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'LU..«.ouoi  ii  uit  OF  TECHNOLOGY  /         / 


35  WEST  33RD  STREET  ^^E^^T^^/  L«_~^  ^^^-^JL 

CHICAGO,  IL  60616  ~ 

^J9  C^Ly  .<4£^ul\ 


The  subject  of  "Jfy-dro-Electric  Power  Station 
Design"  has  herein  "been  presented  in  two  parts   :- 

the  first  -  a  brief  treatise  on  the  general  princi- 
ples and  important  factors,  and  the  second  -  an 
application  of  these  to  a  particular  case. 

In  Part  I.   is  given  a  general  statement  and 
analysis  of  the  important  factors  entering  into 
the  design  of  such  power  generating  stations. 

In  Part  II.   the  actual  design  of  a  station 
for  a  particular  location  is  undertaken.     This  pro- 
posed station  to  be  located  on  the  Snake  River  in 
the  south-central  part  of  the  state  of  Idaho,  and 
to  receive  its  water  supply  from  the  Malad  -  a  tri- 
butary of  the  Snake  River. 

H.  H.B. 


20755  2 


•  I     '    UB<3       I 


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Table  of  Contents 


List  of  Illustrations 


Part  I. 



The  General  Problem 


"Water  supply 


Exact  Location  of  the  Plant 


Parts  of  the  Project 


Power  House  Equipment 


Part  II. 



The  General  Problem 


The  water  Supply 


General  Lay-out  of  Project 


Power  station  Building  and  Equipment 


Transmission  of  Porer 





Prices  and  Cost  Items 





after  60 


Map  of  Idaho 


Map  of  Project 

Drawings  of  station. 


Main  Floor  Plan 


Second  Floor  Plan 


Transverse  Section 


Gross  Section 


TTiring  Diagram 



IX.       Hydraulic  Turbine 




Part     l« 

A  Brief  Treatise  on  the  General 
Principles  and  Important  Factors  Enter- 
ins  Into  the  Design  of  Hydro-Electric 
PoT?er  Generating  stations. 

■   ■ 



Hydro-Electric  Power  station  Design 

A  consideration  of  the  subject  of  "Hydro-Elec- 
tric Power  station  Design"  entails  a  discussion  of 
the  location  of  the  market  for  sale  of  power,  nat- 
ure and  extent  of  the  water  supply  of  the  source 
of  power,  auxiliary  construction  for  water  handling, 
location,   construction  and  equipment  of  generating 
station*  transmission  and  distribution  of  energy. 

The  General  Problem. 
Electrical  energy  is  now  in  nearly  universal 
demand.     The  amount  of  this  commodity  that  is  made 
use  of  in  any  section  of  country  varies  within 
wide  limits.     For  its  common  usages  -  in  power  and 
lighting  -  this  variation  is  nearly  directly  with 
the  population,  though  there  is  a  constantly  incre- 
asing demand  for  it  in  railway  work  -  outside  of 
centers  of  population,     with  the  increased  price 
of  coal,  as  well  as  for  other  disadvantages  inhe- 
rent in  steam  production,-  other  means  than  indi- 
rectly from  coal, of  generating  electric  current, 









Itydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

are  "being  rapidly  sought  and  utilized.  Chief  among 
theset  in  present  importance,  is  the  water  power  of 
natural  sources. 

As  these  cannot  he  located  where  wanted  -  as 
can  steam  plants  -  hut  must  he  taXen  where  found, 
the  general  problem  becomes  one  of  relation  between 
location  of  market  for  power  and  the  source  of  pow- 
er generation.     Ordinary  commercial  principles 
would  usually  dictate  that  a  power  development  be 
carried  forward  only  after  a  demand  had  arisen  for 
power  in  a  given  locality.     This  is  merely  a  crea- 
tion of  supply  to  meet  demand.     There  have  "been, 
however,  in  recent  water  power  developments  -  num- 
erous cases  of  the  opposite  procedure  to  this.     In 
such  projects,  water  powers  -  especially  favored 
by  location  or  proportion  or  both  -  have  been  de- 
veloped first  and  the  market  created  afterwards, 
in  range  of  transmission.     This  constitutes  a  for- 
cing demand  in  such  localities  -  by  the  creation 
of  an  attractive  supply. 








Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

The  allowable  distance  between  the  point  of 
generation  of  power  and  the  point  of  consumption 
is  therefore  limited  by  the  range  of  economic  and 
safe  transmission  of  the  energy.     As  a  result  of 
improving  methods  and  equipment  this  distance  is 
gradually  lengthening.     Present  practice  does  not 
much  exceed  one  hundred  miles  for  this  as  a  maxi- 
mum figure. 

Outside  of  matters  of  relative  location  of 
market  for  power  and  the  source  of  power  supply, 
there  are  several  important  points  to  be  consider- 
ed under  the  "general  problem".     First  among  these 
arises  the  question  of  the  ability  of  the  water 
supply  to  satisfy  the  market  for  power;  that  is, 
whether  the  maximum  continuous  hydraulic  power  of 
the  source  is  sufficient  to  meet  the  demands  of 
the  market.     The  assumption  is  made  that  the  "wa- 
ter rights"  for  this  amount  are  obtainable.     If 
the  amount  of  hydraulic  power  thus  covered  is  not 
sufficient , then  the  advisability  or  necessity  of 






Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

an  auxiliary  steam  plant  must  "be  considered.  Next 
comes  a  consideration  of  the  character  of  the  load 
That  i3,  the  purpose  for  which  the  power  is  to  be 
used,-  -whether  for  lighting,  for  railway  work,  for 
miscellaneous  power  purposes  or  for  a  combination 
of  these.  If  the  latter,  then  the  approximate  pro 
portion  of  each. 

All  of  these  points  must  be  reviewed  under  a 
general  survey  of  a  water  power  development.     7or 
further  consideration,  the  more  detailed  factors 
influencing  a  project  must  be  taken  up.     These  are 
outlined  in  what  follows. 

The  Water  Supply. 

The  very  existence  of  a  hydro-electric  power 
generating  station  depends  upon  its  water  supply. 
Obviously  then,  the  continuity  and  comparative  uni 
formity  of  flow  of  this  should  be  at  least  reason- 
ably assured. 

Power  sources  for  such  developments  at  pre- 
sent are  chief ly  confined  to  the  fall  and  flow  of 






Hjrdro-Slectric  Power  station  Design 

streams.     The  two  main  factors  governing  these  de- 
velopments are  the  "head"  and  the  volume.     The 
first  quantity  represents  the  difference  in  eleva- 
tion between  the  surface  of  the  water  in  the  sup- 
ply reservoir  and  in  the  tailrace:  that  is,  the 
difference  in  height  of  the  water  before  and  after 
its  potential  energy  has  been  utilized.     This  fact- 
or is  commonly  given  in  feet.     The  second  quantity 
is  the  flowtor  volume  of  water  per  unit  of  time 
■vhich  is  available  for  use  at  the  given  head.     This 
factor  is  usually  expressed  in  * second- f eet "-  an 
abbreviated  expression  for   "cubic  feet  per  second". 
The  available  head,  for  any  project,  is  -once 
it  has  been  decided  upon  -  practicallj'  constant. 
It  may  be  ascertained  by  means  of  a  careful  topo- 
graphic survey  of  the  stream.   On  the  other  hand, 
however,  t&e  second  factor  -  namely  the  flow  -  is, 
owing  to  the  variable  quantities  upon  which  it  de- 
pends*- quite  likely  to  be  anything  but   constant. 

It  is  this  factor  which  gives  rise  to  most  of  the 
difficulties  to  be  met  in  hydro-electric  power  sta- 


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Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

tion  work. 

A  more  careful  investigation  into  the  nature 
of  this  quantity  -  "flow"  -  will  reveal  the  fact 
that  it , liable  to  change  from  day  to  day,  season 
to  season  and  even  from  year  to  year.  Primarily, 
it  depends  upon  the  size,  contour,  vegetation  and 
soil  of  the  drainage  area  of  the  stream,  as  well 
as  upon  such  climatic  conditions  as  rainfall,  tem- 
perature and  barometric  pressure.  In  the  calcu- 
lation of  this  quantity  both  the  greatest  care  and 
the  most  conservative  judgement  should  be  used* 
Even  with  these  detailed  precautions,  unusual  con- 
ditions may  arise  at  times  after  the  project  is 
completely  installed,-  conditions  of  great  excess, 
or  the  exact  opposite,  in  the  water  supply.  The 
result  being  that  a  large  proportion  of  the  in- 
vestment, possibly  the  entire  amount,  will  be 
rendered  valuless.  Such  serious  happenings  have 
been  Known  to  take  place  and  nothing  should  be 
left  undone  in  the  way  of  precaution.  Therefore 
all  records  that  it  is  possible  to  obtain  of  the 




Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

flow  of  the  stream  in  question  should  he  carefully 
examined  and  compared,  as  well  as  careful  attention 
paid  to  all  of  the  factors  influencing  it.  The  ob- 
ject of  such  researches  throughout,  being  to  obtain 
as  accurately  as  possible,  first  -  the  actual  mini- 
mun  that  can  be  reasonably  expected  from  the  stream 
in  point  of  constant  flow,  and  second, the  points  of 
maximum  discharge  -  together  with  means  of  conserv- 
ing the  energy  of  such  surpluses  of  water. 

Foremost  to  be  considered  is  the  drainage 
area.     This  should  be  investigated  from  the  source 
of  the  stream  and  it 3  tributaries  to  its  mouth. 
Area,   contour,  vegetation,   soil  and  rainfall  should 
be  considered.      Other  factors  the  same,  the  larger 
the  area  drained,  the  greater  the  "run-off"  of  wa- 
ter.     The  contour,  vegetation  and  soil  manifestly 
influence  such  quantities  as  absorption  of  rain- 
fall and  the  evaporation  of  surface  waters  -  with 
a  subsequent   influence  exerted  on  the  resulting 
"run-off ".     The  effect  of  rainfall  on  stream  flow 
is  positive  though  not  absolute,  as  it  is  greatly 






Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

affected  "by  the  above  outlined  climatic  conditions. 
The  dry-leather  flow  of  a  stream  is  not   so  much  in- 
fluenced by  the  total  annual  rainfall  as  it  is  "by 
the  distribution  of  such  rainfall  as  occurs  through 
out  the  year.     In  this  case>as  in  all  cases  of  re- 
lation of  rainfall  to  stream  flow*  no  absolute  and 
general  rule  can  be  formulated,  the  problem  of  each 
watershed  being  distinctive.     However  there  are 
some  considerations  common  to  all  cases  and   these 
will  be  here  briefly  taken  up. 

in  the  first  place,  what  may  be  termed  the 
"water  year",  begins  approximately  with  the  month 
of  December  and  ends  approximately  with  the  Novem- 
ber following.     This  is  divided  into  three  periods: 
the  first  six  months  constituting  the  "storage" 
period,  the  next  three  months  -  the  "growing"  per- 
iod, and  the  remaining  three  months  -  the  "replen- 
ishing" period.      Turing  the  first  period  the  winte' 
snow  and  the  spring  rains  saturate  the  ground  to  a 
considerable  depth,  a  large  amount  of  water  being 

held  in  storage  in  lakes,   swamps  and  forests  as 


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Hydro-Electric  Power  station  Design 

well  as  in  the  soils, gravels  etc.  At  this  time 
in  the  year  a  heavy  rainfall  finds  a  quick  response 
in  large  stream  flow,  for  the  saturated  ground  re- 
jects further  "water,  and  the  water  runs  rapidly 
from  the  surface.  That  part  of  the  stored  water  oi 
this  period  which  lies  above  the  level  of  the  bed 
of  the  stream,  within  the  boundaries  of  its  water- 
shed, becomes  available  for  supplying  the  stream 
as  well  as  for  the  purposes  of  surface  evaporation 
and  the  sustaining  of  plant  life*  These  waters 
will  supply  a  certain  part  thereof  to  the  stream, 
regardless  of  the  rainfall,  even  maintaining  a 
flow  in  the  stream  for  some  months  without  any 

During  the  "growing"  period  the  ground  water 
furnishes  practically  the  entire  supply  to  the  flo 
of  the  stream,  the  only  additional  part  coming 
from  an  occassional  rainstorm.  In  some  cases  so 
depleted  does  the  ground  water  become  by  the  end 
of  August  that  even  a  very  heavy  rain  will  make  no 
perceptible  difference  in  the  stream  flow,  the 






Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

ground  absorbing  the  entire  amount  of  the  pBBcipi- 
t at ion. 

During  September,   October  and  November  the 
ground  begins  to  receive  its  store  of  water,  and 
with  favorable  rainfalls,  it  becomes  saturated  dur- 
ing the  "storage"  period  following.     The  stream 
flow  is  a  constant  drain  on  this  supply,  but  in  ad- 
dition to  this  thare  is  a  loss  of  water  falling  on 
the  watershed  due  first  to  evaporation  and  second  ' 
that  amount  t  ale  en  up  by  plant  life. 

Having  thus  discussed  the  subject  of  Drainage 
Area  and  the  influence  of  its  various  components  on 
stream  flow,  we  come  to  a  consideration  of  the  stre 
itself.     No  matter  what  the  more  or  less  theoreti- 
cal factors  influencing  the  stream  flow  may  be,  we 
have  finally  to  deal  directly  with  the  actual  vol- 
ume of  water  flowing  in  the  stream.     To  measure 
this  quantity  there  are  three  general  methods,  any 
one  of  which  may  be  used:  the  choice, in  any  case, 
depending  upon  local  conditions,  the  degree  of  ac- 
curacy desired,  the  funds  available,  and  the  length 





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Jtydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

of  time  that  the  record  is  to  be  continued. 

The  first  general  field  method  for  obtaining 
the  value  of  stream  flow  is  by  measurement  of  the 
slope  and  cross  section  and  the  use  of  Chezy's  and 
Bitter's  formulas:   the  second  method  is  by  means 
of  a  weir:   and,  the  third  by  measurement  of  the 
velocity  of  the  current  and  the  area  of  cross  sec- 
tion of  the  stream.   Where  conditions  will  permit, 
the  second  method  offers  the  best  facilities     for 
determining  the  flow. 

The  greater  the  period  of  time  for  which  this 
data  is  available,-  showing  past  performances  of 
the  stream  under  various  conditions  of  season  and 
climate-  the  more  accurately  can  its  future  prob- 
able flow  be  predicted.     As  it  is  with  this  quanti- 
ty of  "future  flow"  that  the  proposed  plant  will 
have  to  reckon,  calculations  for  it   should,  if  pos 
sible,  be  based  on  data  for  at  least  a  number  of 
consecutive  years  previous. 

A  very  convenient  way  of  considering  this  is 






to  2tRb 


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Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

to  plat ,  ifor  each  year  upon  which  data  is  availably 
a  curve  showing  the  relation  between  the  tine  of 
the  year  and  the  flow.   The  abscissae  represent 
the  days  of  the  year,  division  points  locating  the 
different  months,  and  the  ordinates  -  the  correspon 
ing  flow  in  "second-feet*.  A  scale  of  theoretical 
hydraulic  horse  power  may  be  marked  off  on  the  axis 
of  (rdinates,  this  merely  representing  a  constant 
times  the "second- feet*  of  flow,-  the  constant  de- 
pending upon  the  "head"  and  the  weight  of  water. 
From  this  scale  may  be  read  direct ly  the  power  pos- 
sibilities of  the  stream  at  any  given  tine.  A 
straight  line  drawn  parallel  to  the  axis  of  absciss 
through  the  lowest  point  on  the  curve,  will  show 
the  maximum  power  to  be  realized  from  the  stream 
throughout  the  year.  If  the  physical  conditions 
of  the  channel  and  banks  of  the  stream  will  permit 
of  the  construction  of  a  properly  proportioned  dam 
together  with  retaining  walls  (if  necessary),  then 
the  whole  or  at  least  a  part  of  the  water  represent 
ed  by  the "peaks*  on  the  time- flow  curves  may  be 








Jtydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

stored  up  as  "pondage",  and  drawn  off  at  times  of 
"low  water",  the  resulting  maximum  constant   flow 
being  thus  increased.     The  comparison  of  the  time- 
flow  curves  for  a  number  of  years, on  the  same  strea 
will  show  the  variation  to  expect  -  at  least  as 
possibilities-  from  year  to  year. 

From  a  proper  consideration  ,then,  of  the  fore 
going  points  -  influencing  the  water  supply  of  a 
hydro-electric  development  -  nay  be  obtained  a  fair 
calculation  of  the  power  to  be  expected  from  the 
source.     Prom  this  we  are  lead  to  a  consideration 
of  the  exact  location  of  the  plant. 

Exact  Location  For  Plant. 

The  approximate  location  of  a  hydro-electric 
project  being  determined  by  means  of  the  factors 
of  the  "general  Problem",  namely  the  market  for 
sale  of  the  energy  and  the  source  of  the  water  pow: 
there  remain  but  a  few  points  which  will  decide 
the  exact  location  of  the  plant. 

The  question  of  "water  rights"  must  be  settle 





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Ifydro-31ectric  Power  station  Design 

By  this  is  meant  the  obtaining  from  the  State  of 
the  right  to  use,  fM>  power  generating  purposes,  a 
certain  number  of  second- feet  of  water  from  the 
stream  in  question.     After  this,  comes  the  matter  of 
real  estate  on  which  to  locate  the  power  house  and 
auxiliary  water  controlling  works.     This  is,  how- 
ever, usually  a  minor  point  as  such  property  is  gen 
erally  some  distance  from  centers  of  population, 
and  hence  its  value  is  comparatively  small. 

Outside  of  these  considerations,  the  exact  lo- 
cation of  the  plant   should  be  such  as  to  realize 
the  greatest  efficiency  from  the  two  controlling 
factors  in  any  project,  namely  the  "head"  and  the 
volume  of  water.     The  most  available  head,  consider 
ing  total  fall  and  the  possibilities  of  back-water, 
and  the  arrangement  permitting  of  the  most   economic 
use  of  the  volume  of  the  water,   considering  the 
desireability  or  necessity  of  storage  supply  -  are 
the  two  factors  to  be  sought,  with  this  decided  wo 
pass  to  a  discussion  of  the  component  parts  of  a 







Hydro-JSlectric  Power  Station  Design 
hydro-electric  power  generating  project. 

Parts  of  the  Project. 

"With  the  exact   location  of  the  plant   settled, 
the  general  lay-out  of  the  auxiliary  water  controll- 
ing works  mast  be  determined  upon.     The  devices 
best  adapted  to  conveying  the  water  from  the  source 
of  supply  to  the  wheels  -  form  a  question  peculiar 
to  each  individual  case.     However,  they  consist  - 
in  general  -  of  a  reservoir,  either  a  part  of  the 
stream  or  apart   from  it;  a  conducting  pipe-line 
from  this  to  the  power  house,  or  in  the  case  of  an 
open  penstock  type  -  a  forebay,  and,  a  tail-race, 
in  this  work  such  parts  as  dams,  intakes,  penstocks 
gates  and  tail-races  mu3t  he  considered,  and  are 
here  treated  of  briefly. 


Por  water-power  work. there  are  two  kinds  of 
dams  most  used  -  depending  upon  the  material  of 
their  construction,  the  first  -  the  earthen,  and 
the  second  -  the  masonry  dam.      Of  these  two  classes 


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Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

the  failures  of  earthen  dams  have  been  the  most 
numerous,  the  cause  being  either  that  there  was  not 
the  proper  length  of  spillway,  or  that  the  outlet 
pipes  were  not  properly  laid  in  the  dam.   The  re- 
quirements for  stability  of  any  dam  are  that  it  be 
strong  enough  to  withstand  the  pressure  of  all  wa- 
ter that  it  holds  back,  that  it  withstand  leaks,  and 
that  it  afford  proper  spillways  and  sluice-gates. 
in  the  construction  of  an  earthen  dam,  three 
things  must  be  considered:   first,  the  conditions 
must  be  such  that  the  maximum  flood  that  has  ever 
occurred  at  the  site  can  be  taken  care  of  during 
the  building  of  the  damjsecond  -  the  water  must  ne- 
ver top  the  embankment  of  the  dam,  -  it  being  eithe 
led  around  the  end  of  the  dam  or  through  some  new 
channel;  third  -  the  proper  soil  should  be  used 
in  the  construction  of  the  dam.     If  conditions  are 
such  that  the  flood  waters  likely  to  arise  cannot 
be  carried  around  the  end  of  the  dam  during  its 
construction,  then  the  earthen  dam  should  fcever  be 








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Hydro-KLectric  Power  station  Ttesign 


Any  soil  used  in  the  construction  of  an  earth- 
en dam  should  he  tested  for  quicksand,  and  if  any 
traces  are  found  the  soil  should  he  discarded. 
Soils  having  an  angle  of  repose  of  less  than  twenty 
degrees  when  placed  in  water  should  not  he  used. 
The  "best  soils  for  use  are  those  containing  enough 
clay  to  give  the  required  water-tightness  and  "bind- 
ing quality,-  too  much  of  this  ingredient  should 
he  avoided  as  it  swells  on  becoming  wet  and  shrinks 
on  drying.  If, during  the  construction  the  mater- 
ials are  dampened,  cracks  and  leaks  are  less  liable 
to  occur.  If  the  material  at  hand  is  of  different 
grades »  the  best  should  be  placed  on   thsupstream 

side,  gradually  changing  to  the  more  porous  toward 
the  center  of  the  construction. 

The  profile  of  an  earthen  dam  will  depend  upor 
the  height  of  the  dam.  The  slopes  will  depend  up- 
on the  angle  of  repose  of  the  material  used,  it 
being  usual  to  make  the  inner  or  upstream  side 



-  ' 







Hydro-Electric  Power  station  Design 

flatter  than  the  outer  or  downstream  side,  as  earth 
when  -jet  has  a  flatter  slope  than  when  dry. 

Where  a  masonry  dam  is  constructed  more  atten- 
tion must  be  paid  to  the  foundation  than  is  necess 
ary  in  the  case  of  an  earthen  dam  as  any  settling 
of  the  masonry  will  cause  craoXs.  With  high  mason- 
ry dams  the  foundations  are  usually  made  of  solid 
rock.  The  superiority  of  the  masonry  over  the  eart 
en  dam  lies  in  the  facts  that  it  can  he  made  more 
durable,  can  he  more  precisely  designed,  and  better 
protected  from  flood  waters^  owing  to  the  safer 
construction  it  offers  for  the  laying  of  the  outlet 
pipes.  For  all  dams  of  any  height , masonry  construe 
tion  is  to  be  preferred. 

The  shape  of  a  masonry  dam  will  depend  upon 
the  head  of  water  for  which  it  is  designed,  for  lor? 
dams  the  cross- sectional  shape  usually  being  trape- 
zoidal, but  for  high  heads  the  sides  are  usually 
curved  for  the  purpose  of  saving  material. 

The  reinforced  concrete  dam  has  some  advantag 









Ifydro-Slectric  Power  Station  r^ign 

that  the  masonry  dam  does  not  possess.     It   can  be 
made  more  stable  than  a  masonry  dam  of  the  sane  di- 
mensions.    The  materials  can  be  distributed  to  -bet- 
ter advantage  and  therefore  there  will  be  a  saving 
in  cost.     The  interior  of  the  dam  can  be  inspected* 
it   can  be  constructed  more  rapidly  and  does  not  re- 
quire such  good  foundations  as  do  masonry  dams.   In 
many  cases  where  a  reinforced  concrete  dam  is  con- 
structed the  power  house  is  built  into  the  dam, 
thus  greatly  reducing  the  cost  of  the  project. 

One  factor  in  the  building  of  concrete  and 
masonry  dams  which  does  not  affect  the  earthen  dam 
is  the  effect  of  ice.     In  countries  having  cold 
winters  the  expansion  of  ice  is  liable  to  be  great 
enough  to  rupture  the  dam,  masonry  more  so  than 

"IntaKes"  lead  from  the  dam,  being  either  sub- 
merged or  at  the  level  of  the  water.     The  flow 
through  them  being  controlled  by  gates  which  are 
either  machine  or  mannually  operated. 






■    ' 

Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 


The  cheapest  form  of  penstock  is  the  circular 
wooden  stave  penstock.  The  staves  should  be  as  fre 
from  knots  as  possible  and  should  be  smoothed  on 
the  inside  in  order  to  reduce  friction  and  get  the 
maximum  efficiency.  1Vhere  the  stave  penstock  is 
installed  it  is  common  to  have  all  bends  and  curves 
in  the  line  of  steel  pipe,  unless  the  curve  be  of 
large  radius.  Iron  hoops  or  bands  are  used  to  hold 
the  staves  in  place,  their  spacing  depending  upon 
the  initial  tension,  the  water  pressure,  and  the 
swelling  of  the  wood. 

Steel  penstocks  are  especially  adapted  to  long 
pipe  lines,  as  oft  en, in  such  lines,  abnormal  press- 
ures are  developed  due  to  the  sudden  shutting-off 
of  the  water  from  the  turbines.  In  order  to  regu- 
late this  pressure,  a  small  reservoir  is  construct e 
at  the  outlet  of  the  penstock,  the  size  of  this 
reservoir  depending  upon  the  time  it  takes  to  close 
the  turbine  gates.  In  place  of  the  reservoir 




■  ' 


Hydro-Electric  Power  station  Design 

a  steel  standpipe  is  sometimes  used,  the  water  run- 
ning over  the  top  of  the  standpipe  if  the  gates  he 
closed  too  suddenly.     If  the  fall  of  the  pipeline 
he  too  great  for  standpipes,   safety  valves  are  plac 
©d  along  the  line  of  the  penstock.     The  life  of  a 
steel  penstock  is  sometimes  vary  short  due  to  the 
rusting  of  the  steel,  though  this  action  may  be 
greatly  reduced  by  treating  the  penstock  with  hot 
asphaltum.     At  the  entrance  to  penstocks,  racks 
should  be  so  placed  as  to  collect  all  floating  ob- 
jects and  not  allow  them  to  pass  into  the  pipe. 
In  cases  of  ice  formation  these  racks  may  become 
clogged  if  the  ice  is  not  removed  on  forming.      A 
large, deep  forebay  will  remedy  this  troublB,  as  the 
water,being  quiet  here, will  freeze  over  at  the  be- 
ginning of  cold  weather.     Then  such  anchor  ice, as 
may  come  into  the  forebay,  will  rise  to  this  layer 
of  ice,  while  the  warmer  water  will  circulate  belo- 
If  the  intake  to  the  penstocks  be  so  located  as  to 
receive  this  water,  there  will  be  little  trouble 
from  i~e  a^  the  racks. 



,  t 



.    ■ 

Hydro-31ectric  Power  station  Design 


This  should  be  deep  as  it  is  necessary  to  have 
dead  water  in  the  race  before  the  wheels  are  start- 
ed.   As  soon  as  water  is  discharged  from  the  wheels 
this  will  tafce  the  place  of  dead  water  and  thus 
there  will  he  no  resulting  loss  of  head.     It  is  us- 
ually necessary  to  place  the  wheels  at   some  height 
above  the  tail-race,  the  water  after  leaving  the 
wheel  passing  through  a  draft  tube.     This  draft 
tube  should  be  air  tight   and  submerged  -  at  its  low 
er  end  -  in  the  water  of  the  tail-race  to  prevent 
any  loss  in  head. 

Power  House  Equipment. 

Water  v/heels. 

These  may  at  once  be  divided  into  two  classes  - 
impulse  wheels  and  turbines.     The  former  is  typi- 
fied by  the  Pelton  Company's  wheel,  in  which  the 
velocity  of  a  Jet  of  water  impinging  tangent ially 
upon  a  disc, carrying  buckets  around  its  periphery, 
transmits  to  the  buckets  a  part  of  its  velocity. 





■  ■■ 


Hydro-!31ectric  Power  Station  Design 

It   can  be  shown  that  the  efficiency  of  the  trans- 
formation is  a  maximum  when  the  velocity  of  the  mov 
ins  buckets  is  one  half  that  of  the  jet,   so  that  if 
H  is  the  effective  head  of  the  source,  for  maximum 
efficiency,  the  peripheral  velocity  of  the  wheel  is 
related  to  the  head  by  the  expression: 

▼  «    r=    .5     /glT 

and  the  head  being  assumed  invariable,  it  is  seen 
that  for  a  certain  definite  speed  (imposed  by  the 
frequency  of  the  generator),  the  only  variable  is 
the  diameter  of  the  wheel  and  this  may  be  adjusted 
within  cdrtain  limits,  to  conform  to  the  relation 
above.  Thus  direct  connection  of  the  generator 
to  the  source  of  power  is  possible,  which  eliminate 
the  losses  in  transmission  through  gearing  and  the 
noise  incident  to  its  use. 

These  -"Theels  require  that  there  be  sufficient 
distance  between  the  wheel  and  the  highest  point  of 
backwater, to  allow  for  the  discharge  of  the  spent 
water  from  the  buckets  of  the  apparatus,  and  for 




:  i 



b  erff 


i  i 

•  ■ 

Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

a  variable  height  of  hack  water  at  different  sea- 
sons of  the  year,  this  involves  a  serious  loss  of 
head.  Also,  since  the  action  of  the  machine  depend 
upon  the  velocity  of  the  Jet,  which  in  turn  depends 
on  the  square  root  of  the  head,  the  Pelton  wheel 
is  only  available  with  any  great  efficiency  when 
the  head  is  great,  i.e.  above  three  hundred  feet. 
In  general,  then,  its  use  should  not  be  considered 
with  heads  less  than  this. 

Water  turbines  are  available  for  the  lower 
heads,  since  they  do  not  depend  entirely  upon  the 
velocity  for  the  necessary  Kinetic  energy  -  the 
large  mass  of  water  obtained  may  reduce  the  necess 
ary  velocity.  These  machines  are  typified  by  the 
products  of  the  James  Leffel  Co.  ,  the  S.Morgan  Smi 
Co.  and  many  others.  Under  favorable  conditions 
they  give  an  efficiency  of  from  eighty  to  eighty- 
two  percent ,  and  may  be  obtained  in  the  horizontal 
or  vertiole  form.  The  verticle  type,  on  account 
of  the  reduced  friction  losses  caused  by  the  lesse 
ed  friction  in  the  bearings,  gives  an  efficiency 




•  •   •■  ' 

.  •  ■ 


■  . 





Hydro-Electric  Power  station  Design 

about  three  per  cent  higher  than  the  horizontal 
type,  exclusive  of  gearing,  hut  due  to  the  fact 
that  gearing  is  necessary  to  change  the  direction 
of  motion,  involving  a  loss  of  about  ten  percent, 
the  actual  net  efficiency  is  reduced  approximately 
seven  percent  unless  the  generators  are  of  the  ver- 
tical type  also.  Horizontal  wheels  are  favored 
because  they  permit  the  use  of  several  units  on  one 
shaft,  and  if  this  number  is  even,  the  unbalance 
of  pressure  caused  by  one  unit  i3  taken  up  by  the 
next  so  that  the  friction  loss  is  diminished.  In 
order  that  vertical  units  may  actuate  one  shaft, 
this  shaft  must  be  horizontal  to  conform  to  prac- 
tical conditions  and  the  use  of  vertical  generators 
as  was  noted  above,  is  precluded,  and  there  is  also 
introduced  the  loss  due  to  the  gearing  which  must 
be  installed* 

In  choice  of  prime  movers  it  is  therefore 
necessary  to  consider:— 

1.  The  available  head,  which  will  determine 
practically  the  availability  of  Pelton  or  tufcbine 




;  • 

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#jb©lli8^anl  mil 

— : 

Hydro-Electric  Power  station  Design 

wheels  by  the  condition  that  for  heads  above  three 
hundred  feet  the  Pelt on  wXeel  is  to  be  preferred, 
for  heads  less  than  ^wo  hundred  feet,  the  turbine, 
and  for  intermediate  heads,  either  one  indifferently. 

2.  The  type  and  speed  of  the  units  and  their 

capacity,  since  for  generators  of  large  size  it  may 

be  necessary  to  install  several  units  on  one  shaft, 

which  involves  the  difficulty  mentioned  above,  and 

the   restrctions  that  limit  the  generators  of  the 

horizontal  type. 

3.  In  addition  to  these  conditions,  which 
must  hold  generally,  others  are  imposed  when  the 
head  is  not  constant,  that  is,  when  the  backwater 

is  variable.  In  this  case  the  velocity  of  the  wheels 

will  not  be  constant,  and  since  the  generators  are 

practically  constructed  to  operate  at  a  constant 

frequency,  this  variation  could  not  be  allowed,  even 

if  the  field  rheostat  of  the  machine  were  capable 

of  taxing  up  the  increase  or  decrese  of  pressure 

at  the  terminals.  Also,  since  a  decrease  in  speed 

will  decrease  the  output,  it  would  be  necessary, 


•  '  on 

i  "  ■■■•■■ 



Itydro-Electric  Power  station  Design 

even  in  the  above  case,  to  install  a  gseater  cap- 
acity than  would  be  required  at  the  normal  full- 
load  speed  and  tche  disadvantages  noted  would  still 
be  present, 

in  this  case  it  is  necessary  to  install  another 
wheel  is  geared  with  a  higher  ratio  to  the  line 
shafting  so  that  when  the  head  is  decreased  this 
wheel  may  be  thrown  in  with  the  other  one,  their 
speed  then  being  a  mean  between  the  two  and  the 
decrease  in  output  of  the  first  being  supplied  by 
the  second.  If  the  variations  in  head  are  very 
wide,  it  may  be  necessary  to  install  several  of 
these  additional  wheels  and  allow  them  to  run  idle 
during  the  normal  operation  of  the  plant.  This 
extra  installation  of  course  involves  a  higher  first 
cost  and  is  to  be  avoided  if  possible. 

In  the  choice  of  the  number  of  units  there 
should  be  considered  the  over  load  capacity  of  the 
units  so  that  when  one  is  disabled  or  shut  down 
the  remainder  of  the  plant  may  carry  the  load  with- 
out exceeding  the  allowable  overload  rating  of  each 









■  - 

Hydro-Blectric  Power  Station  Design 
unit,     it  is  common  practice  to  decide  on  this  rat- 
in*  as  33$,  and  it  then  follows  that  four  units 
are  necessary  since  on  may  then  be  cut   out  and  the 
re- 6   can  carry  33$  overload  and  maintain  the  nor- 
mal ouput  of  the  plant. 

Generators! —  The  first   classification  of  gen- 
erators is  into  the  direct  and  alternating  current 
machines,  and  the  choice  is  determined  "by  the  char- 
acter of  the  load  and  the  transmission  distance. 
Ws  assume  that  this  distance  is  not   short  enough 
to  warrant  the  use  of  direct   current,  and  proceed 
to  consider  the  features  which  determine  the  choice 
of  alternators.     The  problem  for  di»ect  current 
transmission  is  much  simpler,  and  nay  be  solved 
by  neglecting  the  factor  of  frequency. 

The  conditions  determining  the  frequency  are 
the  character  of  the  load  and  the  transmission; 
for  example  if  the  power  is  to  be  supplied  to 
svnehronous  converters  the  frequency  should  not 
exceed  forty  cycles,   and  to   conform  to  the  apparatus 
already  in  stocR  in  the  manufacturing  concerns, 
this  figure  should  probably  be  chosen  at  twenty- 
five*  Page 






Itydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 
This  is  also  suitable  for  transmission  and  power 
service,  but  has  the  disadvantage  that   incandescent 
lamps  do  not  operate  well  at  this  frequency  so  that 
if  the  lighting  load  4s  not   concentrated  in  cities 
where  it  may  be  supplied  by  synchronous  converters 
it  may  be  Aecessary  to  install  frequency  changers. 
At   sixty  cycles' this  difficulty  would  be  avoided, 
hut   converters  do  not  operate  at  this  frequency 
with  any  great   stability,  and  the  conditions  of 
constancy  of  service  demand  that  the  substation 
operation  be  as  nearly  perfect  as  possible. 

If  it  is  found  desirable     to  use  this  higher 
frequency,  induction  motor-driven  generators  may 
be  installed  for  the  conversion  to  direct   current, 
but  this  eliminates  the  possibility  of  compensation 
for  lagging  current  in  the  line,  and  this  difficulty 
may  be  of  considerable  magnitude  if  the  line  is 
to  supply  power  to  induction  motors  along  the  right 
of  way. 

A  careful  consideration  of  the  load  to  be  sup- 
plied will  therefore  be  necessary  in  order  to  deter- 
mine the  frequency  at  which  the  current  is  to  be 

supplied.  Page 



■■  •  . 






Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

The  voltage  to  be  generated  by  the  machines 

is  of  little  importance  if  it  is  to  stepped  up 

for  transmission,  so  that  this  fact  must  "be  dter- 

mined.     The  highest  voltage  at  which  it  is  practic- 
able to  generate  is  about  11,000.     in  deciding  upon 
the  transmission  voltage  it  is  common  practise  to 
figure  roughly  upon  a  thousand  volts  per  mile 
within  the  limits  of  safety,  which  is  set  at   80,000 
volts  in  this  country*     we  therefore  decide  that 
if  the  distance  to  which  power  is  to  be  transmitted 
exceeds  ten  or  fifteen  miles  it  will  desirable  to 
stop  up  the  pressure  and  generate  at  such  a  potential 
that  the  insulation  of  the  machines  will  not  be 
in  danger  nor  will  the  armature  be  forced  to  carry 
excessive  current. 

It  having  been  decided  in  the  preliminary  in- 
vestigation what  will  be  the  capacity  of  the  plant, 
the  next  step  is  the  division  of  units.     The  same 
conditions  which  govern  the  nia&nber  of  prime  movers 
apply  here  and  we  may  state  that  there  should  b« 
at  lea»»  four  units,  a  greater  inumber  being  of  course 
necessary  when  the  output  of  the  plant  is  so  great 




i  :.  its 


Hydro-Slcctric  Power  Station  Design 

that  four  units  of  the  largest   commercial  size  7d.ll 

not  carry  the  load. 

We  now  have  the  frequency  and  capacity  of  the 

generators  and  desire  to  Know  the  speed  at  which 

they  will  operate.  This  speed  is  limited  to  certain 

definite  values  by  the  limitation  to  constant  frequency 

so  that  the  r.p.m.  must  satisfy  the  relation: 

60  f  /  p  a  n 

where  p  is  the  number  of  pairs  of  poles  and  f  the 

frequency.  From  this  relation  the  following  table 

may  be  made  showing  the  number  of  poles  for  each 

speed  to  give  the  desired  frequency  and  the  catalogs 

of  the  manufacturers  may  then  be  consulted  to  d.b- 

termine  the  machine  to  use.  Before  settling  upon 

a  unit  the  peripheral  velocity  of  the  rotating  parts 

should  be  calculated  in  order  to  ascertain  if  this 

value  is  too  high  for  the  safie  operation  of  the 

machine*  if  this  is  the  case  it  will  be  necessary 

to  choose  a  machine  with  a  greater  number  of  poles 

and  a  slower  speed. 


:  ... 


-3  [it  to 


I      • 

Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design. 

The  generators  should  if  possible  be  direct- 
connected  to  the  prime  movers  to  eliminate  any  fric- 
tion losses  in  the  transmission  and  this  fact  neces- 
sitates a  consideration  of  the  speed  of  the  wheels* 
Thi3  speed  is  determined  by  the  effective  head,  and 
in  trhe  case  of  the  Pelt  on  wheel  it  was  shown  that 
the  diameter  of  the  wheel  could  be  varied  withinn 
certain  limits  to  compenstae  for  any  disagreement 
between  these  twp  speeds.       In  the  case  of  the  tur- 
bine, however,  this  compensation  is  not  always  pos- 
sible, although  the  manufacturers  have  in  stock  a 
great  variety  of  wheels  which  will  generally  give 
the  desired  relation.     If  this  cannot  be  obtained 
it  will  be  necessary  to  gear  the  wheels  and  the 
generator  can  then  be  made  to  run  at  any  speed, 
the  desired  frequency  being  obtained,  by  the  ratio 
of  the  gears- 
Exciters:— From  two  to  three  percent  of  the 
output  of  the  plant  is  required  for  the  excitation 
of  the  units,  so  that  this  much  mist  be  added  for 




-  ■  i     . 

■  £  i 


HSrdro-Electrio  Power  Station  Design- 

the  gross  output  of  the  plant  if  the  initial  cal- 
culations are  sufficiently  close  to  warrant  con- 
sideration of  Quantities  of  this  magnitude.       The 
exciter  plant  is  the  weaX  linh  in  the  system  and 
great  care  must  "be  exercised  in  the  installation 
of  the  units.       Several  facts  may  be  noted  In  this 

lm     There  should  he  two  independent   sources  of 
excitation  which  may  be  readily  interchanged  so 
that  in  the  event  of  one  "becoming  disabled  the 
operation  of  the  system  may  not  be  suspended  for 
anyconsiderable  period. 

2.     Tfte  prime  movers  or  other  apparatus  driv- 
ing the  exciters  should  al#>  he  independent  and 
capable  of  operating  in  parallel  so  that  in  the 
event  of  the  failure  of  one  system  the  other  may 
be  automatically  thrown  into  service  without  the 
delay  incident  to  the  manial  operation  of  the 
necessary  switches*       By  this  is  meant  that  the 
exciters  should  be  provided  with  reverse  current 




bnc  -ox* 


art  J  ho£cf«f.: 


■-  -  e<JB     • 


Urdro-Eldctrlc  Power  station  Design 

relays  so  that  in  case  one  of  the  prime  movers 
fails  and  the  generator  thereby  becomes  motorized 
the  other  may  pick  up  the  load  while  the  first  is 
automatically  cut  off  from  the  exciter  bus.       His 
means  that   each  system  must  be  capable  of  carrying 
all  the  excitation  necessary  for  the  plant   at  any 
time,  and  since  the  breakdown  of  apparatus  usually 
•ccurs  at  times  of  heaviest  load,  this  consideration 
is  of  fundamental  importance.       In  water-power  sta- 
tions the  sources  of  power  may  be  water— driven 
wheels  for  the  operation  of  one  system  and  motors 
for  the  other.       In  this  case  the  motor-driven  ap- 
paratus must  be  kept   constantly  in  operation,  since 
if  this  were  not  the  case  the  failure  of  the  water- 
driven  exciters  wo't^d  disable  the  plant.       At  times 
of  light  load,  however,  it  will  be  safe  to  operate 
the  plant  with  but  one  set  of  exciters,  since  the 
possibility  of  the  break-down  of  apparatus  is  slight 
and  more  is  to  be  feared  from  the  mistakes  of  the 





wi±e  mm  i 

«  ■ 

Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

operators  than  from  faults  of  the  machines. 

Transformers: — it  having  been  decided  that 
there  -grill  be  a  definite  number  of  phases — usually 
three— arid  the  transmission  voltage  baling  known, 
the  transformer  problem  becomes  simply  a  phoice 
between  the  adoption  of  three  single-phase  trans- 
formers connected  up  to  give  the  desired  relation 
of  e.m.f's  or  one  three-phase  transformer  for 
each  unit.       The  conditions  influencing  the  choice 
are  as  follows: 

1*     The  distance  from  the  nearest   shipping 
point  to  the  power  station — this  enters  in  because 
of  the  fact  that  large  transformers  are  more  dif- 
fi  cult  to  handle  than  small  ones,  and  if,  as  is 
usually  the  case,  the  power  house  is  located  in  a 
mountainous  country,  the  smaller  units  would  pro- 
bably be  chosen,  since  the  cost  of  transportation 
will  overbalance  any  saving  in  first  cost. 

2.     The  facilities  for  the  handling  of  the 
apparatus  at  the  "newer  station,  such  as  cranes, 
labor,  etc.     The  use  of  the  larger  units  of  cduree 



'  -  :    i 






-  : 


Itydro-siectric  Power  station  Design 

makes  necessary  a  larger  crane. 

3.     The  necessity  for  a  spare  unit.       In  the 
case  of  three  single  phase  unit 3  the  connection 
may  be  so  made  that  any  one  of  the  transformers  in 
the  station  may  be  disconnected  if  injured  and  the 
spare  put  in  it 3  place  by  means  of  air-break  dis- 
connecting switches.       If  three  units  are  employed 
a  three  phase  unit  may  be  usdd  as  a  spare  and  the 
increased  cost  would  make  an  installation  of  the 
single  phase  units  desirable.         TSiis  consideration 
vanishes  when  the  size  of  the  station  is  great  or 
the  units  numerous,  since  the  additional  compli- 
cation of  circuits  due  to  the  installation  of 
disconnecting  switches  more  than  balances  the  extra 
cost  of  the  three  phase  unit. 

4.     If  one  of  the  single  phase  units  becomes 

burned  out  it  may  be  removed,  but   in  the  other 

case  the  whole  transformer  will  need  to  be  removed 

unless  it   is  connected  delta  and  allowed  to  operate 

with  a  v-connection  at  58$  of  its  firmer  output. 






Hydro-Electric  Power  station  Design 
The  large  units  are  in  general  desirable  if 
the  objections  mentioned  above  do  not  operate, 
for  they  are  more  compact ,  all  the  coils  in  one 
case  and  the  installation  is  less  complicated,  also 
the  first   cost   is  less.     A  disadvantage  is,,  that 
since  the  surface  of  a  tr  nsformer  and  its  output 
do  not  vary  uniformly,  but  the  surface  less  rapidly, 
the  cooling  of  the  larger  sizes  will  be  a  more  sftr— 
ious  problem.     This  however  may  be  accomplished 
quite  readily  by  the  use  of  fans  for  circulating 
the  air  through  the  coils» 

Instruments  and  "firing: —  These  switchboards 
may  be  separated  into  two  parts,  the  exciter  board 
and  the  mainboard,   and  these  may  be  concentrated 
in  one  position  or  separated,  according  to  the  size 
of  the  station.     When  the  size  is  sufficient  to 
warrant  the  constant  attention  of  two  operators, 
the  exciter  board  may  be  isolated  and  loeated  near 
the  exciter  units,  the  other  being  placed  in  a 
gallery,     fhen  this  arrangement  is  adopted  one  op- 
erator may  take  charge  of  the  exciter  board     and 
look  after  the  units  on  the  main  floor  while  the 




es  I 

J$rdro-Slectric  Power  Station  "Design 
other  confines  his  attention  entirely  to  +'ie  opera- 
tion of  the  lines  and  units,  where  theplsat  is 
used  to  supply  a  large  number  of  lines  it  is  pre- 
ferable to  have  the  oil  switches  located  in  a  room 
by  themselves  with  an  attendant  there  to  unlock 
them,  preparatory  to  their  closing,  at  a  signal 
from  the  operator  in  the  gallery.  This  eliminates 
the  danger  of  closing  a  dead  machine  on  the  line 
or  other  machine  by  mistake. 

This  segregating  of  switchbords  and  swithhes 
makes  a  more  expensive  construction  and  where  the 
first  cost  is  anitem,  or  where  the  plant  is  small, 
the  switchbords  should  be  concentrated.  In  hydro- 
electric plants,  where  the  lines  ire  in  general 
long  ones,  and  this  fact  precludes  the  possibility 
of  a  large  number  of  them,  the  operation  of  the 
lines  will  not  be  necessary  more  than  perhaps  once 
a  day,  so  that  the  above  mentioned  precautions  need 
not  be  taken  in  their  operation. 

The  following  instruments  should  be  located 
on  the  main  switchboard*  For  each  generator  panel, 



we  bt\B  - 


.     <- 


Hydro-Slectric  Power  Station  Design 
three  ammeters,  three  indicating  wattmeters,  ene 
voltmeter  with  selector  switch  for  each  phase,  one 
integrating  wattmeter,  and  one  field  ammeter. 

The  switches  and  auxiliary  apparatus  shoild 
comprise:  An  oil  switch  control  for  thrwing  the 
machine  to  H.T.   "bus,  generator  field  switches, 
and  a  field  rheostat   control.   The  field  switches 
should  he  equipped  with  a  clip  for  short-circuiting 
the  generator  fields  through  a  resistance  when  the 
switch  is  opened,  thus  avoiding  the  introduction 
of  stresses  into  the  windings  by  the  induction  of 
a  high  potential  at  that  time. 

The  exciter  equipment   should  consist  of  an 
ammeter  and  voljrmeter  for  each  unit,   swithes  for 
throwing  the  exciter  to  the  exciter  bus,  field 
rheostats  for     the  voltgge  regulation,  and  the 
necessary  equipment  for  the  operation  of  the  prime 
mover*     If  this  is  a  motor  there  should  he  an  in- 
tegrating wattmeter  to  register  the  power  consumed 
in  excitation.     Equalizers  should  also  be  installed 
if  the  exciters  are  compound  wound  and  designed  to 
operate  in  parallel. 


-    - 
».  ■ 

BJ     ■ 


e  ni: 

Itydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design 

On  the  high  tension  side  there  should  he  over- 
load relays  on  each  phase*  actuated  from  series 
transformers  and  esigned  to  open  the  generator  switch 

at   any  desired  overload  and  after  any  desired  in- 
terval.    These  should  he  of  the  bellows  type* 

In  the  station  some  kind  of  frequency limiting 
device  is  necessary  to  trip  out  the  machines  should 
they  have  a  tendency  to  race  beyond  control.     This 
may  be  of  the  inductive  balance  type  or  purely  me- 
chanical, and  a  common  practice  is  to  design  the 
instrument   so  that   it  will  operate  at   a  frequency 
ten  percent  above  normal.     This  values  seems  somewhat 
low  for  isolated  plants,  and  fifteen  percent  would 
appear  to  be  better. 

Governors  actuated  ey  an  electrical  connection 

with  the  load  ammeters     have  been  suggested  in  order 

to  eliminate  the  time  necessary  for  the  system  to 

change  in  speed,  but  the  idea  has  not   as  yet  been 

tried,  and  seems  not  to  find  favor  with  the  designers 

of  these  plants. 








■  ' 



,.ifj     . 


Part  II. 

Design  for  Proposed  Hydro- 
Electric  Power  Generating  station, 
Malad  River,  Idaho. 

;    . 

Kydro-Electric  Plant,-  Malad  River,  Idaho 

In  undertaking  the  actual  design  of  a  hydro- 
electric power  plant,  it  was  desired  to  have  as 
near  worXing  conditions  as  possible-  The  selec- 
tion of  the  location  on  the  Malad  River,  Idaho  was 
made  after  data  had  been  secured  which  gave  the 
exact  conditions  that  existed  at  this  point. 

The  General  Problem. 

The  source  of  the  power  for  the  proposed  plant 
is  from  the  Malad  River  -  a  tributary  of  the  snaXe 
River:  the  two  meeting  in  the  western  part  of  Liiv- 
coln  county,  which  is  located  in  the  south- central 
part  of  the  state  of  Idaho. 

The  present  marXet  for  power  from  this  source 
is  that  offered  by  the  city  of  Boi3e  -  for  light 
and  power-  a  hundred  miles  distant:  the  town  of 
Glenns  Perry  -  principally  for  light  -  thirty  miles 
distant:  and  locally, within  a  radius  of  from  five 
to  ten  miles  -  for  irrigation  pumping  purposes. 
A  possible  future  marXet  consists  in  certain  rail- 


es  or; 





■    : 

Hydro-Slectric  Plant,-  Malad  River,  Idaho 

road  electrifications  that  have  been  proposed  in 
the  vicinity. 

No  continuous  record  is  available  on  the  flow 
of  the  Malad  River*  but  from  such  readings  as  have 
been  taken  of  this  quantity,  it   13  evident  that 
there  is  a  uniform  volume  of  water  in  the  stream 
highly  sufficient  to  carry  a  plant  of  4800  kw.  - 
ouch  as  is  here  proposed.     This  allows  for  the  di- 
version of  small  quantities  of  water  for  irrigation 
purposes,  these  being  protected  by  existing  water 
right  s. 

The  ^ater  Supply. 
The  Malad  River  is  supposed  to  be  the  outlet 
for  both  the  Big  ^ood  and  the  Little  ^ood  Rivers. 
These  latter  rise  on  the  southern  slopes  of  the  Tetan 
Mountains  which  form  a  water  shed  extending  along 
the  northern  boundary  of  Blaine  county,  Idaho.   Prom 
here  the  rivers  flow  southward,  fed  by  numerous 
smaller  streams,-  a  distance  of  some  hundred  and 
fifty  miles.     At  this  point  they  join,  disappearing 





Hydro-Blectric  Plant,-  Malad  River,  Idaho 

from  the  surface  of  the  earth.  Ten  miles  farther 
on  the  Malad  RLver  rises  -  being  the  accumulated 
waters  of  thousands  of  springs.  The  theory  being 
that  the  Wo  rivers  -  the  Big  Wood  and  the  Little 
Wood  -  after  leaving  the  surface,  traverse  a  sub- 
terranean passage  which  terminates  under  the  springs 
which  form  the  nucleus  of  the  Malad  River.  The 
water  of  the  Malad  is  a  constant  in  temperature 
almost  throughout  the  entire  year,  this  being  at 
about  60  Ph.  The  course  of  the  stream,  from  the 
springs  that  form  its  source,  lies  through  a  box 
canyon  about  three  miles  in  length  -  to  the  south 
west,  where  the  Malad  empties  it3  waters  into  the 
SnaXe  River. 

The  drainage  area  of  the  Big  Wood  and  Little 
Wood  Rivers  constitutes  what  is  Known  as  the  "Big 
Camas  Prairie",  which  lies  chiefly  in  Blaine  and 
Lincoln  counties.  The  rainfall  over  this  area  is 
fairly  uniform  in  its  distribution.  The  walls  of 
the  box  canyon  through  which  the  Malad  flows  are 
composed  of  lava  and  basalt  rock.  For  a  short  dis- 




I    ■ 

•  ■ 





Hydro-Electric  Plant,-  Malad  River,  Idaho 

tance  its  banks  arecovered  with  volcanic  dust  over 
which  there  is  a  sparse  growth  of  sage  brush. 

The  General  Lay-out, 
A  reference  to  the  "Map  of  Project *, shown  in 
the  second  illustration,  will  give  an  idea  of  the 
general  lay-out  as  designed.     At  a  point,*  mile 
and  a  quarter  from  its  Junction  with  the  snake 
Hirer,  a  dam  is  to  be  constructed  across  the  Malad. 
An  intake  located  here  leads  into  an  open  channel 
through  which  the  water  is  conveyed  to  a  reservoir, 
from  which  it  falls  to  the  power  house  through  a 
circular  steel  penstock.     4  spillway  is  located 
at  the  reservoir  -  for  discharge  into  the  Snake 
River  direct.     A  controlling  gate  is  located  at 
the  head  of  the  penstock. 

Power  House. 
The  power  house  is  to  be  located  on  the  bank 
of  the  snake  River.     In  construction  it  is  to  be 
two  stories  in  height,  of  concrete  throughout.   The 
foundations  consist  of  layers  of  concrete  resting 




Ifydro-Electric  Plant,-  Malad  Hiver,  Idaho 

on  bed  rook. 

Equipment • 

Water-wheels,  unlike  electrical  apparatus, 
are  not  rated  to  carry  ally  overload,  ao  that  any 
that  is  necessary  to  allow  the  shutting  down  of 
one  of  the  units  must  he  provided  by  installing 
wheels  of  the  maximum  capacity  to  be  obtained  at 
any  time.     The  capacity  of  the  station  being  4300 
kw. ,  the  installation  will  therefore  be  of  four 
2000  H.P.  wheels,  thus  allowing  an  overload  capa- 
city of  the  desired  amount.     After  considering  the 
various  types  of  wheels  it  was  decided  to  adopt 
the  type  manufactured  by  the  James  Leffel  company. 
These  aroof  the  horizontal  type,  direct-connected, 
and  are  especially  designed  for  the  head  considered- 
185  feet.     The  efficiency  at  full  load  is  found 
to  be  89$,  at  three-fourths  load  83$,  and  at  half 
load  75$.     The  maximum  efficiency  is  therefore  ob- 
tained at  the  output  of  the  apparatus  which  corres- 
ponds to  full  load  on  the  generators,  and  any  over 
load  will  somewhat  lower  the  efficiency. 


-t  i 

•     TO?    J36C 


&ȣ87  Jon  er* 




•  -   . 

Itydro-Electric  piant,-  Malad  River,  Idaho 

The  diraemsions  over  all  are  eighteen  feet  by 
seven  feet,    eight  inches,  the  diameter  of  the  in- 
take sixty  inches,  and  of  each  of  the  tw0  draft 
tubes  -  at  the  lover  end  -  forty-eight  inches,  and 
at  the  outlet  -  thirty-t?ro  inches.     Details  of  these 
wheels  are  shown  on  Drawing  No.   Till. 

Due  to  the  peculiar  advantages  of  the  ground 
lay-out  it  is  decided  to  bring  the  water  into  the 
power  house  overhead,  by  means  of  the  large  pipes 
shown  in  the  drawings.     These  derive  their  power 
from  the  main  penstocks,  which  is  eleven  feet  in 
diameter  at  the  outer  end  and  narrows  down  to  five 
feet  for  the  last  unit. 

The  governors  used  are  of  the  standard  type  B  - 
Lombard,  and  are  purchased  with  the  turbines.   These 
operate  by  means  of  a  mechanical  connect ion  with 
the  units  instead  of  by  means  of  an  electrical  con- 
nection wi  th  the  ammeters,  as  has  been  suggested  in  the 
first  part  of  this  paper.     The  estimated  loss  of 
time  in  their  operation  is  approximately  one  second 
and  is  due  to  the  large  amount  of  inertia  of  the 
rotating  parts,     further  loss  of  time  is  eliminated 






it  tB  metetnatb 





Hydro-Electric  Plant,-  Malad  River,  Idaho 

by  the  installation  of  a  reservoir  near  the  station 
of  sufficient  capacity  that  the  water  level  will 
never  fall  appreciably  when  a  sudden  demand  is  made 
for  power.     The  time  taken  for  the  pulse  to  reach 
the  station  from  the  d*m  will  he  the  distance  divided 
"by  the  velocity  of  sound  in  water. 

Choice  of  generators  is  largely  a  natter  of 
persons  opinion,  since  the  output  of  the  large 
manufacturing  companies  is  of  a  high  degree  of  ex- 
cellence.    Due  to  the  restrictions  on  the  frequency 
noted  above,  this  figure  waa  taken  at  twenty-five 
cycles.     The  speed  is  therefore  limited  to  the  values 
given  in  the  first  part  of  this  treatment  under 
the  head  of  Electrical  Units.     The  values  are,   300, 
375,  750,  etc.     Since  direct-connection  with  the 
water  wheels  is  desired » the  speed  which  was  decided 
upon  was  375  r.p.m.   in  order  to  conform  in  speed 
with  the  water  wheels  selected.     This  is  a  standard 
machine  fori  the  capacity  wanted  -  1200  Xw.   - 
so  that  no  trouble  was  experienced  due  to  too  high 



-      • 





Hydro-Electric  Plant,-  Malad  River,  Idaho 

a  peripheral  speed. 

The  transmission  distance   (  maximum)  is  one 
hundred  miles,   so  that  there  will  be  the  necessity 
of  stepping  up  the  voltage  for  transmission,  and 
the  pressure  of  the  machine  is  immaterial  within 
wide  limits.     This  figure  was  taJcen  ai>  11,000  volts 
for  the  following  reasons:  Part  of  the  power  is 
to  be  transmitted  a  distance  of  thirty  miles  and 
it  is  desireable  not  to  retransform  this  power  from 
the  extremely  high  voltage  for  the  longer  transmis- 
sion.    The  machines  are  therefore  connedted  direct- 
ly to  a  "low  tension*  bus,  at  a  pressure  of  11,000 
volts  and  the  power  for  the  shorter  transmission 
istaken  from  this  bus»  while  the  transformers  are 
fed  from  the  11,000  volt  bus  and  transform  the 
pressure  from  that  to  the  value  required  for  the 
longer  distance. 

Since  the  rough  approximation  for  the  trans- 
mission voltage  demands  a  pressure  of  100,000  volts, 


•  ■'  ■ 





Hpdro-giectric  Plant,-  Malad  River, Idaho 

and  this  is  at  present  beyond  the  capacity  of  the 
insfclators  available,  the  voltage  decided  upon  was 
66,000,  giving  a  value  of  volts  per  mile  as  660, 
which  is  in  accord  with  modern  practice. 

As  was  noted  above,  it  is  necessary  to  have 
two  independent   sources  of  excitation,  and  this  is 
accomplished  by  means  of  the  motor-and  water-wheel 
driven  units  shown  in  the  drawings*         Greater 
dependence  will  be  placed  on  the  water-wheel-driven 
apparatus,   so  that  two  of  them  are  installed  and 
the  motor—driven  unit  is  to  "be  used  in  emergencies, 
and  to  run  in  parallel  with  the  others  during  the 
peak  load  or  at  times  when  a  shut  down  would  be 
most  disastrous.     3ach  of  the  exciter  units  are  of 
75  kw.    capacity  and  the  motors  and  ^ater-wheels 
of  100  HP  each.     The  power  for  the  motor-driven 
exciter  will  be  derived  from  a  transformer  fed 
from  the  "low  tension"  bus,  the  e.m.f.    oeing  step- 
ped down  from  11000  to  22o  volts.      "Die  motor  is 
of  the  induction  type  and  is  started  by  means  of 


I,  --  -     I 


■  - 



Ifydro-Electric  Plant, — Malad  River,  Idaho 

the  special  starting  taps  shown  diagramraatically 
in  the  wiring  diagram.     This  dispenses  with  the 
necessity  for  auto-transformers*  and  the  more 
expensive  construction  entailed.       It  will  he  ne- 
cessary only  to  bring  out  two  additional  leads 
from  the  secondary  of  the  transformer,  and  since 
this  may  he  located  at  no  great  distance  from  the 
exciter,  the  expense  will  he  small  compared  with 
that   incident  to  the  use  of  an  auto-transformer. 

By  thus  dividing  the  units  there  is  no  danger 
that  the  excitation  of  the  fields  will  be  lost  at 
any  time  except  under  the  most   extraordinary  con- 
ditions.      These  precautions  are  necessary  due  to 
the  fact  that  the  exsiter  system  io  the  weaXest 
part  of  the  plant  and  the  greatest   care  must  be 
taken  in  its  design  if  continuity  of  operation 
is  expected. 

The  conditions  influencing  the  use  of  singlf 
or  three  phase  transformers  were  noted  above.     In 
this  case  it  was  decided  to.  install  single  phase 

units  due  to  the  fact  that  the  country  is  rough 



-  ■   ■- 

•    B88*« 



:b  &t£cw 

Hydro-Electric  Plant, — Malad  River,  Idaho 

and  the  distance  to  -which  they  must   be  transported 
is  rather  large.     It  aloo  makes  necessary  the  in- 
stallation of  a  comparatively  cheap  unit  only,  this 
being  placed  somewhere  on  the  floor  of  the  trans- 
former room  and  connected  in  as  desired  by  means 
of  flexible  leads. 

The  capacity  of  the  transformers  will  be  ten 
percent  greater  than  that   of  the  generators  to  con- 
form with  common  practice,  30  that  each  unit  must 
be  rated  at  440  lew.     These  are  to  be  connected  up 
delta  on  both  sides.     This  is  also  an  additional 
safeguard,  since  in  this  case  if  one  of  them  becomes 
burned  out ,  the  other  set  can  then  caryy  58$  of 
the  load  with  the  same  heating  by  operating  on  a 
V-connection,  and,  the  continuity  of  the  service 
need  not  be  interrupted  during  the  time  necessary 
for  the  installation  of  the  spare  unit. 

On  account  of  the  character  of  the  load  the 
operation  of  the  lines  Trill  not  be  necessary  more 
than  once  or  twice  a  day     and  therefore  attendance 


•  ■ 

t*»LJ  to 




I      ■ 


Hydro-Electric  Plant , — Malad  River ,  Idaho 

of  an  operator  on  the  switches  will  not  be  neces- 
sary.      These  switches  should  be  located ,  however, 
in  another  room  to  protect  them  ffom  the  dampness, 
and  to  insure  their  proximity  to  the  high  tension 
buses.     For  this  reason  they  are  to  be  located  up* 
stairs  where  they  can  be  readil3r  reached  from 
the  lower  floor  by  the  two  stairways.       The  high 
tension  buses  are  also  located  fcere  so  thata 
minimum  amount  of  copper  is  required.     The  two  buses 
run  parallel  throughout  their  length,  asshown,  and 
this  makes  it  possible  to  extend  the  plant  at  any 
time  by  merely  tearing  out  the  end  -alls  and  instal- 
ling a  new  unit.        The  buses  can  then  be  extended 
also  and  the  station  will  then  be  symmetrical  as 

The  drawings  showing  the  arrangement  of  the 
above  specified  apparatus  and  machinery  are  repro- 
duced in  the  following  pages. 







■  ■ 




for  proposed 
Malad  River, 


.  .  1_Ll   ..   .    (  ::: 

1": :: : : 












vvv'  ii 






Itylro-Electric  Plant — Malad  River,  Idaho. 

Transmission  of  Power: — There  are  to  be  two 
36000  volt  three  phase,  twenty- five  cycle  transmis- 
sion lines  from  the  plant  to  Boise  City  and  to 
Glenn's  Perry,  Idaho.     In  addition  there  are  two 
11000  volt  lines  to  supply  po"-er  for  public  pur- 
poses in  the  vicinity  of  the  plant.       The  calcul- 
ations for  the  66000  volt  lines  follow: 

Boise  City  line,  100  miles  long,   3200  kw. 
to  be  transmitted,  transmission  voltage,  66000 

Line  loss 
Res.  per  wire 
Sixe  of  wire 
Distance  between  wires 
induct  anoo  per  wire 
Capacity  to  neutral 
Natural  frequency 
Charging  current 
Ind.   reactance 
Cond.  reactance 
Reg.   no  load 

256  kw. 
109  ohms, 

•  3  Band  S. 
61— 6" 

•  21  henry s 
1.  36  x  10" 
470  cycles 
8.2  amp. 

33  ohms 
4670  • 

•  374fj 




:       ' 











D  88 





Hydro-Electric  Plant,-  Malad  River,  Idaho 

Reg.   full  load 

8.1  $ 

Reg.     85$  power  facto? 

4.3  # 

Wt.   copper 

252,642  # 

Spacing  of  poles 


Number  of  poles 


Glenn's  Perry 


30  miles  long,  800Kw. 

Transmission  voltage 


Line  loss 

1.8  $ 

Resistance  per  wire 

97.5  ohms 

Sise  of  wire 


m stance  between  -wires 

6'   -  8" 

Inductance  per  wire 

.068  henrys 

Capacity  to  neutral 

.375  x  10 


Natural  frequency 


Charging  current 

2.25  amperes 

Ind.   reactance 

10. 6     ohms 

Cond.  reactance 

17,000  ohms 

Reg.   full  load 

♦  05  cp 

Reg.     35$  power  factor 

.08  <jo 

Number  of  poles 
























1  ■'! 








Hydro-Electric  Power  Station  Design. 

Hydro-Electric  Power  Plants;  Beardsley. 
Transmission  or  Water  Power;  Adams* 
Standard  Handbook  for  Electrical  Engineers;  MeGraw 
Water  Supply  Papers;  U.    s.   Geological  Survey. 
*Totes  and  Designs  on  Hydro-Electric  Power  Stations, 

American  Institute  E.   E.  ,  25:163,  Apr.06 
Location  of  Electric  water  Power  Stations, 

Gassier 3,  25:  498. 
Electricity  from  Water  Power, 

Elec.    Eng. ,    34:    294 
Modern  Power  Plant  Design  and  Economics, 

Eng.   Mag.,  88:   689,  812. 
■         ■  30:    71,   182. 

Use  of  Pacific  Coast  Water  Powers  in  Electric  Op- 
eration of  Railroads, 

Jour.    Elec.  ,   15:    115. 
Sixth  Biennial  Report ,   1905 — 8 

State  Eng.   Idaho. 
Water  Power"  of  the  Rock  River:  Mead. 






■         ■ 


J^rdro-^ectric  Power  Station  Design 

PRICES        and        COST       ITEMS. 
(Malad  River  Project) 

Hydraulic  Turbine  Units- 
Including  draft-tubes  and  type  "3" 
Lombard  Governor.      Gross  weight  about 
75,00  pounds.     P. 0,3.    cars  at  factory, 
each  - 

$  7,800.00 

Steel  Penstock  - 

Circular  in  form:  of  riveted  steel 
plates,  with  necessary  saddles  and 
stiffeners.  Per  lineal  foot    (about )  - 

6  46.00 

Wooden  stave  pipe  at  about  half 
this  figure. 

Nearest  railroad  connection  -  at  31iss,  Idaho    (three 
and  one-half  miles)   :   Oregon  Short  Line. 

Freight  rate  to  this  point,  from  Chicago, 
on  eledtrical  machinery  about  1  1/2  cents 
per  pound.     The  rate  on  structural  steel 
from  Pueblo  to  Bliss,-  about  75  cents  a 

Cement    :   about  $3.35  a  bbl.  ,  f.o.b.   Bliss. 

Sand,  rock  and  gravel  to  be  had  on  the  work. 

Suitable  poles  for  the  transmission   (  thirty- 
five  to  forty  feet  long)  can  be  had  on  the 
work  for  about  $5.00  per  pole. 








.   .. 

.    .    .  ,  ,  ; 

©f  •    .  fit 

Hydro-Electric  Pcver  Station  Design 

Market  for  poirer  - 

Transmitted  and  districted  to 
Boise  -  100  miles,-  2-1/2  cents 
a  lew.  hour. 

To  Glenns  Perry  -  30  miles, - 
5  cents  a  kw.   hour. 

For  pumping  purposes  in  vicinity 
of  plant,-  1-1 /s  cents  a  tar.  hour. 

Transmission  Lines. 

To  Boise   (100  miles)  - 

Cost  of  copper  $       37,296.00 

•        ■     poles  18,900.00 

cross  arms  3,150.00 

insulators  23,625.00 

—^ rr    onri    r\r\ 



$  90,171.00 

To  Glenns  Perry   (30  miles)  - 

Oost   of  copper  I          3,566.00 

*        ■     poles  5,670.00 

"       "     cross  arms  945. 00 

n       "     insulators  7,088.00 

■       *     pins  2,160.00 

Total  I  19,429.00 





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