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«4,'5   -   20175. 

Utffertdant  in  iSrror 

milQH   'SO 


OF  OfllOAaO, 

HR,  JUSilOE  SdAfifl»AH  ddllTsrei  tha  opinion  of  %h&   oourt. 

A.  £.  Hertllngt  defontlant  In  ©rror,  h3roinnfi'9r  callad 
the  plaintiff,  au9d  th«  Ojtwftld  Ae«tylan«  Ooapany,  a  corporation, 
plaintiff  In  •rror,  borelnttftar  oallod  tb*  dafandant,  in  an  ao- 

\^  tion  of  the  fourth  olasa  In  ths  Municipal  oourt  of  Ohloaf?:©,  to 
rtoover  damsg^s  sustained  by  him   a«  the  result  of  a  oolllalon 
b«tw«en  an  iiUtO!Robll<ii  b«lon^lng  to  th«  plaintiff  and  an  autono* 
bll9  bvlon^^tlnn  to  tha  dafandant*  Tha  dasagaa  olalraad  w«»ra  tha 
ooata  of  rapalrlni?  the  plaintiff's  maohlna.  Tha  nagli^onoa 
charged  In  tha  atatament  of  olala  waa  that  the  aarvant  of  tha  da- 
fandar.t.  In  <Jharp;e  of  Its  autoiaoblla  at  the  tlwa  of  th»  collision, 
oaralaa2!ily  and  nagllgantly  oparatod  or  drova  tha  auto-raoblla  of 
tha  dafandant  upon  and  afi^inat  tha  autonobllo  of  tha  plaintiff. 
in   Itis  affiU^wit  of  norlts  tha  dafandant  daniad  that  lt«  -machine 
waa  carelaaaly  and  na^ll^antly  opaz*atad  and  oontrollad  on  tha 
oooaalon  In  quoatlon  and  allaji^ad  that  tha  plaintiff  oaralaaaly 
and  n«F:ll«®ntly  drova  hla  automobile  upon  and  ap;%ln»t  plaintiff 'a 
auto-nobila,  and  further  allagod  that  tha  Injury  to  ttw  plaintiff *a 
automobile  whs  eauaeil  by  an  unavoldabla  accident,   rho  oaaa  was 
trlM  before  tha  oourt  without  a  Jury,  and  tha  laauaa  ware  found 
in  favor  of  tha  plaintiff  and  hla  daaiagaa  ii9V   aaaaaaad  at  the 

x^  aua  of  $lliJ.50,  A  notion  for  a  now  trial  vaa  ovarrtJled  and  Judg- 
ment waa  onterad  upon  the  finding,  and  thia  writ  of  error  follovad. 

rho  collialon  between  tha  autOBoblls  of  th«  plaintiff  and 
tha  autoaobila  of  tlia  defendant  oocurrod  on  Juruary  24,  10  i:?, 
about  noon  time,  on  Aahland  boulevard,  Juat  north  of  Taylor  atraat. 


JAN  11^^22 

^ft\»»..vv..* .^U«*— 



I"     *ll..^^     O'^i- 

.».'r^  ti 

....  i-ia»jtu  • 

■  iv'4   -.\:iii 

•  ^ '^v/ k^lB      'j»'«a«     VV 

^      •«<•:/    • 

In  tho  city  of  Qhloi&go.   Both  naohlnaa  wer*  golrg  north  at  th« 
tlnj«  or  the  oolllftlon*  fcnd  «h«tb«r  or  not  th«  oollieicn  wan  du« 
to  ne».vliK»no«  on  the  pa-rt  of  the  dof ©ndant  * »  swrrant  *&pi  a  oon- 
trov<:>rtod  quoatlorj  of  fact  in  the  oeiHa, 

The  dvfondakT.t  haa  a»sijn{n«d  Hnd  ar^^d  a  number  of  allef^^d 
•rroria»  but  Irt  our  Judg«©nt  It  I  .  only  n«o«(i»&ry  for  ua  to  pass 
on  on«  of  th«er,«   ihe  pialntlff  was  alIO)>JOd  to  tostlfy  ovsr  tha 
objcfltlcn  of  the  d«f«>ndant  th&t  «kft«r  tbe  ooXlt«iori  tha  oiiauffaur 
Ir  oh«i.r^«>  of  th«  (i«f»n<lar.t*e  auto^aobila  got  out  of  hla  autorooblla 
.nd  w&lk*<i  to  *her«  tha  plaintiff  «a^  atandlni/  by  hi?,  o^m   raaehlna 
and  aaldj  "ily  atderlng;  knueskia  brok«»  and  i  oouldbnH  help  Itt 
tt&rl  thd  bill  to  th«  oxvald  Oocipanyt   I  oalltid  the  attertion  of 
Ky  boaa  to  tha  condition  of  tha  staarlng  knuofele*  and  that  It  »aa 
dafaotlva;  nrnnd   in  your  bill  to  tha  Oxaald  Company  and  they  «1ill 
fix  It  up  all  rl^t.*  thd  trial  oourt  oxprasaad  doubta  ati  to  the 
oo«Tpat«r.ay  of  thl^  ovidenoe*  but  finally  adsnittad  it  on  th««  es'rounda 
UiA4»t  It  aaa  a  pst^rt  of  the  rasa  j|aataa»  At  tha  oonoluslon  of  tha 
o>i«3,  th«»  dafandtmt  aubrittad  sovarjU  propoaitlons  of  Inw  to  tha 
effi^ot  t.ii4it  tho  aald  avldonoa  waa  Inooiapatant*  Irralavant  and  la- 
.'.itoristl  ur.ii   !«houl<l  ba  striokan  from  tha  raoord  and  not  considarad 
by  the  court  In  aaklni?  Its  flndinga,  but  tha  oourt  refmaod  to 
hold  the  *al<l  prppositlcms* 

7h<;>  dafaruant  conttiinda  that  tha  adnlaalon  of  tha  a&ld  evld- 
anoa  »a»  error,   "firatt  that  it  was  not  ralevant  or  aatarlal  to 
the  l&auo  jolnad  \jauimr   plaintiff  U  atatamant  of  clalis,  a  TarlcJiioa 
betwaan  tha  proof  ana  aliegationo;   eaocrid,  that  tha  tlwa  alapaad 
betwaan  the  aoaidant  and  the  oonvarsation  w&a   too  long  to  adialt  it 
aa  a  part  of  tha  rM  gaataar  third,  that  It  aaa  a  raoltal  of  a 
puat  tri-nsiiotion,  and  fourth,  that  the  adislawiona  of  tho  chauffeur 
and  -r.  aoyt  ware  not  binding  on  tho  defendant  ocrporntlon.*   the 
plaintiff  contondB  that  tha  defendant  did  not  ralao  the  question 
of  varianoe  until  all  tha  evidanoe  waa  In  amd  that  it  thereby 

waived  th«  s&ld  VAriAr»e«,  »nd  further,  that  the  etate-winta  of  th* 
ohmuffeur  were  part  of  th«  res  gestae  and  therefore  adnlgi^jtible. 

Asldie  froa  the  queetlcn  na  to  whether  th®  defendant  waived 
tr.  Tariuroe,  «»  are  aatlafled  that  the  atatement  of  the  ©hav^ffeur 
to  tno  dt!!fendant  wae  not  a  part  of  the  r®a  geatao  In  this  oaae  arril 
ehould  not  have  been  admitted  ^j   the  trial  oourt.   What  wae  eatd 
by  th^  chauffeur  were  not  utteranoee  of  a  apontaneoue  oharaoter 
tnat  were  Ottll»d  forth  by  the  trainsaotlon  itself  and  that  served 
tv  oh£^raot«»riae  or  ahow  the  nature  of  the  aame,  but  on  tho  onn- 
trary  the  evidence  ooreplalned  of  appears  to  be  a  etate<nertt  of   a 
doilborat©  kind*  having  All  the  ear  saarke  of  deelarationa  that 
have  boen  held  to  be  not  a  part  of  the  rea  geatae«   'tVhile  it  must 
be  oonoeded  that  it  Is  aoinetimea  diffloult  to  determine  whether 
or  not  a  oertain  etatertent  in  a  ^»iven  oaee  la  a  part  of  th«»  res 
^eetaej^  nevertheleeey  we  think  It  plain,  under  th»  authoritien, 
some  of  w^^loh  we  olte,  the  »tater»nt  of  the  chauffeur  w%n   not  ad- 
aleeii  le  ae  part  of  the  roa  peetae  in  thle  oaae.   o]pr1n.arfi«fld  v'on-; 
aolidated  hf^m^   'Jo«  v.  Purtflrnr.ey,  aoo  ill*  9t  I«gvjr  v*  >'>orancl  :^roa.j^ 
l'U>  ill*  App«  a^^'t   Oondon  v.  Jhioago  aya>  QO«^f  et  al»,  lei  ill, 
app*  550 f   Leoklieder  v.  <Jhio>^o  'p^itj^   Hy»  ^o».,  14£  ill,  App«  139; 
Penn,  oo.  v.  ;^oOaffrey,  178  ill.  im\     :3el«kie  v.  Uering  Coal  Oo., 
«.4i<)  ill,  ^£:,  Hor  oan  we  eay,  after  :%   oaref^xl  exardnation  of  the 
record,  that  th9  error  of  the  court  in  admitting  the  evidence  oom« 
pl&inea  of  wa«  not  prejudicial  to  the  defendant,  and  th«  jui}?;nwmt 
of  the  Municipal  oourt  of  \;hloaKO  will,  therefore,  b©  reversed 
and  the  cause  renianded  for  a  new  trial, 

REVERSED  A?fQ  5-  ■•■'-•■DISO, 

JONais,    OCATskS   *  3AlLjiY,  ) 

a  Jorporatlon,  ) 

▼».         A  )     /        OUJIIOIPAL  aOORT 

/\  )  / 

wOisP&;i]r»   a  Corporatfitjn,  / 

r"V       19  3  I. A.  9     '^ 

l?ft»  JUSnog  SCANjUA#^jltilver«<i  the  opinion  of  tha  30urt« 

Jon«s,  Coates  4  Httilsy,  »  eorporation,  »9p»«ll»iit,  h«r«- 
inaftor  d«sl«rnat«<l  aa  th»  plaintiff,  8u»d  th«  Kellogg  ijwitoh- 
bc&ri  'i  ;juppljr  Oojapay?y,  a  oor|K>rat Icn,  appellee,  harelnafter 
salldd  W^«  defemdant,  in  th»  iimtsip&l  court  of  Jhloago,  Irs  an 
aatioR  of  th©  flrat  el&ss*   A  Jury  waa  v&ivea  ani  ti:e  cause  saa 
aubj5Qitt«cl  to  t-M©  oourtj  a  finding  and  judgraont  in  favor  of  the 
def enda-  t  resulted  smil   this  appeal  followed. 

The  plaintiff  is  a  oorporation  erp;aged  Irs  th*  luraber  ani 
box  saklng  buain^ae  in  Uie  «slty  of  Jhioa^o,  and  th©  deferdant  ia 
a  corporation  engaged  in  the  naanufaoture  of  telephones,  switch- 
t»oard(3  anvi  telephone  supplies  in  the  aa.*^  plaoe.  Tie  suit  vaa 
broyi^?ht  to  reoovsjr  dama/^es  for  the  alleged  failure  of  the  defend- 
ant to  perforac  a  contract  made  with  the  plaintiff  in  'iarch,  1910, 
It  appears  tbat  about  March  1,  1910,  \?r.  Bailey,  th«»  treasurer  of 
tM«  plaintiff  corporation,  called  on  Jfr.  ^oboenwerk,  th'Q   purchas- 
ing a^ent  of  thfc»  defendant  corporation,  for  the  purpcse  of  aelling 
the  defendar^t  the  ■knook  doim  boxes*  that  it  would  require  in  its 
bueiness  fcr  a  year,   lialiay  and  Soljoanwerk  held  a  number  o^  con- 
ferences on  the  aubjeot,  at  which  ti»es  they  discussed  the  kinds 
of  boxes  the  ief^ndant  would  need  In  its  business*  and  froa  tlrae 
to  tiise  the  plaintiff  sent  to  the  defendant  sanple  boxes  of  various 
kinds  -  in  all  abcut  fW).  On  f^arcb  24,  1910,  th©  plairtiff  wrote 
to  tr  »  defendant  the  followtn,^  lett-srs 

T  ^  o  r 



"Uhicago,   yaroh  ^4,    11?  10. 

Kftllogg  Sxltshboard  %  Supply  <;;o,t 
4^4  South    )r««n  3t, 

Se  b9g  X«avo  te  sul^ndt  yeu  prloaa  upon  Itr.colted  down 
box9»  for  yo'ur  r»qtJlr9«!«r!t3  for  a  year.     ?h®ss»  boxee  tc  b« 
tr.«  i9A^«  ae  the  ones  »o  are  dallverlrg  tc  you  today?   th©  lun- 
b#r  to  b«  ;ifttched. 

In  est  30  you  should  require  ary  wooden  fra^e  flbr«  boxoe 
for  Bxpr^B&  ahipmenta,    the  prioe  will  be  ':4  r?ore.      In  oaae  you 
ae5?ir€  &'-<y  boxtsa  made  frorrs  l  irjoh  lutsbsr,   for  export  ard  other 
0hipr;.mt3  *h«j?r^   yc\j  cihould  have*  heavy  lumber,   our  prioe  for  theee 
boxea,   kiiookod  do*r:  arsd  dolivered  at  your  place  »lli  be  all  fig- 
ured upon  »  belli. 5  of  i2?j  far  thoueand  lumber  feet,   with   l?.t  added 
for  aaste.      rh©s»e  boxes  ar^  to  be  tsade  of  good  solid  luaber, 
free  fro'"»  Imot  boles  and  rot,  ajvi  Are  to  b©  .ireseed  and  matohed. 

/cure  truly, 

(iilgned)  H.K.    Bailey, 

yo*  a  *5  X  11  X  18  1/2 M'^ 

>iO.  <?i{  fc::.    X  19  l/^X  11 ..SI' 

2vO.  9?.  2!^^  X  IS  l/4x  19  i/i2      ^?3? 

^/O.  &7  i^r-  X  U  l/Bx  15  l/ii Si'l!/ 

vO.  59  ar   X  19  l/^X  U  l/e SS' 

iiO.  9y  £5   X  21  1/4X  IS  1/^ 4'y/» 

On  the  folloitlRi?'  day,   the  defsndart,   throu,!?h  Ita  purohaeln;^  agent, 

hy-nded   to   aailoy  the  following  lettert 

"ahloa^o,  Varoh  Z-^,   1^10. 

Jocen,  aoataa  k   B'»lley, 
1014  S,   hilated  -it., 
Ublsago,  111. 

W©  erail  b«:'  pleased  to  jmrehaas  froiB  you,  our  requirewenta 
of  knock  doitn  bcxea,  tstylea  a»  par  aa^iple  aubtsitted  and  «fet 
prtoea  p«r  11*  t  aubraitted  Harch  iJ4,  for  at  least  a  y^ar   from 

Yours  v«ry  truly, 
KiSLLOao  iilflfailBOAEO  &  SUPPLY  CO., 
3y  (iilgnod)  0.  a.  aoho«nwsrk. 
Purchasing  Agent.* 

~0n  the  receipt  of  thia  letter,  Ur,   Dailey  thanked  iir»   .i-shoenwerk 

for  /,ivlnj5  hia  oonpany  the  oontraot  and  stated  that  hia  company 

wiahed  to  buy  the  lx«aber  to  fill  the  contract  and  it  would  like  to 

know  ho»  .Tuch  t?ie  contract  would  amount  to;  to  tfhldh  Mr.  iichoen- 

#erfe  responded,  *To«  can  safely  count  on  at  loaat  §10,n<V)  or  $12, 0'^^  s 

*orth  of  bueJneae."  Thereaft^sr,  on  Jure  1,  IS  10,  aa  the  plaintiff 

reoelved  ro  orders  frcr  the  defer  iant,  altbouieJ&  Mr.  Bailey  had  re- 

peatei  oor^f erenceo  with  'dr,   oolioenverk  on  the  subject,  it  wrote  to 




ths  vlwfendATt  th«  following  lettart 

/  •Ohlcago,  Jun«   l,   1910, 

i:oilcg|r,  Saltohi?oax^  &  ^iupply  Jo., 

yfo  dttulre  to  call  your  attention  to  our  «ontr«iot  for 
furrlof-lnir  you  5?ltJ5  ail  your  requlrei-erta  In  knock  down  boxes, 
imp  /oijr  aofseptano*  of  iiaroh  ii&,    1910,   arKi  requeat  that  ^e  r©- 
o^lYe  your  apecjlflcatlcnd  fordaliv«ry  arltbout-  furthwr  dolay. 
It  irf  no.^  two  Rontha  alnc«^^^^nt«r«d  Into  this  oontraot  and 
6lro«  tha  data  thereof  *e  Save  oontlnuoualy  bser.  ready  to  fur- 
ri»}i  you  boxee  S3003r*dlng  to  the  a^e«*:^er.t,   and  hnve  frequently 
called  your  atterstlcr   thereto  as-^d  requeatdd  your  apeclflcationa. 
Ke  shall  a.Tp^ct  to  b«ar  frc^  ycu  prorptly,   sitii  dlr«otiona. 

TOUTS  truly, 

JOKA.i,  CCAT£d  &   SAlLiT, 
(aiji^iod)  H.H.  B&lley, 


Xo  the  above  l«tter  t'.e   defendant  replied  aa  follos^et 

•Chloa^-o,  Juna  3,  I'^IO. 
Jonea,  Joatea  ii  Bailey, 
l/H  jioofeer  Jt., 
Ohisago,  111. 

Keplyin?i;  to  youra  of  the  let  would  atate  that  In  our 
letter  of  siiroft  <^r»th,  wo  norely  a^^reed  to  puroi^iaa©  fro:?  you, 
cur  re q:a- i r e^v. er. t s  of  knocked  do*R  boxes  of  t!^?Q  style  aa  per 
SAwnpIoiSulE^nTtea  by  you  aiid  tMa  dfould  Tlavo  us  the  privilege 
of  purahar.ln4  any  othor  stylos  of  boxes,  shich  are  different 
fr«>r5  said  aoT/ple.  iVe  aiao  at^te,  Barely  our  requirenenta  and 
ro  opeclfio  quantity.  Should  vse  have  any  requlrementa  of  your 
atyla,  we  certainly  ^tiall  purchaae  ttoeiT!  froas  you. 

Yours  tmly, 
KSLLOG-:*  ^'MlTCnUQARD   *  iUiPPLY  UO, 
By  (ol^ned)  0,  U,  iohoenwerV, 

PurGha3ln.5J  A^ent.* 

tic   orders  «9ra  ever  received  by  the  plaintiff  from  the  dof'^ndant 
undsr  the  oontraot  and  thia  suit  eae  eosniaenoed  on  October  24,  1911, 
The  defendant  an   the  trial  of  the  o«u9*»  oontandad  that  th© 
written  contract  betvteen  the  partlea,  evidenced  by  the  letters  of 
March  24th  and  March  sa^th,  l&ia,  waa  plain  and  un^abiguoue?  that 
by  Ita  tenaa  the  defendant  did  not  a^ee  to  purchaae  frora  the 
plttintiff  all  tb©  •knock  do>m   boxaa*  it  afould  require  In  its  buai- 
neaa  for  a  year  fro?n  iaroh  as,  II^^IO,  but  the  defendant  waa  only 
obliged  to  buy  of  the  plaintilf  ltd  "requirerenta*  of  •knock  do»n 
boxaa"  of  the  kind  and  atyle  apecificaily  mentioned  in  the  plain- 
tiff *8  letter  of  iiaroh  ii4th;   tliat  it  aa*  not  precluded  fx^jss  buying 

rcl  tttal^tiam 

of  oth«r  perser.a  tlmr.  the  plaintiff  ''Icnoeit  down  boxea**  of  diffsr- 
©nt  icinda  anci  prioea  frois  those  o®nt,lon«d  In  the  plalHtiff'a  aaid 

The.  platr.tiff  oont^tcaed  timt  th»  jtrltten  contrast  m&a 
pi&ln  arKi  urmabiguous;     tfesit  by  Ita  t«rra»  tn»  plaintiff  a^^r^M 
to  fumlan  tsan-d  the  dcfwtKiant  to  buy  *11  tha  "knock  doars  boxea" 
the  Ji«f3nda:it  «Oiild  reqfuir©  1x3  ita  bu@in«dd  for  one  y^ar  fx^»  th© 
data  of  th«  eojitraotj     t&s  plaintiff  furthsr  ooKtanded  that  if 
thero  is  any  doubt  from  the  languaiga  of  the  written  ecntraot  aa  to 
the  intention  of  th«  pekrti««»   tba  ovid^noA  of  the  olrcu«istanc»8  sur- 
roundlr;<  the  untiring  of  tho  contract  absolutoly  clears  up  any  possible 
ambiguity  iti  th«  9a2C9»  ^n^^i  froffi  ttm»g»  of  the  oootrftot*  ^rsA 
frcTR  t>i«  olrc«stBtarnoo»  surrounding  tlM>  aakioK  of  tho  oa-:e,   it  plain- 
ly app&ers  thut  tha  intention  of  tho  p«trtiaa  aaa»  as  o<mtandfiNi  for 
by  th«  plain tli*f. 

rb«  trial  oourt  suatalnod  tha  d«fanaact*ii  construction  of 
t^ie  «rltt3n  oontraot*  and  tho  finding  in  tho  oaa«  «as  th^  roault  of 
thia  ruling* 

la  think  th#  trial  court  orrod  in  hi  a  cor.dtructio'--.  of  tho 
writt«m  contrast  bataoan  ti^a  partlassy  ovidanead  by  tho  latt^ra  of 
k'ar<^  24 th  Av.d  jsarofe  iiSth,   1&10»     Aa  aa  intarprat  the  aartjo^   tha 
/  plairtiff  ir.  tha  latter  of  aar<^  ^th  aubisittod  an  offer  to  tha 
plaintiff  to  furnish  it  aith  th«  '*imock  doam  boxas'   it  sould  naad 
in  ita  tuslnaaa  for  h  year:     it  atatad  tha  saLk.9  up  of  th^  boxaa  it 
propoaad  to  furnish:     tha  r^&tarlala  to  ba  uaad  in  tha  ^atna;     tha 
various  slsaa  of  tho  boxaa  to  b«  furriishad  and  tha  cost  of  aach 
also*     Tha  dafo''iant»  by  Its  lattar  of  iiaroh  ^Sth,  a^raed  to  pur- 
ohuae  from  tha  plaintiff  the  knook  down  boxes  it  aroiad  naad  In  lt» 
bus'naas  for  a  yoi&rt     tha  aatarial^  aisaa  and  prloaa  of  tha  aald 
boxaa  to  b»  ,ffov8m««l  by  tha  tarsa  of  tha  lattsr  of  th©  plaintiff 
of    faroh  a4tht      tha  styl®;^  of  tha  boxaa  to  tea  •aa  per  aampla  3«b- 
aiittad."     The  word  *ro<|ulra!sentB*   in  contraota  of  thia  oh«iraotar 

•PO"S  ^«i 

i    l)«it<Vv 

^O    C?A    i^J(iliiM<li 

•r?'^     »»  vifruil 

six    r^i    t*«0   :.  UBXCKi  .0 

has  &  well  di»»fireKi  a<Mmi»g,      aira-ieaoto.  Liuabor  Co,   v.   Coal   Oo.y 
I'^a  ill.  ;55j     puro»lI  Co.  ▼•  :iage,  ii^o  ill,  34i;, 

.i^d  ar«  unabla  to  sigrod  with  t.h«  d9f«rdant*«  lr}t«rpr9t»> 
tlon  of  this  sontz^ot  aa  atatad  In  Itss  Xettsr  of  June  z,    1910, 
UmX'ir  3\ioh  ,»   iCttiitruotlors  tha  defendant  oould  avoid  buylna;  any 
hoxes  und&r  tlie  contract  by  «imply  purchasing  frosj  other  parties 
bozea  of  a  alightly  difr«rdr.t  style  fros  t^oao  stated  in  the  pro^ 
Hisition  of  tho  plaintiff.     In  our  Jud^sent,   «ueh  an  lr!t«rpr«t«tlon 
Id  neither  r»ason&bl9  nor  fair  and  should  not  prevail , 

While   »e  &r<»  of  the  opinion  U>^t  the  intention  of  the 
partis*  in  U\&  o&ao  sAy  be  is&thered  frois  the  written  contraet» 
T  neverth@le8«  *&  think  that  th*  <;vid«?;oe  t'snding  to  eho*  th«  olr- 
cu»dtano»8  eurroundi^.^';  the  execution  of  the  agre^&ent  supports  our 
inti»rpret«itiQn  of  the  contract. 

As  the  finding  of  th<9  trial  court  »ae  based  upon  a  mle- 
conatruction  of  the  eritten  oontraot,   the  judgment  of  the  Municipal 
court  of  >hio«k'o  oust  ba  reversed  and  the  cause  renianded  and»   in 
our  fieni  oi    the  case,   it  is  entirely  unneodaeary  ^or  us  to  notice 
certain  other  contenticna  raieed  by  the  defendant.     The  judi^^ent- 
of  the  Municipal  court  of  Ohiaago  «111  be  reversed  and  the  oauae 
rei3%nded  for  &  new  trial* 

asv£H3£D  AH9  wmunaSm 

fj     t!    h^Jtt 


*-v  fw  SI  -''^C' 

;:<»<»t!i    ;**•   •I'lii."     I J 

1     *;  .' 

-3  ^a«!i«T»*> 

ie  to  ^ 



)/  COOK  CQUHrr, 


Cm  Appeal  of  KABh/  Aiixaoi^i, 
JOBS  ^,  iiUi'iOK,  t>eti4ioR«r, 

*p*.m«   /j         19  3  I. A.  12 

i£B«  Jy^iiaMi,  SQAXLAS  d«Ilvt9r«4  t&e  opinion  of  th«  oourt. 

th*  oirauit  oeurt  of  Gook  ootsnty  an4  r«(00V«irad  ft  J^^S^jf^^nt  against 

hia  for  #750.     John  «i«  4^it<»)  »aa  th«  attom«7  of  recoil  for 

tCeiahkOtftikl  in  the  »ai<l  »utt.     th»  appellant  tt^ok  »n  appeal  fr^s 

th«  sskid  judMp>«rs&t  ^^^^^  while  the  aa^e  sae  pe*^dir)s»  Kftl»hl?o«akl» 

aisainet  the  advioa  ^nd  ai»^«0  of  ^iutton^  settled  tl2e  judgeadnt  for 

fl^O*     ^j?^>  of  thi>*  a£30ifiit  «aa  offered  to  Sutton  in  full  of  all 

olaiaa  for  legal   uer7lo«e  he  sl^iit  itave  against  Aeiehko^skl  but 

h»  refused  tise  offijr,   atatin^  that  toe  !sad  a  eontraot  with  iiolalu-- 

kowsim  b^  the  ter^a  of  whisi)  he  «ra»  entitled  to  one-half  of  the 

aisount  of  th<^  judgments     Sutton  %h<m  fllea  in  th«s  Siroult  oourt 

of  Cook  oounty  a  petition  to  eiiforoe  a^aln^t  the  appellant*  ^iarry 

dostros&.  a'oialts  for  attorney's  lien*  under  ^eotlon  f55,   ohapter 

.j.r-.q  In 
S2f  :mr(i*e  Uyyimjui  o.1^«»%tHk«v^4  ^«  a|>pdllant  filed  an  aneeer  to  the 

aali  p«ti(,ior)*     k  jury  ea^  «aiv«d  and  the  oauee  saa  aubiclttsd  to 
t^s  court,     isvlderioo  *a«  preoented  in  support  of  th^  petition  and 
the  aRa*«r,   *nd  thereafter  •the  oourt  lister ed  to  arjKUfsente  of 
counsel  *   •»  *  at  the  oonoluslon  of  i#hioh  tha  soiwt  stated  he  would 
render  Ma  de«l»ion  latar.*      rheresft«?r  th«  court  notified  both 
partitas  that  he  »ould  rarsder  hia  deoiisioet  in  the  oaae  on  August 
kip   VjXc*     Ot>   the  laat  aentioned  date,    the  pa^rtles  to  tbe  prooeed- 
iRf^sa  being  roprea-^nted  in  court  by  oounael,   the  oourt  annoimoed  that 
he  found  that  tbe  petitioner  :iuttci!i  had  failed  to  prove  M^  caao, 
and  that  there  would  have  to  be  a  finding,  a^alnet  the  petitioner 

it  tit 


6uii  in  f&vcr  of  th«  defand&nt*     HsdrextiJOK,   the  attomoy  r©pr«- 
ae'tlng  autton  a»lr«d  for  a  oontinusncs  of  th«  oa,s&  on  account  of 
t2s«  absdcoe  of  Juttcm  aoid  ths  court  gpart®^  th«  rsfiuest.     cas 
Octobsr  i>,    ISIS,   th9  foilotsfing  ooourrddj     *rhi9  ca»«  asfaln  ^a» 
callsKi  for  rendering  of  d«olslon  by  ths  eo«rt;     all  partlae  pr©»«it, 
John  &'♦  autten  tnsn  a«1<r»d  loavd  of  coiirt  to  wltbdnnur  his  pstltlon 
arl  tak«  a  non-auitt   fee  »ftioJ»  re-iuest  the  defandart  fey  hie  attor- 
ney cijjdot^,   stating  i»&  groandi  tii^p^for,   that  aa  tlPi«  p«titlc»»r 
sand  ti5«  aefsrsdarst  had  both  ar^ed  th©  c«s©  fully  to  th«  oourt,   sub- 
aitt«d  th«ir  bri!»f'^  «knd  nuthoritlas,  and  th^t  th9  o&s9  h&9  b«on 
fully  anvi  fln&lly  su^ittdd  to  t}}«  ocurt  for  final  ti«ol(tton  «hloh 
tho  oourt  «us  r»>«  riN^dy  to  r9n4ar»  the  petitioner  i&  not  ftov  •»- 
titlod  to  witbdr&s  his  p^titloDy  dlesinles  or  nc»~>»3uit  Ma  o&^at     &nd 
&s  th«  sourt  had  80-mounoedl  lilss  retwiln^es  to  r«mdar  hlis  docl3i<m» 
and  «v«n  «xpr98@o4  fidiftt  the  d«clalon  isould  be»   this  o&se  shoxild  r^r 
b«  dttoiaed  by  i.h»  oourt  »?d  tsot  dl«s*l»B«d«"     Tha  trial  court  ov«r- 
rul»d  the  isald  objeotlon  of  th»  dttfondant  »rkS  ^rf«^t«d  1  »»■!?•  to  tJ» 
p«tltioR«air  "tc  ieithdni«r  and  diaKlas  hla  petition  awrsd  norj-sult  him 
ea«#9*   i«hl3b  «ai»  don^  over  th©  objection  of  th©  daf«r«dar5t.     TMa 
^    a^tpasl  fulloit^*  I  ?h«  appellee,   th«  patltlonar  in  th«  lo»«r  ootirt, 
has  not  fil^  an  &ppe^mr.C9  In  this  oourt* 

7%«  d«f$nda»t  oontdnda  that  the  r«oot*d  ol€>arly  shows  that 
thfe  oaaa   (ont»  triad  by  th«  oourt  without  a  Jury)  had  b»«n  aiibrtittsd 
to  tJiw  court  for  final  daclsion  i;«for-j  th©  ssotlon  for  a  Rosi-auit  was 
fsada,  and  t)i&t  undar  aiioh  oiroimat^^oas  tha  patitionar  aaa  not  «i- 
titlod  to  tha  banafit  of  a  n<»?<-ault* 

Tha  question  bafora  uu  for  datar»iiwti<Mei  ia  i^vamad  by 

et«otion  70,  oi^aptar  110,  Hurd*a  Haviaad  Statutaa*     fteikt  aaoticm  reads 

ua  follova; 

■avery  parson  daairoua  ©f  aufferlBJ?  a  non-anit  shall 
ba  barred   th«»rafro?8,  imleas  he  do  i?c  before  t5.:o   Jury  retire 
fro»  the  bar,  or  if  the  oaaa  jjg  trla^i  t'efore  the  court  without 

&  Jury».  'cei'or«>  ino  oaaie  ia'  su¥«tXie'^^'''for 'Yari'al  'a'g'clsl'qn,'''  '  '     '  ' 


4aj  him 


>!■•  t^f  •;»  *f^i.•«  ,-^ha?T 


Pisfciniy,  lasdler  thla  osallim  aar^  the  faota  of  iJ3f»  oitai«» 
the  petitioner  i>uttcm  «aa  not  «niltl94  to  a  non-sult«     Th«  record 
shosa  thjfet  before  tis*  patltlonar  swd*  bis  ssctlon  for  a  Kon-«uit, 
ail   Via  avld«na«  in  thd  oaaa  hod  &«en  heard,   argimcsnts  had  bean  »ad«, 
and  tb©     o&»«  ha4  i><iwn  «ub!aitt«<t  to  tho  oourt  for  fin»l  doolaion* 
It  further  appears  that  the  oouri  oossidt^red  the  eaas  for  aom«  tlawt 
that  hm  th^n  «i^rv«4  i30tioa  on  th&  aoxmm^l  that  he  iKmi4  docldd  it 
on  u.  certalr^  day  at^  thai  on  the  ©aid  day  he  did.   In  fact,   ar^.oune* 
a  dftciaios  of  thd  oaaoi*     7h9  statute  plainly  at^t&m  that  «ti«z*«>  a 
oaa«  is  trlsid  by  a  oourt  urithout  a  Jury,   the  p%rac^  deelritsg  th« 
benefit  of  a  non-auit  muat  aassrt  the  rl??ht  'bafors  thg  oaae  1^  sub* 
gittttg  for  aeoi«sion«*     It  la  obvious  that  if  a  party  «<9r«  al- 
icwad  to  t»A«  a  non-suit  aa  m&9  dona  ir>  this  eaaa,  ha  ml^t  «ait 
until  he  l^&rnad  th«it  the  co«trt*s  flndiiig  liroold  he  againe^t  Miq  mad 
tb*sR  take  a  non-euit,  arid  ha  eaii^t   (by  agsic  atartlng  auit)  comtimia 
Uiis  praotioa  Indafinltaly  until  ha  foimd  a  rial  prlua     oourt  that 
aould  rardar  Judgn^rst  in  aooordanee  »ith  his  %'1©»3.     Th©  prcvielon 
IR  soctloa  70  ralating  to  tha  trial  of  &  oaa@,  without  a  jury,   iras 
eviiiently  pa^iaail  by  tiw  legislature  for  the  purpoaa  of  praveritlng 
auoh  a  praotioa.     Aa  «e  read  the  record  in  this  oaa^,  the  trial 
court  aotuully  ar^nouRoed  hie  decision,  and  the  defendant  was;  entitled 
to  the  beaiefit  of  the  aane,  but  even  If  it  could  be  held  that  the 
aetios  of  tii<3  trl&i  court  on  Au^^uat  a?,    ISIS,  did  not  a?gcmii  to  a 
flKai  aeciaion  In  tha  case,  nsverthsleaa.   It  le  absolutely  cl<>ar 
that  U"!®  oaae  l«ad  h&^n  aubjaittai  for  fln^U  degialor;,  before  th@ 
petitioner  mutton  aode  hia  tsotion  for  -  non-a\tli,  aj^,   tl^erefore, 
under  the  atutute,  the  Botion  for  a  sion-ouit  eaiae  too  late, 

Itie  Judf?»ent  of  the  Circuit  oourt  of  Oooi  county  elll  be 
rever&e^^i  and  th©  oau^e  reiaanded  for  farther  proceediB.rt*  f^ot  Incon- 
aietert  dlthtble  opinion* 

jsvsBiiiQ  AMD  wmxsnim. 

a^  Mr  a4      ««|  -- 
£[  iM»eei  AM  inn 

an  Jhmoo  JUU 

0*1  MM  . 

♦noor  oMcn«  i»<frTsrt  lal  bttAeiMn  •»«»•  •riJ 

5?n   -  £0338. 

A  )  Appeal  Ksoa 

.CtSSul,      \ 


tMlLIG  L(jS: 

Apiellant.    /)  aoo?:  QoimTf, 

y         193I.A.  21 


"/R,   JtlJilOS  SOAiUt&N  dell^er^  the  opinion  of  th»  court. 

Johanna  Rau  Lon^ii,  appeli^a,  harelrafter  oalled  th« 
complslrant^   fll&d  a  bill  for  separate  matnisnat^ae  in  th©  cir- 
cuit, aourt  cf  Cook  oounty  ^gaiKskt  anll^o  Longhl,   a,ppslla?it, 
hervsiraftor  o&H«d  tl5«  dofdt%l«nt«      rii»  blXi  ahj.r/res  adultsryt 
oruslty  tiiTid  dda^rtlon,   and  3tat«a  that   th«  present  suit  i«  thd 
aeoond   so»arata  m&lQten«n!3«  pro©e«<i1ng  brou.^ht  by  th«  oojsplain- 
i)TX  ^>r«  t}ie  U«fdXKi&nt;      U^a  first  on<a  havlnf:  b«en  dlar^isaed 
affcwr  the  parti »J»  had  r»«u80d  the  maritAl  raiatlonahlp,      "hs  da- 
fand&rt  fil«d  an  anawtir  to   th<s  predont  bill,   in  ahiah  h«  »d'?tltt©d 
thtt  1:*  had  oot^Hsltted  adulter/,   but  ali^gei   that  t)^a  offenssa  hwi 
b9«n  eandon«d  by   th^a  oos^lAinantt     denied  all   the  char?:®^  of 
orudltf,   6XQ9pt  05R«j      a»  to   the  lattisr  h«  adrtltted    tii&t  h«!  Jxad 
8la;>p«d   tH«  oowplairjant  on  <*  oertain  ocoaalon  Iri  a  fit  of  arsger; 
derisd  thiit  he  d«asrta»d  the  oonrplairant  or  that  ah«  was  living 
A.iart  from  hla  without  h»r  fault,   and  alleged  that  th«  partlas 
tc    the  proc#©dir.g  w»r«  living  apart  by  agr©«iaont.      Th«  chanoollor, 
wno  hei*rd  try  osise,  ©nterad  a  deore©  finding  tha  dafendant  jjullty 
of  dru«lty  and  dda^rtion  ua  char^jod  in  the  blli,  and  that  the  com- 
plainant  «fe3  llvijv.  apart  fro:a  th«  def^rdsa-it  without  har  fault, 
and  atf&rddd  tha  co?a,>l.JilnAr,t  ^?J0  »  ssonth  for  the  au^pport  of  h«r- 
aaif  and  *a;0  for  the  support,   education  and  .maintenance  of  her 
daughter,   a  Jjiri  of  15  year*  of  a^^e,  and  further  ordered  the  de- 
fondant  to  pay  to  tha  complainant   tho   fmas  of  |ia5  for  aolioltor's 
fee*.     The  defer*dar,t  appeals  frorr  this  decree. 


J  fiim  ryjT'i* 

.  «eufi4»   ,Jic.  ;,£!«  lie 

toilet ICfM    rtQl        al    !•  «l«    •!»  >n«/Tlal«5K-t^tJ    •£!<; 


The  defendant  a.-ika  for  a  r«varoal  of   the  doorao  ut^on 
t«o  grounda:     firat,    thAt  the  partlas  to  tha  proce^dln-i^a,   prior 
to  the  oojsHenas^.«rjt  of  thm  aa»«,    «©re  llvl«g  Bi»parat«»  and  apart 
b^  «m  iigrtte'^'st^t  si&citt  between  thsm^   and  that  by  tha  ter^a  of  th« 
ssttO,    t?te  dfif.Jndafc?;t  px*ovi4«d   tha  complainant  with  property  «uf- 
ficl«t;t  for  her  ««parat6  saiRtenanee?      that  the  aeld  a|?:ro«'n«?'!t 
aas  fairly  nrta  vcluntarily  •rteredl  Into*   without  ocerolorj,  dt«r«0s 
or  fraud,  and  that  tb«  provlnlona   in  the  sa%e  for  tha  tsHintar.anca 
of  the  i(flf«  w«r*  fair  and  equltabla  In  vies  of  th«  property  of 
th«  husb&nd,    th©  r}««>4i6  or  th^  aifa  and  th«  etatlon  in  life  of  tha 
pa.rtie3j      that  th«  Sitld  a/jraa^?®!! t  waa  bindlnf:  upoR  th©  partias  and    A 
praoludeil  her  frcia  njaintainlR^:  tha  bill   in  th«  present  oaissaj 
socjond,   t?iJit  avati  though  tha  said  a^aawent  did  not  praeluda  tha 
oomplainant  Croa  saiiitainln^  fe«r  pra»<«it  bill,  r!«v«rthal©a-^,    tha 
pro4ft  aKowfl  that,   prior  to  tha  flllnf.  of  thc=  hill,   tha  dafandant 
i',6v»   „c   tho  cor-plalnart  •an  aisount  of  proparty  fur  in  axoeas  of 
rfruit  ury  court   rfouldi  daoree;"      that  it   1*5  not  ahown  that  the  eoi::- 
niairsant  la  ir  want  or  daatitute,   but  on   tha  contrary  tha  pr&ot 
8ho«a  th-it  a\x&   la  poaaatsaad  of  moi*«  property  thar;  tha  daf^ndartt, 
arsd  thsrafore  it  ia  not  a^ultabla  or  Juat  that  tha  dafarwiant  should 
be  oo^allad  to  provlla  awythinr  further  for  har  saiwtdnanoat     bat 
that  in  any  avant,  'tha  daorea  ia  exeaaalva  corssldarinf,  the  olr- 
cuaatanoaa  an.!  the  raapaotlve  fleanolal  condltiims  of  tha  parties." 
iha  dafi!»r!dart  Tuiii  not  argusd  that  tha  ooaiplainarjt  1^  not  entitled 
to  live  a«pitrat«  and  apart  from  hi©,   and  his*  aol«  oowplalnt  raiataa   i 
to  th  *  allowunoa  wade  by  the  ohanoallor  for  the  support  of  tha  cos- 
plalr^nt  and  the  young  dau*^tar  of  the  partita. 

it  ii3  undoubtedly  the  law  of  thie  etate  that  an  a^Ti^eeaent 
for  a<»purat«r  sialntenanoe  aada  between  a  huziband  and  4ife,    «ho  are 
livin^,  apart,   i»hlch  ia  fairly  and  voluntarily  entered  Into,  and 
>#hich  is  free  froa  fraud  or  dureaa,  and  «hich  wakea  an  eciuitable     ^ 
proviaion  for   the  «lf©,   oonaidarinir  the  atation  in  life  of  the 

.u»»  mil 


lMiFtl»«,  la  valid  and  le  •  bar  to  a  separate  TBaintsn^fow  prooood- 
inr.  hroMitht   by  the  salfe,  -  it  t^ln^  r«?«©»b«r9d  sLl^afs  that  a  hus- 
band or  rftfe  carnot,  ty  nn  agr«ssent  batween  ther-,   doprlvo  a  court 
of  ci^anoory  of  its  pow«r  ovsr  the  oare^  ouatody  and  support  of 
iflnop  cbiidrer  of  the  parties,  At»  to  the  flrat  oontertticn  of  th« 
dsfsnJ&nt,  this  ohariceiior  by  entering  a  d9ore«  In  favor  of  the 
ootnpialn&nt  In  thla  ea9e>  held,  in  effect,  that  there  «ras  no  a^riree-  , 
f?ent  fcet«e»r  the  p&rtlea  that  »ould  preclude  the  oOTpplairsart  frora 
enforoin,?.  th<3   present  prooeediTJf^a,  and  after  a  careful  examination 
of   tMe  evidersce  bearing  on  tnia  eubjeist,  »e  are  satlafied  that  tbo  )<• 
OQtiCiuaioR  of  the  chancellor  irt  thia  regard  is  fully  warranted  by 
th&  prcof*  W*iiie  it  is  true  that  the  defendant,  prior  to  the  oora- 
aie»3e!i»er  t  oi'   the  present  prooeedin^a,  transferred  certain  real  estate 
ti.r.i   other  properties  to  thg  cotsplainant*  nevertheleea,  we  sire  unable 
to  ®ay,  froR  the  proof #  that  the  f»aii  trtinafera  wer^   si&do  aa  the 
r&sult  of  sax««f?eRt  for  eopHrafce  asaintenanoe  b«twe«r  the  parties, 
A6  *<f  h»vs  heretofore  said,  the  defardant  haa  not  arj^ued  In  thla 
court  that  the*inant  ie  not  entitled  to  a  decree  for  separate 
aaintenarce,  ar^d  »«  think  that  by  aseiuslng  this  position,  he  con- 
cedes that  there  «&8  not  a  valid  and  bindins;  agreetier^t  between  the 
piirti@«  »3  to  separate  iaaintenanoe,  for.  If  there  *as,  the  complaln- 
iint  douli  not  b'^  entitled  to  austaln  her  present  bill. 

tHe  r«6l  contention  of  th»  defendant  ia,  that  considering 
&11  tbit  h*  h»s.  done  for  the  ooRplainant,  lr»  the  way  of  transfer- 
ing  property  tc  her  prior  to  the  cosCTancemont  cf  tha^e  prooesdlrji^a 
and  oonaideriniT  furth^ar  the  financial  ocnditicra  of  the  parties  at 
t^e  time  of  the  entry  of  the  dscrea,  the  allowance  awarded  the  com- 
plainant by  th-H  chancellor  ia  exceaslye  and  inequitable.   'here  can 
be  r»o  doubt  that  the  defendant,  on  certain  occaaions  prior  to  the 
oor"s^f?oef"*nt  of  these  proceed! mra,  tranr*fa.rr«5d  to  the  ooaplainant 
propertiea  cf  considerable  value,  but  it  i>*  alao  clear  that  none  of 
thea«  properties  waa  inooiae-prodilioing  at  tha  titss  of  th©  eatry  of 

i^*    ,ViI    V    *.?    ,sptl-' 



>0   Mtl    li«ib1U»««  ,»«^»«JLi    <;.f(^    \e   <<' 

ldtfOl»  Ml 


the   learc'S.      rhe  or\39  valuable  busltsosa  aoqulr«4  by  ths  aomplaln- 
ont  throui^h  ih«  defendant  bad  baen  lost  to  hsr,   and  fe»r  irstareat 
in  tn*  real  «dtat9  tranaf«pr«d  to  her  by  the  ooiaplmlnant  proJuodd 
her  rothin^ ,     Th«  aaall  intersjt  in  tbs  rsrsaind^r  that  3h«  hs»  in 
bar  father's  ««it4&t«  was  ftl«o  improdiutjstiv*,     Hn  think  th«  olmr^ctllop 
sraa  aarroKt^d  from  th«  iwoof  In  flndllRjl  that  tht  tJCEsplalnarst  had 
no  prsi?ajrt   aouroe  ai'  inoa^sa  fro^  any  ©f  th«  propartiaa  in  ;«hi3h  gh« 
»aa  int»r«3sts4,  and  th&t  \mr  Bhyalosil  oonditlon  ar«ia  suoh  that  ah© 
*aii  un<ibl6  to  afork  t©  oara  a  ilv«llhoodl»     Yh»  a-^ount  of  th**  allow- 
ance that  3hail  be  deor««d  In  (i^m^m  of  thia  obaract«r  r(»9t«  In  ths 
90und  Judicial  dldor«tiom  of  th«  ohancollor,  ana  *hil®  hi  a  g,ctiorj 
in  t-;ia  rsrsara  is  always  8ubj9ct  to  r^ivie*,   thtj  ajaount  aLilow^d  will 
not  be  dlaturbtsd  *jr  appeal  unless  it  ol»ariy  a»p«ftrs»  th«it  there  bas 
bcitstn  sn.  eibu««»  cf  di  scroti  on*      rh«  presant  c^iidtt  aras  hoard  by  an  abl« 
and  exparloncod  oharscellor,   mfnA  »©  do  not  fa^l  that  #s  ari^*   jtjijtiflsd, 
under  tfie  pr  of ,    Ir  dieturblng  the  allowances  in  thd  d«cr5«*J.      It 
amst  bs  ree«'?5b©r«a  Irs  this  ooraiet^tion  that  the  oh«ftr!«©llor  iwiyt 
upor  &pplioation>   maka  9uoh  altaratlcm  ir  th*  i»,llon?mo9  for  sain- 
ton&noa  aa  sh»*il  appear  reaaonabl©  and  prop*r»  and,   tbersfor*,   if 
at  fc^ry   tl-^t^  Ir,   the  future  the  fitiarfclal  ocTviitlon  of  aith^^r  tb« 
corsplalnarjt  or   the  dafendaiit  should  isatejrlally  oiJai-jg©,    it   ia  en- 
tiraly  *lthir5  the  po»«r  of  tha  ohanoallor  td  reatrd  auoh  oliang^g  Ir 
thai,  part  of  the  'iQcr^it  that  risfars  to  tha  allowancaa  i^a  aqulty 
und  the  eirousiatanoaa  of  tha  parti 0a  a^i^Il  raiqalra. 

r^lndini-  no  error  in  thla  record,    tha  cJearae  cf  th®  aircuit 
court  of  Joo'r    county  will  t>e  affirawsd, 


411   -  fe^OSSl. 

B&om-dLL  i>AKi<'iiimir  uompaitt,  ) 

\  Appall  «#,  )       /  APPEAL  PBOli 

\  )     ^ 

▼••       \  )/  'iUKIOlPAL  vJOURT 

\     / 

iis,  JU37X6g  aCASLAK  eUilliered  the  opinion  of  the  oourt, 

H5«  Bro«n«ll  Machlrsery  Company,  a  oorporatlorj,  ar>p«ll««, 

hdreiimft«r  called  the  plairtlff,  au«d  Aza  0,  Walworth,  doin?; 

buslfseass  ^»  a*   0»  t^al«orth  a:  Co.,  «pp«llGkrt,  herslnaftor  oaillect 

the  def«ncUr.t,  In  th«  ^jfuniolpal  court  of  Chioaj^o,  in  an  aotior 

of  th&   firfet  ei&aa,   the  plaintiff  in  It*  atat«*3ert  of  ciala  »!-> 

leered  that  t,he  d«fer<i«r;t  #i»»  indebted  to  it  in  th9   sua  of  ;^0^.5t^ 

for  certain  "sachtnory  aolil  by  the  plaintiff  to  tho  defendant.  ^i:fi» 

case  «ai»  tried  before  a  oourt  and  Jury,  and  eoisetlma  during  the 

jacrr.ln^  of  ^overBb«ir  13,  1911,  the  Jury  retired  to  oonslder  of 

their  venlist.   i'beretLfter,  about  noontiae  of  the  jwirje  day,  the 

Jjry  retur?3«d  into  90urt,  "and  winounced  t^»at  they  had  reaohed  a 

v^^rJict,  ahioh  Tsrdiut  «aa  hanaed  to  th«  olerk,  opened,  and  read 

in  oper  court  as  folloatet   *afe  the  Jury  find  the  iai^ues  for  the 

plaintiff  and  aaeeaa  Its  dasagas  at  t5=?t,'^2,*  wbloh  '?erdiot  »aa 

received  by  the  court.   The  jury  then  retired  ar:d  waa  allowed  to 

separate  for  lunch  and  atasj  directed  to  r®ti3m  at  i  ^•'^*     The  clerk 

^ade  a  'B»Taoraj^di»ffl  of  aaid  verdict  upon  the  half -sheet  and  ralnute 

book."   At  ^  o*oiocv  on  the  aftomoon  of  the  aa»^e  day,  the  Jurors, 

who  hiid  tridd  the  oaee,  vere  called  bao^  into  the  box  by  the  oourt 

ijnd   the  following  occurred j 

"tfii?:  CGUSTi  aentle«aen  of  th«  J«ry,  In  tVtis  oaee 
1  diellk«£  v^ry  rajoh  to  be  ccnp^llwd  to  take  tnia  ooi^rss, 
but  1  eee  r.o  ot,2i«r  way.   .s  havo  b««»n  a  day  and  a  half  try- 
ing the  case,  and  the  vdrdist  oouid  not  stand.   This  i» 
your  rirvit  day,  and  porhapa  you  haven't  yet  l^amt^d  that 
certain  verilote  oari't  atand.   unlesa  the  ver'Alct  la  re»pon- 


aive    to  both   thoi  luir  and   tha   fasts.    It  oan»t   stand;   am 
it  i*»  tho  oLJty  cf  the   Jud;?*  to  aet  it  4«lda.     Of  ootirae, 
m&ny  verdicts?  art   a^it  aaldo.      isOioe   Jurcrs  3O?c0ti?sda  think 
th&t  ti^air  verdicts  ara  final;    th«jy  ars  not  »t  all.      ?he 
oourt  ha^   th«  powdr  to   a«t   it  ^side,   and  it  i©  not  only  the 
poif&r,   but   It  ia  the  duty  of  th«  court  to  set  a  verdict  »8id« 
if  it  does  not  rsispond   to   tbs  evidenca   and   the  lae  involved, 
rbis  varciiist  doaa  not,      i'h®re  ia  no  possible  ;B;rov«Ti  or  theory 
upon  arnlch  u  vardiot  for   tvAi,    could  ba  auatalnsd   in  this 
e&da.      aith>r  it  suat  b@  u  ▼ortiict  for  th**  ahol«  '4'sount,  or 
a.  verdiot  for  no  a?aouJ3t  »hatsv6r, 

i'ha  partiaa  in  llti^atio»i  in  any  trial  ismf  oostpx«o- 
-l»<?   thair  Oarn  oasaa;   txbat  is  up  to  thais,     Nattlwr  tha   Judp:« 
nor  tha   Jury  has  tha  ri»?bt  to  coaprosiaa  tha  partl«»3*  casaa. 
H9  ssay  rind   sinjply  for  en's  party  or  ancthar,  but   It  is  nora 
cf  our  busir.aasi,   t.nia  setter  of  oompToml&it'.w,  oasa^,     Wa  ca?i*t 
ooapro^iaa  thair  c^a9ea  for  thafs:    thay  car.  corspro'i^lae  tbalr 
orfn  oaaos,     tou  l^ttve  th*^  ri-^ht   to  fin.i  tha  rii»hts  of  the  r>ar- 
ti'^a   ir  Gtos^^a,   i»nd   thon  it   la  up  to   thes  to  oomprorsisa,    if 
th'ify  oJf.'OOi?ei«     Wa  oanH  oomprossiaa,   aT34  I   ars  not  eritlciaing 
ycru  baoiiua^  pertiapa  tn  thi-s  oaao  you  soyght  to  oocipro'laa  ba« 
taaen  tha  partiaa;   but  auch  vardicts  ^ra  sat  aslda  ona  rlj«;ht 
ftft^r   the  other, 

>iow,   in  thia  oas^,   either  this  plaintiff  la  antitlad 
tc   i^^oovfip  tha  fiill  ajsount  or  It  li  not  entitled  to  raoovar 
«iythin^  at  all,      i   said  to  oounaal  h«re,    there  Kli^>t  b® 
pcJBslbly  a  queatlor.  her©  as   to   tha  ri;^ht  of   th«   plaintiff  to 
raoovar  for  th«  uazTloaa  of  a  watohaan  during  tha  tirae  when 
titia  rnacviin^^jry  was  in  this  building;      that  was  tha  only  ques- 
tion in  th^  oaaa,      Ihs  qua^tlon,   Ro^avar,    saa  not  otr-trcvartad 
upon  tii«    vriai,   and  tharafore  nothing  aati  said  about  it.      i 
have   th«r*fora  atrlokan  frosa  tha  olaits  of  tha  plaintiff,  of 
VlS^-«Js;?»    the  itscount  olimrf^od  for  aatchaian,    yi'Si^*,   laavinir,  a 
balanca  of  JikjSS.iii?. 

K'ii.   :>:oJOP:iICK:     Let  the  raoord  show  that  tha  plaintiff 
ocnaanta  to  etrlklr:^:  out  that  aEou»^t, 

inx-:  COUKTt      And  I   ^ill   tharefora  direct  you  to  algn  a 
vardlat  for  that  atsount,      rhla  a!?ounta  then,   i^entleran,   birwply 
to   thl^,   that  tha  court  dlraote   tn«  verdict:   and  that  balng 
ao,    it   1«  a  quaatlon  than  for  this  daferviant?      If  the  court  haa 
i3ada  an  tfTrrotf   of  oourao   tha  dafeMant  «lll  taks  ailvantaf^e  of 
that  arror  upon  appaal.     You  :7!ay  thtsrafcre  aign  t»  la  verdict 
for  )lii3a,asl* 

Xheraupor;  tha  Jury,  aotln?:  taider  tha  Instruoticna  of  tha  aourt» 

r«turnad  &  v«rdiot  for  tha  plaintiff  for  |iaJ53,£9,  asKi  tha  clarfe 

cf  tha  ootirt,   alao  acting  undor  tha  ordera  of  th$  oourt,   eraaad 

froa  tJ>«  half-ahaat  and  asinut^j  boelE  tha  rseaorandu^  of  the  vardiot 

for  i5Sl,62,     iTopor  objaotlor*  n^v  swda  »r^  axeaptlons  ware  pra- 

•arvad  by  th»  aafar<d«^t  to  tha  aforaaaid  act  lor.  of  the  court,     A 

raotior;  for  a  jiim  trial  was  ovarruledj      judgment  in  favor  of  tha 

plaintiff  for  4l£?3,2a9  aaa  enterad,   and  this  appaai  followad, 

fha  dafandant  oontand*  that  the  vardlat  of  tha   Jury  In 

favor  of  tha  plaintiff  for  ^6Pl,«2  aaa  duly  pronounced  by  the  Jury, 


L&iq  orL3    lo  lor 

r«e«lTed  by   th^  oourt  mvl  rsQordsd  bjf  ths  clsfk,   all  Ik  op«ii 
ccurt,   snoL  th<&  jury  wata  tb«n  &Xloi««d  to  m0p^r&t.»,   and  that  it 
was  error  for  th«  oourt  to  th»r«aft«r,   at  t»o  o»olo«k,    to  raoall 
the  Jurors  into  tbe  box  «ind  to  cllr«ot  «  verdiat  for   ths  plaintiff 
for  ilii33.^,   and  to  <s«U96  th»  al«rk  to  eraae  th©  reeord  fe«  had  i»ad<» 
of  th»  ¥crdi{Jt  for  ^fjai.s^. 

d«  think  tb@  cscnteotion  of  th*  daf«rviant  1«  ®«iritori<m«. 
it  l3  plMn  that  ths  v«x^iot  had  h99m  pnmaimced,  r«d«lv0d  and 
r«aord9d  wnen  th&  Jxiry  s?9r«  allowed  to  aaparate  at  ths  nooi?  adjoum- 
i3*«nt.     r]3«  trial  oourt  in  hl«  »tat9?f!«nt  to  the  Jury  &t  two  o'olooJc 
r»cognl2«d  thlis  fact,   and  his  aotlon,   at  that  titra,    in  @ff«ct, 
aarountad  to  a  aattin^^  aside  of  the  varllot  of  tha  Jury  and  a  di- 
rection to  th«  «©a>b»ra  of  the  Jury  that  had  tried  the  oasa  and  had 
ba«i  «xoused  fro^  sarvioa  In  thd  oase*   to  find  a  Yardiot  for  tha 
plaintiff  for  $ia53,29. 

Until  a  ▼erdlot  ia  roooived  and  raoordad^   it  is  not  eon- 
sldered  valid  and  final,  and  it  lisa  in  the  ^arar  of  tha   )tiry  to 
alt«r,   i*f3«ni  or  oorraot  tha  ^vrn^p  but  not  aftarvarda*     If  a  ver^Uot 
la  r»tum©d  by   trie   Jury  ahioh  la  dafaotiva  or  infortaal,   th»  oourt 
«ay  aend  tha  Jury  baok  »itii  direct lonia  aa  to  how  tha  vordlot  ehould 
bfi  ;i;ada  up*     If  a  vordiot  ia  «tood  in  aubstanoe*   the  oourt  may  aftar 
veriiat  -  evt-rs  at  a  «ttbs«qu©nt  tarm  -  if  tha  oaaa  is  atill  panding, 
Boaend  th«  vardlct  as  to  aattara  of  fons  hut  not  aa  to  setters  of 

If  in  tha  pras«Rt  oaa©  tha  trial  court  did  not  approve  th« 
verdict  pronounaad  lursd  r«>09iv»d  (ard  it  is  olaar  frc^  th«  oourt* a 
jstatwsart  to   th«   jxxry  that  h«  did  not),  ha  had  tha  ri|?^t  to  set  tha 
aama  aalia,   out  h&  mtts  arlthout  power   to  oali   ba^jl?  iKto  tha  box  tha 
wb^YoTB  of  tha  Jury  that  had  tried  tha  oaso  and  direct  th*fi}  to  return 
a  veriiot  as  be  did.      sfhtm  tha  voriiot  of  the  jury  was  pronounced 
and  recorded,   a^d  the  Jurora  exouaed,   the  oourt »©  poaer  over  th«  itxrj 
in  the  grm»^n\.  caae  aaa  at  «»  end.     »o  authority  has  bean  oitod  by 

»tt*  fft^' 

^»m  •lU 


Vw.   ooun.i.3l  for  W3«  plaintiff,  nor  ar«  wc  asary  of  any,  that  «ould 
authoriae  tbs  aetion  of  the  court  that  is  of  In  thd 

pr«uei^t  8&4lt. 

Counaol  for  the  plaintiff  argus  th&t  the  trial  court 
shoulii  hsfev-^  directed  &  vsrdiot  for  tto«  plaintiff  for  fi^.^5.29 
^,«ri  ail  th«  proof  was  In,  and  that  thsrafore  tha  pr^aant  jud^J^aent 
la  ju8t  s«4  rlKht  a»i  a}i<Hil(i  b©  ellovsd  to  ataiid,  "sven  though  th« 
aotlcn  of  tha  oourt  eosplainetl  of,  fe«  hsli  to  b©  inrapgular.  ?J« 
think  th»  aoticr?  of  the  oourt  was  a  aerloas  violation  of  settled 
rules  of  prcceiduro,  ana  ««  wouli  not  be  <ilapos»d  to  antertaln  an 
argUTont  trt&t  the  |tid£ai':»)t  should  b«  auatainad  in  apita  of  tha 
aald  aotion,  unlaaa  it  oldarly  appaaraJ  that  th6  claf^ndant  wa»  with- 
out a  daf€inda  to  tha  plaintiff  *a  clal»,  and,  aftar  a  oaraful  axa»:- 
ination  of  tha  raocrd  in  thia  case,  ^9   are  tmablo  to  held  t^st 
such  i8  tha  faot,  Aa  sse  hava  »said  bafora.  If  tha  oourt  #sr©  of 
tha  opinion  ttmt  the  vertiiot  of  tha  jury  wa»  an  impropar  oise,  h« 
had  th«i  pow^r  to  siat  it  aaida,  but  tha  defendart,  in  that  avant, 
had  th^  rif;ht  to  bava  a  retrial  of  tha  oauaa,  and  to  hava  tho  ias^uaa 
in  tha  aaa^  sub^itt^d  to  a  jury. 

Xha  Ju4/?i5ar.t  of  tha  ^unioipal  court  of  Chicago  »ill  ba 
raTar«ad  a^d  the  oauaa  raiaandad  for  a  naw  trial. 

Mrt   •«; 


♦7S  -  30011 

a  corpcratiorv, 



oorpcratlop,  f /TRTc^TLV'NIA  C!<^P^ 

a  ocrporaticnL   ana  FITTf^BlTPO,  jPI>^-     ) 

WilY  COMPAKy,    4  corporation,/  ) 

Appeal  froir 

Mtmioiixtl   Court 

of  Ohio  age 



193  I.A.  26 


V  On  November  1,    191'5,   the  plaintiff,  Mexioan  Iiaport  Con- 
pany,   a  ocrporwtion,   ooRic.enceci  an  action  of  the   flrot  olasa    In  thr 
Munlolpal  Court   of  Chioago  agalnot  the  (iof andante  Hbove  najn«d  to 
reccver  dAicagee  oooaflicnod  by  reaaor  c*"  their  allagKj.i  failwre   lo 
«xeroif<«  proper  cars  Iri  the  handlirsg  an<l  transportaticn  cf   t»o  car- 
loadt  of  totsatcee,    shipped  fro*  Chlcagc    tc  New  York  City,   and  l>y 
reaeor.  of  alleijoci  unreawonablo  delay   in  th«   tranoit  tiiereof,   where- 
by the  to&atoee  were  either  chilled   or   ^rozerj.     Tho  defanuantA   in 
their  joint  afidavlt  of  merits  d«nied  tint  ^.hc,o,    if  uny, 
to  the  tcrcatces  wa"  oooaeion«d  by  any   failure  on  tJieir  pnrt   to  ex- 
erciflo  propar  care  while   th'»  aaj^e  wer«   In  iholr  poasestion  and  oc> 
trol,   cr  Hat  there  was  any  urreaf:^onf»tl«»  dolay  in  V:,fi  transit   of 
the  eaae,   and  alleged  that    If  the   tO'isatods  w^re  at   ary  tijt:«  daui- 
afe<t  aald  damage  vaf*  inourred  prior  tc  tb  ?   tiffi>^  of  their  ddlivdry 
tc  tho  defendanto,   /ma  that   thet  torcatcep.  were  vieliv«r*«a  to  the  con- 
el£;ree  ir   the  saf&ti  condition  ae  when  delivered   to  the  dcfendarite* 
The  oaoe  w«i»  tried  before  a  jury  an<<  at  tJ*«  conoluftion  cf  plnln- 
tiff'a  eviderc«^,   on  motion  of   tlie  dofcrdanta,   tiin  court    Inntructod 
the  jury  to   find  th*?   ie*uen  for  the  defondante,   whloh  thoy  did, 
and  «  judgment   In  f'lvcr  of  the  Jefendanto  wa«  accordingly  entered. 



Plaintiff  se«k0  by  thic  appewl  tc  rQ¥9rse  the  Judgment. 

Plalntiff'a  evidsnoe  diaolofled  th«  following  facta  in 
BUbatance:      Refrigerutcr  oar   T.F.E.    lOCSS,"  loadaU  with   tor-^atoes 
froB  Los  Ucoki«,  Uexico,   and  ccnBigned  to  plaintiff  at   Chicago, 
arrived  in  Cliioaifc  over  t}.«  tracks  of  tba  Chicago,  Rock  Island  ord 
Pacific  Railroad  Compttny  or*  Saturday  «T«ning,   Deoamber  30,    ICll, 
ana  was  placod  o«  a  taas  traak  of  aftid  railroad  ooropany.     TUe   iui- 
tiala   "F.    F.    !?.•  are   tl.«   initials  of   tho  words  Pacific  Fruit  Ex- 
preea.     On  Runday  «orning,   December  31,    l??ll,    A.   0.   Davies,   an 
inspector  of  fruit  or.J  vesatftblea  and  «airloyeu  by  plaintiff  to  ex- 
amine the  condition  of  the  ton»«toe8   in  saii  oar,   ^anl  to  »ald  tearji 
track   In  coispany  *ith  ono  Taylor,  manager  for  f  laintiff.     Thay 
there  r-.d   the   foreaian  of  ths  tearo  track;   tbo  oeal  of  th?j  oar  was 
broken,   oviC  of  tu«  doore  was  opdn«d,   anl  Daviee  and  Taylor  want 
into  Xhn  car.     Davies  taatified   in  eub0tano«  that  h©  wais   inside  the 
oar  from  <iO  to  30  minutca;   that  during  all   this   ti»«  said  door  re- 
mained open;    that    It  was    "very  odd,"  that  the  twtperatura  waa   lees 
than  twonty  degrees  above  eero,   and  that   it  wae    "awful  windy*;    that 
there  wae  an  alcohol-fed  heater   ir.  the  bunkers  of  the  oar,  which 
raised  the  teaperaturo  of  th«  car;   tt.&t   th«   tOKatoeu  were  loaded 
in  boxeo,   eacii  box  containing  four  square  bawketa  and  eaoh     basket 
containing  about  IS  or  20  tomatoes,   each  wrarr«d  in  r>«r«r>   that 
there  was  space  for  ventilation  between  the  tiern  of  boxes;   that 
he  examined  the  various  boxes   in  the  uaual  Kanner  and  eaw  about 
4  or  5  per  cent,  of  Ino  load;   that  none  of  the  tomatoes  which  he 
exafisined  were  chilled  or  frost-bitten;   that   froas  hif»  examination 
h-i  reached  the  ocrclu«ion  that   all   of  tha  tcaaatoes  were   in  a  good, 
fierohantable  condition  and  fit  for  ehipwent  to  R«w  York  City  and 
other  eantom  raarkoto;   that  upon  cowing  out  of  the  oar  he  per«onal~ 
ly  olo»ed  the  door  and  said  foreman  put   seals  on  the  car;   arid  that 
then  the  witness  loft  and  did  not   again  eee  the  oar.     Three  daya 
aftey  aaid  examination,   on  January  3,    1913,   plaintiff  gave  orders 



threugh  the  Ohioago  offioe  of  the  Pacifio  Fruit   Fxprese  timt  sftld 
ear  bo  reocnginngd  to  plairitlff  at  Philadelphia,  Pannoylvunia,   and 
tho  oar  wae  started  for  that  destination.     On  the  artemoon  cf 
January  5,   lOlS,  plaintiff  talepboned  the  ©mo©  of  the  ranneyl- 
Tania  CciBpany  in  Chicago  directing  it   tc    uivert  said  oar,   then 
gn  rctita  to  Philadelphia,   to  "Moxican  Import  CoapAny,  New  York 
City;   notify  Lyon  Brothere,   Jfe*  York   City."     Plaintiff 'b  avidanoa 
did  not   8hc»  that   ary   furtb'i^r  ©xaminatiori  waet  »a.3«  of  thtt  contentc 
of  tho  car  until    it    reached  Kaw  YorJc  City  cr  what  was*  the  oonui- 
ticn  cf  the  torratoac  when  plaintiff  gave  nald  raoonnignjisent  order, 
cr  what  war^  tl.a   tempernture   in  Chicago  from  Deceicber  31,    ir^^ll,    to 
January  3,    ir?12.     The  car  arrifed   in  Kew  York  City  ai^i  wa»  unload- 
ed on  the  Kcming  of  January  3,    IDlr.,   at  the  piere  of  the  defend- 
ant Penncylvaria  Railroad  Company.     It  w^n   found  th«t  the  towatcea 
were  greatly  damaged,   that   tiicsfj  which  had  heen  near  tho  doore  of 
the  oar  were  frosen  and  that  tho  others  were  badly  chilled.      Hub- 
eequently,  the  entire  carload  was?  Bold  for  |43.15. 

Refrigerator  car  "P.F.E.   3997,"  aloo  loaded  with  toi&a- 
toee  froK  ecae  poirt   in  Mexico  ana  conoi^ncd  to  plaintiff  at  Chi- 
cago, was  placed  on  a  teas  track  cf  tho  Chicago  and  Factorn  111  in- 
pla  Railroad  Oonpany  in  Chicago  on  January  24,   191S,     Davies  tea- 
tified  In  oubBtance  thit   at  the   re'iue»t  of  plaintiff  he  examined 
tho  oor.tent»  oT  thi.3  oar  on  January  ^54,   19ir.?;    that   the  temperature 
«ae  than  about  24  degrees  above  zero;    th&t  he  waf^  engaffsd   in  oaid 
examinaticn  from  20  to  30  ainutee,  during  which  time  ont*  of   the 
doorR  of  the  oar  wan  open;   thnt  there  was  an  aloohol-fed  heater 
in  the  oar  which  raised  the  temperature  cf  the  car;   that  he  r^ade 
an  examination  nierilar  tc  th:t  inade  of  the  contente  of  oar  No. 
10036,   ard  found  tho  tomatoee   in  good  condition  and  fit  for  nhip- 
ment  to  Kew  York  City,     T^c  dave  tLareaf ter.   on  January  ^6,    1^12, 
plaintiff,   througJi  said  Chicago  office  of  the  Pacific  fruit  Ktxpreee, 
reocrei?tned  oaid  oar,   Kc.   3997,    to   "i^exlcan  Import  Company,  New 
York  City;  notify  Lyon  Brothere  CoAp&ny."     It  doee  not  appear 



tit&l  any   furtiier  exatrinstlcc  was  tiuie  of  tha  oontents  of  thi»  oar 
until    it    reached  »«w  York  City  andl  «.i#  unlcaJsJ  on  the  morning  of 
February  1,    1312;   neitiier  does   it   appear  wbat  waa  the  condition  of 
the  tomatoes  en  January  ZO,   ISIS,   or  «hen  the  oar  raticheJ  tho   tracks 
of  ixuy  of  the  a«fendant«.     when  %h&  oar  wna  unloniwa  in  Kow  York 
Cit-y  sojce  of   the  toaatccB  *2re   found  to  be  badly  ohilI«d  and  dam- 
aged.    The  tofr.atoea  ware  sold  for  1763. SS*  V^ 

Counaal  for  plaintiff  do  not  oontend  that   tha  fthipmanta 
cf  eaiu  tomatoes,  cortrtined  in  aaid  two  oars,   were  ocntinuoue  «hip- 
Bente  froK  iioxioo  to  Now  York  City.      Thoy  etate   in  their  reply 
briaf:    "^hen  nhipying  direotlor.f?  wero   givan  by  plaintiff    for  these 
oarc  at,  Chicago,    to  aend  theta  to  Sew  York,   they  were  on  the   team 
treoke  cf   the  Chioago,    RocV:   Is  land  *  Pacific  and  the  Chicago  A 
Fastem  lilinoie  R»ilroad8,    re»f>eotively.     Tho^e   railroads  were  the 
j^nitial   oarrlera      in  the  tranaitfl  to  New  YorK   City,   ai.d  iki«y  woveu 
thf?  onrB   frcE  Chicago  to  the  nexj.  o*irrler  en   route."     Oouneela' 
poeitiOK,   as  we  uridoratand  it,    i?,    th-«t  dofondanta  were  oonncctln?. 
and  doliverinp;  carriora,   that  a  "sufficient  priwiy  f,aoie  oaso  agviinRt 
then,   ua  cuoa  carriers,  -hh^  ahown  by  the  evidence,   and  that   thft 
oourt  erred  in   inctruotint'.  t].e  jury  at   th-^  olof?«  of  j^laintlf  f 'a 
caoe  to  find  for  th«  defeniant. 

Plaintiff's  evidence  doee  not  diaoloo^s  that   there  wae 
»ny  unreaeonable  delay    in  the  transit  of  either  oar  frons  Chioagc.v-^ 
then  the  initial  carrier  receive©  good*?   in  ^ood  crJar,  the  law 
preaumee  that  each  »ucoee@ive  carrier,    interwediate  between  the 
initial    and   laet  carrier,    rec<}ive»  ther?;   in   gccJ  order;    anl  thi« 
preeuffiption,   wording  through  tr  the   la?st  carrier  who  dalivere  them 
in  bad  cnier,  caats  the  burden  upon   it   tc  prove  that    it  provided 
all  Huitable  aseare  cf  transportation  an-'  exercieed  that  degree  of 
care  which  the  nature  of  th'S  goods  required,   or  to  r  r*>v€  ihixl   the 
daitiage  occurred  before   it   rcceivgi  the  goods.      (IH.   Loujg,   ato. , 
£.    Co.   V.    Coolid&e»   73   ArV.    112,    115;   Ruddell  v.   Saltir:iOre  f  Chic 
P.    Co.,    17L   111,    App.   4&6,    4^7.)        But  tho  burden,    U    the   firat 


Jlngt:inoe .    ii?   vpor.  the  pl-tintiff   to  show  injury  to   the  goode  while 
the  ©ajr.e  are   in  transitu;   t)<«t    ie,   tc  show  th-jt   the  goodo  wera   in 
good  convlition  wh«f.  deliverei  tc  the   initial  earrlur  for  shipment 
aRil  th.;.t  they  ware   in  a  dasaaged  conditicn  at  Xha  deetlnation. 
(Cocper  v»   Oecrgla  raoific  K.    Co.,   9^  Ala.   3?^9,   330;   LftVe   rrie  ^ 
^e«tern  R.    Cc.    v.   Oa^oe^    11   111.    Apj..   4S9,    450;   Michigan  Cartral 
Ry.    Co.    V,    Osimuc,    1.?^-   111.    Xpp.   79,    80;   rhftblg  v.    Oregon  Ti,   &  K. 
Cc,   51  Wa>='h.   35?,   364.)       Tr  the  present  oone,  plai^tiff   Jiu  net 
fihCTf  thst  the  tOBsatoeo  ^ere   in   »ccd  ccrditicn   in  djica^o  at  the 
time©  when   the  Chicago,   Fcok  Island  i  Pacific   ar.d  the  Chicago  A 
i:ae>tern  Illinole  raiJroQj  ooispanles,   T'';erectively,  |^  ££iIXi£I£* 
received  e&id  toautO'^a   for  shipment ,      The   toPti»ony  of  the  witneea, 
Davieo,   teiideet  to  shew  that  the  tCKatoes   in  the  two  oars  were   in 
good  condition,   three  ^nd  two  days   resjpeotively,   ijefore  ©aid  rail- 
road ccrDpani«e  received   tn&  tOD«toee  afi    initial  oarriere    for  ohip- 
ttent.     ^e  are  cf  the  opinion,   under  all  t-ha  f.ict^  ^rd  cirouif.staDoee, 
that  Btjch  evidence   ie  too  remote  to  raipe  the  preiiii»ai;tion  that  the 
defendantg,   n«  Buoceseive  carriers,   reo-^ived  the  tomatceR   in  ^cod 
condition.      (LaVe  Frie  ^  ^egterr  P«   Co.   v.   OaVee,   euiora. )     Further- 
»cre,    to  rsi?i<2  'nuixX,  prot^umption   it  jBUst  be  f.reftiar^ed  th^t    the    tojsa- 
toe»  remained   in  good  condition  during  said   three  aind  two  days 
respectively  intervening  l)€twesn  their  examination  by  Davier»  and 
their  shipffi^rit  by  sAld  railroad  ccmpaniee.     One  preauicption  cannot 
bf  the  liaeie  for  a  eaoond  prestacptlon.      (Opndp.yi,,  v.   "ahcerfeld. 
214  111.   ddQ,   329;   Qlcb<»  Insurance  Cc.  v.   Cgrlsch.    163  113.   625.) 
And  we  dc  not  thlnV  th^^t  plainti  t*" '•?  evidence  ap  tc  daniagea  was 
oufficiently  definite  upon  which  to  l^a*ie  any  verdict.     Our  con- 
clufticn   iP   thit  plaintiff  cliu  not  make  a  flufCtcient  prima  r^.9ie 
oaee  againet  any  of   the  defendante  ana  that   the  trial  court  iiu 
not  err  in  taking  thp  case    rrcir.  the  JTiry  on.i  entorinj^  the  judgment 
appealed  frees. 

The   judgrrsont  of   the  Municip^tl   Court    la  affiraiod, 




299   -   20231 

HUGO  bti'EHKKIH  and  BKRIJi 
S7HAUS3*    copartners.    trn/Ling 
as  Lpp^enheiiD  &.  ;atraua9t 

Defendants  i/i  Error, 


H,   kAwK 

in  Xrror. 






-^    ;. 


193  I.A.  48 



One  question  only  io  preaonted  by  this  writ  of 
error*  naT^ely:   Lay  a  trial  court*  nfter  Judfjoent  has  been 
entered  in  f&vor  of  one  party*  amend  the  Jud^ent  upon  mo- 
tion of  ouunsel,  unsupported  by  evidence  or  affidavit*  so 
that  the  jud^jnent  is  cVianged  in  favor  of  another  nnd  en- 
tirely distinct  party? 

^'^^'^he  action  in  this  case  was  started  in  the 
court  below  to  recover  for  goods*  wares  and  merchandise 
sold  and  delivered  by  uppenheim  &  atrauss*  a  corporation. 
After  a  hearing,  the  trial  court*  on  i<'ebruary  2,  1914*  en* 
tered  a  finding  against  the  defendant  and  in  favor  of  op- 
pcnheim  &  £>traus8*  a  corporation*  and  upon  this  finding  u 
Jud^^cnt  was  entered  on  the  same  day.   Gn  February  5th*  three 
days  after  Judgsient  had  been  entered*  the  attorney  for  the 
plaintiff*  on  due  notice  given  the  defenaant*  the  plaintiff 
in  error  here,  appeared  ar.d  moved  the  court  upon  his  unsworn 
statement  alone  to  enter  an  order  amending  the  praecipe* 
statement  of  clsiiu*  suminona,  record  and  entry  of  jud(;;^ent  by 
striking  from  all  the  papers  and  record  the  words*  "a  cor- 
poration*" ns  a  description  of  the  plaintiff  below*  and  in- 
serting inotead  the  v/ords  "Hugo  Oppenheim  and  Bernard  litrauas* 
a  Co-partnersnip,  trading  as   penneim  i  i^trauas,"   The  court 
sustained  the  motion  and  ordered  the  amendments  and  the  Judg* 

leao'j  -  ees 

•ji4  tot  vAcnr ojtiv  aii^  ^<b«n:vi»tn9  (i»«df  liaxl  jn9/Tci)f)ut  tttttm  my/»h 

.•q[to»««ni^- M[#  iMiiba«x;A  tobto  (t«  tains  oi  ^nclt  iQ*ai»^.eJB 

ment  to  be  oorrttcted.v^ 

The  change  attenqpted  to  be  made  in  the  Judi^xoent 
rendered  in  the  cause  vms  not  to  correct  'any  defect  or  im- 
perfection in  matter  of  form  contained  in  the  record^** 
authorised  by  bee.  XI*  Chapt.  7,  on  ainendixients  and  Jeofails, 
which  is  the  only  section  under  wnich,  after  judgment* 
amendments  may  be  made  in  proceedings,  proceases,  entries, 
returns  or  other  proceedings  in  a  cause  in  order  to  correct 
them  in  affirmance  of  the  Jud{.;ment.   Lnder  this  statute  the 
only  amendments  allowable  after  Judgment  are  those  which, 
first,  ere  matters  of  form,  and,  i^coond,  are  matters  in 
affirmance  of  the  judrment.   2.ukowski  v.  Armour .  lo7  111, 
App,  663;  hcnrr/  v,  Beaton,  170  id,  1;  Laice^  v.  Vorse,  11  111, 

Lur  statutes  make  a  distinction  as  to  the  power 
of  a  court  to  allow  amendir.ents  before  JudfiT&ent  and  after 
judgment.   The  statute  permits  amendments  before  Judgment 
"either  in  form  or  substmice  for  tne  furtiierance  of  Justice, " 
but  after  jud^yaunt   tiiC;  order  or  Judgment  may  only  be  "modi- 
fied for  cny  defect e  or  iiuperf ections  in  matter  of  form,* 
The  attempted  amendiiicnt  of  thia  record  was  not  an  amendment 
for  a  defect  or  imperfection  in  matter  of  form.   It  was  a 
substitution  of  new  parties  plaintiff.   The  suit  was  brought 
by  an  entity  recognised  in  law  and  the  Judgment  was  entered 
in  ffivor  of  such  party,   A  corporation  is  a  different  entity 
or  party  from  the  shareholders  of  the  corporation  even 
though  all  the  stock  is  owned  by  one  person.   A  co-partnership 
is  different  and  distinct  froti  a  corporation  of  the  same  naiie; 
hence,  the  amdndment  attempted  tu  substitute  in  the  record 
Hnd  the  Jud^TDent  new  parties  plaintiff.   ThiB  was  unauthorised 

by  the  statute  and  could  not  be  done  at  com.  on  law. 

The  Jud,:^aent  is  reversed  and  the  cause  is  reznanded. 



I.    «1C«di^A. 


*'  .•9jt;r8iu, 





01/  «JM< 


51*  20231 

HUGO   CrVKmii^IJi   and  XiFHHAItD  ) 

aXl'iAliiii*,  cop.'irtnera,   trading  ) 

I>ef0n(ian&3  in  /.rror,      ) 


▼  0. 

Oi'  CiilGAGO, 

Ulntiff  in  Error.        ) 


ilaintiff  in  Error.        ) 

193  I.A.  48 

IfcH.  JUailCE  SMITH  mJt.lVm&D  Thi>  OilKIOS  0?  XH3i  CuUiiX. 

One  question  onXy  is  presented  by  this  writ,  of 
error*   nojsely:     n  ay  a  trial  oourt*   after  jud^^ent  haa  been  en<* 
tered  in  favor  of  one  i^tirtyt   siacnd  tU©  Judj:;ijaent  v^on  laotion  of 
oouneel  unsupported  by  evidence  or  affidavit  ao  Uiet  the  judg- 
B«ttt  1«  Gh3.n^&d.  in  f&vor  of  another  and  entirely  distinct 

The  action  in   this  cae«  •«•  started  in  tlie  court 
belo'^  to   recover  for  (;oode«   warce  and  merchandise  ucld  and  de* 
llvered  by  Oppem^ei.ri  •&  ;>trausfi,   a  corporation.     After  a  near Ing 
the  trial   court,   on  February  ^,   li^l4,    enteired  a  finding  ag^inot 
the  defendant  and  in  favor  of  jppenheijfQ  &.  .itrauau,  a  cc^rpora* 
tion,  and  uj^on  this  finding  a  Judt^aent  was  entered  on   the  same 
day.     On  Februfii-y  6tii,   three  siaye  after  Judi,^ent  had  been  en- 
tered,  the  attorney-   for  the  plaintiff  appeared  and  moved  the 
court  uj^toc  his  unsworn  atatOAient  ulohe  to  enter  an  order  attend* 
Ing  praecipe,    statoscent  of  clria,    oui^irionj,    rftoord  and  entry  of 
Judi^i^ent,  by  atriklnii  out  fron  all   the  papers  and  record  the 
words  *a  corporation*   as  descriptive  of   the  plaintiff  belc7/, 
and  insert m^  instead  the  words  "^hugo  appenheis.  and  Bernard 
i^trauue,   copartners,   trading,  as  Lppenhcim  &.   atrauss,*'     The 
court  sustained  the  .t.otion  fuad  ordered  the  amendments  made  and 
the  Jud^nent   to  be  corrected. 

The  ȣjeodjaent8  were  't.ado  upon  due  notice  given   the 

defendant,   plAlntiff  in  error  here.     Under  the   statute,   the 
Adonic  ipal   Court  uf  Cnlc&go  i^ae  no  terj&i  but  the  period  of 
tairty  dayia  ia   vubstituted  »•  the  tii&e  witiaia  >iiMoh  the 
court  can  modify,   alter  or  vacate  «  JuJitsJi^ent  or  entertain  « 
motion  for   tnat  purpoee.      (The  xetfjple  y,  j||*lij,»  -i^^S   ^1^»   *5<^'») 
The  iBotion  to  oaeod  «o«plain«d  of  on   thia  writ  of  error  was 
aad*  within  three  daye  after  the  judgment  wa«  entered,    'nd 
simply  invclYed  correcting  land  changing  the  nafi;e  of  the  plain- 
tiff so  as  to  sake  the  record  «p«:aJic   the  truth.     The  eu!:end/3<ents 
were  made  vKtxlle  the  evidm^ice  was  fresh  in   thn  mind  of  the 
court,    smd  were  based,   doubtless,   upon   the  proof  that  had  been 
•ffered.     Ve  Jcnovv  nothing  of   the  evidence,   for  the  evidence 
given  in  the  case  was  not  preserved  in   the   record*      The  record 
as  here  presented  eho^s  only  the  order  of  the  court,   on  the 
hearing  of  the  motion,    to   correct  the  record,      in   the  absence 
of  a  bill  of   exceptions  containing  all    Uie   evidence  heard  by 
th«   court  on   the  trial,    there   is  no  presumption  in  favor  of 
the   theory  that   the  court  acted  on    the  motion  without  evidence. 
We  think  the  contrary  presumption  is  to  be   indul^jed  jn,    that 
the  court   pc;rraitted  the  aaend^ents  because  the  evidence  of- 
fered before   the  court  on   the   trial   of  the  cause  Justified  it. 
( I>avi J  V.   }  owery  Coffee  Co.,   67   ti,   £•  Hep.   SUd^ij   iiouthworth  v. 
The  Ieopl<i>.    1S3   111,    621;    Cox  v.   h  1  fjiway  Coam  1  s  a  ion  e_r  a ,    134   id, 
355).      If   the  Judfisent,   as  finally   entered,   hnd  no   foundation 
in  the  evidence,    It  was  for   the  plaintiff  in  error  to  troUce 
that  appear  in   the   record  filed  herein.      The  Jud^-ment   la  af- 

29L    -   i061© 

Ai^'iAiiAa  ;<  for  use  of 
EVA  zMjiar.'si, 



A,  CLa^JSVSKI,   doing  bus  in  est 

aa   A,    OLiJZH^iiKl   BAKK, 

Uli,   JUiiTiCK 

A,!  1  i.Al    Fhvk    COUL'TTf    'J(  Ul'.T 
Oi?   COCK   C0UK7Y. 

193I.A.  49 

DKl.lVKWSD  Tiir:   OIIKIOK   Of   TKi:   CUUSIT. 

An  action  was  brought  by  appellee  hitukuB  for   Uxc 
uae  of  £v«  ^:^uni.nte  agAinat  appellsmt   to  recover  the  aiaount  of 
a   BftVings  r<ocount  deposited  by  appellee  Rimkua  with  appellant, 
vLo  conducted  a  banking);  buoineaa.      The  account  tfaa  aaoigned  ver> 
bally  to   KTa  Zauninte*   fur  xtiioac  use   tlie  action  «&a  brouf^i.t,   for 
a  valid  oonei deration,    and  tiic  p&aa-book  showing     the  account 
was  delivered  to  her  by  i  imkua,     on   the  trial   the  Jury  returned 
a  verdict   for  thn  plaintiff  and  4uii£;Qient  was   entr^red  on   the  ver- 
dict.     It   is  urged  that  the  verdict  nnd  judgKent  are  not   supported 
by  the  evidence. 

The  evidence  shows,   witiiout  .'ny  contradiction  or 
controversy,    the  assignKcnt  of   the  account  and  the  delivery  of 
the  paS8*book,   as  above  stated,   and  the  amount  of  the  account. 
A  parol   trsTisfer  of  the  aocount  for  a  valuable  oonuideratian  was 
liiade,     md   thie   is   sufficittnt   in  law,      (Bri^>;a  v.   yarTt    19   vOhns, 
liej  .   9&;    Taft  v.   f^owker.   1^52  irasa.   277;   .lorrig,  /iUifar.   v.   ph«ney, 
bl    ill.   4bl.j      Vhe  evi deuce   furti^er  aliovs  notice  of   tu.e  actoign- 
mcnt  to   defendant,   ap|.ellant.      in  our  opinion,    Uia  cvldsfiue   aunm 
tains   the  Jud{!i&ent. 

£rror  la  asiiu.t,n&d  on    Lae  t^ivin^  of    the   second  in- 
struction .which   rel»t(^0  to    the  cunQideratiun  ol    the   a8<iitii  )£ent. 

:^    It  is  contended  txiat   U:iere  Iq  n     evidence  in   the  record  on  wKiob 
"^    to  bnae  the  inotruction.      we  find  sufficient  evidence  in   the 




record,   in   the  t«i»tl!(iony  of  Bva  ^aunlnte,   tc  warrant  the 
giving;  of  the  Inatruotioo. 

The  Jiudgnent  i»  affirmed. 

565   -  20900 

I'i.Oni'KCE  A.  lAUOBUiyi,  AdKlni strati Ix 
of  the  Folate  of  JOliU  FRAJ^LIN  iAKGB 


KIIICKKRBOCKXR   ICE  C^i'tAKY,    a  coj^ora-  ) 


193  I.A.  50 

MR.  JUSTICE  BAUtR  imi.lVKKKI}  TUB  01  Uauii  OV   THE  COUKT, 

This  lo  nn  appeal  by  the  defendant,  the  KnioJc- 
erbocker  Xoe  Coiapany,  from  a  Jud^^ent  for  #6000  recovered 
against  it  for  wron^^fully  cau^in^;  the  dentin  of  John  Franklin 
langburn,  plaintiff's  inteetate.V  Levi  and  CoAprtny  were  in 
control  of  an  ice-houae  in  vhich  the  defendant  ice  Company 
delivered  ice  throu/;h  a  door  in  the  ea|»t  end  of  the  build- 
ing near  the  roof.   The  buildini^'  had  a  flat  roof  and  iamedi- 
ately  over  thA  door  vma  a  6  X  6  bf^^azn  18  feet  long,  which  waa 
securely  fastened  to  the  roof.  The  east  end  of  tnia  beam  ex- 
tended About  2  feet  beyond  the  building.  Apparently  it  waa 
found  that  the  beam  did  not  extend  out  far  enough  frois  the 
building,  and  perhaps  also  that  the  chain  from  whic/;  the 
pulley  blook  waa  suspended  did  not  raise  the  pulley  block 
high  enough  to  persiit  the  ice  broug<it  up  by  the  tackle  to  ^o 
in  at  the  door*  and  a  jlank  4  feet  5i^  Inoiies  lon^;  was  nailed 
to  the  top  of  the  beam,  the  east  end  of  wiiioh  extended  east 
of  tiie  east  end  of  the  beam  lb   inches,  leaving  2  feet  9i 
inches  of  the  plank  resting  on  and  nailed  to  the  beam.  On 
top  of  this  plonk  a  block  of  wood  waa  placed  and  the  chain 
froa  which  tht  pulley  blook  was  suspended  was  pnssed  around 
the  blook  and  plank  a  few  inches  eaet  of  the  east  end  of 
the  beam.   The  beam,  plank  imd   bloc   on  top  of  the  plank 


0?  .Aieei 

nllial^  I 


ftAt    lOiriv;     ,  ,\>i 


?>•.< .. 

had  been  in  the  position  deacribed  at  least  IB  years  befors 
the  acoiUent.   During  all  this  time  the  defendant  proYlded 
the  pulley  block,  rope,  tongs,  and  other  appliances  for  rais< 
ing  the  ice  and  attached  the  pulley  block  to  the  chain.   Th« 
defendant  Ics  Company  and  it  alone  u^ed   the  beam,  plank, 
ohaiin,  pulley  block  and  tnckle  for  the  purpose  of  raloing 
ioe.  on  the  day  of  the  accident  certain  of  the  Ice  Com* 
pany*8  ejsployees.  Including  the  deceased,  were  engaged  in 
unloading  a  car  of  ics  which  stood  just  east  of  the  ice- 
house and  hoisting  ice  by  means  of  the  tackle  smd   putting  it 
into  the  ioe*hou8S  throuf^;i-i  the  door  above  meTitioned*   In 
thiti  work  a  horse  was  used  to  hoiat  the  ice.   In  doing  so 
it  vas  found  that  the  ice  could  not  be  raised  high  enough 
to  go  in  Ht  the  door  without  the  pulley  block  striking 
against  the  plnnk  from  whicn  it  was  suspended.   About  one- 
third  of  the  carload  of  ioe  had  been  raised  before  the  acci- 
dent, and  each  time  that  ice  was  hoisted  the  pulley  block 
struck  against  the  beam  with  such  foroe  as  to  cause  a  Jar 
and  the  Ice  Company's  superintendent  decided  that  the 
trouble  should  be  re/i.edied  and  directed  the  deceased  to  go 
up  on  the  roof  and  remedy  it.   In  obedience  to  ihe   order  de- 
ceased went  on  tnc  roof  and  attempted  to  re;:;edy  the  trouble 
by  insserting  anotlier  block  of  wood  between  the  chain  and  the 
block  of  wood  OTer  which  it  passed,  for  the  purpose  of  rais- 
ing: the  chain  and  the  pulley  block  suspended  fro«.  it.   The 
deceased  inserted  a  block  of  wood  under  the  chain  and  sig- 
nalled the  men  belovi/  to  hoist  tne  ice.   He  then  laid  down, 
either  on  or  alongside  of  the  beam  and  plank  with  one  iia-nd 
resting  on  the  plank  and  witn  his  head  and  body  extended 
about  a  foot  from  the  building  so  that  he  could  sc^e  hb   the 
ioe  was  hoisted  whether  tiie  trouble  had  been  remedied. 


When  a  lot  of  ice  had  been  hole  ted  to  within  a  few  feet  of 
the  door,  the  strain  on  the  projecting  ea»t  end  of  the  plarJc 
pulled  that  part  of  the  plank  which  was  nailed  to  the  beam 
loose  from  the  beam,  and  the  plank,  chain,  pulley  block,  ice, 
etc.,  fell  to  the  ground,  a  distance  of  35  or  4C  feet,  curry- 
ing with  them  plaintiff ♦•  inteatate,  and  in  the  fall  he  waa 
80  injured  that  he  died  frox  the  effeot  of  hio  injuries. 

The  pil^ank  did  not  break,  but  the  a  train  on  the 
outer  end  of  the  plank  acting  on  the  eno  of  the  besuxi  to 
which  the  plank  was  nail nd, as  a  fulcrum,  pulled  that  part 
of  the  plank  which  was  nailed  to  the  beam  loose  from  the 
beam  and  permitted  the  plank  and  appliances  attached  to  it 
to  fall  to  the  ground.   An  exa/:inntion  of  the  plank  and 
bean  si^iowed  that  the  plank  was  rotten;  tuat  a  p»rt  of  the 
nails  by  which  it  was  fastened  to  the  beam  were  pulled 
through  the  plnnk  and  recaained  sticking  in  the  bean  and  other 
nails  were  pulled  out  of  the  beam  rmu  reainined  in  the  plank. 
The  position  of  txie  deceased  on  or  alongside  of  the  plank 
did  not  tend  to  pull  the  plank  loooe  from  the  beaia,  for  his 
weight  rested  on  that  part  of  the  plank  which  was  nailed  to 
the  beam  and  not  on  that  part  of  the  plank  which  extended 
beyond  the  end  of  the  beam,  v^ 

Prom  the  evidence  the  Jury  &>if;ht  properly  find 
that  the  superintendent  of  the  loe  Coiopany  ordered  the  de- 
ceased to  go  on  the  roof  and  correct  the  trouble  wltlj  the 
hoisting  apparatus,  and  that  the  Company  knew,  or  by  the 
•xercise  of  due  care  could  have  learned,  that  the  plank  was 
so  insecurely  fastened  to  th&  beam  that  it  was  liable  to  be 
pulled  loose  therefroffi.   The  CoaipHny  owed  to  ita  servants  the 
duty  of  exercising  ordinary  care  to  keep  the  bea-a  and  plank 
in  a  reasonably  aaf c  condition,  and  we  tiiink  that  from  the 

evidence  the  Jury  might  properly  find  th&t  the  ice  Company  wae 
guilty  of  negligence  in  percnitting  the  plank  to   be  and  xe>.ain 
insecurely  fastened  to  the  beaun.   #«  fail  to  find  in  the 
record  any  evidence  from  which  the  Jury  ini^ht  find  either 
that  the  deceased  assumed  tine   risk,  or  that,  he  «ras  i^uilty  of 
contributory  negligence.   The  duty  of  inspection  was  on  the 
Ice  Company,  not  the  deceased »  nxid  he   had  a  x'ifjnt  to  aasuae, 
in  the  absence  of  anything  tending;  to  show  tue  contrary,  t'n&t 
the  plank  was  securely  fastened  to  the  beaaa.   The  deceased 
went  on  the  roof  in  ob(.dienoe  to  a  positive  order,  ana  tuere 
is  no  evidence  ti>at  he  knew  or  should  have  known  tiiat  there 
wma  danger  of  the  plank  being  pulled  loose  from  tlie  hessun. 

""^When  the  case  was  given  to  the  Jury  the  defend- 
ants were  Levi  and  Company  and  the  Ice  Coiupany.   The  jury  re- 
turned two  verdicts,  one  finding  hevi  and  Company  guilty  and 
assessing  plaintiff's  daix>a^,es  as  againat  tiieci  at  ^3000;  the 
other  finding  the  ice  Goxnpany  guilty  and  assessing  plain- 
tiff's damagee  against  it  at  ;^5U00.  Thereupon,  tae  trial 
Judge  orally  instructed  the  Jury  that  "there  was  a  mi >i take  in 
the  rendering  of  the  verdict,  anu  stated  orally  and  not  in 
writing  that  if  they  found  all  the  defendants  {^liilty  all 
must  be  included  Jin  one  verdict,  and  tuey  o^iould  tlien  assess 
whatever  damages  tiiey,  the  Jury,  found  from  the  evidence  and 
under  txxe  instructions  of  the  court  the  plaintiff  had  sustained. 
The  trial  Judge  t,aen  directed  the  Jury  orally  to  return  and 
bring  in  sucu  a  verdict,  all  uf  wi.ich  r.'as  done  iri  the  aoiienoe 
of  the  oefendant,  etc.         aereupon  the  jury  returned  into 
the  court  and  presented  to  the  court  the  follo'«ing  verdict, 
signed  by  all  the  jurors:    'ue,    the  Jury,  find  the  defendanti 
guilty  and  assess  the  jlaintiff's  daiiiai^es  at  the  sua  of 
#6(000.*    And  as  soon  as  the  said  proceedings  caxne  to  the 



knowledg*  of  th«  Knickerbocker  loe  Company  it  then  and  th«r« 
by  ita  couna*!  excepted  to  aaid  procedure,  etc,"   Tlie  Court 
sustained  the  motion  of  Levi  and  Company  for  at  new  trial  and 
the  suit  was  then  diacaiatted  as  to  thei»,  and  denied  the  loe 
Company *s  motion  for  a  new  trial  and  entered  Judgment  on  the 
verdiot  againiit  the  Ice  Compcuriy,  v^7he  oral  instruction  so 
given  was  aa  to  Uie  fur::i  of  the  T«rdiot  and  was  no%  an  in« 
struotion  **b8  to  tiie  Iny   of  the  cfise"  and  the  Court  did  not 
err  in  ((iving  auch  indtruotion  orally. 

!•  C.  H.  K.  Co.  V.  wheeler,  149  ill.  5;^5; 
ConnesB  v.  i.  I.  &.  I.  K.  U,   Co.,  Iw5  id.  467. 
The  record  is  free  from  reversible  error  and  the 
Judtjsent  ia  affiruted, 




9£ia  Um 

69U   •  20926 

of   th«  LBSt   ^ill   and    r«8t«ment/^f 

I  /  )      Ail i hi.  SfHQti   CifiCLiT 

\  Ta,         /        ) 



and  LUCY  t:;\  UKLL,  '^ 


193  I.A.  58 



v/kay  27 (   191ki,    R,  Judgment  leras   entered  In  the 
Oiroult  Court  In  favor  of   >>allaGe  j..   Xm^oltt   k-mry    >%   Kellogg 
•ind  I^ttcy  kt  b«ll   against  th«  estate  of    warren  Springer,   vie* 
oaased,   and  larKuarita  aprlng(>r«   executrix  of  the  will  of 
the  said  Varren  Opringer,     After  the  expiration  of  the  Judg- 
sent  teria  the  judgment  was  amended  toy   atrikin^  out  the  words 
"Kstate  oi  warren  ijpringer,   deeeaaed,"  nnd  adding,   **&.$  h  ol4iiB 
of  the  seventh  olnss,    to   be  paid  in  due  course  of  ad.'uiniatra- - 
tioB."     Vrom  tuis  order  an  appeal   was   taken  and  the  order  ^ras 
affirmed  by  branch  B,   of  this  Court,     yeafoXf  -»4^-al.   v.^inrlnger. 

/  ?)     ■  ,-.•■-.  ''/-'• 

iix»9kk%x^m^-^ko^JiJLi2Sk--^-Jiat-.  yet  raporte<i .     Before  the  atftendraent 
«aa  Made  a  copy  of  the  jud^^iment  ««&  filed  in  the  irobate 
^    /   Court  as  a  proof  of  the  olaim  of  the  plaintiffs  in  the  Judg* 
sent  against  the  Estate  of   M^arren  J>pring»r.     Afte-r  the  Judg- 
ment was  amended  the  c]  nitnar.ta  were  given  leave  to   file  an 
amendKient   to   their  proof   of   claU^i  ao  of   the   aate  of   filing 
such  clalA,      From  thiE)  order  an  appeal    was   taken  by  the  exe* 
eutrix  of  the  will   of   -warren  iipringer  to   the  Circuit  Court, 
Trinere   the  order  appealed  from  was  "confirmed"   ujid  leave  given 
to  file  aa  an  ata^ntiment  to   their  proof  oi    claim  filed  in  the 
Probate  Court,    k   copy  of    the   order  am«?ndlng   the  Juugnent, 
yroa  tnis  order  ana  Jufi^^eni.   the  executrix  prayed  arid  was 

■"^  i^     .*^,  T  o  ,n  r 



alXovtd   the  present  »ppe®i    te   ti;l8  Court.v  The  qu^etlon*  xrio- 
eented  af,   first,   did  the  irobate  Court  err  in  allowijog  sn 
•3«n(iniC:ni   to    the  proof  of   cIrjbi;    and*    second,    did    Uj,«  cir- 
cuit Court  err  in  affirminii;  tae  or6,er     of   the  i  rob?«te  Court 
ftllowihe.   ttuch  fluaentiment* 

that  the  I  rotate  Court  did  not  «jrr  in  amending 
ilxe  Jud^:^«nt  nur   &he  Circuit  Court  in  affix^ing  the  order 
of  the  Trobfttc  Court,   w»»  decided  in  j^tfol^  ct  la,   r,   :.;prin^» 
er.  i.xcoutrix,  i;o,   20220,   arid  in   Umt  dteciaion  we  concur. 
When  the  jud^^f-ijit  was  a-jrisrided  it   wns   clearly  prorer   ts  per.*feit 
the  cl^tioifintd  tD   file  en  SKtendment  to   tiitiv  proof  of   claim, 
mid  the  Clrouit  Oourt  did  not  «tt  in  nfflrBiing  the  order  of 
Uie  irobftte  Court  prraittlng   ouoh  smerid-ifent. 

The  order  and  juden*mt  of  the  Girouit  Court     is 




591   -  20929 

of  the  Laat   itfill   nnd  Teetmucnt 

Appellant,     /  i       Ali:£,AL   PH(JW   tHK   CIRCUIT 

vo.  /  )      COUid  OF  COOK   COUNTY, 

WALLACl!?  L.    DB\OLy,   i^AKY   f/kkLLOOO 
and  LUCV   &.  B£UL,  / 

X^-'Y'-        '19  3  I. A.  60 

Ul<^   JUJtivf..  r.;  !<K  CSLIVRHIJ)  THE  OHKlUt  O*-  Ti;  '  i;ujJJ7, 

•v  ll»rgu«rltc  aprlnger  a»  Bxeoutrlx  of  t-i*  v/ill  of 
Warren  ^springer,  d«ocas«<i,  fllftd  in  the  i  robate  Court  her  pe*> 
tit  ion  praying  thAt  the  order  and  Jud^^nent  of  that  Court  en- 
tered July  24,  1912,  allo«finf:  the  cisim  of  ippelleee  ae 
claimcmta  agalnut  the  estate  of  Sarran   iipringcr  as  of  cluass 
Seven  for  {*25,190,97  be  vacated  and  aet  r.aide.  The  prayer  of 
the  petition  waa  denied  and  the  petition  diataiseed,  and  the 
Kxeoutrix  prayed  and  was  allowed  an  appeal  to  the  Circuit 
Court,   In  that  Court  Uie  order  of  the  i  robnte  Court  appealed 
froiR  vffts  "confiriaed,"  the  prayer  of  the  petition  denied  and 
the  petition  disiaiaued.  This  appeal  i«  prosecuted  froai  the 
order  of  the  Circuit  Court. 

The  appellees  here  recovered  a  judgment  in  the 
Cireuit  Court  iiay  27,  1912,  against  the  eatate  of  riarren,  deceased,  rxnd  arguerite  cipringer,  his  executrix, 
for  $2b,0c0.  A  copy  of  the  Jud^swent  order  iras  filed  in  the 
>robate  Court  as  a  clain  against  the  estate  of  barren  Springer 
and  allowed  July  24,  1912,  for  1^25,190.97  as  ot   Class  7,  to  be 
paid  in  due  course  of  adi  iniatration.   After  the  expiration  of 
the  judgment  terjs  the  Judr.ment  was  amended  by  striking  out 
the  wjrds  "Sstate  of  afarren  upringer,  deceased,  *  and  adding 
the  words,  "as  a  claim  of  the  aeventh  claaa,  to  be  paid  in  due 
course  of  administration, •  Before  the  amsndcient  was  aede  a 

Oo  .h.i  t; 



copy  of  th«  j^<i&&eat  o£  t^«  clrettit  Cdurt  entered  kay  <i7, 
ISI£»  <«ra.a  fil«d  in  ^h@  >ro0&ie  court  a»  ft  proof  «f  tb«i  «laln 
of  the  plBitktittm  in  U&e  Judgtt«nt  afi^iaai  t&«  %£tAt«  of  wstiv 
jr«B  ^^ri'^^er,       Aft«r  tj^tt  ^n^^m^nt  ^raa  »^«»4ed  tJ&e  elaiisiintB, 
1»y  l.eaTC  ef  the  ';  rob&te  ceurt,  fil«4  «  eopy  ef  t^«  atatvaded 
jttdisBu&st  order  a;»  an   ^ta«Rd»:«at  to   their  proof  of  claitt  &» 
of  th«  date  of  the  filing  &f  tiielr  ol»lm,\/?tee  aai«B4%ent  to 
the  4ud4^4mt  ai»d«  by  the  circuit  Court  «a»  obg  of  form 
OBly  and  vas  properly  made  Rft«r  the  Jtt!Jye;^«nt  terst»   a^d 
the  Irobate  Court  properly  perrtitted  ttoe  eisteatsts  to 
sftend  ijieir  proof  of  cl-jijs  "by  filing  a  oopy  of  tae  judg* 
eent  order  as  amended.     ?h«^  Judj^sent  of  the  Clreuit  Court 
wfta  fln&l  nmd  ecHrtclusive  against   the  exeea&rix  3jQd  her  petMloa 
to  t£ie  I  robftte  court  to  vacate  mnd  set  e^s^ide  Uie  ^udfiii&ent 
WMi  properly  denied  by  tn&t  Court  nnd  &y  Uie  cireult  Court 
OB  Uuft  appeal  fro%  tj&e  order  of  tki^  rrobste  Court, 

'i'he  order  &nd  iutiimeni  of  the    ;irflult  ^^ourt  dia* 
fiis«»iiie  the  petit  iOB  of   the  ;  xeoatrix  is  affirmea* 

556   -   vi06&6 

CITY  Of  CKiv'AOO, 

4>^enumit  in  iTtqt,      ^^ 

^  ▼•i  '  i  /  > 

laiintlff  in  i-rx^,       j 

\      y  19  3I.A.  72 

Uh,   JUi^JlCM  iSC^liltlOuV   DXi.IVSREB  fKK  i)i-l5.iOK   Qf  tm.  COO«*t, 

This  is  ari  Bctlon  broueii'i  b;?  ttic  City  of  Chicago 
c^ifurgiitic  defendant  viHu  vioIaiioKi  of   the  ardinancsa   touching 
*r«ai»tiiig  «n  officer*  jwd  *  disorderly  canauct.*     upon  the 
triftl  h«  «aa  found  guilty  (^nd  fined  ^7d« 

Viiie  fstctii,   in  brisf ,   axe  Umt  a  police  officer  d*et 
defendant  is   tue  reur  of  tiid  i^recdtttttt  suid  a3d^.e4  nif^  to  open 
i«v  Aba»ti«»  locate^d  inere.     Tuey  ««rtt  opened  ay  defanaant  &nd 
•xsusin^d  by  th«  officer.     Uiiortlj^  ti~*«r«aft«r  tliroe  officers 
eame  to  def^r^dant'a  iioustt  Siiad  stated  tJ:isit  they  had  ht^ard  he 
IAS  Stilling  »fc««4i'  ija  the  tiaaeaent,    to    ifliicfc  defeauswit  replied 
tiiat  tJ3iis  wa»  not   so.     7he  officare   st»it<?d  tfcat  they  had  been 
sent  to  »ake  an   inv^stigetion.      jfcfentiant   took  thesi  Oo-^n  into 
hia  basensent.   and  after  inspection    they    infonced  defoneiant 
timt  th«y  found  no  eviaenee  of  atiy  killing  of   ai^eep  or  c»t- 
tie.     TiiKt  no  indications  of  eiieep  killing  were  aeen  wa» 
testified  to  by  the  officer*  upon   the  trial.     After  tirtis   in- 
apecticn  in  the  baseaeat  one  of  the  offieera   ijiforcifd   the  ac- 
fendont   that  he  «m8  under  arr«?8t  and  otts&jitcri   to  put  upon 
hi*  hAnda  a  wrist-chain,   ana  ti^e  otner  officers  seiaied  his 
hands  so  aa  to  binti  thea  v?itR  th«    wriat-chain,      defendant  re- 
aleted  thia  for  three  or  four  BJinutea,  an  i   Uien  eubsiitted 
quietly  eind  -rmlked  up   ^teirs  and  was   taicen  to   tiie  police 
station   in  n  patrol    wagon.        He  aras   subsequently  charged 
with  viol^tin^  the  ordinancs*  first  above   referred   to. 

g^ ./ 

n«ft(f  i!^.n^\  i«    9sf9r, 

taMt»nn\tA  b«a 

asw  ti9«u 

'tA  van 

4  •«      i&w  Atd  m 

■"fee  City  ao«ji  net  &p|.-fe&r  in  this  «ourt  to  »up|.«rt 

this  Juil^icnt,  &B&  «e  i&re  ufi&i;l«  tv  »««  now  it  csw  be  Justified 

upon  th«  record  ^efere  as.     TJ^e  statute  {^ivleg  autt^i^ritjr  to  em 

officer  to  arrest  siti^out  a  ««r7»,rit  is  hu  foll^wai 

^An  arr««t  .ssay  l^e  si*>.di«  "&.y  a^  officfff  or  hy  ».  jiri- 
vat»  fivruoa  v^ifericut  warrant,  for  »  crif=i»fti  otteir&e  caaiisitted 
er  nttestptea  in  hi&  presence,   eij^a  by  a^i  cilie«r»   «^e&  &  crijeinal 
offeniM  hn&  is  fr^ot  been  co^^itt^a*  mi4  hK  h&&  r^aaosa&le  grousd 
for  feeiic-fia^  tli.'t  Ute  peraoa  to  be  erresteu  fiaa  eoaaaitted  it." 
Illinois  atatates,   C2^apter  5&«    aeo.  342. 

&e«  sisko  js.ari|4ii|^  ¥.  Mfej&SE*  ^^'^   ^'l^*   Stfc.     fi4e«©  atatutoicy  con- 

ditiana  «ur«  not  tti  be  foau4  in  ti^ia  caa«.      i'i^xe  officers  iiad  ad 

•sirriint  for  def«nci3nt*s  arr^at,     it  49«»  stot  appear  Uiat  a 

crl&inal  offensd  Jti»d  in  fa>ct  y@«a  c<xs^itted«     we  kn^m  &£  no 

s-Uttut«  which  si»kea  it  &  erise  te  kiii   m.«ep  in  ik  ioaae^ezitr 

imd  no  orai&ane«  tsue^iis^  t&i£  subject  apj^cara  iu  Urn.  record 

before  as,     />«i  ^-rs  ha?»  »eld  sa«^  tix-A&a,   w«  ca.miet  tak$  JudieiaJ 

zK>tie«  ©i"  city  ordinanetS;    sut  ^iren  upaft  the  a«sufepti-.Ma  Uiftt 

this  is  a  ori&inal  ftff«»R»9»  tjiera  is  aot  $niy  »o  evidence  tuet 

dttfsndeoit  cor^ltted  snnu  an  offeuae,  %ut    tii*r«  is  aff iS's>sttiT« 

evidence   tua'v  he  -^ms  gui]Ltl<«s3  &1  ;suci^  mi  i^ffmnme,, 

UBd«r  Uie  biatute*   t£i«refors,   t&«  effie«ra  Me^d  ao 
rif'ht   is  »rre@t  defenu^jit*  atzd  ti«e  aetioes  of  d^feed&iit  o^uld 
not  b*  c&lled  resist  ting  a^n  &ffic«r  ^lu  the  c^i&Gii£trg«  i»f  iaia 
^U*t>-»"   uiiich  is  IriC  l55ttgtt«f,e  of  tiiC  ordinanc*  deferss^fct  is 
&iMTm^  wit  J*  iiavios  V^l9r&t«^. 

The  4ud|i»fit}t  ie  r«ver6ed« 

ixi  XI 

^SQQne,nlbio   \,i L:> 

357  -  acee? 

:ll\  CP  CHICAGO, 

t^efendant   in  JItto 


n a in tiff 

19  3  I.A.  74 

MR.   JUiilTICS  ScSbEHLTt   iXKLIVFIijED  tli£.  Oi'IKlO^  OF  fiiK  COUX-iT. 

Tjsia  bas   to   uo   ^'itr    tiic   sa'j^e  facte  aa  ap-ear  in 
oaac   II o.   4&0(50$,    1b  -a^iicfc  an  oyiaion  lu   WjI;;   day    rer.aere*!.,      Xae 
dofersdarit  ia   this  ca«e  ia   tlio   wife  of   the   'iefcnosnt   in   tac 
oilier  cfts?,   £^n4  sJie  took  aofse  part   in   tti«^  alitor  oat  iac   »iui 
tiie  officera, 

fhs   ttSisa  r«a8<?na  ^hicii  i-'spcllci  ua  to  rever»« 
the  Jud/5ffipat   in   the   c.'jb©  agaiast    the  haabsmd  must  prevail   in 
th€f  c?»9e  against   thf>   ^ifr.      m  neiti^er  ttf   tiiese   cases  haa   the 
City  avrearcd  in   this  court   to  present,  any  consideration*  wiay 
th«  Jud^^nt   snouX4  be   suEstained.      ?or   I'ue   re&SQtis  «^tiited  in 
th«  otJaer  ca«e  th«  Judgjaent  is  r«vers«4. 



519   -  :i0852 

CApjus  is.  xmACAm, 

,  Appellee, 

ClTlf  OF  Clik'AGO, 

\  Appellant . 




193  I.A.  75 



fe'.,   JUciTIC£  fcCdUH&LY   jxvxivKJiSD  THE  d-l^'lOK  OF  TH£   COUtit. 

Jlaintlff  brought   siilt  for  daa^uges  for  personal 
injuries  rec«iv«d  froa  a  fall   or   tuc   s^idewal^  on  ?  Ist   etreet 
in  Q£iic8^o.      rue  verdict  wjta  for  ,^6,73v.,    rcaac«a  by titar 
to  ^5,7bc,   for  vkich  njiaount  jud^isiftnt  i*tai  entered. 

ilalRtiff  ciiargcs  that  at   tiit    ^/lacc   of  the  ac- 
cident tb«  61 8t   street  sidewalk  p&d6«a  under  a  railroad 
viaduct,   and  that  defcnciatit  {:-er.'^>itt«(i  a  deprea&iun   to  be  ;md 
r«£;ain  in  tiic  side«s^lk  at  tais  point,  i\xi<i  permitted  large 
quantities  of  znfsm  and  ice   to  noouusulate  in  und  around  said 
depression,  msiicing;  it  dargeroua  for  persons  u&ing   tJiie  side* 
«nlk,   and  that   she  was  tJ'iKreby  caused  to   fall,   receiving  in- 
juries.    The  allegation  as  to  Uie  condition  of   tbe   sidewalk 
was  sufficiently  proT«n  toy  the  evidence.     Many  witneaaes 
testified  that  the   smlk  was  sunken  nnd  water  would  acouiiiulate 
in  the  sunken  place  uxi^  freese,  making  hus£aooks  of   ice,   some 
say  four  or  five  xt^cues  aX^u.,     tne  witness  desoribed  tiie 
place  as   "full   of  holes  and  bumps  eight   to   t«»clve   inches  in 
nei^it."      Tii©  Jury  could  reasonably  concluvie    uufit   the   defend- 
ant was  guilty  of  negligence  as  cnarged.v^ 

Plaintiff  «pas  not  ahow  to  nave  been  fo-uilty   of 
oontributojry  ne^Ii;%«ace.     A  fall   of   ono'^  on   tn«  corning  ot 
the  accident  had  covered  soaiewhat  the  raugii  bu&pa  of   ice, 
rlaintiff  knew  of  the   danger  of   the  vialk,   and  sayt*   ane  was 

G  «   •  i-i .  i  ci 



■jssuttiiQ  3iixxaai  «»s»o7t  one 

saw  9^ 


walking   "very    elowly  and   otirefully   trylnfr  to  pick  ay  way  along, 
I  talked  In   the  Icaat  <i»ng€rott8   ..laces,"     The  freshly  fallen 
snov  covered  the  deprc8«lon  into   r^i^icn  Atift   stepped,      .ihe 
»ays,    "rty  font  went   down   Into    it   n  dlststnce  of  five  or   six 
or  perhnps  u^ore  inches,"      «c   tnink  it  not  uni^eaaonsbXs  to 
conclude   that  plaintiff  waa  in  fact   very  cautious  and  vaa 
exercising  erery  care  to   avoid  the  danger. 

The  presence  of   the  recently  fallen   snoisf,   of 
n^iicy    It   1 8   nrpued   defendant   could   not  hi^ve  known  and  cannot 
be  responsible   for,    did  not  cfFuae    the  accident.      it  only   C&nded 
to  hide  the  danger  and  mukti  it  Asore  difficult  for  ped«;strians 
to   esoat')  an  accident.      The   depression   in   the  <valk  HUd  the 
rotti^h  bur<;p8  of   ice        was   the  proxitrt^ata  cause  of   tht*  accident, 
and  this   condition  had   existed  fcr   aucii  a   leneitr*  of   tiue  as   to 
change  the   defendant   with  knowledge    thereof,      oimilar  cases  In 
point  are  uit^  v.    Filler,    «cl7    il).    *J7S;   ja:fac  v.    UAtv..    l^f   ill. 
App,    163;    City  of   Aurora  v.    j>ale,    S»w    ill,   40;    Ci t v  >?,   Atit',lie:, 
63  111.   App.    bb. 

The  criticism  of   th»i   declaration   na  containing  no 
allegation  of  notice  to   thr   city,   while  perhaps  Juetifying  a 
deaurrcr  is  of  no   avail  after  verdict,     Cit^   v,  buxhyte,   17S 
111,   555,    is  precisely  in  point. 

It  3if5ht   also  be   aaid   Uiat   in   Citv  v.    ote&rna, 
105  III.    b&4,   it  is   said  thnt   the  words  *«per®itted  to  refiiain 
out   of   repair*  jacan  assent   thereto,    and   "from   tiiis   definitioo 
it   is  yl&in   tnrit   if   th#>   city   assentrjd  it   aid   so   froJE  a  kno^rl- 
ed^e  of   the  condition  of   the    i?alk,-   ine  assent   iruplied  knowl- 
edge,"     This   at/itRnent   ist   the   opinion   is  also   applicable   to 
the  ooaplaint  owde   by  the   defendant   to   instruction  :-o.   3 
given  at   the   request  of  plaintiff.      ^ve   arc  not    referriiig   to 
the  aotice   to   a  {Municipality   required  by  the  act   "concerning 
suits  at  law  for  persoxial  Injuries  and  against  cities,   vil- 


.1  fl    fi  3  J  T  n  "   V  f  J  fi  -?  o  '- 


').♦    ^ai^ii«l«»  and  towna."   in  fosrce  JalJF  1»  I90b, 

w«  8«e  ao  reason  to   rever»e  -fcccnuse  of  rulings 
of  thm  eourt  on  myid^nce  or  th«*  alleged  is^ropi^r  arframent  of 
ooan»»l  for  plaintiff,   mic  it  caimot  be  a»id   thnt  the  vt.rdict 
was  for  80  Iftrge  »n   amount  es  to  iTJiicsttf  paaaion  s«d  preju- 
dice,    ilaintiff  received  aevere  injurifs.-  a  fracture  of  the 
tibia  and  fibula,   ^ita  dislocation  a«d   tearing  of   tlic   ankle 
ligament*,   and  otber  injuries.      For   several  months   sfce   wa» 
obliged  to  uae  a  tfhoel  ehair.   thes  crutches,   J^nd  at  tiie   time 
of   «»e   trial,   nine   years  nfter  the  acoident,    aiie  ma  obliged 
to  use  a  cane   in   walking,      ohe   suffered  great  pain  ana  haa 
^ecn  permanently  injured.     The  damages  ar«  not  exaoat^ive. 
I'iie  jttdfe^^aent  ia  affirsed. 




!•«  ii*tri»oai 



573  •  20909 

Appellant »      )  J 

/   COOK  courfy. 


1931. A. 77 

Xk,   JO;itICB  SSoabRKi.?  &K1.IV1BED  THX  OPZHIOS  OF  tWS.  COmct, 

Thia  is  a   replevin  auit   ic   recover  an  autossobiXe 
anoi  acceaeorieo.     ?he  dcfencinrit,  Oremii^mtld,   claisted  title   in 
himself*   and  upon  this  Iji^duc  tJ^&e  eftse  vas  tried  b(?fore  a  jury* 
which  found   the   ri^ht  of  peeeeasion   in  the  ilefendani.      ^udjf* 
Stent  ysBa  entered  und  writ  of  retorao   iasued* 

Vyroa  the  evidence  preae.ited  the  jury  rcaiionably 
j2iight  have  believed  the  salient  facts  to  be  aa  follows:    that 
plaintiff  was  a  olerk  employed  in   Uic  offic«  of  iiXn  father, 
Jtr,  iicnjciuin  k.   bhnffncr,   «n  attorney   at  ls»  practicit^  at 
t^e  bar;    that  prior  to  iiay  1,   liilii,  plaintiff  omied  the  au- 
tOAiObile  in  question,   which  he  had  sent   to   a  rei airing  com- 
pany for  overhauling;    that   this  "work  was  not   paifi  for  ana   the 
repairing  oompany  eecured  a  jud^^^acnt   for  ^lC'ii,75  af^ainet 
plaintiff,   and  levied  upon  smd  took  posaeissior  of   the  autojao* 
bile,      ^off^e  ti^ae  before  thia,  nt  the  request  of  Benjas^in  H. 
ahaffner,    the  plaintiff  and   the   defendant,   Greenwald,   enoorsed 
his  note  for   the   sum  of  ^2&(;,   ^tiici.  hotc  ws-s  then  diisoounted 
by  a  raan  na«ed  Ensign.      >:flsign  finally  dued      on  tlie  note  and 
had  judgnent  a^jainot  both  ohaffrjer  and  f^reenwald.      ;>haffner 
tiiereaft«^r   ^.ent  a  letter  to  Greenwald  requeatinj.;  tnat  he 
Should  h«lp  in  preventing  a  levy  threatened  by  i^nsign  upon 
his  judgtuent.      An  arrani:6<&ent  wns  a;ade  by  vhioh  Benja^uin  1'. 
Shaffner  vas  to  pay  this  judtjttnt  in  installtaenta,   but  ahaffn«r 
failinc  to   dc    this    the  defendant,   creenwal  d,   ima  eou^i.ellf.d  to 

TV  .A.i  8Gr 


jfliiirH;  ff. 



pay  the  Juclg&ent.     About  i&y  \,   1912,   the  defendant  waa  at   the 
office  of  the  ;ihaffners,   to  pcr»u»de  tn^is^  to   repay  iiXK.  th« 
MMant  he  and  paid  on   tao  Kosign  Jud4,&«int.     i^laXntiff  tela  de* 
fe»<JtfltQt   tkftt  he  fe4&d  no  aoney,   but  told  hi»  £ibout  the  autos;cbile 
wTtiob  had  l>een  levied  upon  by  the  repairing  oos&pajiy.     defendant 
offe-red  to  cancel  his  claia  on  the  l^oaign  matter  and  to  pay  tbe 
repairing  eo&pany  the  a»H>unt  of  its  Judf^ent  if  pl&intiff  -t?ouXd 
giTe  defenc^ant  a  bill   of  sale  for  the  autoieobile;   and  on  that 
date  as  uncanditional   bill  ol   s^ale  cauveyin^g  the  autoi^obile  in 
question  wae  executed  by  the  plaintiff  and  delivered  to  Green* 
«ald,  and  on  the  following  day  jbe^Jafiiin  oh&ffner  executed  a 
written  order  ok   the  repairing  compuay  %o  turn  over  the  autono- 
bile  to   the  defendant.     7h€  defendnnt  paid  the  repairing  eon* 
pany  its  claiss  nnd  received  tJ^e  i!sutoi9£oblle,     J'&ur  daye  tiiere* 
after  plaintiff  awore  to  uxi  affitlavit  for  the  replevin  of  the 
&ut»e>obile  fu:d  obtained  poeBesslon  ef  it.V-^ 

We  hsve  considered  the  evidentiary  ft^ct^  present* 
ed  by  the  plaintiff  to  induce  ua  tc   conclude   Ihitz   the  verdict 
of  the  jury  «ae  not  justified  by  tlie  evidence,   l^ut  aifter  con- 
sideration we  are  not  persuaded   chat   the  verdict  ist  incorrect. 
We  arc  of  the  opinion   ti^nt  the  Jury  waa  Juotlfied  in  believing 
that  the  bill  of  sale  ima  an  absolute  oonve^^arace  of  the  prop- 
erty in  Queation,   and  not  a  iBOrt(:age,  aa  ivas  claiis^ed  by  the 

A  furUicr  oonaideration  WiUcu  »ould  prevent  any 
Jad^»tent  favorable   to  p}aiBViff  is   tiiiii,-   that  even  should  it 
be  conceded  thsi   tiie  bill   of  sale  was  in  f&ot  a  aortgat.e,  plain- 
tiff waa  not  entitled  to   tae  .possession  of   the  cnrtttela  until 
he  had  tendered   to   defcndarst    the  aisiount   due  or*   the  juort^age, 
and  kept  that   tender  good.  his  plaintiff  failed  to  do» 

ilaintiff  arguea  that  tbe  Jury  waa  iiaproperly 

•  i-i-i 

t*tU   ^#1 



St»fl  i.»V 


/9-xq  bi> 



instructed  as  to   tji«  meftsurs  fit   Quan^^^^Uf   and   aaysi  tiiat  tiie 
Tfrrdict  WAS  li£p7jper  In  Rsacssini,   the   d«fendHt3i*»  <ifiii^!t^ea  &t 
|X5C,     «t  appears  th^t  subsefjuantly  u.r.  order  vaa  «nt(^r«d  re- 
xsitting   tJals  assount  of  d«&eig®)(,   sc   that  -^re  c«mnot  «ee  that 
plaintiff  lifte  aoyUilne  to   coaplain  of  upon  this  point. 

^e  do  not  fiad  say  rcveruitle  error  in  the 
iulini>;e  of   iiie  court  on  tiie  ad^tiasiUllity   of  evidence. 

?h«  Jodpaent  is  affirstea* 

6&2   -  a0990 

AS70S  i»i^01*aKl, 




A>i>M..    -^OU   CinCiilf   COUi*t, 



V«ua.t,     y  19  3  l.A.  79 


jeir,  J-ii;.,tia^  soat?rii3.t  .^T,ivin^i3  tb'^  ori?;iO!i  of  tm  couht. 

n/i  lain  tiff  ha-d  judgment  toT  $S,C'CO  Ag  n   avit  for 
Hmu)^B»  for  injuries  received  wnile  «%ployed  in   t^«  fouiHiry 
plntuat  o«med  aed  operated  bj  the  dief^etid«uit>,      ^n   Uie  ya^rd  of 
this  plant  '««rS  sa  appll^sjiec  for  bre&king   aiersiv   i)ft»3,   called 
a  'drop*;   hy  ie(;ane  of  a  derrick  n  beavy  metuX   bit^il  '^^e  raised 
to   sone   consldermble  hei^Jat  %nd  alXoweil   to  fr^li    an   ttte  pile 
of   scrap  bclov*  breaking  tins  ii*0n  into  bite,     Taist  feoul<i  e^uoe 
pieces  to  fly  in  all   direetitRd.     ilsiBtiff  w&s  a  ^'cjrapper* 
««ployed  ia  cleaning  CA»tinga»   and  i^is  uiiuiU    pl^^Ofe  of    trork 
wa«  iA  tJbe  yard  per&ape  ftbout  :^<.i  feet  west  oi    Ua«  crcp,     A 
piece  of  flyin^^  iron  etrucic  ai^  a»  be  waa  gain#«   &e  ha  sftye. 
t«  lUs   tool*bex  nearby,    icflictin^i  Uie  injuries  ccf&pliiifted  of. 
#e  stiat2    notice  o^Jy  the  claiis  of  jslaintlff   that 
the  aeciUent  w»&  caused  tiiroufc-^^   tiie  failure  of  6@fftnG.wat   to 
comply  witJa   tiie  provision  of   the   statute  entitled  '*firj  act  to 
provide  for  tJte  ii«eiltfa,,   safety   and  e&sjfort  af   ««;ployfe»  in 
factories.''   etc..  appxtj^ed  vuae  4,   l«<..y,   Ib  farce  «a?iuary  1» 
191i. .     This  provision  i*  as  foUowe:      *A11    daR^,eraue  places 
in  cr  about  mercantile  estafcli&iri>.«r».ts,   factories*  suills  or 
aforkaiiopa,   nfear   to  which  awy  fssploye   is  obligso   t©  p»e«s,   or 
to  be   employed,    3.^jai,    ^^ere  practicable,   be  prtperly   en- 
cl0i»e(i,   fenced  or  cwuerwise  guarded,"     ^o  euclceure  or  fence 


yS'--  »>yi-^ 


Ituardea  Ux«  drop,     ^^earby  %««  m,  «riuttity«  the  presence  of  ^nich 
It  is  AT.  uetil  satisfied  tke  requirement  td  have  the  dAngerous 
pX^uMi  ■otijer«i@e  t^uarded,*     This  ftftanty  was  ;^bou-<.  sisc  tr  ten 
feet  weat  of  the  drep,   was  about,  four  fe«i  *»id«,    aevct)  x'eet 
leag  and  seven  feet  iiifrb*        The  tritneesee  are  net  in  accord 
Ofi  IJee  seaeuret-enta,     txie  wall  of  the  shanty  neareet  the 
drop  waa  etroisfily  tmiXt,     i  laiatif  f  wor*  cd  at  a  i.oint  weat 
of   shanty,   -A'uJich  witnet»ee&  say  ws^ta  tr&&  tec.  feet   to 
ever  thirty  feet  ira*  it,     it  ae*s»«  to  b*  c»£ic<?t*ed  that 
whili.  at   tiiia  pl60«  je-ie,xmitt  »*id  in   danger  frois   La*  fiyiOg 
]^iee«6  cf  irob,   but  it  i:«  said  Uwai^  it  ^a«  i^^tendea  that 
]^lsintiff  suaa  ether  »£pluye»  ^nt^  wart^td  that  tue  &t>tai  hall 
«aa  about  to  drop  should  «i.ther  tnter  Uie   »ixmxty  cr  aiep  be» 
hittci  it   to  avcid  beieg  atruck,      ^uer©  i«  teatia.ony   that  the 
^&i»ioye8  were  »o  inatruct«»d,   although  this  is  aeaied,  V^ 

Asausin^  &«  a  f>>ct    t-ciat   jmicti   is  controTer',fed, 
that  the   skuaaty  was  proviaed  for  tne  protectlaxi  oi    caployea 
ia  the  yftrd,   qslh  i%  Xnr  &&ic,   taai   the  presence  of  a  rlaoe  of 
refuge   to  ahich  ^si  icyea  aiiHut  flee   daiinfe  tit*  operation  of 
the  daiageroua  agency  is  c   cosspii^^.ee  witi:^  the   statute?     s/e 
think  not.      i*h».tever  s»».y  be  aaid  as  to    the  suff ici€?r;cv   oX   the 
ahasty  ia  saeiterieg  tJ^e  partieulnr  »»n  ^ho  released  the 
eet&I  ball,    tkie:  fact  that   it  flight  alao  be  a  place  of  sefuge 
for  other  taiiXoyes  doini^^   w^rM.  not  oonneeteo  wit*.   Uife   drop 
4oe8  not  laeet   the  &msi»n<X  of    tiuc   »c^tute.      it  »i^ht   be  argued 
viUi  equal  consictency  th@t  in^iae  the  urick.  foundry  b^ild- 
in^  on  the  wreat   side  of   the  :^ard    ?as  a  },laoe  of  safety  for 
«ucir>  employ ea,   and  of  proba&Iy  gre<«.ter   safety  thmn  «ifi'arde4 
by   the   ^i^anty,   i;ut   it  eannot  b^   claitaed  seriously   tuat  ao* 
cessibility  of  the   foun-iry  building  rh  a  refuge  satisfied   the 
re<(UireiT.ei. ta  of    Uir;   law.     the  aa»«late  of   the   statute  is 



tisat  "Rii  daiic«ro«a  }  laieft*       '   *   near  to   «ixici*  any  ei&plojre 
ia  oblicpd  to  p«i0a»  cr   io  b^  esployed,   shall  *  fe«  pr.>pfjfXy   * 
f;uft)r<k«)fi."      d«  l^ld  temt   this  oaEit«%|>lates   tlL«   rroteotioa  of 

pl«««9  Qt    wi^rk  said  jfiasaing  to  aa4  froo  »uc0  places*   by   «d»e 
pyot«eti&g:  «cr9«n  or  deTiee  »i  tti9  soux-ae  of  d^44$«f« 

w»«  iv   3iUC«ro  io  toe  *pre.cticalilf    t<i  ^^ara  t.iae 

V«  are  of  tii«  oj^inion  tksv  it  -eirsa.     :cj|«  piece  oi'  it&&  miioh 
strucl:  s^iaxntiif  tleti  o-^ar  tA«   top  dl    the  i^aistjr.     oa«  ^praie-* 
tio^ble"  m^tiioA  "^iiicn   tx^is  &l^iit  iiAT&    SM^esfced  to   th«  jury 
mid   to  mmkti  uXi^i^r  tu«  '^rs.ij.   of   tJb«   slij^iiiy  sext   to  thn  ftrop^ 
if   tkij>  wall   ii&  )»cven   f««t  hlgn,   rna  &  j^etal   i^all   fallg;  on 
m  *'^IX&  or  8«rct|>*'   «uis:fi  •««&«  to  be-  co"^p«3#d  largely  of  e&r 
itiieel&»   ft  fiyin^  l^jice*  ot   iron  R««»d  not  go  «^ry  lii^i^  to 
cl«.&r   J.iiJL5  mO-l,   «»|^«ci.silly  if  it  is  six  c-r  ten  f«et  a^sfty, 
3d  rtiaaon  a^pcara  <iitty  this  ^nll   cauld  not  be  &,miu   tmn  ot 
morn  feet  hi^ier  th<>n  it  7as»  or  -tiiiy  the  CtimRty  ^i^ouXd  set 
he  pl&o«<i  cioaer  to   tlie  tiroip,   wiiis;.  \«juld  IssyeB  the  iiKeli- 
^oU  of  flyiii^  ^4e««»  oi"  iros  goxn^  over  it.     £ut  ^;tatey«r 
-soigidt   t£iea«   au^^3«tlo»s  Si^y  i^ave,    tl^r«  iraa  t«dti^oft.^  httHk 
tat  AiiC  A^foififti  tk«  pmctloabtlity  of  guardian  tae  drap*   ojad 
««  do  fid&  fe^l  justified  in  aX&%urkxsi^  tt&e  v:3aclu<ii«»n  of   Ui« 
Jury  o&  Viile  point. 

««  liJStG  no   reversitle*  error  in  tii#  irji4tru«tioa» 
ftiVlM  %G   tJi«  4 wry  Of    in   U:«  ruiia^s  an  evia^'Rce,      ;;T«n  if 
it  nlbmili  t»«  esse^tis^,    ^t.ieh  iu  not,  tiaa?^  U^«  t^«idifitiatioa 
by  iii«  co^rt  of  AKstrttcilons  t*s»*,  S  sr4  6  presentfed  *oy  tlse 
4«f#i;iiaiit  t«».4<»d  to  lEialsnd  tii*  4»ry,  yet  tfa*  JLKit«tra«tiQnft 
ao  ten4ere(i  did  sot  »tgt«  tu«  i«sc%  cdrr«ctly,   in   i.uat   li^^ 
told  taa  jury  in  substsmec   tkat  daf^Bdasit  imm  aoi  guilty  if 
A  pX«c«  of  r«fuge  for  etaployfto  wis  B«e«*3ilS!l«s.      i  <?f ©n  iaBt 

««•-.-  %1§0'i9y.  •<# 


->»iq  »Ai     »««<- 



«tinuet  b«  £t.c=aid  \.o  cosxpl^in  qT  a  doubtful  s^ofUflcatlefi  by   th« 

eourt  of  its  iApropei:  l6struoti&os.     ij^cattuy  ^;ex;eftl  jt'^111   wjo. 

W<»  &ee  no  eoRvinciinii;:   rcfiieoR   %c   revtrse  the  Judg* 
K«fit  end  therefore  it  io  ftlTiJ^ed, 

9if*  T 





223  -  21200 


i       Plaintiff  |h  Error, 

Error  to 

I       vs.  /  1  Circuit   Court, 

I  Z  )  Cook  County. 

INGER  C.|HEIN?EN,    Execi^rix,  ^ 
etc.,                   \                         / 

\  Defendant    in  Error,  ) 

\     /        19  3I.A.  82 

PER  CURIAM.    The  bill  of  exceptions  in  this  case 
having  heretofore  been  stricken  from  the  transcript  of  the 
record,  and  it  appearing  that  no  errors  have  been  assigned 
by  the  plaintiff  in  error  upon  the  common  law  record  of  said 
cause,  there  is  therefore  nothing  before  this  court  for  re- 
view, and  the  Judgment  of  the  Circuit  Court  is  affirmed. 



OOSIS  -  sss 

03     T07' 

.,  .IxjJoO   iiuoiiO 
{Ji^UOO    7(ooO 

(  /rcAJJAe  aHA  TwaNHvofiT^ii  aionuji 


S8  .A.ieer 

(  ,xii#U09xa    ,OnKI3H-,0  H-HCMI 

bBBo   r.ldi  ax    arfoiitqsoxo  lo   Hid  sriT        .JiAIOTO  H:?^ 

srIJ'  lo   iqiiOBnui t  edi  moil  nejfoxicfa  n&scf  sioloi^sisd  snxvfid 

b8n8X8S«  nssd  svb.1  aioii©  oa    :t£fl.^  saiiBsqqB    Ji    brts    ti)ioo9i 

bx68  ^o  ijiooei  wsl  nommoo  edJ  aoqx;  loiis  ai   l^xJniBlq  sriJ'  y<^ 

-•?!  lol   i-xisoo  exclcf  eiolacf  snxrfioa  eiotet^di  ex  sierfi-   ^seuBO 

.bemixltB   8i    .tiuo-   ;>xaoiiO  9ri:f   lo   insargbul  sdJ  fcnB    ^wexv 


S78  •  1 94  lit 

ejr  CHICAGO, 

V^         193I.A.83 

YlUls  >/>fB**  w*^  eoRSldere4  by  ii^ii^  Court  &o<i  tui 
epiitilon  ^mA  filed  Juo«  »,  l{i»14.     mi/Ju^i^/ta  «titer«d  her« 
w«f  ,rev*r9«4  bv  ih«  i:>u^>rQi6«  Court  b«»cftuae  of  {ui  in»af ficietit 
Cintixnt^  «iX   4aat«.     lhi«  wouii.  uaa  ciarefully  ]r«60RiSi4»x>t4  th« 
Q«us«  And  is  urmtie  t(;   rssutlti  »  diff«rc;ni  concluiiii&n  froaa  that 
exprsaistfd  In  its  fonscr  opinion*  onc-i  Uicrefore  «e  r«8tdt6  our 
▼iewt  in  »ubatanti«ayy  ih«  waM*  iunijUi^e. 

Api;<?Ii®e  recovered  n  ^udi^iment  in  the  i^utiioipal 
Court  of  Cnica^o  Ag«inst  appelHanta  for  11691,20  ««d  oosts, 
Tbitt  Ap]?#«JL  is^  pros«outttd  to   rftVerae  it. 

The  e»»€  was  tri«dL  l>isfor«  tbc  court  wiUiOUt  a 
jury.     ilAintiff  filed  the  camion  counts  «.»a  ft  bill   of  par- 
ticuiara  in  viiioh  he  oIttim«4  th«it  ke  foa<l  loaned  tib*  <J«f«nd- 
mtto  on  t^re«  separate  oooRsiona  8u»b  of  money  nggr^gfttine  in 
nil  $4017.75.     The  def enda^'ite,   ^j^jrlittnte  li»*re,   filed  a  wet- 
off  olflicUng  sjoney  /Jue  from  the  plaintiff   to   aefena&i'ts  »» 
folloire:     #2046. fc2  due  to   the  defendmste  frt^  the  plaiwttff 
upon  «  oertain  innd  oontr»ot  he^twecsn  the  partiee,   dated  fcay 
6,  l»i,6,   nnd  tl*^&1.3S  due  upon  wtotner  land  oontraet  between 
the  partlea,   dated  i.  etcher  51,  iVc5,   *tixch  avu&»,    witU  inter- 
eet,   amounted  to  <;>44fc7,36,   and  ijivin*;  the  plaintiff  credit 
for  ^lii77,08,  for  caah  jaid  the»  J^ay  2lt  1»  7,   on  accouiiii  of 





eontrftots*  tritb  interest  ai  fiv«  p«]r  u^nt.t  j&tiicing  4rl277«t;6, 
leaving  a  1»ol«iin«c  due  the  ^.mten&ontft  of  -iMlv^^tQ,     7h9  plain* 
tiff  fil«a  an  «ffld^*vit  ©f  ecrita  «c   tia®   aet-off ,   danying 
that  defendanta  yerforwed  un^iar  tka  oontraot  of  cctobe;  ;;^1» 
19U&,  and  ailtgiiif;  that  ib«  did  not  aaive  any  of  tli«  provi* 
aiona  of  th«  oontract  and  itmu  antitl«d  to  a  eredit  of 
$Xes^I.^&,   r'U  pa>«46ot  u|:on  th«  oontract  cf  ^.ay  d«  l,9i/&« 

Tli«  controT«ray  girowa  out  &t  ncMt^reLX  differant 
land  contraoia  widoa;;  it  will   tte  neoes^aarv   to    ^tate  in  aub* 

1  rior  to  any  tiefiotiationis  witii  plaintiff  l.nugh* 
tin,  tlia  dafandanta  bad  aequirad  oartain  ri{.;iut«  in  tm&  cos* 
tritotft  for  the  »ale  of  ti£:£b«r  lanc^  in  »ii»con8iia«     th«  first 
ef  th«a«  oontraota  ia  Icnoim  aa  "oontraot  ^S'., <**   Tc^iarab.y  tka 
2lorth  wi&oonsitt  !4M&£>ar  Coispany  agraed  to  ucill  ottrtain  d«tt» 
aribed  land  to  one  ^ava^a*   wlio  aa»ign«d  iiia  rigtut  to  defend* 
aiJta*     Tha  aaoond  contraot,  known  aa  "oontraet  Ssi?**  v&a  be* 
tvaan  the  sai&«  original  partias  and  irae  aaquired  by  appell«snta 
in  Uia  aaaa  mannar  ao  aontraet  53,  and  oono<»r»ad  dif.t'«tr«nt 

n  (jwrmnry  1S»   I9t&,   dafanciarjta  and  plaintiff 
antarad  into  s^n  sn^raasaant  rei»p«citin^,  said  oontraat  &3a«     By 
tli«  torna  of  tibia  a^reatcant  def«ndat-ita  «nit  Uia  ^ts^i^ekagon  i.aad 
4  Lumbar  Cojftpany  aasignad  tbeir  righta  uad^r  said  contraat 
aSO  to  plointiff  ae  stourity  for  "i,ie91,95>,   otatfed  therein 
to  hay*  baan  adYfexicad  to  d«fendft!;t«s  by  plaintiff  to  pay  aoaia 
inatalffianta  due  thera^^n  January  i»,  190&,        In  tr.ia  contract 
RiPP^aupn  «*iat  i»  rafarrad  to  in  tha  teatiaony  a»  ttoa  option 
givan  platntiff  to  pttJE^taaa  ii>a  l«nd  d«»oribed  In  tha  con- 
tract«   nhioh  ia  jftaterial  her*  and  ia  a«  folloaist 


- '  Iftn  ll.  1.^  ^a^   t%ijSil 

"iJtit  coupX&d  mkth  ti.ia  RtisignMetit  and  ple<i£;e  of 
lA&id  ecjutr»ot  in  ta«  option  ^ivtn  to   aald  iaughlin   ta  pny 
off  all  future  j?«.yK.ent»  on  the  lands  d«»eribed  and  theraby 
becQKa  entitled  to  a  daed  fur  tne  l;md8  direct  fro^  said 
Forth  wlsoonsln  I^i^'^tbcr  Votnin-jay,  provided  he  exercioes  t^la 
option  within  Gi(fiat  iuontiiJB  fsroa  tids  a&t«!  nnd  £i,t  the  stuaa 
tiaa  oa  doea  ao  pays  th«  itmek^^on  Limd  ,.%  Lumber  Compajny 
iha  0ur<i  of   (<^2(;;46«62i    r^o  'Uiouaand  i-'orty^aix  i.-el^ara  and 
c>ii:hty»two  oentida   imd  r^t  tUe»  &at&«  timm  exeoutea  and  de» 
livers  to  tli«  pctitiea  of  Lh«^  firat  p^trt  a  release  in  full 
for  the  mon^.y9  by  Jiim  advanoad  pur^iuant   t€>   tnle  stipula^ 

At  %h&  time  of  tiia  oxecutlon  of  tb«  »ixnuary  1B» 
I9C5,   oontraot,   i^laintiff  saughlin  delivered  to   defendant 
C*  i:,  Korton  Jtiia  check  for  ^l&fl>l«95«   ■mnioa  h«  olaiae  waa  a 
loaiiif   and  for  whicsJi  itLo  recovered  Jud&uient  below,     ^ay  6,   I9cb» 
Ux9  parties  (^ntisrad  iato  a  oantract  baarinig  that  data,    ^tueraby 
the  rights  of  tne  uef endaiits*  aztder  said  oootxaot  &3c ,   t^ere  aa< 
si^ed  to  jlaiatiff.     The  twc  ooutracta  of  Ja^m^ry  and  l^ay* 
19o5,  deaoribed  the  aama  itj^nd,  oanstitutinj^  10S3  nn^  a  frae* 
tiottt  aores, 

itubaequently,  o»  (  otobe>r  31,  19t5»   Uie-  same  par* 
ties  ent^^red  into  a^otiitir  l«ina  oantract*  by  the  teraa  of  which 
dafeetdanta  agreed  with  the  plaintiff  to  assign  to  iiim  the>  en- 
tire  interest  of  the  original  purehaser  in  certain  described 
lands  which  the  defendanta  held  by  virtu©  of  an  aaoigniaent  of 
a  oontraet  between  the  Korth  *fiaocneia  Luiaber  Coaipsmy  and  one 
John  i^va£e«  f»bove  ref&rred  to  i*©  "contr&ai  "?io«  SS?***  for  the 
SUB!  of  4iabl,$5,   ttnd  Ui«  aasusiption  by  the  plaintiff  of  five 
deferred  payments   to  b&o«;ffl»K   iltAS  andsr  the  contract.     Thio  eon* 
tract  provided  thav  the  dcfendanta  ahould  eonfira  by  deed  such 
asaiet^ent*   in  litm^ner  and  fojKa  to   tli»  oaUiaf action  of  the 
plaintiff,   and  frosj  all   the  pnrtics  in  interest,   including 
aiiareholders  of  the  inweka^an  LejJd  it  Luaber  tto&f^miy,  and  nlao 
obtain   the  con^»er.t  of  the  Borth  ll'HSOJisjin  i^ajaber  Cosapnny  to 
the  assignment  or  trainaf^r  to  th«  plaintiff  of  said  contrnot 
lio,   527, 

•4i  le 

\  A»Y*V009t    9^  JtXiOli    te 




•  r. 

&«•«  ft*  lo  VUJ 




,    lt» 

1%  iu  6l»Ui«4  toy  til*  plaintiff  ftna  ti»  ae  te»tl» 
fled  tii&t  In  «cpttesber,  l9Ct>»  prior  to  elgnin^  th«  coRtract 
of  i)et&h9»  an»t,   *h«  «l«f«n(iarit,  C,  h.  isorton,   tol<i  &ija  Uier« 
«»•  ft  p&ysttnt  ewftlng  cluo  on  the  contract  ^o»  &«'/,  coRc«rnlng 
«eilcii  dttfonaunta  waa  piaintiff  were  trying  to  msik»  ttn  egree- 
»«nt,  aatl  4ef«tul«U3t,  c.  H,  Korton»  flaked  pi&ifttiff  to  lulyanoe 
th«  £ueount  due,    «*iich  Jut  wt-uld  treat  ;*a  a  loan  ia  ea»e   the 
cofitraot  waa  not  oo»a*iiisjsat©<J,  or  upon  ROeoims,  oi    tJa©  contraet 
if  it  wae  aon9tt«m«tea  l»*-ter.     TiAc  m&ount  aue  on  tn©  oontr«ict 
ii«»  #ll«6,t*f  ♦     ilRlntiff  furtfier  tt&tified  «iOd  olftiiaeti  Wiat 
OR  uctob«r  30,  190S,  he  exieeut«d  eja4  delivered  a  ehec^  to  tiie 
order  of  ^lUiaw  r,  i-ii&»,  attorney  for  %h(^  def^«u«r,ts,  fcr 
|sliSd,8C,   an4  Uiet  lifter,  ir«  fc^&y,  iS^O?,  C.  «,  isortou  a^uxn 
etttted  to   the  pleiintlff  tiiat   tiiey  were  istxll   in  traut^le  grow 
lag  ottt  of  tlie  lumber  venture  Ir  i«l»oon3l2i;    Uutt  h«,  lorton, 
wanted  to  &tike  a  4lTldend  aaiong  the  otfcier*  irttf^rested  In  the 
land,   ana  ftaked  plaintiff  to  i«t  aisi  ^aire  ilO«0  a»  «  loan  If 
the  deal  then  pending  did  not  go   throuj^i    ^^^^  th«sreupon 
plaintiff  delivered  to  defendaiat  hlu  eiioox  for  $lQt^Q^  ys^y title 
to  the  order  of  ifilllea  E,  fcoea,  d»t«d     »y  21,  1907,     i  lain- 
tiff*e  teatljsBony  aa  to  thie  oonveraation  «?aa  denied  by  tor- 
ton.     IlaiRtiff  also  teatifi«d  Uriet  he  never  took  posaeasioa 
of  the  preaieea  deecribed  in  the  totohsr  31,  l»Oi>,  contract, 
Bor  did  he  exereiae  any  rights  therein,  and  tlmt  he  never  re* 
oeived  the  ooni»ent  of   the  lorth  M»can<ain  }.imheT  CoEipany  to 
the  aaaigineient  to  his  of  co«traot     a,   527,   aa  provided  by  tirie 
teroa  of  the  t  ctober  Slet  contract. 

It  vtwi  cl&i&;k«d  by  tliO  d&fenaa:.ta  XJa&i  j^aughlin, 
the  plaintiff,  waived  the  prooureisent  by  the  defendnnta  of 

the  con^kent  of  the  !iorth  t^iitconsin  i.U6^ber  Cois^pnny  to  thia 

aaalf^ntsent,   and  agreed  to  attend  to   that  matter  pf-raoitslly, 

and  tjctat.  the  Intereat  of  all  the  partiea  Ir^  %ne  Innda  dea* 

•   #4  ht 


mdi  *Q«o  at  ci»oi 

•d9   c 

■  «A   Mlt  vol 


•ilJ  ai  JHi#«»«*lr.i.  ifi^iauiro  ttili  2|oa«« 


19T9A    •;.: 

3  lb    Y«il 

arlb«d  ia  th«  oontraot  of  i.etober  31,  X90i>,  including  th« 
ahftreh<;;l(i«r«  of  t2i«  %fiB»«kKgoti  J^andl  h  i.iUEsboX'  Qampmiy,   vms  con* 
T«y«d  to  the  plaintiff. 

It  yma  furtiicr  oootftwded  on  Ui«  ff^irt  of  tha  de- 
fcm<Uunts  t;imt  l.aui;hlln  ^leoteU  to  «x«rcl8tt  kia  option  oont»in< 
«d  in  the  agrreement  of  January  ia»  19C  5»  out  of  wlxioi:^  the 
coatr«ot  of  l^tiy  6,  liJ>>  d,  ^ev. 

The  trial  eourt  In  reaohing  its  Ju4^y^e»t  found 
tliet  the  ^1891,^0  Mentioned  in  the  oontri^et  of  4njii\xu.ry  lo, 
1(K'&«  wfte  a  loftiT),  and  thei  the  burden  of  proving  payment 
thereof  v%»  on  the  defendants,  and  that  th&y  had  fji^iled  to 
euatain   that  burden,     The  eourt  hold  U.nt   tho  contract  of 
Ootober  31 «  19eS,   waa  not  fulfilled  b^   the  dit>feDaants;    thut 
the  plaintiff  iaui^ain  had  advanced  ^11^5,dl  to  apply  on  the 
contract  of  .  otober  51*   It' £>«  anci  Blm>  the  llOOO  loan  ef 
May  isil«  IK. 7 a   to  «^i:ly  on  that  contraet  if  it  tma  ever  cofli- 
|>leted;    t^iat  the  plaintiff  waa  entitled  to  int^reai.  on  the 
■UJB  of  ^ld91«9l>«   vjfjiiloh  amountrj^d  to  ^71V«  jsai^ini;  a  total  of 
$4755,12,     Ae  a^,ainat  tnia  amount*   thi!^  court  found  that  de- 
femiftnte  were  entitled  to  a  credit  of  #iio4fj,fe2,  nmsed  in  the 
contract  of  vay  6,  IS^U^S.,   with  lnt«reat»  aiaking,  a  total,  of 
|^2839«tf^»  and  leaving  a  balnnce  of  ^1&9&«2C'  £Ute  plaintiff. 

"upon  a  review  of  Uie  eviderioe,   we  are  yf  tiie 
opinion  that  the  loaii  of  $l»»l,«a  mentioned  in  the  contract 
•f  aeeign-^ent  of  Januiury  l£i»   19ca,  was  applied  on  the   .>avBge 
contract  kn&mi  in  th«»  record  ««  *  ontract  /  o,   53  «   in  the  exer- 
cise of   the  option  contained  in   the  aaai«;i<aient  contract  of 
January  16,  1906,  by  the  piwAntiff  laufealin,  prior    to  the 
contract  of  j-ey  6«  1905,  swid  ti*ist  by  atireessent  between  the 
plaintiff  LauKblin  and  dcfen^Jantt*  the  receipt  of  the  payu<.ent 
of  the  cueeJc  for   .1691.95  to  the  '  orth  wlaconeia  lumber 




Caapany,  with  $%^L   adviteoed  fey  4«fe«aRr.fc»,  and  «»♦ 
doraed  on  thu  coRimot  by  tfc»  Lutsfeer  Cfi»|!ak'jy,  wpearftted  as  a 
reXease  and  di»cii».r6&  of  th©  losiu*     l^y  the  ter.a»  of  tiie  con* 
trattt  of  January  le,   l'SK>5,  if  LaufeOiliii  «xerctiaeU  hi»  oi>tion 
to  buy  the  land  he  «na  to  s«alc«^  tbe  futuiMS  paj«s<>{iti»  au«  on 
th0  lend,  pay  the  aura  Of  $2046.62  wjd  r«lea*«  in  full  the 
jaOBeyo  b.y  his  adrrnced,  r.i5;.«ly,   tiie  iie9a»95,      XLe  «Tii«no« 
in  th«  record  ehovs,  w©  think,    that  ax'j»«littnt»  rftiaed  the 
fl^oujnt  of  monty  R«e«i»s)ary  and  uaed  I»»iii*lin*9  checi;  of 
s^l891.5*i),   and,   ts?itii  the  cson«y  and  csheok*  fia«<il«  th«  pa.vp«»t 
due  in  ^emui^ry  under  the  terf^n  of  tbe  oontriiot,   ujon  -augii- 
lin'e  iequ«»t  and  upon  iiia  afj-rci^c  e«t  t^;  take  an  fttsign%«Bt 
of  the  oontrnct,  or,   in  o trier  ^vorda,   to  exercise  hie  option. 
This  vm»  don«  in  th«  early  days  of  ?  «y  prior  to  th«  execu- 
tion of  the  May  6th  oontrttot.     'JThe  t^stizaony  of  I^oss  onA 
C,  h,  !4orton,    tai^«tuer  witii  the  «riting»«   ehew  tuat  thits  rnkM 
done  in  psjrtial  execution  of   the  e©etrsj«t  of  J»nu^-ry  lb, 
I9C5*     The  p&rol  tcetii^ofiy  offered  «nd  reoexved  on  this 
question  did  r>ot  tend  to  Vti^ry  or  oiiange  the  contrsot  ef 
il^ny  6ih.     It  showed  %hAt  wee  said  «»nd  done  by  the  p&rtiee 
under  and  in  execution  of   the  oontra^ot  of  .anuary  IH,   li)>&5« 
and  waa  competent  for  Uiat  f^urpoae  under  Uie  isiaues  in  the 
ctiee.     the  uianifeal*  previ^nder&^nce  of  the  evidi^ntie  on  this 
question  ia  with  appelXanta. 

on  the  iaaue  aa  to  f^iether  the  oontract  of     o* 
tober  ^1,  1^S»  waa  aubatantiaily  porfoz%:ied  on  tne  part  of 
def  e:idar  ta,   ve  thiuk  t^e  tindina  of  the  eourt  wau  a^ninat  the 
clear  weight  of  the  «vide»jce,      it  clearly  £%p«ea<rs  wlUiout  oon- 
troverey  in  %iie  uiriderioe  who  were  the  stockholders  of  the 
KaAekaiton  Land  4  Lunber  Cooipany,  and  that  they  corned  all   of 
the  otock.     All  of  tho  atocichol^Sera  (except  Clia  Kenyon)   and 

0      ^li 

iOf'n'.u    .j»r  s'^ 

the  oojapany  Itself  Joln*«S  in  r  tjuit  oifiir*  d«e4«   dftteii  ccto» 
bcr  Sit  19i>ft»   to  Uk9  plftintiff  l«ughlin.     titi^  <Stte4  ms  de« 
Xiv«x-«d  to  Lftuishlia,  a.n<X,  at  the  i»^«»  ti%®»  a  tK^ed  from  K«n* 
y»«  im»  delivfrod  tc  niia,     the  «Yld«Re<i'  *io©»  not  8i*ow  that 
di«f*ndftnt8  obtAin^d  or  iiitlirtfroA  to  thfl  plaintiff  tiie  coa* 
•«nt  of  th0  Korth  wiaeonelR  Ltaffib«r  Gomptm^  to  the  aaslgiment 
of  eontrnet  i.o.   i>H7  to  Lau(!^  lla,  oa  provided  by  ti5«  terma  of 
the  ooBtract.  of  ;  ctPto«sr  Si,   1905,     X'tow  protrunaj^nt  of  thi© 
oon^iotit,  ho-»«Ter»  imo  wnlreA,  as  eno7m»  %^y  the  olei^r  and 
direct  t#8tju»on>'  of  apj>«liArtta  and  of  i^ooe.     Against  thi« 
t«8tlft.ooy  1»  that  of  p3  »intiff ,  doryinif,  tiuftt  he  wtiJlTOd  the 
proeure&cint  of  the  eoitaent  by  defendn»t»  fttid  «^rQ^.  to  ob» 
%*in  it  lilisioelf,     a«  tnink  the  eleoj?-  weight  of  tur  evid^Kee 
on  Uiis  point  im^et  be  held  to  bf?  v.-ttii  doi'and^nto,     '#'«  regard 
the  l»w  »•  settled  io  thie  6tMte  that  ooirona<it«  ooatai^ed  in 
ttn  executory  eealed  oontmot  smy  bo  ^tilved  by  i^siirol  by  the 
party  for  rtioee  beisefit  t^ey  woro  laeerted,  provided  no  new 
•XOiKeut  or  ttenso  are  added;   and  the  party  tc  a  co6tri:^<et  eo 
waivioig  one  of  ite  tenut  or  eovenante  ^ill  be  estopped  to   In* 
elet  that  »u&h  aovenatit  im*  not  i>cMrfox%ed  by  the  other. 
(i»ockei:  v,  £ieei£er,  iif^j  ill,  ii7;  koeee  v.   ].ccais,  1&6  id, 
392&S   Terrell  v«  /orayth,  143.  id.   ZU,) 

?h«  plaintiff  laughlin,  «eeardin«  to  the  evi- 
dence elated  teat  he  ^ouici  attend  to  "jroouring  the  oenoent 
Of  l^e  s^orth  viaoonain  iuaber  Company  hibnoelf.     liy  this  af* 
fiwaative  eet  or  utntiment  on  hie  part,  he  iaaucad  the  do» 
fendaAte  to  b^lisre  tuat  a  striot  pftrforciimoe  of  the  covenani 
would  not  be  required  or  would  be   ^mi■7ed.     M«lying  upon  thla, 
the  defendant*  did  not  obtain  the  G«tni;ont  of  the  tuaiber  Co«* 
paniy  aa  they  isould  imv©  done.      It  wuld  be  a  fraud  upon  the 
Aaf andante  to  i,or**it  the  plaintiff  tc   tliuo  put  theja  off  their 

guard  and  X(»Ad  tii€)i&  mtc  tt£.:4tiixig  %g  imrt&vtut  ^u<i  Uiein,«<u«n 
it  la  too  lat«  for  Uxms  to  pex-fona,   in  si  at  Umti   Uicy  ii&T« 
f»i1iea  i(.   lc«ep  their  (fov«naj)t« 

I'here  is  ttotae  queatioa  oada  in  tii®  4»vld«iice  aa 
to  Y^jTieihtr  ftay  deed  trosik  y.tetiyon  ^oB-a  «v«r  deIiv«rod  Uo  Ui« 
plftlQtiff.     7ui»  «ri»»s  as  An  Infrzctoce  fr^is  plMliitiff  *» 
tetti^iGny  Umt  li#  had  d.«liv«r«d  to  ^  r,   Jon«ft»  of  eounattl 
f«r  y^lmintiff ,  «ai  the  d«f:d»  vhieh  he  r«eeiv«d  fl^os)  ilit  dtt<*- 
fimdartft  or  WillieBi  a.  kQ&nf^  t^nd  it  w»»  «t£rci«d  on  tlie  trial 
Uutt  if  Jen«»  took  the  witness  &tr..U4l  h^i  would  testify  thai 
h«  h«id  produced  in  aourt  All  deode  turned  om9X  \ty  th«  piain* 
tiff  to  hlffi  <:cuii3«l*     it  appeared  that  no  dood  fr^m  Ko&jroa 
wko  ftmone  Uie  p»p«r»«     the  teotiaxooy  of  ^r.  uoma     ia  direot 
emd  positivo  that  asicn^  tlio  pa}^6ro  he  doliv«r«d  tu  the  plain* 
tiff  wao  at  iiultociaiB  d«ed  of  >:«n;^>on  to  tho  pr^^jperty  deooribod 
in  the  ootobor  ecntraot.     if »  ho^&'evor,  a  q[uit»ci&ia>  dood  froft 
1^9&yoA  waa  not  obtaXaed.   it  «fomXd  not  lmT«>  boon  liuoi^  u  faiji« 
uro  on  the  p^%  of  defeKda«-ts  to  po^rforc^  Uteit  oontreict  aa 
ivould  hove  «fititled  tho  pl-f>^ii»t,iff  to  fete^ndori  or  reaoiad  th« 
iigir«««oat  and  roooTor  payment  a  s$ade  thoreon,     The  <&rif:inal 
oontraet,  ooneernins:  '"^ich  the  v..otober  ocntraot  vrstas  i^.a^e.  waa 
luielgnod  liy  Seva^Ot   the  oriRliifel  puroi-iatier,   o»  May  IJS»  1904» 
t«  t;*  li,  a«>d  H.  k'*  .Siorton,  and  ©n  Cototeor  25,  ISlCS,   the  s-jor- 
tons  aaalftned  and  tran»f«vred  all   their  righto  theroir*  to  tho 
pXaintiff,     llsilntiff  thereby  oOtMced  all   thi&t  it  ^oa  poe- 
oible  for  him  to  obtsiin,      ihe  ahnrtholdera  of  the  tiajsekogon 

I.eiid  4  Luarsber  Company  do  not  appear  to  have  h»d  aoy  rigi^its  in 

the  ooatrcMit.   and  deeda  fttm  them  «ev«  u^eieao  «tnd  of  no  legist. 


In  ordav  to  Juetify»ghiin  in  re»oindiiii^  the 
ountmot  «Jid  reeoverin/g  the  aonoy  paid,   defosjdanta  saust  have 


eontract,  ih«  oi»j«o«.  of  (.hr.  eontri>et  fRii»t  bave  l»««n  <lttfftAt«d 
or  renderad  im«.tUiin«ble  "by  d«fendi»nttt*  ml»odn4ttei  or  d«sfault. 
(»»intx  V,  Mafnar,  ?ti  ill,  27j    t.e»pol4  v,   rt«lkey»  e59  i<S,   412; 

on  Uika  'QU«st>a.«iia  «oR9id«re4*   »«  &r«$  of   the  opinion  t.j'^t  4«« 
f«ur;^aan1»9  8ub«t«tnti«rllj^  jporfai^aad  th«  ^  eiobor  SI »   19v'  5,   con* 
turaot*£i:llni  tb«r«ft«r«»  ti«»  no   rlgjifc  t©  r#oov«r  b»ok  t«.o 
||illS9«6<0,   the  aiaottBt  of  tki^  ahmtiik  pstyaibl^  to  uillimsi  H „  ioaa» 
(S«it««2  r«iob«»  &v  •  190S;   atid  it  follotto     fuHher  tkfti  6i%o  4tt« 
foedasito  ar«  dtititlod  to  rooovor  from  L»ur,i)lin  on  their  atit- 
9tX  iho  ooMi  of  $2i>46*<t2!«  proTidod  l>y  Uio  oontraot  of  Mny  6« 
1909 •   («  )i«  paid  to  aofominrita  by  plaintiff  with  ir.toroot* 
£'Of«n(i«nto  Ar«  a14o  exititlad  to  rooovor  tbe  mum  of  #l<ii>l«5i> 
ak^rood  to  bo  i^niA  by  |>laini&iff  to  dofondAiito  by  th«  eont:root 
of  Ciotobor  3X|  19  ij,  with  l»%«ro»i»  im.%  AjfXit  ii',  19Q6* 
i^^|i*IlOAt«  H'innnA^  in  tholr  atAtstso/it  of  #ot«off  nnd  in  Ui#ir 
briofo  tliot  4ir<peli,e«  is  onbitlod  %o  a  credit  agoinsit  tiu.«ao 
it4ttb»  of  ^ioco,  OAoa  ptiiA  i'.«y  ai«  1907,  witi'.  int^'jr^ot  Uioro- 

YJfco  4Uc.f;;toeiit  itt   li.«»r<»f''3r«  rotii-o^.d  audi  3u<5,t'i5«rist 
ii»  mifcxed  hma  co  »  fin<Uiiii  m  ft<var  of  appollflutto,   tiofonii* 
suTito  bolow*   (mC  i<.g«ii«st  £t.{vp0ll«e«   j^dnlnilff  b?-levr»  tox 
4-54ii7 ,  &« . 

9ti3  lit  am  ' 

Tj[«»*v.-    as    \Mt      "■*    ■ 

if&  .  ld4X£ 

Appellor,  ] 

▼  s. 

"^^Tlit  Court  tind9  taat  *«  Jaou«3jr:5'  -"lt#  iVv&,  «p«» 

And  henry  a,  Garten*   th«  auRi  of  ^l&i^l»95»  ijU«£iUo»ed  !;<  u 
o«rtfLin  contraot  o^  «ft«iligmi«nt  of  tucki.  <Ji&t»«  ^«tw««u  &£»• 

of  App«lXnnitt,  «»»  applied  iin  a  a«rtain  oontr^iot  for  tiie  |.ur« 


Jwoabor  UGopar^t  kuovc  en4  :&'«f$rr94  tg  i»  Ui«  i'eoord  au  c^on* 
traot  Kc«  &3>:''!   iliat  prior  to  i2i«  ti^mun^  of   u^e  euxttiract  '4ttt«& 

Mumtioncd*   said  tauglilin  tales t»«td  \q  avAiX  kiumelf  oi  uad  to 
•xerox  ••  \.h0  optioo  ij^Xywa  hi:a  in  Ui^  A&ai^uj^ent  ooutx'uot  af 
4imuftry  X6»  190  5 «  anil  tsv  purchaoo  tUe  ocntx-uot  £uia  wjft#  Xntidfli 
dOi^orib«4  therein;   c^«a  ii^i  ac»j»aid©rat»iGa  ih«rcoi'  and  o^la«» 
gooa  ftBd  VAluabXei'  ootiaidorjationa,   jj-pfi elite   :  nugJuXia  a^re«4  to 

Ami  thm  CqutX  ftoi'tii^r  flntiB  tiiat.  by  <&  «»»atr»ot 
in  f«rltiog  fentsrftd  into  on  l/'.ay  6»  lC>vt>,  ta«»  aj»paii««,  ..onry 
X>«  laucblia*  nt^rood  to  pny  appellant*  4t'2i046«6i^  (bttinn;  tJ»o 


Mwtmt  of  thm  e«sh  p&y»ent  mtich  %he  «pp«]iltuit»  had  su»<i«  on 
eotitra«t  ^o,  diSH;  «b«n  «li«y  aoqulred  It;   on  or  l>«for«  two 
yeflUTd  firott  tmd  »ft«r  lf»ay  6*  Ittub.  wlUi  int€ir«»t  ti^er«oa  «i 
tti*  t-Rt*  of  ft  per  o«nt  poir  m-imm  to  a»te  of  payaiontj   Uatt 
ikppelXanto  kopt  WKft  perfofued  tiieiir  iigiree.^ento  A»td  covenanta 
ie  cMaid  oontrMit  of  &ay  6*  I9:d»  but  oAld  »ppe3-l««  t  mie,i:kllii 
fftil«d  to  aake  ouci:^  i>a>'^9nt  of  |;i«lC46.B2,  or  any  part  th^ro* 
ofi   tb«t   i}«id  ii^]^«i3.e«  i  ttughXlB*  by  n.  oontract  erterod  into 
botwooo  hi&oelf  and  »i>peXlant»»   dated  <  otobor  51,   l$Oi>,  agrted 
to  pay  epp«lXantE»  ttxo  furth«r  aim  of  |XBM*3&  upon  ttoo  x>«v* 
fox«i«net  by  ai>i:;oXXantfi  cf  »aid  Xaot  aentioned  ooatfaet*  wnd 
also  to  aoeuao  and  pay  five  det^tfd  payuento  andor  a  oartain 
contraet  known  at  So,   S27«   datod  :iOir«»b«i^  6,   X9^3«   batwaaa 
ti«e  Morth  jiiaoonala  Lombor  iiosipsuy  and  Jotut  H*   aavago*  men» 
tlonad  (utd  referred  to  in  tJbe  oontraot  of  uotobcir  3X«   10v.&{ 
tbat  tne  first  of  aaid  deferred  payuente  feXX  due  Movas^ar 
6«   X9C/&,   Hud  li/^ountad  to  #lXiiid«&w»   and  ikai   aaid  appelXea 
dftXiv«>red  to  appftXlante  hi»  cheok,   dated     otober  &  *  X9<i>da 
for  ^XXSS«6u,  in  part  perfomanee  of  «iaid  a(iro«&f>nt  dated 
<}etober  3X«  X9<»5,  and  that  the  nnount  ao  adiranead  «a«  paid 
to  the  ^orth  ^iooonein  iAiabar  Cotapany  in  aatiaf action  of  tba 
aaid  payneat  due  ^oveeaber  6,  19^'-^t  en  eaid  contraet  So,  ti27t 
aad  appeXXee  £ms  notified  of  auobt  payment;   tnat  apr<^XXanta 
perforsMid  and  carried  out  said  ouatraot  of     etober  '61,  Xdi6» 
axeept  in  Uxe  !&atter  of  the  prooureo^ent  of  tbe  consent  of  tbe 
north  Wiaeonein  Lumber  CostpMny  to  the  aseigna:ent  to   i»ald  i^au^* 
Xla»  provided  for  tiierain;   tiaat  the  prooure^ent  of  tb^e  oonsant 
of  aaid  Lumber  Company  by  apps'Xlanto  uraa  waived  by  aaid     au^* 
liaj    that  the  totaX  aBtount  of  eaid  eusta  of  ^£046,32  and 
$X4&l»i^,   00  agreed  to  be  paid  by  aaid  apt^eXXee  taaghXin  to 
aaid  appeXXanto*    »ith  5  per  oent  interest   thereon  to  cuate, 

.1  miami 


09   felAfi    111 

^  bnm  TfmmXJi  oMw^fti 

«<*W«M  ' 




>ant«  to  #4865.56;   ttoat  tmi&  app«12«4»  Laughlln  ndviurtetd 
to  appellants  tho  awa  of  IIOC'C  on  Kay  SI,  1907,  ea  a  lo*n« 
«nd  thftt  said  loan,  with  intoz-ftftt  at  S  per  ottnt  t;n«rttcn  to 
dat««  «£3oui}t<»  td  ^I39&»  which  rtf^ount  appellant*  eonc«<ie  in 
t&0ir  ttt8it«tn«st  of  aet^off  Btid  in  Ui«ir  Isri «fii  fiicsd  h^^reio 
should  b«  credited  to  fti^palltstt  T.aughlifi;   tmd  ilie  Court  flndi 
tbftt  thero  itt  ft  bftlanoo  duo  &ppell«nto  frofi  app«ll«e  Laugihiin 
of  $S4a7«!»&  »rt«r  allowing:  oil  juat  credito,  ^^ 



5  902 


!eg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sev^th  day  of  April, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  Mndred  and  fourteen, 

ithin  and  for  the  Second  District  of  -^e  State  of  Illinois: 


Present--The   Hon.    DUANE   J.    CARNES,    Pressing   Justice. 

Hon.    DORRANCE    DIBELL,    Jujf.  ice. 

Hoh.  ,    .^stice 

CHRISTOPHER    C.    DUFF^f   Clerk. 

J.    G\    MISCHKE,    Sli/riff. 

193I.A.  91 


BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  13th  day 
of  October,  A.  D.  1914,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 

AiAddmHA  aHT  '^0  ua: 

V  0  ■  ■ 

ni    :;  :•  I  r  :     "     ■ 

No.  5902  ^ 

Jennie  Mahlstedt,  Executrix  of  the 
Last  V'ill  and  Testament  of  Laniel  , 
i'ahlstedt,  Ueceased, 

Ideal  Lighting  Company, ! 


Q  p  i  T)  "i   rt  »> — - 

AppeHrant",,  Ideal  Lighting  Company,  was  a  corporation 
engaged  in  the  manufacture  for  sale  .among-ot-her  things--, 
of  gasoline  lighting  and  heating  systems,    Daniel 
i'ahlstedt,  husband  of  appellee,  a  farmer,    '■^hiteside 
Brothers  were  merchants,  and  fi.  Busier  was  a  salesman  for 

Ob  y.ay  l&'^--3r93rl  ,,a  pellant ,  at  its  factory,  delivered 
to  ittahlstedt  a  lighting  and  heating  outfit  for  Imfetallation 

In  hi  s  fprra  house,  pursuant  to  an  arrangement  that  had  been 
made  with  him  by  Busier  ,  and  sent  Vihiteside  Brothers  an 
invoice  of  the  Items  "Sold  to  Dan  Mahlstedt  and  charged  to 
?;hiteside  Brothers",  with  a  Iwtter  saying,  "We  trust  ^ou 
will  lose  no  time  in  installing  the  outfit  for  our  cus- 
tomer".   The  arrangement  v?aG  that  Vhiteside  lirotners  should 
furnish  some  necessary  material  for  the  installation  and 
attend  to  the  work,  and  that  appellant  would  send  an  eflipert 
to  help  on  the  last  day  of  the  vork  and  to  start  the  plant. 
The  work  was  started  by  one  of  the  '.ihiteside  brothers  ©«-*- 
■=r44ay,  and  Moong  other  thingadoae  that"  day  the  carburetter  ' 
and  a  gasoline  tank  wereplaced  in  a  hole  ■*»§  in  the  yard  20 

So  06       .Orx 

^v     :i:-!:*rro9x2   ,^b9teLdBM.  slcnsl' 
rnrtT  'to   ;trt9inBcfe«T  i>na   III'?  cfac 




— a— ©---i — a— L_c[ Q 

eliXBOcMiiA  .iSHTCBt  B  BBiv    ,89ll9q[qe  Ic   Jbnecfax'd   , :^ fee ;^ side 

lo'i  rxemselea  s  saw  isleuK   .ii  baa   ,a;^n8rforr9m  eiew  eierlcfot^ 

.^Cfil Lb  :    8 
£)9i9vi:Xeii   ,vio;tcBt  ail   t&   ,  ;f  nail sq  8.^  X-£&^f--i^i-'' 

CCS  sieAtotS.  ^btsQildT  tase   J5ne   ,   isisuG  -^d  nlrf  rf*iw  gJbain 
oS-  J&a^^-sfldo  bna   iJ&a^^a/da'i  obC  o*  JbloS"     Bixod'i   sri;!  lo   ooicv" 

-S0O  "Xifo  tiol   tlliivo  an)   gxiillc;fani   al   emiJ  oa  a&oX   IIlw 

Jblxroda   aiaditoit!-  9i;Is9ulriV  &edi  c:ev;  i aesiB-zaBiie  a..  . 

baa  no  I  its  I  Ida  at  ed.i  ioTl  lalnsia.-a  ^sessoon  anioe  daimul 

ttoai^p  n.o  Jbn98   lilwov?  cfaallgqqa  iadi  baa   .ifiow  9rf;t   od"  baetie 

.txielq   9dJ   ;fTa;te    o*  Jbne   iio.v  ©d:}   lo  Tjafi   taal  Bdi  no  qled  ot 

-o^-tf^  eiedJo-xiJ  9t.J:s9^1d'ft   adJ  to   sno   ^jd   boi-xai^s   aBsr  jf-xow  9.- 

T9d^t9TirdijB0  9dJ-  ■^B&-:}-sdt-9ff©:&-a-3xrJtdit-T*'i*-o-8fife«e   one    .•^geJ^'v 

OH  b-za^  9di  nl -^iirir  slod  £=  nl  £908lq9iew  3lnj8;t  aniloasg  a  fina 

or  30  feet  from  the  building,  ^hereif  uncovered , tiaey  v,fOuld 


be  exposed  to  the  direct  rays  of  the  sun.    Busier  came  f^J  yuu<:. 
-3aturt\ay  morning  awid-  stayed  all  day  ^active  in  the  work. 
The  system  was  started  in  the  evening  on  Buster's  suggest*. 
ion  and  Mrs,  iviahlstedt  used  it  in  getting  supper.   There 
was  something  more  to  be  done  and  iJusier  and  Whiteside  left 
vwith  the  intention  that  Whiteside  should  re  turn ,  ^oiid«k^  and 
complete  the  work,  /  The  tank  and  carburetter  were  left  uncov 

ered/--fHsd  should  have  been  covered  before  using  the  plant  in 

daylight  to  prevent  heating  from  the   sun*s  rays.        The 
next  day,   Sunday,  was  a  bright,   hot  day;   the   family  used  the 

plant  and  towards  night  were  unable  to  light  a  burner,   and 
Mahlstedt  going  into  the  basement   of  his  house     to  investiga^ 

and  lighting  a  match,  was  fatally  injured  by  an  explosion 
of  gas, 

jli;pelle9-a«  hi-9  exeoutor,   brought—^Me  action  to 
r-coovcr  for~hl^i3[:ga1rh;--^ad-fiied-  a  declaration,   in  Case; 
■ohorging  amofig  -ot^her  th-in^rs-"  rhat  at<t>«llant  agreed  "to 
-fn rn  1  atw-aB4  -install ,-  under  the  supervtslTan"  of  one   of  its 
experts,  a  lighting  and  heating  sustera  for  ^Mhlatedt, 

fcll-«»e,    (dasoribing  it)  g   and   informed,  i«iiahlst«dt 
-in  condition  to  be -»p»gHt^d;      that  an  air -pipe  was 
nat.  praperly^looa4«d~«Bd  e%u-ipi)€d ;    -that  the  eerbu,re't^«-r- -and 
pipe  ware  improperly     placed  and  left  uncovered;    and  that 
BO-  expert- wjta-fttgBiabed-  to  inspect   Llxe   system  and  put   it    in 
.  Pjp.fe.r:ation;._that  Busier  acted  for  ai>peiiant   in  that   capacity, 
and  informed  ii**hlated:t  ijiwrtrirhe  syslreTE  Tra*-  properly     inBtalleda 

and   in  condition  to  use;    but   thyt   Busier  war  not   an  expert, 
and  Mahlstedt  having  no  knoiwledge   of  that   fact,    or  of  the 
aefects  in  the   system,   attempted   to  use   it,    resulting   in  the  Talaifd  .cjre   ©lij   lo  s^jst  tootlb  ©riJ  oJ  Jbeaocfrs  ^cf 

m.iti»^-gsm  8'i6^axr£.  ao  grrlaeve  eri  --ej^a   sew  meta^e  9i£T 

.  :3q:q!:r8' grfid'd'©^  al   tl   boBi:  *Jbe+aIrfjBM   ,ail£  baa  t 
crt:©!     ailaealrlW  f)flfi  isiairtt  btiR  9aob  e  ora  snld^eoioa  fc 

ba&  ^»d»^«i^ mir;t9i  JDlxroda     eJ&iae^fliiW  7sx1j  aoiiaeiat  6di  tic 
ipooKir  cflal  Qisvf  istiBtudisQ  baa.  ikie:f  exiT  ^    .atiow  arid"  etfalqmoo 
al   iaaLq,  9di  Qflisxr  ero'^ad  ■fretsToo  need  9V&d  blvoAB  bttff-^  bs'i 
'  moil   ^tiBBd  ia:9\-.  :^d^l£\i: 

9di  baern  ^ixmai  ,  ,  \jfsi)xixfc;    «^ei>  Ixexi 

has   ^reatad  e  (tti^i  igxn  Bbiamoi  bas  fasr 

^«5lt89vnl   o;f     asfforf  aid  lo  wxieaisB  oJai  yriog  tJ&9i"8lxt6ii 

floiaolqxe  ns  Tjcf  b&ialal  -^LletB^  ea#   ,xio*«n  «  ■^aiid'glL  Jbn 

-  iil-fccB- ; rf':ffiBt  •  e tit  toI  ^oToeo^ 

c*    ^ov..  V.  iixiilTQc'i^   Jiiil':j''~8^rtfritf  •n:«A1^o•-^ft©ta»-8f^ls'^erie- 
(JixaJCiii.^  =),+8j:fa' 8fii#««xt- £>£ie- ■gfli^d^iJ:  ja.  ,alaaqx9 
agfl  aq,tq-.q[.la.  Jia..<tt»  iOiUJuxoo  ax-  a  aw  J^i  .rtBff  J:- 

;  J&919TOOECX;  *1©I  bCLH  JUeauixj     ^I;:;^a<j^o'nxfli.t  "aiaw  aq^l 
.•s  ioa^a^  axiJ   ;t^x>aq8ixl.  o;t.  i>8x(8J;a^i/l  -e^^w- 4^9qxa.  on 
,  \tJ-lQji(ijjc.  J  *o"3U.ii9>^AB. 'i3i:ejafi,.V-eifJ_jiiox.JiLi5a.ft^ 

,, Hived  ibB^BidtiiL  haij. 
Qiii  ixx   jifliJJjjfeex    ,«ti   ©aw  oJ    iiaitqifiaaJft   ,m9;fa^B   &di  ai.  eioBt^ii 

-.«3H?3ro^tmr'ar«.~-ctmsHqtient-lTl7inT~*Satr~^      -  A  plea  of  the 
gRneral.-4&Bge-  wa-g  ^led,  arrd - « -^ttry  trial  resulted  In  a 
-verdict  ■  aa4— fftftfflgejyfc--for  |6gg8v— fro»-^yhleh--tM»-  appeal , 

7'hiteside  Brothers  had  .waaratofoya  purchased  similar 
lightingfeys terns  for  their  customers,  and  had  some,  btit  not 
iDuch,  experience  in  installing  them.    This  t^aasaotion 
was  hrought  aljout  by  Busier  applying  to  Whiteside  Brothers 
to  accompany  him  in  a  canvas  of  the  countrv  for  6nfr»B, 
wJaieh  one  of  them  vras  •4o4jag^,at  the  time  of  the  sale  in 
question.    vvhen  Mahlstedt  removed  the  machinery  from 
appellant's  factory,  heLaSESje^tly  did  not  know  whether  he 

was  buying  it  -©Tp^appellant  or  Whiteside  Brothers,  and, he  asked 

■^■. , 
whom  he  should  pay,  ««[  was  told  by  one  of  appellant's  offi- 
cers that  it  made  no  difference,  he  oould  pay  either  as  he 
pleased, '-'^►'^  .Wie  involoe^sent  to  IVhiteside  ^rothers  wa-s  subject 
to  a  commission  discount.    As  between  appellant  and 
W-h4-t e s ide-  Sro the r a  it  was  treated  as  the  sale  of  the  latter, 
and  the— Qf-AppeAl<uat- la-  ^rnlshing  Its  agent  Busier 
t©--eo-lteit  trade  in  that  territory  was  no  doubt  to  create 

r^   demand  for -it^y;od-9-to-1»e"fe-andl.-ed  by  Whiteside  Brothers  in 
tfefi- ordinary  course  of  their  business  as  retail  merchanst. 
It  is  contended  by   appellant  that  the  transaction  amounts 
only  to  a  sale  and  installation  of  the  plant  by  7,'hiteslde 
Brothers,  and  tJaixaioxe  it  •aBa^-t  l»e  liable  for  »Hy-  defectrin 
installation;  and  that  the  evidence  show d  no  defect  in 
the  machine  .that  would  make  it  liable  as  a  manufaeturer 

-eetlifti^-s^od-e -to -a  retailer,  for  an  injury  to  one  purchaser  fra 

bhe  unirrehagt.    v;e  are  of  the  opinion  that  the  evidence 
-ef.  the  whole-4;^ran8actlon  beginning  with,  the   conversation 

£   ai  ~i)«* lira ^-s   Ifi-i-s^-  ^4ft-«  Sofi    ,  JSwii^'eew -©«»ai-Xaxaxta:. 

ion  txrd   ,effloe   ^jsxi  jpijjB  ^ismod-auo  ilaxft  xo't   aciaite^jslsnli'iJ^i  l 

-■■ '  ■   ••J^  .-s;  ■'■'  •  '  r 

a*xsrftoi5  eilaeJJtrfW  o;t  grtlTilqqa     lateirS.  -^d  isjo6&  iii-^sioid  sb 

al   Blee   eriJ  ^o  oiali  9d^   2z^i^Xcjj  BUTftaedt  'io  sac  do^^ 

.noil  ^errJtrioBit;  edt  fievomei  tLeoBlxteiA  aeri>''  .aqi^pexrp 

s.-f  x,srl*9xlw  won:^  Jog  61:6  "^I'  3^'ejdt  .^otoat.  e'strrslieq-c.; 

j>9:^aa  ed  baa    .sierfJ^OTS.  Qbt.B»il:i:  ■    ' '^ '- b  ^l^«i^- i  I  jcl^wcf  B£ 

-iiio  a*jf£i<Bii#qg«  lo   ano  ■^d'    ..^.'.    u:  .^   t^fi'i   i>Xiroria   ei  nor: 

erf  ea  Tsriifi©  Tt«q  blaoo  ad     ,90iiei8'tliii  on  eLam  d"i   iBcid  eie: 

toeldisa  s^w  8'i9rfi'0'i^  96l8e;tlrf??  o;f  inea  ^90tornt   9^1.  ^     j  ,Jb9§a9l 

bae  ta»LJL&q]&  fl99w;^9rf  a^  ^iaisooalb  aoleQistcaQO  e   c 

rtalsx/S  Jae^  sii  -^aiAet^ufi  aj.  ■4u»£l»c^qA:!i<;^q:iaq■s^t~b€i■ 
9is^»'xo  oi  iiitob  oc  aaw  T^otJtii%9i-tBti>ii  al'9kBi4  iiiyi^icB^o.. 
at  aterf^oia  ebta^ttdV  x^  b^ibaadr^  -t^^'&bc^rSi:'9^]i~'tQ\-»aB^B»» 
.iattadot&a  Llai^r  ■es.i&Bealavd  iJt9xU  laH^B%«<M>  ■^•a«iiiia-a*i 
eJauoma  0.oid'oa8flai;t  9ff '    f^    "  rfttall9q_-ia  'id  .bginatrfoo  ax  J 
•£J:8e;tlxi\7  ^[d  *c«Iq  sfiw    ^c   ..wiJsIIeJ??"^    '-•-''  oJjbb  a  o^  110. 
fll.'.?o©*i96  iffla  10I  9idalX  «<f-t.G««»©  J'i   a^vv,^  -  ...j.j.j^  ^o«   ,ei9dio'xLi 
al  ioB'l&Jb  Of  poriH   9on9i)Jtv9  eria    d-adt  i>fla   iflol;^aXXe;Ja^j• 
ngiird'oeljcfflafls  .::  ,...    .,IdaiI  ti- ftstoE  Jbitiow-treri*,  enlrfoam  9iL 
err-^    -rc^Mjidsiijq  •fio  €«^  •^x;(,fli  US  ict   ,i9Xiaid=«i  a ct- sJboojf-^i'aWe:; 
joiS©iJlT8  'erl:j  tadt  aotatao  erict  io  eia  -&::■'        ..^ttmAotBi^r-^grii 

B0Xd-«gi9Va00      «.-   ■      'Irt-tii'      r^r.   f  r,n  r-ror       r.r,  ;    K. .,.-,.,..    f     -r.;,^r/-.,     a.-:.!      'H,- 

the  iBsta-llaMoa  of --bhe-ey-eteffl,    and  incltidlng  whst  was   said 
r-^eAr  th«  time-  ::>FChl  atadt-gat .  thje_pxop»r^  •fcliere , 
,._^xay-4Ha--#4«d-l^^-^h*t!^-fts- ^jetireren  -JtaMrslredt'  and 
■appellant,    it  was  the  appellant  and  not  VvhiteBide- Brothe-re  that 

lirstBl^r-tiie— sy^t-emj  irherefore-  -arppellamt 
i-a&j^^^ged-ie-  that-  &ap&frity.».  and  not  -merely  ee  a 
ttaB«f»et«pe^,--4tt-l't«  relation  to  -Mahlsrt^t  a««l  ooasequent 

Whateyer  may   be   th^ -fagT-flB  tcr-tfae  -pi aciag-  of  t he 
p-}  p««  pTAjna-wi y  ■n.y>.4^<i»Y>yf»Yyff-w y ,  /there  -i^  little   ouc st ion ,  that 
the  cause  of  the  accident  v/a=?  the  effect   of  the   sun's  heat  on  fe 

the  gasoline   in   the  cerburetter  during  t^.e--Jtay ,    Sunday,    and 
that   had   it  been  covered  before   it  v;as   so  heated  ^the   accident  ft 

would  not  have  happened,  V^hiteside     testified  that  when 

he  left   Saturday  night  he  told  Mahlstedt  that   it  must  be 
covered  before  using  to   prevent  heating  the  gasoline,    and 
that  Busier,   who  was   taking  part   in   the   conversation,    said  it 
would  not  make  much  difference.  I-f  this  ±s  trae-Jitafalgt^dt^nB, 

a;a0 ■  Het-fflb41-'fcy  ~frf- aaeh  eentributery  negligence  in  not  covering 

the   tank:  as  rould-defeat-a-reeeyea^i -l^-aay  be  -  that  -the 

a»t4on  of. heat  an  sHaQXjLixe -la-a-mattei   of  ooHiiBon  knowledge; 
but  that-^-fae  result  of  heatin«^  this  gasoline.  -l-»oftted  in  the 
yard  iiilght  be  to  let  gas  escape  into  the  cellar,  would  not 
be  known  to  a  man  Trot   fainlliar  with  the  working  of  the 

«y»te«t rhwrewas  sufficient  evidence  to   supisort  the 

oonolw»ioiL_tlxai:;  BuEler  was  acting  as  the  agent  of  aripeiiant 
in  control  of   the   installation,    and   that   he  assumed   to 
und^xatand  the  situation, .  and  that  Mahlstedt  nilght  reasonably^ 

tf  no  iBstl  a'flira  arfvt  ^o  to9Yt"  ^-v  *09fiiooa   siiJ^  to  esxreo  erlJ 

i  ;tfl©blooB  aii;J,  69;tB9xf  6b  bbw  tl   ©Totsd  jusievoo  seed  il  bad  ieAi 

ne.-iff  tBdt  bal^tiB^t     sblaeitd'f!         »f)ecfeqvi«il  svari.  Joe  Jblx/ow 

ad  Jsirra  *!   iedi  ibd^BLAeiJ^  blct  9ii  id-^ln  \;«I)'SifJfi£   ttsL  ed 

he  a.    .sfliloaes  erfi'  ^nltssrf  tcsverrq  ot  snlatr  sao'isd  fisievoo 

i'i  iilBB    ,noirf'eeT9vrroo  »Ktf  rrf  tTcq;  ^nlifBif  saw  o:iw  .laleirfi  d'Sild' 

aytiSg^f Asm  otnt^—gl-siil'J  "Il  .eorT9ie'i^i:5  doma  a-Aam  ioa  JiXcow 

*o«  Moow   .lalieo   art  I   o^ni   9<ieoe«-ti»tB  4^X.(lJ:.8XL_idalffl„£)5^^ 
'c  SirirjfTiow  -8rl-:r  rf;tJt«  trailienB't   d-on  p»W"  a,T5nt' nwucrrf' Bd 

;   t«xirt   btiB   ,fioii>eXX6^«ir,&fW  .^o-  ^£^4flO0  nl 

aet-ander  ills  advlcre-aadr  direction.      There  4-s  evidence   that 
•^usler   said  he  had  never  before  unstalled  a  plant,   but   it 
d!t>^4  not   appear  that  Mahlstedt   heard  him   say   it   or  knew  that 
fact,   aR4--4*-i«--tt»c»fitradiot^--tfeat  -the 'pttreh»se  was  made  on 
t  hft   Rtiif  •t^m'^TT!^--H»*'*^-*TT^^-"'^*»^"*^  «Mt>.>vx.a^.p>.fv,y-Mi^  an -expert   for  the 
wny>^    BnA-HihiJ-«^^t.  ^c^p  fl".  „'^91^>t  yndPT&tnod  h^y  ifiahlstedt   that 
j^bi teBJ^e-B-rothera  were  to  da  the— aiechanical  work ^  and  one 
of  them  d_l4  a  -part  of -lt~^  he  ha4  no  reaeen  to  suppose  he  was 
the-€xp€-rt  cont«»pla^ted ,   and'  might  reasonably  assttme  Snsier 
wiaa,   and  be  guided,  bywhat  he   said, 

Thwrfl  T?fts  a   suit  pp'^'^^^g  a«ainst- Wh-i t»«-ide  B^ro-ther s 
fey—the  sanre  injury,   and  their  interest  in  the  event  of 
this  attJrt-€tg:d-Tigtgrar"a6igire  that  the  liab-ility  &h«uld  rest 
an  appell-€Bat  rather  than  them  selves-,-     is  urged  as  a  reason  for 
jjisregarding-tjtei-g  teairifljooy^    -     Busier  died  before  -the 
tj4 al ,   aad  — tJae-  agent  of  appellant  who  delivered  the  apparatus 
te---MaM^.tedt--*kt--whe --faetery  was- 4i&tu«lif-ied  as  a  witness 
Jiecause   of  iLLs-ijatejeet-^-ftl-lr-ef-  whieh  -pa^t-  appall  ant  a 
hard  position  hs  to    proof  of  facts,   which  difficulty  his 
flLaTinaftl  -uiga  her^  with-  much  tact   and   earnestnesa;      and  we 
jH?e««»e-4rt- -wa^- ■also  jpresenteft  to  the  jnry  and  by  them 

^        TJrB'CJOtirt   at   the  request   of  appellant^ave 
try—a-mraber"  oT  what  is- known  as  cautionary  instruc- 
tions,   in -Wlilch  their  a,ttenticn  as.  fully  and-cXaarly 
d.ij;;«ct©d"to.-tJhAae..aon.siderAtiQn3.  as  the  law  permits. 
Ve  oannfrt-drlraregard   the  evidence  of  witnesses   nualifled  by 
l&w-to—te&t-t^-in  a  case  merely  because  they     had   a  motive  to 
distcxt  the  facts  and  the  opportunity  to  do   so  without     being 
contradicted,   and  vre   see  nothiog  in  the  record  from  which  we 

il   wJjd    ,ia»lq  e  Jusiiai'aiiir  aiolao  '\B\Ba  bBA  9A  btee  lelsv^ 

j-a^ac  x)i»»rfB  ^(^itXio'jtlX  *aJ  ^terW*  wrlsdii  "XBiir?Bir  frca->#4»ei  uiit- 
8xri'«i«<ig*  -©fti  i)!n-»yiiei&-erfir'^n«£id^a[«  lo  *ff»^»  •^i4-Aitt«~^-X*i- 
,8;tiBrxeq.wRX.ft4?..,S«,.^A0-  ;t4anaiU:srioo-.aec.iU-  o4^fea**4att5  "; 

oj-  ©Y^^i'oa*' a  6«4    ^%aii^ -©ax/f.o  >o   ^I-ei^ra  8a#6  a*  ni-j|g$^-*»^'-^-«#-'WBi 
^cclad     ;f«;oii*lJi„p^  jQjb  oi  Jij^icir^ioqcTO  edt  fiftR  8.toBl- a"fU  '*»odfs  !^' 

oseB-  say  the  juiy  -w«t^  «^-w»j?i?a»iye<i   in  creMting  such 
93ii  n  e n o.»— la  t fal g  case. 

Appellant  offered  the  widow  of  Busier  as  a  witness,   and 
she  v/as  permitted  to  testify  that    she  accompanied  her  husband 

to  the  Mahlstedt  farm  on  the;  cJaturday  in  question,   reaching 

there   some  tirr.e   before  noon    land  remaining  until  after 

supper.        She  vas  then  asked 'to   state  what   her  husband   said 

to  idahlstedt,   and  an  objection  to   the   question  was     sustained, 

when  counsel  stated  that  he;  proposed  to  show  by  the  witness 

that  on  the  arrival  of  Wr.  Uusier  at  the  Wahlstedt  farm  on 

Stay  2C,  1911,  he  informed  ilr,   TThiteside  and  Mr,  Mahlstedt 
that  he  had  coae  there  out  of  curiosity  to  see  the  install- 
ation of  that  machine  and  jJlant;   that  he  had  sold  numerous 
plants  and  never  yet  had  s^en  one  installed.   And  further 
to  show  by  the  witness  that  before  Busier  left  the  Mahlstedt 
farm  he  told  him,  Mahlsted-t,  not  to  use  that  plant  until  the 
plant  and  carburetter  and  pipes  had  been  covered  with  earth, 
The  court  held  the  witness/  incompetent  to  testify  to  those 
conversrtions.    She  was  mot  qualified  to  so  testify  by 
out  Statute,    It  is  provided  in  section  5  of  our  Act  on 
Evidence  and  Depositions  <  "That  nothing  in  this  section 
contained  shall  be  construed  to  authorize  or  permit  any  such 
husband  or  wife  to  testify  to  any  admissions  or  conversations 
of  the  other,  whether  made  by  him  to  her  or  by  her  to  him,  or 
by  either  to  third  persons,  except  in  suits  or  causes  between 
such  husband  and  wife,"      She  was  not  competent  at  the 
common  law  to  testify  toi admissions  cr  conversations  made 
by  her  husband  to  her  or  to  third  persons;   Baker  v.  Baker, 

239  111,  8S;   Donnan  v.  l)oonan,  2J>6  111/  Ml;   Abrahams  v. 


"icLis  sxxJLnififli^a  i>xi« ;   xiooa  eioled   &3d.i  Q"?*^ 

ibe^BlAeii   ,tlu  bne  9f)ls?^ '■'••      .  ,..-..-   ,  .-    ^.^ 

-.XIjB^anl   od:)-  ssa   cj  ^tic. -  .siQq  bad  ©d  ^JetiJ 

BSioiBBit'D    tic-    .5x.fl  erf   d'ait'-      :&:.  aalilo^jT.   ;?iii'J   Ic   aoiJ'ja 

tJisd'aXdail  edt  tlsl  rslairtl  siolsc  .-asntlw  edt  %6  woda   o. 

»       ,  ■■       ■    .     ■ 

erid-   Xt*nxr  txi«I'^  .>ajt;  o:t   ;tc,.T   ,  tB'5:^EIxlaJli[   ,.mirC   SIo;t   srf  .triij-. 

©aorfi'  oJ  Aj;!tl3-?=:!^  jrft  j^Xsil  JxuQO  srf 

iio    toA  Tiro   lo    a   HOl^fOS  .-'?Jj;t£j' 

noXtoes   aXJic^  r.i   afflrf:^o; 
doira  y,ae   ;ittnrx»q  10  sstroffttrrr 
anoi J"e8isTnco  ic  Bttolaslcr)  't  T^i-J  lir  to  biif      ■ 

no   ,«XJi  0*  Z0A  -^d  10  rt«/£  ,    sdJo  eii 

neewi^etf  aasirBo  lo  a^lxra  cl   tqaox©   .enoetsq   Mlrf*  ot  leriitla  vc 
e£t:J   i-B   tn.ai9qai.00  toa  b*w  ©ri8  v  tajE  frrflderrri  rfoi': 

a^sm  acoXtaaisTfTOo  to  snolaaimfif;  .    fset  oC 

xidi  oil-xo  lod  ocr  baadafsd  i©4  /^c 
.V  eiUBiljs--  .<3   \XXI  a&S    .flBfloocj:    .▼  nanflod      ;38    »XXI   e£. 

V-oolley,    243   111/   365.        Thte   exclusion  rests  on   the  grounds  of 

publicpolicy  independent   of  the   question  of  interest   of  the 
husband   in  the   suit. 

IL'he  widow  of  L'ahlstedt;   testified   in   the   case   and  was 
permitted,    over   the   objection  of  appellant,   to    testify  to 

various  facts,  but  not  to  conversations  of  her  husband  or 


to  any  material  suasxEZsxJditx  controverted  fact  that  she 
could  be  presumed  to  have  learned  by  means  of  the  rrtarriage 
relation  that  would  bring!  her  within  the  rule  announced  in 
Schreffler  v.  Chase,  245  ];ll/  395,  cited  by  counsel  for 
appellant,   7;e  find  no  other  question  arising  on  the 
admission  or  rejection  of  evidence  that  seeme  to  us  fca  of 
sufficient  importance  to  require  discussion. 

It  is  argued  that  Ifiahlstedt  should  have  known  there 
wasescaping  gas  in  !:he  cellar  and  therefore  was  guilty  of 
contributory  negligence  ip.   lighting  a  match,    ThatJt  v-as  a 
question  for  the  jury  ♦  •  The  Court  would  not  have  been 
warranted  in  directing  a  verdict  on  that  ground,   V'e  are 
not  inclined  to  disturb  t|ie  verdict  of  the  jury  on  that 
question  or  to  hold  that  ihe  Court  erred  ir,   adopting  their 
conclusion  that  he  v^as  in  the  exercise  of  ordinary  care  in 
so  doing,  ; 

Appellant  argues  earnestly  that  the  Court  errer  in  not, 
of  his  own  motion,  given  the  jury  instructions  as  to  Tpieetlons 
of  lawjLnvolved.    The  fielid  is  not  open  for  consideration  of 
the  necessity  and  propriety  of  such  a  rule  or  of  the 
construction  of  our  Statuie  relating  to  instructions.     It 
has  long  been  settled  lawjin  this  Statethat  the  Court  is  under 
no  such  duty.    It  is  said  in  The  People  v.  Luoas,  244  III. 

lo  r^-  aolsffloxo  JdT        ,ad5   \IIT  S*S   ,r.elLco*i 

.&i:v6  exf^^  a  I   baadsLrd 
SP--  .  joscfaJJlflJfi  1:0  •'ToB^w  sd'2 

r  ^Ixd-eto  ,J-n6ll9qq«  lo  fi(JJ-t09f,rfo  Oii.  ,68J'*±an:9C[ 

..(SQud.  i9il  lo  e£ioxi"Bei3vni.  on  iud  ,8J'oal  euoliar 

^axfj^^oal  Jbei"i9voii-aoo  KkxlxxxxxjEsx  I«ii8i'6ai-TSnB  ot 

e^siiifira  gri^.^o  exuBem  -^tf  Jberripei  everf  o*  bamttzetq^  ed  Jbliroo 

x^i  hdonuoaas  elsn   ©rf;t   nirfcfir  cTicf  JBIxrow  tadt     aoltalBi 

70l   leanxroo  \;cf  fiSylp   .SC^,  ?.^S   ,9earfO    .v  isIlleixfoS 

.    ;giijt8li«  ftoi*S9irp  TerfJ^c  ,;fafiIIeQ[q« 

'to  35:2  ajj-  0*  ©neas   tad::   -  ooiaalaiJbB 

♦flcieaxfOsijD  eitfsi  ^jaBi-xoqmt   J-Tsiollltra 

eitdt  smoni'  ev&d  LLxtoda  tbBiSilde^l  tadi  Pbd^ii 

Ic  x^^^"^  B'BV?  saolsasd;^  Jbaa  lalXeo  ad:   nl  sag  jnlqaoesaaTr 

9X8  9'!!       ,ofij;;oi3  d'arfJ^  cc   joIAiqv;  b  sfli#o»Tl6  nl   fisa-oBTifiw 

&sidi     no  -STtJ^t   ^f^-^  ^o   c^olfiaov  ©4*  <fiiX*aJt6  ot   Lsailoni    ton 

•xi^iii  -^aitqabB  xrx   fidiia  tix;  i &di  bLoA  ot  lo  noit^avp 

rrl   9-rBO  ijianiijio  lo  »aioT«x9  edi^  at  af  'olaulofloo 

.^iIojo   oa 

,Jon  nl  tsiTa  tiaoO  9di  imaLi  \iiiiBate.  *ti&Il9qq[A. 

8Col;fa9ffy  o#  ea  aflol^oin^aal  t51'  ,    ot&ota  ano  airf  lo 

lo  fl:ol*Bi«6laflOO  lol  as([o  ioz  ax   f>'(f9±l   r,  .    '^vlovnifwal  lo 

9dt  lo  TO  9lxn  a  done  lo     n^Vliqoin  l>nxi     -^j^^aaaoan  Bd& 

tj  .z'jottoirvfBat  oi  ■^ultAlB'i     Q^aintZ  lao  lo  ctoitoirtieaoo 

i&btw  ei   ;rij;;oO  arfrf   ied^B^ta^E,  airier  rrx'wal  X>9l:Jtea  xi9©d  gnol  earf 

.III  1^i'S    ,aBOx;J    .V  9lqoe<I  9dT  nl   i;iB3   ai   tl  .^;t;/X)  rfox;a    on 

603,  on  page  614  "This  Court  has  often  held  that  it  is  the 
i.nty   of  the  Court  to  pass  on  and  give  or  refuse  such  instru- 
ctions as  are  asked  by  the  parties,  and  that  a  party  cannot 
complain  of  the  failure  of  the  Court  to  give  an  instruction 
unles3  it  has  aeen.   prepared  and  tendered  for  that  purpose";   ad 
and  the  Court  adds  that  the  rule  is  the  same  in  ciitl  and 
criminal  cases.   Bumeroua  Instructions  were  given  for  the 
defendsuit  covering  every  questjion  it  saw  fit  to  present. 
The  Court  refused  one  instrucljlon  asked  hy  defendant  and 
modified  another,  "but  in  insttuction  given  at  its  instance, 
the  law  attempted  to  be  preseited  by  those  instructions  vras 
given  fa41y  and  fully,   ITo  cpmplalnt  is  made  of  instruct- 
ions given  for  plaintiff  and  no  other  error  argued  that 
seeiES  to  U3  to  reouiraiiscusslon« 

Finding  no  error  in  the  record  the  judgment  is  affirmed 

This  case  was  considered  and  decided  at  the  October  Term, 
1913,  and  the  preparations  of  the  opinion  has  been  delayed  by 
the  sickness  and  death  of  Mr.  Presiding  Justice  Whitney,  to 
whom  the  case  had  been  assigned  to  write  the  opinion. 

Gd3^  cx   Jl   ^y^Ai   tl&d  09..  cS  bixi:  -^gjiiq  no    . 

-ir^dani  doxre   sax/le-i   10   avi-^  iiri..  i*o  asj^-  -.uoL/   esi^i   to  i^uD 

toDSiSiO  \.tiBq  B   ^Bda  lea   ,B9ittBq,  •di  \C  ^.sjlee  9ia  bs  acoiio 

iiOltoirxiEni  rie   &v±s  o;t   d-ix;oO  -eAi  I0  qivUbI   9di  lo  nielqmoo 

fijD      ;"eeoc^rG   ;t£d;t  icl   fieaeMed   fma  ieifiqeiq  fleecf  eeri  ;tl  aaelr.- 

bcB  littt  at  qsibA   edi  at  elsn  srf*  ^Bdi  BbbB  &ivoO'9(ii  bsx.. 

.taessrrq  oi   itl  wbb   JJ-  f!0K"....t.    v.-^>j   ^...iievoo  tiieiftrielsfi 
fens  Jftfifinslsb  ^6  Be^tee  noilfonJeriJ:   sao   Sseden   izxrcO  sAT* 

-toxrr^tarrJ:  ^o  efisa  el  ■tateLqm^o  0"         .  ^Ilir^  fine  -^IAb^   aevi. 
Tfjprf^  fc9ir«-rfl  -roTTs  TarfJo  on  bOB  ^tl^TztBlrr  lo"!    nsvlr   aflol'" 

.ffOleBroBlfifeiJtirr'ST:   0^  aassa^' 

^smTxile  8l   tReavgbtrl   sriit  61000-r  dritf  nl  tcit©  or  gnibal'^. 

^arxsT  leflod'oO  sdu    era  b&bto&b  btiB  berebtaaoo  eaw  iseao  a±--(T 
^d  X)8-^el9l>  C9S(f  aerf  colclqo  ©ri;}  ^c  ajnoitBieqeiq  9df  bRB   ,SIGI 
0*   ,\;ec;fiilW  aoi^atrt  -gntblaer'i    .til  ^c  rfJ-eafi     bCR  BBsn-iotn  ^'d^^ 
.ctcinlqo   eri^t  stiTv?  0*   Berr^^las*  jn9«»d  fcsrl  seso   9A-*  mcdv 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  '''^"        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.   DuFFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  tor  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  iu  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  mj'  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  thirteenth 

day  of  October,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand    nine 

hundred  and  fourteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 





AT   A   TERM   OF    THE   APPELLATE    COlrflT, 



Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sfeventh  day  of  April, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  ni^  hundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  0/  the  State  of  Illinois: 

Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Preiiding-  Justice, 
i^^on.  DORRANCE  D I  BELL,  Justice. 

\  /^""19  3I.A.  10 


CHRISTOPHER  C.  DUFFY  ^f'  Clerk. 



J.  G.  MISCHi^E,  Sheriff. 



^  ^  /5t,^.oJ^     c^7A\l' 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  15th  day 
of  October,  A,  D.  1914,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
follov/ing,  to-wit; 


U  a. 

Uo.    5956, 

Sabatino  Magnan^,     appellee, 


Spring  Vallay  Coal  Company, 

/.f^     CL~r 

Opinion     by     DIBis:LL,J. 

The  Spring  Valley  Coal  Corcpany  operated  a  ,  mine  99 

thB.  lon^  -^on    rinn   gt -F-ft^l— rtl  ,    ]Y\  ?Trrmn   CattBty.      8Qbut"i-jie   ' 


'I  J 

MftgnanJ    worked  tfagretn  as   a  coal  miner.        'Jhero  wao  tt-maiia 

'kiiuv'.ii  ao  the  gain  sauth  wcot< S©«ms8---ox-_eiitxxei5^  »•*•--&«*»« d 

off  this  uiH'lii  buiith-iiwe^ Magnani '-B-jw>««-<»ic  wo-rkrng'-p-2:ace"'7;aB 

on  the   fii-st    1  l.jjitenti-j/    off  ilie -^rmrtir-tyea^.        On  August   29,   it 



'forked   t>i*«*e  without  his     "buddy". 

close   that  day  at   l.SO  x.   i.;.    Shortly  after   1   o'clock 

"^  entry   was  loaded.        he   api)lied  to   tiie 

The  mine  was  to 

»:.    the 
car  he  had  in 

driver  to  take  the  loaded  car  out,    so   that  ke  could   set   in  an 
empty   ana  begin  loading   it,   and  vas  informed  that   the   loaded 
car  would   not   be   taken  out   till   next  morning-    , he   could  not 
do  any   further  work  till   that    car  was  taken  out-        ae   thtrre^ 
fore  left   his  ffnt^ry^-aad   started  walking  in  the   Bouth  ■ffo.ot — 
entry  towards  the   shaft ^        7,'hoyo  the -««<»»h.-<>»«t ^^^yned -off  -the 
mai n  w p h . Xaslde^tJiifl^ &oxLth.  west  *ae  a  door  to  control 
t'i'»^-e4i?<^nlatiop  of  fcho   alg^---  -2«-0ee  paeeing  through — tirirfr-tl'CTfr 
and-gtJl^r^Hwwixd&_Ua*.-.£ftc*«ai;^thfi  .aoal-  -in  ^^t be  loalp  south  >e  st 
l^iN^^yJia?   "^   ''^''''^  decline,  A-lix±jamx±XKx^  ^  trip  o««.pa«^-# 

^^  of  a  driver  and   one  jr.ule  drawing  two   empty  cars,    e«»e--Hrt*wT^ 
th«(  door  and   otQ3rted  down    the--deci-lne^;        i'here   was'  no   brake     /. 
and   the   driver  hid  no    sprags   and   could  do  nothing  to   lessen  the 


.3563    .1 

'       ,  \-ncqnoO   laoO  •\^BlIflV  ^niic 

.L.JJXCia     ^jcf     noinlqO 

BB'.V  aSfirftr  ^ifcrtjitow   io  jskkt*— e-*-i«ft-rt*«*5 v*»««^-tHrrcB~rrtB3r-3:^-(MH 

•''■•    •■.■"■\      \^ 

eiit    .*— .'r  jiooJLD»o  I  laJla  -^jlcrioric    .  c*  .  "^    '  -  \Bb  :fsdf  ^aoJ 

8uJ    oJ  i)9ilqqa   eii        .babaoi  ^....    >,t-.ij    «j-s?ti4  rci:   bad  oil  ije 

63i)uoi   9au    J'adit   i)9jn.olni:  eflv  bna   ,cli   :^nibaoI  rriged  r)nfl  ^Jqa 

ioa  Jbixroo  ad,    ,3rrixii0:ii  ixen  LLli   ino  najfa;?  scf  ;^ofl  .filrow  t« 

-•grpwW  B^        ,tt'0   creiBCf  ?.£?  lao   itsAi   LLtt  3fio-T  Toii-irt   •^fia   c 

lOi'TfioiJ' 0  J  -TOO 6  »•  -a^Bw  i'&.a-*- Miiii;'aa.-ad J.  .aiuaxu-  law-V-****-  <taa.x  gtii 
^I'Olr^fwi-*— rf§HOiE«l;*"-3»i6ae?  ^ffo  -^ r«f^  o lio  !■ » -  go i ^  Jgo^l-a-erftf 

b  fegQ<qa»iB  qlnj-     ■pr*r»*faM-qf«^at'-  A.  ^enilosl)  qtarfa  a  sb.v  aTsrl* 

;     STffiicf  on  *eaw  ?-t9riT        .-grri: Itmfe  -8rf»"gw<>^-d»»^M»^- bmJ  loofe  TtJ 


:ij  nssael  o3-  scin^on   ct   Jbluoo  bna  s^atqe    on   ^'"i   T«vfTh   «:[>:   5a 

speed  of  the   car,    eaccept  with  his   feet,   and  he   could  not 
by  his   foot   impede   the  motion  of  the  car  to  any  great  extent, 
xlhexa^^e^?* ,    in  going     down  the   incline   the  head   oar  ran 
against   the  mule   and  the  mule   ran  rapidly  to  keep  out   of  the 
way  of  the   car,        After  jlagnani   started   towards   the    shaft   iit 
the  main  oouth  ireoliT  his  light y>'gargi-e4o-J3r  hi u  oa^.  went   out. 
he    sa-w   the   car  coming,    but   because  hi3  light  was  out,    "Che 
driver  could  not   and  aid  not    see  hizii   till   just    oefore    the      trip 

reached  him,       ".hen  iilagnani   saw   the  car  coming  and  knew 
that  his  light  was  out,  he   started  running  from  tne  car  and 
going   from   side   to    side   of  the   entry,    »viden'fr^y   seeking   for    C\„ 
**«  place ^  of  refuge  providod   ay   Oeetioa  lr5.-H3|l''tr:f-~thyjS:c1r  of 
■-f>riij   1,    1911,    uuiitiCTitlijfe,  i.lifi(j!j  and  Miner^^    ,    ne     was  unable 
to    finr!    a-plaoo   of-refttgc,   and  the   entry  was   so  narrow     that 
the   car  could  not   pass  him,    and  when  the  driver   saw  him  just 
in   front   of  the  mule   it  v/as  too   late   for  the   driver  to   do 
anything  to   stop.  V:hile   running,  Magnani   struck  his  nead 

a.?ainst   a  lov/  place    in   t}.e   roof  and  was  knocked  down  and 
run  over  by  one  or  both  of  the   oara*-""'^    .i^aoh' ■■og.p4»y^"««r 
fflfni,;;]iori    1  SCO -or  1.600   pottado, — So  bono o  -were  -brokea ,   but-  he 
*a-s.  seriously  Injured   in  vnriawo  '¥ay»,-i!ietaeee3-aary  -to-be 

doocribed. lie  waa  in  attuajji  tal-^fo r -w  tltn'-r"'^ arfd  '-vras 

ti-g-alod  Hi  hra'lfU'iiie  lay  <*  jfjii^aiciaii -fog-  a  iang  ^Were,- -bti* -rras 
unable   to  mork  for  ono  year }--^Hfteh-g:t- 'the--^i:B>«~-fr£--titfr-4j:lal-,    in 
-y««nayyT~1914.,   h»  was -«t41-3iauffftring,jCrxu&^tJM^-iBbj^gy7i He 

f n r  .^a i  (i    i  Qj.]irJl^ 8 , .  and  f  ilad..  aa--»»igitrar3r-  deelargtlotr    and 
aeLdlti-»Bfil  nnnn,t.a-J3JUl. . siEeri^me.a.ta  x*tere1w  end- sxtcrVtrer 
add  it  ieaal  -oeuntir '     Some-  o  f-ttrr  COTIBTs  "cTiarge^ngr^'tl-fttlr-^rle'- 
1  at  ion  of  the-  et»tttte  and  trthers  coinno-tt  law-  aagligonee. 


olrroo  •A  baa    .cfsel  ttld  dtlw  *qeoa©    ,tJBO  sri*  lo  iseqa 
,;?iidJAi»   Jjsd'xs  ^j;ru3   of   iBO  9di  "to  uoJtjTc  aaqml    J-ool   ei.'' 

eri^  lo  Jlo  iisei  oi  \l.htqM'.  ^ma  eiLi  jboc  ^Issta  9d^   i'snlssa 

-»i   cMarfB   adi  afiiewo^  i38;ti.  .cao  exl;f  lo  ybw 

,txjo  ;tiiew  .^^do -»-M  •ao^i'Kctis  ^  i_i;-,i^  ix*4   ,^^3v;  eU^toH-'atan  ea^ 

8jio    (jj;/u  $sw  td:glL  ^td  9atisaoBc  cxliuoo  i«9  a.'Icf  wsa   sii 

qjtij     3d^.  siotQcf  t&ssl  liiS  sntd  asa   JOii  ^lv  Jjca  ;fott  .Jjlxrod  talhittS- 

tsiJt  ^xH-  W3a  -f9VliJ&  aiicr  rteflw  Jtoe-  ,aiiri  aeeq  .v^on  JjIjjoo  tso  ad*. 

oi)  (»;r  levitb  oiid- nol   s^fal  oo;f  ;  °  ■•    ^'    -^[r-r**^  id   ictcnl  at 

b&<>d  a  Jut  ilotrxjta  Xtma-%^1*^  .sclonir:  .qtoJ-s  o*  3nirf*ic«a 

^H»e.  -^i^ffMO-  .r.r-~  **s,B130    6.1?    Ic    rf^Crf    TO    9^0    Tjtf    19V0    rUTX 

......  Urnr -^-sai^-^fio-i -*  ««.>-Tir±rrrflH5s*'i -  ii-^ie«f"9!ttOTl  U'til   Jw  JDorAJtif- 

a  53l(5i5Tr Tsi V?ro*ST  1H  ■'T^D'tnrrs'-  -H trt  -!hrr.t«:gs"-»ira  aietit -^t-f-gtw^rf 
had     iio'ttBTtrf^r»j&-:-fBtr±^i*e.  oa^liaXil  J&«ft . , 8 tXXJitiix JULaaL-XflJ 

Issues  of  fact  v.ere  joined  ofa   irostof  these  counts  and  there 
was  a  jury  trial.   At  the  close  of  plaintiff's  evidence 
plaintiff  dismissed  his  suit! as  to  all  of  the  declaration 
except  the  first  additional  count.   Certain  evidence  was 
excluded  by  safgument ,    Iher^  was  a  verdict  for  plaintiff, 
assessing  his  damages  at  $l^pOO.  ^otions  for  a  new  trial 
an  din  arrest  of  judgment  wejredenied.   Plaintiff  had 
Judgment  on  the  verdict  and  kefendant  appeals  thBPBfrom, 
The  first  additional icount  alleged  that  the  mine 
examinerwil fully  fained  to  comply  with  various  requirements 
of  the  statute,  and  among  these  charged  the  wilful  failure 
to  inspect  all  places  where  qisn  were  required  to  pass  in 
the  performance  of  their  dutjfig  and  to  observe  whetner  there 
was  any  dangerous  roof  or  dargerous  obstructions  in  roadways 
and  in  the  roadway -^fere-oaiAtaHA  wllfal^  fallnre  to  place  a  q^ 

"onHrirmnnff -iwrh  'iV'''i(;  ""!'^  f iTgH^by-M-f  tu^-.A^m^ji^'w^Yrr*   roof 
8«4 — wil fair— failure  to  molio  a-yeeegA-y— e^e.   The  proof 
introduced  by  plaintiff  tended  to  show  thpt  t**e  roadway 
had  been  brushed  from  the  outside  in  for  a  certain  distance 
and  then  at  the  place  where  plaintiff  struck  his  head  against 
the  roof  the  brushing  had  ceased  and  that  there  was  a  sharp 
drop  in  the  height  of  the  roof  and  that  plaintiff  struck 
his  head  against  that.   i  itaa  a  oo  »•  f wT'-fibef  ertdrgrrf  i^ertl-gd  -  that 
tiliorr.  Tin   any  enoh  nhnrp  i  Imiiihii.'   iL«s»*4;.iiei.*s«.,  the  oral 
evidence  and  plat  introduced  by  the  defendant, showed  that 
40  feet  inside  tlie  entry  way  the  roof  was  7.3  feet  high  on 
the  right  hand  side  and  7.2  feet  high  o-i  the  left  hand  side, 
while  10  feet  further  on  it  was  4.2  feet  high  on   the  right 
and  5.1  feet  high  on  the  left,  showing  a  drop  in  the  roof 
somewhere  within  that  distance  of  10  feet  of  over  3  feet  on 

l^  i 

noi^at-eloeJb  eu  i^aeei^nQiB:  tttiale^ 

lalij-  weri  a  lol  aaolcJ'O*      .004,I|  ^s  aosBmai)  aid  •grxlsaeei 

.rno'x^«9ad;t  eXssqga  ;taai>rr8l9lJ  bas  tolbts'v  »rf*  no  j-flsoigfij: 
snitn  eil*  tariJ  Jbe^ella  tniroo'  tsaotttbhe  taill  aril 
8d-fc»raei±xrp»i  aixoliev  f(*iw  -^Xqcaofo  oJ  ibaaia^  ■^Iijrt:Xiw4eal!aB: 
©ifflial  Iiflllw  e.'tit  fiegtedo  ea^JdJ"  grroaia  fina   .©^xrleta  »dcr  to 
111  eeaq.  oiJ^  JbeTlup^T:  e:t©w  c.«e  9idii«r  adoalq   Ila  toaqaal  r-*- 
»iBd^  i©rl;t9r{w  aviaacfc  oi     i>ca  aajtitiii)  -ixsrl*  lo  •ocaimco'iioq  ei 
B^ewijsoi  nX  8aold"oia3-8do  avo-xs-^OBb  -xo  Ioot  auoi9;giia^  "^ca  sbw 

looi  ariKn'9^««&  -^rtf-tv:  -'^^H'n^T'  WifS^f jflCJXar*t««--ejxQjiaJujjBXLCLO 
liooiq-  9ilT       f^i^^^4rt^99f-«  9itogi  •«;^-0TgXJta^-IiftIiw--Jkfg 
XAVbaoj  ^Mt  ^erfd'  woda  oi  bebnsi  tliiatslq  y^  figowfioidr 
eonaJ"BJt^  ataix^o  a  "xol:  nl  aBxai^iro  pit  saoti  badanid  neod  bsd 
taaiBs^ii  hBQd  aX4     -iointa  %%ita.ialq^  eigxiw  sofiXq  9iivf    J-a  rrerf:^  .orra 
qiaxle  a  s^vy  qt;©!!^   (^ad;^  |)aa  Jjee^ao  Jbaxi  snXriaxnd  edJ  loo 
ioxndg  rtl-tfllaXq  .taiiJ^  iiaa  loo.T:,»<i;t  lo  i'dgled  ed;t  nl  qo' 
i stir -fmtTPertr tT3^!Tfi\'9-b- -T9t'-'»9« s^»£^l >i'       .texiJ   teaie-^B  Jbasri  aJ 
Xarto  erl;)'   ,.B.a».tftfUigfccvafc     •"I'tr^iiBd^  rj^edB  ^iMw  ;gfcA..^.p.A   9,rQB 
itarij-  &9W0fl8   inebnelsb  grlJ  y<^  i>90i;f)o,i;fni  ;faXq  bfia  eoaebi\ 
no  ilslxl  i-Qe.       .        t;-.v  "ioo'-  /  -^T^tna  »di  sbiaixi.   iaat  Oh 

,«J&lR  Marf  ;Msi  .2kd  ioa't  ^»^:  bna  obis  basd  id-^l. 

drl-tli  adi  ac  d-^ld  ios'l      .  1  co  i9iiJiul   ieal  OX  »XX 

A  sniffoxla    ,tlt  o  d-^ld  ^^eal   X.a  X:. 

no  d-se^  Ji  ■X3V0  lo   iJ'eot  QX  lo  aojoac^ei-Jb  ;faxi;t  atd&lw  a-iariwemv 

one    side   and   over   2  feet   on  the   other.      It-  iu  "8ontoada^.l;hat 
VaJglug   lliu  cviaenee-g^H:iTy-'ffitnesffigg----fyr--tffae 'p^^^  a s 

Lu    the   ylauu  yhejr« — pi aint i f f  f el-1-,-  -t^ti-»  plwta-    where  the 
roof  hr>fii    ^r^^+r■1T'•1trny■^TTnr>1^1Tn1r-■iT^^  th»-  place  wfe,«re  the 

plaJLrrtifX'  s.  jtiead  .Jaii— ■Wa^--»©'0^-r --  ~  2fce-»©  witHe»e«-s  "*-i«k-  not 
protond   to-h-avt)  fffeagflffla  tfle  tttgtrant:?e3-~franr^tiTe^-d'0<Mrt -no r 
tOn  know-  -gy»e-lee4y  "how-    f»»  liB"''Mtfr  ©atry  w^ky-it- W€i»--tkat  he 
^^;3s^        Plaintiff  testified   that   as  he   ran  to  get   away   from 

the  trip,  he  held  his  head  down  low,        ¥inere- lg"ti<!>  yaaa 

ideKi«>3r~"tff"-t!'*!'e  ovlffgHgH  (rf-rhe'"fgtt1r  -tsjieatified  to     Bfr  least 
by  two — witnoocwo  thn%   he'  did    atrilfe   hio  hoft&  i       t.  a  1  ow 

■pTnpp   ip   the  fngf   -fiTiii   ^hnrffliy   fgHlli  -in  farryat   nf  this  trip. 
There   is  no    statKita  defining  the  height  which  a 


roof  is  required  to  be  in  ST|ch  an  entry  way.    It  is  evident 
that  an  entry  way  can  be  so /low  as  to  be  dangerous  to  those 
//  employeAs who  are  required  1*  pass  back  and  forth  therein 
between  the  shaft  and  the  tlaceof  work,   Ve  think  it  the 
spirit  of  the  ilining  act  that  if  such  an  entry  way  is  so 
low  as  to  be  dangerous  to  employees  rightfully  travelling 
therein,  then  this  is  a  cohdition  which  is  required  to  be 

rcarked  and  to  be  removed, 
brushed  this  roof  to  about: 

It  is  clear  that  defendant  had 
the  place  where  plaintiff  struck 
his  head  and  fell  and  thai?  then  defendant  stopped  the 
brushing  of  the  roof,  and  that  this  was  a  considerable  time 
before  this  accident,    I?t  was  a  question  to  be  determined 
by  the  jury,  whether  tbio  roof  was  so  law  at  that  place  as 
to  constitute  a  dangerous  Condition,    Piazzi  v,  Kerens  - 
i^onnewald  Coal  Co,  262  I1X>  3C.     If  it  wps  a  dangerous 
condition,  then  it  war  thi   duty  of  defendant,  through  its 

It t>ir-v TOfrtr- tntT' moi^-^ voanTtcTtr irffT" TSVTUaTStl9l  » v gii-»»- ■  baoi »5cg 
exi  #a<<4-^aay^  ^A...%aw-'y^#<W'-'»ri^»-g^t  ^t^^  wpgat  o^ 

gggy ' og-^^jt"  ■  '■gf grf^r        ,woI  awoJb  f)B9.-l  slrf  6X9x1  9x£  ,q-ii*  Qdi- 

:     i:: i  .  ilsij  fi;fifrj>s*a   Ofl  al   ©lerfT 

^■09^1^9  al    ..  -         ,  •  .=  ./j;  oj-  I)©ii:irp9t  al  1:ooi 

98ori*   o;t  axroiegxiiji)  sd   ^:  ^   7,bw  '^i;J'a9  ne   :rerf:t 

Bdi  il  inMJ  eW       .iiow  lo90Blf  ©ilcT  bna  ;fleil8   erfj  negwd- 
oe   i-i:   i^:3.r     \;-r+r.3   aa.  do  ires  il   j-aid-  tf'oa  sninlM  9rf*  lo  ;t±:tiq9 

SxllIl9VflTd  xLLtfiid-uli  eas-^oi 
9tf  oi'  fi9Tlxrp6':' 
bad     tasbaBl 

9mtt  9i(l&t3biaac 

beainnaish  sd  oi  nc-ijaai;;.  b  sew  j 
88  eofili^  ^arld"  ja  w«I  03   aew  looi 

s;;o'i9sii«6  ©tf  o;f  as  wol 

da  oi  !tooi  aiild^  b9dein 

' '  "    Bfcfi   6«e  * 


i;tJ:f)rroo»  n  rroT ognafi  a  9d'0d'±i'artoo  ^ 

.  ■  ■     /^ "  '■ "    ,r--    ■■  -  0  "    5 lawgnno 


proper  officers,  to  cause  a  ^conspicuous  mark  to  be  placed 
thereat  and  to  make  a  report  thereof  in  the  book  kept  for 
that  purpose  and  to  permit  ao  coal  rriner  to  enter  there  until 
the  dangerous  condition  had  been  removed,  and  to  cause  ihe 
rootfeo  be  brushed  and  the  dftnger  to  be  recioved.    defendant 
did' none  of  these  things.   We  conclude  the  jury  were 
JTistified  in  finding  that  this  was  a  dangerous  conaition. 

defendant  introduood  in  evidence  a  rule  of  the 
company  requiring  miners  ^o  keep  off  the  hauling  ways  and 
away  from  the  shaft  bottom  during  working  hours  while  the 
mine  was  in  operation.    This  rule  was  ignored  in  an 
instruction  given  for  plaintiff.   Section  12  of  said  lining 
Act  provides  that  whenever  men  who  have  finished  their 
days  work  or  have  been  prevented  from  further  work,  shall 
come  to  the  bottom  to  be  h<iisted  out.  an  empty  cage  shall 
be  given  them  for  tlBt   puriose.   i^nother  section  of  the 
statute  provides  for  place^  of  refuge  at  the  sides  of  these 
passage  ways,  and  not  over  6C  feet  apart.   7.e  think  it 
clear  that  this  means  that  pen  may  lawfully  be  in  the 
passage  way  at  any  time  andj especially  when  they  have 
finsihed  their  work  or  havfe  been  prevented  from  further 
work.   The  operator  of  thejmine  could  not  lawfully  adopt 
a  rule  that  would  prevent  tjie  miner  from  exercising  the 
rights  given  him  by  the  statute.    IVe  hold  that  the  court 
did  not  err  in  ignoring  this  r^ile  of  the  company  in  its 
instructions.   If  plaintiff  was  negligent  in  disregarding 
this  rule,  that  would  not  bfe  a  defense  to  the  first  additional 
count,  under  which  this  recbvery  was  had. 

Instruction' So.  IP  f  cr-itrcn  q+  i-v,^ 

"  ^».    XL  .3  given  at  the  request  of  plaintiff 

i  * 


£1^^^  g.;  )j  T9fli£H  X«oo  Off  *Miiq.  ,Q:r  .J^««  saoi-iirg: 

.0  sXirx  X3  90ce£ii:v«  ai   i^ouboiiat   i-nefinet©^ 

Ili^vf  8-itrod  ^nltfYtW  BftlTtJifB  Ao-J-*©^     t'ierfB   sjiljcQ^.^  .-^fi'- 
-»TO^t  «Bir  ©i*n     atfTr  -     .eoiJQ-ssqo.iJi  saw  en  J 

lo'i  U9vl^  rroitoind-Br 
lied*  fierfeirrll  evsrl  ori*  tragi  i9v«fle.-Iw  JadJ  asbivoiq  *- 
IlBxie    ,iiow  larttTi,^  moil   f>9cta9v4iq   naed  9VBd  io  iiow.e'^:: 
Xleiia  8SB0  ic*<lffle  az   .*iro  fie^Ud  a^'  o:f  (itojiod  sdJ  o*  emoo 
eri*  10     noUo9a  i9ii*ofl/i        .  i04;;f«i.  .ri^T  aeviS  ^^ 

aaedJ  Io  eeJbls   9rf.   *b  9^x^91  ^o  ^soelq-col  E9i.xyoiq   e;fx;*s*8 

9.1:^   ni    9d  ^IIu^wbX  ^bw  csb*  JwriJ   ^^sem  eiiO    teriJ   isglp 

97x:ri  x,9dz  fl9rlw  ^Il8lO0Xi.-;  ^    ^^  ^jflw  9SBa8aq 

lerlJtXTl  fflo.i   B33it9V»iq   nsB,.  Xio.v  liaK*  f)9rfiean 

;tqoi.B  ^IIiftWBi  ^oa   Llirc.  -c   ac*.a-:f3qo  9dX     .  _.^o-^' 

9rii-     5ffJt3loi9X9  aioi'i   i^axu  ^;^r-"     -.-1;^  9lin; 

■    iisjoo  eriJ   ;fBrl;f  Mori  e  .y^^Jx^^y  a.^    >i^    "-^'^  ^^^"^S  ^*'^-" 

■iJl  Hi  .jfiBqinos  9riit  10.  oiirx  n^di  ^i-ioa-^/^      "   -"^^  *o^  ^' 

iBCOi^lfibB    ^S-Xn    9ri-^    Olt    3809^0.    C    -jCl    ^OH    M.:...     ...i:f     .bXXTX    ax... 

.Joflrf  aflw  ;tl9V(^GeT  etri*.  doXriw  :i9/>r  -   ,  'crr.n 

relating  to  tne  method  of  ascertainin/j  the  damages,  if 
they  fouud  plaintiff  entitled  to  recover,  told  the  jury 
anoag  other  things  that  thay  might  consider  v,-hether  the 
impairnient  of  plaintiff's  health  end  physical  condition 
"is  of  a  pei-manent  nature  or  otherwise,  and  if  you  believe 
from  the  evidence  that  sucl^  impairment  is  permanent ,  then 
you  may  consider  to  what  e:ttent,  if  shown  by  the  evidence," 
it  is  contended  that  there. | was  no  evidence  that  plaintiff's  in;^ 

Injuries  were  permanent  apd  therefore  this  instruction 
was  erroneous,    Ihe  injury  was  on  August  29,  1912, 
■^he  trial  began  of  January  21,  1914,    Plaintiff's  physician 
testified  thnt  shortly  before  the  trial  he  found  that 
plaintiff's  right  knee  wa(&  one-half  inch  larger  in  circum 
frence  than  the  left,  and  that  this  indicated  that  the 
inflammation  in  that  knee  from  which  he  had   suffered  still 
existed  there,  but  he  gave  it  as  his  opinion  that  in  6  or  8  »• 
months  it  would  be  normal,   This  indicated  that  there  was 
som&degree  of  permanance  iip  the  injury,    Ihe  jury  also 
saw  the  plaintiff  on  the  w|.tnes3  stand  and  might  be  able  to 
form  some  opinion  of  his  condition  from  his  appearance  before 
them.   The  instruction  alio  liiaited  their  consideration  to 
the  evidence,  and  did  not  tell  them  that  a  permanent  condit- 
ion existed.   V.'e  think  it; was  not  reversible  error  to  give 
this  instruction,  nor  do  w(b  find  any  reversible  error  in  the 
other  matters  suggested  by'  the  defendant, 
5he  judgment  iis  affirmed. 

1  • 

|pcu  a''ili;fnjtBiq  JbxIJ  ©orrsijivt  ca  saw  ari?  £)9i)a9d-i.too 

r*ol;foxn:f8nl  eicii  eio'lSTSdJ  :.6£LBJix9q;  9i9W  aalii/i, 

.SIi?!    ,es   ;fBxr3x;A  no  sx,.;  'i;i:i;^nj:   eril        .EXfoecoTTe  se?.' 
OBiols-^q  a'tllwxii*!  . -I?I   ,12  jrisTjoiiu  to  aueaao   Isti*  WiS-'^ 

a  i£iiJ   9cLJ   9io^9d  %L$ioA9  tf'di  b^t^ti-^ 

moiio  :■:.   -ra^-iGi  doal  llBil-gno  4bvv  gecoT  ;^4al*t  a'l^Jfcd-nlBlj; 

eiit  3"erf.J  ieitBOJtbxil  alxid'     i&A^    '        ,  tl9l  siii  oadi-  ©ortgil 

ILiia  JisielljjB     LBd  arl  riolrivr  moil   r^.w^  JBiivf  ni  aolizm'^&nRl 

•«  8  10  3  Hi  i-firfj   iioiiilq[o  aid  e£.-    "r   ""-       :^    *•'•■    ,  iieii;^  bQtat%e 

SB-.v  sieri;^' ^tedJ   r.^  t:-,,.j  .^  f   ,.  f- ■  _      ,,._^.^     _^,    ^.ucw  ^M  ed;^com 

obIb  V^wt  &^-  »<,ix.^,^u.    c.....    .ij.    ^onBABCHieq  lo  (peiyeJopr'^ 

oi  side  3d  ;J"ri3i:in  x>as  ba&ia  aaBaiXw ^d^  ao  ^.tlialBlci  edi   Ao... 

eiolsd  eoaBio9qqB  sxri  nioil  coiJlJ&nio  aid  ^o  nelfflqo  eoioa  rniol 

o*  ccl  J'BieJblanoo  ilariit     i)9.;MttxJ:  o^Xjb  aoJ:;^otn^8fll  »rlT        .oteitT 

-tlJbcoo   tff9ff«nrr9(j  b  iadt  m^dt  ll9t  Ion:  iiiJb  bas   ,eot:iebtv9  sit' 

97I3  oi^  10119  9ldlaiev9i  ton  aB?v'Ux  kaiii^t  9''!       ^betslxe  aof 

sdt  at  10119  9ldl2i9vsi  Tjaa  Jonll^*-  ob  10a   ,sioliou^iaat  aidi 

ttiiubns'lQb   sdt  \d  oa^fse^sxra   eisid'em  -39: 

STATE   OF  ILLINOIS,    )   ,, 

SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  ^'^^        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,    Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoinof  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  i-eeord  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  thirteenth 

day  of  October,  in  the  yeai'  of  our  Lord  one  thousand    nine 

hundred  and  fourteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 

^  ^ 

O      ,1) 


KJ   ^'O 



Beg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the*sixth  day  of  October, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nipxe   hundred  and  fourteen, 

within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 

Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Presiding-  Justice 

Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Justice. 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  ^justice. 
CHRISTOPHEk  C.  DUFFY /cierk.  J9  3  I«A«  -L4q 


J.  G.  MISCHKE,  Sheyiff 

A  ^  yi.'l  A 

(M/9-r  d 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-w^i  t : ''©h- ttte.„.,,64><"tfCy 
of  January,  A.  D,  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
fowllowing-,  to-wit: 


Henry  Boehning,  for  the  use  of  ) 

hinsaif  and  Connecticut  Fire   /  ^ 

Insurance  Company,     -ii       j  ^  i    }  J 

Defendant  m  Erior.  _^  i^;^^\/-, 

v«            ;  j      1  Error'  to  Kane 

Elgin,  joliet  &  Eastern  Railawy  i  r^L^'^ 


Company,  )  </Vv-pW-   iX   -t^CA  o'v  O  ^K^: 

plaintiff  in  Error,    )   f-/  ^  '[(fiOO^  A^    I 

-I  t 

"Orj^  1  n  i  »  n  J^-y^:fl: 


"VW-  '•^.•v^wji-fi;^::^^'^  'vv^-^^t^?--!:.  Co-^A.-^-a>'  d-<i,*lJ<l^><-A-*..  rh~*-   s-h)^-^ 

JPlaintiff  in  e-riJi'^  defendant  below,  t*e  Slglxi,  Joliet 

&  Saatern  pallway  Company,  herainafter  called  defendant,  owns 

and  cpara^t^a  a  belt  line  r- ilroad  -^xtendlns  frorr.  Joliet  to 

Waxike-ran,  Illinola,     It  croaaea  the  0/  M-  &"  St  ,P/  Ry^at 

Spaulding  a  few  milae  frorfl  Slgin  and  is  at  th..,t  point  a       h 

sinsls.  trs.ok  roa.d  running  about  north  ^rom  Spauldin^  and         ^> 

crosain'3  about  a  wile  north  at  nearly  a  ri;:ht  angle  by  a 

public  hii-h..ay.     Defendant  in  error,  plaintiff  hslow, 

^,enry  Boehning,  herelnefter  oalled  plaintiff,  owned  a  farm 

on  the  south  side  of  the  highway  east  o^  and  adjoining  the 

defendant's  right  of  way^  with  farm  buildings  located  about 

thraa  hundred  feet   from  defendant* a  track.  It    is  up-grade 

frort  apauldins  north  to  ard  for  some  distance  beyond  this 

point,  and  the  railway  track  is  below  the  natural  level  of    .^ 

the  ground  opposite  plaintiff's  premises.    At  about  sieven 

A.M.  November  37,  1907  there  was  a  strong  wind  from  the  south- 

'  \  ■  ' 

west  and  a  fire  start,ed  in  the  south  side  of  a  straw  stack  at 

a  point  »€*etr  or  eight  feet  from  the  ground  and  345  feet  east 






o*  .  *6iioI>  i-fcrte^aws-  b«oi-Jri~a-  Anil-  -iX«^-  5-©d^^T*qo  iaxLs 

lo   IsveX  Lsiut^a  »df  woXsd"  »*  i'ojBi*  y^wXlei  ori^f  f)njs   ^^fnioq 
ff^VsX^*   *.u-odj3  *A         .aeaiioaiq  «*mjnl«Xq  ©;tJt80qio  bauOTg  9di 

-rfi-jioe   erf  J  .aoi'i  bnlw  -gnoiiB  s  eav  Qiedt  ,V06x   ^VS  lacfiaevo^f  .H./l 

p  ' 

rf^B*e   ifae^  a^S  ^ne  fjnjjots  erf  J  moil   J-eel  *rf!S«  10  -«*vt&«   taioq  jb 

of  the  center  line  of  defendant's  track  tird   rssililted  in  the 

destruction  of  all  the  farm  "buildings.  Plaint  if  ipiuima 

that  the  firs  fRa  e«t  hy  3.  jpark  from  an  engine  of  def  endjxnt '  9 
and  he  brought  tliis  suit  to  recover  iamagee  for  t].e  looa,  and 
iad     vsrdict   and  judjiient    I'or    ;'76oo,».*^  in   the  co-art  Ijelow, 

The    fact:?    ao    far  *»  above-    atatcd  are  not   controverted, 

eithar    is   there  aiay  ejus  at  ion  to  the  v?.-lue   of  the  property 
Jeatroy';d,    or  aa  to  :;.ny  rulliig  of  the  court   on   the  evicience 
or  instruct  lone,    except    m  refusing  a  peremptory    instruct  ion 
direotinj  a  vsrdiot   ..■or  the  defendant,  We  axe  asked  to 

revarae  t>i9   judgiuent  without   recTianding  the  caae  solely  en  the 
ffround  that   the  verdict    is  not    supported  by  the  evidoncsjp.nd 
i;    is   insisted  thare    is  no   credible   avidence    th=t   the   fire 
wii.ia   set   by  an   en<?rlne,   because    it    i«   said  no   engine    .laased  the 

:et.iis3.s  at  a  tiraa  vthen  it   could  have   ao  caused  the  fire,   and 

if   it   h«td  s©  ijassed  it    is    ir'.possible   th^t    it   could  have  ,^ 

throvm  a  oindsr  or   spark  cjapable   of   settin;^  a  fire   !.h?.t  distan** 

jt  appeared  in   evidence   introduced  by  the  plaintiff  that 

5^        3 
the  onlw  people  on  t'.  a  premises  for  *$^  or  t^i-co  hours  before 

1)  i-o 

the  fire  were  a  housekeeper   in  the  dwelling  house  one- -hundred 

sHwt-tw»ft^  feet  north  of  the  straw  stack  and  plairtlff's  son 

tyglrtftfta-  years  old  working  with  t"  9  hired  man  about  the  farm; 

that  there  was  a  fire   in  the  kitchen  stove   in  the  dwelling 

house  and  no  other  fire  on  the  premises*  The   son,    Leenard 

Boehninj,   testified  th  t  he  and  the  hired  man  came  from  tv© 

field  to  the  barn  j.nd  the  hired  man  droveknto  the  basement 

to  do   some  work  taere, while  he,   the  boy,    stayed  outside  to 

shut  a  sa-te,    th  t   he  'vas  cutsets  abcvt  M4^  minutes  and     in 

the  vivinity  of  the   straw  stack  ard  noticed  no  fire  bi^the 

iii  gte^^^a;      X9V0097  oJf   Jitm  ail*  ;trf2?'/9^cf,.9<i  bn^ 

iJLbaoiTMi.a  iuQdil'w  tii^^bi.  ~  -n^vsi 

eioted  BTuod  ^^t^xAi  no  ~<^Sf$  ttol  asaJtaeTq  tJt  no  ^jXcipaq  lyXno  pdi 

x3sxbiK«f-#ftO  aai/od  anillewis  ©rfJ  ni   i8qa»3i88j:/orf  «  aiaw  ©lil  ad* 

iiOB   a'm^ljilq  bnA  ^(ojs^a  w.^tta  adjf  lo  rfJaon  Jael  -^fl-ftw^-^fte 

snJtXIewfi  ad*  nl  9Voi%  mdo^ti.  9:ii  al  Bill  s  8«w  ^i9dt  tJidi 
M^RceJ   ^ffoa   BdT  ,ee8im0Tq  ed*  rro  attil  tedd-o  o«-£Kn«  esji/od 

9^'A  fflo-xl  saiJBO  rt/JM  f>aiiri  ad*  baji  ad  *  dJ  tei"JX*ae*  ^gnlitdaoa 
in9ti\0B£d  %dt  oiaitvoib  nsis.  bsxld  ad^  Jt>n«  fnjBcT  ad*  o*  bL^Xt 
ot  eblatuo  b^'^&ia,  ^x^<^  ad*  .,«^  eXidw^ett&dv^  3(iov  amoa  o^^p^ 
rrt     !>«»  a«*junlm  ^V4  iifdda  etba*x/o  e^v   ad   if.od*   ^a*^j  «  ^^^^s 

ad,3l/rf^aTit  ont  fcaol*orp^l>ftjo  1ojs*b  wai^s  ad*  lo  ^^iaiviv  ad* 

'  3  1 

saw  a  freight  train  with  one   engine  and  t^enty-five  to  for'ty 
aar«^  eoxr-ing  north   f-roia  8i>aii dins  and  about   half    ray  fror. 
Spaulding  t^  'iho  high-.vay  croeeing,    that   it  waa  not  ooming  fast 
and  he  could  hear  a  heavy  exhanet  ^     and  see  smoke  coming  from 
the   stack  like  a  black  cloud;      that  he  went    into  the  barn 
where  the  hired  man  was  working  and  stayed  not  more  than 
M^tAflu  minutes, and  when  he  came  out  the   stack  was  on  fire; 
thir-t  hti  and  the  hired  nan  and  a  M»«  Brit  ton  who  drove   into 
the  yard^  tried  to   smother   the  /ire  with  blankets  and  v;ater 
but    in  a    '^ew  fcinutea   It    '■ot   so   hot   thev   had  to   abandon  that 
effort,  Thsrsi  is  w-nother  eakft  and  west   road  about -*^©- rr. ilea 

north  of  plaintiff's  premises.  John  Hartiuan  testified 

th.  t   he    is  a  farmer  and  at   the  time  of  the  fir^   lived  or.  trhia 
road 'a  little  over  half  a  mile  east   of     the  lins  of  defen^ 
dant*8  railroad;    that  he   saw  the  flre^   that  he   started  from 
his  home  about  t^fi-thJjrty  jf.M.  and  drove  west  towa^Pd-^  Eljjin 
and  stopped  about  «£x  rods  east  of  the  railroad  crossing  to 
let  a  northbound  freight  trair  pass,'  that  there  were  perhaps 
triftTfy- care  drawn  by  one  engins^with  a  lot  of  black  smoke 
coiiiing  out  vjf  the   en. ins;   that  he  felt  a  few  cinders  flying 
arourid  and  the  train  was  not  running     very  fast^   that  he 
drove   on  after  the  train  passed^anaL     when  about  ftS^^y  rode 
west   of  the  traok^he  looked  south  and  saw  a  lot  of  smoke  and 

in  a  few  minutes  saw  flames  from  plaintiff's  burning  buildings, 

still  .^  /-^ 

There    la  c^nother  east  and  west  highway  about  w©-  miles  farther 

north  "t^K/n^  crosses  defendant's  right  of  way  under  the  track. 

Dr.    Sha:i^  s    practicing  physician  of  Elgin^t/stlfled  that  he 

hf  1  for  son.Jyaara  prfcticed  in  the  vivinity    :f  piaintiff 's 

hoxu3  and  waa  well   acquaint  ad  with   that   part   of   the  country; 

tht.t   on  the  sit*«*ncon  of  the   :l'^\  of  the  fire  he  had  been 

;;  _      ,-  -  .    .       J.:      ,    ^.  :  -   ifToa   .^,\ 

moil   gnifflOD  62{OflW  ©9e  briib '     ;fejoriilx©  YVJS^rf  •*  sjBsrf  Jbluoo  eri 

rxad ''©rf*"'o*«f  "Jnew  arflfirfl      ifci/olo  io^lJf  Jb  siiX  iOB*e  erf* 

.;;•' .t     iio  BJ8W  jiOvsJ'e   «r(rf' *i;o  "effiiio  arf  nsrfw  JitiB^aed-unla  aseiUri'!: 

i''lt«T"    x.::ji&-:is'ti  rrrfoL  ♦sseloiaTq  t*11;i:dn,L':lQ:  Ic  dizoa 

■    •.   -- -      ' .    -^ «^.--.. 

0*  snl«80io  bfiOiXi-si  ad;^  Ic  *a£»  stbot  «t»  fuocfjs  Jfcaqqocfs  l)njs 

d:jiOiae   jJo^Xd"  lo   JoX   -  ,       ;  s.t.';   eno  Ttf  rrwjsi^  aT^o  -^f^Bff^if 

3:11^X1  e^ceJbnio  wel  ^  *X»1:  et  srriaioo 

erl  J.-ixfJ-   ^'tajBl  \:Tev     ;g/T:lnnirr  *Oit  ajw  /oijs 

.locx  arf^zfo^i*  aTfrTo*  *esTw 
.  Bsni&Xixjtf  s^lrn:i;cf  a'l^lJnlaXq  mciiY  Eara^Xl  wjsa  Rs^Wtlm  r^"^   js  rrl 

.iojsid'  erf*  lebnx/  ybw  ^c  ^.Hfr'i'T"  a'JrriJbneleh  iaaaoio  JftxJj^' xf^rrorr 


.•Mrtlvi-r   Si-f.-;  .•>'?^ 

visiting  patients   in  the  country  and  was     east  of  the 
defendant's  ri-rht  of   ray  thriving  west  on  the  last  ment- 
ioned    road  end  rsaohed  the  railway  crossing  about  11  o'oloc 
th;  t  h?  TT5.d  driving  a  horse  afraid  of  the  cars  when  they 
passed  over  head;   that  he   stopped  about  fa*^«ty  rods  east  of 
the  crossing  to  let  a  nortlT bound  train  pass;  that   it  was  a 
long  train,  perhaps  thirtyf Ivo  or  f&a?*y  cars,    drawn  by  a 
oomraln  size  engine  running  slow  and  throwing  out  a  large 
amount  of   smoke  and  cinders;  that  there  was  a  strong  wind  fet 
from  a  little   soutl^eet  and  cinders  from  the  engine   struck 
his  buggy;    that  he  drove  across  the  right  of  way  after  the 
train  passed, and  when     he  got  from  an  eight  to  a  fourth 

of  a  mile  from  the  viaduct  he  saw     smoke  which  he  knew 
was  at  plaintiff's  premises^and  'Irove   i'-mediately     there 

whsi^e  fee  four-d  maiiy  people^  and  all  the  buildings  on  fire. 

There   'v^rs   other  witneaesa   for   plaintiff  teetify^ 
ing  «.a  to  vt:.riou8-rj6tter©  --.bout-  the   fire,    its   fr03r3as> 

efforts  tc   extinguish     it.eto-.  It  appears  that   it    vas 

a  dry  time,   that  the  ground  and  srecks     were  dry  anu  there 
was  a  high    "/ind  blowing  from  south  of  west,     perhaps  nearly 

due   eouthrrest,    the  vdtr.esses   diff3r   -a  to  that-,  /hey 

aXsc   differ   aliorhtly  as  \^  the  tim«- cf  day>     as- sit  nee  see 

^idually  do   on  such     occasioas,  but  thsy  connect     what   they 

BAy- about  the  j^e-sein^  train     with   assing  ths   fire   in   such 

a  way  that   there   ie  little   ;^round   tor   supposing  that   they 

arc  mistaken  about  the  relative  tlc^e   of   the  passing  cr  the 

train  Cvnd  the   iire,   and  while  they  are  testifyinp;  acne  - 

y^ara.    after  the  event^  it    rae  a  matter  --ot   likely  to  be 

forgotten*,  It  C5-.rmot     reasonably  ■  e   .said  that  no  train 

went   north  just  before  the  firs      at:-irted  and  that  the 

three  witneaaee  that  testifisd  to  the  fact  were  mistaken 

in  their  testimony  because   -:f  the  frailty  of  human  memory. 


9dt  lo   J«i3©      6J8W  i>nj6  x^tnsio'j   »rf^  -ni   iTrnsUBq  sxiI^IbIv 

yerf*  narfw  sa«o  ©rC*  lo  IjIjbtIa  aaiiori  iS  gnivi^i)   c  srr -rri-*.<:MW 

lo  ;faj3@   stoi  Y^^^i^^^  tuodz  Ijeqqo^e   eri  c^jsrf J   ;!}«erf  isro  J!2etfa«q 

«  8J5)R'  ;ti   tMcit  ;aeAq  /ri£2j^  Jbnmocf  tf;f70a  a  ^eX  od^  grzltBOico  eri;i^ 

«  YCf  nw*ii)   ^aaJBO  -^f**©!  xo  •▼i4-»:-*»l-*#  «q»ffT^q'  ',«l-«<;»^~  "gfroX 

egajsX  A  tuo  gnlwoTd^  i>ii«  woXa  gnlnmrs  ani-^a  »sia  irJia^'O 

aeS^  fijoXw  gnoi^a  «  ejsw  a^carf*  tudS  jBTaJbnlo  ,Ans'*»S03a"!to*tf^xnrom« 

adf  letls  yjiw  to  td^trt  Bd&  aaoaaa  ovoiA  arf  ^J»rf*    tYSS*"^  '-^rf 

fI;fijjo'5  A  ot  td-pjQ  nj8  ootl  *o^   axf     it9dyf  l^rtd ,S>g'BSti  :tZ£ti 

vrp,rr^  *->'  -foiifw  eioflis     wj&a  arf  JoitbJB^v  arf*  moil  alia  e  lo 
.i:i>ec!:tl   avo:rb>  f)ni3^apEiiae>*s:.:,  e'!^niaXq  *j8  e«-r 

,eTil  no  esnlfcllx/cT  »d*^Xi«   '.                              sia  Jtrcyol  «-i  ei*©rfw 
,• ••  •'  '■    i-flM«**'^f??-#>t«:-tfi*-e^€#.-' ';.-  ■  "•■'  — 

BTe.  cii;  a-xaw     eafojria  2.1-::  inioig  arfi  *i3nJ    ^e.ijtj  -ctjd   £- 

YanT  t'#-fl*ti  o*  «i4  'Xfllii'>  t.  -•^''^ 

t^^ec   e  ■   ^XcfAHoajjBt      j'Onrtjso  »x  ^rtajr;J^03B::ol 

ill   Bff  :    ;trtew 

•  Yaofasrs  n.sfiu/rf  lo  Y^-tiJSTl  arf"  Ic   esiro-oacf  y«o^-3-86u    lisdt  al 

The     court    In  passing  or.  the  motion  to  dirsct  a 
verdict    for  the    iefendant     had  to  assume  the  truth  of  thia 
teatircony  and   if   tn;e      it    seeme  to  u3   auf-flcient   to   3ui-port 
a  verdict   fcr   the  plaintiff;-     thereforg  the  court   did  not 
err   ir:  refusing  to  take  the  case   fron:  the     jury, 

Bi>t  the  defendant   introduced  evidence  that    fsea/us 

-about  aa  oonolusive  th-t  no  tr?.in  went  north  troit,  Spaulding 

on  the  forenoon  of   uhat-  day,  rt   introduced   ir    evidence 

it 'a  train  sheet  kept  by  the  train     diapatcher, &t  Joliet, 

■Aooording  to  thia   sheet   there  was  no  train     th:<t   nsnt  north 

out  of  Spauldinc;  and  up  the  grade  or;   the  day  in  que  at  ion, 

i-rior  to  the   fire,    and  not  until  fiju*-  o'clock   in  the 

afternoon  aft ^r  the  fire.   There  were  several  traine  that 

went  south  on  the  rcorning  in  quest  on,   the  one  neareat 

to  the  tirie  the  fire  waa  discovered     a^?     a  doubie-header 

pulled  by   engine»tyajLgiyt  and  pushed  iiXfey^-g-evefu 

cjt  paeaed  the  farm  at  about  «^  -©-hritjck  A,}$,  s^'^x^ivin^  at 

Spaiilding  at  *«Tr  15^  A,M»  There  was  no  fire  on  the 

premiaea  w'-'sn  it  passed,    and     "^  oourt    instructed  f  e 

jury  itt    the   instance  of   defend  ...t    th?.t    there   ./aa  no   evi- 

denae  thr-.t   either  of  those   engines   set   the  fire.         The 

next     train  going  south  waa  at  about  Ifweiro  M,     at  which 

time  the  fire  waa     well  under  way  and  the  buildinge  aub- 

atantially  burned,     there  waa  a  train     fro?-,  tre   south  that 

'  1 1  :  li"  , 

reach 3 i-Spaul ding  that   day  at   11:15  jf.M.     and  left 

returning  south  at  12:45  P.  M*  ^There  wrs  a  station 

(Sutton).  f^.iM  TTir^jiypii  ■t-r.-.ifch^  miles     north   of      Spaulding 
and  another      (Harrington)  ^  ^ivo  and.-.fch>»tt  tenthe  Kiles 


,  .    '  ciXni7  »[it''>c6-  tqBi  ^derffe  ni^ai   »^v+r 

'    '  V      '     '   ■  "       •^  V  "  -    -  ■ 
.t--'  -^  •'--■'■         ,-\K  atoolTT^  »•*  *£;c  -Til  •rfiT  ^^aees.      - 

■  :r,/i    ^.o&eft5<3    ;ti    at'    .•.    eat x.tieivi 

.  ,-<fjjt_  agniiiiiifcf  frij-^fixia  Y*w  Tehnir   :    ^        9i3w  dii^   bHi  sail  J 

^     '■'■     '^V     ■    '  '  ■      ■■■""      -r'--^"    ^       .'■--■'■■  --/-'^t'yMtB 

north:*rly   from  Sutton,    ther^j  v»ar©   aide   tracks  at     these 
VccriouJB   ;it   tiona   :.nd  ?.t  Barrinjton  conneotion  with  the 
through     iins     Mriiich  neoesaiteted     ooneiderable  yaatd 

raokag*-.        It  appears  that     there  mi-;ht   have  b»en  ccnsld- 
6^x*te-l& -»wit-Ghir  J  0X3    aide   trAOJ-:3  and  traoke   in  t'-g   yard 
Without  any   reoori  of    it    oti   the   ttc-in   dheet;      tout   in  the 
ordinary  oourae  of  bueineea  the  train  seen  hy  plaintiff *a 
witnesses     woi  .^d  not   hsve  gone  north  to  the  point  where 
Dr.    SharpI   said  he   asm     it   without  a  record  reported  «k  to 
the  train  dispatcher.         The  train     men  of  the  4fi^ trains 
PSJiainx  aoutb  that   -^orenoon.  and  of  the  train  th/t 
r.orth  to  eprulding  3.nd  returned,  testified  i'^   the  ci^aa  ua 

did  also  the  a^ent  at   Sj^aulding  and  a  witness  natwdd 
:/jC-ftrthy  who   <vaa     employed  ?t   Spauldinf^;  by   the    defendant 
arrid  the  St.  Pi   R*f;    cSTjointly,      at    t;  s    jrossing     nd 
reportei  every  train    i.n?t  Tjaaasd  to  defendant's     dis- 
patcher A^  %fi*^.     '  '  Th3   testimony  of  all  theoe  -"itnes- 
Be;e  oorrgboratad  the   statisment   in  the  train  sheet  as  to 
ohe  passing  of  trains  on     the  day   in  question.  >Ta 

-:  eo^af'A  af   th^^t  -day  kept   at    the   oTfioe    in   Spauldlng  ;ma 
.  roducsd.  And  toy  wa^'-  of  impeachment   of  the   .vitnees 

LicCarthy,    ^ha  jrojper  foundf-tion  baing  laid,    it  was 
tsitMied  "by     t'.e  plaintiff  and  his  attorney  that  they  met 
lioCarthy  some  time  toefore     the  trial  and  t-i  ©  attorney 
?t3^ed  him  if  he   saw  a  train  going  north     rrc..  the 

/po,u  1  dir-^C 9t ?.t i on ,     toy  the  Boehning  farm,   at   or  atoout 

^   If  I    L 

aO^v^ft  o'clock  ^.f.  on  Novemtoer  37,    1907^  and  that 

McCarthy  replied  yes,   a     freight  train  went  toy,   north,  toy 

•  •l^iJnijalq  Ycf  neaa  alsTt  erf^  ••efljtauc  ../oo  ifiJBnii: 

osyolqffid  ct^K 

^aotalies:  -if6d"*q 

,no2*B6i/p  at   YJ*fc  •'^  ^nltesq  61 

ramffo^eqai  'ftf  J5>«A 

*8a  verft  ijuii  ^90x0 ftM  ■!  l^Jxti*- 

Attoa  ^nios  ni«T;t-  «  w^£ 
.+  ':ff*  firra  VOei   »TS  TecTmsvoH  no  .k.ii  jf««i©*^o  *«wii» 

Boehning's     place,   heavily  loaded,      with  a  small  engine, 
and  that  a  few  ninutes  afterwards  his  attention     was  called 
to  the  fire  &r   tlie  Boehning  .^lace*  When  McCarthy's 

attention     was  directed  to  this   statement  he  at   one  time 
answered  that  he   did     not   reraember  and  then  positively  r^ 

denied  making   it,     atna  his  answer     that   he   did  not   rememb- 
Ver -i-«»rfeftjps-ctiir-.s   fro»  hia  not  -unier standing  the-    qus;?tjon; 
Tsut   it    ie  quite  likely  th?.t   the   jury  believed  th-t  h3    lid 
jnaite   the   at-teruent   and  that    it    infl-aano-d  their  verdict* 
^e  cannot  say  'firoiu  the  whole   svi  lance  th?t  the   jury  -.vere 
not   -warranted  in  finding'     th^vt  th*  freight  train  did  pass 
north  as  stated  by  plaintiff's     witnesses, 
:>y^  It   l3  urged-that    it    is   In.posslble   thrt   a   opsr^-   ohould 

have  be^n  thrown  fror..  the  erojine  to  the  atacic  evsn  if  it 
^6  o©noed*dth:-t  the  eri^ine  >vas  passing  and  throwing  out 
Bii'«»k-s-  and  fire.  As   .ve  have     seen  the   engine  v/hen  di- 

rectly west  of  the   stack  was  thgoe  hundraA  anA     foiMi-y 
£Jiiste  feet   diatand^jand  if  vv«^  aaeuffte   the   wind  blowing  from 
due  southwest  ^nd  a  spark   shot    iirsctly  like  a  rifle  ball 
In   thd   i-lreot  aourse  of   the    vind  it  would  have   traveled 
About  f^ve  hundreq:  feet  before  reaohin^^     the  point  on  the 
stack  where  the  fire   started,  li        it  be  assumed 

th«t   a   »py.rk   fror   the   en^lfie    r,et    ohr      ire    it   i:rob*bly 
txav-©i«d   Aewe     dHotanoe  between  th*3   t'vo   sxtrdi'.ss  ns.i'..ed, 
presumably  hov/evsr  not    in  a     direo't  line,    aparks  have  a 
w»y  of  blowing  in  the  air  and  changing  thsir     tfouras-  before 
settling  on  the   -ground.  It    inpidentaily  appeared  In 

the   evidence   that   ^arks   froir.  the- burning  buildings   set 


'■if»n«l     A<i.ii)>J»»^A'at'-''   "" 

»»:,££-■*      ^  i-  vr'    n/* 

'■      X.' 

«i  fira     a  h.-lf     mils  distance   in  :-    field,    and  it    is  connQn 
knowledge  that   sparks   from  "burning   aulDstanceb   will    sat 
#ir*©  at  o^nsidsrabie   dist.-ncsa,  Couneel     aay  thia       ^ 

ia  not  true  of   sparks  fro.    a  iooomotive   engine  and     quote* 
from  QOsa*   Work  on  Locomotive  Sparks,   page  128,   to  the 
effeot^    that  a  large  perosntage  of  all   spark*  thrown  out 
and  the  largest   Individu-l  apeolmens  are  found  within  a 
distance  of  «ge^lttm4*ed  feet   from  the  center  of  the  track, 
which  distance  fixes  th^   danger  line;      but     this   is  neither 
law  or  ooimon  knowledge.  Counsel   say   it   ifl  a  question 

of   expert   knowledge  an  1  argue  that  the  plaintiff   should 
have  introduced     expert   evidence  on  the  question  of  distance 
that  a  burning  cinder     misht  be  carried  from  a  locomotive 
engine.  No  case   ie  pointed  out  where   such  evidence  was 

introduced  by  the  pit .ntiff  and  many  cases  are  found  where 
the  jury  were  permitted  to  find  fror^  their  coniKOn  knowledge 
of  affaire  that  spar  1.  a  from  an  engine  did  set  a  fire. 
As   said  in     First  Npt^iotwi  Bankf  v?  L^  I^^  W.  R.>*  Co,,  174 


,W^I11.    36>  it    is  difficult    ir.  any  case  to  prove  that  the 
--^  fire  was  caused  by  a   spark     fror;  a  locomotive,     by  a  witness 
'JJ^who  actually   saw  the   spark  failing  upon  the  property  des- 
troyed,  and  who  actu:,lly  aar<  the  fire  arise   from     such 
falling  of  the   sparks.  And  where  there   ia  no  evidence 

of  any  other  agency    /hich  could  have  caused  the  f  ire  ^    -:  -   k^o^^ 
verdicts  of  juries  often     been  sustained  as  in  C*  & 
A.  R.tii*  Co.   V.   Esten^    178   111'.    192,    on  circumstantial 
evidence*        It  may  be   true  that  the   distance  which  the 
cinder  must  have  traveled  is   in  this  case  extreme ^but  vve 
conceive  no  principled   of  law  under  which  we  can  say  that 

B&ioui:     Lets  ^Hl%a6  'miibmobl  ...  _.    lo  eincJ-  *on  ai 

erfo'  o.t   ^8SI  ©igiq  \B:irnrj^/hvlf.os&oood  aQ  ixoW   Ueo,')  mqii 

a  aWtfiw  fim/al-ifjl  iilafljios'^i  X.tijJblvlJbnl   d-ea-^i.*;!  .d£l;f_Ln« 

aoitBQifp  A  B-t   &ii  X'^e  XdeixjjoQ  >»;g£)eXwoxn(  tiomaoo  lo  w^I 

©'si.fc   ic  not  fat  ■  'rrrsbiv-  ■^.  ojjbot*.. 

sviJoaooaX  j8  zotl  tett,  .        i^balo  "^rdaiiijd  a  Jadi 

•si) erXr/oxuT  xrtJiifiTioo  ilodi  .lioilt  Jbni'j  J-JbiT'^fi  stew  Y'^x/j,^ ]»d,^„ 


dojjs     iftc^'"'9a i^jE  si:  

BcnsMv©  on  ■!   oaerfit  saj.dv;  LxtA  .t  tiaqe   erf:*  ^o  ^-T-^XX^l 

iiii  *r(j-  ijSBjyao  ovarf  JbXiroo  rfoXrfv  xonoj.:: 

A  \0  cil  Bjs  iidnijsJBire  nasd'     xieJlo  dv.-id  «9X:iirt  "io  a^oXMsv 

i^i  ^njSi^BfliJUO'iio  no    ^S8X    ,XXI   8TX    ^na^s'i   .v   .  oO  rf<?*iT   .A 

6c[i  daXdvr  eoasiatb  9df  isidi  auxi  id  YJSiri  tl       .aonsbive 

8w  *xrcf^9iaaa;txe  ea^o.eXrltf,  nJt  «X  iieXcv^i*  dvusrf  itaina  asJbiiXo 

c^£rf.t  Y-Hs  n^o  ew  xloirfw  tebnu  wjbX  lo  eXqionlaq  oa  evieonoo 

the  jury  may  act  on  t^  elr  common  knowledge  of  affairs  in 
determining  the  quest i.n  o'f  the  distance  is  ?.  given 
nxiKiber  of  feet  and  th>  c  their  verdict  must  be  supported 
by  expert  teatimony  if  that  distance  i3  exceeded,  though 
it  ia  no  doubt  true  th  t  the  distance  ini<;ht  be  ao  great 
that  it  would  be  wit}" in  the  common  knowledge  of  mankind 
that  the  fire  could  ret  have  been  ao  set  and  a  verdict 
resting  on  a  finding  *-  lat  it  was  could  not  be  auetained, 
T7e  do  not  think  this  case  falls  within  that  class  and  do 
not  feel  warranted  in  saying  that  the  jury  might  not 
reasonably  find  that  a  flying  cinder  in  the  high  wind 
that  vas  then  blowir^-  traveled  the  given  distance  and  set 
the  fire  in  question. 

Nothing  in  the  record  points  to  any  other  cause  of 
the  fire*     Tt  waa  a  queetion  of  fact  for  the  jury  to 
determine  whether  it  was  caused  in  the  manner  alleged. 
The  evidence  viab   CLrflicting  and  a  verdict  might  well 
have  been  found  eitnsr  way«     The  jury  and  the  trial 
j'udge  had  the  advam:age  of  seeing  the  witnesses  and 
hearing  them  testiTy  and  we  do  not  feel  authorized  to 
disturb  the  verdict  approved  as  it  is  by  the  trial 
jud&e ,  ^, 

^  The  judgment  is  affirmed. 

i  ^  1)0'  ! 

fo  n 


**i»:cs  06   e.'   Wt-i.^t  dorcj;3-sJti)   f:  -a'i/oJb  on  el    :tl 

i)nl:invSfli  lo  sstsXwOfc::^  noatri^oo  -.  fclirow  #i    ^jsrft 

,i;eaisi-eirQ  dcf  ;^on     i>Xijoo  a^w  JI    jf.3/  .■   gnltnil  J8  ao  grri^eea 

Q^J^as  aejBlo     ^jsrf;^  nirfd'iw  •Il£%  es3o  «itft  slnJtrf^   ;ton  oL  e^ 

&on  iA^ita,  X^ul   dAt  &sAt  gnlY*«   ni  fce^njncrrJiw  Xeel  ioa 

c*  ^tul  Bdt  xol  to&\  lo  aoitBsup  &  bjs>7  ij  .enil  9Ai 

Xlev    Jrigla  *0JtX)i»v  js  JbrtJB  gnl^o-tXlaoo  tJBw  eortsli'ivs   erfT 

Ijairs*  Bdrf'  fcctJB  yaut  ©^"^  .yjsw  te  ^ti*  Jbnx/o1  need"  ©v^rf 

£)fi5  aeesend'iw  Bdt  gnXesa  lo  ©sjfita^BvfcB  erii-  Lfirf  ©^i/I. 

oi-  i;£sX:tod*ir£  Xael   d-orr  oL  ew  Ijajb  '^liJtei     mtrfrf'  gnlTBarf 

XjalTd-  arf t  y.^  al   i"!  e£  Jbevorrqqjs     tolbiBv  tAf  drutatL 


STATI^   OF  ILLINOIS,    ,    ,.         ,  .  ,  . 

SE(>;OND  DISTRICT.  \  ^^'      .1,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFPY,    Clerk  oV  the   Appelate 

Court,  in\and  for  said  Second  DistFict  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keened  of  the  Recfords 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  oi  the  opinion  dt  the 

V  '-  '  /  i 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  abq;<^e  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  ofBpfe.  i 

^  Iiy'  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  s^t  my  hand  and  af^x  the 

\  /  seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at/)ttawa,  this 1 

;  /      day  of 1 T^in  the  year  of  our  Ixi-d  one 

\  y  thousand  nine  hundred  and f 

\ — ^  ,  5 


Clerk^fthe  Appellate  Court. 


Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sixth  day  of  October, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 

Present  —  The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  GARNES,  Presiding  Justice 
Hon.  DORRANGE  DIEELL,  Justice 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  Justice 
J.  G.  MISCHKE,  Sheriff 

193I.A.  167 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-iAfit: 

Gen.  Ko.  5933- 

Cen.  ITo*  62- 

Arthur  Keithley, 

Cit.y  of  Peorl* 

.68        P.   J. 

Appeal  froiA  Peoria^County  Court, 


'  I- 

Appellant  Arthur  Keitlalty,  Auguet  16,  191^,   eued  -pprlle* 
City  of  Peoria,  before  a  Juetice  of  the  Peac«,  f or  daraices  claimed  to 
-0  "been  'lone  to  a  reeldence  T>roperty  by  lowering  the  trade  of  the 
street  in  front  thereof.   A  trial,  on  apne^il,  in  the  County  Court^ 

ulted  in  a  verdict  and  Ju<Uxieni  for  the  d«fendant|  froa  whlali 
liidiBTn'eijt  this  appeal  is  -prosecuted. 

In  the  8prin^  of  l&OS,  the  then  of  the  property  laid  a 
X  ,foot  cement  sidewalk  irr^tf   front  of  It.   The  sidewalk  woe  laiA 
^ith  t)tralssion  tr6m   the  city  authorities,'  at  a  grads  desi^-nated  l:y  theu 
for  that  walk  ,  anrt  corresponding  "^ith  the  prade  of  the  continuation 
of  this  \7alk  \t  each  erd.   The  o-nner  of  the  lot  graded  It,  -lade  a  driv»- 
iray  at  one  side  and  lal««  a  cement  walk  from  the  house  to  the  sidewalk, 
all  in  confort.;lty  «fith  the  »;r  .de  of  the  sidewalk.   Afterwards,  in  the 
ro  year,  appellant  purchaseJ  the  property  a«'  hin  ever  since  been  in 
pot'sepsion  o''  it  by  hi?  tenant. 

In  1910  the  City  piesed  'an  or'in.nce  for  tho  pavini^  of  the 
reetrf  with  trick-,  ihd  oeiucni  curb.   The  ordimnc.e  in  specifylnr  the 
d«  referred  to  the  grad«  of  the  street  "as  heretofore  eetablished" ; 
t  it  does  not  apTjeap  that  the  city  ha'^  theretofort  established  a  gr- de 
for  that  street  at  that  place,  and  the  testimony  makes  it  quite  certain 
thai  it  hid  not,  and  that  all   it  had  done  In  thai  direction  was  to 
dictate  the  griAt   at  which  th-  •sidewalk  should  oe  laid^and  maintain  the 
Btreet  in  front  of  it  at  per'anpe  varyir.L'  trides^  caused  by  working  the 
'^Irt  strtsU   The  pavlne  *aB  comflet«d  iji  the  Fall  of  1611,   This  being 
action  be»,un  in  Justice  Court,  rith,  consequently,  no  written  pleadintP, 

-  1  - 


appellant  was  entitled  to  recorei*  for  fkny   actionable  Injury  that  he  ' 
could  prore  within  fire  yeare  of  the  beginning  of  thle  eult,  or  since 
Aufuet,  1«07;  but  hl»  main  eontentUn  ie  th-^t  he  was  Injured  by  lowering 
tHe  Btr««t  when  the  parihc  w^t  pit  in;  In  1911,   He  cXalat,  and  there 
le  eridenctf  tending  to  euppori  hie  olaim,  that  when  the  eldevaUl  w»« 
laid  IB  If 03.  It  wae  on  a  lerel  with,  or  lower  than,  the  otreet  In  front 
of  it;  that  there  was  a  sewer  laid  In  the  street  in  1908  or  1909,  and 
at  that  tlM  the  grade  of  the  street  war  Bubetantially  lowered;  that 
when  this  pavenent  was  put  in,  there  waP  another  lowering  of  the  etreet 
80  that  it  beoane  ImposBlble  to  drive  heavy  loads  from  the  street  on  to 
his  premises,  and  prnctlaally  destroying  his  means  of  efrrcss  and  in.-ress 
80  that  he  would  be  compelled  at  considerable  expense  to  re-arrange  and 
re-gride  his  lot.   There  is  a  itaotp  conflict  of  testimony  an  to  the  grade 
of  the  street  at  the  time  the  sidewalk  was  built,  and  from  that  time  to 
the  time  when  the  pnTement  was  laid.   It  appears  withput  contradiction 
that  before  the j^yement  fas  Is^d  ih«r«  was  a  gutter  of  brick,  or  brick 
and  stone,  along  the  si'le  of  the  street  next  to  appellant's  premises, 
a*  that  the  water  had  washed  it  out  in  front  of  his  driveway  rfo  that  a 
wooden  bridge  was  required,  and  kept  there,  to  enable  teams  to  drive 
from  the  street  oa  to  the  driveway.   This  was  th*  oondltlon  at  all 
times  after  the  eewer  was  put  in,  and  for  come  time  before,  but  for  how 
long,  there  Ip  eome  conflict  in  the  evidence.   There  i's  quite  convincing 
evidence  that  appellant  his  much  better  and  easier  aoees*  to  his  properfcr 
froia  the  street  now,  than  at  any  previous  time  within  the  five  year 
liBiitatien;  and  it  is  certain  he  could  not.  either  after  the  pavement 
wiB  put  iu,  or  for  several  years  befor-  that  time,  drive  frou  the  street 
on  to  his  premlHse  without  making  use  of  a  bridge  projecting  from  his 
•treet  lint  into  the  street;  and  the  evidence  makee  It  quite  certain 

t  the  present  cement  gutter  isnnot  so  low  by  six  inchee  as  wae  the  old 
brick  gutter  that  was  maintained  there  before  the  pavement  was  laid. 


pellafit  oont^ndt  that  th«  City  should  b«  held  to  hare  eatabllehed  a 
xd«  to  the  etrett  btfore  the  ti;ne  of  the  paving  ordinance,  because  it 
citeo  in  that  orr'lnanet  that  there  was  an  eatafcliahed  grad«,  and  bseause 
did  establish  ths  grade  of  the  si dtvalk  built  in  1903,  and  ir.  ths 
Bence  of  other  eridence^that  should  b«  held  to  control  the  grade  of 
t   Rtreet.   We  do  not  think  the  fact  that  the  ordinance  recited  a 
eviously  establiPhed  grad*,-  is  of  mich  importance  when  taken  with 
B  rest  of  the  record  that  indicates  there  had  been  non«  esiabli8hed{ 
d  if  there  had  been  one  establiehtA  and  the  City  in  called  On  to 
Bpond  in  dajQWt.'CB  for  departing  from  the  establiehed  grad^it  would 
SB  a  part  of  the  plaintiff's  cas«  to  show  what  that  g^rade  was  .  ITeithor 
we  think  the  fixing  of  the  grade  of  the  cidewalk  in  1903,  h<p  iSsJfc 
arinc  on  the  fsadt  of  the  strt^t  b«fore  that  time,  or  if  h«  oMiintainod 
ter  that  tim«.   There  is  none  crid«nce  that  as  a  rule  there  %ras  a 
rtain  dictanee  maintained  between  ^he  grade  of  the  stre«t  and  th« 

walk  aa  a  natter  of  practice;  but  the  eridence  shows  that- in  the 
ty  of  Peoria  there  was  tt   no  fixed  and  uniform  rule  as  to  those  . 
spectire  grades. 

The  court  at  the  inetance  of  appellant  instructed  the  Jury 
at  if  the  City  gare  a  grade  in  front  of  the  T>roperty  and  a  sidewalk 

uilt  recording  to  that  grade,  and  at  any  ti^'ie  within  fire  years 
ilor.  to  the  coitnren cement  of  the  auit^  the  City  charged  such  grade  in  a 
0  injure  plaintiff's  property,  then  the  City  was  liable.   That  the 
of  I'vrress  an  J  eerees  ir  protected  by  th<  Constitution  and  if 
ity  in  ?nakin(-  the  improvement  damaged  plaintiff's  rit^ht  to  pass  to 
rom  his  proper tjr  then  thsy  mnmn   liable.    That  if  they  believed 
f   city  changed  the  grade  of  the  street  in  front  of  Plaintiff  s  property 
y  BO  doing  damaged  hie  property  then  the  City  was  liablo)  and 
it  ia  no  defense  that  the  City  in  so  doing  waa  operating  under  a 

ordinance.   That  it  ^f\»   the  duty  of  the  City  to  keep  the 
•-  in  front  of  plaintiff  a  pro-Tty  in  a  reaaonat^ly  safe  eohdition^ 
"  the  grade. of  the  ctrert  hap  been  changed  so  ta  to  injure  plaintif'e 

-  3  - 


opertjr   then   the  nity  was  .  liable,  regardle..  of   Thether  plaintiff  was 
(julrcr*   to  bridge   the  gullies   m   the   street  befor.    it  was  pared  in  ord*. 
get  to  and  from  his  property.       And  the  Court  refused  to   instruct     for 
.Intiff.that  if   the  City  ha<^.ehan^ed  the  crad.  ar.i   daaagt  has  resulted 
FlaiBtiff^t  prop^t3> that  It  w^  liable  eyMi  if  the  roadway  of  th« 
■eet   ra^   lower  before    it  was  pared  than   it   wap  after.        fh*  refusal 
this   instruction   if   complained  o J  but   its   substanoe  waP   corered  by 
icr   instruction.,  ciren^whieh   repeated    to    the  Jury  that  any   chance   in 

rrxde  of  the  street  thnt   dana^ed  plaintiff's  proi^erty  was  actionable, 
s   is  not  true  as  an  abstract  proposition;      if   the  property  ov^er. 
np   of   ingre.e  and   ejzresB   ire   not   interfered  -.Tlth  ra-^ny   thincr  mny 
per.    in   the   care   o-    the    streets  affecting;   injuriously     the  ^narket   ralue 

pro'>erty  without  subjecting  the  City  to  liability.  Ri^-ney  r. 

y  of  Chicago.    102  111..    64;     Barrows  y.   City  of  Sycamore.    150  111.   680; 

City  of  Chicago  r.  Jackson.    196  111.   496.        It   ip   «ufficient  to   say 
t  these  inetructlons  were  as  farorable  to  apnellant  as  he  could  ask. 

The  court   iretructed  the  Jury  at   the   instance  of  appellee   that 
the   street  was  lower   than    the   sidewalk  befor.    it  was  graded,    there 
no  obligation  on  the  city  to  ral.t  It  to   the  lerel  of  the   eidwiralk. 
t  the    city  was  not- bound   to  crade   its    streets    t.    afford   accer«   with 
ae   into   adJoinlnfT   property  where    surh   accere    could' not   be   had  before 
streets  were  gr-ided.    and    that   if   the   street    ir    question  before    it 
•e^war   in    such   condition    that   plaintiff   could  r.ji    drirp   into   his 
lerty  without    the  use   of    i  bridge  extending  into    the   street^  that  it 
the  right  to   remove   the  bridge  and  waP  ur.der  no   cbligatlon   to  place 
-treet    in   condition    so    that   plainUff   could    drire   onto   his   property 

:^  bridge;    and   that    th.   plaintiff  ha^   no    right    to   maintain   the 
Ite  leading  fron.  the   sidewalk   line  Into   the   etreet  and   eould   not  base 
clai.  for  danacee  on   the   action   of  the   city  in  re-^rlng  It.      TVjfendanfs 

^c^ty^;    but   as   applied    to    tr...   eriitr.rt   in    thls^o,..  we   do  not   find 
•^  error   Ir.    the..        There    1^   no   e»l^er«   ir.    ,U.    r-cord   fro.  -hich. 

-    4    - 



,  ury  coul^  hare  found  or  considered  any  grade  eetabllched  by  the 
lity  before  th.-  time  of  th^^  paving  ordinance. 

The  evidence  win  .Ipo  conflictlne  on  the  qucBtlon  -whether  the 
.t  v-ilue  of  tlM  premiree  was  leeeened  by.  the  iaiprovement  of  the  etreet 


here  «ae  ground  for  the  Jury  to  find  that  even  if  ingrese  and  egrces 
een  interfere^l  -with  there  was  no  depreciation  in  the  uKirket  >^alue 
cr  (  loned  by  the  improvement  ,  or  r<^Lther  that  there  was  no  epeclal 

e  to  plaintiff's  property  occasioned  by  any  act  of  the  city  within 
ioe  year  period  of  limitation. 

It  if.  cald  by  eSuneel  that  the  jury  virited  and  viewed  the 
-08.   If  they  did  they  were  able  to  better  umlerKtand  the  evidence 
3  we  read  the  record  it  seer.a  to  us  that  the  evidence  ehowe  that 
»re  was  no  interference  of  HpVllant'e  mQixnv^   of  ingreee  and  egress 

is  prealsee,  e»cept/ln  taking  away  a  orid^e  tkat  he  had  for  a  long 
le  uee.!- for  that  purpose  #  that  the  brid«;e  was  maintained  in  the 
treet  by  the  euf'feraree  of  the  eltaj^anrl  that  he  has  no  eauee  for 

ilnt  that  he- 18  no  1  .nger  permitted  to  rmiintaln  it  there,  and  that 
no  other  injury  shown^and  nothing  cloe  that  would  tend  to 
predate  the  market  value  of  appellant's  premiseB. 

yindlnc  no  reversible  error  ir  the  record  the  Judgnent  is 



Appellate  Court,     ^ss. 

Second  District,      J  I,  PAUL  V.  WUNDER,  Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court,  in  and 

for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  the  keeper  of  the  Records  and  Seal  thereof,  do 
hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true,  full  and  complete  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the  said  Appel- 
late Court  in  the  above-entitled  cause,  now  of  record  in  my  said  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand 
and  affix  the  seal  of  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ot- 
tawa, this.Z-^ day  of.. 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  sixty.T..C^i<£j 

.(/icci. ^/..^^^^^r^:^^^ 

(79969-3M-12-59)   '^c^^  Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  Jixth  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  niae  hundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the,Second  District  o#  the  State  of  Illinois: 

Present --The  Hon.  DUAN^  ' J .  CARNES,  Pre/iding-  Justice. 

Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Ju/§tice 

Hon.  JOHN  k.  NIEHAUS,  Jiistice. 

CHRISTOPHER!  C.  DUFFY  ,^- Clerk.  X93IA   l^S 

J.  G.  MISCHi:|],  SherlTf. 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  fig-ures 
following,  to-wit: 

AjjmA    SK 

O   k   •>• 

V..85   riiG   6d*  no   :Jiw-o*    ^zbi&vxe  MilSaM^Mafl  TI 

Gen.  No.  6010. 

Joseph  McFadden,  appellant, 

va  Appeal  from  Putnam, 

Adam  Deck,  John  Dore  and 

aames  McCutcheon,  appellees. 

Cernes  P.  J, 

Joseph  McFadden,  the  appellant,  sued  Adam  Deck,  John 

Dore  and, James  McCutcheon,  the  appellees,  in  assumpsit 

itrtd   fil»4/a  declaration  conaieting  of  the  common  counts 

and  two  special  counts  allHging  ~  that-  eppelloeg-  ^v»  Marsh 

6^-  y- :  ■  ■■■; 

-jC^^— ^tr«ir  two  promissory  nd4H»«  which  .vere  af 'feerwarda  ag^ 

ai^f»«d — toy  Mar  ah  Co-«  to^-ae^e^llant  ^  Hnd  -defauit^- in-  payment 

liiiiraof^-ftfttJ  filed  with  the  declaration  aopi-ee-of^-^cTte— notes 

&n«#-«n,  which  notes  were  in  the  conmon  form  signed  by  the 

throe  aonellees,  but  at  the  left  of  their  signature  appeared 

the     v/ordi   "Conmitiaioners  of  Hennepin  Drainage  District". 

A 'pe -leea  filed  a  general  and  apecial  demurrer  to  the  two 

special  counts,  setting  out  as  cause  for  special  demurrer 

that  it  does  not  appear  whether  Marsh  Go,  is  an  individisLl 

copartnership  or  corporation.   The  record  shows  that  jcka  only 

tne  general  demurrer  was  brought  up  for  hearing  ,  and  the 

court  sustained  that  demurrer;  thereupon  appellant  dismissed 

the  common  counts  from  the  declaration  and  elected  to   "abide 

by  the  counts  to  which  a  general  deraxirrer  was  sustained  * 

and  judgment  was  entered  against  the  plaintiff  (appellant) 

that  he  take  nothing  by  his  writ  or  suit  and  that  the 

defendanta  go  hence  without  day,  and  for  cof=5t8. 

It  appears  from  the  argurienta  of  counsel  tliat^the  question 

whether  the  notes  were  on  their  face  the  obligation  of  ap- 

)eilees  or  of  tiie  Drainage  District,  was  presented  to  the 

Court  on  the  aasumpsion  that  the  cApies  of  the  notes  were  a 

part  of  the  declaration,  and  that  the  general  demurrer 

.0108   .oK    .noO 

,m£atu^  moil:   XjB»qql  av 

ba£.  910(1  adoX,   ^iLoed  snabk 
.aeeXIeqas   ^tl09doiuOtM  sorajil 

,L     ,9^    B9IfiSiO 

oifoL   ji^Ioea  BUBbA  1)61/8  \ JTtwsIIsqqjs  ©riJ^   ^flefcJb£^oM  xfqeeoL 

^Maqottreo^  nt   ^BeelZ9q^s:  srfi^   tMoerio*i/OoM  aeraaL  bHJB  ©toO 
eJxufoo  nommoo  arfJ   lo  gni^aienoo     noi^aiisi; 
liti.aM'  -»v«f^--atwl£aqf;a-»grfrf  —  aif-tga^'i'^  Btaisoo  Itoioeqa  ow^  *. 
-»£ -atojwwe^^a  eiaw  rfoiriw  »»^^  Y^oeBinoiq  ow^  ^»l'»4<f'  t^>0- 

aaj-ofl  a  A  a-  --»3-^H>^^f—     aottaisilQeb  ©r:j-  riJiw  be  I  it  bfi#^— (^tc«at 

9[it  xd  b(in:Qt^  mrot  ttotimoti  9 tit  nt  Btotf  &»t^ef:  rioJfejtw     ^troi^- 

JbeijBSqqjB  •■su^isngJtB  lierfJ^  1o  cfleX  sri*  &&  ^tucf   jaaeXXec^oii  aei 

."^otaJaJta  esJBnljsiQ  nJtqertneH  Ito  aaenoisBiBanoO"  afjiou     t. 

6lfrt  ©if*  o*     leaiifBieb  Xsioaqe     bnjs  Xexeneg  b  beXl^  eedX.  eo 

aaiiymeL  Xeioeqe  aol     aaujso  bjs  cfi/o  jjnld'^^BB   4a*m/oo  L&tot- 

ij3sjbi.vlbat  na  aJb    ,oO  rfai^M  aeriJsrfxv     a-saqqjE  ;fon  aeob  tt   ii". 

yXflo  Biist  ;t£riJ  Bwoife  biooei  arlT     .BOii-^aoqaoo  to  qixlBasn^r^aqoo 

sri;t   bn£   ^  sniajB-eri     rot  qu     J-rfsiroitf  bjsw  i«aii/meb  X^eiensg  e 

baeelmaxf)  *n*XXaqqj8  noqxi-srrerfJ^    jieiix/mafc  i-JBrf;t  b9nXjB;tai;B  ;t-ii;oo 

8i>i(j6"      o*   balo&X©  iaiii  nol^JBiJsXOab  sdJ-  «oal  t*m;oo  noramoo  e. 

" ban Jta^ajLfB  8«w  aextu/mab  Xjgisnss  -s  xlolrfw  oi^  aJmroo  erf;^  xci 

(*n«XiaqqjB)  llid-flJtJsXq  Bdi  *eni£gB  bsis^tne  bj8W  iaea:^bu\,  bxije 

erfj   ^Brf;f  bnjB  Hub  lo     i-law  BJrrf  ycf     gnlrfi'on  ©jtjBj-  eff  ;fA 

.a;t»oo  io\  bnJ9     (Y<eb  ^fi/oif^fiw  eonsrf  03  BiaahnBlou 

noi.t8ejjp  eri^  *j8rf*  Xeefti/oo  to  a^^nsm/siA  ©rf^  moat  aaaaqqjB  il 

-qjb  to  noi^figlXdo  erfJ^  eo^t  lien'^  no  aaaw  aejon  eriJ     asilJ-en 

arist  oJ  bttJnaaeiq  bbw  ^^olitfaiQ  agjeniBaa  sn;t  to     10  aaaXXeq 

£  aaaw  aa^fon  9i\t  to  aaXqio  brf^  i&di  nolBrnu/aBA  erf;t  no  ^ax/oO 

lettxumeb  Xaiensg  exf*  J-fid;^  bnjs   ^noiir  edt  to  rf'uaq 

waa  auatained  because  the  court  held  they  were  not  the 
obligations  of  the  appellees.  But  appellant  asks  a  reversal 
on  the  [ground  that  the  ti^o  counta  of  ths  declaration  were 
each  good  on  general  demurrer,  and  that  the  copies  of  the 
notes  were  no  part  of  the  declaration  and  cannot  be  noticed 
on  demurrer.   It  is  true  that  ths  copies  of  the  notes 
were  no  part  of  the  declaration,  Harlow  v  Boswell  15  111. 
56,  Hippaoh  v  First  National  Bank,  159  111.  515,  Boyles  v 
ChytrauB,  175  111.  370,   Appellees  do  not  deny  this  positiion 
but  say  it  is  unfair  to  raise  that  question  becauae  it 
was  not  raised  in  the  court  below,  and  could  have  been  easily 
avoided  had  the  point  been  there  made.   This  may  be  true 
but  it  atill  remains  that  they  have  obtained  the  judgment 
of  tha  court  on  a  question  not  presented  by  the  rsoord, 
Whether  the  notes  were  on  their  faca  the  obligations  of  ap- 
pellees or  of  the  Drainage  District,  is  a  question  not  pre- 
sented to  the  trial  court,  and  therefore  no  auch  question 
is  before  this  court.  The  j-^dgment  must  be  reversed  and  the 
cause  remanded. 

Reversed  and  remanded. 

edt  ion  ••i»w  xeiiS     bS...  <uA09d(,     ftenJ^jBt/a  iftfiw 

iBsaevsT  £,  a^eiQ  ;fajBXI»qqj»  iuH  yjMdXXsr((q«  eiit  lo  waottin^JiJicio 

•Tsw  aoi^JS'LsXo«^  atavoa  o^t  dtl&  iadi     bnuox^  erf:)-  no 

beol^oa  acf  &oanAo  L..£  aoi^AiBJ^Mb  f>d;}'  lo  tiaq.  on  uxs'ii  u&Soa 

se^ofl  &iii  to  eeiqos  8(l;t  ^«x{.t   outi  at  .    stiiutaob  ao 

^lil  31  XXeweoS     v  woIxaH     ,ttQit£\Aiot '  .^q  on  ezen 

V  «»lYoa    .eiS    »XII   63i   t^Uufl  Xjsxtoi;t£l!  -ftiil  v  n'OJsqqJtH  ^33 

noiifiEoq  ntdi  yneJb  i^an  oft  •«»XXeqqA      .0?E   .ill  3VX  ,Bjj43t*\:riO 

Yiiaea  aseJ  av.erf  bXi/oo  bns  \,'WOi»i(  J-xwoo  8/l;t  at  iieai«i  joa  Ji£if 

uint   9cf  yjBffi  8i:£fr      .9JbBm  e'sexi.^  neecf  ^nJboq  exfi  Jb£il  iMbiroYfi 

^fltttngbx/t  »tii  botilMido  Bva.-i  Xfiu  Itatsr^Bi  Xllia  J  i:  tud 

.fitiooei  »rit  -'d  b9isie9ei<.r  .toii  aoifasap  b  no  J-xxioo  6x1^  jIo 

-qjB  lo  aaor^JsgiXdo  ^iU  •ojBit  xidrfJ  ao  oiew  setoff  «riJ  ledtorfW 

-ft-xq  ion  aoxiasitp     B  ml   ^totrftitci  ©santtJBTca  tdS  lo  io  ••sXXsq 

floiJ-aeup  rioiifa  oc  siolks'xaiii  fciin  baffles 

.hahajsrftea  a«jj.&o 

STATE  OF  ILLINOIS,    )    ^ 

SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,    Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 

March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  »ixth  day  of  October, 
in  the/year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  ni^  hundred  and  fourteen, 
within-.and  for  the  Second  District  o:^  the  State  of  Illinois: 

Present--TJ^e  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Prefiding-  Justice 

\   Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  J^tice. 

Wn.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  /us  t  ice. 
\  / 

dsSRISTOPHER  C.  DUFFY;/  Clerk'l  Q  "^  T  /\    ISO 

J.\g.  MISCHKE,  Sheriff. 




BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 

of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 

the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 

Gen,  No.  6016 

John  Funk,  Deft,  in  error, 

V8  Error  to  LaSalla, 

Chase  Fowler,  Pltf.  in  error, 

C^lrne6  P.  J,  xUfh:     . 

Plaintiff  in  exroT,  Chase  Fowler, -is  a  patacticing 
lawyer  ajwi  for  gome  time  nrior  to  July  13,  1906,  had  profes- 
sional and  businesB  dealings  with  John  Funk  the  defendant 
in  error,  and  in  1904  bflkd -f^iTen  him  ar-w-3Pi44»g-in-4>h8  f&rm 
sii   an  ax4^4al'e-of  agreement  for  the  conveyanoe  of  certain 
lands  1 H  Seo t i<m  14  1  n^  T&wneh^ip  5S,  Ranee  4,  LaSalle  County 
JllAnoie,  on  conditions  therein  namedj  bnt  which  was  intended 
as  security  for  moneys  loaned  and  indemnity  apainet  lose  on 
liabclities  assumed  by  Funk  as  surety  on  notes  of  Fowler's; 
6w«i  in  1905  Fowler  gave  Funk  another  similar  writing  covering 
other  lands. -a^-aecurity  and  indemnity  in  other  like  trenaac- 
4-i-©fts.  There  was  a  T**4-ey  mortgage  lien  on  some  of  these 
lands,  and  in  June  1906,   there  were  judgments  against  Fcwler 
and  it  was  necessary  to  raise  five  or  six  thousan'^  dollars  to 
satisfy  such  indebtedness;  and  July  12,  1906,  Fowler  gave 
Funk  a  Quit  Claim  Deed  of  said  land  for  ttue  expressed  con- 
eideration  of  i^lSOOO.OO,  (which  is  not  claimed  to  be  the  true 
consideration),  and  Funk  by  mortgaging  the  land  secured  a 
loan  of  t5000,00  and  with  the  money  so  obtained  .and  an  aui- 
ditional  sum  furnished  by  himself,  h«e  satisfied  those  debts, 
©»-4uiy-»l,  -1906^  the  parties  signed  an  agreement  &a  foliows: 
■July  31,  1906,  This  Is  to  certify  that  ffohn  Funk  and  Chase 
Fowi»r  have  this  day  settled  all  past  demands  and  claims  to 
da,te,  and  C,  Fowler  is  to  finish  tha  Xempton  matter  in  which 
Mr,  Funk  is  partner, 

Cha-'S  Fowler 

John  Funk.  " 


dlOQ   .oTi   ,a&0 
i    .ilan   ^ioi/l  fldoL 

,1.    .<T  aenxjLsO 

;fnj3bn»^9f)  erfit  jLru*^  nrfot.  ditn  u-gatLeeb  aaertleud  bna  L&aota 

mot  &f(ir  ni.  n«-Jt*nt«w-fl  mid  fr'>'/i:>  l>«ij[  AOftX  fiJt   has  ^rtoiTs  ni 


Xtnuo'C)  eil^jaal   ^*  ajfi«H   ^^  qiikwwoT  «1  II  floi;^^«?r  »*  afaaAl 

baJ!)Xi8tfii   8^:w  rioiriw  tirtf   tl)emjBn  nlsierfJ  anol^jtbrrori  no   ^aioai^JHD 

flo  aaoX  tarii«;^js  x^jtflnrabni  bcie  b«n£oI  ayeno  .^^  r.ii^ioofi   a^: 

;a*tC9lwo7  lo  as  ton  no  '^tsrsin   oa  Jtai/?   ycf  bamifasja  BBtiliodAtl 

gniaevoo  gnl^Maw  ttJBlimlB  i»dfoa£  HasA  Bvjar^  lelwo"?  2061  nt   fcfwa 

BBadi  to  Bmoe  no  noil  a^jsg^iora  loiN^  3  asw  ooiarfT    .««o^i# 

Tsltro"?   tanl^si!  atnarngbut   »t:»w  eiari^      ,8061   ani/L  nJt   hne,   ^abnjsl 

OS  aiJ8llo.b   '-nBax/offit  xie  io  svll  taiBi  oJ   ^■ijsaaoosn  aaw  i-i  bna 

ev^S   lelwoT   ^5061    ^PI   ylxrT,   bfs    ;aa9ciha*cfebnJt   rfoua   Y^aJtJ-aa 

-floo  baeaearrxa  ■   to  basG  akslO  Stu9     jb  %ai/i 

Buxt   srfJ-   sd  oi  bernl£^  X.OOOSit   \o  aoiSMtsbta 

A  beix/oaa  bn£l  orli     gnlS'^^^o'Q  Ycf  im/I  bn£   ((aox;f«a9bianoo 

-5*  hjs  bn£     benlsido  oa   xs-^O"'  ©rf-^   dStn  hnjB     OO.OOOat  lo  iXiSoX 

.a;fd9b  eaorl;^  bsila^tea   wd  ^tlaamlif  ^d  baxfain-xul  aura   XsnoX^jtb 

:aw©Xidl  ail  inpofx^  hb  ben^ia  Bcttracr  «r:i    ^aoai   ^li  ^iuh^iUi 

aajBriO  bn£  ini/i  nrfoB   *flri:t   y'^^^ioo  o*  •*  ^tdT    ,8061   ,IE   ^iut* 

at  Hml&lv)  bttB  Bbajsraab  taaq  XI«  bBlttBB  y^b  aiif^  evjari  liimo'i 

rfojtxfw  nl   ie;t;fBir!  noJqmsX  edi  detalt  o*   ai   xaXwoT  .0  baa   ^BtAb 

^tfiatrtir     at  :laj/l    ,iU 
«©Xwo'?  e«BriO 

A»d  on  TJovember  33,  1906,  they  executed  an  article  of  agreement 
for  a  warranty  deed  of  a&Jd.   land  ,19y  Funk  to  Fowler,  r  citing 
theroin  that  Funk  h'oldc  the  land  in  trust  for  Fowler^  and 
agreeflCto  convey  to  him  upon  Fowler 'f  aeauming  the  mortgage 
OR  the  «a«g  and  paying  Funk  all  Buma  of  money  that  he  -feara"  / 
paid  out  for  Fowler  and  becorr.e  obligated  to  pay  for  him  with 
interest  at  blL;   and  providing  that  Fowler  witarl3b  have  the  uae 
of  the  land  in  consideration  of  paying  all  taxes  thereon  ^nd 
the  interest  on  the  wortoa-ge  debt  and  "he  interest  to  Funk 
on  all  stuns  that  he  ha  a  been  cowpelled  to  advance  for  Fowier, 
and  the  inter eet  on  all  obllrjations  which  Funk  has  become 
surety  for  or  may  tw»y»aft»3f,  becoino  surety  for  or  oblir;f\t3d 
to  pay  for  Fowler. 

Fowler  kept  pofsseaaion  of  the  land,  excepting  a  small 
part  thereof  that  was  oonv??yed  by  Funk,  till  Febrxxary  1911  '^ 
but  defaulted  on  eone  of  his  obligations  iraposed  by  the  con- 
traoti  and  Funk  conveyed  the  land  to  his  con-in-lawwho  c^ot 
posBeeeion  of  itj  whereupon  Fowler  begun  a  forcible  detainer 
suit  before  a  Justice  of  the  Peace  to  recover  posee-aion. 
The  son-in-law  reccnveyed  to  Funk  and  he  filed  a  bill  in 
equity  to  enjoin  the  forceable  detainer  proceedings  and  pray- 
ing foy  a  cancellation  of  the  contract  of  November  34,  1946; 
and  iri4«4,  the  deed  J»€  declared  an  absolute  conveyance;  of  if 
it  should  be  hald  that  Fowler  had  an  eq'jity  of  redemption 
that  the  Court  fix  the  amount  to  be  paid  within  a  short  day 
to  be  naned. 

The  theory  of  the  bill  4«-  that  the  deed  ^vas  an  absolute 
conveyance;  the  oubaequent  contract  was  intended  and 
should  be  construed  the  same  as  though  Funk's  title  had  no 
connection  with  Fowler;  that  the  recital  in  the  contract 
that  Funk  held  the  land  in  trust  for  Fowler  wns  inserted  by 
Sovrier  without  Fxink'a  knowledge;   that  the  relation  of  at- 


fcn^  (TO;  i  anJt^£  o 

tieJ  JBff*    »fBX' 


XXiicie,  fi  anicTqsoxs    ^fc;  aoiaaes 

-no  rsaotts^ildo  d 



on  bexi  t^*i;t   a'jfnir^  rfgx/c  jaiJeno- 

*oBi*noo  »rf;f  at     lAttoffi  Hrf,- 

torney  and  client  existed  between  the  parties  and  Funk 
therefore  repoaad  cor.fidanoe  in  Fowler  and  signed  papers 
prepared  by  hinwithout  question;  and  that  tha  contract  was 
net  binding  on  Funk  if  it  contained  anything  indicating 
that  the  title  was  not  in  him  absolutely.   That  Fowler  had 
defaulted  in  performing  obligatione  irapoeed  oxuhim  by  ths 
agreement,  and  that  a  reaeonabxe  tine  for  a  conveyance  there- 
under to  be  de'-'snded  by  Fowler  had  elapsed,  and  for  that 
reason  he  had  no  further  interest  in  the  land.  Fowler  answered 
claiKing  that  the  whole  transaction  waa  an  attempt  to  give 
Funk  security,  in  thenature  of  a  mortgpage,  on  the  land  in 
question;  pnd  t.'at  the  article  of  agreement  of  November 
32,  1006,  was  v;ell  understood  by  Funk  when  it  was  executed 
and  'ffaa  in  fact  the  written  expression  of  the  oral  agreement 
and  understanding  between  them  when  the  quit  claim  deed 
was  executed.  He  also  filed  a  cross  bill  praying  an  accounting 
and  reconveyance  u  on  payment  of  the  amount  eo  to  be  found 

A  temporary  injunction  was  granted  on  the  original  bill 
and  a  motion  to  dissolve  it  denied,  and  an  appeal  prosecuted 
by  Fowler  to  this  oo\irt.  ¥e- affirmed  the  orders  of  the 
trial  court  granting  and  refusing  to  digaoivs  ihe  injunc 
tion,/^on  the  ground  thaty  as  the  case  was  presented,  H^^^A-oAly. 
question  b-afoj:a  this  court  was  "whttthar  vh«  bill  on  it?  face 
was  sufflp-<flT«*  ta  warr*»*--4ii#-  i 8»v^nf~o-f  the  writ ,  and  ws 
ha1.d  it  was^  if  ''Bfaumifd  1»e  Vin--4MC-u»y--Au££iclai\t.  (Funk  v  Fowler 
179  111,  App^  356.) 

Tne  cause  v/as  referred  to  the  master  in  chancery  to-take 
eviaonee  -ch^- report  th'?  «!ame  and  his  finding*  of  facts  and 
cpnclwfl-iQna  A-r  Tfl«  tk«xe<»i.  He  rfiportod  finding  the  allen;at:' one 
of  the  original  bill  true,  and , the  equities  with  the  com  - 
plainant  therein,  and  recomit.ended  a  decree  which  was  entered 

awtacf  heiR.txtt  ^rteiXo  baa  y^nto^ 

^:  iJ--.  "i&frjijstn,  i:  jfrrw^  no  ^aifonM  -^Or 

.+i;Xo8(^,8  mi:  ;«  ajsw  »XiJ-it"«ll*^^»iirf3^ 

.ImrEotTCdrr  ni   foad-lujolsij 

joiBiehciit  II«iw  BBw  ^^0eX  -^88 

:spltauooo&  as  atflt^lQ  Xlircf  eeov  obIa  eH   ,fieti/o©x©  e^av? 

♦  ejjb 
fceiuooaoiq  Ijsjk  ^Jbelnsh  ji   ©vXops  .;n-: 

on.!./ fit:-  3/tia0"!t*a     Jbit;-;  ^.f 

e  '-^ilWt-flCrtitf  SUP 

(.5c:e  .qqA  .lii  evx 

ano  .  .  .)»«ft44^  am  f    ><7   ttrtr^ia re Lntt f»a 

'.'n.       ^eiHrJ^  XXicf  XBxxiglxo  sil^t    io 

f adding  the  deed  absolute   and  Fowler  still  indebted  to  Funk 
in  tlie  sun  of  ;%5760,03;  making  the  temporary  injunction  per- 
petual; cind  distJiisaint,  tlie  croaa  bill  for  want  of  equity; 
ordering  Fowler  to  pay  Funk  said  B\m   pf  f.5760,03  and  in  case 
of  defauft  that  Funk  have  execution  therefor,  and  further 
ordering  that  Fowler  pay  the  taxable  costs  of  the  suit. 
From  which  decree  this  writ  of  error  is  prosecuted j  th^- 
riri  n;:i  r"1  ^^i'T'Tl4^Mt--'*'^"'^*^-^»'^''>''^*''^"'^y'"g^^        the  court 

■■Arred  in  .f1^^^-t"s ■tiw^-^ttrit-ciaiBi  deed  an  abscilute  conveyance 

^lid  not  an  the  nature  _of.. a.  mortgage. 

We  are  unable  to  concur  in  the  finding  of  the  Masterand 
tiiB  Chancellor  that  the  qultj  claim  deed  in  question  was 
intended  as  an  absolute  convey  nee.  The  facte  can  hardly  be 
Bu-id  to  be  in  dispute.  The  whole  history  of  the  transaction 

including  the  tsstimony  of  Fufik  himself,  when  his  dirsct  and 

cross  examination  is  read  together,  seems  to  us  opposed  to  any 

claim  that  at  tns  time  the  4eed  ^aa  delivered  either  party 
believed  or  understood  that  Fowler  had  not  the  rignt  to 
discharge  his  obligations  to  Funk  and  th\ia  redeem  the  land. 

It  follows  that  the  accounting  should  have  been  on 
tiiat  basis,  and  a  decree  should  have  been  entered  permitting 
Fowler  to  redeem  within  a  time  fixed  therein,  u^on  the 
satisfaction  of  the  obligat^one  for  which  the  security 
Was  given,  A  recasting  of  the  account  as  stated  is  required. 
It  now  includes  rent  of  the  premiaee  and  other  items  that 
would  be  differently  treated  on  an  accounting  as  t  e  basis 
of  redemption.   The  items  of  the  account  are  numerous  and 
are  not  svifficiently  pointed  out  or  disouRsed  in  the  briefs 
to  enable  ub  to  give  specific  directions  as  to  the  treatment 
of  rr.any  of  them.   It  ai^pears  that  a  sinall  portion  of  the  land 
wae  conveyed  by  Funk  and  that  he  rsceived  the  money  there- 
for. If  this  sale  was  acquiesced  in  by  Fowler,  or  if  it  wae 

iI.'Tijf  0*  betdshai.  I.,  i^a  a&Xvv.-iTr   hn^       e;fvIoac/£  beeb  erf*  gnlltfiil 
-ttsq  flor^onxrtai  x^aaoqcoe^^.  ~  w   ,j.  _..,...   iSO.OaTS^  to  aujs  sifj  xil- 

;X^-£'-'^P*  to  itt£^  zot  XXlcf  aaoiu  Biii.  ^alosJtraaif)  fe«Ji  liJwd'e 
eefio  ni  bn^  fiO.oaTc"    i     uuja  i;j:ii8  ^aiil  v-si  o*  aeXwo'^  :^iipb'i 

tzsjoa   ' h'df  "»fti-w .. .. ..     c»*- ■isd'.' S'sri  ft© Jn©!^-Tvtfl-ol^4iaup^-L.scvi5xU:i 

bn&istBBU  edi   to  snihnll  erfi  nx  tuoaoo  oi   -.Icfj-^.         _    . 

asvf  noirf-eai-p  nl   baefi  aiJtijIo  'jt i^jiy  .dj< .<  ,.,  ^oXi^oaj^jn'O 

ad  ylbTjeri  ii«c  .^.T    .eon  '^-.T/noo  sJ-i/Xoatfs  jt«  8«  ijebnoJ.T 

nol:ro^,8iT£T3-  e  ;  irf  eioA-  .^j-ijqaii)     iti  ad.  o.?  b-tj-; 

^iXeecnXri  ixft/J  lo  Y^oajt^fesJ-  »fivJ   ■^aiiMlont 

Yn£  o;t  beeoqqo  ai/  0^  esa&ea   ^i6di&&oi  baei  el  aofianimAxe  £301 

o.r   ia-slt  edj     toa  bad  aaXwot  t&dt  booi^ershajj  lo  *>9v«iXt 
,bas:l     Bdi  fflsebei  8ud;f  bae  ias/<i  oJ   anoxi'^gxido  exil  ©^s^iiloBi 

tio  nc^ed  avBff  bXxroiia  3cX:t'auooQ«  eilJ  iadi   awoXXol:  ^I 
Sai^fitJtaiaaq  beaeJ-ize  nsscf  evjsd  bXijfOila  es'xoBb  .s  ncfa  ,ajtajs<f  ;fi5i. 

Xt:j:(_c.  anoJ|ifB3lXa;..         -  io£;loj3X8i^..;- 

,beitr;pe7   ei   be^Bj-s   nz  tnuoooz     Bdi  lo  anirf^a^os'i  A     .nevl^  aa^ 
:Tx*t   isri.;  aeaxmg^tc^  Qdi  lo^nsi  aebwXoni  won  il 

bIbp.Q'  ■    3fll;frti/oooa  «£  no  pBie-^it  tli~eisXtib  eo"  bii/ow 

E)nfi  ax/oiarum  ••->>  ^nwooojg  sifJ-  to  8m&  .noxcfqoebei  lo 

aleirtcf     erf*  n.c  beaRuoath  10  tuo  ibaJ-nioq  Y*>^ciexox'iiijfi  Jon  oii? 
d"nir  3£  BaotJoe-iib  olttoBas  evxg  Oi^   au  e^-ujine   o. 

bnxJl  lX  XXjsma  a  tsrft   eiaeqqa  ;tl      .raexii^   To   y^jbti   io 

-a-cft;?'   YerfO"r  9;:;^     bevlec.  r;,ilj-   im*  im/^  y<^  be^avnoo     sba 

«.fe  ^leXwo't  "({cl  nx  b&otpijjpojs  aaw  tXaaairii'   II    .uc 

net  and  t>ie  price  received  was  not  unreasonably  low.  Funk 
sliould  only  be  charged  viiith  t:ifl  amount  he  received  at  the 
date  when  he  received  it.   There  is  a  controversy  over  the 
charges  of  FovJler  to  Pu^  for  legal  services,   in  Our  op- 
inion the  Master  correctly  found  and  reported  that  item. 
As  to  all  other  items  there  shouhd  be  a  re-ref irence  to  the 
Master  to  re-state  th j  account  on  nuch  evidence  as  the 
record  already  contain!,  and  such  futther  evidence  as  the 

parties  or  either  of  t.iem  may  produce.  The  temporary  injunc- 

tion  ahould  reiiiain  in  :§orce  till  the  satisfaction  of  the 

decree  to  be  rendered,  \ 

The  decree  iu  reversed  and  the  cause  remanded  for 

further  proceedings  not  inconBistent  with  the  views  here 


Reversed  and  r4r!ianded. 

iUtsA   ,woX  YXcrafToa^ein*/  ton  a^w  fcavisosrr  eoliq  dif;t  bnjs  Jon 

Btif  iM     hevlc-c  awoauj  s    r  ri#lW  begajBrfo  •cf  ylno  bXworfa 

exfcf   T6V0  \fiii9voaJnoo  £  aJt  sasri?        ,ti   bsvleoea  »d  ae^v  et^b 

-qo     lO  fii      ,8©oJ:viSB   I^sel  ibl   *  ilrkrt!  ot  aeiwoT  to  ieguBrio 

.rrtsi^i  ^£rft  LsJioqsa  fins  bauoJ  \l&o^itoo  i' >te^;^i  o.ij     noxni 

•dJ'  6*  eoixettslet-e'i  £  ecf  b:{ju-ori»  sierfl   smed-i  asxfJo  LIa  ot  aA 

Sfl;?  aj3  9t>nebtve  doup.  no     ttiuoooA  idt  eJiJ*a-ei     oj   idJ"afiM 

9tf3'   SB  eonebJtTs  uerfcflut  dojun  hn/i     »4niB;fnoo  '^bBetlB  Jjt:oosi 

-Ofl^tni   Yisioqmf  .^ouboiq  ^fJ8t^  meriJ   to  TtttrfJ*  j  ifi^q 

enj    Tro  noiJ-OBlaxd-as   etut   ILtt  eoiol  nl  nijsioe^c  faiirode  aot^ 

.ftetebfis'^  aexosJb 

to  ■    Jbsbrcjjfifsa  68060  6rfi"  Jbn£     b»8aftv»a   (jjc   eeaosa  eriT 

ftierf  Bweiv  drii-  rfJ-iv?  i'hei-aiarfooair  toa  tgnibeeooif/ isxii- 


.bebnjtinii  bnB  baaaevefl 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  \  ^'^'       I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing'  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 

March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 





legun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  thef sixth  day  of  October, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nfne  hundred  and  fourteen, 

within  and  for  the  Second  District  <$?    the  State  of  Illinois 
Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Presiding-  Justice. 
Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Ju'stice. 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  iustice. 

CHRISTOPHER  C.  DUFFy/ Clerk.   "lQOT/\    IQQ 
J.  G.  MISCHKE,  Sheriff. 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following-,  to-wit: 

Gen.  No.  6036 

Adam  Nebergall,  Admr.  appellee 

V8  Appeal  from  LaSalle, 

The  Prudential  Insurance  Co, 
of  Anerioa,  appellant. 

Cart^ea,  P.  J.  /. 

This  ia  a  euitin  a»eumpatt  "br^w^t.  by  t*re-  gippoilant-, 
Adam  Nebergall  as  administrator  of  the  estate  of  his  son 
Edward  L.  Nebergall  deceased,  against  the  Prudential  Insurance 
Co.  of  America,  tho  appellant-,  on  a  policy  issued  on  the  life 
of  the  deceased,  A  jury  trial  resulted  in  a  judgment  against 
appellant  for  the  full  amount  of  the  policy  and  interest 
thereon,  t384,08,  from  which^  j ua^iwiFti  -th-i^  appealfie  taken. 

JSioro  wao  a  atipul-ation  that  al-afc— »¥4<^^nefr-  «4gh t 
bo  intrt)duc'od"lLjy  nsfscch-- party  -'t^'»a>t-"wo^^d  -be  eoittpet-gfft  under 
any  protmr  iJluadingi  1\ — i a  o lalaad -^by .  Appkellamt  -that  the 
gourt  or JoA■-4^--&dmlsaion>■>aJad.-.-X4a.3^ctioja-■o^-^-■el^4•«^le<^^^^     1  n 
g1  vl  ng  and  ref  ueinj^^Hna^bJuot-ir^ne^^  -^t—e^d  that  no  contro- 

that  "the  geal-qpteMAeji  eeowe  to-be-"&Tte-"Of~-'^gwrt. 
The  policy  was  ieasuod^t  Ottawa,  Illinois,  where 

the  insured  resided  with  his  parentgij.LApril  10,  1905,  when  ', 

Ae  was  sixteen  years  of  agei  5**  provided  for  the  payment  of 
a  weekly  prem4tm  of  fifteen  cents;   and  that  it  should  be 
void  in  case  of   default  of  payment  of  premiums  when  due, 
except,   that  if  the  premium  was  not  called  for  by  a  repre- 
eentative  of  the  Company,  injured  might  send  it  to  the 
Company  before  it  should  be  in  arrears  four  weeks;  and  in 
case  of  lapse  for  non-payment  of  premiums  the  policy  might 
be  revived  within  one  year  from  date  to  which  premiums  had 
been  paid  upon  payment  of  arrears  and  showing  present  in- 

3608    ,Ql9[    ,neD 
eelXeqqfi   ,iaibk    (XXa^iecfsTf  mebk 
,9ll&2&d  molt  i^f^r.r-t  av 

.i'niBlIeqqs  .BOJtasmA   ^o 

aoe   aid  to  st-s^se  edit  lo  io^i;i;fei;nifflb«  BBlZegieda^  nusM 

dorxfauanl   Xj9i;fndl}jji?  ericf  ifan^jBs^   ^Jbaajsaoef)  IXa3<Z8d'sK   .J  bijswba 

ellX   oAi  no   bsjjaei   YoiXoq  £  no    ^^(^frBIIsqq*  prf#    ^BOiismA   "io    ,oO 

tBal£-g&  taesa:gbul  a  at  be^Xx/eei  ££i.ii  xiul  A   .baajseoof)  ecif  to 

tB6iottti     bnjB  YoiXoq  erf;t   1o  #flj;;offl«  XXx/t  an'o    rot  tnuXXeqqfi 

■  /,.v,.>  A^>^  ^M- 
.aaia#   ai  U^saqq^  a-trf^— »iHi»i^Liyt  ^florn-.-    caoi^    ^OCI^BEft    ^nosTa. 

t ri3^»-   eoflehlye  XIa~4d»ri^ — mektMiuqlf  o  aaw  oioriX 

Tebni/  ^rre-i^qmoo  «d- *dctfow-"(h9ff#"  Y*^i«q  tfose  ^  ~OrDiffeo^»n i  ad 

8ii;f   tgTf*--^ffjXraqctn  .^ftf-AaaB^jJa  ai     #1 -;yiltia»±q -rerrpTtq  yaa 

nJt  Brig-t»«t»fe^^-^  a»Jt4s>atei  ha&  aQt»%tmba  aX  fca«»a   jf^iifOi;* 

"OtSctoxi -xm  tBTtt-^JtfiB  4u4  taii«i»0tfitanJt-8fllai/t9T  fawn     gnfvlj^ 

.»oa»-%e-<Hta-'atf-o»  -^wa^a  jytiaaup  Xjbt  9rf:t — *«t 
siexlw   ^aionlXII    ,J9Wj5;t:fO   ^A^^baireel   a£W  voiXoq  aiiT 
i'  narf*  ,3X  XliqAUaa^nsTpq  siri  ri;fiw  babisai  baox/ani  ar 

lo  tnQ:i-i'i»ii  exIJ-  10 T-  bablvoiq  ^    rfaga  lo  ti^ax  nas^xJta   aaw  e 

ed  bXuoria   ^t  tsiif   bna      iBtneo  ase&ti'^   to  m*4ffleiq  y<£^0&^  * 

^Bub  nerfw  aflu/ims'iq     lo  ^rtsrttYfiq  lo  JXu^lab       lo  a8£0  nX  blov 

•eaqei  a     ^fd  aol   helL&o  toa  ajHW  muXneiq  arfif  tt   f&dt      ^*q90?C8 

arf^   o^   ^Jt  basa  *rf3ira  baiirbnX  ^^^fnaqaroO  sdf  lo  avXi£^naa 

at  bnjs   ;a^8ow  ruot  Biae^iB  nt  »d  biuodB   it   eaolsd  xnBqmoO 

^rlaXm  Y^-^Xoq  ecii'     Btavtmeiq  lo  tn&mx&q-aoa     lot   aaqi3X  1o  eaao 

bJBrf  BtButaexa  rfotrfw  ot     Btnh  caoit  xs&v  ano  citdttvi  beviv- 

-at   taeBstq  3niworfB  has  Bireme  "50  Jnemyaq  aouu  bXiiq  need 


surability  of  insured,   Otharttee  all  rights  under  the  policy 

were  forfeited  in  case  of  non  payment  of  premivims  when  due. 

The  insured  died  as  the  result  of  an  accident  about  two  o' 

clock  In  the  mornirg  of  April  11,  1911,   while  absent  from 

Ottawa,  Hie  weekly  premiiim  due  February  30,  IQll^was  paid 

March  15,  1911^and  there  was  no  subsequent  payment  until  the 

day  of  his  death,  when  one  of  *iwj-  broHihers  of  InouJed  after 

hearing  of  the  accident,  but  not  of  the  death,  went  to  the 

office  of  the  company  and  paid  :tl,35^which  was  received  by 

one  Donovan,  who  gave  a  receipt   for  the  same,  reciting 

that  the  premium  would  again  fall  due  April  17,  1911,  The 

Company  afterwards  returned  thirty  five  cents  of  this 

money  and  used  ^1,00  of  it  to  pay  for  a  certified  copy  of 

the  record  of  the  Coroner's  Inquest.  Oeie  quootiea  is  made 

whathej  Donovan  waa '^«4^^^■4^%^'-%l^^^«■"arn«.ffi»n^t-o^£■  tb«-  Go«pany , 

but  we  think'  th»-T»3Poof  -wado  a  iigiwa~jEacla.-.a]xa«lng>-tfe'a»  he 

«aa,  and  it  war  ne<r-g«butt«d.   Proofs  of  death  were  ivade 

and  the  company  refused  to  pay  on  the  ground  that  the  policy 

was  not  in  force  at   the  time  of  the  death; — taat^it  had 

lapsed  and  been  forfeited,  ^. 

App Ml ] ftnt""etduii'fB ., that  if  Ui«  practice  of  the  Oumpaiiy 

and  jrtrs  course  of  dealings  with  the  insured,  and  others  known 

to  the  insured,  has  been  such  as  to  induce  a  belief  that 

80  much  of  the  contract  ag  provides  for  a  forfeiture  in  a 

certain  event  »iii— not  be     insisted  on,   the  Company  wi-11-   LACiMM. 

not  be  allowed  to  set  iip     such  forfeiture  as  against  one  in 

whom  its  conduct  has  induced   such  belief,      Thia  aucLrliiH  Te 

dioouaeed  aiiQ  aruthurili«»(*-»i"ted  and-roviewod-^-^hil-a-ee^Ar t 

J.jft-Unlt>ed  Oiates   Imlemni  ty    guu-irety-v^-Qgigge  ■H'8' IH:-^   App, 

.677,   flnd  bji    Lli(^  Ai^p^iiatr  t:^crcrrir--foy--tiW' ffrihrd--Bi<^  in 

ITeJtk  Amat9ftn--Acgi:glHt ' Tn¥tt3r aftc e  C<smp&w  "^ ' "^^ ^ ee i d«^j-  i-54 

JUX>  ^App.,  .2a0j.  awd  i*~na  doubt  the 

,9ufy  aeriw  ■nuxlaieTq  lo   ^irsMX^q  non   "^  -    «?  •;-    ^  !•    ^eitetttol    :-'Tev 

Boal   *nsicfB  ellrfff      jXlW   ^11   XJtiqA  ^o  sninioa  scif  ai  iodiXo 

bi^q  aisw^XieX   ^OS  \TJiurdel  eub  taukmsiq  \ii99n  exW   'JwnBiiG 

erf^   Xi^rcif  #nemY-Bq  taeuptadiuB  on  bjbw  sierf^   brtB^^XXeX   ^SX  xfoijeW 

T9;f^£  Jt>©«t^ef^i~*»  Bisrftfoicf  -o-r^   ^o   ©no  a»dir   ^Ai^it^b  eirf  "io  X-^i" 

8rf;^   ot  drtew   ^c^ta9b  edt  lo     *on  *iicf   ^JnaoiooB  srfi  lo  gnii-serf 

Xcf  fcevJtj»o©i  SAW     doirfw,  ac.Xl^  bi*q  bn*  y^^Q^ioo  srfJ-  "^o  ©oillv^ 

artjt#i:o9a   4©ffl£8  8d^  sol     c^qisosa  ^  evjeg  oriv.-  ^aav'onoCI  eno 

afiT    .XXex   ^VX  XtiqA   auJb  XXjbI  al£:qii  blx/ott  mvioeiq  Brfit   d'JBxl^ 

Btrf*  lo  aJnfio  evil   y^^^rf''^     Jb»mu;fetc  8?iai9wae*ljB  x^aqraoO 

lo  ^qoo  bBt^ttxaz  £  lo'i^  y,eq  ou    *X     lo  00,X^   f>?eu  baa  \9a0m 

aJiigm  ai  aol^aaup.  ewoO    .tf^ati/pnl  a'lenosoO  eri;t   lo  biooai  ©ri;f 

,  y(i£q«Ot>  «<{^  Iq  »n»§<ifi^  •wi»"  juCf  i»c  aawftgTOgeig"'Mt^riJ^tirfiff 

ebja-n  etew  ri*«el>  lo  »loo'i<T      .M^sN*rf« 

YOiXoq  edit  ^crf*  bnuo^s  srtcJ'  no  \J8q  od^  baai/lfla  ta^Bqaioo  erf^   i)nj 
barf  ti,>«r-j> — id&BBb  edt  lo  emXJ-  eri:f     ta  eoaol  ni   :rort  bjsw 

VUJaq.iuu9   9ti&>  ^o  8oX*OJ»aq  944   Ix  -A 

nworti  BTsrfJ^o  b/uj   jbeauanl  srit  rftiv'  e^ftlXjaefe   >.o  aexuoo  fftjt  bna 
■^3i'.t  IftiXscf   p  9r>tr' .   .  aaod  Bjarf  ^baiuarti     exl^'   o;f 

e  ni  •ii/cTiel-i  . -w  toai^tapo     eri^    lo  iioum  oa 

iMtf  YW-octMOiJ  »rf*   «co  bs^exani:     ecf  J'oa'Hc***  *nevs  ataiiBO 
at  eao  ^aitJtA^B  •£  exu^fislTol  xfoua     q^  i9n   oi  b«woX;«  ecT  cfon 
«T»uiiJuulj  BjfciH'      .leJtXed  tious   beoufcni   9Md  toubaoo  all  morf. 
ionieo^-aJWt- Ycf  fteweiTat-  fena  ba^Ao   a»A#iaQiIJ  jju  bM.a  "fcaatufowjti 
♦  qqA- .ihHh-ejEX-HiagTt^  ^   y,ii9iV'jB   \.i  iumBiml  ■■^g»e--fe»#i<iy-« .. 
rfx-'-^o-t rtt!-^-  fw+fff  -iMf*--To^  •fnroO-UijBiieqqA"  BUJ    viJ  I^«j»'  4^5^ 

tfttteXXcq^B  i»<jff-  - , wjbX.  s4i>  -tddwob  o«r- -^  ba«  -t^SL Hr4£jL-»X!;L 

^rgiiea   that  decaased-'-did-TTPt'-tnciotf-'of— -«By'"00^iy»»-of  -daallng 

tjY  the  Company     that  cojulLI  create -»  teelief  that     thB~ir±Tn«  of 

pttyiHiiiut  of  pi'i^mlumB  liad  boeri  waivAt      AppQllQe--4-R%*^4uoed 

flViflftn^iTf  that  a  nnriiDer  of  timea  durin£-  the  life  of   the 

policy,   premiums  had  been  received  bv_tl:|fi.  company  when  m^t^i 

'  --  /^ 

•g?l  f^'^^'-'L  ^J J^^  mxicti  jL\{yi'H'f  trrgtn  four  weeks  overdue;   aad  the 

^polloy'^had  b o^^t-^ctiyfr-^-ft^jPtMPe^ '^ay— thir     pTaytrrgnt  'ol* ■  Btich  "oreTdus 
^AOMiuiiis     without  the  insured  complying  with  the  provision 
for  re-instatement  of  raembers  whose  policies  lapsed  by  non- 
payment of  dues,      ft  ttippettJ^d  th^t  i^uMi*-^d  \>i,efi  aAgant 
from  home  much  of  the  time  since  the  policy  was  issued,   and  ^'^ 
premlumi  had  been  paid  by  his  father  or   eorre  other  member 
of  the  family,    AF>y»a.lee  also  produced   withesses   to  prove 
the  course  of  dealings  of     appal la<fw  with  othar  rembers  of 
the  family  of   the   insured;   ajwi  af  ta*  ■objaoA.lona   9Ufl.'.>aiJft#<h  to 

quf?s-tlons  aflli;^.jLxL-l-alriXeiio.ft  thaxeto,  -h^- -o-f  f erad  ..ta<>.pixx>«4^ 

that   there  were   nine  children  in  the  Nebergall  family;    tiiat 
they  and  their  father  carried  policies   in  the  defendant  com- 
pan>     and  that  payment  of  pr  miums  on  such  policies  had, 
before  the  death  of   the  insured,   been  aocepted     on  varioue 

and  different  occasions,    that — "wero  in  arrears  for  porioda 

/k<   0JV\Jia-\4, 
-e#-  from  five  to   thirteen  weeks,  without  declaring  a  forfeit- 

urs,   and  that  this  practice  was  known  to  the  insured;     whioh 

(Tvldettoe  -wag  ^b j ecfara:'"" "tcr^Hy " appel lant  "&"»■  Incoape'teTTt;;  -and 

;tfe« — objaotioR" -wi« tftinBdv~    Thl a ~BV±t^enee-  -e^ews-e^wp^-t e nt 

uadfli_ths_-ai«i-VA-xui*j--"?tnd'  It  'seeimfe '  tb  ue  arar»e-4iha*  -<t-h«--father 

and  ethog  mgaibHYl' of  the  family  THng  "±ntru»t«€^•«i*tev"4te«•- pay- 

TnflTit   nf  pyf^T^^^yiyig  r^»-»h-f»-pftli-Qy>  w^»i^>     1rh»  in9tir«4  wfiw^  absent 


mfltaglaX  and'  importantjr-tm^thla  qni-e-gtlog'  o'f^ 'w^^       by  the 
A  --com^finy ...,..,iX.  -ttHr-scgBTit  of   the  tnefur'ed ' wa»  i^d^-^ta^b&liQve 
that  the  time  of  paywsnt'oT "premiums  wottid  be  waived- -bif 

noxBtvoaq  ed*  rfi'lw  gitlY-fciooo  Jbeiuani  ©nJ-  tuodtin     •mJ^i«»*^^ 
-non  X(i  h^aqnl  a»loi:Xoq  eeodw  aiscfmsm  to  tnBv^eiBiant^Bt  aolt 

■^iv\   tttti   .bt^,..  „  ««,..    ^olloq  erf;f   eonis   smld"   srfi  "io  doom  •wod  moal: 
tCBcfmsin' neriio  araoe  lo  lerf^jel  al'f  — -'  ^ >:■-'■   "e^-i  bad  •faulflietc 

to  5ir«-'«'='^-'   f'-.rt>,^   ,r-t-         ....^.j,.^^...^     io  agciXjRSi;;   "^o  eBTifoo  erfJ' 
04"  .fe»ciA   ..-.V.   ... —  ««^«,j.***4«-l»«vG   ^IjeairanJ:  edJ   lo  y^Llms'i  fids 

(  '■  1  ■."• - 

i'jBd*    lYliawl  XX«8TCScfc-.  .»i  neifcXido  enJta  •!©%  eiedJ   ijari;^ 

■•"  •'.'i-~*    "^  "^^      '.•■    ,      ..  . 

-moo  JnjBfcnetsf)  tidi  nt  aelolXoq  fcftJfcii'So  x^di^'i  tcxeriJ-  bns  y:Bii& 

^b^d  aeioJiXoq  dox/a  no  9tautm  zq  "to  ta9ta\aq  tJidi  bns.     t^aq 

BuoiiBv  no     bed^qeooB  need   ^bBZu»ai.  sdi   to  d&A9b  edi   eioted 

»b»igoq  'Kol  miJi%^^^  -i^i-  -fi..%**m — tmdt   ^BaoiUAOoo,  ta»TLB\'iJ:b  bn^ 
—    —  ->     -  -'>K,  "■■       - 

-tfistiol  £  >3nlaBXot      J, -sisew  aasSiidi  ot  mvtJ.  moil  4^ 

d»i^ir      iboiu^at   erii   o:^   awnni  b.-v-  HoO-oaiq  aid*   Jisiii   bn£    ^niu 
bet  Mr  -^tntrtq  qanyan  J:    .-    .. .-  „.      D'fr'JtTottc^  •»"'  aagolJlvt' 

-X«q-  e ; '  J    d j .  .  ^  ;  yX  IkbI   t iftf «?» nnnn  -WMf^^-brrr 

©veil's,.'  oJ   bal   B=£iii.''t)W  *t   In   :fT«)-7i-   -.^i^-   li    ,    i{£{if4B(Oo 

appellant,  A  party  cannot  jbe  heard  to  object  that  a  fact 
was  not  proved  whers  the  proof  wae  prevented  by  hie  ob- 
jection.  Hahl  v  Brooke,  313  111,  134;  C,  &  A,  R,  R,  Co.  v 
Walker, 118  111,  App,  397;  American  Tnaurance  Company  v  Meyers 
118  111,  App.  484;  Rook  Island  County  v  Rankin,  118  111,  App 
499.  ,   j 

The  evidence  admitted  and  offered  was  sufficient  to  pre- 
vent the  court  from  disturbing  a  verdict  resting  on  the 
finding  that  the  nrovisibn  of  the  policy  as  to  time  of 
payment  had  been  waived  ay  the  Company.   If  the  agent  re- 
ceiving past  due  premium^  lacked  authority  to  waive  the 
provision  in  the  policy,  4a  appellant  suggests,  sti'.l  it 
^  must  be  held  from  a  noursaj  of  dealing  in  receiving  past  due 
^  premiums  that  the  company  «knew  of  and  ratified  the  act  of 
the  agent. 

Appellant  received  the  last  payment  after  the  death 
of  assured,  and  it  is  txxxe   that  it  did  not  by  so  doing  re- 
vive the  policy  if  it  was  before  that  time  forfeited;  and 
A     the  court  ao  instructed  th|e  jury.  But  the  fact  that  the  agent 
/  without  knowledge  of  the  di'eath  of  tie  insured  received  and 
receipted  for  tie  overdui  premiums,  tands  to  show  that  he 
did  not  regard  the  policy  !then  forfeited  for  non-payment 
of  premiums;  and  if  it  be  jaaid  that  he  had  no  authority  to 
waive  a  provision  of  the  j^olicy  and  therefore  it  is  imma- 
terial what  he  supposed,  (it ill  the  receipt  and  return  of  the 
premium  was  a  part  of  thjg  history  of  the  transaction,  and 
we  do  not  think  the  cotirtj  erred  in  admitting  the  evidence  in 
[reference  thereto  or  in  rief using  to  instruct  -the  jury  to 
disregard  it. 

We  find  no  error  torejudicial  to  appellant  in  the  ad- 
mission or  exclusion  of  evidence.  Neither  do  we  find  what 
we  regard  reversible  erroi  in  giving  instructions  for 

-xju     exxi   ^di     ibsJaevelq  |j8tr  ^ooirj  od^   ©aert,      .bevoaq  Jon  ajev- 
•a»Yi>^>    ^    '^u^qoioO   aon^Tuent  njsDJtlemAt  ;?GS    .^qA    .1X1  8XX^ieiX«W 

qqA    ,  moO   bnJBX^I   XooH   ;>8^    ,qqA   .1X1  6XX 

-eaq  oJ  *n®loil:l:jj8  bjbw  bettsllo  fani'  feetiXmfiB  eoneMve  •riT 

odi   no  3al;f8ST:  ^oJtbteV  «     shltf'sutslh  mont  ^turoo  arfJ-  #nt!V 
:Xoq  erft  lo  ftdiaiveaq     «rf:r   t&cii  gnlfaixi 
-SI  jfi&3^  fc».:;a   II      .xnp.qmoO     erf*  -igrf  b»vl£w  reefer  bed  tnem^Bq 
erii   evJte^     oJ^   yi-iiorfJi/jB  fis:>(oaX  jsnu/lmeTq  auJb  *8aq  -galvieo 

tl  XXl;fe   (8*863308   ^njSXJeqqjs  til   ^YDiXog  «d*  nX  floXaxvoK 

■>  -.  .  .      .-  I  ■  •       -    • 

»ub  >8«q  snivieoei  nX  gnXXf'^  moil:  fcXexf  ecf  ^bjji 

lo    1  hdXlXJc?  "^^  o   v?ufli  Y-iJ^qiBoo  8rf*  *JBd*  •mi/Xmei.. 

d*jBei)  sriJ    ie*t£  Jnem^tjaq  Je^X  srl*  fcavlsoea  *niiXIsqqA 
-ea  3flloB'oe  ycT  *on  Jblfi  it  iati&  mif  at   tl   ibrtc     ^bBZUBen   to 
i^ftjs   ifceJie'taol  emi;  16180  Bait  it   \t   x^iLoq  etit   evt 

.    if     '    '      '  'ii^t  ^rf*  be^ouiJenX  oe  *"ii/QO  jjnJ- 

r.p.x.  iDevXeosa  Deijjaiix  ;  rtt«8ib  erij    "  'eXwonjI  tvodti 

erf    V  ,  Boijjifflaiq  ^nbtts  •.  ao'i  bai'qXeoea 

JiiL.^.3Y-£ic,-nc; ;  -jxslaol:  xiefl*^  YOtXoq  &.:>•   bt^9%' ^on.  bib 

'  ■  lecfruXoiaiq  lo 

-j^Ei.rji   fc.c    J-:      BxolfiexlJ   -:jra:.  x^iXoi;  s.iJ    to  nofaivoaq  «  avX^w 

;^        "      aii/*8i  i>aa  ^qleoe?:       '      '      *#   ^fiasoqqx/e  »ri  t&dvi  I^iis* 

!a,;      ^noitoaen^i*   8ff*   \o  Yioj-axri  h  '     "        :t  i    -        ajaw  MU/Xmai' 

nx  aon^sibivs  f.Ii     gnl^^ifflfcjs  aX  6eTi9  J-cx/on  Si.'   xnrrf*   *on  ob  ©'■ 

o*   Xiu'i   ©u     JoxriJaixX  o*  3rtXaxjle^  nl  lo  oieieriJ'  aoxxeaetei 

.s^Jt  fcxAj^eaeXb 
-'  tni-:xx8qr.o   oj    A«  C!3xnir{;saq  "coi'r?    on   xnxi   eW 

j'^  .     wvr  -'         ■■     "'   .eorrebJtfe  lo  noXsuXoxa  ao  fiox8  8-.m 

aol  6iicijy*j-xjsxix  ^jiiivrg  nX  tot:t»  sXtfXeasvaT  M-Ssei  aw 

Bppo3.toe  or  refixelng  iwa^^wifltiona  of.£^^»^4»y-ftppyH;ttTrt.    The 

"-4^   rftOPiipt — of  paa»  4ue  p?«mi^«B#-'%y-~~»f>fH9^Aaw%7     atnd  tm  ao 

P«i^t#« — *u  ]JiovB     L?iai  niey  naa  tjeeTi  accepted  w^ltHMF'diTcia^^^    / 
t^e  ..  a  fnrfftit,ur.u  af   nirpuliAey,     .Anpellawt  offered  »Wm«,1 




►\nid-*jytite,-+ur^,  Jgnorlngirire  question  of  waiver, 

''**«ij--tJia„iicmrtixcop«xJLy  Refused;    It -a-lao  »£f-»r^4-«Tr-±Tt»%yiao- 


fjjiji  a  a  fnllowat.^ 

"The  court  inatructs  the  jury  that  the  burden  of  proof  to 
show  that  the  policy  introduced  in  evidence  was  in  force  at 
the  time  of  the  death  of  said  Edward  L,  Nebergall,  6s  on 
the  plaintiff  and  he  muat  prove  that  such  policy  was  in  force 
by  the  preponderance  or  greater  weight  of  evidence." 
w^ich  ltre--«aur-4^- rtrfuwedv  ^I1i4«~4n»%**ietie«- w« a- »©■*.  w«a4 
calculated  to  advise  a  jury  clearly  on  what  questions  of 
fact  the  burden  of  proof  was  on  the  plaintiff,  and  may  be 
criticised  as  confusing  questions  of  law  and  fact;   but  in 

1  other  instructions  it   should 
;he  proof  as  to  controverted  facts 

view  of  the  language  used  i 
have  been  given,  yet  under 

no  reversible  wrror  in  the 

we  do  not  regard  its  ref uea L  xa  ax  reversible  error.   Finding 

ioord^  the  judgment  ia  a'"f  irrced. 

-otf^#«gi  -gjB-feo^t^l jta-oaJws-  -      V  uroQ.etli  Jfei^f* 

o^   loorq  lo  flsfcaud  f;f  BtouitBttJ:  tiuoo  erfT* 

;tB     eoTol  ni  SAW     soneP  :  'jtOi/boaJnl  Y^-tloq  eri^  !^Axf*  woxie 

.     .      bi«wb?f  b4««°   1:0  fftsef)  erlif     lo  ecnii  eri* 

/.sw  ^oiXoq  riojj  .  brr,6  llJttftiiaXtt  adi- 

"  »80fi9Jblv8  lo  ^.'igjtew  i©^.»9to  to  eonaiafandqeaq  erfd"  \d 

ed"  Y-BBJ  br£  jlli^nifli-.  .aw  !tooaq  lo  flefcii/cT  ©rf^'tOAl 

rri   tud      {toBl  bna  waI  to  »rtot*«^!'p  gfll»u^fl6o  •£  beaJtoli-iio 
ijXuofiB     ;fjt  Bnottz}"T.i9nt  aaw  agisugnai' *rft  W  weiv 

•Snlbnt"^      .tOTift  «»Irft9tevei  xs  ««  i^eirlei  •*!  biAgei  *on  ob  ew 

fll    lO^ttW    »ItflaT8V91       Oft 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  I  ^^'        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,    Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing-  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  mj^  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 
seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 
March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 




Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  thej'sixth  day  of  October, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nipe  hundred  and  fourteen, 

within  and  for  the  Second  District  o^^  the  State  of  Illinois: 

/  f 

Present--The  HonyDUANE  J.  CARNES,  Pred^ding-  Justice. 

Hon.  bORRANCE  DIBELL,  Justice. 

Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  J.^stice. 


/"""•IQSI.A.  224 

J.  G.  MISCHKE,  She^ff. 


BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit : 


Gen,  No.  6050. 

Anthony  0* Grady,  appellee 

V8  Appeal  from  Will, 

Chicago  &Joliet  Electric 
Railway  Company,    appellant, 

Carnee,  P,  J, 

Y  Appellant,  Chicago  &  Joliet  Electric  Railway 
Company,  operates  a  street  car  line  extending  westerly 
from  the  busineeeportion  of  Joliet  to  and  beyond  the  city 
limits.   It  is  on  Mc Do no ugh  street  where  it  c  osaes  Rsynor 
avenue  atabout  right  angles  near  the  outskirt  of  the  city; 
and  there  i8  a  turnout  or  passing  track  365  feet  long,  con- 
8tr\iGted  in  the  usual  manner,  extending  each  way  from  Raynor 
avenue.   In  passing,  the  cars  turn  to  the  right,  west  bound 
oars  using  the  north  track  and  east  bound  cara  the  south 
track.   The  cars  stop  at  the  far  side  of  the  street  to  re- 
ceive and  discharge  passengers;  ?.  west  bound  car  would,  under 
the  practice  stop  at  the  west  side  of  Raynor  avenue  for  that 
purpose.  Appellee,  Anthony  0' Grady,  a  man  about  78  yeare  old 
wae  in  the  eeening  of  May  36,  1913,  a  passenger  on  a  car 
going  west  on  McDonough  street,  and  wished  to  alight  at 
Raynor  avenue,   and  so  informed  the  conductor.   Appellee 
claims  that  the  car  did  not  stop  at  Raynor  avenue,  but  did 
stop  about  150  feet  west  of  the  avene ,  and  that  he  got  off 
the  oar  there,  which  was  on  the  north  track,  and  went  around 
the  east  end  of  the  oar  towards  the  south,  and  in  doing  so 
got  on  to  the  south  track  and  was  struck  by  an  east  bound 
car  that  v^as  running  without  signal  or  warning,  and 
dragged  back  the  whole  distance  of  the  avenne,  about  150  feet, 
and  received  injuries  to  his  face,  causing  profuse  ksxi: 
bleeding,  and  to  his  clothing.  Appellant  admits  the  request 

,0208    .oH    .aot 
•elXeqqA   ^xJ^jBaO'O  yaorfJ^nl 
,II1W  iioil   IjisqaA  8V 

oiiitoaiSt  ^elloLS  03J30jbril[ 
,*flJiXl8qqs  ^-^njaqmoO  -^snLiAf 

,1.   .^   ^sena,eC 

Xlisiteew  snibnecfxe  •nil  imo  ttBita  £  aa^^ieqo   «Yn£qtBoC 

ytxo  erfj   ftnoyecf  bn*  o;f  itexXoL  to  noiitioqeaeaJtBi/d  eri^  noicl 

loxT^fiH  asseo  o  ;tx   eaerfw  tB^r^B   AguonoGoU  no  bI  il      .a^^outJ 

;Y#io     erij   lo  i-iiifeifuo  eri^   ijasn  aeXsrrjc  ^/fglT   ^trOcfjs^jB     »jjrnevji 

-noo    ,3noX  ieot  585  i!o«i*  gnl89«q  io  tx/oniifJ'  fi  si   e'i9ri;t   bat 

lonx^fl  flioal  x>5^  rfo*8'X3   ,i3niiJBm  Xjauau  srit  at  betoui&t 

bauod  *asw   ^trfaJti  erfJ   oi"  nau*  BTjao  eri;f   ^gnlaajsq  nl      ,8j;n9vi 

di-x/oa  9r:J      BiBO   bnwod  ;f8JB©     bns  iOAT*   dtion  sd&  gnlajj  a^cjst 

-e'X  ot  t9»iiB     Hiii   Io  BblB   xsl;  sd:t   is  qotB   b-xjbo  sifT      .)(ojb7j 

leJbnu   ^bljjow  T«o  bnuod  ^a»w    :    ;a<x&3flaeB«q  •s^BfioaJtJb  bnB     avle; 

^«xl^   -lol-   eirnevB  lofl^-'^  ^o  Bbia   d'aew  er[:t   ta  qo^a  eol^ofiiq  sxlJ 

Z)Xo  ai*8Y  8Y   ^uodfi  njsm  «   ^xbJS^iO'O  -^odink   ^eeXIeqqA      .aaoqax/c 

l£0   £  ao     le^xxeaaBq  js   «SX6X    ,dS   y^M  to  ^inavd  er(;t     at  ^s^ 

t£.  id-gtle.  ot   bedat^f   -iiJB   ^tBeria  xf3x/onoOoU  no  ^aew  ^nJtoi 

aelXeqqA      .loifoubfioo     erf*  haaiolnl  oa   bn>.      ttimavja  iQaY&f 

bib  iuxi   ^axxnev£  TonyjB^i  if*     qo^l-a   Jon   nt'i  ijao  srfJ^   rf^ari^J   auTiJBXc 

tto   ifo3   ed  *JSri;t   bnr.   ^  a  nov£  ?n,t    lo     #Bew  ieat  OSX  *uOcf>s  qo>f« 

bauozs  dTTBW  bn£      ^jIoatiS-   il;ti;on  adi  ao  a£w  rfolrfw   jB-xerii/  tjso  »dJ 

OB  ;^nlob  ni:  bnB     ^dtuoB  fid)   Bbrswof  tbo  edt  to  baa  ^^bjib  sifd 

bnirotf  i^BBB  xi£  yc^  ^ioiri^a   bjbw  b/i£  atoJS-xJ^   rfi-uoa  ariJ   oi^  no  J^oj 

bnjb      ^gnjcha^vf  io  XjwrgJta  tuodtt^  gnlnni/i  bbw  tJBri^  a«r 

(^9et  02X   tirocfB  ^srcnavJB  edi   Io  »im£,teib  alorfw  erfcf  ioacf  bbg^BTi 

JUcRtf  eautonq  ^nla^BO   ^eojst  elxf  ot  asiTxrtai  bevldosa  ivu 

iBBupp-x  Bilt  Bttnbe  qA     .gnlxltoXo  sXri     o^  bna  ,r 

to  atop  at  the  avenue,  and  that  appellee  wae  injured,  "but 
clainie  that  the  conductor  before  reaching  th«  avenue  gave 
the  signal,  one  bell,   that  would  warn  the  motornan  to  stop 
at  the  far  aids  of  the  avenue;  that  appellee  cams  out  and 
stood  on  the  back  platform  with  him  :ind  a  paaeenger  named 
Calkins,  and  when  the  car  was  v^ithin  50  to  75  feet  of  the 
eaat  line  of  the  avenue,  and  running  four  to  six  miiea  an 
hour,  appellee  pot  off  and  fell  upon  the  atrset  in  so  doing; 
that  the  conductor  then  gave  the  Qmerp;enoy  stop  signal, 
three  belle  and  the  car  was  etopped  at  the  eaet  line  of  the 
avenue;  that  there  was  another  car,  east  bound,  standing 
still  at  the  time  on  the  south  track  naar  the  west  and  of 
the  passing  track,  about  75  feet  west  of  the  avenue, v^ 

This  action  was  brought  to  recover  for  that  injury  and 
resulted  in  ?.  verdict  and  judgment  of  |?545,00  for  t  e 
plaintiff;  there  had  been  a  former  trial  resulting  in  a 
verdict  of  $500  and  anew  trial  granted  by  the  court,  because, 
as  counsel  both  say,  the  court  was  of  trie  opinion  that  the 
evidence  did  not  augtain  the  verdict.  The  question  presented 
here  is  whether  the  evic'snce  sustains  the  verdict.   The 
arguments  are  Mostly  directed  to  that  question,  and  it  is 
the  only  one  7;e  need  consider.   If  tlie  accident  occurred 
in  the  manner  claimed  by  appellee  the  jucigment  should  be 
affirmed;  ther^^  is  no  question  about  the  amount  of  damagea 

;id  no  other  question  ir\   the  casa  that  should  prevent  a 
recovery  if  the  faota  are  established.   On  the  other  hand 
if  the  facts  are  as  claimed  by  defendant  there  is  no  conten- 
tion, find  no  room  for  oontei  tion,  tliat  the  jvidgment  should 

N^Appellee  testified  in  his  own  behalf  and  narrated  the 
faota  as  vre  have  above  said  he  claims  them  to  be.  He  called 
as  a  witr.esB  Mabel  Palmer,  a  young  lady  who  was  walking  west 

^  va-g  ttuat  ■galdo'sti'i  ©Tol»rf  rtoi'Oi.ibfioo  ttdt  t&cili   awJUtic 

t^o^e   0^  n«ujto;foin  etiii  ai&n   f)Ii/oi^'  tadi^      ^IXecf  erto  ^iJui-giB 

bn£.  iuo  smBO  seXIagqs  tAiii    ;ejjnev£  &di   to  ebia   la^  Bdt  ft 

-     '■;  r.'' 
b^tasn  rcagnesBJBq  is  fen;i  mjtri  titiw  flnotd-jslq  :(0'.  no  1)00*8 

•rf^   to  ise%  aV  0*  Oe  atd;ft^  9«w  ibo  8:f;t     n«rfw  hn-r<   ^Arcl^CX^ 

fl*  B»41ni  xia   oJ-  lijol     juilnrijua  fine  ^auaevfi  *rf,i   to     •nil  *e*ie 

;anjtob  oa  nl   taanffi  oqu  Lief  "hnk  Vko  &<i^  BuLlnqqu   ^luor 

^inci'Qtti  qofB  yon0<)iaaie  9d&  eyjtg'tniti  lot oubnoa  aiiS^^Bd;i 

Bcii  to  Qrtti  i-sea  Sii  ^qqot^  a«w  xao  'Wif*^  ftrt*.     aXiad  aaxrfJ 

i.      .  .      .  trurocf  i'BBs   ^iao  -Tarfd^wcr*  tAw  aiBrfJ'  d^jwiJ    ;»ffn«v« 

to   tab   #R»w  srf;f   t-Gen  iojsai  xltuOa  arfJ  no  »«it     arfJ  *js'^Xii;^8 

.airjtevB  arfi^  to  tae."  J-eet  2V     tuode  ^JinAti:  -^atamMCi  arfJ 

hrtjs  Y^i/trt-k  lArit  tot  icsTOoei  o^  ^r^uoid  taw  iieid-OA  airiT 

•  OO.aj^e^  to     tttsa^bitt  f^-R  toibX9r  a  xit     b^tiuBQi 

£  at     anlifXi/aei  Xjsta*  ismiot  £  itaarf  b£,d  eisrf*   ;'^tf*ntj8Xq 

^Cr  ^taxroo  erf;?   \d  ba;fflfl*rg  X*jti*  wam^  bixB     OOS^  to  ^aibia^ 

ads-  tjidi     aotalqo  &    ■      to  a«w  tijL/oo  arfit   ,t*>  rf^oo'  Xasnudft^tJi 

fca^naaeiq  aoiJaei/p  eri?   ^tothrur     *it*  nljaJaua  ion  btb     eon8iilv«« 

sn'r      .J-oJtftiav  9ffJ  antJB;tRu??     aoits'ilTra  «KJ  ierfi'ariir»il^tt#l 

aX  jI  bns^     ^no  bfi&ottrtt  ^lisiom  f^ijz     t^nemijg^r^ 

bet-iwoco  .    r.fczBnoo  ib«f-n  e-.7  ano  ^lao  ttdi 

nj   l)ii;oriB  Jffsm^btrt  X^  batniJElolartfcfim  etdi  nt 

aes-smj^  "io  iaisom&  niii  fuode  ttOttMtup  oa  it  ftrterf;^    ;fc©miJ:t%i 

&  ^nevaiq  bXworia  ;t:9rfJ  §aW  sifi^  rrX  no.t*»sjt;p  5»rfc^o.*on  ferta 

bl^o:[  nO     ,ftorfBiXrfflc^8P  aic«  at^fll  wftf  tut  xiavooei 

-natftoo  on  sX  e^erf^  JflBftrcpteU  t"^  ftemXjsXft  ae  air  R*oi?t   wriJ"  tl 

bXi/bda  frtamgbi  :-arfjf   »ttoJ:J'de*ntKy  tot  mooi     on  bn  '   ^noJtv* 

•rii'  5e;fAsXiln  fiOJB  tlndod  nwo  aJtrf  nX  baitXifaa*  eaXXaqc.'- 
JbailjBo  ^Bl•{J'  aatijlo -«rf 'Kfc"*!*  »yods  avj^rf  ew  8«  a^ast 

on  McDonough  street  with  a  gentleman.  S le  had  come  on  to 
MoDonough  street  from  the  next  street  east  from  Raynor  Avenue 
and  says  as  she  approached  Raynor  Avenue  she  saw  t  o  cars 
standing  on  McDonough  street,  one  just  east  of  the  avenue 
and  the  other  about  half  a  blook  west  of  the  avenue;  She 
saw  a  nmnber  of  people  near  the  east  end  of  the  avenue 
and  on  reaching  the  place  saw  appellee  with  his  face  hleeding 
and  people  brushing  off  his  olothee.  She  lived  on  Raynor 
avenue  south  of  McDonough  street  and  appellee  lived  on  Raynor 
avenue  a  short  distance  south  of  her  home;   she  and  the  gen- 
tleman  accompanying  her  walked  v/ith  appellee  as  dfar  as  her 
home  and  then  he  'went  on  to  his  home  unattended.   She  is 

quite  sure  that  ths  car  she  speaks  of,  near  ^hich  appellee 
wae;  east  of  the  avenue,  was  on  the  south  track,  which  tends 
to  corroborate  appellee,  for  if  it  was  the  west  bound  car, 
as  appellants  claim,  it  v.'as  on  the  north  track;  but  by  way  of 
impeaching  her  testimony  it  was  proven  by  the  court  reporter 
that  took  her  testimony  at  the  former  trial  that  she  then 
said  that  she  did  not  notice  which  track  that  car  was  on. 
This  is  all  the  testimony  introduced  by  appellee  showing 
or  tending  to  show  that  he  was  struck  by  an  east  bound  car 
and  dragged  back  to  the  avenue. 

Appellants  introduced  as  vritnessee  the  conductor  and 
motorrran  of  the  car  on  vrhich  appellee  was  riding,  and  the 
passenger  Calkine  who  was  on  the  back  platform  of  that  car; 
the  conductor  and  Calkine  both  testify  that  appellee  stepped 
off  the  car  while  it  was  running  and  before  it  reached  Raynor 
acenue  and  fell  in  bo  doing;  the  motornan  testified  that  he 
first  got  the  one  bell  signal,  befors  reaching  the  avenue, 
which  meant  that  he  was  to  stop  on  the  far  side  of  the  avenue; 
that  before  he  reached  the  avenue  he  got  the  three  bell  signal, 
which  meant  stop  at  once,   that  he  succeeded  in  stopping 

6irrt©v«  ©fft  \o  *Bj8d  *exit   sno   ^^aaajfa  dajL/onoaoM  no  gnibnstr 

»xf5   ieansvs  f^di  \o  ts^i  iooXrf  £  \lmi  tuodA  tadtQ  ari^   ^jj 

eirneyjs  exiJ  Ito  brt©   tejse  &d&  ibsh   eXqo»q  io  iBcrnmn  «  wjbb 

Snjtbaal.f  eosl  «irf  ditn     ©flIXeqq*  wjsb   soaXq  »rf;^  ^ajtiio-sei  no  btiM 

toarfflfi  no  bsvll       "^    .ft^rict'olo  atrf  llo^nt/lax/Td  elqoaq  baa 

ionvwh  no  bevll  eslie  .(  e    )fTi«  tseii'd   rf^xxonoOoM  lo  rf^uoe  iunavjs 

-n©g  ©ri;f   J«tj=       '        ;»morf  lerf  !^o  rf;ti;o8   ©on^j-niJrb  rf"Xorfa  js  eju-xi»Tif 

aerf  en  t«4  as  eeiileqq*  ri*lw  l>e?(X£ir  THff  gniyffJBqnioooA  n«fflaX;f 

«i   arf3      »bebri9&TMau  ©tfrorf  elrf  ot  no   in»\r  erf  iierf^f   hn£  ifniod 

oeXIeqqjs  if&Jxfw  lissn  \%9  a^CAaqa  en's   iAq  itd^  &Ad^  sti/b  •tiup 

Bbnnf  rfoirfw  ,i(o<ftt#   d^xroa     «iff  rro  tjaw   /•atiaVjs  sHt  "io  Jbbo   Ja«w 

^i«o  Jbni/ocf  *a©w  edt  bjbw  *j;  li  iqI   ^eeXXaqqjB  sihiodoiroo  ot 

to  YJSi'f  ycf  ;tiS(S   lioMtt  rid-Tofi  s.-rt  no  85w  tt   ^mtjilo  e^TnjBXXsqqB  «jb 

•ratioqei  *ii;oo  ©rf.'   yrf  rtsvom  saw  tt  xnomii^asj^    isrf  ^ntdOjaec^Jt 

a»d^   Bdp.   itidi     L&ltt  ibttiiot  '^di  is     ^aomttmiti   xexl  ioo^  t*d^ 

,ao  nam  xa9  tMAt  -Aostt  doirfw     aotton     t^a  bib  eds  tjidi     bla^ 

gnlwodf)   eaXXeqqjB  ycT     bnoisboiiat  ynofflld-eaJ'  adi*  IX^  aJb   aid! 

iJBo  fcnuod   JhsBe   ""^    ^' *'  -^« '-^ts  ajsw  ad  *«d;;f     »oda   ot     gnJtftrrn*  "'^ 

.©jnevE  9dt   :>i   jfOAcf  besa*"'^ 
f'-^"  ■!  .V -. ..  ..ov.  ati.    a -.   baojjJbortitni  a^fljsXiaqqA 

;i   hfl«   jgnl ->. .   o.,~   ioIXsqqjs  doiri^r  no  a-eo  erf*  !to  aBroioj -..■ 

;xjBO  ;ri3cf;f  lo  cntoltAXq  iO«d  ©dit  no  asw  odw  ftflt;(X£0  le^aoaa^q 

&dqqe;fa  0»XXoqq«  i&di  yli^ani   d^o(l  BfllifX«0  bn^  lOtoi/biTon  odit 

TOflyaH  ft©do«9i     ii  ©TOTbecT  5ft«  snXarxrr  ©jbw  a.  ©Xldw  xso  ©rt*  I'to 

&d  t^di     btiliti^^i  nBrTtco^Offl  »d;t    i^nlob  ot*  al  IIq\  bna  0jj089JS 

(•x/fl9v£  sdt  aflldoj9©'X  eaolocf   ^Xansie  XI©d''©rto  edi  j-og  ^attXl 

;«xjit0va  8ri*  lo  ©bia  xft%  ©rf#  no  qo*B  o*  B*r  ©^rf  ^*rf#  *iiJi©m  dc^^"; 

X-.--j^«  jEliid"  ©Btrfd-  ©dt  *os  *rf  ©xiRsv*  ©dt  bedoJMrr  ©d  ©tolBd  if.    - 

^iqqoi-B  nl  bebttaeoini  ©K  +'''^     ^Boao     iA  qo^a  *««©»"  rfnf  rw 

with  the  front  and  of  hie  car  about  even  with  the  eaat  line 
of  the  avenue,   that  ha  went  back  and  aaw  the  conductor 
raising  appellee  frirn  the  ground.   The  conductor  and 
motorman  of  the  car  standing  v.'e8t  of  the  avenue  testify  that 
their  oar  was  on  the  south  track  about  75  feet  west  of  the 
avenue  waiting  for  the  other  car  to  pass,  the  conductor  went 
to  the  west  bound  car  which  v/as  standing  just  east  of  the 
avenue  and  found  appellee  there  with  jtaiithese  people  around 
him;   thay  both  say  their  oar  struck  no  one  and  injxored  no 
one.   Two  or  three  of  these  ^'itnesses  say  that  appellee  said 
he  was  an  old  railroad  man  and  thought  he  could  get  off, 
which  statement  he  danie«,  \y^ 

It  is  idle  to  discuss  the  reconciliation  of  the  tes- 
timony of  these  five  witnesses  produced  by  appellant  with 
the  testimony  of  appellee;  Mable  Palmer's  testimony  is  all 
consistent  with  the  theory  of  appellant  except  her  statement 
that  the  car  was  standing  on  the  south  track,  and  that  state- 
ment may  be  disposed  of  by  presuming  that  she  did  not  take 
particular  notice  which  track  it  was  on,  as  she  said  she 
did  not  on  the  former  trial.  Very  little  weight  can  be  given 
herteetimony  as  a  corroboration  of  appellees  testimony. 
We  have  practically  the  question  whether  appellee  shall  be 
permitted  to  maintain  a  judgment  that  is  based  on  a  aerdiot 
supported  by  his  own  testimony  contradicted  by  the  testimony 
of  five  apparently  cre^^ibls  witnesses.   It  is  true  that  four 
of  these  witnesses  may  be  said  to  be  biased  and  prejudiced 
because  of  their  relation  to  the  matter  in  dispute,  and 
their  desire  to  protect  themselves  from  blame  and  censure; 
but  appellee  is  certainly  as  much  open  to  the  suspicion  of 
bias  and  self  interest  that  might  influence  his  testimony 
as  is  any  one  of  these  four  witnesses;   and  as  to  the  fifth 
witness  for  the  defendant,  Calkins,  there  seems  no  motive 

•xxJfcl  tB»9  ^di  d&tff    /t»VB  iij9(S&  "xao  9x4  lo  J^e  taoxt  ddt.  tiii,^ 
lotoubncv     erfJ-  wjse  b«^  3lP4cf  i'naw  e4 . 4'«rf;t      ^OLtiev^ 

srl '  y»  ifaelt  8V  tuQdB  io*a*  rfitwos  ari^ao  bbw  x^o  aia4* 


*aj8e  *BjJl;  snlfjojste  Bisv.'  rfoiriw     ajBO  brruocf  ^esw  arfi   o;J^ 

bflx/oiA  alqoaq  aaerfitaiat  ditn  9%9rit  aaXIaqqas  bo^ql  5n«,     ai/asyjB 

on  beai/dni  b/ijs     eno   on  iOiftJ-f  •;j»o   riec'J  \jut   r^J-od  rftiJU 

bx£a     aeXlaqq^  #«ili  x^e     BaBasn^Jtw  I9a4ct'   Ito  aaiii^.  IQ  ^wT      ,eiio 

^t"io  d-ej}  bit'  .is-yo4^  b'^-s    fl<6ip  bjjp^^jtljB-^  bj;^  ijjB  sjsv 

-. ,    .aeiasb  ad  ,*aefliai^4lB  j^l 
-Bei-  &dt  to  floxd'«JtiJtonoo9:i    8f{;t   aajjoaXb  ot  aJ^bJt  ai,,^ 

rfJjtw  i r Hi juui) a  Ycf  b60iiboi«t  aeaasn^  XnQ«^^ 

llA  ei   ^nofflX^fBOtt  a'^emX£<T  aXicfaM  \M»iiio<  34V' 

irtefnetjsj-a   -xerf  itqeoxe   ta£i£Qqq&  lo  x^oeriJ    «jii  J^neJexenoo 

-eiJ&i:  ,  '■       .        .  fjaJ-B  a<M«i  a^BO  .©4^  <^«44' 

ajljBt  Joii   w£j.  euB  **4J     3aii(u/*©iLq  beaoqaib  ecf^  x*fn  /p^xa 

a4a  bl«6   Sifs  b£     ^no  bb^  tl  i,Q^%i  iiux4w     aol^^on  :cBX0oi^;i:.^q 


navls  atf.nao  Jxfglaw  nimi  xiaV   .iBt-xt  lecni  Jon  bib 

,XCiomltBet  eaeXIc  loi^AiPcfozioo  «  a^  "{aoafx^aa-^T^d 

Qcf  XXarfe   eeXIeqqfi  1£•J^i^&^ii^■  aolt»sup  eid"   yXI^ol^OAiq  avvarf  ,:©!? 

toibiev  J5  no  baascf  »i   ;fjwfj^     ^rtecT'  tijaitajtsra  pJ  baiJ;Ji:aix©q 

xno«irf^aet  ari;f  y?f     ba^oibjBXjaoo  Ynoffti^nby  nwo  »i4  Ycf  baJ'aoqqxfa 

ii/ol  i-JBrfit   axra^  ai   tl      .BsaaanJiv/  aI<Jibeio,.YXJn0Tcanq.s  avil 

b8otbjL/t&'  baa^XcT  htSB  0<i  yam     aeaeea^fiw  aaerjicf    io 

^b,iiJqMikb  at  aaJ-Jiim  &.  noX^*XaT,  xiaxIJ- ^^Q  fav^ 

;&i.^an30  bna  eataXd  moit     aavXc?  '      .loiq  ojf  fxjtea' 

)o  aoiolqaua  adt  0^  aeqo  doum  bjj   ^Xnxjstnso  eJ:  esXXeqq^  ^ijc^ 

Xnoini^ee^  atd  eoxtauXlaX  td-^tm  iAdt     iBsrstat  IXaa  baa  a«lcf 

rii'lc  o;f  BA  ban     ;aaaBenl-.i:w  tuot  9BBdt  to  etio  xfiif^  ai  a« 

erijom  on  amsas   8Teri:f    ^BCilAiBO    ^.+  itvi 

whatever  for  him  to  misstate  the  facts  or  color  his  testimony. 
It  is  sometimes  said  that  the  testimony  of  one  witneas  should 
not  be  permitted  by  a  court  to  outwei^  the  testimony  of  many 
witnesses,  in  th"?  absence  of  some  consideration  of  probability 
to  support  the  tsetimony  of  the  one  witne*»a.  It  eesma  to  us 
that  instead  of  appellee's  testimony  being  supported  by 
reasonable  presumptions  of  what  the   facts  might  naturally 
be,   that  the  situation  is  just  the  r:^verse,   and  that  it  is 
much  more  reasonable  to  assxime  that  the  accident  happened 
as  appellant's  v/itnesses  say  it  did. 

We  are  of  the  opinion  that  no  consideration  of  the  fact 
that  the  jury  saw  the  witnesses  and  heard  them  testify,  and 
such  consideration  is  of  much  weight,  should  permit  this  ver- 
dict to  stand.  The  trial  court  had  no  authority  to  weigh  the 
evidence,  and  therefore  did  not  err  in  refusing  to  direct 
a  verdict  for  the  defendant;  but  it  is  our  duty  to  weigh 
the  evidence  and  in  our  opinion  its  'height  is  so 
manifestly  against  the  verdict  that  the  judgment  mxist  be 
reversed.   As  there  has  b^en  two  jury  trials  and  nothing  in 
the  record  indicates  that  the  evidence  could  or  would  be 
substantially  different  on  another  trial  we  do  not  remand 
the  case.  Reversed, 

rinding  of  Facts, 

We  find  that  the  defendant  Chicago  A  Joliet  Railway  Company, 
was  guilty  of  no  negligence  causing  ot  oontrlbuting  to  the 
injury  complained  of,  and  that  the  plaintiff  was  not  in  the 
exercise  of  due  care  for  his  own  safety  at  the  time  and  place 
in  question. 

,xaoKkta9t  Bid  "loioo     o  Bfost  eri^   BtmiBBlm  oi  mid  lol     i»V8*Affw 
biuoiiB  98Qailv>  Bito  lo  ^n^mliBtt  BAi  tMcii  tlKa  taml^emoa  at   il 
Xniiw  lo  YAOirtdhted'  eift   r^i»wti/o  o;)'     tnuoo  a  -^d  bBt^lmaq  Bd  toa 
X$iS.td9dorq.  \o  aoktMXtbteaoo     emoe  td  soaeatfjs  fri^  nJt   ^aasa&nj 
ax;  0-+   8ne©8   *I    .t^eHtlw  arro  ©rid-  to  ynoml^es;?      iri*  *ioqqx/a   oJ- 
■^f/     ba^ToqquB  arriacf     ynofflii-set     a'aeXIeqq^  T:o  b^a^anl   *a 
'^Xljix<j|«a  ;trlsit«  ■#9JKlt   ori;^   itJtrlw  1o  .   aaotJ-qau/tS'xq  tldJUtoaAai 
sJi  ^x     ;f«i{#  boA     ^nMXttvsT  9di  teat,   aJt  aottJsuSta  erf:!'  ;fJ8d;^     ^ed 
l>eadqq.&if  tae>blooJt  edt  tjodf     snufses  o;f     eld£no»Moi  eiom  xfojjoi 

.i>i:b  i^x  •%£»  aaaasati:w  b* tnMlLaqqji  a« 
^0*1;  e;  iox^tJsiaJblanoo  on  ^*rfJ-  aoinJtqo  erfJ"  lo  eioa  eW 

ttfifi   ^x'^Jt^Si^'}^  mexlcf   MjBerf  bna     •aaaaai'ltr  Bdi  WAa  yii/t   ^^^   ifArfi^ 

-x»v  Bidt  tijaxBq  blitodB    ^&d:gi^y^  ilojum  lo  Bt  aott&tahlanoo  douB 

ertf  rfgtswf  oi  t^iiorfj-ijs  as  bjoi  J^woo  Ij8xa*  eiflP   •fenAife   ot   *t; 

;foeTJbi)  o*     gniairTCfl^  at  itb  ton     bib  aioleasrf^f   bna  ^aonebivs 

i%l»w  ot  ^nf-jL/i)  TWO     ut  &t  tiid  i*n«bno^ab  edt  tot  toifaxav  £ 

OB   ni     trfgJtevr  a;)-!     ixoixiiqo  ttx/o  af  brra     tonebivs   t- 
a<f  isim  taessgbul  *^^  ;^Jar{;t  ^olbiAv  Bdt     tBatB^^a  YX;^ealia«tffi 
rri  3ntxf;i^on  bna  aXaii*   ^irt   ovtt  ««»cf  Bad  eiari"*   aA        ,baaa»vei 
9ci  bXuow  TO  bXxroo     donsfjive   sjfd-  t&di  la^jsoibnl  baoo 
bajsipiex  d"on  of:  ew     Xala?    TRxtt-ofi^  «o  ^«»if  >llb  YXX«i*ns;t8a'i/e 

.beaasveH  «aaj»o  arii' 

.Bi'Oja'T  lo-  gnibrtJtt 

^Xfl'^qmoC)  Y«wXiBfl  tollol.  it  03*ojtri0  i-n«bn»^eb  erf^  iJ^d:i  bnlTc  aW 

•i({;f  o;f     ■gBti-irdtttttOo  to  sftJtaujto  aone^iX^dn  on  ^o  y^X^^^^S  *^* 

eil*  nl   ion  »«w  llJtifiJtBXq  ©rf*  i-ari*  bae     ^lo  banii^Xqwoo  -^fiutnJt 

•OfXq  ba&  emlf  a^/  t«M^alAa  rxwo  Bid  loJ.     •ijbo  aul)     I9  »»JtO%ax« 

•noi^aex/p  nl 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  \  I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFPY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  oflBce. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  aflBx  the 
seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 
March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 




Beg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  tMe  sixth  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District/of  the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J,  CARNES,  p/esiding-  Justice 
t..-*3n.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  justice 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS  /  Jus t i c< 
CHRISTOPHER  C.  DUFf/,  Clerk. 
J.  G.  MISCHKE,  Sh/riff, 

193  I.A.  227 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit : 

Gen,    No.    5979 
^A,   Silver, 

jf^-  Ejpgor  to  DoOTie« 

Chicago  and  Northwestern  Railway  Company, 
D«f endaTrt-tTl^  Si?r6r . 

-^eiB   lh»  iBBlBg'  of  ehedB  •at   t]a»-»««.th 
weot  oornay -e#"Marin-  and  MegdOW  Streetar  in  the  city  of  Bei- 
videre,   wj-^i^i-eh  he  had   stored  rubber,   rags,  paper-,   «eale 8 
»agfa4-ReA'y  and' ngther  articles,   called   "junlC^— ISSS^IoW^'Btrgdt 
juns   9a.&t-An<i  west  awd  defendant  railroad  company  l»«*^8witoh  / 
tracks,  running  «!(■«  «a»ng  ■944d■•«■t^^ee*■/^  In  the  afternoon  cf 
April  13,   1913,    the   aheda  caught  fire  and  plaintiffs  property 
was  injured  thereby,   Pltintif f  sued  -^jfta- -awtiriroad  -cett^K^y 


.,   that,  a  switch  engine  passed  back  and  forth  on 

M«a4ow,  Street  within  a  few  feet  of  his  property^* lahort-^^^lJ 

...tiaw  before  the  fire  broke  out»-J>nd  »hat  t'b-Mwts  hauling  or'"^ 

,  pushing  sonns  freight  cars;^  «T»d- that  it  labored  heavily,  ai  d  -^ 

>  jtoat  the  wheels  «4   th^e  engine  slipped j  and  that  jrt  threw 

\  :  sparks  upon  i.he  roof  of  the«»-  sheds  and  set  them  afire,   / 
^  ciH  XKx. 

Defendant  introduced  proof  that,  in  doing  Ite  switching  *t^  ^  ^ 

.  af ternooni  this  engine  did  not  ^o   woot  of  Ma4-n--etregtv  which 

J  waj»-ojiyi«^«a-»t  side -of  these  sheda,  and  that  a  gale  of 

wind  was  blowing  from  a  aauthe»iy  d i r e c t i o n ^;«: nd  /%ha;t -notirtTi^ 

s««»i*l«g  from  the  engine  oonld  hav^*^  been  carried  upon  ttte 

property,  and  also  that  the  engine  waa  properly  equipped 

and  was  operated  by  a  competent  engineer,  'Ph-ere--w«fc»-a 

verdict  and-ft>--^dgment  for  the  defendant.  Plaintiff  pro- 

semates  this  writ  of  error  to  review  said  judgment. 

The  act  of  1869  in  relation  to  fire«~«a«AeA-^ 

evee  .ow  .nao 

,l(5TX*-TTt  -tt-Wwtei*  ^aevXia    .A 

At  Mm  »riJ-   »a-  tJberf 8   to  wa«gJ-»rit  -•wfr-  ^tW<Wi^df  et  -erfT 

-iea  to  ^d-io  erfJ-  nl  \t991tQ  ^obavU  far*  -ni^M  ~*0"  t«fl«d©~^«<Hr 

flo^iw«^;4btfM(  Y(i^<I'ooo  bsotliBi  tttJibatteb  ba& ' *BV»~heiA  -^s^t^^-^swK 



Y;f'fiqoTq  eltiJnijBlq  bnjB  •ai't  ^frigi/BO  abexis   erft    ^8X81   ^fiX  XJtiqA 
YS^i-^w^o  bjwncf  JhBS- -  &it# -bfttra— lJki#frit*dW   .Yrfftisrii"  berxi/tni:  bjbw 

CD  dtrot  baa  io£d  beea^q  sniaas  dottvB  &  tsdt     -t^^t^  Jb»OMft 

_.   ^..iiUBri  ;e»»<^-*± -^«rf*'-*ff«-^.^yo  ejfoid  aiil  erf*  siolecf  »«li- 

^"  b  re  jYXivBerl  beaocf^X  *^  *JBri*  Hbrro    ^taso  rf^rfaleal  arnwa  grtlriiuq 

we 'Jif (»   <»■*  *Bri;t   bn£   ibeqqlXe  .snigao  eriJ  >♦  tXeariw  Biiir  ttnit 

.e'xltjs  ffler(;f  *ea  tme^  abarfs  ^m^Ai  \o  looi  Bdi  noqx/  aiafiqa 


jnlrfoJ-i-f:   <?-^t     nioi-  ni   ^;^j8rid-  tooiq  beowbot^nl  J-nsbnaleQ 
iijjtaw   ^tsoio  j*e«  0;   ^on  bib  anig^®  eirf;)'  ^noonisJl^ 

Bkli  aoau  baJtiiBO  nsscf  avjBrf  blueo  anJrgna  arf*  0OTI     i^Jtqaxa 

beqqJti/pa  yXaaqoiq     aaw  anXsne  erfj  tedt  opIb  bn.8  ^Y^^s^o'^cf 

«■-♦»*»"  e^MHfT    .leenians  ^naiteqmoo  «  ycf  ba^Bieqo  bjsw  bn^j 

-oaq  llJt^nlBXq     .jffrjsbitatsf)  BifJ  icnt  TKhltf^bu^-e-ixar'tvttrt^v 

.iTfsnrsbjJt  bi^a  weivai  Qt  ■xoiae  lo  *Xiw  8iri<t  a^ttroea 

fSlifair-Rr^SV— -i^3-i  ~!>^.-  1»68  #105,  >-.  pxiwidM  -  tat 
Itt-aotiono  like-thle  f or -44»e- g-eoavegy-o.iL daiaageg  oJi  account 
oi!  Injury  Qauaa<lby^-#4-g^-a^mwfttniQatad  by  any  looomotive 
dngina — Jshiie-paBsin^-  along-arny  railroad,  the  fact  that 
auoh  fir§  was  so  communicated  ©hall  be  taken  as  full  pri«» 
fa^ire-'«ridanovto~trhaTge-  - i^i-th- negli gence  th a  c or nor&t i on 
u3lng...tiia-railroad,-.  In  Chicago  &  Alton  Railroad  Company  v 
-^^y-jt-ntanffft^  5Q  T1il,?^Qj  4t  maa  «aid  that  the  effect  of  this 
tHiatute  io, — H f  th e- -fact  iyg-e»tablA eked  -tttat  an  Injury  hae 
been  occasioned  from  fire  sparks  emitted  froaa  the  engine 
while  pas-stng  along^-tire'-road,   to  make  that  fact  itself 
Sui^i-pxilnaJt- facia,  evidence  of  nsgligence  on  thu- part  of  ih  e 
(^mpa»yy.._.ajad...of„-i-ta-- Agents,  and,  sarvanta  in  charge  at  the 
tima.  Jf   thft  party  injured^ establishes,  in  the  first  instance 
tae  fact  that  the  fire,  which  occasioned  the  injury  complained 
of,  was  communicated  from  the  engine,   such  proof  vould 
entitle  the  party  to  a  recovery,  and  the  burden  of  proof  to 
rebut  the  prima  faoie  case  thus  made,  is  on  the  company 
to  show  by  affirmative  evidence  t/iat  the  engine  at  the  time 
was  equipped  with  the  necessary  and  most  effective  appliances 
to  prevent  the  escape  of  fire,  and  that  the  engine  was 
in  good  repair,  and  was  properly  ,  carefully  and  skillfully 
handled  by  a  competent  engineer,"  Tiiat  decision  has  been 
followed  many  times  since  a^d,  if  there  isin  ■^ny  case  since 
then  any  language  not  in  ex&ct  harmony  therewith,  it  will 
be  foiind  that  the  meaning  of  the  statute  was  ndt  squarely 
presented.  In  this  state  of  the  law,  and  with  the  contra- 
dictory proof  above  stated,  the  court  gave  the  sixth  in- 
struction, requested  by  defendant,  which  placed  upon  plain- 
tiff the  burden  of  proving  ,  not  only  that  defendant  set  the 
fire,  but  also  that  either  the  engine  was  not  in  a  reasoaably 
safe  condition,  or  that  it  was  not  managed  with  reasonable 

J8fliia-q  XXifl  ««  a»?ffi;^  «<i  XXafi«     i>«4-jBOinjuTrmroo  08   b-sw  Bii'i   dOifB 
V  ifn^qmoD  btioy.1 1^  ao4Lk  A  -ogjuOiiO  aX  ^ij^oalX^Xv^exIi^  .;gxxiexi 

wtJ^sfi*  erfvf  oo^%  l>B^^i«e  BiliJBqe  sTl^t  flrcrr'!t  bBfrofe^or- 
1X9b;M  *ob1  *arf;f  ©jf^'  'isoi  -ffrft  "31TO.EB  3xrt»»J5q  eiijo^' 

9  rff  lo  tiJBcf  8if;f  xio  ecyissil;;isa  I0  eatiaJbiitB. eXojil  .atj8fflix<f-Xlw* 

fcenxaXqaoo  yiutni:  saJ^  bsnoiajsooo  rfoitrfw   jBiiV  ed^ 

bli/ow  I00IC   rfojJB      ^Bfljtgns  ed't  fflOTl  b9*j3olniji:iDoo  a^w  ,10 

o;^     ^ooiq  ^o  nsbiitd  erf+   bnn   ^Y^evbosi  fi  ri^   Y^TtJsq  erf;t   dltXtae 

YrtJBqaoo  en'J^  no   et    ^ab&m  audf     bb&o  Btoal  jsmtrq  edt     tud»i 

eeonjfiijtXqqfi  ftvli-oelle  tBom  briB  yisBBaoe  rfitlw  teqqii/pB  e^v 

e£W  ©nlsfxe     orij-  ^jsrfJ  bns     ^e-x   '  ; .::  .ose  srlJ;  iaeveic 

xXXi/IXXijCs  bne  ^iluto'iBO   ,   yXtcei^o  iq  e^w  bnx    ^liJ8qs■I  boc. 

fisecf  er.rf  noiaxoeb  .^      "    ".leenians  &ns;^eqmoo  '  bBibr.i.n 

9ont9   OBBO  x^-t     nlii  918:::      i    ^'  ■      eonXs   BBmii"   ^lajioi  ijswoXXol 

Xttw     cfl    ^rl*iweiei-;;f     X'^Omx-.  BgEjjgnjsX  y^jb  n:'" 

XlB-TJBi/pa  ^On  Baw  eJ-x/^Bcfe   erf  in^s     sij   ^arf*     6xu/o' 

-JBTi'noo  8rf;t  ff;fiw  bnfi     ^wjjX  en'    io  st&ts   Bidi  rtl      .beitneaBit; 

-Hi  d&xtB  erf*  evi?a  ji'iijoo  erf*  i,Jb«#J3*B  evocf*  "iooiq  x'*0J*"0-^J^ 

-nXjsXq  rroqu  baojslq  rfdlrfw  ^Jnabnjfleb  xtf  be^eei/pei  ^noiJoi/t^a 

grf*  i-ea   tasbasteb  tadf  ■^Zno  ton  »  gndvoiq     "io  nebxi/d  eif*   Hi* 

yXcffiHOB^ea  b  ai  *on  bbvt  Bftlgrxe  an*  aerf^is  *jBrf*  oeXa  tud  ^Bitt 

eXtffinoBfis'r  ritlw  bes^n^m  toa  bjbw.  ^i   *«n.+  10   ^notitbaoo  9^38 

aaj^-^flfh-vkllrlV"  Thlr^a^yj^i-v^d- plaintiff  of    lue  benefit  of 
tir,(>.   ^tatutw,   RTid  waa  ftxafltly  _cnn.tjarv  to  the     iaw  governing 
t U a  o a e e-t-— -^i^te- -#e«j^t--aX»» ^  gave  "th^  twelfth  iaetruction 
XAquaatecUby  defendant,      which  told   the   jury   that   there  was  no 
yawef- tha»-4fee  engine  wag. -4ftot- fur niah.ed  ml-iih  the  most  approved 
aftplianooB  for-a^fa^eetlag-aparkay     and  na  p^roof   that  the  engine 

•and  ito  -»f>pliano-gg"  "trere-not-'^Tri^rood  TepatT-  and  no  proof 
^at  the~-ei^i«»  -wae  net-hai^l^d  -^  a  compel^.eat,.  en^jineer. 
In  fact  there  was  proof   t  .at  this   engine  ,tiH?«w  eparki  vjupon 
that  roof   shortly  before  the     fire,     and  also  that  ekrf*«da«rt«    .'„  L 
awi  tr.h   angVne  had   thrown  hot   imparks  a  number  of   times     to—fehs 
fcnowlodge  ef --witneeeee  within  &   few     weeks     before  and  shortly 
after   the  fire*      TJ^^eee- witnesses  fi i ri   not  ,ide»t4fy-^»eyy-#ul4-y 
Hit)  engine"  to  -^l^-  they  r-eiexred  a* --ths  engine     vifhich  plain- 
tlff'6  WitnnarBrew  tee^if led  paeeed  by  theeeohede  -Just  before 
the  fire.'  But  s-^i-tiie9eiU»g- -defendant  Wij^l^i^  thl*  lack,  by 

'^eetiJyitig     tnat  The  gngine-4R    queation    was  tiiS  only   engine 
which  did  switching    at  this  point  for  six  weeks     befora  the 
fA£e~--&iid--iUax.^»o»e^-4ri«e-isftT5r=**-, — This    -proof — trh-at-^tfais 
gjtginc'  threw-farotr  "gparks  when  drawing  comparatively  light   loads 
-tJwkt^^t-.MLa-  -eAthes -not  properly  wjnlpped 
iy- 'h^Bdied,      Tliere  was  muCh  testimony   to  contra- 

-dlot  the-ea>ee~JttadeL^t?y  plaintiff's  witnesses  on  the  subject 

•■of  th-g  -getting  of-  ii^irftre^  but  these  instructions  deprived 
plaintiff  of  the  benefit  of  this  statute,  and  caat  upon  him 
a  burden  which  under  the  law  he  did   not  have,  and  deprived  him 
irt-  the  proof" above  recitedi'^^^We- tireref ore  feel  it  our  dirty     to 
reverse 'the-  ^  JTrdgweirt  arrd^Tewand  tire' -Oftuee . 

Reversed  and  remanded. 

yttttiey<rg  wax     ©ri+  ai^ ^^rrAalnaa  afUtaAx  , adurf^ijs^jazl 

1ooi<i  Ofl  Imt«  liBqsi   boo-;  ni  -ton  -rsw     tsonsH-qctA-H^r^-i"-^ 

.•i&eni3nft..J:xxave  ycf     Jbe-IArtirff  tow- «^w   ©frigne  erfj-  .*«ri 

fl Oqitf  •iTBq*  w*«H^  onlsrte   e  J  looiq  taw  diarfj^  ;t-««-l-fl 

3^  J,    ■e4ix«J^at4»fe  tBdt  OBlJB  bn«     ^tiH     drij-   eiolecf  vX*iori8   ^oox  t&ii 

tti4--cri     BBmtt   to  xedman  -a  »5f:t8(je   Sod  nwoan'j    b&d  tnl^x^- AaiJM 

Xiftoda  baa  eaolecf     •istw     wet   ^-^  atdit^f  «^«»««^-JN» -%o -es^&^i^^efl 

-ni  6lq.  jlolif w     in  ign  6  e  rf :'   as  b^  a  a»  1  ajt  :f»<l  J    rf«rirfw^  ot  sirfgna— ♦*! 
siolecf  t»tft-«*»rf«-  <»»©A't    X<f  b»BB£q  bbi\£4B9f  taSB'iKfilt'^Vtt 

Bdt  8i,Qlscf     iXeew  xJt?;  :Jtoq  •!<{*  ifi     3nlrfo*iw9  bth  doid 

ab«oX   i^rfalI'xJ^evi*BtJsqmoo  gniwAiJb  nerfw  •3fT«ia  ttrtf  "wrrrft-witaa 

-stir  YfT^trcntn  •♦^fi-Hi 

tevlTqeb  •rroJtJouTtinl  BoerfJ   J^utf  ,e  .  -  -^o  "^ntttvw  ail J'   ^ 

miil  ib»viiqaJb  roa  bJth  a^  ii«X  eti^i-   rtBbnu  dotdv  abbtud 

,S8:  ">rs  trrstT7jf:irt     9rf*  enev© 

.f)ehn-  8Tev©H 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  )  I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  DO  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 

March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 




•'  '^  A  ■ 



\  (0  u 


eg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday!  the  sixth  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thous^d  nine  hundred  and  fourteen, 

within  and  foif  the  Second  Distrfct  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 

\  I 

Present--The  Hon,\DUANE  J.  CARNES  ,1  Pres iding-  Justice. 

•-^n.  loRRANCE  DIBELlI  Justice 

Hon.  J^HN  M.  NIEHAU^,  Justice. 
CHRISTOPHER  C.  DUFl^ ,  Clerk 
J.  G.  MI|CHKE,  Sheriff. 

193I.A.  234 



BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 

PiiBqu8llli    IiOlli,,'«Pl>8ll«« 

„    PiiBquaH 

Appeal- ^g^^-C-Jbty^-CtT-  -Spring 

''^'Soring  Valley  Coal  Company,    J  Vft*±By, 

^-1*13,  While  ^-^ 

»ppe  Llanos      i'  I'^M-a 

driving  a  trip  in  ^  mine  ^  of  appellftut ,  -ftwd  he  euod  appsHant 
til!)  y'jcogijl'  t!aiiia,g'ga  ,.rur  Ba±A-"lTr:t'"^ gg^ CTtfl ' !iad  a  verdict  and 
-*  judgment  trmi   'nhiah  defendant  ^gjlgw  apneals,-/  Tlie  ilBOlara-"" 
ti^m--  joa^aAriB  bIa  counts,     96me  for  w44f«3b-Tieleufcl  on  - -aI-/,  /  /  /.;,■/■  /  . 

the  statute  goveitiiing     nines  and  Tninere  a 

oownt  at  oo!ii»iuii"lBir;  — At~crr--i7^eape-tfee""tjlt3rffff^  ff3r"a:ppelle e  •  a 

eviricnoo  -jm^-eh-ti>f^"  the  f  irrtV^Tirtfi"  and  sixth  counte  were 
-<jiami(3oed^ — and   lliw  v<!trdlol  aiKTtha  Judgment  Test"  upon  the 

sfinnnd,    third-anO  fourth  -o^uat^ywhi  oh  arc  BftclL  .f ■Oi.jifiliul 
-j»^i«^±ott«- of—the-- statTTtw,    Each     count  charged   .-tiiat-appeJlr- 
4  a  nt  h«.A~x^3-e<^t«4-  th»"-llferkwa»i»-X!ompftnaa.tioit..Aat» 

The  accident  occurred  in  iri*«'  straight  -acigthaaBt   entry 

it/at*"  -'-A.-'  ctt'.cV,..^/'  ^^-  ijee^w^  .-(//, 

or  roadway,   Appellee  was  driving  two  mulee  tandem/'   A  chain 

want  from  the  center  of   the  forward  car  to  the  center  of        Umt^o^ 

a  butt   stick.      The  rails  were  41  inches  apart     and   the  butt  .>  ^/ 

stick  was  about   34  inches  long.    The     rear  mule  wore  a  col-     ^''^'''''" 

lar  and  hamea.      On  each  side  of  the  rear  mule  a     tug  extended 

from  thenames     to   the  end  of  the  butt   stick  and  was  hooked 

thereon,   A-:ip«il»e--Wffc«--4rivi«^"iB  toward* 't^he  face  of  the  mine 

The   front  car  was  oartlally  loaded  "^rith  orope.    Several  men 

who  ^wished  to   [^o   to  the  face  were   in  that  car  with  J|4«,    Baok 

of  that  was  an  emptycar.   Appellee  occupied  the  u?iual   seat 

of  a  driver  on  the  left  hand  side  in  front,  ,  with  hie  legs 

hanging  down  in  front  of  the  car.  The" trip- wanr-p^^gatng-dcwn 

a  -slight  dBcHBiS  .    The  car  had  no  brake  .and  appellee  hud 

no  apraga  with  which  to  check  the  motion  of  the  car. 

^000    ,<*• 
gfl  i»<f8-  T*0"  T*^-  «^*^-^X^8»<?Tr*^  -♦» 

r#fl*X  X»qq* 

ti-:;      .li.C',!.    ^G;  r.35- i>««uj^Xii   gj»^-e»XX»qqA 

a'  ssXTflqcTB  to  BBoXe-»<fJ  »ae%erf-Txy~^A     .irgT  ffom.'iioo  »a  ^mtaa 

eaew  B*m/oo  4»x.l:a  for  d;fHf  '^-yyrt^  ^tirt-  ^'ipttio  ft4-iy&nffhtr9 

ed ;i  aoqu  .^ aea  ict9SCSiJStrf^tir~imirTomTiiV  BxfJ  vbrns-  -  ^Jt»aoA«Blf>- 


.  liiiiiio  A  ^  .-ai-a^*^   asli/in  owt  snJtviab  afiw  seXXeqqA   -XJBW^JSoa 

fSud  9ffJ  fiaq*  ••ffortl  X^  a^svi-  eXi-ri  ©riT      .jioirf'e   iiinS  a 

-Xoo  a  sagrt  aium  iflsi     arfT    ,3fioX  aarfoni  i-L  .tjjocf^  o«w  iolls 
bei3(T9;fx8  "gut     a  •Ii/rrr  laei  scl^f  \o  abla  rfoaa  rrO      .aamjsxf  baA  ifii 
be:>{oori  a-cw  hae.  iotta  iiud  Biif  to  bna  exlJ   o^     aemafteii^  noat 
ertim  eitt'"lo~TrcMrt--»Tft  ■iriawoit  «i^^vi«'b-««w  ««XX*q£Jl   .noeiBxl;^ 
nam   :  "    .•5T0'iq  ri^htw  b0i>«Ql  YXX*t*xaq  aaw  x&o  tnoil  arlT 

XojsH    .     :.  ;.80  tmiit  at   ©taw  aoal  ari^   o^   03  ot  betletK  orfw 

^£sse   Xiiu'v,   ariJ"  i>elquooo  ©eXXsqqA    .taoY^qma  «a  aaw  *ad*  ^o 
agal  air'    "        ,    ^tacxt  at  abla   bnj;xi  tlei  arii  ao  revtih  a  " 
n*oh"'3iTt?r-r-  Frw-qTrir-E.IY    .xeo  erfi   lo   J-noit  rii  rtwob  anlgn 
f.-  "  V  iisad   on   b/irf  ibo   sr.T  .    SiHTItwt  trfjiX;. 

.s«o  bii-t   lo  iiotioos  &Ai  ioerlo  oi  doitivi  dttv     «3Biqa   ou 

In  said  entry  at  the  place  of  the  accident  a  post  supporting 
the  roof  stood  on  the  left  hand  aide  about  13  inches  from 
the  rail.  At  that  point  the  rear  mule  turned  around  aide- 
waye  with  his  rear  parts  to  the  left  hand  side.   Appellee 
claims  that  the  left  end  of  the  butt  stiok  caught  on  thie 
post.  Appellee  claims  that  the  mule  swung  around  first 
and  that,  if  the  butt  stick  caught  upon  the  post  at  all,xw. 
which  it  denies,   it  was  after  the  mule  had  turned  across 
the  track  and  after  appellee  was  injured.  Appellee's  left 
leg  was  caught  either  between  the  butt  stick  and  the  car 
or  the  mule  and  the  car  or  both,  and  certain  bones  thereof 
were  broken,   Ax)pellee  claimed  that  the  presence  of  this 
post,  80  near  to  the  car,  was  a  dangerous  condition. 
Appellant  contended  that,  as  the  post  had  been  in  rhe  same 
place  for  three  or  four  years,  actual  use  showed  that  it 
was  not  dangerous. 

The  second  count  charged  that  the  mine  manager  wil- 
fully violated  the  !?tatute  in  falling  to  have  the  roadway 
at  that  place  examined  by  a  certified  mine  examiner  at  the 
times  required  by  the  f9tatute  and  to  cause  said  examiner 
to  report  said  dangerous  condition  in  a  book  provided  for 
that  purpose  before  the  men  were  permitted  to  enter  the 
mine  on  that  day.   The  third  count  charged  that  the  mine 
examiner  wilfully  failed  to  inspect  this  roadway  and  to 
observe  whether  there  were  dangerous  conditions,  and  wilfully 
failed  to  place  a  conspicuous  mark  at  that  dangerous  place 
in  the  roadway,   Tlie  fourth  count  charged  that  the  mine 
examiner  wilfully  failed  to  make  a  record  of  hie  examination 
in  a  book  kept  for  that  purpose,  and  wilfully  failed  to  men- 
tion in  said  record  the  dang  rous  condition  at  said  timber, 
and  wilfully  failed  to  make  such  record  that  morning  befoae 
the  miners  were  permitted  to  enter  the  mine,  and  wilfully 

ani^aoqque  *aoq  jb  *nebJ;ooJ8  eriJ   to     Boalq  ecit  iB  '^fn&  b tea  til 

raoil  ••doni  SX  iaocfJB     ofcia  .brfisrf  i'lsl     »nJ   no  booSo  tooi  srf^ 

-•J>J:8  Jbini/ottA  b^atuf  eli/m  lAei     erij-  ;ritloq  *j8/fJ  tA   .XiBi  •;!* 

•sXisqqA      .9i?t-?     feniSff  i-laX  e^;''  9*  «tTJ9q  ib»^  «trf  ffifxw  •X'S" 

BkdJ  no  Jrigi/i?©  XoiJ->   i-;tifcf  adi^   to  bn?  *leX  srfj    #jsrfj-   artil^Xo 

j-aillt  bnuoiM  3fnn»a  sXirra  arft   i^j8rf:f  anljslo  ssXXeqqA      ,*Roq 

-wqc^XXjs  J-^  *Boq  arf^  aoqix  J-rfgi/Jso  jfoi^a  iftxrcf  srfj'  "ii   ^iedt  has 

aaoTO*  benii/J-   nsrf  eisjat  erf^  T»:ftj8  gi;*'  *i  .  ^aetneb  ;f,t     rfoirfw 

.;   aX  8'eeXX»qqA     .betsjlat  a^w  eeXXaqqjB  T8;tli5  bn..-  alpAi*  erfJ^ 

■IJ60  srfi-  hm  ^LotiH  itud     zdS  a*9Wt»cf  lerftte   ^d-guuo  B£Vf  gaX 

losisriJ"   asnocf  niatiso  bnn   ^dtod  10  tjso  9rfJ>  f}fl«4iXjEflB  ©jtf;! 

BixfJ-    to  eo(T&89Ttq  9rf>f   isd.f   bemiJBX:^  eaXIeqcrA      .fle?{orrcf  ©iei" 

,aotitbnoo  suoie^nsb  jb  8>:w   ^tjso  &Ai  ot  men  oe    »*aoq 

9tBjis  £'•     nl  naacf  b*d  *8oq  erf;^  ajs   ^^arfit   babas^noo  irr^XXaqqA 

&t  iAdi  newoffa     aai;  Lbsj^ob   ^91se•z  "iuol  to  aairf^  ^o'i  aojslq 

.aifcrsgftjsb  i'ofl  baw 

-Xiw  anirt  srfcr   ;tj8rli^  bagiflxlo  Jnx/00  bnooae  srfT 

XJ5wf)Boi   9if,t  evAri  oi  gnJtXIa'i  rri  a;ttr*j8;t3  ftri,t     betsLotv  xlissi 

•rf*  *«  TWfliMJSxe  anJtw  batliJ^aao   s  yd  ftenl.'ojsxe  eojsXq  &Bci'i  te 

rtsaimaxe  AIbb  eBifftO  o3-     fortB  a&u&ff"^  y.:f  beTcXxrpaTC     aamid' 

"xol     I>cbi:voiq  alood   ■■  at  aotttbnoo  euo'XiiaflAb  biXB  tioq&z  ot 

»ci&  z:;&ttp  oi   b&ittmteq  stbw  nam  a/iif  'jio^sd  •aoq^ii/q  tfiriJ^ 

©iiim  e.iJ  iHiii     bajjtierio  {frrx/oo  ft-sxrfiJ-  ©rfT      .yjab  JJSrit  no  ©ftim 

od"  baM  >jJ8wJbaon  airf^   ^oaqeni  ojf  beXiJsl     ^XXif"iIlw  lonieiAxe 

^XXii'iXjfcw  Kta  ^ano-td-ibnoo  BiJ0i9T?fl-^b  eiaw  aiarr.t  larfterfw  evxeBdo 

aojBXq  BuoiBf^ttBb  tsidt     ta  ilram  •uouoiqBaoo  jb  ©OJsXq  ot  beitBl 

eaXm  etii  ijuit  beg^usrio  i-nuoo  ri^-xi/o^  ©riT     ,Y«8*^bJBOi  erf^f  ni 

ttot^£aJ:m&x&  eirf  lo  baoosic  x;  e;f>em  o^   b©X]:«l  yXXxxlXJtw  "lanimjsxs 

-nacT!  ot  beXXfil   Y-t-i^i/^Xlw  bn/;   ^tBorruq  tmiii  aol  i-qsjf  iootf  J3  at 

^1bcitut1t  bijse  *B  aol*if^noo  ai/oi  3njjh  ^rlcf-  Moo©-:    bijse  at  aoif 

Qsoted  snJtniom  t«ri**  bloo©a  rfous  ©jfjem  od"  beXiat  xllulilJtn  bne 

Xlisjtliv  bnfi   ^Bnta^  Bdt  tod/t©   oi   h^iitmieq  ©lew  a«t©fflat  arid 


failed  to  take  posseasion  of  appellees  entrance  check  and 

the  checks  of  all  others  who  had  to  drive  trips  along 

said  roadway,  and  wilfully  failed  to  -ive  such  entrance  checks 

to  the  mine  manager  before  the  ir.en  entered  the  mine  that 

morning.  Each  count  charged  that  auch  wilful  violation  of 

the  law  oaueed  or  eubatantially  contributed  to  appellee's 


It»-ed*^Utirn-lTT9^ahoe8  the  trjal  coiirt  improperly 
permitted  appellee  to  put  leading  questions  to  hie  witness 
in  a  very  material  matter,  over  the  objection  of  appellant^ 
and  improperly  permitted  etidence  to  be  introduced  by  appellee 
for  which  no  proper  feundation  had  been  laid,  over  like 

objection,  and  perhaps  unduly;. -ires  trie  ted  appellant's  effort 


to  introduce  evidence  oairt\ilated     to  rreet  the  evidence  in- 

X        I 
troduoed  by  appellee'.   As   t|ie   Judgment  must  be   reversed  for 

other  reasons,-  we  deem  it  unnecessary  to  diacuss     these  de- 

tails  or  to  determine     wherthiSr  that     action  amounts   to  x%- 

versible  «rror. 

ft»pmnnT^->-  n^Tia^rff  "^  ^^°  •^Y'^^f^A  ^* ' o«x-t»i»  -l^ie t sue 

tions   r  questeA  by  It^-toy  whi-<HlT  4rt  w ought  to  ma4E«~  tJ^e-ques- 

"t^^Qn^  y^iftthftr   tha     poat,  , *«•- i«c«-t«d,  TT^reT  r  danger ous  oo nd i - 

Ainn    tf>   f^epand   ii^gp    tilft    jnHgiriftnt   nf      the  mi-nA..A3camljaaT . and 
of  men  exoarienoed  in  that  bualnsagf  and  to  rfllJAV-e,  -its elf 

^f  liab>:l,itY   if  l-l^fiL-ni-aa-^Axaminftr - honeet iy-  -eene-ittd ed   th e 
condition  was  not,  dfing-pirmifl.    ArmftHant  oowld  not  thus  e scape 
1  i ability,   if  the  condit>-o»-wefcg"i:tt--ffte-t- danger oug — txi-the 
opinion  of   the  jiu'y-ftw*     the  covurt,.  Aa.  ■ahkaw»-4a  Aetittis  v 
^aiiBCJiLiley.jC<>al.  ^Oev-iaa'  nr.-  'Ag|s;  ■  49X;''™arntt-~3415-'Tll.    33, 

_and  in  the  cae_e_a_  gi tgd_qn  jia.£;e,  3t ^GX.„tlia. -lat-tar  volume; 
and  said  in6truo$jljana  wnrpi  thSigef^iHP-n— •prf^rftT'^y  ref uasd, 

There-yao  proof  --thart-'t-he- ^be«3fr->-te»p*--^at--t^><>-  Wp^-- ■  was 
1fc«pil.-iii  an  angine  room.    The  sixth  instruction,   given  at  the 

.^Jli     i./iJC       ll-^^if.       C  V   X 

.       ~     ,  <  . 

to  aoti&Lolv  lulixr    iit    8  ^Arfj  i)93XjBrio  tniioti  'dojaS     .aixjtni'oio 

^Hi^.o    ...  lo  aoitoeldo  erf*  t»vo  ^la^i-aci' XaiieJ^JBoi  ^sv  M'at 

eaXXeqqB  yd  fceoubo^-^- r     'rrf  o;f   eonehits  Jbei^d-imisq  yXasqolq^l 'BnJ5 
^*    '  •■^■^  "    -         7A-.     A  .^ 

»3iJtI  levo   tii-..*-^  i»-..     ■    '"-"^     ''-^  +  '-'^n[i/<fi:  ae'--- -^    ~'^-    ■^"'?:rfw  ■10'!!: 

^  pf.  ■;■  j  ■■-■.■■. ,  ■  - ,. 

lot  besievox  v^-..   rfoij.;.  „■  .■i-,;,-j;..u.^   .-       ..n   .  3c  A  J- ?.  •■ '.qjB  ^cf  JMOuhoti 

-eh  •""-'t     ■exroslf)  o*  Yiaeeeoeftrf     '      -"^sb  ei^  »r -'—•"- 1  aeif^^V 

-»•!    w.    vj-T'"-"""    '>"^-  +  «-      +=•-■;    --:•  scttmrBSio-   w^     xO   B£t£S 

1  Q^TT*^     '''  '^  ''^  ^  '^  "*"  "  V 
OJJI^Sn.     liivcw  aw,^      .<v»     *— «j-.  *i7   .  '^'";      ^    '■  t  n  r  i.ytl(iQ^ijXMiL  i.£i  >   ■-  ■-. 

~..XS3-^  ^'                                           .aofieiififixe  nsffL  ;-■ 
-      ---     3XKW»an^^  *'>«7     -  _„.  :-^X 

^-  'irffik   cif.    rtw  -.\-tiinn   ;,  .    ,     ., „    -^e^gJtqo 

,       ^ >    ,..  .__ -  ,-_  .-.    „^©a^3faXXj8i  r^>fi^^^ 

■■^>>«fhr    ...    .-     -. 

request  of  appellee,  recitei  the  statute  requiring  the 
mine  manager  to  have  the  min|e  examined  by  a  mine  xxxac^ax 
examiner  and  hie  report  entered  in  a  book  provided  for 


that  purpose,  anci  that  the  |:)Ook  should  be  kept  in  a  conven- 
ient place  on  top,  but  not  ijn  the  engine  room;  and  it  dir- 
ected a  verdict  of  guilty  if  the  jury  found  that  appellee 
was  injured  because  appellant  wilfully  failed  to  comply 
with  those  provieions  of  the  law.  This  directed  a  verdict 
for  plaintiff  if  his  injury/  was  caused  by  wilfully  having 

said  book  in  the  engine  roim,  instead  of  eome  other  place  jon 
top.  Besides  tl'.e  failure  otf  the  court  in  this  or  any  other 
instruction  to  explain  Mvhat  ehgine  room  was  meant,  (this 
book  not  being  in  the  maiiji  engine  room,  but  in  another  en- 
gine room  on  top,)  this  i^istruction  was  erroneous  Ijecause 
thers  was  no  allegation  i]n  the  second  ,  third  or  fourth  counts 
that  this  book  was  kept  ijn  the  engine  room  or  in  an  imoroper 
place.  True,  as  appellee  ;arguee,  it  is  not  error  to  state 
the  law  in  the  language  |of  the  law  itself;  but  it  is  error 
to  direct  a  verdict  of  g^^lty  upon  proof  of  a  ground  of  ac- 

The  tenth  instruction,  given  at  the  request  of  appellee 
told  the  jury  that  if  a  dangerous  condition  existed  at  aeid 
place  and  if  the  mine  examiner  wilfully  failed  to  make  a 
record  thereof  in  a  book  kept  for  that  purpose  or  wilfully 
failed  to  mention  such  condition  in  such  record  before 
the  miners  enti^red  the  mine  that  day,  and  appellee  was 
injured  by  that  condition,  and  his  injuries  were  occasioned 
by  such  wilful  failure  of  the  mine  exaainer  to  make  such 
record,  then  it  made  no  diff  rence  whether,  before  entering 
the  mine,  appellee  read  or  attempted  to  read  said  record 
which  the  mine  examiner  did  make,  nor  whether  appellee  was 
able  to  read  the  language  in  which  evich  entry  was  made,  and 

10:    DsbivoiG  jtoocf  B  ni  Jbe'X9f;fn8   ^faoqsi  aJtri  bn*     aenlmiac© 

-nevno  J-qsi  sd  bXuorfe  jfood  erfJ^  ^*xl '  D80o/u/q     ^£iU 

Ui-j   ;aooa  aaJtsne  adS  mi   i^on  ^tyrf  ^ttO''   «o  •ojsiq  rf'nei 

eei^isqqAt  tjsrfcf     Jbni/ol   Tii/t     8^*  ft-*  Y^Ilirg  to  toibzov  ^  bQio& 

yXqfflOu  o^     beliat^  ?iAjuJ.Xtv  tajilleqqM  »euao9iS  berulat  8«w 

*oiM»v  B»  fcstOdTt-if)- axffP-  -.wbX.  tut^^  I0  anoxervo^tq  BBOiit  iitl^ 

gnJtvjsxf  xiiutilv  ycf  btnsj&o  rbw  |\fai/t'fi  Bid  11  lli^nl^Xq  10'i 

rro  eojBlq  2SI{i^o  emoa  Jo  JSwwfenJt   ^ffii^oi  snigns  ©ri;^  Hi  ifoocf  feifla 

lerfJo  YHB  ao     eirf;*^  nl   it'xi/tjo- »rfd"  ^  otulte'l  erio*  eefoiesa   ,qo^ 

aid*)    t^rraBRT  «BV  (trooi  snigrie  {tfir>i    aljslqxe     o;t     aottouiiBai 

-ns  "t&xf^fon*  ni  J-ud  ^aoo1  ?;rri3fr8     rjijsm  erf*  ni  anJt&J  i^on  aLood 

eeuJBOacf  awosnoiie  ,  asw  aoii^O£c:c*ar^l  axrfif   (,qQi^  rro  raooi  enlg 

etnuoo  xWaLiol  -xo  biidt   ^   bnooas  sri^f  xx^vaoi^f^cgsII-B  on  aaw  -lariit 

leqoacnrt  njs  ni  to  mooi  sni^e  ed&  a^  *qe;f  jaw  iood  atAi   t&tit 

B:fjfi&s  oi  'xo-xie  ioa  ax   ti   tasusija:  •eXIaqqjs  ««  ^ei/riT    .eojsXq 

loitts  ax    li  ^i/d   ;lXsad-X  wjbI   en)   lo|    •SAU3«.«iX  fidi  aX  %aL  9d^ 

-ojs  Ijo  iKH/ois  «  lo  looiq  floqxi  •^i'Xii/s  lo  Joxbisv  js  ^o^iiJb  oj 

,  rrnrtn-rnrnipfT  Tnit  rrf   hoj^nitn   j-on  ngfJ^ 

•eXXsqqjB  lo  Jasupsi  edJ"   ^£  flsvls   4noJ:*ojji;f8ni  diaoi  anT 

ftiaa  *fi     be^sxxs  noii'xbnoo  axroaagnjsh  {-lut  ©^^  ^i"* 

a  ei^m  o;^     beXJtjBl  x-tJ^^'i-tiw  lantmj&xe  oaLu     siiJ-   11  bajs  eoAfXq 

YXXx/IXIw  10     eeoqiijq  ;ti;5  ct-qs;-!  Xood  fi  ni  losiafW"     baooai 

aaolsd     biooei     rioua  ax  aoiSihaoo  doua     aol^faam 

aj8v.  aaXXaqq*  bae  ^"iAb  tAdt  snlm  an' J   beie^ae  BaanJtffl  e 

fcsnoxaiiooo  e^aw  Bstrulal  alri  baf.   ,flol*lbnoo  tadi  yd  bejiulni 

rfojje   ©^«in  o^     lanlejsxa  anim   ■  an/Ilalt  Xj/lXx  vd 

3xilis;fne  stoled   ,:ceri*eriw  ©onaa  on  aft*n  *i  nani   ^baooea 

bTOOai  bl£a  b«ei  ocf     ba^qarsU^   lo   bjsax  aaXXsqqA  (tnlm  aii^ 

SBW  aeXXaqqB  lerf^adw  ion   «eiAm  bib  TanlmjBxe  anlm  sd^f  rfoldw 

bflfl  ^ebjsm  BiBW  X'l^no  rfOive  rioirfw  at  agsjjgnaX  siii^     baBi  o*  eXdJS 

the  jury  should  find  the  defendant  guilty.  In  fact  the  mine 
examiner  did  make  an  entry  of  the  condition  of  said  entry 
and  reported  it  safe  in  said  book,   so  that  the  cause  of 
action  in  that  respect,  if  any,  was  not  in  failing  to  make 
any  examination  nor  any  entry  in  the  book,  but  was  in  writ- 
ing the  word  "safe*  instead  of  stating  the  supposed  dangerous 
condition  created  by  said  post.   In  determining  whether  tie 
failvire  to  make  such  a  record  that  morning  caused  the  injury 
toplaintiff,  it  certainly  was  competent  for  the  jury  to 
consider  whether  appellee  read  or  attampted  to  read  that 
record  that  morning,  and  whether  he  was  able  to  read  the 
language  in  which  it  was  written,  and  this  instruction 
was  o]a  culated  to  make  the  jury  not  consider  the  evidenceon 
that  subjec',  and  we  conclude  that  this  instruction  was 
for  that  reason  erroneous. 

It  is  a  very  close  question  from  the  evidence 
whether  this  post  located  as  it  was,  constituted  a  dangerms 
condition  within  the  meaning  of  the  statute,  and  whether 
therefore  there  is  a  liability  by  appellant  to  appellee, 
and  under  such  circunstances  we  conclude  the  judgment  should 
be  reversed  for  error  in  giving  said  sixth  andninth  instruc- 
tions, Tlie  judgment  is  therefore  reversed  and  the  cause  re- 

©nim  eri;r  tojsl  nl    »\;fll.u:Q  ta»ba9'i»b  drf^  hixt'i  bluocin  yii/t   arlJ" 

to  eaxrjso  9x1^  ^«/l;t   oe      ^ioocf  b^jsa  flj;  ^^as   J-t  be^ioqe'i  bfi£ 

siJBEO  oJ-  aixilijB'i  nJt  J-on     a^sw  ^^k*  "^J^   ^fo&qBsi  tjsdi  at  nox*OJB 

-*jtTW    ni  tew     J-i/d  ^Xootf  9di  rtt  yT^tn©  y^*  ^on  noli-anlmjsx©  '^n« 

ex/OTeanjBb  bsaoqqi/a  ©rli^     gniJ-^j^e   lo  bJssJanJ:  "elaa*   biow  edt  gni 

ari^   T8rf*erfw  grrinira^LsJ^eb  nl      .taoq  bijse   ycf  l)etJ5ei:o  aottthnoo 

\ijj\,aJi  ed&  besuso  anlniom  ;t&d&  biooer  £  dot-a     e^fjsm  o;f  exx/Xial 

o;f   T^i^t   'rf'^  "10^  Jnaifeqwoo  bjsw  YXiti;A;tieo     J-i    ^ttt&nteLqoi 

tMdt     bABTi  o&  bB&qmjit&Ji  ro  bMBi  aalXaqqfi   tedtedw  teblBaoo 

ed^   bJBex  oJ-  eXcfjs  bjsw  arf  asil^erfw  i)iTJS   ^gnlrtiora  ^ariJ-     txooei 

aottouTtant  axftt  ianjs  ^^aJ•:^jttw  bjjw  Jl  rfoirfw  ni  eajsi/^njal 

aoeonebiva  sd:}  ^eblBaoc   ton  x'^l  »rf^  ejtBm  o*  jbeJjsIifo  jBto  aj»w 

«£W  noirf-oi/tcrf-anx  elrf*  j-arl^f     eJbuXoaoo  e'.v  hnij     ^.-^o^tdx^e  *»rfJ 

♦  ei/oanoxae  noejsei  itsrfi-   'lol 

eonebtv©  ©i^J"  moi'l     noirf'ssirp  eeoXo  yiev  a  at  t*I 

aflD^sSit^l)  £  i}e;^x;:^Xta^oo   ,e£w  ;)-i  a^B  Jbe;f&ooX  ^aoq  etd&  zed&Qdv 

leri^srrw  f>«j5  ^©i-x/^is^^B   sat  T:o  gnJkflijam  ©rid-     rtirii^iw  aoiiibnoo 

^©eXXsqajs   oi   JnAXXeqqa     ytf  ycf iXxcfJSiX  -B  ax   s-rerf;^   aaolaisff^f 

bXxroxlB   taemgbul  edS  §bislonoo  ew  QBonAtartisorto  dona  zsbnu  bna 

-oi/T^enX  dtntabne  if^xls  biJE©  gnivig  ni  loiis  tto'l     baa^svei  ©cf 

-an  ©80BO  ©rfJ-  bna  beaifvat  eioterrerii-  el   j-nemabx/t   ©'IT    .anotd- 



SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  ^^"        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFPY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 

March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



it?  (/^^ 

iegun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  thelsixth  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nini  hundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  Ihe  State  of  Illinois: 

Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Presicfing-  Justice. 

y^on.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  JustiT'ce.        • 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  Jus/ice. [^  X9^  T  /i   f^  ^  0 

J.  G.  MISCHKE,  Sharif^: 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  after 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinio 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court, 
following,  to-wit: 

ith  day 
le  Court  was  filed  in 
;he  wordS:^nd  figures 

Gen.    No.    6033, 

Simon  KopteiMc,   Adair,   ftppf^ltftnt. 

Anpeal  from  Putnam. 
Sydnfjy  Uhi taker,  -g>xH;HllHfai  '^  / 

Diboll,    J.  -^^   ;  yJ^^Jrfl-i 

-9n-T;«i''r-97-ltn:3,  Frank  Kogtellio  was  killed  by 

coniinc  in  contack  v/ii  th  an  electric  v'ira  luring     on  or  ne?)r  a 

sidewalk  efi-^in  ??l.njgt   ir   tha  of  Granville,    in  Putnam 

County,    Tr.e  v;ire  waa,  a  part  of  an  electric  light  BVBtam  owned 

and  operated     by  S*tdiiay-4(ft»4-tsvkrer  in  Gpe^vil-4#T--a»cL.-stfi^  .uaedL-as 

n  nnrt   of  h1n   onti  m   n^ntfur  of  wirijag  tfi  CQiULey  -eieetcic 

cirrrent — to  hi  a  notyono   i»-firaavUle  and-  iMjxrcundlng-v^i-llageB. 

SiTOon  KoBtJllie,   a  brothqi'  of-f^ooo»o»d,   w*«*  apt>ainte6  adraibiB- 

tra-tur  - -ef  -hJsH^-e^-freir^  yt^-byougl-^ t  th iq  e-uit-lQ  recover  -damages 

f-<UL_5lie..lQ3E    .^i4?ta.lnea  by  hia  next  of  kia»  Ho  filed  a  dectgra- 

t^^i  of  H i X -connrtg',-  "aTPt-  a  deflarrer  to  th«  third  />©««*  wae  eue- 

'ta i  ued .    Tl  nv ^  'Vag  "?■'  :plea  ^of  not  p:ot3rty  g^rd  «  jury   trial  and  a 

VBrdlu  I  b  mt'!r''fiurpienT~fcr "  defendant-,   fro»  which  plai-nViff 

On  the  evanir^  before  the  accident  h»»«->*ti-eh*»»Vion 
there  ■tina  Ui-Uii  ?-   storm  in  O?0invilla,~ahiqh   broke  off  a  por- 
tion o-f  K   Use  g^tarding-^.Tr^hg-yatTtt'  of  •  on^ ' gf" -the  ^ITfiJlaaee^ 
.am!    one  uDper  part  of  -tMu-t^ea  fell     ■«»«  over  upon  the/5«rirei 
•of— nTip»-iie«-whiah  ')rBT?~i>x-tend«d'?rpon-  poles   standing  near  the 
aldaualis;     About   fjeven  o'clock  ©»~the  raorning  o^— Jwiy^,   the 
wires  i^axB  way     and   the  tree  fall  over  and  u  on  the   sidewalk 
and   the     vJires  rerrained  hanging     from  the  polefl  and  reaching 
to  and  upon     the     ground.      At'  lea  at  one  of   the  ^  i  ghb&g«-  -^■9Vmm     '^-^ 
W-rr?nre  noticed   the     position  of   the  wires  et  the   time  of 
breaking,  but  ctoi|s  not  <v!5^>«ar  to  hav«  notified     any  one  of 

■   condition.      Pm-nk-Fcstelliw     at   that   time  vras     about   thir- 
,  tes-ii-^»«are"^id,- In  rood  health  and  pofl3e<?Bed  of  all  hJa  fac- 
'  \*14i4»*TAle  live.-^  with  his  parents  in  a  little  vrilage  near 

.J  i.1.1       'irn  j; 

J3  5«»rt  1:0  no     ^iyl  ftrtJtw  ol:t*09l:'  a  -  .1.;        .^Oja^noo  .x_,    ...i-.' 

£Baa#i/<T  nt    ^gi'^^-—''   "--  -    rillV     c  ' '     -'    ♦■'^~-^'^— ^ttSM-ff«  il^web 

fianwo  ms^t"'  -    ji'.-.j.   o..  x.  ..sis  rte  '■  'viiw  arIT    ,^'+-' ' 

afc  J>^  jBLBW-^±iaj8-n>'fet^'<w<flK»  iT^«g»jt.3;»jL --^  .—      id     b9t^'i9c.    . 

t ©7j.smjab  -  ^^^vooaa .Ml    ■  '    ^'    '=^  >■  f^~  it  i fgt/oerf f-  4^#  ♦#te#«'^'*irf*  l-o—'tf*  f^*' 
-«TJ5f«fir-*"*»Jrtfc*--e^-,>.«.— to-ijcan.  aJ;j:(  J!fdJ!>feaJLa^Sif8,..9§Pi..aii      - 

■•r  c.  ^    "r  -vT-  '    f  rr  «  -V-: %   rf  ~  ?  'TjTl'U     -iVLli'X 

.  sfsatrT* — '^^ 
-loq  .w w..-.—... .-*   --, -V  •«■<  fflio^e  --"-   2'j.o 

Bdi  Tiien  jftlbrtKr^':    fffr^'ftr' 'ffOffr'f«rbfrar^:!t»'~?'T0r  lirit ri r-o^Jb-f ff tf ff /?- 

iX*»reble   eiU  flcw  IxiJB  levo   He  »rf*   bai:     '{/jw  av^jj   ae^ 

■nnixfoiie'i    J:rtii  Aftloq  erf*  mor'i     'Qtxk-p.nH.l   beniarnei  aeiiv.-     Si 
.•u.,    s   ..    t,.    r;;-;-i,-*f  erl*   1:0  ano  t^ia'f---#-A      ..brtu-o-r-     erfj     rtoqi;  bfta ' 
'^(^  efiil:^   ©/{*■  i's  •BiJ'w  beoi:?-on  &vjwI~ 

-itdt  ^uods     aJBW  awlJ  Jj3rf;r^a'--»*li*aTf'aroH' -jfatjnfl      .noid-xbnoo '■« 

Granville  and  waa  sent  by  hi  a  mother  t-\at  morning  to  Granville 

on  an  errand.  He  was  last  a?sn  alive  ■fay-Iiaawil -Spire*  and 
wa»  -t'-en|-  about  11:30  o'clock  that  morning,  oroasing  Main 
Street  to  the  slde'vallc  on  -Nhich  this  tree  vvas  lying  and 
aboiit  half  a  blcnk  from  the  traa.  Mig-3.  Spirea  went  into  har 
house,  which  wan  directly  opposite  the  place  v/haro  daoaasad 
crossed  the  street,  and  remained  there  about  ten  ninutea.  (pf'Jyi^ 
She  then  otarted  down  Main  Street,  and  wl-.^-h  she  reaoheU  the 
tree  she  attempted  to  z^   around  it  .ind  saw  the  body  of  de- 
ceased lying  on  tha  ground  on  ita  back,  -vith  one  wire  under  him 
and  another  wire  on  hig  breast,  his  clothing  on  his  breast  on 
fire  and  the  i^ireB  apittinc  fire.  There  was  no  eye  witness 
to  the  accident  and  no  one  can  tell  exact xy  how  it  happened. 
Engineer  Jai.aly,  in  ohar.e  of  the  plant  <ia  ■tu&..»a» 
^«e»ta.oja,  testified  that  he  felt  a  jerk  or  jolt  in  the  machinery 
about  f3even  o'clock  that  morning,  believed;  there  was  ao-pething 
uniflual  on  the  line,  made  t^jete  7.'ith  the  appliances  at  the 
plant  for  that  purpoee,  found  no  evidence  that  any  wires  were 
grounded,  and  paid  no  further  attantlon  to  the  matter  until 
informed  of  the  accicisnt  a  fsw  minutes  aftar  it  happaned.  The 
appliance  used  by  Jvikely-  was  known  as  a  "plug-in  circuit 
breaker,"  and  there  ^14  svidence  Uy  ^Stiwr-t«4« -ii^itnesreea,  qualifly- 
Ing  cm  experts  in  electrical  tiattera,  that  the  u«e  of  auch 
an  ina'.rurcent  to  determine  T/hether  ox-sw^  a  wire  ia  broken 
is  of  no  avail,  unless  it  is  uesd  at  the  very  inatant  the 
wire  falle,  or  unless  the  wire  remains  on  the  ground  and 
makes  a  complete  short  circ\iit.   It  also  appears  from  the 
evidence  of  th  se  exp-rte  that  if  a  "static  ground  detector" 
or  an  "autojuatio  circait  breaker"  had  been  in  U3e  upon  the 
switch  board  of  this  plant,  thn  current  in  ths  vires  in  question 
would  have  been  shut  off  automatically  the  instant  the  wires 
parted.  No  such  static  machine  had  been  installed,  but 
there  wae  one  at  thepi»ant  for  the  p\irpoae  of  being  installed. 

ex^j.vuj:iiT  .•:7;iju:--;  '   tntee   sew  bci£  Blitvaaii 

niJSM  3ai««<w;r/   ^grtiatoat  *«rf*  :iooSo*c  OC:Xi  ,>.jjodjb     ^ur   j    «» 
bxxB     saJt^jC  a£*r  ee  •  :*   •-*-''■    -'-'■'  no  iJBwefcJte  ad^  pi  is;-" 

-uefa  ^o  \hc^   „..^    ,...>^   *...4,..-  »*   ....x.^^..  ..  ,  <•♦•  f'°-^T^e^;t£  ©rie  _  »©«. 

no  Ja«st^   °>'^  M»  a«lrf*<*'"^5>  aJtrf  v^^f""  "^  "'rrl  rto  tsrtJtw  .nari Joaj^  Jj^j 
"     «eeaJ  oa  bbw  sieriT   ,atii..     .....>.  v,  i:q«  »»aJ:w  dfi;>  6n«  »a^' 

3rt"iri*8t«OB   W-. ...  — ^...*-wv    ^^nJtxrxom  t£it -iCooXoVq  ,a$v^ke  J";jo4i 

:Mi;bal6  ai-girXq*'  -e  t^.  n'OitJi  a«r.    ^ ^^   ycf  tfw/' eeojifloL;. 

noufi   T-o   r  i£.j*i':r   l£0±ttijapX«  111  «;t"ieq.x»  »«--8#{3 

Hte/ion,.  TiiyTe.+  e:    cJ   J'iiajujX.'erri  rr. 

fafijs  bnjjoia   -.  aniajJioa  six  4»Xijal  ©li! 

on'tf   210 :cTc  8 i«BQqB  ok        tZ      .:^:    o'.io   ;^TOfie   e^aiqinoo  u  et^J^ 

^lotoQi&b  finjj<ns  oi*«;f  aj^apqxa  aa  r:»t  "ip  ©oael5JtT( 

9tiS  xtoqif  6Ptr  ifl:"  rt»^tf  "fcjsff  "la-^SBTcf  ft  rrto  rii-«rTO*«e"   fl*  Jt( 

asli  yXliSDl^ajBOixra  tlo  tuAe  .Xuoi 

i'x/cf  ^JbaXXfiieftl  neecf  I)J9;1  ealilojsm  oli'AjRt  iiojje  oVl     .Jbaixst 

-~ift-tfeee-tronaillcn  o  ^  t.he'~BvlttBw?»-it  wan  BBiftfltial' timt  the 

j^r-y-.ghouJLd — iE»«©onrec tiy ■  ln»-t3F tko-'fe«d j  -«#-±irirtrB--s'~cpaeattOTT~t?f 

guilty  of  emy — wa^^Trertc^in   the  eqTi^pmgnt"  aMnpp'grstlon  of 
_AtiL_£JLaiit-,---*ftd--l7r-l^^  to  aa« 

■cet.taln imailiJsx.-'»ay---*o«i4««t  b«4 —  kappe»ed--"1ra~lt a  Tir sa 

af-ter  TXOtlSfltlg'  soffletHirig  unusfual  in  th#wft«feinery  about  seven 
o'clock  tiii^t  morning.   The  STrth,  instruction  given  at  the 
request  of  a!-)pellee,  read  in  part  aa  followa: 

"Eacii  separate  and  diatinct  count  must  he   treated  as  a  eep* 
arate  and  distinct  and  ROle  oauae  of  action  and  must  be  so 
established  by  the  plaintiff  by  the  £:reater  weight  of  ail 
ths  evidence  jn  the  case  before  any  finding;  oan  be  made 
in  hiH  favor  by  the  jury  or  under  either  of  said  counts." 
Tliis  is  equivalent  to  telling  the  jury  that,  if  each  coimt 
was  not  oroven,   there  could  not  be  a  verdict  for  the  plain- 
tiff under  any  count.   The  first  oount  of  the  declaration 
charged  negligence  on  tne  p|art  of  appallee  in  allowing  a 
current  of  electricity  of  hjigh  and  dangerous  voltage  to  eaoape 
from  its  'Aires  while  the  ^ame  were  lying  on  the  ground,  and 
in  permitting  the  wires  to  Ibe  and  remain  out  of  repair;   the 
second  count  charged  thrf  iame  condition  and  averred  that, 
by  tae  exercise  of  reasonable  dlligsnoe,  appellee  could  have 
known  taat  its  wires,  etc.L  were  not  in  reasonably  good  a 
dition  and  repair;   the  fojurth  count  charged  negligence  on 


the  part  of  appellee  in  parmitting  its  wires,  crona  arms  and 

poles  to  become  v;orn,  unsajfe  and  danperoue,  a  condition  which 

oould  have  become  known  to  appellee  by  the  exeroi'^-.e  of  reaeonable 

i  ] 
care  and  caution  whereb}[^i  its  wires  fell  into  the  street  and 

deceased  was  killed;  the  |f if th  count  attributed  negligence 

to  a-pellee  in  falling  tc)  equip  his  plant  with  proper  appli- 
ances, 30  that  by  the  exiroise  of  reasonable  dilioenoe  within 

t^O'Trottrstcrp  tf '■><  •■\1n4ou%44t»it~'ili96ti9&^i  — biMod»-^u\ 

•HUB  oa   aqt^^* -Xftrf»Tirt-B^By  o*  yttrfirst  HJt  ul  bus — ,^n£lq  s^J 

:8WoXiol   e  .jsei    ^et^Iie 

-qsa  £  a£  b»;f.Be-iJ^   scf  imism  tnuCfO  }^oatftti.h  ba£  a&jataqea  ila^ 

1£m  1o     Jrigtsvt  ts^^e',  ycf  I'iJtifrti^  ycf  badairlcffi^eii 

eb«m  acf  obo  gnlfonl  'olscf  aafio     an'.  jnsbJcve 

".aihx/oo  I)lJ5Vtb'*it»itt-xe    .»aiiai;:ao  Y'S'-fJ:   en  J   ytf  lovjfel  axrf  nj 
d-ajL/oo  dose  li    ^t   \tut  a rf*  gilt II la*  cft  tnttlMvlupe  Bt  «tffl 
-hiaXq  anJ  lo'i  ^OJtBVev  b  acf  J-on   f^luoo  eiarf*      ^navo'xcr  Joxi  asu 
noi^BXBloab  etf^r  !to  ifni/ocj  ^arti^  jariT      ,tnvoo     rfi^  i&brfv  11  id 
js     gniwoii*  nt  eaXIttQau  to  txfljti  •rt.f  rto  aofieailsan  baaa^rft 
eqxsoaa'  df  •3«^Xov  Buoiegnsfc     1)«b  f^l^  lo  y^floii^oel©  lo  ;fxt«Tai/c 
bri^  ^tdssoTg  erl;^  no  sniyX     aiaw  ©oair  »dt  aXXrfw     aaa.  .oiJ 

adi      ittsqe^  o  atsme':.  ■  "WiTft'  sdi  :ialJ4  im-isq  ai 

^SAdi  Jb»TSt>vi5     ijiajB  noitibao  £)©ai,arfo  iTtiJOo^  firrooea 

ev^-il     JbUjjoo  aeilaqqB  tdonsailli;  ©XdAAoSiiaT  10  aaioiex? 
-non     feoo3   TjXdJBnoaBai  ni   fort  e  ,  -   ;fi;uJ  m.oaii 

no  aonaaiXgfln  fieg^CBrfo  ifni/oo  di'ij^o  ;Xi£qwi  bnij  noi\Hfi 

ijn^  aisxa  bbo"xo   ^aai:  gjnicftx  a&lXaqcB  lo  tioo, 

dsldm  aoiiibnoo  b  ^aiioidynjsf)  bns     eljien^j   ^fliow  iraooacf  o;^   aeXoq 
•Xd"jBnoaj8s»i  lo  apio-xaxa  ddi  yd  aaXIaqq  fta'  aaooed  aviiri  bluoo 

'-eiie   ©rfi  o*ni   XXsl     saii  Jaierft 

sonaalXaen  beiudtrii^  iatto.  9dt   iftaXili  ȣ'*  Ziua^scai 

-iXqqa  laqoiq  dilw  #rt/  qi-upa  b*  aalll*!  iti  »aX. 

tttditv  %6ne'  tith  aXrf^nce.sai     lo  aslonixa  tirlv*  ycf  *"£rft  oe    ^at 

a  r9asoriabie-ti»e- after  the  breaking -oJL^g^ny  of  hia  vvires,     he 
oeuld  leagn-nyf^'m^.gfi— brgaking  and  ahut  ja£f.„.  tiiAt  ciirrefiti.. ..  and 
ir^a   niitt.h  CiQunlL..a]3>arg.ed  jiegiigaao e  in-falling  to — kafi^ijii a 

'^QJ}l^'»rux.Aa..£LjaA,-.m»^Ta.^mA»y~^i>n    wnrrtti  -A-p^f>T»A^i.-«tH  tH    nf     repair 

-4haV  Ita  couM  be  Inforwod  of  tho  dongoraua..CQnditioa  o^-irh^ 
Tiirtag  MiUiyiiiH    mirh  lij^ti    iiiiT  i1nn;^'"irmH  rmr'Tout   of  ^iee^Ttdty^. 
-Und-er   this.  deolQjaViea^   i^  "^ae   eiiur    bo"i;;:tTg-"-^jf»»--<»-- 

etrilCtion.     The       ^W' ,     ^  natrMr-tirm,     ni-ir»Ti,,a4>,.ikii    ^■w.ii.HW'fe    nt^ 
aijpellaa,     told     tiilf     j^^^y-<F'-at     -J -r     -KV^Q  .^Ty    At     tba     play^-^^^^ 

Vfnp  AqiiS^T.»H  wTi;>i.-M. — rrovBit''  ywa''Trod-oTn--<fci»f>lio.iiqea  -"4»i?— t^Mi. 
m-event-iin   nf   thf>-- nnnnnr -rrf- — -1— ntrtfH-liT  thrrrfrBiHy  fftnd     ;v i th 
affective  app3|i7;nnrni  f  i  i'    1'''""l1ri["   Mi"    nv'--   rf    '^1  ■^''•^  •--'"•' "^Y 
'^^'^    \'^    thfl    RMft  ^«'^''    •'^    r"^"*    ^"^"^^T-""^    tf    "^Tl'    i^a^h-tnprv   waa 
ajL  tha     tlrifi  "arefulia:.^.Aad.~pxonarly  .xaaaasflA,  by.  goayteat  a er- 

^ejotixaly-^xd^lAided-  froa"^i;tty"''jTnry'^ttiy-ip[HiB  not 

appellee  *7lfftflnffg11c:«'"'^    ''^  "r*"*"-     ^laAuritiTig     +,pt»  -hrAav   -in  the 
"^IXfJ   ^Ti   floint  fi-'Uv-r-'trny-  -^THJ    i-ft  wM* -»«Ha»l»ABig-i^4M»#<Mr«  the 
-anriiiant. — TTIiilnj    y>fti»>iapaj|. — tkAra    ia   \}\f\    gllght^^^ay^de nC 6 
■in   t?is  TtfL'Ui'd  tg  aTlOW^irtt^t  "thg-iypeafcagtr---ghmt^d--eg  could  have 
MBl\  d« t §fi 'leT^'In^son e  otlffr ^ way  th^li-tK e'dha  employed  by 
Jal! ely >  - ye^  that'  qtteet2k>-»-^»h|»u3^  jaot-. lia-VLa-JaaajutAJteir -^trom 

f   given  at  the  request  of  appellee 
fficient   in  this  oaax  if  apT->ellea 

the   juTy,    Inet ruction  No.    33 
told   the   Jury   that   it  v/as   ab- 

used a  high  degree  of     dilif enoe  in  equipping  ita  engineo, 

dyramOB,    etc.,   with   standard 

of  detecting  the  condition 
pa'^sinf;;  out  of,  to  and  upon 
village  of  Granville.  This 
even  though  appellee  had  eq 
THAchinHry  and  appliancea 

appliancoa,   devices  and  apparatus 

which  are  generally   recognized     aa  effective     for  the  purpoae 

of   repair  of   tlie  lines   in  service 
the   Btreeta  and     alleya  of   the 

inatruction  ignored  the  fact  that, 
pped  hia  plant  with  all  neceeaaxy 
re  waa  evidence  tending  to  show 


,   yet   the 

\l  ^ 

TC3:jww«*««i^ -111   iniiiriiiii'i     iTfif";f]i'rt'(  mtifi    <nt  niajIgiXar*/?  evJ^J'o&l'iba 
8£w  Y^l'JAisCst.RS  jfeSfgu'Jtl'.u,.  fvT  a ,,  .n  gA«f«»»:-  f>»«yM* t^aaaa^.^^ ,  ,li,  bft-fl 

cons  ^  .Atrrf-i^^  ftfffttjlt^i  ^•q<irfi¥mf   ^^B^^ffff Jiiaiilnaj 

Ycf  iidyoJEqans  aha  aH:;  ufj'  itSW 

9dt  lo  e^ff  4.*#*©7.#«  ariJ 

^isdi  toj&l  eri^  lisionai  aotiotrtiBa^ttt^     .eiiiv..AiO  to  sgx^ 

'fa   HJbW  .  '  tv   .iaor 

■  UiaL  Um  failod — to  wamtaln — euch  an|jiiajiuB«-ii»"t;<?od  omrdi- 
'-— ^a»Hf3--tiw4- — f <>l-lo<i "■»«»■  "fef>»jPft'fe4r-»neh-  ^y^pjLiitnocg^inr-a  obi'.; fill  tiiad 

T?e  thus  have  a  condition  of  the  evidence  tending  to  show 

tnat  there  had  been  a  severs  iitorin  at  Granville  the  night 

before  the  aocidentj  that,  because  of  such  ntorm,  a  tree  had 

been  blown  over  upon  f^^he  wireB\of  appellee  and  had  remained 

ther-^  all  night  and  oaueed  tha  icires  to  break  about  seven 

o'clock  the  following  morning;  that,  at  that  time,  the  engineer 

of  appellee,  who  was  in  ohargi  of  the  plant,  noticed  an 

unusual  condition  of  the  machinery  and  made  one  test  with  a 

certain  appliance  at  the  plant  to  ascertain  wmt  vfas  'he  matter; 

that,  according  to  certain  experts  testifying  at  the  trials, 

such  appliance  was  ineffectivt  for  the  purpose;  that  apoellee 

and  hie  servants  made  no  othar  effort  that  morning  to  ascertain 

whether  or  not  there  was  any  trouble  with  the  wires  carrying 

a  deadly  current  of  electrlcJLty  until  notified  of  the  accident 

to  deceased  four  and  one  naif  hours  later;  and  that  aopellee 

had  at  bis  plant  a  certain  other  appliance,  which  experts 

testified  v^ould  have  preoanted  this  accident  if  in  use,  but 

hioh  appellee  had  not  inel^alled  on  his  switchboard.   Tliere 

^^as  alpo  evi'ience  tending  io   shoiw  that  the  cross  arm  on  the 

pole  nearest  the  point  where  the  wires  broke  was  rotten  and 

;  id  been  in  that  oonditionj  for  BOrrie  time.   In  this  condition 

of  the  record,   it  was  a  qjuestion  for  the  jury  whether  or  not 

arpellee  had  exercised  due;  care  tax   in  the  construction, 

ejuiprcent,  maintenanoe  and  operation  of  his  plant  and±  its 

acceasoriea,  and  we  are  of  opinion  that  for  error  in  f^iving 

tJ.a  instructions  above  gtated,  this  cause  should  be  presented 
to  anoi/jisr  jury, 

Tiie  judgment  is  therefore  reversed  and  the  cause  remanded, 
EJehauB,  J.  took  no  part,  '. 



nevsa   tuo<S£  lir  a  tit 

aasnigna  »rf"j^' \e    .  {t^ixJtntnif  •gnlyrollo              (oolo'o 

hjb  iieoii-ofr  ^ta£  •=»«»  orfw  ^esIXaqq:^ 

a  dtlw  isei  V^srtlrfo                      rroiJibrroo  LBumana 

»«X6i  :nlY'H;fee:t  a#ieqxs  alAiii                tbiotitu-. 

eej  fvl^oallar;                onfijtiqqe  rfoot 

atM.iteoB&     ot  gxrlna.  etxiBrree  sirf  fcrtin' 

SniynfiO  Bs-i" .  J;tiw  elcfiroii   yni  IBW  616'               to  nodt 

ttiebioo  ?:a*bffls  lo  jPnaiULfO  t^^bBs 

eelleq  ':yol     beajssoe': 

Bifteqxe  ,t6a«Hr 

•■xariT      .Mj8oarrio*lv  o  i>0lXii  ^rf  »eXX8qei> 

iTO  BIB  a  80  Bortabiv 

.:.  lo.    ajBW  •ioid'^BB'ti  '>flldq:  »rf#  ^teitijsn  oXoq 

^aoitovtiBnoo  tdi  Itim  aaaO  ,*ajjb  bealoiexa  b«if  •»xre 
BJ^i  tbnfi  ^fXJBXq  aii-f  1o  nolJjsTeqo  ibfti?  •0«AftdJnJ»n   j^rt&mqi 
"yxJtrl  ite' !tot  iiolniqo  -^iioeteooio' 

be'itneae  Xi/odo  eeuso  BtdS   ^beiAtB  svocTjs     anortsjcrti'ani  eJf 

1     &8JJI30  oxfJ  bflja  bae- 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  ^^'        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 

March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



/  ... 

\     1  ■ 

Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  si^yfh  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  jQundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  j^e  State  of  Illinois: 
Pi:esent--The  Hon.  DUANE  J:  CARNES,  Pres,t^^ing-  Justice. 
Hon.  DORRANCE -DIBELL,  Justice. 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  Justice 
J.  G.  MISCHKE,  Sheriff, 

,    Justice.  _     ^     ^      i>         /^   C   O 

,,,^^^9  3  I. A.  253 



/^^^'  /jiM-o^  a^[/^/\i 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  fig-ares 
following-,  to-wit: 


T  L  'i  I 



Gen,  TTo.  6037, 

Louisa  J.  Owens^  appellea. 

V8  Appeal  from  TOiiteside, 

Gerhard t  M,   Cass ens,   appellant. 
Dibell,   J, 

"^lir-±^-a  suit  in  aasxifflpsit,  brought  ,.,  i»-4fereh,  -i^iU,-Jby 
Louisa  J«   Owens     ag-ainst  Gerhardt  M.   Gas  sens     iKi^e»«by>, -ao^eTd- 
Ing  to  an_a5iend^ed  bill  of  partleula**.^  -plaintiff-^o^ught  to 
nhnr^fl  fiwfsnftaRt  with  ^3,000  loaned   the  defendant,     with  f^SOOO 
held 'in  trust  for  plaintiff,   with    -650     entrusted     to  d-efVnd- 
ani     vvith  which   to  pay     for  certain  patents   ,  with   !?1,000 
as  plaintiff's   share  of  certain  moneys  realized  by  defendant 
from   the  sale  of     various  o4feeT  patents  te-the^oc*"  River 
Manufacturiing  Ceapany  of'  Dixon,   Illinois,     with  :'tl,000  due 
on  various  xsccaKJila  aiipunts,   and  with  ftSOO  paid  defendant 
as  the  purchase  price  of  still  other  patents.      Defendant 
filed  a  plea  of  the  general  issue  and  a  counter  claim,  whereby 
he  sought  to  charc-e  plaintiff  with  $3,000  loaned  to  her,   with 
^1,000  expended  by  him  for   the  use  of  plaintiff,   with   ^3,000 
for   the  purchase  of  a  one  half  interest  in  certain  patents, 
with  ^1,000     paid  a  third  person  for  the     benefit  of  plaintiff 
and  with  ^1,000  accrued  interest  on  these  various  sums, 
AX^-eywaxdg-Ti-trfendant  -I44^t^"ar^pit»  of -thr  statute  of-Llmita- 
■^ ions  ^    8 et ti ng  jiil- that-  -a3X-ar~-about-r«tMruttrv^  35->   l^©6v-aR  ae- 
..flOi^nt  had  bsan  g^«t^ted  between  U>a  parties     that  there  had 
be«»  no-  renewals  or  payftierita  thereon,     and  that  plaint i f f  •  e 
ea-rree-o-f  action  di^-  no^t  aocxua_vzi-thir»--  f iv«  years     before  the 
conFrenoemen-t  of  this   ault,   B^Laiwtiff  traversed  said  plea, 
a«d-.also-. replied  to  said  plea  epeoially     to  the  effect  that 
aha -had-lianfid.    large  sums^  of  monsy.  to  del endant  who  was  her 
brotherinlaw,  wlth-whijciL„4o_£urohase  patentf  or  an  interest 
ther.^in     for  her;      that  she  had  trusted  him  but  had  discovered 

,TE08    ,o:      . 
.eeXIeqqJs,  ^aaewO   ,L  jsaix/oJ 
,9ble»titfH  moil:   LABcpk  av 

.;tnflXI©qr«   ,eiit8BJ30   ,M  ^btcBrfieO, 

.L   ,Xi»cri(I 
YCf-,*€€l- 4tl«««W-«4  ^  i-rigiroicT   ^d-laqau/ae*  at   titra  Jrmi  atiflP 

\  ot  ^<i'gu^9^-\^ ttaJjUJsi,,  .,*aAfci«>Jt*«Bq~  "to  Xltcf  fcafeoajgJBjiB  o^  agj 

OOOSf  ii^U'      ^d^njsbnetsb  erfcf   berrjsox  000  ^S^   rf^itr  »fh9fea»>a^  ,ft;^iaffja 

OOO^X?   rf*Jtw.  ^  fiiapt&q, MlAtTipo  zol.    yjsq  o^   rIoi.riw  riJiw     ixLS., 
Jnaoneleb  xa  besiXJsei  8x©no«  iriB^t-xeo  ^o  81£xIb   a'^^lJ-nljaXq  $a 
a©f2fl:"*5afl-jax{cf--©*  •;rne*«q  i8>4^  ■x/oj:i;sv     lo  eXa^  eriJ  «0)sl 
eub  000, X^  d^Jbw     ^aiOfliX^I   ^aoxtG  to  ^^ooO  •s^JIm^-OA-^MMU 
^nebnel^eb  blaq  OCS|^  il^iw  bn£   «a;t-ax;ojn£  Bijuaaxx  Buotn&r  no 
i-fljsbnelea      .ad-ne^«q  lerfJ-o  XXi^a  to  soJtiq  aaBrioiijq  ©rid-  a£ 
X<foieriw  ,mi«Xo  'X8;ffluoo  jb  ban  bubbI  Isinab-g  9Ai  to  JseXq  £  bs. 
iW-lw  ,aeff  o;f  ben^oX  000,5$  xfJ-tw  'iljt;ff(Jt£Xq  e^aario  o*  Jrfawoe  6x1 
000»S^  rf^iw  jllJtJnJtjeXq  to  aeu  erf*  aol  alri  ytf  babneqxe  000^X1 
^B&neiBq  nlsiieo  ai  tssietnt  iXari  sno  a  "Jo  aaarioii/q  »ri;t  lot 
m*«iJBXq  lo  i'ilsned     erfJ-  zol  noaieq  hitdi  a  bisq     OOOjX^  rii 

•  anufB   auo^TBv  aasjclJ  ao  ^asis^nl  bsxriooA  000, Xf;  if;fiw  boM 

w'WJfatJil^  tBiiT  ixTB'    ^aotr9dt  9faeKX*C[  to  BlJBirBiiai -««  «w»<f 
6d}  ©lo^frd    -rTJsa-y'fr^-t'^  .ai^^.ia.sjjiooa  #Mr  bib  aoi-*©*- -!•-•«'; 

^srf^J*  ^TJsrVle  9/f:r  o;f     YXl^sl-d^oa  ««Xq  i  o»iXqex-oafB  l^4» 

•red  88W  oriw  *««iic©i»b.oi_4tftaflK.i°,J^?.^23^'''A J^tg£j.X.J>x>.tt. adl ■> 

*e5S5faJ;-aa.  10  ijno^jsq  6earfoiusL..oi-'ioliIw_ii;tiiT  ,»»Iaiierf^o"x<f^ 

h».v-rr»Vrt!"Mi  ^  h     httlf     ■i-rrrT    niFrf    l>in+iBfr«r*     KaW    *W*     jfan'Tf         ••r«rf    Tn^        flf  >  "J,  t  ft  ff  i- • 

^haee  of  patsnt»  by  frttr  'i"cnr~trgr-ytth--h-fr  money -wox^  untrue 
alitf-tTrsctT'trs'tiad^neVer  expended  her  money  for  that  pumpBe; 
and- tba^siie'tnstf  made  such  diaoovery  ■wrlthii»"^fe^«>"-period  of 
five  yeare  prior  to  the  commencement  of  this  suit* 
A  Jury  waa  -wa44;:ed^ani1  the-c»ee--waa  trie<fl^,beforr?  the  court, 
and  in  June  4,SJr4,   a  judgment  was  entered  in  favaf  of  plain- 
tiff aealnat-uiaXft^dant  for  :!^1,345,00  and  costs,  from  which 
-judgmant  defendant  ^al©w  appeals. 

The  evidence  in  thie  oaoe-jfc^e  not  only,  conflicting  but 
in  many  reepecta  vague,  indefinite  and  uncertain.  It- i*  ol«ar 
that  appellee  conducted  financial  transactiona  with  appel- 
lant involving  considerable  suma  of  money  and  extending  over 
many  yeo.ra,'  but  neither  of  the  parties  appear  able  to  give 
definite  testimony  regarding  the  detaila  of  these  transac- 
tiona.  A  otudy  uf  iho  grid enc  e  from  the  record-  tt-weif -  1  e&dA 
ua  to  conclude  tha^t  the  ywpeponderande  of  the   evidence 
reveals  the  cojaditi©««- hereafter  stated. 

Appellee  and  the  wife  of \appellant  were  sisters,  and  in 

the  settlement  of  the  estate  pf  their  deceased  father 

appellants  wife  became  the  owlner  of  certain  lands  in  White- 
side county,  subject  to  a  mortgage  thereon  for  ^.3, ©00  in  favor 
of  appellee.   When  appellant  I  married  appellee's  sister,  said 
sum  of  $3,000  was  still  unpaAd,   A  short  time  thereafter 
appellant  bought  80  acres  of  land  from  apnellee  and  gave 
her  a  note  for  f5,000  (appa|:ently  signed  by  his  v/ife  and 
himself)  as  part  of  the  piirchase  price,  secured  by  a  mort- 
gage on  said  lands.   Appellant  and  his  wife  were  therefore 
jointly  indebted  to  appei: 

total  indebtedness  seems  in  the  siim  of  p,000  but  this 
bo  have  been  treated  by  both  the 
parties  to  this  suit  as  the  debt  of  appellant.  Thereafter 
appellant  paid  appellee  $3P00  on  this  debt  by  buying  a  house 

.  \  ..,...■.■■ 

tt;3»»^;.  3i  rfi    .iixjsjTS'jrii/  nnM  ititaiiebat   ^etfg-sv  ti'oeqast  Y<xism  ci 

-X»qorj»  /ij-lw     •flol>0JB«/TJ8i*  lAloxtanl^  beJ-ouiinoo  eellaqqa  i-^'"- 

•vlg   o;t   elirf*  'tA9qq£'»«tJtrijiq  iky  io'XBttit fill  *ir<f  *,iXfi&v   y«-«'TJ 

-OJBBffjiT*  eaerf*   to  wlleieb     mtit  sn'ifiiBgai  'triow.f*68;f  •^ffnileb 

Mae-i.  -IhE^wiM-  fetwee^  - -9ri&-mKyx^.  fi tsntfbtTB  •arli-  ■  "hi^  ylii/^^-A      .  an  o  i ' 

nt    r.i.H    ^eifcjjHie   ©lew  i-niBlXeqqJi,  Ito  ttJttr  eifj   biiP-  e^x^sr  ./i. 
•^ttiUff  at  abnaX  aini^i^o  to  aaiiwro  arfJ-  auusoacr  §12*  a*n«Xiuu   js 

Jbiraa    ^Mi-aia  ~tf'tfiriia.qqlf  ftafSaimUftBXXaqtr*  ri«ffW  '    rosXieqqjB  lo 

xttTiAtiBclt   Qtttt  trodm  k     tbJo^Brftts  llkt9  a^sw  000, C$  lo  iRUa 

avib^  bci£     ••XXeeqjR  cBO^t  ftnjsX  i|^0  traaois  06  tff^uod  ;fnAXXeqq« 

Jbrti  ©TiW~»lfl'">[<f'l>6lr8l¥>fXitn«4jBqQ*)  ^^^^  •*©«  *  ^'"' 

-trofiE  JB  vcT  fieHroa'a   ^aoiiq  ea^rfowq  affi   to'Hjsq  a^     (IXaem^ 

aiol8itf/»  "e~*«w 'itlvT  a f  rf  JbnA  trtAtl  »-■'''  ' " .  •ba&L  bJtiV  no  ejjb. 

•  Irf*  ifi/dlODOt'^-'lb'  aft/a  erf*  nl     a© lit-.;        ,..^     batcfafirrl  xJ^^^lot 

Biif  tlfod  T(f  batJ8dT;f  rraacf  av£if  o4  amaea     •aenbe^d'ebnl  latdi 

tia;ft3o:ceriT      .i-n«XI©qq«  to  #cf»i)  flri*  ta  *10B   alrft  o*  BetttJtq 

ati/ori  is  aitiYJ^cf  ^tf  #cfff*  Pidt  no  oodfef  "•©XXeqqJS  bJtaq  *iN!»XXa^iq« 

and  lot  for  her   in  the  city  of  Starling.  Later,  appellant 
and  appellee  together  purchaeed  a  faraa  in  Manitoba,   for 
which  appellant  paid  and  in  which  appellee's  share  amounted 
to  about  i!?3,000.  After  the  purchase  of  this  Canadian  farn 
and  either  in  1906  or  1907,  appellee  and  appellant  had  a 
meeting  and  a  settlement.  Appellee  and  her  husband  testi- 
fied that   the  r:^?;ult  of  the  acoounting  had  at  ths  settle- 
ment meeting  showed  that  there  was  a  balance  due  appellee 
from  app-llant  of  about  ''^1400.00  while  appellant  denied 
this,   and  claimed,  at  one  point  in  his  taatimony,  that 
the  accounts  were  all  square  between  himself  , and  his  sister- 
in-law,  while  at  another  time  he  claimed  that  there  was 
due  him  under   this  settlement  the  sum  of  ^Sfixfifi. ^3600. 
The  statei^ents  of  appellant  with  regard  to  this  accounting 
and  settlement  are  not  coasistent  with  each  other,  and  do 
not  agree  with  other  circumstances  in  the  case,   and  as  both 
appellee  and  her  husband  testify  positively  that  the  settle- 
ment showed  there  was  dut  appellee  the  sum  of  ^1400.00  we 
consider  that  position  upheld  by  the  preponderance  of  the 
evidence,  ' 

Tlie  evidence  further  shows  that  after  this  accounting  and 
settlement  appellant  bought  an  interest  or  interests  in  var- 
oous  patentg  connected  with  the  making  of  barbed  wire.    Ap- 
pellee claims  that  nhe  authorised  appellant,  at  his  solici- 
tation, to  invest  tl,000  of  the  money  still  due   her   in  such 
parents  for  her,   and  that  he  always  claimed  to  her  that 
he  had  made  such  an  investment  of  her  monay.  Appellant  con- 
tend* that,  while  he  did  invest  in  some  patents,  it  was  on 
behalf  of  himself  and  appellee's  husband,  Charles  B.  Owens  ; 
that  the  first  lot  of  patents  he  bought  in  this  way  w«r« 
sold  to  the  Rock  River  Manufactxiring  Company,  of  Dixon 
Illinois,  and  the  proceeds  used  to  pay  debts,  except  a  small 

J-niBliaqq^.  ^-usiiBj    .snlXlwJ-a   Ito   \iXo  arfJ-  at      l©rf  rol   *oI   f)n^ 
icol      ,*doJinAi:  ai  mxal  js  bp^sApTusq,  aeri^^goi-  •eXXeqq*  1><. 
beifflx/omA  ©iJSiie   a'aaieqqii  rfoirfw  ni^  bn«  ftJiBq  insllecrqB  doti. 
aai*!  nalJbAnJsO  aJt/fJ-  to  oierfnii/r:  si^t  irJ-tA    ,000,S§   tuodA  c 

-iJaad'   f«jBcf"i/d  xeri  vJbxiB 'e«a^  .<nemeXjf;^»8  «,„ba3.  .siLt*©" 

-r»X*;fes   srf^  ^J8  fcjBrf     an Jt;^ £11/00045  orij^  ,lo  iJXi/sfii  «rf*     *«ri;t  AaJfi 
eeXXaqqii  eub.  BOa&Lad  a  bav  &3Adt  .tJUit.  £)AWox[e  gniJ^aam  ta&ia 
tetaeb   lasiLleqqB  eXlxfw  00,00.^X$   ii/Qcfjs   ^o   ^rtsXX' qq«  ffloi 
;l^xi,^    ^Yaoffljt^fasit   sXii  nx  d-aioq  aAQ  ^^a   ^JbamXiSlo  baa  ■.  ^mts: 
-Tsi-aia.  tlri -Mjb  tXaemiri  a©eii[*acf  ST^JUjja  iXjs  sie^  sj-m/ooo^  aai 
saw  eiBfl-,  IjamlBXo  a4     •ai*  mrftofli.   -  :rfw     ^WAX-ni 

.GoaS?;ax«illl  1o  nma  si1;l.40efflGX;^#8B   aXxi^     xobau  nixf  ai. 

■     j  -  .  ... 

^iiauooQA  9^ld3  oi    .iiX^3.ei,xLlJ:.w.  .*a^XktSQ6fM..|o  aJnaraafAj-e   tt.iT 

oJb  baa  ^xarlJ'o  xio^e  diiw  taeieiaaoo  ioa  bia  iaecaelitBB  baa 

dtod  BA  bciA     ^asito  ad^"  cit  BBon£&Bmuoxlo  XBdto  dtlit  aaagjs  toa 

-bLUbb  Bdt  iSiJ  yXevl^Xaoq  x^ii-aaJ-  bfisdeud  i6d  bna  aeXXeqqjB 

aw  OO.OO^X^  lo  su/s  Bdt  aaXX^qqjs  tx/|)  «fiv  ateri  baworfa  itnb 

edi  to  eonjsiehfcoqe'xq  si  J-   yd  LXeriqu,  aoii-iaoq  iadS   xebXaaoo 

Jbrtii  gaiJ-nx/ooojB  aldt  iBtle  tAdi^  aworfe   iprf*:ti/l  aonebirva  ariT 
-iJBV  ccJ:   a^aaiaMJ:  lo  ^faaaa^nl  ite  ^rfjiip^f  ^rt«II  .:-:aiaX^J^9a 

"tQtloB  .Bid  *J5  ^itriJBXXaqq*  ba«iioffJxrj9  ^rf**   ^urfJ   aoifiXp  faXXeq 
xfoire  ni     ta/1  Quh  littB   ^cenoxa  at,.  vni  ot   ^aqitAi 

t»dt  •  x^d  ot  bBtat&lo  BTiJiYiiM  9d  t^Hii^'ha^.  Biao^eq 

-aoo  ircBXX8qr.A  .,\Baosa  rod  to  #nam*«{?yn .!;,«*  ifmr? 
no  B£iv  il,^BtnotACi'  tspva^l  .4^Aa<^..Wbae^, 

1    snsvO    ,3   aeXaaffO    ,AnJBcfajjx(  ••0eX»£»qc[£  ban  IXasmirf  lo   1. 

asew  YBW  Ri.l^  ni   J-riguocf  arf  BifiBilBQ         i^i 

^TjcwqffloO  Bniiua'OJslti/jiijBMj  lavJtfl  ioofl  i  .  ja,^ 

Xlj^irrr.?  .s  ^qaoxa   «aMab  y^q  o:f  baax;  abaaooxq»     ^aioalXXJ 

balance  {lietributed  among  the  nember©  of  a  nmall  company 
interested  therein;   and  that  the  aeoond  lot  of  patents 
ware  tried  out  anr?  found  to  be  without  value,  Appe  lant*8 
evidence  in  this  regard  ifl  not  oonniatent  throughout.   He 
ftdmite  tiiat  he  purchased  interests  in  two  different  sets 
of  ptitents  at  two  different  times,  and  that  he  did  not  make 
these  inveatnents  for  hirmself  alone,  but  that  he  put  up  the 
moaoy.  At  least  it  is  a  fair  inference  that  he  put  up  the 
Boney,  for  nowhere  in  the  raoord  have  we  been  able  to  find 
any  evidence  jCXKAiitg  tending  to  show  that  Charles  F.  Owene 
hiirioejlf  put  up  tkn   kskmjc  any  money.   Neither  is  there  any 
evidence  that  appellant  owed  any  money  to  Charles  F,  Owens, 
A.  'tjxlant  is  therefore  in  the  position  of  claiming  that  he 
put  up  money  with  which  to  purchase  patents  for  Charles  F, 
Owens,  without  any  existing  reason  why  he  should  advance 
money  for  Oens,  and  without  jiny  evidence  to  ahow  that  he 
ever  made  a  demand  on  Owens  to  repay  the  money  so  advanced 
by  appellant.   It  aeema  to  u^  very  improbable  that  appellant 
would  so  act.   On  the  other  liand,  as  we  have  already  stated, 
the  preponderance  of  the  evii^ence  shows  that  appellant  was 
indebted  to  appellee  in  the  ^um  of  !!rl,400,00  and  that 

condition  of  af f v ire  would  pake  it  entirely  natural  that  he 
would  advance  the  money  wijth  which  to  purchaee  an  interest 
for  appellee  in  these  patenlfB,  and  thereby,  in  effect,   pay 
eo  much  on  his  debt  to  appellee.  This  would  also  explain 

illant's  failure  to  demajid  a  return  to  him  of   t  .e  money 
he  so  advanced.   We  conclude  that  the  preponderance  of  the 
evidence  shows  that  appellant  did  make  these  investments 
in  auch  patents   for  the  benefit  of  appellee. 

With  regard  to  the  two  investments  made  by  appellant 
in  patents  for  himself  and  for  appellee,  the  evidence  in 
reoord  seens  to  show  that  the  first  investment  took 

Ynajciwoo  XXaMB  ,a  Tto  ttisdaet    ...     ,;.u...„      ,^;fycflijf8jtl)  eoni  _ 

e.'lam  ton  bi:h  sd  tatlt"  txfja  \M9m^i.  itaBte'i^kh  ofrt  tJs  Bttt'9tu<^ 

tttit  qu  txiq  •xi  tsdi-  iud  ^BttolM' llB^mlci  10%  mtaent^9vaJL  •%& 

tbili  qu  tvq  bA  t^dt     eonetotni  liat  a  »1  tt  tBHBl  ik   .Y«fl 

bail:  oi  eXdii  nescf  «w  evsd     bz.opeii     »rf»'«r  •isrfwon  lot   ^t**^ 

artewO   .'I  ■•XosriO  t£Xf;^  woxia  ot'sttkba&t  giitiiKxx     •oiteh±Y«r  x 

YHJS  6i»H^'  al  "XBdil&T^      .Yenoki  yrug  3|mkm  in(t  qu  tuq  1tXe&'; 

.BnerO    .T:   ieXiBifO  oiT  venoai  Yf*-   '.^ewo  JnaXXeqas  *Bri^     %bine 

on  i'jMf;^    .  s''*'"'^*'^^  "^^  nold-iBC',  rx  ©loleieni    ui  ^ttaXTlf  . 

."ii  a»Xi**flO  aot  uiatit&cr  ••arfoWq  o;t  rfojtifw  dttv  ijerton  qi/"*^ 

80fl«vl>£     JbXuoriB  sd  v^'  ftoe/i«7  3altt#lx«  '^n^  tnodtim  ^mttB 


toonsvbA  oe  YB^om  A/f^  X-o(T(^i  <^  sltdwO  no  JbnBra«l>-' «' *b«m  Tfi 

^b^tatB  xbABXla  tTKli  0w  bb  ^AaJft^  tvif^o  <»/{:f  ifltO     .  blu 

aj8w  ;^^«XXaqqB  ^jsrf*  iwoxfs  sonaiira   ftrf:^   to  ©on«i»JbnQqeiq  9 
'^l«x(9'    tea  OO.OO^Xl    lo  mu0  »ii;t   ai   eoXXi^ftcts'^tt^   hi^^cfe!) 
Bd  iAdj  iMiutsM  xioitia^  SI  Bilsin  bluovt     b%1  11b  lo  nol&thn 
i%6-i9tal  ns  aaarfoTuq  o^   dotdn  d$X^'     Yanonr  ad^t     aaajRv&js  foljj 
ysq     ^ Goalie  q1   «\:daiari;f  bna  ^•fae;^aq  eaarfi  al  aaXXaqqi 
aiJiiqxB  obX£  tXxrow  aiitT    .aeXXaqqa  o^   #<!«£>  aXif  ifO'  dou 
Xenom  edf     to  fflJtri  oJ-  is:cx/#ai  «  bif-omab  oJ*  aiJvXiat  a' ^naXX- 
encr   to  aonaielinoqaiq  Bdi  iMAt  ^bulonot^  aW     .bBoanvbA  o* 
8^ne;n;fBflvnJ:  anerf^  97iAm  hlb  ittMllBqqM  tAd:f     bwoiIb  aonef^i 
.aeXXaqqa     to '  tf'Jtlatiacf  atl^  lOl     t^jxa^sq  ifoxr- 
ifaaXXeqqjB   ^cf  thJUt  aj'aai'dteevrtl  bi#  a/f;f  o^  biB-^Bi  ditlK 
rtJt  aonalilY*  <liT^  ,aaXI»qqs  -xot  haAll§»mta  10'r     mtaB^M 

1^1,000  of  the  money  then  due  from  appellant  to  appellee, 
entitling  appellee   to  an  interest  in  those  patents   to  that 
extent,  and  leaving  appellee  atill  his  creditor  to  the  ex- 
tent of  about  f;400,00;that  the  second  inveatmsnt  for  appellee 
was  also  in  the  sum  of  ^1,000  thereby  using  up  appellees 
balance  and  leaving  h^jr  indebted  to  appellant  for  about  ^600j 
that  appellee  settled  this  ^^600  indebtedness  by  giving  a  check 
to  appellant  for  :|?500,  signed  by  herself  and  her  husband, 
and  also  by  turning  over  to  appellant  a  note  then  in  her 
poasesBion  and  belonging  to  her   for  about  i^j^lOO;  that  the 
first  lot  of  patents  was  sold  to  the  Rock  River  Manufacturing 
Company  for  but  little  more  than  enough  to  pay  certain  debts; 
but  that  the  second  lot  of  patents  was  sold  to  a  Mrs,  Martin 
tO£,ether  with  all  of  the  assets  of  a  corporation  known  as 
the  Sterling  Machine  Works,  in  which  appellant  and  Owens  were 
interested,  for  the  sum  of  ^8,000,  No  accounting  was  made 
to  appellee  of  the  moneys  received  from  this  aale  to  Mrs, 
Martin,   "While  no  proof  was  offered  by  either  qide  to  show 
that  any  profits  wer^;  made  on  Ithis  last  eale,  which  should 
have  been  divided  and  a  part  paid  to  appellee  as  a  dividend 
on  her  purchase  of  an  interest  in  these  patents,  on  ^he 
other  hand,  there  was  no  evidence   that  it  was  necessary  to 
use  this  sum  of  !|8,000  or  any  part  of  it  to  pay  debts  with 
and  we  conceive  appellee  to  bSj  entitled  to  the  return  of  her 
invaitment  of  $1,000  out  of  the  proceeds  of  the  sale,  if 
nothingmore.  This  sale  was  mad|»  on  the  8th,  of  August  A,  D, 
1907,  and  appellee  nhould  receive  not  only  the  $1,000  invested 
by  her,  but  also  interest  at  the  rate  of  five  per  cent 

ereon  from  that  date  up  to  the  date  of  the  judgment.  Such 
interest  at  that  rate  would  amount   to  practically  $345,00 
and  with  the  sum  of  $1,000  to  be  returned  to  her,  makes  the 
amount  of  the  judgment  entered  herein.   We  believe  that  the 


-xe  (9xiJ    o^  xo*ll)eio  slrf  Lltt$  OftXXeqqs     g^J^VBeX  bna.^*ri0;fX9 
8»Xleqq«  not   J^nB«#a©vfrX  bnpo©  aifi^OO.OO*^  4:i/ocfa  T:o  i"n»i^ 

;008'    *uocfs  jQl  #nJBXX,f>cp3J»..oJL  Jbaj^f cf j/    - i   a  rf  aniv^teX  hns  bdi\- 
^oedo  js^  J8nly.J^a  xrf  •tenJbed'crsfjnl  Opa$  eid*  l)©X*^ee   seXXs^qjB 
^bnBdBlu-i  7t.d  f;n -:  IXeaisr:  xd  bengia    ,002$  icol: /nJsXXeqr 
■tsrf  ni  a&iii  &ioa  a  taaii&qsie,  oj   levo  gninii/i^  ycf  oaX^- 
#4i*"  *■Brfi^   tpOXl  tuocffi  Tcol     i»il  oj- anlgfioXf  ■.■■    ca«ee«io 

;8:tae£)  njt£J"xdo  \aci  oi  xt^ijoad  i^Ai^f  d^QOi  e.  of     aol  Yn^qnc 

ni;raiaM   ,«itM  &  oi     Mob   bbw  §*a»it«<5  ,1p  #oX  fenooee  fnii  tzAS 

eidw  iflBwO  Jbn«  .^fUJXXaqqjc  rfoXrfy.-  ni.  ^eiaoW  ©nlrio^M  gnlXas^S 
al)£Ri  aj5w  -galinuQooM     9TI   .000^8$  ^o  KJja  9it  io\  ^.beiae^s^oi 
«8xM  o;f   9X<A£  Htdi  noi':r     bev48oe'i    e^enon  axfit   lo  eeXXAqq^^  o;^ 
wprif  p*     e^ia  aerf^re   yd  beas^p  ajaw  looiq  pa  eXXiflf     i,al*ajBM 
bluoA^  AotsiH ^%LsB  tasl  aixi^  i-  ^   ei^tlipiq  y(/a£  t.&cii 

bneblvib  jb  8£  eeXXaqq*  pd^     bi«q  ii&q  e  bn£  beblvib  naecf  bv£,. 
»if     np   ^a;tn8;f.Bq  eaerf;r     at  \tBen9iai  fus  lo,0«<exfptjjrg  fa^  HQ 
ocf  XTJ98BeoerT     bjsw  ;fi:   i^di     aprfeb^ve   on  baw  aiei,^    ^bnjsd  Z9siio 
iidab  xmq  0  J^i;  "io  nue  aixf^  fax/ 

10x1  tp  atui  oeLitiii  aeXIaqqa  arlapnpo  ev<r  be 

IX  ^aX-BB  eilJ-   to  abeappic  v  000^1$  %p  ^rcem^Aevxi 

?ajL/3JLfA  lo    ,ri^6  X#8   bIxIT    .aapqtanXxjt^oxi 

bed-aevni  000,X|,^rf*   ^Xnp  Jpxi  fvlapsi  bXi/p4B   aeXieqc; 

riou8   ,*n9m3bjj{;  arij  .t  arptt  floaain. 

00.9^Ci^   ^fXXjspX*0J8'.  iitAi  *«.                ,;a9'iH;tfli 

exit  ae)(^     ^xaxj  o;f  boA  o  m/a  •xi^  '.: 

6d.'  »^|fti»xt^b^'r»;fxx«  *n^m3bx/|;  arii-  to  irwom. 

preponderance   of  the  evidence  sufficiently  shows  that  appellee 
was  entitled  to  recover  that  amount. 

Appellant  claims  that,  as  more  than  five  years  elapsed 
between  the  tirr:e  of  the  nettlaraent  and  accounting  between  the 
parties  and  the  time  of  the  commancement  of  this  suit, 
during  which  nothing  was  paid  by  appellant  to  apply  on  the 
amount  he  owed  appellee,  the  Statute  of  Limitationa  should 
prevent  aipellee  from  recovering.   We  are  unable  to  agree 
with  this  position.   After  the  accounting  appellee  authorized 
appellant  to  make  invest-^ents  for  her  with  the  money  he  owed 
her  and  which,  in  effect,  he  w  s  holding  in  his  possesion. 
Appellant  was  her  relative  by  marriage  and  had  been  acting 
as  her  business  a^ent  for  many  years.   She  had  intrusted  him 
with  the  investment  of  her  money,  and  it  is  clear  to  us  that 
he  -^as  acting  in  a  confidential  and  fiduciary  capacity  to- 
warde  her  «■  and  was  bound  to  act  fairly  towards  her  and 
keep  her  fully  informed  of  all  his  transactions  with  regard 
to  her  money.   This  he  did  not.;  do.  He  made  no  disclosure  of 
hiR  sale  of  these  patents  to  jwrs,  Martin,   and  appellee 
first  obtained  her  knowledge  qf  such  transfer  from  Mrs. 
Martin  long  after  the  event  Ijad  occurred.  While  the  evi- 
dence as  to  the  exact  date  wljen  appellee  learned  of  i  ,is 
sale  ia  not  clear,  yet  we  f-^1  justified  from  the  evidence 
in  concluding  that  it  was  within  the  statutory  period,  and 
also  that,  by  reason  of  his  relations  to  appellee,  appellant 
cannot  be  allowed  to  avail  himself   of  the  protection  of 
Statute  of  feimitations. 
As  we  have  stated  above,  the  evidence  does  not  furnish 
us  with  a  eery  clear  otatement  of  the  exact  facts  in  this 
case.   But  we  find  sufficient  evidence  to  justify  ue  in 
concluding  that  appellant  was  indebted  to  appellee  in  the 
sum  of  ,^1,400  at  the  time  of  the  accounting  referred  to  above. 

,     .Jni/OWfl    J-^rfi-    TBV0081    OJ    i)8l*Xcn3     BJB 

bB&qjBia   eijnf^Y  evi"i^  ncxf^^-  eio«  8s\*j»rf*  B.«'lJ»In  ^nailnqqA, 

arid-  n:«aw;j-«rf  sniirruoooa  hrc^a  tneWfilitd-aB   ,  t»frri;>  »rf+  fleew;te< 

exit  no  \Xqq:£  ot   *£iAlIeqq£  t«f  &jt*q  e-^w  :^Xiitoa   rfoirfw  3^11 
oXi/orfe   Bffoi^fiiflmJtil  lo  ©tx/^js^a   erfit    ,8eXX»qcrB  ft»"wo  erf  :fnuota 
eeag^  o;f   eirffinx/  stcjs  »W      .grrliteTooei  -aroiLl  eelleqt^-B     ^rcsvc 
bs&lroiitsjjs  eeXIeqqa  gnl:frtirooo«  erfi-  T9*^A      .aotJ^iBoq  alrf;^  rfi'il' 
bB'^ro  erf  T[erroffl  eriif  ritiw  tttd  tot   e^neirritBevni  ©5(«m  o#  ^fiAXXe' 
.noteeasoq  »Jtrl  ni  arclMorf  4*os'>>s     rti    ^rfoiifw  brtji  te 

anlJoe  aesd  bAd  brts     esJSiTaBm  ^:  f  9vl*-'?Xei  red  bjiw  tnaXIe<: 
mjtrf  f)©;^8in:*njt  b&d  oriB      ,n:j«©v  ifnafo  ttot     i'/Te3«' Been lairtf  itsrf  e 
^■jBriJ     Bi;  0*  x&alo  el  *Jt  hna   ,x^^o*  "^^^  I0  Jfismi^aeTftt  »rfJ   Att 
-ot  TiJtOBqjeo  Y^jBioi/fall  fcfl*  iBi^nebxItnoo  jb  ni  gxiitojs  b-gw  e 
bnji     terf  BhTJSirot  x^^^Ji^   tO£  ^t  brwod     bjbw  bnA  axx  teri  8£i.d 
btjRgei  rfd^iw     Bnoitojstn^ii^  alil|XXjs  ^o  Jiemio'5-iTi  ^liul  •terf  qee 
lo  etifsoXoBfh  on  el)j3ffl  sH     ,9b  \foa  htb  erf  siriT      .^f8^oflI  leri  o 
edIXeqqjs  bas     ^altrsU   tBil^  o^  Bittsiaq  eaerfi  to     elaa  at 
,8iM  noat  aetanei;^  rfox/A  to  tsbeXvironjC  %9d  bttttsi^o  tB^i 
-trs  HtK^lldm     ,hB%issooo  ba^  iatvB  »rfj-  ^eitjs     ^aQl  altiA 
)  beaiAei  eelX^qqc  aaif*  t^^b  ;fOAxa  8rf;t   ot  bc     aona 
eoaebXve  8rf;r  ffioit     betltiBSJi   Lki\     t  .^»Lo  ion  Bt  aX« 

fcn£   ^Jboxneq  xio:Tut£iB     »rf;t  nifltlw  bbw  *1  *firf#  girlbuXonoo  n 
*njaXXeqqJB    ^aeXXeqqB  o;f   anolteXfcT  tiff  to  ftoeisaT  tcf*  <**rf*   o 
•    to  noli^d**oaq   •  arf;t   to      t£esm)trf  lliMVB  ot     bewoXX-a  ad  *ofin* 

,anoi*J!ll«idr  to  etir^-si-S   f. 

dnlarul   ioa  aeob  eonebivs  erfJ-'  ^evotfjs  bacfjsJ^B  svBrf  e«  aA 

alrft  at   B*oj8t  ttAxB  eriJ-  to  Waem^^tBif*^   ibbIo  ytisw  js  d*iw  a. 

al  ax;  x^i^ai^t  0*  eonebiy©  i-neloittr/e  bnlt  ^w  ill*     .ea* 

edt  nt     aeXXeqqB  od-  beitfebnJt  bjbw  i-n«XXeqq8     isilt  galbi/Xono 

4«)Vdcr«  Oif  hetrislei  gnitnxfoooja  ©if J  to  enrij  erfJ-  i-«  00^,X^  1»  mu 

that  he  invested  her  money  thereafter  in  certain  patents, 
and  that  he  did  not  deal  fairly  by  her  in  the  various  sales 
of  such  patents  nor  advise  her  thereof  nor  a' count  to  her 
therefor.   The  trial  judge  saw  the  witnesses  and  heard  them 
testify,  and  vve  find  nothing  in  the  record  that  would  justify 
us  in  holding  that  hia  view  of  the  evidence  was  wit|iout  a 
sufficient  foundation. 

The  judgment  is  therefore  affirmed. 

^Bttl^-S.-.  .. .^. 

---  "-   --" 

8eX.8B   euatrfv 

-^   Ti  "nii 

Tcsfl  oi-      .^  • 

.   xun  Itc- 

merf*  b»A...    ^.c. 

,  ae«^""* 

t     ; 
J8    i-ifOJlJ-iw    BJ3W    ?'^T 

t  I«eb  ^on  btb  Bd  tatit  ba 

i.x  ,>,xilxf^oa  bnll:   ew   on.     ^ -^"'^  *■  •=. ^ 

tf\  t-       t  i>  «   r  ■ 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  I  ^^'        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 
seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 
March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 


/  [O 

AT  A  TERM  OF  THE  APPflLATE  COURT,     ^-^^ 

Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sixth  day  of  October, 
in  th^  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois; 
Present-~The  Hon,  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Presiding-  Justice. 
Hon.^^DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Justice. 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  Ji 
J.  gXmISCHKE,  Sheriff 

'"'"19  3  I. A.  284 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 

Gen,  TTo,  6046 

Minnie  E,  Parke,  appellee 

V8  Appeal  from  Kane, 

I,  M,  Waetern,  Adnr.  etc,  appellant, 

Dibell,  J, 

i6M*.  Minnie  E,  Parks  filed  a  claim  an;ainBt  the  ee- 
tate  of  her  deceased  Itxiilixxft  brother,  Merreles  E,  Covey,  1^ 
the  probate  court  of  Kane  County .upon  a  judgment  note,  dated — 
glgin,  Mareh  38,  1007,  payable  tc  tlw  order  of  Mjor-  Minnim 
Eaxke  for  ^.3,500  w44J» — intogaflt  at -gJA  [jex'  ueul 'ptJr-aTmUm 
f*o«  riaie  till  pal'tt,  bearing  the  signatures  of  Merreles  E, 
Covey  and  Caroline  E.  Covey,  ^(whe  mam   the  mother  of  Mrs. 
Parks  and  M,  E.  Cobey^,  on  theback  of  which  was  endorsed  the 
payment  of  ^300  on  the  nete  en  October  30,  1907,  and  the  pay- 
ment of  interest  on  March  38  In  the  years  1909,  1910  and  1911 
The  administrator  filed  an  affidavit,  denying  the  execution 
of  the  note  by  M,  E,  Covey,  Tiie   cause  was  tried  in  the 
probate  court  and  the  claim  was  allowed  1'  fmll.  The  admin- 
istrator appealed  to  the  circuit  court,  where  there  was  a 
Jury  trial  and  a  verdict  for  the  full  amount  of  the  note.  The 
administrator  «»ied,  eiud  hie  euooonoogr  a^ftTgr-'-ffTBtfrrb'trT^ 
new  tgift]b  was  donted  "gTltr-ar  J'udgmBiil  eulBied  fO'f  'llie^amount 
of  the  vo»diet  anel  inteaestj  appealed  ,te  this  QQug4>y- 

Appellee-  eewtenA^-thaifa  aiaa»  — -^fel»»-4«C-jPi-<l(»yi't * d-otxyl ng 
the  execution  of  the  note  ielnot  contained  in  the  bill  of 
exceptions,  she  was  not  requilred  to  prove  the  execution  of 
the  note,  and  evldrsnce  denying  the  execution  was  incompetent. 
In  cases  where  there  Is  an  af:^idavlt  of  claim  with  a  declaration 
in  an  action  of  assumpsit  and  p.n  affidavit  of  merits  with  a 
plea  in  such  action,   it  has  n^t  been  required  that  said 
affidavit  should  be  preserved jin  the  bill  tff  exceptions,  so 
far  as  we  are  advised,  and  we  tfierefore  treat  the  affidavit  as 

3*0a    .oW    .nsO 

,enj»7  moil  iJSsqqA-  *^ 

»*nBll9qqiJ    .0*9    .iml)A   ^niecfaeW   .M   .1 

.L    ^Xlsdia 

ii    ,XevoO   .S  .eXeiieM   ,«ri^o:id  texrfiwri  be«B9oeb  lerf  lo  e;f^;f 
..^•♦•fe   ,t*ofl   ^nemabnc   b  nocu,M*nx/pO  eriBX  lo  ;fnx/oo  a^f^doaq     eri^ 
^jnfllM    jO-»M  ^-   isbao   e<t4~o^   sId«YJaq   »^t©«-f«e  rf«>»«M    ^nisX^ 
mu„A^  .^.1.  Ji.eiu   xBiiJC-ta  J^  luflCDfnf     rf■^^-^^''■^^  ^0^  "^ta^ 
,:E  ssXeiieM  I0  teox/^enslB     •rf:^  anli^ed   ^tlan  1X1 J   *J*ii  "oxi 
.aaM  to  «rf*om     trf*  •-.»..i*4   ,YevoO   .3  enlXoa^O  bm  xavoO 
8rf^  be-iTOb«s.  8*w  rfoirfw  10  <Q^8.t.^  no  ..%9^^oO   ,^   .M  baa  8Xi£q 
.X*q  erf^  bn..   ,TOeX   ,0E  aedotoO  na  Bt.»  >rft  ao  0OS|  to  *n8«x«q 
XXex  bflB  OXeX   ,eoeX  •ib^^  en*  itl  BK  dowM  no  tae^itnl     lo  ^asfli 
noliuOBXB  erl*  3niX«ef^   ,*lT*bntB  ab  bsXH   toiJ^-xiBtatmb^  eriT 
8rf^   nl   bBtii  iBw  eanao  eriT      .ysvoO    .3    .M  xcf     •*Ofl  arf^   ^o 
-flJtmbB  eriT    .XX0t     1   bewoXlB  .bw  «JtBXo  .rfJ   bnB  *ax;00  eiBdorq 
B  .Bw  9:i8rft     easrfw  ,truoo  ttuotto  sricf   o:f   beXBaqqB     lotstiBt 
edT    .eJon  8d>  ^o  tnuomJ^  XXx/l  ari^   lot  loib«v  XbIt^   ^i^ut 

B-¥flt    nt5iy6a   M    IBJl-t    ,-lgBiH»»ll«    Bt'f    f'li        i^'*^^    T0*Bi*alni«bB 

ffuToaiB  "aiTf -^OT  !»ia-Ju»   Jugmgtct  "B  "^^  UBlUttfj  8BW"i«i«*  wan 
■^^4.    8iirt    nrt.  b0X*eqqB   c*a8«u<»l    f M  tfttf^   "rft   to 

10  XXM  9Ai  at  beniBinoo     toJ.i  s^Toa  ecii  \o  noi^uoaxe  eri;f 

10  aoitisoexB  edi   svoaq  o;t  b8ai[/pea     *ofl  .bw  arlB   ,tnol*qeox6 

.tfle^eqaooai  bbw  noiti^oexe     Brf*     ^nl^neb  aonsblve  bna   .^^oa  eciJ 

flot*BiBXoeb  B  Aitv  mUlo  lo  cTiyBbtllB  hb  b1  eaeacf  e^erfw  Bea^o  fli 

M  rfJlw  •;fJtTem     lo  JiTBbJtllB  a^  baj^  JiaqBU/aaB  lo  noltoB  ns  at 

blBB   tBrf*  beaiupei  nserf  *in  bbxI  tX      ,flol;foB  rfoas  fli  BaXq 

OB   ,8flol*q»oxe  ID  Xlltf  eri^  rtl  bav«B9iq  ecf  bXxxorfa     JlvabXlli 

--  .+  w*f.h'h'*«  iiri*  *Ber£*   ©aolp^erit  ew  bnB  .bsatrbB  oia  aw  sb  -zal 

•^n  iffmnt,  a  .iipIafidAnc ■•im"'*trt¥"'''fvfr   We- arl-Ba  oall  at t ent ion 

to  ffeo,  65  of  tho  Adiwtni^g»4^ion  Act, 

The  main  question  is  whether  the  state  of  the  evidence 
is  such  as  not  to  support  a  ver-^ict  for  ar>pellee.   She  pro- 
duced quite  a  number  of  "business  men,  who  dealtk  with  M, 
Ei,  Covey  in  his  lifetime,  who  testiffied  that  in  their  opinion 
the  first  signature  to  said  note  was  the  genuine  signature 
of  M,  E,  Co"«ey,  Appellant  introduced  about  the  same  number 
of  businesa  men,  who  testified  that  in  their  opi^iom  it  wa» 
not  the  genuine  signature  of  M,  E,  Covey.   Two  or  three  pf 
these  had  had  a  better  opportunity  to  know  his  signature 
t'lan  the  witnesses  for  appellee.  Some  of  appellant's  witnesses 
on  that  subject,  however,  were  not  at  all  sure  but  that  it 
was  his  genuine  signature,  and  several  of  them  admitted  that 
it  strongly  resembled  his  signature.   Two  experts  in  hand- 
writing, after  examining  signat\ire8  of  M,  K,  Co\rey,  conceded 
to  be  ;enuine,  declared  this  sirnature  not  to  be  genuti  e, 
but  their  theories  on  the  subject  ware  not  harmonioue.   A 
daughter  of  appe  llee  testified  that  she  and  her  mother  and 
her  grandmother,  Caroline  E,  Covey,  left  for  California  on 
October  31,  1907,  and  that  on  the  day  before,  her  uncle, 
M,  E,  Covey,  came  to  her  mothers  house  and  paid  hsr  mother 
^300  on  this  note, and  that  iihe  note  was  produced  and  she  saw 
the  endorsement  of  that  jjayment  which  now  appears  on  the  back 
of  said  note  written  thereon  in  the  presence  of  M,  E.  Covey 
and  also  that  she  was  present  when  at  least  two  of  the  in- 
terest payments  thereafter  endorsed  thereon  were  made  and 
saw  the  interest  paid  by  her  uncle  and  saw  the  endorsement 
of  such  interest  made  on  the  back  of  this  note  in  her  uncles 
presence,  Ray  Shoonhoven,  a  son  of  appellee,  testified 
that  he  was  present  when  his  uncle  paid  ^300  on  this  note, 
and  that  the  note  was  exhibited  then  anci  the  endorsement 

•oaebivs   stLt  'io  8;tjs*a  9d^     redtsL  nljsm  erfT 

-oaq  edQ     '.ealleqrrjB.  ro^  Jolf-iex    ^;     J-'ioqauei  o*  ^Qii  td  rfoua  si 
,M  dtiv<     i;Mijfrb  orfv.-   ^nem  eBsn^aucf  ^o  iBdmaa  jb  a^iup  beoub 
aoiatao   lisriJ-  nJt   i-£;r^     bttlTtfe^  okw  tBmi;fsljtI  alrf  hi  x^vo'^  -ta 

ledawa  ewBa  wiiJ-   ittrods  beoi/boi-fftit  #nfiIl9q(:rA     .^earoO    .      . 
•J9W  ti  moJt^iqo  aierlj-  ni  *«rr^     ftei^ii'ae^   orfw  4rte(n  teeVrieucf  "^o 

tc  *«ri^  ^isd     eai/8  iCXjB  ii*  *oflr  "exe'w  »*t6vswoxl  ^Joatcfx;©  *jjK>  no 

tsbeofloo   ,x»*oO    .^   «M  to  a»tu/*«rrglB  anirclmixe  tetljB   ^griiitliw 
,©  ciunfts  9(S  ot  toet  BiutJta<^ttt  airft  bnzBlQel   ^oni:  •  ^ 
A      .aijoinoraij^ri  Jon  aiswr  *ostcfii«  drf*  no  BBtioatii  xiodS   i^x/cf 
bn£     XBdiam  lari  bciB  bAb  ^£idt  betllitM-94'  9*li'  »<X^&  'i&'^x^i^^uMh 
no  ainiollXjBO     lot  it^eX   ,X9voO  ,S  •rrlXorrjsO  \nerfif  ooifani . 

,»Xoxu;  jsii  ^©lo^etf  y^^*  •if*  no  ^-Si^  ,'roSX  ^SZ  ^Bdo&QO 

XBiiiOBi  Ten  jbi*q  hits  1^^^oil  mrmi^om  isrf  o/  Afnlso   ,v»vo^-    ' 
w£~  •>Bi>uboiq  »aw  ©ion  stttf  **>r*"]bVH\eyW  alfrif^ "no  tfC^ 

iojatf  erii  no  tajaeqq*  von  rfoxxlw  Jnefliyfiq  J-Aff*"  to'"'!fi!tfetnd8T6Hns'"sird-'* 
XevoO    .      .       -o  ©onsBeiQ     erf*  «i  !«o»aBr';t  rtttJiiw  ai-drt  hi&a   lo 
-jxi:  exidr  to  ow^  ^maX  ;f<  aerivr  isatftoiq  •««  eiia  ^£i-f ; 
An£  ftitiuo  •lew  no^iBtit  beuiobttB  ae^tiSd^exfif  BtaBtrc^dq  'inBieJ- 
triemdrnxoboB  edi  w^a  Jbae  •lorri;  »erf  yd  M«q  tf-aaieitni  ^ 
Bfiloiui  xeri  nt  e-;^o«;  aJtrfi^  to  alojBcr  ©rf*  Irrb  »t>js«  ^asiaJni  n- 

JbaitJt^fae^   ^eeXIaqqjs  to  noe  £;   ^nevorleroorS?  v^     .aonsae'xq' 
«e*on  Bldt  no  poej  bieq  aXoni;  airf  netfw  .trr«te:cq  aaw  erf  "t^^ 
tfisimeeaoJbnB  srf*  kciM  ti9dt  be^icflrfxe  saw  6*0fi 

thereof  made  on  this  note,  fnd  that  hia  mother  and  grand- 
mother left  for  California  the  next  day.  He  also  testified 
that  he  wa«  present  on  two  oQcasione  when  M.  E,  Covey  paid 
his  mother  interest  on  this  Viote  and  that  it  was  endorsed 
on  the  back  of  this  note  in  his  uncle's  oresenoe,  and  that 
one  of  those  occasions  was  in  1911,  Mrs.  Caroline  ^,  Covay 
died  in  Calidlornia  the  day  before  Thanksgiving,  1907,   About 
ten  days  later,  t'le  will  of  said  Caroline  E.  Covey  T/as  read 
by  Charle  e  Hazelhurst,  an  attorney,  in  appellants  home. 
There  were  also  present  M,  E,  Covey,  his  brother  H,  E,  Covey 
appellee  and  her  son  and  her  daughter.  The  will  created  some 
dissatisfaction  in  the  mind  of  at  least  M,  E,  Covey  and  per- 
haps also  of  H,  E,  Covey.   The  will  gnve  appellee  ^3,000 
more  than  the  other  children,  M,  E, Covey  said  that  the  under- 
standing had  been  that  aopellfte  was  to  have  f?l,000  more 
because  Caroline  E.  Covey  had  lived  with  appellee  for  several 
yeari,  and  said  that  his  share  of  the  estate  would  be  hardly 
enough  to  pay  appellees  note.  He  said  the  amount  was  :f3,0C0, 
She  g&id  it  was  ^3,300,  Hazeljiurst  produced  the  note  here 
sued  on  and  M,  E,  Covey  conceded  that  it  was  ^3,300,  It  was 
suggested  that,  inasmuch  as  h;is  mother,  who  appears  to  have 
signed  the  note  as  security,  was  dead,  M,  E,  Covey  should 
get  another  signer  on  the  note.  This  he  declined,   saying 
that  it  was  not  ne  essary,  aa  he  intended  to  pay  the  note 
when  it  was  due,  which  would  have  been  the  following  Maroh. 
Biis  conversation  is  testified  to  by  H,  E.  Covsy:^  Shoonhoven 
and  Mies  ParVe,   If  this  were  all  the  evidence,  it  would  be 
absolutely  clear  that  this  is  the  signature  of  M.  E.  Covey 
or,  if  not,  that  he  haid  repeatedly  recognized  this  note 
as  his  and  had  made  payments  \jpon  it  and  is  bound  by  it. 
At  the  trial  in  the  Probate  Court,  the  administrator  called 
appellee  as  his  witness,  and  asked  her  what  the  consideration 

-|}n£i3  ^^^  x&diom  Bid  tsdi  bttM  ,tioa  9lti&  ao  ftbism     loBi&dt 

b£<i\ttB9S  08l£  eH     ,yj»fc  *xsn  eat  Mlano^tl  ttai   ladiom 

btijq  Y*voO    .jf    .W  ns  :w  sfloiBBo/)©   owrf-  no  J-neeoaq  tjsw  erf  tAdt 

X>9«ioJbne   e^w  ^i   tarit  btin     ettoti  6tdS     ao  tuaiBtal  ladtom  ^td 

iadt  bnjB   .#Oft»tdlq  B'elofu;  84rf  nl   Btoa  Btrii  'to  io£cf  tii;f.  iio 

.;-     .    -.     ..  J       .      ,  .     ,-,,^.-..<. 

vevoO     •'il  snlloT^O   ,biU   ,II9X  at  saw  caoia^ooo  eaorfJ'  to  sno 

(tx/ocfA      ,VOiU    ^snlvigBJifXAriT   eaol^cf  X£  alnioiilBO  rci   fieJtl) 

bjBei  8JSW  xavoO    .3  enlloaaO  jbi«e   to  lllw  oLi    ^iBtsS.   ex^b  net 

.©tnori  BittslLBqtyji  at\-^BaxQtta  aa   ^^axx/iiXesBH  a  stajsrlO  xd 

XB\o'    .      /i  leil^oicf  tirf  ^xev  ,~f  tneaeiq  oalc  eaew  eierfT 

erffoe     9j>;3io  IIlw  er(T    .lecfrig^^^  "^^^  ^^^  '"**•  '®A  ^^'"-  ^BilBqaa 

-leq  bnii  xevoO     ,  d^eaaX  ^«  l|o  balm  edt  ai  aottoBlBit&aBlb 

OOC^Ff   BBll^qf,.  ■  l"^      .-^javoO   ,3r   ,H  lo  oalij     aqijrf 

-aefcflij  arid   ;fjBrf;J-  bi^e     yevor  .      .      .cxeibXxrio  isrfJ'o  eri^  aadt  aton 

s-xon  000 (l|  ev£rf  ot  e^w  BQliBqc]a  iaiii  neecf  b«rf  ^nlbafi^a 

Xaasvaa   lol  aaXXeqqjs  rf;fi:w  baviX  bad  yavoO    .2  tatloxalO     tunaoed 

\LbiBd  ad  bXx/ow  a^^e^tae   siU     Iq  SiAxfa  aJtrf  ^j^rlJ-  bx^a  baa   ^9i1&ex 

.OOO^fil   aBw  tnuoflUi  Bdt  hlsB  sH   .e;fon  eeaXIsqi;-^  \aq  oi^  i^ona 

atdrf  oioa  Bdi   baox/boiq  ^axarfXas^H    .OOS^C^   afiw  ;ti   bxjse   edS 

S£w  tl    .00£,£^  a^'  babeoaoo  y^voD    ."^   .M  bn£  no  bax/a 

Brad  ot  BiaeqcA  onw   ^^eujoffl  aJt^  as  rfoumajanl   ^^£rfj  bacf e83;g^B 

bLuodB     xdvoO    .jI    ,U     ^bjseb  nav  ^\ttisjoB%   Ba  tiioa  &d:t  bengla 

■^ai\aB      ^baniXoab  erf  alxfT    .a'ifon  lanaia  i&dtoaa  te 

©J- on  Bdi-   -^Aq  ot  bBbaB^al  ton  aaw  i^i  i^JBrfJ 

.rf07«M  anJtwoXXot  ©rft  vfirf  h^uo'it  rioxrf.v  ,ax/b  a^vf  rf^i  nerfw 

nevorfnoorfS   vX®v<>^   •^    ^H  x<^  ^^     iBULltuBt  bI  aottaBxevaoo  eixfT 

eo'  i      ^aoneblv  "      ,  -     .bT  aalM  bn^ 

Vevc  .,     "to     exx/JBfigi:-  i.   Birf^   j-js.-^.J      i^eio  YXe;t0XoBd'JB 

eJ-on  eirf*  bajtXnaooetE  •^XbsJ:^'  '. •Brief   t*on  ti   ^"10 

'  rT0Od"  ai  brta  &t  noqv  aJnem-^jsq  ab*im  bad  bcia     Bid  Ba 

-  ■    •...    ..;■.;■  •'vi::i';j:        ;J-    ^i'TU.roO    B&sdO'  '  nt    lalli    9rf;t    *A, 

xicxjBieoxenoo  en^  d-£rfw  isrf  baafajB  baa   (e6»fiJ-lv  elrf  bb  »©XXeq»-'B 

for  the  note  was,  and  she  testified  that  it  was  ^3,500 
in  caeh,  a  conaiderabla  part  of  which  she  had  had  in  the 
house  for  quite  a  long  time,  and  ^1,000  of  which  had  been 
paid  to  her  by  Howard  B,  Winnie  in  payment  of  a  note  whioh 
he  owed  her,  and  she  named  ths  source  from  whioh  she  re- 
ceived several  other  sums,  but  left  quite  a  large  sum  con- 
cerning Tfhich  she  was  not  sura  where  she  obtained  it. 
On  ths  trii&l  in  the  circuit  court  these  statements  by 
appellee  were  proved  by  the  'efenee,  and  the  defense 
produced  Winnie  and  he  testified  that  he  had  never  owed 
appellee  but  one  note,  and  that  was  for  a  small  s\im,  and  that 
he  never  had  paid  her  Si, 000;  that  shortly  after  the  trial 
in  the  probate  court,  she  same  to  his  place  of  butiness  in 
Chicago  and  told  the  witness  that  at  that  trial  in  the 
probate  court  her  son  had  testified  that  she  r-aceived  ^1,000 
of  this  money  from  Winnie,  and  that  she  had  been  obliged 
therefore  to  testify  to  the  sa'^e  thing,   and  she  wanted 
Winnie  to  give  her  some  kind  of  a  paper  to  substantiate 
her  testimony  that  she  had  paid  hex   ^1000  upon  the  note; 
and  he  told  her  he  could  not  do  that  because  he  was  heavily 
in  debt  and  this  would  get  him  in  trouble  with  other  creditors 
His  cross  examination  weakened  the  effect  of  his  testimony. 
The  defense  also  introduced  the  amovint  of  appellee  aa  a 
depositor  in  a  bank,  and  showed  that  he  had  a  small  running 
account  in  the  bank  and  frequently  borrowsd  samll  sums  from 
the  bank,  and  that  she  had  no  large  deposits  therein,  and 
that  during  the  time  when  she  had  stated  that  she  had  this 
large  sxim  of  money  in  her  house,  she  borrowed  a  small  sum  from 
the  bank,  and  that  she  borrowed  ^350.  of  the  bank  on  the  day 
the  note  here  sued  on  is  dated.  Appellee  testified  in  rebuttal 
that  she  made  this  loan  to  Winnie  in  1903,  and  that  he  paid 
it  to  her  in  February  1907,  in  the  sum  of  $1,000  which  was 

erfj-  fll  AJBri  J&«rf  exie  xfcildw  to  *i«q  eld^tcsbienoo     &  jrfs^o  ni 

neecf  b^rf  rfolrfw  lo  OOO^I*    *  S'ni^f  3noX  ^  •iftyp  ?pt     e8i;0r: 

;^J^on  a  lo  *n»m<i8q     nx   sxnnJtW   ,3  MbwoH  ifcf  »exf  oJ  bljsq 

—j'i  wne     xfolrfw  moil  Boxuoa  sffJ   bsmBfl  eria  b/ifi     jaerf  bewo  sri 

-rioo  su/e   s'siaI  jb  sttup  tt9l  tu^     ^anu/e   xedio   iBievee  bavleo 

.d-J:   lbenlB*^o  arif  eiisriw  eii/e   ton  aaw     erie   rfjpjtrir  anJtnieo 

Ycf  aitnetred^jajg  ©aerf*   i^-xuoo  ;fi:i;oiiQ  arirf-  ni  Ifliiit  n 

fanalab  .©eneleh  prft  vtf  bevoiq  eisw  ©6j.i.e>qf:j3 

isVeh'ben   -  '-f^ttBst  erf  bne     einaiW  beoi/boiq 

,  Tu/e   XlBme    .    ■•  brtJf?  ^ei-on  ©no     *jjcf  aeXXaqna 

x^xij   sat    lerf-lB     Y-t*ionB   jBi.^-    iQOO.Xft     tad  J^J^Jsg  bed  :cav©n  ©il 

rti  aaeniti  cf  "^       islq  alrf     '"     ---r      ':    ^tiuoo  Bt&Joiq.  erii-.nx 

baglXdo  nsscf  bfirf  ..^rfa  :f" 
be*n£"    '-'  -    ■"'•        43ft'J:rij    ;. 

ioiton     Bdi  noqAT  CX)OXt  i 
\;XJtv£erf  ajBW.  axf  ^au^soecf  tfixl 

,Yno«l*Bs;J       .. 

«  Bis  at^Xiv ' 
^ninnwi  Xljfi,v;.-    ^    .....   ;,. 
ajoal  auu/B  XX-:^5B  bawoii^.. ,    v- 

talnniW  meat  xenom  airi;t  lo 
ot  x'^i^^o^t  ot   eaoleaerf* 

.    .....    ..  ...:•■    -r-vig   o;t       '-  '""'  '"" 

'•^Isiou  ojLi      *drf  blorf'   6rf  bnfj 
ttXi/ow  at/ft  bn£     t(i»b  ai. 

rs  .  t  r-.  ri  ^1   +  v   h       rt  e-    ■■    o      o  B  rr  «s  "^  a  i  i  ©iff 

XJSJ'.tl/dt  .     ..^    ^L,-.    ..,';.^v     «.  .b»*J8ft    Bit    no    b9UB    «*v.j    c- w..    • 

bjt«q  erf  *«rf*  bnis      ^SOP*  ..*  6  .f-  ''V   r,+  njBoX  9tiif  «|.bJ5m  ©rfa   *>..  .* 

»."■«•■    rfrjh '■.■■•    0<^'''     r^    '--^    .'Tf.-t 

."vfoTr  nf^  rr«»rf  ocf-    Ji 

shortly  before  the  date  of  the  note  sued  on,  and  that  he 
beniged  her  not  to  tell  any  one  that  he  had  paid  that  $1000 
to  her  because  he  had  other  creditors  who  would  be  very 
much  diaaatiafied  if  they  knew  it,  and  that  he  was  paying 
her  because  she  had  beena  friend  of  his  wife  for  30  ^'eara. 
She  teatified  that  when  she  visited  Winnie  shortly  after 
the  trial  in  the  probate  cou|rt.  At  was  to  try  to  collect 
from  him  a  note  forr  ^270     (which  she  held  against  him  and 
atillholda,  and  that,  during  that  converaation,  she  told  him 
about  her  testimony  that  ahe  had  received  $1,000  from  him, 
and  asked  him  if  he  could  find  that  old  note  for  her,  and 
that  he  said  he  had  destroyed  it,  and  that  he  felt  very  sorry 
that  she  had  told  of  his  paying  her  that  sum,  because  he  was 
in  trouble  with  his  creditorp.   She  denied  using  the  language 
which  he  attributed  to  her.   She  further  teatified  that  when 
she  vaa   sudldenly  called  on  the  stand  in  the  r^robate  court, 
she  did  not  have  any  memoranda  of  her  transact iona  with  her, 
and  waa  mistaken  in  some  of  her  statements  then  made;  that 
at  the  time  the  note  in  suit  w:^a  given,  she  held  three  prior 
notes  a^-ainst  her  brother,  M,  E, Covey,  of  f500  each,  which 
were  then  s\irrendered  to  hJLm,  and  she  loaned  him  ^3,000  in 
cash  and  took  the  note  in  suit  and  that  she  had  had  that 
money  in  the  house  for  some  little  time;  that  ^1000  of  it 
she  received  from  Winnie  t^e  previous  month,   and  ghe  gave 
the  aourcea  from  which  the  other  money  waa  received.   She 
teatified  to  tacta  showing  that  she  waa  a  peraon  of  some 
little  means;  that  besides  her  dwelling  houae  she  had  foxxr 
housea  in  Elgin  which  rentipd  at  from  ^33  ro  ^35  per  month 
and  that,  in  settlement  of  controversiea  between  heraelf  and 
her  former  husband,  Shoonhoven,  she  had  been  paid  ^5,000  by 
him;  and  she  showed  receipts  of  money  from  some  other  aourcea, 
,  It  waa  for  the  juryj  to  determine  whether  to  believe 

OOOiP.   iMdi     bljtq  bad  eri  tjuii     «no  x{t«  XXjt^  (atdt  ,d'pn  le^f  ,lMS3^»d 

XTQV  ed  blsjQv  oriw     tio^ibaao.  «eii;to  t^  s/f     •«jj£00cr  1^4  9^ 

SalyAc^  jMw  d4  i»di  bn<&   ^,tl  i«f^  ysrf^  11  JbaJf^^jt^TiSSBi^  dc^ifli 

.•xueY  OS  %9'i     bM'k  eld  Jo  batJ^^Ti  jBfleed  tsii  ad»  sawBoacf  aeil 

tt&J-ljQ  Y-t*'torf8   £'in=ftjtw     Jba;fi8iV  erf*  «©r[w  ij&iit  J^J^tlias^i  e4S 

Jofllo^'     od-   X"^^  o^  B^v a  ^ttjjoo  pisfiQzq  »di  ijJt  JLaIsJ.  84;t-^ 

i)n£  mid  tsxilii^^  Mad  axis  xloldij     OTS$   ovl     eioa  s     mid  ao'S^ 

aid  bioi  eria   ^aQii&»X6yaq%  tAdi  ^aliub  ^tsd^t  bn^  ^ubiQdlitiB 

^ald  moxt  OOOyJi^  Jt>evld06i  b»d  jsrfa   ;t&/l;^  ^oral^«8;t  i»d  iuqdA 

baja   t,X9d  to't  •J-Qfl  ^lo  i-s/Ii  l>nJ;'!t  />Xx/oo  ad  II  mid  b^i^aJiOA 

XtroB  xxsv  tlot  &d  tadi  bna  ^ti.  bf^oitnbb  bad  «n  blAa  pd,  t'Bdt 

»JBV  9x1     OR^j^oad   ^aua  t&ii   i^d  ^^I'^&q  airf  ^o  Mot  bad  axfs  d^^dt 

«;§/jx;3n5j  nia;^  heJtnab  eriS      .^"Kj^iljaxp  fid  dti^.     eXrfjJOi^  nl 

addw  ;^«dt  b^XltiBst  xtdiiul  edS    i,T9d  o^  beivdlTiitA  Bi: 

^tiugo  etMdoxq  Qdi  cii.  btiMitB  sdi  po  JbeXJuso   itIo&i)Jy;/a     ajs*'"  ©rfa 

«aed  d^iw  sxxoi^oJesnjBij'  led  lu  Attfl^ioneiTT  \a£  ayad  ioa  bib  8d« 

^jsdd-    ^aJSuaifli  xsadi   »iasm»tAi9i  rtad  to  emoa  al  a^AstBlfa  a^vi  Lrte 

•xolxq  nandi  bl&d  ede   lOevig  tJ5V  Jlx/s  ni  s;foa  ©d|^,^l*  aricT  jfA 

dojtdvr   jdo«a  OOaf  lo   ^XOVoO..-    ,      -a.uj       :    isd  taale-^e  ae^on 

al  OOO^S^  mid  benzol  9dB  .baa  fttid  0*  bax^l^nsrsTuB  flsd;f  saaw 

JjBdd-  bjid  had  ed»  tMdt  bn^     tluB  ,nl     Bioa  ;Ioo;J"  bna  d««e 

ti    10   OOOlt  i'Ad;f    ;aml*  sXi^  ^xi  ejrnoa   xolt  •aifod  trfJ  nx   YeaoM 

avisv;   ?:::rp    I;Ai       tdj-nofli  ti;OJtv»«q  ei|d-   aJUiniW  moil   fcavJtao^^  9df 

%dB      .bavisodi  i«w  yanom  t«:'f:^o  ^dt  t^piidw  aoil     aaox^jQit  td^ 

anaa  'i.o  noaxeq  »  a«w  ada   .  ^niiworia     tj^oa.^   o^     baJtUtd-adv^ 

lijo'^  X>£d  ada  aauod  sni^Iewb  xad  aablee^^  -^^d;^    ^an-eam  al^ii'lX 

di'noffl  xaq  8S^  O'x  8S$  aovl  ^Jb     XM^i^xxt^a  dotdw  xii^XI  al  aeaxiod 

fcrrfl  ^Xaaxad  naswjad  aaia««!T07^i300  .lo  tasmtilttBP  at   ^tB■■:■:i   bcis 

i^  OOO^SJ^  blaq,  at»(S  Mad  pdn   ^aavodnoodS  «Jba>3cfex/d  lemaol  red 

•eaoxuoa  xad^fo  awoe  moxT:  ^nov  to  aihqlsosx  bawode  ade.   ftnjs   jmJtd 

gvgiXad  oJ^  xadi'e/'lw  snXnjttf- 




Winnie  or  appellee,  nnd   we  see  no  reason  to  diaturt  the 
conclusion  of  the  jury  to  believe  appellee.  The  fact  that 
appellee  testified  differently  in  the  probata  court  from 
what  she  did  in  -^he  circuit  court  as  to  the  consideration 
of  the  note  in  suit  and  that  the  moneys  which  she  claimed  to 
have  loaned  her  brother  had  not  been  deposited  in  the  bank, 
though  she  had  a  bank  accouiit,,  and  that  she  borrowed  a  small 
sum  at  the  bank  when  '^he  cip,imed  to  have  this  large  sum  in 
the  house,  are  all  cirovimstances  to  be  considered  by  the  jury 
in  determining  whether  to  believe  her  testimony,  and  if  her 
testimony  stood  alone,  theie  ciroumstanoee  might  create 
great  doubt  of  its  truth.   But  there  are  so  many  witnesses 
who  testify  to  the  genuineness  of  the  signature  of  M.  E, 
Covey  to  this  note  and  t^  hie  having  made  one  payment  on 
the  principal  and  three  payments  of  interest  with  the  note 
present  and  the  payment  sfndorsed  on  this  notein  his  presence 
and  BO  many  who  testify  to  his  recognition  of  and  promise 
r\       to  pay  this  note  when  hi^  mother's  will  was  read,  t  at  we 
conclude  that  t  .e  verdict  of  the  jury,  net  only  cannot  be 
disturbed  upon  this  evidence,  but  probably  is  a  correct 
decision  of  the  controversy. 

Appellant  offered  in  evidence  a  tax  schedule  of  appellee 

y  I 

in  1911  and  it  was  not  4<imitted,  and  it  is  argued  that 

this  was  error.  Ttie  sohe4ule  is  not  in  the  bill  of  exoeptione. 

As  it  is  not  efcre  us,  ne   have  no  means  of  knowing  that 

its  refusal  worked  any  iujjury  to  anpellant.   The  court  did 

admit  tti8  personal  proper'ty  assessment  of  appellee  for  the 

years  1907  and  1908,  It  seems  that  these  schedules  were  in 

a  large  bound  book  which -wae  supposed  to  have  been  sealed 

''I  before  it  went  to  the  jury  room.   When  the  jury  returned 

into  court  there  was  found  amon;^  the  documents  >«/hich  they 

brought in  two  blank  tax  schedules,  and  it  is  argued  that 

erfj    diu&ttb  OCT     aoB^ex  oa  aa«.'  •w  Jbn>'-.     ^deXXsqtt-s  1:0  alruxiW 
*fi>  .  5(fT    .seXIerrs  ^vsiled  p^  "sriJ^t  *^^    ^°  noiax/Xoaoo 

moil  ttuQ)  ni  x-tifnsa«l^l£!  JieilijfBai'  •sXXsqqjB 


0*  Jbs    :  -    ?   xloixfw  SYSJiom  dri^   44^^  ^^^  Hub.  ni  ntoa  qiH    lo 

4>lnJ3rf  er.t  ni  fteitisoqei?  xiascf  d^on  ji>J8£(  larf^toid  asxi  J!>aixsoX  avail 

XX£?^is   i  f)ewo7iocf  erie   ;^B/fJ■   brtjs  ^*nij/ooo«  TtajscT  &  Jbsri  erfe   dgi/oriJ- 

nx  Nu/s   e  i;f  ©vfij.  :  -  le  nsrfw  ata^acf  ©riJ"   *Ji  flU/a 

XTLi/t;   •rii'   vd  b9ve£>ianoo  ©cf  Qi  •aonjSt^sflu/oixo  XIjs  e-iJ3  ^taifori  ©ri* 

19a  ^^jnoffllJ'ss*   asd.  eveiXad  o;^   isrirf'edw  gaiitijarre^^pb  at 

9^£e:to  tA^im  •donBd-anwoajio  ©M^j)*   iflnoXjs  boo^e  xrcoaiX;^^^: 

seaeeni'lw  ^sm  ob   bib  biedi     iuE      .diuri  sit  lo  tduob  ^tjseig 

to  BiuiMcxstB  eri>?   'to  saenenjtunes  ©lU   Oit   Y^iJee^r   oilw 

ao  ta&mxJiq  ©no  e^m     ^tIvaxI  ©id  o;r  bn£     ©"it- 9x1  ex^i   o;t   x©voO 

©*ort  ©;'^r   riJ-iw     JseieJ'Hi  to  ©Jaeof^fj^q  9©:tri;f  isns  X^qioniaq  f-j 

©onessiq  ©xri  ni©;to«  exncf  no  b^Biobae   JnsmxjBq  ©rid    ^jb  rfneaear 

©alroo':   hnn  "10     nolJixtsooeo.     e^ld  9^   '%'iii66i   odw  xnisni   oa  i..  ^ 

©w  ;)■£    i       ^l)J3Si   law  XXJtw  ©'asdcfom  jixrf  n©i-[w  ©;ton   atdJ'    if^q   ot 

©d  *onnj80  tXho  it^oxi  ^x^^t  •^''^   ^'^  *f)ibxav  91  t   j^Briit     ©hulonoo 

00  M  ©1  xJ^<^*cfoi<T  i*'wcf  ^tor.^bivj*  sjtriJ^  noqw  Jbedoi/^axb 

, vBiavQ^d'noo     ericf    lo  noiaioe'^ 

©dXIeqqjB  lo  ©Xx/bedo©  XA4'  A  ©on©&^v«  at  baaetto  ^n^XIeqqA 

*J5.  i   bejigajB  ©1  i:^  iia-fi. ,  ,h©d-;MjBi>f  ioa  ©sw  J-X  bn£     XXei  ixi, 

.©noXd-q&oxe   T:o   XXid  ©dJ-  ax   toa  ©i   ©XxAario©   ©nT    .toiie    asw  axty 

Jari*     anXwon^l  to  ©n^ea  qc  ©VArf  ©k   »bju  stot©      ior.  sA 

bib  i-iwoo  ©jrfT      ,i'n-BXX©qq£  oi  \iijlf:t  w*  bs^fiow  X^autsi   aJi 

©d^    Tot   ©©XXeqqfi  to   *nem©a©8a^   X^^^o^Q  Xjanoaaec    .;  J   itimbjB 

ni:   a-iew  aeXx/bado©     ©eed^t  #fixl;f  ©n©ee  tl    .80eX   bn£  VOfiX  ©tbsy 

beXse©  a9©d  eved  o;t   boapqqx/s  ©fiw/xfoxdw     iood  btufod  e3i«X  a 

ben-u-ivcTai  X^tut   s;iJ-  nsdW      .ooo^.   ytw^   sd^   ot     drtew  ii  ©acted 

Xexf;)*  xfoJtd'^     sl-nanu/oob  s4*^  ^omj&     bm;ot  bbw  ©^csd;^     t'tUQO  otni 

the  presence  of  these  blanks  in  the  jury  room  wae  reversible 
error.  How  tl  ey  got  there  la  unknown,  Tlie  attorneys  on  each 
6ide  purged  themgelves  of  any  blame  for  it.  Probably  they 
were  inside  of  the  book  and  in  some  way  not  out  while  they 
were  in  the  jury  toom.  We  find  nothing  in  these  blanks 
which  could  have  prejudiced  ?npellant. 

It  is  contended  that  the  court  erred  in  jriving  the 
|Becond  instruction  requested  by  appellee.  It  was  to  the 
effect  that  if  the  jury  believed  from  tlie  evidence  that  tha 
/  deceased  executed  and  delivered  this  note  to  appellee  in  his 
lifetime  and  that  it  has  not  been  paid,  they  should  find 
for  appellee  for  such  an  amount,  if  any,   as  from  the  evi- 
dence the  jury  ionuul  find  due  upon  the  note.   It  is  argued 
that  this  erroaeously  omits  the  consideration;   that  deceased 
might  have  signed  end  delivered  this  note,  and  yet  not  have 
received  any  consideration  for  it.  No  giich  defense  was  inter- 
posed in  fact,  but,  as  the  instructions  only  authorized  a 
verdict  for  appellee  in  such  an  amount,  if  any,  as  from  the 
evidence  the  jury  found  due  upon  it,   this  only  authorized 
a  verdict  for  what  deceased  owed  upon  the  note  and,  if  he 
owed  nothing,  it  authorized  no  verdict  for  appellee, 

A  judge  of  the  circxiit  court  had  been  counnel  for  appellee 
before  he  became  such  judge,  and  during  the  trial  in  the 
circuit  court  he  came  into  the  court  room  and  went  upon  the 
tenck  and  spoke  to  the  presiding  judge  for  a  short  time. 
In  a  very  blind  way  the  motion  for  a  nev^  trial  claimed  that 
this  was  prejudicial  to  appellant.   It  was  not  shown  how  long 
this  judge  was  with  the  presiding  judge,  nor  that  his  visit 
upon  the  bench  had  any  connection  with  the  case  on  trial, 
nor  that  it  was  or  could  have  been  prejudicial  to  appellant. 

We  find  no  reversible  error  in  the  record.  The  judgment  is 

dose  no  j»y&aio*.+A  siTT    ^anQnAms  at   <fi9di  to^  "i&ii  woH   ,aoii9 

yerlJ    yXdadoi?   .;fi  lol  sciBicJ   \jriJ5  1o  iBvXeaaia.'iJ   begauq  ehi© 

^I'li'  allilw  *jjo  *oi     x*"  01^08  nl  ^n£  ioocf  Bcit  to     »f)Jt8rrt  eiev.- 

tifl^icf  •aari*  njfc  jjnlrf;ton  bnil  aW     .mooit  xxufc  erfJ   ni  ftaew 

*JTii5XI©qq-K  bdoibift^^Q  evfiri  bXuoo   rfoJtfl 
9rf^     gnivjt^;  nx  l>siie  i^xwqo  erf*  iAdi  b^haeiaoo  si  J-I 
e/f.t  oi  »MH  tl    .seXXeqqis  y^^:  ^e^ssi/pei;  aottouit^ai.  baooee 
adi   j-a/li-     ftoneoxve  sn';t  aoal;  bevexXscf  )fii;t   en-t  IJt  tjidt  ioe'i'^e 
Btd  nl  aelXeqqe  o^  eion     Btd;f  i>8va?ile£>  boA  b&tuosxQ  beBBBoei 
baiJ  bLuoda  x^di    ^£>i£q  aetfo   ioa  •Bd  ii   isdi  bas  Biatt&tll 
-ive  erU  moil  B£     xYfl£  li    ^inyo-ffl-s  n£  ifox/s   lol     ©eXXeqqjB  lol 
JI)ei/3a«  8i  JT      ,©Jon  sdi  aoqis  »i;b     bail  tavat  \'^t  ^^^'   Boae; 
bfBB&scet  t»i\i      ;ao:^iiie bianco  sdt  Bttmo  YXsi/oaaoite  eJtxiJ^  tjadt 
ovjBri  Jon  ;^©Y  i)n«.   ,6ion  Bxrf*  beieyiXab     bflo  bena^^  sviirf  Jiigifj 
-le-^ni   sew  eaxreteb  rioxrst  oH   ,?-i  lol  noi^JBaebianoo  yae  ievleoaa 
«  besJtiod^^x/jB  xXno  BttoitouitnaX  ed;i  e«  ^^x/cf  ,Jasl  nx   beeoc 
sil;f  moTC^  B£     ,Yfi'0  "i-t   ^;fni/oniB  na  rioi/e  ni  aaXi&qojB  aol  Jorbisv 
beslioff;ti/£  vino  axri*      ^;tx  noqjj  »^;b     Jbnx;ot  X'^^t  6^^  aonebive 
arf  It   ^baB  Biott  erid"  noqu  Jbawo  beaaeoeb  ^jsn'w  toI  Joxbnev  c 
.aeXXeqqjs  lot  i-oifjaav  oji  bB&t'iodii.-£  Si    j^nlrfJon  bewc 
©eXXaqqjs  toI  Xasm/oo  fl©9cf  b*ff  *TiJOo   tluQiliy  pd-i   Ito  aabi/t  A 

edi-  at  Lstii  9di  ^^atiisb  baa   ^tt^^bsjl  douB  BmsoBd  ed  siotscf 

ericf  aoqu  taBw  baA  mooi   Jaxfoo  blU   oini   eojjio  Bd  truoo  iiuozto 

.arali-   tiode  a  lol  agiix/t  3rti£'iW!^q     txiii?   o*   ejioqa  has  ioadi 

J-arit  i>8£Cjt£i3  lAitf  wan  £  aol:     noi^onr  siii   ^jbw  iniXcf  y^ay  jb  nl 

gnoX  woti  awojfe  Joa  e^w  tl      ,Sn.sliaqq£  o^  X^loJtb^t®'^?  ^^^  eld& 

Ijterv     elri  *«r[j   ion  ««3bx/t  snibiia-jq  edJ  djlv  aew  agbi/t   sxrfj' 

^XjBiiJ-  no  ea£0  eriJ'  rfi-jtw    noJtifoennoo  yh*  ^^^it  domtd  sdi  aoqu 

.^n«Xl9qo£  o;^  Xaioibij^aiq  nead  avfiif  bXxroo  tco  t^w  tJ;  tJBdt  ion 

al     iaem^bul  erlT   .biooea  Brid-  al  toi^;^  eXdieievai  on.  bnjtl  aW 



SECOND  DISTRICT.  ('  ^^-        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPPY,    Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certipy  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereop,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 

March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  smth  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  ninqrhundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of /the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Presiding-  Justice, 
sjion.    DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Justice. 
Hor^  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  Justice. 

193I,A.  286 

J.  G.  IIISCHKE,  Sheriff 

i'-i\i'  < 


BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 


Gen,  No.  6060. 

Illinoie  Northern  Utilities  Company, 
ve  Appeal  from  Ogle, 

City  of  Oregon,  appellee. 
Dibell,  J, 

TTfir   vayy  many  YQ^!ig._^^^/Q.„^*'  been  Sl.  dcuB  across 

jrfe-wdM  uwugtrw  John  B",  llix,  'George  A.  fflx  siTicT  Ma^y  j;  Mix 

ifir; —   -Thoy  made(varioua  conveyances  Toy  which  -4»t^g-»i»^«-Hn 

that  daw  ftnd'wytegfi^^iNir     paAaad- ta-^hs>  pcgBon>y  -o^-ihat       /  e^dcfM^ 

'fitioii  thir""Bult  was  Ijegiin,   on  February  i^— i93:4,      the   Ill-y  ^^^y[  ^,^ 

inois  Northern  Utilities  Company  •wsed  107/110  ti»«*^of^the     Qxiu  (\ 

City  of  Oregon  3/l(L0     thereof  and     the   estate  of  J^hes  Harden  ^t^A4j 

X/110  thereof.      In  all  the  deeds  axeoutad  hy  the  siowTisege-  of 

the  Miw  fajslly-ania  thair  f5as«^»^«♦•■J -«*«*«-  ^^^Hs-hir-prwrent-t^^ 

IM  "- 
tjiera  have  p*ri<rn  nnrr:erous  covenants  and  agreements   for   the 

/I  *-'  ^, .    /^ 

repairing     and  maintaining  of  said  dam  to  s«k«h  a  height -as 
will   furnish  et — hoad  o^ — five  and-eww  hc^lf   Fwwt    hJibii    Mis-^ 

..»atax  ..^pB^  R»»k-  ftiv»3et  la.  at-  A,.>XaK  a  tag* ,     and   for  dividing  the 
expense  of  repairing  and  maintaining   ^^«hM  dam  among     the  various 
ovrners   in  proportion     to   the'' shares     vid»4<»b>^thay»M»y  #»•■    «44mg 
»o  »4y»e  -^wn—irR-'ga^id^^  d«Bt'«Trd''Trat'trr'-^aflTrt'--1:!T»--i»«r*i^^ 
'by   Bflic^  rinm;   anirl   ai-jtoh  exyanseB  ax  oh»>g>4 ■">^»»>-ft»~4ii.»^»4-'^nd 
i>r1nr  Hun  nn-».JJ:iA.  rtitTtMT.Rhnrns  f^nri  .lataraat  o£,-.ftach-aiwaer 
theraini-     It  was   ther  in  provided     that   If  any  of   the  owners 
fail   promptly   to  repair  any  damages  said     dam  may   sustain, 
within  ten  days     after  receiving  notice  to  repair  from  any 
one  interested  therein,    (the  season  of  high  water  reasonably 
permitting  such  rexjairs  to  be  made,)      it   shall  be  lawful  for 
any  person  owtiinjr  an  interest  in  eaid  dam,  -woitog  and-'wat^r- 

-pawBT ,  to  proceed  immediately  to  repair  the  eame  and  to  charge 

.oaoa   ,oW   .neO 
..vaeqmoO   BbtttlttM  atsdiiot  sioniXII 
.-•.,;   mo-j;'5:    I>-?ocr    A.  8v 

.1.    ^lX«dJta 

-III   erft      t»^ei-r&i-T'i«fJ^^»'^':*^<^i^"^J<°^   BBW   Jluu     airfJ   rrnrfv- 
eri^'^tot*^^^  OXX\TOX  b«w«"^«q«oO   .ei^tiXi^U  naeri^fioK   axofii: 

lu  oxocfwiiKt  tri^  -rcf  l)otif?»r»   abdeo  erf  J  'XI«  nl      ,loaaerf;f  OXX\X 

2iU  io>   t^flemeeriBJB  bnjs  a^njs-'evoo  •uois.irm  n»*^-#*««i-»a*^ 

••-^riaJterif*  «foi#«  o*  m»b  btBB  to  2ni.atBjatBtz  bnM     stttttAqei 

.  dd£.jutiir  i9B\  ItXBif  ego  fewa  »yt>     ^»  bM(^A-^-tl9in'iu^  XIIw 

erf*  anJtbivtb  ^01   bnB      ,ta*i.«.  «at  a  *-b  s-l  .«v^£  iw«"**-«»**« 

suoHBv  a;lcr     aiidm*  ■wfe'W^'   aninliiifrtl«m  brta  3nlaiJ8q8T  \o  aan6*«» 

9ml4^^««»«*^^*«.4|»»^^-4»A^     •tMrf8^».^;f  o;r     no i * aoqoiq  ni  «t6«wo 

•leflwo  Bdi  10  rfna  li  ;f«il*     b9blirotq  at  iBdi  a^w  *I      ■  ,a^»f(^t 

YXdJKioaBa-r  w*JBw  rfglrf  ^o  noaaaa  edi)    ,nt6i9iU  betsaietat  eno 

tot  JjjtrrBl  scf  XXan'8   ti      ( ,abBm  ed  o*   attl^qea  rfoua  ^^Ititarvq 

-ie<<iw.i>n^  »o»<w>-  ,bub5  Jbijse  nt  UBieiat  n£  gnXilwo  noataq  T«< 

aaiario"o*  hwe  smjas  erf*  ntaqet  ot  ^i9tBtbBmmi  beaootcq  o^   »tww^ 

to  dach  party  his  proportion  of  the     expense  thereof.     'Tlitsra 
Trnn  Tnnrh-iiiii  Inn    I  llll{;;'iii'iLit  m  nnrh   nV  fH  ~"r  ^  '  ffiSatT*"  to  carry  theee 
rjrevioiono  Ante   efi'eut     anfl  10  BftKB  WranyiM'  any^l'viBe e'quent 
pmuliamr'61  d^y  inTerest  in  m^t^^'^atm.  — Tlie  BplllwiTiTorThe 
d»M  i«"  a1uou<  yyfl  'f  Bet     leug.      In  IfeHMh  1913,    the  ewm»a>ohip 
tiain^  t\iQ  aamt  ="*  at^«^. ,a*.>*4.^A^    about  100  feet  of   ths  dam 
went  out.   Notliing  having  been  done  to   repair     it,    the  City 
of  Oregon  Jn   1ha  manlih   nf  ^rrtitrhrr  1^-^,   notified     the   Illinoie 
Northern  Utilities  Company  to  repair   the  dam.    It  failed  to  do 
flO«      Thereupon  the  city  of  Oregon  obtained  bids  and  let  a 
contract   for   the     repair  thereof  to  Henry  Maffioll  and   the 
7/ork  was  begiin.      The   Illinois   Northern  Utilities  Company 

then  filed   \Y\o  Qvi^mmii  bill   i»  this  ciiaa  against  the  city 
and  Maffioli     to   enjoin  the  work^^  and .  tod--ef"  tewpegai'y  -4nju^ - 
t i  Q  r\   -;  X  XlkQvX  .i^c**i4frm-r"Th  a    i>v4iy"4ri^.#>w-.<w«»iM»<»  -  tO^  dl  9»0l'Ve    th  e 
In jmrxit i BnM.-£<»JC»^ awna^t  <»f  notitHi — ^nd  for  -want  of  squity  In  the 
la t lek- ^■^'SJn^-ftmx-tla.A-,. U^bu  an te r eat  into  a  stipulation  that  the 
complainant     would   conatruct  a  new  dam  across   the  river     at 

to  the  location  of  the  present  dam 
that   the  city   should  have  the 
eame  pro  ortionate  aluuta  interest  in  said  dam     and   the  water- 
power  created  thereby     as   in  the  present  dam,   and   that  th« 

54/55  of   all  damages   sustained 
by  Maffioli;    and    that,    if  tjy    the   first   of  Aiigust,    1914,      the 
actual  work  of  constructing  the  dam     had  not  been  entered 
upon,    the  defense  should  have     a  right  to  insist  upon  the 
hearing     of  said     motions;      and  that  when  the  new  dam  was 
constructed,   complainant   should  have     a  perpetaal  injunction. 
Complainant  prepared  plans   foi\  a  new  dam.      It  has  never  done 
anything  further.    Its  excuse  iS  that  the  European  War  made 
it  impo<?sibls  to  procure  the  mOney  with  which  to  build  it. 
'  Thereupon  ,   on  October  33,   19l4,   complainant     filed  a  sup- 

or  as  near  as  practicable 
during  the  year   1914,     and 

rreUT      .loaaari^t   daneqxs     9dt   lo  aoltTonoiq  aid  xtXfiq  dOst   o.t 

YiflO  eriJ^   ,.fi     lifiqei   o^   &aob  n&sd  gnivdrf  gaid^oil   .iuo  *new 

•  JfconiXII  eiU     Jb©ilJfc;fofl   ,ei«l  Tg<fo»«^  If  ii»fl»«  wiil.JJ^.  flo^eaC   io 

Ob  o^  bBlJtjBl  ;^I    .flwh  ftri^r  ttijBQftT  ot  ynjsqmoO  ael^ili^U  ansdiioT/i 

©ri..f  bnB  JkloJtlt^  y-uieH  ol  loex6i<;f  al*q«a     «iii    xol  ;ro*a;fnon' 
xn&qmoO  •6Jt*iXi*U  naaxUzoK  sioxiiXil   erH'      .mxasrf  aijw  iio 

erff  t«ii:^  floi*JBlwqi*9  b  otni  k^iefOB  x[«.^...iiai,^.ijiQ- 4N^ — .^*Atf 

t*.     levii  e.f;^   aeoiojB  iaab  w^p  £  *o;ja;fMtoo  bXwow     i-nBnifilqoioo 

Busb  Jneaeiq  stl^  lo  nox^fAoaX  erl;^  oi]     eXdaoJtitoaaq  as  :c£eft  bb   lo 

-iV£ri  bXuorie  Y^ia-  e^"^  *«rf*|  ^«^     ^^XGX  :taev  arfJ  aniix/b 

"as;^Bw  sri:^   ia^     mab  hlBs  nx  *aeaedfli  asuulK  e^^enox^io  oiq  8a?ita 

arid-  *£  ,«eb  ia9Beiq  Bxii  Ji  aij     x^saaff^f  bafJSBio  sawoq 

beiiiJiJaije  aagiunab  XIjb  \o  a£\^  ic«X**  t*tl  bXi/o^v  JnanlfiXqmoo 

arii      ^J^XeX   ,JaijauA  lo  ^aail  »cii   xp  ^Jt   »*«^^  ^*  illom&U  yrf 

be:frt;fne  nefco  ^on  b«ri     awb  ad;^  ^Irf-Oi/a^anoo  lo  i^cow  lau^oA 

ri.Id^  CoqiT  J-aiBJii  o;t   id^ti  &     Bfan   t^Luodn,^»tBb  Bdi   »XXpqi/ 

B«w  ia3b  waa  a4*  nariw  ^jwtt  bnA     4anoJ;;rom     bi^a  lo     gnixaad 

.notjfoni4fli  Xj3»#aqas<i  «     »VAd  bLtoAn  *aJBXxi.RXqmoo  ^be^toi/a^anoo 

aoo^  leVBd  aarf  JI     .Bueb  wan  a  fio'!:  aitisXq  baojaqeaq  iJxxiiai*XqmoD 

9bBBi  X4iW  flBeqoouS  Bri.+  *£.rf;f  ajt  aax/oxe  a*I    .larf^rtxrl  gnlrf^Yn* 

ft^li,  plLud  0*  ripiilw  rW-iw  y©"^"'  »i'-*   exuooxq  oj'  aXcfiaeoqmi 

-qua  M  bBin     tami&lqttioo   »^XSX   ^lS^  X9dotoO  ao  ^  noqx/a^ft 

tn  ^iT*  "^  ^ ^^^  -«>^>«.~  A«^">    T»iij ■  yrt  y.y ~tt-r>^i>«-.»ft-j  und-  th«r«~wa8^a  hearing 
of   the  cause  amA  «.~deogt>»  di»»Atigii>e  the  bill  ^f or  want  of 
equity,   and   1>hl8   i»"ttn  ^ppeaj^•4^s^^jfr<  oomplaiiiant  tirn^^^ 

•Wwj — ei»y  #aa  T>i  ill  I'll  its  Isgail^yteh^e  iit  ■'fNMXMMidlng  ta  r«pai  r 
■4 ho  ^em,"9ai  appellant  contendi^  that   the  daa  i^'' exceedingly 
old  and  weak  and  full     of  holea     and  that   it   cannot  he   sue- 
ceaefully  repaired,   ?nd   that  -.irh^n  this     break  is  closed  up 
so  much  greater  pressure  will  be  put  upon  other  parts  of   the 
dam  that   it  will  p;o  out  at   sons  ether  plac«,     and  that   this 
attempted  repair  will  therefore  he   entirely  useless,   and  that, 
as  nearly  all   the  expense     of   the  rapair     will  be  put  upon 
appellant,   it  ought  in  equity      to   be  relieved     from  the  ex- 
penst     of  havinp;   thia  dam  repaired  at  all;      and   it  asserts 
t}.at   if   the  matter  be  allowed    to    ataiid  as     it   is  until   fin- 
ancial  conditions   improve,    it  will  build  a  new  dam.    There 
ie   evidence  that  an  executive  officer     of  the  company 
has  declared  to  ap-ents  of  the  city  tliat  the  complainant  would 
not  rebuild  the  dam  at  all,  but  would  allow  it   to  be  destroyed. 

There  a''s   evidence  by  experts,   aalluel  tej'   r^TpgttaTit,      t)iftt  this 

U  ^-  u  ■'■     -''- 

dam-^8   so  old,   weak  and  dilapidated     that  it   earmot     be  so 

repaired  as      o  make   it     a  useful  dam,      Tl'j^rg'  ±v   irivivnen  - 

for  the  defendant  by  persons  who  have  repaired  this  dam 

in  former  years  that  it  can  bs  repaired  so  as  to  be  a  usegul 

dam.    The  city  had  contracted  for  the  closing  of   this  washout 

with  what  ie  known  as  "rock  crib*  construction;  and  it  proved 

that  a  former  leak  elsewhere  in  the  dam  was  repaired  and 

closed  with  that  construction,  and  that  it  still  remains 

in  the  dan  in  a  sound  and  effective  condition.  The  ghaiwaiirlor 

boagrt-the  vvltnaavo»--4-»-e^»»Br^otty^i  W»  a^'»-'Wftftbl<»  ♦♦  deaonotrate 


ylsnibssoxe'^'i^  mAb  toiii    j 
-ous  t      tonriMo   :i  t»Iori  ^o     liuJ  bn,^  jUew  haj^  bio 

^^i&di   ba&   ^aaeXeajj  YXeiiJns   e,i   ©loleTsri^f  XXiw  liaqea  b©J'qp8:)-^J3 

noqw  tijq  ©cf  XIlw     iJtAqsa  sriJ   lo     asaeqxe  ed^  XX*  yXaaen   aJB 

-xo   9ri;r   moil      baveiXsi  x^iup*  af   &A-^uo  ti    ^^nelXyqqjB 

e;^xe  ;  ub  **  fc«xi,aq8a  nuBi;  -  eansq 

errsiiT    ,rn£r  ^avoiqraJt   anor;tx,iaoo  X*jxor'.-: 

\;a£qfflc  Xv>sxi:lo  avl^i/Oiiza  a£  ;f<Brf/  •oaeblTe  si: 

JbXxfow  jhftJBfli^Xqmoo  s^j'                J-jto  8rf;f  "^o  aJnega  ^t  J^eaaloab  aBfi 

,beYOi-*eeJb  etf  o*   *Jt  woX.                                                                               ^a 

iOrtftAo   ;fi   ie,iU     bad'ablqjiXJtb  baa  iaew    ^bXo  oa   sl'-rajab 

e'Mit.;  .m»b  XI/'!t^  ^  8J3  bsiJtaqei 

m4sb   ajcr  -  anpeasc      ^o,    iambap\&b  erfJ    aol 

Xxr^®"^  ■«   ©'     OJ    ai   oe   ba--  '  srij-   fuseY  asniol  nt 

iiSoABSivc  tiiiii     lo  gniaoXo  iii  b : OA-i.: ao-^  bad  \ilii  ai  .    -aJb 

bsvo-  ixxoijoi/i^anoc   "alTO  jIoot"   ■«  cwonjf  a.l  tf-aiiw  fWiw 

i'u--  '81  a«w  m«r;  r   eiarfwaaXB  3C«eX  lamiol  ^,.  jffi 

anifiriitt  ^j.xi'e  .' "    '  otioutttiSiOQ  iAdi  4tt^     beaoxo 

Uoxrw-    ■      '      "     "■     ...  ■'         ■  '     ;.  .  .  a  L    r.^i':     ;.;1j    nl 

that  this  darn  cannot  be  so  repaired  aa  to  make  it  effective. 
The  chancellor  believed  thoiae  who  had  had  actual  axparience 


in  successfully  repairing  th^s  dam  in  former  yeara,  rather 
than  the  theories  advanoedbyl  others.  No  one  can  absolutely 
know  ehether,  when  this  brea^  is  closed,  the  rest  of  the  dam 
will  withstand  the  pressure, j It  is  a  matter  of  opinion  only 
and  we  are  unable  to  say  tha^  the  chancellor  erred  in  accept- 
ing the  ooiniona  of  those  7;h4  had  actually  reflaired  the  dam 
in  "oi-mer  years.  ! 

The  decree  is  therefore  affirmed, 



Terf*jBi    ^Bifiev  asmiol  nl  mnb  «JrfJ    -niiiscBT  -itllijt •esoox/a  n 

LoBda  aao  arxo  oTl      ,8ierf:fo  Ycf&«»onBv5«  aelioerf.'  irf 

'  '  ... 

ma-  .    >fa3a  en'it    ^ieaolc   ox  :|xjaTd  sirid"  nsifw   ^xarf^forfe  won 

-;f({SOOA  al  beire  loXIeonarfo  exl;f  ^J3ri;^  yaa  oS  eidBsxts  e 
;a£b  exf^  Jbetlsfifea  YlIju/;fo£  bjscT  bxfw  aeoxt^f   Jo  enoinlqo  ai 

tbetaritlB  Bio\&ietii  8|  esioal)  arlT 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  )  ^^'        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 
seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 
March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 


B«gvni  and  teld  at  Ottawa,  on  Tmailay,  tha  aixth  day  of  Ootobar, 

la  tha  yaar  of  our  Lord  ona  thouaaad  ulna  hundrad  and  fourtaaa, 
within  and  for  tha  Saoond  Diatriot  of  tha  Stata  of  Illinoiat 

Praaant  —  Tha  Ron,  OOAIB  J,  CABMBS,  Praaiding  Juatioa 
Ron.  IXSBANCB  OXBILL,  Juatioa 
Ron*  JOHN  N.  RZBAUS,  Juatioa 

J.  0.  HISCHO.  Shariff        1 93  I.A..  288 

BB  XT  RBKBKBBBBD,  that  aftarwarda,  to»witt  on  tha  9th  day 
of  Haroh,  A,D«  1915»  tha  opinion  of  tha  Court  waa  filad  in 
tha  Clark 'a  offioa  of  aaid  Cenrt,  in  tha  worda  and  fifuraa 
following,  to-witt 

l9  3>/:zrr 

LBBT  KABT21  Md  CHABUB  M»  mBBJi,  ) 

e-Fartii«x«  mi  IAIVTZI  4  WIILM, 

-__    .-.--   mm^.^mm  ^    mm,^-^    • »  APPEAL    PROM    DUPAGE 

Oa  81AZI  MOIV  and  fKZLZP  8. 

.        J 

*  ■ 

Xa  tlili  MM  tht  •p»«II««f  tiUi,  a  bill  la  ChMocrr,   to 
»r«oloM  •  Mohanie't  IIm  against  tlM  property  of  vpollanta.       lite 
111  allagaa,  tliat  tlia  lion  aeemod  to  appolloaa  bocauao  tho  ^pollaata 
lilod  ta  fay  tiM  Wlanoa  «aa  far  «ark  donoand  Matarial  fttmiakad  I9 
^pollMo,  in  tha  taiUiag  af  a  dvalling  hauao  for  appollanta,  an  tha 
rwBlaaa  daaariWd  in  tha  bill.      fha  bill  alaa  allagaa,  that  tha  vaik 
iM  dona,  and  aatariala  ftmiirtiad,  by  appollaaa  ^tiA9T  a  vrittan  l»iU- 
ig  oantmat,  axaMtad  by  tha  partiaa;     alaa,  that  thara  vara  astraa 
inUahad  by  aypallMa.      tha  bill  yraya,   that  m  aaaattsl  aay  ba  tafeM 
'  tha  aattora  allagad  in  tha  bill,  and  tho  Mouat  daa  aaMrtaiaad;     Md, 
lat  a  daaraa  mtj  ba  rMdarad  diraatiag  tho  f  oroeloMro  af  tha  Um« 

ippallaata  fiUd  as  aaawor  tar  tha  bill,  adaittiag  tha  azaMtiaa  af 
la  ooatraot,  but  daaying^that  tha  hMaa  vaa  ooaplotod;  and  adMittiag, 
itt  tha  vpallanU  taak  paMaaaiaa  af  tha  hovaa.  fhoy  alaa  daay^that 
«ro  Ma  aaythiag  «na  appallaaa;  aUl^iM.  that  ^^allaaa  vara  iadabt. 
i  to  ttaaa  ia  tha  M»  of  |423.M.       Shoy  aUo  avor,   that  tha  houM  Ma 


ot  constructed  in  «ccord»nc«  with  th«  plant  and  •p«eificatlons,   as 
•qulrad  hj  th«   contract ;     and,   tHat   tha  work  waa  done  uaakllfully,  and 
n  an  unworkmanlike  Bannor;     and  that  tha  matariala  uaad  in  tha  oon- 
itruction  of  the  houaa  woro  dofectiro;     and   that   tha  cons  true  tioo  waa 
■proper J     and  that   the  appellanta  are  entitled  to  certain  craAita. 
Llse,   that  appellees  failed  to  hara  tha  house  ready  for  ocoopanej  by 
lufust  1,   1910,  aa  required  hy  the  contract;     and  claiaing  a  credit  of 
^500.00,  aa  liquidated  damagea  under  the  proTioiona  of  tha  oontraot. 

The  appellMCalso  filed  a  oroaa  hill,   alleging  that  app«ll«««  •»- 
lered  iaU   the  oontraot  aet  up  ia  tha  original  hill,   U  tuild  the  house 
Ln  question  for  uppallanta,   in  aooordanoe  with  plans  and  specifioationa 
prepared  by  Clarenoe  Hatsfald;     and  that   they  agreed  to  finiah  the  house 
t>7  August  1,   1910;  and  that  appelleea  did  not  oonstruot  the  houaa  aa  re- 
laired  by  the  plana  md  specifications,   in  rarious  partioulara,   aat 
forth  in  the  oroas  bill|     vi'd  that  the  work  was  done  in  an  unskilful 
md  unworkaanlike  Banner;     and  that  it  waa  not  ooopleted  aa  required  by 
the  contract;     the  delay  being  cauaed  1^  the   carelessness  of  appellees; 
md  that,   consequently,   the  appelleea  beoamo  liable  to  appellants  for 
tha  sua  of  $500. oo  liquidated  daaagea,  prorided  for  in  said  contract; 
that  the  appellees  were  to  grade  the  lawn,  and  lay  aidewalk  and  a  drlre- 
vay;  but  that  appellants  did  this;  and  paid  out  the  aua  of  |121.S3  on 


;hat  Aooount,  for  «ppell««ti     that  «pp«ll«nts  h«T«  a  total  claia  of 
fX024.66  against  app«ll««a*   olala  of  #606 .09;     loaTlng  a  balanco  duo 
ippallanta  of  |418«09.       Tho  croaa  bill  al^o  praya,    that  m  aooount  aaj 
»o  takon  bj  tho  Court,   of  tho  aoMunt  duo  appollanta;   and  that  tho  tp- 
»ollooo  BiQr  bo  doorood  to  pay  luoh  aMouat  to  appollanta  j  and  that  tho 
slain  for  lion  filod  by  appolloeo  aay  bo  hold  rold,  oto. 

Tho  appollooa,  by  loaro  of  Court,  filod  an  aaondod  bill,  id&ioh  ro» 
litoo  tho  aaldnf  of  tho  oontraot  botvooD  tho  partial ,   and  allogoa  that 
ippellooa  ooaaonood  work  on  tho  houaa  in  qviostion  tho  lattor  part  of 
^rll,  ItlO;  «id  oaaplotod  it  on  Doo^abar  16,  1910,  in  aaoordanoo  vith 
;ho  vritton  oontraot;  but  making  ouoh  ohangeo  in  tho  original  plana  and 
ipoolfieationa,  aa  vtro  roquoatod  by  appollanta;     and  that  appollaaa 
^lrnl8hod  tho  nooooaary  aatorial  and  labor  tharofor;     that  tha  original 
iontraot  prioo  waa  |4550.oo;  but   that  tho  appollanta  had  roqpiostod  nuaor- 
mo  ohaigao  aid  oxtraa,  iriiioh  appollooa  fumiahad,  at  m  agrood  prloa  of 
11305.32;  and  that  thay  alao  fumiahad  othor  oxtraa  for  tha  building, 
All  eh  woro  ordorod  by  appollanta;     that  tha  oontraot  proTidoa  for  tha 
^•yaont  of  all  plaabing  by  appallanta,  and  that  on  Xaroh  S,  1911,  apptl- 
^••i  filad  %  atatoaaBt  and  olaia  of  liaa;  and  that  through  laadTortanoa 
uid  mlaundoratanding  of  tho  faota  and  olrouBatancos,  and  by  nistaka, 
ippellooa  oaittod  oortain  itoaa  froai  aaid  bill  for  lion,  riat       far 

•  79 

Lunblng,   1709.00  and  $46.85;      that  appellants  acoapted  all  of  tha   i«- 
roraments  made  by  appellees;   and   that   there   is  due   to  appellaaa   the 

m  of  $1077.51. 

tha  appallaas  filed  an  answer  to  the  cross  bill  of  appellants,  In 
Hloh  thay  deny  the  allegations  of  tha  cross  bill,  relatire  to  improper 
nd  defectire  construction  of  the  house  in  question;  and  deny  tha  uaa 
f  deficient  or  dafactiTe  material;  end  deny,  that  tha  appellants  are 
ntitled  to  the  credits  claimed  in  the  cross  bill;  and  deny,  that  the 
ailura  to  ooaplata  tha  house  at  the  time  specified,  was  on  account  of 
heir  naglaot  or  oarelassnass;  arar  that  the  time  for  completion,  had 
een  waiTad  by  appellmts;  and  that,  therefore,  tha  appellants  are  not 
ntitlad  to  tha  liquidated  damagaa  claimed. 

▲  motion  was  made  to  strike  the  siMnded  bill  from  tha  files,  which 
'•s  denied  by  tha  Court.   Tha  appellants,  also,  filed  an  amendment  to 
heir  mmwt   to  tha  «iiandad  bill,  la  ahich  tha  appellants  specify  other 
lafdcts  in  Mterials,  and  deficiencies  in  construction;   also  denying, 
;hat  the  plumbing  items  were  left  out  of  the  original  bill  and  the  claim 
»f  lien  filed,  by  mistake.   inother  amendment  to  the  amended  anawer 
ras  also  filed,  1*  whioh  more  defects  in  construction  are  specified. 
%e  appellants  also  filed  an  amendment  to  their  cross  bill,  alleging 
'raud  and  carelessnsss  on  tha  part  of  appellees,  in  not  complying  with 
the  plans  «d  specifications  for  the  building  of  the  house  in  <yiestion. 


rh9  pUtdlng.  hmtins  been  ••ttltd,    the  case  prooaed.d  to  a  hearing  te- 
fore  the  Court,  concerning  the  ..ttere  In  leeue;  end  the  Court  took  en 
account  of  thaee  mat  ten.  tfnd  found   that  all  of  the  .aterlal  allega- 
tlona  contained  In  the   wended  bill  of  conplalnt,  were  true;   that  the 
.urn  of  1700.00  m  due  to  appellee.;  and   that  they  were  entitled  to  a 
lien  therefor;   and  entered  a  decree  of  foreclooure  of  auch  lien,   and 
dlsmloolng  the  crooe  bill  of  appellante,   for  want  of  equity.       fro« 
thla  decree  the  appellant,  .ppealod,  and  brouj^t  the  oauae  to  thl. 
Court  for  reTiew. 

The  appellant,  ae.ert  In  their  brief,   that  the  only  natter.  In 
dl.pute  between  the  partle..   are  -whether  or  not  the  hou.e  wa.  erected 
in  wb.tantlal  coapllance  with  the  contract  aid  .p.olflcatlon.;  whether 
or  not  the  defendant.,  with  knowledge  of  all  the  fact.,   accepted  the 
houa.  a.  co^leted,  and  agreed  to  pay  the  balance;  and  liiether  or  not 
the  Item,  for  plumbing.  lAlch  fomf  a  large  part  of  the  claim,  ^Ich 
waa  allowed,  wiftomltted  from  the  original  bill  by  ml.take,  a.  aet  forth 
In  the  VMnded  bill  of  complaint"* 

Zt  wa.  not  neoe..ary  to  mak.  a  ahowlng  to  the  Court,   that  the 
plumbing  Item,  were  omitted  from  the  original  bill  by  ml.take  or  Inad- 
▼ertanoe,   In  or4ar  to  entitle  the  appoHoea  to  an  amendment  of  their 
bill  of  complaint;  nor  wa.  It  neoea.ary  to  make  midh  a  ahowlng  on  the 
■  hearing  of   the  cau.e.        Amendment,  to  bill.  In  Chancery,   which  are  not 


■worn  to„  •nlarging  th«ir  toop*,   %T9  Allowed  by  Courts  with  gr«at  111?- 
•rality,  until  th«  proof*  mr%  olotodi   tnd  alaott  ••  •  mttor  of  oourto. 
(VowUr  T«.  fowlor,   a04  111.   82.) 

Am  to  whether  the  hougt  in  queitlon  was  built  in  eubstantial  coa- 
plianoe  with  tho   contract  and  the  specif loationa,   is  a  matter  «hioh 
oust  be  datennindd  froa  the   ewidnca.       The  eTidence  upon  this  point  is 
somewhat   conflicting;   and,    therefore,    the   weight   to  be  given   to    the 
testimony  of   the  different  witnesses  who   testified,   becomes  an   import- 
ant question;  and  one  that  the  Chancellor,   irtio  saw  and  heard  the  wit- 
nesses testify,   is  best  able  to  decide.       Ye  think  the  eridence  fairly 
tends  to  proTs,   as  the  Chancellor  found,   that  there  was  a  substantial 
eon^lianoe  with  the  contract.       But  eren  if  the  oTidenoe  were  in  irre- 
ooncilable  conflict,   it  would  not  authorize  a  disturbance  of  the  decree. 
(Shoop  TS.   8hoop,    115  111.  1pp., 346.) 

Zt  clearly  appears   that   the   specifications,    in  a  general  way»   were 
oarried  out;     there  were  important  changes  made  by  appellants;     also  ad- 
ditions to  the  construction  as  originally  designed.       Some  changes  were 
made  eTsn  after  the  date  fixed  for  the  completion  of  the  house;   «id 
after  the  appellants  had  taken  possession.       And  it  is  true,    that  there 
were  some  deriations  from  the  strict  letter  of  the  specif ioations,   in 
tha  details  of  ooastruotion;   and  some  defioienoies  and  defeots  in  the 



rial!  uied;  and  in  the  work  done;  but  none  of  th«t«  ar«  of  lueh  • 
ubttantlal  charactor,  as  to  affact  the  general  oharaoter  of  the  work, 
Litaral  eonpliance  with  the  prorislona  of  a  contract  la  not  eaaential 
0  •  recoTery.  It  will  be  euffiolent  If  there  haa  been  an  honeat  and 
ilthful  performanoe  of  the  contract,  in  its  material  and  substantial 
irta,  and  no  wilful  departure  or  oaission  of  essdntial  points  of  the 


Street."   (Blooaington  Hotel  Co.  ts.   Oarthwait,   227  111.   630;     ?eter- 
m  TS.  Pusey,  237  111.   204;     Irikson  ts.  Ward,   266  111.  269.) 

If  the  wpsllsnta  Mf fared  any  daaasBS  because  of   the  siinor  defi- 
encles  and  defects  in  aaterial  used,  by  the  deTlations  froa  the  exact 
nea  of  eoastruetian  in  the  building,   thay  had  the  right  to  hare  such 
aages  recouped  against   the  balance  due  to  appelleea;   and  whatcTor 
■ages  were  proTen  upon  the  hearing,   in  that  regard,  were  undoubtedly 
ken  into  conaideratlon  by  the  Ccurt,   in  arrlTlng  at  the  atate  of  the 
count  between  the  partlea,   and  in  aaoertaining  the  balance  due  the 
pslless.       tt  any  damagea  were  euffered  by  appsllanta,   i^ioh  they  did 
t  prore  at  the  hearing  of   the  caaa,   it  la  not  a  matter  which  can  now 
rcTlawad  by  thia  Court. 
It  la  InsisUd  by  the  appellanta,   that  they  are  entitled  to  a  cred-      . 

of  $600.00  for  liquidated  damagea,   which  the  Court  refused  to  allow. 


»  is  olalMd  under  the   clause  in   the   contract  by  idilch  the   appellees 



^vd  to  hare   th«  hou«t  in  qfutitlon  •ooapUUly  finished  and  r««dy 
for  uoe  or  occupancy  on  the  first  day  of  Auguat,  A.  1).   1910.  weather 
and  othar  condition*  par«ittin«».       It  will  ba  noticed  that  the  agree- 
■ent  to  finish  by  iuguat  firat^   ia  not  unconditional;  but  ia  axpreoely 
baaed  upon  the  contingenoy,   that  the  weather  conditions  and  other  condi- 
tions did  not  delay  the  work.       There  ia  oTidenca  in  the  record  to  ahow, 
that  waather  oonditiona  did  delay  the  work}     alao,  that  the  work  waa 
delaytd  by  the  ohangea  in,  and  additiona  to,   the  plans  and  specifica- 
tions, which  wars  aade  at  tha  inatance  of  appellanta. 

The  sTldence  also  ahows,   that  the  appellanta  took  poaaasaioa  of 
tha  hoaaa  in  qvastion,  about  iBfaat  30th,  after  th*  date  fixed  for  ita 
collation;  and  urged  appellaas  to  proceed  to  finiah  the  saae;  and  to 
continue   to  fumiah  work  and  ■aterials,  and  expand  ■oney  for  tha  pur- 
poae  of  ooapleting  the  aane  for  appellanta;   and  that  appellaas  did  ao; 
and  that  appellanta  aeoepted  tha  banefita  of  tha  work,  and  tha  suiterials 
fuznishad  by  tha  appellaea,  as  thsy  wars  fumishad;  and  then  set  with 
appellaas,  and  practically  agreed  upon  the  aaounta  due  them;  and  upon 
tha  eradita  to  whi^  appellants  ware  entitled;  and  that  thereupon  the 
appalltfita  aada  a  paynant  of  |l50.oo  on  tha  aoeount.         Under  these  cir- 
cuBstancea,   tha  liqaidated  dsMiges  stipulated  in  the  contract,   though 
afterward  claimed  by  appellanta,   cannot  legally  be  exacted;     and  are 


walTtd.    (]|jr«t«r  rt.  Farrott,  83  111.    517;     H«rt  t«.  Cartaly  Mfg.  Co., 
116  111.  App.   159;       Stroebel  8t«dl  Construction  Co.   Ti.   Sanitary  Dia- 
trlot,   160  111.  ipp.   554;     Bloomlngton  Hotal  Co.  ra.  Oarthwait,  227 
111.   630.) 

tha  oaaa  of  Hjrstar  ra.  Parrot t,   aboTo  raf«rrad  to,   la  ita  aquita- 

Wa  faaturaa,  waa  rary  iiHllar  U  thla  caaa,   and  tha  language  uaad  by 

tha  Court  la  quita  appllcabla  hara.       Tha  Court  aaya: 

"Ippollaata  inaiata  upon  tha  antiraty  of  tha  contract,   and  that, 
baring  failad  to  parform,   «ppellaa  had  no  right  to  racoTar  at  all.       Wa 
think  tha  Circuit  Court   took  tha  oorract  Tiaw  of  thia  nattar.       It  ia 
trua,   that  appallaa  did  not  eoaply  with  hia  contract  aa  to  tiM;  but, 
•ftar  ha  vat  in  dafault  in  thia  ragard,   tha  appallant  «ada  partial  pay. 
Mnta  ta  hla,  ant  urgad  hia  to  go  on  wdoi  tha  work,  anA  ha  did  go  on, 
tnd  azpaadad  nonoy  in  work  and  aatarials  ta  •  eontidarabla  minint 
Jhia  waa  a  waiTar  by  vpallant  af  har  ri|^t  to  daaand,  on  aooooat  of 
roch  failura,  a  ferfaitura  of  appallaa  of  tha  work  ha  had  dona.       In 
Bood  oaatoianca,  appallant  aught  ta  pay  what  tha  work  aatually  doaa, 
U  tha  aannar  and  at  tha  tina  it  was  dona,  wai  raaaoaably  worth  to 
Kppallaat,  taking  tha  ooatniot  prl«a  for  tha  rata  at  il^oli  ta  walua 
tha  work  dona.* 

••  paroaiTW  no  arror  ia  tha  daoraa  in  thia  eaoa;  and  it  iliottld  ba 


Oaraaa,  Fraaiding  JUatioa,   taak  no  part.) 




Appellate  Court,     ^ss. 

Second  District,      J  I,  PAUL  V.  WUNDER,  Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court,  in  and 

for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  the  keeper  of  the  Records  and  Seal  thereof,  do 
hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true,  full  and  complete  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the  said  Appel- 
late Court  in  the  above-entitled  cause,  now  of  record  in  my  said  office. 


In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand 
and  affix  the  seal  of  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ot- 
tawa, this.-^.A— day  of.. 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  sixty.rr.«f«r^. 



iegun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  thf  sixth  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nijie  hundred  and  fourteen, 

within  and  for  the  Second  District  of 
Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Presi 

the  State  of  Illinois 
ing-  Justice. 

Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Justifce 
•^on.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAl^,  Justice.  Q  ^  T  /^,  x^  9  X 
J.  G.  MISCHKE,  Sheriff 


BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 

^AJJai<IA   IHT   ^0   USiT 

0  btoJ 

9dJ  no  '.ii'w-oi  ,abisiT-tQi\s  iscii  ,aaflaaM3Mafl  Ti  aa 

r  r1    ??«v  noinir 

Gen.  No.  5917 

People  of  the  State  of  Illinois, 

Defendant  in  error, 
vs  Error  to  Co,  Ct.  Bureau 

John  Romani,     Plaintiff  in  error. 

Niehaua,  J, 

In  this  case  an  information  was  filed  by  the  States 
Attorney,  in  the  County  Court  of  Bureau  County,  charging 
the  plaintiff  in  error,  Hohn  Romani,  with  violating  Section 
3  of  the  Dram  Shop  Act,  1»y  selling  intoxicating  liquors  in 
less  quantit]^  than  one  gallon,  without  a  license.   There 
were  73  counts  in  the  information;  three  of  which,  namely 
the  69th,  70th  and  71st.  also  contained  the  charge,  that 
the  plaintiff  in  error  was  violating  Section  7  of  the  Dram 
Shop  Act,  by  keeping  a  public  nuisance, 

(Dt  was  alleged  in  the  69th  count,  that  the  plaintiff  in 
error  fon  Lot  Number  Sixteen  in  Block  Number  She  in  Smiths 
Subdivision  of  part  of  the  South  half  of  Section  thirty  ai^x 
Township  sixteen,  north  range  ten,  east  of  the  fourth  prin- 
cipal meridian,  did  keep  a  certain  room,  the  said  room  thsn 
and  there  being  a  place  of  public  resort,"  etc. 

There  was  a  trial  by  jury,  and  the  jury  returned 
a  verdict  finding  the  plaintiff  in  error  guilty  on  thirty 
two  counts,  for  selling  liquor  without  a  license;  an'  also 
finding  him  guilty,  on  the  69th,  count,  ''or  keeping  a 
resort  which  was  a  nuisance. 

A  motion  for  new  trial  was  made;  also  a  motion  in 
arrest  of  judgment;  and  both  motions  were  denied  by  the 
court.  The   court  thereupon  sentenced  the  plaintiff  in  error 
to  pay  a  fine  of  ^100,00  upon  the  69th.  count  of  the  infor- 
mation; and  to  be  imprisoned  in  jail  for  a  period  of  50  days, 

vies    .oM    .neO 
.lo-zie  at  taAba9lL9(l 

ilABZllQ     ,tO     .00     O^    IOZl'3.  8T 

.loiie  ni  ttttntBL^  ^laamofi  nrfoL 

se&dQ   9ci&  va    Jbsix'i    aer  nocd-Brtrio'iajt   as   ©ai}o    Bxnj   nl 

anigaario   ^yj-fiuoO  yaexuS  lo  i-ix;o)3  \iauoO  edi  at   ^,\9aiot&k 

nottosQ  ■Qalielolv  dtiw   ^JtfljaraoH  nrioB   jiottis  al  "ttl&ntsLq  hiit 

at     Biouptl  'yiiteotxo^nt  sallies  \4   ^tok  qocSH  sustQ  sdi   to     S 

oisrfr      .esneolX  «  SuodStv  ^aoll&s  eao  njsrfJ'  t^i:;fnjsup  aB«I 

^Xeman   ^rfoirfw  to  esirf*    ;noi;f«m'iolnl  eri*  nl  Btciuoo  SV  saew 

*Brf3-   ^sgxjBiia  Bdt  beRt£faoo  oeXe    .tBlT  bns  riJOV    .iftsa  erii 

mjsia  e  iJ    to  V  no.rtoeB     gnJtrf'JsXoiv  bjbw  aoTie  rxi   lliJ-nlaXq  ©xl^ 

.oonjseXjjn  otlduq  «  ^gnlqse:!     xcT  i^oA  qodS 

at  "ilii-ni-t'xvi  ».:     i'firi^    ^tauoo  d^QB  edS  at  bB-gBlL£  bjbw  *(D 

eiii^imB  nl     srOD  iBdtmM  sIooXH  nl  flee;)-xl8  aecfou/tl  tod  a&k   aoTie 

x-ia  x^airi*  aotioeQ  lo  IXarf  riJ-x/oS   erfJ-  to  &ieq  1o  aotatvtbduB 

^atiq  dfujol  Bdt   to  &ba9   ^iia^   Bsa&i  dtroa   ^a9etxte  qlffanwoT 

n  srft  mooi  bt&a  ed&    ^mootc  xxlfitieo  £  qssal  bib   ^n£lblaeffl  I«qlo 

.0*9   *^d"ir)88a  olXcfi/q  lo  eoaXq  a     ■gated  azsdi   ban 

beaxutet  Y'l^'t   ®'^*   ^^^   *Y'^t   X^f  i^tit  n  bbw  eaeriT 

Y^iixfJ"  no  \iLtir^  aoiie   nl  t^tii^nl^Xq  9di  gnlbnlT:  (foibrtev  s 

obIjb     ixi!    jesneolX  £   ttro/f;flw  lox/pll  -^ILieB  aol    ^a^t'njjoo  ow;t 

a  3nlqe6:i{     lo':    ^Jnjjoo    .rfJ^Ga  erfJ-  no   ^\iLtu-^  mtd  anlbnil 

.eonjsalun  jb  saw  ifoliltv  ;faoaea 
nl  aoti-om  £  oals   (Sbjsm  bbw  X£li;f  wen  xo"^  aotioa  A 

9dt  ycT  belneb  eisw  anoli^om  dtod  baa   {taattvgbul   lo  ^seiiB 

lOfze  at  I'iltnlBXq  adt  beorreifneB  noqusiarf*  tiuoo  enT    .^tx/oo 

-lo^nl  &di  lo  tauoo    ,dseB     edl   aoqis  OO.OOXi^   ^o  eatl  e  \aq  oS 

.ByjBb  02   \o  bolieq  jb  ioJ.  ItBl'n.t   benoBlirnil   ecf  ot  has    {ttoitsn 

The  court  also  ordered,  that  the  place  kept  "by  said  plain- 
tiff in  error,  to-wit,  "a  certain  room  on  Lot  number  i6  in 
block  number  1,  in  Smith's  Subdivision  ,  etc.   the  said 
room  then  and  there  being  a  place  of  public  resort",  be  shut 
up  and  abated  until  the  said  John  Roman!  gave  bond  in  the 
penal  sum  of  tl,000.  conditioned  that  he  would  not  sell  any 
intoxicating  liquors  contrary  to  law,  ?.nd  would  pay  all 
fined,  costs  and  damages  assessed  against  him  for  any 
violation  of  law  in  that  regard.   The  Court  also  sentenced 
the  plaintiff  in  error  to  pay  a  fine  of  SsO.OO  on  each  of 
the  33  counte  upon  which  the  jury  had  returned  a  toerdict 
of  guilty;  and,  that  he  stand  committed  until  the  fine  and 
costs  were  paid,  X  writ  of  error  was  then  sued  out,  and 
the  case  brought  to  this  court  for  review. 

One  of  the  errors  complained  of  is,  that  the  des- 
cription of  the  place  of  tte  nuisance  is  not  sufficiently 
certain.  The  objection  in  this  regard  '  is  not  well  taken, 
A  similar  description  of  a  place  found  to  be  a  nuisance, 
was  held  sufficient  by  this  court  in  People  v  Shook,  175 
111.  App,  53. 

But  it  is  also  contended,  that  the  evidence  in  this 
case,  does  not  positively  show,  that  the  drinks  sold  were 
intoxicating.  And  it  is  true  ti  at  there  were  some  wit- 
nesses who  testified  merely,  that  the  beer  which  they  pur- 
chased was  "supposed  to  be  lager  beer",  and  looked  and 
amelled  like  lager  beer;  and  there  was  also  some  of  the  tes- 
timony to  the  effect  that  it  was  thinner  then  the  beer 
usually  sold  in  saloons;  and  that  it  was "temperance  beer" 
or  "Near-beer".   Testimony  of  this  char  cter,  standing  alone 
is,  of  course,  insufficient  to  sustain  a  conviction  on  a 
charge  of  selling  intoxicating  liquor.  There  was  some 

ai.  dS  tedauja  iod  no  oooi  aiJB'aeo  «*    j^iw-od-   ^loina  ni  ili* 

, '-'.-  --if-   ■  \   I'-. 
iit&c   ■■■r.i      ,  roielvlbtfi/S   e'rf^imB  nl    ^I  isdmufl  iooXd 

tirrfa   ad   ,"^10881   o^IJi/q  lo  aOBlq  £  gnlt^d  aierf;^   hns  aadf  nooa 

edi  at  bao6  av£3     InsffloH  rrilot*     M^e   Bdf  li^txsj  b9&A(Sa  bas  qu 

Xns  II»8   *on  bli/ow  ©ri  t&di  fcanol^Jtbnoo    .000»I^   la  mwa  Ijaneq 

XIj8  y*<I     J^Jj/ow  ba4  ^wj&I  o;f   yisTcfnoo  aioi/piX  snl^fioJtxocfnJ: 

XXta  lot  iflM  jt-enliSSJB  baaeaaajs  8S3£ra£b  bn-e  a^feoo   «6aiiJ:1: 

baofisrf^nea  o^Iu  *rmoO  ©rfT, '     ,&t:jj38'x  iarfJ-  nt  wjal   lo  noid"«Xolv 

lo  xfo«d  flo     OO.OSj  to  anJfi  j»  t«<l  «>*  aoa^e  ni  l^l^aiaXq  axf^, 

toib^atf  B  baftau*«i  barf  yi^t     •^>'"  dotdn  aoqu  Btnuoo  85  aii4 

bitA  snfi  9dt  XJtiTtx;  batcTlmaioo  bn-sJ-a  ad  tBdt  ^baa  {x^lXvg  lo 

fxiB     ^iu0     b»isii  aedt  8JSW,T&<xtc»  to  Urn  "K     .Jbi^q  exaw..«^auo 

,w»lYeT  :to1  Stuoo  Btdf  ot  td-^uotd  aaao  Qdi 

-tab  eri^  Jjsns^     ,ax  lo  baniJBlqmoo  aao^tae  aifJ-  '^o  ©nO 

YX*rtalojnr1tf8 '*on  ai  soiiBairifl  aecl*  lo  eo^Xq  ^di  to  nouqxao 

.naiCfiif   iXaw  <#o(T  al  '  btje^si  elrf^  ai  aot:to&t^o  eiST    ^UlAireo 

\%(mBBtua\i&  9<S  oi  bauot  eojsXq  a  to     ao£j'qjt:coaeb  laltoita  k 

~7X   liooriR  T  eXqca*?  nt  tVJOO  dtdi  Ycf  tciatoil'iij  '  3bw 

.S2    ,q7A   .XXI 

8xnj  ni   ii-cneoivs   adJ   fsrif    ^bBbne&ctoo  oei  .  si   it  tuS 

aiew  bl9t  s^JtTF:,  erft  #*ri;r   ^worfa  yXsvl^laoq     *ort  eaob   ^qsjco 

••#I»  amOB  a"xaw  aiarf*  tn/i     euti     al  *i  bnA      ,-Qat&Botxotat 

-tuq  xedc^  rfoiffvr  searf  e/ft  iRdt   t^Xaiam  btt\tt99t  tOdvr  aaaaaxt 

hnz  baiooX  bae     4'xaacf  aas*!  atf  ot  baioqqui"  bavt  bBB&do 

-Bot  exil   to  smoa  oaX£  eaw  Btedi  biie   ^v^aJ  ta^^X  a^IlX  baXXama 

Ttaacf  arf*  nerf#     terJ/rlrfJ-  bbw  if  tarf^     toatte  erf*     oJ-  xnomli 

"aead  soni?l6qiD9i-»B«w  *l   #jBri*  bna   ;anooX«8  nt  bXoa   YXXai/ew 

srtOXfi  >3nlbnj6i8   ^la*o■:IJ5rfo  eirfi  to   ^{ito«l*aaT      ."lescf-iaalt''   :ro 

"  rto  noiJoivnoo     «  nlp;f8i:/8  o:t  ^rreJroittx/snl   ^eaix/oo  to   ^eX 

amoB  e«»  ateriT      .rouptl  sniJ-s-  ixoJnl  gnXXXea   to  •at^iEUlO 

testimony  given  in  the  case,  however,  which  appears  to  "be 
sufficiently  positive  to  whow  that  intoxicating  liquors, 
had  been  sold  in  the  pl^ce  in  question;  and  we  think,  this 
positive  testimony  is  sufficient  to  su  port  a  verdict  of 
guilty;  though  it  is  not  clear,  that  it  is  sufficient  to 
sustain  the  verdict  on  an  of  the  33  counts.  On  account  of 
the  other  questions  involved,  however,  it  will  not  be  neces- 
sary to  go  into  a  detailed  discussion  of  thjs  feat\ire  of  the 

Incidental  to  the  main  inquiry,  as  to  the  sale  of 
intoxicating  liquors,  and  the  keeping  of  a  nuisance,  the 
plaintiff  in  error  was  interrogated  as  to  his  marriage  to 

'^^ Clementina  Romani,  whom  he  claimed,   as  his  -.vife,  and  tes- 
tified that  he  was  married  to  ^er  at  LaSalle,  Illinois,  about 
5  years  before  that  time;  that  hehad  peeviously  obtaineda 
license  therefor,  in  Bureau  county,  A  deputy  county  clerk 
of  Bureau  County,  Frieda  0,  Uelson,  was  called  as  a  witness 
in  rebuttal,  and  without  objection  testified,  that  she  had 
made  an  examination  of  the  records  of  marriage  licenses 
issued  in  Bureau  County, -within  the  eight  years  past;  and 
that,  from  such  examination  she  could  state,  that  no  person 
by  the  name  of  John  Romani,  hadmade  an  application  for  a 
rarriage  license  in  said  county.  After  the  trial  the  witness 

mitted,  and  verified  th^  admission  by  an  affidavir,  th* 
she  was  mistaken  in  her  testimony;  that  there  was  a  record 
showing  the  issuance  of  a  license  to  the  plaintiff  in  errer, 
on  August  4,  1910,  to  marry  Clementina  Boggl.  It  cannot  be 
doubted  that  this  erroneous  testimony  by  the  deputy  county 

'  clerk,  strongly  reflected  upon  the  veracity  of  the  plaintiff 
in  error,  and  introduced  into  the  case  an  element  which 
must  have  affeAdjed  the  weight  to  be  given  to  his  evidence 
\?y  the  Jxiry,  It  placed  the  plaintiff  in  error  in  the  light 

^Ttr.tdi  9*  firti*.   {ttottaeup  at,  Qoilq  ettt  a£trioB  rrsecf  bac\ 

^o     itm/oooB  nO   ,9Sttuc  )■  "^o  Xl-e  no  totftiey  9rf;f    at^f^t 

-asoen  ed  i^on 'Iliw'ifJt   ,ttevdwo/f  ^bevlorrtt  Mttottaeup  Torfto  e'riJ 
8x1^  lo  etr/JiSe^  'strfJ"  '^o  rrdlasxroeib  beliBtsft  b  ofctt  crs'^f  i-iaa 


r«B'#rfJ  of  •JB^^lijprtl  fltjsm  e'ff*  ot  Is&nebtonl 

erij    ^eoniseliJrt  jb  to  -sttiqetji.  sdi  bas\9iosjpt£    gftltfioixod'rtj 

0*  egslaiiifli  alrf  oi'  ae  JbetEsoxiei-flX  a*w  totie  rri  "i^idrfl'iSic 

-ae*  Jbnxj   ^ellw  aJtrf  iB  "  ',beml£lo  erf  morfw  ^lastnoPl  snttnsdi'iZ 

ivQds  ^aldnJtlir  \eIIa8i»J  Jr«  teg  o;f  beliiBm  bbw  ©ri  i-arit  fcailiJ 

jBi)8nls;|-cfo  YlBiiolT^'dsq  JDsrferf  JjBrf*    lemJtt  ;tJ5rf*  sTolacf  etJBeif'^ 

alTsXo  Y*nx/oo  ■  Y^J^qsJb  A   ,'\fi'XTUdo  i/seTi/S  ni  ,ioloi9rf;f  eanaoiJ 

aaefx^lw  a  iiJB  JbaXIao  aifw  "^ftoaXsW   ,0  abaiz'?   ^xtais:]0  ifBeii/S  fc 

l)arf  erfa  J*n7    ^Jb9lll;f88;J  noitoet^o  fuoAtH  bn£  ^Lsfi-udsr  ai 

aesneoJtX  egjsJtii^m  ^0  BMoostt  srfJ-     ^0  noiifaniausxe  n*  sfc^r 

fjnjB   irf-BJBq  aajsey  trfglfl  fcif^t  ntdti^-^x^ctuoO  ubbiuB  ai  beuaeJ 

noBisq  on   &£iili    ^»&Bte   biuoo  srfe  noJrtisnJtniJSxe   liouB'aozl'  ^t&di 

-•.oiteotLqas  tta  ahJBmfijBrf  ^Infimofl  nrfoL  to'  entcn  9rf;t  '"iti 

BBocsttTf  »iii  tBi-zt  edt  *x9ilk> \x^nuoQ     Msa  nl  ftaneoiX  e^^i^xian 

♦rid-   4iclv£fcllWfi<B  ycf    iToxBBtflrfcs  ^^rf^  beJf^itev  bnn  ^b9tftm■'.Ji 

biooett  £  B«w  sisrfJ     tjsrf*    iTtfiottiJaei  xarf  nl  fl;9>fB:f-Biflr  BBtr 'aria 

^ttaiae  at  fititttAlq'  edf  oJ'BtfleoiX  «  lo  eort^ifBah  6cl&  grriwDrfa 

9cf  ifonn-eo  *1    .JtagoQ  acttinetuBLt  xttjsm  ot   »OXCI   ^i'  tstrgx/A  nc 

Y^nuon  ytuq©f>  e.-^t  ycT  YnomiJas*  ax/oerrbmca  alriif  i^arfit     bttrf-fcfiiof: 

l^l*nl£j  to  ^*lo»«r  drf*  ttoqx;  Jbe*08l*6T  yXsriOTita   ^:ftt6io 

.fulriw  ^xtsmsXe  riJ8  eajBO  ecit  otat  bBOubo-xiai  bni^loaiB  ai 

©onehJtve  aJtri  o&  navlg  acf  p^  tfx^Jtew  erlf  fcetb^stlB  ev-£Jif  J^8iJfl 

^trfgiX  €)rf*  nJt  ioi:ce*  ril  lll^rtJtAXq  erf*  beoaXq  *T   ,x^t  »rft' Yd 

of  having  given  falee  testimony;  also  brought  to  the  jury 

the  inference,  that  he  was  living  in  an  open  state  of  adultery. 

The  credibility  of  the  testimony  of  the  plaintiffin 
error,  in  thia  casx,  was  a  very  material  matter.  There  was 
evidence  tending  to  show  that  Clementina  To^ani  was  the 
keeper  of  this  resort;  there  was  also  evidence  tending  to 
show  that  the  plaintiff  in  error  was  the  keeper.  There  was 
evidence  tending  to  show,  that  at  least  soir.e  of  the  beer 
sold  by  the  plaintiff  in  error,  was  "near  bear",  Abd  the 
plaintiff  in  error,  when  called  as  a  witness  in  his  own  be-half 
testified  positive ;y  that  his  wife  was  the  keeper  and  "boss" 
of  this  place;  that  she  had  owned  the  bar  fixtiirea  and  fur- 
nitute  in  the  place,  before  their  marriage;  that  the  beer 
which  was  sold  by  him,  was  sold  as  agent  for  his  wife;  and 
that  he  did  not  sell  anything  but  "Near-beer".  It  will  be 
seen  that  the  credibility  of  the  plaintiff  in  error  with  ref- 
erence to  the  question  of  his  guiltjc  or  innocence,  was  one 
of  the  important  matters  to  be  determined  by  the  jury  in  the 
case;  the  extent  of  his  guilt,  at  least,  had  to  be  determined 
practically  with  reference  to  his  credibility  as  a  witness, 
in  connection  with  the  other  evidence  in  the  case.  Under 
these  circumstances,  the  mistake  in  the  testimony  of  Frieda 
0,  Nelson,  and  the  damaging  effect  it  must  have  had,  brings 
the  case  clearly  within  the  rule  laid  down  by  the  Supreme 
Court,  in  People  v  Pezutto  355  111,  583,  concerning  the 
effect  of  mistakes  made  by  witnesses  in  their  testimony. 
And  ikpon  the  showing  made  by  plaintiff  in  error,  on  the 
action  for  a  new  trial,  of  the  discovery  of  the  mistake  of 
the  deputy  county  clerk  in  her  testimony,  the  court  should 
fe»ve  granted  a  new  trial. 

We  are  also  of  opinion,  that  the  court  should  ha«  given 
the  4th,  instruction  requested  by  the  plaintiff  in  error. 

Viwt  Ci^^     0*  tdr^uoid  oeX£   i-<(nomttB6t  eaisl:  nsvlg  3niv*4  H 
ri'iettubJi  lo  st':;^e  neqo  ne  nx  gnlviX  esw  »ri  i^eil;t    ,eonsae'ini   r 

•«w  iuerfT    .leifJ-^m  IfilieJ'sm  yiev  jb  tjsw  ^xsjeo  ex/  ^loi: 

oi^  2nir)n8J^  ©or.aaivs  osIb     bjbw  ©xerfJ    jJxoaea  airfit    lo  lev^j! 
aJ5W  onariT    .leqeeaf  eii^  e^w  aoiie  rcJt  &£ii  f&dt  vfoi 
19Q(S     ecif  to  emoe  ie^el  t&  fAdi   ^worie  o^  gnJtbn©;^  eoflsjbx 
edi  MA      ,"T«8cf  ijssn*   «J8W  t^oiie  at  "iltitttsLq  9d&   Ycf  i). 
lXsrf-9cr  nwo  Bid  ni  aesnJ'iw  js  ejs  ijelXeo  narfw  tioaas  nt  lltint^jj 
"aaocf"   im&  xsqecol  Bd}  aj5w  eliw  axri  ^JsriJ-     xE^evJtd-jtaoq  iieili^'af 
-ixrl   £<n£  eaxjji'xil:   icd  odf  benvo  bed  pda  f&d:^    ieosXq  atd^ 

£tn£i   49IXV  exri  xol  JnegjB  e£  bXoa   esw  ^mlrf  vd  Moe  8i3w  rio 
©cf  lit'V''  fl    ."xescf-xeeH*   ^fi/cf  snlrfJyrxjs     XsEea  J- on  bib  eri  ;fi. 
-lea  dti'fi  xoxxa  rtl  lli^t-nlaXq  edi  lo  villldiibQio  adi  &&d;f  ne< 
ano  e«w  ^aoaeoonnJt  xo  j^^tltuyi  airf  to  nol^Bsxfp  eri*  o*     eono: 
©rid  rtx  YXL't   ed&  xd  bectlmte&Bb  ad  o;f  sist^tBtn.  tnBiioqjai.  Qdi  1 
£)anjtcixe;taL  ed  oJ'  ^-sri  ti"eael  J'jb   ^&ii.^2  sJfcrf  lo  JneJ^xe  en*    ;ei^ 
»eB8ft:fi:w  £  e-s  ycUXxa'ibexo  alri  ot  eonexslex  dtivj  '^il&oi.toi: 
xebnU     ,eaj2o  adi-  at  eonebivs  x©r[*o  erid"  ritiw  noii'oennoo  x 
Mbatrl.     lo  ynoflJid'Es*  ©rfJ  ni  e^&tBla  9dt  ^aeonjsi-emjjoxio  aaei: 
9<jfiXrd   ^b£d  evjsrf  iavm  &i:   *o©lls  grfigjBmsh  9ri;t  bn^  jfloaXeW   , 
BBiexquS   silJ  ■^d  nwoi5  Ijx^X     ftXxn:   ©xfJ-  jtiixfitJtw  yXxaalo  ©e£)0  ©r 
srL^   anlnxsonoo   ,E85    .XII   ScS  ottsj&eH  v  eXqo©^  nl   ^iiui 
^•^notatte&t  xxerfJ-  nJ:  aaaaanifiw     yd  sb&si  aM-Sjaini  lo  *o©';' 
ariv   no   ^xox-xs  ni  lljfci-nisXq  x<i  obam.  ^atftode  sd^  noqi  U 
lo  eH&tBlsn  ©rfJ-  lo  x'^^svooaih  adt  lo   ^XfilxJ-  w©n  a  xol  nojt^c 
Mi/orla   i'xxfoo  scii   ^-^oaxtaei  xari  fli,  3txeXo  ycfni/oo  ytuqen  f 

.Xjsxxt  wan  b  b&iaBx:^  a\* 
xx6v2a  «pfiri  Mjjorfa  J-ii/oo  eriJ-   ;fi3rl*    ^xioiniqo  lo  oaXJS  ax*  aW 

.xoxxa  lit  lli^nl^Xq  erfcf  yd  iiai-aaxrpax  aottauntBat     ,di-^-  ax 

This  instruction  was  proper  and  applicable,  in  directing 
the  jury's  attention  to  the  necessity  of  sufficient  proof 
that  the  beer  sold,  was  Intoxicating  beer;  and  not  "root- 
beer"  or  other  beers,  which  are  known  to  be  npn-intoxicating. 
The  aoouaed  has  a  right  to  have  the  jury  instructed  with 
substantial  accuracy,  as  to  the  law  applicable  to  the  case, 
(Hoge  V  People  117  111.  35.) 

For  the  errors  Indicated  the  judgment  of  the  county 
court  of  Bureau  County,  should  be  reversed,  and  the  cause 
remanded  for  another  trial. 

Reversed  and  remanded. 

\  I 

■'..'" .".J.  jic  ■■ 

.^att&otxofat-nqn  ©d  o:f  nv.o/tjl  ©ib  rfoirfw     ^saeecf  aerfj-o  10  "aesd 

xtt-jtw  b©rf^oin:fenl  y^x/^  erij-  evarf  oi^  i-rfglT  «  aarf  fceei/oofi  srfT 

♦  eeso  ©rfv^   oj^     eldeolXqqjs  wbI  ©rfj  od-  es   ^\oa1iJOoe  Istta&taduB 

(.es   .1X1  VXX  eXqoe?  V  ©aoH) 
Ytooo  srfJ^  lo  cfnemafcut  Bdt  btiSsoibnl  bxoit©  ©ri^  :col 

eejjfio  ©rii^  bnjs  ^!>Bei9V9'x  sd  fcXi/orie   ^Y^^iJt'o'^  ujseiua  lo  J-auoo 

.XBiii-  i9rf*oiiB  -.ol  befcnaitiea 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  j  ^^-        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 
seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 
March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 


AT  A  TERM  OF  THE  APPEfLATE  COURT,  "^^^,v*,^ 

ieg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sixth  day  of  October, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fourteen, 

within  and  for  the  Second  Dialtrict  of  the  State  of  Illinois; 

Present--The  Hori.  DUANE  J.  CARn|s,  Presiding-  Justice. 


Honi    DORRANCE   DIBELL,    Justice-,    r^    ^    ^      .  ^ 

v^hAjOHNM.    NIfflAUS,    Justice.  J- •  rl  •     ^  Z/  Q 

CHRIs\rOPHER   C./dUFFY,    Clerk. 

\  f 

J.  G,  VlSCHK&(  Sheriff. 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 

of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 

the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit : 


Gen,  No,  5983 

Carl  Swaneon,  et  al  appellants, 

V8  Appeal  from  Rock  Island, 

John  F,  Rose  et  al  appellees. 

Niehaus,  J 

Thia  l3  an  action  on  the  oaea  "brought  in  the  Circuit 
Court  of  Rook  Island  County,  by  the  appellants,  against  the 
i    appellees,  John  F,  Ross,  Coroner  of  said  County,  and  August 
H,  Arp,  a  physician,  to  recover  damages  for  paid  and  anguish 
of  mind,  caused  by  an  autopsy  alleged  to  have  been  wrongfully 
performed,  whereby  the  body  of  a  deceased  brother  of  appelleuits 
was  "cut,  hacked  and  mutilated"  by  o  ening  the  abdomen,  and 
removing  poortions  thereof,  etc.   The  original  declaration 
was  filed  December  4,  1911;   and  the  appellees  filed  a 
general  demurrer  to  the  same,  which  was  sustained  by  the  court. 
General  leave  was  tlien  given  to  appellants  to  amend. 

On  June  35,  1913,  appellants  filed  an  amended  declara- 
tion, to  which  appellees  filed  a  general  and  special  demurrer . 
The  demurrer  and  aome  of  the  special  causes  of  demurrer,  were 
sustained  by  the  Court,  on  January  14,  1914;  and  the  court 
thereupon  entered  an  order  dismissing  the  suit,  at  appellants 

On  April  3,  1914,  durinp;  the  same  tern  at  which  the 
order  of  dismissal  was  entered,  appellants  filed  a  motion 
to  set  aside  the  order  dismissing  the  suit;  to  reinstate  the 
cause  on  the  docket;  and  to  allow  appiellants  to  file  a  second 
amended  declaration,  a  copy  of  which  was  attached  to  the  mo- 
tion. This  motion  was  denied,  on  the  4th,  day  of  April  1914; 
and  appellants  thereupon  prayed  an  appeal  to  this  court. 
The  errors  assigned  on  this  appeal  are  as  follows! 
1,  The  court  erred  in  denying  plaintiffs  motion  to  vacate  the 

CSea    .oW    .neO' 

.brsisltl    ^'/n.-'T    ;TfoiT-     rf'^fTfiA  BY 

.88oIl8qrri5   Ijb   *•   880R    ,T  nrfbt. 

ttuoriO  ©rli  rti  J^rf3i/o:icf  eaiso  edS  no  noi:;fOB  ab  ei   al/fP 

exi*  teniJBSje   ^iitnjKlIsqqB  eri/'  y^  »xi"ni/oO  briBlal  aloofl  "co  tiuoO 

teu^x/A  brrB   4^*01/00  bifie  to  leno^oO   ^eiofi   ,%  nrfoT.   ^seelleqna 

xfaiixgnB  bna  iiilBq  aol:  88;gBmBb  levoosi  o&   ^nBioieyrfq  -s   »<l^A   ,H 

Xlli/I^a^oiw  n©?cf  evBrf  ot  bs'^eiln  yaqo^i/B  n«  ycf  beai/jeo   ^bnJim    to 

•  tnBlXeqqB  lo  loA&oici  bsa^soeb  «  'to  x^o^^  ^^^^   ycfaisrfw   ^Jbooccolasq 

bfijC'   ^namoocfB  9rfc^  snlne  o  ycf  "b8*sXjt;fjj»  bns  be^foBri  ^Juo"   aBW 

nolitBiJsXoeb  iBnlgj^^o  erIT      ,0*s   ^loeierlit     anoiJxoq  ^nlvomsi 

«  b»lJt1  aeaXIeqqB  arfJ   bns     iXXe^   ^^  iscrmsosd  beXJtl   sbw 

.Jaxroci  srf^    \fcf  benlfi^fairs   bbw  riolriw   ^smBe   erfJ    Ov+  isaiuraeb  XBifenss 

•  bnerriB  o;f  a^tnaXXaqq^  oi     aevt-g  nadS   aBw  evaeX  X£idfl80 

-BijsXosb  babnemB  an  beitl   sitaBXXeqoB     ,CXex   ^SS  snxxL  nO 

.  sbitumBb  Laiosqe  bciB  L&ita9-^  a  bsXJtl  aesXXeqqB  iloJtrfw  oi    ^aoi.t 

eiew  ^leziumttb  to  aaai/BO  XBloeqs  erfJ-  lo  amoa  bn£  tetiimob  sriT 

*Tuoo  srft  bnB   jJ^xex   jM  y^BunBL  no  »^xi/oO     Bdi   xd  b^atntBua 

B^rtJBXIaqrB  tji  ^ii.  3   $!it     snlaaimatb  i9biQ  aa  beifiino  aoqusiodi 

»dt  doldv  t£  utBt  •ouia  %dt   Qntiub  ^tsLQl   ^C  LtioX  nO 

notifon  £  bBitJ  ecrnaXXeqq<B  ^bBrsins  bbw  X«aai:mijtb  I0  lebio 

sxfiJ^   e^isJ-aniat  o^    {ttsm  tidt  aftlaelraaib  lebio  edt     ablaB  *8a   oS 

bflooaa  B  Bltt  oi  a^xxBXXeqqB  woIXb  ot  brtB   ;^ej(oob  drfd*  no  aai/BO 

-om  srfl  oJ'  berfOBd-i^B  bbw  riolrfw  to  yqoo  b   ^flOltBiBXoab  fiebnsn* 

l-S'XSX  liiqA  to  \Bb   ,dt^  arf.t  no   ^belnab  aew  noiJ-om  eixfT    .noiJ" 

,*Tuoo  airiJ  o*  XBeqqB  ab  be^Biq  noquBredt  atnBXXsqqa  bns 

tawoXXot  8B  8TB  XjBsqqB  Bliii  no  ben-QtBaB  axoiia   eriT 

Bdt  ©J-BO/iv  ot     noitom  atti^fnlBXq  sniynab  nt  bexiB  tiitoo  eriT    ,X 

order  dismissing  thair  suit  »nd  denying  their  motion  to 
reinstate  said  cause  and  grant  leave  to  plaintiffs  to  file 
an  amended  declaration  ths^^ein  instanter, 
3/  Tlie  court  erred  in  dismissing  plaintiffs  suit  at  their  costs. 

3.  The  court  erred  in  sustaining  defendants  demurrer  to  plaing 
tiffs  original  declaration. 

4.  The  court  erred  in  Bustaining  defendants  demvurrer  to  plain- 
tiffs amended  declaration. 

5.  The  court  should  have  allowed  plaintiffs  motion  to  vacate 
order  dismissing  plaintiffs  suit  and  should  have  reinstated 
said  cause  and  granted  leave  to  plaintiffs  to  file  an  ameHted 
declaration  as  proposed  in  thisir  motion  to  that  effect. 

Concerning  the  third  assignm-nt  of  error,  it  may  be  said, 
that  the  appellants  waived  their  right  to  insist  upon  the  val- 
idity and  sufficiency  of  the  original  declaration,  when  they 
obtained  leave  of  court  to  file  an  amended  declaration,   (Re- 
tail Merchants  Fire  Ins.  Co,  v  Coz,  138^  111.  App,  14;  Maeg- 
eriein  v  Chicago,  337  111,  159.) 

Passing  to  a  con'^ideration  of  the  other  errors  assigned 
we  fine  as  to  the  amended  declaration  to  which  a  demurrer 
was  sustained,  that  while  the  record  does  not  disclose,  that 
the  appellants  elected  to  abide  by  this  declaration,  it  must 
be  presumed  that  they  intended  to  do  so;  inasmuch  as  they 
took  no  steps  from  'which  an  abandonment  of  it  could  be  infer- 
red; and  they  are  therefore,  in  the  same  petition  as  if  they 
had  formal^  Indicated  an  intention  to  stand  by  this  declara- 
^.  tion.  (Bennet  v  Union  STsntral  Life  Co.  203  111,  444.)  The 
amended  declaration  however,  is  not  set  out  in  the  abstract 
and  hence  we  are  not  required  to  examine  it;  and  the  abstract 
therefore,  does  not  show  any  error  in  the  court  in  dismissing 
the  suit. 

As  to  the  action  of  the  court  in  refusing  to  set  aside 

Bill    OS    BtlltnlBlq  0t^91lBBi    ^£I.B1S    hCTB      9$uAp^  biAM    ^f^a^f^ 

tTi  ta^taat  nle'ft.iJ-  aottntsloBb  btbaBma  a£ 
,8^eioo  lisAi  iB  &tua  BtlttnlBlq,  -j^lBBluBtb  at  baixB  txu^o  er^  ^ 
^rrlAlq  OJ^   iBX^uia^L  BtaxbrnBl^b     :^tatA&BUP.  at  bsziB  t^iuoo  erTT    •£ 

,aoXtsziiioeh  laniglao  allJt* 
-nlaXq  o*  tBi-xvmBb  BiaMbnBteb  -QnlaiBtBUB  at  bsine  t-iuoo  ©rfT   ,* 

.nor^jBiJsXoeb  JbebnemB  aHld- 

6ijeo*v  od-  noxj-offl  al^id-nlalq  bByrolL£  Braii  blx/orie   Jrrx/QO  ©rfT    •S 

Jbo;^£j8njtda  evfirf  blx/oxfa  Jbnjs  #ljja  aliitnifilq  anJteeimsJtb  lobko 

bflfeetRA  n«  till:  ot  Blli^nlsLq,  oi  ov£»X     bei^n^^t^  &nn     eai/AO  JbiiiSa 

,ifo8"il:s  i'jBri.t  oi  aottoa  ziidS  nt  heaoqo  .  lottsiAioBh 

-X/..  ..;)-Qy  taxanX  od   tii-^ti   ixsrU   bevXjBW  aJnaXIaqqB  ©rfi.  ij^i 

\eiii  nsrfw  4«oi;ffiiaXo©b  Xjenialio  ©K>'  Vo  x^naJtollt^i/a  fiStJB  Y^lbl 
-^Si)  .flolJjBTJBXosb  babneffli.  ns  sXXIt  ot  tiijoo  lo  avjseX  bsnlfiJcfo 
-SOfiK   ;*X    ,qqA   ,XXI  ^8£X   ^soO     v   ,oO    .inl   eiil     aJnBrfoisM  Xlai' 

(.eex   .Xl'l  7CS   ^o^AotdO  v  nXoUd 

ben3l»8-s  atoias  larfJo  nocJ-fiaebienoo  js  od^  gnJ:«8J8<T 

■ ).    ,  ■ 
..!i8b  JB  rfolrf?.-  oj    noid"j8LJ8loaf>  b©bn8injB  erf^  r»x?    ev/ 

tAfU'   ,eaoXoaJ:b  ion  aaob     baoosa  erf;f  sXlrfw     tndt   ^banX^.-^aue   a«w 

dvi/ffl  it   ^ttott&'iniOBb  Btdf  ycf  abXtfa     oi  be^foals   ad-n^XXoqqiB  erft 

YSffd^  a«  ri0i/H!8BnX    ;o8  oh     od'  babnad^nJ:  xbxH  tsdt     baraijaeaq  nd 

"tetni   scf  bXi/oo  d^i   >o   ^np^frohnacffl  «£   riolrfv  ttoal:     aqed-s   on  aloo* 

^{eil.    li   Sit     nolitB9<\  ?>•  nt    ^aioleisrf^f  Bie  \Bdi  uxm   jbai 

--•tJBXbab  Btdt  y(jf  bnjSv  -tl  n£  ba^Bolbnl    yflmnio'i  bad 

Si.T   (,^^1^   ,xxr  £015   .©Oi  ©^IJ  XAiJnsfl  floxntj  v  ^©nnsff)    ,aoti 

*OJBi*acfjB  ©rf^  nt  iuo  tQ^,   ion  ai    ^isvswoif  iioi*BiBXoeb  b©bn6m4 

t&Ai^adJi  arf^  bas   i#i'  ©nlm^xa  o;r  b©tciup8'X  J-on  bis  aw  aorxsH  bnia 

anXae'X'maih  at  tiuoo  «  'J  ni   loiia   ynB  worfe   iton  aeob  ^eaoloaarfit 

,ttUB    9dt 

BblBM  t99  Ot   snXeulaT  nt  aottos   ©rft  o#  bA 

the  order  dismiasing  the  case,  and  denying  leave  to  file  a 
seconded  amended  declaration,  it  may  be  reasonably  presumed 
that  some  showing  was  made  for  and  aj^ainst  the  allowance  of 
this  motion,  which  was  made  nearly  three  months  after  the 
case  had  been  dismissed;  but  such  shovring,  whatever  it  may 
have  been,  is  not  preserved  in  the  bill  of  exceptions;  and  i  n 
the  absence  of  any  record  of  what  showing  was  made,  it  must 
be  presumed  that  the  Court  acted  properly  in  denying  the  mo- 
tion and  refusing  to  reinstate  the  case.   It  may  be  here 
emphasized,  too,   that  the  written  motion,  and  the  attached 
paper,  purporting  to  be  an  amended  declaration,  cannot  be 
considered  in  this  case,  because  thsy  are  not  a  part  of  the 
record;  not  having  been  embodied  in  the  bill  of  exceptions. 
Any  writ  en  motion,  in  an  action  at  law^  must  be  embodied  in 
the  bill  of  exceptions,  to  preserve  it  as  a  matter  of  record, 
(People  V  Taxman  186  111,  App,  348,)   For  the  reasons  stated 
the  judgment  must  be  affirmed. 

Judgment  affirmed. 

bowi/8e:rq  vidsr^oeBei:  9cf  ■^vism  i-jt    ^^oii•J^1.SJ  oeb  bebnawja  bebnooee 

lo  awiAWoIiB  9d1-  ;t»frijrnfl  bnfi  lol  ebsm  bbw  ^niworfs  srtnOB  *BrfJ 

!>ff;J-  ibJ^b     •ilJ'rtOOT  eeTfft  vXiBort  ©feaw  bjsw  rfolrfw  ^xiot^om  eiri^f 

YJsm  it  aevstariw  ^gnlworfe  rfoi/e   Jtrd   ibeaBimeib  nsad  barf  oa^o 

n  i  bns   janoli-qsoxe  to  Xllcf  9iii  ni.  bevreBBtq  ifoti  ai   ,flesd  »v«rf 

i-Birai  *i    ^abBfff  a£w  gniirorfe  #Bxfw  lo  Moost  yna  "io  eonaaJB  erf'* 

-Ofii  odt     ■gni-^asb  ni  x-^^^riOiq  beJ-OB  d-ijJoO  ©rft  ifB/fJ^  bani/se^cq  e<f 

oiaxf  9cf  Y'S''^  *I     .esBo  ©rfi  oJB^renls'i     od^     jgrctatrlsi  bfiB'ffoi-J' 

b©rfoad-*B  &cif  biiB   ^ttottoas  nsJJ^llw  ©rfj-  iferf^      jOo;^   ^beaiaBrfqme 

acf  J-Oftrtao   ,flox*BiBloab  fcabnsniB  n«  sd  oi  i^attiociuq   ^x»q^iq 

9Ai-  lo  tteq  s  ion  ©ib  x^i^i  eaueostf  jObbo  eJtrfi^  ni  be^tabiertoo 

.anoiJ'qeoxe  "^o  Hid  sriJ  ni  bai bocfaia  at>edl  •gatv£d  ton   jbTooei 

ni  baibodmo  ad"  tBum   ^WBi   ;ffi  noiitOB  ab  ni   ^ftoi^offl  ne   itirtw  ■^«A 

.bTOOsa  1o  i»)i&&m  b  bb  ti  »vi»et9zq  ot   ^anortqaoxe     io  IXicf  stit 

bet£tB'  enoBBci  9tif   10'?      { .Bi>t   .qqA    ,IIT  881  flBiaxBT  v  elqoa^) 

.beriTiilliB  ad  tBi/at  tnanrgbirt   s'^* 
.bawriHB  i-nefngfH/I. 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  '"'■        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing'  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 
seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 
March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  srixth  day  of  October, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nij^e  hundred  and  fourteen, 


within  and  for  the  Second  District  q,c  the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Presiding  Justice. 
Hon.  d|3RRANCE  DIBELL,  Justice, 
-^n.  j\hN  M.  NIEHAUS/  Justice.  19  3  I»A,  3  0  1 
J.  G.  MI^CHKE,  Sheriff. 



BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 


Gen.  No.  5993, 

J.  R.  Xepple  et  al  appellants, 

vs  Aopeal  from  Knox, 

Philip  Stoddard,  appellee. 

Niehaue,  J, 

This  was  a  suit  in  assumpsit,  commenced  in  the  circuit 
court  of  Knox  County,  to  recover  an  alleged  balance  due  as 
part  of  the  purchase  price  of  a  horse,  which  appellee  claimed 
he  sold  and  delivered  to  appellants.   The  appellants  deny, 
that  the  sale  was  consummated;  and  insist  that  the  horse  was 
never  delivered  to  them;  and  that,   therefore,  they  are  not 
liable.   The  case  turns  mainly  upon  thie  question  of  delivery, 
Tiie  parties  agree  that  a  bargain  wss  ma'^e  for  the  horse  in 
question,  in  August  1911  j  and  that  the  purchase  price  was  !r95,00 
and  that,  according  to  the  bargain  as  originally  made,  the 
appellee  was  to  drive  the  colt  twice;  and  that  he  was  to  put 
a  halter  on  him;   and  deliver  him  in  a  day  or  two.   Appellee 
testified,  that  he  went  to  town  the  morning  after  the  bar- 
gain had  been  made;  and  there  dajt   met  the  appellant  Kepple, 
who  inquired  if  he,  appellee,  could  pasture  the  horse;  where- 
upon appellee  replied,  "I  havent  got  any  pasture.   You  will 
have  to  see  the  old  man";  that  appellant  hereupon  inquired 
where  the  old  man  wae;  and  being  informed  that  the  old  maa 
was  in  town,  he  went  to  look  for  him;  afterwards  he  came  back 
and  told  appellee,  that  he  had  hired  pasture  of  appellee's 
father,  and  was  soinp  to  leave  the  horse  out  there;  and  v!0\M 
get  him  there,  when  he  wanted  him;  that  In  this  way,   the 
horse  was  left  in  the  pasture  of  appe."  lee's  father,  W,  FI 
Stoddard,  where,  in  the  following  month  of  October,  he  wae  hurt 
by  coming  in  contact  with  a  wire. 

.seee  ,ovi  ,neO 

.xon^T  mo7>  Ipe"  A  av 

.dellf^ar'fi    ^br£bho:t3   qiUtrfl 

ttuoilG  ericf   nt   2>eone/T;rr!00    ^ttaqmueeB  at   Hub  &   sfiw  aixfT 

«£  Sifb  son^Ixid"  hegaXxB  n£  tisvooei  ot    4Y;fni/oO  xon3{  ^o  Jix/oo 

ibftffllalo  asXIsqqjs  rforriw   ^eeiorf  j?  "io  eoliq  esjsrfoijjq  scit     to  &\Mq 

^Vnsb  eJ'nfilleqqjB  eriT      .m&a&lLeqqB  o&  be:tevlleb  brc*  Mo*  eii 

SBW  esiorf  axl'   tMdf  taisat  bna   [bBfemasuBnoo  sjsw  bIab  ecii  i&di^ 

ton  8i£  y©rf;t   ,tio'i©aerf*      ^#*ri.t   brrfi   (meriJ^   ot  beisvilsb  nsve-n 

»Yievil9b  \o  nott»&up  atdt  no^jj  YJ^ni^srer  anoi/t  eajso  sriT      .oIcTjBil 

nl  eaioil  9:'t     rot  9^>Am  aaw  nljBgTJBcr  jb  d-arft   aei3s  aeii^aaq  silT 

OO.SGlS   «jsw  eoliq  easrioui/q  srfj-   tsdi  htiG   {ILBl   tau^uk  nt    ^noiJaewp 

aiit    ^ef)J5ra  Yllsniglio  ss  nt&vixd  erfJ^  o;r     gnlhioooa   ,*«oJ-  baM 

tifq  ot   8fiw  8ri  t&dt  haA    jeoJtw.i'   ^loo   erf;^   evinf)   o^   aisw  esllaqq* 

ssIIeqqA      ,owj-  3:0   yjsb   b  rti  mirf  isvilsb  bns      ;mirf     rro  letled  m 

-tzd  eri.t  19*1jb     gniniom  sdt  nwo^t   o,?   Jnew     ad  tadt   ^Jbeil  c^eat 

^eXqqs^  ^a^XIsqqii  edt     t&m  ifax  Bxedt   hns    {abnta  nascf  bed  ala-^ 

-e'lerfw   ;eeaori     adi  anstaBq  hluoo   ^esXIsqqe  ^ad  \t  bartupat  oria 

Xiiw     x/oY      ,©ix;j8£q  yn*  ^03  Jneveri  I"    ^batlqsr  saXXeqq*  noqu 

beiii/pfljt  aoquatfid     tnMLl9qaB  tAdt    ;*nJ8m  Mo  adt  aaa  ot  ©VAri 

«jBni  JbXo  erfl   t&dt  batmolat  gni&d  ban   jajBw  flfim  bXo  srfi^     ©leriw 

ilofid  eniJBO  erf  abajswas^f^ii    i.Tjjtri  xoZ   3{ooX  o:t   i^nevr  erf  ,nwo;f  nl   b£W 

a'eeXisqqa  l:o  aiuta^r^  beitd  bMd  ed     t£dt   ^esXX&qqis     JbXo^  bnA 

iXi/ow  ixiA   {aiadt  tao  eeaori     erfd-  ev^el  0*  ^nlog  b£w  bns,   ^xadtAt 

adt      tXJiw  atdt  at   i-adt    [mtd  hetan^  ad  neriw   ^aradt  mtd  ta 

Ti    ,W   ^tterf^Jsf  a'aal  aqqA  lo  aii/^aBq  8rf;f   at   ttel  bjbw  eatoa 

tnud  ajsw  erf   ^^xadotoO  to  dtaom  latvoLiot  adt  at   ^eierfw  ^biJibbotQ 

,artv  £  dttvr  to&taoo  at  -^atmoo  xd 

W.  F,  Stoddard,  appellees  father,  corroborated  hig  son  oon- 
oerning  the  matter  of  pasturing  the  horse  for  appellants.  He 
testified  that  he  had  a  talk  with  appellant  Kepple,  in  St- 
Augustine,  in  August;  that  ICepple  wanted  him  to  pasture  the 
horse  for  him;  and  he  finally  agreed  to  do  so,  and  told  Kep^e 
he  might  let  him  stay  in  the  pasture.  The  appellant,  Kepple 
denied  that  he  saw  appellee  in  town  the  next  day  after  the 
bargain  had  bean  made;  and  denied  also,  that  he  had  any  con- 
versation vvith  the  appellee,  or  with  appellee's  father, 
about  pasturing  the  horse. 

If  it  be  a  fact,  that  the  appellant  agreed  with  appellee 
and  appellee's  father,  that  appellee's  father  should  hold 
the  horse  in  question  in  his  pasture,  for  the  appellants, 
until  appellants  got  ready  to  take  him,  then  the  delivery 
to  appellants  was  completed  by  this  transaction,  which  amounted 
to  a  transfer  of  the  possession  of  the  horse,  from  appeliee 
to  appellants. 

The  jury  by  renderinj^  their  verdict,  in  effect  found 
the  facts  constituting  the  delivery,  or  the  transfer  of  the 
possession,  from  appellee  to  appellants,  to  be  as  claimed  by 
appellee.  WJiether  the  facts  constituting  the  delivery  were 
as  testified  by  appellee,  or  the  facts  were  as  claimed  by  the 
appellants,  was  purely  a  question  for  the  jury  to  pass  upon, 
and  not  a  question  for  the  court  to  decide.   The  credibility 
of  the  witnesses  who  testify  in  a  u  case,  and  the  weight  to 
bs  given  to  their  testimony,  are  questions  for  the  jury. 
(Lowry  v  Orr,  1  Gilm.  69.  Martin  v  Morelock,  33  111,  485; 
Chicago  &  A.  R.  Co.  V  Fisher,  141  in.  614;  McGregor  v  Reid 
Murdock  &  Co,  73  111.  464,  ) 

Appellants  also  complain,  because  -he  court  below 
sustained  an  objection  to  a  question  put  to  appellant  Clark 

an   .t*nEll9qr:B  lol  cerrorf  9ri;f  snlTif^aaq  W  -ie^f^am'eH^  gnirt^oo 

-*?i  ni    .elqqsX  tnJBlI-^qqB  Ait^  *i*f   e   bBrf  erf  t«rit  bsili^ae:^ 

afl;t   ^ijjJ8£q  ocf  Mill  batnjBw  eiqqeX     *«d:r    iJeusx/A  n±   .ertttaugi/A 

aliiqeS  Mo:^  fcna   »08  ob  oc^  baeoga  ^fXI^nit  erf  hni?   ifflirf  ^ol  aaiorf 

alqqs^I   ,*flBlIaqo£  ariT    .aii/taaq  arf^  at  ^^is  mid.  JaX   Jriaifli  eil 

9iii  rails  xAb  txen  ari^  flwoi  aJt  aaiXaqqfi  >*«*  arf  *«^i^  bBla»b 

-noo  vna  bari  sri  tadS   »oalB  baineb  baa   4 absm  ns ad  barf  nlaai^cf 

^TtarC^al  B'aaXieqqa  ri^iv.-  10   ^aalXaqqa  srf*  rfi^xr     xxoxJ^aaev 

.eaiorf  B:i:f  ^ai-ustBsq.  iuods 
aeXXaqqJS  dJ-iv   baai^*  .fnJBXiaqqa  sri;^   i^di    ^to^'i  m  ecf  it  ^I 

•  bXorf  blx/oria  Ttarftal  a'eaXXaqc.^-  ,Tterf;f/;l  a'aaXXeq^i-s  vaa 

.ecrnaXiaqqjR  ari^   -co"    .aaiiisAc  airi  fli  noi;rasi;p  «1^^  eBlOii 
YTcsviXab  erf+     t«ilri     eii?*  o;t   xbJiei  ios  ikSaslleqcji  iur:i< 
betnuoms  rioirfw   ^noito&BciMTit  airi^  .^cf  ba^sXqmoo  efiw  ataaXXeqqa  o;f 
aailaqq*  mo^-i   ^aeiod  aricr  >o  noiaaaasoq  ariJ   Iq  aalanai* 

,s;faBXXeqq^'i  qj 

erfJ  lo  Te-iariBicr  erft  ao   .x^sviXab  eri^f  gniJi/^Txcfanoo  mtosl 
xcf  b6ml£X?>  aa  ed  oj   .aifnfiXisqq*  oJ  aaXXeqqa  fflo^>   .rtoiaaessor 
aisw  xaevJtXab  arf^r     snl^i/^fXJanpo^l     arfi  xarfls-IW     .eeXXaqq^ 
arft  Xii  beffljfcaio  aa  -law  bjoa^  eri^   lo   ^esXiaqqa  ^d  baXIX^e   "^ 
»noqxJ  aaaq  0;?  yxx/t  erf^   iq\  noictea^j    ^  YXauuq  aaw  ,a*naXxy  _ 
X^fxXtcftbaio  eriT      .abtoab  o;f   Jiiioo  e..r   10I  aoi;r8di/p  £  ^on  bn.: 
oi  tnaia*  ari*  bfl£    ,8t-o  as  »  ni  x"it*8^*  9^'*    ^faaaan;rtw  a:  ' 

.X^ut   eri*  10'i   anoiJaai/r  «i«   ^Ynomiifas^f  ^iarf^  oJ  nevi:„    r 

iee^  .xxi  ss  ^iooXa-xoM  V  fli^wM  .ea  .mliO  X  ,aaO  y  xiwoJ) 

biafl  V  :to3aaD0K   t^XS    .XXI      Xi^X    ,it>dBi.l  v    .oO    .H   .A  4   ©SisoinO 

woXsd  ;f'XJjoo  erf-    es^ROsd   tnJt^Xqmoo  oeXa  aJ-fl«XXaqc.' 
iiaXO  JnaXXsqqa  o*   iuq,     ttolt9eup  «  ot  aottoeido  aa  bc-.x   ,.  . 

about  the  ownership  of  land,  at  the  time  of  this  tr?.n3action, 
and  beoauee  the  court  sustained  an  objection  to  a  question 
asked  of  the  appellant  Kepple,  as  to  what  condition  he  and 
the  appellant  Clark  were  in,  with  reference  to  tlsc  pasture, 
at  the  time  of  this  transaction,   "^e  ara  of  opinion  that  the 
objections  to  the  questions  were  properly  sustained  in  both 
instances.  Up6n  their  face,  the  questions  asked,  would  have 
led  to  the  rai=:ing  of  an  immaterial  issue  in  the  case;  and  ^x 
there  was  nothing  in  the  appellant's  offer  to  prove,  ^7hich 
indicated  that  the  answer  wh  ch  the  v/itness  might  have  made 
would  be  rcaterial  on  the  real  issue.   To  have  merit,  even  as 
a  circumstance,  it  was  at  least  necessary,  that  the  offer 
should  have  indicated,   that  the  answer  would  show  that  the 
pasture,  if  the  appellants  had  any,  was  somewhere  near  the  pas- 
ture in  question.   The  court's  ruling  was  therefore,  proper, 

Tlie  record  does  not  disclose  any  substantial  error, 
and  the  judgment  should,   therefore,  be  affirmed. 


flQi^BPup  -=.  0&  notfosJ[,dio  na  bentA^a-JB   tiisoo  erlJ   &ai/&o&^(  tn* 
bci.i  9fl     noitlMoo  *jsriw  of  er,   ,elqq©3  ircBlIaqq*  erU  1o  Jbsjie. 
^B'xv^Biaq  jdJt  Oct-  ^oaeislei  rfJ-Jtw  ^nl  ©lew  atajsIO  inBlIsqqi>  sri- 
sxl;t  ^TArfJ-  notnlqo  lo  e-iJS  ©7^        .floli-oaBnjBi  to  eraJt^   erfj'   d- 

ri;^o>;r  ai   beni£:fBL\e   \lreqoiq  eaew  anorifa&x/p  srii-   oi     8noi;:f09t<fo 
©V£ri  bXifOW   ^beiBJB  snoi^t^enp  ©rf;t    jSOJel  axs.It     ndqU      .©eonisd-Bni 

rioirfr:   ^Bvoiq  03'      te^io  e'tnBlIsqqjB     ©rii-  nl  3xiJtrid-on  taw  ©aeriJ^ 

©pfiM  evjerf  triglm  •©ertti?'  ©rict  riordw  iewens  ©rft  cfArii"     betAOibal 

8J8  neve    ^^raerri  ©visrf  oT      ,8Jj8sr   Xaei  erf;)-  no  IbIts^bsi  ecf  i>Xx;ow 

Te^"io  erfct  &Jinf&   ^yi^eeeosn  cfsjseX  i^jB  ©bw  tt   ,©on£;faflu/o'ilo  £ 

©rid-   tBdt  worie   bXtrow  xewerrB  erfi   Jjsrfrf^      ^I)©;fj50ibnl  ©vjtrf  bXi/orie 

-©aq  &tii  iS9n  enerfweff-op  ©sw  ^yca  ftflrf  eJftJ5Xj'"8r  :^i   ^siwi-ajsq 

.asqoiq   ^stoleierft   «bw  gnlXi/t  8'^ix;oo  edT        .rtoxJestrp  nl   9'xuc^ 

tio^io  l&ita&^BduB  vfTB  ©BoXoftib  Jon  eeob  feaoosi  ©riT 

.bom^mjB  ©cf  ^©"xolflidrf*     ^fcXi/orfa  Jnsmsbut  arf;*'  bn* 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  \  ^^'        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 
seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 
March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  tl^  sixth  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  r^'lne  hundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present--The  Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES,  Presiding-  Justice. 
Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Justice, 
^^'n.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  Justice. 

CHRISTOPHER  C.  DUFFy/  Clerk.    1  9  3  I.A«  O  0  4 
J.  G.  MISCHKE,'';.  She/iff . 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit : 


Gen,  No,  5999 

Ollie  H,  Gillette,  Appellee 

V8  Appeal  from  Carroll, 

Tlie  Chicago,  Milwaukee  &  St. 
Paul  Railway  Company,  appellant, 

Niehaue,  J, 

Thie  is  An  act:' on  on  the  case  brought  "b"  appellee  a^inat 
appellant,  in  the  circuit  court  of  Carroll  County,  The  declara- 
tion charges  negligence  againet  the  appellant.  The  Chicago 
Milwaukee  i  St,  Paul  Railway  Company,  in  driving  a  numher  of 
wooden  piles  into  the  bed  of  Plxxm  River,   for  the  support  Qf 
its  bridge,  at  the  point  where  the  appellant's  right  of  way 
interaects  the  river.   And  It  is  alleged,  that  these  pi  lee 
were  driven  so  cloeeitjt  together,  that  they  formed  an  obstruction 
in  the  stream,   to  the  natural  flow  of  the  water  at  this  point; 
and  that  they  caught  the  drift  natter,  which  naturally  floated 
in  the  current  of  the  stream,  especially  in  times  of  heavy 
rain,  or  freshets;  and  that  this  caused  the  waters  of  the 
river,  in  this  inst?vnce,  to  back  up  over  appellee's  land, 
and  injure  his  crop  of  com. 

To  the  charc^es  of  negligence  contained  in  the  three 
counts  of  the  declaration,  the  appellant  filed  a  plea  of 
not  guilty;  and  upon  this  plea  insue  was  joined,   and  a  trial 
by  jury  had,  which  resulted  in  a  verdict  "finding  the  defend- 
ant guilty,  and  assessinj;;  the  plaintiff's  damages  at  ^550,00 
The  appellant  made  a  motion  for  new  trial,  and  in  arrest  of 
judgment;  both  motions  were  denied  by  the  court,  and  judgment 
was  rendered  upon  the  ver  iot.   A  reversal  of  this  judgment 
is  sought  by  the  appeal  to  this  court. 

One  of  the  grounds  urged  for  reversal,   is  that  the 
evi'lence  does  not  sustain  the  verdict.  We  think  the  record 

esXIeqqA    ^B&teiLt^    ,H   e'iXXC 
.XIoii/jO  moal  X*-'^'-"-^*  av 

.tB  A   ss^vi/fiwXiM   tOgAolxlO   suT 
.tneXXeqqjs    .vrrBcimoO   yawXiz-JT  Xi;£*^ 

,1,    ^auari^i'. 
iealJ^z  dsIXeqqjs  vd  .trfaifoicf  ©ajiso  srfl   no  rrottoa  an  et  atxCT 

-jBiisXoeb  sriT    .yJniroO  XXoiisO  lo  ^tjjoo   .tJtuoaXo  sA,*   ni   ^ta£ilQqq: 
03JSOiriO   arIT   ^rf'nBXXsqqjs  srf^t  j-9nl«gB  sonsglXasn  asaxjsrfo     noi^ 
lo  iscfmjjn  JB  3nlvlib  nl    ^YneqmoO  yawXiiifl  Xtr«*T   .tR     4  e9JL;£.wXiM 
^e  ^^loqqws   9rf^   10"^.      ^isvjtH  mjjX7  lo  b»cf     Bdi   oSni  ssXiq  n&boc 
YjSW  lo   J-rfgXi   e'^njsXXsqqB  9rf;J   sisrfw   i-ntoq  erft   j-js  ^oj^Jbiidf  aJ^i 
•ftXlq  8ae;l;t  tfirfi^   .beasXXJS  •!  &t  toA     .isyJtT  erfvf  s^^^^aa^xt 
^oltnuttBdo  tt&  bamioT:   ys'"^^   *J8ffJ^    ^aarf^egot  ^ieeoXo   oa  rrevXib  srrev/ 
l&tttoq  Bldt   tM  lad'BW  srfJ-   ^o  woXt  XjBijjJ-.isn  ©rf.t   oJ-      ^maea^e   ariJ-  n 
bsi-jsoll   Y-tXjsii/tan  rfolrfw  ^re^it^m  tttrb  &iit  d-rfgi/jso   -^edt  tedi   bn^ 
yvaeri  lo  aamlJ-  ni  yXXjsiosqae    ^B!«eiJe   erfj-   J:o  iattiuo     exid^  nl 
eri^   lo  Biet&vi  erf  J  baax/^o  eirf^t  tjidi  hns     laiferfaeTl  to   ^ctlsx 
^bnBL   a'aaXisqqA  levo  qu  Jfojscf  o&    ^oottR;fant   airft  nX    ^^r&vXx 

.moo  lo  qoio   Bxrf  eii/(;ni  ims 
•earf;f  erf-t  nl  beni^J-noo  eonssiXaan  lo  aa^Jia.'fo  ariJ'  oT 

lo  jsaXq  a  beXil   JnisXIaqqis  9rf+    ^aol*<5a«Xo9ft     exfJ-  lo  aJ-njjoo 

XjftxiJ-   s  bnis      ^beriiot   •■aw  •ifSRi  isaXq     alri:^  noqu  bn^:   i\illuij   Jon 

-bnalftb  ari;?   ;^ni:bnlT    ^oibtav     a  at  heJ-Xuaai  rfoirfw  ^barf  x^tut   yd 

00,065$      i"4B  aaaJBfnAb     a'lli^tnijBXq  eriJ   ^nlaaeaajB  bne   4X*Jtxi;3   ;tflJB 

lo  tBQiic  nl   bn£    jXjsxi*   »ran  lol  nofJoor  «  ebsm  J-n«XX©qqB  SilT 

tneragbxTt   bn.*?   ^truoo  erfJ   ytf  bslneb  eiew  anolj-ora  rftod   j^xratn 

^nsm^bi/t   8lrf*   ^o  Xjseievei  k      .;fpl  isv  9rf;t  noqu  batcabnei  ijc^ 

,tai/oo  alilj-  ot  leeqcfi,  adt     xd  tdQUoe  bc 
9di   tBdf  at      ^XB$i9vei  lol  h9-[;,'tu  ebnx/ois  eri^   lo  enO 
b'X009T  erfi   :fnlrf;t  9W   .^-olbTav  edt  atBteua  toa     Beob  ©one;  -  v9 

showa  that  the  axtotsKBB  evidentiary  facts  established  by 
the  testimony  of  the  witneseee,  fairly  Justified  the  inference 
which  the  jury  must  havs  drawn  from  them,  namely:  that  the 
negligence  which  is  the  basis  of  this  action,  was  the  proxi- 
mate causa  of  the  injury  to  the  plaintiff's  crop.   Where  the 
evidentiary  facts  fairly  justify  the  inference  of  the  ultimate 
fact  to  be  proved,  thair  probative  force  is  sufficient  'O 
sustain  a  verdict,  (D4nlap  v  Smith,  35  111,  App,  338.) 

Appellant  took  exception  to  the  admissibility  of  part 
of  the  testimony  of  the  witness  David  DAlloghy,  The  v/itness 
was  asked,  and  answered,  about  vvhat  he  observed  with  reference 
to  the  waters  of  ths  stream  backing  up,  during  the  freshet  in 
question.  Objection  was  also  made  to  ths  admissibility  of 
evidence  of  Samuel  B.  Adams,  who  testified  concerning  the  ef- 
fect of  the  overflow  waters  of  "Pl\aa  Rover  on  growing  corn. 
These  were  all  matters  of  common  knowledge,  observation  and  ex- 
perience; and  there  was  no  error  in  admitting  the  testimony 
of  these  witnesses,  on  the  points  in  question.   And  the  same 
may  be  said  of  the  admi -i^sibility  of  the  testimony  of  the 
witness  James  Trafford,  who  was  ahked  concerning  the  effect, 
on  the  waters  of  the  river,  of  the  lodgment  of  brush  and 
trees  and  straw  and  weeds,  between  the  piling  of  the  bridge. 

Appellant  urges  objections  to  the  first,  second  and 
dourth  instructions,  because  the  words,  "that  such  extraordinary 
storms,  freshets  or-  rains  as  could  have  been  reasonably  anti- 
cipated", were  not  qualified  by  addinr  the  words,  "by  an 
ordinarily  prudent  person";   so  as  to  present  to  the  jury,  in 
that  part  of  the  instruction,  the  idea,  -liat  such  extraordinary 
storms  or  rains  and  freshets  are  referred  to,  as  could  reason- 
ably have  been  anticipated  by  an  gixDi:±H£X)c  ^UTOstnnt   ordinarily 
prudent  person.   Tjie  objection,  however,  loses  its  force 
from  the  fact,  that  this  very  qualification,  which  is  insisted 

9di   tjiiii    t^enjia   ^n$(i;^   moix  nwjsab  evflrf  ;f8j:/ra  yijj-{;   dcli   doi4w 
-ixoiq  ©•^;f   aaw  ^txot&OB  stAS  to  alaM  erf"  -Iw     eone^^Xss. 

arf*  eiariW        .qoio  e'llti^fnijeXq  3rlJ   oi'   XT^^t^fiJ^ 
aJ»ml:tIi;  arf*   lo  eons'iatnl   srf.t   x^l^ajj^    Yli-tJsl:  Btoat  •sfiJBitxiebxvs 
o'    tnetotlluB   Sit.  aoio'::   evltAcfoiq  lisrfo    ^bsvoic;     scf  oJ-   &om' 
( .  ■    '^    .qA    .X-IT  as   ^xl^tifflB   v  qBlniC)    .^oiJiaav  a  titBieut 
i"i&q  lo  x^  tlicCia'^iiabjB  SiL'    oj     noiJqsoxe  jfoo^f   J-njalieqaA 

aaenJlw  sxiT    ,>(risoXX4Q  bivAQ  aaert^lw  ari;t  "io  tttomJt^aetf   erfJ  lo 

aon©i8l?i  ri^xw     I^evTsacfo  erf  tjudn  iuods  ^btt^iriciA  bns.   ^bBABu   f  ^ 

nl  i^erfeaat  erfJ-  gnlii;.':)   ^qu  ^nl^foacf  aieei'^a  eri:f   "^o  eist£7r  arfj      . 

Yo  x*JtXicfi8Biial)x  ebaoT  08f£  sbw  noicrostdO      .nol^fasu; 

-Is   e  hailxtsej-   orf*r   ^frr  X©i;««8  "io  eonebi?<? 

.nxoo  gfliwoxg  no  levoH  mul'^  to  aietew  woXlisvo  'ifrfJ''lo     *oe' 

-xsJbna  aoi^jBTisecTo   tesbeXwoni  fcommoo  lo  BX6ti&m  XXjb  eiew  aaeiiT 

'{noaild-ae^f   srfcf     snJti^.tlai6«  ai  tone   on  bjbw  ©isri*   bn«      ieonslis 

SAss  srfi-   bfiA      ♦flox*«3i;p  ni  stnjtoqr  8,f;f     no   ^eesasxiJ'iw  eaerfJ-    .  . 

erfi'   lo   YnomJttas*   erf^  "co  x;tiXJtcria'^xmbJB  arft   lo  bJtfia   e:;  ^^^^ 

^toelte  erfJ  snlnieonoo  JbeiiJS  bjbw  orfw  ^biolljeiT   aeraJsL  aaen^lvt 

bn£  rfBJJicf  lo   j-neraaboX   8rf>t   lo    iisvl-.  aasi-jSw^'  aii:^'   no 

.egblicf  erf;t  lo  -Qatilci  Bd&  nssw^sd    ^abesw  brtjs  wai^a   bn£  ■aeiJ' 

bna  bnooae    jd-aiil   s;\<    oJ   anolJ-oefcTO  bb-qisj  ttiAllBqqk 

XTi&x ibxoATtxB  douB  *£££**    jabio?   srf-t  aausodd"  .inoltoinJ^ani  rf^ix/o 

-i^n£   YXcTjsnoeaai  ttBB6  evj^ii  bXx/oo  «js  BRisii     10  atarlss-il    ^anioi'i? 

n£  Ycf"    ^abaoT.-  siJ^  ^nJtbbs     vcf  bsllxXjBijp  itofl  exeir     4*b93^ 

xti  ,X^i/t   3 ''"f   0^   Jneefe:!:  o«      j^noaieq  tdBbuiq  Y-^-t'^JsnibTO 

xrtJsnibaojsiJxe  xfox/e   ;fflfr;    ^ae:  ^.lot^OijrtBttt  6/1'   I0  jtcjsq  ;t«ri: 

-noaaerr  bXiioo  e      ^ot  iioix^l'-i   aic     aterfaeil  5n^"^  wdLirt' To  ejnioie 

xXlajBnlbao  abtaiajnuf  :(XXK±Jbxi  n/s  ycT  be^*qloitfra  nesef  ©vjarf  yXcf/ 

eoiol   aijt  peaol   ^aov.  'tostcfo  arn*      .noairscf  ;fne 

be^aliBxti  al   rfoixfir     4X10 t*J5'S'JtllXJit/p  VeV  aJixW-  tarf:f   »tOJi«l  erf*  moii 

upon  by  appellant,  was  strongly  presented  to  the  jury  in  six 
different  instructione,  namely:  the  8th.  13th.  I3th. 
15th,  16th,  and  30th.  whioh  were  g'ivsn  for  the  defendant; 
a,nu  these  latter  instructions,  must  be  considered  in  connection 
with  the  former.  All  the  instructions  must  be  considered 
together,  and  taken  as  a  whole;  and  vohsn  they  are  thus  conad- 
ared,  they  present  the  completed  definition  pointed  out  by 
appellant;  and  present  it  vith  sufficient  clearnese  to  h€Mre 
made  it  apparent  to  the  jury.   The  Ipw  ia  definitely  settled 
on  this  point.   (City  of  Chicago  v  McDonough,  11'^  111.  85; 
City  of  Aurora  v  Seidelman,  34  Til,  App,  385;  Slack  v  Harris 
101  111,  App.  537;  TTagner  v  Myer  95  111.  App,  68.) 

Objection  is  also  iiade  to  the  5th,  instruction,  given 
for  the  appellee,  because  it  is  claimed  that  the  language 
dees  not  require  the  finding  by  the  jury  of  negligence  to 
be  based  upon  the  proof  in  the  case;  but  that  the  instruction 
bases  it  upon  tha  charge  made  in  the  declaration.  We  do  not  tc 
think  this  objection  is  well  taken;  and  do  not  perceive  how 
the  jury  could  have  drawn  such  an  inference  from  the  language 
of  the  instruction,  taking  it  altogether;  and  when  the  instruc- 
tion is  considered  in  connection  *ith  the  other  instructions 
in  the  case,  it  is  quite  evident  that  they  could  not  have 
done  80, 

"One  instruction  may  omit  some  needed  qualification  , 
and  aven  appear  to  be  misleading  when  considered  alone; 
but  may  not  be  misleading,  norimproper  when  considered  with 
other  instructione;  ?,nd  it  ia  sufficient  if  the  instructions 
taVen  as  a  whole,  present  the  law  to  the  jury  with  substanUal 
correctness,"   (Toluca  M.  &  F,  R.  Co.  v  Haws,  194  111  93.) 

Tliere  are  no  substantial  errors  aoparent  in  this  record; 
and  the  judgment  should  therefore  be  affirmed. 


i#n«l5rTeleb  9rf;t  10^   nsvls  siew  rfoixfw      .rftOS  bns'  ,[itBl    ,iiiZl 

floltoeaffoo  ni   bsasfoianoo  sd  Jsjjin   ^snoxrf'Oxj'iJ'BnJt  asi^d-jsl  saorf:?-' Lnja 

bsaebianoo  scf  Jai/m  eiol^ouT^anl   erfJ^  IIA   .ismiol  9rf:f   rfd-iw 

-ijJBnoo   iSjjrlJ'   91B  yerft  nsrf«   bns     jsIoriW  b  sjs  nb^fjs^f  bna   ^tedts^^oi 

Ycf   ;fiJO  £>6ifnloq  aott ratteb  be^eXqmoc  prf;t   jneas^cq  vsil^    ^Il>6:c& 

ev*^     ot  eeeniJseXo  tneloiliaa  dtt^'  ;ti   tn^jasicr  bni?   ;tn«XX©rqjB 

l28    ,XXI  fix"  ^rfgixonodoM  v  ogAoiriO  to  x^^'O)      .tntoq  aJtri^     no 
8J:'i'i£F  V  :i(o*XB    ;a8S    ,qqA    ,XXI   hi    ^itJBmXebiaS  v  aiotuk  lo   yJ'xO 
(.88    ,qqA    .XXI   26   levM  v   :t9ns«^    i^^S    .qqA    .XXI   XOX 
navig   ^noilo^ij-ani    ,rf;tS  srf^-  ot  '^b.*'   oeX-s  ei  nojtJoetcft) 

egfiygnfiX  erfit  J^rid-     bsmljeXo  aat/jsoscf  teeXXsqqir;  1 

o*  sonegiXgsn  to  xiul   srfi   ycf     snibnlT  ei'l     sixjjpei  J'on  ssob 

noxd^ODiJ-ani  SffJ  "*J5jrf';t  Jjucf  ;e8J5o' »rf^  nl    looiq  erff  floqiJ  bsa&d  sd 

xf  i-on    ob  eW   .nold-Jsi^Xoeb  sfi.f  ni  eb.^m  e^afirfo  sri.t  aoau  tt  asafid 

wori  evleoieq     *on  ob  bnf>   (nsXEct  XXsw  el  nbt&oel^o  Rirfrf'  intdt 

esJSi/an/sX  erfjf  moil     eonsislrti  at  rfouia'nwjattb  sved  bXiroo  ytut   sr'i 

"OuitBnl   i;d.t  nsriw  i>n«   jiadi-eaoJ-Xfi  d-i  gnJt^js*   ^nox^ouitanJ:  erit  lo 

anoxJ-oi  iJ-ani   ierf;to  erlt   rid-iv*.  noLtosnnoo  rti  beieblBnoo  ex  no.i'.d' 

on  tluoo  xsAi   i&di-     tneblre  sttup  at     d"x    ^9B£C)  edi   at 

.08   sxiofc 
^  aotiAOtttlAuf'  be&aen  ©moe   dimo  yjsm  aoidoi/id-anl   anO* 

iSrtoXjB  baasbianoo  ne-lv  gnibAcXaxm  ed  od   ijssqqis  n&ve 

/fl-iw     beisbxpnoo  nsriw  leqoiqmlion    ^gnlb^eXaJtm  ed  toh  yam   txd 

anoilox/id-arii   9.  J   ti  d'nsloit'ii/t  al' *i  bn."    ianot*ouT*erx   t3;:j-o 

^  XatfnjBitBdua  ri*iw  yrtrt  add-     od  wax  er^+   *n*>s9iq   ^aXodw  .?  as  ns -'id 

(,se  XXI  J^ex'  ,awjBR  V   .00   .H  .J        .      iOuXoT)     "  .aaan^oeiioo 

ibtcooea  sidd'  nl  i-nelcAqqis  axorci©  IjBl>ft«*adua  on  91 :;  9i9dT 

.bemixtVa  ed  eiolstadt  bXworfe   taemsbiil  erf*  bfi^ 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing'  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  Jiinth  day  of 

March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 


AT    A   TERM   OF    THE    APPELLATE    CO^T, 

■  ^''^^tp.iwmfK'itrm'frf^ 

Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  spth  day  of  October, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  ninemundred  and  fourteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  tlie  State  of  Illinois: 

Present--The  Hon.  DUMJE  J.  CARNES,  Presiding-  Justice. 

\  ■/ 

Hon.  DORItANCE  DIBELL,  Justiie. 

Ion.  JOHNW.  NIEHAUS,  Justace^      ^  -.   -    Q  A 

CHRISTOPHEB,.  C.  DUFFY,  Clfrk.   J-  «^  '^ 

'\  i 

J.  G.  MISCHItE,  Sheriff/ 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  9th  day 
of  March,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit : 

Gen.  No.  6044 
L,  0,  Eagle ton,  Admr,  &a, 
VB  Appeal  from  Peoria, 

Prudential  Insurance  Company 
of  America.       appellartt . 

Niahaus,  J, 

In  this  suit  the  appellee  L.  0.  Eagleton,  ae  Adminii- 
trator  of  the  estate  of  Raohel  Maloff,  deceased,  claimed  a 
right  of  reoovsry  on  two  life  insurance  policiee,  dated 
raapectively  December  4,  1911  and  January  39,  1913;  each  of 
said  policies  having  been  written  on  ths  life  of  said  deceased 
and  icsued  upon  her  written  application.  Each  of  said  policies 
contained  the  following;  rirovision: 

"The  Company's  liability  under  this  policy  shall  be  limited 
to  a  return  of  the  premiums  paid  hereon,  if  the  insured  die 
before  the  date  hereof,  or  if  on  said  d^te  the  insured  be 
not  in  sound  health, " 

Tlie  case  was  tried  by  the  circuit  court,  -vithout  a  jury,  and 
upon  a  written  stipulation  of  the  facte  agreed  uoon  by  both 
parties.  From  the  stipulation  it  appears,  that  the  deceased 
daied  April  34,  1913,  in  less   than  six  months  aftsr  ihe  is- 
suance of  the  first  policy,  of  carcinoma  (cancer)  of  the 
Uterus;  and  two  or  three  months  after  the  iasuance  of  the 
aecpnd  policy;  that  at  the  tir.e  of  her  death,  all  of  the 
premiums  on  said  policies  had  been  paid;  and  that  the  proper 
roofs  of  death  were  Vurnished  after  her  death.  It  was 
rther  stipulated,  that  at  the  time  she  signed  both  of  the 
applications  in  question,  and  at  the  time  both  of  said  policies 
were  issued,  she  was  suffering  of  cancer  of  the  womb;  that 
at  the  time  she  first  made  application,  she  advised  the  doo- 

^^Od   .oil   .neO 
,tA      ,xmbA   «no;feX3aa[   ;0  ^^ 
.jBiioe?  nort  Ixeqqk  iv 

Xn^qffloO  eoasiueal  isUntibuT:^ 

.  tHAil9qqA  .JSOtZBOk    lo 

.1.    ,8if£ri©XlI 

-sinifflbA  efi   ^no^feXsjiS   ,0   .J  tfiXIeqq*  eif*  ^xub  8iri;f  nl 

b&^ah   ^aaloiXoq  ftonfiii/an,!  ellX  ow*  no  xtevooei     to  rf^rfgli 

lo  rfo«©    ;8X6X   jSS  Y's-bj-O-b''^  ^ni:.  XxeX   ,^   ascfffleoeQ   YXsvli^oeqaei 

6«8«eoefc  btBe  lo  eliX  srfcf  no  ne;f;tiiw     nsscf  gnlvBri  eeXoxXoq  bxaa 

telolXoq  bi&B   to  doJs3.    ,aoii&oi:lqqB  aecf^flTW  lexl  aoqx;  beirsai   bn£ 

rnoxBlvoiq  3nJtwoXXol  9di  beaif>^noo 
bettmix  ed  XXisrie     Y'^-'^Xoq  Bini   lebnu  ^*lXicf£iX  •^'^^qmoO  eriT" 

&ib  Jbeii/sni:  Bcii   tl    ^ao&ied  btaq  Brnjlaeiq  erfJ   "^o  aiu^ez  «  o^ 
Qd  fcoxuBni  eri^   et'^b  htsa  no   J.1   10    ^^toeisri  a&^b     9di   eioletf 

".rid'XBerf  bajjoe  ni   ;fofl 

;^)i.r:    vY'i^c    -    Jijonjx'.*-   ^i-ixjoo   J'/.i/oixo   9rf;f   \;tf  t>©i^^   ■«*  ©aao   exlT 

il^^oo  ^^d  noqx;  beeaga  aJ-oat  triit  lo     noi^jBlx/qlifB  nei;fjtaw     «  noqu 

&9a«eoeb  eri^t  i^Ai   ^easeqqa  it  noi&aluqitB  edt  moo^    .aejt^iisq 

-ei   ari.:    le^ljs  itiinoai  xta  nsdt     aaeX  nl   «8XeX    ^^^6i  liiqk  baihb 

tr'.i   to   (aeon^o)   »monxoT«o     lo   ,YOiXoq  tattlt  erfJ   ^o  eon-sus 

•  rf)    to  9on£un(tt  eiiJ   leJ'lJB  sff^noci  9azdt   to  owj-  bnii   ;a;/a8*U 

ariif  lo  XXjb  ^xf^aab  isri  lo  emlS  odi   ^£  isdi    j^o^J^OQ  bn^oaa 

^aco-iq  9d;f   t»dt  bn£,   {bisc  naed  had  aaloJtXfiq  blaa  no  anuifflsiq 

8JBW  *I    .dtAsb  led  tette.  btdBtntuI  saaw  dtBBb     io  alooiq 

81W  to  diod  t>ansia  erfe   emlJ^  s   -    t'      ifjsrfJ^    ^bt*BXuqjt*a   lerii^ijjl 

aeioJtXoq  blBs   lo  rii^od  aml^f   e/i^   i.^  ,...«    ^nox^aeup  nl  anoirf^JJoJtXqqa 

f£di    icTfflOw  eff:f  *o  aeon^o     lo  gntnellue   bbv  arfe    ,Jbex/a8i   eiew 

tor  examining  her  on  behalf  of  the  company,  that  ahe  had  un- 
darfTone  an  operation  fourwonthe  before  that  time,  for  fibroid 
tumor  in  the  uterue,  by  Dr.  Hayes  of  Peoria,  Illinois;  said 
operation  confliating  of  Hueterectomy,  or  a  removal  of  the  womb; 
that  on  the  35th,  of  January  1913,  she  again  made  application 
upon  ''.•hjch  the  second  policy  waa  issued;  no  reference  being 
made  in  second  application  to  her  operation;  permission  had 
to  be  obtained,  however,  from  the  company  before  a  second 
policy  could  be  io3ued;  -vhich  permission  was  granted.  Three 
months  later,  she  cied  of  cancer. 

It  is  farther  stipulated  that  if  the  plaintiff  is 
e;:titled  to  recover  under  the  terms  of  the  policies  on  the 
ground  that  the  policies  were  in  full  force  and  effect, 
he  would  be  entitled  to  recover  :!^207,40  which  would  include 
interest  up  to  the  date  of  judgment;  t^ero  being  a  provision 
on  the  face  of  said  policies,  that  if  riaceased  died  -'ithin 
six  matsliraonths  after  the  date  thereof,  the  liability  shall 
bo  but  one  half  of  the  face  value;  and  that  if,  on  the  con- 
trary, the  policies  were  notin  full  force  and  effect  as  con- 
tended by  the  appellant,  becuuee  of  the  deceased  not  being 
in  sound  health  at  the  ti^re  of  the  issuance  thereof,  then 
under  the  terms  of  said  policies,  the  plaintiff  should  recover 
but  S8,90  being  the  amount  of  premiums  paid  by  the  insured 
on  both  policies  up  to  hsr  death. 

The  circuit  court  found  in  favor  of  the  appellee, 
and  rendered  a  judgment  against  the  appellant,  for  the  sum 
of  ?p307,40  and  cost*  of  suit;   from  v/hich  judgment  an  appeal 
was  taken  to  this  court. 

The  only  question  involved  in  the  review  of  this  case, 
is  whether  or  not  the  limitation  of  the  Company's  liability 
in  thepolioies,  based  upon  the  fact  that  the  deceased  was  not 
in  sound  hrmlth,  at  the  time  the  oolioies  were  issued,  wa» 

-rtx;  b£d  e/ls   ^jQriJ-    ^ynJ^qmoo  sr!.  fso'  no  itiii  ^^.telrn^xe   loi 

aoi*jBOilqqj8  ebjsn  ntj^sjs  8  fie   ^KISI  YijajjaAL  to   ,tii&S>  Btii  «o.  >.' 
gnisd  Bonsisle'x  on    ;i)0y8ec   b^w  YOiXoq  baooea   9rf,t  doixlvr  noo^i. 
b£d  noiestxasq   ;x:ox^jB:[sqo  asrl  ot     aoitaotiqqM  bnooaa  nl  e£>J8- 
fjnoose   B     ©aolscJ"  ynjaqraoo  erf:r  moil   ,:coveworf   ^Jbe^l£3^d 

ccoJt'asJidsae:  ;&9x/eeJ:  ed     ZjXx/oo  YOtXc 

eoaol   IJ  lew  aeioiloo   sri^  i-jarij    ^auo1■ 

noxaivoaq  £  gixiec/  erxe 

i.  J.  ■   .  •■- 
aldttyf  fib  boBAe 

...■•,('.■   - 
i-arlj   (aeloiloq  bisa  ^o  eojsl  exf^     no 

-noo  e.  ,  cJt  iddt  bae   (•i/Ijbv  eo*^  arfrf  lo  IXjsri  ©no  i'i/d  •; 

-coc   B£  todlle  fen*  aoiot  I  Twit  ni^on  ©taw  eeloJtXoq  aric' 

gnlecf  ^laft  baB£i^ 

levooai  xjlt/oria   ^tliJnlJBl' 

oma   an  J    -xc 
X*ec  ■  asingbx/t 

.+  3   rl;fXBexr   : 
99toiloq  bl<a  lo  ittae*  ar 
;vieTtq  to     ^nxromji  exft  arrltcf  Oe. 
rf  0*  qu  aaloiXoq 

:t  bnuc 

0  ituotto  BriT 

«96£0  aifii^  to  vaJtvei 

^i-iXitfijiX  a'ynjaqffioO  an*  io  aoi^fi^fi 

JOfX  aijvr  jba«j380s 

".:i8w  ••JtptI-. 

'oevXovnJt  xxoiJaexrp  yXno  f; 

*JB    ^xfrf^X^prf  fcffxros  nx 

effective  at  the  time  of  her  death,  or  had  been  waived  by 
the  appellant. 

It  is  admitted  in  the  record,  that  the  insured  did 
not  conceal  from  the  appellant,  any  facta  in  regard  to  her 
condition  of  health;  but  that  she  gave  to  appellant  ail  the 
information  and  knowledge  which  she  possessed  on  that  subyjeot 
And  it  appears  from  the  evidence,  that  four  months  before 
the  time  of  her  application  for  insurance,  she  hadundergone 
an  operation  for  the  removal  of  a  fibroid  tumor  in  the  uterue; 
and  t"  the  operation  consisted  of  Hysterestomy,  or  the 
removal  of  the  womb.   Sound  health,  implies  a  sound  condi- 
tion of  the  body;  and  to  be  healthful,  as  defined  by  the 
au^.horatative  lexicographers  of  the  English  Language,  neane 
to  be  :u  a  sound  state  —  having  the  parts  or  orrans  of  the 
body  entire;  and  their  functions  in  a  free,  active  and  un- 
disturbed condition.  If  the  tumor,  with  which  the  insured 
had  been  afflicted,  was  of  such  a  grave  character,  that  it 
was  necessary  to  remove  an  entire  organ  from  the  body  of  the 
Insured,  it  can  hardly  be  said,  that  the  appellant,  who  had 
knowxedge  of  this,  could  have  reached  the  conclusion,  that 
she  v/ae  in  sound  health;  and  aurely,  the  appellant  had  suf- 
ficient notice  of  tlie  defective  physical  condition  of  the 
insured,   to  be  put  on  inquiry  as  to  the  fmll  extent  of  her 
physical  imperfections. 

We  are  of  opinion  that  having  issued  the  policies  in 
question,  and  accepted  the  premiums  therefor,  vith  this 
knowledge  of  the  insured's  defective  physical  condition, 
the  appellant  thereby  waived  its  right  to  enforce  the  limi- 
tation in  the  policies,  by  which  benefits  accruing  to  the 
beneficiaries  could  be  forfeited. 

If  the  appellant  had  notice  of  the  phyeioal  unsoundness 

eio^scf  ari;rnom  iuqI  iMni   .eonsbiTe  edJ  totI  awjeqqa  jx  DnA 

exio:3:tefaai/I«ri  erfe   ,eanj8Xi;enl  aol  floi#«oxXqqs  aeri  "  ^ 

t«u:t©lLf  arfcr  ni  ionu;:r  hloxdtt  «  lo  XavoBKi  :jiJ^iec.,   as:. 

)      ^Y«'0*»e'te^aTtH  lo  fce^aianoo  aa^i^-iu^Q  sjii  .t»ni 

-Ihnot.   bfii/op  «  eeilqmi   ^rtfXiseri  bnuoB      .dmow  edJ     lo  I^vomea 

8fT«3io     to  niiAq  sriJ-  saivari  —  Bi-&tB  bauon  ... 

,e©il  iJ  at   8noi*onx;l  tt&tit  bn«   iO'xuae    >(i; 
be-iueni   ©ri^  rioxrfw  xttxw     ,aomi/^  edi  M    .floiJibnOo  berfox/Ja - 
srU    ^i«(fojBiJ3rio  avBog  b  rioi/a  lo  ecw   ^b&toti'i'i.A  noBcf 
ari^    io  >fbo(J  eiit  moal  flegio  f^iicrne  nB  evomeu  o^  x^aaeeoe. 
Jb«ri  o.fw   ,*nBXX9q-  ^  ^-      ^^^^^^^  «*°   ^^   v''*^' 

*BiI*    .floxai/Xonoo  ari^  bado&Qi  ev£  .  ijii/oo   »airf*  ^o  eabe^wci 
-li.-a  bsrf  taJiXleqqa  •di    ,xXeax;r;  ;  i    :  i   bnuoa  at  ea-   f- 

:.  aoi^ibaoo  X«aiBxiiq  tviaoexfc  ..-^^..-^  +r. 

asi-i  iii  ina^xs   XX*t  ©rf^   oJ   a«  xiXi^P«^  ^'"  jijh  au 

jnXVJbA    J£:    ■    fioiitXijo    io    ^ 
;.  y   nwjlxsi'i  odi  bad'qBoo "  ^..„..-- 

»fioUx;>floo  i^ols'idii  avJtifoalsfa     a'bsaue"*-  ^f'**'^" 

at, fir:'  -o  eoi-' 

of  the  insured,  at  the  tir'ie  of  the  is?8uanoe  of  the  policies, 
then  the  extent  of  such  unsoundness  is  not  material  upon  the 
question  of  its  right  to  enforce  the  limitation  rrentionod. 
In  the  case  of  Demintj  v  Prudential  Insurance  Co,  of  America 
169  111.  App,  103,  the  court  in  passing  ur>on  an  instruction 
involving  this  question,  ajtys: 

■Appellant  insists  that  this  instruction  was  erroneous  for  the 
reason  that  although  ths  agent  miglit  have  known  at  the  time 
the  i>Bi±B]|E  policies  T/ere  issued  the  insured  was  not  in 
sound  health,  yet  he  might  not  have  known  that  the  insured 
was  at  that  tine  afflicted  with  consumption  which  the  evi- 
dence shows  suhsequently  caused  his  death;  that  in  order 
to  constitute  a  -waiver  tie  knowledge  on  ths  part  of  the 
a'  ent  must  have  been  that  the  insured  wag  afflicted  with 
oona\imption  and  ths  instriiction  should  have  so  9t>"ted  ,  .  . 
The  instruction  complained  of  followed  the  language  used 
in  the  policy  and  covered  and  included  in  its  terras,  not 
only  consumption  but  any  other  malady  or  disease  which  might 
cause  unsound  health.  If  the  agent  of  anpellant  was  notified 
when  he  took  th*?  application  for  insurance,  that  the  insured 
was  not  jn  sound  health,  then  it  is  not  entitled  to  avail 
itself  as  a  defense  of  i hat  provision  of  the  policy,  which 
limited  its  liability  if  the  insured  was  at  such  time  notin 
sound  health,  and  it  is  immaterial  what  caiised  such  condi- 
tion of  health  on  the  part  of  the  insured,  Tliere  was  therefore 
no  error  in  the  giving  of  appellees'  instruction," 

That  this  kind  of  limitation  of  the  liability  of  the  in- 
surer in  life  insurance  policies  may  be  waived  by   trie  insurer 
is  well  Hettled  in  this  ntate,  (Hancock  Life  Irs,  Co,  v 
Schlink,  175  111,  384;  Derclng  v  Prudential  Ins,  Co,  189  111 
App,  96;  Harviok  v  Modern  Woodmen  of  America  158  111,  App,  570) 
Trie'  j\idgment  of  the  Circuit  Court  of  Peoria  County  should  be 
affirmed,        .   r-— --rrr-— _Wdfc««s"^^'^=-'*^         \ 

nojttou-iaani  rra  rtovi/  anls^Bq  nl  tiuoo  add-   »8QX   .qciA   .XXI  8"X 

erft  lot  •voeaoTis  saw  xxoi^ouxcfefll  airi;^  ^jsri^f     eJaianx  cfnaXXeqqA" 

nn  ftJBw  fteii/arrt  srfJ'     Jbsxioai   ©tew  ••ioiioq  3|«li«^  &    ■ 
Ije'ijjaiii  Bdi  *Miii  ttfroaH  av^ri  *o«  trivia  ©d  ;faTf  ,ii*i/ittil  fcnwoo 
-ivs   arfi   rfotrlw  noiJcmjjertoo  dJ-xw     ijed-otX^l^  eai*  rfadJ-   J-b  er/r 
.^g.  •    -r-        -  tff  fieajjjso  YX^neupsBcfiiS  tworie   a  onto 

..Aq  eiU  no     esheXwofli  otf*  aavi/jw  »  o^y^i^t^nao  o>r 
:.oJ-olX^lA  pf'W  battuaxii  eri*  »r«ril  naed  ev^fl  ^bwib  *fib   i- 
,&cf-.+B  OR   9V£ri  JbXuctfa  noitouiiBai  9tii   bn«  noi^qawan^-o 
LsBJj  assugnjiX  e.'it  bewoXXo^  lo  f)«niftXqmoo  [igtioiJi$Br^.\ 
d-on   ^•r.a8;t  p^I  ni  tebuLov.t  bae  beisvoo  ba^  ^oxXoq  -  ^ 
d-rfsim  riolrfw  etJsaaii-'  tto  x^*-!^**  teriifo  yp.B  tud  noiiqsauBttoo  \:J.iio 
be ilict on   b«w  cfrJBXlaqq*  ^o  ^nes£  eri.^   ^I    »/UX£ert  fcitifoaxii;  eeirBO 
te-xjjani  ©ri^-  *»ri;r   ^eortjsTifBfti   to^  aoi^BoiXqq*  eriiT  Jtoo?  eii  neuw 
XioJrfi  o^  bisliUno  foa  ex   Ji  noriJ"   ^fi^X^sri  fonifoe  nt  *on  BiJW 
rioca  ■   ^yoiloq  ©•'^^  "'^  /toxexrcnq  t&dif  lo     eanfllaft  fl  aa  IXeeJi 
niJori   »Mjt:t   rfn,.'a   Jr,     fceixrani  srfiT  li  x:fiXldJiiX  8;fX  hei imil 
-ibnoo  rioxra   fsnirxio  Snan  Lattetsrar^t   ai   ft  ba^   ,xl#X/iftri  hnuOB 
Biol9i&df  aJ9^  ©iBflT    ,bBiuBat  s:'.^   ^-    *-sq  Bii*  rto  |i*Xfl»ri  ^o  nox* 
-.aoitajjT^ani   «808i-..n  :■,»    :o  gfT>tvJ:7i  ocfJ  oi  loi-xe  on 
-nX  oaj    '0  ^(^iXidJBiX  Bilt   lo  «oi*«.-tJt«lX  lo  baki  Bitii   iJidH 
leiuent  atU     x<^  bsvlaw  ecf  ^jatr.  asloxXoq  Bona'xxieni  elxX  tit   aex^j© 
V    .00    .erfl   BlJtil  ioooflfiH)    .•J^stn   airf*  nl  J>«X*;f9e   XXsw   ^r 
XXI   e»X    ,oO    ,arl   iBtitt&bui*^  v  aaimsO    l*'8S    .XII   aVX    ^inlXdoa 
'     '      .■,;''   "ax  JDotrtomA  lo  nambooW  aiBboU  v  jIoxvxbH     i3e   .qqA 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  )  ^^'        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPPY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certipy  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this  ninth  day  of 

March,  in  the  year  of  our  Lord,  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  fifteen. 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 


Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  slxfa  day  of  April, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fifteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present  —  The  Hon,  DORRAIICE  DIEELL,  Presiding  Justice, 
Hon,  DUAIJE  J,  GARIJES,  Justice 
Hon,  JOHN  M,  NIEKAUS,  Justice 
E.  M.  DAVIS,  Sheriff 

193  lArd6^ 

EE  IT  aEI4ElBERED,    that  afterwards,    to-wlt:    on   the  15th  day 
of  A-ril,     A, J,   1915f    the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  of  ilea  of  said  Cornet,  In  the  vjords  and  figxires 
f olloviin;^ ,   to-v.'it : 



«w  483  77 

l«re«  Truft  it  8»Tiiic«  Bmnk,  ftpp«ll«nt, 

▼*•  AppMl   froB  0«Kalb. 

W.  f  .  ?•!],   %pp«llt«.  I 

BIBXLL,  J*  On  Il«y  S7,  190a,    th«  .Pl«re«  Trust  A 

iTlngt  Bank,  a  bankSnc  cotpormtion  09itm>   butln-«e   In  Byemaort   Ir  Dt 
lib  CouBt>,   »nttr'id  up  judcawt  by  oonf«ttlon  on  %  note  for  1 1,000, 
ttcutod  by  w.  f .  Boll,   of  tho  ouie  city,   tho  Judgaont,  ^principal,    In^ 
•••t  uid  AttomoyM  foot,   uicuntirc  to  11,078.25.       On  July  6,   1908, 
>13  Bftdo  %  wrltton  aotlce,   fupportod  by  mffldavlt,   to  T«o«te  o«ld 
id«Bont  and  for  Iooto  to  plood,  and  on  order  wmt  ontored,  T«e«tlnc 
to  j«dc«tntand  pomittlnc  Coll   to  pload,  but  proterTlng  the  3ler  of 
It  Judgment  on  hit  property.         Thereupon  Bell   filed  %  plea  of 
it  general   lotue  and  aleo   eoTon  epecl%l  pl*»«,   allying,   no   reaeone 
y  he  ihould  not  be  required   to  pay  eald  note,  w%nt  of  oonelderatlon; 
•olToney  of  the  Jobbere  Uanufaeturlng  Coapany  of  Illlnole,   to  ahoai 
♦jtte  vae  originally  given   In  9»|BaDt  for  eharee  of  Itt  capital 
tJok,  end  knowledge  of^i^ujoh  IniolTcncy  on  the  part  of  the  Bark  and 
e  offlcere  %t   the    Uae  the  Bank  puiAhnoed  the  note  froa   the  Jobbere 
npany;  knowled^o  by   the  Bank  and   Ite  offlcert  of  the  want  of  conoid- 
»tlcn;  end  a  coneplraoy  betweer   the  offioort  of  th4  Jobbere  Company 
d  the  offlcere  of  the  Bank  to  defraud  the  defendant.  ,        The  eoTonth 
•clal  plea  alleged  that,   %t  the  tlae  the  note  h«re   in  queetlon  wee 
eeuted,    the  Jobbere  Cott^any  enteral  Into  a  eeiMrata  wrlttaa 
reement  with  Bell,   by  which  It  wae   to  extend  hie  note  for  elx  monthe 
tor  It  beoaae  due.    If  he  wae  not   ready   to  pay   It  when  due,   and   that, 
tho  tlae  judgaent  wao   entered,   eald  note  wao  not  due  by   the   terme 
Mid  agreenont.         The  plaintiff  filed  repjloattone,   denying  the 
argee  of  coneplraoy  an c  clalalng  that  It  took  the  note  In  the 
u»l  oouree  of  buelneee  for  a  Talvabla  oonelderatlon  In  good  faith 
fore  aaturlty,  and  that  It  had  no  knowledge  of  the  eeperate 
Itten  agreeaent  between 



II  And  th«  Jobbers  Coapftny.     Tttere  «••  a  jury  trial  which  resulted   in 
rerdlot  in  f»Tor  of  the  defendant*     A  aotion  by  plmintiff  for  a  new 
lei  vee  OTorruled  and  Judgaent  was  entered  against  plaintiff  for 
Its,  froa  which  plaintiff  below  appeals. 

Appellant  is  organised  as  a  banking   corporation  under  the  lawa 

this  Etate  and  was  erigaged  in  that  business  in  Sycaaore  in  October « 
1)7,   at  which  tlae  one  Townsend  wae  pr^ident.     About  October  19«   1907, 

I.  Crawford,   then  preeident  of  the  Jj|bbers  Uanufacturlng  Coapany  of 
aayre«   went  to  appellant  and  offered  to   eell   it  a  note  executed  by 
)ellee  on   that  date,  and  being   for  the  payaent  of  $1,0C0  six  aontho 
ter  date  to  the  order  of  said  Jobbers  Coapany,  with  interest  at  the 
le  of  oeren  per  cent  per  annua  until  paid.     The  note  also  contained 
>ewer  of  attorney,   authorizing  any  attorney   of  an^  court  of  reoord  to 
ifess  Judgaent  on  said  note  at  any   tlae  after  the  date  thereof,  with 
I  eustoaary  proTlslons  regarding  waiTor  of  proceee  and  ieeue  of  ex- 
ition.     The  appellant  bought  this  nets  and  paid  for  it  by  giving 
I  Jobbers  Coapany   credit   for  f 1,000  on  a  note  which  appellant  held 
ilnst  said  Jobbers  Coapany.     This   transaction  was   carried  on   for  app* 
Lant  by   the  cashier,   although  he   first   consul tsd  Towasend,   the  pre* 
Isnt  of  the  bank,  with  regard  to  the  ptarchaee.     Appell%nt  held  the 
te  until  April    16,   1908,  when   it  was  due  by   its    terms,   and  then  not!- 
ed  appellee  that   it  held  the  note  and  that   it  wae   due.       Appellee  went 

the  Bank  and  discussed  the  natter  with  the  rice  preeident  of  that 
itltution  and  with  the  assistant  eashisr,  at  which  tlae  appellee 
ited  that  he  could  not  pay   the  note  then  but  would  take   care  of   it 
fore  the  aiddle  of  May.     Ke  did  not  take  care  of  the  note  as  he  had 
reed   in  hie   conTorsation  with   the  Tice  president   of  appellant  and,   on 
e  27th  of  May,   1908,  appellant  caused  judgaent   to  be  entered  upon   It 

confession.         Appellant  now  asks   that   the  rerdict  and  Jud^aoit   in 
9  lower  court  be  reToreed  upon  the  following  grounds:    (Ij   that   there 


•no  proof  that,  ^en  «ftld  nolo  wao  glron,   «ald  stock  wma  Taluoloot  or 
»ld  corporation  mo   Inoolront,   or  that  at  the  tlma  the  note   In  contro- 
erey  was  purchased  by  appellKnt,    It  or   Its  officers  or  agents,  had  any 
Dowled^e  that  appellee  had  bought  atock  in  the  Jobbers  Company  and  had 
iTon  this  note   in  payment  therefor  or   that  the  stock  ^s  of  no  Talue 
t  the  time  the  note  was  given,   or  that   there  was  any  fraud  or  conspir- 
ey  on  ths  part  of  appsllant  or  ite  officers  and  agents;      (2 J   that  the 
rial  court  erred  in  admitting   certain  oTldence  offered  by  appellee; 
Bd   (3j    that   the  trial   court   erred   in  giving   certain  instructions  to 
he  Jury,   requeeted  by  appellee.     We  will   first   discuss  the  second 
round,  for  ^xnreraal. 

1%  appear e  from  the  teetlaony  that   in  the  eunmer  of  1906*   the 
obbcrs  Ir'anufacturing  Company  of  Bouth  Dakota,   at  that   time  located   in 
hlcago,   made  an  agreement  with  Towneerd,    pretident  of  appellant,   by 
hlch  Towneend  agreed  to    furnish  the   company  with  $12,500  to   >e  used 
y   it    In   the  purchaee  of  a   factory   site   in   the   city  of  Sycamore,    the 
Tectlon  of  a  building   thereon  and   the  removal   thereto  of  the  machinery, 
iqulpment  and  material   of    the  company;   th^a   this  agreement  wae   curried 
lut  nnd  the  company  moved   to  Byoamore  and  engaged   In  busineee   there, 
iseulng  note?"    to  Towneend  for  the  monlee   so  advanced,   which  notes  were 
)y  hiiE  aeelgned   to  appellant;   that   then  and  up   to   the   time   the  note 
lere   In   queetion  was  given,    the  company  owned  consloerable  equipment  and 
jertaln  patents  on  hardware  specialties  and  on  a  gas  machins,    #ilch   It 
las  engaged   In  manufacturing,   and  h%d  succeeded    in  eelllng   stock   to  a 
lumber  of   residents  and  busineee  men   in  Sycamore.       During   the  stamer 
>f  19c7   it  was   decided   to    incorporate  under  the  la-^e   of  Tlllnole  and 
thle  wae   done,   all    the   effecte,    IneludlnK   the  good  will,    of  the  South 
DaVota  company  being   traneferred  to  the  Illinole   company,    subject   to 
the  debte  of  the  South  Dakota  Company,    which   the  Illinole   company  agreed 
to  pay.       On    the  38th  of  October,    1907,   after  the  Illinole   corporntion 

'      486 

Id  tetn  orc«niz«d  and  all    the   effectr  of   th«  South  Dakota   coajany  had 
ten   t«rntd  over   to    it.    It   cold  appellee  one  hundred  eharee  of   Ite  pre- 
irred  etock,    of   the  par  ralue  of  |10  4u   each,    and  appellee  gare 
lerefor   the  note  here   In   queetlon.       At    that    tine  and  euVeequent 
iqreto   the   company  wae   operating    ite  plant  and  manufacturing   and   eel3 - 
»g  the  article*  authorized  by   itr   charter.       At   different   tlmee  after 
a**S keuiiJm   e tf  appellee* e  note,   appellant  adTanced  money    to   the 
)mpary,    >me  on   »»•  iieteie^   llie   HUiUfj    el  ine   aw*  >■■•  or   the  note  of 
le  company  and   ite  officer*.         The   company   continued   to    carry  on   Ite 
Jtineee  until   about  the  f  ir«t  of  April,    1908,   when    it  ceared  to   do 
tieineee.         All   thie    erldence  ae    to   the  traneactlone   and   financial 
)nditlon  of  the  company  wae  offered  \j  appellee  and  admitted  by   the 
)Wrt,   over  the  objectione  of  appellant.       ^e  hare  etudled  thie  eridenoe 
irefullyV  both   In   the  aletract  and   In    the   record   iteelf,   and  we   find 
a  eritftnoe  fro«  which  the  Jury  could  reasonably   conclude  that  the 
ompany  wae    ineolTent  at    the  time  appellee  bought  hi*   etock  and  gmve 
ie  note  therefor  or  at    the    time  when  appellant  bought    thie  note   from 
be  company.  '.he   fnct   thnt  appellant   loaned  money    to    the   company, 

oth  before  and  after   the  dste   of  appellee's  note,   would  tend   to   ehow 
hat    the  bank   considered   the   coj.pany   to  be   fcund  financially.         The 
Hct   that  eereral   of  the  loahe  made   to   the    company  were  erldenced  by 
otep   elgned  not  only  by    the   company,   but  aleo  by   the  officer?  of  the 
ompany    In    their    indlvldval    capacity,   would  not  neceeearily    indlcnte 
hat    th-  VnnV   coneidercd   the    company   to  be    ineolYent,    as   such  a 
Tocedure   ie  often  adopted    In   the  ordinary    course  of  banking  bue- 
nep*.         •^e  are  of  opinion  thit   t^le  e-flderce  ne   to    the   llnancial 
ondition  of  the   company  and  as    to    the   change   In    Ite   organization   from 
.hat   of  a   Couth  Dakota    corporation    to    that   of  one  operating   under   the 
awe  of  thie   State  should  not  ha^e  been  admitted  and  allo-^ed  to  go   to  ^O- 
|ur:/,    unless    connected   with  other  STldence   clearly    tending    to    ehow 
.>"Ht    theee   facte  were  known   to    some  officer  or  agent  ol  appellant. 
"▼en   if  there   )  Veen   such    connecting    eTidence,    we    fail    to   find  any 

oof  plainly  pointing   to   the   intolrtncy  of   the   conpany^       WhlU  appellee 
lege*-    In  hla  brief  th«it    the  etocV  of  the   company  w%e  not   relllng 
n'    jr    the   r«mer  of  1907,   we   fail    to    find  any   eufflcient  proof  of  the 
ct.       There   !•    eTldence  ol    the   ealef   of  etock   to  appel3ee  and   to   one 
o«B  and   to   eeTsral   other  cJtltena   of  Sycamore.   V.ut   there   ie  no  eri- 
nce  of  any  attempt  by   the  company,    or   1 te  officers  or  agents,    to   eeU 
ock   to  any   person,   which   failed   to   result    in   such  sale.         Appellee 
mrges    in  hie  brief   th^t    the  notes  of  the   company  were  due  and  unpaid 
d   that    it   had    become  necessary    to   do   so:aethlng    to  get  more  money, 
plying,    we   pre.-u.e.    thnt    O  -   c.u^ar^    ^s    insolTent  and  hard  pressed. 
«  eTidenoe  .hows  that  a  note  of  the  company   for  t2.000  came  due    In 
euet.   1907,   and   that   the    inter-jst  had  been  paid,    together  with  a  part 
'   the  principal.       '"e   flna  no   evidence    ter-ding    to    ?how  ^ai    the  bark 
,(1  demanded  payment   of    this  note  or   that    the  company  was  pushed   for 
mei,    m    the  siarner  or    fall    of  1907.       Appellee    contends    that   th-  banV 
lew  of   the   organisation   of  the   company   under   the   la-s   of   this   Gtate. 
Td  evidently    claims    th-.t    this    change    in   organization  was  a    confession 
rmsolTency.       Even    if   the  appellant   did  Vnow  of  the   change    in   or- 
inuatlon   on   the  part    of   the   co-npany,    (   and   the  .ttdence   is  by  no 
sans    clear  on    that  point,)   still   ^  do  not   consider   that   to  be  any 
fldence.    in    itself,    of   financial    sobarraer.ent .  Appellee   devotos 

oneldernble   cpace    Ir.   his   brief   to  a   discussion  of    the  agreement  where- 
y  Townrend,    the  president  of  appellant,  became  a  trustee  of  the 
outh  Davota  Company    for  certain  purposes,   ana  argues   that  Town- 
lend's   relations  with  both  of   thsse   co.ipanles   were    ?.o    close   that   he 
lUSt  have   Vn.wn    that    the   Illinois    company  was    insolvent   ^t    the   time 
appellant   purchased    the   note   of  appellee,    but,    as   we  have  already 
stated.    ^    find  no   satisfactory   proof    in    ihe      ecord   that    the   Illinois 
!0,pany    -ae    in    fact    insolvent  at    the   time    in    question.  In   fact. 

>ne  Jarley.   who  became   president  of  the   company    in  Ootober,   1907, 
testified    that,    from  any    infomati.n  he  had  at   that   time,    the   company 
»as   solvent.  As    «:arlev   afterwards   asMeted    the   company    In    securing 


•      488  ••• 

credit  on    two  occasions,   by    eignin«  notee    for  It,   it  m*y  be   fairly 
Inferred   th%t  the  j/reeident  of  the   company   did  not   consider   It   In- 
iolrent  and   that    it  was  not,    in    fact,    IneolTent    in  October,   1907« 
'^e  consider   t>»t   the   eridence   Introduced    In  regard  to    the   c>Targe    In 
•  rganization  and    th*  trust  agreenent  was    calculated   to  mislead  the 
Jury,   unlets   followed  up  *y  eTidence  ehowirg   the  actual    ineolTenoy 
of  the   company    In   ]»07  and   the  Vnowledge  of  such  a   condition  of 
affairs  by   some    officer  or  agent   of  appellant.       Thether  or  not 
appellant  knew  of   th<?  change    in  organization  ippenre    to   us   to  be 
entirely    Inanaterlal. 

In  our  opinion,    the  material   quest  Ion  to  this   case   is, 
whether  or  not  appellant  purchased   thie   note   in  good   faith,    for  a 
valuable  consideration,   before  maturity.        If   the   evidence  shows   that 
appellant,    through    its  officert  or  agents,    nt   the  time    it  purchased 
the  note  of  appellee   from  the   c^pany,   knew  that  this  note  had  been 
given   for  stock   in   said  coiapary  and   thnt   said   company  was    Insolvent 
and    the   stock  valueless  when    it  was  purchased,    then   the  judgmert   should 
stand,    as   appellant  would  not   be  an    innocent  purchaser,    and    the  note 
would  be  without  any   valuable  coneideratlon  .         If  appellant  knew 
none  of   there  things,    then   the   Judgment  should  be    reversed   and   the 
cauee   remanded   to    the  lower   court    for  a  new  trinl.       Fwrther,    ever    If 
the  evidence   ehow«?    that  appellant,    at    that   time,    knew  thie   not-  had 
beer  given    for  stock   in   said  company,    yet    if  appellant   did  not 
know  that  the   company  was    ineolvent  and  the  ttock  worthless,    then   the 
Judgment  should  be   reversed  and   the  c-use  remanded. 

We  are  un.ibl  e  to    find  any  direct   evloence    in    the  record   to 
prove  that  appellant  knenr  the  note  here   In    queetion  war  given    ir    >%y- 
aent  of  stock   in  the  Jobbers  ComiAny .         Appellee   testified   that  he 
had  questioned  Townsend,  appellant's  prerldent,    several    times   wit^ 
regard  to    Investing   some   -soney    in    the   company,   but   Townsend  deniee 
lUvic^  advised  any   one   to  >uy   the   stock,   and  there  it  no  evidence 
wh-ttever    In   fche   record   to    show  that  Towrfend   yvetr  thn  t   appellee  had, 


489  ^- 

In   fact,  made  a  purchae«  of  «tock.  Snow,    th«   caehier  of  Xh«i  bank 

In  October,    3  907,     teat  If  led   that  when  he  htd  a    talk  with  Crawford, 
the  president  of  the   company,    ulth    regard   to   the  purchae**   of  thie 
note,   Crawford  did  not  tell  hla  whnt   the  conelderatlon   of  the  note  wae ; 
that  Crawford  gare  hia  to   underetand  he  wae   taking   thla  note  ae  a  reeult 
of  eoae  dealings  he   une  hnvlng  with  appellee.       V9  do   not   coneicer 
thie  ae   satiefactory  proof  that   the  officere   of  the  bank  knew  that 
thie  note  wae  actually  giren  for  etock,    but   even   if  they   did  have 
euch  knowledge,   we   ire  unable   to   find,   after  a   careful    eearch  of    the 
record,    any    ^Tloence    tending    to   prore    that    the   Jobbere    Company 
wae    ineolTent    In   Cctober,    1907,    or   that  appellant  knei>'   It  wae    Ineo* 
iTent.         Had  the  bank  known  that   the   company  wae    inaolvent  at 
that   time,    it  would   hardly  hare   continued   to   loan  money    to   the 
C(»pany,    eyen    though   the  n^tee  OTidenclni^   nuch   loane  w*re  aleo   signed 
by  eome  of   the  officere   of  the  c.os^any .         When   the*  bank  called  upon 
appellee   to  pay   thie  note    Ir    tht  Cpring   of  1906,    nix  monthr   after    1 1« 
execution  and  purchaee  by   the  bank,    it   le  plain    that  appellee  did 
not    then   conelder   that   he  had  any  ralld   excuee   for  not  paying   the 
note,    for  he  agreed    to    take  care   of    it  abo'^t  a  month  later. 
He  did  not   then  accue'>    the   bank  of  haring   purchaeed   the  note   in   the 
face  of  knowledge  on   It*   part    that  the  note  had  been  giver   by  him   for 
worthleep    f  .uck   in    an    Ineolvent   corporation.  In    our  opinion, 

appellee  hae    failed    to  prove   three    -eeentlale    to  enable  him  to 
avoid  payment  of  thie    note,    namely,    that    the   Company   wae    Ineolvent   ard 
its   r  tock  worthleee  when   the  note  wae  given,    that   the  banV  knew  the 
note  wae  given  for  etock,   and  that  the  bank  knew,   at   that   time,    that 
the  c<Bipany  wae   ineolvent  and    ite   etock  worthleee.         ""e    find  no 
Juetlf ication    in    the  record   for   the   claim   of  appellee    in  his  brief 
that  a   conepiracy    exeieted  whereby  appellant  wae  not  an    innocent 
owner  of  eaid  note,    or  an   owner  without   conelderatlon.  Th« 

)ttrd«n  of  proof    ««■  upon  appellee  to  ehow  that   the  benk  tme  not  an 
innocent  holder  mnd,  h«Tinfi   fftiled  to  do  eo,    the  Judftment  of  the  court 
lelow  o»nnot  be  euet«ined. 

The  firet  Inetraotion,  glren  for  appellee,  atated  that 
here  a  prealaeory  note  le  firen  without  eoneideration,  the  holder  of 
id  note  oaaaet  oolleet  the  ease  in  a  eult  at  law.*     Thia  ie  an  err- 
neuttn  atateBiot  of  the  law.     Tha  law  goreralBc  the  righte  of  an  aee- 
nee  of  oeaaeroial  paper  hae  often  been  dieoueeed  by  our  courte  and  la 
fficiantlj  atated  la  CoMetook  ▼.  Hannah,   76  111.  630,  Murray  t.  Beok- 
th,   81   111.  43,  Bradwell  t.  Pryor,   221  111.  602,   and  Karanaugh  t. 
nk  of  UK  Aaerioa,   239  111.  404.     We  are  of  opinion  that  the  forego- 
I  eztraot  froa  eaid  inatructlon  ia  not  euffieiently  cured  by  the 
tter  part  of  the  inetruction,  and  that  at  beet  it  waa  wmUmmkm^  cal- 
Lated  to  nlelaad  the  Jury  upon  a  Tary  naterial  point  in  the  oaae. 
I  fourth  inetruction  ie  eo  worded  ae  to  indicate  to  the  Jury  that  the 
Idenoe  ahowed  that   the  facta  therein  enwerated  were  known  to  the 
Ik  when  it  purchaeed  thie  note,  and  thie  wae   improper.     The  fifth 
itruction  ^Ten  for  appellee   ie  defectire,  probably  beoauee  of  the 
leeion  of  eone  worde  intended  te  be  Ineerted.     The  other  Inetructione, 
'*"  '•'i  ▼i*'™"^  •'•  inTolred  and  contain  iaperfeotione.     They 
>ult  be  nore  carefully  prepared  upon  another  trial. 

The  Judgment  ie  rerereed  and  the  cauee  remanded. 




Appellate  Court,     Us. 

Second  District,      J  I^  PAUL  V.  \VUNDER,  Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court,  in  and 

for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  the  keeper  of  the  Records  and  Seal  thereof,  do 
hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true,  full  and  complete  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the  said  Appel- 
late Court  in  the  above-entitled  cause,  now  of  record  in  my  said  office. 


In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand 
\  and  affix  the  seal  of  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ot- 

tawa,  this././ day  of. 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred 

and  <^\y:tY~(^-<^ ' 

t79969-3M-i2-59)   2,,^^  "  '''cierJc'oftheAppdlateCourL'' 


Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sixth  day  of  April, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fifteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present  —  The  Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Presiding  Justice. 
Hon.  DUANE  J.  GARInTES,  Justice 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  Justice 
E.  «.   DAVIS,  Sheriff      1  9  3  I  .A.  3  7  4 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  15th  day 
of  April,   A.D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  vjords  and  figures 
following ,  to-wit : 

•      562  I    '  ^"--^ 

«U43  50 

Waaten  Coal  Company,  appolloo,     ) 

ra,  ]  Appoal  from  Will. 

Aaerican  Itofraetorioo  Company, 

DIBXLL,   J.  Vliaaon  Coal  Company  trovght  thlo  ault 

againat  American  ^afraetoriee  Company  for   coal    aold  and  d<tllTcrad  to  the 
lattar  upon  a  contract   tharetoforo  azlatlng  batwaen   tha  tvo   corporate 
lent.     Tha  defendant  admitted   the  amount  claimed,   tut   filed  a  plea  of 
■et-off,   clalmlnc  damagea   in   exceaa  of  plalntiff*a   claim  for   failure  on 
the  part  of  plaintiff  to   delirer  all  of  the  defendant'a   requirementa   in 
the  matter  •f  co41,  aa   the  contract  required.     There  «aa  a  jury  trial 
tnd  a  Terdict   in   favor  of  plaintiff  and  acainat   defendant 'e   claim  of 
■  et-off,    in  the  eum  of  tl,846.0e,  a^ich  aaa   the   full  amount  claimed  by 
plaintiff*     Motiona   for  a  new  trial  and   in  arreet  of  Judgment  vere  de» 
nied,  and  plaintiff  had  judgmmt  on  the  verdict,    from  which  the  defend* 
ftnt  below  appeal a* 

Bt  Appellee 'a  declaration  conaiated  of  the  common  eounta* 
To   thie,  appellant  filed   the  general   iaeu*,   and  alao  a  plea  of  aet-off , 
ehlch  alleged,    in  brief,   that  on  September  9,   lOlG,  appellant  bargained 
vith  appellee  that  appellee  aell   It  appellant* a  requiremente  of  coal, 
called  Harrleburg  three»inoh  ecreeninge,    from  September  1,   1910,   to 
^'^'^^xA^*   1912,  upon  apecifled  tema  and  eondltione;  that   from  8ept«i* 
ber  1,  19IO9  to  Deewber  1,   1911,  appellee  fumietaed  appellant  with  ite 
rfqulrememte  of  thre«*iBoh  eereenlnfa;     that  from  Deoeaber  1,  1911,  to 
■rch  31,  391S,  •V9ellant*e  retulreaente  of  three-inoh  eoreenlnfe  were 
It, 499  tone,  vhieh  amount  appellant  ordered  of  appellee;   that,  diirinc 
•«id  period,  appellee  fvrniehed  te  appellant  only  8,691  tone,  but  would 
Dot  delirer  and  refueed  and  negle«%«4  te  deliver  1,807  tone  of  eaid 
ooal,  ordered  Igr  mpfellant  and  r«oir«<  by  ite  plant,  by  reaeon  whereof 



4ppell%nt  •uttained  daaagee    in   the  eum  of  t2,027.28.       To    thit  pl«a  of 
8et-off»   appellee   filed  arri^Ilcatlon,   averring   that   the  eaid   contract 
bvtveen  the  partiee  prorSded   that   la  waa  made   aubject   to   etrlkee*   acci- 
lente,   car   aupply   and  oth*r  cauaee  beyond    the  control   of  either  party  , 
and  that  ahould  appellee  te  unable  to   fill   the  epeclflcailone  of  app- 
ellant,  due   to   any   of  thoee   ccntlngenciee,   appellee   ahould   iomedlately 
notify    appellant   of  auch    Inability   to  make   full    ehipmente  and    the   reae- 
ona  therefcr;        and  that,   at  all    tluee   during   the  life  of  the   contract, 
when  appellee   wie   unable   to   fill   the   apeciflcatione  of  appellant,    auch 

inability  wae  on  account   of  eaid  contlngenclee,   of  vhlch   It   liomediately 

notified  appellant.       Appellee  aleokfiled  a  general   replication   to  app- 
ellant's  plea   of  eet-cff  and   appellant    filed  ♦  rejoinder    Utereto  ^^u^^^i^'i^Piy 
IL  At   the   tine   of   the   commencement   of  thie    euit,   appellant  was 

hgaged   in  the  manufacture  of  •^  elllca,  magneeite  and   ohrocie  bric]r  at 
Rockdale,   near   Jollet,    in  Hill    County.     Theee  brick  are  uaed    in   ^/lacea 
where  realatance  to  very  high  temperaturer    ie  necessary  and  are  worth 
from  fcur   to   twenty 'five   times  as  much  as   common   brick.      7n   the  process 
of  manufacture   theee  brick  are  burned   In  kilns,    shaped  like  bee  hires, 
having   eight   fire  boree   each,   placed  at   equal   distances  around  the  base 
of  the  kiln.     The  coal    im   fhoveled    into    these  boxer  by  hand  and«   as   It 
is  essential   that  the   fire  boxes  be  kept    closed,   a   reasonably   fine  grade 
of  coal  must  be  used   to   prevent   cold  air   being    sucked    in  over    the   top 
of   the   fire.  These  brickA,  when  hot,   are  very   susceptible   to   cold 

air,   and,    if  cooled   too   rapidly,  will    check  or   crack  and  be  worthless. 
During   the  last   five  >ears  prior  to    the   trial  appellant  had   confined 
itself  to    the  uas  of  three-inch  ocreeninge   in    its  kilns  and  used  about 
ICG   tons   thereof  per  day,    seven  days    in   the  week.        On  September   9, 
1910,   appellee  and  appellant   tntered   into   the    following   contract: 


Chicago      rept .   9,    3910, 

CCAL    cor  TRACT 

rArSCK   COAL   CClIPAITf    07  rARRIEPURG,    ILL.    afireee    to    eel]  : 

AltSRICAIT  REi-RACTCRITlir   CCMPAJTY   OF   CVICACC,    ILL.   agreef   to  buy: 


Compiry'*   plant   at    Jollet,    111.   of  Kar- 


Prlca:-  tl.^e  per  ton  of  2000  pounds,  y.  0.  E. 

care  Rockdale,  111.   Thle  price  le 
bated  upon  the  precent  freight  rate  of 
96^  per  net  ton,  and  any  Increnpe  In  t^ie 
rnt*  to  Ve  added  tc  the  above  price  and 
ir.  ^^-y   decrease  to  Ve  deducted  from  thi» 

bore  price. 

Set%leinente;  •  ^'eighte   ae   accertalr.ed    or    the   ecal*fi    of 

the  "eetern  P.ailiriy  Weighing  Aeeoclatlon 
at  P.ocVdale,    111.   ehmll   trorerr   eettlernent, 
HT\'i    accountP    '.re    due   am   payab]  •    on    the 
2oth   of  each  month   for  %11    coal    delivered 
to  American   'efractcr lee   Com^^any    during 
the   preceding   month. 

rhortage    In 

rh:pm?rtip    ;?■    >cr>enlri.e;    It    ie   agreed    that    If  at  any    time   during 

the   life   of   thle    contract    the  '.'aapon   Coal 
Co.    ie    unaMe    to    supply    the    entire   re- 
qulremente    of   the  American   Refractoriee 
Co.   of   3    Inch    ecreenirgr,    that    the  Taeeon 
Coal    Co.  will    Bo   advlee   the  American      e- 
fractoriee   Co.,      ra  tJe   ""atter   rhal"'    have 
the    right    to    specify   shlpnert   of  Karrie- 
burg  L'ine  Run    coal    In    eufflclent   ouantity 
to   make   up    the    thGrtat;e   on    3    inch    ecreen- 
In^p   and    that    the   i.rice   on    such  mine   run 
•  hall    be   |1  .93   per   ton    of  2UoO  po-onde, 
y  .    U.S.  carp   R.>:Vin]*,    II :  . 

CtrlVer,  Lockouts, 

Accidents   L  Car  This   contract    ie  raade,    subject   t.   strives, 

t3upi;]y:-  locVjuts,    accident?,    car   supply,    'ind    ether 

causes    heyond    the   control    of   either  party 
hereto,    but   should   the  Tasson   Coal    Com- 
pany   t«  urabl  •    to    fill    the   specification* 
of   the  American   Lsfractorl^'P   co.iyiiny,    dae 
tj  a.-;^'    of    thef'-?    contingencies,    the  Coal 
Company    shall    iniraediatsly   notify    the 
Refractories  Company   of   their    inability 
to  make   full    shipments   and    the    reason 

•      5G5 

t  tht  tla*  thla  eentzmot  ««•  •z«e«t«d.   It  wm«  uadtreteod  b«tw«tnnh« 
artlvt  that  tht  r«quirai*nt0  of  Apptllant  would  b«  «bout  100  tons  per 
ay,   for   eoTin  days   in   tho  «««k»  but   It  was  cuatomary   for   the  operatic 
eed  of  appellant  to  notify  appellee   from  tlae  to   time  of  the  amount 
f  coal   required.     Appellee  furnished  appellant  with  its  entire  require - 
ente  of  coal  from  the  date  of  the  contract,  Eeptember  1,  1910,  up  to 
eomber  1,   1911.     yrom  December  1.   1911,   to  and  including  karch  31, 
912,  the  date  of  expiration  of  the  contract,  appellant  ordeScd  10,499 
6nt  of  appellee,  about  1,600  tone  leee  than   Ite  ordinary   requirenente 
f  100  tone  per  day.     Appellee  did  not   fumleh  appellant  with  the  amount 


X  ordered  imeiythe  datee  epecified,  but  only  tent  it   8,691  tone,  and 
he  difference  between  the  amount  ordered  by  appellant  and  the  amount 
eoelTod  by   it  from  appellee  wae  1,807  tone.     Appellant  con tende  that,   t 
n  order  to  make  up  this  deficieoojr  and  to  keep  ite  kilne  goinc.  It  vae 
bilged  te  go  out  into  the  open  market  and  purchase  such  ceal  ae  it 
ould  get,  at  a  much  higher  price  than  it  would  have  had  to  pay  appellee 
nder  the  contract;     that  it  expended  $2,027.28  fn.purchaeing  euoh  coal, 
>r  |180.t8  mere  than  it  tlHm  owed  appellee  for  the  coal  it  did  ftimish 
;e  appellant;  and  that  appellee  wae  producing  coal  in  sufficient  tuan* 
itiet  to  tamTeTKppellaiit  with  lis  requirements  and  shsuld  be  held  liable 
:er  l|ie  amount  appellant  was  obliged  to   expend  outside  of  said   contract, 
appellee  contends  that  its  production  of  the  kind  of  ooal  required  bgr 
appellant  waelfmaterially  reduced  by  causes  expreeely  mentioned  bgr  the 
:otttract  as  axeusiag  it  from  liability;     that  appallaat  was  intnasing 
Its  orders  oomsiderablj  STer  and  a^TC  what  it  actually  required  te  r«D 
Its  kilns  and  was  storing  coal   in  amtioipation  of  a  possible  strike  on  m 
>r  about  April  1,  1918;  that  appollaat  oas  only  omtitlod  to  ordor  frca 
tppelloo  so  mmch  coal  as  it  aotumlly  moodod  to  rum  iio  kilas  19  to  tko 
ixpiraticB  of  the  ceatract,  but  not  for  purpceoo  of  storage,  to  bo  oood 
It  soms  indefiaite  date  after  the  ooatrmot  had  expired;  amA  that  app- 


•llftst,   iB  purohatlDc  outtSdt  o«aX»  «14  not  do  oo  to  tho  boot  od<f«ii* 

ftfo,  but  pvrehaood  eool  of  o  hlghor  g xmdo  and  at  a  hlghor  prloo.  thou 

Rt  Boooooory^  ond  thot,  by  roaooy  of  all  tho  eondltloBO,  appolloo  io 

•littod  froa  all  liability  for  failuro  to  fill  tho  ordoro  of  appollant. 

During  tho  laot  four  nontho  of  tho  llfo  of  thio  contract* 

roB  DoeoBbor  1.  1911,  to  March  31,  Itlt,  tho  total  production  of  app* 

lloo*o  Bino  aaountod  to  122,390  tono  of  coal.     Thio  So  eallod  aino  run 

•al,  that,  io,all  tho  ooal  that  coboo  froi  tho  aino.     Tho  kind  of  coal 

pocifiod  la  tho  contract  ao   *throo  inch  ecrooningo"  aoant  all  ooal  that 

»uJd  paoo  ^^■■■K^  throtwh  ooroono  having  VolooTthroo  inehoo  ta  Attm     k^^ 

tor.     Thoro  as  io  botwoon  ib%  and  60ft  of  throo  inch  teroonlngo  in  tho 

iBO  run  coal,  and  vhothor  throo  inch  oerooningo  aro  producod  or  not 

laply  dopoBdo  upon  whothor  or  not  tho  ooal  io  run  OTor  a  throo  inch 

croon.     Throo  inch  oerooningo  aay  bo  father  ooparatod  or  diTidod  into 

oal  oallod  "10.  1  nut,*  "Io.  2  But,"  *Ho.  3  lut,"  and  "Udh  and  a  qoav- 

•r  ooro«ni«g«»l  ^«t  thooo  four  oitat,  uhon  put  togothor,  or  bofiiro  b«* 

ag  ooparatod,  aro  throo  inch  oerooningo.       Appollant  oontondo  that,   in 

•toraining  tho  aaount  of  throo  Inch  oerooningo  appolloo  producod  imm 

or  each  of  tho  laot  four  aontho  of  tho  contract,  thoro  ahould  bo  taken 

Bto  con oi deration,  not  only  tho  aaount  liotod  ao  throo  inch  oorooningo, 

ut  aloe  the  aaounte  produced  in  tho  ohapo  of  9o.  1  nut,  Vo.  2  lut,  ye. 

•  |ttt  and  inch  and  a  quarter  aeroeBiag**  ••  thooo  latter,  before  being 

oparatod,  aaount  to  three  inch  ecreeninge.     If  thie  eoi^utatioa  of  app- 

illaat  le  aeeepted,  appellee  produoed,  during  thooo  four  aontho,  nearly 

'••000  iOBO  of  three  inch  eeroeninge.     On  tho  other  hand,  if  wo  confine 

ii|  ooaputttioB  otriotly  to  tho  m*kam%  aaount  of  three  inch  eeroeninge 

flkuead  ao  ouch,  ao  teetif iod  «»  by  a  reproooBtatiTo  of  appellee,  wo 

riid  frea  the  reotrd  that  af»ell«e  ffw«ftoed  28  .M?  teat  of  tteee  iadh 

'erooainge  during.thooo  four  aontho.    During  tho  oaae  tiao  appellant *o 

trdtro  were  for  10, Of  tono  of  three  Inch  ocrooBlngo,  aad  it  wao  only 

rumlohod  with  S,M1  tono.     In  appellee*o  brief  it  olaiao  that  tho  OTi- 

,  567 

d«no«  rthat  App«ll««  produe«d  20«T40  tons  of  thr««  inoh  toroonlnco  dur- 
ing th«  aonth  of  March,  1912,   it  ftn   orror,  tut  wo  aro  unablo  to  ooo  tho 
'orco  of  Its  rooioninc  and  «o  aro  otll<«d  to  tako  tho  flguroo  ao  thoj 
ippoar  In  the  record.     In  either  OTont,  appellee  lo  shown  to  hare  teen 
ible  to  produce  an  amount  of  three  inch  ecreenSngt,  by  oonhlnlng  -Ite 
rodttotlon  of  Ko.  1  Fut,  Ko.  2  Fut,  Fo.  3  rut  and  Inoh  and  a  quarter 
lereenlnge  durlac  those  four  sentha*  or  by  not  oeparaiiac  tho  ihroo  inoh 
lereenings   into  those  different  classes,  much  more  than  sufficient  to 
LSTO  suppliftd  the  requirements  of  appellant.       There  ie  no  OTidonce  in 
he  record,  so   f%r  ao  we  oan  asGortain»   to  «how  that  appellee  was  under 
iblifiUiOBS  to  furnish  its  coal,  of  whateror  sise,  to  other  ouetomers, 
kore  binding  than  its  obligation  to  fumieh  appellant  with  Its  orders 
)f  throe  iBoh  soroenings.       Much  str«#i  is  laid  by  appellee  upon  the 
iTidtaeo  by  the  manager  of  appellee  as  to  the  curtailmont  of  its  pro- 
LuctiOB  during  the  monthe  mentioned,  by  reaeon  of  acoldfato,   cold  woath- 
tr,  lack  of  men,  eto.       Without  discussing   these  mattere  in  detail,  wo 
loubt  Tory  much  whether  they  conotitute  sufficient  excuse  for  appellee 'e 
railure  to  fulfill    its  contract.       The  oTidence   clearly  shows  that,   in 
ipite  of  all   these  hindrances,  appellee  wae  able  to  prmduee  122,330  tons 
>f  coal  during   thie  period  and,    in  our  opinion,    it  hae   shown  no  Talid 
reaeon  why   it  could  not  hare  produced  and  deliTered  to  appellant  10,490 
tone  of  three   inoh  scrsenirge.     It  did   furnish  appellant   8,691   tons  and 
apparently  should  haTS  had  no  difficulty   in   furniahing  1,607  tone  more, 
rhls  shortage  of  1,807  tons  amounted  to  about  45  cars  of  coal  and  in 
regard  to  that  shortfgo  appellee*  e  manager  teetified:      "I  did  not  take 
up  the  ehortage  of  45  oara  olaimed  by   the  defendant.     I  did  not  intend 
to  make   it  up  and  I  did  not  make   it  up."     There  is  no  claim  in  this 
tsstimony  that  appellee  could  not  hare  made  up  this  shortcge;     simply, 
that  it  did  not  Intend  to  do  eo. 

Appellee  contende  that  appellant  did  ndt  need  all  the  coal 
It  was.  ordering   for  the  purpose  of  running   its  kilns  up  to   the  31et  day 


f  Kftreh,  1912,   th«  dftt«  of  th«  ttralnation  of  tho  oontraet,  but  that 

t  tmo  ttolnc*  or  trylnc  to  uoo,   Ito  eontract  with  ftpp«ll««  to  ooeuro 

Ml  to  to  otorod  and  uood  by   It  afttr  April  flrot,  oteuld  thoro  bt  • 

trlko  anoBc  tho  coal  alnoro;     that  |^(^||f|A  no  right  to  coal  froa  app* 

illoo  for  otorago  purpoooo;  and  it  ia  at  loaot  iapliod  that  thia  vao  ono 

f  tho  roaoona  for  tho  failnro  of  appolloo  to  fulfill  ita  eontraot. 

ban  appalloo  ontorod  into  thio  contract.    It  oxpoctod  to  bo  oallod  upon 

0  fumioh  appollant  with  about  100  tona  of  coal  por  day,  for  aaTon  daya 

n  tho  wook;   in  othor  wordt,   that  it  would  to  called  upon  to  fumiah 

ppollant  with  12*100  ton*  of   coal  during   tho  laot  four  aontho  of  tho 

lontraot.       Inotoad  of  ordering   that  aaount  during  that  poriod,  appall - 

Jit  only  ordorod  10,499  tona  and  tho  oTldonco  ohowa  that   it  actually 

onouBOd  in  ita  kilno  during   that  aaao  poriod  10,285  tona.     It  ia  thoro* 

'oro  ohow)  that,   in  four  nontho,  appalladt  only  ordorod  214  tono  aoro 

han  it  aotually  raqalrad  for  ita  kilao,  or  about  two  daya  atqpply,  and 

hat  ita  ordora  woro  actually  1,600  Una  loao  than  appalloo  had  axppctad 

;o  bo  oallod  upon  to   furniah  whon  it  ontorod  into  thio  contract.     Wo 

'ail  to  find  any  oridonco   tending   to  ohow  that  appellant  wao  engaged  in 

obtained  from  appellee  under  tble   contract, 
ttoring  a  large  quantity  of  coal^for  uao  after  March  31at  and  wo  do  not 

\%m  it  aaa^aary  to  diaeuaa  tho  quaailon  whether  or  not  ap^allant  would 

vara  been  entitled  to  uee  ite   contract  for  euAh  a  purpoee« 

8  5G8 

Th«  proof  ohows  that  appellant   foar«d  thor*  would  be  a  strike   In  the 
coal  Binee   In  April,   1912^  and   that   It  would  be  Anable  to  procure  co4 
for  the  operation  of  Its  buelnete  for  eome  tlae.     Before  December,   1911, 
appellant  began  buying   coal  and  storing   It   for  use  during   eald  expected 
strike,  and  before  the  end  of  this  contract  appellant  had  bought  and 
stored  enough  coal    to  enable  it   to  operate   ite  business   for  a  month  or 
six  weeke  iffter  April  1,   1912.     Appellee  sought  to  have  appellant  buy 
said  etorag'e  coal   from  It,   but  appellant  refused  to  do  so,  becauee  app* 
ellee  vas  already  so  much  In  arrears  under  this  contract.     Appellant 
bought  eald  storage  coal   elsewhere  and  did  not  obtain  an^^   of  It  from 
appellee.     Ihf^   appellee  failed  to  supply   the  amount  of  coal   required 
by   the  contract   during  December,  January ,   February  and  l!arch,   and  app- 
ellant needed   coal   for  Its  dally   use  and  found   It  difficult  to  b«;y   the 
requlreocoal  on  the  market.    It  took  eome   coal   for   Immediate  needs   from 
the  other   coal    In   stora^s.     Appellant  had  a  right   to   return   that  amount 
of  coal   to   the  stor/age  pile   from  coal   supplied  by  appellee  under  this 
contract,  without   subjecting   Itself  to   the  claim  that   It  was   using   ^^^*  <^rjfS^ 
to  store  up  coal    for  uee  after  April   1,   1912.     We  are  of  opinion  that 
appellant's  orders,   during   theee  four  monthe,  were  no  more  than  were 
required  for   Its  actual   operations  and  that,   during   the  same  period, 
appellee  produced  enough  ooal  to  have  enabled  It  to  Mkmm  flll#^  those 

The  erldence  of  appellant   la   undisputed  that  the  total  ohort- 
age  In  appellee'e   ehlpnents  was  1,807  tons  and  that  this  shortags  ex- 
Istsd  at  or   shortly  prior   to  lUroh  9,   1^12.     On   that   date  appellant 
wrote  appellee   as   follows; 



•       X       X       X       In  eh«ckiBC  up  7^^^  •hlpa^ntt  «calntt 
•»r  •p«elClefttl«Bt,  wt  find  that  you  %v  today  ohort 
45caro,  and  ao  your  ohortago   to  ohipmento  io  nocooo- 
Itatlng  our  uolnc  for  currant  nood*  other | coal  that 
wa  haTO  purchaoad  for  uao  after   the  flret  of  Ipril, 
wa  ahall  expect  you  to  sake  up  the  ohortage  a^re 
etated.   and  ae  there   le  Tory  little  time  left   in  which 
to  sake  purchatae  for  ahlpaiant  thle  month,  wa  raquaet 
that  you  adTlea  ua  tothat  wa  will  haTO  your  reply  by 
the  12th  Inet.  at  to  whether  you  will  make  up  thla 
ehortage  before  March  20th,  ae.    If  you  do  not,  we  ahall 
be  obliged  to  buy  It  eleewhere  at  market  prlcea  for 
your  aecawt.       lor  your   information  and  that  you  will 
know  poeltlTely   that  we  hare  not  been   epeclfying  ohip- 
■entt  m  excaae  of  what  we  are  coneaalng,  we  wiah  ta 
Inform  you  that  during  the  month  of  February  we  burned 
about  2,900  tone  of  coal  at  our  kllne.* 

n  Karch  12th  appellaa  wrote  appellant  ae  follawa: 

■  X  X  X  our  inability  la  euch.  and  hae  bean 
•uch  the  laet  few  daya  that  we  are  not  going  to  be  In 
a  poaitlon  to  fill  all  of  your  requlreaienta,  and  wa 
would  kindly  aak  that  you  make  arrangements  to  take 
care  of  your  latereete  elaewhare;  howerer,  ae  ooon 
aawe  can  gat  atartad  we  will  do  the  beet  we  can.    ¥a 

Pwill  notify  yau  fro«  tima  t#  time  how  our  praapacia 
M  receipt  of  thle  letter  appellant  made  Inquiriea  of  all  the  coal  op- 
iratore  in  the  dietrict   ragardlng  the  eeourlng  of  a  aupply  of  ooal  af 

ittltable  quality  euffioient  to  make  up  the  deficiency,  and.  on  Farch 

IMh  and  14th.  purehaeed  about.imm  tone.     On  Marhh  19th  appellee  wrote 

that  it  would  ba  aliiaet   inpoaotbla  for  it  to  ftimioh  appellant  the  en- 
tire requlrementa  of  what  ite  contimct  called  for.  and  thereafter  app- 
ellant made  other  purehaaaa.    ¥a  are  eatiefied.   fro«  the  avidenee.  that 
appellant  ueed  !■■  llliill    dlligenc>^n  making  theee  purchaaee.   to  aeeure 
the  required  quality  of  coal  ae  ehaaply  ae  poeelble.  and  aae  unable  to 
tecure  the  kind  of  coal  it  required,   taTa  at  a  coneiderabla  adTanea 
aboTe  tha  price  at  which  appallaa  ocatraotad  to  fumiah  it.     Aa.   in 
the  Tlew  we  take  of  thi.  oaaa.  It  .mat  ba  remanded  far  another   trUl, 
we  deem  it  unneceeeary  to  diecuaa  the  queation  in  detail. 


ThMr«  do««  not  ••«&  to  ^«  any   tTld«nc«  upon  #ileh  to  bate  the 
And  10th  instruction*,  glten  at  the  requett  of  appellea.     A  given 
tructlon   for  appellee  and  the  modification  of  an   instruction  requett- 
by   appellant  eeea  to  make  the  meaeure  of  damages  as  to  coal  taken 
appellant   from   Its  storage  to   supply  appellee's   failure  to  meet  app- 
ant'e  requirements  to  be   the  difference  between   the   contract  price 

the  fair  cash  market  value  of  the  etorage  coal    "at   the   time   It  was 
used."      If  this    instruction  had  said  at  the    time   that   It  was  taVenxlr 
B  the  storage^  we  think  it  would  be   correct,  but   there  was  no  proof 
to   the  precise  day  when  coal,   taken  from  the  storage,  w%e  put   into 
lellant's  furnace,   and  manlfeetly   It  Is  not  likely   that   that   could  bo 
iwn,   and  If  thle    inetructlon  meant  to  have   the  meaeure  of  damages 
ted  as  to  such  coal  at  the  precise  date  when   It  was  actually  put   Into 
»  furnace,  we  think  it  wae   Incorrect.     Ao   to  at  leaet  one   inetructlon 
rer  at  appellee's  requeet  and  one    instruction   requeeted  by  appellant 
\  refused,   there  wae  evidence   tending  to  obviate  the  caee  stated   In 


th«  initruetlon,  and  it  wa.  not  prop.r  to  glr.  tuch  inttruotlon 
without  A  r«f«r«not  to  th«  proof  Introduo.d  by  th«  other  tlda. 
Co»plalnt  is  Md«  of  the  refueal  of  an  Inetruotlon,  requested  by 
appellant,  to  disregard  erldence  that  It  offered  to  oo«pro«lse  Its 
damages  «lth  appellee  for  a  leee  su>  than  It  now  olaias  undsr  Its 
plea  of  set  off.  The  Instruotlon  wae  baeed  upon  a  correct  legal 
principle,  bdt  we  fall  to  find  any  erldence  upon  whloh  to  baee  it. 
Appellant  made  a  written  etateaent  to  appellee  of  Ita  damages  by 
reason  of  appellee's  failurs  to  perfom  its  contract,  and  placed 
thea  *t  mich  leee  than  it  now  claims,  but  ws  find  no  proof  that 
it  did  this  by  way  of  compromise.  It  was  asserting  what  it  then 
oonoelTed  to  bt  ite  legal  ri^ts,  and  ths  fact  that  it  thsn 
olaimed  less  than  now  was  a  proper  matter  to  be  ooneidered  by 
the  jury.  That  instruction  was  thsrefore  properly  refused. 
There  are  other  instructionm  which  ars  open  to  orltlolsm,  but 
thslr  discussion  by  oounsel  will  doubtleee  prevent  the*»  reourrenoe 

^^^'Sla^her  trial. 

The  Judgment  is  rsTersed  and  the  oauee  remanded. 


Appellate  Court,     ks. 

Second  District,      J  I^  PAUL  V.  WUNDER,  Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court,  in  and 

for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  the  keeper  of  the  Records  and  Seal  thereof,  do 
hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true,  full  and  complete  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the  said  Appel- 
late Court  in  the  above-entitled  cause,  now  of  record  in  my  said  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand 
and  affix  the  seal  of  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ot- 
tawa, this...<.7. day  of. 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred 
and  sixtyr^jO^oULi 

(79969-3M-12-59)   ^'.^^  CleVkoftheAppeUat^Court. 




Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday ,/the  sixth  day  of  April, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousaild  nine  hundred  and  fifteen, 

within  and  for  the  Second  Distr/et  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 

Present--The  Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELl/  Presiding  Justice. 


Hon.  DUANE  J,  CARNSfe ,  Justice. 
Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEH^US,  Justice 


,,_19  3I.A.  376 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  15th  day 
of  April,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 

Gen,  No,  6005, 

RoscoQ  Durf linger,  appellee, 

vs  Appeal  from  Co,  Ct,  Kankakee. 

J,  K,  Fisher,   appellant, 

Niehaus,  J, 

This  action  was  originally  brought  by  Roscoe  Durflinger 
appellee  before  a  justice  of  the  peace,  for  forcible  detainer, 
to  recover  poaeeeaion  of  farm  lands,  from  J,  K,  Fiaher,  appellant. 
The  case  was  tried  on  aopeal,  in  the  county  court  of  Kankakee 
County,  Tliere  was  a  jury  trial,  and  at  the  close  of  all  the 
evidence,  on  motion  of  appellee,  the  court  instructed  the  jury 
to  find  fax  the  i-^sues  for  the  ar^pellee;  and  the  jury  returned 
a  verdict  in  accordance  with  the  inst ruction.   The  appellant 
made  a  motion  for  a  new  trial,  which  was  denied:  and  the 
court  thereupon  rendered  ^  judgment  against  the  appellant,  on 
tha  verdict;  from  which  judgment  an  appeal  was  taken  to  this 
court.  The  question  to  be  determined,  is  whether  the  county 
court  was  in  error  ir.  directing  a  verdict  for  the  anpellee 
and  entereing  judgment  thereon. 

It  app-ars  from  the  evidence,  that  the  appellant,  had 
a  written  lease  of  the  lands  in  question,  from  the  owners,  Ab- 
salom Harrison  end   Myron  Harrison;  the  term  in  the  lease  being 
from  March  1,  1913,  to  March  1,  1913,   This  term  was  extended 
to  March  1,  1914  by  written  endorsement  on  the  back  of  the  lease, 
which  was  signed  by  all  the  parttes.   The  appellant  claims, 
that  in  the  latter  part  of  September,  or  in  December,  1913, 
a  verbal  agreement  was  made  by  the  parties  to  the  lease,  to 
again  extend  the  term  of   *.he  tenancy  for  another  year; 
which  extension  of  the  lease,  was  frok  March  1,  1914  to  March 
1,  1915, 

It  f\irther  appears  from  the  evidence,  that  before  the 
expiration  of  appellant's  term  undsr  the  written  lease,  the 

.cOOa    .oPI   .nev) 
*SdXIoqcjs   ,1^6311  JtXlxuG  eopaoi^ 
,»ei«3inj32    ,ifO   ,oO  moi'^   lAeqcK  av 

.jf'njsXI&rrqjB      ^asriall    ,S    ,L 

,1.    j8i;£n5.xii 

4ienljBJ'eJb  sidloiol   -xo^    ^to-eaq  &rfd-   'to  dOl*«iit   ■^  eiolecf     osij-sqci^ 

,;fnBilsqq«   ^aarfBif^    .."T    ,t,  monl    ^ibnBl   nii*l  T:o  nolsaeeBoq  isvooetc  oif 

••iJB3(flJ8X  It'o  i-iuoo  xtr.isoo  scii  nt    ^Xfiaqna  no  bBtit  asw  esfio  ©rfT 

arl*   ILa  to  aaoXo   erict^   J£  ban   ^JJil1.3^  Y^^t   *  •*^  eaeifT    .Y^nuoO 

^Xift   ©rfJ   bei-Oi/iJ-enJt   J-iuoo  erlJ-    ^eeXXeqqjB  "io  noi^onr  no   ^•o^eoxv6 

b9ni.uiti  \t.sjI   ©ri.^   hns     jaeXIeqrrB  Belt  tot  aauasi  erfJ"  »b1  bnll   oi- 

rf'fl.fiIi9qoje  ©riT        .flojt^ox/- ♦arti  BdS   rfJivr  eonjsbTOOO*  ni  Joibisv  js 

erfj-  bn£   ^J!>©ixi©b  aaw  rioirir   ,X*ii;f  wen  b  aol  noii^om  js  ©bjera' 

no   ^JnjBXXsqojB  ©riJ   ^artiJsgjB  ifnsragbjjt    ''  betebrrsi     noqi;©isri;f   t-.iioo 

9itcli   ot  ne^fB*  sjsw  XjBsqqjs  na  Jnemghi/j;   rfoirfTP  bot'^    ;tolbisv  ri-lj- 

X^auoo  erit  red&oriv     aJt    ^benimMteb  ©cf  o*  noitasx/p  ©rfT      .tii/oo 

•  eXX©qa£     Bcii  lol  *oini©v  jb  gnl^oeilJb  nJ:   io-xt©  nx  8jbw  *xc/oo 

.aoaa©a;f  *n©ra3bx;|;  gnleisi'Xie   bna 

jDsr:    ^j-n^Xistyi-s   encr   jsr  r    ^©oner)/.Ys   erf^  moiJ   aiB-qqB  *! 

-dA   4  8asnwo   e.:cf  raoit    ,nol:*»eup  fll  abrtjeX  ©rfJ-   Tto  taBeX  nsd-ct-xaw  a 

gnlscf  ea««i  6ri;+  ni  mas-t  ©r:j-   (ooatiXBH  jxotyM  bn;?  ftoalTiBH  moXBa 

bebna^x©  ajev-  m-isif  aJtrfT      ,EXeX   ^1  doiaV.  0*   tSXex    ,X  rfoiJsK  moil 

^eaaaX  ©rfj   lo  :ioj8d  ©ri^f  no  Jnameanobns  na-t^liw  ytf  *X8X   »X  donsU  oS 

^aiBjkBXo   ;fnBXIeqqj3  ©rfT      .aaA^aaq  ©rfJ-   XIxs     vd  bsngxe   bbw  rioJtrfw' 


^SXex    4:c©cffflao9a  at  to   ^T9dme*qsB  1:0  tTjaq  letJ'BX  ©rfd'  ni   jBp'r 
0?    ^eajseX  ©ri-f   oJ-   aaXt^-sq     ©rij    yd  abiim  «bw  ^'nemasa^.e  XjBcfiev  &  ' 
'iBex  i8ri;fone     ao'    xnaAmt   -  to  oins;f  ©rfd-  bn8;fx6  cls^^^ 

i.-x.^      oJ"   J^XSX    jX   doiBM  Motet    a^V'    ^esoi.-j.   ©rii-   to  noianei^xe   xloJtrfw 

-3  m  .-  r 

•       A    •  -       ^  - 

arfj-  e'lotecf  ^Bn*    4eonsbi:v©  ©rid-  ffloa'f    aaB©qq«  asuvfaxr  •    ^^ 

h&t   ^aaBsX  nat^Xiw  erf.t  icfbnx;  wn^i  p'tnjsXXsqqB  to  floi^-ts^xqj;© 

ownership  of  the  premises  in  qusstion  was  transferred,  by 
Absalom  Harrison  and  Myron  Harrison,  to  George  Dainty  and  Edward 
Pearson,   On  February  34,  1914,  a  written  lease  was  made  by 
the  new  owners,  as  parties  of  the  first  part,  and  appellee, 
as  party  of  the  second  part,  leasing  the  premises  in  question 
to  appellee,  from  the  date  of  this  lease  to  March  1,  1915, 
Appellee  made  a  demand  on  appellant,  after  the  expiration  of 
a  ellant'a  term  under  the  written  extension  of  the  lease, 
for  possession;  and  possession  beinp;  refused,  he  comnsenced 
this  suit. 

Appellant  made  objection  to  the  intrnduction  of 
appellee's  lease,  because  it  was  executed  in  person  only  by 
Georj^e  Dainty,  who,  aasumine-  to  a  ct  for  Ed.  Pearson,  had 
signed  ^earBon*s  name  to  the  same;  and  appellant  insiste,  that 
Dainty's  authority  to  execute  the  lease  for  Pearson,  should 
have  been  shown,  before  the  lease  became  competent  evidence. 
This  preliminary  proof,  in'^isted  upon  by  appellant,  v/as  not 
necessary,  inasmuch  as  tlie  law  presumes,  in  this  case,  in  the 
absence  of  evidence  to  the  contrary,  that  the  lease  in  question 
was  made  v;ith  the  knowledge  and  consent  of  Pearson.  (Schwart* 
'  V  MoQuaid  314  111,  357.   Moreover  a  lease  signed  by  one  of 
two  tenants  in  common  rould  entitle  the  lessee  to  possession 
of  the  premises  involved. 

Appellant  also  in=?ist8  that  no  sufficient  foundation 
Was  laid  for  the  introduction  of  the  rscord  of  the  deed  of 
Myron  Harrison  and  wife  to  George  Dainty  and  Edward  Psareon 
conveying  part  of  the  premises  in  controversy.  The   preliminary 
proof  made  for  tV.e  introduction  of  the  record  of  the  deed 
was  sufficient,  under  Section  35  of  Chapter  30  of  the  Con- 
veyance Act,  in  the  revised  statutee.  The  introduction  of  this 
deed  i:|^  evidence,  however  was  apparently  unnecessary,  as  it 
had  already  been  proven  by  oral  taetimony,  which  was  introduced 

^_    ^:.:i-xid'l»asit   sar  aoziaeup  at   aeeimeaq  eriJ-     lo  qirfeaenwo 
bi^^-h-J    -.rr      \fnlB(J  •gaoaC  of  <noBJ::ctJSR  xtoicvM  brtfi  floeJtxx^H  ooIisedA 

to  aoii-Aiiqxe  arfJ-  retlM  ,tn«Il9qo45  no  JbfijBmet)  5   ©5j8m^9- '    "-'  A 

.+  r   r*     p  rr' 

lo  Roiioubaii^at   t.      _.   i-..  .wostcfo  t  ._  .  ,„ 

t«ri.t   ^•^eisxif  ^n£lXeqq«  ba-6  ianiBS  siij'  o«^.•als^  •'noaiJis'?  bengie 

i)Xyoris    ^flo«a«9*I  lol  eajisX  edt  ti-x/oexe  pJ"  x^i'iod^J^Js  e'Y^^i*- 

.•ondbive   taet&qaQo  ecnjsoocf  aAJBeX  er(;f   aio^ted   ^xtwpile  asdcT  dv^n 

Jon   B.(?w   ^taailsqc{£.    ycf  floqi/  beJsisnl   ^Ipoiq  \iaitmXisiq  atcL: 

eds  at   ,e8£o     •l£f;t-  nj;   ^aeau/seaq  v«X,  f^fj^  tis  £[ojjflt9£nl  ^Y^«9890&r 

floi;tasx;i:      at    «8£eX   6riJ   ^BxIJ"    ^Y^J'ii'flPO  »d&   ot   fOnebiy©  Tto   80Xi88cf£ 

*..^:; .  ..ilo5J)    ,jao8Tj«eT  lo  #n8Bnoo  bn£  egbsXwoniC  arfiJ'  d^^^i-  •JbJsm  ajsw 

-.    eao  vcf  iJeflgJtv   ««A*r   «  TsvoeioM     ,V5E   ,X^I   ^XS  JbiavPoM  v 

no'Le^ftf^- r^i-     07    fis«is^,  :',t/>jTT9  tXjjow  aofli.Tioo  nJt  fifnjsifxsj   or^i 

,JbevXovai   aeexne^cq  en         > 

Xv   r;©-^  .       .      Jo  Moof-x  fexfJ   "t:o  noitQirhoitat  erfj-   ao'i  tJkiiX   s^ 
ao8i£."^  iJXf:\kbl   ba£  xtatjuQ.  ©gioeC  o*  alir     Jbca  flpaiTcxjaH  ixoiv! 
Xi*flintXX8'-t'^i  .-^laaevo^Jnoo  ni  aaalmsiq  arU   J.q  tiaq  afti^evnoo 

£)a«i:i  f>ri^   io  Jb:coofii  eat   ':o  najt^owboaJni  erfJ"     lol  pJbjBm  loo-Xf.. 
-noO  ©dJ   To  Oe  as^qfiilO     lo  2E  aolto»B   xebau  ^tMlotllu^  a^w 
airfi  \c.  actioubo'ttnt     offT    ,a»*i/Jj3;t-?   baalvea  ©rfJ  «jt  ^^^oA  aonjSYS' 
vj  i  a&  ^\xiifi6d0fisxtw  Y-^^nexAqcv£  aaw  xavawoxf  ^aortabJtve  j^l  ^aai:* 

without  objection,  that  George  Dainty  and  Edward  Pearson  had 
purchased  and  become  the  owners  of  the  premises  in  question, 
before  the  expiration  of  appellant's  tenancy  under  his  written 
lease.  The  verbal  agreement  to  extend  appellant's  term  to 
March  1,  1915,  was  clearly  within  the  statute  of  Fraud*.  Radler 
V  Hoffman,  135  111.  App.  454,  Appellee  had  a  right  to  question 
the  legality  of  the  verbal  agreement  to  ext-;nd  ar>pellant*§ 
tenancy.  Folrath  v  Hutohin  1*5  111,  App,  434,   The  evidence 
shows  no  legal  right  in  appellant,  to  the  possession  of  the 
premises,  and  appellant  claiinsd  none,  except  the  right  based 
on  the  verbal  agreement,  Tlie  Court  therefore,  properly  in- 
structed the  jury,  to  find  the  issues  for  appellee, 

Tl)e  judgment  of  the  county  court  should  be  affirmed. 


,flot^6.  ae«j:i«9:  .:ad«>«cffirtiJ  ......... .^ 

noitfas;.!;  o*   ;fr^U  ^  l)sxl  «(ftU«ciqA     ^^^t-  .,cp|/l   ,XII  «ex  •,ftB.'n^ '-''-■   v 
•  •J|i^Xiegq£  l>n^^X^.9<^^xipfneti8«  X£cf«#r  ♦rfi  -^o  Y^iXaaa- ^ 

.ef-XI^c.qs  xo>  ••tft?!  erf*  i;.  ^^..;^    .rfd-  betouita 

'^■^'f«-'^p      t"t;.xn  y^xTWOO  9rf;t  ■^^o  :^l■f-•.v,  r^    <,M'«f' 

^^^^sECON^msTmS?^^'  H"'  I,  Christopher  C.  Duffy,  Clerk  of  the  Appellate 
Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this 

Jay  of ^ in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 

thousand  nine  hundred  and 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 

•JIPl    ir;- 






Beg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  ^xth  day  of  April, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nin/  hundred  and  fifteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of/the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present--The  Hon.  DQRRANCE  DIBELL,  Prea^^ding-  Justice. 
Hon.  DUAnE  J.  CARNES,  Ju^^lice. 
k^^n.  JOnk  M.  NIEHAUS,  j/stice.XS/  3  I»A«  O  4  8 
E.  M.  DAVI§.^  Sheri 

y  /(/  ^PuaaU^     Ki^u-  {  f 


BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  15th  day 

of  April,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 

the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 

Gen.  No.  6011. 

Tae   Ravinia  Co.  appellee 

YB  Appeal  from  Co.  Ct.  Lake. 

Jean  M,  Strobel,  anpellant. 

Niehaua,  J, 

This  was  an  action  of  forcible  detainer,  brought  by 
appellee.  The  Ravinia  Company,  against  appellant,  Jean  M. 
Strobel,  for  the  posaeasion  of  a  part  of  Ravinia  Park  property, 
described  in  the  amended  complaint  filed  by  appellee.  There 
was  a  jury  trial  in  the  County  Court  of  Lake  County,  and  at 
the  close  of  all  the  evidence,  the  Court,  on  motion  of  appellee, 
instructed  the  jury  to  find  the  appellant  guilty  in  manner  and 
form  ae  alleged  in  the  complaint,  of  unlawfully  withoikding 
from  appellee,  the  possession  of  the  premisee  in  question;  and 
to  find,  that  the  right  to  the  possession  of  said  premiset, 
was  in  the  aopellee.  The  jury  returned  a  verdict  as  directed; 
and  the  appellant  thereupon  made  a  motion  for  a  new  trial  was  denied.   The  court  rendered  judgment  on  the  verdict 
and  the  cause  is  brought  to  this  court  on  appeal. 

There  are  various  errors  assigned,  but  the  controlling 
question  involved  i8,  whether  or  not  the  Court  was  justified 
in  directing  the  jury  to  "ind  a  verdict  against  the  appellant. 
The  proof  shows  that  the  appellant  went  into  possession  of  the 
premisea  in  question,  under  a  written  lease  from  George  M. 
Seward,  Receiver  for  A.  C,  Frost,  dated  December  16,  1908; 
the  term  of  her  tenancy  under  the  lease,  was  for  one  year, 
ending  December  15,  1909;  and  the  appellant  had  an  option, 
under  the  lease,  to  hold  for  two  fear a  longer;  provided  the 
Receiver  was  in  possession,  and  had  authority  to  lease,  at 
the  expiration  of  the  year.  The  option  provided  for,  wae 
taken  by  appellant;  and  ,  her  term  therebjD  extended  to  terminate 

,1106   .oK  ,ai^O 
eeXIeqqje   ,oO  JBinivjafl  e,.? 
.s'isj    .10    .oO   raoat    lifrqqA  tv 

.^nisllsqqjs   (IscroacfB   .M  n^^L 

Ycf  td^ifoid   ^^BntsS^b  sicflonol  to  not^ojB  kjb  s^w  eiifl 

.M  flJBsL    ^*n«XIsqqjB  i'snlAg^    ^ynjeqaioO  BinivjBfl  ©riT    ^•eXXec^  ■: 

•iSflT    ,«eIXeq;  JB  yd  b»ltt  tnlsiqiaoo  bebnemja  edi  at  bsditotbt 

tji  baA   ^-^tauoX^  eiaJ  "io   tiuoO  x^^i-^oO  mU  nl  latrf  yiiit  b  iii* 

^esXiMqjB  lo  noi;fom  no   ^J^ijjoO  arf^t   ^eonafBfVd '9ri:f  XXa  >d  »9oXo  eifj 

l)njs  isnn-Bm  at   xtliir^,  taalleqqe  firit  batt   o&  yai/t   ^^^  fce;fOi;ad-8n2 

gnifci/ori^iT     xXXjjItwjBXiiij  lo   ^^nlaXqaoo  axf;f  nX  bn-gslLB  83  111101 

fca£   ;noJ:*a©ifp  at  aeaimeiq  edi  lo  rroieseeaoq  arfJ-   jeeXXaqqi}  moil 

^•a'aiaPB'xcf  i>i«8     lo  noiaaaaaoq  erfJ'  o;f   i-rfgii  sdi-  tadt   ^bntt  oi 

;f>e*oeiiJb  bb  totbiey  a  JianuLrJai  TtJJ't   »rfT      .eaXXeqqjs  eiid"  nx  aaw 

IjBiiJ-  wen  B  lol:     noX^fom  &  eb£m     aoqisetedi     JnjsXXaqoB  eil:f  baa 

totbzer  arfit  ao  ;fnefli3f)ut  fcaiebnei  ^luoo  erfT      .beXneb  bjbw  rfo:rfw 

.XAeqrjB  no  tiuoo  aXrft  of  J-rigx/oicf  ei   eei/jso  f 

aniXIoiJffoo  an.t   d-x/rf  ^beogXaeje  aioiia  Sijoti^v  ais  eisrlT 

haXlii-aut   •««  jiooO  arit   J-oa  10  larf^fsrfw   ,aX  bevXovni  nox^aewp 

.JnaXIecqB  6df   tttni&fj.^:  tolf)ie-v  &  bat~    oi  Y'^i^t  •^'^  gnX^toeiib  ni 

arlJ  lo  noiaaaaaoq  otnl  #naw  .^naXXaqq-e  arfJ  fmdt  aworfa  looiq  exlT 

,M  egiosO  aioil  daaaX  naj;f iiw  5  lebni;  ^aotfteL-p  rri  aaaXmaiq 

iSOeX   ^ax  locfmaoaa  b9tBb   ^foi'i   ,0    ,A     lol  levieoafi   ^JbiBWaB 

^ijBaY  *«0  "JcO  aj9W   ^aa^eX  and^   labnu  xo«*fre'^  "^^©^  ^o  mis:!'  adt 

^noXJ-qo  rtJ5  bad     tnjeXXaqqB  en'J  bafi   jSOSX   ^SX  lecfmaoea  :Qalba& 

Bdt  bebXvoiq   iiaanoX  aiBef  o^i   lol   Mori  0*   ^ta^aX  arid-  i&bau 

d'B  ^aiBaX  ot  •^fluodtuB  bMti  bas     ^noXaaaaeoq  xiX  bjs*     levXsoaH 

•BW     ^lol  JbabXvoir     aoi*qo  erfT    ,xs*;y  edt  lo  noxi'BiXqxa  ed# 

Biaalmief  oi  Jbabriscfxa  afcTaiarii-  a^ei  red   ^  br.e.   ;*rtBXXecroB  vtf  fldJTJBl' 

Daoember  15,  1911;  and,  after  that  date,  ahe  became  a  tenant 
of  appellee  from  year  to  year.  The  lease  was  assigned  to  ap- 
pellee OB  July  37,  1911;  and  on  September  30,  1913,  appellee 

,    gave  appellant  a  written  notice  to  terminate  her  tenancy  on 
December  15,  1913;  and  demanded,  that  ehe  surrender  possession 
of  the  premises  on  that  day. 

It  is  claimed  by  appellant,  that  the  notice  should  have 
terminated  the  tenancy  on  December  16th,  the  anniversary  date 
of  the  commencement  of  the  term,  instead  of  December  15th,  the 
anniversary  date  of  the  end  of  the  term.   The  general  rule  of 
law,  concerning  notices  of  this  character,  was  stated  in  the 
case  of  Priokett  v  Ritter,  16  111,  97,  and  the  court  says, 
in  passing  on  the  point  in  question;  "The  authorities  all 
seem  to  agree,   that  where  notice  is  required  it  must  be  given 
a  due  length  of  time  before,  and  terminate  with  a  regular 
period  in  the  tenancy;  that  is  at  the  end  of  a  year,  half  year, 
quarter,  month  or  week,  according  to  the  party's  right  to 
terminate  it  by  the  notice," 

But  the  mattsr  is  fixed  definitely  by  the  statute  concernling 
land-lord  and  tenant;  anc^  section  5  of  chapter  80  of  the  act, 
requires,  that  "in  all  cases  of  tenancy  from  year  to  year,  60 
days'  notice  in  writing  shall  be  sufficient  to  terminate  the 
tenancy  at  the  end  of  the  year,"  The  notice  therefore,  properly 
terminated  the  tenancy,  at  the  end  of  the  year;  and  no  further 
demand  for  possession  was  neceesary,  before  bringing  suit. 
(Section  7,  Chapter  80,  Kurd's  Revised  Statutes;  Stillman  v 
Palis,  134  111.  533.) 

^    It  is  insisted  that  the  description  of  the  premises  in  the 
lease  ie  indefinite  and  uncertain.  The  description  of  the 
premises  in  this  case  meets  the  legal  requirement.  It  is 
sufficiently  definite  and  certain,  if  the  premises  can  be 
readily  identified  and  located,  (C.  &  8t.  L.  R,  R,  Co.  v 

taMcisS  J5  emeoed  erle   ^§tab  tsdi  led-tja  ^ba&     iXXSX   4fiX  ascfmeosa 

-qjs  0^   be«3l88£  PBW  98JS«X  erfT    ,TBeY  od-  :i«9Y  motl  eeXI'eqpiS  ^o 

eelleqqfi   jCXex   ^08   iscfmecrqea  no  bas   ;XXeX   tTS  x^uZ  flo  seXXeq 

no  xoa&a9t  led  •i-finlmieJ-   oJ-  oolion  ciet-^lryr  h  ^n^XXeqqa  9vag 

aox«B«Baoq  iBhaeituB  erfp  ^arfj-   ^tebrifimeb     bne     ;SXex   ^SX  lecToisoea 

•  Y-s^  t^rfd-  no  8a»Jtm9:cq  edi  tp 

•Viiri  ftXtfOris   90Jt;ron  eriJ-  *Brfd-   (i-xijsXXeqqjB  ^cf     fcemlaXo  al  i"! 

•*Bt>  >[iBax8  7J:njCiJ3  srfj      .rfi'QX  icecfmeosa  no  YO^-^necf  sii-J-  beisatai'iet 

td&   ,dtdi  lacfneoeQ  lo  bjsacfivni  ^oia;)'  a;l;f  lo  d'Hsmaonscomoo     9dt  1o 

to  aXx;7  Xaaeaeg  ariT     ,fflas>*  arf*  "io  bas  eriJ-  lo  a*s£i  ^waasvipfl* 

0di  at  bti&Se  s^w   ^led'osajsno  Btdi  lo  eaoJtJ-ofl  a^inieonoo   ^w*^ 

^^X£e  ^-u/oo  8£[:t  bnjB  ^Vfi   ,XXI  8X   »?a**iH     v  i'Jejfoix^  to  af«9 

XX«  8«^^Jt'ioil70<s  eifr"    laoitieap     ai  iaJLoq,  edi  no  snJta^^q  a^ 

nevjtg  ecf  tax/tn  tt  Jbaaxijpax     ei  eoiiJ-oxx  aierfw  rf-ariJ^     ,asiaje  p*  ina9| 

a«XjJ8ea  J3  ri^xw  ei-jaaimxed-  bnjB  ,eiol©cf     emit  lo  xl^anfeX  ax/f)  ji 

^ijaeY  tlsd  ^ta6x     s  lo  hne  erly*   ^ja  ax  d-Bxl;?    iYonjarra*  arfd"  nx  l)pixag 

o;t  J-rigXa     a'y4"aBq  eni  o^  gxtJtf>iooo«   ^aCaew  lo  rfJnoai  ^ae^J-i^xip 

".aoiJ-on  arfJ-     ycf  J-x  aJ-anXaxsJ- 

3fl4niaonoo  8^i;cl".s;J-a  tdi  \d  y;lbtlai:t»b  bBXil   ai  rstt&m   ari*  JuS 

^#o»  8/i;t  lo  08  xed-qjsiio  l:o  6  noiJ^oee  baa   {iaAaat   bas     biol-baJij, 

OS    ^TJ8©Y  oj   x^ey  noil   YonjMst  "io  sea^o  XX.8  /tfc,*.,„#'6ri^   ^asiXxjpai 

eaj"  aJ^nxm-  ;^J  o*  ahnsioxltxia  ed  XXj&iia  snii'iiw  nl  aoiton   *B\J&b 

Yixaqoaq   jeiolaiedd"  aox^on  ariT  "  ,ij»aY  arfit  "io  ftfle  ©  {oxxanaf 

lariJ-ixf^  on  bn^   ;xBaY  ^di  lo  ^a  srij   ts  ^xo^-sned"   Si.J   feacf^nXmi^l' 

,;»^ii/a  ^niaaiirf  aiotfeJ   ^-^tJ^aaQcta  8J3W  noxaaeeBoq  10^  basm^b 

V  flEfrXIiJ-a   laaJtfitBta  baatvaH  a'f5i;/H   »08  xeitqfifro   4V  nox*988) 

(,sc.;   .XXI  ^Zi  ,axx*<l 

ad;^  at  aaaiaraxq  et^i  ^o  aoX^TaJ^ioaai?  axiJ-  ^arf^  baifeJisai  ax   J-I 

arft  lo  £[oJ:<^q^xoaab  a^IT     .a^js^fieonu  ba£  aiMAiildbni  al  aa«aX 

8X  d-I    .ifasmaxXypar  X«saX  tdS  ataam  tejso  8X4^  at  jtaimaaq 

td  n£0  aeaimaxq  »di  it   ^ai&tieo  ba^  attatlttb  YX;faaioXl:lx;a 

V   ,00  ^H   ,a   ,J  ,iB  A   .0)    .X>ei-BooX  bns  f)all:iJnebi  xltbjuer 

Wiggins  Ferry  Co.  83  111,  330;   Stillman  v   Palis,  134  111,  533.) 
y^        Appellant  also  urges  an  objection  to  the  sufficiency  of  the 
preliminary  proof,  for  introducing  the  lease,  and  the  assignment 
of  the  lease  in  evidence.  We  think  the  lease  and  assignment 
were  properly  admitted  in  evidence,  unddr  the  proofs  made;  and 
that  it  a,npeared  with  sufficient  clearness,  that  the  assignment 
offered  in  evidence  was  the  assignment  of  the  lease  in 

Appellant  contends,  that  because  no  preliminary  proof 
was  offered  to  show  that  the  president  of  the  Ravinia  Company 
signed  the  name  of  the  company  to  the  notice,  to  terminate 
appellant  J  8  tenancy, no  proper  foundation  was  laid,  for  the 
introduction  of  the  notice  in  evidence.  It  is  sufficient  to 
say,  concerning  this  contention,  that  no  objection  was  inside 
on  the  trial,  to  the  inatroduction  of  the  notice,  on  that 
ground.  The  general  objection  -vhich  was  made,  dods  not  cover 
the  lack  of  proof  on  this  point.  (Buckley  v  Robartaon,  186 
'^i  111.  App,  605,)  However,  under  the  pleadings  in  the  case,  the 
notice  was  admissible  without  preliminary  pr  of  of  its  exeour- 
tion,   (Section  53,  Chapter  110,  Hurd's  Revised  Statutes.) 

There  was  no  evidence  tending  to  sfeow,  that  appellant  had 
a  le[^l  right  to  the  possession  of  the  premises  in  question, 
as  against  appellee.  The  peremptory  instruction  ,  tiierefore 
was  proper;  and  the  coiirt  did  not  err  in  directing  a  verdict. 
Tne  record  does  not  show  any  substantial  error,  and  the  judg- 
ment should,  therefore,  be  affirmed, 


(.see   . —  .  ,  .        'rziB'^  anJ:3i}j: 

•  rf*  iQ  ^onsr  .Th-f-.- ■_.  ..  ^„  txiJSilecrcrA 

tnemosins*  »ri;    ..  -f-ior.frfr  ^toox4  'V^-B^i^'*^^^^- 

irt&mrtgieejB  feni,     i..„^_  .-     .— _.  ;   .         ,  tvd  rtl  ftSjeeX  erfJ     lo 

.....    ;*r>fim  8looi:q'"»rf.f  afcJbni;   ^eonsfciv;.  „_  _^J-:fjfiaJ5ij|  "YXteqorrq  btsw 

'^al'artf  "^6    .ffT:^ntff-~  .c^-pa    ? -r+    a.3w   eo^^e^_^•7■o.      ai   fitftellio 

"ioot^      I        tinJtla-rq'Cwl  •BWBoed  t,eift    ^Bbaetaoo  tnsir&'qcA 

■lasqaoO  ^tt^ivsT.  =:.f'    ":•   .tffs'issiq  arft  i'Arf*  worii  ot  I^Tsllo  B£ir 

eJ-Bnimn        .      .      -  yfl^qffloo  tM  lb  »fflj8w  Bkt  beirgi* 

'i/ii-  a61   jAlrl  efw  rtoiJ-jBBrri/o'i  lerroTq  on4YOflJBrteJ  'aJ'ihnJSlIs^qA 

OS  Jriiioilli/e  ..crrefclTft     ni  80Jt;fo«  9di^  to  (tottoubOTiittt 

:s\7  itoicfor'-'fo  oit  jjBi!*   ^AdlJAeJnoo  elili^  gnlrtaeofloo     ^^JJB• 

i-jBiiJ-  no   ^e-.^    ---     3ff.^  T'6nof*oirbol*«nl  erf?'oit   jXil^Jerf?  no 

i:svoo     toa  tiho^   .dfcF        .     :    id*'  xroiJoetcfO  iBlftrt^g  srIT      .ftfixroig 

881     jitOB*:! 'iBlioisB)    ,9titoq  ttldf'ao  looic  \o  ^tJit  Biit 

erfd-  \B%Ao  eriJ-  ni  sarrlfojieXq  erfj-  :cebrtx;  ^aevewoH     (.308    .  ,...     .Xil 
-iroexe  ad"!  lo  lo- iq  v«^rrlfl!lie'iq''*i/6cWiw  •Itfleeiatbjs  86w  poiJi^rt 

•r :''*'^r  B~^jirf;f   ^woj^p   -'>"      -fhnpj-  eorr- '  ^vf*  on"  iew  aie..- 

,-      ,    ..-   aealmeiq  '.^ .         .    -loinaes-^ , .,   o;f  ^itgii  X«7^?ei  js 

eio"lei9^#    ,  ftOi^Oi/T^titt  vtotqnsteq  •£!?    .•«Xleqqj3  ^anJtB^^  •« 

,iotbney  &  -gattoBilh  at  lie  Soa'btb     tti/ftS-ftrf*     bn£   jieqciq  saw 

-■^bul' edf  baM  ^ibirrs  l£l:*.rr.=:i-*  *j.rp  ynA     woifa  ^dn  aeob  ftiooen  sxiT 

HjBMiif   4»%o1t9tterId^    ,l>Xxrorl8   iaBta 

^'^'^SECON^DisTm^T!^^'''  H'^"  I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,  Clerk  of  the  Appellate 
Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  iu  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this 

jjjy  of in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 

thousand  nine  hundred  and 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



Beg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  jEhe  sixth  day  of  April, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fifteen, 


within  and  for  the  Second  Distri/t  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present --The  Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL ,/Pres iding  Justice. 
Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES^C  Justice. 
t^-^n.  JOHN  M.  NIEHA|fs,  Jus  tic 


\  / 

E.  '^.    DAVIS,    S^^riff 


ABb,     Justice,  _.  j^ 


BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  15th  day 

of  April,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 

the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following,  to-wit: 

Gen.  No.  6  019. 

Tae  Palmer  National  Bank,  appellant, 

V8  Appeal  from  Kankakee, 

H,  V,  Lewie,    appellee 

Niehaus,  J, 

Thig  is  a  3uit  in  assumpsit,  co"renced  by  appellant 
The  Palmer  National  Bank,  in  the  circuit  court  of  Kankakee  County 
against  appellee,  J.  V.  Lewis,  to  recover  ae  legal  holder,  on  a 
promisaory  note  made  by  appellee,  for  the  ava   of  $400.00  bearing 
date  March  3,  1910,  and  payable  to  the  order  of  the  Wendle  Remedy 
Company,  nine  motths  after  date,  with  interest  at  t  e  rate  of 
Bix  per  cent  per  annvim. 

It  is  claipied  by  appellant,   that  the  payee  assigned  and  de- 
livered the  note  in  question  to  it,  before  maturity,  as  col- 
lateral  security  for  an  indebtedness  of  the  payee.  The  appellee 
pleaded,  in  otsBia  ief'^nae  of  appellants  claim,  the  general 
i33ue,  and  filed  a  verified  plea  denying  the  assignment  and 
delivery  of  the  note  before  maturity;   and  also  filedpleas, 
averring  a  want  of  consideration,  and  a  failure  of  coneideration. 

There  was  a  trial  by  jury,  -Tvhich  resulted  first,  in  a 
disagreement  of  the  jiiry;  and  then,  on  a  second  trial,  a  ver- 
dict was  returned  by  the  jury,  finding  the  issues  for  the  de- 
fandcvnt.  Appellant  made  a  motion  "^or  a  new  trial;  but  i.he  ab- 
stract does  not  show,  whether  or  not  this  motion  wae  passed 
on  by  the  court.   T^:ie  court  rei  dered  judgment  on  the  verdict; 
and  an  appeal  was  then  prayed  and  allowed.   The  record  is 
brought  to  this  court  to  review  matters  of  alleged  error, 
corriraitted  on  tlie  trial  of  the  case, 

Tlie  record,  however,  does  not  contain  any  assignment 

01  errors,  as  required  by  Rule  13.  This  of  Itself,  is  fatal 

to  the  aopeal.  But  passing  nevertheless,  to  a  consideration 

.9X0  3    ,oTT    .rt»0 
'      ,J-rTJ8XX»q<-rA   ^iLaJiSi  L&noh&fili  ioiiiXj6<7  eriT 
,»tijB3lrffiX  moii   X.serrA  tv 

•eXXsqqjS  ^•i>f9J    .V    ,B 

jHiJi    s(:q.T.   ':a   i>eons":"oo    ^Ttsqrajj-e^fi   -ix    crii/p    ^    ei   ex£ff 

£  no   ^icebXOjcf  XJigeX  aa  lerooei  o;t   ^aiwr^'    ."'  ,    '^-XXaqq*  teniJi-^s 

■gciliMid  00.00*$   lo  fflua   srfd-   lu^c    jeeXIeqc-s   -r.    e  ,  .m   a^on  xloeeimoTiq 

lo  ©*B-x    a  J^   t£  tssasitni  rfcfiw  ^^isb  ib&Ib  addritow  enin   4^nJBcmoO 

.flurnna  ^csq  Jneo  leq     xia 
"eb  bajB  ii6n3xe.',i.    ^..jc    BuJ    crjjncf      ^;J-na£il8qq\e  vcf  fcewi^Xo   t'    ""' 

-loo  B&   ^'^ti1l'tBn  pito^^  '    .'  '    ot     aott^Bsjp  at  ej-orr  erf^   cst.    xX 

eeXXeqq*  eriT    .eevaq  8xr+    r.^   6e6nf>9;fd'el)nJ:  na  loJ  xttiisoef  l&i9Jnl 

Xaaensg  9df    ,mifiXo   eJn^XXeqqjs  Tto  eaaelreBi  Ktssis  at   ^tsb&9iq 

btip  ;^^9m^glPBJB  9d&  aniynsb  aeXq  balliasv     «  b^lt't  baa  ^ax/eai 

,a«eXq£»'iXt*3-   oaX/j  bas      lY^tzu&Bm  aiolacf  eton  srf*  ^o  Y^svJtXst 

.noiid^sTftbisnoo  lo  eT.uLtM'i  b  basi     ^aot&Ai^bteaoo  "io   &nefr  jb  gnii'xavf 

*  ni   ^ifaix^  £>e*Xi/8si  riocrf^  ^yoirt   vcf  l6t%t  &  ajsw  siexfT 

-T8V   a   ^lAtti  bnooas    s  no   ,aai"fT    bnB    jx'^rt   *"f*   '^-o  tastate^ 

-efc  eri^   tol   aeireei   ariJ-  ^nibflj:'!    tYXtrt   exft   vcf  benix/^aT     aflw  j^ox.. 

-tfjs  eriJ    tud   {iMtit  W9ft  A  TO*  aotiom  a  eb^m  taaXXaqqA    .^flAbne^ 

tateisq  ajsw  ftol^fom  airiJ-   ton  io  tedteiU  ^worfa     *on  awob  tositt 

{totbiev  9d}  no  J'aemscijt   Jbaisl)  r»i  Jauoo  srfT      .Jxijoo  e  r:  *     ■     no 

8i   biooai  anT      .l)ewoXX«     6«£  beyaiq  nerf^   bjsw  XBeqiit  a  - 

^10118   beasXIfi     "^.o  »reji'A?i\  weiveT  o;t   i"UfOO  aJtrfJ'  o*   iJ-riajjoxj 

.eaJBo   an'*   lo   XjaitcJ-   8i[;t  no  ba^J-X"   r- 
d-rrsmnaleefi  yn,6  ^i:fic^^oo  ;»-ofi  aeoF;   ^aaveworf  ^bzooe'i   r  "" 
Xjii-JBt   sx    ^IXeaJl  'io  airiT    ,SX  eXx/H   vcf  baitx/pa^  aje     ^Baoii-.      - 
aotfAiBbtBaoo  £  oif     jteeXed^taevsn  gnlaajsq  ;fira   ,X«eqqa  eri.,    o;J 

of  some  of  the  errori  which  have  been  assigned  in  the  abstract, 

nd  referred  to  in  appellants  brief,  we  find  that  appellant 
makes  the  claim,   that  the  verdict  is  against  the  weight  of 
evidence.   This  is  a  question  that  canbe  raised  here,  only, 
if  the  point  was  made  on  a  motion  for  a  new  trial,   and  the^ 
overr\xled  by  the  court.   The  abstract,  M^hich  we  must  a?eume 
contains  a  correct  statera-nt  of  the  record  in  that  re<^ard, 
I   shows  no  ruling  made  by  ^he  coiirt,  on  the  motion  for  a  new 

trial;  and,  if  no  ruling  was  made  by  the  court,  then  appellant  is 
not  in  position  to  raise  the  question  suggested.  But,  on 
examination  of  the  evidence,  there  does  not  appear  to  be  any 
roper  basis  for  appellant 'q  claim. 

The  appellant  xa  also  claims,  that  the  court  erred  in 
refusing  to  a<fimit  certain  evidence,  which  was  offered  by  app- 
ellant on  the  trial.   Several  witnesses  -^or  the  appellee  tes- 
tified, on  the  trial,   that  after  the  maturity  of  the  note  in 
question,  it  was  in  the  hands  of  the  Bank  of  Momenoe,  for  col- 
lection j  and  that  they  saw  it  there;   and  that  at  the  time 
they  gaw  it,  no  endorsement  was  upon  the  back  of  the  note.  In 
rebuttal,  appellant  offered  evidence  to  show,   that  the  note 
was  endorsed  when  it  wae  delivered  to  appellant,  some  time 
before  its  maturity.   The  appellant  ^hen  called  J,  E,  W?.lker 
a  bank  examiner,  as  a  witness;  and  offered  to  r>rove,  "that 
the  examiner,  examin-^d  ^he  books  and  notes  of  the  Palmer  National 
Bank,  on  two  occasions,  between  March  5,  1910  and  December  3, 
1910  while  'Plaintiff's  Exhibit  1*  (the  note)  was  in  the  files 
of  the  Palmer  National  Bank;*  which  proof  the  court,  on  ap- 
pellee (sob  jection,  refused  to  admit.   It  ig  evident  that  app- 
ellant did  not  offer  to  prove,  that  the  two  occasions  were 
the  same  time  when  the  appellee  and  his  witnesses,  claimed 
they  saw  the  note  in  the  possession  of  the  Bank  of  Momence. 
As  thi«  was  the  only  material  bearing  the  evidence  offered. 

^ioBitedA  9dS  ni  Senglaa^  rtesoT  evsri  riotrfw  taone  srf>t  1o  •taoa   lo 

^0   Jrig^dw  ©rf^  i-BjijtJ93£  si  tQifciev  5rft  tsdi-      t«i*Io  srf*   sa.'fjaoj 

Ifa.iJ^   hnjs      ^lAiijf  wen     «  aot  noi^fom  a  no  sbAm  ajew  ;fnioq  ©ri^      .: 

»mu89£  Jaum  ow  rioiriw  ^i-o^iJ^acfjs  srfT  tiruoo  ed&  xd  b^luxi^  . o 

(M£38a  #JBrfi^  at  Moost  e£r;t,lo  ^^j-e  ifosaioo  b  BxxJtfi^aoo 

wer  loi^offl  erf^  ffo  ^trutoo  0di  \d  sbam  -gatlin  oa  fv^  - 

ax   i-njeXIeeqe  Of^d:^    ^ituoo  erf?  yd     %bjsm  a^w  gnili/i  on  ^x    ^ba£   iIjbx    ; 

.jbai-aaggi/e  noi^ae  &Bi&i  Oo"  flol^jts^oc-  ni   ioa 

':n.=^  etf  ct  iJSaqrrjB  ton  aeob  siarfj    ,aone&iv  o  aoi^£aimsxe 

^mtjslo   ?*  iasileqqA  lol  aiaBo 
ni:  iboTis   f-xiioo  edi   tBrli   ^anl^Io  obIh  m*  &aMLS.eqq£  erfT 

cf  Jisiel'io  Bjsw  rfoJtrfw  ^aonabive  flJtB^iao  ^iflfts  o&  gniai/lei 
Hie#  ••Xlaqqa  tflt  10'^  eeaaaa^iw  lAieveS  .XaIi^  erft  no  tn&iie 
ni  eJ-on  erf*  Ito  Yi-iTx/^Am  arf*  istitA  tMdt     ^L»t'  ^'    r    ^^.r 

-loo  io'>.    ^eonenoV  J.q  iaOEL  trfjf-  lo  tbnjRri  arl;)'  nl  ibw  i"!  ,flOi*eeijp 
emij  !;f  bnjB     (BtBtii  ii  wjb6  j^rlJ-  ba^  ;  rtoijfoaX 

nl    .s^oa  erf  J  to  :jIo«cr  e   *  noqu  a«w  tnemaa^obne  on   td'i  W'. 
eton  arft  i-jarfd-      ^wode     0*  ep/iehiv^  Jbeie^kio  JnjsII  .     . 

emi*   arsoe    4tn«IIeqna  orf-   b#i8vil£  -t  npilw     Jbeeiohne  e^. 

i©3i'-  ftAlIaqq*  edT     .y^lOirtAOT  a*i  die.-. . 

lArfJ"    ^evoTc   oJ-  beietlo  btiB   iit»n*lw  «  sm   ^Tsnl/tisxe  inB,.  y, 
Ijttnol*fl7[  ramJLjs^.  9di  to  aston  bnja  aafood  axf  iixa   ^aaniRusx©  t-  ■ 

rt£  0I6I   ^S  rioasM  nsewtecf  ^anoieJBooo  owj  no   ^;ln>ia 
•am  Sri*  nl  •«»  (a*on  eri*)    *X  *jtcfirixl  e'm*nijBXq'   aXJkxlw  Ox   . 
-qjB  no   ^t1uoo  atii  Ttooiq  rfoJtrfw     ^litmSL  LuaottOi  aemXjeq     ©ri*   3(jJc. 
-qq«  >j8rf*  tneblTe  8'  ..imba  0*  beeutsi   ^noi^osccfoeJeaXx 

foieaooo  ow*  erf*  cfn.i.t    ^evo'xo   ot  la^tlo  *ofl  bib  in^j..v 
be  sdaaen^iw  eli{  bctB     aaXXaqq^     trf*  rtarlw  amJt*     am^R   erf^ ' 

-iCnjsa  erf*  lo  aoiaaetaoq  exl*  ni     •*o 
^beiet^to  eonablVB  erf:^  snlTAecT  X«iTe*Bra  yXno  erf*  taw  aid*  aA 


could  have  had  in  the  oasa,  the  objection  was  properly  sus- 

Viewing  the  case,  however,  upon  ita  merits,  there  was, 
apparently,  sufficient  proof  of  a  failure  of  consideration  for 
the  note  in  question  ,  to  justify  the  finding  of  the  jury. 
The  note  v/as  obtained  from  the  appellee,  by  the  Wendle  Remedy 
Company,  the  payee,  as  a  consideration  for  the  transfer  to 
appellee,  of  tlie  sols  right  to  uee  a  certain  remedy  in  Kankakee 
for  hemorrhoids;  and  for  fifty  shares  of  stock  in  the  7?andle 
Remedy  Company,  which  were  to  be  i«qued  to  appellee.  It  was 
agreed  hefween  the  parties,  aa  apoears  from  the  receipt  given 
appellant  for  the  note  in  controversy,  that  in  case  the  etook 
wae  not  issued  to  appellee,  the  consideration  of  the  note  would 
be  refunded.   The  stock  was  never  issued  to  appellee,  although 
he  made  a  demand  for  it.   After  this,  the  Xanifti  St^mpuiXf   Wendle 
Remedy  Company  allowed  its  incorporation  to  lapse,  and  legally 
went  out  of  existence. 

If  the  appellant  did  not  become  thelepral  holder  of  the  note 
in  question  before  maturity,  then  the  failure  and   efusal  to 
iseue  to  appell  e  the  fifty  shares  of  the  stock,  was  a  le^jal 
def-inse,  on  the  question  of  failure  of  the  consideration  ofthe 
note.   And  vfe   are  of  opinion,  that  a  preponderance  of  the  evi- 
dence shows  that  the  note  in  question,  was  not  endorsed  over 
to  appellant,  until  ?.fter  maturity.   "A  promissory  note  cannot 
be  assigned  x]gaa  under  our  statute  so  as  to  vest  the  legal  title 
in  the  assignee,  except  by  endorsement  of  the  note  itself." 
Packer  *  Roberts  140  111.  671. 

The  verdict  of  the  jury  was,  apparently,  in  accordance 
with  the  weight  of  the  evidence,  on  the  vital  issue  in  the  case, 
and  the  court  did  not  err  in  rendering  judgment  on  the  verdiotfor 
tha  defendant.   The  judgment  should  be  affirmed. 



-aua   \Iisqoiq  Bjbw  noi*oef;tfo  Bdi    ^9WiM^'%lli  rA  b^A  srarf  bluo 

^•&vf  aifi-j    ,acMi9m  sit  aoqu   ^xevavrorf  ,e8J8o  srii-  sniw&iV 
lo'i     aoitMtebianto  to  ttiuLlBt  £  lo  looicr  faelot'\'iua   ^■^iin&x&q 
.Yiut   »ri+   to  snihftJtt   erf;f  Yll^si/t   oi   ^  noi*»9ifp  ni  ecton  erf 
yfcofflSA   albfieW  arij-  ycf  ^aelleqqB  eat  moi'>  fasnlBrf'cfo  b«w  eion  arf 
oi-   lelanaaJ  srfj  'xo\  aoiiAtsblBnoo  b  bp   ^e9Y«cr  eri:f   ,yn»qflJO 
8dii«:ifls5  ni   x^eirts-x  nlsJ-aeo  jb  eei/  o*  i-rfali  eloe  t©eIX9c 

fXbneVf  erfJ  ni  alooifa  to  Betarfe  yt^til:  io*^  hns   jafcioriaaomari  lo 
8J8W  tl    .eelLeooA  o*     fteireel   ed  o:f   attsw  riolrfw   j-^nsrmoO   xJ^*«s 
aevt-^  #qieoei  edt  molt  aiseoqe  8!=^   ^aexiMaq  8ri;t  neewjscf  bttd'x 
2loo;t8   srIJ-   s8£o     ni   J-jsriJ-    ^x^^^voajnoo  ni  ed^on  ©rf^f   noJ  tn^Ll&i 
bXi;ow  aJ-ofl     ari;t   \o  tioifsttbitnoo  edt   jaeXIsqns  o^  fteuapl  i"on  e^ 
i^uoatX^     (deXIaqqJS  o^  Jbax/aat  te^art  as*  }(oo;fe   arfT      .bt£>ni;'xf-  i   t:- 
aXMeW  i(K)U(Kaa  itfiuaX  eni-    ^e^rC^f   ^le^ttA      .ti  lo'i  bns'neb  a  eb*m  i- 
XXXa^eX  bna   ,atqBX  o.t  aottsioqiooni  •ii  i)awoIXB  x^*qajoO  x&^i"'- 

.eonai-aJtxa  to  tTuo  Jnt 

e*oii  sdt   ?:o   laijXori  lAgeXarfi-   anooecf  &oa  bib   ta&iLeqq£  BiU   \I 

oi-   iBBis'ia      bn»  sruiiJit  sffJ  tied:    ^^ttriitBn^  eiotad  ^oxJssx/p  Ji 

X«3eX  A  8^w   ,:!foo*8  srfJ^   to  aaiJBrfe   y*tit  arfd-   p   iieqqfie  oj   ai;»p 

aritto  noid'BTaijlBflon  jtrfc)-  to   BtvitAt  "io  ctoxcfesup  exii     no   ^aanete 

-iv&   sritJ-   'io   aonAiebnoqaTq  e  t£cii    ^aoknkqo   to   aia  ©w  bnA        ,6Jo 

levo  fieavoftfis   ton  sbw   ^aoitseup  ffi   sioit     driit  tarf^  eworie  aons 

*0flr:30  eton.  xroeetmorq  A"      .x*iiJ^itaw  i^ita  LtirM   4*nBXI«qq«  o 

aX#x;f  Iji^f>ti  edt  taev  o;f  s£  oa  a^fxrtjBt^  ixiO  rtebnx/  Ksan  herr^jtep^  a 

".tXeeJJt  aton  erf*  lo   iriftrnaaiobfle  ycf  ^qsoxe   ^^anglasJB  sHj   a1 

.XV8    .XIT   0*X   aJiscToH  ¥  lejfo-; 
aa£r«Liooo.ib  aI   ^X-t^naiAqrjs  jejsw  yti/t  «ff;t^  lo  Joibiev  anT 
^esBd  9di  tti  •ifSPi'   Xjs^Xy  arlJ  no   ^aonaiilva  srft  to  ^rfgiaw  eri;^   ri^i 
■lottoXbtfJV  ari*  no  ittesagbut  gnlTabnaic  ni   iis  ion  bth  taioo  9Ai  fcn 
.berttiitljB  ad  bXworia  ;t/t9mgi>ut   ©^T      ,ta&bn»ib 

STATE  OF  ILLINOIS,    )^  .,     ,      .  .u      .        n  . 

SECOND  DISTRICT.  i  I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuPFY,    Uerk  of  the    Appellate 

]ourt,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

ind  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

iaid  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  ofBce. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this 

(lay  of - in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 

thousand  nine  hundred  and 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 



Beg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sixth  day  of  April, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fifteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois: 
Present--The  Hon.  DpRRANCE  DIBELL,  j^esiding  Justice. 
Hon.  DiVnE  J.  CARNES,  Justice. 
U'-ffon.  JOliw  M.  NIEHAUSi  Justice. 

CHRISTOPHER  C.  DUFFY,  Clerk,  A  i^  O  X»A«  O  O^ 
E.  M.  DAVIS,  Sheriff. 

\      /  

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  15th  day 
of  April,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  fig-ares 
following-,  to-wit: 

Gsn.  Ho.  6036 

Wilfred  A,  Johnson,  appelle* 

«s  Appeal  from  Cjty  Court  Kewanee. 

Galesburg  &  Kawanee  ^^ledtric 
Railway  Company,    appellant* 

Niehaus,  J, 

This  ia  an  action  on  th'^  caae  for  r!amagei,  "brought  4n  the 
city  court  of  Kswanee,  by  Wilfred  A,  Johnson,  the  appellee, 
against  the  appellant,  G>le8'burg  and  Kewanee  Electric  Railway 
Company.  The  declaration  a  leges  that  the  appellee  was  riding 
along  Rose  Street,  in  the  oi  y  of  Kewanee,  in  a  carriage  drawn 
by  a  horse,  driven  by  one  Clarence  Cantwellj  and  that  at  the 
intersection  of  Rose  and  Boss  streets,  one  of  the  electric 
cars  of  the  a}:ipellant  ran  into,  and.  struck  ihe  carriage  that 
appellee  was  riding  in,  with  great  force  and  "iolenoe;  and 
thereby  threw  appellee  out  of  the  carriage,  and  upon  the  ground; 
causing-  the  injury  to  hi?  oereon,  for  which  he  clairrs  damages* 
The  anpellee  bases  his  right  to  recover,  on  the  alleged 
negligence  of  appellant's  servants  in  driving  the  electric  car 
in  question  at  a  higjh  rate  of  speed;  and  because  the  oar  did 
not  have  a  sufficient  head-light;  and  becaupse  no  bell  was  rung 
or  gong  sounded;  nor  anyother  alarm  given,  of  the  approach  of 
the  car. 

The  evidence  in  the  case  showed,  that  the  appellee  and 
another  man,  by  the  name  of  Clarence  Cantwell,  came  to  Kewanee 
together,  in  ?  covered  buggy,  dfawn  by  a  horse;  and  that  Cantwell 
was  doing  the  driving.  During  the  afternoon  and  evening  of  the 
day  in  q  jstion,  after  transacting  a  little  business,  and 
visiting  a  n\imber  o-"  saloons,  where  they  drank  beer,  and  bought 
a  bottle  of  whiskey,  thf?y  started  for  home;  using  the  same 
horse  and  buggy  for  that  purpose.   It  was  about  half  oast  ten 

v^  w  -  s.>       ,  -yet      •  14  .:/0 

.L   ^  ex/fide  11? 
•fft  ojfc  irfax/oacr  ,«egj8mjsh  ao^  osbo  PriJ-  no  not&OB  as  si   eidT 

^eelleqqjB  9dt    ^aoenAoL    .A  het^IiW  yd  ^•oaayr&'K  to  tzuoo  xtto 

YJB^IIbH  ola;}-oel?l  esaaweX  bna  sajjcfsel  0   ^^nalleqq^  exlJ"  ;)-8nlja3JS 

gjrtJtbJti  iBW     e«IX8qq£  ed^  tAdi  •e-gsl.a  aoi&si££o6b  exIT    .ynjaqmoO 

flwjBaJb  tajsiTaao  -8  aJt   ^een^weX  ^o    t^o  sfi;t   cix   ^teei^Q  seoH  yxoiji 

8i1;f  *A  ^JBriJ'  ba&   {llBvSasO  eorrsijaXO   ano  vcf  aQvtib   ^9Biod  b  yd 

oxtiioeie  srlJ^  to  eno   ^ei'eead-a  eaofl  £>na  eaofl     lo  noiJoosa&J'fli 

tjids   sgjsjtiiao  exf^   ;iojjiJ«  ftne   ^oini  nMi  tanLloqqA  »dt   lo  txAO 

bflj;    teoneloJtv  bfljs  soioT:  tsBi^   rid-iw   ^nJt  gxtlfciT  saw  Bstlieqqe 

[bcwQi-g  edt  aoqu  has   ^©gjBXTtiJSo  9dt  to  tuo  esXIsqq^  tietdi   ydeisfi 

.aes-BffljBfc  B-nljalo  9x1  doiri  .noaaer^  eiri  o;f   Yiyfjt  ©^^  gnlei/ao 

JbegsXI*  erii"  ho   ^^tevovsi  oi-  jfrfali  eirf  8e«J8cf  •eXIeqr*  erfT 

iJBO  oliJ-oeXe   sffJ"     -gatviib  nx   a^tn-evnat  e'tf'naXXeqqB  to  ©6n8ajtX3©n 

bib  xfio  eri*  eai/AO&d  bne    ;l>8eqa   "io  e^fjsi   rigii-  aoiJ-aeup  ni 

gnuT  aaw  XXed  on  eeuBosd  baf.   (d-xfglX-b^erf  ♦neioc'ilira  s  •varl  fon 

lo  riojsoiqqjii  edt  Jo   ,«9vig  ffixaX^  iari*oyn£  loa   ;bebni/ote  sno-^  ic 

,a£0  arii 
briJB  aaXXaqqjB  aricf   ifarfj^    ^baworfa   easo  sdJ-  xii   eoaabivs   edT 
aenJBWaJl   o^t   ernjao   ,XXawi-«£0   eoriexsXO   to  sm.-n   erf"    ^fd    jfljain  aeriJoflJi 
XXew^n^O  *«riJ  brcB   jaaioxf  «  yd  nwalb  tYSSi'cf  baisvoo  .xedtt^o^ 

ed*  lo  gnlnave  baA  dooaidiliA  edi  snitu/Q   .gnJtviib  edt  gnlob  •«! 
bn/i   jBBeniejjrf  eltitl  js     stfi^ojBanjBi*  ia;fl6  ,noi*a:    r      ni   >f£ 
*ri3x;od  bns   ,«9d  :laarb  '^^dt  enarfw  ^anooXae   ""o  :tadmi;n  ^  gxii;tlaj.v 
amjsa  8rf;f  -saleu  jamorf  i-t   ^8j•a£*e  Yerid-    jyajfaixf'sr  to  eXJv- 
sq  IXfirf  &uO(Ss  ejsv  .  ;aocaifq  'rss-wcT  bna'aaaof 

in  the  evening^  and  Cantwell  was  again  doing  the  driving.  He 
drove  the  horse  along  Boss  street  into  Rose  Street,  where  ap- 
pellant was  operating  an  Inter-urban  oar  line;  and  aa  they  were 
about  to  cross  the  track  of  this  Interurban  line,  going  south, 
appellant's  car  came  along  from  the  eaet,  -md  collided  with  the 
rear  end  of  the  buggy,  in  '^hich  appellee  and  Cantwell  ware 
riding  ;  cavieing  the  horse  to  run  away,  ?nd  run  ths  buggy  into  a 
telegraph  pole  situated  about  nineteen  or  twenty  feet  from  the 
point  of  the  collision  with  the  car;  and  ther  by  precipitating 
the  appellee  to  the  aidewalk,  near  the  pole,  and  injuring  him. 
Tliere  was  considerable  conflict  in  the  evidence,  concerning 
-a  rate  of  speed  at  which  the  interurban  car  was  running,  at 
the  time  of  the  collision;  also  upon  the  queetion  of,  whether 
or  not,  a  gong  was  sounded,  or  warning  given  of  the  approach 
the  car. 

These  were  queetions  of  fact,  which  w^re  properly  left  for 
determination  of  the  jury.  The  evidance  clearly  establishes  the 
faot,  however,   that  the  appellee  was  not  injured  by  force  of 
the  collision  with  the  interurban  oar;  nor  thrown  upon  the 
ground,  from  the  force  of  such  collision;  but  that  the  effect 
of  ths  collision,  was  to  cause  the  horee  to  run  away  with  the 
fc^SSy*  '*hich  resulted  in  another  collision,  namely,   of  the 
buggy  '.vith  a  telegraph  pole,  near  by  the  scene  of  the  first 
coiliaion;  and  that  the  appellee  was  thrown  upon  the  ground, 
and  injured,  in  consequence  of  the  foree  of  the  latter  colli- 
sion, A  variance,  therefore,  clearly  existed  between  the 

^saations  in  the  declaration,  and  the  proof,  as  to  the  manner 
in  v/hich  the  appellee  was  injured;  and  such  a  variance  is  fatal 
to  a  recovery  under  the  avsrmttnts  of  the  declaration,  Wabash  Ry, 
Co.  v  Freedraan,  146  111,  583.  Joria  v  Illinois  Steel  Co.  101 
111.  App,  416;  Wabash  Railroad  Co.  v  Billings,  313  111.  37; 
Chicago  Union  Traction  Co.  v  Hampe,  PPS   111.  347. 

-Qi3  sieffw   4*»»Tr*8  ••ofl  otai  t<iet&»  aeofl  3noIj8  eeaori  srC.'   evo^- 

^rf*i..o»  snio-g   ,enil  nMaijjjefaJ  iirfj-  1o  3(obi*  erl^  ieoxo  ot.  *uo9^ 
%dt  dilyi  b%bilLoQ  hoe    ^t%M%  tdi  woit  gnolJB  snBo'rtBO  ^■'iaali 

8T6W  XXdw;tnjsO  btiR  eeXIftqqja  rioJkxfw  ci    tYSS^^  *rf*  ^o  ^'^*"   ^**- 
«  o;fnjfc  xaSJ^cf  eriJ-  m/a  bxTj»   ^YA?fj8  rrx/T  oJ-  eaiioff  erfd-  gniti/jaOj.  j  m. .: 

g£tJt*,ft;^2qJtoeiq  x<^^  "^P^^  •^^•s   l^tfio  ©dJ-  xUtw  aoia.JtIlQO  e 
.«jtii  snlijjtnx  JEinB  «0ioq  »r(.f  ,;(XjBwefc; 

^«  ^gnjfcjixuia  tBw  XBO  fUJcfii/Xftj-ni  eif-   rfoiriw  Jjb  Jbeaqe   io   e 
ieii4"sriw  ,lo  nolJ-Bei/p  «triJ^  «pq«  fl«X^,  inoipjtXXo 

SfU  aarfslXcrjBi^as  x-^a-seXo  oaneJbXye  srfT    .Y^^E,  ^  AQ-t** 

)•  ©oiol:   Yd     Jb^iJutJ^-t  i'Ofl  ajsw  eaXXaqqjB  ^4"   J^aaJ      jisvevc 

3-09^9  erf^  *«rf*  it|/cf  jflotiiJtXXoo  4ov9  tQ  %Q%o\%Ai  moil   ^bni' 
Sri*  xifiw  XJBWJB  au-x  ocf  ••ttori  94;t  99^*9^^^.^^  8,6*  ^nQiaiXXof 

vXsnim  jiOOXBiXXoo.i9£l;t9Jl4  X|Jt  {}94^XjjeeT   dolA^    'y\ 
^faiii    ..  ^nao9  idi   Ytf.?«9jn  ^fXoq  xlqBigsXeJ.  £  d^i  X 

^bnxfOTg  euj   noqjj  ffwoirf*   9«w  teXXeqqs  arfJ-  (J-jsrlJ  bn&     inoisxi-oo 
-iXXoo  19**bj.  eaiol/ sf(|  Jo,  »pfl©ypf9flpo  stt   ^b&tuiai. 

9if-t   flBew;rs;;  j)9j^s;x»   \i,%A6lo    ^%xo\i''j.9di    ,90n«jta.   - 
XtaajBir,     9X1;*    ocf   »**   ^looiq  srl^  Jbflj^^  ,noxjfjBl«^Of^  j^d#     "x   tno 
Li&iA\  %i.  »f>fljBxaj8v  tn«   ibBiuiai  9jbw  9oXX©<l<J«  Q0*  ^P-^^- 

XOX   .00  X*e4-8  ^lofiUll  T  tX-.  ,XXI  8*X   ^a.Bmb^9i'i   v   .;?. 

iV£    «XXI   SX8   ^BSAlXXXa   V   .00  i3*o'*XiUR   ritBcfa^   iSX.     , 

The  appellant  pointed  out  the  variance  between  the  averriiente 
of  thri   declaration,  and  the  proof,  on  the  motion  to  etrilre  out 
the  evidence;  which  motion  was  made  at  ths  conclueion  of  plain- 
tiff's case.   The  question  of  variance  was  a£:ain  raised,  on  the 
motion  for  a  nsw  trial;  though  not  specifically  pointed  out  on 
that  motion;  but,  inasmuch  as  the  variance  still  existed,  and 
had  rea-ly  become  more  apparent  at  the  close  of  appellant's 
evidence  in  defense,  and  the  close  of  appellee's  evidence  in 
rebuttal,  we  are  of  opinion,  that  it  was  not  necessary,  to 
again  point  out  the  xxxzoua  sjieeBfioa^iy  variance  specif icaljr, 
on  the  motion  for  a  new  trial,  in  order  to  have  the  question 
passed  u  on  by  kka  csascxi.thia  court. 

The  record  of  the  evidence  shows,  that  the  court  ruled  out 
the  inquiry,  about  what  the  witness,  Hepner,  had  ?.n8wered  to 
attorney  Damerath,  at  a  certain  time  and  place,  concerning 
all-ged  statements  made  to  the  witness  by  he  appellee,  with 
reference  to  the  tnerits  of  his  case.   This  inquiry,  we  thinJc 
was  competent;  at  least,   for  the  purpose  of  laying  a  founda^ 
tion  for  imi)eachment  of  ths  credibility  of  the  witness; 
and  the  fact,  that  the  matters  about  which  it  was  claimed  the 
Witness  had  answered,  were  read  to  him  from  a  paper,  did  not 
impair  its  competfinoy  for  the  pur-^ose  indicated.  We  think  that 
the  court  erred  in  ruling  out  this  inquiry. 

Objection  ie  made  to  the  fifth  instruction  given  for  appellee 
which  embodies  the  idea,  that  if  the  jury  found,  that  the  appellee 
himself  was  in  the  exercise  of  ordinary  care;  and  that  he  was 
in  the  buggy  as  t.e  invited  guest  of  ^^he   driver  of  the  horse,  and 
that  the  driver  had  the  sole  control  and  management  of  the  horse 
and  buggy;  th^n  sven  though  the  driver,  was  guilty  of  ^  want 
of  ordinary  care,  and  th-reby  Kotxtix  contributed  to  the  hap- 
pening of  the  accident  in  question,  that  auch  want  of  care 
ofi  the  part  of  the  driver,  should  not  be  imputable  to  the  ap- 

8#a8iiTi8vJj  erf*  rr88w:^©rf  BotiAttAv  edt     iuo  bB&ntoq  fn&lLeciq&  erft 
tiso  6:^tit%  oJ  :ioktom  Bdt  ao   ^iooxq  tA9  has   ,fldi>«tJSlosb  ftilc^   l.- 
-fll,eXq  ^0  floxaiiXonoo  erf*  tM  9b&m  e^w  ixoi*o«  rfoirfw  ;eorteJbi:ve  drf^ 
erft  no   ^teBlfii  njfcje  >;  sjpw  BOtiBfiMv  \o  noiJesi/p  erfT     .ea^o  a*15i* 
ao  tuo  bhtatoq,  X-tlJBomosq*   ton  d^uod;f    {t»t'it   wen  s  lOt  «oi*Oiu 
,.!5e*aJtx«  XIl*«  eoni'tiBv  erf*  •£  rioi/atjani   ^*x;d   ^noxJom  *J3ii* 
e'i-flfilXsqctife  to  esolo  erf*  *b  taBtJioqA  «iom  emoosd  y-^ 
rij  «oxi8£)lV8  8'eeIX«q(tJB  to  eaoXo  arf*     bR£   ^68K91s^  ax   ©onsblit© 
ja8«80sn  Jon  a.  ^nolnlqo  lo  eas  8vr   ^X^^Jucfei 

('llBOilioaqp   eonaiiBT  it'£ft6t%l8«8[B-~K]iaiixxx  erfcr     *x;o  *nl<i>q  IxJtjB)^-. 
0oi*8©i;p   8rf*'  o*   leMo  ni    ^l»iii  wen  £  ao'i  xioJtitoi 

vtiJL/oo  axrfJ-.sbcxax  s^sk  y<^  norx;  |>ee    . - 
*x;6  JbeXx/T'i^Tirbo  &rf*  *«rf*   ^aworfn  eonelblVe  erf*  Tto  Jiiooei  eriT 

0*  beTevfBrr.i?  barf  ^lenqsR   ^aaen*Jtv  erf-  >        ,  •{aii/pai  i    : 

3nift'i©onoo    ^aoalq  briA  6f"i*  niJ6**i80  ^  *£   ^rf*fi'i8fli6(I  YSff^o**"^ 
ri*J:w  tealXarqi  frf^'ycf  8aan*jt*r'»rf*  o*  6b&m  a*«eme*>«*a  fceaeXX* 
idlri*  aw  ^x'^tifpttt  piriT      .esiso  eirf  to   a*ii3;r     »rf.t   o*  eonsxate'- 
-vabftirot  JB  gnlY-S-C  to  eeoqiirq  erf*  lot      ,*a-.  i*n9*eqmoo  8j8W 

iaeefi*iF  erf*  to     >f*lXttfiBsao  srfr     to  ^xxemrfoAsqini   lot  nol* 
6rf*  AeiniaXo  8«»f  *i  riolrfw  *jjocfa  a:te**J9m  erf*  *jsrf*    ,*OBt  8rf*  ba 
Ton  I         .  ..  qjsq  B'BoTtt  mlri  o*  bjsei  eia*  jbexawanfi  bjsrf  aesnJiw 
#arf*  inlrf*   8W   .b©*BO.?bni  eeov^i  lot  YOnsJaqmoo  8*1  xi.6u«:. 

.Y^ii^pnl  alrf*   iuo  gnilux  nx  bexie  *Xi;oo  erf:^ 
eeXXeqra  aot  /levlg  noi*ou't*anl  rf*tlt  erf*  o*  ebam  ei  nol*6©{;cff^ 
•al  v. "Jilt   ,bnx;ot  ^fiJ^t  *■  ^^i*   ^AaM  j^rf^'aelbocfflts  rfolxiv. 

afiw  erf  *£rf*  bftjs   laiJBO  ^ijsnlbrro  to  aaloiexe   ^:  !-3w  tXe 

bnB   ^eaiorf  erf*  to  'xertth  tetisg  bsttvnt  6:lf  8jb  Yaa^ff     ^^^^^  ^- 

asion  :   *n6C!93JBrr'^  .oT*noo  eloe  erft  bad  levlib  sr.J   *^* 

*rij;\  :*Xii;g"  BJBw   ,  XHVjtib  erf*  rj^worf*  navs  ti»di    it^^ai^cf  A)fl- 

-qj5rf  bdf   0*   beJjjtfln^noc  x±tJt«X   Ytfe'irrf*   bnr.      ^eiso   Tftanibi..     o 
exao  to  *njsw  ifbira  ,;Tdl*8ax/p     nl  in»bioo&  srf*  to  gxi.:  ^ 

^   0*  aXtfis*irqflil  acf  *on     Jblworfo    4ievliJ)  ©rf*    to  *ijaq   »x.;)   So 

pallee;  and  that  the  appellee  was,  naver^heleBO,  entitled  to 
reoover.  If  aa  a  matter  of  fact,  the  driver  was  intoxicated; 
and  appellee  placed  himself  in  the  ^river's  care,  knowing  of 
auoh  intoxication;  and  that  because  of  the  drivera  intoxica- 
tion ,  he  failed  to  exeroiae  ordinary  cart,  in  the  management 
of  the  horse  and  Vehicle  in  question,  it  cannot  be  aaid,  as  a 
matter  of  legal  responsibility,  that  appellee  would  not  be, 
under  these  circumstances,  chargeable  with  such  lack  of  or- 
dinary care,  on  the  part  of  the  driver;  jtet  the  jury  could 
very  wqH  infer,  from  the  language  of  the  instruction  in 
question,  that  the  appellee  would  not,  under  these  circumstances 
b<3  chargeable  with  such  laok  of  ordinary  care  on  the  part  of 
the  driver.   The  instruction  was,  therefoie,  misleading,  in 
view  of  the  fact,   that  it  was  a  controverted  question  in  the 
case,  based  upon  tne  evidence,  7/hether  or  not  the  driver  was 
intoxicated;  and  whether  or  not,  on  that  account,  he  did  or 
did  not  exercise  ordinary  care,  in  the  management  of  the 
horse  and  vehicle.  The  same  error,  here  pointed  out,  also 
a  peart  in  tne  seventh  instruction,  given  for  appellee.  Both 
instructions,  for  the  reasons  stattd,  had  a  tendency  to  mislead 
tiie  jury  in  the  determination  of  questions  of  fact  in  dispute, 
which  were  material,  and  affected  the  right  to  a  recovery  in 
tne  case. 

The  other  objectiont  made  to  the  instructions  under 
consideration,,  ncnely,  that  the  inst ructions  limited  the  matter 
of  the  cart  exercised  by  the  appellee,  for  his  own  safety,  to 
"the  time  of  the  injury  complained  of",  we  do  not  regard  at 
well  taken,  under  the  facts  and  circumstancet  presented  "by 
the  evidence.   In  this  oast,  rs  in  the  oast  tffL,  S,  &   M.  S, 
Ry.  Co,  V  Ouska,  Admx,  151  111,  336,  the  phrase,  "at  the  timt 
of  the  injiiry  complained  of",  covered  the  wholt  of  the  trans- 
action which  was  involved  in  the  determination  of  the  question 

{bs^MOlxotai  ajBW  -xsvJc^  .to&X  to  xa&tsta  b  ba  11    .lavoosi 

^0  :^iifoai   ^•'X^o  a'Xdv.tXv  siiiT  nx  lXftatsJ:£[  beoRlq,  aell9C^,Ji  ba£ 

-AOixoini  kZi^\lii)  eiti^  "io  e&uaDed  tAdt  has   iaoit&otxoi:i£  dxxjm 

tn»m.6-^&nmi  6:ls  at  ^•a^o  x%fiaXb'io     eaxc-is^e  oi  beltzl:  eri   ^  aott 

,bt£A  aoT  tomiBQ  ii  «aoJt^tex/p  at  aiolxler  bn£  ba-xorf  an';^  lo 

^•tf  ^0|i  tXyow  a«XX.eqq«  ^arirf-  ,^lXlcflBfrocri»a  XigeX  lo  Tej^J^^rc 

-10  to  jiojBl   iloifE     ri^xw  elcffiastceiio   ,aaon£;^«im:oij:o  eB8f:>t   isfcnjj 

JbXyoo  Y^jyt   ®^^  *®f  iievixh  eri;t   l:o  Jrueq     arii'  no   ,etc£0  yrtanib 

Bsoaht^tauoiio  aaexfr  iBhau  ^ioa  bluov  BsllvqcB  9A&  t^di   ^aotttsup 

\o  tzaq  6rit  no  eiJBO  v^janx^uo  Ito  iojsX  .riaxra  litivt     BidBS^T^cic    .  .> 

at   ^-^aibAbl&Lm     ^BnolBtedi     ,e«w  aoitox/aj-ani  erfT      .levxnb   sdi 

Bdt  nt  agttBBjjp  he^iBYOt&ao^  a  saw  tt  t£dt     ^tofit  arf;^-    lo  wsiv 

BJBW  laylxE)  .  JWW     ion  10  xsxl*©riw     ^eorcafjlve   Siii^  aoqu  bBnM  ^B9£o 

at.  ^tauooPA  tA,  -run  10  tcerftferiw  baa     ilJsJ-JBoixoJnl 

a4jj-  1q^.  tf'neBi©$jan£«  orf*,#fc  ,«'3;i80.  x^^nxoao  eaioiexe  *on  bt'. 

oc-Lfi  ^tuo  b9taloq  JtiBd  |XQ%n9  emjea  exi'T      .aXoxxlev-  bn&  ae-xo/ 

dtoS.  ^»aXXeqq*  loi  flavig.  ^tfo.^ *oui^ an Jt  ri^navee  ant  ni   tx^s^ 

6«aXaxffl  of  \oaebae*  m  b£d  ^bBtJ^tet  anoajsex  Bdi   xot   ^»aotSotntaai. 

^Btuq,Bib  at  tOJtli  Io  BaoitBBup   lo  aotijuxlmi^^fb  Bdi  ai  ^rai   c    r 

ai  x^avQOaT  <a  oi   id^Qli  B:it     Jba^oelia  ta£  ^iMhtBtBa  di:aw  dotdv 

.eeeo  e/Icr 

'za^nx;  BaaitouiiBat  enii  oi  abaa  aaoii-oatefo  tcdil^o  arlT 

TaiTJ-jM  f4i#  JbaJ-iaJtX  iusox;tox;'i^anl  Bdi  tAdt    ^xXa^^n   ^Aoxifa-citbxsfloc 

o;f   ^^^8^«8  flwo  Bin  ^o^    «j»eXXac.qA  9dl  -^d  bBmtoiBXB  Mtao  adf  "io 

a  'H  oh  aw  ^"^0  bealAlq^aoo  x^t^^     "rf*  'io  Bmit  Bdi* 

Tjcf  Zje^J^aaaa-nq  •aona^^arfu/oa  tD  6nJ8  bJos'!:     arit  lebnu  ,fte>(3;t^  XXav 

,8    .M   ■  .    '-'t  BBJio  f -f:  ,eairo  atdt  nl      .aonsbxva  firf;t 

a'  .  ."    ^eajsariq  ea*    ^dSS   .XII  X2X    .zobA   ^&:i9SjC  v   *oO    .vR 

-anjsTJ  tXodw  stfd-  taiavoo   ,"10  ijsni^Xqmoo  x'^lot  Bdi   tc 

noJtjffiejup  t.  -oii-^iniari&tfefc  sii;f  ni   bevXovni  a^sw  ifoJtrfw  aoxJOx. 

of  the  exercise  of  oars  by  appellee,  and  the  instruction  wae 
therefore  not  misleading  in  this  particular. 

But  for  the  errors  indicated,  the  judgment  of  the  court  below 
should  be  reversed,  and  the  cause  r^^.manded  for  another  trial. 

Reversed  and  remanded. 

9B7I  a9lt0itn&9nt     9d&  baa  tSeXIeqq*  -^d  exao     to  efltoiexa  ^dt  to 
,%jiiuo{trAq  •Jtrf*  at  -r^lbsBlatm  ton  (b%o\sxed^ 
woI»rf  ;J-Ti/oo  :-  fnaogl)!'  /.^•isotbat  miozie  Biit  lol  tu5 

,ljsttf  "T^d^otsB  tot  b»bnsm?:t  96sjJiO  9rft  briB  ^bemieyei  od  biuod9 


;TATE  of  ILLINOIS,    (  ,, 

SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  ^'^'        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

3ourt,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

.nd  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

aid  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this 

day  of in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 

thousand  nine  hundred  and 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 


AT   A   TERM   OF   THE   APPELLATE    COlflT, 






Begrun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sixth  day  of  April, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hundred  and  fifteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  tfe  State  of  Illinois: 
Present--The  Hon.  DORRANCE\  DIBELL ,  Presid^g-  Justice 
Hon.  DUANE  J.  QARNES ,  Justi. 
U-«on.  JOHN  M.  NlWuS,  Jus  tile  J  9  3  I  A   3  9  rt 

CHRISTOPHER  C.  DU^FY,  Cle-jpk, 
E.  M.  DAVIS,  Sherikf. 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  15th  day 
of  April,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 
following-,  to-wit: 



Gen.  Wo.  6047 

Utica  Hydraulic  Cewent  Co. 
V9  Appeal  from  LaSalle, 

The  C.  R.  I,  &  P,  Ry.  Co. 

Niehaus,  J 

This  is  an  act-on  on  the  case,  commenced  by  the  Utica 
Hydraulic  Cement  Company,  appellee,  in  the  circuit  court  of 
LaSalle  County  against  the  appellant,  the  Chicago  Rock  Island 
and  Pacific  Railway  Company.   The  appellant  was  charged  in  the 
declaration,  with  negligence  in  failing  to  provide  its  loco- 
motive engines  with  appliances  to  prevent  the  escape  of  fire, 
and  keep  them  in  repair,  and  uae  them  in  surii  a  manner,  that 
fire  'vould  not  escape;  and  that  in  consequence  of  such  alleged 
negligence,  sparks  and  brands  of  fire  escaped  -'rom  a  locomotive 
of  the  appellant,  and  set  fire  to  a-r^pelleee  barn,  which  was 
situated  about  150  feet  north  of  appelltat's  tailroad  tracks. 

The  case  was  tried  by  a  jury;  and  at  'he  clo?e  of  the 
evidence  'or  appellee,  both  sidee,  respectively,  rested  their 
cage.   Tlie  court  thereupon  instructed  the  jury,  as  to  the  le^-ral 
questions  involved;  and  the  j\iry  returned  a  verdict  finding 
the  appellant  guilty  and  assessing  the  appellee's  damages  at 
$1350.  The  appellant  made  a  motion  for  a  new  trial,  and  also, 
in  arrest  of  judgment.  Both  motions  were  denied  by  the  court 
and  a  judgment  was  rendered  upon  the  verdictj.  from  which  judgment 
an  a-^peal  was  taken  to  this  court. 

The  principal  errors  iasisted  upon,  by  a  nellant,  are: 
First,   that  the  trial  court  erred  in  not  grantinjl  appellant*8 
motion,  to  exclude  the  evidence  offered  by  appellee,  from  the 
consideration  of  the  jury;  and  in  not  directing  a  verdict  for 
the  defendant;  secondly,  that  the  oourt  erred  in  giving  to  the 

V^08   .oH   .neC 
,oO  ijTrsMeO  otLxjBzb^H  AoJtJl 

.oO    .y}.    ,  ,      .  "[    .0   erTl 

T.     .Bi/JBllsil 

jeolJ-U  srld"  ycf  beonemcipo   jdaBO  srft  no  ao  I  ton  as  nt  sidT 

lo  ttuor^  ttuoito  sdf  at    ^6slL9qqB   ^^casqaoO  fnemeO  otluBibyt 

arf*  nl  be^lAiio  saw  j-fiBlleqqa  ©rfT      .xn^qmoO  x^w^-tJ&H  oilxo*^  bai 

-oool  s^Jfc  ebJtvoiq  o.+  -gakHslL  at   eonsgllsefi  ri^tw     ^noltf'BTsIooI 

,e  sqjsoa©  si^;)-   ;fneveiq  oJ  aeonjBilqqjs     dtt^f  es/ilans   ©TtJoJ 

*BrfJ    ^tBaasm  ji    tti'Bat  msff  esv  t  merfd-  qe&bl  fcni 

JbesellB  doisa,  lo  sonei/pearcoo  at  t&di-  bas   (tqjsoae  ^on  Muow  ei. 

Bvlioaoool  B  moiT:  Jbaqjsoaa  eiiT:     to  abnaicf  brts  aalrtjsqs   tsonegllsex 

aJBw  rioxrlw   ,aiJ3d  aasllaqos  o;J-  utfi  *et-  .  /njalleqaa  en'^   1i 

.aiOBT;^  f>J5oaIl«4  a 'rf-a^IIaqqjB  ^o   rf*ion  J-ssl  Ofll   *i;ocf£  l)6*>sjj*i( 

erlj   ■^o  e'soXo  erf.'-   ;fj3  btiB   {X^ul  m  xd  b^tif   bjsw  sbbo  ©rfT 

Tclerfj  iJdJ-aai   ^-^Lt^yttosqaer   ^aeJbi^  dtod  ,e©IXeqqje  10"    aonafcjtvj 

X»;3»i  arfi   od"  a*   ,YiiJt  ©^^  JbeJoifiJanl  floquaiad"   tijjo  .eejsi 

SfilJbnil  ^foibttav  jb  bentx/Jsi  x'^i   <>df   bnB     [bsviovat  »aotfem 

t£  aaaBmBb  a*aaXXeqq£  Bd&     ^nleaaaas  baB  ^tLtu-g  taBLleqqB  9di 

^obLb  baB   ^iBtzt  visa  b  rol:  noi^om  b  Bb&m  taBiiBqqB  SxiT    .056X| 

tiuoo  sd:^  Ycf  fieJtnah  Bieif  BaotSom  rij-ofl   .tnamgbJLfi,   I0  ^aeiajs  ai 

taaKjgbJjt  rfoJtriw  raoit  ^i'oibis'v  er:t  aoqu  Jbaiabnei  aBW  ;tfT&-nisbi;t  js  fc^ 

;8tJB   ^j-naXXeq  b  \d  ^aoqsJ  be^faJtacri   bioxib  l&qtoattq  ©rfT 
aAd-CBlXsqqB  gni^nBig  jfon  rri  Jbaii?  iU  *£flJ     ^^faiil 

©xi.?-  ffloit   jasXXeqrB  vcf  AelialTto  ©onet  ©birlox©  o:^    <nox*o<| 

ao^  *oibT©v  B  TgnJtJoatlb  *0j>  :  .{J  >o  aoitBi3btBn< 

anivjts  nl  heiT©  ;fi.uc  zclt      ^x^baooBf|    (^nBbnals 


jury  appellee's  third  instruction;  and  thirdly,  it  is  urged, 
that  the  court  should  have  given  to  the  jury  the  ninth  instruction 
offered  by  a^^pellant;  and  t  lat  it  erred,  in  refusing  to  give  it. 

In  reference  to  ths  first  error  assigned  y  appellant,  it  may 
be  said,   that  there  was  evidence  to  show,  that  just  previous 
to  the  fire,  a  locomotive  belonging  to  appellant,  was  passing 
along  a-)pellant's  track,  near  the  barn  in  question;  which  lo- 
comotive, in  its  operation,   threw  out  large  quantities  of 
cinders;  that  a  breeze  was  blowing;  and  that  from  certain  points 
along  the  track,  where  this  locomotive  was  passing,  this 
breeze  was  blowing  in  the  direction  of  the  east  end  of  appellee's 
barn;   and  that  a  fire  was  noticed  in  the  hay  loft  near  the 
opening  in  the  east  end  of  this  barn,  very  clofjely  following 
the  passing  of  the  locomotive.   From  these  oircumstances,  to- 
gether with  others  proven,  the  jury  could  very  well  have  drawn 
the  inf-^rence,  that  the  fire  originated  from  a  cinder,  which, 
while  still  burning,  was  thrown  out  of  appellants  engine,  and 
carried  by  th^breeze  through  the  east  opening  of  appellee's 
barn,  and  set  fire  to  the  hay  therein. 

The  evidence,  in  cases  of  this  kind,  is  nearly  always  cir- 
cumstantial; and  whether  the  fire  was  caused  in  the  manner 
alleged,  is  usually  a  matter  of  inference  from  the  circum- 
stances proven.   And  the  law  is,  that  where  evidentiary  facts 
fairly  justify  the  inference  of  the  u.timate  fact  to  be  proven, 
their  probative  force  is  sufficient  to  sustain  a  verdict. 
Dunlap  V  Smith  35  111,  App.  388,  We  are  of  opinion  therefore, 
that  the  court  did  not  err  in  refusing  to  strike  out  the  evi- 

ence,  and  direct  a  verdict  for  a^-ipellant. 

Object' en  is  made  to  the  third  instruction  given  for 
appellee  which  is  as  follows: 

"The  court  instructs  the  jury  that  proof  of  the  destruction  of 

property  by  fire  escaping  from  a  locomotive  raises  a  prima  faoie 

^fctgajj  ajfc   d-i   ^\xbilitt  baa   {aoitoui&Bat  biidt  it'eeXIsqq^ 
aottoii^ttat  fWnifl  ejij   y^>.  t  nevig  0vbA  binod»  &ruoo  si 

siiOiVeiq  tBiil  y-foAp   o)   6onebi':  .  ut  tAdt      ^bian   so 

3fliBajBq  aaw   ^J-njsIxaqc^^  oj'  3nlgiioIecf  eviiomoool  *    ,  srij    oj- 

■io  »ex;tiJ-nBup  egTc^i   ^-wo  w©axi*      ,noJ:J"saeqo  •*!  rrx    ^syx^^ooxoo 

sxrlJ-    (gnleB^q  i^bw  •vlj-omoooX     atii^  oiAiiw  ^j(o«x^  pdt  gaoli- 
•  •»sXI©qqj8  lo  i>fie  /««•  tdt     to  aoitoen  at  gnlwolcf  aaw  ©set  i- 

vjBri  8ii;f  nl  beotfqa  f^ 
^4*w»ij.o|   Yii>©**oXo  Y^ev   jfliiscf  Bi:riv+   lo  i>n©  ^ei;8a  ; 
-Oij^  ,teonj»*Bmx/oaio  f«»xl|  a^xl^  ,,fTJt*o»ooo  >j  a^iie. 

nw4ab  evBrf  Xlew  x'^ay  Wupo  Y'^^^t  •^^   4asvoiq  siedio  dttn  -xt^ii-Jb.^ 
^rfoiriw  4isbnlo  s  aoat  i>«i'jBni3lao  9iii  sz:  ^9oa9^sl:at  f>.\i 

e'eeilaqqjB  "io  anJU^eqo  #t4f,.%i;Ii^  4jwo.?d*  •staicferiJ-  ycf  Jfc>©xiii^.' 

,al6iedt  \.sd  ed&  oi^  e  ::njt   ^aiAd 

-%Io  tx^wljs  ^(Il£8^  Bi   ^baii  BirlJ-   1q  a&B-ao  ni   ^touwi/iva   SiiT 

laiinjsm  erfJ-  nx     iJcauAo  a*.  ledtedvr  .bas    iXj8X*n*^8.-ajjo 

-«xfDi  t(o'.'       •oneie'iax   ':.  yXXaubj.^ 

•  tost  Y^jBjtJxis..iV6  arteclw  j-«rl^  .  ^a..  5nA      .ntvuiq  stor.^.-a 

.-■'■'-.:---  ..'    i^aaxoj:- ■'-..8     ai   aoiol  »yXiAdOX< 

,aioT:6ierii  ao  :xiiqo   io  8i£  :-      .  .crqk   .XII  88  dtiitiB  v  qjeXflija 

-Iv©  ©li^  j-juo  aj^lxta  o*  gfil 

9al  brl  ■    ■  (f("i 

case  of  negligenca,  which  the  defendant  must  rsbut  by  ahov/ing 
the  absence  of  negligence  by  a  preponderance  of  the  evidence 
or  that  plaintiff's  o^vn  fault  or  neglir:enoe  contributed  to 
the  injury," 

This  inatruction,  which  contains  a  n  abstract  proposition  of  law, 
IS,  perhaps  technically  inaccurate.   It  may  properly  be 
questioned,  as  an  abstract  proposition  of  law,   that  the  de- 
fendant in  a  case,  must  rebut  the  proof  of  nsgligence  -.vh-'ch 
makes  a  prima  faoie  case  for  plaintiff,  by  showing  the  absence 
of  such  negligence,  by  a  preponderance  of  the  evidence.  But, 
while  this  definition  may  not  be  strictly  accurate,  in  the 
abstract,  atill,  inasmuch  as  it  had  raferenoa  merely  to  the 
amount  of  evidence  which  it  was  declared  was  incurab -nt  on  ap- 
pellant to  offer  in  defense,  and  as  appellant  did  not  offer  any 
evidence,  the  instruction  could  not  have  had  any  material 
effect;  and  could  not  vary  well  have  been  taken  into  considera- 
tion by  the  jury,  in  .weighing  the  probative  force  of  the 
only  evidence  which  was  offered;  namely,  the  evidence  adduced  by 

It  may  also  be  emphasized  here,  that  the  statement  in  the 
instruction  with  reference  to  the  preponderance  of  the  evidence, 
under  discunsion,  must  be  considered  in  connection  with  the 
stateiiente  in  regard  to  th^  aame  m.atter,  in  the  other  instruc- 
tions, vvhioh  were  given  for  appellant;  and  when  ao  considered, 
it  is  clear,  that  the  jury  could  not  have  been  misled  about  the 
law,  on  the  real  question  involved;   or  the  feature  of  the  rule 
rerarding  the  preponderance  :f  of  ihe  evidence,  which  was 
applicable  to  the  case.   If  the  evidence  of  the  circunstanoes 
warranted  the  jury  in  drawing  the  inference,  that  the  fire 
which  consumed  appellee's  barn,  was  caused  by  a  burning  cinder 
or  spark  emanating  from  appellant's  locomotive,  a  prima  facie 
case  was  made  out  under  the  Statute;  and  the  burden  was  then 

gxilwoxfs  xcf  tiJ<Szi   f'^'.jjm  taAba»'i»b  erfJ  xfoirfw   ^»o^9aiI3©^  'to  •a«o 

eortebxvf  -  nA-xsSnpqeiq  j?  •^jcT  •on©3JtXgen  lo  eonaecfjs  eriJ- 

oJ  baiudtiitnoo  eons^iXaen  :to  d-ljjjs*  rtwo  9*\titat£iq  t&ii:-    -o 

,wjsX  lo  noiJxacqoiq  rf'OBiifBcfB  n  s  6ak&ttiOo   rfoirfw   ^noztou1tBni   eidT 

ecf  xiteqonq  xam  tl      ,9&aisjooant  xLiAOtttcioot  «qBiii8q      ^9l 

-eb  Btit  tBcit      ^^wsl  to  jBoitisoqoiq  *0BT;f«rfj8  ii«  aa  4l)enox*asL/x; 

rfo^rfr  ernas-gtl-^ea  !to  loo-s:  _        ■    oudei  tttum  ^9eBo  -'3  ni  i-nabnel 

sonee  f :  Irrode   ycf  ^^'ixi'rtlfilq     to>  eajso  eio-el  JMiiag  ^  aex'^^ni: 

4;fijp[    .©onsbrTs  erf.-   >o  eonattsJbnoqeiq  fi  \d   ^eonesii^an  riou.-^ 

eriJ  nl    4a*j3iifoo.B  yXtoiatt  ecf  iJ'on  yjam  aoiiftnllei)  aid*  aXXxf 

eriJ   ot  xXaaam  •oxieTcsleT  b£d  :fi:   a^  rfojjmaBnJt   ^liiiB    ^toAXtad,^ 

-q£  no  itrx- dHU/oni   bbw  fcaiaXoab  a£%  *x  rioiriw     fonebivs   lo  J'nwoiBje 

^;nA  talto  toa  btb  d-riAlXaqqjs  «£  baa  ^aanslef;  ax  aello  o*  tfl£XX«< 

XalTsJjsm  YfljB     t£rf  evBrf  ;fon  bluoo     aottouziBat  edi-   ^eoftshirvs 

-jBieJbie'ioo  otni  at^lat  cascf  svBri  XXew  y^ev  J-on  bXx/oo     5ns   ; 

0  eoToi  evitjscfoaq  8ri;t  griJtdalew  at   ^x'^l^^^  ^^     nor:- 
XCf  b90ubbe  ao«ef>iv9   arfJ   ^yXefffffl   ibeaallo  e^w  rfolrf'^  sonebJtTe   ^Xflo 

edj  at   tae^.S'fH;^?   -!:'+  JArf.t    ,aT9ri  Sssiafirfqai©   scT  oaX£  y^^   ^^ 

tSorsbiv  :ai?t<'':'rroqf^i'^:  sucf   o;f   sorrsielkei   dttm  aotiowi&an^. 

■  .,    .  aiBbtsf.  -    m    ^no    s' job  it   isba. 

-outiBnt   isrf^o   edj-  at   ^XBitam  aauBs  cil  Btav(i^b&&i' 

^bBiebisnoo  o»  aedn  baz     ;*««XXeqqjB  lol  aevig  aiaw  rfoirfv-   ^anoi^ 

9dt  tuod£   baXaxffl  ns'^d"  *v"rf  ton  fcXwoo  vtrx/t   •'^^   Jisrf*    ^ifislo   ax   J. 

fXxrc  Bdi  ':.o  Biut£i  ^bevXovrtl  aottBBup  L-'  cio   ^wa- 

ajBv  rfoJtrfw     ^aonefcive   e    .      ^o  It  eonjjieljrroqi  gnibaA^a. 

aeoruBd-p^/oito  grU     lo  aonehtva  eri*     II      .aa/^o  axf^t  oi  eicf-solXqq- 

enil  erf*     tAri*   ^eoneietni  erf*     sxtJfcwjsrrb  al  vrirt  exf*  fcatflAiiAw 

nebnXo  gniniucf  «  x^  JbaeuBO  aaw  ,aTAcf  a'eeXXeqq*  bBtmsBcoo  dotti- 

Qlojil  f.^.Xaq  JB   ^evltofltoooX  e»*ttBXXeqrB  moitl     gnWjwraffla  iaaqa  i. 

rteilJ-  eavr  fieb-u/rf  erfJ  bnjs   ,-»*if*£*a  erf*  aebrci;  tx/O     9hBm  taw  en^o 

uponac  appellant,  to  prove  nnch   facts  as  v;ould  excuse  it.  C«  C, 
C,  &  St.  L,   Ry.  Co.  V  Stevens,  74  111,  App,  586. 

As  was  said  in  the  case  of  T,  St,  L.  &  W,  R.  R.  Co.  v  TTeedham 
105  111,  App,  35,  "To  overcome  appellee's  prima  facie  case 
the  burden  was  upon  the  appellant  to  show  that  appliances  for 
arresting-  the  sparks,  on  each  of  the  three  engines  in  ques- 
tion, were  of  the  most  approved  kind,  and  were  in  [:ood  repair, 
and  each  engine  was  carefully  and  skillfully  handled  by  a  com- 
petent engineer," 

There  was  no  error  in  refusing  the  ninth  instruction 
asked  by  the  appellant,  inasmuch  as  the  propositions  of  law 
presented  therein,  wer::^  already  set  out  in  the  seventh  and 
eighth  instructions,  which  were  given  to  the  jury,  at  the 
request  of  appellant. 

The  record  in  this  case  does  not  show  any  reversible 
error;  and  the  judgment  should,  therefore,  ba  affirmed. 

Judgment  affirmed. 

,      .     ..;...-    .-.-1    -•.    ^x-isvei'S  v    ...^    . ,,..      .      .  ■^-'^  a    .'^ 

...    .^cfiJBlIcjrfi  t£ii*     worfs  o*  trrifelliqc,.   aoow  bjbw  Aeftii/ci   ...- 

^li^reV  S003  n^*  e^ter  bnjs  ^Istti:!  bevinqqs  *«o«  erfj  "io  ©aew  ^xiojt^ 
-moo  £  vd"  5>eXfcrfj^ri  vIIi/?:IIi3fff   f-rt-s  vin/1'«>'f£r>  b^w  enigns   rlDS»  b«J8 

.leecigne  d'fistaq 

:.I'9qq,B  to   cte-i-ipfei 

iiicTxFTevci  ^{^s  wodSg  ;fofl  aeoB  ce-.- -  „_oo©a  enl 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  ««•        J,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,    Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

Court,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
and  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoin-  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  oflBce. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this 

day  of ill  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 

thousand  nine  hundred  and  

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 

■dt  xfni;  I. 

lb  0  /  ^ 

1  /  1 

AT  A  TERM  OF  THE  APPELLATE  C^RT ,  f  '^Z    %,^_J  \  f^ 

Begun  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sjixth  day  of  April, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine?  hundred  and  fifteen, 

within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  fhe  State  of  Illinois: 

Present--The  Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Presiding-  Justice. 

Hon'r'^ANE  J.  CARNES,  Justice. 

Hon.  JOHN  M.  NIEHAUS,  Just/ce. 

CHRISTOPHEB  C.  DUFFY,  Cle^^k.   11/  O  i.A«  0\j  ^ 

E.  M.  DAVIS'4  Sheriff.   / 



BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  ii&th  day 
o^Apss*i,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  fig-ares 
following-,  to-wit: 

Gen.    No.    6013, 

Ed-wards  &  Bradford  Lvunbar  Co   , 

a  corporation,        appellant, 

V8  Appeal  from  Co.  Ct,  Peoria, 

G,  Eontjes  et  al,     a  elleea. 

Carnes,  P.  J, 

This  16  3  suit  ir.  aesunspsit  prosecuted  by  Edwards  & 
Bradford  Lumber  Co.  a  corooration,  ths  appellant,  against  the 
appellees  G,  Bontjes  and  J.  K.  Bontjes,  a  partnership,  to 
recover  ?348,33  the  purchase  price  of  eight  carloads  of  coal 
sold  anr!  delivered  to  aipellees  in  February  1913.   Appellees 
claim  that  they  purchased  the  coal  of  one  McCulloiigh  and  not 
of  appellant,  and  that  there  is  no  contractual  relation 
between  them  and  appellant,  snd  no  indebtedness  that  can  be 
recovered  in  this  svit  brought  in  tlie  name  of  appellant, 
A  jury  trial  resulted  in  a  verdict  and  judgment  for  the  defend- 
ants and  the  plaintiff  appeals,   G.  Bont^QS  is  dead  ind  the 
case  proceeds  against  J,  H,  Bontjes,  the  surviving  partner, 

IDt  anpears  from  the  eridenoe  that  prior  to  July  i,  1913 
UoCullough  was  the  lessee  and  operator  of  a  coal  mins  at  Spaulding 
Illinois,  and  was  in  financial  trouble.   On  that  date  he  entered 
into  a  written  contr^^ct  with  appellant  in  relation  to  the  coal 
bueineHB  the:  e  conducted.   The  docuDJent  is  not  in  evidence,  a 
copy  was  offered  by  appellant  and  excluded  by  the  court,  apparently 
on  the  ground  that  there  was  no  foundation  laid  or  the  intro- 
ducti  vn  of  secondary  ^virlence.   The  copy  so  offered  is  not 
shown  in  the  record.  Oral  evidence  as  to  the  substance  f  the 
contract  was  offeredby  appellant  and  heard  without  o  bjection, 
and  there  is  othsr  oral  evidence  from  agents  of  appellant  as  to 
the  relation  existing,  presumably  because  of  the  contract, 
between  appellant  and  McCullougJi,  From  f?ome  of  thia  evidence 

,EX06    .oTf    ,n90 

,    oD   zedtmsd  biotb&-xfi  ^   aJbi^wbS 

.tiiislieqqjj  .  "^  ■;  "    "iDqioO  « 

.•eexxtr      li  .Ijb  i"e   aerir.on    .0 

erf;t   tf-8nlBg&   »#njBlI»qqjs  erfit    ^rtoiJjBaooioo  £   ,oO  redmiJ.  bio\bair. 

03^    ^qlrfsxen^aaq  b   ^%bliao8.   ,K   ,1   bn/?  eet*«oa    .0  •©elXftqtji 

Xjboc    lo  t6*oIi£o  sd-gtt    to  soiiq  ••srfoTij-e[     erf:*'  5fi»8df^8?  nevooeT 

•  fiellsqrA      .ei6I  ^iBi/id's'H:  flx  aesllsq   b     o:f  fceisvileb  ^nis  liXoe 
d-on  bn£  rfgifoXXx/OoV.  ano  ^o  Xboo  erf^f   beajBrioix/q  x*''^^  **rf*  nfljeXo 

aox^^Xex- X«t';ro*itfloo  0|r* -»dt  Oieff-*  #firf*  bnja  \tttM£l9qqB  It 

,*fljBXX»qqjB  lo  effi£xc  arii-  xii  id:gisord  ttJB   9tcit  nx  X)©Tevooe-- 

-fcnsldb  drii-   -xol:  *nemaJbi;t   bflJs     totbiev  b  at  bttXx/asi  XjbIiJ'  yujc  A 

adt  bcxE  buftb  al   aag^noa  '.C      .tXaeqqjB  llid-rtljsXq  orfJ  brtA     a*n;; 

.aen^iaq  anlvlvxi/e  ori:^    ^ae(;:tTT03    ."    ,L  J'a.'^Tljegjs  aftseooaq  aaAO 

SXeX   ^I  vXi/L   oJ-  loxaq  tsd^  eonsbive   erfJ-  ffloil  easaqr^Jes  *I 

anibXi/jeqa  ^jb  tnXm  Xjboo  jb  "io  zotAif^qo  bn&  aasaaX  arfi   ajB**  r^jjdrrifDoM 

Jbeiajne  erf  eiab  *j8n:f  xiC      .*Xcfx;oi;f  Xjutortsalt  rti  aj8-«r  Jbne  ^aioniXXI 

Xjboo  eaJ    o-    rroi*3Xei  ni  ircjiXXaqq^  rf*iw  *oJ3i;tiioo  fT»;i-tl'iw"  s  6&trt 

M   ,aonebJtTe  ni  J-oit  al  taerauoob  ©rfT      .ba^ouhnoo  8  erfif  aBanliiro" 

YXJneiaqq*   ^*xuoo  eri;J'   vd"  babuXoxa  brtB  j^nJSXXaqqa  y^^  berratld"  *«*' \qoo 

-OTC*nl  srft  -loi    bi^X  rtoi;fBbni/o5  on  auw  an:9fi;f   Warier  bnwoTg  s-rf"^'  rfto 

;ton  s  t  baiLello  oe  yaoo  s.IT      ,eonpbivs  ^iBbnooep     lo  a   itoub 

9dt  t     9onstadjjB  arft  o*   »a  aonsbive  XaiO    .baoosT  erf?  ni  nworfa 

taoiJ-csta   o  tuoditvi  bxaerf  bna  JnjsXIsqqjs     Ycfbaaa^lo  aJnr  tOBiJ-noo 

o;t   a£  tn&llfiqqA  "io  atnagjs  moo:!  aonablva  Xbio  xeriJ-o  «i:   8tcerf:t   bffB 

^*ojBi^noo  erfi^  Io  aaxi.'joscf  ^{XcfismjjaeTq  ^gnitaixa     aol*jsXe:i  ©ri* 

•  onabiva  eirf:^  to     emop  moi'^    .xlgi/oIIx/OoM  bn*  tfusXXsqqB  xtaewd-ed' 

it  may  be  inferred  that  at  the  time  of  the  sale  of  the  coAl 

in  question  appellant  wae  the  owner  of  the  entire  output  of  the 

mine  and  had  an  arrangement  v;fith  McCullough  kxA   ail  coal  should 

be  shipped  in  the  name  of  appellant,  and  all  invoices  prepared  in 
the  office  of  appellant  and  by  it  eent  to  the  purchaeers  ; 
and  ail  money*  due  for  coal  should  be  collected  by  appellant; 
that  McCullough 'e  relation  to  the  mine  was  atrictly  that  of 
operator  and  he  had  no  connection  with  the  purchassre  of  coal_, 
except  in  the  capacity  of  salesman  for  appellant,  and  except 
that  he  waepermitted  to  sell  to  retail  customers  taking  coal 
from  the  mine  in  wagons  on  hie  own  account;   and  from  some  of 
the  evidence  it  may  be  inferred  that  anpellant  was  handling 
the  output  of  the  mine  as  sales  agent  for  MoCfuilough.  It 
seems  that  McCullough  was  operating  the  mine  at  his  own  ex- 
pense and  aopellant  was  furnishing  him  money  to  carry  on  the 
bu^ineas  i-.nder  the  provisions  of  thia  contract,  amon£  which 
was  on«  that  appellant  was  to  have  eight  r>ex   cent  and  Mc- 
Cullough nineto  two  per  cent  of  the  amount  received  for  car 
load  shipments  from  the  mines,  and  was  to  advance  McCullough 
on  notice  of  such  shipment  ninety  two  per  cent  of  the  selling 
price  and  collsct  the  whoie  amount  from  the  purchater.  It  is 
likely  that  the  relation  between  appellant  and  McCullough 
created  by  this  contract  could  easily  be  determined  ffom  a 
knowledge  of  its  exact  terms,  but  the  case  was  tried  without 
getting  that  information  into  the  record  and  leaving  a  dis- 
puted question  of  fact  in  relation  thereto, 

TlUhile  McCullough  wa«  acting  under  this  contract 
appellees  were  operating  a  coal  mine  nearl)yi,  and  there  is 
evidence  that  it  was  customary  for  McCullough  and  appellees' 
agent  there  to  borrow  powder  of  each  other  to  be  repaid  in 
kidd  or  in  some  other  way.  And  it  appear*  that  about  the  time 
the  eight  car  loads  of  coal  in  question  were  shipped  to  a^pel- 

Xtoo  Bdi     to  tlBB   tdi   to  soilt  erfcT   ^A  ^Arf^  ^jt^crslnJt  ed*  yam  &t 
9df  to  iuqtuo  eiisna  e:ij^  1o  vionwo  9.'i^    taw  J-nAlIsqqs  rtoicfaeup  nl 
Mi/oif*  X«oo  IiB  jtox  i^i/oIIx/OolI  j1^2w  ifneme^nAi'Xje  njs  bad  bns  ^atifi. 
nl   biasqeiq  ••oiovrri   lis  bnjs    ^^naXIaqqa  to  drajeft  6d&  ni  bsqqida  94 
I   •a8»«rioix;q  9di   o&  fn9s   :fl   yd  bns  tf-nalXaqqjB.  1o  •oillo     ©xfct 
i*fiJBiXsqq£  ycT  JieJoeXXoo   ed  bXi/oris    Xboo   to^   si/I)  tysnom  ILa  baM^ 
to  iMdJ   yXtoii^a   ijiw     aftlm  »ff;t  oJ-     nottMltz  9^  ct^uolluOoU  ^4d^^ 
^Xaoo   to   BtteBJBriota/q  9d&   rtjfiw  rtox^foenaoo     on  6j8rf  erf  bna  xotat9qo. 
i-iTtoxa   bn-s    ^&arMLL9qq.B  lot  nanvaXjss      '10  y^Jtoaqjeo   s:'iJ"  ni   ;fqeox#,, 
X^eo  -gnistst  tTtisotairo  Xt^ts'i     o;t  XIss   0^   betd-liarceqaAW  ail  ^^M^r 
to  ©mo9  fflOTt  bnjB     iirtjjoooz  nwo  atrf  no  •flog^vf  ni  enXia  erfl  ia,Q^^ 
gnlXJbfiJBrf     aaw  JnaXlaqqe  JsiiJ   baxietax  90   y^ta  ;tjt   aonabivs   9p,$i 
tT    .liauoXIjjOoM  Tol  *rt93B  »eX.99   as  ania  a4J   to  tuqtuo  &r^^ 
-xe  nwo  aiif  fi:  arrio  edt     snicf-e^c^qo  aaiw  rfai/oXijjaoM  .j-^rf*  ,anjsi,a% 
9di  no  ytiAO   oi   yanom  raid  gnXriexnii/t   bjsw  JaaXXaqqa     bnB  aaaeq 
doxxfw  3A0ffiA     ^itofiitnoo  sXdif   to  aaoXa^voiq     9di   •s^Bbnj  99^aJ;eij^. 
-oM  bna  drteo  taq  ^£[3X8  tvxri  od'     ajiw  tnjBXXaqqa  ;f«xid^  p»no  a  aw 
1.80  lot  JbevXfiOfti   Jrxiroffljs  sd^   io  *noo   laq  ow^f   o:^e^X^  riguoXij^p 
xlSifoXIi/Ootf  adfliSvbA  o;r  aaw  bs£,   ^tanXia  9di  aox'i  Btaeaqldm  bAol 
■gaiiL99i     erii   to  *nao  leq  ow*  y;f9nln  #xxemqXifa  xloye   to  ©pitcn  no 
»»i  J-I    ,i»a»rioxwq  6r:t  moi'^     tnuomz  aiXoriw  ©f{;t   i^oelXoo  bas  BOtyi 
ligijoLluOt'V.  b(r£  trtMileavt  aeaw^scf     aottslc-i  9d:^  i'-Bd^  yXf|^4» 
-a  iHott   bexttmifei^ab  scf  yXXaij©  bXiroo  tvei^taoo  ftldo      yd  batsa:;^ 
ytrod^xw  baXrcd-  a«w  6R60  arlJ-   tisd   »»B*ie^   *o«xe     a^X   to  agbeXwo^^ 
-aib  js     giiXvjsal  Lnfi  biooai  snr   otnX  no-t*aftiiotnX  ifBri*     'S^^i^hi 
,o&9iedt  rioitAXsT  rtX   tojet  to  xioX^eex/p  baJifg 
^OBiitiTOO  aXrfj     t9bnu  sntttxa  bbw  ffgi/oXXji/OoM  eXXrW 
ai  9t9dt  bcxM   ^flftfrtAefc  anXa  Xaoo  jb  gnXitaiaqo  aiew  aaeXXaq  .ii 
'aotjXXeqoA  'niR     il3jjoXli/0oif   not  y^BmoJai/o     aaw  i-X  d-sriJ-   aonebXAff 
nX  l>X5q»t  ad  o*     T:ariJ-o  iifojBe  to  ttebwoq  woiiod  o.t  eiaxi;f   ^^*d3 
9ai&  »rfj-   *0Ods  d'Bifi'   it/?©m'/      ;fi   rrtA    ,yjaw  ledi'O  ©moa  /iX   10  bbXi 
-IsqrA  oi  baqqXdft  sxt**  aoi;t8ajjp.  aX  Xjboo  to  abJioX  a«o  rf^£^i«  ? ... 

leet,  McCullou^  prociired  of  appallaes  through  their  agent 

at  their  mine,  100  kega  of  powder  of  the  value  of  ^115,00 

Appellee*  claim  that  the  powder  was  oTotained  ty  McCullough 

with  the  express  agreement  that  they  would  pay  for  it  with 

coal,  and  that  the  eight  car  loads  of  coal  in  question  were 

shipped  to  appellees  pursuant  to  that  agreement  and  as  a  part 

of  the  aawe  tre.neaotion  .   Appellant  claims  that  the  purchase 

of  the  powder  was  tl.*  individual  affair  of  McCullough  with 

which  it  had  no  connection  and  that  appellees  had  notice  of 

the  fact  that  it  owned  the  coal  at  and  xtefore  the  time  of  the 

saisj   and  there  is  evidence  tending  to  eu'^port  each  claim. 

There  was  Bome  negotiation  between  appellant  and  appellees 

in  relation  to  the  matter  agter  the  delivery  of  the  coal,  and 

aT)pellee8  offered  to  pay  appellant  the  difference  between 

the  price  of  the  coal  and  the  price  of  the  powder,  'vhich  offer 

was  refused.   There  were  other  occurences  after  the  delivery 

of  the  coal  tending  to  show  a  recognition  by  appellees  of 

appellant  as  their  creditor  in  the  matter,  and  there  ie  conflict 

in  the  evidence  as  to  sortie  of  these  natters. 

Aside  from  the  question  of  the  contents  and  meaning 
of  the  written  contract  between  appellant  and  Mo C?ul lough,  -ffhich 

should  have  been  determined  by  the  introduction  of  the  contract 
in  evidence  or  b^  proof  of  loas  and  introduction  of  th3  copy 
in  evidence  leaving  the  Court  to  instruct  the  jury,  if  neces- 
sary, as  to  its  construction,  the  important  controversy  was 
whather  the  coal  was  sold  and  delivered  to  appellees  by 
McCullough  as  a  part  of  the  transaction  in  •-'hich  he  obtained 
the  powder  from  them,  and  whether  appellees  knew  of  appellant's 
connection  with  the  bueinesa,  and  -fhether  there  wae  any 
obligation  incurred  to  pay  a^-ipellant  for  the  coal  by  transac- 
tions subseqiient  to  the  sale  and  delivery. 

At  the  close  of  the  evidence  the  court  refused  the 

tfi»3«   itMilf  dguoi;  J    B8»Xlerrq»  lo   b^tuooiq  tigifOlLifOoV   ^%B9L 

OO.fiXiA   lo  »iflJBv  sff J- «.to  i«£>woq  ^o  9g©j(  OCX   »enim  TJterii-  *« 

■   < 

rigjjoiiuOoM  yd"  ©•xii>t#ao  thw     TtJbwoq  erf  J-   tttdt  mtxln  ••aXlsprcrA 

ciii.^   ii   lot   Y£q  fclxrow  X9,i;}  t«riJ     trtemesi-rs  •••iqxe     9rf;t   rf*iw 

easr     floiJsei/p  ni  I«oo  to  •IsjboX  lao  j-rfgie     erf?   tart*  6ni  ^X«oo 

t^«q  «   >£  bxXf  #xxds»si3je  f&di   o&  i'nAt/txuq  ■•ellsqnB  oj-  l>Oqqixfi 

••sdoxuq  jxid-   *«ri;t   emljsio  "   ^xxjiIIeqrTA      .  iioiJoaenatc*  snj^a  erf*  ItO 

iiJ-iw     djjjoXiijOo}^     lo  iij8l:lJB  laijbtvtbcit  ?:(*  8j8W  aaJbwoq  arf;^  lo 

to     eoiJ-oa  bAd  •eaXIaqq*  tAiit  bas'  flolloartnoo  on  b&A  J-1  rfoidir 

erfJ-  ^0  Sfnid-  9ai  sTolstf*  J&cs  ^£  Xboo  •rif  l)»nwo  ;^j:  i-arf*  tos"!  erf* 

.iaialo  xioae  ;fnotir:im  od"  grrli>n3:f  oons*>i;T©  ai   eiarf?  hrts      ;eiaa 

ba£i  ^Xaoa  srfdr  to  x^evlXa^  ©rf~     'xb&%b  netSatn  &ciS  o&  cxottal^r  al 

.'■ys'sied  soneas'ilii)  erft  taalleqcs  ifcq  o:^  l)e'x&l:'.o  BeeXIeq^T* 

iBtlo  xloiriv   ^i»£!Woq  Sri  J'  Ito  eoi^rq  erf;t  ftrtB  Xaoo  arf*   ^o  eoi::rq  ©rl* 

VX3V±X0i3     •riJ  latXa  eeorraouooo  led&o  ©'^©w  ©lerfT      Jisai/lfiT  ©aw 

lO   8©©XX6qrj3  YcT  nciti.n'sooti  b  worfn   o*  Tjrtibrr©?   laoo  srfd'  1:o 

toiXIrnoo  ©i  eierf:*'  btts  ^xetfAm  ea';f  «i;  rro^lbc'io  rtxerf*  i*t  d-rtalleqqa 

,Brr©*;^■Bm  ©©©n'j-  to  ©moa  ot  ea  ©oneb.f'v©  ©ff;t  rti 

aniflaem  Jbrrs  mtne^aoo  edt  ?-o     flo.tte©j/p  ©rft  meiJ  eblek 

doirf"-   ^A-guQilvOtU  bns  irtaXXeqtrjB  «©©w5f©o  &oB%taot>  neJ^fXaw  ©rf*  It 

tOAitaoo  6^t  "r.o  aoitoisboitr.i  sd:   ycf     fcsfilmTejsfc  rrc^d  ©varf  bXi/ori© 

Xqoo  Sii^   :::'     noxtoirhO'id^ni  Jbn*     ©goX  lo  looiq     -':cf  10  eocibbtva  at 

-••oen   il    kX'^1  od^  icsjitsnt  oi  J-ii/oO     •ri#  j^nivaeX  ©onebJtvs  ak 

•  fii^  Y«isYoaJnoo  JnaJ-aoqai     ariJ-    \nol^Oi;«*©noc  ed-l  o*  ©jb   ^^xa© 

Yd  ©©eXXeqqa     oi  btrBftlek  bn£  Mor   ©aw  Xaoo  6dt     raii&Bdn 

b9cii»fio     ©ri  rioicr  rri     noXtosarrjia;*'  ©rf^t  "io  tnaq  r  ».6  rfs-'^O-^-'^J'^'^oJ' 

©•*naXi©qqa  "io  wen:?.  i«©XXsqqa  t©i*©/lw  baA\nodJ  moiJ  :r©bwoq  »ui 

vrrcfi  ©aw  ©rtsrfj  terfi-fcrfv  hr:  ■      ^©©©fiJtsx/d'  erf*   rf*x>     flcltosnnoo 

-oaajifxt  xcf  I«oo  ©rft  lol:  tnaXX©qra  -^jaq  0*  A©ixi/oni  noi^a^il   o 

.yisviXei:  bxi^':  ©Xa©  j©rf;^     o.+   tntitrpBBduB   pnor.r 

erft  .b«©*r1©x  i-ixra»  s^fiT  ©ort©6ive   »/f*  'to' ©©0X0  frf.*  vfA 

rsviuaat  of  aaoli  party  for  a  paramptvory  instruction,  directing 
a  verdict  and  at  the  requsat  of  the  defendants  gave  the  jury 
among,  othera,  three  inatruotioni  aa  follows: 

3,  "The  court  inatructa  t}ie  jury  that  if  you  believe  from 
the  evidence  that  the  co.^.l  in  queetion,  at  the  tiiTie  it  waa 
purohaeed  by  the  defendant,  throu^  their  agent,  P.  J,  Matheney 
if  you  believe  from  the  evidence  that  the  defendant  did  ao 
purchaae  it,  waa  the  property  of  E«  T^   McCullough  anc  not  the 
property  of  the  plaintiff,  then  the  plaintiff  oarnot  recover 

in  this  caae,   and  you  should  find  the  issues  joined  for  the 
defendant,  Linle'^e  you  further  believe  from  the  evidence  that  the 
defendant  knew  or  had  reason  to  believe  that  the  plaintiff 
had  the  exclusive  control  of  the  putput  of  the  mine  operated  "by 
said  McCullough," 

4,  *  Tae   court  instructs  the  jury  that  if  you  believe  from 
the  evidence  that  the  contract  ''or  the  purchase  of  ■':he  coal  in 
question  v/as  entered  into  between  E,  W,  ?ZcCulloush  under  the 
name  of  the  Snaulding  Coal  Company,  and  the  defendant,  through 
their  agent,  P.  J,  'ifatheny,  then  the  plaintiff  cannot  recover 
in  this  case  and  you  should  find  the  issues  joined  for  the 

5.  "The  court  instructs  the  jury  that  before  the  plaintiff 
can  recover  in  this  case  that  it  must  prove,  by  the  greater 
weight  of  evidence  that  the  defendant  p\irchaeed  the  coal  in 
question  from  jfct,  the  plaintiff,  and  that  they  have  not  paid  for 
the  eame.  If  the  plaintiff  falls  to  make  thie  proof,  you  should 
find  for  the  defendant," 

In  short:  If  McCullough  owned  the  coal,  and  appellant  did  not 
have  the  exclusive  control  of  the  putput  of  the  mine  (and  there 
was  no  claim  or  evidence  that  it  did  mat   have  such  control); 
or  if  the  coal  was  eold  under  the  name  of  the  Spauldlng  Coal 
Company  (and  there  was  evidence  tending  to  show  it  was); 

aoit  ivaiXscf  xroy  It  tAdi   XV^l   *'^*  t^oxn^J-ani:  tijjoo  erfT"  \S 
IBW  i-i   etntf  eift   fa   ^flol^idtrp  ni  X.?oo  til*  ^Ail*     eaaeiilTa   ed* 

ot  btb  tiiMbtitttb  Bdt  i-jBn'j-   •onsbJtTe  erf f  moil  eve iXecf  iroY  ^i 

erf*  ton  btiM  x^x/bXIx/OoM   ."''    .^  >o'   'V*V(»<Toiq  sn^   esw   ,i-J:   etJBrfoii/q 

::6,foo3T   fonrtfib  !tl:i*ni£_,,  i..J   .it...    ^llltnijaXq  •ri;t   lo  -^^aeqciq 

e.  ^Denloj;   aeirspi:  erftt  Jbnlr  bXifOrfe  iso\  has     ^eeAO  alrfi^  al 

llll;tnij8Xq  e di"^  ijixfi"  ev.  .-  .--..  ^  -^...^   ^>,     wefli  SaAbael^b 

.  -.      :•.  -.-.       ■.-,    .:f  ■  ■•       ■^. 

Xcf  be*.Bisqo  9nlm  $ni-  \o  tw^^n  o  lortnoo  evlex/Xoxe  eri*     bad 

-  ■ .'  '  '".'■'■*. 

"  ,  rfgJ^OXXx/OO-^    h  r  as 

i.- — ^,    -z  i-an\t  yujj;  s..-    -- — v-ax  i^ijjoo  ex.1    '    .- 

fli  IJKio  erf:'  to  etjsrfoixrq  «^.  t  -<■  .'^  #OJ»i;ahnob  erfj' i-jBrf*  eonebire  erf* 

•ri*   'lebru;  r^x/oXXx/Doir  ,'     ...  ..^.vrjed     b*ni  beieJxte   tjew  noi^eex/p 
rS^otd:t   ^taBbn&tsb  sdi   hrt      ,y'HqmoO  XaoO  gaJtJbXx/srrg  erf*  1©  »a&a 

levooei  *onn«o  l^tJnlBj.^^   _..-    .i^rf^f    ^yrterfJaM   ,L   ,<I   ,*ne3B  lierf* 

erfj    to'?'    bertiof       Iftr-as-x    ©t't    bftil-    TVIt/Oi-fp    trov    finp.'tajsb    Btdt   at 

m^niiii  ,  tolscf  J^rf^t   Yi-,„    i        5*0i/T*aflJk   *10OO   eriT  '    .  . 

Te3-£9i3  srfj-   yd   ^evoiq   *  j-i   *Ba*    aaJBO  9iri;t   at  aevooai  a«0 

hi  Xaoo   srft      Atia.'foiuq  Jft.sBns'^.ah   &  "'    :f  •.!*.'      sonebxv©   lo   cfrfglaw 

Tol  blBq  *on   dvi^rf  \erf:f   &&d'  .   ...    ^Wt  moil     nox*aaup 

bXx/Ofia   x/oy    ^Ibotq  stdf   e?i^ra   oj-    ■  x*rtijBiXq  tri*   ^t    .8m£9   erfJ- 

■' .  tfiBbnsleb  bi. 
*0«  bib  J-naX  ^  -trrvo  diguolLuOoU  VL    ti-iods  al 

•  i^s'J  bn.z)   •attt  er       .      •...  .7        _.      ..   :.oztaoo  avlauXox  i 

;(|oT*noo  rfox/a  svarf  jbu  bi:^   *  x   &Br-*'  »na©bire  to  it.;  :-. a^i 

XaoO  gtcibXxfjBqS  erff  lb  »ajtif;  , „08   aJBW  -    uj 

:(uii'f.'   -J- 1   worfa    oi  «nlf?.-?J-    scrtsbivs      aAW  aa^xl.    ;    CJ^aqflioO 

or  if  the  ooal  waa  not  purchased  from  appellant  (and  the  jury 
v/ould  likely  understand  p\irchae9d  direct  from  it,)   and  thsre 
waa  net  affirmative  proof  that  it  had  bean  paid  for;   then  and 
in  either  of  thoae  oonditione,  refrardlesa  of  all  other  consid- 
erations, a  verdict  for  the  defend.ant  was  directed,   Theae 
instructions  ^vere  clearly  wrong  and  were  in  dir-,ct  conflict  with 
instructions  given  for  the  plaintiff  as  modified  by  the  court 
in  vvhich  the  jury  were  told  "if  the  defendants,  by  chair  ac- 
tions after  the  purchase  by  'ohe  (:<efandanta trtaated 

th«  plaintiff  a«  their  creditor  and  the  seller  and  owner  of 
the  said  screenings"  or  'knew  or  had  notioa  that  -cne  plaintiff 
had  the  exclusive  control  of  and  right  to  sell  ths  entire  output 
of  toa  mine*  of  if  the  defendants  "by  "heir  actions  after  the 

purchase treated  the  plaintiff  as  the  ■"'ef endanta' 

Ci^editor  and  as  the  seller  of  the  whole  amount  of  the  screenings' 
then  and  in  either  of  those  conditions  've  verdict  must  be  for 
the  plaintiff  for  the  full  amount  of  its  claim. 

It  is  familiar  law  that  a  series  of  instructions  are 
to  be  rsad  as  a  whole,  and  a  bad  instruction  may  sometimes  be 
explainec"  and  cured  by  othera  of  thf^.  series  if  a  verdict  is  not 
directed  in  the  bad  instruction,  but  if  it  is,  that  xhe  srrar 
can  not  be  cured  by  other  contradictory  instructions.   Ws  are 
of  the  opinion  that  "oecause  of  these  erroneous  instructions 
the  judgment  should  be  reversed  and  the  cause  remanded  for 
another  trial,  notwithstanding  tee  fact  that  appellant  is 
responsible  for  a  part  of  the  errors  it  here  complains  of. 

Aopeilant  argaes  that  it  was  at  least  an  undisclosed 
principal  in  the  transaction  and  as  auch  entitled  to  recover 
in  this  suit,  and  appelleae  say  if  appellant  is  an  undisclosed 
priroipal  it  must  accept  the  trade  of  its  arent  38  ii  ■'inda  it 
and  if  MoCullough  as  ths  agent  of  an  undisclosed  principal 
paid  for  powder  :-or  his  ownuse  with  coal  belonging  to  appellant 

..  ...,.,*-      ■..   ,, 

••eriT      .b6&09xih  BfiW  ttisbn»\»b  ■  ~    '  taaoxjsis 

..  ,  ,.',.    *  ;?3 

rirrw  toliinoo  toeatJb  ni  sidw  Jbfljs  ^noaw  viiJ3b_o   Si^v.'  aa^  ■ 

t^x/oo  »ri*   YCf^«i'^ii>oi«  9j8  Itli'/ilBlq  r  :  ~.  navjfca  •noiJ-o  "xjanx 

Jbed'ieiJ- •Jitaftne'te        :     vd  «3BXio'rjjc  ,;iii  iaou 

"lo  isrr.vo     Ln  ^  .jJ-i:i)e-ro  .    ixxJ-niJBl 

tifqJx/o  BziLn:  i^  "       "'^•xj'aoo  svisi/Xox'.    -. 

'8*fl*ftnele^   eAi    &a   xiL^atBLq  ©riJ  b©:fi?8'i.<:i 

'•Snlaeaioa  exlj    io  ^ffifomjs  eloriir  s       "      :tallfe  qvs     bb  bajn  XQttr.eiio 

701  ecf  t&im  &t>tbie\  :-a.oii&tDaoo  eBodi   l-o  lis xft lei  it Jt  bn.b  nen'd- 

.mia.  c-  e.7x  ^o  tnuoth&  iLu\  edi  10Y  llUnk&lq  en'^ 

•cf  ••mJb^amO*  x<B'^     aoitoxric^anjt  bsd  m  bCtB   ,aJ!oxfw  js  bs  Jbaei 
*orc  *f  lojtftiav  JE  li  aeJtlse  "        f  Jbeixxo  fini  haxix;iitiXB 

Tiizii  arfj   i'jarfj-   ^ai  jJt  ti  jao    ^ao.cjouTjsnx  ijflcf     axtj-  f^l  b9t0f%tb 
8'-  .anoiJouitani     Y^o*'~'-i^^Jsi3-noo         '^      xq'  be  to       "  -^   -    ~  - 

aiXQs.iDi.ft&ant  axioarro^ia  aaarij  "io     asu'^^oso   xjsri'J-     «ox  ; . 

i<rt  6aJb««msi  aax/BO  arf*     baA  baalavai  sc/  biuod»  tffisr.13i.uii.   wiu 

si:  tftjBliaqqB     tfAxf."   ?      "    :;tftf  3nl]bnjeJBfftfjcwtfoa   ,XjiiiJ"  laritfona 

.lo  arrJt.ijiqwoo  axaxi  .■  :   e-ioiae   sri:^   lo  timq  a  aol     e'lcflanoqaaoi: 

feaaoloalbnx/  ffjs  tfajRel  j-je     a>6w  tfi  tfsrl^f   asu^ia  ^nsIIr-tor^A 

aavooci  otf  fcaXtfitfne  rioifs  bjb  hns  flOjt*o*a*rrj5^i"      "^    '  ■    XjBqxjitxx^ 

JbaaoIoaJrfonxr  ~-  ^ "-   fnMlItcfa,6  It  yaa  aaalla<jqi' bn.':;    jj^x>7a  ttdi  at 

&k  •fcrri'i:    '  '  -     f  oja-rtf  erftf  tfqaooa  i'ai/w  tflXaciio/ti-iq 

.,  ji.  r  ,.  J 

that  appellant  cannot  repudiate  that  part  of  the  bargain. 
This  may  ba  so,  but  we  aaaums  that  on  another  trial  definite 
kno^vledge  will  bs  furnished  of  the  contract  between  appellant 
and  McCuilou^,  and  so  much  deperids  upon  that,  that  we  cannot 
profitably  in-'ulge  in  gneculation  of  what  it  may  ba  and  give 
directions  as  to  the  rights  of  the  parties  thereunder. 
Appellant  also  contends  that  it  is  entitled  to  a  ver'iot  if  the 
evidence  ehowe  that  it  is  the  assignee  of  a  contract  made  by 
McCullough,  We  see  no  ground  for  that  contention,  the  euit 
was  not  brought  tn  the  name  of  McCullou^  nor  has  appellant 
brought  itself  under  the  provieione  of  Section  18  of  om-  Practice 
Act  authorizing  a  euit  by  the  assignee  of  a  chose  in  action, 
ndst  negotiable,  in  hi 3  o^n  name. 

Reversed  and  remanded. 

tcaaMO  ew  tjidi   ^&&d;f  aoqu  Bbnoqeb  rfox/r  ^r^jjoITi/OoM  boM 

trTBXl9fr<t,«   »«rf  Ten   ffgjL'-oIIijOoM  ? 

;  J6  anoijop'  tJ) 
•Rdi'     •worfp   eonafcive 

.  .:3JJpXIi/00M 

1.-..- ;  ■  X     .  ;,.■-*  o'i  ■ 

.f=»mj8n  nwo  f.  i:rf  nJt    ^elcfi?  1:^03 en  ;fl>« 

:c,  :Tey- 


SECOND  DISTRICT.  f  "*"■        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,    Clerk  of   the    Appellate 

3ourt,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
tnd  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
laid  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this 

I  day  of in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 

thousand  nine  hundred  and 


Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Coxirt. 



Beg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  the  sixt|f  day  of  April, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  nine  hifndred  and  fifteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District  of  tae  State  of  Illinois: 
Present--The  Hon.  DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Presid'lng-  Justice. 
Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES ,  Jus^^ce.' 
Hon.  \J0HN  M.  NIEHAUS,  J^tice. 
CHRIST^HER  C.  DUFFv/cierk.!  9  3  I.A.  39^ 

E.  M.  DAVIS,  Sher/ff. 


/W^/" .  Wy  ?// 

-  7/^ 

£^E  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  IS-th  day 

of^pT-ri,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was^  filed  in 

the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  figures 

following,  to-wit: 

Gen,  No,  5988 

James  Saviox  et   al  appellees . 

vi  Appeal  from  City  Court. 

Anton  Vieno  et  al,  appellants.      Spring  Valley, 

Diball,  J. 

On  November  39,  1913,  James  Savio  and  two  others  filed 
a  bill  in  equity  against  Court  Rose  No,  13  of  the  Firresters 
of  America,  of  Spring  Valley,  Illinois  ,  of  which  complainants 
alleged  they  were  mtm   members,  and  against  five  persons  alleged 
to  be  the  treasurer,  the  [financial  treasurer,  and  the  trustees  of 
said  Court  Rose  No,  13,  wherein  it  w-. s  alleged  that  said  Court 
Rose  No,  13  was  a  local  beneficiary  society,  a  member  of  the 
Forresters  of  America,  am'  subject  to  the  constitution  and  by- 
laws of  said  body  and  of  the  Grand  Court  of  Illinois  of  the 
Forresters  of  America;  that  at  a  certain  special  meeting,  held 
on  November  34,  1913,   the  majority  of  the  members  of  said 
local  body  attempted  to  secede  from  the  order  of  Forresters  of 
America,  and  at  a  certain  other  meeting,  held  on  January  34, 
1914,  they  undertook  to  change  the  name  of  said  local  body;  that 
the  call  for  said  November  meeting  did  not  comply  with  the 
rules  of  the  order  in  certain  respects  set  forth  and  was  illegal 
and  its  action  was  void;   that  the  said  officers  made  defendant 
had  pesseesion  of  about  ^1800  of  the  f\inds  of  said  order,  derived 
from  the  payment  of  duts  by  the  respective  members,  and  also 
of  certain  r^al  estatt  of  said  local  court,  situated  in  the 
City  of  Spring  Valley,  ind  that  said  officers  threatened  either 
to  convert  the  same  to  their  own  use  or  tta.   to  turn  it  over  to 
the  new  order,  which  by  said  proceedings  they  have  attenpted 
to  join;  that  by  the  laws  of  the  order,  in  case  of  an  attempted 
secession  by  any  local  body,  if  15  or  more  members,  including 
some  one  competent  to  preside,  do  not  secede,  (as  was  alleged 
to  be  the  case  here),  they  shall  be  the  local  body  and  shall  be 

8865    .oVi    ,xn 
.•eeXIeqqjB     Lb  to  ro1v£8  aamjBl 
,*Ti;oO   \:txO  moil  laeqqk  ev 

.L  ^xxsJia 

fitlll  sasrfito  owj  hn&  oivaS  aemBT.   46X61   tSS  tcecfnsvoW  nO 

•aie^Bei'ii'?     erft  ^0  8X   ,oVL  eaofl  d"iJLfoO  'Janljaa*  Y^ij^ps  «-t  Xlla  « 

•^lusnlBXqmoo  rfoirfw  to   ^   tlonlXIT    j-\feIXBV  anJtiqB   Jo   ^AOtrsmk  to 

be3tXX£  snoiTeq  evil   ^snle'3JB  &n£   ^tiaxifcHdm  aun  siew  xe^     J^e^dXlA 

^0  see^AiJT^   sdt  baJn  ^i^niBM^ni^   XBionjBnl\]erfj'    ^teoirBJBai^  9cif  ecf  0^ 

tiuao  Jbi«»  t&tif    "fiei^'sXX^  B?w  J-i  nlexeifw   ,SX    .oK  eaoH  *ax/oO  bljsa 

srfl    "^0    isrffljQin   e    ^^^sxooa   x^Aioilaned   Xaoo.X   b  aaw  8X    ,oTI   aaoH 

-yd  bun  aottistttBaoo  »nt   0*  toetcTwa   'ina   ^aolTamA  "io  aTe;fa8iao'? 

8ffJ     io  siorJiXXI  io  truoO  JbnitO  srff  io  brt g  tt>ocf  %r6i  "io  eWaX 

JtsXsri  ^a^li'esm  Xaioaqa  fliaJlao  a  *«  tAdt   {sotiemk  Io  aiei-aenToT 

JMaa   to  tiadmera  axlJ-  to  Yi^-^^otfim  9dt     ^ZLQL   ,1^5  lacffflsvolT  no 

to     BietBaaiot  to  leJbio  srf^f  moat  abaoaa  0*  bBttpnet&a  yJbocf  XbooX 

^;f'S   x^msaBl,  no  fiXarf  ^gnij-eem  aarfj-o  nlB^iao  b  ^-b  bas^  ,«oiiamA 

J 'i»<j    1  ^1) od  Ib 00 X- 1)1  B8  to  aMBn  sdi   eaxxflrfo  0*  :loo.^iBbttu  ^Bdt   ^^XSX 

■'  ■'    rfj-iw  xXqttoo  toa   bib     gnli^adfff  aatfmevoPI  fciaa   xo"^.     XXbo  arfJ- 

^.'.,  .,^..^  BBW  I-)n£  rf^-xot   ^aa  a^oaqaai  atuftBO  ctlXBbxo  edi-  to  aeXx/i 

i-nAbristeb  abam  aiaoltto  biBa  arfJ  *«xft      ;bi:ov  bbw  floi:^OB  aJJt  bna 

bavXiab  ^labio  bXaa  to  abni/t  erf;t  to  008X*   tsjod&  to  noXaaaaatq  bBri 

waXB  bne   ^aaacffflem  evltoaqaei  edi  ycT  aii/b  to  trraiHYBq     ari;t  Wit 

axlt  at  b9t.Butl9,  ^tiuoo  XbooX  bisa  to  •^B^faa  Isit  atatzao  lo 

lariJ-ia   fca^e:^Be'xrf*   aiaoitto  bJtaa  tsd^'baf'  ^ybXXbV  anlaqB  to  \tt^ 

oi  'X870  ;fi  aini  ot  mtt  10  aaix  awo  liarf^f  0^     amBa  arid*  ^asvnoo  ot 

bad^qasi^f^   avail  y*J^^  aanlbeaooiq  St&a   yd  rfoJtrfw  ^tcabao  wan  arf^ 

bed-qmaJ-cfs     ab  to  aajio  at   ^rebto  &di  to'awBX  erft  yd  tBdt   {tttot   ot 

gnlbjLfXoni    ^aiadfflam     eaora  10  SX  tl    ^xbo<f  L»ocl  xa»  ^fcf     nolaeaoaa 

r-*-^e !    .    B    ■  9J5)    ^0fcsoaa  ^oa  ob   ^eblaaTq  ot  ^nsJaqmoo  eno  eoiop 

evi  Xi«.;.o   i.....;   x^od"  XbooX  arftfacf  XXfirfa   xarf;t    ^{•larf  eeBO  tdt  ad  0. 

entitled  to  all  the  propert^p  which  "belonged  to  the  local  ■body- 
before  the  attempted  aeceseion,  and  that  if  there  are  not  15 
tuch  rtienbere  refusing  to  secede,  then  said  property  shall  be- 
long to  the  Grand  Coiirt  of  the  Order  of  Forresters  of  the  State 
of  Illinois;  and  that  defendants  have  in  their  possession  and 
intend  to  convert  not  only  the  said  money  and  real  estate,  but 
also  the  charter*  rituals,  books,  paraphernalia  and  ^ost-umes 
of  said  Court  Rose,  {Tho  -bJAl  f  i-Jthsr  alloged  that  tho — laws -of. 
i:h(?-orderu:Ud  not  f-ar-Jii-sh  any  adequate  velief  in  g.uo]i  a  oatg* 
2m4-tyr&^t--«%i>e-^«^ii^9TLa4j«utt»--Ja^^  no '  -ad-eryj&tg»^;«»^Ay^^^^e»opt  ■  i^n  a  ■- 
*gtmi"1i^<rf ^  tfft(Vliy,  The  bill  prayed  that  the  acts  of  said  meeting 
of  November  34,  1913,  be  declared  i -legal,  and  for  a  temporary 
injunction  restraining  the  defenaants  from  disposing  of  said 
money,  funds,  and  property  till  the  further  order  of  the  court. 
An  injunction  without  bond  was  ordered  and  was  issued  and  served. 
Thereafter,  by  leave  of  court,  complainants  dismissed  said  bill 
as  to  one  complainant,  who  had  died,  and  s  to  defendant.  Court 
Rose  No,  13,  and  made  Court  Rose  No,  13  a  complainant,  and  filed 
an  amended  and  su-oplemental  bill,  to  which  bill  it  made  a  new 
defendant,  the  Grand  Court  of  Illinois  of  the  Forresters  of 
America,   Tnereafter  by  leave  of  co\irt,  complainants  made  other 
amend«ment8,  including  an  amended  prayer  which  embraced  the 
new  defendant',^  The  defendants,  except  the  GrandCoiirt,  mo^-ed  to 
dissolve  the  injunction.  That  motion  was  denied.   The  Grand 
Court  filed  an  answer,  admitting  most  of  the  allegations  of 'the 
bill.  The  other  defendants  filed  an  answer,  denying  most  of  the 
allegations  of  the  bill.  The  defendants,  except  the  Grand  Court 
again  moved  to  dissolve  the  injunction,  and  this  motion  was 
denied,  CBn  August  4,  1914,  the  defendaats,  except  the  Grand 
Court,  filed  in  said  Caazt  City  C6urt  an  a^ipeal  bond  with 
security  duly  approved,  by  which  they  undertook  to  appeal  to 
this  court  both  from  the  order  denying  the  motion  to  dissolve 

XfcoG  IjbooI  ©rf*  o;f  b63fl0lecf  rfolrfw  ft;tieqoa<::  erf.f   IXb  o*  bBltt&an 
dl  ^oa     AZA  al6il;^  \J:  iadi  .haR  ,fioJbaa8oes  bBtcpn93&^  »rf:f  eao^ecf 

9tJii  ■  J  eia^senot  lo  itbiO  Bti&  Ito  *xuoO  fenaaO  erf*  oi'  grroX 

Jbfiii  noiesdeaoq  :Eleri;J'  ni   evarf  B^nabrteleij  *j8xlt  bnB   itJtoiiiXII   to 

d'i/cf  (0tj3;fs0  lB9a  Jbrxjs  '^snoot  bXAB  «if*  ^Xao  J^oa  &X9vaQ0  o^  Jb:.9*xxl 

•eiau;feo:    l:njB  stitmi^dqaiaq  ^B'iood  ^iiiai/ifia     «a«*i£rfo  84*  oeX£ 

.l.s-*wfiJ — Oilii-.-j-ijxiir  -A»a6-Xj:ri  rtcri^  XJJid'- sriir     .eaoH  #ujoO  Jbise  lo 

Y'XBioqm**  B  'io':  bn£     ^iB-Qel^i  heajsXoeb  ecf  tClSX   ,AS  wdatevoT'T   to 

Ox««  lo  gfliioqeib  mot'i   star.past^h  sfl*  3flixxXj8i*BST:  noi^onirt^ii 

.tiitOQ  ed7   iQ   r^bio  rtfdi'^  XXi*   x^ieqoxq  baa   jRIIxcu;!   ^xe^^o" 

>?vi8a  f)AJ8  b»iJB9i.  «*w  bnjs  te:5tbto  sjbw  baod  tuoilttv  aoztoautnt  aA 

XXlcf  btB%_  bBBBiimlb  BtsiBtit AlqaoQ   ^izvoo  lo  9v«8X  xd  ^leJ'ifieierfT 

*ULroD   »*flJ5bn9l8b  0*  *     ba&   ^bBtt  bAd  oriw  ^*^£^X«XqBIoo  exto  o*   a£ 

AsXil  bttz   ^taBai££qt&oo  a  8X   ,9TI  eeofl  :■  luoO  ebem  baB  ^SX   ,oII  eeoH 

w&n  d  8bJ3flt  *i  XXlcf     dpirfv    o^    ^XXlcf  XfiJflemsXqri/a  JEuxfl  ftobnomfi  n^^ 

"io  ea8*88rrip'i[  9dt  to  •XonlXXI  "io  fiij(^  ba&iO  en*   ^^ajBbnatab 

isriJo  BOMta  BtaaatMicgaoQ   4*0^00  lo  evjs^X  \(S  le/lAerrerlT      ,«oii3KiA. 

bsoATdffl©  .doiriw  la.ijjj'xq  bebn-  na  njs  ^nl/ufXofti   ^t^neouibnepui 

:;   ^tTjaOLa&'iO  ©ri*  tqeoa^e  ^t^iXAbnelsb  ©xfT  ^,¥nsbne^8b  wwr 

bcBxO  8rfT      .teineb  aaw  noi*oa  *BiiT    .floi^onx/t^-':  •rf*  »7Xo8«ib. 

erl.t-io  8nol*sseXIj8  ecft   *o  *aoB     3fljt**irab*   4a8W8n>;  hb  JbaXil  *ii/oO 

9rlJ   'io  *«om  sn-tYoeb   ^-Xfivaan  Ofi  baXil  •*fl«bn©'i8b  T©ri*o  eifT    .XXlcf 

*woO  ftnaxO  jd*  *c[»ox©   4a*flj8bn8'b8b  e/lT   «XXlcf  e.  *rxoi*iJ7jai^/; 

sfiF  noi*om  «lf;  ^aoid'ory/t''^  *^^  ©vXoaaxb  o;;   bsvom  01^3* 

baAzO  8r.  r>    ^8*«jiDn8leb  erf*   ,*xex  »*  tai*^i/A  nJJ   .beln^^ 

rf*lw  bnoff  X«e  jf^ti/W  x*^0  txxwOk  btM  at  btXll   ^^Xi-oO 

o*   XjBSCf  :*it8hjfix/  ypff*  ifoJtrfr  vd   ^bBVOiqa&  xlisb  "^ttrsjofia 

«■«■-■  rebio  en?     oioi^  dtod  true 

the  injunotion  before  answer  and  from  the  order  denying  the 
motion  to  dissolve  the  injunotion  after  :\n8wer.  The  record  of 
the  caee  up  to  that  point  has  been  filed  in  this  Court,  and 
appellees  moved  to  -ismiss  the  appeal  and  we  took  that  motion 
with  the  case, 

■y/^      Section  133  of  the  Practice  Act  permits  an  aopeal  from  an 
interlocutory  order  overruling  a  motion  to  dissolve  an  injunction. 
Appellees  contend  that  when  appellants  filed  an  answer  after 
their  first  motion  to  dissolve  was  overruled,  they  thereby  waived 
the  right  to  appeal  from  the  first  order,  and  that,  having 
elected  to  make  a  motion  to  dissolve  before  abswer,  thay  could 
not  make  another  motion  to  dissolve  the  injunction  before  the 
final  hearing  and  therefore  the  second  motion  was  properly 
denied,  and  therefor^  the  anpeal  should  be  dismissed.   We  are 
of  opinion  that  the  statute  in  question  does  not  restrict  a 
defendant  to  one  motion  to  dissolve,  but  that  he  may  move  to 
dissolve  both  before  and  after  answer,  and  may  appeal  from 
each  adverse  ruling  of  the  trial  court  on  such  motions.   The 
question  whether  two  such  a-pealt  can  be  prosecuted  together 
upon  a  aiggle  bond  is  not  presented  and  we  do  not  decide  it. 
The  answer  filed  by  appellants  was  not  made  under  oath,  nor 
were  any  affidavits  filed  v;ith  said  answer,  and  therefore  the 
second  motion  to  dissolve  stood  practical^  upon  the  eamt 
grounds  as  the  first  and  presents  the  same  questioni.  The  motion 
to  dismiss  the  appeal  is  therefore  denied, 

/  It  is  contended  that  the  verifications  of  the  original 

bill  and  of  the  amended  and  supplemental  bill  were  defective 
and  made  those  pleadings  entirely  upon  information  and  belief, 
and  that  the  court  erred  in  subsequently  permitting  said  veri- 
fications to  be  amended.  We  are  f   opinion  that  those  objections 

to  said  verifications  are  not  well  taken  under  the  authorities 

»i:i-  3ni"^rtr?b  i»ftio  erf?  mortTt  hrrjs  tcewt.rrjs  eiol?«cr  noiJonjj-tnl  erii^ 
In  f 'r.)'-.-,a  exfP    ,T*w«n  ■  M^t«  floiJofti/f,ni  aril     evXoBfsiJb  oi-  noiJ-joflt 

^jxwoO     tJtilcf  nl  fielit  nai^cf  a«rf  drijtoq  Jj8itt  od-  qu  aajBO  eud' 

aor.^ora  ;?'i-,'f+    iooi-   9w  brrja     Xisscnfi    aaimpi'i  0*   bevom  89aXX9<Ic{i4 

.da«3  erU*   Atlv 

CM  aioil  IjBeq-'-'Js  ri^  aitmieq  tok  aoJ:.fOA^*T  ©rft  ^o  CSX  noid-oeS 

»ftoi:toxu/tnjt  as  evXoaaii)  0*  not&oa  b  gftili/Tiavo  lebio  •^otsjoolistat 

T9tt&  lawafljB  flj8  AsXit  aif/tjaXXaqq*  nariw  *Brfl  tias*aoo  aealiaqqi 

\  i*K'  tcfetteil*  Y8ff*   ^AeXxmavo  bbw  avXcaaJfll)  otf-'int^^id-oBi  *a-xi-J  .-xia41 

blt/o-  V*  '.f   ,T8W8ds  aio^ad     a^Xocaih  ot  aottom  Jb  aihsiiro*'   -tKN-o^a 

^otf^cf  rtoi:J-oni;t«i  ©rf*  svXoaaift  ot  noJt;roB  isdJonB  eilasa  toa 

Xlrstoo-icr  e«w  noiJ-owr     Mooaa  eri*  ft:totea8£;t  fins  gnl^jseri  Xjaxutl 

irijs  6":      .£>9  8  8xiWf  JcJb     60  J)Xx/offa  XiacpTB  •!!#  c>T0^8-r8ff;t  fto^  tbeiaed 

J3  ^oiTtasTc     ton  asob    aol&6evp  at  Btu&sfB  9ri;t:*Bffcf     noixilqo  lo 

o^f  avom  -^sm  erf  tsdt  iu€  ^evXoaefb  o*  notJom  eno  oi  itt&ba^l^h 

■Aoz.':   ZBtarh  yJBf"  hn/i  -  ,wwajtiJS  ie*t£  fens     eiolecT  rfJocf     avXoaaxI) 

.anorJow  rfoi/ft  fto  txuoo  L»trt  ecii^  'to     gxilXin  aa^ceyfja  rio«a 

^en'teigo^  Jbai'troeaexq  oH  hjbo  aXiseq  a  rfoire  owt  isdtBti'v  aoltf^eup 

,tt  ffhtneh  to/I  Ob     •*  bcB  talneaeiq  d-on  ai  Jbnocf  eXspia   j;  rtocy 

Qii    ^a;!-;.      T?;ir  8£>«m  ton  BOW  a^ff^XIaqra  vcf  iwXit  tra^vanB  eilT 

8.:j-  erote-:  .'ss^ane  &iJ=sa  d&i.^     bolfi     MttvAbtttA  \jn-3  aiew 

t)r\k:-  -Qjtcfojsaq  fcoota     avXoaaxb  oJ-  ,  aoiiom  itnooaa 

aol;ro«  arft   .irtoiteax/p  am^a  erf*  ad-naaaxq  brr*  JsxJtt  a:(J     bm  Bbaucxs 

,b&ta»b  eaoltetarf^  al  -l*eqc£     Bii&  •aJtoaib  o^t 
X*ni:gllo  arft  lo  anoli'jsojt'jxxav  arf^t  JarfJ-  Jbabrtatnoo  at  tl 

avltoalab  aiaw  XXio'  Xjsd-flenaXqqira  btiM  babctemji  arft  lo  ibajs  XX1(^ 

^lalXeor  brt£  nol^jsriiolnJ:  noqir     Y-^^^-ttna  8;3nxb38Xq  8804;^  tJb«iR  l)n£ 

-lirt -fcjtJS*     3fllt,timaeq  yXtna;jr9acfjj8  ci  fcatria  ij-ijjoo  ariJ  i:zd^  ba& 

snoi^oetcfo  ea-od:)'  *jsrft  flolwirro      t    bib  sW     .ftebneTus  8cf  ot  arroitjBOi^ 

a»l*jtiorii-jj-F  ri:r:i;  najf^t  XXaw  ton  •■!£     snoxj-«oizxisv  i.u«{:    oj 

cited  "by  ua  in  Stephenson  v  Porter       111,  App, 
(opinion  filed  January  6,  1915)  and  that  1»hc)!i8  affidavits  were 
an  abeolute  verification  of  all  the  alleg-ationa  of  the  bill 
and  of  the  amended  and.  euppletnental  bill,  except  auch  allegations 
as  were  therein  expressly  stated  to  be  upon  information  and  be- 
lief,  and  that  the  main  features  of  the  case  made  by  said 
pleadings  were  positively  alleged,-^  ^^^--''^z^*^^^'^'*^/^-'^  ^^ 

Tne  motions  for  leave  to  file  an  amended  and  supplemental 
bill  and  the  subsequent  amendsants  did  not  ask  that  said  action 
be  without  prejudice  to  the  injunction  .   This  point  was  not 
raised  in  the  court  below,  where  said  orders  for  leave  to  amend 
could  have  been  amended  in  that  respect.  This  was  not  assigned 
in  the  court  below  as  a  reason  why  the  injunction  should  be 
dissolved.  In  fact  appellants  really  contend  that  by  the  course 
taken  the  injunction  was  dissolved  .  In  euch  a  case,  in  Craig 
V  Craig,  175  111.  App,  176,  we  held  that  amendments  so  made 
which  did  not  change  the  allegations  of  the  bill,  except  to 
enlarge  and  strengthen  them,  did  not  a?-gect  the  force  of  the 
injunction.   The  main  purnose  of  the  amendments  was  to  make 
tue  allegations  of  the  bill  more  specifio  and  to  set  out  in  the 
bill  in  detail  various  lawe  of  the  Arcier,   the  legal  .effect  of 
which  only  had  been  stated  in  the  original  bill.   We  conclude 
that  the  injEnotion  should  /not  be  dissolved  because  the  coxirt 
did  not  expressly  order  that  said  amendments  should  be  without 
prejudice  to  the  injunction. 

It  seems  clear  to  us  that  the  bill  states  a  case  jus- 
tifying and  requiring  the  court  to  enjoin  these  officers  to 
retainin  their  possession  the  money,  real  estate  and  other 
property  of  ^he  local  court  until  a  hearing  upon  the  meriti 
or  until  the  further  order  of  the  court.  We  are  of  opinion 
that  where  the  corpooate  body  is  made  a  party  to  the  suit, 
a  member  of  such  a  body  may  maintain  such  a  suit  for  the  pro- 

,qr,A     .ill  Teiio^  T  xiOBri6*-iqe*3  al  mu  \d  i)9tio 

111  'o  anox^A^^tXlJi  td&  XXa  Ito     aottuolTitzev  t^x/XoecfjB  iub 

•flOx;fA-££ll;-.  ,&axe   ^XXloT  Xf^nemsXqqi/v  bajd  b«£>iiem£  exl;!'   lo  &flr« 

-e.:  ^i3  aoi^^m-xolini  aoqu  acf  o;f  £>et«i^&  XXcesicixe  at^xtdi  txew  tJi 

J.J^iAJ>^J^^^^■V>^>^^^>^J^,^J:!KP^^  X-tdvi^iBoq  a^ew  eaflJtfc»»Xq 

brtB  ^bBbaQtaB  aJi^Bll't  .<»t .  ty.B^X,  xa^  aaoi^om  axir      o<.  "<-  » 
aoii'Oji  bice  ^Bxi^     sfac  ^on  bih     a.ifrupaf^n^rnjg  tixsx/paacTjje  axl;)'  btx.»  llkct 

Jbnam^  oi^  tve-  r^iatto  btMB  axailw   ^woXed  tixroo  »ff^  ai  i^asj^x 

bsngiaajB  ^oa  »£>  .i^oeqasx  i'«ii;f     ni:  bei^ndniA  nea<f  avz-^xf  bXvoa 

acf  hXx/orls  aoi^onjjt^  :a'w  noejsei:  £  8i»  woXecf  ixuoo  B£i:t  at 

aeiuo'  J   tMt  ixi9taoo  x^a-*^"^  p.^a^sXIsqgB  ^ojal-  ol   .JNirXoasti) 

^ijBtcO  ai   ^aajio  r     cLouq  al    ,  ^fyLonwth  s&v  aottutujiai  &dt    a»iat 

•bBia  06  BtaembaBiBM  tadt  bl^d  av  tdVX   .qqA   .XXI  aVX   «gJ:£xO  v 

8  0Xd    ^XXla   6i^j   >o  •noJtJB.saXXij  a<li^   ©snario  J- on  bifc  rfoiriw 

•  Id-  "io  ao«ol  9rf^  *osa3s  ifo^  bib   ^mdt  anAi-^bX^B  has  eg-XAlrra 

aj^sin  Qj-   ifiw  BtxiembaacDriQ  .a£U  Iqi  aaoqxuq  aifim  afCT      .noi^onxfj;^^ 

3  .  -^a  o^  bn*  »JtiJ:oaq»  saom  XXld"  ©dcT   "lO  anoi^s^eXXa  ©a.^ 

,x8'.i*  3x1^  tcj  awJSX  ai/oix«v  Xijsjfab  rri  IX1# 

abiil  .IXio''  li^aisixo     Bdi  at  baJfii^e  uead  bad  yXxxo  rfoJtif»r 

d'o^io:-  ^•vXoaai;')  sd  J-qi^  bXx/Qx{a     AOiJ'onfit^^  ^^^   tndt^ 

tuQdiiv:  9cf'    bXuorle  a^tnembneitue  bts^  tAdi     xabxo  vleaavcxa  &oa  btb 

,aoitonulal  %di   oi  ^otbtslBtq 

-lil   aajBO  a  ae^jej-a  XX|(^  9di  fjui)  %u  o;   XjsaXo  aneea  tl 

^t  axeoit^o  aaarfit  flXo(;n8  Qt     t%u90  ^dt    snixiupax  bas  sal^li/- 

tedto  baa  ttatn^  Xcex   ^x^^orti  9di  xxoJktsaaaoq     jladt  atatA&b-x 

anlxflsrl  j3  XJt*iu/  *?tfOo  XjiOoX  «ri/  lo  x^^'^sqo'^'^ 

■xcifllqo  to  ax*  itW  ^tv/op  exU  ^o  xal)xo  .xaxicfxjjl  9di-  Ltiau  xo 

^:J'Jt::.s     axl^  o;^  x^^<Bq  £  abjuR  si  ybocf  aJ^AOoqxoo  axf^     axexfw  ^jsaJ^ 

ua     ai«^aiBm  x^^  xibocf  s  done  1o  aacTnam  a 

tection  of  his  financial  interests  therein,  under  the  principles 
laid  down  in  Bruschke  v  Der  JTord  Chicago  Sohuetsaen  Verein,  145 
111.  433,  and  in  the  authorities  there  cited*   The  complainants 
except  Court  Rosa  No,  13,  show  themselves  to  be  members  of  the 
local  body  and  contributors  to  the  fund  in  the  hands  of  the 
appellants,  and  state  a  case  prima  facus  showing  an  attempted 
secession  of  the  majority  of  the  members  of  said  local  court 
and  of  its  officers  from  that  body  to  another  kaly  society  and 
an  intention  to  carry  with  them  this  money  and  property,  and 
states  a  prima  facie  case  that  said  attempted  secession 
was  illegal  and  that  there  are  enough  members  who  did  not  con- 
sent thereto  so  that  said  members  remain  the  local  court  and 
entitled  to  said  property,  and  that  if  there  are  not  enough 
such  members,  then  said  property  belongs  to  the  Grand  Court 
of  Illinois  and  not  to  -^aid  officers,  the  appellants.  We  deem 
it  unnecessary  to  stats  in  detail  the  many  allegations  con- 
tained in  the  complainants'  pleadings.  If,  as  suggested,  appel- 
lants should  require  ths  use  of  some  of  said  funds  to  meet  ex- 
penses of  the  local  coxirt,  the  order  for  an  injunction  does  not 
prevent  their  aoplyinr  tkm   to  the  court  for  any  necessary  modi- 

The  orders  appealed  from  are  af  irmod. 

•elqloniiq  srft  ttbtw  ^ate-zadi  %t9»'xs>fttl  iMtoasrifi  •Id  to  aoit09& 

•  taaal&lqsaoo  er!T      .be^Jto  tia.-ft  aeli-i^oifJ^i/A  ^dt     at  Jbna  jSe^   .1X1 

9df  !to  aiocffflem  ocT  ot  •©vlsemsrli'  ^orfe   48!   .oH  oeoH  tix/oO  Jqeoxd 

•rfi-  to  aJbnjBxf  srft  «Jt  Jbiflii/t  •:!*  o*  BiafadlitRoo  has  '%bo<i  XjbooX 

Jbe#qae;fi'£  aa    -^trrodB  $uo&\  Amlrq  asjso  a  9t£tB  baa  ^a^ajBXXsqqjs 

^uuoo  XjsooX     i)lj3e  lo  eiecfaem  e/ft  lo  x^liog-en  e/f;)-  lo  fioiesaoe* 

baa  x^eJ^oOE  ](tsgf  70xf;foa£  o:t  -^bod  f^di  taortl  aaeoiitto  a;}'!  "io  ba& 

bas  ^\&X9qoiq  fans  Y©nom  alrftf  a«rf,J  il*lw     "\n:i«o  0*  floitns*ni  Hjb 

nolaeeoea  Det(;pa9;f;fis     bt&n  tsdi     esjso  e20£l  sm^iq    «  aa;t£;ta 

-noo  tofl  61I)''iailw     artacffflsin  rfsj/on©  ©ib  ©teri^     t«rft  bas  la^eLlt  b«w 

brcje  txirdb  tkbor 'Biit' k^titS^  9*te<Smem  blJiB  tadt  or  oifeaerfd-  tasB 

c^x/Ofle   ton  dis  9t»rft     li  t«rft  &fr«   (Y;^:c9qoaq  bxjBe  o&  baltitae 

wTifbO     firrstb  ?  '^^ctoXed'  -^i^qovcq  btaa  aedi   ^Btsdaeta  rfojje 

ffiee£>  eW  .■;tn£ll9qqB  edi  -^•Yeo^tlro  bl»B  o&  &oa  hast  aioaiXXI  to 

-xtod  aaofVA^tXiA  t^nfot  sif;^  Ita&Bb  at  b&a&b  .o&  ^xaBBsoQaatj  tt 

-Xeqq*  ^fcetssagi/a  9M'^i.f^,$:^tbaeLq  *  utasatalqmoo  9di  at  b^at^t 

-X0  teem  oi'  9bau\  bin's  to  aaioa  to  aax;  sd:^  eiJLupe'x  bXi/oiia  %ta£,L 

toa  eeofc  rtotitonx/tixi  a«  lot  xa&ao  arfi^   ^^tujoo  XsooX  &dt  to  aeanaq 

-ix)om  Y^Jss8»osft  Yttfi  lot  #xi;oo  eric+  oJ^  aiCt   Qnl'^fXqq*  tied*  tnsvsttq 


,i>8flnJ:' tfi  si.c     moat  baX^aqqa  axebxo  eriT 

5TATE  OF  ILLINOIS,    I    ^  ,       ^ 

SECOND  DISTRICT.  j  I,  Chkistophkr  C.  Duffy,   Clerk  ol   the   Appellate 

:ourt,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 
md  Seal  thereof,  DO  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 
said  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  office. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  af&x  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this 

(lay  of in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 

thousand  nine  hundred  and — 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Coitrt. 





Beg-un  and  held  at  Ottawa,  on  Tuesday,  tffe  sixth  day  of  April, 
in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one  thousand  iiine  hundred  and  fifteen, 
within  and  for  the  Second  District/of  the  State  of  Illinois 
Present--Tije  Hon^DORRANCE  DIBELL,  Presiding-  Justice 
\Hon.  DUANE  J.  CARNES  ,  ^us  t  i  ce 

JOHN  M.  NIEHAU/,  Justice 

CHMSTOPHER  C.  Dlrf^Y,  Clerk. 

\  / 

E.    M>^AVIS,^^eriff . 


(^-  /\/  /Sut^  %-^  7//V 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterwards,  to-wit:  on  the  ij&th  day 
of^Aprirl ,  A.  D.  1915,  the  opinion  of  the  Court  was  filed  in 
the  Clerk's  office  of  said  Court,  in  the  words  and  fig-ares 
following,  to-wit: 

Cua^xx^^  <Cx.  tJf  Y  /^j.MJ2^£c(  3r.-^-'i..*-<^ 

>v/~  /  9/\/ 


Hen,  No,  5989 

Thomas  Caveglia,  et  al  appelleas, 

V8  Appeal  from  City  Ct,  Spring 

Anton  Vieno,  et  al  appellants.  Valley, 

Diteell,  J. 

On  May  14,  1914,  Thomas  Caveglia  and  between  60  and 
70  othera,  who  alleged  themselves  to  he   raembare  of  Court 
Rose  No,  13,  Forresters  of  America,  of  Spring  Valley,  Illinois 
under  the  jtirisdiction  of  the  Grand  Court  of  Illinois,  Forresters 
of  America,  filed  a  bill  in  equity  against  five  persons,  whoto 
the  bill  alleged  to  be  the  treasurer,  financial  treasurer,  and 
the  trustees  of  said  Court  Rose  No,  13,  The  bill  was  in  its 
main  features  like  the  amended  and  supplemental  bill  discussed 
by  us  in  Savio  v  Vieno  Gen.  No,  5988  in  which  we  file  an  opinion 
this  day,  A  lil'-e  injunction  was  granted  and  served.   Thereafter 
by  leave  o?r  coxirt,  an  anend»ent  to  said  bill  was  filed.   De- 
fendants moved  to  dismiss  the  cause  for  the  reason   that  the 
bill  had  been  filed  without  the  consent  of  certain  persona 
n  mad  as  complainants,  and  affidavits  were  filed  by  each  of  said 
parsons  denying  that  he  ever  authorized  his  name  to  be  used  as 
complainant  in  such  suit,  and  averring  that  it  was  being  pro- 
secuted without  hia  kxaxtng  knowledge  or  consent.   The  court 
permitted  complainanta  to  discontinue  their  suit  as  to  all  the 
complainants  so  named,  except  pietro  Siva,  and  then  denied 
the  motion  to  dismiss  the  suit,   Tliereafter  another  amendment 
to  the  bill  was  filed,  and  defendants  moved  to  dissolve  the 
injunction  and  said  motion  was  denied.   Complainants  filed  an 
amendment  to  the  bill,  making  the  Grand  Court,  Forresters  of 
America,  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  a  defendant,  and  said  Grand 
Coxirt  answered  and  the  other  defendants  answered,  and  said 
other  defendants  again  moved  to  dissjolva  the  injunction  and 
that  motion  was  denied,  and  said  defendants,  except  the 

6862    ,oV[    .rcsS 

,Y»iifi^  , 8 d-fl fill 9 qcrjB  13  d-fc    ^orcfciV  nod^nA 

.T,   ^Xletfia 
hnjB  03  xisewtscf  ftn^     BllaevaO  aBmoxfT   »*X6X   4;M  ybM  nO 

txc/oO     lo  aaecfasffl  ocf  od-  aevXaamerfd-  fiaaaXXB  0£(W     ^aiarfd-o  07 

ajfcoaiXII   ^x^XIbV  sxxliqB   !to   ^BoJiasniA  "io  aasitad'xio'l   ^SX   ,oY.  eaoH 

aTed-aeaxof   »aionlXII   lo  &iisoO   ba&iO  sdi-  Jo  aottottBixnl  bA&   lepau 

Morfw   ^anoaieq  »vl!b  #8nJ:B3B  \ttupB  ai  Xllcf  b  l^eZtt  ^aotremk  X^ 

btta  ^TaijjaBdad-  lALoaaatl   ^vexx/ajieiid-  erfd^.acf  9^  £ie39XJ^£  .J^XXcT  84^ 

stl  at  aBW  XXicT  exlT    ,SI    .oH  eaoH  truoO  JbJtBa  lo  ase^airid'  fj^l 

Jbeaatjoalb  XilcT  XBtf'asmalqqi/a  ban  baMainB     arld^  e:;{JtX  ao'ii/tBal  nl.BS 

aolalqo  as  BltJ  ew  doirfw  at  8866   ,oTI   .neO     onalV  v  otraB  at  au  yd 

i6d-lB8i9rfT      .ievrtea  haz  be&aBt's  bbw  nold-onx/t^l  s  TiX  A   ,\Jib  Bldt 

-©a     ,b9lt\  aew  XXlcT  blB«  0*  taembaemR  as  ^tzuoo  I0  avssi  ycT 

8fft  tfirfd^       aoaB9-x     aifd^  10I  aax/BO  eild-  a^Jtmalb  od^  bevom  a;^^Bb^el 

tiioaieq     fllBd^iao  lo  ^xtaenoo  srfd^     iuodtt^r  bsifi  fxeecf  bjsri  XXI J 

JblBB  to  xfoBft  \<i  bolll  Bisyi  %&tT&btl:'tj6  btiB  ^a^nBnl^Xqmoo  aB  Lam  n 

aB  Jbaexi  ecf  ot  antfin  Btd  bacJbiorfd'i/B  tira  dd  tsdt     ^al^aeb  anoercsq 

"Onq  snlacf  eBW  *1  *Brfd-     gniarcevB  bnB   4^jtjk/a  dojjs  rxi  ^-xianiAlqaios 

tf-Tjjoo  ©rfT      .tneenoo  10  agfielwortJi  SKi^RjsnX  aid  ^x/orid-lw     bad^woaa 

arid  XiB  od'   aB  Jix/a  ilarid-  ei/iiJtd'rtooaJib  o*  ad-flBfiiBlqcioo  Jb9*;tlmrteq 

ftaiaab  nerl:t     toB  «btJJE[  ot^alq  tciatoj^e   ^bBia&a  os   a^aBnJ^/^Xqmoo 

t/ientaamB  iBd&oaB  'x»t\jsei9i^      .^Jtx/a  arid-   aslaiajt!.  od-  aoitota  sa: 

axid-     avXoaaiJb  0^     b^voai  ad^rcBbrteteb  bas  ^^aXJb^  aBW  Xllcf  erfd^  od^ 

as  b9lt\  BtaJuithlqpsoG     .tainab  aBW  nottom  btMB  bas  aottoaulat 

3to   aT8:t8eiio'i   ^tiu^  bneiO  erfd-  -^^ntsl&m   ^LLtd  edt  ot  taemba&saa 

bajstd  bJcBS  bnj8   ^ta»ba9'ieb  b   ^BtoatlLl     lo  a^^d-B  edt  I0   ^aot1Qak 

bijsa  bn«  (JbaaawanB  atABbnelab  laxfd'o  arfd^  baz  baaawanB  iiuoO 

bns  aottonulat     axfd-  9y£ob» tb  oS  bavoa  at£-g»  ad'nBbneleb  ledjo 

0di  ^qaoxa   ^•taMbae'ieh  blBa  bnB  ^belnab  bbw    aottom  tf-Bi  < 

Grand  Court,  filed  a  bond,  appealing  from  said  two  orders 
refusing  to  iiaaolve  said  injunction  ,  and  said  bond  wae 
approved  and  the  raoord  has  been  filed  in  this  court.   Appellee 
moved  to  disraise  the  appeal  and  we  deny  that  motion.   Moat 
of  the  questions  raised  are  similar  to  those  passed  upon  in 
the  other  case,  and  our  holding  is  the  same  as  in  that  case 
for  the  sane  reasons. 

Appellants  contend  that  the  injunction  should  have  been 
/dissolved  and  the  bill  dismissed  because  of  the  pendency 
of  the  other  suit,  -•■.'hich  a  plea  filed  by  appellants  avers  is 
by  the  sane  complainants  arainst  the  aawe  defendants.  This 
statement  Joi  manifestly  incorrect  in  part,  because  there  are 
about  60  members,  complainants  in  this  suit,  who  a-iparently 
have  rights  which  they  are  entitled  to  protect,  and  who  are 
/  not  parties  to  the  other  suit.  But,  further,  said  plea  had  not 
been  put  at  issut  nor  triad.   The  mere  filing  of  the  plea  did 
not  entitle  appellants  to  a  dismissal  o""  the  bill.  The  record 
contains  no  certificate  of  the  evidence  h^ard  upon  he  motion 
to  dismiss  the  bill  because  filed  without  the  consent  of  cer- 
tain persons  named  as  complainants.   Tlie  affidavits  copied  into 
the  record  by  the  clerk  cannot  be  eoneidared  by  this  court 
without  being  embodied  in  a  certificate  of  evidence,   Langa 

/^  Heyer,  195  Til,  420,  Bellinger  v  Barnea,  333  111.  131,  It 
May  have  been  shown  that  Pietro  Riva  did  consent  to  become  a 
complainant,  or  that  he  had  been  indemnified  against  costs, 
or  that  in  some  other  way  the  right  to  use  hie  nama  had  been 
acquired.  Upon  this  record  it  m\istbe  presumed  tha  court  properly 
refused  to  dismiae  tha  bill  and  properly  retained  Pietro  Riva, 

/         Court  Rosa  No,  12  is  not  a  party  to  this  suit,  either 
as  complainant  or  defendant.  We  are  satiafied  that  it  is  a 
necessary  party,  for  the  reasons  stated  in  Bruetschke  v  Der  Nord 
Chicago  Schuetszen  Verein  145  111,  433, 

BZBbio  owi-   bix»  moal     gnllaeqq^  ,Jbnoor  «  ibelit  ^i1uoO  baAzO 

teXxe.  .  .  .1/00   ejixicf   .^.i   bslll  neecf  ■sif  biooei  eri;t   bna  ttevoxqc^ 

t«oV      .aoi^fofli  t«r:t  vaol)     tw  bn£  I««qqA  ed:^  •aimaxb  o^  jbsvom 
lit  noqsj  beaa^q     eaorl.t   oi  xsLiiatB   »x&     baa.fex  saottvssjp  e    .. 
aaas  lAu;t  ai  as  arase  arf^f   sic  s^lbXorf  %i;o  hn£   «ta«o  ^eii:^o  9dt 

•  arroasen   snrjBe   erf;f   10?: 
tteaa  avBri  Muorfs  noi*Ofijjt^-^  «rt.+  tJBifcT  bftetrroo  ajJ-nalleqciA 

YOfle'^necr  srii      lo  aei/eof  /     £>aeBXfflf8xb  IXlcf  erft  bns     i)8vIoaalb\ 

ax  aa&VB  «*njsIiecoj8     xdi  beitJ.  aaXq  s  rfotrf*'  ^tixra  •iarf;to  srfJ  ^0 

sxifT    .a^ajBbaa^sb  errrjse   erf#  ^aalS'^e  %tnsntMlqmoo  arruea  axf;)'  y<^ 

8IA  aaeriJ-  aaifAOecf     (^v«q    ni  #oetioonl  '^ItBe^taBm  at  JnsmeJ'Bite 

YiifneiJBqqje  ©riw  ,^iira   Btd:f  at  Bitten tpSqtaoo   ^atacffflsm  08   txrorfJi 

fijB     oxiw   fcofc   ^^Odi-oiq  oi-     beX;tt*n»  arrfl  yariJ  rioiilw  std^gti  svarf 

jofl  jbjsri  Jialq  bt»9   ^XBdf-zut   ^tuQ.     «*ii;8   isff;fo  6i-^;^  oJ  aaUttaq  tort 

bib  «alq  erf;t  5o  gniXlt  eiera  eriT      .bal^J-  ion  tx/aal  tjB  iuq  need 

bioObi   9riT    .XXlef  enr      o   XAaaimaib  5   oi-   atnaXIaqr*  sitiifne      *on 

noiJom   sn     aoou  Ma-ri  ao/ieblTss   a;L^    T:o  B&Aol\ttrBO  on  tnlacfnoo 

-xso  lo  taeaxiOD  sd^  :fuoAitv  bBlit  nssjAOod  ££t(!     tid&  aaiwalb  of 

oini  Jbaxqoo  b& trMbt\'ta  9:1?      t^tnfintfilqmao  ba  bBsasa  anoeiaq  ttk»t 

tiiioo  8J:rf.t  vcf  b^iafcisrtoa  e  {  toanao  afxaXo  sif*  yd  Moobt  i^'rfSf 

•ga^J      .eon;9.bxVs   Iro  a^jsol^xtiso   e  -<-l  ftilhocfma  gAtscf     ;fi/orfi- 1"" 

tl    .X6i    .XXr  ces   ^aarrtDsa     V  Te^fllXIdS   ,0S*   .1X1  sex   ^'tBxe^■    - 

A  affiooao'  ot  taBBaoo  btb  »vtfi  ortet*!  t»d&  nworlf*  ceecf  svJBxf  yjatf 

^aJ-aoo  tBntMy,B  bBt^taaBhttt  naecf  bad  arf  t«rft  xo     ^JiTBfrlBlqmoo 

oaacf  bKd  tmen  alrf  aatr  ot  fd-^ti  arfj-  if*w  xsrf^o  emoe  n^ 

XXieqoiq  truoo  ari*  bBouBBiq  BdtBum  tt  bxooat  atd''  rtoqU   ,b9itupx>M 

,AViH  ox*ix^  baniB*ai:  YXiaqotq  bnfi  IXM     ad*  a-imaib  ot  bBButet 

Xbdtta   ^ttoB  9tdt  03   yrfraq  m  toa  «1   SX^  »'OTf  taoH  ttuoO 

s  Bt  it  tedt     bBtlBttaB  btb  aW      .inabaBlteb  to  itt.antRLqmoo  ai 

bioH  a©<I  ▼  ajfrioatax/xa  ai  k«*jB:tB   f»no«£f  1  »rf;f  lol   ^x#iJ5q  XTJBaaaoan 

.£c;^   .XXI  3^X  r-laiaV  rrasatajjifoB  o^JsolilO 

The  orders  appealed  from     are  therefore  reversed  and        ,. 
the  cause  is  remanded  wi-^h  >!ligsotftena   tjs  thownoeui'^  Ivrslew  ■tje* 
jHi»«BL'4-^'»empl-atftaHt<--4c.ajriend<  by  roali4ng  Ooui't  Rese  We.    ID 
althftB  g  oemplojinant   or  a  ciaf  iLiidaiaty^i.Ml '  1.''    11-w.y  do-«e<3  wA^hjLni 
■finitfoaiionRbaL--".   tim<  uKwr  Ihij 'Tausu-io     rottooliutad  rin   tlio  oougt-- 
TaoJiawy  tfiVo  -fclmt  amtAenj   liiTian  to»l.¥e  tho  Anjuftotien  onJU 
*te   lAAamiBB  tlm  'lillt. 

Reversed  and  renanded  with  diin^bl«B». 

fan*  DSBu«vbi   eTrjl:&:.3  ■  J   ;sx£     moT:".  £)ei£8C>"i'.€  eiei;"xo  eifT 

5TATE  OF  ILLINOIS,    \  ., 

SECOND  DiSTKiCT.  ( '^'^*        I,  CHRISTOPHER  C.  DuFFY,   Clerk  of  the   Appellate 

^ourt,  in  and  for  said  Second  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  and  keeper  of  the  Records 

md  Seal  thereof,  do  hereby  certify  that  the  foregoing  is  a  true  copy  of  the  opinion  of  the 

iaid  Appellate  Court  in  the  above  entitled  cause,  of  record  in  my  ofBce. 

In  Testimony  Whereof,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  affix  the 

seal  of  the  said  Appellate  Court,  at  Ottawa,  this 

da^'  of in  the  year  of  our  Lord  one 

thousand  nine  hundred  and 

Clerk  of  the  Appellate  Court. 

"-n.   Mo.   6196. 

\    October  Tern,  1914- 


Pilod  Doc.  11,  1914- 

Agonda  mo.  1- 

'^^o  O.H.Paddock  -Lumber  CoJ 
AppolleoT/^  . 

^''  ._ '^^-^         Appeal  from  City  court  of  ^ana. 

T^io  Westorn  Union  Telasraph  Coi;yv 


c^  9  C:-u  ■'l-T'  A 

0-  i.'iion  by  Th.odj'Oon,  P.J,  \ 

¥?iio  iO'  an  action  m  cos©  brou/^t  bjT'  IkT  apf)«^^  to  re 
cover  dar;,a,^eB  freonrap^iiattt  on  account  of  a  Mistake  in  the  trtms- 
misBion  of  a  tolegram,  sent  to  l^pt^ro  by  .he  Louisyillo  Gomont 
Company,  quoting  the  j.rico  on  3000  barrels  of  comont.     On  thn  trial 
the  apj.'ollant  did  not  offer  any  ovidancef^Tho  court  afe-thfr^^oee 
o^-m-^iten^ir  -ovidence  directed  a  verdict  in  favor  of  appoll-^- 
for  $300.  on  -/hich  jud.^ont  was  rendered,  a^^cf  SjL    oOUcix^eoJ  olUjuiLq 

The  4^eij^¥6-^^«f€^^^r^  in  reply  to  a  lot  er.  sent 

a  telegram  -.o  ^^.j^eiS^^i "q&ting  the  price  at  ,$1.64  per  barro^f.' The  ^"""^^ 
tolegi-am  as  delivered  ^*e%&'1he- pricB-af  ^l.M.     ^^,-4thout 
noLice  of  i.he  mistake  and  relying  on  tlie    telegram,      fejsold  the, 
cemontto  a  customer  at  $1.72  per  barrel  ami  eft-4{«r^,  wired  rba 
acceptance  of  the  offor.^T^.^*.„.^t.  ^l-.V-^  wae-baa^  on  the 
RT^iaM-prioe  at  $1.54  -tsoi^tained  in  the  tolegrom  as  Changed, 
rho  femiisviiio  Cpiaont  Company  refused  to  furnish    he  cement  at 
W.54  isnd.  app^iiW^in  order  to  protect  its  contract  v/ith  its 
caistomer  was  com  el  led  to  psy  ^1.64-  por  barrel  fm-  the  3000 
barrels  of  comont  . 'Hfei^h-yrftr^  delivered  to  it  to  carry  mxtltB 
oontract-with  its' ciretomer. 

Tliore  is  no  controversy  or  ciispute    an  to  ^iie  facts. 
Phe  evidence  clearly  shows  ^t  the  appellee  lost  ten  cents  per 
Jarrol  on  tho  ctimf^nt  by  reason  of  the  ciianf^e  in  tiie  tnle^am  as 



When  a  naessage  announcing  prices,  eoht  in  contonjplationn  of  a 
18  erroueoualy  transraittod,  the  party  in.lurod  may  rocovor  tha  amount 
of  the  I088  caused  hy   tlie  incroafio  in  price   ho  was  obli^^od  to 
pay  in  consequence  of  the  nrror.  (WoBtorii  Union  Telegraph  Co., 
ys.  DupoiB,  12R  111.  2^18;  Woctorn  Union  Telegraph  Co.,  vs.  Pack- 
ing Co.,  186  111.  ,  366)  or  v/^iere  there  is  a  profit  hidi  would 
have  honn  larger  but  for  the  error  in  tninsmiBSion  he  niay  recover 
the  decrease  in  the  profit  whidi  v7ould,  have  been  realized. 
(27  A.E.  Encyo.  cf  Law  1068;  37  G.  Y.O.  1770). 

Ihilo  the  suit  is  to  recover  daiia^^on  for  ne^^lif^nco  ,  the 
amount  of  the  daraaf^s  is  shewn  with  certainty;  but  there  was  no 
evidence  showing;  any  defence,  said  ^2iere  was  no  enor  in  directing 
the  verdict;  the  jflidigaent  is  tJiorefore  affinaed, 

A  F  F  I  E  M  R  7)  . 


Gron.  No.  GZ6b* 

!.  Wilson 

Oct,  Tft]-m,  |i'14- 
Filod  Poc.^l,  1914- 

Agonda  }ijy;-%ir" 

Appol^iint. , 

1      .     VS.  I 

Thomas  HuVay^ot  a^.,* 

/Lp].oal  from  ?ike, 

193I.A.  417 

0;  inion  by  'BioLipeon,  VmJ, 

.  .H.WilBony  a  roeiilea^of  ^h-  city  »f  "lYaiLnlbal/ in  the 
gtiate  of -Uiu^ovspir,  filed  a  bill  in  diuncery  agadnBt  Thomae  McVay, 
Bert  McVay  and  Gr.H.KodKan  prayin^^  for  an  accounting  conceming 
coLaiiisBions  realized  from   the  sale  of  a  fann  sold  by  dof ondante     for 
a  third  ].arty.     'Hie  bill  allogos     t^iat  cotiylainant  in  1913 ,  was 
en^a'7;ed  in  buying  and  selling  Illinois  and  piasouri  lands  for  com- 
missL  on  and  profit  and  l^at  irt — JHb^-  one  A.L.  Coan,  who  r-WHtdee-in 

Tojcaound  oTmad 

■of  land  in  PiJ4e._tUH«itji^  Illinois,  listed 

Sdid  land  with  complainant    for  sale  at  ^20,000;     that  ooirr  lainant 

was  to  have  for  his  pa  mission  all  that  he  could  sell  the  land  for 
in  excess  of  g80|9Q0;  that  tlie  McVaye  at«  real  estate  a/T^nts^iirWke 
Q<MMityi  4ili^n<HB;  that  thf^  McVays  and  coraplainant  nntored  into  a 
contract  ii»«^<fr  v^iich/,  McVaya  should  find  a  piuxliaser  for  s  dd    lands 

and-  tJ^it  t}io  coOTnission  or  prof  ijis  derived 

>-«al<»'-<H^"t»tii  d 
isiHd6'-'»i«mlfl  bo  equally  divide4t-»«att  half-taJiJCVayB  and  tfe^- r^JMain- 
ing  hit  If  tifr  oorig-;lainant;  t-hat  Uie  McVaya  conspired  with  G.N.  Red- 
mond  to  make  a  sale  of  »t^  lands  and  ajn  ropriate  to  tliemsolves  the 
entire  profit;  tliat  da^uauauta-  inade  a  sale  of  6«i4  lands  4>o-H&He 
fi«o*?5©"f^0Bne  for  the  consideration    of  a  mortga^ga  of  $14,000,  on 
^uid  lands  and  divers  suias  of  money  and  goods  and  nierchandise  of 
groat  value;   that  coEq)lainant  had  demanded  an  aooounting    from 
the  deffindants  and  that  the  defendants  wrongfully  rofusod  to  ac- 
count    to  complainant  and  assort  tliat  ho  has  no  interest  in  the 
rofita  received  from  said  sale.     Hw-biiir  waives  the  oath  to 
Jiha- aQswey-* 

The  defendants  dtdoirrod  to  the  bill  on  the  ;yound  that 
it  d(H»6  not  sot  forth  facts  re(juiring  the  interposition  of  a  coui-t 
of  equity  and  that  tlie  comi>lainantv  has  a  full  and  adequate  rer.edy 


at  law.  aT^i^  court  sust-ained  "bhe  demurrer  and  dismissed  the  bill.  Otu^K^ 

The  conmainant  appeals.       ^     ^      , 

-^The  contentions  01  ajjellani  are  that  tfeie-*e-*  bill  for 
discovery  and  an  acjount-ing  between  partners. 

The  bill  does  not  ask,  for  any  discovery  either  directly  or 
indirectly.  All  'ohat  ia  asked  for  in  the  prayer  is  that  an  account 
be  taken  of  the  moneys  and  [other  things  of  value  received  by  defen- 
dants and  tliat  they  bo  required  to  pay  etc.  The  body  of  the  bill 
alleges  that  a  sale  was  made  for  a  total  consideration  which  is 
not  precisely  known  to  complainant.  There  is  neither  any  direct 
allegation,  nor  any  allegation  of  facts  showing  that  any  discovery 
is  necessary  to  a  recovery  by  coLiplainant,  The  bill  is  not  framed 
to  give  a  court  of  equity  jurisdiction  on  the  gi^ound  that  a  discov- 
ery is  necessary  to  a  correct  accounting.  County  of  Cook  vs,  Davis, 
143  111,  151,  The  bill  cannot  be  held  to  be  a  good  bill  on  the 
ground  'ohat  it  is  a  bill  for  discovery. 

The  bill  sets  forth  a  single  joint  transaction;  tiiere  was  no 
contract  which  would  render  either  of  the  parties  liable  for  any 
loss  or  ex]  ense  of  the  other,  the  contfact  as  set  forth  is  wholly 
lacking  in  the  elements  necessary  to  constitute  a  partjiership. 
The  only  claim  is  that  defendants  refuse  to  tUrtiover  to  complain- 
ant one  half  the  commisaion  realized  as  profits  from  the  sale, 
"A  contract  whereby  a  r  al  estate  dealer  employs  a  person 
to  assist  him  in  the  sale  t;f  land  on  the  agreement  that  he  is  to 
receive  one  half  of  the  profits,  after  deducting  necessary  ex- 
penses, for  any  land  sold  to  buyers  brou^t  to  the  dealer  direct 
ly  or  indirectly  throu^  the  others  efforts  does  not  as  between 
parties,  c.  eate  a  partnership  irrespective  of  their  intention". 
Reed  vs.  Engle,  237  111.  631, 

From  Lhe  state^ments  in  iie  bill  this  is  a  case  where  the  par- 
ties are  entitled  to  a  jury  trial  according  to  the  course  of  the 
common  law.  A  trial  at  law  will  afford  an  adequate  and  ample  rem- 


•Ihon  a  court  of  law  is  ooiojotent  to  afford  ioi  adequate  und  acij le 
rotnedy  a  court  of    oquity  v/ill  rondt  the  partios  to  a  court  of  law  , 
v;here  tho  ri/^it  of  trial  by  jury  is  sftcui-od  to  tlinm.     In  nuch  caeao 
fiithor  party  has  a  rir^t  to  domand  that  tho  Miittor  of  the  defon- 
dant*a  liability  bo  aubmittod  to  a  jury  according  to  the  course  o^ 
the  coir/on  law*.     Winklor  v^,  Winklor,  40  111.  179;  County  of  Cook 
iii,  DauxB,  l^^"s  111.  151;  Douglas  vs.  i'artin,  103  111.,  25;  JVller 
TB.  Davis  ^ona,  184«  111.  505;  Gove  ys.  Knjimer,  117  111.  176. 

..8  a  e^^^neral  rule,  if  there  is  a  doubt  as  to  r/hother  a  court 
of  equity  has  iuriodiction  ,  it  -a  hotter  in  all  casee  of  doubtful 
character  preeerain^^  a  confl-ct  of  evidence,   that  the  parties  should 
bo  remittod  to  v^atever  remedy  they  may  have  at  law  altlmu^    equity 
ini/^ht  entertain  jurisdiction.,    Hackon  vs^  Bart««i,  84  111.,  313; 
Wing  vs.  Shorer,  77  111.,  200. 

Tliore  bein^;  an  adequate  and  conn  lote  reaedy  at  law  cxnd  no  dis- 
covery BoUf^t,  the  court  }  roperly  eusitainod  the  doiaurror  and  dis* 
missed  the  bill, 

Iftie  decree  is  affirmed. 



,7     (13530—3-60) 



193  I.A.4 

AT  AN  APPELLATE  COURT,  Begim  and  held  for  the  Third  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  at 
Springfield,  on  the  FIRST  TUESDAY  in OCTOBER ^    j-^    ^9  ^  jj, 



HONORABLE  GEORGE   W.    THOMPSON,        p^^^,^,„^  ^^^^.^^ 



Attest:  ROBERT  L.  CONN,  Clerk. 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterward,  to-wit:  On  the ^day  of 

DECEMBER ^  j3   19    ^^  ,  there  was  filed  in  the  office  of  the  said  Clerk  of  said  Court, 

an  opinion  of  said  Court,  in  words  and  figures  following: 

DEC   11      191^+ 
Geo.    L.    Tipton     CI.SHK 
AP''^H:LLATE  court  3rd  DI3T. 

in.  No.  6273.  October  Term  191^.  Ag.  10. 

Cornelius  B.  Keller,  Jennie  Ziraraernan,    { 
Elenora  K.  Martini  &nd  Grace  Bach,        j 

Appellees.    5 
vg.  {   Appeal  from  Christian. 

Ch&rlie  Vi.  Keller,  John  H.  Keller,  Kary  t 
A.  Keller  and  Willlara  T.  Vmdeveer,  5 
(Charles  W.  Keller  and  V.'illiara  T.  Vrnde-  0 
veer,  0 

Appellants),  fi 
This  is  a  bill  for  partition  filed  by  apiOllees  against  appellants 

.leglng  the  tenancy  in  common  of  coaiplain&nts  •  nd  defendants  in  certain 

lel  estate  described  therein;   the  exietence  of  certain  mortgage  indebted- 

18S,  end  that  the  real  estate,  except  two  described  tov.n  lots,  is  in  the 

•asession  of  appellee,  Charles  v;.  Keller,  under  a  certain  article  of  agree- 

fnt  for  farming  said  lands  dated  March  1,  1913-   '^'^-e  bill  ,,rays  for  a 

Ttition  according  to  the  re8i)eotive  rights  of  the  ir.arties.   Copies  of 

le  mortgages  and  the  farming  contract,  which  by  its  terms  ternint-tes  March  1, 

)lk,   are  attached  to  the  bill  and  made  a  v.^rt  thereof.   The  article  of 

jreement  is  "between  Charles  W.  Keller,  Jennie  Zimrerman,  J.  11.  Keller, 

.enora  I''&rtin,  Gracfe  Bach  and  C.  B.  Keller,  being  the  heirs  of  J.  E.  Keller 

»oeased,  parties  of  the  first  r>s.Tt,   and  Charles  W.  Keller  individually  party 

'  the  second  part",  and  is  signed  by  all  of  them  under  seal.   The  contract 

iscribes  the  land  and  states  that  the  parties  being  desirous  of  farming 

lid  lands  for  profit  agree  to  pay  said  second  party  for  the  management  and 

mduoting  the  same  as  follows:-  said  second  pf rty  shall  reside  on  said  land. 


a  a  J  I  •? 

i^l^L      IL   07(7 
.T£IG   b-ii   T^JOO  .  ;a 

.01    .gA  .4X91  imeT  lecfo^foO  •CS'Sd    . 

}         .BS^ii-S -qA 
0  '  " 

}  Xi>iA    ,                                 .    ,^9IIe2    .V.'   ©ilta;  r 

0  «'i-                                ILIV^!  hna  toIIeX    .. 

5  -sJJnsV    .■:  ^olili,,   j.n«*  -xsIIsS    .W  eel'XarfD) 

0  tteev 

B;Jn6ll9.Tqi?  ;t8nlBgii  a99ll8(:q^  x6  bi,ll1  nolJlJiJaq  lol  Illcf   3   ei   eIriT 

-beitisbnl   ^"^R-^iiom  nlfsKiftn  "^o  ©onecTsixs  grij      ;ni«'i9ri;t  fi9cfI'ioe9j[)  e*acr 
srfj  nl   al   «8j'oI  nv/o*  fiecfiioaeA  ow;r  3*590x9   »9d"«:?8e  lasi  9riJ  i^di  br. 
-99'xg6  lo   eloitia  nlsJigo  a  lebnu   ,*X9ll9X    .'.'  esliaciO   »99ll9qqjs  to  noJt: 
^  tol  B^ai^  Llld  erfl      . C-tQ-C    »-t  rfonaW  JbaJef)  afinal  Mae  gnlnrxal  nc.  • 
iO  3£  ■      '       .  •'9jtjij3q  9rijt   lo  acrrigii  qvISoq^ibbi  9rf.t  oJ  gnlJbiooofl  noi;!. 
iioi-i:.  oeJiHliiiLj   amies   aJl  yd  xloiriw   ^JoaiJnoo  sninncal  eriJ  Jbnii  a9gjB3d"'io0: 
lo   elol:iia   erfT      .lo9'-x9rfd'   ti^^i  a   eiiijm  ftna  Ilicf   9rf:r  o:t  JbeiloacTcTa   ei-    ,  f-i 
iielleX    .H   .L   ifiiamiaiiiiiiS  aJtnnaL   ^ielLQ:i   .V  a9li;iriO  n99wJ»cf''   aJt   inecie-:. 
19119:1   .S   .L  lo  aiisri  9riJ-  gniacf   ,i9ll9S    .3    .0  bn^  rloaS  ^oaiO   ,niJi.iM  ciorr 
.J-iaq   AjIIjQuJbJtvlfini  19XI9.X    .V  oeli/'-rfO   fina    ,*iaq   J'aiil   oxl*   lo  aslcTiaq    ,Jbf  ^    ' 
JoaiS'noo  9ilT      .lasa  i9i)ni;  fn9/[J   lo  Ila  vd  f)en3l3   ai  Jbna   ,  "[fiaq  finooet 
gnimisl  lo  auoil89jb  vnied  B9iJi.^f.[  sdi  i&di  aejaiTa  bna  ba&I  9dt  Be 
baa  insme'giinjm  9di  lol  x^'t-aci  bnooQB  btaQ   \aq  ot   9915;:  itiloiq  lol  a6n        0 
bttAx  bl&B  no  eblBQ'X  iipda  "^di^^q  bnooss  bias   -tawollol  aa  9maa   9rlJ  gnl   •■    ) 

in  and  manage  the  same  to  the  best  of  his  ability,  rotatln;?;  the  crops  as 
>aslon  requires,  and  make  such  reyvairs  and  lm-;.rovementE  on  the  land  as 
'   be  necessary.   It  la  further  agreed  that  the  j)artle3  of  the  first 
•t  "will  furnish  one  half  of  the  neceesary  personal  property  vrith  \vhlch 
lond  pr.rty  is  to  farm  said  lands:  and  second  party  agreed  to  furnish  one 
.f  of  all  the  personal  property  necePFary  for  conducting  said:  farm  and 
.d  personal  property  is  to  be  o\-j^ned  by  flrnt  pfrtiec  and  second  party  in 
imon."   The  "second  party  is  to  furnish  and  pay  the  expense  of  all 
)or  neoesQary  for  successfully  conducting  said  lands  ond  f'^^eding  and 
:Slng  live  stock;".   Neither  of  the  parties  are  to  keep  any  stock  on 
(  farm  not  owned  by  them  in  common;   the  second  party  is  to  devote  his 
;ire  time  to  carrying  out  of  this  contract;   "it  is  further  stipulated 
L  agreed  between  the  parties  hereto  that  this  contract  is  to  be  in  force 
!  year  from  the  date  hereof,  to  wit:   until  March  1st,  191^,  it  v;hlch 
le  the  same  may  be  terminated  and  the  property  owned  in  common  dlspose(ac. 
by  either  of  the  parties  hereto  giving  thirty  dp.ys  notice  in  writing, 
if  not  terminated,  then  it  may  be  renewed  by  the  mutual  agreement  of 
i   parties  hereto.   In  the  event  of  term.inatlon  of  said  contract  and  the 
Lblllty  of  the  parties  hereto  to  agree  as  to  the  disposition  of  the  per- 
lal  property  on  hand,  then  the  same  is  to  be  sold  p.t  public  sale  \/lthin 
.rty  days  after  notice  Is  served  by  either  party  upon  the  other  party 
L  the  proceeds  of  said  sale,  after  deducting  the  expenses  thereof,  divl- 
l  between  the  parties  according  to  their  respective  right?  and  Interests 
herein  set  forth."   The  foregoing  is  follov/ed  by  a  stipulation  that 


-.  bn.ll  asii  no  aJne'mevoiqinJt  £«(«  et'-    --    '—     aaf^n  i>n.i   ^BOtlup' 

Utlt  9ci3   \o   8»Icr-        -■■    ---   ^   ..:.,^     i-.T-ix;!  ai   :fl      .x-i^Baeoen   ^i; 

-~  ---•  J^-^/j-   -i^fiv,    o.:'-'-~    "^rtA  i^ai&nal  Jbiai       - 

•-'^^®3  ^"'^   aniJi  ';  AicT  ^anwo   9cf  oJ-   ai   Y^'X^qoiq   lanoi/x 

-..«  lo   -  -'      •"    -.'     •  -:- V-iul  03   ai  ^;fi.v     bnooaa"   erlT 

:,r ^  I  oubnoo  YlXulaseooija  lolt  xiJasasac 
*""       -'>ri;r  lo  isriifiQM       .";:{oo;fe  ev. 

'"  -    -''■'■"      ;rtonjmoo  nl  in©r(;j   ^cf  J&snwo   :fon  x 

^®*'"^'  ;.  ;f Oj8'i;tnoo  slrfJ  lo  Jxro  gni^tiiAO  oJ  e 

nommoo  nl  bemro  ^;M9qo'xq  ©rij  bns  ti9is>.nlmiei  ed  ^-aar  ara^e   e. 
,:;r.2;fir.      i  eolJon   -v.f   y.^iM}  gnivlg  o;f»i9rf  aeiifn/iq  3il;f  lo  lecijl 
'^.  ^xgB  lai;  ^d  bew9ci9i  sd  ^aai  ;fi  narfJ   ^betjanlmiei  io: 

■t TOO  £)!....    _.    n 0 jt J lantraia J  lo  JnavD  srfj  nl      .ocfeisd  aQl;}\ 
-laq  e;'.t  — iiaoqaiA  ©rfj  o;r  aa  deiga  o.:f  oj-eisrf  eaicr'x;^!  ©riif  lo  xil~^<^ 

-;-*.?'  oilcfuq  Ja  bloa   ed  oJ  ai  araae   erfj  nsri^t    ^Jbnari  no  Y^l^qoi 

.        ,  19/fcro  o.-r.t   n.vr,  ,vr^  .  -  -«.^:^^«,  -^cf  Jbavxes  ai  coi;fon  leJla  a^Bj^ 
"■■'^'^*  ,lo8i9.  3—   -i/A8i»  •xe;tl«   »sl«a  iiaa   lo  sfieeoo- 

ccraei9Jni  i)n  ...jixieei  "xls/lj  pj  sniJbioood  aQi;fiJ3q  sdJ  n99  .. 

^^^^  ''"-^'  ■   '^"^^Xol  ei  sniogs-xol  srfT        ".rfjiol  ;fea  nit 


and  II.  Bach  shall  act  as  the  representntive  of  the  orrtles  of  the  first 
t  and  a  stipulation  aa  to  how  the  bank  account  shall  be  kept  and  checked 
Inst  and  the  moneys  arising  from  sales  deposited  and  the  profits  divided. 
The  defendants  answered  the  bill  admitting;  the  ownership  alleged 
denying  that  the  contract  for  occupancy  of  the  farm  expired  on  I'larch  1, 
k,   and  asserting  that  the  parties  had  renewed  the  contract  for  another 
r  and  agreed  to  make  a  written  memorandum  thereof  and  that  the  defendants 

executed  such  v/ritten  memorandum  and  that  G.  v;.  Keller,  relying-  on  said 
eeraent,  had  sown  70  acres  of  winter  wheat  and  purchased  a  large  number 
cattle  for  fattening  and  had  done  other  things  tovards  carrying  out  the 
tract  for  another  year  and  asks,  if  partition  be  decreed,  that  it  be  made 
:Jeot  to  the  right  of  occupy noy  in  furtherance  of  said  partnership  contract 
•  another  year,  and  tKat  the  interests  of  the  defendants  be  set  off  Jointly, 

The  court  found  the  interests  of  the  parties  as  set  up  In  the  bill 
.  ihat  under  the  contract  Charles  W.  Keller  Is  entitled  to  the  poscession 
that  portion  of  the  farm  lands  upon  which  he  had  sovm  wheat  in  the  fall 
1913,  amounting  to  approximately  seventy  acres   of  land  until  said  wheat 
matured  and  harvested,  but  as  to  the  balance  of  said  lands  his  right  of 
jsession  expires  March  1,   191^ • 

The  court  decreed  a  partition  of  the  2.^renises  subject  to  the  liens 
the  mortgages,  and  the  right  of  Charles  '- .  Keller  to  retain  the  70  acres 
which  vfheat  was  sown  until  the  wheat  was  harvested  in  1915,  the  interests 
Charles  W.  Keller  and  John  Keller  to  be  set  off  together  if  partition 
aid  be  made. 

The  defendants  appeal  and  assign  for  error  that  the  court  should  yij   to   3  iii    i   ■  :i»    'tc     ^\'ltAfa9B9'iq,t'x  9dif  axs  ;foa  IJEsrfe  rfoaS    ..;  finj 
.Jbei)^vijj>  o.tlTroi:    Ari;t   ,^n.>  .^e:r Jtaoqef;  -oil  ^nlaiiB  8'cenom  eri^  i; 

,1  floi  1  ^oaiinoo  exit  tf'arfJ  ;^l-^Bb 

lOiiSon     "^co .  iJtsae;. 

J&Ibb  f  -jmiomem  natfJ'JtTw  rfoi/a  JbeJ"i;o8X» 

i©c^  ijsaAiloii/q  to  aeiOB  0*7  nwoa  f>«rf  ,d"n9m»i 

osioai)  ed  noii'iJ'^  .  '3,->(Bfl  ftna  lasx  iBiiiQn&  lol  ;J". 

.ijeSY  18x13  > 

asJtJiAq  e:f3^  lo  a^teeteiJni  erf;:f  Jbnuot  ^tuoo  eriT 

belt  13 nB  Ql  iBlS  ;oIiJ3XlD  :toai3^noo  srfJ  leAnif  J 

''•xoB  x^inB-vep  xl9fBmtxoiq^q&  ojf  gniJnAroniB  4 

.■;'^lv''I    ,1  rloiaM  89iJ:q;c9  nojt 
.J  lo  noi^i^iaq  3  JbseioaJb  cfijjoo  e;lT 

■\9riTif  eriJ  litfnu  nwoa  sbw   J^aax. 
■  .■   nelXaX  nxiol,  ina  lelleX   .'»/  ael 

Zfnlol  llo  ;r9' 


lo  ^frfsii  ail' 

snail  9iiJ  o^  tOBldus  bob 

:;:'-  r[Ia;t8i  o;t  lal 

i:r5o-^;jni    sa,;    ,?I\cI  i'.i  bti::. 

re  decreed  th-it  C.  V/.  Keller  had  the  right  to  occupy  all  aald  farm  lands 
ill  '-f.rcb  1,  1915.   The  complainants  have  assigned  cross  errors  in  that 
!  court  erred  In  decreeing  thct  C  VJ .  Keller  should  hold  possession  of 
I  lend  sov;ed  zo   vheat  until  the  same  is  harvested.   No  question  is  raised 
icerning  the  findings  of  the  court  as  to  the  title  or  the  mortgages  on  the 

Lnion  by  Thompson,  P.  J. 

The  only  ouections  rciced  on  this  eppeel  are  concerning  or  subject  to 
xt  rirht  of  posr-es-ion  of  the  defendants  the  p^.-rtition  should  be  made.  The 
itruct  bearing  date  March  1,  1913,  which  is  signed  by  all  the  i.wrties  is 
t  a  cont,r?,.ct  of  leasing  but  a  partnership  agreement.   This  is  conceeded  by 
1  the  prrties  to  this  suit.   Mo  question  of  landlord  c.nd  tenant  is  in- 
Ived.   The  defendants  do  not  contend  that  there  vb.b   any  agreement  to 
tend  said  contract  for  another  year  beginning  Mcxroh  1,  191^^-,  but  their  con- 
ntion  is  that  because  stock  ^.?..B   bought  in  the  fall  of  1913,  and  that  the 
fendant  Charles  •> .  Keller  bought  cattle  to  feed  and  sowed  fall  wheat  on 
rt  of  the  land  v>dth  the  knowledge  and  consent  of  the  husbands  of  the  female 
mplainants  that  there  \mn   an  extension  of  the  contract  of  partnership  for 
year  by  irnplication.   The  evidence  shows  that  in  September  1913,  t^^s^e  was 
er  150  acres  of  pasture  on  the  land  that  was  going  to  waste  and  for  that 
iiason  cattle  were  bought  by  Charle-^  W.  Keller,  with  the  approval  of  the 
labands  of  complainants,  to  feed,  but  that  there  was  no  talk  of  any 
^tension  of  the  contract. 
'  Elenora  Miartin  testified  that  she  never  made  any  statement  to  either 


Bbnrsl  i!iv>  jjjt  >';   ££■■:   x^ijooo  oJ  Jrfgli  9di  bmi  laXI 
4aA;t  nl  aioiit  bboio  Jbtng-f 

9eeoq  JbXorf  i>I«oda  'x&iX^/i 


,„'  ;?o:==|;,C!'  \im:«Ofi.  C^eqqjs  8X/l;f  rti  fi^olai   anoi^faeun   yXr- 

©xlT      .6£>o  7orf5!  n©l;rJt  j    a5nfli)n©l»J!>  OrfJ'  to  noXeBBoe 

aX  iBsJii  .-■   j&engiE   al   rfoXrfv   ,CX9X    ,X  rfoiAM  9;r«Jb  sniifl'-c1    +• 

-.i«nej  Ana  fi-xoXfin^X  'to  noli&9up  oK      .i^Xi/a   eXri;t  oiT  8?itfiir> 

-noD  'tis.  -  rioxiM  gninnl^ecf  leeY  isriions^  lol  tfftATJrfo; 

i»Pvroa  f>nB  X)e9l  ocf  elJitflo  Jff^uorf  isXXi 
sXsmel  ©iij  :^AWewff  erf?  *io  iJneanoo  finjs  egj&eXvronX  erf:f  rf*Xw  J^ncJ 

3  3W  ©•serf;/   «C-C9X  TC©cfme:rq8e  ni  Jj^ri?   sworfe  9onebl  tfaotLc: 

iad^  n6t  bna  ocTbbw  otf  gnlog  asw  ^tarfj  bnal  «/{;)•  nc  .■  to  asiOB  0>. 

9di  to  I.avotqqfl  erict  £<Jiv   .laXXeX    .V/  ceXij^ffO  -^d"  tfrl^L'orf  ois.-  sXcfr 

Yn.3  'lo  XI:  •   on  tiw  ©larW   tf^iJ  *«cf   tii©©!  o3l'   taiJnaiJiflX.-Tmon  tn   «&>• 

-'les  '■: .    Keller  or  John  '". .  Keller  that  the  contract  should  be  extended 
r  another  yet-.r  and  that  that  subjsot  yas  never  discussed  with  her.   The 
stlnony  of .  ZlT.inerraan  and  Krs.  Balch  Is  to  the  same  effect,  although 
ese  witnesses  all  say  their  husbands  acted  for  thera.   The  proof  shows 
at  the  seed  v;heat  v;as  bought  and  paid  for  out  of  the  partnership  funds. 

I  thi-t  va.s  done  '.ras  consistent  v.lth  and  under  trie  partnei'ship  agreenent. 

Subsequently  to  the  beginnlnr-  of  the  suit  for  partition  the  defend- 
•ts  sin:ned  an  a.^reem.ant  for  th;-"?  extension  of  the  contract  of  !:arch  1,  1913* 
r  another  year;  thin  agreenent  was  dated  back  to  November  1,  191^*  and  was 
it  yl^ned  by  any  of  the  conplaiUKntf?.   This  latter  agreeraent  can  not  have 
y  effect  on  the  rights  of  the  oorr^jlalnajits. 

■Jliatever  i/as  done  v;as  in  perf orniiince  of  the  partnership  contract 
id  no  sufficient  reason  apr^ears  -"./hy  the  partnership  could  not  be  settled  as 

II  March  1,  191^  as  a   year  later.   The  v,^eat  and  the  stock  were  partner- 
dp  property  pnd  v/hatever  rights  the  parties  had  could  be  settled  when  the 
Ttnership  should  be  settled  ;;nd  under  the  contract  it  v/as  to  end  March  1, 
:''l^,  unless  an  a^eement  should  be  made  for  its  extension.   The  court  did 
lit  err  in  holding;  that  the  defendants  v/ere  not  entitled  to  continue  the 
'.rtnership  and  hold  the  po9:?ec::ion  of  the  lands  after  Mr^roh  1,  19X4,  but 

.d  err  in  holding  the  t  Charles  W.  .Keller  was  entitled  to  hold  possession  of 
le  lend  sown  to  wheat  until  it  should  be  harvested.   The  case  is  reversed 
id  remanded  at  the  costs  of  appellants  vith  directions  to  the  trial  court 
>  enter  a  decree  in  confuri'iity  v/ith  tlie  views  herein  expressed. 

Reversed  and  Remanded  with  directions. 


..Jnsffiee'xgjB  qlrlatdnSTCAq  erf;^  'x«itojj  ban  di^l\j  in&iaI.Bnoo  ar-;  enoi- 

lo  rrolspeaeoc;  Moil  oJ  belti^ne  -It  ymli^'- 

-bec'x.                                     ,  rn-joa  l)i 

^TU/oo  L»lii  Qsi<f  oJ   anoitfoeiii)  rWl  4  to  e3"aoo  ©dJ   ;tjs  JE>eJbna:-: 

.£>seo9iq-'C9  nloisri  ewoJ^v   e.lj  ri:tiw  xilmio'inoo  nl   BBt09b  a  •X"'' 
»Qnotioeilb  Ailv  bebtismeR  bm  JbacaeYeH 



1,  ROBERT  L.  CONN,  Clerk  of  said  Appellate  Court,  do  hereby  certify  the  foregoing  to  be  a  true 
opy  of  the  OPINION  OF  SAID  COURT  in  said  cause  as  the  same  appears  from  the  records  and  files  of  my 

IN  TESTIMONY  WHEREOF,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  the  seal  of  said  Court, 
at  Springfield,  Illinois,  this .  ....l  9  th day  of _.  .JylX 19..^i. 

Cleric  Appellate  Court,  Third  District. 

7    (49548) 


3"-  Q 
a  o 





7     (13530 — 3-60> 



AT  AN  APPELLATE  COURT,  Begun  and  held  for  the  Third  District  of  the  State  of  Illinois,  at 
Springfield,  on  the  FIRST  TUESDAY  in OCTOBER _^    ^    19    ^^ 

PRESENT  •«    rV  r%      -r       A  M     ^ 

193I.A.  426 

HONORABLE   GEORGE  W.    THOMPSOM,  Pr^.^^Hing  justice 

. . . . Justice 


Attest:  ROBERT  L.  CONN,  Clerk. 

BE  IT  REMEMBERED,  that  afterward,  to-wit:  On  the ^^^^ day  of 

DECEMBER  a  n  lol'^ 

,  A.  D.  19JcL ,  there  was  filed  in  the  office  of  the  said  Clerk  of  said  Couii:, 

an  opinion  of  said  Court,  in  words  and  figures  following: 


Dec.  11,  191^ 

Geo.  L.  Tipton,  Clerk 

Appellate  Court  3rd  Dlst. 

General  No.  6275     October  Term  191^  Ag.  12 

W.  0.  Edwards,  Administrator  of 
Estate  of  Lonnie  Arthur,  deceased. 

Appellee.   )    Appeal  from  Vermilion. 


George  W.  Negley.      Appellant. 
Opinion  by  Thompson,  P.  J. 

This  action  was  brought  by  the  administrator  of  Lonnie 
Arthur,  deceased,  to  recover  damages  for  the  benefit  of  the  next 
of  kin  resulting  from  the  alleged  wrongful  death  of  the  deceased. 
A  verdict  for  $362.50  was  returned  by  a  jury,  :  >  ihioh  Judgment 
was  rendered.  The  defendant  appeals. 

Lonnie  Arthur  was  a  child  four  years  old  living  with  his 
parents  in  a  house  owned  by  appellee  at  the  northwest  corner  of  a 
block.  The  lot  was  surrounded  by  a  fence.  In  the  rear  of  the  lot 
was  a  fence  separating  the  lot  from  an  alley  running  north  and 
south  through  the  block.  The  street  rimning  east  and  west  on  the 
north  Bide  of  the  block  is  known  as  Gregg  Street.  The  lots,  in 
the  block  in  which  the  Arthurs  lived,  lying  west  of  the  alley 
were  vacant  except  that  they  were  used  by  appellee  for  storing 
logs  for  a  saw  mill  of  his  on  property  west  of  the  block.  The 
lot  immediately  west  of  the  lot  the  Arthurs  lived  on  is  lot  24. 


G  2  J    I   -^ 

,^820  MC  iiuoO  9ix..: 

SI   .sA  ^191  «weT  i©cfo;roO  ^VS3   .oH  lattntsO 

(  Jo  •xc>virt's;talnlmM  ,al>iBwl>a  .0  ««? 

^      .ctrralleqqA  .^elseSl   .W  esiosC 

.X.   .^   ,K08qmorfT  x^  noltitqO 

elnnoJ  lo  'iocJB'x;tB2jciiflibe  •ritf  xcf  ;tri3uoncf  b£w  nol^ofi  slrfT 
cfxocf  9d;l  lo  ^jCieaecT  ecli  lol  BVgemab  'xsvooei  o^   ,£ea£«oei)   ,'xirii;t'XJll 

.3lfi«qq£  (tnabneteJb  erfT     .  £)«'xel)ce'i  aal 

airi  ff^iw  gxiivll  f)Io  aiBOX  •xwo'i  Llirio  b  asw  luric^iA  simtoJ 

B  lo  lerrioo  JafiWiicJ-xon  sri^T  ;tJB  e^lloqqs  yd  Jbertwo  ©atrori  b  at  zittBiaq 

toX  9rl:t  lo  leai  eri;?  rrl     .soixel  b  \q  h^btwoniuB  bbw  ioX  en'T     .sfooXcf 

JE>nfi  ri^non  aciinrwi  x®-CXb  tt3  nioil  d^oX  srfit  snictBiBqea  eoxxal  e  aett 

9tii  no  cfa©w  £>ns  ;faB9  s"-t^^'s  ctsaicfa  eriT     .jiooXd  »ri;t  /{guoirid^  ri^uoa 

at   i»ioL  9riT     .cteeiJS  ss»'i0  8«  irworrjf  ei  jiooXd"  ©rii  lo  9bte  diio» 

X&LLq  dtii  lo  cTsaw  sniYX   ,f>eviX  aix;ff*'sA  sri^  riolriw  ni:  >fooXcf  eriJT 

j^ti^ie  nol  .-3©XX©qqjs  yd  JE>©ai/  enew  xarid^  ;*ari;t  dqeoxe  cfxiaaer  on»» 

eriT     .}looXd"  sricf  lo  i8s*w  v:;t'X6qoiq  no  airf  lo  XXiai  wea  s  lol  o^oX 

.4s  :toX  ai   nio  beviX  ^TurliiP,  9tii  ioL  acii  lo  iB»v  \leiBlbewmt  ^Al^ 


North  of  Gregg  street  and  In  line  with  the  fence  In  the 
rear  of  the  lot  the  Arthurs  lived  on  was  a  barn  In  which  the 
Arthurs  kept  a  pony.  There  was  a  fence  along  the  south  side  of 
Gregg  street.  There  was  a  gate  in  the  fence  on  the  north  side  of 
lot  2^  and  a  small  gateway  into  the  alley  in  the  rear  of  the 
Arthur  lot.  The  evidence  tends  to  show  that  the  end  of  the  alley 
near  Gregg  street  was  somewhat  obstructed  with  logs  and  that  in 
order  to  drive  in  with  coal  and  other  supplies  to  the  Arthurs 
and  other  tenants  east  of  the  alley,  teams  drove  from  Gregg  street 
throvigh  the  gate  on  the  north  side  of  lot  24,  then  east  to  the 
alley  and  down  the  alley. 

The  evidence  also  tends  to  show  that  on  the  day  of  the 
death  of  Lonnie  Arthur,  George  Arthur,  a  brother  of  Lonnle,  with 
Lonnie  went  to  feed  the  pony  in  the  barn  and  after  that  was  done, 
George  went  west  on  Gregg  street  leaving  Lonnie  on  Gregg  street 
near  the  gate,  and  that  Lonnie  started  to  go  through  the  gate  and 
across  lot  24  to  go  home.  The   evidence  further  tends  to  show  that 
a  day  or  so  before  the  death  of  Lonnie,  an  employee  of  appellant, 
v;hlle  at  work  skidding  logs  on  lot  24,  had  left  the  frame  of  a 
truck  made  of  6x6  oak  timbers  about  six  feet  long,  with  cross 
places  three  or  four  feet  long,  to  which  were  attached  iron  axles, 
reared  up  nearly  perpendicular  against  the  fence  or  one  of  the 
gate  posts. 

erii  rfolriw  rti  cnod  xi  zbu  rto  jb«»vli   aiwrf;fiA  »ri;t  ^ol  sri^f  "io  os^i 

lo  9f)i«  rf;iwoa  ©rJJ-  yiolB  ©onel  e  sbw  •^wlT      .vrroq  «  ;Jqr«>(  artwriJ^tA 

lo  9bie  ciitior.   srfct  no  "^onsl  &HA  rit   ectivg  e,  suMt  dioril      .3»©*x5^s  sr.stO 

©ff;t  lo  iBen  ©ri^  ni  Tidllc  erirf  oint  ^awa;**®  IXbosb  b  f>iwE 

Y©XlB  9fi^  lo  fun©  ©f{^  tBili  woiia  o;J   ai>xtsi  ©oit8f)iv»  sriT     .;toI  •ujri;fiA 

nl  ;tjBff;J  bc.B  8^01  rf;Mw  f>9;touii«<fo  ;tBr!wdffl08  ejsw  ?9©icta  asaiO  •xe^.r 

a•UJri;^^A  ©ricf  o;t   s®llqqu8  lericfo  Jbrrs  Ijsoo  ri^iw   ;'i   svjtii)  O-tt  ir 

^•••itfe  8a©iO  moil  ©voii)  a«Be;t   t"^eilB  ©rii  lo  ;t3a©  zc^rLSiiei  'isricto  Jbms 

Sii^t  o;l  iB£e  n«rfJ    ,4VS  .ioX  lo  e£>.la  ii^'xofi  ©ri*  no  ©.:^S3  dri;i  riguoif*.^ 

.•\j9lXs  eri^  nwo^  Jtar*  v 
9il;t  lo  x*^   --■• '   I'^O  ^srt;J  woria   o;^   Bbn&^  osXjb  ©OirteJblv©  ©rfT 
ri;tiw  ,0iraioJ  lo  i©ri;Jo'Jcf  b  .•xwricr-xA  ©sioeO  .turii-iA  eintioJ  lo  ri 
,©xToX>  eaw  ;faricf  t»c^ljH  Jbirs  tt^ocS  ©iW  ni  'v;noq  oriJ  b&9l  oi  ;?if0w  six. 

^9©ic}a  sss'sC  no  sjtnnovl  girlvadX  JaoicJa  ss^'xO  no  cTaew  c^rrsw  ayioeO 

boB  ©;t/jg  ©rici   xisxfotri;^  03  oi  be:!iiHia  ©ImioJ  cfsiid'  fjnjB   ^9^^  eri^  01390 

cffiri^  woffE  q3   eJbnsd^  lert^ii-rl  ©on9Jbiv;3  ©/fl      ,oiao!i  03  oi   ;iS  ;JoX  asoaca 

i^rteXXoqqfl  lo  e-a^oXqiH©  aa   ,©ia.toJ  lo  iijsai)  ©rU  atcled  oe  10  ■^sfc  « 

*5  lo  ©oifiTl  Bdi  ;M©X  Z)£jri  ,4^*  jOI  xio  agcX  :^T[iii)JbX^a  jflow  ^fs  ©Xjtrfw 

ciKoio  ri^tlw   ,a«oi  cfesl  xle  iuo(SB.  ■siBtJsati  'Abo  hxb  lo  ©JbiM  sloifxd 

«mXxb  oortX  Jb©r{.')£;}-^B  arcaif  doJtfiw  o;l    «B^oX  :t«©l  rujol  10  ©©•3n';t  seGsf'ixi 

©li^  lo  ©no  10  501X01  ©ri^  ;:^8iiXjS8B  •^sXjJoIi>^f©q^©q  Y-ita®^  ^'■^  b9'iB&i 

,8;taoq  -^ 


It  Is  claimed  by  appellee  that  the  lot  with  logs  on  It  with 
the  truok  as  reared  up  was  an  attractive  nuisance  and  that  Lonnle 
pulled  over  this  frame  weighing  about  350  pounds,  and  that  It  fell 
on  him  and  killed  him.  George  Arthur  testifies  that  he  told 
Lonnle  to  go  home,  and  that  he,  George,  had  gone  a  few  feet  west 
when  he  looked  around  and  saw  Lonnle  with  the  truck  lying  on  him. 

George  Arthur,  the  brother  of  Lonnle,  testified  that  the 
truck  was  reared  up  by  the  fence,  the  lower  side  of  It  about  a 
foot  from  the  fence,  when  they  went  past  It  on  the  way  to  feed  the 
pony,  and  that  after  he  told  Lonnle  to  go  home  and  Lonnle  started 
through  the  gate,  and  when  he,  George,  had  gone  a  few  feet  he 
looked  aroimd  and  saw  Lonnle  lying  on  the  ground  with  the  truck 
on  him  and  that  he  lifted  the  truck  off  Lonnle  and  put  It  back 
against  the  fence,  moved  Lonnle  a  short  distance  and  ran  to  the 
house  for  his  mother.  A  number  of  witnesses  who  arrived  there  In 
a  few  minutes  say  the  truck  was  lying  on  the  ground  a  few  feet 
from  Lonnle.  The  little  boy  was  killed  by  a  fracture  of  the  skull. 
The  employees  of  appellant  testify  the  frame  of  the  truck  was  In 
a  safe  condition  and  that  the  little  boy  could  not  have  pulled 
It  over  upon  himself.  Several  witnesses  testify  that  children 
of  tenants  of  appellant  living  just  east  of  the  alley  were 
frequently  playing  In  the  log  yard  with  the  knowledge  of  appellant. 

The  question  of  the  cause  of  the  death  of  the  little  boy 
and  whether  It  was  caused  by  an  attractive  nuisance  on  the 


tiilv  il  no  830I  rf:Mw  ioL  &vii  j£jri;J  seXXsqqs  xd  bemlelo  ai  31 

IXol  ^1  cffiflct  Lius   ,aI>iTuoq  O^t  J^wods  grfirisiaw  oaLsil  alrii  levo  JboII; 
Moi  »if  ^Brf:J  adilirfael  iwdiiA     »sioa»0     .mlrf  i>elli>l  btm  lairi  1: 
^aaw  l»0l  nel  b  aitoa  Lcri  ,esno€'"  Sxus  ,oiaofI  og  ocJ  eXnjC' 

.aid  no  s^lY-t  Jioini  9if^  rJdiW  v.ia  joiiij  Jbru/oiiJ  b&'Aool  erf  n©/ 

x*,  ;:ruo<fB  ii  I0  sJ&ia  "rowol  9ff;t   ,aon©l  eritf  xd  qu  bBisei  a.BW  Jio;.". 
©ricr  JbesT:  o;^  X£jw  srii  ao  ^i  ^aeq  ctoew  \;ori^  nariw  ,e9cel  •ri;t  ooil  etc 
J&©i*jscfs  sirrnoJ  finB  «ra6/i  OS  oJt  airrrroJ  f)Xo;J  •!<  i#^t«  isri;f  baa  ^t^x 
dri  i9e^  wol  B  ©ao£  £)sri  ,s3io»0  .©rf  neriw  Jbne  geieg  9rf;t  riS^ort 
jfoirt^  ari;J  ri;Jiw  JbHuons  arf^t  no  "^IxS.  elanoJ  was  f>«B  fuiwoia  Jbesic 

3io^  cti  ;fifcf  biiB  BltmoJ.  1:10  '>foirii  ari^  beiJll  ari  ;tBriif  fine  raid   ■ 
©rf;f  o;t  fsfl«i  JbruFi  aonfi^aiJb  ctiorfa  b  aXnrroJ  fcavoo   , aortal  arii  ^anlfi^.. 
rrl  atarict  Jbevlt'ie  oriw  saaaaxixtiw  "lo  latfau/n  A     .loiiiota  airi  lol  aai;c 
i&el  wsl  r  Sni/oiQ  arict  no  gni^X  asw  jiou^^  ari;^  \S9  zeiuntm  W9't 
.Xly^ia  ©rW  lo  ^lUioBtl  2  xd  fiaXIlsf  bjbw  yod  oI*;JlX  arfT     .einnoJ  fflc-^' 
ttt  8BW  Jioir'xd-  ©f(^  lo  OBifiil  edi  "^lirfaa;*  ;tnsIXaG[qB  lo  assYoXqm©  e; 
JbaXXijq  ©vBff  ioa  bZuoo  xoc  eXiiiX  arii  istii  bns  aotilbaoo  alse 
«9i£)Xlrio  i&tii  *(ilX;Jaa;J  saaaandlw  XBrjsvaS     .IXaaairi  noqi;  idto 
■sTiew  v«IXb  ari^  lo  ia^a  ^a^t  "^trtZ  iaBlloqqa  lo  acfixeri©;} 
.d;\j  c.»!r...s  lo  egLaXwonjl  arii  rii/iw  insic  goX  arict  nl  :^txBlq  YX;tns''  '^ 
\oa  9X:J:.*1I  ndi  to  fW.s©L  arf;J  lo  aai/so  arfct  lo  noicfaaup  ©rfT 

etii  no  aoncait/c  evlioBi^cJa  hb  x^  Jbaawao  asw  :ti  •xarirfax.w  -..v 


premises  of  appellant  negligently  placed  there  by  the  appellant 
or  his  employees  were  questions  of  fact  for  the  Jury  to  be  decided 
from  the  evidence  in  the  case. 

It  Is  contended  that  George  Arthur,  who  was  the  father  of 
the  deceased,  was  an  Incompetent  witness  In  the  case  for  the 
reason  that  he  and  his  wife  being  next  of  kin  were  both  bene- 
ficiaries and  parties  In  Interest.  The  objection  In  the  record 
Is:-  "I  object  to  the  testimony  of  this  witness  on  the  ground 
that  he  and  his  wife  would  be  beneficiaries  they  are  parties  In 
Interest".  The  objection  Is  not  on  the  ground  that  he  was  In- 
competent because  he  was  the  husband  of  one  of  the  beneficiaries. 
It  Is  a  correct  proposition  of  law  that  a  wife  is  not  a  competent 
witness  for  a  husband  although  she  is  interested  in  the  event  of 
the  suit  where  the  htisband  Is  interested.  Thomas  vs.  Anthony, 
261  111.  288}  Schreffler  vs.  Chase,  2^5  111.  395-  Under  section 
one  of  the  Evidence  Act,  all  disqualifications  of  a  witness  to 
testify  by  reason  of  being  an  Interested  party  are  removed  except 
as  subsequently  stated.  Under  section  five  of  the  act,  no  husband 
or  wife  shall  be  rendered  competent  to  testify  for  or  against  each 
other  as  to  any  transaction  x  x  x  and  except  "when  the  litigation 
shall  be  concerning  the  separate  property  of  the  wife."  The 
husband  was  competent  to  testify  in  any  case  where  the  wife  is  not 
interested.  The  interest  the  wife  has  in  the  case,  if  a  Judgment 
is  recovered,  is  her  separate  property.  The  husband  has  the  right 


tmbt&ob  ecf  o^  fiwt  •rf^  lo'i  #ob1  16  affOi*a«up  e^aw  ■aetoXqxne  alrf  to 
lo  leri^fll  »ri^  a/iv*  oxiw   ,  •ri/ri^tnA  ©3«tc»«0  tstii  Jbaf)rfe."tnoo   ai  :M 

I>itif0*r3  »rfd  rto  aaon^fjhr  airi^  lo  Y^omid'eocf  aricf  ot  ^Joe^cfo  ?!"     -:al 

-rri   eew  *r{  i:?siii   brrwois  »ff^  no  ^Jon  ai  noicfoettfo  srfT     .*;JB£n»irtl 
.  sslisiolTtafTad  sffct  lo  ©rro  lo  f)rfscf8wff  &ff^  8flw  eri  da^/Boatf  in»jteq!ffO»d 
:in&-iBqmoo  a  iorr  si   sliw  a  <?dff;J  w/sX  lo  froi;tlao<ioiq  ctoaiioo  B  ai  d'l 
Id  ^nQy9  »ri.1  nl  Jba3a«r:9;fnl   a  I   sria  djuorfiJIe  ijnatfaur!  s  •tol  aasn^flw 
tXnotiJnA   ,av  asfflOffT     .f?6;f8S'r«.tifTi  al  fjrrscTayrf  erfct  sierfw  :tZtra  aHfit 
nol;Jo9a  'iei^rrU      .c^^t    .XII  l^^    ,©3BriO   .av  i©Xll©irio2   f88S    .III  IM 
orf^  eaend-Xw  b  lo  anolcffloilllfiifpalJb  II/j   f*oA  sofraJblrS  ©ri;t  lo  srto 
d^qeoxs  f)9VOffl©'r  ©ib  x;ti£>g  bftjtasiscfiti  rrs  snlacf  lo  ttOBnet  yd  ■'flid-E' 
JbriBcfajjrf  on   ,ioB  i»tli  lo  svil  aolio&ti  leJbcrtJ     .&©*a;ta  xX*««wp9atfua  e^ 
rioB©  ^8rti/?sa  10  rsol  \;licta»tf  oi  cTfredsqinoo  £)ei8J&rjsi  otf  Ilsria  ollw  -^ 
noi;?£St^iX  art;*  nsriw"  iqpoKs  bnM  oictojssutsrri^  YXib  orf  ne  rreriic 

sdT     ".©llw  »ri^  lo  ^tf-xeqciq  ejiintfiqea  8x(;t  snJtnisonoo  ©cT  llBt*.Tb 
ioa  si  dllw  9{f4  «*x»fiw  &8SO  \:ns  nl  xlitfaect  o^  ^tts^^qmoc  eevr  finscfe 
;Jne»§Jb.;j{,  b  li    ,sajBO  erii  nl  zbH  alive  erf^  ;f8©ie;tfii  srfT      .b&i&et»^!iZ 


to  testify  for  or  against  his  wife  In  a  suit  where  the  separate 
property  of  the  wife  is  Involved,  except  that  he  may  not  testify 
conoeming  conversations.  We  conclude  therefore  that  the  husband 
waa  a  competent  witness  on  his  own  behalf  and  that  of  his  wife. 

It  Is  also  contended  that  the  court  erred  In  admitting  a 
plat  of  the  premises  in  evidence  showing  the  streets  and  alleys, 
because  there  was  no  evidence  showing  an  acceptance  by  the  city 
of  Danville.  The  evidence  Is  that  the  streets  shown  In  the  plat 
are  used  by  the  public  and  Improved.  The  witnesses  for  the 
appellant,  In  their  testimony,  frequently  speak  of  Gregg  street 
and  the  alley.  There  was  no  error  in  the  ruling. 

The  third  instruction  given  at  the  request  of  appellee  is 
abstract  and  very  misleading.  It  is  an  argument  on  what  constitutes 
the  preponderance  of  evidence  as  between  a  single  witness  on  one 
side  and  fovir  or  five  witnesses  on  the  other.  It  concludes 
"when  you  are  thus  satisfied  that  tlie  truth  lies  with  a  single 
witness  or  any  other  number,  you  are  Justified  in  returning  a 
verdict  in  accordance  therewith.  This  is  what  is  meant  by  a 
preponderance  of  proof.  It  is  that  character  or  measure  of 
evidence;  which  carries  conviction  to  yoxxv   minds".  The 
preponderiance  of  evidence  does  not  necessarily  satisfy  the  mind 
of  the  Juror.  If  the  Jury  believe  that  a  fact  is  established  by 
the  greater  weight  of  the  evidence  it  is  proved  by  a  preponderance 
of  the  evidence.  The  appellees  first  Instruction  Is  also 
abstract  and  argumentative. 

.eliw  airl  \o  i&i^  JbcB  llari^cj'  nwo  «irl  no  aceAwiw  :^ns^dqsioo  «  ustn 

fSXelljB  £ifi£  a9<>9n;i^a  9/i^  gaiworie  ocixeMve  xU  eo«iai«iq  ark    ig  j.... 

;tsXg  arict  til  p^it  a^aa'i^a  8fi;t  ^Q/I;t  sX  e^noJ^iTe  eiiT     .eiXivnMi,l|a 

arW  lol  8»eas«;;Xw  exlT     •JaovonqinX  1)uj3  ollduq  9iiS  xd  tidau  a'&a 

JsoiJb  sseiD  "io  Jije«qa  xXd^-aaupeil   ,v;oaU;Jat);J  iXarl^J  ai    ,4fl6XX9qq« 

f.t«j....jivraaoo  ;Jaf{vr  ao  ia^mu-^ne  ob  et  il     .j|f'.ii)«i9X»Xffl  x''t*v  ^^  ioa-^sj  .■.^:  . 
9no  no  8S9n^X»/  dX^nie  2  iieovr^dcf  &£  aonaliJtvo  lo  Goii&iQJbtioq9iq  ^^t«« 
asfcuXonoo  cfl     .lifl^to  adi  xio  eaaeti^-i^cfiw  6¥il  10  "swol  i)na  al)Jl« 
aX^iXa  3  ri^^Xw  aaXX  xi;ti>TU^  dri^  iatii  i>eX1aX^£a  ax/fl^  aijs  i;ox,  r.^i'-- 
B  ■^Xss'isjimi  ixX  i«XlX;tai/C  ^'tB  uox  ii&dmija  led^to  x-o*  •so  aaarrg.!.r» 
&  Xo  ^nfiam  aX  d^srfw  ai  aXriT     .d^Xvanarf*  soasibnoooB  al  ^iolSyrmr. 
■'    ^Txfaaam  10  le^o^nxidc  ^&tti  aX  ::tl     .locsq  to  ^oaaiotaoqetq 
■^ ''       "gj&fiXffl  -xwci  ci  noXtfoXy*TOo  BsXrs'jjeo  I'-loXrfw  laot'xeX).*^"'  ii.jivj    ^.. nAJ^-.a  x;XX*iJsaa©caii  ;Jon  6©oi)  aoxi©X>iv»  lo  ©oxi«n:eX>noq.. 
Xcf  X)9riaXXcfi3;t80  ai  icx^l  b  isdi  eveXXaJ  ^lut.  arfi^  H     ."ioiiJi  ©i^W    *w 
90jft8i9i>noqaaq;  s  -^d  X>av<yiq  aX  ^X  aoxraJ&Xv©  a^i^t  lo  cfcJaJaw  ladaais  ?''  ^ 
.->,..   o.-   r-^  A  ■+',:■■ '"isnX  ^feiXl  eaf^XXatjqis  ariT     .aon8X)Xva  f^r- 

.svXctBd'i-rsnsi/s'i/^.   r-c    d.- 

The  appellee's  fourth  tells  the  jury  that  the  master  of  a 
servant  Is  chargeable  with  the  Injurious  consequences  of  the 
servants  acts  done  In  the  masters  service  and  within  the  scope  of 
his  employment  and  If  the  Jury  believe  from  the  evidence  that  the 
dangerous  condition  alleged  In  the  declaration  was  caused  by  the 
acts  of  a  servant  of  the  defendant  while  In  his  service  and  In  the 
scope  of  his  employment,  the  defendant  Is  bound  by  such  acts. 
This  Instruction  Is  very  Imperfect  and  misleading  when  considered 
In  connection  with  the  different  coxmts  in  the  declaration. 

The  sixteenth  Instruction  requested  by  appellant  Informed 
the  Jury  that  If  they  believed  from  the  evidence  that  the  mother 
of  the  deceased  was  guilty  of  contributory  negligence  in  permitting 
the  child  to  go  about  the  premises  in  charge  of  his  older  brother, 
or  that  his  older  brother  so  in  charge  was  guilty  of  negligence 
that  in  any  way  contributed  to  the  injuries  of  the  child,  then 
although  you  may  believe  from  the  evidence  that  the  defendant  was 
guilty  of  some  negligence  in  connection  therewith,  yet  the 
defendant  would  not  be  liable  herein. 

When  the  suit  is  to  recover  for  the  benefit  of  the  next  of 
kin,  the  instruction  states  a  correct  proposition  of  law.  True  & 
True  Co.  vs.  Woda,  201  111.  313;  Chicago  City  Ry.  vs.  Wilcox, 
138  111.  370,  and  oases  therein  cited;  City  of  Pekin,  IS^t*-  111. 
1^1.  While  the  appellate  court  of  the  Fourth  District  in  Donk  Bros. 
Coal  &  Coke  Co.  vs.  Leavitt,  Admr.,  109  111.  App.  385,  announced 


lo  ©qooa  titiij   nlrictiw  Arte  ©oiviea  S're^asin  »iii  ttt  snob  Bi&&  eirtsv^B% 

ariiJ  '•jcf  f>aBtriio  «js.w  aoi$s*XBXo&t  dric^  cri  .bogsXlB  «ol*il»noo  ^uot9^tuab 

.B*oi3  rfor/B  '^cf  im/ocf  aX  ^n:x-6fioleX>  ©ricf   « crnsn^oXqa©  •Iri  to  ©croe« 

X)9'Ss£»Xam)o  xT9if>r  ^ll>B©Xaira  J&ita  iaetmQqmt  vrjev  si  noi:Jot;'r(tBnl  airfT 

.noXctfltJsXosf:  ©ri*  «1  a;tni/oo  ;trT»i©lliJb  eri;t  rfdiw  noitfoorijioo  ni 

gnXcfitXffiieq  ffi  90ff©7iXX3S/T  %;'io^jjcfiT[cffToo  "lo  yJUXtrg  sijv;  X>»aJ3©08i)  exW  "io 

, 'jarid'oid'  'isfiXo  airt  lo  sgiBfio  rrX  e88Xffi©*i<j  erii  :J-t)ocf«  ob  oct  ibiirio  9fbf 

eofi83XX39rr  "io  x^'^XX-j^  sisw  «sijai<o  tti  ca  leriiorrcf  *i©Mo  Biri  ^Jsd*  *sc 

iiari^   »l)XXrio  ©ricf  "^o  seXi^Jt^X  ©rid"  o*  X>9;fj/cfX'r^noo  xna  nX  d«rtcl' 

BBW  i£isAnsl9f>  sf{;J  cferi^  donelJXve  ©fief  motl  eveXXecf  yjani  wo-^  d-^oti^le 

©rict  ^e-'i   ,ri;JXw9T:0rf;J  noXJoennoo  nX  ©or.asXX3©it  auoB  lo  x^XXtfg 

.rrXerteri  eltfBXX  eo  *oc  1)1  wcw  ^itja5nel!«s5 

lo  cfxdn:  «rW  1ft  cfXlsrrscf  erict  'sol  •xovooai  o*  ai  d-Xwa  ©rid'  rcerflJ 

A  •uiT     .wbX  lo  GoXctXaoqoiq  Soat'ioo  s  aeSiicIa  ctoiioui^iBal  eii^   ,«l)f 

,xooXiV;    .sv   .^R  vrfXO  os^BoXiiO   iCjtC   .XXI  lOS   .sX>oW   .  av   .oO  bwiT 

,XXr  4^X    ,fiX?i3?  lo  Y^XO     ;beito  ale*i9d^  aaaao  XutB   ,0^^   ,XXI  8^1 

.ao-xS  JlKoC  rrX  tfoiicteXa  rfcriyo'd  ©rfj  lo  ^'iuoo  a^ialZ&qqe  mtii  •S.ttC^     .i4>I 

bacisiiOiUiB  ,?8C    .qqA   .XXI  $01    ,.iJnM   ,*^ivfi*kl  .qv   .oO  «;{oO  A  XaoO 


the  rule  as  contrary  to  the  Instruction  requested  In  the  case 
at  bar  and  the  Supreme  Coiirt  of  this  state  does  not  appear  to 
have  been  called  upon  to  necessessarlly  pass  upon  the  Identical 
question  Involved,  yet  It  has  in  general  expressions  decided  the 
question  adversely  to  the  holding  In  the  Donk  Bros.  Coal  &  Coke  Co. 
case.  The  refusal  of  this  Instruction  was  error. 

The  appellant's  fourteenth  and  fifteenth  refused  Instructions, 
which  undertook  to  announce  the  law  as  to  attractive  nuisances, 
while  containing  several  correct  principles,  yet  they  were  properly 
refused  because  of  requiring  the  proof  to  show  that  the  premises 
were  vacant.  While  the  first  count  of  the  declaration  avers  the 
lots  were  vacant,  it  also  alleges  that  they  were  occupied  by  logs 
stored  thereon,  so  that  the  averments  are  contradictory  and  the 
allegation  of  vacant  lots  was  Immaterial.  The  fifteenth  Informs 
the  Jury  that  the  defendant  had  a  right  to  use  said  premises  as 
he  saw  fit  unless  they  believe  from  the  evidence  that  the  truck 
was  of  Itself  such  an  attraction  to  said  child  that  it  appealed  to 
his  childish  Instincts.  The  first  count  of  the  declaration  avers 
that  said  lots  were  vacant  and  used  for  the  storage  of  logs  and 
trucks  and  attractive  to  children,  and  that  said  child  was 
attracted  by  said  logs  and  trucks  to  said  premises  and  by  reason 
of  said  dangerous  condition  of  said  truck  etc.  Under  other  counts 
of  the  declaration,  the  lots  were  alleged  to  be  attractive  and 

oi  t.B»qqe  :foa  a^oli  »^r,iE  «iricf  lo  cf^uoO  awenxjcS;  »rfi  brts  "xM  ;*t 

.oO  ©afoO  A  leoO   ,»OT:a  jtaoG  erf;?  il  ^jjff^Mort  ©ri^  oi  Y^»e'S0Vl--fi  noi;te<»{i|£ 

3  aesf  noi^oi/*s^«iaJ:  ei/ij  lo  Isaylw-i  erf?     .eft£0 

8ri;t  aievB  rfOJt*/37jjXo9£>  erfcf  to  inuoo  ^aiil  »ri;3"  9XJiift\'     .^iH'OiSV  »rjow 

asoX  -^cf  Miqypoo  oiaw  "^encJ  ?*5fi^  ae-sslls  oaia  cfX   ,;t«jf30jev  <»^eift  a^toX 

ericf  ItfLS  '^ji'io^toiJsietd'KOO  ©tes  a;ti£o:a'j©yA  «ff;^  ^ed;i  oa   ^rtos'sefrj  f)o»roia 

Bono'inl  iiir.9&i'ii\  osiT     .X^XiecJ^BsiaJt  bbm  adoX  inaojw  lo  KOic^esoXtB 

B£  aeaioonq  btUB  9ms  oi  iti^in  &  Lad  ^fnabcaloX)  eri^  ;>£ri^  X*3Wt  ©'i^ 

>[o;/icf  «/i^  i^W  fioxtoJbiva  arfa  iso'xl  ©veiXed  -^erii  aaoXnv  J-il  wda  ari 

o J  f)aXBoqq;a  ^X  ^»f5i*  AXirJo  SjtSiQ  o J  rfolotod^d^is  hg  rioi/a  IXsaiX  Ift  aaw 

anovs  noi:tBisXo«i)  otUi  lo  itm/oo  cJeiil  »ffT     .  scfoiiid-eiti  rtalMlrfo  alff 

i>«fi  830 X  lo  »ssio4e  6ii^  lol  X-/«8w  baB  ^itj3D.5V  ersQw  a;roX  liiBa  iatiS 

ufsw  bll:io  bieQ  cfofW  baQ  ittB*ibl±rio  oi  Qvl:io&t^!SB  hem  asifli?**^ 

floai3»i:  "^  i)na  aealffieoq  Waa  od  a^loyi^  Lrifi  a^oX  />Xj33  yc!"  i>»;*0£nd*« 

aifnjjoo  i©rf;Jo  *isi)irfU     .c»;J®  >tt)i/id^  Jbisa  'io  woi^iibrfoo  at/oiegnflf)  ijiaa  lo 

Jbns  tevtiOBti^i^  ©d"  o;t  Jao^oXXB  aisir  atfol  eric?   jnoictfnfiXceX^  «rfct  " 

the  child  was  killed  by  the  dangerous  position  of  the  truck.  The 
Instruction  Ignores  the  allegation  that  the  lots  were  attractive 
and  limits  the  attraction  to  the  truck.  For  the  reasons  stated 
there  was  no  error  In  refusing  the  fourteenth  and  fifteenth 
instructions.  For  the  errors  indicated  the  Judgment  is  reversed 
and  the  cause  remanded. 

Reversed  and  Remanded. 



I,  ROBERT  L.  CONN,  Clerk  of  said  Appellate  Court,  do  hereby  certify  the  foregoing  to  be  a  true 
iof  the  OPINION  OF  SAID  COURT  in  said  cause  as  the  same  appears  from  the  records  and  files  of  my 

IN  TESTIMONY  WHEREOF,  I  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  the  seal  of  said  Court, 
at  Springfield,  Illinois,  this A91^  of July..___ 19__.6l 

Clerk  Appellate  Court/Sijiird  District. 





:0)                 ! 
1^                 i 




Wi                         ! 










>        1 

















it-"      ^ 




iO       S 



?<       " 













October  Tonn,  1' 14-i 
Filed  Dec.  11,  19i4- 

The  People.,  ex  rel, 

Emeleco  Norbanta, 



Andrew  Lucas,  ■ 


Appeal'^  from  County  Court  of 

/     Macourdn. 

19  3  I. A.  4  31 

Opinion  by  Thomvson,  P,  J, 

This  is  a  prosecution  on  a  cliarf'^e  of  bastardy.  A  vor- 
dict  was  returned  finding  the  defendant  to  be  the  father  of  the 
bastard  child  of  ,uhe  relatrix  on  v/hich  judgnent  was  rendered.  The 
defendant  appeals. 

It  is  earnestly  ur  ;ed  that  tlie  verdict  is  clearly  against 
tne  Yieii^t   of  the  evidence.  It  is  contended  iiiat  tlie  relatrix  was 
impeached  by  her  own  testimony  given  on  her  cross-examination, 
Che  is  a  yaung  girl  sixteen  years  of  age  in  April,  191o.  She  did 
not  speak  English  and  her  evidence  had  to  be  given  throu^  an  in- 
terpreter, file   jury  saw  her  on  the  witness  stand  and  believed 
her  story. 

The  evidence  was  very  conflicting  vdth  no  manifest  pre- 
ponderance either  way.  It  would  serve  no  useful  purpose  to  re- 
view it  in  this  opinion.  The  trial  court  approved  the  verdict 
and  no  sufficient  reason  is  shown  why  this  court  should  say  that 
the  verdict  and  judgnent  are  not  sustained  by  the  evidence. 

It  is  further  contendedthat  the  trial  court  erred  in  sus- 
taining an  objection  to  the  question:-  "Ask  her  if  she  will  tell 
the  jury  that  she  never  did  have  sexual  relations-  improper  re- 
lations with  any  other  man  betv/een  August  lo,  1912,  and  October  6, 
1912,  iiisn   she  has  told  about"?  Tlie  objection  was  that  the 
question  had  already  been  answered,  and  a  reference  to  the  record 
shows  that  it,  had  be  on  answered  in  substance  in  various  forms 
several  times.   There  was  no  error  in  the  ruling. 

for  liio  aupport  and  la^dnUmmoe    of  tho  b^iBtai-d  child  of  tl^e  j  roe- 
acutins  vdtnoea.  ?iu»  i«  fpll.we.d  by  u  ooncrnte  otatmaont  of  the 
l«r  ap)  Ucable  60  zlu.  cano.      -^.o  Uret  r  ort  of  t^a  xnetrucUon 
ma«  U  .tatoB  .  corroct  propooiUon  of  law  .^^ob  tho  jury  no  in  • 
tonuation  conconiins  any  iame  subroittmi  to  it.     Wo  fail  to  son 
how  it  could  affact  the  jury  in  an.-  way  and  tj,e  introduction  to 
the  inar^niction  wan»aB  orror.        People  vn.  MoKeo^ti,  171 
Til.,  App.  146.       vindin^  no  rnvcuaible  orror  in  tho  caj)e,  the 
jud,:52iont  ia  affimed. 


^(.  YJ 

Gen.  No,  6301.         October  Term,  191jf-  Ag.  28- 

Filed  Dec.  11,  ]^14- 

John  W.  Hankins,  / 

Appollee-  / 


Va^.    -;,      Appe^  from  Sangamon. 

Opinion  by  Thompson^  V.J,  / 

T*iis  iti   dii  appeal  from  a  judf^ient  recovered  by  ajpellee, 
John  W.  Hankins,  against  appellant,  the  St. Louis  and  Springfield 
Hallway  Company,  in  an  action  to  recover  darjages  for  pe^rsonal 
injuries.  T^ie  declaration  contains  two  counts.  The  first  count 
avers  that  ap  ollee  was  a  passenger  and  that  apj  ellant  was  negli- 
gent in  having  an  u.:li^ted  trailer  and  failed  in  its  duty  to 
give  appellee  a  reasonable  opportunity  to  ali-^t  and  pass  behind 
the  car  on  which  he  was  a  passenger.  The  second  count  av»rs  that 
the  relation  of  carrier  and  passenger  had  terminated  and  that  appel- 
lee was  lawfully  on  a  public  street  and  Mt  appellant  was  negli- 
gent in  failing  to  equip  and  operate  its.  trains  so  as  to  avoid 
injuring  persons  lawfully  on  'jJie  streets. 

The  evidence  shows  that  appellee  was  on  April  3,  1914,  a 
passenger  on  a  car  of  appellant's  interurban  railway  from  Garlin- 
ville  and  intended  to  ali^t  at  the  comer  of  Third  and  Monroe 
S.reets  in  Sj  ringl'ield.  The  car  arrived  in  Springfield  about 
8:30  P.M.  There  was  a  trailer,  in  which  there  were  no  lights 
attached  to  the  passenger  car  before  it  arrived  in  Garlinville. 
The  Chicago  and  Alton  Railroad  has  its  tracks  on  Third  Street  in 
Springf i  dd  and  the  double  tracks  of%  the  interurban  cross  the 
tracks  of  the  Alton  R.R.  at  the  said  street  intersection.  The  car 
on  which  appellee  rode  to  Springfield  was  running  east  on  f/onroe 
Street  as  it  approached  the  railroad  crossing.  This  intersedtion 
is  not  a  regular  place  for  passengers  to  ali^t  although  they 
habitually  get  pff  there;  there  are  no  facilities  for  passengers 
alighting  there. 

(  ( 


iEhen  the  car  with  the  attached  trail nr  roadied  the  croBsing,  it 
stOjied  and  the  conauctor  ^5ot  off  and  went  ahead  to  see  that  the 
crossing  was  clear;  ho  appellee  got  off  the  car  facing  south  at 
the  sou'ch  side  intending  to  cross  'Jie  t  ■  acks  behind  the   car  to  go 
to  a  rooming  house  at  the  nortli  west  sxiia  comer  of  this  street 
intersection.  Apiiollee  testified  that  when  tlie  car  started  east 
he  tunned  and  started  walking  in  the  eame  direction  expecting  it 
to  pas  a  him  and  after  walking  a  short  distance  ho  turned  and  ?^alk - 
ed  north,  T/alking  in  betwefin  the  car  and  the  trailer  or  aj^ainst 
the  tj  iiin.  He  was  knocked  down  hy   the  trailer  and  had  a  rib  bro- 
kea.     He  testified  that  hn  had  frequontly  ridden  over  the  same 
route  and  never  knew  of  a  trailer  being  attiichod  and  did  not  know 
one  was  on  that  nij^t.  ^en  he  gpt  off  the  car  he  could  have  soon 
the  trailer  but  saya  he  did  not  look.  Ihore  was  an  oloctric  li,^t 
burning  on  the  comer  of  Third  r>ti  eot  insidri  the  gate  line  of 
the  /Uton  Railroad,  and  there  were  li^^ts  on  both  xx  ends  of  the 
jtrain.    A  largo  nixraibor  of  testified  concf;ming  ihe   car 
and  trailnr  ssA    tlxat  the  trailer  was  ]  lainly  and  clearly  visible. 
One  excuse  -given  by  appolleo  for  not  seeing  the  trailer,  in  addi- 
tion to  the  fact  that  ho  did  not  look,  is  that  the  brilliant  elec- 
tric- lij^hts  further  oast  in  iho  busineas  part  of  the  city,  toward 
which  tlie  car  was  ^oing  and  ho  was  walidng,  shone  in  his  eyes  and 
dazzled  him  so  tiiat  he  did  net  see  tiio  trailer;  in  other  words  his 
complaint  is  that  the  city  furnished  too  much  lit^^^t  at  this  point. 
The  physiciam  who  was  called  to  attond  appellee  says  that  ho  was 
somewhat  under  Hm   influence  of  liquor.  After  appell(«  had  alight- 
ed from  the  oar  on  a  i^ubiic  street  he  was  not  a  passenger.  It  is 
elementary  that  in  order  to  recover  for  damages  for  personal  in- 
jury caused  by  neglif^t^nce,  the  plaintiff  must  prove  that  ho  was  in 
,  the  exercise  of  due  care  at  the  time  hn  was  injured.  The  clear 
>   prepo -doranoe  of  the  evidence  shows  that  appellee   was  not  in 
the  exercise  of  due  oare  but  was  guilty  of  gross  hegligonoe  in 

blindly  at  tern;  ting  to  walk  over  a  moving  train.  The  judfjnent  will 
bo  reversed  with  a  finding  of  fact  that  'che   appelleewas  not  in 
the  exercise  of  ;  ue  care  when  4he  was  injured, 

r.  E  V  -^^  R  S  E  D. 

(kin.  No,  (i504. 

October  Tona,  1914- 
Filod  noc.  11,  1914- 

.'  /j 

Ag.  Mo,  ol- 

Elmor  0.  Moff , 

Apjelleo.,  \ 



rwood  Barloy  f.'fg.  Co.,\ 
Appollant, ,   \^ 


from  Taaowoll. 

Ojiinion  by  TlioLipson,  V.iS.     \ 

'2iii+--i»  jiR  action  in  asoumpflit  brou/^xt  by  Rlinor  0.  Noff, 

f  Pekin,   Illinoie,  a^5ainst  tho  Harwood  Miinufact/uring  Oociiany,  an 
[ndiana  corporation  oni;a;5od  in  tho  raanufacturo  and  tialo  of  motor 
brucke,  to  recover  a  commiesion  for  tinioks  sold  by  'iio  dofondant, 

:ix\  pKi-chaaorB  of  which  worn  introduced  to  d';fondant  by  plaintiff 
and  on  which  tlio  plairitiff  claimB  tho  dofonciant  a^^reod  to  pay  a 
comr:dBGion  of  twtTnty-fivo  per  cont  of  tho  soiling  price.     5%tr-d«j 
j-uration  cont.ai4iB  t^-o  ooraFon  ouiints  oiia  a  tj]  ouiaToount  on  an  oral 
conti'act  of  af$onc^,     Tiio  plea  ia- tJio^  ff«noral  isBUo,     A— j-v-rv  rotums 
■ttA  a.  verdict  in  favor  of  plaintiff  for  the  sun  of  $1137.50-yLon 
v=/hich  judf^ent  was  rtjnderod,     '- .^^     afondant  ap};oal<, 

liie  principal  contention  of  appollant -i#-that  appellee 
was  not  an  a^^ent  of  appollant,   hi  Auguiity-3?4i^^,  ^]']:ellant  sent  a 
printed  circular  to  appellee  to  which  was  attached  a  postal  card 
that  ap])elle  ;  filled  out  by  atating    tiiereon  that  ho  was  interested 
in  a  one  ton  truck  and  requesting  that  ap};ollant*B  agent  call  on 
him  and  mailed  tiie  card  to  appellant,     Tho  appellant  on  receipt 
of  the  card  mailed  to  appellee  a  catalogue  of  its  motor  trucks. 
This  catalogue    on  its   first  page  under  the  heading  "Of  floor  ard 
Direc  ors*  named  C.G,  Barley  as  Treasurer  and  General  Manager,  and 
on  tho  last  pago,  tho  "Agencies  add  F)o;rvice  Stations • 
names  among  others  W.P,  Breedlove,  Joplin,  His sour i. 



On  Septfaiabor  2,     l&li5,  uftor  aj)})olloo  had    Eatdled  tho  card 
to  ay]  rtllant,  ho  rocjoivod  a  lottor  from  upi)ollant  Bif^riod  by  dharleg 
0.  Bailoy,  TroaoiUTdr.     The  laet  ]:arfik'^aph  of  this  lottor  is:- 

•Wo  aro  rnforring  vour  inquiry  to  our  Vr,  Broodlovo,  ^rho  will 
be  in  your  vicinity  noon,  imd  ho  can  cull  on  }'^ou  ac  ho  can  r^ivo  you 
th«  fullost  information  rogtti*ding  tho  i  rice,  otc.     He  in  desiroua 
of  88ein(5  you  about  tho  a  ■  oncy  of  our  truck  in  your  vicinity,  as  wo 
can  savo  you  Borao  Eiont^  by  aaking  you  oizr  ar^nt,     W©  can  furnish 
a    one  ton  truck  witli  stakn  body  in  about  thrwB  wenks  aftor  ro- 
ceipt  of  your  ordor,four  at  th«  ou':5.'ido*. 

•pho  appollant  at  rjio  tima  it  wroto  tho  inttnr  to  apjollan  also 
forwaruod  tho  card  wittnn  by  ajjimlioo  to  Breodlove,     Tho  day  aftor 
appollunt  wroto  ito  lottnr  to  ap]  olloo,  Breodlove  wrote  a  iottor  to 
a];polloo  stating  tiiat  ho  was  in  rtiooipt  of  ho  card  ^iich  had  be<«i 
referred  to  him,  and  tiiat  ho  (Bro(^dlovo)  would  call  on  appellee  the 
following  weok  and  takn  t}ie  matter  up  with  him  and  it  would  paj'  ap« 
p'^lloe  3B.  well  to  wait  for  hiia.     At  tiio  time  fixod  in  tho  letter 
Breo  lova  went  to  Pekin  and  aet  appelleo,  TIio  evidence  for  appellee 
is  that  Breedlove,  as  a  :ont  for  apj-ollant,  proposed  to  apTolloo 
that  ap}5ollant  would  pay  liira  a  cocirn-ssion  pf  twonty-five  XBxtx    per 
cent  on  the  s^de  of    motor  trucks  to  sudhi    prospective  buyers  as 
appallO(^  mi'^t  introduce  Broodlove;  l>hat  api;(5llee  agpeod  to  take 
Breodlove  to  prospective:  j^urchasers  and  introduce  him  on  tJiat  basis, 
and  thereaftm*  on  "iiat  day  did  introduce  Breedlove  to  Albortson 
&  Koch,  who  purchased  a  truck  on  Septocibor  9,  from  ai)]  ell  ant. 
He  also  took  Breedlove  and  introducod  him  to  tho  German  Amorican 
Browing  (Jompany,  whidi    also    bou^^t  a  truck  from  appellant. 
After  tlio  introduction  of  Breodlove  to  Albcirteon  h  Kodti,  and  tho 
Brewing  Coinpany,  ap}>oli0o  and  Breodlove  v7ont  to  a  bank  in  Pekin 
and  thore  Breedlove  told  the  cashier,  in  appelleo 's  presence  that 
[Breodlove  wantod  to  moke     ap})Glloo  a^jont  for  appelliint  and  told  him 
•what  iha  cooiinission  was  and  figured  out  the  comr/iission  he  v;ould 
?ot  if  a  sale  sliould  be  rnade  to  Albortson  h  Koch,     and  to  the  Crorman 
American  Brewing  Oomjjany.     Tho  evidonco  of  ap}.olleo  arid  tho  castiier 


[  of  the  bonk    i«  t,}mt  uj>]>«lloo  was  to  havo  tho  ogtmioBion  a^^rood  uj)on 
'  if  A]fo^t8on  and    Kooh  arid  th«  BroT/ia^;  Oowpany  pui'ohased  truoka, 
I  md  that  durii^  the    converuation  in  tho  bank  h(»  su^^etod  that 
I  Brf^edlova  gIobo  the  aaloii  to  Alborteon  h  Koch  and  the  fr<!naan  kaor- 
!  loan  Br<winf5  Go.  boforo  Meff    r^avo  hia    ordor  and  xiiat  Bieedlove 
'  jisBontod  to  thio  proposal.     Appollee  tostifios  that  ho  vixs  not  as- 
ked to  oigi  an  onlor  for  a  trucsk  but  tiiut  he  did  givo  an  ordor  for 
a  trucsk  to  bo  shij^ped  to  him  on  condition  "f^t  Albnrteon  h  Kooh 
und  tiio  Browing  Gorajuaiy  bou,r^it  trucks  • 

Appoll«A  con''>ond8  that  it  waa  noooosary  for  ajn  ollen  to  pur- 

chaBo  a  truck  and  to  (Kivonce  $200.  on  it  boforo  Iio  could  bo  ap* 

pointod     an  iic'-«nt.     Ajpolloo  jroved  tliat  hn  had  botwoan  ^1,200, 

and  ^1,400.  in  tho  bank  at  tho  time  Broodlova  nfui  he  wc-re  at  the 

^^onk,  and  that  ho  waa  not  aekad  to  advanco  ^200 J 

Tho  prej'ondoranco  of  tho  ovidonce    in  tliat  it  v/aa  a^jrood  that  the 

ooianisBion  lie  would  -^ot  if  tho  salea  to  ^Ubf^rtaon  ft:  Kooh  and  the 

Browing  (Jong  any  ahould  be  made,  would  bo  aprlied  on  hia  purchatio, 

Appollant  8ub8i»(ju(mt  to  that  time  rofunod  to  sMp  a  truck  to  aipel» 

lee,  <and  oiaima  tJiat  A^bnrtson  h  Koch  had  beon  ai)pointod  a^^snta  for 

the  sale  of  its  t2*uckB« 

There  xb  a  conflict  botweon  tho  evidonco  of      appellee  aad 
Breedlove  but  appolleo  is  corroborated  by  the  cashier  of  the  bank. 

Appellant  inoiatn  alao  that  Breedlove  had  no  autJiority  to 
ap)^oint  a  :«nt8  except  on  the  condition  that  the  propoaed  a^nnt 
nhould  first  buy  a  truck  and  advance  ^200*  on  it.  The  lottor  of 
Septocabor  2,  vrrittan  b}'  tho  Troasuror  and  (Jonoral  Muna^r  of  ap« 
pollant  infonns  apj^oilee  that  "our  lir,  Breedlove*  "is  doairous  of 
seeing  you  about  the  ai^inoy    of  our  truck    in  j'our  vicinity*,  and 
placea  no  liroitation  on  Bre<>dlcvo»a  ri^jht  and  authority  to  appoint 
agents,         Breodlo.  e  acted  within    theaj^paront  scope  of  his  au« 
thority^SM  Mj^aanx  n^gmisax  as  the  saraa  is  uho\m  by  tho  lettoi'  of 
its  Onneral  Mana^ser.ih  appointing    appellee  an  a,^^nt,  althou^^  ho 
may    ]iavo  acted  contrary  to  hia  i  rivato  instructions.     The  appel« 
lant  received  the  b  nof it  of  the  work  of  a]>polio>;  d.ono  under  the 


it.^mcy  oreatod  by  iJ4>rollant  unci«r  Uio  autlioriiiy  it  notified  appollae 
it  liad  roposfid  in  Broodlova.     Ap]  ollant  ctoifiot  dafoat  the  ri,<^t 
jf  ono  of  ittt  Ui^ontB  U>  a  comrdaBion  by  making    a/^«nto  of  ciistom- 
ore  introducad  by  mi  ogont  iilroady  ap]  ointod.     The  jury  wore  .iua- 
tified  undor  tJio  «viddnce  in  finding  a  vordiot  in  favor  of  appellee. 

Apjiollant  aloo  arif^uoa  that  aprftllof^'s  inotruction  numbor  sov- 
ontocsn  i»  orroneoua  for  tJie  reason  "it  aeoumeB  Noff  made  a  contract 
with  a  duly    ai-thoriaed  a^ont  of  appellant'.     The  inatruction  can- 
not bo  00  conotrued,  it  atatee  "if  you  find  froK  the  greater  woif^t 
)f  i.h9  evidence  that  the  dofondimt  acting  bj/  its  duly  authprized 
agent,,  -i^eed",  et«i. 

Two  other  instruotionfl  ai'o  also    criticised  but  we  find  no 
ground    for  the  ooiar'A<iinte  iu-(5od  a^^ainet  them. 

The  jury  wore  fully  ,'»nd  fairly  inotructed.     i^indin^^  no  error 
thfl   jud^ent  ie  affiiTsed. 



Peter  Coutrakon  and  Gus  Keresotes,         £  r\  t^   -r    \       A   A  W 
Partners,  etc.j^^^^^^^^^^  A  9  3  I  -A-  4  4? 

^^«  ;        ^eal  from  Sanganon. 

Passow  h  Sons . ,  a  corporation. , 


Gen.  No.  6321.  October  Tenn,  1914-  ||.  No.  43- 

Filed  December  11,  1914« 

Opinion  by  Thompson,  ?,J,  - 
P  .This  is  an  action  in  asBumpeit  bi>e«i^  by     Coutrakon  and 

Keresotes,  partners,  a-ainst  Passow  h  Sons,  a  c  rporation,  to 
recover  $400.  part  payment  mad©  by  plaintiffs     on  a  soda  fountain, 
which  defendant  agreed  to  build  for  plain tiffs, "^according  to  the 
torms  and  specifications  of  a  written  contract. for  $1,800.  and  y/hich 
was  to  be  delivered  to  plaintiffs  on  or  about  May  1,  1913.    -ffee 
d^o^l^ration  consists  of  liie  common  counts. 

The  def en  ant  filed  a  plea  of  the  general  issue  with  a 
notice  of  set  off  claiming  a  balance  of  $1,400.  due  on  the  original 
contract  together  with  $  245.80  additional  made  up  of  itans  of  in- 
terest, storage  and  freight,   etc.     A  jury  returned  a  verdict  of 
$1,400.  in  favor  of  def ondant  on  which  judgnent  was  rendered.^5^e 
plaintiffs  appeal. 

The  w3Pi4tea  order  for  the  fountain  was  made  March  M  26 
1913,  and  by  its  terms  P«»s«wafld.-8on»-©fahicago,  agreed  to  man- 
ufacture and  ship  ^e-'iountai-n  on  or  about  May  1,  subject  to 
delay  on  account    of  strikes  or  other  unforseen  accidents  to  Coutra- 
kon k  Keresotes  at  Springfield,  Illinois,  and  to  furnish  a  mechanic 
to  set  it  up.     The  frei^t  m  to  be  paid  by  the  purchasers  and 
BetLlement  im  to  be  made  on  arrival  of  goods  at  S]  ringfield,  terms 
$800.     cash,  balance  of  $1,000.  paj^ble  in  sixty  days  with  interett  , 
the  title  to  remain  in  Pasaofw  t  I^oiiB^  until  notes  and  chattel  mort- 
gage have  be(;n  executed  by  tlie  purchasers. ,,  Tge  pu^rchasers  made  an 
ad«anee  payment  of  $400.  when  the  order  was  signed. 
-J^yi^      yv-t*-'^       >x^^f     y)A^  ex..        AJ-^. 


Among  other  piovisione  of  the  specifications  is:-  "Pud^)  section. 
There  are  to  be  two  10  pump  eectionB,  oac)i  to  have  10  porcelain 
syrup  jars,  7  pumps,  liquid  style,  x  x  x".  Goutralon  testified 
tha^  in  a  conversation  with  appellee 't   -  agent  before  the  con- 
tract was  signed  it  -vas  agreed  'iiat  the  puqjps  should  all  be  liquid 
carbonic  pumps  made  by  the  Liquid  Carbonic  Company.  The;"-  fountain 
wao  not  shipped  on  May  1st,  Appellants  insist  that  they  cancelled 
the  contract  because  the  fountain  was  not  shipped  on  or  about  May 
Ist,  and  that  they  are  entitled  to  recover  tlio  advance  payment  . 
On  April  21,  appelle'^  vifrote  to  appellants  that  on  account  of  some 
unfoHseen  conditions  that  had  arisen  it  v/ould  not  he   able  to  ship 
the  fountain  on  the  first  of  May.  On  April  28,  appellee  wrote  to 
appellants  that  it  expected  to  ship  the  outfit  within  the  b  next 
ten  daya.  On  May  17,  appellants  wrote  to  appellee  ohat  ,they  had  ce- 
BBinded  the  contract  and  demanded  the  return  of  the  $400,  Appel- 
lants eic^jloyed  Mr.  Mcjlrath,  an  attorney,  in  Springfield,  to  act 
for  them  in  the  matter.  On  May  19,  aj^pellee  wrote  to  McG-rath  that 
it  was  ready  to  sl-iip  the  fountain  and  requesting  appellants  to 
comply  with  the  contract  as  to  the  further  sum  of  $400.  the  balance 
of  the  cash  pajinent.  On  l-ay  20,  appellee  wrote  to  McG-rath  the 
fountain  would  be  shipped  the  next  day.  I'cGrath  comrjunicated  with 
appellants,  his  clients,  and  by  their  dirnction  on  May  21,  sent  a 
telegram  to  appelle  "send  fountain  under  terms  of  original  contract 
except  the  $1,000  to  be  paid  July  26th,  and  $400.  more  when  fountain 
is  in  store".  The  fountain  was  shipped  May  21st,  and  on  May  24th 
appellants  Y/ired  appellee  that  the  fountain  was  in  Springfield,  and 
that  they  would  accept  it  but  wished  to  chan<^e  the  erms  of  the 
old  contract  as  to  payment.  On  May  22nd-  apj^elleo  sent  the  bill  of 
JHtiilKjSX  lading  with  a  note  and  cha.'^l  mortgage  to  a  bank  in 
Springfield.  On  May  24th,  appellee  wrote  to  McGrath  that  they  had 
sent  the  papers  and  note  and  mortgage  to  the  First  National  Bank 
for  $1,000.  due  July  26,  and  that  they  held  a  carpenter  in  readi- 
ness to  set  up  the  outfit.  On  May  26,  appellee  received  another 
letter  from  McGrath  stating  that  the  fuuntain  and  fixtures  would 
be  accepted  if  as  represented.  Appellants  refused  to  accept  the 

fountain  and  fixturee  which  remained  at  tho  freight  depot  in  Spring 
field  until  Septombor  when  the  outfit  was  returned  toMappellee  in 

Appollante  contend  that  they  cannot  be  required  to  accept  the 
outfit  and  pay  for  it  because  (l)  it  was  not  shipped  on  or  about 
May  I  \   (2)  that  appellee  faiied  to  furnish  a  mechanic  to  set  it 
up:  (3)  ^he  connections  wore  not  proporly  matchedj  the  \/orkr:anship 
was  poor  and  the  maliogany  veneering  loose;  (4)  the  tanks  were  not 
afi  Called  for  by  the  specifications  and  ,(5)  the  pumps  were  not  the 
kind  made  by  the  Liquid  Carbonic  Company. 

^i]^-^ya«-t;ontract  called  for  the  shipment  of  the  outfit 
'©a^or^^out-May  ly-x  X  X  Btibject^^^^t^^^^        account  of  strikes 
oi^-ether-unferseen  accidents*  time  t-B-TiiTt- made  the  essence  of  the 
0ontrao4,  and  jiappell ants  directed  the  outfit  shi]  ;  ed  about  the 
time  it  was  forwarded.   TJie  delay  was  caused  by  the  failure  of  the 
Marble  t/orko  isexx  that  manufactured  certain   onyx   columns  on 
the  fountain  to  have  th^i  cored,  the  evidence  is  uncertain  as  to 
whether  that  was  :he  fault  of  the  Marble  Works  or  the  appellee. 
'Apfreil4aat»'4ia3?^inf5-d-i-re©ted  the  outfit  ebipped  on  May  21,  and-vrit- 
tea-^ay  36|*>---tiiav  it-^ould  ba  .accepted  if  i,t  was  as  represented, 
trnd-th^  :would  pay  the  fur,ther»  sum  of  $400.  i^hm.   the  outfit  was  in 
their  floore  and  ^aqf  $1,000.  on  July  26,  obligated  uiemselveB  to 
accept  14 4f.-it  fulfilled  the  specifications.  The  appellants 
were  by  the  contract  required  to  pay  the  f roif^t,  and  all  that 
'•appelleo  had  to  do  after  it  was  shipped  was  to  furnish  a  mechanic 
tQ-_pxi2parly--  aet  it  up.  The  provision  in  the  contraet^  is  "Contrac- 

toi^-4«o---&isniah-fflechani-o----a4--t]^ij? -eaEpwaae- to  set  up  the  outfit, 

-pt«-ehaBer  furnishing  help'6^*.  It  is  very  clear  that  appellants 
^are  not  in  a  position  to  xirge  any  defence  to  the  claim  ef  set  off 
o«r  .be^^'ground  that  it  was  not.  ship^^ed  on  or  about  May  1,. 

^pei-tants' inopected  4*,<on  its  arrival^  in-Springfieid  and 
Bay  it  was  not  as  represented.  The  contract,  contains  the  clause 



II  claims  for  ehorta^  or  non-coznpliance -vitii^  contract  Boiist  be 
maoe  ^iJain  five  dayeof  delivery  of  goods".     ^^£a^  do  not 
appear  to  liavo  r^ven  any  notice  within  five  dayo  of  ^at  they  m^ 
insist  wan  a  non-ooLai)lianoe  trith  the  contract  othor  ihm    rj,„  ques- 
tion  of  time,  x  .  y 

^ii\^  rofnronoo^to  th-:  Qther  dejencoe  ur^^jed  to  tJio  set  off, 
Jh9.-^v.idaace  ie  confliofdng.     There  ^^^^  raanifest  prepondoranol 
eitlior  wa3r.,«i4-it  would  net-^rvff  any  useful  purpose  to  review  it 
'^'^'-^^^^^^'    Tne  finding  of j^-  jurj-  ami  itir n^n^reiral  t^r-i^  trial 
^«ei«-t^-is^  conoiufiive  on  thcifio  queetiorifi. 

^5?bia«^-^0i^laint  1^-  Ttiade^-tr?-  -t^  .^^ 

^0Blka.iit--4^.el^-in  i:he  8M'.««ntT^^  ^^^^^  ^^_ 

quirea  a  reversal  ef  thi  erase. 

Tt  IH  Blao  ano^ted^Hfari^-^e  eQurt-«h^ui4 have  gi^anted  the 

action  for  a  nevr  trial  on  tho  ground  of  newly  discovered  oviriance  ' yyo^ 
I^T;"'^  "^^^-^^^^^^^^^  h»»e  l>a«n  diacovcrexl  uincn  t  e         ^^V.^/ 

*ri:ai-ifi^8iEiply  ciimlative  on  the  question  of  the  kind  of  piazi^os 
that  were  furnished  in  the  f o^^t^in^^%' wou:; d  not  noceosarily 
havo  chan.'jed  ih^  verdict^.^md  i^'^ot  conclusive  on  the  question  of 

the  kind  of  punipfl  in  tlie  fountain. 

It  i^^ed  tJiat  the  verdict  Hf^  a  coroproriise  ^  if  ^^' 
L^  waa  exititled  to  a  jud^pent  on  its  set  off  it  was  entitled  to 
111  that    it  claimed.     ^  fatjt  tharthd-^ud^nent-  i-^^f^laaa 
ihaa-^ellee  was  entitled,  to  is  an  en-or    of  rhi<^  ai^rellante 
lave  no  reason  to  complain. 

Finding  no  orrorJLn^ecait.^^^  aff iiined^ 

AFPIRIED  7  ~""" 

,  ..^defied 

Rehearing  Denied  May  26th,    1915.--0pinion/li#d  refiled  Jione 

29th,    1915. 

(^■;-N^,MT,   MO.    6r'07. 

EULAIA  McCOE^CK,    et  ajU_^ 



^J.   11.   DECICSR.    et 

EIDIIHDGE,    P.    J. 


April  tefj-i,  a.  d/  1914 

AGENDA  NO. 68. 

Fil/d  April  16,  1916- 

peal  fron  Circuit  Court 
/'  Shelby  County. 


Arpolloos  recovered  asJud^ent  agains t-ar"?ol  1  iijxts 
idn  the  svpy   of  f\Q,000j^   an  ictio^^'nitler  Section  9  of  the  Draju 
:3!iop  Act,  for  an  injury  in  their- «ieans  of  sup?>ort  caused  'bj   the 
death  of  their  father  resulting  from  hahitual  ih-toxicatioii  r-ro- 
duced  by  liquors  sold  to  him  hy  appellants,  (/%^-uu/ji         '      ^-^-^^ 

Three  orfors  are  prinoi-y^l'iy  relied  upon  hy  ar?-.-'ellants 
■^i-T"  TcagKMis  for  the  reversal  of  the  judr^nent .'  Thoco  rolate-r 
first  to  the  admission  of  evidence,  second  to  the  jrlvintr  of 
instructions  and  thir^l  to  the  remarks  of  counsel  in  the  ar,';::uEients 
to  the  jury. 

The  cause  of  action  alleged  in  the  declaration  is 
confined  solely  to  injuries  received  by  appellees  in  the  loss 

of  their  means  of  support,  caused  by  the  death  of  their  father 

in  consequsnce  of  intoxication  through  linuour;?  sold  to  him  hy 

app c  1 1  an t s .     tTT^rH^T'  fho,  ri^^inwi-if-tmi  Y,ci  rinrr^ff^f^r:  ^oajv  fee-HPee^Tertsd 

foy  reason  off  thair  losa.  -In .  tliaj 

xT- -«»Pf>o«»t .   Tlie  Court, 

over  oljjection,  permitted  the  mother  of  appellees  to  testify, 
that,  prior  to  the  time  deceased  began  tc  drini:  to  excess, 
deneanor  and  conduct  tov:ards  appellees  was  very  kind,  but  that 

after  he  began  to  so  use  intoxicating  liquouc,  and  T.'hilc 

ho  \iraa  under  the  influence  thereof,  his  habits  with  reference 

to  attention,  care,  v;atchfulness  and  service  to  the  children 

;rere  very  careless  and  that  he  paid  very  little  attention  to 

then . 

tfrarfc-'-raen^Ri— angtri'srh'r'tlXsgracb  fi'^-loss 

-mf*    tlnr»■;f^^ 


this^ section  of  the^  statut^e.     B^i^jpjaa^^^  496 j 

MeS^&ar-v--1i3rfch±ar-*»^--I4i^-m  111.    501. 

In  tlie ,  case  of  Hackel^t  v  sielsley ,  ^f "Tir."Iorr'iff~-a-  sraiilar 
action  brought- if oi^daiaage&..±a.J]^^  of  support, 

she  was  peraitted,    over  objection,   to  testify  that  ^hen  her 


husband  came  home  intoxicatied  he  would  get  angry  and  throw 
the  dishes }  that  she  had  to  go  out  of  the  house  into  the  cold 
in  the  rinter  to  escape  infiury  from  himj  that  he  made  demon- 

straticns  to  her  vrlth   a  revolver  and  once  held  it  to  her  head. 
In  the  opinion  the  Court  heldj 

"The  statute  gives  the  rin;lit  of  action  for 
three  separate  descriptions  of  injury — injury  in 
person,  or  property,  or  means  of  support. 

As  the  declaration  in  this  case  counted  only 
upon  an  injury  in  mieans  of  support,  the  evidence 
should  have  heen  cdnfined  to  such  injury,  and  it 
was  error  to  admit  f  this  evidence  of  personal  injtiry 
and  ill  treatment | | and  it  was  such  evidence  as  was 
highly  calculated  to  operate  injuriously  to  the 

In  the  case  of  Ilanewackir  v  Fennan,  152  111.  3ni,  '>7here 

the  cause  of  action  rras  conf ikied  to  injury  in  means  of  support, 



evidence  of  the  inconvenience  1  that  the  plaintiff  labored  under, 


as  to  the  hardships  she  suffered,  and  as  to  the  sicknesa  of  her 

children,  was  1b  Id  to  he  inco^ipetent .  To  the  saric  effect  is 

also  Flynn  et  al  v  Fogarty,  106  111.  263.   In  the  case  of 


McLees  T  Mies,    93  Til.   App.   442,   in  an  action  hrought  "by  the 

v;ife  to  Recover  damages  for  iijijury  in  her  means   of  support,    the 


admission  of  evidence  that  her\  husband  rhen  intoxicated  was 

i         abusive  and  cross  v;as  held  to  have   been  erroneous. 

y^  In  view  of  the  settled  ldi7  in  this  State  in  an  action 

of  this  character  v;here  the  caluse  of  action  is  confined  strictly 

to  injury  in  means  of  support,  proof  of  conduct  to  the  v:ife  or 

children  hy  the  husband  or  i father  Trhile  intoxicated  is 

incompetent  and  the  a^issiV?n  of  such  evidence  is  erroneous. 

an  instniction  limiting  the  damages 

Such  error  cannot  he  cured  h; 

to  such  as  apply  only  to  the 

injury  in  means  of  support.  FTackett 

V  Smelsley,  supra;  HcLees  v  Wiles,  supra.   It  follciTs,  therefore, 
^j       that  the  evidence  of  the  cond|ict  of  the  father  to  appellees  hefore 
and  after  he  acqiiired  the  haTiit  of  excessive  drinking  ^as 
erroneously  admitted. 


flre  witness  Fortner  en  cross-examination  was  asked  Tsy 
-&<?w»s^"-#«p~a:pp«si±0€rr'T^S"Ti5Tl o^^^  gttcst  1  mxr^^^hsr^-jxm.  c onv ic t ed 

in  c"Mrt  for  soiling  intoxicating  liquors  during  the  year  10^9— 
1910?"  J      ?o-  LTfiy  Ire  answered  that  he  had  heen  conricted  a-t  i)he  • 
laat  j'iMiuh  Tei'ui  oP-xtrctt't  1913,   four  years  later  than  the  date  in 
controversy .     lfT"Ts^contend«3"1jfr-apfreiiant-s  thatr-BT4d««ee_of 
the  conviction  of  a  crime  by  a  T^itness  for  the  purpose  of  affecting 
his  credibility  must  be  shown  by  the  record  and  judgment  of  the 
I    conviction.      This  is  not  the  ru;|.e  in  this  State.     Proof  of  the 

conviction  of  an  infaiaous  criinej  for  the  purpose  of  iiapeaching  the 


testimony  of  a  witness  may  be  i^roved  like  any  other  fact  and  may 

be  adraitted  by  the  ''fitness  himself.  Clifford  v  Pioneer  Fire 

Proofing  Company,  232  111.  150.   Selling  intoxicating  liquors 

is  not  an  infaraous  crxKie,  nor  any  crime  at  all,  unless  it  is 
done  contrary  to  the  laws  of  the  State.  If  this  question  was 
asked  solely  for  the  purpose  o^  impeaching  the  testimonv  of  the 


witness  on  the  ground  that  he  had  been  convicted  of  an  infamous 


crime,  the  pbjectibn  should  have  been  sustained-   The  ansTrer, 

however,  was  not  rebponsive  to  the  question,  was  voluntary,  and, 

as  no  motion  was  ma4e  to  exclude  it,  appellants  are  not  now  in 

position  to  assign  ^rror  thereon. 

Numerous  checks  drawn  by  deceased  and  payable  to  the 

various  appellants  were  admitted  in  evidence  upon  the  statement 

of  counsel  for  appellee  that  further  evidence  would  be  produced 

to  prove  that  they  were  given  in  paynent  for  into:^icating  liquor 

sold  by  them,  respectively,  to  the  deceased.  A  number  of 

these  checks  bear  date  at  a  time  v;hen  tliere  were  no  licensed 

saloons  in  Shelbyville,  where  deceased  and  appellants  resided, 

and  v;hile  apr^ellants  were  con^'ucting  ether  kinds  of  busincsa»  and 

"With  possibly  one  exception,  they  were  not  connected  by  any 

evidence  ^ritb   silcs   of  lifiucr  to  decease-'.     I^r'  was   thei''g~'lLm 
evidence -SlKflclixg-  8&le3  of   intoxicatiiig  liquors,    legalixoT*  illegally, 
byMiiie_4ia4i:££a.j3£_,ibe.  Ct\ej5ks  _  .dur Ing-^^  t^ 
olfcwnstaricea ,   they ■  &hottl4  -aaot  have  been  admitted. 

?ke-H°;ivi«.R— ©f  tJi«  f4ri»«*^  -and  sixth  instructions  on 

behalf  of  appellees  Aw  a3..i'{^?nt;d"  j'S"  errcru"  "/^e  first  instruction^^ 
is  a  erbatim  copy  of  all  that  portion  of  s»ktk   Section  0  wMch 

has  an7>^  aprlication  to  the   cane.      It  is  insisted   that   the 
instruction  is  liad  because  it  did  not  set  out  tlie  entire  section » 
««Ae¥i--tiia--au^tl»opi*y-of  Baker^-A-Re^^ick  v  SuKr*ers ,    5roi  II 1 .    52  v 
Colesar  r  Star  Coal  Co.,    255  111.    532;    and,    TTapenny  t  Iltrf'fnian, 
184  111.   App.    351.      The  complaint  is   that  under  this  instructioii 
the   jury  "trould  be  warranted  in  awardlijg  all  damages  sustained  by 
appellees  and  '■■ould  not  be  limited  to  the  damages  sustained  by 
them  in  their  means  of  support.     In  each  of  the  above  cises 
cited  on  this  question,   there  was  no  other  instruction  limiting 
tlie -daBiages  to  the  loss  in  th©  ine^ns  of  sup-port,  1>u€  ifii  the 
.pnftgant.  f.awo-  the   jury  eould  not  hav»-&ea»^«l»a^€ir-«gr'to—fcfae 
MCcibUi'iJ   I  r"ttSDnaj^eBrTr— fi;  was  instructed  to  consider  all  the 
instructions  together  as  a  series.     By   bhe  /slxtgeiittr, 
-gevenLcuiitli  aiid-eirghtreenth  instmictlons  given  on  behalf  of 
appellants,   the   jury  were  ylftilnly  told  that  they  could  not 
find  appellants,   or  either  of  them,   guilty  unless  appellees 
proved  by  the  evidence  that  they  had  been  injured  in  their 
means  of  support,    and  the  damages  were  limited  solely  to 
such  as  they  suffered  in  their  means  of  support.     UHdejfi.  feliestr 
-c±r©ttnsJtaJxces-r-4^he-.-glylns-^  not  reversible 

error_as  the  jury  could  not  have  *een  mtslerd  ttn9rp»by.     Jeffrses 
v,..Uesander,  266  111.  49;  Dsinley  v  Fibbard,   "^.2  111.   88; 


The  sixth  instruction  given  Tcr  a-npelleen  is  objected 
to  on  the  ground  that  the  damages  are  not  limited  to  those 
sustained  by  appellees  in  their  means  of  support.  If  this  T7as 
the  only  instruction  given  on  the  measure  of  damante  we  would  he 

inclined  to  sustain/ the  contention,  hut  taking  the  Instructions 

as  a  T.'hole,  as  ve   have  ahove  stated,  the  jury  cou^d  not  have 


been  misled  as  to  the  true  rule  to  be  applied  in  the  assessment 
thereof.     / 

Instruction  ntimbor  IC  given  on  behalf  of  appellees -±3 
nqf,  nnm-p-}f3-ini^ri  nf^   Tiiif  f<°  ^^Tn•  g  ^r\'=if^  TiMst  bg!  trl'^il  agi^ain  WO  desiro 
to-  eall  a-ttantion-toXt-  £U)~  tliat  tbe^  ev-pov-^m^j   not  be  reT>eated. 
Tli»  A-K»^>ytteti-^Mi  attempts  to  define  the  weight  and  credit  t!:at 
should  be  given  to  the  vritnesses  in  the  case,  and  concludes  as 
follOTfs:  "and  you  should  give  to  the  testimony  of  such  v'itncss, 
if  any  there  be,  only  such  weight  and  credit  as  you  shall  believe 
him  entitled  to  under  all  the  circui!: stances  surrounding  the  case." 
A  jury  has  no  right  to  consider  any  facts  and  circumstances  except 
such  as  are  shown  by  th ^  ^idence,  but  under  this  Instruction 
the  jury  was  allowed  to  di^scrodit  the  tcstiriony  of  any  ^.Titr.ess 
upon  any  facts  and  circurasitances  which  might  come  to  their 


loiowledge  from  any  source^     The  giving  of  ah  instruction  which 


permits  a  jury  to  considejf"  facts  and  circumstances  not  shown 

by  the  evidence  is  reverspLhle  error.  Balenovic  v  Ansicic,  181 


111.  App.  660. 

The  Court  refused  to  give  a  number  of  instructions 
asked  by  appellants,  but  we  are  of  opinion  there  i7ac  no  error 
committed  in  this  regard. 

Mtxriei^euo  roi  ai^itc  made  by  counsel  for  appellees  iii-tii«ir 
n,rg:»T'ff""t-p  t"  *^^   ^i^jrj  TSAva   Gb;Jeeted  t«,  but  tko  will  h©ii©-nat ice 
'but  onoy  i¥hi^h^-yft3innde  In  -Wie  closing  arguinent  €mii   wac-^^s-  f  oil  ews ; 
"The  intoxicating  liquors  sold  to  'IcCormic-:  caused  his  death, 
and  defendants  are  murderers."  4^his  stat^Hent^-r'trig^"  (5bXe'ct;6tr~to, 
■?>ut_-ihe -Court  nade  no  iniling  -fetee^reon.   A  litigant  in  a- siiurt  of 
laT?  has  a  riglit  to  have  the  issues  considered  and  determined  by  a 
jury  from  the  evidence  and  the  law  pertaining  thereto,  zmd   not 
by  passion  and  prejudice  produced  b3'^  inflammatory  remarks  of 
counsel.   Verdicts  procured  by  such  rieans  vfill  not  be  sustp-inod. 

For  the  errors  indicated,  the  jud^.ent  in  reversed  and 
the  cause  remanded. 


anNHRAL  ifO.WjTrje.  ocTOnnr.  Triir 

Filed^pril  16,  1916- 
oal  from  Circuit 

19  3I.A.454 


'rtiia  io  .an  appoal  fraa  ri  Judfysoiit  ponitore'l  a,r;rUsist  -**"*■ 

-L^ollaat  for  t!»e  sina  of  $10,000  in  an  action  en  the  caae  tc 
roooTor  dnoa^ds  f<«p  |>0r3onal  ln.1nries  alleged  to  have  hc.&n  surj- 
tainetl  by  appellee  because  of  tho  Tv-llfHl  violation  by  appellant 
t;.r  •''  ■-■■.vf>:iO 'B",   Soc.  21  Of  the  :-iner-.  ,va"   -J-nora  Act  <it.t  U:  .civlfl.'.-aft- 

M^-i^"tt1n«^■-*»y'  •itmf't  •^nti'^iftlr^f ■■  '-^r 'i^aCTnyr?^ 

:.4^^-^*»e~-^^^i:.'*egl  to--%e- -In  "^fHr--'»»gr<*r?s'p»*a»»e--^f"tl»«i-y>-^3aUi.cs 

iAT  lifiTQ  ■.ti3-..2maa--to.  -^ml.  ?'■ 


l"jl'»||WI>''|  ^ 

^ir  ■rH.'rk,  pla^oa  of 

--■? i-nf -fwisjt^^'two'  snft 

::,^,^^---.v->-^.y^^^^»^,    ^|^ryp».<jaft^fc     ^rj 

.It^f:     , 

i>Trgi»TMSlijng  tT7icatiy'--y#i 


ijiiim  MP  Oim    mil  m Tmir  rniiti  Tiufmii  ii  fTn mT'-nml  tTin 

lliere  la  no  eontrcrreroy  a2>out  the  foots  ^(nimmnrtilAag 
thai  aoon.iiX>int  ■     CotciseX  for  app<^3.1iuit  a^aed  on  the  trial  h\ 

cr^en  oota»t  that  tliero  had  l)©0a  a  yiol^^*' 

•^     *,■'!/>     <r! <•_■<(.  ->•?■.-:» 

aXld@ecl  In  tho  deoloratlon  and  introeluood  no  oTldoiK^c. 

faots  aiaeloaed  by  the  eyiti.oM<«  iiintyta^lua^dL  1>y  ni«i*'"3^>-^      '? 

snl>3tastiall7  the  saoe  as  tlioy  appear  cm  a  forxser  apr  oal  or 

this  <5r»fle   '""''   ■^^"'^    -•^''v*   •*.*^)  finfl.  nna-'^  rrf:  "■  ■  "■yi'tii;^  "'  ■'-'i 


it  l3  oonoo-:!.  "bj"  cou35i30l  foT  ap^eXlant,  tn  't^^eiw 

:-^> ^-.._  ,  ......._.u  at  tho  tt^'^  '-^  ^-^-^  injury  ^--^  ■   ■■■^•'•s-'-^^ 

.lt!iin  the  seojpe  of  his  ^aployssaent-     Tho  principal  contenticns 

'orgotl  are*  that  tho  1««^  of  the  r>laoos  «>?"  r  ^?*'s*«*  •f-i'^-  ^ot 

J-i<3  proxtnate  en,uso  cf  the  injury,  errors  in  the  a^-inisslon  of 

oridonc®,   in  tho  ririssg  of  instwotiorja 

■x'n%vQfi  are 

Gxeaanlro *     ■•»  i»*Tri  <*»  m^  <»f.««r-^Y»  -p-<>«4rtw  »>>a»  ^iT..ii»i*  «^   »  ff<^A»a 

•ni  tTift  11  r 'mi nil     i   ir"r'T"""r  "  ,  ^  i..  jvv.._|...-^ — r----"* — rff-r  ■"'*'-i*niitt  for 

3    t-|.'^...4«^----^'^-«%*^'^^y^'^-'^'^r  ■-'^Tr*- it-r--t^tsre ■  -iit- ■He-'Ttrrtcr*'?. :-.'    "^ -ff*. 


^  ^, 
^'  ^  Tt  i«  al!SO  InffllsteA  that  tli©  yilacos  of  r©?"!.*^©  rr^irlrJod 


\>  ^- 

^  ^      for  "by  the    statute  tTion  In  force,  voro  not  ino^wjt  for  the  benefit 

L.^>^    ot*  ',pp«lloCt  ^t  for  Klners  i^olng  In  and  tyxt  of  the  tnine,  to  allow 

^'5  / 

-^  V       tai»au^git_ijL-XJ*d-H«TttvC5T»tt^  for 

safety  t.:,s'-  ~ftTr'i;t3trfe---»^~-<w:^<^t??er'-T!''*''^^ 
hiia  l^nto  the  T-:iTii«f>'<i-rray. 

It  ia  c7:il".o.'!  f*~^  '''■■^Hvt  erred  in  aadtv 
that  tJio  assistant  ciino  ruiTiager  Olrectofi  aTspell<>c  to  /ro  Ivto  this 

or.try  ••'-ti-.''  "r^fsl-n  .1.  ||   trm  ar^irei*  of  tho  eaile  toara.     It  -Ir. 
c^nooded  that  it  was  th©  duty  of  appolloe  to  do  thin  \rltT?c««t 
any  air©ct  or  sTXJciflo  oirdor.     ^»#"#««i*^'-'t»^'"''<9qw  '♦if^ft  •'yffyep-"4iH»^*»s*».. 

~diyo#tiwM  Hi*  orAet'-^wici  oi.MT'ly-  am  AnatdgTi'*i"-?i?*'T-yt  •:'«  ■  ■n^v-»-"-^3is».re5^>?FP,ont 
of  tl*0-#«etsr-3toa*tTigr'tiir'trn~^^ 

Error  is  aasiipied  to  the  allof^  adbsdlanlotj  cf  <?r!f?o^>co 
that  the  injury  to  tho  -J^roatate  f^la^  would  c-uiao  a  lesrs^ni^^r;  of 
ton©,  '.roiiia  ij!:"?>atr  vitality  smrl  vlgfor  f%«'t  affect  t>e  ~^rc:-^     f 
procreation.     An  exaninatlmi  of  th©  ahratraot  shof^rs  thnt  aotinael 
for  ar pel 3  ant  aro  islat.ilcen  in  regard,  to  thl«  as  no  sue??  ori- 
(lonco  -^-fia  nrlnittofl. 

¥!io  <J!'ilJ   chjoction  rr»a4o  V»  tho  iy)st3wictJ-r>r>-%~iUr- 1^? 

A  ■f* 

•^-^'*  fliFff*  "Tin  f^lTon  for  apr>ol?ee<r"— 'pMb  \n  wr.  fr?Tiy"-;;',5">t!'mll 
fihiit   1"     '-  ifi-flinfci   fiTin    JiUjif iil>fct»i|iiriTfiii     thii   flninfurAriiffi.,  a," 
a9s-^t50«l  risk  nor  erintrf-Tnitory  noglifjone©  can  ?50  "^BterjiOflel  aa 
a  doftmso  to  tlie  oaao  T^ithout  dofixiin?;  thoso  tomn,   an-^.  ^l>:io 

hccauso  it  asfltazies  that  appellant  wan  relying  upon  i£:r>i*o?>cr 

7Ti©  Inafci-ucticm  r.ifiht  well  h&roj'been  rofuaect  ar?  the  ela lonts 

pleadings  and  proofs,  in  axty  jray  onter  into  the  cafse.      5i?t  if 

it  1'-.v'   .-jlao  dsflnctl  tlicse  tojfan»   this  fact  vouin  not  'j.-ivr.-  ~>^lnQd 

the  isastracticu  any,  or  hare 

l»e0n  of  any  isioro  advaatasc  to 

av.-<ollMit5  T>oosui30,  as  atated>  the  r-uostioiia  ^  f  arvf/tr-e-  rxt^^.  iiid 
ecntrlbutory  negligonoe  roro  jnot  ia  iaaue*  Nor  do  we  thini;  tJiat 
tlxQ  Jury  ',70uld  "ao  roasonat>ly(  exi-^octed  to  be  led  to  aajiiFic  "hy 

it  J  that  Aipoliant  traa  relying  n-pvn  iiapropor  dofen^es.      iljo 
giving  of  this  InBtruotlon,/  if  erroneous,  tra®  Jiaral^ass  error 
and  not  aufricient  to  caua^  n  reversal  of  U\q  3utlf5aenc» 

llie  first  Tortlict  ront^erod  in  thia  t&ae  attseased  the 
dsuagos  at  ^16,(JC0  ana  waa  ^t  i^ido  tiy  the  trial  court  •     iii@ 
aeoosKl  Tor<Uot  fixed  the  dsbages  at  ^17,000,  and  the  Goiwt 

rennired  a  resnittittir  of  ^i 

,0€C.     On  appoal  to  this  eoiirtj  it 

^as  lioltl  tiiat  ouoJi  an  escofslve  vordiot  ^ras  stwh  evlAonoa  of 
pjvaalon  and  prejuOie©  on  t!je  part  of  the  Jury  that  tljo  rorjittitiir 
required  "bj  the  oireuit  Coiirt  eotild  not  cwro  the  error,  and 
the  juot^ncnt  iraa  roTcraiod  anti  the  oauiso  rc^nande  l  for  c.  ne-;  trial. 
'i!h&  iiiry  liaa  now  fdimd  tlje  Ctoaai^n  to  ^o  $1C,000  ana  the  trial 
Oi>urt  hao  r.rr^orod  this  aotkon,  and  lias  also  shotm  by  re^irins 

the  ret-jlttitiir  in  the  prcriijma  trial  that  it  conaidere  tJiif>  aiaa 

not  to  ho  os»sesslrc«     The  trial  ccmrt  lijoard  tlio  evltlojwso  mtd 

.      -"-:.;•   0'C'^.  jUi:l^;:c:?it /i'or  thi.?;   ^tr^cunt,   and  r-o  arc  vt'Ct,   iKu'^r 
tho  clrciesstanoear  Inclined  to  I^old  ttsat  tljo  TonUct  is  ©xocanlvo* 

Tfie  jwd^:se:? 


« kj-'^' 

,^^  ^-      \    /  ^     ^  n~    I     ^«^ 

GfiiliiHAL  flO,   6252  QCTOBKH  Tiilul    ,   A.    i).    1914.  AGKHM  MO.    50. 

'-- -   - -..^  Filed  April  IS,  1915- 

(f^CHARlBS  F.   BARTtiOH  and  WILLIAM  MILLAiy;^-^^ 


J.   V.  iijiibiKT,   et  al, 
ELDRPIIXJE,    P.    J. 

Appellant 8, 


Appeal  from  Circuit 
Court  Logan  County. 

193I.A.  467 

Apptllontfl  comprised  a  partnership  dolnf  buslnose  under 
the  flnr.  name  of  iiarlJBon  L   iJlllard,  and  wnn^  imbt*EO^"^^»  ^^^   ^uol- 
nrrn  of  oenfifiruntiiTgrilTnilTmgW'intmiTin.  Tliiij  filed  a  bill  to 
foreclose  a  mechanic's  lien  on  1»^w  lands  owned  or  occupied  by 
-appellretry;  J.  V.  .vlekert  and  H.  ^.  Bailey,  for  labor  dono  in 
cuttin^r  &  drainage  ditch  thereon.   The  cause  was  referred  to  the 
.\Jaster  in  Chancery  to  take  proofs  only,  and  was  heard  by  the 
Chancellor  upon  the  proofs  so  taken  before  the  iJastor,  and  a 
decree  wae  entered  dismisBlnp  the  bill  for  want  of  equity,  from 
which  decree  this  appeal  Is  prosecuted. 

Prairie  Creek  meanders  In  a  v9Tj   irregular  and  winding 
course  through  sectlona  14,  18,  21,  8£  and  2o  in  :^rairie  Oroek 
Township  In  Logan  County.  A  number  of  persons  owning  lands  through 
which  the  creek  runs,  entered  into  a  contract  v.-lth  appellants, 
dated  April  5th  1910,  «w-~pgeft>nbio-4adL-jiM^JvAii-«^  fallows : 
"^Me  ooot  r<te-%-w»s-Tnardg  and  ©nt-er«d  into- ^hle  BtTi 
day  of  April,.  A.  D.  191 0,  by  and  between  ii.  Angella  boully, 
Hanke  Haras,  Clans  inarms,  i.iohard  Hilgendorf,  :irs.  0.  M. 
lest,  Mrs.  :i.  li.  .ooda,  J^rapk  Guenther,  viTB,   Albert Ine 
iinaak,  John  V,aoker,  J.  V.  ., ickerti,  K.  A.  Bailey  and  Christian 
i.eston,  land  owners,  owning  lands  in  the  County  of  Logan, 
ijtate  of  Illinois,  Parties  of  the  First  Part,  and  Bartson 
and  iilllard,  a  co-partnership  consieting  of  Cherries  F. 
Barteofl  and  William  Milliard,  of  the  City  of  "^eoria,  Co^unty 


of  ?flr>r1a,  rtt.atft  of  nHiv>4»y"-»etrM:<rg- of  thfr-tir»eond  Part: 
■•laTllil^.'liirB!'"  That  whorettB"  the  ■wHWr  Parties  of  the 
first  part  are  the  owners  of  lande  through  which  the 
present  channel  of  "^rairle  Creek  In  Loe8tt-€qufiiy;-3t^te'- 
»f  Illlnoley^new  nins,  aiid  are  deelroyt's  of  straightening 
the  channel  of  the  samj^,  so  as  to  prevent  as  far  as  pos- 
sible the/r   lands  from  overflow  durinp/hlgh  waters,  and 
for  the  purpose  of  oausiaag  the  water/in  said  ^rairie 
Cre^Jc  to  escape  as  rapidly  as  possible  in  its  course. "^^ 

Khe  oont^^^yb— ^feh«6b  p3roe»«d»~^^^o-py0vMe  that  the  parties  of 
the  first  part,  in  consideration  that  the  partieB  of  the  second  part 
cut  a  drainage  ditch  of  certain  dimensions  through  certain  lands, 
the  route  to  be  staked  out  by  the  engineers  of  the  parties  of  the 
first  part,  agree  to  perforin  certain  things.  ?irst:  each  land 
owner  shall,  at  his  or  her  expense,  procure  the  right  of  way,  and 
the  execution  of  the  contract  by  such  lanil  owner  shall  be  con- 
sidered as  the  consent  of  the  owner  to  the  cutting  of  the  ditch 
through  hie  or  her  land,  second:  the  parties  of  the  first  part 
to  procure  the  consent  andxight  of  way  of  the  comciissioners  of 
highways  of  the  township  to  cut  th«  ditch  across  the  highways. 
Third:  that  each  party  of  the  first  part  shall  each  for  hir;  or 
herself,  as  to  his  or  her  property,  keep  such  parties  of  the  second 
part  harmless  frorc  all  liabilities  for  damages,  etc.  Fourth: 
that  each  land  owner  shall,  at  his  or  her  expense,  remove  all  trees, 
stumps  and  brush  from  the  route  of  sai  i  ditch  across  his  or  her 
lands.  Fifth:  that  said  parties  of  the  first  part,  at  their  own 
expense,  shall  cause  the  route  of  said  ditch  to  bo  staked  out  by 
a  competent  engineer  for  the  information  and  guidance  of  the  parties 
of  the  second  part  on  or  before  June  1st  1910.  ;j.eventh:  the 
parties  of  the  first  part,  each  for  him  or  herself,  shall  cause  to 
be  paid  to  tho  parties  of  the  second  part  as  fast  as  said  ditch 
is  completed,  the  sum  of  vB.8o  per  lineal  rod  for  each  rod  of  ditch 
so  constructed  through  his  or  her  land  except  where,  for  the  purpose 

. —  X  — 

of  Btraightening  said  creek,  the  channel  of  the  creek  shall  be 
be  remoTed  or  coise  upon  the  land  of  an  adjoining  land  ormer,  then 
the  party  to  the  agreement  upon  whose  land  the  original  creek  now 
i8  shall  pay  the  eaoe  for  which  he  or  she  would  have  been  liable 
had  the  new  creek  continued  in  his  land  for  the  same  distance. 
Eighth:  Kach  land  owner  agrees  to  pay  the  amount  set  opposite 
his  or  her  name  for  the  cutting  of  the  ditch. (Among  tlie  names 
appearing  in  the  list  set  out  in  the  contract  are  the  following: 
"John  V.  iiickert  &  J.  H.  Bailey,  81.2  rode,  |714.56.").   The 
contract  then  provides  that  the  parties  of  the  second  part  shall 
commence  work  on  the  ditch  on  or  before  June  Ist  1910,  an* complete 
the  same  on  or  before  I>eoember  1st  1910;  that  the  plat  attached 
thereto  made  by  the  engineer  shall  be  made  a  part  of  the  contract; 
that  the  contract  shall  be  declared  null  and  void  unless  all  the 
parties  sign  it. 

The  contract  4*  executed  under  eeal  by  all  ti.e  leuad  owners, 
except  H.  A.  Sailey,  and  also  by  appellants  and  the  highway  oon- 
missioners.   E.  A.  Bailey  owns  the  east  half  of  the  southwest 
quarter  of  ^octlon  21,  and  the  east  half  of  the  northwest  quarter 
of  cieotion  £8.   These  two  eighties  were  divided  by  the  section  line. 
The  80  in  iiectlon  21  lies  immediately  north  of  the  80  in  iieotion  28. 
Appellee  ftiekert  was  in  possession  of  these  two  tracts  of  land 
under  a  written  lease  extending  for  five  years  from  Llarch  Ist  1910, 
with  the  privilege  of  purchasing  said  land  at  &ny   time  during  said 
period.  «Jft#-l#»»* -ooatarla©  th«-fo^llovtng  prorlfirlcms: 

" Party  of  tha  a«oooA-»-pajr4;~.agx»^4^.;to..k»ap...tixe.-prami8e8 

to  eo  food  repa  ix'^yer- ;nr«valTy -art-irht!?'  i)t?frig^  . 

^Mfid  to  hull4  np  4fe^""»eil.|  and  kaa|i..All.s.l>tt44A4«gfl-jri^-eo«d-i'' 
-tlon  aa  .good  ae  when  aacep ted*,  and  to  Improve  all  to.  t)>«-- 

JaaBJUA*-*!!!  ability. 

T^lB  agreement  is  intended  to  give  five  years 

option  on  said  real  estate,  to  the  saia  second  party,  to 

manage  and  direct  as  he  deems  best,  but  in  accordance 

with  tho  spirit  of  this  i«fi.aA^Ji«— — - 


When  Wlekert  signed  the  contract  he  made  a  star  in  front 
of  hl&  name  and  a  elDllar  otar  on  the  margin  thereof,  beside  which 
he  v.rote  "Signature  binding  only  whenever  ditch  ie  out  on  or 
alonf?  eeotion  line."  The  Court  found  by  itb  decree  that  appellee 
Bailey  had  not  signed  the  contract  nor  had  he  authorized  .. iekert 
to  sign  it,  anu  alBo  that  the  ditch  was  not  cut  on  or  along  the 
section  line  and  for  these  reaeone  the  contract  was  not  binding 
ae  to  V. iekert,  and  Bailey,  and  the  bill  was  dismissed  for  vmnt 
of  equity. 

So  question  haoDeen  raised  as  to  whether  beotion  1  of 
the  liechanic's  Lien  Law  applies  to  an  improvement  of  this  kind 
upon  fami  lands,  ana  tl'iat  yutf bttqir-fg' STlBinated  In  tW'  ggEgfidera- 
tlflja-oC-JthlA  «»*««¥—"' 

On  behalf  of  appellee  Bailey,  it  is  contended  that  he  had 
not  signed  the  contract  and  did  not  knowingly  pemit  ». iekert  to 
r-V  contract  for  the  improvement.   Under  ije^t ton  l>-0L£~-the-4i«ehaato  '  s 
•  Lion  itot  an  owner  O'g—land-'whe- knew ingly - ean»ftnt» »^  an-iapvevefnent 
made  thereon-  by  -hi^  tonant  «ubjeot8  the.  land^  -to-«^-llen"~r<5r~the 
ooet  thereof,   iioyer  v  teller  S&B  111.  lv>&j  H«,a»-*lectrltr-©OT-T 
AiBuaeinent  Co.  2Jt>  ill.  432;  j'riebele  v  l>ohwarta  144..iH^  i^'pfT'ZdA, 
In  the  last  caBe~lt  wKB~heia: 

"Under  the  present  otatutie  an  owner,  knowing  an 
Improvement  is  being.-.^adw'J'lBaBt  object  to  the  Improve- 
ment,  otherwise  be"*Knowingly  lieTaits  the  improveir«ent 

and  there>y^ consents  to  the  party  being  entitled  to  a 

.         The  rule  that  an  aj>pell8te  tribunal  will  not  ordinarily 
disturb  a  finding  of  fact  i)y  the  chancellor  does  not  apply  where 
the  master  made  no  findings  of  fact  and  the  chancellor  did  not  see 
or  hear  the  witnesses,  but  -rendered  his  decision  simply  upon  the 
depositions  of  witnesses  taken  before  the  master.   Under  such  con- 
ditions, where  the  error  aaeigned  is,  that  a  finding  of  fact  is 
contrary  to  the  manifest  weight  of  the  evidence,  this  Court  must 
review  the  evidence  and  determine  that  question  from  the  record  in 


The  evidence  ehows  that  when  the  subject  of  cutting  the 
ditch  wac  boine  diecuesed  by  the  lana  ovmere  they  had  several 
meetlngB  in  regard  thereto,  and  the  wltneee  Charles  b,   tood 
testifies  that  he  called  up  bailey  on  the  telephone  and  asked  hln 
what  he  would  do  in  regard  to  the  rauttor  ana  he  replied,  "The 
farm  is  out  of  lay  hands;  any  arranremonts  will  have  to  be  made 
with  Ir.  .. iekert."  bailey  aoee  not  deny  this  conversation  with 
.ood,  b'at  says  that  he  does  not  remember  it.  Appellant  Uillard 
testifies  that  after  the  ditch  was  completed  he  called  on  jballey 
and  asked  him  to  give  hiri  a  check  for  the  money.   Ihis  Bailey 
refused  to  do  and  told  him  that  V. iekert  was  in  control  of  the  land, 
xilllam  MoCormlck,  a  banker  at  Kmden,  testifies  that  he  talked 
•i?ith  Bailey  several  tlifjes  about  cutting?  the  ditch  and  bailey  made 
no  objection  to  it.  bailey  admits  that  he  talked  with  n iekert 
about  the  Eatter  and  tried  to  discourage  him  fron  joining  in  the 
project,  but  he  does  not  testify  that  he  ever  forbid  him  to  do  bo. 
Bgliey'tj  tobliiiiony  and-4)hait  of  the  et'h<yr-tH.-%ft-ee«»frT'~.«learlir.,Afe9.w 
thtt^  Bai43b»y  ooaaeidered  ♦te»<k'4l>i»fe«g't  had  th«  uana^ement  of  4;k«  farm, 

(j^iaJeftr^t-t^  determine  for  hlmeelf  •  tiia  .dirgption.  to  t,bA*-d48*»*'<t»rti«8 
that  the  farm  was  otttd'-niB  hands  and  that  tj^e  arraageHNrBtrwonls 
have  to  be  mmA9  Jglth  »*4<Jcext.-«ae  a  clear  jlAtiP&t ioa -^*wH>-e»  f ttr- as 
hie  intexesta  In  the  land  virere  concernea  they  vero  oo nt r olTeTliy 
hlelraftj-anrt  If  thq  olairlg  n>^^npi      iekert  can  be  isustained,  appellee 
1  SL-aatopped-,lo  , deay-.i;liat- h o  i^aic.  ingly  permitted  the  improvement, 
on  behalf  of  appellee  ••  iekert  it  is  contended  that  tinder 
the  condition  added  to  the  contract,  that  the  ditch  should  be  cut 
on  or  along  the  section  line,  he  is  not  liable  upon  the  contract 
because  the  ditch  was  not  out  In  conformity  thereto,  ^ralrie  Creek 

enters  the  said  north  eighty  at  the  southeast  corner  thereof  and 
meanders  in  a  crooked  and  circuitous  route  in  a  northwesterly 

direction  across  the  west  line  thereof  at  about  16J  feet  north  of 
the  section  line.   The  object,  ae  stated  in  the  contract,  was  to 
straighten  out  the  course  of  the  creek,   one  of  the  land  owners, 
lianke  llarma,  testified  that  when  he  went  to  eee  .-iekert  about  sign- 
ineT  the  contract,  ».  iekert  said  he  was  in  favor  of  cutting  the  ditch 
provided  it  went  on  the  section  line,  and  that  he  told  Vviekert  it 
could  not  be  cut  clear  through  on  the  section  line,  to  which  ulekert 
replied  in  substance,  "jBo,  they  could  not  go  clear  through,  they 
had  to  make  a  turn  in  hie  field,";  that  i.iekert  marked  on  the  map 
the  place  to  which  the  ditch  could  go  on  the  section  line  and  where 
it  would  have  to  turn  into  the  field  and  go  northwesterly  across 
the  land,  and  that  the  place  marked  by  r.  iekert  is  about  the  place 
where  the  turn  wae  actually  made. 

The  ditch  followed  the  section  line  bo\mdinf  the  north  80 
on  the  line  about  half  way  across  the  8j,  then  turned  northwesterly 
and  cut  the  west  line  of  the  90  about  18 J  feet  north  of  the  sect  ion 
line.   This  was  done  in  order  to  make  a  connection  with  the  creek 
where  it  crossed  the  west  line  of  the  80  and  entered  the  land  of 
Christian  nesten,  and  to  avoid  cutting  through  a  sand  hill  on 
v.esten'a  land.  L.  J.  LyiEms,  one  of  the  surveyors,  testified  that 
i^iekert  pointed  out  to  him  practically  the  place  ^^here  the  ditch 
is  now  made  and  the  point  where  it  should  leave  the  section  line. 
Robert  Hartnell,  the  Coimty  surveyor,  whom  the  lend  ovmers  employed 
to  finally  locate  the  line,  testified  that  he  told  V. iekert  that  it 
would  be  impossible  to  carry  the  ditch  on  the  line  all  the  way 
HoroBK  hie  land  as  they  had  to  make  a  curve  to  avoid  the  saikd  hill 
on  the  adjoining  land,  and  that  ..iekert  replied,  "well,  keep  on 
the  eection  line  as  far  as  possible."  The  creek  in  ite  original 
location  separated  about  6-1/2  acres  between  it  and  the  section 
line,  from  the  rest  of  the  60.   The  ditch  as  eonstn'oted  reduced 
this  to  about  an  acre  and  a  half.  -A  anhgtaattoil  ooaplittweo-witJa.  Ahe 

setrH^n  lino"  wod-die  junetirvely  do  not  nooeoo&rily  cirgrTirireot ly 
thereon,  but  caty^ttpan  near"gr~lTrtUe  r ie4fti4y-tiTgrgof .   bt^flr  T 


Garter  116  Iowa  S8J;  Commonwbalth  v  r'ranklin  lb'6  Mbb.   569.  Their 
neanln^:  muet  be  determined  from  the  whole  contract ,  and  as  the 
pricsry  object  thereof  was  jco  procure  a  straightening;  of  the  creek, 
they  TSQSt  be  construed  to  iqean  as  near  the  section  line  as  a 
practical  construction  of  the  ditch  for  that  purpose  would  allow, 

iekert  denieB  that  he  evei*  consented  to  have  the  ditch  cut  at  any 
other  place  than  aloni.  tha|  section  line.  Iho  route  of  the  ditch 
as  criminally  contercplatedl  by  the  plat  attached  to  the  contract 
started  in  a  northwesterlji-  direction  from  the  southeast  corner  of 
the  north  80.   Its  route  vj^as  changed  at  -lokert's  request  and  was 
cut  directly  on  the  seotloja  line  for  approximately  70j  feet  when 
the  divergence  was  made  to  a  northwesterly  direction  as  above 
stated.  Hartnoll,  the  Ooui|ty  i^urveyor,  who  testified  that  he 
staked  out  the  ditch  substantially  in  accordance  with  .iekert 's 
directions,  was  as  much  th4  agent  of  w iekert  under  the  terms  of 
the  contract  as  ot*  any  of  the  other  land  owners,  de  was  not  appel- 
lant's agent.  Appellant  simply  cut  the  ditch  along  the  route  staked 
out  by  the  county  surveyor, Iwho  was  employed  by  the  land  owners, 
including  h iekert.         1 

«e  think  the  cianlfeE|t  weight  of  the  evidence  shows  that  the 
ditch  was  cut  by  appellants  bubstsuatially  in  accordance  with  the 
terms  of  the  contract  as  amended  by  .iekert  ana  wit);  v. iekert 's 
understanding  and  consent  thereto. 

The  decree  must  therelfore  be  re\rorsod  v.ith  directions  to 
enter  a  decree  in  conformity  with  the  opinion  herein  expressed. 


\  is> 

fTen.   1^0.    6264,  October  Term,   1914./  Agenda  JTO,   53- 

^ ~~.«\  ]?iled  April   1^  1915- 

(Hwrry  D.   Cowden,  -   '  /  ' 

'- Pl8.intiff\in  Error,  / 

VS.      \  ■  .    }  Error  to/Circuit  Court   of 

rjoaeph  Stout,  \    \  /  McLean  =fo^t3»a    T     A       4  7' 0 

Defendant  tij/l^r^.        /  XcFO-L*^*^*^ 

ELDPJIDGB,   P.  J.-        ^<^ta>t   XfV    C:i  ^j  cw-- /^"^ 

--Pl3daJU£f««iJft-^*s*»3^~«w«df'd«f^  error  to   recover 


|350,   f©r  commissions  fe9»-4il«~ei3r©g«d- services  in  pro-curing  a  loan 
for  defendant  In  er-or  in  the  siim  of  $35,000,      The  case  was  tried 
before  the   court  without  a  jury,  who   found  tiift^^sau*.*  joined  In 
favor   of  the  defendant  J«|  in  erirer  and  entered  judgment     accord- 
inp:ly.A  Sttbstant ially  the  whoi«  argument  of  plaintiff  in  error  is* 
*--di»ousslon  of  the   facts  in  aupport  of  th«  assigninent  of  error  that 
the-finding     is  contrary  1 6  the  evidence.     There  is  ample  evidenc* 
1  n  th ft  .y^eo^^ d  to  sm^tai n  the  finding  of  fehe  court  and  the  finding 
i«--iiot.,.eoatraiyto— the- manifest  weij^ht  thereof,      counsel  sa:$r  in 
^hPJr  argiimftntt      •^•-also'believe  the  trial  court  er-^eneouaLy 
refused  te  hold  with  plaintiff  the  propositions  ofof  law  im'Uaitted 
in_JilaJbfihalf,   and  that  the  record  discloses  IxiglaXj  technical  rul- 
IJ^gJL  ViPQn  thft-admisftiim  and  exclusion  of  evidenc©  which  resulted     in 
iniurjc—te -plaintiff*.     The  particular  rulingfl       of  thee  our  t  upon 
-the  -pxapQ si t  ions  of  law  fiuid  upon  the  admission  and  exclusion  cf 
e5tide»ee-«3Pe'-^e'fe^"peiwted  out  in  the   arfrument  and  we  have  no  meano 
^Lf-Jcnowing-«^Mkt--3?ulingsof'  the  court  thereon,      reBpeotiveiy,   are 
•-effiaplain^  ef  ©^  the  Teafi6JSl''^rHer 
HeweaLcr,^  "7S  h^,^'?   s^camined  the     propositions  of  law  sulanitted  is  as 

-4i»eieBed  t^    rlie  abstract  and  afe  of  the  opinion  that  the   cou^t 

f  ............... 

xlld-«e%-  err  InrltTr "Tttl irigs  the r e on • 

Ho  other  er^^ors  are  presented  tn  the  argument  of 

.  counsel  and  the  jud^^ent  jmuet-he  "af f Irwed, 







:-^UL    A^r/LJl^r^^'^ 

V-roal   rroc:  Circuit 

•  ''ru2tric  Ccutitj 

193I.A.  482 

Appcl.    -:?        '■■■  "olf,   file:  .-.  z1    :  "i:$  ctmv.X.-'j 

!rt  of  'ioaltrlc    'otp^t?'  n.'r.ilnst  ttjft  estate  cf  "©or>»<^  an, 

decc  \';oI,  T.^:\ao '  ^iT^^r:  %r.Q  ps^onio'^.ory  notes  T^urpcrtinc;;  t 

i  C'*^»>€t<tt>d  by  Ol9f»an  in  blu  11  f  tin©,  one  foi*  t?»e  T^rlnolpal 

9ir.i  '!  :•      11,  and  tho  ether  for  $7:u.     T!a<*  note  is  ^Vtterl 

••^  l»t  1912^  sMid  bears  7"^  interest-     They  «ire  ^^nynblo  in  oir??^t 

■  twolTO  nonthn  aftor   T  ;te,  rospeetlvely .     Tlieclain,iiJclnilLns 

Inelral  and  aectsmlntou   Interest,  at  tbe  date  of  the 

■^f  iar-c/imtO'-:  to  >;i'i^ii.c.. 

^;o  adoinletratcr  and  eaefi  of  t7ie  Itolra  filed    b- 

ao  ci:ii»  on  tlie  gromsi.  tnai-  ^ho  notes  -^.'crc  not   ?' .. 
jd  of  tLo  deceased,  and  ttro  oC  the  Ti!?lrs  filed  a^Tldaylto 


of  tlio  dBo^osed*     'he  noton  purport  to  ho  signed  b;  George 
^.  Di^KKUR  by  Itla  siar^y  ond^SM^  vitnoasetl  by  one  Ch:u*le& 
lAioas.     Dlahnaii  died  Jc».iiuary  16,  1013»  and  letters  of  atlEsinifi- 
tritl<  a  wero  issued  January  istlit  lt)13.     T!io  claia  iraa  not  filed 
until  ^Urmlbw  3»  li>13«]  It  was  aiaallowed  in  ♦'^^  ?v^f,v't^     otirt 

ind  on  apr^osl  to  t!io  Circuit  Court*  fm  a  trial  boforo  a  .1«ry, 
a  vordiot  was  rendered  in  favor  of  apuolloe,  on  »?tiicli  voriiot 
Jud^nmit  Tafos  enntcred  disallo^^ln^  tlio  olaic!* 

At»pollant  proved  a  T'rJaa  ffteJe  eae©  by  tho  ©vidonco  of 
Lueast  -^4***  tostlfiod  ttiat  !io  was  firesont  w1>©n  tJ»  notes  rr^e 
sirrned  by  DishBan  «ltl!  his  inar%:at  oaid  tbat  ?->«»  Ltieio*  signod 
hist  ewB  n«ae  on  the  notes  ma  e  vltiioee  to  the  aarks.     Lueas 
hliuioif  &«ittM  read  and  all  ho "iSSmhritB  4*  his  slgiuiture*     Hicro 
io  a  total  absfliiee  of  eridoiMie  of  any  oonssideration  for  those 
^otos  eso^ept  that  haeum  testified  that  thoy  wero  f;:iTen  ao 
V  ronowals  of  tiro  px*ier  existing  noton  J  oxtd  froa  tTr©  character  of 
tho  teetiSKsny  of  this  rltnoss*  if  there  had  boon  no  t^ro  jisdilcial 
orrors  on  the  trial »  vo  trould  not  bo  inclined  to  disturb  the 
fu&^fsmntt  but  atJp^llar.t  has  a  ri^t  to  haro  tho  ralitllty  of  his 



Liin  dotoimlaoct  f  5*001  ecrapctent  ovideaico  «nd  undm*  propor 

Tosa  jJoek,  ono     c  tli©  holns  osaA  Kltnear*  for  aimollee, 
vor  Ob  .loot  Ion  of  a|»peXlant»  vtqb  |>ersBltt«a  to  testify  that 
0  fpaa  fsesilliar  with  her  father's  truslnossy  and  that  ho  trwatefl 

olJtQf  receipts  and  all  such  r»rtW0r«  to  t^r  until  Jil»cmt 
year  l«»for«  his  tteath;  that  ahe  was  foalliar  i^lth  h±&  ymtittmaB 
n  ,|»enoral  aal  ha-'^  tc4l!--<^'  ^""^.th  Ma  £ibout  the  asiK»int  ©f  ^'?i?^  f'^r-'hta 
rtyj  that  she  waa  In  the  office  of  hlo  attornoy  tri th 
..   .la  }iG^m^r  v^tor  to  his  <loath»  and  at  that  tijm 
Ttat  his  dohts  vere  ana  trhat  he  owed?  that  tho  first 
.i.aa©  notea  waa  within  two  or  three  v^rnvihp.  ''ynrm*& 
io  trial  and  that  j*to  never  heard  of  thMs  lie  fore  tha^  tii^iej 
-■'^9t  she  nover  lonev  of  his  horro^flng  an  aaaount  of  saon«y  f.i^at  was 
equal  to  tlie  afsgrogato  aiati  of  these  notes* 
Charlea  iHstKian*  an  heir  and  xrltneo«  for  nnrjoiioft. 
was  permitted*  orer  objectionf  to  testify  t!mt  he  kno^  hi  * 
fait!ier*a  hualiwas  and  neror  heard  of  these  J^oton  imttl  .i:b;:nt 
three  ewKths  hofor©  tho  trial.     He  vaa  then  asisoA  this  fiiiaestioni 
"siid  your  father  horrCR?  Jiny  riorsoy  cf  "r.  *'  If?"     Ask?,  anrr 
,  "?!ot  that  I  knov  ef'.* 


Tlw  adBadnisrfcrator  testlfloti,  jwor  objection,   that  lie 

or  four 

'1.(1  liocn  sittomoy  tvr    Xiuiasjtm  far  t-hr««^^ars  before  bis 

.ioatJj  asid  aovor  l©ar:iod  of  t!io  exiatctnoe  of  the  notes  usstll 
y!!Oj*tly  bofore  tliej  r-roro  filed  as  a  claic?  .m  the  Cotuity 

■■"'    -"-o  aboTc  to3tli3orQr  ■srao  ixieGnrpotent  and  hi«^ly 
5*e judicial.     If  ololDS  for  doMs  left  by  a  dooeclont  could 
'- .V  •':of©ated  upon  tt=o  ev^^.:,s;::,oo  of  h±n  Iioirs  ;»id  att»;ni©y  that 
'ioy  had  not  ho^^rd  of  thQia$  then  fow»  if  any»  o©iil<l  OTor  be 
£■*»*■ -vwii  '-r  «5v.-..'Cr<jte4» 

The  sixth  Inatwaotioa  girwi  on  behalf  of  appolloo  is 


"Hie  Court  instPuota  the  jury  that  it  ia  your  duty  to 
eoijsider  all  the  oirotSQStanood  proven  by  the  defendant  in 
his  caoQ»  aa  veil  as  all  eiroumst^inoof)  prore«i  by  the 

|>laintiff .     ind  if  you  'boliovo  frcaa  tho  0vl,aone0  and  ©ir- 
ouDtstanoeo  prtrpoa  in  the  ctwio  that  the  notoa  I'jero  nucd 
<m  w^po  not  in  erSntemoB  d\iiv±m  tlje  lifiettow  of  f-«or|p»o 
W»  Dishmai^y  then  you  Bljould  find  for  the  dof ontlant ." 

This  InatxnMStion  a'^^paroutly  cisikea  a  di-titiJiction  7ief^men 

the  evidonoe  and  eirototstanoee  T9*oven  and  tella  the  jux?  to 

particularly  consider  tho  cireissstanees  proron  in  the  oioo.     Tli© 


vice  o^  '■  •-'  instruction  rill  beeocie  uoro  ai^parejit  vrliou 
road  in  oonxioctiort  witb  the  seventh  and  eighth  Instnictlona 
ft.llowiiijrs,  and  especially  la  riot?  of  t*---  '^-^^^  ♦■^"\'    '-'^^-^r-.  ■.■.., 

JO  snuskh  erroneous  proof  of  oiroiirjntancos  ♦     ftte  Inetmctlon 

.    io  bivd  beetaiae  there  tras  sk>  evldeiMo  in  <^"*  w^^^r^-,^  that  t?ie 

?.otao  V  ore  not  in  e^dsteneo  OurlTig  the  llfetitjo  «f  tho  dece -rjtv^ 
T^e  noventh  Instntetion  '-^  f»«  follows  i 

•The  Court  instwieta  you  upon  the  cjuoatlon  of  the 
prepcnOeronee  of  the  erldenoe  aa  followsj   ♦Hio  tona 
•prcpcmderaatice*  neans  *gj:^ater  vie±t^\t*  of  the  GTidosice. 
You  hare  the  irlr^t  to  take  and  oortsidor  all  tlie  oircim- 
etaneea  proren  in  the  oa80»  and  if  you  believe  from 
the  clrcunatances  proven  in  tho  eaao  that  neorf:e  T'.   jUsIt- 
Dan  did  not  oign  the  notes  hero  in  fjueation,   then  you 
harre  a  rlgfit  to  find  that  the  |«*eponderruiee  of  the  ovi- 
donee  Is  rrlth  the  do^ondrmt,  althoupja  tho  proponrleronce 
of  the  evldonee  la  nado  up  of  clrciB^fstsmcen  r.rov0n,  in- 
stead of  diifoot  and  positive  testlraony.'* 

.t   is  the  duty  of  the  Jury  to  consider  all  the  evidence > 

-Ti,of?.0j.  ±%  i«5  circumat >ntial  or  cth©rv7iae.-  Tsi?t.  ?>y  this  In- 
f^ti-mtlon  the  jiur  is  told  tliat  it  had  a  rljc^t  to  conoider  tlie 
eiretsstatanoea  alone?  f---n.i  that  if  it  believed  fraa  tl!o  GlV'^^v^'^'-.-'ic^o- 
^•roven,  that  the  notesi  were  not  qI^mA.  by  deceaaedf  It  lv<vX  a 

i;:r;iji  ti!  find  tliat  tiJO  propontleratico  of  the  enridancQ  \^t\n  ■  - 1"- 
\     the  dofonclant. 

^•.c  oi?;Iith  inotmictioi,.    4^  ..  .-i-Lea  a  distlncfcl''"  ^^"^ 
f.    ttroen  the  ©ritlenoo  and  the  clrcunistanoea  -proren  and  roado 

-5  foliova: 

"•The  Court  Ijiatniota  th©  jury,  tliat  If  you  be5.1evo 
froQ  th«  erldonoe  and  clrcuE^tanees  i^roven  in  tho  ease* 
that  aaiy  ritneas  tiho  has  cipfcarod  here  and  testified  has 
knortnjsly>  trilling;:  ly  and  corruptly  testified  kn<wlT»«!:1y 
false  on  any  toaterial  ra<ittor  in  this  ease*  then  It  -  ouia 
1>e  j9av  duty  to  dif3x»eeard  his  entire  tostlEiony,  oxoo^t  in 
so  far  as  the  ©Tid«nee  is  corroborated  by  other  crerU table 
evidonoe  in  the  case** 

These  instruetions  give  an  IzaT^ortaneo  and  <%ny>hanis  to 

circunstnntial  evidenee  which  ia  not  ■warranted  under  the  lav  and 

wei*e  partleularly  hamfal  because  of  the  erroneous  admission  of 

\     so  cnieb  incompetent  proof. 

The  ninth  instnietion  instructs  f^^  <"ryt 

"tJiat  if  yott  l>^'!lieTe  frco  the  ovideneet  that  Charles 
Luoas»  a  ^fitness  for  the  claizaant,   testified  upon  the 
fciiaer  trial  in  this  oatise.  In  tlio  County  Court,  that  tlie 
notes  vr9fe  sl^^nod  on  the  lot  day  of  ?:ay,  A-  t>.  1  in, 
you  hare  a  ri^t  to  consider  this  evidojico  in  connoction 
with  all  the  other  ovidenoo  in  tho  oaae** 

'il\±Q  inatruction  calls  the  attention  of  tit©  Sury  tc  a 
articul-ir  v,dt:JCG3  'sy  }^x^:io  and  ta  a  T-^ytic^i'iir  ^-ar'      "  "  ".n 
tostlBJOuy,   and  road  In  eondiootion  vrith  tlso  ps^oocylinc  inatmction, 
carries  vrith  it  an  :ua:-iication   &!;.at  if  !:o  f!;avo  tlio  tcai.  ' .  •.  y 
montioned  on  titc  fonrier  trial,  it  vrould  bo  tlie  duty  or  the 
jury  to    ;i3r«gai^I  liis  entire  t03titnony»  oxccrt  in  no  far  as  It 
"ight  be  ccrrobor-^itod  by  other  ovidejice.     It  Is  error  tc  sin^;!© 
lit  a  ra^tlcular  Trltnoss  by  name,  who  is  not  a  party  to  thc>  a'lit, 
and  apply  the  law  of  Inpeaehnont  to  Mm  alone;  such  isistrwotions 
3hou3.d  bo  general  and  apply  to  all  the  xritnosaos.     ^"*    '  ^  rilso 
error  to  point  out  avid  call  the  attention  of  t!ie  jury  to 
particular  facts  in  the  case* 

There  was  alao  error  in  the  aclcilssion  of  the  testimony 
of  the  vrltnesa  Williamson  ealled  in  rebuttal  on  behalf  of 
aT-'pellant,  awi,  vhilo  no  cross  error  has  been  aasir^ned  to  the 
nttmission  of  this  teatiooiiyf  yet»  ae  this  ease  niist  be  rooanded 
for  anotfier  trial,  in  order  that  the  error  nay  not  bo  repeated, 
"e  call  attention  to  it  at  thia  tlric.      .   <.   i,v;  .i-ii^.ony  e.     .>..wad 
of  self  BcnrrLng  declarations  on  behalf  of  apreliant  and  the 
whole  testimony  of  this  ^ritnesa  waa  incorapctont. 


n'.c  Jud.'^Qont  will  b©  rerors&fl  and  tho  eouso  roaandcd. 

Gi;3{cnAL  Ko.  0S82.  ocTOnEi^/rKnK  ,  A.  r>.  ioi4.         AC'J^mA  to.  so. 

K«  B< 

H^iieeSf     { 

t  Court  of  vonailion     -tr  1:/" 
MATIOHAL  hVfE  ^TOCS  INaUILV^Ci:  n  ,        t 

Ap'ol   .::'.t.      t 

193  I.A.  488 

ELOfUSDGE,  r«  J. 

Tirte— t^-rWB-  \otlon  of  osfjucipolt  hrout^t  by  apT>ollo«9  ngainat 

ap!>ollant  for  the  swa  of  $1,OOC»  iMMOd  upon  a  poXioy  of  insmraneo 

to  in^oemlfy  aprcllooa  for  loss  by  doath  froa  aeoldont^  dioease* 

theft  A  Tir9,€)r  a-  certain  stallion  niaaed  •Royal  Tv%ftfin©«".  ji»ii«ii^»#. 

rogBVorp"?  f»  jtidgaent  In  the  trial  court  for  f.lie  aboro  oata,  «<*r«w**rr?e 
tyhieli  this  appeal  -lA^^rrnffl-ac-tail^^ 

Tho  bam  in  wbicb  the  atalllon  ^Tao  ijept  was  deatPoyed  by  a 
fir©  In  which  tho  atalllon  lost  his  llfo.  The  aT>rlioatlon  for  tlie 
policy  was  prewired  flroo  appolloos  by  apreiiant^s  agent  Zoa>  and 
eovoral  of  the  defonsos  interposad  were  that  appolloas  made  certain 
false  statoaents  In  tho  api>ll«atlon  trhioh  wore  warmntloG,  in  con- 
sequence of  vrhltiti  the  polloy  was  void.  The  evidence  for  a'ppelleem 
tends  to  fiho^  that  they  truthfully  anew-red  all  the  «^estlons  In  the 
,  applica  nt,  and  that  tho  false  answers  therein  wore  inserted  by  tho 
V^f^nt  TTlthout  their  knowledge  .J  It  Is  oonduaivoly  settled  as  a  rulo 
f  of  law  in  this  otate,  established  by  a  long  line  of  decisions,  that 
if  an  arriloatlon  for  inanaanoa  glres  true  oaiawere  to  tho  questions 
'  eontalnod  in  the  ajpplicatlon,  but  tho  agont  of  the  Inaurtmco  coraiMoqr 
)orte  false  answers  In  lieu  thereof,  that  parol  owldenee  is 
iisaiblo  to  pvore   ouch  facts  notwithstanding  stip'^l  tions  contained 
I   in  the  application  that  the  agent  shall  be  deeiaad  the  assent  of  the 

:tn:*ed»  and  also,  that  notlee  to  the  s^^omt,   at  the  time  of  tho  airr^li- 
cafcion  for  inourjanoe^  of  facts  material  to  the  rlslii  is  notico  to  the 
:uranco  coopany,  and  that  the  latter  is  eatoppol  to  innist  such  an- 
>rs  aro  trarrantloo.  fioyal  'Joir?Jbors  of  Anorlca  ▼  Booan  177  12 
)viaont  Life  Society  ▼  Canuon  f^Pi  111.  260 1  Johnson  r  noyal  Neighbors 

•  ill.  570.     niotfjou'  arT<sll003  tri;tli'- j.i.:y  ur  falsols'  .ini-oro  '   fT*e 

stlona  "npopounaod  in  tho  aprlicotlon  .ind  v/lKJther  tTjo  anetit  1^  •oj»t©d 
t-nio  OP  falae  anairero  t!?eroln»  were  viueatlona  of  faet  for  t!^c  inrj  to 
Aotoml?^.     The  tastlnony  of  atjf^lloes  Beeeif)  to  be  coppobopato'l  by  ttro 
ijaroptcmt  facts  arr'wlng  fpoa  ttm  ertdencsfki  first /zoa»  vrcl-^wit's 
'  "-^Titf  tostifiea  on  the  trial  and  «!lid  not  dony  t1»o  toatinony  of  nr^^ollooo 

•.t  thoy  £;are  true  and  eorroot  annwora  to  the  quoatioris  in  ttjo  apT^ica- 
\,juon}  and  aoeondf  ar7>olloo3,  1»  i^ald-ni^  out  tho  Troofg  of  loss*  fully 
disolosed  t?ioroin  all  tho  oattot^  trutT'fi^lly,  |«st  an  they  tcr:tifiad 
*'M5y  told  the  aiscmt  in  tho  first  inataivjo  trtion  the  at>rlioatiort  iras 

Id*  )lt  t7ould  hArdly  aoeu  reesonable  that  they  trould  nsnmrer  said 
questions  falsely  t/hen  the  application  was  "boinj:  Esade  for  tho  r^urpose 
of  prooiirins  the  rolicy»  and  th«i  antii?er  the  sane  "iwsticns  truthfully 
after  tljo  loss  had  occurred  and  v:hein  they  tfor©  seckirt/;  ff^yi^s^snt  there  for, 
the  effect  of  t?hieh  rrould  he  rlrtually  to  convict  thgrjselres  of  fr;\ud 
in  procurii^  tho  policy.     tJndouhtedly  these  facts  !iad  weif^t  trith  t?» 
<"»Tr  in  docidinji;  tho  case* 

''lie  policy  provides  that  the  Coerpany  ahall  not  bo  liahlo  if  tho 
a  >3ured>  in  case  of  tAiBknesB  or  accidcmt  to  the  animal  insured^  nYiall 
fail  to  render  fcrthwitth  by  registered  nail  or  teleswrn*  notice  to 
tho  occspany  at  its  horae  office  of  smedi  sickness  or  accident »  together 
frith  the  nooo  and  address  of  the  reterinarian  eeir^loyed.     It  apr>o£y:*s 
froB  the  ovidenoe  that  aooe  time  before  the  stallion  vran  bumed,  he 
roceired  a  kiclv  fnxa  a  horse  resulting  in  a  aXl^t  scratch  on  the 
fleshy  part  of  the  hip  ^i^  bled  a  little  but  lUd  not  penotrato  throu^ 
the  8lcln»  created  no  sorenossf  did  not  affect  the  antcial  in  any  ^ay, 
vaf3  considered  so  slight  tliat  no  attmitlon  was  paid  to  It  and  ipt^oi^oiit 
iras  not  notified  thereof  under  the  above  nrcrisions  of  the  policy. 
It  lo  Insisted  that  there  was  a  violation  of  this  '^©vision  an^  theroby 
,jx_rocovery  is  barredj   The  seratelt  had  nothlz^  whatever  to  do  trith  the 
less  of  the  aninalf  and  in  our  o|rlnion  was  to©  trivial  in  character  to 
bo  classified  as  an  illness  or  accid02>t  ^?ithin  tho  tseanine  of  said 

n^o  oourt  at  the  instance  o'^  a?>pelleos  cjaro  to  the  Jury  the 
following  Instruction I 

•The  coitrt  iruitzH:ieta  tho  jury  that  altJhou^  the 
policy    n  questlcm  oontalns  a  stl-rvulatlen  that  in  cas©  of 
aoeid  nt  or  rii«ikn»83  to  the  animal  in  ncaetitlon^  the  Co&ptmf  trill 
not  he  li^bl0»  If  th©  aannred  shall  fail  to  rontler  forthrrith,  hy 
ro'dlstored  raall  or  tolesi*:)|d)»  notiee  to  tJio  Cotapany  of  nuoh  aooi- 
vlojtt  or  siolEnoss  together  ^th  the  naae  and  «ddr«99  of  tlio  votor- 
Inarian  «c3r>loyed»  yet  you  arc  furtl^cr  Inatruetod  tliat  It  io  your 
duty  to  oondtrtte  this  r revision  of  tl»  inirllcy  as  r'ell  aa  otlior 
proyisiona  of  tlie  -  oliey  in  a  nMeonahIo  cianner  in  tlio  lig^t 
of  the  evidonee  ana  your  kno^le<9|ie  and  experieneo  as  ziaa  of 
This  inetruetlon  is  olearly  errono«i8«     To  eonstruetion  of  the 
tei^a  of  a  contract  ie  a  matter  of  law  for  the  Court  and  not  for 
the  Jury*     It  was  tlio  duty  of  tlie  Court  to  inform  the  Jury  as  to 
hoir  the  latr  oonstruod  tlie  different  r«*oTialens  of  the  poliey  and  ar- 
i^lioation  in  controvoi^gy,  and  it  rsraa  the  duty  of  tit©  Jury  to  detenaine 

i3  facto  froa  the  ovidonee  ixnd  aT>ply  tho  law  thereto.     Ti^la  in- 
atruetion  virtually  nadc  the  Jury  tho  Jud^  of  both  the  law  and 
facta*     Ho  attaeipt  is  ciade  by  aT>T>ol3ee«to  JuotiPy  tho  ,Tivi«f;  of  this 
in^itniotion  and  there  could  be  no  Justification  for  it.     Under  Wvia 
inatruetion  the  Jury  was  at  liberty  to  find  any  vordiet  they  sm?  ^it 
rogardiosa  of  all  rules  of  low  £^oi*ntng  the  rif^hta  ©f  tho  parties 
under  tlieir  oontraet. 

For  the  error  Indicated  the  Judgsieni  rniat  therefore  be  reversed 
iinCi  cause  raaanOed. 


r,    Mo»    6?-B9« 

nalo  Parker 

October        ...;..,   i-if-  ..^cni-v 

ITiled  Apriyie,    1915- 

19  3  I.A.  4 



JLppvfik  froBi  Cir43uit  Court  of 

Mill  on  'r  unty. 

"^isti- ,  .~r  ^  ^c-lon  ©f^Git  \>     ught  lay  ^pallas 
vinst  appollant  to  raoovor  a*  the  beneficiary  under  a  poliegrf 
:  inmremce  on  tho  llf«  of  hor  hue1>aad^  ^al*-  j^tscr  3, 

-i«^     Th«  oaao  was  trlod  ■before  tho'  court  wich<mt  a  i%xry   vaA. 
judj738nt  rendered  Oir^^lnet  appellon  le  num  of  01OO«)ifo  prop* 

■xtlons  of  i.4ib.i.  u.:  fact  ware     sulsiiittea  to  the  oo«i  t  and  .  >  ques* 
OR  is  dioouoood  In  the  atguuridnt  "bat  that  of  Aether  t^o  p^tG^'^ent 
'  the  last  preaiisa  vaa  ^mde  in  apt  time  und&r  tho  facts  eihovii  in 
idcnoo  nnd  the  terns  of  tho  polioy«     Appellant  has  not  seen  fit 
i  abstiact  the  policy  and  wc  liavc  no  sm&aa  of  knovins  ^^ihat  its 
ovieions  are  v/ithout  fj' Infj  to  the  record^  shich  wo  are  not  oblir^Qd 
do.     There  is  nothing;  preecnted  ts  us  to  be  determined  arid  it 
rill  be  proBUuasdl  that  ths  cmirt  did  not     err  in     ondo-^ng  tho 

The  Jiuii^oent  will  ba  afflrsaed** 

&tTt  Justics  Soholfield  took    no  part  in  tho  consid- 
at ion  of  this  oaoe. 

Gen.  No.  6290      October  Hevm,   1914, 

/^Sarah  f ,  Burge,^' 

Api>ellae  • 

Peoria  Railroad, 

va      \    \         I    )   Appeal  from/Dlrcuit  Court  of 
St.  Louie,  Springf ield\ and  )  •Maooupitt'^County, 

^    ^      ^   Filed  April  16,  1515, 

Appellant.  j  1931. A.    492 

Eldredge,  P.J,  \ 

— -^  »*. 

Aappallag  reooyered  a  judgment  against  the  appell- 

awt-fox  tho  a\ui  ef  $700.   in  an  action  an  thr  ewwa-'to-gecoveT 

dameigea  for  personal  injuries  received  through  alleged  negligence 

of  appellant  while  she  was  alighting  from  one  of  its  cars.  vAX 

'J  The  doelaratien  avui'u  th>it  on"  Jgne;;;ft^yt  "tfae-appel'l** 

and  wao  oper&tiag  a-^ine  <xf  ra.ir3rroad  for  the  traneport^tl^B  of 


pad«enger»- under -the  tnanageaant  of  its  servants  ^o  wete  then 
driving  thfi  nftg-fffgBi  tht  vlllf^n:?  nf  Pnn>4  ttr  th^  oity  of  §illes- 

^e  ill  Mauoupin-Gouaty:  the  plaintiff  lii ■■■«•&  passenger  -a* 
Benld,   to  be  carried  to  South  Gilleapie  Groaaing  in  the  oity 
of_Gillospi#-i»d-*hat  it  wae-^he-duty-of-the^ -defendant  to  exer- 
eiree    due  and  proper  care  to  stap-dai4-edx~at  aaid^^outh  Oille8- 
;^ie  Grossing  and  th^§_to  assist  her  in  ^.lighting  from  said  car 
ao  th'j  t-4he .  in.  thg^gxerc  lag.  of  dus  oar  a  for  her  own  safety  oould 

allght-from,  ftaid  oar  upon  said  orossing  without  iajury ;  tft«t 
ap^llanf,ja  negligently     n:    .  „-„  epntrollod  •"id  <>ag-;;4faa»-  ff^ 

tb«- ea»e  was  not  stopped  at  Mkird  South  Gllle3ple  crossing  so 

i-Iu  Uu 

that  ««!«.  appellee  could  alight  upon  aaM  crossing,  but  that 

SftixL  cax  was  negligently  and  carelessly  stopped  so  that  the  steps 
thereof  were  about  6  feet  north  of  the  north  line  of  a*M.  cross- 
ing «»d  over  and-^r  eat  ly  above  the  uneven,  rough  and  sltuiting 
ground  there  and  that  Miid  stents  and  servants  negligently 
failed  tp  exercise  due  and  proper  oare  in  assisting  plaintiff 
to  allight  from  edd  ojarjthat  by  reason  of  the  darkness  ,  she 
could  not  by  the  exerqjise  of  ordinary  care  for  her  own  3  .fety, 
observe  and  know  that  ;the  steps  of  the  car  were  not  over  and 
above  the  crossing,  aid  that  while  she  in  the  exercise  of  due 
care,  ajid  having  good  reason  to  believe  and  believing  that  said 
steps  were  <3.bove  aald  crossing, she  was  by  reason  of  the  gre-.t 
distajace  nd  the  uneven  and  situating  condition  of  the  ground 

there  caused  to  fall^  by  whioh  she^w^aiMfeB-^ured,  ete. 

It— ia>  only-  necessary  to  pase  upon  on© -of  the  exrors  pre- 

diet  %e   contrary  to  the  law  and  the  evidence «The  evidence  shows 
that  appellee  resided  in  the  third  hous.^  north  «f  the  crossing 
in  question.  lEhe  crossing  itself  vas  constructed  of  brick  and 
was  about  three  feet  wide.  The  street  where  the  c.ppellee  alight- 
ed was  the  ordinary  xmpaved  street  of  a  country  town  ajid  while 

it_yWa3  somewhat  lower  that  hte  creasing  itself, no  dangerous  con- 
ditions were  shown  to  exist  therein.  Appa  13.«<e> ■  1  jy iag -eo  el^ee 
to^-tha...oxos5ing.  w<^o  perfectly  f  "miliar  with  it  and  the  condition 

^  the  otroet-y  Appeliaal„la-5ii-interurb3.n  electric  :t%yiS%-'4rf*^^ 
pjjay,  and  on ^me-l^'t'i  19^13^,  appellee^  with  her  friend,  Mrs. 
MirtX^ — -Hobinaoai  had  gone  on  the  Interurban  r:.il7r?f.y  to  the  Til- 
j,S€e--o^-^8eftl4--a3id"^a'f  ¥"l?6turn4ng^  te-"C^ 

when-  the-ao&ident  happened.  Two  t>ax3  compoaed  the  train.  Appellee 
jLafl_xlding--4n  the^  r««kr-«&*>whioh  waa  a  trailer,  tK¥"Tl«imsaat 
■being  the--iBOt<>g--ee?rr--a»>'  reqtteeted  the  tyonductorto  8ti»p-  the-- 
oar^t" the  South  ^lle^pteo^poaaing.  When  the  oar:  ocone  to  a 

stop  appellee  aoid  has  friend  proceeded  to  get  off.  too»  H9h» 


Hk»eon  left  the  oar  first  aniA  dia  oo  safely.  Appellee  followed, 
and»xsl-4««^~theoirctimstance8"aa  follows :- 

— >■  I       i*'-i'  stepped  off  jttot  ao  yo-a-wouM  >tep"-off  the  oar 

^vU  Vui.  ,/ui.  -j^u:-?^ 

and  J  missed  ny,  step  and  i^f^  foct  turned  in  under  «»  and  ngF~aii- 

klo  WftO  dislocatedj^spralned,  I  alooed  my  step  DSid  foll-t     I 

wae-  trying-  -to-  ert  ep  ~oir  to  -tii©  •  gr^uad-  and  when  X.  atepped  I  a  t epped 

a^d  thought  I  war  stuping  im"TSi^~i;r(ffCma~bari^         . " 

ThaJLaaL^Afflpftuej  no  duty  on  street  car  comiiajale§,  pper- 

in  cities 
at4ftg-~»^»*#f***^*ctsrB-~on~the '  street  r^ 

steps  Willie  direotly  over  the  oroesings.   In  frOt»  it  la  a 

iniJit£lLJif^j5.0Ji)iD0n  knowledge  that  many-municipal  itlaa  -fox  the 

inirp?fare~of-proiwetiiiig  public  aaf e t y  -have  p»<a««4->-ogdlnano e e  pro- 

--hib A 1 1  ng  mioTi  ..,jx«x&..£zox[l .a topping  on  the  crossinga-^wa-tfee-'atreets 

alid-iwov4ding..j&hgLjL,jJa£jLJlfeii;i^^  be  stopped  ^*t^*h*aron--the- near  or 

>Iax  3idgs_tfeeraQ£^..  That  the  street  was  not  on  a  level  with 

of  the  street 

the  oxossing  was  not  the  fault  of  the  appellant*  Neither  le 

there  any  duty  Imppaed  by  law  4l0i^  serronts  operating  such 


oaxs  under  ordinary  olroumstanaea  to  assist  the  passengers  In 

alighting  therefrom.  There  ml^ht  "be  oases  where  under  particu- 
lar clroufflatonoes  the  law  woulii  Impose  a  dutyon  the  c -rrler  through 
Its  serfants  to  assist  a  passenger  In  alighting  from  a  car»  but 
no  such  circumstances  or  conditions  which  would  impose  such  a 


duty  upon  the  appellant  in  this  case  appeax  from  the  evidence. 
It  is  also  doubtful  In  this  oase  from  the  testimony  of  the  ap» 
pellee  herself  noted  o.bove,  whbther  the  looa-tion  of  the  car  when 
it  stopped  was  the  proximate  ctuse  of  her  injury* 

The  judgment  must  be  reversed  with  the  finding  of  faot 


to  be  incorporated  in  the  judgment  th :t  the  Injury  received  by 
appellee  ws.s  not  caused  by  the  negligence  of  the  appellant* 

Gen.   IIo.        6298, 

(^TTaT  Matheny^ 

—         Appelle 

Oct.    Term,    1?914- 

Ag.   Ho,    26- 

Filed/pril  16,   1915- 


Appeal  from  the  city  court  of 
P  A  N  A  , 

193  I.A.  503 


C\crUv  /■ 

assumpsit ,  in  which^^^^ULee  recov 
ered  a  judgment  a^'iainat  apptillont  for  |246.37.     Tho  oauoe  ef^  ac- 
tioa  Ae-  "based  upon  the   follo\  memorandum  In  w-c4ting. 

"Pana,  111.,  4-  9-  '11. 
This  is  to  certify  that  J.A.Matheny  has  half  interest 
in  the  note  and  mo-^tz^r-Q   on  Tower  Hill  meat  market,  less  expenses, 
amount  about  $600 .OO* 

(Signed)        E.L.  Lees"^ 

The  aLovB^  was  givea  to  apijellee  hy  appellant  at  the  conclu- 
sion of  a  real  estate  deal  in  which  ooth  had  an  interest.  The  not* 
and  mortgage  represented  the  commissions  of  applllee  and  appellant 
for  negotiating  the  sale  of  certain  real  estate* 

'Pine  not<--fmd-inoTtgargg"ha;d  lyeaa  CaS^en  in  the  name  of  appellant'^ 
The  evidence  shows  that  appellee  and  appellant  had  been  partners 
in  the  insurance  business  for  ab  ut  a  year   and  that  in  addition 
to  »fi;i«--i^R«wpaR«e  business  ±bz  s^ebk^  z  9Ckse  they  negotiated  xeveral 
real  estate  deals,  and  it  -m  the  contention  of  appellee  that  the 
reaUL  estate  deals  constituted  no  pa?:t  of  the  partnership  business, 
"but  jom  were  carried  on  as  independent  transactions  and  tliat  at 

the  conclusion  of  each  a  settlement  was  made  for  the  work  each 
had  done  in  reference  to  the  same,  and  that^  only  ©h«— ef-uwttd  dealf^ 
remain«l /undisposed  of  at  the  time  of  the  suit  in  cjuestioa  and  that 
was  the  »h>«  here  involved.  Appellant  contends  that  these  real 
estate  deals  were  partnership  affairs  and  the  only  defense  inter- 

wd  In  thia  oamo  waa  thftt  t.hi«  partftoular  raol  ostat*    transaction  was 

a  pa<  t  of  MiQ  partner aEKip  buslnAss  and  timi  ono  }>artnar  cannot 
)?uo  another  mA  at  Xasr  tmtll  thartj  ht^a  "boon  a  diesc  Xu^ion  of  ^he 
partncrflhlp,    f4Bal--s«*t3^»iH^n^^-~e#--4fe»-#«^^ 
pr«t:»i«»  to  x'Jtty.   iStortiwr     tMe  trans^a:eti<«^  was     coneuraraated 
ft-  ft  xmrtnorBhay-4»fX(vlr  .;-atj.£»a.  .of-las-fiMM^   i/'.ct.  ' -;e-«vl«> 

.  dgnco  4  '-y«>;i;xrd  thereto  4s  ia  ir'«e«<^noi3.atoi«  e*^  ry 

/  i»fr.>-ing  €nm\A  t-.Tift  lawmi -<»- ^hi»  pg»0'poot44!<w-;  .r...u£.  x^p^oxce.  ill 

tn    einneiUtniv»    <«    T^ngnai^ip — !:o    t.?'WAt    ^uaatim-tn-frnla-OOart    • 

to  TafT  i>na  -uiud  tc    '^ngJuSryt 

•Did  tho  plaintiff  and  *ho  defendant, during  tho  tiim 
■ay  770 "c  asnoeiatod  ^of^ether  deal  In     real  eatato  g  ncrolly  for 
.;ir  xauttial  profit,  ffimrinrr  th©  x^rofita,  lonocc  and  O3i;p«n0eo  inoA 
aont     ^o  said  lyiiDincee"? 

Thg  oou  t  rofuBod  feu  "■atoflt  Tlift  IHtafi'flg&tttiy  t6  tho 
^ . ^M^^y,    '^^d  in  thla  'JriBT^.mL»  na  ay-ar  ao  iir  dl*  n*t  ««lllt«  to  aa 

Tliojo  ia  no   -ovoraiMa  tS^r^  WrTt^nsmsS^vetOTt'^f  9vi» 

denfig   not    |^n   ^]^q   1  win* ninfi «»«*■« e-JiliA.rinii-1: . 

T2ia.4«Mlf^aett%    ramt  "be  afflriaed. 

/Co    /--f^    ^/t>u^ 






f>cncral  iJo«  6300, 

Oct,  Term,  p. 914 • 


^ — ■■ 

^.E, Clark., 




Ae,   IJo,   27- 
I-fled  April   15,   1915- 

AtyvioaX  from  the  Circuit  C  urt  of 
Vermilion  County, 

19  3  I.A.  505 

Eldredge,  P,jy 

AppeIIaa%  ^>you.'^ht  ker  action  on  the  case 
aj*ainst  a/npel^uee  for  Eialpractlce  in  the  treatment  of  her  eye, 
By  the  Tegdlct-of-thg-itgy  (^le  defendant  wag  fom.d^not  guilty 
and  a  pallant  appeal*  f-caa  the  judr^ent  rendered  on  the  verdict 

Appellant  Mfhen  tlsr-nty» three  years  of  age  lost 
her  laft  ^e  ift-ewsn  VBCy  not  dl istJlOBed  l:y^- the- evidencs-?  Jifhe  '^<iL%  ^  (mIj  (J\ 
oya  at  h\\oA  ''jiiae  was  removed  /rou  the  Bscket.       Pour  yeara  later  a 
ourceon  at   Cincinnati^  perfoiaed  an  operation  including  a  shafting 
of  slcin     in  and  aljout  her  eye  lido  ^f or  the  purpose  of  enabling 
her     to  use  on  artificial  eye.     This  opogation  nat  wasuo»»fdP«3L. 
Twenty»four  years  later  she  went  to  appellee,    who  was  a    »i;ecialist 
in  the  dlseasoe  of  the  eye,   ear,  nose  and  throat,   fO'  the  purposs 
of  Ii&%}ing  him  treat  one  othMMX  her  eara^     V.hilo  he  was  treating 
:-4«a? — «aT-~*rh«---«»b^"e«%--#f  '.he  condition  of  her  eye  and  the  possihil- 
ity  of  the  use  "by  her  of  an  artificial  eye  throu^  another  opera- 
tion  was  frequently  diecusoed  between  them,  T:*A«h    resultedin    appel- 
lee pGrforoing  the  operation  on  her  eye  over  vflilch  tliis  contro- 
veray  arose.       Thci  teptiaiftno'  oS  appfdareaaffc'-tmdrappqllgi!;  soa<ytfrtiat  cpn'» 
fllct  as-  to  ItLU  BuTtBtatttctriir-theae  et^nwersatlons.     Ap])ellant 

atifies  tliat  appellee  assured  her     he  could  per^fona  the  opera- 
tion Buocescsfully,  while  appellee  testifies  that  ho  told  her  thers 
was  a  fair  clianoe  of  a  successful  operation,  Twit  rttaer  discouraged 
her  in  atteapting  to  ha-e  it  done  on  account  of  her  aga  at  that 
tiine,     iM>d   ■»!■(*<■  In  >i-tA -fciimtiMftiy  Mnifc^.  ■ay* -4.<a.ii-4^ii  ViftT.  iviflhantf 
.  iMiddled  abtnrt  a  year  previiwS|  that  she  d4-d~i»^VhaTe--TeryT^ 

ana,  w»M  a  pulnXio  ia»di»Mi|  Ageiy«d  %o  {fo  to  Oftlifcrnia 

iC  h»»r  lo  3gB  cmilrl  l>:T~4a»itgo»adk%y  mi  eurttfteial  eyc^     Appellee « 

^orforu.jod'4h»  •pvamtimi '  in-"'^h"e'-»i«api^tt>'"'Bt'' 'P.'mVlXt'iaiy''aiy!tt' Itt  t'i'te 

c    r  -'•itien  -grafted  MKae>    akin  taken  f  em  the  arm  of  uppplXant  en 

lio  ^elida*     The  oporatiim  «  eo  fi\r  as  the  graii;lng  was  con- 
oernody  appeate  to  have  been  aucceaeful,     Taut  It  did  n»%  aeeeapHeh 
the--T^--T^9a  fviT^-v^^  t.he  itye  llda  art  ill 

ahrank  to  such  an  eacteat  that  an  artificial  oye  could  not  "be  iommI  , 
and  ttpp  IXant  claina  that  aa  a  renult  of  the  opcatien  tho  e$&  laah* 
e«  en  the  upper  lid    were  destroyed  iaak.i-Kg^^-'-^iaffg>o  Aimtifgaxtm^  nJ^\ 
iiiiSiii.  before  the  opci^tien*     Appall ee  then  wont  to  Chioag;*  and  had 

f    another    operation  perfonsed  Xn^  a  cqpeoialiat  in  that  city,  v?hioh 
was  ale*  unaucoeasful,     Aftorvnurda  a3ic  wont  to  joliot  end  had 
•till  another  operation  perfomedi  ivhich  waa  likewiaa  unauoceae* 
fvSLm     Sha  thon  brouf'ht  thia  auit  ar^ainot  appollee*  j 

i^pellont  introduced  no  evidonoe^  esse  pt  ajio  liaatli'vony  wf 
hoi'tittlf;  aa  to  the  ticillfulneae  or  uniticlllfulncae  of  the  trcat^iouta 
Olid  operatiaa  performed  Iqt  appellee,     t^hlle  the  evidonea  for  appo^- 

\   X%m^  aho^m  tor  a  number  of    escpartSy   tended  to  pr ovo  tlutt  the  c^orak* 
tlona  were  tf)cilfuI3L:r  parformed  and  in  accordanoe  with  the  aodera 
eolcntifio     >anto?/lcdge  of  auoh  operationa.     It  ia  a  im&tter  of  ^*eat 
.  doubt  frasa  the  evidence  vSiether  the  diafiguresaenta  now  complained 
of  were  oaueed    by  the     opcratiim  perfoiiaed  by  apjiKsliec  er  tha 

I  subBO(iuant  operationa  perfonaed  l%r  the  ^ther  epecialiate*  SRte 

were  ne^^TTontly  and:  tmastll:lfuily  ^ene  «aa  uyeii^  <^pe3Llaat^jaad 

j«ad««LJl«ba. jract»-.-«i»--de--s»Hfr'--'-«ee  -^nry -cetad  hay»Hiona  etheg«> 

■iad4»-4;ka»~f 4i¥iU44»e--ver4tct--w?ittB^^  - 

It  ie  ■<H?«--''andttd-«-'%lia!»H»>p-'-f«eu?'j4--^^  certain  hy* 

pothaiical  queationa^jpiMuaMUid  o  ti%e  expert  witneaaea  produced 

by  appelXaey  44ft  laa  aaaB8rer4idi^/''-"^EIte  objectionnto  *.heac  qtteohiena 

=jc(:  rfnftTiy.  f^fmoyn^  nKhri.  .♦.^■^fy    -^^ ;  ij}.  liH-rvijfflird  itft.  Iiypetliiitli0al  ..tinfT'it^ 

nuoh  questions  ars  goneraXlW  aeoeeearily  yqt-j  lenc<;thy  axA  involys 
many  facts,     xi&  ordinarily  Iha  trial  Judge  has  no  raeana  of  >aao«» 
ing  whore  the  questisn  mlg|[t  "be  cr  oneou8|   o:  on  -vhat  specific 
ground  objection  is  loaAe  e^nd  on  '.^lich    le  is  required  to  rule,  luiless 
the  objections  the  eto  ard  pointed  out,     C&tlin  v.   Traders  In"#   C 
83  111.  J^p,  40j   City  of  Mede      ▼•   Honeyman  108  111,,   App,   536; 
Mverton  Coal  Co.,  v,   Sheijherd  111  111,  App,   294 j  Botwinia  v.  All- 

good,  113  111,  App.  188./    *  >     . 
.  I-t  »g.  oQ.  BO  uyged—^ifeat— ^he- 

Bo  ayged-~%iM>^-  ■^he-fH^wc^^g^i'Mad  -  la  "f»4  ving-  -tTTgtraetirena 
mmlaepsd  8|   3|  Bp  ?  and  0  oil  VCTTgET'^Pf''^^ 

^»*mA  that  lay  oald  lne»»uctAoiis  appellee  was  hp***  liable  only  to 
the     escercise  of  ordinary  eikill  and  oare  esuch  as     physicians 
in  (^ood  practice  ordinarily  uae^  ^vhile  ihe  true  .ntle     i"»|rtlia;t  the 
law  im.niises  mmn  one  t^o  holds  hinself -ot!rt-"%e"~the  plakiat  "Pttbii* 
as  a  ^eolaltst  — e»-dtrty~'inr-greroAM>0"-»°^^ 

care  than  is  required'  --tyf-iytre-ngrit^^  eritl c  1  sm 

wight,  be  -4»ell--takeg"l-f^ appellant     heysalfr^h  d  ae»  requested  and 
caused  the  Court  to  sive  Instructions  announcing  the  saisie   :mle  .*• 

tj^ore  im»°iiO"-rtTc.yiil1BIe  error  In  the  case. 

The  ^^udf-aent  •wnr-'tKIFeforo^'Briai^^ 

Mr,  justice  Scholfield  took  no  part  in  the  consideration 
of  this  case  « 


iGEKEILUj  NO.    6302. 

OCTOBER  I'SRM,    A.    D.    »'14. 

Pil§d  kpJxl  16,    1915, 

lUTH  bake: 

pel lee,      : 


ELDREDGi:;,    P.    J,^ 


AGENDA  NO. 29. 

Appeal  fromixhe  Gisyu; 
Court  of  VicLe&a.  Co' 

i"^3I.A.  507 

Appolloe  reccvered  a  judgment  fon  clnmagog  in  thQ   sura  of  $500  in  an 
action  of  asnumpsit  against  ay poll ant   company  for  breach  of  contract 
gbr.  .arug^,   to-^ovorae  which  appellant  ppooooutea  4Iiis  aprteal/. 

Appfillant  n^nnrl  a.ingifliei!.^fi£jaillinery-atores.-in^ilifferent  cities 
pxA~  <ionirod-"fei>-opett  a  byanch  store  in  Uloxaiiine; ton,  -Illinois.     Jir.   T?recl 
JFehr  Eras  file    president  and  general  manager  of  ar.r,©llant  ctsnpany. 

Appellee  was  an  experienced  manager  of  cuMb  stores  a»*-was  en- 
ployed  by  appellant  as  manager  of  its  store  in  nioomington;      Tme  Vr-' 

iginal  contract^ of  hiignff  -aae  made  o«  tha  Iftth  day  of  January;^,    1013,  '«Hid 

^y  /c  ' 

Wkttf  employnert  w*s  to  corunencc  en— ^he-  -l^Mi  daj  cP  February,    IT  13,  '€H'Mt' 

■tc  terBiiiVTito  on  tho-M^4fe---day-ef -PelitHafti»yy-''it#!t4 .     App^»l lee r--aeAexuixii^  to 

her  tes^iffienyj  vas  to  receive   J|;25  per  week  aa  auoh  wftnagcr,  rrliile  the 

ov:i-i^.a?\oe  for  appellant  company  wai»^that  her  em'>loyiyent  xrao   for  fourteen 

.:s  beginning  the  ICth  day  of  February,    1913,   provided  she  "jnade  niood"  . 

-yiiQ  ovaMtenoo  fop  <]feY»y>el^l^e~-^«n(lled  to  chmr  that  after  appellee  hitd  bean 

S^L*   U  ft  *  as 

arrloyed  about  three  vreeks,  Ut»i   Pehr  told  }»»  that^the  business  -rras  not 

paying  sihe  must  discharge  one  of  the-ytmng""i«dy  clerks,   andiL  that . oim  told 
l^^—^-^-vct  she  had  enployed  the  fffari'  for  the  season,  vhich  w«uld  end  in 

July,   and  ratlier  than  break  her  agreement  X7ith  the  girl,  vrhc  was  only 

"f  U' V 
receiving;  ylO  a  neek,    she  would  pay^  $5  per  -iveek  to  the  girl  out  of  her 

salary  j    tfaat  -Kebr  agreed  ir"  tMn  nntl  aprnlfrf  .  thereafter  ^received 

0  a  week  urtil  about  the  12th  of  July,  when  Mp.  Pehr-ftgain  said  the 

xpenses  were  too  hi^  and  that  during  the  dull  season,  T-hie;!i  lasts 

om  the  1st  of  July  until  about  the  15th  of  August,  her  salary  trould 

have  t« 

live  en  gio  a  week,  and /he  tlMun  said  he  would  make  it  ol5  a  week  until  the 

io  be  cut  from  $20  to  $10  a  week;  that  she  told  him  she  could  not 
'n  $10  a  week^andme  tiuMi  said  he  would  make  it  ^15  a  week  until  1 

busy  seastm  stilted  about  August  15tlla»  and  hhtm  lie  Trould  muke  it  :^Q  « 
weelc  tuitll  rcJbniary,  iO»   If)!-!}  that  ai»pelloe  -iTorkod  on  at  ^15  a  v?oak' 
until  about  August  I2tli  vhen  sli©  Feeeiifoa  a  loitar  PrjiJ  Mr*  rehr  tw -t?^ 
•ffogt  ti^a*  «fo»  vas  dia^arged  and  that  a  nan  imniiago  had  T»emi  ugg "leyed 
who  wwld  itakg  dlnu'K<>  jmjftUBfc  iiatin   Mtat  ftlie  Pall  aoaiiou  !ijnl  Lhe»  li^wgun 

and  At  lyoMig  Tue  quite  ttiffiem-tfiDr  HcypBitiHi  wt  riw^m^  aagrs^gifc^y 

ycflittan  at^  tfeafe  4iwet""tittit-Bhe  wyo tg-  to '  Mr*-  Fuhr r'^n-verly  te  i»ii« 

an»th<ii»  pooitiion  aa  iwuwiiei'  of  imqir  tw^istaa^tfeli^       iMaOrtliftt  - *^ e 
twIiMiilait  liii  Imlffl  tTin- i'iniiiiij;'rinj  tfl»  - ita-'-««mtjHfcot^«ltli.Jto«^^.«4lii^^ 

pafuaaa  »a  pawBit"-1tgr-''i£<n!l°l^^  ^im  -««m»  ■  %^  ^t««r!i-?iif«t«m  and 

lwaiiiiiii>tnTrlH|ri,4ijiin!aaniia(flii  ayi^alA— p  alia  ^>a#f»  under  protest;  49wt  s^ho 
ics;:o<ilatei7  tried  to  30Gta*e  a  olaillar  position  with  soTeral  rjcro^j tmts 
in    'loos?;;tGnf  trhleti  she  vas  unablo  to  do  at  that  season  of  the  yoai** 
azkl  then  wont  to  Chicago  uhero  aha  alao  failod  to  soota*e  <»?rnioy>  ont  and 
finally  rotui*nG<i  tc    '}  ocanington  suid  aOKBortod  a  poaiticn  as  a  elarL:  in  the 
Eillinery  4«p2ii?tsaKt  of  another  store  at  'x  anlary  ef  $13  a  T'e^^t:  for 

ton  vreeks;  that  the  ;-515«  thus  reeeiired  for  the  ten  Trecks  vrvts  all  tlzat 
sho  wa«  able  to  earn  fron  tho  time  she  was  diochr^d  to  lobntary  i   , 

1  Ij   that  in  sooldLnj*  this  ecrloycisAt  she  vas  tnit  to  an  csrponso  of    '25* 
Tlio  original  declaration  consisted  of  th©  oara-ion  ca«nt8*:?ith  rhieh 
vaa  filed  an  affidaTlt  of  aoount  due  In  vhieh  was  etat  ^d  that  the  onoimt 
sued  for  ^as  for  :?apMi  n.nd  damages  duo  her  tram  appellant  fro»  jL^rittsit 
li)tli  IClSt  to  February  10 th  1914.       Durini*  tlio  trial  arroUant  tr^a^lo  a 
notion  to  exoHido  all  the  toaticiony  introttucod  by  appolle?^  oojioorniag 
the  original  contraet  raade  on  tho  15t2i  day  of  January »   19.t3f  on  tlie 
gromd  that  it  waa  Toid  undor  the  statute  of  irauda,  vrhioh  »ot±OK  tho 
Court  sustained*     Bj  leave  cf  eourt  at'polloo  filed  tin  additional 
I  epeoial  eount*  which  vaa  baaed  upon  the  agreement  ctade  by  a?»?ol3oo 
and  Fehr  on  July  15th  by  wliioh  a|»T>elloe  wan  to  recolYO  ^n  |»er  week 
fron  that  ticie  until  August  IStfi  when  she  wao  to  roeeiwe  ^5  a  we«* 

til  February  ^Oth»  1914*     tWispsiifnew  jBTmeXlaat^  wade  a  iMtion  for  a 
continuaneo  cm  tlie  ground  ef  a  aurpriao ,  (whaiw  tho  Court  owemiled, 

t-.  In.  Ahlg  ffOB»rtl  tB-wartTrm^  aaen'  r.     No  new 
^Mi'm  vV  lielicn  Vf9,'^  itHtQil  in  the  avcclal  oeunt-titri   Mie  MTlflavlt  of 
j^^mt    7nfl  f*iiftji  ^Tlth  thft- nri  ntliwT  aeelfti'utlori*   tjliicft  titrngjatei?  of  the 

ae^jJcinfr  to  recyoTftr  ff?r  tbf>-  iti  imy-ln'r  ^er  #**<>»~A»«!0»t  Ifitf?  t^tiit  t« 

.PrVininr;'  t^'tV  1'^tf       It  lo  contandcd  "by  appellant  that  t?ior«  was  but 

one  contract  nml  that  the  orlgiMwil  one,  Had©  January  loth   toin,  rhloln 

craning;  'f':lthl«  tli©  Statute  of  Tjhiuda  wa«  void,   tl»erefor6  th&pf*.  oai 

be  no  recovery.     '?hile  the  orlfjlnal  contract  was  imdcubtCflly  roid 

for  tho  roiMJon  su.frfested*  yet  I  the  evidence  teJids  to  nfxfm  tl«at  It  *ms 

aba>":do2iCd  and  a  ne^  cor  tract  ^as  rm&o  on  July  l^th  I'^trj,   anrt  apfellee 

bad  a  i'ij't^t  to  rcocrer'  under  pho  rfexr  cc^ntraet  for  wsf.sje'?  «^w«.     ^:-.othcr 

such  a  acmtracft  xras  jaode  atti  f'!s«>th©r  apr«3ll©o  "waR  wror<p;fj?llY  -li^j'iiharKedl 

ver©    iiKstlORo  of  fact  rMch  f^fiire  been  icttlefl  by  th.*y  rorr?ict  of  fhe  jury- 

It  l3  a4«e  jlalraod  that  b'^m  tMtT't  >!i.r.fHgifl  IH  JA'1>jttM.?p  0ri(^'-»T»ee  of 

tl«e  eacre?^»o  3'nT>elleo  incurred  In  seeking  oiiier  a»*>loyment.     14)"^%9 


^^iw  rt»f.y-f>^-^^f>fill<Mi  »o  waif  rm  bc»0Bl,..flffnrt  to  aeeHPTf  otbep_.flBMBloy~ 

TiTf*Tit  in  •^riuvr  t^*  nlt^^alif  i^hf  flwf  flf^  ^m^  -M  M'*  's  iw<q^it,  *<«  ^<»r.v  the 
vaaBfiL^ga^^oyoB* ' — ^t,Ilinrf^"'^***^f^f^*^**^^f^''  .1   *^^  ^^-V«  Itl^itm  .Th-^ff  ?iiho 

""F^fftr^«***^^y  ^^*'    ypr  1  i9^r  ""■"  '"*■'  hn'iiw  iw"^  mwirnmi-of 

H..iiii|Hr<«5  n1^^^^1rl^l■y  diiiiiBLiMtiiiiiiiiM^^'*T».T?T'ffn"^„fit^  ^»^^.  y^tfM  SM,Ml  ''^^* 

N^v^  /iiT».y  Hin  t.rr  to  rr- mtrr  t  niwilar  wnplflymOTt  nt  tliallar  ¥ngfin      She 
was  5uisuccos3ful  in  her  efforts  to  secure  sueh  ewT^loyrtent  in    Uooinlngton 

a«»HW'i^enee"-tgrews'"''t!mt'  t»twa4Eii«#--41»»e  attjsai&t-*-  «l»«^  was  put  to  a!:^  ex- 
pense of  about  $25.     "^c  sieywff  g'liasaii  whyiiti  an  filwnwit  t"?  itai'aiigta^in 
an'^  ♦»»  y^coyer  «n-  a-tfreaeli-  »#  eentwwit..  nf  iwap;i  eyiwffitttjaig:,..j«.  f^wr-i  eye© 
fer  her  wrongful  ^aa»dli«rg©i  the  raasfiina^Io  <KEjMm»eii,!Suml^ht  be  put 

to    In    ^'^''•'T^m    *^»^*'»**   am^l <>7yr»T^f.    qTtnii^^    wQt   bO    PTOpor^ 

IT! ere  ras  no  bari-jftil^crizaajeui*-^!*^  or  reftiaing  ef  the  in- 

structions .  I 

The  judipent  rT%Jl--'^-  >"-.ed. 




AGENDA  NO.  or?. 

eal  from  Circuit  Court 
"ontgrauory  Comity* 

19  3  I.A.  510 


favor  of  aprelloo  "4j»-aia  action  of  aasunpalt  brought  by  apr.qiaanto 

\    to  recover  dUaoages  for  an  alleged  biroaoh  of  a  contract^  (ytoyeftl  toto 

u^-h  iAcA  ^'^y^  r^  f.  r^  ^jM\^ 

toy  aprolloe  And  appellants  Angnat  Sth  K^Off.  G^'JUjlaJL 

\  Tlie  case  tras  tried  before  the  court  trlthout  a  jury,     ^q  rropo- 

aitiona  of  latr  or  fact     ere  aoked'and  the  t?fa8lo  argmnowt  of  appellants 

f^  c-(a  M  ■  ^ 

!Au  u<i>HPlnod  to  l!»o  -gln^g-error  that  the  Court  aT^ouia  Tjavo  found 
differently  on  the  facts* 
r  The  cr.nti''ae<>  1; 

^That  appellants 

'aet  if  a  lenetlMr--«tte  and  in  aubaijumi  rai""im  TPi i otr r? : 
M  for  tl>»  ewiaMiwaufcAm  tnei^oinftfter  set  Pi'irMi  ii^i)iii8>ai 

:     to  undertake  the  sale  of  200  lots  to  be  laid  out  and  plattel  fron  a 
;      trac'it  of  land  o^med  by  ap7^elleo;   ♦ttot^-.iatmiiillKei^fe^  as  a  .ruaraiaty  cf  j:;ooa 
^?-^fAith  agreed  to  pay  aprelleo    '•1,000  witlTln  30  days  of  the  accoptanoo 
of  the  contract,  and  when  oo  y^fett  to  be  considered  an  advance  rayr-sont 

}  on  the  purchase  price  of -5WEI  land;   i^bmk,  appellants  mrthgr-  agreocl  to 
L    pay  the  interest  on  a  note  for  the  principal  sum  of  $3,5G0  secured  by 

c!Qrtsage  on  the  land  ^pravirualy  oa»«»wtie4->-byi  aii>f>#l>!l«<»r^aBd  tihenrtr  "lien 

^  thoPoeni"tmtd^-  the  JU>to  IF€»  r>«id.f  that  the  land  va»  to  be  platted  into 
'  v:-a«*»"«lP  r©t?«iationn3l^»T"Bl8  laiglJt  be  doecied  advisable  l>y-a|«aoll^it3, 

t   Vwlinimliy    iim    ^y^nwJ    1  nim .  £^a    pf>Qa4'hl^  tay   IciA    £aftitin«ft^i|     that    Saiird    lOtS    sT^OUld 

L^bo  Bcld  at  an  average  price  of  i|;iOC.oi^ah  upaw  the  tonna  mf  a  paynont 
?  ef  -^1- aaah^^  3R*-'$rT5er'iriseir  thorwifter  until  the  full  roitJfRKSsrprlco 

f£  t*nd  baaa  w»a<?tived.}  antV  oaa  tlKla-^b<»a4a  tlw  teiiBH>~«f  i»aAtXaiaai>t  -fay  tlae 

-f^appellanta  t<>geth«(»^ifeh  4^»fi0^paii  awnth-ta^-ba  rccoivgd  Tiiy  appoaLSants 

an  .u^t  sufficient  to  pay  the  naid  note  of  $3,500  together  wlt^the 
exrenses\ncurred  in  making  sale  of  the  lots,  preparing  the  grouml,  ad- 
rertlsing  arid  paying  the  taxes  on  the  landj  afterwards  appellants  '.7ere  to 
c  tinue  to  receive  $150  per  month  out  of  the  balance  of  the  payments 
■an.,   appellee  was  to  receive  $5,500,  which  was  to  be  /onsidered  as  raft 
of  the  purchase  pricey  appellants  were  then  to  receive  the  renaining 
lc/65  of  the  payments  until  they  had  been  repaid  the  $1,0 '^0  advanced  by 
theiaj  then  the  ensuing  payments  to  be  used  for  the  purpose  of  purchasing 
"'  tever  rights  the  Olympic  Park  Association  laigl^t  have  in  the  land; 
tt.  .  thereafter  the  remaining  payments  on  the  lots  to  be  disbursea  cne- 
thlnd  to  appellee  and  two-thirds  to  s^pellants  until  appellee  had 
received  $10,000,  when  he  was  to  exe cut e\  warranty  deed  to  an  und;tviaed 
two-thirds  Interest  in  whatsoever  mi"ht  remain  in  such  lots  or  land; 
that  the  title  should  remain  in  appellee  until  the  above  comUtlons  were 
complied  with;  that  appellee  should  at  his  own  expense  collect  tlie 
payments  as  they  became  due  and  execute  deeds  to  the  purchasers  of  the 
lots  when  paid  for;  that  appellee  should  enlist  the  ser^ces  of  socie 
competent  person  or  persons  to  off  set  the  work  done  by  apl^ellants  in 
the  sale  of  the  lots;  that  the  crops  on  the  land  should  become  the  prop- 
erty of  the  parties  to  the  contract  and  T.hen  sold  the  proceeds  thqrefroin 
be  applied  to  paying  the  expenses  connected  wi th>  the^  ■»rsl«"*t5m'f ro  1  o  b a  ■ 

The  tract  consisted  of  about  115  acres  of  farm  land  and  was  located 
from  one-fourth  to  three-fourths  of  a  mile  from  the  city  limits  of  the  City 
of  Litchfield,  Illinois.  Appellants  paid  to  appellee  the  $1,000  mentioned 
in  the  c  ntract  and  had  the  1  and  platted,  but  nothing  further  was  ever 
done  by  the  parties  under  the  contract  until  the  year  1910,  except  thai 
n-T^ellants  paid  the  interest  on  the  note  and  some  of  the  taxes.  I^o  lot 

...3  ever  sold.  In  June,  1909,  appellee  conveyed  to  another  party  45 

acres  of^^lractand  testified  that  he  told  aprellants  that  he  could  not 

\:vAt   any  longer  for  them  to  proceed  under  the  contract  and  intended  to 

sell  a  portion  of  the  land.  It  is  contended  by  appellants  that  they  had 

no  knowledge  of  this  sale  until  about  Ilay  1st  1910,  when  they  went  to 

Litchfield  for  the  purpose  of  advertising  a  sale  of  the  lots,  and  it  is 

the  sale  of  this  portion  of  the  tract  by  appellee  which  they  claim  con- 


atltufrod  a  T5i*eac?i  of  the  contract  and  prcvonted  then  frccj  yroceoclijig 
nn*?-'?r  the  terms  thereof.     TlliorG  was  evidence  tondlrg  to  ahor  that  th© 
eontraot  had  been  abandoned  by  the  partioa  thereto  and  tliat  several  at- 
tcH2pt3  had  been  made  to  seal  the  farm  en  msge  by  appellants.     Appellee 
claims  that  his  loss  of  crops  frcjin  the  land  for  the  seasons  fros-i  1007 
to  1910,  by  reason  of  the  failure  of  appellant n  to  sell  the  lots,  incr© 
that  off  EWJt  tlio  paynent  of  $1,000  and  tlie  interest  oncT  tases  aaitl  ether 
ex{>enaos  paid  by  th<»!j.     'i^o  GCJntraet  itaolf  Ap  BO-aB^ignGtiS  and  sc?  un- 

t"i>--»ttaaidLJyo„dotennlJ^^  the  irl>^hta-«»»ft-eblisati:0n»  of  the  pa!*tiea 
CTrnrcto-^— ~33ia-_caae  As<4|ar0»«ntod  to  t?ie~tJT'±ai  judge  tms  t>ne  ias^ely  of 
fact™amL~iieis:aaJj.Qt  called  upoa  tliroagjt  atty   !i'U{H>gHd:^mBri7r""l^ygr  or 
otlierwlse  to -giTO-tMBy-l^sal  oonatruction  to  the-tstrntrstdrr — l?e  heart*  the 
<rltr!or:g93  aiKl  *>a««e<l  upon  the  facta  and  we  cannot  aa:'  frosa^the  roo'^^d 
bororc  us  that  his  finding  In  r«VB!l!'  M  AUSYtC^iUHj  wv9-m>vcneovi8. 
The  3iidr?3ent  vmnt  therefore  be  affirtzod. 



Gen.  ITo.  6307.  October  Term,  1914/  Ag,  Do.  62. 

Filed  April  16,  1916j 

Arthur  Hilliron,  for  th^,  (f 

use  of  J.  P.  Gately,    •;) 


vs.  jAppeal  from  odrcult  court  of  Adame  County. 

Electric  "Tieel  Company,  %-  / 

Appellajit.T        /       ^  *^  ^  ^ 

/         19  3  I.A.  512 

ELDREDGS,  P.  4.  K...-.^^''^^ 

Sills  action  was  instituted  before  a  justice  of  the  peace 
to  recover  from  appellant ,  who  wo&  the  employer  of  Arthur  Milliron, 
for  -Wie-price  of  a  suit  of  clothes  and  two  pairs  of  shoes  sold  to  ©ftid 
Milliron  by  the  G&tely  Credit  Clothing  Conrpany.  On  an  appeal  to  the  Circuit 
Court  Appellee  recovered  a  judg^bent  against  Appellant  for  the  sum  of  ^ 

''  It  appea3W-#gea"=the  evidence  that  Hilliron  bjf.-a-wxtt'fren   Jf^ 

aoDignment  dated-^tamary  4tte,  1915',  assigned  and  set  over  to  the  Gfttely 
Credit  Clothing  Company  all  wages  or  salary,  commissions  and  credits  due 
or  to  become  due  or  payable  to  him  in  the  next  five  years  following* his 
last  pay  day  from  the  Electric  7-lieel  Company  and  every  suxsceeding  Jmploy- 
er^  AttiudifiAJJtfiL ..the  agsignm©nt--is  a  power  of  attorney  al«o  executed  by 
an i  ci  Mi,  11  Ixoa -in  whloh  h»|  In  oonsideration  of  the  delivery  to  him,  his 
wife  or  -any  naaber  -e^f- hlg  fainily,  of  certain  gotjds  by  the  Gately  Credit 
Slothing -Company ,  does  thereby  irrevocably  constiyute  and  appoint  J.  P. 
Gately  or  any  other  person  whom  he  may  substitute  and  appoint  -felB  true 
and  lawful  attorney  for  him  in  his  ncjne,  place  and  stead  to  execute  and 
ft^4v»g-t»-  oald  Clothing  Company  an  asGigiTixent  or  assignments  or  other 
instrument  in  writing  which  shall  effectually  and  legally  convey  and 
transfer  unto  said  Clothing  Company  any  and  all  wages  or  salary  due,  or 
to  become  due  or  payable  to  him  from  any  and  every  employer  whom  he  may 
have  within  the  next  five  years. 

Appellant  was  ©©rved-HBft*!^"*^  notioe-  ei^ned  by  the  Gately 
Credit  Clothing  Company,  -»t€*i«g~%fea4.:  ^  A^*^   cul.^.^^  yx**^ 

"¥re-|- the  undersigned ,  Grately  Credit  Clothing  Company  of 
^f.   -JJLnoy,  Illinois,  519  Hampshire  street,  hold  as  Assignment  of 

-8,-  -^^ 

Vr'ages  executed  by  Arthur  illlliron,  Qulncy,  111.,  who  is  now  employed 
by  you.  5?he  original  assignment  will  be  shown  you  if  desired  on  ap- 
plication. You  are  further  notified  immediately  on  receipt  of  this 
notice,  to  hold  all  money  due  yotir  employee,  as  same  now  legally  be- 
long and  is  payable  to  us,  and  your  employeee  has  no  power  to  receipt 
for  same,  or  any  part  of  same  until  we  notify  you  that  this  assignment 
has  been  released. 

You  are  further  notified  that  Arthur  liilliron  has  duly 
appointed  J.  P.  Gately  his  true  and  lawful  attorney  to  effect  final 
settlement  of  all  claims  againsll  him  due  the  Gately  Credit  clothing 
Company  and  to  sign  his  name  toiany  receipt  or  payroll  in  liquidation 
of  assignor's  indebtedness. 

And  you  are  hereby  notified  that  the  assignor  owes  said 
Gately  Credit  Clothing  Company  $17.00  and  said  Company  demands  that 
you  pay  unto  them  all  money  (ad  above  specified)  when  receipt  and  re- 
lease  will  be  granted." 

J,  ?•  Gately  executed  a  power  of  attorney  to  M.  G. 
Stolte,  appointing  him  his  true  and  lawful  attorney  for  and  in  his 
name, place  and  stead  to  make  ar  release  any  assignment  or  assign- 
ment sof  wages  and  to  receive  all  stuns  of  money  which  shall  become 
due  and  owing  to  him  by  means  9f  such  assignment  and  to  take  all  law- 
ful means  for  the  collection  thereof,  etc. 

Appellant  contends  that  the  suit  haviBG..  be^n  brought  for 
the  use  of  J.  ?•  Gately^  and  not  the  Gately  Credit  Clothing  Company^ 
and  there  being  no  assignment  of  the  wages  to  Gately,  the  judgement 
eannot  be  su^itained.  !Dhe  only  evidence  as  to  who  and  what  constitutes 
the  GatelyCredit  Clothing  Company,  is  that  it  is  not  a  cosrporation 
and  is  under  the  "control"  of  J.  P.  gately.  (Dho  oait--'8feotd:d-fagiTe--been 
brousht-#e3r-the  uee-of  the  Gately  Credit  Clothing  Company  as  the  evi- 
de»e*-do««-not"-show-l7hat'  appellant  was  in  ^^^jy  way  liable  to  J.  P.  Gately 
personally  -tmder  the  assignment  executed  by  Milliron. 

The  judgement  will  be  reversed  with  the  finding  of  fact 
to  be  incorporated  therein  that  appellant  does  not  owe  appellee  for 
the  uscLjOif  J.  P.  Gately  the  amount  sued  for  nor  any  part  thereof. 

.  'TO,  6317. 


,?i,Kltcholl,       \ 

Octoljer  TemJ  1914, 
Filnd  Apr/l  16,  1915- 

Agenda  Ko,60 

5       /Appeal  fron  the     Olroult  Court  ef 
McLean  Coimty, 

193I.A.  526 

EU)PJIDrrB,     ?.J. 

Af>- iIa  iTit -r-n.ou  '»>■  B  ivii-i  in  equity  I'or  the  purpose 
f  setting  aside  a  release,  executed  W  hla|     releasing  ».nd  for- 
ever discharging  appellee  from  any  and  fill  causes  of  action,   claicjs 
ad  dejoands  which  apcllaat   ^he«  had  or  nlijht     thereafter  hav-  for 
juries  to  himself  and  property  cau- ed  "by  an  autojjiohile  driven 
'7  appellee   ,   The  1)111  averAi*^at  the  releane  was  procured  Tayfraud* 
'ulent  misrepresentations  on  the  port  of  appellee,   that     ;!.ppellant 
did  net  know  its  con  ents  ^vhen  he  signed  it,  airi  that  It  b4^  "bur 
an  aotiea  at  law  brought  to  recover  said  damages  unless  the  same 
4*    nnulled  and  cancelled.  Appellee  answered     the  bill  and  filed  a 
cross  "bill  averrinf^  that  appdlrint  had    "brought  an  action  at  law 
ap;ainst  appellee  for  dama^^es  on  account  of  said  injuries  and  pray- 
ing that  appellant  be  perpetually  enjoined  from  proaocuting  said 
action  at  law/[ 

T3Bie  issues  oade    by  the  orifrinal  bill,  answer  o,nd 
^plication  thereto  were  referred  to  the  Master  in  Chance jy    '1th 
IrectlonB  to  talte  the  proofs.  On  Iiar<di  23th,   1914^  the  Master**  his  report  finding  ;;^e   equities  in  favor  of  appellee  and 
recoHEiending  that  the  original  bill  be  dioaissed  for  want  of  equity, 
yi  the  same  i^ay  appellant  made  a  motion  to  diaaiss  hisbill,    vhich 
as  overruled  on  the  >z^o\mA  that  a  cross  bill  wmmtaax&tK^  ponding, 
ler^upon  appellant  made  a  motion  to  strike     he  cross  bill  frost 
he  files.  On  A:  ril  4th  this  niotion  was  denied  and  a  rule  was  enter- 
ed requiring  appellant  to'  answer  the  croos  bill.       Appellant  filed 
1  answer  to  the  cross  bill  April  11  and  on  the  r«as  day  appellee 
itod  exceptions  thereto.  On  April  j|  18th.  the  except irns  to   the 
nswer  were  sustsined,  and  appellant  was    defaulted  under  the  croee* 


bill  for  ..ant  pf   an  answer.   Trie  O'^der  approving  the     Master's 
rpport  was  thereupon  set  aside  on  motion  of  appellee,  and  the  aauae 
a^iain  referred  to  the  Master  to  t^lce  further  proofs  upon  the  is- 
sues raade  by  "both  the  origi:  al  and  cross  Isills,  The  Master  made 
his  report  imder  the  last  reference,  findiri^  the  equities  for  ap-  upon  the  original  "bill  cuid  cross  bill,  recorxaending  -'he 
injunction  issue  as  j)rayed  for  in  the  cross  bill  and  that  the 
original  bill  be  dismissed  for  jant  of  equity.  The  objections 
3uid  aKeaptiona  of  appellant  to  the  Master's  roport  were  overruled, 
ahe  . eport  approved  and  a  decree  entered  in  accordance  with  the 
findingsand  ^-ecomniendationB  the  ein, 

iz   is  u.gei  i.hat  the  chancellor  erred  in  overruling  appel- 
lant's action  t«  diamisa  the  original  bill.  Section  36of  the  Chan- 
cery Ac$(   p:^ovides  that  no  333d:  complainant  shall  be  allowed  to 
disaiiss  his  bill  after  a  cross  bill  has  been  filed  ■without  the 
consent  of  the  defendant. 

The  cross  bill  was  german*  to  the  original  bill  and  there  is 
ample  evidence  in  the  record  to  sustain  the  decree,  ;7hich  must 
therefore  be  affirmed. 

A  l-  ?  I  .R  M  E  D  . 



GliKERAI  HO.   6S18. 

AHCHILLE5   iV.    CO  J 

OCTOBJiK  ?i2HM.   A.    D. 


AGEIiM  2iJ.   40. 

)  Filed  Apr^  16,   1915- 


)  Appeal  fror/ Circuit  Court 



CHICAGO,    BUHLliiGTJIJ  &   ^Ii<C^      ) 

iu\IIV,A^r   CO^^AKY.  \  ) 

Appellant  .V       ) 

ELDRfiKGE,    p. J. 

of  Ajjffioas  County. 

^       19  3I.A.  527 

T-»;1a.  i,'...-<M»./4yotlon  on  the  oaee  hiiixe^.2A   by   appellee  against 
appellant  to  recover  dat^ages  for  pereonal  injuries  alleged  to  have 
been  received  on  accovmt  of  the  negligence  of  appellant.  The 
first  trial  resulted  In  a  dleagreenent  of  the  Jury.  On  the  second 
trial  a  verdict  wae  rendered  In  favor  of  appellee,  asseeelng  hie 
damages  at  the  sum  of  i5,000,  on  which  verdict  judgment  wae 
enternd,  ajid  from  which  judgment  thie  appeal  is  prosecuted  J 

The  accident  occurred  orr-ntii] i>jt.o>»A'-  aat^.  \'^^:  i-  ,  on  a 
public  crossing  at  the  intersection  of  Hampshire  and  Front  streets 
in  the  City  of  kuincy  while  appellee,  riding  on  the  running  gears 
of  a  wagon  drawn  by  a  team,  was  passing  over  the  same.  The  amended 
-oclarutioa  coni-ic       i:.  couj:its.  'i'tie  first,  aecon_  and  fifth 
counts  allege  negligence  on  the  part  of  appellant  In  not  havint,  a 
watchman  or  flagman  at  the  crossing;  the  thlra.  In  not  giving  the 
statutory  signals  by  bell  or  whistle;  the  fourth,  in  running  the 

train  at  a  speed  In  excess  of  6  miles  an  hour,  the  limit  fixed  by 


'  an  ordinance  of  said  city;  and  the  sixth,  general  negligence  in 
the  operation  of  the  train. 

Fron"  btreet,  at  the  place  of  the  accident,  is  the  first 

\     street  running  north  and  south,  east  of  the  HlaBlssippi  Klver, 
and  extends  substantially  parallel  therewith.  Hampshire  street 

i  runs  east  and  west  terminating,  apparently,  from  the  plat  intro- 
duced in  evidence,  at  Front  street.  I.tinnlng  north  and  south  on 

the  western  portion  of  Front  Street  are  the  main  tracks  of 
appellant  Railroad  company.  Between  the  river  and  the  western 
track  of  appellant,  running  east  and  west  on  a  line  which,  if 
extended,  would  be  the  center  of  Hampshire  btreet,  was  an  open 
ditch.   2lorth  of  this  ditch,  between  the  river  and  the  western 
track,  was  the  Diamond  Joe  boat  house.   t>ome  distance  south  of 
the  ditch  on  the  bank  of  the  river,  vras  a  boat  landing  or  wharf 
used  by  boats  plying  on  the  river  at  that  time,  to  land  their 
passengers  and  freight.  West  of  the  intersection  of  Hampshire 
and  Front  streets  a  plank  crossing  extended  across  the  tracks 
of  appellant.  About  in  the  center  of  the  crossing  was  the  flag- 
man's shanty.   Those  who  desired  to  go  to  the  Diamond  Joe  boat 
house  from  Front  Street,  travelled  northwesterly  across  the 
crossing  north  of  the  flagman's  shanty,  and  those  who  desired 
to  go  to  the  wharf,  passed  southwesterly  across  the  crossing 
south  of  the  flagman's  shanty.   On  the  northeast  corner  of 
Hampshire  and  Front  Streets  was  Adams  grocery  store.  On   the 
southeast  comer  of  the  same  was  Rupp's  ^unl  shop  and  south  of 
the  latter  was  a  building  occupied  by  ijwift  &  Company.  The  first 

street  north  of  Hampshire  Street  is  Vermont  Street,  and  the  first 
street  north  of  the  latter  is\  Broadway. 

The  train  which  caused  the  injury  consisted  of  15  loaded 

freight  cars  which  were  being  backed,  on  a  slight  upgrade,  south 

toward  the  crossing  by  a  switch  engine.   The  southernmost  car 
was  a  low  ear  loaded  with  crushed  stone.   The  next  car  north 
of  it  was  a  high  box  car. 

Appellee  for  some  months  prior  to  the  accident  had  been 
engaged  in  hauling  lumber  from  a  mill  in  Missouri  to  the  Knittle 
Show  Case  v.orks  in  Quincy,  and  in  doing  this,  crossed  the  Mis- 
sissippi River  on  a  ferry  boat,  whose  landing  at  i^uincy  was  at 
the  wharf  mentioned.   He  had  oassed  over  this  crossing  a  great 
many  times  and  was  perfectly  familiar  with  the  same  and  the 
surrounding  locality.  Un  the  morning  in  question  he  had  crossed 
the  river  on  a  ferry  boat  with  a  load  of  lumber  and  had  delivered 


the  same  at  the  Znlttle  ishov   Case  lorke   at  v^ulncy  He  drove  a 
team  oonsisting  of  a  horee  and  a  mule  attached  to  i;;  e  running 
gears  of  hie  wagon,  which  were  coupled  out  long:  for  the  purpose 
of  accommodating  the  lumber,  and  on  which  there  was  no  wagon  hoz^. 
After  appellee  had  delivered  the  lumber,  he  started  back  towards 
the  wharf  to  cross  over  the  river  for  another  load.  Re  drove 
west  on  Broadway  to  Front  btreet,  on  which  he  drove  south.   .hen 
he  reached  a  point  near  Vermont  iitreet  he  heard  some  oars  hump- 
ing' behind  hln  on  the  railroad  tracks.  At  this  time  he  was 
sitting  on  the  running  gears  in  about  the  center  of  the  wagon. 
He  looked  back,  saw  the  cars  moving  tj lowly  toward  him  and  states 
that  they  were  at  that  time  about  IJO  feet  behind  him  and  were 
going  very  slowly,  about  3  or  4  miles  an  hour.  ».hen  he  reached 
Adams  grocery  store  at  the  northeast  corner  of  Hampshire  and 
Front  iitreets  he  looked  back  at  the  train  the  second  time,  and 
stated,  in  one  pert  of  his  testimony,  that  at  that  time  the 
train  was  goin^  a  little  bit  faster  than  when  he  first  saw  it, 
but  it  was  moving  quite  slowly  and  not  more  than  5  or  6  miles 
an  hour.   In  another  part  of  his  testic.ony  he  stated  that  at  the 
second  time  he  looked  at  the  train  he  thought  it  was  running  at 
the  same  speed  as  it  was  at  the  first  time  he  saw  it.   Just  as 
he  was  about  to  cross  the  tracks  he  testified  that  he  looked  at 
the  train  again,  that  it  was  moving  very  slowly  ana  was  about 
60  feet  away  from  him.  Ke  further  testified  that  he  drove  on 
to  the  crossing  as  fast  as  his  team  could  trot,  and  when  he  had 
nearly  passed  over  the  tracks  the  car  at  the  end  of  the  train 
hit  the  hind  wheel  of  his  wagon,  causing  him  to  be  thrown  to 
the  grouni  and  injured.  At  this  time,  he  stated  the  train  was 
running  £J  miles  an  houx,  in  other  words,  that  the  train  had 
increased  its  speed  within  e  distance  of  60  feet  from  a  rate  of 

5  or  6  miles  an  hour  to  one  of  £0  miles  an  hour.  He  further 
stated  that  Just  as  he  was  about  to  drive  on  to  the  crossing  hfe 

3  ^ 

heard  the  boll  oi"  the  ferry  boat  sounding  as  a  Blgnal  that  the 
boat  was  about  to  depart  for  the  JdiBBOuri  shore.  Hl8  own  testimony 
in  this  connection  is  as  follows: 

"If  I  failed  to  cat oh  that  boat  it  would  have  been 
one  o'clock  before  I  could  have  got  another  boat  and  got 
across  the  river  to  West  (>iuincy.  I  wanted  to  get  to  my 
home  in  Missouri.   I  usually  made  two  loads  hauling  lumber 
a  day.   In  order  to  do  that  I  had  to  catch  the  half  past 
eleven  boat.  That  was  the  boat  I  was  trying  to  catch. 
It  would  be  an  hour  and  a  half  before  another  left  the 
Illinois  shore.   If  1  miseod  it  I  could  not  roake  another 
load  the  same  day  without  making  it  awful  late.  "v«hen  I 
approached  the  crossing  and  about  the  time  I  started  to 
turn  I  heard  the  bell  of  the  boat  sound.   I  observed  the 
train  three  times  up  to  the  tloie  of  the  accident.  The 
last  time  I  looked  I  was  just  going  aorose  the  track.   I 
never  saw  it  any  more  until  it  struck  lae." 

His  own  testimony  clearly  discloses  the  fact  that  he  was 
rery  anxioue  to  catch  the  ferry  boat  in  order  to  return  to  the 
llsaouri  side  for  another  load  of  lunber,  and  that  all  the  time 
he  was.  driving  south  on  Front  Street  toward  the  crossing  from  a 
;)0int  north  of  Vermont  atreet,  he  knew  this  train  was  approiiching 
the  crossing ,  had  looked  at  it  twice  before  he  turned  west  on 
'riampshire  atreet  to  pass  over  the  crossing,  and  had  looked  at  it 
a  third  time  Just  before  he  went  on  to  the  crossing.   It  is 
apparent  that  he  was  attempting  to  beat  the  train  over  the  croBsing. 
v^e  have  very  carefully  oonsiderQd  all  the  evidence  in  this  case 
and,  while  not  discuseine  the  teBtimony  of  the  different  witnesses 
in  detail,  in  our  opinion  the  clear  and  manifest  weight  thereof, 
established  by  the  testimony  of  disinterested  witiieases,  is,  that 
there  was  a  flagman  at  the  crossing  who  attempted  to  prevent 

appellee  from  going  thereon  by  waving  his  flag,  calling  to  him. 


and,  wh«n  he  still  peraleted,  attempted  to  oatch  hold  of  the 
bridles  of  the  team  to  atop  him  from  bo  doing.  Also  that  the  speed 
of  the  train  at  the  time  it  Btruck  the  wheel  of  the  wagon  did  not 
exceed  6  miles  an  hour,  and  that  there  was  a  brakoman  on  top  of 
the  box  car,  which  was  the  second  car  north  in  the  train,  who 
slao  called  out  to  appellee  to  prevent  hiE  froK  pausing  on  to  the 

The  remaining  acts  of  negligence  charged,  viz.,  failure  to 
have  a  brakeiaan  on  the  rear  oar  and  to  give  the  warning  signals 
by  bell  or  whistle  remain  to  be  considered.  The  only  allegation 
in  regard  to  the  failure  of  appellant  to  have  a  lookout  on  the 
rear  oar  of  the  train  is  found  in  the  first  count  in  the  follow- 
ing language: 

"By  meanB  whereof  it  then  and  there  became  the  duty 
of  said  defendant  and  said  servants  .....  if  said 
oare  and  engine  intended  to  pass  over  eaid  croeeing,  to 
station  some  person  on  one  of  said  cars,  or  on  the  ground 
at  said  crossing,  for  the  purpose  of  warning  all  who  were 
about  to  go  over  said  tracks  at  said  public  croeaing  to 
aaid  ferry  landing,  that  said  freight  cars  and  engine 
which  were  then  and  there  being  backed  and  switched  toward 
Bald  crossing,  in  manner  aforesaid,  v/ore  then  and  there 
about,  and  intended  to  cross  over  said  public  croeaing," 

There  is  no  allegation  of  any  duty  to  have  a  person 
atationed  on  the  rear  car,  but  a  duty  ie  alleged  to  have  a  person 
on  one  of  the  cars,  and  this  is  stated  in  the  alternative,  either 
to  have  Bome  person  on  one  of  the  cars  or  on  the  ground  at  the 
orossing  for  the  purpose  of  warning  those  who  were  about  to  cross 
over  the  same.  There  was  a  brakeman  on  the  next  to  the  rear  cor 
who  gave  warning  to  appellee.  However,  proof  that  there  was  no 
brakeman  on  the  rear  oar  was  competent  iinder  the  sixth  count 
charging  general  negligence  in  the  operation  of  the  train.  The 

absence  of  euoh  brakeman  on  the  rear  car,  under  the  facts  in  this 
casG-»  could  not  have  been  the  proxlraate  cause  of  the  injury,  as 
appellee  knew  of  his  own  knowledge  that  the  train  was  approaching 
the  crossing:,  and  he  was  also  given  this  information  by  the  flagman, 
and  by  the  brakenan  on  the  car  next  to  the  end  one.  Under  the 
statute  there  was  no  duty  to  have  a  brakenan  on  the  roar  end  if 
the  brakes  were  efficiently  operated  by  power  applied  from  the 
locomotive.  There  was  no  evidence  as  to  how  the  brakes  were 

The  proof  in  regard  to  the  failure  to  elve  the  statutory 
signals  by  bell  or  whistle  is  conflicting.  The  train  crew  testified 
that  the  bell  was  rung  automatically  and  was  ringing  all  the  time, 
borne  of  the  witnesses  testify  that  they  did  not  remember  whether 
the  bell  was  rung  or  not;  others  that  they  paid  no  attention  to  it; 
some  that  they  did  not  hear  any  bell,  and  one  testified  that  there 
were  so  mam^  bells  and  whistles  sounding  on  the  tracks  by  engines 
switching  cars  thereon,  that  he  could  not  tell  whether  the  bell 
or  whistle  was  sounded  on  the  engine  attached  to  this  train  or  not. 
it  is  immaterial,  however,  whether  the  signals  were  given,  as  the 
only  purpose  of  such  signals,  if  they  had  been  sounded,  would 
lave  been  to  warn  the  public  of  the  approach  of  the  train. 
Appellee  had  this  knowledge  and  the  failure  to  sound  the  warning 
signals,  if  there  was  such  a  failure,  could  likewise  not  have 
been  the  proximate  cause  of  the  injury. 

i'he  Judgment  must  be  reversed  with  the  finding  of  fact 
that  appellee  was  not  eTeroising'due  care  for  his  own  safety  im- 
mediately prior  and  at  the  time  of  the  accident,  and  was  guilty 
of  negligence  which  contributed  to  the  injuries  complained  of, 
which  finding  of  fact  is  ordered  recorded  in  the  Judgment  of  this 






c  /«^7 

^RAL  ]J0.  6:^22.     OOTOBEP  W¥U,   A.   J).  I'^fA,     MMWA  V.O  .   74. 

Filed  Apfil  16,   1915- 

Aj.j.oul  from 
Circuit  Oour'.  of 
AdaniB  A  County. 




OZKA  J5AUI.E,   (P.  id,\FHANK  P.   DHEN..-.,, 

\  4fi'P«iliint. 

i^DGE,  P.  J. 

^iit!  oU].r(5m(5  Coitiioil  of  Weotorn  Gatliolic  Union  f-r-^-*— r-.s 
r~tn  ~Jic- t}ir«tti"*r-t?rmrr  \/..  forocloBo  a  mortf^ago  f^iven  to  nncura 
.,.oti,  u■JA^u  Au'jitiu  -•,  iv(&'.-,   cn  vfhioh  l.h<!i'(»     at;  an  oxiBtimj  i.n- 
^ednoBH  of  S^of'iOO,  with  intorost.     .'ho  note?  iind  ciortr^a/^o  vmre 
a.-;  uted  by  Jolm  T.  WJiito  .md  Fijuiy  '^ito,  hie  \.-if6.     Tlio  bill   • 
-08  Jolm  T.   Vilhite,  Haulo,  Jainoa  V.  Brady,  Jolm  H.  McMahon, 
ilk  P.  Dronnan  laid  Will  McOomioll  };ari,iet!  dofondcmt,  aveu':  ing 
.:  U]H)n  infonaation  and  boliof  tho  dofnndants  namod,  oxcopt  iJS^ito, 
-^.....i_,   vO  havo  Bomo  mtcirost  in  xhe  pronieoB  ombraood  in  the 

^'T^jtnk  T^.  T^)(,jiiiajrj  ;j:i8Worod  tho  bill  and  file^d  a  orocsi:  bill 

■  ■  ing    .Itett  on  I^'-bi'iAtay  I^.()Ui-4'V'lo»  naAci  pt^onuaas  t.hfgi..bujLi^.?.-4>»<tt«d 
iMLuL- Cox, 


\.rgi^  covftrin;;  aaid  j-roraiaoB  to  eocuro    a  notn  for  tho  principal 
of  rir/OOi  v.avablo  to  Iuh  ordor.   bi^arin>;  Mvon  dt^Ti.i  ..t'b.<irowi»th;  ^^ 


at  ti{i(»roaf tor  uaUl  yrtminoa  xmro  oonvoyod  to  ono  John  H«  KcE'ahon, 

■  .    jUiroaftor  ccmvft^'oc.    , .  •  ,  .4>io  to  o?-"  '  .r^if^   a,  Folf.y,   -ul^joct  t,o 
id  Liortf5u^50  of  ^l.'JOO,  -oho  piJ^iaont  of  wliich  licioy  aBaumod  by  iha  deod  j 
at  Hoi«y  convoy«id  tlm  i-rjiBiBrts?  to  Ocra  Sauio  Ruhject  to  ti'do  nori- 
.  -0,  tlio  ]:aviaont  of  whidi  »aid  Saule  a8iniw«d  by  tho  dood;  xJhar,  by 
.    uson  of     thouo  facta  if  tho  eaid  ricrt/5Sip;oci  vr«t-ii£5«R  Bluniif'  not 

II  for  «nou^5li  to  j>ay  tho  v/holo  of  naid  mortisa^o  indobtodnoee    hat 
~^id  croBu  comjilainaiit  would  bo  ontitlod  to  a  iud^^-innt,  ovor  a/^ainot 
Baid  Bcloy  ano  Sawlo  b;'  roauon  of  t,ho  aoj5iai:5:tion  of  the  nortf^a^id 
Indrtbtnomif'.;-  by  Qum  an  aforoeaid,  aric!  alf.o  ac^ainnt  Robort  fl,   f!ox 
for  any  balunco  tliat  Liif^t  roinain  (hie  on  'cJift  note  oxecutod  hy  him  aft 
ir  tho  jialc!  of  ftaid  y>roninoo.     Tlv;  orosi!  bill    n  kos  ail  tho 
"tioii  montionod  jar^ie^n  thejroto. 

Ono  N.  Biiet  hold  a  third  inort-^r^  on  «ai(i  ))romisoB  and  v'ae 
io  a  pai-ty  %o  tlio  unit,  filod  )\xn  aneror  to  tlio  ori<p.r]ai    bill 
id  t,o  tlio  croBB  bill  of  Dronnan  <ind  also  filod  a  croaa  bill 
letting  UY  Iiis  ri^^tu  by  virtue  of  }iiB  mort/^arjo.     If??  dooa  not 
|oin  in  'Uio  appeal  aiiQi  further  Mention  of  Ms  orous  bill  is  un- 

Af':,er  nimierouo  delayu,  vhich  apj^ear  to  have  bo<5n  moetly 
lauBod  by  ajn^ellant,  the  Court  entered  a  decree  on  tlio  original 
Jill  foreoloBin?;  vhn  taortr^i^y)  hald  by  a}?polloo  imd  left  t^e 

Qlaimed  by  appellant  in  his  croBB  bill  for  further  determination 

nol^onicvT^tob  imi^ii/t  lol  IXitf  aaoio  tiiC  nx  ifulXnqqB  ^^ 


.J  a)^peilan-'.  haa  df^::.i^7locJ  orror  uhat  iho  Oliancollor  }mA  no 
Jiority  to  ontm    Uuh  dcicrHo  upon  tho  ori;;inal  bill  v-'ithcut  first 
/in";  had  a  hoaring  uj^on  hie  croBs  bill  ant!  havin^r  BfitUftd  all  t^o 
U08  raiuod    Jicu-ciuiKin}'.     T)irtr«  v;aK  no  m'ror  in  t-hin.     'rhn  ier-Vfis 
ia«d  by  tho  crcsj-;  bill  botwoon  aT^vellant,   Cox,  Roloy  ivnd  rtade 
•rt  of  no  concflrn  to  appolloo  imd  in  mi  no  vay  affoctod  its  in- 
teroBtfi  under  itB  riort{^<^e  uhich  \7ttB  a  prior  lion  u*  that  of 

Mllant.     A];}uaiant  by  filin^r  a  croee  bill  could  not  dolay  the 
hoarinf5  on  Lho  ori/,^nal  bill.     Appolleo  v/ac  not  con})ollod  -o  v.ait 
until  a]  jHUlant  had  luxd  an  adjudication  on  tho  quostions  rai^ori  by 
hio  croBB  bill.  Uyoya  v  Mannoy,  6:5  111.   Ml;   Ray  v  1^  nnott, 

1       111.  284;  Kcluoy  v.  OlauBson,   ^'-7  111.  /10?2;  Jonorj  v  Hillie, 

^1  111.   App.  ^105. 

It  in  further  un^ftd  that  a  doficioncy  docreo  rould  he  void 

•lout  proviBion  th«r«for  in  th«  ori/^inal  decreo,  md  tte    caBo  of 

.n-or  V.  la^lMf)  111.  5/i2,  is  citod  in  sup})ort  of  this  propo- 

Bx  ion.     TluB  cai?«  lioldn  diroctly  contrary  to  tliis  contontion  and 

in  the  opinion  it  in  otatod: 

"It.  ie  not  contondod  that  h«  wae  not  liable 

peroonally  for  the  debt,  but  tho  personta  docroe 

ii3  objootori  'vo  bfjcauflo  t^B  ori/jinal  decree  did  not 

provide  for  such  p/eraonal  liability  or  jeraonal  decree 

in  case  of  a  deficiency.     Soction  16  of  Chaj^ter  96  of 

the  Roviued  fStauitee  ]>rovidoB  ^Jiat  such  a  decroo  may 

,  ei  Jofir  bo  r<indored  conditionally  at  the  time  of  docref!- 



inj5  t,h(s  .,..,  ...^jstu^a,  o;    iihuclutoly  aftor  \h(\  sale  and 

asc«rt-iiitini«nt  of   i^o  Ixilanco  d.u«.     Tlift  laothod  ad(;}*trOd 

hero  ifi  ox^  roauly  uuthoriaod  by  tho  fiui{><ifco.     If  tho  docr« 

for  th«  dofioioncy  had  boon  provided  for  in  the  docree 

forocionin/;  iha  i3ortrra-n;o  io  '^^ould  hav«  mnounted  to  nothing 

moro  Uian  a  f orcial  finding  tliat  tho  coni-luimint  v.ould  be 

entitlod  to  u  decr««  in  the  event  that  the  proi****'ty 

B}iould  not  Boll  for  aufficiont  to  pay  tho  debt." 

I     18  urf^ed  tiiat  ai5  the  ori^^Lnal  bill  averred  that  Fanny  White 

^  the  note  imd  morv^age  lani  no  exjilanation  its  made  in  the  bill 

why  8b-  was  not  nuide  a  i-arty,  that  tho  orit^inul  bill  i«  bad  for 

if  necoSBary  ptu'tieB.     Th«i  evidence  Bhowa  that  aho  died  eeverai 

before  tho  ori(!5inal  bill  v/as  filed  and  at  tho  zism  of  her  death 

intoreet  in  the  premisoi!  except  an  inoohaUi  rii^Jit  of  dtmer. 

these  oircuiQUtanceB,  Y^hile  the  orif^nal  bill  should  properly 

ioged  these  facts,  yec,  an   -iie  evidence  ouptjlieu  -diis  oi.uiEKnn  and 

that  she  waB  not  a  j^roper  party,  no  ri^^tB  of  appellant  can  bo 

•diced  by  the  omiBHion  of  Buch  allo^^a-uiuna  in  the  bill. 

J  decree  provides  for  an  attorney '«  fee  of  tZ^,  and  complaint 

ittdci  t-hat,  uhiB  is  oxcHSsive.     Tim  uinoim'':'  was  fixtid  by  the  Court  uj.»on 

idnce  taican  in  8U})por-i  thereof  and  unden  tlitJ  facts  and  circumstances 

va  by  t}i«  record  m  ^-hiB  oaao  v,f;  fu-n  of   die  o|  iiut'ii  ohat  thiJJ  is  not 


find  no  reversible  error  in  tho  record  ijid  the  decree  is 



General  Ho.   6323. 

Samuel  C«  Poraythe, 


^Qifluel  R.  Killaaji, 



Octoter  Telm,  1914,       Agenda  "o,  44- 
Filed  ^ril  16,  1915- 



Appeal  from  the   Circuit   court  of 
Macoupin  C  unty, 

1931. A.  534 

Appellee  recovered  a  judgment  in  the  sum  of  |800. 
against  appellant  in  an  action  on  the  case  to  recover  dsuoaf^es  for 
an  injury  to  himself  and  to  his  "bugf^  resulting  from  a  collision 
I  "between  oaid  buf^gy  and  an  automobile  driven  "by  appellant  .  The 
accident  happened  about  2  mile*  northwest  of  Carlinville.  Both 
ppellant  and  appellee  were  fanners,  and  appellant  with  a  neigh- 
jorhad  left  Carlinville  about  four  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  to  go 
o  his  home  in  the  country.  Appellee  was  also  proceeding  along 
■he  Bpjae   road  in  the  same  direct ioa  in  a  buggy  dravna  by  a  of 
horses.   The  accident  happened  in  broad  daylight,  in  an  attemptof 
appelltint  to  pass  appellee  on  the  high-.ay.  There  is  a  direct  con- 
flict An  the  evidence  as  to  the  action  of  both  par  ies  at  this   Jho  automobile  driven  by  appellant  ran  into  the  buggy  4f  ap- 
»ellee,  smashed  it,  b  oke  the  couplings  v.hich  connected  the  tongue 
'ith  the  buggy,  causing  the  horse  to  run  away  and  appellee  to  be 
hrowH  on  to  the  r^round  and  injured.  The  questions  of  the  neg-  y^ 
.   ligenwe  of  appellant  r.nd  the  contributory  negligence  of  appellee 
were  quesiilons  of  fact  for  the  jury  to  determine. 

The  only  errors  assigned  involving  questions  of 
law  are  to  the  giving  and  refusing  of  instructions,  ^e  have  exam- 
ined the  instructions  carefully  in  the  view  of  appellants  crit- 
icicms  thereof  and  are  of  opinion  there  was  no  reversible  error 
in  the  rulings  fif  the  Court  thereon. 

Ho  other  errors  are  complained  of  and  the  judgment  must 
be  affirmed. 





•eneral  no,  633r« 

'rank  Adans*, 

Appellee « 


Jojaes  Hogan#| 


October  ^-erTn,    A,D,  1914~  a   ,. 

Piled  /ril  16,  1915- 

}         Apq^ol  froa  th«  Circuit  court  of 
SanfTtuQon  county. 


iDREDOE,  P.J.        v--^  1 9  3  I. A.  5  3  5 

?hi«  la  an  potion  lb  tre«pa«a  for  an  assault  and 
battery    alleged  to  hare  been  comiitted  by  appelifoit  upon  the  par- 
ton  of  appalleo,  -sJilch  reaultad  In  the  ^oturing  of  bo^h  of  t^je 
jawB  of  the  latter.     Tl^trlnl    ^';'^"*<^»*^*P/;gs^ycrt,  :or  appellee 
Hiefing  hie  rtarnar^Bw  at  #l,O0O^^^^S^''eF^5iQarr  presentad  In  th« 
i'gfuraent  for  appellantj   first,   that  the  verdict  is  contrary  t.« 
le  ©vidence,  and  8  eond,   that     he     oti -t   cr  «d     ■    -  i-e  giving  and 
-fusing  of  inetructione. 

The  controveray  between  the  parties  tool:  place 
in  appellant* 8  oaloon  in  the  fall  of  1913,atout  fire  o'clocJc  in  the 
arternoon.    There  were  a     nuQber  of  witneaBCB       preoent  who  testis 
led     on  the  trial.     The  tentiraony  of  !,ho«e  produced  by  appellant 
iB  in  direct  conflict  with  that  of  those  produced  -^  appellor.  It 
ae  the  prevince  of  the  jury  te  reconcile  the  evidence  and  to 
I  paao  upon  the  wol^t  and  credibility  thereof.     There  is  ouffi...^ 
I  evidence  to  euntain  the  jud/?iaent,  and  the  verdict  having  been  sip* 

oved  by  -^^ho  t -lal  court,   this  court  oaimot  reverse  it  on  the  ?^ound 
f  that  it  la  contraiy  ta  the  mnlfeat  weight  of  the  evidence. 

There  «aa  aa  reverelbla  error  in  the  inntructlana  , 
.:  .iud<Tracnt  niuat  therefore  be  affimcu, 

A  ;■• 




^7  ■         r 

GEHERAI  UO,   6£60,  OCTOBER  TERM,   1914.  /         AGrilDA  HO,   3. 

Rehearing  denied— Opinion  raodiflefl. — 'JP^led 
liay  26,   1915. 

^THUR  Ef.   lERRERIRA/^^.    ) 

>^Y  HEXT  gRIETO  ETC*-^  -'    j 

Defendant  in  Error*   ) 

_  vs. )     ERROR  TO  SAHft 

(JSAAC  R.   DILIE^  ) 

PlMntlfTln  Error.) 

19  3  I'^-  5  51 


This  is  aa  aotlon  on  the  oaee  by  tho  dofeudant  in._error 
against  the  plaintiff  in  argoar  to  recover  damages  for  personal  in- 
juries  sustained  by  the  dof ondant>  la  errar  by  being  nm  over  by  an 

(J        This*  cajitse  nas  been  tri<m  three  times^i 
ond  appeal  to  this  court.  The  first  trial  regulted  in  a  verdict  in 
fascoai-iifJUifl Jlef9ndflJit.  in  error  for  th«  ira&  <rf^  v^OOO;  "which  vipdlct 
^vasujsfttaside  by  tho^trl&lr  court  and  new  tricuL-  grsotedT^The  sec- 
^Bd  trial-resulted  in  a  verdict  in  favor  of  defendant  in  error  for 
tH©  srmr^of  $5000.  Judgment  was  entered  on  this  virdiot  for  the 
defendant  in  error  and  against  the  plaintiff  in  error  for  the  amount 
"Of- the  verdict  and  oosts^  and  the  case  was  appealled  by  the  plaintiff 
in^-erxor  to  this  court  and  the  judgment  was  reversed  and  oause  re- 
manded by  this  court  on  account  of  the  damages  awatded  being  eon'^ 

p^Bffi'P'*'         ^bf>   third -fcclal   ramiltflA    Iti   a.  irfljdlni:   in  f aVOT  Of  the 

-defeadaat  in-err©r  f or  the  fnm-o*'^4000v  upo^  which  judgment  wa« 

entered  and  to  reverse  which  ;j*ag^ent  this  writ  of  error  l8"^ro- 

fidouted.  The  faots  in  this  case  are  folly  stated  in  the  opinion 

of  this  court  at  the  former  hearing  on  appeal*  (See  Ferrerira  v« 

LiUer,  17^111.  App.  447.) 

The  deelai-atlun  uoiialHlgd"gf'iftvgnoourifrgi  A  plea  of  general 

-j amie  waw . filed  tathe^ first  and  second  counts  and  a  deonirrer  was  <£u,'iJzUtirj 

-#t±ed  to  the  third,  fourth  and  fifth  counts.;/ The  deBmrrer4W8 

HWHitfl1nea-a&  te  ell  three  eormts  and  leave  was  given  defendant  ta- 

■CJPV9»  to  amend  said  counts.     He  amended  the  third,  and  fouorth  count s^, 

by  erasing  certain  lines  and  the  fifth  count  by  changing  the  word  "or" 

to  "and"»-The  enenineHtB  were  mnfle  on  the  copy  of  the  original-esBHrnd- 

cd  declaration  and  not  on  the  original  amended  declaration.  The  copy 


^r -•■  W:/'<^M 

ae  amended  was  then  reflled  and  the  plaintiff  in  error  then  filed  the 
plea  of  general  iseme  to  the  deolaration.  Gtt-the-irriaL  th©  c<maFt  «2:- 
elttdedri*:e  third  eaid  fourth  ootmts  and  submitted  the  case  1;o  the  jury 
(>n  the  firat^  q^QQtid.  and  fifth  coimts  Of  the  deelajfatten*  The  plain- 
tiff in  error  ineiststhat  as  the  fifth  coxmt  was  held  had  on  demur- 
rer and  was  not  anended  and  as  the  original  amended  declaration  was 
not  refiled  it  was  error  for  the  court  to  submit  that  count  to  the 
jury.  Kilawas  not  error. Aft©r  the  amendment  changing  "or"  to  "and" 
tr-mle  was  -entered  against  the  plaintiff  in  error  to  plead.  He  made 
ae-oh^j^otion.  to  the  amencbnAnt  but  filed  the  plea  of  general  issue  and 
prooeedeA  40- trieul.  Earing  filed  the  plea  of  general  issue  to  the 
entire  declaration  and  haring  made  no  request  to  exclude  the  count 
from  the  JuagoHfee -etm^  not  now  raie»  the  question  that  error  waajOLomm* 

~Ttecirin  that're^irdr' 

Shore  is  no  other  guestionj^  of  law  in  the  case.  It  is  pure- 
ly a  question  of  fact  and  three  juries  having  found  in  favor  of  the 
defendant  in  error  we  cannot  weli;^  disregard  the  finding  although 
the  court  feels  a  preponderance  of  the  evidence  is  for  the  plaintiff 
in^rrtir,  but  it  is  not  so  clear  that  we  oan^um  it. 

The  evidence  of  all  the  disinterested  witnesses  tends  to 
show  the  boy  is  not  nearly  as  badly  injured  as  he  thinks  he  is  and  as 
soon  as  this  suit  is  ended  he  will  get  well.  Wo-feol  however  tho  jud- 
^iBfiat-,  JJB.  atill  exooeeive  and  it  will  be  reversed  for  that  reason  un- 
le«»-the-ttefeBdajrt-4ja.  error -wil;l"*Mit  his  judgment  down  to  4^2600,  in 

-which  oaaethft. Judgment  will. Jia„Af firmed  ^or-that_  sum. 




OCTOBER  TERLI»  A.  D.  1914. 

§y  next  friend,  etc*. 

Defendant  in  Error, 

Plaintiff  in  Error. 

Error  to  the  Circuit  Court  of 
Sangamon  County. 

And  now  comes  Arthur  W.  Ferreira,  by  hie  next  friend, 
John  H«  Ferreira,  defendant  in  Error  and  reiiiits  the  judgment  of 
the  Circuit  Court  of  Sangamon  County,  Illinois  in  the  above 
entitled  oause  down  to  Two  Thousand  Fiye  Hundred  Dollars. 



By  his  next  friend,   JOHII  H. 


His  Attorneys. 

Gen,  Ho,  6261,  Oetobor  7e^,  19X4*      Ag.  Ho,  {5X. 

Filed  April  16,  1915- 
The  People  ©f  the  State  of  Illi  *' 
I)efandant  in  Error/ 

YB,   i  jr  Error  to  Christ laa, 

fotm  McI)onal4.^         /• 

19  3I.A.  553 

Pl:dnliff  /n  arror- 

Scholficldi  J«« 


Plaintiff  in  error  "U«  corrvlcted  on  a»4"-6«vtntB  of  ,an 
Indictsient  oharfjinr:  hin  with  a  vlol&tioa,  of  the  etatute  prohibiting 
the  sale  of  intoxicating  liquor  outside  the    incorpprated  lliaitt  of 
any  city,  to^^n  or  village|  in  less  quantities  than  fira  gallonOi 
and  not  in  the  original.  pacicaj[;e.     "he  inAistaaali  ■^>Mmgsd  tl>a  plain* 
^Aft  in  0VV9V  with  the  vialUitioa  of  the    Act  known  as  the   "Sive  Gall- 
on Lav",   Section  16  ,   Chapter  43,  Page  1023,  Kurds  Hevised  Statute   , 
1^3.     The  plaintiffJJhr-  eyw-iggved  to  ,q^ah  the  indictment  and,  l^btM. 
eath  o«mwt>.Ata#«'eefB     Wts    wettesiwas  e^er:*-;  led  .awwL  a  ^9%mk  was  ' 

laa4-*e#aaMh-a»4ux3F~~«^iiaiv  r««^ 

ttlff — ixL-.9JLxj:iX^&x!ilLi:$.  j^  the 

▼e«di«t->-la9F'-^^e-''«ei»^'->^e:ixija#.»tl34^  -jpitoin^lff 


|the"iBec6ni  'TjsjfJjanTn;^  at'^" tli^^  ciir '•ftir'-t^i8--'Tl:si8t-mrd-~c«^ 
ythe  entire  tiaiK  af^  SOO^daya  is  eerirM  out. 

.Cavasel  fer'thr-'^prgfgtttT^SjrTgri^  that 

txr-«afce--a--«t«i4w»«n*'"-'W«'- ij^-'-'-iiiie^  "evidence  , 

l*--a^a-#iif»t"  U£f?«d- lay»int4'<R^^ 


Bach  count  of  the  indictment  avers  that  in  tlie  Coimty 

•f  CJirietiaa  the  plaintiff  in  error,  on, etc.  not  then  and  there 

having  a  legal  license  to  ke^p  a  dram  shap  ,  unlawfully  did  then 

kand  there  sell  intoxLcatinc  liquor  in  less  quanti  lee  than  five 


gallons,  and  not  In  the  original  package  ae  put  up  Isy  the  mauxofaA* 
turers  ,   the  said  place  where  said       intoaicating  liquors  were   sold 
not  being  within  tho  incorporated  limits  of  aiv  city>   town  or  vil- 
lage, contrary"  etc,     A  sonyAotisw  sa  aa '4ndityfe3BentHhr''tite^  eaaaot    — 
■1  anfpT  ftfijffi  nt^t  h  i  n-Majsa.  was  ,,mistttiw<i>d-^TrTtiygda''Ti7"l>ao|2[e7'l^       * 

T'le  ppjnt  (i)tilieaaiitsd    to,  hR  rrndfj^XM  that  the     tadictxaont  is 
double  anu    that  it  chorfjee  plaintiff  in  arror  V7ith  keeping  a  draa 
shop  without  a  license  and  selling  liquor  contrary  to  the  five 
gallon  act,  f^nd  for     wliich  different  penalties  are  iai^osed*  "tiis 
'  answey  is  that  the  yl>aantif#^-i»-eyg*Qy-  -reread  M'i^rmatEisd-thfkt-un- 

JLaafi   fhn    ;fTTHlf '*-°"*"^    IciadA^^fr^mA    fc>>«tf.   pl^ylniii  J^P.  in    fr-r-ay   did    nnt 

ff^fttff^  till  ^f f-^-n^^y  Tyagq^B'f'*~>M'---''''^*f;<^*~*^^  f^y^^^ntf^  W 

f   {*,TAP*ir  •'^»*<'^    «Km«>i«,fi«<^tijMi      a    A,    ftf      t>ft  prftw    <:aipp   Ant^    T^'^'^J^" 

«ny  city  ,V'iilaf^  ©r^towB,     IPhS  court^^^^p  overruled  .,iaa.€L„iagtio« 

^JJ^ons_  and  «e^jeaarjot     P^.^Al^^-y%fK..A...Mf...  .evidence  that^  t|y|l..^.2idti|SMiiA 
i^s^  excessive  • ,       The  jy-'-ffafn't  irff-*hif^»^f^*»'y  -  aJEf Inaed* 

A  y  !•  I     1  M  S  D. 

OESr:;RAL  KO.   C26S.  0CT0BI31  TETO.I,    1014/  AGENDA  K'       0. 

)  /ilftd  April  16,   191.^- 

^^"^  PLAINTIFT^IN  BRKOR.    ) 

v. \  >  ERROR  TO   TAZETTIL. 

D?iF!?MI5AWT   IN  ERndll.    )  X  1  9    J    1  .  A.     5  5  5 

SCnOLFIHLD,  J.         \ 

'gila  ffaa  an  action  of  a^ssun-nslt  brou^t  by  Wio  plainLlfr,   a  real 
estate  broker  against  tho  flerenrlnnt  to  reco-er  a  cocrilasion  for  'rccwr- 
Ing  a  purchaser  for  real  estate  under  an  allorrec!  verbal  contract.  ^7$^'2<>^ 
TlTore  wa5"^"a  verdict  and  jud^aont  for  the  defendant  »j,    i4»  is  eotjtt ended- 
-fejf-tlie  plaintiff  that  he  waa  employed  by  the  defendant  to  ^^rocure  a 
purchaser  for  the  defendant's  farm;   that  ^  e  Introduced  Dotrlch  to  t^>e 
defendant  as  a  probable  purchaspr  of  his  farm,  and  that  the  deal  Itavlnj; 
been  closed  with  rtotrloh  Jbe  is  entitled  to  a'jlon  of  ;)f5.  per  icre 
ujhioh  ho  ololno  wos  promised  hia  by  the  defendant* 

Tlie  defendant  contends  that  he  did  not  coploy  any  agent  and  did  Tiot 
engage  the  servicers  of  the  rlalntlff  j   that  tl^.e  riial?itiff  did  not  act 
for  him  and  did  not  render  him  any  service  and  wari  not  the  '  rocurlng 
cause  of  the  trade  on  behalf  of  the  defendant,  but  waa  the  agent  ;wid 
acted  for  Dotjpich^  in  the  tranaaction  in  question, and  wao  to  receive  Ms 
coEiTionsatlcn  frcra  him.  __,  v 

Wo  tliiafc  the  cle  tr  i'^aaiPegf.  tr'oir?;ht  of  the  evidence  shows  thatM^  iu^  / 
T)ot»4eh  and  the  defendant  were  nor!;otiatlng  for  the  escT^ange  of  tTieir 
reopoctivo, farms  before  the  plaintiff  appeared  on  the  scene  at  all,   and 

Ooti^eh  ha< 

that  Dotmeh  had  made  the  sane  offer  to  defendant  before  plaintiff  clafco 
hin  contract  was  made  ^^ith  defendant.     Tlio  ffitnooseo  Ilcwiror  otttd  •y^etiylch 

!>e--gar.  pwnplpyflfi  by  dfitf  flTMlant. « — Th<i  manHPegtr  trolrtht  CT'^Che'  evidence 

stiataina  tTio  dofonaant'a  vcraAon  of  tli»  Batter  and  l!ila~beln,^  tiiio 
and  the  morito  of  the  -eaee- being  wtth-fyho  defendant  >   toohiAoal  en-oro  in 

reverse f     Ford  v*-£oi?ay -86?  Ill*   041*  T!w  LahlgiB  VaXIiSy^Tyagrsportation 

f  C©.  Ts«  Post  sugar  Co.  228  111.   irJl.     TIio  Judgnent  Is  therefore  affirrod. 



^/l^i-^-'  7 

.'^■i- . 


/^  . 

GEHiiRAI  MO.    6£86.  OCTOBiiK  TJ-^HJ.!.    1914.  #   AGENDA  HO.    17. 

^^iled  April  16,   1915- 

PIR3T  HAT I on AL  BAHi  OF  ?AXTOH,    ILL. 


JAllEii  H.    bUKLl 
LIHG.    LEVI   W. 


JA:1ES  H.   bHELLING.   PHAHCKii   E.    SHEL4 
LIHG,    lifVI  Ik.    HOOi). 

v  Appellants 

VICTOR  T.   B^V^bbAHD, 


193  I.A.  565 

The  oomplainants  the  First  National  Bank  of  Paxton,  and 
V.  T.  Braseard  reepeotively  and  separately  filed  tholr  bills 
against  the  defendants  in  aid  of  executions  issued  on  Judgments 
which  they  had  respectively  and  separately  received  against  the 
defendant  James  K.  bnelling.  By  agreement  in  open  court  the  two 
suits  were  consolidated  and  heard  as  one  case  and  but  one  decree 
entered.  The  decree  was  in  favor  of  the  complainants  and  the 
defendants  Ja^es  H.  iinelline  and  Francis  K.  ijnellinc  appealed. 

On  Uover.ber  18 »  1911,  the  appellee,  the  First  national 
Bank,  exhibited  its  bill  of  oojnplaint,  and  on  the  E3rd  day  of 
iJovember,  1911  appellee  Brassard,  exhibited  his  bill  of  conplaint; 
both  bills  of  complaint  naned  ^8  defendants  James  E.  bnelling, 
Frances  ii.  bnelling  and  Levi  h.'  i:ood.  The  allegations  of  the 
two  bills  of  complaint  are  the  same  with  the  exception  of  the 
details  of  the  two  different  and  separate  judginents  therein  re- 
ferred to;  and  the  answers  are  the  same  with  like  exceptions; 
and  therefore  the  substance  of  both  bills  and  of  the  answers  thereto 
may  be  included  in  the  one  statement  of  tholr  contents. 

The  bill  of  oomplalnant • 8  bank  alleged  that  the  First 
national  Bank,  of  "axton,  recovered  a  Judgment  on  fiovetaber  10, 
1911,  In  the  Circuit  Court  of  Fprd  County  againat  appellant,  James 
H.  bnelling  for  vl014.16;  and  tihat  the  same  Judgment  creditor 
obtained  another  Judgment  on  tne  same  day  against  the  same  defend- 
ant for  ■;;;1800.54;  that  appellee  Brassard,  recovered  judgment  in 

the  Ford  County  Circuit  Court 
on  Uovember  10,  1911,  for  f361 

igalnst  defendant,  James  H.  bnelling 
.3,  and  that  J.  U.  Williams  and  G.  V. , 

iitewart  were  also  parties  defeadant  to  said  Judgment.  That  said 

Judgments  remained  in  full  forjoe  and  effect  and  not  satisfied  in 

whole  or  in  part,     That  defendant  James  H.  iinelling,  then  resided 

in  Ford  County,  and  that  on  Worember  lu,  1911,  executions  wore 

issued  upon  all  of  said  Judgmei^ts,  placed  in  the  hands  of  the 


bheriff  of  Ford  County,  to  be  i^y   bin  executed,  and  all  of  them 

were  on  the  15th  day  of  Hovembey  1911,  lovled  by  the  bheriff  of 

Pord  County  upon  real  estate  it  is  averred  had  previously 

been  owned  by  defendant  James  HJ  bnelling,  to  wit:  The  bouthwest 

Ctuarter  and  the  undivided  one-h»lf  of  the  boutheast  Quarter  of 
Section  Klevon  (full  legal  descifiption  stated  in  the  bill)  in 

Ford  County,  Illinois.   It  is  alleged  that  after  the  indebtedness 
upon  which  said  Judgments  were  ijendered  had  accrued,  and  prior 
to  the  rendition  of  said  Judgment,  appellants  made  a  conveyance 
of  said  property  to  defendant  i:9od,  for  pretended  consideration 
of  (21 ,40 J;  that  said  deed  was  filed  for  record  in  the  office  of 
the  Recorder  of  Ford  County,  bept ember  21,  1911.  That  after  the 
making  and  delivery  of  said  deeds,  said  Kood  (his  wife  Joining  with 
him)  conveyed  said  land  to  appellant  Frances  E.  ^snelling,  for  a 
pretended  consideration  of  '^-Zlj^OO. 

It  is  alleged  that  said 'conveyanoee  by  appellants  to  Hood 
and  Rood's  conveyance  to  appell^uit,  Frances  K.  bnelling,  were 
merely  shair.s  and  were  made  with;  the  intention  of  defrauding 
appellees,  and  other  creditors  of  James  H.  bnelling  out  of  their 
Just  demands;  that  the  recitals  in  each  of  said  conveyances  of  the 

oonelderatlon  of  *21,400  were  made  for  the  purpose  of  concealing 
tho  fraudulent  purpose  of  the  grantore  in  each  of  said  conveyances 
and  that  eaid  conalderatiojn  was  not  in  fact  paid  between  the 
parties  to  said  conveyance^;  but  that  no  consideration  was  paid 
by  Kood  to  appellants  end  :io  consideration  was  paid  by  Prances  K. 
i>nelling  to  Kood.  That  said  premises  are  now  held  by  Frances  a, 
iinelling  in  trust  for  the  said  Janes  \i,   anelllng  and  for  his 
benefit,  and  for  the  pur  poise  of  preventing  a  levy  and  sale  of  said 
premises  under  and  by  virtue  of  the  said  executions  in  said  bill 
mentioned.  J 


That  by  means  of  eaid  instruments.  James  H.  bnelling 
fraudulently  attempted  to  put  said  lands  out  of  the  reach  of  his 
creditors  and  of  complainant ,  as  one  of  his  creditors;  and  by  the 
same  means  deprived  himself  of  his  property  so  that  he  is  now  a 
man  of  no  peotmiary  rosponsibility  and  is  possessed  of  little  or 
no  property  other  than  that  so  fraudulently  conveyed  by  him  as 
aforesaid,  and  is  in  enbarassed  circumstances  and  Involved  in  debt. 
That  James  H.  iinelllng;  has  no  personal  or  real  estate  liable  to 
levy  and  sale  except  the  aforesaid  premises;  and  that  although  the 
sheriff  has  demanded  of  James  H.  iinelllng  that  ho  pay  the  amoiints 
due  upon  said  Judgments  or  turn  over  the  property  upon  which  the 
Sheriff  made  a  levy,  James  K.  Snelllng  has  refused  to  pay  same  or 
turn  out  property  and  fraudulently  insists  that  he  has  neither 
money  nor  property  to  satisfy |the  same. 

The  prayer  for  relief  is  that  said  conveyances  be  set  aside, 
vacated  and  declared  null  and  void.   Jhat  the  complainant  be  per- 
mitted to  cause  to  be  paid  by  the  iiherlff  the  amount  of  said  two 
judgments.  Interest  thereon  and  costs  by  sale  of  said  premises, 
under  said  execution,  or  upon  other  executions  to  be  issued  upon 
said  Judgments  and  general  prayer  for  relief. 

The  defendant  Hood  defaulted  and  the  defendants  James  H. 

Snolling  and  {"ranoee  K.  anoll|.ng  filed  an  answer  admitting  the 
recovery  of  Judgments  and  issijiance  of  executions  thereupon  as 

alleged  in  the  bllle  of  complaint,  and  the  levy  hy  the  Sheriff  of 
Pord  County  tuider  eaid  executions  upon  the  land  "bought  in  this  pro- 
ceeding to  be  subjected  tOfthe  payraent  of  eaid  executions. 

They  admit  the  contoyancos  of  aaid  land  on  the  days  alleged 

in  the  bill  of  complaint  by  appellants  to  Levi  ^' .   xvood  and  by 
Levi  iV.  Rood  to  appellant,  JTrances  K.  bnelling,.  DefendantB  deny 
that  said  conveyances  either  of  them  were  executed  v/ith  fraudulent 
Intent  or  for  a  fraudulent  jj^urpose;  but  on  the  contrary  aver  that 
said  conveyances  were  made  for  the  purpose  of  paying  to  defendant 

'ranees  E,  cinellinf:,  by  means  of  a  conveyance  of  said  land,  an 
indebtedness  which  was  then  owing  to  Frances  K.  bnelling  by  James 
H.  bnelling  amounting  to  '21,400  and  upwards.  That  said  premises 
were  then  occupied  by  James  a.  bnellinp  and  Frances  E.  tjnelling 
his  wife,  as  their  home  and  dwelling  place  in  consequence  of  which 
a  homestead  estate  existed  which  could  not  be  conveyed  nor  ex- 
tinguished by  a  deed  of  one  of  said  parties  to  the  other,  and  that, 
for  the  purpose  of  more  effectually  transferring  said  property  and 
particularly  for  extinguishing  said  homestead,  said  property  was 
conveyed  to  Levi  V, .  itood  and  by  hit;  to  appellant  Prances  i^.  knelling. 
That  said  Hood  paid  nothing  upon  the  transfer  of  said  land  to  hiirj 
and  received  nothing  upon  th>9  transfer  thereof  by  him  to  appellant, 
Frances  E.  bnelling. 

Appellants  deny  thal^  said  conveyances  were  without  con- 
sideration and  deny  that  thay  were  without  adequate  consideration, 
but  aver  that  the  consideration  for  both  deeds  was  the  same,  to  wit, 
the  extinguishment  of  the  indebtedness  due  at  the  time  of  the  date 
of  the  first  deed  and  for  many  years  theretofore  from  James  H. 
tinelling  to  Frances  E.  bnelling,  and  the  extinguishment  of  said 
indebtedness  was  the  consideration  upon  which  said  transaction 
was  based.  That  said  indebtedness  originated  as  follows:  appellant 
Frances  E.  Linellin^  is  the  daughter  of  the  late  Enoch  bpradling, 

who  died  where  he  had  reside<^  for  many  years,  in  La  Oalle  County, 

Illinois,  possessed  of  a  large  estate,  consisting  of  personal 

property  and  farm  land;  that  tliie  share  of  Francea  K.  Snolllng  In 

Bald  personal  property  was  Jive  Thousand  Jalx  Huiidred  ijollara  or 

thereabouts,  which  i'ranoes  ii.  iinelling  received  during  2iay,  18B5, 

that  durlnp  the  year  1804,  H.  bnelling  borrowed  from  ii'ranceB 

E.  Snelllng  Jb'our  Thousand  ^ix  Hundred  Dollars;  and  in  1887  James 

fl.  i>nelling  borrowed  from  i^ranoes  K.  bnelling  the  balance  of  the 

aforesaid  amoimt  of  her  distrilbutive  share  in  her  father's  estate. 

That  in  the  latter  part  of  lyu  or  the  early  part  of  1911,  a 
division  took  place  between  Ifranoes  Ji,  bnelling  and  the  other 
surviving  children  of  her  father  of  the  lands  held  in  oonirnon  by 
all  of  said  children  which  had  descended  to  them  from  the  father 
of  iPrances  iJ,  bnelling,  and  that  as  the  result  of  said  distribution, 
Frances  S.  iinelling  received  Four  Thousand  Light  Hundred  I/Ollars, 
of  which  she  loaned  to  Jaraes  H.  bnelling  at  that  time,  Kight 
Himdred  Dollars,  and  in  ::aroh  1911,  she  loaned  him  One  Thousand 
Dollars  more.  Tliat  during  the  months  of  bept ember,  1911,  James  H. 
Snelllnf  euid  JTrances  ii.  i>nelllng  had  an  accounting  of  said  moneys 
loaned  as  aforesaid  and  ascertained  that  thoro  was  then  due  from 
the  defendant  James  H.  bnelling,  to  Jj'ranoes  ii.  bnelling,  as  prin- 
cipal and  interest,  tha  sum  of  Twenty- four  Thousand  Two  Hundred  and 
ninety  five  Dollars.  That  the  land  so  conveyed  by  James  il.  bnel- 
ling to  Frances  K.  bnelling  in  payment  of  said  indebtedness  was 
then  subject  to  a  mortgage  of  twenty  Thousand  Dollare,  which  is 
still  unpaid  and  constitutes  a  lien  upon  said  land.  Frances  K. 
bnelling  thereupon  agreed  to  take  the  equity  of  James  H.  bnelling 
in  said  property  in  full  release,  satisfaction  and  discharge  of 
such  indebtedness  due  from  James  il.  bnelling  to  her  to  which  James 
il.  bnelling  agreed;  and  thereupon  the  deed  hereinbefore  mentioned 
from  appellants  to  Levi  V..  Eoodlwas  executed,  but  that,  owing  to 

the  absence  from  her  home  of  th$  wife  of  lev!  ».  Hood,  the  deed 

from  Levi  v..  .dood  and  wife  to  ai^j^ellant  Frances  E.  t>nelling  was  not 

executed  until  her  return  some  d^ys  later.  That  upon  the  execution 

and  delivery  of  said  two  deeds  a^  part  of  the  transaction,  the 

sane  was  accepted  by  appellant  Frances  E.  bnelling,  as  full  release 
and  discharge  on  her  part  of  the  defendant,  James  R,   isnelllng^  of 
his  indebtednosB  to  her. 

Deny  that  said  conveyances ,  or  either  of  then,  were  shams 
or  that  they  were  made  with 'the  intention  of  defrauding  complainant 
or  any  creditors  of  James  HJ  jbnelling  out  of  the  Just  demand  or 
demands  of  complainant  or  ar^y  creditor;  but  aver  that  said  deeds 
were  made  in  good  faith  for  a  bona  fide  consideration  as  above 
set  forth;  and  aver  that  a  full  and  adequate  consideration  therefor 
existed  as  above  set  forth. 

Deny  that  said  premises  are  helvi  by  Frances  i::.  bnelling  in 
trust  for  James  H.  onolling  ^r   for  his  use  and  benefit  or  for  the 
purpose  of  preventing  a  levy  land  sale  of  eaid  premises;  or  that 

either  of  said  conveyances  w^ro  made  with  a  fraudulent  intent  to 

put   said  lands  out  of  the  re^qh  of  the  creditors  of  James  H.   k>nel- 

ling.  i  ' 

Deny  that  by  said  conveyance,  James  H.  iinelling  deprived 
himself  of  hie  property  so  as  to  constitute  him  a  man  of  no 
pecuniary  responsibility,  and  deny  that  he  is  or  was  possessed  of 
little  or  no  property  after  the  making  of  said  conveyance.  x)eny 
that  James  H.  iinelling  has  no  personal  or  real  estate  liable  to 
levy  or  execution  other  than  the  premises  above  mentioned,  but 
admit  and  aver  that  said  premises  are  not  subject  to  execution  upon 
judgTTient  against  defendant  Janes  H,  bnelllng.  Dexiy   that  James  li, 
iinelling  has  insisted,  either  fraudulently  or  otherwise,  that  he 
has  neither  money  nor  property  to  satisfy  said  executions,  but 
admit  that  he  has  refused  to  pay  said  executions. 

fly  foeatoent-^o  their  answer  to  the  Brussard  bill  o»4y-, 
ftppelleat.e-aver  that  the  notes  <n  which  complainant  recovered  judg- 
ment against  i^jnelling,  V.  illiams  .  nd  t)tev,'art,  were  void  and  without 

consideration  as  against  James  H.  knelling.  That  sfik4d  bnelling 
signed  /«»44  notes  merely  as  ao  ace imodation  paper  and  that  the  real 
makers  thereof  were  V. illiams  and  Stewart;  that  bnelllng  was  by 

fraud  and  mlBrepreeentatlon  Induced  by  V. llliamB  and  btewart  to  sign 
the  same,  upon  the  fraudulent  representation  made  by  them  to  said 
Snelllng  that  there  was  a  mortgage  of  Twelve  Thousand  ijollars  upon 
the  property  which  Snelllng  had  purchased  or  traded  for  in  Chicago, 
whereas  in  truth,  there  was  only  a  nortfa£;e  of  II Inc  'thousand  Dollars 
on  said  property,  and  onelling  sif^nod  said  notes  with  the  under- 
standinc  and  agreement  that  there  was  a  Twelve  Thousand  Ijollar 
mortgage  on  said  property;  that  said  atewart  and  i. illiams  and  one 
Jeeee  M.  Brown  sold  to  Braseard  the  notes  in  question,  and  aver 
that  Brassard  was  inforr.ed  and  well  knew  at  the  tine  of  the  purchase 
of  eald  notes  that  Snelling  had  signed  same  without  any  considera- 
tion; and  in  consequence  thereof,  appellee,  Brassard  required  the 
said  JesBe  M.  Brown  to  e:uarantee  the  note  "by  endorsement  thereon 
before  Brassard  would  or  did  purchase  the  same.  :T<»pa AoatinmR-jgAra-. 

to   taXy  ana  report  proof  to  the  court. 

I^„.t^a..^yged  by  appellants/ that  the  evidence  does  not  sus- 
tain the  allegations  of  the  bill  and  do  not  warrant  the  finding  in 
the  decree.  The  evidence  shows  that  the  appellant  Barnes  H.  bnelling 

is  a  farmer.  -44e--o«dr^the- appellant- i^rancesK.-bnelllng  were  married 
i2i-lil72_^.J,n.La  SalXa.C       In  1077  hBalliag  boiifrht  the  bouth- 

west  quarter  of  Section  Ellfve«  in  Township  Tstenty-foAHr  liorth.  Range 
"Ittne  East  of  the  Third  Principal  Meridian,  in  i'ord  bounty,  for 
Forty-three  Hundred  jjollars.  The  first  payment  on  the  land  was 
Two  Thousand  Dollars,  which  he  borrowed  from  his  father.  ^-Pfsef  /v'^" 
-«*v^d_J;a_JLo^4-XUuiai5L-iiJQ'-tM*--^^  In   October  18 'i5, 

iinelling  and  his  wife  bought  the  boutheast  quarter  of  the  same  sec- 
tion, talcing  title  thereto  in  their  Joint  names,  and  entered  into 
the  possession  and  enjoyment  of  the  same,  as  tenants  in  common. 
The  quarter  section  bought  by  Snelling,  and  bnelling's  undivided 
one-half  of  this  quarter  section  so  jointly  purchased,  ie  the  land 

here  in  the  controversy.  The  purchase  price  of  this  last  quarter 


section  was  yifty-flve  Hundred -j;>o^llfty&-i-wM-c-h  was  paid  in  iRKGrtl. 
€fee  money  *o— pttre^^«f^"•4h^«-<f1MH^fc■e^r  "cane  from  the  inoome  of  the 
S.  v..  1/4  of  i;eotion  llvtlTr-TtTEt  farm  We  "Bought^'    %e  worked 
— for  i4-f'roB^  the- -crther  quarter . " 

On  September  ^  188ti,  appellaftt  Francee  K.  Snellin^j  deeded 
certain  land  in  La  iialle  County  which  she  had  receiver  from  her 
father's  estate  and  for  which  she  realized  oix  Thousand  iiollars. 
This  money  was  put  into  bank  and  was  drav,n  out  as  needed,  part  for 
bnildlne,  part  in  paying  off  mortgages  ana  the  remainder  for  im- 
provements and  other  things.   The  record  does  not  disclose  that  the 
money  was  loaned  by  irs.  tinelling  to  Mr.  anelling.  Ho  note  was 
given  for  it,  by  iinelllng  to  his  wife;  no  mention  was  made  that 
its  use  created  an  indebtedness  from  him  to  her;  no  book  entry  was 
made  of  the  scune  by  either  as  a  credit  or  a  debit;  no  promise  was 
made  to  repay  it  or  request  made  for  its  repayment:  no  interest  on 
it  wao  ever  mentioned;  no  accounting  relative  to  it  was  ever  had 
between  the  parties,  until  the  twenty-eight  years  after  its  use, 
when  they  at  the  house  of  their  mra.tual  friend  liood,  in  La  balle 
County,  accompanied  by  the  attorney  employed  by  onelllng  at  the 
suggestion  of  Kood,  and  whose  employment  was  expressly  for  the 
purpose  of  aiding  onelling  to  extricate  himself  from  his  financial 
entanglement  resulting  from  an  unfortunate  trade  for  incumbered 
Chicago  flat  property.   ->n  February  20th,  1908,  iinelllng  and  wife, 
and  each  in  his  and  her  ri^jr.t,  and  as  husband  anu  wife,  mortgaged 
the  whole  half  section  for  Twenty  Thousand  jl)o liars  at  six  per  cent 
Interest  payable  semi-annually,  and  evidenced  by  one  principal  note 
of  Twenty  Thousand  iiollars,  and  ten  interest  notes  of  iiix  Hundred 
Dollars  each,  signed  by  both. 

About  Jiaroh  1st,  1910,  Rood  paid  Mrs.  onelllng  Forty-eight 
Hundred  Seventy-two  Dollars  which  was  her  portion  of  the  final  dis- 
tribution of  her  father's  estate  realized  from  a  sale  to  iiood  of 
what  remained  from  the  father's  real  estate.   It  was  not  loaned  by 
her  to  her  husband.  Eighteen  Hundred  and  iieventy-two  Dollars  of 

it  was  spent  on  the  farm  at  different  times;  part  for  taxes  and 
part  in  paying  interest  on  tie  Twenty  Thousand  dollar  mortgaBe 
and  in  putting  iriprovcKents  on  the  faro. 

^^fee  law-l-s-wlV €»Vtlfid  that  a  wife  may  loan  her  separate 
^fua:xp»^t^-4r&^-h»T   fe«eband;  a«d  h«  can  plre  her  seouTlty  which  will 
■^  hlnrilag  »goiiiO'%Hyrttr"pri:»g  -and  aubsequent  oreditora;  but  the 
law  ift_fiqually^  wall  ^atabltehed  that  the  mere  fact  4f  the  wife 
~l«^irliT:g'''tire"Bu8"Ban^  TiftTB  h^r-^i^    to  u»e  ie  aat  sufficient  as 
a  ga  ins t-^tfeffr"Grgdli;or»< — -Th.a  .actual  -ooatraet  or  relat  ion  must 
appe^iy  ^y  set isfaotory  evidence,   uheji  the  rights  of  creditors  are 
lELY-OlTad,  the  law  will  in)t-,f4FOCi  mare  delivery  by  bar  af  money  to 
,-Wr»  imply.- A^promiaa  to  repay  her,  but  will  require  more,  either 
an  expregis  proriije,  or  circiimstance*^  t«~j^ov€--4hat--i»-»aciL.jaatter 
tJie  husband  and  wife  dealt  with  eabh  other  BB^~d«btor-an4  creditor. 
-fcMle  It  la  trua  in  this  oa8e,JU»l--tiie^^^-^  ■'pas  used 

_l>3F-"t^  hueband,  still  there  is  no  evidence  of  any  kind  that  he  was 
t»-  y«pay~4»er"inrttI'TIf''gg'lr"tB  -fcilittg  el  rcuinatanoee .   It  i&  next 
xuf6«i-tiiat-JJiB--^jMA««cv  doiB^ ntt^t^  81^  were  innocent 

-ipurchaeers.   Ve  thln}ri*:«r  evidence  "fully  ehows  that  th«y. purchased 
-*fe«™jao±fla.  .In-  good  f ai tfe  mnd  for  mn  Hone st  e0TRSl derat ion . ■  i^ir  think 
the  evidence,  fully  »*rraBt«'4h«^d«er#e^ra*^'"*l^^ 
deora«  wllT" be' affirmed . 


GESl^nAL  HO.  0287. 

ocToann  rms-^i,  1014 

BomunLEW    J, 

.R.  T  J :  .'^> !'  r  *  1  ^^^''^ ' 

AorsmA  HO,  ■' 

Filed  ipril  16,  1915- 

9  3I.A.  569 


TMktt  <^a  an  aetloo  In  ease  by  n " ; I'Ul !t m" a^yalpgt  ap?iea*««4!i-  to 


s»oeo7or  danaow  for  tfte  alleged  vroi^^l  ifleatti  of  S«HtRfiM»4-<«ii;a«sa* 
Mlaiiij,Hr>  aT»i>ollO0»9  Intestato*     'itiere-vmt  a  reraiet  txnO.  judir,  o:Tt 
for  a»n>oii0e  jtgpalmt  ji.|^piiyllaiil  for  $50<>,'-o-  i/rr-io  nee?^i4irHbfflfr--'«*m«, 
■Hiir±n0'*'"'T^"m'»''-5rTinttr>     "Ije  fiyot  eotmt-cjra-rgedr — fejjet^-^^u^  defendant 
carelessly  oaidl  iioj?:J4s©ntly  fallefirfo  u»o  roasenable  car©  to  have 
it  a  risJit-of-way  ftt  a»a  nem*  the  eoat  -^Ide  of'  -^tArvey     tfoot  "^co 
and  clear  frcw  buahest  brush,  woede  and  <  ther  naterlas   "^i '  c *s»e3^*ii;i- 
ly  milt  nogliijontly  pemitttMflieary  c^onoe  "biisliors  or  brua'^  of r--<i«-»^*tTi 

a  help:ht  of  six  to  ton  feet  to  pNwr 

fi-4iIio  north  3ltIo  of 

"4f>e-east  -isislo.  of*  -::.:,/,rrsi7   ':t3?xW5>4.->--e?kst^^uK! 
■  j8£^aBii--4*l-i3^^  rlth  an<1  obstCTJctckT 

fy  vie-  ''f  >ii4--"'  rir:?it-^"ir--^/.iy  ■^^y  pornona  travolins  nonf^-.-'^r*''  unon 
T:ii,',;  "  -irvoy  Street  HMt  eaM  ffuf!ir> ' 

THa  nf>/>nTi/>   1^ry^^^   \^\%t(S-  coimta  c^xa.T^&iil   that   the  clef oril  ant 
violated  an  ordinance  el*  t}ie  Oity-&f-<?yba«»  by  virtue  of  which  it 
operated  its  railtray  through  9«id  city  hy  wilfully  failing  to  con- 
struct or  naintain  any  sidewalk  crossing  at  its  said  right-of-way 
at  litti'Tgy  Street  in  «aid:-6iljy.     And  hy  constructing  and  Eaintain- 
ing  its  said  tracks  at  the  crossing  of  Harvey  Street  higher  and 
above  the   surface  of  «3ird  street,  t«^~a  height— of  t<>-witr  10, xnchGij. 

The  f ourth—o^ant^-obarged  ^that  the  defendant  negligently  ran 
its  car  at  a  hi^  and  dangerous  rate  of  speed  across  Harvoy  Street. 
it  was  also -^harged-J-n^aacIi-^ottH^-of"  the  deciaratlott  ttifart'tlie "doceas - 
edatthg„Jii£2fi^aaad.-4us  t-b^foiie  he  receirvea  "tris'^ln  Jury  f  roui  rhieh 

...4eaSJbuJBas«l*ed>  iras  l!ff''t^^ 
own  safety. 

-It  ia  the  principal  contention  of  appellant ^^  that  the  deceased 
at  t^e  time  of  the  accident  was  guilty  of  contributory  negligence 
in  not  using  due  care  and  caution  for  his  own  safety.     Tlic  evidence 
shows  Harvey  Street  ztwas  north  and  south  across  the  railw^ay  tracks 
.aad-.ia  rhat  is  known  as  a  h11nd  streafc..   ending  a»t  di^politt  about  two 
hundred  feet  south  ef  the  ra44wa^  trqyslfs.     ^he-  ©res^±W5--ist  in  a  ^, 

ulcus  territory^     Thft..  firat  qtrfi<g^,_east  and  parallel  with  Harvey 
StreBtr'^S'""@T)t>dwln--Av^«*»e*-  «Am^  Ctroet 

ftaad  MMT^i^-f y^g.|»»,a«^i^:^>.^„-4i3^  .      fhe  appellant  o^vns 

;  a  private  right-of-way  forty  feet  wide  running  east  and  west  and  cross- 

;  2. 

xiit;  tlieae  streetal  at  rigjit  angles.     -Tlicre . . is..>a...-4iouble^-^>JPft^-«n 
Ihis  vln^il  or  wa^/  155TappelTg3yt"typei!'a4«d^±tg^..caga...Qa..^^^  at 

-^l%e--4>iffie~e#~tl»«--aec±iient-T---At-'tb©-~^^  were 

T!?ti  lii!iutiOj»-Qii  the  west  sld£LJD£L,.HaJCT,ecg^Ja;eet--gott«u4>g.^tJ*e--i^ 
traqlfiB  anfl  ff^^^i^  n«-  <^h<^>^«>««*  *h^**.     Tlio  only  means  of  exit  for  the 
people  living  south  of  the  railway  tracks  tras  to  go  north  on  Harvey 
Street  across  the  tracks.    -?lw-f±r»t  15 tT»eet  north  of  the  railrray 
t»«wte«>~<m*~i'*afmii^-^araiiei™  tirerwrrl- 

jisxt^-^i^i-eai  luiPXfnsr'this  i?t'6y^etytiT^iT^n*vey-"Sint'ggTrTrT^  . 

lUi  tiT'r  rnlri-fvf  thff  iTtornfifitlmn  of  Hnrvfty  aw^  y^^^It^t  ^^^n  vmF  "I'^p:'^;*- ly 
nm  Ihwebt  LUiA  !jntttTT5S§T.     Tlierc  was  a  hrick  sidewalk  along  the  east 
side  of  Ekw^Fey  Street  north  of  the  railway  tracks  which  estcndecl  -sewth 
vf&rrL  to  g  ■.point>"90iiie'irhere -l>c iweeii  the  dePendemt-s  track  and- -t-hg' "north 

1  iiUft  fif  •"  "    " '  r'** "^"^'^  V  • — Tliero  was  a  cinder  walk  south  of  the 

jaai^wfgy  tracks  on  the  east  side  of  Harvey  Street.      There  trere  some 
trees,    shuhbery  and  weeds  along  the  north  side  of  the  appollan*-^ 8"-~. 
right -of -Vi'ay  which  "began  about  ton  feet  east  of  tho  east  side  of 

Hai  rg^   Street,.     The,  evidenee  toiMlctl  ta..8h<»w-tJ.^tJidieiu-a-4>«gg««->wa6^-coir- 

44*5-'-&«utl3UJm-ilai:xe5L.Sixeet  ,theae-.^,to  obstructed  mm  view 

.0  that  he  could  not  see  anything  to  the  east  for  about  fifty  feet 
north  of  the  track,   that  the  trees  all  stood  south  of  or  liamediately 
on  the  right-of-\7ay  line  and  most  all  of  the  shrubbery  and  weeds  be- 
tween the  trees  xrere  on  the  appellant's  right -of --ray  and  that  branches  of 


all  of  the  trees  extended  over  the  lire  about  six  feet.     The  wagon 
crossing  gA)  U&vroy  Otree»t  was  ooaotiniefied  of  boards  about  sixteen  feet 
long,   three  inches  thick  and  ten  inches  -ride,  bringing  the  level  of 
the  crossing  even  with  the  top  of  the  rails.     One  of  these  planks 
had  been  laid  on  the  outside  of  the  north  rail  of  the  north  track, - 
and  the  action  of  vehicles  in  going  off  this  plank  in  the  wagon  cross- 
ing had  worn  a  hole  or  depression  in  the   crossing  at  that  point  about 
the  TTidth  of  an  ordinary  vehicle  and  from  four  to  six  feet  north  and 
south.     (P];ij   evi'Ienmo  yhoya  ..ttiaifr-^tyhepe-iras  a  space  at  either  end  of  the 
cDossing  three  or  four  feet  in  width,   where  the  crossing  T:as  practically 
level .      Tlie  grade  of  the  tracks  was  about  two  feet  above  the   surface 
of  the  sidewalk  and  the  street  j  that  a  briok—ej^^pftlk"  oat  ended  «etttli  on 

up  b3r  tJinders^^-frflH -t lie  plaoe^-^fhere- the-  einders  began  *?^  th-^  track  the 

p.inf>ftT«»-,a±oppe^|^  with  a  grade  of  about  two^  feeti  Irat 'dia'lfy^t'' rdach  the 
Ifoignt" 'b'f~^£^"ra3.T"B}it  r ea^ied-approxiHiately  ti^  tops,  of  . tjje.^  iy.js  so 
that  Jthe.  ralL  -atood  -f±v:eL„SXiSijbiMB..,ja2ba3f&-^^^  and 

^z:e"'6ieh.     Witnesses  for  appellant  testified  that  the   speed  of  t'e 
car  was  from  ten  to  twelve  miles  an  hour  while  witnesses  for  appellee 
testified  that  the  speed  of  the  car  was  fron  twenty  t'    thirty  miles  an 
hour.     Decedent  came  wo s t. ■  sn^-^  b1.eye^e"-en-^5pr JigTlgW '3iy\inug -JTO-ff arvey 
S tpe»fe  -antUfelaea-^tm'iiua  sCTOCfriBriTayygy^'g^egt ,   as  he  approachel  the  right 

of  way  ^n  nnglftd  t.n  ttifi  BftiitTiwff^gtr-Hn  attemptwig  to  cross  the  road  cross- 


Ing'  of  HaiToy  ^ltrgcft»  trfeoB  Jso  ntmek  tho  erossing;  ^'C  turnol  h±a 
td.:oyclo  north  artS  juat  then  the  ear  hit  hiia* 

Vfo  think  the  ©rl^ojujo  fully 

esttihllsh^a  aogligonc^y  at>pollaTit. 

It  was  its  duty  to  siedxitain  its  gjpaAo  at  its  hl^^iht^ay  oroanlrif:  as  ^ro« 


viilod  in  tho  oralnaneo.     It  Is  n6t  donled  that  it  ftiilcd  to  do  stu 
Tho  eTide3ic«  shova  t!3at  it  allowed  to  cociat  at  said  erosisiag  a  tl0«tp 
dop$»ot»3ioit  sis  or  nevea  feet  ride  and  an  long  north  and  south  v^iltlh 
was  a  r>udd«n  Jutap  off  froK  tho  x»3-ai5&  north  of  tho  lino  ©l|»Jit  or  ton 
inohos  di»o|»*     At  the  tlia©  of  tho  Injury  the  dleooasocl  rode  up  th© 
aaglini;  imth  from  tho  end  of  tho  ^idovolk  to  stnii:e  tho  one  spot 
where  a  erossif^  oould  he  emcle*    ^©oosaarily  |>rior  to  that  ticj©  he 
ocmld  not  see  the  core  eoedag  ancll  when  ho  lo<^i:ed  ho  OTidontly  (lid  not 
eoe  the  ears*    As  »oen  aa  he  tiini|»cl  to  tho  west  tho  oars  t?ero  to  hits 
haok»  and  he  hai  to  ijlre  hla  attohti  n  to  the  guiding  ef  ?^ie  wheol  up 
the  ippade  to  the  south  <md  weet  dmd  oould  not  look  to  tho  onot*    .''a;n~ 
ifostly  tho  heavy  foliage  nnd  the  trooo  antl  the  noioeo  of  the  pop'Jlf^s 
distriet  pr<E)ronto«i  Mm  fr<n  hoarii'^  the  apryroaoh  of  tlio  car;?  or  t^cir 
sif^inals*     Unflor  tho  t03ti£30ny  of  the  notonsan,  ao  ooon  an  aoco^ao-  ^liil 
hoar  the  ears  ho  turned  to  the  riglJt  in  an  attcaapt  to  got  off  of  t!ic 
track  and  the  i30t(a<nia&  thoui^t  hp  was  oafo»  waa  off  the  traok»  anl  re- 
leased hie  hralees  and  suddenly  decaase^t  arat  hla  ^heel  woro  t^romi 
towards  the  ear,  so  that  the  deceased  evidently  loot  control  of  hia 

>3l  and  eould  not  Zceop  it  to  the  ris^^t.      Ijoro  is  no  otTier  e:spla- 


ig  at  said  point  irhero  tlio  ^coaaotl  tttmea  to  tho  irlf^it  In  an  attompt 


to  get  o^f  tlie  rljr*,,'^   .  ■"'«*'  +.?>;»?•  -'■'■.■-♦■m  f|0  gin!?^'^  ^»"''^  '-■'■>rx-.T    i-.*.. 

tch  doprosslon  he  aba  :l«tely  loat  control  of  It,  wao  tlannm  so  that 

i^  Qstr  "tmek  hici  and  threw  iilia  to  tho  no3*tInreBt  and  T-llleci  '  '    •     "^^^ 

I     jwry  under  tho  oriclotico  in  this  ctase  had  a  rl^ht  to  believe  iliat  the 
tLmfSfona  eosi^ltirm  nf  tJ-sifs  drossrsinr'  rrovonteS  the  Seootis^"'  fTfira  savlr^ 

l3  life  aftor  ho  disooTorod;  tho  approach  of  tljc  c-j,pa»     "0  boliovo 
tliat   tl:o  0±:1  -1    ■O'^li-^swcG  ■::si  t*:!e  •^-- a-rf.  of  ;\r;-'--:-»'5"!  mt 

i    in  taaliit. lining  a  dangerous  oroesing*     iltJO  ^-  e  decoaood 

at  the  time  and  jiist  ?)oforo  Jho  rocelTO'l  Tiin       ,,    .-^  .^       .-•  ■<;!? 

.  resulted  was  In  tho  exorelsq  of  Ouo  earo  ai*!  eotitlon  for  hia  mm  safety 
W.3  a  >-?ii«3tlon  of  fact  for  the  Jury  awtl  only  'b^ammn  one  o?  Irw-r  --i^^^^re 
tho  WBH^Qputod  criaenco  cstabllsljcd  t'^at  th©  injury  rofjuites-i     vom.  tlio 
nc?*lif^oneQ  of  the  injured  T^arty*     If  there  may  h©  a  aiffoj*'5t3e'>  of 
opinicm  on  the  q|iK>stioii  «o  that  roosoiiable  olnd    trill  ^•vx'i<^  at,  dif- 

f    fer  nt  conclusions  then  it  Ig  a  qtt0f5tion  of  fact  for  tho  jury*     nr  icT.~o 

City  Railway  Co.  re.  Nelson,  215  ill.  433.     'fli©  ordinancoss  were  rvov 

orly  admitted  in  erldenee»  Cohrswl  v.  SrrlJM^flold  Hy.  Co.  S40  ill.  1 '. 

Finding  no  r€nr©rsibio  erwor  in  the  record  the  judstaont  la 



aeneral  Ho.  6391. 


Piled  April 

John  H,  Fought,  \ 



Jos  •  Schlitz  Brewln^-^Co. 


Scholfield,  J, 

ih  6  / 

October  Term,  «»14. 


Agenda  No. 21. 

ppeal  from  Shelby. 

193I.A.  572 

John  H.  Fou2ht,  the  appellee  recovered  a  jud^nment 

for  $1000.  against  Joa.  Schlitz  Brewing  Co.,  the  appellant, for 

f .  ilure  and  refusal  of  appellant  to  deliver./to  appellee  under 

a  certain  oontraot^  f'^   '^'^  ^    cL:^c.U^L<^l^^--d*  ■ 

T^«--«ontswsr1r«^i^-^TT^^^  into  Nov, 

17tJw,  1904,  and  by  the  terms  tfaer^ef  the  appellee  agreed  to 
handle  exclusively  the  beers  of  appellojat  In  Shelby  Coxinty,  -Hrl- 
-iao4«*  for  a  period  of  five  years  fajoia  d'to.  Appellant  aggood  to 
loan  appellee  a  beer  wa-gon  to  be  used  by  him  in  his  beer  business, 
and  to  fvTth^r  allow  him  five  dollars  for  oold  storage  of  each 
car  load  of  beer  hc-ndled  by  appellee  under  the  contract |.  dxrrtng 
the-tenrr-Appeiitmt  agreeing  to  deliver  certein  brands  of  draught 
ajid^bojdJft  >isey--^to  appellee,  free  on  bosrd  oaTs  at  Shelbyville 
l"litinois-,thB- price  of  keg  beer  to  be-five-  dollars  "sud"  seventy 
fivo  oontf^-per-  bnrr^lr^"«er  to  be^^^^  t^ 
■ind  8»yenty  f Ive  centB^)er  «ase,  with  a  reb&te- to-«5>pellee  of 
40,  30y  30  oent-8-foT  bottltrg-?iid-gasgl'  re  turned  ,'^ap'pell5^^  to 
psy  return  freight  on  empties. 

In  May,  1906,  the  city  Council  of  the  City  of  Shelby- 
villerefused  to  grant  lioensarfor  the  aale  of  intoxicating  or 
mi  It  liquors  in  the  oity  ef  Oholbyvillc  for  the  municipal  year 
Tpffglniitng  en  th'  t  date  oind  ending  May  1907.  At  fe  that  time  the 
appellee  had  on  hand  fifty-two  hrlf  barrels  of  draught  "bQexJjfUcA- 
JW.S  he  shipped  hack  to  appellant  and  nae  CTedited  with  its 
value  on  hia  account.  In  Auguot  1906  appellant  rendered  ap- 
pellee a  bill  covering  their  previous  tr-Jisactions  showing  a 

b;  lanoe  due  to  appellant  of  seventy-two  cents.     Tfei«k-«aovu*t  ap- 
pellee paid.     In  May  1907  the  city  Couniel  »^:~^ke-o4ty  pi  Shgltiy^- 
v41Xe — s.gAfaft  granted  license  for  the  Sci-le     of  intoxicating  and 
malt  liquors  i»-th#"0it7-^-ShelbyTille  for  the  municip  1  year 
boglnniag...oa  that  daf-'gittd  ending  Itey  1908*  Appellees  then  made 
a  demand  on  appellant  for  beer  under  their  oontrsot  and  appell- 
ant  refused  to  let  them  have  any,  sayfeg^tnat  thoy ■■  eondidered 
the  contract  was  terminated  when  the  city  cotuici^  refused  to 
grant  license   in  May  1906^    The  appellee  then  brought ^st*»  suit 
after  the  contract  had  expired  by  lapse  of  time. 

The  deelaravloii'^gottglisted-iyf  two  speelaJiO^Hmts-  based 
nr\  tha£i£>n4i»fte%--nTtrt  'ttts' tsjimmriTi  counts  consolidated,     fhe-  pleas 
«««e-^he  general  lasuCjond  that  the  contract  had  been  forfeited,^ 
terminated,  and  abandoned,^  .m^^u "  pl^g~ef-s»t--^^^-  •  Appellgatt- 
h{i>g  not  r.-idoed--Ttny"Trn:e-gtiiDii--fri:th«g"--b3^-d.ea^ 
ftsxfi.at4ua*t4«s44ag--.ths^jBu^lld4ty  "^f -^ 

t«-«sxiiu-^.iUdeMonal>l^-whe titer  thereH^         mutuali^ty  in  it  • 
Joi4^H!-^otir2:±«gHff«NE«™¥»"-J^li^t  '0i tiaens  Brew^^  111 . 

App.  400  4  IlisboQ  va ..-ftwt-r3«r^barA  384.    Alt-:gppeanyer-g:greed 

1 0^s-Tryfc--to--eeii--ajrr  «th~d1«^Mr 'SSr^ 

^J]^[^g£._lhA-^on4a::ao4;-4»^'^3<>uld-n©t  *  tp  have 

bought  cmy  boog  o#°ctppgIIcl[f . 

We  think-  tcfi_...fi3cMeaae,..^>dmlt.tM.hy^.the..-aougt..^ 

infip.Burp.  of  dmnt^gfifl  wan  Jjapsopflx^ ll...ths-App©Xlee  wars -entitled 

tt)  rooover  on  tfee--eontraot -tbe^ti  -the-daiPages  would  be  what     he 

h.d  to  pc».y  tg"D"ther"  parties  to  get  -laaar,,oi!  the saa«-^tts»llty 

more  thaa--M-a~<?ontraot~pglo»  with  .appellant .His...lQa9 .  Q f  pro f  1 1 s 

and-jaj^jfiXLsjsa.  la  putting..  uji-.ioe-had -nothii^g  ta  4©-with  tlbe 

damaga4>^~-£4r- was  hig-duty-to-ge-eut"  and  -buy  be«r-oXJtha.  kind: 

aAd...«^*»3^4ty  -he^  had  contracted  fas^  and.,  the  o^jQess  he  had.  to  pay 

wni^^d   hfl    tVift   mfta.mirA...i^<'~4-t4^»r-r^=mr».ga«y-  -Tha  ma j ortty'iyr  the    COUrt 

are-nir-thg  oplhibtt '  that  thei  dontraot  wa*^*  tenainatedrby^ppell- 
I    EUil  irr  May-  19t?6  when  the  city  Council  refused  to  grant  lioenae 
beoauos  th4a--.s>PpeJble»-d44"-not,-.xa:d^u^,-ac-..b\iy  a.ny-ba^j-of  appell.:;jit 
-for-that  yotMf-ead  »yde  a-full  sett lement-'^rtTr'-T^Tpsllant '  paying 
vJULJL.-bal«baGe  dug  tty  and  that-M^s-^Anduot-  shoga  that  ha -oonaidi» 

ored  thft  nontrrrr'nt  cloaedv— -Judge  Thompeon,  tipwaver,  aoea  nox 
agi^e-« itir-bfel«  last  propoai  t  i on . 

For  thg  ^Ty^T*^  tn^4-ft-a.^*>^  the  5udgiaeAt--wiii- bo  sevear^ed  with 
a  -finding  -e^-igfeet- tfaat  ht«  oontraot  wav  t«rminr.tod"  tsy  tli«r  ac* 
Jjlsma  Qf-appellae-ln  May  1906 . 

October   Term,   1914 

^   > 


Agenda  ifo,  S4- 

■ppeal   from  Tazewell, 

193I.A.  574 

Gen,  Fo,    6295, 

Etta  A,  Gerdes, 



vs,  ■ 

Samuel  Nlemeyer, 


Scholfield,  J, 

UUMyc^  IStta  A,   Gerdes  a  jnar  ied  woman  fej::ought  cult  in  the 

Gxxxjuit Gow-ct'  of ■  -?azewttll— C'euaty^  against  Samuel  Hiemeyer  for 


jalt-uiag^j?xed-.i;^«3Pd«»|  the  huslsand  of  appellee  to  testif^^'^'lien  he 
t^eeM-^i^d  in  tJhief  it  was  allowed  on  the  grotmd  that  he  was  act- 
Ing  an  aflffnt   for  h*«--^wJb'#«v^''''^ghi-»-e^id««o«  ims  air^  that  he  pre- 

sented the  hill  for  hoard  to  appellant for  his  w4fe^ and  that  appel- 
lant refused  to  pay  it.     gho   Bvlden-e»--i»aj»-wholILy.--JliBaat-&^:4aar-to 
the  i  eauee  in-^bh^  -cgfcge  and  ^ould  work  n«  hara  even,  lf,..-inc.ajapetaat 
However  -we- t}iink  the  -evi-d^enefr-adalttedHay-  the  -eotiBHi - ©n  that  que 8» 
tAen  wa-e~compgtient ,     He-  wOiB~-ag-a4a-  placed  e»-  the~«*a«d-*«'>~'«tieRtjLf7 

,   lodging  and  washing,   aw^  recover »d  a, Jud/^ent   an^ainot-hAm    for 
-one  DollOT*»^     It  ie  #fe»-grt»--^»Tgi8dr''imt--^he  4wgt"-ai^3?<4  -j^'-per- 

#1  cU~^\    fLiiV^h'4 
in  ? 

ebut  tal  niadi  '■  rr»  vh(i)  ■'  ■ff'^  i  ttn  -inaa  iinfie,  T,ist,.a..ajftj!im-l-^«t  i^ther'  ground 
of  his  incompetency  and  he  was  thoroughly  cross-examined  hy  ap- 
p ell aat .  -'"^  nhjPintilcTv  h^'^^'^^c  "'^'»*'"  "'"^*'-  ^^-^  tvinf-  t.-ima  «.»  t.A  t.iij s 
e^a^fs^et  ency"iir'XTnr'crt"i3e"ra±^Bed-'~HOw.~ijtfc.*th4  Gi  ty-  »f  Ghi  cago 

vis»-4l^>ga»^-8e--S3*s™^p*""54^V '^  1S9  III",  "46,   B'eil  v  s  , 

-I4Mtir~ti«act -"uapged-  4»ha*  the  ee-upt'-eTT'ed-  in  aOi-t-giving 
apppl  I  ant 'j^Jjiatjni&tljana.,X>aaA->-><^,-'"  Appellant's  refused  instruct i on 
-3 — i»~8ubetanti«arly" the-  Baffl«-a«-  appel  ant's  given 't»8'truetio»~No, 
-^ — The  jury  were  ftiaA3MbiwHyy»e^ed--e;e"  t^'"tehe--law"hy'  pppellant* s 
^fi*#»-4»etxuc.ti.oaJto*--%-Andr--^  court 

t'fr  repeat  Itr  tn»ta*ue»t4B-Jfin--eni(Bi:g  |rf  ope  -ly ' r e fu'g«<r~ "Itr'^dtJes-'-iK) t 
state  fcH'cerreet  principM  oT  law,' "  Tt  iiiras  not  necessary  in  order 
f  or,  ,appeAiareA>;.t o  mitatiaiwi  "te«j^  «tti4-  that  appellant  had  knowledge  :&hiat>^ 

with  IMf)T»ellMI»^       Aai     thati,-la..Bnn«Micmry    <tt  ».>^iiLf . ..A|t^  . j^^gl|iy^„^|    g^^^^y,*,, 

*«i« — '™""°       '"  '  "         '^--*n  ••  iflmiiiiig  tiln  iimt  iiiiiiiiiirtmji^  TlWlii  iibulI 
4 MM  1    flii  wifiA«nm»  rmm  fnHit^im^'  mA-^'t'-mm''t9m"'P'm^irm^  of 

ly  d,l«rtfHr«raJ  ^Tf ^innftit,  j*  amrajjiit    oiaattHtttiv-mintd  -the- r«i(»r4'"Aotta  Eot 

■rant    t.Tifl  ■igra^uUag.jaiUfc.aMttr^.trtia,  MiMt  ^v--»-:lwi«a  ■di«>tnroyee-  glne< 

^ieneral  No.  G303. 

Fileyipril  16,   1915- 

!!'»^^^''-"19  3I.A.  575 


/       -'- 1' 

rTr  3/^iQXa,     J. 


l^om  rt  judfioont  of  $6«0OQv90 

4*''^  '^^y'fiT'Pfil  1  Pf;  '^fi'^'-^rirt  Tiin>iriTiajt.f  fcr  th©  all©?^il  allciia 

tion  c-r  '•-■^'*  ''•o,.;v..,-i,i»  -   -xfr'-^f-f. 


^^     C  ijJU<^  JcLujfj 

^!?o  iloclaration  coni^istctl  of  thro©  oounto.     Tho 

flrat  ..-,-■-.•>  ^^  that  d0^nn''»'t  contriving  and  wic;  O'lly 

intcntUng  tc  injure  the  x^aintiff  and  to  deprive  Tior  of  tlie 
.iff  <"t-'. -I-      ocioty.   aid,  lasalot 'vif.f:   ^nd  coiafort  '-^  '^■F»/^a 
Crrbly,   t\\Q  husband  of  p3Jaintiff,  did  on  tho  first 


»  n  /■ivoro  date*?  between  that  fcij->© 

and.  the  coEmnoncOTiont  of  tliia  suit,  vrilfiilly  iind  aalicifnaly 

doatrcy  an-l  alienate  fronjtho  -^'^.l-' Iff  tho  af T*--«-?-/t.5  ?:  .-^   :T>n 
said  v>ed  Corhlyj  "by  laeana  'thereof  the  ^liiintiff  had 
^ht  llv  lofit,   T.n<1  Tvion  cl0Tiri(ved  of  the  n.^cictv,   affocticn 
etc.       '  o!?e  said  Fred  Ccr^ly,  rvnd  that  '"laintiff  was  damaged 
in  tho  niBn    >f  :*;1C  .rrcff/. 

>",  j!v:l  -jcmnt  charf/oG  tt^at  rlal?5t:lff  'j-i^;  -;arriO(1.  to  . 

rid  rred  Gorhly  on  the  Jl.'Jth  day  of  rjoccriho": 


that  thoy  llvoO  tosothor  as  tou;  T-)--.!?-'.  rv.iT    -If'-^  Ti-'-v:   ".■■^t  r-nte  n?itil 

Ai!,?rast,  A.  l>.  K'llj  that  th«  loald  t-Yed  Cop'^'7  t^Titotl  hor  tTie  "^laln- 

tiff  ktwlly  and  wa«  a  ?rood  ank  dutiful  hiiflband  until  ahoiit       v-^  70  ,: 

■^rlor  to  the  time  !?o  loft  hoi»\ln  Awroiot,   1911?   that  the  dlof<?nrlcmt 

©alloioimJy  -^r"'  ^-ilfiilly  -'.lioimted  the  affections  of  tli'?        ' '' 
'^'reil  Oorhly  ft^ora  the  plaintiff ;\  that  the  oald  lAnHs&f  Ccphly  ^raa 
tho  father  of  tha  sals  Fred  Corlily,  and  that  the  mild  la.»i>.lsey 
Oorhly  the  defendant #  .iras  i^ossessted  of  large  nmctmts  cf  t'cney  zrvl 
real  estate  of  the  value  1   tf'-arltj  of  $SOf>,'^'^'  -'"'  -   otc 

Third  cotmt  c!;arif?e;7  that  the;  defen«l:mt  on  the  ^r^t  drty  of  Trvsi- 
unvf,    *.    -n   1'OS!,  Tmcnringly,   r^irrtcsely  an^l  rsallclotifsl^,  T>ef^-*'    -     -  • 


tf«:tatlc  -Ian  of  r»olsonlnf»  the  nlnd  of  the  Raid  TYb(1  Cor^ly  afralrsnt 
the  'Plaintiff,  and  endeoTorefl  tq  have  the  said  ^efl  cnrMoy  tr» 
loare  and  aepai^te  frOBS  the  plaJintlff,  oaitsinr;  hlrs!  to  f^lslllce  ^or». 
by  laiot?inf»ly»  r^sfpcTselj  and  nalieiously  naliin^  t'^  '"**-  ^''^  ''"'  '  '  "c^^ 
Ccrbly  ®Il|!»:^tlns  rewartca,  jLr»9ln^atlona ,   and  fn3so  ^  -^.'^ont 
the  yj-Talntl^-f  ^    -,,1^.^  '-^aklr^  insiniiatlng  and  sll^tlnr  r--"--'^-'' ^  nni' 

In^  •r^a^ntAff''  relatives  te  theUald  Fred  rorfljlv  tht»,t    he,  the  clofon- 
:.  )  '■       ^-'J  dlainherlt  hlr  *>^'-  "..^-iid  Fr<i-->.  f^^■">^■^Tr     ■•'?»  ^.^  -r-^-i,.-^  ■«.., 
oerarsite  froc!  the  said  plaintiff:   that  the  sal''  (defendant  con- 
t^T.^/^f'  ?!"'.•"    •^nt«r»atlo  rlan  up  tc  ^-.b^  -f^lrst  day  of  ^"w'«-'  , 

'  c-n  !^c  finally  suceeedod  In  wlio:|ly  alienating  mtfi  destrcyinf;  t?^o 

affoctiona  of  t!io  said  Fred  Ctrh^y  fresa  thia  plaintiff,  the  aald 

-ijCi-t'C  In  no  "Kria©  aon&oatlim  tlicreto 

tlonod  i2atG  tho  said  Frod 

?^fonda»t  dosertod  ti 

.rbly,  to  tlio  damage  of  tho  plaintiff  of  (l-  * 

^kjL   oUihCCo-U'/ 

.-.   .■•>  ,-\      -s  «^*     . 

Corbly  as  a  roault  of  the  ©fforts  jjf 
is  plaintiff  and 

prirod  of  tho  sooiet^r*  aoaiatonoe  antl  affeotien  of  tho  oaiti  vrotl 


tei^t/i-uLeL4   lAeif^  ^xAj  ju^ic/e^ua 

irt-Ia  ui'god  fty  appollmit  that  if  o  ervldmtimo  iloee  Hcfe-aJwy 

tTiat.  tho  df 

-.4^^^^ -<4eg<»i3tj:4ontt  of^ JherL. hwatianfj  ^"**-!,-i 

-KTio'j  'or  <fft.-?  that  she  bml  lived  In  Pa»ton  all  bor  life  ^'itTi  t?io  ex- 

C'rtt'-.r?    of    fivo   yoaiTS*    <^m«    ^r>r  u'Titolt    sho    i  JV©?!    i?i   "t  f*;  .  vi.'^ , 

and  four  years  In  iUibum  Parte*  Oliicagoj  that  I^e^l  Cor^sly  h«p  l>iig- 

fv2^...>.j; .laTi-ian^;  t?mt  her  ooci?ratlon  wa.Ti  that  of  a  miliinor,   t-iat 

fy,,^,  ;»or  i..>ua.l»'jgii  x»  Oitatwi--lTr-trtr'r7--t!Ty--"-^^  4iay--4?g..4.iacau£u3y 

;--''. 'C^    aha  wat;  mfti'yie"l"-tgr-""'  -  _:,'f"  t'.:at   on  t?iC  Eioxt  day   ;;.?t.or     JnU-l 

'Mw  narriago  she  as^  ber  Imsljand  returned  t 

1  antl  iiVfjcl 

that  ^^lie  con- 

i    tlnued  her  laillinery  bt-  and  hor  husband  irod  Corbiy  i?cnt 

tc  sclscol  at  Eureka,   Illlp.oia  an '  (.that  she  n^mlBhcd  the  asosiey  for 

.' 1  tiiiticnj   tliAt  .-if tor  graduating  fro:!  the  Emfoka  '"■ualncts^;  ■'■■'- 

\rn  ]!;cr  !:ual!>ai1d  retttmed  tc  Tasiton  and  cnr;arcd  In  the  bncsinosa  of 

ipjdns  fstee&j  that  during  the  first  fow  yojxrs  of  Tior  carried  life 
iitrtatr  tlie  defonfiant  did  not  invite  her  to  his  house  and  wtmld  r>ot 

,    spealc  to  ^er  cr  reoojmlze  her  altJioiigJi  he  ■pa.nned  her  alnost  orcrnr 


'    d2^  and  at  cue  tiia©  in  her  store  bnished  rlp?it  \vp  aj?;ainst  licr  and 
did  not  rococnlz©  her  and  that  this  troatncnt  of  her  contlimed  un- 
til after  a  rerlval  ise«tlng  held  ahcut  the  year  1601,  when  the  do- 

nOant  eaiae  to  her  erylng  ancl  aslied  !:or  to  forgive  him,   ami  that 
afterrard  she  vislte<T  the  ?:oiise  of  the  tlefenclrint  jm*"!  tlm  defendai^t 

and  hie  .  if e  Tirtited  1-or  h<aac  until  tlio  last  two  oi"  three  years 


I    rrlor  to  her  reparation  frosn  her  huabsmdj  that  .^wrln^  the  first  few 

;    years  cf  her  inarried  life  l5or  huaband  had  been  a.frcctic?iratc  and 

kind  to  her;  that  these  risita  and  friendly  rolationa  continued 

,  up  tntil  the  deatl.  cf  the  :rif©  of  defendant  vrlsich  occurred  in 

005  that  at  ore  tlitse  after  the  death  cf  defendant* a  ^.?lfe  7/hlle 

t    they  were  eatini^  hre^cfast  she  aaked  the  defendant  to  pass  I^or  t!ie 

vnper,  and  he  asked  "vhat  are  yon  jE^oinp:  to  use  p^l-*'*®!'  ^or**  and  on 

•    iior  roi  lying,  "on  my  laushi*  he  aaid>  "Alnt  yoii  fiot  no  aense  at  all 

r    to  eat  penper  on  vmnht    "^hy  donH  you  tise  cream  on  If?"   that  the 

I    ax-TOii^w^t  %"oiud  ooiac  into  her  nlllincry  itoro  Wid  In  the  presence 

'  Iior  Imabaad  jy&uld  say  that  her  father  7?aa  an  old.  dmnlcard, 

never  aiiomitcd  to  ^vny thing,  riovor  wifm  any  ia<mey»    -inj-:/  .-  tnid 

aiKl  drank,  rind  tliat  her  brothers  \7ere  drunlcarda  and  they  were  all 

;  araek  of  thlovegy  that  they  were  doconeraton  and  thiereej  that 


Slienaan  had  married  cjoiiey  and  Henry  hart  narrlecT  laont^::  that  Jim 
had  married  Into  the  Irish,  and  that  Frod  (the  husband  of  ar-^  olleo) 
had  niarrie<lno  hotter-  Along  In  1' 03,  tlie  appellee  and  her  hushand 
had  taken  two  little  children  to  educate  and  raise  and  appellant 
told  his  f3on  Fred  In  the  presence  of  appellee  that  these  ttro 
llttlo  cirls  had  parents  that  were  tTdsgraceful  and  low  down  trash, 
anfl  that  ho  did  not  intend  that  any  of  his  money  should  he  spent 
on  such  children  as  those  two  little  girls,  and  said  if  l>ed  cob- 
tinuod  tc  live  rith  appellee  in  that  way  he  ^roul'  never  ^et  any 
of  his  money;  that  he  would  dlsij-Jherit  him  entirely  fror.  Tils  es- 
tate; that  In  1910  appellant  told  IVed  In  the  presence  of  apr^elloe 
that  if  he  continued  to  live  rrith  anpellee  he  ^rould  got  in  the  pen- 
itentiary'' as  a21  Walkers  ought  to' "be  in  the  ponitejitiary,  Tiat 
they  were  thieves  an<:l  appellee  wasn't  any  hotter. 

!r.rr3.  Uedrich,  a  sister  of  appellee  testified  tijat  ^ho  '7i\r,   f^e- 
qticntly  at  the  home  of  the  appellee  ind  hei'  Imshand  and  that  ^row 
VjOQ   up  to  ahcnt  ll'ir*  th.o  hushand  rf  appellee  showed  i^rcat  affec- 
tion for  apT^lleo;  that  in  1910  she  saw  I'Ved  Corhly  tlie  husTaand  of 
appellee  nlap  the  appellee  on  the  ?2ead  and  hecoiae  yqt^^   a!i^:ry  and 
ki  died  thinf^s  about  the  house;  that  in  IGIO  she  heard  appellant 

;"o.ik  to  ""Yed  Corhly  in  the  store  ahout  .'=:oi:ie  trouhlo  an  loayrian 

'•irl  in  Taston  and  he  told  Fred  if  he  wasn't  sotfton  out 

of  the  Tfalbor  farally  the  nest  tItinG;  h^ner  tfiey  would  have  h±a   In 

the  pcnitontiary,  cmcJ  lft!30y(lid  ho  voulcl  get  none  or  hia  money 
to  help  him,  ami  also  that  if  he  did  not  got  out  of  the  TTilicer 
fanily  he  trould  disinherit  hlai,  tliat  tho  "Walkers  rere  thieves 
and  ro5^os,  that  rhen  Pred  Corbly  ^7ould  return  froci  a  visit 
to  his  father  he  would  "be  very  an^ry  and  kick  things  aroimd 
the  house. 

x_i33ie  T-'alker  another  slater  of  appellee  toatifie;!  that  she 
called  at  appellants  house  for  the  purpose  of  ccllectln?i:  some  iioney 
aprellant  owed  her  and  that  apr^ellant  said  to  her  if  she  ^ould  go 
to  Lida  Corbly  and  get  her  to  ^ro   I^Ved  a  divorce  ^rithout  any 
public  disgrace  he  Trould  pay  her  every  cent  he  owed  her,  and  if 
she  did  not  do  so  she  could  v/ait  for  her  money. 

A»  T.  Carlson  testified  that  l^^ed  Corbly  was  very  affectionate 
to  arrelloo  that  they  frequently  hired  rigs  cf  him  up  to  10 10. 

"Hie  evidence  offered  by  appellant  tended  to  show  that  the 
appellee  had  been  narried  to  a  man  by  the  name  of  I^addox  prior  to 
her  Karriago  with  Fred  Oorbly  and  that  Iladdox  had  obtained  a  di- 
vorce frcn  her  in  ^richita  Kansas  on  tho  grounds  of  adultery. 
That  Fred  Corbly  had  no  kno\7ledge  of  this  prif:r  rxarriage  and  di- 
vorce of  appellee  at  the  time  he  niarried  her.  That  she  riiarriecl 
him  under  the  narae  of  Lida  talker,  and  in  her  raarriage  certificate 
in  anr>wer  to  the  question  ar?  to  tho  mmbor  of  brides  carriage  she 
gave  the  answer  "  first"  j  that  the  oarriaso  -ras  I:ept  secret  from 

fO&  Cor*bly»!3  pai^atifeB  for  oorao  tlmo*  r'roa  Cci:<f>ly  staylsv;  at  Ms 
fatJi&r'a  house;   timt  the  appellant  finally  I^earOl  of  the  natter  and 
upon  nontionlng  tlio  fact  to  his  son,  stateOl  to  hiia  that  t!M3  rro- 
or  rslaco  for  a  aarriod  nan  traa  isrith  his  wifo  and  ordered  Tilm  to 
go  and  lire  with  his  rrtta*     Tiio  liuaband  than  vent  to  livo  with  a?- 
pelloo  and  thoy  aof»«ired  a  hone^     T!ie  apr«llawt  i^aro  theci  crnoid- 
orat^le  lurihor  for  tho  purpose  of  building  a  house.     This  hoisso 
aa  afterward  sold  and  defendant  erected  a  businoso  "block  fcr  the 
-r^pellee  to  ooMuct  her  laillinory  business  in,  with  a  flat  for 
rosttdcnoe  nurpoeo  for  aprollee  and  her  huslmnd  over  head.     The  store 
rocBj  and  flat  wae  occupied  by  api^llee  in  confluctln?^  her  business 
and  as  a  residence  for  herself  and  Inisband  -afltliout  paying  rent  i^^on 
it  to  the  tisse  of  their  seT^aration  an<l  was  continued  to  be  oooir"?.od 
by  appoUeo  thcr  after  until  the  tine  of  trial  rlthout  raynortt  of 
rent  thereon.     At  one  t:?jno  defendtint  !:ept  them  in  W.n  ^<wn<*  ff)r 
tvG  tTee:-3»     T!ie  evidence  showed  that  y'red  Corbly  a.fter  if.rin?" 
with  his  rrifo  3(Kr.e  ei|^t  i^jt  ten  yesMf^s  bef^^vn  to  bo  tntf?"nielou?s  of 
his  ■  ife*3  faithfulness  tc  hin,  and,  that  fio  fi-'ally  drifted  Into 
the  habit  of  drinjting  and  (jumbling.     T-'red  Cnrbly  t?>stlfied  t!?at 
bout  tho  year  1005,   the  afpellee  «jeorae€l  tc  lose  her  affcctlcn 
for  hlia  an<l  that  her  attitude  tmrarrl  hiia  ohan.'^^ed,   that  she  wculd 
';o  off  CTJ  tri^s  to  Chloar^n  tc  -nnTt^-nno  millinery  stcoi;  '-;  ' 
jcinjJt  acdOEip>anied  by  him,  and  stay  froisfrlrcty  to  nir.oty  days 
.:.'.■    r  the  fall  leavinf'  '•  v  oso   trj.7'3 


she  left  in  January  a?-ul  cUd  net  return  until  :!arcli.     After  ono 
of  appellee's  triT>9  to  Chioa/^;©  In  the  latter  part  of  t7M3  year 
hor  ImsTiand  d±aot>veretl  three  letters  !iiddcii  imder  a  flovrervanc  in 
Iior  Biillinery  departitiont  and  they  arcused  his  snsplcions.      't'hewft~ 

^ho  fouixT  t!^^"  ^''^  hoT -yjrflfea  aftd-li^s'tttnntoirtg  ggattergilra^gttt-^ina 

ir^^^foTx:!  xrhlfth  hft  ''Tff,'^  p^afiPifl  1n  thff  tin  -h^Tf -»^>r^  -"^^^  - — f^e-tri^^r-to 
get   tIngKi,£EJMa  ?d.fl  vjli;a,aa»4^.a.oald.«ft<>~4ai«~-gK>»^^^--.^^^  TOOda^- 

^t  —tirt  BTT^^fT  one  of  t!ie  letters  w  ',s  Tosti^arkerl  CMcafrc  iUtT 

addressed  to  arpellee  ±n  care  of  i^ajs,!!!  Tii'OST  a  wholesale  millinery 
house f     1g??»"^W!Hgr"-'**^  tl<-e  let4)ey  asked  !-;er  to  neot  '^''-    -^    -   cor- 

tain  comer  In  Chicago  and  str^od  "they  roiild  ro  orjt  pJ5cI  Tiara  a 

good  ti^tic.**     -^r^-^yaflh- qiffltod.  wAjh'  the  inmBet-AQoxitaP.  ^\ih&  tiiiiiQ i  IjaiiTar^niL. 

tact  i  ft  ad  wag  ^travelling;  salesman  for  a  wholesale  nillinery^^ 

'-^use  J  "'finally  lio  foimd  a  deed  among  r.osne  ^oapei's  of  ?il3  ^rlfe  r-zv- 
voying  property  in  Wichita,  llanaaa,   to  Idda  '■..  "laddox.     At  this 
tixie  ho  haO  never  hoard  of  !2in    •■'^^'3  r,rior  narriage  or  that  slio 
had  ever  been  loiom  by  tlie  natno  of  'faddox*     Ho  tioolc  t?^i«"'4Q^i 

•J  .V,,        3.  ^ 

-   ..VDi-ofT  to  Mgi  :%  coi'tlfiedl  cy;'>y  of  a  decree  of  i^roroe  obtainoS 
frcaa  his  v/if©  "by  one  Simcai  A»  :/a<ld03:,   at  V'ic'^ita»  Llasiaai5>  ^op  ncgac  , 
>iji  vc.illtjy  beJUig  Liaa  n."T;MJi?;s:> — Iirt?m-iy!!T't*i»iet!  eopy-^f  the 

^'-yi<^  f'Lr-'M::^"^'^-  t!?ifl>--*T.ffiqyO'0ii>    1.1jo  ?'^»*i«#»«ga^'''t''!gg'tJ':f'.l{3d  fc?ii*tfe'"S'i'.i';*!"""rigc  had 
roruaeu  to  penait  hl2;i  tc  occupy  tlio  aane  "bed  for  a  period  of  scv- 
oral  -areaks.     -Uid  ^.0»  ^I'v"*.   'ic^ra'-  ■"■.I'^.-i^^llncoveraJl  he  at  oneo  left 
...•d  ni-^o'  ^asiol..     :.^o  tcatifiod  tliafc  nothing  ^^is  Fatiicr  liad 

.lt\  to  bii3  or  in  his  prcsosioe  induo^d  bin  tc  learo  his  V7lfe  cr 
ftiniialsod  iwiy  reasim  tlierefor,  oaid  tiiat  iie  ioft  Ijor  bcoaiuie  ho 
did  Jict  thiiilc  sho  was  trtto  tc  Ills. 

-xk^  ct'nolujicin  on  •y'-gar^ntl ' aasamnatim^  of  t!is--OTi*eTr©tT;::i«, 
tliat  tokins  tlio  OTldono©  saost  favorable  to  tbe  aT»p»lloe  as  tni0» 
;   '■    a'^^^:■:^  tnorefroia  •i.ifo  iir,/eronoes  no&t  favor:i"bX@  to  ari-oi-ioe 
t  lat  can  rcaaonably  be  dratm  th«<»ofr<tei,  tho  ericlonce  fail  a  to 
il  .iv   tho  aproi^ant  ^>iiv?natod  ti»e  ft^.Taot:lo::i    .r  t;=e  ^:uyaa;>:cU 

llOTTe  IiOW0V©r, -tlmt  tl^o  cleatr  ami  inanifest  woifi;?:-t  of  all 
tl;     cviujonQ--  -;  not  oixly   t:uvi.    ..-O  affoctioiu:   ■. ;/   oho  ;,;?i::;;\.:^: 

The  oas©  vill  bo  rororaed  T7itJi  .-  ^'--.'.^.l-ir;  ^-  r^aots,  l\^t 


vc.  Rfllioarin';  denied-  -  Additional  opinion  filed 

Corbly-  May    26,  1915- 

In  a  petition  for  a  rahoaring  it  io  onntonded  that  there  is 
no    assifpiraent  of  tirror  raiain*^  the  question  'iiat  tJio  verdict  and 
judgaent  are  not     ountiiined  hyf  the  evidence. 

It  is  assifjied  for  orror  on  tjfie  record  that  the  trial  court  erred 
in  overruling  the  motion  for  ^  new  trial  ;uid  one  of  the  reasons  in 
tlie  motion  for  a  new  trial  is  |t>iat  the  verdict  is  contrary  to  the 
evidence.     Under  this  asGignraeht  of  orror  the  question  of  the  suffi- 
ciency of  the  evidence  to  sustJain  the  judjjnent  is  raised, 
Suttle  vs.  A^5iQW  20;e  111,  56;;'  0.0.  h  F.  R.K.Go.,  v.  Mcl!ath,  SI 
111.,  104;   C.  &R.I.  R.R,Ca.  jr,  Horthom  111.   Coal  and  Iron  Co., 
36  111.,  60.         I.B,  ^  W.  R.R.GO.  vs.  Rhodes,  76  111.,   285. 

It  is  also  argued  in  tlie  petition  for  reheai'ing  that  the 
court     Bhould  have  discusaed  other  asfiignments  of  ..rror,  Wlion  any 
ainf^le  question    fully  disjjoBos  of  a  cause  Uiere  is  no  necessity  to 

review  other  questions,     ! 


Filed  May  26,  1915- 

(jen^  No,   6306 • 

""ilppellee  »" 

OctoljGr  T<snn,  1 

Filed  April  J6,   1915- 

Am  caJL  f  am  Adaias  • 

Ag.   No.   33- 

Scholfie.d,  J,       ^     A  j 

193T.A.  581 

J^io  wia  g  Bttit  l^y  appellcmt  a^yiinsr*  ^pp I'lit u  to  re- 

oGTor  daoAgeo  ^tr  th«  failu  e  of  appellee  to  purchase  the  186  acre 
fann  ftf  i.vpi>e.1 1  atili  nti^J;2i&..,jxr-lce  ftg  ^eOw  p»y  (fcoye  aooordin^;  to  a 
written  contract  entered  1-  to  laatate iii>..4.haa»     ghe  oefttr-ac%-4wu8-.aatgd 

■  '.vfraBiaftr  3k%%h»  ASAAy-v.«Bd^#3?-ayAde4'«  timt  ,i  ap.|iyelA#»^  jwas^- 1»- jMgr-#^0O « 

liiU>t  tj>  note  fer  l^eooo,  rfH»!r-"i>fa» H»eit Hpayms/nt^grx^^  -e^mtr&et 

On,  Janttftny-fladir^Q^^  gjppeliee  «3p«te  ap^pallaat  jt  ,3Ls.ttftr  ^atAtlag  he 


ccmld  nat  take-r-the  fauf^-^w^Hitipi^lAwftt  -^t^  suit. 

-urjwag-44*«*'fer*«a.  appclXattt  returned, t»  eq>pe3fc:lee  ia«  notiB  of 

^2000.     ?jift  trtajk  gegfttit-ed'ln  a  vepdiet-and  judgjacnt     for  appellant 

fo-  one  dollar 7>if-'    fi*M<'^     ^f-n-        Cu^ci      Ki    (5y(/'«/'^/. 

I4r4,er.,ari>j;ca,..jfc^ftt.-.--JiAte~..-Qcugt<-exred,.Jja~-Bd.''titi. i»g  m 
evidence r?  the  adriiiesions  or  statemeatd  ejt  appellant  "that  appellee 
u^  bought  the  land  Qheapg  that  it  was  resQ-ly  worth  more  t>ma  &x>« 
..  Qlle  oereod  te     pay  for  it*.     ThA a  -wte  q«agpe»eH<r'-trTidanctry  Spi Iiiger 

▼■/  City  of  phioage^ l^La^lXl  .    ft5ff It  .la-jsejrti  mp<*eA-4>^^ftt--%»K!r-vgr- 

cilci;-of  the — jury  mae  iigaA«rt»%'^hff'iamTt^eirt~-wrt?;ftt^^^^  of  the  evidonce  • 

^HiiXe — tha~^vJiLflzuu^j|*»B  eesflietirnQr'i^'^cas'i^  say 
^h*^*  It  WR.B  fW'ia'a^t- — «to««-«a»»48^»'et--woif!h%--^---th^-4^  Conoid- 

ta--xftjajpcaiag^i^i*a  yej^dts^  fey  >nc'natQ^t>TT''-'ifg'--otnt«ri^^  pre- 

sent ed->....£aiL.xesiJUit»a»4>-4^  be     af  firmed* 

^U  JO 

^^-t-<-\>^cA^  W^ctj,    %  ^  ^/9  /i  —^ 

:en,  !To,   6320.  October  Term,   lll4,  Agaiida  !iO,42- 

.,    .      «  ,,^^  FILED  M>RIL   16,    1915. 

AlTln  Talbot  ?ind  / 

Clarence  Shoot,  / 

Appcllefl^B,,  ■  / 

^f^»\  i        ifopeal  from  Coles, 

Atlantic  Horse  Insui!ano«     Corarany/, 

Ap,.xx.ntA         y  1931. A.  587 

■CHOLI^IiH),   J,  \„.„.>/ 

Thlt  is  a  BUlt  by  appellee*  acalnst  appellant  to 
rdcover  upon  a  policy  ot  ineuranco  iosuad  by  appellant  to  appelloo* 
on  the  life  of  a.  horao     *mich  died  during  the  tena  covered  by  th« 

The  declaration  oeta  out  the  policy  in  full  and 
avcre  the  payment  of  the  prenlum  and    he  death     of  the  horse,  zrua- 
crouo  pleas     ajid  ropll cations  were  filed  but  all  r/ithdrawa 
except    :he  f^enernO.  ionue,   :m6,  lixi  af-'reemcnt  wio  entered  of     record 
that  all  defence*  p  oper  under  anj'  otate  of  pleadlngo,  mir^t  be 
offered  under  the  gen  ral  ioeuo.     A  trial  «&s  had    by  a  jury  v^iioh 
returned  a  verdict     in  favor  of  appellee  for  llOOO.OO  o;      hicsh 
ju(i(?aent     TOO  entered  and  to  reverae   .vhich  fkHz  appeal  is  prosecu- 

?ho  rolicy  ims  delivered     to  aiJ-Jtillew  on  the  20th- 
day  of  January  1913  and  1:^  its  terma  coasaenced  at  noon  on  r,he  .?2nd- 
day  of  January  1913,   and  was  for  the  term  of  one  year. 

The  horee  too:;;  sick  on  "he  Jl'lst  day  of    January  191», 
and  died  about  ono  thirty  in  tb*     afterno^)^  ef  the  ^23rd,   of  Janua- 
ry,  m*  1913,     It  ±*  cialsied  by  ftp^aelleoa^that  the  aickneass  of 
"'-0  2l8t  wco  not  the  cause     of  the  death  of  the  horse  on  the  23rd, 
out  in  the  forenoon  of  the  23rd  the  horse  becaiao  sick  froo  another 
and  tfiffiiront  disease,  and  died  the  oame  day, 

1$/  the  third  clause  oi'   'he  policy  it  i-s. provided, 
that   in  the  event  of  said  anima.*s  sickneois,     }iat  it  fe^^I^be  the 
duty  of    he  insured  to  in::icdiately  p  ocure    he  sorviceo  of  a    vetin- 
ary,  and  that  the  insured  Mudirl  ulso  notify  ^he  Atlfintio  'forse 
Insuranco  Conjpany,  Providence,  Rhoao  Island  by   r.ending  a  tele<rraa 

Jbxaediateljri     sia  shall   ne^id    .-.  .'o-'ior-crcd  letter   -rxriun  "--renty 
four  hn\ir«  it  the  ftnJUaakl     'bcotasm  incapaoitated*     "Ana  Mic  failii'^e 
to  perfonn  any  of  the  rtquiT^iaents  nbove  aontipntd  In  this  para^raj^, 
If  daath  snouo,   ahall  relieve  *Iio  conpaajr  of  ar-    ■--     il  liablll* 

It  -te-  odroitted  by  uypalltesthat^^h^  proviRioiui  of  the     ;  .-• 
icy  It*  valid  nnd  that  a  telagram  waa^noiit  to  f^ii^pullant  as  re* 

qvUlrsd  "W  it«     7}ie  evldenoa     Rho«irM»fc  th«  horr.e  died  about 
one  t^iirtjr  otnd  that  Talbot  t^o  lived  out  of  tova  a  couple  of  miles 
on  a  f&TB  where  the  horse  ivaSy  notified  B.l)«  f^tull,   the  a/^ent  of 
the  ooiapony  and  that  Otull  went  out  about  2]  30  rxnd  ee&ne  in  and 
sent  a  telegraa  to  the  Atlantio  iroree  Insurance  CqHEMUVK  ^t  Previ* 
dence  Hhede  ledand,  and  wrote  a  letter    hat  flamQ  erenlng  to  ~he 
Goa^cmy*     The  e*fldonce  eSiows^hat  the  telegrfua  ^ns  actually  recelv* 
«d  bc"  ^hc  r?  r^ipoay  at  6jS3  P«ll,  of  th^j  saao  day.     The  telegraa 
stated^     tho  horse     had  taJcen  clck  th^it  raarning  at  ten  and  died  about 
n:50«     The  lottor    nas  ae-e  in  detail,  Oa  the  ?Sth  aftur  receiv* 
iag  the  tole.;;raai        and  Icttor  the  coMpany  caohod  a  check  for  the 
-'T'ciaium,     Aft'^rwiu'ds  the  conpany  pent  blank  p"Oof«  of  loaa.  The 

oofs  of  lose  wero  ooiapl  ited    Jan.  30th  and  aent  ia*  On  the  18th 
of  March  "hs  c  apany    denied  liability  and  returned  the  presaiusi 
which  was  refus«0  ty  app.jlleJ,  Thiir  tt  1w  contended  by  t^}ftil'la'sr ^h*-^ — 7^ 
JwsM*- a  :mlyar     of  the  notice  required  in  the  third  clause  of  the 
poifcfljry    lawa  ho5P^«*-w«r-tas:eii  aick  on  th#'morriiagTJf""tJi»"— rttot-tsnd 
there  l8.^»-thin#  "fn  th«^-~^='«eo7«d  t<v  sh<w  timt  tT«  recercrod  fron~1;hat 
aiolMiftas  before  his  dsathj      .3h  ther  the  horpc~die^   -froa  thc-giflk*  . 
aftia-o»ft<vr acted  on  tlie  iilat  or^froja  scother.  -dlaease-centrrrctcd  on 
the  S.;rd^  wc  ,t::L.jak 4t  af  little  if^jxirtaaoej    The  horse  was  being 

treated  by  Talbott  for  the  sickness  contr/ioted  on  the  rist     at  the 
tiiac  It  mia    discovered  he  hful  another  disease  -tind  froa  v?hi^  ap»  r'^*'**^'^^ 
<|»l(3b^«s  claiiaa  ho  died,l    Tlie'hcr  ho  died  from  the  sieikiiesa  contract* 

ed  on  tho  Slot  or  not     it  in  evident  at  \^an  hu  died  ho  had  not 

recovered  f  Cm  that  sidknesfi  and  th§  awapany  under  the  tcnas  of  the 
policy  was     entitled  to  ':ave  notice  or  that  sickaese  as  reipiirod  by 

-jjwaJUarJ  There  '4b«-no  evidenco  ln*th«  rocord  'hat  at.  *-hc  tlm^j    ::he  coa» 
^^^^  A 

"^axf  caahod  the  chock  Cor  the  p  tttaium  o"  ^iiat  a  iae  the  pro«fa 

of  lose  w«r«  B«nt  that  the  appellant  had  any  notiec:  T9hat«vflr  ^hat 
the  horse     hau  been  eick  prior  to  the  S3rd.l  The  appellant  undor»« 

^~-      — ■ —  _  __  ,  "■'■  .■■■■I— II 

the  eridenee  did  not  tmlre  Ite  rlf^t«  to  have  notimi  aeAt  to  it  V 

legrawM  &e  rcsqulred  V  the     policgr*    filler  v«  Union  Central  Life 
Innurance  Co»|  110  111.  102,  IJjwm  v,  Mor,  &  Mor,  Life  Aosoclation 
2G2  111.   300. 

l&eoR  a  policQT  require*    ioBaediAte  notice  of  aidknoMiy  aocident, 
death  etc«9  ^"*^  p- ovides  that  failu-^o  to  give  it  ehall  void  the  iol« 
iC9r«  no  reoovergr  c<m  bo  ha&    if  there  is  a  violation  of  the  con* 
dition.     Illinoio  Live  ntook  inneu::;«nce  co.  v.  Klrkpa.tridc,  61  111. 
App.  74.     (Treen  V*  £r.^«  Livestock  Ineuranco  Co.  54 ,  )K.^".   344. 
Johnson  v.     lU'^LivestocSc  Insturance  Co.  83  K.^.  64,  fltKui  v.  f'ccur- 
Ity  Live  fi'ock     Co.,  43  H.B.  104* 

Tae  agreea  nt  to  notify  tty  ^  telegraa  iiaracdiatoly  in  a  binding 
agreeacBt  and  the  fiillure  of  the  appellees  ta  ooiapljr     ther^vrith 
j»».ua.jt— *|  defeats  their  ri^t  ta  recover  under  the  poli<gr«     Errors 
are  fiianigned  aa  to  the  "tivinc  and     refusing     of  inetruotiona  but 
tha  view  vttake  of  the  case     it  in  not  neoeaaary  to  oon*iclar  t^iesi. 
The  oaec  is  reversed  v/ith  a  finding  of  facts  that  tlw     ppuiioas  fail- 
ed to  give     appellEUit  notice  bgr  tislegraai  iisa  ;diato2y    of  thu  siok> 
nesa  of  the  horse  as  roquired  V  the  t' Ird  olausa  of  the  polieoff 
nnd  "".hat  -ppollant  did  not  waive  that  notice. 

Reversed  with  finding  of  facts. 


aen.   No*   6325. 

October  T^^na.  1^1^-  Ag.  tto.  46» 

lied  April  16,   1915- 

Jennctte  Coac, \an  infant  etc,,  * 



St,  Louis,  Sp^^lng^rieW^  & 
Poorla  Railroad  *^ 



APPiiAL     wan    M4C0UPIIJ. 

193I.A-  596 

This  was  on  act in  to  recover  damage*  foriniarj 

euBtained  lay  appellee  a  child  seventeen  laontho  olcl|Jw*««  had  strayed 

near^api/olltm^ '  ■  raiir  ad  tracka.ind  was  ctruck  toy  one  of  ^ '.p})  lillrm*  *  r, 
interur"ban  cars,   ♦*(«•<;  waa  mnninf^  at  a  higjicr  rate  of  opeed 
was  permitted  by  ^.he  ordinance  of  the  city,   crusihiOai  her  skull  t« 
,  Bueh  an  extent  that  it  was  necessary  to  reiaovc  a  portion  of  it«\ 

There  wag  a  v  rdiot  and  juagraent  for  a  x^ellee  for  $900,  \ 

The  declaration  contained  tvro  counts,    'he  first 
charges  the  duty  of  t}ie  defendant   to  be   "to  exercise  and  Jceep  ^ 

reasonable  lookout  x  x  x  x  in  order  to  discover  and  avoid  injuring" 
poraone  on  or  near  said  trades;    >.hat  defendant   "  did  not  use  ordin* 
ary  care  or  any  care  \^iatever  to  keep  a  reasonable  lookout  to  dia  • 
cover  plaintiff  x  x  x  but  kept  no  reasonable  lookout  vjhatever  and 
at  direct  consequence  '■-hereof  did  not  discover  the  plaintiff  but 
run  said  car  upon  aaid  plaintiff,   thereby  inju'^ing  her*  etc, 
whereby  it  was  charged  she      "was  alsa  rendered  permanently  injured  , 
xaaimed  and  disfigured", 

fho  second  count  charger    "".he  existence  of  a  speed 
rdinance  for  electric     railroad  cara  wi'hin  t,he  corporate  licilts 
>f   \he  city  of  Staunton,   yjid  that  the  car  was  inmning  at  a  greater 
rate  of  spood  than  that  poroltted  "by  the  ordinoxico      ■-.o-Mt,   ten 
aileo  per  ho- r,    ' 



It  is  first  contended  lay   appellant  that  there  is  no  teetlmony 
in  the  record  tliat  the  place  of  Injiiry  was  within  the  corporate 
lialtg  of  the  City  of  F?ta  nton.  ?!io  place  of  injury  is  cieecribed 
th  th«  declaration  OM  beln^^  on  Union  Street  In  the  city  of  StaAnton 
near  the  interaootlon  of  that  street  vrtth  Monticalle  Jitreet,  in 
the  MOM  city.  ?he  evidence  fully  entahlitihed  the  fact  that  the 
child  was  injixred  at  tho  place  desorllwd  In  the  declaration,  aid 
the  evidence  la  sufficient  to  eatabliih  the  fact  tliat  the  iJlace 
Thare  the  acciaent  occurred  was  within  the  corporate  liialts  of  the 
City  of  Sta mton.  It  Is  ne:rt  contended  ty  appellant  that  the  or» 
llnancc  of  the  City  of  Sta  ntoa  was  in^jroperly  admitted  In  evi- 
dence. The  ordinance  was  printed  In  book  fora  end   purported  to 
•)e  inihliched  W   authority  of  the  City  Council  of  the  City  of  Staun- 
on,  njid  vmder  the  ctatute  of  this  state  wis  properly  adaitted. 

It  l8  hezt  urfted  that  tJie  verdict  and  Judcaent  are  oxceeaivc. 
"^e  cliild  has  ooaplctely  recovered  fron  the  injury  and  v?hilo  we  arc 
inclined  to  believe  tliat  the  verdict  and  Judgment  are  a  little  high 
otlll  we  cannot  say  they  are  exce salve  and  that  the  Judf^acnt  should 
be  reversed  for  that  reason. 

▼e  find  no  error  in  tl^c  givlnr:  or  refusing  of  instruo* 
tioni.      li'lndlnn  no  reversible  error  In  the  record  the  Judgacnt 
will  bo  afflnaed* 


;n,   1.0,   6333,  October  -  Af*.      ",    69» 

'rurn;.n»s  Pioneer  Jltud,  !?ann,  ]?iledjApril  16,    1915- 


VB.  J        /Ippeal  frao  Moultrie, 

:ion  B",Bak«r\  J.3P,Slaainf;, 

J.n.BoIcer  andVary  C.Bfe'Jcer,       y  l< 

j^pVllanto-  /  ■ 

\    y 

S  Choi  field,  J«         V,,^--^ 

193  I.A.  598 


Thio  la  a  Guit  "by  appellee  against  appollante  on  a 

p  omisaoiy  ,oto  given  by  ^pp;;liantB  to  app.aiee  for  the  purchase 

-rice  of  a  stallion  and  this  ia  "he  eecor^  time  the  case  has  been 

appealed^  to  this  court.   The  facta  in  the  case  are  fully  stated 

in  the  former  opinion  of  this  court,   (Truman*  b  Pioneer  Btud  I'arja 

V,  R-:<cr,  176  111. I  App,  524) 

— -  -" -  Tj-he  hors©  was  bou'cht  in  the  ....    i..,j;  of  1907  and  notes 

"iven.     The -e   i«-  a  nrritten  warranty  of  the  atallioa  to  he  o.n  av-r^ 

"oaH  ^^cttcrC  if  bred  to  any  reacoaablc  number  of     ood  brooding 
iaares.   said  aiarAa  to  be  regularly  returned,  tried, and  bred)     ajid  if 
he   should  prove  otherwise, ho   ahall  and  rauat  be  returned  to  Tru« 
:?a»'c  Pionoor  Stud  lana  at  Buahnell,  Illinois,  a;.d  another  stall i  a 
o-^  the  raaaie  breed,  but  of  no  p;reatcr  ^'alue  taken  in  his  place. 
At  the  end  of  the  first     y^QX  the  horse     Xitt/ing 
ved  up  to   the  war-anty,  \yj  agre-aaent  of  the  parties  the  trial 
and  warranty   we^e  extended  another  year  or   tu  March  1000,   In  2*eb» 
>-Tiary  1909  defendants  a]^>eii«rrt»  here,  tried  to  talk  with  TruEiao 
over  the  telephone  and  say. he  refused  to  tmiy^nwi  Truraan  feps  hs 

'ofused  3dSB  to  tfill:  except, he   said     return  the  horee.  .Defendants 
)  \  \ 

do  not  daisi  there  ;ms  any  eartenaion  for  another  "j&ax  o:-  ari;,-  vraiver 
•   of  the  contract  bT  T^UEiaa..     The  defendants  kept  the  horse  the 

thirds  yes*  without  .^.ttemr'tinr^  to  return  hL-n  or  having  any  fur- 
ther agreement.  | 
I        '        -— — >—     ^^  only  roaody  for  the  breacjK  of  the  contrcuji  wrj,s 
to  roturn  the  horse,   they  could  no     eue  for  diaaagos,   or  offset  d«ja« 
ages  for  breach  v/hcn   0ued  on     he  noten,     Cass  Thrssliing  Machine  Oo- 
V.  Tnils,  158  111.   A-  ■,  1,  KTiap  y«  3?reeman  42  ill,,  App,   600, 

4lv»y  lmv«  not  prored  any  d  fnn©©  lyod  the  c<mH  aif^ht  dir.;ot- 

od  a  Tcrdiot  • 

On  the  fonaar  trial  of   tiiin  0iQ9  it  appaara  from  tb«  fonaar 
opltiioa  it  did  not  aig^^T  that  the  horse  me  |:ept  «k  third  y@skr 
without  m-iy  agr«i«iaont  as  ncnsr  anpoar*  in  this  rueoz^« 

It  io  conteadod  that  the  oourt  or  &4  in  rv^XiT^s,a  on  the  evi* 
daaoof  jbhe  «vid@noe  offered  ^ould  iTavo  beon  i-ireper  ff  tlinre  Imd 
been  an  agreement  of  «;ict«aBion  of  the  warantjir  tmt  there  not  l^eliig 
an;/  ogreoacat  of  etxtenoicwi  Af  idn  mJLtQT  of  thd  warranty  the  erri* 
denao  was  i^r^titex'iol* 

Th9  aj?pclli.vat9    aaciipt  for  error  that  the  trial  judge  was  out 
0 ;  the  room  duriiic  'he  fin«X    argoiaeiat  and  cflunsol  laado  isxprojHiT 
r«aarka»     "^liile  the  action  of  the  cou-t  was  er -oneous    it    vmm  hana* 
leiSf  as  a  verdict  mi  rht  Iiavu  t>ecn  dirtjcted  9knd    no  other  Judgpaent 
can  be  eus^ainod  under  the  &vi<L<me%9 

It  is  alao  u^-ed  that  in   March  I'JIO  d«fenclanti8  and  plvdntiffs 
agreed  on  an  eacohiuigo  of  hor0ee«  Tliis  wafi  on  indepondmt  tx*a4«  and 
i%lle  it  was  the  horse  "boufijht  yet  there  was  ns  waivt;r  of  the  con* 
tract  iDUt  aij^ply  an    offer  tagr  trmtm  to  xrplce  an  exchaisije  find  if 
an  oxchangs  was  agreed  upon  and  the  pa-ties  failed  to  carry  it  out 
:hnt  le  &n  indei>oiid<»it  csatter  involving  a  breach  of  contract ,  the 
dar:»f;es  in  ^iCh  are  unliooidated  ewd  could  not  ba  set  off  in  a 
Sttlt  in  asoumpeit,  lUgibie  v*  T!u8t|  SIX  111*  333»     ISwon  v.  miber, 
20e  111.,  492. 

landing  no  rcjvatoible  error  in  the  re«eM  the  Judr^aent  will 
be  af firiaedi 

A  ^  !!•  I    '^  M  B  3>  . 



Kinch  Tudor^ 



Ootober  7«na«  19X4  • 

Ag.   no,    73- 


ThOEipooni  3 

7hi»  i«  «»  auAt  in  replevin  brou'rht^ "before  a  Justice 

of  the  peaoe  ia  September  19X1  .^  An  appe^il  to  the  oirciiit  court  "mm 
tAk^f  from  iM^-^4*^^»m*!nt  ©*"  the   ^ii»'iioo«  --irr^h^^-tjit^tmlt^  icourt  ea 
Septe^iber  30,  1912,  <*%•  tihc  elege  of--tehe  evidtsnoe  f»r  the  plailitiff 
the  couit  jb«84yu«ied^-t|ie    Jtary-"t»-^etu-a!Ti  a  verdict  in  favor  of  th» 
defendant.     On  tite  eama  day;  a  motion  for  a  nen  trial  w-'.b  laaide  aioA 
overruled  and  JuAggunt  wae  gendorod-ariaitngt-thtr'yirajbntlff ,     The 
plaintiff  on  that  day  prayed  an  appeal  to  this  court,  which  was 
allowed  Uj  o»  the  pi^wwaHHrff  filing;  a  hond  ii»"the  ewa  of-|HBee>ii  v/ith» 
la  twenty  days  £»«m  ^Imt  date,  and  a  hill  of  exoe  tions  within 
ninety  days  . 

The  ettEsnon  law  r@cor4,  jsaade  lay  the  elerk  of  the  cir- 
cuit coiirt,   shows     that  on  October  rd,  1912,  plaintiff  filed  v«Uli. 
%h«  olark  a  laotion  to   cat  aside  an  order  ovorrulin,^  a  uotion  for 
a  new  trial,   the  entry  of  Ji^^nmeat  and  the  order  fixing  "Ji^e   time 
to  file     an  appeal  bond.     Oi^Novcaber  13,  ldl2fii,  a  aotioa-^itBii.ajr~^ — 
-to  that  filffd^^n  0'rtobci"  ^^  was  filed -wi^s-tho^lork*  Oa  Janiiary 
9,  1914,     at  the  Septomber  Terai  1913,   the  potions  1?o~ -•©♦--aBide  the 
.1uti""iffnt  wto,  were  over-xiled.    ,  On  Januaiy  24,  1914,  the  plaintiff 
SijiyiAapi'ayed  ^  appeal  to  this  court,  w^iidi  was  allov/edT  on  filing 
a  bond  ia-tha-~«UH^'«#~#lb€6i  within  tweart^y  6ayUj  and  a  bill   of  excep- 
tions    within  100  days,    -en-?g^bOTiary  13^,  1»14^   the  plaintiff  filed 
^-jbflnri   in  t^^ft  ff^)p]q(  of^J^OQ,  fl^yiA.  on  May  4,  1914,   a  bill  of  exceptions 
-Mas.  -filed* 

TlAC  'bl^'3f^ftg.».-«ge»**ti«itg-«h»fHi     nelthsr  a  isotion  for  &  new  trial  ob 

Scptetober  30»  1912^  nor  anything  that  oeourred  ■u'bscquent  to  the 

e*M^  ^  /Xa/-   cLaju    cnAv^ 
entering  of  judf^nient  on  Peg t> Kn'b er-jJOyirgJrg'g .  ■f^ir t h« r  than  the  prayer 

for  an  appeal  ,«WfiA..flQ„.t.hflit->A«y«    '}1jii'---K' '    ^^^_-5 

(T  The  t>:lll  of  except! one  contairy^  nothing  as  to  any  laotlons  or 

rulings  thereon  at  the  ..laT^oh  term  1914,  aaid  the  'of ere  ne-easgeptisn 

iH»-j»«e«ef»v«4'-iMi--fcir~miy  iEv^s^ocee^iif^^ 

-  Tnrra^  ;lqip.,    ^ J55hua_.ruljula~  w«li  «»ta^i^4Ml  4iiia!t^him-»  party  de- 

'       sires  i:o  a»Bisaer"inrimi^  court  «n  a  motion,   ths 

T  e cord_  jjgr  a Jb.JLX~.«^-«!eceiyMr^gWir*-— <?y  •  !l-;-n,€oi ,  ■-  -t©;  ■  -  Town 

o.£.Xaluiset I ■■J4a^I11^4iAat~'»€rop3:g'"rg;  miswe^r*!^  261  111*  aTSj 
Ad«ji.  »JU.  3©sA  JDliBtxijBi 

The  only  1)111  of  exceptions  [filed  v^nM*  ^^iiat  wiitsli  was  fille^t' 
<e»-Llay  4,  1914«     The   tiae  for  filing  a  bill   of  exceptions  r^lveii 
In  Beptesiber,  1912,  after  %  final  Jud(^cnt  had  be  :n  entered  ,  wsts 
never    octended ,    JEatJihft~l»lllw-.>JL£L.«3cc^ptioa«.    Xlled  Ma^,  4,  1914 , 
hflfl  iShnmitLl]l.,.mT''-i"nff  rmr\t  mi^ffiTiMnt  ts  -the-  '«^lne  of  entering  the 
J.udffMii%— ^n-S&pt^e^lMu;  ~30|  1912^  -^and  the  orders  8md«  ^«r^kf t  er , 

t/hinh  ara  ahoit  JhjLg  the  olerka  jtMB4>eyd| ■the»'-tin4er-''tHr'i:iw"ilS'  -an* 

_jt«,- JJraadlaSf-^?  X1JL^^_^1^^  vSi-^annon,  182 

...Jpa*,  51^t..ja3,a.^^R^^  ba*e  retained  ^ur^Mictioa  orsrHsh*  casf , 

— aaar^4fc~-felXlr-.«r-«xcoptl  ozui  ..  ;riled-"-«Rder-it:Bavv"oT^crotx»|V~'~m 
,^_|;i  nal  order^ 5£_tho_^_c©ur  t jieijxijSil„lll'OSi*-iii.JMi^ 

cf  JudgEieat     on  Sept<3a'1»er  S&|  1913,  -would -have  girve«-th4s  eotuft 
J:uriMiiBt>lai%  ove««  the  ease. 

gi^  -hin    nf  PTrnap.^^v<w»i»^-wi3nwing  neither  any  aot ie»  made ,   order 
of  the  coiiri^-4«L-aay^-^pa5c«s~JjQr  an  appv^al,  subsequent  to  Septeniber 
-S0.j^,X92>Z^nPX  any  liltiie  granted -wjr^^iin  which  to  file  a  bond  er  bill 
t»f  exceptions  al^er  that  data,  ^oe»--«^t-"i^i«w  any  apfMaal  -py^ed 
«r  allewed  \3hich  authorises     the  filing  tfftjie  bond  ^iled-ea-gebru« 
«yA3^-19l4yer-*  who  bill  of  exceptioM  filed  May  4y-1914«^ — The 
only  prayer  for  an  api^eal   shown  b.      -he  bill  of  exce  tione  is  that 

oi!'  Bepteurtwr  aO|  -l^arey-^s^acla.  Xi^s^ta  the  tlac^  w^^     w}ilcli — it- 

•a'-fr«iT--»3iir'-ftt««jr-andr^i^  — Ch&t  Mi  YMm  S.vsa9a  \sy  ap  - 

A  F  F  I  H  M  E  D. 

QQUt   Vo,  GPm 

Christ  na«tu«Ben«   « 

A{;»     0*  &S^ 



193I.A.  609 

Ttiin  im  im  action  on  Mie  oao«  Ta  ■'CU(;rit  tor  Mvtin  L« 
'ocll|  a.'irtlnst  Christ  Baaameewti  to  rocoror  daam^e  for  the  lose 
of  a  Xojs  oauMd  \>y  tho  dieohargo  of  a  f^un  in  t!o  hands  of  dcfen* 
d'Tnt,     Tins  Juiy  ri'^iurned  a  verdict^  fc'^nho  dcfcnclr^nt  on  ">3Ueh 

iiu.iQiftnt  vyn,o  yondfWoAa  --glie  plaintiff  ap^itoals  • 

1?h«  eyidoiioe  iCiwvm  viu4irr;prffi:tmit''r^':eigfeir"Xir'!?t . 
Lottl*  and  that  a^jf>o3b3tOO-i»-^ tonsnt Hffetfiatar  rsaidliigiigiar^oni ng» 
^.on|  IlliuaA#y--H^^o3Llxmt  Jvtid-- appal  loo  a>o  ralatsd  ty  r»r~iiaffl»  to 
a  •.'?itnflSBi,..~.^'?wy  J«Tia*<M»y  ■.«Sao---Xiv<»»- itv-gt^^  — ^Btejriprflrct  laet 

x>a  ?:iuii'wdaar,'tyiMM»aay.. .8^^  .Xiai^jaa>an^^«»g*^^  witli  "tFohn* 

son-  wni  ons  (gigMflos  n%o>n'bogg|  who  --is— i4^»  4i^«Baisit.n..|ri».%Mlf»|'"^nwiilr^'tl» 
■'^>f.^nanfiton, -Ili.ini4a^-y**  ii'*»*i  apyelAsoM  AppoXXcjO-hor-^owad  a  gun 
f  0  •    '-ho  uso  of  r.iJpelIiw%-#r<acri>"»toJh''^>bor,     Appsl -ant  and  Johnaon 
v/.itli  otliora  wen*  hunting  sn  ■■'wldtta^  "--andHBatugAayap — iVgyollse  naa 
hunn  iaff  sA tt»-^thwi  -«n  -Satui^ftny »  <)H  CiuiOay  jaorain8'"^ii»<w»'"'*g^^<rar  lit- 
-tdte-nmow--«nrHSh«~fT<"fl»4^  «^ 

-t^»»--otney^~pg^l8r■^?7<mt"ti15^tln^r^^^^  — te-^feiw-  ■eo««--f$«lA~4»£~a-4iulsStt 

l?oy-4^f  "»i>g>i^»H s-v.,.„„4n-.-  <j^ti^t--^Ho---o<Mg»-  atalfea'  had  -^^-n  :treLmped"'<d:own*'^--i9y 
?^a>tad  -  fat -ttw  partisan  — i>S>,t'^laa»"iiith  a|>  ntei'iil)urg,  ^o 
had  iKoa  tirou'^Iit  %•  a|ypel;la^'»-  liowPo>ty  JnaaiaoB|-  aad^  one  fte2>r on* 
son  i^jjio  did  not  have  a-TtBrnri—i-ojainocl  TixMt-^'^9tlwT^'^'4itiitm^^''t£ttmiiT 
tltaa  a  gala^i-t  ■a»a-woandad--aiid--ayw»«lAaa»y^^«^  ^Sorrennon 

ria»-4UB*a»u4*-*«*'t*s«a- o^Tted" ta-  tnik  •b»«k"-a«4a;.--A#~^t«rrtlWMpjjjf-'--i^«n 
a  rabl'>it.^.atartod' '  up  m -^-ffivr'- foot' "In  '^Tront  ^ 'ftf -'tlw»^^^'.A{>p<il  3>4lii,.J»ijy|.,,.,,. 

A-lie  aomliog  ef  t.he"'%hrge^--'*wt'tat'''-«f^><aJUB^  ^n  the-  *lr^  and  Sor renenn 
on  hi«   l>gft,   fOl   only  a  f cw  ■faei»-ft|>— ♦< — -figp'p^Xtmt  tOipt  at  tlila  rato- 
"blfc  GsaiL — mJLoaed  It^  ■-'^^hxritts^ft^t'Ti^  the"  Tl-^ht,     Appellee 

turned^ to  ^edt  at  -4^  ral^bit  and  as  he  turned,  piilXcd  'back  the 

VU^'-A   h^')  oltri^d  ffti'l^   nfiei\  SJxfLJL  4> 

homrrzer  of  lile  f^aa.     Ilo -had -f;le^uu  en  and  ati^m  his, finger e  w»44  ^  r 

mwrt  mwl   ^he  heaarder  alippod  f roaa  hia  -^httrtb  and  dl  acliarged  ^  th«— grxtr 

hltting  appellant  in  the  calf  ef  the  leg  caualnf;  o,  wound  ,  wiiioh 

neeeaalt&ted  JsHm   amputation  ,-a^<Hnp±lBnr. 

Appelleint  iiiQlets  tha  courterTod  in  admitting  evidence  that 

he  «ae  a  ^cat  of  appellanV^^  atayed  at  appellee* a  house  Bleop* 

Ing  and  gettin^j  hia  ai«^s  thereuntil  Sui^ay^JUgrninj;,  There  was 

no  ohjection  tg-^ny  of  the  evidence  so  that  tiuestlen  in  nbt  saved 

for  reviet*; 

The  onljr  con'iontion  of  -.ppellant  is  that  the  verdict  is  aga» 

Inetthe  rnajiifGst  wei^tht  of  the  evidence, 

Th<3  evidenci-  ahowo  that  appellant  and  appellee  were  within  9* 

few  feet  and  in  plain  aif^it     of  each  other.     Appellee  testified 

appellant  mlased  the     rah  1'-  and  turned  to  ahoot  ±k  at  it  and   "aa« 

1  tumad  I  waa  pulling  the  hoianicr     hadk,  nor  finger  a  were  numb  yjid 

It  elippud  out  of  vty  thUBib  and  diachar^^sd  juat     aa  it  (^ot     even  \7ith 

his  log".       The  app  llrmt  waa  not  in  front   of  ai:>p  lleej  anieilee»s 

teatiiuony  lo  tliat  he  turned  tOTraida  apjollant  and  the  (jim  was  dia- 

charged    hy  his  act  as  tha  raange  of  the  gtan  was*^pa»ning  appellant. 

It  would  appear  that  appellant  was  not  ner^xi^ent  -o-n  he  waa  partl}ally 

"behind  appellee  and  did  nothing;  to  get     in  the  range  of  the  gun  | 

but  api  ellee  by  turning  in  the  direction  of  appellant  pointed  the 

gttn  in  hi  a  direotlnn  vjhile  trying  to  raise  the  haanaor  mdt  of  the 

gun,     Ap  -ellee  knev^r  the  condition  of  lils  liarida  and  the  fact  that 

the  haoEnur  slipped  frcoa  his  fingera  and  discharged  the  gun,  does 

net  excuse  iOsM,  his  ne(t;ligence  in  pointing  the  loaded  gun  towarda 

appell;xnt  wftien  he  waa  witMn  a  fev;  feet  of  liia.     The  injury    waa 

the  result  of  an  aocidentbut  not  an  unavoidable  accident,   since 

it  was  the  result  of  a  force  put  innotion  by  the  appellee. 



It  a  i>er8on  is  inju  ed  t^   the  dlBClmrge  of  a  c^ua  in  the  hando 
of  another,  who  liaa  entire  control  of  It,  he  burden  is  cast  upon 
the  latter  to  prove  'hat  the  shtttiag  was  inevltahle  und  \?ithout 
fault  on  ha  part.  Atohinsen  ve,  Dulls^,  16  111,  App,  42,  We  think 
tt   clearthat  appellant  was  injured  "by,' the  negli(3;enee  or  careloBo- 
neeo  of  appelleo  for  the  roaoon  it  ls|nei:^lig  ^nce  knowingly  to  point 
a  loaded  gun  in  the  direction  of  a  poraon.  The  court  erred  in  not 
granting  a  new  trial.  The  judgment  ^s  veversed  and  the  cause 
remanded  for  another  trial*        1 

R  3  V 


pH:^^^^^^^  >^^ 

Jen.  Ko.  6288.  October  Term  lCf4.  Ar^.  19. 

i  /Filed  April  16,  1916« 

.  Lererich,   Appellee.   | 
vs.        »t  jl  ^Appeal  frtan  Vermilion. 

Danville  CollieriQp  Coal 


Proliant.  Ji  19  3  I. A.  6  27 

bpinion  "by  Thorapson,  J . 

TJiis  1o  g  stTJt  Torought  "by  0.   G.  Leverich  against  the  Dmville 
P'.llieries  Coal  Company  to  reieover  clatnagen  for  personal  injuries  avoyyoil  tu 
l;-.Tr^  T->ffon  sustained  Tyy  liian  while  in  its  employ  as  a  coal  niner^     Tlie  ^'li'gt 
^,^.fi   Pipp,fri-[f]  cn^Titn  fif  tihft  declaration  aver  a  wilful  violation  cf  Gecticn  'Jl 



iof  the  r'iners*  Act  in  tftat  the  defendant  permitted  plaintiff  to  enter  its 
mine  and  vrork  therein,  without  belrsg  under  the  direction  cf  a  mine  nanager, 
^hilc  a  dangerous  condition  eKJeted  in  popbi  Ko" -It  r- -<  AM  tha-eounfee  wlead 
facts*  whAch  it  As  avecred^  cpnqtijbuted  tjie  idag3£3ii3<M*»-«ondiir±«»^      th ird 
o-tmt  avoya  a  wjiliftil  TiolatlewtrP  "STme-gctHA-ett'-^^  41^ 

-- .Tirlnnf.  ;riifuAiy  failed  to  plctee  a  (^Gr>spH^cu5tI3\^ar^  at  tno  danprerous  ^-lace. 

Tlie  plaintiff  recovered  a  verdict  a.nfi  judgment  for  $5,000  from  v/hicH^^, 

t":o  defendant  appeals  j  Tlie  evidence  shows  1  hat  the  appellee  had  turned 

i^-iU;  about  4C  days.   1^et"C  was 

and  liaci.  ';7orl:e:l  an  At  about  4C  days.   1^et"C  was  a  horse  bad:  in 

neck  of  the  i^oog  which  caused  the  grade  to  be  slightly  up-ards  from  the 
entrance  and  tii^n,  from  the  edge  of  the  horse^aclv,  fthwc  waii  for  a  fcr:  feet 

\   sudden  decline  into  the  room.  A  car  track  of  iron  rails  was  laid  from  the 

entrance  of  the  room  to  the  edge  of  the  horse  back  nearest  the  face  of  the 

1 . 

r  -1!.  Tfoodea  rails  were  laid  in  the  room  from  the  end  of  the  iron  rails. 

"'ooden  rails  from  the  point  Avhere  they  joined  the  iron  rails  to  the  end 

the  decline  had  "been  raised  upon  cross  ties  to  a  height  of  from  six  to 

'teen  inches.  This  nade  a  hole  hetv^een  the  wooden  rails,  the  horse  ':)ack 

the  cross  ties  at  the  edge  of  the  horse  hack,  i^yelleo  tootificd  t?7at 

_^hmo  wa«i  11  inohoo  doop,.-j4Ma^rHr''0---'assrgtrsmr^  that 

i-^vao  only- six  inchea  deep  oi'"ijU>"Ttg^  e s 

put— iL'-Tit  ajj  iiiUji'UJuaidte  tU^jailLi.    From  the  edge  of  the  horse  back, the  track 

dc'icendel  very  rapidly  60  that  in  the  space  of  a  fe-^?  feet,-  from  five  to  rtine- 

t   J  track  was  level  and  on  the  rock,      t^^^  npp^iipn  tatili'f'inT    I  Tint  v;hen  cars 

ere  pushed  into  the  rocm,   as  they  passed  over  the  horse  hack,   they  -vould 

mddenly  lurch  forward  and  that ^e^ had  to  hold  and  steady  thera  as  best  he 


ould  to  prevent  them  from  jumping  the  track  and  knocking  timbers  dorm;  that 
le  had  talked  about  the  condition  to  the  mine  manager  several  times  and  t'  at 
ihe  mine  manager  promised  to  have  the  condition  remedied  as  soon  as  sore  iron 
•ails  could  be  procured.  Tlie  appellee  further  testified  that  on  DecesSjer 
!S,  1910,  as  he  was  pushing  a  car  into  the  roOTi  for  the  purpose  of  loadirt/j  it, 

hile  attempting  to  hold  it,  as  it  went  over  the  ridge,  it  jerked  forTrar-^T  and 
gulled  him  into  tlie  hole  and  that  his  foot  was  caught  and  he  was  wrenched  and 
lis  hip  twisted.  Appellee,  although  sick  with  pain,  continued  at  work  with 
lifficulty  that  afternoon.  On  the  way  ^  <nne  he  had  a  chill,  his  leg  pained 
»ia  and  swelled  up  badly  that  night.  He  worked  a  little  the  next  day  and 


[then  went  and  consulted  fti/i  nmi'lluy,  who  told  him  that  his  trouble  was 

rheumatism  caused  by  a  sprain  and  that  exercise  would  do  ^  is  leg  good. 


[Appellee  worked  more  or  less  for  about  two  ^veeks  durirur  vrhlch  tine  Dr. 


Hundley  treated  his  leg  which  was  badly  swollen.  Appellee  continued 

going  to  Dr.  Hunaioy  for  treatment  about  five  weeks;  he  then  wont  to  Dr. 

Landauer  for  treatment  for  several  weeks.  Tlie  latter  physician  sent  him  : 

to  iludlavi^a  for  a  week  in  Ilarch  to  see  if  treatment  there  ^-ould  not  reducejv 

the  soreness  and  swelling.  In  April  Dr.  Landauer  discovered  that  the  hip   IV 

joint  was  dislocated  and  took  appellee  to  a  hospital  where  with  other  uoctors^ 

an  operation  was  performed.   The  hip  joint  was  opened  and  it  was  found that 

the  rim  of  the  acetabulum  was  broken  ancT  several  loose  pieces  of  bone  were 

removed .  Thm  Iflgr  in  ntrir  nnriirlT  tiT'f  ItrrrlTfTf  nf-Trtffr   For  rvyf- ^yn  tpjxt'tt 

It  is  contended  by  appellant  that  the  condition  of  the  entrance  to 
tlio  pooia  waa.,jicii..-aa  tcsti-^re^' to  liy  aippelleo  ^aytd-f mtBgr  fchafei  ■■fcELAIaat  was 


rtLU  oOi.dltitiii,  -it  is  not  such  a  dangerous  c^nditipii  as  is  within  the  meaning 
of  the  statute  giving  a  remedy  for  injuries  received  because  of  a  dangerous 

ondition;  that  It  is  only  conditions  peculiar  to  the  mining  business  that 
arc  within  the  contemplation  of  the  statute. 

Tlie  evidence  of  appellee,  \>f  Joseph  Runyan  and  of  the  assistant  mine 
manager  leads  to  the  conclusion  \that  a  condition  existed  such  as  is  described 

by  appellee,  althougli  possibly  the  hole  at  the  edge  of  the  horse  bad:  was  not 

■■  3. 

ThQ  legal  propooition  contondjed  for  "by  appellant  has  7.>cen  dociuO'I  Tjy 

I  the  coirts  adversely  to  its  costei^tlon*     Tlie  words  "smj  dangerous  conditions" 

in  tho  Mining   let,   "apply  to  dangerous  condl lions  in  tho  track,   the  road-^jod 
or  tijo  sides  oT  tlie  entries,   and  that  they  include  any  darr-croua  conditions 
which  Lvxy  exist  in  a  coal  nine  which  endanger  the  lifo,   limT?  or  liealth  of 
cien  working  in  the  laine,  ^rhetlior  «>u^h  conditions  are  of  a  ponaanent  character, 
duo  to  faulty  conatimcticn,   or  of  a  temporary  character,  duo  to  operation". 
"It  is  ^^^vious  tliat  a  dangerous  condition  of  a  railway  track,  Trhethor  arisi'^ig 
fra:  its  disrepair  or  obstructions  upon  it,   is  a  rhyoical  condition  vrhic'i 
mak  s  dangerous  tlie  vrorking  place  of  those  engaged  in  driTlng  cars  over  it. 
T!ie  conditions  and  hazards  under  which  the  trnnnr>orfii»tion  of  coal   Is  r-r^^^nri 
ed  are  different  fron  the  conditions  prevailing  in  transportation,   elscjlmre, 
and  men  enp;aged  insueh  occupation  constitute  a  class  hy  themselves. "       '^r^e'- 
kacip  vs.  Consolidatorl  Coal  Co.,  239  111.  305;  Ilertens  vs.  Southern 
'  Ccal  Co.,   235  111.  540;   TXiJiJicua  vs.  r51aok  Diamond  Coal  Co.,   rr^*:  "''■?. 
437.     Tlie  conati'uotion  placed  on  the  statute  in  "he  cases  cited  is  that  a 
dangerous  condition  in  the  roa.T  bod  is  xfithin  the  contar^^lation  of  t'-o  r,t,  ,.f•.^^f,-' 
i*-■4»-'«^*s«^Hs»•*«♦e<*-'*ho*  instruction  -  uraber  nine  given  at  tlse  rerniost 
:  of  aT;T»olleo  lu  lii'iliLiteaiHiii;*  "It  4a  wef.  ^  "tfaitreqilyiiry  ■l<w<>i'MeM*»ii^'-' '''J**^c-''~r;t.r'-;c'- 
iOiidk  the  jury  that  a  Mine  Bxaalner  haifflno  authority  to  detortrine  that 

riace  is  not  daniserous  contracy  to  the  fact;   that  fio  rlno  oxT.rri^or   '^^  "-ood 


aith  thought  the  place  was  not  dangerous  tstfe*  not  an  excuse  for  f allliif?;  to 
nark  a  rlace  dangerous  if  it  is  in  fact  dangerous.  PagU-  ti laGwagi'it  e»-the 
Lav;  is   nir^rft"""^*^   •*"  c.nntr  -g-q.    ni.g-Jtfiid>1y  ^HTTtnju;  m.).    g4.^l  11'!.   4-1  y-^^fifl  gtrtm'arlo 

Till    ir     lilii'i yimi  Wind   fiTu    i  niii  fi  rirrnrrtTTTnTrrmT'Tn'^  - 

Innt'n  rotinn  if  i  iT  fini  i  in  If    ii  ^^  ii  ■ ^"■■^^A'^'a^^Jwq'WjW'  fWM"^«i|iMTOWwa;>;¥ ■A'l'-rrT;,^-*... 

Tlie  appellant  insists  that  "because  apT>ellee 
continued  to  work  for  appellant  about  two  weeks  after  he  clains  re  was  in- 
d  and  told  the  mine  manager  that  he  had  rheumatism,   that  this  was  con- 
tradictory of  the  fact  that  the  rim  of  the  hip  joint  was  broken  on  pecember 
28,  hy  1  rill   JiiiiliTii^  TiTri   liifn  fTii    hiHi    as  is  now  claimed  by  appellee. 
Iiamediately  after  the  accident,   aprellee  told  a  miner,  who  v;orked  in  an 
adjoining  room,   and  who  had  inquired  of  appellee  what  iras  the  matter  vrith 
him,   about  the  occurrence.     Tlie  leg  swelled  up  right  after  the  accident 
and  remained  swollen,   and  appellee  only  told  what  Dr.   Hundley  had  said  wad 
the  trou"'?lc  with  his  leg.      T!*«if»~jaa&-4Mit»-«r-flw>intilla'  of  eTltten^  a 

basis  -f©r^-:g4»4rng~fehe'~4nstructiron-.-  «hllfc_jbl2£tJL33aJ:>ri!l.rt1  nn  mAgTyfe  properly 
fe«TC-  oe^n  g^trert-r  Its  rsfusal,  under  jjl]^^^^  wast  -hapeileais^-  error . 

It   v3  also  contended  that  the  appellee  could  not  hcive  remained  at 
work  omd  do^io  the  wapk  he  did  for  two  weeks,   if  he  had  received  the  injury     \ 


m  noctifiijui    &g;  and  from  which  the  evidence  shows  he  now  suffers.     Three 


physicians  as  experts,  6b   bohalf  of  appellant,  testified  that  the  appellee 
cculd  not  have  performetl  the  rrork  and  got  around  as  he  did,  if  the  hip  joint 
iras  dislocated  and  the  rim  of  the  Joint  Tiroken.  ^Tliat  the  appellee's  hip  was 
badly  sv/'ollen  and  that  he  suffered  great  pain  from  that  date  is  ■nrovei-'  '^^  t'^e 
evidence;  that  he  went  to  a  physician,  a  day  or  two  after  the  accident,  v/ho 
p.dvised  hin  that  he  was  suffering?;  from  rheuraatism  caused  hy  a  wrench  of  the 
joint;  that  lie  ultimately  quit  work  because  of  the  pain  and  that  he  continued 
tc  visit  doctors  until  the  actual  nature  of  the  injury  was  discovered  hy  a 
more  thorough  examination  made  hy  the  physiciagsc>i.iiiiuniii  feu  W  61early'  Aeaon- 

e3et?erleiice'.~~TRly-7rOT3[rt"c^ai1??tH5"  j«Fordic.t..lJi,i'avor  of  appellee  is 

ilfest  wtsrtglit"  tyF'-th»,,e3tiaene^ . 

iHM^ut  Li 

It  is  -jjan  apgiiieH.  that  counsel  for  appellee  raaclO'  impropeir  B«siaKiiaJa_ 
tiiiOJy  argums^  to  the   ji.ry. — '^^^  r^Tnirlrm  'rhligh  1t   1g  1  na A nt lit rl  Trt»rfli  orroicxj^"' 
aeiia  concerning  the  dangerous  nature  of  the  work  of  coal  miners  and  the  safe 
guards  that  the  law  has  provided  for  KHtnery.     "'n  din  nnfr  ■P'iriil  iiiiiifrtti«Li»i§iii  amppopc 

Iir-5r!»~a^go  anoigMed  Poi-  eirui*  •that"i:rtTg"TertH:^ti&  excessive .     TJje 
appellee  at   the  time  of  the  injury  was  36  years   of  age  and  was   ear^dng   $50 
every  two  weeks ^     Be  has  been  unahle  to  work  for  over  two  years.     He  l*«s 
suffered  great  r^ain,   and  his  leg  is  now  nearly  two  inches  nhorter  than  the 


other.  He  ttxII  suffer  more  or  less  from  the  peruianant  nature  of  Ms  in- 
jury for  the  remainder  of  his  life.  Vlr^^^STFT'ffl'&ll't   l'tiutJOH--4«"-ofe'ewBMg^.. 

/  AffirJTiecl. 

'  t. 


won*  '-Oi 





Filey April  16,  1915- 

:>y€iol  rvtun   -"11:0. 


ri'i   b;..uM  f-it»il  li"i  caiAO  a^alnc 


.tT<JJT<5d.    tr- 

hieli!  jttdgjsjent  was  rc^Klarc^i.. 

U    ""  O  d:c^o:^d.^r!t  ;ipre*'-^  <^ 

■  ■|Ia.nt.'>  i-^-illfOftd  ruitr-.lrjf,  v>-ent-  Tf^n 
a<UiouBO  cr<-;s:-;eE  t''.e   ^llinoia  rl^er  .it  rip*ht  angles  aJ"tor  T^aai^li^M?  t^^vx-m^ 

'^cv.t  Ttalf  a 

r?.ile  tfost  or 

lit  ul'liroy  l!>ctwecr4  t!:c  rillai 

me  nnf.  <:'"--cr;'.t©fli  ft 

rf)Ck  cn?«??!Oi*.     'itts;' 

■,rdc.  '.re 


i!;  tci'^in^itao  nea- 

.'.  ^^  ;r 


H5  oniolior,   -:.  -licLo  trueli  leayon  tTr< 

in  ^.Ivldu),;  it. 


'ic  r.ctit^  'la-j  of  and  Bwbatantiall 

cuJTO  tc:  the  no: 

Ith  th&   ^tnmV.or  bun-livjf?: 

":i  trao'c: 

If!  tho  pai't,  of  tT?©  Ins^.ltHn.T  ■^•!«^:^:j»ei^' 

mciBt  -^orf^orly  cf  tTionc  r!\Tit«^  trt\f'.'*5  ic  «nlIo.1  tlio  cr^!5^©l'  traci 



and  nms  i»  an  Irres'iliW*  c^iT'iie  l^  r^ji  ca-'tcrly  af.rectl 

h^rllr.        f*.^,-/,-;       1   +, 


t''G  tt^cy^s   ?«r.v:'!i   .'.?:■  ]*?!fic?5e^  a  vni 

I7t  «iOtttTi  of  -■?wi*c  tho  T-r".tcl^  trr 

!.  x"^  {1  -.  ■ 

r».m3  north  ofj-:!toj*ly  an^T  ot»os55on  tho  nwiln  trivcl:  in  a  f^.l 

•.+  ^  -o.•^     '-,•^f.T-?0.•^fl 


f» - 


trft«Jc  io  alioiit  JJ3  foot.     TT-o  r'-^'^lfc  roal  contlm^Of?  on  tmrardU)  t^e  ::ortTicv?t 

,  *» '?  /■\i  <  ■■'  »' 

^  ^Vl,"l/'."-^'?  "T-Jr '■'-;■-        'J' ?*-'tV*."*  "  »  ^^      * 

rcolcy,   crcanaa  :\  creok  5U3t  Mfcrc 

t^c  roivH  brfirs«??T«sj  f*»-:'j;-  tT-dt  ^oint  fco  '^ic 

•s  .;      ^,  .-.^  :^,r,     ■^T• 

■'■•:      '     ^•,•^>»^^•.■     vr^ 

■"■f-./fV   /»'>r«>rtf- 


tte  ri3  Ik  :?.   7ll^t  up  ryji<!le  for  a)}^t  :?5C  yards  ncrt?}-oa»t  of  tT^e  cr : 


y,     -■!,■',    -,*,       ^.' 

1       "  ••  t-»  ■ 

,',--'—.      rritlT" 

rlfx       ^rf*      ■'       .,'-.-!"f        -  *  -^f  r»?>/»'- 

thc  trian/fXc  bet^ocn  t!ie  nain  track  ai?rt  tTr    aoreeninfrs  tracl:  iiort 


•f»'!  1  "^Trf.    V.f?:-!     C'^T^''    ■''*l0'~    f",f   ■'i»»-*  T«?.-i    .  :^- f. 


ttobors  t-srolvo  incbca  nfiiwjfe  atjd  fjroa  al^litoou  t«>  t.Tenty-two  foet 


".■■■'■>'?■'<•»■!;•    f, '■■i?^<»V"'.      ■j"''''    '?'''•■•'■'?■»  O"^*-.  :_., ,     Stt'JT^'^l^'*''!    f*-'^T*c    '■   '  1 1"* ""    "■-».?■•-•  1  ■"  <■ 

hlfT^vnvf  a  Tory  fav?  feofc  freni   It,  laut  on  t7><»  ri?»!>t  of  way  Of  ft 

fn.r    r\3!    t*'0    C'l'^f^l'-C^    'lO'T    ■■'.!- f;V/ri-t,'70 

ni^'hlif.  ''lr^,7;','v   i?5   fjl-i'^-lv   tti'"-   *,r:r"ol'!G''l 

..l^ay  or  'T.arroii  tr'ack* 

;>cut!i  of  the  scrooiiiT)(?s  trad:  jum  south  of  tho  xsroat  <mH  of  tlw  cnjs''- 
ci'  l:ousc,  van  :\  pllo  v T  acroci^-lnga  ^'^Iilch  had  ijocn  sijcvollotl  fror:  oars  cp 
scroorsinca,    "Tson  thoro  t'as  n  shortai^  of  seroonln^^  care.     'Hhc  ;lintfmce  ^w- 

tv/cen  t!:c  public  road  and  tI?o  nearoot  side  cf  the  acrocsilrjf^fi  VTt\r>  nl>o'it   tvro-^.iiy 



foct»     s:-o«tI»  of  the  oast  end  of  th*  cntsTter  bnildinfj  and  abotit  twotity-flve 

feet  north  of  tl-'.e  public  road  waa  ^  3t««aa  box  ov  t*':;-  ;rl  ■^.■!•  -'.■'  -■■:,.;;•     '*         cijn.r' 

This  bos  T?aa  about  tTrlrty  int^en  smiare  nnd  oxtojiAod  rlnc  i  ■  ■  toi?:  foot  r,?)'-;-re 

tho  r^rv.i:i:d.      ita-iioe  ■-"-.■•   <:c  diaoJid-rj^e  «rt?;mTrjt  ntCT-:  irtc  tro    :::.r. 

"•'Opc  T/aa  alflo  a  locociotiv®  find  caboose  in  attoncL'yico  on  tho  cnisbor 

Trh.:c  .    an  the  ballast  tspln.        "       -r^i.x.G 

of  tho   '.rufjhor  riant.     The  vlllasol  of  Poarl  wan  his  tratUtig  f^laco  mitt  his 

route  tc  V'   '^vr.^-n  the  rillaso  wfts  naat  th©  cru.<5l»er  7  isint  on  t'rio  real  e.rcoj- 

Inr:  tho  railroad-     '«  tbo  morning  tliat  bo  traa  Injured,  be  drovo  to  'Oarl  a 

tc:.>^.i  ■"  '  crses  hitel^ed  tc  ,1  lir^.-'bor' fr.^ri  •:      Vfch  botlj  end  gates  cnt,    to  ret  n' 

two  by  fours  aod  oorrngatod  Iron  ijocfin^-     (>n  hlo  way  bono  tbo  toasit^aftop 

,;    ,  "  ■.'Iro?/-  ?»■'.:'!  rvmy  am'^.   Just  after  crois'tin,"  t.?>o  ctJlvc-r* 

cf  tho  omslier,   tl«»ow  aprollco  out  of  tbe  wag;on,  broaliing  bis  log. 

n^Sl^JSenoo  averred  In  tbo  first  ootmt  io  tJiat  »?bile  arrolToo  iraa 

driving  oo  osa  aprolltmt's  track  ndor  tbe  rock  enjsljer,  it  negligently  and 

carolea:!ly  ran^  tbo  bell  vjnC  '    ibo  trbistle  on  ita  loeoEOtiro  near  tbo 

boracG  i«-biob  vere  frif^i  tonod  tbero^**  etc. 


crcnt^lng  on  ttte  ilre  of  tli©  hi^ray  .i  large  piX<:^^h 

-v.ni7f»'^  --!%:■:  ilr-lvinff  csi  tZm  Mr^TtVa:^  across  tl'.e  ra1.1rcriv1>  ut 

■      -liod  oiTb©  of  tho  iargN^  tii2i»3Cr.c>  off  t.ljo  ■  "^lo 

L-v,  Mrr?  rt'r.rrf  .?.?>.l  r.lrnr-  the  -sToat  lino  of  the  said  T»ublJc  Tiir.!rra3r" ,  ncar  aM 

:r':i  Uio  lioraeo  tmd  t!icrcby  rrigi;tetie«l  thOEi  etc 

;'  c  ■f.ririi  Ci'UMt  avorrj  tTiat  c>^rel3.ant  •erasj  nonll^^ont 

la  car,  cnt«Iied  rook  ;ina  ;>uXveriaea  otono  on  the  grournl  aicmg  and  upon  tli©  ^iH 

-!,\:!.-.  "5:?^ll«  !;l-^T-.:r;v7,   tcnTjir^l  tlio\  tofaa  tirawn  ^7  ,-it>pol'leo  st3  that  ilisst  .rM*<isc 
oiK>d  t!iO  ii«5r3Ca»  \ 

;;o  r>7irtT:  eotiMfc  arora  r£e5:l:lnor.oo  in  r^rmlttinf?^  ntcmn  to  e",capo  vrith 
groat  ncdso  froa  the  storin  oxlisiast  l»ujs:  notir  tlie  liii©  of  the  public  Jiir-ray 
tfr.-:u»fl-  Uir-  toian  vrhlch  thoi*oby  bocatie  friglitened.     The  fif  t!:  ;CiO   cIt:.  Ci>tints 
arc  o^sabln&tioTjJs  of  tho  avorjaonta  in  tho  oUior  o^Juntis. 

^ /?ro  la  a  sorioiin  onnfliot  in  the  orideaco  a^  to  tfje  action  n-r  tho 
horoos  duriag  tUo  raomiJig  "ijofore  ilw*  accidont.     <>»«  witiioas  toatlfied  that 
L*v:i  tcrun  xrati  Tvl'^t'tonoii  on  tli;o  road  to  Poarl  laofore  it  t^oi  .:;i-i';:ter 

Appelioo  got  t'-uiUJ^n   ..i-ega...   .f^lmi  Ijj'   !>C'.u^»   fH.q;rr*;'gt?v -'frnrri^/nS    ^tV'    &r  ^T 
fr3l~*'t  car  at  Tearl-     ITc  tostifica  t!iat  his  lioraos  Old  net  ta3':c  frlf^l^t  t?M7o 
he  who  oiir.     Two  disliitorcatod  rrltnosaoa  totitlfiod  %h&  iS 

fj.j.rjrt- ..^,'  ,,  ,.  .  ^'  ,...:..., -J  .;:;*oro  avray  finjc!  tr?o  car.     After  ,^;ctfcir'-,";  t!^ 

4«S*rHa5sr  In  tlio  wa.:p;on  ai»pelloc  fSrove  to  tlie  dorot  *«-s«4-#!cr^ ecrrugatod  Iw. 


ul3cr.t   Lvelvc    ''Jut  3  on.!!.;  Jiml  -trrn  fecfc -ig4d4>.     ?^o  cf  tho  "bunohGa  was  leoae, 

;j^,iiip;  aiscl  acted  fri^it«xied  frcaa  the  iioiao  jaado  in  loadiii??  the,vr!rlle 

:■■;     e.i^-;:-  0   t^atiflocl  that   tl.C    toa^-v:  was  not   fra/;:-x-:j;iie«A  ;.a;..  ;    .i^;;  ut. 

.  oKocn  tho  depot  an<^  the  railroad  crossing  aprelioc  atoppoa  hia  t&ma   and 

t-'Oli   tliC    l^vUi-    i  ;  _:^):.    ;r;-a.   ^vad   alsO   ^icliod   U[?    f  j'u  .  OOa 

rocl::,  oiicli  v/eijdiiiXK  abcut  t'lToiity-fivo  pomids,   aaid  inst  tlKK:  or  the   Co^^  c** 
appelloiit  arKiios  to  ko&v  it  fx*«*i  rattliu  *. 
Kiezi  roro  starKlininj  on  ore  of  the  piioa  of  tXiaber  and  that  tlxjy  r  ilel  a  Iar«^c 

r  tlio  top  of  th©  pilo  0ig1»t  feet  Mgii,   to  tha  fx^uncl,  to  tisa  •  ruul  c"  ;uk1 

.^.voh  x.'i  ■;*  ;-'■'  v.'.o  Bosr  horse  J   t...v  -.'Od 

against  tho  off  horse  aiicL  atartocl  to  run  east  cuid  that  a  t.'CiiJi  c-iEij  froj?'  tha 

OABXj    v.i    ^,;.^.;    ..;.i.i..;i    iA.*sv:    v;  L..i.^iiij     ;,.;,;.    I'iii^jUi^    i.:jl;      rj.  :.  .  VO  ' -- 

xjiC  scrooningo  out  of  a  oar  on  the  oorconlngs  tracl:  a;  ind  'blO'*-  tlwst 

?riiig  out  of  the  oxiiaiiat  plpo  snU  80ttli2^    orer  the  roaii  and  that  made  t??c 
Appollee  is  eorrobcratod  aa  to  tho  rolling*  of  tho  tlnhora  of  r  tfie 

piio   OY   Clio   :ii<'e   of  ty^o  I  or-vos  "by  ;i  r;iv:ica.j  Xnos,    a  coiisli-i      '^  olloe^rlio 

waii  i'laii.ijig  tl'ie  fricticn  hoist  on  t'le  top  or  tb©  cj:»ualv  testlfiocl 

i^iAio    u;^:o:.'j  ^^o*•y   Lt/o  i::on  0.1  t]:o   j.ii;:ooi.    r,xlyi  vrlio  rcllc.1  a  tijn'')er   tc   the  jTrnuntl 
whew  tlio  tc-aia  \mf5  -faasing  7:>y  it.     To  ia  dxocro.lite«l  hj,   zuion^^  otb;iX'  tl:inr;s, 

,-.i;.tu;a  ivt^iOi.:;  .I'jixt   oy  hiK  ahortly  after*  t':e  ac-:iJ-do:i^,    :!.a   .;:vic'>   ;w   n.^yn 
lio  sa;;  a  gang  of  man  on  the  nlie  of  tiisbera  at  ti.;iO  oopaslnf^  noai*  the  crushor 
...::x.i  Gtatctl,   "..-   v.xlx  not  3ay  bridge  isen  xrcre  i-  *a..;..i;:  .;r  ^^wvia^   oi.'jcr..    .'•Oi:!h9 
Cvtiae  up  but  they  wore  <n  the  pile",     toother  '.^itrjoa^s,    :>i*iinaugli  also  tostl- 
fievl  tf:sn.i  .  .    >..;..  .iv   ,  .v^-..  i.^    uJio  crasher  u.  ■..  a.'.,:  Johnsca  wlfli  !._.:i   io.t-     .     - 
proacli   the  ci'ossing  iuid  two  of  the  bridge  men,  who  were  cu  the  rile  of  tii^- 
-ji^xu.   .ith  cant  h.:;oIc^3,   roll   ii  l.u-gc  t:ur»her  off  tho  top  cf  t: ..^   .-->-  1 

five  or  six  feet  of  the  left  traoi  of  the  vra^^on  road,',;hich  soared  the  t-aia, 
but  he  saja  the  horses  cci-*o  <'L.'ii*cins  as  thoy  approachecl  tV.e  .- aiiiL-v -^.i.   -•»..(. t.'?er 
cf  ;.I:o3e  v/itnosaos  knew  of  the  accldor.t  xmtil  they  irere  told  aaout    -t. 

Ti;ore  v.'oro  tvro  (-iiiinga  of  non  ^ith  ptish  cars   talcinfi  tir.hern   '^r  v    thoao 
piles  to  the  "bridge  over  tho  riyer  that  inornirig.     Tlirirc  rcre  r.lRrAM'i  ■"l-^-^a.. 
-gastg.      T^io— aC  these  non  testify  th<;y  -Oi'o  on  r.  p;"J.o  cf  tlsf^ievs  Then  a  tersja 
went  hy,.n,hoii  Uu-.  paLiTT"TglFliaH"TrognlmriHT^^  jm,!,  I. 

^^-r  u.'i.!jUini^.  f W  11  tl'AlL   tn  (^g"tt'y  ;i1iou!»-"»»»--A»'-"M^    and  that  did    .ct  rol'' 
.^jh^Mjiciber  off  the  pile.    Jlbo   '^j-rliei*  frmr  T^^mi  pf  t^M^-- *"■■  w^rf "»!;-«"'"^'*ri..i      oyt^ij 

t«aUi^..  tliat  >i^--t:Jira»er^  pile  trhen  tho  tcsE:  Trent  hy  and 

that  they  slid  the  timbers  en  skids  from  the  rdlo  to  the  push  car.  ^ono  of 

wards  told  about  it « . 

The  aoeidcnt  hapfniiiml  abuul  tmr  iy*'eTOtgr"ay"T:?yr^uriiiM^  s s 

■YAi'gll  Iluuvui    waa  {janglLlea  tn'tea^ify  dhali  he  dyoyo  l>y  ntha,Bft  .tiaboy  ^les 
v/tn  f-hn.  aftomooTi  nf  thnt  finyi   anii  thali  tlTrr-  tprr  f'^^-^fr^^r^r '"f***- H'^^i-mi^^fT  lying 

1ti  thffi  rfiinTTi'.'iy;      Tti!'''' PVimvrr*''''"nTr  ''*'rfr*T*r"'''"'''t''' "if ■*''*'' ■ri''' "^Y'lwti &i\  frj.H...^''^ 

t^ft  ff-^^mt   ITT-"* re  *-T^"  fricMfflf^^C-"^  *^^^  *^^^^"  ^y  rfillj,jnr  tiinihgrn  nff  fjir 

top  of  tho  pii»"l>y  too  ■siac  fif  4l»e>^boaiB"  aa' 4»  ww!t"t»'y'^  ■'ii*?e'HP«^"-^i 

fi[i^T|t    IK  "TTI    [Tur  riiin   nrr  Un     [Tit     ^runvi'l   Timn  w  liiOrii    "I  <  nnti   iiori'niiinr  ifjjj^r 

Counaol  fOT^-appalloo  liiaiat  that--^iMr»----ey4r4e3%ee-"4TOtfH-ye«itereLl' 'go^^ 
[jaj  the   yyJi^CTf*^   nfl^-*tt?'^^    ""   *^"   r""*    ''*'    ■■fy.Ti...<i    *ii.i    i.ii.«   ..■»■    iiMr-Trrrr-Trf- 

n^y     t"''nff     that     t^a^y     yn^l      g^ny     <-4m>.pr»B     (r^**^     <-V.a     T"*^^  ''^"     /^Trifl».««»     r-tiniOri     >.OTra 


.,4w»y^4,«.„j!uiiL.-,o.  1  Ag;a.i  rftasor.. J*"^ 

admitting  nTirTmrr   rrrr   oh jooltiiOTi  tif>  frwbiit  tho  Imprni 

iU  vs 

MfttiiP""  "'>^--^"»^^""'»3^'y-^^'''^p;^"fli       g^**  «■<^mj^a^n«  «g.M<iiin       t  i^iiiw|wiii  ■ii.iiiiiin ir. 

-gjew  of  the-CJ)nniat.>^»~4>fee--eTlttigfflgBr" 


exopcioo  of  duo  oax*e  In  that  txn  olj^it  jeav    Ifl  lot  of*  hamoon  ^m 
llvoly  toiaa.     Appolloo  i^ovo-l  ijy  a  son  o?  hio,  t^at  tlie  oon  hltcic"  tiio  tor: 
up  that  naming*     It  appeared  lij  tli©  orldonoo  of  anotlior  TTltneao  tTiot  a 
pioco  cf  loatlior  atrap  roaocblii  ig  a  broken  lino  ttos  plcl:©d  ur>  fiftcr  t!?o 
acclilorit  in  clogo  proxtolty  to    i'he  '^laoo.     Ar»T>ollant,   on  cross  oxanlnatioii 
of  Johnson's  9on»  undertook  tohho^  the  condition  of  the  hamoBQ  aftor  the 
accitlont    and  tliat  T>art  of  tlJC  ilnca  t?ero  tlien  eiIs^I^t^.  joction  ?raa 

prcr«rly  guat^lnod  to  this  quaation  for  tho  roaaon  it  trag  not  crosn  o-:?* 

tion.     AltTJoug!!  it  would  have  fieon  portiiiont  to  show  'he  ccjiaition  \^an  the 


horses  were  hitched  up* 

It  is  contended  that  the  court  erred  in  laodlfyinc;  an  ins trtjo tion  ro 

n  -isV"     "; 

quested  hy  appellant*     The  iiratrnotion  aa  sivon  -icii—     ":-o\i  -^vo  r^vi^i;:.,iiv   ' -'^ 
wLfueted  that  if,  on  the  oceaolon  under  invontlioiation,  the  '^lalntif^'^'i  ton;  ■ 
was  excited,  norroas,  or  alarmed  by  roaaon  of,  and  on  account  of^t^o  noises 
tsodo  by  tho  articles  ho  wan  earrylns  in  hlti  "oson,  and  that  \7fiile  such  toaj 
r;ix:;   in  cort.'.ltion  t!:o  rsliintlff  ca»--io  upon  tho  ri^ht  cf    - 
darit,  on  which  right  of    -ay,  of  the  dofondant,  tT^e  dofondant  was  eariTl 
Itc.  ■.  vm  Trar.j.nos-,    '.n  ::.     rox3er  and  usual  rray,   ami  that  f;^2  acc-'Tr_>t      "   ■• 
cited  condition  of  sa-d  toORySO  caused  by  said  nolBOa,or  by  other  oauseo  for 

xch  the  defendant  ot  its  sojr^uits  was  not  resrobsiblOjS.iU  tea 
aiKl  ran  away>  should  find  for  the  defendant.* 

:,■•-. I.:. I'xcationa  nmnlilnerl  i»l»-jarr-  :.jertlon  of  tho  '    r  ■•::.   '^•i" 


Ita  soxnranto*  rmd  '^o  onusure  after  the  rropcla  pan  jway  of  t?ic 

aecount  of  sitoli  proper  and  usual  conduot  of  tbo  clofes^ants  buslnoBO  in  lie 

cm  pi  ht  of  vsxy  you." 

It  la  aP|«ttOd  that  the  adflittoa  of--*rTO*tar^*ll*'  atrgsof^^  r;-- 

i^oocrjsary  and  do  not  state  the  latr  oorroctly.     It  Is  only  acts  Mrio  by 

B0P^!s^t3  In  V'^G  lino  of  their  duty    r  in  furtlioraiaco  of  tT^.o /Viator* n  imalnc 

fcp  trtii(ffi  t?30  rmnter  is  liable »  but  there  was  no  ioat^  or  oonter!tlon  tTin, 

<Kr!>"loye3  of  ai>poll:\nt  clid  onytlilng  not  in  tlse  lino  or  tboir  duty  anil  \7h-V'--' 

that  T>at»t  of  t?>e  inatmiction  did  not  teclinicaliy'^fstato  the  In^  f«:lly    -n  Vtutt 

tquostion  it  could  no\  nsislead  the  jury.       !>         r  •     eraaod  are  nislcatliu'"  r. 

'to  the  J^gligenoe  <fl»  .rged  in  the  geoona  count  and  the  inutruetior!  Is  ab«itr'>.«t 

ana  nafcoo  no  roforenee  to  the  oridc??ieo«     'r!?o  public  had  rl«»htvO  on  t!ie  ^I'^llc  j 

hirliway  trhere  it  eoosoecl  the  rVtht  of  way  of  appellant.     If  the  appellant 

rollod  a  hoary  tidbor  off  a/ipile  close  besdde  t!!o  travollo^^  tracfe  on  t'> 


lie  highway  by  the  aide  pf  and  nrlthin  fire  to  eoven  feet  of  a  teara  boln^  dr 
en  alrnig  the  public  Iiij^rroy,  then  it  was  a  -r^uegtion .,  f or  trie  .tr'y  t'-;  ;jay  Wri- 
the aridenoe*  rhetlter  such  act  was  unreasonable  in  oharactor  or  rale  at  ';iic 

tiKO  or  undejp  such  circtmmtaiKsos  as  to  amount  to  a  irilful   "iorot'^ard  of  the 

/  \ 

ri'hts  oira  trareller  on  the  hif^rway.     Chandler  va*  I*  c.  I5.  nX^  f»m>     ?    . 

250.  /Davis  Ts«  FexmeylTania  R.  n.  Co.:.;:  >:        .       A,   (  :. 

stntetlonjtras  abti  tract  and  wa!,g  mAiatantiAlly  ii^wea  in  a?^&©llant_*g  sov^c 

pollant's  Instruction  '%     a@  uiodlflert  ^y  the  Inoortl 
porOs  "and  not  froE  the  negllRcnit  act.o  t*'  Aefonclaat  or  Itn  soShrrto   ^'j 
»cetl  1»  tb©  declapatlon."     ''^o  tlnaortlnw  of  t1w>a»  r7nrflft._SLl£3it-xijr»'^ 
,icatl  tho  Jwry  in  tliat  t^oy  i3i::;nt  imtlorstanf;  tho  d^iml'':  ■  :•©•'  :irocl 

to  rroro  tho  injury  ^aa  not  ccittsed  b^jH^  neglij^^ont  aoti  imloss  t!ie   lury 
sio  ■  ■"'■  :".oe  tbat  t?i©  injury  wast  produced  hy  V  q  tso'^lifrcnt 

oet  ur  acts  of.-tCwpollflmt  the  rercUot  cniat  "bo  for  appellant. 

"l:lje-^ci!srjrlair'.t  ±H  gs»">?  o  '  '  '.lodlflcations  arse'  V^q  refufsal  of 

certain  Ingtruotiona  wo^tfel^  the  jury  woro  fully  inatruoted  and  tJ^at  no 
ir;»j!i'i?i  rT'.rppae   'ill  be  senred  by  roviot^^^^N^jwr  oriticlaa  iviade.  o 

of  tho  a'nlBsion  of  iKpropor  e  Icloneo  tho  Judi^ont  Is^^^^erootl  aand  t^ie 

neroraofl  and  noraanded- 



^'**^*fl»**Sa»5»!S«**'*^^  "" 


4-^*^1  -^4  -^z^^- 

^*'*""     »■■■- M..,^ 


Oon.  No.  6209. 

October  Terra  n.014. 

Pi/ed  April  16,  1915- 


lAicinda  Arlf^oy*  Actalnistratrls  cf/     | 

the  :  ■state  ^f  Jolm  '■..   Ai''::lC3?-, 
docoased^     \  Appellee/.       \ 

\  A'^-'^eal  frcic:  ^.'0^1311101?. 

Williac  C.  NiMacky  Receiver  i6f  tlic  I 
Perin-  Coal  ?r..^-a:;y,  Apr94lai-it.      '*1QQT/\       6S6 

Opinion  by  Thourpson,  J. 

^'in  is  an  action  on  tlio  c;ine  TiomTn'-Toy  Lwolndt  Arkley,  rir^'rinlnti»a- 
trix  of  t!iG  estate  of  John  II.  Arkley,  deooised»  against  Wlllian  ':'.  niT>lacl:, 
"oooiver  cf  tbe  Derinrr  Coal  Ccrir'any,  to  recover  cln2na?i;e3  nncler  tlie  -'inen  and 
Jlinors  Act  for  the  death  of  John  .  Arkley,  caused  by  a  portion  of  the  roof 
of  >:^  voon  fa"linr;  on  him  TThilo  ho  was  at  Trorlc  aa  a  coal  r^inor  In  f-T-g!  Bering 
g • . al  Ccip]pany-^-&^lne-  on  ?!riy " '"^'! ,   I""';*!-.     Trr^-trlala-refrtillua,  U-  vor-'icts  in 

fnvrift  f^f  tlia  r3aiPtMT.---'3:?^-^aa*--j«per44^<Hi»t^  for  $5|p00^'^K?  do^onaont 



^'rn-iPffiiliftrT  VAn  nrr'^flf^   from  tJ*©  judgment  rendered  on  tli«rt  ver-lictt  A  tj^g 


f:ilGd--»&%abce--irtt!r't;?!^"S'C5t^"^  not 

^t-t3:»<»-4eoeftaeTl  'mi8'--tm-*tar^^y---a^»lg-r-"'^?^^^ygty^        a--'T^el!ant~Sa 

p«cL .  in  the  r©©f  ©f M»-w.t4*i«g-nlacoT-  "ttKXt-  ■'"H"  tffiaT"?KiyT'^^!^^5E3fP!t~i^^^ 

his  buddy,  deraan^iTTSf-isn^olTrint-^ 

ecfffaln  props  an-^  c-: 

Locos  ar/l  apTKjllaart-  ii»M#«aXy.-failoa.  t<H-^?mTBCCSK^        gaae,  takl  i  iao  u-..     ,iy 

1 . 

.  J-v  t 

24,  vrhllQ  tliG  deceased  was  at  '-.rork  Ij- 
\  caused  liis  death  • 

'lie  .gecond  ooirnt  contains  i'^'"'^  ^Trt'^';-r  -rllogation 'tbat  +'''^   '' r^-,^'^  voek 
;  waa  resting  on  anoth^er  rock  v:horohy  it  xraa  made  cl^ingerous . 

:  o  tldrtl  am  fourth  cctmts  avar  in  cliff oront  language  t!>o  /''-t-'  f^*^ 
the  Eiine  esaainer  to  exainino  tlio  undcrs^roimd  nvorlcinss  of  the  tsinc  v/ithin 

tweivG  -iours  preoeotling  cverj''  day  upon  iirhioh  th.e  nine  is  operritedj   tl:r.t  t^o 


isine  exauiiner  did  o:£ar.iinc  the  fcan  and  reportod  it  safe  in  the  Ibook  -rovidod 

i  1 

<•«.■!»  t!i,'>,t  purpose;   that  the  roof  was  in  a  -i^an/^eroiis  corxlition  at  t^-^   f '  •      irvl 

',  appellant  i3iOT?ingly  and  wilfully  neslocted  to  cbsorre  aaiil  dangerous  roof  and 


rio,rk  xt  d.^ngerous. 

MiO  f  iygt-^»uit-«fttloa  ■u3£-.4>japQia.ant  4i«-  th»t  tJ>»  5adgy>e<nt  eaawot  1)C 

bp.-'vi   flT'^^-an   n^nnf    flff.y  fftet  li.->yQ7>d   the    ln.<it.   p.ynart  /mi;,.      About    l:'-^    '    ~    "•? 
morning  of  Llay  23d,   the  mine  exaLJiner  nade  an  esanination  of  the  ^rorking  pli4e 
of  dccoa30<T  ;\nd  fotind  -.%  I0030  reel:  on  -.Thich  he  placecT  n  'irmr^'rv-  ^   . 
decoasod  and  'toody  vrent  to  T/crlc  on  the  morning  of  the  23d,   the  assistai'jt  nine 

naiiasci',  '^dio  \fas  the  day'Octcr,    tolu  tr.en  aljout  tlie  J-ocao  roc'-  •■'•■■•".    r^- 
atructod  theci  to  fix  it.     '-licy  tried  tc  got  it  do-km  aiid  rcnored  part  ■:,?  It, 
•I'ldinr";  tTio  | art  \rith  the  esajdner's  dangez^  chall:  ncir!;  on  it.      '^lio-j  then 
vreiit  on  nith  their  i7orI:  of  mining.     Iloody  testified  that  ^o  tried  to  pror 

the  10030  rocls  Tout  that  tho  worl:  roqiilrod  six  foot  props  aiicl  the  rnly  pre- 
In  the  vlciiilty  uqvq  sovon  f  ot  lo?ic»     iTio  mine  examiner  tcatlfletl  tTjat  It 
tho  early  norning  of  tho  24tb,  he  again  oxanined  tho  roof  of  the  v/orlring 
place,  oarlzed  tho  elate  of  the  ojcaninatlon,  but  laaclo  no  danger  nark  an  he  at   j 
that  tine  found  tho  place  safe.     Wlien  Arliley  and  Moody  went  to  t?orI:  on  t1?.at 
morning  the  rock  vrith  the  dates  aJay  23rd  and  Hay  24th  had  fallen       Tlio  de 
ceased  toatod  the  roof  of  the  room  with  a  pioir  and  found  a  loose  rock  orer 
tho  roadway,  but  tT^ey  T7ont  to  work  loadir;'r  coal.     About  10»30  tho  asaistr: 
nine  nanager  visited  the  room,  was  told  by  Arkley  and  his  buddy  about  the 
locso  rock,   sounded  it,  told  then  it  was  unfiafe  and  put  a  cross  mark  on  it 

and  testified  that  he  told  them  to  take  the  rock  down.     Mootly  testified  that, 


ho  told  them  to  watch  it.     The  deceased  aftd  I'oody  continued  at  work  loading 
coal  until  near  noon,  T7hen  a  side  rock  which  projected  under  and  supporto 
tho  loose  rock  fell  and  Id.lled  Arlrley . 

The  method  in  that  wine  of  or<!drlns  timbers  was  for  t!ic  ainers  requir- 
ing timbers,  when  thoy  quit  work  in  tho  afternoon,   to  fill  out  tickets  -rith 
the  diaonsions  of  tho  desired  tlmbars  and  the  roo«a  and  entry  t^horo  they  trere' 
required,  and  "^fee- date  and  place  the  tickets  in  a  bos  in  the  office  at  t!\ 
top  of  tlio  rdno.     That  nigjit  the  tickets  xrero  talcon  from  the  box  by  the 
night  boas,   transcribed  to  a  sheet  called  the  tiinber  ahoot  and  Tvanaecl  to  the 
tlcibor  hauler,  trlio  ttecn  made  deliveries  acocsftllng  to  tho  tiraber  shoot. 

Jiooay  testified  that  on  the  afrfcemoon  of  the  23rd,  ho  filled  out  a 


tlnbor  tickot  for  ocano  sis  f oo€  -nropa  for  tfto  sixth  Goutli  TTest  entry  and 
plaood  It  in  the  tanljor  hox  00/ tie  r/ont  "jy  the  offiooj   that  the  -.xt^cI  ' rMit 

failocl  to  deliver  any  tJUnbers  iln  purauance  of  this  donancl  and  that  tho  or  . 

ticihors  in  tho  vicinity  vrore  aoiae  acvon  foot  props  in  front  of  t!ic  crcgn  cut 

ho  night  boss  testified  that  he  took  the  tickets  out  of  the  bos  that  nif?:ht, 

transcribed  thesa  to  the  tinbep  sheet  and  placed  the  ticl:eta  iii  on  onvclo-rc. 

The  appellant  offered  those  t{lcket3  and  the  tlraber  sheet  In  evidence. 

Tliere  la  no  ticket  aiaong  thon  made  out  by  r-oody.  TTie  mine  inanagor  and  thrc" 

other  \ritneases  testified  thkt  about  two  hours  after  the  acoidont,  tliero 

▼ere  fire  props  lying  by  tho(  cross  out,  throe  of  ^rhich  vrero  3  . vc  Toot  loi:^ 

and  two  six  feet  -ind  an  inch  or  two.  John  inrton  testified  that  '0  was  1: 

the  rocaa  iEEicdiately  a.ftor  the  aooiclop.t  and  tlsc-u  .lJ  the   loose  rocl:  had  beo- 

i'oprod,  the  side  rock  would  not  have  fallen;  that  there  crero  no  'six   foot 
props  in  tlic  vicini  y  but  there  rrere  sono  seven  foot  rrops  about  "'  feet 
distant.  T^o  other  witnesses  testified  there  were  no  six  foot  r^rops  there: 
one  of  these  ';7itness©s  als^  testified  that  he  was  present  after  t;  o  accl- 

■ont*  when  the  ecirloyes  of  appellant  measured  the  props  in  the  vicinity  and 
that  they  were  all  seven  fdot  props. 

The  evidence  cf  botli  porlles  would  appear  to  slicw  that  only  part  of 
the  reck  that  was  loose  andiiaarked  dangerous  on  t?^-"  '^'"^  t/ar,  rer.tcve"  "■■'  ^  ,: 
tliero  was  loose  rock  over  t!ie  roadway  on  the  24th,  when  the  nine  exanlner 
osacinof^  •'' -^  -''orirlnf^  -^laoe  of  the   deee:?.3ed.  an-'  ot   r'ar'ro.'- 

danseroiis.  If  the  mine  examiner  had  ctarke"'  t!ie  rock  dangerous  and  recorr"^ 


it  as  required  "by  Section  21  of  tne  fliner'a  Act  of  1011,  t-en  the  nine  raana- 
f^er  rrould  have  r^ithheld  the  entrance  check  of  the  deceased  ,„  lot 

have  been  permitted  to  enter  the  mins  until  it  rras  made  safe,  except  as  a  com- 
pany nan  under  the  direction  of  the  i^ine  manager  to  nalie   the  "^ lace  ';-T-.  '^-~  ^er 
the  Twiner's  Act  there  can  not  "be  contributory  negligence,  '"ant  of  care  on  the 
part  cf  t!;e  niner  is  not  a  defence  td  an  injury  rccciyci:,  .:..';,./     :  jury 
would  not  have  been  received  if  the  mine  operator  had  complied  with  the 
statute.  Actival  notice  to  a  niner  of  ia  dangerous  conditiori  r-ili  net  re- 

lieve the  operator  fron  liability,  Trhel?e  there  has  been  a  vilful  disregard 
of  the  provision  of  the  statute  T;hicli  was  enacte^L  for  the  protection  cf 
miners.  Mertens  vs.  Southern  Coal  Co.lj  235  111.  540;  Henrietta  Coal  Co. 
vs.  .  :..x-il^\,    'j21  111.  460.  TOether  the  .'failure  to  properly  nark  and  report 
a  dangerous  condition  in  the  roof  of  ajrociii  -  as  the  proximate  cause  of  the 
injury  toa  siner  is  a  question  of  fact|  f or  the  jury,  nctr;ithstanding  the 
miner  had  actual  notice  of  such  condition  before  he  entered  the  i*,oon  and 
began  to  -rrorli  v^ithout  propping  the  roof,  a  portion  of  T;hich  fell  and  injured 
hiiu.  ricptcns  vs.  Southern  Coal  Co.  (Supra) j  Brunrcrorth  vs.  Kerens  Coal  Co., 
2G0  111.  202 J  Tomasi  vs.  Donk  Bros.  Coal  Co.,  257  111.  70. 

The  evidence  app3icablg  to  Uto  oomits  averin^  Ti  failure  to  fui^nish 
props  on  reciuest  of  the  deceased  and  his  associate  is  in  direct  co"  flict. 
There  is  no  raanifest  preponderance  either  v/ay. 

Tne-4«e«4i4«a-ef -*'het*ier  the  tklIiffa._Gf..  appellant,  to  comply  w3:tIT~tho 

st.iiuto  ..-i.;  t'le  rroxiiaato  causo  ofn  tho  death  of  Arkloy  wtxr.  riropeply  smteaitt^ 
t!3©  jury,   and  there  v/aa  no  crr^r  in  refusing  tho  peronptory  imtnictionr 

It  is  also  insisted  that  th^  court  erred  in  giviiig  instructions  at 
the  rofiuest  of  tho  appolloo.     Th^  instructions  o<^>n?l  inod  of  are  not  por- 
enrtory  in  fona,   ami  are  in  the  lan^iago  of  the  statute;  vro  find  no  error 

in  them.  \ 

It  is  also  contended  that  »iu  i.'jiii  I  mn^l   lit  refiiritvy?  Instructicns 
roiuostcd  hy  appellant;  Ar:-ullusii ■  s  iiiati-uolimr  nmimp   l!r-amTe?r¥as~refT^soa 
-2^  to  the  effect  that  if  tho  Jury  believe  tliat  w;;on  the  i^inc  exudner  oxx.  i- 
nocl  tho  room,  the  side  rocL,  rhich  fell,  was  solid  and  in  the  1ud<r^-ter»t  tf 
tho  csominer  there  were  no  dangerous  conditions,  an^  the  rocl:  in  the  roof 
^as  JaiCTiTi  hy  deceased  t^  he  loose,  and  hefore  the  accident  t'>e  day  inspector 
narked  the  loose  rock  ^ith  a  cross  and  told  deceased  to  tal:e  it  dotvn  inl 

thereafter  the  deceased  continued  at  work  without  ta!:ing  it  dotm  cr  rvr*oppins 

it,  then  they  should  find  the  defendant  not  guilty. 

Tl^e  evidence  is  that  the  loosfe  rock  in  the  roof  caused  the  fnide 

reck  that  \TAa  "bracketed  nmlor  it  <c  fall  an'  tl^c.     fo '^-"'^   -"  the  case  ia 

ignoro'I  hy  the  instruction  vrhlch  3  «  peremptory.     TTie  statute  is  nan"'atory 


/    rtirl  the  good  faith  cr  jud^ent  of  kihe  r^inc  extttniner  is  no  defence  tr        "   '    - 

[  1 

t  lire  to  nark  a  place  as  dangerous  wiich  in  fact  ^ras  danftorous.  If  the  rook 
wa3  dangerous  and  had  been  so  recorded  the  deceased  t^ith 


t  ,.    -.r-.        '.    '•■(' 

net  have  been  pem^tted  to  ontoi?  tbo  except  under  the  directioii  of  the 
(tine  manager  to  nake  it  safe,  hiat  haa  been  said  in  rCoronce  to  contri- 
butory neGlisonoe  not  being  a  dofcrsco,  ansTfors  the  contenticnr?  f     .;ant 
concerning  the  ether  refused  Instructions.  Gerenteen  instructions  were 
given  as  requested  by  appollanii  and  cover  every  lor-al  '^ropositirm  ±n   ■•''  o  cse 
Tre  find  no  error  in  refusing  injbtruotions . 

It  is  also  said  that  the  judgment  is  escessivc.  Vaq   doceaoo"  was 
fifty-two  years  of  ago,  in  good  health,  and  earned  from  $4.00  to  $4 -GO  per 
day.  '7e  oanrsot  see  any  reason  on  irhich  to  base  such  contention. 

It  is  not  necessary  to  re|riow  tlie  crffss  errors  asgigned  by  appellee. 
The  jud03ent  is  affirtned.     I 

'■r»  Justice  Schof*leld  took  no  part  in  the  consideration  of  tliic 
caao . 






Gen.   No.      6313. 

October  Tena  1014. 


Aff.    G4. 

Aiaella  Barker,   Appellee, 

DanYlllc  Street  RailoTay  & 
Light  Company,   Appellant. 


^led  April  16,   1915- 
fron  Vemilion. 

V.-^         19  3I.A.  639 

Opinion  by  Thompson,  J. 

'■Tliio  Aa  an  action  on  the  case  brought  by  Amelia  Barker  nf>;ainst  tl3e 
Danville  Street  Railway  and  Light  Corapahy  to  recover  datnager^-  for  injuries 

to  have  been  sustained  by  heiV-through  the  neglis;ence  of  the  defen- 

.  .._  ...-^-  --. -^.- .-....,. ...,..„. 

dantrwhiic  attempting  to  become  a  pas3er)igec.-0U.-a..SLfersS.tjs^  nif  nF»*>rn->n  nrinu 
A  jury  rotmn^edrtr-rer^-^etrln  favor  of  the  plaintiff  for  $500;  the  defen- 
dant  [Vi.  u3^J■c^l^^^^il^i9  appeal <5^  • 

The  evidence  shows  that  in  the  city  of  I)anvill:e,  a  public  square  is 
in  the  center  of  the  business  district  With  streets  le  ding  frora  it  to  the 
north,  south,  east  and  west.  TTie  north!  and  south  street  is  named  Vermilion 
street  and  the  east  and  west  street  islMain  Street.  The  court  house  is  at 

the  north  side  of  the  square  and  east  of 

Vermilion  street.  Tlie  Daniel 

building  or  Ten-Cent  Store  fronts  to  tl-e  east  on  the  w'est  aide  of  Vercilion 
street,  just  north  of  the  square.  There!  is  a  side  wait  along  the  north 
side  of  the  square  across  Vermilion  strodt.  North  of  the  square  in  Vcnail- 

ion  Street  is  a  double  track  street  railv 

public  square,  by  quarter  circle  double  tracks,  curves  to  the  east  and  to 
the  west  on  Main  street  .  About  100  feel  north  of  the  public  square  on 

ay  vfhic!?,  at  the  north  side  o"  the 

Vonailion  street  ic  a  track,,  v'here  cars  cominfr  "rom  t}ie  r.crth 

*-'^'>'^   run  of  vhich  ends  at  t'le  Bouare,  after  tur-^in^'-  Toack  north  on  the  •'.rest  or 

soutb  boimd  track,  cross  over  I  to  the  east  or  north  bound  track  ancT  run  north- 

T'hat  is  laicxm  as  the  junctlonl  car  comes  from  the  north  east  part  of  the  city 

i,  then  sciM: 

to  Vonailion  street,  tT?on  sciMh  on  Vermilion  street  to  the  \7est  cnrve  on  t' 
public  square,  xrhere  it  stops,  turns  its  trolley,  the  motorraan  ancl  conductcr 
change  ends  and  it  starts  bade  north,  stopping  on  the  west  track  vith  its 
roar  end  at  the  north  side  of<  the  side  walk  across  the  street  and  waits  for 
pasoengers  on  cars  coming  from  the  east.   Cars  coming  from  the  east.  If 
tliey  have  passenp:ers  to  transfer  to  the  junction  car,  come  around  the  curve 


from  Min  street  and  run  iipon  the  east  track  on  Vermilion  street,  by  the 
side  of  the  junction  car,  fat*  enough  north  so  that  the  rear  end  of  the  main 

street  car  is  north  of  the  rfear  vestibule  of  the  junction  car.   T!^o  "^imc- 

tion  car  then  proceeds  nortl^  to  the  cross -over  irhere  it  crosses  to  the  east 

track  and  then  proceeds  on  north. 

Tlie  appellee,y-i;liu  rculded  1m  lbo-ja^Ptft--ii>€>y%--##-tr!Te-irt1^ 

fimplnyPi  in  a  bateoiry  ayad»»a&>Acxuia.ti)me4..t0..glifte.  tPgardah&r^a^     itt-^the—june - 

tjjiiL_ftar.      On  the  morning  of  the  accident  appollociD   rrho  had  73oeH  in  the  Ten 

[  ■Cput  stopoy  onaio  out  eg  At  cnrrj'liig  a  su^t  oaae',  noHJh'Cf^' the  jrmctliJTr-ear, 

**y'hieh  irajj  Hta;iii*ln^  "Jiiacncmrtfa  of*- "the^-isl^e'-'Tmajg--^-twitH»9fr-"^fehe  i»tr^^        TTie  ^^uag - 

**«»n  car  hais(  a  d  or  on  the  west  side  of  the  north  end  and  one  on  tlie  east 

side  of  the  south  end.     Appellee  testified  that  sJt.  otafied  feowai'da  "fyhw  pwi' 

jmL  tha^t  th©  motor  man  In  tbe  front  reatibtilc  mo  tioned.  to  Iior  to  j?:o 

rctrnd  t<T©  front  ond  of  tiso  car  to  ^Qt  to  the  door  on  tlv-   oast  nido  or  tT-e 
re^r  ond;   that  when  she  had  passed  around  the  north  en-,  of  the  '.'MM^r/fe'lon 
car,   nho  sa-.T  jst  car  coraliig  fyow  o»ot' M«Aw--<rtrcetjr  Hh»i<>ii»  olw^       down  «nd 
stepped  on  tlje  WjO'!!.i''er  that  she  t!i©n  started  to-7arv7  the  rear  a<  or  of 
t!iG   jimction  oar,   and  that  the  mxim  atroot  car  thon  started  isp  v:lt!)out 
rinjpjing  a  so»S  oi^  giving  anj  3i"mal  iwA  caught  atid  rtlled  her  hetvreen  it 

tKl  the  3ttM»<>te«^,  car  and  Injured,  her.     Ilio  motor  wan  mn  the "4«»»»tJI-f>n- ^ 
and  a  paoiBenger--o»--that -ear  tes t^ifled^  t.l»at  4lt^  dMnaet  -heop  wiy    -ont;  ^^^ 
■  y.  the  TmwLn  atroet  cir^^y     ITm  root gn  wi»ii.'°'<»''*4«e»'JtoJa»»»tye'»tF»^^ 

.  otor  aan  cWn.tihO'  jtaagtAon-^ifw  testified  that  he  did  not  signal  appellee 
to  ^S'  Jiround  the  car  hut  that  ho  reached  to  open  the  front  teotihule 
door  and  tl>at  she  signalled  aT^e  did  not  'trant  that  door  opened.     -52**, 
eTidoncc  hearing  on  the  question  of  the  negli??rencc  of  the  apr^clLAnt  aM 
the  due  care  of  the  appellee  ia  very  conflicting  a-iirili  thmoo  «!'meff*ion8i.,.iaf! 
f  •^-*"-  ¥f IT  II  'ffiitih  in   hT'f    '  I 'Ml  HrrfriTr'i^   Jiii"j>   <»>ii  <i|ftnW0i     intl'ff  T'mrfr  ri'inmlf 

^anifor.t  preronderimoe_there^^jg^^  i.r  appeliani;  canHot 

Tip     "^tiilnefli 

It  is  also  contended  thaib  the  evidence  of  the  arrellec  :^^^oiild  have 

been  excluded  and  a  vercUct  dLrecte'   '  reliant,  fteoaus®  of  i  variance 

bet'.TCon  the  pleadings  and  the 

proof.     The  alle^d  variance  is  that  the 

declaration  avern  that  appel^oe  v-as  strucl:  hy  a  car  and  laiocked  do?/ri  op  t' 

pavement  and  thereby  injured,  iv^lle  tlie  proof  shows  that  she  waf5  not 
knocked  down  on  the  pavenient  hiA  v;aa  stinjck,  rolled  bott^een  and  held  up 
"between  the  cars.  One  of  the  a-vlernents  of  the  declaration  is  "she  v/as 
then  and  there  struck  loy  said  car  on  said  northbound  traci:  by  the  care- 
lessness and  negligence  of  said  servant  of  said  defendant  signalling 
her  to  pass  over  tc  the  east  side  of  said  Junction  car  x  x  s  and  the 
plaintiff  was  t' en  and  there  knocjiGd  to  and  upon  the  pavement  of  said 
street  by  said  car, and  between  said  junction  car  and  said  other  car  and 
was  then  and  there  bruised"  etc 

In  actions  of  tort  the  averments  of  the  declaration  are  divisible 
in  their  nature  and  if  sufficientl  of  the  facts  averred  in  a  count  arc 
proved  to  constitute  a  cause  of  a<btion  the  plaintiff  Is  entitled  to 
recover,  not--ithstanding  there  ara  other  averments  of  the  declaration 
■:hich  the  evidence  does  not  sustaiii.  Postal  Telegraph  Co.  vs. Likes, 
.?r?5  111.  249  J  Chicago  and  Grand  Trunk  Ry.  Co.  vs.Spuirney,  107  111. 
471;  City  of  Rock  Island  vs.  Cuinely,  1-26  111.  408;  H dinners  vs. Knight, 

1G8  111.  App.  SOS J  Hayes  vs.  WabasJ 

Ry.  Co.,  130  111.  App.  oil.   The 

part  of  the  averment  that  she  Tras  knocked  dovrn  on  the  pavement  was  un- 
nece  sary  and  may  be  treated  as  surslusage.  The  proof  showing  that 
appellee  was  directed  Tjy   the  emrloyo  of  aT^^^cllant  to  pass  in  front  of 

the  junction  car  and  alonn;  the  east 

side  of  that  car  to  enter  a  door  on 

the  side  of  the  car  bet'.7een  the  trasks  and  that  the  other  car,  ^rhich  had 

stopped  was  negligently  started  add 

struck  her,  is  proof  of  sufficient 

of  the  averments  to  sustain  the  action,  and  proof  that  she  '.ras  knocked 


down  on  the  pavement  was  not  necea^iaiy  . 

A-r^ellant  also  contends  that  the  court  erred  in  tlie  admisolon  of 

evidence  introduced  on  the  part  oi   appellee  that  Verrailion  street  Tas  paved 

and  that  travellers  crossed  the  street  north  of  vrhere  the  junction  car  was 

standing.  After  arguing  the  question  counsel  state  that  no   oljjection  was 

made  to  tjjat  evidence*  There  is  lio^hing  saved  for  review  xi-here  no  oTojec- 

tion  TTas  made. 

Appellant  also  sous^ht  to  sho^r  [by  Dr.  Steely  the  reason  v.-hy  he  called 
in  Dr.  Perrigo  to  make  an  exaniinatipn  of  appellee.  The  court  properly  sus- 
tained the  objection  to  such  evidence  for  the  reason  it  was  sirnply  argumenta 
tive . 

The  appellant  called  some  witnesses  from  Clinton  to  testify  concern- 


ing  tho  reputation  of  appellee  fori  truth  and  veracity.  On  the  cross  esamia- 
tion  of  the  Tritncsses,  the  court  permitted  appellee  to  show,  that  in  a  crim- 
inal case  against  the  husband  of  appellee,  in  T7hich  aprellee  was  t-e  prosecut- 
ing X7itncs3,  the  appellant  had  givm  these  ritnesses  transportation.  We  do 
not  see  hOT7  that  could  affect  this  ^ase  but  it  was  harrr-lesn  error. 

It  is  contended  that  the  court 

committed  error  in  frivi^ig  instr'uctions 

for  appellee  which  ignored  the  defence  of  assimed  risk  and  in  refusing  instruc- 

tions  asked  by  appellant  informing  (the  jury  as  to  the  la'?  on  the  doctrine  of 

assumed  risk. 

The  court^ instructed  the  jury  ^n  the  question  of  ordinary  care. 

The  only  instructions  given  at  the  jbequest  of  anpellee  were,  two  on  the 
question  of  credlljility  of  witnesses,  one  concerning  the  preponderance  of 

evidence,  one  on  the  raeasut^e  of  djtoages  and  one  defining  ordinary  care. 

Nineteen  ^^ere  .'^iven  for  the  apT-eliant,t^70  of  v-hich  tell  the  jury  that  he- 

fore  appellee  could  recover  she  must  prove  by  a  prepondarance  of  the  evi- 


dence  that  she  T?as  in  the  exercise  of  due  caro  for  hur  otto  safety,  at  and 
"before  the  time  she  was  injured.  I  Two  other  instructions  given  at  appel- 
lant's request  recite  the  facts  ^fhlch  it  contends  the  evidence  r-roves,  and 


then  tell  the  Jury  that  if  they  Believe  such  facts  constituted  ccntrilintory 

nes^ligence  or  want  of  due  care  that  the  jury  Kust  find  for  appellant.  Tlie 


doctrine  of  assumed  risk  is  involved  in  contractual  relations  such  as  master 

and  servant,  while  in  neigligencelcases  not  arising  out  of  contractual  rola- 

tions,  the  parallel  doctrine  is  linovm  as  contributory  negligence  or  ;7ant  of 
ordinary  care.  There  was  no  errqr  prejudicial  to  appellant  eit';er  in  giv- 
ing or  refusing  instructions.  As\a  matter  of  fact  the  Instructions  iTere 

nuch  more  favorable  to  appellant  taian  it  was  entitled  to. 

It  is  also  argued  that  counsep.  for  appellee  made  improper  remarl^s  in 
their  argument  to  the  jury.  Counsel  stated  that  appellant,  a  corporation, 
had  means  of  getting  witnesses  and! investigating  cases  that  appellee  did  not 


have;  that  statement  should  not  have  been  made.  Counsel  also  commented  on 
the  fact  that  maiy  of  the  ^ritnesseis  were  employees  of  appellant;  that  v/as  a 
ri.f^ht  of  counsel  as  the  jury  had  a  right  to  consider  that  fact  in  passing  on 

the  crocliTaillty  of  tritnes00«.     One  of  counsel  attackoci  the  -vltncfsser?  who 
torstiried  conceimln)*  '^«  r^'i-^Jt -^tlors  of  a^^clJoo  for  timtl-.  :t"'  v.->raclt7, 
calling  tli«ii  "a  flying  gquacUron  of  character  de'cstroyoro"  .     T^illc  such  ntato- 
nont  of  otHJiifiel  In  'Ttiblect  to  crltlelsaa  axid  ccti?isol   acscfin  tc  ^■•■'•vc  •■ovr.lttod 

t>::GJr  circlor  to  ovcrcocie  t!.?o±r  .■Judj^nant,  vre  do  not  tMnlc?  --I^on  tho    b^ 

tho  judf^tierit  is  considorod,   that  thd  case  s^iouifl  bo  revoraecl  ?jecan9o  cf  the 

irapr  ror  arfmsdiont . 


/!    It  is  also  insisted  that  the  Aamages  are  ©xcesr^ivet  The  a-^r-elleo 
\7a3  talcen  to  the  homo  of  a  35rs«  Patterson  after  tlie  aocidcr'.t  T^cre  ^r. 
Steely,  the  appellant 's  surfreon  anft  a  son  of  one  of  counsel  for  appellant, 
was  called  to  attend  her*  !le  haf^  her  rcaaoved  to  a  hcsrital  two  days  t!?ere- 
after,  vr'iere  ho  attended  lior  daily  until  necember  17.  Br.  Stooly  testified 
on  bohcilf  of  appellant  that  ^e  couM  find  neither  any  inar!;s,  hniises,  con- 
tusions or  external  evidence  of  any  injury,  nor  any  broken  bones,  and  that 
tijo  conditions  he  found  '^ere  ohrohic  and  could  not  have  beer,  caused  Tiy  being 
otruck  and  caught  between  the  caris;  that  he  thought  she  ras  a  nalingeT-or  and 
that  ho   called  Dr.  Perrigo  to  aid  him  in  examining  her»  Appellee  testified 
that,  after  nhe  left  the  hospital »  l>r.  Saiingart  ^as   called  on  for  sertical 
treatment.  Ho  testified  that  he  found  her  suffering  from  a  traumatic  in- 
jury of  tho  spine  and  tha^  she  wad  in  bed  for  five  or  six  weeks  after  the 



was  called  and  that  she  was  still  buffering  fraa  the  injury  :^t  the  time  of 
the  trial.  Appellee  before  the  inliuTr  was  earainjc;  seven  dollars  a  week. 



wo  are  of  tho  opinion  arroll;^t  has  no  eaaise  for  conT^lalat  ooiwemltjg 
;   inemit  of  the  Oacsages* 

'Jtjcro  la  no  rovoroible  otrov  In  thQ  oaso;   tit©   .ludf^io'"  ■ 

I       w 



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