  the  Church  and  Spoufe  of  Chrift,  -j-cftamcnt 
yvbofeexceBencie  andfin^Urprimleges  Salomon  defcribeth  in  his  can-  confcrucd  ia 
tide  of  canticles,  i&4*ir/»f/&>T'4rr4«f.  Ofthisfpouleal  the  Prophets  truth. 
^ ^,  ;    vrite,  cr  that  morepUinlie  then  •/  chrifi  bimftlfe.forking  more  aducr*  JJ^^^^  ^/j^ 
JO.  come,  fsirics  bcnding  thcii  forces  againft  her  jMS,   ^uguftine  ohferueth,  ^f chrift. 
ft.  then  againft  Chrift  J&ffifcw^.  ^nd  the  fame  bolie  father  in  mdniefU" 

K.).r.  ces  teatbeibfthdt she  neithcrperi{heth,norIofeth  her  bcutic, /or/it* 
Vo^rim  '»^*"^'*<>/'«»^  membersy  in  re^eSf-  of  Tt>hom  she  is  blacke,  but  fayrc  in  re- 
€Jn-ifl,  jfe^  ^f  fbe goody  Csntic.  i.  Notwithfi ending  tberfore Jtnners  remaining 
I.  r»m.  J  y^itbinthe  Churek,  fchifmatikes  and  breaking  from  the  churchy  fitl 
A'^*Z'  she  remaineth  the  pillar  and  firmament  of  truths  the  rirein  daughter 
»^*        ofSion, 


BOOKES    O  F     ESDR  AS. 

ES  D  R  A  s   ithd'te  Priefi  and  Scribe,  o{thtfiocke  of^aron ,  ^j  tie  tine  The  'vo 
of  Elea'^ry  "Writeth  the btfiorie o(Gcdi people yin  ,  andprefentty  after  ^°°^ *'  °f 
thetr  cdptitiitte in  Sdbiloa:  yvbich  Nchemhs  an  other  ^odlie Prieff  trofecu-  Sgh^'^s  art 
iethy^vhofe  booke  if  dlfo  called  tbffecond  of  Efdras,  becaufe  in  the  ffebreyv  bu*t  oITc^n  the 
dnd  Creke^hey  drehutonebookfy  relating  tbea^s  of  them  both  .  The  other  Hebrew. 
$TVo  hooks  called  the  third  and  fourth  o/E/draSy  touchwgthe  fame  matter,  '^^^  ^^^^^  ""^ 
\»tintheHebrerv  y  fforrecciued  into  the  Canon  ofhoHe  Scrip-  ^°""^*' 


tire  n»t  I 

arc  not 


turc,  though  the  Greke  Church  boldthe third  booke  as  Canonicall ,  and  pla- 
9eth  it  firfiy  becaufe  it  conteyneth  t binges  donne  before  the  other, 
E^Vf.  ad       Jn  the  two  here  folowtngy   -yphtch  are  Undoubtedly  holie  Scriptures.  le-  Thishiftorie 
fW»».    romfaytbythat  Efdras  and  Nchcmias(to  \ritre  the  Helper,  and  Com-  harh  alfo  a 

fortcrfrom  God  )reftored  the  Temple,  and  built  the  valles  of  the  fpi"t"ircnr« 
citiej4i<//»r*A4/althc  troopeof  the  people  returning  into  their 
countricalfothedcrcriptionof  Prieftei,Leuites,  Ifraeliccs,  Pro- 
felircs,  and  the  vorkes  of  walles  and  rowres  diuided  by  feueral  fa- 
milies, 4/;«^  in  cortice  pr^ferunt,  aliud  in  medulla  rttinent,  fbevr  one 
thing  in  the  barkc,kepe  an  other  thing  in  the  marrow:  /;^/fy,„^ 
that  th^htftorie  hath  both  a  Itteral,  and  a  myfttcal  fenfe.  ^ccordtnAo  the 
htterth^ftrfi  booke shrfveth  the  redu^tonofcods  people  from  Babylor-y  f'^'^^^o°^« 

Jn  the  firlt  fix  chapters,  Intheotherfoure ,  tbetr  tnliruBlon  by  Efdra.' after  Z[t[7 
thetrrttume,  "^    -'         •'       ''^^f-'tics. 

The  ficft  part. 
The  returnc 
of gods  peo- 
ple tromBa- 

:t  Liberally 
gauc  fuch 
thingcj  into 
thcii  hatidcS' 




Chap.     I. 

C/yw  k*n^  of  Per/i4  moud  hj  dimne  mfpiration,  releafeth  Gods  peo^lje  from 
captmitie,  Tvttb  licenfc  to  rtturne  and  butld  the  Temple  tn  lerufaUm:  7. 
rtflonn^ibe  bolie  lieJlelyJt^bich  Nahitcbodonofor  had  taken  from  tbciKC, 

N   T  H  E  firft  ycare  of  Cyrus  king  of  the  Per*  i 
fians,  that  the  word  of  our  Lord  by  the  mouth 
of  leremie  might  be  accomphihd  ,  our  Lord 
ray  fed  vp  the  Tpiric  of  Cyrus  king  of  Perfians; 
and  he  made  proclamation  in  al  his  kingdom, 
yea  by  \rryting,  faying:  f  Thus  fay  th  Cyrus  king  of  the  Per-  1 
fians :  Al  the  kingdomes  of  the  earth  hath  the  Lord  the  God 
of  hcauen  geuen  me,  3c  he  hath  commanded  me  that  I  fliould 
buildhimahoufein  Ierufalcra,\rhichisin  lewrie.  t  Who  is  ) 
there  among  you  of  al  his  people  ?  His  God  be  with'him.  LeiT  ' 
him  goe  vp  into  lerufalem,  vhich  is  in  Icwris,  and  build  the 
houfe  of  the  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael,  he  is  the  God  that  is  in 
lerufalem.  •\  And  let  al  the  reft  in  al  places  whcrfoeuer  they  4 
dwel,lereuerymanof  his  place  hclpe  him,  with  filuer  and 
gold,  and  fubftance,  and  cartel,  befides  that  which  they  offer 
voluntarily  to  the  temple  of  God,  which  is  in  lerufalem. 
t  And  there  rofevp  the  princes  of  the  fathers  of  luda  and  "/ 
Beniamin,  &  the  Prieftes,  and  Leuites,  and  euerie  one.whofe 
fpiritGodrayfed  vp,  to  goe  vp  to  build  the  temple  of  our 
Lord,  which  was  in  lerufalem.  -j-  And  al  that  were  round  <> 
about,  ••  did  helpe  their  handes  in  velTeb  of  filuer,  and  of 
gold,  in  fubftance,  and  beaftes,  in  furniture,  befides  thofe 
thingcs  which  they  had  offered  voluntarily,  f  King  Cyrus  7 
alfo  brought  forth  the  velTels  of  the  temple  of  our  Lord, 
which  Nabuchodonoforhad  taken  of  lerufalem,  and  had  put 
them  in  the  temple  of  his  God,  f  But  Cyrus  the  king  of  Per»    8 
fians  brought  them  forth  by  the  hand  oPMithridates  the 
fo-nneof  Gazabar  ,  &:  numbred  them  to  Saffabafar  the  prince 
of  luda.  t  And  this  is  the  number  of  them  j  Phials  of  gold   ^ 
thirtie,  phials  of  liluer  a  thoufand^kniues  twentie  nine,gob- 

lettes  .    , 



Cyrus.  OF  EsDXAS.  ^4y 

10  Itfttes  of  gold  thirtie,  t  gobletcesonllucrof  thefecondor- 

11  der,  foure  hundred  tciine:  other  vcdcUa  thouland .  f  Al 
the  Tellels  of  gold  and  Uluer ,  Has  thoafand  fourc  hundreds 
Sa{ra.ia{ar  tookc  al  ^rith  them  ,  that 'crenc  vp  trom  che  cianf- 
raigratioa  of  Babylon  into  lerulalen?. 

Chap.  II. 
Themmti  *nd  nwn^er  off(>ecial  men  ,  which  returned  yndir  the  emii*^  of 
Z  yrobsbel into  lerufAem.  66.  their ful^Jf^ncj of  cattel  ^  6S.dnd  their  olf^. 
Uttonsfor  thereedifymg  of  the  Temple, 

I  A  Nd  ;:  thefcare  the  cKiUrenofthcprouiace, that  went -.Tliiseflu^ 
jt\.vp  from  the  capriuitie,  which  Nabuchodonofor  che  "^crarionof 
king  of  Babylon  hairranfporced  into  Babylon,  and  returned  ^^^-^f^^f^^^^i 

•1    into  lerufalem  and  luda,  euerie  man  into  his  citie.  f  They  ieTimolcr  . 
that  came  Nrith  Zorobabel,Iofue,Nshemia,Saraia,  Rahelaia,  faJcm,  ficrnifi* 
Mardochai,  Belfan,  Metphar,  Beguai,  Rehum,  Baana  :  The  e:h  the  Elect 
5  number  ofthc  men  of  the  peopleoflfraeh  t  The  children  ^'^'chafccna 
4    of  Pharos  tvo  thoafand  an  hundred  fcuentie  two.  t  The  j^^^^^^^J" 
5  children  of  Sephatii,  three  hundred  feuentie  t>vo.  f  The  tothetrium. 
'6    children  of  Area,  feuen  hundred  feuentie  flue.  +   Thechil-  phan:. 
7   dren  of  Phahath  Moab,  of  the  childten  of  Io(uc  .•  lohab,  two 
'8    thoufand  eight  hundredtsrelue.  t  The  children  of  Aelam,  a 

9  thoufand  two  hundred  fiftie  foure.  f  The  children  of  Ze- 

10  thua,  nine  hundred  fourciefiue.  t  The  children 'of  Zachai, 
H   fcuen  hundred  fixtie.  t  The  children  of  Bani  fix  hundred 

11  fourtietwo.  f  The  children  of  Bcbai,  fix  hundred  twentie 
15  three,  t  The  children  of  Azgad,  a  thoufand  two  hundred 

14  twentic  two.  t  The  children  of  Adonicam,  fix  hundred  fix- 

15  tic  fix.  t  The  children  of  Beguai,  two  thoufand  fiftie'fix. 

16  t  The  children  of  Adin,  foure  hundred  fiftie  foure.  f  The 

17  children  of  Ather,  which  were  of  Ezechias,  ninetic  eight. 
iS  t  The  children  of  Befai,  three  hundred  and  twentie  three. 
^19  t  The  children  of  lora,  an  hundred  rwclue.  f  Thechildre 

10  of  Hafiamjtwo  hundred  twentie  three,  t  The  children  of 

II  Gebbar,ninctiefiue,  f  The  children  of  Bethlehem, anhun- 

11  drcd  twentie  three,  f  The  menof  Netupha,  fiftiefix.  f  The 
2j  men  of  Anathoth  an  hundred  twentie  eight,  f  The  chil- 
14  dren  of  Azmaueth,  fourtie  two.  f  The  children  of  Cariathi^ 
Zf  arim  ,  Cr-phira,  and  Bcroth,  fcuen  hundred  fournc  three. 
1^  f  The  children  of  Rimi  and  Gabaa,  fix  hundred  twcnric 

17  one.  t  The  men  of  Machmas,  an  huadrcd  iventifi  two. 

Yyyyy  t  Tne 

^^6  First     360KE  Cyrns.Zorobabcl' 

tThc  men  of  Bethel  andHai,  tvpo  hundred  tvcntic  three.  28 
t  The  children  of  Nebo  ,  ^ftie  ivto.   f   The  children  of  29 
Megbis,  an  hundred  fiftic  fix.  t  The  children  of  an  ot^er  30 
yElam,  a  ihoufand  two  hundred  fiftie'foure.t  The  children  of  51 
Harim,  three  hundred  twtncic.  f  The  children  of  Lod  Hadid  51 
and  One,  feuen  hundred  tNrentic  fiuc.  f  The  children  of  le-  33 
richo,  three  hundred  fourtie  fiuf.  |  The  children  of  Senaa^  34 
three  thoufand  fix  hundred  thirtie.  |  The  Piieftes:  The  chil-  35 
drcnof  ladaiain  the  houfc  of  lofue,  nine  hundred  feucntie  36 
three,  f  The  children  of  Emnier,  a  thoufand  fiftie  tvro.f  The  37 
children  of  Phefhur,  a  thoufand  t\ro  hundred  fourtie  fcuen.  3! 
t  The  children  of  Harim,  a  thoufand  and  feuentic.  f  The  39 
Lcuites  :  The  children  of  lofue  and  Cedmiel,  the  children  of  4© 
Odouia,feuentie  foure.  t  The  Tinging  men  :  The  children  of  41 
Afaph,  an  hundred  twcntie  eight,  f  The  children  of  the  For-.  41 
tcrs  :  the  children  of  Sellum/thc  children  of  Ater,  the  chil- 
dreu  of  Tclmon,  the  children  of  Accub,  the  children  of  Ha^ 
tita,  the  children  of  Sobai:al  an  hundred  thirtie  nine,  f  The  45 
Natheneites :  The  children  of  Siha,  the  children  of  Hafuplia, 
the  children  of  Tabbaoth,t  the  children  of  Ceres,  the  chil-  44, 
dren  of  Siaa,  the  children  of  Phadon,  f  The  children  of  Le-  4f. 
bana,  the  children  of  Hagaba,  the  children  of  Accub,  f  The  4^ 
children  ofHagab,  the  children  ofSeralai,  the  children  of 
Hanan,  f  The  children  of  Gaddtl ,  the  children  of  Gahcr,  47 
the  children  of  Raaia,  t  ThechildrcnofRafin,  the  children  4S 
ofNceoda,  the  children  of  Gazam,  t  The  children  of  Aza,  4^ 
the  children  of  Phafea  ,  the  children  ofBefte,  f  Thechil-  50. 
dren  of  Afena,  the  children  of  Munim,  the.  children  Ne- 
phufim,  t  The  children  of  Bacbuc,  the  children  of  Hacu-  yr 
pha,  the  children  of  Harhur,  f  The  children  of  Beflutb,  51 
the  children  of  Mahida,  the  children  of  Harfa,  f    Thechil-  55 
dren  of  Bercos,  the  children  of  Sifara  ,  the  children  of  The-  54 
ma,  t  The  children  ofNafia,  the  children  of  Hatipha,  tThc  )5 
children  of  the  feruants  of  Salomon  ,  the  children  ofSotai, 
the  children  of  Sophcreth,  the  children  of  Pharuda,  t   The  j« 
children  of  lala,  the  children  of  Dcrcon,  the  childtcof  Ged- 
dcl,  t   Thechildren  of  Saphatia,  the  children  of  Hatil,  the  57 
children  of  Phochereth,  ^i-hich  were  of  Afebaim,  ihechil- 
drenofAmi.  f  Al  the  Nathineites,  and  the  children  of  the  58 
feruantes  of  Salomon,  three  hundred  ninetietwo.  f   And  55 
chefc  arc  they  that  came  vp  from  Thelmcla,  Thelharfa,Chc- 


us.  lofuc,  OF     ESDRAS.  547 

rub,  and  Adon,  and  Emcr  .  And  rhey  could  not  flicxr  the 
houfc  of  theirfathersand  their  fecde,  whether  they  vrere  of 

6x3  Ifracl.  t  The  children  of  Dalaia^  the  children  of  Tobia,  the 

61  children  of  Nccoda,  fix  hundred  fiftic  tvro.  f  Andofche 
children  of  the  Prieftes  ;  The  children  of  Hobia,  the  children 
of  Accos,  the  children  of  Berzellai,  who  tookc  a  'crife  of  the  ■•  Such  u  fay 
daughters  of  Berzellai  the  Galaadite,  and  was  called  bf  their  ^^^y  ^''epnc- 

62.  name:  f  thcfe  fought  the  writing  of  their  gcnealogie,and  norfliet'^h"' 
"  found  it  not,  and  they  were  caft  out  of  the  Prielthood-  vocaiio   muft 

6'j  t  And  Atherfathafaid  to  them,  that  they  iTiould  not  eateof  noccxcrcifc, 

the  Holie  of  holies,  til  there  rofc  a  prieft  learned  and  pcrfedi.  ^^^*^  fund^on, 

64  Al  the  mdltirude  as  it  were  one  man,  '••  fourtie  two  thoufand  "     ,      .""^^ 

1  1         jjr-LiriL-  r  o  numbredof 

three  hundred  (ixtie  :  f  behde  their  men  Ieruantes,(Sc  wemen  the  tribcsof 

6f  feruantes,  which  were  feuen  thoufand  three  hundred  rhirtie  ludj,  Bcnu- 

(euen;  and  among  them  finging  men, and  finging  wemen  two  '"'"»  &  Lcui, 

66  hundrcd.tThcirhorfesfeuenhundredthirticfix.their  mules  '^onotamouc 

67  two  hundred  fourtie  fiue,  f  their  cameles,  fourc  hundred  and°*three"' 
thirtie  Hue,  their  afles  fix  thoufand  feuen  hundred  twcntie.  hundred. So 

68  f  And  of  the  princes  of  the  fathers, when  they  entred  into  the  '"  thisgcneral 
temple  of  our  Lord,  which  is  in  lerufalem,  they  offered  vo-  """^^erarc 
luntatilyvnto  the  houfc  of  our  Lord  to  build  it  in  his  place.  ^°""*"^  ^- 

6^  t  Accordingtorhcirabilifies,  theygaue  theexpenfes  of  the  thoufand  of 
worke,  of  gold  fixrie  one  thoufand  foldes,  of  filucr  fiue  thou~  otherttibes, 

70  fand  poundcs,&  garmentes  for  the  prieftes  an  hundred. f  The  "o"^  rccitcda- 
Prieftestherfore&  the  Leuites.  and  they  of  the  people,  and  ^^"Ibisll'o^* 
the  finging  men,  and  the  porters,  and  the  Nathinaircs  dwelt  ^q^  cxplica-' 
in  their  cities,  and  al  Ifrael  in  their  cities.  tcth  the  didi- 

Chap.  IIL  ^"^"^- 

iyf»  yiltdr  is  built  for  Picrifice^4f  Vhefed^  ofTahermcles  folemnly  ceUhrAted 
S.  ^ndin  the  Jecondyenre  (  afier  their  returne  )  the  Temple  ii  founded  yvitk 
gre^t  iojf  of  tbefeo^le^  And  mourning  offome. 

1  A  Nd  now  the  feuenthmoneth  was  come,  and  the  chil- 
.XjL  dren  of  Ifrael  were  in  their  cities  :  the  people  thcrforc 

2  \ras  gathered  together  as  it  were  one  man  into  lerufalem. 
•}•  And  lolue  thefonneof  lofedecrofe  vp,  nnd  his  brethren 
the  Prieftes,  and  Zorobabel  the  f jnne  of  Silathiel ,  and  his 
brethren,  and  they  built  the  altar  of  the  God  of  Ifracl,  that 
they  might  offer  on  it  holocaufles,  as  it  is  wrircn  in  the  law  of 

5  Moyfcsthemanof  God.  f  Andthey  placed  thcalrarof  God 
^poii  his  feccc,chc  people  of  the  lands  roundabout  putting 

Yyyyy  z  chcm 

94^  First  p  o  o  k  e  Cyrus.  lofuc, 

::Notwith-     them  ••  in  feare,  &  they  oftcrcdvpon  ir  holocauftto  oei"Lord 
ftandingthe     rnorning  and  euening.  f  And  they  made  the  lolemnitie  of  ra«    4 
V"",*^""^^  j"' bernacles,  as  ii  is  >x'riten,  and  holocauft  cuery  day  by  order 
fcruar.tcstoo^'^co'^"'"S  to  the  pr.Tceptjthe  worRe  ot  the  day  in  his  day. 
kccorageto    f  And  afcer  thc(e  thinges  the. Continual  holocauft,  as  welin    ^ 
off«r  iacnficc.  the  CalendeSj  as  inal  the  (oicmnities  of  our  Lord,  that  were 
confecrated,  and  in  al  wherein  there  was  offered  voluntarily 
a  gift  to  our  Lord,  j  From  the  fiift  day  of  the  fcuenth  moncth  ^ 
they  began  to  offer  holocauft  to  our  Lordrmorcoucr  the 
temple  of  God  was  not  yet  founded,  t  And  they  gaue  money  7; 
to  hewers  of  fioncs  and  to  mafons:  meatc  alio  anddrinke, 
and  oylc  to  the  Sidonians  and  Tyrians,  that  they  (hould  bring 
ceder  trees  from  Libanus  to  the  fca  vnro  loppe,  accerding  to 
that  which  Cyrus  the  king  of  the  Perfians  bad  commanded 
them,  t  And  in  the  fccond  yearc  of  their  coming  to  the  8^ 
temple  of  God  in  lerulalem, the  fecond  moneth;  began  ZorO' 
babelthefonneof  Salathiel,  and  lofue  thefonneof  lofedce,. 
and  the  reft  of  their  brethren  the  Pricftes,  and  the  Lcuitcs, 
and  al  that  were  come  from  thecaptiuitie  into  lerufah  m/aiKl 
they  appoynted  Leuites  from  twentie  yeares  and  vpward, that 
they  (hould  haften  forward  the  workc  pf  our  Lord,  f  A^id.^j 
lofue  ftood  and  his  foniies,  and  his  brethren,  Cedraihel.and^ 
hisfonnes,  and  the  children  of  lHda,as  it  were  one  man,  that- 
they  might  beinftantvpon  them,  that  did  the  wotkeinthc 
rtTJytKeorcJi-  temple  of  God:  the  fonne^of  Henadad,and  their fonneSjand 
"^j*"  p^^^'   ^'^^^^  brethren  Leuites.  f  The  temple  therfore  of  our  Lord  i® 
«i,i.   ar.x     b^ing  founded  by  the  mafons,the  Piieftes  ftood  in  theirattyrc 
::Bythcirwe-  "^itb  frumpettes  :  and  the  Leuites  the  children  of  Afaph  in 
pingthcyte-    cymbals,  to  prayfcGod '•  by  the  handesof  Dauid  fheking  of 
ftigedthatthe  jfrael.  f  And  they  fang  together  in  hymnes,  and  confeflion   il 
BCT/temp  e^  ^^  ^^^  Lord:  Becaufe  heisgood,becaufe  his  mercieis  for  cucr 
cellcntasthc   vpon  Ifrael.  Althepeople  alfo  madea  (houte  with  a  lowdc-     u~ 
former. And    crie in  prayfing  our  Lord,  becaufe  the  temple  of  our  Lord. 
therfore  Ag-    \ras  founded,  t  Vcrie  manieatfoof  the  Prieftesand  the  Le-  11  •. 
gcusprophe-  uj{.(.5^and  the  princes  of  the  fathers,  &:  the  ancients,  that  had 
notbcT^nder'"  fcene  the  former  temple  i  when  they  faw  this  temple  foun- 
ftoodoftliis     dedy  ••  they  wept  with  alowd  voyce  :  andmanie  ftiGUting  in 
temple,  butof  ioy, lifted  vp  their  voycc.  f  Neither  could  anieman  dilccinc  1} 
Ch  ■ft^*^'^!f  °  ^^^^  voice  of  the  crie  of  them  thatreioyced,  and  the  voice  of 
iiAS.duiLcf  tbe  weeping  of  the  people:  for  one  with  ai>  other  the  people  ^ 
4c.  DiowtedvithalowdcriCjaadthc  voicc^ashcardfarof. 


CyriiS.ZorcbabcI.  of  Esdras.  049 

Chap.    IIIJ. 

The  Schtfm4tluls<im4r'ttdn(iybtcauj€  they  Ate  not  aJmittcd  to  commnnicate 
^ithtbe Itwesyindeuourto  hmdn  the  ht/ldtn^cf  the  Ttmple,  ^.lebich 
iKuertheUs  procedeth,  al  the  dajes  of  hn^  C^rm.  7.  ht  n  lundned  hy 
^naxerxtSj  ttltbt  facnd  j/eareol  Patiw. 


Vt  the  enemies  of  luda  and  Beniamin  heard  that  the 
children  of  the  captiuitiebuilt  a  ten  pic  to  our  Lord  the 
z-  Godof  Kracl.  t  And  coming  to  Zorobabel,  and  the  princes 
of  the  fathers,  they  fayd  to  th(m:  Let  vs  build  \Tuh  you,  be- 
caufe  -'  euen  as  you,  fo  da  we  (ceke  your  God;Beho!d  we  hauc  •••Schifm.atJ- 
immolatedvicflimcs  from  the  dayes  of  Alor  Haddan  the  kinp   ^"^^''^Hcre- 
3    ofAlIur,which  brought  vs  hither,  f  And  Zorobabel  fayd  to  ''^"  ^-y  ^'ot 
■     them  and  lofue,  ana  th^reft  of  rhe princes  of  the  fathers  of  ccTmu' 
Ilrael :  It  is  not  for  you  and  vs  to  build  a  houfe  to  our  God ,  iniacnhcc 
but  we  our  felues  alone  wil  build  to  the  Lord  our  God    as  ^^'^  CataoJi- 
4;  CyrusthekingofthcPerfianshathcomandedvs.  f  Itca'mc  ^""* 
to  paffc  thertore  that  the  people  of  the  land  hindred  the 
handes  of  the  people  of  luda,  and  trubled  them  inboiiding. 
J  f  And  tbey  hyredcoun(clersagaynn:them,ro  deftroytheyr 
counfcl  al  the  dayes  of  Cyrus  the  king  of  the  Pcriians,  &:  vn  til 
^   the  rcigne  of  Darius  theking  of  the  Pcrfuns    t  And  in  the 
reigne  of  AfTuerus  m  the  begining  of  bis  reigne.tiicy  wrote 
7  an  accufation  againft  the  inhabitantcsof  ludaand  Icrufalem. 
■f  Andinthcdaytsof  Arraxcrxes  Befel3m,Mitridates,<?c  Tha- 
beel,'&  the  reft  that  were  in  theyr  counsel  writ  to  Arcaxtrxcs 
king  of  the  Pcrfuns;  and  the  epiRle  of  the  accufaiion  was 
wriren  in  Syriake,  and  was  read  in  the  Sirian  bnpuape. 
8    t  Reum  Betltecra,  and  Sarafai  fcnbe  wrote  one  epiflje  from 
6    lerufalem  to  Arraxerxes  the  king,  of  this  tenure;  -f  Rfum- 
Btehecm,and  Samfaifcribe,and  rhcrtft  of  their  counfeltrs 
theDineites,and  the  ApharfatliaceireSjfhcTerphalcites,  the 
the  Apharfeites,  the  Erchueiies,  the  Babylonians,  the  Sufa- 
10  necheires,  the  Dieuites,  and  the  y^tUmitcs,  f  and  the  reft 
of  the  Gcnrilcs  ,  which  Afenaphar  the  great  and  glorious 
tranfpofted:  and  made  them  dwel  in  the  cities  of  Sjmaria 
and  in  the  reft  of  the  countries  beyond  the  Riu^rin  peace; 
n    (t  this  is  the  copic  of  the  epiftle,  which  they  fent  to  him) 
To  Arraxerxes  the  king,  thy  fcruantts,  the  men  that  are  be* 
uyond  the  Riucr,fcnd  greeting,  f  Be  it  knowcn  rothekine» 
that  the  Iev«5,wbich  came  vp  from  thee  to  V5,afc  come  into 

Yy.yyyj  icruiaiciu- 

^^o  First   booke  Artaxerxes. 

Icrufalcm  a  rebellious  and  naiighcie  citie,  >3rhich  they  build 
miking  the  rampyres  thereof,  and  rcpayring  the  valles. 
t  Now  therforc  be  ic  knovijn  to  the  king,  that  if  that  citie    15 
flial  be  biiilc,and  the  walies  therof  r^piyred,  they  vill  not 
gcue  tribure,  and  colic,  Sc  yearly  rentes,  and  this  damage  \ril 
come  cuen  to  the  kinges.  f  But  we  mindful  of  the  fait  that  14 
sre  haue  earcn  in  the  palace,  and  becaufc  xre  count  it  heynous 
to  fee  the  kings  harmes,thcrfore\re  hauc  fent  and  certified 
the  king,  t  that  thou  recount  in  the  bookes  of  the  hiftories  ijf 
of  thy  fathers,  and  thou  (halt  finde  writen  in  the  commenta- 
ries :  and  Ihalt  know  that  that  citie  is  a  rebellious  citie,  and 
hurtful  to  the  kinges,  and  prouinces,  and  battels  arc  rayfed 
in  it  of  old  time :  for  the  which  caufe  alfo  the  citie  it  fel'c  was 
deftroyed.  t  Wecerrifie  the  king,  that  if  that  citie  ihal  be  iS 
built,  and  the  walles  therof  rcpayred,  thou  (halt  haue  no  pof- 
fcffion  beyond  the  Riuer.  f  The  king  fent  word  to  Reum   17 
Beeltecm,  and  Sarafai  fcribe,  and  to  the  reft  that  were  in  their 
counfel  inhibitantes  of  Samaria,  and  ro  the  reft  beyond  the 
Riuer,  fending  greeting  and  peace,  t  Theaccufarion,  vt  hich  18 
you  hauc  fent  to  vs,  was  openly  read  before  me.  f  and  I  giue  19 
commandment:  and  they  recounted,  and  hauc  found,  that., 
that  citie  of  old  time  rebcUethagaynft  the  kinges,  and  fcdi- 
tions  and  battels  are  rayfed  in  it.  t  For  ther^  haue  bcertc  alfo  id 
.moftraliant  kinges  in  lerufalem,  which  alfo  had  dominion 
<3ucr  althecountrie,  that  is  beyond  the  Rmer.  They  tooke 
alfo  tribure,androllc,  and  rentes,  t  Now  tberforehcarc  the  21 
fentcncc  :  Prohibite  ye  thofe  men,  that  that  citie  be  not 
built,  til  it  perhaps  fhal  be  commanded  by  me.  f  See  that  11 
you  doe  not  negligently  accomplift)  this  thing;  and  by  litle 
there  grow  euil  agaynft  the  kinges.  fTherfore  the  copic  of  25 
the  cdidt  of  Arraxerxcs  the  king  was  read  before  Reum  Beei- 
teem,  and  Samfai  the  fcribe,and  their  counfelers  :  and  they 
went  in  haft  mto  lerufalem  tothelewes,  &■  prohibited  them 
with  arme  and  ftrength.  -f  Then  was  the  worke  of  the  houfc  14 
of  our  Lordin  lerufalem  intermitted,  and  was  not  done  vntil 
the  (econd  yearc  of  the  reignc  of  Darius  the  king  of  the 

Chap.  V. 
gjtheexhorUtion  of^rr'tHfy  4n  J  Z4ch4ridSy  the  people  precede  in  hulU 

dingthe  Temple.  ?.  ryhich  their  emmksfiriuittg  to  bindery  yfor  deajim 

of  the  C4ufe,  both  parties  Jiprite  to  k'f*^  DanHf* 

Darius  ofEsdras,  9ji 

1  \  N  D  there  prophccied  Aggeus  the  Prophcte,  &:  Zacha- 
X\  rias  the  fonnc  of  Addo,  prophccying  to  the  lewcs,  that 
\^cre  in  It\p  tie  and  Icrufalcm,  in  the  nsme  of  the  God  of 

2  Urae).  -j-  Theniofevp  Zorobabelthe(cnneolSalathicl,and 
lofuc  the  fonnc  of  lofedec,  and  began  to  build  the  tcmpleof 
God  in  lerufalenijand^jcith  the ni  the  prophetcs  of  God  hel- 

3  ping  them,  f  But  at  the  fame  time  there  came  to  thcro  Tha- 
thanai,  who  \ras  prince  bf^yond  the  Riucr,  and  Stharbuza- 
nai,  and  their  counlclers:  and  fayd  thus  to  them  :  Who  hath 
gcucn  you  counfcl  to  build  this  houfc,  and  to  repayrcihe 

4   walles  ?  -f  Wherto  we  anf\r  cred  them,  what  the  names  were 
y   of  the  men  that  were  authorsofthat  building,  t  And  -  the  r.-Godgcsing 
eye  of  thcyr  God  was  let  vpon  the  ancicntcs  of  the  Icwcs,  j;orcgecohis 
and  they  could  not  inhibite  them.  Andit  plcafcd  rhemthat  ftfickerhtir 
the   matter   (hould  be  referred  to  Darius,  and  then  they  cnemieswitK 
<  would  fatisfic  agaynft  that  accufation.  f  The  copie  of  the  tcirour,  and 
cpiftle,  which  Thathanai  prince  of  the  countrie  beyond  the  ^°  "-.adc  them- 
Riuerfenr,  and  Stharbuzanai,  and  his  counfclers  the  Arpha-  ^"jgju^hi, 
facheites,  which  were  beyond  the  Riuer,  to  Dariu*  the  king .  ^w^orkc  as"ihcy 

7  j-The  word,  which  they  fcnt  him,  was  writen  thus:  To  Da-  bcforeincca- 

8  rius  the  king  al  peace,  f  Be  itknowcn  to  the  king,  that  we  '^'•^' 
went  to  lurie,  the  prouince,  to  thchoufeof  the  great  God, 
which  is  in  builJmg  with  ftone  vnpolilTied,  .ind  timber  is 

put  in  the  wallcs:  and  that  worke  is  in  building  diligently, 

^  and  groweth  in  their  handcs.  f  "We  therfore  demanded  of 
thofe  ancientes,  and  thus  we  fayd  to  them;  Who  hath  geuen 
youauthoritie  to  build  this  houfc  ,6<  to  repair e  ihcfcwalles? 

ic  t  Yea  and  their  names  we  asked  of  them  ,  that  we  might 
ctrtific  thee;  and  wc  writte  the  namesof  thofe  men,  that  arc 

II  the  chiefc  among  them,  f  And  they  anfwered  vs  rhcfe 
wordes,  fayng  ;  We  are  the  feruantes  of  the  God  of  heauen  dc 
earth,  and  we  do  build  a  temple,  that  was  built  thtfemanic 
ycares  before,  and  which  a  great  king  of  Ifrael  builtandfct 

li  vp,  -f  But  after  that  our  fathers  prouokcd  the  Godofheauea 
to  wrath,  be  deliuercd  them  into  the  handes  of  Nabucho- 
donofor  the  king  of  Babylon  the  Chaldcc;  this  houfc  affo 
he  deftroyed,  and  his  people  he  tranfportcd  into  Bab)  Ion. 

13  "j-  But  in  the  fiiftyeare  of  Cyrus  the  king  of  Babylon,  Cyrus 
^      the  king  put  forth  an  cdid,  thatthis  houfe  of  God  ihould  be 

14  built,  t  For  the  vclftlcs  alfo  ofthc  temple'of  God,of  gold' 
and  of  filucr  ,  vhich  Nabuchodonofcr  had  taken  out  of 


^yt  First   Booke  Darius 

the  temple,  t'oat  sris  in  Icrufale  m,  and  had  cariedthem  into 
the  temple  of  Babylon,  Cyras   the  king  brought  forth  cue 
oftka  rempleof  Babylon,  and  they  were  geuen  to  Saflabafar 
To  called,  -wlioin  alfa  he  appointed  the  chiefe,  f  and  layd    ij 
to  him:  Take  thefe  velTvls,  and  goe,  and  put  them  in  the 
temple,  thacisin  lerufalem.and  let  the  houfe  of  God  be  built 
in  his  place,  f  Then  therfore  came  this  Sadabafar.andjayd   i^ 
the  foundationsofthe  temple  of  God  in  lerufalem,  and  rrom 
that  time  vntil  novr  it  is  in  building,  and  is  not  yet  finiihed, 
f  No'«^  thcrfore  if  i:  feemc  good  to  the  king,  let  him  fcarch  17 
in  the  kmgs  librarie,  which  is  in  Babylon,  whether  it  hath 
becne  commanded  by  Cyrus-the  king,  that  the  houfe  of  God 
in  lerufilem  iliould  be  b  jilt,  and  lee  him  fend  the  kings  plea- 
furc  concerning  this  thing  vnto  vs. 

Chap.    V T. 
J) jrim  finding  in  the  re^ifiery  thit  Cyrus  ^xut  licence  to  hmli  the  Temple, 

X)mmindetb  thtt  n/^ne  binder  it.  8.  getath  dlfo  moi*ey  tQ-^Ardts  the 


Then  Darius  the  king  commanded,  and  they  fearchedih  i 
the  librane  of  the  bookes,that  were  layd  vp  in  Babylon, 
•f  and  there  was  found  in  Ecbatanis,  which  is  a  cafllc  in  the   z 
•prouince  Medena,  one  volume,  and  there  was  fuch  a  comen- 
,tarie  writen  therein  :  f  In  the  firft  yearc  of  Cyrus  the  king:   5 
Cyrus  the  king  decreed,  that  the  houfe  of  God  Jliould  be 
built,  which  is  in  lerufalem,  in  the  place  where  they  immo- 
late hoftes,  and  that  they  lay  the  foundations  fupporting  th© 
heightofthrecfcbrccubites, &:thebredth  of  thrcefcorecu- 
.bices,  f  thrcercwes  offtones  vnpolilTied,  &  forewesofnew    4 
.timber  :  and  the  codes  (hal  be  geuen  out  of  the  kings  houfe, 
t  Yea  &  the  velFels  of  the  temple  of  God,  of  gold  &  of  filucr    f 
which  Nabuchodonofor  had  taken  out  of  the  Temple  of 
lerufalem,  and  had  brought  them  into  Babylon,  let  them  be 
reftored,&  brought  backe  into  the  temple  of  lerufalem  vnto 
their  place  ,  which  alfo  were  put  in  the  temple  of  God. 
f  Now  therfore  Thathanai  prince  of  the  countrie,  thatis  ^ 
beyond  the  Riucr,  Stharubazanai,  and  your  counfelers  the 
Apharfacheites,  which  are  beyond  the  Riuer,  depart  farrc 
from  them,  f  and  fuffer  that  temple  of  God  to  be  made  of  7 
the  duke  of  the  Icwes,  and  oftheirancicntes,  that  they  may 
Build  thathoufcoiGod  in  his  place.  -^  k\iQl\ittQi$QQvmnd-  8^ 
\    i  '  '  nijnt 

Darius  of  Esdras.  "^j5 

mentgeucnfrommc  wharmuflbe  doneof  thofc  aucientes 
of  the  Icwes,  that  the  houfe  of  God  may  be  built,  to  wittc, 
thatof  the  kings  coffer, cha*:  is,  of  the  tributes,  that  are  gfuen 
out  of  the  countric  beyond  the  Riuer,  the  charges  bt  dili- 

9  gently  geuen  to  thofc  men,  left  the  worke  be  hindred.  f  And 
if  ic  l"bal  be  necelfarie  ,  calues  alfo,ani  lambes,  and  kiddes, 
for  holocauft  to  the  God  of  heauen,  vhcate,  (alt,  vyne,and 
oyle,  according  to  therite  of  the  Prieftcsthat  are  in  lerufa- 
lem,  let  there  be  geuen  them  day  dy  day,  tljat  there  be  no 

10  complaynte  in  any  thing,  f  And  let  them  offer  oblations 
to  the  God  of  heauen,and  pray  for  thelife  of  the  k;n_4,  and 

11  of  his  children,  f  By  "^^  therfore  there  is  a  decree  madej 
That  eucrie'man, which  flial  alter  this  comraandemtnr, there 
be  a  beame  taken  of  hii  houfe,  and  fet  vp,  and  he  befaft 

11  hanged  vpon  it,  and  his  houfe  be  confifcate,  f  And  tliC  God, 
that  hath- made  his  name  codwel  there,deftroy  alkinpdome.^, 
and  the  people  that  fhal  extend  rheyr  hand  to  rcfift  ,  &  to  dc- 
ftroy  thehoufeof  God.'thatisinleruLle.  1  Darius  hauemade 

13  the  dccree,which  I  vf'il  to  be  diligently  accoplitlied.  f  Ther- 
fore Tharhanai  the  prince  of  the  countrie  beyond  the  Riucr, 
and  Stharbuzani,  and  his  counfelers, according  ro  that  which 
Datiui'rhe  king  had  commanded  ,  (odid  execute  it  diligently. 

14  t  And  thcahci.nres  of  the  lewes  built  ,and  profpcrcd  accor- 
ding ro  the  prophecie  of  Aggeus  the  prophet ,  and  of  Zacha- 
rias  the  fonne  of  Addo:  and  they  built  and  fet  vp  ,  the  God  of 
Ifraelcommandine,  and"  Gyrus  commandins  ,  and  Darius,  ••/^^"^'^fof 

ij    and  Arraxerxes  tae  kings  ot  the  Perhans.  f  And  thty  were  the  hand  of 
finilhing  tliis  hou(e  of  God  ,vntil  the  third  day  of  the  mo-  ourLord.Pr#- 
neth  of  Adar,  which  is  the  fixrh  yeare  of  Darius  the  kinj^.  nerb.n. 

16  t  And  the  children  of  Urael,  the  Pneftesand  the  Leuites, 
and  the  reft  of  the  tranfmigrarion  ,  made  the  dedication  o^ 

17  the  houfe  of  God  in  ioy.j- And  they  offered  in  the  dedication 
of  the  houle  of  God,  caluesan  hundred,  rammes  two  hun- 
dred ,  lambes  foure  hundred  ,  buckgoares  for  the  finnc  of 
al  Ifracl  twclue,  accoiding  to  the  number  of  the  tribes  of 

18  Ifrael.  f  And;  they  fet  the  Pricftes  intheyr  orders,  and  the 
Leuifcs  in  theyr  courfcs  ouer  the  workcs  of  God  in  lerufa- 

19  1cm  ,  as  ic  is  writen  in  the  booke  of  Moyfes.  f  And  1  he.  chil- 
dren of  Urael  of  the  tranfmigrarion  made  the  Phafe  ,  the 

io  foartenth  day  of  the  firft  monctn.  ■}-  For  al  the  Prieftcsand 
the  Leuiccs  were  purified  as  ic  were  one  man:  al  cleans  to 

Zzzzz  immo- 

^C4  First     «goke  Artaxcrxcs. 

immoktc  tKe  Pbafe  for  al  the  cMldren  of  the  tranfraigration, 
and  fof  thcyr  brethren  the  Prieftes,  and  them  felues. -f  And  ii 
the  children  of  Ifrael  thatvcre  returned  from  the  tranfnaigra- 
tion,  did  eatc,  and  a!  thar  had  fcparated  them  felues  from 
tlic  coinqainarion  of  the  Gentiles  of  the  earth  vnto  them, 
to  fceke  our  Lord  the  God  of  Ifraei.  f  And  they  made  the  li 
folemnific  of  Azymesfeuen  dayes  inioy  jbecaiife  our  Lord 
had  made  them  ioyful,  and  bad  turned  the  hat  t  of  the  king  of 
AiFur  to  them  ,  that  he  fhould  heipe  theyr  handes  in  the 
vodcc  of  the  houfcofour  Lord  the  God  of  Ifraei. 

Chap.  VIL 
£fdrdSyWithminie other  Priefies  and  Leattes,  afcendeth  to  lemfdlem  to  fench^ 

4»d  afftjl  th:  {fcople.  1 1 .  hrin^  tngytrtAxerxes  Edtff,  dechmh  it  t9  the  Peo" 

^le ^ij.Andgeueth  th^nk,eito  God, 

thcfecond        A    ^°  ^^^^^  ^^^^^^  thinges  in  the  rei^ne  of  Artaxerxet 
part.  Efdiis     -^^.  king  of  Perfians.Efdras  the  fonneof  Saraias,  the  fannc 
mitruetcth       ofAzarias,  the  fonnc  of  Hclcias  ,t  the  fonneof  Sellum,  rbe    % 
thepcopk.      fonnc  of  Sidoc.thefonneof  Achitob.f  thefonneof  Ama-   j 
riaj,  the  f-inae  of  Azarias, the  Tonne  of  Maraioth,  f  thefonne  4 
of  ZarahiaSjthe  fonne  ofOzi  ,  the  (onnc  of  Bocci,  f  the  f 
fonne  of  Abifue,  the  fonneof  Phinees,  the  fonneof  Eleazar,  ^ 
^  the  /onne  of  Aaron  the  Pricft  from  the  begynning.  f  The   6 

wukrK^fi^ft  '  fatnc  Efdras ::  came  vp  from  Babj/lon  ,  and  he  sras  aquicke 
ixom  Sabvlon  fcribe  in  the  la^of  Moyfes,  which  our  Lord  God  gaue  to 
(1  fi/ii-ii.jbat  Ifraei:  and  the  king  gaue  him  according  to  thehand  ofour 
r^'curncdrlii-  Lord  his  God  vpon  hira  al  his  petition,  f  And  there  Came  vp  7 
alVe'adcddr  ""^  ^^^  children  of  Ifraei, and  of  the  children  of  the  Pricftes, 
leconJti.Tis*^  and  of  the  children  of  the  Lcuites  ,  and  of  the  fingingmcn  , 
to  Icrufalcra.    «nd  of  the  porters,  and  of  the  Nathineites  into  lerufalem  in 

the  fcucnch  ycarc  of  Artaxerxes  the  king,  f  And  they  came  S 
into  Icrufilem  the  fifth  moneth,  that  is  the  (eucnth  ycare  of 
the  king,  f  For  in  the  firft  day  of  the  ficft  moneth  he  began  to    9 
goevp  from  Bibylon,  and  in  the  firft  day  of  the  fifth  moneth 
he  came  into  lerufalem  according  to  the  good  hand  of  his 
God  v'pon  him.  f  For  Eldras  prepared  his  hart  to  fcarch  the  10 
Javr  oF  our  Lord,  and  to  doeand  to  reachin  Ifraelpreceptes 
and  iudgement.  f  And  this  is  thecopie  ofthccpiftleaf  the    n 
edid,  which  king  Artaxerxes  g^uc  to  Efdrairhe  Prieft,  the 
learned  fcribe,  in  the  vyordcsand  precepccs  of  our  Lord,  and 
bis  ceremanics  in  Ifraei.  t  Artaxerxes  chekingo-f  kin^5ta  11 


Attaxerxcs.  o  f    E  s  d  p.  a  s.  ^ cf 

Efdras  thePrieft,  the  mcft  Icaincdfciibcof  the  law  of  Go<J 

13  ofheaiie,grceting.-[It  IS  decreed  by  ire  thatwholocucr  it  tiial 
pleafein  my  kingdom  of  the  people  of  I(tael,3nd  of  ihe  I'nc- 

14  lies  and  Lcuitcs  ,  to  goc  into  leiufaic,  itr  him  goe  vtith  thee, 
f  For  thou  art  (ent  from  the  face  of  the  king,  and  of  hisltucn 
counfclers,ihat  thou  mayllviritc  Icwrieand  Icrulalcra  in  the 

1^  law  of  thy  God,  "which  ism  thy  hand,  j  And  thai  thou  maift 
caric  the  iilucr  &c  gold^-which  the  king  <3c  his  counlclcrs  hauc 
voluntarily  offered  to  the  God  of  Krael ,  whole  tabernacle  is 

16  in  lerufalem.  f  And  al  the  liluer  and  gold  whatfoeucr  ihcu 
(halt  finde  in  al  the  prouincc  of  Babylon,  and  the  people  wii 
offer,  and  of  the  Pneftes  tiut  ihal  voluntarely  orfer  to  the 

ij  houle  ofthcyrGnd, which  isin  lerufalem,  |  take  freely, and 
bye  diligently  of  this  money  calucs,  rammes,  lambes.and  the 
facrificcs  and  libaraentcs  of  them,  and  offer  thcrr,vpon  the 

18  altar  of  the  temple  of  your  God,  that  is  in  Ieru(alcm.  j-  Yea 
and  if  it  Ihal  pleafe  thee,  and  thy  brethren  to  doe  any  thing 
with  the  reft  of  the  filuer  and  gold,  doe  ye  according  tc  the 

I5>  wilof  your  God.  j- The  vellels  alio,  which  are  gtuen  thcc  for 
the  minifterie  of  the  houfe  of  thy  God,  dcliuer  thou  i/i  th.c 

AG  fightofGod  in  lerufalem.  f  Yeaand  other  rhingcs  whcrof 
neede  shal  be  for  the  houle  of  thy  God,  how  much  loeuer  is 
neceflarie  for  thee  to  Ipend,  thou  shalt  gcuc  it  our  of  the 

21  trealure,and  exckeker  of  the  king,and  from  me.  -j- 1  Artaxer- 
xes  the  king  haue  appointed  and  decreed  to  al  the  keepers 
of  the  common  coffer,thatare  beyond  the  Riuer,  that  what- 
foeuer  Efdras  the  Prieft,  the  fcribe  of  the  law  of  God  of  he- 
al aucn,  shalaskc  of  you,  you  geuc  it  without  delay,  f  vnto 
an  hundred  talentes  of  filuer,  and  vnto  an  hundred  cores  of 
wheat,  and  vnto  an  hundred  bares  of  wyne,  and  vnto  an 

13  hundred  bates  of  cyle,  but  fair  without  mealure.  f  Al  that 
pertayneth  to  the  ritcof  the  God  ofheauen,  let  it  be  geuen 
diligently  in  the  houfe  of  the  God  of  heauen;  left  perhaps 
he  be  angrie  agaynft  the  kingdom  of  the  king,  and  of  his 

14  fonncs.  -f  We  doeyouallo  to  vnderftand  concerning  al  the 
Priefles,  and  Leuircs,  and  the  lingers,  and  the  porrcrs,  the* 
Nathineites,  and  miniflcrs  of  the  houfe  of  this  God,  that  you 
haue  no  authoritic  to  put  tolle  and  tribute, and  yearlie  rentes 

ij  rponthcm.  f  And  thou  Efdras  according  to  the  wifedom  of 
thy  God,  which  is  in  thy  hand,appoynr  iudges  and  prefidcn- 
tes,  that  ihey  may  iudgc  for  al  the  people,  that  IS  beyond  the 

Z  z  z  z  z  i  Riuei; 

9^^  First  PooKE  Artaxerxes 

RiU'T,  that  is  for  them  which  know  the  law  of  thy  God,  yea 
and  the  ignorant  teach  yefrely.  f  And  euerie  one  that  flial  16 
not  doe  thelaw  of  thyGodjand  the  law  of  thy  king  diligently, 
there  (bal  be  iudgemcnt  of  him  ,  either  vnto  death,  or  into 
baniihment,  or  to  the  confif  cation  of  his  (ubftance,  oral  the 
leaft  into  prifon-fBleiTed  beour  Lord*the  God  of  our  fathers,  27 
which  hath  put  this  in  the  kinges  hart,  that  he  would  glorific 
the  houle  of  our  Lord, which  is  in  lerufalem.t  and  hath  incli-   18 
ned  his  mcrcie  toward  me  before  the  king  and  his  counfelers, 
and  al  the  mightie  princes  of  the  king:and  I  taking  courage  by 
the  hand  of  our  Lord  my  God,  which  was  on  me, gathered  to« 
gether  out  of  Ifrael  princes  that  Ihould  goe  vp  with  mc. 

Chap.    VIII, 
Efdrms  reciteth  thofe  thdt  came  with  him  from  B^hylon.  x\.  the  fa/}  Tichich  he 
appointed.  55.  and  how  tbey  hoi^gbt  the  bolte  I'ejpl  into  the  Temple, 


H  1  s  E  therfore  are  the  princes  of  the  families,  and  the    i 
geneaJogie  of  them,  that  came  vp  with  mc  in  the  reigne 
••TIiis<Treat    ^^  Artaxerxes  the  king  -  out  of  Babylon,  t  Of  thechild'ren    1 
iiumberwhich  of  Phinees,Gerfom.  Of  the  children  of  Ithamar  ,  DanieL 
byEidrasper- Of  the  children  of  Dauid  ,    Hattus.  f  Of  the  children'of    j 
fwafioncame  Sechenias,  the  children  of  Pharos,  Zacharias  :  and   with 
/p^ficdth""'  ^^""^  were  numbered  an  hundred  fiftie  men.  f  Of  ihcchil-    4 
great  fluid  of  drcn  of  Phahath   Moab  ,  Eleoenai  the  Tonne  of  Zareha, 
k)ulesconucr-  and  with  him  two  hundred  men.  f  Of  the  children  of  Seche-   $ 
ted  from  finne  ^^^^^  jj^^  fonne  of  Ezechiel ,  and  with  him  three  hundred 
.    [fh!?!;^  men.  t  Of  the  children  of  Adan,  Abed  the  fonne  of  lona-   6 

tationotnolie  '  .11  r  r  •  r     i  1     1   i  r    «  1 

preachers. S.  than,  and  with  himhftiemen.  f.  Of  the  children  of  Alam,  7  Ifaias  the  fonne  of  Athalia,  and  with  him  feuentie  men.  f  Of  8 
s.fdra.  (.10.     the  children  of  Saphatia,  Zebcdia  the  fonne  of  Michael,  and 

wirh  him  eightie  men.  f  Of  the  children  oflonbjObedia    9 
the  fonneoflahiel,  and  with  him  two  hundred  and  eightene 
men.  t  ^^  the  children  of  Selomith  ,the  fonne  of  lofphia,  10 
and  with  him  an  hundred  fixfie  meri.  f  Of  the  children  of   n 
Bebai,  Zacharias  the  fonne  of  Beb.ii:  and  wi<h  him  twentic 
eight  men.  -f  Of  the  children  of  Azgadjoanan  the  tonne  of  a 
Eccetsn,  and  with  him  an  hundred  and  ten  men.  f  Of  the    ij 
children  of  Adonicam,  which  wc^re  the  laft:and  thcfe  arc 
theyr  names:  Eiipheleth,  and  lehicl,  and  Samaias,  and  with 
them  fix'tie  men.  f  Of  the  children  of  Begui,  Vthai  and  Za-  14 
chur,  and'  with  them  feuentie  men.  t  And  I  gathered  them  to  ij 


Artaxerxes  ofEsdras.  957 

the  rincr,  w^icli  runneth  downe  to  Ahaua,  and  \t'e  taned 
there  three  d.iies:  and  I  fou^Ju  among  the  people  and  among 
the  Pricftes  for  the  children  ot  Leui,  and  found  none  there. 

16  t  Thcrforel  Cent  Eliezer,  and  Aiiel,andSemeias,  and  Elna- 
than,  and  larib,  and  other  Elnathan,  and  Nathan,  and  Zacha- 
rias,  and  Mofoliam  princes:  and  loiarib,  and  Elnathan  wife 

17  men.  f  And  I  fent  them  to  Eddo,\rhich  ischiefein  theplace 
of  Chafphia,  and  I  did  put  in  theyr  mouth  the  wordes  that 
they  lliould  fpeake  to  Eddo,  and  his  brethren  the  Nathine- 
itcs  in  the  place  of  Chafphia,  that  they  lliould  bring  vsmi- 

18  nifters  of  the  houfe  of  our  God.  f  And  they  brought  vs  by 
the  good  hand  of  our  God  vpon  vsa  moftlearned  man  of  the 
children  of  Mocholi  the  fonne  of  Leui  the  fonne  of  Ifrael, 

ip  and  Sarabias  and  his  fonnes,  aud  his  brethren  eightene,  t  and 
Hafabias,  and  with  him  Ifaias  of  the  children  of  Meraii,  and 

10  his  brethren,  and  his  fonnes  twentie.  |  And  al  the  Nathine- 
ites,  which  Dauid  gaue,  and  the  princes  for  the  minifteries 
of  the  Leuircs ,  Natineitcs  two  hundred  twentie:  al  thefe 

11  were  called  by  theyr  names,  f  And  I  proclaymed  there  '•'•  a  fad  .••.Tcfu/Hceth 

befide  the  Riuer  of  Ahaua,  that  we  might  be  afHidled  before  "°^  ^°  P^rt 

the  Lord  our  God,  and  miphr-difire  ofhim  a  riaht  way  for  ^T  ^^J>^o« 

.  11.  II  /in  r^     ^  /I         (thatis,fiom 

il  VS  and  our  children,  and  al  our  lubltance.  f  For  I  wasalha-  fmne)  but  wc 

med  to  afke  the  king  ayde  and  horfcmeiij  that  might  defend  muftalfodoc 
vs  from  the  enemie  in  the  way:  becaufe  we  hadfayd  to  the  ^'orkes  of  fa- 
king: The  hand  of our'God  is  rpon  al  them,  that  fceke  him  J^J^foicEf  "** 
in  goo'dnefl'e:  and  his  empire  and  flirength,  and  furie  vpon  al  dras  here  pro- 

1',   them  that  forfake  him.  f  And  wefa(led,and  bcfoughtour  clamed  anex- 

2,4  God  hereby:  and  it  fel  our  profperoufely  vnto  vs. -f  And  I  traoidinaric 
feparared  twelue  of  the  chief  Prieftcs.  Sarabias,and  Hafabias,  f^at  we^re^^ 

2j"  and  with  them  ten  of  theyr  brethren,  f  And  I  wcyedvnto  come  from 
them  the  filuer  and  gold,and  the  confecratcd  velTels  ofthc  captiuitic. 
houfe  of  our  God,  which  the  king  had  offeredand  his  coun- 
felers,and  his  princes, and  alKrael  of  rhem,rhat  were  found: 

16  f  and  I  weyed  in  theyr  handes  of  filuer  fix  hundred  fiftie 
talenteJ,  and  veflels  of  filuer  an  hundred,  of  gold  an  hundred 

27  ralenres:  t  ^"d  cuppes  of  gold  twentie,  which  had  a  thou- 
fand  folides,  and  two  vcffelsof  the  beftfliyning  braffe  ,  fayre, 

iB  as  gold,  f  And  I  fayd  to  them:  You  are  the  holic  of  our  Lord, 
and  the  vefl'elsare  holie,and  the  filuer  and  gold,thatis  volun- 

ip  tarely  offered  to  oar  Lord  the  God  of  our  fathers.-  f  "Watch 
&  kecpe  it,  vnril you dcliuer  it  by  weight  before  the  princes 

Z  z  z  £  z    5  of  lbs 

the  Prophet 
alio  ut  this 
fault  f.  1,  T.  u. 
thiea  tiling 
niciu  uuinco 
h.7,ti.        ^ 

^  5  §  F I  P.  s  T  B  o  o  K  E  Arcaxerx^s, 

of  the  Pricfles  ,   and  of  ihc  LeuiteS  ,  and  the  princes  of 
the  families  of  Ifrael  in  Icrufalera,  into  thetrealureofthc 
houfeof  our  Lord,  f  And  the  Pricftss  and  ihc  Leuites  recci-  50 
ued  the  weight  of  the  (iluer  and  gol'djandof  the  veflels,  to 
carie  it  to  lerLifalcm  into  the  houie  of  our  God. +"We  thcr-  31 
fore  did  fette  forward  from  the  riuer  of  Ahaiia  the  twelfrh 
day  of  the  firft  moneth  to  goe  on  to  leriifalem:  and  the  hand 
of  our  God  was  vponvs,  and  dehueredvs  from  the  hand  of 
thcent:mie,and  thclyerin  wayteby  the  way. -j- And  wccame  31 
to  lerufalcm,  and  we  taried  there  three  dayes.  j-  And  in  the  35 
fourth  day  the  (iluer  was  weyed,  and  the  gold, and  the  veflels 
in  the  houfeofour  Godby  the  hand  of  Mercmoth  the  fonnc 
of  Vrias  the  Ptieft ,  and  with  him  Eleazar  the  (onne  of  Phi- 
fnecs,and  with  them  lozabcd  the  fonnc  of  lofuCjandNcadaia 
the  fonne  of  Bemai  Leuite$,f  according  to  the  number  and  34 
weight  of  al:  and  al  the  weight  was  delcribed  at  that  tymc. 
t  Yea  and  the  children  of  nhetranfmigration  that  were  come  35 
from  the  captiuitie,  ofTt^-ed  holocauftcs  to  the  God  of  Urael, 
calacs  tweluc  for  al  the  people  of  Ifrael,  ranimes  nyntie  fix, 
lambes  feuentiefeuen  ,i>uclcegoates  for  finneivclucal  foif 
holocaufttoour  Lord.  |  And  they  gaue  the  kings  edi(5les  to -3^ 
the  princes,  that  were  ouerfccrs  f^or  the  king,and  the  dukes 
beyond  the  Riuer ,  and  they  aduanced  the  people  and  the 
houfeof  God. 

Chap,  TX. 
For  murUges  and  other  afoctdtioo  which  theletVfsidd  with  Gentiles ,  Ef- 
irAi  Umjnteth,^'  and  confejSing  tbepeo^Ui  mi^uitieyfrajeth  Ged  to  conferng 
tkem  from  litter  a  ejfruthon. 

ANd  after  thefcthingcs were  accomplifhed  ,  the prin-   1 
cescaraetome,  faymg:  The  people  of  Ifrael,  and  the 
Pricftsand  Leuites  -'are  not  (epcratedfrom  the  people  of  the 
landcs,  and  from  the  abhominations  of  them,  to  witte.of  the 
Chananeite,  and  Hetheite,  and  Pherezeire  ,  and  lebufcitc, 
andof  the  Ammonites,  and  Moabites  ,  and  the  /Egyptians, 
and  Amorrhcites.  t  For  they  haue  taken  of  their  daughters  x 
to  them  and  to  their  fonnes  ,  and  haue  mingled  the  holic 
leedc  with  the  people  of  the  landes.  The  hand  alfo  of  the 
princes  and  magi(trates  hath  bene  firft  in  this  rranfgreflion. 
t  And  whrn  I  had  heard  this  word  ,  I  rent  ray  cloke  and  my  5 
coate ,  and  plucked  of  the  heares  of  my  head  and  bearde,  and 

fiatc         i 

Artaxcrxcs.  of    Esdras.  9S9 

4  fate  mourning,  t  And  there  alTemblcd  tome  al  that  feared 
the  God  of  Ifrael,  for  the  trangrcllion  of  them  ,  that  were 
come  from  the  captiuitie,  and  I  fate  forowful »  vntilthc  eue- 

5  ningfaciifice. -f  And  at  theeueningfacrifice  Irofcoutofmy 
aftli(5lion,andray  clokeandcoace  being  rent  Ifellvponmy 

6  knees,  and  fpred  forth  my  hands  to  our  Lord  my  God,  -f  And 
faid;  My  God  I  am  confounded  and  aftiamedtolifte  vpmy 
face  to  thee  rbecaufe  our  iniquities  arc  multiplied  oucr  our 

7  head, and  our  finncs  hauc  grosrcn  eucn  vnto  heauen  ,  -f  from 
thcdayes  of  our  fathers:  yea  and  \rcour  (clues  alio  haue  fin- 
ned grcuoufly  vnto  this  day,and  in  our  iniquities  hauewc 
bene  dcliueredour  felues,and  ourKingcs,and  our  Prieiles  in- 
to the  hand  of  the  kingesofthe  landes,  andinto  thefword, 
and  into  captuitie,  and  into  fpoyle,  and  into  confufionof 

8  Gountenancc,  asalfoat  thisday.  t  And  novas  it  were  a  litle, 
and  for  a  moment  was  our  prayer  made  before  the  lord  our 

God,  that  a  remnant  might  be  left  vs,  and- anayle  might  be  -Inrcfpc^of 
geucnrs  in  his  holie  place  ,  and  that  our  God  would  illumi-  their  grratini- 
natcoureies,  and  would  geuevs  alitlclifcin  our  bondage.  S^'^J.^'^s  Efdras 

9  •{•  Becaufewc  arc  bondmen,  and  incur  bondage  out  God  did  nottoajkc 
not  forfake  vs,  dc  he  inclined  raercic  ypon  vs  before  the  king  ^h^.  confcrua- 
of  the  Perfians ,  to  geue  vs  life  ,  and  to  aduance  the  houfe  of  tion  of  the 
our  God,  and  to  build  the  dcfolations  therofand  togeuevs  a  ^"J->"'c  people^ 

10  hedge  inluda  and  lerufalcm.  f  And  now  what  ihalwefay,  -^/e/oTfrna-' 
6ourGod,affcrthcfcthinges?  becaufewc  haueforfaken  thy  left  parr,  as  it 

II  comandmctSjf  which  thou  haft:  commanded  in  the  hand  of  thy  v/crcalitde 
feruantes  the  prophetes,  faying ;  The  land,  to  the  which  you  poi>  ora  nailc 
enter  to  pofTcfTc  it,is  an  vnclcane  land ,  according  to  the  vn-  ^^uJ^j^Jards 
cleannelTe  of  peoples,  and  of  other  landcs,  by  thcabhomina-  thcreedifyine 
tions  ofthera  thathaue  filled  it  from  mouth  vnto  mouth  in  thciof. 

iz  thcier  coinquination .  f  Now  therfore  geue  not  your 
daughters  to  their  fonncs  ,  and  their  daughters  take  not  for 
your  fonnes,and  doe  ye  not  feeke  their  peace ,  and  their  pr©- 
fperity  for  cuer ;  that  you  may  be  ftrengthned,  andmayeatc 
the  goodcs  that  are  of  the  land  ,   and  may  hauc  your  children 

i5  heyres  for  euer.  f  And  after  althingcs  that  come  vponvs  in 
our  mod  wicked  workes ,  and  our  moft:  great  finne  ,  becaufc 
thou  our  God  haft:  deliuered  vs  from  our  iniqaitie  ,  and  haft: 

;4.  gcuen  vs  health  asitisat  this  d;iy  ,  j-  that  we  fbal  notturnc 
away  ,  and  make  fruftratc  thy  commandcmcntes,  neither 
(houldioyncniACrimomcs  with  the  peoples  ofthcfe  abomi- 


p6o  First  Booke  ArtaxcrTCS 

nations.  "Why  art  thouangrie  with  vs  vnto  vttcrdeftrudlion, 
not  to  Icauc  vs  a  remnant  vnto  faluation?  t    Loid  God  of  If-   ij 
'rael  thou  art  iuft:  bccaufe  we  arekift,  which  (hould  be  (aued 
as  at  this  day.    Behold  we  are  before  theein  our  finne  ,  for 
there  can  be  no  (landing  before  thee  vpon  this. 

Chap.  X 
E/Jras  calling  the  people  together  commandeth  them  to  dtfmij^e  the  grange 

ypemen,xvhich  they  haue  married:  i^appointmo-  ofictn  to  fee  it  executed'^ 

iS  and  reciteth  thojt  '^hich  bad  married  fitch  tvcmen. 


S  D  R  A  s  therfore  thus  praying, and  befeechingjand  wee-    i 
ping,  and  lying  before  the  temple  of  God,  there  was  ga- 
thered to  him  of  Ifrael  an  exceeding  great  companie  ofmen 
and  wemen  and  children,  and  the  people  wept  with  much  la- 
mentation, t    And  Sechcnias  thefonne  of  lehielof  the 'chii- .  2 
dren  of  Aelnn  anfwered  ,  and  faid  to  Eldras  :  We  haue  tranf- 
greffed  againft  our  God,  and  haue  taken  to  wiues  ftrangewe- 
mcn  of  tnepeoples  of  the  land  :  andnow  if  there  be  penance 
in  Ifrael  vpon  this  ,  -j-  let  vs  make  a  couenant  with  the  Lo'rd    5 
our  God  ,  to  put  away  al  the  wiues,  and  them  that  are  borne 
of  them  ,  accordmg  to  the  wil  of  our  Lord  ,  and  of  them  that 
feare  the  precept  of  the  Lord  onr  God;  beit  done  according 
to  the  law.  f    Arife,  it  is  thy  part  to  difccrne  ,  and  we  wil  be     4 
,      with  thee;  take  courage,  and  doe  it.  I   Efdras  therefore  rofe    5 
ixaloVd^na"-^  vp  ,  and  adiured   the  Princes  of  the  Prieftes  and   of  the 
riiy  tent  by     Leuites,  and  al  Ifrael,  rhar  they  fhould  doe  according  to  this 
God,  to  cor-    word,  and  they  fware.  f  And  Efdras  rofe  vp  before  thehoufe   6 
reAthepco-    of  God,  and  went  to  the  chamber  of ==  lohanan  the  (onnc  of 
^'^'b^^r^h      Eliifib,andenteredinroir,  hedideatcno  bread  ,anddranke 
Pri  ftsfoBne,    "°  w-ater:  for  he  mourned  for  the  tranfgrellion  of  them  ,that 
by  hisantho-   were  come  out  of  the  captiuitic.  f  And  there  was  a  proclama-  7 
ritiecallcth      non  fent  in  ludaand  Icrufalem  to  al  the  children  of  thetranf- 
the  people  to-  migration,  that  thev  (hould  affemble  together  into  lerufalem. 
geticr,  an    o      ^   ^  euerie  one  that  fhal  not  come  within  three  dayes,   8 

procedcrhto      1  ,   1     r   1  j  •  11  • 

rnakerefor-     according  to  the  coun(el  of  the  prmce<;  and  ancientes,  al  his 

mation  SoS.    fubftance  (hal  be  taken  awav,  and  hun  felfefhal  be  caft  out 

Pauiconfer-    of  the companie  of  the  tranfmigration.  f  There  a(rcmbled    9 

rcdwjith other  ^^^^^^^^.^  al  the  men  of  luda,  and  Beniamin  mto  lerufalem 

withm  three  uayes,  that  is  tne  ninth  moneth  ,  the  twenteth 

::  Their  finne  day  ofthemoneth:  andal  the  people  fate  in  th:  ftrcateofthe 

waspuaifticd  houfe  of  God.^rembling  for  the finnc,  and  ••  cherayne.  f  And    to 


or  EsDRAS.  ^^i 

Efdras  the  Frieft  arofc,  and  layd  to  them:  Yonhaue  Irani- ^^yo"«f  "i^cli 
grelTed,  and  taken  ftrangc  vemen  to  wife,  to  adde  vpon  the  "ndfolfflil 

11  finne  of  Ifracl.  -{•  And  novrgcue  confcllion  to  our  Lord  the  aiongauc 
God  pf  your  fathers,  and  doe  hisplealure,  and  befcparated  them  more 
from  the  peoplcsof  the  land,  and  irom  your  wiues  the  Aran-  ^"'.'"Sof 

12  gers.t  And  al  the  multitude  aniwered,  and  faydwithalowdc 

15  voyce:  According  to  thy  word  vnto  vs/o  be  it  done-tNeuer- 
thelcfle  becaufe  there  is  much  people,  and  a  tymeof  rayne, 
and  wecannotabydctoftand  without;»anditisnotaworkc 
of  one  day  or  two  (  for  we  haue  cxcedingly  finned  in  this 

14  thing)  t  let  there  be  princes  appoynted  in al  the  multitude; 
and  let  al  in  our  cities  that  haue  taken  Grangers  to  wife, come 
at  fette  tymes,  and  with  them  the  ancientes  by  citie  and  cirie, 
and  the  iudges  therof,  vntil  the  wrath  of  our  God  be  turned 

l^  away  from  vs  for  this  finne.  -}-  Therforc  Jonathan  the  fonnc 
of  Azahel,  and  laazia  the  fonneof  Thecua  wereappoynted 
oucr  this  ,  and  Mefollam  and  Sebethai  Leuitcs  did  helpe 

16  them:  'f  and  the  children  of  the  tranfmigration  didfo.  And 
Efdras  the  Pricft,  and  thcmen,princesof  the  families  went 
into  the  houfes  of  theyr  fathers,  and  al  by  theyr  names,  and 
they  fate  in  the  firft  day  of  the  tenth  moneth  to  fcarch  out 

17  the  matter,  f  Andal  the  men  were  fully  counted  that  had 
taken  ftrangeis  to  wife,  vnto  the  firft  day  of  the  firft  mos 

18  neth.  t  And  there  were  found  of  the  fonnes  of  the  Prieftcs 
that  had  taken  ftrangers  to  wife.  Of  the  children  of  lofue 
the  fonne  of  lofedec,  and  his  brethren,  Maafia,  and  Eliezer, 

15)  and  larib,  and  Godolia.  f  And  they  gaue  theyr  handes  to  put 
away  theyr  wiues,and  to  offer  for  theyr  offence  a  rammc  of 
20  the  flocke.  f  And  of  the  children  of  Emmer,  Hanani,  and 
11  Zebedia.  f  And  ofthe  childrenof  Harim,  Maafia, and  Elia, 
li  andSemeia,andIchiel,andOzias.  f  And  of  the  children  of 
Phefhur,  Elionai,  Maafia,  Ifmael,  Narhanael,  Iozabcd,and 
25  Elafa.  t  And  ofthe  children  of  theLeuites,  lozabed,  and 
Semei,  and  Cclaia ,  the  fame  is  Calita ,  Phataia,  Tuo'a,and 
24  Eliezer.  f  And  ofthe  finging  men  Eliafib:  and  of  the  porters, 
2j  Scllum,  and  Thelem,  and  Vri.  -f  Andof  Ifrael,  of  the  chil- 
dren of  Pharos,  Remeia,  and  IcziasandMelchia,  andMia- 
16  min,  and  Eliezer, and  Melchia, and  Banca.f  Andof  thechil- 
dren  of  Aclam,  MathaniajZacharias,and  lehiel,and  Abdi, 
27  and  Icrimotb,  and  Elia.  -f  And  of  the  children  of  Zethua, 
Elioenai,Ehafib,  Mathania,  lerimuth,  and  Zabad,  and  Aziza. 

Aaaaaa  t  And 

5^2,  First   pooke  of   Esdras.  Artaxerxes 

•f  And  of  the  children  or  Bebai,  Iohanan,Hanamia,7abbai,  28 
Athalai:  f  And  of  the  children  ofBani,  MofoUim,  and  Mel-  29 
luch,  and  Adaia,  Ialub,andSail,and  Ramoth.  |  And  of  t  he  30 
children  of  Phahath  Moab,  Edna  and  Cbalal,  Bananias,  and 
Maafias,  Mathanias,  Befeleel,  Bennui,' and  Manafle.  f  And    }i 
of  the  children  of  Hcrera,  Eluzer,  lofue,  Mclchias,  Stmeias, 
Simeon,  t  Beniamia,Maloch,Samarias.  f  And  of  the  children  51 55 
of  Hafom,  Mathanai,  Marhatha,  Zabad,  EHphelet,  lermai, 
Manafle,  Semei.  t  Of  the  children  of  Bani,  Maaddi,  Amram,  54 
and  Vcl,  t  Baneas,  and  Badaias,  Cheliau,  t  Vania,  Mari-  5^^ 
much,  and  Eliafib,  f  Mathanias,  Mathanai,  and  lafi,  f  and  57  ^8 
::Amongfto-  Bani,  and  Bennui,  Semei,  7  and  S  dmias,  and  Naihan,  and  59 
ther  inconue-  Adaias,  f  and  Mechnedebai,  Si(ai,Sarai,  t  Ezrel,  and  Sele- 40  41 
menccsofvn-  miau, Semeria,  f  Sellum.  Amaria,  lofeph  t  Of  the  children  42  45 

eToncTsXt  of  Nebo,  lehiel,  M  uhathias,  Zabad,  Zabina,  leddu.and  loel. 
children  are     and  Banaia.  f  Al  thefe  had  taken  ftrangers  to  wife,  and  there  44 
borneillegi-    vere  of  them  that  had  bornc  -  children, 

fV^b»1  ?<*>!  fViS^*^  f<»8lAj  fV*fe>^  f4j^ 

c^Tgr»j -<i||r»j  wijr>*  «^Tj|r»*  <»j.>^  t<^ir»j '^<i^ 


thisbookc.        J[    ,^^  ^„4  ^j  thcfecond  bookeof  Erdris,-»»iot«  the  former  writ 

the  hifione  9fthe  ifraehtes  xfter  theyr  relixxtion  from  uptiui  tte,  to  the  hml- 

^,      ,  ding;  ufaine  of  theTer/i&le,  "ffiub  other  thin^es  done  the  fame  time.  P^^here' 

Thccotentes.       '^    ^  t  ■        .'     l  r       j        "^  r     ■   n      1  a.- 

unto  Nebcmi^s  loyneto  thm^es  fiiccedinor,  eipectnUy  the  new  erection  s.urom. 

of  vralles  and  to^35^ers  about  the  citic  of  lerufalem.  ^nd  itmay  he  Fp'fl^.  *d 
Di  id  dint      diuUedtnta  three  piftes.  /ntbe  two  fr/}  chxpters^  he  shef^etb  htscompA/Sion  ^'"*  *■•. 
three  partes.    "/  ^^^  countries  mtljene:  and hn  comm^  to  af/ifl-  them.  In  the  tenne  folowtng, 

he  recttcth  the  good  effeBes  m  reoxyrinjr,  and  (irengthning  the  citie  rvttb 

^aJI  s4nd people.  In  the  /j/?  chapter ^  the  corre^tott  oferrm  ^^eml  maners, 

yphich  he  found  ttmongjl  tbtm, 




\^hich  alio  is  called: 

Chap.  I. 

Neltmut  hearing  the  mifer  Me  Slate  o  f  hi«  countrie  men  inlurle^  ^.lamen- 
6ethtf*/fethtandi>rayCth  Cod  jor  their  relief.  The  firft  parr. 

Nchemias  his 

H  £  ^jTordes  of"  Nehemias  the  fonne  of  Helchias.  Ard  ^ff^jf "'"'" 
It  came  to  paffein  rhemoneth  of  Cafltu,  the  twenteth  u-ic."*^°""" 
Z    yeare,  and  IwasinSufisthecaad.  f  And  Hanani  on^  ol  my  :.Nehcmias 
brethren  came,  hini  lelfeandmen  of  luda,  and  I  alkcd  them  ^^^  '^'- '';S'«f'<', 
of  the  lewes,  that  rcmayned,  and  were  left  aliue  of  the  capti   ^^'"g'^"^ 

5  uitie,  and  oflerufalem.  f  And  they  (ayd  to  mc-They  that  b'yTA.L".^' 
•     remayncd,  and  are  left  of  the  captiuitic  there  in  the  pro-  wkich  figni- 

uincc,  are  in  greataf}li<aion,andin  rcprocheiand  rhc  waJof  ^^^^'  comfor- 
lerufalem  is  broken  dovpre,  and  the  gates  thtiof  are  burnt  ^'^^^^""^  ^"'^ 

4  wnhfire.f  And  when  I  had  heard  thefemancr  of  vrordes,  llTbuult^^ 
fate,  and  wept,  and  mourned  many  dayesrand  fafled,and  a^aineTh? 

J    prayed  before  the  face  of  the  God  of  heauen.  f  And  I /ayd:  ^^^"cjof  fera 
I  befech  thee  Lord  Godof  heauen, ftiong, great,  and  terrible,  ^'*'''™ 'P"^" 
which  keepeft  couenant  &  mercie  with  them  that  lone  thee'  S"''^'^"^^-^- 

6  and  keepe  thy  comandmentes:  t  let  thine  eares  be  harkning,  was  lent  from 
and  thine  eyes  open,  to  heare  the  prayer  of  thy  feiuant,  God  theFa- 
which  I  pray  before  thee  this  day,  night  &  day  for  rhc  chil-  ^^^'^'  Jumfclfc 
dren  of  Hrael  thy  feruantes  :  and'l  confclle  for  the  finnes  of  ^'^'"S^^/'^o'" 
the  children  of  Krael,  in  which  ihey  haue  finned  to  thee:  I  &  k^'.TandT' 

7  my  fathers  hoitle  haue  finned,  f  we  haue  bene  (educed  with  fcndt'rof  an  o- 
vanitie,  and  haue  not  kept  thy  commandments,  and  cei  imo-  ^'^^^  comfor- 
nies  and  iudgement,  which  thou  haft  commanded  toMov-  ^^"^  ^'^<=  Holic 

S    fes  thy  feruanr.  t  Remember  the  word,that  thou  didft  com-  ^^J^^' '°  '"' 
mand  vnro  Moyfes  thy  feruant,  faying  :  When  vcu  ftial  tranf-  his  Chrch  5- 

5  grefle,  I  will  deprefTc  you  into  peoples:  t  and'if  you  rcturne  B^^''./'ro/c-^*>» 
to  me, and  keepe  my  precepts  ,  and  doe  them,  although  you  ^^''™''*'"''^ 
fhal  be  led  away  to  the  vttermoft  partes  of  heauen,  thence 
wil  I  gather  you,  and  bring  you  backe  into  rhc  place,  which 
lo  I  haue  chofcn  that  my  name  fhould  dwcl  there,  f  And  they 
are  thy  feruantes,  and  thy  people  :  whom  thou  haft  rcdemed 

n  in  thy  great  ftrcngth,  and  in  thy  mighry  hand,  f  I  befech  thee 

Lord,  let  thine  eate  beattent  to  the'prayero:  thy  feruant,  and 

Aaaaaa  i  tothc 

S>(^4  Second  BOOK E  NeKcmiaSt 

to  che  pLuyer  of  thy  feruants,  which  will  feare  thy  name: 
and  dircd  thy  feruinc  this  day,  and  giue  him  mercy  before 
this  man.  (oi:  I  was  the  kings  cupbearer. 

Chap.  II. 
NshsmUs  ohutninr  commipon from ^rtixerxes  cometh  to  lerufalem: 

ir.  fecntty  ~\'ie'^eth  the  broken  "^AUes,  and  mines  of  the  litter  ij,4nd 

exborteih  d  the  le'^ei  to  the  reedify'mg  therof. 

ANd  it  came  to  paHTein  themoneth  of  Nifanjthe  twen-    i 
tith  ycare  of  Artaxerxes  the  king;  and  there  was  wine 
before  him,  and  I  lifted  vp  the  wine,  and  gaue  to  the  king: 
and  I  was  as  it  were  languifhing  before  his  face,  f  And  the   i, 
king  fayd  to  me  :  "Why  is  thy  countenance  fad,  whereas  I  doe 
not  fee  thee  iicke?  this  is  not  without  caufe,  bat  fomc  cuil 
Ikno'S'  not  what,  is  in  thyhact.  And  I  was  very  much  and 
excedingly  afrayd:  f  and  I  fayd  to  the  king  :  O  king  for  euer     f 
mayft  thou  liue:  why  iliculd  not  my  countenance  be  heauie, 
becaufe  the  citie  of  thehoufe  of  the  fepulchres  of  my  father.s 
is  dero!ate,and  che  gates  therof  are  burnt  with  fire?  f  And  the  4 
king  fayd  to  me:  For  what  thing  makeft  thou  requeft  ?  Ancl . 
I  prayed  the  God  of  heauen,  f  and  I  fayd  to  the  king:  If  it   $ 
ferae  good  to  the  king,  and  if  thy  feruant  do  pleafe  before  thy 
face,  thou  (end  meinto  lewrie  to  thecitie  of  the  fepulchre 
of  my  father,  and  I  wil  build  it.  t  And  the  king  fayd  to  me,  6 
and  the  Queens  that  fate  by  him:  Vnto  what  time  wil  thy 
iourney  be,  and  when  wilt  thou  returne  ?  And  it  plcafed 
before  the  king,  and  he  fent  me:  and  I  appoynted  him  a  time, 
t  And  I  fayd  to  the  king:  If  it  feme  good  to  the  king,  let  him   7 
geue  me  letters  to  the  goucrnours  of  the  country  beyond  the 
Riusr,  that  they  condu^me,,til  I  come  into  lewrie  ;  f  and  a  8 
letter  to  Afaph  the  keeper  of  the  kings;  foreft,  to  geue  me 
timber  that  I  may  couer  the  gates  of  the   towre  of  the 
houfe,  and  the  walles  of  the  citie,  and  the  houfe  that  I  flial 
enter  into.  And  the  king  gaue  according  to  the  good  hand  of 

::InfiJeIcs&  ^^  q^^  ^Ij-j^  me.  f  And  I  came  to  the  dukes  of  the  countrie  9 
oreu'-'d'^haTo  beyond  the  Riuer,  and  gaue  them  the  kings  letters.  And  the 
Theis'enie-  king  had  fent  with  mecaptaynesoffoldiers.and  horfemen. 
uoure  to  re-  -j-  And  Sanaballat  an  Horonite ,  and  Tobias  a  feruant  an  10 
payre  the  Ammonite  heard  ir,  and  '•'•  were  greiued  with  great  afBidion, 
Church itJany  ^^^^  ^  ^^^  "^^^  comc,  which  fought  the  profperitieof  the 
countrie.        children  of  Ifracl.  t  And  I  came  to  lerufalem  and  was  there  ti 


Nehemks.  ofEsdras.'  ^^^ 

11  threedayes.  f  andlaroreinthenighr,  landafe^rmen  with 
rne,  and  I  told  not  anie  man  what  God  had  put  in  my  hart  to 
doe  in  lerufalem,  and  there  was  no  beafl:  with  me,  but  the 

13  beaft"  wheron  I  face,  f  And  I  went  out  by  the  gate  of  the 
valley  by  night, andbeforethefountayneofthedragon, and 
to  the  gate  of  the  dung,  and  I  viewed  the  walof  lerufalem 
broken  downe,  and  the  gates  therof  confumed  with  hre. 

14  t  And  Ipalfed  to  thegate  ofthe  fountayne,and  to  thekinges 
conduite,  and  there  was  no  place  for  the  beaft  whereon  I 

Ij-  fat,  to  paJfe.  t  And  I  went  vp  by  the  torrent  in  the  night,  and 
viewed  thewa!,  and  going  backe  I  came  to  thegate  ofthe 

16  valley,  and  returned,  f  Butthemagiftraftes  knew  not  whi- 
ther I  went,  or  what  I  did:  yea  and  to  the  lewes,  and  the 
Prieftes,  and  the  nobles,  and  the  magiftrates,  and  the  refl: 

17  that  did  the  worke  vntil  then  I  had  {hewed  nothing,  t  And 
I  fayd  to  them.-  You  know  the  afflidion  wherin  we  are, 
becaufe  lerufalem  is  made  defolate,  and  the  gates  thereof  are 
conlumed  with  fire  :  Come,  and  let  vs  build  the  wallesof 

18  lerufalem,  and  letvs  be  no  longer  a  reproch.  f  And  I  (hewed 

them  ••  the  hand  of  my  God,  that  it  was  good  with  me,  and  •:  Gods  Imnd 
the  kings  wordes,  which  he  had  fpoken  to  me,  and  I  fayd:  """as  dearly 
Let  vs  rife,  and  let  vs  build.  And  their  handes  were  incou-  ^ff^^'^!''^^'^ 

15  raged  in  good,  f  But  Sanaballat  theHoronite,  and^'l^obias  ninpthekints 
the  feruant  an  Ammanite,  and  Gofeman  Arabian  heard  of  it,  fauomable  ^ 
and  they  fcorned  vs,  and  defpy fed  vs,  and  fayd:  What  is  this  letters.        _, 
thing,  that  you  doc?  Why  do  you  rebel  againft  the  king? 

10  f  And  I  anfwered  them,  and  fayd  to  them;  The  Godofhea- 
uen  he  hclpeth  vs,  and  we  are  his  feruants;  let  vs  rife  and 
build:  but  youhaue  no  part,  nor  iuftice^  nor  raemorie  in 

Chap.     IIL 
The  High  Vrleji  and  other  i  heginneto  re^dire  lemfJemfirelnphning  if  '^ith 

an  -ytiermofl,  15,.  mUdlcy  18.  and  mntrmojl  Wall  ^^itb  towns  and  gates.  "^^'^  ^''^'^^^ 

'     A  J^°  ^^'^^^  the  high  Prieft  arofe,  and  hisbretheren  the  xv^sTepayria"" 
-Z.  A.  Prieftes:  and  they  built  the  gate  of  the  flockc:  they  withwailcsSc' 
fandified  it,  and  fet  the  doores  therof,  and  vntothetowrc  P^*"?'^- 
ofan  hundred  cubites  they  "  fandtifiedit,  vnto  the  towreoF 

2  Hananeel.  f  And  befides  him  did  themenoflericho  build   •'■^'"•f'^^/^ic 

3  and  befides  him  built  Zachur  the  fonneof  Amti.  f  But  the  SL'redkto' 
hshgate  the  children  ofAfnaadid  buildc:  theycouered  it,  Gods  fcruice, 

Aaaaaa  5  and 

f66  Second  Books  Nchemias. 

Being  for  cic-    and  fctvp  tbeJoores  therof,  and  the  lockcs,an(J  barrcs.  And 
fenccof  his     belides  them  built  Marimuth  the  ionne  cf  Vrias  thcfonnc 
L°fan1'rdk  °^  ^^^^^'  "^  ^""^  befides  him  built  Mofollam  thelonncof  4 
'  Bazachias,  the  fonne  of  Metczebel , and  bedties  them  built 
Sadoc   the   ionne   of  Baana.  f    And  befidc   them  bailded  y 
the  Thecuenes;  but  their  great  men  did  dot  putvnder  their 
ncckes  in  the  workeof  their  Lord.  •]■  And  loiada  the  fonne  6 
of  Phalea,  and  Molollam  the  Ionne  of  Befodia  built  the  old- 
gate  couercd  it,  <ind  fct  vp  thedoores  thcrof,  and  thelockes, 
and  barres.  f  And  befidc  them  builc  Mtlrias  a  Gabacnite,and    7 
ladon  a  Meronathite,men  of  Gabaon  and  M  iipha,  for  the 
duke  that  was  in  the  country  beyond  theRiuert  And  befide    S 
him  built  Eziel  the  Ionne  of  Araiaa  goldlmiih  :  and  befidc 
him  built  Ananias  the  (onneof  aPigmcntarie:and  they  leift 
lerufalcm  vnto  thewalof  the  broder  flreate.  f  And  bc'fide    9 
hJm  built  Raphata  the  fonne  of  Hur,  prince  of  the  ftreatc  of 
lerufalem.  f  And  befide  them  ledaiathelonne  of  Haromaph  10 
againrt  his  houle:  and  befide  him  built  Hartus  the  fonne  of 
Halebomia.  f  The  haUepart  of  the  ftreate  built  Mtlchias  this    11 
fonne  of  Herem,and  Halub  the  fonne  of  Phahath  Moab, 
and  the  towreofthe  fornaces.  f  And  befide  him  built  Sellun>  -u 
the  fonne  of  Alohesprince  of  the  ha'.fepart  of  the  Create  of 
lerufalem,  he  and  his  daughters,  -f  And  the  gate  of  the  valley    I) 
built  Hanun  ,  and  the  inhabitants  of  Zanoc:  theybuilrit, 
and  fetre  vp  the  dotes  therofj  and  the  lockes,  and  barres,  and 
athou(and  cubites  in  the  wal  vnto  the  gate  of  thedunghil. 
•f  And  the  gate  of  the  dunghil  builc  Melchias  the  fonne  of  14 
Rechab,  the  prince  of  the  ftreate  of  Berhacaram:  he  built  n, 
and  fette  vp  the  dores  therof,  and  the  lockes,  and  barres. 
-}-  And  the  gate  of  the  fountayne  Sellum  builded  the  (onnc  ij 
of  Colhoza,  prince  of  the  village  of  Mafpha:  he  buiit  it,  and 
couered  it,  and  fet  vp  the  doores  therof,  &  the  lockes,  <3c  bar- 
res,and  the  walles  of  the  poolc  of  Siloe  vnto  the  kings  ^arde, 
and  vnto  the  fteppes  that  goe  downe  from  thecitieof  Dauid. 
"j-  After  him  built  Nchcmias  the  fonne  of  Azboc  prince  of   16 
the  halfe  partof  the  ftrcaccof  Bcthfur  ,  asfarasoueragainfl: 
the  fepulchre  of  Dauid, and  vnto  the  poole,  that  is  built  with 
great  worke,  and  vnto  the  houle  of  the  valiants,  f  After  him  17 
the  Leuites  builded,  Rehum  the  fonne  of  Benni.  After  him 
built  Hafebias  prince  ofthe  halfe  partof  the  ftreate  of Ccila 
in  his  ftreate.  t  After  him  built  their  brethcren  Bauai  the  iS 


Nehemias.  of   Esdras.  s6j 

ic)  fonnc  of  Enadad,  prince  of  the  halfe  parccfCcila.  -f  And 
befide  him  buiit  Azer  the  fonneof  lofue,  the  prince  of  Maf- 
pha  the  fecond  meafurc,  againft  the  vifitingof  the  moft  fure 

20  coiner.  ■\  After  him  in  the  mount  builc  Baruch  the  fonne  of 
Zachai  the  fecond  meafare,  from  the  corner  vnro  the  gate  of 

21  the  houfe  of  Eliafib  the  high  Priell.  f  Afrer  him  built  Meii- 
mufh  the  fonneof  Vrias  the  fonneof  Haccus,  the  ftcod  mea- 
fure,  from  the  gate  of  the  houfe  of  Ehadb,  as  far  as  the  houfe 

21  of  Ehaiib  extended,  f  And  after  him  built  the  Priefts,  men  of 

1}  thechampayneof  lordan.  f  After  him  built  Beniamin  &  Ha- 
fub  againft  their  houfe:&  afrer  him  built  Azarias  thclonncof 

24  Mafias  the  (onne  of  Ananias  againfl  his  houfr.  f  After  him 
built  Bennui  the  fonne  of  Hanadad  the  fecond  meafure  , 
from  the  houfe  of  Azarias  vnto  the  bending,  and  vnto  the 

2j  corner,  f  Phalel  the  fonne  of  Ozi  againft  the  bending  and 
the  to>3rre,  which  appeareth  from  out  of  the  kings  high 
houfe,  that  is,  in  the  court  of  the  prifonrafter  him  Phndaiathc 

26  fonne  of  Pharos,  f  And  the  Nathincites  dwelt  inOphel,as 
far  as  ouer  againft  the  gate  of  waters  toward  the  Eaft,  and 

27  the  towre  that  ftoodeout.  f  After  him  the  Thecuenes  buii- 
ded  the  fecond  meafure  ouer  againft,  from  the  great  and  <  mi- 

28  nent  towre  vnto  the  wall  of  the  temple,  f  And  vpward  to  the 
gate  of  horfes  the  Prieftes  built,  euery  man  againft  his  houfe. 

29  f  After  them  built  Sadoc  the  fonne  of  Emmcr  againft  his 
houfe.  And  after  him  built  Semaia  the  fonne  of  Sechenias, 

50  keeper  of  the  Eaft  gate,  f  After  him  built  Manania  the  fonne 
of  Selemia,  and  Hanun  the  fonne  of  Seleph  the  fixth,thc 
fecond  meafure:  after  him  built  Mofollam  the  fonnc  of  Ba- 
rachias,  againft  his  treafurie .  After  him  Melchias  a  gold- 
fmith  fonne  vnto  the  houfe  of  the  Natheneites,and  of  them 
that  fold  old  ftuffe  againft  the  iudgement  gate,  and  vnto  the 

51  vpper  chamber  of  the  corner,  f  And  within  the  vpper  cham- 
ber of  the  corner  in  the  gate  of  the  flocke,  the  goldfmithes 
and  marchants  builded . 

Chat.   Til  r. 
NotrVfth/fandtH^ the  enimies  ra^eand oppofe  Agiinj}  the  iHildlng  of  rpafleSy 
4.  the  levvti  bttUd  with  one  ha  nd^  and  hold  their  Cvfordei  in  the  other.  Nc- 
hemi4i  encorageththemy  andtbelvorkeproceedctb, 

I  ^  N  D  it  came  to  pafTe,  when  Sanaballat  had  heard  that 
xXwc  builded  the  wal,  he  was  very  angric:and  being 


::  Itwas  Gods 

that  the  ene- 
rnies  mocking 
at  the  repara- 
tion of  Icrufa- 
leradid  notfo 
worke  was 
performed  rfo 
at  the  ende- 
uours  of 
laboring  tore 
ftore  Catholi- 
<|ue  religion: 
but  whether 
they  fcoffe  or 
lie  woxkepro- 
cedeth  and 

5)<^8  Secokdbooke 

moued  excedingly  hefcorned  the  Icwes.  fand  fayd  before  his   x 
bretheren,  and  the  multitude  of  the  Samaiitanes  :  What  doe 
:•■  thefilHe  Icwes?Wilthc  gentiles  let  them  alone  fShal  they 
facrificc  and  accompHflj  in  one  day;  Why,  are  they  able  to 
build  vp  the  ftones  out  ofthcheapes  of  duft,  that  are  burnt? 
t  Yea    Tobias  alfo  the  Ammanitc  his  neighbour  fayd  :  Let  $ 
them  build:  ifa  fox  come  vp,  he  ftalleape  ouer  their  Hone 
val.  t  Heare  our  God,  becaufe  ve  arehadindifpife:  turne  4 
thereprochvpon  their  head,  andgiuc  them  into  difpiteina 
Landof  captiuitie.  f  Couer  not  their  iniquitic,  and  let  not  j 
their  finne  be  put  out  before  thy  face,  becaufe  they  haue 
mocked  thy  builders.tThcrfore  wcbuilt  the  wal,and ioyncd    6 
together  the  "whole  vnto  the  halfe  part:  and  the  hart  of  the 
people  was  prouoked  toworke.  fAnd  itcamc  topallCiWhen   7 
Sanaballat  had  heard,  and  Tobias,  and  the  Arabians,  and  the 
Ammanites,  and  the  Azotians,  that  the  breach  of  the  \ral 
of  lerufalem  was  clofed  vp,  and  the  gates  began  to  be  (lop- 
ped, they  were  wrath  excedingly.  f  And  they  were  alalTcm-    8 
bled  together,  to  come,  and  to  fight  againfl  lerufalem,  an4 
to  prepare  embufhment?.  f  -And  we  prayed  our  God,  and  fet  9 
watchm.en  vpon  the  wal  day  and  night  againft  them,  f  And  10 
ludas  fayd:  The  ftrength  of  him  that  carrieth  is  weakened,  & 
the  morter  is  very  much,  and  we  (halnot  be  able  to  build  the 
wal.  f  And  our  enimies  fayd  :  Let  them  not  know,  and  let  11 
them  be  ignorant,  til  we  come  into  the  mideft  of  them,  and 
kil  them,  and  make  their  worke  toceafe.  t  And  it  came  to  11 
paiTe,  the  lewes  that  dwelt  befide  them,  coming  and  telling 
vs  ten  times,  cut  of  al  places  from  whence  they  came  to  vs, 
1 1  fetre  the  people  in  a  place  behind  the  wal  round  about  in   13 
order,  with  their  fwordes,  and  fpeares,  and  bowes.  f  And  14 
I  looked  and  rofe  vp:  &  I  fayd  to  the  princes  and  magiflrates, 
and  to  the  reft  of  the  common  people  :  Be  not  afrayd  at  their 
face:  Remember  our  Lord  great  and  terrible,  and  fight  for 
your  b'-ethcren,  your  Tonnes,  and  your  daughteis,  and  your 
wiucs,  and  your  houCcs.  f  -And  it  came  to  pafTe,  when  our  ij 
enimies  had  heard  that  it  was  told  vs  ,  God  defeted  their 
counfel.  And  we  returned  al  tothe  walks,  euery  man  to  his 
wcrke.  |  And  it  came  to  pafTe  from  that  day,  the  halfe  part  16 
of  their  yongraen  did  the  worke,  and  halfe  was  ready  to 
•battel,andfpcares,&iheilds,  and  bowes,  and  cotes  of mayle, 
and  the  princes  behind  them  in  al  the  houfe  of  luda  t  of  17 


Nelicmlas.  ofEsdras.  ^69 

them  tfiat  built  in  the  ^^aJ, and  tbar  carried  burdens,  and  ihac 
laded  thern  .-  vitljone  of  bis  hanci  he  did  ihcworke,  (5^  \nr.h 

xS  tiiccti  cr  he  litida  (\»  Old  :  I  foi  eucry  one  of  the  builders 
"was  gudtj -with  a  iNjrord  about  his  rcyiics.  And  thty  buildcd, 

15  and  loundcci  M^ith  the  rrumpcrncrc  ire.  f-  And  I  (ayd  to  the 
pniices,  and  to  the  magiflrates,  Si  to  the  rift  of  tht  ccnm  en 
people:  The  vfctke  is  gteac  and  bioad  ,  and  xtt  arc  ftpe- 

20  rated  in  the  vral  one  far  horn  an  other;  I  in  vt  hat  place  loc  ucr 
you  ihal  heare  the  (ound  of  the  tiumpt  t, thither  tiinnc  toge- 

21  thtrv/ito  vs.our  God  wil  fight  forvs.  I  And  h  t  vsour  fclues 
doe  the  m  orke :  and  let  the  halfc  part  of  vs  held  fpcarcs  from 

£1  the  ryfing  of  the  morning,  til  the  ftarres  appc^sre.  |  Ar  tl  at 
t?me  aifo  1  fayd  to  the  people  :  Let  euery  man  with  his  (cruanc 
tarry  in  the  middes  of  leiufakm,  and  let  there  be  courfes 

25  among  vs  by  day  and  night  to  wotke.  f  And  I  and  my  bre- 
thcren,andmy  (eruants,  and  the  watcimen,  that  xtere  be*. 
hinde  me,  did  nor  put  of  our  clothes :  euery  man  V7as  made 
bare  only  to  waftiing. 

Chap.     V. 
Ni.'hemias  Itiameth  couetoiis  nckmen^  for  ofpreBing  the  poors,  14.  htmfdfe 

gfucfh  Ur^tlji  of  ha  owns  to  the  needie* 

A  XI         t  «  ■       /•    I  .  .     /•   »     .     :-S  Bedainlus- 

N  D  there  "vas  ••  a  great  crie  of  the  people,  and  or  their  time  hmcn. 
wiucs  againit  their  brethren  the  lewes  .  \  And  there  ted  ciiat Come 
vere  thatfaid.  Our  fonnes  and  ourdaugUters  are  verie  manie:  ip»"tuaUupe 
let  vs  take  come  fotthe  priceof  them,  and  let  vs  eatc,  and  ^^^^^^f^l'^ 
5  liue.  t  And  there  were  that  fayd:  Letvs  pledge  our  fieldes,  their  flock  ci- 

and  vincyardes,and  ourhoufes,and  let  vs  take  come  in  fa-  ihtirlpintu- 
4.  mine,  f  And  others  fayd:  Let  vs  borow  money  for  the  kings  ^Uy  or  tempo 

5  tribures,and  let  vs  oiue  our  fields  and  vinevardes,  f  and  now  "^^"y^^'J^yec 

I      n     -I      f  i         I  /     •  n    ^  ,511     exactedtera- 

asrhetieihof  ourbreth)cren,Ioisourliefb:  andas  their  chil-  poral  icue- 

dr»n  foalCo  our  children,  behold  we  fubdew  our  fonnes,  nnd  ncues,.uu!op 

our  daughters  into  bondage,  and  our  daughters  there  are  prellcdthc 

bondweroen, neither  haue  wewhcrewith  they  may  be  rede-  poorepcoplc. 

med,  andourfieldesandour  vineyardes  other  men  doc  pof-  rV'^'^l'"i    ' 
^   r  iT   ^  m.     i  r  1-  I  1.,  11        *  How  much 

6  lefie.tAndl  wascxcedingangne,whcnl  had  heard  their  crie  more  ma)  we 

7  according  to  thefewordes.  f  And  my  harr  thought  with  my  uitbhim, 
felferand  I  rebuked  the  princes  and  magiftrates,  and  fayd  to  wi'h  another 
them :  Do  you  euery  one  cxad  vfuries  of  your  brcthen  >  and  Nchcmias 

o  T  1  n    I  /T-      I  I-  I       -      .         that  IS  a  few/or 

8  1  garnered  againft  them  a  grear  aflemblie,  f  and  I  fayd  ro  tcrfromour 

them:  Wcas  you  know,  haue  redemed  our  brethcren  the  Lon/cocorrea 
Bbbbbb  Icwcs, 

t'nis  fauir,  Sc 
poorc  Catho- 
liqucs  diftref- 

;:  Aright  pio- 
pcrtie  of  a 
true  paftor, 
to  do  that 
good  which 
toothers.  S. 
&eda  ibidem. 

::A  good  con- 
denccin  God 
peth  for  re- 

97©  Second  Booke  Nehcmlas 

Icxres,  that  were  fold  to  the  gentiles,  according  to  our  abi- 
litie :  and  v?il  you  therfore  fel  your  bretheren,  and  (hal  wc  re- 
,  deme  them  ?  And  they  held  their  peace,  neither  did  they  find 
what  to  anfwer.  f  And  I  fayd  to  them:The  thing  is  not  good,  5 
whichyoudoe:  why  walkeyounotin  thcfeare  of  our  God, 
•  left  we  be  vpbrayded  with  al  the  gentiles  our  enimies?  f  I  aHo  10 
and  my  bretheren,and  my  feruantes,  haue  lent  money  and 
corne  to  very  manie:  let  vs  not  aske  this  agatne  in  common, 
letvsremittethemthedebtjthatisdewctovs,  f  Reftorc  ye  it 
to  them  their  fieldes  this  day,  and  their  vineyards,  and  their 
oliuets,  and  their  houfes.'yea  the  hundreth  part  aUo  of  money, 
corne,  wine  and  oyle,which  you  were  wont  to  exad  of  them, 
giue  it  rather  for  them,  f  And  they  fayd :  We  wil  reftore,  and  li 
wewilfeeke  nothing  of  thera:  and  wc  wil  do  fo  as  thou 
fpeakeft.  And  I  called  the  Prieftes,  and  adiured  them, -to  do 
according  to  that  which  I  had  fayd,  f  Moreouer  I  fhooke  i| 
my  bofome,  and  fayd  :  God  fo  (hake  euery  man,  that  (hal  not 
accomnlish  this  word,  out  of  his  houfe,  and  out  of  his  la- 
bours, fo  be  he  shaken  out,  and  made  emptic.  And  al*thc 
multitude  fayd:  Amen.  And  they  prayfed  God.  And  the  people 
did  as  it  was  fayd.  f  And  from  that  day,  whcrin  the  king  com-  14 
mended  me  to  the  duke  in  the  landof  luda,  from  the  twen- 
teth  ycare  til  the  two  &  thirtcth  yeare  of  Artaxerxcsthc  king 
for  twelue  yearees,  I  and  ray  brctheren  did  not  eate  the  yearly 
allowance,  that  was  dcwe  to  the  dukes,  t  But  the  former  ly 
dukes,  that  had  bene  before  rac,  burdened  the  people,  and 
tooke  of  them  in  bread,  and  wine,  and  money  euery  day 
fourtie  iicles ;  yea  and  their  officers  opprcflTcd  the  people.  But 
I  did  not  fo  for  the  feare  of  God .  f  Yea  I  biiildcd  rather  in  16 
the  workeofthewal,  and  field  I  bought  not,  and  al  my  fer- 
uantes were  gathered  together  to  the  workc.  f  Tke  lewcs  17. 
alfo  and  the  magiftrates  an  hundred  fiftie  men,  and  they  that 
came  to  vs  out  of  the  nations,  that  were  round  about  vs  were 
at  the  table,  f  And  there  was  prepared  for  me  day  by  day  one  \t 
oxcfixchofcnrammcs,  bcfidc  foulcs,  and  within  ten  dayes 
diuers  wines,  &  many  other  things  did  I  giue.  Moreouer  alio 
the  yearly  allowance  of  my  dukedomel  fought  not,  for  the 
people  was  very  much  empoueri(hed.  f*- Remember  me  my  i<? 
God  to  good,aceording  to  al  things,which  I  haue  done  to  this 

Chap.     VU 

Th  (n(nnes  gUilfuUy  ofertomake  league  "Veithdt  ItWei  5.  hut  Nehcmias 
6roce^eib  m  hwldin^  tke  yvnUa :  16.  4nd4l  bordering  natioos  Jure  them, 

t  J%  Nd  it  came  topalTe,  vhcn  SanabaUat  had  beard,  and 
.XjL  Tobias,  and  Goirem  the  Arabian,  and  the  reUofour 
cnimies,  that  I  did  build  the  \Fal,  and  there  was  no  breach 
remayninginit(ho\v  bcit  at  that  time  1  had  nor  put  thedoo- 

i   res  in  the  gates )  f  Sanaballat  and  GoiFcm  Tent  ro  me,  faying; 

Come,  and  -  Iccvs  make  a  league  together  in  the  villages,  in  -;yvhcn  Iicr?, 

3  the  field  of  Ono:  But  they  thought  to  doemeeuil.  t'ifent  Iaucifan--^s"t 
therforc  meilengers  to  them  ,  laying;  I  am  doing  a  great  the  church 
\rorke,andI  can  not  goe  downe,  left  perhaps  it  benegledted  lindcchem 

4  \ThenI  fhalcome, anddefcendtoyou.  f  But  iheyfenr  to  me  ^^lucsnotablc 
according  to  this  vrord,  foure  times:  and  lanlvered  them  q  'J,^^'^^' ^ 

5  according  to  the  former  word.  •{-  And  Sanaballat  Tent  his  th^cy  ofter""ii 
fcruant  to  me  the  fifth  time  according  ro  the  former  word,  duioHsof 
end  he  had  a  letter  in  his  hand  written  in  this  maner  :  Among  P^3<^e,  and  li- 
the Gentiles  it  is  heard,  and  GofTcm  hath  fayd,  that  rhou  and  ^"J^'  '°^!^-^° 
the  lewes  rocane  to  rebel,  and  thcrfore  thou  buildeft  the  Mtlsbeaannc 
wal,  and  wil  aduance  thy  felfc  king  ouer  them;  for  which  &  whci?thc7 

y  caufe  f  thou  haft  fette  vp  prophcttes  alio,  which  should  arcweake, 
preach  ofthec  in  lerufalem,  faying:  There  is  a  king  in  lurie;  ^^^^7*'°"^'^ 
The  king  wilheareofrhefe  thingcs:  therforc  come  now, that  fecuL"dT ^^" 

S    we  may  take  counfel  together,  t  And  I  fent  to  them,  faying:  anieopmions 
It  is  not  done  according  to  thefe  words, which  thou  fpeakeft:  in  religion, 

9   for  thou  frameft  thefe  things  of  thine  owne  hart,  f  For  al  ^"^ where  ^ 
thefe  terrified  vs,  thinking  that  our  hands  would  ceafe  from  the^^J^^  j^/'*^ 
the  worke,  and  we  would  leaue  of.  For  which  caufcl  did  aranttoleiL 
10  the  more  ftrengthen  my  hands:  f  and  I  entrcd  into  the  tion  toCatlio 
houfe  of  Samaia  thefonne  of  Dalaii  thefonneofMetabeel  ^il^^cs, 
fecrctly.who  fayd:  Let  vs  confult  with  our  fclues  iA  the 
houfeof  Godin  the  middesof  the  templerand  Let  vs  Chutte 
the  doores  of  the  temple  becaufc  they  wil  come  to  kil  thee, 
,  II  and  in  the  night  they  wil  come  ro  flea  thee,  t  And  I  fayd  ; 
Doth  any  man  that  is  hkc  vnto  me  flee  ?  and  who  bcin<T 
as  I  am,  wil  goe  into  the  temple,  and  Hue?  I  wil  nor  e^oein. 

xz  t  And  I  vnderftood  that  God  had  not  fent  him  ,  but  as  it 
were  prophicying  he  had  fpokca  to  me,  and  Tobias,  and  Sa- 

15  naballat  had  hvrcdhim,  |  For  he  had  taken  a  price,  that  I 
being  terrified  ihould  do  it,  and  finne,  and  they  niight  haue 

B  b  b  b  b  b   2  fome 

572'  Second  booke  Nehemias, 

fomc  euil  tovpbraid  me  wichal.  f  Reracmber  me  Lord  for  14 
"Tobias  and  Sanabaliat,  according  to  fuch  r heir  workes- Yea 
andNoadiasriieprophete,  andthe  reftofthe  prophetes  thar 
terrified  m«.  I  But  che  wai  was  finidie-d  the  iiueand  twenteth  ly 
day  of  chemonethof  Elul,in  tvroandfifuedayes.  t  It  came  16 
topaflc  therfore  when  al  our  enirnies  had  heard  ir,  thatal 
nations  which  were  round  about  vs, feared,  &c  were  difmayed 
within  them  felues,  and  knew  that  this  worke  was  done  of 
God.  t  But  in  thofcdayes  alio  many  letters  of  the  principal   17 
lewes  wcrefent  to  Tobias,  and  from  Tobias  there  came  to- 
them,  t  Foi^  there  were  many  in  luriefworne^nro  him,  be-  iS 
caufe  he  was  the  (onne  in  lawof  Sechenias  the  fonne  of  Area, 
and  lohanan  his  fonne  had  taken  the  daughter  of  Mofollam 
thefonneof  Barachias.  f  Yea  and  they  prayfed  him  before  i^ 
me,  and  they  reported  my  words  vnto  him  :  and  Tobias  (ent 
letters  to  terrifie  me. 

Chap.     VII. 
Nehemias  a^fointeth  'pitchmen  in  lemfalem,^  anicAlling  the  people  toge^ 

ther  rectteth  the  number  of  th9(e^  ffih^cb  came  ^rff  from  Babytbn.  68. 

likewife  of  their  cAttel ,  70.  and  the  giftes  of  artttne  chtefe  mentom 

yifards  the  reparAtions, 


Nd  after  the  wal  was  built,  &  I  had  puton  thedoorcs,  i 
and  numbred  the  porters,  and  fiiigin^  men,and  Leuites: 
'f  I  commanded  Hanani  my  brother,  and  Hananias  prince  of  x 
the  houfe  of  lerufafem  ( for  he  femcd  as  it  were  a  tiue  man, 
andone  that  feared  God  ab'ue  the  refl")  t  and  I  fayd  to  them:    j 
Let  not  the  gates  oflerufjlem  be  opened  voii.l  the  heare  of 
the  funne.  And  when  they  yet  itnod  by,  the  gates  were  (bur, 
t: Thrpc ^neri-  and  barred  :  and  I  fette  -*  watchmen  of  the  inhabitants  of 
^  .'^        '^7     lerafalem,  euery  one  by  their  courfes.  and  eucry  man  againft 
ftrenffrhor      his  hoafe.  t  And  rhecitie  was  exceding  large  and  great,  and    4 
w.illcs,  (hm-    the  people  few  in  the  middes  therof,  'Sc  there  were  no  houfes 
tingandoj^p     built,  f  Buc  Go  J  ^aus  me  in  my  harr,  awdl  aircmbled  the    f 
jr,riathefrire«;  pfjoj-ps  and  ma<7iftrates,  and  common  oeople,  that  I  mioht 
dllmetwa^ch    "umber  them?  and  I  found  a  booke  or  the  number  or  them, 
nien.fotothe  t^^t  CI iic  vp  fifl  ,    and    there  was   found   written  in  it: 
cu^^dieof  «   f  Thcfe  arc  the  children  of  the  prcuince^  which  Ci  ne  vp    6 
faitluulonles  fr^rj-,  f^^  cipriaide  of  them  rhit  were  tranfported,  whom 
three  tliinrre<;     »,   ,        ,       ,  /•        ,       1  .     ^     r  »i   1     1         11/  3         1 

ireneceila  i-   -^  ^'^iicaodonolor  the  km  ^or  t3  oylon  had  tranlporteJ,  and 

the  grace  of     returned  into  luric,  cu^ry  on- into  his  owne  citie.  \  They  7 


Nchemias.  ofEsdras.  $y^ 

that  came  witTiZorobabcl,  lolue,  Nehemias,  Azarias,Raha-  God,  due  re." 
mias ,  Nahamani,   Mardocharus,    Bclfam_.,  ^^cfpharath,  ^^'^^^[.^J-^ 
Begoai,  Nahum,  Baana.  The  number  of  the  men  of  the  peo-  (es.and  conti- 

8  pie  of  Ifrael.  t  The  children  of  Pharos,  two  thoufand  an  nua'.watcha- 

9  hundred  fcuentytvp-o.  f  The  children  of  Saphatia, three  hun-  g-i"j^ouria- 

10  dred  feuentie  two.  -j-  The  children  of  Area,  fix  hundred  fifcic  ^-^  ^  '^^"^' 

11  two.fThe  children  of  Phahathmoab  of  thcchildren  of  lofus 
II  and  loabj  two  thoufand  eight  hundred  eightene.  f  ThechiU 
15  dren  of  Aelam,  a  thoufand  two  hundred  fiftie  foure  j  The 
14  children  Zcthua,  eight  hundred  fonrtie  fiue.  |  The  childerea 
If  of  Z\chai,reuen  hundred  fixtie.  f  The  childcren  of  Bannui, 

16  fix  hundred  fourtie  eight,  j-  The  children  of  Bebai,  fix  hun- 

17  dred  twentie  eight,  f  Thechildrcnof  Azgad,  two  thou(anJ 

18  three  hundred  t-^rentie  two.-}-The  childeren  of  Adonicam,(ix 

19  hundred  lixticfeuen.  f  Thcchildren  of  Bei;uai,  t>of'o  thou- 
io  find  fixtiefeucn    f  Tne  childeren  of  Adin,  fix  hundred  fiftie 

21  flue,  -f  The  culderen  of  Ater,  childeren  of  Hezecias  ninetic 
21  eight,  t  The  childeren  of  Hafcm,  three  hundred  rvrentic 
1}  eight,  t  The  children  of  Befai,  three  hundred  tvrentie  foure, 
141ft  ThechildrenofHareph,an  hundred  twelue  f  '""he  chil- 
16  dren  of  Gabaon.nyntic  fiue.  t  The  childeren  of  Betlehem, 

27  and  Netupba, an  hundred  eightie  eight,  f  The  men  of  Ana- 

28  thoth,3n  hundred  twcntie  eight.f  The  men  of  Bethazmoth, 

29  fourtie tsro-fTheraenof Cariathiarim,Cephira,and  Beroth 
50  feuen  hundred  fourtie  three.  fTiie  men  of  Rama  and  Geba, 
31  fix  hundred  twentieonc.  f  The  menof  Machmas,an  hun- 
3t  dred  tsrcntic  f^o.  f  The  men  of  Bethel  and  Hai,  an  hundred 
31  forentie  three,  f  ^^^  "^^^  o^  ^"  other  Nebo  ,  fiftie  two, 
34  f  The  men  ofan  other  Ael im,a  thoufand, two  hundred  fiftie 
3$"  foure.  f  The  childeren  of  Harem,  three  hundred  twentie« 
3<^  The  childeren  of  lericho,  three  hundred  fonrtie  fiue.f  The 

37  childeren  of  Led  Hadid  and  Ono,  feucn  hundred  twcntic 

38  one.  t  The  childeren  of  Senia,  three  thoufand  nine  hundred 

39  thirti'ie.    -f   The  Ptiefts  :   Tnc  children   of  Idaia  in  the 

40  houfc  of  lofu.',  nine  hundred  three  .   f   The  childeren  of 

41  Emmcr,  a  thoufand  fiftie  two.  f  The  childeren  of  Pha'hur,  a 
4t  thoufand  rwD  hundred  fourde  feucn.  f  The  children  of 
4^  Ar?m,a  rhoufand  feuentene.  The  Leuites:  f  Thcchildren 
44  oflofiie&  Cedmiel,  thcchildren  f  of  Ctnia,  feuentie  foure: 
4'{  The  fin.:»in^  mjn:  f  rhc  child,  ren  of  Alaph  ,  an  hundred 
46  fouftic  eight,  f  The  porters :  The  childeren  of  Scllum»  the 

B  b  b  b  b  b  3  childeren 

^74  Secgi^d  BOOKS  Nchcmias. 

childercn  of  Arcr,  the  childcrcn  of  Telmon,  the  childeren 
of  Accub,  thechildcrenofHatita,  thechildercnofSobai:an 
hundred  thirtie  eight,  f  T^c  Natbincites:The  childerenof  47 
Soha,  the  childeren  of  Hafupha,  the  childeren  ol-Tebbaath, 
•J-  thechildcrenofCeros,  the  childeren  of  Siaa,  the  childeren  48 
of  PhadoHj  the  childeren  of  Lebana,  the  childeren  of  Ha- 
guba,  the  childeren  of  Senuaij  |  the  childeren  of  Hanan,  the  49 
childerenof  Geddel,  the  childeren  of  Gaher,  t  f^^^^^'^^^ren  50 
of  Raaia,  the  childeren  of  Rafin,  the  childeren  of  Necoda, 
j  the  childeren  of  Gefem,  the  childeren  of  Aza,  the  childeren  ;i 
ofPhafea,  f  the  childeren  of  Befai,  the  childeren  of  Munim,  jz 
the  childeren  of  Nephuffim,  f  the  childeren  of  Bacbuc,  the  55 
childerenof  Hacnpha,  the  childerenof  Harur,  f  thechilde-  54 
ren  of  Befloth,  the  childeren  of  Mahida,  the  childeren  of 
Harfa,  t  thechilderenof  Bercos,  the  childeren  of  Sifara^the  jj" 
childeren  of  Thema,  f  the  childeren  of  Nafia,  the  childeren  j(j 
ofHatipha,  f  the  childeren  of  the  feruantcs  of  Salomon,  the  57 
childeren  ofSotai,  the  childeren  of  Sophereth,  the  childeren 
of  Pharida,!  the  childeren  of  Iahala,the  childeren  of  Darcon,  5S 
the  childeren  of  leddel,  f   the  childeren  of  Saphia,   the  jj 
childeren  of  Hatil,  the  chideren  of  Phohereth  ,  \pho  wa*^' 
borne  vnto  Sabaim,  the  fonnc  of  Amon.  f  Al  Natheneites,  60 
and  the  childeren  of  the  feruantes  of  Salomon,  three  hundred 
nyntic  t\ro.  f  But  Thefe  bethey  vhich  came  vp  from  Thel-  61 
mcla,  Thelharfa,  Cherub,  Addon,  and  Emmer:  and  could  not 
{he\r  the  houfeofthcJr  fathers,  and  their  feed,  whether  they 
were  of  Iftael.f  The  children  of  Dalaia,the  childeren  of  To-  ^z 
bia,  the  childeren  of  Nccoda,  fix  hundred  fourtietvro.  t  And  6^ 
of  the  Priefts.thc  childeren  of  HabJa,  the  childeren  of  Accos, 
the  childeren  of  Berzellai,  who  rooke  a  wife  of  the  daugh- 
ters of   Berzellai  a  Galeadife,  and   he  was  called  by  their 
name.f  Thefe  fought  their  writing  in  the  regifler,  and  found  ^4 
it  not:&  they  werecaftoutofthePriefthood.  f  And  Ather-  (Jj 
fatha  faid  to  them,  that  they  ihould  not  eate  of  the  Holies  of 
holies,  vntil  there  flood  vp  a  Pricft  learned  and  cunning,  f  Al  6^ 
the  multitude  as  it  were  one  man  fourtie  two  thouland  three 
hundred  fixtie,  f  bcfide  their  men  (eruants  and  wemen  fer-  6j 
uantes,  which  were  feuen  thoufand  three  hundred  thirtie  fe- 
uen:  and  among  them  finging  men,  &  finging  wemen,  two 
hundred  fourtie  fiue.  |  Their  hor(cs,two  hund  red  fourtie  fix  6S 
their  mules  two  hundred  fourtie  iiue,  f  their  camels,  foure  6^ 


Nehetnias.  of  Esdras.       ^  575 

hundred  tliirtic  fiuc,a{Ies  ih  thoufand  feue  hundred  t^rsntie. 
Hitherto  U  reported  '^'hat  fvas  xvnttin  in  the  F^gijier.  From  this 
pCacefor^ard  forth  on  in  order  the  hifiorie  ofNehfmns.  S.  jaoiu  Iictc 

70  f  And  cercaine  of  che  princes  of  families  gaue  vnto  the  ^o'eth  whecc 
NForke.  AtheiTaiha  gaueincotherrcafuceofgoldathourand  £0/1^*^'"^?  ■ 
drachmas,  phials  fiftie,  tunikes  for   Piicftes   liue   hundred  thisbookc,    ' 

71  thirtie.  -f  And  of  the  princes  of  families  there  gaue  into  the  wl-ichisal  Ca 
treafure  of  theworkeof  gold,  tNjrentie  thoufand  drachmas,  nonical Scrips 

71  and  of  filuer  two  thoufand  two  hundred  pound. it  And  that  'V.^.^'^'^S  , 
wnich  the  reft  of  the  people  gaue,  ot  gold  twentie  thoufand  ledbythe 
drachmas,  and  of  filuertvo  ihoufanJ  pound,  and  tunikes  for  CKuich. 

73  Prieftcs  fixrie  fcuen  .  ■{*  And  the  Piieftes,  and  Leuitcs,  and 
porters  ,  and  finging  men_.,  and  the  refl  of  the  common 
people,  and  the  Nachineitei,and  al  Ifracl  dwelt  in  their  cities. 
And  the  feiienth  moneth  was  come  rand  the  chiideren  of 
Ifrael  were  in  their  cities. 

Chap.  VIII 
Efdras  rendeth  the  law  before  the  people. c).NebemUs  tonforteth  them.l^.Thejf 

celebrdte  thefeafl  of  tuber  nucl'sfeuen  dajier.i^.CT'of  coUeHion  the  eight  day, 

I  A  N  D  al  the  people  was  gathered  togerhor  as  it  were  ::Tlie  people 
,/jL  one  man  to  the  flreate,  which  is  before  the  water  and  requeued  Ef- 
they  fayd  to  Efdras  the  fcribe,  that  he  Oiould  bring  the  booke  f  "^;^'°  ^'f"f^ 
ofthc  law  ofMoyfeSjwhich  our  Lord  had  commanded  Ifrael.  j^''^  °^^^^  1^^ 

&  f  Efdras  therfore  the  priefl  ''•  brought  the  law  before  the  in-ou^^!>tit,nti- 
multitude  ofmen  and  wemen,andal  that  could  vnderftand,  chcristlierc 

3  in  the  firfl  day  of  the  feucnth  moneth.  f  And  he  read  it  anie  mention 
playnlyinrheflrcate  that  was  before  the  water  gate,  from  t}JgVhcTe'^la>:^ 
morning  vnril  midday  ,  in  the  prcfcnce  of  the  men..,  and  cutof  hismc- 
wemeniandofthefethat  vnderflood  :  and  the  cares  ofal  the  moric  or  by 

'4    people  were  attenttothc  booke.  t  And  Efdaas  the  fcribe  mii^clew^hich 
ftood  vponafteppe  of  wood,  which  he  made  to  ipeake  v-  ^^^^jiffi'-ajai'^^ 
pon  :  and  there  ftood  by  him  Mathathias  , and  Seraeia.  and  conies  \\-c»e 
Ania,  and  Vria,  and  Hclcia,  and  Maafia,  on  his  righthand:  notburncHor 
and  on  the  left;  Phadaia,  Mifael,  and  Melchia,and  Hafum,  ^<^(^,  burfomc 

5  and  Hasbadana,Zacharia,  and  Mofollam.  f  And  Efdras  ope-  \l^^^^,l'\%,^ 
ned  the  booke  before  al  the  people:  for  he  appeared  aboue  chicl  DaniVf 
al  the  people:  and  when  he  had  opened  it,  al  the  people  /.qgcus.Jlaclia 

6  ftood.  t  And  Efdras  bicffed  our  Lord  the  great  God:  and  al  iias,orbyhiin 
the  people  anfwred:  Amen,3men:  lifting  vp  their  handes,  and  ^elfcor  ojlicrs 

LL  J  jj         Ji^jn  J  7,-.^  ciitol  which 

7  shey  bowed,  and  adored  God  liatteonthc  rarrh.  f  Mocr-  [iccolU-dcd 
oucr lorue, &  Bani,and Screbia,Iamin,Accub;Scpthai,0  Jia,  one  iiuire 


$y6  Secokd  books  Nchemias 

volume  cor-  xviaafia,  Cclita,  Azarias,  lozabed,  Hanan,  Phalaia;  Leuites 
iechngiaultes  ^^^^ig  fiience  in  the  people  to  hcare  the  law  :  and  the  people 
Cwmiimceuby  ^        ,     .       ,  i       ^        ,     «      i    i  j  •       u    i        i        r   i        o 

iciibes   &ad-  i^oo'^c  1"  rhtir  dtgree.  •{•  And  they  read  in  the  bccke  or  the    S 

ding  Ionic        la\r  of  God  dii  indly  and  playniy  ,  for  to  vnderftand  :  snd 
thiiigesiorex    they  vnderftood  when  it  was  read.  Y  And  Nthen)ias  faid   9 
&l"'Tracnt  (^^^^^"'^  ^^''''  Acherratba)and  Eldrasthe  Piicftand  icnbe.and 
ofthc  hiito"    ^^^  Leuites  interpreting  to  al  ihe  people  .It  is  aday  fandifird 
nes:  and  that  to  the  Lcrd  our  God,  mo«rne  ye  not,  and  weepc  not    For  i.Efd.i. 

euherbytiadi  al  the  people  wept,  when  thty  heard  the  wordes  of  the  law. 
tioQorrcueia  +  Andheiaid  to  them:  Goe,  eatc  fat  thinPes^arddnnck  the  10 
::^iherfatha  I'^'eetc  winc,  and  icnd  portions  to  ioen:i,that  h.ue  not  prf  pa- 
fumie^ta^by  red  for  them  felucs  :  becauleitis  the  holieday  of  our  Lord, 
leaiouot  liis  and  be  not  ladde ;  for  the  ioyof  our  Lord  is  our  ftrtngrh» 
iauour  v/un  +  And  the  Ltuites  made  filence  in  al  the  people, favine:  Hold  il 
^j.^°  i  your  peace,  bccaulethe  day  is  holie,andbe  not  lorovtjful. 
■"    "  -J-  Therefore  al  the  people  werittoeate  and  drinck  ,  and  to  ii 

fend  portions, and  to  make  great  ioy.becaufe  they  vndei  flood 
thewordes,  that  he  had  taught  them,  t   And  in  the  fecond    15 
day  were  gathered  the  princes  oi  the  families  of  al  the  people, 
the  Pnefts  and  Lcuires  to  Efdras  the  fcribe,  that  he  Ihoulci  in- 
terpret vnto  them  the  wordes  of  the  law.  f  And  ihey  foun4.i4 
written  in  the  law,  that  our  Lord  command-din  the  hand  of 
^'loyfes,  that  tiic  children  of  Ilraei  (lioulddwel  in  taberna- 
cles, onrhelolemne  day,  the  (euenth  mcncth  :  f  and  that  15 
they  iliould  proclameand  publiifi  a  voice  in  al  their  cities, 
and  in  lerulalera,  faying  .Goe  ye  forth  into  the  mount,  and 
fetch  branches  of  the  oliuc  tree,  and  branches  of  the  mod 
fayre  tree  ,  branches  of  themirtle  tree,  and  boughes  oithe 
palmetrees,  and  branches  of  the  thicke  leaned  tree,  that  ta- 
bernacles may  be  made,  as  it  is  written,  f  And  the  people  i5 
went  forth,  and  brought.  And  they  made  them  felucs  taber- 
nacles euery  man  in  his  houfetoppe,  and  in  his  courtes  ,  and    " 
in  the  courtes  of  the  houfe  of  God  ,  and  in  the  ftreate  ofthc 
"watergatCjandinthcftreatcofthegateofEphraim  |  There-  17 
fore  al  the  church  of  them,  that  were  returned  from  the 
captiuitie  ,  made  tabernacles,  and  dwelt  in  tabernacles.  For 
from  the  daies  of  lofue  the  fonnc  of  Nun  the  children  of 
Ifracl  had  not  done  it  in  fuch  fort ,  vntil  that  day :  and  there 
was  exceeding  great  ioy.  t  And  he  readcin  the  bookeofthe  iS 
law  of  God  day  by  day,  from  the  firfl;  day  til  the  lafl,  and  they 
made  the  foleranirie  feuen  daycs,  &  in  the  eight  day  a  collect 
according  to  the  rite.  .     Chap. 

Nehcmias.  of  Esdras.  ^-77 

Chap.   IX. 
T]3t pesple relenting infafting And [ahciath^fut  d'^ay  ihtir tvtues offrafj^e 
fidtions.  5.  Eflrdsconjepih  Codilemjiiti,  and th: pecfUitn^rAtitudc.^i, 
fuyethfsr them,  dnd  mal^etb  lague  With  Cod, 

ANd  inthcfourcand  tventerh  clay  of  the  tnonethihc 
children  ofKrael  came  together  in  faftingard  fackc- 

I  clothes,  and  eatthvpon  them,  t  And  ihcfecdcot  thechil-    . 

dren  of  Ifracl  \ras  -  If  pcratcd  from  eucrie  ltr:aige  thilde:  ard  :;  Trae  rcpc#J 
theyftood,  and  confellcd  their  finnes,  and  the  inicjuiiiesof  "nceiequi- 
3    their  fathers,  t    And  ihcy  role  vp  to  iland  :  and  they  read  in  I'^c^Z^ii^^^tr 
thevolutnc  of  the  la^r  of- our  Lord  their  God  ,  foure  times  in  clpecully  chc 
aday,and  fourctimcs  they  ccnfelTcd  ,  and  adored  cur  Lord" 
.4   their  God.f   And  there  arofcvpon  the  fteppe  of  the  Lcuites  occaConsof 
lofue,  and  Bani,CeJmihcl,Sabania,Bonni,Sarebia£,Bani,and  [^""J,'f^,^^^^^^* 
Chanani:and  they  cried  trith  a lo wdc  voice  to  our  Lord  their  ^uil corrpanic 
/    God. t  And  the  Leuites  Jofue  and  Cedmihel,Bonni,Ha{ebnia,  abandoning 
Serehia,  Odaia,Sebnia,and  Phathahia,f2id.' Arife,BlclIe  our  ofcuiUogua- 
Lord  your  God  from  eremitic  to  ctcrnitic:  and  let  them  blcfle  ^^"/j^'^'^^f' 

6  the  high  name  ofthyglorie  in  albltfling&rpraife.t  Thou  the  piciiurc. 
fameo  Lord, alone  thou  haft  made  hcaucn,  &al  thchoft  ther- 

of:  the  earth  &  al  thinges  that  are  in  it;  the  feas  and  al  thinges 
that  arc  therin:  and  thou  doft  giuc  life  to  al  thcfe  thinges,  and 

7  the  hoftofheaueador^th  rhce.-j-  Thou  the  fameo  Lord  God,  » 
vhichdidftchoofc  Abram,  &broughteft  him  out  of  the  fire 

S    of  the  Chaldees ,  and  gaucft  him  thc^-name  Abraham,  t  And  ::Changinj;of 
thou  didft  finde  his  hart  faithful  before  the  c:  and  thou  madeft  ""^l^^^^^'^^^'^'J^ 
a  couenante  with  him  ,  that  thou  "wouldeft  geue  him  the  land  ncticul'mvitc- 
oftheChananite,ofthe  Hctheite,andoftheAmorrhcite,  and  ncGcn.  ^7.  ' 
of  thePherezeirc,andoftheIebuf-ite,&oftheGergercitc,to 
geucvnro  hisfeede:  and  rhou  haft  fulfilled  chy  wordcs  ,  be- 
9    caule  thou  art  iuft.  t  And  thou  (a>»'efl:  theaffi:(Sion  ofourfa- 
thers  in  itgrpt :  &  their  crie  rhou  didft  hcarc  vpon  the  Read 
20  fca.  -f  And  thougaueft  fignes  Sc  wonders  in  Phirao,  andin  al 
hisferuants,  and  in  al  the  people  of  his  land  :  for  thou  didft: 
knovr  that  they  done  proudly  :}giinfl:  chemrand  thou  ma- 
il  deft  rhyfelf  a  name,  as  alio  at  this  dnv.  ■\  And  the  u  didft  diuidc 
the  Tea  before  them, -ind  they  pifTed  througth  the  midft  of  ihc 
fca  in  dricland;  but  their  peii*>  cutors  thou  thrcvcft  into  the 

II  depth,  as  aftonc  int-Jthe  rouglr  wafers,  f    And  in  apiller  of 
.  -    A  tloudc  ihou  waft  their  leader  by  day ,  and  in  a  pillcr  of  fire 

C  c  c  c  c  c  b}' 

57^  Second  BooKE 

by  night,  that  the  \ray  might  appeare  to  th?m  ,  by  the  which 
they  went,  f  To  rnojat  Sinai  aUo  thou  didft  defcend  ,  and  ij 
fpakeft  withrheni  from  heauen  ,  and  thou  gaucftthem  right 
iuigements,and  the  law  of  truth,  ceremonies  ,and  goodpre- 
cepces.  f   Thy  fanitified  Sabbath  thou  didft  fhcw  them,  and  14 
the  commmdements,  and  ccreraoaies  ,  and  the  law  tbou 
didftcoramand  them  in  the  hand  of  Moyfes  thy  fcruant. 
•f  3ccad  alio  from  heauen  thou  gaueft  them  in  their  hunger,  15 
#  and  witer  out  of  the  rocke  thou  didft  bring  forth  to  them 

thif  fiing  ,  and  thou  faided  to  them  that  they  ftouW enter  in, 
and  poiieire  ths  land  ,  vpon  which  thou  didft  lift  vp  thy  hand 
rodiUuer  it  them,  f  Bat  they  and  our  fathers  did  proudly,  1$ 
and  Kardntd  their  neckes  and  heard  not  thy  comandements. 
'Trcewilia,      t  And  they"  would  not  heare,  and  they  remcmbred  not  thy  17;»..  merueylous  workes  which  thou  haft  done  to  thcjii.  And  they 

hardncd  their  neckes  ,  and  gaue  the  head  to  retutne  to  their  '^«"» 
feiuitudc  ,  as  it  were  by  contention  .  But  thou  a  propitious  ^^' 
God,  and  gracious,  and  merciful,  long  CufferingaBii  of  much 
compatFiin,  didft  not  forfake  them,  f  Yea  and  when  th'cy  iS 
had  made  to  them  fcluts  a  molten  calfe,  and  had  (aid :  This  if 
chyGod, which  brought  thee  out  of  ^gypt:and  they  did  ere'a't 
blifphemics.  t  Butthou  in  thy  manic  mercies  didft  not  leaub  i^ 
chem  in  the  defert:  rhe  pillcr  of  the  cloude  departed  not  from 
them  by  day  to  lead  them  into  the  wiy  ,  and  the  pdler  of  fire 
by  ni  jht  to  lliew  them  the  way  by  which  they  (hould  goe. 
-j- And  chou  gaucftthem  thy  good  fpirite,which  {hould  teach  10 
them  ,  and  thy  Manna  thou  didft  not  withhold  from  their 
ni^uth,and  thou  gaueft  fhem  water  in  thirft.  j:  Fourtieycares  if 
didft  thou  feeJe  them  in  thedcfert  ,  and  nothing  was  wan- 
ting to  them,  theif  garmentes  waxed  not  old,  and  their  feetc 
nor  wornc.f  And  t.iougiueft  them  kingdomes,and  peoples,  il 
and  dj'ift  part  lottesvnto  them:  andrhey  pofTefli-d  ihelandof 
Sehon,  and  the  land  of  the  king  Hefebon,  and  thelandofOg 
thekingof  Bafan.  t   And  rhou  didft  mulciplie  their  children   l) 
as  the  ft-irres  of  heauen,  8c  brought  them  to  the  land  wherof 
thou  hadft  (aid  to  rhcir  fathers  , that  they  ihould  enrer  and 
poftfeileit.  t  And  the  children  came,  and  poirdTed  the  land,  ^4 
and' th'ju  didft  hambie  before  them  the  inhabiters  of  the 
land,  the  Chiarneircs ,  and  gmeft  rh^m  into  their  hand, 
and  cheir  kingci,  and  the  peoples  of  t'le  land. that  they  might 
doe  to  themas it pleafed. them.  |  They  thetfore tooke the  if 


Kchcmks.  OF  EsDRAS*  :^7t 

fenfcd  chic? and  fat tc  ground  ,  tnc  pcfTefTcdlioufcs  fuloral 
goodes:  cellerncs  n.adc  by  othfrs  ,  vine yaides,  and  oliueies, 
&  manie  trees  thai  bare  ftuitt:.'ind  they  did  eate,  snd  \rcrc 
fi;led,and  became  fatte,and  abcundcd  vith  delicious  thinges 

i€  in  thy  great  goodncs.  j  But  ihcy  proiiokcd  ihcc  tc  xr  rath, & 
departed  from  thee,  and  thic\j  ti  y  kv  b;,hjnd  thtii  backes: 
■6c  theykilled  thy  ptophetcs,vrhich  admonifiud  them  erncft- 

17  ly  to  tttu>nc  to  thee  :  and  they  did  jjicat  bialplimus.l  i\nd! 
thou  gautft  thrm  into  the  handes  of  their  enemies  ,  and  they 
af^lidcd  them.  Ai-d  in  the  time  of  their  tribulation  they  Cried 
to  thee, &  thou  Trcm  l.eaucn  didfthearc,ai:d  according  to  thy 
manic  copaiTionsgautit  rLcrri  (aujours,  that  flould  (sue  then* 

iS  from  the  hand  of  thvir  enemies,  t -And  \f  hen  thty  had  rcfted, 
they  returned  to  docuil  in  thyfight:  &:  thoodidfl  Jeauc  them 
in  the  land  of  their  enemies,  and  they  poflclfed  thtm.  And 
they  returned, &  cri^d  to  ihec:i3c  ihcu  heardcft  frcm  heauen, 

aj  and  dcliueredft  the  in  thy  mercies,  manie  times,  t  Acdthou 
didft  admonifli  them  that  they  flbould  returne  to  ihy  ]&\p  .  But 
theydidproudly,&:  heard  not  thy  ccn  andmcrtt$,and  finned 
in  thj  iudgcmentes,  vhich  a  man  fr  culd  So ,  and  fl?al  jiue  in 
them,  and  they  gaue  the  reuolting  lhouldtr,and  haidned 

50  thcirnecke  ,  neither  did  they  hcarc.  f  And  thou  didfl  pio- 
long  manie  yeares  outrthtm,  and  didfl  tcP.cfie  to  ehargS 

'  ihem  in  thy  f'puitby  the  hand  of  thy  ProphereS;  and  rfey 
heard  not,  and  thou  didft  deliuer  them  into  the  hsndolthe 

}£  peoples  of  the  nations,  t   But  in  rhy  very  many  mercies  thcil" 

madeft  them  not  into  confumption,neuher  didft  thou  forlakfi 

them  :    bccauTe  a  God  of  compsflions    and  graticus  art 

,  31  thou,  f   Nowthcrfoic  Dour  God,  great,  flrorig,  and  tcr- 

•  ,.  rible,kecpingcouenanrandmerciejturnc  rot  away  from,  thy 

face  al  the  labour, >*hich  hath  found  vs,  cur  Kinges,  and  our 

-  .   Princes, and  our  Priefts  ,andourProphetis,  andoui  fathers, 

5  and  al  the  people  from  the  daits  oftheking  of  Alhir,  vnril 
J.55  this  day.  f.  And  tKou  arciufl  in  al  thinges,  that  haue  come 

■  .    vpon  vs:  becauTc  thou  haft  done  truth  ,  but  we  hai'C  done 

34  wickedly.  |  OurKingcs,  our  Princes.our  Prieftes  ,2r.douf 

.  fathers  hauc  not  done  thy  law,  andhauenot  arte nded  thy 
comipandmcntes,  and  thy  reftirtionies  vt  hich  thtjuhiOte- 

jj  <''fi  d  au'prg  them.  ■];.  Arid  ihcy  in  rheir  reigncs,  and  iti 
•thy|.inariifojldgoodnts],  which  thbii  gaucft  them  ,  and  in  the 
land  muft  large ind fat te,whVh  rhoudidft  dcliucrin  r!  >•  ir 
.]  '  "Ccccccz  fisl'ti 

9^o  Second  booke  Nehemias.' 

fighr,  feruedftorthce,  norreturned  from  their moft^yicked 
deuifes.  f    Behold  we  our  felues  this  d^y  are  bondmen  :  and  55 
theland,  which  thou  giueftour  fathers,  that  they  thould  eatc 
rhebreai  therof,  and  ihc  good  thinges  that  are  therof,  and 
our  (elufs  are  fcruiiicesinir,  f   And  the  fruites  therof  arc  37 
multiplied  to  the  kinges  »  whom  thoa  had:  ietre  ouer  vsfor 
our  finnes,  atidthfv  haue  dominion  ouerour  boHies  ,  and 
ouer  our  beades  ,  according  to  their  wil  ,  and  we  arc  in  great 
tribujation.  t  TherForc  vpon  al  thcfe  thinges  we  our  (elues  ^8 
inakeacouensnr,andwricc,andour  Princes, our  Leuites,and 
our  Pneftesfigneir. 

Chap    X. 
Jdmieyinmme  of  4I  ypibfcrile  to  tbecoitenatt  mi^e  Tfiitb  Ood.  7,0*  N4mely 
■.    not  to  rmrrm  Hfith  I}f4n^?rs,  ^  {erpe  the  Sthhith  day,  and  thejmeittb 
jfure ,  34.  T92xy  ohUtionSy  5;.  FirffrmteSy  58.  and  Tithes, 

ANd  the  f'lbfcribers  were  Nehem^a^,  Atherfatha  the    1 
fonne  of  Hachclai,andSedecias,-{-  Sarai  .s,  Azirias,  le-    z 
remiiS,  j"  Phefhur,  A,marias,Melchias,  f   H  irtus,Scbenia^  5.  4. 
Melluch,  f  Harem,  MjrimurhjObdias,  t  Dinie),Gcnrhon,  $  6. 
Biruch,  f  Mofollam,  Abia,  Miamin  ,  t   Miazia,  B^lgai,  j.  S. 
Semeia;  thefewerc  Pricftes.  f  Moreouer  Leuites,  lofue  the    9 
(onnc  of  Azinias,  Bennai  of  rhe  children  of  Henadad,  10 
Cedmihcl,  -j*   And  their  brctheren,  Ssbenia,  O-iaia,  Ce-  ir 
lita,  Phal  Ja,  Hanan   f  Micha,  Rphob,  Hafebia,  f  Zachor,   12. 
Screbia,  Sabania,  -j-  O  laia,  Bani ,  Baninii.  f  Theheadcsof  15 
the  people,  Phiros,  Phahathmoab,  Aclam,  Zerhu  ,   Banl,  14 
t  Bjnni,  Az^ad  ,  R?bai.  f  Adonia,  Begoai ,  Adin.f  Arcrjfji^ 
Hezecia,  Azur,  f  O  Jaia,  Hifum,  Befai.f  Hareph,  Aniihoth,i7'i8 
Nebai.  f  Migphias,  Mofollara,  Hazir,  t  Mezfibcl,  Sadoc,  19  10 
I.^dua.  f  Phslria,  Hinan,  Anai  f  Ofec,  Hanania,  Hafub,  11 
t   Alohes,  Phdea,  Sobec ,  f  Rehum,  Hafcbna,  Maafia,22.  zj 
tE:'iiia,   Hinan,   Anan,  f    Melluch,   Haran,  Baina:i4.aj. 
f  And  the   reft  of  the  people,    Prieftfs,   Leuttcs,  Por-;6.a7« 
teres,  andfingins;  men,  Natbineites  ,  and  al  that  feperared  i8 
them  felues  from  the  peoples  of  the  landes  ro  the  law  of  God, 
thsir  wiues,  their  fonnes,  and  their  daughters,  f    Al  that  iff 
couli  vnderftand  promifing  for  their  brctheren, thfir  princes, 
and  rhcy  that  came  to  prpmife ,  and  fwear.c  that  they  would 
vi'ke  in  the  l.iw  of  G)d  ,  which  he  g^ue  in  the  hand  of 
M  j/fes  theferuAnc  of  Gjd,  that  they  ^oalil  do  &  kcpe  al  the 


Nehcmias.  cf  Esdras.  5^ 

comandmentsof the  Lor(iourGocl,andhisiudgcmcntc$and 
50    his  ceremonies,  f  And  that  we -would  not  gtiiC-- our  daugh-  :.-rnallcag;aa! 

ters  to  the  people  of  the  laud,  and  their  daughters  vvexrould  ^-'.co  "«"*»'" 
}i    not  take  to  our  ioncs.  t  The  ptoplts  of  the  land,  \rhich  bring  arn"/sVrc°'* 

in  things  to  fcl,&al  thinges  tobe  vled,to  fel  them  on  the  Sab'  fpccialivmcif- 

bath  da.j  y  vre  vi'ilnot  taken  of  rheir.  in  the  Sabbarii  ,  and  in  tioncrj  ^/hetia. 

thelandlified  dav.  And  wc  wilier  p  life  the  kaenih  yeare,a:id  ^leachhath 
1  c'ijj.Aj  ij-  bene  made  m 

2!   the  exaction  otcuerie  hand,  t  And  we  wilordayneprcceptes  r  ,^,,  ,,m«r 

vpon  our  leiucs,  rogiucthe  third  part  oralicle  cuene  ycarc 

35  to  the  workcotihehoufeofourGod.f  CO  cheloaucsofpro- 
pofition,  and  to  the  continujl  (acnfice,  and  ^or  a  continual 
holocdud  in  the  Sibbathi'Sji.i  the  Calendes,  in  the  Solemni- 
ties, and  in  the  (andificd,  and  for  finne:  that  propitiation 
may  be  madcfoi  Ifrael,  and  vntoal  v(e  of  the  houfc  of  our 

34  God.  f  We  ihfrfore  did  caft  lores  concerning  the  oblation  of 
wood  bet'cren  the  Prieftes,  and  the  Leuitcs  ,  and  rhe  people,, 
that  ic  thould  be  brought  into  the  houfe  ofour  God  by  the 
houfesof  our  fathers  at  (<r  rimes,  from  ycare  to  yeare:  thatit 
might  biirnevpon  thealtar  of  the  Lord  our  God,  asitis  ▼rit- 
3;  ten  in  the  law  of  Moyfes:  f  And  that  vte  would  bring  ihc 
firft  borne  ofour  land,and  the  fi  ft  fruites  of  al  the  fruiteaf 
cuerie  tree,  from  yeare  to  yere,  in  rhe  houfe  ofour  Lord. 

5(5  t  2"d  the  firft  fruires  of  our  fonnes,  and  ofour  cartel,  as  it  i» 
•VPTUten  in  the  law  ,  and  the  firft  fruitcsofour  oxen, andof 
our  fbeepc,  that  they  might  beoftcred  in  the  houfe  of  ouc 
God,  CO  the  Prieftes  which  miniftcrin  the  houfe  ofour  God, 

^7  t  ■A"'^  ^^^  fi^'^  fruitcs  ofour  meares,  and  ofour  libamentes,. 
and  the  fruices  of  euerie  rree,  of  vintagealfoand  ofoytc  wc 
wilbringto  the  Prieftes ,  vnto  rhe  treafurie  ofour  God,  and 
the  tenth  parr  ofour  Ian  i  to  the  Lcuites.  The  Leuites  rhcm 
felu  ■$  ftial  rcceiue  the  tithes  our  of  al  the  cities  ofour  works^ 

)S  f  And  the  Prieft  the  lonncof  Aaron  ftialbe  with  ihc  Leuitet 
in  the  tyrhe?  of  the  Leuitef,  and  the  Lcuircs  flial  offer  the 
tench  paccof  their  tythe  in  the  hoofeo- our  God,  ro  the  trca- 

3^  furiein  the  treafure  houfc.  f  For  the  children  of  Ifrae!  and 
the  children  of  Leui  fhil  carie  to  the  treafurie  rhe  firft  frui- 
tes  of  come,  of  wine,  and  of  oyle:  and  the  fai.dl'fied  vt  llcls 
(hal  be  rherr,  and  the  Pruftes,  and  fingipg  men,  and  porters,, 
and  miniftcrs,  and  we  wil  nor  leauc  the  houieof  our  God^ 
Chap.    XI. 

*;»icjo/Wi»,  Cccccc  f 

S^i  Second  booke  Nclicmlas, 

ANd  the  princes  of  the  peopledweltinleraralemrbut    i 
the  reft  of  the  people  calUottes  ,  to  take- one  part  of 
»"oftamru<^-  ^^"  ^^^^  (houUdwel  in  lerufaltmthe  holie  citie  ,  and  nine 
Bctlbyeni-^    partes  in  the  citics.  f  And  the  peopic  blelfed  al  the  men  that    t 
miei  fewe       had  "•:  voluntarily  offered  chem  lelucs  to  dwcl  in  lerufalem. 
vcre  willing -j.  xhefe  thcrfore  aie  the  princes  of  the  prouince  ,  which    3 
•vccnian  \'^.' dwelt  in  lerufalem,  and  in  the  citics  of  luda.  And  tuene  one 
iicntmcaoi    dvK^eJt  in  hl5  poiTelilonjin  thcic  citics, I  frael,  ihe  Prie(les,tlie 
thetribciof  Leuites, the N.ithiacires,  and  thechilJren of  chc(eiuant3  of 
ludaBenia-     S^iloraon.  f  AnJ  in  leiufalem  t!-icrc  d-srelc  of  the  chilJrenof    4 
mipaodlzui  ^^j     ^^^^  ^f  jj^^  children  of  Beniamin:  of  the  children  of 
fclues;of        luda,  Atnaias  the  tonne  of  Azum,  the  lonne  ot  Za^harias, 
other  tribes     the  fonne  of  Amarias,  thefonneof  Saphatias,  the  Tonne  of 
the  tenth  part  Malalcei:  of  the  children  of  Pharcs,f  Maafia  fi;c  ionne  of    f 
b'Yot?^'''^    Baruch,  the  fonne  of  Cbolhoza,  the  Ionne  of  Hazia-,  the 
vhcrby  is^ra  ^o^ne  of  Adaia,  the  fonne  of  loiarib,  the  fonne  of  Zacharias, 
thcreii that'^     the  fonne  of  a  Silonite.f  Al  thcfc  the  childcrcn  of  Pharcs,    (S 
wany  of  the     \rhich  d  ?relc  in  lerufalera,  fourc  hundred  fixtie  eight,  valiant 
tcniictnbcs     tyi^n.  f  And  thefe  are  the  childeren  of  Beniamin  :  Stllum  the    7 
intoChanaan  ^0"""?  o^^^^ol^^fT^j  the  fonne  of  loed,  the  fonne  of  Phadaia, 
thoughchc    'the  fonne  of  Colaia, the  fonne  of  Mafia,  the  fonne  of  Ethe^l, 
holeScrip-     thefonneof  Kaia,  f  and  after  him  GcbbaiijStlJai, nine hun-    8 
ture  doth  not  ^j|^.p^j^^^j^jjgp,-g{^j.^^3j^^jQ^ljj^jj(Q^^g^f2echri  the  outr-    9 
cord  tt^haJbe-^^^''  of  them,  and  ludas  the  fonne  of  Senuafccond  our  rthe 
camcofcheta  citie.  f  And  o' the  Prieftes.Idaia  the  fonne  of  loarib,  lachinv,  10 
asoftheotlier  j-  Saiaia  thcfonne  of  Helcias,  the  fonne  of  Motollam,  the  11 
tcnucmbes,    fonne  of  Sadoc,  the  fonne  of  Meraioth, the  fonne  of  Achitob 
falcmp*^t;rt"i*^'  theprince  of  the  honfe  of  God,  j-  and  their  bretheren  that  iz 
*»edtoche/otc 'iocthe  srorkcs  of  the  temple  ;  eight  hundred  tN^enrie  two. 
otScnuinin,    .And  Adaia  the  fonneoflcroham  ,ihefonneof  Pheiflia,  rhc 
ludawasthe    fonrc  ofAmfi,  the  (onneofZacharias,the  fonne  of  Phelhur, 
andicu"!)'^*^'  ihefunncof  MelchiaSjf  and  his  bretheren  the  princes  of  the  ly 
PnellUe.'        'fathers,*  two  hundred  fourtie  tx*^.  And  Araaflai  the  fonne  of 
S.Bcda.  hb.5.  AzreeJ,  the  fonne  of  Ahazi,  the  fonne  of  Mofolamoth,  the 
cap.ji.mEfdr.  fonneofEratier,t  and  t^ieir  bretheren  txceding  mightic:  an  14 
hunated  tsrentie  eight,  and  their  owerfeerZabdici  fonne  of 
•the  mightic  ones,  t  Andofthe  LtuitesScmeia  rhc  fonne  of  ij" 
Hafub",  the  ionne  of  Azaricam,  the  fonne  of  Hafabia,  the 
ionne  of  Boni,  f  and  Sabathai  and  laz3»be;d,puer  ^Irhc  vror-  i6 
kes,thatwcre  withoiirthe  houfsof  God,ofthepiincesof  rhc 
•JJcaitcs.  -J-'Aiid  Mithania  the  funae of Micha, thefonneof  17 

Nehemias.  of    Esdras»  585 

Zcbc^ei  ,thc  fonneof  Alaph  prince  to  prayfc,  and  to  conUd'c 

in  prayer,  andBtcbecia  Iccond  of  his  breihcrcn,and  i^bda 

the  lonnc  of  Samua,  the  fcnnc  cfGalal,  iheloincof  Idi- 

iS   thum.  I  Al  ibe  Lcuitesin  the  holie  citietMP'O  hundred  figluie 

15?   foure.  t  And  the  porters,  Accub  ,  Telmon .  and  their  bre- 

theren ,  which  kept  the  dorcs:  an  hundred  fcuentie   two. 

io  •}•  And  the  reft  of  Ifracl  the  Prieftcs  and  the  Lcuircs  in  al  the 

11  citicsof Iuda,(uenem3ninhispoflcfiiGn.  f  An^theNaihi- 

neitcs,  that  uAj^clt  io  Ophcl,  and  Siaha,  and  Gafpha  ofiho  , 
21  Nathineitts.  t  And  theoiierfeer  of  theLeuiresin  Itrufaltm, 
Azzi  the  fonne  of  Bani,  the  fonne  of  Hafabia,thf  fonne  of 
Mathania.thefonneofMicha.Ofthechildcren  of  Afaph,  the 
2j  fingingmenin  theminifttrieofthchoufeof  God.  j  Forthe 
kings  commandment  xras  vpon  thtm  , and  an  order amorig 
z^  the  finging  men  dav  by  day.  f  And  Phathahia  the  fcnne  of 
Me(ezebelof  thechildercn  of  Zaraihc  fcnne  of  ludam  the 
hand  of  the  king  ,  according  to  eueric  word  of  the  people^. 
1;  t  and  in  the  houfesrhroogh  al  their  countries.  Of  the  chil- 
dren of  luda  there  dcrelt  inCariatharbe  ,&  in  her  daughters: 
and  in  Dibon.andin  her  daughters, and  in  Cabfecl-and  in  the 
16  villages  thereof,  t  and  in  leMue,  and  in  Molada,andin  Beth-i 
27  phahih,  I  and  in  Haferfud,  and  in  Beriabee,  dc  in  he  daugh- 
28  ters.  f  and  in  Sicclcg,  and  in  Mo chona,ard  in  her  daughter*, 
255ot  andin  Rcmmonj  and  in  Saraa,and  in  lerimuth,-]-  Zanoa, 
Ode  Ham,  and  in  their  tovrnes,Lachi';  and  inher  countries,  A- 
zeca ,  and  in  her  daugh.ers.    And  they  abode  in  Bcrfabee 
31  vntoihevalc  of  Ennom.  f  And  rhe  childcren  of  Bcniamin, 
of  Geba,  Mecmas,  and  Hai,  and  Bcthhel,  and  her  daughter?, 
^t^f  in  Anathorh,  Nob,  Anania,  f    Afor,Ra!na,  Gethaim, 
j4  3ft  Hadid,  Scboim,and  Neballac  ,Lod,-f  and  Ono  the  valley 
36  of  anificers.  f  And  of  the  Leuites  were  portions  of  luda 
and  Bcniamin. 

Chap.  XI I 
The  names  dtid  affces  cfprieflesy  anj Ieuitei,'phlch  camenuth  Zorohalel 
and  lofne  to  leruftlcm  17.  Jeitlf  reat  folirrrtne  (f  tbanlf^ 
T^dtcfjmto  are  op^o^nttdtn  the  nC^  tfaHei.  j^^.  a/td  K.fcra  of  lUiilj 

I       A    N  D  thefe  arc  the  PrieHcs  and  Lenires,  thatcsmerp  P-^'^"*  veirr 

j\  N>:Kh  Z.robr.bcl  the  fonnc  of  Salathiel,  and  lofue:  Sa    b^Ion'andob^ 
X.J  raiajlcrciniis^-Eldras,-]-  Amaria,Mcll«chjHditus.  t  Scbe-  tajniu'g  a  faj 


9^4  Second  booke  Neliemias 

^°'^^^^f''''nias,Rheum,Merimuth,t  AddoGenchon.  Abia.f  Miamin,  4.5. 

lai/iionoi  the  ■.,    j       r,   i         .    f>  •  i  r    •       i     r  i  ,>   u  *  >  ^  )* 

Km.'  biouo-iu  -Madia,  i3elga,t  Semeia,  and  loiarib,  Idaia,  Scllum,  Amoc,     6. 

jnamewitif     Helcias, -j-  Idaia .  Thefe  arc ihe  Princes  of  the  Pneftcs,  and    7 
him  iiuo  their  bretheren in  the  daics  of  loCucf-M oreouer  the  Lt  uites,    8 

Icruialem.       lelua,  Bennui,  Cedmihel,Sarcbia  ,  luda,  Mathanias,oucrthe    9 
i.iyai/.;,  |jyjj^„g5f}^gy  ^  their  bi-etheren-.f  And  Becbecia,and  Hannia  10 

^  and  tiicir  bretheren  eucrie  one  in  his  oftice.  t  And-Iofuebe- 

roeieonnc'a  '  g^^^^o^cim,  and  loaciin  begitc  Eilai^b  ,  and  Eliafib  begate 
Viieitatioia     loiada,  f  and  loiada  bcgatc  lonathin  ,  and  lonathan  begate    n 
loiuc  10  led-  kddoa.  {•   Andin  the  dales  of  loacira  the  Prieftes  and  Piin-   u 
ttoAotiicxwilc  cesofthefamihes\rere.OfSaraia,Maraiu:Oneremias,Hana- 
«*A2cuUddus.  nia;t  OfEfdras,  Mofellamrandof  Amaria,  lohanan:  f  Of.514 
Milicho,Ionathan.otSebenia,Iofeph:|  OtHaram,Edna.  Of  15 
MaraiothjHelci:  t  OFAdaia,Zacharia:Of  GtnthonjMofol-   i^ 
lam,  I  Of  Abia,Zechri:Of  Miamin  ar.d  Moadia,Phelfi:  f  Of  i;  iS 
Bclga,Samniu3:ofSemaia,lonath3n:|Of  loiarib.Maihanai;  1920 
oflodaia,  Azzi:t  Of  Sellai ,  Sellai:  Of  Amoc,Heber:  f  Of  zi 
Helcias,  Halebia;  Of  Id  lia,  Nathanael.  |  Tbc  Leuitcsin  the  zz. 
^aicsof  Ehafib,  andloaiada,  and  lohanan,  and  leddoa,  writ- 
ten Princes  of  the  families ,  and  the  Pritftesin  the  rcigneof 
Darius  the  Pcrfian.  f   The  children  of  Leui ,  Princes  of  th€- 25 
families,  written  in  the  booke  of  Croniclcs  of  daies,  and 
,vnto  thedaies  oflonathan  thcfonne  oiEilafib  .f  And  the  24 
Princes  of  the  LeuireSjHafebiajSerebia,  and  lofuc  the  fonne 
of  Ccdmihel:&  their  bretheren  by  thcircourfes,ropraifeand 
confeiFc  according  to  the  precept  ofDauid.  ciie  man  of  God, 
.and  to  waite  equally  in  order,  t  Mart  ania,  and  Becbecia>0-  2^ 
.bedia,  andMorollam,Tclmion,  Accub,  keepcrsof  thegares 
.and  of  the  entrances  before  the  gates,  f  Thefe  wcrein  the  iS 
•daiesof  loacim  the  fonne  of  lofue  ,  the  Tonne  lofedec  ,  and 
in  thedaies  ofNehemias  the  duke,  andof  EfdrasrhcPrieft, 
and  Scribe,  f  Andin  chc  dcdicau  )n  of  the  v^al  of  lerufalcm  27 
they  fought  Leuites  out  of  al  orhct  places, to  bring  them  into 
!Ieru<alem,  andtomakethc  dedicadon  andioyin  geuingof 
tbankes,  and  Tongue,  and  in  cimbales,pfalteri£S  and  harpes. 
t  And  the  children  of  the  (inging  men -verc  gathered  roge-  28 
thcrour  of  the  champaine  about  Icrufalem,  and  out  of  ihe 
tovrncs  Ncihuphni,  t   and  from  the  houfe  of- Ga'gal,  and    29 
ffom  the  countiics  of  Gcba  and.  Azmaueth:    bccaufe  the 
finging  men  did  build  them  fclues  villages  round  abouf  leru- 
kieii).  t  And  the  Pricftes  a,u4.L-uii:c?  \rcre  cleanfcd ,  and  ja 


Nehemias.^  o  f  E  s  d  r  a 5^  stf 

ji  they  clcanfcd  the  people ,  and  the  gates,  and  the  \rall.  f  And 
I  made  the  Princes  of  luda  ,  goe  vp  vpon  the  xral ,  and  I  fettc 
tvo  great  quyers  of  them  that  (bould  praife.  And  they  vent 
on  the  right  hand  vpon  the  \ralto  the  gate  of  the  dunghil. 

$t  t  And  after  them  Nrent  Ofaias, and  the  halfc  part  of  the  prin- 

55   ces  of  luda,  -{•  and  Azarias,  Efdras,and  Mofollam,  ludas, and 

54  Bciamin,  andSemcia,andIeremia$.  f  And  of  thechildereti 
ofthe  Pricftcs  with  trumpeteSjZachariasthefonne  of  lona- 
than,  thefonneof  Semeia,thefonneofNathania,  the  fonno 

5;  of  michaia,  the  (onne  Zechur,  the  fonnc  Afaph,  f  and  his 
brethercn  Semcia,  and  Azareel,  Malalai,  Galalai,  Maai,  Na- 
thanael,and  ludas,  and  Hanani,\riththeinflrumenresof  the 
fongc  of  Dauid  the  man  of  God:  andEfdras  the  fcribe  be- 

j6  fore  them  in  the  gate  of  the  founrayne.  f  And  againft  them 
there  \rent  vp  in  the  (layers  of  the  citie  of  Dauid,  in  the 
rifingof  the  valabouc  the  houfeof  Dauid,and  vnto  the  gate 

57  ofwatcrs  toward  the  Haft,  f  And  the  fecond  quyerofthan- 
kes  geuers  went  on  the  contrarie  fide,  and  I  after  it,  and  the 
halfe  part  of  the  people  vpon  the  wal,  and  aboue  the  tower  of 

38  the  fornaces,  &  vnto  the  brodeft  wal,  f  and  aboue  the  gate  of 
Ephraim,and  aboue  the  old  gate,and  aboue  the  gate  of  fiQies 
and  the  towre  of  Hanancel,  aud  the  towrc  of  Emath.and 
vnto  the  gate  of  the  flocke- and  they  flood  in  the  gate  of  the 

59  watch, t  and  there  flood  two  quyers  of  them  thatprayfed  in 
the  houfc  of  God,and  I.andthehalfepartof  themagiftrates 

40  with  me.  |  And  the  Prieftes,  Eliachim,  Maafia,  Miamin,  Mi- 

41  chea,Elioenai,Zacharia,Hanania  with  trumpettes,  f  &  Maa- 
fia,and  Semeia,and  Eleazar,and  Azzi,and  Iohanan,and  Mel- 
chia,and  Aelam,and  Ezer.  And  the  Tinging  men  fangalowd, 

41  and  lezraiatheouerfeer  .•  |  and  they  immolated  in  that  day 
great vidimes,  and  reioyccd:  for  God  badmadc  them  ioyful 
with  great  ioy:  yea  their  wiaesalfo  and  childcrenreioyced, 

45  and  the  ioy  of  Icrufalem  was  heard  far  of.  -j-  They  numbered 
alfo  in  that  day,  men  oucr  the  (lorehoufes  of  the  treafure,  for 
the  libaraentes,  and  for  the  firft  fruires,and  for  the  tythes, 
that  the  princes  of  the  citie  might  bring  in  by  therain  the 
honour  of  fh.inkesgiuing,  Prieftes  and  Leuites :  bccaufe  luda 
was  made  ioyful,m  the  Pneftes  (5«:  Leuites  (landing  by.f  And 

44  they  kept  the  watch  of  their  God,  and  the  obferuance  of 
expiation,  and  the  fmging  men, and  the  porters,  according  to 

45  the  precept  of  Dauid,  and  of  Salomon  his  fonne,  t  bccaufe  in 

Dddddd  the 

9t^  S  E  c  o  K  D  B  o  o  K  E  Nef.emias. 

:j  As  others  the  daies  ofDauidjand  Afaph  from  the  beginning  there  ^cre 
gauetithes  to  princes  appovnred  ofthe  finoint'  men  in  fono  pi-ayfina,  and 
tht)'  gauGto  .  conieilingro  God.f  Andal  Ilraeljin  the  daicsof  Zurobabcl,  41^ 
Piicltcs.  ?e«w.andi;iche  .d?-issaF  Nehemias  gauc  portions  tothe  finging 
18.  ?.zi.i8.  men  »  and  to  the  porters  day  by  dsy  ,  and  they"  fandlified  th^ 
iLcuices,,and  the  Leuitesianclified  the  children  of  Aaron. 

Ct.iap.    XIII. 
The  la  w  is  read,  5.  Jlr^^gc  "^emen  are  di(mtljed.  5.  FxhUss  in  diftrihution  of 
the  trcapc^car^  am^adedjio.and ditt poriionifett.n  to  the  Leiuirs.-i^.Brei" 
^Ti  of  theS^hhith  Arecarre^U  s  ly  and  thoje  which  maried  nemem  of 
Jirange  nAtions.     - 
The  third  part 

Iultef'°"°'^   A    ^^  '^^  tbatdav  there  ^crasrcid  in  the  volume  of  Moy-    i 
./jc  fes  the  people  hearing  it:  and  there  "w-as  found  writ- 
ten in  itjChattheAnimonites  and  theMoabires  Qiouid  itot  en»  -Df^f.ij. 
terintothcChiirch  of  God  for  cuerrf  for  that  they  mette  nor    1 
.the  children  ot-Ifracl  with  breiid and  ^ater.-  and  they  byred  - 
againtl  them  Balaam  ,  r.o  curCe  them:  and  our;(5odcurn6d  ?be          "^ifm.ii. 
curfingintoblellmg.  I  Andic.came  to  patle,  when  they  ha4    5 
heard  the  law »  they  feperated  enerie  ftr^nger  fcora  liiaci.  i   T; 
f  And  oacr  this  thing  was  Eliafi!:)  t,he.  Pi  leil:,  who  had  b.«ie    4 
Jtnadeoueffeeri-n  the  treafarie  .ofrhe,h9arc  of  our  God,  'anjd 
-...-,.    ^eere  akinneto^^Tobias.  t  He-therfore' made  to  hiinfftlfe^   c 
'K'asanAmmog''eat  treaftirie,  and  they  were  there  before  htm  la^:ing  vp  . - 
nite&aper-     gifccs, and  Frankincerie, and  ve{]elcs,and  rhc  tythe  of  c^rne, 
fecutcr.c.t+to  of  vs'ine,  and  of  oyle,  theportionsof  the  Leuites,  and  of  the 
whomEhaflb  fj^ginj,  men,  a-nd  of  the  porters,  a.nd  the  firft  fruires  of  the    ;. 
(byr^atonof  Pfieftcs..  f  But  in  al  chefechings  1  wa<;  npt  m  leruUWm,  be-  4 
vnlawfulma-  caufeinche  two  and  thirtethi  yeare  of  Artaxerxes  the  king 
riagcs)ioynedQf  gabyloni  caine  to  the  king,  and  in  the  end  of  certainc    ► 
felowjfhipc      aayes  I  dcfired  the  king,  f  And  I  came  to  lerufalem,  and  I  7 
wickedTucre  ^ndcrftood  the  euil,  that  Eliafib  had  done  to  Tobia?,  to  make 
whichther-     him  a  treafure  in  the  entrances  of  the  houfe  of  God.  f  Andit  8» 
foreNche-     fcmcd  to  me  excedingeuil.  And  1  threw  forth  the  vcflcls  of 
""^^scorrc-      thehoufeof  Tobiasoutof  the  treafurie:  t  and  Icomman-  5> 
HnathedF"  ^^^  and  they  clenfed  the  trciifurie:  and  I  brought  thither 
oarsauionrs   againe  the  veflelsof  thehoufe  of  God,  the  facrifice,  and  the 
■zele,  who       f;ra!lkincen(e.  f  And  I  knew  that  the  portion  ofthe  Leuites  10 
^'"^'iTl!'^^"     had  not  ben?  geuen.-  and  that  euerie  man  was  fled  into  his 
^^"^Ijg^^^pl^^countric  of  the  Leuites,  and  the  Tinging  men,  and  of  them 
&iat,  ii.  And    that  raiaiftred:  f  and  I  pleaded  the  matcex'  s^ainft  the  njagi-  i|^ 

b'.u-.^a  '^     ftr'atcs. 

Kcliemias.  of  EsdrasI  987 

ftrateSjflndfaid!  "Why  baucwe  foiiaken  the  hcufcof  God?  ttcfc  perfccu- 
And  I  allemblcd  thcni,and  I  made  them  to  fland  in  their  ftan»  '^"j'^*'^,"" 

11   dmgs.  t  And  al  luda caned  the  tythe  of  the  cornCjVP'ine,  and  inthcuwor- 

J3  oyle  into  the  ftore  houles.f  And  we  appoynttd  oucr  the  ftorc-  dcs  aod  actcs, 

houfes  Selcmias  Prieft,  and  Sadocicribe  ,  and  Phadaia  of  the  a*  vcuciablc 

Leuitcs,  and  next  to  then,  Hananthe  (onne  ofZachur,  the  ^^gj^j*  "^°^'*' 

fonneof  Mathania;  becaufethey  wereapproued  faithful, and  w,^.f.iQ, 

14  to  thera -vrere  committed  the  portions  of  tbebretheren.tRe* 
membct  me  my  God  for  this  thing, and  \»  ipt-  notour  my  mer- 
cies,  which  Ihauedonein  the  hou(e  of  my  God,  and  in  his  "'^ 

IJ      ceremonies,  f  In  tho(e  daies  I  (aw  them  in  luda  treading  the  "  "' 

preir.s  on  the  Sabbath,  catying  heapes ,  and  loding  vpon 
alT'cs  wine  ,  and  gr.ipcs,  and  figgcs  ,  and  al  maner  of  burthen, 
and  biingmgit  into  fcrulaitm  en  rlic  Sabbath  day.  Andl 
charged  them,  that  ti  cy  t'hculd  fej  on  a  day  that  it  was  law/ul 

16  to  It  I  in.  t  And  the  Tynnns  dwelt  in  if ,  bringing  fifhcs,and 

al  ihingcs  to  fel :  and  rhty  tofd  on  the  Su'bbathesro  the  chil-        •     ' 

17  drenof  luda  in  lerubl-m.  f  /\nd  1  rt  biiked  tht  P.inccsdf 
luda, and  laid  to  them;  What  i$  this  euil  thing  ^that  you  doe,  ' 

18  and  prophane  the  day  of  the  Sabbatl  ?  f  '^hy  did  not  our 
fathtrs  thcfe  thinges ,  a/idoutGod  brought  vponvsal  this 
cu/I ,  and  vpon  tHiscitit? 'And  ycu  adde  wrath  vpon  Ifrael 

l<)  in  violating  the  Sabbath. -f  And  it  camctopafle  ,  when  the 
garcs  of  Icrufalem  had  rtittd  on  the  Sabbath  day,  I  fpaker 
andthey  (hut  the  gates  ,  and  I  commanded  them  tnat  they 
fhould  not  open  them  til  aftf  r  the  Sabbath  :  and  of  my  fer- 
uantcs  lappoynted  oucr  thega-tes,  that  none  Chouldbiing 

to  in  burdensin  theSabbjth  day.  f  Andthe  merchantes,  and 
they  that  fold  al  merchandife,  taried  without  lerulalem  once 

II  andaga'.ne.  f  And  I  charged  them  ,  and  I  (aid  to  them:  "^hy 
tarieyou  ouer  againft  the  wal  ?  ifyou  ibal  doe  (o  thelccond 
time,  I  wil  lay  my  hand  vpon  you  .  Therfore  from  that  time 

21  they  came  not  on  the  Sabbath,  f  I  fpakc  alfo  to  the  Leuites 
ttiac  they  fbouM  be  clcanled  ,  andfhould  come  tokeepethe 
gates,  and  to  fandilie  the  day  of  the  Sabbath:  therfore  for 
this  alfo  remember  me  my  God,  6c  fpare  me  accordir  g  to  the 

15  multitude  of  thy  mercies. -f  Burin  thofedaies  al(o  I  law  the 
lewcs  marying  wiucs  wemen  of  Azotus  ,  and  of  Ammon, 

24  and  of  Moab- j- And  their  children  fpakc,  the  halfe  part  the 

Azotian  tongue,  and  they  could  norfpcakcthc  lewcs  lan- 

guage,and  they  fpakc  according  to  the  language  of  thepcople 

Ddddddi  and 

$%$         Second  BooKE  of  Esdras.  NeKcmlas. 

and  people. -f  And  I  rebuked  thera,  and  curfcd  them.  And  1   ij 
bcate  of  ihem  fome  men  ,  and  shaued  them  bald,  and  adiured 
them  by  God,  that  they  should  notgcuc  their  daughters  to 
their  fonnes,  nor  take  their  daughters  for  their  fonnes,&  for 
themfelues,  faying:  -j-  Did  not  Salomon  theking  of  Ifrael  iC 
iinne  in  this  kind  of  thing?  and  furely  in  manie  narions,thcrc 
xrzs  not  aking  Uke  to  him,  &  he  vas  bcloucd  of  his  God.and 
God  fctte  him  king  ouerallfraclhimrherforealfo  foren  wc- 
nienbroughttofinac.t  And  flialxrealfo  being  difobedient  27 
perfons  doe  al  this  great  euil,  totranrgreffe  agamft  our  God, 
and  to  marie  forcn  vremen?  t  AndSanabaliat  theHoronicc  28 
xrasfonneinlawtooneofthefonnesofloiada.  the  fonncof 
rAtttft«wn     Eiiafib  thehighPricftjVfhomldrauefromrae.  t  Kemember  j^ 
tbachath  mc-  o  Lord  my  God  agamd  them,  that  pollute  the  Priefthood.  and 
vork^^  K°^  the  right  ofPrieftes  and  Leuiccs.  tTherforel  fepararcd  from  jo 
uravvirh*'^    ihemal  ftrangcrs,  and  lappoynted  thecourfesof  the  Privftcs 
great  eon(i-     andLeuites,  eaeriemanin  his  miniderie  :  f  and  in  r  >e  ob<  \% 
icnfcfotrc-    lation  of  xroodeattimes  appoyntcd,  and  in  chefifftftuitcs: 
ward.  ^  Remember  mc  my  God  vnto  good*  Amen. 



MANASSES,   foloi^  dfier  $be 



Concerning  the  0/  TOBIAS,  IVDITH,   WISDOM^, 

pROTESTANTis  and  other  Sc<aarici  of  this  timcdcnicthefcbookcj  to 
bcdiulncicripturc,  hccaufethcyarcnotinthclcwcs  Canon, nor^'crcac- 
ccpted  for  canonical  in  the  primitiae  Church.  But  in  decdc  the  chiefc  caufcis,  Hcretike '  <?* 
for  that  fomc  thingcs  in  thefc  bookes,arcromanifeft  againft  their  opinioni,  nic  fomefcrip 
lih^,  that  they  hauc  no  other  anfwcre,  buttorciea  their  authoritie     An  olifhift  tures  bccau{{ 
l^rM     ^^^^^^"V^'^^^'ibyS    Auguftin  touching,  theBookeofVVifdotpe,  which  thev  couincc 
vZT:    ^°"'^"^r''^'P'"''''^'"&'^'^?''*'""°'"'*°°'"''^"""'^«^ebecaufcitcon.  their  errors 
iancr.c.  umced  their  errors'    For  otherwile  vhofcethnot,  that  the  Canoa  of  the 

«4-  ChurchofChriai5ofmoreauthorirywithaltrucChnftiani,thcnihe  Canon  -ru    /^u       . 

GfthcIcwesJAndthatthrChurchofChriftBumbreththefe  Bookes  amorsfV    ^'^^^^^ 
others  of  diuine  and  ir.falhblea«thoruie,iseuidentbyrhetcftimonicanddili-   ""^"ofmorc 
rition,  not  only   of  larcr  eeneral  Councels  i  of  Trent,  Se/T.  4.  and  Florence  *"^y°"^y  ^^^ 
Inftrttnune^nnenytfw,  of  Pope  Innocentius,  E/'/yj4<^£A:«;>^r;ww,and  Gclafiuf    thelcvcs. 
Decetodchbr.i/ur.K  butalfo  the  CouncclofCarthagc  ^».  De»».  4i«?.  S.  Auga- 
ftin /»6  I  Poil.ChnJl  f^/'.k.Ifidotus/;t.  <;.Frjm«/.c4^.  I. Ca/ridorus//t.i,  Di- 
uin^Tum  Leaionum.K^ihiuai,  hb.  t  ie  Injlnutiont  cUric^ritm ,  and  others  tefVific 
thcfamc,aswcflijlfurthcrncte  feuerally  ofeueriebookc,  in  their  particular 
place*. And  for  fotnucbas  our  aduerfancs  acknowtege  thefeBookcs  to  be 
Holie.andworthietobercadinthc  Church,  butnotfufficicni  to  prone, and 
confir  mc  poinrcs  of  fai  thrtbc  ftudioui  reader  may  confider  that  the  Councel  of 
Carthage  callcth  them  CaHonical,  and  Dtuint,  which  (hcwcth  that  they  arc  of 
infallible  authoritie.  ForaCanonisan  alTurcd  rulcand  warrant  of dire£lion, 
whercby(raythS   Auguftin  lib.  11.  contra  FauAum.  cap.  y.  ct  lib.  1.  contra  Acanonisaft 
Crefconium.  cap.  ji  )  the  infirmiticofourdefcain  knowlcgeis guided,  and  infallible  rule 
by  which  rule  other  bookesarelikewifc  knowne  tobe  God«  word.  His  rea-  ofdireaion. 
lonis.becaurewchauenootherafrurancethatthebookfjofMojfcs.thefoure  -,     ^   ^    ,. 
Gofpels,  and  other  bookes  are  the  true  word  of  God,  but  by  the  Canon  cfthc  /  °^  Gofpcl  ts 
Church.VVhercTponthcfsmegreatDodior  vttcred  that  famous  faying  .-that     u°Jl"^  ^l   -' 
heyyoulin^thelei^ethtoofpel^txtfft theMtUritUtftht Catholiqut Chufch moutihtm   ^^'^  <-0»rch. 
thtm/nto.  contra.  Efxft.  $. 

True  it  isthat  fome  Catholique  Docftori  doubted  v-hethcr  thefe  bookc* 

to,  r.      ''"^p"?"'">  °"»/'.  beca«fctbe  Charch  had  nor  then  declared  tJiat  they  Bookefdonb- 

•  .  vere;butfincethe  Ch.rchesdec  ar.tionno  Cathohsuedoubteth.  SoS.  lerori   ted  of  before 
Z.r      \fl^^'^^'''^^^--\^-^^^^^^^^  canon.   theChurchel 

•  brlw  J  rb   rr   fc^/''  ^"V"'.'^  utobe.bkcwifethe  Ep.ftietothe  He-   definition  arc 
brewe$,theEp.ftIeofS  lames,  the  fecond  of  S  Peter,  the  fecond  and  third  of  notdoubtfol 
S.Iohn  Sludes  £piftle,and  th«  Apocalyp,  wcrefometim.s  doobtedof,  yet  after 

,^     •  •,  V^yX.^","'^'^",  declared  to  be  Canonical.  And  moft  Proteflantes  ,  namely 

.JVl  ^'"B''')?^'^"''"'^''"™^'' «'^<^=«flu'<;<i^ordofGod,  though  they  werenotal- 

,^Hjiub.  vaiesfo  reputed  byal,  but  as  J.  Jerome  afnrmcth  of  S.  lames  Epiftlc,P4«U»« 

-^erbo.  temf,eTtfr,udent,mtruit*mh9ma$,m.   By  litlc  and  litlcin  proccfle  oftimcmc- 

f.  Vddddd  3 



^  t  fi-  ir%  ES I D  E  S  the  tefiimenies  ofCouncels  and  Fathers  before  mentioned,  S* 
nlcs  chatthis  1^  Cy(>rian,  de  Oratione  Dominica  allei^ine  this  booke  {cap.  u.  )fAith: 
Bookeiscano  Diuine  Scripture  inftrudethvs,  char  prayer  is  good  with  falling 
^cal.  and  almes.  5.  ^mbroje(U.  de  Tebia,  e,  i. )  callrtb  tbts  books  by  the  common 

name  of  Scripture,  faying:  he  vril  briefly  gather  the  vertues  of  Tobie, 
vhicW  the  Scripture  in  hiftorical   raaner  layerh  torrh  at  large. 
prheri  he  aljo  caUetb  this  hifiorie  Propbetiejl ,  and  Tubie  a  Prophet .  Jind 
III?. :;.  ojfic.  Clip.  14.  allea^i'tb  this  booke  44  h.  dotb  other  hoUe  Sc  iptures ,  to 
protte  tbxt  the  yertuts  ofGoh  (eruants  farre  ixal  the  Moral  PhUojophen. 
S.C  )ryfo/}ombo.{^.  ad  He'c?  alifA^ttb  rob(M,as  Sirtptur  deniuncw^curf,  to  '""'*/'•  *jf 
contemners.  S-    At'Tuftin  m*de  AfpeiiAi  fermnn  of  Tobt^^^  as  he  dtdot  Job, 
Jfihich istleit6.  (ermonde  tempore  s.  (7r,;^or/f  parte  5.  pillor.  cata: 
adiTlon.  II. alleA^eth  It  as  holte  Uriptwe.  ^nd  ^ene  able  Bfdj   xp'Undetb  Tenia  ^^ 
It\ras  written  tb  is '^  hole  books  my  fiscally  y4S  htdatb  other  holy  .^cn^tures  S.Ierom  tr^njla'  ^"»  i- 
inChaldcc.      ^^^-^  ^^^  ^^^^  CbtldeeUn^iwr»,wh  r  m  it  iva^  rvr/»f«,iud^iag  it  more  ^^^^'  ^^ 
mere  todifplcafe  the  Phanlaical  lewes,  xpho  reud  it,   ihn  not  to 
fAti^e  the  tfid  of  holie  BuhopSy  'Urging  ta  h^Me  it.  Eptfi.  ad  Chromat.  CT* 
Heliodorum.  to.  3. 

The  author  is  '\nctrtdine'.  but  S.  ^thandfms  {inSjnopft)  reporteth  the 
ThecStCBtcs.  (Qffiffff^^  jt  lar^e.  ^nd  S.  ^i*^t*l}in(li.  ^i4e/}.  ex  V  rojur  tcflamento  ^.  119.) 
delmereth  both  the  contentes,  and  canfe  of  Anting  it,  bnfy  thus.  The  ier- 
uant  of  God,  hoUe  Tobias  is  geuen  to  vs  after  the  la>^,  for  an  ex- 
ample, that  we  might  know  how  to  pradlifc  the  rhingcs,  which 
xre  reade.  And  if  tentations  come  vpan  vs^  not  to  depart  from  the 
.      .  feareof  God,nor  expedt  helpe  from  anic  other  then  from  him. 
Dim  c   into    j^yy^^yljgJlm^ded  into  thre- partes. she  firdfoHrechipeers  shew  the  hohe  and 
(incere  muner  of  life  of  old  Tobias,  the  eight  folowing  nUte  the  iornejy  and 
af tyres  of  yong  Tobias^  accompained  and  direfhed  by  the  ^ngel  I^phael.  In  ■ 
the  two  Ul}  chaptersttbey  pratji  G9d,^»d  sld  Tobias  ^rophecieih  better ^Ate 



99 1 


Chap.  I. 
Tohiai  of  the trihecf  NtphthdiiUeiifrcommumcAtith in  ler6hamsfcifrKe.<^.  xhisbookc  is 
ttacbethhii  fonnc to  jeare  Co(l^andfl(€ ftnne.  ii.  Btffio-in  captntitiecateth  read  atMac- 
not  fcrliclden mtstcs-,  ai  othm  do.x^.  ^mov^j}  otlar  Worl^es  t/ mtrcit , he  tins  the  third 
lendethtennetdiritei  offduerto  Cuiilm.ii.Ii  ^erfccut(d  afid [pojled.i^.  "^^^-^^^^^E^ 
short  J  the  king  heifi^Jlaffje,  he  retoutreth  lii>ertie  and  I.  hgoodei, 

I  'T^  O  B  I  A  s  ofthe  rtibe,  and  cirie  of  Ncpthali  (  which  is  in  J^^f '■'!,^f  ^ 

A    thevpperpautes  of  Galilee  aboue  Naailbn,  beyond  the  ijcnunetof 

\ray,  that  Jcadcth  to  the  wcaft,  hauingon  the  right  hand  the  luc.  '^ 

z     citie  Scphcu)  j-  when  he"^yas  captiuc  in  thcdaicsof  Salmana- 

fai  the  king  of  the  Aflyrians  ,  yet  beingin  captiuitie,he  foc- 

5     fookenot  the  \»ay  of  cruth,  f  fo  that  he  impattcd  al  things 

that  he  cou)  J  makcj  dajly  co  his  brethren  captiues  with.him, 

4    which  were  of  his  kinred.-j*  And  whereas  he  was  yonger  then 

alche  tribeof  N;phcaali,yetdidhe  no  childilh  thing  in  his 

y    woike  I  Finiily  when  ;;  al  went  to  the  golden  callus, which  r.-NotabfoIus- 

\  .  .     leroboaraihe  king  of  Ifracl  haJ  made,  he  alone  fled  the  com-  lyaljbuc  very 

^ji^>    paniesof-il,  j-  and  went  into  lerufalem  to  the  temple  of  our '"-*""-*•  ^^.'^ 

,.    ,    Lord, andrhere adored  our  Lord  God  of  l(taei,  oi'^ferin?  faith'  ,\Zl!^^,\^^  j 
~  c  V       \  \  ■    c   n   '      ■  fi-       •!  "  II  laiTie  triDc  and 

7  fully  al  his  hrlt  iruires,  and  his  tithes  ,  f  lo  that  in  the  third  kmrcdaidaUo 

ycarc  he  miniftred  al  the  tithing  to  the  profelytcs  ,and  (Iran-  fcarc  God.f,i> 

8  gers.  t  Thefc  tlvinges  and  the  like  to  thtle  didhcobferuc  '^'.^\ 

9  being  a  chiide  according  to  the  law  of  God.  •\  But  when  he 
was  a  man,  he  tooke  to  wife  Annaof  his  owne  tribe,  and  he 

10  begat  afonneof  her,  geuing  him  his  owne  name,  f  whom 
from  hisinfancie  he  taught  to  fcare  God,  and  to  abftaync 

II  from  al  finne.  j"  Therfore  when  by  the  capriuitie  he  was 
come  with  his  wife  and  fonne  into  the  citie  of  Niniue,  with 

iz  al  his  tribe,  (  fwhenal  did  cate  of  the  meares  of  the  Gentiles) 
he  kept  his  foule,  and  neuer  was  contaminated  in  their  mea- 

13  tcs.f  And  becaufe  he  was  mindf'il  of  our  Lord  in  al  his  harr, 

God  gaue  him  grace  in  the  fight  of  Salmanafar  the  kin^?,  ''\ 

14  t  and  he  gaue  him  leaue  to  gae  whitherfoeuer  he  would, 
ij   hauinghbertie  to  doe  whatthinges  focucr  he  would,  f  He 

therfore  went  to  al  that  were  in  the  capciuitie,  and  gaue  them 

16  holcfome  admonitions,  f  And   when   he  was  come  into 
Ra;;cs  a  cirie  of  the  Medcs,  and  had  ten  talcntcs  of  filuer  of 

17  thefc,  ^hci with  he  h^dbecne  honoured  of  the  king:  f  and 


$9i  *  The  BOO  KB 

xrhcn  in  !&  great  multitude  of  his  kinrcd,he  faw  Gabclus  ftan  J 
in  ncdc,  xrho  was  of  his  tribe,  vndcr  a  bil  of  his  hand  hcgauc 
himchcfayd  vcightofiilucr.  f  But  after  much  time,  Salma*  if 
nafar  the  king  being  dead ,  vhcn  Sennacherib  his  (onnc 
reigned  for  him,  and  eftcraed  the  children  of  Ifrael  odious  in 
his  fight:  t  Tobias  dayly  went  through  al  his  kinred,  and  19 
conforted  them,  and  diuidcd  to  euerie  one,  as  he  was  able, 
of  his  goods;  f  thchungrichc  nouriibcd,and  to  the  naked  10 
he  gauc  clothes,  and  the  dead,  and  them  that  wcreflayne,hc 
burycd  carefully,  t  Finally  when  king  Sennacherib  was  re-  ix 
turned  Heing  from  lewric  the  (haughter,  that  God  had  made 
about  him  for  his  blafphemic  ,  and  being  angrie  fle  we  manic 
ofthc  children  of  Ifrael,  Tobias  burycd  their  bodies,  f  But  it 
whenit  was  told  the  king ,  he  commanded  him  to  be  flayne, 
and  tookcal  his  fubftanccf  ButTobias  flcing  with  hisfonnc  ij 
and  with  his  wife,  nakedly  lay  hid  ,  becaufe  manic  loued 
him.  t  Butaftcrfourtiefiuedayes  the  king  was  flayne  of  his  14 
ownefonnes,  -f  and  Tobias  returned  into  his  houIe,and  al  15 
his  fubftancc  was  teftorcd  to  him. 

Chap.    ir. 
TohUs  to  harie  4n  ifraelite  that  is  (latne  in  theflreetty  teaueih  bli  dimer  dnd 
^bejltsAO.  Is  made  blind  by  Gods  fermisfton ,  for  rnxnifefatton  of  bis 
patience.  19.  His  "^ifegetteth her  Umngbj  jvorke»  ii»  ^d  Jorafcru^H' 
Uhs  y^ord  i  reprochetb  his  fncerttse. 


V  T  after  thcfe  thingcs,when  there  was  a  felliual  day  of  i 
our  Lord,  and  a  good  dinner  was  made  in  Tobias  houfc, 
•j-  he  fayd  to  his  fonne:Goe,and  bring  foroe  of  our  tribe,   a 
?.AI  the  people  "rhatfeareGod,tomakemeriewith  vs.  f  And  when  he  had   3 
**^k^*?4"^      gone,  returning  he  toldc  him^  that  one  of  the  children  of 
ftruVlcrobol  ^^^^^^  '^^  ^^/"^  ^"  ^^^  ^"^^^-  ^"^  ^^  forthwith  leaping  vp 
ams  golden      from  his  place  at  rhe  table,  leaning  his  dinner,  came  fading  to 
ealucs,  but       thebodie:  f  and  takingit  vpcarieditto  his  houfc  fecrerdy,  4 
{oTAcftartiGoi  fhat  when  the  funne  should  be  downe,  he  might  warcly  burie 
f  "frfiT''  hira.tAndwhehehadhidthebodie,hceatcbrcadwithmour-  f 
frlmtliLPrtf* .  "^"g  ^"^  trebling  ,  t  remembring  that  word,whi:h  our  Lord    6 
j.ttlcaftfiom  fayd  by  Amos  the  Prophet  :  Your  feftiualdayesshal  be  tur- 
UoUtric         ncd  into  lamentation  and  mourning,  f  But  when  the  funne  7 
was  downe,  he  went,  and  buried  hiiD.  f  And  al  his  neigh-  8 
Dours  rcDUKed  him,  laymg:  Euen  now  thou  waft  commanded 
;o  be  flayne  becauie  of  this  matter ,  and  thou  dideft  fcarcc 


OF  Tobias.  9<>5 

cfcapc  the  commandment  of  death, and  "docft  thou  burie  the  ••'  Truezclcls 

9  dead  agayne?  t  But  Tobias  more  fearing  God,  then  the  king,  ^^^J^'^^^^^^ 
inhatttookcthe  bodies  of  them  that  \rere  flayne,  and  hid  ofmctcieby 

10  them  in  his  houfc,  and  at  midnight  buried  them,  f  And  it  fcare  of  death." 
happened  that  on  acertayne  day,  being  wearied  vith  bury-  hecaufe pcrfea 
ing,  coming  into  his  houfc  he  had  cafthirafcif  downeby  the  ^I^^^J^^"^^^^^^ 

11  val,andflept,f  andashcwas  fleeping,hotedungout  ofthe  J^^/^^""  * 
fwallowes  neft  fel  vpon  his  eyes,  and  he  vas  made  bhnde.  . 

II  t  And  this  tentationtherfore  our  Lord  permitted  to  chance 
vnto  him,  that  an  example  might  be  geuen  to  pofteritie  of  his 

15  patience,  alfo  of  hoHc  lob.  f  For  whereas  he  feared  God  al- 
waies  from  his  infancie,  and  kept  his  commandmentes,  he 
grudged  not  agaynft  God  for  that  the  plague  of  blindnes  had 

14  chanced  to  him,  |  but  continewedimmoueable  in  the  fcare 
ij  ofGod,geuing  thankestoGodal  thedayesof  hislife.  "j-  For 

as  the  kmgesinfulced  againft  blelFed  lob:  (o  his  ••  parentes  ::Bothcldcr 

16  and  cofins  derided  his  life,  faying,  f  Where  is  thy  hope,  for  andyongcr 

17  the  which  thou  didcftbeftowealmcs  and  burials?  f  But  To-  forte  ot  his 

18  bias  rebuked  them,  faying :  Speake  not  fo  :  f  becaufewearc  V^u-      "" 
the  children  of  holie  ones,  and  looke  for  that  life.which  God  \^\^  proper  pa- 
wilgeue  to  them,  that  neuer  change  their  faith  from  him.  rcntes.forhe^ 

15)  t  But  Anna  his  wife  went  dayly  to  weauing  worke,and  she  wasdepriucd 
brought  the  gaines  of  her  handie  labour,  which  {he  could  off*J^berand 
10  get.  t  whereby  it  came  to  pafle,  that  she  receiuing  a  kid  h^e°was  a  child* 
21   of  goates  had  brought  it  home:  |  the  voice  whereof  blea-  asiifemcth. 
ting  when  her  hufband  had  heard,  he  fayd  :  Take  heed,  left  «.i.t.4. 
perhapsit  be  ftollen,rcftoreyeitto  hisowners,  becaufeit  is 
not  lawful  for  vs  either  to  eate  anie  thing  of  theft  or  to  touch 
21  it.  t  To  thefewordes  his  wife  being  angrie  anfwered:  Thy 
hope  is  become  vayne  manifeftly,  and  thine  almes  now  haue 
15  appeared,  f  And  with  thefe,  and  other  fuch  hke  wordesjhe 

Chap.    III. 
rheprsyerof  ToUaSy  7.  unds^ra,  m  their  feueral  dflif^ionsj  14. 4re  heard 
by  Gody  and  the  ^ngel  /{dpbdel  is  fent  to  releeue  them . 

I  'T'Hen  Tobias  lamented,  and  began  t5  pray  with  tearcs,' 

1     JL    t%J"g-Thouartiufl:6Lord,&:althyiudgementesare 

5  iuft,  and  al  thy  waies,  mercie,  &  truth,  and  iudgemcnt.  f  And 

now  Lord  be  mindful  of  me,  and  rake  not  reuenge  of  my 

rinnes,neitherrememberthe  finncs  of  mc,orofmy  parentes. 

Eecccc  tBecaufc 

994  The  b  ooke 

f  Becaufe  virc  haue  not  obeyed  thy  commandmentes,  thcr-  4 
fore  wcare  deliuered in  fpoile,  and  captiuitie,  and  death,  and 
into  a  fable,  and  into  reproch  to  al  nations,  in  which  thou 
haft  difperfed  vs.  t  And  now  Lord  great  are  thy  iiidgementes,  j 
i.Inaprouinceijgcaufe  we  haue  not  done  according  to  thy  preceptesj(5>:  haue 
°v  '^  cv  ^*,  not -vyalked  fincerely  before  thee:  t  and  now  Lord  accordinp;  6 
v/asthcheaii   fo  thy  wil  do  with  me,  &  command  my  ipitire  to  be  rcceiued 
citie,forwheain  peace  :  for  it  is  expedient  forme  to  die',  rather  then  to  line. 
theycamc       +Thc  verie  fame  day  therfore  it  chanced  ihat  Sara  the  daugh-  7 
y-'^-f"  $'?«';  ter  of  Ra^uel  in  ::  Iliciesacitieof  the  Medcs,  Ihe  alfo  heard 
flarcifl  there,    r^p^Toch  or  one  or  her  tathers  handmaydes,-}-  became  Ine  had  8 
and  the  Angel  beene  deliucrcd  to  feuen  hufbandes,  &z  the  diuel  named  "  Af- 
•w^enttotke     modeus  had  killed  them,  forthwith  as  they  were  entrcd  in 
cineof  Ragej  yj^j-QJ^gj.^  f  Therfore  when  she  rebuked  the  wench  for  her   9 
lus  dwelt,  c.?.  fsult,  she  anfwered  her,  faying:  Letvsno  more  fee  fonne  of 
As  one  may     thee,  or  daughter  vpon  the  earth,  thou  murderer  of  thy  huf- 
fayrfucha  one  bandcs.  f  What  wilt  thou  kil  me  alfo,  as  thou  haft  now  killed  10 
dweilethm      feuen  husbandes?  At  this  voice  fne  went  into  an  higher  cham- 
dwcHechin      ^^^<^^  her  houfe :  and  three  dayes,  and  three  nightes  did  not 
aniepaitof     eatc,  nor  drinkc ;  f  but  continswing  in  prayer  with  tearcs  ii' 
Romania  :in    bcfought  God,  that  he  would  dcliuer  her  from  this  reproch. 
Yorck.Lin-     ^  Andit  came  to  paiTe  the  third  day,  whiles  ihe  accomplished  n 
mX^tha1''"'^^^'^P'^^>^^^^^^^^""S"U''^^'^^'  t  ihe{ayd:Bleiredisthyname  15 
d«7clleth  in     o  God  of  out  fathers  :  who  when  thou  haft  bene  angrie,  wile 
oneofthofe     doe  mcixie,  &in  the  time  of  tribulation  forgeueft  them  tiicir 
fiiires.  fmnes,  that  inuocate  thee,  f  To  thee  6  Lord  I  turne  my  face,  1 4 

y ^fmodcos^Ci^  to  thee  I  dired  myne  eyes,  t  I  defire  Lord  that  thou  loofe  me  if 
fireyyfs  a  cap-  ^^^'^  ^^^  bond  of  this  reproch,  or  els  take  me  away  from 
taincorkino;    thcearth.  f  Thouknoweft  Lord  that  I  neuer  coucrcd  a  huf-  i^ 
oFchofcdiuelsband,  and  haue  kept  ray  foulecleane  fromal  concupifcence. 
which fpccial- .j.  ]^^Te^eJ;haue  I  companied  my  felf  with  fporters  :  neither  17 
(oules  b7chc    ^^^^  ^  tniSc  my  (elfe  partaker  with  them  that  walke  inlighr- 
f^nncsofrhe     neile.  f  But  a  husband  I  confented  to  take,  with  thy  feare,   18 
flcPn,  &after-  nocwith  my  luft.  f  And  either  I  was  vnworthic  of  then^,  or  i^ 
"f^^^i^ovmcn-  fi^^y  perhaps  Were  not  worthie  for  me  :  becaufe  perhaps  thou 
fx!,!»  °^  A       haftkeDtmefor  another  man.  +  For  thy  counfel  is  nor  in  10 
bodies  for  the  mans  power,  f  But  this  hath  euerie  one  tor  ccrtayne,  that  ii 
famefioncs.      worftiippeth  thee,  that  his  life,  if  it  be  in  probation,  shal  be 
crowned  :  and  if  it  be  in  tribulation,  it  shal  be  deliuered :  and 
if  it  be  in  correction,  it  shal  be  lawful  to  come  to  thymercie. 
•J-  For  thou  art  not  delighted  in  our  perditions:  becaufe  after  n 

a  temp  eft 

oi  Tobias.  ^^^  -.jrn  lo  An 

atcmpeftthoumakeftacalmcanaafter  tcarcs  and  "^"F'-^g  An^d'fV.cvcd 
15  thou  powrcft  in  ioyrulncllc.  f  Be  thy  naire  God  of  llracJ  coinchus 
24.  bleiredforcuer.t  At  that  rime  the  prayers  of  both  were  heard  that  Ins  pray- 
z]  intheriphtoftheglorieofthehiohGoditandthcholieAn.  crsvccheard 

gel  of  ou'r  Lord  Raphael  ^as  (cnt,  to  cure  rhcm  both,  xrhofe  -^^^^J^^^ 
prayers  at  onetime  were  "  recited  in  the  fight  of  our  Lord,     fui  arc  offered 

Chad.       nil.  toGodbyAn- 

Tchi^  thmchng  he  shal  dye ,  ^eucth  his  Jonr.e  ^cdlie  admomticns .  7.  f^^^V^^^'^^' 
eJ^tcuHyexhoTttthbim  to leueulmti  diligently.  13.  tefiee  alformcatfon, 
fride,andfraude.ii,^nd  ttlleth  Inm  cfmonty  lent  to  afremd* 

THertore    ^^hen  Tobias  thought  his  prayer  to  be  ;;^Aj^^o>fts 
heardthathen^ighthauedicd^he  calledto  him  Tobias  '°^llJ^ 
1  hisfonnc,  t  andfayd'to  him  :  -  Heare  my  fonnc  the  hordes  DauidioSalc- 
5  of  my  mouth,  &  lay  them  as  a  foundation  in  thy  hart,  j  Vhen  n-on.  3.  i^r^.  1. 

1  God(haltakemy(oule,^buriemy  bodie  :  and  thou  {halt  coe  ^°y^°,p'j-^3^ 

2  4  '^honour  to  thy  mother  al  the  dayes  of  her  lifccffor  thou  muft  |^"^  -o^cia. 

monuicns  10 

be  mindful  what  perils,  and  how  great  Ihe  fuffered  for  thee  hisfcnncm 

5  inherwombe.  t    And  when  fne alio  ihal  haue accomplished  2' fo"r:ene.     • 

6  rhctimeof  herlifcburieherbefideme.  t  And  aithedayes  '''^'"^ '"  ^'"' 
or  thy  iite  ^  naue  God  m  thy  mind  ;  and  beware  thou  conicnt 

not  to  finne  at  anictime,and  pretermit  te  the  preccptcs  of  our 

7  Lord  God.  t  *  Ofthy  fubftance  '•'■  gcuealmcs,  and  tuinc  nor  :;ThefametIo 
away  thy  face  from  anicpocrc  perfon  :  forfoitshal  come  to  clrincofgood 
pafle  that  neither  the  face  of  our  Lord  shal  be  turned  from  ^°rkcs,and 

S  thee,  t  Asthoushalcbeable,-robemcrciful.t  Ifthouhauc  [IuIuld,„ui- 
9  much,  geueaboundantly:  if  thou  hauelirlcjftudic  to  impcrt  4.  v.  14.    ""  ' 

10  alfo  a  litle  willingly,  f  For  rhoudoft  treafure  vp  to  thy  felf  a 

11  goodrcvrardinthcdnyof  neceflirie.  I  becaufe  almcs  dcliue- 
reth  from  al  finne,  and  from  death,  6z  wil  not  fuffc-r  the  foulc 

12  rogoeintodarkeneflc.  f  Great  confidence  before  God  mcfl: 

13  highshalalmcsbe  toal  them  that  doe  it- -f  ^  Take  heed  to  thy 
fclf  my  fonne of  al  fornication,^  befide  thy  wife  neuer  abide 

X4  to  know  crime.  t>  Neucr  permitfe  prydc  to  rule  in  thy  word: 
i;  for  in  it  al  perdition  rocke  his  beginning. -f-YWhorocuer  hath 

ler  not  the  hyre  of  thy  hyrcd  fcruint  rcmayne  with  chce  at  aL  to  di'c  W  of 

i(S  •f-^ThaC"<shich  thouhatcftto  bcconeiothecbyanothcr  fee  "^turc- 
17  thou  doc  it  nor  to  an  other  at  anic  time. fEate  thy  bread  with  •■^'^°'^'^^' °^ 
thchungne&:necdie,anaoftliygarmcntcscoucr  the  naked,  a'lro'co^hr^'* 
iS  1^Scc  thy  btead,and  thy  Npincvpon- the  burial  ofaiufl  man.  dead. 

Ececec  1  and 

neth  to  good 
other  thinges, 
togeue  notice 
and  to  difpofe 
of  tlieir  tempo 
ralgoodes  by 
tlicuiaft  veil. 

The  fecond 

and  afFayres 
of  yongTo- 
the  Angel  Ra- 

::  The  Angel 
Raphael  ap- 
pearing in 
forme  of  a 
man  prefigu- 
red ourSaui- 
dede  became 

99^  Thebooke 

and  doe  not  eate  and  drinke  therof  \B^i thinners,  f  Seeke  19    10. 
counfelal\raiesof  a  wifemans  f  Ac  al  time  bleflc  God;  and  zo         ] 
defirc  of  hin),  that  he  diredt  thy  vt^aies,  and  that  al  thy  coun- 
felsremaynein  him.  f  I  tel  theealfo  my  fonne  "•  that  I  gaue   21         ; 
tennetalentesofhluer,  whiles  thou  waft  yet  a.  child,  to  Ga- 
belus,  in  Ragesaciticofthe  Mcdes,  and  I  hauea  bil  of  his 
hand  ^yirh  me  :  f  and  cher/ore  enquire iiow  rhou  maift  come  21 
to  him,  and  receiue  of  him  the  forefayd  weight  of  filuer,  and 
reftore  him  the  bil  of  his  hand,  f  Feare  not  my  fonne ;  we  25  ] 

leade  in  dede  a  poore  lifcbut  we  shal  haue  many  good  thinges 
if  we  f  eat e  God,  and  depart  from  al  finne,  and  doe  wel, 

C  H  A  p.        V. 

'iongTohiA^  ,Qe{ing  a^uide  for  bis  tourney  ^I{4ph  a  el  the  ^ngelin  shaf^eofa 
mM  prefenteth  himfi'If^and  '\ndrrt tkeih  tbk  officci^.  The  mother  Umeti-^ 
teth  the  abfcence,  *nd  dunger  of  her  fonne, 

THen  Tobias  anfwered  his  father, and  faycl:!  wil  doe  i 
al  things,  father,  wharfoeuer  thou  haft  commanded  me. 
t  But  how  I  shal  require  this  money,  I  can  nor  trl,he  know-  i 
eth  nrtmi?,and  I  know  not  him:  what  token  shal  1  geue 
him?  Yea  neither  the  way  which  leadeth  thither,  did  1  euer 
know,  j*  Then  his  father  anfvx'ered  him,  and  fayd  ■  I  haue  the  5 
bil  of  his  hand  with  me,  which  when  rhou  shalt  shew  him  he 
wil  forthwith  reftore  it.  f  Batgoenow,  and  feeke  thee  out  4 
fome  faythful  man,  that  may  goe  with  thee  being  fure  of  his 
hyre:  thatthoumayft  receiueit,  whilesIycrliue.fThenTo'  $ 
bias  going  forth,  found  a  '•  goodlie  yongman,  ftanding  gir- 
ded, and  as  it  were  rcadie  to  walkc.  f  And  not  knowing  that  S 
it  was  an  Angel  of  God,  he  faluted  him,  andfayd  ;  From 
whencchaue  we  thee,  good  yongman  *•{■  Bur  he  apfwered:   7 
Of  the  children  of  Ifrael.  And  Tobias  fayd  to  him  :  Knoweft 
thouthe  way,  that  leadeth  vnto  thecountrie  of  the  Medes  ? 
f  To  whom  he  an{^wered:  1  know  it :  and  al  the  waycs  therof  8 
I  haue  often  walked,  and  I  haue  taried  with  Gabelus  our  bro- 
ther, who  abydcth  in  Rages  a  citie  of  the  Medes,  which  is 
fituateinthe  Mount  Ecbaranis.  f  To  whom  Tobias  fayd;  9 
Stay  formelbefeecb  thee,til  1  tel  thefe  (ame  things  to  my 
father,  f  Then  Tobias  ^oing  in  told  al  rhefe  things  to  his  fa-  to 
ther  .  "Whereupon  his  father  marueiling,  requefted  that  he 
would  come  in  vnto  him.  f  Going  in  therfore  he  faiured  him,  it 
andfayd:Ioybctothecalwaies.  f  And  Tobias  fayd ;  W  lat  14 


OF  Tobias.  ^^y 

maner  of  ioy  fhai  be  ro  mc,  which  fitte  in  ^arkcncs,  and  kc 

15  nor  thehglu  of  heauen  ?  f  To  whom  theyong  man  fayd:  Be 

of  good  checrcjit  is  very  ntcrc  that  thou  mayft  be  cured  of 

14  God/f  Tobias  thctfore  fayd  to  him:  Canft  thou  bring  my 
fonne  ro  Gabelus  into  Rages  a  citie  of  the  Medes  ?  and  when 

15  thou  ftialt  rcturne,  I  wilpay  thee  thy  hyrc.  f  And  the  Angel 
fayd  to  him  :  I  xcilcondud  him,  &c  bring  him  to  iheeagaine. 

iC  f  To  whom  Tobias  anfwercd  :  I  pray  thee,  tcl  me,  cf  what 

17  houfe,  or  what  tribe  air  thou?  f  To  whom  '-  Raphael  the -::  i^^ffc^f/ ^g- 
Angel  fayd  :  Seekcft  t'nou  thekinred  of  an  hyred  fernanr,  or  nifyjngwp</»- 

18  an  hyrcd  feruanthimfelfe, that  may  goe  with  thy  fonne?tBut  ''"'"/ ^^«'^-'^« 
left  perhaps  I  make  thee  careful,  I  am  Azarins  the  (onne  of  call^fth  hirn^ 

15)  Ananias  thegreat.  f  And  Tobias  anlwered;  Thou  art  of  a  fclfcAzariaSj 

great  kinred  But  I  pray  the  be  not  angrie  that  I  would  know  whofe  (bapc 

20  thy  kinred.fAnd  the  Angel  (ayd  fo  him:  I  wil  lead  rhy  fonne  and vifa^eh?. 

II   fafe,andbnng  him  ro  thee  agayne  (afe.  t  And  Tobias  an-  l°1  *^Y°u 
r  r      y.  \  11  •  ^     .1      •  nim,  which 

Iwering,  (avd;  Wei  may  you  walke,  ano  God  be  in  your  lour-   name  alfo  fig- 

11  ney,  and  his  Angel  accompamt- you.  f  Thfn  ai  things  being  nifiechf/^e 

readie,  that  were  to  be  caned  in  the  way,  Tobias  bid  his  fa-  ^'*^t<^ "(  ced. 

therand  his  mother,  fire  wtl,  and  they  walked  both  to^c- 
Ij    ther.  f  And  when  they  were  departed,  his  mother  began  to 

weepe,&  to  fay:  Thou  haft  taken  rhe  ftaffie  of  our  old  age, and 
24  fenr  him  away  from  vs.f  1  would  rhe  money  had  neuer  bene, 
2j  for  the  which  thou  haft  (ent  him.  f  For  our  pouerrie  fufiiced 

vs,  that  we  might  account  this  thing  riches,  that  we  faw  our 
16  fonne.  f  And  Tobias  fayd  to  her;  Weepe  not,  our  fonne  (hal 

come  thither  fafe  ,  and  fhal  returne  fafe  to  vs  ,  and  ihyne 

27  eiesftialfee  him.  f  For  I  beleue  that  "  the  good  Angel  of 
God  doth  accompanie  him,&-  doth  wel  difpofe  al  things,  that 
are  done  about  him,  fo  that  he  (hal  returne  ro  vs  with  ioy. 

28  -{•  Atthis  voyce  his  mother  left  weeping,  and  held  her  peace. 

Chap.    VI. 
Bythe^n^eUaduireyongTobiofapfrthendeth  a  fishy  that  a^dulteth  html 
^.  referuetb  the  hart, gal,  and  l$uer  formfdfcines.  10.   rhey  lodge  at  the 
houfe of  I^iguel^  'Wh»fe  daughter  Sura  Tobias  ts  to  matie,  14.^  diuelbatb 
beretoJ9re  Jlame  her  ftuen  buibandes^  16 .  but  shal  not  hurt  him. 

1  \    Nd  Tobias  went  forward,«S(:  a  dogge  folowedhim,^ 

2  -/X  he  made  his  firftabode  by  the  nuerof  Tigris,  -j-  And 

id  he 
went  out  to  waih  his  feete,and  behold  an  huge  fi  Ih  came  forth 
3  to  dcuoure  him.  f  Of  whom  Tobias  being  afrayd,  crycd 

Ecccce  5  our. 

^p8  Tn'tL   B  OOKE      ' 

out^irirhaloudvoiceaniying:  Sir,  heinuadcihmc.  t  And  the  4 
ifS.Pautairo     Angel  faid  to  him:Take  him  by  the  gille,&  ciravr  him  to  thee, 
callcthflefti  of  y^l^ic)^  when  he  had  done,  he  drew  him  on  the  drie  land,  and 
andPlini'cW.    ^^^  began  to  ftrugle  before  his  fcete.  fThenfayd  the  Angcl  5 
^.  c,  1$,  to  him  :  Take  out  the  entralles  of  this  fi  thea  and  his  hart,  and 

gal, and  liuer,  keepe  to  thee:  for  thefe  are  necefTarie  and  profi- 
table for  medecines.  f  "Which  when  he  had  done,  he  ro-  6 
rDinelswho    fted  the  ■•  iieOi  therof,  and  they  tookeit  "with  them  in  the 
eralredchem     way  :  the  reft  they  falccd  which  might  fuHife  them,  til  they 
whh  GoSc  came  to  Rages  the  citie  of  Medes.  f  Then  Tobias  asked  the  7 
iuftlymad'e       Angel,  and  layd  to  him:  I  befech  thee  brother  Azariasjtelmc 
fubiedcocor-  what  remedies  fiial  thefe  things  haue,whichthoa  haft  bid  mc 
poral  crcatu-     keeps  of  the  fi  fn  J  f  And  the  Angcl  anl'jrering,  fayd  to  him  :  8 
^"^°-  J^"'^^^  If  thouputahclepeeceof his^hartvponcoaleSjtbe  "fmokc  't-nniU. 

tural  caufcs,     therof  driuethout  ai  kindeofdiuels,either  from  man  or  from    .      tisr.y-i^, 
whofcgood     woman,  fo  thatitcometh  no  more  vnto  them,  f  And  the  9 
pleafurcis        gall  isauailable  to  annoynt  the  eics,  in  which  there  Tnal  be 
fomctimesto    ^i^-^^  blcmifb,  and  they  fbal  be  healed,  t  And  Tobias  fayd  10 
naturally  vn-    fo  hun  :  Where  Wilt  rhou  that  we  tarie?  f  And  tne  Angel  an-  11 
apt,aswhcn     f^reringjfayd  :  Here  is  one  named  Raguel,  anerekiniman  of 
Chnftgaue       thy  tribe,  and  he  hatha  daughter  named  Sara,  and  he  hath*' 
l!r  V^h^^-      neither  man  child,  nor  anie  woman  child  befide  her.  f  Alhis  12 
tinsclay^o^n  '  f"l>^ance  is  dewe  to  thee, and  thou  mayft  take  her  to  wife. 
Iiiscyes.  loan,  f  Aske  her  thcrfore  of  herfatheijand  he  wil  giue  her  thee  11^  . 
5.  fometimcs  to  wife,  f  Then  Tobias  anfwered.  and  fayd:  I  hcare  that  she  14 
^h'^  h^f  !f     ^^'^^  beene  deHnered  to  feuen  husbandes,  and  they  are  ^e^6: 
m'aniewith       yea  and  I  haue  heard,  that  adiuel  killed  them,  t  lamafrayd 
fewloaucs.      therfore,  left'thefe  things  may  happen  to  me  alfq  :  &  whereas  rj 
Joan.  6.  sothz  I  am  the  onlie  childe  of  my  p'arencc5,I  may  bring  downe  their 
Angel  by         old  age  with  forowvnco  •'•hel-tThen  the  Angel  Raphael  fayd  16 
Godsappoint-  ^^  ^^^  .  Hcare  me ,  and  I  ^li  shewe  thee  who  chcy  arc, 
mcanestocx-  on  whom  the  diiiel  can  preusi'e.  f  F^r  thcy;tha!  lo  feceme  17 
pclthediuel.    matrimonie,  that  they  exclude  God  from  them  (cIik's,  and 
::  Into  the       from  their  mind,  and  (o  ijeue  them  .(clues  to.  thesr.  iiift ,  as 
placewherc      |io^.pe.j^nd  male. which  haue  not  vnderftandinq,  6iicr  ihem 
ried,nonetlien  c-'e  diael  hith  power,  -f  But  thou  when  thcu  shalt  rasce  ib 
iijuingaccefTe  her,  cntring  into  the  chsmber,  for  three  daics  be  continent 
into  heaueii.    fj-Qin  her,  a^id  tliou  shale  gcue  thy  (cif  to  nothing  .ek  i^ir  to 
sec^nnouti-    prayers  wirh  hcr.  f  And  the  iam?  night,  the 'Miu'er  of  the  fish   10    *^«^ 
".•Thcfccond   ft-ttcon-hefyre,  the  diuci  shal  be  driucn  away,  t  But  the  zo    ^^'^'^  t. 
Bi^hthe  asked  -  fecond  night  thou  shalt  b;j  admitted  in  the  cop-aiation,  of 


OF  ToB  IAS.  999- 

11  thcholiePatriarchcc.  f  And  the  third  nighr  tlioushalrob- an<^  obtnyned 

teynea  bleffine  that  found  children  may  be  procrfarcd  off  'J;^^^";^''' 
11  you.  t  And\rhcn  the  tnird  night  ispalr,  ti.ou  jhalr  tak'e  the  ^^^  ^jf^  yntil 

vircrin  with  tlie  fcare  of  our  Lord,  n%cued  rather  for  lone  of  the  fourth 

childtren  then  for  lufl,  that  in  the  fcedc  of  Abraham  thou  ni^ixt.T.ii* 

niayll  obteyne  blefHrg  in  children. 

C  H  A  p.       V  I  I.^l:yf»i£rtaine^!hyF^^^uel,io  TobUs  derKandcth  S^n  to  ^'i{e, 
tifhich  Rjgnelt  cncared^d  I)'  ibe  ^n^cl,  grAnmh.  i j.  and  the  muria^eit 

'  I     A    ^°  they^enrro  Ragucl,  and  Ragucl  rccciucd  them 

I  X^'^fith  ioy  ,  t  And  Raguel  beholding  Tobias,  fayd  to. 
AnnahisNvifc:Ho\r  hkeis  thisyongman  to  my  fillers  fonne.' 

5  t  And  whsrrhehadfpoken  thcfe^yordcs,  he  fayd:  Whence 
4  arc  you  ye  yongmen  our  brethren  ?  f  But  they  fayd  :  Wc  are 

y  of  the  tribeof  Nephthali,of  thecaptiuirieof  Niniuc.  f  And 
Ragucl  fayd  to  rhem:  Know  you  Tobias  my  brother?  Who 

6  (aydcWeknoNy  him.  -f  And  whenhe  fpakc  much  good  of 
.    him,  the  Angel  fayd  to  Raguel;  Tobias,  of  vrhom  tliou  askcft 

7  is  this  mans  father,  t  And  Raguel  put  forth  him  fclfc,  and 
^ith  tearcskidl-dhimj  and  vreeping  vpon  his  nccke,  fayd: 
Blefling hauc  thou  ray  fonncjbecaufe  thou  arc  the  fonne  of 

8  agoodandmoft vcrtuous  man.  f  And  Anna  his  wife,  and' 
5  Sara  theyr  daughter  wept,  f  Andafrer  they  had  talked,  Ra- 
guel commanded  a  wether  to  be  killed,  and  a  banket  to  be 
prepared. And  when  he  defired  them  to  fitte  downc  to  dinner, 

10  t  Tobias  faid:  I  wil  not  eate  nor  drinkc  here  this  day,  vnlcflTc 
ihoufirftaflure  my  petition,andproraireco  geue  me  Sara  thy- 

II  daughter,  t  Which  word  Raguel  hearing,  was  (ore  afrayd,  ;:AIaftman 
knowing  what  had  chanced  to  thofe  feuen  husbands,  which  i  ^^^i^,^,'  ^^ 
went  in  vnto  her:  and  he  began  to  feare  left  perhaps  it  might  ^  ^^^^  fea'rcd* 
chance  to  him  alfo  in  like  maner  :  and  when  he  doubted,  and  other  mens 

XI"  gaucnoanfwer  to  him  demanding,  f  the  Anc;cl  fayd  to  liarmcs^nni 
him  :  Feare  not  to  geue  her  to  this  man,  for  to  him  fearing  ^'^"I'^'^athet 
God  is  thy  daughter  dcwe  to  be  his  wife:  therforc  an  other  n'^'^u"^'*^ 
i;  could  not  haue  her.  f  Then  fayd  Raguel:  I  doubt  nor  but  msiird  thtn 
14  God  hath  admitted  my  prayers  and  teares  in  his  fight,  f  And  others flionU 
I  beleuc  that  therforc  he  hath  made  you  come  to  me,  that  be  in  danger,  ^ 
this  mayde  might  be  ioyned  to  her  kinrcd,  according  to  the  ncfHcTcSrc^' 
law  of  Moyfcs:  and  novr  haue  no  doubt  but  I  wil  dcliuer  her  proSK.*"  "^^^ 


looo  The  booke 

to  thee,  t  And  taking  his  daughter  by  the  right  hand,  gaue  it  15 
into  the  right  hand  of  Tobias,  faying;  The  God  of  Abraham, 
and  the  God  of  Kaac,  and  the  God  of  lacob  be  wirh  you,  and 
heioyne  you  together,  and  fulfil  his  blelling  in  you.  f  And  16 
taking  paper  they  made  a  writing  of  the  mariage-t  And  after  17 
thefe  things  theymadcmcriejbleflingGod.f  AndRaguelcal»  18 
led  to  him  Anna  his  wife,  and  commanded  her  to  prepare  an  ly 
other  chamber,  -f  And  ihe  brought  Sara  her  daughter  in  thi- 
thcr,and  (he  wept,  f  And  (he  fayd  to  her ;  Be  of  good  cheere  10 
my  daughter,  our  Lord  of  heauengeue  thee  iojF  forthe  tedi- 
oufnefle  which  thou  haft  fuffered. 

Chap.  VIII. 
Toh'tdi hrul'wvpttrt  ef  the  pshes  Uuett  /(dphael  bineieth  the  diuel.  4 *  Toh'ias 
and  Sara  pray.  11.  ^aguel  feanng  that  Tohioi  u  dead,  maketh  agratte  for 
him, but  '\nderftandingtha'  heii  J»el,  fiUetb  it >/? agame, 21. preparetha 
jeajl^geueththehalfof  bif  goodespre/entlj  forSaraes  daWrie,  the  other 
hdfe  after  her  parents  death. 

ANd  after  they  had  Tupped,  they  brought  in  the  yo'ng  1 
mantoher.  f  Tobias  therforeremembring  the  Angels  i 
rseeehap  €.v.  "^ord,  brought  forth  out  of  his  bag,  part  of  "'  the  liuer,  and 
S.Myftically    layd  it  vpon  Hue  coales.f  Then  Raphael  the  Angel  tooke  the  } 
atfignified        diuel,  and  bound  him  in  the  defert  of  higher  ^gypt.  f  Then  4 
Chnfts  paiTion  Tobias  exhorted  the  virgin,  &  fayd  to  her  :  Sara  arife,  and  let 
X^*^l  was^^-    ^^  P'-^y  ^°  ^^^  ^°  day,and  to  morow,and  the  next  raorow:be- 
pelled  out  of    cauie  thefe  three  nights  we  are  ioyned  to  God :  and  when  the 
«nens hai:tcs.     third  night  is  paft,  we  wilbein  our  wedlocke.  t  Fof  ^^  ^^^  f 
s.  jtug.fer.  18 .  the  children  of  holie  men,  &  we  may  not  be  ioyned  together 
^JTlpfoml'.  as  gentiles,  that  know  not  God.  f  And  they  rifing  together,  6 
^pli['c.]l\  prayed  both  together  that  health  might  be  geuenthem.f  And  7 

Tobias  fayd.  LordGod  of  our  fathers,the  heauens  &  the  earth, 
and  the  fea  &  fountaynes,and  riuers,  and  al  th  y  creatures  that 
are  in  them,  blefTc  thee,  f  Thou  madeft  Adam  of  the  flime  of  8 
the  earth, &  gauefl:  him  Eue  an  helper,  -f  And  now  Lord  thou  9 
knoweft,  that  not  for  fleshlie  luft  doe  I  take  my  fifter  to  wife, 
but  only  for  the  loue  of  poftcritie,in  the  which  thy  name  may 
be  ble(red  for  cuer  &  euer/j-Saraalfo  fayd:  Haue  mercie  on  vs  10 
Lord,  haue  mercie  vpon  vs  and  let  vs  grow  old  both  together 
in  health. t  And  it  came  to  pafTe  about  the  cock  crowing,  Ra-  :i 
guel  bad  his  feruantes  to  be  called  for,&:  they  went  with  him 
together  to  digge  a  grauc,  |  For  he  fayd:  Left  perhaps  it  may  rt 


OF    ToBIAf.  lOOI 

cliancero  him,  as  alio  to  the  other  fcuen  Iiu(ban(!cs,  that 
15  went  in  vntoher.  f  And  when  they  had  prepared  the  pittc, 
14   Ragutl  returning  to  his,  vcife,fa)d  to  her  :  fScnd  one  of  thy 

handmaydcSjandletherfeeif  hebcdead,  that  I  may  buric 

15  hirabetoreitbcday.  f  But  Ihe  lent  one  of  her  handmaydes, 
who  going  into  the  chamber  ,  found  them  fafe  and  (ound, 

16  fleepipgboth  together,  f  And  returning  (he  brought  good 
tydings :  and  they  blclTcd  our  Lord,  lO  witte,  Raguel  &:  Anna  . 

17  his  wife,  t  andfayd  :  We  blelFc  theeLordGod  of  Hracl,  be- 

18  caufe  it  hath  not  chanced  as  we  thought. f  For  thou  haft  done 
thy  mercie  with  \s,&:  haft  excluded  from  vs  the  encmie,  that 

19  pcrfecuted  vs. |  And  thou  haft  taken  piticvpon  two  thc-'only  ;:Intficone 
children.  Make  them  Lord  bleffe  thee  more  fully:  and  to  ofier  f^'^'^^'*^  '^<^'^ 
vpto  theeafacrificeof  thyprayfe,  and  of  their  health,  that  childr'cnbu'/^ 
alnationj  may  know,  that  tliou  artGod  onlic  in  al  the  catth.  oncfonncjin 

10  -f-And  forthwirh  R.igucl  commanded  his  if  rnantcs, that  they  theotheronc 
(houli  fil  vp  thepirre,  which  they  had  made,  before  it  were  onl'ctiau^U- 
21   day,  f  And  he  bad  his  wife  make  teadic  a  feaft,  and  prepare  "*^' 

al  f  hinges, that  for  vidu  Js  were  nee:  ilarie  to  them  that  goea 

ai  iourney  -f-  He  caufed  alfo  two  farte  kyne,  and  foure  weihcrs 

to  be  killed,  and  great  cheie  to  be  prepared  feral  1  is  neigh- 

a;  boiirs,  and  al  his  freindcs.  f  And  Raguel  adiured  Tobias, that 

I4  heshould  abide  w'fh  him  two  weekes.  f  And  of  al  rhinges 

which  R  iguel  pofttfted,  he  ^nue  the  halfe  part  to  Tobias,and 

made  this  writing,  that  the  halfe  part,  which  was  remayning 

after  their  dcceafe,  should  come  to  the  dominion  of  Tobias» 

Chap.     IX. 

The  ^ngel  I^phaefgiicth  to  G*belHi,  rtc^tuetb  the  money ^  dnd  hrln^ah  him 

tothe manage. S.  vhry  (iluteecb other, and Gahelus  '^isbctbal^ro/^eritie 

to  ■^ong  rol^ias, <*nd  b'n  ffottfe, 

I  *Tp  Hen  Tobias  called  the  Angel  to  him,whom  he  thought  vTHcAned 

A    tobearaan,and  hefayd  to  him;  Brother  Azarias,  Ipray  wenttotHc 
i   thceharkcn  to  my  wordcs:  f  If  I  should  deliuer  my  fcif  to  cuieitfelfc 

3  be  thy  (eruant  I  shalnotdcfcruethyprouidence.t  Howbeit  ^^al'cd  Rages,' 
Ibefechthee,tharthcutakcvntothecbeaftes  and  feruantcs,  ^ngm^h^t^cc 
and  goc  to  Gabelus  into  -Rages  the  citieof  Mcdcs:  &  render  litoricor  pro- 
him  his  handwriting,  andrcceiue  of  him  the  money, and  de-  uincctherof, 

4  fire!  im  to  come  to  my  mariagc.  f  For  thyfelf  knoweft  that  ^''t'lRa^ucN 
my  father  numbreth  the  daycs :  and  if  I  /Ijcke  one  day  more,  ^fo  calfe'd  Ra* 

5  his  foule  is  made  lorowful .  f   And  furciy  thou  (ccft  how  ecs.c  j. -y.  r. 

ffffff  Ragud  ' 

1002,  Th  e   B  o  O  ke 

Raguelhathadiured  me,  whole  adiuring  I  can  not  difpiTe, 
iThen  Raphael  faking  foiueofRaguelsferuanrcSj^  two  ca-    ^ 
mels,  went  inro  Rages  the  citicof  Medes:  &  finding  Gabelus 
gaue  hiiTj  his  handwriting,  and  receiiied  of  him  al  the  money. 
•f  Andhetoldhiraof,a]  ihingcs    7 
that  were  done:  and  made  him  come  with  him  to  the  ma- 
nage, f  And  when  he  was  entered  inro  Ragiieis  houfe,  he  -S 
found  Tobias  fitting  at  the  table:  and  he  leaping  vp,  they 
kilTed  ech  other :  and  Gabelus  wept,  and  blelTed  God,  f  and  9 
fayd.-TheGod  of  Ifraclblede  thee,becaufe  rhoiiart  the  fonne 
ofa  vcriegood  man,andiuft,and  that  fearcth  God,  and  doth 
almesdeedes:  f  and  blelling  be  geuen  vpon  thy  wife,  and  10 
vpon  your  parentes:  f  &  that  you  may  fee  your  children,  and   ii 
your  childrens  children,  vnro  the  third  &  fourth  generation : 
and  your  feede  be  bleded  of  the  God  of  Ifrael,  who  reigneth 
fereuer  and  euer.  f  And  when  al  had  fayd,  Amen  5  they  went   it 
tothefeaft:  but  with  the  feareof  our  Lord  alio  did  they  cele- 
brate the  fcaft  of  the  mariage. 

Chap.    X. 
The^drentesUment  the  lon^  ahfence  of  their  fonne  TolUs.2.  "^hom  f^hen 
I{AgHel can  not ^erfwxde  to (Ixy  longer y  ii.  he  tvisheth  much  good  ')>nt» 
hintj  and  hU  y»ifey  admonishing  her  ts  he  dutiful  in  al  thirtges. 

Icw'es  as  T3  ^  "^  when  Tobias  caried  long  "  becaufe  of  the  mariage,  i 

be'cuein  13  Tobias  his  father  was careful, faying.  Why  thinkeft  thou 

Jpl^"^'^*"^^" doth  my  fonne  tarie,or  why  is  he  held  there?  t  Is  Gabelus   2 

hmentthat   «  jg^d  thinkeft  rhou,  and  no  man  wil  reftore  him  the  money? 

fromthciiBa-  t  ^^^  he  began  to  be  lorowful  exceedmgly  hira  ielre,  and    3 

tion.iorac       Anna  his  wife  with  him  :  and  -  they  began  both  to  weepe 

more  affarcd- fQgc.ther  .  becaufe  their  (onne  did  not  returne  to  them  the 

Jy^"^°-'^^**  day  appointed.  +  His  mother  therfore  wept  with  difcomfot'   4 
bias,  others  /,  ^^  1 V-     ,    ^rr  •  r  u     r 

snorcdoubt-    table  ceares, and  fayd  ;  Woe,woeisme,  my  fonne,  why  lent 

fully  withhis  we  thee  to  goe  to  a  ftrange  countrie,the  light  of  our  eies,  the 
wife,  cxptft    ftaffeofoarold  age,  the  comforte  of  our  life,  the  hope  of 
Jiis  returne. S.^/|.^j,.j.j^,  f  We  hauingal  things  topcther  in  thee  onlie,  5 
Eucnfothc     oughrnottohauelet  thee  goe  from  vs.  t  To  whom  Tobias  6 
fcranant  of     faid:  Hold  thy  peace, and  be  not  trubled,  our  fonne  is  fafe, 
Catholiques    that  man  with  whom  we  fent  him  is  faithful  ynoughf  How-  7 
jn  countries  ^  j^^-j.  ^^^  could  by  no  raeanes  be  comforted,  but  dayly  running 
fithaue  Treat    outlooked  about,  andwent  about  al  waiesby  which  there 
fadmts  a»decfi'  feemedhope  he  woiild  retmnc,  that  ihe  might  fee  him  a  far 

OF    TOB  IAS.  1003 

8  ofjif it  ^crere  pofiible,  coming,  f  But  Raguel  fayd  ro  his  fonne  ''««'«'/ov»'y'» 
in  law :  Tane  here, and  I  vril  fend  a  melVengcr  to  Tobias  thy  TA'^'^  )     -^ 

9  Father,  tharrhou  arc  in  health,  f  To  \rhom  Tobias  fayd;  I  i/„„-> "(vitU^*' 
knovs^that  my  father  &  my  mother  do  now  count  the  dayes,  whattempo- 

10  and  their  fpirice  is  tormented  in  them,  -f  And  'syhen  Raguel  ralloilcloe- 
defired  Tobias  in  maniewordes,and  he  by  no  meanes  would  uer)'/'«/'»''*^- 

.  1  1.1-  10  f  1    )      I     ir  r   1    tioHtj  their  bri- 

hearehim,  hedehuered  Sara  vnroiiim,and  the  nalte  part  oral  ihreny^infmen, 
his  fubftance  in  men  reruances,(?c  wemen  fcruantes,  in  cartel,  and  coancrie- 
in  camels,  and  in  kine,  and  in  much  money  and  difmift  him  mer/.fomcho- 

11  fafe  and  Joyful  from  him,  |  faying  .•  The  holie  Angel  of  our  ^^"%j^°^f 
Lord  be  in  your  iourncy,  and  bring  you  through  fafc,  and  ^nd  comfor- 
thar  you  may  finde  althinges  wel  about  your  parentes,  and  tingothcrs, 

II  myneics  may  fee  your  children  before  I  die.  t  And  the  pa-  thatChriftwil 

rentes  taking  rheir  daughter,  kilFed  her,  and  let  her  goe :  againciUumi- 

1}    t  admoniihing  her  to  honour  her  father  and  mother  inlaw,  vt-holcnation 

totoue  her  hufband,  to  rule  the  houfliold,  to  gouerne  the  as  fight  vas  ' 

houfe^and  tosheweherfelteirreprehenfible.  re'^orcdto     ^ 

eld  Tobias. 
OiAif  VI.  VII.  VIIL  IX.  X. 

I.    Taried  long  hecaafeoftheM.iria^^c]  Oiitof  tliiscxamplc  ofa  hoIic  Mariage 
bctwen  yong TobiasandSara,  del'cnbed  in  the  fiuc  precedent  chapters,  fomc   InftruifVions 
fpecialgoodlellons  may  be  briefly  gathered,  for  the  inflrudion  fiiconfolation  to  maticdper- 
of  fuchasare  to  marie,  orbealrcady  maried.Not  that  cither  al,  or  onlie  the  fonsoutof  the 
fameobferuarions  perteyncno\5' to  chiiftian  Mariage,  but  that  al  Chriftianes   example  of 
may  fee,  how  orderly  godliepetfons  procedcd  in  making,  and  performing  Tobias  and 
this  holie  contra  (ft  in  the  old  Teftamentjand  therby  Icrne,  that  more  perfedioa  Saras  Manage 
tphtf.^.    is  required  in  Chriftian  Matrimonic, being  no«'(  as  then  it  is  vas  not)  a  holie 
W«/.  i^.  Sacrament, fignifying the  Vnion  bctwen  Chfift&his  Church:  andgcuingpc-  TrueMarlagc 
culiarGraceto  thcpartics  (if  thcmfelucskindcr  it  not)  to  beare  more  caiily  alwayesaho- 
theincidentburdens,  and  rightly  to  fulfil  the  proper  duties  ot  man  and  wife,   lie  contrad. 
,   according  to  the  igodlie  inftrucflion  of  the  Roman  Catechifmc.Al  that  Virc  dial  Nova  Sacra* 
f4n.zde  herenote,  may  be  reduced  to  tvroheades,  or  principal  partes.  For  in  this  Ma-  mcnt. 

'•    riagc  there  were  ccrtainc  necefiaric,  and  as  it  vere  cifential  pointer,  without  Properinftruc 
g.ti.ij.  v.'hichirViadnotbennca  lawful  norfightcontra<ft:  Other  accclTarie  cererao-  tionsforman 
nies,  and  Rites  were  alfo  very  conucnienr,  for  the  more  folemnitic  and  better  and  wife, 
performance  therof  Asthelike  of  both  fortes  are  now,  but  more  perfect  in 
Chriflian  Mariages. In  the  former  kind, firft  of  al,ff>e«?j(f^/ AZ-tHfj^f  was  propofed 
by  the  Angel,  anddc.lrcd  by  the  parties,  chap.  6.-v.ri.c.  8.  -c.  p.  not  for  pUafurc 
but  forckild)-eip,ani  poflentie,  by  yyliich  God  mtglit  be  blejjed  and  ferutd :  Secondly 
Mariage muft be 6€(-pw«/rffv/»//>«/oH»«,  For  thcferuanrcs  of  God  could  not  Three  ncccfTa 
£yoi.j4.  lawfully  match,  neither  with  Infidelcs, nor  withoucr  nerc  kinred,  but  in  con-  riepointcs  in 
T>eH.j.      uenicnt  degrees, and  thatordinarily  in  the  famcTribc.  f/>.  tf.  >.  ir.  c/;. 7. -v  14.  Matrimonic, 
LeHit.ii.  as  the  law  of  Mo yfcsprcfcribed.  Thirdly, the /'^v/;«muflgcue, and  f>r^»f/rff/)f/r 
7it*.^6.       mutual  confent.  and  the  good  wil  of  pa  rentes  wasalfo  requi(ite.c/j  7.V.10. 15.  lo. 
T.  7,         Thcfc  principal  poimcs  prcmlfcd ;  for  the  due  folemnization  other  Rites  were 

1-fffffi  alfo 

id«4  The  booke 

Tcft»egO(3l7  aifo  adioyncd  Flrft  Ragucl,tlic  mz\dcsfather,^4»ehis  cLttghter  taking  her  l»y  the 
Rites obfcc-  right  hand,  and  Co  deliucrcd  her  into  the  tight  hand  of  Tobijs.  ch.  7.  -v.  ij. 
ued  m  the  Mr  as  vith  vs  the  father,  or  nere  freind  of  the  woman,  geueth  her  to  be  maried  ta 
riageof  To-  fuch  a  man. Secondly  hcrfather  prayed  that  it  might  vel  fuccedc,  tbtdem.  and  Co 
hut  and  Sara,  do  al  freindes  noVjcfpcciallythe  Pricft  by  the  publique  prayers  of  the  Church, 
II.  1.      The  third  rite,  the  roitert-twffiflfW'ir/.ij^  were  made,  with  alfigmcnt  of  dawric,   ^A^nii 

iS  4-      alfo>m/rf»,  c/;. 7. v.itf  &realed,  as  the*  Hebrew  and  Grekc  text  vitnefle.  The   Munfit' 

Jf;  fourthjinuitatioaoffreindes  to  the  Kixth^'.th .^.y.i.cb.^ .y  j.  The  fifth. They    »»"»• 

midc* /"V^/f,  which  comni'jnlydurcd  feuendayes, but  here  fourtcne  cJ?  R.-t.ij.  Gtn.  iff. 
forthe  dablcioy  of  the  manage,  and  expnlfion  of  the  diuel.  But  though  the  •v.  17. 
yVd/f  continued  I  ong,  yet  was  >rwo/Z>7Joi/<r4te  and  Cobcr^-vyithfeare  of  our  Lord  they  ludu. i4i. 
celebrated  the  feajl  of  the  Miria^e  ih.  y.y.iz.9ht0  2hcnhea]?h'i\oCopl\.cr,  It.  6.  de  T,  17. 
lei^ihiis,  pref'cribeth  whattemperance  in  meate  &  drinke,  and  vbatmodeftic  of 
bchmiour,  are  required  in  mariagcfea''!:es.  VVhoi;  iccellcnt  fenrence,  F.Sera- 
^  fixthrue,  the  bringing  ofihe  briHc  to  her  chamber, 

chap.j  y  19.  the  Catholiquc  ChiK'-h  hatha  particular  forme  of  blelUng  the 
7.  bridal  chiinber.The  fciucnch,  Tobias  &  iSara  obfciueti  rhrfc  d.iyes  connncncic 

afcerthe  Mariagc  8.t    4.  which  nr^s'is  cc  n.ncndedby  way  of 
j^  coun'cl,  notof  precept.  The  eight,  Tobias  obftfued  that  which  the  Angel 

aduifed  him, in  burning  the  liuer  ofthc  fiih  vpon  coales  in  their  chamber  ch.^, 
V.  T.  1    So  dcuoHt  pcrfo:  s  comaionly  oblciue  which  fpiiitual 
^.  xnenexhortrhcmvnto,  thou-^hit'i-c  not  Jment   The  ninth,  Priuat* 

10.  prayer  of  the  ncwmariel  petfonsjch.*;.  V  rS.c  8  v.  4  The  teoth.  chef#nding 

away  of  the  fpoufe  tohcr  hufban  Is  houfcor  dwelling  place.wich  good  wiihes, 
due  payment  ofthc  promilcd  daw  rie,  and  godlie  admonitions  by  her  parsntc$» 

Chaf,     XL 
LettulrifS^rA  with  the  refi  of  the  comp4nie,  indtieflocke  tofoloW^the^ytngel 
I{j,fhjiel  and  TohUs^oe  before  ^  y.  *re  toy  fully  receiued,  8.  Tohias  Annointeih 
his  fathers  eyes  with  the  fishes  gdl.  And  he  feeth,  iS.  Sara  aniueth  fetter 
ditjes  after  with  herfamilie  And  cattle, 

AN  D  when  they  returned  they  came  to  Charan,  which  i 
is  in  the  middeway  agayhft  Niniue,  the  eleuenth  day. 
j-  And  the  Angel  faid:  Brother  Tobias  thou  knoMPciV  ho\r  1 
thou dideftleaiie  thy  father,  f  If  it  pleafethee  theifore,lct  3 
vs  2oe  before,  and  let  the  families  folo^a'  foftly  aftervs, toge- 
ther with  thy  ^pife,  and  with  the  beaftes.  f  And  when  this  4 
pleafed  him  that  they  should  goe,  P^aphael  faid  to  Tobias  : 
Take  with  thee  of  the  gal  of  the  fish:  for  it  shal  be  necclfarie. 
Tobias  therfore  tooke  of  that  gal  and  they  departed,  f  But  y 
Anna  fate  bcfide  the  way  dayly,  in  the  toppe  ofahil,  from 
whence  she  naight  fee  afar  of.  t  And  whiles  she  watched  his  G 
coming  out  of  that  place,  she  faw  afar  of,  and  by  and  by 
perceiaed  her  fonne  coining  :  and  running  she  told  her  huf- 
band  faying;  Behold  thy  (onns  comerh .  -f   And  Raphael  7 


OF  ToB  IAS.  loo; 

faid  to  TobiasBut  vhen  thou  art  entrcd  into  thy  h.cufe  forth* 
vrith  adore  our  Lord  thy  God:  and  gcuing  ihankes  to  him 

8  goe  to  thy  father,  and  kiffc  him.  f  Andimmediatly  annointc 
vpon  his  eies  of  thisgalof  the  fish,  which  thou  carictt  wirh 
thee.  For  knoNr  thou  that  forthwith  his  eics  ftial  be  opened, 
and  thy  father  OnA  fee  the  light  of  heauen,  and  fhal  reioice  in 

9  thefightof  thee.  •}•  Thenranne  ••  the doggc before,  which  ...Trnothine 
had  be ene  with  them  m  the  way.and  coming  as  it  were  a  mcf-  difgracerh  the 

10  fenger  with  thefa-x'ningof  his  taylereioyfed.  f  And  his  fa-.  Sacred  hiftoric 
ther  that  was  blind  ryline  vp,  bc^an  to  runne  ftumbhne  with   ^^^^  ^fmal 
his  fecte:  andecuincraleruant  his  hand,  went  to  miere  his  ^h^,^„<.  :   =• 

XI   fonne.  t  Ana  rcceiuing  him  killed  him,  wirh  his  wife,  and  corded  with 

11  t-hcy  begin  both  to  wcepe  for  ioy.  t  And  when  they  had  ado*  ihetcd^inot 
red  God,  and  gcuen  thinkes  ,  they  fate  downc  together.  *»^''"<»'»o^c»« 

i;  t  takinfT  of  the  jral  of  the  fiih,  innovnted  his    "*'y '* /'Y 
14  farhersei-s. |- And  heitaytdasif  wcrealmoft  !  dlfe  an  houre;  \fjr.  ^  s.B(Aa 

6c  tas  white  blcni'h  begjn  tj  come  out  of  his  cics,  as  it  were  alfoexpoan- 
Sf  theskineofaneege.  t  Which  Tob'is  taking  dre\re  from  his  f^eth;tmyfti- 
iS  eies,andim.nediarly  "  he  recdaed  fighr.  f  And  th(  y  glor:fied  "c]7hcr^°5^* 

Gjd,ro  wir,  himftlfeand  h's  wife,  and  al  that  kntwe  him    Icrom.doth 

17  t  And  Tobias  faiJ  :  I  blefiuJthet  Lord  God  or  Ifrael,  bccaufc  thehkc,»»/ 
thou  haft  chaftif^-'d  me,  andr.'iou  haft  faued  me  :  and  behold  I  (A'-«-j^  and 

18  fee  Tobias  my  fonne.  f  After  fcuen  dayes  alfo  came  in  Sara  ^^^;  ^"gu^'n 
his  fonnes  wife,  and  al  the  familie  fafe,  and  carrel,  and  the  ca-  f,„f,  rattjlnm. 
mels,  and  much  money  of  his  wiues:  and  th  at  money  alfo,  f^i^nUh, 

19  which  he  had  rcceiued  of  Gabehis:  f  and  he  told  his  pa-  •••God  vfcd this 
rentes  al  the  bi^nefires  of  God  ,  which  he  had  done  to  him  g^^of^J^^m 

10  by  theman,  thatcondu6tedhim.  f  And  AcHior  and  Nabath  eyes  fn like** 
Tobias  fillers  fonnes  came,  reioyfing  at  Tobias,  and  congra-  forte  as  the 
tularinghimfor  al  good  thingcs,  that  God  had  ftiewed  to-  liuer  jndri- 
21  wards  him.  f  And  for  feuen  dales  making  good  chere,  they  "'"g  avp'ay  the 
rcioyfedal  with  greacioy.  lucl.f.^.r.g. 

Chap   XI L 
old  Tobui  4nd  his  fonne  offer  the  hjtlf  of  at  thegoodes  which  they  hud  nctvlj 
receiuidto  F^aph.iel,forhis  tv.i^^es.  (c.  rrho  then  drcUrcth  tt  them  thxt  he 
VPiifcntfromCodtobelpethm.i^.and  thxt  he  i<  ttft  ^tn^tl,  10.  Ht 
piirtethaW4r,and  they  rtndcr  thinkes  to  Cod, 
I     'T~*  H  E  NTobias  called  cohim  his  fonne,  and  fayd  to  him: 
JL    what  may  wcgeue  to  this  holie  man,  that  is  come  with 
1  thee,  t  Tobias  anr>3F'eiing,  layd  to  his  father:  Father  whar 
reward  flial  we  gcuc  him  ?  or  what  canbe  worthicof  his  be- 
Ffffff  5.  nefittcs; 

loo^  The  Booke 

::GratfalTo=  nefictes?  f  He  harh  ^  led  meand  brought  me  agaynefafe,  lie   3  f 

biasrccouii-    ^  receiucd  the  money  of  Gabeias,  he^caufedme  to  haue  my  1.       ^ 

*"^^^^^^^"j.-_^' vife,  and  the  ^euiUpiric  he  chafed  from  her,  he  ^  made  ioy  4,       5 

oed'by  the      vnto  her  parentes,my  (eit  he*  deliuered  from  being  deuoured  ^ 

companiaa  of  of  the  fish,*  thee  alio. he  hath  made  to  fee  the  light  of  heauen,  7 

hisiourncy,&  and  we  are  replenished  \?rith  -algood  things  by  him.  What 

elledi^noT^  '^^^  "^^  §^"^      "^  •wotchie  for  thele  things  ?  f  But  I  befeech   4 
taaiiie  but)     thee  my  father,that  thou  defire  him,  if  perhaps  he  wil  vout- 
■aigood  thui^s   fifc  to  take  vnto  him  the  one  halfe  of  ai  thinges,  which  ate 
h)lnf»,j  brought,  f  And  they  calHng  him,to  "^irthe  father  and  the  j  . 

fonne,  tooke  him  afide  :  &  began  to  defire  him  that  he  would 
voutfafe  to  accept  the  halfe  part  of  al  thinges,  that  they  had 
brought,  f  Then  he  fayd  to  them  fccretely  :  BJeile  ye  the  6 
God  of  heauen,  and  before  althat  Hue  confelFe  to  him,  be- 
cauCe  he  hath  done  mercie  with  you.  f  For  to  hide  the  fe-  7 
Crete  of  a  king  is  good :  but  to  reucale  &  confefTe  the  workes 
tsPaftlngand  of  God  is  an  honorable  thing,  -f-- Prayer  is  good  with  fading  8 
aimesareas     and  almes,  rather  then  to  lay  vp  treafutes  of  gold  :  f  becaiile   9 
with  wh?c"h     ^^^^cs  deliuereth  from  death,  and  that  is  ic  which  purgetlr 
prayer  flyeth  finnes,and  maketh  to  finde  mercie  and  life  euerlafting,  f  But  10 
into  heauen.    they  that  committe  fmne  and  iniquicie,  are  enemies  to  their* - 
ownefoule.  fl  open  therfore  vnto  you  the  truth,  and  I  wil  11 
not  hide  from  you  the fccrete  word,  f  when  thou  didft  pray  u 
with  ceares,  and  didft  burie  the  dead  and  leaft  thy  dinner, 
and  dideft  hide  the  dead  by  day  in  thy  houfe,  and  by  night 
.•.■O ho wfwctc  didft  burie  them^,  "  I  ■'•  offered  thy  prayer  to  our  Lord, 
(or  excellent)  .  ^^d  becaufe  thou  waft  acceptable  to  God,  it  was  necelFatie  15 
(faiths. Au-    that  tentation should proue  thee,  f  Andnowour  Lord  lent  14 
guftin/er.j.  de  me  to  cure  thee,  and  to  deliuer  Sara  thy  fonnes  wife  from  the 
:Katiuit.]^hQa  diuel.  f  Fo^  I  am  Raphael  an  Angel,  one  of  the  feuen,  which  15 
^"gelcspat-  ^f^^^  before  our  Lord,  f  And  when  they  had  heard  theie  16    _ 
lifeofFerour    thinges,  they  were  trubled,  &  trembling  fel  vpon  the  ground 
vowes(or  re-  on  their  face,  f  And  the  Angel  fayd  to  them:  Peace  be  to  you,  17 
folution  to     fearenot.j"  Forwhen  I  was  withyou,by  the  wilof  God  I  was  18 
flecTiccsand  fo:  blcflfe  ye  him,  and  fing  to  him.  f  I  feeraedindeede  to  eate  19 
tulsTbefrre    ^^^^  y°"»  ^^^  ^^  dtinke :  but  I  vfe  an  inuifible  meate  and 
th^fightof      drinkejWiiichcannot  befeeneofmen.  t  It  is  timctherfore  20 
Gods Maiefty? chat  I  returne  to  him-.,  that  fent  me:  but  blefle  ye  God  , 

andtelal  his  maruelous  workes,  f  And  when  he  had  fayd  21 
thefethings,  he  was  taken  from  their  light,  and  they  could 
fee  him  no  more,  f  Then  proftrate  for  three  houres  vpon  21 
theirface,  they  bleffed  God:  and  ryling  vp  they  told  al  his 
•jiiaruelous  workes. 

OF     1  O  B  1  A  S,  1007 

Chap.     XII. 

II.     J  offered  ihy  pt\vir}  to  ourUrd.]  Hcrcthc  Anr;cl  Rapliaclrepartcth  ccr- 
tainccrood  orticcs,  v/hichlichad  aonc  for  Tobias.  He  did  other  like  fo»  Ms  OfBccsofAn- 
roQne"',andforRagU£l,?.ndhis  Hatiglncr,  which  are  likcft'ifc  recorded  in  this  o-ds  tovardcs 
bookcAndrhe  wruolc  vorUl,cfpecially  GodsferuanteSjrccciue  continual  r^reac  ^^n 
benefices  by  holie  Anrrtles,  as  parrly  may  bi  gathered  in  this  holie  hiftorie, 
andmore  clswhcrc.  Foriirft  the  oiHce  of  Anj^clcs  is,  to  alTli>,  or  be  alwaycs  p      ,. 
rcidiCjasmoftdiltgcnrferuitouresofGo  !,expeciin^  what  his  diuinegoodnes  t]"^,^   ''^[^ 
vil appoint  them,  vhithcr  to  gee,  and  vhatro  doc  f'or  rhebcncSteof  men  .-as    ''^  ?^  "^  ' 
holie  Raphael  was  fentjNs/henyon^z  Tobias  wanted  .1  guide    Secondly,  Angels 
offer  the  prayersof  thefiithful,oras  the  Grskctext  ieadeth,v.  ly  Angels  pre-  Offermcns 
fcnt  rhc  prayers  ofSain(5les,rhatis,ofgodlic  men  and  wcmcn  to  God:  fo  Ra-  P"ytrsand 
ptnshcftmeth  >.ere  him  clfjthatheoiJerej  Tobias  prayers  to  our  Lord. Third-  ^"^'^  worke?.' 
ly,  Angeles  syde and  a ■TI;Uho(er hat  loiicpniitie  of  life,  fincereferuiceof  God,  Ayde  thefrod* 
bate  vice,  embrace  vertue,  &  do  workcs  oi  mercici  fo  Raphstl  x.Titlcd  Tobias,  lie.  ^ 

when  he  traueled  to  bane  the  dead,  fleing  from  the  kings  furie,  and  hiding 
himfelf,  ch.  r.  V.  11.15,  Fourthly  Angelscxhorttogoodu'orkcs, as  in  this  li.  Exhort  to 
chapter.  V.  <f  8  9   1018.  Fife) y  they  fa'^geft  and  inftiuv.1:  whit  to  do,  ch  tf.Y.4.j.  orod. 
Raphiel  taught  vong  Tobias  to  takertie  fifli,  vnbo\v'clhi;T.,  re fcrut  partes  ther-  lnftru£t. 
of,  V.  II. ! I   15  aJ'ailcd  hirn  :o  lodge  a": RagueU  ho ufc,  to  de.Tiand  Sara  to  wife, 
and  r.  I  ^.  17.  intruded  him,  againtl  vx'hcm  diuci',  haue  povt/re.  Sixthly,  they  Expel  cuilfoi 
cxpcldiuels  fro.n  perfons,  and  places,  ch  S.v.j    Raphael  tooke  and  bound  j.:.ij 
the  diuel  J/moJetn  in  the  defert  of  hiegher  Egypt.  Seuenthlv,  rhey  deliuer  men  Qeliuer  from 
from  iangersanieuiles,c.6.  V.J  aswhen  the  great  filli  alfaulted  Fobias,  and  euiltanddaa- 
Sara  from  moleftation,  and  flaunder,  and  old    fobias  from  blindncs.  chap.}    ^.g^,  ii.v  II.  V.  I4.  Eighrly    When  ii  redoundeih  to  the  honour  Proc'uretcm- 
andmorefcruiceof  God.andgoodof  thcfoule,  Angeles  procure  riches,  and  poralcoinmo- 
woildlvcommoditieSjch  11.  v.5.  Yong  Tobias  gratfuUy  coafcflcd  the  great  diticsfor  the  ' 
bf  nfficcsreccmcdby  hisguide,concIuding  geierally,  hyhimyyc Arere^Umihed  foulessood. 
(faythhc)  f-ofZ/df^'os^t/j/m^fi  Ninthly,G'ood  Angelsalfo  proue  men,  foi  their 
more  merite,  fo  the  Angel  "a/itnefTcrh  ch.  ri.  v.  ij.  Recas4je:hoHyy.:j7  acuft^hleto 
CodsitfTasnecejJ'arit,  that  tentation should proue thee.  Tenthly,and  finally  (for  vc 
lemitethereader  to  larger  documentes  of  others)  after  proofe  of  patience,  Pronerbe 
fortitude,  and  other  vcrtues,hone  Angeles  comforte  good  men  j  fo  Raphael  good  by  tribu 
encoraged  old  Tobias,  faying, ch.j. v.  ij.  hisblindcnes  Ihoald  fnortly  be  cured,  lations, 
ch.  II.  V.  iz.fhe'5,"edhimho'»'gratful  his  prayers  with  ttares  and  woorkes  of 
mercie  were  in  Godj  fighr.  He  comfortedRagucl  and  his  familie  by  brin-  Comforte  the 
ging  yong  Tobias  to  their  h©ofe,  ch.  7.  v.  ;.  Much  more,  ch.8.v.i(J.both  them  patientand  a,\ 
and  al  Tobias  his  familie,  by  driuing  away  the  diueljandlaftly  by  leucaiing  vcrtuous. 
bimlelfe  vnto  them.    So  holie  Angeles,  cfpecially  the  proper  gardian  patrones 
ofeucrieoncareal'jJ'aycsrcadicto  hclpemen;  guard  them  ,  exhort  them  to 

good,do  inflrua  them,  do  expel  euil  fpiritcs.and  deliuer  men  from  many  euils  Aneeles  ffiiar- 
&daigers,do  procure  them  temporal  commodities,  proae  their  venues,ofFer  Jians  h       f 
their  prayers  and  good  wotkes.a/lifl  them  al  their  Hues,  and  at  their  deathes,  cialca'r^"f  ^' 
then alfo  bring  thcirfoulesro  the  ludgement  fcate,  and  (if  they  die  in  good  foi,!cscomml« 
ftatc)toeternalioyandglorie,wherof thcancicnt'fatherswritingejare.fuI.S.  tcdtoth  i- 
Greaoriethcgrcar  in  his  Dialogue, /».4.c.j8  S.  AthanifiixsUJectmmunifJ?tntia.  rL-rpc    ^" 
5.Chrifoftom./;o.  ^  CoIIoff./*.  6.  dtSacerdeiia.  Grcc^oriusTuronen.         ^  ' 

i».  di 

leoS  The  booke^lorUll4rtyvam,i^€enfeJJ'or«m.S.^»g**fiinrf!ll.aJproham.c.9.fpifi.  69. ai 
fratres meremo.h.n.  c.  ji.cimt.  Cf  o^egintA  trmm.  qq.  q.  75> .  Our  Sauiour  himfclf 
tcftifieth  that  Angels  rcioyce  at  the  conucrfion  of  a  (inner.Luc.ij.  and  tbcrforc, 
they  know  and  hauccareof  mcnsftarcs  in  this  life,  and  finally  Angeles  caricd 
thcfuulc  of  po«re  Lazarus  into  Abrahams bjfonac,l»f,i6'. 

Ckap.    XIII. 
The  third        Toh'us  the  father  pray feth  God^  exhorting  al  ifruelto  do  thfame^  lifro^he" 
OH  r  b  ia  "^^^  *^'  refimratton  and  better  fate  ofhrttjalem. 

prayfctiiGoii,  i  ?    /r    i 

prophcticiti        A    Nd  Tobias  the  elder  opening  his  mouth,  bieiied  our  i 
better  i^ate  of  Jx  LortI,  and  layd  :Thou  art  great  Lord  for  euer,  and  thy 
Godspcopie.    l^^ingdom  world  without  end:  j"  becaufe  thou  fcourgtll,  and  a 
fauellrleadcft  downeto  hel,and  bringeft  backc  agayne:  and 
there  is  none  that  may  efcape  thy  hand,  f  Cofeffe  to  our  Lord  5 
yechildrenof  Il'rael,  and  in  the  fight  of  the  Gentiles  pray fe 
bim:  t  becaule  he  hith  therforc  difpcrfcd  you  among  the  4 
gentiles,  wuich  know  not  him,  ihat  ytu  n  ay  declare  his 
*'(J^*^^°r^      maruclous  wcrkes,and  "make  ^heni  knovr,  that  there  is  no 
Jhc'IpImua      other  God  omnipotent  behdes  hsm.  t  He  harh  chaQilVd  ^s  f 
goodofo-        forounniquities.andhc  wilfaue  vsfor  histrercic.  j- B  Jiold  6 
liiers.  therfore  whar  he  hath  done  witi)vs,and  vjrh  fearc  and  rierft- 

bhngconfefleyeto  him:and  extol  the  king  of  the  voildes 
°:Hisbo^ic      inyour  workes.  f  And!  ■•  iniheland  of  my  captiuitie  wil  7 
tiuit^-'"'^^t  h*     confelTe  to  him;  because  he  hath  (hewed  his  maicftie  toward 
fpintwashee  a  finful  nation,  j- Conuerr  therfore  ye  finners,  &:do  iufticc  S 
topraikand     before  God,  beleuing  that  he  wil  doe  h'smtrcie  with  you. 
shank  God.  i".  -j.  And  I,  and  my  foulewil  leioyce  in  hira.  f  Bleffe  ye  our  9 
9*lnm/"^"''  Lordalhisele(5t,celebrare  daies  of  gladnes,  and  confefleio  .0 

' '  him,  f  lerufalcm  the  citie  of  God,  cur  Lord  hath  chaftjftd  >i 

theeinthe  workes  of  thy  handes.  f  Confcfle  to  our  Lord  in  12. 
rhy  good  ihinges,  and  bleiTc  the  Godof  the  worldes,  thatJie 
°'-^h  ^^°^^^'  may  ••  reedefie  his  tabernacle  in  thee,  and  may  cal  backe  al 
SfVing  ofThc  tl^e  captiues  to  thee,  &  thou  may  ft  reioyce  for  cucr  and  euer. 
tcmpicand      f  Thou  shaltshine  with  a  glorious  light :  and  al  the  coaftes  15 
cincoflciu-    of  the  earth  shal  adore  thee,  t  Nations  from  far  shal  come  14 
^^™i  to  thee :  and  bringing  giftes,  they  shal  adoreour  Lord  in  thee, 

and  shal  cfteeme  thy  land  for  fandification.  f  For  they  shal  i? 
inuocate  the  great  name  in  thee,  f  Curfed  shal  they  be  that  16 
shal  contemne  thee:  and  damned  shal  they  be  that  shal  blaf- 
pheme  thee  :  and  blelTed  shal  they  be  that  shal  build  rhee.      ■ 
J  And  thou  shah  reioyce  in  thy  children,  becaufe  they  shal  17 

ai  be 

OF  Tobias^  ico<? 

i8   al  be  blcfTcic^'nirri  be  gathered  together  roourLor<!.tBic(Ica  y  OfaI.'cce!c- 
19  arc  al  that  louethcej  and  that  rcioycevpon  thy  peace,  t  ^^h   {("jbVfre'-^"' 

rouIcj^bkfTc  thou  our  Lord,  becaufe  he  hath  deliiicred  Icru-  fromalcnba- 

falcm  his  cicic -from  al  htj:  tribulations,  c!iC  Lord  our  God.  larioni. 
zo  t  Blefled  fl)al  I  be  if  there  ihal  remaync  oi'my  fccde,  to  fee  the  :.NoChti(>ian 
21   gloriccfleruralem.tThegatesofleruralem  flial  be  built  of  \)^^f,^'^^^'\ 

SaphireandtheEaicrauldrandalthc  compalFeof  the  wallcs  luftinrpifl.S6.) 
11    therof  of  preriousftonc.  t  With  white  and  cleane  ftonc  (hal  tiuz^ileluU 

al  the  ftreates  thcro/  be  paued  ;  and  in  the  ftrcates  therof  isavoiccoi 
25  "  ^UeluU  (hal  be  fong.  t  Bklfcd  be  our  Lord,  which  hath  Pff^jfij-"^"" 

exalted  it ,  and  his  kingdom  be  for  eucr  and  cuer  ouer  ic  ^,,.,/^  ^.^  J/,^ 

Amen.  lirdyyUhio'^t 

Chap,     XIIH. 
old  TohUs  dieth  at  the  age  of  an  hundred  and  tT»o  y  fares,  5,  exh9rteth  his 
fonneand nepbeives  to pietie,fcrsht'Wm^ that  Ninine  shd  be  dejlroyed^ 
and lerufalimreedified.  i^.j/on^er Tobias  returneth  "^tth  hfs  fAmtlie  to 
F^^uelj  and  diet h  hafptlj  as  he  badlmed, 

1  A    NDthexrordes  of  Tobias  were  ended.  And  after  that 
x\.  Tobias  Njrasreftored  tohisfighr, he  liuedrwoand  four- 

2  tieyearcs,  and  fa vs' the  children  of  his  nephewes.  f  Therforc 
an  hundred  and  t\ro  yeares  being  accorapliihed,  he  was  buri- 

3  ed  honorably  in  Niniue.  t  For  being  fix  and  fiftie  yeares  old 
he  loft  the  fight  of  his  eies,  and  being  threcfcore  he  receiued 

4  itagayne.  t  And  chereft  of  hislife\rasinioy,and^3P■ithgreat 
increafe  of  the  feare  of  God  he  went   forward  in  peace. 

5  t  And  at  the  houre  of  his  death  he  called  vnto  him  Tobias 
his  fonne,  and  his  feuen  yongfonnes, his  nephewes,  and  (ayd 

6  torhem.fThedcftrudionofNiniaeisnccrc:  for  the  word 

of  our  Lord  faylcih  not:  and  our  brethren,  which  arc  difper-  j^'"^^^  j""  *°J 

7  fedfrorathelandofL^ael,  Hial  returnc  to  it.  f  And  al  the  ^fthccUic°of 
dcfcrt  land  therof  ilial  be  rcpleniihed, and  the  houfe  of  God  icnifalcm  but 
which  is  burnt  in  it^  shed  agayne  be  recdcfied:  and  thither  of  the  Church 

$    shalalrcrurnethat  feare  God;t  and  the  Gentiles  shal  for  fake  of  Chnft. 
their  idols,  and  shal  come  into  lernfalcm,  and  shal  inhabitc  -'Godsfcruaa 

...         1..    1    t      1  •  r  1  III-  •      •  1        tcsmuftnot 

9  init,-}- and"  al  the  Kings  of  the  carrh  snai  reioyce  in  ir,  ado-  only  cipcct 

10  ring  the  king  of  Ifracl.  f  Hcareyc  therforc  my  children  your  vhatHialbc 
father;  feruc  our  Lord  in  truth,  and  "  fceke  to  doe  the  thinges  commai^decJ, 

11  that  plcafe  him:  f  and  command  your  children  that  they  hutalfofeekc 
doc  iuftice?  and  almesdeedes,  that  they  be  mindcful  of  God,  thcyou"htco 
and  blelTe  him  at  al  time  in  truth ,  and  in  al  their  power,  do. 

^SSSSS  t  No>sr 

loio  The  booke  of  Tobias. 

t  Now  therfotc  children"  hearc  me,  and  doe  not  taric  here:  it 
but  \rhac  day  foeuer  youshal  burie  your  mother  by  me  in  one 
r:  A  notable     fepulchre,  from  thenceforth  directe  your  fteppes  to  depart 
of  Tobias  fa-  "^nce:  f  for  I  lee  that  the  miquitie  therof  wil  giue  it  an  end.  ij 
milieandpo-  f  And  it  carhe  to  palfe  after  the  death  of  his  mother,  Tobias  14 
ileritic.  And  a  departed  out  of  Niniue  with  his  wife,  and  children,  and  chil- 
plaine  tefti-     drens  children,  and  returned  to  his  father  and  mother  in  law. 
true"ReIition  ^  ^^^  ^^  found  them  in  health  in  good  old  dge:and  he  tookc   i| 
ncuer  failed    Care  of  thera,and  hcclofed  their  eies  .-  and  al  the  inheritance 
wholjin  the    of  Raguels  houfe  he  receiued;  8c  he  law  the  fifth  generation, 
^*^"Trir"'    bischildrenschildren.  t  And  nintienincyeares'beingaccom*  i6 
Ihckinedom  P^^^hed  in  the  feare  of  our  Lord,  with  ioy  they  buried  him. 
ofIuda,lcaft  t  And-  al  his  kinred,and  al  his  generation  continewed  in  17 
ofalinthe      good  life,  and  in  holie  conucrfation,  fo  that  they  were  acccp- 
Church  of     table  both  to  God,  and  to  men,  and  to  al  the  inhabitantes  in 



S.  kramfometimefujt^ofedthi  hoo^e,  not  fo  he  Cdnonical,  huf  dfter'^Arie  jf*„vj. „ j 
finding  that  the  Councel  of  Nice  accounted  it  in  the  number  iry.p«- 
ofthecouncel  of  holie  Scriptures,  i'f/o  efiemed  it  -y  and  therufon  not  only  irditjlated  itf' 
of  Nice,  held   '»«>  Latin,  out  of  the  Chaldeetongue^  n'herin  it  TVdsfrj}  Tfirltten,  hut  alfo  4i  ^'*"'*"» 
thisbookct{>    occajionrejuiredyaflfagedthe fameas  diuine Scripture,  aadjuf/icient  to  con- 

L  "f  P"l*^^^  •  t*i"ce  matters  of  faith  in  contronerfie.  For  otherwife  his  oppoftnrthe  authoritie 
whichbeforc      c^,        ■       ^-^        ,     t      it         ■'        ;  •  /        ■  V    1  *^t  r- 

liedidnot        of- the  Nicen  Councel,  shotild  prone  nothing  at  d  agdtnjt  the  levies,  feing 

they  alfo  acknowledge  this  booke  amongft  Agiographa  (orhoUe 

Jfirittes)  butlefTe  fitte  (f^ythey)  to  ftreingthen  thofe  thingcs  which 

come  into  contention. '5i;W^jj;f/frf/i5'<i*  S.  lerom  thenceforth  held  it 

fox  diuine  Scripture,  ^s  further  a^peareth  in  his  commentaries  in  ifai  14. 

more  exprejly  Epifl.  ad  Frmci^iAmy  he  counted  it  in  ranhf  rvith  other  Scriptu^ 

reSf  wherof  none  douhteth,  faying:  Ruth,  Efther,  ludith  were  of  fo  great 

renoume,  that  they  gaue  the  names  to  facred  volumes,  ^nd  in  this 

Trefice  doubted  not  to  fa  j:  fi^ttherewarder  of  ludithes  chaftitie  (  Goi 

hmfelf)  gaueher  for  imitation  not  only  to  wemen,  butalfo  to 

men;  gaue  her  fuchvcrtuc  that  she  ouerthrew  him,  whom  none 

OthersDo-       could  ouercome,  and  conquered  the  inuincible.  ^Ifo  Beforethe 

aoisboch be-   Conned,  Origcn in c,  14.  ludith » TertuUian dc Monogamia.  c.  >//.  ^nd 


IVDITH.  loir 

dktn  whom  S.  Hilaric  eitetby  and  dijfcnttth  net  from  them,  Trologo  i»for€  and  after 
rfalmoiy  held  this  booke  for  Canonical.  AJdnie  more  fvrttes  i^kP^if^i^icciccoari' 
dhoHt  the  time  of  the  fame  Coumel^And  ajter  fo  ncccunttt.  Prudcntiusw  tcdrhisbookc 
Tkycbomachid pru^tattie Cr  Uyidtnis:  Chrcrnatiusin  f.6.  A/41. Paulinus.  canonical. 
in  Ndtdlt,  lo.  S.  Chrytortom  hem.  lo.  m  Math.  S,  ^pahofi*  U.  j,  oj^if, 
c,  15.  E^tfi.  81.  et  it.  de  'Viduif.  S.  Auguftin  ( srfome  otk:r  good  aktior) 
Tfnttt  two  firmornofltidithy  228.  219  Cafliodcrus  diumi  Utl.  c.  6.  Fui- 
gcBtius£/'«y?  i.  deJiatuxiduArum.  Ferrandus  Carthagincnfis  ad  I{egiu 
dercmilttatt.  lumiius  Africanus/f.  r.  de partilfusdiutne  Ign.  Sulpi- 
tius;»  bisforid,  S.  Beda  de  fex  <etatiius.   Alredus  licntingihelijtofs,  - 
Edivard  our  Jiinr.  Alore  arenot  rttct(farie  to  reafonahlc  men.  Con  erninetbe 
time,  and autior, tt fm^thmoji prohaUe  tkai  thefe  thtnfti  f^ npitnea  wfen  VVhenthit 
J  fara.  Aianajfts  ktn^cjf  Juda  tvai  eif  er  m pnfon  m  Balylon,  or  neivl)  ttficrtd  to  h'^*o"fhap- 
J3.  hiiht)gdorfi,tVhoasttftmfth  permitted  the  gounmtnt  to  the  h'gh  Pnefi  A^iiTbyvrhom 

EUachim(ch^p  ^)o'hem  t^e  tailed  loachiTr.[d.ij)r.  htalj-  VPrtttettmhooke,  ic  vcas  viitica 
a^  rhdos  Chronolo^ie,  li.  2  reponah,  itbm  nUcl  timithtj  Lad  noTtat'es 
tiitbc  rii^nttf  Ivach^X^^^'-^'  ^^  jeatei^eonfcimable to  tie  Iokp peace  men~ 
tt  ned^eh^p.  16.  "V  ?o.  In  furnme  Jtpt  haueier  ,  not  a  pctttcai  Cimtdte  (of 
Ai^rttf.  Luther  ih^mfih  hot  to  esl ft,  mSimprftMcu^c.  29  ahdinhisCern-an  Thcc6tcnteSi 
Prcfact  of  ludnhj  but  a  (acred  Biflorit  (  «5  al^forementicne  tfitmii  ;r,  and 
the  W^ees  tofifffe  )  of  a  moji  '\altant  Matrttn  \aftj  dtltueririg  the  popleof 
CodfromperJecHtionofacrHcl  T^ranne.  The  ftji  tkreethapt  n  ihewtheoc- 
iafion  ofihti  dartger :  the nextfoitre  djn  tie  the  difl-itilun  ^  difinfts  ther-  p'U'<le^  >"»• 
tfx  other  Icuen^pitbpart  of  the  '.y  how  ludtth  deliueredtLm  from  It.  Irt  the   °      ^ 
rcj} Iitdtthtimucbpraj)fedy  andibe  nith  the  whAe  people  prafe  Cod-,      ^,.    ,      ,    . 

THE  BOOKE  OF  IVDITH.'"?'??'' 

weekcof  Scp- 
^  _  tcmbcr. 

^"AP«      ^'  The  firft part. 

Nabitchodonefor  kin^of^fyrUns  ouercomtth ^rphaxad kingofthe  Medes:  of  J^g  Icwcs 
J.  fummonethmanie  other  nations  to  Itibmttte  themjclueitohU  Empjre:  pcrfecunoa 
11.  "^bich  they  refufmg he  thrcatrieth  renenge,  at  this  time. 

:. The  author 
RpHAxAD  "  fherforekingof  the  Medes  bad  i      bcingrcfolued 
fubdued  manie nations  ro  his  empire,  &  he  built  to  write  this 

amoft  mightiecitie.vfhich  he  called  Ecbatanis,  hiitone.ioy- 

■.   r^c  c\  f  jju  ju  J  11  ncthhisnar- 

•{•  Or  Hone  iquarcd  and  hewed:  he  made  \ralles  2      rationtohls 
thcrofin  height  feuenriecubites,  and  in  breadth  internal pur- 

tbirtie  cubites,and  tl^e  towers  thcrof  he  made  in  height  an  poic,rayjn2: 

hundred  cubttes,  t  But  each  fide  of  them  was  in  fouic  louare     3     iJ,l^'ZTsGr7 
tventie  footc  long,  and  he  made  the  gates  thcrof  according  hWx.ln  E%'d>'. 

Gggggg  i  lotiiC 


j.Tliou  foolc  tothcIacigIitoftheto"«*^ers;  f  and  he  "gloried  as  mightie  in  4 
this  nightchey  the  forcc  of  his  armie,  and  in  the  glorie  of  his  chariotcs.  f  I"   J 
flialtakctny    the  twelfth  yeare  of  hisreignc;  Nabuchodonofor  the  king 
&thefcthings  °^  ^"^  Aflyrians  ,  who  reigned  in  Nmiue  thegreare  citie , 
wliofclhal       fought  againft  Arphaxad,  andoucrcame  him  f  in  the  great  6 
shcybcfi-Mfat.  field,  which  is  called  Ragaii,  about  Euphrates,  and  Tigris, 
2'**®'  andladafonin  the  field  of  Eriochthe  king  of  the  Elicians. 

t  Thenwas  the  kingdom  of  Nabuchodonofor  exalted,  and  7 
his  hart  was  cleuated  :  and  he  fcnt  to  al,  that  dwelt  in  Cihcia 
and  Damafcus,andLibanus,  I  and  to  the  nations,  that  are  8 
inCarmelus,  and  Cedar,  and  the  inhabirantes  of  Galilee  in 
the  great  field  of  Efdrelon,  f  and  to  al  that  were  in  Samaria,  9 
and  beyond  theriuer  lordan  euen  to  lerufalem,  and  al  the 
land  of  lefle  rilyoucome  to  the  borders  of  i£thiophia.tTo  10 
al  thefe  Nabuchodofor  king  of  the  AfTyrians  fent  mefTen- 
gers:  t  who  al  with  one  miodefaid  nay,  &  fent  them  backc  11 
cmptie,  and  reicded  them  without  honour,  f  Then  Nabu-   u 
chodonofor  the  king  taking  indignation  againfi:  al  that  land, 
fworebyhis  throne  and  kingdom  that  he  would  *  reuengc         *  defm^ 
him  felfeofalthofe  countries.  '  deret/e. 

Chap,     II. 
Nxhuchodonofor  fendeih  HaUjerna  hn  General  to  "^Aiji  dl  countries  of  the 
Ifie^-J.  "Slftth  Jigreat  armie^  and  ahoHndant  mumtion,  il.  jhey  fuhdut 
mAfiiefUteii  and  others  are  ^rooken  Jpith great feare, 

IN  the  thirtenthyearc  of  king  Nabuchodonofor,  the  two     s 
and  twcnteth  day  of  the  firft  moncth,  the  word  w^s  geucn 
out  in  the  houfe  of  Nabuchodonofor  the  king  of  the  AfTy- 
rians, that  he  would  reuenge  him  felfe.  f  And  he  called  al     x 
the  ancientes,  and  al  the  captaynes,  and  his  men  of  warre,and 
communicated  with  them  the  fecrctcof  his  counfel;  f  and     3 
hefaid  that  his  cogitation  was.vpon  that,  to  fubdew  al  the 
earth  to  his  empire,  f  which  faying  when  it  had  pleafed  them    4 
al, Nabuchodonofor  the  king  called  Holofernes  the  Gene- 
r. This  cruel    ralofhis  warres,  f  andfaid  to  him  :  Goe  forth  againft  cucric    $ 
comandment  kingdom  of  the  weft,  &  againft  thera  efpecially,that  contem- 
wasascruclly  ned  my  commandment.^^  '•'  Thyneeie  shal  fparc  no  king-    6 
xioVby  Holo-  ^^^*  ^nd  eucric  fenfed  citic  thou  shalt  lubdew  to  me. t  Then    7 
femes,  sh.  3.,  Holofernes  called  the  captaynes,  &  raagiftratcs  of  the  powrc 
'yii-  ofthc  AfTyrians :  and  he  muftcred  men  for  the  expedition,  as 

the  king  commanded  him,  an  hundred  twcntie  ihoufand  figh- 


tingmenonfootc, and  tvreluc  thouGnd  archers  hcrfemcn. 

8  t  And  he  made  al  his  expcditicn  to  goe  before  in  a  multitude 
of  inumerable  camels,  with  thofc  thinges  that  might  iuftice 
the  ar^mies  abundantly,  hcardes  of  oxen  alfo,  and  flockes  of 

9  shecpe,  which  had  no  number,  j-  He  appoyntcd  corne  to  be 

10  prepared  out  of  al  Syria  in  his  paifage.  f  But  gold  and  filuer 

11  hetookeoutof  the  kings  houle  exceding  much,  -f  And  he 
went  forth  and  al  the  armie  with  thechatiotcs,  t^'horfemcn, 
and  thearchcrs,  which  coaered  the  face  of  the  earth  ,  as  lo- 

IX  cuftcs.  t  And  when  he  had  paiTcd  through  the  coaflcs  of  the 
Alfyrians,  he  came  to  tlie  great  mountaines  of  Ange,  which 
are  on  the  left  hand  of  C-iicia:  and  he  went  vp  into  al  thcit 

jj  caileles,  and  wonne  euerie  fortrefTe.  |  And  he  brake  downe 
thcrenowraed  citie  of  Melothus,  and  fpoylcd  ai  iheciiildren 
of  Therfts,  and  the  childten  of  Ifmael,  which  wete  againft 
thefaceofthedrft-rt,andcn  the  fouih  of  thelandcf  Cellon. 

14  t  And  he  puffed  ouer  Eup  ira"es,  and  came  into  Mcfopota- 
mia  :  and  he  brake  al  the  highciriesv  that  were  there,  from 

Ij  the  torrent  of  Membre,fil  ye  come  to  the  fea:  f  and  he  tooke 
the  borders  therof,  from  Olicia  vnto  the  coaftcs  of  laphcih, 

16  which  are  toward  the  fou  h.  f  And  he  caricdaway  al  the 
children  of  Ma.han,  and  fpoykd  al  tlieir  riches,  and  al  that 

17  refilled  him  he  flew  in  the  edge  of  the  fword.  f  And  after 
thefe  thmges  he  went  downe  into  the  fieldcs  of  Damafcus  in 
thedaiesofharuell,  and  he  fet  aJ  the  corne  on  fire,  and  he 

18  madeal  the  treesand  vineyardesro  be  cutdownej  f  and  the-, 
fearc  of  him  fel  vpon  al  the  inhabitantcs  of  the  land. 

Chap.     III. 
Mdfiie  hjng'^s  and  other  princes  fttbmitte  them  felncsto  ffolofernes.  8.  He  re- 
ceiaeth  them,  4nd  taketb  of  their  chief  men  to  reinforce  hisdrmie,  11.  ne- 
uertheles  dtihoyetb  their  cities  y^nd  their ^oddei,  that  NabHchodoaofor  onlj 
might  he  called  Cod. 

»  'TP  Hen  the  kinges  and  princes  of  al  cities  and  prouinccj;. 

X    namely  of  Syria  and  Meiopotamia,  and  Syria  Sobal,  and 

Libya,  and  Cilicia  fent  their  embaHTado  urs,  which  coming  to 

1  Holofernes,  faid  :  -f  Let  thy  indignation  towardevs  ceafe: 

For  it  is  better  that  liuing  we  feare  Nabuchodonofor  the 

great  king,  and  be  fubicft  to  thee,  then  dyiwg,  we  should 

vith  our  deftru<flion  fuffer  the  damiges  of  oar  feruirndc. 

5  t  Eucriccuicofours,andalcur  pofTeffion,  al  mouataynes, 

^SggSS5  and 

Xor4  IVDITH. 

andhilles;  anJ  fieldes^  and  heardcs  of  oxen,  and  floclcej  of 
shecpe,  and  goates ,  and  of  horfes,  and  camels,  and  al  cur 
goodes,  and  families  are  in  thy  fight:  f  let  alour  thinges  be   4 
vnder  thy  law.  f  Ws  alfo,  and  our  chiUren  are  thy  feruantcs.  y 
t  Came  to  vs  a  peaceable  Lord,  and  vfeour  rcruice,asitsha!  6 
plcafethee.  f  Then  went  hcdowne  from  the  mounraynes  7 
withhorfcmeninagreatpowrc,and  tooke  eueric  cicie,  and 
euerieinhabirerofiheland.  f  Andofal  the  cities  he  tooke  8 
to  helpc  him  vahant  men,  and  chofen  for  battel,  f  And  fo   9 
great  fearc lay  vpon  al  thofe  proumces,  that  the  inhabirantes 
ofalcities,princes  and  honorable  perfons,  together  with  the 
people  went  out  to  meete  him  coming,  -f-  reccyuing  him  with  10 
garlandes,and  torches, dauncing  with  timbrels,  &  shaulmes. 
t  Neitherdoingthpfethinges.couldthcy  for  aKhar  mitigate  11 
the  firceneffe  cf  his  ftomacke:   -f  for  he  did  both  dcftroy  li 
their  cities,  and  cur  downe  their  groues.  +  For  Nabucho-  13 
::  An  expreffc  ^o^o^^r  ^he  king  had  commanded  him,  rhar  he  sfoulJ  de- 
figureotAnti-  fttoy  al  the  goddcrs  of  die  earth,  that  -  heonlv  m  ghr  be  cal- 
chrlft  i.rheft.  led  God  of  thofe  nations,  which  could  be  fubdcwed  with  the 
ter^l'keT''^      might  of  Holofernes.  t  An  J  paffing  through  2!  Syria  SoWa',  14 
makcvf'ayas     ^"^^^  Apame.i,  &  al  M.foporamiahe  came  to  the  IJumcaiis  - 
prccurfcrs^for  info  the  land  of  G-ibaa,  f  and  tooke  their  citi.s,  and^{,ite  1$ 
thcfingular      there  for  thirtiedayt  s,  in  which  daies  he  commanded  al  the 
manoffinne       amiie  of  hls  powic  to  be  vnitcd . 

wil  confellc  *  ^  T  »  T » 

noGodbut        ,     ,.,,       ,  ^    ,        ,.  Chap.    IIII. 

liimlelf.  ^P^  children  of  Ifraelexcedtn^ly  fearmg  H&fo femes  foree$,  3.  protilde  to  rfftfi 

htm,  by  the  exborunon  of  the  Htgh  rriefi,  yfw^  both  bumAtne,  8.  *nei  di' 

P*"-  'T'Hen  the  children  of  rfrael,  which  dwelt  in  the  Land  i 

^°?«'reat''  °^  ^^^^'  hearing  thefe  thmges,  were  fore  afrayd  of  his 

fcarc  fnd^dif-  P^^^cnce.  t  Trembling  aHo, and  horrourinuadcd  their  fenfes,  z 
trcffe.  left  he  would  doe  that  to  Icrufalem  and  to  the  temple  of  our 

Lord,  which  he  had  done  ro  other  cities,  and  their  temples, 
f  And  they  fent  into  al  Samaria  round  about,as  for  as  Icricho,  5 
and  preoccupated  al  the  toppes  of  mountaynes :  f  ^"d  they   4 
compalTed  their  townes  with  walles,  and  gathfff^d  together 
••Th  h-  u       corne  for  prouifion  of  battel.  |  Eliachim  ••  theprieft  wrot^  5 
pncu  m?na-     to  al,  that  wereagainft  Efdrclon,  which  isagainlt  the  ficc  of 
gcdalfothc      the  great  fields  befide  Dothain,  and  ro  al,  by  wliom  there 
umporaUf-    might  bepailage  of  way,  chat  they  should  take  the  afcentes 

of  the 

IVDITH.  lOiy 

ofthe  mountaynes,  by  \chich  there  might  bevay  to  Icrufa- fayresofthc 
1cm,  and  should  kcepe  \ratch,wherc  the  •v»'ay  was  narrow  be-  comon  vrchh, 

7  tven  themounraynes.  -f  And  the  children  of  Ifrael  did  ac- J'^^"J'"'^' 
cording  as  the  Pricfl  of  our  Lord,Eliachim  had  appointed  commifllon 

8  them,  t  Andal  the  people  cried  to  our  Lord  with  great  in-  ofkingMa- 
ftancc,and  they  humbled  their  foules  in  faftings,and  prayers  naflcs.asis 

c,  they  &  their  wiues.  f  And  the  Prieaesput  on  hcareclothes, '^°j}P^"^='^'c 
and  they  laide  the  infantes  proftrateagainft  the  face  of  the  happcnin^^* 
temple  ofour  Lord,  and  the  alrar  of  our  Lord  they  coucred  fliortly  after 

10  withhearecbth;  f  and  they  cried  to  our^' Lord  the  God  of  hisrepcntacc, 
Ifrael  With  one  accord,  that  their  mfantes  might  not  be  geue  iP^'^'^-JJ* 
into  praye,  dc  their  wiucs  into  fpoile,  and  their  cities  into  dc- 
ftrudion,  and  their  holie  thingcs  into  pollution,  and  they  be 

11  made  areprochto  the  Gentiles,  f  Then  Eliachim  the  high 
Pfieftofour  Lord  went  about  al  Ifrad  and  (pake  to  them, 

12  f  faying:  Know  ye,  that  our  Lord  wil  heare your  prayers, if 
contincwingyou  continew  in  faftinges  and  ptayers  in  the 

15  fight  ofour  Lord,  f  Be  mindful  of  Moyfes  the  feruantof  our 
Lord,  whooucrthrew  Amalec  truflingin  his  power,  and  in 
bis  might,  and  in  his  armic,  &  in  his  shieldes,  &  in  his  chari- 
otes,&inhis  horfemen,not  by  fighting,  but  with  holiepray- 

14  ers:  f  fo  shal  al  the  enemies  of  llrael  be  ;  if  you  perfeuere  in 

ij  this  worke,  which  you  haue  begunne.  f  They  thcrfore  at 

this  exhortation  of  his,  beieching  our  Lord,continewed  in 

16  the  fightof  our  Lord,  f  fo  that  they  alfo,  which  offered  the 
holocauftes  to  our  Lod,  did  offer  the  facrifices  toour  Lord 
girded  with  heareclothes  ,  and  there  were  ashes  vpon  their 

17  head,  f  And  they  al  prayed  God  with  al  their  hart,  that  nc 
vould  vifite  his  people  Ifrael. 

Chap.   V. 

Bolofernts  larirgthatilit  Jfrdelites prepare  to  rtftfi  him,  in  great  rage  de* 

mandetb  dtuea  particulars  concerning  that  people,  y.  ^chi^r  an  ^mmo» 

nite  telletb  the  meritdous  of  God  towards  them.  22.  aduifeth  him 

not  tofigbt  agatnji  them.  16  the  chief  cAp'tt antes  are  offended,  cr  threatei^ 


X      A    N  D  it  was  told  Holofcrnes  the  General  of  the  warrcs 

X\  of  the  Affyrians,  that  the  children  of  Ifrael  prepared 

them  felues  to  rcfift,  and  had  fbutvp  the  wayes  of  the  moun- 

1   tayncSjf  and  with  exccdingfurie  he  chafed  in  great  anger, 

5  and  called  al  the  princes  ofNoab  and  dukes  of  Ammon,f  and  .  Holcf 

he  fayd  to  thcm:Tel  me  '■'■  what  is  this  people  which  bcfetreth  c ouJi  cot  be 


1 01^  IVDITH. 

altogcthcrig-  the  mountaynes:  OF  what,  and  of  what  fortc,  and  how  great 
Tjorancol:  lo     ^.j^^-^.  ^-jj j-j  ^j.^.  ^\[q  what  rheir  power  is,  or  \T»'hat  is  :hcir  mul- 
pTcasthc        titude:  or  who  is  the  king  of  their  warfare:  t  and  why  aboue  4 
Icwcs,  batin   alchatdwelin  rhe  Eaft,  haue  thefs  contemned  vs^  and  hiue 
hisragemar-  not  comc  forth  to  mcetevs,  that  thcy  might  receiue  vs  with 
ueiin-;  at  their  p^ace?  j*  Then  Achior  captainc  of  al  the  children  of  Am-   5 
rna'tlcfh  more  i^o^i  ^^^^wering,  faid ;  If  thou  woutfafe  my  Lord  to  heare, 
p'articularly  of  I  wii  tel  the  truch  in  thy  fight  of  this  people,  which  dwcileth 
dicir  habiiiiic  in  the  mountaynes,  and  tiiere  shal  not  a  faife  word  come 
torciifthim.    forth  of  my  mouth,  t  This  people  is  of  the  progcnie  of  the  6 
sce^         Ch.aldces.fThc  fame  dwelt  fit  iUn  Mcfopocaiuia,becaure  thcy  7      ceir.i:.  ■ 
would  not  folow  the  goddes  of  their  fathets,  which  were  in 
thelandof  theChaldees.  f  Forfaking  therfore  the  ceremo-   8 
nies  of  their  fathers,  which  were  in  multitude  of  goddes, 
•J-  they  worshipped  one  God  of  heauen,who  alfo  commanded    9. 
them  that  they  should  depart  from  thence,  and  should  dwel 
inCharan.  And  when  there  was  famine  ouer  al  the  land,  cen.i%\ 

.they  went  downe into  iCgypt,  and  there  for  foure  hundred 
yeares  were  fo  multiplied,  that  the  hoil  of  them  could  not 
be  numbrcd.  f  And  when  the  king  of  i€gypt  opprelTed  10     Exad.i^ 
them,  and  in  the  builclinges  of  his  cities  had  fubdewcd  them' ' 
in  brick  and  claye,  they  cried  to  their  Lord,  and  he  ftroke  the 
whole  Land  of  i^gypt  with  diners  plagues,  f  And  when  the  11     r.xo.7, 
i£gyp.tians  had  cad  them  out  from  them ,  and  the  plague  ^*' 

had  cea(ed  from  them,  and  they  would  take  them  agame,  11 
and  cal  them  backe  to  their  feruice,  f  thefe  fleeing  away,  'fm^Je 

the  God  of  heauen  opened  the  fea,  fo  that  the  waters  srere         foUde  or 
*  confolidated  as  a  wal,  on  cither  fide,  and  thcy  walking  /'""'• 

through  the  bocome  of  the  fca  pafl'cd  drie  foote.^  •   f   In  ^*''  ^'** 

which  place  whiles  an  innumerable  armic  of  the  ^^gyp-  ij 
tians  purfewed  them,  they  Were  fo  ouervrhelmed  with  the 
waters,  that  there  was  not  one  remayning,  to  eel  the  fadt 
topoderiric.t  Alfo  being  pad  the  read  fea,  they  polTeired  the  14 
'  dcfcrtcsof  Mount  Sinai,  in  which  neucr  man  could  dwel,  or 

fonneofmanrefted.  t  There  bitter  fountayncs  were  made  ij     ^^[ijj' 
Iweeteforthefntodrinke,andfor  foutcie  yeares  thcy  rcce- 
iuedmeate  fromhcaucn.  -f  Wherefoeuer  they  entered  with-  16 
cut  bow  and  arrow,  and  without  shielde  and  fword,  their 
God  fought  for  them,  and  oucrcame.  t  And  there  was  not  17    j^dic.  x. 
that  did  infuitagainO:  this  people,  but  when  they  departed  j.4<^f. 

from  the  worftiip  of  the  Lord  their  God.  t  Bat  as  often  as  iS 
^         -  bcfrJe 

Itdith.  loi;^ 

befidctliciro\rncGod,  ihey  worshiped  an  other,  they  vcrc 

jf  geucn  roprayc,aBdintothclvord,indtorcproch.  f  And  as 
otrcn  as  they  -vtie  penitent  for  that  they  reuolted  from  the 
vorship  of  their  God,  the  God  of  heauen  gaue  them  povcr 

ID  torchft.  t  Finally  the  king  of  the  Chananeitcs,  and  otlebu- 
feites,and  of  the  Pherezcites,  and  of  the  Hctheitei.,  and  of 
theHcueitcs,andot  the  Amorrhcitcs,and  al  the  roightic  in 
Hclebon  they  ouerthrcw,  and  they  polFcfied  theiclandes,  & 

11  their  cities:  I  and  as  long  as  they  finned  not  in  the  fight  of 
their  God,  it  was  "wel  vrith  them,  for  their  God  hateth  miqui- 

ti  tie. -f-  For  -  thefc  ycarcs  ah'o  paft  vp'hcn  ihey  had  reuolted    _„   ^       , 
fromthe  way,  which  God  had  geuen  them,  that  they  Ihould  Jo  fpcakcof 
'valkeinir,  they  were  ddUoytd  in  battels  by  manic  nations,  tkccaptiuitie 
andvcrie  manic  of  them  were  led  captiueintoaftrange  land,  of  king  Ma- 

2J  t  But  of  late  returning  to  the  Lord  their  God,  from  the  dif-  "^^^^  -.?<»•<«/. 

perfion  wherein  ihey  were  difperfed,  they  are  vnited  &  arc  ''"  ^^^!.?^• 

11/-  1       it    ^'  pumentox 

come  vp  into  al  thele  mountaynes ,  and  poflcfle  lerufalcra  a-  fhubooke 
J4  gaine  where  their  Holies  are.  jNow  therfore  my  Lord,fcarch  {"*£.  !•»• 
if  there  be  any  iniquitieof  theirs  in  the  fight  of  their  God; 
andletvsgoevpto  them,  becaufc  their  God  dfliuerint?  wil 
deliuenlum  to  thec,and  they  flial  be  fubdewed  vnder  the 
i;  yoke  of  thy  power :  j  but  if  there  be  no  oflenccof  this  people 
before  their  God,  wecannotrcfiftthcnijbGcaule  their  God 
wil  defend  them  rand  we  (hal  be  a  reprochc  to  the  whole 
iC  earth,  f  And  it  came  to  palTc,  when  Achior  had  ceafed  to  ::  AiHalofct- 
fpcakcthc(ewordes,al  the  great  men  of  Holofcrncs  were  """"l*/!' 
aHgrie,  and  they  thought  to  kil  him,  faying  to  each  other:  ^hKhhcio' 
17  t"  who  is  this,  that  (ay til  the  childicnof'lfracl  can  rcfift  king  gicacparc 

Nabuchodonofor,  and  his  armies,  men  vnarmcd,  and  with-  knew,(bhi« 
z8  out  force,  and  without  skil  of  thcfcatcs  of  warrc?  -j-  That  nicD(kaow 
Achior  therfore  may  know  that  he  deceioeth  vs,  let  vs  goc  «ng^^^^^ 
vp  into  the  mounrayncs.and  when  their  mightic  ones  (hal  be  ^'^''"°ac^ 
taken,  then  «hai  he  with  them  be  ftrockcn  through  wirh  the  manf, »''•!»© 
i^  f^».■o^d:  j- that  cuerie  nation  may  know  that  Nabuchodonofor  is  that  due 
li  God  ofthe  earth,  and  befidcs  him  there  is  none  other.  fayfuch 

Chap.    VI.  thingcsl 

m^oferneurgreaf  r^ge  fenJrth^chicr  to  tethulid,  tJut  he  may  there  he 
[Uih.withth^  Ifr^rlim.  8.  Betiluft  Uundt04tree,lO.  jromnhcme 
the  IJrgflt'.cs  taking  ^""'  ^'  ^'^^'^  *^"^ theuujt.  14.  jbe^  enttftMnt bim 
(tuncoufiy  And  t^rfujilj^ra^  to  Ctdfor  hel^e. 

Hhhhhh  Akb 

■  laif  IVDITH 

AN  Die  came  to  paffe  v^hen  they  had  ceafed  to  fpeake,  r 
Holofernes  being  fore  offended,  faid  to  Achior :  f  Be-  * 
caufe  thou  haft  prophccied  vnto  vs  faying,  that  the  nation 
ioffnvairris    of  irradisdefendedofcheirGod,thatImay  flicu  thee- that 
would  haue     ^^^^^  is  ^^o  God,  but  Nabuchodonofot:  f  vhen  we  ihal  haue  3 
no  other  God  ftrooke  them  alas  one  man,  then  thy  fcif  vp'ith  them  flialt  die 
buthim.And    by  the  fwordof  the  AfTyrianSjand  allfraelxrith  thee  ihal  pc- 
ticisalfofjl'    ri*bydeftruaion:taadthou{haItprouethat  Nabuchodo-  4 
lousand  wil     iio^or  is  lord  of  the  vhole  earth ;  and  then  the  fword  of  my 
liaucnoGoi    Warfare  flialpaflfe  through  thy  fides,  &  pearfed  thou  ilialt  fal 
buthimfelfe,  among  the  >3rounded  of  ifracl,  and  thou  flialt  no  morefcrch 

breath,  til  thou  be  deftroyedvith  them,  t  Butifthouchinke   5 
thy  ptophecie  true,  let  not  thy  countenance  quaile,  and 
the  palenefle  that  is  in  thy  face,  let  it  depart  from  thee,  if  thou 
thinkc  thele  my  wordes  can  not  be  accompliftied .  fAnd  ^ 
that  thou  mayft  kno\r  that  thou  shalt  ptoue  thefe  thinges 
together  with  them,  behold  from  this  houre  thou  shale  be 
alTociate  to  their  people,  that  whiles  they  shal  rcceiue  wor- 
thie  punishment  of  my  fword,  thou  withal  may  be  fubiccfl 
to  the  vengeance,  j-  Then  Holofernes  commanded  his  fer-  7 
uantcs  that  they  should  take  Achior,  and  lead  him  into  Bc- 
thula,  and  shoulddeliuer  him  into  the  handes  of  the  children 
of  Ifrael.  f  And  the  (eruantcs  of  Holofernes  taking  him,  8 
\rent  through  the  champainc;  but  when  they  came  necre  the 
mountaynes,  the  (lingers  came  forth  againft  them,  f  And  ^ 
they  turning  out  of  the  way  by  the  fide  of  the  mountayne, 
tyed  Achior  to  a  tree  hand  and  foote ,  and  fo  left  him  bound 
vith withes,  and  returned  to  their  lord,  f  Moreouer  the  10 
children  of  Krael  defcending  from  Bethulia,  came  to  him* 
"Whom  loofnig  they  brought  to  Bethulia,  and  fetting  him  in 
themiddesof  the  people,  demanded  what  was  the  matter, 
that  the  AfTyrians  had  left  him  bound,  f  In  t^ofe  daycs  the  ri 
princes  there,  were  Ozias  the  foiane  of  Micha  of  the  tribe  o^ 
Simeon,  and  Charmi,whoairo  is  Gothonicl.  fin  the  midde^  12. 
therefore  of  the  ancientes,  and  in  the  fight  of  al,  Achior  told 
al  thinges  that  he  had  fpoken  being  afked  of  Holofernes:  and 
how  the  people  of  Holofernes  would  haue  killed  him  for  this 
word,  t  and  how  Holofernes  him  felfe  being  angriecoman-  13 
ded  him  to  be  deliuered  for  this  caufe  to  the  Ifraehtes:  that 
when  he  should  ouercome  the  children  of  Ifrael,  then  he 
might  command  Achior  alfo  himfelf  to  die  by  diuerfc  tor» 



tormenres,  for  this  that  he  had  faid  :  The  God  of  heaucn  is 

14  their  defender,  f  And  -when  Achior  had  declared  al  thefe 
thinges,  ai  the  people  fel  on  their  facc,adoring  our  Lord,  and 
"srith  common  lamentation  and  weeping  they  povrcd  ouc 

ij  their  prayers  with  one  accord  to  cur  Lord,  -^  faying:  Lord 

Godofheauen  and  earth,  behold  ••  their  pride,  and  hauc  re-  ;;  God  rear-  ' 
gardio'-ourhumilitie,  and  attend  "the  face  of  thy  faindes,  dcth  tkcpadc 
and  (hew  that"- thou  forfakeft  not  them  that  prclumeof  thee  °  j  "i"^"',. 
and,  that  thow  humbleft  them  thatprcfume  of  themfclues,  Jionof  pcni-*' 

16  and  glorie  of  their  power,  f  Their  weeping  therfore  being  tcntcs,;:thc 
ended,  &  the  peoples  prayer  by  the  whole  day  being  finiChed,  iar.aiucof 

17  they  comforted  Achior,  t  faying:  The  God  of  our  fathers,  ^"  Churclun 
whofe  power  thou  haft  fet  forth,  he  wilgeuerhee  thisrecom-  |^"*j"i'" 

iS  pence,  that  thou  rather  ih?.h  fee  their  deftrudion.  f  And  lons^ashohc 
when  the  Lord  our  God  shalgeue  this  libei  tic  to  his  feruan-  tiungcs.;:and 
tes,  beGod  with  thee  alfoin  the  middesofvs  :  that  as  it  shal  "uecofidcncc 
pleafethee,  fo  thou  with  al  thine  mayft  conuerfe  with  vs.  o"ut  Teluiiit 
19  t  Then  Ozias,  the  counfel  being  ended,  receiued  him  into  ofmcuspoufc 
10  hishoure,andmade  him  a  grearcfupper.  f  And  al  the  anci- 
entes  being  called,  they  refreshed  them  (elues  together  after 
ii   thefaftingwas  ended,  f  But  afterwarde  al  the  people  was 
called  together,  and  al  the  night  long  within  the  church, they 
prayed  defiringhclpe  of  the  God  of  Lrracl. 
Chap.   V  IL 
Holof ernes  htjiegtth  Bethuha  ,6.  cutteth  tbe'tr  conduite  of  rvdter,  5.  k'peth 
tbetrfounuines,  it.  the  people  tnttrmurey  and  mutentfy  i2.  yet  they  pray 
to  God,  z;.  andtke  hi^h pne/}  detcrminetbyif  4ide  come  not  Witbin  fue 
d^yesy  to  deliuer  the  citie  to  the  ^Jfyi/tns. 

I    T)  V  T  Holofcrnes  the  next  day  commanded  his  armies,thac 

i    J3  they  should  goevp  againft  Bethulia.  f  And  there  were 

of  warre  foore  men  an  hundred  twcntic  thoufand,  and  horfc 

men  two  and  twentie  thoufand  ,  befides  the  preparations 

of  thofe  men,  whom  the  captiuitie  had  taken,  and  had  becnc 

3  led  away  out  of  the  prouinces  and  cities,  of  al  youth,  -f  Al 
prepared  themfclues  together  to  the  fight  agaynft  the  chil- 
dren of  Ifrael,  and  they  came  by  the  hil  fide  vnto  the  toppe, 
which  lookerh  toward  Dorhaim,from  the  place  which  is  cal- 

4  led  RelinavnroChelmon,  which  is  againft  Efdrelon.  f  But 

"the  children  of  Ifrael,  as  they  fa  w  the  multitude  of  ihcm,  le^Hd/ofar 
laidthcmfcluesproftracevpon  the  earth,  carting  ashes  vpon  bcfoicihcy 
H  h  h  h  h  h     z  their 

g,    .        '•io^  Itdith. 

IfsoVtenlcc*,  ^^"'  hcadcJ,  praying  >rith  one  accord,  that  the  Goi  of  Ifrael 
«6fncndrheir*'*^^"^^^cv  his  racrcieypon  his  people,  t  And  taking  their  ; 
caufe  to  God,  weapons  of  varrc,  they  fate  at  the  places,  which  by  a  narro-^ 
»^^°."^'^^"path  5ray  lead  dirediy  bcr^en  the  mounuyncs ,  and  rhey 
STcxp^aopl  "^crekepingtheraaldayandnJght.f^loreoucr  Holofcrnes,  i 
portanitlc to  "whiles  he  compafTeth  round  abour,  found  that  thefouiaync, 
encounter  which  rannc  in,  Trent  dire dlrly  to  theii  conduirc  on  tlic 
viththecni-  fouth  fide  without  the  citic:  and  he  commanded  their  con- 
"**"•  duitctobe  cut  afunder.  f  Ncucrthcleflc  there  were  foun-  7 

tayncsnot  far  from  the  walles,  out  of  which  fecrcdy  they 
femed  CO  draw  water  to  refrefh  them  felues,  rather  then  to 
drinke.  f  But  the  childicn  of  Aramon,  &  Moab  came  to  Ho-  8 
lofernes,  faying;  The  c'oiidrenof  Ifraclrruftnot  in  fpeare, 
nor  in  arrow,  but  the  mountaynes  defend  them,  &  tnehillcs 
{landing  meruelous  ftipe  gard  them,  f  Therfore  that  thou  9 
mayftoucrcomethero  wttWout  loyning  battel,  fcr  kepers  of 
the  fouataynes,  that  they  may  not  draw  water  of  them,  and 
"Without  fword  thou  fhalc  kilthcra,  or  at  the  leaft  beinp  wea- 
ried they  wil  yeli  their  eitie,  which  they  thinck  being  fet  in 
the  mountayne$,can  not  beoucrcome.  f  And  thefe  wordcs  10 
pleafed  Holoferncs,and  his  fouldiars,  and  he  placed  round 
about  an  hundred  men  at  euerie  fountayne.  \  And  when  11 
that  watch  had  beene  fully  kept  for  twentie  dayes,  the  celler- 
ncsfavled,  and  the  colkdions  of  waters  roal  rhe  inhabiran- 
tesof  Bcthulia,  fo  rhat  there  was  not  within  the  cicie,wherof 
they  might  be  fariCBed  no  not  for  one  day,  becaufc  water  was 
daylygeuen  tothe  people  by  meafure.  t  Then  al  the  men,  11 
and  wemen,yongmen,and  children,  being  gathered  fogc- 
j^:  A  common    ther  to  ••  Ozias,al  together  with  one  voice,  -f  faidrGodiudgc  13 
rai  tico  pco-  betwen  vs  and  chee,  becaafe  thou  haft  done  euil  agaynft  vs, 
eoimputccr-  m  that  thou  wouldelt  not  speake  peaceably  with  the  Aliyn- 
rorto  their      ans,and  for  this  caufe  God  hath  lold  vs  into  their  handcs. 
Supcriour:       -j- And  there  is  none  to  helpe,wlaers^s  we  lye  proftrate  before  14 
ihoajihin        their  eies  in  thirft,&f^reaC(kftruaion.  t  And  now  aflerablc  15 
crrcdraihcrin  ycal»  that  arem  the  cuic,  thit  we  may  ot  our  ownc  accord 
yeldingatlaft  yeld  vs  al  to  the  people  of  Holoferncs.  f  For  it  is  better,  that  iC 
totkeirfuggc-  captiues  we  blefle  our  Lord  lining,  then  we  ihould  die,and  be 
ftionT.if.       areprochtoal  flefh,when  we  ihal  i~ee  our  wiucs,and  our 
ftan"din''-Thus"  infantes  die  before  our  eies.  f  We  Cil  to  wirnes.thisday  hca-  17 
long.  °  nenandcarth,andtheGodofourfahcrs,whichtaketh  ven- 

geance pfvs  according  to  our  finncs,  that  now  you  dcliutr 


IvDiTM.  roil 

thecirie  into  the  hand  of  Holofcrncs  armic,  t!iat  our  end 
fiity  bcftiortinrhcedgcoftbcfword,  vhichis  made  losgcr 
i8  inthe  drughrof  thirft.-j- And  vchcnthcy  hadfaid  thcfc  thin- 
gesjthcrtwasinadegrcat  wcf  ping  and  howling  oi- ai  in  rhc 
afferablej  and  for  it  anic  hourcs  v»  uh  one  voice  they  cried  to 

19  God,(ayiiig:  f  Wchauc  finned  with  our  fathers,  we  hauc 

20  done  vniultjy,  we  haue  committed  inicjuitie.  f  Thou  becaule 
thou  art  gracious,  haue  mcrcic  vpcn  vs,  or  in  thy  fcourgc 
rcucngc  ourinicjuitics>and  dcliucrnot  them  that  truftinthcc    . 

21  toapeople,that  knowcth  nor  thee,  f  that  they  /ay  not  among 
21  the  Gentiles;  where  IS  their  God?  f  And  when  they  wearied 

with  thcfc  cries,  and  tyred  with  ihclc  weepings,  had  held 

25  their  peace,  j  Ozias  ryfing  vp  embrucd  with  teares,  laid;  Be 

ofgo©dchere  brerhcrcn,  and  thcfe  fiuc  daies  let  vs  expedl 

24  mercicofour  Lord,  f  For  peraduenture  he  wil  cut  of  his  in- 

2j  dignacion,3nd  wilgtueglorit  to  his  name,  f  But  if  after  fiuc 

daus  be  part  there  come  no  aide,  we  wii  doe  ihcfe  wordcs, 

whicKyou  hauc  spoken. 

Chap.    VIII. 
Jiidith dmo&yertttoHiyricb,  JAyrCyCr  rfnirvmedxvidotP,  9.  reluke^^f^' 

higjo  frtfji  ind Ancunteiyjor  titir  detfrmtn*tion  to  dtliucr  the  cititttf  dyde  yfiprVirj^  part 
tomtnttinjiHt  dayes,  i^.  exhortetbdlto  ^endnce.  z8.  rhry  *l  d^ret  to  luHirh  .^dioe- 
herjrQdlieddutfty^o.frdjtn^Jor^oodfHCfJJeofhtnntentton^  whnb  tbry  rct^hrrxv  Fole 
yttknoWnoK  nation  from 

N  D  it  came  to  paH'e,  when  Tudith  a  widow  had  heard 
thelewordcs,  which  was  the  daughter  of  Mcrari,  the 
fonneof  Idox,  the  fonneof  lofephjthe  ionnc  of  Ozias,  the 
fonneof  Elai,chc  fonncof  lamnor.ihc  fonneof  Gedeon,  the 
Tonne  of  Raphaim,  the  fonneof  Acnitob.  the  Ionnc  of  Mel- 
chias,  the  fonneof  Ensn,  rhc  fonne  of  Narhanias, the  Ionnc 
a  ofSalathiel,  the  fonne  of  Simeon,  the  fonnc  of  Ilrael:  f  and 
hcrhufband  was  Manalfcs.  who  died  in  rbe  daies  of  barhy 

3  harucft:|  ior  he  vFasoccupic-l  with  them  that  bound  sncue* 
in  the  field,  and  the  hcate  came  vpon  his  head,  and  he  died  in 

4  Bcthuliahiscitie.andwasburiedthercwirhhisfarher.  t  And 

Judith  was  leafc  his  widow  now rhrec  yeares  aiidlixmone-  "Jnthrfefpt- 
^  .  .  .  ;  thes.  t  And  in  the  higher  partes  of  her  houfe  she  made  her  c'ir>l  nh(rr,ni>- 
^  'y''i  fclf ::  a  fecrete  chamber,  in  which  she  abode  shut  vp  with  her  ^^*  '^'^  ''''''<= 

"    maides,  f  and  hauin^  -  clorh  of  heare  voon  her  lovnes  she  ^''''^'^''■'' * 
:;  faftcd  al  the  daics  of  her  hfe  bar  S.bbathcs,  and*  new.  "f^'^.i^'S 
HKhhhh  3  mooncs 


th«  tno 

roll  IVDITH 

fimate  prayer  moones,and  thefeaftes  of  the  houfe  of  Ifrael.  f  Andshevas   7 
hearccbch"^    ^'^^  exccding  beautiful  countenance,  to  whom  her  husband 
:;aniinmach  had  leaft  much  richefle,  and  a  great  familie,  and  poITeffions 
fafting.-asic      fulof  heardes  of  oxen,  and  flockes  of  sheepe.  f  And  she  was    8 
v/ereapcrpe-  among  al  moft  famous,  becaufe  she  feared  our  Lord  very 
T^ri^knslL     "^«c^'^»"either  was  there  that  spake  anil  word  of  her.f  'When    9 
bati?es,  dc  fci'-     she  therforc  had  heard  that  Ozias  had  promifed,  that  after 
ftcs  excepted,  the  fifth  day  were  paft  he  would  yeld  the  citie,  she  fent  to 

theancicntesChabriand  CharmJ.  f  And  they  came  to  her,  iq 
and  she  faid  to  them :  "^hat  is  this  word,  wherein  Ozias  hath 
confenred,  to  yeld  the  cicie  to  the  AlTyrians,  if  within  Hue 
daies  there  come  no  aydc  to  vs?  f  And  what  are  you,  that  ir 
tempt  our  Lord?  f  This  is  no  word  that  may  prouoke  mercie,   li 
oat  rather  that  may  rayfe  vp  wraih,  and  inHame  furie.  f  You   13 
::IntI\isefpe-   *'  haue  fet  a  time  for  the  mercie  of  our  Lord,  and  according  to 
daily  they  of-  Your  pleafure,  you  haue  appointed  him  a  day.  -f  But  becaufe  14 
fended,  that  ^    otar  Lord  is  patient,  let  vs  be  penitent  for  this  fame  thing, 
acmie  me^a^'^    and  sheding  teares  let  vs  dcfire  his  pardon:  t  for  not  as  man,  r; 
nino-  then  to     ^o  ^il  God  threaten,  neither  as  the  fonne  of  man  wil  he  be 
yeUthc  citie,  infLimedto  anger,  f  And  therforelet  vs  humble  our  foules   16 
for  they  (hold  to  him,  and  being  fetled  in  an  humble  fpirir,fcruing  him:  f  lee  17 
rat  ler  haue      vs  fay  weepinc^  to  our  Lord,  that  according  to  his  wil  fo  he 
the  enemie       aoe  his  mercie  with  VS :  that  as  Our  hart  is  trubled  in  their 
thendcUuer      pride,  fo  alfo  we  may  glcrie  in  our  humilitie:  f  becaufe  we  iS 
Gods  people     haue  not  folowed  the  finnes  of  our  fathers,  which  forfockc 
foa  tyranne,     their  God,  and  adored  ftrancre  soddes,  t  for  which  abomi-   10 

hohethinaes     _•  i  ■         ^,    ^r-  .,-  r    r 

into  proplfanc  ^^'^'^o"  ^"^7 '^'^sre  geuen into  the  fword,  and  into  conrulion 
handes,  &by     to  their  enemies:  but  we  know  no  Other  God  but  him.  f  Let  10 
their  example  Vs  humbly  exped  his  confolation,  and  he  Wil  require  our 
P"J  ^^'■"^^'^'^^  bload  oftheaftlidions  of  our  enemies,  and  he  wilhiimbie  al 
p"e  in  hke  dai    ^'^'^'^"5*  what  foeuer  fhal  rife  vp  agr.inft  vs,  and  the  Lord  our 
iict.R.abams.     God  wil  make  them  without  honout.  f  And  now  bretheren,  11 
becaufe  you  are  ancientes  in  the  people  o?^  God,  and  their 
foules  depende  of  you:by  your  fpeach  comforte  their  hartes, 
that  they  be  mindful,  that  our  fathers  were  tempted  to  be 
proued  ,  whether  rhey    did  worfhippe   their  God   truly  . 
t  They  man;  be  mindful  how  our  father  Abraham  was  temp-  iz 
ted,  and  by  many  tribulations  proued,  was  made  the  frcind 
of  God.  f  So  I(aac,fo  lacob,  Co  Moyfes,  &alihat  haue  pica-    ij 
fed  God,  through  raanie  tribulations  haue  prifTed  faitii-ul. 
t  But  they  that  did  not  receiuc  the  tentacions  with  the  feare  24 


IVDITH  1013 

of  our  Lord,  and  vtccrcd  their  impatience  and  rcpicch  of  --^  Pauli.Cor. 

2f  their  murmuring  asainfl;  ourLord,  t  were  delhoycd  of  -  the  '^•'^•i°- Y*-'^' 

x6  deftroycr,  and  penlhed  by  Icrpents.  f  And  we  thcrforclct  peiKcltothc 
vsnotxeucnge  ourfelucs  for  thcfc  thinges,  m  hich  ^e  fuftcr,  people  of  If- 

17  t  but  repacing  rhefevcrie  puni{hments  to  be  the  (courges  raclinthcdc- 
ofour  Lord IcIIc  then  GUI  finnesjv^herwith  as  fcruantcs  \f  e  ^^-^^  ^,  j  ^'f- ' 
are  cbaftifed,  let  vs  thinke  ^them  to  haue  chanced  to  our  y?,o^f,-,  which 

aS  amcndcmenr,  and  not  to  our  dcfuudion.  ■{•  And  Ozias  and  is  onlyin  iLis 
the  ancienccs  fayd  to  her:  Al  thingcs  which  thou  haft  spoken,  PJace,  anJ not 

29  be  rrue,and  thercisno  reprchenfioninthv  wordes.  tNow  ^•♦'"•^i;"o[H 
thcttorepray  tor  vs,  becaule  thou  art  a  hohe  woman,  and  oM 

50  fearing  God .  -f  And  ludith  faid  to  them  :  As  you  know,  that  uhich  is  an  o- 

31  which  I  couldspcakero  beofGod:f  fo  that  which  1  haue  thcrargumft 

dirpofedtodoe.proueifitbcofGodjandpraythat  God  tfta-  '^'^^  thisbokc 

31   bhlli  my  counfel.  t  You  (balftandat  thcgate  this  night,  and  ••Som°thLkc 

I  wilgoe  out  with  myne-'-abra:  and  pray  ye,  that  as  you  haue  Abra  uas  a 
33  faid,  in  Hue  dayes  our  Lord  rc(pc6t  his  people  Ifraeh  -f  But  I  proper  name, 
\rii  not  that  you  fearch  my  doing,  and  til  1  bring  you  word,  but  whether 
lernothingelsbe  done,  but  pray  for  me  to  our  Lord  God.  f^^^^^r^thTn^^ 

54  t  And  Ozias  the  prince  of  ludafiid  to  her;  Goc  in  peace,  and  handnuicicof 
our  Lord  be  with  thee  to  the  reuenge  of  our  enemies.  And  more  honour 
returning  they  depat ted.  ^^  we  fpcakc: 

C  H  A  P.      I  X.  ,  J 

Judith  in  hearedotb  O^ifhespra  ye'b  for  the  delit<erit  ofthepeoflff  remtmbt* 
rin^liktycntfitei  of  Cud*  12,  cr^uethpowuioouerthrow Uotoferncs, 

1  \T\T  ^^  going  away,  ludith -went  into  her  oratorie;  ijoffachpri- 

V     V    and  clothing  her  felf  with  hearecloth,  put  aflies  uate  oratories 

vpon  her  head:  and  falling  proftrate  to  our  Lord,  she  cried  to  as  this  our Sa- 

1  out  Lord,  faying:  f  Lord  God  of  may  father  Simeon,  who  uiourfemeth 

caueft  him  a  fword  for  defenee  aeainft  ftrans^ers,  which  were  l°r/,!' / . J*/l 
^     •  1         •      r    ■  •  J    j-r  J    L        •      •        6.1a>ing;f«nr 

ramsbers  in  their  coinquination,  and  dilcouered  the  virginc  tnto  thy  cham- 

5  vnto  confufion.-  f  and  gaueft  their  wemen  into  praye,  and  Ify  o-c.  Of 
their  daughters  into  captiuitie :  and  al  the  praye  to  be  diuided  hke  oratories 
tothy  fcruanteSjwhichycrezelousin--'  thy  zele:  heJpel  be-  *^mongChri- 
»     /-     I     1        >  I       1  y-     1  •  T  T.         »  t  *  n    I  ftians  read 

4  beiech  theeolord  God  meawiaow.  f  For  thou  halt  done  CardBaroniuj 

the  thinges  heretofore,  and  haft  purpofcd  one  thing  after  an  An.D  195  S. 

5  Gther:and  that  hath  bene  done  which  thou  wouldcft.  f  For  Cyp.cp.;(f. 
al  thy  wares  arc  readie,  and  thy  iudgementcs  thou  haft  put  in  ".^"^  zclcof 

0    thy  prouidence.  f  Lookevpon  the  campe  oi  the  Allynans  Lcuiwascom 
noNr,asthoudidft  voutfafc  to  fee  the  campe  of  the  -/^gyp-  mcndable.but 


1014  IVDITH. 

for  diuers'euil    tians,vlicn  they  ran  armed  after  thy  feruantes,  trufting  itt 
''hcfaavasrc  c^^"otcs,an(iin  their  horreracn,and  ina  multitude  of  rocn  ls(<f.Hi 

proucdbyla-  of'^'arrc  |  But  rhou  didfi:  lookcouer  rheir  campc.  and  darkc*  7 
cob.o<«.j4.  nclle  \rearied  them,  f  The  depth  held  their  feetc,  and  the  8 
dr4?'  vaters  ouervhelracd  them,  f  So  let  thcfc  alfo  be  raadc  6  f 

Lord,  which  trulUn  their  multitude,  and  in  their  chariotes, 
tnd  in  pikes,  and  in  shicldes,  and  in  their  arroves,  and  gloric 
inrheirfpeares,  t  and  know  not  chy  (elf  art  our  God,  which  i« 
dcftrojreii  warres  from  the  beginning,  and  Lord  is  i  hy  name. 
•{■  Life  vp  chync  arme  as  from  the  beginning,  and  dath  their  n 
pover  in  thy  power;  let  rheirpovrerfal  in  thy  wrath,  Nrhich 
promife  that  they  NPil  violate  thy  holic  thinges,  and  pollute 
the  tabernacle  of  thy  holienarac,  6c  with  rheirfword  throw 
downe  the  home  of  thync  altar,  t  Bring  to  paiTe  Lord,  that   is, 
r.Shc  prayed,  his  pride  be  cut  of  with  hisownefword,t"  let  him  be  caught  i^ 
thacHolofer-    ^^ich  the  fnarcs  of  his  cies  in  me,  and  thou  shalt  ftrike  him 

ncslhou  d   c    fj-Qj^  th^jljppes  of  ray  charitie.  tGeueme  conftancieinmind,  14 
moucdwuh  rr  /  ' 

hcrbcautic,&  that  I  may  contemne  him  :  and  powrethat  I  may  oilerthrow 
fwctc  fpcach:  him.f  F^rthisshalbe  a  memorial  of  thy  name,  when  die  if 
vhichhe         hand  of  a  Woman  shal  oucrtnrow  him.f  For  notin  muUirudc  li 
might  be  and    j,  ^hy  power  6  Lord,  neither  in  ftrcneth  of  horfcs  is  thy  wit,' 
not  linnc,  but        ./i,  ,  iirji        F  ll-l- 

he  by  his  free  neither  hauc  the  proud  plealcd  thee  from  the  bcginninge:buc 

vil  finning      the  prayer  of  the  humble  and  meekc  hath  alwayes  pleated 
God  turned      thee,  t  God  of  the  heauens,  creatour  of  the  waters, and  Lord  17 
hisfinncto       of  eueric  creature,  hcare  me  wretch,  praying  and  prefuming 
o;hf°s°<.°^«-  ofthymercie-tR^cmember  Lord  thy  teft^ment,  and  gcue  a  iS 
tilt.Ex'od.7.      \rordinmymouth,andfl:rengthencounfcl  in  my  hare,  that 
fa^.i7ys.^',>g'  thy  houfemaycontinewin  thy  fandificarion  :  f  andalNa-  19 
ger.iii.  cions  may  acknowledge,  that  thou  arc  God,  and  there  i$  no 

other  bcfides  thee. 

Chap.  X. 

Iniith excdentlj  Aiiorned.dnd  l^ery  he4i*t-fid ^fceth  T^ith  hsr  liAvAm^Ut 
towards  tbs  cam^ey uk.rn  hjtheTVutch,  \6.  aUyroughttoMoloferaes. 


NDtccametopafTc,  when  she  had  ceafed  to  ciie  to  our  i 
^  ^  Lord,  she  rofe  ftoin  thepUce,  wherein  she  lay  proilratc 
-      r   ,        CO  our  Lord,  t  And  she  called  her  :■  abra,  and  going  downe  1 
Vjt!        '      into  ncrhoute  she  tooke  from  her  the  he-ucclorh,  and  put  oi 

the  narroentes  of  her  widowhood,  f  a'l^"*  washed  her  bodic,  $ 
andlnoynccd  her  felf  with  ointemcnr,  and  plaited  the  hecire 
of  her  head,  and  uuc  a  c^owne  vpon  hci  head,  andcloched  b-.c 


IvDiTH  r©2; 

fclfviththcgafmehtcsofhcrioyfu!ne5,andput  '*  paniofles 
onhcr  fcccc,  andtookcbracclcfes,and  Lilies,  and  carelcrcs, 
and  ringes,  and  withal  her  ornaiT)cnt€s  she  adorned  her  fc!F. 

4  t  To  whom  alfo  "  our  Lord  caue  bcautk;  becaufc  al  this  '•  ^.'^^^V^^* 
trimming  did  not  depend  oUenUiakrie,  but  orverrue:&  rhcr  j.^^jj^  inrcnti- 
fore  our  Lord  amplified  this  beautic  on  her,  that  she  m/'ght  omaaijof- 

5  appeare  to  al  mens  cies  of  incomparable  CO  rnhncs-fShcther-  nJiR  herfdlci 
forcIaydvpoH  her  abra;.a  bottel  of  vrynCjand  a  rclTcl  of  ••N"f<J"'T 
oylc,  and  *polcnr,  anddricfigges^and  bread,  and  clicefe,  and  tcj^^icfor-* 

6  Nrcntfore^3rard.f  And  when  they  were  come  to  the  gate  of  UidbjiUcIav 
the  citic,  they  foand  Ozias  cxpeding.and  the  ancicntcs  of  Uint.ii.h\x\.i% 

7  thecitic.  f  Vho  when  they  faw  her,  being  aftoni:,hed  mar-  '"aBcralthc 

8  uailed  at  her  beautic  exceedingly,  f  Yet  asking  her  no  qiiefti-  Qzll\htvtu 
on,  they  let  her  palfe,  faying:  The  God  of  our  fathers  gcue  vn!avfu!b«^ 
theegracc,  and  ftrcngthen  aJ  the  counfcl  of  thy  hart,  with  ingoiPcicd  t» 
his  powrc,thar  Icrufaiem  may  glorie  vpon  thce,and  ihy  name  ^'^?^.",'  ^°^ 

5  may  bcinthenumberofthchoh'eand  iuft.  t  And  ihcy  that  Dai»cUnd' 

JO  were  there  faid,alwith  one  v«yce:  So  be  it,  fo  be  it.  |  Eui  thcthrcechi] 
ladith  praying  our  Lord,  palled  through  the  gates  she  and    dienvouli 
II  her  Abra.f  And  it  came  to  palTe,  when  she  went  downe  the  "otcaicoft^ 
hil, about  brcakeofdayth*  watchmen  oftheAfTyrians  metre  i^B^bTloa!* 
her,  and  held  her,  faying:  whence  comeft  thou?  or  whither  U4»  i.' 

li  goeO:  thou?f  "Who  anlwcred,!  am  a  daughter  of  rheHchrcws, 

therfoream  I  Hed  from  their  face,-'  bccanCc  J  knew  it  should  :.-ShetoU 
come  to  pafTe^  that  they  should  be  gcuen  you  vnto  spoylc,  msnicthmj* 
becaufe  that  contemning  you,  they  would  not  of  their  owne  jrlJp'^otiKr 
accord  yeld  themfelues,  that  they  might  find  mcrcie  in  your  things  condi- 
15  fighr.  I  For  this  caufc  I  thought  with  my  fclf,  faying:  I  wil  tionaily.asu 
gO£  to  the  prefence  of  the  prince  Holoferncs,  that  I  may  tel  ^asUkcco 
hira  their  (ecrctes,  and  shew  him  by  what  entrance  he  may  '^5'^'}'^i°P*^=» 
vinnc  them,  fo  that  there  shal  not  fal  one  man  ot  tiis  armic.  not  better 

14  t  And  when  thofe  men  had  heard  her  wordes,  they  confide-  mcincs. 
red  her  face,  and  she  was  a  wonder  in  their  eies,  for  they  mar- 

j;  ueilcd  at  her  beaurie  exceiingly.  f  And  they  (aid  to  her: 
Thou  haft  faucd  rhy  life,  in  that  thou  haft  found  fuch  counfcl, 

I^  thit  thou  wouldeft  come  downc  to  our  lord,  f  And  this 
Jcoow  thou,  that  when  thou  shalt  ftand  in  his  liL;ht,  he  wil 
Jcalcwcl  with  thee,  and  thou  shalt  be  moft  graricus  in  his 
hart.  And  they  broight  her  to  the  tabernacle  of  Ilolofernes, 

37  tcUinghimofhcr.t  And  when  she  was  entered  before  his  * 

18  face,  forthwith  Hoiofcrnes  was  ciught  in  his  cics. -J-  And  his 

liiiii  guard 

ioitf  IVDITH. 

guard  fiid  to  Kim:  VKo  can  conccmne  rhe  people  of  tlie  He- 
>:5  Ful^rentius  breves,  "which  haae  '•'  Co  beauciful  vemc,  thac  wcshc  uld  nor 
^«Slu^'  xrorthay  fight  againfl  them  for  thsfe?  f  ludith  thcrfor*  fee-  19 
dnh  wis  m)\t^  ^"^^^^°^^^^^^  fitting  in  a  csnopic,  which  was  wouen  of 
about  fourcic  purple,  and  gold,  and  cmerauld,  andprctious  ftonsrs:  f  ^nd  a* 
yearcsoM.  \rhen  she  had  looked  in  his  fkcc  ,  she  adored  him  ,  falling 
M^ifi,%rtaj>.6.    proftratc  vpon  the  ground.  And  the  fcruante*  of  Holoferscs 

Iifccdhcrvp,their  lord  commanding  it. 
Chap.  XL 

Jlelof ernes denun ding ludith the (Auje 9f  hfr  (omin^:'^t  she  d^cmeth  him 
With  a  ^r  oh  Able  n  Annuo  »» 

THen  Holofernes  faid  to  her;  Be  of  good  chcrcjand   i 
fcarcnotin  thy  hart:  becaufe  I  haue  neuer  hurt  man, 
that  would  ferucNabuchodoaofor  the  king,  t  And  thy  feo-  z 
pie,  if  they  had  not  centsmncd  me,  I  would  neuer  haue  lifted 
vp  my  fpeareouf  r  them,  f  But  now  tcl  me,for  what  caufe  haft  5 
rhou  departed  from  them,  and  it  hath  pleafed  thee  to  corae  to 
::AlthatTu-    vs?t  And  ludith  faid  to  him:  ••  Take  the  wordcsof  thy  hand-  4 
i'nh  faTth  \%    mayde,for  if  thou  wilt  folow  the  wordes  of  thy  handmayde, 
rnrc'Ts^shc     ^"^  ^^"^^  ^^^  ^^  ^"^  ^^^^  ^  perfe«a  thing,  t  For  Nabuchov  ; 
meant  it,but   doHofor  thc  king  of  the  earth  liucth»  and  his  power  Hueth 
fiot  in  the      which  IS  in  thee  to  the  chaftifing  of  al  ftraying  foules:  that 
TnacrftanaiBg  not  onlie  men  fcruchim  by  thcc,  but  alfo  the  beaftcs  of  thc 
*^^/^J°^'^''"^'' field  obey  bim.f  For  the  induftrie  of  thy  mind  is  reported  to  6 

diars  yerwas^^"^^^^^^**"'^^''^^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^®  world,  that  thou  onlie 
Molchcla^wfal  srtgood,  andmighticinal  his  kingdom,  and  thy  difciplinc 
ihcn  that  To-  is  brared  to  al  prouinces.  j*  Neither  is  that  vnknowne, which  y 
fn^didmdc-  Achior  fpakc,  neither  are  wc ignorant  of  that  ihouhaft  com- 
•cvuflgt  e  minded  to  corae  vpon  him.  +  Foritiscertainc  thatour  God  S 
Hay./p/"»^8.  IS  fo  offended  With  hnnes,  that  hc  hath  lent  Word  by  his  pro- 
J. -^wf.^.io.  phet£srorhcpcopl25thathewil  deliuer  rhcm  for  their  iin- 
ini(y[he.  nes.  t  And  bccaufc  thechildrcH  of  Ifrae]  know  they  ofFcn-  ^ 

dcd  their  God,  thy  dread  is  vpon  them,  f  Moreoucr  alfo  fa-  !• 
mine  hath  inuadcd  them,  and  for  dreught  of  water  they  are 
now  cf^emcd  among  the  dead,  f  Finally  they  ordayncchis,  to  11 
kilrheir  cartel,  and  to  drinks  thcbloud  of  them,  t  *"^  ^^'^  i^^" 
holiethingcsofoiir  Lord  their  God  which  God  commanded 
not  to  be  touched, income,  wine,  andoile,  thefehaue  they 
purpofcd  to  bcfto  w,  and  the-y  wil  confume  the  thinges  which 
they  ought  not  to  touch  with  their  kandcs :  thetforc  be- 


IVDITH.  1027 

becaufctheydothefcthingcs,  itis  furethsr  they  f!  al  be  gc- 
15  ucn  into  perdition,  f  Vhicii  I  rhy  handmayde  kiio>5-ing,  am     ' 
fled  from  them,  and  our  Lord  haih  (enrmc  to  rcl  thee  thefe 

14  veriethingcs.  f  For  I  thy  handmavde  vrorfhippc  God,  cucn 
HO\r  being  with  thee,  and  thy  handmaydc >3pi1  goe  forth,  and 

ij  I  vilpray  God,  tandhe-vriltclme^hen  he  \ril  repay  them 
their  finnw,  and  I  coming  Nril  tel  thee,  Co  that  I  n.ay  bring 
thee  through  the  middes  of  lerufalem,  and  thou:  ihah  hauc  al   - 
the  people  of  Ifraei,as  Ibe«pc,  that  hauc  no  paftor,  and  there 

16  llialr  :)tromiich  as  one  dog  barke  again  it  thee:  f  bccaufc 

17  thefc  fhingesareroldraeby  the  prouidencc  of  God.  -j-  And 
becaufc  God  is  aagric  with  them,  ( am  (cnt  to  tel  thcfc  vctic 

iS  thingestofhcc.  t  Andal  thclff  "wordes  plea/ed  Holofcrnes, 
•    and  hisferuantcs,  and  they  rnaruailed  at  her  "vifedom,  and 
19  one  (aid  to  an  other:  t  There  is  not  luchavroman  vpon  the 
>o  earth  in  lookc,  in  bcautic,  and  in  fenfc  of -^'ordes.  f  And  Ho- 
lofcrnesfayd  to  her:  God  hat  Ji  done  wcl,Nrhich  fentthec  be- 
fore the  people,  that  thou  mighreftgcuc  them  into  our  han- 
II  des:f  and  becaufc  thy  promile  is  good,  if  thy  God  shal  doe 
this  for  me,  he  shal  alio  be  my  God,  and  thou  shalt  be  great 
in  the  houieofNabuchodonoror,and  thy  name  shal  be  rc- 
no  vraed  in  al  the  earth. 

Chap.    XII. 
ludtth  is  brought  into  Eolojernes  treafurehoufe,  2.  hdth  leaue  to  ahjidint 
fromtheGtnttUmeites^^.And  to  goe  forth  in  the  ntgbtto  pray.  10.  The 
fourth  dny  she  cometh  to  Holofernes  banket'i  16,  he  is  taken  jvah  concufpi- 
fcen  ce,  4nd  drinkfth  liery  much  wine. 

1  *T~^  H  E  N  he  bad  her  goe  in  \rhcre  his  rreafarcs  were  layd 

JL    vp,  and  bad  her  tarie  there,  and  he  appoynred  what 

2  should  be  geuen  her  of  his  o'srne  banket,  f  To  \rhom  lu- 
dithanfTreredjandfaid.Noxr  "  lean  not  eate  ofrhefe  thin- 

ges,  'SFhich  thou  commandcft  to  be  geucn  me,  left  there  come  ■'"  ^^*<^^'*P-"- 
dirp!earurevponme:butI\!ril  eate  of  thefe  thingcs,  \i'hich  ^"^' 

3  I  haue  brought,  t  To 'vrhom  Holofernes  faid.If  thefe  thinacs 
which  thou  haft  brought  with  thee  shal  fayle  thee,  what 

4  shalwedoetothee.  t  And  ludith  faid:  Thy  foule  liueth  my 
lord,  that  thy  hnndmaydc  shal  not  fpcndai  thefe  thin£;es,  til 
God  doc  by  my  hand  thefe  thinges,  which  I  haue  pui'^pofcd. 
And  hisfcruanresbroughrherintothctabernacle,  which  he 

y  hadcommanded.t  And  whiles  she  wcnr  in,  she  defired  that 

liiiii  1  she 


Gie  might  haue  licence  to  goe  forth,  in  tfi«  night  and  bcforf^ 
day  to  prayer,  and  to  befech  our  Lord,  f  And  he  commanded  4 
his  chambcrkynes,  thatasit  pleafed  her,  she  should  goe  out 
&  com'nn  to  adore  her  God  tor  three  dayes.  f  And  she  vent  7 
forth  in  the  nightcs  into  the  vale  of  Bethuha,  and  \rashed  her 
fclf  in  a  fountaine  of  \ratcr.f  And  as  she  carae  vp,  she  prayed  8 
©ur  Lord  the  God  of  Ifrael,  that  he  vould  dired  her  way  to 
thcdcliuerieof  his  people,  f  And  going  in,  she  remayned  g 
;:Tbis  purltic  ::  pure  in  the  tabernacle,  vntil  she  tookc  her  ovrne  mcate  in 
*°"^.^':'^j°      the  euening.  f  And  it  came  to  pafTe  in  the  fourth  day,  Holo-  I9 
ftommefrcj     fernes  made  a  fupper  to  his  feruantcs,  and  fayd  to  Vagao  his 
forbidbythe    cunQch;Goe,  and  perfvradc  thatHebrcw woman,  that  ihc 
Lavjoroffc-     confentof  her  ownc  accord  to  dwel  with  me.  f  For  it  is  a  II 
jrcdtoldolcs.   foule  thing  with  the  Affyrians,  if  a  woman  raocke  a  man  in 

doing,  that  fbe  paflc  free  from  him.fThen  Vagao  went  in  to  n 
Judith,  8c  faid:  Let  not  the  good  *  yong  roaide  fearc  to  goe  in  fptttlU. 

to  my  Lord,  that  she  may  be  honoured  before  his  face,  that 
shemayeatc  with  him  and  drinke  wine  in  ioyfulnes.  f  To  ij 
vhom  ludith  anfwered:  "Who  am  I,that  I  should  gaynefay  my 
lordr  t  Al  that  (hal  be  good  and  beft  before  his  eics,  wil  I  doe.  14 
And  whatfoeuer  shal  pleafe  him,  that  shalbc  beft  to  me  aL  . 
"  the  dayes  of  my  life,  f  And  she  arore,and  decked  herfelf  with  ly 
her  garmentes,  and  going  in  she  ftood  before  his  face,  f  And  16 
ihc  hart  of  Holofernes  was  ftrookcn:  for  hcburntin  the  con- 
cupifccnccofher.fAnd  Holofcrncsfaid  toher.Drinkenow,  17 
snd  fit  downc  in  ioyfulnes,  becaufe  thou  haft  found  giace  be- 
fore mc.  t  And  ludith  faid:  I  wil  drinkc  my  lord,  becaufe  my  it 
Icule  is  mapnified  this  day  eboue  al  my  dayes.  -f  And  she  if 
tcok:e,anJ  dideatc,  and  dranke  before  him  thofc  thinges, 
which  her  handmayde  had  prepared  her.  f  And  Holoferncs  19 
was  made  pleafant  toward  her,  and  dranke  wine  exceeding 
rouchjfomuch  as  he  had  nenerdrunkein  his  life  i 

Chap.    XI  H. 
Jloloj'ernes Ijin^  io 4  drnnckcnfletfty  ludith  cutteth  of  h'a  hedd,  1 1,  fo  rttuf' 
ncth  with  her  mild?  thrm^h  the  ^drdy  as  it  ivert  to  pray^  cometb  to  BethU" 
lia,  16.  exhortithd  totluake  Godydad  she'pfetb  them  the  bead.  ii*Ske 
is  hlfJf-dof<il'  17.  Acinar Alfo ^YMifeih  God andlttditb. 

AN  D  when  it  vas  waxen  late,  his  feruanrcs  made  haftte  i 
their  lodgiags,and  Vagao  shut  the  chamber  doores,and 
went  his  way.   |  And  they  were  al  eueriadcn  with  wine,  t 

t  Ani 


>f   ^  And  ludithvas alone  in  the  chamber,  f  Morcoucr  Ilolo- 
ferncsUy  inhis  bed,  faftaflcpc  vith  vcryn^uch  "•  drunken-  ::  The  fz^ih^ 
$    ncs.fAndludithfaid  to  her  mayd  that  llic  ihculd  (land  with-  "'"owe  woman 

6  out  before  the  chamber,  and  \ratch.  t  And  luduh  flood  ^;^'l'^'^';^^^!' 
before  the  bed, praying \rith  tcarcs,  and  with  ir.ouingof  her  hoftoi  drun-  ■ 

7  lippesinfilcnce,  f  faying:  Confirrae  me  o  Lord  God  otlfrael,  karcis,  r^^fc. 
and  in  this  houre  haue  re(pefl  ro  the  woikcs  of  my  handes,  ^>- •J*  »"««>*  c> 
that  as  thou  haft  promifed,  thou  nia)ft  aduance  -  lenUalcm  ^.'j'J-g'f'.    ,■ 
thycitie.-and  I  may  bringtopaflcihac  which  I  bclcuing  that  hadbenncu- 

S  icEuay  bcdoneby  theCiha-iepurpofcd.  f  And  ^rhcn  ihe  had  kcnhrurjJciai 
fayd  thefe  thingcs,  she  \rcntto  the  pilier,  that  xs- as  at  his  beds  alio  had  bene 

9  headland  his  iword  chat  hong  t)'cd  on  if,  she  loofcd.  I  And  ^^'^'^^"erac    .. 
\rhcn  she  hsd  dra-'crenitoufjShe  tookehim  by  thchearcof  his  f^^/^:  ^{^^^^ 

19  head,  and  fayd :Coniirnic  me  6  Lord  God  in  this  houre,  f  and  G-jdhid 
sheftroke  twifc  vpon  his  ncckc,  and  cur  of  his  head,  and  niademore 
tooke  his  canonic  from  the  pillers,  and  roiled  ifidel-is  bodie  ^^r^^'.. 

II  a  truncke.  t  And  after  awhile  she  went  out,  ar.d  aeliucrid  acdothcrs* 
the  head  of  Holofernes  to  her  mayde,  and  bad  her  put  it  into  ijau.jy^i.^c^s 

11  hcrvraller.  f  And  they  cvro  went  forth,  accordirig  to  their 
cuftome,asic  Ns^ere  to  prayer,  and  thcypa.Ted  the  carape,  and 
compailing  fhe  valley,  they  came  to  the  gate  of  the  cirie. 

1}  -f  And  laditha  far  offaiJ  ro  thekeepcrs  of  the  vrallcs:  Open 
thcgafes,becaufeGodis  withvs,Xf'hich  hath  wrought pO'Ofcr 

14  in  IlraeL  f  Audit  came  to paffe,vhcn  the  men  h.ui  heard  her 
ij   voyce,  they  called  the  ancicntes  of  the  cirie.  f  And  they  ran 

al  romcetc  her,  from  the  Icaft  to  the  great^ft:  becaufe  they 

16  hoped  not  tbnc  no-v  she  would  come.  |  And  they  lighting 
Jightcs  gathered  round  about  her  tueric  one:  and  she  going 

vp  into  a  higher  place,  commanded  niencc  to  be  made.  And  * 

17  Nrhenal  had  held  their  peace,  f  ludith  faid:  Pr.iy(eyec  the 
Lord  our  God,\rho  hath  not  forfakcn  them  that  hope  in  him: 

18  t  and  in  rac  his  handcnayde  he  hath  fulfilled  his  mercic, 
vhich  hepromifcdto  thehoufeofirrachandhe  harh  killed 

15  by  my  hand  the  cncmie  of  his  people  this  night,  f  And  brin- 
ging forth  the  head  of  Holofernes  out  of  the  vailcr ,  she 

shewed  it  thtm, faying;  Lor  the  head  of  Holofernes  the  gc-  ;:TQfjirV.?p^, 
neralofthearmieof  the  AiTyrians  ,  and  behold  his  canopie,  per  Ansnifb 
wherein  hclay  in  his  drunkennes  ,  where  the  Lord  our  God  dcfrnacnhcr, 
20  (hokehiraby  thchandofawoman.  t  l^utthefamcoor  Lord  *•"=  '^cobs  An- 
liueth,  that  his  "  Angel  harh  kept  mf,  both  going  hence,  and  fl',^^'"7ron^iH 
abyding  there,  and  from  thence  icturning  hither:  mid  our  cciies.  (5^a?.^s. 

iiiiii  3  teU 

103a  IVDITH. 

Lord  hath  not  fuffered  me  hishandraayde  to  be  defyled,  but 
"vrithoutpollurionofiinne  he  hath  called  me  backc  to  you, 
reioyfingin  this  vidlorie,in  my  e(cape,  and  in  your  dcliuerie. 
•f  Conferteyeal  to  him,becauCcheisgpud,becaufe  his  met-  21 
cie  is  for  cuer.  t  And  they  al  adoring  our  Lord,  faid  to  her:  11 
Our  Lord  harh  bleffed  thee  in  his  povcr,  becaufe  by  rhee  he 
hath  brought  our  enemies  to  nothing,  t  Moreoucr  Ozia«i  the  25 
pvince  of  the  people  of  lirac!,  (aid  to  her.-  Bieflcd  art  thou 
daughter  of  our  Lord  the  high  God  aboue  ai  ^s^emcn  vpon 
the  earrh'  f  Bleff'cd  be  our  Lord,  Nrbich  raadc  heauen  and  24 
earth,  which  ha^h  direded  thee  vnto  the  \?oundes  of  the 
head  of  the  prince  of  our  enemies,  f  Becaufe  this  day  he  hath   ij 
fo  magnified  thy  name,  that  thy  prayfc  sbal  nor  depair  out 
ofthc  mouth  ofmcn,  vrhichshal  be  mindcful  of  the  power 
of  our  Lord  for  euer,  for  that  thou  haft  not  spared  thy  lifo  for 
the  diftrcflesr.nd  tribulation  of  thy  kinred,  but  haftholpen 
theruine  before  thcprcfence  of  our  God,  f  And  al  the  people  2,6 
fayd:So  bcit,  fobcir.  f  MoreoucrAchior  being  called  came,  27 
andluJith  faid  to  him:  The  God  of  Ifrael,to  whom  tho« 
gaueft  teftimonie,  that  he  reuengeth  him  fclf  of  his  enemies, 
he  hath  cur  of  the  head  of  al  the  vnfaitfafu!  chis  night  by  my . 
hand,  t  And  that  rhou  mayftproue  that  it  is  fo,  loc  the  head  zS 
of  Holofernes,  who  in  the  contempt  of  his  pride  contemned 
theGodofI("racl;and  threatened  thee  deaih.  faying;  "When 
thepeople of Ifraelshal  betaken,  I  wil  command  thy  fides 
tobepcarfcd  withafword.  f  But  Achiorfeing  the  head  of  29 
Holol-ernes,beinginanguishforfcare,fel  on  his  face  vpon 
the  earth,  and  his  ioulc  was  fore  trubled.  f  But  after  taking  50 
spirit  agayne  he  was  refreshed,  ?<:  fel  downc  at  her  feete,  and 
adored  her,  «nd  fayd:  t  BlelTed  arc  thou  of  thy  God  in  euerie  51 
tabernacle  of  lacob,  becaufe  in  euetie  nation,  which  shal 
hcarc  tSy  name,  the  God  of  Ifrael  shal  be  magnified  in  thee  . 

Chap.    XU  II. 
Holof ernes  hcal'ti hdnged en  the  -^dU. 6 . ^chior is circumcired.y.The  jfrd- 
elites djfiftU  the ^JJyrum,^.  who  ptn^  to  awake  their  General,  14. 
fade  kintJIitioe,\jy  and  are  alconfottnded  mfafeare. 

AN  D  ludith  faid  to  al  the  people?  Hcare  me  brpthren,  i 
hant'ye  this  head  vpon  our  walks:  t  and  irshal  be,  i 
when  the  funne  shal  rife,  let  cueric  man  take  his  armour, 
and  yHiic  ye  forthwith  violeace ,  not  that  you  goc  downc 


IVDITH.  1031 

5  bcneat^jbutasicvcrcinuadingyiolently.  t  Then  the  Watch- 
men mHi.  ©fncccflitic  runrc  corayfcvp  their  prince  to  bat- 

4  tcl.  f  And  >)rhcn  thccaptaynesof  ihcmshal  runnc  to  the  ta- 
bernacle of  Holofcrncs,  anvi  shal  hndc  him  hcadles  rowlcd  in 

J  bloudjfcarewilfaivponrhem.t  And  when  you  shal  kno\/ 
chat  they  rice,  goe  after  them  iccurelyjbccaulc  our  Lord  vil 

i  deftroy  thcmvnder  your  fecte.  I  Then  ••  Achior  feeing  the  •.'  AcKj'era* 
power, that  God  of  Ifraelwrough  r^foi  faking  the  rite  of  gen-  ^"^lonite. 
tilitie,  beltucd  God,  and  circuncided  the. flesh  of  his  pre-  b,'-/'^'^'l 
puce, and  was  ioyned  to  the  people  of  Ifracl,  and  al  the  fur-  conucrrc/ 

7  ceilionofhiskinredvntihhisprcfenctiay.t  And  iramediatly  "ndbcJceuju*. 
as  day  brake,  they  hong  the  head  of  flolofcrnea  vpon  tht  '*>  God,  ncai 
wallts,  and  tuerie  man  tooke  his  armour,  an<i  they  went  ^^''^^ffed  into 

8  forth  with  great  noyfe  and  sbouiine.  t  Which  the  watch'  „^';^- in 

9  men  leing,rannc  to  tile  tabernacle  ot  Hololerncs.  -f  More-  dingtbacAm- 

ouer  they  that  were  in  the  tabernacle,  coming,  acd  before  nionjtcsand 

the  dore  of  the  tabernacle  making  a  noyfe,  to  ray  fc  him,  they  Moabiccs 

endeuored  bv  art  to  difquict  him,  that  Hojoferncs  mii^ht  T^^f^**^'"" 

,  ,    '  ,  r  ^  1  •       L       L       L  1  •  r      acd  by  name, 

awakenot  by  them  rayfinghiro^but  by  them  making  a  noyle.  dcmiA^  v.j, 

10  •}■  For  no  man  durft  by  knocking,  or  cntrirg,  to  open  the  -.vhicbis  tbcr- 
n  chamber  of  the  chiefeofthe  AHyrians.  f  But  when  his  dukes  fcrcn^cnt  oa- 

and  tribunes  were  come,  and  al  the  chiefe  of  the  armie  of  the  JJ °^'*^°^^  - 

11  kingofthe  Adyrians,  thcyfaidto  the  chambcrlayns:  f  Goc  pcnitcnt^'asci" 
in,  and  awake  him,  becaufe  the  mice  ylFuing  out  of  their  cbfliiiaic. 

13  holes,  haue  prefumed  to  p:ouoke  vs  to  battel.  j-Thcn  Vagao 
entring  into  his  chamber  ,  ftoode  before  the  cortine,  and 
made  a  clapping  with  his  handes:  for  he  thought  that  he  flcpt 

14  with  ludith.  t  But  when  with  thefenfc  of  Iv.s  cares  he  per-  ' 
cieued  no  motion  of  perfon  lying,  he  came  neerc  to  the 
cortiae,aud  lifting  it  vp,  and  feing  the  bodie  without  the 

head  ofHolofernesvcltred  in  his  blcud  lye  vpon  the  €;rouBtl, 

cried  out  in  a  lowd  voycc  with  weeping,  and  rent  his  gar* 

i;  mentes.  f  And  going  into  the  tabernacle  of  ludith,  hcfoiind 

16  her  not,  and  he  lept  forth  to  the  people,  fand  fayd:  One  Hc- 
brewe  woman  hath  made  confufion  in  the  houfe  of  king 
NabuchodoEofcr  :  for  behold    Holofcrncs  lycth  vpon  il^e 

17  ground, snd  his  head  is  not  vpon  hJm.  f  \fhich  when  the 
princes  of  the  power  of  the  AlTyrians  had  heard,  they  al  rent 
their garmentes,  and  intollcrable  fearc  and  dread  fcl  rpo* 

18  them  ,  and  theit  mindes  were  trubled  ^ xcedingly  .  f  And 
there  was  made  an  incomparable  crie  in  the  middcs  of  their 
garope.  Cii.^p. 

Chap.  XV.  _         ; 

The  ^fyrhm  flee  fo?  fare  y  5.  the  Hehreliffsfurfue  them,  7.  dki  dr«e»rlih^d 
^j  the  spoyles.  ^,  The  high  priefi  with  othrrs  come  from  £eruf*Um  4^ 
fuyfe  litdith*  i^.  Thtgoodei  of  HiioferntiSre gmen  t» btr* 


Nd  vhenal  thearmic  hcird  that  Holo femes  ^yasbcu  i 
headed,  courage  and  counfelfel  from  them, and  being 
shaken  with  trembling  onlic  andfeare^they  heipe  thera  (elites 
by  flight,  t  fo  that  none  spake  viih  his  neighbour,  but  ban-    1 
ging  the  hend,  al  thingcs  Icaft  behind ,  they  made  haft  to 
cfcape  the  He  breves,  v/hom  they  heard  to  come  armed  vpon 
them,  fleing  by  the  waics  of  the  Fjeldes,  and  the  pathcs  of  the 
hilles.  tThe  children  of  Ifracl  thetforc  fcing  them  jflcing,  5 
foloNB'ed  thera.  And  they  \rent  do-«^ne  founding '^ith  trum- 
pctces,  and  shouting  after  them.  |  And  becaufe  die  AiTyri.ans  4 
were  not  vnited  together,  they  went  Jhcadlong  into  flight: 
but  the  children  of  Ifracl  puricving  in  one  compahie,  dif- 
comHccd  a!  that  they  could  find,  t  Ozias  thfrforc  fcm  mef-  $ 
fengcrs  through  al  the  cities  and  countries  of  Ifrael.  f  ^^^-  ^ 
riecountriethcrfore,  and  eueriecitie  fcnt  chofen  youth  ar- 
med after  rhcnrt,  and  they  purfewed  them  in  the  edge  of  ttic 
fsyord,  vntil  they  came  to  the  exttemetie  of  their  borders, 
t  And  the  reft  that  vrcre  in  Berhulia,  entered  into  the  campc  7 
of  the  Airyrians,  and  rooke  away  the  praycj^^hich  the  AHTyri- 
Ensfleing  hadlcafr,  and  were  loden  excedingly.  f  But  they  I 
that  were  returned  conqucrcrs  to  Bethulia,tookea\ray  with 
thcmalthirges  that  were  theirs, fo  that  there  was  no  num- 
ber in  catrcl,  and  bcaftes,  and  al  their  moucables,  that  from 
the  Icaft  vnto  the  greateftal  were  made  rich  of  their  pfaycs. 
Thefourtpart    j^  p^^^  loachim  the  high  Prieft' came  from  Icrufalcm  into  9 
ofIu§[th  who^"^^"^^*''^"^^^  ^^'  ancicntes  to  fee  Judith,  f  ^"^^  ^hcn  i» 
\i7uhil  the       i^e  was  come  out  to  him,  they  al  bleftcd  her  with  one  voyce, 
people praifc    faying:  -  Thou  art  the  gloric  of  leruialem,  thou  the  ioy  of 
Godi  Ifracl,  thou  the  honour  of  our  people:  f  bccaufc  thou  haft  11 

af^'c  1  fi^^'  done  manfully,  and  thy  hart  was  ftrcngthencd,  for  that  thou 
"/reTfcheB.  haft  loued  chaftitie,  and  after  thy  husband  not  knownc  any 
VirgincMa-  other:  therforc  alfo  the  hand  of  our  Lord  hath  ftrengthened 
ric,towhom  thee, and  thetforc  shalt  thou  be  bleftcfl for  cuer.  t  And  al  (he  i% 
^mc^nc'in'  P«oplefayd:Sobeir,fobcit.  f  And  for  thictie  daics,  fcarfe  ij 
ri^orc'cmi^neat  ^^'■'^^^^^?<^7^^s  of  the  AfTyrians  gathered  of  the  people  ©f 
i&Uit  t'hfci;re  Ifcael.  t  Moreoucx  ahhinges,  that  were  proucd  to  be  the  pc-  14 


IVDITH.  1033 

culiai'  g00(Jes  of  Holofernes ,  they  gaue  to  ludith  in  gold,  anicotier 
andfiluer,  andgarmentes,  andprctious  ftones,  and  al  ftufFe,  creainre.j.;j?i- 
ij  and  al  the  rhinges  were  dcliuered  her  of  the  people.  •{•  Andal  ^^^l 
the  people  reioyfed  \rith  \rcmcn,  and  virgins, and  yoijgmen, 
on  inftrumcntes  and  harpcs  . 

Chap.  XVI. 
iudith  ftn^etb  a.  unticleofthiLnk^sgcmngto  mr  Lor  J.  it.  The  ^eople^oe  to 
Jertt/aUmAndoferficrffces.i^.skein^redthonaur  liueth  4  nidojif  tti 
her  diAth  in  good  old  «gt.  30.  thepeo^te  h*ue  Lqd^  pcA^ce^  and^  feajiua'  - 
</i;  is  mounted  tn  ^er^etud  mcmarie  ofberf4^, 

I    'T"^  Hen  fang  ludith  this  fong  to  our  Lord,  faying:  f  Be- 

I  JL    ginnc  ye  to  our  Lord  in  timbrels,  fingyc  CO  our  Lord  in 
cymbals,  tune  to  him  a  ncv  pfalme,  rcioyfe,  and  inuocate 

5    his  name,  f  ••  Our  Lord  confoundeth  battels.  Lord  is  hi$  ;;  s.  Ipticw 

4  name,  f  Who  hath  fct  his  campc  in  the  raiddes  of  his  people, /*».«^9 1.  «*<i- 
that  he  might  deiiuer  vs  from  the  hand  of  al  our  enemies.  »*"'«>cncth 

J  f  AiTur  came  out  of  the  mountayncs  from  the  North  in  t^e  J^^^'j^-^j^jp^^jp 
multitude  of  his  (Irength:  •whole  multitude  Ooppcd  vp  the  fotcdifying 

€  torrentcs,  and  their  horfesconered  the  vallcs.  t  Hefaid  that  this  bookc  t» 
he  vouldfet  my  borders  on  fyre,  and  kii  my  yongmen  vith  bectaoBicah 
the   (vrord  ,  to  geue  my  infantes  into  praye,  and  virgins 

7  into  captiuitie.  -f  But  our  Lord  omnipotent  hath  hurt  him, 
and  hath  deliuercd  him  into  the  hands  of  a  voman,  and  hath 

5  pearfed  him.  f  For,  not  by  yongmen  is  their  mightic  one 

fallen,  neither  haue  the  fonnes  of  •=  Titan  ftrookcn  him,  nei-  ^'Snch giaxtw 
therdid  the  high  "  giantes  ("et  them  felues  vpon  him,  but  t5^c"flo^d°^* 
ludith  the  daughter  ofMerari  in  the  beaucie  of  her  face  dif-  g<».^. 
9  foluedhim.  *{•  For  flieputfromher  thegarmenrcsof  <5rido\r-  -Norfuchas 
hood, and puconhcrthegarmcntes  of  loy,  in  the  reioyfirg  hereafter, 

10  ofthechildrenofKrael.  t  Sheanoynted  her  face  v^ichoynt-  ^•'".ir^'*'"; 
mcnt ,  and  tycd   together  her  lockes  \rirh  a  crovrrve,  fhc 

II  tookcanew  ftole  to  deceiuchira.f  Her  fandaJsrauithed  his 
eics,  her  beautie  made  his  foule  captiue,  (he  -sritli  a  (word  cut 

11  of  his  head,  f  The  Pcrfians  did  quake  at  her  confcancie,  and 

13  thcMedes  at  her  boIdnelTc.  f  Then  did  the  campe  of  the 

Affyrians  howle,  when  my  humble  ones  appeared,  vfithcring 

14  in  thirft.f  The  fonnes  of  yongvremcn  haue  pcarud  them, 
and  they  haue  killed  them  as  boycs  flcing  a^ray:  they  haue 

ij  perifbedinbattelbcfore  the  face  of  the  Lord  ray  God.  f  Let 

V5  fijigan  hyronc  to  our  Lord,  let  vs  fing  a  nc\r  hymne  to  our 

:.i^in-..  Kkkkkk  God, 

1054  IVDITH. 

God. -j- AdonaioLorc^  great  art  thou,  and  noble  in  thy  povcf,  iS 
and  whom  no  man  can  oucrcomc.  f  Let  eucrie  creature  of  17 
thyne  ferae  thee:  becauferhou  faycift,,and  they  vrcre  made; 
thou  didft  fend  thy  spirit,  and  they  were  created,  and  there  is 
rsone  that  can  reiift  thy  voyce.  f  The  mountaynes  witli  the  iS 
waters  (hal  be  moued  with  the  foundations:  the  rockes  Ihal 
melt  as  waxe  before  thy  face,  f  But  they  that  feare  thee,  dial   19 
bcgreat  with  theein  al  thinges.  f  \7o  be  to  the  nation,  that  zo 
.'.•Eucrlading  ryfeth  vp  vpon  my  kinred:  for  our  Lord  omnipotent  wil  be 
tortiwntsot     rcuenged  on  thera,  in  the  day  of  iudecmenc  he  wil  vifirc 
pcrtcyncto     ^^^^^-  t  I'or  he  wil  geue  ••  fyre,  and  wormcs  mto  their  tieln,   11 
the  damned     that  they  may  beburnr,and  may  fcele  for  euer.  f  And  it  came  n 
hodiea.s.Ai*^  to  paffe  after  thefc  rhingcs,  al  the  people  after  the  vidorvc 
U,vK.c,^etf.     came  into  lerufalem  to  adore  our  Lord:  and  forthwith  as  they 
'xtt'l\LfiT  ^^^^  puriHed,theyal  offered  holocauftcs,  and  vowes,  and 
thedamncd     their  promifes.  f  Moreouer  ludith  ofifered  for  an  anathema  2j 
foalcs,  cfpcci-  ofobliuional  theinftrumentcsof  warreof  Holofernes,which 
ally  the  lofTc     the  people  giue  her,  an  J  the  canopie  that  her  ielf  had  taken 
•fGodsYifion  ^^^y  Q^j^  ^^  j^jj  chamber,  f  And  the  people  was  pleafant  24 

according  to  the  face  of  faindes,  and  for  three  monethes  the 
V  IX  v^„/J^^,!  ioy  of  this  vidorie  was  celebrated  with  ludith.  f  And  after  tS 
/frfrf /;«•  to»»4- thofe  daies  euerieman  returned  into  his  houfe,  and  ludith 
ria^e.  was  made  great  in  Bethulia,  and  the  Was  more  glorious  to  al 

thelandof  Ifrael.  f  There  was  alfo  chaftitie  loyned  to  her  1(5 
::Liuingin  al  vertue,  ••  fo  that  (he  knew  not  man  al  the  daies  of  her  life, 
^°^-^"'"'^^"afrcrfharMina(res  her  hufband  was  dead,  t  Andonfeftiual   17 
koutfixiie       daies  (he  came  forth  with  great  glorie.  t  And  Ihe  abode  in  1% 
Binc:for\vhen  her  husbands  houfe,  ••  an  hundred  Hue  yeares,.and  difmift  her 
afceflcwHo-  abrafree,3nd  ["he  died  and  was  buried  with  her  hufband  in     _ 
^^^To**^*     Berhulia.  f  Andal  the  people  mourned  for  her  feuen  dayes.  19 
fouaicycares  t  And  in  al  the  space  of  her  life  there  was  not  that  trubled  )o 
•Id.  f/Mo.T.iS  Ifrael,  and  after  her  death  manieyeares.  f  Butthe  day  of  the    jl 
nndhcrhuf-     feftjuitie  of  this  vidorie  is  receiued  of  the  Hebrcwcs  in  the 
band  v^as  then  number  of  holie  daics,  and  is  wor(hiped  of  the  Icwes  from 

«cad three  ,  .  ,    ,.  r         j 

scares  and  a     ^^^^  ""^^^  ^'""^  ^^'^  prelent  day. 
Li^fc^bcforc.  ANNOTATIONS. 

Ckap.   XVI. 

ag.  jlfterthaiherlntfjAni yyif  irai[KsyongTohht  ani  Sara  vrcrc  BOM> 
IwdithcneT-  b!e  pattcrasto  rairicd  ucrfias .-  (b  ludith  is  a  like  good  example  todeuouc 
ample  of  hoiie  \»'tJ,)W'cSj<rTcc!lmg  tHjilparcio  manic  rclpedcs-  For  fir  ft  (he  profcHed  this 
Wid©w]i09<i.    l4aUc4l«cc»nJisiai.MC©IdTcfta>«cnt,vf)»£aitv»'4S  moftrau,  the  law  proui- 


Itdith.  i»3f 

ding  that  tlie  brother,  or  next  kicfman,  fnoHlJniarictfec  vMqw  of  him,  that  Manic  inert**. 
Bm,  if.  <^iea  vri  the  lit  children  J  as  it  fcmcth  she  had  nccc,  the  Gickc  tcxtafiiirricg  that  iTicnrcscon- 
y   ^*      '  fiiegaucal  hci  goodcsbcforc  her  dcsth:o  ch.i^.v.14.  Secondly,  furring  to  the 
Hutlf.  :.  ftc  was  only  once  maricd,  eh.  ly.  v  16.  v.  26    vheras,  it  is  alio  com-  contraiic 
",        wcndablcaftcrtwifcoroftcrncrxnariageat  laf\  to  abftainc.  Thirdly,  (he  vis  waalc  her -vi- 
yong,  about  }6.  yearcs  :  for  thicc  ycares  and  a  haU  after  tKat  her  husband  vas  dovhocc 
aead,  ftic  was  calicda  yongmaidc,  ch.  11.  V.  it.  I'wuirly,  flic  vrasof  excellent  "^orcciccl- 
beautie,f/».8  v.  7-  Fiftly  exceeding  rich.  >b:c.em.  i>ixth,  very  noble, cfpccially  ic"C. 
after  the  deliucric  of  the  people  from  fi^ch  diftrcilc.  ch.  ly.v.  xo.  Scucntly, 
for  this  rcnoTmed  fic^,andfor  her  other  great  vcrtuc  {ch.  S.-v  8}  manic  prin- 
cipal men  dcfircd  t©  marie  her,  ch.ji^.v.ii  Eightly,ahhc  people  vishcd  much 
lirueoffo  noble  a  ftock.  ch.  16.  v.  15.  Niiuly,shc  lined  long  ia  the  ilatc  of 
widoirhood,about  thrcefcorc  andniu«yeaics,  from.  3^.  to  i&;,  ch.i6.v.  18. 
Tently,  there  vras  greatand  long  peace  in  al  ifracl,  after  that  she  had  rclecued 
Bcthulia.  ch  i^.  t.  ;o.  Al  vhich  might  cafcly  hauc  inuitcd  an  other  to  hauc 
mtricd  :  buthergrcat  dcuotion,  and  feiucnt  defire  to  fcrue  God  in  a  retired     ,j      1        . 
aufterclifc,  fafting.  Sc  praying,  ch.  8.  v.6.  cutteof  al  incitcrrsnts  to  a:ariagc,       j.        *^_ 
and  made  her  hcforc  the  Gofpcl,  ro  embrace  Euangclical  coualel,  net  com-      .         °  «' 
manded,  but  for  better  attainiDg  to  pcifciloncounlclcdb)' our  Sauiot  audi. 
Viu].%1at.  19. 1.  Cor,  7. 

yjj,v;  wriJ,>J  W«Tfrw  '-<iif>*  (^ri^  iV^fTW  W^'>i  Vrij,»  t^j^V  W^  t<i|,>-  WTJ?>» 


S^eUt0     f^Ptfje^uthoritUof tlishooJ^e onlyt'wo  01  ihrec  zncicnt  vrtitcts, 

s.^thd.  K^  dcuhzedybr fr,re  the ccunctls  cj Li(odicea,ar]dC,irtha^^edtcUrtditto  This^hole^ 

s.Gytg.    leCanontc^ly  Al  ihc  reft  did  euer  cflcme  it  as  diuine  Scripture.  -F«»*  nonical.     ^ 

^-t-v-."*.  alheit 5 .  Irram in  histlmt found  not  certaine  f?art(s  therof  tn  the  IJchrfWf 

tipnU        *nd  thajore  trAnC^offd the  f«me  to  the  end  of  th'  hookt^  ds  flofP  Wi  hdue 

Lufth.      them:  yittn  the  Grtcl^c  he  found  4I  tkef  ftxtenne  tha^tincente^  ntdm  tenne. 

Ifb  6.  c.    ^nditis  nctifnprobaide,  thsttbcfefArreli  Wtrefometimestn  the  IJelntv,  tts 

»5-  "/•     jfi^j-g  Jiften  l^hele  holies  which  are  now  lofi.  But  "Whether  they  nere  xt  anle 

time  in  the  Hebrew  er  no,  the  Church  ofchrijf  eccounteth  the  Tfhole  Lookji  of 

inf^Udde authoritiejreadin^ asrvelthefe  ^,  as  the  ref  tn  her  ptthli^ae 

affne.  ^nd  the  t»Hf?cel  of  Trent  ( Ce^f.  4.)  For  more  exprcjje  declar^tioit 

drfaeih thut  al  the  bookcs  recited  in  the  fame  Decree  C  amon^^ 

"Yv- /fi«r/?i&^r)"virh  al  thepirrcs  therof,  as  they  arc  accuftomcd 

to  be  read  in  the  Cathohquc  Church,  and  be  conteyncd  in  the 

old  vulgarc  latin  Edition,  are  facrcd  and  Canonical  Scripture. 

.  It  contevneib  a  partickUr^reat  danger  of  the  people  of  Ifr4e!,  hdptninT  (^as  ^1 
isprohji-U)  shortly  dfter  thttr^enerAreUx/ition,  O"  returne  of  fome  from  the 
c^ptiuitie  ofndjlon  •,  andtheir  dcliuirefrom  it,  through  the  godln  l(eU  And 
other  yertues  of  Quene  EJlhtry  dire^e^  herein  hy  MArdochtUSy  rvho  btin^  dlfo  y  Vritre n  by 
m  imminent  danger  rV4s  delmertdc  aduanced.  and  fin  Ally  rvrtt  the  hijlor'te,  Mardochcas: 

i©3^  Esther^ 

tfhtch  muy  ie  elmdei  into  foure  fortes,  not  hy  order  of  the  chapters:  4s 
Bioldcd  into  hty  xre  here  tr4mff>ofed:  but  in  order  of  time,  Jirfi  the  *Hthor  reporteth  feme 
ssarepartcj.  thmgcs  goingbtf  ore  the  peoples  danger , in  the  i.ii.ch4pterSy4tnd  partof 
the  5.  Secondly  their  daogeranddtjfrelfe,  in  the  ref}  of  the  5.  and  part  of  ij. 
chapters.  Thirdly  tbtir  deliUfrie :  fromthe  4.  chapter  to  the  mtddes  ef  the.  ^.^ 
and  rej}  oj  the  15.  and  in  thei^.  ij.  and  16.  Fottrtly^thetlnnges  that  enfued 
hereupon yin  the  other  half  oj  the  ninth  chapter^  the  10,  chapter^  andjir^ 
Iferfe  of  the  eletientb. 


VhofoeuervvilfUafeto  re  ad  this  hi  ft oYie^  in  order  of  the  time 
AS  the  thinges  happened^  adioyning  the  latter  chapters^  "jvhich 
Are  in  the  Greke^  and  not  in  the  [Jehrevv^  may  folovve  the  letters 
tf  the  alphabet jas  here  vve  haue pl4£ed them  in  the  margent^begif!' 
ning  at  thejecond  verfe  of  the  11.  chapter ,  'vvhere  he  fndeth  the 
letter  i^. and  when  he  cometh  to  B .  returne  vvhere  the' fame  letter 
is  noted,  ch.  i .  And  Jo  in  the  rejlfokw  the  fame  direElion. 


rca^atmat'  ChAP.   I. 

tins  tkc  laft      xing  ^fstertis  celebrateth  agreit  htnket  to  shew  his  glorify  10.  caUeth  fuene 

lumber!  Vafthi therto,  who refufmg  to by  adtttfe. of  hti  coanfeC depoftd. 

ThcErftpart    (!^?7yO^  ^^^ daies  of  AfTuerus.xrho  reigned  from  India  I 
beginnethin    1^3  jj^Jj^^ntOiSthiopJaouer  an  hundred  tvcn  tie  feuen  pro-  A     1^3  cfil  linces;  f  vp-hen  he  fatein  the  throne  of  his  kingdp,    » 
B  -  ■■'"^•chccitieSufawasin  the  bcgynaingofhis  kingdom, 

t  In  the  third  yeare  therforeof  hisempyre  he  made  a  great   \ 
fcaft  foal  the princes,and  tohtsferuanteSjro.the  moft  valiant 
of  the  Per(ians,and  the  nobles  of  the  Medes,  and  the  rulers  of 
the  prouincesin  his  fight,  f  that  he  might  shevr  the  riches  of    4^ 
the  glorieofhis  kingdom,and  the  grearnes,&:  vaunting  of  his  - 
»iighr,a  great  time.towifte, an  hundred  &  foure  fcoredayes,    j 
t  And  when  the  daies  of  the  feaft  were  accompli  flied, he  inui- 
:cd  al  pcopIe,that  was  found  in  Sufan,from  the  grcateft  to  the 
leaft:  and  commanded  feuen  daies  a  feaft  to  be  prepared  irj 
the  entrance  of  the  garden  ,  and  of  the  \rood,  which  was 
planted  with  royil  garniOiing  and  with  hand,  f  And  there    6 
hong  on  eucrie  fide  hangings  of  skie  colour,  and  grenc,  and 
hyacinthinc  colour,  held  vp  with  cordes  of  filke,  and  of  pur- 
ple, which  ▼ciepuriatorin^s  of  yuoric,  and  were  held  vp 


Esther.  i<^57 

vith  marble  pillcrs.  Bcddes  aifo  of  gold  and  filncr ,  Mftrc 
placed  in  order vpon  the  floore  paued  Nrith  the  cmerauld,  and 
the  touch  ftonc:  which  payncing  adorned  Nrith  meruelcus 

7  varietie.  f  And  they  rhac  were  inuiced,  dranke  in  golden  cnp- 
pes,  andrhcmeateswert  brought  in  change  of  vdlcls.  \ 
alfo  plenteous  and  the  bell  was  (et  do>yne,  as  was  worchic 

t  of  a  kings  magnificence,  f  ••  Neither  was  there  that  com-  r.Modcf^ic 
pelledthem  todrioke  that  would  not,  but  as  the  king  had  and  tempe- 
appointed,  making  ech  of  his  princes  ouerfecr  of  cuerie  ta-  ranceamorgft 

9  ble,  that  euerie  man  mioht  take  what  he  would.  +  Vafthi  alfo  ^\"'^^"  P^^' 
ehequeene  madea  teait  for  the  wcmen  in  the  palace,  where  ncthChrifii- 

10  king  AlTuerus  had  accudomed  to  remaync.  t  Therfore  the  anesthitrrsc 
feuenth  day,when  the  king  was  racricr,  and  after  very  much  nicn  to  drinke- 
dtinkingwaswel  warmed  with  wine,  he  commanded  Mau-  Jmniodcratly, 
mam, and  Bazarha,and  Harbona,  and  Bagatha,  and  Abgatha,  tiijn^tobc^ 
and  Zcthar,  and  Charchas,thc  feuen  eunuches,that  minidrcd   drunke.T.^». 

11  in  his  fight,  t  that  they  Ihould  bring  in  quecne  Vafthi  before, 
theking,  the  crownefet  vpon  her  head,  that  he  might  (hew  dncmtfrei 
herbeaurieto  al  the  peoples  and  princes:  for  the  wascxceding 

12  beautiful,  f  Who  rcfufed,  and  contemned  to  come  at  the' 
kingscommandmenr,  which  he  had  commanded  by  the  eu- 
nuchcs.  Wherupon  the  king  being  wrath,  and  chaffed  with 

■3  ••  exccding  furie,(f  asked  the  wilemen, which  after  the  man- 
ner of  a  king  were  alwayes  prefent  with  him,  and  he  did  al  T^^f  e^'^of 
thingcsby  their  counfcl,  which  knew  the  lawes,and  rightes  f7aftrna[s^^ 

14  of  the  elders:  f  (and  rhcchiefeand  neareft:  him  were,  Charfe-  crmmonly 
na,andSethar,and  Admatha,  and  Tharfjs,  and  Mares,  and  bruvling. 
Warfana,  and  Mamuchan,fciicn  dukes  of  the  Perfians,  and   Here  the  king 
of  the  Medcs.which  faw  the  face  of  the  kinq,  and  were  wont  ^^^^^^^^^  "j|^" 

Ij  to  firt  firft  after  him)  t  to  what  fentence  Vafthi  the  qucenc  c^u/cncwa* 
fliould  be  fubicdt,  that  would  not  do  Allueius  the  kiigs  com-  dinoifcilfrom 
mandmenr,   which  he  had  commanded  by  ihe  eunuchcs.  ^^"^' 

li  t  And  Mamuchananfwercd,  the  king  hearing,  and  the  prin- 
ces:-^  Qiieenc  Vafthi  hath  not  only  hurt  theking,  buralloal  :•  Brer.tiusap- 
peopjes,  and  princes,  that  are  in  al  the  prouinces  of  king  proucththc 

17  AlTucrus.  t  Forthc  wordofihc  quecne '^ril  goe  forth  to  al  '^"tenccol  ^ 
wcmen,tharthey  wil  contemnetheir  husbands, and  wilfay;  [,Jj^//|^  'j^^^ 
King  AlTuerus  commanded  that  the  qucene  Vafthi  tkould  /,  ,,  f  j  Ma- 

18  come  in  to  himjand  ihc  would  not.  f  And  by  this  eifampleal  crcbiu*./*  7. 
the  winesofthc  princes  of  the  Pcrfuns  and  the  Mcdts,  Wil  f-i-s^if^j-n.  fi. 
little  eftecrae   the  command mcntcs   of  their  h«.'bandcs.;  ^" «'«'••' ^«/'«'' 

Kkkkkk   J  •<yhcr- 

caiife  to  break 
that 'a^, for 

105^  EsTHE^i 

f^'^r^;  ^^"i-     wherforcthekingsirJiunacionisiuO.  t  ificpleafe  thee,  let  i« 
<r.r4!Uc!o-ethe  ^n  ediCt  goe  forffi  rrom  thy  iace,  and  kt  ic  bc  ■^ritfcn  accor- 
qaccncj'rcfu-  ding  CO  the  law  of  rhc  Pcrfians  and  of  Medcs,  vhich  is  not 
fal  lawful, and  lawful  to  bc  tranlgrerted,  that  Varthicomsin  no  more  to  the 
*P'^'p'"^^r^"        king,  but  an  orhcr,  that  is  better  then  Gie,  take  her  king- 
hAT-e-^^hkU     dome. -f  And  let  this  he  publitivcd  into  al  the  empire  of  thy  10 
prohibited       prouinces  (  which  is  moftlarge )  and  ietal  the  wiues,as  wel 
ii.aikd  >s'em^  of  the  greater  as  of  the  Icilcr  gene  honour  to  their  husbandcs. 
tocofnein     ^  ^  His  CO  wnfel  plcafed  the  king^  and  the  princes:  and  the  king  ii 
mcnniJrcAz'  <^'<^  according  to  the  counici  of  Marauchan,  f  and  he  fent  it 
ailernblics:       letters  to  al  the  prouinces  of  bis  kingdomc,  as  eueric  nation 
ncuherhad       could  heare  and  reidc,  in  diaers  languages  and  characters, 
thckingiuft^    that  the  husbandes  (hould  be  princes  and  maifters  in  their 
" "^^     hoafes.  and  that  this  ihould  be  pubU fned  through  al  peoples. 

C  H  A  P.     I  I. 

phanfic^'in  his  If.^uir'tf  heiffg mnJe  efthelfej} and  furefl  "yirgines,  (  5.  Efther  the  >»;^<rsH;^ 

druaken  hu-  /tecce  of  MarJoch'Sts  a  lefp)  is  f  referred^  1 8.  4nd  made  QurtKe  in  fUce  tf 

niour.'V'.io.  ra/ihiia mun^nffg  feaii  mad*, arrd  prefentes  9eutn.  u  )  Mardochr.n  dete- 

Luchcrallo  ^    ,                   '^  ,  t     r           ■            1   i        1           n 

wreftcrhthis  cteihtrattorSidndhisJermcetsrgcordedin  tberigejter, 

example  in  fa- 

uourcofadul-  '"T^  H  ES  E  thinges  fo  done,  after  the  indignation  of  king     1 
TuTtTfdlo'  Aillicrus  ws^s  allVaged,  he  remembred  Vafthi,  and  what' 

'^i-^jlTdlLnis     fhehaddone.or  what  (he  had  fulfcredif  and  the  kings  fer-    a 
-pytttnhei.^nf,  umces  and  his  nuniders  faid:  Let  there  be  roaydens  fought 
iJJi'  for  the  king,  virgins  and  beautiful,  f  and  let  there  be  (ent    5 

that  may  vicwe  through  al  prouinces  beautiful  maydcns  and 
virgins:  and  let  them  bring  them  to  the  citieof  Sufan,  and 
deliuer  them  into  the  houfc  oF  wemcn  vnder  the  hand  of 
Egeus  the  eunuch,  who  is  ouerfeerof  the  kings  wemenrand 
letthcRj  rcceiue  wcmcKsornamentes,and  other  things  nc- 
Gcirarietobevfcd.  •}-  And  which  fo  euer  among  al  (hal  plcafe  4 
the  kings  eies,  let  her  rcigne  for  Vafthi.  The  word  ^leafed 
the  king:  and  fo  as  they  had  fuggcfted,  he  commanded  to  be 
done,  t  There  was  a  man  in  the  citie  ofSufan  a  lew,  named  j 
Mardochcus,  thcfonneof  Iair,thefonncofScmei,  thcfonne 
ofCiSjoftheftockeof  lemini,  -j- who  had  becnc  tranfported  6 
from  lerufalcm  the  fame  time,  that  Nabucodonofor  the  king 
of  Babylon  tranfporrcd  lechonias  the  king  of  luda,  f  who  7 
"was  the  fofter  father  of  his  brothers  daughter  Edida,  which 
by  an  other  name  was  called  Efther;  and  Che  had  loft  both  her 
parcBtcs:  exceeding  beautiful,  and  of  comely  face.  And  her 


Esther.  105^ 

farherand  morhcr  being  dead,  Mardoclieus  adopted  her  for 
2  his  daughter,  f  And  when  the  kings  conimandmcnt  vras 
bruited  ahrode, and  according  to  his  commandcnxnc  many 
fayrcvtrgins  "were  brought  to  Sufan,  and  \rcre  deliuered  do 
Egeus  the  eunuch:  ••  Either  alio  aipong  the  rdl  of  the  mayden  s  -Deut.  j.  v.  j,. 
visdchuercd  to  him,  that  fliemicht  be  kept  in  the  numb:  r  yf^/j^*^**^* 

9  ofthcNTcmen.  f  XTno  plcafcd  him,  and  found  grace  \n  h]  s  Ii^.^i;l,Gcn- 
fight.  And  he  commanded  the  eur.uch,that  he  should  haftem  tilty,)ctwhca 
thcvremcnsornamentcsjand  should  deliucri  her ,  her  pairc:s,  tFicic  vasr.o 
&L  feuenthemoft  beautiful  maydens  of  the  kings  houfe,ai»d  <^'a"gcrtolc 
should  adorne  and  decke  both  her  and  her  \payting  maydcs  .  an/great* 

10  -f  "Who  would  not  tcl  him  her  people  and  countrie.  For  Mnr--  hopcefp-ooJ, 
dochcus  had  con-manded  her,  that  of  this  thing  she  should  Eftlicr  by 

II  altopether  kcepe  filence:  t  who  walked  daily  before  the  en-  ■^'I•it^oth«'is 
tranccorthc  houle,  wherin  the  cnolen  virgins  were  kept,  f^ntcd  to  ma- 
taking  care  of  Efthers  welfare,  and  dcfirou5  to  know  what  liekino-Aifu. 

li  should  chance  vnto  her.  f  And  when  the  tirneof  eucrie  vir- ei<js,  thcugli 

were  anoynted  with  oylc  of  myrtle,  and  other  fix  monethcs  (lene  itran^tr, 
ij    they  vfedcertayne  payntings  and  fwcetcfpices.  f  Andgoing  >^>  \^ 
in  to  the  king,  what  foeuer  they  asked  that  perteyned  to  ^  C)auida!i» 
adorning  they  receiued:  and  being  trimmed  ,  as  it  pleafcd  t'nrs^c'Iurh- 
thcm,  they  paded  from  the  chamber  of  the  wcmen  to  the  tci  of  Gcilbr. 

14  kings  chamber,  f  And  she  that  went  in  at  euening,  came  out  ^'^^S.y^'h 
in  the  morning,  and  from  thence  she  was  brj^ught  tothcfe- 
condhoufe,  that  wasvndcr  the  hand  of  Sufagazus  the  cu» 
nuchjwho  was  chiefc  oucr  the  kings  concubines ;  neither 

had  she  power  to  rerurncany  morero  the  king,  vnlclll  the 
king  had  willed>and  had  commanded  ber  to  come  by 

15  t  Andthctimehyordercomingahout,  thcd3y  was  at  hand, 
thatEfther  the  daughter  of  Abihail  the  brother  of  Mardo- 
cheus,  whom  he  had  adopted  for  his  daughter,  should  roe  in 
to  the  king.  \rho  fought  not  wemens  ornamcntcs,  but  whar- 
focuer  Egcus  the  eunuch  the  kcpcr  of  the  virgins  would, 
thofe  things  he  gauc  her  to  her  adorning.  For  she  was  exec* 
ding  fayrc,  and  of  incredible  bcautie,  she  fcracd  to  al  mens 

45  cies  gratious and  amiable,  t  She  thcrforc  was  brought  to  the 

chamber  of  king  AfTuetus  the  tenth  monsth,  which  is  cal- 

17  lcdTcbcth,in  the  fcuenih  ycare  of  his  rcinnc.  t  And  the 

1040  Esther. 

kingloucd  her  more  then  al  the  weraea,  and  she  ha<3  grace 
and  mercie  before  him  aboiie  al  the  wemen,  and  he  put  the 
crowneof  rhclcingdoraonherhcadjandmade  her  rcigne  in 
ftcede  of  Vafthi.  t  And  he  coraniaiidcd  a  v«rie  magnifical  18 
feaft  to  be  prepared  to  al  the  princes,  and  to  his  feruantes,  for 
the  coniunction,  and  mariagcof  Efthcr.  And  he  gaiic  reft  to 
al  theprouinceSja^nd  beftoNTcd  giftes  according  to  princely 
magnificence,  f^nd  when  virgins  were  fought  the  fecond  if 
time  and  gathered  together,  Mardocheustaried  at  the  kings 
gate,  t  neither  had  Efther  as  yet  vttered  her  countrie,&pco-.  20 
::  Mardocheas  pie,  according  to  his  comandmenc.  For  what  foeucr  he  com- 
hearingfufpi-  manded,  Efther  obfcriied;  and  she  did  al  thinges  fo  as  she  v?as 

*n°d"ob{^/uint  ^*^"^^^'^^^^^^'^^»  '^^^^  ^'^  "^""^^^'^^^'•^^  ®"^*   t  At    II 

their adions"  ^M*^  t^^T^c  therforc,  when  Mardochcus  abode  at  the  kings 
fav/ethatthey  gate,  Bagathan,  and  Tharcs  were  angric,  tvo  of  thc'kings 
intended  eucl  cLinuches ,  that  were  porters,  and  were  chicfc  in  the  firft 
tJcKinT'"^  cntrie  of  the  palace:^y  vould  make  infurrcdion 
v^herby  their  ^g^io^^^'sl'higj  and  kil  him.  fWherofMardocheus  '••  gotte  i2s 
trefonwasdil- notice,  and  iraraediatly  he  told  it  to  qucene  Efthcr:  and  (he  to 
ouered.  JiAb.  the  king  in  the  name  of  Mardochcus,  who  had  reported  the 
calem.o'iofe^.  fj^j^g  vnro  her.  f  It  was  examined,  and  found:  and  they  were  2| 
^  both  hanged  on  a  gibbet.  And  it  was  put  in  th«  hiftories,    , 

'^  y'/^'  andregiftrcdin  tile  croniclcs  before  the  king.    * 

Chap.    III. 
y/{mdn  aiiinnced  by  the  k}n^»ii  much  offended  thit  Mdrdocbeus  doth  not 
adore  him.  6.  and  tberforeprocureth  the  kjngi  decree 3  to  defiroy  t he  whole 

D  \    Ft  ERthefc  things  king  AfTuerus  aduanced  Aman  the  I 

-/XfonneofAmadathi,  which  was  of  the  flockc  of  Agag: 
&  he  put  his  throne  aboue  al  the  princes  which  he  had.  t  And  i 
r  Aman  cxa-    ^^  ^^^  icings  feruantcs,  that  were  in  the  doorcs  of  his  pallace, 
^edfuchho-  bowed  their  knees,  and  adored  Aman:;for  fo  the  cmpcrouv: 
Bonr  ashea.  had  commanded  them,  "onlie  Mardocheus  didnotbowe  his 
rau"^to°Sek    ^nee,  nor  adore  him.  t  To  whom  the  kings  feruantcs,  that  j 
l^/Te  eoddcs,    ^crc  chiefc  at  the  doores  of  the  pallace,  (aid:  "Why  doeft  thou 
which  vasal- abouc^he  reft  not  obferuerhe  kings  commandment,  t  And  4 
fo  idolatric.     y hen  they  faid  this  often,  and  he  would  npt  hcare,  they  told 
SeSl  vas"     -^"^^"^  dcfirous  to  know  whether  he  would  perfeuerc  in  his 
wiUinc-to       fcntencc;  for  he  had  told  them  that  he  was  a  lew.  t  Vhich  5 
gfticiiTniciail  Nrhea  Ai^m  had  heard,  and  had  proaed  by  experience  that 


Esther.  1041 

Mardoclieusboxrediict  hiikiiscTnf.o  him,  nor  adored  hnn,  iior.our,?«*«» 
$  he  vasangriecxccdingly.f  And  he  counted  it  amarrcr  of  no-  ^*  {']'* 'I"  f'^j^- 
thing  to  lay  his  handcsvpon  Mardocheiis  alone:  for  he  had  iZ''l!lulland 
heardthathc  vrasofthcnationof  the  U^vcs^  and  he  would  rcfuicdi/o'r«(! 
rather  dtftroy  ai  thenacionof  the  Icwcs,  that  verc  in  the  codueUA'turf 

7  kingdom  of  Alfuerus.  t  The  fitft  raoncth  (  which  is  called  '""'•^''•i;'*'- 
Ndari )  m  the  t  >y cl( th  yeare  of  the  reignc  of  Alfuerus,  the  lot  ^^'  ^'^^'  ^'"J"  *" 
\ras  caft:  into  a  potrc  which  in  Hebrew  is  called  Phur ,  before  ^  ^    ''  '*'  ^' 
Aman,  -in  ^^^mt  day  and  what  moneth  the  nation  of  the  -Suchijthc 
Icwes  should  be  llayne  .•  and  there  came  forth  the  twelfth  prcpoAcrous 

8  moneth,  which  IS  called  Adar.  I  And  Aman  faid  to  king  Al-  ^nricotran- 

iuerus;  There  is  a  people  difperfed  through  al  the  prouinces  <=^"^'°^P: 

>.    I      I  •       J  J/  J  r  °         I  T-  point  the  day 

or  thy  kingdom,  and  (cparated  one  from  an  other,  viing  new  ^f  executing 

Jawes  and  ceremonies,  morcoucralfo  contemning  the  kings  hiiinalicc.bc- 

ordinanccs:  And  thou  knoweft  very  wei  that  it  is  not  txpe-  ^oie  i»c  tad 

dient  for  thy  kingdom  that  iney  waxe  infolent  by  hbertie.  S^^^^^'^'^gs 

9  t  I^icpleafc  thee,  decree  that  they  may  perish,  and  I  wil  pay  '^^^'^^^' 

10  tenthoufand  talentcstothecotferersof  thy  treafure.  t  Ihe  The  fcconi 
kjng  cherrore  took^  the  ring  that  he  vied,  from  his  hand,  and  part, 
gaucitto  Amanthcfonnc  of  Amadarbi  of  the  progenic  of  The  lewes 

11  Agag,  theenemicof  the  lewcs,  f  and  he  faid  to  him:  The  '^^"gcrtobc 
filuer  which  thou  doeft  promile,  be  it  thine :  but  concerning  '"*'^"^*°' 

12  the  people  doe  that  which  pkafeth  thee,  f  And  the  kings 
fcribcs  were  called  in  the  firlt  moneth,  Nilan,  the  thittenth 
day  of  the  fame  moneth:  and  there  was  written,  as  Aman  had 
commanded,  to  al  the  kings  lieufccnantes,  and  ludges  of  the 
prouinces,and  of  diuers  nations, as  cuerienation  could  read, 
and  he.ircaccotdingto  the  varietic  of  languages, in  the  name 

15  of  king  Airnerus:  and  the  letters  figned  with  his  ring,  t  were 
fent  by  the  kings  poftes  to  al  prouinces,  that  they  should  kil 
and  deftroy  al  the  lewes,  from  boy  vnto  old  man,  children, 
and  wcmen,  in  one  day,  that  is,  in  the  thirrent  h  of  the  twclih  ^ 
monerh,  which  is  called  Adar,  and  should  fpoylc  them  of  "^  ^  y  'l^' 

14   their  goodes.  * 

t  And"  the  content  of  the  letters  was  this,  thatal  prouinces  p 

i;  might  know,(?c  prepare  them  feluesagainft  the  day  aforefayd.       , 

tiThcpoftes>hat\rcrcfenf,madehiftto  fulfil  the  kings  co- i;^^:///,"'^^ 
mandmenr.  And  Mmmcdiatly  the  ediA  hong  in  Sufin ,  the  fcircnfirO  vei- 
kin£»  and  A  nun  fcalling,  andal  the  lewcs  that  were  in  the  fts  ofthcij  f/». 
citic,  weeping,  ofwtichthis 

is  thcfumrae. 

LUIll  Chap. 

S04^  ESTHEE.. 

Chap.  1 1 1 1. 
\y€l  the  le'^esUmifii  their  imminent  dxager.  ^.  Mirdochats  rpHteth  Eflher 
to  istreiite  the  k^ng  for  their  faftie,  ii.  she  fearing  to  goe  to  the  king  con- 
Thc  thiinl  piit      trms  to  his  U^ff  yncAliedf  ij-^f  they  dlftfim^  and  frxying  for  her,  she 
The  deliuerio         ^otb  it. 

ol:  the  I  ewes 
from  danr^er. 

TTTT  Hic  H  tilings  when  Mardochcus  had  heard,  he 
V     V    rent  his  garment 

garmences,  and  was  clothed  with  fack- 
cloth,  fprinkling  ashes  on  his  head;  and  in  the  ftreat  of  the 
iTiiddesofthecitiehccried  withalowed  voyce,  shewing  the 
anguishof  his  mind,  t  and  with  this  wayling  going  euen  to  i 
the  doores  of  the  pallace:  for  it  was  not  lawful  for  one  clo- 
thed with  fackcloth  to  enter  the  kings  court,  •}•  Inalprouin-  5 
ces  alCo,  townes,  and  places,  to  which  the  kings  cruel  decree 
^,    ^  -      3  was  come, there  wa3''p;reat  mourning  with  the  Iewes,faTline, 
bcft  rcme^le     nowimg,  and  weeping,  manie  vling  lacKclotii  and  ashes  ror 
indiftrcfTc  is    their  couch.  f  And  Efthers  maides  and  the  eunuches  wentin,  4 
todoworkes    and  told  her.  ^zhich  she  hearing  was  aftonyed:  and  she  fenc 
ofpcnancefot  ^  oarraent,  that  the  fackcloth bcine  taken  away,  they  sho&ld 
ted.    f'it  it  on  him:  which  hc  vTOuld  not  taKe.  f  And  cauing  for  ^ 
.y.yi.,  Athach  the  eunuch,  whom  the  king  had  geuen  her  for  a  fer- 

uant  to  Mardochcus  ,  commanded  him  to  goc  and  to  learns 
of  him,  why  he  did  this.  ,t  And  Athach  going  forth  went  to  ^ 
Mardocheus  landing  in  the  ftreateof  the  citie,  before  the 
palace  doore: -|- who  told  him  al  thinges  that  had  chanced,  7 
how  Araan  h:id  promifedjthat  he  would  bring  filuer  into  the 
kingstrcafuresfor  theflaughterof  thelcwes.  fHcgauehira  S 
ftlfoa  copieof  theediiSl;  which  hongin  Sufan,_rhat  he  should 
shew  it  to  the  queene,  and  should  admonish  her  to  enter  'wi  to 
the  king,  and  to  intreate  him  for  her  people,  t  Athachretur-  J^ 
ning  told  Efteral  things,  that  Mardocheus  had  fayd.  f  "^^^  IP- 
anfwcredhim,  and  bad  that  he  should  fay  to  Mardochcus: 
•j-  a1  thekiBgs  icruantesjand  al  theprouinces  that  are  vndcr  11 
hisdominion, know, thatwhetherman,orwoman,  not  cal- 
led, shal  enter  in  to  the  kings  inner  court,  he  mufl;  immedi- 
atly  be  ilayne  without  al  delay  :  vulefle  perhaps  the  king 
y  ftretch  forth  a  golden  rodvnto  him,for  afigneofclemencie, 

and  fo  he  may  Hue.  I  therfore  how  can  I  enter  in  to  the 
kingjwhich  now  thcf e  rhirtie  daies  haue  not  bene  called  vnto 
hirajf  Which  when  Mardocheus  had  heard,  t  he  icnt  word  li 
10  EAhcr  sgayncj  faying:  Thinckc  not  that  thou  ma^fl:  dcliuer  15 


Esther.  1043 

thy  o\fne  life  only,  bcccnfc  dioii  art  in  the  kings  houTc,  abo- 
f^  ueahhc  Icwcs:  t  for  if  thou  ^yilt  novf  hold  thy  peace,  '•-  the  ;:Gxc.ifconfJ- 
lesves  shal  be  dehuercci  by  another  occailon:  and  thou,  and  ^JcnceinGods 
thy  fathers  hioule  shal  perish.  And  wh.o  knoverh  vrhethcr  ''^T^^^^cn 
thoucamtft  to  the  kingdom  thcrfore,  tliat  in  fuch  a  time  iayicth  and 
ij  thoumightftbereadie  ?t  And  agaync  EfthcrfenttoMardo-  indedcihis 

16  cheus  in  thefewordcsr-j-Goc,  and  gather  rogciher  ai  the  le-  n-,cancsby 
vres,>3rhom  thou  shah  find  in  Su(an,atid  pray  ye  for  me.  Eate  ™°"'"S^'''« 
yc  nor,  and  dnnke  not  in  three  dayes,  and  three  njglitcs:  and  rr^siutrthcrs 
I  with  my  handmaydcsinlike  mancr  ypi\  faft,  and  then  \ril  pctiiionvas 
Igoeinto  the  king,  doing  agaynft  the  lav,  not  called,  and  Godsipcciai 

17  dehueringmy  fclf  to  deathand  topcrih  j-  Mardochcus  ther-  '*'°'^^c- 
fore  ventj  and  did  al  thinrs  that  Efther  had  commmandcd  ^ 

liim.  ^  ^  y   1 

Chap.    V. 

Sjihcr  landing  in  thcki^^^-J'gbt  he  callcth  htft^.  sherejutficth  that  he  and 
^rrnto  wiUtne  with  her.j.^galne  she  inuiteth  them.oi.  ^man  is  wore 
mcenfed^fgamfl  AUrdocheuSyfre^areth  highgallorves  to  hang  him  on. 

I      7^    N  D  the  third  day  Efther  put  on  royal  garmentes,  and  *^ 

-Z~^  flood  in  the  court  of  the  kings  houfe,  which  was  the 
inner  agaynfl:  the  kings  hal:  but  he  fate  vpon  his  throne  in  ^ 
the  confidorie  of  the  palace,  againft  the  dooreof  the  houfe.  ♦     I  !^''l^' 

1  t  And  when  he  had  feene  Efther  the  quecne  ftanding,  she 
pleafedhiseics,  and  he  pat  forth  toward  her  the  golden  rod,  tr 

which  he  held  in  his  hand:  who  going  neere,  killed  the  top 

3  of  his  rod.  f  And  thekingfaid  to  her:Whatwiitthouquecne 
Efther?  what  is  thy  rcqueft?  yea  if  thou  wilt  aske  the  halfc 

4  partofthe kingdom, itshal  be geuen  thee,  t  But  she  anfwc- 
red.Ifitpleafetheking,!  befeech  thee  that  thou  come  to 
me  this  day,  and  Aman  wirh  thee  to  a  banket,  which  I  hauc 

J  prepared,  f  And  the  king  forthwith,  cal  ye  Aman,quoth  he» 
quickly,  that  he  may  obey  Efthers  wil.  The  king  therforc  and 
Araancametothe  banket,  which  the  quecnc  had  prepared 

6  for  them,  f  And  the  king  faid  to  her,after  that  he  had  drunkc 
wine  aboundantly.  What  doeft  thou  defirc  to  be  geuen 
thee?  and  for  what  thing  askcft  thou  ?  although  thou  aske  the 

7  halfpart  of  my  kingdom,  thou  shalt  obtcyne.  f  To  whom 

8  Efther  anfwcred:  "  My  petition,  and  rcqucftcs  arc  thcfc:  f  If  dj.^^g'jj^j^^ 

I  haue  found  grace  in  the  kings  fight,  and  if  it  pleafc  the  king  layin^'ropro- 
togcue  that  which  I  aske,  and  to  fulfil  my  petition:  let  the  pofcherpcti- 

LllUl  i  kinir 

I04  4  Esther. 

tlotijlncrea-    king  and  Aman  Come  to  the  banker,  \phich  I  baue  prepared 
iedthckings    tJ-jgi-pj  apj^l  to  morro  *' I  vril  open  my  wii  CO  the  king,  t  Aman  g 
defitccokno>»'    .       /  r       i      i         j  r    i        j  •        a      .        i  i 

■r  ,„^juedh;iii  "^"^''^^'^  ^^'^'^^°^''"  ^"^'- "^y '°y  '^'"''^"  ""*^^^^*  ""*^  when  he 
toproraiie  liadreene  Mardocheus  fitting  before  the  dooresof  the  palace, 
moreairurctl-  and  notonlie  not  to  haue  ni:n  vp  to  him^buc  not  To  much  as 
ly,&fobond  ^q  h^ue  moued  from  the  place  whcte  he  (ate,  he  >3fas  "wrath 
toTccJuipUs^  ^^^^'^^"•^i')'' t*"^  diflTembling  his  anger,  and  returning  into  lo 
i^,  his  houfe,  he  called  together  vnto  him  his  freindcs,  and  Zares 

his  wife:  f  and  he  declared  to  them  the  gteatncHe  of  his  ii 
riches,  and  the  multitude  of  his  children,  and  with  how  great 
glorie  the  king  had  aduanced  him  aboue  al  his  princes  and 
feruantes.  I  And  after  thefc  things  he  (aid. Queene  Efther  alio   it 
hath  called  none  other  ro  the  banket  With  the  king,  but  me: 
with  whom  tomorosr  alio  ishaldine  wirhtKe  king    I  And   ij 
whr ras  I  haae  al  thefe  things,!  thinke  I  haue  norhing,  fo  long 
as  I  shal  fee  Mardocheus  the   lew  fitting  before  the  kings    . 
doorcs.  t  AndZareshis  wife,  &  the  rt  ft  of  his  frendes  anfwe-  14 
red  him  :  Comand  agrc^t  beame  to  be  prcp^red,iiaumi7  fiftie 
cubitcs  in  height,  and  (pcake  in  the  morning  tc  the  king,  tha^t 
Mardocheus  may  be  hanged  vpon  it,  and  lo  thou  shalt  goc 
ioyfulwithcheking  to  the  banker.  The  counfel  pleafed  him, 
and  he  commanded  an  high  gallowes  ro  be  prepared. 

Chap.  VI. 
The  hjng  hearing  the  good  fermce  of  Mardecheas  tn  dtteBin^  tfititorSy  rtAdtn 
the  chronicle  {for  ■whichhebddyet  nore^arde)  4.  comrmndetb  ytmAtt 
to  honour  htm  nextto  the,  11.  jvhich  heperjormetb. 

f.Goiscyc      ♦T^  Hat  night  the  king  •'  pafTed  withoar  fleepe,  and  he  1 

^^''^""^'^^^      A    commanded  the  hiftories  and  chronicles  of  former  times 

wha^thA*maa    to  bebrought  him.  Which  when  they  were  read  in  his  pre- 

intcndcd:  and  fence,  f  they  came  to  that  place  wli£rc  ic  was  written,  how  1 

for  execution  Mardocheus  had  vttered  the  fi  esfon  of  Bagatban,  and  Thares 

ofhi«!ownc     the  cunuches,  coueting  to  kil  king  Afluerus.  f  Which  when  } 

^rTl-"£V?theking  had  heard,  he  fayd:  What  honour  and  reward  hath 
Tied  thismca-  o  ../■i/-,i..       nr  1 

lies  bey  Tub-     Mardocheus  rcceiued  for  this  hdelitie?  His  fcruinresand  mi- 

tracHngilcpc  nifters  faid  to  him:  He  hath  recf'ucd  no  reward  at  al.  f  And  4 
that  time        fj^g  king  by  and  by.  who  is,  quoth  he, in  the  court?  For  Aman 
fiorothekmgj^^j  entered  the  inn-fr  ccurt  of  the  kinos  houfe,  that  he 
andinlpiring        .    ,      _  «  1      1  -  1  ,      ^  t  ■»*      j 

hismindto  might  fuggtft  to  the  king,  and  ne  might  command  Mardo- 
hcatcthchi-  cKeus  to  be  hanged  faft  on  the  gibber,  which  was  prepared 
fioacsrtad,     for  him.  f  Thcfcruaatcs  a.iiVcrwd;  Aaua  ftandeth  in  the  y 


Esther.  io4y 

6  court.  And  theking  (aidrLcr  him  ccme  in.  f  And  trhcn  he  andtorcxrard 
was  come  in,  he  laid  ro  him:  What  ouizhc  to  be  done  to  the  goodiciuicc, 
man, whom  thckmgis  dehrous  to  honour.' But  Aman  ••  ihm-  ..  Ambicious 
king  in  Jus  hart, and  iuppofing  that  the  king  would  honour  mcnarcraoft 

7  no  other,  but  him  1th,  f  anlwcred:  The  man,  whom  the  bimdcuicon- 
S  km2  defircih  to  honour,  t  ouiiht  to  be  clothed  with  the   'cue  of  their 

mgs  garmentcs,  and  to  be  let  vpon  the  horie,  that  is  for  the  ^^^  lortuncs! 

kmgs  laddie,  and  to  take  the  kings  crowne  vpon  his  head, 

f)  -f- and  let  the  chicfe  of  tlic  kings  princes  and  nobles  hold  his 

horfe,  and  going  throuh  the  (treat  of  the  citie,  crie.  and  fay: 

So  shal  he  be  honoured,  vrhomfoeucr  the  king  wil  honour. 

10  f  And  the  king  fiid  to  hiai;  Make  hall,  and  rakmg  a  robe  and 
a  horfejdo  tliat  thouhaft  Ipoken,  to  Mardocheus  the  lewe, 
which  litteth  before  the  dootc-s  of  the  palace:  Beware  thoa 
pretermitre  nothing  of  thofe  things, which  thou  haft  fpokcn. 

11  t  Aman  therforc  tooke  a  robe  and  a  horie,  and  putting  it  or 
Mardocheus,  and  fetting  him  on  the  hor{c,in  the  ftrcat  of  the 
citie  went  before  iiim,  and  cried;  This  honour  is  he  worthic 

12  of»  whom  (ocucr  the  king  is  willing  to  honour.-}-  AndMar- 
docheus  returned  to  the  palacegate:  and  Aman  made  hall  to 

15  goc  into  his  houfe,  mourning  and  his  head  couered;  f  and 

he  told  Z'lres  his  wife,  and  his  frendcs  al  things,  that  had  ::Eithcrthpy 
chaunced  him.  To  whom  the  wife  men  whom  he  had  in   hjd  read  Gods 
counfel,  and  his  wife  anlwered:  -  If  Mardocheus  be  of  the  f[^Ts%^°''"' 
Icwes  fcede, before  whom  thou  haftbeguncto  fal.thou  can  ft  ,j  &;c!orcoo- 
14  not  refiH;  him,  bu^  thou  shalt  fa!  in  his  fight,  f  As  thry  were  icaurcdrhis 
yet  fpeaking,  the  kings  eunuchei  came,  and  compelled  him  hyhumalnc 
to  goc  quickly  to  tne  banket,which  the  queene  had  prepared.  F^"'^'^"^*- 
Chap.   VII. 
ifiher entertaynin^ the  k'fg  *nd  Xman  a^dine  At  4  fe^tfl,  r 5  from.  W  to  oh~ 
UmffJphat/oeHfi  ibe'^il  askf  5.  ihe demandeih fzftie  jor  her  jelf ,  and  4I 
the  ptopUya^amfl  ^rmm  c^uelue,  6.  and  ^rnutt  is  buti^id  ^n  tht  gnU 
laTfieiywhtch  be  h4d  prepared  for  Mardocheus, 

I  ""T^  H  E  king  therfore  and  Aman  went  in,  to  drinkc  with 
X  1  the  qucene.f  And  the  king  laid  to  her  alfo  the  fccond 
day,  after  he  was  warme  with  wine:  What  is  thy  pcriiion 
Efthcr,  thar  ir  may  begeuen  thee?  and  what  wilt  thou  hauc 
done?  although  thou  shalt  askc  the  half  part  of  my  king;- 
5  dome,  thou  shalt  obreyne.  f  To  whom  she  anfwercd,  •"  If  (iaxf.fjQofll 
I  hauc  fouud  grace  in  thynceics6king,ard  if  it  plcafe  thee,  the  Uvea 

Lrilll5  gcue 

104^  Esther. 

with  prayers    geue  me  my  life  for  tkc  ^  hich  1  make  rcqusrt,  and  my  people 
and  other         for  che  which  I  befccb.  t  For  \re  arc  deliiiered  I  and  ray  peo-  4 
nance  Efthcr    P'^>  fo  DC  dcltroyecij  murdered,  and  to  pcnil).  And  ^rculd 
afkedand  ob-  God  we  were  fold  for  bondmen  and  bondwcraen:  k  ^ere  a 
jained  the        tolerable  euil>  and  mourning  I  would  hold  my  peace.-  but 
lafiicofthe  ^    now  it  is  our  enemie,  whofe  cruelcie  redoundeth  rpon  the 
mo^eprc^ctout  ^^"o*  t  ^^^  ^^J"g  Aflucius  anfwering,  faid:  Who  is  this,  and  y 
to  her  then       of 'fls'hat  might,  that  he  dare  doc  thelc  things  ?  f  An<^E({hci:  ^ 
halfeofthc      faid:  It  IS  this  Amanour  aduerfaric  and  moft  wicked  cnemie. 
kingdom.        "^Kr}^ich  he  hearing  -  forthwith  was  aftoniihed,  not  enduring 
to  beare  the  countenance  of  the  king  and  of  the  qucene. 
an^'Mhiecon-    t  But  the  king  being  wrath  rofc  vp,  and  from  the  place  of  the  7 
(cicnccir,  com  banket  went  into  the  garden  fct  with  trees.  Araan  alfo  role 
monly  the        vp,to  intreate  Either  the  quecne  for  his  lifejfor  he  ynderftood 
firftforraent     that  there  was  cuil  prepared  him  of  the  king,  f  Who  when  he  8 
c^in'^'^' ,     was  returned  out  ofthepardenfct  with  trees,  and  had  enrc- 
A-deia-raro,      ^^"  into  the  place  of  the  banket,  he  found  A  man  to  haue  fal- 
len vpon  the  bed,  whcrin  Eilher  lay,  and  he  faid  ;  The  queenc 
alfohewil  force  in  my  prefence,  in  my  houfe.  Neither  w^s 
-VVhatlitle    the  word  yet  palled  from  the  kings  mouth,  and  immcdiatly 
truftinfaUe      they  coucred  his  face,  f  And  Hatbona,  ••  one  of  the  eunuches  9 
^^.V^^^^^P\    whichfirood  waytingon  the  king,  iayd:  Beholdthe gibbet, 
oncTfaHnto"  which  he  had  prepared  for  Mardocheus,  that  fpake  for  the 
difgracc.         king^ftandeth  in  Amans  houfe,hauing  in  height  fiftiecubitcs. 

To  whom  the  king  faid;  Hang  him  vpon  it.  t  Aman  therforc  10 
was  hanged  on  the  gibbet,which  he  had  prepared  for  Mardo- 
cheus: and  the  kings  wrath  ccafcd. 

CttAP.    VIII. 
Bfiher  informeth  the  k}ng  that  M.<irdocheui  is  her  'yrick,  he  is  aittdnced  in 
duthoritie,  5.  and  camrarie  letters  Are  fent  that  the  le'Wes  hefAued,  11.  and 
their  cmmiajlaync,  i  ^.Mardocheus  is  ia  high  hsnour^  and  his  whole  t^atiott 
is  ejhmed  and  feared  hy  other  ^co^le% 

THAT  day  king  AlTucrus  gauc  vnto  Efther  the  qucene  1 
thchoufeof  Aman  the  Icwcs  aducrfarie,  and  Mardo- 
cheus went  in  before  the  kings  prefence.  For  Efther  con- 
fefled  to  him  that  he  was  her  vncie.  f  And  the  king  tookc  the  i 
ring,  which  he  had  commanded  to  be  taken  agaync  from 
Aman,  and  deliuered  it  to  Mardochens.  And  Efther  appo- 
-SucKho-      inted  Mardocheus  alfo  ouer  her  houfc.  t  Neither  content  5 
iQOQf  isduc  to  with  thefe  things,  she"-  feldowne  at  the  kings  fectc,  and  she 


ESTH  EK.  1047 

weptanclfpfakingtohim  prayed  him,  that  he  \rould  com-  J^'ngcs.yca 
mand  thac  the  malice  of  Aman  the  Agagitc,  and  his  moft  [^^°,"'fiV|^^^ 
wicked  deuifes,  which  he  had  inucntcd  agaynft:  the  Icvres,  bccrur/th^' 

4  ihouid  beof  nonccfFcA.  t  But  hcafter  the  mancr  put  forth  bauc  tcrrc-' 
the  golden  Ccepter  with  his  hand,  by  the  which  ihc  fignc  of  ^rialmaieaic 
cicmcncie  was  shewed:  and  ihcryfing  vp  (teod  before  him,  J"^*i^thoritie 

5  taadaid:Ifitpl£arethcking,andif  I  haue  found  grace  in  Ai°dd?e°fon- 
hiseies,  andmyrcqueftfemenot  contrarie  to  him,  I  btfcch  traricopinlTn 
thee,  that  the  old  letters  of  Aman  the  craytour  and  cncmic  of .  an^J  bchaui- 
the  lewcs,  wherein  he  commanded  that  in  al  the  l.ings  pro-  oiuofhcrc- 
uinccs  they  {hould  perish,  may  by  new  letters  be  cor'rcCted.  'j5f /,', ^^^^'f 

6  t  For  how  can  I  abide  the  murder  and  flaughrcr  of  my  peo-  nlonlndluf. 
pie  ?  t  And  king  AfTuerus  aniwered  Efther  the  qiiecne,  and  fi'<^»ie  Ahtujlie, 

7  Mardochcus  thelewe:  Amanshoufel  hauegeucnro  Efther,  '*c»ndcnincd 
andhimfelflhauccoramandedto  be  hanged  on  tiie  gallo-  lll'l^f'^:'", 

$  weSjbecaufehe  duift  lay  handes  on  the  lewes.  -f  Write  yc   "^'       '" 
therforeto  the  lewes,  as  pleafeth  you,  in  the  kings  name, 
figningthelettsrs  withmy  ring.  For  this  was  the  cnftomc, 
that  no  roandurftfpeake  againft  thelcttes,  which  were  fenc 

9  in  the  kings  name,  and  were  figned  with  his  ring,  f  And  the 
kings  fcribcs and fecretaries  being  cald  for  (and  it  was  the 
timeof  the  third  moneth,  which  is  called  Siban  )  the  three 
and  twcnteth  day  therof  letters  were  written,  as  Mardochcus 
would,  to  the  lewes,  and  to  the  princes,  and  the  lieuftenan- 
tcs  and  iudgcs,  which  were  rulers  oner  the  hundred  and  fe- 
uen  and  twentieprouinces,  from  India  euen  to  Ethiopia:  to 
prouince  andprouince,  to  people  and  people,  according  to 
their  languages  and  characftcrs,  and  CO  the  Icwes,  according 

10  as  they  could  readjand  heare.  f  And  the  faid  letters,,  which  , 
wcrcientin  the  kings  name,  were  figncd  with  his  ring,  and 
fcnt  by  ryding  poftes  :  which  running  through  al  the  prouin- 
ces, should preuent  the  old  letters  with  the  new  meflagcs, 

11  t  To  whom  the  king  gaue  commandment,  that  they  fnculd 
fpeake  to  the  lewcs  in  euerie  citie,and  (hould  command    ■ 
them  to  be  gathered  together  in  cnc,  that  they  might  fiand 
for  their  Iiues,and  might  kil  and  dcftroy  a!  their  enemies  with 
their  wiucs  and  children  and  al  their  houfes, and  to  take  the 

II  fpoyleofthcrii.  f  And  ihtXQ  was  appointed  through  al  the 
prcuincesonedayof  rtucngc,  that  is,  the  thirtcn'th  of  the 

15  twelfth  moneth  Adar.  f  And  this  was  the  content  of  the 
letrrrathacinsliandcs  ar.d  peoples,  which  were  fubicvfl  to 

1048  Esther. 

the  empire  of  king  AITuerus, it  should  be  notified, 'clie  lewcs 
CO  be  rcadie  to  be  rcucngcd  of  their  enemies,  t  And  there  14 
■vrcnc  forth  fwiftpoftescariyng  the  maflagcs,  andrhekingcs 
cdi^hongin  Sulan.  f  But  Mardochcus  going  f^rih  cutof  <j 
the  palace,  and  from  the  kingcs  prefcncc,  shining  in  royal 
garmcntcs,  to  vir,  hyathinthine  and  skic  colour^  bearing  a 
golden  crowncon  his  head,  and  clothed  vrith  a  hike  and  pur- 
ple cloke.  And  the  citic  reioyfcd,  and  vas  glad,  f  But  to  the  li 
Icwes  there  (emcd  a  new  light  to  rife,  ioyc,  honour,  and 
dauncing.  f  "With  al  peoples,  cities,  and  prouinces, -whither  17 
foeucrthckingescommandrs^ntes  came,  mcruelousrcioy- 
fuig,  fcaftcs  and  banketcs,  and  hcUc  day  ;  in  fo  much  that 
manic  ofthc  other  nation  and  fed,  wc?cicyncd  to  their  reli- 
gion and  ceremonies.  For  great  terrour  of  the  oame  of  the 
**  f   ch, 16.     lewcs  had  inuadcd  them  al.  * 
^  t.i.  Chap.    IX. 

The  If^es  k^l  their  enemies  nhuh  would  hauekjUed  them.  6.  riAmely  tht 
tenn:f»nnsof.y€m4n  are  handed  on  ^4U(tvei^\\.  mnre/Iatne  the  next  da^, 
I  J,  the  ddjfoloTum^  ii  made  hoht,  andfo  to  he  l^ept  euene)  eare» 

]^         ^"Y^  HERFOHEin  the  thirtenth  day  of  the  rMrelth  moncrlf,- 1 
Jl    which  vrc  h)3ue  faid  now  before  to  be  called  Adatj-when 
Slaughter  was  prepared  for  al  the  lewes,  and  their  enemies 
gapedaftertheir  blond,  "the  cafe  being  changed  to  the  con- 
trarie,  the  lewes  began  to  be  fuperiours,  and  "  to  reuengc 
*:VVhcre»o    them  felues  of  their  aducrfaries.  f  And  they  were  gathered   i 
more  danger    together  in  euerie  citic,  and  lownc,  and  place,  to  extend 
mi^fon^ofin-'  fheir  hand  againft  thcirenemtes,  3nd  their pcrfecurors.  And> 
iuricsismore   none durft  refift, becaufe  the  fearc  of  their  grcatnes  did  pe- 
commendable  netratc  al  people*,  f  For  both  the  iudges  of  the  prouinces,  5 
thcnreucnge,  and  captaynes, and  Heutenantes,  and  euerie  dignifie,  that  was 
butw  ere        chiefcouer  eueric  place  and  wotkc,  exrolled  the  lewes  ^or 

maltceconti-    ^  .      ,      r  ,11  i  r  < 

nueth.and       fcare  of  Mardocheus:  f  whom  they  knew  to  be  prmcc  or  me   4 
new  danger     palace,  and  to  be  able  to  doe  very  much:  the  ^amc  alfo  of  his 
may  prob  ibi y  name  increafed  daylv,  and  flew  abroad  through  al  mens  raou- 
cnfue.inft.ce     j^       +  Therfore  thc  Irwcs  ftrokc  their  enemies  with  a  great  5 
andafter-        flaughter,  and  flew  thcm,rcpaying  them  that  which  th^-y  had 
vardspeacc     prepared  rodocto  them:  f  in  (o  much  'hat  in  Sufan  alfo  <* 
maybcmade    they  killed  fiue  hundred  men,  befidt-s  the  renne  fonnes  of 
TVfln'^Trefl  Amanth- Agagtrctheencmicorrhe  lewes:  whofenamcsbe  7 
dtyeirji^oj}  thcfc:  t  Pharfandatha,  and  Dclphon,  and  Efphatha,  f  ^"'^    * 


Esther.  ic49 

«)  Phorarha,  and  Aclalia,  and  Andathn,  t  and  Phermeit3,iP,d 

10  Aril&i,  and  Aridai,  and  lezaiha.   t  vhom  \phen  they  had 

11  flame,  they-^ould  not  take  prayes  of  their  goodcs,  f  And  by 
andSy  thenumber  of  them  that  "were  killed  in  Sulan,  was 

li  broughc  to  the  king,  f  "Who  iaid  to  the  quccJic:  In  thccitieof  ;:  Intl.cfiift 
Sufan  the  IcwcsUaue  killed  fiuc  hundred  men,  befides  the  ^^"ghtcr 
::  ten  Tonnes  of  Aman:  how  ^reat  a  flauehtcrrhinkeft  thou  ;^"^''"s^<^""e 

o  o  lor.  Hcswci'c 

doc  they  make  in  al  the  pi omnccs  ?  what  dskeft  thou  more,  fiavncandaf- 
33  Sc  what  wilt  thou  that  i  comand  to  be  done?  f  To  wiiom  the  tei  vards  alio 
anfwercd;  If  It  pleafe  the  king,  let  there  aachorine  be  gcuen  h»"^ed.Y.  14. 
to  the  lewes,  that  as  they  hauedonctoday  in  Sufan,  fo  aUo 
they  iTiay  doe  to  morow,a«d  tharthe  tcnnefonnes  of  Aman 

14  be  hanged  on  gibbetrcs.  f  And  the  king  commanded  that  it 
{hould  belodone.  And  forthwith  the  cdj6b  hong  in  Sufan, 

ij  and  the  tennelofincs  of  Aman  were  hanged,  f  The  fourth- 
tenth  day  of  the  moneth  Adar  the  Icwes  being  gathered  to- 
gether, thcic  were  kiicd  in  Sufan  three  hundred  men:  nei- 

16  ther  was  their  lubftancrfpoylcd  by  them,  x  Yea  and  through 
al  proumc.^s,  vyhich  were  (ubicA  to  the  kings  dominion,  the 
lewts  llood  ior  their  liues,  their  enemies  and  perfecurors 
being  flayne:  in  fo  much  that  there  was  fully  icuentie  hue 
ihoufand  of  them  that  were  killed,  and  no  man  tooke  any  of 
their  goodcs. 

17  t  And  the  thirtcnth  day  of  the  moneth  Adar  was  the  firft  day 

with  them  al  of  the  flaughter,  &:  the  fourtcnth  day  they  cea-  Thcfoifi-th 
fed  to  kil.  Whichtheyordayncdtobefolemne,  fothatinitat  oficrthinecs 
al  times  afterward  they  gauc  them  fclucs  to  good  chere,mirth  folowingtheir 
iS   &  bankers,  f  But  they  that  made  the  flauqhtcr  in  the  citic  of  «^cliucricfrom 
Sulan,  were  occupied  in  thellaughtcr  the  thirtcnth  and  four-  **^"S^f- 
tenth  day  of  the  (amc  moneth:  and  in  the  fiftenth  day  they 
ceafed  to  kil.  And  therfore  they  ordayned  the  fame  a  folemne 

19  dayofgood  cheere  and  ioy^ulnes.  f  But  rhofe  lewes,  that 
abode  in  towncs  not  walled  and  villages, ordayned  the  four- 
tenth  day  of  the  moneth  Adat 'or  bankettcs  and  ioy,  fo  that 

they  reioyfc  in  it,  and  (end  one  an  other  portions  of  bankets  v"  "^^^  ^^7^* 

20  and  meates.  f  Mardocheus  therfore)  wrote  al  rhcfc  things,  IJcfiftcndf' 
and  being  comprifcd  in  letters  fent  them  to  the  Icwcs,  that  dayholiev. 
abode  in  al  toe  kings  proii'nees,  as  wel  thofc  that  lay  neere,  iS,  tliofcthat 

11   as  farof.t  that  they  fhouM  rake  -  the  fourtcnth  and  fiftenth  'Jj^^^^'"  other 
day  of  the  moneth  Adar  for  feaflc<;,  and  the  vcarc  alwnycs  ['hc'fourtcnth 

21  returning  ibould  celebrate  them  with  folcmnc  honour;  t  be-  day. 

M  m  m  m  ra  m  caufe 

royo  EsTH  er. 

C?.vSc  ill  the  fame  dayes  the  Icwesieuenged  them  feiiies  of 
their  enemies,  and  mourning  and  forrow  \rerc  turned  into 
mirch  and  ioy,  and  that  thefe  fiiould  be  dayes  of  good  cheere 
and  gladnefle,  and  they  should  fend  one  to  an  other  portions 
ofmeaceSj  and  should  geue  giftes  to  thepoore.  t  <And  the  15 
Itvrcs  receiued  into  a  tblemne  rite  al  things,  which  th  ey  had 
begiineto  doe  at  that  timcjand  which  Mardochcus  by  let- 
ters had  commanded  to  be  done,  f  For  Aman^the  fonne  of  24 
Amadarhi  of  the  ftocke  of  Agag,  the  cnemic  and  aduerfarie  of 
the  lewes,  purpofcd  euil  againft  themjto  kil  them  and  deftroy 
them:  and  he  caft  Phur,whjch  in  our  language  is  turned,a  lor. 
f  And  afterward  Ellher  went, into  the  king,  bcfeching  that  2/ 
his cndeuours  might  by  thckings  letters  bemadevoyde:&:  the 
euil  that  he  had  intended  againft  the  Icwes,  might  r^turnc 
vpon  his  owns  head.  Finally  they  hong  both  him  and  his  fon-. 
nes  vpon  the  gallo\TCS,t  and  fince  that  time  thefe  dayes  are  itf 
called  Phurim,  that  is,  of  Lottes:  becaufePhur,  that  is,  a  lot, 
was  call  into  the  pot.  Andalthings,  that  were  done,  arecoa- 
tayned  in  the  volume  of  this  epiitle,  that  is,  of  this  booker 
t  and  ti^cthinges  that  they  fufteyned,  and  that  were  after-  17 
:.A  feaft  infti-  ^^xd  changed,  the  Icwes  "  tooke  vpon  them  ielues  and  their 
tutedby  Mar- foedc>andvpona],  that  would  be  ioyned  to  theyr  religion, 
docheuswas    that  it  should  be  lawful  fornone  to  palTc  without  folemnitic 
obfcruedb"  al  ^^^^^^  dayes:  which  thc  writing  teftifieth,  and  certaine  times   acquire, as yeares  Continually  fuccede  one  an  other,  f  Thefe  2S 
a  conftitutlon  arc  dales,  which  no  obliuion  shal  euer  pat  out:  and  al  prouin- 
agrcable  and   ces  in  al  the  world  shal  celebrate  through  out  al  generations: 
to°th°bw  "'^  neither  is  there  any  citie,wherein  the  daies  of  Phurini,  that  is, 
De»t.  4.  y.i,^  of  lo  ttes,  mud  not  be  obferucd  of  the  lewcs,  and  of  their  pro- 
li.T.;!,     '     genie,  which  is  bound  to  thefe  ceremonies,  t  And  Efther  the  25 
qaeene  the  daughter  of  Abihail,  and  Mardochcus  the  lev 
wrote  alfo  the  fecondcpiftle,  that  with  al  diligence  this  day 
should  be  eftablishcdfolemiic  for  the  time  to  come,  f  and  5® 
they  (ent  to  al  the  lewcs,  that  were  in  the  hundred  and  feuen 
and  twcnrie  prouinccs  of  king  AlTuerus,  that  they  should 
haue  peacc,and  rcceiuc  truth,  t  obferuing  the  Daies  of  lottes,  5.1 
and  in  their  time  should  celebrate  them  with  ioy:  as  Mardo- 
chcus and  Edher  had  appoynted,  and  they  tooke vpon them 
i  tobeobferuedofthemfclueSjandoftheir  feedc,  faftes,  and 

cries,and  the  daies  of  Lottes,  f  and  al  thingcs,which  arc  con-  5a 
teynedinthehiftorieof  this  booke,  vhich  is  called  Efthcr. 


ESTHIJl.  1©5I 


C  H  A  P.     1  X. 

ri    £       T.  r7;*  ?<«/<•  Ju-;ajr/7/i;?^<'<i? J  In  thiivhclc  biHoric  (asin  manic  othcrpafTagec 
'•''*'^'  of  boIicJcriptuie)  vc  fee  the  jneruclous  change  ofthc  light  hand  of  the  high-  Grear,an« 
cA.Fufl  in  the  vericinAanc  of  eitremc  danger,  the  kirgcs  face  with  burning  rn^ruclons 
eyes  flictring  the  furie  of  his  bicnft  c/j.  15. -r.  lo.  was  turned  into  mildncsio' '^|^*"S^''^y 
wardesEfther-)'. II. Secondly  proud  Aman  being aduanccd  in  honoui  Sconce,  *,    power  »{ 
*bcuc  a\  princes  of  ths  kingt s  coiirr.c/;.  3.T.  i.'S'aj  fotlainly  forced  publikelv  *~'°"- 
tolead  Mardocheus  his  horic,  whom  herr-o{l  hated.-  e^.6•  -v.  ro.  Thirdly, he 
vasconftrayncd  vrith  loud  voice  to  proclamchis  honour,  whom  he  moO:  de- 
fpifcdandtlircatned.Fourtly,  the  fame  Aman.  before  called  the  father  (  as  ic 
were  theonlicgouernour)  ofiheking,  c/'.ij  y.6  c/j.  16.  v. ti.  \x'as  forthwith 
ccndennncd  for  a  traitor.  eh.y.y.S.€h.  16.  y.  i3.  Fifthly,  He  chat  could  noc 
abide  to  fecMardochsus,c/;.j.T.  13.  afterward  durft  not  icokevpon  the  king," 
ror  could  endure  his countcnsncc.  ch,  7.  v.  tf.  Sixtly,  He  was  hanged  on  tha 
fame  gallowcs,  which  he  had  prepared  for  ?»larclocheus.  (h.  7   >•  9-  Seucntly, 
VVhcrashe  wasnotconteBtwichthcdcathofMardocbeusaione,  but  procu- 
red the  kings  decree  to  deftroy  the  whole  nation,  c^  j.t.  6  andfo  fcjftcd  with 
the  king,  when  thelewcsmourncdjT  15.  ft^.ortlyafrcrthc  kirg  fcnt  new  let- 
ters for  (he Tewes  fafcic,  geuing  them  Icaac  to  kii  whom  foeucr  they  would  of 
their  enemies,  ch.  8.  t.  >>.ii.  Eightly,  the  fame  diy  which  was  designed  for 
^cftrudion,  was  made  the  day  oiioy  and  exultation  to  the  children  of  God. 
ch.  9.  V.  1. 17.  ch.  i^.y.ii.  &c.  By  which  literal  fenfc  Gods  mcruelous  proai- 
dcnce  is  manifeftly  fhewed,  neuerfufTcring  his  church  to  periih.  It  hath  more- 
ls Tho.     ouertwofpecialmyfticalfenfcs.Firrtjasfafticof  temporal  life  was  procured  to  EfthcraEgnrt 
froloio     one  nation  by  EfthcrsintercclTion  to  king  AllueruSjfo  general  laluation  is  pro-  ofourB  ladie^ 
pnF.ftJt,     cured  toalmankindby  mediationof  the'bleflcd  virgin  Marie,  crufiiiog  the 
Caoumc.  fcrpents  head  ;  andthc  fentence  ofceathis  changed'by  newletters,  gra  uing  AndoPthe 
cucrlaftinglife,  andgloricto  al  Gods  true  feruantes.  Edhcr  alfo,  ashiiewile  ru^jrW 
ludith,  in  figure  of  theChurcU  (faith  S.  lerom,  Trolox^oin  Sophtn)  killed  rhc 
aduerfaries,  and  dcliucxed  Ifracl  from  danger  of  perilhing. 

Chap.   X. 
xAJfuerus  fuliueth  mAnie  countries,  4.  MAriochms  ynckrffdndeth,  and de- 
cUreth  bis  dreamt,  t^.  Cod  feparatetb  his  people  fr<^m  oib^rnations  by  a 
y  titer  lotte. 

1  T>  Vt  king  AflTucrus  made  al  the  earth,  and  al  the  ilindes 
a  J3  of  the  fea  tributaries,  f^hoieftrcngth  and  empire,  and 
the  dignitic  and  highncire,  wherewith  he  exalted  Mardo- 
cheus,  arc  written  in  the  bookes  of  the  Medes,  and  of  the 
J  Perfians:  f  and  how  Mardocheusof  the  lewes  kinrcd  was 
fecond  after  king  Adiierus:  and  great  with  the  lewes,  and 
acceptable  to  the  people  of  his  bretheren,  Icking  good  to  his 
people,  and  fpcakingthofe  things,  vrhich  pcrtayned  to  the 

Mmmramm  e  ^ai 

loji  Esther. 

::S.  leromc  fhat  '■  which  is  in  the  Hebrew  I  baue  ex^rejftd  mofi  faithfully, 

licre  adaerti-  thefe  things  thutfolow,  Ifoimd  rMttea  in  *  the  common  edttion,  rheoreke 

aL  i-k/r  ht  "  "^hich  4re  conteyncd  in  the  freeze  tonme  and  I  eaten :  and  in  the  ^^'^'^  "^t. 

foundalhi-  msane  time  tbts  chapter  the  end  of  the  hooke.  wmcff  ^^^.^  * 

thertointhe  according  to  our  cu/iome,  rve  haut  marked  (Vith  4n  ohelui  before 

Hebrew.  ^f^^y^t  „  ^^  f^^^  ^  y^^^y^ 

cds^Wi!hfo-     '  t  And  Mardocheus  faid:  Thefe  things  are  done  of  God.    4 
low  only  in      t  1  remember  the  dccarae  that  I  faw,  fignifying  the(e  vcrie    5 
theS^ptu-       things  .-neither  was  any  of  them  fruftrate.  t  The  lirle  foun-    6 
agiHtaGrekc    tavne  vhich  orew  into  a  riuer,  and  was  turned  into  liaht,  and 
Edition  which  .    '       ,      n        ^  t    1  1     1   •  •  ■     ttll 

eitherthey      i"to  tne funne,  and  abounded  into  manie  waters,  is  Either, 
tranllatedout  whom  the  king  tooke  to  wife,  and  made  her  to  be  quecne. 
ofrhcHc-       f-But  the  two  dragons:  I  am,  and  Aman.  t  The  nations,  that    7 
S^^T'*"^?^"     '^^f^^^embJed:arethey  that  endeuoured  to  deftroy  the  name    8 
tionoVthr'^^  ofthelewes.  t  And  my  nation;  is  Ifrael,  which  cried  to.  our    p 
HolieGholl.    Lord,  and  our  Lord  hath  faued  his  people:  and  he  hath  deli- ■ 
ueredvs  from  aleuils,  and  hath  done  great  fignes  and  won- 
ders among  the  nations:  f  and  he  commanded  that  there  !• 
ftiouldbc  twolottes,one  of  the  people  of  God, and  theother 
ofal  Nations,  t  And  both  lottes  arc  come  to  the  day  appoin-  it     ' 
ted  euen  now  from  that  time  before  God  to  al  nations:  f  and  it 
our  Lord  hath  remembred  his  people,  and  hath  had  mercie  on 
his  inheritance,  f  And  thefe  daies  fhal  be  obferued  in  the  mo-  15 
nethofAdar  the  fourtenth,  and  fiftenthdayof  the  fame  mo- 
neth,  withal  diligence,  and  ioy  of  the  people  gathered  into 
one  airemblie,  through  out  al  the  generations  hereafter  of" 
the  people  of  Ifracl. 

Chap.  XI. 
w/iio  yyi^pendix  attd  tonclufton  of  this  hijiwie.  t.  The  dr^ame  of  MArdocheus* 


N  the  fourth  yearc  when  Ptolomec  and  Cleopatra  reigned,  i 
Dofitheus,  which  named  himfelf  a  Prieft,  and  of  the  Leui- 
tical  kifflred,  and  Ptolomee  his  fonne  brought  this  epiftle  of 
Phurim,  which  they  fa  yd  Lyilmachus  the  (onnc  of  Ptolomec 
did  interprcte  in  Icrufalem. 
A  This  be^innm^  was  tn  the  common  edition^  which  is  neither  extdnf  Extent 

in  Hebrew,  nor  "^ith  any  of''-  the  interpreters.  the  71. 

TKcfirftpart.  f  In  the  fecondyeare,  when  Artaxerxes  the  greateft  reigned,  i 
The  prcfaaie,   in  the  firft  day  of  the  monetb  Nifan,  Mardocheus  the'  fonne 
ofmeisad-  ofIairi,the(onneofSemei,thefonncofCis,  of  the  tribe  of 
vaacement      Bsniamin.  f  A  lew  vhich  dweUinthecltic  of  Sufan,a  great   j 

Esther.  1053 

man  and  among  the  firfl  of  the  kings  court,  "  fav  a  drcarpe.  andAmans 

4  t  And  hcwasofihat  numbcrofcaptiues,  vhom  Nabucho-  pcifccuting 

donofor  the  king  of  Babylon  had  iranfporrcd  from  Icrufalcm  J*'^  *I^'i 

5  with  leconias  the  king  of  luda:  f  and  this  was  his  drcamc-  ushadthii 

T/ietc  appeared  voices,  and  tumulccs  ,and   thunders  and  drcamc before 

^  earthquakes,  and  perturbation  vpon  ihe earth:  ■{■  and  behold  Amansaduan- 

"two  great  diagons^prcpared  one  againft  an  other  into  battel.  <^="^'^"^orij's 

7  t  Acwhofe  crie  al  nations  were  rayfed  vppc,  to  fight  againft  p^ovksdla- 

8  thenacionoftheiufl:.  t  Andthat  wasadayofdaikenefle  and  gcr 
danger,  of  tribulation  and  dilhefTe,  and  great  fcare  vpon  "  ^ia''«^oclic- 

9  the  canh.t  And  the  nation  oftheiuft  fearing  their  cuih,  was  "^^'^s  a  good 

10  trub!ed,and  prepared  to  death,  t  And  they  cried  to  God:  and   /^i^""'*" 
thc-y  cynng,  -aliile  touniaynegrewintoavene  great  riucr,  one. 

11  and  abounded  into  verie  manie  waters,  -f  Light  and  funnc   '•■  EAhcr  by 
arole.and  the  i  umble  were  exalted,  and  they  deuoured  the  ^^^^ fount-in« 

12  glorious,  t  Which  when  Mardocheus  had  feenc,  and  rifcn  humblcVu"? 
outofhisbtd.hemufed  what  God  would  doc:  and  he  had  it  pH^tion"^' 
fixed  in  his  mind,  defirous  to  know  what  the  dreamc  (hould  cjuenchcda 
flgnifie?  *  gicat  flame  of 

Chap.  XII.  *^amAtheTc 

The  confpracie  of  trvoeunucbesy  deefled  by  Mardocheus^  ts  repeted,  4.  dnd  f  cj.  (h^io' 

^yimans  m4Uce a^iinjl  him  fortbejame.  *  j5  cUa^.i. 

I      A    Nd  he  abode  that  time  in  the  kings  court  withBa- 

./jk.  gatha  and  Thara  the  kings  eunuches,  which  were  por-  C 

i  tcrs  of  the  palace,  f  And  when  htvnderilood  their  cogitati- 
ons, and  had  throughly  feene  thtir  cares  he  learned  that  they 
went  about  to  lay  hands  on  king  Artaxerxes,  and  he  told  the 

3  king  thcrof.  f  Who  hauing  them  both  in  examination,  when 

they  had  confellsd  he  commanded  them  to  be  led  to  death. 

4  I  But  the  king  wrote  that  which  was  done,  in  the  comcnta-  ::Hcreirap- 

ries:and  Mardocheus  al(o  committed  the  mcmorie  of  the  pt-irctKtKac 

<    thincrto  wririnq.  •}•  And  the  king  commanded  him,  that  he  ^"""""'^^^ 
"^rtiiiji  fLi  1-  r        ^       fauourerof 

fliould  abide  in  the  court  of  the  palace,  geuing  hira  gifrcs  for  tr.iitor«or  per 

7  the  delation.  ■\  But  Aman  thcfonne  of  Amadarhi  rh'c  Bugcite  liapsofthc 

wasmoft  glorious  before  the  king,  and  would  hurt  Mardo-  f^'Bcconlpi- 

chcus, and  his  people, "for  the  i^ o  eunuches  of  the  king,  '^'^'^' 

which  were  put  to  death.  ^  >,.         ■    - 

JJuberlo  theyroeme.      That  rvlncb  folowcth  Tvat  fet  tn  ihatpLrr,  nhere       D  ''^"  ^^  * 

tti:  fpitientn  ibelolum:  *  And  should  (po)lc  their goodcs. 

Kybtfk  Wtfound'tn  the  common  edition  only. 

M  m  Jtt  iu  ra  m  3  C  «  a  p. 

j©j4  Esther^ 

Chap.  XIII. 
'people  of  the  efifiltn>hieh  ^manfent  toalprouittm  h  dep^roy  the  Je'^f^ 
8,  ^nd  Mxrdochmshts  fraytr  for  the  peep  k. 

E  A    Nd  this ^as  the  copicofthc letter.    The  moft  great    i 

.Xxking  Artaxerxes  from  India  vnto  /Ethiopia,  to  the 
princesof  an  hundred  and  feuen  and  twentie  prouinces,  and 
to  the  capraynes,  that  are  Tubied:  to  his  empire,  greeting. 
•j-  Wheras  I  reigned  ouer  manic  nations,  and  had  lubdewci  a 
al  the  world  to  my  dominion,  I  would  nor  abufe  the  greatncs 
of  my  might,  but  with  clcmcncie  and  lenitic  gouerne  my 
fubiedeSj  that  pafling  their  life  quietly  without  any  tcrrour, 
they  might  enioy  peace  wiflned  of  al  men-  f  But  when  I  de-    | 
mandedofray  counfelers  hov  this  might  be  acconjplifl-;ed, 
5:Greatliurt     ••one  that  excelled  thereilin  wifedcm  and  fidclitie,  and  was 
coakingjthac  fecond  after  the  king,  Aman  by  name,  f  told  me  that  there  4- 
tsru  e   muc  i    ^^g  a  people  difperfed  throueh  the  whole  world,  which  vfcd 
byonecoun-  ,^      ^  ,    ,    •  •  %i     i  r  r    1  -kt     • 

feler.  Salo-      ncwiawes,  and  doing  agamfl  the  cuftomes  of  ai  Nations, 

jr.ontca-  contemned  the  comandmenres  of  kings,  and  brnkethc  con'-^ 

chethjthat       cord  of  al  nations  by  their  diflention  .  f  Which  when  we  had  f 
7neare        learned,  (cinQone  nation  rebellious  a^amftal  kind  of  men  to 

niante  ceunjel-        r-  r   P  ,  n°  1 

lirsycogitattons  VIC  perueric  Jawcs,  and  to  goe  againlt  cur  commandmcntcs, 
4iretenfiYmed.     and  to  difturbc  the  peace  and  concord   of  the  prouinccs 
ftett.  ij.-y.zi.  fubied  to  vs,  f  we  haue  commanded  that  whomfoeucr  Aman  6 
ihalfnewjwho  is  chiefe  ouer  al  the  ptouinces,  and  fecond 
aftet  the  kijig,and  whom  we  honour  in  fteed  of  a  father,  they 
vith  their  wiues  and  children  be  deftroyed  of  their  enemies, 
tnd  that  none  haue  pitieon  them  the  fourtcnth  day  of  the 
twelfth  monetliAdar  of  this  prcfentyeare-t  thatthe  wicked  y 
men  going  downe  to  hclin  one  day, may  reftore  the  peace  to 
fpcli.  J.       our  empire,  which  they  had  difturbcd.  * 

^' ''^*  hitherto  the  cope  of  the  letter. 

that  which  foUti?eth  !  found  n>  -ttten  after  that  place,  where  it  is  re^d,   , 
And  Mardocheus  going  forth,  did  althinges,  that  Edhcr  had  j^* 
commanded  him.  yet  tt  a  neither  in  the  Hebrtypynor  extant  wttb  *  txceft 
^  anyof^tbemterpreters.  '  the-jx. 

^  ^  But  Mardocheus  befought  our  Lord,  mindeful  of  al  his   8 

-workcs,  t  and  (aid:  Lord  Lord  king  omnipotent,  for  in  thy  9 
"ThcEpiftleon  dominion  are  althingcs  fct,  and  there  is  none  that  can  refill 
vcncWay  m     ^^^y  vil,ifthon  determine  co  faue  Ifrael.  f  Thou  madft  hcauen   id 
LnV.AnJn'   and  earth^and  whatfoeuex  is  comeyncd  in  the  corapafTc  of 


Esther.  loyy 

II  heauen.  t  Thou  ait  Lord  of  al,  neither  is  there  that  can  refilt  a^otlucMairo 
u  thymaieftic.  f  Thou  Yndeiflandeft  nl  things,  and  knowefl:^»^'"*    '*^*' 
thati  hauc  not  done  rhis  for  pride  and  coniuniclie,  and  any 

15  dtfireofglotie,  that  I  adored  not  the  proud  Aman,  f  (  for 
gladly  would  1  be  rcadic  for  the  faluation  of  Ifrad  to  killa 

14  cuen  fhcfteppesof  his  feece, )  f  bur  I  feared  left  I  fhould 

tranfferre  the  honour  of  my  God  toaman,  and  left  I  Tnould 

ij  adore  any  except  my  God.  -j-  And  now  6  Lord  ldng,ihc  God 

of  Abraham  hauemercic  vpon  thy  poople,bccau(e  our  ene- 

16  niies  wil  dcftroyvs,  and  extinguilli  thyne  inheritance.  jDc- 
fpife  not  thy  portion,  which  thou  haft  redemed  to  tl.yfclf 

17  out  ofi^gypt.  fl-Icarc  my  prayer,  and  be  propitious  to  thy      , 
lotandcordc,andturncour  mourning  into  ioy,  that  lining 
"we  m^y  prayie  thy  name  6  Lord,anddoc  not  ftiur  the  mou- 

18  thes  ofthem  that  fing  to  thee.  fAlIfraelalfo  with  like  mind 
and  fupplication  cried  to  «ur  Lord,  bccaufe  certayne  death 
did  hang  oaer  them. 

Chap.    XIIII. 
BJlhrr  ^rAytth  inh'Amilttit  of f^iritafthiit  Ged  Wtl  dc'iueY  the  people  from 
th  i  crmliu  0^  ^Iman> 

I  "p  S  T  H  E  R  alfo  the  quecnc  fled  to  our  Lord,  fearing  the 
z  Xlpcnlthacwasat  hand,  t  And  vrhen  flic  had  laid  of  her 
royal  garmentcs,  (he  rookc  clothes  mcete  for  weeping  and 
mourning,  and  lor  diners  oyntmenrcs,  filled  her  head  with 
a&es  and  dung,  and  her  bodic  fhe  humbled  with  faftcs:  and  al 
theplaccsjin  which  before 'fljc  was  accuftomed  to  reioyfe, 

5  {hefiUed  with  tearingofherhcarcs.  t  And  (he  besought  our 
Lordihe  God  of  Ifracl,  faying:  My  Lord,  which  onlie  art  cur 
king,  helpeme  folitaric  woman,  and  which  haue  no  other 

4  helper  befidc  thee,  f  My  peril  is  in  my  handes.  -f  I  hauc  heard 
J  of  my  father  that  thou  Lord  didft  take  Ifrael  out  from  al  Gen- 
tiles, and  our  fathers  out  oFal  their  predeceCours  before,  that 
thou  mightft  poflcfTc  an  cuerlafting  inheritance,  and  thou 

6  haft  done  to  them  as  thou  haft  fpokeii.  f  'W'c  haue  finned  in 
thy  fight,  and  thcrforc  thou  haft  dcliuercd  vs  into  the  handes 

7  of  our  enemies:  f  for  we  haue  worthiped  their  goddes.  Thou 

8  artiuftoLord.j  And  now  it  fuftifeth  them  iioc,  that  they 
opprcife  vs  with  moft  hard  fcruitudc,  but  imputing  the  force 

9  of  their  handes  to  the  might  of  their  idols,  j-  they  wil  change 
thy  promiiTcs,  and  dcftroy  thine  inheritance,  and  fliut  the 


loy^  Esther. 

inouthes  o fth cm  tliat  pray fe  thee,  and  cxtingaifli  the  gJorie 
of  thy  temple  and  alrar,  f  that  they  may  open  the  moathes  of  I9 
Gentiles,  and  prayfe  the  ftrength  of  idols,  and  magnihe  a  car- 
nal king  for  eucr.  fDcliiier  not  6  Lord  thy  fcepter  to  them  n 
f.idoUtari       -tharare  not,  left  they  laugh  at  our  ruinc;  but  turne  their 
Hethmgtntht    counfel  vpon  them,  and deftroy  him,  that  hath  beguneto  do 
-^yorU.x.Coz.  cruelly  againft  vs.  f  Remember  6  Lord :  and  ihew  thy  (elf  to  u 
imaeinatiofis   vsinthe  time  of  our  tribulation,  and  geue  me  confidence 
of  men.  Lord  king  ofgoddes,  and  of  al  power:  t  geue  raefpeach  wcl  15 

framed  in  my  mouth  in  the  pretence  of  the  lion,  and  turne  his 
;;TheChiircIi  hart  into  the  hatred  of  our  cnemie,  that  both  him  {elf  may 
Yfeth  this        pcriCh^  and  the  reft- that  confentvnto  him.  t  But  dehuervs  in  14 
offerrodc'^^thc^hy  ^^nd,  and  nelpe  me,  hauing  no  other  helpe,  but  thee 
ii.funday        6  Lord  which  haft  the  knowlcge  of  al  things,  f  andknoweft  ly 
afterPence-     that  I  hate  the  glorie  of  the  wicked,  ?nd  -  deteft  the  bed  of 
*^°f  V^kV^*'^'  thevncircumcifed,andofeuerie  ftranger.  f  Thou  knowcft  iC 
Scrlptnr°e  '^      "^>'  neccfiicie,  that  I  abhorre  the  fignc  of  my  pride  and  glorie, 
"whichis  vponmy  headin  the  daies  of  mv  oftenr^tion,  and 
::  Of  herfelfc,  deteft  it  as  the  cloth  of  a  woman  in  her  mom  hlie  Hodres,  and 
nor  for  word- weare  it  not  in  the  dales  of  my  (lit  nee,  '[•and  that  1  Jnsue  not  17 
^^c%^onci\\c    eatenat  Amans  table, neither  the  kings  baoket  Iiarh  plcafed" 
•fji']!:  I'^l  ^°  me,and  that  I  haue  not  drunke  the  wine  of  hbame ntcs:  f  and  iS 
then  kintr  but  that  thy  handmayde  did  neuer  reioy {e,hnce  I  was  tranf  ported 
forthecoraon  hither  vnto  this  day,  but  in  thee  6  Lord  the  God  of  Abraham, 
goodfhema     -f  Q  God  ftrong  abouc  al,  heare  the  voycc  of  them,  that  hauc  19 
difpenTncr^^'^  no  Other  hope,  and  deliuer  vs  from  the  hand  of  the  wicked, 
with  the  lav    anddeUucr  me  from  my  fcare. 
in  this  behalf.  Chap.   XV. 

see  ch,  1.  M<triochtu<i  CAufeth  Efiher  to^^oc  to  the  kin^ar-d  intreate  for  the^^eop^e.  10. 

she  n  terrified  hy  this  countenance^  hut  Gad  turneth  bis  hart^And  be  calleth 

This  alfo  1  found  added  in  the  common  edition . 


N  D  he  commanded  her  (nodouh^hut  Mirdocheus  comman-  \ 
dedEHhtr)  that  (he  (houid  goe  vnto  the  king,  and  make 
petition  for  her  people  and  for  her  counrrie.  f  Pvemcmbcr  t 
(quoth  he)  the  daies  of  thy  humilitie,  how  thou  waft  brought 
vp  in  my  hand,  becaufe  Amaa  the  fecond  after  the  king  hath 
spoken  againft  vs  vnto  death:  f  and  doe  thou  inuocate  our  5 
,^         ^^  Lord,and  spcake  to  the  king  for  vs,&  deliuer  vs  from  death.  * 

*"^  t!s?'  Moreoner  this  alfoi&hicb  fobwetfj  J  fottnd  inthecommoB  Orekf' 

EsTHFR.  icy7 

4f  And  in  rhe  third  day  lit  J>i)o  a\iav-' rfic  garirrntcs  uhich  J 

j    ilic  wireA  vtasclorhco  in  hti  glonct  Andv  hen  the  gliftc-  ..Vefiiminta 
red  in  roval  apprticl,  and  naa  iruocarcd  C  od  r^t  lultr  ^r>dia-  t^B'.us,  ntttr- 
6    uiour  o  al,  the  tookt  t\ro  >x  acting  maydcs  ,  t  and  \  pon  the  "«'•"  iier  piay 

onemdc-fde  ihe  Icaacd,  as  it  x^tn  tor  dilicarnes  and  vcnc  '"i;^ti;de. 
t)   much  tendernts  not  able  to  beare  vp  her  bodit:  •\  bur  the 
other  ot  the  maydcs  ^olcwcd  her  ladic,  btanrg  vp  her  gar- 
§   rot  ntes  trayhng  on  the  ground,  t  But  let  Itif  in  al  ticr  coun- 
tenance of  colour  hke  the  roTcallo  'scuh  gracious  and  ihii:ing 
^  eies  ••  hid  htr  mind  rul  oMorovr,  and  fxccding  tcare.  f  She  ::A  rotable  ci 
therforccnrring  through  aJ  the  doores  in  order, Oood  before  auipltforNo- 
theking,  where  he  (ate  vpon  the  thrcne  of  his  kingdom,  bitwcmcn, 
clothed  with  roval  garmcntcs,  and  glittering  in  gold,  and  "o^i-oi^cfc 
if©  pretious  ftones,  and  he  was  terrible  to  behold,  f  And  when  lenvaincneuct- 
hehadhttedvp  his  face,  and  with  burning  eies  had  flicwcd  thcbshui»bii? 
the  furie  oFhis  breaft,  the  Quccnefcl  downe,and  her  colour  inLait, 
being  changed  into  palenes,  ihc  rcfted  her -^carie  head  vpon 
M   her  handraaydc.f  And  God  turned  the  kings  spiritin  to  mild- 
jies,  and  in  haft  and  fearing  he  lept  out  of  the  throne,  and 
holding  her  vp  in  hisarraes,  til  (he  came  to  her  fclf,  fpakc  her 
ii  fayrc  with  thcfc  wordes:  t"Whatayleth  thee  Eftherfl  am  thy 
13    brother,  feare  not.  f  Thou  shalt  not  die:  for  this  law  is  not 
J4  made  for  th .  e,but  for  the  common  forte.f  Come  neere  ther- 
jj  fore,  arid  touch  the  fccpter.  f  And  when  flic  held  her  peace, 

he  tookt^  rh'-  eolden  ro^,  ^  patir  vpon  her  neckc,andkiflc'd  ::By  tfctscow- 

16  h  r  ^n.4{^vd-.  Whv  ^ptaktft  rbcunotrotP(?fWhoan(wcrcd:  parilcnofan- 
\  G  V  ih  p,  my  Lord,  ••  as  an  aiigcl  of  God,  and  my  hart  was  ^j^     \   j^  ^^ 

17  rrubied  for'h  -  fr^rcot- thy  glorie.  f  For  thou,  my  lord,  arr  e-yctltJilor 

18  cxcedinij  marut  lous,  and  thy  face  is  tul  of  gricf*    •\  And  i^oltj:»itof 
when  she  spike,  she  fel  downe  aravne,  and  was  ?.lmcfl  in  a  ^^"* 

19  fowne.  t  Bur  the  king  was  nubltd,  and  al  his  fcruantcs  did 
comfort  her.*  *  X '''•  ^* 

Chap.  XVI.  ^'*' 

'people  »f{-'n^  A^inxe^yti-i  Ittfrrs,  which  hi-  (ent  for  the  ftftifefthf  lexres, 
10  ^t  Idrin^  the  ttifolencir  of  ^mam  and  dutiful  feru/a  of  Mardncbeui 
dndEfther,  lo.ammtndmir ttihufrince  t»  ifji/}  the  IffVf.y  tnd  tVttb 
them  to  ceULrate  the  daj  which  n  changed  f rem  jet  ow  to  itj. 

The  C0f;ie  of  hwg  ^rtaxerxei  letter,  nhieh  he  fentfor  the  fewet  td 
al  the prouiaces  0'  his  hjn^dom  :  the  nhitb  alfoif  potfowtd  m 
tit  Htbriiv  yelnme, 

^nnnnnr  Tbp 

:;.:  Atlaft  this 

kingfav/  us 





Oder  much. 

fo^S  Esther.' 

THegreatkingArtaxerxes,  rrom  Inaia  to  Mthioph  to  t 
the  dukes  and  princes  of  an  hunrired  twen«ie  teuec  pro- 
ainces,  vhich  ob^y  our  com'Hindm.  nr»  icndcth  greeting, 
t  Mmie  haue  abufed  vnco  pride  thf  gr«odncs  of  princes,  and    v 
the  honour,rhac  harh  bcenc  bf  (lowed  vpon  rhem:  f  and  they  | 
do  nof  only  endeuour  ro  opprcffe  the  king*;  (ubje(3:es,but  not 
bearing  the  glonerhar  is  geuen  rhem,  thiy  vorke  rreafon 
againfl:  rhem  thatgmeic. -f  Neicherire  they  content  nor  to   4 
gpue  thankesfor  the  benrfitres,  and  ro  violate  in  them  (clues 
the  lawesofhumanicie,  but  they  thincke  they  can  efcape  the 
fenrenceof  Godallo  who  feeth  al  things,  t  And  they  haue  § 
burft  foith  into  (o  great  madnes,  th-itluchas  obleruedili- 
gc-nrly  rhc  officf  s  committed  vnto  them,  and  do  al  thingcs  fo 
that  they  arc  worthie  of  al  mens  prayfe,  them  they  endeuour 
louuerthrow  by  fubtilraeanesof  lies,  t  whiles  with  craftie  6 
fraudt  they  decciue  the  fimplecaresof  princes, and  tftcming 
others  bv  their  owne  nature,  f  Which  thing  is  proucd  both  7 
our  of  old  biftories,  and  by  the(e  thinges,  which  arc  done 
daily,  how  "  theencerprifesc  f  kingcsaredepraued  by  theenil 
fuggcftionsof  cerraincmen  f  Wheifore  we  muft  prouide  for  S 
the  peace  of  alprouinccs.  +  Neither  muft  you  thincke.  if  ve  9 
comuanl  diuer«  things, that  it  cometho(  the  lightnc(re  of 
our  mind,  bw  that  we  geue  fen  tcnce  according  to  the  quali* 
tie  &  neceilitieof  rimfs,  as  the  pro(iteof  rhe  commonwealth 
requirfth  -f  And  that  you  may  more  plainly  vndcrftand,  rhat  im 
which  we  lav,  Aman  rhe  fonne  of  Amadathi,  both  in  mind 
and  counrrir  a  Macedonian, and  an  ahene  from  the  Perfians 
bloud,  and  with  his  cru  Itie  (favnirg  our  pietie,  was  recciued 
ofvS3fl:ranger:  f  and  found  our  humanirie  (©great  towardes  la 
him,  that    e  was  called  :*  our  rather,  and  was  adored  of  al  fe- 
cond  after  the  king;  •}•  who  was  puft  vp  with  Cc  grear  fwellirg  u 
ofarrogancie,tnat  he  went  about  to  depriuc  vs  of  kingdom 
and  life,  f  For  by  certaine  new  deuilcs  and  not  heard  of  be-  13 
fore  he  hath  fought  to  kil  Mardochcus,  by  whofe  fidelitic 
and  bent  firres  we  line,  and  Hfther  the  felow  of  our  kingdom 
•with  al  their  n.nion:  f  thincking  this  that  they  being  flayne,   14 
he  mi^ht  worke  trealon  ro  our  folitarincs,  and  mi^ht  fanf- 
ferre  the  kingdom  ofthe  Perfians  to  the  Macedonians  f  Bur  ij 
ve  haue  found  the  lewes,  which  weie  by  that  mofV  wicked 
oftticnoppoyntcd  tobe  flayne,  in  no  fault  at  al,  but  conrra- 
riwifcviiugiuft  laves,  f  and  the  children  of  the  higheft  and  16 


Esther.  lejS) 

thegreatcft,andalvajcslouingGod,  by  vJioTe  ber.ffite  rhe 
kingdom  was  geacn  both  to  our  fathers  3nd  ro  vs,and^  kcpr 

17  vnro  this  day.  t^herfore  know  ye  thofc  letters,  which  he 

18  dircded  in  ourname,  to  beof  noneeifcdi,  |  For  the  which 
heinous  fact,  before  thr  gates  of  tliis  citie,  that  is,  of  Sufan, 
both  him  I'clf  that  dcuifcd  It,  and  al  his  kinred  hang  on  gib- 
bcttcs.-not  we,  but  God  repaying  him  tl  at  which  he  hath 

19  deferucd.-J- But  this  cdi<^,  which  we  now  fend,  let  it  be  iet 
forth  in  al  cities,  that  it  be  lawful  for  the  lewes  to  vfe  their 

20  owne  lawes.  f  "Whom  you  mud  helpc,  that  iKcre,  which  had 
prepared  them  fclues  to  their  (laughter,  they  may  kil  the  thir»  , 

XI  tenthdayofthctwelfthmoaeth,whichiscaIled  Adar.  I  For  chcuslue^' 
God  omnipotent  harh  turned  this  day  of  (adncs  and  mour-  ^eftcd,  the. 

ei  ningintoioy  to  them. -f  "W^hcrforc  •*  count  ycu  alCo  this  day  Kingconfir. 
among  other  fcftiualdaics,  and  celebrate  it  with  al  ioy,  that  J^-fd^heol^ 

25  hcrcattcralfoitmay  be  knowne»  f  thatal,  which  faythfully  fcaftlnm'cmo- 
obfy  the  PcrfianSjicceiueworrhie  reward  for  their  fijthrie:  lit  ofGodt 
and  they  thathe  in  wayre  againd  their  kingdom,  periih  for  bcncHfc  and 

1.4  their  wicked  fad.  t  Andeueric  prouin:e  and  citie,  ch-tt  wd  <"^othIcv»'cs 
not  be  partakcrofthisfjlemnicie,  let  ic  periih  by  fword  and  j,"  j|j 
fyfe,andletit  fobedeftroycd.  that  not  onlie  men,  but  alfo 
bea'lrshaue  no  accclTc  therto  for  euer,  for  an  example  of  ♦  ,  .  thafi  <f. 
contempt,  and  difobeJience.*  ^^  >.*• 



U  ,j  t,    TT  olie  lob  sthfrwifc uUed lobab  {Gen.  ;6.) <«;  J. ^u^uflin,  S.  Clri-  Irb oftheradtf 
47ciHtt-  JL  A^fofiiim,  S.  ^mbrofe,  S.  Grf^orie,  And  other  fdthen  t^ach,  the  fonnc  o^tf^^Q* 
fonc.x.    otZara,  thelonneof  Rahuel,  chcfonne  of  Elau,  W45  k.i"g  {or  abfo- 
Rom^'*^  ^'*'^rf^'^'^^)oftheUndoff^t4i.  rvh being pc'fe^ ta religion,  Jincere  m  ItfCy 
Vf^Cat  '  rich  in  wealth,  (tnd  yif [fed  with  ckildren.  for  An  admirable  example  ef  pan-  /  Y.^  P. . 
.       ,  111  1  L         L^    J  ra     I     1     fufFcrcd  him 

ij»;et.     enc^yAndto  shew  to  At  Amort  Al  msn  through  Gods  grAce,  m.\j  tejtft  al  the  tobefoaffli- 

dtuets  tent  Attorn. ,lfy  Gods  permtfsion,fudainlji  lofl  aI  hisgoodts  Andchildrtn,  dcd, 
WAifirikjenrvithhorrtyieforesinalhis  hodte,  reutled  hj/  his  wife, and m /teed  Ikccontcn- 
of comfortb  which  htsfpeculfreindes pretemted  toWArds  him^WAS  tniurioHf-  ^'^^ ^,^^?!^^"^ 
ly  cbAT^ed  by  them ,  Wttb  trnpAttenccy  ArrogAncie^  bUfpbemity  and  other  ^j^ 
crimes y  for  tvhtcb  theyfAljly  fuppofed  he  was  fo  a f /lifted,  affirming.  And  by 
dtuers  fophif}icAlArgMmentes,gr9Hndcd  AS  thfj  pretended  vpen  Gods  iuflice, 
W.fdsmeyp^rPrey  mercicy  Andj^oodnti,  rvonld proue  thit  God /ufereth none 
but  Wicked  men  to  befo  AJjlifled.  But  lobconflAntly  defendeth  hii  otvne  tuf} 
t^Boceaae,  And  tbAt  jvorUltecAlAmitiesyAndprofpentte  happen  tndifferentlj 

Nnnnnn  z  tt^ood 

to6o  The  argument  of  lob. 

to  good  .tndhddin  this  Uf  •,  and  that  the  triir  r,  w^rd  of  tht  ?«/?,  and  pttniij)' 

mcnt  ofthe  wtcked^tstn  i)i  exptCrtd  mthe  other  tVnU. , At  bfl  Cody  mth 

e!t4e  nprehfojloit  of  lol>  for  fome  tmferfeFiionSy  shurply  r.buketh  th-  errors, 

andinfolencie  of  his  adiierfe  fretndei  -y  ^e4eth  flntencf  on  ids  ffde^patdsnctb 

fh  m  At  bii  intiYceffton-y  And rejioretb  al tla/i^e'i  to  hir»  dubUy  to  that  he  had 


Tob  an  cfpc-     Bt/ides  the  litsralfenfe  lob  in  alhU  aflionsjuferin^esyand  "U^holelife,  ^a$ 

Clnii^^^        afpecial  figure  of  Clirift,  shewing  (  f^jth  S.  Grerorte)  by  thofc  frapf. 

thingcs  -vrhich  he  did  and  fufteyned,  \?hat  our  Rcdemcr  should 

do  and  l\i{£ci:  yea  m>re  particiiUrly  tbm  mo,9  part  of  the  PatrUrches.-^hich 

S.lctomc'(epif}.ad  PaPtlin,)alfo  admlreth  and  tt^ifiethy  faying:  vrhat 

myfterics  of  chnfl  doth  not  ihisbooke  comprehend  ?  Eueric  word 

Moral  docn-    ^^  ful  of  fenfe.  Mir^ouer  this  biflone  ts  replenished  ^ith  moral  docu- 

mentcsinthis  mcncs,  how  to  emhdcs  "Vertuey  and  efchew  Ifice:  propaftng  the  life  of  a 

iooke.  rij^htgodlie  mxn,  neither  infolent  in  profperitie,  not  defpirtng  in  aduer^ 

fitie,  alwdyes  refoUte  in  Gods  feruice  y  as  T»el  in  kis  prafperous  kt»^dom 

as  in  the  miferuhle  dunrhil.  Hers  aifo  Hfe  hxtte  the  tfhemxnerof  argninr. 

True  logikc    accordinjrto therules of  Ugt'^e,  ^ithdstefl^on  of  fof^hij^ricy  \oh  ptouing 

fePiiiiofophic.  and  difpi-ouingairei-rions  by  propoficion,  alfumpcion,  and  con- 

clufion,  rfj  S.  lerom  o'jfemsthy  '^ith  profound  knovvltre  of  patttral  tltnges 

andcAufes,  as  appear ctb  in  >.tj  msnie^Uces.  ^l  which  y^rntie  andahn- 

pardas    ca-    d^nce  »[  matter, car^prtfcd  in  frnd  roWmey  mtkemanie  thinres  hard knd 

HCtQlDgCStO        .  J  r       r  r  t  i         t  j  ■  t    -^  . 

bcvnderflood  objcure»jst  Aretne  jame  jo  tempered  "^iith  other  thinges  phme  and  e^fte, 

are  both  pro-   tint  here  is  Ifenfied  S.^ugtif^ms  ihfcruAtionili.i.c.  6.  doH.  Ckriji)  certaine 

fiublc.  places  ofholie  Scriptures  feme  as  delegable  meate  to  them  that 

hunger  andthirft  duiine  knovrlegc,  and  the  obfcurc  takea\ray 

tedioufnes  from  them,  that  loath  vfual  plaine  dodrin. 

;/  is  mofipre&able  thut  lab  himfelfy  infpired  bj  tht  JJahe  ohofl,  by  ffibofe 
yVntien1:>y'^^r^ce  he  excelled  al  m  right  fimplicirie(f.i.)'»'r;m  hisorvnehtfiorie  •,  the 
moft  pTit^ia^  wa,^  f  4i-.*  m  v^rfg,  only  the  f^o  firjt  chxpters  and  the  lafi  mprofe,  i  n  the  ^r4- 
^afc.    \   ^    hiin  tonguty-VtfhtchMs-ifestranfljitedinto  HebxetfiforthecinfoUtidnoftbt 

^nditmaybcitmded  into  three  general  partes.  Fir^  the  change  of  hbs 
Diaidedinto  fiatiff&mprofperule  into  .ifjliHiony'^ith  hislxmsntmon  for  the  fame,4re 
?hrecpaucs.  recorded  in  the  threefirfichdpters.  In  fouie  and  thirtie  (hapten  felowing  are 
fundrie  difput4tions,conJlicteSy  and  difcoiirfes  betrven  him  andbis  freindes, 
touching  the  utifs  of  bis  fol/ihementaffliliign.  Inthefiue  la^  chapters  Cod 
difctifesh  the  qiurelygeueth  fenttnce  for  lob  a^ain^  hii  aduerfaries,  parde^ 
ntih  tber^y  andtewtrdeth  him. 


V»  Wlji  V  C«^>J  U^  V.  W-,^  - 


Chap.     I. 
SolU  lohoferethfacrifieefor  euerie  one  of  bis  chiUrn,  6.  'pfhoCe  ^oodeJJate 
Sdtanenujtrg.h  Godspermi/itonfpoyleblnmofalhisgoodes,  and  chil- 
dren, lo./or  tvhich  hcbiiHg^enJuie  offendeth  net,  lut  thankstb^  Codlfor 

Here  \rasa  man  in  the  Lnnd  of  Hus,  na- 
med lob,  &  thar  man  was  "  fimple,  &  nghr, 
and  fearing  God,  and  departing  from  euil. 
•fAnd  there  were  borne  zo  him  feuen  fonncs 
and  three  daughters,  f  And  his  poilcfllon 
was  feuen  thoufand  iheepc,and  three  thou- 
sand camels,  alfo  fiue  hundred  yoke  of  oxen  and  fiuc  hundred 
flieaires,and  afamihecxccdingfircattand  chat  man  was  o-rcat 
^  among  al  them  of  the  Eaft.  f  And  his  (onnes  went,  and  made 
a-feaft  by  houfesjcucrieoncinhisday.  And  fending  they  cal- 
f  led  their  three  fifters,  roeate  and  drinkc  with  them,  f  And 
whenchedayesof  feafting  had  pafTed  about  in  courfe,  lob 
fent  to  them, .and  lan£lificd  them; and  rifing  vp  early"  offered 
bolocauftes  for  euerie  one  .  For  he  fayd :  Left  pethaps  my 
fonnes  haue finned, and  haueblelfed  God  in  their  harces.  So 
6  did  lobalthedayes.  t  But  ona  certainc  day  when  theionnes 
of  God  were  come  to  aflift  before  our  Lord,  :•'  alfo  was 
f  prcfenc  amongft  them,  f  To  whom  our  Lord  fayd  :  From 
whence  comcft  then?  "Who  anfwcring,  fa;d:  I  haue  gone 
8  round  about  the  earth,  and  walked  through  it.  f  And  our 
Lord  fayd  to  him:  Haft  thou  confidered  my  feruanc  lob,  that 
there  is  not  the  like  to  him  in  the  earth,  a  man  fimplc,  and 
5  rightand  fearing  God,  and  departing  from  cuii.J  f  T'o  whom 
Satan  anfweringjfaid;  why,  dorh  lob  fcarc  God  in  vayne  ? 

10  t  haft  not  thou  fcnfcd  him,and  his  houfe,  and  al  hisfubftancc 
round  about,  bleffed  the  workes  of  hishandcs,  and  his  pof- 

11  fcllion  hath  incrcafcd  on  the  earth?  f  Butrtrctch  forth  thy 

hand  a  Iitt]e,and  touch  al  thinges  thar  he  polTcIIcth.vnleire  he 

II  fcleiTethee  in  the  face.  |  Our  Lord  therfore  fayd  to  Satan: 

"•  behold,  al  things  that  he  hath,  arc  in  thy  hand,  oniic  vpon 

Jiiui  cxteadnot  thy  hafld.  And  Satan  went  forth  from  the 

NHnnnn  ^  face 

Thifibookc  5 
read  the tv© 
firlt  wckcsof 

The  firft  part. 
Ihc  change 
of  lobs  pio- 
into  affiiih- 

.:  Diucls  ap- 
pcarcnot  in 
Gods  fight, 
but  fomcticDC 
in  prcfcnce  of 
Angels  Asrhicli 
rcpicient  Goii 
S.^than.  cj.i. 

::  God^oth 
not  dirc^ly 
fentl  ctils  b:at 
them  to  hap- 
pen tohisftr- 

lo^i  Thi  books 

face  of  ouf  Lord  .   t  And  when  vpon  a  ccrtcine  day  his  13 
fonnes  and  daughters  dideatc,andcirinke  wyncinrhchoufe 
®f  rhcir  cldcft  brother,ttherc  came  a  meflenger  ro  Iob/«'hich  14 
fayd  :  The  oxen  plo'Vghed,  and  the  fhe  afles  fed  bcfide  them, 
'f-and  the  Sabeians  came  in  vioIently,&'haue  taken  al  things,    15 
andhaueftrokcntrjcferuantcsNrith  the  fword,  and  I  onlic 
hauecfcapedtotcl  thee,  t  And  vrhcn  he  yet  fpake.anoiher  iS 
came,and  fayd;  The  fire  of  God  fcl  fuom  hcaiien,  and  ftriking 
the  sheepe  and  the  feruantes  hath  confumcd  thero,and  I  only 
haucefcipedfo  telthee.  t  But\rhileshe  alfo  was  yet  fpea-  17 
king,  there  came  an  other  and  faid:  The  Chaldecs  made  three 
troupes,  and  haue  inuaded  the  camels,  and  taken  them,morc- 
ouerthe  feruantes  alfo  chey  haue  ftrooken  vrirh  ihefword, 
and  I  alone  am  fled  to  tcl  thee,  t  He  yet  fpake,  and  behold  an  iS 
other  came  in,  and  faid:  Thy  fonnes  and  daughters  eating  and 
drinkingwinein  the  houfe  of  their  eldcft  cnothcr,t  lodcnly  19 
a  vehement  winde  came  violently  from  the  counttic  of  the 
.  B    h"  h  lie  dcfcrr,  and  shooke  the  fourc  corners  of  the  houfe,  which  faU 
cxara-^lc  anci-  ling  opprefTed  thy  children  and  they  are  dead,  and  I  alone 
ent  fathers        haue  efcaped  to  tel  thee.  1;  Then  lob  rofe  vp,  and  rent  his  gar    19 
eondemcthc     mentes,and  with  powled  head  falling  on  the  ground, adore-d, 
^"ho^rc^nc^"'  land  faid"  Naked  came  1  our  of  my  morhfrs  v,  nhe,  an^'ii 
rer°moaed,      naked  shal  I  returne  thithcs:  Our  Lord  gauc,  and  uiu  Lord 
S.Aug  li.  I.e.  hath  taken  away:  as  it  hath  ple*fed  our  Lord,  (bis  it  done:  the 
p.ciuic.  nameofour  Lordbeblefled.f  Inal  rhele  ihinges  lob  finned  il 

S.Paulalfore-  ^^j ^jj^  his  hppes,  neither  (pake  be  anie  foolish  thing  tt- 
%y,thmt4^-     gainftGod.,  ANNOTATIONS, 

ic.ji.  Chap.     I. 

©thet  prophc-  ^r,tthciownca£bejamong others, alfo  their  ovne prayfcSjfpcaking of  thcm^ 
t«s  vrit  their    (;.\^f^  Jq  j^c  third  pcrfon.  &  fo  did  liolic  lob,  humbly,  truly,  and  {imply,  with- 
ovncades        outYaync  glorie,orarrogancic,  as  S.Gregonenoterh,  faying  .  BlefTedlob,  m-  j>r^f4t 
andprayfes.      fpired  with  the  Holic  GhoftjUiighrwel  write  his  o^neadlcs,  which  were  the  ^„]©t. 
Good  workes  gjfjes  of  fupcrnal  infpiration.  God  being  the  principal  caufc  efficient  of  al 
arcbothGods  gooJ  mgnj  \vorkes,and  menthc  fecondarlecaufeoftherame. 
<«7orke(  and  Morcouer  lobs  fingular  patience  and  other  vertucs  are  likcwifc  commended 

»cas  vorkes.  in  other  holic  Scriptures  &  by  ancient  Doctore<,r»&-«^.  x.  God  permitted  tenta- 
tion  to  hippenvnto  Tobias,  that  example  mij;hc  be  gcuenro  hisfolowers  of 
lobs  patience  bis  patience,  <»jo/ /^"//e/oijS.  lames  (c.  f.)  exhorting  to  patiencr,  fayth  :  r** 
inuinciblcin  bai*thf4rdthe  f^fernfrof  lob,AKdyottbaMtieu€t})ee>tdcfottrLord.Tcntil\\iAn(h.  dt 
al  fortes  of  fatienHa)i<\mM\n(T\obs  patience  exclamcth  chu» :  6  moft  happic  man  whorrt 
s^ffiiAioB.         »ewhcr  the  di'min'g  a  jra  j  •£  his  Sockes  of  catle.nor  conluming  of  the  reft  vitli 


OF    lOB.  106} 

fire,  ttort1\eIoflrcoftiscliil{Jrcr>,  nor 'r>rn.trtsof  Vi"i  trj'if.  could  ^th\c  ttrm 
parieni.e  but  hcftood  immoueablc  in  ihc  l»ruicc  ofGodTorc xarrplt  to  vsihat 
wcfjU  not  foranic  voidlic  damajrc,  lofleof  drarcO  fnen-'c sor  coIpnI3l^ftlicfi- 
©I^«;.&  bicfft  d  bf  Co.  ,b\  vhofe  blc  rtinj»  ut  tray  now     y.o  happic  Erglilli  Ca  r  u  nj, 

tholiquc',that  patiently  fuifcrthc  very  tame  ktndcs  of  ti ibubtioH,(tt,ouc;li  not  *|"g''5"  O*- 

infogrearadeprcc  )  inonrtimc  S   Cy p:\an  [it  de bono pamnne  )  lohctzmincd  !   °   *1"^* 
&  ptoued  bv  the  vcrruc  of  patience  was  adiianccd  to  the  very  height  of  pray  Tc,     °      .  , 

a  nchlordin  poflcfl'ion,  &  a  more  rich  father  irchildiep  ,  (udau.l)  wasncnher  ^i^??^**"     . 

lord,  nor  father  :  was  alfo  moft  grcHoufly  sfflKQcd  in  hi^  fit  Jh  :  an<J  that  no  rcn-  '    ^    ^^"J]  ^"* 

tationmi^htbcwantingthediHelarmcd  his  vife  againfi  hiin,  >ttwj«>hfnot  "«  •«"iJ"Ca ij^ 

jnoucd,butby  vxaoriouipatience  thanked  Cod  toi  al  In  like  Icrte  other  kclic  ^^°^^' 
fathers,  for  cncorcgcment  and  confolation  ot  the  afBi6tcd.  viitc  much  of  holie 

lobs  in uincible  patience. Aboucal  S.  Gregotie,  oar  Apol'le,  dilate th  moft  cx-  Great com- 

ccUcnily  in  thi'ticand  fine  whole  bookes,  dcfcribing  &  propcfing  hi'logieat  mendationt» 

Tcrtues  10  he  imitated  bv  aiChriftianes.firft   ofal  (li.i.c  j.  )  oblrruing  how  bcgood 

^hiUp  1.    great  aprayfcitis  tobe  good  infacha  pface>»f/'<  n»»£^drjor<i  f'»«  td  and  f  truer  ft  aniongflthc 

jipoc  I     miion,sh-piH    asahght  tnt'^eyyorld^dv^dUn^iniiAC^cntilciy^yhirt  vy*s  ihejtate  bad. 
^arttic,     ef  i'tian^alillieamtin  fl  homes. 

f    Ojf^redholaraujlfs  for  fueneone.']  Albeit  the  vertuc  of  Sacrifice  as  wcl  of  He-  Sacrifice  be» 
locsuftinthcold  Ttftamcnt,ajcrpecullyof  ChriftsSacrifice  in  the  of  ingotinfinite 

ii  finitevalureinit  (elfe  yet  theapplication  thc-of  to  particular  pcrlons,  and  vertue.yet  chc 

pur  poles  I-  limited,  and  tUerfore  ho  lie  lob  ofPetcd  not  only  once  tor  al  his  chil  valu:  c  m  ap- 

dien  hutmanietimes,  feucrally  fotcucriconc.^l^/»t»»;/«Car«i»4/^/i4M//.i'  plicatioan    ^ 

1^  Euchattft.  Samftc.  c.  jy.  limiccd. 

Chap.    II. 

Sdtanhy  Godspermifsion^  y  fin\fth loh  Vcith  forn  from  the  foleofhUfoott 
to  the  tnppeofhii  heid.  9.  Hn  '^ife  tljo  injiUieth  afAinfi  h'm,  ^ut  he 
Jinntbndt  ti    rbreetremde.fvmin^to  VijUe  and  conforte  him,  fnu  fi- 
ient  hj  hun  fuen  dd^es. 

I      \    N  Die  came  ro  palTe  vrlien  on  a  certainc  dav  the  Conner 

j\  oi  God  "Wt  re  come  ,  anci  ftood  beTwre  our  Lord,  and 

4    Satan  came  among  f  hero,  and  ftood  in  his  f^ghr,  ■)•  thatour 

Lord  fayd  »o  Sdtan:  Fiom  whence  comeft  thou?  "vho  anf-we- 

fingfaydrl  hriO^  gone  round  about  the  earrh,  and  valked 

5   through  if.  t  And  our  Lord  fayd  to  Satan:  Haft  thou  confi- 

dered  mv  leruant  lob,  that  tkercis  not  the  like  rohim  in  the  ::  A  nun  of 
carth.aman-- rimpl.-,and  nghr,  and  fcarii  g  God,and  depar-  p' ■"^j'   "/ 
tine  from  euil,  and  yer  rrcyning  innocencii?  But  theubaft  ""*^  f^  "*^ 

n   •  iljmni  T-        nJiJCCl  WltH 

^  moued  meagainft  him, that  I  sh»  uldarthd  him  in  vaine.j-  To  mec^«c$v'tiJ 

\rhom  Satan  anOorenng,  faid:  Skinnc  for  (kinne,  Sc  al  thinges  cntal  guik 
5    thatamanhath.he  vrii  geue  for  hishfe:  t  orher^rifc  put  thy  iscallcd-a 

hand,  and  toucn  his  bone  anl^  flesh,  and  then  shalt  thou  fee  ^"^r  y^?-  ^ 
^    ihathewil  biefie thee  in  the  lace,  t  Our  Lord  therfore  layd  [,^i_xierMl. 
7  CO  Satan:  Bciioidiici6mih)hand>bu[  yet  iaue  his  life.fS^tan  c.t  er>Mf 


ic^4  Thepooke 

thcrrore  going  out  fri  m  t  tie  face  of  our  Lorrf^ftioke  lob  trith 
arericlore  boile,frotn  the  fule  ot'rhe  fou^e  eoen  to  the  roppe 
•?  His  wife       of  his  bead;  f  who 'crit!)  a  sbeHcraped  the  cor«uprion,ririirig   S 
p^rf'B'aJing     on  adunghil.  f  And-  his  'CPife  (ayd  ro,  him:  Dot  ft  thou  yet   9 
iluonand    '   Connnue  in  thy  liriiphcuie?  blcd.^  God  and  dicf  Wao  layd  to  10 
blafphcmie,      her:  Thou  haft  fpoken  hkc  one  of  the  foohsh  wenicn,  if  wc 
figiiificdcar-    hatie  receiued  good  thingsofthe  hind  of  God,euil  thinges 
"^''^°S'"'^"^    why  shcnild  xjct  not  receiue?  In  al  thefe  things  lob  finned  not 
r  ^rrV^{^.^^^     with  his  hopes,  t  Therforc"  lobs  three  frendes  hearing  al  11 
invt-ardly,  as    ''"'^  eui),that  had  chanscd  tohim,cameeiierie  oneoutof  their 
afflictions  do    phce,  Flephaz  a  Themanite,  and  Baldad  a  Suhue,  and  Sophar 
aifaalc  che       a  Naamachite .  For  they  had  appointed,  that  coming  rogc- 
Vs'^Gr7%  j^gj.  jl^g^  ^Q^jj^jf-|.g  j^-^  ,^^^  confort  him.  f  And  when   it. 
^.c.t4.     °  '    they  bad  hftedvp  their  cies  a  far  of,  they  knew  him  not,  and 
V.  Scuen  daycs  crying  out  they  wept,  and  renting  their  cloches  fprinklcd.duft 
together  cue-  ouer  their  head  toward  hcauen.  f  And  they  fate  wirh  him  ©n  15 
ne  ]^y ^^        tl^e  eround  ••  fcuen  daies  and  fc  uen  nightes,  and  no  man  fpaks 
»>ood par?.       ^^  hina  a  Word:  ror  they  (aw  the  payne  to  be  vehement. 

A  N  N  N  O  T  AT  I  O  NS. 

Ch  A  p.       I  I. 

^hefcTlfitcrs  "■  '"^^ '^"'^' /7'"»<^«  ]  For  better  intelligence  ofthefe  cenfl'Acs  tetVAl 
of  lob  wrein  holiclob  andliisfreindcs,  it  may  here  be  obfc-iucd,  that  they  \j/crein  dedchis 
dcde  his  frcin-  fiein'^''s,  as  the  tett  fimply  calleth  them  :  that  iheybclcucd  righilv  jn  God 
des,  a^d  pro-  Almightle,  and  werenotidolatcrs :  that  thev  came  of  Ircindly  goo«iafFc£lion 
feflfcd  true  re-  '^ '"''"'''"■^'' '""^  thou^hthey  fel  into  yy^t  dtsefyen^outnglitm^  (as  *>.  Gregirie  tea-  ^-  .  t 
ligion  cheth    thev  alleagedalfo  manie  excellent  diuinc  fentencts  vervt.u'y,  which  ,  * 

They  erred  ia  ^^^rff^d'^h  reproued  not.  But  they  erred  in  thii    illanons  «jynnii  lob:  and" 
Tobsparcicu      thatof'gnorance  rathei  then  of  I'ette  malice,  coniriuding  th^tlobu'  s  guilrie 
lax  ciCc  of  fomc  enormious{innes,bccaurethcy faw  him  lo  gieu'^uilv  puniflied,  and 

fieard  hire  comphme  therof;  hisowne  confcicnce  knowcn  to  iiim  and  hid  to 
tncm  ( ^ocherofxhey  radilyiudcpcd  )  teftifyinu;  thai  he  w.ns  innocent.  In  rc'ped: 
of  fogrcatcrimcs  And  in  this'their  particuhr  error,  though  they  were-  not 
Andprcfigu-     hcrctikes,  being  not  obtlinate  afcer  tSar  the  rruih  \i7js  (ufficiintly   reiicled 
rhdfacrctikcs.  vntothcm,  yet  they  prefigured  herctikes,  endeuouvino  bv  one  truth  to  de 

ftroy  an  other,  and  by  arrogating  knowlcge  which  they  nad  not: /'ro»i»y7»^r  alfo  H.f.^ 
ueyy  tbin^es  t^  ynheard  of  ^rather  to  arorv  othci s  to  adivire  tbenty  then  to  edtftcattMt.       it. 

Chap.    Hi. 
loh  lamenteth,  ciefcnVing  his  owne.  And  the  getter aI  cahmitiei  of  mAn^ 
l^.  and  sheMin^ho{WcftA^em4memifenesTi;htcb  either  Are  nefitr  b^nst 

9r  dye prefentlji  after  their  herth, 
:)^hitfk>  long 
{Scnecathrt:      \    F  T  B  R  thefc  things  lob  opened  his  mouth,and  "  cnrfed   i 

\obsrprdrcth  ^Jk  htf  day,|  and  fpakc.  t  Perish  may  the  day  vhexin  I  was  a.  ^ 
I  boraf. 

OF    lOB.  lO^J 

borne,  and  the  riglifwhci  in  n  uasfayd:  A  rran  iscorctiuca  ^>5  p\t!ht' 
4     f  Be  that  da)  turned  into  daikentfle.Gcd  rtc]uiic  )t  rcifrom  J,''"^'*  ^'*^'"' 
<     aboue.andJait  not  bchtzhtened  wifh-lieht.  t  Letdarkcnes,  „"'f   \     . 

and  the  Oiadow  of  death  <  blcurf  ii,lct  a  roift  pt  fltflc  ir,  and  lefpcd  tlicroii. 
<  belt  wrapped  in  bkcernellc.  t  A  darkelome  hurle  wind  pof-  he  mftly  tur- 

leHe  that  nighr,  be  it  not  counted  in  the  daies  of  the  ycaic,  ^^^^  =*^  c"i' 
7  nornumbrcdin  themoncthcs.  |  Be  that  night  iohtamc,  nor  J^^"^"*^^'^^^ 
%   pra>ie  worrhie.  f  Let  them  curie  it  Nrhich  corfe  the  day,  butadioyncd 
9  vhich  are  readie  to  raife  vp  Leuiathan.  ^  Let  the  I'airci  be  to  manvlife, 

daikened  with  the  mift  thcrohJct  it  cxped  light  and  let  it  not  being  the  cfFc- 

10  fee,  neithercheryfing  of  the  appearing  morning  .  -f  Eecaufe     ^^  ^}  '""'^^ 
It  ihut  not  vp  the  doores  of  the  wombe,  that  bare  mc,  r  or  Lisconccptt- 

11  tooke  away  euils  from  myneeies-  f  Why  died  I  not  in  the  onanobiith: 
matricc ,  periled  not  forthwith  being  come  forth  of  the  ^JHiingthac 

12  wombe?  }  Whv  receiued  vpon  the  knees?  why  nurced  with  '^'^^"O'^ucc 

15  the  brcaftcs'  |  For  now  fleping  I  should  be  quiet,  and  should  tohislongcc 
I4  rtft  in  mv  fletpe ;  f  With  kingcs  and  conlulesof  the  earth,  afflidior.s  in 
Ij  which  build  thtmfelues  fohtanc  places:  f  Or  with  princes,  t^i   life, and 

16  tharpoflll?   gold,  and  replenish  houics  with  filucr:lOi  ^"nd'rc'^his 
as  a  rhmg  vnnmely  borne  that  is  hid  I  should  not  be, or  as  they  dcliucrie 

17  that  bfingconceiutd  haue  nor  (eene  the  light,  -j-  There  the  fromoangerc 
impious  haue  cealed  fiom  rumulr,  &  there  the  wearied  with  andcabmitict 

18  (trfnafhhiuercf^ed.  t  And 'hey  fcmetimc  bound  together  hadnot  bene, 
without  griefe,  1  aue  not  hrard  the  voyce  of  the  exactor,  bcnncfovncr 

19  f  Lirle  and  grrai  are  there,  and  the  feruant  free  from  his  ma-  at  'eft as  Gods 

20  ftvT.   t  Whv  is  there  light  geuen  to  a  miferable  man,  and  life  goodncs 

21  rothem,tharareinbittcrn<(Teof  (oule?  f  That  exp<  <5f  death,  A  ouid  difpo. 
XI  an-*  It  comtrh  nor,  as  (hey  that  dig  vp  trealure.  |  Andthty  ^°  b'hwa« 
23  reioyce  excei^ingly  when  thev  hauc  found  the  gr^ue.  f  To  alawfuldrfirc 

amanwhof   li'e  is  hid,  and  r,od  hath  compafTcd  him  with  andiofinnc 
i4  datk  nps?-f  Be  tore  1  tare  I  fi^h  :  and  as  it  were  ou<  if^owirg  »  ^1  ^"'  P*" 
2j   w  iftrs  lo  n.y  roaring  :  f  Be^aufe  the  feaie  which  I   fear' d, '"^'*" "****■* 

haf  h  chanced  to  me  :  and  rhnr  vr  hich  I  was  afrayd  of,  hath 

16  happened,  -j-  haiie  I  nor  d  (Tcmbled  '  haue  I  not  k(  pr  fi'cnce? 
hauc  I  not  Dccne  atei(t?  and  indignation  iscomcvpon  me. 

Chap,      jrn  TVefceond 

SliphaXhl^niftl^  Inh  MSfuiliif  nj  impMttrnce^  urgutng  thereupon  thdt  hr  ^ss  p,   ^^^  j,f_ 
act  (0  pt'f  ^  myeriMr  as  h    (ftned.y   tndtherjorr  15  r,iW  puni  led  i>y  fouiCcsand 
Go^,  Tj  A.  (as  fchiph;)z».iifl\  lut)po(erh    dj/USttib  not  ntnoctnt  men.  diff.i.rc  about 
12. 4llta^ng  l,r  frooy t  untm4^tn4rie  >i/;cff.  lobs?fm^. 


Oc  oood  Itt 

Tliejfirft  coa- 
flift,  betwen 


t:No  inno- 
cent cucr  pe- 
ftally:bat  in- 
uoccnc  Abel 
and  innume- 
rable others 
fuffcr  calami- 
tics  for  their 
greater  me- 

pretend  fuch 
obfcure  vlfi- 
others,  s.  Gre^. 



man  may  not 
tompare  nor 
conterKl  vith 
God  ch  J.V.I. 
Yet  men  may 
be  innocent^ 
free  fiomgre- 


ttt  bauing 

to66  Tms   books 

BVt  Eliphaz  chc  Thcmanirc  anfwering,  Uyd:  f  U  ^z  i   z 
shai  begin  to  fpeakc  to  thee,  perhaps  thou  wilt  take  it 
greuoufly,  but  the  word  concciucd  who  can  hold  ?  f  Behold  | 
thou  haft  taught  manie,  Sc  wearie  handcs  thou  hail  ftrcngth- 
ned  :  f  Them  that  waucred  thy  wordes  haue  confirmed  ,  4 
and  trembling  knees  thou  hait  ftrengthened  :  t  Bur  now  a  j 
plague  is  come  vpon  thec,and  thou  haft  faynrcd:ha[h  touched 
thee,  and  art  trubled.  f  Where  is  thy  feare,  thy  ftrength,  thy  6 
patience,  and  the  perfedion  of  thy  wayes?  f  Remember  I  7 
befech  thee,  who  eucr  being  innocent  hath  '•■  perished  J  or 
when  haue  the  iuft  bene  dcftroycd?  f  Yea  rather  I  haue  fene  S 
rhem,  that  worke  iniquitie,  and  fow  forro we5^&  rcape  iheni, 
t  to  haue  perished  by  the  blaft  of  God,  and  with  the  fpiric  9 
of  his  wrath  to  haue  bene  confumed.  f  The  roaring  of  the  10 
lion, and  the  voice  of  the  lioncfle,  &  the  teeth  of  the  whelpcs 
of  lions  arc  bruiied:  f  The  rigre  hath  perished,  bec.^ufc  he  11 
had  no  praye,  and  the  lions  whelpes  are  dtftroyed.  f  More-  u 
ouer  "  to  me  there  was  fpoken  a  (ecret  word,  and  as  it  were 
by  fteakh  hath  mine  eare  receiufd  the  vaines  of  the  whifpc- 
ring  rherof.-f  In  the  horrour  of  a  vifton  by  night, when  dt  epe  i  $ 
fleepeis  wont  to  hold  men,  f  fcare  held  rrie,  aid  rrinths^,  14" 
and  al  my  bones  were  made  fore  afrayd  :  -f  And  when  the  ij 
fpirirpaflr-din  my  prefencc,rhe  hcarcsof  my  flesh  flood  vp« 
right,  -f  There  ftood  one,  whofe  countenance  I  knew  not,  16 
an  image  before  mine  eies,  and  I  heard  the  voycc  as  it  were 
of  a  gentle  winde.  ■\  What,  "shal  man  be  iuftified  in  compa-  tj 
rifon  of  God,  or  shal  a  man  be  rcore  pure  then  his  maker  ? 
f  Behold  they  that  feruc  hiw,arc  not  6-able,  and  in  his  Angels  j8 
he  found  wickednes  :  t  How  much  more  they  that  inhabire   19 
houfesof  clay,  which  haue  «n  earthly  foundation,  shal  be 
confumcdasit  wereof  thernoth?  t  From  morning  vnri!  eue-  10 
ningthey  shal  be  cut  downe:  and  becaufe  none  vnderftan- 
deth,  they  shal  perish  foreuer.  -f  And  they  that  shal  be  leak,   11 
shal  be  taken  away  from  rhem:  they  shal  die,  and  not  in  wifc- 

Chap.    V. 
BllfhAljfofecuiethhhet'tfc&UTfetoconmms  lohaf^reAtfrnntiy  htcdtiphe  h 
Jo  vbementlj  affii^ed.  ly.exhorteth  him  therforeto  acknofvlcgebtsjmneSf 

CA  L  thcrforc  *:  if  there  be  that  wil  anfwer  thee,&  "  turnc  i' 
to£omg  of  the  faifiacs.  t  Anger  in  dcedc  kiHeth  the  a 

^  foolish 

Or    loB,  IC(?7 

3  fooIi^b3an!1enllk^c3:^:hthclulconc.  t  Ihzv.t  fccncnfoole  pr-rmJcdan 

4  with  firmt  roote,  and  I  curled  his  be/ainie  by  and   by,  -f  Hij  imagmanc 
children  Ihr.lbcmadc  far  from  laluation,  And  Qia!  bcdcftroyed  v'lionfiom 

5  in  the  eace,3nd  there  llialbe  none  ro  deliucr.  t  Vhofe  narucft  py  •''P;*"^^ 

)      L  ,1     »  o      i_  I  n     I        I      I  •       t         •    .  lob,  noNchc 

tnchungne  Iha!  care,(X  thear  r.'.d  fl^al  rake  mm  by  violence,  fupnofcth 

6  and  the  thirCtie  fhal  Jnnkc  hisriches.  f  Nothing  in  thccarth  thacncitl-Tcr 
is  done  withoura  caufcjand  cue  of  the  ground  forrow  shal  C.o(^norAn- 

7  not  rife,  t"  Man  is  borne  ro  labour,  and  the  bird  to  Hight.  f^^'^o^o^hcr 
o  .  T-  LiiL-  T  iiri  T  1  1  .  nolle  perfon 
9     t  For  the  ^hico  thing  I  vril  befech  our  Lord,  and  toward  ^jipatrona- 

9  GoJ  I 'criWetir.y  fpeach:  I  Vhodoethgrcat  and  vnfearchabls  gchtscaufe, 

10  and  mcruclous  things  without  number:  t  Who  geueth  raine  noiiu<^f;cof 
vpoiirbcfaceof  thccarrh,and  vatcrctb  a!  thingcs  Xf-ith  ^ra-  ^S''"  h^^^^u 

IT  teri:t  Wijofetterh  the  humble  en  high,  and  them  that  arc  in  a  °;lil  co°n-^  ^^ 

32  hcauinclTc  he  confortcth^ith  health:  f  Who  di/Hpatcth  the  demnchimof 

cogitations  of  the  maiignanr,  that  their  handcs  can  net  ac-  impatience, 

15  compliih  thacsrhich  they  b^gan;  f  Who  apprehcndeth  rhe  fo-j'^^.^nuie-, 
Nsrifcin  their  fubchie, and  diflfipateth  the  counCclof  the  vric-  ^nr«'  " 

14  ked:  I  By  day  they  ihai  incurrc  darlccnefTe,  and  as  ir  \fcre  in  ::Ttii?pioucrb 
i^  the  night, ib  shal  they  grope  at  nooncdaiej.   f  Moreouer  he  niiportcth 
shal  faue  the  needy  froiB  thefvford  of  their  mcath,  and  the  ^^"'^fsr"^" 

16  poore  from  the  hand  ofthc  violent,  f  And  to  the  nccdic  there  jT^ndJe [g 
snalbehope,  but  iniq  lirie  shal  draw  together  her  mouth,  paflchislifc 

IT   t  Blededis  the  man  that  is  corrected  of  God  :  rcfufe  not  ther-  ^s^ichoattra- 
18  foic  thcchaflifingofour  Lordrf  Bccaufchc  woundcth,  and  ucl,  burmuft 
15)  curerh:  ftrikcrh,  and  his  hands  shal  heale.  f  In-  (Ix  tribulati-  %\-.\,  r^^^^  ^t 

ons  he  shal  dcliuer  thee,  and  in  the  "  feuentli  euil  shal  not  hnhroyyes  or 
10  touch  thee,  f  In  famine  he  shal  dtliucr  thee  from  death;  and  fuffcr  other 
21  in  battel,  from  the  hand  of  the  fvrord.  I  From  the  fcourge  of  "'^'^'"^*' 

the  tonpuethcu  shale  be  hid;  5:  thou  shaltnot  fcare  calamirie  "    '^  *  good- 
21  V  n  en  It  CO  met  n.  I  In  \raiteand  tamme  t"ou  snalt  lawgh  ;  and  his  (cm  antes 
25  the  beaftcs  of  the  earth  thou  shalr  not  feare.  •{■  But  with  rhe  thcfpaceef 

(tones  ofthc  landes  thy  coucnanr,and  the  beaftesof  the  earth  rhisJaboriouc 

tJL  shal  be  pea:eable  CO  the?,  t  And  thoa  shalr  know  rhar  thy        '  . 
^       ,  III  J      r  ■         II  -I  11  ;:Andmolt 

raocmacle  hath  peace, and  vilumgrhy  ocautie,  thou  shair  not  crpcciallyia 

2j   finnc.  t  Thou  shalt  know  alfo  thit  thy  feed  shnl  be  manifold,  tlichourcof 

16  and  thy  progrnica<;  the  grafTe  of  the  earth. t  Thou  shalt  enter  death. S  Or^. 

into  the  grauv"  in  abundance,  a?  a  heape  of  wheate  is  carved  ''•^''■•^*« 
27  in  his  rmict  Behold,  this  is  euon  we  banc  (earched  out: 

xrhich  thou  hauing  heard  rcuoJuc  in  thy  mind. 

O000002  ANNO- 

f©^8  The  books 

A  N  N  (3  T   \  T  I  O  N  S. 
Ch^p.     V. 

r.  tUYnetdfomiofthe^aincies  ]  Eliphaz  i>rouoking  lob  to  produce  forae  of 

IflEOCatioa      hisopinion,  orcofeekcthehelpeand  -j,urona?eof  fomc  SainA  in  his  caule, 

©fSaindics,       plainly  shewcth  the  common  faich  and  pnfti  ft  of  inuocating  S.i'ndtes  in  that 

cfpecially  An- time.  Elsithadbcnnea  friaolouslpeach,  vchich  isnot  to  be  imputed  to  a  (cn- 

gcUinlobf      fiblevp-ifcmanashc  vas,  Fontappearethby  thcdfiftofhisrcafoning,  iKat  he 

fimc.  fuppiifedfome  of  Gods  rpccialfcruant-is  would  miintame  a  good  ciufc,  bus 

that  lobs  caufevrasluch  as  neither  God, nor  ho'.ie  Angel, not  good  man  would 

defend, and therforebollly  prouokcd  him  to  this  trial,  prcfumipg  that  he 

fhould  findc  no  fuch  patron.  Neither  did  he  wl  lob  in  thcfc  woidts  to  cal 

Tpon  God  only, for  he  could  nut  erre  Co  to  cal  God  [•■nfof  the  ^ainBesi 

butmult  meaneComeoihcrholic  pcrl'on.  And  it  is  clcre  by  the  S<  ptuaginta 

lB£erprctcrs,thatEliphaz  willed  lob  to  inuocate  the  Angels,  faying:   nnotate 

ifaitieyyd^nfvyerthe^^oi-tfthottcanflbtheUanieof  tht  holie    /Ingtles.  S.  Gvegorie  lig^£ 

expoundcth  it  to  thefamefcnrt,  thitSainftes  were  tobe  inuocatcd  in  a  gocd 

caufc,  but,  that  Eliphaz  here  difpicing  and  deriding  holic  lob,  f^yd  to  him; 

Thou  canft  not  find  Stm^leithybelpersntajfii^lfen^T/yhomtbouyyoHldefi  not  bai*e  thy 

ftloyyti  »■»  frof^tritk. 

Chap.     VI. 

toh dtifwereth  the  ohlef^-ions  of  Elipha'^  ^htwing  thst in  dteele  (he  caUmitk 
Jfibicbbe  fttffirnhis  much  i^reatterth  n  bis  jinnes  drjerw-^  and  thttjore 
his  lamentation  isexcitfable.^.msbetb(j  it  (o  pletfe  Go^)  ha  he  may  dyf, 
ll.complanetb  that  his  freindes  are  becom?  hts  Aduerfmes,  i6.  gratitly  ex* 
pojiulatetb  that  the)  reprtbend  him,  ii,  and  htlpe  him  not. 

BVt  lobanfwering,  fayd.f"  WoulJGod  my  finnesxrcre  i  h 
loreycd.wherby  I  haue  deferusd  s!'rarh,and  the  caUmitse, 
'Wc"o°r[-     ^^^»^^  ^  fuft'erin  a  balance,  f  "  As  the  fand  of  the  (ea  this  | 
fcienccconfef  would  appcate  heauier,  >3Hierfore  my  wordes. alio  are  ful  of 
feththefinnes  forrow.  f  Becaufethe  arroNjres  of  our  Lord  be  in  me,  rhe  4 
wberof  heis    indignation  whereof  drinkethvp  myfpirir.and  the  tcrrouis 
fnowkreth  of  our  Lordxrarrc  agaynft  me.  ■\  Wil  the  vilde  afle  roare  f 
Do°a!  whf  r-     when  he  hath  graflfe  ?  or  the  oxe  lovreth  when  he  shal  ftand 
vith  others      before  the  ful  mangcr.  f  Occaaanvnfauerie  thing  be  eaten,  4 
inayvniuftly    thatisnot  feafoncd  wich  fait  3  or  can  a  man  taft  that  which 
chargck:na.     j^^.^^^  ^^^^j  bringcth  death?  t  The  thinges  which  before  7 
my  fdule  would  not  touch,  now  for  anguish  arc  n;y  meates. 
j-  who  wil  graunc  that  my  petition  may  come  :    and  that  % 
God  would  gcue  me  that  which  I  cxped?  f  ^^^  ^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  9 
bsguncsthe  fame  would  loofe  his  hand,and  cut  me  of?  t  And  i© 
this  might  bemy  comfort,  that  affliding  me  withforro^B',  he 


Of    loB,  10^9 

II  rpare nor, ror gsyrf(ay  iTic  vcidesof  tfiC  HoUc  onci  t  For 

Whatismyftungrh,rh?tl  can  fu^cync  ir?  or  ^hur  is  mine 

11  end, that  I  should  doc  puicnrly.  f  Neither  is  ray  ftrcngth 

15  thellrengih  of  {tont$,neithfi  ismy  fleih  of  brafle.  •)-  Behold 

there  IS  no  help    or  me  in  my  (elf,  and  mv  famihar  frcindcs 

14  alio  are  depaited  kom  mc.  f  He  that  takcth  sway  mcrcic 

15  from  hiifrcndjforlakeththefeareofour  Lord. fMy  brethren 
haucpaflcdby  mc,as  the  torrent  that  piireth  fwiftly  in  the 

16  valleys,  t  They  thdtfeare  the  hoartfroft,  frowshalfal  vpon 

17  them,  t  Atthctimc,  when  they  shai  be  dillipatcd  rhey  shal    " 
perish :  and  after  the y  \raxe  hotc  they  shal  be  diHolurd  out  of 

18  their  place,  t  Thepathesof  tluu- ft<  ppfs  areintangled;  they 

19  shaWalke  in  vayne, and  shal  parish.  |  Cofider  ye  thepathcs 

zo  "  of  Thcma,  the  wayes  of,&  exped  ahile  \t  hilcfXhey  :.S.\ni\cwiyc9 

arc  confounded,  becaiif  !  haue  hoped;  they  are  come  alfo  withoucwa- 
II   eucn  vnto  me,  and  are  courted  with  shame,  -j-  Kont  you  ^^'* 

are  come  :  and  euen  now  femg  my  plague  you  are  afrayd  • 
11  f  haue  irnvd:  Bring  ye  to  me,  and  of  your  fubftance  geue  to 
1;  mc  r  t  Oidel.uermefrom  the  hand  of  the  enemie,  and  out 
2-4  ofthchavJ  ofthc  ftrongdeliucr  me?  f  •'■  Teach  ye  me,  and  I  :•  lobs  aduef? 

wti  hoM  !ny  peace  r  and  if  I  perhaps  haue  becne  ignorant  in  ^^"«sprcfj- 
i;  anie  thing,  iniUiid  ye  mc.  f  Wny  haue  you  detraded  from  j^'m  w"c- 

thc  woidcsofriu-h,  >»  hcrcas  there  is  none  of  you  that  can  caufethcy  cr- 
i6  ronrrowle  me?  t  To  rebuke  only  you  frame  fpeaches,  and  reaimhcitap 
i7  youvtterworoesjn  the  wind  j  You  rush  in  vpon  a  pnpi!,  and  ply'"goftruc 
iS   youcndeuouretoou-rrhrowyourfrend.  t  Notxrirnftanding  fX^cafcvhich 

accomplish  that  w-.ichvouhaucbegune:  geuf  eare,  and  (ee  himlclf  Jlder- 
19  wherher  I  lie.  t  Anfwer  I  befech  you  ^Brithout  contti;rion :  ftcodanHnot 
30  andfpeakingthar  which  is iaft,iudge  y?.  f  And  youshal  not  thcv.heaccon- 

findeiniquuiein  my  tongue,  neuhcrihalfohclound  in  my  ai(courllt*'for 

Chap.    VI. 

5.  ^stl-efand  of  the  r^a]  Scarfcanie  figure  is  more  common  In  Iiolie  Srip-  ThcTfcof 
tarcthenf/j^frfe.Z^.vhetbyourvndetftanQingisdravnctocGcciucthc  cicat-  u^pnhoU  itt 
iiesof  thiDgcsthatothcr;rifcrurpaflcTuIgaior.icitic.So  lob  flgnificrlf  here  hol.c  Scrip- 
Xhzlhnc*UmiUeh»ngynfey^h  di>ynh  ht,  fmnts  in  baUncc^  y^ouU  appears  hcamtr^    turc 
not  prccifclrm  proportion  ofihc  number  of  findcsin  the  fra,  but  cxceding 
«ach  m  true  compaiifon.  Ofwhich  Ibperabundancc  of  paincs  ratlemlv  OifFc-  ^    r         f 
redbyhollc  lob,  and  other  Sainacs,  more  then  their  finncs -Icferucd,  cfpeci-  J",r  ^^    • 
allyofours.Sau.our.vhocnu'^notflnne,  and  of  our  B.  Ladic  who  ncucr  l^^'';^"^^"*, 
finacd,re«aynctiianiiifiaiiic  trcafufcoffatiffaaoric  vyork^s.appliablcby  the  chur^i*"  ^''^ 

Co  0000  5  rc^icirc 

ro/o  The  booke 

ruprcmc  fluarj  of  Gods  Cnurch  ,  Chrilts  Vicar  in  e;>rt5<,  for  fatisFaclion  of 
others  which  hauc  ncde,  and  arc  in  the  communion  of  Sainc^c?;  and  pcrformc 
Pjrcons^o       thccondicionsappointed.  And  fo  this  high  ftward  may  in  due  maner  by  his 
applicthe  authotitie,  geuc  limittd,  or  picnaric  pardoncs  to  pcnitentcs,  of  the  paincs 

fufteringof  whiehotherwifethey  (Loiild  fulfcrinthis  life,  orin  purgaritig,  for  thiiir  fin. 
Igiiic  for  the  nesfirft  remitted.  OtherBiihopscana'fo  geueor'djlpcnccfo  much  as  the  Su« 
fjcilfaclion  prcme  BirnopaHotccthte  thcirpoMcrc.alrn  ediiicanoriaadnecciruie  of  Gudt 
cjfotkcis.  feruantcs,  asdifpcnccrs,  notdiflipatorsoffoholictreafute. 

Chap.    V  11. 
hh  expl'CAietB  diutn c*Umit(es  ef  mmi  Itfe^  uni nt^mtly  »fhl<;  owne*^ . Slip- 
^ojingit  not  Ui^el:g  thit  he ^hal  returmto  formirproJ^^ifQus/Cate,  i;.  ac- 
fsrrth  to  Jje, 

.vAfouldiar      *"  j  "*  H  E  life  of  man  vpon  earth  is  a-' warfare,  &  bis  daies,  as  i 
muftbe  alv/a-     A    the  dales  of  an  hyrcd  man.  t  Asa  feruant  dcfireth  the  t 
yes  readieco     shadow, c?c  as  the  hired  man  tarycth  for  the  end  of  his  workc: 
to  be  prompt-  t  ^^  *  ^Ko  haiie  had  vayne  monethcs  ,  and  haue  numbred  tjo  ? 
lyobcdicnr,      rnyfclf  laborious  nightes.  f  iFl  flcepe,  I  shal  fay  :  When  shal   4    ■ 
content  to  be    I  arife?  and  agayne  I  sbal  expcd:  the  euening,  and  shal  be.  re- 
bcatenbyhi^    plenished  v.^'ith  forowes  cuen  vntil  daikcncns .  f  My  flesh  is  f 
fupcrior  rvich  clothed  withroctenefTe  and  filth  ofduft  ,  my  skinncis  withe-  . 
out  al  rth  j<,i  .  1  ,  r   ,  r-      '■ 

ftanccvpon     ^^a  )  oc  dra-yen  together,  j' My  dales  hauepa(ied  morefwift-  6 

paineof  hij  ly.thcn  the  \rebbc  is  cut  of  the  weauer,  and  are  ccnfumed 

life,  he  is  al-  'without  anie  hope.  |  Remember  that  my  life  is  a  'cjnde,  7 

vaycsfubied  ^^^  myne  cic  shal  not  rcturne  to  fee  good  chinches. f  Neither  8 
to  cares,  atid        uiiIrLr  riii  i-         •  ^'  ., 

todancTciof  snal  the  light  ot  man  behold  me:  thine  cies  vponme,and  I 

deatli,~and        shal  not  iland.  t  As  a  clo'wde  is  confumei,  and  padeth  a'^'ay:  9 
thcrforemuft    fo  hc  thu  shal  defcend  to  *  hel  sha!  not  afcend.-f  Neither  shal   10    *'^^''^' 
cucrbc  rcadie  [5^.  rctiirnc  aniemorc  iwto  his  houle ,  neither  shal  his  place 
^°"  know  him  anismore.  f  Wherfore  IaIfo>yilnoc  fpare  my    11 

mouth,  I  wil  fpeakc  in  the   tribulation  of  my   fpiric;  I  -wii 
••THaiobfup-  f^'^S'*'i'^f''^^fc*i^rernefieof  myfoulc.  t '^Siv  ,am  I  a  fca  ,  or  it 
p\>{jnVhc  was  *^ha!e,  that  thou  haft  compalfed  me  with  a  prifon  .  f  If  I    15 
at  the  point      favrMv  htle  bed  sh^l  <jonfort  me,  and  I  shaJ  be  releeucd  fpea- 
oFde3th,pray-  king  with  myfelf  in  my  couch ;  fThou  wilt  terrefie  me  by   14 
edGodto  ^      dreames,  and  by  vifions  shake  me  wiih  horrour.  t  For  the  15 
punillihitn'      ^hich  thing  my  foulc  hath  chofen  hanging,  and  my  bones 
jnoic,anat>    death,  f  I  hiue  defpayred.  I  shalnov  liue  no  longer:-  Spare  i(J 
accrptofthat    me,for  my  daics  arc  nothing,  f  What  is  man  that  thou  ma-   17 
alE  (flion  gmfio(thim?or  >x'hy  fettcft  thou  thy  hart  rovrard  him?]- Thou    18 

ujhichheUvl   (joeftvirirehim  e^rly,  and  fodenly  thou  prou:ft  him:  t  How  19 
already  fulFe-  ,  ,,,  r  ^  r  f*    ^  uiri. 

red.  So  tie       Ion  ^  doe!t  thou  nor  (pare  me,  nor  fuff^^r  me  ihat  I  ivrallow 

Church  in  be-  my  fpitle?  1 1  haae  finned ,  what  shal  I  doc  to  thee  6  keeper  10 

of  men : 

OF    loB.  1071 

of  men  ?  wliy  haft  thou  lette  me  contraric  to  thee  ,  and  I  am  halfoffoufes 

21  become  burdenous  to  my  fclf  ?  •!•  Why  docft  tKounot  take  cicpartcdm 

avray  my  finne,  and  why  docft  thou  not  take  away  mine  ini.  l>>i'c  of  grace 

quinc?  Behold  now  I  shal  fleepe  m  the  duft:and  if  ihou  iccke^  ^'V"'^'  ^""^ 
■       L  •        T    u   i  u  tofpaic  and 

mc  in  the  morning,  I  shal  not  be.  ^^af^  j^^i^ 

Chap.      V  I  I  T.  further  puni- 

SMjid  chtrgtth  lol  to  b:iUffpok.en  ylfnittfily  exhorting  him  to  turnt  to  Co  J,  ^^'f^g  I'^tft^. 
and  fo  he  ihal  profper  better  thtn  hereto  fort  .  u.  shewing  that  hypocrites  *l    ^^K^"^ 
shal  net  projpcr  ,  io.  tn;erretb{^Uli  ly)thdt  GodtfjiiUtih  not  tbtjtntert,  ^jft. 
n*r  hclpeih  the  muligttAnt. 

Vt  Baldad  the  Suhitcanrwcring,rayd:f-- How  long  wilt  .-.•The  fecond 
:hou  fpeake  fuch  thinges,  and  shal  the  fpirit  of  the  word  «oj^jJ^>'^^-       ^ 
%  of  thy  mouih  be  multiplied?  j- "Why  dorh  God  fupplant  iuge-  ^iip-tcrchar- 
ment  ?  or  doth  the  Omnipotent  fubuert  that  v  hich  ismll?  jrcd  Job  to  be 

4  f  Although  thy  children  haue  finned  to  him  ,  and  he  hath  obOmatc  vtho 

5  leaft  (hem  in  fhehand  oft!  cir  iniquitie  ;  t  Yet  if  thou  vt  ilt  i"<ic'3cvas 

6  arife  early  to  God  ,  and  wilt  befech  the  Omnipotent:  f  If  11*^"^ /JtlcJ* 
thou  w:lt  wajkf  clcane  (?>:  vpright,  he  wil  forthwith  awake  iudgcmcnt. 
vnto  thee,  and  wd  make  the  habitation  of  thy  iuftice  pcacca* 

7  ble:  -X  Inio  much,  that  if  thy  former  rhinges  haue  bene  liile, 

8  thy  later  thiogcs  may  be  mul'ipledexcedingly.  f  For  aske  the 
old  generation, and  (carch  diligently  the  mcmorie  of  the  fa- 

9  ihtrs.  (  j  For  NT  e  flff  burasycfterday ,  and  are  ignorant  ••  that  ::Eu^ntlii]« 
ac  ourdaies  vpon  the  earth  are  as  a  shadow. )  f  And  thty  shal  iierctilcrsim* 

teach  thefrthey  shal  fpeake  to  thee, and  from  their  hart  shal  ^'"^  CatfcoU- 
II  vttcr  wordcs.-f  Can  the  rush  begreene  without  moyfluie?or  j,orant  and 
11    a  feggie  place  grow  without  water  ?  f  "When  it  is  yet  in  his  ihcrfcrcfi) 

flowre,  and  is  nor  plucked  with  the  hand,  it  witereth  before  tl^^Jr  moutlics 
15   al  hcaibes:  f  Euen  fo  the  waies  of  al ,  that  forget  God  ,  and  ■^'^.,.    .** 
14   rhchopeof  the  hypocrite  shal  parish  :t  His  folie  shal  not  that  arc  not 
jj   pleafehim,and  his  confidence  as  thefpidcrs  webbe.-j-  He  shal  denied,  and 

Icanevpon  his  houf'f.  and  it  shal  not  ftand  :  he  shal  (iay  it  vp,  yctinfcrrc 
16' and  ir  shal  notnfe:  fHcfemeth  moyftcned  before  the  funnc  ^"'j/^'f'.^. 
!7  come,  andin  hisrifing  hisbloflomeshalgoe  forth.  fVpona  ca'^Wa^^I '-na 

heapeofrockeshis  rootcs  shal  be  thicke,  and  among  ftones  or.c'rrutha- 

18  heshalabide.  f  If  he  fwallow  him  vp  out  of  his  place  ,hc  wil  g^^nfianotlier 

19  denie  him,&  wilfay:!  know  thee  not. f  For  this  is  the  ioy  of  t^  ^ 
of  his  way  ,  that  others  may  fprin^  againc  of  the  earth.    <=  ^-^ 'S"°'^f 

20  -j-God  wilnor  rcieCt  the  limple,  nor  reach  his  hand  ro  the  cilcdiftkul- 
^l   malignanr.-j-VHtihhy  mouth  be  £Ilcd  with  laughter,  and  tics. 


1072*  The  booke 

thylippes  with  iubiUtion  f  They  that  hate  thce,sfial  be  clo-  21 
thcd  with  contulion  ;  and  the  tabernacle  of  the  impious 
shalnoi  itand. 

Chap.    IX.- 
I»y  approueth  (kit  no  man  auombtng  hts  0  Vf>if  tafitee  before  God  is  iuffifed, 

11,  reAcheththutuffliHt»nojtbe  mnacent  ^anditk  J^ei  Ipnh  G»di  i«- 

^ice  ,  ypijdom ,  And  powre, 

j; lob  here  A  ^°  lob  anf^ering/aid:  f  *"  In  deede  I  knov  itisfo,  &"  i 

grantcrhrhac    XjLciiai:  man  can  not  be  luitified  compared  wub  God  f  It'  2. 
wh;chwastru   he  svil  contend  with  him,  he  can  HOC  anfwcr  him  one  tor  a  ^ 
lyiaidb)_his^  thouland.  t  Heis  ^iicof  hart,  and  ftrong  of  force:  who   4 
firwcthhow    hath  rtfiftcd  him,  &  hath  had  peacc?t^'  ^bat  transported  5 
hedid wrong    mountaynes, and  they  whom  he  (ubueited  m  his  uru,kn-w 
aphcTued  ).    not.  I  He  that  rem-urh  the  earth  out  of  her  place  ,  and'che  6 
annagainft      pilje^s  thtrof  are  awaken. f He  that  commandctn  the  iunne,&    7 
ftildefcndtth    ^^  rilcth  not:  and  shurreth  vp  ineltarres  as  it  were  vaier  a 
hisowncin      (ealc:-f- He  that  alone  fpreadcth  the  heauens.and  goetb  vpon  S 
noccncie,and  the  wauesof  tlu  fca.  t  He  tliat  makcth  Ar6turus,and  Onon»    9 
iuftquarel        ^j^^  Hyades  ,  and  tneinner  partes  of  the    fouth.f  He  that   i® 
doth  great  thmges,andincompr<  hen(ible,and  nieiuclous  o^- 
.   the  which  riiereis  no  numbrr    t  It  he  come  to  n,e,I  s   ai  not  11 
fee  him  :  if  hedeparr  ,  I  shil  not  vrdtrftand.  t  1^  (odei-ly  he    li 
aske,who  shal  anfwtr  him  ?  01  who  can  lav  :  \7hv  doeft  thou 
(o  ?f  God  whole  wrath  no  man  ran  rthft  ,  and  vnder  whom  15 
•.rAngelcs        (hey  ftoope  that  "  caiie  the  world   t  Huw  Picat am  I  the n,   14 
resofheaucn.    tna^  I  may  aniwer  him  ,and  Ipeake  in  m     wordts  with  him? 

j-  Waoalihough  I  haut  anie  luft  <hing,  wil  not  anf'cper,--  but  if 
::EuenroS.      wil  befech  my  ludge  f  And  when  he  shal  .leare  me  inooca-   1^ 
PjuI,  though    ting,  1  doe  nor  btleue  that  he  hach  heard  riy  voice,  f  For  in    17 
he  was  not        ^  hurlewinde  shal  he  breake  me  ,  and  shal  mul  iplic  my 
P"'   "^  ofani     vroundesyea  vnthouf  caufc.  t  He  graunteth  not  my  (puitto   18 
crimc,7ethc     reft,  and  he  fiUeth  mewith  bitterntfl'e   f  If  ftrengih  be  de- 19 
W)uldnot        maundcd  ,  heismoft  ftrong:  if  cqunie  o^  iudgement,  not 
thcriniuftifie    j^an  daregeue  teftimonie  for  me*  t  ^^^  wiiiuftifie  my  lelf,  i9 
him  e  .1.        mine  owne  mouth  shal  condemne  me,  ifl  wtl  shew  my  (elf 

innocent  ,  he  shal  proue  mc  wicked,  f  Although  I  shal  be  ii 
fimple,thelclf  lame  shal  my  foul  be  ignorant  of,  and  I  shal 
;:Th'isisaa      be  wcaric  of  my  life,  f  •"  One  thing  there  is  that  I  hauf  fp  >-  zt 
alTcrt-d   rue     ken,  both  the  innocent  and  the  impious  he  con(ura  th   f  U    ij 
affcmon, that  hefcourge,lechim  kiUtoac€,and  not  laughat  the  payn  s 


O  F    1  OB.  1073 

i4  ofi'nnoccntes.  f  The  eanh  isgcucn  into  the  bardcsof  the  God  affli(Rctii 

impious,  he  conereih  thcface  of  theiudges  therof ;  2nd  if  it  °°'«g'3p'^^ 
,i        ,  i-i  ,»,i  11  re         1  euihn  cms 

2j  benothe  ,\rhoisicthen?-j- My  dayeshauebcnciwiher  then  \^(^^ 

16  apofte  :  they  haue  fled  and haue not  fene good.  "fTheyhaue 

paiTed  by  as  shippcs  carying  fruitcs,  as  an  eagle  flying  to 

27  meate,  t  when  Ishalfay  :  I  \ril  notfpeake  fo,  I  change  my 

28  face,and  am  tormented  with  forow.  -fl''  feared  al  my  \ror-  :.-  Pcarc  ou 
19  kcs,  knowing  that  thou  didftnotfpare  the  offender,  f  Cut  mans  part, 
50  iffo  alfo  I  am  impious,  why  haue  1  laboured  invayneJ-flf  I  andhopcin 

bewafhedasitwere  wirhfnow  waters,andmy  handes  shaUjo°nfjft°Q^*^ 
51  {hineasmofl;cleane:tYetftaIthoudippemeiniilch,androy  thcr.Soboih 
31  garmentes  {bal  abhorre  me.f  For  neither  I  wil  anfwer  a  man  prefumpuon 
that  is  like  my  felf :  nor  that  may  be  heard  with  me  equally  in  "'^  f^e^pcra- 
'    55  iudgement.  -f  There  is  none  that  may  be  able  to  reproue  ^^cd/^*^  ^'^-^ 
34  both  ,  and  to  put  his  hand  betwcn  both,  f  Let  him  take  his        * 
3;  rod  from  me,  and  let  not  his  dread  terrific  me.f  I  wil  fpcajce, 
and  wil  not  fearehim;  for  I  can  not  anfwer  fearine. 
Chap.  X. 
loh  fcdrfe  able  to  flukey  et  shtweth  that  there  is  no  ininfl'tce  nor  ignorance  in 
Cody  neither  is  his  fmne  the  caitfe  c/fo great  ttffltHions*  9.  ^cknowled^ 
geth  Gods  louednd  benejites  iomrds  Jbmfelf,  i;.  anddreadetb  l:» p'S 
iudgement,  ^ 

I    \yC  Yfouleis  wearieoFmylifc,  IwilletmyrpeachpafTe  r:Holi<rIob 
xVAagaynftmy  felf.  I  wil  fpeake  in  the  bitrcrnes  of  my  knowingitto 
'    t   foule.fl  wilfaytoGod;Condcmnemenot:telmcwhythou  ^='^"po»r»blc 

3  iudgeft  me  fo.  f  Doth  it  feeme  good  to  thee,  if  thou  :•  calum-  itmp^a^t"' 
niateme,andoppreiremetheworkeofthyhandes,andhclpe  anicman,in. 

4  the  counfel  of  the  impious?  f  Haft  thou  eies  of  flesh  ;  or  as  quirethwhac 

5  amanfeeth,  ihalcthou  aIfofee?t  Are  thydaiesas  the  daies  isthccaufe 

6  ofman,  and  are  thy  yeares  as  the  times  of  men:  f  That  thou  Zcl^mal^' 

7  fckeft  myiniquicie,  and  fearcheft  my  finne?   -f  And  thou  thciult?"  ^ 
raayftknowe  that  I  haue  done  no  impious  thing,  where- 

8  as  there  is  no  man  that  can  deliuer  out  of  thy  hand,  t"  Thy  -^"tl'atlam 
handes  haue  mademe,and  framed  me  wholly  roundabout,  Jhoa^'maift''^ 
anddoft  thou  fo  fodenlie  caftme  downe  headlong?  f  Re-  iunr)"icftroy 

9  member  I  befcch  thee  that  as  clay  thou   madeft  me,  and  me.butin 

10  inroduft  thou  wilt  brin^mcagayncf  Haft  thou  notasmilke  t^cak-becaufc 

11  milked  me,  and  curded  mc  ascheefe?  f  NYith  skinne  and  Jj'rTthoVwTt 
flefti  thou  haft  clothcdme:  with  bones  6<:finowes  thou  haft  /pare  me 

u  compadcdme.-f  Life  and  mcrcie  thou  haft  gcucn  to  me,  and  through  thy 

Pppppp  thy  m<rc/.3c"ii^5 

me  thv  grace 
whichif'I  vfe 
wel  tiioa  wilt 
alfo  geuc  me 
eternal  reft. 

1074  The  bo'Oke 

thy  vifirarion  hath  kept  my  fpiiicf  Although  thou  conceale  i| 
thefethinges  in  thy  h.irt »  yer  J.  know  thn.c  thou  remembreft 
althinges  "j*  If  I  haue  finned  and  chouhafl  fpared  me  for  an  14 
houre;  why  doeflthounotfuffcr  met'o  becleanc  from  mine 
iniqurtie  ?  f  And  if  I  thai  be  impiouSjWoe  is  to  me:  and  if  iuft,  ij 
Ishalnothftvp  my  head,  filled  with  afflidionand  miferie. 
■f  And  for  prideasalionefle  ihou  wilt  take  me,  and  returning  16 
thou  doeftmcrueloufly  torment  me,  t  Thou  rcncwcfl:  thy  17 
witneffes  agaynft  me,  and  multiplieft  thy  wrath  toward  me, 
andpaynesdocwartevponme.  t  why  didftthou  bring  me  18 
forth  out  of  the  matrice  ?  Who  would  God,  I  had  beene  con- 
fumed  rhat  eye  might  not  fee  me  .  1 1  had  beene  as  if  I  were  19 
not,  caried  from  the  wombe  to  the  gra.ue.j-  Sbal  not  the  io 
fcwnesof  mydaiesbe  ended  fbortly?  hiffer  me  ••  therfore, 
that  I  may  a  Utlc  lament  my  forow:  f  Before  I  goe ,  and  re-  ^i 
tutnenot,  vnto  the  darke  land,  that  is  coucred  with  the 

«;  Repentance 

isalwayes  ne 

cefTarie,  but 

moft  cfpecial- niift  of  death:  f  A  land  of  miferie  and  darkenelTe,  where 


C'f death. 

TIic  third 


I!  Sophar 
might  haue 
applied  the 
iiimfelf,  and 
alleaiging  ma- 
nie  thinges, 
which  proued 
nion,  whcrss 
diredly  that 
which  he  af- 
::Iohs  ovne 
aliirnisd  the 

is  the  inadowof  death,  and  no  order,  but  eueilafting  hoj:- 


Chap.  XL 

So^bar  imputcth  lohs  dlfcou-fey  dont  the  uufe  of  his  fo^rtdt  affli^Um,  ii 
tnfolcntie  of  mind^  and  lojuajhie  of  ton^u^yperfxvading  him  to  ackpoWa 
iere^reuoui  ftnnei,  that  fo  he  may  haue  the  reward  of  a  iuji  man. 

BVtfophartheNaamathitc  anfwering/aid:  f  "Why,  ftal  is 
he  that  fpeakcth  manie  thinges, not  heare  alfo?  or  '•  shal  a 
£nan  ful  of  wotdes  be  iuftified?  f  To  thee  onlie  shal  men  hold  5 
their  peace  ?  and  when  thou  haft  mocked  others,  shalt  thou 
be  confuted  ofnone?t  For  thou  haft  fayd:  My  word  is  pure,  4 
and  I  am  cleane  in  thy  fight,  t  And  I  would  wish  that  God  § 
would  fpeake  with  thee,  and  would  open  his  lippes  to  thee, 
•f-  That  he  might  shew  thee  the  fecretes  of  wifdom,  and  that  ^ 
his  law  is  manifold,  and  thou  mighteft  vnderftand  chat  thou 
art  cxacfled  much  lefTcr  thingss  of  him,"- then  thy  iniquitie 
defcrueth.-j-  Pcraduenturc  thou  wih  comprehend  the  fteppes  7 
oFGod,  and  wil  find  out  the  Omnipotent  perfedly  ?  f  He  is  8 
hisher  thcnhcauen,  and  what  wilt  thou  doe:  deeper  then 
hcl,and  how  wilt  thou  know  ?t  The  meafureof  himis  Ion-  9 
ger  then  the  earth,  and  brodcr  then  the  fea.  f  If  he  (hal  ouer-  10 
throw  al  things,  or  (hal  ftrayten  them  into  one,  who  shal  fay 
geainll  him?  \  For  he  knowcth  the  vanitie  of  men,<S:  ff  ing  ini-  n 


C?    I  OB.  1075 

ti  quity  doth  he  not  cofider  :|  A  vaine  man  is  cxrollcd  into  pride,  contrarie; 

15  andthinketh  himfelf  borne  free  asa^rildeafies  colt.  ^  But^'^'^'J* 
thou  haft  confirmed  thy  harr^^  haft  Ipred  thy  handes  to  him. 

24  f  If  thou  Ihalttake  a'way  from  thcc  the  iniquitic  ••  that  is  in -He  could 
ij  thy  hand, and  iniuftice  remaine  not  in  thy  tabernacle;  f  Then  notiuftlycott- 
mayft  thou  life  vp  thy  face  \rtbouc  fpotte,  and  thousbalt,  ^'h'^ /'j'^^*'^!* 

16  be  ftabie  ,  and  ilialc  nor  fearc.  f  Thcu  shak  alio  forget  mife-  not  coimttcd 

17  rie,  andshalt  remember  it  as  vaters  that  are  pafled  .  f  And  ' 
the  brightnesasit  wcrcof  noone  daics,  shal  arifc  to  theeat 

euening  :  and  "when  thou  shak  think  thyfelf  confumedjthou 
i2  shak  rife  as  the  day  ftarre.f  And  thou  shalt  haue  confidence, 
hope  being  (et  before  thee,  and  buried  thou  shak  flccpe  fe- 
tp  cure,  f  Thou  shak  reft,  and  there  shal  be  none  to  terrific 
i.o  thee:  and  vcrie  manie  shal  bcfech  thy  face .  f  But  the  cies  of 
theimpiousshaldecay,andcfcapeshalfailc  them,  and  thcic 
hope  the  abomination  of  the  fculc. 
lohshrViththe  l{»owle^eyTt;hich  bis  fretnJs  much  houfi  of,  to  he  the  com* 
mm  k.norene  do^nn  of  Gods  feruantes.  He  more  trulj^  And  mare  pro- 
foundly dtjcourfeth  of  Godspcwre  and  'fpifdomcj  j^d  defending  his  orvnc 
wnocencie  in  ref^eflef^rurfmnes, 

■11  Xy^'^  lob  anfwering/aydtfAre  you  then  men  alone,&  shal 

3  JlJ  vKcdomedie  with  you.'  j  1  alio  haiie  a  hart  enenasyou, 
neither  am  linfcriour  to  yoa:for  who  is  ignorarof  thcfe  rhin» 

4  ges,\p'hich  you  know?  f  He  that  is  mocked  of  hisfrendasl, 

shal inuocatc  God  &  he  wil  hcateh!ra:for  the-  liroplicitieof  ::Godfuffc- 

5  theiuftmanisfcorned.  -f  The  larapecontemincdin  thecogi-  icthhisfim- 

6  rations  of  the  richc  ,isprepared  ro  the  time  appointed.  I  The  p'c"uemca- 
tabernacles  of  robbers  abound, &  they  prouokc  God  bouldly,  "c  "''robe  fcor^' 

7  -wheras  he  hath  geuenalthingos  into  their  handes. 7  Foraskc  ncdforthc 
the  beaftes- and  they  shal  teach  thee:  and  the  foulcs  of  the  time,  bu:af-. 

5  ayre  ,and  they  shal  tel  thee,  f  Spcake  to  the  earth,  and  it  shal  ^"T^'/  ^^\ 

9  anfwer  thee,  and  the  fishes  of  the  Tea  shal  tel.  t  Who  is  igno-  ^^^^^^^^^^ 
I         »i         ir         T        .11  ,11/-..       ^  berorcedto 

10  rant  that  the  hand  ot  our  Lord  hath  made  al  thcle  things?f  In  cDnfefTcjthac 

■whofe  hand  is  the  foule  of  cuericliAiing  thing,  and  thefpirit  thofcwhom 

41  cfal  the  flesh  of  man.  t  Doth  not  the  earc  difccrne  vrordes,  ^^^"^ '^^"^^'^ 

52  and  the  iawcs  of  him  that  eateth  ,the  taft?  t  In  theancientes  .^'^^'*^°"  '^ 

■  r    \  1  •     '  11  in  honour  Dc- 

15   jswiiedom,  and  m  long  time  prudence,  f  With  him  isvife-  fore  God. ^tf^. 

24  dom  and  ftrength,  he  hath  counrelandvndcrftanding.tif  he  i.y.y 

ihaUeftroy,  thcrsisnoman  t-st  can  build:  ifheshut  vp  a 

P  p  p  p  p  p  z  man. 

107^  The  booke 

man  ,  there  is  none  that  can  open .  -f  If  he  bold  in  the  xraters,  i; 
al  things  shal  be  dried  ;  and  if  he  fend  them  forth  ,  they  shal 
oiaerthrovp' the  earth,  f  With  him  isftrength  and  wifcdom;  iS 
heknowethboththcdeceiuer,&him  thatis  deceiued.  f  He  17  ' 
T:Craftieplot-bringeth  -  counfelers  to  a  foiish  end,  and  iudges  to  afto- 
tersof  deuifcsnishment.  f  He  loofeth  the  belt  ofkings  jandgirdeth  theinS 
atlaft  byGo  s  j-^jj^^j  ^j^j^  a  corde.t  He  leadeth  away  Pricftes  without  dc  15 

iuftpunilhe-        .  ,_         ,  ,'  ,    r^i  ■  Li-^r 

mcntcommit  tie,  and  fupplantech  the  great  men,  f  Changmg  thehppe  of  20 
fo  great  ab-     the  true  ,  and  taking  away  the  doArine  of  the  andentes.  "f  He  zi 
furdires, that  powreth  out  contempt  vpon  princes,  releeuing  them  that 
tbc  mcaneft     j^^j  ^^^^  opprefled.  f  Who  reuelerh  profound  things  out  of  iz 
ioll^r^  "'^  darkencfTcj  and  bringerh  forth  the  shadow  of  death  into 

°  iight.f  Who  multiplieth  nations,  and  deftroycth  them,  and  25    ' 

reftoreth  thedeftroyed  whole  agayne.  t  Whoghangeth  the  24 
hartof  the  princes  of  the  people  of  the  earth  ,  and  deceiueeti 
them,  that  they  may  goe  m  vayne  where  is  no  pafl'age.f  They  1^' 
shal  grope  as  in  the  darke ,  and  not  in  the  light ,  and  he  shal 
naake  them  goe  amis  as  druncken  men. 

Chap.     XIII. 
of  their  otVfieyporJes  Uh  confuteth  his  adHerfaries\tbdt  they  hauefioken  thai 
'^hich they  kpo'^  not,  \7,.defendifthhis  cwne innocencie .  11.  dffttin^  of^ 
God  ^if  hehedfpciedforfecreteftnntSy  that  he  may  know  them. 


Ehold  minecieftatli  fecneal  thefethinges,  and  mine  t 
eareharh  heard,&I  haue  vndetftood  euerie  thing,  t  Ac-  t 
cording  to  your  knowledge  I  alfo  do  know:  neither  am  I  in- 
feriourto  you.  f  But  yet  I  wil  fpeake  ta  the  Omnipotent,  5 
and  I  couet  to  difpute  with  God  .  j-   Firft  fhewing  you  to  4 
be  forgers  of  lying,  and  mainteyners  of  pcruerfe  opinions, 
f   And  would  God  ye  would  hold  your  peace_^  ,  that  you    ; 
might  be  thought  to  be  wife  men.  f  Heare  ye  therfore  6 
my  correptJons,  and  attend  the  iudgement  of  my  lippes . 
f^°^*finno  t  Hath  God  needeofyourlye.that  for  him  you  fpeake  guiles.    7 
J""clewa""°'tE>oey^'^fakeiiispefron,anadoeyouendeuour::  to  iudge     S 
beftknov/en   for  God  ^  t  Or  fhal  it  pleafe him  from  whom  nothing  can  be    9 
to  Goa,nex  t    concealed,  or  fhal  he  be  deceiued  as  a  man,wirh  your  fraudu- 
tohisownc     j'cj^j(jeaiings?t  He  ChalreproueyoUjbecaufein  fecrete  you  10 
notMaTt"his  take  his  perfon.  t  Forthwith  as  he  {hal  moue  himfelf,  he  ftial    ii 
aduetfarics,     trubje  you :  and  his  rerrour  (hal  come  violently  vpon  you. 
that  prcfuraed  |  Your  memorie  (hal  be  compared  to  ashes,  and  your  neckes  la 
to  iudge  ther-  fl^al  be  brought  into  clay,  t  Hold  your  peace  a  litle  while,  i} 

OF  lo  B.  ic>77 

thati  raay  fpeakc,  whatfofucr  my  m'lnde  slul  prompt  me.  ::ltrcmc(3to 

14  I  :•  Why  doe  I  teare  my  flesh  with  my  teeth,  &■  carie  my  foulc  "."  ^duerfa- 

15  in  my  handes?  f  Although  he  shal  kil  me,  I  wil  '•'•  truft  in  ^°n 

16  him:  but  yet  I  wilreproue  my  waiesin  his  fight,  f  And  he  dial  he  vould  tear 
be  my  fauiour  ?  for  no  hypocrite  shal  come  in   his  fight.  Iiis flesh, and 

J7  f  Heareye  my  word  ,  and  receiue  theobfcurc  fayings  with  ^^^^^  himfclf, 
18  your  cares,  t  ^^  I  shal  be  indeed,  "  i  know  that  I  shal  be  ^!1,^^^^.]°^ 
\^  found  luft.  fWi^at  is  he  that  wil  bemdged  with  mc?  let.  him  if  one  held  his 
20  corae.-why  am  I  confumsd  holding  my  peace?  t  Two  things  foule  in  his 
only  do  not  to  me,  and  then  shal  I  not  be  hid  from  thy  face:  Handrcadicto 
21  t  Make  thy  hand  far  from  me,  and  letnot  thy  feare  terrific  ^^^  ^ 
2i  me.  f  Cal  me,  and  I  wil  anfwer  thee:  or  els  I  wil  fpcake,  and  ;;Hevasin 

25  doc  thou  anfwer  me.-[  How  great  iniquires  and  finncs  I  haue,  extreme  an- 
24  my  wicked  dcedes  and  my  offences  "shewe  thou  me.  f  Why  guifli,butftil 
2;  hideft  thou  thy  face,  and  thinkeft  mc  thine  enemy?  f  Agaii^l^  ^^d     ^" 

theleafe,  that  is  violently  taken  with  the  wind, thou  sheweft  ;;He"denieth 

26  thy  might,  and  perfecuten:  drie  fluble.  f  For  thou  writeft  thatheisguif 
bitterncsaoainft  me,  and  wilt  confume  me  with  the  finnes  ticinconfci- 

;  27  ofmyyou:h.  fThcu  haft  put  my  fecte  in  the  ftockes,  and  j,""ro"k^o^' 

haft  obferuedal  my  piches,  and  haft  confidercd  the  ftcppcs  ^fGod  jfhe 

28  of  my  fcete.  I  Whoasrorrenesam  to  beconfumedjandas  a  haueaniehid 

garment,  that  is  eaten  of  the  moth.  fmnes  which 

Chap.   XI 1 1 1.  waS"°' 

^^Taine  loh  Jefcriyeth  the  miferies  of  mans  life.  5.  Neuertheles  dds  ^rCAt 

^rowdence  towards  him.  7.  profejfuhhis  beUefe  of  the  I^ffurrection, 

1  Xyf  An  borneof"  woman,  liuing  a  short  time,isrepleni- ='J^ '=^'j^';<='^ 

2  XVJL  shed  with  many  mfeiries.  f  "^ho  as  a  flowre  comcth  fji^f"a^J./^^ 
forrh  and  is  deftroyed,  &  fleeth  as  a  shadow,  &  neuer  abideth  fr:,^,!  themo- 

3  in  thefameftate.  f  And  doeft  thoucounreit  a  worthy  thing  ther,  andha- 
to  open  thine  eies  vpon  fuch  an  one,  and  to  bring  him  with  umgonlya 

4  thee  into  iudeement?  f  \7ho  can  make  cleane  him  that  is  ^^"^P^'^    '  ^> 

•       1     r  1  n     y      ■     •  I  1  •    1        1-  continually 

concerned  of  vncleane  (cede  ?  is  u  not  thou  which  onlie  art?  tending  to 

'  5  •}•  The  daiesofman  are  short,  &  the  number  of  his  monethes  death,  can  not 

is  with  thee,  thou  haft  appointed  hislimitres  ••  which  can  butbc  fubicft 

C  notbcpalTed.  t  Depart  allele  from  him,  that  he  may  reft,  ^o*^''-"'^  ^''« 

vntil  his  day  wished  for,  come,  euen  as  the  hyrcd  man.  jtfelfc though 

7  t  A  trechath  hcpcrifit  be  cnr,ir  waxcthgrecne  agrine,  and  itmayfemc 

8  theboughes  thereof  (pring.f  If  his  roote  be  c!d  in  the  earth,  longJsaliini- 
5?  and  the  trupcke  therof  be  dead  in  the  duft.  t  At  the  fert  of  .'"^^  thing,and 

.,,-.  ,,r,t  .  isvcry  fhoitc, 

vatcntsballpring,  and  brmg  forth  ]eaucs,2S"whcn  ir  was  ^ca  hath  no 

Pppppp  3  iirft 

in  refped 
of  eternitie, 
which  is  infi- 
»itc  yeiGod 
hath  care  to 
bring  this 
tQteco  life 

tcsa^ter  death 
are  not  affli- 
cted j^ith  the 
children, as 
they  be  in  this 

The  fourt 

ij'Eliphrz  not 
reafons,  rai- 
him,  as  if  he 
to  God,  or 
taught  others 
to  cad  away 

1078  The  booke 

firftplantcJ.  f  Butxrhen  manshal  be  dead,  and  naked  and  x© 
confumed,  whereis  he  I  pray?  -j-  As  if  the  waters  should  de-  11 
parrout  ofthefea,andariuern:)adcemptie  should  be  dried 
vp.  •{•So  man  xs' hen  he  is  a  fleepeshalnocrireagayne,ril  hea-  11 
uen  perish,  he  shal  not  awake,  nor  rife  vp  out  of  his  fleepe. 
t  who  wil  grant  me  this,  that  in  hei  thou  proredt  me,  and  15 
hideme,  tilthy  furiepaffe,  and  appoyntme  a  time,  wherin 
thou  wilt  remember  mc?  f  Shal  manthatis  dead,  thinkeft  14 
thou^liue  agayne?  al  the  daies,  in  which  I  am  now  in  warfare, 
I  expedvntilmy  changedocome.  t  Thoushaltcal  me,  and  ij 
Ishalanfwer  thee:  to  the  worke  of  thy  handes  thou  shak 
reach  thy  right  hand. -f  Thou  in  dede  haft  numbred  my  fiep-  16 
pes;  but  thou  wilt  fparc  my  finnes.  f  Thou  haft  fealed  my  17 
offences  as  it  were  in  a  bag, but  haft  cured  mine  iniquitie.  f  A  iS 
inounraine  falling  (Tideth  downe,  and  a  rock  is  remoued  .out 
orhisptace.  f  Waters  make  ftonesholow,  and  with  inunda-  19 
tion  the  earth  by  litle  and  iitle  is  confumed:  and  men  iherfore 
thoushaltdeftroy  in  like  maner.  -{■  Thou  haft  ftrengthcned  20 
him  a  litle  that  he  might  pafTe  away  foreuer:  thou  shalt  chage 
his  face, and  shait  fend  him  forth,  -f  Whaher  his  children  21 
shal  be  noble,  or  vnnoblc,  he--shalnot  vnderftand.  f  Butye^r  it 
his  flesh  whiles  he  shal  liue  shal  haueiorow,  5c  his  Louie  shal 
mournc  vpon  himlelf. 

Chap  XV. 
ElifhiiXjgaineclargdh lohto  haue fpeken f^reftimptuoifJI^O"  hlafphernouf- 

Ij.  1/^,  auouchetb  that  no  man  li  tnnocsnt  nor  ttij},  10,  ilejcril/it)^  the  ma- 

hditlion  of  impous  andhypochrites^ 

BVxEliphaz  theThcmaniteanfwering.raydrf  ^il  a  wife  r 
man  anfwer  as  it  were  (peaking  into  the  wind,  and  fil  his    2. 
ftoraacke  with  burning?  j-  Thou"  reproueft  himin  wordes,   5 
that  is  not  equal  to  thee,  and  fpeakeftthat  which  is  not  ex- 
pedient for  thee,  t  As  much  as  is  in  thee,  thou  haft  euacuared  4 
feare, and  haft  taken  awiy  prayers  before  God.  f  ^^^  thine  5 
iniquitie  hath  taught  thy  mouth,  and  ihoudoeft  imitate  the 
tongue  ofblafphemers-t  Thine  owne  mouth  shal  condemne    6 
thee,  and  not  1:  and  thy  lippcs  shal  anfwer  thee.  •\  Waft  thou  7 
the  fi.ft  man  boine,  and  formed  before  the  litle  hillcs?  f  Haft  S 
thou  heard  Gods  ccunfcl,  and  shal  his  wifcdome  beinfcriour 
to  thee?  I  what  doeft  thou  know,  that  we  are  ignorant  oi?  ^ 
whatdoeft  thou  vnderftand  that  we  know  not?  t  There  are  16 


OF    TOB,  107^ 

both  oldmen  and  ancientcsan  org  vs,  much  elder  ihcr  thy 

11   fathers. f  Is  it  a  great  matter  thai  God  should  cciTsfoiih  rhtc: 

li  butthy  raughtiewordes  hinder  it.  j  Why  doth  ihy  hart  eic- 

uate  thee,  and  as  thinking  great  ihingcs,  haft  thou  cftonicd 

15  eics.  f  NVhydoeth  thy  fpirjc  {vcelagaynfi.  God,  to  vtter  fuch 

14  vrordes  out  of  thy  mouth,  t  "^'hat  is  man,  that  he  should  be  ::itisaver7 

"  without  fpor,  and  that  the  borne  of  a  \romaii  should  ap- rare  priuilegc 

15  pcarc"  iuft?t  Behold  among  his  faindes  none  is  immutable,  ^^^^  vithoat 

16  and  the  hcauens  are  not  cleane  in  his  fight.  ■\  Ho>37  much  ^^°^'  ^ 
more  is  man  abominable,  and  vnprofitabic,  who  drinketh  Vcni'alfinncs 

17  iniquitie  as  it  ^y ere  water  ?t  I  wil  shew  thee,  heare  me-,  that  may'bcina 
iS  which  I  hauefeene  I  wil  tel  thee,  f  Wifcmcn  confefie  and^u^^^^^Q* 

19  hide  not  their  fathers.  j-To  whom  onlie  the  earth  was  geuen, 

20  and  ftranger  hath  not  palTed  by  them,  f  The  impious  is 
proud  al  his  daies,  and"' the  number  of  the  yeares  of  his  tv- 

21  rannieisvncertaine.  I  Thefound  ofterrourisalwaies  in  his  -AlthefcmH 
cares:  and  when  there  is  peace,  he  alwaics  fufpcdeth  irea-  d'cnr^W"^"' 

ai  Ton.  t  Hebeleuethnotthathemay  returne  from  darkenede  kicked,  bat 
tolight,  looking  round  about  for  the  fword  on  euerie  fide,  arefalflyap- 
X5  t^^^"^cshalmouc  himfelf  to  (eeke  bread,  he  knoweth  phcd  to  ho- 
44  that  the  dayofdarkenelfeis  prepared  in  his  hand,  f  Tribula-  |j*!°^.;*'^**.'^ 

tion  shal  terrific  him, and  diflrefle  shal  corapafle  him,as  a  king 
2j  that  is  prepared  to  battehf  For  he  hath  ftretchcd  his  hand 
againft  God,  and  is  ftrengtbcned  againft  the  Omnipotcnci 
16  I  He  hath  runne  againft  him  with  necke  fee  vp  right,  and  is 
A7  armed  with  a  fatteneckc.  fFatnefTc  hath  couered  his  face, 
a8  and  from  hi»  fides  there  hangethtalluw.  f  He  hath  d'crclt  in 
defolatecities,  and  in  defert  houfes,  that  are  broughj  into 
a^  hillockes.  f  Heshalnotbe  eniiched,  neither  shal  his  fub- 
ftance  continew,  neither  shal  he  put  his  roote  in  the  carch. 
31  -j-Heshalnot  depart  outofdarkenes,  the  flame  shal  dric  his 
boughes,  and  heshal  be  taken  away  with  the  fpirir  cf  his 
51  ownemouth.  t  Hcshalnoc  bcleeue  vaincly  decchied  wich 
51  err»ur,thathemay  be redemed  with  anie  price,  t  Before  his 
daics  be  accomplished,  he  shal  perish:  and  his  handes  shal 
55  wither.  jHiscluftcr  in  the  Fuft  flower  shal  be  hurt  as  a  vine, 
54  and  astheoliue  treccaftmghis  flowrr.  -f-  For  the  congrega- 
tion of  the  hypocrite  is  b.^rren,  and  fire  shal  deuoure  their 
35   tabernacles,  which  gladly  rake  giftes-tHe  conceiued  forow, 
and  hath  brought  forth  inicpitie,  and  his  wouibe  prcprarc:h 


loSo  ThH    BOOK! 

Chap.  XVI. 
loh  moued  hy  his  im^Qfiuns  freindes^  4.  exfojiuUteth  ile'tr  feueritie,i  1.  fur" 

therdefcrtbeth  his  affii^ torn,  and  a^peaUih  to  Gods  iud^ement^ihaiks 

fnffereth  more  then  btsjinnes  deferue,     • 

BVt  lob  anrweringfaydtf  I  hauc  heard  often  times  fuch  i  a 
things,  ■•heauieconforters  you  are  a!.  fShalwordes  ful  j 
freindliecom- of  winde  haueanend  ?  or  13  anie  thing  trublelome  to  thee, 
forcers  ought  jf  j-j^gy  fpeake?  1 1  ^1^0  could  fpeake  thinges  like  to  you  :  and  4 
Ifflided  with  would  God  your  foulc  Were  for  my  foule.  f  I  al(o  wouldcon-  j 
patience,  aad  fort  you  with  wordcSj  and  would  wag  my  head  vpon  you. 
not  vnmerci-  •}- 1  would  ftiengthen  you  with  my  mouth,  and  would  moue  6 
fullychargc     ^^y  lippes,as  fparing  you*  f  But  what  shal  I  doe?  If  I  fpeake,  7 
him  wu  1  cri-         p^me  wil  not  reft:  ahd  if  I  hold  my  peace,it  wil  not  depart 
mes  wnicn  j  t  ii/t^i  i«i  n 

they  neither    from  me.  f  Bat  "O"^^  "^7  lo^^o^hath  opprelied  me,  and  al  my  b 

know,  nor  his  Ummes  are  brought  to  nothing,  f  My  wrinkles  giue  teftimc-  9 
confcienceis    nie againft  me,  and- a  falfe  fpeaker  is  ray(ed  vp  againft  my 
?.^'"^  ataffli-  ^^^^  concradiding  me.  f  He  hath  gathered  his  furievpon  me,  i® 
aion!^when^  and  threatening  me  hath  gnaihed  againft  me  with  his  teeth, 
one  fulofpai- mine  enemy  hath  beheld  me  with  terrible  eies.f  They  haue  ii 
neanddiftres  opened  their  mouthesvpon  me,  and  exprobating  haue  ftrcto- 
isalfo  forced    J^^n  my  cheke,  they  are  filled  with  my  paines.  t  God  hath  la 
to  defend  his     ^  ^  •  .     1  •    1      1  1  1  *^  i     j   ••  1 

o^s'ne  inno-     ^^^  ^^  ^P  ^'^^^  ^"^  wicked  man,  and  hath  deiiuered  me  to 
cencie  againft  the  hands  of  the  impious,  f  I  (ometime  that  welthie  one  fo-   15 
calumniators,  (jenly  am  broken:  he  hath  held  my  necke,  broken  me,  and 

fet  me  to  himfelf  as  it  were  a  marke.  f  He  hath  compafted  me  14 
with  his  fpeares,  he  hath  wounded  my  loynes,  he  hath  not 
fpared,and  hath  powred  out  on  the  earth  my  bowels,  f  He  ij 
hath  cut  me  with  wound  vpon  wound,he  hath  come  violent* 
ly  vpon  me  as  it  were  a  giaiit .  f  I  haue  fowed  fackcloth   16 
vpon  my  fkinne  ,  and  haue  couered  my  flesh  with  ashes.    -. 
f  My  face  is  fwollen  with  weeping,  and  my  eyeliddes  are  17 
::  As  theaduer  dimme-fThefe  thinges  haue  I  fuffred  '•■  without  the  iniquitie  18 
fariesftilob-    of  my  hand,  wheras  I  had  cleane  prayers  to  God.  f  Earth  19 
jedgreatini-  couer  not  my  bloud,  neither  let  my  crie  find  place  in  thee  fo 
'^"r'^^'lS   bthid.t  Forbeholdmy  witncfieis  in  heauen,  and  he  that  1© 
[hem'thefamc  kncwcth  my  confcience  on  high,  f  My  freindes  ful  of  wor-  it 
trueanfwer.    des:  mine  eiediftilicth  vnto  God.  7  And  would  God  a  man  22. 
i-nightTobeiudgedwithGod,asthefonneof  man  is  iudgcd 
'  with  his  companion,  f  For  behold  the  short  ycares  pafTe  a-  2.5 
'    Way,andl  walkethepath,byth£  wbichlshalnotretiirae.  . 

C  H  A  P. 

OF     l03.  I081 

Chap,    XVII. 
I^orthe^i'CiOfipiCSofhisp.imcIebex^e^cihJpfr'iieJui^)  ^.cburgcth  his  fve- 
indes  rriihfohejcr  hoUi!7o  only  remuneration  w  ihn  life^d.hitr/jdjhf^etb 
knpfie  reft  in  th(  other  "WcrU. 

i   A  /f  Y  fpiric  fnal  be  estenuated,  tny  daies  (hal  be  (horte- 

2  XVX  ned,  and  the  giauc  only  remaineth  for  me.  t  I  hauc 

3  -nor  tinned, andmineeic  abiderh  in  bitcerneflb.  •{■  Deliucr  •••Not  haulnj 
me,  and  fee  me  beiide  thee,  and  let  anie  mans  hand  fight  ^°™"}itt«'^ 

4  againftrae.  t  Tnou  had  made  their  hart  far  from  difcipline,  h'e'^was'^diar- 

5  and  ther fore  they  shal  not  be  exalted,  f  He  promifcrh  2  praye  gcdwitha/,  in 
^  tohisfclowes,and  the  cies  of  his  children  llTalfailc-  f  He  this  dublc  bit- 
hath  fet  me  as  ic  were  for  a  proucrbe  of  the  comon  people,  tcmcsofcor- 

7  and  I  aman  example  bctore  them,  f  Mme  cie  is  dimne  for  andcalumni- 
indignation,  and  mv  members  ate  brought  as  it  vrere  to  no-  ation,hiscye 

8  thing,  t  Theiuit  ihai  bcaftonicdvpon  this, and  iheinnocent  wasfnlvpon 

9  flia!  beraifed  vp  againft  the  hypocrite,  -f  And  the  iuft  (hal  %°^'"{^'^ 
hold  his  w.iy,  and  with  cleanc  handes  thai  adde  ftrength.  \^J^^eA    ^   ^' 

I®  fBeal  you  therfore  conuerted,  and  come,  and  1  (hal  nor 

II  iindeamong  ycu  anie  >3rireman.  •}■  My  Jaies  haue  pafTcd,  my 

li  cogitations  are  diffipated,  tormenting  my  hart:  f  Night  they 

haue  turned  into  day,  and  againe  after  darkenefTir  I  hope  foe 

13  light,  t  Ifi  (hil  cxpedt,  *  ••  hclismy  houfcjandindarkcnefle  ;;Thisfext 

14  I  haue  ra-idc  my  bed.  f  t  haue  fayd  torcttencs:  Thou  art  ray  flicvctheni- 

i;  father,  mv  mother,  and  my  filter,  to  wormcs.  -f  Where  \s  dcndytliat 

now  then  mv  expedation,  and  my  patience  \rho  confide-  ^Y^^^'f^\    . 
/-         !,Ai  I-  niir         1-  n.j  II      L  placcofrcft     1 

16  reth.  f  Al  my  rhmges  (hal  deicend  into  mott  decpchcl :  there  called kcl. 

at  thclcaft,  (hal  I  haue  reft  thinkeft  thou? 

Chap-     X  V  1 1 1. 

SttUxdfetteth  ypon  loh  agiine,  cbirgeing  him  with  prefent  impatiencey 

and  former  imptetit,  6,  4nd  th*t  therfore  be  fiifereth  IPortpie  ^iiniib-  The  fifth  cou- 

ment,  flict. 

1  TJ  V  T  Baldad  the  Suhite  anf>y ering,  fayd:  f  How  long  wil 

2  13  "  yefpeakevaunring  wordcs?vnderftandye  firft,  and  fo  -^^J-^^Pff- 
5  let  vslpcake.t  Why  are  wc  reputed  as  beaites,and  accoun-  fpcakcconfi- 

4  ted  vile  before  you?  f  Which  deftroyeft  thy  (oulc  in  thy  furic,  dcntly  as  the 
shal  chc  earth  be  forfaken  for  thee,  and  thai  rockcs  be  tranl-  common  do- 

c  ported  out  of  their  place?  t  Shal  not  thelicht  of  the  impious  «^""  o^"^-|"»c 
I  •         -,11         I     1      A  c  1  ■    Li  I  ■  ,*..r-i       oppolcth  him 

6  beexringuimcd,and  thcllameor  his  hrc  not  shine?  f  The  fclf  ncwerthc- 

licrhtshal  bedarkcinhis  tabernacle,  and  the  candel  that  is  icsatiainfthim 

Q^qqqqq  oucr 

loSz  Th  E    P  O  O  K  E 

and  alii.iat       ouer  hiin^  slial  be  extinguished,  f  Tht  flcppcs  of  I  is  poorer    7 
thuicicvfis  he    j|^.  j  ^^  Jiraytened;  and  his  owne  connitl  sbai  call  him  downe 
fpeJceth  as  to  ^'^eadlong.  f  Foi  he  hath  thi  iid  his  fcete  into  a  ncrte,  and  wal-  8 
nianie  in  the     keth  in  the  m^ashes  thtrof.  f  The  I'ole  of  his  foofc  shal  be  htid  9 
plural  num-    in  a  fnarc^and  chirll  shrJ  burne  againfl  hiro. -f  Hisginneis  hid  10 
ber,  yyUye      -^^  chctarth,and  his  fpnngvpon  the  path.  |  Fcares  shal  tcrri-  11 

Jbrmrc!k&°bj$  ^'^  ^^'^°'^^"^^^°^^^>^"'^^^'**^^^^  "^^^^"'^'"'S'^  ^""^'^^  t  Let  u 
feleves ;  <zre     his  ftrength  be  exrenuated  with  famine, andlet  hungerinuads 
'vye  repyAtd.tic.  his  i'ibbes.  t Let  it  deiioure  the  bcautie  of  hss  skinne,lcr  death  15 
So  hoi'.e^loba  j-hc  firftboine  confumc  his  armes.  '\  Let  his  confidence  be  14 
ctmchdcfV  P^wcked  away  out  of  his  tabernacle,  and  let  deftrudion  as  a 
dedthecom     king  tread  vpon  him  fLet  the  companions  of  iiii-n, that  is  nor,  i| 
jnon  caulc,  his  dwei  in  his  tabernacle,  let  brinfton  be  fprinkltd  in  his  trnr. 
sduerlancs  a     -j- L^t  his  routes  be  dried  downward,  and  his  haruelldtftroy-  \6 
gu.e  0     ^^^^  ej  yp^yarf^  +  Let  the  memorie  of  him  perish  from  the  earrhi  17 
fbmetiuthes'   and  let  not  his  naTi£  be  renowmed  in  the  itrcatcs.  f  He  shal  18 
mixed  tai(e      cxpcl  him  out  of  light  into  darkenelTe,  and  shal  rranfporthim 
thingcschcr-    out  of  the  wotld    f  His  feed  shal  not  be,  nor  his  progenie  in   19 
jn\  s.Gicg.    j^^5  p^f^pip^nQj-aj^ieremnantes in  his  countries.  |.  Inhisd'aie  la 
•  '     '  '  '         the  laft:  shal  be  aftonied,  and  horrour  shal  inuadc  the  fitd. 

•fThefe  are  then  the  tabernacles  of  ths  wicked  man,  and  this  ii 

is  the  place  of  him  that  knoweth  not  Go;^. 
Chap.  XIX. 

loh  Umenteth  o[  hisfrtlndei crusliie,  6  affirmeth  that  his  fo  gre^t  affliFtUn 
ts  net  for  hi>jinnes.  i$.  and  comfortcth  himftlj  tVith  his  l/ndoulited  beliefs 
of  t,-e  c(ej'iirre!Tipji. 

BV  T  lob  anfwering,  fs.yd;  f  Howlonp;docycuafflid  my  i    2. 
'  (oulc,  and  weare  rne  with  wcrdes?  f  Behold,  ten  timts   ^ 
youcounfound  me,andare,  not  ashamed  opprefiing  me.  |  For  4 
although  Ihauebe'ncignorant,mincignorancesh&lbe  with 
nie. -j- But  you  ate  fet  vp  again  ft  me,  and  rcproue  me  wah  my    f 
reproches.  t  At  the  Icafinow  vndeiftand  ye,  that  God  harh  6 
irBlefied  Tob    afFiidf  d  me  "  not  \rith  equal  iudgemtnt,and  hath  compafTed 
(faiths.  Grc- fp,^  ^jfj,  j,jjf-^^yj.p^5^  ^  p^^j^pjj  J  jj^gj^^jg  ^y^^jjj^jg  violence,  7 

fr^y  )  loo-'^  ^"'^^  '^°  "'""  "^^^  hearc  :  I  shalcrie  out,  and  there  is  none  to 
kmo;  fiac-tly   iudge.  -j-  He  hath  hedged  my  path  round  about,  and  I  cannot  & 
onhisowne     p  ille,  and  in  my  way  hath  put  darkencllc.  f  He  hath  fpoiled  9 
L^^' ffl^/i-^^"^     me  of  my  alorie,  and  hath  taken  the  crowne  from  my  head, 
vasprea'er      t  He  hath  dcftrovca  me  on  cu"rie  Iide,  and  I  perish,  and  as  it  to 
iheahisfi-mes  ^Ttr--  fi  j:n  a  tree  pUicksd  hath  he  taken  away  my  hope,  t  His  is 


o  r  1  OB.  10 05 

fuitc  fsvraih  agninfi  ine  ,  r>nc'  lie  hath  Co  acccuntcd  n;t  ?.s  t'cftmca  snd 

11  his  eruavif.  t  His  iViianus  haue  cc-mc  tcrtthtr,  and  hiuc  '*'  t^^itr-^F'*^ 

made  them  Itlues  a-^.iy  by  nie, '^nd  hauc  btliegfd  my  rabcr-  y.iit,i,as,uf> 

13  naclc  found  about,  f  He  luth  m.idc  my  bicthun  far  irotr  nic,  foiGod.Uing 
and  my  acquainrance  2S  ftringcrs  hauc  depsited  from  rue.  iu;ic,cL£:ha 

14  t  My  kini'emcnhaiie  fcruktn  me,  ar.d  they  that  knc^  me         i^^^ta-.t 

/  r  •   T-i  1      ,1  ~  •         /  5  1      crusincofiuftut 

jj  hauc  forgotten  mc. 7  a  he  ghelics  or  my  iioute,  and  my  mayd-  asSPanKpca- 
fciuantes  hauecouiued  nican  ahcne,  and  I  haue  bene  as  it,- 

16  Nt'crcaftrangerintheireies.  t  Icalledmy  fcruanc,  andhe  did  kliit.Tim.^) 
not  aniVer  me,  with  mine  ou-ne  mouth  1  befcught  him. 

17  f  My-^-ife  hath  abhorred  my  breath,  and  I  prayed  the  chil- 

18  drenofmy  vc'ombe.  f  Fooics  alfo  dtfpifcd  m.c,  and  when  I 
ip  was  departed  {-rem  them,  they  backbitcd  me.  f  My  counfe- 

lersfometimc  hau^  abhorred  me:  and  he  ••  whom  I  !oued  ::Alrefiired 
10  mod  hath  turned  a^ainft  me.  t  The  fiesh  bein^confumcd  my  ^°^"'i''i*.'" 

bone  hath  cleaued  to  ray  skinne,and  therearelcft  onhe  np-  .    ,- 

ii  pes  about  my  teeth,  f  Haue  mercie  vpcn  me,  hnue  merc.c  whomhelui 

vpon  me,at  the  my  frcndes,  becaulc  the  h:.nd  ofour  loucdmoft: 

21  Lord  hath  touched  mc.  f  Why  dee  you  as  God  pcrl'ccure  me,  ^^Ilo  ihcifore 

23  andarefilled  with  my  Hesh.  t  N<Mio  wil  prant  mc  that  my  f>"t;h^"^°f;^<^ 
•^  ,  ,  .11  ^11  .       "^"c  loiicd 

NTordes  may  bewrifn?  who^il  gcue  me  that  they  may  be  himacrainc.  ' 

24  dra^ren  in  abookc,  f  \vithyronpenne,andin  p  hte  of  Icade, 

1$  oreJs^ithftile  might  be  grauenin  flmiftontr-f- For- I  know  .•;  AnciprcfTe 

that  my  Redemer  hucth,andin  thehfliday  I  shal  rife  out  of  profcfuon  of 

i4  the  earth,  t  And  I  shal  becompalTedagayne  with  my  skinnc,  R^Y'rudfot"^ 

27  and  in  my  flesh  I  shai  fee  God.  f  whom  I  my  (elf  shal  fee,  and 
mineeiesshal  behold, and"  noneoiher.this  my  hopeis  kyd  ;  yVcflialnTc 

28  vpinmy  bofome.  j-  "Why  then  doe  you  fay  now  :  Let  vs  per-  againe,  not  as 
25)  (ecuti-;  him.and  let  vs  finde  rooreof  wordagaynfthirnrf  Flee  one  trccn"(cth 

therForc  from  the  face  of  the  fwcrd,  because  ihz  {word  is  '"P'^ceotan 
the  rciienger  of  iniquities:  and  know  ye  that  there  is  luJge-  °i,V(clfr!rnc 
inent.  ptifoncs, 

Chap.     XX.  chan^^cam 

Scfhdrauotideihihatfome'^!ckei{menJlori:hforat;mc,iiutiire.ip('r.V4rds  q"-\l'ticsnot 
ifijilj  flawed. I'^.theni^on  condimnctb  Ichas  an  hypocrite,  ^"-  ^ 

I  1  T^  Vt  Sopharthc  Naamathiteanfwering/aydt-j-Thcrforc  ThcHxthcon- 
X-*' my  diuerfe  cogitations' fucccde  one  an  other,  and  my  fli.>, 
5    mmdcisraptinto  fundrie  thmgs.  f  The  dotflrinc,  whcrwith 
thou  reproiicft  mc,  I  wil  hcarc,  and  the  fpitic  of  my  vnder- 
4  ftandingshalanfwcrme.  f  This  I  know  from  the  beginning, 

Q^qqqqq  i  fmcc 

10B4  '  Th^   booke 

fince  mm  's^aspkced  vpon  the  earth,  f  f  uat  the  praife  of  the  § 
rsAl  mans  life  impious  is- shorr,  and  tlieioy  of  the  hypocnce  as  it  wtrt  for 
isfnortand  as  ^moment;  f  Ifliss  pride  rife  vp  eucn  to  the  heaucn,  and  his  ^ 
compasifon  head  toiicli  tnc  cloudes:  f  As  adunghii  m  the  end  he  shai  be  7 
ofeternitie;  dcftroyerd, and  they  thar  had  (ens  him, shalfay:  "Where  is  ht? 
baritisnoc  -j- As  a  dtcame  fhar  fleerh  away  he  shai  not  cjC  found,  he  shal  S 
alvvaycsrrue  pafle  as  a  vifion  bv  ninhr:  f  The eie  that  had  fene  him,  shal  9 
thatrhevfiked    '        ,       ,  .  •   ,        "^  1     1   .  •        i  1     .      1  1   1  • 

areftiortiy  pa    "Of  if c  him,  neither  shal  his  place  behold  him  anie  more. 

nidiedinre-      f  His  children  shal  come  to  naught  with  pou  rfie,  and  his  10 
ipcdotthis      handes shal  render  h:m  his forow.  f  His  bones  shal  be  fiUtd   12 
hie,  as  this        vfitU  the  vices  of  his  you:h,  and  th.y  shal  flecpe  v-viih  him  jn 
cth'uuj^iji'ouc  fJicduft. -j-  ForwheneuUshalbe  f\Tcereinhismou'h,hc^'il  11 
lobtoimpi-      hide  it  vnier  his  to^gue.  f  He  wil  fparc  it,  and  not  Icaue  it,  15 
ous.  Ther-       and  wil  hide  it  in  bis  throte.  +  His  bread  in  his  belly  shal  be   14 
fore  lob  anf-     turned  into  the  gmie  of  '''afpes  within  him.  f  Thendhes,   ij 
Ztxt\Tlet     "^hich  he  hath  dtiiourcdjheshal  vomire  <uu,  and  God  shal 
02^15.  That  or-  draw  them  forth  cut  of  his  belly,  f  He  shai  iuckc  the  head  of    & 
din^rily  the      afpes,  and  the  vipers  tongue  shal  kil  him.  (  f  Let  hrni  notl-c  17 
w-ickcf!,  iead     jj^j.  ftjeames  of  ( he  riucr,thc  torrtn  es  or  home,  &  of  bucttr.) 
th^;rcl^yes{to    ^  Hc  shal  be  DunisUcd  ^of  al  thinges  that  he  did,  &  ya  not  be  .1 

WlCtthCil"  ',  ^  1    ■         J  11  iM 

wholehfe)  coiumednccording  to  the  mislnrude  o^  his  inuenrions  lo  al!o- 

in-vveatthand  shalhefuffer.  f  Becaufc  brt  akiPg  in,  be  hath  made  thf  poore  19 

(then)»;»4-««-  naked:  he  hath  violently  takt  n  hcufe,  &  bujlf  ir  nof  t  Nei     lO 

n,ent^oe  J...^  ^^^^-^  j^,.^  j^^j,-^  j^U^j  .  ^^^  ^j^^  ^^  j^^  ^^  i\  haue  the  thmges  he 

•ifo /;«•/.  Sn  the  ,    ,  rr    rr      i  ,    'i^i  j  r 

rcftofthcfc       coucted.hecannotpollelie  tb(m.  f  There  remayncd  not  or  21 
mensailerti-      his  meate,  &  therfore  nothing  shal  cominewc  of  his  goodes; 
onsarc  for       f  When  he  sha!  be  filled,  he  shal  be  Oraytened.  he  shal  burne,  ja, 

iut  iiapp^Iicd    fiiicd,tha!;  he  may  (end  forrh  the  wrath  ot  his  fu'rie  vpon  him, 

andraynehis  battel  vpon  him, t  He  shal  Hte  wcpons  of  vron,  44    _ 
and  shal  fal  vpon  a  bowe  of  brafle.  -j-  The  (word  pliu  kcd  out,  25 
and  coming  for'h  of  his  fcabbard,  and  gliflcring  in  his  bitter- 
nefPer  the  hornble  shal  goe  and  come  vpon  him.  f  Al  daike-  i6 
neifeishidin  his  fecrcrps:  fyre  that  is  not  kindled  shal  de- 
uourchim,heshalbeaflf]idedleaftin  his  tabernacle,  t  The  i/* 
heauens  shal  reuele  his  iniquitie,and  the  earth  shai  ri(e  againft 
him.  t  Thebloflomeofhishoafeshal  beop^'nedjhe  shal  be  ^8 
plucked  do-y/ne  in  the  day  of  Gods  furie.  -f  This  the  portion  ip 
o  an  impions  map.  ffomGod,&  theinheriianceof  his  hordes 
from  our  Lord. 


OF    loB.  JoSy 

Chap.  X  X  I. 
Job  reqnmrg  hfsfrelndfs  to  hayebim,  7.  difcoHrfttb  of  the  caufe,  f^hy  Jorxie 
end  menprofr'cral  thuhfc. 

zi  T>  V  T  lob  anf^^cringjfayd:  fHcare  1  befecVi  you  my  \f'or- 
5    O  d'  s,  »nd  doe  penance,  -f  Ikare  vrith  mc  ,  that  I  alio  may 

fpeake,  and  after  my  wordts,  if  it  shal  (tme  good ,  laugh  ::Thoughkc 

4  je,  t  is  my  difiJUMfinn"  ngiynrt  man,  chat  I  ought  not  vror-  <^*0>"fcd  v/itfi 

5  fhtly  robelori.?  f  Harken  to  me,  and  be  aftonicd,  and  put  iVw7sTonccr- 

6  thefingervponyourmouth.  t  And  {  vrhen  !  shalrcmcmbtT,  ningdiuinc 

7  am  afraydjand  rrcmbitng  shakcth  my  f  Why  then  doc  thingcsnot 
thc-impiousliue, arc  they  aduanced,  and  ftrengihencd  with  ^"fy^^'ntbut 

8  riches.' t  Their  leede  contineweth  beiore  them,  a  multitude  °;j^°  *^^°j 

n       r  •       I  /•    I  uiocncc,  and 

9  of  knilemcn,ando    ntphtvrcs  in  thtir  h^ht  t  Their  houfts  iuitic^,ofrhc 

be  (cure  and  peaceabl-r,  &  ih.- rod  of  God  is  isot  vpon  them.  rdurrciflioH 

TO   t  Their  bullock  bati' conccitu'd,  and  hath  not  made  abor-  o^cteinallife 

tion  ;  tnrir  cow  harh  calu' d,  and  is  rot  dtpriucd  of  hcrcalfe.  ^[''    P^""^" 
II   t  Then  litic  ones  goe  for  h  as  Hockes,  aad  their  infantes  re- 

11  ioyfe  with  p<ilhmcs,  |  They  liold  the  tn-nbrcl,  &  the  harpe,&  .-  Scec/;.  zc. 

15  reiovfe  at  rht  (ciui.d  of  the  organc.j-  They  "lead  rhcir  daie  sin  -»■  j. 

14  wedth,  anhn  a  moiiicnt  thry  goedowne  to  '-'■  hcl.   j-  "Who  :  The  fain': 
layd  to  God  ;  deoarr  fro:-n  vs,  •cpeM'il  not  the  knowlegc  of  thy  ^,"[    '^1? 

15  wa  C'i.  f  Who  IS  the  O  nmpotnr,  rhafxre  should  leruc  him?  jccandLatin 

16  an:!  what  doth  it  prufite  vs  if  we  shal  pray  him  ?  7  But  yer  forhtUsin 
b"cau!e  their  good  things  are  not  in  their  hand,  be  thecoun-  ^^^7  and  17/ 

17  fci  of  the  impious  far  from  me.   t  Ho\roften  shal  the  candel  ^'"'P-^'^\^" 

r  L  I  Lij-          >•  phccs,  which 

or  the  impious  be  txringuished,  and  inunaanon  come  vpon   i^cwcththac 

18  them,  and  shal  he  dcuide  the  forowcs  of  his  furie  ?  f  They  beficieshclof 
shal  beas  chaftf  before  the  face  of  the  winde,  and  as  ashes,  thrdane-d  the 

19  which  the  whirlewinde  fcarrereth.  t  God  shal  rcferucrhcfo-  ""f^*"?  P'^":^ 
rowof  the  father  to  his  v;hildren  :and  when  he  shal  hzuc  ren-  fatlicrsinthe 

JO  dred it, then  sha)  he  know  •}■  His cies  shal  feehisowne  llaugh-  oldTtft.nmcnt 
ii  rer, and  heshal  drinckc  the  furieof  the  Omnipotent,  f  For  was  cilledby 
■whatdocth  it  pcrraync  to  him  concerning  h;s  houTe  after  ^„  -'^"^r*, 
him  ;  although  the  numberof  hi;  monethcs  be  diminished 
11  thchalfe?  f  Shal  anie  m^n  reach  God  knowledge,  who  iud- 
i^  gerh  the  high  ones,  f  This  man  dicth  ftrong and  in  health, 
14  rich  and  happie.  t  His  vowt's  be  ful  of  fattc,and  his  bones 
15  be   mbrevs'cd  witn  marrow,  f  Bur  an  other  dicth  in  birrcr- 
16  nf  He  of  foule  without  anic  riches  ;  f  And  yet  they  shal  (leepe 
J7  together  in  ihcduft,  and  vermes  shal  coutr  them,  f  Surely 

ioS(j  Th  e  boc  ke 

1  know  ycarcogita-ions,  and  vniuit  Icnrcncrs  ngnyi.d  nif. 

•}■  For  you  fay:  Where  is  the  loufe  of  the  ptjr>ce?  and  xt^here  28 

are  the  rabemacles  of  the  ia;piou3?f  /likeanic  of  the  v^ayl^a-  1^ 

ring  a)en, and  you  ilial  vndeiib.nd  chat-he  kno'st'Ciii  fhcfc  {elf 

lame  rhii^ges.  f  BecauTc  theeuii  man  is  keptvjiio  the  day  of  30 

perdirionjandhe  fhal  be  led  to  the  day  of  furie.  f  Who  ibal  51 

reproiiehis  syay  before  him?  and  who  shal  repay  him  the 

thinges  that  he  hathdoncJjHe  (halbe  brought  to  the  graucs,  5a 

and  shal  watch  in  the  heade  of  the  dead,  f  He  hath  bfcne  3} 

f-s^eeteto  thegrauelof  *  CocytusjcS:  after  bira  heshai  dra^rc  >f  arker 

euerie  man,  and  before  hira  innumerable,  f  How  therfoie  54     of  hil. 

doc  ye  comforth  me  in  vayne,whereas  y  cur  anfwer  is  shewed 

to  be  repugnant  to  the  tiuth? 

Chap.    XXII. 
Elipha'XjoHtenJeih  that  Coda  mi  pledjed  yrith  a  iujl  mufts  af/}iBions,  f, 

f<il(Ij  imptiteth  cnormious  crimen  to  holie  Ich^  12.  andgrojjc  enors.  n,  fSfi^ 

sheth  him  th^^rfcre  to  repent y  tbatfo  hi  maj  frojfcr. 

Thcfcucnth     TS  V  T  Eliphaz  theThemaniteanlVering.fayd:  f.  Can  man  i  i 

conflid        ^  j|3  be  compared  '^ith  God  ,  yea  though  he  be  of  perfecl 
.-.•IndcJewhc  Icnovle^e.  t  What  doth  it '•:  piofite  Godif  thou  be  mil?  «c  a 
aiuurnan  ,         ,'-',,'  i  1  \  •        -r    t  1  r  i 

hath  donns     ^"hat  doeii:  thou  aduanrage  him  it  thy  way  be  vnipotted. 

hisdutlchcis  t  Shai  he  be  afraydeto  reprous  theejandcome  with  thee  into   4 
unprofitable    iudgemeni:  f  And  not  for  thy  very  great  malice,  and  thine  in-  / 
*°  ^°^-^"^'j^  finite  iniquities?!  For  thou  haft  taken  away  the  pledge  of  thy  6 
himfelf  vhkh  hrcthrcn  without  caufe,  and  the  naked  thou  haft  fpoylcd  of 
oready'plca  :  clothes,  f  Water  to  the  wearic  thou  had  not  geuen,and  from  7 
lech  God, NK-ho  the  huugtie  thou  hail:  wichdrawen  bread,  j-  In  the  ftrcngch  of  8 
dcfircth  mans  j[jj„g  , j.,^g  JV.^Q^  j^j jj^  podllTe  the  e^rth,  and  being  the  migh- 
|°^^j",^^'^Y^iie{>thoudidrtobreyne  it.  f  Widowes  thou  haJl  Tent  away  9 
God's  gVcris     emptie,  aud  the  armes  of  pupilies  thou  had  broken  in  peeces. 
tbacheisach      -j- Therforc  art  thou  compaiTed  with  fnares,  and  foden  fcare  10 
fBchCcraantes.  tjubj^ffi  thce.f  And  thoughteil  thou  that  thou  shouldefi  not   ii 
M-'if . ;.  T.  X7.    fee  darkenes,  and  that  thou  shouldeft  not  be  opprtiTed  with 

the  violence  of  ouerflowiag  waters?  fDoeft  thou  not  thinke  12, 
that  God  is  higher  then  heauen,  &  is  exalted  aboue  the  roppe 
of  cheftarrcsi't  And  thou  faycU:  For  what  knoweth  God?   15 
andheiadgechas  it  were  by  a  mift.  f  The  cloudes  are  his  14 
couert,-' neither  doth  he  confider  our  thinges,  and  he  wai- 
tadonorS  keth  about  the  poles  of  heauen  f  Docftthou  couecro  keepe  if 
crimcTthL^  thepath  ofworides,  which  wicked  men  hauetroden>t  Who  .6 
'  vcrc 

OF   loB.  1087 

\'7'cre  taken  a^av  before  their  rii-i?,  r.ncj  a  noiicl  h^.i\\  cucr-  ciiVi-^frcliar- 

17  chrowcntheiv  foLindation:  t  ^Vho  l;iya  ro  Goci;  Dfn.ur  from  p.echlio!iclcb 

J         1  ui/-\  ''jj  I  »         alio  villi  hc- 

vs:  and  as  rhough  the  Omnipocent  could  do  nothing,  thty  athnlhciror 

18  ellemsd  him; -j- whereas  he  had  filled  their  houtcs  viih  good  ofthciT^',yp- 

19  thing?,  xs'ho{e  (entence  be  far  from  me.  f  The  lud  shal  fee, 
io  andshalrcivoyfe,  and  the  innocent  man  shal  fkorne  them  f  Is  Ijathr.o  prcui 

not  their  exaltation  cur  do\Tnf,  and  hafh  not  fire  dciioured  •  '^"'^'^^   '"j'* 

,  -  >  1  r  I    •  1    ^^  tfUSWOlld 

21  theremnanres  of  them?  7  Agree  thou  tnerfore  to  him,  and  ^quflotd.'uJt 
hauepejice:  and  by  thefc  thingesthou  shale  haue  the  beft  r.mndo.  textu. 

11  fruites. -j-Receiuc  tticlavr  of  his  mouth,  and  put  his  "wordes  84.  So  Ionic 

23  in  thy  hart,  f  If  chouwilr  rcrurne  to  the  Omoiporent,  thou  '^■^^':^^*^yy 
shaic  be  builded  vp,  and  fhalc  make  inicjuirie  far  from  thy  accuse  Cat'ho- 

24  taberniclv.  f  He  shal  geue  for  earth  umt,  and  for  fiint  tor-  hqucsofcon- 

25  rentes  of  gold.  +  And  the  Omnipotent  shal  be  agriynft  thine  <JciTincd  hcit- 

26  enemies,  &:  filuersha!  be  heaped  together  vnto  rhee.f  Then 
shaltrhou  abound  in  dehghtes  vpon  the  Omnipoten,  and 

27  shale  lift  vp  thy  face  to  God.  f  Thoushalt  aske  him,  and  he 

28  v/il  heare  chee,  and  thou  shal  pay  thy  vowes.  f  Thou  shale 
decree  a  ihing,?.nd  it  shal  come  to  thee,  and  light  shal  shine 

29  in  thy  waies.  •\  For  who  wiS  be  humbled,  shal  be  in  glorie: 

30  and  he  that  wil  bo^  downe  hiseies,  heshal  be  (aued.  -f-  The 
innocent  shal  befaued,  bur  he  shalbeiaucd  in  the  cleannefii 
of  hishandfs. 

Chap.  XXIII. 
loh  ex^tfteth  hd^t  and  ffntence  of  God^  6.  with  iff/}  fixrt,  yd  '^ith  £-ocd 

coftfiicme  mAHitAineih  haowneinmccnae, 


12  T^  V  Tlobanfwerinir,rayd:  t  •"  No'<r  alfo  my  tilke  is  in  r"^"" 
XJ  birtcrneire ,  and  the  hand  of  my  plague  is  aggrauatcd  foirUefhis 

3  vpon  mv  mourninc^.  t  '^''io  vril  grant  ine  that  I  may  knovr  frruicles,  tKcy 

4  and  find  him  and  come  cwcn  to  ••  his  thronert  I  wil  ftc  indcc-  [•''"'ffl't-'^cd 

1     r         I  •  J        !  CI  LI  (  h!ir  mprc  and 

mert  before  him,  and  wii  hi  my  mouth  vrith  acculanons.  ^  , 

j  -f  Tliat  I  miy  know  the  >yordes,thar  he  wil  anlNvcr  me,  and  innhitn  wuh 

6  vnderiUnd  wnat  he  wil  fpeake  to  me.  f  I  \fii  not  that  he  falV- crimes 
contend  -c^ith  me  with  ir.uch  (Irength,  nor  chat  he  cpprellc  aniUocc{;ia- 

7  me  wiih  tlic  vfc  ghcof  his  greatnes.tLct  him  propo(c  icjuitie  ^'^l'"^'^  'j 

8  againfl  mc,and  my  iudgemL-nt  shal  come  to  vidori;-.  f  'f^  of  bc<lif  rind 
shalgoe  to  t'-.c  Eaftjheappeareth  not:  if  to  the  Weil,  I  shal  n-.-.nJ  ::  Thcr- 

9  notvnderlUnd  t  U  to  fhc  left  hand,  whatshal  I  dot-?I  foit  lieaprr^ 
sh.1l  nor  apprehend  iiim:  i'"!  rurne  mvfeff  to  the  ri:'ht  hand,  ^''7^  '°  ^°.^? 

xo  I  shal  not  lee  him, f  ButhcKiiovcth  my  way,&  hath  proucd  |ta,Vioi/;-n- 

n^eas  tcnce. 

loSS  The  booke 

measgold  chat  pafieth  through  the  fyre:  -f  My  foo?e  hathfc-  it 
lowed  his  fteppes,  I  haiie  kept  his  way,  &  haue  not  declined 
oucif  it.  t  Fi'O"^  thecommandementes  of  his  lippes  I  haue  ii 
lioc  departed,  and  I  haue  hid  the  wordss  of  his  mouth  in  ir,y 
bofome.  j- For  heis  alone,  and  no  man  can  turne  a'^-ay  his  i| 
cogi:ation;  and  whatfoeiur  his  iouie  would,  that  hath  he 
done,  f  And  when  he  shal  haue  fulfilled  his  wil  in  me,  manie  14 
other  things  alfo  are  at  hand  wit  him.  f  And  therfore  I  am  15 
triibled  at  hisface,and  conddering,  him  lam  made  psnfife 
"withfearc.  -f  God  hath  molhfied  ray  hart,  and  the  Omnipo-  16 
tent  hath  rrubled  me.  t  Fori  haue  not  pj-riChed  becaufe  of  17 
the  imminent  datkcnefie,  nciiher  hath  the  mill  couered  my 

Chap.     XXIIII. 
Godinhis jfrmldence hTiowcthl^ben  he'Vod  pumsh  the  wkk^dywhich  his 
tmeJirtiAnteikj^owttotiinmhle^e  theimpous, 

:.- Godsfcruan  *T*  I  M  E  s  arc  not  hid  from  the  Omnipcrent;but  they  "  that   i 
tesknowthat      Sl    know  him,know  not  his  daies.f  Some  hauc  transferred   t 
hewilpumfti    boundeSjfpoiled  flockes,&  fed  them. f  They  haue  driuen  away  5 
wicKcJnes,      thcalFe  of  pupilles,(S:  haue  taken  away  the  widowes  oxe  fou.a 
when.tbcwic-  pledge.  •\   they  haue  lubueited  the  way  of  the  poore,  and  4 
kcdprefumc     haue  opptelled  together  the  meeke  of  the  earth,  f  Others  as  j 
thathewil       "wilde  alTcs in  the  deferte  goe  forth  to  their  worke:  v/atching 
"hcm'^''"'^'    to  the  praye,  doe  prepare  bread  for  their  children,  f  They  6 
reape  the  filde  that  is  not  theirs,  and  gather  the  grapes  of  his 
vineyard,  whom  by  violence  they  hau^  oppreifed.  t  They  7 
fend  men  away  naked,  taking  away  their  clothes, which  haue 
no  coueringiri  the  cold,  f  "Whom  the  fhowfrs'of  themoun-  8    ^ 
taynes  doe  watli ,  and  not  hauing  a  couert  ,  they  embrace 
flones.  t  They  did  violence  fpoyling  the  pupillcs,  and  the  9 
comraon  poore  people  they  fpoyled.  \  From  the  naked  and  10 
them  thitgoe  without  clothing,  and  thehungrie  they  haue 
taken  away  the  cares  of  corne.  f  They  haue  relied  the  noone-  11 
tide  among  their  heapes  ,  which  hauing  trodcn.the  wine 
prelFes  are  a  third,  f  Out  oFthe  cities  tney  haue  made  men  to  li 
mourne,  and  the  foule  of  the  wounded  hath  cryed,  and  God 
doth  not  fuffer  it  to  pafle  vnreuengedrf  They  haue  bene  ••  re-  15 
i:Hcictucs     bcUiousro  the  light,  they  haue  not  knowen  his  waves,  nei- 
chinlagaiaft    ther  did  they  retutne  oy  his  pathcs.  f  At  the  vene  brcakeof  14 
their  osvne      day  the  mucclcrcr  ryfeth,  he  kilieth  the  needie,  and  the  poore 


OF    loB.  I08^ 

ij  man;  but  by  nigh:  he  wU  be  as  a  ihctfc.  f  The  cic  of  tlie  ad-  knowlcgr.arc 
uoutcrirobicruechdarkenclVc,  faying:  Eie  fnal  noc  fee  merf/^'^''*^^,!^^"' 

i6  and  he  wiicouer  his  face,  f  tic  digucth  throngh  boulcs  in  bi  nrncs.tlut 
the  darkc,  as  in  the  day  they  had  oppoyiued  with  them  felues,  they  can  noc 

17  andchey  haue  not  knowen  the  hghr.  ■]- If  fodenjy  themor- f<^^  th=  "i^^'^- 
ningshaUppcare,  thfy  chinkc  it  the  ftjadcNv  of  death:  and  "^■^"'<^^"'*"^'^" 

18  theywalke  fo  in  daikeneffsasit  wcrein  hght.  f  Hcis  hghc '^■^^' 
aboae  the  face  of  the  water:  cuffed  be  his  portion  in  the 

J9  earth,neithcr>jralkchcby  theway  ef  ihe  vineyardcs.  f  Lee  ::Sinners  ruu- 
-    himpafle  "-from  fnowe  waters  to  exceding  heate,  and  his  "jng  ''■010 

20  fmneeucnvnto  hel.  f  Let  niercie  forget  him:  >5rormes  his  hothcxtrtmcs 
fweetnes;  behenct  in  remembrance,  but  be  he  broken  in  °^^^^^'='^^" 

21  peecesasan  vnfruitful  tree.  -{-  for  he  hath  feed  the  barren,  ukcwile  pu- 
and  her  that  bareth  not,  and  to  the  widow  he  hath  not  done  mlhcdwuh 

21  good.  -{-He  hath  pulled  downe  the  ftrong  in  his  ftrength,  and  contraiie  tor- 
25  when  he  shal  ftand,  he  wil  not  credit  his  Jife.  -f  God  hath  "^^"^'=^- 

gc-uen  him  place  for  penance,  and  he -abufeth  it  vnto  pride  :  po^i?eotfrcc 
24  bat  his  eies  be  vpon  his  waies.  t  They  ate  elenated  for  a  litle,  wil  oftC  prcfu 
and  shal  not  ftand,  and  shal  be  humbled  as  al  thingcs,and  shal  meth  tolpend 
betaken  away, and  as  the  toppes  of  the  eares  of  corne  they  thcnmeinlm 
2;  flial  be  broken,  t  And  if  it  be  not  fo,  who  can  reproue  me  ^'"f  Zameih 
that  I  haue  lied,  and  Qz  my  wordc  s  before  God?  ^^^^  jo  jo  pe- 

ChAP.    XXV.  nance,forfor- 

BaUad  efideuorcth  adding  to  ternfie  loh^with  Gods  iud^emcntj  from  at>tea~  nicilmaes. 
liB^  tbertOy  and  from  auoHckiTi^kisoiVne  innoccncic,  Horn,  x. 

iz  "p  VxEaldad  the  Suhitcanf'yering.faydif  Power  and  ter-  The  ci<>bc 
AJ  rouris  wirh  him,  that  raaketh  concord  in  his  high  ones,  conflit?. 

3  t  Is  there  anic  number  of  his  louldiars?  and  vpon  whom  shal 

4  not  his  light  arife,  y  ••  can  man  be  iuftified  compared  with  .:Iobanfwe- 

5  God,or  the  borne  Ota  woman  appcareclcane?  f  Behold  the  ^^^^^^0^^- 
moone  alfo  doth  not  {hine,and  the  ftarres  are  not  cleane  in  his  bhnilnd  ob- 

6  fight,  t  How  much  more  man  rortennes,&:  thefomeofman  ftinatedUpu- 
aworme?  teisftil  repete 

Chap.   XXV  L  thcfamcob- 

loh  refnteth  his  acfUerfariese  needles  and  common  urgtmentes,  hj  more  found  ^*'^'°"^*- 
difcourftn^  ofGods^owrCy  and  tvifdome, 

^  TK^'^  lob  answering,  fayd:  f  ::  Whofc  helper  art  thou?  his  ^jjobslic^'ctk 
2  lJthatisweake?anddoeftthouhold  vp  the  atme  of  him,  Co^lncdcth 
5  that  IS  not  flrong?  f   To  whom  haft  thou  geuen  counfel?  raanshdpc: 

Krrrrr  perhaps 


er  IS 

105)4  Thh   booke 

„  ,,   ,  perhaps  to  him,  that  hath  not  vfifdom,  and  ••  thy  priidefice 

Baldads  pru-       i     n.    \  n  J  .     ^„r  11/11  . 

denceableto  halt  thou  fliewed  very  great,  f  Whom  >^ouldc{t  tliou  teach?  4 
helpeifLhere  not  him  that  made  breach?  f  Behold  the  ••  gyantcs  grone  vn-  5 
werenede:  der  the  waters,  and  they  thatdwel  wicji  them.f  Hel  is  naked  6 
::Giantcs  before  him, and  there  1$  no  coucrt  to  perdition,  f  N57ho(lrec-  7 
towidVia  ^  chethoutthe  northwind  ouer  the  vacant,  and  kangeth  the 
Noesfloud,  earth  vpon  nothing.  I  Who  bindeth  the  waters  in  his  clou-  8 
but  were  des,  that  they  breake  not  forth  together  do  wncward.  t  Who  9 

*^h°'*' n-^^ ^^^'^  holdeth  the  countenance  ef  his  throne,  and  fpreddeth  his 

clo\fde  ouet  it.  f  He  hath  made  a  limite  about  the  waters,  til  le 
light  &■  darkenes  be  endedc  f  The  pillersef  hcaucn  tremble,  11 
^  -,  ,  and  dread  at  his  beck,  t  In  his  ftrcr.gih  fodenly  the  Teas  are  12, 
cr'reatthi'nees  gathered  together,  and  with  his  wifdom  he  firoke  the  proud 
btforereated  man.  f  Hisfpirite  hath  adorned  the  heaucns,  and  his  hand  15 
butalfothe  being  themid>*-ife,  the  ••  winding  ferpcnris  brought  forth. 
very  kutarc  j.  ^^  rhefe  things  are  fayd  in  part  of  his  waics:  and  where  as  14 
made  by  God,  ,  ,  .  ^-^  11,^  /!•  1        3        iir 

and  depend      "^^  *^^"^  Hcara  ic.^ace  a  lirle  droppeof  his  word,  who  Inai  be 
vpon  his  pro-  able  CO  behold  the  thunder  of  his  greatncs  ? 
uiucncc  Chap.  X"X  V  1 1. 

More  diid  more  Joh  tonfvmttb  his  mriBcencie^  ancuching  that  Cod  not  ^re* 
ftntljf  iadnn^.ii .  f^tl  m  time  cpmlemne  tht  TS?^V/;ffl. 

:;GodwouId  T  O  B  alfo  added,  taking  his  parable,  aiid fayd:  f  God  liueth,  i  z 

not  as  yet  X  who  hath  :•' taken  away  my  iiidsement,  and  the  Omnipo- 
hauelobs  1  •   t   t      11  1  /•     1  i  •  rr      ,    --r^t 

caufeiudeed,  f^nta  which  hath  brought  my  loule  to  bitterncile.  f  That  as  «5 

butreferued  '  long  as  breath  remaineth  in  me,  and  the  Ipirii  of  God  in  my 

thcfencence,    nofthrels,  f  My  lippes  shal  not  fpealce  iniquitie,  neither  shal  4 

for  his  greater  ^^y  tongne  meditarc ::  lying,  f  God  forbid  that  I  ihould  iudgc 

cncc    ^  you  to  beiufl;:  til  Ifaile,  I  wil  not  departs  from  mine  inno- 

::  It  were  a  lie  cencie.  -j-  My  iuliincation  which  I  haue  bcgune  tohold,!  wil  6 

to  acknow-      notforfake:  for  my  hr.rt  doth  not  reprehend  me  in  al  my 

legcruchfia     |ifp,  -|- Let  mine encmic bcas iheimpions,  and  mine  aduerfa-  7 

!lI!!L,Lf.      rie  as  the  wicked  one.  t  For  what  is  the  hypocrites  hope  if  8 
not  commit-  011  »      «         .1  1  ^     ?   1   v  «  • 

jcd.  couetoufely  he  take  hj  violence  ,  ana  God  deiiuer  not  his 

foulc?  j-  Wil  God  heare  his  crie,  when  didreffe  shal  come  9 

vponliiut?  f  Gr  can  he  be  denr';htedin  the  Omnipotent,  and  10 

inaocatc  Godar  ilri^ie?*]'!  wil  teach  you  by  the  hand  of  God,  11 

what  the  Omnipotcnthath, neither  wil  I  hideit.  t  Loe,you  u 

doe  gI  knowc,  and  why  fpeakc  you  vaine  thinges  without 

caufc.  -j- This  is  the  portion  of  an  impions  man  with  God, and  15 

inheritance  ofthe  violent,  which  they  shal  receiuc  of  the 


OF    lOB.  lOyr 

14  Omnipotent  f  If  his  children  be  mulripliec?,  they  shal  be  in 

1/  the  (wonij  &  ncphevrcs  shcl  not  bellied  xriih  bread,  j They 

that  shalbelcafcof  him,  shaj  be  buried  in  death, and  hiswi- 

16  dovresshalno:  verpe.  f  Ifhe  shal  hcape  together  hluer  as 

17  earth,-and  as  clay  shal  prepare  garmcntcs:  t  He  shal  prepare 
indeede,  buttheiuft  in:inshnl  be  clothed  with  thcni.-and  the 

iS  innocent  shal  diuide  the  filucr.-}- He  hath  built  his  houfe  as 

15?  a  moth,  and  as  a  keeper  hath  he  made  a  bovre.  -f-  The  rich 

man'-  when  he  shal  Hccpc  shcltskc  avay  nothing  s^irh  hiivi  ::5nncpart 

zo  he  shal  oppcn  his  eics,^  finde  nothing,  f  Pouertieas  \rater  o^Godsiudge 

shal  apprehend  the  ninht  a  tempeft  sha!  opprcire  him-  ™'^'''''^''=^}» 
.,    iTU     I  J    '     1       1       1-      ■      ^         1  ^i-  on  tlie  wicked 

21  t  The  burnmg Wind  snal  take  hira.'vp,  and  cary  him  away,  inthisiifc,buc 

andasavrhirlcxrindeshal  pul  hira  violently  out  of  hi;  place.  efpccialJvac 

21  t  And  heshalcaftvpon  him,and  shal  not  fp^rc:  out  oF  his  thcirdcach. 

25  hand  ii-ing  he  shal  Hee.fHe  shal  clafpe  his  handesvoon  him,  ^^''^'  ^^' 

and  shal  hiiFevpon  him,  beholding  his  place. 

C  H  A  p.  X  X  V  I  1 1. 

The mdruelcw,  tvor^ei  &f  CcJy  the  autifor  cf  nature,  shew  his  powre  dnd 

ryifdome,  li.  and  that  true  riches  conftj}  net  in  temporal  creitures,  lnt_  ia 



1  Q  I  L  V  E  R  hath  "  beginnings  of  her  vaines,  and  gold  hath 

2  lJ  a  place,  where  in  it  is  mohcn.  f  Yron  is  taken  out  of  the 
earth,  and  (tone  reiolued  with  heate,  is  turned  into  brafle.  and  rare  crca- 

3  t  H^  harh  fet  a  time  for  darkcnelFe,  and  the  end  of  al  thinges  turcs,  men 
hecon(idereth,thefi;oncairoofdarkcne(re,and  the  shadow  ought  to  con- 

4  of  death,  t  The  -  torrent  diuideth  from  the  pikrime  (people,  jf.  "^^' 

1  1  L     r  r  I  1-  t      1    r^  r      r     '   torandlonot 

them  whom  the  rooteonhe  needieman  hath  forgotten,  and  fcttbcirrcft 

5  to  whom  thereis  noway,  f  The  land, out  of  which  in  them, but 

6  grew  in  his  place,  is  deftroyed  with  fire,  f  The  place  of  the  hi  him, which 

7  fapphire  the  ftones  thereof,  and  the  cloddes  of  it  gold,  f  The  j^^''"^  ^^^'^°- 
bird  hath  not  knowen  the  path,  neither  hath  the  cie  of  the  :;Sudainchca- 

8  vultcr  beheld  ir.  f  The  children  of  merchantcs  haue  not  tro-  dicvfaters 

<)  den  it,  neither  hath  the  lioncffcpaircd  by  it.  f  Hchathftret-  burihngout 
ched  forth  his  hand  to  the  flint,  he  haihouenhro wen  moun-  *^o  change     ^ 
r  L  •  •       u  1        L     L     L  the  wares  ana 

10  raincs  rrom  the  roores.-j-in  the  rocKes  he  hath  cut  out  riuers,  p^f^^crcs  of 

II  and  his  eie  hath  fecne  eueric  prctious  thing,  f  The  depthes  mcn.^ 

11  alfo  of  riuers  he  hathfcarchcd,  &  hidthingshe  hath  brought 
iz  forth  to  light:  f  But  where  is  wifdome  to  be  found,  and 

13    what  is  the  place  of  vnderftanding?  f  Man  knowetb  not  .-TrucTrif^ 
the  price  there f,  ••  neither  is  it  found  in  the  land  of  them  domisnotio 

K.rrr rr  2  that 

lo^i  The   b  o  o  k  e 

nsturahh'n^  that  liu;  pleafenrly.  y  TlieJcp-o  t'.iyco  :  his  not  in  me:  and  14 
s-c>,buMii  the  itafpeaketh:  Itisnoi  wirh  me.  f  The  fiieftgold  llial  not  15" 
iL^-eina  u  a      ^^  rreuen  for  it,  neither  fi->al  filuer  be  vreyed  in  ch:  change 

thetof.  t  It  iliil  not  be  compared  with  the  died  colours  of  j<s 
India,  nor  with  Sardonyx  the  moil  pretious  ftone,  or  with 
che  Sapphire,  f  Goldor  glalFe  ibal  not  be  equal  to  itj  neither  17 
{balveffels  of  gold  be  changed  for  it.  f  High  and  eminent   18 
thinges  shalnot  be  mentioned  in  comparifonof  ic:and  wife- 
domisdrawenourof  fecrete  places,  f  The  topazios  of /E-  15? 
thiopia  shalnot  be  cquaho  it,  neither  shalitbe  compared  to 
the  cleaned  diyng.  ti^'fora  whence  then  cometh  wifedcm?   ic 
and  what  is  the  place  of  vndeLllanding?t  Ic  is  hid  from  the  21 
eies  of  alliuing,the  foules  of  the  ayre  aifo  know  it  not.  f  Per*  11 
dition  and  death  haue  f ayd;  With  our  eares  wc  haue  heard  the 
fame  therof.fGod  vnderflandeth  the  wayof  it,and  he  know-  25 
eth  the  place  therof.  t  F*^^  ^^  beholdeth  the  endes  of  the.  24 
world:  &  looketh  on  al  thinges  that  are  vnder  heauen.f  ^ho  25 
::Vyhenman        ^^  ^  p^jfe  to  tl^e  ^jndes,  and  weved  the  waters  in  a  raea- 
red  Gods  wor  fur^  f  "^^^^n  he  gaue  alawe  to  the  raynes,  and  a  way  to  the   26 
kes,hisdutic    founding  ftormes.  f  1  hen  he  faw  it,  apd  declared,  and  prepa-  27 
istofejreGod  red  and  feaiched  it.  f  And  he  (ayd  to  man;  Behold  -  the  fcare  28 
::  Then  to  de-  ^^^^^.  Lord,that  is  wifedom:  and  ro  •'•  depart  from  euil  vnder- 

ai^ddogood.     landing, 

Chapc  XXIX, 
\j:gAtnc  lol  recvunttth  Ged^ former  ber.'fitei.&i  "^el  h:s  rr^cCy  ^hetly  he 
dici^ocd'^orkfSt^.astemforalpro/pentte.  9.  ^nd  iii/dome  done  otfjsr 


..parablc^are  T  O  B  alfo  added,  taking-^:  his  parable, and  fayd:  f  who  wil  12. 
noronlyritni-    Igianf  rae.that  I  may  be  according  to  the  formermonethey, 
litudesof         accordinf^tothedaiesin  which  God  kept  me?  f  When  his  5 
thin-esbut       i^^j^pefi^fnedouermyhead,  &  I  walked  by  his  light  in  dark- 
td  profound  nesJt  As  Iwas  inthedaiesofmy  ycurh,when  Gcd  was  fe-  4 
fenrencesfuch  cretly  in  ray  tabrrnacle?  f  When  the  Omnipotent  w^as  wuh  j 
aslob,Silo-     jvic:  and  ray  fcrusntes  round  about  me?  7  When  I  waOied  my  (^ 
moB,an.l.         fcere  with  butter,  and  the  rocke  pQwred  me  riuers  of  oile> 
^tavucud.     t  When  I  went  forth  to  the  gatre  of  the  eitie,  and  in  the   7 
ftreate  they  prepared  me  a  chairc?t  Yong  menfavr^c  me,  and  8 
hid  thcni  ftluf  s:  and  old  men  rifing  vp  ftoode.  t  The  princes   9  put  the  finger  vpon  their  mouth. 
t  Dukes  hdd  in  their  voice,and  thdr  tongue  ckaued  to  their  10 


OF    loB.  10^5 

11  throre.f  The  eare  hearing  courted  me  hlcftcd,  and  the  tie 

II  feing  gaue  teftimonie  to  mc:  f  For  rhat  1  had  dthuercd  the 

poore  man  crjring  our,  and  ihe  pupil,  that  had  no  helper. 

15  -j- The  blciiingof  him  that  \ras  readie  to  peri(h  came  vpon 

14  me,ahd  I  conforredthc  bartof  the  >«ido>3r.  f  1  was  clothed 
with  iuPiice:  and  I  rcueRed  me  with  ray  iaclgement,  as  wiih 

15  agarmcnrandcrowne.  1 1  was  an  eie  to  the  b!ind,and  afoote 

16  to  the  lame.  I  I  was  the  father  of  the  poore:  and  the  caufe 

17  which  I  knew  not,  I  fearched  mod  diligently,  fl  brake  the 
iawcs  of  the  wicked  man,  and  Gilt  of  his  teeth  I  tocke  away  - 

i3  the  praye.f  And  I  faid;  I  wii  die  in  my  litle  nefl;,&:  as  a  palrac- 

19  tree  wii  multiplicdaies.  t  My  roote  is  opened  bcfide  the  wa-  ::Ti)isparti- 

20  rers,  and  dewe  Ihal  continue  in  my  harueft.  f  My  gloricshal  clcfasjimpor- 
alwaies  berenewed,andmy  bowin  my  hand  shal  be  repay-  reth  nothcre 

21  red.  t  They  that  heard  me,  cxpedcd  fentence,  and  artent  J^t'^^ciJ^r'^'^ 
2i  held  their  peace  at  my  counlel.  t  To  my  wordcs  they  durft  thatfcev/asa 
2}  adde  nothing, and  mv  Ipeach  didilled  vpon  them,  -f-  They  verykingorfa 

expeded  meas  rayne,and  they  opened  their  mouth  as  it  were  premcprincc 
24  to  a  hirevvaid  shower,  -j-  Ifatanic  time  I  lauqhed  on.  the 

ishauincr  fa- 


2j  the  earth  I  Ifl  would  haue  gone  to  them,  I  face  fiirft,and  vefiurcand 
when  1  fate -as  a  king,  with  his  armie  ftindmg  about  him,  crcu-'ncv.  r ,'. 
enforcer  of  them  •  bar  n^'ourncd.  JfdorusM.devi'^ 

,        i     ,         .  .,,.',     "^         ■  ^    "  ■    .  '  prcmeautho- 

thcy  bi  leued  not,  and  tnc  light  or  my  countenance  fel  not  on  ntic.y.7  loval 
the  earth  |  If 
whenl  fate  -a 
yetwaslacoi  _  . 

r-  rr    A    „  V   V  V  '"  ^'i'^il.BtdA        . 

L.HAP.     X  A  A.  cj- ai'' 

Holis  loh  ihewtth  thegrcjit^:  cjhis  tsm^ornl  c/^utc,  from  ivelfare  into 
great  cdnmitic, 

1  Tl>  Vrnow  tiiey  ofyonger  time  fcorne  mcwhofe  fathers 

J3  Ivouchfaffd  not  to  put  '■•  with  the  dogs  of  my  flocke:  ..j^jen  fcarfc 

2  t  The  force  of  whofe  handes  was  to  me  as  nothing,  and  they  fittecoh.iuc 

3  were  thought  vnworthic  of  life  it  Iclf.  -j-  Barren  with  poucr-  careofdog- 
ticand  famine,  who  fznawed  in  the  wildernes,il  fauoured  by  P'^,^  .'^""■^^^"i,. 

4.  calamiticandmucri?.  f  And  they  did  rate  graUc,  and  tlie  bar-  ainnfohcvas 
$  kcs  of  trees,  and  rheroote  of  iunipcrs  was  chrir  meat,  f  \7iio  contemned  ot* 
taking  thcfe  thinges  violently  out  of  the  valics,  when  they  the  moft  con- 
had  found  euerie  thintr,  they  ranne  to  them  with   a  crie.  fc^'P^il^'S' 
(3  j  Thty  dwelt  in  thedefcrtsof  torrentcs.and  in  caucs  of  the 

7  earth,  or  vpon  grau?l.  -f  Who  rcioyfed  among  rhefe  kind 
of  thingfs,and  counted  it  delicacies  co  be  vndcrthe  briars. 

8  f  The  children  of  fooiiPn  3nd  bafe  men,  and  in  the  earth 
5?  not  appealing  at  al.  f  Nowamltnmcd  into  their  foog.  and 

Rrrrrrj  become 

lo^o  Th  e  b  ooke 

••.^^/l""''',"'^  become  a  proucrbNrich  them,  t  They  abhorre 'me,  and  flee  lo 

this  rcproch.    ^^^  "om  Hic,  and  arc  not  a  Irayd  ••  to  Ipu  in  ray  face.  •\  For  he    ii 

hut,\6.  harh  opened  his  quiuer,  and  Hath  aiilicl:edi-ne,and  -  hath  put 

.vlntheHe-     a  bridle  into  ray  mourh. -j"  Acthe  nghc  hand  of  me  rifing,  my  \i 

hi€what(ef>uty  calamities  forthwith  arofe:  they  haneouerthrowen  my  kcte, 

m  the  para      and  as  v^ith '^aues  haucoppreifcd  \vith  dicir  paches.  t  They   u 

poitincf  piara-  "'lue  diiiipated  iny  waics,  tiiey  haue  lyen  in  way  tc  again  It  mc, 

litie ot^Diuinc  and  they  haue  prcuailedj  and  there  ^ras  nor  that  would  helpe. 

Pcifons.  •[•  As 'Then  a\ral  isbroken,  and  the  gare  opened,  they  haue  14 

broken  violently  vpon  me,  and  are  come  tramblingdowne  to 

my  mifcries.  1 1  brought  to  nothing  as  a  wind  he  hath  taken   ij 

away  my  dciirc  mand  my  piofpcritic  hath  pafTed  avay  as  a 

e'lovFde.  f  And  now  my  (outcwitheretli  in  my  fclf,  and  the   i^ 

dales  ofafflidlion  poire iTe  me.  7  In  the  night  my  bone  is  pear-  17 

fed  with  fcrrowcs:  and  they  that  cate  me,  deepe  nor.  f  in  the  18 

multitudeofthcm  my  garmentis  ccnfumcd,  and  they  Kane 

girded  me  about,  as  it  were  with  the  colcr  of  a  ware,  t  lam  £«) 

compared  to  dare,  and  am  refembled  to  imbers  and  aihes. 

■f  I  crie  to  thee,  and  thouhearcfl  menot :  I  ftand,find  thou  20 

doeft  notrefped  ras.  f  Thou  art  changed  to  be  cruel  rowarti  11 

me,  and  in  the  hardcrielleof  thy  hand  thou  art  againft  me. 

•f  Thou  didd  lift  me  vp,  andfetring  me  asit  wercvpon  the -iz 

!:Dcatliisa      wind  thou  hail  mightely  dashed  ir.e.  f  I  know  -'•  that  thou    15 

comforth  to  a  ^jj^j}.  deliuer  me  to  death, where  a  houfe  is  iippointed  for  f  ucry 

bula'ti*"'**  ""  ^'^^'•bat  liucth.  f  But  yet  not  to  my  confumption  doell  thou  24 

fend  forth  thy  hand:  and  if  they  shal  fa!,   thou,  wilt  (aue. 

•j-  I  weptfometime  vpon  him  that  was  afll'.Ctcdjand  my  foul  if 

had  compainon  on  thepoore.  f  I  expsd  good  ihinges,  f-.nd  iS 

euils  are  ccrne  vpon  me  :  I;taried  for  light,  and  darkeneile 

brake  forth,  f  My  inner  partes  haue  boylcd  without  anie  rcfi,  2.7 

the  day  es  of  affliction  haueprcuenrcdmc.f  I  went  mourning   iS 

without  furie,  rifing  vp,  2  cried  in  the  multitude,  t  I  '^'^^   ^9  - 

T-t,  ♦    r  .u  fhe  '•  brother  of  dra^^ons,  and  felow  of  Ollriches.  t  My  30 
::Likctoruch  .  .it!  j         t  j-jl. 

beaftesasfeke  SKmne  IS  made  blacke  vpon  me,  and  ray  bones  are  dried  with 

folitary  places  hcate.  7  My  harpe  is  turned  into  mourning,  and  my  infiiu-    31 

to  Umcatin.    noentinco  the  voice  of  weepers. 

Chai'.  XXXI. 

J^oUe  loh  reciieth fincerly hii  QW*ie  yerlucs,  shewlnr  thsrhy  that  he  is  not 

fitniildjogrisnoiijlyfor  hnjinneii  hut  hy  Gods  ^romdence  for  fifne  other 


I  haue 

OF    loB.  loSy 

1  T    rl  A  V  E  ••  mac^s  a  ccucnant  vrith  mine  eyes,  that  I  'yould  :  ^^^crai  thiirc 

2  1  not  io  much  as  "  thinke  of  a  virein.t  For  what  part  flould  '^^<^°^^^""^i 
God  riomaboLic  hausmme,  <Sj  inheritance  tnc  Omnipotent  achaiftmind 

5    fromonhJ?,h?  f  Is  there  nor  perdition  to  the  wicked  man,  anJicbcllious 

4  and  slicnation  to  them  that  vorke  iniufticc?   7  Doth  not  i^c(h,lio!icIob 

5  he  confidcr  my  waics,  and  number  al  my  ilcpnts  ?  t  If  I  ^^^^  j"'-' ''  '"i.**^°°" 

6  valkedinvanuic.andm;  foorcharh  haitencdin  guile:  f  Let   bctwcnc 
himwey  mein  aiuflbalancc,  and  let  God  know  my  {jmpli-  thciccnimics: 

7  citie.  t  iFmy  P.eppe  hnut  dechnsd  cu:  of  the  vc'ay,and  ifmine  •Hatliscye 
cie  hath  folowcd  my  harr,and  if  ipofte  hath  cleaned tomv  ^-'o^"ia=«:cr 

h  handcs;  f  Let  me  lawe,andiccan  other  eare  it:  and  let  my  cocamalccn- 
5)  progcnic  be  plucked  yp  by  the  rootes.  f  If  my  hart  hath  bene  cupilccncc. 
deceiucd  vpon  a\Tom;n,and  if  I  haue  lycne  in  waice  at  my  ::  By  which 

10  freindsdocre:  f  Lcrmy  wife  be  the  harlot  of  an  otherman,  rn<^an"jl»e 
II  and  let  other   men  lyg  xpith  her.   |   For  this  is  a  haincus  fi^o^carW^ 

11  thing,  and  mofl:  great  iniquitie.  f  Ic  is  a  fire  dcuoring  cucn  cogitations. 

13  to  perdition,  and  rooting  vp  al  thingcs  that  fpring.^f  If  I^.U.zi.e.i, 
haue  contemned  to  abide  iudgrmcnt  ^fich  my  man  icruanr, 

and  my  mayd  fcruant ,  when  they  had  anie  controueific  a- 

14  gainft  me.  j-   For  what  fiial  I  doe  when  God  shal  rife  to 
iud(7e  ?  and  when  he  shal  askc,  what  shal  I  anfwer  him  ? 

15  t  Did  not  he  make  me  in  the  wombe  that  made  him  alfo: 
\6  and  did  not  one  forme  me  in  the  matrice  J  f  If  1  haue  denied 

to  the  poore,  that  which  they  would,  and  haue  made  the 
17  eyes  of  the  widow  to  expedl:  f  If  I  haue  eaten  my  morfel 
iS  alone,  andthepulpil  barh  not  eaten  therof  with  me.(  I  Bc- 
caufe  from  mine  infancie  mercy  hath  growcnwithme  :  and 
ip  from  my  mothers  wombe  ir  came  forth  with  me.  )   f  If  I 
haue  difpifed  him  t'lat  periihcth,  for  that  he  had  nor  clo- 
thing, and  the  poore  man  wiihour  wherwichal  to  couer  him  : 

20  f  If  his  fides  haue  not  blelTcd  me,&he  was  not  warmed  with 

21  the  fiifes  of  ray  fhefpe:  f  ^^  I  haue  lified  vp  my  hand  oucr 
the  pupil,  yea  \^  hen  I  Cxw  my  [df  in  the  gate  the  fiiperior: 

22  I  Let  my  flioulder  from  his  iunclure,  and  let  my  armc 

23  withhis  bonesbe  broken,  f  For  I  haue  alwaics  feared  Cod 
as  waues  fwclling  vpon  mc^  and  his  weight  I  could  not  beare. 

24  -f  If  I  haue  thoughcgoid  my  (Irength,  and  haue  faid  to  hns 
ij-  gold:  My  conhdetice.  f  If  I  haue  rcioyi'ed  vpon  my  great 

16  riches, and  bccaufe  my  hind  found  manic  thinges.  f  Iflfaw 
27   the  (unne  when  it  rr.incd,and  themoonc  go.-ng  clcerly:  f  And 

my  hart  in  fccrsc  reiuyledj^and  I  kiiTcd  my  hand  wirh  my 


ropo  Th  e  d  ooke 

rjBfthjsdc-    moiuh.  f  Wuich  is  *•  moft  great  iniquirie,  and  a  denial  a-   iS 
SoT.-d  hisad'- S^^"'^^°'^^  ^''•^'^^'^^^'^''H''"'- •  t  I^i  i^-^ue  becne  glad  of  his  fal,  29 
ueilanesco      ^^^^^  hated  me,  &  haue  reioyfed  chan  euil  bad  Found  him.f  For  30 
produce  vfhac  I  haua  not  geuen  my  throte  to  fiiine,  rhatcuifing  I  viibed 
theycouldto  his  foule.  f  iFthe  men  of  my  tabernacle  h.uie  not  layd  :  Who   31 
conmncehnn  ^^  ^^,  ^^  j^is  fleOi  thr.c  we  may  be  filled?  t  The  ftranaer   52 
dcnvino-God   f^i^ied  HOC  withouc,  my  doore  was  open  to  the  wayianngvman 
vihe'rwuh        f  It  as  man  I  haiie  hid  ray  finne,  and  haue  Concealed  my  ini-    15 
theyiiidireaiy  qiiifiein  my  bofome.  t  Iflhauebene  afrayd  ataverie  great  54 
enargcdhini,   niukitude:,&  the  contempt  of  kinimen  hath  terrified  me  :  and 
I  hiuc  not  rather  held  my  peace,(5rnot  gone  out  of  the  doore. 
•j-  "^'7ho  wil  grant  me  an  hearer,  that  the  Omnipotenc  would  jy 
hearc  my  defire  :  and  that  himfelf  that  iudgech  ^^ould  write  a 
booke.  t  That  I  may  caiie  it  on  my  fhoiilder,  and  put  it  about  56 
measacrowne?  t  At  euerie  fceppe  qf  minel  wil  pronoance  37 
it,  and  as  to  the  prince  I  wil  offer  ir.  f  If  my  Land  cry  againft  38 
"  '^     ?  ^"^;^,i  rae,  and  with  it  the  furrowcs  therof  lament  :  t  If  I  haue  35? 
his  freindcs ;    eaten  the  truites  theror  without  money,and  haue  ahhtted  the 
but  afcerward  foule  of  the  tillers  therof.  -f  For  wheacc  let  the  biyar  grq.w   40 
fubmicted  him  iq  j^o^  ^^^d  for  barlie  the  thornc.  •:  ^f^^  ^^^^^^     r  ^^y  ^^^  ^^j_^^^ 

fomevnad."        .  .        ^  H  A  P.      X  X  X  II.      _ 

uiledfpeach.    Elm  a  yoimg  man  htmg  dngneth<xt  lob pirpjhdin  b:s  opinioriy  and  tout  bis 
c-i9-y.)j.e./^Xs       three  freindes  could  not  conuincehim^^.  tAksth  "I'^oa  him  (9 confute  lob 
yy  '^hichihiy  could  not  do,  > 

Thc^nuith       T|  V  T  thefe  three  men  om.itted  to  anfwer  lob,  for  that  he  i 
JL^feeniediufttohimfelf.  f  And  ••  Eliuthefonne  of  Bara-  z 
.-Thisyouns:-  chela  Buzice,  of  the  kinred  of  Ram»  was  angiie  and  tooke 
manwictieSc    indigiiation  :  and  he  was  angrie, againft  lob,  for  that  he  fayd 
Jerned,but      himleif  TO  be  ijH  before  God.  t  Moreouersgainft  his  frein-    3 
proud  v/icbal,  j^g  j-j^  }^.,}  indignation,  for  that  they  had  not  found  a  reafo- 
wasafigure  of  ^^^]^^^  anfwer,  but  onlie  had  condemned  iob.  t  Therfore  Eliu  4 
the  note  and  ^     ,        1     r       1  .  ,  ,1  1  •       1  1  l 

arroaantdif-    expcded  lob  Ipeakmg,  becaule  they  were  his  elders  that 
puterswho      fpake.  f  Eut  when  he  iaw  that  the  three  were  not  able  to  an-  $ 
wilfemeto      fwer,  he  was  wrath  excedingly.  f  And  Eliu  the  Tonne  of  Ba-  6 
know  more      j.^^)^^\  ^  Buzice  anfwcrinir,  fayd  :  I  am  yonder  in  time,  and  you 
ders.  s.Gre'T.     more  ancient,  therfore  catting  downc  my  head,  I  was  atrayd 
/;.  i3.  f.a,         tosheweyon  my  fenrcnce.  t  Fo'  I  hoped  that  longer  age  7 
would  fpeake,  and  that  a  mulritnde  of  ycarcs  would  teach 
'wifdom.  t  But  as  I  fee,  there  is  a  Spime  in  men,  and  the  S 


OF    lOfl.  1097 

9  inrpirationofthc  Omniporcnigeucrh  vnJcrfiancinc.-j-They 
of  many  ycarcs  are  net  the  wife  men,  neither  doe  the  cncicn- 

10  res  vnderlUnd  iudgement.  f  Thcrfore  wil  I  fpcnke  :  Heaic 
iL  ye  me,  I  alio  wil  sheM'  you  my  svilcdom.  f  For  I  haue  exnc- 

d'ted  your  wordcs,  I  haue  her.rd  your  wifdcn),  as  long  as  you 
iz  contended  in  wordcs.  -f  And  as  long  as  I  thought  you 

fbmcwhar,!  confit'ered:  but  as  I  fee,--  here  is  none  of  you  that  ••  Anoto!:ous 
15  can  reproueIob,and  anrvjcerto  his  wordcs.  t  Ltit  perhaps  V^^^^i^^'^^^u 

14  you  may  lay:  We  haue  found  wiledom,God  hatn  reie6tta,hini  ^.jjcr  then  mv 
not  man.  f  He  hath  fpokennothing  -  to  me,  and  1  wii  not  inan,eicluiot" 

15  anlVer  him  according  to  your  wordcs.  f  They  were  afrayd,  hisovfuefcd, 

16  and  anlVered  no  more,  &  they  haiic  taken  away  talke  from  ^^"^^.^  '^'^^'^" 
themfelues.  f  Therfore  bccaufe  I  haue  expected,  and  they  :;Thoreihnc 

17  fpake  lion ;  they  {loode,&  anfwercd  no  morerf  I  alio  wil  an-  neuhcrcrerMtc 

18  fwcr  my  parr, and  wii  shew  my  knowledge.  |  For  lam  fulof  Caiholiquc 

10  vvordcs,  and  the  fpiric  ofmy  bellicllreyneth  me.  t  Behold,  l^^'*^^o">"<''^ 
io  rnyDelhe  is  as  new  wine  without  a  vent,  wmch  brcaketh  ihcir  ovcdc  cl- 

new  vcflch.  1 1  nvil  fpcake,snd  take  breath  alitle  ;  I  wilopen  ccis.butcueiy 
21  ray  lippes,anil  Wii  anlVer-flwil  not  accept  theper(on  of  o-'i='^pcr"i  ^.is 
2Z  aman,  and  I  wilnot  make  God  equal  to  man.  [f  For  1  know  cwr.epnuacc 
not  how  long  ishal  continewe,  and  whether  after  awhile  thj't'^t'o  rer- 
my  maker  wil  take  me  away.  tcvneto  them 

Chap.  XXXIII.  T^huhlsfpo- 

£//«  endetiorethtoprouehy  Icbi [peach  that  Lets  liniuf}-.  13.  ar^uingthai  Gcd  ken  to  cibcrs 
{b  f  affuflinghim  )  kttth  J.rcAclly  fQmdgcd.iyb'^i  tf  bj/un  ^t)^els  ad-  rors-VoV,//. 
msnition bsrepent, be  remitted.  j^^.c ;{, 

I  TT  E  E  R  E  therfore  lob  my  fayings,and  barken  to  al  my 
z   XTLwordcs.  I  Behold  I  haue  opened  my  mouth  ,  let  ray 

3  tongue  fpeake  within  my  iawes.  •]■  My  wordes  arc  of  my  fim- 

4  pie  hart,  andmvlippes  shal  fpeake  a  pure  fentcnce.  t  The     , 
Spuitof  Godmademe,  and  the  breath  of  the  Omnipotent  menimjciac 

5  gaue  melife.  tif  fhcucanftjanfwcr  mc,andftand  ag.ainftmy  their  ownc 

6  face.  I  Behold  God  hath  made  racallb  cuen  as  thee,  and  of  concciptcs,  & 

7  the  fame  clav  I  alfo  was  formed,  f  But  vet  let  not  my  ••  mira-  ^"crancctobc 
cleterr;nethec,andlet  not  my  eloquence  be  burdcnous  to  lousthcoiher 

S  thee,  -f  Thou  therfore  haft  fayd  in  ray  cares ,  and  I  haue  h  eard  mens,  not 
9   the  voice  of  thy  wordcs;  |  I  am  cleane  ,  and  without  finnc:  knowing  hove 
10  vnfpottedjand  thercisnoiniquitie  inme,  t  Becaufe  he  hath  ^o"hfiitnoir 
found  quarrels  in  me,rhcrforc  hath  he  thought  me  hiscneray  ^,^"^1^/^ ^^ '^' 

II  :J-Hshachputii>yrectcinihc(lockcs,hc  hathobfcrucdalmy  f.r<;.'^' 

Ssssss  waics. 

10^8  The  b  o  oke 

waies.  t  This  therfore  is  ir,  wherein  thou  art  not  iullified  :  I  ri 
wilanfwer  thee,  that  God  is  greater  then  man.  f  Docft  thou  15 
contend  againft:  him  becaufe  hehath  notanfwcred  thee  to  al 
:  It  is  true  that  wordcsPfGod  ••fpcaketh  once,&  repeatethnot  the  (elf  lame  14 
Gods  wil once  tbe  fecond  time,  f  By  a  dreame  inavifion  by  night,  when   ij 
vttcrcd  oug  t  i^g^^jjg  flvfepe  fallerh  vpon  men,  and  they  (leepe  in  their  bed. 
men  for  he      f  ^^  he  doth  ne  open  the  eares  of  men, &  teaching  inltrutteth   iG 
anfwererhnot  them  with  difcipline,  •\  That  he  may  turne  a  man  from  rhefe  17 
tocch  one  by  things,  which  he  doth,  &:  may  dehuerhim  from  pride;  f  De-  18 
r^,^^?'^u'*\    ^'U^'iing  his  foule  from  corrupdon:  and  his  life,  that  it  paiTe 
common      '  not  vnto  the  (Vord.  f  He  rebuketh  al(o  by  forow  in  the  bed,  19 
fpeach  ( or      and  he  maketh  al  hii  bones  to  wither,  f  Bread  is  become  abo-  lo 
fa£t)fatisficth  minable  to  him  in  his  Hfc,  and  to  his  foule  the  raeate  before 
almensque-     rlefired.  f  His  ficsh  flial  confume,  and  the  bones  that  had  21 
S  Grefforie      heene  couered,  fnal  be  made  naked,  f  His  foule  hath  appro-   zi 
norcth  this  ge  ched  to  corruption,  and  his  Mi^  to  things  caufing  death,  -j-  If  23 
neral  rule,  y^-    there  ihal  be  an  Angel  fpeaking  for  him,  one  of  thoufandcs, 
taprxcedentium  jq  declatc  mans  equicie.  -f-  He  (bal  tiaue  mercie  on  him,  and  24 
("-''""!;',  ?7"r^al  fay:  deliuer  him,  that  he  defcend  not  into  corruption; 
them  that  'yoebe  I  haue  fouud  wherein  I  may  be  propitious  to  him.  t  His  nefli  zj 
foreismadea     is  confumed  with  punishmeuts, Ict  it  reiume  to  the  daies  of 
forme [otmlc)  his  youth.  f  He  fiialberccheGod,andbe  wilbe  pacified  to-  16 
cf  them  that fo-  ^.^tds  him;  and  he  flialfeehisfaceih  iubifarion,  and  he  wil 

l&yy ,  Li',  tx .  c , 

18  (S-/19  But  ^^'^'^^^fo  aman  hisiuflice.  f  He  ihal  behold  men,  and  fhal  17 

Eliu  f^ilfely       (ay;  I  haue  nnned,andin  Azcdt  I  haueofttnded,  and, as  I  was 

fuppofedchar  worthie,  I  haue  net  recciued.  f  He  hath  dehuered  his  (oule  iS 

^0?  r!'^^?^^.    that  it  (houldnoteoe  into  death,  but  liuinq  fhould  fee  the 

afRidionhad    ,.    ,        ,  ^^    ,     ,  ,      ,^ ,     -     ,  ■  ,      ,    ^     1       ^  t        i 

declarearhat    hght.  f  BeHold,  al  thele  tnings  doth  GoQ  worke  three  times  25? 

hewasawic-   in  euetie one.  t  That  he  may  reclame  their  foulesfrom  cor-  50 

kcdman.For   ruption, and  illuminate  them  with  the  light  of  the  liuing. 

indedeGod     +  Attend  lob,  and  heare  me:  and  hold  thy  peace,  whiles  I    31 

declared  the      A        1        ,  ,,       •  r   i  ?     n       i'  r        ^  r  c        1 

contrarie  c  i.  ipeake.  t  But  if  thou  haft  what  to  Ipeake,  anl  wer  rac,  Ipeake;    32 

''  8.  c.  1,  fori  would  thee  to  appcareiuft.  •\  And  if  thou  haue  not,heare    35 
"^'h  me:  hold  thy  peace,  and  I  wil  teach  thee  wifedom. 

Cha  p.    XXXIIII. 
^gitine  Elm  chargeil}  loh  with  bltrpkerate,  and  other  crimes,  10.  slerveth 
the  eaaitie  of  Cods  ind^ement:  20.  and  thai  al  thirgzi  areJuhieB  to  Cods 
fowre  and  knowUge. 

ELi-^r  fherfore  pronouncing  ,  fpikc  rhefe  \rordes  alfo.  t 
t  Heare  ye  wife  men  my  wordes,  and  ye  learned  barken  2 

to  me: 

O  F    I  OB.  I05?5> 

5  tome:  f  For  the  earcprcneth  v-ordcSjCnJ  the  thrcare  dliLcr- 
4  nethmtatesby  the  talt.  -j-  Letvs  chooie  vs  luJiemcnt,  and 

5  among  vs  let  vs  fee  what  is  the  better,  f  Becaulc  lob  layd: 

6  lamulit,  andGodharh-fubiicrtcdmy  iudgtment.  f  Form  ::  lobfaldnot 
iudgingme  thcreis  a  he  ;  mine  arrow  is  violent  without  anie  thatGod,«/.«fr 

7  finne.  t  What  man  is  there  as  is  lob,  that  drinkcth  l"koinii;e  *'<^ '"'V ■»«'«* 

8  asit  were  water?  t  Thargoeth  with  thenuhat  woikc  iniqui-  Umd^cd^b 

9  tic,and  walketh  with  impious  men?-]'  For  he  hath layc:  Man  Codhathla  en 

10  sha!  notplcaleGcd-ahhough  heruniie  with  him    f  Tiur-  '^yy ^y  f^y  luJ^e 
foreyediicretc  mtnheare  me,  tat  from  God  be  impictic,and  "'f"' ■'''•[•  i? 

11  iniquitie  ,rom  the  Omnipotent,  t  Forhewil  rcijcer  a  nian  Ir  ^'^]V^-^'  J  ' 
his  wotke,  and  according  to  the  waits  ofcutrie  one  he  wil  my  caufe. 

12  recompence  them.f  For  inverie  deed  God  wilnot  condemnc  :  Neither  did 
without  caufc,  neiihtr  wil  the  Omnipottnt  (ubuert  iudac=  Icbfay  this  (c. 

15  me nt.  t  What  other  hath  he  appointed  ouer  the  earth?  or  Eiiu^^rdk-i^ 
14  whom  hath  he  fette  ouer  the  world,  which  he  made?  f  Ir  he  hismcanmg 
dired  his  hart  to  him,  he  shal  drawc  its  fpuit  and  breath  th.uhc  might 

15  vnto  him.  f  Al  flesh  shal  taile  together, and  man  shal  returne  ^^^"^  lomc- 

16  into  ashes  •]-  If  then  thou  haue  vnderftanding,  hcare  t!  at  h^nd^^GrfwT^ 

17  isf.ivd,  and  harken  tochevoiceof  my  fpeach.  t  Can  he  that  i^.c.zj.    ** 
louerh  not  iudgcment,  be  healed?  and  how  docftthou  /o  far 

18  condcmne  him,  thatisiufl?t"  That^fjyth  to  the  king,  Apofta- 
15J   ta:  thatcalleth  dukes  impious:  t  "Who  accrptcth  not  the  per- 

foncs  of  princes:  nor  hath  knowen  the  tyrant,  yx  hen  he  con- 
tended again  ft  thepoorcman;  feral  are  the  work  c  of  his  ban- 
2c  des.  t  They  shal  {odenly  die,and  at  midnighr  peoples  shal  bo 
rrubled,  and  shal  paflc,  and  take  away    he  violent  without 
21  hand,  f  For  his  eies  arc  vpon  the  waics  of  men,  and  he  con- 
z.   fidererh  al  thiir  fteppes.  t  Thcreis  notdarkentllt, and  there 
IS  nor  shadow  of  df^ath,  that  rhey  may  be  hid  there  which 
2.  worke  iniquiric.  t  For  it  is  no  more  in  man*;  powre,  to  ton^c 
24  'o  God  inro  iudgcment.  f  He  shal  dcftroy  minif  ,&  innume- 
2J  table,  &  shal  make  otherto  ft.ind  for  them  t  For  he  know- 
erh  their  workes  .-  and  thertore  he  stial  bring  n'ght  ,  ani 
16     htyshal  bedeftroved    f  Asimpiou«  men  he  nath  Ihtken 

27  rhem  in  the  place  of  them  that  iec  f  Whoasirwcre  of  pur- 
po(r  hnuereuolrcd  from  him,  and  would  not  vndf  rftano  al  his 

28  ^vai(  s :  t  That  th  y  cauftd  the  eric  of  the  nv-rdie  man  to  come 

29  to  him  and  he  heard  the  voice  of  the  poorc.  t  Fur  he  prin- 
ting p- ace,  who  IS  rhert  thaf  can  conde-mnc  ?  After  h  (h  il 
hiat  his  countenance,  who  is  'here  that  may  bcb<j|    hi  o, 

S  ss  sss  i  both 

iioo  Thebooke 

.vEliaappUeth  both  vpon  nation?,  and  vponal  men?  f  Whomakctli  a  man  jo 
ihisto  lob  as  fj^^.jj  ::  ^j^  hypocdte  rcic-ne  for  the  finnes  of  the  people, 
though  lie  had    .  _,       ^        l  '  '     r  t  t  /•      i  ^     »     >  w     x  *^    i 

made^fa'.fe        t  Tnerfore  becaule  I  haue  IpoKen  to  God,  tnee  alio  I  wil  not   51 
lliewofvertue  prohi'oite.  f  IH  hanc  erred,  teach  fhoxi  me  :  if  I  haue  fpoken  ^t 
which  he  had    iniquitie,  I  wil  adde  no  raoce.  f  Doth  God'require  it  of  thee,   35  " 
3ior,  andthar     [jecaufe  it  hath  difpleafed  thee?  for  thou  beeanft  to  fDealce, 
red  him  hi-       and  not  I:  but  it  taou  know  anie  better  tning,  fpeake.  f  Let  34 
therro  to  nien  of  vnderftanding  fpeake  to  me,  and  let  a  >R'ifeman  heate 

leigne,  orra-    mc.  f  BiU  lob  hath  fpoken  folish]y,and  his  wordcs  found  not  3/ 
therro tyran-    difcipJine.  |  O  my  father,  let  lob  be  proued  euen  to  the  end;  51? 
^'i  nlfhmcntof  ^^^^^  ^'^^^  ^^°^""  ^'^"  ^^'^'^  of  iniqnity.tvho  addcth  blafphcraie  57 
his  peoples im  vpon  his  finnes,  let  him  be  rcftraynedin  the  meanerime  a- 
nes^BucGGciat  mong  vs  :  and  then  let  him  prouoke  God  to  iudgement  Vf'itli 
ktr  declared     his  (peaches. 
that  lob  V..S  ^  Chap.     XXXV, 

notluchaonc.      ,.  ,.        ,  t  r     ir     1  j      i    -^     ■   n    j  11  ■      ■ 

ch.  42,.  V.  7.      ■^"^'  p'e^endin^  that  lob  hadjajac  Cod  to  be  ymujt^sberveih  that  manspiehe 

nor  tm^ictie  neither  profiteth  nor  difp-ofiieth  Cod:  ;5  and  that  he  md^eth 


TH  E  R  F  o  R  E  Eliu  againe  fpake  thefe  -wordcs:  j  Doth  i 
thy  cogitarion  ferns  iuft  to  thee, that  thou  faydil;'-' I  am- i 
n-iuchiiithis     iuficr  then  God  >  f  For  thou  faydd  .-Thst  which  isrightdoth  ^ 
calumniation,  not  picale  thee:or  what  wi]  it  profite  thce  if  I  fmne  ?  f  Thcr-  4 
^^ll\\^^l\,l^    fore  wil  I  anf^ycr  to  thy  wordes,  &  to  thy  frendes  with  thee. 
wzsiujlcrm^A-  t  •'  Lookcvp  to  heaucn  and  ree,and  behold  the  skie,  that  it  is  y 
r.edyTithG&d,     higher  then  thou.  f  If  thou  fmne,  what  shale  thou  hurt  him?  6 
noxivjierihen  ^^^  jp  thine  iniquities  be  multiplied,  what  shalt  thcu  doe 
h^s^afFlKW     againdhim?  t  Moreouer  if  thou  doe  iuRly,  what  shalt  thou  7 
wasrircater      geue  him,  or  what  shal  he  receiue  of  thy  hand  ?t  Man  that  is  8 
then  his  finne.  Hke  CO  thee,  thy  impietie  shal  hurt :  and  thy  iuflice  shal  helpe 
£,';.6.v.5.c.ij.  thefonneof  man   t  Bccaufe  of  tl.e  multitude  ofcalumnia-  9 
y.-.O-c.  j^.^^j.^  jj,^y  gT^.j  ^^.y.  gj^ J  ji^gi  wsile  for  the  force  cf  the  arme 

,^,  ^p^  ^,^  oftyrantcs.  t  And  he  hath  not  fayd:  where  is  God,tbat  made  10 
ftcVn^^fcn'tcn.  me,''fhat  hath  geuen  fongs  in  the  night?  t  ^^^'^o  teacheth  vs  11 
cej{duhS.  aboue  the  beaftcs  of  the  earth,  and  inllrudeth  vs  aboue  the 
Gregcrie)  but  foules  of  the  ayre.fThere  shalrhey  crie,and  he  wil  nor  heare,  12 
^  p'^^'k  ^7^1"°-  l--'°C3ufe  of  the  pride  of  the  euil.  t  Gc-d  •  herfore  wi)  not  heare  15 
puLirtothY'  without  caufe,  and  the  Omnipotent  wil  behold  the  cau(ts  of 
biafedperron  euetic  one.  t  Yea  when  thou  shalt  fay:  He  confidereth  not:  14 
of  hib,li.i6.?  be  iud'^ed  before  him,  c<:  exped  him.  t  For  he  doth  nor  now  ij 
c-  "•  inftrre  his  fune>  neither  doth  he  reucnge  wickedneffc  ex- 


OF  loB.  iior 

l(j  tedingly.  f  Thcrforc  lob  in  vaine  opcneth  his  mouth,  and 
without  knowledge  muhiplicrh  woides. 
Chap.    XXXVI. 
Tct further fJ.Ui  ihervethythut  Godly  his powre  And  n'lfdome  fcHcth  to  euaie 
cne  that  is  lu/i.  \6.  ttfferrif]^  {f'^'^fy  )  '^''"  ^^  ^^^^  Mf.tttion  isfcr  his  fm- 
nes.  22.  difcourfingjhl  of  Godij^on  rCy  "^ifdomj  and ^rouidince. 

1  T7L1V  aifo  adding  fpeakc  the  fc\rordes: -f  Bearewithme 

2  XL  ilitle^and  1  wilshew  to  thcc:  for  as  yet  I  hauc  \rhat  to 

3  (pcake  for  God,  f  I  wilrcperemy  knowledge  from  the  be- 

4  ginning,  and  I  wilproue  my  maker  iuft.  -f  For  in  dccde  my 

wordes  arc  '•'  without  lye,  and  pcrfcd  kno\r'ledgc  shal  be  ::  No  orator  u 

5  proucd  to  thee,  j-  God  dothnot  caft  away  the  mightie,wher-  Tovaincburhc 

6  ashimfelf  alfoismiphrie.  +  But  hefaucth  nor  the  impious,  P^o^'^^th  al 

7  andnegmcth  ludgemenc  to  tne  poore.  f  He  shal  not  take  k-thfameto 
away  his  eyes  from  the  iuftmsn,  and  he  plnceth  kinges  in  the  gcccredite 

8  throne  '•'•  for  euer,  and  there  fhcy  are  extolled,  f  Andifrhcy  v^-ithhis  audi- 
shal  be  rn  cheines,  and  be  bound  s^ith  the  ropes  of  pouinie.  ^^yf;. 

9  t  Hesoii  shew  them  their  workes,  and  their  wicked  aeeues,  jcjonc  w'cl 

10  becauk  they  hauc  bene  violent,  -j-  He  alio  shal  rouele  their  rlicirprai^c 
eare,  to  chaftifc  them:  and  shal  fp€akc,fhat  they  may  returns  icmaincth  for 

11  frominiquiiie  :  f  Ifrheyshal  heare  and  obfcruc,  they  shal  c^cr.v.ii. 
accomplish  their  dnies  in  good,  ar.d  their  ycares  in  glorie, 

J2  t  But  if  ihey  heare  not  they  shal  palfe  by  the  fworde,  and 

13  ihal  be  confumed  in  folie.  t  Diilem biers  and  craftit  men  pro- 
uokcthe  wrath  of  God,  neither  shal  rhcy  crie  wlicn  they  are 

14  bound,  -j-  Their  foule  shal  dye  in  tempeil:.&  their  life  among 

15  theefFeminares.  f  He  shal  celiuerthe  poore  our  of  his  di- 

16  ftrelTe,  and  shal  reufle  his  earc  in  tribulation,  f  Therfcre  he  .'rTlicHic^ricis 
shal  faue  thee  mofllargcly  out  of  the  narrow  mouth,  and  not  ^'-iwnclonL;, 
hauing  foundation  vnderir:  and  the  quicrntfTe  of  thy  table  ^■^'■'"tcnt.ui- 

17  shalbcfulof  fsitncilc.  f  Thy  caui'e  is  iudgedas  an  impious  fpc.iclv"efi- 
iS   mans,  caufe  and  iudgemenc  thou  shalt  receiuc.  f  hcc  not  {[cd  .rvluiby 

therforeangeroucrcometlice,  that  thou  opprelPe  anic  man;  Ail  worfcand 
15)  neither  let  mukicude  of  gifresincline  thee,  t  Laydownetliy  ^o/^ecosri- 

grcatnes  without  tribulation,  and  al  the  puilTanr  of  ftrength.  ccdc"n  place  ■ 
20 't  ••  Protradnotthe  night,  that ::  peoples  may  corns  vp"  for  orihcfirit..?. 
li  them,  t  Beware  thou  decline  not  to  iniquific:  for  thou  haft  G.t^.Utc.c^v,. 
21  bcgunnctofolow  itafter  mifcrie.  f  B:hold,God  is  hioh  in  ^jAbouealo- 

his  frrcngth,  and  none  is  like  to  him  -  among  the  lawg?urrs.  ue^Icojf  ^ 
23  t  Whocan  fearchhiswaics?orwho  can  fay  loiiim.-Thon  moit  able  to 

Sfffffj  haft 



not  Thebooks 

punisli  tranf-  haft  wroughi:  iniquitic  ?  f  Pvcmembcr  that  tbou  knowcft  not  24 
moiuvu'lir^t^  his  worke,  vs^herof  men  haue  (ong.  f  Al  men  fee  him,  cuerie  2; 
andmoOabTe  one  beholdcth  far  of.  f  Behold,  God  is  great  furmounting  16 
to  reward  the  our  knowledge  :  the  number  of  hiyy^ares  is  ineftimable, 
blerucrs.S.  ^  "Who  takech  away  the  droppcs  of  ra!ne,and  powrcth  out  17 
'^^^j"^ri;c  showers  as  it  were  guifes  of  water,  f  Which  flow  out  from  28 

pouiidcth  this     ,,,,  11  r  ,  n  , 

tobeaprophe  the  clowdes,  that  couer  al  thinges  from  aboue.  •{■  If  he  wil  29 
cicofchrijlour  fttetch  fotth  clowdcsas  his  tent,  f  And  lighten  with  his  light  50 
fn^ul.irlavv-    fxomaboue,  hc  shal couct  allo  the  cndes of  f  he  fea.  f  For  by   31 
"Tl   I'illyil^   thcfe  he  iudgeth  peoples,  and  gcueth  victuals  to  manle  mortal 
cr'euc  thcp^io-    ii^i^n.  f  In    IS  handes- he  i-idefh  thehght,and  commandtth  51 
noushgh'cof    it  that  It  comc  agayne.  f  He  theweth  his  freind  therof,  that  jj 
h;.aucn  N^-hich  [i  15  his  poileilion,  and  that  he  may  alccnd  to  it. 
nov/ IS  hidden 
to  men  that  C  H  A  P.     X  X  X  V  I  I. 

lort  terrcrtual  eUh conUmnthhl^ difcourfe,  sh.W'^nQ  Gods  "^iifdom,  pome^and'mfi'ice,hr 
^  j^^  his  merneloHS  ^^  orkes  oj  Meteors,  14.  and  l/fe  therof  to  mans  commodtie. 

l^.a'btih  the  rvi'eft  m  n fujficientlj  vnderjtand  not^much  lejje  maji prejutne 
(  as  he  ymujilj  charfeth  lob )  to  contend  "^ith  God. 

::ConfiJera-    ^7PoN  "  this  my  hart  is  fore  afrayd,  and  is  moued  out  of    i 
urnlyrewar-      ^    his  place,  f  Heare  yc  his  fpeach  in  the  tcrrour  of  hfs'  i. 
des  mentioned  "^oice, and  the  found  preceding  our  of  his  mourh.  t  Vnder  5 
in  the  end  of    al  theheauens  he  con{idereth,and  his  light  is  vpon  the  endcs 
the  former       of  the  earth,  f  After  him  ihal  founding  roare, he  thai  thunder  4 
foVtcdulie^af-  ^'^^^  ^^^  voice  of  his  grearnes,&'  (hal  not  be  found  out  when 
flided.-but      his  voice  shal  be  heard,  t  God  shal  thunder  in  his  voice  mcr-  $ 
thunder  and    ueloudy,  he  that  doeth  great  ^' vnfeaicheahle  thin^'cs-  ■\  He   6 
other  meteors  that  cominandeth  ^y^^  fnow  to  defcendvpon  theeaith,  and 
'^^'"S  "S'^^^^    the  winter  rames,  and  the  shower  of  his  ftrrnpih.  t  He  that  7 

cfGodsiudgc   ^  I  i_     .  .      r    1  .  '  1  X 

Ricnt,  ftrike     "g^c^h  in  the  hand  of  al  men,  rhat  euerie  one  may  know  his 

thehartwith    workes.  f  The  bead  shal  enter  into  his  couerr,  and  shal  abide  8    . 

terrour.  in  his  denne.f  From  the  inner  pirres  shil  tempt  If  come  forth,   9 

and  Cold  from  '•'  Ar6turus.  f  "W  ^en  God  bloweth  froft  con-    lO 

.-.Norrhwind.  gf-lffh,  and  againe  waters  are  po  x^red  moft  lirgely.  f  Come   u 

P      ■  defireth  clowdfs,  and  the  clowdt  slpred  their  hoht    f  Which   iz 

••GoHdire-      §^^  round  about,  whither  (oeufr  the  wil  of  ••   the  gi.iut  rn<  r 

dieththe  -lou  shallead  them,  toalr'iarhe  shal  tomand  them  vpon  the  face 

defrin  theayre  of  hs  whole  earth  fWhcther  in   me  tribe  or  in  his  1  md,or  in    15 

as  am-Oer       what  place  fo  euer  of  his  mercy  h--  sha!  command  rhf  m  ro  be 

urinetha°'     ^'^"^'"^    t  Hirkenrorheferhinc;^I.,^>:fl:3n:l,    ndcoiifidrrrhe     4 

fl^ippc.  maruels  of  G jd.  tDoeft  thou  know  when  God  commanded  i; 


OF   lo  B.  II03 

16  the  ralneSjtlut  they  shew  the  iighrofhisclowdes? -fKnoweft 
thou  the  great  pathcs  of  the  clowdes,  anJ  the  pcrfed  know- 

17  ledges?  f  Are  not  thy  garments  here,  when  the  earth  shal 

18  be  blovrcn  with  tlie  South  winde  ?  -f  Thou  perhaps  madft 
the  heauens  with  him,  which  are  mort  found.cail  as  it  were  of 

19  bralTe.tShew  vs  what  we  may  fay  to  him;fur  we  arc  wrapped 

20  indarkenes.  t  Who  shal  tel  him  the  things  that  I  fpeakc  ?  yea 
11  if  man  sKal  fpeakejhe  shal  bedcuoured.  •)-  But  now  they  fee 

not  the  light :  fodenly  the  ayre  ihal  be  thickncd  into  do wJes, 
ai  and  the  wind  palling  by  (hal  driue  them  away,  f  From  the  .-.Mannotnblc' 
25  Northgoldcometh,&  toward  God"  fearful  prayfing.  f  We  torraifeGod 
can  not  find  him  worthcly:grcat  of  ftrength,  and  judgement,   "  '  .f*1h\iun 
24  andiuftice.and  he  can  not  be  vttered.  f  Therfore  shal  men  ^^^jth  fearc 
fearehim,  and  a)  that  feme  to  thcmfelues  to  be  wife,  shal  not  +  lobconuin- 
dare  to  behold  him.*  ccdthcfoimcr 

three  with 
Chap.     XXXVIII.  found  anfvcrs 

God  afterterrour  of  a'^hirlctvlnd^by  "^ayof  examining-  hU client  1  oh  of  ^n'sjaltan 
,  J  ,  ,  ,  I      ;  '^         1      ■         /•  n  moftarroeant 

diners  creatures  about  tkeir  nature^  sktrveth  that  no  man  bat/j  ^erject  ^,^^^  lilencc. 

k.f'Otvltge  cf  them,  much  Ujje  of  Cedi  imminfn 


Vt  our  Lordanfwerinc:  lob  outof  a  whirlewind,  (avdv  -„^ 

.  „  I        /-  I  1    w   I  P3it.        for 

2   KJ  t  'Who  is  this  that  wrappcth  in  fentences  with  vnskilrul  jj^^  tcnthand 

5  wordes?  f  Gird  thv  loynesas  aman:  I  wilaskc  thee,  and '-an-  laitdifpute 

4  fwerthourae.  -j- Where  waft  thou  when  I  lay  d  -  tuc  founda-  Goddifcuilcth 

5  tionsof  the  earth  ?tel  me  if  thou  haft  vndcrftandinn.  +  Who  tj^<^  ^0"'^°"" 
letthemtjilures  theror,  u  thou  know  ?  or  who  Uretchtdout  fcntenccfor 

6  the  line  vpon  it?  f  Vponwhat  are  the  foundations  therof  lob. 

7  grounded?  or  who  let  downe  the  corner  ftone  therof,  f  when  •:  Onhcthc 

the  morning  ftarrcs  praifed  me  topcther,  ard  al  the  fonnes  ^'^^^°^  ^•^^'^ 
t'  ,       f  e  '  ar>to!   tcand 

8  ofGodmadeiubilat:on?  f  Who  (hut  in  the -^Ica  with  doores  pcncift  kncr- 
when  it  brake  forth  proceding  as  it  were  out  of  a  matrice:  kgcofaicrca- 

9  t  when  I  made  a  clowde  the  garment  thcrot,  and  wrapped  it  'I'^f*  as  may 

10  in  darkenes  asin  cloutes  of  inr'ancie.  +  I  compaflcd  it  with  ^PP"''^   T'"' 

11  my  boundcs,and  putbarrc  and  doorcs.  f  And  I  (jyd  :  Hither'  ample: 

to  thoa  Oialr  come,and  ("halt  norproceie  farder,  «?v:  here  thou  ::Ot  thccrca. 
II   flialr  breake  thy  fwelling  wanes,  t  Dijftrhou  afttr  thy  birth  nonofthe 

command  ••  the  morning,  and  flicw  ihe  dawning  his  place.  ^^^^ 

T,arid  flicw  ihe  dawnino  his  place.  ^'  ^,.  ,    ^ 
ij  t  And  didft  thou  hold  the  exrremiti'^s  of  th"  earch  (haking 
14   them,  and  h -ft  chou  ft^i.iken  the  impious  out  f»f  it?  f  The  (eale    .pioini^ion 
i^   sh.1l  be  reftorcd  asclav  an. ^  shal  ft  .nd  as  a  g  rn-cnt:  ■\  From  ofiiglucs. 
the  impious  their  li^ht  shal  be  taken  Away, ana  the  high  armr 





fhal  heare  the  trumpet  lie  fayth:  Vah,  he  imciierh  barrel  far 
r.H-aukes    ""  of,  rhc  exhoriaiion  of  tiie  captaines,  and  the  ciieof  chearmie. 
'^w^'i°^  Anfto  I  Path  the  '••  hasTke  \s^axe  fcihercd  by  thy  wifcdom,  fprcding  if 
hc/za\'kindcs-  ^^t  ringcs  to  the  South?  jShal  the -eagle  mount  at  thy  com-  jo 
Plinie  (ixtcne.  mandmciif,  and  put  her  nefl  iu  high  places  ?  I  She  abidcch  in  31 
:.  Eiglcs,  of    rockcs,  and  caiiech  among  craggcd  Hinres,  and  fionie  hilles 
rEoililrong       where  is  no  acceilc.  f  Thence  Tne  beholdeththe  praye,  and  51 
her  cies  fee  a  far  of.  -j-  Her  yongones  ihallicke  bloud:^'\p'hcr-  35 
foeuer  thecarcaileshal  be,sheis  prcfcnt  by  and  by.  -f  And  our  54 
(f^uttis.Cff^o-  Lord  added, and  Tpake  CO  lob:  t  He  that  contcndtth  with  God  35 
r>e.;\ve  (Kal      jj  ho  qoieted  to  ea/ilyr Vereiy  he  that  rcproueth  God,  ought  to 
find  nothing     anf^^^  [^j,^  +  g^f  Job  anfwering  our  Lord,  fayd  :  t  i  that  xr 
wickedly  Ipo-    ,  ^.      ,  ,.    ,    ,         ,  -,  ^  r  T       ■!  .         , 

ken  but  only  haue  fpoKen  -  iigntiy  wnat  Can  I  anl'^cr?  I  wil  put  my  hand  1,6 

fmalc  ipeece     vpon  my  moiuh.  f  One  thing  I  haue  fpokcn,  Which  I  would  3B 
ofptiieinlpe  I  h  id  not  (a^yd:  and  an  Other,  to  tkc  which  thinges  I  wiladde 
^^^^■^S^7,.      no  more. 

much  or  his  /-«  v  t 

ov;'ncaffliaio  C  K  A  P.    X  L.       _      _       _ 

andtoolitle      Our  L^rd  further shcWeih  that  mAmpoJVre,  nor  iu/?ice^  is  not  comp^rahUte^' 

ofGod.s  good-      Gidi,  10.  <^  appeareth  m  oncrcommg  Behcmoth,io,  and LmiAthn^, 

ncs  towards 

•"ThoiK^'niob     A    Nd  our  Lord  anfwering  lob  out  of  thc  whirlewinde,  r.    ^ 

had  truly  a-  -/~\  fayd:  |  Gird  thy  loynes  as  a  man:  I  wil  aske  thee,  and   t 

uouchedtiut  doe  rhou  teime.  t  Shall  thou  make  my- Judgement  of  none  3 

hisanacsde-  efFed;  and  condemne  me,  that  thou  mayft  be  luftiiicdr  f  And  4, 

eixa'taffTidi'-  hdifi.  tixouan  aimcas  God,  and  doll  thou  thunder  with  like 

ons,yethe  voicc.  f  Put  beautie  about  thee,  and  fee  vp  thy  felfe aloft,   f 

ghttohaue  and  be  glorious,  and  puton  goodlie  garmentcstDifpcrfe  the    S 


acknowleged    pi-Qwdf  in  thy  farie,and  beholding  eucrie  arrogant  man^hum- 

V"^^  u  '    '^  a'    blehira.  f  Behold  al  the  prowde,  and  confound  them,  and  7 
Ctcahimiult  '    .        .  .  r        ,,,,.,       ,  .        u      j    n.    o    ■ 

Iv  forfome      deftroy  the  impious  m  rhejr  place,  f  Hide  them  in  the  duit  a 

othercaufe       together^  and  plunge  their  faces  in  the  pit.  f  And  I  wil  con-  9 
knowneto        feHe,  that  thy  right  hand  is  able  to  faue  thec.  f  Behold,-  Be-  10 
God,  but  vn-    ji^^oth  whom  I  made  with  thee,  shalcate  hay  as  it  were  an 
knowctohim,  ,    ,t      n_  .    •     -      1  •     1  1  1  •  •        i 

which  he  not    ^^^'  t  "is  Itrength  is  in  his  loynes,and  his  powre  in  the  n- 

confciTing  n:;uil  of  his  bcllie.  f  He  gatiiereth  together  his  taile  as  the  ir 

femedtomakc  cedcr  tree,  the  fincwcs  of  his  ftonesarc  pcrplexe.  f  His  bones   \y 

Gods  ludgc-  ^j.^  ^j    •       of  biafTe,  his  sriftle  as  it  were  plates  of  iron.  +  He  14 

or,  ofnont  *s  the  beginning  of  the  wayes  of  God,  which  made  him,  he 

rffccl.  s.Grcg.  shal  applic  his  fword.  t  To  him  the  mountaines  bcarc  graffe  ;   ij 

Zi.;i.f.5.  al  the  beaftcs  of  the  hide  shal  play  there,  t  He  lleepeth  vnder  16 

::\nEIep!iant  ^^^  shadov,  in  the  fccrctc  of  therccde,  and  in  moyft  places. 

The  B  o  OKE  1107 

J7  Shadovresdoe  proted  his  shadoxjr,  iheu'illcv  cs  ofihc  cor-  oTjlbfaPfs' 
18  rentshal  compallchim.  f  Loe,  heshal  Tup  vp  thcriucr,  and  tflonghfc, 

shal  not  meruaile:  andhehath  conhdencc  that  lorcan  may    '°"g' "'<=  *^» 
i^   runneintohismouth.|Inh]scicsas\vuhahookc  hcshalraki'  cl.aiiV,  oucr- 

him,  and  with  flakes  he  shal  boare  tlirough  his  nofthicls.  ccmcby  the 
20  t  Canll  thou  drasvc  out  the  -  Ltuiathan  \rith  a  hooke,  and    ^'m'cinf.or 
zi  with  aropeshaltthou  tyehistoniiuc  ?  t  Sl.akthou  putaiiri"  ^"'?/^">  ^J 
11  inhisnolthrels,  or  bore  through  his  lawviih  a  buckle?  "tWjlno.'c  &  leddc 

hemultiplie  prayers  to  thee,cr  fpcake  to  thcc  gentle  wordes?  aua\.H<,v?- 
25  t  '^'^^  '^e  make  a  couenant  with  thee,  and  shalt  thou  take  him  mu<^h  'I'orc 

24  to  be.  a  feruant  for  eucr?  f  Shalt  shou  delude  him  as  a  birdc,  ^'-^^'■Gccis 
ij  or  tye  him  for  thy  handmaydcs?j-  Shal  freindes  cut  him,  mer-  p,  ue  maa" 
i6  chantes  diuidehim?  -j-  Shalt  thou  lil  ncttcs  with  his  skinne,  powro  co 
27  and  the  cabbin  of  fishes  with  his  heade.  |  Lay  thy  hand  vpon  cccicomc 

25  him  ;  remember  battel,  and  addc  to  fpeake  no  more,  t  Behold  ^'^^  f^jutl  ? 
his  hope  shal  fruftratc  him,  and  in  the  fight  of  al  he  shal  be  '„^.^^^  \^,^^ 
call  do  wne  headlong.  haps,  the 

Chap.    XL  I.  whzic,  cxca- 

ZeulathdB  is  further  defcnhedhy  the  peculiar  Partes  of  hti  hodie,  and  terrible  '^•"g  mans 
r^'         r    I  I  ■  I  pcvx'Jc  to  be 

compo  itiort  of  Al  hn   members,  ^  , 

I  J  J  iTianac^cd,  yet 

is  fiibieilfas 

J  "VT  O  T  as"cruel  will  raifehim.for  who  can  refill  my  con«  alfothcdiucl 

2  XN(  tenancc?t  "^''"ho  hath  geucn  me  befote,that  I  may  ren- ^'l^"'''^^"'^^j^'='^* 

2   dcr  vnto  him?  Al  ihin^es  that  are  vndcr  hcauen  be  mvnc.  t  I    ^'^°    °j 

•1  r  I  •  1^1  •        •    1    ■  J  1  r  '.I        pcvrie,  and 

wil  not  (pare  him,  and  his  mightie  wotdcs,  and  tranird  to  be-  piouidencc. 

4  (ccch.  f  Who  shal  reuele  the  face  of  his  garnient:  and  who  :  GodrulcrK 

5  shal  enterinto  the  middes  of  his  mouth;  fWiio  shal  open  the  alius  ci>-atu- 
gate  of  his  countenance?  dreade  is  round  about  his  tccih.  '^•^^>|'^^^" 

6  f  His  bodie  as  shildes  that  are  call,  compa^Tt  with  skaies  fall  tyrannc,  but 

7  cleaning  together,  f  One  is  ioyned  to  another,and  not  fo  vtuhiufiicc, 

8  much  as  anic  ayrccntereth  betwen  them:  -j-  One  shal  llicke  calc.and 
to  an  other,  (Sc  holding  eche  other,  they  shal  not  be  fepetatcd.  f^^'^^* 

<)  j-  His  fnecfing  is  as  tb.e  shining  of  fire,&  hiseies  as  the  twink- 
ID  lings  of  themorning.  f  Outof  his  mouth  proccdc  lampes, 
If  as  it  were  torches  of  lighted  fire,  j- Out  of  his  nofthrcli  pro- 
11  cedeth  fmokc,asic  were  of  a  pot  heated  and  bcyling.  f  His 
breath  maketh  coales  to  bu!ne,(.\' a  Hamecoraeth  fotth  out 

13  of  his  mouth,  f  In  his  nccke  thai  llrene,th  abide,  dxi  ncedincs  "C">d  at  lad 

14  i^octh  before  hisface.  t  The  menibcrsofhis  Hesh  cle.nic  to- *^'^'^'">''-''^* 

*■      L                                1         •■  1        1     I."      J  I-    '        •                 •     rL  I  •        li:in  whom 
cernerone  to  an  orncr:  ••  he  sha  lend  hr^^tnings.ioain  t  Jiim,     ,_  ^„., , 

15  a,nd  heshalnoc  bccaricd  to  an  other  place,  f  Hii  h.artshal  be  cuticouic. 

T  1 1 1  tt  i 

iio8  The  booke 

::Aflgclswlch  hardened  as  a  ftofie,  and  flial  be  ftiiiy  compadasthe  fmithes 
reucrcntfeare  (^jj-j^jg  | -vj^rhen  he  shal  be  taken  away,the-:  Angels  shal  fearc,  if 
G^dspowre.    and  being  feared  shal  be  purged. -f-  \7hcnthe  fword  shal  ap-   17 
Andvalient      prehend  him,  neither  (peare,  nor  breftplate  shal  be  able  to 
mariners  and    abide,  f  For  he  shal  efteme  yron  as  chaiFe,  and  braffe,  as  rot-   i§ 
otherfoldi-      ten  wood,  -f  The  bowman  shal  not  pur  him  to  flight,  the  19 
fieXhrnthcy  ftoncsofthefling,to  him  are  turned  into  ftubblcf  As  ftubble  20 
fee  this  fo        wil  he  cftcme  the  hammer,  and  he  wil  laugh  him  to  skorne 
iiugeafish        that  shaketiuhe  fpearc.  f  The  beamcs  of  the  funne  shal  be  21 
Myftically,       ynder  him, and  hc  shal  draw  gold  vnder  him  as  durt.  |  He  shal   22 
Gods  prea-       jjj^ke  the  deepe  fea  to  boyle  as  a  pot,  and  shal  put  it  as  vrhen 
feaeftTerua"-  ointmentes  boyle.t  A  path  shal  shine  after  him>c  shal  efteme  25- 
lesfhahiatu-    the  depth  as  waxing  old.  f  There  is  no  power  vpon  the  earth,  24 
rally  fcare  the  f  j^ac  may  be  compared  with  him, who  is  made  to  feare  no  man. 
r'^T^^d  j-Hefeetheuenchighthingjheis  :*•  king  oucral  the  children  15. 

mlnT^"     ofpryde. 

::Andthcdi-  Ch  A  P.    XL  IT. 

ucl  reigneth      j^olie  loh  tn^ruffed  C"  comforted  by  Gods  difcourfe,aeknofplegeth  his  faulty, . 
oner  proudc  4ndcratteth  pardon  for  his  ouerftght  mflf  each,' or  cogitation.  7.  Qgd  iufli-^- 

llT.t    .o-*i*7.      fi  thhiscuHfea^Ainfthisfeindes.  ^.ihty  offer facnfice  for  their  offence.  10,- 
^l  thinges  Proffer  ^ith  Uh,  duhle  to  that  he  had  before.  16.  and  be  disth  / 
::Iob  here  ha^pely. 

fimply  acko\s' 

ledgcd  his  -     N  D  lob  anfwerins  our  Lord,  fayd:  f  I  know  that  thou  1 1 

errorinipea-       /A  ,,    ,         ,    :  .        "         ,  '     /      .'      .    .jf  1 

kincr  fo  much  J-  X.  canll  doe  al  thmges,  and  no  cogitation  is  hid  from  thee. 

in  defence  of    fwho  is  this,  that  concealeth  counfel  without  knowledge?  5 
hisowneinno  Thcrforc  haue  I  fpoken-*  vnwifely,  and  the  thinges  that  did 
!it"ct('Go'd[°  excede  my  knowledge  beyond  mefure.tHeare  (I  befech  thee)  4 
pro^u^denceL  and  I  wil  fpeake:  I  wil  aske  thee,  and  do  thou  tel  me.  f  With  5 
affliainghim,  the  hearing  of  the  eare  I  haue,  heard  thee, 'but  now  my  eye 
for  his  more     feeth  thee.  -f-Therfore  ••  I  reprehend  my  felf,and  I  do  penance  6 
merite,  and     j^  imbers  and  ashes,  -f  And  after  our  Lord  fpake  thefe  wordes  7 
^w"^""^"       toIob,heraydtoEhphaztheThemanite:Myfurieis  wrath 
^Before  he       againft  thee,  and  againft  thy  tw©frendes,bccaufc"  you  haue 
defended  a       not  fpoken  right  before  me,  as  my  feruant  lob.  •{■  Take  ther-  8 
truthagainft     f^j.^  ^^^^  ^q^"  fguen  oxen,  and  fcuen  rammes,  and  goe  to  my 
freindes'' nov^  feruantlob,  and  offer  holocaufte  for  your  felues :  and  my 
wkhmo'rere-  ieruant  "  lob  shal  pray  for  you  :  his  face  I  wil  recciue,  that 
fignationhe     the  follie  be  not  imputed  to  you:  for  you  haue  not  fpoken 
contented        ri^ht  thinges  before  rae,as  my  feruant  lob.f  Eliphaz  therfore  f 
SfflLw   iheThemanite,andBaldadikeSuhite,and  Sophar  the  Naa- 


OF  lo  B.  1105 

Riarliite  vcnt,anddid  as  our  Lord  hadfpckcnrothem,  and 

10  our  Lord  receiued  the  face  of  lob.  t  Our  Lord  alio  \ras  tur- 
ned at  the"  penance  of  lob,  when  he  prayed  for  his  freindcs.  J.IobJii^pe- 
Andour  Lord  added  al  thinges  whatl'oeuer  had  bene  lobes,  "auccbotu 

11  duble.  f  And  al  his  brethren  came  to  him,  and  al  his  fifters,  ^"j  ^^h^^^  ' 
andal  that  knew  him  befote,  and  they  did  cate  bread  with  :.intliathc 
liim  in  his  houfe;  and  wagged  the  head  vpon  him,  and  com-  had  al  other 
forced  him  vponal  the  cuil  chat  God  had  brought  in  vpon  tlimgcsduMc, 
him.  And  eueriemangauehimone  ewe,  and  one  carelct  of  ^'^'^'-^.'^c*"" 

XI  gold,  t  And  our  Lord  blcffed  the  hftdaies  of  lob  more  then  numbc^rasbe- 
liis  beginning.  And  he  had  fourrene  thoufand  shecpc,  and  foic,  it  is  a 
fix  choufand  camels,  &  a  thoufand  yoke  of  oxen,  and  a  thou-  fij;ncthaitlie 
13  fandsheafies.  f  And  he  had  -  feuen  fonncs,rind  three  daugh-  j|""^^r  pcn- 
34  ters.  "{•  And  he  called  the  name  of  one  Dies,  and  the  name  of  j,'^^j'^"jjj^"^ 
ij  the  fecond  Ca(Iia,&:  the  name  of  the  third  Cornuflibij.  f  And  ftatc.    ^ 
there  were  not  found  in  a!  the  earth  wemcn  fo  bcaunful  as 
the  daughters  of  lob:  and  their  father  gaue  them  inheritance 
16  among  their  brethren,  f  And  lob  lined  after  t hefc  thinges, an 
hundred  foarticyeares,  and  he  fawhis  children,  and  his  chil- 
drens  children, vnro  the  fourth  generation, and  he  died  an  old 

Chap.    XLII. 

%  Vouh4ae  tittfpokfn  r{^^',  asmyfeyuant  Ich]  Holic  lob  being  throughly  tried '  God  by  his 
jn  the  fornace  of  tribulation,  ancjby  diuine  inflruftion  confiimed  in  pcrfcd  fcntcncc  cofv 
patience, and  other  vertues, God  atlaft  gauefcntcnce,  condemning  the  guiltic,  dcmncd  the 
•andiuftifyingtheinnocent.-in  plainc  termesprononcing  that  Elipls.TZ,  Balda  I,  error  oflobs- 
andSopharhadnotrpokenrightbeforehim,ashi$  feruant  Inb.  And  fo  thcfc  freindcs,  .-ind 
three  beingconuincedjthatnotvi^ithftandinrr  their  former  pretence  of  defcn-  inftinedhis 
ding  Gods  caufe,  they  had  erred.and  lob  hiid  maintained  the  truth,  they  fub-  alfertion* 
mittcd  themfclucs  as  fau!tie,and  humbly  did  penance,  bringing  their  ob/ations 
for  facrificc  to  lob,  as  they  were  commanded,  v.  8  Sc.p 
AsforEliuthelaft  dirpurer,perfiftingmore  vchemct  in  his  crrourwhen  otherr 
ceaflTcd  from  contention,  he  was  fuffijciently  condemned  in  his  fe)ow'cs.  And 
lheratherforthattruepointofhiso\»'ncde£trine  (  ch.J3.  V.14  )  that  Godf[>ea. 
i^eth  once,  and  repeteth  not  th<f  fame,  the  fecbifd  time.  Torn  Ki'as  euera  general  uilc.  Errors  oilgnr 
thatwhcn  Godoncereueiicdanie  thingby  publiqucfaa,  or  vnto  competent  nottobchoU. 
witnefles,  irfufficcd  for  euer,  tool  reasonable  men,  and  fo  Eliu  mi;^ht  applle  dcninl,bcii  g 
the  fentence  to  himfelfc,vhich  God  had  denounced  to  his  ihree  freindcs,  in   ORcc  ccndcm- 
f-.^t!^.    thefamecaufe.Much  lefie  areProrefljntescxcufjble,  which  not  only  perlift  ',    '■  ,  p 
dcjldcO'  inerrors  co^emncd  inthclrownefclowes.asin  Luther, Caluin,Bcza  Mothers,  ^lu<^n'f"c 
vper  s.     buralfo  In  other  old  kercfits :  as  their  doctrine  of  iuftification  by  only  faith  i-iH^dagainc 
Cyprian,  condemned  in  the  ApoAbs  time:  their  denying  the  cerimonics  of  Baptifme,  &  p'^'^.j^  lif  rto- 
h.i.ep.z.  the  Sacr&ments  of Confiimation:  Sc  ofPcnancc,  condemned  in  thcXouniians:  lO'^  buiicd. 

Ttmc  5  or  that 

iiio  The  BOO  ICE  . 

or  that  patient  faflaining  of-yorldlicloires,  and  other  sUlidioHS,  fiichas  lob  ^pwl 
fuilcred,  are  not  faiisfaftorie,  or  meritorious  uorkes.  hufeh.  l>; 

Numbersmy-      ^'    1'a'f.feuen  oxen,  and  feumrammes.]  In  the  ntunber  offeuen  isa  myfteric  6C.35. 

ftical.  ofperfedlion  and  fulncs,  often  vfed  in  liolie  scripture  .  For  God  creating  the  Gm.x.    ■ 

world  and  al  thingesthcnn,  infix  dayeSjreftcdchefcuenth.  Seuenfold  punifti-        4 
mcutwasrequiren  for  Cain  .  Seuen  payresofclcancbeaftcs'K'ereconrerued  in        7 
inNoesarke.  Ai)d  in  t  he  law  the  gro  una  refted  from  tillage  the  i'cLienth  yeare.  Exod.f^. 
with  innumerable  the  like.  As  S.Gregorie  in  this  place,  and  other  Fathers  note  Dem.ij, 

tor  great  inchcir\5/orkes.  Alfo  twifefeucn  vi£limes  offered  in  facrifice,  import  the  great- 

onences.  nes  ofthefe  mens  oiFcncein  accu{ingIob,andinauouching  their  falfe  opuiion. 

Deuotion  ot  ^       g^     i.hihM  fmy  for  you.  Neither  had  fo  nianle  fa  crificcs  fufficed,  as  S.  Chii- 
"hf  ^^'^  '^'  ^°''^o''"°''^^'^^""^'^5  0'''''^-5''»^-'*'^'«''^jVnIcs  lob  alfo  had  prayed  for  thcoffenders. 

rethiacri  ce     vvhcre^'elee  that  both  Sacrifice, &  the  deuotion  of  him  that  ofFercth  it,  haue 

mcreaicttitlie  thcij-eifeacs:  whcreofcommeth  the  diftinaion  vfedin 

Great  or  ma- 
nic facrifices 


Scholes,  oiOfusopera- 
tu:n,a.niopusopet-a!itis.  Asit  is  mam  feft  Iikewife, that  mediation  of  one  man  for 

irayc  so       ^  another,  did  not  derogate  from  Gods  bcnignemercie,  in  thelaw  of  nature, 
hcliemenor    ^iiev^i^  chefei^cn  liued.  Nor  now  from  Chriftes  mediation,  in  the  law  of 
Sainftcs  -i"'-'^- 
gate  no 

Sainftcs  dero- (.^^^^^_  z.  Cor.  i.  v.  n. 
gate  not  txom 

of  this  ftrange  and  facrcd  hifiorie. 

Why  we  T7  Or  itioidingprollxitie  {this  ydume  growing  great)  'f&o  hdite  p>r  mofl 
hauemadc  _  ^  f/.xrt  contrdcled  our  Annotations  tnto  the  mar^r'n,  md!:in^  yery  fm 
ew  anno      -  ^^f^,,.^^  j^  ^^^^  ho^r,  wkicb  othenvifs  oftredmuch  more  occ^fion,  as  mi  for 

OnS  in  tills  7  ■        t         )     1  r      1  ri  \  I  inn  , 

booke.  tx^iuAting  hdra  pUces,  as  of  other  dottrindl  and  moral  inltrtUtions,  N£iiher 

in  dede  cm  ordinarie  Annotations  tvdfu^ice  for  vnderftanding  ofthiSiUnd 

ether  hard  hoQ^cs.  B«f  rather  Ur^e  Comint&nes  are  rfefuiredjuch  as  S.  Gre- 

gone.and  other  ancient  Fathers:  as  alfo  F.Iohn  de  Vincd^yand others  hatit 

lately'^rittcn.  fjherto  '^ether/ore  rcmitte the lemed  readers.  A^d  for  the 

Thearevi-       henijiieofQtbirsofoHrnition^'VDeshal  here  brief j  recapituUte  the fumms, 

Kient  of  this     and  pnnsipalpoimss  of  this  holie  and  adrKirabie  htfioricy  confining  in  a  fm- 

hiftonc.         gnlar  hohe  mansconfliflesyand.gUriom'yic^rie,  agamj}  inwjibieand  yi/i- 

ble  adaerftriesy  both  in  profperous  and aducrfe  fortune, 
^?}^^"  P^°^P^-  Fir jUbis  holie  man  lob  in  al  abundance  of  weakh  and  riches,  blefiTed 
tempted  inui-  ^^""^^  ntanie  children  {ehA)  fttttngin  aprmcelie  throne^  andioyA  digni- 
fiblymorc  lh{ch.i^.)'m  the  land  oilli\s,ivasnjt&nlyz^r:i\iQd  with  common  ten ^ 
then  ordinary  tAtions  of  theenuioHS  enimie,  as  alare  that  liuePioufly  in  Go^Jjut  fo  much  i.Ttm.  j, 
men  of  lower  fj^g  more,  as  he  w^s  more  ^odlte^fmcerer  and  verfeBer  then  other  men, 
ftate,orlefe  7  r     l  •    u         ^  \i\-  i   u-  I    .         r 

perfection      ^^f'^^  ncuer  let  his  hart  vpon  world  he  or /^f??2/7or4f  thmges,  hut  with 

al  dtiefeitefo  fcrued  God,  and  parted  from  euil,  that  Satan  himfelfiths 

calumniator  of  mankind )  coaUnot  charge  him  f&ith  aniefinne  at  al.  fhottrh 

,,     ,  he  Would  not  for  al  tfut  confeffe  hin^  to  be  iufl  .or  perfeflr:hut  for  further  trial 

Much  more       /,  •        ,        -  ,   ,       111,  ^        t      '        1     1 1         rr  r  » 

by  loflcofal     of  hitn^demtndtd  and  obtained  licence  of  God  to  touch  at  bis  pojjitjiom^  and 

iaisgoodes     [0  berened  \\im  of  al  bis  goodqs^  sSc  children  i}f  om d^y.  Andivhen  kg 

~  prefeuering 

O  F    lOB.  nil 

perfeuering  «»/?<<»*  in  vertue,  thanking  God  for  al,not  finning  in  an^chiUrcn 

iiislippeSj  neiihcr  fpeaking  anie  fooliili  thmj?  aeainft  Cod, tht  Wa*^ /^i 

Aiuclgettingmore  ample  fermi]jiQti  to  tenth  Lii  bones  dnd  Jlcih  {ika^.i)  lu»  bodilicaffli- 

fudenly  ftroock  him  with  moflgricuous  botch  {orbojfle)hom  the  dion. 

fole  oi  the  foote  to  the  toppc  of  the  head  :   who  fitting  on  a  Andrcuiiing     • 

dunghil,andl"craping  the  corruption  of  his  foreswith  a  lliel  m  ^'^'^^'*'^^'^' 

extreme  pine,  his  civn^  vriie,  bj  thedtuils  f::f^r/Iion,  reuilcd  himforhti 

ftncentiei^nd  prouoked  him  to  blafphcme  God  :  bttt  be feuerelj  refrC' 

hendei.  herfolli  e,ftU  keeping  neceffur  iepotttence, 

ThencxmethiecJpL'culitcmdcSynoblef^ifemen  (or  litle  /^/»|'«i)  to  yi/fte, 

and comjorte  him,'^ho  in  fcuen  dayes  not  ("peaking  one  word  of  con- 

folation, nor fB^tf/w  tnto ante  difcourfe  rvttb  k!m,At  Uft  lob  him felf  (chap.  Holic  lob  la- 

7^,)  broke  this  long  filmce  (but  not  his  p*tience)  Jamcnrably  bexrayling  mcntcdhis 

theextrernitieoniispaincs,/W«//>f<t/<o;^fwrTm«  ef  mans  efrate,  '^i^Jon.and 

Ji     r  vr  r    1     r    '         •  i  i  "'  ;     i  the  crcncral  ml 

ferrw^/fd&^y^ewfjdilcourled of certaine penal  cuilcs,  or  mttUdes  tn-  fcncsof  man. 
fumg  therupoay  wishing  fflr  his  oivnejmrt  (if  It  hAdfo  bene  Gods  pleafure^ 
for  be fwc'.r'y  feared  Cod)  that  ciihet  he  had  not  bene  borne,  or  bene 
shortly  taken  out  of  his  world,  curfing  finne and  the  proper  cfFe- 
<St:estherofrf/?j;?;»'og'r«»»4»,  "wishing4//^o  tohauc  wanted  the  ordi-  vvhcrclob 
nariebenefites  o( education  in  bis  infantie^And  aI  his  former  profperitie^  cipedcd 
fa  thai  be  mirbt  haue  efcAped  the  caUmiiieS:,  HVherVPith  he  nas  new  affiled,  comforth  la 
^ln'hnhbevtterinziniVAyofcQntmningalrvorldliethinges,andfuppo~    ,'  ".    '.    '  _ 
Jlnghi^  i'tcindcs  there  prefntjWottld  bane  fol>ndcrJfood  bim,dnd  had  com-  cured  him 
fujfion  iVith  him:  they  contrArimfe  (by  Aft  of  the  diud^  Codfo  permuting )  more  afflicli- 
fei  into  indignntion,  &  in  ftead  of  comforting  their  moji  afficledfrtind^  on. 
sharply  reprehended  him,  rAibly  iudgedhis  confcience^and  falfly  con- 
demned him,  «fl?o«/;  ofiiripatient  l^cach^AS  ojfenjiue  to  Gcd,and  his 
^ngtU,AndtoAl7oodmen\but  alfo  of  other  cnormiousjinnes:  as  ipiide, 

tyrannic,  prefurapcion,  hypochrific,  and  blafphemie,  becanfe  here-  •^°^f"^':*^^' 

,       t    /^    .       i''         11         a       )i    r  J  /      L  ■      j\         aedinbodic 

to/ore  hsfemed  to  tht  world  AS  iu[t  And  holie^andnojv  (as  tb(jf  imagined)  m  i-.a^niheffuc- 

his  d.fermd punishment,  charged  Ged  with  tmujiice.  ^hempon  grew  diners  i^l  confflidcs 

longdifpntes  betwen  lob  and  his  three  fremdes  \  a  fourth  alfo  intruding  him-  abour  the 

felfe,  whet)  the  others  ce.^.(Jtci.  Jo /i&4nobindured  nine  conflidcs,-*^^  caiifcthcrol 

in  the  tenth  God  iudged  him  the  v.i dour,  whi^h  shal  yet  better  ap-  ^cixdVd  "^^ 

feATiyifwercpetethefnmme  of  their  argitmenteSy  Cr  his  anfwerSjWith  Gods 

decijiofi  of  the  controuerfte. 

IntkefrJ^confiHEhphazthechiefefiof  lobs  freindes  (in  the.  4.  and  ^.  ThcfirlUoti- 

f/;^^ffr5)  accufed  lob  of  great  impatience,  and  infolencie  againfi  flid, 

(70^,  4//o^o//>  him  and  hisfamilieof  tyrannic,  like  to  a  cruel  Jion, 

and  lions  \i'he\pcs,alletging for proofe  tkeprolperitieofgcodmen^funi^h- 

mtntoftheWlcl:jid,AndApA,tiCiiUr^'ifton,  ^d:ttrcd  hint  ticrfore  to  ac- 

Tttttt   4  ^  kpcwl^ 

Till     _  The  BooKE 

k_mwU^i  and  repent  the  fame-  Butloh  (m  other  two  chd^ters)  auoched 

The  maine      that  in  deede  his  afflictions  \rcre  greater  then  his  finnes  deferuedj. 

poiHtofthe     relying  v^ionhinnnQcencieknowentobiiowneconfcunce.  Dejc^iheddjothe. 

controuer     ' •  ffj^i^i^Qlflc^l^f}<i,itiesofmAm  life,  dejired  to  die,  and  foto  tndhis  yfiorldlte- 


Then  Ba.ld3.d  the fecond  oppofttefreind  ( in  the  8.  chap.)  pretending  ro^ 
free  Gods  iadgement  from  al shejfi  or  refim^Unce  of  iniufftcet  charged 
lob  and  his  children  \fith  former  wickednes,rf»^  him  as  iniunousto 
Godinhisfpcachesy  of^hichifhe'^ould  repent,  he  should hehedtdi  and 
Thcground    profpcras  hefsre:  Arguing  in  gener J,  that  God  neuer  aftlideth  the 
of  chele  mens  innocent,  nor  aflifteth  the  malignant.  Inftntuttng  theryy^thAt  lok 
error.  ^^^^  ^^  hypocrite,  '^herto  lob  anfivered  ('  lo)  that  in  dtie  no  mari- 

may  compare,  nor  iuftifiehimfelfe  before  God.  Neuerthelesit  fian'- 
detb  wel  With  Godsiu(}iceyporvre,cr  "^ifdome^that ihnocentesh.e femetimes. 
exercifednnth  trihuUtions,  more  then  their  offences  deferue. 
Thirdly  Sophar  (the third difputer)  alTaulted  lob  (f^.iK)irapuring  hi& 
^&St  fpcach»and  defence  ofhimfeif  to  loquacitie,  and  audacious  teme- 

rities in  that  h-  deftred  ta  hjion>  the  aufes  ofGodspremdence^  info  grttmn^ 
JlyaffiB-in^him.  Of  which  faultesholie  lob  purged  himlelf  {mthethret 
next  chapters jfld  maiataynin^  hts  innocencie^according^to  his  oipne  confcience. 
better  knotPcn  to  himfrlf  then  to  them^  de firing  God  to  infiruB  him^if  he  had. 
ante  '\nknoiivm  fmnes.  Difcoarfedalfo  much  more  profoundly  of  Gods  pofpre^ 
fpifdome^iuflice^and promdence,(is  s^el  m  general,  as  toifards  bimfrlf  ifk 
particular:  and profejfed  hfs  faith,  and  gieit  confidence  of  the  I{€(urre8 ion. 
n-x,  c  t-  ^fimEliphaaff^.  If )  more  bitterly /6f»^£/o?f5  condemned  lob 
conflidl;  or  prclumption,  and  blalphemie,  dijcourjed  oj  mans  corruptnes  and 

prones  tafinne,  defcrihing  the  maners  ofhypdcbntcsy  And  other  impious  men^, 
frith  their  miferaUe  endes,  and  argued  loh  for  fuch  a  one.  FP^ho(j,n  the  next 
f<i^o  f^rf/'/tfn)expofl:ulated  with  thefehis  hcinds ^that  they  coming  with 
pretence  to  comforth  him,  didfo  violently  afflifl  h'lm^  hy  charging  him  With 
falfe  andheynous  crimss,  his  o  wne  confcience  better  knowings  and  tefifymg 
hisformer  life, and  fate  ofhisfoule,  then  that  their  imaginations  could  alter 
Its  migement.  ^adfo  trith  contempt  of  this  world,  er  deftre  of  death 
andrefl,  appealed  to  Gods  iudgement  againft  his  three  freindes, 
touching  the  matter  in  controutrfte.  In  the  meane  time  comforted  bimfelf 
With  mediution  of  the  next  world. 
Tlie fifth  Baldad  lik.e\vife  te^pVied  (ch.  i8.)  with  hote  contention,4fr«/'^»^/o^ 

conflid.  cfinfolent  tmpatienceytnculcatin^tbegreuouspumshmentes  both  ofhim,ini 

others  for  their  imp  ietie.  In  tnfwer  ^herto  he  lamented  again  e  the  wa  n  6 
-^        o  f  expe  6t  ed  CO  ra  for  t  h ,  efpecially  by  futhfreinde:,  Stil  comforted  him/elf 
^\^  ypfth  ajfursd faith  of  the  P^fuTreclion^. 

"  '  '  Sophar 

OF    I  OB.  Ill  3 

Sop!iar4//oC<  againcto  couinccTob  of  impicticj 
Sindl\y[)Oc\n\Ci€yLj  the  mijerMcy  and  ffttdie  fA  •/  bunked  men  nftef  "^^^gV 
frofperiiie:  for  fo  he  tmA^mtd  lob  to  he  f^lleniBto  irrtconeraUe  miferte.  But 
lob  (hewed  r^ffowfr^ni-,  that  fome  wicked  men  profpcr  long,  _;e4 
4! tleir life\  and  the fime  ionr ^Atid  then  in  :i  moment  2,0c  downeio  hcJ, 
4nd  fd  the  AT^ttmtnt  ofprefent  ajfiiSlion proned not  thtir  opinion  ^^ainfi  him. 

Eliphazdifputcdfitf //;<W//w<(f;(?.zi. )  contending  that  the  caufes  ^i  r  . 
of  affiliation,  are  not  to  be  attributed  to  Gods  fccrete  ptouidcncc,  conflict. 
hut  to  ajfnred  ftnnes  of  the  "^iclicd,  rpon  nhem  only  hefup^ofed,  that  affit- 
Bion- jiiunfcrnr?^  that  lob  f-ydsgtidneof  enormious  crimes^  Crrrojfe errors,' 
rr^ed  himth(rfore  to  returne  to  Cody  tb^t  be  mi^ht  be  rejlored  to  former 
^ro(jt?<n//(r.  lob  againe.ippealed  ro  Gods  fentence,  r?o/  in  his  terrour^ 
norrigoHrofhiiiii[iic:^biit  afainfikii  aduerfariesin  thi^  qu^rel,  defcribing 
Gods  powre,and  v/ildome,  by  which  he  permircerh  theinnocenc 
to  beafflided,  <S»:  the  wicked  to  profper  :nom<tn  knowing  how  fooney 
or  ho  W  Utey  al  receine  as  they  deferae. 

il^orfort.T  BalJadcifputed  the  third  time^very  brirjly  (eh.  zj.jende-  Theeicrhc 
uounngto  terrific  lob  from  further  anfweringjrfWi/f/^ff/d/T^  from  conflict, 
appeahng  to  Gods  iudg^-mcnr.  But  lob  Iferj  largely  {m  ftx  enfuing 
f^^y(7/fr5)  difcourled  diuinely  of  Gods  (oucreigne  Maicile,  Powre, 
"Wifdom,  exad  luftice,  and  infinite  Mercie.  ^^00/  wicked  mens  de» 
JfruBion;  o( his  owne  former  profperirie,  and  prcfcntcalamitie,^©- 
j^ether  with  his  good  workes,  4itd  innoutuiCy  which  hepl  anouched  in 
nf^eSi  of  great  imquiiies. 

^fter  that  lob  and  bis  three  fremdes  ceajfed .nothing  being  agreed  vpon  in  The  ninth 
thep9mtofc9ntrcHerfse,tbeditielyet  ceafed  not,biit  jfttrred^p  a  -.ongmany  ^°^^^^- 
(fui/fi^  Eliu,proud  and  arrogant,  ^ttt«o/vn/fror</,"Vi/;o  abruptly  con- 
demned them  s.\:,t(.wittey  lob  of  pertm^cie,  the  otbtrs  of  mfuficiencie. 
^ndtherforetooke  ypon  himtoconiiUKe  Job,  though  the  others  ecnld  not. 

FcryliketoUtt-riftti^  Proteltantes,  or  Puriraines  bra"c:ine  that  by  ^'^^*^^  ^f "J 

1         r  L       J    r    t  1?  f       ctaneshold 

Tic'V  HT^umenieSy ar.d proofes rietter heard  o,\  they  wil  ouerthrow  the  theraft'ucs 

Papiftes,  or  CAtholi^ue Komame  Church,  and  dofiriny  ^htch  al  former  eni-   the  wileft. 

mies,  lewes,  Pagaines.Turkcs,  and  Heretikcs,norHel  gates, could 

notouercome.    This  yong  Eiiu  th(rfore,  with  his  Priuate  fpirire,  Efpecially 

Ipifer  m  bis  otvnt  (onctipt  then  alibxt  Went  before  him,  alLultcd  (rr.ftant  thcfcofour 

Ic"       '  ""  


'""•-;'■" —.  — "^^ ,.^-^.,^  „.j.v„.^,..,  ..^  ...,„^.j  ^..,.1,  „u.  o^ng  pauatc 

denied,  or  fom4mfej}  falj'e,  tiat nurte  mt  ae  (otiant  of  God,ceuld  eafely  fpirite. 
cenuince them,  and niuer ap^rochin^  to  the  m4we  contrruerfie,  only  railed 
4gainj'}bolie  /o^^charging  him  aiotcjnnoufy  then  amt  had  domebejorey 

1114  The  booke  of  Iob^ 

with  impietiei  impatience,  ignorance,  pnde,blafphemie,  rf»^  o^y?A- 

nicie,'^icei farrefrom  lohs  funBititt  dtlatw^alfo  of  Godi  mfiue^mcrcic, 
'a^ijQomCypoivre,  dndproaidenctj  and  that  no  man  ought  to  cantend^nor  eX' 
foftiiUte  r;ith  Cadi  tiut  ^iffliBions  must  be  borne  fatitntlj,  andthett  God  ii 
mji,  andraxnirloiis  in  his  '^^  ivberofno  fVifeman  etter  doubted  y  und  [a 
lob  conuinced  him  "P^ith  fdence. 

But  God  liiinfclf/er  decifion  ofdl  {from  ch.  38.  to  the  end  of  the  Uookf) 
firji  by  Wdy  of  examining  inllraded  lob  more  pdrticularlyy  reciting  manig 
miruelom  ivork^s  ofnAttireyihewingtherhyhts  Diume  AUtejlie,  roivrcy  and 
'pifdsmey  cxeiciCmg  lob  in  more  patience,  and  witlul  perfe<Sting 
him  in  humilitie.  Sothaf^itb  Alrenerentft^renndfiihieBioni  he  ofercd 
arid  fitbmHted  him ftlfcto  Gods  onliegoodple*fiirt.  Then  finely  God  gauc 
fentence  that  lob  had  defended  the  truth, &:  his  three  freindes  had 
erred,  rrhomafttr  S4cr^fice,(ind  hbs^rayerfor  themyhepurdsned-jrel^crcd 
Job  to  hexlth,  And  to  duhieprofpmtiiyoful  he  had  loft  before, gemn^  him  aljo 
lon^l:fe,aad  a  hxp^ie  end. 

In  this  hifrcne  beftdes  the  literal  fenp,  shewing  that  lob  rvas  iujl  and.  fin- 

cerf.^  and  not  for  bisffnncs(as  his  freindes  fal/Iy/tt^pojed)  hut  for  his  mere  me- 

rite  "^As  moH  extremly  afficledy  and  Aftenvards  refiored  to  heMh  xnd 

wcilth  :  ive  haue  alfo  bae  in  the  yilicgorical  fenfe,  an  efpecial  fi^iurc  of 

Chnik.^ijo  as  he  rvas  ab[olHtly  mojlinnoient .c^mof  pcrfe^fo  was  bejvith* 

cut  coriirt^on  mofi  ajfiHiddfal  mankind. Lihwife  Jobs  refleHration  to  better 

Anagogical.   J^ate  then  before,  Qgrnfiedin  the»y£?tagf^gicai  fenfe,xhe  Rerurredion,4n.'/ 

reflxaratio  ofbetier.^y  mofi  glorious  qualities  in  the  blejfdy^ckh  fulnes  of 

Mowl.  eternal  glorie.ff,'?*//;  in  the  Moral  [enfe  (v;>hichs.  Grcgoriemofl 

efpecidy  profectiteth)al  chrij}ians  haue  hire  a  raoft  no  table  example  o  Ul 

V  r',Hei,nimelyof}p3.titncQ,wherinIob  ^roceded  by  degrees  to  great  f  erf e» 

Hion.  For  he  'iVas  first  tried  by  the  lojfe  of  al  hisgoodcs  C^  chddrm  .and  \v as 

"^e  i  'f  !° V"^"  protied  to  ht  l>ery  pxtient.  fie  Was  then  mofl grtuoufly  tormented  tn  bodie.a* 

cTeestoper-    bnngUft  Without  comforth,  albeit  he  lamentably  btwa  led  (0  great extrf 

fcdpadcnce.  mftie^ivalnng  fuch  day  -s  had  bene  preuented  jet  he  neither  Cpoh  'igainfrGody 

nor  good  m-itt,nor  his  owne  foH'ey:y  accordingto  truth  auaiichcdcr  defended 

Ins  ojvne  mn^uencie.^nd  at  U(lby  Gods  infpiratioHyand jwete  confoUtion, 

herepreheadeX  htm'elf,  of  form'.r  imp trftcl- ions  Vttercd  tn  fome  >^'ordes, 

Aniiriith  fiil r:ftgniitonto  Gsdi^ily  fnflejmdalhis^ojjls  and paynes,  not 

enly  Wtth  contentment,  but  alfo  with  iey. 

In the  tenth 
place  God 
decided  the 

lob  re\s;'iir- 

The  literal 
fenfeof  this 






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