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7 ey, a, : Nee ks 
77 [ 7 7 =f 7 jt®y 7 P 
ee PAG AT Wai Yi! 
a SP os vs a iy wap! 
u av), j ‘ 4 J 9 

JUL 3 9 —1968 



wae ~\ 2048 VOLI OF 

eatate of Nantin Carra, 


7.8 AS cy Admr, of the | | 

\phetites, j 
‘ { SUPERIOR court 


‘ 7 

COMPANY f — iy ee 
pelignt. ff 1 9 © 1 4 4 o | 

STATWENT OF THE CASS. This case eomes before : 

this court updan appeal from a judgment of $4000 entered | 

in the Superid Court of Cook Coumty, in behalf of appellee, — | 

as administraf, and for the benefit of the next of kin of 

the estate ofprtin * deceased, 
PY 7G 44 Fee 

under the MinkjAct of 1801: to recover for the alleged 

wrongful killg of appellee's intestate, caused by appellant's 

alleged wrong violation of certain provisions of that act. 

fide, ff Sop 8 Lor & SER wet ee bs eas 
J ceased, on the sorning of December 25, 19212, 

The suit was commenced 

while engageM his—expio; —— 2* miner in the- fi 

underground stings" apretient'e mine, near Coal city, * 
Grundy CountTIliinois, and while sounding ithe piel, | we 
the roof of } working Place, in-seid-mire, wate Led _by ‘ 
a-Lerge-stofalling”iyor-him, The sp spepitic aay. of rae 

wrongful vi 4 on by-appeliont * ta tate, charged in 
9 La ation, are,, * lure te 

have its mine 

Ease % 
vias — % j 
* * 
\ ‘edt ON , : 
. - 8 
ey R A X gp aa 
f ‘ 
i \ PoH ot 
, ¢ atatae 
MONT LAME , enea0eb 

 oypytiod MOOD FO 

ee — — — — 

J" AUOU pla 
ys G I Al SOEs | 
ete ted comes send otdT Bead som TO THMMATS 
i betedne O0OLF ‘to troemphut, & mowk Leogga — aicit 

belongs to tiLeied at ,yimsod 400d to gusso%k 

| tc all to ¢xenm ont to fiteonod ong tot hos t aiteiotabs en 

hoonenmoo esaw tive eT — wets) aki 
\ VE ee my * 

bopetie et x0% adrcost ot , {Lek tO tokhh 
eténelileuqs yt boavan ,otateotnk atoaileqgs Te F: List futgnomw 

toe * oe anoieivong aketton ‘to mottale — bane dani 
a4 +r) ORR BRL). AY TY, * 

Mg Ay 
ik ss " tadme sett E grknrvon rte ‘no bea 9 AC * —— 4 a 


_ eet ai tonia tage & &B. spomynkent- . 
oY ae 33 —* ACS, r 
J 400 ‘Tae ft vaug —V — — —— 

— sth elie bane — —— 

tea — ake is 7? to vat 


decedent was working were in a dangerous condition, 

Le)}..make-e-record;-in-«-book-kept for tha t-purpost; or 
any examination of said roof or of the dangs¥e 8 
condition thereof, — 

(f) take into his possession and give to the mine 
manager the entrance check of decedent and others 
whose working amide were within said dangerous 
portion, ; 

(2) submit to the mine manager se report of the 
mine examiner’ showing the dangerous condition; 

(n) and failure by ite mine manager to withhold the 
entrance checks and to instruct the men not to 
work. in..the-place-un til the dangey had“ been-removed. 

The—tecleratio further charges iin by — —* 
such_wilfulvieietions, decedent leshuded. etl place in the 
performance of his duties, and while so engaged -et-work was 
killed, se-eferesaid. 

The mine in—question is shet—is kmown as a long 
wall mine, A long wall mine is one where all ## the coal is 
taken out and the roof # supported by the brushing or rock 
waieh-hes-teen taken down. In such a mine, the mining 
commences in the center, the face or working edge of the 
layer or seam of coal forming a sheen gradually increasing 
in circumference as the coal is taken out. There were 200 
rooms in the mine and two miners worked in exch room, The—question-extended-to-the richt and Left ofa roniway, 

teri au gucelerty than to the-teft,and was only three 
feet in height, —— height of the vein or seam of 
coal, ‘The coal was dug out to a width of four feet underneath 
the rock or brush not taken dow at the end of the roadway, 
the face of the brush being four feet from the face of the 

it—was-the duty of the mine exariiner-to~-exemine:-the 
underground workings of the mine within twer¥a heures preceding 

“every day-upon whith the mine waste be~opernted; to inspect 

MOS Lbrioo aso 18 grab e at etew gnixrow aw danobeoeb 

bags lh qrtntit o> deed aiood «. at ~bt00:et--e-oxam—(e) 
BE puganeh eds to 10 toot bist to moitenimaxe (ne 
«koored? mois Lona 

enim ox Ot ovig bua noleasecog ein otmi ofat (%) 
atodse bins tnebooesb to Xoorn soreittae ori tegenam 
evoregash bisee aldiiw exew aeoaiq antirow eaony 

edd to drogot a iegennn omke oft oF timdwe (9) 
smottibmo auotegash oft yatwods teninaxe erikin 

edt hLoddtiw of togenam enim afk yd erlte? bes (1) 
ov ton mom off touatenk of dae atone * 
ehovomont need haf yoymah ony Lr yim song edd. oh 25y 

os Aonas⁊ Ae LIetalosh oat 

edt mt soalge bbe hevetow tasboosh -enebinioit-twitledewe > 
asw #tow-te bopepee o@ olinw bos ,aoituh ein Yo sonamro tre 

— — 

piel a es nwo ef-—dede of mideome—i oakm odT 
ait Laoo rt *@ {La wrens one ek omim ITlaw auto £ A .onkm stow 
aoot xo ynidauid edt yd bedtecaue a loot ods how tuo meted 
_ painter ett ,enkm « tiowea nl .nwob metas —E te 
odd to eybe gnikaw to cost off ,tédmeo ont at aeoasmmoo 
ankesetont yilathaty — s gaderrot Lsoo to maee to t0eyel 
COR etew ote? tuo solid at fade oft as sonotetmponto mk 
ett moor dose al hboitow areniw ows base ontm off mk emoot 

— * ‘Sted baw dingy oft -od-hebredxe amis coup-abmoos 

wry os NA 2 Pte 
eerds yino ean, dia—~d ted oft i -tinks od) of oom. tad 

to mase to alew oft to Jrnted — ,tolniod mt 2802 

Adisento hou toot swot to dtbiw a of tuo nub aaw Leon ant .Laoo 
eYeawheot ede to * oft te cwob nexnd tom cewid to hoor oatt 
od to eost of? mott foot tw0l anied dewtd ex to eon ont 

| ae 
01ld-ontmeco otro bese” win BOSS WI 
wut beowng amon o¥Low?d atdtiw anim ont te egnts ow baxth ™ nobae 

gooqent- ot” ihaseroqe-od-e2-wnw Vita Gi Ie mee — 

——— “atl 

by vf 


‘Sit -working-places~therein, “aid to observe whether these 
were any recent falis or dangerous roofs, and as eVidence 

of his examination of the rooms and roadways. therein, te 
inscribe in some suitable place on the walls of each, not 

on the face of the coal, with chalk,.the month and the day 
of the month of his visit. On the other hand, it was the 
duty of every miner to sound’ and thoroughly examine the 

roof of his working place before commencing work and if he 
found dangerous conditions not to work in such dangerous 
place, except to” make such dangerous conditions safe, It ms 

also his duty to properly prop and secure his place for his 

own safety, with materials~provided thererdy, 

All of the witnesses #ho_testified on-the-subject. 
agreed that the only means of ascertaining whether-or—ned the 
roof sie saa hil was by placing pas 2 hand lightly 
against, thereof, at the same time tapp ing, the-roef with a 
bar, pick or other implement. If the roof was loose or 
dangerous it would give beek a hollow or dead sound and the 
wand could feel it quiver; while if the store’ constrteting 
the roof was sound, or apparently safe, it would give back a 
ringing or bell like sound, and the hand would feel no 
quivering or shaking, and 6 via 
mine—examiner, Can always ¢h6, determinecwhether or not nas 27 
roof is safe. 

The only witness to the accident was Prank Aragno, 

& partner or "buddy" of appetter*s intestate, who worked with 
him. Remigo Gambon, who worked in an adjoining room, and 
John — Sana layer, were with aprektree’*s intestate 
o-few-uinuter before the accident heppened. Aragno testified 
that he saw the mark "23", eerresportine-te the date of the 
month, on the "brush" above the entrance to their room, before 

they entered, seme, indicating that the mine examiner had 


“SAGAT aediosw evisedd OF DHS [nto teri? esoale-yaiivow-iis 
oonobive. es bre s2 toot avotogmab to ellat tmecet Yas otew 
od — EX exavhbnon bas amoot ods to moifssnimexe aka to 
tom ,dono to alley ont so eeelq eldetive omoe mt edizoenk 
veb oft bos d3imom off ALads ntiw ,faoo oft Yo svet edt m0 
odd aaw th ,band usdte ett oO .tiaiv aif to demom edt to 
eat ontmaxes yidguetods bas havoe of tenia yueve to ytmb 
anf th bas Axow yrkomommoo oto led bosiq gaitrow ak to toot — 
avotoanab mowe ak Azow oF Jou emistipacs evexsgnab bavot 
eavy SI ,otese enoltiibnos svoxeynab dowe oan st dqooxe ,soalq 
eid tot eoale ald eines bas gqoxa ylusqeta of cauh etd *x 
Westone hetiverq-efetiedem 3 iw aXdelae wo 
joatdve ert belitiives civ asanontiw ont te {fap — 
edt ton-te-sediede giiniatteoan to ensem yao edt — 2 
vtsteyil baart ua aotoglgq yd aww — — — to 
8 Atiw teer-ent aatqasts amis oman oft ts owe~ead ‘fenton 
ao ovool eaw toot okt ti .tmomoiqml xacito ro dot¢ ted 
ont bis basos baeh 10 wolied = teed evig bivow df suotoganh — 
aabtutttenes-omte od) Tt eLtiw jteviup $2 Lo9% bios bast 
a Aond eviy bluow ¢i ,otac vitmetages to , bawos sw toor od 

om Loe% biuew baad et, dae ,bowon wll Lled to —— 
nw * 

— * bas vastaorte 20 aabtovisp 
TM ane ton 16 rodtonwheaniaresoab nae eyawio moo pvonkman e enka” ' ; 
one ak toot 

,OnsstA Anat waew Jnehioos oft ad aeontiw vino eT? . 
 dtiw bektow ow .etataetnt eortteqge to "ybbad? oo ond 10g J— 
bre ,moor gaintetbe an mt bextvew ontw ——— “ee smb 
 Otataetat eteeristegss dtiw exew ,teyet Ho 
| bettttans ONngStA beret, fomhtoon edt exoted,. 




examin ed seh, room and that it was safe, but saw no similar 
mark on the walls of the room. The evidence of the mine 
Manager was that the mark "23" was on the "brush" {at the 
end of the roadway) and about six or seven feet from where 
the rock fell. The witness and asceiter*s intestate upon 
entering the room, about 7:30 A. M., before commencing work 
on—the—-day—in..guestiom, sounded the roof with their picks. 
In the opinion of the witness, everything-in- the room was 

in good condition up to the time the stone fell, — 
9:00 A. M., appetters intestate, —— 
Sambon and the latter's “buddy,* took lunch in the roadway 
nearby. Aragno testified that upon returning to their roon, 
appeitee*@ intestate sounded the roof with his pick at the 
Place where the rock subsequently fell, which was immediately 
to the right of the roadway, and about five minutes there- 
after returned to the same point and while again sowmding 
thet—part-oT tite reef the stone fell uvon him. 

Sambon testified that he snd appertects intestate 
entered the latter's room "the first thing" that morning and 
found a “squeege,” namely, — a portion of the roof or 
coal had fallen between his room and that of appellee's 
intestate. Gambon testified, - _ 

Qe "Had you seen him go in there that morning to 
the place where the rock fell on him?" 

A. "* * *® Yes Sir. But he (appetlects intestate) 
looked -- it was pretty bad. Then he came 
out and I saw the props * * * he got the props 
down under it (the stone) * * *, Well you see 
the props the first thing off in the morning, « 
he never sounded in the morning at all.” 
He further testified that he ==s—with —— 9 — intestate 
a 4d Ldy 
when—the-tetter with-a-—pick sounds@ the roof, the on 

between nine and ten o'clock,snd that the roof sounded 
Z00d, te-the-witness. cambon testified further, that the 
stone slipped, diagonally, about six inches towdrd the 



tatimie ox waa tud ,otea aaw SE dant bas mons sloswn be elopxs 
enim eft to eonghive eff .noor oof to elisaw add so Aten 
eit te) “deutd® edd oo eow "ES" Ate ot tect eaw Tegament 
etodw mort teet nevee xo xte tuods baa (yawbaot ods To base 
noqu atasteotal e+vetieces bane atentinv eff fist doom ens 
Atow gatomenms s1oted ,.M .A O8;% Suede ,moox odt aniiod m 
ewlotq tkedd dtiw toot aid bobeswoe ,#eddeaup..h-yeb--oct-ao 
aaw moor edd ah-gnbtboun ,akemtiw odd te noinigo ons al 
tyoda ,ffot emote sit omis ons OF Gur noigibneo boos nt 
—— ,otadeotat wewtiowges ,.M -A 00: 
yewbsot aft ak donut Joost *  yhbud® e'xestal eft ban andmal - 
smoot tksit of ankewider soon tach betdisess oepetA .ydusen 
edd tu Aoig ein déttw teor oft bebumeoe stetastini eeetivege 
vletsibeomt sew moldw ,fiet yLlinetpeadwe Aoot sit evenw soalg 
-o1sdt cotunim evkt tueds bas ,yewbaot oft Yo deg it odd of 
anibmoe stags ofitw bane integ smee odd oF bested es 193 te — 
mid nocs LLset enote off toot ey te tesg-sods . 
staseetni etsetizres bas of dan boitites?d soduak — 
bos gaketom tadt “anise tack? oof" moot a'toijal ade bored me 
so toot eft te noiiten 4 oxoue Semen ",sxesupe” s Beuot 
atoelfLoggs to tefd Sac moot ektl noowied nolis® bad Lao 
a pho kbd cod codmae .edetootat 

oF uninisom stadt oxvV9ds al og-mid meoe yoy hol  P-~ 
"Tmid no [Lot tivo eng ↄ Pine ont 

(etatestnt ateotdequs) of tut .tke wey * *# "OA 
easo of sedt bad yttem1my sew BE -- botook ~ 
aqorq edd tog of * * * eqoatg ot won I bra f70 © 
eon woy Low .* * * (enote eft) #1 tobe avob — - 
-, sakirrvom edt at tto yotdd gertt ef? agotg end 
* {fe #4 anintom oft ni hobmvoe teven od: 

o ad a oo nt —B od Stadt bebbidesd sepgivt off 
babes aati chown oxtd re bates — 
bobnunes Toor od tadt bos Aſnco orlo nes bag onta mowted 

eds tarts todguut baitisees aoctaal ———— — 
ed wtswot eedont xie dvods ,yllenogsih yhoreital — i 



face of the coal before it fell. Aragno testificd that the 
top of the stone was damp, smooth and slippery. The stone 
was seven fect long, three and one-half feet wide in the 
center, tepering te a point at the right side, and about one 
— —— 
to two feet thick, One of appettant*s,expert witnesses, who 
examined the stone after it had fallen, testified that in 
such a mince a stone can change or break within a few minutes. 
He described a "slip" as a condition in the top of the stone 
which can be detected by sounding. Another expert witness, 
who testified in behalf — ae Btated thet if a stone 
is wet it can be ascertained by examination and the danger 
determined. <Aragno testified in this regard, "It is harder 
to tell if it (the stene) is solid when it is wet.* 

The mine examiner, John Thom, testified that he 
examined the roof of the room Dr-qUGEtion at about three o'clock 
on the morning ef ¢e-kepeerine of the accident, testing the 
roof with a pick, (instead of-e-rot’ Ur bar, as provi sed by 
-stetute}—and strtm™i thet there was no loose stone nor dangerous 
condition, teewe,. The examiner to get into the room had te pass 
through a space under the rock or brush three feet inheight. 
and four feet in width. On the face of the roek or brush, at 
the end of the rondway and above the said entrance, he ine 
seribed the mark "25," and did not place any danger mark on 
the walls of the room inm—qtresetion, the testimony of Gambon 
tended to show that it was owstomary to place the mark “on 
the face of the brush or some stone alongside.” Thom 
testified that he alse examined the room after the stone fell 
and that at the time he made the examinatio before the 
accident, “there was nothing could have come there * * * 
except they * * * (Carra and his "“buddy") had dug the coal 

out, that the cowl was * * * stiil covering the piace where the 

eat tent boktites? ongetA .iiet ii oxGisd [noo off to goat hs 
enote off .yreqqita bas dgoome gush asw enode oft to got 
ett ai obiw toot tiad-ono bus essdt nol doo} mevee aaw 
eno Suodsa bag, hte. ao eit ts taiog a of vert xo “p⸗d , tne | | 
ow ,eoneenthw suisqxh,.eMretieggs to on .Axoidd toot ows ot i 
mk todd bekittsest ,aolia? bad ¢2 t98ed ta onode ont ponkmaxe i 
esetunin wot s nidtiw dsetd 1¢ o_maio apo esote o onima a —J 

enote eft to qo? edt nh noitibnoo a as “qile” a heditoseb oh J 

seonsiw Sregxe tedtoms spatdawon W hetootes ed nao —R J 


* —* VLatled nk bektitaet ow 

teprnab sat bas moitankmeaxe er hboniadieped: ed mo tk sow ob 

tebtad ef 31" ,brsegox elt mk heithtced onpets -bontmasseb 7 

"tow ai tf mostw bifoe at (emote off) Fb TE’ Stat: + 

on todd bottiteot sod? mfol ,temimexe emiu off 8 = J 
AsoLo'o cenit duods te errt moor odd Yo toot seit boukeene 
edt gattaes ,tnbloon ost to <pmknoequdt—ecie—t0 antetos att 10 

UO BSSTVOTY Bs tas “Yo here -Aa_has teat) vlote'a tlw — 

——— 10m emote sacot om aew etedt dude fertete 

enotve se ti Sands botate *; 


asaq et bad moot oft otni toy of VeRtmaxe sx! vase w0hs thn 7 

tigied ni foe? vondt Mesrd to Moor off sneha 29ae 6 dase 

ts ylexid to woot ext? to oda exit nO at hiw mk toe mot be 7 

«ni of ,oonettnoe bine edt aveds bias yarbaot ect te bre. 

no Aram tepnsh Yana goulg Son bib bas * eS" ion oe bodin 

; nodmsc to ynomitaot off moot edt to alisw » 

| MO" Atom aft soalg of yYtameteno aaw 34 todd woela of boom 

4.) mont? ",ebtaynels onota enon to duced odd to west o 

x Ifet onote oft t0d te moot smd hbenimaxe oale on — — 
as; add owted mit antmaxd ont obam ext omit ould * eed bee 
BAe obit oxredd emoo eval bLues ghhtvon aaw oreit® 

{s00 odt sub batt (*ybhud" eiff baa ated) oe 4 

J aa Set abies vee aude * © gow ‘ 
— a “ed - : * — eri aa ol 

Po a rt! aa ere) 



7 % 


gtone fell, and * * * that before Carra could have gone in 
there, he would heve had to take the coal down." On cross 
examination he wac osked "So you didn't sound it (the reof) 
at the place where he wae killed * * * @* Answer, “It was 
too tight * * *#, I sounded it after I got through, where I 
gould get my pick to sound it, where the man was killed." 
Samben tentified, "Carre did not take down any coal 
that morning." Aragno testified that avpetree*s intestate, 
after lunch, was working wnder the ploece where the steme fell 

and *we had taken the coal out, where Mertin teovetberts 

testimony, that the coal was 2842 coverinc the roof where the 
stone fell, shows conclusively that he — ot entered or 
examined..the-room-in-mrestion. Aprettree+s Rauber and the 
mine manager testified regarding falls of coal present sat that 

time in other rooms, some of which reoms were not in use, wete 

condition,;s wis sur ri était to put-the mine examiner 
upon-notice-of the dancer which existed-there., Presence of 
such falls of coal, imeludine—thae-one—in—sembents._coan, 

imsediataly adjoining--thet of-aprelieer’*s“intestete; were denied 
by the mine examiner. ¥ 
ence — + 
— ore > 
is PN no adequate system byshich. the. pa of 
the men into the mine, 

» The veehe — to 
contain the record of examinations emsisted of a printed form, 
Signed in blank, with 4 different dake originelly entered and 
erased, and the date in. —— viz, December 23, 1911, 
inserted in Ate piace. The mine examiner admitted that he 
erased * em signatures in said book and replaced them 

wi thera, until a new book wes obtained. Rxemination of. this 


— — that such was the practi®e”- covering’ W period or 

nk snog oval bLuoo sited stoted todt * * * bae , fist goose 
aaotes nO ",mwob Laos adt otfat ot beri oven bivew en ,oresid 

(toox eft) tk bauce F'nbip voy o&” heaes sar of noidenimexe 

eow SI” ,towandA "f * * * holitt aaw en aiedw eralq oft da 

L etedy ,dgvoiwlt gon I tofte tt hobavon I .* * * telghtd ooF 

" pollit saw nan oft oxedy ,22 bayoe of Yotg ym den biwoo 
fs00 ya mwoh elet ton bth svtad® ,bsitisass sodmes 

~watastnt ¢*eetieqrs dodt hbolititest ceyetA “.grkorom tant 

List omse oA3 stotw eocl¢ off 1shmet aridter saw ,tiomwl 193 Ts 

eeeiterar} nisial ets Av ome tame oat mgmt fest ew" bao 

*.eTeted J wDitbaads caw federteodat. 
By ly MR 

edt stedw Toot ox nitfitewoo Litte new Leoo ert tetd ,ynomiseeds 
“9 —** bat ed tert yierrewlonoe swore ,ifet enote 
——— rhegittwry OMS ITM moom eid beakmoxe 
gest tc tusrese [soo to elfat ynkpteget beltitess teqansnm onkm 
dette ,sov ni som stow emer okhow to sooe ,amoot rottte ak amis 
wihinsxs onia-edt tue oF Fhois Tian wow yheugas.ot- dh pooll i dep 
te soneretl overt bodaine —— ‘tonnnh sit to-sebton—naqy 
%o0t..21 s0dme-+—md--orn-orltamtbetow! .faon to alle? ——* 

bolneh avew i te todd aatale bb. yietetbowme 

— terhiwxe oeike ods yd 

— — — — 

2 —F gon rghit — aD 
ary er 

to xsi eas lo belie ee mad oye etaupebs ast bankas nis X 
os antisoqiuut dood aft, Bedahenbeweer-eew ,ontm ort odmt rom ony 
sezot beiakig s to heseisms anoidenimexs te haeoos ent abst 109 
bua bexeine yLiaainizro ofub tem re Ttkh o dthw inated nt boonie 

ALL 8 todmeoe” ,alv «10 53 a stab odd Sr sbeagte 
ea tetlt dottimbds tonimaxo onlin oat +9d0Lq agi mk ecaũ 
wont booa Cqat bus Xood blew at nerudanytn bus segib 

atdy Yo noisaninsxti .beataide saw Aood wen a Skt ay é — 
erwe 6 watadros worns e old wow Hoe ai senate 


four years. 

The principal issues of fact in this case is 
whether there wes a dangerous condition of the roof in 
question at the time swppellant's mine examiner inspected 
the mine and whether that condition wes of such a character 
that the mine examiner could, by veagoneble inepection, 
have discovered it. It is admitted that wnless the 
evidence shows thet the wilful failure of appellant toa 
perform its duty proximately cxaused the death of appellee's 

intestate, there can be no recovery. 


Appellant seeks 2 reversal on the following crounds; 
i. The suit is barred by the Statute of Idimdtations. 
2. Errers in giving end refusing instructions. 

3. The verdict is against the manifest weight of the 

Suit was commenced on December 21, 1912, by J. H. 
Alsdurf, Administrator of the estate of Carra Martin, deceased, 
On January 24, 1913, more than a year following the death of 
“Martin Carra, the court ordered all papers and proceedings 
in said cause be amended by changing the neme of the deceased 
to read "Martin Carra“ instead of "Carre Martin," and on the 
game day the declaration was filed by appellee eas administrator 
of the estate of Martin Carra, deceased, Did such amendment 
constitute a new cause of action? 

The words “Administrator of the estate of Carra 
Wartin" are mere descriptio personae, and an amendment 
correcting the error in transposing the names is not a new 
suit, Wileke v. Henrotin, 241 Ill. 169, 176, and cases therein 

cited. The praecipe and summons were not changed by inter- 

ai saso eid nk tost to equeak Lagioniag ext 


—5 sldanoaset yd ,bivos 9 abmaxe oubat wuts 


——— * as aob old bonuse ylotamexoxg wet yy nee % 

bis 59 

a 3* 
—B on od nao wwe re —* 
bys - 

ay F 
envod SHY YO MOTUTGO coM unn yinodbex surat — 

Ehnuo td aatwollot oft ao Inetevex o Aavoc taalieaga 
| anolsaS igi to etusati odd yd berind ab thos oat 
9 anotaouas a at gakavtet Ss aritves ext — 

ond to tiyiow teotinam ot tonkaga ek totbra 
890 * 

* i Gar 

of “t “d SLL us —— rat) beouemmos Baw oben 

pany P's 


to diaob ont yakwollot 10% « aed? ovom ,S£06 do yxanm 

asat boes01q bas atoqad LLs bovebre tues emt 4 _ 
beasooeh ond to eman est? gnkgasiio xd ‘bedaoms od 98 

ent no 4 “ attis sited” ‘Yo beotant * aria ake 
E — ——— as selieqqe yd helkt aaw fo tds t8L998 J 
dmembrome dove bka -boesonsb oriad mks isi to odd 

Potton 10 oauas won a 
sti) bol tates exit to rhart eae” ebxon emt 

bith leeds Vane, ea 9 
‘evans bas 1 ate .00L ve 4 a sl 
*— i Ale ieee ea Ae —* Sin — * 
»d Jon exew anonmve bas eqt 



lineation subsequent to the order of amendment. Such 
interlineation was not nscessary os the order of amendment 
is sufficient to support the verdict after judgment. Lockwood 
Vv. Doane ct al., 107 L111, 235, 239. 

Appeliant complains of given instruetims 1, 3, 
4, 5, and 6. Instructions 1, 5, 4, and 6, respectively, 
are complained of on the ground that they do not point out 
the issues of fact fer the jury to try, but leave it to the 
jury to determine what the issues are under the statute. 
A complaint similar to thet made as to instructions 1, 3, 
and 4, was made in U. S. Brewing Co. v. Stoltenberg, 211 
Til. 531, 535, 534, of an instruction which told the jury, 
if they found from the evidence that the plaintiff made out 
his case by a preponderance of the evidence as alleced in 
the declaration, then the jury should find the defendant 
euilty ete., and the court said, *fhis form of instructions 
has been approved by this court in a number of cases and it 
is unnecessary to repeat what is said in those cases," - 
citing numerous cases. In Belskis v. Dering Ceal Co,, 246 
Ill. 62, the court on page 69 says, "While the practice of 
giving such an instruction is not te be commended, it is 
not reversible error where every cornt in the declaration 
contains the necessary allegations for recovery.” In the 
latter case, the instruction given was similar to the sixth 
instruction in the instant case, andit was there srgeuved that 
the court erred in giving an instruction which in effect 
told the jury that a recovery could be had for any injury 
or death of which the wilful violation of the Wining statute 
by the plaintiff in error was the proximate cause, regardless 
of whether or not such violetion was charged in the declaration. 

In that ease, as in the instent case, the instructim did not 

dos® .tnembmesm to tobto silt o¢ tmeupesdye moidaonki 
i tnembasme to z9b10 oft ua Ytseeeoen son aaw wo id somkived ak Hi? 
boowloo, .tnomgbut totts tolbrev ott troqque ot Saolos? we at 

-86S ,8e& .(L1 VOL ,.ta te gusod wv 

. «> ef amitouitent neviyg to entalqnoo taslleqgs | 5 J 
XIOVISOSGqSoa T, ð ,f anoltowtganl 1.3 bae ,8 ah — 
two tatod ton ob yorsd tant bauoty edd mo to beniaLame 9 om 

P 7 
odt of ſ*4 evael tud .yid of ytwh ads tot don? to wouesk oxit ; 

.stutasa ert treba etm neuset edt tardy onienetsh of yh 

Rs .& .f£ ancitomwrsant of ae ebam tad? of tnlimia eat⸗ta⸗⸗⸗ a He 

+; {18 ,ntednetlete .¥v -09 guitwout .8 .U at sham aaw «ab om 
" Xxud ont blot dotnw moitowrtent ma to ,be2 ,€6@ ,f68 ne * 
tuo ebam Ttitntala ed todd sonehive edt mot awe edt Re f 

J ni bovefls as sonebive silt to sonerebnoqgong au o2aD uti ar) 

| inabnetob ors bakt binorke yret edt nordt rohtdintoeb . 
enoitorttank to rot eft?” ,biea dtsioo edt ban ee 0te vit, oe | 
ti bos epaso to tedmwa # nk tues aide yd ooxo aage need aad : 

- “,seaesd saodt nit bise ek ianw taoqes ot iasesses eek 
yt: 1299 [s09 patted .v eitetem al .89aao svowomunt ko 
to sokfoerq elt olin” eyes 08 ensg no dxueo aid 80. tr x 
1 et tk ,bebaommoo of of tom et misoutiank na tome seins J 
nottstafoeb edt ak faves yxeve ovedw sort sidteroven ¢ 

es a 

edt at “.yrevooet 10% ennidonsila yiaeeeoon ont ont a 

atxie edt ot telimte saw movin notvonwrtank ons aus 
z tsdt beupte etedd eow tibas ,eaad Soodemk ent ot so bd ours ant 
ic toette ak doldw aottouttent as gntvig at bert cn J — - 

ai viutat vas 10% bed od bivot yrevonet « dant wut tt be 
" etutete yrinty ent Yo omitelokv Lutiiw ont dotdw % 

7 © obegulmaaie .oeveo otamtxoxg off sow sor; mit Ws 

tsfoeb ont mt beyrsdo asw noiseLoty owe ee 


J “mm kt owes emt ont s9ano taotenk et nt es, yas f * 


direct a verdict, and other instructims given for plaintiff 

in error, as in the instant case, stated fully that there 

‘eould be a recovery only for violations of the Mining 

statute as charged in the declaration. The court held that 
instructions must be taken as a series and that there was 
no error in giving the instruction cemplained of . 

It is argued that the fifth instruction is 
erroneous for a number of réasons; thst it speaks of appellamt 
as (a) wilfully failing to inspect the place where apyeliec's 
intestate was required to work, (b) failing to observe whether 
there were any recent falls or dangerous roof, and (c) thet it 
submits to the jury the question as to whether appellee's 
intestate had bem directed by appellant to enter the place in 
question, when there is no evidence in the record of such 
direction on the part of appellant. * a 99GE" 

Paragraph 4, of section off: of the Mining Act of 
1911, imposed upon the mine examiner the duty to observe 
whether there were any recent falls or dangerous roofs. It 
is not contended by appellant's counsel, that appellee's 
intestate was not acting within the scope of his employmmt 
at the time of his death, and, therefore, no evidence was 
necessary of any specific directim to appeliee's intestate 
on the pert of —— After reciting the allegations of 

' the declaration, the instruction continues, “If mre jury 

believe from the evidence that the roof of the room, where 
plaintiff's decedent was killed, was in a dangerous condition, 
and that said dangerous condition could have been ascertained 
by the mine examiner within twelve hours preceding the day 
aforesaid, and that the defendant was gcuilty of the wilful 
omission alleged in the declaration as aforesaid * * * ," 

The contention of counsel, that this portion of the instruction 
assumes that the roof was in a dangcrous condition, is without 

ttitatalq t0T nevis dem 2s owedond tedto bax ,totbiev 2 soetkb | 
etoit dadt yilut bodeta ,evso taatent oat uk en ,tOTT® m7, 
aninim edt Yo anoistulolv 10% ylne ytoveost = od biuoo 
teas Sted Jusoo oHf .notsetatosd oat oh beyreda a9 edutate fal 
saw otedt tadt bas eeltoe o an netat ed Jaum- acoitownsent oo 
- to tenielanos inolfoutieni edt gaivig ni wrt, +. 

ek moisouxdank devil? et dot beugie ak at as i * (on ; 

soslloqqs to atsoge tL sandy jpenoasét te TodmeN 6 TOT tan 

a !oo oq as etedw esalq odt tosquat o¢ yatlier yf itd 
 tedtedw evisado of yatite’?s (¢) tow ot bextupen cam ata : tat 

$k tent (9) bas , toot suotegred to alfa dasoot yma. stew 9 1 
s'oslisqqs rtsidtedw ov ve apitesup edt youl, on of at: 18 

nk eoslg odd tod of SnsLicogs, YW betocthh aod pati etadacts pi 
gous to brooet welt Mt sonebive on at supsit od 101580 
ayey Ne oy scl te to ¢teq edt a9 aota id 

; t tos giiaiM odd to ,Lh mottos. Yo ,b MPT TRE 

| % 
> aaw oonebive on «oto lest. ae. hie: wd te a 
ot sd aod mk atoeiteg qa. at migoarte aktkooga Yon ve. use 

- ‘to anoltsgplia. oat _gakt toon taste, domiflogge- 30 og 088 me 
| yt, sg TL" ,eounksdno o ne Ao onetork | ent. aftol f, 
7 pio nw moot ond to. tor oaks todd eombive emt e 
* d ts kbaos ayoteyiah fh mk eoon pbollit acw dombooos. m 
 bentatiossr need evad bivon moitibnes auoweyriad bbae 
Usb odd gukbsosrtq umuod ovlows —E 1 
kw tibe ent Yo wilten sow — aca: bin 
“ge le 8, Renee a a Ra rd: i : 

i ars 
yr) Se i a 1 


merit. It is alse urged tht because this instructicn says 
that, “If the jury believe * * * said dancerous condition 
could have beer ascertained by the mins examiner within 
timelvye hours preceding the day aforesaid * * *,* that the 
jury in effect were teld that it was the duty of aprellant 
to inepect all places in the mine, continuously, for twelve 
hours preceding the beginning of the day in question. This 
part of the instruction clearly presents the issue as to 
whether there was oa dangerous condition which could have 
“been discovered at any time prior to the cammeoncemant of the 
working day of appellee's intestate. There was no error in 
@iving this instruction, 

fhe instructions offered by appellant and refused 
by the court were fully covered by other instructims given 
in behslf of appelisnt, and the instructions given as a whole 
correctly end clearly present appellant's theory of defense 
and the law applicable thereto, 

It is further urged by appellant's cowmsel that the 
verdict is eontrary to the weight of the evidence. It is 
eotended that there is no evidence in the record which even 
tends te show the: there wes eae dangerous condition existing 
in Cerra’s room, at three o'clock on the marine of December 
83, when John Thom, the mine examiner, made his examination 
of the reom, It is further urged, that even if there were a 
tetal failure on the part of the mine exeminer to inspect the 
roum, thet appellee could not reeever, because, it is urged, 
there wes no dangerous condition present either at 3:00 
o’cleck in the morning, or at 7;50 or at 9:30 of that day. 
It is further urged that no dangerous condition could have 
been discovered by any reasonable inspection, and that, 
therefore, the failure to inspect could not have been the 

hy ayes nottouttant etdt easeoed todd hagas owls ek si vitae 
4 nott ibnoo quereRR AP bina * ® # oval Lod Tre, att 7" atest 
Sid kw no mkmaxe erkm eft yet bentatteous needs ovad — 
odd tadd © + * binessots yab act gutbooese paso 1 
tnaliscgs to ytwh ott cow $i sari? bLod J 100 * de at 

; | eviews sot ,vfewouniimmo ,omkm ed¢ at eeostg ifs toe 
 atdr .nolteeup ni yah ont Yeo gatnntzed ont satbesenq & 
OF a6 event edd asnesetg viteelo ne isouss ank a⸗ te t 
evel bLiroeo flo Lol noligibms evotepnsh s saw ened? 
< ons to ¢ ripase © ren imo 0 ent of tong omtt Wan ts — F 
nt Tox%s On Gey eveMt ,otadond nt #'eolleqgs to Wah pet * 
2m £9 ones 2 nb =e ae vis —* 

sano) ‘te yrosut 2 —— dneesre — * * 19. 


* Li * * J 
yaks alxe mo ts ibaoo avoregaed 5 Rew omena ‘twat — vata st absers 

F codmooe ‘to pak errom eft no XooLloto wowid te yatoou 
J nolsanionxe sts  Loageet etonlmaxe onkm oelt moth aaloT 
| 8 etow prods TW neve god row ayudar we 9 — 
say odt toeqent of womtmexe sokm orlt te stag ody Mm Ox hs 

boar ak gk 20s ed ctevege . Fon nism, eoltocas 3 oid 
(0026 a edt ae Pree) neg wo? 109 aa * 
—* test © 08: ° te <0 98 v te x0 —— 

otuoo mAFLdMeo avoregnnb om tot Tah, 

* = taatt brs are tgooqnat seamen we x 

Ae 7 F 
af * ovait tom biu0o. 1b ot oxwd 
R a pA iG AY a, 1e Saar é Wise J J 7 ‘ 

ot de 

preximate csuse of the death of apgelles's intestate, because 
all of the tests of the rect made on that morning, showed the 
roof to be in good condition, and no other mthed could have 
been employed if inspection had been made. In Henrietta Coal 
' Ga. ¥. Martin, 222 ti, 460, 468, the court seid, “Appellant 
urges, howevor, thet even if the examiner did not comply with 
the statute in this respect, his failure so to do is not the 
proximate esuse of this acvident. The evidence shows that if 
the examiner hed properly examined the entry where appellee 
and Zak worked he would have found the roof to be dangerous, 
and had he mace a record tO that effect and placed the con= 
spicuous marks required by the luw, it is fair to presume that 
eppelles and Zak would not have been permitted te enter, and 
wuld not have entered, (for the purpese of mining,) the place 
where they worked, until after the conditions there had been 
made gaffe, CSunninghom's wilful failure to examine the mine in 
the manner required by law, whieh the evidence tends to show, 
and his failure to make a recerd of the facts which such an 
examination would have revealed, and his failure to mke the 
works indicating denger at appellee's working place, contributed 
dircetly to cause the injury to eppellec.* 

Thether the mine exuminer inspected the roof of the 
room at the time in question was for the jury to determine, The 
testimony of the mine examiner as to physicel conditions of said 
room on the morning in question, cannot be reconciled with the 
testimony of appellee's witnesees in thet regard. Indeed, the 
testimony of the mine examiner without regerd to the testimony 
of Aragne oid “ambon tends aetrongly te show that he did not 
examine thet part of the reof which fell. The jury had the 
right to infer from the evidence, either (a) that the slip or 
dangerous condition of the stone, with its wet, smooth and 


sesaoed ,otntustat a'seliovqgys lo Atash odt to optizo stamkxerg 
edt beworde ,guiriom dadt oo shem toor off to ateet oot to [fin . 
evel biuoo bodtca redse on bus ,noliiones beog ot of of Yoox 
£803 siteiznell at .obsem need bel moigoegani ti beyotgme nod 
tnslleqqa” bier gus edt ,Gd ,00D .fiT ISS ,otdted ov ogo” 
Atiw ylgqnoo ton bib tonkmexe edt TM neve todd ,tovewod , eogty 
oft ton ek ob oF OM otnliet ein ,fooges't eld? ai stufate ony. 
YM tends awode sonobiva emf .tashioon elds Qe sexes stamixoug 
sellegqs oisdw Yisem srif benimaxe yireqotg bar te aimaxs ont 
,auotegneh ad of toot oft buwot evar biluow ei hexitor 108 baa 
noo ais bessig bus foette fede OF Dxooet « sham am be. be 
tends eepasiq of sist al Gh wwal oft yd hoatliepe staem euown bg 
Brus stedce of betsinisg moed evec Jom bivow Anh bam selleqggg. 
goal ast (yoinia. to sceqreg ect set) ,betedmo oven dow biwmw 
med bed exots anoisibnos sit sevia Lido . bolton yet rere - 
nt entm ed? animexe.od ouwtisl Le itw e'macigadoow? .otse ohem 
wos oF abnes sonebive ect oidw ywel yf besivupot ‘te eum ont 
ms dove doidw.esoct adi Ye dyno" s gdom of otwiiat ali bana 
eat stam of otwlist ala bas ,boloerst oval GLoow nooks sckmexe 
betudiatnon ,sostlg gnkitow 2 ‘odilecgs Ja wyunt ; Said tad bck econ 
* vellojqges of yuwiak oft onus os yltooukh 
edd to Ytooz oft HDotoeqeai tenimsxe ents ost soattoaty 

ent .onignetobh of Yul of? tO% aow nolsaonp 4 — at⸗ ts aoo ⁊ 
biae to anoitibaoo Leoiayrig of as ‘re Mbiars aati ec} To qanateand 
eds Atiw beLllonaosot of Joanso ,woitueup mt wal som om? ap. red 
“ent ,beohbat .bitegot fond mk soanontiw atesileega to unomt? 208 
Yoomisent off of baxyon suedtiw tentmaxe ouim oc? To ymomiisad 
tom bib of tant woe oJ ‘Lanotta saat aodma ee to 

ea? bad yuwt ody .fiet doidy toot add Yo duaq boat ankaaxe 
to qila edt tot (#) wAtio ,sonebive edt mort total ot fats 

his dtooms ,tew eSf rtiw ,enota edt to mots thewo 


slippery surface which was present st the time of the hanren- 
ing of the accident existed at 3:00 o'clock on the morning 

in question, or (bv) that the stone changed end broke within 
a few minutes preceding the killing of appellee's intestate, 
There was no evidence to the effect thet the appesrance of 
the stone after it hed falien, indicated any sudden chenge 
or breaking thereof, “he placing of props under tke stone 
by sppellee’s intestate, and his repested tests os to ite 
safety om the morning in cuestion, indicated enmxiety or 

eubt im his mind, as te its condition. The evidence clearly 
establishes the fact that the mine examiner in the exercise 
of reasonable care conld have discovered euch 4anrerous 
cendition, if it existed. 

While it was the stetutory duty of appellee's 
int«state, te sound and thoroughly examine the roof ef his 
working place bcfere commencing werk, there is nothing in the 
statute thut relieves the opernter, under such circumstances, 
from the duty te inspect, enjoined upon it by this ect. 

Davis v. Missouri & Iliinois Ceal Ce., 186 Il), App. 478, 
435. <Appellee's intestate nad a risht to rely vpon the 
performmce of the mine examiner's duty, and the absence of 
a mark in such working place indicated the opinion ef the 
mine examiner that the roof was not dangerous md decedent 
ecannet be held guilty of contributory neglicence in working 
under the stone, Piazzi v. Kerens~Donnewaid Coal Co., 262 
Iii, 36, 35. 

It is not contendcd, even if appellee's intestate 
waa guilty of contributory negligence, that it ds any defenae 
to this actim, if the appellant was guilty of wilful 
violation of the statute. ‘%A wilful violetion within the 
meaning of the etatute signifies a conscious violation 

enote sit tehay eqotg to grtoaiq ed® —E — ia 
ati cf es ateet beiseyet aid bnew set etued mi atoeitequs et 

— to yteixna heteotbaks ,n0! troup a gitierxom 9sid mo were 
’ Visnole eonebtye sat .aoktibnoe asf of en , doin sir nt tdyob ate 
a entoroxe ant ac Torkmaxe onke ori tedt tort ait sosoh.tes oo 
ne | evorogr at lose botevoorth ovat bios onas oAe anocas⁊ ba — 

* bere ixd ei tk ———— i 

eteet£eccn to sue yrotussts ead had bk Mick 


jas ends ue ok noq beais 4 frat og ub 
Leva oo 4D ner 8 shonk ith a Lasod f 
i ari rots vhow of tdait # deal wtatentet ataet 
ey to sonsads ond bre slat 2 "rorimaxs ent ott x0 4 : . 
h ot to not nico ont hesan that sosiq gnikrow sto se 



tnabeceh bre anotsaneh tom aew toot afd Jacs combat 
— gnksitow mt sonegtinon Yrotudiudmoo to yLken bled ed sonnsa — 
(SOS 4.22 Lood béswonmoc-anetek .v genase esos dt robn 

ey 7 
(HEN pipes 

—52 Bteollog qa tt aes \bohaneaee 0m, * a . 
oe Yate ad tk tustt onenttpen | eatedhasae, —* 
“Ly tLiw to — wane — 9— sg ant 

te aen kw notin Lety fortes 9 


thereof.” Marguette Coal Co. v. Dielie, 268 Til. 116, 122, 
$8 seid in Kellyville Céai Co. v. itrine, 217 Til. 516, page 
546, “Whers so large a number of persons are engsged in a 
preauctive industry as in coel mining in she otete of Illineis, 
end where the work is of such a character that it is recognized 
as being attended with unusual hizerds and dengers, the 
constitution requires that legislation shali be had for the 
purpose of protecting those thus engaged from the known 
extraordinary hazsrds end dangers, In the coistruction and 
@quipment of mines, therefore, the act requires the discharge 
of apecific duties, so thut the utmost sefcety can be extended 
to the miners. ‘this requirement of the constitution is sought 
to be met by this legislutim, which directs the omer, operator 
Or manager to make provision for the safety of the miners 
employed within the mine, ‘Where an owner, cperatcr or manager 
sO Gonstrusets or eyguips his mine that he knowingly operates it 
without conforming to the provisions of this act, he willfully 
disregards its provisions and willfully dieregards the sefety 
@f miners employed therein.” The miner under the statute is 
entitled to the benefit of the supericr knowledge snd experience 
oi the officers churged with the duty of discoverine conditions 
ef danger in the mine. Yelis v. Lumeghi Coal Co., 166 Ill. App. 
404, 4ii. 

While the evicence in thie case tends to shew that 
in such o mine a stene cen change or break within a few 
minutes, the eviderice also discloses thet the condition of the 
stone cculd have beem discovered by examination et any time 
Within tweive neours preceding ite fell. 

Under all the facts and cirqumstenees in evidence, 
it was for the jury to determine whether such dangerous condition 

existed at 3:00 o'clock on that morning, and whether the mine 

@xaminer in the exercise of reasonable care could have dise 

as” Be 
J SSL ,PLf .ifT OOS ,otfek” .v .09 La09 atteupash °. teenodt 

‘i egeq ,Afc ,{f7 VES ,anbiso .v .92 dadd aflivyital at Stas aa 
a ai bagegde ets ancateg to todagn » egtal oa atest J 
eetonilll to atads wits ak yatain Isoo al aw yudawb mt oria euto a 
besimgooe: ai dt satis istostado o dowe to ak Auow onif oxeiy * 
aig ,ateygosbd bus abrenod Laveunm s Ler bebastis guted as 
Y —F edt uot had of ails selisLakgel Jad? —— aoktutiiades 
| avocd eft mort begsynye uudt seed gaivesdang to anogTyg 
bus soltouiteamwo edt al ,ategnabh bas sabres aol PROM DIOS AO 
egitadseth ont aetlupet ton J OWotew ds ,eenks Ww Sromghups 
bebnetxos od nao YWo'lss deonty edt todd o2 ,@eltub oitlosgs Lod 
triguoa si woliutitanco esd to tusmexiupexs aidl .aveatm orig ot 
“totaiteqo . tomo ont asoerib dp iidy ~wmitofatgel aing yd tem od — 
etoninm oft ‘to yYsotse edd ict wekaivotg eam oF 2 _anem — 
Toyanam 10 Toisxrege ,venwe we erode  eokm odd absi¢he poyotgme ‘A 
#i aststeqo yYlpniwonx orf sede outa aid sqkupe w adosidemo on 
Viiutiftw od ,toa elds le aminiveng eng of gadmuo ines suodd iw : 
vasdas oft Bhainnevelb ULiwtiiiw bas emoletvoxg afk abeagotesh — 
ei otuiaete edi? tebe a9satm of? ".nieteds beyeiqno emaio to 
| sonelteaxe baa spbe work toitequa eit to titoned odd of —R 
anoltibnos saktevooakbh To ysub odd Aidw bograto exsoktte off? to 
oQGA .ff1 G8L ,.09 feo) itgamwd .v si sonia ody sk wgnod to 

Py ee) 0⸗ 

; Sarit wore od abnes eee0 aids af aomevive od sLidw 
wet a ofdtiw xsoud to eanede aso onete o onia eo Mowe ak 

ems to aoittbnoo sii tani essolosih oals oombive ved avd | 
| emis van ta mois siimaxe yd beteveoakb opad evan erry 

A -ifst ugh yutboossy sawed ovd 
go mpbive a asousdumwonks See atoud omg ffs te bal 
‘ ftbmoo avoteyneb dove todsenw onkerrageh of Yr oe : 
 omim edt torltertw bas ,gnimrom sasid mo XeoLoto on 7 -: 


covered same, and if he failed to do so, whether such 
failure on his part, was the proximate cause of the death 
of appellee's intestate, We are unable to say, after a 
careful and exhaustive review of the record in this case, 
that the verdict is contrary to the manifest weight of the 
evidence, and finding no prejudicial error, the judgment 
of the Superior Court will be affirmed, 



dove svontedw ,os ob oF bofist of Ti baw ,omee betevoo 
diseb edd to egauso efemixotg od sew ,ttnq eid mo stuliat 
# totte ,yee of ofdsow ots OW otatestni s'sefleqqa to 
.eaao akdt mk broost ot to welkvex ovisteuedxe bane Ivtors9 
esi to tentew taetkneam ent oF Yusitmes al toibiev sat ssdt 
Smeamgbut, edt ,torr9se Islolbuietg on ynibnit bas ,eonebive 
beak ed iliw sivod totteqwe edt to 


666 = 21004 

' | Appellee, 


éeliant. } 
198 I1.A. 28 - 

STATRMENT OF THE CASE. This appeal is prosecuted 



to reverse a judgment obtained by appellee, the plaintiff, 
against appellant, the defendant, in the Superior Court of 
Cook County, for $2000 and costs, as damages for injuries 
alleged to have been sustained by her while attempting to 
alight from one of defendant's street cars on which she was 

a passenger for hire, 

yee, The testimony-or : laintiff's eattendive physician 
vate effect, that on Sa September 11, 1911, 
about two hours ON: e occurrence, he found wpen 
examine tion-—ef plaintifete beax, a large bruise upon her 
hip; bruises upon her left thigh and back, and, wpen the 
following day, a slight bloody discharge from the vagina, 
which ¢tscherge continued for about a week and that he neat 
continued to treat her "off and on" for pain in the back, 
especially on the left side, and for retroversion of the 
uterus, Ypon“examinetion $hree or four weeks before the — 
trial, he found the uterus turned backward, tee—nitanns (HX 
testified thst he had cone yg plaintiff for e—periat-ef- 
Bix or seven years; that-he, attended her at the—time—of 
the birth of her first child, more than two years before 
the accident; that six weeks af ter the birth of-+he-fttret 
ehild, he found, ueco_examination, plaintiff's uterus to 



 ' @9 AT Sey | 
besuosacig el Lasqqe Bin? eH8A9 BRT WO TwMATATS ; 

»sttksatalq ont ,eolloqqn yd bentatde Inemgbul, a evi9seveT of 
to fused toizequé edz nk «J abso tab elt ,tnnlieggs fentoge. 


‘ neltiutak ret eogamnh as ,etuoe bie O0OSE i07T o YF ead 4009 

q ot gnitqmetts eLidw ted yc bontadave need overt of — ni 
¥ asw eda doidw no atso Jootds utimabmetob to ono moxt Fi ails ie 

J na Wate souk 10% How acag 6 
msloiaydq pad ret a! ttit mind —— 

— LL t93dmesqed — —J—— ai ee 
segue bot ef ,eonetIwese 9 

al sed mogu oalyid egial # wabed p*¥lsalelq > 

: ots sogee ,bas oad bas dgidt Stel set mock sani — 
,Snkgsv odd mott ogustverh yooedd Idgile o wea es ory 
; . Shesst ef tadt bes Xoow « suede t0% bowsthd s00 Sey . : 

i dont etd mk nieq to% “no hows Tio" todd teens wanuuere 

eit to noaaAs vo xdᷣ tot bas ,oble #teL any m0 Doge 
edt exoted afoow awe? © oontf wit wa 
dy — » beanntaag —— * * — 

be normal in size. iar) tan was practically complete 
at that time, * the-witress, further testified that at the 
time of the accident Plaintiff was in goed health, 

+ Qua Mo tion of_defendant*s—counret to strike out the 

\ ferecoing testimony with reference to retroversion of the 

» uterus, as not connected with the accident imqoestiemn, was 
éenied, * 

the plaintiff was three months advaneed in 

pregnancy at the time of the accident and gave birth to a 

child six months thereat ter, 


The defendant seeks a reversal on the following 
(a) Mrror in overruling defendant's motion to 
strike out certain testimony of plaintiff's 
(vo) Brror in giving certain instructions, 

(¢) ‘he damages are excessive, 

The evidence of the attending physician of plaintiff 
tended to prove that the conditions complained of by plaintiff 
at the time of the trial were the result of the accident in 
question, and the metion to strike out was properly denied, 

| One of the instructions complained of, is as 

ra “The jury are instructed that the law requires 

the employes of comnon carriers to do more than to stop 
reasonably long enowh for passengers to safely alicht 
from its care, They are bound and required to ascertain 
and know that no passenger is in the act of alight ing 
from the car before putting it in moti again. If an 
employe fails in that respect, then such failure is 
imputed to his employer and is actionable negligence on 
the part of the employer, provided the passenger s at 
such time not guilty of contributory negligence," 

In Loudsville & 5. I. Traction Co. v. Korbe, 94.N. =. 768, 

etelamoos ¥lisoitoatg, saw sole stowed” one ct Lamon od 
oft ta dandt beititaes soda? tweet “omit Sel? ta 
witised boop ai eow Ttiinislq daebioos eat to omit 9 
oft tuo elfite of feempev-rttrsbneteh— te nots og OF 7 te 4 
ents *o notetevettet of eoneretot dtiw ynomisact antoyene, | nit 
aaw ,seteeewp—wt Jnobloon ons itiw betoesnnmo Jou as veut : — 
nt beonsvbs apftnom se1tt oew Ttiiniaig oT i? 

es of dtutd oveg bre trebiooe ect to emks ott Ie qonsagetg < : 
| te ws teotedt adtoom xia bhtio 

TT oe 
; oak Sys aed, ai 
gniwolfet edi ao dsatoves 3 exowe ineabaeteb oslT —*1— 
— Saas 
ꝛ ab cuut cc 
ot motion a'iasbaoteh yalinvievo ak 108x%k {s) * bah: 
a'ttiintsla to ynomitesd nisdvoo tuo ektate 
onsioleydg J——— 
it 7 
,anciiousteni staties gakvig al zoxti ra ay 

as . a Wore) a 
seVisaooKs ots vegamsh oifT (8) ARE 4 

ttitaislq to astoLevilq nalbeette ont te esmebive oft 
tiktatalq y¢ to bontslgmoo seoitibaon st dadt svong od bobs 
mk tnobtooe od to thunet sad otow Lalut odd to emt one 

eo Bk ,to bonisiqnon enoltowssemi eft b emO 

; ———— 

aetiupex wal oft eeg besoutteni ets Urst, ots : 
_qots of madd oxom Ob oF ateirzao nemmoo Yo eeyolgno eons 

4 idyils yYLotae of ateynoeeag Tot Amon gaol yidanos 
niatrooss of bettupet ban bawod exes yer? .etno ooh 

\ gitingifs to fom oft ak at aeaq on tedd wo 

oy na tI .niage motion mi ti qaktiuq er0led to ot 

4 at erulist dows odt ,dooqeet Sedd at elist syolque | 

¥ no eonegkigen oldanocitos ai bas seyot ay ot boduqnmed — 
ss de apw togmeacaq eft bebivorg ,% Lame to S2mq oat 
“ng  *,oomgifgen yrosudiat noo 16 + dove 

am ⸗er oH 000 nee v +O) ee 
(TERE tania — 



769, the court instructed the jury in part as follows; 
"*# * * You are instructed that stopping a reasonable 
time for e passenger to alight from such car is not 
sufficient but it is the duty of the conductor or other 
person in charge of a street car to see and know that no 
passenger is in the act of alighting from such car or in 
a dangerous position before putting the car, of which he 
is in charge, in motion.” In commenting on this instruction 
the court said, * * * # The vice of this charge was that 
thereby the trial court informed the jury as a legal 
proposition that it is the duty of the conductor or other 
person in charge of a street car to see and know that no 
passenger is in the act of alighting therefrom or in a 
dangerous position before putting the car in motion; that 
the jury was thereby given to understand that under all 
circumstances it is the duty of the conductor in charge of a 
street car to see and know that no passenger is in the act of 
alighting from such Cars Counsel for petitioner cite no 
authorities which can be said to uphold the correctness of 
the charge in question, * * *# * 

The foregoing opinion is in harmony with the 
uniform line of decisions in Illinois. Tri-City Ry. Co. v. 
Gould, 217 Ili. 317, 321; Wimmer v. Chicago Railways Co., 
185 Ill. App. 523, and eases therein cited. 

What constitutes negligence is a question of fact 
and not of law, The giving of the foregoing instruction was 
reversible error, | 



saunttet en ftaq ak yist eft betouttank jxuns oft , 2d 
efdsnoaset 3 antagese sads botowtgant ors veY * & & ® 

ton ek tao cove mont tdgliia of wyaeaesag a tot omit 

texto to tetoubimmo of To ytub odf ab 44 Sud SnelolYiwe 

on godt wom bra sea of tao toorte © to sptedo mt noeteg 

nk to t69 sows moxt yaiinyits to tow eat at af tegneseag 

of doisw te ,tao on? gaidsugq wre'ted neisjiaeg avo teynieh a 
noijoutsani aids mo gnitmommes al “,nolgom mi ,opiado mk at 
todd saw egiaih elit Yo oolv edt *# *# *# *  bise Juveo ent 
layol a us yrs, edd homo tat devon Latad off ydetodds 

songe xo totowbaoo oft to ytub oni ef $2 dadd moitieegoriq 

on dant wom! base esa of 199 Seotte o Yo egtaro mk moeteg 

s mi 10 mortoveds grisdgifia lo tom oft ok ak a9gn9a8sq 

tact jooltom ai tao off gaistsoq eteted noitisog avo tegaab 
ffs tobays Jatt Daetexebos of movin ydoteds eaw yunl, ony 

s to sytadto ai tosjoubnoo etfs to yuh ond ak #2 soonndomumato 

to jou odd ot at wyn9saag on seat wore’ bane seo of tao sootde 

om atko teonoizvitog tot Le anno? _ + he down wont gabidy tia 
to eaentoorroo ent blodqw of Sisa od mao Solow weiftied? us 

"“* * * ,motivoup ai sgiado edd 

ead diiw yoomisnd wk ef seiokgqo xynkenexc? eAT 
-V 100 .¥S ystOwdae .etomdi fi at emoieioes 10 omkL mrotiay 


1-02 Byswlial oysoiso .v yf86 , VLE .1LT PLR .bhwod 

ebotio akortedt seam ban ,o88 .q@a .LLt Oar 
font to soltsoup » a8 sonegifLygon sxedutivanoo dant 
aeow sotvouttant gaiogetot edt to antvin sot? wat to ton bas 
tort eldistoevet 

; 4 
1 yaw 

449 = 21647 




198 I.A. 28 



— — ey, 


Plaintif?, alighting from one of defendant's street 
care, wee injured, ie brought suit for demages, siieging that 
the car had veen stopoed for him to alight and while he was 
in the act of alizhting it suddenly started with a violent 
jerk, throwing him to the ground, The verdict of the jury was 
favorable to him end he had judgment for 41,600. 

We have concluded to ceverse this judgment for the 
Yreasen that the evidence fails to prove that the accident 
happened ss plaintiff alleged; it clearly appeara that he 
alighted from the car before it urrived at its usual stopping 
piace and while it was in motion, 

U Plain tity lived on “ast 29th place near Indiana 
Avenue, in Shieago,. He was riding homeward on a southbound 
Indiana avenue car, His daughter, about 15 years old, wus 
with him, He was carrying quite a lead of provisions of one 
kind and another in different parcels, He testified thst as 
the car neared 29th street the conductor called out the number 
of the street; that plaintiff and his daughter went to the 
rear door; that the cer came to a complete standstill about 
twe car lengths north of 29th street, and that as he stepped 

down, still having one foot on the car step, the cer suddenly 

i started, throwing him down. ‘His testimony is corroborated in 


VBIS. Bas 


— Logs 




8S AI 8eL 

Yau Weom QULTtelL pre . 
soowes a'inabasted to eno mott gaktdiuiia ,titgaiold i 
sans gnigoiia ,2ogemud tot dive tdyword ol .betmial ese , uss 
saw on oftmw bar gotpife of mid Tot begqod a noad bast tao ont 
tnefoiv 2 atte bettata yLrobbwa $i Boiidghia Yo tom edd ak 
Baw Yt edd Yo soibrey oAT .bawaty, off oF min griwowris axet 
2008, 4% xot dronp_bet oaal erf bre —* ot eidetovet 
edt rot tmempbul, eisi? setevoy of Lebulonop ova oF 

trebioos off sant? evoro of eilet sonebive Sot tas nOeeet 
en tone sinecqs yhuaelo df — E— ts ibs ath an bone qqad 
gniqgotn Levey atk te bevizwa #4 oxpfed «od amt wot bettyhis 
eMoitom @t Baw ok 9 (hele bow ooalg 

ansibal teed eoelg Ae0S gest so beavis a ae 
bruoddtsoe a 10 hbisremod gatbi«a enw eH +0091 mi, OLTeVA 
saw ,bLo ersey aL tucda a tet dyueh sti ts anime ve sims i eed 
eno ‘to amtutvetg to bool s otbup gars 9 Bs on mkt Ad dw 
ag tend beltidacsd OH .@Lenorag tro 19 ARE © a = att bata 
xodusn oft tuo beatles todeubaos 99d joomd e ges 
edg of drow to¢dpush eli bam vibe atta 
duoda [Lttebnsta eteLqmos # of gino Hue 

boqqota on an tectt bas ,teetts Aves 0 Att 

Ylnebdbbun i909 eff ,qose tao ent no foot ano 

ni bodavodotios ek ynomttaes att ae 


certain respects by his daughter, It is not disputed that 
the accident happened some distance north of the usual 
stopping place of the cer, 

whe atory of plaintiff and his dauchter was 
contradicted by at least seven witnesses, nost of them 
passengers, Their stories are ne .elear and conaistent as 
to convince us of their truth?iiness, These witnesses 
substantialiy agreed that when the car was 190 or more feet 
north of 2d #véde Pidin diy? datkod 40 °tho rear’ or the 
dds, yo Preddd By nf? dah dhe? tat hie “cas “Was ‘then “in 
motion, going 6 or 7 miles per hour, slowing down; that 
the conductor warned plaintiff not te alight until the car 
had stopped, but plaintiff proceeded, with his arms full of 
bundles, to step off, and as soon ss he lenced on the street 
pavement seemed to lose his baiunce and fell; that tne 
daughter started to follow but was stopped by the conductor, 
who barred her way with his arm, and she waited until the 
car stopped and then alishted and walked back about 50 feet 
to where plaintiff waka 

The verdict finding defondent guilty was not only 
manifestly opposed by the creater weight of the evidence, 
put the manifest preponderance of the evidence supperted 
defendant's theory as te the facts, Plaintiff is not entitled 
to recover, and the judgment is revereed without remsnding 
the cause, 


toads Soduqalb gon at SI , tediauab whe yo ascequet 
faves alt Yo diiron soratalkbh emoe bonmeqqait seebives « 
tao ext to gonka y: bog 

zaw teoddnuah ahd baa Tiitntal@ to \tote ost 1* 

medd to teom — never taasl ta yd aaa 

ec Sasteivmo? bas —** on e%e eeitota thot 0703, 

asteontiw e2edT yanonkwtdtwid sion Yo aw pier P on 

Pw Tooele 

| soot s Toat 10 OOL gow tan ed? nedw tedd boerge 
J ec} 0 unex ocd of bedion ‘ivabalg shove MAGE Ws 
” at edd wow tao ont tanld yroddyued atu Yd boweLte® 
7 duns jaweb gatwole , rer wq selia T vo 3 aikow itd 
geo oft Létanw toiyiiea of tom Dtinkelg Sentaey cosovonn 
to {fut anta ain Agiw pbeboenotg Viitmbalq tud —— 
‘feewtea sft mo bobned off ax sooe a6 bao. . tte qota ot 5 ss 
add dadt ;ifet bas adnaled afd oval of bemoga ome 
sto¢oubneo edt yd heygeda saw Jud wolLot of botuade xose i 
vid Litas bodlew ose bao ome ead dthw yaw cot borted ow 
feet O8 tuods toad betlow hae betdat£in meg? faa —* te T9 
Nr ebaw Tibinkele 9 
vdeo ton aaw yen Sabae tah yichboik't todbuav ont - 
o2Kebive ot ‘ko tinier astaer, oot yo beuoqgo 
bedseqqra aunehive ait To sornetelnoqeryg fast 
boliitne Jom af Tiktaials ,atent eft oF en yoo * 
actinemas Syodsiw howiewex ak dnomghut, oft . 



The court finds that the defendent was not guilty 

of the negligence chareed in plaintiff's declaration. 

| Ea) 

489 - 21657 

, Appellant. & 

198 1.A. 29 



Vin a cage of the first class in the Hunicipal 
Court, an action fer goods sold and money loaned, defendant 
filed an affidavit of defense as follows: 

*“pefendant believes that he nas a geod defense 
upon the merits to the whole of the plaintiff's demand, 
as follows: The whole sum, exclusive of interest, ‘sued 
for, including item for diasond ring and money loaned, 
was, on or about July 26, 1913, paid by defendant and 
tnereafter received by plaintiff; as to item of interest 
sued for, on ground of alleged vexatious delay in payment, 
the nature of the defense thereto is, that said paysent 
included interest up to tne time thereof, and, in addie 
tion, there was, and has been, no vexatious delay in page 

Upon motion of plaintiff the court struck the affidavit from 
the files and entered judgment against defendant, 

Plaintiff contends that the affidavit is insuf- 
ficient under the rules of the “unicipal Court; defendant 
argues that it is aufficient. Tne rules of the Kunicipal 
Court, which have been preperly preserved for our review, 
provide tnat defendant shall file an affidavit that he be- 
lievesa he has a good defense upon the merits, "specifying 
the nature of suci: defense, whether by way of denial or by 
way of confession end avoidance in sucii a wanner a3 to 
reasonably inform the plaintiff of the defense which will 
be interposed at tie trial." By Rule 20 it ia provided 
thai it shall not be sufficient for defendant's affidavit 

"to deny generally the facts alleged by thé statement of 

TaGIS - Cad 

el T ASML —53 

— J J .09 £Loaga 
: av 
Wines oo Tea 
. tae f fn IGA, 

es AI 801 

eTHUOD NHT FO KOLNITIO aur Casevi. xa 

Inqivinb edd at weeto tari Stt Yo sakes ul Vv 
. trsbustesh ,benael yenom bas bfLoa ebooy, tot netese aa 4 oaeed © 
rewollot am-eensteb To divebitie ca bedlt | 

estiateb D0oy a ead oi Jails dgveliad tuphive teu * 5 Ae ake — 
baatauc⸗ a tidnieig ods to slodw wily os ediaem ons 9 
bows’ ,Jestotni to ovisulaxe .mile alow ect? tawdfie® an’. 
sbanset Yeaom oe goit Haodeth 10h mesh gaihe loot tet 
baa tnabne'isd yd ole, ,eteé ,dc yiul tiode. 10-4 
feetsak Ye aeli of aa i PARI ptalg vd bevieoot 1 od Ve 
wJasmyaq ai valtob — bone (in t6 favor ney 
Inemysq bine Jeas ,#i- odSien? any Teb ens _ to eayee ~ 
-libbs ni ,lan ,.tosten? emit ons cf qu Seotetit Babwiont ‘ea 
‘eyaq ai yoteb ayoitezev on ,nged eel baw , Baw oteds *2* 
4 ‘ Jnom 

mort JivablTia edt vowrte tsu00 set Vttintel¢ to melsom noqu 

.snnbae teh" tenisun Joentut betetne baa eetl? edz — 
-weai at sivebitte add sas) ebuetaos Tiisnials 
tasbae%eb g¢suooD LegioinuY ed! te eatut adt tebse snoiolt 
fdqiviauwi oat Yo eoliut vit .tnpioltiwe ai ti dat) seugum 
~wolvet iw0o vot bevisesty viawgorq axeed ovat doin ,Ji08D 
cod gh Jedd tivabitie on off? Linde Jashasted Jans obivetg 
auiyvlioequ"” ,esitem ous soqu seas teb beoy a sad on sevoks 
Xd 10 Imines To vevw ve tocddous .ocneted some To oxmian env 
og &# TIAAOM M LONG 4 BONED LoVe Dee aolsve too to yaw” 
iLiw doisdw sanetos ens to Vtidmtatg ond wrod vidnoouses : 
bebtvotq al JL OF wiut ye ‘ foead ed) im bovogredad od. 
Jivebillts e'siabasleb t02 sasiot 
to daometase ais vd bege (is * 

Claim * * #, Any denial of any allegation of fact made 

by the opposite party must inot be cvasive but must answer 


We de net understand that these rubes renuire 

the point of substance,“ 

évidentiary facts to be pleaded. We hove held allegations 
Similar tc the cne now before us to bs sufficient. Allen v, 
Roughan, 175 App. 560; Kayes v, jage, 175 App. 410; Laskey 
V. Mendelson, 191 App. 597. 

fhe nlea that before action the defendant sat- 
iafied and discharged the plaintiff's claim by payment is a 
geod plea, 2 Chitty en jleading 446, 

We hold that the affidavit was in cempliance 
with the rules of the Hunicipal Court and that it was crror 
to strike it from the files, Defeniant was entitled te go 
to trial upon the issues made. ‘The judgment iu reversed and 
the cause remanded, 


ebam do2t to moisgageite yor Yo falaad yA .*% * * mlalo 
tewens Jaum Jud evieasve ed som) Jeum yiteq sdisogqoe ads yd 
™ ‘Ye duhog: wilt 

etlupet selut seeds Jads bansertebaw Jon ob oF 
anoiweygetia bled evan of ,bebselq sd of alont yralsnebive 

Vv meltA§ .tavioltTiwe ed of aw e10led wen ene ods of ‘tatimie 

yoxues: (UL) .qgs GL .eael .v Beye (066 .qqA 681 ,petiquoh 

08 .agA £0 ,goelsbood .¥ 

-3a8¢ Snobastes sit mottos s1oted Jasid asfi¢ si 

8s et sosavaq yd misio e'ttisnialg sa% bagiadioslib hum beltet 

; eo 
2356 gnibsol. no yatiad & .metq boog) 

eonsif{gmoo ni anw ¢ivabilts eus jade bios sw 
tors. saw Ji Sais baa Srwoh faqivinge oe To eelur etd dttw 
03 0) beitiine caw casenstot ses lit nuit moxt th adtaste of 

baa beatevet ai Jneayouy, oy .abam taueel ead ogy faitt. of 

ebebaamet esuso edt 



539 - 21987 

PRED F, ROBERTS, Admr, of the 
Hetate of Alfred Gmith, deceased, 



— — 

\“ 1981.4. 31 



Vin an action for damages for vrengfully causing 
the death of plaintiff's intestate judement was entered 
ageinst defendant for §1,750,- manifestly a cosipromise vere 

This case has been tried three times, From the 
judgment on the secend trinzl appeal was taken to the Ape 
pellate Court, and @ majority of the branch court waiech kad 
the case under consideration were of the opinion thai the 
judgment should be affirmed. (See 177 App, 400,}) A writ 
of certiorari was granted by the Supreme Court, and the judge 
ments of the Superiar and Appellate Courts were reversed, 
The case is reported in 262 i11., 228. ‘the facts involved 
are narrated at length in these opinions and will not be re- 
peated,: }ene Gupreme Court in its opinion said (p,2351): 

"Phe evidence, in the Light most favorable to 
the plaintiff, with all tne inferences tnat could be 
legitimstely drawn from it, did not tend to prove any 
fault or neglect on the part of the defendant or the 
exercise of ordinary care on the part of Smith, ‘the 
question whether Guith exercised ordinary care is to be 
determined, not by the probabilities when ne left the 
sidewalk, but rather by the gitumtion when he reached 
the tracks and attempted tc cross between the avyprosching 
cars when the street was clear and there was no obstruc-= 
tion to the view and no necessity for maxing tne attempt, 
The evidence esteablisned tnat Gaiti misjudged his ability 
to cross the two tracks between the aprroaching cars, and 

on sccount of his error of judgment, for which no one else 
could be held responsible, he lost His life. Smith could 

. oss to etmbA 4 ht CHM 

“aa ‘ ,beumeoeb ysis tie Sounin te e2adex 

semis YAN DLA ¥tL9 — 

Xxrihoð ROOD 

/ \ — 

re Alger 


gcleuss Yiivutgaotw i0% oogennb 2107 not on 12 at . 
borsste eaw Jovaubul, ateteeasai a'Ttigalaigq te déaseb eds” 
ae ealmotquoe s “viteetinan -,0d9,13 tot i nabie tee teatage 
| tonb 
— Rott | —* oats bolts wood —* pany wast Fr 9 
244 ods os ao ins & 20 tangs {eine buecee sade we Ja9 abu 
bad doiaw diwoo donaid sfp ‘to (tizojaa * bus —— ——— 
git iad? aolaigo ed) to stew solsaiabianoo Teh A ceno on⸗ 
dite A (opm otqA TEL oe) s-how1ltin ed bIuorts Jamsbut 
eybui, eat baw exnod emo aaut. sis xd batapis saw dragelszee 10 — 
~bestavet stsw ei1u0d stmt [oqga bun roltoque ant Yo strom 
bovioval asest od? . 888 veill SO nt botraqor ak seav oat 


et ed Jon [fiw bas enolmigo seat mi “dgael de é an ote 
:({88.q) biee nolutae ao: ai deve —* 

od oldatovs? Jeom tigii odd ab ,oonebive = 7 
od hitwoo Jad? esonototni odd Ife datw ,Tiisntedg 
YIe8 sveTg oF bnee Son Sti ,IL mort wath \ 0 aS Sy 
949 10 dnebasteb oAs Yo , we foal 
sai ,Hdlee lo Sama add no 
od 08 al aso Yraenibic hexsatanae 
vis JtoL of nedw soisiiidadoty ed? 
baioaes of nedw coiseupie ont yd * 
yuidosoriga off noewted g4ote of be 
“guisJeco on Srw ested pam teaelo 
stdmecsin ods ynixee tol yo levsoon 
Wiiiida eli bonbatuin usglal Inaas 
bia ,etso gutdoxetyqs ond deewded 
9eio eno on toldw 107 ,tnemubul, to 
blyoo dting ,etil ein Sool om ge. 

see both cars and the entire situation ways open before 
him, fie was not on any crossing for pedestrians and 
needed no warning or signal that the two cars were ap- 
preaching each other,- a fact that no cone could fail to 
observe, The evidence raised no issue of fact proper to 
be submitted to a jury, and the court erred in not direct- 
ing the TURORGNs** | 

The facts adduced upon the present trial do not 
differ materially from tnose which were considered by the 
Supreme court. Its conclusion as to the alleged negligence 
of the defendant and the contributory negligence of plaine 
tiff is controlling upon the present appeal, 

It ia asserted ey plaintiff that this case is 
different in that it is now claimed in an additional count 
that defendant was gulliy of a violation of the wunicipal 
ordinance requiring a fender to be attached to the front of 
the car in such @ manner that pedestrians would not be ine 
jured or thrown under the wheels of the car, and that the 
violation of this ordinance was the proximate cause of ine 
testate'ts death, tt iso sufficient to say thai it waa preven 
not only that the car was equipped with the required fender 
but that the presence or absence of a fender had nothing to 
ao with the Lect kenk ont even were defendant guilty as to 
the fender count the contributory negligence of ploeintiff 
would preclude a recovery. 

The judgment is reversed without reuanding the 


eroled asqo eaw moltjautiao etlins oat bee BtRo dtod en . 
) dno eneligeobeg 10% gaiegoro yous fo Joa amw of mist 
“16 o1ow etd owt od tall Imrylé 20 gaierew om bebeon 
ot [tal bLyoo ono om tad Jost 4 -, toto dose yuidosonq _ 
od teqo1q toe’? to susek of beatwr sonebive ad? ,sevresds 
~Jootlb berte si1yoo oft ban ,vtut,. 8 of besiindus od |. 
[ aeree sid gat” 
gon ob [alts Jnvuotq osdt negqu Seoubbs eétont ant ‘ 
end ¥d hoteblence otew doliw eeott mort yliaitetae ‘eThib 
oxnesi {geo boyetle end of 8 MoLleutonod asl —E ome T u 
ening to ooneyi lyon yrotudlrt aos edt boa nabasted edd to 
. eLtssqan Jnogaetq silt aoqu yniiferdnes ei tiie - 
-@d iene aldd Jads Thisalafy ys bedteses af oh : | 
Zawoo (munoltinba um mi bomleto won ei Ji sarid me snore Tt hb). 
- [aqiolnum off to aes sfoly & to ww lig eau sonbae teb sastt 
Yo tacx? and o2. Loe cian — — 9d of — & Boivivpet sonsnibro = 
oni od Jon blyow sealateobeq daddy Tenaan © dove gb ta0 odd 
eds sais birn i890 one “e afoot ont tabeu rw orga ie bot — 
efi to ovuso sieminetq ef waw sonanlbre 2 iilc +o! motte loty 
meyotd sav Ji jas yw of 200% iteue 0h ot ddneb Weraseed 
ZoLust Setiupat eid diiw beqgleps sew tao oo jai: xiao ton 
os gnivitdon ban asicet a te senenia 30 s0MSesT 7 oid sans sud 
ol an vs fioy insboo lek: s tex agve bad tiebiooe as atiw ob : 
tiddaials 1G 90tens Egan everpaialeed ent savos Fatget ond 
eVtevooe: « shu Seema bfuow 
ens gutoranex ivetidiw bestevet oi Jaemghey 307 . 
29880 : 


539 ~ 21937 FINDING OF FACTS, 

The court finds taat defendant was net guilty 
of the negligence cnarged in plaintiff's declaration, and 
that the contributery neglicence of plaintiff's intestate 

was the proximate cause of Kis death, 


“tilug soa esaw Joahaetoh Jedd sbalt demos oat 
bos ,nottatsloeb a’ Ttignialg ad b (tat ac 

- gdasaosnt et Ttisniaig te vonpgiigon yrodudt — 
widaeb wil To veuno odaminong 
| ; 



440 = 21858 


1981.A. 48 



beeen 1, 1912, defendants, Rudelph and 
Adolph Docauer, bought of the plaintiff, the Kissel kotor 
Company, an sutetruck, and in part payment therefor gave 
twelve netes for §125 each, one thereof payable on or bee 
fore the 6th day of each succeeding twelve sonths, and to 
secure said notes wave a chattel mortgage on the truck pure 
chased, the defendanta and their brother Jerry were part- 
ners in an auto express business, ‘the first four notes 
falling due were paid, and the controversy is saa to the 
note wad on fell due April 6 and the one which fell due June 
6th, Jerry Docauer testified that he and Adolph culled on br, 
Rix, the assistant wmacager of plaintiff in Chicago, about April 
1, and told him that they had some money coming from plaintiff 
and wanted m statement; that Rix said, "Never mind the April 
note; that ne would furnish us a statement of all our eredits, 
and if there was anything te be paid for these tio April notes 
that we woulda pay the balance, and he agreed to it that he 
would send us our statement," 

Rix died before the trial, The contention 

that the Court erred in admitting the testimony of Jerry as 
to the conversation with Hix cannot be sustained, Jerry 
Pocauer was not = party to the suit and was net precluded from 

testifying by the statute, ee 

BESIR ~ Obd 

, | —— 
tea Lhaqgga | | 

.¥THUOD aooo x 

Eb ATS8er 

.THUOD ENT WO WOLNTKO aur — —— awa ran .au 

big sh Lob ast <BIAebaeteb ,8LOL- Af ‘wodaavon 
147 OM feecka was tMidolal¢ ous * #dyuod , towmoad — 
ovsg ‘rotoxods tosayaq txaq as baa towttosun 4B «rea D- 
-od 10 mo eldayaq toetwiis ome stone asi6 tot sedon eviews 
os bes edd com aviows gaibeeoous done te yeas dad oud atot 
“TG wows esd 10 ogeas tos snes que a eva wa son wee oawose 
-s1aq 1988 — roa ord thead bap sétevne toh aff .bowauio 
asdon “nu daxit out —R& —R aun ae at oren. 
eit of ea ol (arevorsnes acid biuas bing onow auh gable? 
enut ovb Ifet 49 Ach⸗ one esd bas haga oub fot Aeisw efon 7 
4 no helio sig Loba bna 9d tania borrigaas ton n000 UxI%st ddd 
Litga’ duoda ogas dao ih Tadaielg to togA00m coreee tt ond exif 
Ni⸗ataa most gitLmoo Yonom emou bap vo a⸗ ald waht bios be wf 
LitqaA and } bata tovou⸗ bbwe eis Jad? — E a iietnaw baa 
«8tibexo i)e Lin to snemelasa oa wit panes bLuaw on 9 ats ‘iaton 
@egon LitgA ows seeds tod bieq od og mentale aew onset ti one 
ea gadd 31 of ee oat send eae fad ons WHY bdssow: ow Jad 
| —* » aman Jugs te uu bees biuow 
aoldiuatnos eAT tata⸗ oa⸗ —* bei xan 
88 CrxS. to caonlase⸗ outs oaks Shae at hereto — eas sis ; 
UTI9L -boataseus od onnma shi tm ao l aaa vo vaos odd L. ee 

mou? bebu foorq tea saw bax slue vat od cota a foe —* uased 
ae ay Oe ‘s Daal.’ <0 a 

“the Court gave fer the defendantsthe following 

"The jury are further instructed that if they. 
believe from the evidence that the defendants requested the 
plaintiff£ company manager to apply credits claimed by them 
to be due from the company toward the payment of the April 
note, and that such manager stated, in substance, that he 
would do so, and requested them not to pay any further ate 
tention to the April nete until ne rendered them a statement 
of such credits and that the statement of account was not 
thereafter rendered them, and that no demand or request was 
thereafter made upon the defendants for payment of such note, 
such facts will void any right which wight otherwise accrue 
to the mortgagee company, plaintiff herein, to forfeit the 
mortgagors' interest in the property, as for # default of the 
mortgage terms for failure to pay said April note, until such 
time as the mortgagee company should render such statement 
and demand payment thereof," 

The Court erred in giving this instruction - 
virst: Because it is not founded on the evidence, The deée- 
fendants requested Mr. Hix to apply credits due defendants 
and their brother Jerry, and not alone credits due the de- 
fendants, seoond: There was no valid agreement for an exe 
tension of the tise of payment of the April note; and an exe 
tension of time for payment entered into prior to the falling 
due of the note must be for a definite time, 

Lanum v, Harrington, 267 i11., 57. 

Again, the testimony does not show that a 
fixed amount was to be collected ion the note, nor does it 
show any consideration for the alleged promise of plaintiff. 
made through Rix, The defendants did not agree to keep tne 
money and pay interest on it for any definite time, nor did 

they pay interest in advance, 

Cwossman ¥, Wohlleben, 90 ill, 5357; 
Julin vy. Bauer, 62 111, App. 187, 
At the time of the trial all the notes were due, 
the condition of the mortgage was broken, and the plaintiff was 
entitled to the possession of the mortgaged property, and in no 

event should there have been an order for the return of the 

property, £ 

gitiwoilot aitaesashbne tes eds t8% eveg samod edt Y 

Meas YL tadd besowrteni q0ddtw? v1. wrtast . oat” 

edt beteoupet sinabvetebd sit Jud? sonebive vad —* avelled 

mois yd bemials eslbeto “elqqa of teyennm t 

{itqa od Yo suomyeg os biawes yasqado odd ao ab 

oi Jans ,conatedus at ,bodjate wegsnem dose Jadd baa 

+38 teddiet yous ywaq of Jon sed? betecwpet base .oe ob Db. 

fneae3as« a goat beteboot af Ihtaw eton fitqa anit ot 

ion saw I9H09908 Io Jaemedate eds daiid hon atibeto dows 

aw JHOUPST 7 Haamed oa tads baa yoort borxsbaet tod taot0dd 

,esoa dova Yo Sngueveg 102 adaabae ted off noqu eban 19¢tastedt / 

ewipen OniwxedTo Jagia doldw sdyia yaw Blov fLiw atoat omy i; 

ois Jiolaot ed «nleoted Tiisnialy ,yasqmon seyaydiom eds of | 1 

eddy ico Jivaies # Tol eo ,Ydtoqotq ead ni teotetal ‘etogays re it 

fous Lidnu ,esen Liuga bina ysq of otelint tel sorted oyayitroi 

ttpaelosla dowe tebser bLuosdis * © segcyttom edt ea emis 

“ Yooxrds tremeq pomamd — ve 


~ Noisovuatseai eld? goiviyn ai betes tues eAT — yo 
a eT. 

-ob sedi .eonebive edd ay Sobowet tom ak Ji saunoekt fends — 
* J 

@taadasteb ae efibeuvo “eka of xi . XE botaaupert ataaboot 7 
ob odd aud S#ibety cael ton ban ,¥rtel toddors thesit 8 ie 
-“%0 8 <0 t srsusetys bilavy om eaw ored't baeond: .agnabn wee 

ko o# bun j;aden LitgA acd to tosayeq te anid ons to nolenet ti 


poaiifat ‘ald os. toirg otmi bexe di insayaq tot emt to woolen 
.omid SSioklob 6 20% od Jeum atom sit to ° 

%@ ,.111 Yes ,aedgmizeed .v iwmed | 

8 sans woe Jen abod YNomidgees oats ,alaaga . 
3k wo0b 10m ,oten oad oO. betoution od of aew tnwoma b “ 
‘ttigaiai«a Yo eainory hogelia oA? t0ot aoltatebianeo yas 
ens geod of setgs von OLD a2 nebas'teb ont iy — aN J 
SiO ton ,sumid Stiniteas yas wot sh wo seetedni vaq se 
.souavbe aL seototai * vant \ 

N68 .L1T 08 .mpdetsdow -¥ ggsne 099 bok 

VOL ,aqA .ifi SS .teged .¥ lint 
ub etew esdon ends fe taher ois Yo emis od JA 

Risnialg odd baa .wedond saw — edd to ac 

dec, 22, chap, 119, Kk. 3,3 

Yarwell v. Hanchett, lev Lll., 575; 

Chuse ros, v. Conners, 182 Il]. App. 418, 

Yor the errors indicated the judgment is reversed 
and the cause remanded, 


£.8 oil «Vil .qeuo .Sh 200 
reve ,,f44i O8L ,tseuonad .v Jiorss’s. 
eB ,qqh .ffl SBL ,@xeanod .v .goxd gaaid 
bewtove el dtosmubut edt betsoioni eto1t ed 164% 
: -S9buese% eanao od bas 


446 - 21844 




f Appel Vga: 
va, ? } " 


DAVID suPPRIN,| * ‘te 
, a : i 
| , ppellan 1 9 8 Toke 45 



V the defendant suffrin was the owner of a build- 
ing in Chicago and June 7, 1911, contracted with the United 
Construction Company for the remodeling and improvement of 
his building, The Construction Company June 8 made a con- 
tract with plaintiffs to furnish and creet the structural 
end ornamental iron and steel work required in such isapreve- 
ment for the sum of $2189. The contract between defendant 
and the Construction Company included a waiver of the right 
to a mechanic's lien, but this was not known to the plaintiffs 
until after the controversy out of which this suit grew had 
arisen, The Construction Company failed to pay plaintiffs 
the amount due them under the contract as the same became 
due, The contention of appellees is that Guffrin promised, 
in case the plaintiffs would preceed with and complete the 
work they had undertaken, to pay them the amount due and to 
become due, and that this was a direct and original promise 
and not within the Statute of Frauds; that the promise to 
pay the pleintiffs was based on a eufficient consideration 
and therefore was original so far as defendant was concerned, 

That the promise was made was testified to by 
Netchin, Holmes, Pyott, Anthony, Forcey and Shober, and dee 
nied by Suffrin, /From the evidence the jury might properly 




avd gatob .TtOYE oA GIVAG baa } 

qlaeresstaq . : 
aso logqa } une 
ie it , . 

\udawwoe arvad 

Pang ope I eer staniloggs / ae i : 



ebilud a to temwo edd saw mit Tied tanbdoeted ott 

, hao & 

bodin eid atiw bateatsmoo , LLL . 0 smut ban ogeaidd nf yak 

‘to Jnewsve tame brie afd Lo bone sate Lot YRAqnod wekdouttaned | 

-109 8 eben 8 srw) Yasqnos agiteutsecnod’ oat . — — eb 
{eiutoutsde edd teers bose deters? oF stiivaialy Ad bw goats a 
-evougal: doue mi botliupes vtew L[eote bus ootl Ladneunsre boa a — 
jnabasteh seowted toaxsnoo od 8818} To mus ot 10% sont ‘3 "i 
—XR oe⸗ ‘Yo teviae @ bebsfont yYaaqued aoldoutsanod ode ona AS si 

| aviidaiata edd of cwond sém ase abit dad yaekl &odansioem a os : a 
i bad weg thie alse doidw Yo tvo yatorotiwoo end tod ts tiaau 
attisnlele yaq of bo Liat courted aolsoutsenod out monte 
emsved omne oid e0 Soettnoo ods tebsty mens sub tnwone ont 9 
sbostuong Sicha davis a ane I Lo qae te Ho. Iaerios owe ob —9 
end vtoLqavo bas addin bo 9061g bularow ettianissg odd nt 

1 OA, 

ot bas owb Setssownss ond mosig waa ot ,noxettebay bag fed 


find that the promise was made by defendant, 

The question whether the promise was a direct 
ang original promise, and therefore not within the Statute of 
Frauds, or was a promise to pay the debt of the Construction 
Company and therefore void under the statute, presents more 
difficulty. The account in question was charged on the books 
of plaintiffs to the Construction Company, This fact, if 
unexplained, would be strong evidence to show that the eredit 
was given to the Construction Company, but is net conclusive 
of such fact, 

usk vs Throop, 189 Ill, 127; 
Ruggles v. Gratton, 50 id. 412; 
Green v. Burton, 59 Vt, 424; 
Walker v. Hill, 119% Mass, 249; 
i Reed on Statute of Frauds, See. 90, 

It is possible for one to make a valid oral 
promise without releasing the original debtor, 

NeLaughlin v. Austin, 104 vich, 487; 

Howell v, Harvey, 65 W, Va, 510; 22 L. R.A.- 

BR. 38., 1027; where there is a note in which 
the authorities on the question are cited and examined, In 
the opinion in the case last cited it was said: 

“The rule by which to determine whether a promise 
is original or collateral and without consideration, is thus 
stated in 29 Amj & Eng. Mncy, Law, 2d ed. p. 929: ‘An absoe 
lute promise to pay the debt of another is not within the 
statute, though the liability of the original debtor still 
subsists, where the leading object of the promisor is to sub- 
serve some pecuniary interest or business purpose of his own, 
and he receives a benefit which he did not before enjoy and 
would not have possessed but for the promise,' In support of 
the text a large number of authorities are cited, amony them 
the case of iimerson v, Slater, 22 fiow, 28, 16 L, ed, 566 
which seems to be a leading case upon the subject. That case 
is so very similar to the one now under consideration that we 
think it well to state it. The plaintiff, tmerson, had been 
employed by a railroad company to build certain bridges, The 
Company failed to make payments according to agreement, and 
Bmerson refused to proceed with the work, The defendant was a 
large stockholder in the road, and bad leased to it large 

ities il iron d held B nt of the 
ot ot — — He et a he ee a tt tt The 

,Jcabaeled yd ebam saw caimotg edd Saud bait 

toorlb a sew setmotq eat todtedw aolteoup off 4 
to edutaty asit otiigiw Jon orotetods bus ,eelmotg Lanigite — 
noltovrseaod ois to ddob ot yoq of sakmecg # Baw ro — 

exom atnecetd .ofusede ont rebas blov eteteteds baa vreqaod 

exood edd no begthado eaw nolteoup ai taxooon oilT Ud LyoE Tt th ; 

ti ,foat eid? .ynaqmod molsoutsenod sie og attidatatg Yo- ‘ 

tiberto odd Jatt wona of oonebive gnotéa od biwow  boniefaxday . 
evieutonos gon ek gud ,yoaqmod aeisvoutsemed ort of revig oa 
ga, | sont owe to 

:VSf ,L11 @6L ,goomi't «v xoms ie 

(Sib .bh 08 ,mestero .v Botagsl a id jh 

[kd IV 86 ,modiwH .V ne0%0 By me Ne 

WAS weak VLE LLG .v goxiten — Ry 

-O8 .o08 ,abuett to gdatase so bose L — 

#10 bilayv s okess of? emo tot — — ai ot 

stotdeb faniaite ous gnivse tor duos kw oaknorg 
7 88a 2 fio £ MK bot. ——— v AMAiaæl sa 
ew ad gs [0L6 ,a¥ .W 8B Yevis' +¥ Llowel ure 
‘ F Vik 

Moidw ak ston a ai —X ered 18804 gab 4* 
at hou lmaxe bus bedio ots motteoup ant ne neitivedgus oat 
ibis aaw Ii betio seal sane edt ag solalqe ont me 

gaiimotg & tedéerdw onlinteseb o2 odie ud oa firs ant i “1 
awdd af ,noldatebtaseo suodtiw bus feredafies 10 Lamiyire ad Bs 
-“ouds cA’ r@S@ .q .be b& ,wal .youe . Beh & gaa CE ab * 
eas okcusdiw gon ai tasitons to ab sav yaq od oe 
{Lite tosdob Lankyixe oid Yo ythiidedl eds dgwods | osusns 
edya of af toalaotg edd to toetdo agibeet odd etodw — 
two ekd To eeogtuq saenisud to deautedak Ctalawoog § 
baa Yotno oroled gon bib ea dolow #2tened # sevisoes 
to gxeqque al 8 ',eelmotg edd «et Jud beeneaseg pbs e 
‘Midd 3 eens 250349 ote Golsiroisusg %@ todeum pene’ *8 
obo .i Of ,88 wok SE , regal +¥ 010 
eke Jack -$59tdwe ose noqu pean —2* 
ow dead aolintebienos Yeban wom eae oAd oF —A ty 

( Meed bad ,woatem’ ,MWidaialg edt dh e8etea of £4 
ely — S oinssseo blisd oF Yomquoo | 
bos ,tahemeerya of giibtovom sinomeeg | 
4 baw Jnabaeted odT tow ond Adiw bo 00" 
at eyiel gi ot. ore bad boa * oa 

ARS BR sg Fo ————— 

he . 

road could not operate and there could be no emrnings until 
the bridges were completed, Under these circumstances the 
defendant orally promised to pay plaintiff if he would go on 
and complete the bridges, which he did, Defendant refused 
to comply with his oral promise, and plaintiff brought as- 
sumpsit, The court held his oral promise to be binding, and 
stated the law to be that ‘whenever the main purpose and obe 
ject of the promisor is not te answer for another, but to 
aubserve some pecuniary or business purpose of hia own, ine 
volving either a benefit to himself or damages to the other 
contracting party, his promise is not within the statute, 
although it may be in form a promise to pay the debt of 
another, and although the performance of it may incidentally 
have the effect of extinguishing that liability,'t The ope 
inion further says: 'Nething is better settled than the 
rule that, if there is a benefit to the defendant, and a 
leas to the plaintiff consequential upon and directly resulte 
ing from the defendant's promise in behalf of the plaintiff, - 
there is a sufficient consideration moving from the plaine 
tiff te enable the latter to maintain an action upon the 
promise to recover compensation,'* 

in Ciifford v. Luhring, 69 ill, 401, where the 
Gefendant employed a party to build a Keuse and on his faile 
ure the plaintiff, whe was & subecontractor, made knewn the 
fact to the defendant and informed hia that ne would be 
Obliged to guit work, and the defencant thereupon told the 
plaintiff te go on with his part of the work and he would pay 
him, it was held: That the defendant's undertaking was not 
a collateral but an original one snd was not within the State 
ute of Frauds, a3 assuming to anawer for the contractor, his 
main object being to serve a purpose of hie own, To same 
effect are Crawford v, Zdison, 45 Ohio Ut, 259; Gldenburg v¥. 
Dorsey, 102 Md, 172, ond a large number of cases cited in the 
note to Howeli v. Harvey, 22 L. Rh, A.» He. S. 1027, In Lusk v. 
Throop, 169 I11, 127, it was said: "“Yhether or not the prowise 
is original or collateral within the definitions already given, 

is = question to be determined by the jury from all the circume 
stances of the case and under the instructions of the court,* 

Ruggles v. Gatton, 50 111, 412, 
Ye find no reversible error in the rulings of 

the Court on instructions er evidence or in the remarks of 

the Court made during the trial, 

Lisay eyaintse on od biwoe etedt bas edetaqe Jon b£yoo it 
‘odd agonstiamuorio seeds xeba\i .boteiquog etew segbitd o i 
ne om biuow of t4 TRidalaiq yoq of bevimesq yilero —e— 
beavtet Jnabnoted. bib otf doiny ,#egbixe os ets iqueg ror 

wit tiguetd tTtitnialq bus ,eeimoxqg Lato eid dtiw —* ot J 
bas. ,acibaid sd of suimorq Leto ela bles — oat ; , 
«do base evoqiug aism edd tevenodw' sadt ed at wat at ont re uu) 

ot gud ,teddous tot tewens of ton gt aoeimong ot te ; ean 

-ni ,owo eid to saeqrag seentsud 10 yxelnwosg emos . bar 

’ fedeo edd od sogamah to Meamid of sitoned » tedzie anivioy a 

,etutease off aictiw ton ei sekmorg aki BD dons. gaitoanxte 

to Jdob odd yYaq oF vaimoety o axot al yam $2 dguods, 

Vilasaebtoat yas ti Te sousexetreg odd dywodsia bus ,tedtena — 

“qo oft ‘',ydiitdall sant — paeee to toeTts aft eved 4 
add nad? beisdes issted si gaidsou' :eyae xoddiwt molar 

& baa ,snsbaeteb ont of eves Ti ,éadt ofur 

etiveex yYLdoetib base aoqw Iulsaneupeenos Plitniaig ed? of seol 
+ ,Yivaialg etd to tiaded al seimoerg a'sagbaeteb oft mott 28 

enialy eit mort gaivom noivarebianse tnalolTiwe a el ete i 

oid stoquy seitos na oietniaw of tedtat oft ofdane of %% 

*' goisasasgmos tevevst o2 oal 

—* > 2 


eit onstw A @8 suititied .¥ bweRRilo al ee aaa. 4) J 


eiist sid wo bie seuou » bfiud oF Ydrsg © beyeique ¢nabasteb 

eid awouk obam ,tosoaténeo-duu mn aaw odw ,Thidnkalq oad om J 
J 9 

od bivow of tags wld bourtotal bua dnabasted ods of de 
eit Slo? saoqueted? Jnmpusted ed? bas ,Atow dhup oF be : — * 
yeq bivow ei bas dvow oid Yo daog eli Adie ao on of ithe 
gon @ew gnitasiobaw s'dnabaetead anid pau? thien saw a — 
+jaté oft aiudgiw gen eaw bas ono Lanigixo aa tud aN 
aid ,tosssisnoo ofd tot tewene of atiavese as J— tot 0 

ease of awe eld Io seoqisg & evted of aniand mentee 2 

o¥ gaudmeblo ;@68 .s6 oid 6b ,~noOeEbE .v Rrctwang oma toe 
edt al bedto sees to todmun egtel s bas ,STIL .bOu aes X CEES 

-V deul al .VSOL ,2 0K 4A oA od BS yep. + dana 0 
ealnorg eds Son 10 t9AtodW" thise wow SL ,TRL Lil ear rt 

shoving ybserla ancitialtes eds aiddtw iatosalios to * “ 


hs: Pa 

iin ; 

emetic eid [ia merit yl od¢ vd benloteded ow oo we 
*,J2u09o edt to anoltouasond odd tobaw bra ease ois 9 

J Sth LET 08 yuosied .v 9 aaue | 

te egailux od oi sotre ofLdistevet on — —* we : a) { 

af yi ria 



, Jae 

te eitanet edt al to soneblve to enoksas 

We think that from the evidence the jury migit 
properly find that the promise of defendant Suffrin te tune 
plaintiffs was a direct and original promiee and tnerefore 
not within the Statute of Frauds, 

Pinding no reversible error in the record, tie 
judgment of the Khunicipal Court is affirmed, 


digin yasl ect somebive edt moxl gadat Anka oW 
ait of miaTlwi snabae'teb to seimoty ote Sand ball yLlreqerq 
exotereis baa eaimotq Lanigito bas foeuih a eaw attivalalg 
5 Bbyert Yo ofudeds add whadiw som 
aid ,bxover oid ai torre ofdiartesyez en galbni® 
ebomtitts ai dase) Ieqioinuy sai To daomgbyt 

o 7 Lap 



456 - 21856 

va, ‘ ) 




Sse, Fauline Snrhardt, filed her bill for 
divorcee against appellant and he filed 5 cross-bill against 
her. June 25, 1914, both bill and cross-bill were dismissed 
for want of equity, end the same dey an order was entered 
that the defendant, appellant here, pay to complainant $108 
on account of her solicitor's fees in the case, An order 
was entered commanding defendant to show ceuse why he should 
not be attached for contempt in foiling to pay complainant 
$108 solicitor's fees, and on hearing of the rule april 12, 
1915, defendant was adjudged guilty of contoupt and an order 
entered that he be attached and confined in the county jail 
until he pay such solicitor's fees, but not exceeding six 

months, From that order this appeal is prosecuted by the 

defendant, vif 


The Court had no authority at the conclusion 
of the case to order that the bill be dismissed for want of 
equity and at the same time order the defendant to pay to 
complainant solicitor's fees, The dismissal of the bill 
gemonstrated that the suit of complainant was without founda- 
tion, The reason for the rule that required defendant to pay 
solicitor's fees to aid the wife to prosecute a meritorious 

case previous to the dismissal of her bill having ceased, 
that rule should no longer exist, Newzan v. Newnan, 69 111, 


" * 930 [ 

xruuoo AOVD FO } niet . 
my. A. 1801 

aot iLid tos boll? —E— eet fused pene 
Jeniaga {fid-caor s boil? oi bee tasttegys teaaga * > 
boseiasih erew Iftd-aacts ban [2d tod , MUL oS sant ted 

betsesin9 saw Tobie me yeb sabe odd bas \ydivee te tasw au 
BOL% fanaieiques of yey .oted tonlisqqe ,dusbdoteb oat ¢ ef. 

tobio aA esto et? at soot e'totiotios text to tm 

aie ganibssoxe son tud ,2o0% attotigifoe doue wag os | : —— 

eit yd befvoeeorg ei ievgga aid’ tebro dais moTt .edse 


. o\/ Pras 
| nolteulonos oft de yIbtonive on bud dxwed edit a 
to Jaaw tot beesimeid od {Lid ené sms aebto ot oe oa 

of YAq Of Susboeted oad Tebte emis omme od tn bey 
| Iftd sat to tmaaimeld sat een atuesoition dap 
~sbavot Juousiw eew snoniaiqaos to tive ede Lads | 
Wg of Suabce ted berlwpet dans ofut one tot ons 
evolrotixvem 8 gsuoecorg of stiw ond ped fi : 



vat .bssa00 aaived {iid t0d J * 
EE ee aaa ae ee 

in Chestnut v. Chestnut, 77 Iil, 546, it was 
held that the dismissal of the bill operated to revoke the 
order allowing temporary alimony, in that case it was 
said, Pp. 3492 

"Such provision ia for her imnediate support 
and to enable her to meet the expenses of her defense pend- 
ing the litigation, When the bill was dississed, the hus- 
band's common law liability to support his wife was revived, 
and the necessity for alimony did not exist, it will be 
presumed he discharged his obligation in that regard; at all 
events, the liability remained, and it would be oppressive to 
impose upon him the psyment of an additional sum deemed suf- 
ficient to suppott her if living separate and apart from him,* 

The order adjudging defendant guilty of contenpt 
in failing to pay complainant $108 solicitor's fees and com- 
mitting him to the county jail is reversed, 


gew ti easo sads ai owaoud La ‘yretoqned 

Ue: ‘eal 
troqqve otsibesml tend tot si moleiverg dowe™ ~~ 
ehoeg saneteb tod to asenoyxe edt toom of to oe 

-aud od ,boesimeld saw [Lhd edt red .nolday * 
beviver asw stiw ysilidatl wal 5 ion ! 
- ed {Liw JI ,teixe son bih yYmomils 10? + e900! 
fis ja ;bteayget tad? al soiisgiido eid bs 
«et eviesetqgo ed binow Jk base ,honiamet 4 
; -lwe bemveb mys iaaeitibbs sa to Jacmyaq ods ona 

* mld awoxlt tisgs bas ose taqed aaiens ti ted Mo aod 


epeinee lo ytiiuy snabmetob pakgbitba sabre. * 9— ir 
-m00 bas eset a'tosiotfos BOLG tusnialgauoo 8 ‘ 
ebeersvet ei: List reauss sult 6 va 


564 -,21962 



19S 1.A. 48 

Appellant. ; 


the judgment in this Case was rendered Narch 
22, 1915, The time for filing the appeal bond was by 
Orders properly entered extended “to snd including June 
1, 1915, fhe bond was not filed until June 2,, — 

If the time within which an appeal bond is to 
be filed is fixed by statute, the requirement is mandatory 
and jurisdictional, and the court from whieh the appeal is 
taken has no power to extend the time. if the statute 
does not fix the time for filing en appeal bond, but ree 
quires the court to fix such time in its order allowing 
the appeal, the court may, prior to the expiration of the 
time so fixed, extend the time for filing the bond, sand 
when the court fixes the time by extension or otherwise, 
if a bend is not filed within the time so fixed, the ap- 
peal must be dismissed; and this requirement being manda- 
tory and jurisdictional, no sotion to dismiss the appeal 
ia necessary, 

Hill v. Chicago, 216 111, 178, 


B.A 8er 


dorsi betebast saw seen eins ai saempbut eat i ae . i 

ud eon baod Lasqys ons gattld tok mis oat 80k 
-otwl galbwfont bas od" bebaesxe herosae — 

—8 on Lida beLit ton aaw baod ost ta 

os el buod Laeqqs aa tolaw aiagiw emis eis TL io oF mat 

YI0Jabnsam ai snompiiupei sf3 ,etudates ys boxit a. be. ti 

ei {meqqe sid ——— moxl stu0eo esd bas « fanol 

ae ee - ae 
—— p c. 

— a ee 

etutase oid ty Omis at buesxe os Tewog 4 

“ot dud ,baod {eeqqe aa gnilit tot omit one 
a aniwofie ebro ati nt emis dave xit od 

gett to noitatiqxe edt of seltg Ran —XR oat « 
bas ,baod odd gailit tet emis end? dnote 
 eeiwiedde 10 nolesetixs yd emis edd aoxit Jum 
“qe odd ,bexdt 0a sald odd midtiw bof? gon al 
-shasm yniod ¢nowetispet alut bas jbeeatawlh of p =" * 
Laoqggs of? eaimeid of moitew on , Lane! olbe tewl, | *v ie 
, 3 ; . a ' Rick . 

.8VE fit 648 + gage lag 44 

S88 - £1786 

tion, and M, ©. BLANCHRT?, 
Plaintiffs in ¥rror, 

198 L.A, 4g - 

Defendant in * 

iy Qa ‘ 
hy “i 
Lt “i 
8 — * 


V this is a writ of error sued out by plaintiffs 
from & jucument of nil capiat entered on a verdict instructed 
by the trial Judge, on the motion of defendant, at the conclue 
sien of 30 wuch ef plaintiffsat case as the trial Judgs admitted 
in proof, 

The cause of action rests in # contract between 
the parties for the exchange of certain properties in Chie 
gago and North Dakota, Plaintiffs seek to recever in this 
action daneges for breach of the contract by defendant, by 
the terms of which contract defendant was to convey a flat 
building which he claimed to own in Chicago to plaintiffs, 
and as compensation therefor plaintiffs were to convey to 
defendant certain ranch property in North Daketa with cattle, 
farm maciinery, etc,, thereon, The particulars of the terms 
of tnis contract are not material to be atated at this tine, 
ae in the conclusion at wiich we have arrived the cause must 
be returned to the Kunicipal Court for a new trial, Neither 
do we intend to pass upon all the facts involved in the rece 
ord, but shall confine our references to such of then a8 impel 
our conclusion, | 

Plaintiffs and defendant, within the time as ex- 
tended for the performance of the gontract jand on November 6, 
1913, furnished each other with abatracts of title to their 
respective properties, ‘The abstract furnished by defendant 

* 74 


Qh AL eer i f 


ertisatalg yd sue beue torr to divw @ ek aldtT V 
batourdend toLbisv 8 io botedne se.igee iin to memset 

} -viones eit gs ,tusbneteh to nota ow: end ac —E folad 

Hatt imbs esbut, fait? edd ea 9en0 'sYtidnisaig te dome o@ ee: note 

—E oar roo a a eteor ‘wateen to oehas out 
~iid5 al eols¢teqeta ahadtes to sgunsiors utd at | 
gids at asvooet of dese ettivalalt ,sto%ed ona 
or Janhas eb YC tostduoo ocd to. donetd a0? — 

: Wii 
ne — 

tat 8 \Yovaos od Baw duabise ted ‘foetddes sin bss in 
4 et italals os ogrotss) ai two od bomtato od ao tan 
o⸗⸗ vorno⸗ of e4ew ettisniealq totes aoktav 4008 
rents aid stow dso ad yeaeqotd dene nhadts9 3 
i emret od t0 staluoidisg oate | ODTEAy oto —E a 
; emis aki 3a bedese od of talwseu ten om pis ‘ ats 
f Jeum sexno of? bevitze evad ow oie $0 sotautence ¢ J 
x9iid Low tabis want a tot Sxuod fc odes sis os 
. e091 sit at boviovat séoet ode Lis ogy wong *: 

| feqai ss noid * dows’ ot eo onos tor i ince 


zoduevet ao bas — ote me 

at iad of efsit ro pent * 7 ‘ * | 
Th. TELAT AL "va 

showed title in him hovember 4, 1915, to the Chicago prope 
erty wiich he had agreed by the contract to sceonvey to 
plaintiffs, subject to certain encumbrances, iiaintiffs 
likewise tendered deeds, etce,, running to defendant, of 
their property to the holder of the contract in escrow at 
his office in Chicago, that being tne place appointed in 
the contract for the passing of the papere and the comple- 
tion of the transaction, What ploeintiffs did in this re- 
gerd they contend constituted a perforsiance by them of 
their contract obligetions so far as the attitude and con- 
duct of defendant made perforsance possible, 

Qn November 22, 1913, defendant conveyed to 
one ¥rank ¢, Rothje by warranty deed tie property which he 
had contracted to convey to plaintiffs, which deed was 
thereafter and on November 24, 1913, filed for record and 
duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Cook County. 
Thereupon plaintiffs, without any other demand being made, 
commenced this action for demnges claimed to have been suse 
tained by them on secount of defendant's breaching his con- 
tract with them, upen the theery that as defendant had put 
it out of his power by the conveyance to Kothje to carry 
out his pert of the contract, the law geve them a right of 
immediate action for damages and absolved them from further 
performance of the contract, (which performance, but for 
defendant's dereliction, would have been incumbent upon 
them,) On the theory that plaintiffs were not absolved 
from doing all those things that the centract provided they 
should do, notwithstanding defendant had by his deed to 
Rothje put it out of his power to convey to them the Chicago 
property as contracted, the trial Judge rejected, on the 

objections of defendant, ali the material evidence offered 

af a ory? ie — en Pri’ 
ae iyi Ta tity 

: J 
isu : ay Masts 
Pi - toy * 


of yovmoo od Soatdaes oft yd boots had esi dole to 
atiisvaisli ,eeonardawone alesxoo of Foetdue —— 

to ,dnabers te oa atkansst «938 ,abenb botabied — 

ta woxese ai Joartaoo as te tebLodt said of wrreqory ck F 

t ui betaieqqs eostd edt yaied sads ,oqeoidd ‘at soltte’ an 
~9iqmoo add bus areqnq edt Yo gutena sad tot Joardaoo ond v 
wor wid af bib CYTUInioLg dade moivonennry ond to oid 

to mead vd gonnmtotisg 6 beiutitenoo See saeo coms bay 
ened baa ebutiddn odd. ae tet o8 enoiseghido fostts09 ried 

| widiseog sonaante'trsy abna dashes to to Co 

eae va 


esw boob dolaw ,ettidainiq of yormoe of be J 
bas btepeat sot belit ,éfeL , hs wedewvet no baw 
; .YIHVED Hood to saitte x'xobToaed oat mt — 
shan auiod boameh tecte var deondiw ,eVittatiealg 0 * 
~aue nood oved of bominlo eegemnh vot moivoe ekiis boone: 
: -a09 eid yoidsastd o'inabse'teb to tuseooe ao mont xe b 
P tuq bad tusbrnetebh as vant — eid moay wod —* 

to oni 8 wos oven wal ond ,toeutnoo ane To er 
 tecigxwt mort? mod bovieeda bas aoyuuab: 19% woten 
tol Jud oocamrotieq doksiw) ,doendeay od bo a: 
nogu Jnedawonit need evad bivew HOLso Lions 1 
bevioadsa Jon eter eTii¢gnialy Jods wrosdd wd ¢ 
Ye sis bebivorg Jootsnos ofd gadd agnidd — ite ; 
of bash eid vd bad sasbaeteb yatha wero 
11D end mods of Yovaon of toewoq tia 30 A402 
_ fo ,betoetet matey —XR a Mis HOD | 
q . aie 


by plaintiffs to establiah their claim for damages, Wa 

We think, from the fact that defendant by zis 
conveyance to Rothje hud put it out of his power to perform 
his part of the contract, that defendant must, in legal ef- 
fect, be held to have rescinded the contract and to have 
given the plaintiffs the right to so treat it, whieh they 
may be regarded ag hnvwing dene by the beginning of this ace 
tion, As enid in Eure v. Denny, 16 ili, 492, "The right 
of recovery is not put upon the mere fect of a neglect or 
refusal to convey, but it is siiown, in addition, tnat plaine- 
tiff nad rescinded the contract by selling the land to ite- 
phens,* Smith v, lLemb, 26 Ill, S97, Seiberling v, lewis, 
95 Jil, App. 549, Treat v. Smith, 159 ibid, “62, Newcomb 
v. Brackett, 16 Hass, 161, Lowe v. Harwood, 159 ibid, 165, 

and Osgood v. Skinner, 211] {11, £29, are supporting authori- 

ties on this point. The trial Court therefore committed re- 

| versible error in excluding the proofs offered by plaintiffs 

and in instructing the jury to find a verdict against then, 
The measure of damages plaintiffa ere entitled 

to recever is, under the rule laid down in }lummer v. Higdon, 

76 Ill, 222, the difference, if any there be, between the 

value of the property agreed to be conveyed by them to defende- 
ant and that which defendant agreed to convey to them, Defend- 
ant argues that at most the plaintiffs are entitled to recover 
but nominal damages. However, from the evidence on this 
question found in the record, it would seem that plaintiffs 
have at least laid a foundation for substantial damages, 

which, if likewise successful on a retrial, is sufficient to 
call for evidence on the part of defendant te rebut, Ye do 

not (intend, however, to be understood a% passing upen cr 

settling that question, Our reference to it is simply for 

oN ,eeyemeb cot mialo thodt det idetes — * | 
eld yd dnatine toh Sodt sont ods mont .aaine of - 

aot rey of tawog sid to duo tk sug daa sition ot + vonacora fig 
“10 isgei al ,teum sachet teh taeddt someting oat to aa 

oved of bas toaxsnoo ent behaloeet eve oF fy Aaul * 3 wll Hr 

Yods dotdw ,sk Jaetd of od as ar odd attisataly os | a 9 
~of sidt to gatanined edd yd * anivad se bebtaget — 

Sdgit oat* .S@h ,L12 OF .Yomed .v Baws at bine oA — 

J i 
| 40 doolgon a to Sout ofem ott mogn tug toa ak — 9 

Biwol .v gitiivedion .TGG ,f1) Of gael wv os kag 
dmoowei »SOS ,vidt CCL «ut dme .v gneet Gds «TA. aL 

.e8L .bidk CEL ff .enm o£ dtodvent .v 
ehrodtus gaidqvoqque ets ,@8s .1f% ££8 A —— 
“ot bossiamoo stotetedd sumed fables edt dato abit me 
ettisuisly vd betotto stoou eas gnibotore mh 1oTKe ofd 

i mode sSuaiaga Joibsow a bakt os erat, ould wnisounacnt mt } 
J bolsiice ets anez avyomead 10 etgesom od't | 

a 1 
‘ Dat i 
i i J 

4 —A— 4 Rost) at owel Slat eiws sat tebas pak roveoes os My 
‘ «ot noewied .2d etoid Yow Th ,oncete Tih os sb, Bt 

| sbuote od mods yd beysyaco ad of beotga yetogerg oid | F 
Sas to ,modd of yevmes of bootgn Jnsbmeteb dodaw sda a $ 
‘tovoost oJ balsisns g4a eltidninly eas sown $a Jaad ar 

eid ne gonebive ead mot? (tevewaH —* Lon ; 

| atiitainig tans wou binow ¢L ,btooet odd ad bi 
| Bognoeh Lalsnasadve tot meldgsbayel — 
tno o LTLun ef ,{aixies a ne [vieescoue wax 
- eb oW ,tudez of tuabme ted Yo tang ens mo ® XF ey 
To mogu nitleasq ea boolJarebau od * *8 * 
ot Kiqmia at Jt * ——— ea — nner 


the purpose of disposing of the point made by defendant that 
this Court would not reverse if it conelusively oppeared 
from the recora that plaintiffs could recever but nominal 
GaMAg ee. 

The judgment of the Kkunicipal Court is, for the 
reasons advanced in this opinion, reversed and the cause is 
cemanded for a new trial, 


atia tuabnoteh yd ahaa daleq eid te galveqaih to saegrug edt 
botaoqqe YleviewlLonoo sk Th vaetovex son biuow dawod aki? 
Isntmen tud sevooet bivao attisniaig dads hisses eat mort 
, -9gsuab 

eds sot ,wl tguy0d feqiolaul edt Yo Janemmbuy eat 
af geuoo oft bas beatevet ,aololqo als ai boonevhs anoaset 
«feins won @ tot behaamest 


431 = 21829 

vs. | 
\,Appellan — 



J J 7 —* % ) 

, J 1 9 “> Lelie a) 2 

‘y ff a 
Ne, alt F) 


This is an appeal from a judgment of the Super- 
ior Court for $7500 in favor of plaintiff and against de- 

fendant, founded upon the verdict of a jury in an action 

for ar 
The declaration, consisting of one count, 

charges as negligence defendant's failure to remove a cer- 
tain door or covering from over the steps of the car on 
which plaintiff was a passenger, and carelessly, negligently 
and improperly permitting the door or covering to remain 
upon the platform of said car and upon and over the steps 
thereof, rendering the same dangerous and hazardous as to 
the plaintiff, and carelessly and negligently failing to 
notify and warn plaintiff as to the condition and position 
of said door or covering over said steps and the dangers in- 
cident thereto; that plaintiff, in consequence of such neg- 
ligence, while in the exercise of ordinary care, and during 
the night time when it was dark, and while attempting to 
leave said car, under the direction of defendant's servant, 
stepped from and off the door or covering of said steps, ine 
stead of stepping down to and upon the steps and from said 
steps down to and upon the ground, causing plaintiff to fall 
and to be precipitated a great distance from said car down 

to and upon the ground, injuring her, etc, 

eS8lS - Loh 


sea lisqqa 
} ev 



-teque edt to tasmgbu, & mott Isoqqs as efi eft 

-0b tenisgs bas ttisnies{gq to trove? ai OOGT§E tot Frw0O tol 

soitos as ni vit e to soibsev edd amoqgu bebauyot ,snsbaet 

woineiak Langinm <0t 

,émvyoo emo to aniveianoo ,moitersfoeb oat Vv 
180 8 svonsr oc stylist ea'insbasteb sonmegifgen es esytedo 
no 189 edt to aqese eid tevo mott anitevoo 10 toob alist 

ylinegifzgen ,yleeslotso bas ,tegneeesq & saw Ttiitnislg io idw 

aitsmet o¢ ganttevoo to toob edd anittimieg yirteqgotgmt bas 

eqate ett tevo bas moqu bas 189 bise to mrotésiq edt ogni 

ot es euobtssad bas evotegnsb emse ent anizrebne: , toetedt 

ot gnifiat yvitosaifgen bae yfaselotso bas ,ttitmialq edt 

noitteog baa nolsibnos ead o¢ as Ttidaieslq otsw bas ytison 

-ni ategnsh ed! bas eqete bise isvo yaitevos to toob bisa to 

-gem dove to someupeenoo ai ,ttitaisiq isds ;otetods tneblo 
gnitub bas ,sts0 ytIanibte to seiotexe eit ni oLidw ,sonegil 
ot anidqnetss eLlidw bos ,Ateb saw ti oodw omit tdgin odd 

wtasviee e'’insbasteb to acitootib odd tebmay ,1te0 bise evseel 

eni ,eqetea bise to ynirevos so toob ext Tto bne mot? beqgete 

bise mort bas eqedse eit amoqu bas of awob gaiqqete to baste 

{fst ot ttistaisiq ymieuso ,bavotg sat moqu bane ot nwob agede 

mwob t89 bine mort eonsJelb taertg 8 betstiqioe:s od od dpe 4 i 

ots ,tod gatiutal cheweza ott nog * oF 


On the day of the accident to plaintiff she had 
been with her sister-in-law, a lirs, Yarger, to the cemetery 
where her mother was buried, and in returning to her home 
took defendant's car at Bellwood with the intention of 
leaving it at Des Plaines avenue, Forest Park, and from 
there taking a Metropolitan elevated train to Central ave- 
nue station on that road, that being the nearest station to 
her home, 332 North Taylor avenue, Oak Park, 

It is not denied that defendant's car platforms 
were equipped with flaps, which let down from the steps and 
were kept down while the cars were in motion, At stations 
where defendant maintained elevated platforms, passengers 
got off the cars on a level, without the raising of the 
flaps from the steps. Where station platforms were upon the 
ground the flaps were raised so that passenger alighted by 
walking down the steps, which ran downward to the station 

At the time of the accident the car had stopped 
at the Des Plaines avenue station, Forest fark, and remained 
stationary until after the accident, Flaintiff, who was 
seated in the car, came out of the car onto the platform, 
When she reached the phatform irs, Yarger followed and 
stood back of her, Plaintiff then took hold of a perpen- 
dicular rod with her left hand and took hold of another part 
of the car with her right hand, Plaintiff testified that it 
was dark and that she stepped off of the car expecting to 
step on a step leading from the car platform, but as there 
was no step there, she fell. 

It is assigned and argued as error that the 
"verdict is against the clear preponderance ot the evi- 
dence," and while there are other errors which we think are 

well assigned, we shall rest our decision on the second as- 

bad ede ttitatelg ot tnebioos edi to ysbh sAt MO 
Yieteomes sit ot ,19gIs¥ .61 6 ,wei-ni-tedeia ited dtiw need 
esmod tod ot anktaruwter ai bos ,belind aew tediom ted atertw 
to noiinsdni edt déiiw boowflod ta ts0 @'tnebneteb xoos 
mort bas ,Awrei sese1r0% ,sunesvs agenieiY{ asi ts tL gaiveel 
-svs Isiined ot aisxt betsavele astiifoqotiell s gaidss etedt 
o¢t soliste tasteen oot anied tsdi ,bsor tent no —*— eu 
1tsf 280 ,esunevs tofyst dito SEE ,emod t9Md 

aniotisiq tso e'snsbasteb sadt bsineb gon ef sI 

bas eqetea eds mott myvob gel doidy ,eqsit diiw beqqiups sisw 
eanoitste tA .noitom ai stew etao ot oLidw awob tqex eitew 
atoynseasq ,amtotis([q betsavols boentatarsm jasbne teh 8 to rw 
edd to ynieist odd tuodwsiw .fevel 8 no arso edd ITto tog 
edt moquy etew emrotislq motiate sieAdW .agqete od} mort egslt 
YO betdgils togneeasq tant oe besalet etew agqelTt ent bavotyg 
noliste oft ot btsewawoh asi doidw ,agete sat mwob yalidisw 

beqqote bed tso sdt gnebisos sdt To omits eas TA 
benismet bas ,Atsi gesto% ,moitste sunevs aenisl({ esd ent ts 
esw ofw ,tiidaie({L .inasbioos ant tetts Litany ytanolisise 
-mtotdsl(q edt otno tso ot to two smeo .169 eat al betsca 
bas bowoilot tvexziteY ,atil mrottaedg sit bsdosst ene asdW 
-naeqteq 8 to blond Aooo send ttidnielLl .29d to Aosd boota 
trsq tedtons to blod Moos buns basd ttel ted dtiw bot tefwotb 
dt dedd bottigess Yiisdalell .bmed dogis ted oéiw 10 edt to 
ot unitoeqxo tao edt to tto —— ene tedt bas Ateb esw 
stodd as ind mrotselg iso oft moit gaibsael geste es no getea 
{fot one ,s1odd qote on saw 

edt dJedt torte as beusie bas bengises eL tI 
-ive edt to sonsrtebmogerg taelo elt taniegs at toibtev" 
ets Anids ew dotndw etorrs tedio ets etedt oLinw bas |*,eoneb 

-2e bnoose edt mo motetoeh rw0 deer fiade ew ,bongisas Llew a 


signment of error, However, there are errors in the rulings 
on evidence and on instructions, and some of the questions of 
counsel for plaintiff put to Dr, Pickard on cross-examination 
were highly improper, entirely uncalled for, and tended to 
unwarrantably prejudice Dr. Pickard in the eyes of the jury 
and to, in a measure, destroy the effect of his evidence. 

The questions, "How long have you been the quasi investigator 
physician and doctor for this road?" and "Just let them walk 
out there like cattle?" and the reference to the defendant 

as the doctor's "boss" were entirely uncalled for, as were 
questions of similarly insinuating character, the effect of 
which we could not say - if it were necessary to determine the 
question - was negatived by the terse ruling of the court 
without comment as to the impropriety of such questions, 

All the evidence in the record considered, we are 
unable to find from its preponderating force that defendant 
was guilty of the negligence charged against it as being the 
primary cause of plaintiff's fall from the car and the result-e 
ing injuries to her, On the contrary, the evidence overwhelm- 
ingly preponderates in favor of the contention of defendant 
that plaintiff was not in the exercise of due care for her own 
safety at the time she was injured, We cannot from the evi- 
dence regard it as a disputed fact that pleintiff knew the 
condition of the phatform at the time she stood upon it and 
was conscious of the fact that the flap over the steps had not 
been pulled up; and while plaintiff charges in her declaration 
that it was dark upon the platform at the time of the accident 
to her, yet all the evidence on the subject of light consid- 
ered, w e can hardly say therefrom that it is a disputed fact 

that the light was amply sufficient to enable plaintiff, in 

eagnifur sdt at erortes sts stedt ,tevewoH .10T1%e to soomagie 
to anoitesup eds: to smoe buns ,amoitoutseni ao bus sonebive no 
nottantmexe-eeoro mo btexoid ,1d of guq thidatstq tot Leenuoo 
ot bobnot bas ,tot beilsony yLleritns ,teqorqmi yfdgid erew 
yt, aeve edd oi btsxoid .10 eoibujetg vidstuettsewaus 
-oomebives etd to ftostie edt yortesh OTueHs a s ai ,ot bas 

totegtteevnai lasup edt need voy eved gnol woH" ,emoltaeup eAT 

afew meds tefl ftayl" bas "Fbsor aids tot totoob bas asioieyadd. 

tnsabaesteb sdt of sonstetot sdt bas “felitso sxif{ eteds dso 

e%9w es ,tot bol{sony vietitns stew "aeod" a'rotoob sAt es 

to tostts odd ,tetosredo gaitewnient yfueiimie to enoiteoup 

edit omimretehb of ytseasoen etew ti Ti - yYse con bivyoo sw dotdw 
duyoo edt to gaits eatot ont yd beviteson esw — 
anmoitesup dove to vteixgqorgmi st of es ImeMmmos Wotlo kw 

ets ow ,betebienoo btoost emt ai somebive end ILA } 
tnebasteh seads eotot goitstebnogsig eti mort bait o¢ oIdenw 
edt gnied es Si tenisgs begisdo sonegiigen odd to Wling eaw 
et¢{{ueet ot bos tso st mort [fst e'ttitnisiq to seuso yrsmitg 
-nfodwitesvo sonsbive old Svierdnoo eis m0 tem od eoivujat gat 
tasbnetsb to moitnednoo sat to rovst ai estaerebmogestq vigai 
awo ted tot stso sub to satorexe eld ak ton eaw Ttitnisig decid 
-fvo edd mort tonnss eW ,beruini esw ode smit od ta \Y to ise 
edt weaxt ttitnisiq tant toet beduqeib & as JL btegst soneb 
bas si noqu boote ede omit ont ts mrotts&q sdt to noltibnos 
ton bed eqota sdd tsvo galt odd saedt toast ot To avotoanoo asw 
moisgatsflosb tod ni aoyrsdo ttisnislg sliuw bas j;qu boliug used 
S$nobtoos oft to omit sot ts mtotésiq ond moqu atsb saw Si sade 
“htamoo tigifl to tos{due edd mo eonebive edd [fe soy ,tod of 
_tost beduqein es al Si Sass nottesteds yee yibtsd nso 9 w ,bets 

ak ,ttitnisalg oldeno of tnetoittue yiqas asw Jdail odt Jadd 


X J hig 

pi 5's 

a) Pe 



the exercise of ordinary care, to become aware that the flap 
over the steps had not been raised. | Plaintiff |herself| testi- 
fied that "it was sufficiently light so that I saw plainly 
that the vestibule door was open and I know the flap was down 
over the stepswhen we started to get off," and that she looked 
down for the express purpose of seeing where she was walking, 

| Plaintiff was also well aware of the construction 
of the platform of the car, that the steps were covered with a 
flap, that on station pi svemead eave at a level with the 
car platform the flap was left down, and that on grounded 
platforms the flap was raised and the steps used by passen- 
gers to alight.) she herself testified, "I knew that the 
first step down would be some little distance inside the 
sheathing of the car, I kept that in mind." Alsc, "I knew 
the flap was down over the steps when we started to get off," 

Plaintiff had many times travelled upon defend- 
ant's car between Bellwood and Des Plaines avenue station, 
Forest Park, and was\perfectly cognizant of the construction 
of the car platform and cf the station platforms at both 
of these stations, (rhe fact that it was the duty of defend- 
ant's servant to raise the flap on the platform at Des 
Plaines avenue station to enable passengers to alight with 
safety, did not excuse plaintiff, on theifailure of defend- 
ant's servant to raise the flep, from the negligence imput- 
able to her in attempting to alight from the cer without the 
flap being raised. In this condition it was the duty of 
plaintiff to wait until the flap had been raised before at- 
tempting to alight, 

In determining the probative force of the evd- 
dence we cannot lose sight of the fact that in many material 
particulars plaintiff's evidence is contradicted by credible 

and disinterested witnesses, | While plaintiff testified that 


qalt odd tadd stewe smoosd oc. ,etes yYisnibio to satorexe om. 
-iteods [Yleared! Ytitaisl4 hos tex mresd ton bs egete oanld tevo 
yioisiqg wee I tedd 08 ddatl yYltaestoitiwe eesew 35" sods bett 
nwob esw qs{t odt wont I bas asqo esw toob eluditeer ent stadt 

bextool sda tsdt bas ",TtIo fey ot bediseta ew sondweqete odd Tevo 

gninisw esw sile sisdw yoisea to seoqiuq asetgxe sat tot mwob 

moisouttenco eit To stews [lew oals asw MWitaield | 
8 dtiw beresvoo etew eqete ont tedt .teo ont Io mrottaiq odd to 
Ho iciw 
edt dtiw [evel s ta stew\amrottalq moltsta mo tedt ,qelt 

bebasorg ao Jeads bas ,owoh tiIsl eaw qelt sdt mtotisiq ts 

-neeasg Yd bean agete soit bas beaiay asw qsit ott emrotiai{g 

sit tedt wend I* \beititees tfloatod sd@ Vtdatie of etez 

edt sbhtani aoastath aftsif emoa od binow nwob gete tatlt ~ 

went I" ,o2fA ",bnim ai dsdt Sgex I .teo st To gnidtsede 

“ tto 393 ot botitste ow noadw eqete oft tevo nwob esw qait sd 

-basteb noqu bol{svats semit ynsm bs Thi¢gaisi{[ 

oitdsta suneve senisld eed bas boowfisad nseswted tso e'inas 



moisgouttenoos odd to tnsesinges witoetieg esw bas ,A%t8f tae1r0t 

dtod ts awrotdelyg noiteste ocdT to bas mrottsiq tao sdt To 
-bastsb to yiub odd eaw Fi Sead sost edt | <eanoliste seeds To 

aot ts arotssfg sdt mo gsit odd saist o¢ tasvtee a'tas 

dAdiw ddgife ot etsgneeesq sfdsno oc molista sunevea aoateld 

-bnaetob to etwlistieds no ,Ttidnisiq sevoxe ton bth ttetae 
Sues eft mort ,qsit st ie hikes ot g¢nsevrtoa ipa 
edt tuodtiv sso ed¢ mott Sdgifs of anitqnetis ni tea od alee 
to yvdub odd sew ti nolitibnoos aid? nl .beetst snxted qalt 
-ts sioted beater ased bai qelt ont {heaw thew o¢ ttidgmisla 
| togifs ot gaitgqmet 

ehvo oft to sorot svitsdotg edt gninioreteb nl 

{fsitetem yasm ni tends tost sde to tiyte saeol sonnaso or eoneh 

s{dibeto yd betolbsxrinoo et sonebive a'tiitnielg axe {uot ag J 

tedd boltiteosd Ttttntelq oLinw [:eeeeand iw boseotosatatb basis 


she stepped off the car, she told Mrs, Morrow and Dr. Fick- 
ard Bhat she"was pushed off the train," Dr, bickard pro- 
duced a statement signed by plaintiff to that effect,and 
although she claims that the paper she signed was in blank 
at the time she signed it, the guantum of proof on this 
point is against such claim, 

She also testified that it was dark upon the 
platform at the time of the accident. Her sister-in-law, 
Mrs, Yarger, testified that it was sufficiently light so 
that she could plainly see that the vestibule door was open, 
Several witnesses testified as to the abundance of light, 
both on the platform of the car and around Des Plaines 
avenue. In the testimony of some of the witnesses, lights 
are specifically mentioned as follows: About twenty-five 
feet from the station platform was the entrance archway of 
Forest Park, on which were seven clusters of 60-watt forty 
candle-power tungsten lamps with five lights in each cluster, 
which threw 1400 candle-power of brilliant tungsten illumi- 
nation directly onto defendant's train, the vestibule door 
and the platform from which plaintiff alighted; lights in 
the tower of Yorest Tark, about fifteen feet removed from 
the station platform, and an arc lamp on a pole thirty-five 
feet high just inside the entrance to Forest Park, with a 
lighting power of 3500 candles; two street electric lights 
within fifty and one hundred feet of defendant's track; four 
clusters of incandescent lights of five lights each on the 
crossing gates, and a cluster of lights on the watchman'ts 
shanty immediately west of Des Plaines avenue; a cluster of 
lights on a pole on the east side of Des Plaines avenue; 
also tungsten and gas arcs on the front porch of a fruit 

store just south of defendant's tracks; all of which were 

-Hoig .1¢ bas worroM ,erM blot ode ,teo sit tto beqqese oan 
-otq btsvoid .1a@ “ mtert eit the bsdeuq asw"ede tect bis 
bas,tostts tant ot ttitnist@q yd bengia tmemstatse we be oud 
anefd ai esw benglie eda teqegq edi tadtd emislo soe aguontia 
eidt mo tootg to musgosyp ent ,ti bangle ene omis add ts 
.mialo dowa cseniags ef taiog 

edt aAoqu Aish esw ti tadt beitivees oats sa . 
wwel-ni-tsteie 19H Anes one eit to smit sdt ts prsetea ty 
ee ¢dgil vistnstottiva esw $i tedt bettitees .togtsY .eiM 
.As o esw toob sf{uditeov ont sant sea yinislq Sfuoo oe tsdt 
tdagil to sonsbouds sci of es beittitaset egeaesentiw {stevee 
eenisit esd bavors bos wzso eAd to miottsiq sat —— 
adaAgt4 ,asagentiw sat to smoe to yromigeet ods al svas vs 
evili-yiaews twodA sewollot es penolsoens yfisoitioogse 9T8 
to veawdore sonsiinas ent ecw asottsiq mottate eit mort toot 
yYirTot tisw-03 to ersteul{o neve etTew aAoidw no ited seor0% 
ytetaut[o doses af atrial svit dtiw equal setegaud tewoq-9 [hbase 
-imulf{t neteagnus Snsli{fixrd To tewog-sibneo OOSL wetdt sto Lotw 
toob sf{uditesv edd ,nisit a'iasbaeteb ofmo yitoe1ib aotten 
at stoigil ;betdgifs Ttidaisly soidw mott mrottelq ont bas 
mort bevomer seet needIit tuods ,Aisi taste, to sewod ond 
svit-vyirids efoq 8 so qmsl ors as bas ,mrottsiq moifate ould 
a dtiw ,A18{ tes1o% of sometins oft sbieni taut Agta toot 
etdgil otttoelfe teerte owt ;aatbaso OOGE to tewog anitigif 
tot ,xostt e'tnsbaoteb to teet betbnud emo bus yt tit middiw 
edt no cose etdalt svit to etdyil tmeoaebasont to etotauto 
e'nsodotaw adt ao etngil to tevaufo 8 has ,aetsg ANLeBeoto 
to teteuslo s ;eunevn eontald aed to ¢eew yiotsibemmt vtosde 

ieunevs aonisld eed to ebie dese sit no eflog & mo atdgit ‘ 

— s to dotog tnortt sid mo sous @s8y bas nedagaut oaL. 

etew doldw to {fa ;exoatt o) saat ted to adss08 — Tod 

* y ’ — srr ee 

burning at the time of the accident, 

Plaintiff testified that she was carried after 
the accident, which disinterested witnesses contradict by 
testifying that she walked- Plaintiff also attributed the 
asilments from which she was suffering to injuries received as 
the result of her fall from defendant's car, — is 
clearly proven [that alli of the important physical ailments 
of which she complained existed prior to her fall from de- 
fendant's car. She also testified that after the accident 
: she was an invalid * unable to do her own work, |We think 
“this testimony wap(puccohetutly rebutted by the testimony of 
credible and disinterested witnesses. 

Whether plaintiff fell from or was pushed off 
the platform of defendant's car, does not tend, under the 
circumstances established by a preponderance of tne evidence, 
to prove defendant guilty of the negligence charged against it 
in the detlaration. The negligence which was the primary 
cause of the accident is attirbutable to plaintiff in failing 
to use that prudence incumbent upon her under the conditions 
environing her at the time of the accident. Her want of pru- 
— is such contributory negligence on her part, as a matter 
of fact, as precludes a recovery. Davenport v. Calumet ang 
South Chicago Railway Co., Generel No, 21346, not yet reported; 
McAvoy v. St. Louis etc, Kk. R., 150 Ill. App. 620. 

The power vested in this Court by virtue of Sec- 
tion 87 of the Fractice Act, includes the power, upon appeal 
from a judgement of the trial court, to reverse such judgment 
without remanding the cause upon the ground that the weight 
of the evidence does not authorize the verdict. Borg v. C.R. 
bie Er. Ry. Co.,, 162 Ill, 548; C, Cc, ©, & St. L. Ry. Co. ¥. 
Alfred, 125 I11. App. 477; Casper v, I. C, R. R. Co., 162 ibid 
104; Poliakoff v, Chicago Railways Co., 162 ibid 632. 

.toebiocos sdt to emit edt ts guiaid 

tetts belirso esw ria todd bottiseed Ttitaiald 
ud toibstiqoo esseventiw bedestatuiaib doidw  tnebisos 9 (it 
eit betdudittss oals Tiitmisiq -berlfaw otis Jedd gatyiisees 

88 — ———— eeliuiat o¢ anitetinve asw offe doidw mott ednomftis 

DUO Gan bow anof 

ak fp Liaw ~189 a'Jasbastebh mott [fst ted to ¢ivaet ead 
atnomiie L[sotayigq tasttoqmt sad to Ife teas nevorg yitasto 
-9b mott [{st ted o¢ toiiq beteixe benisiqmoo ode dotdw to 
tasbloos ot yedte tsdd bstlisess oals ode .4eo a'tasbaet 
wats ew | .Atow mwo ted eb of of{denu bus bilfsevai os esw offe 
ls tan Keae Ke Qorao x6 

Ne (romitass edd YO beidtudet Viluteéeooue |acw yuomttesd aids, 
QW eqaeesniiw botsetotnieib bas efdiberto 

tto bsiieug.eaw to — tiitnislq tedtesdwW 
ent tebau ,bast ton ss0b ,teo a'éaebastesb Bo mtotisia edt 
,sonesbive sds to sonsisboacqsig 8 yd bodeif{dstese esonstamuotto 
ti teniegs beyisdo soneyifgen sdt¢ to yslinug tnshastebh svotq of 
yremiitg edd eaw doidw sonegilgen ofl .noiststai{esb odd at 
goilist ai ttismialq of sl{detudtitsa si tnebioos ent to seuso 
anoistbacoe sit teban tend nogu tnedmuont sonshutg tad? seu of 
-siq to ¢nsw t9H .tnebioos sdf to smid eat ts ted gninorivas 
totisn s es ,¢isq tod no goneyitgsn yrodudittnoo nove ei sone 
boas seaulsd .v trogievad .ytevoost 8 asbuloe1g as ,tost to 
gbedtoget Joy gon ,SbEIS .o% Lerensd ,.09 yawltsH ogsoind isyoe 
-OS® ,qqA ffl o¢L .,ff ~H .ots atvot .g& .v YovAoM 

-o92 to osudriv vd gruod atdt al besteev tswoq sxT 

fasqas mogu ,tewog sit eebulont ,JoA sottoerdi odd to T8 waolt 

Snemebs, dove setevet o3 ,dtwoo Isixrt ont to tnemabut s mort 
tdgieow od tedt bayotg edd moqu seuso ond anthbnamet Juodtiw 

.H.0 .vV grog .toibiev ont esitontus ton es0b sonmebive ent to 

.v 00 .vA J .d8 8 D9 9 ;8be .1fT BBL .. 
bidt SOL ..09 .f .A DI .v xegesd ;VTA .qqgA .fLI ESf , 

S88 bidt SdL ,.00 eyswiiet oysotdd) .v ifod ;a0L 
yt . 

ehhs — 

We are unkesitatingly impelled to the conclu- 
sion that the weieht of the evidence did not suthorize the 
verdict against defendant, and that the judgment should be 
reversed with a finding of fect, which is accordingly done, 


431 - 21889 PINDING OF FACT. 

The Court finds, as matter of fact, that the 
injuries of plaintiff were occasioned by her own careless- 

ness and not by any negligence of the defendant, 

~uLomo9 ont of bolleqmt yinaitetioeniuy stp ov 

ed¢ estrodtus ton bib sonebivs sAt to tiiptew od? tans moka 
ed bivode tnemabut edt tedt bes ,tasbaeteh temtage tolptev 
.ono0b vfanibrooos ei dotdw ,tost to anihait « At¢iw 5eetevet 


~TOAT TO DOMICHIT @aais ~ [és 

sig tens ,tont to tetism es ,abnit g100 eAT 
-seslotso awo t9d yd benoiesooo siew Tiidaislg ‘io asirupat 

Josbreteb edi to sonsgilgen yas yd som base eeen 

462 - 21860 



On Appoml ¢ 

MATRA et al.,.- / 

iOS faa 


V this is an appeal from a decree of foreclosure 
in which the mortgaged property is ordered to be svld to 
satiefy the esmount found due by the master's report, and ap- 
Peliant seeks a reveraal of that decree, 

The trust deed foreclosed waa given to secure 

the principal sum of $1500 and interest, payable nalf yearly, 
the interest being evidenced by coupon interest notes of £45 
each, Two of these notes matured and were not paid at the 
time the bill was filed, The mortgaged property had before 
this time been seld for taxes and the certificate of tale was 
outstanding, uncancelled and unreleased, at the time the 
bill was filed, The trust deed contained a covenant aue 
thorizing the legal holder of the indebtedness to deciare 
due the whole asount unpaid upon default in payment of any 
interest coupon for thirty days, or in the efent of failure 
to pay taxes on the wortgaged preuises when due, Advantaging 
of these provisions, appellees declared the whole sum due by 
Yyenson of the non-paynent of the two interest coupons and the 
non-payment of taxes and the sale of the wortgaged premises 
by reason of such non-payment, 

Appellant confesses aod endesvors by his anewer 
te avoid the legal consequences of these facts, lie contends 
that nis ogent paid these interest coupons at the pince where 

they sere payable; that the person to wiouw the interest was 
‘ - Nh 
4s : 

OOSLE »~ Bad 

ete 20 fay ns VAAN 
evo liogga 


oc AI ECL 


siunofostot lo eatoeh a mort Lesgqe aa al eid? Vv 
os bLos od a2 beaeito ei “dteqosa Soygaygitoem esis dokdw ak 
-(a baw ,S2oqet a'i9deno edd yo owh bawet Jnuome ont vie liae 
.o9%0sh fan? Yo Laateves = exvoe saalloq 


91008 OF novly saw bodoLoencl bead Jauwtd oT 
‘Vitaoy tisd eldayeq ,Jeetedai baw G0éL4 Yo awe Laqlonitg oa⸗ 
Gdy to soson seatetul moques yd beonebive —R — E — 
ott de bisg Jom etew baa between asdon eaotd to owt . Mone 
o1cted bai YsteqotG begeydtem od? .beLi% eaw Lit oat ome 
asw olae to ofasailtifis ead due aoxad tot bfou need oats ekds 
ont omid oid ge ,boosolortaw baw boliaonmenw ,anibuatesue 
-s8 Jnanevoo a beaiataoy bash sewrt out be Lit aaw (lid 
e1sloeh of avenheddwnat ald to tebfod Legot oda galatzods 
yas lo Inoayaq of Luster mequ binqew Invosm ofeow wdd oud 
omtist to tastes ede as 10 .eyeh vetlad 16% noguen Jeoted¢ak | 
anigaduevbA § ,eub aestw ese inetg —— ois eo aanad wag of 
Yd gub awe 6 Lovtw ole bewstoeh aselieqes catokedvong seeds to 
oad bas anequeo seertosal ows wae Yo Ins ayaqenon ond te sOeRet 
eesinorqg begsatitom edt toe elas aad dae woxas te saomyaqenon 
-Tneaysq-mon ceva to mosnet yd 
towene sid yd atovaebns bus wovartaoce suallogqa | 
Shustaoo oi ,edoat o@oas LO sooneupuance Lagol oid blove of 
etonw eonig ott 3a enoqueo Seortesel evodd blag saege eli east 

Baw Jaotodil oA wodw of Kote edd add joldmyag aren Yods 

paid delivered to appellant's agent two coupon interest 
notes for $45 ench, duly cancelled, it transpired that 
these coupon interest notes did sot relate to the mortgaged 
property, but to other property near by, whlch was morteaged 
by another trust deed tc the same trustee and was of like 
tenor, date and amount as that secured by the trust deed 
foreclosed, there were many other such trust ceeda in many 
essential particulars the same as that found in the twill in 
the record, but covering other, though contiguous, property. 
There seems to have been seme negligence on the part ef the 
agent of appellant in paying two coupens due under a trust 
deed covering property other than that secured by the trust 
deed in this record, although appellees deny tois,W however, 
be this as it way, if the agent of appellant did pay other 
notes by Snndvertenes, and did net pay those notes which 
appellant claims he intended his agent to pay, such mistake 
must be attributed te appellant, Uf appellant Kas volunterily 
paid seme coupons other than his own, he sust auffer the con- 
sequences of such action, The law will not allow him to 
folat the responsibility afen appellees, who in no wise are 
responsible for the predicament in which appellant rinds 
himself as the result of the actions of his agent, When 

the bill was filed the two coupon notes nad remained unpaid 
for sore than thirty days after their maturity, This con- 
dition permitted appellees to declare the whole awount se- 
eured bytthe trust deed due and payable and to proceed to 
forecloee the trust deed according to itu provisions in 

this regard, It was the duty of the agent of appellant to 

gee to it when he wade the payment be did that he received 
in return the coupons which he intended te pay end not 

others, Whatever appellant's intentions regarding payment 
were, his agent received the coupons whieh he in fnet paid, 
Appellant admits the gale of the mortgaged 

fuoredat soqaos ows siege o'daallegys os bertevi los bieg 

sadd botiqenets #!  bolloonas ylub ,done, dd) tot eston 
hegaye tom ads of otsfer toa blb soton suersditl woquos oaons 
beysadtom wew dofdw ,Yyd taon yaaeqgonyg seddo of Jud Vi toqerg 
exif to wesw bas esdewt? omse ont of boob dunae. aecitone yd 

beeb Jeuxd odd yd botwven sads ae Inuvome bee odab ,tEnee 

Youn ol ebheol Jeuxt done tedso Yoram onow eieat - .eeaofoeto? 
wi Lfid od at bavol dads en emoe sds statuoiinag faisaseso 
UI9GerG ,avouyisaes aguoads ,tedso yaktevee sud H1009T ag 
aig ‘to ttsq eid mo ooaeglgea emoe need evad og amove — 

seuwtsd #@ tebau eb ancquoo ows gaiyeq mi Janifoggs 20. sa9 98 

tauwtt edd yd berw0eses Jade nad? adie yenoqgotg “‘yabtevoo boob 
-tevewoll Vaiss ynek soe lleqgs ctysrocid La sbtenes aid’ at boob 
tocigo yaq Bib gaelieqqe Yo faeya ont 14 (yam 22 ea ahdd od 
doisw esfou eaods vag ten bib bra soaostovbent yW aeten 
odngolisa Aowe ,.ysq os tasye ala bebnedal va smiafo taslloqan 
yitwtssaufLov aan taslieqaa t3 .tanliogas of bodudscien of sou 
-neo ede tot lwe oma’ on seo ais onde teodse Bmoquoo ome hing 
ot wid wolle fom [fiw wai eA olden douse ‘te eoonsspoe 

ete ssiw on al odw (eae Sloaqe Wee Ys tlidlenoques etd: abo? 
ebnit gnalleqqs doide nk sesnaoidery aad 10% oldlencquet 

ned ,Jnoyea eld to emeitoa odd to tiueert odd ca YWodmid 

blaqa beniawet bad seton sequen ows edt HeLit amw Lild eds 
“100 aldT ,ysirudaa ieds isdte eye youidd aead otom 10% 
“ea Jovouws olodw gad otatood of soo liegys boitioteq moishb 
od beeverg oF baa oldayaq bts eu beeb Jewkd addiyd Deus 

al anoivivorg adi OF yuibrosem hood suwad off gaolovt0? 

Of dnatiogqs Yo taege os Lo yiub oad gow $1 .btaget abit 

bevioosx of Jadt bib oa Jnomyaq eds oboe oc gone 32 Of soe 

gon bas yey of behbtosai ov dotiw anoquoo odd atuset al 

fcomyaq gulbtayget eaoisnolal atinalieqqa teveiatW ,eredto 

ebiag tom t al ed doldw enocqwoo odd beviesest Snaye aia —8 

begegsxom ond to onu socia adimba Jualleqga 

property for taxes, To avoid the effect of such sale as 
vicoletive of the covenants of the trust deed requiring 
prompt payment ef taxes, etc., he contends that he has 
and owne the certificate of sale, This condition in no 
way redounds te the benefit of appellant or changea the 
fact that the mortgaged property was sold for nonepuyment 
of taxes, 

The purpose intended, in requiring taxes to 
be paid premptly, is to avoid &® wale of the mortgaged 
property for non-payment and te preserve the paramount 
lien of the trust deed. The certificate of sale was a 
cloud and lien upon the property conveyed superior to 
the lien of the trust deed foreclosed, If appellant 
sees fit to contravene the covenant of the trust deed 
in this regard by failing to pay the taxes when due and 
Sllowing the mortgaged property to be sold for such non- 
poyment, he waust suffer the consequences of his derelice- 
tion, It would be inequitable to hold otherwise, Cray 
v¥. Kobertaon, 174 i1l,. 242, and Hrockway v. Meclun, 146 
Ill. App. 465, ere authorities sustaining this conclusion, 

The decree of the Circuit Court is right and 
ia therefore affirmed, 


an else dove te JooTie ed? biova oT ,eexad 102 Yhteqe7g 
gaiziupet boob tewtd ead Yo sdnaneves et? To evidaloiv 
aad of gadd ebastacs of ,,0¢o ,eexed Yo tremenq tqnong 
on al moisibacs eidt .sine Yo etanitistes edt sawe baa 
ond eegnado to tasilogga to siloned odd oF shawebet Yaw 
tnemyeqenon to? bLos saw YStaqotg begayirom edd tad? soa? 
,sexad Yo 

eo? goxas gnitiupet ai ,bobmaodni gRoqiug oat 
bogegitom os to olsu @ bieve of oi .ulequorg blag od 

dnwcantag of evesue1g of bas Snomyaqenon TOL ys teqoTg 

gs uaw oleae to otaoltitaisca eT .beeb dauid ocd to noit 

os t0olteque beyevanoo yiteqertg 943 aogw moll bua bwsofo 
jnalioqgs TI ,beeolsetet beeb Tausd odd to moit eds 
booed seuxt edd to snsneveo oat sievantneo oF +2 e008 
bas sub node sexst oid ynq of guitia® yd bieget etd at 
“20% dove tot blow od ot ySuequig begagdtom ont yatwolta 
-oiloxob sid Yo asoneupetnoo of? to Viwe Jee ont tineungalg 
X .eelwreido Slat of eidatiupent ed bfwow 41 mold 
Bal ,oulooM .¥ Yawioond bow ,ShS Lr AVL .gegdteded .¥ 
-tolestonoo ald? gauiniatawe eseicixveddus eta ,038 .qqA . {IL 
bas tigit ek diwed divorl) of? te setosd —J 
-beatitie oretetde at 


§30 - 21928 

Appellee, } 
Vs, F 


pellant, 2 a 
fit LOS L.A. Gar 


V me BRunicipal Court entered a judguent by cone 
fession fer rent and attorney's feos, under @® power contained 
in @ lease set fortn in the statement of claim, in favor of 
plaintiff and against defendant for the sum of 31181, Dee 
fendant afterwards made a motion to vacate tne judgment on 
the single contention and claim that the Court had no juris- 
diction te enter it. No affidavits were filed in support of 
this motion and no claim made of meritorious cefense to the 
—— of the judgment or any part of it, 

Defendant grounded his motion upon the fact 
that in the statement of claim it is recited that the lease 
containing the power of attorney asutuorizing the confession 
of judgment was lost or wislaid, This contention is true, 
but it appeared by an averment in the statesent of claim 
that a sworn copy was filed in its place; this fact is not 
denied by defendant, It is further set forth in the statee- 
ment of claim that the copy of the lease attached to such 
statement had been admitted by defendant in another action 
between the sane parties to be an exact duplicate of the 
original lease; and it was also adaitted by defendant that 
the original lease was executed by him, Plaintiff alse 
averred in his statement of claim that the said lease had 
never been assigned or transferred to any other person, The 

trial judge denied the motion to vacate, and defendant ap 

Hi pears,\/ | 




Bd AT cer 

rauot aur 19 ROLMIGO KAT CARAVINNE MOCLON aꝓrrour 

—8 “a —— 9 a born $n: 3009 Leqhotita est — By 
benisiacs tewo, 8 tebau ,eseT e'yvantotia baa inet 10% | anniek 
Yo tovat ni ,miaio to —— axis ad agro toa sesel s ak 
— £618 to wise ott tot Jaabaotebh teniags base Nu ⸗ata ty 
ao smemibul, eat atavay of cotton a sbast shrews taaboet - 
eaitul, on ‘had S100 ed? Jndt mielo bas noignstage oigate oid 
te Saaqaque at befit oxew adiveb: Tks of SE tague os moitoth 
Sas od su weaeh wvolretiqen 10 shan mel oa bas noitos elds 
etl to sxaq vile to ⸗ↄae nabu ons to suvens 

gost adj noqw solsom alu ——— insbine tet 
eemsl add Jnuis acinar wt te t aivnfo te avmesase oud ae ome 
moiaee'tabs ois acislroadie — to tewog one gniniasaoo 
Burt ek moidaoraon eine’ y BioLe den to deol aaw Sommpbou t, to 
‘miato ‘to tnoap tats ott ci dnomreave oa yd botsogge th sud 
gon ai toa? eluis joontq ati at bolit ¢aw yqoo stows @ sadd 
eojase vit ai Aiuot tea teddtel ok $1 .tapbaeteb yd beltneb 
igsue of bodvatia oanet edt Yo ¥ygoo etd tad? mielo to tnem 
Boljon tendons oi dasbasteh yd bottinbs ased bad tnemetata 
e422 Yo eisolilauh toare an ad oF we kined guee ed? meewled 
deus susboeteh yd bodtinbs cele aaw oi bns joRael fentgire 
oufea TTWitnial( id ¥d.Dodwoexe aaw euool Leniyiro edd ps 
bad eeae tl bisa eds tons misfo to tnemecsate etd ol borreva — 
eT ,1o8tog Taio (om of Dewye tuuntd to benglecn aeed toven 
“(6 Jasbnoted bite ,etaoay of Golsow sit Dolaeh opti, Labi 

a Te 

It appears that the judgement appealed from was 
entered in open court, Consequently, a1} preaumptions in 

faver of its velidity must be indulged, Farwell vy. Huston, 

151 111, 246, is directly in point, In this ease the Court 
BEY s 

"{t way aleo held * * that there is a broad 
distinction between cases wherein the proceedings are nad 
in open court, and cases where the judyment is confessed 
in vacation; that, in the latter case, the authority of 
the attorney must affirmatively appear, while in the former 
ease the presumption will be in favor of ibe validity of 
the judgsuent,* 

the original lease being lost or mislaid, the 
aworn copy proffered to the court in its place was sufficient 
evidence from which the court wae authorized to enter the 
judgment appealed from, Hapecially le this so in view of 
defendant's adsalssion that it was o true copy, #e think it 
Clear from plaintiff's statement of claic: that the Municipal 
Court had jurisdiction to enter the judgment wnieh it did, 

While many other guesticns are argued by coun- 
sel for both contestants, the question raised in tne court 
below was limited to the jurisdiction of the court; conse- 
quently no ether reason is available on appeal, 

The judgment of the Municipal Ceurt is affirned, 


4 Fee ae Y 

few most halsoaqan snommbay, ods Jails oxacgga tt 
sk anoliqmmera (fa ,yitasupsanod —E noqe 1 
Botuui .v ilowza .begtubat od teem vetbi tay 

Sine) eas saso aidd * -thieog ai vivourtib ek . OM 

bua — an . 

= 4 

bsetd 8 ak otdi Jadd * * Pied eta saw 31” ‘ 
bad o1Kn epaibsevcrg od? aieteaw seano — rok 

besaetaoo al Inemyoy), sds etods egeno ban ,omMOD | 

To veiraditus ood ,o@ny teddaf ond ai — 

tqearet od3 al iidw .sasqqe yisvivearitte Jaum ¥ 
to ywibifay sat to toveat mi sd ILlw ——— 

eat ,bisigin 15 Jeol gated seeel Inalgixo oui 

faetoltiue eow soetq ati at truvo ois of betoe Thotq ee ato 
649 toto of beatioidus eav tive ost dokdw mot gone ps 

to wotv at es sind ai “Yllaiseget mort de eoaa⸗ ‘2 — 

ai wiiad of .yqoe awit s anw $i tad? solewimba ats 

Leqiotava eit Jad aieio to inematade a XRE wort — 

sblb ti doine Jaeagou, eds t9edHd of sol soLbe taut bod vt 
-nvoo Yd beugte s%6 anolsecup tease Yaa eLiae 

diw0d edi ai Soeist moltsesup sad ,ataadestues diod not 

“sano ,FiNEs aAv to woidotba Lust ont of bodimkl — 

eLaeqgs ao efdaliava ek MOBHOX wedto on 

bowtitts ei guise) Lagloins eid Yo sasambut oat 



404 - 20544 

-—@ Corperat ion, 





a —— # OM » 

F dogo ttant. 195 J 67 * 

MR. PRESIDING JUSTICE PAM delivered the opinim 


ef the court. 

Tiié 18 an appeal from a judgment for $1155.69, 
rendered in a Suit brought py appellee (plaintiff below) 
against appellant, (defendant below) fcr the value of 
Gertain washed coal #old by plaintiff to defendant. 

The statement of claim Sets forth in detail 
the various months during which wash e¢ goal was purchased, 
the delivery thereof, the tinue men payments were due 
under tie agreement vetwesen the partiss and the exaet 
amount due. It aléo sot forth 4 claim for interest at 
the rate of five per cent. per annus, for failure on the 
part of defendant to pay #a2id amomt when due. 

Plaintiff was in the business ef mining md 
 @hipping cecal, having ite mines at Virden, Lllinois, 
Defendant was a coal dealer in the city of Chicago, and 

had a cmtract with the bosrd of education to supply 
part Gf the conl wed in the Ghiesgo public schcols, 
(On the 26th day of July, 1921, plaintiff and defendant 
entered into a written contrast whereby plaintiff agreed 
J to sell, and defendant egreed to buy, appr ox imate ly 

yeuso TATE ST wy 

my) A, I eer —* 

minatqe off bexevileb ours eater as 
3 .tmu09 ont to 
80 .8ELL} wt Mmongdel * sovh Leoqes aa. a ah 

(wolod ttieutalg) seliegqe yd ddguore porn * os borabaer 
% utlew oft vot (eelad Joehaetat) stast Leger: danke ge. 
taabneteh of Ttieatdfe yo Slow Laos beddae Maines 

{istos mt dirot “etee ghaty to tramotete ont 


ghetedorun: sew trop bareen ot c gin tah eH. wetter — 

One oon Gchötuet “om tr ok 4 ene —R xyort Leb odd 
Jour out One bet dred erid seomted trromeos ge ett reb au 

te tered wot mieio dba? mime otls #3 .owb Fwome 9 
et? no omiisl 102 , wens veq .oeee neq evil ke evar oft 

,owk ae ite toasone Shae wag ot pei trsg 
bos goiatw To a wots Syd aie * aa RM tae fT 

Oho WELL oehetv th eset atk ink wast face yatqat de , 

hd yagwotad Yo ytho ovstt at teon ieoo » Gee tnebaeted 
vigawe oF mtieouse ko bread odt dtlw teertme @ bad 
ewoodow os f dug opeok ao oath ab boas aoe ont to tasa 

tosboeteb bow TY tak ala «ite etal, te va —J ont 0 Woke 
Hootgs Miiahwla yseredw tomthawo cate ee * ovat beretae ane 
we tomd x0 29900 WG ot BeOyE rath ‘baa iene 

20,000 tons of lump and egg coal at a price of $1.07¢ 
per ton at the mines; said coal te be shipped in approxe- 
imately equal quantities (about 2500 tons per month) 
between the date of the contract and March 31, 1912, as 
ordered, and payments to be made at Virden on the 20th 
ef each calendar month for 50% ef all coal shipped during 
the previous month; the balance to be paid for on the 

10th of the second month fellowing shipment, 

In January, 1912 there arose between the parties 
some difficulty with reference to thie contract,| te which 
more detailed reference will be had later in the course 
of this epinion. | During the period that the school coal 
contract had to rum, defendant needed certain coal known 
ag "washed coal"; however, the transaction for washed coal 
was to be considered separate and apart from the transactions 
involving the school coal contract. It was also understood 
that payment for the washéd coal was to be made on the 10th 
of the month. following shipment. 

The evidence is undisputed that there was furnished 
by plaintiff to defendant washed coal as set forth in its 
statement of claim, amounting to $1485.37, and that the 
coal represented by the first item was delivered on February 

20, 1912. 

During January, 1912, there was delivered to 
defendant on the school coal contract, coal valued at 
$1817.08. Under the terms of the echool coal contract, 
there was due on February 20 the sum of $908.54. There 
was also due at this time $266.11 for washed coal delivered 

in January. 


$¥0.L@ to sofiq 5 3m Lwoo R39 boo qowl te smot 000,08 
-xergga ait beqgisa ed of Leen bliae yeonim of? Ja aod 198q 
(cidnom xeq aneot COGS tueda) wotiitnayp Laype Ylot ams 

am ,SfLel ,£& dots bas fostines eft To etab old noted 
A#O8 ocd oo aobxrav fs eham of of atnoamyag ora shotebte 
qaitub beqqina isos [La to ROE sot Atom aba Lao heat to 
eat mo x0t biaq od of sonalad off ptnom auoiverg odd 

<tneagide goiwolfot dion amosen edt 0 Mtn 

ackizueq oft asewied eaore siet SLOL ,yrawnal nl 


ifo Lite 02 |, axdmoe aids of oonoretor dtiw Yrivelttas omoe 

eaioo of? al uetal bad od iLiw oone1e to” beLliateb »tom : “a 
Laeo Loosioe ond tmit bokrsq ond yoko | sso Ankge aida to 0 ei ‘i 
mwoni [s00 niatxes bebosn insbnvleh ytux ot jet sositmes | ; 

Leen Sertmew tot moigcoaamars eff ,teveword ;"fse> bedaaw* en va 
noitonsnaxs of} mort fiaqga ine stataqes baetobianes ed ot saw We Y 
beoteatsbas aeic anv tl .tomitaed Leno Loodoe sid gatviovnt ee 

HtOL edd xo sham od of aaw Lao0 baiaew off tol snemyng add * 
einomqide yuiwollot.dtaom ont to 


eiuinist uew overs fot betuqaibrw ak sonmsbive ont 
eti ni Atdxot tou as Leon hbedasw tunbnetob of Ltasnlatg 2). i 
ons tadd ome ,VE.88dlg oF gaisauoma ,okslo to ——————— 
visio ao bowviieh asw oosi sail? oft yd bednsasrget ison 
cy ——— 

ot boxovileh eaw oveds ,SLOL pyreaunel gold — *3*8 

3a boulavy Iaoo ,toeirines Lgoo foonse oft mo t 
etoatdneo Lees Loosioe oft to emaod off tobe 80. 
| _ atodT 58,8008 to mun edt OS yrewadet no ou cow 


On February 20 defendant sent plaintiff a voucher 
sheck for $1100.00, which voucher check stated that it was 
& payment *on acaount." This cheek was received by plaine 

tiff and was paid in due course. 

On June 15, 1912, defendant sent a voucher 
check to the plaintiff for the sum of $376.40, ‘This 
vyeucher check had on its back the following memoranda; 

"3/26 Bill rend. 91209,72 
y 7 »* " —5* 
2/20 * " 53.09 
1911 or. ; 

10/6 Or. memo. 130 - 4,49 
26 Gr. memo, 144 - 13.92 

11/3 Cash 27.38 
2/21 Cash 1100.00 

This cheek was received and deposited by plaintiff and 
paid. It will be seen that the defendant in the voucher 
check applied the $1100 payment of February 20 on the 

washed coal account. 

It further appears from the evidence that after 
the beginning of this muit, plaintiff, on October 15, 1912, 
began an action against the defendant in the United Stetes 
district court, in which suit plaintiff filed the ordinary 
common counts, alleging damages in the sum of $5000.00. 


todouov a Yitnialq tnoe Jowbaetod OS yxewsdet AO if a 4 
aw if fuskt bedata soodo toovov xo tedw ,00,00188 — * ie 
enielg yd bevieoa: aaw aondo als? ‘.dauopoe 19" di {ie 

9eB%c9 enh ak bi ag 9— 

tefouey s trea imabnotob ,S£0L df smal ae 
aii? O08 to awn ed tot Yiidmiale ent oe 
isbratomem yuivelfet ort Xoad alt mo bat xyedo vedo 

RY .CORLE ebnew L1H 88 
d8.f8f — — 


883 lh 


beam ‘YtEpusonte ‘et tiie hist sala * mn 
weHowey ont mt Saale tb ext tant nee og ike at al tag 
J elt no OR yranadet to snemryaq OOLLG outs 

— strawoos I 
 « tette tadt someniv od? mort stasqqe — 

enn .2f xedeso0 no ,TRitmintg ,tiva eke to ym, wet vs J 
> setaze bot tet oui? wk smadaoted di —* tos 4 aot 
_— od beLtt Mitanielg diye dole mb — stehb 
— wing Aes 

> J. Py Sone ot a 4 7 

—* a 

Defendant pleaded the general issue, That suit arese 
cut ef a contreversy with reference to the scheol coal 
contract. After suit was begun in the United States 
district court by plaintiff, defendant began an action 
in the Municipal court of Chicage to recover damages 
which it claimed te have sustained because of plaintiff's 
failure to fulfill the school coal contract. This cause 
was removed te the United States district court and the 

two canes were tried together, 

Defendant claims that in the trial of these 
two cases in the United States district court, plaintiff 
admitted that the $1100.00 paid on February 20 was applied 
on the washed coal account and not on the school ceal 
contract; that according te plaintiff's accounts, there 
submitted in evidence, the $1100.00 payment was not 
applied by plaintiff on the school ceal contract; that 
all the coal ordered and delivered previously te January 
had been paid for; that no coal was ordered under the 
scheol coal contract after February 20, and therefore 
Plaintiff in that case was suing fer only the coal ordered 
and sold during the monthe eof January and February; that 
there was due for said coal not to exceed $3523.00; that 
there was proven in that case damages not to exceed $1206, 00; 
that the interest due on any theory ef the case could not 
have been more than $175.00; making a total of $4998, 00; 
that therefore the verdict fer $5081.95 rendered in the 
United States district court proceeding could have been 
arrived at only on the thoery that the $1100.00 payment 
in question had not been applied on the schoel goal cone 
tract; that the judgment entered on said verdict was res. 
Adjudicata of that fact; that with the elimination ef that 

' be — 43.0 
enota tive det! oneal Leteneg odd bebanl¢ tnabme tod 
{Lsce Looros edd of someio'tet dtiw yet9eversmeo & to tue 

anjas® betinl odd at avged eaw tive weeTA ptonttmen 
neigos na meayed jnabsetodb ,Thisniale WwW suvon ab aaa aib an 
aeyaneb tevones of ogsolds> To tuo Leake bt aid u Wes 

e'ttkinialq to eavesed bonintveue svat oF pemtsto oh fo ; = 
ssuso aidT .Joarsnon {seo Loorive off ILPTe? oo ol J 

edt ois +100 toltdakb setate betin! edt a3 — iy 
| etadtagot boiad o19w eeuao owt : 7 

eusds to Lalit ode mt tad emialo Jnabagted , 2 aie — 
ttiinialg ,tiwoo fokuteib aetata betinU sid at somes od 
beifyqa aaw O8 yisurdet oo bhag 09,001L§ end Jadt podsinda ih 
Laco foodoa oft no don baw taveopa Seon besiaaw ont me 
otedd ,@inuopow altiksalalg ot gakbveme tats jfoatimen . 
fon eow teromyag 00 0OZLG oft ,oormbive at hots knee pen 
tad? ;Joatsneo Is00 Loooa ofd no Thitniste yi betiqgs | 
Yreunst of yLevelverq betevifeh bas osiebuo Laem exit ts an 
eit 195mu betebie esw Ineo on Jods ytoT bing avod bed | he 
sreterod? bas ,O8 yiawstdet seta sSosttmop laod Loorioa | | 
perebto fnep edt _ELmo tot gmive sew sas tate a Trhtmk J a 
soadd pystanidet bas Yiauiret, to siitnom ott. ania Plea By J 
dads zoo caacâ booo xo oF Jon Leon bine to? exh asw ouedt ie 
700.00 813 boooxe oF fon asyaued ad date ai aevoug asw oro 
ton SLv00 sas9 oft Yo yroods Ye mo oh teesesmi odd tate 
{00.882 to Latot » yr tomes gOO.a0LE mame exon wood ovat 
odd ak botebhmes &0, Aong <0 tobbrov oat overeat sas — 
org S100 fokudebb aotadt a * 
trearyeg 20. 20449 ont, asta Yroods od KO ylno. ta | 2 
exon Lxoo Looroe oid te bekiagn woe — 
g97 Saw to tbaov bise ao botssn9 

tad? 20 nottankmbde om thw tac 


need ovat hives guibeso 

question here, there was no further issue to be determined, 
consequently piaintiff had no cause of action, as the paye 
ment of $1100.00 and the check for $376.40 constituted full 
payment ef the amount due for washed coal, the subject matter 

ef thespresent suite 

Plaintiff contends, however, that its suit in 
the United States district court was not for the value 
ef said coal at the contract price, but for the market 
Value thereof, together with damages for defendant's failure 
to order cosnl im quantities orovided for in the school coal 
contract, during the months prior to January; that it based 
its right to a recovery fer damages upon an alleged breach 
of the contract by defendent; that the $1100.00 payment 
was applied by it on the school coal contract, and that 
the jury in the United States district court proceeding 
so found, 

In support of their reppective contentions, beth 
Parties introduced testimony as to the proceedings in the 
United States district court, not only as to the evidence 
there offered, but also the rulings of the court thereon, 
the pleadings and the instructions to the jury. This testie 
mony was given by th: respective attorneys who represented 
the parties in the litigation both in the United States 
Whaerith sans 1% the proceeding at bar. 

It appears fren the evidence that the testimony 
in the proceeding in the United States district eourt showed 
that up to Pebruary 20 about 7506 tons of coal had been 
delivered to defendant under the school coal contract, 

5262, 02 tons of which were furnished between January 12 
ané Fenruary 20; that on February 20 defendant demanded 
that the balance of the ona under the school coal contract 


— — 
7 oe 

— a4 
shontntesed wv of aucat tedicut on sew etods ,e4es soignewp 
<(eq od? ae ,noites. To ones on ball TUabely visteupeartes ' 
Lust botutizanco 0,8VE5 ret desi ort bow 00,0048 to toe ie 

tetiom toetdua eft ,faco Seriaaw 10t exb dnwome ot Yo Sl a : 

stive — ie 

ai tive att snd ,covewod ,abemdmon Tubtatass | ay. 



@uflav oft tot ton sew tauom eoetb aetare bor ket edt 
Soavun oft tot tnd ,soktq soantioeo add ta Leoo obna te a 
etulia? atinehao teh 1ol aegenab ditw rodteged . tooteate euler | 
{aes Leonog oAt mi tet bebhvow geldidomaup ai isen tebe os 
beaad ji sont porauisl of tote edtwom odd gait — 
doaetd hogolia ca neg avgentab TOt yrIovenet « oF dghe atk 
soe sega 90, 00LL9 of3 tadt sdnebaetead yw toatinen ad? te 
tad bas ,toartnoo Lace Loodee oft me ti yo be sigue eaw 
gniberootg t1u00 foind¢akh pasted? bovkny odd ob wut odd 
—⸗ is 

Selah Se 


Ased .,anoitactmes evisoogaes xivad te oaaus —X 

eis mi aynibseoorg odd of 96 yond Jd ood boouborgmd Arrea 
aonnbive oi? of a8 ying ton Aaues dotutadw aetase ber ind we 

eMoorndls Sivoo sit to agniser emt oaLe Sud ene te onyn⸗ 

ehiaed aid .ytul ot of anoigouttami att baa santbne te ont . 

bednoserge: oly ayeototia evitosgast oat wl raves  . von 
asgasi botin' adv mi dtodd norteyka ts ort 9 Zura ous : r 
OLS sna sey ee 4 7 

etad ja aa ihessena ait “ * + 

Wromidsest add taett sthentve oF? umxt awaceqa II rae 

bewesin $xusoe teixrsakS actat® pedkav off mk gitdceneng a ) mk 7 

J xood ben Iaoo te ame¢ OOGY sz OS asierea of qu # it 
etowxrtnoo Leen Loodon off teony Meebneteb oF . 

RL Yrauiat meowted bertnteayt stow Aokiw to amet : 
 bebrasnd : oaenint ot eee eee ae sas 

7 es a 

(Aæ, co tona) to be delivered during the reminder of the 
contract period via., »y April 1; that upon plaintiff's 
refusal to comply therewith, defendant declinede to order 
any more coal from plaintiff; that plaintiff claimed that 
the failure te order coal as provided for under the cone 
tract, at the rate of 2500 tons per month, constituted 
a brench of the contract, by reason of which breach 
plaintiff had the right te recover any danages suffered 
as a result thereof, also for the coal delivered during 
January and February, on the basis of the market value, 

and not upon the contract price. 

The evidence further showed that in the course 
of the trial in the United States district court it 
appeared that after thin contract had been entered inte, 
| the price of coal declined to a figure below the price 
therein provided for, during the months of August, 
September and October; that during said period, defene 

dant's erders fell considerably below the monthly quota; 
‘ent during November, when the price of coal rose above 
the contract price, defendant ordered 2000 tons - nearly 
the full quota; that during Gecemwber, when the price again 
declined, defendant ordered only 1000 tons; that during 
January and February, 191%, when the weather became cold, 
the price cf coal advanced sharply; that because of defene 
dant’ s failure to erder cosi as contracted for, plaintiff 
had made certain contracts with other pecple, so that when 
defendant ordered in larger quantities in January, the 
Pinintiff, by reason of these emergency contracts, was unable 

t® commence deliveries to defendant until January 12; that 


=~ —5 
ont te xsantemns gid gaixvd boreviled of of (amor (908,82) 
e*tiigeielg moqu tard gf Livga ul 4 .skv boiteg to nnteoo 
t9bt9 af Senifoob tnabastoh  Ative silt eto ad. Laawtor 
tate beetalo Thiemtald dads yTbtiakald; wort Leo. omoRt ese 
eves off tebmu to? bebiverq as feon asb10 of ont List wey 

bedusisenoo  iltaem req anet GOES to eset ont De. ,soeet Tra 

inoetd dokelw Xo coamet yf ,nattnen of? to Mose a 
boxsttvc aegeusbh yaa reyeoet of dys oste bact Vektekete 
giitub boveviteh foo odd tot oats ,towredd divert a em 
,eutev texvitem oct to ainad eit mo — E ire Pies 

| ooking toatinor ‘ats moqu fon baa _ 

eeivoo afi ni sSadd beworla isadist sonebive oAT 
$i Fuveo tointeid voted? bos kai! ont a2 Labut eft Yo 
ini betstee need bad toavinos eidd toda takt botsoqqe ‘ 
soing add wolod ormgit o at honifeob Lmoo Yo eatig aft) 
efaugua to orinom ont grinned ,rot behivesq nioreds | 
mp teh ,boiteq bisa goiiue dodt pxsdotoO bam todmerqeat 

jatoup videnem sit woled yldeteblewos Ifpt exebte a’ nab — 

svods gaex faeo ‘to coir ond conw ,tadmevet qittab Jadt y J * 

Yisaon - ano) JOOR Letabte tnabnoleh ,opbig rarere sf? i 


loge eoing ond norw ,todexoed gmituh fade gatoup Llut odd 4 
guiiubh tact ganot OOOL ylno bereb<o gnebaetoh ,bemtfoob 6 
ebieo amacsd tedisow sot netw ,SL0L .yrertdst bra Oe by 


ensteb to savsped jarit ;ylqteda beonavbe tn00 Yo sett ott babs 3 
Ttitnialg ,»rot besoatsnon aa Leon tebt9 oF stwiist seme * 
tertw dai? of ,elqorg tonto ttiw adowrdmoo alaties obam 

edi ,yrauniat. mi avtti¢nayp iwgteal at bowbi0e —* 

sidan sew ,afoerinon yoney tom sais be nosaer yd , 

the amount ef ccal delivered from January 12 to February 
20 was practically on « basis of 25°00 tons per month, 

It appeared further from the evidence in the 
case at bar, that in the su&kt in the United States dite 
trict court, defendant's statement ef claim in the 
Municipal court of Chicago was. introduced, showing the 
market price of coal during January and Yebruary was $2,060 
and $1.75 per ton, respectively; that plaintiff introduced 
evidence showing the market price dsy by day; that defendant 
Claimed the market price of coal during January and February 
ranged as follows; 

January 10 to 16 

$2.25 per ton 
16 25 1.75 

do 25 Bl <= - - 1,78 
Feby. @ & Beene 1,90 
do 4to Qeoew = 1,65 
do 10 19 w-2 ~~ » 1,95 
do 19 &220<+-+-+- 1,606 

it further appeared that in the United States 
district court Paul J, Alwart, secretary of the defendant 
company, testified that the payment ef $1100.00 was origine 
ally intended as payment of the $908.54 due February 20 for 
January cosl deliveries under the school coal contract, and 
an item of $268.11 due for washed coal, but that later, viz., 
in June, he applied the entire amount in payment of the sum 
due for washed Goal, and that plaintirr acquiesced in such 
action. It further appears that defendant based ita claim 
for the application of the $1100.00 on the washed conl account, 
upon the fact that the voucher cheek for $376.40 showed that 
the $1100.00 was applied by defendant to the payment of all 
washed coal, This was also testified to by Mr. Alwart in the 
case at bar, 

It further appeared that in the United States dis-e 
trict court proceedings there was evidence that the washed 

@0al account was separate from the schoel coal contract, and 

yranidet of SL ytawnst mort bexrevifeb Igoe te tawomm ett 
«tines tog amet O°88 Yo aiand os co yYlisoisjoaig saw O8 

eat ni somobive odd mott wentewt ooteocge #1 
eaih aotai® botin edt al @awe oft ni dedt ,tad tn ogee 
edt mi mielo to tnomegste a'tnabas ted _— toixt 
odd aniwoda ,boovboteni enw ogoolal to txvos Lagtotselt 
00,88 aaw yrauvxdést bes yrewnel grtiuw {eco to eolbtq foatzam 
booubowsi Tisnial; tatt gylevidovsgeet ,vot toq BY.f8 dna 
tunbasteb Sand pyeh yi yah eokig fexttam oft geiwore oonmbive 
YIsuideT bas ytaunel geiuh La00 to sotxg deste ost bomtalo 
rewollot am beget 

mos 19q@ Gh,R8 

-~-~- «= Bf of OL Yteunal 
Qv.f + «+ - 8& af ob 
O¥.t -~« - = £& ue ob 
G@4f «~<« -«8f 6-8 4 
aa.f oe — e ot EY ab 
@@.L — Of of ab 
O0.0f — — 7 = O & OL ab 

gated besint! off ai sarit peraeqan voddugt 21 
tusbnetsS eft to ywietstese ,trawiaA .%. Lual pjaives deltteth 
etiigtto asw 99.0018 ‘to tomoaryng ond Jandy Sek tated , yuaquoo 
sot O8 ytawstdet sub 54,6008 off lo treryaq as bebnetai ylis 
bas ,soaxtmoo Isom Lovidoa of? isbay eoiieviiob Leon yraumal 
eRhY ,todel tad? sud ,Looo boceaw sot onb £1.60) to mesh as 
sue oft to tmemyeaq oi Snvomm otitne old bokioga of ony ak 
dowe at beogelupor Vildnialg satis bua ,Laco beriase +02 oub 
misio afi beasd Snabnetob Jatt atseqqe todduvt #1 = .aeksoe 
furcoos Ison bedaaw ent no 00.00L1% off Yo noivnoliqga oft tet 
dads bewods O8,0TE§ 102 xinedo todovov edt tad? font odd woqw 
Lis to tnomysq ett of fnebuo'tod yo bebiqqs ean 0 .00LL9 ent 
ant ai trewiA .iM yd o¢ boltiteses oals ssw eifT .fe0o bodaaw 
«tad fa aso 

-8ib getas® bhotinv off mk tact botaeqgn tedtiyt 31 
berimaw ont tadt somebive aaw otecdtegatbeovorq duv0o totit 
brs ,foatsmeo Loeo Looe odt sott edetaqea aaw tevovee Leon 


that plaintiff anc defendant had agreed that the washed 
coal account be taken care of independently of any 
difficulties arising with reference to the sahoel coal 
contract; that A. J. Maloney, vice president of the 
plaintiff company, testified that the $1100.00 was 
applied on the amount due for coal delivered in January 
on the school coal contract, and on the washed coal 
éklivered in January; that afterwards (in May) the 
defendant, by separate check, paid for the washed coal 
delivered during January, whereupon the entire sum of 
$1100.60 was applied on the mmount due on the school 
egal contract. It further appeared that in the United 
States district court proceeding, the question whether 
or not the contract had been breached was one of fact, 
and that the jury were instructed that if they believed 
from the evidence, that the contract had been breached, 
Plaintiff might recover the market value of the coal sued 


On this state of the record, defendant contends: 
first, that its voucher check for $376.40 was tendered 
te plaintiff as a payment in full for the washed coal in 
question. This centention is based upon the fact that 
the voucher eheck contained on the beck  ~ the memoranda 
which we heve already set forth; that plaintiff, by accepte 
ing this check acquiesced in the application of the $1100.00 
to the payment of the amount due on the washed eoal account; 
that in fact, the giving of this voucher check and the ace 
eceptance thereof constituted an agreement on the part of 
plaintiff to accept this check in full for the washed 
coal. And co .nsel for defendant argues that under the 
facts, the sourt should have held as a matter of law that 

bedeaw odd tect boorge ber grodneteb one Wdalalg dedd 

win to ylinebuaogebmt to e180 9 sing ow, SMSO OR Laoo 

{soo foorva off of evomor8eles male gilalse avd¢, art bY, 
edt to dnobiavig wsdv ,yemolek .% .A tad a 

— kaw 06 ,00LL9 ont todd beltiseo? ,yingmoa- oF 
Vidura, at beivviteh Imes 0% exb socom oat ao bab, 

{ooo bevleaw edt mo bee ,Joatteon Laop Loosen oat m0 | 

one (yal ms) abweriet ta dads poreumel ab herewrh id 

fae bernew ost sot blag ,doois otetaqges yd foaiee eb 
to swe orltne of? moquesarey , yeas gots aerevhind ie 
Loodoe ot no wh tomoma oft Oo bed loge amw 00,.00440- peat 
hosinY sd ad tach betmogan octd cu a —R Lacu Nites 2 
todtedw moiteoup ond ,yolboooorg #11109 todnte th aosata —J 
stoat Yo ono aay beriveotd need bast tassios ould ian 0 
bevel ted yodt Th sasit Setowrtant omw yaut ond Ans ba. 

4 doit 

bedoassd need dar toasdnoo — dans somes bv, omg. * 

fabmesace saabnytob ,broves oad to wdede vid wm — 
“petadr9d adw OB.9TER ‘vol Koodo vosovev atk tase 7 att 7 : 

“mt Laon beifsew eos vot! flirt mi trosyaq a an Vitimial@ on ea 
tadd ont ott koqw poaiad et nolswotnos. naar no er 
‘habratemem od 2 Hood alt ao demtetien ‘Henn ——— moe} 
stqooon ys ,YWidnialy dat poldvot sew ybevrls over’ ow ‘ose ne J 9 
00 .00LL§ ont to ao dd ad ð Aqas sot mt beoastuppa Aoose aia) yak 
yimvoove Ls99 bedamy ot mo sub tavoms ont to tema oat ‘7 
-08 off bua Aoedo tendovev atdt to gelves ont doer mt do 
to tiaq ont mo dromeetye oa bedud Yoowes monte. 
bottasw edd tot LLwh mk Ad veld olay —3 og v 

hi le 19 beus sedd aougte Snabae ten | 0 8 
9— “tests wal to s9d3an a an biod v 


thie constituted a contract. In this contention we camnot 

It appeared from the evidence, that during 
January plaintiff delivered to defendant coal valued at 
$1817.08. Under the terms of the school coal contract, 
onewhalf of this became due February 20, This was due when 
the $1100.06 check was sent. There was also due at that 
time for washed coal delivered during the month of January, 
the sum of $268.11. ‘The evidence in the case shows thet 
plaintiff at thie time applied the $1100.00 te the payment 
of these two items. The item of $268.11, however, was aftere 
wards peid by separate check of the defendant, and thereupon 
Plaintiff credited the entire $1100.00 on the amount due 
under the sehool coal contract. Aecording to Alwart's 
testimony, the $1100.00 was sent on February 20 in order 
to protect defendant's rights under the contract, some 
difficulty having arisen between the parties with regard 
thereto. On this very day (Fevruary 20) defendant demanded 
of plaintiff the delivery by April 1, of the entire balance 
due under the school coal contract (12,506 tone) ef coal. 
Clearly, therefore, at the time thie $1100.00 payment was 
made, defendant must have intended that it sheuld be applied 
en the school coal coytract, in order to justify its demand 
fer the 12,500 tons under the contract. This is evidenced 
further by the fact that February 20, the date of the paye 
ment, was the date when the first item of the account sued 
for in this case was purchased, and thie item did net become 
due until Warch 10, 

The first intimation that any claim was made by 
defendant that this payment of $1100.00 should be applied 

tomas ow aclénotmen aids al .tomttoop a —— beard 

atiuwh tant ,sonebive eit métt boxeseun #2 4 
ta Seulav aos tmabnoteh of botevifed Thitnialg yw 
«tomtines Lmon Loose acla to axed ond tebe .80, 

now oub asw aid? .O8 yxswtdot eub samood aise to Wm 
tad? tx sub oats saw oxsdt trea sew foods 09 .00006 f 
Vrnumal. to dion ott yatuwh Sereyiied Lago bode cot sane ian a 
datt @worle onan off ni comobive off 1.8085 to awa ont * 
toemyag ot of GO .0Q1f0 odt bokfgus amit siat Ja Tiitetelq 
tatts caw ,covewot ,£1,8089 to meti oft .amedtl owt eucdt to y ; 

Noguetet? bis ,tnebreloh oft to Aoeso eteteges yt * — 

a'itawt, of gnibtoonA .toetenoo faoo LIoodoe edd 19bau ; ae 
tebto ai 38 wrenidet mo fnea asew 00,.00L11¢ oar Veromttass 
amos ,Soatino: sit usbae atvinda ateoabae'leb foasetq of n 
bingei ddiw ackirey ost meowted meatus geived ive tEEh 4 
hebnanch jnsbastoh (08 yrmrsdet) yab yxev adsdt a0 sotorodd 
sonaiad exkine oft to ,f Linge ys — ext ⸗antata nel 

eye oft Te efabd odd ,O8 yYraNIdeT Jot soot oft yo 
howe 3Jnuonoa ot to weti Seuli ond? wore otab od? cow ,énom 
emcoed You bLb smth elit tun ,decadorg sew Sane ste am ot 
QW oham saw miato yrs tasdd — ont 


Other than to the school coal comtract, was by way of a 
memorandum on this voucher check of Junel6. At this time 

th re was a disagreement between the parties with reference 

te the seheol coal contract. However, there had been no 
dispute as te the amount due for washed coal, and it appeared 
from the evidence on behalf of both parties, that this 

was a separate transaction. Defendant admits the amount 

due for the said washed coal, but arbitrarily applies $1100, 00 
to the payment of it.\/[ieving ones applied this $1100.00 

on the school coal coniract, plaintiff was net bound te 
transfer the credit to the washed coal account; and se the late 
ter account was not in dispute, it can net be said as a matter 
of law, that the reseipt ofithe check for $376.40 with the 
foregoing memorandum thereon, by plaintiff, without objection, 
constituted an agreement whereby the $1100.00 credit was te be 
transferred from the school coal gontract to the washed coal 
account, and the $376.40 to be considered in full of the 
latter account. On the contrary, plaintiff was at liberty 

to ignore the memorandum on the back of said check, and 

apply the $376.40 as - partial payment on the washed coal 
account. It therefore became a question ef fact fer the 

jury to say whether or not by the acceptance ef this cheek 
Plaintiff had agreed that this $1100.00 might be applied 

te the payment of the amount due for washed coal. The jury, 
by their verdict, found that it was not, and from a careful 
reading of the evidence, we are firmly of the opinion that 
they were fully warranted in se finding. It isa net in 
accordance with reason and probability, that men, having 
already received money and applied it, should, several months 
later, consent to the application of this eame amount in paye 
ment of an account which had not even begun te exist at the 


a to yew yi aaw ,¢oertmos Lmoo Loodea edd of nat pry 
emis aint th .@Leanut To ap erlo xeowov etna a6 mus 

eonorete dtiw entiiaq ord neewied Ineeeorgselb a saw 14 

gins fad? ,asiirsq ted to Waited mo semebive ond | 

geome off atinds tnabneted .noidosamend oceragna & maw 

9 .00LL$ asiiqgs ylirattidie sud ,fzoo, borlaew bien ont set ob 

00 .OOLL# atv? ooilgge vone. — te 2a 9Ergag. ous 08 

os bauvod tor aay Ttignialg ,toarénvo Lege foutow set mo 

tel edt ae one jztnnonos Leos bedaaw ant of tibexo addy. reine 

reftam s aa bisa o¢ fon mao $2 yoduyakb at con aew tones tot ~ 
ed? Mtiw Q4,0°S$ sot Aoedo ond! to iqleont edt dade gwek te- - 
moitootdo tuodtin, .Yibiniele yd .sKog vel? mybnetomen aatogotet 
of of aaw dibets 00. .001L¢ ont ydeisde treweotas me bedus tienen — 

izes baviaaw odd of toaxtuon fiaeo Leadon s4% mort pone: 

edt to Livt oi botebianod ad of Ob.GTEH ont baa stawoo98 in 

Yredil ts aay Misniale ,criatiaen oft oO stuonea sedtal — —— 
bate ,fosrio bias to Xond sift mo mubmaxamem ont i J 
{eon bedanw oii no Insmysq tetisag 6 ae Ob BTR MF 

eit Tot teat ko motineup a ommpad otarexontd, a. poo 
toons visit to sonatqeooa odd yd ton 10 tester we ot q th 
beifous s¢ tdaim 00 .0O0Lf@ wind Jadt bee tga bast Vidatale ee 

; XxXxub. sui? £200 aoleaw rot on ay ote ‘te —E—— edd ari) 

ivtetso a soxt bie, fea aaw ak darts — * * — A a 

5 at ¢en ah #2 — ob ‘peti itu ers 
_—gatvad jem dnd? yyelitdadotc bas monaes dttw oo | 
⸗ larovos .piuona , tt betiaga baa xenen beviooe x 
ai Invome sme aint Io moisaoklega odd 
} ta teins OF muyed neve Fen dad sioLutw, 

time the said payment was made, especially in view of the 

fact that the account to whieh it had already been applied 

was in dispute. | 

Defendant niso maintains that the jury in 
the United States court proceeding had determined as a 
matter of fact that defendent had not been oredited with 
the sum of $1100.00 on the amount due under the school 
ecal contract, but on the contrary, that the jury by 
their verdict had found that elaintiff had applied said 
$1200.00 in payment of the amount due on the washed coal 
account; that therefore such “essential fact having been 
determined by a court of competent jurisdiction may not 
be again paseed en by another court in ligitation between 
the sans partica,*’ | counsel admits in his brief, however, 
that the question whether cr not such "essential fact* 
Was passed on cannot be determined from the pleadings in 
that case in the United States court, because the dceclarae 
tion cwnsisted enly of the common counts, and the plea one 
of general issue, but contends that the doctrine of 
®esteppel by verdict” applies to the facts in the case at 
var. This principle of law is set forth in Hanna, et al ve 
Reod, et al, 102 I11, 596, wherein the court anid (p.602): 
Rk** Where some specific fact or question 

has been adjudicated and determined in a former 

suit, and the same fact or question is again put 

in issue in a aubsequent suit between the same 

parties, its determination in the forme? suit, 

if preperly presented and relied on, will be held 

conclusive upon the parties in the latter suit, 

without regard to whether the cause of action is 

the same in both suits or not.” —— 
Defendant further asserts that in arriving at a determination 
as to whether or net such fact was adjudicated in a former 

proceeding, the rule of law as laid down in 23 Gye. 1506 

wfLe | ; 
ect to weiv at «liafoweqa» .oban cow tremyeq hike ’nty anche 
beifqgs need ybaotls bed th cokrnw of Snvepagm grit tons tout 
| a ak aew 


ak rst eat add ombetmham onta ery a 
& ae boniuistobh bart antbseoore Pep aateds oa pinns ode 
itiw besihoww ased fom bed suabmsteb fart). tow te x98ttam 
Loosen. oft tohaw awh Jnwome weit ne 90 00500, ‘we. gue ould 
yd yumt odd stadt , yteténoo * fm dest towutstes {noo 
biea boliqqe bad Ttivaials fant Bavot bact doi <ioult 

feo berteaw ed mo ah tevomm of to trongay oh OOCOLEE _ | ; 
need gatved toat faltaonae” dove —E 5 ani jenregen 
Som \aut Mortoibaiaul tasteqmes to deo o at voninaaden 
nowwted moisatigi£ ak saves seailt orem v ise pevasng alau⸗ od 
vtovewor ,Yotet ein at atimbs ‘indeed —— uaa oui 
®toat lakineneo” dows or vo ed noiteeup one ants 

ai aynifeele eid mort bemhecedab nef Formac “eG haanay 4 
egiafoob ots gawagad ,duies sededh bos int vals wh sao tants 
ono aelg odd baa ,stmueco somos oft to yoo detatenmacts 
to eniutooh si? Jedd sbaetnop ted ,owead fateneqg to * J 

ta vaso oft mt atent i) of aedlqqe "tolbrev vd fegqotae" ; 
at £8 12 . gang at dttot toe ai wel te siqionixe eidT tad z ° 
3(808.q) bise duneo oft miaxrsdw ,8@8 .IfI SOL 4a 8 bao 

neisdaonp 10 toast sitioeges sume ov bhsiahal ——— “i 4 
tomxo% x oi hentarrwede! bros 2 aan 
fug aisga oi welteeup to Jos? come 9 
onan AF Meowsed Shue tr. 

biod of ILiw ,ao beilet ina beta 
live tosial oft mi woituag odd wow ev ¢ 
ai molto to sevag oct xextode of Baayen yp 
| [ "stem xo at kus “ited ok omen 

— ® te yniviwte mk sale 
rewio? 2 nt hefenthutbs ase font soue t ax 
ask 2X2 ES ah twob bint sn Wad. 20 le 

applies, which rale provider as follows: 

“Matters which follow by necessary and 
inevitable inference from the judgment - finde 
ings or determination of the court in relation 
to the subject matter of the suit which are 
necessarily implied from its final decision 
as being detersinations which it murat have 
made in order to justify the judguent as rene 
gered are equally covered by the estoppel as if 
they were specifically found in so many words, 
or in other words, it is allowable to reason 
beck from the judgment te the basis on which it 
stance and regarding the judgment as a conclusion 
and finding it te be ene which could have been 
drawn only from certain premises, the premises 
are equally ree adjudicata with the conclusion 

Defendant contends that, under the facts in 
evidence in the case at bar, it appears conclusively 
that the verdict of the jury (in the United States 
district court proceeding) can only be reconciled with 
the theory that the plaintiff had not applied the $1100.00 

to the school ecoaxl contract. 

|The question whethereor not there was an estéeppel 
by verdict was clearly ene of fact for the jury, and the 

court in the case at bar so instructed the jury. | 

Defendant introduced evidence from which it 
contended that the jury should have concluded that the 
verdict in the United States diatrict court was justifiable 
only upen the theory that plaintiff had not applied the 
$1100.00 on the school coa contract. Plaintiff introduced 
evidence from which it contended that the jury in the 
United States court must have arrived at their verdict 
upon the theery that defendant breached its contract 
and that plaintiff could recover on the basis of the market 
Value of the coal sold during January and Vepruary, and 

not upon the basis of the contract price.\ Therefore, it 

was for the jury to determine whether or not the verdict 

tewolle?t ea aebiverg afwt dio tlw an iLogn 

has Yiseasoen yd wellot do Low etottau™ 
-hait « tnompoyt oft mort eonovelat oidetive 
noidaior ai guveo sat to molsanintetes 16 et 
ois dotdw tive odd to tettam Joo(due ry 4 
soLoioed Lanit atk mort bebiqeti eS ae a 
evar sawm 3i doliw anoldanionsiek goied . —F 
wot a6 toomgbwl edd YRistewl of 19540 as 3 
ti aw focqodse eft yd bereven vileaupe ota beteb 
,ebtow yan o2 mi buvot yLiaoilioage stew b a 
novast of sldawolie ai 21 ,ebtow rerite fm, —— 
$2 doisnw oo aivad sid of Inomgbul, oft mort ; J 
motaviones s an tramgent sft galbiayer tne — a 
need sved Sivoo mokdw ono ed of 24 gaibnlt baa 
aveiaerq off ,eenimetg nistres sew? yino. 

noiawstonen off dt iw agapibulbs Soi % — 

nt ago? oct reba ,tadt abaotnoo ctaers ted 
YUeviaslornso etasqaa Jk ytad te gaan ort ai acasbive a lag 
getes betint off mi) wrest ot te tokbaev end tad? 
Atin beLionvees od yieo age (gnibseporq tine foirtakb f 
90 .00LL8 en? belicgs som bat Thitelala eat sede? yuoedd odd — 
atoartnoo Leon Loodpe oft of 

Ieqqetao ma saw oxo) gon tosreifedw moitseup ont | 
sit bos ,~aut od tet fost te ono yftaeto saw dodbtev yd 

vxi ot betourtant on tad te ean ave mk fayeo \ 

tk doidw mott sonebivea boowbotini tnebnas ted | 


eid dedt bebulomoo evad biveria vil sid tad? bohrocod ; J 
eidsititent, esw ttveo toLttalb eetat& betint! ond mh sotbtev J 

odd deilqqs ton bar Yrivwkalg sant Croseta odd noqu vino a 
bsoubersnl Tiisnials .doaiines akon Loodoe ont me 00,00L1§ | 
eid ni ytwl ot sant bobmogmeo fi Moldw aott eonoblve ‘ i 
foibiev tient da beviv«e evead taym due setatt bosin 
togismoe att berloaontd Jnabme hb Jad? yreeds aad mocu ar 
teotiam sit to atand odd mo teveoo Dives WMitniale sald ona ns 
bas .craurn(@t dno Yraunat yatwsb bLoe fac ext Yo olay Me 
di ,orotered? V.eoitq soatiavo ot to alead Mot moe gon ‘gh a 


* On we wade ia alla 


in the United States district court was based upon 

the theory advanced by plaintiff or upon that cone 

tended for by the defendant. The jury in the case at 

bar were evidently ef the opinion that the verdict 

in the United States dictrict court was based upen 
plaintiff's theory, viz., upon the market value of the 
coal plus the damages for the breach of contract. The 
court entered judgment upon said verdict, We are clearly 
of the opinion that both the jury and the court were 

warranted in arriving at their respective conclusions, 

Defendant aleo assigns error on the question 
of interest, but in view of the fact that in the course 
of this opinion we have treated the amount due for washed 
coal as being undisputed, it was clear}y entitled to 

recover interest. 

Finding no reversible error, the judgment will 
ve affirmed. 


“goo tads togy to Ttitnialy “ne bor 
te sean evi? ak yw edt = .dmsbro ted watt y 
goibtey ont act woinine odt to yltne 
noqu beaad saw tives fotiuib aetada bax 
eis to eufav sedrem esit moqu ,saiv ,y rood? 
aft .tomitnos to desetd et Ot segamab ect 
‘ yftaefo exe oW .ftoibiev bias mogu dmompbst, botesan9 
stew Piveo os ~~ anon heal 
sanoleuioneo evitoegaes tlesd ¢s anivicwe at & 5 

NOeFooup od mo TOTYS atgieaa ogin tnebme' ted 
saxo old xh dant tot ent to wetv mi dad teem: 
hefeaw 10% oub tavoma odd bodsott evaul ow moimtge 8 — 
of boltitne yftmeto asw th) heguqn tian wiied wt - 
—J——— ‘tev æ 

Liiw mepbut, od? , tore sidiexever — Th = Ne 



378 = 20708 


—_ in Errer, 

ook courry 

Vie \ 

PlaintiafT in aes 

498 TAs? 

STATEMENT OF THE CASRse \Thin dn an actien of 

tregpana on the case by dufendant in errer (plaintiff below) 
againet plaintiff da error (defendant below) and also Dr» 
Frank ON AO the rooovery of damages fer the alleged 
wrongful detention sazounting to fole@ imprisonment in the 
hoapital conducted by defondcant companys, During the trial 
Oy. Deacon was dismiased from the case and the trial proe 

cecded against the keapital company alone, 

in the amended declaration it wae alloged that 

defendants were operating the Skhedee Avenue Yospital for 

profit; that plaintiff’ was o vatient therein for reward; 

tuat she was recovering from the effecte of «a serious major 
operation which bad been performed at the howsitals that 

om April @, 1912 ahe was disehorged from further heepitel 
treatment by her surgeon, with permission to leave the 
hespiteal and return home; that she was in s weak and 
highly norvous conditien, due te eaic operation, but that 
she war phyticelly able te leave said heepital, and attempted 
te do say thas dafenda mths, disregarding their duty en said 
date, desanded that —— plaintiff? be pernitted to leave 
the hespitel, she sign a pronlesery note for the eum 
tamed aus defendante from plaintiff, for accommodation as ) 
mt in wald kogpitak; that aid note contained a —* 



: one are 


eee vs sonnet | 

,THUOO CUNET 9J 4 J prone 

fsa —* son 
keer <8 

ss A.I an Ly os 

to moses no at aft aN J wea’ aur wo TWaRATATS | 
(weted. Piswor Laty } ete. Pa gaan’ i J meh auld wo wa 3 
ti outs bine. (wads teruione eh ) ‘20%. ae ik, —— —— 
‘beyiila. os OT amgamih. ro, WRAY OF ok aus xt «bee oe , 
ott ak Inocmonbaqat oelat od, gunttawoine xotdrotob tyne 
fektd wilt gotbawd xnaaos terad Vole pedo wise Hashana 

eaig fakx? O59 dune saan git woe, besa icons J oes aa 
One ba ngror —— unt —— — 

‘gud bognlin —⏑ o o ———.— belicmime nel? evil 

wot Lngiqect’ wsmeri saber ont gtitareqs om abanbeeteb 
poreHey x62 phos Ipite « saw Titelele sss ieMorwq 
aotam suoites « Lo efout'te ade newt. ‘gubewroiin: aw ete (ace 

dant {Lad iowa ace om hagmietang mond fase! fe bite nod tertago 
bat as o nel au mirth Rigleiiiee 2s awe wie ‘StL (@ Lag we 

oat — ot woxmedaneiy cite sacar et ot ema, 

bas taow a rik iciy Mle Slat joel read 

tant dud swobtorsgs Siew of uh ,moiebhinon orune age 

botqwezte bus , ladiqpor pies syHe! 03 Ofte vb Low bewte ow sete 

btoo vo yuk thodd prioteneiath . str adeotod * * ** 

ovmel of dbottloneq of Ttkentaky “Sata —X 
mua edt 10% Ohom Yrowadmony # ty | Fe 
Ba NaiInboumeses rol ,Waiele wovt tt 
bp haeintenn ao¢ee Shee bald 

* sy 

= oe 

warrant of attornqg authorizing confeseion of judgment; 

that defeudants informed plaintiff that unlese said judge 
ment note were aligned ahe gould not leave the hospitals that 
thereupon cefendante wrongfully and oppressively cetained 
her in aid hospital, without probable or reasonable capse, 
fox the space of throe hours, contrary to the lees of the 
State and against the will of the pleintiffy that during 
guid unlawful restraint, defendants applied threate and 
Vile spithete to the plaintiff, by reason of which prewises 
Plaintiff wee frightened and rendered hysterienl and her 
weak condition aggravated, and her recevery from the offsets 

| of said operation greatly retarded; furthermore, that 

peintiff was expoged to disgrace and injured in credit 

and clroumstonces, whereby she euffercd damages to the extent 
of $5,060, ‘There wae a second count in thy amended declare 
tion, but imagmuch as the court instructed the jury to 
Gisregard oem, At ie not necessary to copsider it here, 

To thic declaraticn o plea of general issue one 

On the trial of the case befere the court end 
jury, » verdict for $778 was returned, upon which jucguent 
wan rendered, te reverse which defenient has prosecuted this 
writ of error, \/ 

MK. PRESIDING JUSTICE PAR delivered the opinion ef the courts 

— — 

sfoempia |, Lo codsao ieee grdmss ori dans arose le tuartew 

egbih Disa susiow sand Mdtniely somsotnd ataeiw ied Tadd 
Sul? gheclqacd odd evaotk Jom bivce em Songke ompy often Jaen 
bonietes yfeviesotuye bane yi luignorw atmabie ted mogueneds 
seuuan aidanorsesi 10. aidadoxry tiuwovid bw edati«qto sies ak ted 
943 to owal oi? of yrextaon ,axuor aout te songs odd vot 
grituh Sond gttignialy od? te Liiw off Senkuges dae ofa’ 

one ataord? beiigus atosdeetod ,talaxteot fotwainw bisa 

eseimerg dotdw to nonawnt yd , Tilsniesq ete of eteddiqe siLiv 
ted bee Landuotayt berebest bas honored? eon Vtitaiak 
atoetts ads meet ysovooo" taf bus ,botevarygge Nols sbmae seow 
dad? ,sniomxesigin? ghoirater qliaoty aolbtaregqe oie te 

Skbow mi homsimh bow enatyelh of dowagzn aan Trasmbaly 

thetxe ois ot ogemab ooreTiwe ade wWeaedw eonnatemunete wa 
eetclook bobmresm ot md teu baopen o wav ote +900, 8¢ te 

os waut ocd¢ po dome ead gto off ge commen tud sans 
etter Sh tobsegoo ov yxaeuncen Jom ai 3% somna shane 

ean sweat Lexentog to z0ig » noldatetoss obdt of 
obo Li't 
bane stu0 anid wasted eaan off to febat off gO 
Jaompout, doisw aoe ,borsute: ear GUYER sot odbuov « oyewh 

Blid besuuewoxg sad tombe leh dotdw ewreven of ,Petebeex saw 
N ster to ohew 

S100 of) to nolasgo od Sorevetoh MAL SORTUVL OW LCLORRM oA 



V Plaintiff on hor behalf, textified that she 
entered éatendant*s heepital on Harch 23, 1912 —— 
to a couparaktively minor operations that at that tine she 
guve te Dr, Hertel, her surgeon, $30, for which she was 
given a reoe@ipt by defendant; thie $30 wae to pay for one 
week's accomodation at the hospitals that she was taken 
to the operating room en the 23rd, wut was not then operated 
en because 4t was divcovered she had ether allsents; that 
on the 25th she was informed that she was euffering with a 
tumer; that on the 7th she was operated on fer fibroid 
tumor, appendicitio, hemorrhoids, and aysat ef the ovary; 
thet beesuse of these operations she wae compelled to stay 
at the heepiteal longer than the time ehe had gaid fors 
that on April @ she was informed that she was physically 
fit to Leave the hospital, by her physician, Dr. Hertel; 
that about five e'alock pam. on the seme day she wae pree 
sented by one of the nurses, with a bill for $62 hos pital 
ehargess that her phycisian alae told her that aif the bill 
wan net paid whe would have trouble with the hospital; that 
he then handed her a judgnent note for $32 which he requested 
her te sign and which she refused to executes that at the 
time the bill ware presented, che had but two er three 
dollars in her possession, and that she informed the nurse 
that she could not pay her b111 then beonuse she was unable 
to get any money until she ceuwld go to the bank; that she 
had avranged for a taxicab to cull for her that evening 
at six o'olooky; that she was later informed that the 

taxdon’ was there for her and she was abked whether she 

had signed the note and was told that unless it was signed 

ade fudd Leliddaod , bhatied sod wo —E—— 
gies of SAGL .hS douweh oo sasigeot Bi iaabae tye oxoeae 
eda ould dott te ducts povidgoogo tomdn choy dteragaee a oe 
eow ony sip iviw 40% , 080 yroogiue ues » fadsol wt, od ova 
eno tol yaq oF saw 08) wads ponebnolod od soieoos w gewsE 
wo%nd naw sie goed giatignad wdt t6 modsakanmorine. er 
besetoqe modid fon sew dat , WER only no vet was waode wd of 

tad? jadeenlia seito had ode berevooelh saw os onwaped me. 
a ddiw giive Two vaw asin Sadd bentwotet ame ele a688 edd go 
bioxdt? sol x bedetoge aaw oe SETS ett ao dads yooome | 

tyreve avid to day Sux ,ebdodetamed ,witioibaenqa Sonus 

wate of beflegmon anv aie anoilanege sand? 20 sanaood — 
Axo baan bad sola omit ocd wart tones Lad kqaart oat ta 

_linoieydly now oe taeld beorrolnt- sew on © — ao jandt 
force wad stots kaysic tot ef Aad Lagan ond owned os $kt 
entq sew ode yah omme oFf7 Ko stiey Boolete svi't suedu 4⸗. 

Lavigne 866 “ot iLid wo ctiw acurn oy to one yd bedmes | 

£iid ost th to0tt soil Bios owls aaiakowiy and fast yangtedp 
— —V—— odd Wiw aliivart oval bLuow ore Biag dom aos 
boseoupsx of doidw B85 «ot aton dranmgby, « tou Debawet mold out 
edd 38 tat jodimexe oF boauten gila dotdw baw apie ad xox 

saxdt 4@ oot sud bad one ,botnanovg waw (Ld orth omke 

saturn 949 beanetn! ade Saks bee .notanengog neu) os wenisob 
Sidans anw side sauared mpc) Ligd tot og Jon bineo ode dustt 
ene gad? zaciad odd of oy Sion ona Ligne yenom yas fey oF 
Biiceve tad? tol 192 Live of danixed « gv bogueste h/ei 

onl? sad domretah todas maw aio dads phootote mke te 

aio rentodw bexde saw ode bin tod tot exe? aow deotxas 

hougéa gow fh vaeday dodd Bked eaw pie 8200 et bunyde haut 



he would not be permitted to leave the hospitals trat 

Che requested that tae chauffeur bo sent to her room, but 
was informed that he would not be allowed to come into the 
gullding; thai she tien went te the window ef tne building 
and threw a dine to the chauffeur whe wae standing outelde, 
te telephone her eiuter that she wae being ditained and 
eould ned come home; that at eight ofeloeck thet same 
evening a lawyer by the ane of Terwiliinger, at the 
requert oF plaintiff's sinter, came to the howpitels that 
when he Game, he picked up her wsuitense and walked cut 

of the roc towards the astaire; thit they were met there by 
a Mise Ghiteemb, the night nuree, and were told that she 
had ercers Tyea the office mot to let her goj that she was, 
however, permitted te ge cownstaire so the matter might 

be divcuseed at tie office; that there again a talk was 
hag with the cashier whe demanded that plaintiff either 
pay the bill ox sign a note for the amount; that finelly 
Rr. Terwilliger wtated that she could not be held at the 
Mowpital for the payment ef that debt, and tnat she would 
Pay BAMe as HOOK ae She was able te do go; that while such 
gonversation took plase, someone who she believed to be 

Dr. Deacon, remarked that plaintiff did set want to pay 
her bil. beonuse she was a oreck; that after a little more 
Golloquy, the door wae unlecked and plaintiff and Kr, 
Terwilliger waht hewe, VYlaintiff further testified that 
she was in a weak, hyeterical condition thereafter; that 
whe required aseistanve down the steire and te her taxicab; 
that thereafter she centinued to ve in a weak and hysterical 
gondition as a result of the acts of the defendent and that 
he was not able te do any work for eix menthe after ahe 


a ; — 
i> ee 


fait plagijned ott evund of sods berroy ad fon bLvcw ote 
tut moon tod of teen od qweTtinlls ond Late Soswanene ota 
ond odnt ends of Yewolie od toc bivew of amid boaexotok —* 
gatbliud eas ta woitkw exit od dame meld ede Jade | ratte? 
eeblctue guiboata vay ony aeTRvasio os ds oat 2 “wield ae 
bas beniadod grted saw one Sake xodaia vor enosign fed ot 
one tert Tooke oe ye Jo Saxe yom emoo amoo $00: biuae 
ott Sm ,tegert tL kewat ‘ke wonmale id et. awemnk @ yalaanee 
Saris jistkqoad om? of een gtotuse al Viddadedy IQ Jaeupor 
jue Dolisw one suaptine aed cu hodoky ot ,omap od eoster 
“i sient tom — yous Jods gatieda ot aheawoe woot od? Yo en 
| ode deit Died — * ne gua Chota whe .deoot hi east ow The 
,aae * sass (0% tod gol oF fae 9923 %0 anf Lewl siebte bad. | 
tdyia toseuu ots of wubadeawad oy ot Sedokareg a tovewad 
saw tlas a miagns veld — goodVto oui ta oeaumadd ed 
geigho Vistnints dads bebseowk ow aeidead one dtbw baal 
“iLantt sus ywivown ett 402 oder w mgko no CELE oild vo 
‘ond $a ble af For Lives veo sald vogade ‘goad LLkener me 
blvow one sand bra saad sag To Inoryaqg wid “oY Lad bquest 
dows oLide tadd yee ob of viva haw outa 2 Dees eM oasis we 
od of bevelled ole onw amgosoe esas Sood aoiseexovnos ‘i * 
wy oF Ieaw Jon bib Witnialy cede destinwen ,mosmed oat | 
xan oLfthl a» r9fie Sot gleoun 2 unw orld seyeodd LER text 
1 bre Tkktrkaty ama bole o Leu aw woth oud swpetteg ot 
fais bottigaes iesrwt Tiitoial eed Shaw aouktiowmet 
fads pret tao ody alt ibaop Lao swoseygi. —2 oad ae ola 
tdacixed 18d oF bus exhale weld moral vomataisen ve 
tao lisaeyl bow daww eat oo ot er — — 
aiid dre Fasonowb oxy Yo aoe ede tq dhe 
_ Sata —— actos xo wot Meow Ye 

om Eben 
returned home from the howpital, 

Mx, Texywilliger was alvee called aw a witness, and 
eorroborated the statements of the plaintiff am to what 
ogeurred while present, and wheat he did. Also, thet when “ 
Game to plaintiff's reom in tie hee pital, he found plaintiff 
in « hysterical condition and that he bad to assist her out 
ef the hespitel to the taxicab. 

the cheuffeur corroborated the teatimony of the 
Plaintiff ae to notifying her sister tha: shoe wan being 
held at the hospital, and that he was not permitted access 
to the plmaintiff and that he was ordered to take hie machine 
frow in front of the henpitaly that at the tise plaintiff 
entered his car she appeared te be in a weak condition and 
locked ug though she head been crying. 

Another witness « one br. Harpole « stated that he 
gaw plaintiff on the day after she returned home; that he 
found her in » weak and highly mervous condition; that the 
etcurrencse at the heepital an related by the plaintiff wouid 
have « tendensoy te retard her recovery frou the effeote of 
the operation which had been perfermed on her. 

On wBehal? of the defendant, Dr. Deacon teetified 
that he knew nothing about the cecurrence aforementioned, 
becauce ne was wot present, Dr, Hertel, testifying on 
behalf of the defendant, also stated that he knew nothing 
ef the slleged altereaticn relative to the promissery nota, 
and that there were no threate made against plaintiff in 
hiv presences ite did atate, however, that he told plaintiff 
that she would better settle the 111 and seve trouble. He 
Glwo teatified thet plaintiff em, highly nerveus condition 

p hud ty wou od soxk emo bonivaet 

ban ,enentiv « te Solleo cele vow woghiliwtet «iM . 
Saste og aa TPitakaly ols te agnowotate emt — * 
“oil node fadd ,dath .BLb od dade bas ,sasanny sLtely osae 
Titatale bayer of «Lot by cart ond nk moo% erttisnialy J ‘ola 
WwO tod baad oot sald has mots kona Lap tuotaysl 4 
oh aden tat out * ta on ong Ye 

ould te ‘wach Saw aly: bedoredortos mip kei ORE 
we sted @aw ein dmuld ‘gedety hit posyberon os) Be, —R 
atooda welts aarnau dem maw oe date wate. hat kama oats he bhod 

onttito ace ate ease. ag hewhirad wane oat gadd baa Thgotalg est OF 

teddni ata otk? off to suit ylagiqued oxy to dmevh, wh mor? 
baa nors Loe sisi a KR od 2 bexwcggn oe thm abet, ba caame 
* — eed. bar oe cyargdd, ee bostook 


adi Sadt toteate « —J— —* ong « ‘aoaces kw ‘wouzoms 
ori. 2 nat? omer benisdet exe tod he ‘ab ons 10 Yidarwly waa 
arte dass snand Hyred wwovren yiigkd See now a th toe bavet 
— uaiaia ult ‘ea hotator ga fawtaqeort ode. te SHEE THORS 
%e — ny nied groves xen bueter of ynewbamd a oval 
nels ate Dania ene! Weed Wet Mo kee) — ort 

—R&& nai a, dtabne res oxi to ‘haste 0 | 
Hveio tasraeKe hs, somortan es a⸗ —RX — went ‘on auu⸗ 
oo yk en a foteon —J ——— sens Bow oni sauavod 
guider wom ac add dosage ovis emanate ots to ‘teased 
bo qeowe snot ond of wvidelex soteaosuabe beget ould to 
ph Vitdnkade Sans bangs b au Oe Of ow or et oe beiua 

 eebontake bLod — ide — —R&& —— re 

 ,oitvous oveu hema LLted eit —R — dicom a, aa 

HOLt ives ewownes YLrty le a Lien tody ⸗au⸗ bo tthdeed oula 

we | 


before entering the honpital, and that upon leaving it 
she was in better condition than at the time she entered 
it, and thatoat the time of the trial ehe locked hettor 

andi weished more than at the time srier te the operation, 

Another witness for the defendant «» a Kiss Randel, 
the supervising muree «ft the hespital e testified that plaine 
tiff was no’ detained agnimet her willy that there were no 
leoka on the doors of the patients! reomsy thet Ur, Deacon 
wag net there et the tine in question} that ne one called 
plaintiff names; that when plaintif’ wae esked to pay her 
bil. ehe becoss hyrtericeal; that plaintarf asid ehe would 
not pay ity thet she alee complained about tr. Hertel and 
threatened te sue himy that plaintiff used the telephone 
that evening at 6:50; thet she had never heard ef plaintiff's 
alleged detenticn or the alterestion relative to the Judge 
ment note, before thie guilt was started. 

Another witnens for the defendant e = Hise 
Gearuvb, one of the nurees at the heapital » testified 
that she never made eny threats conccrning plaintiff; that 
nobbdy present made any threate; that plaintiff waa not 
asked to pay hey bill or sign a note; that she saw plaintiff 
walking about the building sleng tae corriders, between 
$230 anc 7 o'cloek in the evening; that the doore were 
never looked, end that plaintiff was not detained. 

"@n thie state of the record, defendant ¢otends, 
firet that plaintirr had failed to prove the aliegations in 
her declaration and that the trial court should heve ine 
structed the jury, at the clese of plaintiff'a case and at 


$2 gatvael asqw sade bus ,Latiqwor este un rroaas arene⸗ 
botosne effa sais off 24 madd xoizthase — Bh’ ⸗ ie 
tested weloed oie Loitt oct to amie odd sagas oom wn 
sttoitatego ond of waite watt off ta ndutt o7008 — 

Sobre sett a » Sxahivets sit cet seondiv osteoma, 
ihadq tes beltigaet » Indiqeodt ost tm srw giielvrogue ofa 
On Siow evod? Salt pili sod tamtage honkageb oon aww exxae 
aabant «ul salt ganoot latnotsay oft Te asoeb alt mo aloes. 
beifes ame vn susit —D — — — ai eehs att om woe een oan 
ten yaq oF 9 nay TSleniale- erie £ eit pron Wedntalg —* 
bivew oie biun Thignialg fei jiagixnsoyl emacod ode Sid 
bia LoduoN. euoda honietynae oate ofin tert go yaq tom 
energeios oft boay WdIaials Sed gain sun oF senos sass i 
ttksnintg te bined rover bast ede sadt yee sa gakeors ‘dase 
epost, oi? of ortialer noltsorps Le ot? x0 noisneteb bogelhe. # 
wettads aaw flow nee, oreted o ser0m 

aeii 5 « —E— “it tol agns iw —2 
beitheses « fnttgno of $a asmain odd to ono Giwies * 
add jitlenind: gmimieenes aleowsle Ye vba Sover odin 2 asd | 
Jou sew Tiivaiaty sadt yataeuds wie bem Ineweng yoddon 
itnialg wee wie lait goson « myke to ised tol yay ot declan 
Mopwgod ,uxobhinon or? goles gaibliud out scode yadaiew ~ 
otew at00b ovis tals panineve oft at anolote ¥ bam ot 
X ebouteges to wa ——— 

eRbnetmo snabmotod ,bte0ex ant Io otute what re Ba 
mi arolsoyel Le orld ovetg oF bo taa. faut atenteds Fas foxkt 
et ovat oi vostn fees inked itt Sesto ona phe wralond ts 
$a ona esse e'Ttiemtele te emote elt ut ont bodound 

a rat ; 

= oFe 
the close of wall the evidence, to fing the cofendant not 
guilty. in urging tein contention, cefundant asserts that, 
agmitiing the truth ef all testimeny effered on venalf of 
Plaintiff, 1€ did not present «a cave of wrengful detention 
agninat her will, amounting te false tupriscmmont, In 
this sontention, however, we cannes concur, a8 thure are 
mmerocue authorities whieh held, under faate such similar, 
that plaintiff hed = good cnusce of notion. Heyk Ws Hicmwey, 
33 ill. 473; GSooteken ye Porehed) Pecks © ues. AOD TLL. App. 
466; Yadloee ve Gecds 216 Penn, St, 475; Lartin ¥+Jiouek, 
441 4,0. S29; Bmith ye Biate, *¢ Tomi. 45, In order thet 
the vleintiff may recover it wae not necesssry that she should 

have been physionliy and forcibly detained by defeniant is 

the howpital, If the conduct ef the defendant was of euch 
character as to make plaintiff’, in the gondition ig which she 
then wae, velieve that if she attempted ta leave the hospital 
eke would be foreily dotadned, then such conduct constituted 
@ wrongful detention agninst her will, ‘The focte and cire 
Cuustances in evidence parmit the applisation of this principle 
of law. 

Defermisnt mext contends, that under all the evidence 
in the case, the jury were not warrented in finding that 
Plaintiff had proved her cause of action by mprepondorance 
of the evidenes. thie presents to us the question whether 
or not the jury were warranted in arriving ot their verdict 
for the plaintiff. The evidence given on behalf of the 
Plaintiff and the defendant, presented a pure question of 
foot for the jury, ap te whether or not plaintiff had been 
wrongfully detained against hey will, The jury evidently believ 

. is entering 
ea the testimony offered on behalf ef the plaintiff. The oourt,/ 

fon gnabnet > oi? bnil of ,gonehave add? Ile to exon ol? 
¢ eut⸗ alts2an Sncanetes ,aolsaognos eldt yutgtw ol oye lke 
te ULored ae Souette ywrowt@aes (le to stare off gocetiaba 
nolitaesed Litgrctw Ye ease a tavesxq fou bib 2 ,Phisedala 
al .tuamrostuqet oalat at wisi ons ian Pon saniage 
era erode ae ,twonee fowtan ew eto VONos! sHolImogoe oki 
etaLinia Hosm atoa? “obeu ebion soine aeliivodtun sucowonwes 
ead ox de 4 «notvon to enuan bong o bal Tiidmtadg sands 
vaqh £50 96L ,.a2 6 AMOS Aeiena oe aaainKgod zero £07 BE 
Hout ok Gidme GSC) .00 eet OLS .boOd oe emsngm 400d 

gadd tauTe al 46> .oRet OS Stee GES oD ON 
biuode erin fads yraasoves fom aaw th tetoows qa Viddekele odd 

ai fmolmetod Ul Seoniedeb “idiore? one yYiinotmely moe eved 

Howe To caw tumeocoteh oat to sombaee et UW ehadiqnedt edd 

ain cipisw ok aoigibaoe owt al ,Piddniake edleu of as Tesomtads 

Aatigaot off event of Sotquedte ete Ti Jatt wvebiod onew nods 

besudskianos go: idaroe Howe nett ,vomtodeb (hdiowot oof bivew oda 

wilo baa etoet oT > CLiw cont J tea bas go iggndwob — a 
sigionizq eins to wesduvlicogs ait Siemeng sonebive ad * 

vt 20 

sompbive ot ile tanele ,ebnodios txen Saedow tet. 

Sauts ae hoes"? ai beteevsaw Jon otew went, est — — ad 
oosato bog oT KC! wolgom Lo onude teat bovorq dau Vibtatele 
wedverie nolteery edt av of ainoworg aiay seorobive oa⸗ Ye 

soibuoy sis fe yrivivio af bodmestaw wrew Wil off fon te 
ols Xo Voded vo nevig somebdve oft) «¥tiemiaig odd 10% 

Io nolteen, otuGg © be taegeng gomnbap teh edd tne Yiisalalg — 

mond bar Ttidncele Jou to tedindw of am 9 yxwt ot TOT dost 
rob Lei a Wi) ot? ~ihlw wed ferkage bemdadeb VEL tgnoEw 

oat PT anints ony 20 Yad ao nomttie wrenteve oad te 4 

aa vita ’ 

fod tw At ‘ 7 ot Jaw 

eo Se 

dmg Judgment on the verdict end in denying defendant's 
motion for a new trial, aust have bern of the cpinion 

that the evidence supported the verdiad. From an exasinae 
tion of the record, we camot bay that the verdiet is 

Clearly ond manifestly against the wight of the evidence. 

In goming te this conolusion, we are not unmindful 
ef the contention by counsel, that it was not shown that 
the acta cf the ampleyecs and representatives of the defene 
tant complained of were within the seope ef their suthord ty; 
in Our opinion that issue, ae the other questions of fact, 
was determined by the jury against the defendant, and we 
Gannot gay that im se finding, the jury were acting clourly 
and manifestly against the weight ef the evidence, 

Defondant further contends, that the court erred 
in giving plaintiff's instructions Pe, Loe and lied, 
We have read these instructions carefully and are of the 
Opinion that they correctly stated the law as applicable 
te the facte in the case, 

instructions of the eame character wore, under 
much the sawe cireumetances, approved in Jewk ve Eiduwuy, 

SUREA, Gnd Goblohey Ve, Yerehel. Bield & Con. supra, 

Defendant alco Gomplaing of the refusal by the 
court af ite offered inetruction Mo. 1. Kewever, that part 
; of said instruction that wae applicable te the facts, vas 
, aoveroau by Other inwtructionn given on behalf of the defendant. 

Defendant further complains that the ceurt erred 
in the admission ef teatinony, via., with reforence te @versne 
tions had by defendant with Terwilliger and with the chauffeur ; 

ny git tang 

at dnsbustob gerd yun b wt bax Solbeew oft — *— 

sto na MOTT ¢ , okey std —R vt rvtha el 
ak solotoy oa? duit yeu Somme ow — * — 
— — —— odd Yo sigkew ost tualayn Yeas tian vo teat 9 

—— — 


—— sions to oyone ould aintin empew te: bn La i . 
etoat to anoisvenp toate Hd ae ,ounet Saute otsage + Lada wh 
ow bree , drabae "hed ont dantion Yeas, asia ef — con on 
7 Qriium opow wut a vv 2 on a⸗ — — — — ti eg 
| womb ive ont be Maton & alt rnlav⸗ — bn 


9— elell bine Del ylia’ ana aanarea wat wPethontede mina 8 
odd 20 ote bee Ute eree ewtenideNh Sends Bare ovat 
sides kioga am wal oud betatw ‘canis we “a 

THbry ,oXOW Lofsmtet omen me he — 
MANGAL 2, Mia, 2 DevO EGas .mOomMEMMBDTLD onde mie — — 
ee eee eian. bhasins 0X, alodte® bit 

e ont Ys Lawutos nit 10 entatemee oaks tasndse'od 
9 reag dade ,wevewsn A ait wok somes amt boners wed 
— aaw jeden? ond od asap than caw tlt 2 
maono old To Riad’ ae wovky * —X 

erre 00 wie sadd amrbatqnoe raft ome on 
o HED ot Hy MOL TOT — * —**— * 
~~ ' cal vs. 

ato edt déiw baa 4 

So ed 

cuteide of the presence of the representatives of defendant, 
and in refusing to instruct the jury to digregard such 
evicence, We find, from an examination of the reoord, that 
ali conversations cuteide of the presence of the representae 
tives of the defendant which were not part of the Zee gestae 

were ruled Gute The other cenversations were properly admitted 

as part of the rey gestae; Groff vy. Hallinger, 18 111, 202; 
Magiahon Vs Shicage Jity Ry. Goce 239 111. 3343 and the 
imatruction dirceting the jury to disregard seis evidence 

Wan properly refused. 

Defendant next complains ef impreper acts on 
the part ef counsel for plaintiff, with reference te the eroas 
Caamination of br, Deacon, Whatever error there may have been 
in the question put by counsel for the plaintiff wae waived 
by She witness whon he insisted Upon answering the question 
after objections th rete had been sustained, where such 
action en the part of the witness was coneurred in by counsel 
for defendant, the witness in question being the superintendent 
of the hoepital and the person in aetus1 gontrel of the affaires 
ef defendant company, 

Defendant ingints that there is ne evidence warrante 
ing the amount of danages awarded, and that the verdict must 
therefore have been the renult ef passion and prejudice, 
in cases of this kind, plaintiff hae the right to recover 
not only actual damages but alse punitive danages, The 
entire question ¢f damages de one for the jury. We find 
nothing in the record which shows any act on the part ef 
_ « @gunsel or any witness, that tended to incite the prejudice 
+ OF inflame the minds ef the jury against the defendant, In 


—— te avwivagarao nae est? yo onamaong ons Te. obhmawa 

dove brageweils at yawS odd douwtunk of gaientot as _ 

gud? .baecex oo te nolterianne ge wort ,bash oF —— 
engine rav⁊ ade ‘te consersq 44 Ye obtatuo oe ike 
gatecn B21 ot te dung Jon etow dine somknetob wie ve dewhs 
hatdimbe ylroqeiq wivw anoitasiovees dicio ot! ahue bolt wLow 
008 140 OL ,xeanhiset ay Dies. wate moe wl Wo dt90q oe 
nat han {OLE -L41 OBS 4220 Mh MEAL Sot oy aedeliogtt 
nomnbive bias otayetelh of ere, odd gnivowtlb aoisvowssags 
soountes Usaqotq auw 

ao a7oo aegougml Yo ax ietegos gabe Jase tet 

Se0x eis o3 ovMPTehe: thw ,Tiitniaty tot foamson Yo diag oft? 
peed evant yo atedd to118 Govesaiy .nopeel .u Te notdanioske 
boviaw awe itivnial, os? 18 feanwon yt Sug woiduoup odd at 
Holsesup edd yoitewann ooGw betoienk od opalw oeond kw od? yl 
flown ovatw ,bamiod¢oum ceed ber ofer-dt smelsostda aeota 
founwon yi ni bestunne cas coontiv sit oe faq ot? me molfoa 
srohnotiakioqgue outd wiied notteeup ot eeenghe ads ,onaiewtedh tet 
atlatia odd Yo Loxgaem cewten «i mowrey ost baw Ladhoned etd to 
— tnaareteb ke 

wnaxvisw oonehive oo ef ove Soe atedmek tenders tec 
‘foun FOLLY ons Sarid DOE dob LIM CORAM Io dome ons gad 
ebolbuteig bas wotanmay To divas oft mood oval esebe red? 
Tevooey of Hist odd eel TEideiatg ~hahd ead? te senan wt 
ofT ee ymtab avitinwg coke ted anyamab Leatoe ylno fom 
batt ov .ytsl, ond cet ono ot Baga To Holdeawp orhime 
Ye diay sid WO fom yam eworin Aodiw BueoeT ot mh gaisison 

aoliwicrd on% etient of ueiane tact ,awonsiw wre to Sooner 
at .Asaiue tod oft fomtens wil ond Re wba ont om ind tO 

oh Ge 

that view ef the case, we see no reason to disturb the vore 


Finding ne reversible error, the judgment of the 
Cireuit court will be affirmed, 


wD he 

atov odd distelb of souset on 990 Ow ,ouse end to wady save 

eds to énempbwt edt ,seTrs eidinaseyes on —XR 
bomaktia od ifiw tiweo tbyoatd 


47 ” =O81 7 

Pefendast in Eea0n TO 

OF CH Te2oe, 



Plea intifa i eg or 5 
| 198 1.A. 88 

STATEMENT OF THE CABH,-Piaintiff in ercvor (4s fendcnt 
below) was charged by information -ith petit lerceny. A jury 
having bean waived, the trigi proseaded te hecring before the 
Oeurt alone, #wio found defendant guilty at charged, and sen- 
tenced him to the Hogss of Correctian far three acnths and te 
Bay & Fine of ane doliay md socts, 

MR. PRESINIRG Jieticy Pak delivered the spinien ef 
the ¢ court: 

in suing eut thie writ cf error Viefena 448% Sears 4 
TEversal Sehcuse, ak he Sllege’, there is n& preef that he 
Gommitted the crise ef petit larceny 25 charged. [He sleo 
Rospiaine that the court sdaitted isrretesr sy idesce wiich 
eas prejudicial to the defendant. This latter point se need 
EO CoMsider, however, if there is sufficisnt avidenss in 
thse reeord t° sustain the fudgsect, for in « trtal without «4 
jury, it & gresuc)ed thet the caurt, in entering jude sent, 
Ge idered oniy the oGinetent savidesce. Palmsr v. Meridas 
Brittanis Cg., 124 Lil, S08; Grand Pacifie Hotel Ge. v. 
Pinkortm, 217 11. 4; — Btes! Go. v. Preble Ma- 

Betendast saves the further Point, that the aagn- 
Gea infdrmation was dafectivs in that it “ae aot filed uetil 
ail the evidenes had been heerd, [Be are ef the opinion, 

J however, that there iu no merit is this ¢ostention. The 
hae t 

| Grime of petit laresny was sufficiently charged in the or- 

| oF nore 
ewoo Pot | 

88.. Pe meee. 
sosbasteh) woes al Tita etl TA THE WO PRRTTATT i an 
qrwi & renee! tisag <ghe aot tease ta” ed fogzrsis ase (voted 
Sat e10lad grlwedt OF Nekemseed Cebee oe Devtaw mead — 

-nes Dee bo Rtede ae Yilidg Tashanteb bawet ese cones feo 
of Bus Effnon bord) WL vesseerIeD Yo oto Rent oF ‘ota boondt 
stu bas wetiok oné fe att ne 
to sakekge edt herevi feb WAT SDP et, Geer ag — — 
& 2Aoe6 tnzbaet et, wsete to rice what tue woisa x er 0a 
et tetd Jory Sm af ivedd ymegelie ed ae. oeuvond En aaever 
eals 3B\ fegsids- aa ‘~eental ai fed te eatre ex Bes? aod. a8. 

Seite euvebive voqovil bat iwhe Mee edt daa eakatgnoo 
been ew ritog vedrat »t97) sombmateh) eds 07 —— 
wk oonat ve fost ob Miy's ad otadtd tt yrawawod crohda 9 te 
a niodtie Lalat-2 at tv .teamghict od) atenene ed Biboer mb 

i steul prbvetae at .dowee sad tad? paainere a 4 ecw 

Bentzel wv zomtst  .eenablve teed eee & sid <ine : ee 

.v OD LetoM ααν ice 410 OM 6G sheeterse 

— yo eee state ce ser TOS ae 

— — 

iginal infermation, bence 14 wee not negexoary to file the 
amended informatio, Purthetmorse, this Point #26 not raised 
in the trial Gelow anit therefore it ¢ ome tte late. | 

Tre avidende shows that J. O. Funts, the oom- 
igining witness, shiie viding on 4 Street car at S3th and 
Etate otrects, in the City af Chissaco, wi September 11, 1914, 
Suddeniy found that his pocketb<ok vee missing; that he say 
aefendart jump off the cer; thet he @auted the a@ar to stop 
a& 800m a8 Possible, snd ran Sack im tha direction the defen. 
dent had taken; that shen ko nomred the defendant, he saw 
Bim "with the pocketbook ian hie Aands;* thet Ne arasoed his 
and aid, “Give her here,* and that defendant harsied sim his 
pwrkethcok; that he took hold of defendant snd danvired tor 
an officer, when one Bargess sterred up end @aid, "Let ae 
have hig," whereupon Kants tursed defendant oer to Burgasa, 
wha, the ovidenos “hows, reprevented nhinmieif to bs an uffleer; 
that & police offiser than arrived on the Seone, 10 mou Kunta 
related the incidset; thet he took aefsnient inte ewitody, 
and when he found thet Surgeon hud repreatented hinssif te ba 
an effieor and in fact wee not, orrested him alse; that ®ur- 
gass Tsk Mted ¢tresuously; that finally, vith the seniatance 
of enothar officer, the twe wors arrested, 

Befondant testified that he ros died in the vicinity 
Of Séts street, and at the time im queution, wa8 on nie way 40 
Procure thestre tickets; that ke sah ¢ressing the street; 
that just sa he resched the middle of tin Streat, Ac stoohed 
dow and pleked up & Bocketheck, and just 8 he did eo, Kurtz 

graoved his; that the "ather fellow gam rurning ever = the 

big fellow that eas standing on tin corner’ (Nurgetsd; ond 

that o struggis followed, and thet ea% 41] he knew; that he 
wae not riding on any car thet doy. ON Oras oxamination ha | 


~Le : 7 

sig old of Yresenuen fon dev tL eoted «wi tovrelnt 7 
bother fon ssw rake wie — aaeAr ae sed ten voNa bab 

eOi@e {1 rednesze® «© oo rel MO 0 ain edt ‘a cotearte on 
wea od tad? pat wets Row wood ietveg ad teste waved 4h ; ‘meme 
Aor et tee att homme oi fous peeo od? ne ‘emus, ae 
oratek eat not tomath attr nf coed Gee bee iate va as soo 
wae ea Jaebaol eb oi bowsen os nome tart ironed bes * 
ald besdery, of dade “hood aa mi dood auioeg edt bs 

Gif aie Hubret sapboeted sats DAD * ered tod Lat be 
w9'> bwrdenat bow Inehuslet to bled doos on iadt too 
on 20%" ,bbed Pow Qe {005 s8eyrwE vay edie « —— 
sees Rs OF THVe Jebel st baer 22 aid aos ered — * 
seal? t¢ wr @a¢ af SF emt x boone Seater awe te baseblve “8 
xacurm wo tt OP gw Os wT MM | hawk vee oone resi iio sobteg 8 Py 
Xho swe otk Snnkionys m “dpa at tent isacbiea ea - 
od OF Diswad « betepnentor bei Senge Sede bowed ‘od nes . 
af tH Mt outs abi Lokedrrs een Ber foe? i bas veut tie 
eothinives odf dee av frvadl send ix fevourotte otal cor a0 
hedeerts seen Owe ont s100h to 7 rom * 
Lint oly cit ak bad dor ot aeet waRTb tess Aomk@oRel 
of qn aia to mew oop keecour m feak a add 0 ine — * we 7 
iremtle efd gril dors wee on S00 pavodal d oxtuess: Tuo 
beqowsw oxi ctoerre os Yo afbbkn eit sedoneT od we em 
uted gue DLS of ap tout Low vdooszainad 2 qu r 
ad? - teve poianst opad wollol rede” ial ! | . 
boe ~fesagrel!) “eheros av pe preboese ne 
ed foci? wont od [le Gee tone boy yhone Chek 

ou moi santas eT MO exab toute ne 

wn tes 

aduldtted andwing Burgess. 

Burge@s, #10 algo testified, Stated that on the night 
in question, he wat standing on the @arner; that there wae a 
man @reising the street on a runy that “he ran right up te 
thie young fellow here® (defendant): that "it seemed like ae 
if he #28 stooping down, and he (Kurtz) Jumood right on his 
yack and he mocked hix down, amd then four or five aolorsd 
fellows Gaas slong thers, ahd I went Wer theres ang I raca@~ 
Rived this young fellow (defondent) as being a boy that I 
knew over Gines he wae 2 ki4a;" that he said, "Hat le thes 
matter?® and defendant replied, "I aai't know, this fsilow 
jumped on me:* that he then said, "Let ae have hin:* that he 
weak gorsly trying te find out what had harfeneds that finally 
defendant Gaid, "Yall, i¢ 16 all vright,*® and that defendant 
thea handed Kunts Housthing, veut what it wat he 244 not KOs 
Burgess alee denied having repretented that he vee a police 
orfigcer. aa | 

Wile there 16 Eano OmPLivt in the evidenes, yet 
the court sav the witnessce and heard thom testify. Ba hud 
the right te comaider 211] the faotse and @ troumstanees, in 
connection with the euse, He was eithing s@ court and jury. 
In the abaonce of errors of Law, this gourt Aas me richt te 
set a6 ide the findins of a court, unless from a ¢ me Licrat ion 
of all the evidences, it clearly appoars that there iv & rene 
250919 doubt of deferniant!s guilt, 

After & careful examination ef the reeerd, ve dann ot 
Bay that defendant did not heave a fair trial and that the 
finding of the Gcurt Gna jue tified by the evidence, Acoord- 
ingly, the judgment of the Municipal Court of Chieags wil) ve 



— ⸗ 

coe gTyt gniwons bedshabs 

tdgle ocr mo dead betetze ,boldidoo? cote Of .asegiwe 


dey oved? tad? greawe eft co gebbosee Sew oa cae steasp af 

oF Gu tidpty net om fod? port & oo toorde off yabetero oem 

oall baxnoee 92° Seated s(Snebealed) "oted weliel gavey afd? 
Lif so tAaty beam (eta) ed bore yowok pebooee Sap en TE 

bhewloo evtl x wet aed? bor .pwor wit bodoomt of Bae tose | 

“wos I bao etecs vew free I bow . ote? gaeis amae Grol ie? 

I sec? yod a gated ea (snebnet a) wolfe? yawey shat Borla 
oft Si SSAR* hlew af Pant *% +0 ks wee oe gonk® teve werd 

wolfol a@icz ywom toon I* ,betige: testeebeb Bas *Trettag 

{ 3act "*“:0i oved aw fet” bleu sat of dade 9: ee &e beaeut 

{Lent} tad? yberotves bax dey too babt od gatyed eleven Ree z 

taebasleb fect bon ",featy fe 2b of .fio®® «bies sashuaked 

pom Jor DLS of Gow £2 sore toe 4 plato > ctiwi bebnad sea? 

ogkiog a Gen of Sad? botneaengey gadved holabt outs naogree 
: — oo 110 

toy ,socollve off 22 fOL DM wo om Bi oreds ofh@ 

bad oF .vti¢uet east be2e! Hae eoeerndiw ef? wet fr0d0 Gf? 

nt indresaawends oe ofsel off Life rebdeme of tagha eff 

“tut bam fruoo OF gebetic sew of ,s@np ete thw sostoonaee 

o¢ Jipls Of ant tudo Sit ~wol Wo merte Yo eoneede oct af 


noldaxreit 499 & aout s@efor yfteeo © lo salbel? »@ ob ae fee 

“sor #8 Wi orodd? §odd reoyta Ylreele #1 .osrabive em? [La Ye 

ting ettoabaviel bo feb efdawe 

Jonnac or ,btooer of# TO wlientwero Luteteo © TeUTk 

Bae es 

— 71 


ent gest Dew [reho? ried 2 ovad ton bhi @uehoedeb sant yas 
ooh ,oorehive off ye bebilvaut Jom Ot dug ont to pibatt 
{de oppokm to sewod InqlolavM off Yo toamghet etd syhgnk 
boat 14 


7 ae 



BUR IO Par, coyny 

Se et ll a cc cal nat — 

OF CH lags, 

1981 — OT 

’ _ ETATIATNT OF FE Canr, 2 writ ef error is Praie- 
Suted by plains iff in error (defendants below) te reverse & 

— —— eaterad in favor of defendent in error (plaint if 

Ge , ma suit Dr cusht in the une ip spay Gourt of Ghiesge 
oS ghee . 
= against do fondants ang pare Frederick Drs, “Plaintifrts etsten 

Sor end waterials fur~ 
iterations to the 
Stieeze, [lliseize, 
il oom > Bap wher 
as Soutrastor, 

a “1i@ daii-~— 
the defendants 
ie Thomas Hennessy; “that the sum 
Pf fe Seid work 4nd material is 

| Plaintiff caused to ne —3 the 
4 * the —— —* eave TO Mao 
tes) @ 8¢34 defendants Roeland and 
il 23, — — 50, 1914, r 



—X thie — of claim defendants cites heperate 
eee — — thy * 

meee end affiasvite | of mor its,” “GE Hennes sy. 

Bry ae the Promivas , sed further, that the atatutery | 

has been vorved a * Set ferth in the stateust 

r ae sateriate sued tor, 1 the Gam wae the wubtect matter 
ae — 

ot anaes 
PHO 9 we 1°Ee 
ma a «eo 
12 CA. x US @ ft. 
gud TF J ———— eee vem 40 Pater ss i 
if sbrev: x od. Anolon. sdeabnetet) * et ti sob aft 
Yt iaiesa) errs ma fae eetieh’ te set at bovedae tne seat 
eased te seed Featenait asta sd ——— tee aby) Pin 
waded i eS 227 “tt eu, — — J———— waits 

eh sicsh wh aeweak —E — — 
cw setae wid tad gra eres Etna’ — * 
snow eders ode al Komeh: tee: Sh abi pole Surege — 
oan) neve: Ode we at tanndee. borg bebs bref o® ” ee 
ony oF ———— mite tad? bopekle: be deca 
sortase dost — evs sev ee? oo — Sere eel getoe bus a 
dot where wo WHY otak bored, Sg — 
noives Xana «⁊itx see ** - 
ro biwesp th ‘dactuery ond. ge aishroree gle: , : — * 
wens Io, @ailen es tov gder got wa ewe 2 ibe * 

—9 -Qlaim ad Set teeth in Plainti?f's xtstement of elaim PFred- 



entered into an agreement 
contractor, » ith Pisintif~f te furnish: lebor and meteriale for 

the Carpenter repaire and alteratime to the building in 
question, and further denied that he had 2 emtract for said 
Tepeirs 16 aid buildins with the owners thereof, | 

The racerd shoes thet Plaintiff diswiesed hie euit 
af to deferdant Erb, and that the gourt, trying the ease 
| with out a jury, *6und the iseues sqainst defendanta Reland 
and Hemesey, and $8 go@eod Plaintiff's daseqes in the aux 
of 722.20, for which smpunt judgment was entered, 
| I. PRESIDING JUNTION Paw delivered the opinion 
q of the court: | 

—— in urging a revereal of this judgment, 

pressed upon the theory that plaintiff's action wav brought 

under seectim £6 of our Mecshanies' Lier det, Ci. 88, Sura's 
* &, of Illinois for 1931, They contend that a recovery vy 
‘Bub-c miractor Bust be against bth the ‘(Onner and the or- 
i ina contractor and the judguent aust be & joint ons, and 
furthermore, there gust be & proper ten-day nctice Served 
upon the cyners; that thers were no findings vy the ¢ ort 
her recitale in the judgment, of the facts required by cur 

3 Statute, vis., that the omer vas indested to the. contractor, 
— and the date from which aid Lion attached; that in the ab~ 
7 a Benes of such findings or recitals, (1) the court erred in 

< onter ing 6a14 judggent, and (2) said Judgment is void, 

x Plnineste e ontends that under ite statement of 

erick Erb, a6 a ¢Mmtrsetor, denied thet he ever for himeelf,as a 

shart vwiels 20 seowegage a'Tilseiet af daeet to2 ee maha. 
B 6S, ifexmia wt TeVe of e283 ited ~wigerwrae es a2 ae. — vatxs, 

—— as ot¢ai — jai a 
1 Slatredea bra todal Meiorst 6% Vib gat sae ae, te 

st gatbitud ear os smiterctie tre out ager’ — ase 
bies * soart@e * bad sd ted? betaed redtrst hee eroltsesp ‘s 
oeréae seme ed? die gubbilec hie OF Gragee 

figs bid Sovblasth Wieaiele #e4)- ae brocet oa? 


Gas au nt ettveOb oft fare bos . aen ob of @& 
basicd efuabaeteb @*ciege eeweal ods Brave? — s ae dad w 
mut off of Geguead “*2%t Ini oly beesease bas. ye RemoR bak 
—E— Bay 78cm aber, -Javeue Mol se wait — 
ieta oft bevevifen MAT TOLTRML OMTGI Reset D5, — 
— ——— oa te. 
.ftemgk, S£% to laasever o gata at eetace rote i. 
iiwets eae cthdog attti cabety safer ots ose mere boowery 
slot .@8 .a) 4 fod call 'eateedeel wo to 8 abdees robs. ; 
{Co YIew cer « tact bestma yes ~f48L x0? siosktiE Yo 18 Loot ae 

“Wed? kas sem wi Ge Fenhege eo Faum c⸗va OGNS Be 

has . ono ssh t & oo fee smn gba ed? kre cere co Ta J 

bovrea eal $s J — Tege7TG 2 ac faye eves? .owaredsrey te 

FUL SO ei? yd ayeiiint? oc eter owed? tecey  peneowe on eal re 
10 ¥d bertupes eteest of? fo .dasegbut say 22 che tk oot Om 
,vosostsass enag ef barcebat Wee icape wt. sasha «thy gotudeta- 
~Je ont mi ands betosdae Salt ater “at te mort otah ont bea 
gt berrs e<uoe eae ft} odie 19 onthe (urn Yo. some 
ebioy at sraaphoct See {4} bas — EDE — — bine galrosne 

WW inamets se wet Toh todo Seder 2 Meaa ace - 8* 

Teens Srebeslob et? lig senkaye boreveow: OPE, uie ed eielo- J 

— ced? beweda conahive ea? 12 SIBLE yFOD ses — oees — 

~am bos rOdeL oft botebys mo Teta © —— — 

q eormetive eds 34 4 9709 Ue @16 cra 2 20 oh Bye 8 
~ Ap ie. — 

Showed that the labor and aaterials in questi were ordered 
by the said Erb a@ the agent or reyresentative of the omera, 
Roland and Heanetsy./ 4 reading Of plaintiff's statement of - 
eis im showa that plaintiff’ is: correct in this contention, 

Defendant frp, by denying that he onters4 inte a 
Gwmtract with Plaintiff for the laber and saterisis in tusa- 
tim, and in further denying that he had « emtract #ith 
the omere of the premises {6 furni#h Gaid labor and sater- 
fais, raised an igawe ef fant, the deotersinatio of which 
had s direst eeiring wpon tha qusé¢tici shether plaintiff had 
the right to ree@over against “11 the defendents under the 
Eschanics! Lien Act, eurrn, er azsinet the owners, Poland and 
Hewes sy» aLOnG, 

It cust bo Presumed that evidence waa aubeltited in 
the eeee t0 determine thet izaua as wel] a8 any cther insaue 
Preéented by tas Stuteaunt of ejaim and the vericns a?fida- 
vite of marite.. The evidence upon «high the trial sceurt 
Based ite jodement eae not preserved by bill ef exceptions, 
Stategent of faete or stencgrarhic revert, ae rer wided for 
in our Municips! Court Act. %o aust, thersfore, presumes, in 
the absence thereof, that the evidense offered wae of saffi- 
Gient trative feres to swtsin the gourt in fina ing the 
issues for the Plaimtiff and in entering juigment theresa, 
¥ou Hermas v. Berry» 1G4 Dil.Asp. S68; Gelivyer vy. 2okroth, 
183 Tl. 437; Blair v. Ray, 103 TU. 615 

| T% must be further frosumed sy this ¢ court, that 
in the ebeense ef anything im the reoerd aopearing affirm~ 
tively 42 the emtrary, that the court c@restiy applied the 
law t¢ the tsetse offsred in evidence. 
ror the ressens hereinabove asvigned, the judguent 

ieipal Court og —— wilt be effiresd, a 
ee GiGi 


berabw uvtow Miscewe af aleiteden Sep vedal ott ded? bopede 
.eteme? off 10 eviseasnevatzer to fooas ef ap Ge Stas edd yd 
30 Imemesasa ® gathers a \jte donne bee baalok 
»M0isnednoo eidt mbctesttos%.e: tritatese sods evens abate 

2 ofnl boretus of tad? gmiywed qo .@eY soubor 
~aeur ak @feitosae bas vodel ed? wed hitate’dg Witw foastmse 
tiie Soatimo #2 bed ed ted? gatyoe) veiw? wf bas «whe 
~tetse bas ywodat bise® detewt ¢¢ sesimnes’ ody Ye atenvo ed? 
foide te mitentotetob edt «tos to osaei ee bouber a blue 
aed Utitala{y vadtom miseecp off sede smi teed toon! 2 bad 
eff xebey agasboeleh et fla feaiags Towser 08 aig edt 
hae baaio® ,etemyo ad? Steiage to ~avqee y tok oot tuoi nedook 
sanols eye emnw 

at bos tindss sev sonehive ted? bemroong et famm, aa 
ees oi teats yae ae (ine ae eet teat ostesben ek ama eat 
~chi iis acobvev qd? tne miele % semosere-eae ye betnoverq 
J TH9D teins ex$ Jaide syle sesebhive ed? - .oetsem I eshv 
at sqsoxe to .ffie Ve aves oe PO 37 aoe foenyeet ef. bound 
“ot hebivw+w @@ «Freese o2 Ki seyoweee Ts Foe We seouetasa 
ok ,esvcesq ,ymtoms@ . teas oF «Pek Lege ohne we oat 
-il}oa Jo Cex hevelto eceahies aft tad? .d ote equecds ost 
of? pM bait ai Ime aap <teowe o¢ aire? evi sae 7g sa0t® 
etoered? $aen pial, —— nh One etent g o4f cot eavend 
sitotiee .v sovle ¢a8 .qgk. til AOL «yotem .¥ genzed ost 
| ie Tit B01 ayant -* BOE aha iff mm 

teas .roos ahd? y comsont Tota? wi vemm OF. 
~sathie prissol¢s ave oer eff af gal ddyne Yo corsage oa? al 
ex? beliqdsa ((iserw © tum. off Seet ,Yresew@s aff OF love? 
| oveaebs vo af Doreths aioe? off Of wal 

Stewphut of2 .beaateea ow dent eved oom wee vit wk 
ehouwrkite od Iikw ogeats) te toed (nag tee out ote Bo 

474 21872 

CLARA STIMVRL, Individuall 
and as Administratrix of 

\ Apywellese, APPRAL WHO 



TIGHAL on rporation, 

B. Ae BOR » & , 98 I.A. O4 

ae Appellanta. 

Cwatt apelin lh ) 

* Le 
CT oF rity ot Ss filed 
(vinta appeliaeg@fomplainant below, as atte 
trix of the estate of Abrahan Stiefel, deceased, against 

the Analganated Sheet Yetal Workers" Local Union Wo. 73, 


| international Alliance, and Thomas Redding, "dgar Ray, ] 

| Be Ae Schooley, and Paul Chrictmany (defendants belew,. 

i ae Oe Sth wiethilenn- —— — | 
by the -terne-of-#hieh Complainant claims she-wne entitled | 

| Ste_-recover” & certain death benefit or insurance fund, as | 
“a result of the death of the decedent, her husband, i 

MA. PANGIDING JUSTION PAK delivered the opinion of the 

court: ' 4 

The bill of complaint alleged that the said —9 
Abraham Stiefel was, at the time of hin death, a meubker (ary 
An good standing, of the suid Amalgamated Sheet Metal 
Workers’ Leeal Union Ne. 73, International Alliance; partys 
that upon his death complainant was entitled to the death | 
benef ty pursuant to ‘the - by~laws of the said union, whic 


he .A.1 Be = 

F wa 

— ‘cite w — ae ‘ 
ao axetd 
doniana ,beeaess) ,foteisc miata Te etagee odd to xhie 
988 otf mode! Lago! ‘stedsoW Lagey imorit bodanmatamA ald 
—— amg bi —R — 
— — one ep Loaso® A fl 
onatwent te -domndnao~ 2-Ye-snnineenetrany-uatheegn-enlt—20 
bole line enw oda ankole gana rskanod: the eke -eertod wats —ge 4 
ae , oat. we marsaseeet £ xe Pte! Mae theta 2 ‘xeveonT os — M 

ebriadawed teat — E ‘ott te — ots seein 

ede to moinige ois poeeyiled AA. aerveut PRIGINTAT * 
gua Sal ee rt 58 


A phew off tata —2 — ve aie oe 

—* ont ot feteisne. — pair ia tcuiro athe 
te stokm dine ost To — os 


by-laws were set forth in the bill, The bill further 
alleged that said death benefit consisted of a mus of 
money iade up by the assesenent of one dollar upon each 
member cf eald umien, said assesement to be levied and 
collected, and paid te the complainant; that anid B. A. 
Schooley, one ef the effiacere of waid union, refused to 
, perfora his duty to collect said aasemement; that Thomas 
Redding, “dgar Ray, B. A. Schooley and Paul Christman 
were the duly qualified and authorized officera whe were 
charged with the administration of the affaires of the 
gaid union, and the collection and dirbursement of its 
funds; that eaid officers refused and neglected to pete 
form their duty and were confederating to injwre and 
defraud complainant. 

“fo this bill, anawere weve fihed by the Amalgame 
ated Sheet Metal Workers’ Leeal Union Ne, 73, and by the 
several individual defendants, putting in isewue the allega- 
tions in the bill ef complaint. 

Upon « hearing om eadd bill and anesversa, the chane 

e¢llor found the inewee for the complainant and entered a 

dearee, part of which wan as follows; 

“That the defendant, Amalgamated Sheet 

Metal Workers" Union, Local No. 93, International, 
Alliance, ' to the complainant, the sum of 
$2531.60 within ten days from the entry of this 
aecaree, "the Ste the other defendants, Thomas 
— — » Be. Ae Schooley and Paul Christe 

Miso co afk the auid defendant carperation, 
eaute paid wau of $1332.00 to be paid by enid 
defondant Union within ten daye, in default thereof 
the complainant has the right to apoly to this 
court hereafter for all necessary ordera to enforce 
and obtain the relief granted by this deeree, and 
this court retaine jurisdiction of thie case for 
ane —““ 


uedtawt (Lit off Lid ons at dtxet fee ovew awalayd Bisa. ; 
to sua e to bedatance sitoned dimeb bkma jal? bogelia 
doue soqu tallob one To Jaommeataga oft yd qe whem yenom 
bra beivel ad of tanmenense biee ,nolnw bhee Yo todeom ! 
wA sh bine todd pdnankeLqwon ont of bhng bist ebagon fos oH 

of beoewtes ,tolaw blew ‘te atephtte eff to owe pyetoades He, 
samont dait gtnomuesean bhaa toolivon of Ytub hw wae kreg j 
; . 

nangekrtd Lunt be yoloolo®? .A .€ , yal toaghl ygakbbel J 
oxow ow axsoh?to beahtotiya bre beititasp yinh o> wrew 
oft 36 atisYie sie To —XR ond — bo g raci 
adi to tnomearudath baa moltoetivc ont baa ,wotm bien = 
wteq ot petootgon bra doartet atoolito bina eect paonut Dae 
bne oxsins oF grisoarebe trom ovew Daa ytoh ifeds mot 
ode an hetqmea duntios 

eusgiamA eff yd boLit exw etaweme , i iid abuts of x 
od? yd baa ,eY .oR mole! Laval Nwrokrow fase toods hese 
aagolic odd sueek at gaittug ,atashiotod Laubivinns Larevou 
etuielgmoo Yo Ilkd ote mh anoit 

eis odd ,atewann ban Sild bieo wo gaiuaed « sogi 
a herein bre deontelqmon ott tot ewwnes oo buwet toffeo 
jeweilo' an dew doldw to d¢taq ,eoteeh 

deoas botameagiand ,snabxe tod ns — —— 
Lanoivonteinl , SY on Laved ynolnl ‘wrestued 
to mwa edt ,dnanialqmeo odd Ph vy 
aiid Yo yxén ode wort eyed ned pat re ® 
aamont?! ,ainabae lob terse oft 2 add boa 
etatuid iva'l ban yoLoalos oA . 

bisa x? > haat od of ie to mum —— 4 
Tooreds ry he mi ,eyeb ost middie no — — ren 
alls of yloqa of temix oft and «5 Lage 
soxotne of BiObYo YLAReeoor ay * xd Lee 7 
haa ,eorpeh ald? yl hole tok ec {2 alate 
x0T Bean * to aoter thba ala ete 

In said devres ther was incorporated the 

prayer for an appeal, which was in the following languages 

"and the defendants by theiy BCliciters 
Guly excepticte the entry of said dearne, and 
pray an appeal therefrom te the Appellate Seourt 
of Illinois, First District, which is sllowed 

upon the & filing @ bond in the sum of 
aixteen h ea Gollare to be approved within 

forty days by the wurt, and the defendants 
are given leave to file a certificate o evidence 
within sixty dayg," 

This is a motion on behalf ef the eomplainant 

to dismiss the appeal for failure on the part of appellants 
to comply with the prayer ond order of appenl, 

The reeerd shows that the appeal waa prayed for 
by all defendants and was allowed for ell of thes, The 
prayer for the appeal was joint and net several. ‘The 
decree allowing the appeal required a bond to be filed 
by all the defendante, tno record shown that the appeal 

a" was signed by only three of the five dofendantss 
éefendamte Ray and Christman not baving joined therein. 

The authorities in cur “tate unifermly hold that 
Me right of appeal is purely a Statutery one and gan be 
availed of only when allowed vy court, and aust then be in 

conformity with the prayer for the appeal.and the order of 

— — — 

Sudesh of Uarvard ye. Bane, 
Ne Hnumond, ot al., 199 111. 476; / 

eft, 207 — Redrick Lox use. 

i. 252 111, 214) Lingle y. City of Chicago, 210 111. 600 

— — — — 

The record shows that while the appeal was granted 
te all the defendants, it was perfected by only three of 
theme This ie not in compliance with the prayer or order 
of appeal, and therefore the motion to dismiss the appeal 


— —3*W 

eds besarodresm! naw Lori — bAaas wi 
segeupnal gaiwolfLot sans na anw itp hate ofaeqqs te ‘so mug 

etotiotlos tied? yw ajnabne tes at faa" Ae A 

bas ,potpeb biae to yxdao oid . —*22 yinb iv 
duved etalloggs ea? oF morte os ia ¥yeIqg ee 7) 
hewolls ai doldw ,foliiald toute honk tor to ean 

te cum edt at brod » guilt — ie aay 
— —*—z of of otal er gel . V 

en? bam o ene 4 * Ri, Paver : ‘ 

aomebive te — —— of evasi mevig ote vidi 
* spyad Viaie whisiew — — 
trankeiqace etd to Elatod a aeitdon » ak aidt- 
etnalloudn to freq edt mo om Lis? sot foncan oud aatonk * rn 

-fasaqa to thee ben re Yere out? ia dw — —* 

Rat bayasq sow Laeqqe eff jot? awom brenat eft - diate — 
of? .uadt to Lia te? bewolie saw one edwabanted Lia we 
ed? .lwreven fon bine omio) aaw Low 48 edd tot so%eTE 
boitt od of bmed & botivpot fanqqa nate paiwot ta eetoeh ; 
Lasqaa ed Sadé swote Srooet ont — ES on I La w 4 i F 
sasnaebnotod evit eat te aerials ydace w bongte naw nod * 
— Reales ged vaei son ——— ona 0) aimabaotod | 

tad? bLlod ylerretioy esnz* two of epkdiveriiua oAT 

od mag bia one Vrotusare « young ak Legge te tigtt a 
gt od mong Jaw ban #00 yf bowelle aedtw “lao to botiave 
to. yobr0 ond. — — — ——— oud 302 wxva eu⸗ at hw — 

zoro ofil @82 ain aa 3 ‘oma at & BALES 3 J 
of 2a 0} Aaiabes aan ee fos ak. 

00a VILLI oL8 oneo id to Ytio .v olaniu pea — ga 

. boinstg saw fasqqn wis oilstw tat? awedta bxooet nia’ 
to ee1de ylao yd —9 enw ds en 


In counter suggestions ta the appellee's 

motion to dismize the mepeal, counrel contend that the 
only real defendant was the Amalgamated Sheet Fetal 
Workers' Locnl Wnien Se. 73. If that ie true, why did 
Thomas Redding and E. A. Sehooley,join in the anpeal end 
in the appesl bond} Uoreover, the bill mede both Christman 
and Ray defendante, and made certain cherese against them. 
These charger were met by answers on bebalf of said 
defendente, The decree ordered all individual defendenta, 
including Christman and Ray, {who did net join in the appeal) 
te perform certain acts, The prayer of the appeal showed 

[ enor aii defenceantea felt themselven arrrieved, and conse. 
quently they all joined in the prayer for the appeal. 

If there were any findings in the ceeree which 

/ affected one as separate from the others, whereby the 
) pray separate appeals, This they failed te do, and the 

parties did net wish to prosecute the appeal jointly, it 

was their privilege at the time the decree wae entered, to 

mere fact that eouneel suggest that no eubetantial righte 

of the said defendants, Christmen and Ray, were affected 

by thie decree, cannot be urged against the plain provision 

of the law, that heving prayed a5 apoeel jointly, it must 
“be perfected jointly. 



a'eelleqce od of anolinagune tefnuoe al 

ont tad? breogmoe Lounvon .laeque eat eaimele af moidom 
{ate toads betamagiemA odd sow teahestoh Lawn «ine 

bib yow ,ouxd of fart? TI = .8Y wot molnt food texodtow 

bua kascaa off ai wiok,yotourde® .A .f one gr lbhed eamost 
namtelii tod obaw (Lid wd? ,xeveoxol fheed Lavqge st wh 
sens taniann sontads miefren whan ban  etmebrw tod we bre 
bios to tieded mo wtowaas ys tem cctw neptade eeodt 
sairehrotoh Lavbivibat Ile rewire sexed oat .afaaheetob 
fences odd mi mot fon bib oder) , gat bom mamtakedd withetowh 
boworte Lmeqqe oft Yo teyets off .atoa nhagies mee lieg ot 
epanod bee ,bovebigne soviensedt? $fot afambewteb Lia fact 
eLaouge ait tot seqorg oof wh bemiog, fia we — 

sdoidw esiocb off mk egeibnit qm stow eteode 11 | 
| ods ydorede ,wtodse orf mott efetaqes an ono —R 
ti ⸗h Laeqge ot! steoaeety of dalw tom 646 aekicag | 
oo ,boreto new Gor9ed odd omat oc? to ogediviag tiodd sow 
eds bre ,@b of Bofkat cncdd vie? «ofeaeqea sider agon gon youd i 
atipix Latinatadun on fend Saogaue ieennes tact fear 9— 


169 = 20483 

4 Corperation, 


in URrer, ERROR To 

’ oe b.90., 
— thet the y= ant waste Ve 

te ct rings Ne@ieal Ins Tnatitute 
and the Orpheum ental Pariers. ve cwned one share of atook 
i each corperation. Plaintiff? offered in evidence a note 
Of J. L. Deonahwe for S840 25, Gated September 16, lone, pay= 
able three months after date to the omer of the plaintite, 
ti with Amteroct at cix per cent. ner anwr, ond also the fol~ 
rs — document: 

"chi gare May 20, 19172 ¢ 

Nonttater svar ti sing Commagyy , , ; . ee 
Rte ’ ; Chisago, Tis x 
— Ueentlement- | a 
Pe cots —— are hereby authorized te insect adver. 7 

—* eee ! 
Bern * ; — aaa 

: ay 4 

Hep emth or Ui 

‘ane event. mm of Sever | a 

oa — 01 red Tinto v8) For whigh wo ‘agree to be re 

> ES, “Youre on etfully, 7 

bo it a ‘ _ ‘ ; — ae Lee Demahue . 
etgned) Leute T. Orr 

eer a notation: 

z to note of 3. 1 


. — 7 J * ay i 
OT most eevee! of ta) 
F pees MEA. a Net . ; ‘ Wy 

Onan wr 

80 Arger teTt! ak Tt2 

euino es Yo mpinico od? somevi feb Bas hs 

os berrotery toftatterad ,sorre at th 
at Vtkintete est) froettncsy Tenors Bat 8 
HORe X atin Tek ae | — — 

tt ger nek 

— —— 

fecie té etete eo fanwo of inborn tela —— 7 — 
efoa a sqtebive a2 Sette lee tert -smoktarogteo dong mt 
ya SLL . ol modwedqos ho eb . at. 008) SOT Gunter 6S · 
sVYitielales off to teheo edd 02 ofa c8fta. nitgovoes sorts oben 
-S0% ef caf Seo Qumea weg .daee wor chs oo Sotsinhdthe a 
sterommoob gmtrot Aig 
eQEer .2° yet poheebre* 9 

gaan antytereyn: fatina” — a 
an Ext — Peon ei ; 

— “Dera —— weve 4 * it Besone Wi 
“er of OF BoM. or ober * { 50.0 MERLLOG oo 

— — oe LE ti ey Vi ae eae 
oe "> ag keaadoet pea ber Bt ae 

Sse’. * * —— — 
of meen OOr\er bees 

sso — — 

ane ee 

The defendant toetified thet this metation wae in his orn 
3 ‘ horivriting, ami made by him at the tim: the nete referred 
F q to was pigned and delivered. 4 
a he rrinmeiple upon whic) — to 
: reverse thie judyment is that this metation at the bettem 
Ne of the advertising oontract, if binling at all, ia me 
mowe than a continent custunty of the note. “os sannet 
L—agree with thie view. ty the gontrest the defondarit, mith 
fommbwe, cmiered the insertion cf the atvertiaine, anti ; 
J 1 ngread to be reanonsible for it, and consequently wan 
7 primarily liable te the extent of the ancunt cmfersd, 
parely, $780.00. When the defeniant, by «riting the no- 
| tetion at the foot ef the contract, says, “hie arplties 
to note of 7. i. DOnahwe,* ote., he seve expressly that 
he agrees to be responsible for that note; when he says, 
"Taken im payment of balance due on neccunt to date," 
Be bo says nothing lees than that the advertising had boon 
=  furmighed os o part cf the care account, whieh it appears, 
had been contracted for by defemiant ard Comahue fointiy. 
‘This dogument ia, in our viow, « direot admiesion that 
upon defemiant's order work had been performed by the 
— plaintig? tc the amount of (642.06, for whieh he was 
| responsible. “hat being an account stated, plaintitr was 
at ig entitied te interest, and the giving of a net e of one 
«| Jedmbly Liable would not constitute « payment of the 
obligation unless the note itself was paid. voreover, 
ae £% wore admitted that dofendart was mot Liable on the 
i TT «sine San jorthan — ⸗ 
" anon ft 46 cloar thet he wn ar absolute quaronter 
SSN of the note in evidence, Ho has sald in words that his 
gt to be recponsible for the advertising aecount 
(emt wo must aoouns it oe, with — toro) 



on ve 

J— aes J —* 


wo off at aaw cofsadaer widtd tedt holt tines Srecheretet ont 
horrs'ton otoer wet 4 omhs ot ta abd vet Paint Bevan vant stewie 
shovovbiad — he oe ot 

— —* 

| Matted att ta mottiagon stett tat as —ã i J 
“Gn at 4 fle te gedterta 4 | | 
dontas e” .ason och Yo ‘toon tment ioe © aadt om 

Aske -snntmateb odd sowutemp ots et wwaky ate det 2 

tee eartotiaovto wotseronet orit bevrentany — 
won veciacpueras Kas t «or old bommrsary we ot Bootge 
+ Sosteteno more a3 To dnosxe ruty o⸗taaet yhbeaxteny |, 
SOM OMS stenhao'ten ots cin £0, 0—eF Vos Hr 
eokiqgs ata .aynn .Joonimis ony So Foo} otf $e aotdng 
tatt \Conetqns aeae od . code ", Mi oT 4b 20 edam of ba 
ween ot coche ; (eton foci? oh Oleihaacqien’ ed Of seem ed 
* ted of tormnane og ou vans fed “se Semargee ut matt 
“freed hat wate terowie arts face cect? seed mis fetta ayen ‘et 
sOraeers $2 date ond to eq 0 ae fede dee | 
⸗xtantot emigeo! hen dnaheestwh eet oot bedoottace mosd Bat 
teds sofsatebe (Wokw “a0 cut gat doomgeb efit 
Odd US Sommpotting eed fut ioe setae a hershey enmepey | 
oaw of dei dy I> .a REE 4 twons edt ot Tikeohete 
Baw Vthantola «hedade tnuenge me amted tat) .aktteeegees 
O80 to oe #0 per rhe ade fom tae ReIN? of bold itwe 
afd % fread 2 o hut tunes dom Ame Gldntt ysemtop |. 
stovooto! § .Aleq ase toes? esan od envden fi 
ait 1 oftatt tom aow smehesteb vate Race Boh ceyeyty * be 

Strata eteoadts + nar Od tnd aoto ak Ot gecko lerophe 

aiet Sede ebeow wi Phew gat ont -Comedhwe 2 ogew orth to | 
roooe yatulsrovha oot to oldtumqaet of ot Shenton | rol 

(oom? Laue igre aoktone $2 wmrune den ow few) wottqus an 
ee —————— * —* 

om ame 

game necount. “e do not soe hew lancusame sould be used — 
“whiten would express mere clearly an intention to be 
absolutely responsible for the payment of the note. 
Defendant ' a contontion that thin Mancuace “cust be con. 
gtrucd most strongly in faver of the guarantor,” 1s con~ 
- trary to the ruling of our Supreme Court im Crigher vy. 
Decring, 904 Tll. 208, whers at 46 gaid at fe TOG 
| “The contract of queranty should be comstrued an favorably 
| to the creditor as other written contrasts." It therefore 
follows that ag the note wae not r&id, rinintiff ms on« 
titled te fulement acainst tho defendant wttheut shoring 
any attempt to onforee payment acaincst the maker of the 
“note. I this view of tho matter 14 will net be necessary 
to eensider the rulings of the court with reference te 


the admiveiton and exciucion of evidences, aa that evidence 
had only te do with the questions ef immclvenmsy amt ailigence 

The julgmont of the Timfieipal Court will be affirmed, 
; Us 


ent od Bivoo enaumnnt vod cea ton ob @ + deo 
od of motamrt an ytooke ommm aaongme Bike aie 
sot td to perxeey echt ooy ated 7 : 

“ne Go “hhdetate Bhat tom acw eter att an dettt —* 
aitocts fed · ↄduntooren oc? toukere auumtut Ob ·t⸗t⸗ 
Git eo worlae od tontens sromyer spots of tenets ye | — 
Wrsuscgen od fom Lftw $f swtdom off % woty abdy at . — 
— ren Sauer 

274 =» 20601 

Defendant in 




Plaintifffin Error. 

aa I98I.A. 100 

MR. JUSTICE GOODWIN delivered the opinion of the court: 

This writ of error was sued out to reverse a 
judgment against the plaintiff in error, hereinafter 
referred to as defendant, in favar of the defendant in 
error, hereinafter referred to as plaintiff, for twenty= 
seven days’ wager as a carpenter in the police department. 
The trial was before the court without a jury, and the 
evidence was preserved by a stenographic report of the 
trial. Plaintiff contends that as there was no statement 

of any judgment incorporated in the stenographic report, 

the judgment must be affirmed. Cur Supreme Court, however, 

in Miller y. Anderson, 269 Ill. 606, has held that under 
the amendment enacted in 1911 te section 81 of the Practice 
Act, it is not necessary to preserve an exception to the 

judgment, nor is it necessary to recite the judgment in 

— — 0... 
TAM trial it appeared that of the 27 days for which plaintiff 
recoveredm 10 days were in May, 1913, while he was absent, 

as he claimed, on a “double header" vacation of 21 days, 
and 17 made up the pericd in November, 1913, during which he 

was suspended from duty pending investigation of charges. 

It subsequently appeared from his own testimony that the —__ 

— — 

(0808 ~ vs 

at tnebrotee — 



rot mihttisateld 


stiu0s ef2 Yo wolaiqo oft bevrevifed— “LWaOOo worreut “sat 


s satevet of tuo beva agw terto Yo diaw aid? | 
settentored , tot tt TYtitniaslig of% Jeniage saempiu, 
mi insbroteb ont te t6vet ni ,tnabnoteb aa ot bexrvetes 
«\Jnowd tot , tiisaiely as ot borioter tot taniorter torte 
deis ad tage b sokLoqg di ni totaeqitas 8 88 Bepey faye neves 
edt bas , yi) # dwoltiw dawos ond oteted aaw Laitd of? 

edd to txtoget okiigetgonese wa yd Sovtoesetyg aaw eomebive 
tnoemetasa on Baw eto x3 ag todd abgotnoo Yritntsls «Lek x3 | 
eitoqet oliugstyoneda of? mi botmtoqroont seomabst, qns to 
~tovewond ,txv0D emetque twO .bomrithe od seum tovenggioss f, edd 
xobay sed biod aod ,608 .ff1 COS ,moaxebah sy zoLlin mt 
soivostd ond to £8 moitoon et [1@L ni hetogns tnombmems ot 
ot of moltqeoxe ne evaseotg OF YIaeeooen Jon ak Tk JOA 

mi dnosugbut edt etioer ot praseevem tf ak 10m ,toemgbyt 


‘edd on to {Lid 10 stoget oidqatyemeda add 
trismtate sto tse zeta Scab TE old Yo tatt Meemeae ot. tnket 


~tnsada agw od elinw ,cL@L , yo mi stow ayob Of gbetev coos 
te .ayab LS To molteoav “tebsod ofdveb” s no ,bembelo od ea 

of dolsw yitih ,éLef ,cedmevow ni boiteq eft qu ebam vt bas | 
| eRogiado to aoitayisseval guntbneg ytub mort bebnoqaua anw 


| charges were sustained and he was dismissed from the 
City's employ. 

From am ofdinance in ferce January 15, 1912, 

j it —— lta skilled laborers who had been in the 
service at least a year were entitled to a vacation of 

eleven working aays Plaintift claimed that he was | 

Gatitied to and had ‘been allowed a “double vacation" | 

in May on accoynt of his failure to take a vacation px 
during the previous year, {but-the ordinance™ im-evidence | 
Nepecifically beriael kunt "All persons eligible | 

provided, shall be entitled to such leave of absence 

during any fiscal year, and in no case shall these 

i for leave of absence with full pay, as hereinbefore / 
| periods be cumulative. of Piaintitt wa was eilewed, and received 

full compensation for, eleven days' vacation in a hone 

7 .-ordinanee he was not entitied--to~ anything mere, 
a! as nid 
asd no within tty. “LE Gnewin in any officer to grant him the 
} "do blewhe ® i 1 b th o 
|_| Moiike ader" | Vacation claimedy/but, on the contrary, 

— — — expressly forbids the allowance of 

-any=-such cumulative vacation. 

Under Chicago y. People, ex rel Gray, 210 111.84, 

a civil service employe of a municipality cannot recover 

wages for a period during which he was under suspension 

and did not work unless and until he has been properly 
reinstated. This disposes of plaintiff's claim for the 
remaining seventeen days. The record in this case conclusively 
shows that the claim of plaintiff was entirely without basis 

in law. The judgment of the Municipal Court must, therefore, 

be reversed, 



eis sort beoeeimeth esw ad bas benisteve stew aegtaiio 

eyolgme alyt fd 

~8LOL ,aL yraunal eotot ut comsntbho 0 mort 
edt mk mood bad ow aretodel bellice tastt Sxmegqe tk 

to wie aoa s ot bsltitne stow taoy sw tassel ts eotiviesa 


| eau od stadt bauialo Tiisnteld Peayeb grtiaittow reve Ie 


“®gotdtsosv- efdueb*® a bewolls need bet bas oF ‘botstias 

— ao t aoav s sist of emmiiat aid te tarcops mo yal at 
—— gi sonanifso ois tud § Seanad auolvotg edt gat —— 

efdigifis anoereag ILA" jad? bebivera Vilas iooa⸗ ; — 

etotednieted ae ,ysg {Lut dite eomeada to evsel tot 9 
gonsads to evesl dova of boltitne ed Iiscde (bobivexa 
\\. eeontd LLuste PR2ZO on ne bia tae baad Yas anitub 
bovisooes bien , bare tte asw Tiitnielt $*.evivetumve of ubeizeq 
bas «Yael ak ——— ‘eyeab nave Le TOT no i teaneqiteo {fx 
(otdm griie ys ed deltidwe sox ewes oBnant beg oas ve 7 ~ 
edd mid tnatg of teoltto yas ni awotia ae ys irortsse omnes 
eWietsnes srt so; dud) ybemtalo Nolet Bosv . SapbasdneLdvob" | 

te sonswofls sat ebidvotr qievstaxe toatt comnnthse ons 

smotteosy evivatumse fio ve —Yaa- 

28.01T OLS ,yam0en xe selcoss ax easoidd tobal ‘ 
Tsvoost tonnes yileqiotaum # to eyoigis eotvaee’ Livio 8 
folanegesa tebrnw acw od iho ube sgenkaa Soined s tol aegew 
viteqotq mesd ead ed [iin bas —— ow ten bib bas 
edt tot mtefo a'titeniale te soaogeth ata?  ebetataniot 
feviaulomes easo aint mk bresst est .aysh asetasyos aninismet 
ealesd jvodtiw yLotitns aaw titinielg to miato outs dads aworle 
yototexors eum tivedD Laqtotass edt to —** exT wel ok 

 hoatevet od 

i aero smmunre * art 

2065 / 
32 = 20861. 
Defendant gn irrer, ) 
‘ } NSONTOIPAL coune 
Re TANIN Y tng } 
business of SRICANO. 

ERs JUDTICN GOOWIE delivered the opinion of the court. 
This writ ¢f error ic breught by the vlaintiff in 
errer, horeinmatter referred to ac the defendant, arainst 
the defendant in error, hersinafter reforred te ae the 
pleintaf?, to reverse cs fudrment for (500 ebtained won 
a check dram by the defendont in favor of the Tanm~a- 
Breckenridge Company + ami by it endorsed te the plaintiff. 
Im the “urtelral Court the dofendéent filed en affidavit 
of morite stating that the check was proeured from the 
defendant by the payee by fraud ond micrepresontation; 
that payee, at the time the cheek was given, frauiontly 
ropresonted to deoferfant that it wae the owner of cortain 
proiseery notes te the value of (2,600: that aald notes 
worlé bo paid at maturity; that makers of ssid notes. were 
solvent ami would pay the same when due; thet said makers — 

ers were, in fast, insolvent and payee knew them to be insole 
si“ wot and that the notes wuld net be paid: that defendant 
bs Ki gent belteved naid representations an? gxve payee a cheek for 
be — $8005 that all] statements mate were falee, ard known by } 
a i payee te be false and traudulont, and made for the purpose 
i ss OH Obtaining the ehesk for (500; that plaintife nover paid 

any value for the check and wae net an Immoeent holder: 
ee and tint the shock waa delivered to him for the purpose ‘ 


wy rope ( 

es WA 

OADTRD HO snes tated 

8 0 J JA. Is 8 Q ent phate 
Aruoo off to sointqo oy Sewwhleh AIMOGH FRETOT, oA. . 
mh Trttaket, edt yd sdgwon! of aowte To. Fda abaT, 

Sxeitans .toubuoteh odd an of Sorwsetoe sod ecstorrert oT 
afd ao of herrre ters reas Laut teera nore th taoherw tot ets 
eves port? nado odes sot Semerbuh 2 oeroren Of » Mewatoly 
sana! of Bo wove? af tr Saeteh otf yt meerth —— * 
MrtInkate ot? of Sowwabas $2 ws bem. ymmmmo on btewradaow! ; 
shyobhits mea & Sal Sip hepa asta ema? faq to beng, etd ot 
on? sor? Sewersa aay doodte ott newts opt dade a$t tact to. 

— fr Roath qd eopar ods Ye shen ted 
elénetutuart etoviy aaw Konte oie wee oad 2a oes surt 

— *e torem off aa 2f dad? dese Benes b os hotensenqtet 
“geton Dine tasts 1O0G.8 Bo onlay ces 3 meron Yada 
grew neton hos * onesie Fath yt Sree ae tn bhey of Bkvew 
erode bien tat! reuh necw sane off yor Seer tym droelon 
«foveal od of mocks ver! oeyat faa freriogy? . doe of .oew 
trebasted tact «hkoy od tom Biwow stan edt tort Dae éaew 
+o? food 2s eOyAT ovan ire DOOM odeeceuyey hey dene fed 

vi mort how ,eafet oven ohat chmemetadn fhe tote 70008 | 
earns esd “mY ole Raa <Motifuert eso omkitt of of aeyer 
bles vevea Tiftirtato fats 1999 sett Heads naff ay helardo to 

rrobLod saogoced! an. ton eve beo tvende aft 402 enhlay yee 
eae afd wt wit oF bowevli of Ted tooo cfd dai? bas 

t tobfed See toawo oft naw et tadt Qeeqqa $2 gatiten to 

outa 30% Seodo bisa 

On the trial, whieh wae before the court with- 

out a jury, « depesition of the piaintiff woe reeoived 
in evidence to the offect that he had had business Acal- 
ings with the payee of the check fea a rertod of two yeares 
that some time between Revenber 7, the date ef the eheck, 
amd "evermber 6, the date it wac pretested, he reecived | 
$t to apply on an account of shout 4,000 owine him, ont 
thet ne part of that amount has ever been paid: that he 
deporited it in the bank, wae oredited with it, and after- 
wards it was pretested and returned. 

yey The defendant was called in hie own behalf, and 
testified thet he had a conversation with the prostdent 
of the payee company at the time he ‘elivered the check 
te him. \Obgeetion to this conversation was sustained. » 

— TT 
“is ccunpel offered to provejthat on the day the cheek 
‘ iS wae datod the prosident of the rayee company etated to 

defendant that he would not use the check umier any cir- 
ip + Cimetangos: that plaintiff mes net indebted to the rayse 
— at that time. and "thet upon enid representations that 
he would net use the cheek, mooning they would not put it 
im the dank for eollestion." cefenteant gave him the cheek: 
F Pt | that the payes company had offered fer sale to defemiont 

a (=  @n @afid dates, notes to the amount of $2,800; that maid 
ce | motes vere of me value; thet the payeo ower Ctraus over 
i | HP $6,000, and thet the president of the payee hed the note 
Bt: —* in his possession ae late ae the Mth of voverber. Apide 

from the proof made in resard to the dtistanees of aifrercnt | 
; towne from Chicago, thie was all the evidence offersd or 

— ae 

«ditty doe or? oroted aew datdy . lobes oth m0 
bovtooer acr Whdntole off to mmkttacrd o eget eam 
«fa0h nnentard hat bat of faft sooTte eft of sametive ak : 
tareoy ows ‘to Bottled o at toede os to seyed oe APhw mye J 
ifoote ot to eseh ont .° aedaevol noented emt? enon Putt | i 
hevtooos of ,~bedustowy cow Sf odah od? , 98 sodagvoli teow vat is 
Ben eat petwo 000,.M suoda to semroons aa mo ygrs of OF * 

ef tedt thet cood wave cai temone fad? to dang on Jade 
pads Bee ~Sh ditw bosihero oar ated ed? af $2 Bog heoze * 
-hemmtor bie fetnagore oan #2 aisaw ' 
fetn <tiared cme etd ot helfwo sav ¢meheeteb ad? 
drobteory ott dttw sotinateweme # best od tat? So ktheaed 
toorlo off hogevt£e” on omte od fa yemmmee eyed eft to J 
donka taun vaw mettammwtes atttt ot avkioakds! abt of ate 

— —— Se 

AAMa⸗r ‘ots “as od? «0 Aeyera —VV — — —E ate | 

of betaste yrange ations ett Ya <0 pusievey wah Boke Py, 

the yoo rehers foots at? ou fom Biuow of tacds tested 

aaa oft of hoddobet dom aew Wlintala tad? recemnbenso 

tats exoktaimonerces btae mony dard" Bee .eakd sake ta 

of tiny foo Aivow yortt quttment agate oof om dom Bluow on 

tooo oft mbf oven dteimetws “\mekioolloe ao) dead odd ont . 
duohretab of offoa «9t Sorotto bad veers eayey off dats x 

btan Jats 1008.8h to fmm ett of weter .vete® Dies ae - =) J 

Tevo avers” cero ooged att Salt yeulov on to one aedon . J 
ofan odd had aeyar att Ye saehbaon edt anit Mae 00088) | 
obtdA -modwevo' to 108 ett eo etal on motocrmnpe att at | a 
froneTt!H to avenasath aff of trramen at oben teomy elf sort ‘ 

1 bowo?to osmebive edt (fe eaw ets ,opeokds dort amos — 
»roviooes comefive ait wogy Jat? asefo ef 91 J 7 

: meds nofteorp of” .deroom byt ob boatan sow tetate | 2 
erro sues att socks mo kro snow et ination edt noge seatwn on 


& Gomparicon of the affidavit of meritorious defense and 
the evideme offered aml evcluied, shove no comnestion 
between the two. In his affidavit @deferdert alleree that 
payee obtained the check by frautulentiy rerresenting that 


he was the owner of cortain promicsery notes cf a certain 
valve, with solvent makers, ané which weld be raid at 
maturity, “he procf offered io only that the payee sata 
thet he would not wee the cheek under any ¢iratrstancens, 
meaning they would not put ‘t in the bam: fer colloation 
{a matter which is in no way relied upon in the affidavits 
that payee had offered for sale to the ‘otendant notes te 
the amount of (2,500, which were of ne value, and defeniart 
at the time of the trial wae not inle>ted te the rayee. 
Thies @oes not in any ~ey make out the ‘ofense rolied upon 
op, in fact, ary defense. Had thic evidenee been received, 
- 4% would stil? heve been the cuty of the court to enter 
fudement. ‘The offer of proof was made in comneetion vith 
the testimony of deferdant, whe, himself, owerse to tho 
affidervit of morite in whieh it was stated that the false 
and frouiulent representations wors made to him. “Ne did 
\ not make the affidevit upen information and belief, but 
ap of his cm tnowledre, yet, whor he te cp the stand and 
ee his counsel cakes an cffer cf vreof, ho does not offer to 
| prove facte or circumstances sustaining tho defense alleced. 
It ie a well settled rule of law that where the evidence 
— defemant makes an offer of 
—6 preef which is excluded, the fulemert will not be roversed 
\ m⸗en ‘the specific fasts offered to be proved aro sufftotent 
_ te eptablish a defense. {(Lugas v+ Yeebe, 88 Til. 407.) Tt 
ne AB, ot of course, not necesnary tht the proof offered should, F 
| — rake out the defense. It would be evfrictent = 

, Of. a —— 
bra eoyetoh aveltos isan Io tivebitts wie 2 mise heraneam 4 
rofigontms on awetea ,fotrfore tne hotetts: ecaehive wie An 
todd oenotla taspretes sivebitte wid ot ome odd omertod 
gad? atiincaotet (lioolutuat? yo fvotto afd Doalaido eeqedq 
aiegwo 2 % seton wrewtuord mladgine geo odd apr en 
$n dkny od Siwow clo trty Reus .oweaine deer koa ante nr 
Bian seve odd facie vfvo @. bores oom ad’? © 
ssooratemuazito yea Note doode ott euw dae — ae ona | 
moLsoolies tod ‘ad of wh 3° dee tow Siow cud gekames — 
i(sivebiYts edt at moqy betles yaw ov at of dette oedema) 
Of vogom anabaot>” off of ofce wr bowtin Ped seyeg dodg 
frabrtotobh Here gotloy on to one datiw 00%. 2) to dace odd J 
-eoysq sit of hotcotat tom ace Latest ofd th ends od? 3a J 4 


soqy bolfer vente off sum offer gar yete at dom so08 attr Le Wi ie 

ghovioooy noud somebive atts Sat -ommeteds gaa «teat mE oto > 
todme of Hoo eds tw Ese ol? woud evad (1 ite bSssome tk o™ 
Agi aotteomioo «t oben wae Yoows ty vette edt. Amomabat : 
odt 04 @rows «2loamtt ore «#nateroted to yomttons ody 
eafet odt teat hotots saw tf dolviw at effmm to shvalitte . 
Bib of mkt ot ofom omew sapbiatrosewret teokuteer® tan a 
ded telled ime mofierw tert asqu divablYie edd eden dom | 
fers trate edd ae af at ode dey yonbelwent am att tome 
Of tat%o fon a0OD ad y toons, Yo Tel os omtian Lemmas wht 
Bozelln garetoh old paintotase vegrntaminnto wm efeg't avon? 
eorebtve of? ovecte gute wes © potion Ye poten ifew a ak os 
to 1Tte me vetton srofreteh feet _ comme 
hearovot od Jom Iliw soomhut oft ,hobotone ai: —E oon 
ehorYive eo hover, of oa hereto — 
$i (.99h SECT PO edee saoet) -ounotod # aeitcndme of — 
ybiluorin Horwtte toons of? tod? etoaneoen Som — Maa 

Sagtve aa) wt (0 esoemne a8 erase 

a A 


3 recoived or expresely offersd on behalf cf the dofemiant, 

| _- eonatitute oa defense. “tn thie ease the defendant's own 
teatimony moo all thet was offered in bia behalf. “he 
testimony offered 414 not conntitute a defense in iteelf 
oy when taken in commection with the other facts in ovi- 
@denee or ecloly tn cormecticonm vith his owm atmitted ten- 
timony, nor war it evprlemented by any offer of other evidence 
The fudonent must, therefore, be affirmed. 


Arinheto dod oft to Dade’ ao heaettco —yioaempre mm bevkenes 
ave so denfuro'teh ade Bue nts m 7 -ooreteh a edwadt Jace 

wt? .Eatod ate ak foto aew daddy Loe awe —E— 
Gieott ot vaxeteb 2 abing at aeroe dont itt howohro weomlioes 
=es «£ ehowt socite att Ap tw not· odenros suk. crotant sites aa 
god tecthehea ove etd dae aotteamms of ylefog ge eameb 
sohtvo taiie to te%te wie yt hetnomedgque Jf oov Oe gipmomks 

»Boorwirts of ,eto etal! damn dremel ett 



598 «\20036, 


parm wy 


P98 TN tea 

ie tt 
Mit, JUBTICK GOODWIN delivered the opinion ef the court, 

Appellanta, hereinafter referred to as plaine 
tiffs, brought suit against the appellees, hervinafter 
referred to ae defendants, to recover damages for the 
Gefencantet failure to terminate certain leases then in 
existence, by giving the proper sixtyeday notice ge that 
the right te possesrion ef seid prowiees would acerue to 
Plaintisfe under the terme of a Lease frou the dufendants 

— — — — 

to plaintatte, | in the lease sued on, dated | April 25, ‘1910, 
the defendants deaised to plaintiffs two steres fren May 

7, 1910, to April 30, 1920, ‘The tenth oleuse of the lease 
provided that "It in further covenanted and agreed by the 
parties ef the first part that the partics ef the second 
pert shell have said domived premises free of any rent te 

July 2, 1916, but said parties of the seaend part agree te 

Poy assume ali responsibility of eviction, if neceasary, the 

= prosent lessees of uuid deuised premises, but partics of 

the firet part agroe to serve as witnesses should their 
testimony be required." 

Aba. Manna’ had a | 

— Apon the firet trial of this cause, J 
etruck the Plaintiffs? atatement of clad from the files on 

4 _ the ground that it did not state a cause of action, rae 
eM — NM 



1 Maa bos WE 

090 Li0GGA ; 7 ne “a 

SB fo 

«Pian et? Yo motmion ode hervovl ion —— wirac it * 

stinig an of bowxs tor rod toutorod .ataatiogga —— Mie 
TSHlaniored ,aveLLegyus wid Faniayn tive suo vernee — 
ott 20% seyamad teveoox of swangtnrn bod an OF vor ler ie 
ai aedd geeael niatroo au areas ad onmh sot tetainorod : * 
fads oa vohs on qwheysate aaqong wd: gaivhs seomasebaen | tii 
ef swiees biveow esakwerg bian’ te fo Laveswag od sight oat a te 
atusinetsd ef west — Lidl penintiadll od Maniata a 
.O£0L ,Ga Lixgs bedeb no boun onant oad wi \ wTRivoiate of cg 
Wik Kost poxoss Os BTILIGLesy Of beRiNed eomadne ton a — 
Sasol ori? to wewalo dined ol! ORCL ,OE Linga of ,OLOL To Oy 
od ws heorgs bus betuaneyge xocitau't of 9I" omit bobivong 
baeove erie te welding ost taxis ttag | sont aah to wottiag 
‘\ oo tat Ya to sett sondasse Sou kevin bine evant, — — 
⸗⸗ oerye sing bathnn mie To —8 phon tee es ft yl 
welt ,ytaawooen 22 sitodtodvo te Wi Liddenogena fe causes 
Yo eoktcag sud, eSennneey Apaten, sea re — * —— 

Pare ee utale ‘te —— * 

Se ee . 

— — — 

— — — 

he »- 


on ae 
ne wes 
appeal te this court c. et ab Ye Bemetein, st al, 
183 111. App. 154.) it was held that the tenth section 
of the leawe pinced the duty of terminating the pricsr leases 

by aay Ey. upon the defendentes and reer. iz. Juntice 

Grown, apeaking fur the cure waid, ai pe LOT; — 
@ te the plaintiffs sijuaes & covenant for 
place the 

t, but did not imply or express covenant to 

om. That is, it daplied 
f the tier part had the legal right te 

give and the pertios 

comd party in poss 
that the partis 
the second part the legal right te 

enforce pateesaion of the promises for the term reserved, 

left to the second party the burden 

Days PO NAB orate i: eer 

The clause in 

question as we construe it did nething more then make an 

@xpresa statement of the situation which the law made 

without it." 
* ak, Offend α— 
Upon the second 

dal the unicipal Court ade 
mittes testimony offera: for the purpose of showing that 
the intention of the parties was te place the burden of 
terminating the leane on the plaintiffs «nd lessees, and 
on the evidence so offered the court held that the plaine 
tiffs wore charged with that duty, and ‘0 entered Judgment: 
fer the defendante, · Aa there was no thing ‘ambiguous in the 


Language ef the lease, it could not be varied by any exe 
traunsic evidence, The onee of Graves Ve Boge, 246 lil 
80, cited by defendente in suppert of their contention 
that evidence may be received for the purpose of showing 


142 22 smiotortes ok 4 22 satu) dusdo, ohid ot famgqe Ey 
molgooe dine? edd suid Bort waw Sh (OGL .amh itl BL 
aonsel «cixg edt guttustuned to wah odd wonky sanel orld Bo 

‘oolseul .ch 8 .ateades — ainobasteb edt? meow J Bacar xd * 

—ret ag tH phan —— edd 10? gokiogs “caw 

* — 202 guemever « bediqng wtRidmialta ond os 

} oF Inanevoo aeouges xo ylgmd tem bib dud fi 
| | | | 

ied Srigkt Lane ont diag buoose nate asking ons baa orig 
sdbovisaet ened eit mo? 20m q odd ko acteabam ep te tae 
—— — odd — — om Ameen paid ot 4 * See 

— — — 

gi gaualw owe —E 

ae oven mule vis uted aah $s wondanon ow wa nolteoup 
obam wal one dodde moitawd ia ed? %o Sucmoate auergxe 

* a4 orls dw. 
we ver ; | 
8 arn es dya —— AEBS 1 
wha seve) Lagke tne ett te bwesea ond mogl- . 

fade giiwoda to evogtag ads te? soxeTRe yrowivoss aoteia | 
te sobbed wit ovale of sew avidaiag ode to goltaedal of? 4 
bas ,woenued gon OVRGwioly wl oo oamel ot goksankerced M 
eink; 009 dui? dknd twae edd boxe vo eonvhtve old mo | 
fnomghut, borer ov hee «ysuh sad aake hegre omew sTBse 
ortt — — porn ae onedt A X — — aut — 
exe yin yd boiuav ad tan plyoo 22 ,enwet out te epaugaat 
oi tl S08 .989i 2% Sayeed to sano ont eeOnoktve elenats 
noldnegnoo atest lo stoqqve ai agaahsoted wh bedtp ,08. 
paiweda to oncqung oie sot bevloows od yan seanbeve tadd 

* x — 4* A Re 
wine eee 


that the language, when applied $» the facts, was really 
ambiguous, was a case invelving the question ef latent 
mabiguities in wille, and has no application here, 

, Upon the admitted facts plaintiffa were excluded 
— Prom the poseeasgion of the premises demised, by reason of 
/ the defenduntet failure to perform their implied cevenant 
for quiet enjoyment, and as this court has already held in 
Buller ve Bornstein, supry, plaintiffs were entitled te 
\ Fecever on account of that default, The question then is 
es to the aseunt which they are entitled te recover, Plaine 
tiffs’ claim the right to recover the value of the use of 
the desised premises from May 7 to Auguet 31, the day they 
obtained powsession, inclusive, We are of the opinion, 
however, that aftex slaintiffs had learned that the leases 
: of those in possession had not been terminated, they oould, 
by the service of timay notices, have terainated the leases - 
by July 31, and that the preper measure of their danages 
+—4e the value of the use of the prenises fron Kay 7, when 
| under the terms of the lease they were entitled to peseespion , 
te that date, The undisputed evidence offered in the court 
below shows that the value of the use of the premises during 
that period was $500 a month, which is the rental reserved 
in the lease, ‘hic wan not contradicted by any evidence 
offered by the defendants, and no exception was preserved 
by the plaintiffs te a findipg by the court baced on 
that valuation, In this state ef the recerd we must 
hold that the value of the use ef the premises is conclusivee 
ly shown to be tho swe ef $300 2 month, It therefore appears 
that by reasm of the defendants’ failure te perform the 
implied covenant of their Lease for quiet enjoyment during 

VWlaor aaw ,etoat odd ot bedicgs avdw soyamyied add dacs 
sretet te moliesup edd guiviovnal oawn « tow ,anengidim 
Sted coktmotings on sad bes .ofliwth aohtinytdes 

te Bate ~ was g ‘ 

bebuloxe ov8w ettisniadg atnat boss tbe walt ‘went iy 
to nusset yi bee tome —ER eng te noimeesnon ot owt 
snanevoo hetlqms tdesti meted ee emit Padstabes Yon ong 
ai bLoxi ybsoxla Feet) fxwe0 aids aa bas sdreange oe faanp w 
Ot belsitne evew wt tigudmte xe amberenees ay vehi / 
ak cond motieowy ant o# Sunteb Bld ta FuvoHgs OS LOVOSeT - 
wield »xeveoes of bo tt kins ons ‘wnt tis ach⸗ favors wit of ea 
to ony erly ‘te eutav oft teveoou of trigix of@ mhafo *e?tle 
“edt ymb off {2 teuquwa of VY yall mov? eenieeag boekued ad? | 
sHeimiqn af? to ose OW ,ovinwlomt yaoleseseog benkagdo 
aoeeel ont tadg hbontact bad ottitaialy «zetia saad etovewou 
shined yout ,betanimane mood fon bed sotampagod ni goad? Te 
<eeaael sit botandonss veut. ,o90 ton ele ads te coivxen alt yf 
Begnnad tiodt Te ovis covong out Sats ibae (16 yh Wl 
now 4V yal wont eveioore ary to een aed ko outev one ab 
molsesresg of boliif~aws ot w whit seeel se To exmtet of? tobe 
éxyoo ent mi hou ito sonohive betugeibou of? .etwb Saas of 
Milivh sorkmetq ate te gow off to ewhav ot? Sacks awade woled. 
hoveeans Iatnen oid ai doidy .aémom a OOS2 saw bodseqg Jadd 
eonnbive wis wh bevolhartnco too gar ost ,ommed add as 
beyrseex¢ ams coitgnein om tema .ednmoan oh oft yt bone Tre 
oo doused gre of¢ yS ghkbatt « at attisulety ods yl 
duum ow buepot wily To atate eidt at .otsceuday dadt 
eeviaulonoo ef avalmerq wed Yo any oo to aulov ene fast biod 
BtH9 qe oroToress FL sideem 2 OOCF Do swa ee od of gwede yL 
Ord MtOtiog oF OTUList fatmadan ind ett to manne yt Pade 
Qitltwh Iopayotne salup «cot esaol «sheds To — 

athe — 

the time demised, the plaintiff were unlawfully deprived 
L ef tine premises from Yay 7, 1910, to July 31, 1910, and 
are entitled te recever the value of the premises fer 
that period, which ic shown te be $830. The judgment 
of the Municipal Court will, therefore, be reversed and 

jvéguent entered here for that sum, 



bevixqed yilvtwalaw or0ow dtivainic ef? ,Sealmeb eaie ode 

bro ,OL@L ,f8 ylub of ,OL0L .v wt wort evadaneg oat YO 
10? seaimotq edd to sulav oft twveoet af bateline ote 

dnompout od .O8AG ad of swore of ciptcw bokeeq sass 

bas beatover od ,sr6teted? ,ikie fuvot Laytodae of Te 

me Sarit 10? wrod boredMe daroengbas 

<3 TEMA, CRA Cm 

898 « 20006. 

Appellants , 
f RURICIPAL count 

198 I.A. 104 

UR JUSTICK GOODWIN deliverca tho following opinion. | 

; The appellees haye filed a retition for ra- 
hearing in whieh they urge, (1) that oral evidense 
; ie, wae competent because objection was wafwod: (0) thet 

\ om the evidence the judpment of the court below wae 

va . Clearly right: (2) that the court orred in cone teuin ge 

‘ the lease; and (4) that the appellants could not pos- 
—* sibly be entitled to rere thar fa0. 

im tn support of thelr eentention that the | 

i court erred in the construction of the lease, counsel | 
J for the retitioners contend that the opinion of tr. 
i Justice Prom in the former appeal 441d net atterpe to 

F vy constrte the lease in question, but rather (if we wuder- 
a a stand counsel correctly! pleeced « tentative construet ion 

upen an instrument whieh he hirself soneiderod doubtful, 
and that consequently, ite moaning ray be determined by 
——- Pemerting to pared evidence. upon careful conetdera~ 
ten of counsel's argment, we remain firely of the 
i a opinion thet the Appelinte Court An the former case 
‘Conatrued the instrument in question: that that eon- 
struction ts binding on us new — — 
nen nt least, correct. 

M8 = BO 
(«seins sk ee ne 

pb 1" os abit 

4 + a 
maven sanronE —— * ry 7 
ADADTND TO — en ee 

LOL 4.1 ee! — * 

Sra ate eer P I ob nar sentry Lion 
* —3* 
«tO berber artnotton auttd henewhton HULA ara J 

———— wontons ‘pete —— i he 

enerehivs Lorn dade OF) cee yout olneaty ee met —*8 

fads aevan aie mekésotde anudtatet smatmemibdy ‘ake ie 
ae weled deron ef to goo det ott conte odd me 

gtivetane ot het mend oft dadt (9) fatyley eee 

AaW7 Sony otee⸗ ctant fetes: ott Owetd fh) him camel “a 6 i 
OPO! ped Cte CO WER ae eit J 
td smi? wottentren etedd 4 drone wT 
fname .ocasl od Ww sokomentatso ode a? bewas dee 
lat MO coketCo okt Seat fede onemmks tie edd toe 
of dreadse fo Nib Leoggn week Hr RE eet wottaet 
amatnts ow tt} wetier ted notimeny th onmet og eoeteman 
mold — — — ,o—————— 
kirhaction’ horebtanes Sembee dent paadlbnsan® we meee 4 
yd homthoerar ou qn patane nit De 
aanpbinno Setter « st hemakhine Riiay st ymtbeee 9 ty 
aly te chon atone ver .crememgin a Leman ye oomte ——— 
—E——— immed ae Y dg 
to tact Snel vaeeltiAunany ee eto amt ect Seem Bei 
a “pve a) anakiorte ‘at 

mi naatoermy ate Heonek Rawk ibeahartwt Ot , 
Dis mort Mestie of seed x M6 wi Reelkate oad oF tel j 

pivataawe 0 eer great — ie — A SON ' oom: ‘in 

___*etion on the part of the defendants. 

Hiding lease which gould be terminated by svitable 

D — hee ET ae 
F eT ee ba Ax sass — a — a for outlast en f 
} yb ee = * 

M and while the lessers ai4 not imp Mealy Ainier= 
take to ovit — tenantea in ponneestony oy aia. by 

¥ their act of aentoliig~the proniages “coven: mt that they 

hod the legal right te — the parties of the see 
se legal rich}to enforce, oot 
tems for the Ser reserved, art Lett to Phepe 
partion “2 bumlen of enfereing thot richt. 

Qe Lon of the oro- 

the question that arese in this ease war as te 

whether the 19th amd lith elauses, when reed together, 
| crested « different situation. The 16th glavae previded 

t the leesors showid have the device’ rremisen free 
of any rent ta July 1, 1910, ert enld varties of the 
‘geeond part (plairtiffe) agreed te anewre *.11 reopon~ 
eibility of eviction, if necessary, the prenent leasesr 
of said Goemised premieas, but the parties of the firet 
part agroe te serve ao witnesses, should their testireny 
be required." wvy 
PSGa CF evict the present leseeer, If nesearary 
et ic to Aioponsese, pursuant to juttolal ascred, 
Ss unlawfully in poeveseion, a4 the resporsl- 

in Sther rortt, the particg 

iy withheld it. 
mi “eviction” to 

Joa e *, (oven 9 gontontion ie direatly controry tothe] 
. the m baied Sevtavion,* sot is — br } 


efdarien ct dotentord od bia doidw ooael gobi 
—— ————— atagheateh ete to faq wiht re tee Se 
“eine tefun soto <test> 

| ~nohai NEB eroeant ald oktete Bet ajfretipely 
| et «hte cite. robe cocemmep ech eanaines ap ttvn ae vac 
\ vat? sodd Sorocraeed vaqqhenen ehd-Brtetams to FOR scout | 
il ald be ew kintarr tt nee” Fou o¢ deg tt Lepel oo Bad 

~wury off Yo moloagavSa . com ine ot deg Be Ray ak eet aan 
| hones ee Fel Sw , horeeeet aaa, aki ot see : 
bs ofese n>) -din tt ¢gte grhowiee IW —E aint, a9! 

tens, ,; S27 Bae. eda : we — tor — 

y Bs Sow Onna gids cl eaarva Jods woh au muun ot 
~tatferod Ancor cade ,acaueto Matt fare si if ony — 


hohtumey gaunt ent off .aofdoutin soowetehh » Sedsens - 
sert seatmorw Geaatoe! off weet Sigede aunetet ad@ tastd, 
, ote Mh wet Haag —22 tert a me whut nit reg Ue 29 
wan oy Cfo" aovecs oF Soorma (VERS hate) — E 
— —— freon artd : (tnaveeor If .cokeetve 30. webbie, 
gauft e4% % eeoketar att ford  sombnotg hoalneh biee %0 
qroviteas siet? Wyotde -senncnehy Om OFERe oe oot stay 

\wumesos: +2 .weecsel troweme att doers | 

sporonh Tatoltut * deca caret , oaperacnegs 8D ot es wi *\ 
~balr qaex odd bite ner oe OMY ub, Ch dete Len rnorg SS) 
bow bere inaolo — wet gagetr % . 
a tome o£ vd 30 sud eo 
.#? Dloddatw wl riage tne oem vf 
aod of “notiotes” nats abrcue dah 99 Aveo wear ke tialt 
: mal it eee ote anos att tte cuo leroy 
’ ont * 
arty 4 vt adoro Ltnedth af mak sor auoe 0 RET Ss 
tod Serltaper at Bae * sattotyo® 8 ode ‘te 

itepessod mi vi 
2 teetze, end att yothsamborped qifexealt to ese 

“tuny Bolide ——— —E — 

cae toh to — 


=a — tentinony ve, — 
—⏑⏑——— — —— mye timer 

the lecmore suve the loweoes the vrizht te remodel the 
putiding, and agreed te pay therm S8OO "to aprly on the 
teteal cont of eafd altercntions and ioprevenents.” hile 
it wae agreed that the alterations and iowrevements should 
coat at leant that amount. 
ar vpraran err that the parties 
| second part should heve the prewiaen tre any 
rant te Syly, 1910, wae eiven tx considera stéin for they 
uming the™ ~ of ovieting the terants, and tr cover 


op time that | it ‘ypuld take to ay it then, ts without \ 

im efit. The lense wa oe i terms the naimtere | 
; y to remodel” “the, — 7* ama — then, amd the 
4 mente vere tsa Great at gant Cane, tf anything 
oy Aa fe be detuerd trem thin otate’s 

J Pigte, 18 in that t 
penien 23 — te uly 1, 1°19, 

th iy “ot time that the plaintitts . 1 wed, 
of any “prod wetive vee of the vrenteos by te of Ane foot 
hab~ me _being renoleled an. Silbadivaded . 4 
aa The Pongo Tor the insertipn yr the phrase” 
Wy of eviotion is megs —R | de gud he | 
OL aOe » the ae mddate “soren * 


Frat Sahmotaee” Fane “avert orn sk igh 
As ato ont)" nnget geek sro B tone) arene oct | sana 

—— ome trition: ius woentiaes — J 
oon of lien: — “ —D abs see aah 

cauals Ader ott xt Lest ae etek 2 
it? febumey of tiky off eoddanl ef? vant weeral od? - 
att mo 4fere oo" O00 cect? var od heotme — nt tee 

efit ” aéromeyenpe? hus anteliieretic Aten wo fete tetot 
‘Biwede asrermpargpst Dens enakiawes Lu, mid dart? bentye saw ae 
Hey mene ay ee oY « dotnes tas tomel te faee 
— out tit ro Fam RUIN — | | 
; vers & ager spt Beno neey weft avert Brnvent — Eg 

| atone 0% aks sok ture at crow aay ll 4 
| so-v02 o¢ San —R ots gattative * se aio & Racor 
9 Samet be ef aarti Fiery as etad tae rn rt) oaks . 
—34 ath titel ed? rorcos: PB "eo nw waded coe sat ¢ 

at? feo _mocts ohivt btn ten tote off Tatoo — 

* — * 
_poidteyre 22 «0008 Seay Pe Oy 8.0. 

cast} farts wt a) azo 7 ae etnte | hts oor ; 
i al s Peet, ot —** Ae. : 


to — goose oo oben | 
— ad —* Antoatata acto sods aie te 
fo: " ott 20 oo⸗ oa · yé perinesy acd to mat? wit gerth 

\A nat khedin ore he tobeoreny t_gethe sam 
—Q wt gps ee oid oO? promaet ont 

Ce + vores see -Sechuanied ond TH ae . a ae (a : 
: hump ot) eran went di son ave 0. —* ce on I | a y 

2* q : J 
ee woe? apn «etna TORE | <P i, 

he at) Dhan ged atti tebe oat * ag 4 

. ron) t te ‘Sely V O10. | "hey may \ 
me Stuming alone, might 


the leneeve, y oS f 

If thia * ge 24 a then, 1t ean | 

Hh ober words, the rule which 

Ft il 
ee ooo ist Pegard to a comrsrsation with the ig 
Aefordont Hornstein in regard to the service of the eixty- 
day netice upon the tenants. ernstain tertifies air⸗otay 
contrary to Selmer, and tn adiitios related an alleged 
oomversation with Selvor in which they diseusced the | 
Length of time it would take to get the tenants out, and 
| as tn sttovanee of sixty days on that xesount. To re- 
| . ee rennet te Wettneny oF 4, 
terial point of what had boon so14-with 

Jee get’ OFS of Ulut of & p 
tite vanele gakherote enteror ; 
plied aAtentata gatt ¥ J 
a Lerten ovat» i 
f AL 
3 / * 1 
<n in fe $f oben speete wimp om ; siti R 
vorta —— ak usemorns Oe | J 
aN -asanaek od hte oan | a 
mao 2 «eoutt “ee po ef * ele 2. dy ‘ i 7 “ ‘ 
bio fem add od aol — XR— eG 
—— J 
abtvs nt Sevbeoes tke aor bas Sotabta XF i 
ake — ——— * 
eort vd sowehtve ts oe t 

outa edd % enkvten ads od Bumper wi aby dccuv⸗ —2 9 
‘toonth Selttioos mlesameh .admams au⸗ none ⸗atto yah ; fi 
benelie mn hetated ep h et ive ok Bene crag ten od Tseutaes (ar AP 
eal boouoath vet dott ot togteo détw sektenwemme 
Bren «Se nd mnetod ———— ie J 
or os Srimaeen tadtt mo aesh wixte Yo comawoltn te of kA 
‘To yworkiued odd bestberroats a 

ee eS ae ae ee ee ae ee my Y 

we ere i i A os oe * 
ian A's, ee 
i Pant : ry aL, 
ore A, Ths 

— sree * 

a — 

veforenmse te the netices having been served, Ceiger etated 
: on rebuttal, in chief, that there wae nothing said by 
Bernstein or himeeif with referonc@ to the Lemeth of time 
; whieh would be rocuired tc met out the terunte. "e alten 
gaia. "Ye disevexed the leneth «° time 14 would take to 
put in the reraive, on vermetein agrooed te aller eixty 
days, ana in addition to thit, he wae te allow 960 fer 
the ieprevemente:" thet the vullere expected te export 

— _ | twe or three thousand doliare, and thet it would teke oon- 
wT pidershlie time befers they could cacupy the premises, ant 
iy «that Sermetein had not said thet he did not bnew whether 
au so mot the motiees had been legally served. Platntirts | 
a ‘ had properly intreduesd evidence in regari to what had been — 
F * paid with reference to notteve having been served, cinee 
—9 | the fadlure properly te serve notices and terninate the 

ss | Komaney was & material iseue in the pace. chen, therefore, 
yeas fefendents introduced evidence contradicting this testi- 
mony, amd went inte details tr regard te whet they elatmod 
‘had actually been oald, tt was preper for the pleintites 
to regall their vitnesn amt gentraiiet thoes statementar 
a ‘ not to have done eo would have been an implicd contession 
that statommts had boon mate which were utterly at var- 
Phe D with plaintiffs’ witnors! original testimeny. Thie 
: m ny aua not in any my constitute « waiver of the 
3 Len } made to Sernetein’s testimony. The rest of 
: of Colgar quoted in vlainti¢fs' petition 
ge vas breocht out on crosr-oxaminstion. and 
Atte ware not reeponeibie. ie the conten- 
|  aamunt of the oe Soe “ 




heteta vente Sorte: seed aniva oe) ton mt? —— 
ed Staa go Rittore ome wots get? «tele m2 «latiudet ae 
omits to tinal ofS os ghmetetet dite hewta 46 sRoreteh 
oats 2 «ndetovoe? att tag tes ae honetarnmer nad atute ag kee 
of ofa bh frame cE oaks ‘o d#nsel of ¥ bevanenth of? 
yikes vot fx oo heowte rio own a Mehorern alt o2 gery 
opt O94 wets o$ one of ,derld of cde tivbn of Bow -ayek 
hanes af tad ooeptw orred tiv etd pads * s adnwenyonuped grit 
oo otad Bicow ¢t toad Me qa fob Soeenvede ooetig mp ond 
* oon Reeser: aaté eee hidwe very enovbed esis efderebta 
crariseds won! fort ODS af suet? Biteo ton Bak ekednere@e pads 
svebindal! bowser vk Lonel meee Rast aeohtow ey Sher wo 
moot tui det of Mee at comebtes Beowkoraad eieeqon bad | _ 
ganic ,howten coed weitvad wedtten of sanwerhen ete bhao 
et? edadtwiss Soe aeobton vite of choegomy st dath ott 
ewroteceds ect Lonee oth mt somal £atrtan roriac⸗ 
~trard fee geitistbeviase oaaehive Sesubeasal asnabero toh, | 
bomftalo veds tare ot Dagan nt afiaded off Jnew bere 9 Grront 
attiiniate: ed? rm sates cow 2! ,biae weed ultteutos bed 
tatvemetota swod) igtosamve Sao auentin thed? Eieooe of 
mluastroe botfant wa seed overt Bieter o9 ore evad o& Son 
-tnv te tltesay otew cintde sho cee! Sat efewumedete tad? 
mbit? «eroart Inod fantyt« ‘onaetie ‘ati ftietats détw eemal 
ed? Io towtaw « eaadifanms ear gee af tor 826 ywrentkgeed 
to foot afT .ymomttuod a'aietente? of ota aro bteavt do 
moksitod ‘ettheatale wf eta wegted to qrombiued eft 
baa rolsanbuare-cnete 1 fue dfn ot cee sebpaedet de? 
-mdnoe of? 2% .oldlamornan tow otow ort tietele feds aot 

ote new oot fowolle towrmtatt aff To tomer ey Sale moke 
eostoiive forse: sort mraxd aeoterfomte seqtr howd at euonnot 
ot ¢t ,hostiaks yfaoqoeret (ood overt of Med oven oe detde 
thaow tueddiv esata 


; . 

MR, JUSTICE OfCONNOR, specially concurring: 

I eenour in the final conelurcion that the petie 
tion for rehearing should be denied, but not im all the 
reasoning of the foregoing epinion. I am of the epinion 
that the quevtion herve raileod, as to the construction of 
the lease, was determined on a former appeal to this court, 
im an opinion by Br. Justice Brown (Muller vs Bernotein, 
183 {11. App. 157). The sane case is presented on thie 
appeal a8 was presented on the formar appeal, and the 
parties are the some. The law as announced in the opinion 
ef this court on the former appeal is, therefore, the lew 
ef this case, and the construction of the loase is not 

now an open question. 

tyaivawenos yiietoegs foi 'S AOLRAUY ohh 

ektog of cade mtlewlemos Lonit edt més “Hongo 1 
omg fin at gon gud ,Rolawbh od bliveda pte ceoitong 202 apis 
aeiniqe of7 to mal .mokniqo gniegiiet elt to a8 Loa aos 
‘to moitowtsacco ott OF om ,beelox exod moliwenp only tans 
sftvao aids of Lavgga tewre% « no beniereded saw .eamet ent 
MEOTONIOE oN BOLL) mword wodtonl wa YS volMiyo mm me 
Gidd ao boduemwig ni came om eet «(VOL .qyr .cEE COL 
ots hne ,fawaqe dearet edd wo bosnesstg saw a6 Loogqa 
seisiqge ed? ai boonvenss ac wel off .omme off O84 —XE 
wat off ,otelouss ,ai Ioeugea usscet oat ae games whe vn 
«FON ab onal odd Le weitowtdamon ond bee poeen eh Yo 

Hol Faeap HOES 18 wor 

BLGLT « Ree 

PEOELE OF FHS race oF iEeLrpoxs, 
Defendant in 

SMIL scRuure, ° | OF GHIcace, 

Maintiss n Error, 
198 1.A.108 

a@livered the opinion ef the courts 


BAe JUSTIC®’ Goon, 

thin writ of exrer was sued out te reverse a 
dudguent agninet the plaintifrc in evror, based on an informe 
{ tion which charged that he wrongfully and unlawfully abandoned 
| his wife Matilda SGheutes 

OE EEN AWN ih ERS RD Ro Sa lt OT ö— ÿ ö 

At the hearing it apseared that the plaintiff in 
Orrex had previously been married te one Iva Hay Siny era, who 
Was pranted « givorce from bin June &, 1966, in the Superior 
@ourt of Cook coumty, and that ne married the compl ad malvag 
witeens in this case Apral Bay 1906 at Grown Point, indlange 
Tt de Gloarty the law of this Btate that, after 
duly 1, 1905, whom the act of Say 23, 1965 concerning the 
tarriage of @ivereed persona went inte effect, no party te 
& divorce, granted for aay Of the ouutes contained in seation 
4 of the divoras aet, could sontract o volid marriage (exeept 
& Peamurriage to the other party to the divorce) within a 
year from the date of the diverge deoree, even though that 
deoree tmd been entered price to the time when the act of 
ꝛoces took effect. leon, County Gherk v~ Roope, gx xe2_ 
 Buenger, 2) gh, 229 111. 403 Wileom va Sook, 266 Ill. 460, 
Prom thie it clearly follows thet, umiar the facte 
disclesed, the eomplaining witness wan not the wife of plaim 
tiff in error and, Gonsequently, hie eonvietion, under the 
infornation in thie case, exnuot be GUS tolnoue 


Aonnn UO TLAW 

Press tel Ind » 4D ; 
i eters mA Thidaia 

-80L AI ser 

{fu oo oft te Molniqe sit bexpvilos 

@ sereTos o2 tvo bowe ean towns to diuw Gint 
ommotai na 19 boot ,~toxte af Tiitalalg of Gem Lae Enongguah Py AS 
—RXX vite twalie bee YListyrow of fadd boguade doce ookd 9 

"LCi ee a LIne dainty ea 

mh ttitalaly oft tact? bowasqee 22 goiseurt off JA 
Ow gereyet yak evt amo OF bokriae mood ylevotvesy bast wee 
 qwhroqua od? wk ,80CL .o enwt wd wort woxewlh « besanry aan 
a gainiolquon oft bobruom ont dmlt bnew .ytmwer tooo te v0 — 
eta tion d aba o’ salah —* o⸗ An LGA aaa De ts nt eaons av de 
rode y tats eset atid Ye wak wis “fsaoko wh bi J 5 4 ba 
eae aniewonon G@00L , a2 eK Yo fom ext? monty 8085 af — 5 
at y¥suaq on ,foeTin ofmd sinew oxeatog Seoxevih te ogedtian J Ar i 
moitoon tt baniatnos anew od? te yor Tot bediatg seoxovdl ee 
‘dapexe) enehiion bile a fowndaw blow gow eoworab ait wt n —9* 
a adels Au (woxevde ort o& yrumg tetdo erie of ogakrisa=% a | 
He taut Sysols wove ,eoroed as aar LS eae Yo stab eee most ce 
deo fom weld portw oud? OMe of wOleG boxndme nowt aut — 
At, 22, .BL00% a¥ Aves elewed .aoade amet pe ‘ 

oO LAT das wad Ax MomsAN 298 6 SUT Oss ee | is 
; uae odd “ob ,tact awollo? yiewelo a2 oka 
tafq to etiw off ton sow svonthw yalaltatqaos itt 
: ose sohny ,wohtolvnooe etd o vidnonpsencs shee 4 
Sontataue ed’ Sonus yoann wkdd ak 


Oi, i 
J 9 


G47 «© 20985 

PwTIR Lani 

‘ Appellee, ; 




TO weg.’ 198 1.4. 109 

BR, JUSTICE O'CONNOR delivered the opinion of the courts 

This in an action on the case brought by 
appellee against appellant, to recover for personal ine 
juries, A judgaent was entered for #2000 in faver of the 
appellee against the appellant. The partis will be 
designated plaintiff and defendant as in the court — 

X ασ 

_ The facte are theses; April 19, 1910, at about il ot clock 
at a a fee 

in the forenoon, plaintiff was riding east in Washingten 
boulevard, Chicago, on hie bioyele., Washington boulevard 
runs @ast and west and is intersected at right angles by 
California avenue, As plaintiff reached the intersection 
of California avenue, a funeral procession ,consiating of 
about thirty carriages was moving north in the center ef 
@aid avenue, Plaintiff dismounted from his wheel, waiting 
for the procession to pass, and steed near the southwest 
corner of the intersection of said boulevard and avenue. 

At the time the funeral precession wee passing, @ twoehorse 
team belonging to the defendant, with driver and empty wagon, 
was going west in Lake street, which rune parallel with 
and is two blocks north of Washington boulevard, When the 
team reached California avenue, the funeral procesgion was 


oYTHUO % W009 

801 -A.I 8 er 

wt tiguotd sass ens mo Molson Ha at eist — ee 
ont fsncaxeg 19% xoovꝛ oy Ins Lioggn gan ious sottouge hes 
ons to L2VaT rie oo⸗aa 40% bor “oa0 al dermal A 09 tH 4 | 

od Sikw aoksiag ont —R ald tan tone an * —* 
gee gama aatd cdl cry — — baw niaaiata basa r 

—— ak sane iin a Mutainse soonen0% nutd a. TS 
“brsweiuod 1 —— — in okt ae p00 bet vera an J we 
—* aclgns tight ta befooaresné ak bea deou onus —— 
 « fodso@atedai sis beriones vritatete * —R 
J to aiittateson noLensvony Lawoastt e seco pant 

to tesa ad? wa stoson griven eaw aogaltise yrakoe 
anition footw cid soxt detavonud viubsmtass = J— 
anowa⸗auos ents — boots ars | yamog of wo seouo1g ads 
sOxmeVE bite brave tuo b dna v0 pektpoaratns nit 1 

- @ntodeows o ae tanad enw ears ora paw 

‘iqme bas xewtad sgiw 1 Inabaeeb ‘odd of gn 
“hw foLtoneg amwe slodste oowite vial ai bem 


Dees TNA 

we hen 

passing north across Lake etreet in said avenue, The 
driver, to avoid delay and not being able te pase threugh 

the funeral precession, turned south in Califernia avenue 

mand drove along the east side of said avenue, the funernd 

procession proceeding north about the center of the same. 
The evidence tends to thow that ag the team approached 

the north side of Yashington boulevard, the last carriage 
in the funeral procession was nearing tne south aide ef 
@aid boulevard, <A the last carriage approached Yarhington 
boulevard, plaintiff meunted hio wheel intending to crese 
the avenue and proceed east on Yashington boulevard, He 
turned towarde the south to go around the rear of the 

last carringe, and then turned east or northemet,. As 

he cume around the rear of the lest carriage, de fondant's 
team, which was "going south on a fast trot* as one witness 
put it, turned to the southwest so as te get on the wert 
side of the street, and collided with the plaintiff, 
Neither the driver of the team nor the slaintiff knew bf the 
approach of the other until they were but a few feet apart. 
Both the @river and the plaintiff tried to avoid the 
Collision, wut were unmble te de se, The pole of the 
wagon wtvuck the plaintiff’ in the jaw and he was thrown 

to the pavewent; sustaining an oblique fracture of the 

left lower jaw bone, a fracture of the right clavicle, 

and he wae otherwise bruised and injured, The driver 
stepped the team and asuiated the plaintiff to a doetor's 
office in the vieoinity, Plaintiff was in the hospital 

for, two: weeks. After the injury he wae unable to work for 
about thirteen weeks, When he returned to work he was 

unable te properly do hie work on acoount of the injuries. 


gd Yd weet Thitniely ead ten awed odd to tovlab ot? wottion — 

| it li) 





oct .oxcovn biga vt fears etal eeotee aeven goleang 
igeorts eam Oo sive gaiew son bas ywelob biova of ,seviab 

auaeve Sintotiied mi dgnoe bewtws ,noivessong Iexenut ot 
ieronut off ,ouneve Siow to obta teas oft grote eveth baa 
omen edt To tefte odd tvade Gren gatbooootg sotucooong a i 
besioaotqgs mae? of3 ae jaid wore of abet sonedtve oft — a 
egelitse joal oft ,huaveliwed notgaisdaak To obia dton edt aM “ae \ 
te obke ddvoe off gihtaen gaw molLenountg fwnnowt ont mk 
motgnideaY bedeaoiggs sysitiss dael ous ae — 
eeqro of atbrascat Loodtw eid besauom Ttitalwle sbneve ivod 1 ke 
oe .biaveinod sotgeides® ae Same beopotg bas eumeve ond a a 
.on9 TO teot ec? hawota op oF Mision on? sbiswot bons — See 
oA ,cemedreon 1O few bowrtud wed? One ,opakuieo saak q 
atsnabaote>  .egabiise geal ade Yo tase wd? bayota ems ort 
annend fw ore a⸗a "sort goat » mo dives geiog” eaw se hate ,omned tee : : 
gaew of? xo tom of om o& daowrsuoR on? OF — ath Jog — mee 
etTtisnianfe acd ddie hebiiles bie dowite ead To obie- | 

sttaqa teqtowet a gud evee wot (itew wedte od? to dosorqge 
| od? blovs of hekud Tritmiato act tae rovers odd M20m 
ens to efog eT .0e ob of ofiianw oxow td ~mohekifoen — 
mwoudd wow of bes wat oat oi Vildmiols ont dowtee angen 
oft to otwtostt supkido an geinistaue pemonsveg wit of 9 
selotvals tdylx ens to onmdont?t o eno?! wa, sowed gor | 

— GeviTh of? bonus bine bomturd seterorito naw vel bas 
a*xoseeh ® of ITitntaly on? boeselaan ben nan ot geet 
Satiqson edt at aaw YViktalelt .ybtmlody oii? wb oott 7* 

“0t dxow of oldany aew oil wearin oie 109TtA ow fee ayy | 
anw od Siow of bowiwter od mode — ihe , 

— * 




cyan? ER 
: * at a i 
a Ni 
easixutai 03 ‘to taweooe no a10¥ alt ob ets y obi mas — 

eg be J mh 


Pricr to the acchdent plaintiff was employed as a night 
) watchman, doing janiter work and eweeping up the floors 
| avound a factory. He earned $12 per week. The case 
wae tried before the court and jury, and a judgment 
for 92000 war entered in faver of the plaintiff. An 
appeal was taken to this court, where the judgment was 
j reversed and the cause remanded fet errors of law. 
' (164 111, App.38). On a second trial a verdict was 
: returned and a judgment entered for the same amount 
a q 4g in Saver of the plaintiff to reverse whick this | 

appeal in prosecuted, 

— — — — 

a Se 

Defendant contends that the plaintiff did not 
exercise due care and caution for his own safety; that 
the evidence tends “to show thatthe plaintiff was injured 
ag a result of his own negligent conduct." ‘this eo ntene 
tion raises the question as to whether the plaintiff was 
\} guilty of contributory negligence. This is generally a 
question of fact for the jury. (Patterson vy, Ghiseve City 
Byun Son. No. 21017, Appellate Court, First District; 
Sevbert vs Stirling Bs & Ha Rvs Soo, 157 111. App. 573; 
J Ghicnge Union Traction Go, x. Jacobson, 217 11). 404). 
J But when the inference of negligence necessarily results 
q from the evidence, it becomes a question of law for the’ 
q court. (Smith vy. . So., 46 111. App, 643; 
Ege Ya Ghiouge Sity Bye don, 127 111. App. 510: Jancloie ve 
Ghhenge city Ry. Gon, 142 111. App. 439; Retterson ve. 
Ghisage Sity By. Goes gupree)- Under all the facts in the 
case at bay as disclosed by the evidence, which was cone 

flieting, we are of the opinion thet whether plaintiff 
) was guilty of o ntributery negligence wae a question of 


aol) as 

tight 4 a6 heyetum® amv TRidniaks smikoom edt of tole 
‘exoort ott ay gertqvews bres tow coddnnt, yoseb teenie $0 
Sone off ,thew “oq 226 betrede off eetadwist a Manette 
tooepbuy|, o aro Yt) ome dtaroe og J 1 7 
ak .ttséniale ocd to govel a2 Soustne saw 290Ks oh 
sew Trompoul, oft every ,dtv0o ekdt ot meet naw teogge — 
‘wai To ete7te TO hedbriames Senn Bis 2 
sew gulenov a faked proven « 2 = .{8b.qqA hk sees 
imme ome ost 10} Loreto Iosmgdyt e brn. dorus on 
Bin? doidw guaeves 06 Tilsmiclg ais covet ad 

son HLb Tikdatale edt salt abrodeon Strbro eG 
ted pytetws awd aid tek ookteke baw ova oud eolorexe 
Sowsbai saw Tbdn tate add date works ag* abned ovanbive * 
nation aid *,touhnon tovaitgen mwo ald ‘to tudor 
naw Vhiduiely edd tortverw oF am moidaenp eas acntes noid 
2 yLinnenyy af aks? .oomeghigon yrotudhatnoe Yo — 
— sued oF sono tess) Cowl oid 19% goat Yo 0 ra op 
tdedudeda PenkX .dendd takings .WHER cet aoee ce 
1008 wag KT ae sith —22 Be ae 
o(2O ,1cE VES 42 cubiomtl apa Sn wos | 
et Lunes UlLieuror0n oomoy.t Eyes te mescuorco tint od * * 
‘edt wot wel Yo noltseup 6 wemosed Sh \esineb2ve oe 
580 .qGA . £1 88 4.90 sas a tua) a 
aX wholamad 2088 .qqa .1f2 eae radial dal ® « 
aK HORTPEIOS [COD .qGA fit Las oa « 

eat mk afoat vAd tle tobe. ( gerpauy a) —* 
ene Gan se ksh .wemehiite ett vd bemetsakd ox 

TRteninsy coded todd moinie ot } te * = 
7 * to motzaoup » sine somoytigan | ‘ 


——— nk 


fact to be determined by the jury (Lang vy. Chis ‘ 
iis San, 291 [11. App. 664; Sbiergo Union Traction So. ve 
Jaocbsen, supra; Batterson Ys Chdeaue Sity By. Gos. guprme) 

Defendant further centende that there was no 
evidence tending to show any negligence on the part of 
the defendant, and that the court, therefore, should have 
pereuptorily instructed the jury at the clese of all the 
evidence to find in favor of the defendant. The rule as 
to when such an instruction ehould be given is clearly 
Btated in the couse of bibby, Bgleil) & tibby ve Cook, 222 
ill. 20608212, where it is waid; "If there is no evidence, 
or but a seintilla of evidence, tending to preve the 
Material averments of the declaration, the jury should be 
directed to return a verdict for the defendunt. if, 
however, there is in the record any evidence from which if 
it stood alone, the jury could, ‘without acting unreasonably 
in the eye eof the law,’ find that all the material avere 
ments of the declaration had been preven, then the cause 
should be subsaitted to the jury." In the case at bar the 
evidence tends to ehow that, at and prior te the time 
of the injury, the team was being driven on a fast trot 
and was not under proper control, and it wae conceded by 
the defendant that the tean and weson were on the “wrong 

Blakleslee's Express Co.v. 

wide of the street", In the caue — 
— 21% I11, 250, it was held that, while the co wt 
would not say that the failure of the defendant to keep 

om the right side of the street was negligence per ge, 

yet it wae a circumstance which tended to prove negligence. 
We “think that under all the circumstances shown by the 
evidence and in the light of the above rule, the case 

a0 lion 

A cased oy aounl) ww oat ud domtozeted od oF tank 
aM +90 sotsoast meial gamed) 1960 -quA «ft2 MBE vali Nl 
—E— «aid α CETTE Cs schiud amondonal 

on aaw oxds tadt ahmetnon doddivt Inabne tod 
to ttaq odd so sonegilyeorn yaa words of gatkond — 
ovadi b Luoeis ,oietereds ,faveo ot dads be dnabne ted wat Ne 
adt Ife to eeoin of ta vuwt odd hotouutant ylinetqueteq 
ae elwi edt etnabarstob of? te vovat wi dak? a? comebive 
q¢itaeio al mavig ed bisode noddowedatt aa cove nodw oF 
S88 ,woo? «¥ te ons add od besada. ‘i 
,somebive on ai ovpdd TM sdlen ot 24 @xottw .RLRODOR .LLT 
ont ovetq of anibuet ,oomobive to siliguion # tud 70 — cs ‘ 
of Sivore wat, vc? tot oiakoos out to atemeneve Laktogem = 
etl seinabmeteh malt yot toibxov o xxix oo bosooukb J 
ti dodde cork goaebive ye broped ond ad ah oral s2ovowort , 
Uidanoceaorny gatvoa suodsint ,biveo yin, sad ,onolas boote a2 « 
wtove Laliotow ont Lhe dectd pect? ‘wal et? To oy old ak 
gaueo ode aont ,sevoung aeed bait mokdaanioeab ony 29 anon Mig 7 
ed? tad da eeao oF nl * yee, ons of bods teewe od bivente a 
ots odd of toixg Das to yard ware od abaes eomebive 
sors dest o so onviab golod aaw meee ad? ,wurlak ort re i 
qi babsonoo sow $4 oem .Londneo seqeny tebaw ton saw bmw 


. ‘dl 

—* east off al — att to ois o i 

| 222 AQG COM YLIQon saw sowtsa oct? to obs days ots = 
_ ePomegt igen evoXg at bobmwt sto kot sonntamyorko a wow a F 
9— —— J 
——— ie ts baa’ poneb ave 

As ae a, . 
a! ¥ : ria 5 i a) : 4 J 

oe Sam 
was @ proper one to submit to the jury. 

A further contention is made that the testimony 
of br. Roach, a witness for the plaintiff, was inadmissible, 
for the reagon that it appeared from the doctor's testinony 
that he first sew the plaintiff on the day of the trial; 
that he then made an @¢xXamination of him for the purpone 
of testifying; that he never knew anything about the 
gape until he mode the examination; that “his opinion was 
based upon subjective examination, notwithstanding the 
doctor's ¢laim that it was based eltegether upon an 
Objective examination,” and that the testimony should 
have been stricken cut becaues based upon a subjective 
Oxanination, The testinony of the dector clearly shows 
that his opinion was based upon objective symptoms, He 
made « digital examination and found anong other things 
a “depression in front of the angle of the left lower jaw 
bone," and a "false joint® in the clavicle. it is further 
urged that what was said between the doctor and plaintiff 
during the emamination was inudmissible., An examination 
of the record shows that this was brought eut by the 
defendant cn cresveexanination, The dector's teatiaony 
wae properly admitted, ity of Ghicage ve 227 
Ili. 143 Groinke ye Ghicaco City By. Go. 234 111. 564, 

The defendant also sontende that the court 
improperly limited the ¢roeseexamination of the plaintiff, 
the complaint being ae shown hy the record: "Mx, Behans 
How many chdldyen have you? A i got three Livings 

— Qe Want are the ages of the children who are living? 
The Court; 2 don't see why you should go into that. 

: wie 

yromisues ois tact eban of nottaeswon — —— — —— ae i vie 
_sidieaimbant asw ,2Lisnlaly edt 16% aswntiw o Hoaok * 
yroulseos atzofoob ed mort betaeqqa 4 — rosa out * 
giaits oft To yd on? mo Thhtmlela ot? wan etsy od ot 
snoqiug one xO? min Yo molsaniaaxe oa Shae eat * tat 
od? dueds gaididyne weed seven ed tact gauiykivaeg te — 
aaw noinkqo eid" $edd gnoitanimexe of3 ebam oii — 
odd gribaotadsivion ,nolianinexs evivoetdus aoqs boaad it : 
nn wocw tentepotia beaed eaw th jad? mialo atneseeh— | 
J biueda yromttee? eft Jal? one % M0 Lins Lome —— F 
¥ evisooldve # moqy beead eeunood Jue motiotate aeed yee fey: 
—* swore yitaclo rosooh ed Yo ymamktaee ont 9h an ks ih a 
esuotgaya ovisoetde moqs bewad saw 2OREED rs sade “J i 
agnids sedio goomm bawet dna mo lianimame tod bgkh ae Aas 
wat, towel Sto ox? Yo efgns eds te Saoxt af cotunecgen? * 
xodtust oh $1 snlotvede oie of "Qatol ealat” ban 
Ttisnialq bus weteeb ons neowied bisa aaw daviw ⸗⸗na⸗ 
 foktanimaxe aA -pitiwedmbend ean noLtoniname ot au 
J co on hg nt ae en ae a 
viontdade afxotecd edt .nokvarinaxomnsoxe a —— 
TSS XIAO o¥ Mane lus Be wise canes — 
oh02 4ST PES 2D sill WEAR Onan dde aX sulatemD get <7 
siu00 odd tad? ebmotneo oala — Bey. 
q%thtaialy eit to mols an! mexneesorD ote bovanat % —*3 
imate .cM" ghidees on@ yd owore os —R phe =a 
egitvil seri? fon l A tay erat wre it 
Tgalvil exw ow sexbLics ett Yo sone * 
eta ofmi oy bivorte wy 7 re iva 

age — 





—9— } 

0 Oe 
Six. Behan: If oaunsel will admit they are not mincre «« 
I would like te have the records show there are no 
children dependent upon Mr. Larson for supoort,." The 
eourt wefuaed te perwit further erouseqxanination and 

was clearjy correct in so doing, 

The gontention in aleo made that the oourt 
erred in giving inetructiom “os. 6 and 9, on behalf ef the 
plaintiff, Instruction We. 6 consiated of three paragraphn. 
It defined *ordinary care” and *negligence® os used in 
the inetructions, ani told the Jury that if they believed 
from the evidence that the plaintiff was injured and 
sustained damages ap alleged in the declaration or seme 
count thereof, “while in the exercise of ordinary care* 
4¢ wae their duty te find a verdict. in faver of the \plaine 
tiff, The objection is that the instruetion "limita the 
exereiog of ordinary care om the part of the plaintiff 
to the exact. time thet the collision occurred," ‘The 
first paragram of the inetruction defined “ordinary care" 
as that dagree of care which a rengonably prudent or eave 
tious person before and at the time in question weuld take 
to avoid the injury under like clreumetances." Similar 
language was uned in two different paragraphs of intrude 
tion Re. 7, 9— 4t appears thet the jury were instructed 
that, before the plaintiff could recover, the evidence must 
phew that before ang at the time of the injury complained, of 
plaintiff was using ordinary care for his own safety. 
Furthermore the objection urged to the language “while in the 
use of ordinary cere” ic untenable. St. Louje Met. Stock 
Yards ¥. Godfrey, 198 111, 298; 2. SA. Re Be Go Me Lisher, 
141 11. 614; Pupeter’ ys Guicego Gity By. Gon, 146 Ill. App. 


oo gions Sow ote yorld Simbe (fiw foomyeo TL goede .1zt 

on etn oie? wore abiene: od ovat of ett bivow I 

ext ",tteqqve «ot weetal oc noqw drebaeqeb aeghEido 
sna soivanionxeesness verti? tineeg o¢ Seagtex Peweo 
+yhob on wh goowxes Yfianip saw 

Pan ode tac? gban cain &h medsantnce off 
on? to Bhacted se 0 See 8 .e0" @Qoltourdend gaivag a2 boete 
arigatyeted vei? to hodekenoe @ .cF modgoustenk 4 Ttitaialg 
ai boaw as Yeokegtioon® ban “exes yiniethre® homkteb st 
bevoiled yeds bi foolt yout ec? bLot ono ,amolsouusant eds 

bow betwtat ao Yekdeiale ons tele edaobhes ott mott - 

enoe <0 aolivataines 402 «i beyetic as seganeh boniaveue 
organ vamyibto to eaiorone of? wi oLisw” , tenredd Sanco 

tieig, ait te rove? ai tobbtsv a bai? oF web tiede omer. 

edt athounl® notdoursemt ot? faded ed oo idoe pao wet™~ .tRld 

Tiitnial; ot ta ding of) wo step yReeibie te eedowexe | 
edt “.~betswone metniiles wis tents eats stoump elt of | 

ereo gtanibie” bonttss notterideani oag to myatyomeg ged? 
uso TO tnebyig yYldwnoanet » cokdw ota Yo oryeb tal? an 
. ailag bivew nelfeeup wi exit o@ ca tae oxeted woaveq awoke 

talint®s “esenetaavotin offi vibe yhebed one piowa os| 

eouxsank Lo aiqacyerag trewwTith owe at poow now spawpret 
hotowtieri ecew yw eds soc? araeqqe df oe Ff of molt 

foum somebive ond ,teyeosy dices thiimieala eft oroted ads . 
to besielamon waetint odd Yo omit odd da poo oreted tony wedg>> 

“\soton nwe ald Ot oxen yaantbro gotten gow Videlale 

Pen sonnet oe — 

#2012 «toh alu Ge .okdanerw of “wus0 yeankore to eam 
RUA aX +O +A -A -AS -Q 1008 «S11 BCL sy ReOR ox abzat 

GA Aft O84 ax Septeny (ete eR 

SS a 

ao "Pas 

$78, The samc lenguage wee used in an inotruction 
6mG the seme contenticon was made in each of the above 
easen anc in gach ¢f them it wae hcid that the lancuage 

wan not subject te the chjeetion now meade, 

ineiruction Se. 9, givan aa behelf of the 

Plaintiff, #o far as material, was ae follows; "The 
gourt instruats the jury that the statute lew of tie 
State of ULilneis provider that whenever any persone 
traveling with carriages onall meet om any turmeike, 
road or any public nighway in this ctate, the persens 
a6 meeting hall «henever practiccble, e¢nseonstly turn 
their saxyringes te the right of the beaten treck, 20 ae 
te persit each Gerriage io pass without interfering er 
interrupting.* thie is wubsteantially in the Language 

.— of the statute, whieh in designated as the "Law of the 
Road" 5 3, & Ay Statutes, Chappe 101, fee. 77, PHe H7F5LW 30054. 
The objection urged fe thet the instruction is ae: applicable 
te the facte ef the case, “eoneeding that the instruction is 

Vvbad, yet it is well established that met every erroneous 

instruction wiil constitute reversible error. If the inetruce 
tion tended to mislead the jury, tue errer im giving it is 
reversible; but, if, upon axamination of the entire regerd, the 
Peviewing cours can gee from ith¢ nature of the sase that it had 
ho such tendeney, though improperiy given, it will afferd me 
ground of reveraal, United States Belling utosk lo.y. Zilder, 
116 Iii, 100; Zontacue vy. People, 141 Til, 76. The facts 
in the ease as disclosed by tne evidence were not complicated, 
but wore simple, and we ore of the opinion thet the inetruce 


nokgouriuml a of bee sow Opevgaed oe oft =6.OTU 
oroda edt te ring, at shaw mew cobtmedmoo gases old baa 
oneigral of? tacts ind aav 3h cord To soae AA oom eoeRO | 
ethan war solesetwo off of toe gue bes aoe 

ast ‘te tieded sa gevky .8 .o% coktounéunl 
oxiT® rawefiet ae ear ,Lobregen an tet ou , TRagekadg 
ot to wal o¢etate ond fade yumi one efewstand Piveo 
Siuntey yu wevenods tact anbiverg siomiifl To aiers 
pwilmeinye yrs wo fpr con atiqo at dw wet Lo vernd 
erway, oh yeeots cht ch youetpal ohiduq ye go baer 
veut gidanceaos ,oldmeivoaug tevaneds [hedw geek Pent oa - 
ae on ,aosrrd cedesd ofa Ye delger wee of ey ccd ude 
t¢ weirs tisded poaediw anag oJ eyabrina Aone thors as 
egampind att mt ‘elinbinetadun ad aap? % yds queen ded 
oft 30 wal" orld am hotwayiaen et cde iebw ,odudatea oad To ~~, 
edoedTaLETE oq TT oot , 200 gash aniuiegs ab ak a *baon 
eideotiagn ‘on ci motiountean. off fot si boguy moltootdo aut? 
al moktosndoni odd todd yeihanmal oon ost Ye afoul es of 
auoonoTs® yteTe fon Jace vedeifdetes Liew at #h doy had 
eoursont eff TX teres ofdbexovet 
eh Si getteiy mt ts oxne wis oe ont baxe Sedo os pobre nots 
ae ,buapes sxiies ons Yo wo heated SO gas oti ted yodd baxovos 
ak th gold ono ot Yo eran ost awed een ant ftean: wikweives 
on ixette Liv th ,aaweg WHiagengelt damost , your ond down on 
sTODLIT +X.) ApadE welded geaeds Werke) sInerevor te bavory 
‘Aton? ont ah Li EME .edageS ox guamtaae 190% +14 OEE 
sbetsoliquee ton stow sonebhve ead yt boaetsath as Senn ont oon 
eoutdant edt Jos melmigo od? 16 ote ow baw ,oiquie otew gud 


a0 Gon 
tion did not tend to wislead the jurye 

The defendant further contends that the court 
erred in refusing te give instruction Ho. 15, requested 
on behalf of the defendant. That instruction told the 
jury that the preponderance did not Lie ealely in the 
greater number of witnesses, but that the greater number 
of srediblie witnesses on the one side er the other on any 
disputed point was proper te be cofsidered in determining 
the question ef preponderance, that in determining the 
question, the jury might also take into cuntideration the 
position cf the witnesses at the time ef the ueeident and 
*everything which appeala te your Judguent as affecting 
the value and reliability of their testimony," In our 
opinion this instruction wae sroserly refused, for the 
reason that it was minleading. It enumerated cortein 
things proper to ve considered by the jury in determining 
the matter of the preponderance of the evidence, but did 
mot lenve the jury free to consider all the evidence intro= 
dugedg and 11 the facts and circumetancen in evidence, in 
determining where the preponderance or greater weignt ef 
the evidence lies, (guicaze Union Izsction go. Ye Huspe, 
R223 fll. S473; Brisch ve Soicuro City Bye Soas 176 Jil. Apps 
341; Biers veo Bullies Go., 176 Tl]. App. 49; Smith vy, James, 
263 iil. App. S02.) ‘The objeeticn to the inetruction in the 
Gage at bar, which we have discussed, seems not to have been 
made in the case of Ghicage Gity By. So. Me Seborme, 105 
Till. Appe 468, cited by defendant. 

The defendant mext contends that the dumages 
ave excestive, The evidence tenis te show thet the plain» 

yal ed? Booleku at bees fon béb mols 

t1wo0o edt teat ahaeteos wwaleawt smabeiw tod oat 
botaeupet , Ql .of moktdomseant evig of geek tort nk orien 
ont blot nolsowrtant tac? .tanhweteh ent Ye Baded mo 
ens ni yietor wit fon bib o comeaehneqeny salt tau⸗ owt 
tide wetacny eff fart Jad ,weneond le to eedtiues —R 
yts GO corte exe 4a abin ono odd GO aunri bw wldhbern ‘to | 
wiinincedeh at bexwiiagon ed of TayoT saw dutou oeduqate 
orid ailaleroson a tate? goomsrobrogerg to aottaoup ona 
ecit J “6 iplomoo ofat exled cote Fog ton gust ont s1oidaswp 
bene Jae 7— @ de to amt) off ta seenentiw add Yo noid taog 
yuidoe't ta: oT) Sermmpiint 12% of efavage dodiiw wird yore" 
two nl ",utositgaed tiocs Yo Yiilidesler win utay ould 
and? tot ,hventor yiueunne @ak ackdiowtdams was to keediyo 
niesieo betoreoine 71 -otibse leben ‘aa oi jak? monsox 
qgoinimiseteb al wut oat yi boushbisnos ed ef 1wqorg eyaias 
bid Lud ,wonebive aS te eonmrebmeqesy o49 Bo tessan oz 

#t3ni oousbive oft Ife webianson of got? ysal of? oveel ton 
mi ,eocehive ak sounstemupzic bee ato st of ifs bas gbooub 
to diglow rwsaexy 79 eonntobmeqer¢ cag exochy gottaderseseb 

25063 aX QD aehtoens mosel gusn kip) «ankt vomobivn edit 
eGGA +iit SVL sy9D oM ULAD ouenddd oe Mestad gVOe . 140 Ose 
HOGG oY dike 7@> .qoA . fl ORL gogh ameey ytbs 
odd mi mottowzdamt edt of molifoetde oft (.£98 wgqd stern bak 
Novud svat of son sueos ,hbeonupelh sveci ow Moldw ,tad Fa eean 
Sof ,ggzoda® 2¥ »22 svi ats) SameddD to eenp od md aban 
otrabastes yf Besto O95 saga oLII 

acganah of? tads shosdnoo txen Inabiotoh out 
etiafg oft stadt wos of abies consbive edt ,evieunoxe ot 



tiff sueteined a fracture of the left lower Jew, a 
fracture of the oollar tone, several bruises on different 
parte-of the bedy, was sbeut ten days in th: howpitel, 
and was umier treatment for two ox three montha,. At the 
time of the second trial (more than feur yeers after the 
aosident) neither the collar bone nor the eLavicle had 
unitec, Plaintiffs face in diefigured, aud the doctor 
testified that in hie opimien the condition of the jaw 
bone and the claviele iu permanent. The care has been 
gubnitted te tre Juries and a verdict for 82,000 was 
rendered each time in favor of the plaintiff, These 
verdicte have been appreved by the trisl judger, and in 
eur opinion @eubstantial juetice han been done, The 

judguent of the Guperior Court will therefore be affirmed. 


an ow 

& swat towel Piel oa? to wuctoos? o bemiatawn Ths 

soewws tie ao sevined! fevewen ,enod sallen ade Bo Nu daru⁊ 
intiqued esd at eyed seg tucds saw ,ybod end Tocedtag 
odd $A ,ectron send? co owe to? Seenturts “oma saw baa 
ocd xodtn etmey ano? cade otom) Lect buvope ett te oaks 
bad sivtvags odi) con onod tallow ont sadtion (anmbhoom 
 Sofeeb ett oan ,betgtieth at eoat afftivatal ood how 
wat, of TO molgkbmon od? matmiqu eid oh dmelt boRRhtaed | 
aged nad sean att —teenmmiag af ekokvado oat baa saod 
now OO-,84 tot sokkvoy « ins sokuet owt af bots hotun 

orem? .tthentals off to tevat at amhd doa bore bHet uy Ms 

si bae ,woghyt fstu¢ odd yt bevesqqe sped owed atolouer 
ad .enoh cawnd eat opidant, Jai¢natadua moigiqo er) 
— od eretoredt Lhkw gawol tokueque old Io sSromydet, 


ee ee 

115 = 210389 


Plaintiff Error, 


GitY cF cH 
t in Error, 

198 L.A. F14 

MA, JUSTICE O'CONNOR delivered the opinien ef the courts: 

The writ of errer in this case seekn to review 
the judgment of the Cireuit Court ef Seok County in suse 
taining a demurrer to a petition for a writ of mandamus, 
and dismissing the petition at plaintiff in error's costes, 
The parties will be designated as petitioner and respondent 
ag in the court below, 

The petition alleges, in substance, that respone 
dent is a municipal sorperation; that on April 18, 1881, its 
@ity ceuneil passed an ordinance “which ereanted an executive 
cdepartnent, * * * knewn as the police department which 
eubraced and created * * * positions or employment of patrole 
men «nd Other employees as may be provided by ordinence;* . 

that owing to the grewth of the respondent it became necessary 

to employ carpenters te rencdel and buila police stations, 
ete.; that each year the oity counei), passed on annual 
—— ——— Ordinance, appropriating meney with which 

te i ile to be employed in the police department; 
that the position or eaployment of carpenter in the police 

tort Teel 

o¥?THVOS 4900 
eto ol Soe 

ATT AT 2er 

ttm oo ons to moimise ots bonews Lob goo" * ae 


— *— 
—V—— * ne 

woetves of mivonw aaao aint td —X ‘te dice te ae 
———— te thew a Wt moldivey @ at — a. 
»8FG00 —— nt ——“ ten — * hae ken 

smoqeey Jans .onnagadun a , sounds — ott 4 a ; ‘ 
Gtk ,206L ,8L LargA mo test gembdorogze. —— rs 
sviguesxe an dpteere soldw" gunsmiove co beste: ** 
flo Siw trend xngod en inn ene an avon & ey 
wlortag to smemyotune 40 anoitiacg —* von 
'*{oonaniiue yd bebivesg ad ——— 
(sacaonen ovine! yi ink: sane siied ods to... 

(— pmatxayed eotiog odd at = ein 
Wo hiog ost au — a 

doles a whe 
Aan La — 
© — ty ; “aah —53 a 
Hen J Moy hay ‘ ee ae 
Sie) i : ibs — OB a 


Gepartuent was regularly calesified by the Civil 

Service Commission; that for more than two years section 
1908 of The Chicago Code of 1911 was in ferce and effect 

in the Gity of Chicago; that “said section created various 
offices of the police department,* * * and oreated such 
other employees as the city council in ite annual approprinae 
tion ordinances hereinafter provide for;" that by 
ordinances the council appropriated money for the payment 
of six carpenters; that the petitioner took the eivil 
service examination for carpenter of the police department, 
duly passed and qualified for such position, and entered 
upon his duties as such, June 20, 1896; thet in 1914, 

the petitioner sued the respondent in the Municipal Court 
of Chicage for salary or wages due and ewing to him prior 
to November 28, 1913, setting up the foregoing facts; that 

said court "adjudicated that petitioner * * * was entitled 

to recover because of the emistence of said facts as heree 
to fore alleged herein and respondent herein is by the 

eeic judgment of the Municipal Court as aferesaid estopped 
from denying of disputing the foregoing facte;* that 
petitioner has not violated any lew or ordinance prescribed 
by respondent or by the civil service act; that Noveuber 

15, 1915, the superintendent of police filed charges against 
the petitioner with the Civil Service Commission; that said 
Charges were set for hearing November 26, 1913, before 

"the police trial board, which trial board consisted of 
civil service commissionera, Flynn and Lower, and one Herman 
¥. Schuettler, First Deputy Superintendent of Police;" that 
said board was constituted in accordance with the rulee and 
regulations of the Jommigseions; that the petitioner and his 
Counsel were present at the time and place mentioned for paid 

hearing, and thereupon the matter was continued until Seveuber 

| soy i 


Livi odd val Doktaeuleo yYltaluaet aew Jnemiaaqed 
neigoes sieey owed nadd wron wot fare pooteadamd op ive’ 
toette bra ore? mi enw L1@f To shoo onan tad oo? Ye B0@L 

ayoltay befteor soigsea blaa” sadt payesidd To writ ent as 
down Segacyo bas * * *,Juomstageh eoiiog add Te annktte. 
esisqotags Lounwe atk at Lioawoe Yio on? en nooyelqne tanto 
ed Jatt? "gi0t obivexsq 19ftaniessd osonenkbre mokd 

inenyaq ods 10) yonom bedaliqorggs Ltonmyoe orld asogen lero 
Livto ed dood temeisixzaqg ont tact potesneqisn kha to 
einemiageh sokfeg eff te tefasqran sot woldanimexs selvace 

botetne Sre ,woidievq dowa wot Solktiiasip baa boawag Yue G 

ePL@L ma tari? 72ORL OR onwh ,Mowe os avkewh add moqe 

faved Laginioun! ode ai embaoqe2ot sift bawe s8em0lsthieg edt 

soitq mii of gnivo bae ob eogew to Ytakee 10? ogsoddd to. 

sacs jafost gaiogetol ens qu gaitvoe ,€£@L . 88 sedmevol et 

belii¢ne aew *® © * veneisited tads botaotbyyba® Moo bhaa 

ered aa afost bias to eonetaine ocd? le sauaoed tevenes of 
ons ui ei nhowwd Snebmogest. bas mivtesl bogelia ero ot 
beqqoses blazoicta sa give0 Lagioluus eff to tmompbel Sine 
tant “sed0at gukogerot oft guidugeih 20 gabyed mort 
bedizogerq voasnibie 10 wal wre bedaLoiv fon enti xemoksiseg 
awodueved Sais zaoa eotvies Livio of) yi to savbaogest vw 
Santana aegtado bait scitog to guebmetaiuoque odd ,O£0L ,€L 
bisa Jadt gnoltagiomod oy ivxe? — od Aghw tenoitigeq ed? 
oteted ,EL@f ,a% todmever yxtiaed vot sou tow ——⸗ 

—— ont 
name eno baa ,tewod dua sury,f% ,Gr9mo dee kowioe ovivrsa fivio 
fant "soollow to — onesnsregue yong | saris — to {agourtod x 

baa avine odd tiw somabtooss wt betas tganco ow irnaed ‘Shen 
add ben sonolsizog ad tact pao Loe Limarot outs * * * 
<ot benoisaom ooslg bas omts odd 38 nasty osow & a 
ua hemes Bene bee he Pre aren Pa | 

Ln, ie Ral 

28, 1915, at which time petitioner and his attorney 
again appeared before the beard; that commissioners 
Flynn and Lower were presenta the beginning of the trial; 
that esid Schuettler avpeared before ail the evidence 
was heard and gat as a part cf the bomrd vmtil the end 
of the trial; thot after the hearing wae concluded, the 
board tock the onpe under advirement; “that sald trial 
board has not yet made any findings ox reported ite findings 
to the Civil Service Sommienionj;® that the minutes of the 
Comuisesicn cf November 23, 1913, state that the charges 
were heara by the Civil Service Commission on that date, 
and thet tae Comulesion found tne petitioner guilty and 
Ordered that he be removed from the service of the city; 
that such order was void in that the case was heurd by 
the trial board; “that the Civil Service Comminsica as 
a commission, did not hear the chargea;" that the petie 
tioner made demand for reinstatement which was refused; 
that *ne ordinance was ever paased by the respondent 
which in exact words creates the peasition or euployment 
of carpenter.* The petition was afterwards amended, A 
demurrer wae sustained, and tse petition as anended was 
Gismiesed at petitioner's costs. This writ of error 


The petitioner contends that (1) he has shown 
by his petition the legal existence of the office or 
position of carpenter of the police departuent; that he is 
entitled thereto, ap he was ill¢gally discharged by the 
Civil Service Commission, the argument being that se the 
ease was heard before the police trial board, that board 
should have reported te the Civil Service Commission befere 
said Comaiesion eould legally enter an order discharging him; 

te | 

worsosta eid hao tmoivideg emis aoitw sa (ESOL 08 * 
eterelagionos jam pghised wis oaobed bechogus miaye 
pieict of? To yrinaiged of? mameso1g orew sewo.l one yee 
somebive ead Lis »xetad bereeqqe xoLdeudiod bina tate 

hoe edd fitaw buaod’ ef? Bo veg A te tan baw bucad tow : 
di ,bebuloweo wow geitwed wild vad ha twit pSakea ont to | i : 
fait bina sacs” ;Soemeaivbs t8bmw somo ont done ‘praed —— 
egribalt ati begisvgss co apribaii yas ebam dey dont aan bined | 
ott to aosunie pas sadd “yaoleetamoe? ovivae® Livkd 4d of | 
aoyrtaiy at? tasid Giada ,€101 ,dS awdmevell Ye notmakmmod 
eeead fads av to Lan tneedieeleces LiwiQ @alg ee aiaed oxew i ‘ 2 
re Ying Xoarisitog ond bavvd ho baa Laskot ened Sauls bas” fu Ls 
syio off Lo seivuss ou⸗ Moth devas ed od tadd borekto a 
WW dived caw Seno ont Jods Mh BLev sew iebt0 Mowe stadt | 
86 colawieiod soivasd Lived ont Sarit* poiwod Laird ont ; 
ekiey ens ind? "geeqtads ene aod Jon bIb — 
jhsavtox aew holiw Iunmedadentet 10% based obam tone | 
frebmoqast odd yd beasuy Tee mae eonenthee on? — Rei 
inenyolqm to volstkeoy edt sateen abvew doawe ob * at 
A ,bobnoae shrewrotie eow apividog onT * redamqenn Io ‘ 
aw pobnome am acidlisow ond San ,benlet sue saw orb —9 

tors» to siaw ula? .atoon attenstsisey ta boeelnelh — 

—X amt ov (£) sass abten an on romolsitog ot | 
6 eo dhe pats to sosedaixe Lagel oud ——— J i 

ai oe tant geneatiaqed eekiog one Yo Tesueqias To ꝓag 
oxit xd begtadouth Yllege ti, sew ‘ast aa sotonanit b 
edd an aan⸗ gaied snamugta oid » fod wa — okvee dive 
ao⸗ said ,braod Labi? eodLog ad sxot0d bised sew 9200 
7 exeted wo tan deanod sotvnad Livi ost 08 besroger vm ‘wo 
gust witgtadonth tobe ma x9dme yLLayet biuoo 3 

and (2) the judgment entered by the Municipal Court, 
wherein he was awarded his salary or wages ox carponter 
is res adjudicate of the legal exinatenoe of the office 
or pesition und his right: therets. 

A perseu seeking reinstatement by a writ of 
mandamus must show the legal existence of the office er 
position, hic slear right te the effice, and the cuty 

on the pert of the respondents to perform the act sought 

to be enforced. Boom We Mayer, 214 11, 405 Bullis v. 
Gity af Chicano, 235 111. 472 gerseh vy. City ef Shicaxo, 
250 111, 551; Hicklane ¥. City of Chicago, No. 20699, 
Appellate Court, First Diet.; Flynn ve City sf Chicago. 
Bo. 20641, id. ALi allegations in the petition thet 
— are well pleaded are admitted by the demurrer, ere 
ce @onclusions of the pleader, hawever, are not so admitted, 
} The p@tition avers that the city council passed an ordinance 
| “which created an executive department * « * known as the 
police department" and which ereated such other peritions 
or cupleyment "as may be provided by erdinance,” The 
yespondent contends that the office or position to which 
he seeks reinstatement is created by ordinance, and as it 
Wat necestary to establish the legal existence of the office 
Or position, this could be dene only by pleading the ordie 
nances relied upon. Whether such ordinances ereated the 
office or position was a question of law, ‘Yhe petitioner 
did mot set up the provisions of the erdinances nor the 
L- substance thereof, but simply hie conclusions that the 

effice or position was eetablished by the ordinances, The 

L petition was clearly demurrable, guinn ve City of Chicage, 
178 Til. App, 115; City of Ghicagovs, Gray, 210 ili, 84; 

wd Laqlotaull odd wl beredne dnemgbul, way (s) Bae 
tH HOQtso Bs Boge To Yindae ald bebvewe aos of aterode pe) 
#okTie od) ‘io ocnednixe fegel off Be — Lee Bee ek me 
Laroredd udigix ote oo motehaeg 16 

poe J 

to tiaw “ yd sgeomedetenion priiiiees gorieq A 
<9 eostie ont To someteixe Lagel edd woiie Jamn @iaunbme 

Yew erit here ook? te edd oF clata wae de aha nett haog 

thguee fom of? mtotireq of afaobeoqgess 45 To ta⸗g oes no 

Oa ge . fit Ds ARM aX Boas sboorotne od of - 
songets® 2o UZ ok dommes STP 4151 88S .ppaad> de xekD 

CQBOK OK .Ananks Lo veto we Qowdiod (02 .Lfr 08s - * 

PASS EL gedakG sarki , duo etek Seqak — 

dads mois*keon oi? of saokdmaptia f2A 4 £0008 ot 9— 

eh ,tentumd eff vet badeimba wie pobsetq Liow * 

—QERRR on son one stevewsn ,weheetg os * attod | 

woman ta OOS Rant —XRX yiko oaz $ aud — — 2** 

ett belaors oomentbe to un xoska oe effOqu wea 3 mor) a 
tenolsigog oAv wind be so a aaw — “ —* —XXX 

OHS Sor! anoiewtowoo okt yLqamia dud — 
———— yd boda tidades av mbt keoq <0 t 
eons) 20 WED a sake .efderwemd Yuneto aaw molted 
ꝛꝛ8. LT OLS . Kad evguend Yo whe 18 .¢ | 

Kenneally ve. Gity of Ghisage, 220 111. 485. 

/ The petitioner ecaitende that the order removing 
him from the service of the city is void, the argument 
being that the evidence te sustain the sharges Tiled 
against him before the Civil Service Commineicn wap heard 
by a triel beard consisting of three meuhere, two of whom 
were Givil service comuiesioncrs, but thst in the hearing 
of eaid evidence, the three were sitting as a tricl board, 
and none ef them wos sitting as commissioner, Practically 
this same gontention was made in the case of Hbifeldt ve 
Sity of Ghicaco, 199 111. App. 610, where it wee held thet 
the contention wae opposed to both reason and authority; 
that the civil service act was not intended to bea intere 
preted in eny such narrow fashion. Also the civil service 
act provides, See. 1, that twe ef the civil service come 
miseioners shall constitute o quorum; Sec. 12 of the tame 
act provides that noetfieer or exploye in the elassified 
eivil service shell be discharged except upon written 
charges after hearing; that eaid charges shall be investie 
gated by the Civil Service Gomsission, or some other officer 
 @r beard appointed by the Comuisesion; that tie finding or 
decision of the civil service commissioner or investigating 
board, when approved by the Commiesion, shall be certified te 
the appointing officer. In the case at bar, two members of 
the trial board were civil service commisnioners, and it would 
be an absurdity to say that they should report te themselves. 
Bhlfelet yy City ef Ghicase, supra; Lhomes vy. Citizens 
Horse Hy. So., 104 11, 462; Lawrense ve Xranex, 156 f1l. 
474, The contention of the petitiorer isuntenable. 

20D LL ORR SLAB Sama am 

guivenss site oft tadt abuetwo coneitioeg oat — 
swenmyin of ,biew wi Yoho aie to go dyaes ont oat mbit i 
beLit esytade odd Bingaue of evarhive oid Yael gecko thet) 
dimen saw 034 an Laatob wolvae8 Livkn odd oxohod seb senlene 
wore 20 ows ywtedima aerdd Ye yuitatenco buaed Lalst = yd 
gtiawed sid a2 dod dud ,etpmalsetomen we ivree ikvap omnw 
edisod isix? » aa gniitie svew aowt att OOK Dae bias ‘te 
senators ontiselawom am gritein saw oedt to enon bes 
aX abisVine to anso ou⸗ at sban saw soldmeseoo ona re 
fend Sind oow tt ornate .OID sqGk .cET B8e some ide as ebb * 
{Witetsvn bas measen fed of aoaocee aay noLsnesaon odd — 

satni ov at bebnetnt Tom aaw fom aniwvera Livio at sats ‘ 
soivier iivio wait oats olmnt woman doo vam ad bosorg a ‘ 
wisn eolvine Livio ect te ows tasty A — X ios 7 oh 
enas of to BL .oeo purrony a adutizance IfLede atonelenin pe 
boltianaie odd mi ayoigew 10 TeokTIe wn Fads asbivesg 30% an: 
asdiluw noqe dyooxe hegtaincib od Liada solveon tivke — 
eisnoval ed [fats eogtads diee tot zweit Ahre tod%s aogrtads —* 
ro Auäο todso enon 10 ,modewtamed eoivied LivkD ond yt botay 
TO QALBALT oid Jacks proinmtomed odt yd bedalogga duaed 16 i * 
guitayisaewni 10 iancianiowon voivasa Livio ag? te noletood — a 
ef boltivieo ed Iisda ,wotauimem? ost ye bevonggus morte — 

BOORALAD oV mama? iaugue An vid J re) 
2441 OSL . yom, ay semua ghdd . ff BOL , co) 
-2idaneinual t0lsi¢eoq odd te ——— ¢ ‘J rh 


The further ¢ontention of the potiticoner that the 
judgment entered in his faver by the “wnicipal Court for 
salary prior to November 25, 1913, is ges adjudicate of 
the ies] existence of the effice er pow ition he is now 
setking and his right therete, cannot be maintained, 

Yor aught that appears from the petition, the judgaent 

in that oase may have been rendered upon the ground that 

the petitioner had performed the services for which he 

was seeking pay. Yurthermore, we have thio day reverged said 
judgment of the Municipal Court. We have carefully examined 
the record and are ef the opinion that the demurrer was 

preperly sustained, and the petition as amended dismissed, 

The judgwent of the Circuit Court of cook 

Gounty will, therefore, be affirncd. 


wn dw 

oi Sait sonoitiveg oad t¢ molinegnos soreiut ont 
“0% dxwod Laqiotowi edt yd tovet aid ai botetas sInompbel 
to afeotoutbs sox ek , GAG , 88 sodwevel ot coltq yretae 
won ef of moldleog te aollie efs te sonetaime faped ont 
ehoniodnian od Jone ,ofoir)ed? digix aid bee gateiege 
ireaghwt edd ,nxotviteq dt sort exaeqgn tatt figua tot 
fedd bawxotg ocd moqy boxwbaet aged even Yau ouse date mk 
en doldw sot wooivaes exit boarretceg bart ono La tavsa oud 
bias hbestever yYeb oidteval ow ,oremediael . yey goddewa aa 
bomimane yiluietse evad eo tied Laygioinsl edt to Jnoopbul, 
aaw contend odd tai? ooiniqo edd to ote bem Dkeves adit 
eheantswih behaama as noltiteq of bme ,honwtatame yfireqorq 

ave! te diwed sheowk ott to Sooaghyl, ot 
ehoushtts ef ,oreteveds ,ilte wau0d 



246 = 21227 

DI CICCO, for use of Peter 

Defendants in — dA ERROR TO 
vs. 5 ) 
% a 

4 . irr | 198 1.A. 1 >) 

Plaintiffs in #rror, 



This writ of error was sued out by James Anton to 
reverse a judgment for $158.85 entered by the Municipal Court 
of Chicago against him and William Anton. On March 11, 1915, 
on motion of defendants in error (plaintiffs), the statement 
of facts contained in the transcript of the record was stricken 
therefrom, and the alleged grounds for reversal are based upon 
the common law record, 

The action in the Municipal Court was against 
William, Nick and James Anton, doing business as Anton Bros., 
defendants, and only William Anton and James Anton were served 
with process, Plaintiffs’ claim was for the sum of $158.85 
upon an account stated and for merchandise sold and delivered, 
It appears from the summons that the defendants were directed 
to appear in the Municipal Court on a certain named day to 
answer unto "Peter Christofano." James Anton entered his 
appearance and filed an affidavit of merits in which he denied 
that he, individually or jointly with his co-defendants, had 
ever purchased any merchandise from plaintiffs, or had ever 
stated an account with plaintiffs. William Anton did not 
appear and was defaulted. The court found the issues in favor 
of plaintiffs, assessed plaintiffs' damages at the sum of 

$158.85, and entered judgment against William Anton and James 

rests · des : 4 

reted to say tot ,OODIO Id 

( A⸗t J 
OT HOsisH \TOTT at etnabme'ted * a 
— rt av - ‘7 
\ ? 
— X0 ak eTtigniels 


ot ncinA vsomd yd tuo beve esw torte to sia eLAT is 
siv0oS LaeqioinnuM odd yd bexvetme ¢&,801% stot inompgbyt, — server 
e8LOL LL Morail m0 .motnA mstlity bao mis tenisye ogaotad to 
tnemetasa ont ,(a@ttitnielq¢) torve mi atnsbasteb to notsom so 
nedioiite asw broset vad to tqitoeneit edt ak benked noo etoet Yo 
fous beasd sis Isetevet 16t showorg begelia edt bus ,motteteds 
-brooet wel mommoo ent 
Seniayes usw tivo) Leqtotnut aAt oat mottos ext 
¢-8010 modmA ee aeeniaud gniob ,notmA seme bas Asti ,matiLiw 
heviees stew notmA somal bas notmA meliliW yino bas ,atmabseteb 
86,821§ to muse oct 10% sav méslo *eITiiniwls .aeecoTg iitiw 
shewevifeb bas bina entbauioxe: 16% baw habate tamden me meg) 
botoe1rlbh stew stneinetob of! tand anommye od mort eiseqgs II 
ot ysh boman nisties o no tive Laqtoitawm sont ot wegge ot 
aint beretne nofmA comet “,onatoteirdS tested" odnw towana 
betned si rioidw mt atitem to tivebktts os belit bra so nstasggs 
bad ,etashasteb-oo eid dtiw yLinio, to yilawbivibni ,ed sodt 
Teve bari 10 ,ettisaielg mort selbusdoisem yon beesdotyg t9vo * 
ton Sib soca wmeilltw etticaielq dtiw woooa ity bodate 

sovet mt asweat edt bhavot gisoo edt .betivateb saw bre useqqs 
200 owe ect te eoyomad 'ettitnteaig hosneses seMidabatg Yo 

oe bos moda maiiiw gentege tmemgbyt, bettas bas 

= 20 

Anton on the finding. 

Some of the points relied upon for a reversal of 
the judgment by counsel for James Anton are, in our opinion, 
hypercritical and without merit, The trial court certainly 
had a right to enter judgment against the two defendants, 
William and James Anton, notwithstanding the fact that their 
co-defendant, Nick Anton, was not served with process, (Sec, 
14 Practice Act.) It is urged that there is a variance 
between the statement of claim and the summons, in that it 
appears from the former that the plaintiffs were ‘Peter 
Cristofano and Vincent Di Cicco, for use of Peter Christofano," 
whilst in the latter the defendants were directed to apvear and 
answer unto “peter Christofano," James Anton is in no 
position to complain of this. He did not raise the point in 
an appropriate manner in the trial court. He appesred and 
filed an affidavit of merits. After the finding he could not 
take advantage of the variance, if such there was, on a motion 
in arrest of judgment (Toledo, W. & WW. Ry. Co. v. McLaughlin, 
63 Ill. 369, 391); nor can he on a writ of error (Cruikshank 
v. Brown, 5 Gilm. 75, 77). The judgment is affirmed, 


to {[setsvet s xot noqs beifer atuiog eit to eso 

penne tuo mi ,8%s motmA semsl 10% Loonvoo ww dnemabut on 
 YLnistreo divoo Leitd oAT throm tuodtiw ba fapts2x07e 
,etnabno'tob ows edd tanioys suomybut, ted ne ot digit — 
tisdt tedt gost ont yoibostadtinwten , sodas asasl dns mob lew R 
0 .ansootg détw bevise ton aaw ,notdmA Ai Sum 2eba00 yi 
eonsitsevy s ek eres tandt begm ef 32 (. doa soktonrt — ae 

ti sect mi ,enoemme edt bos mielo to tnemetate end meowtes uh 

voted" etew ettltalelq ont stadt. tomt0e2 offs mott — J 
ae a 

4 sa es 

* onstotealti) teted to sus tol ,oosid id dmeoms V fies ons totes 
bas tsecgs of botootibh siv68# at nebno teh ent tettel odd mk te. 
on at at modi somal "ons totairdo teteq" od mis towene 

ni tniog edt eaks1 dom bib si  Jakdt to mialqmoo o⸗ —8* 


base berseqqs eH .diweo Isiit oft ak tonnam etaizqon | 

ton bi{uoo eff gaibait od wet ta Bt itom to tivabitte Cus b. 
| noitom s no ,aaw otends dowe ts .S9haitey eit To ogad nevbs — * : ; 
Hiidnuetlow .v .0D .¥i . 2 +R .obelot) tnemybs; 29 dort RS Via 
Ansdativi)) torte te gitw s no of meso ton (i (£0e 4@Be . £41 68 Ae 
-bomtitta ek snompbut edt . (TT , ay .m£eo @ canes 

if ‘ 
‘ —9 
— —9 
7 eens 


257 =< 212359 

Defendant in Erroy, 




Plaimtiff inf Brror, i 9 8 IAM. 1 5 2 


Plaintiff commenced this action to recover the sum 
of $375,02 for two consignments of fish. sold and delivered to 


defendant in December, 1913, At the beginning of the trial 

the “the attorney f for. ‘defendant ‘admitted that defendant had received 
the fish and that the number of pounds charged for was correct, 
and stated in substance that the only question in the case was 
whether plaintiff was the vendor of the fish or plaintiff's 
parents, M. “hrlich and Fannie Hhriich; in other words, whether 

immediately prior to the sale and delivery plaintiff was the 

owner thereof or plaintiff's parents.Thereupon the court 

suggested that this issue had better be determined by a jury, 

the hearing—of-the-evidence the-court charged the jury orally, 
~in-part as follows: 

_"tre~pieintiff-in- his’ statement of claim. in.-this, 
uit is asking-for_ 375, the fish shipped on two consignments, 
e defendant denies “that. the fish was bought from this \ 
laintiff. The question for-you to decide is whether or not 
der the evidence the fish belonged to the plaintiff, or was 
he plaintiff acting as the agent for his parents and the ~ 
itle of the fish was in the parents and notin this young 

» * * eee though the fish might be his, nevertheless 
fh esented that the fish belonged to the father or the 
pasene ene under that phase of the case if Ri should find 

“you would-have’ to find for..the defendants" 
4%—the._conclusion of. the charge, i ‘response —te—the 

quiry, the attorney for defendant stated that ne had 



escrs + res f 

7 y — ie 

‘ 9 ta J 

amin WH BTA 

Lae orn ak doehne ted 4 



Sal. A.l gen: 



A 4 

THVIOD CHP TO MOLMIGD J CHAR I at ee » sorsem) onan euag 

ose ext tovoney od moiton rer be 9 mrertmo 9 * 

odl auw Tot begiasdo ebswoc to veda orld dent pte 
@ew oaa0 ony aE moitenup yine ead tans eonstadse ak be 
a’ttitnistlg vo felt oft to wobhnew edd wow VU miele 
tertorw ,abtow ‘todo at joist iu efane® bas Hod Late, of , 
ent saw Tiitateliq yievitoh bne sige edt ot vokeg 1 

&tdd aii malo to ¢oometmha etiont— ss 
snd pomgt eame ows co bagqide delt odd ,a@Vé ae ni 
aid? mort teiqguod eew Makt odd 44 b 
pe to tofteriw ak ebtosh ot soy x6 ** 
ahw tO ,Ttidntaly ett of hegticlod datt eile ee 
| elt bag atootaq ain tot snexa odd a sree ee 
| gasoy aidt at dow bas atnots¢ end 
eaelonttoven ,eid od tripim dakt ext sf 
as to -reddot end ov: begnolod matt ong 
t bivode 9X 32 vaso exlt Yo —52 eit iebam 4! 
. r anogags | ifredo oft to moteulom 
a —V Sty 
Teas boftate Jnabro 

ny to 

” fe-ebseetion—to_the-vlulRe>> The jury returned a verdict in 
favor of plaintiff and assessed his dumages at the sum of 
$575.02, upon which verdict the court entsred judgment 

iy creed the defendant, 

Plaintiff testified in substance that he was 23 

years of age and resided at La Crosse, Wisconsin, and was 
engaged in the business of buying and selling fish and had 
been for three years; that his father and mother, as partners, 
were also engaged in the fish — but that he had had no 
business connection with them for vv, years; that he was the 
owner of the fish in question and sold them to defendant on 
his own account and not as agent for his parents; that on 
December 1, 1913, he called at the office of the defendant in 
Chicago and had an interview with Benjamin Sacks, president 
of defendant, and at that time Sacks oriered the fish to be 
shipped; that subsequently he had another interview with 
Sacks at which time it was determined that the value of the 
fish received by defendant was 3375.02; that thereupon Sacks 
said to him: "I will give you » check for $75.92; your father 
owes me $500 and I am going to take it off"; that he (plaine 
tiff) replied: "You cannot take off one cent from me, the fish 
ware mine and I want my money"; that thereupon Sacks suggested 
that the matter could only be settled by suit, and that he 
(plaintiff) shortly thereafter com-enced the present action, 
Pannie ithrlich, mother of plaintiff, testified that she and her 
husband, Meyer Whrlich, were partners in the fish business and 
that plaintiff had not been in their employ for three years. 
For the defendant Sacks testified in substance that 
on December 1, 1913, plaintiff called on him and said that 
his parents had certain fish they wanted to sell and inquired 
if defendant would buy them, and further stated that his 

mother was then at Brownsville, Minnesota, where some of the 

nt tothiov s bender vast ont em afro eltod mottos tio-ek 

to mua edt ¢& — haas PttiinieLlq¢ to tovet 

| tnemgbuf, betetne tio ect solbtev fotdiw nogs ,S0.éTee 

; — u2 sanisgs 

ES sew ef fadt eoastedya nt bottigesd Ttitaiela ans eg 

sew baa nbamooahe (880079 eI 3 bebizex bas eyes to ersey 

bed bas deit gailioe bre gniyiid to caenteud ont mk bogsgne 
~etentisq ce , tection bas tentset eis tans jatasy seems tot need 
on bad bad ec Sods sud —— Heit oft nt begeygno oels etew 

edt esw off Judd jarsey ee1ds rot meld tiw nottoennes asentaud 

no ¢nebmotob o¢ mes Sloe bos sotdeeup ak ded? oft Yo teawo 

no tan? jatnoisg eid tot troue es ten bos ¢evooos owo eli 


ab ¢nsbnsteb sit Yo soitte eft ts helfso on ,éL@L .f£ r9dmeoed 

tnshivoig ,e@dos nitatoe?d déiw weivrotnd me bar dns egsoind 
ed of dait ent bexelto atoe® emt teat fa baw winebasteb to 

tiikw wetyuodmt tottene bet en ¥ftmeupeedue tad pbseqkte 

edt to oulav ont tndt bontmieteh eaw $f emits? doidw te eiosé 

wfosi nogetedt tant ;8O. Ave eaw taebnetebh yd bevisost dekt 

teddat mwoy ;80.2VG tot doors 2 voy owin {fiw I*® smkd ot bise 
entalq) en tadt ;"tto tf Sst of uatoy ma I bap 006% om eowo 

dett eft ,om mazt ¢me0 sao tto coxa tomnmo voy" sbeifqent (Its 

betesxznua alos’ noquatedd tandt ;*venom ym tasw I bas enim s Tov 

ed tsit bas ,giue yd bolitoe ef ¥fno bluoo asttenm edd Sadd 

-mitos t$neaexq oft boone moo tes tsetedt yLtrone (TtLt+alelq) 

tod bas ela tend bottigeot ,Titmisi¢ to tentom Aotfaid etnnst 

buna seentaud deit edd nt ovant eq otew .doifud® teyoWw , basdenl 
~8ta0y seult tot yolane stieds at moet ton bed Ytitnialq tant 
tadt eongtedve ai bol'titaet efost tnmbhbneteb ond 10% 

tadt bhaa bas mid ao boffeo Ttitmiale ,éLeL ,£ tedmesed mo 
betiupnt bos {Lee ot bétaew yors del? niedtes bat vinetsq oe 

eld tent betete reridiw? bas ,medt yoo bluow tnab 

a. * 



fish were, and that he (Sacks) had better telephone her 

end arrange with her as to price, ete.; that he (Secks) 

on the seme day talked with Wre. Whrlich over the long 

distance phone, and that subsequently the fish were received 

by defendant; that at the time of the interview with plaintiff 
defendant had in its possession two demand notes, each for 

$150, signed by Fannie end Meyer Ehrlich end payable to 
defendent, and go advised plaintiff; and thet he (Sacks) during 
his leng distance telephone conversstion with Fannie \hrlich 
told her that defendsnt would credit the value of the fish to be 
shipped on said notes, Fannie -hrlich denied that while she was 
at Browmsaville on Decevber lst she had any telephone conversa- 
tion with Sacks, ‘The latter further testified that after the 
fish had been received by defendant, plaintiff again called and | 
demanded that payment for the fish be made to him, which demand 
was refused, and that he fSacks) did not then tender to plaintiff 
a check for $75.02, or for any emomt, in settlement. Meyer 
Finder, treasurer of defendsnt, and Morris ‘eipe, bookkeeper for 
defendant, also gave certain testimony on bchalf of defendant, 
as did Henry Johnson, 2 dealer in fish in Chicego, 

It is first contended by counsel for defendant that, 
even upon the theory that plaintiff wes the owner of the fish, 
plaintiff's evidence does net warrant a verdict and judgment in 
excess of $44.72. We cannot agree with counsel, Under the 
pleadings and the admissions made by the attorney for defendant 
during the trial, the value of the fish (%375.02) received by 
defendant was not in dispute, The sole issue presented to the 
Jury was whether at the tine of the sale plaintiff was the owner 
of the fish and sold them to defendant for his ow account, or 
whether viaintiff's parents were the owners thereof and plaintiff 
acted merely as agent for them in making the sale, "In the ~ 

trial of a cause the admissions of counsel, 28 to matters to be 


tad snodgqeled tetted bat (atoee) ed sad’ bag ,etew dak? 
(atos<) of tadt j.9%9 ,sottq o¢ as tod dtiw egnstis bas 
anol eft tevoe doifulk& ,ei atiw Sexlat (sb omae oct a0 
beviegoet stew daeit ens yiimsupoadue sanit bas .oneig vanedelb 7 
TtLiaiely dsiiw weivisiat sit Yo emis edd ta stadt jtasbaeteb Vw 
Tot dose ,sotan basmeb ows moleeoesog esi ni bed sashnoted— 
of oldayaq bas Aoifuii toyow bos etanet yd bomate ,O8Lg 
ant ⁊ub (ekost) of ttt bas {Tttsnis£a beatrbs os bas ,snsbnetob 
soltiu stasset dtiw miteetevnoo saedaeled eonstalh anol aid 
ed of deit on? to outay eit tkbevo bivow sashne tes teat ted SLod 
eaw offe efisw tant beltoeh dokfad einsse= .estorn bias no begqise 
— Snorigoiet yar bad ede tel redysest so ofLivenword ts 
eft tots Jadt beltitees sedtivt tettel of? elves ddlw moked 
base bolisas ni ays Stitmktale .2 ntabrs tab vc bavisoses ased bed dait 
baemeb doidw. waid ot eham od deit ont tol tnemyagq seds boBnscob 
Tiisatsla ot rohase nent ton bith (atone - tant bas deautot agw 
‘Toyo .tnomefitea xt .dovome yas tot m ,SO0,e%% wt doedo s 
tot teqeeXxood ,eqis’ eittoM bua ,tacshnetsb to tstweseis ,tebatT 
,fnshaeteb Yo tLaod ao ynomitaes uiatteo svey avle .iaabaetob 
| soyanidd mt sett ak tofaeb » ,sosniel yraell bib es 
add tasbnstob 10% Leanuos ud bebnetnos task ak oi 
,featt edt to teomwo sdt aaw Ttkintala tet yrosdt ont nocs neve 
at ¢rempbyt, bua tolbtev a tastier tow asob ooqshive a Ttds atel 
edt tohal! .feenvoo dtiw estys tonnss a JS. Dae to eeeoxe 
tnabneteh tol yertotta ont yd sham snoleeinhs ont bie agaibselg 
ud bevieos (80,2 PE8 ) Matt odt Yo eulsv ont Asta⸗ ents aet ⁊ub * 
edt of betneaoiq sent efoe od? .otuqehd mt tom sow tashneteb 
aenwo oft caw Ditsaltelg ofan edd to. omit ont ta stedteontw saw xm 
7 to ,tooc08 awo aii tot daubneteb of madd bLos baa felt out to — 
Ttitaisl(q brs ‘teeters eronwo oft stow asmotsq a!) titakeic xonsodw | 
; odj mI" .efee ont ganiiam ni mont t9% dpogs se yLetem be 6 

ed oF atostam oF ea sLeenved to enotaaimos odd ocuao at . 


proved, are constantly received and acted upon. They may 
dispense with proof of facts for which witnesses would 
otherwise be called, They may limit the demand made or the 
seteoff claimed. Indeed, any fact, bearing upon the issues 
involved, admitted by counsel, may be the ground of the 
court's procedure equally as if established by the clesrest 
proof." (Oscanyan v. Arms Co., 103 U. S. 261, 263; Wilson 
v. Spring, 64 Ili, 14; Mill Construction Co., v. Chicago 
R. I. & P. Ry. Co., 174 I11. App. 600.) 

And we cannot say after due consideratim of the 
record before us that the verdict is contrary to the weight 
of the evidence, as contended by counsel, on the question 
whether or not plaintiff was the owmer of the fish st the 
time of the sale, 

It is further contended by counsel that the trial 

7 court erred in refusing to admit in evidence the book accounts 

of defemdant and certain entries made in defendant's books 
relative to the sale in question. If certain entries in the 
account books of defendant showed that the purchase of the fish 
in question wes from plaintiff's parents or from Weyer Mhrlich, 
rather than from plaintiff, said entries would not be competent 

evidence against plaintiff. The defencxunt could not bind 


| plaintiff by eny statements written in a book of account kept 

\ by defendant. We think that the ruling of the court was a 
proper one. (Sanford v, Miller, 19 Ill. App. 536; Summers v. 
i{'Kim, 12 Serg. & Rawle Rep. (Pa.), 495, 411; Dailey v. 
S_onnerborn, 55 Tex, 60, 62.) In the case last cited it is 
said; “Perhaps the strongest reason why the purchaser's books 
diditnre cantstes as against the seller, consists in the fact 
that it would be en additional inducement to dishonesty and 
fraud, which would thereby place the merchant, or seller, in 

the power of his debtor." 

Complaint is made of several other rulings of the 


yam yet? .coqy besos bas bovioost yitnedeanes ets ,bevetq 
bLuow eosaontiw dothw tot atost to toote aviw eaneqakb 
ext 10 ebam buemeb sit timi{l vam yout belleo od sakwiredto 
aeyert ent noay gxiiaed ,tost yas ,beshal .bemislo Tteesea. 
Nd to bavoty sat od yam ,fosmon yo bottinbe ,bevlovat 
saetselfo edt yd bodaifdstas ti es yilssps eishseetq atixues 
moeliv 7688 ,f88 .G .U GOL ,.00 Serta .v gmyapond) *. teo1g 
ogsotdd ov ..00 soktorsterod LLt ht .ff1 bd ,gmiagé .v 
(.008 .qqgA .LLT AVL . 29D .¥H 2S * 
sit to mitsisbkanoo ovb t9tts yse tonnes ow bak . 
tdgtew oft of yiestnoo ak tozbiev edt tedt ew stoled biroses 
to itasup es mo ,fleanmvoo yd hbebeotnos se ,gonvbive ent To 
eft ja deft oft to tonmwo odd asw Ttituiely fom 10 tend oxtw 
-ofse odd to omit 
{gins ext gait Loan0o yd bobastmoo vaestant ab df 
adoveoos dood edt sonshive ai timbs ot anieuvter af bette — 
ado od at dnubse ted mi ebsan seittooe niatveo bas tusbmeteb To 
eit ai asinine nistroo tI .omiteoup at alee oft of evdialot 
nett ect ko eisai add gant bowode tmahreteh te wload dimio 996 
~foiical trays! mort ro adne'rsg a*t titnielso mort sew molitesup al 
snetsgmos od tou bivow seittine bisa  Thitnialg ott ads teodiert 
haid son bluoo dashaeteb soil ,ttiintalg tenisnse sonebive 
qo gavooo8 Yo Axcod a at nettivw etoematste yas yd Witatealq 
& asw tiw09 ont to naiteox ent tant anisds ow .¢ nubmetob ve 
eV atommuyg ;d82 .qqgA .fft OL ,tolLeM .v bxotane) .ene tego1g 
| oV yotted :fib 08 ,(.8%) .qen olwal 2 . pret] GL ,min te 
ek si botio tand eann ont at (.88 08 ,xeT 8 ,mvedronne 8 
elood e'itssedouwg edt yew noesex teognorte ont — 9* :bise 
teat edt ak atelanos ,telfoa oft taniega 2s bese enn ea Meio * 
bas yteonodalbh of tnousouhnt Lenoitibbs ne ed bivow #2 cad 
at ,relles 10 ,tnanoxrem oft eoslq ydetent bliiow doicdw ewe 

. wotdeb ets to towed) end a 


court on the admissibility of evidence, but we do not think 
that any error prejudicial to the defendant was committed, 
Finding no reversible error in the record the 
judgment of the Municipal Court is affirmed, 

Maids toa eb ew sud ,sonebkve to ytilidieaiabs eis mo t1u09 
bottiomoo asw tasboetebh edt oF Laetothutetq tomte yns tadt 
| edz btooes ond ak torres eldiexevet os gndbnit 

ebemxitita ek tue Laqtotawi ed? to Joempbsary, 

211 © 21189 

JAMES CLINE, doing business 
as J. & D, CLINE, 





198 1.A.163 


Appellee recovered a judgment for damages to his 
automobile-truck and the goods it contained resulting from 
a collision with appellant's Locomotive engine at a public 

— — 

eross ing. The negligence charged in the declaration was 
——— of said engine across said highway "without 
causing a belli to be rung or a steam whistle to be whistled 
at a distance of 30 rods from said crossing, and without 
causing a bell to be kept ringing or a steam whistle to be 
kept whistling, while said locomotive engine was approach- 
ing said crossing from 80 rods therefrom until it had 
reached the same,” 

Appellant contends there should have been a 
directed verdict in its favor on the grounds that the 
evidence does not disclose the negligence charged and shows 
contributory negligence, 

At said crossing the railroad tracks are double 
and its right of way is 100 feet wide, running about north 
and south at right angles to the highway. At the time of 
the collision the locomotive engine, drawing three others, 
was northbound on the easterly track and appellee was going 
east. The latter and his chauffeur who operated the auto- 
mobile testified that though they looked they did not see 

@6LiS = {£8 

seenkaud grtob greg BEMAT ; 
aMEED a re | 



— — 
( 3h MEAUA annem: 

€or .A.I 8er 


eid of acgemab to? tnemphut o betevooes selleqga 7 
mort gaitiweex hbentainoo TL shooy off bas ound -oLkdomod ia 5 
otiduq a ta saigae avitomovot e'tnelloqgs atin ——— 

aaw moiterelook edz mk baguscis oo negtigen od? _spntaaot9 ' 
fe aie 

tuodtinw" yauwiaid blue esotse. satan biae ‘to —V ont 
belteainw od of eltakdw masta os to pei od of Lied s gateuss 
suoddiw bas .gniewors biae mox? ebox 08 to sonaterb a fo 
ed ot elteidw mevtea @ t¢ gaigni2z tqed ‘od od Lied ra autewan 
-foaoigqs esw oaiuas ovidemoost bise olidw ,yatiteldw tq ig 
bat th Lito mov totes shot 08 mot? gitineor biae pak 
*,omae ould bedoset . 
s mosd svat bivode etedt abse¢nen Sapitegqa = — 
ends dacſo abauovn ens mo tovat eti nt —— ——— 
awode bas boptasto ponogiigon edt suolosth ton avob sonpbive Bh 
ooaont gon wrotwti at mee | F 
elduoh ets aloat? hbeorLies edt gnieset> bine tA Abe: , 9 
diton oda ant anua ,oblw fest OOL ak yaw te tdase, ast 

to omit of? 2A .Yowelpid ost ot —* nk ta sauce | >: . ’ 
at0s180 ests gutwath ,ontyne evisomooo£ ols an i 
gpniog saw oalleqgs brs toant vLust ens ould ae aa 
-olum ost besareqo ostw <uet traite —* pen * ett 

ee son bkb ved betook outs suo ds sedd beitle y LE 
— fad hod tde0d » 



the locomotive until they were on the westerly tracks when 
they jumped permitting it to continue under power and collide 
with the engine, They also testified that they heard no 
whistle or bell or gong. 

The uncontroverted evidence as to the physical 
conditions clearly shows, however, that had appellee looked 
when the exercise of due care pS ee under such 

circumstances manifestly required him to look he could have 
seen the approaching train in time to avert a collision, 

Nor did the weight of the evidence authorize a verdict on the 
theory that no bell was rung nor whistle blown. 

As to ability to see the approaching train the 
evidence shows; At a distance of from 30 to 40 feet west of 
the easterly track there was an unobstructed view of the 
tracks south to beyond a curve estimated from one quarter 
to one half a mile from the crossing. Judging from a photo- 
graph in evidence it was nearer one half mile. At the south 
west corner of the junction of the highway and appellant's 
right of way on the lot of one Bleimehl, where there was a 
Saloon, were bushes which for a distance along the approach 
to the right of way obstructed a view of the track to the 
south, The actual distance from the west line of the right 
of way to the easterly track was 47 feet and 8 inches, Whether 
or how much the bushes may have hung over the line does not 
appear. Their estimated distance from the track was from 20 
to 45 feet. Cline 'judged' about 20 feet and Bleimehl's 
brother about 25, The chauffeur said he could not see the 
track until within 10 fect of it. But their testimony does 
not conform to a plat made to a scale and a photograph show- 
ing actual conditions, as testified to by several witnesses, 
The testimony of three witnesses who had lived there for 

several years and crossed the tracks daily placed the distance 

resi ekount yireteow ett oo stow youd LILinu evitomooolL el? 
ebiilos bag tewoq tobaw eunidaoo of Fi gakttiorreg boqaw) yods 
on bused yodst tant belttitcet ote yen? enkgne out stekw 
: sanog ro LLod m0 oft alsw 
feotaydq ot o¢ aa oonobive bedtevoti moon sdf J 
bodool eelileaqqes bed tadt ,revewod ,awore yLiselo iso te kia 
dove tebrus —— — aio ewh to salouexe ont no rw 
ever blyuoo ef Aool o¢ mid betivupex yideotiaam eoonsdamyotto 
-mofLaiilos # txeve oF emkt mk nist gaideenxaen oid moos 
edt ne tolitev a ositondiue sonebive eft to toyiew elt bib 10m 
-twold elteksdw tom art esw Led on tsilt aoog⸗ 
edt aiatt anidosoxrggqe 4 os s ot ytilids of BA 
to taow toat Ob ot Of mort To —— sti  eworle eonebive 
eit ‘to weiv betowitiedonu aa asw etodt dostd yltedeas ont 
qtettanp eno moctt botomiteas evi. # buoyed ot divoe etfoatt. 
-otonq s mort gaigbsul .agntaeoto ot mort ofim a tad ono og 
aguoe oft ta .otim ‘hae ene tetsen asw tk gonebive nai gory 
a'enaifeqgs bus — edt to notte nwt, edt to temroo saew 
& sew otordd otere ,Idomioli eno to toL£ oud no Yew to dag 
fosotqgs ert gnolo sonatelh s to% Noidw aendeud stew «m0 0 Lae 
end of dott ocd Yo woiv a hotouwxiedo yaw to sents ot od 
‘Sright oft Yo oatl seew ot mort somsteth Lautos od twee | 
tondtjenW ,asdont 8 bag test TS aaw dont yitetess ont ot Yew To 
ton asob entl eit revo gowd oved yam soraud eng down — 
OS mort asw dosit ot mort eonatalb bodamtd as tho? wvaa⸗ 
a'idemteld’ bas soet O8 auoda ‘begbut! entls .teet as ot 
edt see ton bluoo of hiss quot taro edt =. as tuods rotors 
ao0b Ynomisaed ttedd tua tt to toot Of eked kw LES ows foart 
-wone dqatpotodg o bos elLace a ot oben tate a ot aroraoo ton 
-eoesentiw Latoves yd of hortisned a6 ,anozstbn0o fautos amt 
“ot evedt bevil bed onlw evsenndiw sony to — ——— 
sonatath eft bevalq yLleb ekoaxt oii boesoxo bas axesy, 4 reves 

Ave ae 

- oe 

from 30 to 45 feet. One said "all of 30 feet,” the other two 
55 to 40, Their testimony is consistent with every other part 
of the record showing that within that distance there was an 
unobstructed view of the tracks south for nearly if not quite 
one half mile. ‘The chauffeur said he could have stopped the 
truck within 10 feet. Hence, with such a view of an ap>roach- 
(ine train there was apparently no necessity of a collision. 
Entering into the situstion somewhat is the question of speed, 
The truck was going from 7 to 10 miles an hour. As to the 
speed of the train the testimony again varies. Bleimehl said 
"40 or 50 miles per hour" and Cline "35 or 40," and the 
engineer 12 or 14, Yhatever the speed it does not enter into 
the question of negligence in this case nor affect materially 
the question of timely opportunity to avoid the collision; for 
if the train did not get in sight until after the truck had passed 
the penhon/ES aneuestionshly could have gone over the 30 to 40 
feet before the train got there, and if it was in sight then 
it could have been seen in plenty of time to have stopped the 
truck before reaching even the westerly track, ‘hatever its 
speed the train was — — in sight when the truck 
passed the bushes. Assuming it was going at the rate of speed 
testified to by Cline - five times as fast as the truck, then it 
had only 150 to 200 feet to go when plaintiff reached the point 
30 to 40 feet away. 

They knew they were aporoaching a railroad crossing 
and of the danger. #ach said he was looking in both direce 
tions. tach claimed he did not see the train until the truck 
was on the western track, ‘The physical facts were such that 
the train could have been seen after reaching a point 30 to 
40 feet west of the point of collision. The truck could have 
been stopped within 10 feet. Hence, we are driven to the con- 
clusion reached in a similar case ( cc. P. & St. Le Ry. Co. V. 

~be Freitas, 109 Ill. App. 104) that they “either looked 

as they say they did and saw the train approach 

ows asito odg “,Jo0% 06 to Lin" bisa onO0 tent ad of 0& mort 
tteq teddo ytove ttiw saesalanoo afi yoomigaet tied? . ob ot a | 
im eow eteds eoaatveakbh iad? aketiw sett gntwore brooet otit eo — 
etinp ten tk yliaen sot dtuoe etonsd of to wekv bedoustadons — 
edt beqqote eval Siuon of bksa iweltusio of? oftm tad eno 
afosowcqs oa to welt so dowe ditw ,eomel .teot Of nksitiw Aout 3— 
molLekifos a te Yirsaesen * elineteqas sew erent mart eat : 
-beeqn to aolfteaup ont ck fariwemoe moiveuthe ont of mk pakted mil 
edt of eA . aod me eotim OL o¢ F met? gnicoy saw Aoutt eft i 
blea IdemielLi ,eelisv akage yoomisees ent niatt eft to beegqe 
j edt ban "0b to 86" sail bus "aod toq selim O08 ro Ob" 
ofnk wstne tom eeoh th booge eds tevetaiW bf rw6e SL TopRLANe 
yvileitezam toettsa ton Sano wind ni aononiigen to soiteoup ot 
tot j;moletifos off biova oF ytkawsetoqqe yYlemis to noltaeup ont 
eang bat Aownd odd sodte LIttas tigte at toy tom bbb atewd odd Th 
Od of OF att te¥e saoy oven bLsioo Littasnds nepal a — ont 
nedd tdyta az anew ti Tt bom ,ovodd tog ataw ont etoted oun: \ 
edt beqqose ova of emis To yiooiq mk sea need overt bivoon dh ; 


efi tavesandt! Axsatd vires aew eat aeve patdone et0ted mate 
youts anf nodw tote mk yidnovtteoupew enw atatd oft boo 

beeqs to otat of? ta unton cow i unimvees  aeciend off besesq 

#2 ment loutt off wa sant co aemkt evit - oni yd of boltiseos —— 

tatog esi¢ — tthintala merle og of tost SOf of O&L ¥Ln0 bat | 

-vews to@t OD oF 0& F 9 

aniceots bsotilta: # ynisosetygs etew yous werd yout 
-oertth dtod ai antdeol waw of blae dost .tenned oct ‘to bas 
dowd orld Livnw ntowt ect wea ton bib od bomiato Moai .enokt- 
telly dove etow afoat Leoleyig efT .adtoatd mieteow off no —9— 

ot O& takoq o gnidoset totte nose ooed ovat bivos atest ont 
evad biuwoo toute of? .notati£os te sateg od Yo tuew soot o⸗ h 
-Jost OL mat tw beqaos oT) 

“moo eft of avvith eta ow ,90n0H 

- bexood vodtie" yedt tadt (b0L vas od rr 0 


ing, and attempted to cross in front of it, or that they 
did not look." In that case it was said also; "The law 
will not tolerate the absurdity of aliowing a person to 
testify that he looked but did not see the train when the 
view was unobstructed and where if he had properly exercised 
his sight he must have seen it." (106.) (See also, ©. & A. 
R. RK. Co. v. Vreimeister, 112 Ill, App, 346; Kennedy v. 
A. G. & St. L. tr. So., 180 id, 146.) In the language of 
the last decision: "The uncontroverted facts carry us to 
the inevitable conclusion to which all reasonable minds mst 
arrive that the driver * * * by his conduct in attempting to 
cross the tracks at the time and in the manner that he did 
was guilty of negligence which contributed to the injury 
complained of and the established rule of law operates as a 
bar to any recovery in the case." (p. 149.) 
ues ae to the negligence charged in the declaration 

three witnesses on each side testified directly on the subject. 
Those for plaintiff - himself, his chauffeur, and Bleimehl's 
brother, said they heard no whistle or bell and none was sounded} 

But the record discloses reasons why they would not have heard 


— — *— — —— A A 
| One witness a block and a half west while doing his chores 

was attracted to the truck's passing by its “terrible noise," 

them. One alone is sufficient to mention, - the noise made Py 
F ted Clore OE wet 
by the losded truck, I+ is xdmitted muffler was open. 

Another whom it passed within a half block of the tracks 
described its noise as unusual, “like an old threshing 
machine." He however heard the train and its whistle though 
he could not see the train, while stopping for the truck to 
come up and pass him and was anticipating whether the truck 
would stop, Under such conditions the negative testimony of 
those on the truck and of Bleimehl, whom it passed while 
engaged in sweepinz in front of the saloon, can not be taken 

in preference to the affirmative testimony of three witnesses 

yous Jodt to Jf Yo snort ak snore of botqmotio han ,ymt 5 
wel eff*® ;oain bisa asw tk oeno tent at *.aeook tom bib 9 

ot moetsg # yniwolle Yo ystbwweds edt atetelod son fLiw 

ei? modw niatt eft esa ton bib sud hedoolt ef taunt yUsecs 
hoatozexe yiseqorg had of Th ovorw bap bodowxt eden asw waty 3 
2 ,oate o9&) (.30L) ",¢2 assn over teum on trigke elt 
ov Ybomapk ;Oh2 .qqA .ca S£l «Zodatomboxy “v.00 sae 
te egergast eds nl (.3hf .bé O8L ..00 af od £8 2 A 


of ay Yttso edoxt bedxevettsoonu ent® :aoketooh tasl ont — 

deum abeiten oldanosaex Lle doidw 02 moiewlonoo efdattvent eds 9* 

of gaiiqmesia ai toubaoe sid yd. * * * tevish ont Judd ovkrns F 
bib eff fant tennem oft mk baw emis ott ta eXonad orld —2 
yurtak. edt of botudiatmmoe doidw oonegtigen to ytituy osw 4 

& as sotstoge wel to olui bedetidetue edd bne to bontatqmos 4) 

(,@af +) *,eano ont ai yxovesex Ytus ot 18d * 

noise taloeh oft mk bogiads sonegiinen ent of BA 
-d ootdue eft no yltosilh heltitees shie dose mo segeent iw eonutt \ 

basa pay son phew yods poy anesex seeoLoath brevet ond aie } 

1 Oa. Ree se on ot - 9 fem Of tastoitiwe al emefe ond . non⸗ 
— E—⏑— ——⏑——o—— bots tnhs at $1 Aouad bebdsol edt yo — 

as toro aha gitiohb < faew Lad a re Perry @ asentiw ono ‘ 
*,oakon oldiuzes* agi vd anteasq a'dowxs oft of betoartis vow : 
wtoart oft % seehd tied 'a andiiw beuseq #f modw waroaa 
anideesdt bio me oti L” ,tavewny an salon att bedrroned 

dgvont elLteidw sd bam aiend ott biased tovewod of ", 

ot Aounad ocff tot untageta olinw ,akatd off ena ton beveo ott | 

douxt ent rvedtedw yaiteqiaitne saw bre med susq brs wu oo | 
( 7 coos 

 aeaaentin seid to —“ u oa ot 


including the engineer that the whistle was blow. Sm 

engineer testified that the fireman was comtinuously 

ringing the bell from 89 rods south where he blew the 
whistle and which he repeated within 400 feet of the 
crossing. The fireman was not a witness being at the 

time in the regular army in the East. But two other wit. 
nesses ,—#ho _apparentiy—eould—aveno_special motive—in-so— 
teatifying,if-not—trus, confirmed the engineer's testimony 

as to the whistling. One was on the tracks 400 feet north 
of the crossing going south, the other within one half 
block of the tracks on the hichway coing east. Roth of them 
also heard the gong at the crossing sounding, but cold not 
Say whether the bell was ringing or not, | "The rule as laid 
» down in ake — in m thin state ta that positive evidence 
as to the fact that a bell was ringing or «a whistle sounded, 
is entitled to more weight than negative evidence in relation 
to said fact." (C. Rk. I. & BP. Ry. v. Jones, 135 Ill. App. 380 
and enses cited p, 385; also Ry, £o. v. Byam, 80 112. 528; 
Re RB. CO. v. Dicks, 88 id, 431; Re BR. fo. Vv. Robinson, 106 
id. 145.) This rule must be giver, force whenever, as in this 
case, the situation for hearing is less favorable to those 
who testify on the negative side of the question, Presumably 
‘if they could net hear the sharp whistle they could not hear 
. the bell, 

We think, therefore, that the verdict is clearly 
against the weight of the evidenee beth on the question of 
negligence and that of contributory negligence, and that 
pursuant to a long line of decisions in similar cesen the 
jucgment must be reversed with a finding of fact, 




ety |. mold aaw oLiainw of) stadt teontgno edt gabbulont 
vlavouniioos aaw namerit ot tedt bel titeodt — 

ent wold end otendw deuce abot 08 mott Lled oft gatantt 
edd Yo soot OO aksitiw besseget on dottw das eltaldw 
ef} to gnted sesntiw so ton saw nemerxit of .pataeors | 

-tiw tedte owt tu@& .taak edt at yas tnluget off ak omit 
—ou at ovidom Jatoaga on ova biveo yitnotsqqe ode_,seacon | 
ynomitest a'teenigoas oft bert tao eornt—ton- tt, palytisess i 
gisn toet O08 atoast edd mo aow on nd Lt eielw ort ot es - 
‘tat ono nisdtiw torte ond .tuoe gakop gateeots oft to 
mots te Atsom .taap gniton yawdald oft oo afoat? ont Yo foots 
ton biuco sud — ebano⁊d elt te gaoy ent buned oeks 
biai es eLux oft” (ton To nkaale enw {fod edt rodterw yae 
eonehbive evitieod tet ef otede wks mt —E ent yd nwob | 
ehebmoa eftaisw so to gnkynit caw [Led # sari sont ostt ot en 

notiaiot nt aprebive svisagon aad) tigtow otom of beltiine at 
O8 .qqA .cx1 @8L ,aonot% .v .y ~T BL ofl 2) *.d00% bise of | . 
zase .cxx OB —».mayl .v .90 .Y8 owla ;88E .¢ bedto epeso bas 
aOL ,moantdosi .v .oD j Lbs bt 88 Mmetoke «Vv 9D “fH 
eidd nk as ,tevonary aoxct? sovin ed dame oft aid? (anf bt 7 
saont ot eldetovat sast sk gniised to? aoiiautin oft ,oa89 — 
vyidamueotY .noltesup od to obte evisayon eft no vittees odw } 
ase gon bLuoo yedt elsecete quasin edt weal ton bLuoo vous pd ee. 
fod ot 
vfisefo et sotbtev oft tad? ,o1isteted? ,Anid? of | 
to noiteose edt no ted opnebive ont to seniow off tentage 
tedt bne ,oonegiizgon yretudiatmoo Yo dad? bor oonegiigon — J 

edt aonso talimte at snoietoeh to enti gnol # ot scala 
.tos% Yo gmtbatt o sittw boaxover od tatm —— 


211 -+ 21189 


we find that appellee, Chicago, Milwaukee 
& St. Paul Railway Company, was not guilty ef negligence 
as charged in the declaration, and thet appellant, James 

Cline, was guilty of contributory negligence. 

@6iis - 448 


voluewLiM ,opasidd ,scifseqe tad? batt ew 
sonmenifgen to ytilwy fou caw ,yaoquod yewliah nel #8 & 
eomat ,jnalisqgs stadt Sas ,ooitetaiooh odt ak boygtade eae 

s9onpgi{gen yrotudiatiaes to ytlivg saw ,eak lo 

225 = 212038 

Defendant in “rror, 



BOTT, et al4, COOK couNTY. 

/ 198 1.A.167 


Defendant in error filed his bill of complaint 
to wind up and dissolve a corporation, The Abvott Press, 
under Section 25, Ch. 32 of the revised Statutes! A 

| receiver was appointed to take perneenion of its assets 

to whom the corporation, its officers, agents, ete,, were 
directed to surrender them, The bill charged among other 
things thet the 0'Donnell Bromley Co., a corporation, was 
in possession of assets belonging to The Abbott Press, and 
head acquired such possession through fraudulent transfers 
without consideration, on which issue was taken by answer, 

Later the receiver filed a report and petition 
reiterating the charge and alleging a demand on and failure 

| by said O'Donnell Bromley Co. and other defendants to turn 

over such assets, and asked that they be directed so to do, 
and in default thereof to show cause why they should not 
be punished for contempt. 

the matter coming on to be heard on said petition 
and a joint answer thereto, and the sworn pleadings in the 
case as evidence, the court entered an order finding that 
The Abbott Press transferred all of its assets save its 
franchise to said O'Donnell Bromley Co, through another 
defendant, Jeremiah J. D'Donnell, without any — — 

and also containing the following finding: “That it is 

Sosig - &&& pai 

tare A 
To * aab aů 296 «(gene i i 
on HORS | 

THUOS AOEM GUE yn te wal 

-FrWMJ0d 009 i Sai ateds — 



toieLlomos to (Lid ath belt? TOT TD ‘a t nohne tod 
* —R or? e042 aTOqTOY BR oviovelh bas a ‘baw ot 
“|. aotutote beatver ont to SE 410 .@8 mo kt 008 obo 

——9 avi te noigeoeaoq ovat of ped akowas lade aovisoet = o 
etew ,.935 ,atnags 1Bt99L TIO ads a6isotOgTOo ond mote hoe , 9 
pelo aeons bogusdo ifld sd? .morid Toehme rte ot badoosth 
acw ,soldawgues 2 40 yedmorne [Lonneg'o ent tant — 
bus ,aantd srodda eff of antgmofed ateaes 20 ma hengemed. Be. 
ete tenet $ ne Labuan? dysords no tewoxood Howe betispos J 
—E ud nwlat enw sinal dole 9 * Holt e79bs en tuo ta 
aotfiieg brie trogqet 2 beth revieoet odd t03 at 
ewitst bos no baemeb « giigelis brs eyuado ong aaivaresion 
aut of efnabre'tod rerio bas .00 yolmonxt iLeanea'o *x Wis 
.oS of Oe hetoetib ad yoxds tas hetes bea ,e@teuse soue — 
ton biwone veds ydw ovuso wode of tootel? ¢iusteb mut bas 
etqgmes no9 TOT hodeinug of 

moisitoeg bios ao based ed of no yoimoo totvem acl ae’ 7 , 
ont of agai bao le niowe odd baw ,otereds tewans satel a me — 
tadt antbalt tob10 ae betodae duueo oct ,oomobive as esa 
atk ever eteves ati to lls bettelenext eaotd sttodda 
soritons dgwoutd .0D ysilmox (Lomog'o bine ot 

Hokietebkaros ye suns tw id te o% Hinkmo 9% 

on 42 éuie*e seenthats + ate aii 


for the best interest of all the parties to this suit 
that the said assete should be taken into the custody of 
this ceurt during the pendeney of this suit and preserved 
until the fins) determination of the issues herein"; and 
the order directed, that respondents turn over to the 
receiver such eesets on traneferred as was in their 
possession or under their control, 

This writ of error is sued out to review such 
order, A motion to dismiss the same on the around that 
the order is not final and a writ will not therefore lie, 

was without full consideration thereof reserved to the 


We can not agree with the contention ef 
Plaintiff in error that the order is final or an adjudication 
of the rights of the parties to the suit to the property in 
question. On the contrary it merely contemplated, as the 
language quoted therefrom indicates, the Placing of the 
property in cuestodia 1 Legis until the issues raised, including 
the right thereto, were finally determined in the regular 


It not being a final order, the writ was improvie 
dently granted and must be dismissed, 


fiua elect o¢ asisaeq eofd Lia to Juorvetak teed an? - ot 
te yborans eft ofmk modes of binoste tease bias oft bat 
beviseorqg bee then add to vorsbaec ed? peteub t1v09 
bas i"akexon eoweat aft Yo nottantumsteh Lant't ant 

afowtnms thetd tebe xo — — — 

dows weivor ef tuo bore of t98Tm Yo sinw etd? —* 
dat Sruoty ort mo omen eft solmeath of soisom A sxob70 
,9lt oretszodd tom Liiw tic ao ban Lank® ton ak r9h<o ont 
odd of hovrenss Tootsis AGL A otob Lane iLvt vwouo ke oon r : 

to notined nes off déihw oetge ton nao Ov 
nokteotbutbs me vo Leck? ef sobxo ont dna vowe mk Tttdnkel 
mi ytueqotq alt of tive sit of seltusq oft To atdghe | t 
odd an ,boislqausednes yLetem 32 yimti moo srt Pa) mo 
att to gntoalg eft ,eetaothak motteted? botoup | oy 

anibulsni ,beeiat aevoal aot Chtnw abyed skbotauy ai , 
tsiugot off mk boakuxesoh yLtontt ovew ,oteredt sdyta ont 

sivotqns. sow tixw on? ,cobto Law? o anted gon #1 
shbeeelmelkb od toum ban botany 

244 ~ 21222 i 

Defendant in il ab 

\ / 
\ i 
% F 
TKROME STISFAL, doing business 
Lain tiffs in Srror, l O98 




—. — — — 

PA. 169 


Porter was the assignee of » written lease of 
certain premises from one Pope to -in+ Crror, & 
copartnership, bvout three months ofter its execution the 
partnership was dissolved, and its business was seld to 
Cohn & Levin Cloak and Suit Co,, which centinved the same 
business in the same premises and paid the rent as it 
accrued to Pope until the assignment to Perter and then te 
the latter. The rent for the last two months of the term 
remained unpaid, for which judgment by confession was 
entered, bu Wan voupened fer trial hefore a jury. A 
verdict was directed and the judgement confirmed, It 6 urged 
thet the judgment is contrary to the law and the ovidenee, 
the defense being that there was 3 surrenicr of the premises 
by the lessses and acceptance thereof by tha lessor and that 
the latter made a mew lease on the same torms to the “loak 
Compeny under which he anc afterwerds Porter collected rent 
es aforesaid. As thsre was a directed vordict the cuestion 
arises whether there was any shies ate tending to establish 
such. yn cael Z7, SDreowing the most ‘fkvorable inferences there ‘ 

_~ fron, as we“are required to ae (golf Co. v. Monarch 
eratin (te 252 nae 491) we 4 2 think it ‘showed. - 

\ , SSal8 = ES 

: aetaog ot iin 
J me tmabas tod 



bra Haare 
eaoniesd antoh 4 Z 
HPT TO. 5 WAM =, mod oa 

Col ALS 5G 4 — ne 



>, ee — — 

to sesol —A nm Ye sergiees oft saw tetto> 

@ ,ToOree-nt—ots of se0T one mort soaime re nies 190 = 


ols mottusoxe otf to#%9 ectoam oerdt tuods sakderongregoo. * 

ot bfoe sew enontenwd atk bom ,bevlowath saw qiderentzeg 
omen sit be uete noo fo ctw, ,.02 ¢ie? bas Sa0fd atvet & mito 
tt as taov od? bing bee eseisera emee ont nek avondeud 

of mort bos tedred of tnommmtees oxtt iiinau aqod of bowen 
met eff to oildoon ewe Shel ant} to? toes edt tottaL ont 

naw potaretneo yd $ rromp bas, sfo Lriw oe  bieqny seibnein | 

"A oUTmL 6 eteted Iniat 70% haneqeet oo orotme 
begiy ab $2 3  bomti tne Frnemptut, ort bas kotortth aw sotbrey 8* 

eons hive on⸗ bas wet ost ot chert ane ef dmompbet, ott tent t 

eeutme<q edt ‘to tobnerare 6 enw oredt tant gated enue teh ont —9— 

tert has tosaol oft yd toenail? “Dome goons ins —* ont ‘eat : 

Aaol) odt of amrcd omse od mo esnsl von @ oben motes ond 

* fad Pay 
taet betooffon tedto% sbtawiet te fne om do bow tobe ca⸗caod 

feiidstas of antbnet sonebtve vas enw. oxedt vouitendw sects 
. P wat: 

#9 Toads - ao sno to tert —* — 

\ Taso .v «22 Me — 
Mi Anket —— 


noktaous eft totbtey bosostih a caw erent af. sbkacow da a ef We 





% —⸗⸗ or a release ef finintiffs in error from their 

ha @| thet tld eney if the 


a 8 hegeptancl of ‘rent from the Cloak lo, stood alone 

miexbAsined vy\ other evidence, 

foihity unger the original iease.,  _The aval ence might , / | 
—* of a change is ponsenaiion 

Negotiations for a nev icase were attemoted but 
never cuonsumunted, These facts otal unaisonsed: that when 
the Cloak Co, took ovey plaintiffs in error'a business one 
Miltenberg, « broker, at the request of attorneys for 
plaintiffs in error, asked one Yilson, the reali estate agent 
of Pope, over the telephone whether the lease could be 
asvigned to Cohn & Levin or whether a new ieuse would be 
given, and received the reply 'to look them up and if they 
were ail right to bring the matter before him’; that Wilson 
(the oniy party show by the record te have been authorized 
to ect for Pope) never had any other talk with reference te 
the maiter nor negotiated any new lease; thet Hiltenberg who 
was sbnown to have acted, nok as an agent for Pope but at 
the request of piaintiffs in error, prepured a new lease 
to Cohn & Levin, and ieft it and a duplicate unsigned with 
Levin requesting him for references as to his financial 
standing; that no references were ever furnished; but that 
the rent was paid by the Cloak Co,, as aforesaid, in sums 
and at times as provided for in the original 2 lease, 

While Levin testified that he sent the new leases 
te Miltenberg and they were subsequently returned bearing 
the nemwe of Pepe and that he destroyed them, yet there was 
no attempt to show that tac wignature was Yope's or ever 
authorized by him, or that the document ever came to Levin 
from an agent of Pope. The evidence showed nothing more than 
an attempt to negotiate a new leave and payment of rent as 

tLosis mort toxne at ctitealel¢ lo orevint a 1 eas, i west & 

| \ shtote » oan Eve eff, .oasot ipataner ould te 

nokeneseog No ayrintsto » to atout ome tk Nese & aS dead 

enots beern OU RaoLD as mon? Snes, to — We 

seonbbive ‘rag. ee geal 
., sud betometi«a omw caget wou & set enoiseitonen 
netw tans | :besuqetbou Meade avost 9eenT 2 oud scmmare oD rover 
ano eeeniayd e'toxxe of attitnindg seve Eoud .o0 Asolo ons 
_ SOT ayentolia Te ceenpex ooh ta ,redond & «Btedmos Lia 
trags stasee Laet off ,moRii) ane betes .TOTTS ak ettts abate 
ef bitos sesel oni wiltetw onocgqelod eit rsve ,sgeT to 



ed blwow eausi wen s tedfetw 20 nivel & sod of homghuse 

yout Th bas qu sect xool of! yYiqou ed beviooes bas ,wevig 

moeliv dadt ,'min orotyd todiew of yakut oF Idgit Lig otew 
besinodtua seed svad af diosa edt yd cwords yetaq yiao edt) 

ot sonere ter piw ALed sedto Yaw sal teven (oged tot tos of 

onw giodrsd lig gaskd joeaed won une betalsogen tom ted dam ous 

ta ted eqod 10T dnegs oe en Jom ,botos avad oF moe haw 

easel wen 2 boiegetg ,toIte ai et lis niaig ie Juenpert ody 
tlw benyieat edaoiiquh « bis #2 tied bas ,akved 3 miley of 

fatonant? abe od s@ nevtere'tes wot can —B bah ctl 

tadt tud jbedataxwl rove erew Soneistet on tact iantbnade 
amuya nt ,bissetots as ,.00 Aaold ond yo bkeq wow tmox od 

oohaad Isutgite nid m& to? bobivera ax somit ta bas ia 

asanol won oid toee on dunt beitisesd aivet elidv 
gaitsed beirtiwWwet Yiineupsedye o1uew vert bme aitodaes Lie ot 
asw oterit toy ,medt heyortesh ef teddy bom oaed to ont oxts 
%IsvVS To s'egod saw sitwdanygia ond Jud wore oF #qmotia on 
aivel of ems 19¥e taemuvod odd Sait 10 mae yd — 

asit stom ariisdten bowoda sonobive efT .eqod to snopes a 

es dnot to J comysq bas euseol won o etaitogen o¢ 


The facts are very similar to those in Soarnes v, 

rthern Trust Gov, 169 212, 112, shor estt Was held that the 

wsee is not released from his express covenant J pay 

nt unless the lenalord has accepted the surrender of the 
seae and released him, ane that phe latter would not be 
lieved Crom lishility under the/lease even though rent was 
ceived trim another ¢encern in posession of the premises 
ass there Wis aA wubs itution, of the new tenent in place 

of) the original lenge, \end 9 a /clear intent te wmeke 2. new 



In Me absence “ot Legal proof of « néw lease er a 
surrender of the ota one er an neceptanee thereof we think 
a verdict was. peeper ly directed, 

Complaint is made of the exclusion of certain 
evidence, which was only cummtative in character. But if it 

P been received it would not have ‘tupplicd any of the 
necessary elements above — or have authorized a 
submission of the case to the jury. 

oY #oncse mi suo? at sefimla ytov ove — ett 

J eds ‘ko Note pag hotqesos auf 
ad sou biLuow wogtal odd dant bem , 

aaw trex cguvods 2 eusol edt ae brew 

; seaimerc odd ‘to Aokseeesog ah nusonot voMtona mett | 
j , R 

wen % of gt imetnz tmeolo a 

ens ——— oc bim meikeasre 



| 8 to oasel wea « ‘to tooxg Loget to 

atad asd to roinutoxe ond ‘Yo ebam et tndation 

$k ti dud = .tatouteds mt ov id Sanur vino aow okie 
edt to ynn betiogve eved tom biuow of hevioees 

8 bestrodius eved to badat sveda otremete 9 * 

Yb o of gaan ont we - 



= eee 

— os 


250 = 21232 

ILLINOIS, ex rel. iimma 

L. Parker, ERROR TO 
Plaintiff in & 




De dant /in Urror. 9 8 1 A. 1 7 1 


é‘ o determine the right of custody to her child 
relator, Mra. Parker, sugd out a writ of/habeas corpus 
requir ing the rempenton » (defendant in/ error) y produce 
the ehald in court oy ‘ vame cause of its detentipn. The 
child was produced and without a roruai return to the writ 
a hearing was had resulting in remanding the child to the 
care and —⸗ of respondent. 

— —mnu⸗ there was evidence of the mother's fitness 
to have the care and custody of the child there was a 
stipulation only as to respondent's fitness, and recognizing 
as a fact the fitness of each, the court's order rested 
whelly on findings that the mother had abandoned the child 
on the date of its birth and that since that time it had 
been in the care and custody of respondent, 

was — eC lete nor t e interests 

of the moth}r as fully presented a might be des red. put) 

yt von the t ismay heard “4a not justify the 
— order, 

Mrs, Parker, was—born,-reared~and lived most” of 
the-time in a country town in Fulton County, Illinois. Ghe 
had been housekeeper for Dr. &. %. Parker of that town, the 
father of the child, and about July 1, 1912, had come to 

SRLS = 08S 

anni .for xe ,BLONT IIT 

OT ARORA ~tottet ol 
(Tote af Tit ateld 

| Ga re es | 80 went a 


bifida tor of ybotane to tant \pa ontmuedob oT 

esg30o esodad\to tinw a suo peue qexts% . 

somho tg \oa (101"te \ad tnabnas teb) fnobaogeet od? 

ott .misnesteb at to sein wore \bne truss mt bLE 
sitw oft oF muiet —8* as fuodd iw hens hoowbotq eaw Libel 
ent of bLide ant gaioneme: mk gute tears bed esw anbrnod a 

ie —D 

as bnogas ⁊ to ybos ens baw ots 

aeentit e'zedtom oft to sornbive saw oxent otha 
8 eaw etedt bLido etd to ybotano brs ota ent ovat ot i 
geataingooet bas ,aeensit ae'tnohnogest of ve yLine nottatuqite % ) 
botact tebto atsxvon ont ,pee Yo aeenhkt asi fost 4 as , NN 
bLino ont bemobnads hed todtom odd start epathatt no ¥Lloste xt - 
bad st omtt sands conta dans bus stakd ati to otah edt no 

| etnehnogast to ybotane Brie exsp ond at need 
ftom otelquos as; ton saw @tivpat od? Neer | 
\ye “Ther: aob od * bodns tony yilut aa , ent to. 
orld eiitent tom blEv~bmendt ynomd ont | } 

S Mi 10) j ; 4 
Yotuom devil bae-botset—,wrod-sew ,TexteT . ayy 4. J 
ont) .akonilll .ystmm0 notiet mt nwot * a ni vet | 


OO —————— 

Chicago pursuant to arrangements made by him for her 

approaching accouchement. It was mantiesetty intended that 


her condition should be kept secret from their friends and 

especially from his aged, invalid mother who lived with 

him and to whom he had made the promise not to marry while 
she lived. In view of relator's condition, however, he 
married her secretly at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 24, 1912, 
and though his mother died the following month the marriage 

and subsequent birth of the child on November 12, 1912, at 

ES — 6 

the Polyclinic Hospital, Chicago, did not apparently become 

q public until after his death in May, 1914, They never lived 
( together after the marriage. ‘Te evidence 18" $60 meerre as 

| fo his-attitude-towards -her-in” the-mean time; but he.seems to 
‘have given her Aittle, if any, considcration. aside.from 

the arrangements. for, after she was in Chieago, — 


© Nave~ween left helpless and alone among 
‘strangers and amid circumstances with which she was unfamiliar 
and unable to cope. In such situation she made known to the 
matron of the hospital and Dr. Bacon in charge that on account 
of “conditions at home she could not reveal the marriage nor 
arrange to care for the baby,” and wanted a good home for it 
if she could not keep it. Accordingly pursuant to arrange- 
ments (of which she was evidently not fully advised), the 
child wes taken from her arms and the hospital on the day of 
its birth and delivered to the respondent, Mrs. Bryson. She 
did not know who had the child, end Dr. Bacon, alone, of all 
her acquaintances did mow. She afterwards frequently esked 
him about it but got no definite or satisfactory answer, 
Thrown upon her own resources and counsel, and still feeling 
bound to shield her husband and conceal the situation, she 

remained in Chicago in respectable employment earning only — 

sent rot mid yd ebam atnomegnetts of tanwotg ogaotdd 

font bebnodakt ~Etewhkpes eow $2 , Stimmbaiauebnn: sutieneteis 
bre abrotrtt rtLedd mott torsoe tqoXt eof bfLwverle noisibnoos ‘tort 
dtiw bevit ow seddom bilevnt ,beps etd mort ylintoages 
elidw yrtsm of ton vaimoxq oft sham ber of mow of baa ald * 
of ,tovewod ,noltibnon e'aedgelor to wolv al ehevilt ore 
~SLOL AS yiwt ,mtencoakW ,sotuawlin te yYLiexee ted beivism 
egatrian ort dtnom gantwolLet ot bekb vedo abel tiguont bru 
ga ,8L0L ,8£ tedmeven mo biido eit to Adiid dnoupeadua bas 
euoood yitnetadqs ton bib ,opasidd ,latiqael olat Ioylog ond 
bevit toven yen? ,bLOL eM ot déeeb ela todta Lid ows — E 
a6 etnsen oot Uk oernebive- ert .esasitian elt ted te rodvoyod ; 
of amecaod stud jomtd moem-orit at tert ebiawod obutitts-okd of 
MO bike miterobhenea rd. 2b .ottebs. —— | ovad 

pogsor ad it new eda setta ,9xeo- Ltetiqaond 1ol atagm 

anoms endla bas eselqied ttef aoed-ovant of 

ustlinetow asw ere dolcw dt¢iw esonatemmorio bima bra etoyaside 


sat of swomdt obam one aoitaveie fous al .oqoo od oltnen haa 
nyooos no Jal? eptento ai 09 wif tl brs istiqued eal to xottsm 
ton eysiviem ot Laevet ton bivoo one otton oo. enoketbaoo” * 
$i sot omnon boog & botnsew bua %,ydad stig rot sise of odas ras 
-onnarts of tnesanug yluatbh rood wth good ton bikes ort th 
t _(hendvba yifut fon yLinebive saw este Molde to) ed mem 
to ysb edt om Letiqvod oft bas emra ten mor proakid Raw bLtedo 
eff .noeyx .eth ,Jnshnoques ald of borevileab bias agautd ott 
ffs to ,enola ,moosf .ai bas ,b{isdo ont bat odw worl tom bib 
betes YLineupext abrewted ‘te edu worl bib aeqnadatasy oa ae 
etowana ytotontelsas to ofintteb on tay 4 uoda abd 
gnifest {[ftte bas ,foanvoo bane aeo1m)8Het ne ‘out rogue eons 

aria ,notdautte ett Lesonoo bas baedeud tom biotite os, * 
ae eee — 

yino grintas tromyoLque ofdatoeqeor a one 

ny er, * 


about enough for her ow suppert., After her husband's 
death the matter became public, and learning for the first 
time through the public press that Mrs, Bryson had her 

ehild she immediately demanded possession of at, the refusal 

el OS — ES REET! 

—— — ——— —— 

Tt is not difficult to understand how under such 
circumstanges she pursugd the course she di Both she and 

Dr. Parker/were respected ond had good . in the \ 

community fin which they} had always lived, he Game to | 
Chicago at} his instigation to conceal the pete and —* 
built hopes upon their sceret marriage, * afterwards heg- 
lected and left in the jhands of strangers, d still cartying 
the burden of a secret that had exiled her be home, ohe in 
ignoranc@ and helplessness sought what under such circum tances 
seemed best for her endaa, a temporary home for it at lehat, 
hoping & Vague way for a favorable turn pf events, in 
such a plight, under i stress of necessity and fear of 
exposur¢, she may well: ‘be excused for eubad b tins passively 
to Liacall uidance of sla sales and not pressing sal more 
persistence the inquiries her maternal instinct prompted. 

we do e think that . thereby forfeited the mother's | 

vide r right to the stody of her own child, The law 

4 n jealously upholds and protects thet right unless it has been 

forfeited by absolute elinquishment or some course of conduct 

ditions that render its assertion incémpatibdie wi th 

fests. (co Cormnok 

Vv. Marshall, 211 I11, (523; Wohiford v. Burekharat, 141 Il. 

ental claim and the child's best inte 

No such elements are presented in this recerd, 

The mother is a woman of good character and ‘the child was 
not obtained from her jin a way that precludes her from 
asserting such right. As to her ability to care for the 

child, it appears that her husband died intestate leaving an 

e'ibasdavd ted tod tA «6. troqgque awe ton tot dguone tuods 
faxi?t oft toT unioiael baa ,okiduq smaced ted¢tam oft oi aeb 
ton bed noeyrh .otM ¢add aeorg ofldvg odd cyvowdts omts 
isayter oft ,3h to noleeoznod bobmameb yLotetbemmk erle bLEro 
emcimmnnnt RR Iott Atee mt betiueex Moitw evtg of 
rove tohns wod bnaterobeus o¢ sivottUtd ton et 42 a 
bas ee ASO .HLb octe satioo off Hpweteg one @ must amo tk 9 | 
A ont mf asalenale boon bat baw bdsooqzes etow tettes , 20 
| ot emso oi ebevil eyawia bwel outs foie of ytinwmnos 

it mbbive bas eatost eft I[seonoo of noksopd ent eid |: 

“308 ebiswtoits fui .eyelitiam teto08 *xiedy noqu 
gay tes {Lite b ~Rtennettes to ebnast eat ai ttef 
mk esta , sutort nox ted belixs hed sant) Jotooe a to 

aso o aud dims 1k 9 four co br tadw taavoe eaenaaeigted bas ponstomgt 
teas ta tk 20? jomont Yistognmet 2 ,h beto tod tot ta 

Mt .atneve ta amt oldsrovat o tof yow ovasv 2 ark qost 
’ ; 
20 128% ban Ytiaaeoen to anoxte of robo ,dnnily a dows 
Yfevivesg ants 4imdve tot heavoxe edj{flow yam ora , 

; \ 
j stom tty yateestq tom ben eatgrige to sonabi 
4 y ; 

» bos qmoug toukenas Lartetem ted asiitico mk edd 90 elatog 
bat xontdom orig betie tro? ydotordts one Jont Ankd? som ob ev — ui 
4 2 : 

wel of? .bikdo awo sod to ybotaud off of tdytt tdkieque 

nood wih ti weolgy srigix sont etootorg tna abLosiqn ¥L 
en te oauoo 
tw eldita 

ato smry oD) .atee 

«£41 IaL ,tb 

noe xO Inomtalupnifog ofulouds yd bos 
onk noitisees ate rotinet Jandy emoitthbaos 10 
etnk teed ablido eft bas miale Ist no ont 

-V bro tidow J Lfl L£8 18M .¥ 
otnesetq ota atmemets| douse off (£88) «gaa ‘ 
bas tetostato hoog to| asmow @ af todtom edT 
bufootg sands Yaw o ted mott bentadd ton 4 
ot ytkiides tod of aA! .toytr dovs pnd roaoa 

a a eee cer eee eee ree eee ae ee ee es ee ee Dr me ee 

sbtpo0% eid mt 
‘aaw bL{isdo ont 

mort tol 

etfs tot ots 


estate of sbevt 1800, whieh together with so proffered 
home on her father's small farm are now available to her, 
Compared with her natural rights the strain upon the | 
feelings of the foster mother in parting with the child, 
hard as it may be, can not be considered, 

We therefore reverse the judgment and remand 
the cause, 


betettorg » dtiw tentegot cote .998L% tueds Yo etatas 
erod oF ofdslisvs won ots mist Llanm a'tedteat tend nao amos 
| edt acquy mierttea oAt agdeir Levutan ced at tw he raqmo) 
wbitdo ent dtiw gnitisg at sedtom tetee? edd to enniflost 
ehotebtenoo od ton noo ,ed yam 32 an bied 

buamet bois tmeermbet ont setevet oxo leteds a 
senso ont 


251 = 21233. 

efenaant in “rror, 


—— ——s— 


198 1.A.1783 


We are asked to review a judgment in am action 
of replevin and trover on a verdict of guilty and 
assessing damages in the sum of $77,10, upon assignments 
of error relating to tne sufficiency cf the evidence, the 
rulings thereon, the liwiting of cross examination, and 
to given instructions, But piaintiff in error's brief 
contains no reference to any place in the obstract where 
we may discover any ruling of the Court ciaimed to be 
erroneous. im such a ¢ase the court exn not be expected 
to search through the abstract to find the rulings com= 
plained of, (City of Lincoln v. {. & A. Re. Re CO., 262 
Tll. 98; Town, etc. v. Loper, 185 Ill. App. 60.) Wurthere 
more an examination of the abstract reveals the necessity 
of an extended examination of the record itself te pages 
intelligently upon the questions intended to be presented, 
For instance the maker of the shstvact states in one part 
ef it that questions upon certain matters were “asked” by 
plaintiff and the court denied defendsnt's attorney "the 
privilege of asking the witness questions along theee 
lines.* Neither the ouestions nor evidenee appear in the 
abstract, but turning to the page of the record referred to 

we find that the court merely ruled that defendant's counsel 

-SESL8 = L8S 

Ae —X * 

~TOtM af sasdnot ‘i 



evi .AI set 

eTHUOD mer {O noi a ao vO Gas Vide GWAR KOLTENG + * 

mottos me ak inomgbyt s woiver od boxes ots ow —— 

bae ytLlluy to foLibiov s ao. tevosd bas akvelqos, ‘to. 

atnsamtiaas aoqu ,OL.\T0 to mwa ect al aogated aateevesa : 

otf ,ooasbive eft to yous toitiwe edt of gnidatlet OTS ‘to 
bona ,meitentmaxe aso to anidimil ods « Mogrtosit egndlut 
Yteiud atroiute ai Ptidatalg dust -smoldowrsent oevig ot 
etetw gJoerjade eft mi soaig ye oF sonetetot on aris noo 
ed og bemtato swod eft Ye yailut (ns tevooelh yam ew 

betoeqxe od Jos ano Jtvoo eff geno a done af ,awoenotie 

emoo opmtkisn esis ball of tdoatjuds oct dyuonlt dotese oF 

SOS ,.09 off fi 2 ȴ slopes To yeid) . to benkslq 

erodgmw! (.08 .cgA .fLT 264 ,egod .v wate ,owet g8e . LT 

ott * . 
— — 

Yitaavoon eff alsevor Josiiede off To moltantmexs om etom 

easy OF YLesti bavoer oss to apidentmaxe bobootxe ne to 
ehetneserq ed of behmotimt snoisesup et noqu yLinegkllotas 
txsq eno ak eetate Joaitese off to youlnm ons oonetent t0T 

vd “boxes” otew atettem niattes neqw anolseenp veds tk to i 

eft" yooroste a'inebre teh betaeh awoo edt bee Ttid akalg 
eseds anole enoideoup seentiw edt yniden ‘te eyotivite 

ent xk tHeqqs eomebive tom anotteexp edt venttioew * — * 
of bertetet brooet sad Yo syaq ont of yakared tud toettede 

foanos e'inabne'tebh tant belwr ylevem tuven oot Jedd bak | 
. — 54 = whet 


would not be permitted to go over the same subject for 

the third time and that he insisted thut he had the 

right to go over it “ten times to find if the witness 
contradicts himself." Again he complains of an instruction, 
the only one out of seventeen that is abstracted. Manifestly 
an abstract that requires us to go through the record to 
ascertain what were the actual rulings of the court and 
what were the controliing features of the evidence and what 
were the instructions to the jury does net meet the purposes 
for which one is required, and we can not undertake such a 
search. (People v. Stephens, 261 Ill. 121; Kelley v. 
People's Fire Ins. Co., 181 Ill. App. 142.) We have 
however read the abstract and from what it contains think 
substantisl justice was done, 


10% toojdwe omee ody xovo og o¢ hottlorreg ad ton bivow 

eft bad ed sad? bevaiant of talt bas omtt. brtdt odd 

neontiw oot Th bnkt of somts oot" Si tevo oy of SHgit 

: michoierct and ns to aentaflqmoo ed aiaga "“. tloamid efdokbatt noo 
yLsestinst ,betosxteadsa ef tes asotmever to tuo ono yLmo ont 
ot hroset odd cdguouit og of ow oetinper suns Soatteda mm 

bns tusoo edt to ayaitux Lautos ot otow tary akatisoes 

gadw bow esnsbive off to sexutaet pati tout me edt stew Jentw 
seeogqing edt yoom ton aeoh yu, of oF enoitoutieni od stew 

s dove otatiobays Jon coo ow bas yhoulupes et ome doidw tot 

«¥ Yeslox pLSL .Lf£1 L108 ,smedgess .v gigoed) - wtotsen 

eved ev (,SRL .qqa .ff0 £6f ,,00 wank otky atelgoed 
Anid? entatnos ti tery mot? bas foatiads edgy baat toveworl 

(ened 2ew ooktent Leitastedve — 



509 = 20638. 

Plaintiff injgfrror, 



ant in Error. 

7 OQ J J yy 

1 9 ay ae © Li We 1 ré 7 
MR. PRESIDING JUSTICE PAM delivered the opinion of the court: 

f>— On October 6th, the -seconda-day-of the present ‘ 

; a) Ory tha oe ee 

term of—this—eours, an ——— wes handed Gown affirming 
— the judgment of the Municipal Court of Chicago dismissing 
| the cause of the plaintiff «= which was an action for ins 
juries sustained by the plaintiff - because in her state 
ment of claim it was not alleged that the statutory no- 
tice of said injuries had been duly served upon the city. 

2 22 Caw * 

fi es 

Since this opinion was filed, our ah eRe Bee 

been called to the decision in Enberg v. City of Chicago, 
271 Ill. 404, filed December 22, 1915, (advance sheets) 
wherein it is expressly held that in fourth class cases 
{and the action in the case at bar was of that character) 
a statement of claim need not allege the giving of the 

statutory notice, even though such averment is necessary 

— — — 

7 ans 
in a common law declaration. / In view of this decision, the 

rmer euiuied affiveing the judgment of the Municipal Court 
of Chicago is nr and for the vas of the court in 
diqmiseing the cause of action because pldintire's statement 
of claim did not aver that the statutory notice had been 
sexved upon the City of-Chicago, the judgmemt is hereby 

reversed and the cause remanded. 


86208 ~ 0d 

,ea0HD .A FILM 
ai ttitnisld 



{ «30Tsa ak t 

YI AT Ser 

t¢twoo ont to notniqo eft beteviteb MAD HOLTAVL DuICLasgAt aM 

— — 

— ey yab—broose- ond ,atd tedoso0 0 ’ 
guimeitie, swol bebnad eew moinigo me .étwoo- skdt to 0ret 
piteaimath ogsotdd) to tryed Ieqiotawl eis to tmemgbut edt 
ei tot mottos na asw doidw « Ititnisaiq ext to eauso edt 
eotata ted mt esusoed « Ttisaielq odd yd bentstaua eoltut 
-on Yrotutsie oft sedd begetis som aew ti misio to inom 

*Ytio sit moqy bevise yiub need bend selruimt bise to soit 

a at + +. 
nek estate two ,belit asw molaiqo aint eomts 

pogsoidd To ysED av prodn mi moteiood oft of beLLec meed 
(atoede eonsvba) ,2fL@L .SS tedmesesd belit ,sOd {fT IVS 
eeaso seaio Atiuvct at sat bled yLesatqxe eat it mliotedw i 
(xetostsio ¢adt to ssw ted ta easo edt nit moitos oft bas) 
ent to gnivin edt egeiis ton been mialo to tnemetata s 
YIsaasoen et taoarrovs doue dgsodt meve, ,eokton yrotutsia 

ont as (Ca errr to weiv at \ .noitexsifoob was ac MOMOD sat 

t1iw0d Laqtotault eit te tremgbhy t anit yecure dts nolniqo ⁊sax⁊ 

tnemetate alttitniaig sevssed nolsvos To seyso srt 
need bad eolion yrotutasa edt tant reve ton bib miefo {to — 
ydoted at dmomgbhut ssid ogee EHD.-to ro ond nogs 

-bebnamet eavso ont base 


437 = 21835 * 


a corporation, 

Appellee, APPEAL FROM 

vs e 4 : f 


‘wet! 498 7.A.178 

In an action for the purchase price of saloon 
fixtures, on trial by the court, plaintiff had judgment for 
$1,500, from which defendant appeals, saying that its agent 
whe contracted for the purchase of the fixtures had neo 
authority te bind it in that respect, 

Unde the evidence the court_properly_coult find 
a thet Plaintiff was lessee of premises ‘No. 2109 Wabash avenug 

and wge the owner of saloon and restaurant fixtures thereiny , 
thet dn Mareh, 1912, representatives of plaintiff had a 
conversation with Yulter G. hueller, who was the manager of 
the Chicago branch of the defendant company, whose main 
office was in Wisconsin#, thet at thie time the saloon business 
was not conducted in these premises because the saloon license 
had been revoked;,that Quring this conversation it was agreed 
between these representatives of the respective breweries that 
the defendant would purchase from the plaintiff the fixtures 
* furniture contained in the premises and also the lease, 
which would be assigned to the defendant, but that the $1,500 
purchase price would not be paid until Mr. Mueller was sure 
the license would be restored, The lease was dated January 

20, 1912, and ran to the plaintiff as lessee, and at this 

x | p mH ; 
\ «THAD DUTWaLAe —X cst 
: — eS 
MOR SARITA \ seelLouas 29 
mito gagtormm  { \ | A a Pi 
: ; — i f(D oe ae 
X oh ake Bie: 
\ymawenD oulwana —— — 
Lat! R Yale 5 J 
J oO “\s © eS 
BY I AL8er. Ny ao 
; Joe 8) — : 
“noo kee to — ——— exit ‘t0% mitos ns ot by 44 — 
Py ete Sap 

— os qao⁊ dood at 3k bake ‘ot — ike 

IT gy PNY er } 
pinrevs dandew eore olf cosimong to oeanel enw vthtmio + 

x $atotedt eormmsxdt inewatest bas moofse lo rorwo ont m 
= bait — — to wovkdinene ges S60E J— 

aorwtxi? ont tit mtalq ont mort oneusua bisow ti 

.oenol ont oale bas voukmong ens rit bonkat nos 
— Saale) 1. | 
F 008, £8 edt sant sud tasbme eb ont og ‘bel teas pein 

) ese cow teLfLowli . IM fie nw brag ‘ae ‘ton stuow 
: “ Yisvnst betab aow oanel ont — od | 4 

ni aids to bas wooaeet an rtd te t ont of 
an 4 a Tae Ga 6 Pia, 7 i 


time, by apt words in writing, the lease was assigned from 
plaintiff to defendant, the defendant signing "G. Heileman 
Brewing Company (Seal), by Walter G. Mueller." The landlord 
consented to this assignment. At the same time, by another 
writing signed by the respective parties in the same manner, 
it was egreed that the furniture in the saloon should be sold 
by the plaintiff to the defendant, the defendant agreeing to 
pay therefor the sum of @1,500 as soon as a saloon license 
should issue from the City of Chicago for the operation of 
a@ saloon on said premises, Later on this license was issued, 
and on June 13, 1912, the saloon business was resumed, 
Nefendant entered into possession of the premises 
and efmtee furniture, and paid rent under the lease from and 
including June, 1912, until the expiration of the lease on 
April 30, 1915, It used the furniture in question during all 
of this time, and never offered to return the same or to re- 
assign the lease, after the license was issued request was 

made of defendant to pay the $1,500, which was refused by the 

ra defendant, _ De tage — — — 

nataver may be said concerning HMueller's authority 
in the ace tienen, defendant must be held to have ratified 
this agreement entered into by Wueller, Defendant's officers 
had knowledge of the agrechent, and while ‘they protested as to 
the price they continued to hold possession of the fixtures and 
ef the leased premises and, #0 far as tae. Record shows, never 
offered to return the furniture to the plaintif?s- This emduct 
amounted to a ratification of Mueller's agreement, and defendan 
is obligated to vay the price named. This is in accordance wit 
the decisions in many cases, among which are Connett v. City o: 

chieage, 114 Ill. 233; Searing vy. Butler, 69 111. 575; and 
‘Groliman v. Montgomery Ward & CO., 181 Ili. App. 598, 
The judgment wes right and is effirmed. 


moxt homines asw sesel oft ,gniginw ot abrow dqe yd ,omkt 
nameLiel .O" aninnla taabaeted ot ,tasbaeteb of Ttisataltq — 
Strofbael eAT “,w9ellow .D t9edieW yd ,(Leek) yoaquoD pettwoud oo 
nenttons yd ,emts omaa oft $A ,tnomapiugs aiid o¢ bed meaneo 
,tennan emee odd ak aetireaq evitosqeet od yd bomgia gabe tw . 
bfLow ad bLuoda moolse oct mk oxtmdiectnt of taney beorgs eow th — ae 
ot gatootas snsbnoteb oft ,tnabnstod edt of Trkinialg edt yo 
eansolft moolsa s ag mooe ae 99@,f6 to muvee oft xo tetedsd wr J 

te nolisteqo et tot ogsoid? to YWrd end moxt sunek buocts 
beueci vow samoll aid? no teteatl ,evelmorg bias mo nookse a 9— 

ebomyeot esw aaentaud moofae oft ,SL0L ,éL ons mo bas 

sealmoexgq sit to molLageacog otmt botetmae SInabno ted i 
bus mort gesel odd toby tmet biog brs ,otwdiowt othe bag 
| mo gesol eit to anitatiqxe ont Litmes ,S10L ,onnt gukbutont i i 
ifs gukuub moitaoup ai otwsiount eft heay gi ,éf£e@L ,0G — J 
“9% ot 10 amsa od miutot of berette seven bas ,omit aids ‘to i 
asw teeupes beweel aaw eanosoli als tostA .sanel ont agices pe 
edt yd beavtexr asw doicdw ,000,f* ont ysaq ot Inebnetob to obam oy: 

eae heey — . . we ' 
— — — eentamian 

atooltto e'snebnetet! .teilemi yi odni batted xe $900 9198 elis * - 

ot as betestorg coat olidw ban ,tassoetys ort to egboivom batt, 2 R 
bas sextxit of? to noLesesaog blow ot bewnktnos yeas — ott f 

‘toven ,ewore biooes- édt es tat on. »bna voukmoxg beesel. ont 20 A 
foubnes ata? .Ttisatete odd of oumtimsw? odd awe of boretto 
‘ptebneteb bas strompotgs @'toLLowtt ‘to nokgpokiden » of bes moms Lx 
thhtw sonmabtooss nt el aldyT .beman ootrq ont yar oF batagtico al a 
9 10 YILO ov ttonmoD orm doidw proms ,heaso Yyaam a enmoin oeb sit 

| , 8ea GGA s4 £2 LOLs «OD yd toh .v Er ae 

: ae A _ ebemiittes ef bre auois now Somgbut, eat hi 

ie Lae rule 
ary: eCUMALWIA ae may! * 

477 © 21875 

Le —————— 


q } 
i Appellee, j 
4 ve, \ } 
ae OS Lok. dae 

ba Od 

Plaintiff vroughet—eust allegéh that in January, 
1913, defendant promised to pay him 2} per cent. commission 
if plaintiff would procure purchasers itor certain real estate 
belonging to defendant, at a price of $55,000; tat about 

April 14, 1913, plaintiff did so, but defendant refused te 


abide by his promise, aie Rag ul by > shah er al Cua a aid Roy 
Jupgign — for —* andwat elm dy, giy S76, Mon widen adrenddnt 
ey es 


a % 

The evidence tendM{ to how that in April, 1913, 
defendant owned  cegtmir troct Farce Wert of pevon avenue 
rena east of Clark street, wien wyliRereinarterbe éesignated 
as “the ball park,” and another picce of land nearby, which 

VA — — 
— called the Genreiber avenue strip, The 

—— WAS used as z tii-park, with grand stand, 
ticket offices end appurtenances, under « lease for a term of 
eight years beginning April 1, 1909, A portion of the senreli- 
ber avenue strip was also under lease for a term of three 
years beginning October 1, i911, with privilege to the lessee 
! of renewal for an additional period of three years, in the 

ii latter part of 1912, or perhaps in January, 1915, plaintiff, 
a real estate broker, asked defendant what price was wanted 

® for the ball park and defendant gave him a price of $45,60C, 


os send ft) atta 

| : obo Llagea — RST oN 
f ; av i oe 
Hoabruo to Id apie Cn a 

\ «tan tloqaa / 

oar AIT 8@r ie 

THUD aur TO aoꝛatao aur nvt aad 

Ohm 4 : Ni 

— dans —R J wre saya isataie =k ete — 
noes imuoo, -tngo z9oqg $8 mid xag oF beelmory suabas toh eee 
stiusee Inox aladioo i9t arenadomug stuporg b Lesow Visaialg uM 
Juods THus WIUV0,8Eg To eoity w te stasbno teh as anignoted — 

os heawlet Jaabueleb gud ,oe bib Tiitalaiq 16181 aot Ciagh 
Rah bia a ‘cna all aauoo [Pes ve 4*⁊⸗ . SOMO RE aid yd ob ide | 
sabbndees da Law ao'r't vey hy Lai alo guoenn oat tot meme sh, i 

* 18S 

cSLeL buch rd jas worlw os boot oonebive ‘ot 
avaavea novel, To —* “band sows POD s bonwe ‘tnapaetob 

betangiess od xsttnatont Te ioldw ,iestsa Areal to dene ban 

slo dew Ydtaen onod Yo ego0ig tod) ons bern *, alteg tind ous" on 

eit ,qinga Suneve xodiotdee ould bw Lime ae 


shana hasty dAtiw ,aeag- * ee dew ome aq ‘ted . 
to wrod @ tot casei a robas —D — — Sia asorito toxoas 

«letiiok odd ‘to noldi0q A .200L ff ALinga guicatyod ates y tdgie 
sand to “19d @ 102 oamel tobay ela saw qixes ourova tod : 

—R outs , OF eyotéving adiw Lie of xo do⸗ o — way ee - 
ous Ti .a4sey vexid to hoitog Enrtoks Lbs itd x0 kawouox to ‘ é 

PMugasn cg LOL ~Ytsuney ob eqadtivg 10 KLOL te tq * bey 
badinay saw volag tasty sanbaetob boxen meted egazeo Bo 1 A 
2000. 809 ‘to gohag 4 midst ora aabtid te: ban — fag oe ne ti \ 



Afterwards, in April, 1915, plaintiff told defendant that he 
thought he hed a purehaser for the ball park provided the 
fchreiber — strip could also be purchased, and upon ine 
quiring as to the price of that was told that it could be 
bought for $10,000, Later on plaintiff and defendant met 
Henry ¢C, Bartling and Selma Gundsten, prespective purchasers 
procured by plaintiff, sad «a written option sezreement was 
drawn up and $1,060 deposited te be held in eserow pending 
the exercise cf the option, This option gave the proppective 
purchasers the privilege of purchasing on or before October 
15, 1913, beth the ball park and the Schreiber avenue strip 
at a price of YS5,000, * treat ee a fuetiver-prowiaion ‘that 
the option contract should be void if the *leases on the 
above premises are net remeved,* and thet in this event the 
eserow money should be returned to the prospective pur- 
ohasers, After the execution of this agreement attempts 
were wade in divers waye to enncel the lerse on the ball park, 
but without success. By Jume 25, 1913, all the parties ape- 
parently being of the opinion that there was no prospect of 
canceling or forfeiting the lesse, it was agreed by them that 
the ojos i seooneee we @ canceled and the money re- 
funded, bE “eed. = 
enge-Title-* trust Compeny iid the option -sereoment- was then 
and there-canceled_and_the-earnest Hiney-returmed—to thé ~ 

pefendant continued in his efforts to secoure the 

cancellation of the lease on the ball park, and in August, 

after negotiations wi tr efficersof- the basebait ‘ctu, 
on eharin hen avnat“the (» Nebut. 
terms were Perens anon which invelved « rewittance to the 

Club of $1,000 of rent in sonsideration of which the lonse 

was canceled by smtual agreement, Seeentime Pring the fol- 
lowing month plaintiff went zo defendant and said he had 

of Jadt tuabreteb bfot Mtitninty ,Sf@L ,fivgA al ,ehuawiedtA 
‘ead boblvorg wraq (tad oe tot Tetectotuya BR bel od $efqurocts 
oti moqu tis ,beeacore¢ ad cela db {yoo qhiée esnem “esdtondes 
ad biyoy tt jadt bist easw tant to soir ed? oF ea “yaltiup 
jam*3eabasteb bas Wiisalals a6 togAatr O00, OfF ‘ot ddguod 
atoesdorg evisoagqeong .netesode antes bus goifsune owt n 
sew droapatya tolsiqe net tiiue & bits .btivalet¢ yd betveot¢ 
gn ibaog worse wh bivsd od of betiaogeh 090,18 bas qu awetb 
evivoeqaory eid ovey aoliqo efi?  .moliae edd Yo Setotexe edt 
tisdotoO stoted to no yntesdeise To equ liviag edd @tovadotug 
qitze suneve tedierziitod b pas Arag ited off deed ,81eL aL 
aden, Aamo pein tie <7 
taaa io henbmong—tesibasile t- f ' 90, GE Yo ooltyg a sa 
943 a0 geagscl* ait tt biov od ofueete Sonrtwes smoktqo ent | 
edt sneve eds at sardt baa’ *,beveowr fon ot aestoetg evods 
1 Svitoogeotq odt of hensuder oc bigerts yonon —— 
eiguatin tnemeetgs t te seltuveexs ons vedttA .ereenio : 
wtnq LIfLad ed xe sacel pat Loomes ot svew etsvib at obam stew 
“(8 acliang elt (fe ,8L0f ,8& aml yh seeeoove Sensie dud 
20 Tooqeorg on aew otedt tndt melaigqo odd Yo geted ¥linetad 
salt wok ys howrgs- aan Jt ,sdedt ad? guistiotre? «o@ ymifeonso - | 
“9% Yonom ot has — ams Cuoris —— — ont i. 
- Lat Sito gol pho bast 
Nod TRH IeomME RRA MOLT TO ets HEN YEO tees? eT opel 
“Bid -od bacctuder-nONd Teves ond hma. boLonnao-ededd bap 
.2 se mec TRY evitovqeotg 

edt oxwoes oF atxotta sin ot beunttooo dnabaeted | 

wJeegua of bas Ancqz (fad old no genet one to sotto theonns 
Cris Linieesd ont -“te.ates 
sad of gonets ioe: s —— * 
sano oft Aoldw to noliatebianon oi dnet to — te: dulo ; 
-fo% eat yrivdh omte-emes tasmeotas Laudum yd beteoaee aw J ¥ 
bat of bine bne jnabneted of gnov Yiitaiste déwan ehieeE” 

heard tnat the lease had been canceled, — — — ine 
formed that this was true, plaintiff aid that he would see 
hie parties again, Afterwards he reported to defendant that 
his parties wanted Sejewe time to get estimates on paving, 
sewers, and other improvements, as it was contemploeted to 
subdivide the ball park, i to-eierntam e Ber endak stated 
that he would not sell the Schreiber avenue atrip at all, 
Some weeks later plaintiff, with Bartling and gundsten, 
called upon fF defendant and was told by him that he 

would not sell the Schreiber avenue strip, end that his 
price on the ball park was $50,000. This the parties re» 
fused to pay, and no further negotiations between them wore 
had .4—~ 
<5 ren Claims 2} per cent, commission on 
$55,000, the price originally given bim by defendant for 
all of the said real estate, | ——— — 
is conceded by plaintiff that he has no 
ciaim based upon procuring the option contract, and this 
must necessarily be ac, for the performance of this con- 

tract was conditioned upon the termination of the lease of 

the ball elub, This condition failed, thua rendering nugatory 

any obligations under the contract, and by consent of all 
parties it was canceled, We are not impressed by the con- 
tention that this cancellation was merely a pretended can- 

Gellation to mislead the baseball club into believing that 

the urgeney for canceling the lease had pnesed, The option 

‘ eontract was in fact and in law canceled and abrogated, 

Having told plaintiff in 1912, or January, 1913, 
that he would sell the baseball park for $45,000, was dee 
fendant bound to that price in the fall of 19137 ‘the 
property had cost him at least $1,000 more by that time 

Bay pak gated-wegr—bis ,befoonse aved bas sent odd tadd b 
one — of gaus blas *rLIalsly | outs Baw ELSE Inds = i f 
tad dnabasted os bedtoqger od ebtewtedtA .alays seistay of 
6Bnived mo astemlisus tog of omits owmiPead bednsw asikiseg t 
Os bedsiqnesaoo saw 3h as ,asnoamvorgml tedto ane som 
;, | posure, pnabue ref Qos — -tiaq LLad od obivin 
ila sa qitta suneve todis eid. {Lee ton biuow on 7 
Metubowe bas gaiftuad dtiw ,Yisaials aeded. exoow 9 ot 
ai-tadt mid yd bLod eae bax Snsbaeteh Wie aoqs bef 

~a% wreva ead eli? 000,008 eaw atag thas ead a0 * x 


tot Snabuetes yd mid nevis UiLenigixe aointg out 4000, a ; e 
nett is 

“erie —— — odsiae davt bine ont vee ” 

——— — 
— re, 

on eat ef Jaas Tillasaiq yd hobeonoo ad ; 
| , aiut bus ,toatsinos neki qo ond giiisootg aoqu beesd | 
soo etd Io sonsmxottey ois 10} ,om od YLiresssoen | au 
. to easol os to notseniaues oad mogu bonoisibaos. saw 3 

 -UTosagun yiitobuert omit ,botiat aoidiaaoy ata? duke iad ¢ 

3 fia iG saseneo Yd baa ,soettaoa ait tobny enoisagiide ym 0. 

J “noo sit Yd beaserqel son ots oF .baloonman amw ak ao 1 

| “ad bobsasorg & Yiotsa saw aoldjalivousy alias sods noisaed \ if 
tact goivetlod oini duis {Ladesad od baoiaka os noida: — 

aoisqo sit ,bexseg ban sunel edd anileonss roꝛ⁊ ear au ie / 

bs ba Te 

-bosagords bas. boleonss wal ai bos toat at * 

eCLOL ,Ytoudstl 10 Biklinialq bios —— ude ‘ 
9b Baw .000,06% tot Arag iLndoasd eid Lf oe 
oat — « RSLOL Yo itat ods aid ead cial * Ae 

tik | ents tadd yd stom 000.L8 tenet basalts te * 

in the rent remitted as consideration for canceling the 
lease, ‘There may have been other resacns why defendant 
thought the property was worth more, We know of no rule 
that would obligate an owner for an indefinite period by 
his verbal reply to an inquiry ‘a8 te the price of real 
~ eatate, After the cancellation of the contract defendant 
was wholly free to ask any price he pleased for nis property, 
or to sell or not, as he wished, He had the right to ask 

$50,000 for the bell park, and it is not cliaimed that plaine 

ECO — 

tiff ever procured a purcheser ready, wiliing and able to 
buy at that price. Another consideration of importance is 
the fact that et no time isc it made to appear that plain- 
tiff procured purchasers willing and ready to buy the ball 
park and the Schreiber avenue strip with a lease thereon 
running to September, 1917. Even upon plaintiff's theory 
that defendant was bound by his original price placed upon 
the premises, plaintiff has not preduced purchasers ready to 
buy et that price under existing conditions, 
: We hold that plaintiff is not entitled to re- 
cover, and the judgment is reversed and judgment of nil 
gapint is entered in this court, 


odf gaiifeonss 19t soisatebienos sa bedsiaex Inst odd ai 
J dishneTtsb viw enocwe x ralao need ovad yam orads ‘ame . 

elsx on ‘to word of ,etom ditow eaw ydreqorg out — 
wd boireg osinitebad as 107 tonwo an etani ive biuow lors 

dnsbaeteb Jostines eit to molinlieoonss edd «ed%A odace 
Ueto qotg eid. zo? bessef¢ ef seitg yas den od eet? yLllodw aon 
wes oF digit odd bad of .berteiw of aw ,ton to Efos of x0 i 9 
“nialg Jads bemialo tom si si bas ack ant tot 000, 08% 
od ofca bas gniifiw ,ybaot Teesdoteq B beiwootg ‘teve vs J 
af sonastogal to noitateblencs tedftona -9oitq stadt ta wed ix 
/ -aiaiq Jadd tseqqs oJ sbam 3k al omis on da sand soot ak a 
_ diad edt wid of ybuot bas guiiliw eresadoruq aemw00tq Ys ) bi 
Hoeteis sasol a Aviv gqitsa ounove todbotavd ond one — 
Ytosods a'Riisaialg aequ asvk TLL .todmes god os aakanis 
; aoqu beoalg seitq Innigizto ald wd bawed eaw ⸗bae dod sade 
od Ybse1 ateandorwy baoubotq tom aad Titalala 490 tang 9 
-eneitibaoos anitetxs tebaw ooing saad tox 
a -s1 oJ belsisne ton @i Viitalaig tads plod ey 
fin Yo stnompbut baa boetevex af das agbhuy ons bas ae 

-Stueo elds ai heteine ef gadgao of: 

516 = 21914 




| v3, 
| Appéliant. 

198 1.4.183 




{7 In @ suit for commissions claimed under an 

ageney dontract, tried by the court, plaintiff had jddgment 

for $10,067.91, from which defendant, SPPE Bd] Be icccmeeccicecenerenunoemmn 
if ; — — — — — 

Yhe contract sued on, dated February 1, 1906, 

that plaintiff should have the 

— — 

—— right in the stote of Illinois tokinsurence bugle 

— —— 

‘burglary, pate giass and employers! 



f is senpaunation to be 4c per oent. OF celia 

on all policies issued within said territory, and a further 
commission of 10 per cent, upon the net profits; instructions 
in writing to the plsintiff from the home office (in San 
Francisco) by the defendant to be construed to be part of 

the contract; contract teruineble on Su days' written 

notice —* ꝛe party, — | — öüöüöü— — 

mieaeitea by defe — ——— co » the ai a 

ors gon vend one be conaidere in tntee a xue first 
the aifte ence Aietwet n 40 per cen uf ana 30 wer 

naa a — Tae a 
— pro eniums on Circa liability inoutance. | It He, 

— “ 

Claimed that the detain compensation of 40 ‘per cent, was 
reduced vy agreement to 30 per cent, On April 23, 1907, de- 
‘ae fendant wrote plaintiff that it did not care for any ex- 

eae + 


SURAT 2 eel 
«oo Llouga 


Esl A.18 OL 


aa tebau hemislo ageiaetmace tot 3 @ 8 ol 

tnemsbbl bad Tilsalisla «F100 edt yd beins — (on 
— — — ROTTS: Sasbauateh dotiw mort L870) 

.200L ,f yusutded beodab oat boeve sontsnes i —— 
J eis svad buocta Ttktnlala sade 

— ied 

4, Gisud oonarwaat des elonilsy te ointa eats ab fugit o ® 

in C1et0vo Lams bas — stadg Wralytud 
— * —— * re od a —— ous 
" tenititul & baa ,vrosinies blae aiutiw beveck oy 

anolsouttani jad ttoxg ten si? negw Sage meq ot 1X 

mae ak) esoktto emo eazy mens, TWisnialg ‘ost of 

to dag ed of boutdenoo od F ana abeio teb aus we 

fess hiw faved’ oé ne eidoutuses tontgaee ite 

fe ots ô Û ÛÛ — — 

6sw ,taso hae Ob te noLsaanaquon fnntgizo on 

seb roer ,é8 LtxgA a0 dave t9q 08 of 19 m90 

-x® YS tot siae ton bib ak sae 3 Lantate « 


tended line of this kind of business, that the business would 
not stand a higher commission rate tnan 50 per cent, and it 

= would accept such insurance on thst basis only, and “if the 
business cannot be written on this basis as general agent 


( commission kin 3°. ado not write it." Pewxre-of-the* opinion 
BM tert pois S agreed te by plaintiff, as shown both by his 


ji \reply letter dated May 6, 1907, and his subsequent conduct 

: ‘in deducting only 3 per cent, of preniuns in — re- 

i ———— — 
Be. ‘mittances. — — 

— J— 

ary ty" Tse; re--not... lapartant. 

ere was 5 ayia indo the parties ren February »- = ad 

der ich a, wer voring the terug Of en arfeare 
Bub, saa see by. hen, vy . signing wae 

not CORA PAAR give this 

a _-___——-Is_this agreement to accept 30 per cent, binding 


in lew? We hold that it ier Even on the theory that 
a consideration tv iecessary, the acceptance by defendant of 

| liab y insurance after its notice to plaintiff that it 
| uld not accept this kind except on a 30 per cent, basis is 

sufficient ſonertornn. (<) The agreement was executed 


ract —— 

by the parties, hence iv Binding. A parel agreement to 

modift _inatryument-—undt®’ acal, when executed is valid, 

ow Vv. Griesheimer, 220 111, 106, where the court said: 
Sif the arte eave executed the contract — modified, 80 




| that nothing ear to be done by either part is no 
| 7 

Longe: eeutery and the contract as executed will ret be 
We hold that the court was in error in allow 
f-this difference of 10 per cent. on liability 

eee — — 
—— — — 

the econ’ — of — clain in “42° or 40 

bivow seoniaud odd sad? ,saeniteud to batt eld? Yo ont bobnod nod 
Pe it 
$i bas .ta90 x0q O08 matt stax noiveetamoo todgid a bande tor 

;  of¢ 24° base ,vtao eised sedd no soneiwent douse dqeoon Stuow 
i‘ Hogs faxenéy 68 wlesd aidd ao medsiaw od —— J 
= ae 
t “etd—te-otiww 6". ti otiaw Som ob YLbaix sotedtm 
. xeinigo w pe : 
eld yd dvod nwode sa «Tikiniely wd of booxrss @ 5 
— - 

soubnoo sneupsedua ais bas , TURE ,8 YS betad wdiot x. 

; “9% goisean ad saw imor q to .J0®9 oq OE yLmo —R | an 
— abel Bongte sen —E—— —— * 
—— ————— —X X — 

¢3 eVIsurdeT — —X — — anw f 
——— ton v To antes omg | atsoa™ — youd tote 
— ae dunte ot -me rd. vd benji elsnoupi dua 0 

Vtilatiy fost: aids evig of 

 «“Baibnid .tneo toq 0% sqe00e of snomestne elas ‘LP * 
j tad) ytoods sit ne neva —— tans fed ow oth — 
us to dnahueted yd sonetqeoom odd ,Vtaeeo0en ‘i I 

si dant Yiltinielq 09 soliton aah tssta eoumiwant 

£ eisad .tneo r9q Of # nO Sqbiiis bois a tits — ten b Ls Le 
betuesxe asaw tnosieetya edt (8) J satebtenes Ine iv. te | 

od snemeetgR Lotaq A -anioore oh —XR —— a 
— a 

-bilav ei besuoexe nodw , lace Yeon hte weanen' | 
: bLos dtwoo edd otwitw ,80L LL ose ————— 

oe .belitibom aa - Joaitned od beduoexe oven 
on uk tf Ht tag toisie yd enob od of | 
od ton a botuoexs es soatI Ido ‘ond bas rod 

; “wolfe mk’ Torte nt sew dru00 ond Senta bLod et 
VSiLidail mo .tnoo 19q of to — — ele 

— — — — — — — 

ob oP SY aut aileto e'm1tvaterg to —* — 

per cent, comission on linbility insurance written by the 
firm of Burras & Goodbody in the years 1910 and 1911, Dee 

 fendant claims that in the latter part of 1910 it was agreed 

by it and plaintiff that the business in Illinois was to be 
5 divided so that the firm of Burras & Goodbody should be the 
general agent for employers’ liability insurance instead of 
plaintiff, who was to continue as agent in lines of plate 
glass and burglary insurance only 
a ‘gg ae ep SE 
hent—ie-not-free from -diffieuity, “Nowéver,we-heve-arrived 
at the conclusion that this agreesent was made and carried 
‘ eut——some-of tHe Evidence influencing us is the testiweny 
of the witnesses Green, Hurras and Goodboay; the correspondence 

between plaintiff and defendant, with particular reference to 

the letter from defendant dated wovexber 14, 1910, and plain- 

tiff's reply dated November 21, 19);..ahae.. the manner in which 
yPlaintift and Burras & Coodbody inverohanged business, . aes me. 
ia, plaintiff brought all liability insurance business coming 

to him to Burras & Goodbody, who paid plaintiff all the con- 
mission thereon, while this firm gave plaintiff its burglary 

and plate glass insurance business and received the commis- 

gion, We- donot construe Ae letter from defendant dated 

wevember 14, 1910, 

treat, it A —7— threat to sever all relations 
with plaintiff unless he observed strictly the agreement to 
divide the business as bad been arranged, and in plaintiff's 
reply of November 2lat he —2 resent any suggestion that 
he had not strictly observed this agreement; éefendant ap- 
perently accepted his statement of the fact and did not at 
that time terminate his plate glass and burglary insurance 

agency; this was subsequently done, in January, 1912, 

ons yd nestinw Sonmtive ad yetitdars ag ao das Lume Anaoo 104 
eo% .1ff@L baw OL0L eraoy odd ad Vbodhood &. anni te okt 
bestge eaw $i OLLI to sxsq t9ttal ods ak Isis emia. — 
od of ssw elonif{l at eventenud edt tant Midaielg baa af oy 
ons od blucds ybodbood 4 astiusil to mitt odt sand oe bebivib 
to baoseni eonatuent ve biddsts ‘etoyotqus to? _tieas foxesey 
etal¢ to genil at sJoogn 6a onnlinos of eaw oitw sted ake lg 

W* sanntuent vislgaud bas seats 

OO TGR MBG DMR t0-dont-sntd—te—aol : te doh— BE 

bevirtn~evesd ‘owe TTOVSWON” , yedtwed tip nor wort f9n-#2-daaB)\ 
boirtao ban wSam ssw Sooner ge elas darid Woleusouos out, $0 | 
i J YAouisees edd al ay gnloneuttal ——— 
_ Sonebnoqgeottoo oft ;ybadbood bas asx ,ne91d Sescontinv ons Yo 
i od eoterster ralsvelsiag tiw ,tusbaeted bas Na⸗ealata pai 
: -nialy baa ,OfeL , bf ‘to dme voit bates susbasteb mort? — 
— ——— ak Toataa | one ant. aWA@L .fS todmevol bedab vigex — 
—— bouaaaousaauũ Yoodbood 4 saxxut baa Visas, 
J giimeo aseniand conexant Viilidelt {La ddguord vi⸗aiata ae J 
‘ 5 ae oid If tiisnialg blag odw ,ybodbood a watts oF ald. ot | 
A Vtelyid ati ‘isan lg ovey mail eins oLidy Moe Teds | — 

i 24200 ont baviesst bas seonleud eonsiweni eaaty —R ban 


Po  betab taabneteh moxt —8 a — sole a 
Ya, eee | 
OLeL pes Te . : i 
N at ~~ eteaud J 
ot snomeszas eis yisoluze bevisedo od —— —R ti 
e'Tidaiatg mL bas ,beysatta ‘eed bad ea Beonland sag ebivib — . 
Jad? agidacggue yas tapeo% —R od sas indaev ot to ver 
"G8 snebaeted ,tneguserye elds bevieade Nidolsse. hail ie 
#8 Jon bib bas soat odd to Jasaesate @ bit Sad Henne, 

| Sone tAcL. Yislytad bas, aualy * a: ofenks 
; -8L@L xeugat ab onob — ———— “aad yon 

i eared ie ‘teven od taetad # 



— it was error to allow plaintiff anythang for 
; (fe part of his claim, _ — — —— 

fhe third part of plaintiff's claim ie for com- 
missions on certain pixtejciese-ond—burgiary insurance written 
py agencics in-somthern-ittimets amounting to $3,618.47, 049M 
Lawned i 

pg Drentent 
exis sertain¢eonnta which appear to be credits given to dee 

fendant by plaintiff in the vepy of account attached to his 

the copy 

gree with esas ne ha 

As entered 

— ——————— this ‘Court 

Pr aa 

Wit? against. the defendant in the sun of $3,318.47, 
—— ⸗ F 

“ed. drome oye SE Tntt-nedstgo add to aaa, 
ssonteud-eonsruent east gaibivib auci⸗ yd doatinos ar 
eid 10% nolsytohLenos ods Jait bias od yam i btn ¥ a 
—— 10 jex 10 va 400 elt nektaod on 
bin 8 ats — x ee 
ro dmovel al Soatiaos eff bodantotes oyds HG ‘dnabegt ont J 

Bp aici 

—4 sien bg eA 3 avent! yxely d 


> fagol oft ,teAdiwt .ootol mi oat Romeo ty 


: miats e'ttiant {q to ¢uaq a8 Adao J aolssateb Jano 

tat ewoues eonesdive syid —X an 6 dtaq aiid eldacllggs ol 
«eat yd Sasivooxe ac anteak: ba a ,beduoexe aay 9m9 9138 a 

-SigGNE —————— r wean sbedisteib od don £2) ——— 

— ——— Tildalaiqg wolla ot r0Tte Baw th gars DL 
ie 4, ee -minto wkd to axa ebid 

X 818,c% of gaisnvons — —R 


eld oſ bedostia snuooos To vgoo silt? at ridmiaty ue tnabast 

— ————— — 



aa Yqoo oy — “adas diiw setqefounas of | 

sev in ao ta ara ioe ond | 

ff \ } « 
otetendT. ATS » EEL by asdf sons *¥ «Qe 
Nf | 
«ive at be —9 deur —— ous Yo sr ; 
2 ! * 

————— jo 

tnomabst of — oh Vib ale ed 

8 te To-Jea bo daat oe sao —RE 
fo ut ond to daw voit 19a xLo8 — 


woo a tad ‘aE — —— 

s9tob Jou saw eidT 

.* «Vd, 8bg, cy 

551 = 21949 




198 1.A.18% 


Appellee. # 

On July 2, 1915, complainant filed her bill alleging 
that the defendant on June 22, 1915, had abandoned her, leaving 
her without means of support. Ghe asked that defendant be 
enjoined from conveying, disposing of or encumbering his 
property, and that he pay solicitor's fees and a sum for her 
maintenance and support. By subsequent amendment complainant 
further details the conduct of defendant, Yo this defendant 
filed an answer denying misconduct on his part, denying that 
they were living separate and apart, and containing animadvere 
sions upon the conduct of his wife. Subsequently hearing was 
had before the chancellor, who being of the opinion that the 
equities were with the defendant ordered that complainant's 
bill of complaint and the amendments thereto be dismissed for 
went of equity. From this decree complainant has appealed. 

The statute on separate maintenance, in force July 1, 
1877, Hurd's Ill. Stat., Chap. 68, provides thot married women 
“who, without their fault, now live or hereafter may live, 
separate and apart from their huebenda,” may have remedy "for a 
reasonable support and maintenance, while they so live or have 
80 lived separate and apart." ve are of the opinion that the 
complainant failed to prove thot she and her husband were 

living separate and apart without her fault. We shall not 

narrate the details of the frequent and unhappy —— 

Lie = 
: iv 5 5 
4 we saan ean: 
4 GC R —— —N 9 i 
F co —— ¥ | J 
J ee 5 — 
enuoo TIVORID 
vruvod ance 9 A m0 
{ Tiler —2 
D —— 

var AI Ber 

gntyolls {Lid son bolt? tnonislgmos 200k 8 — * Coe ey: 
| aukvaet . tor bonobanda bad ,L0L ant ocurt mo aeba vd ‘ont fat 
od fnabavted suit bexea exe .troqque Ye ensom $wosit bw mt — 
eid deit ⁊ocam cus 10 to pabeogats at vovao⸗o mort one ; i 

ey hiimsinainis tneupoadua eet .trocque bra oonanoaatan 
$nabmoteh ake of etnsbasteh to toubaoso oa⸗ atbatob 1s ¥ ! 
tart gnkynob txsq ald a0 daub oatm antynh Tewans om boll 
-tevbanins anintat noo baa ,t tse bun stetagve aehvad oy on. 
aaw gitkisocl — — * 10 toub moe ost neque . 
ont sarft noiniqo ons to antod octw tos Leonie salt — 

ett nantsiqnes tastt betebz0 Enaboo rob outs agke oxen ⸗oia at f 
10% beseimetb od oterens asi nembnoms 4 bra atalanoo w id 
ebefeeqqes asd tnanialgnoo oxoob ekild m0 2% “Ww iupe to te 

a yYLut sorot ak soonanied et am otaxnqe 0 odutate Rad 
| nemow bottram tadt sobt voug .8a - audio ——— ft atbawil , 
( wvll yam wos ‘taered to evil won J Lunt atedt froatiin 
, 8 Tot” ydbemort evad yom “",abnadaundt «rhedt more dung 
i evant to evil os yors oLisw oociano⸗ nl an bag stoaque ¢ 
* eds aui⸗ mentee eit to sta ov * d18qe brs ote —* 
a erow bnadeud tod bua ena sort Hobe of hoster 3 

ton Lfatea oW .tLust ron diiortd tw — bas ofa 7 

\ : , 4 > * + J 4 : . ) ¥ 1 
berevetines yqqarnus bra ts ; oft to elLiasob 



between the parties, in which neither side was free from 

fault. We are inclined to believe, however, that if this 

unfortunate couple had been left to themselves they would 

have lived happily together. ‘he conduct of a son of the 

complainant seems to have furnished considerable ground for 

annoyence, while it is evident that the children of defendant 

have been potent instrumentalities in causing irritation to 

the complainant and unhappiness to the defendant. 

Whatever may have been the cause of the discord, 

the evidence clearly shows that the complainant, as she herself 

has stated, has declined to live with the defendant unless he 
—ghoula either convey to her some of his property or cancel a 

certain lease which he has made for an extended period to a sone 

elaw. Defendant had a lawful right to dispose of his property 

as he saw fit, subject, of course, to the dower interest of 

complainant, She may justly feel aggrieved by her husband's 

conveyance of his property, but this does not give her legal 
grounds for refusing to live with him; certainly while the husband 

| offers to provide a home and to live with her, and she refuses 

\ undess he disposes of his proverty as she wishes, she is not 
\within the statutory conditions entitling her to separate 

Wuch is said concerning the alleged desertion of his 
wife by the husband, but in the light of the testimony we cannot 
construe his temporary absence as amounting to a desertion, 

vtinder the advice of a physician he left for a period of rest, 
‘dmpelled thereto by the conduct of his wife, 
The decree of the chancellor was right and is 



mort gett asw obile tondion dolmw at ,veldreq erlt neewdod 
aisd %L tadd ,xovowod ,eveilod of benkiont ot oY .tisat — 
hbiuow qeadt eoevioamend?d of Stef need bad oLlawon stanutro? ny — 
ait to noa ws to soubnoo off ,terteoned yvliqaed bovilt even 
so% bave ty eldstebiaences badelkmivt ovad of amoee tnantaLquoo 
tnsbrotoh Yo mordLido od tact tnobive at $2 oLkcw ,sonsyonns 
os nolseatinxa£ yoieauao ni soktilesnomutteni Inetoq aesd evant | 
etnebreteb ont of aeentqqantas bas tnantelqmoo ont 
yoxoonib of} To eevao off mood svar yam rovod asty . 2 
Yfeated ode as  tnenkeLqaon eit ted? ewore yYlrselo eonebive ont 
of svolny smabnotob oft détw evil of bentLoeb nar botate end a 
& Luonno to ysuegosq ald To emoae ted 02 xov moo xodtie bLuoda > 
noe & oF heiteq bebnaetxo na tot ebam ean of dolkdw oagol akat109 

 Ydueqoaq ais to osogaib of silaix " Catwo L a bed $ nabste to walent ‘ 

te tuored nt tewoh edd of ,eaTuOD to ,toetdva ,tit wee of an \ 
a'bnadeud ted yd bevelxagsa Loot visent, yom off2 .d mantaLqmo: 
fagel aod avin dom seob add Sud ,ysteqdciq ata to nonagevnss. 
— orkt Lt siw vintatioo yatd détw svil of patewtet tot ad uo | 
eeautot ofa bua , xot mtkhw evil o¢ baa ome x a sbiverg ot etetto | 
gon ai ona ,aodeiw ade as YWtsee1q aid. to aeoogueb ed saotnm | 
eisisase ot tod ankle tsoo anokiibaos. vro⸗ wd nde wt abst if 
-voasmot atom 
eid to noisteaebh bogella ant ere * el dow J 
_tonaso ow ynomtteot ond Yo tdytl ods ak sud , busdawel ont ud etie 
smoivxoseb s of gattoveoma en sonesds ytsteqmest abd —— 
as to bolieq s rot steel of natotayda a. to colvie oc⸗ abi 


¢ 1 1 
a ee te Fr ( P J —9 Lh — 

584 - 21982 

RICHARD DEVINE, a minor, by 
Mamie Lenihan, his next friend 




1981.A. 188 


Richard pevine, plaintiff, seven years seven 
months old, was struck by a street car belonging tc defendant, 
He was severely injured, He brought suit and had judgment 
fer $12,560 from onder defendant appeals, 

In the fall of 1912 plaintiff attended the Jex- 
ton school, at the northeast corner of Yelle and ¥vendell 
atreets in Chicago, Street cars run north and south on Wella 
On September 26th avout 11:50 o'cleck in the morning plaintiff, 
having been dismissed from school, started to cross velle street, 

when he was struck by a southbound car, We stall not etate the 
facts more in detail, for in our opinion the giving of an er- 
roncous inatruction te the Jury necessitates another trial, 

By one of the counta of the declaration it was 
flleged that there was in force at the time of the accident 
a certain ordinance of the city of Chicago which declared it 
to be unlewful toe run a street car while within 250 feet of any 
school house in tne city at a speed greater than five miles 
an hour, between the hours of 11 o, m. and 1:45 p. m. of any 
day during which school is in session in such school house, 
and thet the — negligently end contrary to the ordi- 
nance, ran ite cars on Welle street at a speed greater than 

. five miles an hour within the preseribed distance and time, 
PO . - : if 

bneizt sxen eld ,nadioss —— 
090 (Leqqa 


88. ATS 2eL 


aslleqqa . —— 

‘ 3 a Ne 
Neves eiteov soves ,Tiliaialg ,enived biadolia wey * 

-Snabroteb of anianoled tao Joetss = yd Aouren sew ,5fo exidnom 
wnempybyi, bed baa 44us tdyuotd oH ebommtas yleteves saw on = | 
.elaeqqa tunbaeted to hetw mott 00€ SLG ot y 

-xol ois bobaottn BWisaialg S£@L Yo (fat ond al k 
{fobnov bas eLfev to teat0o Seeeddton edd. 3a Toone ot — 
aife¥ no ddvoa bas déton aut etao seomse ,ogsoldd at — 

sTlidnintg yoiatom oad a4 Aolo'a Ob: LL suods AtbS tadmesqed ad . 

-. i} wn uh 
feexse alioy eeoto of bediasa ,Loodow mort beostapib neod and x 5 
ihe : 

oad esate ton Iisa ew ,1s0 bayodisuos # yd Aowsde sow a av w a 
ote as to gaivig els Helniqa two ai rot ,liadob ai oxom ae J 
,leinxd todtons eetndieasooss yiwl eds oF GoijouTtanl exon 9" : z 

asw ti noijstafosb add to etawoo odd Yo amo Ys * — 
tnobieos ed Yo omit odd ta aor0t ak eaw otods sant hoxetie 

ti betafoeb doidw ogeoisid to ytlo odd to —“ 
Yas Io Jest OGS aidtiw elicw tao toortse 6 ava o7 —1 wit sit ‘ 
asfio evit asit tedsoxy beoqe s Ja ydio odd ab eauod fo oats 

Yaa to .a 6g Chi f brs .m .e {Lf to emod ons noowdnd 

J ⸗⸗¶ 
sseuod Soodos nowa mi molaase at at cooaoe do daw pated J 
lest a 
3 “etb10 ont of Ytatsneo bas yidmegiigen ,saabasteb —— 5 

‘ ue — . 

isit totsety beeqe a dn Jeotsa alfow ao er “9 onet 

«gems bae vonadath beditosetq odd a leid bw ae 
; ' 

Tee Vs 

by means whereof the accident occurred, It was sought to 
introduce the ordinance in evidence, and while there was 
irregularity in the manner of offering it, such irregulerity 
Should not again eccur. There vas evideane tating to Bupe- 
port the allegation of a violation of the ordinance, 

At the request of plaintiff the court gave to 

the jury instruction Yo, 9, which is somewhat long but may 
be Summarized as telling the jury that if they believed 
that between 11 a, m, and 1:45 pj m, the plaintiff was 
struck by the street car while crossing Welle street within 
250 feet of the school house, and taat the car was then bo- 
ing opersted at a speed greater than five wiles per hour, 
the plaintiff exercising due care for one of his age, ete,, 
and that by reason of the violation of the ordinance the 
Plaintiff was injured, then the defendant must be found 
guilty, : 
Contentions urged against the appearance of 
the ordinance in the record, its existence, its validity, or 
its applicability based on measurements from the school | 
house, do not impress us as having substantial merit, Howerer, 
> we are of the opinion that it was error te instruct the jury 
that a violation of the ordinance as a gatter of law is neglie 
gence per se, We are aware that the decisions are not wholly 
harmonious on this point, but this court is convinced that 
the better reasoning and greater weight of authority support 
the view that the violation of an ordinance is prima facie 
evidence of negligence from which the jury may infer negli- 
gence, but such inference may be rebutted by evidence, 
It is net difficult to imagine many exigencics, 
such es sudden iliness of the motorman, inexplicable defect 
in the machinery, or its deranzgewent through cellision, or 

ot tdyuce aaw 31 ybettuo90 tnebtoon ad? Tossernw. snnom yd .-) 
aeaw oteds osfidw baa ,sonebive ni eonanlbro sie soukortsnt ste | 
(Udtalugetts doves ,Jt yairetio to tennsem add at vi tretuge tet nat 
-que of naibnes sonebive aoe stent <anaep atene ton biuede ‘ 
.gousnibro et to matsatloiv s to molinyoetlia oud — ‘<a 

ot ovey t2u00 ond Widataiq Yeo Tdqupor oud 2A i 
yeu sud guol Jadwemos ah doluw ,@ ye ie ieenelilen Vist J 
beveilod yeds tL dads vast os gallos BR bexitesnues od. 

eaw tiisnisly of9 .m iq -Ga:f bos .m .a a noawsed sadt— 

micid bw dnoute affoW galekxoty slidw ta0 soortsa. ods Ww tours 
od mods sew itso add Jad? baw ,oswod foorne oid ‘to toot 08s a 
mod teq eo fia evit maid — beoqa. a ts _besereqo. yok 
1.930 ,9ne aid Yo eno 0? e180. oud gtielorexe Vitsiely ond. 
odd sonaatbte odd to —— oa⸗ to aoann ue — 
bauo ed toum Senbcio bob odd + nage borutaat em wVineadety 

SS —— a 




to sonetaeqqs odd teatass bewtu anolsansaod 

1d .vdibifay ast Sonetelxe eat b10004 eit af gomankb10 — 
foodos ans mort Bins2aTeeare ao beoad ys iLidwod fqqe aah 

tora woll Jitom faltnadedua A carbines ee oe seotqaul gon ob oaisont 
vw edt tourienmi of ‘qotts ase Sk Jadd noiaigo ont to — 
eilfaon et wai to 193ism a 06 goneanlbio ons to Hoigeloly 4 dant 
yilosdw son sin esnolefosh andi Ian? ⸗ↄtaua eta ow, 2S 320 Sony 
gedt beomivaco ai s1u09 vekas sud ho ands ao euotnowied — 
ditoqque yilsodtus To sitgiow r9dn0 Ty bas aniaceses, ‘tossed ont 
eiost eamiaq ak éstidnibre nis to ite td BEOFY: oda taad wotv oad 
eifgen tetnl ysm yrst edt de helw aoxt banca hteee Ye soaebive 
~eonsbive yd hetsudex od Yam soneste tnt Mowe sud o0n9g 

; 189 Lonagixe cnan onlyeat og SIuetItth” son, at at 
tosteb sidaollqxeni apertotem ene. to easatit asboue ‘ee Hove x 

<0 ——— — — asi to —— ahi 


slipperiness of the rail, which might cause the car to run faster 
than five miles per hour, but manifestly the excess of speed of 
itself should nct as a ustter of law constitute neglisence, with 
opportunity for explanetion denied, The principle is the same 
where the exculpatory circumstances are less obvious, the jury 
should be permitted in determining negligence te consider ail 

the circumstances of the occurrence, including the violation of 
tne ordinance, Among the cases supporting this view are, 

Knupfle, Aduwr., v. Knickerbocker lee Co., S4 J), Y. 456; Hanlon 

Seuth Boston Horse Ky. Co., 129 hass, 510; Connor v, Electric 
fraction Co., 173 ba, 602; Meek v, Lennsylvania Co., S& Ohio 
Bt, G52; Grand Trunk Ry. Co. v. ives, 144 U, 5, 406; Erie Bail- 
Foad Co. v. Ferrell, 147 Fed, 220; Beck v. Lortland & V. 







25 ore. 32; Kollica v. Mich. Gent. Rh. Co., 170 wich, 96; 

nois Central Kk. Co. Vv. HWicher, 202 i111, 556; Illinois Central 
R. Co. V. Aghline, 171 11. 515; Comsonwealth Zlectrie Uo. v. 

Rowe, 214 111, 545; United States Brewing Co, v. Stoltenberg, 

211 111. 651; True & True Co. v. Soda, 201 ill, 515; Heidenreéch 
v. Bresiner, 260 111. 430; siniott on Hailrosds, 2nd #d., sec, 1095, 
note 140, 

Upon the record before us we are not disposed to 
agree with the contention of counsel for defendant as to the 
manifest preponderance of the evidence or as to the contributory 
neglixence of plaintiff, 

here was serious error in the rulings on tne 

testimony of plaintiff's witness kre, Brown, She had testified 

as to the speed of the car vased upon what ehe bad heard, The 

‘ motion to strike out such testinony was overruled, ‘This was 


— ‘he criticism of plaintiff's — is 
mot well taken. It properly limits the loss of future earning ca- 
pacity to the time after plaintiff shall have reached his majority, 
@ reference ts the declaration could not have been misleading, 
For the reasons above indicated the judement is ree 
rsed and the cause remanded, 

vO 8 Te ae 

togent mut of 129 ont eauno tdgim doldw ,Liat ect To seen! 

if sig 
Yo boowa to sasoxo sid yYiieotinew dud ,twod t0q no tia ovit a * 

dtiw ,sonouiigen etusiganoo wel to todiam & Bs dan — path 

emse odd et slqtoning si? .bolned nolséanslqxe 10%. — 

yiui oct .apolydo eeasl e118 esonatsemvotio Yiotayivexe on 

[is soblenos of gonogilgen yoiniateteh ai bot? kwroq od. : 

to aoldvafoiv edd gnibutlont ,eometiyo90 ef) Ye counad eawor te 1 
.0%8 wolv eins yonizgtoqqwa seanso ons AROMA +900 

ofan (88) ,Y .li 8 ,.09 991 gexoodretoind .v —E a 

olisoolA ,v xonmo9 ;OL€ ,aeed OSL ,.09 .Yh geztol — 
— — ç tt — — — rat 2) 
oid 8& ,.09 sinavivennel .v deed ;808 .ei EFL ,.00 He 

-liai gins ;80) ,@ .U bet ,gevl .v .g9 .M auwttT bast prc 

a —n 

L .v aoe SSs .bat Val —— 
I ;8@ ,dolm OVE ,.02 off .sned -doid .v soliton 486 ane 
fatinoy sionii{l ;sé¢ {fi S08 “Zed Mott .Vv 129 wi dondao9 ab 
-¥ .99 pittoely dd laewnoumod — * offi ivf 12ek Lag ee 
‘pteduesfose .¥ 00 Qiiwe1d sosasa bot bet iy gad est ats 

fodstnebioe: ;¢fe .1f1 £08 show .v æ ue 2 gue itee . 

Geol .voe ,.be baS ,abeotlias® ae oie ꝛee⸗ «fil 08s 

” es [ 

ot besogeib Jon ets ow au exerted btoeost edz nog ; 
edd of ga snabngted 10% foeaveo to wotsaddnon oad a 
YiIosudiztsnoo ed of 6H 10 SOoNSbivVe oid to sonarobaegsTg 4 
| u⸗auata to 9 

eat no agalinu« edd al torts sxolktes aaw oreat 

boitigess bax esa = ,nword OX aa c1ddw ettisaie ly * 

eit ,btseu bad esle jssw mnogu bosad — odd. to 


aaw eta Selurteve saw wromidaos dose tuo 

4 ee a'tiigatatg to natold ixo ort: ‘ " 

9 guintse etusut to esol odd ettatl —— it. . 0 2 ne R 
Wito(sn els beioges oved Ifate tiisniaiq totta emi re os 
 «sgtibsotelm need evad ton bivoo. notiatalook od? oF 
7% bh snomibu, ead bodsotbal — —— — 

pi THOMA OWA CHEPATVES ——— a WS ) tet I 

599 = 21997 

a corporation, 
Appellee, APPEAL FROM 

¥ 4 
% #£ 
COMPANY, a corporation, 

v, 198 1.A.190 




By this appeal defendant seeks to have reversed a 
judgment against it of $2,881.82 upon a guaranty contained in 
a contract entered into between it and the plaintiff whereby 
def endant undertook to collect certain accounts for plaintiff. 
Cases involving the contracts made by this defendant with its 
customers have been before the Appellate Court of this district 
ao frequently that we shall not again set forth the contract 
in detail; they are very much alike and the general scheme in 
all of them is the same, A partial list of these cases is, 
Hinrichs v. Consolidated Adjustment Co,, 145 app. 8; Mound City 
Distilling Co. v. Same, 152 App. 155; Standard Distilling Co. v, 
Same, 157 App. 215; Barstow Stove Co. v. Same, 175 App. 449; 

Pritz v. Same, 189 App. 287; Baltimore Trust Co. v. Jame, 190 

App. 303 and Krause & Managan Lbr. Co. Vv. Same, 191 App. 582. 

In the present case the defendent contends that the 
accounts furnished by plaintiff to it for collection were not 
of the kind and character contemplated by the contract. To 
this it is sufficient to reply that from the evidence the trial 
court properly could find that the accounts furnished were 
selected and listed by defendant's own agent, and that the 

contract was entered into with special reference to these ~ 

VOLS « 92a 

~wisstegqitoo # 

MOMT SARITA .9elieqga J 
7Mod Ad vuuvn ald 
i 2eV . 
eODADIND TO j * — 

~wivasoqros s ,YHAGMOD 



oer -A.leel 


& beetovet ovad of wloos susbnoteb Lasqqa alis ya — 


nk bonisinos yinatavy # nogs 86,188,886 to ti sentega sooapbut 

ee | 

ydotodw Tiktnfalq ons bra 3i soowted ot mt hetedms gourd nod , text 
ettitaiely 1¢% aftmvooos alattso ftoolloo ot Loos tobay + nebo tob 
agi déiw tmabasteb aid? yd ebum agosttmen ont gatviovat eessdD 
— eld? Yo sro etellequA oft etoted — 
Soati noo eft ditot toe niaga son Liade ow test ylinoupett oe | 
ni emecoe Lateney od? bas siifa dowm yrov ota yer? ;Liateb nt at 
2k eseso sacdt to tail Latiasgq A .onwe ot ak mods to fis fa ahh 
(tiO bewoll 78 .qqa GL ,.09 tnomtauhba betabiLoenod . | i 
y 99 gabilftald bisbasta zaet .agqn aL Ooms .¥ — ™ 
i258 .aqa SVL ,omse .v 2.90 svosii wotamam ;8LS .qgA VOL ,gmel 
O@L ,omec .v .oD sautt stomisial ;T6S .qqA OSL oma v agixg — 
oS82 .qgh LCL . . · J megane 2 ⏑— baw 308 aga : 
eds Sadd abnotnoo snabno'teh oft soso Sasacetq off al 


son otow noltaolLoo tot dk of BPiitntslq yd berelmurt admooos 
oT ,donttnoo oft yd hesalquetnoc retoetato ban bald ent wy! 
fakxut ect eonebive oft mort sand viget of snotoittwe as a2 erat b 
etew bedelmim?t afnvooosn off tadd batt bluoa ylroqorg tw09 F : 

oft tact bun ,Jnogs mo attnsbasteb yd begat bus betoos 
saont oF sonetetex Latooqe ntiw ogat hoxsdn sew 


accounts. Having selected the accounts upon which defendant 
undertook to guarantee collection, it can not now be heard to 
say thet plaintiff is in default as to the kind of accounts 
to be furnished by it. 

As to other contentions made by defendant, whot has 
been said by Mr. Justice Duncan in Barstow Stove Co. v. 
Consolidated Adjustment Co., 175 Ill. App. 449, is applicable 
in many respects. We adopt what is there said as expressing 
our view of the correct construction of the contract. 

Under the evidence and the law the judgment was 
correct and is affirmed, 


tnabneteh soinw noquy adauooos oft botooles — xä — Oo 

ot braod od won tos nso 3k ,moltosilos set nataug of xe | 
efnwoo0a to batt ot of as siveteh ak at vutnietg ¢ } 

| oth vd boxtakew’ 0 bus 

ast tonw ,tnahaotoh yt ebam snottnotnon tedde of BA } 7 
eV 20D ovese wosexed al neonud ooltaut — bhae * — 
oldacifaqs af ,@h& .qqA .ff1 GEL ,.99 snonpouts betabifo 2 
noieseigxe os bise stedd at tart tqobe ew —— 

esontinos ont to mois oust ano tooxres ont to w 

601 = 21999 



WIN ICTPAL corn’? 


COMPANY, @ corporat 

198 1.A.191]1 



in this case plaintiff brought suit upon the 
guaranty of defendant contained in a contract similar to 
the contracts invoived in other suits against this defendant, 
as noted in opinion in No, 21997 this day filed. In this 
case, however, the court struck defendant's affidavit of 
deYense from the Tiles anc entered judgment by default for 

it is centended that by the contract it is expressly 
provided that the terms of the guaranty shall not apply to 
"bankrupt claima,’ "outlawed claims” and “lost debtor claims," 
and that many of the accounts furnished by plaintiff to 
defendant were of this character, If we concede that the 
contruct bears this construction - and it is not free from 
doubt - yet we think defendant is prevented from now question- 
ing the character of the claims by that provision of the contract 
whereby defendant reserves “the right to cancel the contract, 
refund said initial fee and surrender ali claims listed here 
under at any time within six months from date." To give this 
meaning, which we are bound to do if possible, it seema clear 
that it is intended to fix a period of time within which 
defeniant may investigate and ascertain the character of the 

accounts submitted; and it must be held as a matter of law, 


rer AT eer 


— — —— 
— ry —— 

eit noqu tine tquoxd rts kale eeas eldd ol 


of tnfimte sostinos s ak benkssnos $uisbite%ob ‘te. sna * | 

tasbaeteb akelt tenksas aviue — at ‘beviovnt at E—— q 
eiodt al ,beLit yab enat VOOiS .on mk nolatgqe i boson e's 

‘to tivabitte ‘at dmebasten Lounge dxu09 ort Aovsno —J 

rot ¢iuatob vd asthe berted ae ona ooirt edt moc't oanoteb E 
icone wes AN6 Ee 

einnecqxe ak tt four noo osid od tous hebnodaoo ek $1 * sad 

ot yigas gon fisde ytnetag ont ‘to anxod Silt tant be bi 0 | ne 
“,omtalo zotdob taei” bas “antaio bewsiswe"* akan Hgirel fod s 
of Yibtntale yt bedatatwt efmooos orld to Youwm sud be 


elt tat ebsonoo ow YZ - rod oo east ekdd to eTow aeba ion 

———— won mot betmeverg ab ‘dusbnoted winks ow toy ~ se rn 
feattaes edt to nolatvorg sans yd entalo eit ta sesnatade wit gs 
woatinos ond feonse ot silyta end” sevisset Jaubdno ted we 

woren hotell emialo Lie rebneriwe bas 00% Lakd hot biaa be 
eid? ovty oT ".otuh sort adtnom xe nbsittw emis vam ta 1 
toslo emsen tt ,eidiunog tt ob ot Lendend e168 ow deksw ws x 

i wal to tottom a es bLod ed — 
* eal a Pees 


sf after this period of time has elapsed, in which it will be 
presumed such an investigation has been made, and defendant 
does not elect to return the initial fee and the claims and 
cancel the contract, that it is satisfied the claims are of a 
kind upon which it can make ite guaranty good, ‘“e think the 
general rule is applicable here, thet the law will net permit 
& party having once elected, to change such election. Platt v. 
Aetna Ins. Co., 155 111. 115; Van Viissingen v. Lenz, 171 111. 
We think, however, that defendant shold have been 
permitted to go to trial for the reasm, as we have decided 
in Prits v. Consolidated Adjustment Co 139 App. 287, that 
defendant was entitled to a rensoneble time sfter the lapse 
of three years within wiiich to collect the amount guaranteed 
to be collected, and that there was no breach of the guaranty 
until after the lapse of such reasonable time, As to whether 
or not a reasonable time had elapsed after the expiration of 
the contract in question, which was on September 9, 1913, was 
a question of fact to be ascertained after consideration of 
evidence, | 
Plaintiff hag assigned as eresseerror the action 
of the court in refusing to strike defendant's first affidavit 
of defense from the files on the ground that it was not filed 
in time. This is a matter pertaining to the practice in said 
court, and we are not of the cpinion that « reversel of the 
order permitting the affidavit to be filed is necessary te 
prevent a failure of justice, [11,. Stat., Hurd, chap. 37, 
Seq, S246 
Por the resson indicated the judgment is reversed 
and the cause remanded, 


bos antefo ect bus eet Lattini edt ausiex of fosle ton eeob 

a to oxe ominlo edd betteitce ef 22 sad? ,fomitaoo oslt foomes 

ent Xntds oF ,boon Ytaetswy ati olan noo 22 dodedw aogu babs og 

Starreq don ifiw wal ont tant ,stec eldasiivgs ai einer feron03 , 
eV tisfG .moitoola dove egnario of ,hetoeie sone gaivan wang 4 
offI L9L ,snel .v mopmbesify may 76Lf ffl AL . 8D -2ok soto, 7 

need even bivonkn tnaboetob fads ,rovewed  ~inidée oW 
bobloeh eved ew es ,nmoanor off tot Laits ef og of bods imxeg uM 

tant ,TES .qqh C6L 1-09 — — — — .v.S989T at 
eugal ett tetta emts eldsnovcset # oF beLtline caw i asbmetoh 
bikevaarann tnvemsa off toolloo of doliiw oiddiw exs0y os ari⸗ — 
xveno⁊aun si? Yo dosetd on auw otodd teal? bro shetovitos od of 
Todigedw of SA omit eidanosie% foe to oeged edt tod te Lido 
to soltertqxs oft todts beegele bes emt oldanouser « Jon T° 

saw ,CI¢Ll .@ xedmgetqo’e mo enw doisiv . to LS aaup ni foatinoo ens * 

to moltatabinnoo retts benistioons ed of tomt to mlsaeup P Habe: 

| .eonobive ; 

noiton es aorto-eeeto es bomyteas ond Piidnield a a 

‘eduah htt tarit e'inebmo teh outate os gniavtex mi truco ost ro” — 

belt? ton saw 32 ted? bowory eft so eoLtt ode wmox? sane tob — 

Hina ni vokdostq ons of yataisdreg tottem s at aldtT ,omks ak ey! 

edd to Isetevort s tad? moinigo edt to gon 91m Ow baw ,s1u0d a 
os Ytsnavoen Bik holt od of Sivabitts odd anttikacrog a9h70 a 

SS .gadto ~bink ..és30 fff .soktaut to eislist a as vo aa 

(bse 998 

— J 

beetovet el tnemybut, oft hetmolbal moasox ond TOT 


602 - 22000 

TEXAS COMPANY, a corporation, 



EOS: TA. 1 98 


This case is in every respect substantially 
like the one in wid ob, we have this day filed an opinion, No. 
21999, and what —E said in that opinion applicable here- 
in is reaffirmed. Fer the reason indicated in that opinion 

the judgment in this case is reversed and the cause remanded, 


stolseroqroo e ,YMAGUOO GAXAT 
.2oLLogga 1 


cer Areel 

.TOU9 MY YO Horuido aut 

Ylisiiasdadue Jooqeot views al ok saao aid * 

.of ,olaigqo as balit yab elds oved ew doliw ak emo ott outr 4 
-oton oldaoiiqgs nmoliuiqe sand ai bias — taow boa s@C0L8 M @ . 
noiniqe tass ai bodaolboi aceset off 10% .bomrittset et a 
bebnamex seuso oct ban beetevet ef eaco vids ai Sm — ——— ont y —J 

“é < = ue 
CHCMAMEST CMA GXesirvant eke J ae 
eo) ae 
| J 
7 8} J 
— — 
i 7 
i va 
Pin re 
— rie a) 4 
J | a 

616 - 22016 

a corvoration, 


| vs, ; 
OTTO SCHARMER, ading as the , 

ppellant. £ 

L198 IAL toe 


Plaintiff, a + an ed company of Misaissippl, 
brought suit alleging an Geent by 4d, to furcieh, and by 
RY gontractar, to take | wome BOO, OU i 
of lumber: — refused to perform bis undertaiing, 


to the damnge plaintiff, Upon tril by @ jury tho issues 


‘ev’ weap phuintiee ane Gameges assessed at ¥750 upon 



- siteh-sytorest-was-etored, an 

— — — 

— —E 
Zz — — — ö— —— —— —— — 

— — 
. ——— — SENTERO Se 
Ge —setionin—tnert-tt-inr-toc-tmiefinite, | Yhere were several Z 
ö— — Re ——— ——— ITE OA OMAL NER Se 
letters between the perties leading up to the final order of 
Qed Oy aediq. - 
Mareh 27, 1913, whieh — follows; 

a "Haroh 27th, 18135, 
©. L, Gray Lumber Co., 
“« feridian, Misa. 
“Gentlemen: « 
“ve herewith place an order with you fer 300,000 Ft, 
i> 3x6 at 21.50 per Kk. #.0.B. Cars Chicago, to be 12-14-16 
~ feet long. This is for prospective work and we do not knew 
the exact lengths in quantities we will need, This is to 
be held subject for call within six months, 
“ Agreed 
(Signed) CC. L. GRAY LUMBER CO,, per 
“MG, L. GRAY, 

“vote: Any slight difference in the amount of quantity ( 
were or less to be — —— bid ae above —— 

a —— —— — ms A Rey oe 
— res Atel 

⸗ — — 

) OF Gelivery sae ne OS 

te Pa Oe ee eee 

BLoS& ~ 81a 

Motatermo a 

, soo lloqga 

eit as yoiberd ,ANMHANDE OTTO 
edael sn oe) Oe 

GSCI ASI sel \ 


\ hi —— 
xacauusu ROLTAUL onduragss — 
— D—— 

idgqtealeati to Yusquoo 9 dint a Mata bs os 
yd bas As fort og ph yd foam fa an aargotla disse ttguent 
ak 000.908 ence {ones ot , toaertney ones l RN ees 



— elu wigtraq od bee tet Jnshaue ted Nads Ao daut 20 
—V— ont yiut a yd falas ao qu — te — ony) oF 

moey: * tA boadocan negentt ban — 6 - 

mI PU NSP ee 

eeu sy aw —— “Jon soon “ate 

· Lae ARLE R © drs RP Ae 6 

Lateves weet eradt | — betes- 

8 se snner SP ORE REE OE — — — — — 

to tebxe Lani? odd of qu ‘ginkban ecistad est mesuted — 4— 
OW Sew Af 4) She 
rawollot® oa ge ine Ay as @ * me 

; ,6L0L ,cd9S dove” | 
i . a alii. aaa i id 
3 -8uiM — 1 

; ov 
9% 000,008 cot woy atiw tobxo mA pon ta Ag iwe'tod . ane 
BL-bL-SL ad of Ogsoliy B80 .8,0,0 eM Taq C8, L8G a — 
wona gon ob sw one diow evitvequotg 4Ot ai olat J 
‘ of ci sid? boon iftw ow soisidnnup ab ellfgnet — 
Aalenon xic nidviw Lino xe% var ot 

TOE 4.09 UUs YARD a 2 —* 
eYARS wt 49” 

Wisnaup ‘to tavons odd me ** ste 


of sinterinis, Whatever might be somewhat indefinite in the 
description of the materials to one not in the Lumber busie 
ness, appears to have a definite character from the previous 
letters of the parties and the testimony of witnesses en- 
gaged in handling lumber. The meaning of trade terma used 
dn letters or contracts may always be explained by men ex- 
perienced in the business, It was an agreenent for practi- 
eally a definite amount cf lumber, to be taken within siz 
wonths, in such quantities as defendant might order, and this 
coues within the rule laid down in Pinch v, senith Furnace 
Go., 245 Ill, 586; Minnesota Lor. Co, v, Coal Co., 160 111. 
66; and Kationsl Furnace Co. v. Keystone kfg. So., 110 
tll. 427. 

This is not a case of a contract to supply sine 

ply the needs of the purcheser; hence cases discussing that 

situation are not in point, 
ete wy ahi tiel ink court -& refuse) to aide 

mit the evidence of Ucharwer's bookkeeper, Kiss Crane, as to 

a conversation between Scharmer and Cray. ‘The alleged cone 
versation is said to have taken place some two months after 
- the contract was made. According to Scharmer, he only exe 
pressed douht as to his ability to order lumber, as he was 
32 Even if —R Crane had been permitted to 
orroborate him this would not amount to any modification 
or change in the contract or throw any light upon its cone 
* . struction, 

there ia no merit in the contention that the 
judge before whom the case was tried was disqualified, 
American bridge Co. v. Jena bark Improvement Assn,, 246 
Ill, 589; Wesely ¥. Pribyl, App. Court Ho, 20854, opinion 

oe — —6 Menage 1915, not yet reported, 
he judgment was right and isa affizmed, 

edd ak stinitebni dgadwomos ad Jagin tevetadW ,efaltedaum to 
#~leud tedewit ed ai ton ome oF eisitedam eit to noitgitesed — 
suoivexq et mort toJcetado oshatteb & oved of siseqgsa ,8een 
me esasoniiw to yoomisteos of? bus ealtaisg odd to exedio£ 
hoeu amtot obats To gninasem eft .tedewl gnif{basd ai begag 
-xe nem yd bealafqzs sd ayaw(s yam stoetiaco 19 esotdor at 
etioatq tot Saemeetyn oa eaw SI) jwaentesud odd at beoaolteg 
mia midéviw seated od oF ,todaul lo sauvomn ofinitebh a2 yilso 
eisd baa ,tebto sdatm duesbnueteb es aelilinaup doves ol ,edinom 
eosatsy deines .v doni® mi awob bisi ofwi eft aiddiw &9ma9 
efi 004 ,,99 fog .¥ .0D adi zo a⸗ —— 
OLfL ..99 .ghd onodayed ————— bas 508 * 
Sb Lf 


ents ylqque od Josténeo s to eaeo a son et eldt 

gaus guieevoalb eegsao eoned j;t0esdorug eft to ehboen edt ylq 

etaiog mi Jon a1 —— 
“be 03 howut9: a fuuco ar ae ——— 

od es , one aul a Teqeentood o*tpmeaden Se pean ods Jim 
#09 bexzefis ed? .ve70 bas temtadee nesvied meisaatevace a 
totia antnom owt emoe sonlq noded oved of blae ai Hoitaotov 

exo Vino of ,temraniol of anibtecaoA .ebam aay soatinoo ont 
saw od a8 ,t9daul Tebro of ysilide eld of aw toyed beaaotq 
ot bodtimiog nood bad onat) sali tL neve 
molseoitibou yaa ot tavome ton biuow alld mts —— 
“neo ati ogu Siglif yos words to Joatémoo ed ai syuado to » 
smoisouwide —— 

edt sacs noisnetaoo ons nt sixom on el oted? 

-bottifsupelb eaw beitt asw vano of3 modw oneted sybuL 
OOS 0884 snewovotaml Axed soi .v 190 epbéad neotroma — 
molaiqo »de60S , o IxwoO .q4d LYGtTE .¥ Yhosow 7@8s ET 

— 20x, don G10 .0L aedaovoil 
homeidta Sk bas flake — —* 9 

492 - 21890 


198 L.A. 290 


In an action for personal injuries plaintiff 
had judgment for $5860 against defendant, on the verdict of 
a jury, and defendant prosecutes this appeal therefrom, 

While thirty-three errors are assigned upon 
the record and many of them are argued by defendant, in the 
conclusion to which we have come it will be necessary for us 
to advert to but one phase of the case; we shall therefore 
rest our decision and judgment upon the fact as we find it - 
that plaintiff was not, at the time end place of the accident, 
in the exercise of due care for her own safety, but was, on 
the contrary, guilty of negligence which was the proximate 
enuse of the accident and the resulting injuries to her, 

Hbefendant operated at the time of the accident 
a line of electrically propelled street cars on South Halsted 
street, Chicago, the tracks upon which the cars were run being 
both north and south of Thirty-sixth atreet where it intersects 
South Halsted etreet, Flaintiff at the time of the accident 
intended to become & passenger upon & car of defendant running 
south from Thirty-sixth street, and with that purpose in mind 
atood, as she testified, about one foot west of the curb on the 
southwest corner of limleted and Yhirty-sixth streets, laine 
tiff claims that she was struck while she was standing on the 

walk by the swaying, swerving or rocking ef a south-bound car, 



008 Ate OT 


etastt aA 

tiisgniala eelivtat Isaoetey tot molsos aa al 

to solbtev od? no ,tusbueted fentege 9888§ cot snsagbut bad 
-motteteds Ieeoqqo alds eetvooacry Snabastoeodh bus erie 

nogw beagiaen o1m etotte seriseysrldd ofide 

od? oi ,snabastob yd beugts ete aeds to yam cas pros9% out 

ay tof YImeasoen od ILiw si emon svail ow Ao Law aa noiswLonos 

eroteteds ilase ew jeeno oud Yo seadq ono dud of Stovbs os i 

~ Jk balt ow ea Joet ods nogu tnemypbut, baa aoleioek IW9 s8ot 
etieblioos oft to seaiq base emis edt ta ,ton saw Tiltaisiq dens 

mo ,eaw gud ,ytolsas awe tod tol 9180 sub to osioroxe oct al 
otenmixorq e437 saw sodow eonegifyon to vtitvw .Y¥textaoo odd 
tod co? soitwtni gaisiuset eat ban Jnebioos end te sauna 

inebioos oft to emis oft 3a bosaroqe Inabaeted ) 
bojaiash diueé ao e1rso Jootte belleqotq yliasitiontio To eall a 
golod mut stew axeo edd Koldw noqu axoass of ,ogmetdd , teers 

esoseteink 2i etodw tootds dixie~ydridt te dsyoe bam dtron déod 
tnohloss edd Yo emis ont 2@ BWWitniali = .seeate bode lali meres 

guianvt saabueteb Yo 169 & HOqu togneeuaq # omoned OF bebuedal 
bulm at sxeqtuqg gadd dtiw bos ,jeorte déxie~ysaidT mot? Adwos 

eds mo duwo st Jo Jaew 200% ono tuoda shboilisee’ ode as shoots 
qnisli ,atootse déxie-ysiidt baa bedalall to r9Mt09 doowsdsuoe 

TH i pat 

oa⸗ a0 golibnsss aaw oe efidw dourte asw ode sant aniale — 

O@GLR «+ Sed 


', 18D Havod-Atuoe a to —R x0 anivrews sandvawe edt. w Mion eS 




At the time of the accident defendant was rehabilitating and 
reconstructing its tracka on south Naleted street, This made 
it necess,ry for defendant to construct a temporary track on 
wnich te operate its cars during the period of reconstruction, 
woich it did, 

The south-bound temporary track, on which the 
oar which struck plaintiff was running, was, according to the 
greater weight of the evidence on the subjeet, constructed 
about as follows: Ties were laid on the stone pavement about 
eighteen inches apart, with tneir ends ten inches outside the 
rail, and the rails were laid upon and spiked to eseh tie, 
fhere was ballast between the ties auple for a tersiporary 
track, Hardwood braces running from the west rail to the 
west curbstone were located one at each trolley pole and one 
or two in the spaces between the trolley poles, making the 
braces between fifty and sixty feet apart, These trolley 
poles were in the street near the curbstone, The west rail 
of this temporary track was about three-quarters of an inch 
higher than the east rail, which resulted from the placing of 
planks under the west end of the tiles, During this recon- 
struction men were detailed to wateh the temporary track for 
the purpose of keeping it surfaced, lined and gauged and g01id 
and firm, so that it would safely sustain the weight of the 
cars as they passed along. The west rail was in the vicinity 
of four feet from the curbstene, The temporary track being 
placed upon the street, raised the rails perceptibly higher 
than the surface of the roadbed; while in permanent construce- 
tion the rails are generally on a level with the surface of 
the street, To overcome this condition and to enable passen- 
gers to alight from and board the cars readily and without ine 
convenience, a temporary walk was laid down at the street in- 

tersections which rar from the west rail to the west curbstone 



hoe guisasifidadet ssw snabostebd dnobioos edd to walt edd SA \q 
wham ais? ,fooxle bode fel duct wo afonzd aft yalsourtancoot MF 
xo Asexs Yrei0qgme? sw Joutdenon of tusboo teh xo? (Eqaaeoea $2 
stolvowtsanooet Yo holiwa oad gnituh exeg att osatsqo, at do keto a 
obib tk Soin J 

edd doldw ao ,xoaTs yxerteqmed bawod-dévoe oT * 
eds of goibtooos ,asw ,gninnwt saw Tiliaialy dowtie doidw ee 
botoutsunoo ,Joobdue ead mo oonebive odd to saighew rotseny 
tueda tnomevaq enote edd no bial erew eolT rawolfot as suodn | 
eit abladuo asitioni avd ebne abo sd athw ,etaqe ‘eedoat noediyte is 

oid dome of boxlas baa noqu bial etew aiter edt hae ‘thes 
YIATOYNe? s tot efque eels sat nsewsed sasLing enw oted? 

ais of Liay saow oud mort aulonst esenmtd hoowhiall eat 

one bus efoqg yeilord dose ta one botsool exow perenne % 
eds gnivss ,eoloq yollous ond noowded geonge ous at — 
Yolo veedy -ttoqe soot ysxia baw c*42 noswaod —R 

fier seow oT ,enodadive edd t#9n Jeetie ait at o196 — a 

Yo gaiosl¢ afd mort bediveas1 dokdw ,fiat Jene- edd madd J 
-novex ekid qultwi .@ei¢ exif Yo boo doow ond tebaw ean 

10% doats ytatoqmes o2 dosaw od beliasoh etew 19a Molsourse 
bifoe baa bagteang bua bonif ,bevattys 3 yatqoed to —E edt 
eid Io diyiow eds atadeue yfetea bLuow $i. auld oa ard ba 
wWinioiv edd al sew Iter teow ait .artols bewasy yout aa” ai⸗ 
ganied Abaxe ytetoqees oat — es aioe? too ‘wet % J 
todgid yYlditqeorsg aliat add hoalss Joetse ont noqu booty — 
-ourttenod snsaawteg ak ofide ;bedbsaor edt Yo sostiwe odd mmnt 9— 

eal Suodst tw bite yLtbeet eits0 odd Brsed bas mort — 

enotudtu gaew onde on thee ‘dad! er shins 

at the point where the accident to plaintiff occurred, it was 
also proven that the everhang of the cars running on defendant's 
track was from 22 to <4 inehes on each side, The evidence does 
not suatain the contention of plaintiff that either the walk 

or the track at the point where the accident occurred was in a 
defective candition, 

Plaintiff, a woman of mature years, a nurse in 
the effice of a doctor at the southeast corner of Thirty-sixth 
and Halsted streets, according to her own testimony left the 
place of her employment at avout 5:45 in the evening on the 
day of the accident, Sunday, October 29, 1911, and crossed 
Halsted street to the southwest corner of that street and 
Thirty-sixth street, with the purpose in mind of taking a 
south-bound car of defendant, She stood, ss she testifies, 
on this corner about a foot west of the curb and was so stande 
ing when defendant's car came along and swayed and struck her, 
inflicting serious and painful injuries, Jiaintiff had lived 
at $601 South Halsted street for eleven years prior to the ace 
cident and during that time had been in the habit of riding 
on defendant's north-bound cars on week days and on its south- 
bound cars on Sundays, it must therefore be assumed that she 
wns fairly well informed as to the operation of the cars, the 
condition of the roadway and the tracks of defendant at this 
point, and of the further fact that the south-bound cars had 
been running on a teeporary track for a month prior to the Sune 
day she was hurt, — 

If plaintiff stood, as she testifies she did, one 
foot went of the curbstone, we think it clear from the distance 
between the west curbstone and the temporary track, that it was 
impossible, with due regard to the law of physics, for the car 
to sway, swerve or rock to such an extent from its centre of 

circumference an to atrike plaintiff and still remain upon 


gow Ji ,betiwo90 Tiitaielg of snebives ond oxodw dntog ont a : 

a! Suabias ted ag getbosurs aime edt to gaadTa vo out au⸗ ao vorg. 
eoob souebive eat ob l⸗ duas ao apdoai bs ot gs mort a 
ulaw edi —XR — Tisaiala to aokinetnes odd Aleta - 
aol aw berruso0 dmebtoon ods exec sukog ond ts tours a 
mOLsLbnOD | 

ak oↄo auu # —E etustsm * AmwOwW 6 Masters 

a gatins to bata nk aeoqisg ond tw Sverse —— 

pees create elu Ba — ane .tonbae ted to —* bet od 

-histe om saw bas dawo off Yo teow Joot a suoda —— atas ao 

,ted dowtse bas beyawe bas yools sma 129 8! danbao te now 9 a 
devil bai Vi⸗alati «eo tau tat futaiag bas euolteu gausone ; tak 
-oa8 9d3 of t0ltg o188y neve lo ra ‘soore bose Lait aauos wh a be 

—* J —F 

¥ Lie 

goibiz to sided odd ot need bas omit dads yairub 
eituoa efi ao bas eysh Aeew mo e109 auoa· aa ao ate rt 
eda tant banwees od ototetedd teum ry —ES— a: — F 
eat ,e1s0 ond To moltateqe ent of aa bearrotad chew | einen | 
aids ta tusbaoted to exoatd od? bra Vaubacr wilt —— 0 
bet ate9 bnvod=dduoe odd tacit ton’ —D ould Yo 
“enwe ond of rolrg sénom 9 0? soak vetoed ® ne i n 

| atlas pi 2 * 
ono ,bib odo asiti¢ess oe os .boote ni⸗ auata — ay 

. gonatalh ed mort tmoto ot Anti? ew souosedeus aad Yo. ee ra 
a enw tk sade .doaxt Viaxoquos outs bas onosedawo : | 

, 109 ont t0% ao keyia to wat odd of brumgoe ‘ou 

1 a 
Ph. otdneo est att dnodxe na owe of * * 

i , ‘ re Ay 

now niame% itite bos mias Lita © 4 


the track, It is somewhat of a strain upon our credulity te 
believe, notwithstanding the verdict of the jury, that the ace 
Gident to plaintiff happened as she would have us believe it 
happened, There is no escape from the conclusion, a5 an ultie 
mate fuet, that plaintiff was not standing one foet west of 
the curbstone, but must have been cast of it, and therefore 
stood ao near the ear that it struck her in passing, If ner 
account as to the spet where she was standing is true and the 
car actually struck her, as sne testifies, then the car so to 
do must have left the track + which neither party claims it 
did, She was undoubtedly, as the proef strongly tends to 
establish, struck by the front dashboard of the car and not 
by the body of the car after the fore part of it had passed 

To stand so close to a moving car as to be struck 
by it is negligence, Seidler v. Branshaw, 206 111, 425, 

In this condition of the evidence it is the duty 
of the reviewing court to reverse the judgment, (Siegmund v, 
Strackbein, 140 Ili, App, 454) and where, as here, it is patent 
that plaintiff cannot maintain the action, this court should 

reverse with a finding of fact, Berg Vv. 
162 iil, 348, ; 

The injuries suffered by plaintiff resulted from 
her own negligence, which was the proximate cause of the accident, 
Such being the fact, the law inhibits a recovery, even though de- 
fendsnt was guilty of negligence wuich in some way may have cone 

tributed to bring about the accident,which could not have hape 

pened but for plaintiff's negligence. C, B, & U. Rye Ry, Co, V. 
heyy, 160 111, S85; W, Oo, 5, BR, Wt. Co. ve. Liderman, 187 ibid 463; 

Seidler v. Branshaw, 200 ibid 4z5, 

Yor the foregoing reasons the judgment of the gue 
vertor Court ia reversed with a finding of fact. 

a) Ge oe i J 


ot ysiiubers two moqu aistse a to dastwomoo at aie * 
-o6 oi tad? ,vtwl ons to Joibiev ent artibnndend ween +9 —* 
gk ove Lod as ovad bivow ona es bone qqed eanbsa ca one nob. 
eitiv ae aa ,noleulonos ons nor? eqnoee on al oxxar of X 
to gsew soot eno gaibaate fon saw Thidalely mcd afi - — 
etotetedd boe ,¢i to tess meod evan Jaum dud ,enesta — id 
son TL .ycleseq ak ted doutsa 3i saad t#0 oF tact 08 J Rene 
edt bam outs ek galoouade eaw ote ot0eiw Joge ois od em 3 AVODRR 
of os 289 ef? os? peoliisaes ens ea ,tod Agwise lense 7 | 
ti amislo ysinq tedtien doidw - domid ont Stel ova teu 
os shnet yignotte Tootq odd sa ,ylbotdwobay aaw ode 4b: b 
gon bas teo ods to bracddanb snoxt edd yd dowrte ae a 

becesq bai ti Yo dang O10 od iOsYs Yao Badd Yo yhod odd YO 

Mowxte ad of an 180 goivom s of esoio oe baate oT | 
3 6b .ff1 QOS ,wadenexd ,v tefblod .eomegiigen ek my 
Ydub edt ai 34 sonobive edz Yo nos ihnoo aids ai get —— 

.V bowamels) .tasapbyl, ont eexevex of #109 yulwolver @ ods Xe i 

* a4 
tootag ck $i ,eTed as ,eredw bus (ded ,qgA LT OL 40 — we 

bivede suvoo sidt ,solsos oad aistatam sonnae — * 
von⁊ Yo gatbatt o tidhw ¢ 
ta) .aeẽ ar 
7 miott bet{weaor Btigaialq yd bere tive soltiwhat ost? i; J 

,dasbioos of3 to osuan etamixorg odd saw coldw cocoons rt 
 -e0b dguodt neve ,yt9veoet @ atididnt wal edd ,toat od gat 4 a 
e009 ovKd Yom Yow emos at dotaw eonegitgon to ve tAuw saw om 

wqsd evad ton biveo doidw,sneblooa es sJuoda 

ba -V £09 ofl afl of A oil 49 ssomogilgon — alg 
+480 bidk VOL .gaueebhi .v .99 aM of ol 2. wn i208 

88a bidt 08 

ent to dnomgoul oad enounet alae tot odd x a 
et Pe | iit, toast to mat be 44 —1— - at 

492 - 21690 FINDING OF VaCT, 

The court finds, as matter of fact, that the 
plaintiff was not at the time of the accident set forth in her 
declaration in the exercise of due care for her own safety, 
but was, on the — guiley ef negligence which was the 
proximate cause of the accident and the injuries resulting 
therefrom, and that defendant was not guilty of the neglie- 

gence charged against it in plaintiff's declaration, 

oTOAT FO OMe e O8BLS + Sep 
' a 

S43 ted? Jon? to «ae¢30m 68 ,#bail dre sd? 

ted ai det0t See Insdioosa ony to omid of? Se Son eaw — 

sWioles awo t9M tot etes oud To o¢ Lotexe ost ad melee 

e43 eae doldw somegligen to Viling .wiesdave eas xo + oaw 


Suis iveot Belin edt bas taebiooa eid Yo eeuso atames 

-iigen si? to ViLlisg Jon saw sambre ted sais brie — 

— MOlsarsloob e'ttisaiela nk ai saaiaye bogtesdo acne. 

525 = 21923 

ANTON J, CEAMAK for the use 
of Ce J. MoCARTY, 

\ Appellee, 






eee — 

198 T.A. 202 


__Bate-te-ar-notion-upor-a-reprevin~vend | din 
bend defendants are principal and surety and the: penalty is 
. boo. The merits of the replevin suit in which the bond 
in suit was given were tried in the replevin action, the 
title to the goods replevined found to be in plaintiff and 
awrit of retorne habendo awarded. 
his action was tried by the court, who rid 



on defendanteeppeat, : 


The evidence of plaintiff consisted of the record 
and judgment in the replevin suit, including the affidavit in 
faith of which the writ was issued, evidence of the reasonable 
value of legal services necessarily rendered to plaintiff in 
the defense of the replevin suit and the court costs paid by 
plaintiff, The value of the goods replevined was sworn in 

the affidavit for replevin to be $750, and this amount, to- 
gether with §125 attorney's fees and §& costs disbursed by 
plaintiff in the replevin suit, made up the damages assessed 
by the trial Judge. “tee i teliv-da-not 
in-dispute, Defendants reavAheir defense on the conten- 

tions that, because the property replevined had not been 

paid for, plaintiff was only entitled to recover oe 

esems - ase 
ae | 7 

eay edt tot MAMAED .% MOTHA — 
. YTAADOM +b 69 to 




; odd .noitos naive £4o0% eid oi belts etew moviy saw — ab — 
bas thidaietg mk od of bayct benivetges shoos oad os * * 
is * 

a , -bebrawa obue dad ouxeson * tin a 

ee oe 7 

onie lial oad ar bolas enw ‘noitos hay /-  . | 
5 \ b —R —— TNintalq "ot @awes 
P negated Ea BF Nona tdeb Ba) bnod oA, To\ys Lansges ad 8 

 broocet ot to botsienoo dtisntela to enaebive “ae ee — 

mt sivsbitis eqs gaibslont ,tive alvefyor esd wt doomgbut. —— 

eldsnosser ods to sonebive ,bexeel asw sirw ade Ao dew te est 

; al 2tisaiely of betebnet ¥Litesseoen eeoiviss Layet to oul * — 
Yd blag etaoo sisoo oft baw Shue nive for ott to aenetod { — 

at azowe saw bonivelqes aboog oid to eulay ‘out J as 

4 “od “Pane elodt boa ,OdTe od of mivetqet 10} vabln⸗ 

yd boarvdets ajooo GY baa soet atyantosse eats lw 9 


 boesesas aegamad ot qu abam ,tina mivolqes ode ak mm 8: 
A son-eb~enis TT 9aslT to — whe 
“teinon oid no sensteb xhodasaiox ——————— 



ia “" : * 
aood son bad benivetiex xaxodora end ↄouaso a ge ! 
a * y ch o@ 
— Tovoosx oF bets itco vine tar bay jou te «zen rot 

on, i vale te Vek tee edad DY 

fees and costs and nominal damages for the taking of the 
property under the replevin writ; and, further, that the 
Laundry Company offered to return the property, During 
the trial defendants, by leave, filed a plea of set off 

but before the conclusion of the trial withdrew it, 

The ownership of the goods involved in Yee ves 
plevin suit was settled in that proceeding, As between the 
«parties that question was reg adjudicata and could not again 
(-be raised on the trial of the suit upon the bond, Birma v, 
Muir, 152 111, App, 505, The pleadings involved neither the 
ownership of the replevined goods nor any indebtedness on 
their or any other account, While defendants contend that a 
settlement was negotiated with the attorney of plaintiff, all 
they proved was merely an abortive attempt to make a settle- 
ment, It was the duty of plaintiff in the replevin suit to 
be the goods replevined in accordance with the judgment 
in that suit, and it was not incumbent upon plaintiff to sue 
} out a writ of retorno habendo ag a condition precedent to 
. his right to bring an action upon tne replevin bond, beck 
(Vv. Wilson, 22 111. 205, An offer to return the goods un- 
——— by a tender is not a performance of the condi- 
| tion of the replevin bond, a compliance with or satisfaction 
of the judgement in the replevin suit. 
4 The proofs of plaintiff conform to the procedure 
aN down in Kellogg v. Boyden, 126 111. 378, Richardson v. 
Gilbert, 155 111. App. 365, and other cases, Yhere is no 
reversible error in this record, 
— Ylaintiff has filed an additional abstract of 
the record and asks that the expense of seme be taxed ag 
; costs against defendants, We do not think this request 
| should be granted, The abstract filed was sufficient for this 

‘ 2 
ay review and the additicnal abstract served no useful purpose, 

; oid to guided edt tot eegamed Lantwon baa aseoo bra | ® —J 
ond said ,tedgdimt ,bas j;tiaiw aivelyer edz reba — 
gnimwd 8 ,ytweqotyg edd oxrudet ot betes tte wanqmod 
tro dee to selq s beLlit ,oveot yd ,esuabueteh fata o 

tt woxbidtiw Imitd git lo roLauloaoo oait euoted 
sex ead at bavioval eboeo, oi? to qiiexeawa oat 9— 
ens neewted BA -galbssoorg ted? ok bofdtee enw thue rola 
nisye soa bLuoo bois sisoibyi bea got saw noisaeup sadt eoliaaq 
Vv sarig ,brod sAd soqy tive edt to Laiad odd mo bor tex | od. 
| eit todsien bevforvnl eynibselq atT .808@ .aqqA ffl Ser etre 
mo sesnbeddabnl yne ton SbooR boulve {ger edd to — 
2 tact basdaoo ———— olidw ,inwooon tendte yas ‘to theds 
—s«sE Se .Ytlisalalq te yentotts edt dtiw betationon eaw some 13808 : 
-elijesa se guam of tqmetia evisdioda ans yietsm ome boven veut | 4 

os sive nivetqget eft of Thlinield te ysub ens eam at — 
Sasmpbut, edd dtiw eonsbto098 ni boaivelqest ebooy odd * 
ose of Thidgcislq nmoqu snedassont jou eaw di base ot iue dad aa " | 

ot tnobeserq solsibnes a es ebaadad onze) 9x To $ how ai rie 

Hook .bnod alvelyot ois noqs mottos aa gaiid os tate ‘ah 
-au @boog of mister of tstto cA §6.808 . {LI 8S aed ; 
: ~Lbneo eft to sonnarotisq os tom at tebued 2 yd boknaqmooen \ 
ss MOLSostatiag to dtiw eonsif{qaoo « ,bmod aivelyet orit ‘to n cal 
tive atvelqert edd ai saommbut, oss 7 es 

etsbeoorg edt oF arotnoo Tisatalg to etoorg oat | 
+V moabrsiolh ,8TE .LLf OSL ,aebyod .v anollox ak —— 
on ai oxacd .eoeao isilto bas ,f86 .qqA . 441 act of 
-btooet elds al tort * 

to Josigeds Lenoitibba an boLit ean Ttisalselt— Hy J— 

ea boxat sd emse To eansgxe odd stadt aden baa | one t oud 

‘ 7 “un J 
Seouport ulds aAnkds tom ob oW catcabneee a y os os: ; 

‘aba 10% tastoltive saw belt — — 

 @pacdctuc — 2 om bervan Vabaieteite A .- 

⸗ should not be penalized for the diseretion of 



their attorneys in putting into the abstract no mcre than 

“was necessary for our review of the errors assigned and 

The judgment of the Kunicipal Court is afe 


Yo motsexoath ont 101 bestianeg od son bL ea on | 
i ae JT yi J 
nad? exon on toatéade odd ofat anitoug at s * 
bse bongiees w1o1te edt to wolver se me 
ote ab ¢xuo09 Laqloinuit edt to —E 
1 _ { 
he ms 
+ 9 3 
i . J +) ; 
, ‘ Lu, t NG wide 
Me de 
aa a 

$53 « 21951 





OY CAO couNtv, 

1.918 2A) 205 


Plaintiff brought this action against defendant 
to resever the amount of ao certificate of deposit, with 
dnterest, issued by the defendsnt bank to Columbia Casualty 
Company, of which certifieate plaintiff ciaimed te be the 
nolde? and owner by cndorsement, The defenses pleaded by 
defendant and ite affidavit of meritorious defense were on 
motion of plaintiff stricken from the files and the court 
proceeded, ag in cases of default, to assess damages and 
mter Judgment. Y¥rem the judgment for 266.90 so entered 
. @efendent presecutes this aspeal, 

The errors assigned here are the same an those 
assigned in Trevdwell v. State Bank ef Jest Lebanon, Indiena 
case General Number 21950, opinion this day handed down, As 
in the Treadwell cave supra, we hold that the errore are weil 
aggigned, and for the reasons stated in that opinion the judge 
ment of the County Court io reversed and the cause remanded for 
® trial under the issues Joined before the striking of defende 
ant? s defenses fxom the files, 


gPellad aa J 

808 ALE ines 

| Snebreteb gentayns nolgon akdd taynuorud aa mele . —9— 
dtkw ,tluoqeb to etaoitizuse o Te Sryosa eed Soren ar 
Yslaves> aldmsfod of Anad Snebneteb aclz ws —8 — 

Uo behaclq eoanetoh eff — pdnemeanoben é —5 

bh MO oxow euNToOh svolsocixwn to Sivahi tts ass bras. tn 
$xuoo ot baa voli ong mort woxolasa ttidaiale si 3 

bua aoyamsh eeoann of J Lustob to soeno af en ar * 
bowetn ou 08,98° rot smomgiut ods wort “Sammmpbut * 
elaeqga akdt aoduoeeorg J 

ouods an omsa ont ote etond benglves stone oat wigs 
anaibdal .ponado’ toov eo unm otase .v Afewhoows ab Dorptsen 
BA gttwob bebned yah elds notnige ,O8CLS sodmuit — * * 
ffew eis atotre ods tant blot ow ,gzqNS Sano —— 
out orig oink go tent mt botata anoases ont 0% — 4 
102 bobnamet anino ont bow hoaxeve ai $1009 wnw0d « — wait 
shro'teb to yabitate ont exoted bonkot, seveak ont “baw 
| soLkt sdf moxt 


vig 4 — uy 

oy ha 
; CAE ’ 
; ‘ — J 3 
Fe ? V 
my hake ah Gi PAR tes | 
® Moya 4 A he 14 
3 4— way i 

554 = 21952 



¥S. 4 
ofimrry court oF 

A, @ 



Appel tant. 

\_7 1981.A. 206 


In this couse a judgment was rendered upon the 
assessment of damages by the court, as in cuses of default, 
in the sum of $214.16, in favor of plaintiff and against 
defendant, and defendant appeals, 

The cause of action counted upon is a certificate 
of deposit in the sum of $192, with interest, issued by the 
éefendant bank to the Columbie Cusualty Company, title to 
whieh plaintiff claims by endorsement, 

befendent pleaded, among other defenses, the statutes 
of the itate of Indiana governing negotiable instruments of 
the nature of the foregoing certificate, and also filed an 
affidavit of meritorious defense under said statutes and the 
interpretation thereof by the courte of Indiana. ‘These defenses 
were eliminated by the court on motion of plaintiff, and such 
action of the ewrt is sasigned for error. Ye have held in 

Treadwell v. Central Bank of Vest Lebanon, General Number 21950, 

in an opinion this day handed dom, that euch error is well 
aucigned, and for the reasons in that opinion stated the judge 
ment of the County Court is reversed and the enune remanded for 
a trial under the isoues joined before the striking of the 
defenses of defendant from the files, 


saerse - baad 





= Ag 

Ae — 


“ett fogs betehnot usw ¢aeagbul 8 eames akg al i 

tLunreb 20 agauo ai ws .tuseo aft yd aepamab to dromeeones 

4J seniage bos Tlitnitalg ‘to toveat ak ,aL.ci12¢ toe mua ot re 
| ,aleeqges tnabasteb bas june a 

etaoitisieo a ek nog hetmuoo molitos te — om ” J 

ent yd bawveel ,daor9edat dtiw ,SeLe Yo mve oft ak —XR Loh 
od oltts Xena gn) yifevend aldswlod edd of lass Fandastod 
ee | ot hone eto deuo ud amiolo This abeta doidw 
aetutete edd ,soansteb tonto yooms ,bohaoia snabae ted * ‘ 
to atnsnwtt und eldaisoyon ard mievog snot bist te agate ont Yo 

mo belt oaln has cSt no kT2i 199 ginkoyoto ont * ormitan a ont 
M Hi 


f ed bis aetutata biaa tebaw sans ted ku ixes bx0m to 2 
— “sono tdb eaodtT = .enstbhnl Yo atwoo edt yd tomers cottatvaarodat 
aie fouw ban ,titintalg to noitem no dxus0 ef? vd bedontat Lo exe 

: nk biet evad oY .toxrte TOT hanmgiros ek samo ond %o m0 
— O8RLS rodent Law ned ,sonadel teoy to Xnot Saxtned. 

J {iow at tonto Hove todd ,nwob bebnart yab oArl⸗ — ** 
enbut ent bogete notntco tei) ab ano ond tot baw hom 


Tot bobnamax onuno ont hana hostevnr al sr0d vs miso 9 ott *⸗ J 
ent to anbttrs a ots atotod hontot eevoet end sobaw L. 
-80Lk? ott ‘mor? tnabooteb ‘te a 

z | ; 


v3. % 

Post Ae fo 

This ense ia before the court for the second 
time, The judgement of the trial court in favor of plaintiff 
on & former trial was reversed for error in the admission in 
evidence of & written document against the objection of de- 
fendant, The decision on that appesl is reported in 183 
Till. App. 518, to which decision we refer for a statement of 
the material facts involved without here repeating them, 

The record now before us is free from the error 
for which we reversed the fonser judgment. The fact that de- 
fendant breached his contract of sule with plaintiff, 211 the 
evidence en this subject considered, ia euatained, 

The remaining fact in controversy is as to the 
value,at the time defendant defaulted on hia contract, of the 
reui estate contracted to be sold by defendant to plaintiff, 
While the evidence on this question is in sharp conflict, an 
examination of it convinces ua that the jury might well find 
from auch evidence that the plaintiff had suffered damage to 
the funownt of their verdict and tat the real estate involved 
in the contract was reasonably worth,at the time defendant ree 
fused to carry out his contract with plaintiff, that much more 
than the contract price, We cannot find from the evidence that 
the verdict of the jury is contrary to ite weight, 

The motion of defendant to instruct a verdict 

q in hie favor was creoperly denied, as the questions raised by 


ȴTUUOD 2009 X 

£TS AT @ er 

“proose sdf 10% dty0o odd Ototod wi oesd whit 
Ytisgntala ‘to 10vet ak siw09 Labes eat ‘to trompbalt ‘ol, 
ai notuainbs otf ni 1otxe 10% Deavevet daw tabs como. 
“ob ‘eo noisovtdo ouis teniays Inemwooh meItinw & YO gor 
€6L ai bedxoqex ef “Lasqqe tadd oo note ived at — ,tuaba 


to snemodase a 10% ta let ow noiaioob ito Litw ‘ot Ble aah ree 

Phe =" 

omoris gnidaeqer ered duodtiw bevfovnl asoot ta. 

LO%719 odd ‘mor? 927t ah oy ‘eteled wor prope edt 
“oh reer sont en? Ine orgbut ‘coort 07 eid boa tevex tote 
edt fis “(Misael itiw eine To foaténen o ke. boitodend 
bontesaue wi ,betebienco go tdua’ —* aoe 
odd of sa ak yexovotinos ni fost aninksmes ett oe 
eid to .toatinos aid ao bedide'teb dimbsae'tob — 
«ttkinialg of tnuabasteb yd blow od oF botonrtade | te 
" an wollte qrade te at: nolfeoup ‘whas ne ver * 
“padt Low duke Vent odd suds oe seonkvios 3— me, 
sod eg nmah beteTtse bad TIkdalaly BAe sedd eondb 
: beviovat siades inex ond dadt ban Sotbiroy sto — 
“OT guabaetab omid ond da, ast tow ¢idancesex ‘aw 0% pe! ry @ 
etom dossm sass — — —— Ad bw tonteaes oid te sad oF 

tens ovnebtvs odd mot? balk Soanao we —8 
etdyiow ath oF ctwrdaoa —— 
a: | tolbiey 2 avraaai of ——“ * t —— 
yd boxter enotsa up ® » bot 


the proofs were not of law for the court, but of fact for the 

determination of the jury, Whetner the contract nad been pro- 
cured by the misrepresentations of plaintiff, wus another one 

of the questions which the jury, by their verdiet, decided ad- 
versely to defendant's contention, a8 alue the claiu of plaine 
tiff that he had made a tonder ef performance and stood ready 

to carry out the terms of the contract on his part, 

The contention of defendant regarding a represen- 
tation by plaintiff that no broker had brought hie attention to 
the property and consequently defendant was not liable for a 
broker's comuission upon the sale, we think unimportant in view 
of the fact thet plaintiff at all times stood ready to indemnify 
defendant against any claim for commission, 
we fail to find in the instructions of the court 
to the jury any infirmity calling for a reversal of the judge 
ment, Neither do we find that the conduct of counsel for 
plaintiff at the trial is subject to criticism woich would 
warrant a reversal, We tuink the ruling of the court on the 
matters objected to was a sufficient curstive, Furthermore, 
counsel for defendant fail to point out in their brief the 
particular conduct of counsel about whieh they complain, wut 
eefer the court for such particulars to the record, A court of 
review will never go to the record to search for evicence not 
specifically pointed cut or argued, for the purpose of reverse 
ing the judgment of the trial court. 

two juries, as well as two trial Judges, have 
goncluded that plaintiff's claim is meritorious, and without 
substantial and prejudicial error in procedure appearing. in the 
record we would not be warranted in disturbing the judgment 
from which this appeal is prosecuted, 

We are satisfied that there is ne error in the re- 

q * cial to the rights of defendant, and the judgment of 
 eprapreaves Court cn oben pe affirmed, — Mtoe 

oid tot sont to dud ,suwoo odd 10% wal to ton oxow scien 
“org need bed Joartnoo odd aentodW , yim, ods te —— 
eno stasisorns saw ,ttlinialq to —— * bg! 

,tteq sid oo sonidos att to antes — 

“seestgey 8 yalbaanet gnabaeteh to mpnzannane oat 

woiv ai dansicquiaw daidd ew ,ofas sad soqu nolesiomoo ar 
— os Lanx bootu aomid Lis da Ptiemtat, send font 
steLea tumoo x0% te fo “woe Janlege aned 

satyoo edt to. enbisoursens ead. ot bait of Ltnt ov 
waht ont to {ou tovet a to? ‘pakifes ya horde ve veut» 
tot feensoo to soubmoo edt Jucdd batt oe ob ‘toddion 

binow do kaw metote — ot toatduea ek Labas ens ta —* 

eis no Siweos ont te gaiius add. —2 Ried faerovet # tom 
(Stostedsiuy ,eviserme jnstoltiwe x uew of besee ide | : 

eit Yoird tied ak tuo. tatog ot fied tanbasteb ror. 

dud ,oiniquoo youd io kelw tuoda Leenueo te souaoo tuo) 

to dtuoo A -broves oad of 8 ain ivoldtag Age 10% tr 1100 oad 1 
tom aonshive tot Hotne6 od brevet odd of 0B “even Site won 
-txovex to seoqruq edt tot sbexwyte to suo. besatog wAtnoith 
Auoo Leind ot Ye Somat 2 

oved ,#oghul Isixnd ows am Ilow aa seo taut owt by +) 
 tuodtiw bus ,evolsodixom et mie lo mirolota aoan d 

ons mi. galtasgqe stuhos0t nt 70"Te. {ntotbulerg d 
+ Frempbis, onl geit dxuos td al bedasttae bd gon * — roo⸗ 
| sbotuosacty wt Laogges ‘aha do 7 

- todd ai torr of ak oAon⸗ tacit, — * - ae 1 

udendes-rooek I ond bam aebg teh f a an 

22 = 20528 

Defendant in E 






19% J—— 215 



This“a4ction was commenced in the Municipal Court of 
Chicago on, Sanudry 26, 1914, by Oscar Trybon, plaintiff, to 
revover for wages, overtime, and disbursements shal car fare 
and ‘telephone e*⸗n⸗⸗ | Plaintiff w was ; hired by — are, 

; about Ageit 4, 1915, to solicit consents for granite paving. 

(He ceased working for defendant on November 23, 1913, The 

cause was tried before the court without a jury resulting in 


4 | a finding in favor of plaintiff for the sum of $359.50. The 
ft | court allowed plaintiff's claim for balance of wages due, 
| $290.40, and his claim for car fare and telephone expenses, 
$69.10, but did not allow his claim for $581.38 for overtime, 
* Judgment was entered on tha finding, 
It is here contended, by counsel for defendant that 
the judgment should be buverned: * the cause remanded (1) 
because the amount allowed by the trial court for balance 
of wages due was excessive and agains t\the weight of the 
evidence; (2) because the court should no’ have allowed plain- 
tiff any sum for car fare and telephone Hs and (3) 
because the court committed error in allowing plaintiff, over 
the objection of defendant, to read from an account or 
memorandyim book, which plaintiff kept, containing ite of 

ra * 
ey of wages received by him from time to time and of the 

number of hours of extra work performed by him on certain days 


88808 = S& 

<to tm at tasbae tod 


f/f sav 
petra ttLs abs lT 
a r é 
cre AL oe Ll — 


to g¢1009 fLaqiolmlM ont mt beonsmmoo agw noltog -eidT 
ot ,ttidabelq ,nodyitT ts0a0 yd ,ALeL ,d8 —— ao oveo tyd 

erst Iso webs eitnemeerudetb bas ,emistisvo —— 20% a9 

* —— — 

daabneteb ud borin Baw — Yibsatsld | .seaneqxe ‘enorigeLed 
eaatvsg stinsty 16% atmoamoo ¢ioifoe ot ,éfel be, liadh duc tuods 
say ,éLe@fL£ .éS redmevok no Jushbnastsb 10% gaixzow/beanes ok 
ait gaiffyeot yust se tuoddiw siuoo oft etoted bests asw oansd 
edt. .08,88E% to mue edt tot ttitaislq to — ni gntbait 3s 
~oNb asgsw to sonslsd rot miso e'Titteta fq bewolls sxuoo | 
<20enegxs snongsfesd bas erst 189 xo stato eis bos pOd. oaca 

somitisvo tot 68,182} tot miaLo —— ton bib tud OL. 008 
gatbat® Att mo hexed me —J — 

tsXt tusbnoteb rot Leenuos vi Bebnod noo ‘etd et $1 Mths 

(L£) bebasmet sevso oft bat beerevet ed bluots tmemabut edt 
sonsled rot 109 Leixts edt vcd bewolis stnvoms oxft eeusoed 
edt to tdytew ofd/tentags hrs evtaeseoxe asw eub eszaw To 
wnislq bowolls evad Zon biuotea divoo oft seusoed (8) jeonobive | 
(&) bres ;segdoaxe enodasfet bas sist ts. tot mue yas Ttit 
19 VO (ltitnisda aniwol{s ni torts bettimmoo ti1n0o edt savuaced 
‘tO Sion ig Mott beet of ,tnabmeteb to aditoes ido edt _ 


to emiesi anintad noo ,tgex VisateLg doidw loos mybustomem 



and of the sis (>? amma made by him, and when made, for 


‘ —— his amended statement of claim Plaintiff claimed 

that he was entitled to receive as wages $80 for the month of 
April, $65 for each of the months of May, June, July, August, 

| S eptember and October and $65.40 for the month of November, 

or a total of §655,40; that he received from defendant from 

time to time during the months of April to September, inclusive, 
aS wages, the total sum of $315, and that he also received from 
defendant on January 12, 1914, the sum of $50, leaving a balance 
due him of $290.40 for wages as distinguished from moneys due 
him for overtime and disbursements, The defendant, in his second 
amended affidavit of merits, admitted that plaintiff had earned 
* wages said total sum of $655.40, but claimed that from time to 
time up to and including January 12, 1914, he had paid plaintiff 
the total sum of $531, leaving only a balance due plaintiff 

— Sa — 

for wages of $124, +40. |W While the~evidence’ is conflictite as 

Ge —— made from pane to.time by defendant to plaintiff 

on aceoul nt of ⸗ can not say, after a careful review of 
8 record, that the ‘amount _allewed by the court as the balance 
due plaintirr for wages is-egainst the weight of the evidence, 
Re On the question as to the allowance of Plaintiff's 
Claim for $69.10 for disbursements during the period ofmhis 
employment for car fare and telephone expenses, defendant's 
evidence was to the effect that he at no time made any agree~ 
ment with plaintiff to reimburse him for such expensés, While 
Plaintiff testified thet during the month of April, 1913, 
defendant gave him $2 for car fare and telephone expense, he 
also testified thet he had no further conversation with defendant 

relative to such expenses and that at no time during his 

employment did he render any bill to defendant for such expenses, 

AA ae eS “any” “ev Tdetree~vP-u-enprooe-peomive 


107 ,ebsin nedw brs — yo sban ae nomoa audatd 9: Yo ‘ 

bemisfio ttitnitalq misflo to inemetste bebaems eid — 

to démom sit tot O88 e@nsw as oviooet of belttine eaw of tants. 
etauguA ,vyint .saut ,YyeM to edtnom edd to dose tot 23g ee 
,tedmevou to Ainom ext 10% OS,208 bas tedotoO brs xedmetqs 8 
mort ¢nsbnoteb mott beviesot on tudd :08,88a% to Ladot s 10 
povieufoni ,toedmetqe2 ot Lk1iqA to eritnom eft gniiwh emit o¢ omit 
moxt beviesoot oels eri test re .cLé% to mye LIstod sit ,2ene8w as 
eonslad » antvest .08$ to mye edt ,AL@L Sf yramnst mo ¢nebneteb 

exh aysmom mort bedetunnitelb es aszaw tot Of,0@8G to min owb 

moose sid at ,tnsbnetebh sit ,atnemoatudealbh bua omiitevo tot — 

bentse bs ttiinisiq tsdt bettimbs e ron to tivsbiits bobnems 

t+ omit mort tent bemisio tud .05,2000§ to mye Ietot bkee asgsw as 
Itlintela bisq bad of ALCL ,Sf yisunst goibstoni bas of qs omit 
‘Titntalg oub eonsled # yLno antvael —J to mye Latot eit 

— — — 

as gitt#5titaoo ai’ ears bive~edd. aLtaw | +08. one to koysw tot 

of ‘ 

Ttidnkelg o¢ “dnebns tob Yo omits Oo ames mon’ ebsm atnsmyegq 3 
to wotvos Lute tse 6 tetts ,.yse ton via by seats dad ‘to dip os 

eonesisd edt as tuvoo ent Yo hewolle aauone eat dat boos ⁊ 

,eonsbive oft to todgiow odt Fantugeel ae3ew 10% rE nisiq eub 
e'ttitnisiq to eonswolls ent of as noitesup ort np) ai 
aidinto botteq odd uatiub atnemeatudath tot OL, 0d¢ xe? mielo 
atinsbhSasteb ,aseneqxe snodgeflet bus etst iso tot J mearyolqme 

~Se tps yms obsam emis on ta of tact tootte edt ot eaw sonebive 
efiaqw ,esansqxe dova tot mind serudmtet ot ttttntale dtiw tnom 
LOL .[rxqA to Atnom odd antivh tse beoititest Ttitalelg¢ 

en ,seneqxe enodqsfst bas etst iso tot Sé mid eveg tmebnotedb 
nebo toh dtiw misdsetevaco reddit om bad ed sedt bettivest oals 
eld goitub emit on ts tedt bas asanogxes dove ot ovitalox 

inh aati dove tot tasbas Tob os {iid Yas ‘tebaot elt bkb tnemen teak’ 

— CESTIET TIS” TO” ‘SORSHIVE™ YE SioosT ot nk bat of L202 08 

ma © nl) 


mn the part of defendant to reinburse plaintiff for dise 
aes for car fere and telephone, and there is not 
auf? cient evidence from which such » promise may be 
implie In our opinion the court we not warranted in 
——— finding and judgient the sum of $69.10 
for car fare\and telephone — 


As the cour® allowing plaintiff to read from 

an account or mem andam book kept by him, we do not think 
that, in view of ple tiff's evidence, any prejudicial error 
Was committed An this régard, (Diamond Glue Co. v. 
tzychowski, 227 Ill. 33 
Seymour, /235 111. 319, 323. )} 
i Our conclusion is that 

547; Richardson Pueling Co. v. 

the finding and judgment 
are /oxeessive to the extent of $693)10,. If within ten days 
dgfendant in error files a remittitur\in the sum of $69.10 
Ane judgment of the Municipal Court will Re affirmed for the 
sum of $290.40; otherwise the judgment will be reversed and 
the cause remanded, | 


eaib tot Ttitntsl(q eaiudmte:r of snabneted to slat ‘ostt 
fon af exons bas ,snodgelot bas otst isd Tot ada 

ed Yon oaimotg eo dove dotiw mort sosebtye tnetoy) 
ni bet aa titsw ton — siuvsoo edt notntgo two al bs 

OL.858 to mua ent pnemakart bas gntbhatt eds 

— E enotcelet bne oxet 129 > not J 
moxtt beet of Itiinislq yatwolls ‘tryoo ent AS BA —— 

‘\ vat 

anicdt ton ob ow ,otid yd tgead Acod mubaayémem to timropo8 | me : 

norte Lstoibutetq yne ,gonebive at ttis to woiv ai todd 

| . .0D pulp boometd) .htagot eidt ab ——— 
€ 141 VSS Diewodovsseiy — 

( ese ,0£8 .£17 G8S\,ayomven 
sit ai mofeufonos wo 9 \ bi —* 
aysh cet midtiw tl .OL¢@o% to tnetxe offs of oviaass x F iy 

eV 0D natiovT goabuesio byl 17468 
daAszbh Bae ganibakt edt 

O£L,€3% to mua orld y EE s elit rote nk dnobae 
ent 10% bomrttts og/ttte tus0d Lagioiaum odt to tromgbut ¢ 8 
bus beareves od thtw $ neory bs f ong eaiwtedto con, oesg to ure a 
· bo bresnte ⁊ aus ott 


284 = 20612 





On Appeal of CHARLES E, axis. 198 J 2 33 


This is the separate appeal of Charles |}, Affeld 
from the PE. oie of Cook County, entered 
March 13,1914. For the reasons stated in the opinion in 
case No, 20574, this day filed, said decree is reversed and 
the cause remanded with directions to dismiss the cross-bill 
of The Commissioners of Lincoln Park for want of equity and 
to enter a decree in favor of The Rienzi Company, complainant, 
in accordance with the prayer of its bill as amended. 



bLetta .ii sefiedd to I[seqqs etsisqea oft al eiAT 

ror A Kounintt 
betetns ,ysavod 4069 to 109 -totrequé-eais— Ro ty 4 oxtd. 

ai nointgo sat ak beteatea anoaser oft tot ,&f¢ 

y {Lid-eaors oft eatmaib of anoigoetkb sie bobnamot oat i 
bas ytiupes to tusw tot ait Loo mk to exenoteeinned * , 
osntslqmoo ,ynsqmod isneltxi edt to tovat ai æo⸗⸗ & » ( 
Ni * r 

-boboems as Litd efi to teysetq ont diiw ¢ 

73 = 21042 ‘dl 

Defendant in Error, 



Plaintiff in Erroy. ) 

x 198 ee 23 


¥ Ma ok (tuo ry Cnanrhig C. B'vratf pe — 
paint |, court 

| — 

of—chieage against de rdant to recover bee balance due» 

[ wed) $90, on the sale to defendant of one second hand 

steam boiler and four second hand steam radiators at the 

—— price of $100, of. ——— #20 had been yaa by de- 
Frome Woe Lin Tt afi rs * 
fendant. his affidavit of — databank set up a 

defense that plaintiff expressly warranted that the goods 
«= were “sound and fit for the purpose of using the same in 

— — building," that defendant relied upon the war- 

| ranty and paid plaintiff $10 as part of the purchase price, 
and ‘et after tee delivery and installation ef--tmes@ends 


in defendant's building they were found to be unsound and 


unfit for said PASE BS and of no value to defendant. -#ke 

Gauee Was ited beroretine-court- “Without “2: —— —— 
in-e- Tinding~and judgment fer g96-against defendant, 

— We have-examined the ee at are of the 

LES ALT Ber / — 



5 Ss | 

82048 - &T 

~TOUTTH os tnebie tag 

fi oF pe 

X xau adso 

.oDAoĩMO WO 
( .gorra * — 

i .TAUOO GHT aJo MOLMIGO aar auaxviaac 
Sana Ley RN aN'O 5D cade dd —— 
Uren Darel plese —— 
goub sonsisd Sab tovooet of tuebh aN Jentege — —— 
bred brodoe eno to tuaebnetebh ot else ant no L006 (phir 

— — — 

edt ts eatotdslibat meete bued baoose xwwot bas teLfiod msote 

2b yd bisg. ased bad OL dotdw te 10058 to solig beetgs 
ee Oe aren — Lal dy v2 weeny © 

qu tee tnsbustsb etitem to tivabl?%s | eid a caabas 

eboog os dedi betnsrrew Ylassigxe YItitnisl[q teds sane tab 

ai omse odd gries to seogtug oft tot tit bas bawoe"® stow ~ ' 

~isw oid noqgu boifet snabnetes isdt ",aniblinud a'inebneteb = 

.90itq sasdorug eid to tueq aes OL@ Ttitnisld bieq bas yénst 
abosyeed—to noissiistant bas ytevileb emt rosie debe baa 
bas bavoeny od ot bnwot etew youd anibitinud e'insbaeteb at 
otf. .tasbasteb ot oulsv on to bas gaoqtug bua tot tito 
— —— ret 8 Savonkd-bw ~d2w00- — ——— boind. Baw send ‘“ 

VERANO TOR FOLLY I~ OCG OF JSoonygbyt bas~gelgatt sae 

edd to ors bas ‘Songbive ont beninexeoved eW _ sd vi: ‘a 

-Sstnsitaw yYilfst otew ——— — goibait sat 

tedt bos ,beilsr toebie teh doidw noquy ,sbhoog emt 

; — 
edt tebas boA .tnebnoteb o¢ eulav om to stow 

-msf) .vyinstrew boilqmt on: od 189 stot bos o foaab 

ming v. Caldwell, 45 Ill, App. 175, 179; Martin & Co. Vv. 
Roehm, 92 111. App. 87.) And we do not think that the 
court erred in his rulings on evidence. The judgment is 


7 a! 


-V .00 & aitusM ;eTf ,affL .qqgA .ff1 Eb «ifewble) .v gotm — 
oud Jedd aAnidd ton ob ew baA (,°%8 .qgA .1f S@ .mleon 


173 = 21150 

efendant in Error, 
a corporation), 

—— in my 

* oe oF 

In“tizi's™ case plaintiff’.s.claim was for c onittti s- 

__Sions..due-hia-as-an-automodile™ gal eésnan “enployed by defend- 

=r on. three- WEPETETe-weT es" oe wutomobiles o One of the sales 


was to a man named Erncke on “which oe plaintiff claimed, and 

ö—— — — — — 

defendant admitted, a balance of $50 due plaintiff, Another 
sale was to a man named blair on which sale plaintiff claimed 
a commission of $127.50. The third sale was to a man named 
Tydings on which sale plaintiff claimed that defendant agreed 
to pay him "$100 if defendant should be able to enforce the 
sale, or $50 if the deal did not go through,” The defend- 
ant denied owing plaintiff anything on the Blair and Tydings 
sales and claimed a set-off of $131.30 for the expense of 
making repairs on a certain car which had been damaged because 
eof the unskillful driving of the same by a prospective cus- 
tomer, during a “demonstration" of the car, permitted by 
plaintiff. The case was tried before a jury who returned a 
verdict for plaintiff in the sum of $210, upon which verdict 
judgment against the defendant was entered. Both counsel 
agree that the jury in arriving at their verdict allowed 
plaintiff $50 on the Erncke sale, $110 on the Blair sale and 
$50 on the Tydings sale, and disallowed, in toto, defendant's 

AS claim of set-off, Plaintiff was the only witness on his own 




‘ HEU aoranau 
XOXXA ak tasbas 


noitstoqgtoo s 
( zores ai tigtaiels 




~eimiSs tot esw alisio a'titiaisiq seso-e bie nl } 

— <= 

~bosteb ed boyotqus anes fee” ‘Sidonotus tS 88- —— 
J — 

—— nd a a I 
= —— — —— ——— —— 

bas ,bomislo Ttitnis{q s IA do kite Xo otonta Semen mem 8 ot esw 
toisonA ,titt¢aialq exb OG% to sonsisd s ,betstimbs —— 
bemisfo ttitais{q sfee dot mo tis{d bomen asm 8 ot Baw 9 {se 
bemsna asw se ot esw else brids oT .O0C.TSLR To noiqe immo J— 
beet3s tnsbneteb tedt bantesaſo tilé¢nisl{q efLee doldw ao egatbyT 
edt gorotns ot olde od bivode tusbhbagtsh ti ootsa mis veq ot 
-bneteb silt ",dgyotds og tom bib Iseb ode ti O&$ to ,ofea 
agnibyT bas tis{i@ odd no gnidtyas Tiridnisiq aniwo beineb ins 

to eensgxs off rot 06, [Ef to Tio-see s bomislo baa aslee 

seausosd begsiush ased bed doldw tao nisttes s oo etisget goiten 

-euo esvitosqeotq a yd smse oot to gaivirh Iwtif{idenu sdt to 
yd bettimiog ,tso edt to "aoitsrttenoneb" a ↄa taub , Teilod 
8 bontustet ow yIut & stoted beitsy esw gaso oT “Yidnieiq 
toibtev doidw mnogu ,O{S% To awe ond oi Tiidaieslg tot sJoibtev 
feenuos diod .betesug eaw dusbneteb edt teniage tnemabut 
bewol{s soibtev tlent ts gnivixre ai Yiu aut tadt serge 
bas ofse tisld ods mo OLLg — eionte st mo 08%, — 

awo atid m0 aneusite yino odd esw dailies: oan bain 
7 Bae ina 8 F — sd 


behalf in making his case in chief. The principal witness 
for defendant was William H, Farrington, president of de- 

fendant, The testimony of these two witnesses was very 

conflicting on material points, We-deem-it-wnnecessary, 

_however, discuss theirytestinony~in-detaid, A book- 

keeper of defendant and an employe of defendant in its re- 
pair department also testified for defendant, Plaintiff and 
two other witnesses in his behalf gave testimony in rebuttal, 
ry "Geunsei. tor defendant contend that the verdict 
of the jury in allowing plaintiff any commissions on the 
Blair and Tydings sales is against the weight of the evi- 
dence, The repeated argument seems to be that plaintiff did 
not have a preponderance of the evidence because his testi- 
mony was overcome by the testimony of one witness for the 
defendant on many material points, We cannot agree with the 
contention or the argument, We cannot say after careful 
consideration that the verdict is manifestly against the 
weight of the evidence, It is not the law that if the num- 
ber of witnesses on each side of an issue is equal the evi- 
dence is therefore evenly balanced and that he who has the 
affirmative of the issue must fail. (Henderson v. Blakesley, 
186 Ill. App. 556.) And the mere fact that more witnesses 
testified on one side than on the other does not, of itself, 
determine the weight of the evidence. (Goodman v. Weinberger, 
185 Ill. App. 167; Krasa v. Robbins, 186 111. App. 196; 
Bishop v. Busse, 69 111. 403.) 
And we cannot say that the verdict of the jury 
in disallowing defendant's claim of set-off was unwarranted, 
Counsel also contend that the court in his oral 
charge to the jury committed error prejudicial to defendant, 
we have examined the charge and are of the opinion that the 

jury were fairly and correctly instructed, And we do not 

think that the court erred in refusing to charge the jury as 


(Yoteousl& .v goetebneH) List tawum oveei ont to ovidamtitiae ~— 

<ZogtodnteW .v osmbood) .eonebive edd to tigiew ed oaimreteb 

seentiw [sqionixg ofT .teido ni eeso eld goinam al tisded 

-ob to tnebiesiq ,notynixitet , meil(liW esw snebasteb tot 
YTV asw essesnsiw ows gaedst to ynomttdess oAT vtosbast | 
(Visessooons-ti-meeb-ay)= jedaiog [eitetam mo yaitot{taoo 
-Xood A ,biasteob-at-yromifest tent cause ot -,tevewod_ 

-9% edi oi tusbnsteb to syol{qus as bas sasbaeteb to teqoow 

bas tiidais(I  .tasbasteb rot boitisess cafe insadisqeb tleq 
iettudet mi yoomitest sveg tlaned ald at- soasent iv xedteo owt 
toibrev oy Ssdt baetaoo tnabcs teb tot ——— 
edit no anoleatmmos yas tiitnislq goiwolls ai yrut, oft To 
~ive odd to tdgiew edt tenisgs el aofse agnibyT bas tisle 
Sib ttkinislq tends od of amese tnemunts betasegqet siAT eoneb 
-ivesot aid sausosd sonusbive ent to sonstshxogetg 8 eved ton 
eit tot esasatiw sno to ynomitest edt yd smootevo asw ynom 
ot diiw setgs tonnso eW .atniog feitstem ynsm mo tasbnsteb r 
futestso testis yse tonnso sW ,énem3ts ont 10 noisassnoo 

ent tgenisgs yitestinsm ei toibiev saz fast noitstebiemoo 
-mum ofS Ti tsdd wel ot Jom ei FI .gomebive edt to sogiew 
-ive odd {supe ai sueel ms to esiie doss no ssaesentiw to tod 

> : 
eit asi odw of tadt bos beonsisd yineve stotetedt ei soneb ‘ 

seseontiw sion ¢dsdt toast stem edd baa (.866 .qqgA .{fI d8L — 

vitfeati to ,tom as0b tedio sat mo madd obia ome no beititest 

iSe@L ,qgA .{{I 68f ,eniddoH .v sesxnx ;TSol .qgA .L{f1 @8l 
(.cOD .{f1 C8 ,eeend .v godeta 
Yiuf oft to toibtsv sat Stadt yee tonnso sw baa 

DSotasittewiy saw Tto-tee Yo mislo e'tnebnsteb gniwol{setb ai 

feto eid mi s¢uyoo oft tsdt bastmoo oels feanyvod 

requested by defendant, or that the court committed any pre- 
judicial error in his rulings on evidence, 
Pinding no reversible error in the redord the 
judgment of the Municipal Court will be affirmed, 

Ler hs ne Aen ce car 

p ‘ J 
J By: 

i apug yas bottimmoo d1v09 odd tadd xo .fasbae 9b | 
| ,eonebive mo egaitux eid att 
edt brobs1t ent mi torte gldieresvet on aatbart . 
\bomtitis ed {fiw ¢xueo Laqtodnuit oa 


2 = 19492 — 
Defendant in “rror, ) 
a corporation, and MA KERSTING, 
,, Plaintiffs in &rror, ) 

Me / 198 LA. 24% 

a aaa brought to _Fecover $750, 
sxageed to be money ‘had and received by ; agrendante without 
co —“ The verdict for 641,67 yas — An- / 
e ——— with any yegitinate theory 4 the ‘evidenge but 
— “the weight ereof on the ques tion of joint debility, 

$ “necessitating a ¥é Féversal_ of the judgment. 

— — 

It appeared that Kersting executed a — 

of certain premises to Puswaskis to be used for saloon 
purposes, it—wes dated Jan. 50, 1911 axethewes for a period 
from Feb. 20, 1911 to April 30, 1916, at a rental of $100 
per month, Attached thereto evidently as a part thereof 

was a separate paper by which the lessee covenanted with 
the lessor to use in and about said premises only such 
draught beer as the lessor might designate, the price to be 
$5 per barrel, On Feb. 8, 1911, Kersting (who was manager 
of said Brewing Co.) on the company's writing paper contain- 
ing its letter head, wrote Puswaskis, and referring to the 
lease "between us" designated said Company's beer as the 
beer te_ be used on the premises,” —— — — 
letter..or the Lease thart 4s~anbiguous-as~to-the.contractual 
relations..of. the parties..or” F e of- their..contract, 

y ov. that-justifies-any. — than thet Kereving 


* gereg—8 
{ pTOTTA Ki Saabas tet 

.ODADIHD "HO , fo ee 
YHAMMOD om vaag T9iwe GAMO 

OMITEHEX HTAM bas ,moktereqios A 

VYAM4 g hes 2 r anda nk Silene”? 

4 ‘ 
— * 


O84 sevonag @ od siiguoid no Loe" nas wow ole 
tubhid Dee. — ud ‘egrtennn baw bast weer. od of — 


| * —— 8 besyoexe > warn a salt a a — 
soolsea tot ‘bees ed of atteawand ot sonimetg nistt99 to al 
hoiteq s 10% apwebas tes ,O8 ae beteab onw-dt . anne | 
OL Yo Lautner # ts ,2L@L ,O& Linge of LLOL OS .dot mont 
tosterns tisq #2 es YLtnebive offered bodies 4 j dg com r0q 
Atiw betasaeves esseel odd Moidw yd ⁊oqac stataqes 8 a5w 
dove vino seaimetaq bisa iuoda base ak ean ot novset ont Le 
ed of soitg ed ,odengiaeh diigim togael ant an toed digest | : 
18 BSusm sew ow) galteru% ALeL 8 dot 8) -tovtsd 7 He 
-sistnoos teqeq anitiuw e'ynaqmoo sdt ao {.09 ariwetst bisa to 
eft ot nnitzretet fae  aixeawant etetw ,baen wodtoL atl — 
elt ea téod ea'yneqmoD bisa betengiaeb "au mented" — 
—— — nl m0 6 boas ot ot 199d yi 
{autoarti.noo..ondd--oF “aS error | sie. 
PoC ss m0 otk et tone ty 


\_wesCon tat ting-tn-his~personak capacity. 
| On March 1, 1911, he again wrote Puswaskis a 
. Rel wo ———2 
letter, an wiich he refersdto said provision fixing the price 
of the beer and to a verbal understanding that it might vary 

with the revenue tax, and asked for —— of such 

understanding. | 

adeeb letter its 

Pp ort J 
plain Renery, fiat having exere ed his 9 right 

* to designate ** beer should verfised, and 


. ad that of the company of Haen he was 

| m ager, hes ther oby ought/ in his capacity as such manager 
| tp have —— contract’ between the company as seller 

| d — — as purchaser the’ beer. No question arises 
| re as “tothe price therefor. 

The facts ape ‘material y as they affect the 
anestio Crether there was a joint liability on the part of 
defendants_f or. 4500 paid by Puswaskis to Kéxsting in addition 
tp the rent-vaid under the lease, and for $25 aid the 

7 ompany for a saloon license for a period 
Puswisiis' occupation of the premises, 

An arrangement for the lease was made on | Jens 23, 
1911. <A memorandum of it, signed by Kersting and given to 
Puswaskis, is to the effect that the latter was to pay the 
former a bonus of $500 for said lease, and that he then 
oid made a part payment of $150 thereon, and would pay the 
balance in two installments, which were subsequently paid 
to Kersting, There—is no ambiguity in—the—cemorandum,-and 
: “nat the said sum was to be paid as a “bonus,” as stated 
therein, was corroborated by Kersting and another witness! 
account of the verval conversations at the time said receipt 


or memorandum was given. Against steh interpretation it wae 

— —— — wae — ö— — ⸗ñ7,— — 

ae. ‘iene enoese—vtst ap PRON 
— ——— 
a — atom misas of ,ff@L .f doi c⏑ va 

* yo 
gotiq eft gntxit arlietvoxrg bise osbateted of fot iw ng roddeL ; 

a * ix! a a 
Yisv tdgin #£ tadt gnibmatersbaw L[adisv 4s oF base 190d eats —* * 

Aoua to moitemritaoo i9% betas bas .xat sunevet oa⸗ th 

———— — — — — — ⸗ ete ae 
x ord TO “Te ganaM as | sanbbasd oto bn 
~ at tioqusg otk 19etts a, — nokey ——— 
Pits — aid A ordxe gia 

\ lone 
bis boar? ‘ed biyorn ‘teed ote —— 9 de i 
Baw on J te YASqmMoo ‘auld ‘to fads ) ad 8 hiaob amy ives 

geeiis noiteenwp olf dink’ walt 

edt tootte yedt ee ¥ Laliesem bas altos? 
dat{ satolt, s saw ores noitosn 
mnolitibba ai ane of atiaswerd yd blag 008.202 

to tusq ect mo yt 

ond biagOese tot bos ,easol eft rsbow —E 

holisq # to% sancolt moolse a to% yneaquod Raby 

___ -8onimexg ont to soitagsoo0 ‘wives 
my ae nO “bas eaw ease L ons xot —— oA. pn 

ot novig bas gnisetet yd bengie ,ti to mubnatomem A an 
eit yaq of asw tetial edt jadt Soette st oF ai <ebleaweut J 
mods of tsdt bas ,onsel blaa tot 008% to ewnod a remot F 
edt yaq buou bus noo reds O@Le to Soeayeq ttaq « oban * 
bieq ylineupeadva etow doidw ,atnomi latent ows nd oonatad 9 
bra ovbostomes—-orit—al viiuetdns- on ef—etedT — 5 — * J 
ue bedate aa *,aunod* a us bing od of new mue stew ons 
—⁊ ‘eeentiw iusdtons has yntiared ww bessiodotz09 sow show ‘ 

5 bise emti of ta amt 

; PEs et noitaterqiosat ‘deve! of 



Ppuswaskis' evidence that the money was to pay for "bonds. 

— evidence corroborative of his — 

— — 

fnecessary therefore to.consider the i 

dvidence pertaining to the license money. But the record 




z ".ebaod" tot veq ot aaw yonom edt tarlt sonobive: ‘se i 
en — — 

—— eid to” — eonsbiv 

ary rite ot toomvxt ent old of Vist neo. - | 

figtew tee tingm elT -tHome_natts: oly gnuiee . 
xy a Nd kw ‘sor 
| to ytosdt odd santsage * ba Aas Ad at Joesib om 
foiadw so — 

anivetsl ot biaq_ new yonom edd tact 2 

toward ert ofotciw ed ton 09 Lsnoa 

— — 

——* ate .ad as ⁊ Inomgbsl¢ 

edt tebb estos, PA s To texont yrseasoonthy co A 
; broost ent Prd .Yonom sansollt ent oft gnink 4 
& —*2 (eidete vooet etow tk dguodt ovo ‘i Bed 

} oad eve of ataeqqs tk ax .to Yo res witteaben 


VFow-er-grteerex dont bas yymegnot 



42 = 20807 

use of Virgilio Cimino, 

Defendant in irror, | ERROR TO 




- Plaintiffs in /rror. 

oO TT AY fA 
19S 1.A. 2 


This was a garnishment proceeding besed on an 
indebtedness of $500 from Navigato to Cimino, the usee, 
and a claim of indebtedness of $250 for an earned and 
unpaid real estate commission due from the Nelones to 

The case was tried before the court without a 
jury. The judgment and finding were in favor of Navigato 
for $250, and it is contended that they were contrary to 
law and the evidence, 

The transcript of the evidence is certified to 
as a statement of the facts. Whether it be regarded as 
the former or the latter it sufficiently indicates that a 
commission of $250 was due and unpaid from the Melones to 
Navigato. Apparently no evidence was offered to the 
contrary, Defendants did not deny that they had agreed 
to pay such a commission or claim that they had paid it, 
but merely introduced a soecalled receipt signed by 
Navigato, which reads "Received a commission of $250 to be 

aid” etc, It is apparent from such paper and the 
explanation of it by Alessandro Welone himself, the only 
witness for defendants, that it was offered to show the 

amount and not the payment of the commission agreed upon. 


,ontbattD olf{tgutv to eau 
~TOTTA mi — 

OT onnu 
7TMod AAIormwn 
K iS 
ef ATeer 


tort at at tats ld 

ng no beasd gunthosooxg tromlakntoy @ sow Bist J 
esas odd ,onimid of otsyivel mort 008% to eacnbesdebrt 
bos besise me tot odsp %0 aaenbetdebnt to misfo a hei 

ot senoloy ont mott eub noteeinmoo sfates Laat bieqny 

a tuontkw gio. edt stoted bekiat eaw oaso est? 
otsyivel to tovet at stew anibnit bas tnomphut efT .yawt 
ot yvistinoo sisw yedt tsdt bebmetmoo ai ¢i bona ,0888 t0t 

eoonobive edt bas wat 


ot beititxyss at sonebive ert to tgqitoeasit eAT . P 

as bobtayet ed ti tedted’ .etoet off to tnemetata s es 

8 edt setsolbnat yLinetoittwe ti tettal eAdv to temir0et ond 
ot eonoflem st moat bhagny boas ovb esw O68) te sofeaimmoo 
ert o¢ betetto suw eonebive on YLsinortaqqa -odagiven 
beetas be yort tat yoob ton bib ednsbne ted \Vtett 109 
ti bieqg bed yedt tedt misfo to mokaainmoo a dove yag ot 
Xd bengie tqtecet bellso-o8 2 beovboxt ai yLoxem re 

ed of O8S% to noLaztmmoo s bevieoed” ebast otdw votagtven 

= Qu 

The real question presented here is the right 
of action in Navigato,. The commission was contracted to 
be paid to Navigato and his partner. The letter assigned 
his interest therein to the former. It is claimed that 
the partner was a necessary party to the suit, and 
decisions rendered before the passage of section 18 of 
the Practice Act, are cited, Under that section, however, 
Navigato as the assignee of the chose in action had the 
right to sue thereon in his own name, 


digit edt ai eted hbetnesexq moltasup Iser any 
og betoatinos aeaw noleetumoo eT eOvJagivet ni moitos to 
bermgierss tottiel eff .ientisq eld bos otsziveli ot Bbisq ed 
tat Seutefo ak $1 .temrret eft of ntetodt gaetedat eta 
bas ,dive oft of ys1seq Ytseeelen 8 sew tentisgq ont 
to 8f noitooe to syssesq edt stoted betebmet enotetoob 
<tevewol ,soitooe tant tobnU .betto sts ,soA soktosxd oxtt 
ot bad mottos ai seolo off Yo eonmgises att es otsatval 
omen ewo ald of nootedt eve ot tints 


161 - 21138 

x e ‘BEBRLY , 







) Defendants in Error, “RROR ‘TO . 

} vs. 



Plaintiff in “rror aT on cpr 
| r 9 3 Eons. 2 3) 2 
i — rR} 

Defendants—in—error were employed by one Tiny . 
Pree Rirne tte Boot t eor£ ws & 
Johnson to prosecute a claim against plaintiffin—-errer, 
One of them acting for his firm did considerable work to 
effect a settlement of the claim before bringing suit 
therefor, <A suit was finally commenced in which —* said he 
‘on ey WO: rer eee Rabo ee ber 

firm and another firm (the : attorneys ror pian thee im ‘io “Hees 

cuege} appeared as attorneys of record, Most if not all * 
the work connected with the litigation thereafter was 
conducted by the latter firm resulting in # judgment 
scainet a 2** for $2650, 

After commencement of the suit and prior to 

lo 3 AAT hates 
the rendition of the judgment, ‘erxor served 

— — —— 
notiee in due form di Stein tier in eréor of their claim 

to an attorney's lien under the statute for the services 

they had performed and were to perform in the matter and 

filed an intervening petition in said cause to enforce said 
(avreteractattion Bd prnal berlegt By 
lien. On the hearing thereof plaintiff—in-error was 
* trtivnwive 

ordered adjudged and directed to pay 

ae There was ampke evidence that the services 

~  Fendered by di ints r were worth that sum, ‘Tire 
\ Ot rte Yor Lienbadirl 

that the contract between 

J ret? oe 

yy a 
BELLS + Lok 




n XIAIu 
si HO HHL ~ TOC ak ad ash ne tec 


8 8 A it 8 e | * al Yitates4 | 


o TAGOR aig 10 wort —— xs wraad ak WIAs worTaut 

ont hed — 
yaiT eno yd beyolqus etoew torte—mi~ataebseted 

= 4 \F if At batingnd, — 

wT wien abel Jenispe misio ~ eiuoeaotqd of noe mtot J 

ot Arow efdsxobtamos bib mitt ald tot gntios meds ——— 7 ” 

tive gninatid stoted mislo eft Yo snemtiteosa « teorte 

bise atd doidw ad beonemmoo \ilaalt eaw tive A toterens 
—R REA athe — ⸗⸗ —E — — aS “ohs) 

tot ayentotis ) mrt tedtons bas kt 

* iis ton tt tao .hxocet to syentosse ea betseqqa feage 

saw isitaersdt moltegtsti£ ont ddtw botoennoo sow ext 
tromgbul @ at gutdivest mitt rotsel edt yd hetoubmo 
,082SS ror Ie * 


ot sot bas tise ode to tnemsonemmos toc TA 
eth, << . tah fe 

beviees TOTts <n of rombut, eit to mokttbnot ont ry, 
mislo tkodi to 198%se-fi— ‘ mot ewh af eoiton q 

esotvisce ott tot etutata oct ssbaw aekl a’yemtotia naa ot 
bos tottsm eft at mroiteq of stew bas bemsotieq badd yeont 
bise_sorolme of savao bise nk nolttieog gninevtetnai as beitt 

Sew et 4 hae A) trenmnderynd) . 
asw pear iG ana toetedt gnitsed ont m0 okt 

ow By BR v 

10 1% —— ysq ot botosiib bas beghu lbs boreb10 tate 

eeoivires ont tant sonsbive 4 om aew otedT — 
ont! .mve tad¢ ditow orew 1 xd be 
a neewted tostinoo ext sant nod moitaednoo- Leo ~be 


r and said Johnson called for an entire 

service, including prosecution of the suit, and that they 

abandoned the contract and thereby lost all right to 

compensation. This artees over the fact that /the other 
legal firm was called in 

to aid defendants in error about 
time the suit was commenced and conducted the trial 

without assistance from Butre 

mot think such fact-defented-the-right—of-defendants—in 

— compensation for such-services as they had rendered 

inthe -matter-or—eonstituted—proof—of—abamdonment- ~ oftheir 
eon-tract,. Apparently the other firm was expected to conduct 

the trial, so ‘Tate it Foo not appear that bea 

im<error did not perform all the services their client 
— of them, 

18 TEGO OAPI Oe bine clas V V VVVV VV—— 

3 As\ the sy hae they rendéred were on accoupt) ef 

ch claim d cause of detion they were puch as eXeerty - 
fome within 

p tey 

he purview of _the statute gixing a lien there- 


% ‘ 

eritne ne rot belias noanteot bise brs —— 

yous tadt bas ,tine aft to moituooectq gribufont ,eolvies 
ot tdgix fle saol ydeteds bas toatinoo ents benobasds 
aoddo odt\ tart sos? ont x8vo 3202. atdT .moitaemeqmos 
guods torre ok admsbrotob bis ot ak belies saw met t feyel 
fatxt ont betoubaco bre beonemsed saw ¢iwe odd omits old 

ofy-ewe THT —— moxvt aonetekees stuodsiw 

nt etrabas tot ‘te -dvintr- ods betas toh poet soue tatde sen 

berebnrer bed Yous an sevotvie dove tol mold sare gms. ot rota | 

aleris—to-tremnobnads to too1rg-bedustsenoe 10 totam onlt—ab 
— o⸗ betoogxe esw mukt toto edt yiinetaqqA .testésee- 
graced, geadt teeqas son hits, tk eter eNO plait ont 
dnokfo ttedt aeoiviea oft Ile miotzeg vom bib torrent 
-mody to —— 
to /(Favooos no oTtaw beteb met yous gooivice odd (aA nig 
Ylxsefo as dove otew youd rots to eeuso btw er How 
-stont moil os gniviy etuseate snd to welvaig ont nidsiw emo 



197 = 222474 




IoSs I.A. 254 


: By 
jo EER SEL Ie a eee” i" 

Wy Noord Heerwrle, plant), ay aanel Ys mhareteld 
This-wae~an Action of ‘forcible detainer, The 
Court directed a verdict for plaintiff and gave judgment 

“Ih. bthdacr Uns obriake. 
for possession of the premises, (owt! Hem dtd of piaka 
A ia ean ee Natl. AL hi~ Ub. 
The lease under which defendant held the 

premises was in writing and under seal, The rent was 
payable monthly in advance and had been paid from time 
of entry until November, 1914, Defendant refusing to pay 

the rent for that month on demand therefor, a five days 

notice was duly served, and on November 11, a suit for 

= forcible detainer was begun in the Municipal Court of 

> Chicago, and on account of failure to pay the December 

| rent on demand tneref ox Sccenber 14, the suit at bar, 
without further notice, was begun December 16, 1914, After 
institution of and before judgment in the suit at bar plain- 
tiff took a non-suit in the former. Defendant asked for 
dismissal of the latter suit because the former was pending 
when the suit at bar was begun, the motion was prdperly 

a den ied ( Wright v . Keifer, 151 Tl. ABp. 298). 

5 At the trial the grounds of defense were (1) that 
defendant had not been given complete possession of the 
premises leased, he claiming that a room of the basement 
had been withheld from him and contained goods of the 
Plaintiff which plaintiff on request had failed to remove; 



(STIVHOH gooat 
oT AOnA 


a he | HAHTAM 
TOI mss, ; 
AGS fat 8 Qe *8& Od ah 

— — Caan ey seems ime a 

peti Sane jes owl dasa pol 
ost? yiemtadeb eidiotoe?t to Br eee 

¢nempbut evay bas Ttisatalq tot tokbiev s betootib s1y0d — 
deli * td ahh ‘ 
Coe pe Kand —Ih 1eSy — — ons to. nobewoase 

edt bled tasbretob "aula te bmw ovssl ‘edt 


esw tnox ofT ,Leee teobny bas unttixw ak esw aseinorg 
amit mort bleq seed bad bas ooravbs mi vids com oldayeq 
ysq of anteyter ¢nabneted ALCL ,teduevoll tIanu yatas %o 
aysbh evit s ,totoxedt bnamed no std som tant x0t met ond, 
tot tive a ,{f xodmevel no base  bovrea Yiub esw cotton 
to swod faqtotaul edt at ouned saw t9misteb efdtox0t 
todmeost eft ysq of otulist to tnuooos mo bas OMe 
~tad ts tive ont df rodnood go Yereds baemeb mo tao 
T9tTA .ALOL .dL tedmesed nuged aaw ,eolvon reddit tuoat in 
-nialq wed ds sive et mt tnemabut stoted bre to molded tent 
Tot boxes suabmeteti .temrot eft ok tine~nom a toot vat 
naiboeg acw temr0t edt seveoed give tettsl odd to favelmakh— 
yitego%g eaw no Ldont ‘ont -turged asw tad ts tive ont nore 

(BCS gH. LfT Set zearken win sone, 

tant (£) etew oansteh to ebavoty ont Laiat odd SA ‘ans 

fein Hae ae 
edd to nolaesaasoq steLlqmoo nevis weed ton batt 2 ast eas 
tromeasd edt to moot ws tant yaimtelo ext boesot —* 

edt to aboog beniatnoo baa mid — Dosis bw 199d bai 

7 J Raley i: —— 


and (2) that when he pnid the Oetober rent plaintiff made 

& Verbal agrecient that he eould Stay and pay no more rent 

unti} plaintiff gave him pessession of the basement J But 
LY, hie first-defense- feild on-tidb~idmoden, tut berore. the auß 
ve at bar was begun, plaintirr put a lock on the basement and 

left the key with him, whieh he refused to take becuuse 

plaintiff had net removed said goods therefrom, | In-view-of 

gh delivery of th the key. to-the-veomund. suneantradietes 

ce that defendant refused to permit the remove. of pe 

refrom by plaintiff's agent sent there Ao remove 
them, the defense of want of possession wae without foundption, 

AB the other defense, not onlf was the agrectsent, 

tf] mato, “without, any eonsiderntion te vapport it - a mexte 
* pactun,* (cdadsborough v. — 140 Ill, 269) pug 
"so long as the contryet contained An the lease under seq) 

| ined executory, the\plain tif had the right to repudgate 
the parol agreement and cheim he full amount of rent 
tracted for," (Snow v. dpdesheimer, 220 id. 106), 

As there was no o¥idence that warranted « fined g 

of the issues of fact fox’ the ag endant the verdict was 7 operly 

rected unless there was error atilaw., %e find none in jthe 

ings of the eourt/and no instrueNions are eomplained (t 
@ contention that the lease was ters ated by bringing) the 
etion that wie/diamissed and that the ow suit would no} 
ie until afer « notice to quit under th statute, ds np 7 

|} the terms of the lease expresaly waive notice 

wid, and hence mone was necessary, (Sepen et ald v. 

The overruling of the oral motion for ne trial 
Ciose of the case without allowing additional 

ite presentation, deprived defendant of no richt—onk waa no 

ebas Tikinialg tnet todeteO eft biagq est neclw Sade (S) doe 
tnox exvom on you bus yate bivoe od stadt Jneometga Ladtev. a 
suk — ott —S— mid oveg Tibtakalq {ifaw 4 
2Aun odd oxoted sarlt nokendabe- abd—ne Liot vensteb sortt-atd \ 
bus Snemeand ocd “a dook » tuq Mtitakel¢ .auged saw asd ta B 
eavuoed siat of heewtor of doldw ymid Adiw you ont Stel 4 
woh al | -mox'to-to sis aboog hiae bovomes gon bad Tks abate a 

———— —— —E Xow ed? to edt to yrevitob foe 7 

erge end aow Ulno ton ,onuneteb teddo ett oF BA 
mom we « &h rroway of nolfombiense yaa sys bw* ohant hall 3 
wd (@08 ,ffk OBL A⸗al uoxoda fo * gwdoag sh = 
ea tobays eaael ot — sogttmoo edd ae pred ¢ | 
huqet of SHatx ond bad QVtitalala/ods .Yresimexe ber - 

' gaet to Saveme Liu? off migts baa dnomeotge Loxeq oft a 
(aos bk OSS ,tomkocloo ds ¥ wone) "20? botoatt ’ D a) 4 

— i 

: a 

unmibait a bednetiaw Gadd sonpghive on anw ered? GA 
yiteqouy eaw fokbtev odd Snabnepoh of3 Yo t soa % aouuad out 
) acid nk enon balt of wat va Tost wa —X — —E 
h boniaiqnos ste em Woutiant on bnayguwon ane % } 
edtlantgatid yd hotnakitios sow oeaet oft Aedt woltaod noe 7 
ow todd aotiog— 
date Lito 

on bivew giua wos ons $edit bas bevalmelb 
is uk ,odutace Alt xobas tiup of oottow a 


kion eviaw YLawerqxe eesel of? Yo ammd orf? 
ia go gogg!) .Vissesoem sow onom Somer bam «: 
(80) LEE £62 onh | 
* Laiad wor cot soliton inxo edt Ye yakfirstove — 

f/Lonoltinos yukwolls sucdtiw sane edt Yo —* 
on aoe — tstyi% On IO Saubsotod bevirgob ,notdute — 

* — 

⏑ —— 

Plaintiffs in urror, J 

CIRCUIT comr, 


Defendants in 


GUAR i it unter — —— 
— US 4 And hon h dhe 
“vs Dramshop Act 1 — iat pind oh 7 — 

verdict and judgment were for defendants, who-sre—defendants 
in-er¥or here, Plaintiffs in error rely” Wholly on alleged 
errors in-given_tnstewettons-to- the- - ; > ie 
i Poe 
The — c ainelne 

of the trial judge as to what St¥e onde to prove, nor any- 

— nor a ——— 

thing by which werean-determin we eee ee —— heen laity of the 
—5—— —S 

instructions complain — — —— 

questions of Law,| whiei;= 6¥-6f “such... “neat 

cord, we would not be justified in reviewing unless we hon 

— cae 

or instance, they Were epvarentiy too numerous and wer 

umilative in character, and perhaps subject to condemation 
r prolixity and resterstiof “and other respects. But withe 
out knowledge of the quai ti ty or quadity of evidence relied 

to sustain the gpfine of action, we con not say that the 
errors complained of were reversible, For iG the 

shows to the’ ‘contrary the court may have been justia d in 
directing a verdict for defendants, In such a case... 
would. be-immaterial what~the..instructions pend, 

S0&8fS = ASS 

Sy G g A. I © Q 2 TOT nt attitatels 


eYTMIOD AOOD «ta fo on⸗ naccor 



writ te-@ “neatoee 79 ny POAT noe oe ; 
pedals j Ae Va magev Nye — * 

* og) 5 : 
pel nt Ce oma. — beet ber tne 0 GA at OA a0 emis To * 

etnabueteb- -9'ta- ow 18d nab noted x0% ome} —A bas toxbroy 
bogelis no vLLoxtw viet sorts “mt — — 

— sym orig Ra eek aero" 
etsoltisixe9 s ton sonsbiv — brooet osfT — 

— tom ,9vorg of hobnat Sais ae os eg spbsit Saist esid ‘to q r 
edt to ysiitdestings age 2F,saodeh samen odd et gable 4 
tonttadser tapaenqayedlt— ad Sktalqmoo anoitouztant © 
ade , mont ‘Gao tBalmo ous “To -wenee aor Aw pwnd to anotdaenp iE i 
ro ow ase lay giiweiver nt holtitast ed fon bluow ew ,br09s Xj 
| tts hue Warts) wobass avoiotv stew enoisouxdent ons tatf ya 
joss move van o8 nso ew aniad gon ob eW agen amisotk 
e oe ovad aneltesrntnih wat teniese amet Ken outt ‘to Yea 
a bin ensvennta ood \ltnors¢as w yet ,senstent ro J 
mite ebneo ot tse baus J ba ~Tetostedo mt evitelumub 
eAgiw tut ,atooqae ‘tedto bas”, Se tassios bas ut ixtLorg 
bebtas sonebkve to — <0 vats ip ent to egbelworml ts 
eat pass Yer tos” uo ew soitos to — emt nistave of 
_ bt009 ons segue 10% ,eldiaxever siow to > R atoyI9 
mk b inttout need evant yam Siv0eo ent qunxd 100° <= of 
beans s dove nl .atnabneteb rot solbiev se 2 too tb 

Stow anoitowttent odt-tadw febred: c bee — 

vaca nee ts : J io at 
’ au 
. 7 Pa 


icetion * RB —— on the ground that they 


But we have exenined —— — of, and 
fing no — * 
materially deviate from a — etatement. ef- ‘Bbetract 
Lam, or were nah if es tly progudicial on any theory or fobte 
of | ae. — es ee Te otha, append ry — — * 
— 6 —— tells the jury that in weighing 
the evidence of pleintiffs they may take into consideration 
their interest, but as there is nothing in the record to show 
any defendant testified the instruction was not necessarily 
discriminating or erroneous, Another is complained of because 
it used the word "create" instead of the statutory word 
“cause; * another, because it contained the alternative phrase 
"or did not for any other —*— causé habitual intoxication"; 
another, because of a similer phrase and mere surplusage; 
another, because it added unnecessarily to the statutory words 
“in whole or in part", the words, “the immediate and proximate 
cause or sustaining cause of such intoxication"; and others, 
because they were argumentative, or did not Clearly and 

concisely state the aE ee 

See he “, — w— 

“would pubserve 0 ‘upefur purpose to incorporate 

in this opi ion for the purpose | ‘of criti@iom and more exact 
alysis/ tiese humerous and rather lengthy instructions. I 
8 enough te add that we can nat say that any of them is BO 
parently, vieiou and erroneous that the pee wdu2d Ve 
versed rardiake of any state of the record, It will 
a. be affibmed, 


a eel, — ne ay, 
ASS — — ody pnd er Lash — ASC — — 4+ S859 ae to 


8 — ii ie *— bonimsxe eved sv. dust 
yest sade batsoxg edt 00 Léertevet a mut ee 
tonzs acts” 70 tromedate 2081200 ‘4 mort otaived ylisixetem 

atost to ytoeds yas so Latoibuiborrg Video Liste stew 10 ,wal 

ganidgiew nt sarit at edt allat ——A— he 

tient on ace 

nolisxeblenos ofnmi sist yom yodd ettitatalg to eonebive sdf. 

wore of bresor end nk aninton et eet es tud ,teerotat thet — 

yfixnsasecen ton esw noisourtent oft beltitaes tnobasteb yrs 

seyaoed to benialqmoo si atenftendA ,eveenotte to anitanimixoetb 

biow yrosutsta end to bsetani “stseto”" brow ond boy th 

sesiig evitantesin eld bontstnoo Ji sausosd tondtons *;eaugso* 1 

j*noldsolxoini Leutidad eauso noeset tendo yas 10% Jon bkb to" 

jogseulqive orem bis oaatiq islimta « to sayeoed ,redtons 

ebiow yrotusete offs of yLiliseeooonny bebbs di oeusoed ,t9edsons 

efamixerq bis etsibemni elt”  ebrow oft ,"t1eq at to slow at* 

<eteto bas ;"soltsolxosat dowe to eaveo gatntatase 10 seuss 
Bans ylresfo Jon bib wo ,eviiainemuygizs siew Yedt eausoed 

Pit ta. } _owal off state (lestonos 

J—— ot snggsne Lutes on — bluee 
_ toaxe stom brs matstvizo to exoqiva ont * moz 

tz -anoitoutteni ydtgnel retises bad. B80 mY See i \eteyte 

oa al meds to vas jedd yYse Jos Meo ow, * bbe Fate 
od bLupw —9 ett tart ayoonorte * — 
ithe $I ,btooes sdd to otate. ~~ to 6 —— boerov 
bom itts ed stote 

» CNS NA ~~ 



fendants in -rre¢ 


vs. ) 
Plaigtice in fre. J 9 8 1 a D! 

» aCe 4 

Ye at 




J DST 6ndants in errox and plaintiff in error were 
aintiffs and defendant respectively in a suit tried by 
e@ court without a jury in which plaintiffs, as licensed 

eal estate Re. eye a comission of $143.75 for 


urnishins a would-be pur chaser: with whom defendant entered 
to a written contract to. Sell a certain lot .and recovered 
udgment therefor, é ; 
The recerd _pfesents no material gites tion for | 
review other *— ‘ane ther the judgment and finding. of the 
court accord ‘ri th the evidence, and no material question, of 
flact Anedispute except fhether- “defendant. “\ 
pieinticts-asoMmtasioiy 7 \ 
— ——— denial of an agreement to 
pay a commission is the testimony of plaintiff Strassheim 
and his clerk or agent, who began the negotiations, and the 
recognition in said written contract of the vendor 's obligation 

to pay his broker a commission I 0On—that"ptint the-weight -of- 

@efendant fixed his price at $3750 
and agreed to pay a commission of 24 per cent, thereon 

($93.75)y thet- Plaintifrs drew the contract and in it 


oT sosm 
<1 ot ad nabaet 


cS -A.t eer 

»THUOD WUT MO MOLMLTO aur ——* bawiag gsoLTOUt «A ae 

ogrrunn 6D om Ma 
aan nt Yakigte!d 

— — — — — 

eew ‘Tort TS a *titntel¢ baa torts “atk” staabas Tow 
yd potas ‘Nise ® ak yLlevisooqaet daabaero® brs 
heanootl Be — ———— ‘dotdw mk xxut vorls tw soo 

ie ‘wot 8, J to not dante o 8 bomtss — * 

porevoos7 bas. sof ator oo. s- 1 EBB Od doatd nos wei i a 0 
20 totedt pte 

tot ro i votip ‘Ishred om on ————— bupoes oat — 

ot $nomo9713 ns to Lsineb ·—— teniagh 
misdeastsi PIisdnialq to Yaomks sod ost ot — 
eft brs enolaaiaeso a orig naged ont —— dri 

O8TEs ts serie edit boxtt dricbno Te 
nose J 99 19q * * loe Lame 



designated the purchase price as $3800 with a mutual undere 
standing between plaintiffs and defendent that the oxcess of 
$50 was to ge to plaintiffs ee supposed that 
$2600 wae the actual purchase pricey thet The contract 
provided for a deposit of 8200 with plaintiffs as earnest 
money to ve retained by defendant ag liquidated damages in 
case the purchaser failed to perform, and if retained was 

te be applied “first, to the payment of any expenses incurrad 
for the vendor by hie agent in seid matter, and second te the 
psyment of vendor's broker of a comniiosion of $143.75 for 
Services in procuring this contract, rendering the overplus 
to the vendor \p——anicthet Beonuse or the failure of d4efendant 
to furnish an abstract in accordance with the terms of the 
contract the purchsser demanded of and received from plaintiffs 
the oe or said aarnen’t money. 

— — eA 

30 far as “the rscord shows the earnest money was 

eption of the purghooer hows not aff¢et the querti 


( ¢e atidan t's Liabilite. | 
3t is plain 
pi intitts were gntita to a $50 only in case the contract 

; { 

f ; 

ontane cont ‘phot purchase price of 
{ie — ty, 

case ye 8200/ was retuined as f 

Properly returned, ond ha oe view it plaintiffs: —* 

Wat under such state of fects 


the “upon he — of either of such events ‘mlaintatts 
might deduct out of the noney $50 for themselves in addition 

to; their (comission or 393.75. ut neither event happening, 
: ‘s Liability was Limit a * his agreement to ay 

AS Judgment should mere been entered for the 

——* of said commission, vine! $93.75, the judgment below 


tnabnsteh to emulks? ot To anced data ttn, Teh aey ont ine” 

ettiinisigq mort Tid bce ban %o bebnameb areeeoamg orf3 Sonim. 

-: @ 

@-tebnau Lavtum a sitkw OOB8Ef am evoing easrio xg ont — 
to easoxo oft tant tSoeabneteb bas etisinielg noowded pattanse 
tandy hesoqque sacihisuio er lina ettiinieig of sp of A 
Toartnes ot “made wens eauntoiug Lotion wid ean | J 
gaontso ua ettid ntalg 3 bw KORG to dhengob « “tot bob 3 
mt aagemah besabiupil gs tnsbnetob yd boniatet ad ot — J 
saw bonistor ti bao ,mretisq of bolint toosdeteq aff eas. 
bermont seaneqxe yom to taonysq edd oF ,Satkt” bokloqe od of 
ods ot hbnoose ban ,totiem HSiea ot tnega old yd tbnev. odd r01 

sot GT, Ea Le Yo m0 teatnmo 9 5 to teed atrohasy to tnomyaq 
eulqrevo sft gatisbaez ,toertmos etd} antisoo1g 4 ape ae 

ond to anmtst odd atiw sconsbhrooss ak ea te nek arurt — 
Yo noau auocaus bise to resto 

* ont 

tnetagqs ‘attitniaiq tf wotv of 8) as. brs Sense ot eh qo 
to rsd voup only sehr torn st Test ng ond ro misery: 

gay Yorost favmiae ‘ostd awoite unos ons an xat 08 


Eh — — — alc 
ntalg shite | 
Latte oro avin ha 


Jeera ae 
—— ‘to otate rows “rob am és 

tears eft eens «al tithe O88 o of 

bid ooitg gaarlotug Jodi noo omssae 


aa boniatet aaw oss okie easd int 0 hag ‘ene | 

eaw honod rde a's nabno me Subexe eAT 
ie a¢nave foe to ‘tort » to yin quad 4 

noidibba ak agviseneds 10% O88 Yomom ort to due 

o&V CCG ‘to ae las⸗ * roo « 
£ pow Wika | | 

este yqad taove xed bon ou 
ws ot FHOMPS Ty etd of b $ ko 

wolod tnomabut ont av. ae 


will be reversed and judgment will be entered here for 
thet smount, each party paying his own costs, 


to? sted hexetne od ILiw gnompbwt bose beutuvet of {Liw 
-ataoo myo ald untyaq ytteq dose ,tnwome Saudt 


295 - 21278 




——— — —— — — 



eT A. 260 
— 198 2-8 


This appeal is from a judgment for 5900 rendered - 

’ €or thecplaintirr, Geeiner, against the railroad company 
on a —* for damages to plaintiff's automobile resulting 
from a collision with defendant's train at a public crossing 
in the State of Indiana. ‘he contention made is that the 
finding end judgment are against the weight of the evidence, 

Plaintiff charged negligence generally in operating 
the train, and specifically (1) in disregarding his signal 
of danger and (2) in maintaining a crossing of inadequate 
width, The Court made a special finding against him on the 
last ground, and there was no evidence of neglect except 
such as tended to establish the specific charge of disre- 
garding plaintiff's signal, and the finding of guilty must 
have rested thereon, The question presented for review, \ 
therefore, is the sufficiency of the evidence to support | 
the conclusion that the train could have been stopped in 
time to prevent the collision after notice of danger given 
by plaintiff's warning. 

fhe main facts in dispute bearing on this —— 
are the distance of the train from the crossing when the 
notice or warning was given and the time when the train 

engineer applied the brakes. Defendant's train was a so— 

called fast train, running east on its south track at a rate 

av & ae 


Brsis = aes 



‘ — bomen —E— 

— F 8 O r \ ; Tae. 


hexshnex OOP re tesaomgbat « aot et Lacqqe eda? — —— 
Ytegno) Dsowiéot off stanieqe—-;tendieso J 

nolif{uest oLidomotua a'ttitnialq of eepameb tot mislo a n0- a ; 

anterots ollfduq a ta ators a'énebaeteb Mtiw nolalifoo 8 mort ni 
oig Jens at sbam noktinetnoo ef? .ansibal te efate ons mk 
_seonebive eft to Jngiow oft tunings ers tnompbut bas gotbakt — 

anitstege ni yilarene, soneatinon heytesto TES nals fits. el aR — 
fengie ald ynkbisgeteth ai (L) yLisoltiosqe bas. mien edt 

esisupsbeni ta aniesoto s ufioted a so mi ($) baa xoyaab 20!" a 


eft mo mid Jenteys gnibait Laiooga « obam s1v0d. oA? std Baw Ag 

tqeoxe toolgen te eonebive on saw etordd bre ,bavotg task ay 

~sxetb to egrsdo oftioege eit detidstes ot bebns? ca, dove : 

taum yilivg Yo gntbnit eat baa ,Langis a'tlisnieigq em, 


[ «Wweivoz tot botmeze1q moitesup eT . mooted? beseet ovad " 
| txoqque of eonobive oft Ye yonetotttwe edt at \stotereds — 4 
mk beqcote need svad biuao niatt et tant noleulonns —— 
aevig tognab to esiton toftea noleli£os end Snevetq — — 

gnintaw e'ittdntele yd 
V Vern 
nottaeup eldd oo gutted otwqekbh mk ssost nlom edt Pet Lai 

ont nedw yniamox eft mort aterd orlt to — ont —— — * 
akety edt mow emit off baw neviy sew dal arss wo ood: , 

“08 @ esw nkatt a'toshnoted .eetnrd ost * 
sae # te Xostt dduoa atk O  Juse y gaknnt 2 

= Qe 

of speed, estimated at between 50 and 60 miles per hour, 

It was after dark in June, Plaintiff had cressed the tracks 
from the north and run his automobile a little off the 
crossing to the west, into a ditch on the south side of 
defendant's right of way. Being unable to move the car and 
noticing thet its rear end extended over the south rail of 
the south track, he detached the “tail light” of the car, 
which gave a dim red light, ran westward on said track for 
the distance in dispute and waved the light to the approache 
ing train. The engineer applied the emergency brake, stopping 
the train consisting of four Pullman cars and a combination 
car, with its rear at a point estimated at from 50 to 250 
feet or more from the crossing. He could stop it in a 
distance of about 1000 feet, 

About 400 feet west of the crossing was a semaphore, 
showing a white light, the signal for a clear, unobstructed 
course, and pursuant to the company's rules the engineer and 
fireman called the signal “white” to one another when they 
saw it. About 800 or 900 feet west of the crossing was 
the “whistling post" where the whistle was given for the 
eressing. Both the engineer and fireman testified that they 
did not see plaintiff until just before he stepped from in 
front of the train, which he seid was when it was about 30 
feet away; that they were then about 500 or 600 feet from 
the crossing. Plaintiff estimated the distance at 1200 
feet, and one of his witnesses judged it was "in the neighbor- 
hood of 1000 feet or a quarter of a mile,” and the other 
at “about a quarter of a mile” but admitted that he 'did 
not see how anybody could judge the distance at night to an 
accurate point,.' 

where distances are not actually measured but 

era⸗ estimated, it is a weli imown fact that individual 

. wo tog aslim 08 bas O8 mewied ts betamises beoas to 
wlostd ext beveoxrs batt Tiisielt onl mt Ath t3tte saw tT 4 
oil? tto efstil » eLidomotus std nui base diton * 

bos tao oft ovem of eldany gated .yaw to tirlyit Ee 7 

to List déwoa eat tz#vo bebnetxe bae teort afi taunt gatotton 

~tao off Yo “SeglL Liat" ocd? beroatob of ,xoait dives em? 

sot Moers bise no biawtsew sex ,¢ayil bet mkh #2 ovag rio — 

— atiswoxggs odd 09 Sgt ond bevaw ban efuqakh mt sonstalh eft 

aaiagesa ,statd yoneyiome ond betigas tovnigne off .atett gad | 

migsntdmoo # bus etso namifuva awot to gaisvelenco atest od “a 

O@S ot O8 mort da besamizese tatog «a ts tan9et ati dtiw m9 

anak t2 qoga bfLuoo oH .anteaoto off mort e1om 10 soeT 

-te9t COOOL tuoda to sonmtelh — 

~otorgemea so unw yniseoto ot To gaew So0% 008 duodA. * * 

betoursedons ,teslo a tot Langia edd ,tdgii etidw s zutworts | 

baw toontans ody aoLut atyneqmoo eft of tnovetwg bag ,eam0.D a 
vert oortw iedgens eno of “otiaw" Langia ont beliao nemo tht 

saw yntasowm et to taow dost 00@ zo 008 tuodA .th wae % 

elt tot sevig asw eltaldw ont oterle “taoq pakidabdw* ot 

yoedt gadt bolttisfass namortt bas teemiys edt dow -galseoro 4 

nt mort boqqeta ef etoted taut, Litnw VMiidntalg see tom bib- 

0& tuods aaw tk no she vow biae ed doinw ,nkeatd off? To $n0xt 

mort test 003 to 008 suoda made otew yor? tant yews Seatac 

OOkL Js eonataib ofd betamties Ttiiatel spakeeots ot 

-todidgien oft at" eaw tk bogbut aoeneatiw aid to ono * toot 

ma ot toigin te eonmtaib oft enbstt, —— cadens —J— ry 

tud borwsason Yilautos son ers Y tb ‘ton si x 
fawbivibnt dedt tost amos itew aet rer 




opinions greatly differ, depending on whether the jucgment 
of the individual is good or bad, and without he is shown 

to be specially qualified from either nicety of judgment 

or special experience, there is no way in the absence of 
comparison with some physical objects or known data by which 

the superiority of the judgement of one witness of average 

, intelligence over that of another can be determined, In 

the case at bar there was no way of determining the precise 
position of plaintiff when he waved his lamp, It was a 
pure guess at best, The very form of the testimony so 
indicates, and the very circumstances under which the 
estimates were formed rendered them more or less uncertain. 
Pleintiff wes naturally concerned with impending consequences 
more than meaturements at the time, He was under some 
excitement and running, as he said, one fifth as fast as 

the trein and ran west of the semaphore, but did not deny 
he was east of the whistling post nor deny that the distance 
of the latter from the crossing was as testified to by the 
engineer, That post and the semaphore were the only two 

physical objects with which comperison was made, But their 

distance from the crossing was also estimated, Plaintiff 

said the semaphore, as he paced the distance, was under 500 
feet from the crossing, and that he considered that he was 
more then that distance west of it; the fireman said it was 
about 400 feet. The engineer testified te the distance of 
the whistling post, and said it was about 800 or 900 feet 
west, and thet it was passed before the train reached 
pleintiff. Plaintiff's witnesses had to judge of the dis- 
tence by looking from the crossing which they had just 
reached before the accident. Owing to the darlmess they 
could not see plaintiff, but saw only his light, as one of - 

⸗ them testified. An estimate of distance formed under such 



fnomgbul edt velsedw no anibaegqeb ,TeItth yitae ty snoinigo 
mwode aL oc duodtiw bass shad 10 hoog ak Laubivibat aris to Te 
tnompout to ytootn w9dtia mort beilitaup yilaloege od of 
to sonseds ont mi yew on ek etont ,sonslrocxe Latooge 4 ay 

doinw yd ateh mromi to atootdo Laoiueydq omon Adiw noekragnod 

eysieve to ssondiw ono to Snomgbut edt to yFlaolroqus ont | 
ni .benimreseb ed neo rterigons to —J 70 vo ei. 
selootg oft gninimieseb to Yew on aew stent usd ta geno ond 
 g saw $1 ,qmal eld bevaw of nedw Itiinieiq to noltisog . 
os ynomitest ond To mrot yrov eT ,teed ts easy omg: 
est doidw tobnu asonsienmuoulo ytev edt boa seoteotbat 


cistiusony anel 10 stom meodt hbetebnes bem? otew sotemites 
BOO NS pPeZnod ant bas git dtiw bonise9no9 (itarudan asw Vildatels 
ema tobns eaw 9H ,omid ond ta atmemeiwaeem aedd otom 
ag fest as d7tLi ono ,bise of aa ,gninnet bas $romes boxe \ 
yneb ton bith dud ,etodqamee oft to teow nat has alert edt 
vonstatb eds sunt ymeh rom teoq gniltelsw ont 10 tase osw ont 
eft yc oc boititess as eaw yniseoxo ont mort rossal ont Yo J 
owt yino ot otew etoriqemen eff bas saogq tail .toentgne 
tiedt sju@ .obam asw noatiaqmos Moidw Atiw atostde feotevsig : 
Wkitniald .bedsmises cals asw gningor9 sds moTt eonetalh — : 
906 tebm asw ,sonatatb ond beoag of aa ,etotiqgamse ent bise 
asw off tad botebianos on todd bos ,aateeoto ssft mort toot 
egw ti bisa — edt sok Yo saew sometaih dont mett otom 
to sonstath edt of bettisact xeontyne ont .fo0% COB tuode 
test 000 to 008 suode asw $i bine baa ,teoqg ant iteknw ont 
bernoaet nikats rit oto tod hoseaq aaw tk sacdd bra teow ¥ 
-aib ond to ogbut, of bat avavendiw o'ithiniald .tthiakelg — i 
seul bad yet doidw yatasoto oft mot? gnixool To seme » 
yous sasmiuad oft of gntwO .inebloos ems o ⁊o ted — 
to sno es ,tripll eid vino waa tud Mthdatel 608 fon aon 
fovea ‘ebay bem10t eonatekb ‘to etamitas, eb 


circumstances with no fixed objects st definite distances 
with which to make comparison does not afford a sound basis 
upon which to base a verdict or finding when the burden of 

< fixing the distance rests upon the party relying upen such 
estimate and when it is contradicted by equally credible 
evidence given by persons shown to be more fimiliar with 
the locatiom and whose daily occupsetion requires them to 
exercise knowledge of distances. 

It appeared that the train could be stopped in a 
distance of about 1000 feet, and we do not think that there 
was a preponderance of evidence that it ran more than that 
distance after defendant's servants had notice of the 
danger, wr that the brakes were not put on as soon as they 
received such notice, When we consider that it was dark, 
that the speed of the train was nearly a mile a minute, that 
the railroad signal was set for a clear way, that plaintiff's 
lamp gave hut a dim light, which might well pass unobserved 
as defendisnt's servants in the exercise of duty were watching 
the important block and crossing signals under the engines 
strong headlight, and that the distances in question are mere 
estimates, a slight variation from which would change the 
entire ground for the charge of negligence (provided the 
brakes were promptly epplied) we regard the finding and judg- 

ment contrary to the weight of the evidence. | 
While plaintiff's witnesses tectified to circumstances 
tending to show that the brakes did not appear to be set until 
the time of the collision, we think the positive and circum- 
stantial and corroborative evidence to the contrary is 
entitled to greater weight. 
The record shows that defendant's counsel said 
he wanted to introduce in evidence an opinion of the 

——— Supreme Court and was given leave so to de, but 

aoonatath otinttoh te adootdo hexét on déiw asonntamuotto 
alasd bavoe so brotts gen asob moekisqmos sxam af dotsde dtiw 
to nebtud off merw gatbait «o doibtey « eand oe Lawteconsl Hoss 
dove cogs gniylot yttaq oft moqu eteet sonatakh ons gabe 

gidtbor yilaups yd bototbastmoo ei 2k nenty bas osamises 
dtiw wekLims? o1om od of mwoda eavareg yd nevky eonebive 
od mont seviuper moisaquvooo yYilsb seotw bas mitevsel edt 
.eeonataib to snbeLwom ee 
6 ni boqaote od bLuom ntaxt edd sadd bereeqqe #1 F 
eredt todd Antels Jon ob ow ban ,teot COOOL simde to oonetelh . 
tad nedd otom nar ti dads sonshive to sonatebaoqetq 2 aw : 
ed? to solion bar atneviea atinabnaateb t38d ta sonatalb 
yedt as noce as no tug ton stew astand odd tend 1: toga - 
»ltab sew ti tans tebiemes ew node ,oolien dove bevieoet ‘i 
gadt ,otunia so oLim a ylisen eaw nistt ort to boeqe edt sane. i 
e'Ytitakselq ged? ,yew tselo « 10% tee aaw Inigia bnotlist end — 
beviesdenu aeasq LLow toyia doide ,iegil wih « tud evan qmal - 
giinotaw erow yswbh to eekotexe afd at adowvroe al tmebne teb an . 
seninno eft tohas alangte gaiseor Sam Asold tuadtaogqmt odd 

stem ots nolsacup mk eoomatalbh eft sant bow .sryilised yootte — . 
/ edt bobivergy) conegifnen te ep ary off uo? basor, etitne 

‘ -sonobive edt to tilytow off of Ytett aod tnom 
Geonatamuortks of bettitaes asaventiw a'ltiiminke oLisd F 


9 tud ,ob of o# ovael mevig aaw 


it does not affirmatively appear that defendant availed 
itself of the leave given and actually introduced the 
opinion, But if it had been introduced we do not think 
its omission from the record presents a case for indulging 
the presumption that the omitted evidence would support the 
judgment. It would really have presented a question of law 
rather than one of fact. 

The judgment will be reversed with a finding 
of fact, 



a So ye — 

beltave snsbaeteh tandd xe9eqqs — —* 3005 
ant boouboutnt yLlautoa bre noviy evaol ott 0 7 * 
Antels ton ob ow boowbortat need bal tt U uel * 
patatiubnat tot saso 2 agneeerg btoset ont mou? ae 
eff trogqua biuow sonebive bettimo oft sant + 
wal to mokvaeup s botnenerq evad yfivet bLuow #1 Bae 
- ,toat to ene , 

— gakbalt a dtke hoareder od tian saat dh ott ran 


295 = 21278 


We find that the appellant, Pennsylvania Company, 
wes not guilty of the negligence charged in the declaration, 
and did not manage nor operate its locomotive engine and 
cars negligently and did not negligently disregard the 
Signals of plaintiff as alleged in the declaration, 

, bay 
ee | 


‘ XaAsquo) atnaviyanned jnatiness edt tedd bait oW 

| .1oktstafoeb ot at begrsdo eonoegilgen oft to wit 3 

bua satga ovisomovel att efsieqo ton eyenam ton bkb * 

eit Driageteib yLinenitsen ton bib bows — 

emoltexsioob oft nt begeifs as —— te 


601 - 20939 

LYDIA EB. D ces, et al., 






This is an appeal of Revert T. Brydon, indi- 
vidually, from the decree of the Circuit Court of Cock 
County, entered August 12, 1914. 

Fer the reasons stated in the epinien in case 
Neo, 20938, this day filed, the decree is reversed, and the 
cause remanded with direetions to dismiss, (a) the bill, and 
amended and supplemental bill of complaint of Lydia if, bDe- 
frees, and (b) the respective cross bills of compiaint of 
John F, Devine, as administrator ef the estate of Frances 
B. Hill, deceased, and of Jehn i, Kitchen, as a@shittistrator 

ef the estate of Mary Bradley Kitchen, deceased, appellees, 

for want of equity. 

pat Date g mee Pe oS 

-YTHUOO aood 

eve. ATeer 

-ibat ,nobys& .T diesen to Isoaqe as si elat 
1 Xoo Yo dined tluvorld eld Yo eetoeb edt mort vedi 
JbL@L ,Sf seugua betosae 7 ta 


e2so ai meinigo edt alt bedate enoeast oft t0t ‘ 
ead bus ,boetover ei setosb odd ,bolil yab akde 158008 « me 
bas ,(ild odd (#) ,setmweib of enolioetib Asin bebasnot | ‘ 
“oi ,i aibyt Yo Inialqaoo to 446 intuemefqqua * 
to gaisiqmoo to silkd eaore avisooquet ould (d) bas 
aeonart te evades edd to 10serveininds es atree * 

xotsiseiniabs es ae dod ae of nto toe bas -beanooeb — 

474 «= 20806. 




We Fe 

a lerporation, 
and 8, 7. ¥ 

ee — 


198 I.A. 280 

—— rus sei delivered the opinion ef the courte 

Taye An an spoon from g /yasgn ror 2,000.00 
an Kumd chad Cours ef oA ose An a 

dings ‘ei ear nate — —— ify OO. 

— —â ——â— —— —— 

—— — — acetate 

an V. #3, Haliem & Company, of which #. ¥. Hallam 
| in president, as°a Florida copporation engaged in the 
f businese of building, contracting, and in the swale of 
* Florida lands, Gome time prior io January 23, i912, ome 
| : B. J. Bhesiere, president of the Clageified Ad Company, 
4 an advertising corporation having ite principal office in 
Chiengo, Illinois, visited iie-taia liailam at Lakeland, 
if Flerida for-tha_purpene-of aolichtigy advertising for his 
company. In the negotiations between theae two men it 
WAS Peprosentec thit the “lasoified Ad Company wa finungle 
aliy veuponathiep’ that if yermitted to conduct an advertine 
ang canpaign for the Hallem Company, the result would prove 
ef great value to ite business, In these diccussiongs it 
apptared that the Hallam Company would net be able to pay 
in cosh the amount of money required to conduct thie came 
— paign if entered into, and theplen of giving sotes for part 
“wen ar i ae money was diseuesed, and in the course thereof at 



50808 « ova 


—D———— TH * 



aVbAULHD. {2 

AL at of beta 

oge Aléel 

efisoo edt Yo ⸗ Sid bevewlieh MA EATS ut J Pha 
f —8X 
20.090, 9% to) dixon bart G ROTT Lyon ~ He of sg ay 


a ne axa dyo tq #twod Lidgho truss wild ‘et pre. alaon San. 
| ef foaqn at in de (worted MMasdelasy) © hin gad setter $i 


.00 400208 — 2 Wa be 4 ag ire 
— — adie Seattle act ame —— Mss 
° caliek .% .¥ side ‘to o Werngarat. & watielt “ W weve : J 


ois i begagns setsexoggeo abitoLle a “ae —E ab 
to olew of? mt bee sBALIoexsK0G omit bd Lis te —BV 
emo 310% .8i winunat of telrxg sank 2 amg! — obnose, : 
| e Virago ba HudTinwado it Do Jnsblaotq sexetenat ot 4 . 
Mi woltio Laytoaisq ack yuivnd MoLdorcogtay Bhio stove an | 
sbnalexal 26 meLiait bibd-oth botkery ,wimiss: , epee dtp 
akd 9% onletsxevba tettiokion “Ye meoaug_ suit — abiroLt 
ti wom owd suet? noowsod anoisaltogon e3 ol 4 UrMymoD 
: ‘hone? Rar UiwemeD ha bo ktkcanto ond 2 aatd Solmeaekgor saw 
eaisiovin ma foubsroo of hesttioieqg %2 stadt gosstsnoqeet elie 
evotg bivew Siwerr os2 . ymagmod sae L.Llt ait xot tetany yas 
#2 arvderupedd sued ty ohtontoucd ave Jot euler — to 
| ene wkd toubaoe of bertuger’ wren 20 dawonin 9069 steno nk 
⸗rea rot aston yarvdy to ubla bei bam samt boxnsae * — 

a Terredd wate aie ta oss sboaswoase enw ‘Yona @ 

etalsaregTol @ 4.00 B/MALIAN .o. 7 

WE of eLde et ton SLuow viernod aat Ett ote ‘tad, borangas a Me —9— 

was taade Known the Classified Ac Company would undertake / .. 
te negotiate there notes through one Benjamin F. Sage, of 
Chiesg®. As & result «f.thene* wegetintiwm, 4 proposition 
for this advertising caupaign was submitted to the Hallam 
Gampany by the Classified Ad Company, in a letter weder 
dateje? January 19, 1912 addresani to ¥. e, Hallam & 

Company, Lakeland, Florida, signed by the Classified 

Ad Company, per B. J. Bussiere, president, The Halles 
Company signified ite acceptance thereto by wtating on 

said letter that the prepesition conteined therein was 

fully and irrevocably accepted. This letter was submitted 

in person by Suesiere to the Hallam Company, and ali the 
signatures affixed te said paper and the indorsenents thereon 
were made at Lakeland, Plorida on January 19, 1912. Gaid 
proposition provided that in consideration ef the Hallam 
Gompany placing with the Classified Ad Company on advertise 
ing sppropriation of $22,000,00, the Shasaified Ad Company 
agreed te furnish in « thorcugh businesslike competent 
manner, Gestetn aivertising in the best avaiiavle and 

most valuable mediwas, ‘The Classified Ad So, war to 
establish and maintain a well equipped correspondence 

office in Chicago to advance the interests of the Hallam 
Company in connection with the advertising gempaign, snd 

to place in charge thereef a competent correspondent as 
manager, the expense of which via. $1,000.00 was to he 

paid by the Hallam Company. The Claseified Ad Company - 
was further to prepare the literature required for 

the suceessfub prosecution of the advertising caspaign 
and to gupervise the publication of all euch literature, 
the appropriation therefor ($2,000.00) alse to be paid 

: as vy the Hallam Sompany · The Classified Ad Company ; 

: «Se 
\ — oaiichn bivew yxaquD SA bebtleass? ede mode wba ome 
YO ,opeat .7 ahwataed eno dyuoutd apron saved stabs ogen on 
: HOlsicagarg & .IttRdeNeteyer osete te. fkuGet @ oA wae 
MALLS Of OF bed simdun aew malaga yatetevovba abd 2 9 
Tere tetzol a nt Weteeuut) DA bok tineekd ont we waged — a ; ' 
7 A salink .f .W of hoasoubbe GEOL OL iawn, wapedad 
i | bottinaas oH? yd bomgte ,abLaolt , bitaLosted — 
Muliat oft ,tasblaciq ,stwheev@ .L .4 104 wun! ba 
mo ath dete vt oteoted? sonetqoova ots be stieygte ng 
ue —X —R Sonketneo moigia oguae mi? dng tester biew 4 
besiiadtun aew — elit sbetqeoon “ld asovenss bate ie ie 9 ; 
ont fin bitma: —R win L Lat ons OF etedaawl yd —DR ak — 
nos rtati⸗ atasuoorebad out? bre toga bine of bexkt ts norutangte 
El. bes veces OL Yeaumal co absvosy sbrunLortent 20 sham oxow 
é matiall 9% Yo nolsarblenco m Sauls bebtvesq mold inogdag 
| etiviovhs no yoaguot bA bet iienal® wf atiw wiioalg votagined 
Yaaqmed BA boktinasd) ode ,00,005, 858 te Hoksaligorgqa oat 
tnegequos eliiveentoud dyyotodt o n& dedi? of boouna 

Sais oldalinvea tread oft at gréatdcovbe oor —R * 

bai, OF aow .00 BA bokhtieantD agr eta Saw eidewLav taom * 
9 Sonehtoqneties beqqtupes Liew » atatatam bas debidates 
ms mealiat! add Io ataouwsend ant Sonavoa of oyandet ak oes to hae | 

bie ,Kgleques yoleltiovba edd dtlw noltooanes al wrung mis 
ao SHIhnagaeTtED SHeteqmee w Toornds oyiale of enaly on ua J 
od OF saw 00,000, 48 .ekv dodsiw Yo eaneque os toyanam . 
VWinqgaacot SA beltiewalo ex? .yreqwol mallet edgy Ww blag 

40% Dexlepet oxwtatod hs ot ‘etaqezq of sonar uae 

misquso yrkolsiovhs ott to Aolsuoamong Sw 2aao00u0 = * 
i | 

7) a'¥ fi 

s*twtareeil dows tLe Yo — ode — ms 
P mag. ag of oefa (00.900, 8¢) rotors Mond. : a . 
bSuintiod bA bodthasald edt cvmegun baths 


further agreed te submit proefe of exch piece of Literne 

, ture for final approval. The compensation to be received 

j by the Claseified Ad Company fox ite services in conducte 
ing thic advertising campaign, to be a commission of 3} 

} POE ceni.of the grew receipts reooulting from the advertise 
ing campaign, either directly or indirectly. 

im a geparate Letter of the same date, the Clagsie 
fied Ad Company guaranteed that the Nallam Company would 
receive und do $150,000.06 werth of business as a reeault 
of the advertising appropriation of G12, 0000, 4% alse 
guaranteed to supervise the piterature expenditure ef 
$2,000.06 and the Chicago office expenditure ef GL GOS, 06, 
This guarantee provided that if the Hellas Company should 
fail to receive $150,006.00 worth of business within 
one year from the date of entering inte the agreement 
eforesaid, the “haeeified Ad Company would refund 75 
BSE gent. of the total charge for seid service. 

in agcordance with the agremeente entered into 

Om this date, the Hallam Sonpany gave to the Claseified 
Ad Company in full payment of moneys needed in the campaign, 
including the expenditures, 26,006.00 in certificates of 
deposit, and $9 000,00 in the form of notes. The note 
4 — om we was one ¢7 thase motes and wie for the swa of 
@2,000,00, payable on October 19, 1912, This note, as 
well as ether notes, wae dated Januatyy 19,1912, payable 
te W. F. Hallam & Jommany, at the First National Gank of 
lnkeland, Florida, with interest from maturity at the 
rate of 10 por sent par aumwe. They were signed by 

¥, BP. Hallam & Company per @, F, Mallem, and indorred 

Powe V. Hallam & Uditpany and by W. F. Hallan individually. 

entedtt to voekg done to atoorg simdun oF bootge ae | 
bevinges of of molsaeneqmmo peft -Lancereatge Leni? — out \ a 
efoubaon mi asolviee eth «9% yoaqmod DA bostingal? a⸗ we F 
$8 to cehaeimion s od of pty Lagu singe lexevbe ads aa 
otidtcovba outs moe. wildineos atgivoss amety sel ends 
ovitootsbat =o “itoonty Hada ke — eq wat 

seual® od) ,otab euaa old Yo 1w9esek odasogee 2 wh Re iar 9 
bivew vwiaqmol smlia® east gotf bvetaniawy eaquio® DA best | | 
tiusss s ss wesaleud Te dicow 00,000, 00L6 ob bas evkeoe 
Oefa 22 sb e000, GLP Bo molsaluqoryqu piielstovbes ods to Ki 

‘he otwtibaogue orwdasesig orld ookveogua oF boos clarũ a p· — to exwdibnogxe soitte eyapin® ent ome 09 4000485 —— 
Siveda ynaguod malial eff Ti turis bebivony oosnecany alat 

skidiw deonkeud to dtcow 90 4009 0686 evinses oF iis? 

tromeotge od? otnk yairetao to stab. it mort m9, mie é J { #0 

SY hawtet Sivow yinquo> DA boltinead® edd sdigaotota — 
wokviea phos wot — Lado —J poco a ff 

oind boxedus asneagorye os Aa hW vomabroons wk | 
beitieaaly add of eva yoaquet aecc Tat osta 4 ends ne 
imiagua was oi bedoon eyeron 2O tnoayay ILut ae ‘Witengaod BA 
To antanLtisros as 002090,38 ao ue Lame gas ont ge iby tome 
tort ont oad On Xo moot welt md 09 4000608 baw sf hsaqees 

to awa wuts 1081 axw bas odor satus ig to eno enw 00 howe 

aa yeton wknt ~Sl2L ,e@L —XR rie sidayaq 400,000, 26 
—— BLUE, OL 5 bedab ae⸗ neta wer * kiow 


Thin note game inte the pessession eof 7, T. 
@andlach abeut September 20 oF 21, 19232, It was due 
( Gateber 19, 1912. Befere ite santurity it wae taken over 
by the plaintiff company anc “Fr. Gyméleach given sredit 
therefor on the becke of the cumpany. It ——— at 
maturity and thereupon suit was imetitated agninet the 
Hallas Coppany and Mr, Hallam personally, hy the plaine 
tiff sompany, in whidi the Judgaent was enterea from 

which this appeal bes been prosecuted. 

Theetatenent of cloim ehowed that it wae & 
suit baeed “pen a promiseery note. Deferndenta, in their 
afficevit cf merite, alleged: ~ 

— Mia * Chat the Gundlach Advertising 
Company hat net bought anc doer net now orm the 
note here sued Ong» 

‘i: — 

8 gond, Anat the plaintiff at the time ef 
the pretended eseignment to it ef tear eaid rote 
bowe—em-en hod notice -scdintesleet that the cone 
taderetion fer esic acte bac foiled ane thet there 
were good and eufficient defenses to said note as 
hetweer the Claasified ad Compeny snc Rerjorin 
RN. Page en the one side, anc these defendants on 
the other. 


—— Chat at the time of the pretenice 
purchase of the note here-ruci-oa, the dundiach 
Advertising Company enc its efficers ant agents 
had such knowledge ef the facta and oireunstances 
surreunding the giving of thie rote ane ite want 

ef consideration as to taint the entire transaction 
with fraud anc to wake the purchaaing of said im 
strument by the Gundlach A@eeevietag Company an act, 

— at the time of the pretended 
purchase of tia note hers gued=en soy the Cundiach 

become aware of the defense Claimed hy thewe dte 
fendants ard otetmeefinet that the wneneereeee 
eet oie. feat that toe 
¢ had been secured from tree defendants by 
fraudulent practices, and hed knowledge of such 
ether facts and circumstances as to make the pure — 
Gemeemy amount to an act of bad faith.” 

ep Pa 
+7 .X to colaemnseq sit otnt emae ston aldT eee i 
ouh mow ¢X 4SL@L ,f{8 <0 OS tedmotees suede Hi Ces =. 
S8VO mess! Bow 22 ytiuutan ah exotel .ShOL . GL aedosed J 
sihete nerdy Moalhay Tit om p — — VWitniale ory J— 
3 fact ty 
$6 blag\gewr 30 eynageoo aft to ednod ont mo “@loxmedit ‘a 
: edt fentaga betuii¢ent sew Shue mogueiods tem ya saute . a 
eRisia off yt «ylfanonseq mallet .«k ote Yieqmo aaliLal 
: fi a —— 
HOET Soverne saw Saomybdul odd db iiw ak oysegmon WRF qa 
obesuesneig awed mad faequyqe sind Aoldw ; 
#2 oav $f Sond. bewous mialo to tment 2) SOR ms J 
thos mt ,ateehasted eter yrenetwoty # noqu boned tm 
cihene tis ,adtues Te fivebhtte 
a — — — 
BtivlstevhA -doslhoud ond tad D gd — 
8 wo wen ter o90b bee tiywed ta wad Yunque | ae * 
Come boua ered sa ee i: 
Yo emit oct fa Wisuntelq ont sack 33*8 — Pie kag Od a 
ator Dhew whe To tk of Susumgises bobs <q] odd ee 
109 Of add SOW Rewekhatbo golton bad ork noms ee 
St9dt ftott Sate balie? doa 279R Siea ret molterebae | a 
ag Ston bise of avansteb tastoitive bag 500g otew s 
rivetaot bose gneque! BA bestieaald ett seewdtod ae 
HO asnabieteh eames one ,obhe ono oft — Se ry ‘ . — 
bebarteny sit to onde eet a Mi 
tgainawd otis otoG wie Ye seacioney 4. 
- a3n7ge bax arecktts 23k boa wrest!) Q@iivttueyos ar 
asonsienuotlo bun adcal odd Yo Sybelwomt dows bel “i 
isew att Sam efor atds to gabvhs ect —— yt an 
Hoktonatars orkian oft sntag of a9 Kolseveh mee — 8 
Dts wii biaa — —— TAY, yp aes > wh ae r athe ee / 
/ #98 m2 YLAKOD — Dt) ae hen 1 Sa 
ac | — es a a: 
; bshuatexg ott Yo ents ont ta ¢ 

Moaibras!) ost yh) sendbeepocad, econ fo 
| sfeetuss shan ww fSoeryeq om ® 
Wer TL ,eovreds vbom gow fm Wie aieted a 
wit oatbmgd ott smowumcd? oban sve enw fo 
bad asnene bre wtent — avi haa 

=ah meme yal somketo weneteb sale ‘Xe gtmwe wmon 
Kotter heaoo Jott Suiwinete bas e@: 

elt dads Dabaeteh emu tee Renee se 
WW atoahne — work WOR * 
Aous Lo egbetwont bad baw sour sq 
wig oct olen ot as aponadanuothe pte 

* te 9 ——— Bey, ; 



—s eg, —— 

Hon the trial Sew plaintiff, upon offering in evidenee 
the note and testimony that it wae umpaid, rested, The 
evidence on behalf of defendants ehuwby showed ties 

—— ee Se — 

nh 0 breach of the covenants entered inte 

by the Glansified Ad Company in consideration of which 
the note in question, among others, wun executed and 
delivereds that there hud been a breach of faith in the 
negotiation of theve notee on the part of the GClnesifiod 
Ad Company and that the title ef the anid “laweified Ad 
Company to said instrument was defective) fone sardyzt 

| ectpetaca, inder_aas,-69-0f-< rr Seyotiabire —— 

het, \&. Sa, ch, 98, wma on the pantarr to pydve that 

| 1% or soe holdex from whem it derived ite Aitle was 4 

, Helder im die course, Under see. 52 of Aho aforsuent} ened 

at, a holder he due course is requipéé te prove tha tne 

imstruaent sued owas complete and reguhar on ite f. 0, 

hot it became the hoder — before maturity, ape / 

jithout notice that it mas previously dishonored, i] owen, 
the fact, that it tod said note in good faith for 

folue, and that at tHe time of ‘te negotiation it had ng 


ne tice of any i. ria ty or defeat imthe title ef the 

DEraon nego tint ing it. Whether or net phaintiffr wal a 

solders in, fae course or had derived ite titlestrom | 

ws ‘in due dourse, was an ivoue of fact vndes End 
oT tit terernination ofthe Jurye” 

AeA Sy Evidence on behalf of the 

a a 

Plaintiff Semy tended to shew that plaintiff, of which 
&. T. Gundlach was president, was a corporation doing 
a generml advertiging business in the city of Chicago; 
that the P. P.. Company, of whi on! —— Sage WR 

benolsnometeta oh to &6 .oee ted .eatuon 96h mk reblog 
ony | todd evony ot 


dou Wk ,botenodals yLavorvewy ag> th taut ootdon duod 
<Ok Meiat booy ar oon bk ad tk gant ‘gdout pas: 
or bd ti moltsitogon age ‘eo amke te tadd bos a 


conebive ci avitelte nroqu ,Tiiinialq whee Leits ait 20 ffP —* ig 
ext? .beataert ,btegay anw $2 Jacks yromisoos bam atom ott 
dort bewodia yeomme stanbretes to tiated ao eonebive 
ofnt boxwwene sfeaneves oft to dosed « seeduapiepsod, 
dotdw to moigexebtenoo @bh yraqued bA bo tileael> etd yd 
bas betyoox® saw ,aterniso yom aektooup mi oton old 

ont ai dttat to dosoid » mood bad euede Sads ghoteviled 
bottlers fD odd Yo stag ste mo seton eeods to moisgaiszogen 
BA boktiasnlO bias oft Yo ef223 ond Sods baa yraqued bA 

Revisorten sow dneswisent bias of  yragmed 
⸗ — —— 

ö— — ————— — 

trotwitanl sidabbeyett mete ed Lg DATOS TPES 
at} evoaq Of Tiddninta ond no waw .B0 ilo 08 “HOA 
auaw elgii ath boyitob 31 morw mort sebLod gdice to 7 

~enihe ai ewutnoo enh ¢ ‘cab Loa a of, 
(e90h st ack no artis bus otelqueo aaw to howe ir . 
\ bien etireten stotod 20d a3 ‘308 ii on? omaood 24 9 

oft Yo 9042 ong AE tootob 40 ys dares qn to wks Or 
a dow Tikinigde: ton to t93dtedW 22 gndd ; Oyen Hoa tog 
more e [3 kf ast bovixod bed to eatweD wath , 
| i. zohan font 20 ovcok te Caw ,9atv0d aub & 
RX oth -ertd to * ee ait 

ait to Yared no ‘oonobavd Sg osmee 
pein tA ‘ 
Hokitw to ,Ytlénial sadd wora ot obey start lantate 
gaiob nolseroqrao a aaw sttoblaetq abv doafbaud .T = 
—— te —— oft at otontoud gabeievovbe — 
sae @ * ‘ite rte to o WEAGMOD ARES howl 

ee — 

ae ‘ ‘4 ce 


president, had hak considerable tusineau dealings witha 
the plaimtizg?’ CSaoupany, that vage amd duadlach had been 
frienia for aany yeorms that Page had weoeme indebted 

te Gundiaeh personally te the extent of B14 ,GO0, 00 or 
$16,000.00; that pert of this inasbivdness —E 
due en er shout September 20; that some time in August 
My. Gundlach departed for u trip te Seuth Anerios to be 
gene indefinitely, and entrusted his persenal affairs te 
J. ¥. Matteson, vice president of the plaintiff company, 
with power to attend to all kis tustWdene during his 
ebeense, including the soourlng of paywent from Page 
for the amount maturing in Sepieuber, ++-furtie® ape 
eared fren tine er bans tite Avout September 20, 1912, 
Page oaliad upon Mattesen and informed him that he was 
unable to ony Oundlaeh in gash, bul tendered the note 
OTe Gaede upon in payne 0 part of the indebtedness; 
severe Pt the time thie effer waa made he exhibited a 
atatement ae to the financial aondition of the "allan 
RRM cre or ‘informed Matteson that if the 
neie wae — paid he would pay it himoel Og sehet Phe 
mete was acaepgted by Hatteson on behalf of Oundlach 

and eredit given for the prooeeda, view, $1985,00, whisk 
repreeented the fuce af the note lesa six per sent. discount 
for the time 4% e¢412 hed to Pung, inert Snertly vefore it 
matured it wae transferred by Yatteson on behalf of dundlach, 
#0 the plaintiff company, and Gundlach was given erecit 
on the booke of the company therefor, 

tu behalf of the plaimtirf, beta Gundlach ond 
Matteson testified that they knew nothing of any trang 
actions between the det erment Ga herein and the Classified 


bosdvbni omooyd bak ogodt sasit —E rate 0, 
x0 00,000,048 te snodxe oct of UtLanowteg — — 
gk pie ausnbeddebm: abide to s1mq tect oo · ooo. dit 
duuguA mi weds onen dade ;OR rodmedged syods to ae om a 
af oF acixesA. ddved of gird s x0 betiaged iia Lom pray fi a 
ot axiatia fanowxeg afd botautza0 bas — ine toon. — 9 
siagmoo Thitwiale et? Yo tarshlieory soty ,noeetia¥ «Et ft pe ; 

aun paboul somites. std {Le of — —— — abe 

os on ody betebined duct eigen 4 sow Lora) | yao oe : 
saeonbotdvbnt edd Ya stag Jie snecgee: ah: MOGs bove ee 
8 dodidinxe wf -eban. gar teTto shld emtd ale — 
matLatl eit te noitkonee fatonans® ont oF om tem 
odd th Sade moaediall begets 3 7 pf 

tio bitw 00 eeete .okV saboso ong ond rot — pi 
dnuooets .gneo tq xis eaet afon ont te oon ont be * 2 
th exoted etnouih ee eure as bat ite th mult 
don ibm to Ufasted no Keass tae we — wow an 
thbero } mov naw doatbau uns æ 


Em ic aye | nS Ae 

+0"? we 

ioe Rettig of ony cone 

ictnte between these peoples 

Ad Covspany end tie thet ieee 

eed TYRESE Mh that they had ne knowledge ef the fail- 
ure on the bart of the Classified Ad Company to perform 
the conditions in the agreement entered inte with the 
defendants in consideration of which these notes had been 

executed, Upon crosg-exnmination ef theae two witnenees 

and On direct exanination 
CRS AOE SI defendants endewroxed te prove 
their defense os set forth in their affidavit of merits, 

4 cerefal-exeninaxtion of tie — 
Petantantt” dayenace almost entirely for tasir defense on 
the wridenee vhowing breach of faith on tie part of the 
Classified Ad Company and Page, amd the claim that plainue 
tiff had not proven by a preponderance of the evidence | 
the fast that it was itself @ holder in due course or | 
derived its title through a paolder in due course who 

was not himself a party to any freud or duress or ile 

legality affeoting the instrument. 

A. Or that there was no defect an —* Wr; 2 


a —— ie — — 
— See ont — we gE Nae — at 
* P uf ey aE Ay weit 

— is 
thet Page was indebted 

* — 7— 
cawe Qn the part of plaintiff, 
in a gum Goneiderably lerger than the omount of the note 

war question; that at the time it was turned ever te Gunde 


-ioo \ne ‘to gitnden Wei qe tune pgenet bores —X bA 
peiqoey eavds coewtod otat Leredne noe Tmbmibeteadd fuente. 
«List of2 te onbo tw oct ow Sod yous sads —— 
srxotireq oF yaaquod DA bobtiesaly oad to fray ads, od om — 
ei? dtiw ofai boredae snamootse oud ad emoks lhaoe ⸗a⸗ 
eed had sefon sect? doise to foliassblenos ak ‘dnabwe tab | 
ecenontiv ows owas to notdentunxd=60%0 noqu “ boauooxe 
Reg? oEMit E020 tule voit solsanlasxe sees "0 bus 
' ove1y of Sevevesbae afaabae tod SR ee 
-6fivom to divabitia tied? a2 sidrot jee ea oane tab abot ; 
THI IOeL VAs HOeiovdh-bt09—T TUF hq-nottaninacetvtenset 
he asceateb sleds tot ylorwlias —R ——— — —* 
esd Yo Ging edt ae dtied o donoad aaiwods soaobive oul 


exjelq Jads winds odd faa ona drum ynnqmo? bs hot ttwanto 
J — —— eds to sonatebnoqety s vd ao vora ton bea mus 
| %9 serwoo ob at rob Lod a toudh saw ab tosis font ‘oat 
“Oaks ocauoo oubh at eb fod —XE ofoaa oak bovizeb 

—* 10 esetubh xo buet? que of Ytusq « Voeamtd ton — 

| stnomaudect ord salvos 2a we Lingel 

‘wae (Oh ome 2A 
io bea ,culay 

Sis wd ch too tob on 

———— — ah npr ral 

besdebal eaw — * —2* —4 2 oman 4 
ston oad to damon ‘oui aau⸗ — Viderebtonae we * 1 


Na lack pars of this account Was ue and wapmdds peta. 

aN Decors Reems thot Natteron testified that he 

accepted said note in payment of part of the indebtede 

mean due from mer te Gund ach, 


az that the 
wd tas e Gl wi thow 

y in the note, or — dofect 

MAr ox 

HOt wali SGA lL wes 

efendants particulary nppaada ‘thensales to the 
on thet plaintart ad faites to show taut at rua 
‘, becance tase a 


beat was mo exprese agrees: mt to 

wae taken a8 aeeuri ty ) fer a presaxisting debts 
showed that olgthes er 

security asi ~ auch faut 

7 om 

Bm. ’ 

—J ete Bots ibꝛaauu hog oub saw Sauaven —* Led ot — 
od sete Bokthtacd monodsau J 0 
ebesdo ont aid Ye fing te tnemyag mk tou bine —— 

— — — — — — — 

— — 7 Jon 

woyawost.rinababa. fo Coe ot saad mort * 
| ott gant? dak Lad ® FR —B00 “H 

wodgiw baa , pat bra — ak 3 
fontos ys t9 ,8fen oft at 

augue yait 

nid goat 
eas tadg & 

evianetxs gnedic 16 2 
padit buayes se sutt 

ett lintalg ort? 

te#blancs of 

tod? begga yilehsmesous od 2 

bien cf ¢ 

a bad tk woste t 
; eonehive on jeaw on⸗ — — 

OF sr: oegorga ‘silent ort oan ° 
pine pttaisraorg s 10% (Ys 
? mi⸗niaa tat owodte % 
sont owed aid bus whose 

ta Lente, xo — 79 | a Tibdaielg ¢ 
aS 4 vm 4 
7 * chs » 


Page to aolliest the mete and epply the Preoceed@a on the 

PYe~szlating debt. ef ondante, in urging this contention, 

 * Place great reliaase on the rule of law announced in 

— — 

severest New York decisions, The evidence ghows that when theae 
notes were given by the alia Company to the Clinseivied 

4c Company, it was sntenieg that they should be negotiated, 
the preeecde, however, to be devated to securing funde for 
Cacrying on the advertioing campaign in question, Horeover, 
the ovidence shows that defendants knew that the Chaeeified 
Ad Company would negotiate these notes through Page. By 


their act taay mace it possible for Page te come in poe — 
annan Of these neies and negotiste sane. While they exe 
Bected thet the procouds thereet would be applied te ~ 
purpose intended, yet there was mo evidonse that plaintirr 
knew th€. purpose fer which the notes were given or that Lt 
hed knowledge of the breach of faith or the failure of the 
conpideration the said nOteB, at the time Page nege tiated 

the ons im question, Under Such facte and chrouns tances, 
the ceahention ef tie tefendants, that in the absence or 

Sh Rapress agreenent that the note Wat tacen ae seourd ty 

for a debt, ox a manOranwua Ghowing that eredit was civen 
Page Lor the BHO URE » Plaintaty failed to prove that it took 
the uote for value anid without notice, iz without moxht. 
While porhapa such contention Riny have been suéceasfully 
urged under the Sew York decisions, yet our own Courts 

heave applied a different Principle of law, Thie was first 

ieic cown in apni, ve Uethure, 36 I11, 490, whore, under 
facts much eimilar te these in the case at bar, the court 

held, p. 469; 

edt Ho moon ong asid — bein — out soniton od wie . 
sholinetavc okelt Bae yh nt sBFMBbay Ted stdob PALselxeworg 
ai beonwonns walt te otis ly oo s0peilor taong — i ‘i 

—* mona 2 mils awosie ottobive ait eenoiutoo’ ud welt facoven J 
boltioas ld nit? of Vinquuod —XRXR vit wt osaw aster 

) begat? open od bivede would tat beometal aaw 2k —— ba 
40% abast yaitwoon of botoveb od of ,tvvewed ,abowvetq odd 
.tovoo rol oktaoup ak stykaques guiaidtevba sstt ao deintxxiavo 
___ bGkMaaelo- ott Fads worl atmabaotod — * avons somebive alt | 
“a8 . eget aAnuca⸗ aes on eaene ofarsagen bivow ceased bA : 
emo mk 9m of oye x0? efdinaog $4 obs bot doa vhost 

one yond SLi ened stalsogen bus aden wands bo, notecon * | 
F wis of botiqua ed bivow tosveds ansoning wits —* botong } ne 

“Tikemiale tautt ROMeDEVS oO BE Awal⸗ Joy sbobuosas — | if 
fi tac? 10 aoviy wtew geson wie do kiuw 20% asoqnan yas veut J 
—9 —8 Se } J. 

orl? to otuList ods 10 Mtist to doscw ait 2o obo Loom bati 
betnisoges eget ould of? ta 0899 et biaw ‘HE cotsaxebinage 4 

 {a00nstemvertéo bao fost iious tetiat snokdaaup at emo od 
to sonsade aft mi stadt bonnie eh wid to nolenngnen exit iq 

yt btw090 an neces eaw oson ait tert dnonmenge. seotgan ae | 
nevis saw tibeto salt gniwede muhnetouem m vo etdod. a. sor 
ood th tad evoxq of beLiat Tritaialy _inwomm ots cet syat | 
od ircon tuodsiw af ,eolgon, suodtlw bas sehev «0% —R ond 
YLkstaneodus mood svat yam noidwetnon dows. agadicog — 3 
etivoo mwe vo doy ,acto e toreh waoY welt we vom bowrr ie ; 
futt? caw slat wwal Yo oLgiomky q tnevettid a. bei iggs ved Fi 
“wo heis — sane LLE 08 ——⸗ eve bat 4 


1 Ge 

*Wo are led, then, by what we consider 
the equities between the partica, and by the 
acknowledged policy of giving stability to 
negetiable paper, to hold thet the indora¢e 
of euch paper, before itu uxturity, taking it 
as payment er seaurity for a preexisting debt, 
and without any express agreemout, shall ber 
deemes a holder for « valuable consideration, 
in the ord inary course of trade, and shali hold 
it free from latent defenses on the part of the 
makex. “ 

Thie role of law was reaffirmed and adhered te 

in Mix ye Hntiongl Bank, 91 111, 20, ond Zodlmen ys Jackson 
Sayings Bank, 238 111, 296. 

the jury by theixy verdiog eetermined tie tee 
ee to whetha plaintiff was a heider in due course or 
renelived said note from a holder in due course, in faver 
of the plaintiff, ani we eannet, after a esrefui review 
of the evidence, sey that such verdict iv clhearhy and 

cenifentiy aguinet the weight of the evidonce. 

Defendants also aouplain that the eeurt erred 
| in its rulings on the admiosibllity of evidaunces cffered 
. on behalf of the defendants, it iu true, the court, 
| when Kr. Gundiach and Ur, Matteson were calied as wiaturcces 
under section 33, gupxa, did sustain many objesiisons to 

22 2. s 6b eee eee 

questions meked them by counsel for defendants. Technically, 
these rulings were correct beczuse at tont time dofencante 
had not shown failure of consideration for the mote cr brench 

of faith in itw negotintion, Later when defendants had ine 


treduced eufficient proof to cast wpon the plaintiff’ the 
burden of showing that it wae a holder ia dua course, 
defendantst counsel had the opportunity of again going into 
thie matter’ on crosseexamination of Mr. Gundlach and lr. 

tatteaon, both of whom wore celled an witnesten by plaintiff, 

0 k« 

a 4 

cebleneo ow tatw yd ,medd , bel wan of" 
ndt yt bao ,wokttag od? mewded, cost inpe oe 
of ysilidata grivig to yolloy — 
vonrabet edt gadd boct of ,teqag *hinks 
ti potted ,ytiavead ati oxotled ,teqaq dou 
etdoey paisalxoong @ <Ot YilivoeR TO In0. aan 
wed Lincs ,Tnesse1ge aeotqze you Juvoutdiw baa 
enolitarebisno eLdagiey a «6% tebled a Samak 
blod [Lede bes ,ebatd to setveo ytaml xo oss ak ed 
edt Yo fiaq ad? mo soanetebd dnogat mont 22 4 
—V — Fae 

ot hotedba bag beartkTtaet aaw wal ‘to a ahd? | 

fomiom’ a, Mamtfos bus ,08 .f£1 £0 aloo Jenghtel ae ak at 
0008 ofl BBR rau uaa ve 

| evaal evs beniseies golouev tied? yd ytat oat | 
<¢ pa1uod sub ak todLor! Si saw ttisnialg widedw of oa 
<ovet aL ,oeives sub al «edLod w wort e¢eon diag ‘pov ieoot 
weivex iu‘letet 2 tetta of osirsne ow bie otthintesy od? to 
bas yfiaelo ok fotoxev down sadt yao —R& out hoe 
sdonbkvo ect to siylow axils contane viteetinen 

. berio gtuco elt Sadd ———— onLe esaehne ted 
douetto oomvdive to ytdlidteaiads af ao “mame ugh at 
eftu09 ots ons ak 3K eatnabnoe teh ols te haste ao “a 
eecendiw ca belise exw genedtall . ti dei⸗ —E oo ee ; 
a anolivetdo yum miesvave bib .gxape 186 moltooe xobay 
elas inscoeT .adnabne'ted ret Leanwen yd aeit been anoktseup 3 
atasbhtrretos guid acig sa sauaned soeTLO0 wim agnifus ements fy oe ‘i é 
Monerd <9 dos sig tot notiarsh tence te Auer won 40m ba ; oe 
ei kel atasbnueieb neste se tmi snoltarsogen wat ad athat to J 
edt Bris whatg ads nog seas of Toor, saelol twa beoube i J 
aq eoerwoD oub nh sobLod 6 sow tk fusit gaiwode Bad ovat 4 
——— piltoy alaga te yinsdtoagqo ode bot Loanwsoo Vase —J 4 
* (Tl has dostbawd sx to woltanimaxeessoto —* ae 
‘sieve Wf anaccntin aa bofiac ex0w mow to tod 

iia 9 
it, me ; ee He * —F 4 



to Bhaw that it was a holder in due @ourneg It remained 

for defendants te avail themesives of this opolortunity. 

Defendants also complained that the court 
gid not correctly instruct the jury as to the law applicable 
to the facts and cireuustances in evidence, The charge Le 
the juzy was an cYral oné@. if it contained anything ¢@¢rroneous 
or objectionable or omitted anything esreential, it was the 
duty of counsel for the defendants to bring the matter 
te the attention ef the court. But the reeord is barren 
of any objection er suggestion with reference to the 
instructions given, and defendants cannot now complain 

of any errer in the court's instruetions te the jurye 

Defendunt& finelly complain of the clo@ing 
remarke of counsel fox plaintiff, They refer te two 
partioular instances; in the ene the court susteined 
objection therete and in theo thex the cart stated that 
eouncel had the right to ogive his version of the evidentte 
While we agree that the remarks in both instances were 
improper and unwarranted, yet we eannet view these remaxke 
ag being so prejudicial ae to have influenced the jury 
in arriving at their verdict. 

VYinding “o reversible error, the juagsent of 
the Municipal Court of Chicage will be affirmed, 



J — 
boatones tk Seuxwes eub nt sobLod » enw ai sash wore oo 

*Udinustocqo ald? 0 sevfeamed? Lieve o¢ aaadas ted 3— 


Siveo off gads hentslguos onla. atiabne ted — ard 
‘eldaodlaqs wal oft of aa youl ods soundons \Lsooxrxen pai 
oe Cyrano wT ,voONMbive gh asonad umverto baia ato? ont | 
auoenorre ytkityne bentedmon 32 YL cane fan as eae mul, | 
ont aew $2 efeitnooas gridéyim bottkoo <0 oltandisootd . 
tedium ott yalad of atnadno'tob ott cor Lento to wud pe a 

; settad ef bieoes off tye eftuoo ola te notgnersa ont od 

ods OF sonoreter dete molsaeggue to molsontés aa 
tialoon won Jone stasdaeteb bee sHov dy eu od sours on 
f — ote OF aNeitouttant atgqwoo ont ek Lorre ea hi 
NY R agg A 
, gitnoto eit to miaLmos “i Lani'? —E 

ows of totox Pvc ethitaiale 10% Sonenses: we | 

tad? botats fume ett. Tsk ops ak bes ofertas aoasetae 

evomehive ed? I9 molaxvey ald oviny OF dilyax oats — 
i, wow avonntamt dtod mt — oud tatt aan he 
‘ices coeds weky tonnas ow toy, .botmoxtenme bea ad 

Vist ods heoneulink evei ef oa fate ibuterg on ea 

stolbver thos fa . 

to Inougbyt ant eTOI%9 gidteusves on patba 
p shomktha of LLiw Oywel® to dawoD £ 

oD RA 

$88 « £1041 

Appellant APPEAL FROM 


q ? és € Q 
. — — — 4 
it — ⸗ %) 4 
¢ is 

Q P / 

; fr Seam } : RAAB o ‘mnie he a fy read troy on 
v rdntered Bepteuber 4. 1914 a4 tk neing appeldant ts ‘onube 
of, ation on — appolkioe. — od 

we Pre SUETTTT PAU AELT gored the weintow ef the courts 
4. Q. ORR, | 
— WO, on Tuly 17 entered his appearance. Un teptem 
ber 4, 1924, upen motion of appetites and notice thereof, the 
eourt diawigeed the suit and ordered a return of the property 

July i i. 1913 a writ of replevin was served on 

tuken wader the —— 

The record before —E —— — — Gertara od 
to be complete) consistadof; — the affidavit 
for vepleving the writ of repleving the replevin bondg th 
appearance of the deFendamty . thie motion t© diemian the anuse 
and the ordexy of diemiegal, Although the cause waa pending 
for more than a year at the time i¢ was diamioceed, no declarae 
tion waa over filed, ‘The record in-the-cese-mtebar conte ina 
no bil) ef exceptions, stanegraphi¢ report or stateannt ef 
faate pn fucty theres acting in the record reaord te inaiente + 

hy the—eoune-oF Gation was dividtaeea-on-mppelleets motion. 
LOX Re. WR MIE ..RROMIG kh pie inept Rates AL... ee dx 


» ye , ne or rh a 
Ber eh ; Say 

LOM @ PYAR \uow 
ott dawoqtod — 


@ge .A.1 ee L~ 
al yor? Laois aa. me ot abdt ee 

‘> ‘a saat tous pate tom tb oreL > sedun qa — 

~~ ed sooliegqe t Agom 20 GOksoR\IO — a 

— angrt 

poten. ont torrointaye Sit” SeteTIIOE UK 

fo hovien aay nivetget to titw oa ELCL " £ hue —— Le 
stietgel nO .eonetaogge ald botedae VE whats aa! , ote —— aq 7 
ot .tooreds oobton bain ocrtboqge— to solsom moqss 6404 o> ted 3 ia 

i “a a 
Xt gorg oi? to mudot a bowwbto bane sive malt bea Lusi kb xuoo —* 

Fe Sata outs ꝛo heu⸗ noted a 
u —— — raro rsonot ont a Bie , a 7 

tivebtita ode tapiwetietous tohbtatonon (neo Lense od of ie 
a3, gouod nivolqon old, jatvelgon To tho ond, gatvedgor TOT 
Roaus0 ort aakmekh of sokgom arid, gdmabare toh sud Yo sonwEeDgGe 
pitt basg new paren ond dyvodtlA «nee dowdh to: 19bt8 aed ban 
aia loob on ,boostomth enw $k outd od te taey @ neue tone 10k as 
Lent atnoo Tata east nald—at axoava ont ebolr? neve aaw molt ag 
| 2 tremasase h Itoget —— —— hod ifthe 6 oe 
he tbak of brooo4 (oat AIS roe ' ’ 
" OLS Con vines ee ee anw moldoe 
fd $1100 nbd RO Soktom-octd- dace 
ensneuaaueteel — sow notton 

al ald 
Bb klalde 

befendant inj® 

\ Plaintstts in sti | O 

S L.A. 294 

— —— n action of. are 


— Fi 

: ontry ami detainer brought by defendant in ervor 
below) against plaintiffs in errer (doréndonte 
low,) unders@lause 6 of section 2 of the Foraivle aw 
Detuiner Act, Ry S., chap. 57, which provides that puch 
twhen lends or tanenmts have been 
nveyed by any granter > goneosaion ** * and the groptox 
Mi poxeoesion * * * rofuses or “neglects ty gurtender pobsen- 
ton thereof after aeuana din wri tig b by the person entitled 
erete, or bis agente ‘Upon thie trial eelew, the jury \nder 
instructions from the court, found the defeidants guilty’ 
of unlawfully —* posseszion of the prontood 
deseribed An plaintiff's complaint and that the rhet to | 



possebsion ef said premines woe in the plaintiff, Spon 
Verdict the court entered the judgwent te reverae whkoh 

nh eastoksc_worsos-2at doktvered-the opimien ef the sowmit. 

A A P 7 
oe i‘ 

— — — —— 

‘thin t defencanta were in pogsension ef the premises in quege 

tion at the tine of the demand for possession and the brings 
ang sil eas action; thet :' John Schultz was on the 


nes felt 

et iolsos sa—-od- ata eg Mtnh THY o-ramrATe 
eee ni souabretoh yd anmnona wentaden boats yet 

horn od3 bine *# * 9 roknavasoy ti rodney yo we 


enpadog rebne Te ot adooiaon a evasion * « * wolsneanog 

ss ba kekine moateq oid * — bw ab tao sosts Lost9dd a 
; ro bou yal ods ren: fakus ond —, —X oan «0 2% — 
i. Nyaa — ** ond bewot stuoo ot * mobs 
ane “tq od to Hokeaousog gat Lor 

oF spigia ond todd bre saislqmoo atvrurniese’e 

noqt” Aanuato od ot anv asa tuozg base te cote 
phot. — ad Smouphasl, salt betodee i ast { 
; etonke te 


Ny — ia — det⸗ te ꝓae-rs at oo a 

en a ee ee ee ae 
— — 


f snveen's at the time of the execution of the deed cone 

Veying senc,. Thore was <P introduced in evidence a 
quitelaim deed from John Schultz and Mary Schultz, his 
wife (defendants) to the plaintiff, and the dewend for 

possesnion served by viaintiff upen the defencante. 

On behalf of the defendants there wae an offer 
to gbow that at the time thie quitclaim deed was given 
te the plaintiff, the defendants were threatened with 
@ personel injury sult; that this conveyances was made 
at the suggestion of plaintiff, who suid he could settle 
the case for little money; that he weuld hold the property 
as security for woneys advanced in settlement and not 
place the dead of records that the property was to be 
deeded back when the personal injury cuit had been dise 
posed of and the plaintiff reisburned for advances made, 
if anyg that the deed was given with the understonding that 
it should not in any way disturb the pesaseceion of defends 
ente; that nothing was ever paid by Lenekiy that rhen dee 
fendants dewanded the deed back, plaintiff discharged John 
Sehults from hin employ and started on eation in fereible 
detainer. After thio offer wae wade counsel for defen 
dants stated: “I offer to shew by the witness that in 
fact the title to the property in question is involved 
in this eult, and ask to have the court pase upen that. 

issue.* This offer was rejected and exeeption taken 

thereto. ‘There was alee an offer to show that in & former 

action of forcible entry and detainer plaintiff bad testie 
fied that John Schults was to rewain in poeseceion as a 
tenant of the plaintiff, which offer was aleo refused. 

In waking thie offer, defendants contended that the relae 

 tdenship of landlord and tenant did not exinte 

7 43 

on00 heeb od? To moltueexe off Yo okt wad de —— 
a sombive ct beoubottal Maks wow one someon antyor he 

aid ,RPiuiiot Yun doe xe fwclo’ malo mort boos maton: Bic 

<ot buenwoh ef bua ,Tiksatale els of (atnavsn tod) ste | La 

-ttughoeteb eff aoqy Tikinialy yd bovesa — 

TOTIO heceaw oxox at nabas teh outed to YLasted no | 
rovky ax boob ks Lod Lup ald ents ont ta sag —E —* 
Adkw benetsotts ot9ew adnubacred ott i⸗uuata ont os 

; eban saw pomeyevnoe ald Init st hue estan Lomont9g a 
efstee bivoo od Dkee onfw ,ttitnialy te solsaoggua ous eG ; 
- ytreqorg etd blot biuow of tadd 2 ero: olssis rot esac oat a wie 
ton ban Soomeltiea mi beonavha ayenon ‘tot Uhwooe a 1S 
od of saw ysroqorq od Salt ghrovon to boob ont veal 
a e8ih geet bed fiom yurtek Lanonteg eit aane ond oeb a i 
" obam aoonavia xot boaxudmtes. Mitnialg edt bre ‘be bonog is 
fast ari bnadetebens odd sitiw aevwig au baob elt desis no tk 
ebaoin’ to meiasonaoy os Cuntath yew yom ak tou biuedta oe 
sob nedw ged? {2olonot yl atöa ‘ove auu yatidton sant itn 
mae hoyteionth Ttntele ylord boob ond Leone ascabeo? 
editors? ni nottos ne betiate bre Yokes adel cont — — 
| eo ioh xo? Leave ebaa Sax AVTto gtd Besta — ston ieded | ie 
Al dat aaonsiw ods yd wedd of t9%20 LY sbhedade —— i : 
‘  bevlovat af moisgaoup ak yireqore eds of oliht edt sont a 
teil? oqM eaaq S1y00 ot over ot das bow —* * hell 

—* pe ce 

dilly os Ly aaw xoTto — Parmar 
kos writ tari? bobrodnow stnahanton 


wWilen which Plaintiff batnd 
anil that it was intendsd ws 
‘ : ⸗ 

foe defendanta, and that a wth a den® 

grpntes, Defendaita, in support of their con 

@ebtion of the Peroibie @ntry & Detainer Act a6 the coke 


Before the close of the cute pleintiff’ offered 
in ovidence 3 deeres entero’ in the Girsuit Court of Ocok 
County in the case of Mary Sehults, one of the defendants 
herein, against plaintiff and John Schultz, the other da- 
fendant, te ¢e% smite the deed (shich was the deed offered 
i evidenca In the esse at bar) given by hor husband and 
herself to the plaintiff; he alee offered in av idence 
the bill of complainant snd hie (Henekite) anawer thereto. 
That Suit eas based apen preeticaliy the same facts aa dare 
fendants effared to prove 25 matters of Asfenae in the ae- 
tion at bar. Obdection was made om wohalf of John Sehults, 
on the ground that he wae not a party to the sotion. It 
appeared, hewever, that hoe attended as a sitnuksa for the 

CouPplainast in that setion. 

rie-atate of ths Feeerd, defendants emtend 
hat thdgcurt erred in directing a verdict for the flain- 
“iff. They first contend that the o court —— 

ng the evidence\effered on behalf of defendants fer mf 
mee would have Bh off that the dnga 
hie title Man in fact 4 mortgage 

Feaem that said sev 

aly ag Beourity for the pay- 

At of a debt to be incurred Areas om of making advances 
in law and in equity 

is jregarded ae & mortgage, and thet upé 
a forcible detainer a@tion camet be maindsined by the 

, Buch a ¢ Qveyance 

Perit i Gn» 

eibe Yast y. Prederiok, 62 111, 191, and durner epee 
“206 111. 44. 808, wiioh wore cases vrowht under tie Game 


\eat, In the former case cited $¢ wae aduitted on —* 
— ne Pplaint iff that ¢ he dost wat-teken-morely 


hesetto titeteia eae ef? to etelo off oxote® 

#000 te grwod fivowtd edt mE horetne estoeb & worebl vo emt r 
&tneh rel ab oa? Yo om gutinvdoR yrs to easo edt at ytawedD Ae 5 
web toddo ont .stludo® mt bas Yktatsle sontage yahored a 
herelto heh edt asw Kobe) Boob out obtme gos of tasbae® | 
bre bandard rod yd sevty (ued te auso edt at eomebtve mt i 

eoneht ve ot KevetYo oafa od Wtheatalg odd oF toeoxe d . 
OFeraA de Teron (ath dees) ald bon dreakalqmos To Lfhd oft 
“ab m atom? awov odd Yflowktoary news beard mew tins ga/?. 
woe odd mt eagoteh to axedttom as oweq of beret atacheet 

eativio® not Io Miaded om ebsan saw nol foatdd tad ta coke 

aT «6oneisvos eft oF yYiueq 2 ton Saw ait toc? Lavorn ef? £0 are 
edt +rot s@omie « Of bebootte of Sedd c TEveR® f cbhorwegts F 

Baer o ‘udnabnoleb (bi 0ek CaF Io-w ath — 
—D— wt — gattoarts at berre fru o/ $4 teat 
tone Mh hovte twos edt tact bette fankx eb? 3 
A¢ vO atrwBasled Te iladed a heretie — ont ‘ae 
beeh odd tact he coved bivow songtl ve biee ted? me. 
—R g tool nt aah ofett ard peGod ‘ills dokew soft 
“vst ont tot — yLotven Lebaetmt enw a2. Pade ne 
woo naybs gotkom ko om Sep7 berwont ed of deb 2 Yo dhe , 
ysivpe ak bas wel at Soeb 2 t ® tailt bas .asnsinereh $02 
ponsyevin 6 ¢ dove goqy todd bon .egegtvem 2 we bebrayet| at 
ott yd kent dtoatem oof tonsse woltta ronteteb eldtox) 2s 
grote wo wedt Io trogges at tthe yavtet ‘ rs 
«poral t — bos gi@t Skt G8 .kokvobott tie 
_ Onn wit: nobny t¢gvotd Geass erew cot de BOR QA eID 
* ety de toh tent etal B yrtat efdhoret eft > — 
“po hostinbe we ot berko caso remwt eit nk redfee 
ylorom nedet-eaw” Beeb. —X teat wasematy ap Ie Tis 

at Le 



ao e@eurity for an indebtednesea, and that plaintiff 

had agreed tp reconvey the property upon repayment of 
the loan, In the case of Aurmor VV. Bierce, supra. 

4t appeared from the evidence that the property had been 
aomveyed te plaintiff merely ae eecurity for a loan, 
aaa Turthermore, that the desd conveying the proverty 
wae met from a grantor in possession, Therefere, these 
Gasen are not ot Rihapplicable to the facte in the case 
at bare Morcover, counsel admittcad that thie offer 

ef evidencs was for the purpese of putting im iseue the 
title of plaintiff, and further, that in an action of 
forcible eutry and detainer the title of the pleintiff 
ia not triable, By these admiseions defendants practice 
ally concede the correctness of the Judgment for the 

F Yao law umder which this aatioe wae brought, 

fs is Dlain, that if olaintif? shews he has « dee@ from the 
granter in posseasion and has made s demand for possession, 
followed by « refusal and continuance in poereasiog, the 
action will Lie. Petern ¥. Balke, 170 TL. B66. In 

sugh action the question ef title botwaen plaintiff? and 
defendant or anyone else cannot be tried, anc the right 

to pooetasion in the plaintiff de not dependent upon 

his title but usem the existence of partieular facts 
specified im clause 6, section 2 of cur Poreible Mntry 

& Detainer Act, supra. Beture Ye Buies. guanma: Zietwch Ye 
Eigtnch, 152 Ill. App. 665, ‘Theses fests did appear in the 
case at bar, Vise; a quitelaim deci te the plaintiff from 
the grantor, and a continuance in possession by the granter 

aftex a writton dewand for possession, the evidence offered 

Tisntolg dacs dee ,aasmbosdebni as tot yitees ae 

To dnamyaqet moqa yYiteqot@® edz xevnooo7 Qt beortgs badd Ris 
SIGH »QVtOLS s¥ ApaWA to nn ed? nt sane odd + 

nood bal yrragerq odd tats oomedive et mor? i ; 
Aso a <9 yYtinvoea as yfor8em Tlisnielq of boone 

YItdy VLG oni giiyevnon deeb ot Salt? ,ouxasrteddiut bee 

of i 


deeds ,orolered? ,wolaacwsoy al tos¢aaty & wort Jon ‘in 9 
aso odd mi atont add of ofdeoiique MA ta tom ots seca 
tOTTO welds taus doddinbe Loanwoo yteyoots «tad ta 

eds oveai ak guivtuq to eaogtugq off 10Tt aan oonobive to 
te nolfes na al todd ,teritust bae ,titsdaialq Yo olga 
Tilinialg od To wits odd xomlatod baa yen ofdioxet 
eptsoaig atuabietobh anolsalmba seed? i soidn bes ton ah 
edt 208 ——— ale te ssemtootien off odeonos i 

‘ y 
fr 7 

stiguord saw cottons wksis fit ketw seo bees wet omf | aps — * a 

ed? moxt Sooh « an on eworle Tehentele Tk sasit witoke, ah 
molaseaaoy tot Sremeb a ebow aad bia nolerenaog ak — 7 
oly ,holoseneog si saaauniiaoe Dee Lagswtet o vt bewolkot Ari, 
SL OO .ffT OVE .pXhfot oy sueeot wht Eftw wolton e 
bas Thivelele mowied effi to nokteonp ont sotdon Howe - ot 
Siigit od hee ,bekst of tommeo ont enoyna x0 dashes rod ee 
foqu snolneqes son ak Vidsnkalg ott mb noteaeavog J— i \ 7 
atost taivolisag to opanteixe odd moqu tud ofete i 
r YIsM offers two to & sotgvoos ,8 seunto mt —— i 
, Meadors istsun tal oy szousd argus ofa 4 
ous ak targus bib efeet oaentt 4808 .qqA efit —E 
mort TMitslelg ett of book mbelos Lup % foc pe ao 
— ents ya wesbananes nk oor lanob a bua os | 

— eonebive ont — taaonsog ror | * ba ' baw 
ee) yi Pet Th iy nee Cor 

. Fo! 1 te ies 
* Sa 2 re, 
a n Ta 


on behalf of the defendantn was not competent, because 
thereby it wae seught te put in issue the title of the 
pleintiff and net the facts preven by the plaintiff. 

While defendente further contend that the court erred in 
admitting the deed in evidence,yet in Beters vy. Balke, supra, 
the court expresely held that the introduction of a deed 

Was necepaaxy in connection with the faet ef possession, 

to whow that there wae a granter who conveyed and a 

Grantee te whom the sonveyance wae made. 

Defendants further complain that the court ime 
properly admitted in evidence the ¥111 and answer and the 
deeree in the case of Kary Schults against the plaintifr, 
heretofore referred to, There was no objection made te 
this evidenos on behelf of the defendant, Mary Schults, 
aad when 4% is considered thet tt other defendant, John 
Sehultsz, on whoes bekalf the objeetion wan made, wes a 
witness in the chancery proceeding on Debalf cf the cone 
plainant, the court did net err in tie admifsicn ef thin 
evidence. At best, this evidence wea only cwmlative, and 

dmasmach ag the court in thie case inetructed the jury 

te find for ihe plaintiff, its adminsion cannet be considered 
haraful to the defendants, 

Defendants finally contend thet the courterred in 
rejecting the offer of evidence on behalf of the defendants 
that plaintiff had testified in a previous trial in forcible 
entry and detainer that defendant, John Sehults, wes a tenant. 
In Evans ve Evans, 165 11i. Roepe 205, the court belc that 
where a tenant in an aetion for pesseseion by the landlord 
aeserts an adverse right and denies the relntionship ef 

landlerd and tenant, he is estopped from afterwards claime 


saunoed ,tastequoo jou Baw adinabenteb ond Yo thaded no —* 
ett to of2le of ovsal at tuq of eguwe eaw th werent — oa 

ettiiniala ad? yd sevorg atost od Joe une vhadnlelg 

ni borvte f4voo olf tat bnodmon vertiu't atnabmo ted olay 

ue ASAE oY, aaotod at soy, eombsve Hh book ott 

boab « to moffouboudnt add seit? bled yLonerqxe —XR ong 

— 9 

stolLesenaog to sont eft ddiw moltioonnes al yiaenooen baw ee 

8 bes boyeynoe odw tofmexg 2 aaw etodt dads wore of 
Ohad egw eonayevaen eg mow of oednaty | 

eomk tuugo enf tad alalquoo teddtul staabmel od 
edt bre teowane bus L{i¢ odd somebive mt beds Lobe Vreqerq 
ettiznialy oft taslaye st fuilon yial to eee offs mt sotoed 
ot obam moitoetdéo on oaw ored? 208 bovestee oreresored, 
set Lusind Yet ,Inobastod ov? Yo Iated so eonebive 
Riob .tnabaeted resise wis tat borsbsanoo at th wostw — 
@ aay ,ohne daw nolgootde oft YLadad seontw mo eet Lvriot 
enn att to tindead ao wiibsooong yreonnio oud ab weond hw * 
nid? to noleaimbe orld ak tie Jon bLb seven off Suanialg i 
ban ,evisslwews yino asw eomebiye all? ytaed 2A seonobkve —— 
yt oft hetomttant saze elf? mi dawoo od ea — ee 
‘ebhkanoc of Sonnas nolasinba ag ,Ttteniaig one sed bat? oe 

ssinabaeteh edd o¢ Sy'‘tercad: 

he) => J 
ye 1 
12 bewtetayoo eat tatt baetnoo yliankt adaabnoted Fie 

jnabaetes oi3 to thated so sonobive to tette edd mauseler ne 
tdiox0%. mi fat? euotvexq s wt boltidand bad Ytktalale 3: rs a 
ad & sow ,Rtliuried nal ,taabmotoh dade ‘won ateb baa tne 
tant bLod dxveo odd BOS qu .L11 bad sao AF anal 6 
brochauſ ait yt motaapagog Tot molsou mm ma —9 — ro⸗ re 

ot, eee 


9 to qintamolttafon oft as derob bam tilgie hi o 8 x04 
— abaawva in moxt aeaqosas ak auf , } baa brefbe: 


ing thet such relationship existe, and the Gourt theret'ere 
preperly rejected testimony by which it wee sought te show 
puch relationship. 

Finding no reversible error, the judgment of 
the Buniocigal Gouri ¢f Chiaage will he affiroed. 


— — 


etetoreds Juuso off baw sateixe qitinnolvalonr douse Sasid gat 
wode oF siiywoe anw 3) dokdw yd Wioukstao? bosooterx ‘liogorg 
eGistanoijalon sown 

te tnommbyt, ef? ,toxrre eidketeves on salibalt 
hoonitia of fiiw oyectd® Fo sxyed Seqko iss exit 



HERRY C. REESE, ¥ / sock couNTY, 
198 1.A. 298 | 

’ ia ee This ie an appeal 

from an order engered in tne Superior Court Sook /) 
16, 1915, a0 hitting — ant (appe}i- 

* WAR uklty ¢ of contenoh er 

viod of six months. 

fos ‘Decenber #1, 1914 a rule woes entered upon 
“ea fa shew cause why attachment should not issue 
—T hie failure to pay teupcorary alimony during the pree 
q wa ceding five weeks, Defendant filed a sworn answer wherein 
f pn he etated that he had no uem=y with which te pay the alie 
mony te the complainant (apysiee), and set forth in detad 
his income, expenditures and liabilities; aleo thut he was 
taken sick on Hovember 21, and since December 2 had been 
 gonfined to his bed, and that for a great part of the time 
he was under the care of a physician, his ailment being 
wleer of the stomach, Attached thereto was an affidavit 
of his physician under date of Deceuber 21, stating that 
sinee December 2 defendant had been under his care; that he 




Bes AT Ber 


i — 
Leoqga am wk ald? |, 2 tn “ T ATL 
ek xoot x oe 1048 3 me nt ae soho ie west 
Lmao ytaw 

of edge) tnabretob gabes ip B£eL 08S 
. SLosta oct Li 

x0 me to vi Lly gow tnhabmeteh pid fon 10 
bewoxe of Fou «wal Yo aseootg oub yd aselox od 
seisnom xke 29 hokwoly/ ostd 

noqu hoxedoo acw olvt ow OLGL ,L8 aodeao oth o Pa ae 

quant Jou bluode tnomions$a wiv one wore “ah Sa 

eorg odd goituh yiomifs yretoqued wg of wawkia? etd x0? 
Kieren towens sow o bolit tnabneted .ateew ovet yatheo 
ifaw od yaq of doliw dtiw yorom an had of tend bedada ort 

Ratoh at ditot tou dae ~{eokEange) tnantalquoe odd oF yom 
wow of font onle yaokstilfidail ban eorwdskiaogep ,emoont aid. 

Aeod bat & updumeed oonin bua .f8 xodmevell ao dole mesed 
out? odd To tog Soom # 10 Jord daw ,bod att of bonttave 
utied Jnenite eit ymatoioyts # to oxen edd robay gow ed 

- thyabio%e na enw ofoxedt bedoattA sdtoamoga edt to t00ke 
todd gaivatea fh gdusoet to ofah tebaw madoleydg ald to 
od gad? jors9 etd xobaw noad had — #8 ‘iedmeved wonks 

oo hae 

Ye was suffering from wlcor of the gtomgh and wae unable 
to works 

Oe-dgmy eT, LL ‘Ene matter was referred te 
a master in chancery te determing whether defendant wan in 
contempt of court for failure te pay ali oy any part of 
the alimony due unde the order of the aowrt theretofore 
entered, the master to make hic yeport within 48 hourg. on 
January 14 the matter filed hie report, wherein he made 
eertain findings from which he concluded that defendant 
was in conteapt of court, and recomsended that defendant 


be scumitted until he shall properly comply with the rule 
in relation thereto, Said report contained the teptinony 
taken before him on the reference, (n heer LE Prt 


Januasy tho master subsitted « supplemental repert wherein 
it wan stated thet the objections filed to said report by 
defendant were duly argued and overruled, and whervin he 
further vertified that a stenographer wan necessarily 
eupleyed to transoribe the testimony; thet a copy of euch 
toutimony certified by the master and attached to his 
report wae made by the stenographer; that a reasonable 
fee for such stenographic services wan §15650, and that 
enid master's fee therein wae 625.00, making & total of 
438.80. It mae ordered that defendant's ebjections 
filed thereto stand as exceptions, On January 18 the court 
approved the smeter's report and feund that defendant was 
ble te pay the alimony due under the order theretofore 
entered, and that defendant wilfully refused to pay said 
alimony; that there remained due and unpaid to the cole 
pleimant the wu of $45.00 an plinony on the order there= 
tofore entered by the court; allewed and appreved the 


siden asw bie deamota odd Yo cooly moxt gutie? twee saw \ 
ottow oF 

Ot boTKDIOX naw aodton odd BLeL, — pcan en} 

‘ak saw tuobero ted xodsodw ontimeded of yroometo at todenn 2 

to fteq yum to fle yaq of oxwliat tot gxwom te Iqmotnoo 
Setotototed aauoo odt to t9b10e oft whnw oub yomkla eld 

8 ,wiwodl 8d mhitdiw Sxogext ald oan of qodnam ots bores ao 

chem sr nhexvede .fioqer eld DeLi? toddanm odd AL yraunal 
favheetods tad? hobuloace od Moistw moxt agntbmtt atadtes 
txohaoteh taodt Sebtrommesot daa ydavon to Squesneo ai saw 
oLwe al? dow — Axrageng {fade ed Lidge bess Lrapiog od 
Wowmisess ols Lontetnoo gxoget btad .odenesds solsalon aa 
TO“GUISAISL-esit 22 .voMote'lor od wo wkd oxoted netad 
fiioterw sxogex Lagnemelqque « hostiodua tetean oad enum 
W stoget bisa of boLlt amotioatdo odd gadd betata waver 32 
od aici bie ~beLusieve ben bougee Yuh oxew tasbaetsd 
Ylliusmeven now tedgexgonote @ fad? bottdsion r8dswy? 
fioue Yo yroo o dadt gysomhtaod off odkapanest ot ho volqee 
eid of botoatia baa regan ante yd botitixo wisndsacs 
oldonoeset a desta {tedqasponeda oly yl chum aaw troqet 
font dera ,de6L¢ aaw asolvesa oldgatgonese dows «ot est 
to Lado? om grivan .00.08¢ anw mievends oe? a’tozagm bisa | 
anostooLso attnahowtod tatt borobse aaw #1 er te “ 
dauoo ol? BL yreunal 20 sanaliquoexs on baate osetds boli? © 
saw Inabaeton tals bawot bas ssogen ateednaw out⸗ bovoagcza 
—— Tobie oft iebnw auh rcuud Ce ond ya ot ohda 
bisv you of bouw'tes WAinitiw suotaeted sade baw sbototne 
woo ws ot bd aacqura⸗ bate ovb honlanox pxedd sadg sWoak Le 
—XX “obra vela mo wrons Le 68 0080S Lo sme ond dmantee 
edt boverqqe baa bowolLa — ‘ad 9 xd aes ; 


master's charge of $38.50 and ordered that defendant 

"be committed te the County Jail of this County, until 

h@ shall have complied with said order of this Court, 

and shall have paid all of said amount of Yortyefive ($45.00) 
Dollars, as alimony due, and the additional sum of Thirty~ 
eight and 50/100 ($358.50) Dollare, os Muster's charges, 

o*r until released by due procens, not to exceed the period 
ef six monthe however, * 

— — — row —— — ——— ———— — —— ————— 1a 
BR. presipia SUSTICN PAM — the opiaton 

or the court. 

—— contends that under the evidence taken 
by the nasted and undexy the affidavit tiled ‘by the defene 
dant, the court\yas mofwarranted in finding that the dte 
fendant was able te pay the alimony gue under the order 
theretofore entered; \and furthers. tnat even though defene 
dant was in contempt Sor hie fediure te comply therewith, 
the court was without onlthord ty to include in said order 
the item of $38,506 saster ty oo 

There ie no Auestion that defendant wre in dow 
fault with respect * the paymwant of alimony, Whether or 
not defendant was dbie to pay su h BLiwony » presented a 
Slear issue of thet, This desue the court referred to the 
smater, whese Fever whows that he wae attended by counsel 
for both partier and that testimony way heard on behalf of 
both parties and that an affidavit of defendant himeelf, 
by exhibits, was presented to \ se master. While 
expressed some doubt ae to his nent te receive 
affidevite under the order of reference, he, however, reve 
saoavsa that deubt in favor of the defendant. \ the master", 
found that the amount of alimony due was $456.00, and 

: aad, ow 

dnabue toh Sale bovehso ban 08,864 to eguaio —R 
Litany ,ysnued abit to Liel ywausod odd of bess kumon oun “ 
eAmwod slit to seokuo bisa atiw beliqnos evad Shosie oa J 
(00,898) oviteyexoe to tevomn dios Yo Lhe blag oved Lada bas wv 
— eyPtddT To mua Lanotetoae odd due ,ovb gambia as ewes i toa — 
waograde stzegeck a9 yetaftod (08,00) OOs\08 ban sdyke 
holteq oiit boooxe o¢ som ,eaeneng enh yf bonanfer Litas to 

* xovewost acide nie to 

r —— —— —— — — —— — — panties ena 

wolmkgo ostf —A— MAS — moxraut puxarenat fe Be 
—— tail A \ j 

— vonsbaye odd rwobew Jad? ebnotmuo ansbnon 

waptob dywedt seve jaad Aoaruun wan ths exotesereds 
\ stitiwoxedt ylqmon of on She a et * tqmoetnoo al aaw toad — 
—* Johro biae @2 ehulenk of yd keane sued iw eaw fw08 ot x 
ath — —B wer* 00.886 to amok enid 

f 4 1 
} * ti 4 

ob mt amw trsbmotob) gads — oct aa Loa 
ae codiow  ymeutia to tasangng 8 ond a Jonquers —*2* hue 9— 
Mi ® botapaetq yywontia foun yoq of of aan snobee tab son 4 oi 
wath od borre'tes, tue oft aumek afit | »to0 to ova ‘woto } f 
| feanseo yd bobuotis al ont Sauls awonle Itog 2 oaonw * 
te Maded mo bused * Yioutsaos tole baw ae Kan dios ot 
i i sThoomis tuabaeyob to shvebitte ma sant baw aoa a 
eau oto ds asain i of hosnoagtg naw ved hd Loic wh 

 - S¥lvoor oF — 

ated et an tduob wom poaaosaxe rob — 
et —— Aes sPonOTHTEy To —R ou “ean eth a 
inet * ha} ata yo 
i Weed kan ort / »druaincs'ton edt to sovm't ——— 

— rh we —9— —3 Mime 

pa ,00 5808 @aw oub wromtte to ¢ 


that defendant was able to pay game, It alwo get forth 
eertain other findings, from ell of which the master 
goncluded that defendant was in contempt of court, and 
regumended that he be committed until he should propere 

ly comply with the rule 4n relation thereto. This report 
wes approved by the court, and the only question is 

whether or not the master wae warranted in arriving at 

his findings and conclusions. Unless we are ef the opinion 
that said findings and cenclusions of the master, concurred. 
in and by the chanmesllor, are clearly and manifestly agains’ 
the weight of the evidence, they must be affirmed, This 

we are unable to omy. 

Defendant alse compleaina that the court erred in - 
ineluding in the amount due from the defendant, the oaster's 
charges. Me ineists that “the aourt haa mo authority te 
enforce the payment ef coote awarded in a chancery suit in 
eny other manner than by execution, and that payment of 
guch corte cannot be enforced by punishment ae for # cone 
teupt of court.” In this case, however, the master's chare 
gen were not the erdinary coste in « chareery suit. They 
were incurred by reae m of defendant's failure to comply 
with a previous erder of the court, which led to the cone 
teapt proceedings, Defendant hinwelf was reapensible fox the 
costs, and our dourte have always been upheld in assessing 
the costes of a contenpt proceeding against the defendant if 

found guilty, the payment of which was » condition precedent 

to a discharge from any order of cowmitment entered because 

of the contempt. FBeople ve Diedrich, 141 T1Ll. 665; Hake vo 
Beophe, 230 Ill. Li4, 

¥inding mo reversible error, the order of the 

Superior Court of Cook Coumty will be affirmed, 
Peat a APP THUUDs 

dgiot ten ona 1 .omee yao of olda aaw taobaeteb sade 
roses ot doldw Yo Ifa mort yepatbni? tedto nkasueo 
baa gttvoo To tqymednos ol aaw dnsbnoteb sari bebufones 

' ewsogexq bivote en Ltgny besilioson od ert sands Sebrsm 0ox 
#toges eld? .osoted? aoitelox mi oluit eft doiw yiqnes wv ; 
ok toiseoup yiao ost bnew ,siv0o oft yi bovotaqa enw a , 
ge yaivicis al besaetisw ane teteam of Son 20 ‘weedsoste | 
“moinsge edt to ots ow seola .enoleulonom baw age tbatt ots Pi: 
bevtwonso ,tetaan off To anolewionos baw aynibalt bias ted 
tentage (Lsaotinau bas yfinels erm ,tolfoonmin edt yd dae ak ia 
aint ,bearritia od feum yods ,oonvbive ong te Siiglow ong ‘ or 
“au of oidanw eta ow ng 

- ml bette Fiv0o oft Jatt amialtqmos onls tnabao ted 7 i Ri i if 
e'xetaas off ,Inabaetob aly mort oub $ reasons one mak yeibutons - - 7 
ey yiitodiue om ast Piuweo eft" sat? adatoms ek sagt a 4 
mi Slua yreouade a af bobtewa afeon To sremyaq on? —2 J 
to Snooryeq tadt bow .aoiducexe we messed Tenia ‘todzo wa i 
enon 4 701 se Soperiaioug @ beorotee od tomnne atsoo Koum 
wtaio u'toseun eff ,tovowo! ,oean uke mk *.Jis0o I¢ sques 
| yee? «diva yrookade a oi as a ovu Yranibue out som erst 20g 4 
auod oF oruLto? attanbaeted to manor YW bovmuRt ore 
‘ enos ant of bel do ine afiwos edz to —X swotvorg # délw p —*— 
x 10% efdtancqeot saw Wound tnebxoted .eyntbeocorg Iqued 
 Sttieasena oi biedge aeed ayawls evad ‘agan0o wwe bane <staeo — 
ut tnabae'ted on? tans aun du tbosdorq —— to asaco ost 
“ne Hoitionos o maw shots 20 tnivesyag ett —R vuer 
sausoed boxretno tromtinmes to cobro ytta aort oytaiine th * J— 
$800 LIT LOL iokabodd ay gigoot otqen $00 al 
—* 142 O88 pf 

wid Yo mobxo Mit ,roxT9 oLdtaxever on 9 
7  jboweh Yrs of Likw yhoo o 

le PROM 

coc gouNTY. 

19% 1.A. 306 

ii ER. TUSTION ° :OOD8TH delivered the opinion ef the sourt. 
mn - This appeal was taker to reverse 2 judgment of 
, Wee the CLrowit Court obtained by the arrellee, hereinafter 
; referred te as plaintiff, ageiret the arrellant, herein- 
Os after referred to os defendant, for (7500, for damagen 
bi. _ Peeulting from plaintiff's fall from ons of defendant's 
a | freight olevators, due, it wae clatwed, to nor?! “ange 
oh ___on the part ef the defendant. Tt appears thifkne as · 
Uh ————— happened, Vay 15, 1911, while the plaintirr ms 
 truaiding a Load of empty boxes in the earning derarte 
| eit et the defendarit's packing house. The plaintdte, 
ss @& Lithuanian, hed, at the time of the seoldent, been 
a im thic Country abut a your, ard had doen employed tn 
— defendant's sarming department ac’ a comoon Laborer, truck. 
| tng Dear bexes for showt cix or soven months. ‘There | 
© Glopute in the evidence ne to whethor the plaintiart 
“haa ever, before the time of the seeident, trucked empty. 
a wee · ‘iia weru — 


or sorrcberated to some 
or deremtant's —— — 


| | a LLCOR = BYE 
{ | .pnpsowrt wears 
some LA ( epek£es 7 be 
, Ton etuo;aco ay 

Y7meD Toso | _SEAIMOD & ATOM, 
i . — nr a ei : 
F068 ATeer. Ny 
eon od? to aa trbere et! hesevtfied wrod: HOLTA, . WM 
te fromtat a enttoves od motns ane Laores elit 

~ottantervert ,eelferca offs of bontasay Pwo? Jlwetdd ods . 

«nstertet ,tnellerqs oft Sor kege Tr dtokate an of bornethes 
aonanah rot .OO8TS wet , danberstob an of bewtetor: waste 
a! drabew'tes to ato oxt fLa't a! Ye taetets mine gers fume 
omgeren' 00s X ———— anew 3t ,oub ,wredavelo. fis tort 

mat oct Ad oeaorqa $f stoabeoteb odd Yo dune orld ro 

nav Ttisnlaly ot oltaw iter at east banoaasaa — 
@fieteb autores oft ak eomod ytqme to bst e zrer— ! 
\Vitiniste ef? .onued gubtese at diahaoted odf to soem ° 

nopd .drobtooe oft to omtd odd do bet ¢rumbeaintent a 

nf heretqns mecd tet fa ,taoy o tunfs yatauod aide gt 
fours .rotedsl wom c'om Snomdcaqed gatana ot seabaated 
wt etot? .adticom noveon 1 tie rapt “ot dened vyeed unt 
“ttinkoia odf todtocde of na oottehtve ont? w2 edurels a 
vidas befours , trabtoon off ‘to eat? seit oroted prove Bad 
Beet rovor of poets ——— oi goomtoaed wwe ght: .coxed 
todd teat od td ooryob omoa nd botarmdosroe at até? hrs 
oliriw ,ter wf eneh. san oeoxad behaot an htowts tT deow ett 
*o folter « TOY Scoor® ,atod vd hetour? etew semed yom 
‘puon of Seow eltt of Bone omey oom nodw ows 49 démom o 
— amon of bogatadotstve aster et on .donol Pa drotue 
nmesttol? conn) tw a2 drabrroteh: to. enomkiené ectd' de — 

sot totouers Tthinlalae meee over bat of fade tekthees? odw 

ioe etinelisstsbes ,uottio .wexod Lit ¢roorw gertdayes 
nt ent? of@ to teaq » seoowty Yo aa od pee 

ero tate cnmgt — . Reokecorr WEA Pa bale secacter, wee DAF treat eens 



Me _— twice a woek, maybe olx timer — Waybe once 


thashetroet: Strick rene sppawentio. « bee thet plate 
Siff's witness “ranz tewtifted Chat he trucked empty 

ames nt times, and thet-usorowekt 414 the agme thine. 

joeereful exarination of the retori; h-rever,diseledan 
fat thre guestion. “Yow. Kuworewerd (14 the tare vind of 
We sie and trusked ihe sare bint of boxes, didn*t you (he! 

“While you were thors?" t?-ahich the witness anewered “tha,® 

feally logatelly refers to the teweuing of fall boxe 
feferrad te in tee lort 7 Preceding questions rd 
answers, Detontant's vitmessce lnight ond "acmer tes- 
tified thet they scmetines saw plainti¢t truckine empty 

_ exes, without stating hew longs Telly vatd sometimes 

twlos « week. Yarker. « ‘oy engaged in truckin: empty 
bomes, snid, “Oh, we trucked (empty boxes) about two or 

_ three times a weok, and them the other time we trugked 

full bexes." fwiatkewski, the clevator operator, said 
that plaintiff wae trucking ocmetines full. sometimen 

 @mpty boxes. Sullivan, the asetatent foreman, vad that 
 ‘pladmtie? had been working in Me doverte nt about theese 

_ te five months; that he caw him trucking empty boxes 

— a gouple of months, ant twa * awpply truckers 

— boxes to trusk empty teres. Plaintiff was, 



*— cies 


what Yrstt eect * ans vevr DE ae ne 
Coq cenlawnd wi dal ee ag 
enokdld scan add BES btw ness! ¢erth. | 
asnaloulh .taggeot- a hroger ond te —— Lutertne® « 
to RalY omsa-wtt bLP Dtewrmet . wait” mbigose ont ae J 
focth woy 2*nbtb .coxod to Berka, ones eds Datos oem 2 <r 
ean berewane aaenihey eft dotds—as “Vana eter a tte ee 
waxod Lint I gmtvqwad ont? of vetoes t Ladauot 
tere aeoliaoup gretheoot] wi. susl.omt gh of 
-a93 tomas! bee siptn” svacsed ty at ineheoted of 
waste anifouns Tthtalele: wea evmbsemoa yous guctd. bointe 
aentiemna Rine yffe% sgnol wort yobtote tuoctshw seed iby 
Ysowe onltours at bon agero to! 4 ,tetust Aosn a wolet | 4 
r⸗ Si0d0 (noxod vtque) hues? ew gO" ben Yeemed |” 
fevowrs ow omits amilto edt sott hae yhoow o eomts cats 
hiae .tofereqo wossvete eft .iMawediale? =». oe 
aoattoms .Ifvt seatiome gukteun? saw Tittatale sate 
to8d Bhae «mamote't tastatnes ott mawh tise, - - agmod <tqe 
com! timde guusduereh eff mt gattvow rood bet Ttdakete 
aerod ysante anttewst hd ves oct Sankt (addon ovtt of s 
cose seteant <Meeivie yrontts che dienga vtoow a ogkwt edymer 
grote wrew yots tad ,eoxed Yom hevawtt eyed fadt peewee | 
aretomnt eter of fet fem adinon To afquay a wR aye Re 
ase Wrkintslt seated ete stownt of nowod Cie weiteaes 
wort Docyhew , Blo anaoy 08 .dmobtosa add te ante edd to ; 
Seifert ok vodent T too? * enw Bre , SVL of OTL 
olidte .hotsvoup mz trabtens ad? To Yoh eds mo 
anv inet Lavan a6 qnoxed bobeel aatteuts wow Yhtaiaty F 
of? %o ono o:let of Mea fount att mmeb tom ot bemeine a 
ffut to? Bows otowss. of! ee ey: yf 
«MOT aLoodwe sit ove tne oft ta toad a dbtw corthend 
Sao Souw exfewts ont praise het bg 
\ | Oi pce 

trucking empty boxes were similar, oxeert that thelr 

bagke were betweer tow or four and one-half foot 

high. ‘tho fleors of te trucks were thirteen Inohes 

J shove the sroun!, making the top of the “ack of the 

J truske frem five foot one inok to five feet seren 

F inches high, When pinintiff had taken the empty truck 

{ | ae direeted, and aprarently had put upon it whet he cone 
f _  ti@ered 4 load, a foreman by the namo of Prank fullivan 
: paid, "Can you enly prt so many bexer om your truekt* 

Wy Then Cullivan, escording te plaintiff's toetimenr, cot 
ae hola of the boxes end put ther on lengthwise and ores 

wise witil they wero as high ac the top of the fingers 
of his hom’ whon bic arm was stretched eut ful! nedghet + : 
Then Sullivan teld him te take 1¢ from one room to : 
—— qnether, and he tock the trust from the vlatform te the 
ss @kevater. Sullivan domte€ thet he put the bexer om the 
ss tusk, or eadd anything of the kind. The plaintiff tes- 
J sified alse that the veren wore piled out om the handles 

of the truek until they came within five inches of the 

| ene of the handles, Plaintiff thon turned hie buck to 
| * ‘truck, teek held of the handles, havled it on one 
i elevetors of the canning department, ard then 
4 around, facing bie lead, “he olevater iteslf was 
a platters elevator, five fect eight inches wide, ant 

m fact five inches long, and wae open at beth ends: 
| we sk was five fext four and one-half inehes Leng: 
jonsequentiy, when s truck wae vInead in tho oxast centor 

P the . —— there would be « mrgin of dubstantially 
r eagh emk and the sdge of the elevator. 
a etoareree between the oleyator and the fleer 
eter ef an imwh. ‘the elevater iteelf was 
by ¶ ran stations in a little shanty on the 
| ” 4 ad — elevator shaft. ‘The too 

4 —*— 
* —V oe On rs —* | ea 

tleds Sat? tyooxo .tatiale evew sored ysqne gubigund 

| foot Borman fee ao? tne apa ‘sented ont untond 
_nedent ivodthi? oxew atouns oi to mwenokt ed? ⸗ 
of? to Yom’ eff ko qos ont? sek Lame «norm ents ovnda 
mevea toot ovi? of eat eo too ovit wovt adoued 

towns ysqne oft sotad dat Miinkale sted + tigi vasau 
=s00 oct taciw $2 moc Sumy hast at aco ro co bern cdot gonkh ma 
raya {fu tvaxt % oman odd td armel a nel r howedte 
"tigers wey 0 used thom oa suey wlte woy man" <bhae 
son iwromkined a tthiatals of galiviocoe Aaevt ttus naoetr 
oo to bro ontndtamel wo meds $7 bas nome? eff to blod 
7 waagr tt oft Yo qos att 240 ig id an over todd thie oakw 
‘ett tod | ‘fut tye bedoteita env wis ate awtt⸗ acuct adet 20_ 
of moor ono moxt Sf ofes oF mid blog marek LEss°2 seat 
ror ot meotials ols mort vend off foot of bra etd ons 
of? mo acxod eff duq of faci? Qolwod ecavbety® sotavels 
asd Yetimtels od? sbakt odd to qeckddyume bten 10) «towns 
s thevast oct mo juve bella otew goxod odd Jadd opis bolttie 
a? to sostont ovtt attgty omeo yodd Lhteuw towed oct to 
of Yoad atst —** —J VibiateLt -cefbrted off to ebae 
emo mo $f holvad gaotkaat eff to Mod doat atowss ots 
mond fog ,teomieaqed gutanne oid % owotavels odd ko 

new toad? aotavete on’ | ebool ald zatosn , kamerte boneess $ 

bere ~obhw cedont sry te soot ovkt ymdevele wnettale s 
fabre died ta meqo any bese enol worlant evi? seat eves 

tgnoef saderst Aaci⸗· oec La udꝛ feet evi? sav toes ois 
—— oaxe of? ad beon!) sow fours 2 modw ,¢lorewpounce 
efisttnngadue to mhyter o of Bivew etodt tosavele od? t0 
etotavyele ef? to egbo ot boa tne ese neewted $009 a 
vool? af? Bos tofavelo aff woowtod eonstoolo a eae ovedtT 
anw floats? totavels ed? «stoet! a to avtettesp-9onts to 
ed? 6 viata alssee a mt Horo ksada roe no ed bedateqo 

003 off «9 Rarin “ndavete elt %o qed ortd te nookt * 



timony of the plaintiff is thet he Pang for the elevator, 
and ao goon oe 1t reached the second floor, wheeled hig 
true: aboard, turned around, and the clevater went right 
wp. Beferdant contemis that plaintiff's testimony vas | 
te the effect that he waited for the clevator te etart 
after he get aboard, tut thie fe not berms cut by the 
reeord, ‘The abstract dose quote the pletetif? ac say- 
ing, "1 turned crouni faaing the bexes vesiting fer the 
elevator to start, and the slevater went right up.” 
hile thin correstly ahetracts the arawer given to one 
question, @ earoful oxamineation of the record shew: that 
plaintiff repeatedly etated that ao seem ac he turned 
around facing the bexco, the elevator went un right 
away. Likewlec, the otatoment that boetere the slewator 
started up, "I was om long enough to ase that the truek 
wae all right, amd 7 tumned around ‘racing the bexou,* 
ghowe that this refers to the time that he woe arranging 
the truek with reforeres te the rear of the plattorm, art 
while he had held of the handles, with hia back to the 
load. I doen not comtredict hic repeated statenent 
thet ap acon so he turned sround focing the lead, the 
elevator went right up. There io « conflict in the 
evidence av to whether plaintiff eave the olevater 
operates any afenal to etert. wo he! rung the bell for 
the elevator, and he testifies that when be turned sreunt 
facing the load, the clevator vent right up withent any 
‘mignal from hin. ami that mo eipnal was nesoomary. be~ 
| Oltuse the operator knew thet empty boxer vont t the 
| thin floor. While tho overator tostified that he 4d 
ino that empty boxee wont to the thir floor, he toe- 
tifier that pleineter fave his a sigeal to atart. 

9 The testimony of beth sides chews that the he des 

‘a*otavelo art? a0 a on tags wt Yrhder bs hee edt to caoate 
old beLaodtr rao kt Mooen ast horfecey st ae mone an Bren 
dein ter troy xotevels oft bee ,hewote bommt brads torr 
Gow Yoomttood a takietate tadt ndrosneo maat aren ps 
finde of tolevole off WY Kostaw of dadt goats add of 
oft yd tu0 ommod dom at atad ti? .treods toy od teste 
-{A8 an Wattotory od? efovtp 20h soar ded out? + 18-09% 
arts to? gots hove vexed of4 gateet fearors borrayd I” poed 
“equ digit der tosevels of? hoe , stabs ag welavole 

orm of movly teruns od? efont ata yisteoesros alts oftste 
todd avosta frooet edt Io molsonkuems Lirtere « fat tsegp 
heer) of ea mone ee dott hotata yfhataoret Yrltalale, 

State qu drow tntevole oft .nexod off gritos? hawome 

Tosavelo of9 ototed tnt tmemetate off ,calwatht .yaws 

Hows? adt ⸗ocis ose of dguacrs “oof nO anv Po bodtata - 
*“.ooxed ed¢ grlost tavots borrard T Baw <teints Its sar 

aaignatma sav orf ſaci⸗ oats off of wtetet ald tedy oroda 
bra ,aratiels ett Yo tneg odd oF somotetet dotw towed odd 
ets os Lead aid ddlw oo Lhoed pat to bios had oe otiete 
fromosnie betseqot ald totharime fom aeoh $f «beol 
oft ~haol eft antec? Aeon board of ae noon om fade 
eft nf sor fines os af ewod? egy stgte soon woteyole 
“otevete oti oves Trlintale taddede o? sa samebive 
sot (fed oft post ‘ed of sdtadea of Lamhe vee aededeqe 
hemor hocratta of mtutw tad? wolttiags ed baa ,teteyele ef? 
wie dnodttie au finite tuner sodeveto od aot ods gnteat 
~od ,Ytemesoon waw Langte on fads tne ahd sovk Lenghe 
of? ~+ tnow acne’ yique tad¢ went sosatege ef? espe 
hth od tects Holthoeet tosaveqo oft oLROY veoert Habty 
~209 ext etookt bata? otf of teow aoxod oque tadt wom 
Stata of: ta Ria a utd even Witdtale sadd aolrts 

atend of! tals aworls noble cigod &o yonomkiae? edfT | 

ap aD 

f ' of the trugke used 4m truekine eapty -exes clonted avay 
ta from the bottom of the truek, so that Inmtend of being 
} digveatiy perpendicular, the back af the truck elanted * 
J out toward the edge of the platform: not more than feu ; 
‘ or five inehes, socomiing to dcfomiant's witmessea: more 4 
J than that, aesorling to plaintiff's. che effect of this 
Plant wae, of course, te reduce the cloarange between he 
: the onde of the truek and the edgece of the elevators 
in other words, to reduce the mergin of safety, ont aleo 
ip  $% eameo the sop of the Lead to extend bhererml the edre ; 
% of the clevater platform, even when the Wheels and the 

bottom of the truck wight be entirely upon tho viatferm . 
ima penition to slear. 
ee Ghite the eleyater vac paseing from the soeend 

ie ee’ the third Pleo, the tep of the lead etruek against a 
a bean or Joist which aamo flieh with om’ ouprorted the 
a — 
eꝛraxra eaeer. Had the lead not projested tal some oxtent 

were than three-quarters of an imsh beyond the odge ot % 
F the elevator, it would have passed in eafety: when it 
ware: the beam, the boxes were tmooked off against = 
Ch ik pas ant aer oauming hie to fall from the clovater te the — 

| Rotten of the shaft, o distange of shout % feet. : 

Plaintiff's declarstion coneiated of four ori rine 
nd five additional counts. ‘The court instructed the Bie 
7 te find for the defomiant on all except the first 
rig na, and the first and eapond additions? seunts. 
Sertdnant eirst contends thit there was no 
> mustain the charge of neglicense mite im the| 
t count of the original declaration, hiv count =| 
Ay in substance, 2 failure to construct walle or 
nor englosure around the space cecupiod 
R we —8 ae & matter of law, that 

ware bodiinfa sexo’ Ytque omktowis af heaw stows wld Be. - 

mrted to haotent duit oc .fewn? off Yo masgod gett mont 
betneta toutt od? Fo fond odds —E reg Eldousth 
mug? sedi atom don rouottaldq ed? to enbe adds fiawes Jum 
ero tabecendiw o'gmabno wh of antinooos —XX evi 19° 
a tris to govtte et? ot Ntantac ot oxtitooea , fastt sath 

sgernd od forarnele oft washer of 1 O2I0R to , on. tnate ; 

predave fe ad te aonhe off hea doves add tO abme ong 
oele feo .edotes to akg oxtd aomhers of <airow veto mk 
| on do nets barargod gnotee o¢ hawt oft, to qat eds oayme of 
oad ten oleuct utd noch nove MORI Ley minvels od? te. 
erry tSeL: ont adan qlettine od ‘ete ke fetid odd to modted 

anelo of mokiheag a a2 oa 

broass ott mort artkaneg as roLavaLo ata al lete . 
B ramtaga tourta Deol off to cod ants 00? fret ents ov 
wets Bodtorente feo detw deat? omay do lee satel, xe sged:. 
tnetees eer von Nas boteutom tom Saol odd ben m002% bake 
“9 om Be oct⸗ toyed Arcat m2 29 avatar p-oends tats ——— 
$t med :ytetan ot beaneg ovast hinow £ .sojewele oas 

‘ganinne Yto boteost etew soxod ofd «maad ed7 —R 
oↄed⸗ of sotevelo odd mort flat od nid ant haune sThidrtals 

.  edoe't BP guede to eonateth « «Steady e2 to madsod 
enintts wot to Sedetattod motiatafooh a Prkgtielt 
mt? Hodomrtant snes ef? .oteveo Lamabtits owl? tan La 

Sank? add Jsqeoxs Ife mo JInaberetoh etd at ferty of yout 

sademon farolt¢iiho baogoe bra fark? ods bern 5 Lam take 
om anw ote? fot? obetetmoo fark? tnalseTot 

aft 2 ofan gore Linen ⁊o egradto odd ntatemm of onmehtre 

demon sti’ .mottetatooh Lantylve off to saueo genkt 

‘qo flew sowrsanoo of ons ta? & ,oonatadog af _Sagnadto 

bo toyseoo gence odd Beuote oweolore vo soksoodorq tedio 

tort? ,ral to nedtan & an tee ow wad «aetayele edd of 

etd —E of grterae vitlet sonmehive on sew etad? 

‘Oe te 


chargeT (ere wos an cleyvater, «nen at beth ents, moed 
by boys ant foreigmers seting ac cewten loberers in ale. 
vating free one floor te another trugks whieh when rlaged 
thereon hed a very narrow margin amd with leade slanting 
out at an angle from the base tovnm the ed¢e of the plate 
form, ard piled ec hicty*an this inetanes at locet, that 
the trucker could mot see over the tep. Im this eonnes- 
tion the defentant esye that the rleintiff bev failet te 
‘effor any affirmative procf timt 1t wae uewel or customary 
or practigable to conetrust «alle or other pretestion 
» sia the epace cooupio? by the clevater. In eur orinion, 
| hewever, i¢ was suffigiert for the plaintiff te show the 
j | physical conditions eristine, om? 411 the teeta and oir- 
| eunetanees ourrowding the operation ef the elevater, and 
\ Leave the question of the practieabliity of pretesting the 
elevator t« the jury. Tt wae not necsseary, ard vo Joubt 
whether it wowld have bower proper in this «aes at lenet, 
\ $0 eubedt to the fury plans ard specifications showin: 
how @levaters eight cr covl4 have tern emeloged. All the 
| material faete ani cirqumeteances were ghown, and it wae, 
op opinion, the proper prevines of the fury te say 
wether, in view of thisw facts ort olitumetances, the 
fatlure to provide the elevater with valle or other pre- 
tection or eralosure constituted noxliromae or the, part 
(of the defendant, and an effirmative ceneluston in thet 
Pager’ @euld not be oid te be tm any way mond tout Ly son- 
— 2 to the woight of the eviderse. Vorrovir, come] 
fer defendant apparently comtend that the question of 
Pa ordinary sare in the matter of commtruction of this Mrd 
es dopemts upen chat ts uetal. It is cbylous, of course, 
/ tat what ie usually done eannet be the standart by which 
the question of neslirenee is te bo tetermined. Tt te, 
| — oeno⸗ſvadie that whet ts vevelly done in any 



hess oho tio te wor ,7edavelo aa Sav OTe foatatip 
-ofo st ewotedel soecase 26 gottes avon fow?. daa wrod vf 
boools moctw cole eolewst godtoge of goolt eno ape? watiey 

gaitneta abaot ashe Dees chy wo Caer a front meorodt 4 
efalq ofd te og bo ott frewwed wand orl? OT? . fame ie $@ cuo | ui 
tad? store! oo cpmatomt att? mf uoytd on hekty Bow amet | a 
-comnes ois? mi god ofd tove gem fect Dives ‘nomad ot? J 
of bolt ut —* Ntarttalg af dads avan Saabery Roh gate mots Kg 

ee mogewo To Leway asi $? sats oor avt aaara tts Yea seTto 

sottostoty todto wm alley somtanon of eldaghiaoey 2 - 
welnico two ci .wotevele afd yd hotaweso seaeqe ang havens 

ettd works 09 Yrbde Bale od ok srotetrura aew at yrevewad \ | 

orto bea adoot off tLe bern enatdalxs amp kethaos Laategiig J 

hee »todovets eis To moliotayqe adg ori Stomperrgata ooennd enn wt 
ad? untipotgouq “to ett idnotiousrg of) YW reo ES qaup ott ovael | 
ddua® ow Bro .ytwaneson fon vey gr cet, ott “f ‘otavele : 

— te onan ald? mw? mederd : mood ovat bruger * rocks ote 
nevis —J ntot baottts: qa Berw asta work edt of —— of 

ents tra | sbesofone mod vind B! #o0 RO det, Em avotavete wort, 

4 ma * ters .ttrtcig orew wepetat demro-cke ima aon tadlenities 
vas oF eet ofd Yo serivou aeqoran od? aooheleyo wre ak) 
ots ,nooradamietts ban ates eset te woly ak ,aectiente 

—— wortte ae affar dete, wedevede of? eftwoa of ut te 

iraq ects oo gore bt fhor hedtivttienoe oomefere to nottons | 


tet? ot aotavflarce ovitout tts ta Bes . teehee teh aft te \ , 

ae — — 
oe, Se ee 

“OO CL toot kere aw “ort ok of of Stoo ef dom bieee Dreger | ; ‘ 
fonming erryoote! eamubive odd 2o dighow wie od ered We 
to crofinavp odd dete bare asa ® vfteotaqqes éeatee bel tet : r 
beh! otto ko mottometamee to woltom oft at wae trenkire — F 
comms B6\,atokvd> of $1 «Latent mt duty woqu ahneqob é: 

ote cd fryramrate off od formas eid el faway al toc tate 
4nb OT sRorkowedo® of of @f seein tf;ea te mobteaup edd 
wre of ooh yifmueu al smitty “Sats ofdavts orn eosaree to 


given particular may be dene with wWiat in lor ernounte 
to a neglicent disregard of the safety of others: ao, 
if the rule contended for were followed, no action could 
\ ever be hed fer conduet, mo ratter how valpobly norlirant, 
\ if it were usual cenerally. Proprens in thea protestion 
of 2ife and limb has beer mode largely by disregarding 
tke question of whet micht have been cvetomery, ard oon 
‘siderins shethor, under all the oireumstances of the sage, 
danger to life and Linh wae foresccable to o porsem of 
ordinary prwionce ani caution. tn parsing on thin reint 
in Seidler v« Sramishaw, "60 Til. 408, cur Susreme Court 
eaid, st page 4° 
“Some expert evidence wan tntreduesd 
te ehow that auch construction was umval 
in the eity of Chisagse. ‘The question te 
te determined vas whether cr not the shart 
EE ly te foe i ama vhether Iaeob. 
beidier war mogliront in ‘mairtaining 16 in 

that sonfition, and not hew elevators rere 
usually constructed in the city of Chiearc. 

(Shiesss, heek Islond an? Pueific Rail» 

Geel of uxatiguase sumtainet’in the 

| SeWSe Soy ted it 

At this point it may be anid thet if there ts 

evidence wefficiont te surtwin the ection laid in any 

one of the three courte, the refuual to give peremptory 

instruetions «ith referense to the other two, even if 

errencomt. gould not in law be the prourt of a reversal. 

City Railvay y. Carpoli, 206 Til. Fit Seott vs 
Qremtorre, 246 121. 4¢0.) 

: _ BRefertiant next contents that the second additional 
count should have been taker from the jury, “first, deeause 
there was abeclutely no etidense tomiine in the romotest 
Gegree to show that the clevater overster «am noglirent, 
ani second, because in any event the clovater operator 

on Oa 

otmvann wel mt tele Cihw oneh of yom velwotiaag novky 
¢%a twredto to vdetdo eff to Sragetath dneakigen a of 
bitmo cokion or ,howollot orew ao? bebaetaoe of ede BP | 
inesiftaon vtder!nd wot tetton on ,sowbroe tot bed ed wee | 
weltestouwr «dt of avemmort = +. yflo terme tauu wtew ot Bk * 
erego·ca th vd vfontal eben seod aad dull tue gtk Be - 
«moo bes «Yromotaso seed overt Scher gore to moktesmp af? 
ened ef? Yo sonmatvamnrotte ef? (fe tehaw .toctdottr ambepbha - 
to mow a of eftaccnenet sor deth bee ohtl oF wganb 
inter afd no gutecad wl smkgemmn hee coneteere gtantiee 
jum exened? mo , Uh ffl 00% .watebeest «9 gefhtet af 
10% ogey ga + hReo . 
hequhorint ace eonobive —— ome" —— 
 Seveu aen motiourtdameo tout cade woda of . . ' 
od molsaoup oT cogaghsto to géto afd “ 
Stade off ton > toddedw savy Sonkbrteteh — 
doont +etiody bas bedoursanoe yf om e 
ai ¢f anioletatem al fmenligon sar tee — 

wrow erodavele wod Jon Baa conte «than feet 
a Ogeehdo to yeto ods ak stat doom ¥ Lowey 

wf Bait pithess bee & Let 2 

d erery of bobses — ẽ * 
* oi beatae aao — pmo tg tt ' 

ot omdd tl tote blau of yor 22 duteq wits rh * 1 
ys wt Bilal soften ott alataus oy jaetetvne esaehive \ \ | | 
grosquoreg ovig of Laweter on? doe comme wit fo arte 3 
2f meyo ows resto orf 9 eexoretor tthe anet tected ant § 
‘fewcever a to bervorm od? of wal wt Son Sigee® . awooretTe 
Ly 49002 18Le :L{T NO? ,Ltowmee -¥ yeoktet eet oawetamy) “1h 


{. Ord + tar gat Sep ines) 
rotsethia bauooee oft sands abrio teoe Sort win hero"het 

shoo’ .iowlt” «cmt odt oor? notad moed ovad biwets ties 
. daudoror od ort gethaod ovnebdite on ylostutoada aaw rteds 
etron tine sew toteteqo todavele edt sade woe of norgeh 
yotcxeto tolevele ats ireve ress tet oousoed eieroooa feta 

se De BA 


aoné plaintiff were fellow cervarnte.” The arewer tc this 
(te twoefeld: first, 1 fo oufticiont if there wan evt- 
fereo to auetain any ceunt in the deoleration, aed aceon, 
| the sourt rprcifiaaliy inotrusted che: Jury that the nlaine 
tiff and the elevator operator wers fellow servante, sani 
| that mo reoovyery could be had on account of the nerld senee, 
Ch ae ony, of the latter. In view of the positive art per 
oop ery sharacter of thie imatruction it war of no im 
portange that the court failed te give « formal inetrue- 
tion to find the defendant not guiity im « sount.where 
* She mogiigense of ssid operater was oharert. 
| 7 Defendant ala eomtermis that there wae ne cvri~ 
fouee upon which the ¢irst additional count conl¢ properly 
heave been submitted te the fury. This count, ofter setting 
out matters of iniuowment; ani that the nlaintirr wae a 
common Laborer whose “uty it was to tronepert berse from 
the leadine platform atjagent t: the packing hence, imto 
the packing hevss, ard on an ele water by moans of a hande 
teak, charges that 1t me the duty of the defendant to 
furmieh plaintitf with « reavenably safe place to werk; 
that the defontant aid not regur’ ite duty, but omered 
} ané sormeanded the plaintiff te put an unveually larce 
Be esbor of boxes on the trucks that he did as ordered: 
* \ thet he woe unable to see over the top of them: that he 
\ \ wae ordered ond ocmmanded to gonvery the trugh by mans of 
zt | ontd @levater te the woper floor ef eaia masking veuse: 
! i that in obediense to euch command the plainticr 414 then 
ant there senvoy the truck frow the leading platfer with 
| Ali dite care ont caution for hte om safety: thet by reason 
i (at the hetent of the bores, he woes tnable ageurately to 
the pealtion of the truck, and thereby the place 
Mere platmtise war required to etand, while being roved 
ne Ss Wye feck me well inwen to the 


wilds of tewave ofT ‘  atmavaes wallet ae witietelta bao 
«iva oww stort? t dnotel tie ot t! , dant? +Bloteow?s ab - 

Rest ocn bea «mo hsgrte Lee’ od? at. 2 —X a ecta ot oooh 

fale ef? fod? vnst add bosaretunt yi laatticeds dures et? 

byw \esimvets wo llot wow "mo 2 orton “19 Seowndo ony hes hte 
der on Ener elt ta demenos mo hawt of biven yrovoon” om gaits 

eteg t<a ovktteaor etd to wely ot .tetdel odd. 0 qtam BE~ 

out on to sow ¢t mtsountant aft? Yo totemmde yeotque 
aorta Leonet we wets og bolita doe ett dattd- OGMBETOT 
corte der io 2 mt yoties for jnaheo%tes act? halt of rokt 

oheatade eow totateqo Blea to soneghigen edz - 

mys on wow overt? fed abmetmon cafe sembaeted | 
Lpocro'ts bintes drman Tama hs Ebhs oeuky eff dokde soqu eoneb 
Ritea wito yingeo vid .yumh oht of hod dteaton oped eves 
a caw Wktntets of} todd dem cdoremowdet Io aetten sie 
moxt nowsd ‘Sioqaany? of oa 3h gw ↄaou —E xoma· 
o⸗e sonstod get btoa att of tropetho mentiats aotioot arty 
= beract s 20 anacs vi noteyote re 80. big OR OS sebtoce até 

OF gradserod ols to Usoh of? gow tt tad? aogtats toree 

tixer of voalg ten Pidavouret aditw witietaty stabernst 

horahes tot eetah ag? Oremey deer Rts seettestoh off saad. 

anial yLtarntn «s toy od Trttebelq otf Potammtee baa 
rhatehdo an BFh asf tnits tions wif wo gore! Yo cedmua 

of gedd emeie Io qo⸗ ori? — oon cf offdurm avw ad Sette 
30 aneom ys fours ott Terre 3 hohremicg ban dorohge gay 
Fonte’ - qeebtoas Aine to oof xxv⸗ ot? of tetevele Dkarc 
troctt hep Trtintale oft baste — ‘out oe const bode nt sad? 
fain wrottale amt heot eid oor? tears? edt vores wrod Bon 
net vd tacit 'ytotan swe ald tot soksuan here ene ouh the 
of cledanrena ofdany acw or ysaxod ot? to &fpted si? Yo 
“ponte att yetottd here ytorend of? Yo maktieog ot? ovxesds 

hover prtod oftdw hitein of hetivpet sav Thidmlalg orertw 

off of nwort [lew aew Joet dotdw .otannmy empood oftarqy 


Rae F I * * —— oe Ww a i 
‘ ‘. * \ ; 5 
es J _ Dee 

defemiant, but mot to the plaintiff. © think there ras 
ample evidense te justify the court dp owlrlittdne the tecuss 
| patood by thie count te the fury. Thera won evidence tond- 
ing to chew that the mumbor of boxer piled om the trusk was, 
Re to the plndntiff ot loast, wmeuls that they were eo 
high thet ne could not seo over them ard Naico the exact 
leeation of the truck, act consecuently the question of 
whether these facts, in commection with all the other frets 
| an evidencc, rowiersd the place uncafo, anil chether that 
| fast wan knoen or should have beer known te the sefendant , 
were properly quections of feet for the jury'te fetersination, 
 ° wn were properly submitted to it. 
Defentant's gourse] rext conterui that plaintire 
| aveuned the risk of the ‘anger which resulted in this ac- 
ss @ident, as a matter of law. In Browne y- Sleecl, Cooper 
& Gov» 192 121. 298, our Supreme Court hee vald that, 
“The servant acewmes not only the a 

omiinary risks tireitent te hie ererleyment, i 
but aleo all whieh are obvious Gq 
—9 — amt grraront ‘Fe he voluntarily enters ‘ 
hy inte or — * im the servies, knowing, q 
or having the moane of tnoring, ite —— 
he is deemed to have ancumed the ri : 

to hawe woived 411 cleins oaradnet ng 

master for fumages im case of personel | eo 

injury. é 
ve ‘a 

- “Defendant's eounes] peint out the lenrth of 7 
Me i tine plaintiff hed been em-loysd in this work and the fre~ 
Wan whth whieh he had ured the olevater, an! conclude in 
5 ‘thet the dangers, if any, ard the specific hazard whieh = 
9 eausoa the aecident, vere ac open and avparent "av wae the fi 
physical eituation,” ani therefore plaintiff? ssuumed the 
-y and cannot recovers J— 
he Lew de that. while ordirartiy, of course, ~ 
he ¢ of whether the servant has acsumed the danger i 
. ite h he encounters, or hao been guilty ef contributory 
pogiigense, is one of fnet, yet, as in cther ensen, the 
will becere one of law when but one coneluston 
gia the evidence by all weasonoble — 


ew ommdt avktd ov .Yeksahale ott of tom sud ydorabeoted| 
duant odt yalssindve ot dame ott Rect of oomedtve etme | 
~fret oomebive oaw erolt .weat ocit of tomoo afdd yd Bootes | 
saw feet edt mo bolty aoxed to todaun eid fade wede of guk — 

oo ome yodd Jatt pews tend ta Tehebalg odd of ee |. 
toaze eft onbut tna edt seve com tom Bivos os Sadd thy bet He a 

to sottoonn ond vfseospoano Bra, toed odg 0 — 

agon't — odd Lin ditty aoliesemos at ,otoat — 
todd ‘toctterty Ine .oteam: eoalq ed? doroderex <comebtve a 
,dnabroteh eft of croml mood oved biwede “to meet ase be 
okientwroted atymt od not tos? to anoktsonp —8 * 
+t oe betsindue ylreqort te a | 

Sttontate gut? hewtwoo trom Commes stinateted ©)” J 
90 atit nt Bodivac: dolstw tenmat edt to fale edd Deewana i by 

© geqoeo «fonek? -y onventl at wel to a0tsem a an mobo — 
gga? Dew oot sae? omogqes wuo 40OF .£ET LO gegd 2 

odd yee fon eomrece series actte* 4 mS en 
aduemgotane ait of taebtonk yrs quant (a ae 
attiotvds ete folde — O8le BGT ee 
teste oe uiteasenloy on * énoterts: J 
aR bworet qootvies * ed pl * * 
ym ge afk «nettwort Io anwom ef? » 
hoe alot ott ronuaga eved og Beageb) at ad 
“ta ponies —— iia Bevilow oved CN 
anosre¢ Do ean aoganch xe% (ae 
; Sat 

20 dimer odd to dented foanuos aiguabavted °° |. 4 
08 odd hia trow Edd mh Seyoleme meod had wrbantate — 7 
abun’ ee ytotevede ett Boat Bact od sotew shew y ray py 
dotdr braved olttenga edt Bem oyna BE «ategrod odd Sads hae 4 
Ott cow o8" ImoraqTa hes oqo Ge otow ,toehtons edd heaves 
att honnmae VES otaly ovo'teneds fen Aita⸗ te — *& 
cows 10 «yfbuartixo eftdy . tats ot wal at? J Ri 
tonniah ets Sorat eS a 
ysotudiasmoe to ytLtihy seed and wo yetotmmeme ed aetdy | } 
orls coven rade ab ue «toy «font Yo ame ut «eemeahiyoet 
— ono et mu val 0 ano esoeed fy mokiwomy ie J— 

epaaie ofdaneanes Llp ud oombtve ods poets 4 


4 = 

The question, then, le. gan we any that the | 
only conclusion which ean bo drawn frem tho evidense 
by all reasonable winds te thet the epeeific hazard 
whigh caused the aseident war open ant apparent? The 
/Sactdent obviously happened becsuse the top of the lead 
extemleod beyond the edre of the platforn. Are: re ablo 
to say, as a matter of law, thet this havah4 was open 
| ev apparent to the plaintiff?’ “he fast that the fury 
must be taken to have fount, by ite verdict, thet the 
| danger was known. or by the exercise of reavonable care 
«| LA have been Imown, to the defeniant, does not negase 
. sariiy compel the conclusion that it must aleo heve 
| been Imown to the plaintiff. the ovidenes shows that 
the defendant was « corporation ensaged tr the paslting | 
¢ f business, having the plant in qwestion ard other planta : 
| | tn connection therevith, anf in thear operation employed 



forenen, superintendents ,,.architeate, ard vas ponmesned 
of thetr lmowledre and threuch that rrovledree suet hove 
boen fully aware of the construction ond operntion ef “ 
ite plant and factlitdes and the ¢ancer, 1¢ any, in- : 
cident thereto. Plaintiff, on the other hand, wae a ; 
| fereigner, unfaniiiar with the ‘nglish language, engaged — 
mie at the better of the industrial seale as a gommen 1 ‘ 
The evidense shows that hic regular work wac that of ve 
| trueking full bexes, 1m connection with whieh there was 
obviously ne eugh danger as that from which the accident 
my arese, wines such truck loads were only pilot te a 
J — from two to two and one-half feet. “hore io 
0 es Mongo im the record that the plaintitr over, \ | 
| this neaident, trucked a ond oe high that he could not. 
mY w ever the top of A, ant wpen the cunetion of hor| 


and gost cot er oe at qnodd setscoup aft 
ons dive ot war? onend od nite cater motautenog yino 
Mraved ofttovge ot? taut! at uderter otaam ao tha we 
| ont? — deromagqes ete steqo aa drohtooe ott ‘boawat dottie 
boot ects tm qot od? eausoad honngead vEewokwte steer. 
ofa or ond. sattotsate ef to endo ott Seoyed hohmwdee a, 
mse aes! Beant arity. tastt «wok to wettan a an en ag - 1. i a 
— ott tote Joat of? itatat⸗ odd o⸗ tro:oqae on 
ort Soft? .foktrroy adt of .Dewo% ovat of modiad ot oe 
RAD oldaneneet Bo vakeroxe odd yt x0 erwonet sae agent 
aemart gor soo8 stiaticotot os og tvent seed ond Riven J—— 
oved ont gavm $2 tect motaufeaon edt Lequon Yitmaa 
tend wrote odin di vo at Mentata ott ot waéent ood — ve 
guttend ext? of Dopaaere Oks stoqnay * ew Srecbecoob: ods — oi 
sinaiq toniso bra nokgaosp at gmake odd gatvad ,ve anoetbeard * 
boqod rite nobtaneqe ahott ok bas «détvonodt — 
honneskor aay bea — Mora, sadiobaoda toga 
evacd tuum enbolwoat dart? here va⸗ han ex botweret ated 
.~ nets orsqo Bren AAe eure’ arno ort to wean het a 
ont cet St otenna® od? Bee eokstttost bre vale 
oem .tuet mitte etd a0 ntoutata “vodeindt? — — — ie 
—— —1 tatters’ etd dit tw aethtnntonr teats tenet a 
prada! nommp 9 un ofan totes watford big % motte at ta 
to jadd enw throw tekunor oft daelt svn oomhtve eT 
usr — “ Kotdw (gin wobtoonime ob .cumed (et gations 
frobtooa ort deliw mont dott oa rogmeh deve om ybewotwte 
a od tote vine eto abot fount dave gente \waon 
at oped? Soot Madaome na ond of ond nowt to sdgtod 
cotod myo TRbIntale etd Jatt Brose ede at comohtys cm — 
for bivoo af tort agit ow hoot «© beter ceobtoos atte | —9 
korftatty Io noktweun odd woqu Baw th 2 qos add rev 800 ae 
somos vies I hook w heteurd cove Webimata wt tom 48 J 
vionte so⸗ off at *— ———— 

pats a 

| ae. ae ey 

Pe — / 

In thie state of the recerd we are umsble te euy that 
the manifest weight of the evidence shore efther that 
the hazard eausing the accident wae, cr shovld hove been, 
known to the plaintifr. 

Bite | 
: Hetermtant aloo contends thet the overrhelming | 
a 9* weight ef the evidence shows that plaintiff woo emiity 

a of contributery negifconce. fren a gareful review of 

¥ ety @ll the evideree in the Gane, vO ore nadie to pay that 

plaintite 41a not exercive all the care vhich’Mte oir- 
| qunstemass at and before the seoldent allowed. vhs i ‘ 
\ question, Like the cusetton of aesumet risk, we passed pS 



as wreon bye fury properly an! fully instrveted ae to the 
Law, and the motion far s now trial was considered ond 
erxerruaoa by the prenidine qudive « in view of thene 4 
| faote We are unable te dtmregard the verdict and the ; 
J  aetion of the trial court unlose we oan say that the. 
2 vreratet ia contrary te the manifest welert of the evidence i 
| ws | on weme eutential iseue involved, (North Chisago ft. 2. Re 
x © Bee U Bqmpere, Of TLR. Apps S10? Ste Lovie Fationgl m 
| Steer Yards ¥. Gestroy, 101 4d. 40; Chieage 4 Alton By. 
82 · We Corson, 14. 115) Sleek y. Yarpte, 1a. Se7; onytor 
ee Hela Me wey — * Petter, non ad. 4a; 

wf fw 

gontt vor of ofdeny ote ew bro90% ot ‘to tatu ated a 
tects tilt to woode oommitve ot do dytow saettman ott 
.food oved hiuwin w ,cew deohfoow odt wrkewne Duacad ett 
Ntantæate ett od moet | 

grttnteterevs etd toes shstnoo cola tuabestet 1 
Willey aow Tektakalq toto woke combtve edd to ty tow 
no volver Dvtouss o cov? soomsstnen cwogutiamie to 
todd yom ot often ore O° goss orld at cousbive off Kha 
wrth aides fete onan oft Ie oativsoxe sore nib wrratata 
bomotta dmebtens. 9X9 owed tes —X 

ads of ae — oy tte’ besa —— ome a went? 

Hens berohiares aaw fnted. weer owt sot for! ont fer wat “ 

erodt ‘te woty at /sombet, getichwonr wt vee. Boltreneve 

add hea tothrev od? Iemmaumtty of ota a ote er 

oat dake yaa noo ww enotony 00 fates welt. to aotson 

porehiyy add to arf tow aoꝛ ba aen out oe —2 ek. fotieoy 

— gusotd: 320i) choviovert auusel fatimpane one * 

Tanotipy atvg! «$8 191% ct ant oe grommet a4 — 

— ———— 
motors rrod «BE satan + couta ute — cmgemed iv 08 

| (RAR 4 DR ROL » settot «y moktey 1020 Rf qnontet ay 
cAltd Drvre lo BID a BE VT Stauso — 20 natty a 

oltamy ota aw tensor afore ote te efterse, = ergy. —9— i’ 
Micah’ ne digs ——— cn te ———— ra 

sohtemon of wkeaaagon torr at ot tuahnoteb wit wt fouken — ity ; 
[ftw sro but of? «Paks hake — borg tava aoe anor “ 9 

: / ; . a J 
Cal aed | — 
a " : * ‘ ) ‘ ‘ on 9 * 

eon - O1261. 

Deferfant in © 

OR Leer 

Claimant, j 

—J— fe ONTCAG, 


n Briers 198 L.A. 324 

MR. MOTICN COMIN deoliverad the opinion of the court. 


The facts in this case are cubdstartially 
the same ae in No. 21371, Peorke of the State of Tliineis 
-Y» Fatty Capes Conteining "9 Dezen gag mA More om Leas, of 

Shell tees, Perfection igre Company, and in roverned by 
. the decision in that case. 


f —1 eh 
er mi dnatneted. pa 


eVGA OTH 9 10 

——— ome ona add of etost ott | 
 «Bhomkitt to ofag? of? to gfrogl . £0Lto “ait at bas Ons tg 
32 «age! 2 gre’ .fose mexnd oF aittnts sng’ ‘oan? eases ie 

a ed Dorrroves uh, Ane SEawee? Ja8 NOLS cornet waa fede 
—* Onan dats at ouratend ott id 



243 e 21224, 



TOS TAL 325 

HAviaintitrts horee ¥ was hitched to a Wigon undt-wan-etande-——— 

q JUSTICE OT OONNOR dx — ‘the opinion of thé courte 

: Baal i a eee to recover damages alieged 
have been sustained by the appellee (hereina? tery. 

led the plaintiff) as a reeult of the mumiing 

& team owned by appellant (her Anar tor ealled 
the defendant), whereby pbatatictts horse and 
were damaged, the. ceuse war wa tted te the conrt 
without bane and there wae a fiedineane J gua 
ane plaintit? f for $94.10, The facts are p thenes'» 

ing on the north side of Madison street in the village 

of Ferest Park, facing west. The team and wagon belohge 
ing to the defendant, in churge of a driver, wae delivere 
ing bread in seid village, and it being about noon, the 
driver drove the team into a shed, which was in a yard 
immediately adjoining Madison street. The shed was about 
40 or 50 feet inside of the yard. The yard waz enc lesed 
with a fenee, there being two entrances to the same. 

The driver took the bridles off the horsen and hung them 
en the hames, fed his team, and then went into (a restaue 
Fant, which war situated neat the yard, to eat bie dinner, 
About five aimutes thereafter, he looked cut and the tenn 


ess .A.T eet 

edi 909 ont to sokato oid boxovileb Apo 'O ToLreuL of 


bolye La aoguuah teveosx of nottod — — 
————— eeliongs edt vd bomiagoua ova 
yan aribnears, add to dfiveer an (Tiisadasg mth bells 
* tes tanec ion) dual toqge it v dorwe mes a 
bum oacord ar rssatady Ydecendy . (Paabueted 
sxH09 wie of boas Leite aow @ essay. lt +boyanah @ 
uoe ſadut. al gaibnet S Baw Oxon bas wR 8 vate 
toaau⸗ ots agget off .OLl.d08 tot Tiiteiasy = zo 
nance ee ose — ; 
Oe ebtt a maw Di NOB TOF betot he maw wana — 
eqeliiv ody mh toorta goatban to chloe utros ent no yk ~~ 
“piofod Koyew bus meet adv 86. saew galiont ,wiet seoxo% 20 
“tovifoh eaw ,tovith « to egtaio mt efiabnetes oft of gat 
ent Moon svoda pitied #i baw ,oyslfiv bise mt baewd yak 
busy ant aaw dolow , bende « ofnt moot edt evotb teviah 
sued saw honda ot? .toovle moatbatt gilntotha Vetedboams 
beoroione saw btay ef? Stay edt to ebtant soot os xe oe 
sOntam ot OF asonatins ows goied exedd ,oonet s aghw 
mond yavel Soo neato elt Tre aetbixd ont Mood teviah oct 

— —— 4) otmt gInow mds ona ,omod wad * seem nt m0 

* eds due suo bicsdis’s pv — — —* ARES, 2° 

— “ 


Was gon@. In come manner not disclesed by the evidence, 

the team got out on Madison street and turned eaet, running 
away. They ran into plaintiff's horse and wagonme Plaintiff's 
horse was injured and parte of the wagon shafts broken. On am 
count of the injuries the Plaintiff was unable te afterwards 
vy use the horse, The value of the horve was placed by a 

x witness whe-temteePet on behalf of the plaintiff to be from 
$106 to $125, while » witness «. testivind on behalf of the 
defendant that the horse was not worth te exceed $60. There 

Was alec evidence as te other ites of damage incurred, 

NSCLC ATAL IS A EOI aay IMLS ice abana — * 

— -woutende- that: — ten faved varie 
ange between the plaintiff's etatement of claim and the 
proof, in tha * statement of claim averrad., that the 
defencant's team ane wagon wore left “tinattended, unhitehed 
sal ungerded® in Madison otrevt, while’ the evidence showed 
that the team was Left unabtended ané unhdtened in the yard 

eining Madison atreet, thie “action ie one of the fourth 
clgen, where the plaintiftte alaim ‘heed not be set up with 
as auch particularity #6 is required in’ e Seclaration, 


mo eeontention is without merdt. me 


epee was the fact of the team's running away reamed onde 
he driver and with | the bridles fastened to the \ 
. This might cause some presumption of negligence, 
 eertainly dees not establish a case of negligence per ge 
ex an | Qhlegation where the omy (ground of negligence is 

ee Riana — 

— Leaving ‘the team standing unattended in and Upon #® 



ae woe J 4 ~* 


~eeneblve gis yd posedoats yon Aoatian oman nt vnon mw oe N 
anmuri ,tese bord de foorse noatball m9 tuo 308 asot ont 
'Ytitnials .nopew baa satord —RB — reat woe enn a f 
smo texto af tala mogew of? to atiaq one borat aaw eored —9 
abtawies te of mivann saw Riivatatg os ww beau tank oa⸗ ‘to sauoe ri. 
a wl beoalg saw —X ode to outlay oft oron ult —* ome 

| aort, od ot ttitnisiq edt Yo Yinded mo Beene d rte agen | “ 
edt to YLased no brstisany sy event iw a of idiw BBL of 00f8 nm 
axedT .06§ beooxs of dtiow ton saw gaxorl oxtt and trabsgtod ’ 9 

Sao wie F 7 
— E — to amosti ueels o os ae oonobhve: nia — 

$B re Rau Mol al een Ceara ee 

ektav fadn? » ih senias david — — vbw 
edt beia Mmiaic to Inomest ate attiisntatg outs 9 tod “0 

ost tacit betseva mtalo ‘to saswegade edt ‘arts mh sto “4 Ay, 
bento d Silt Soba s aa" rot otew Mogaw mand et gasoa0 ob . 
bowora oonsblve ons ‘pA Law tovata sa 2ioatt me “bobtagmu ‘ : 

| bray edt mb bodothieus ona bobs fom Stel sow naog edt 4 
dyiwoct off To ono ak nottos” Aar stroxsa monkbait wake’ ; 
atiw qu goa od ston boon ‘mhafo aMribeniaty ong execs ° i 
eaoks etatond » ‘eh poxtuper of a. obit he cag 

aie Leet) RR swede ak noisnodeao: 

; om angered? stadt wbmetnos sxem Snahao Ws 

edt Atnabaetod ot to ttaq oct mo eoneyttys 
_ oidinaog yum To oomobive ylro edt said gale 
ebm 23 acu” Yawa gutnras amet odd To Soet od saw ody 
—* eid of bomotast aekbtad edt / dtiw ban tevksd o: 
F s0orregiinon ‘te mol sqnussorG omos onan salty ian aia? as 
2 32g eoneyilgon Yo ease a Antidesas tom aeob — E q ' 
be: ae eonogtfpon te ‘bawory vine “ond OF Dif 4 — 

pa at bebned tenn w wala maod 
weove & 


Waile some cases hold that negligence may not 

be inferred fram the mere fact of a runaway (Zoller ys. Knox, 
Supra.), there are a great many cases te the contrary. 

See Kokoll y. Brows & B. Lumber Soy (NeJsle) Tl Atl. 120, 
and other cases cited in note, 23 IeltsAs, 171. Yet the fact 
of the runsawey, taken in connection with the other circune 
stances attending the sane, tended to establish negligence, 
even in the absenes of direct —— in 
the case at bar we are of the opinion that there was suffie 
cient evidence of negligence on the part ef the driver of 

defendant’e team to sustain the finding and judgment. 

The defendant further contemis that the court 
erred in refusing te admit evidence offered by the defendant 
ag te the gentle dicposition, ete. of the team, In this 
contention we Gannet concur. Plaintiff’ was not claiming 
that the horses were ether than gentle, but based his right 
of recovery on the negligence of the defendant in the control 
and management of the team, 

Finding mo substantial error in the record, the 
judgment of the Municipal Court of Chicage will be affirmed. 


' 4 ; | We. , 
wlio a * 

son yam comegiiven fads bLod avsan omoe olldw | 
2 | aN zelfod) wrrans: « to Joat orem wiv sire bora Tet od 
sUrstsneo edd of vena Yam Jaory 6 ote otett Sr ae 

(OSE Eta ET (eta) ssa Ai Aah 8 
gost odd Se¥ oLVL goAclied EX ,9t00 mi basin aeaan x0dde bas tad 

eauotio «tte edt diiw aotioennce at welat ,yawansrt ond to 
 4bonegiigen delidasue of debued ,omau oslt palbaotia seonase 
—X — foerth to sonmvada odd al novo 
ektiue asw ovedd tenis molmico odd to eta ow ued da evan add 
to tevin ont to gisq edt mo oomegtigen To eonebive dmeoto —J / ; 

sinompbut bra gathett off mtegave of mmed ettasbneteb — 

tiveo ot Judd alare d od gnaldrss? fnabse ted oft 
tnabnstoh od? ys bortto gorobive thmbs ot pakas tos ml berms 
aidd ol .mmot add To onto ,rold Loge dl okinny oud oo a8 
gitmialo jon waw TTignlals, stwoKoS JONAAO ow woisnosnoo 
Soya wid boaad gud ,oitney ast sori 0 oxaw woarad ot eet 
Lotsinoo —* at Suabuered ont to oomsytigen odd ae yrevooot to 
bh | —* ood anid Yo ¢aneo ganas ine 


ost  bteses out ak sowre laiinadedue oe yell | | and F 
 ghomrttta od LLiw ayao 2d to sawed Kou to tet ode te some eh 

Prewit Se a #3 

Aad du 


Appellee, ) 


oe 81. AOS om 

BR. JUSTION O'CONNOR delivered the cpivion of the court. 

——“‘Thitede-an appeal frem a judcment rendered by the 
nicipsl court in favor of the plaintiff (appellee) and 
gainst the defendant (appellant) for $1669.46. 


During the month of. August) 4922, the plaintiff 

a company hauled for the defendant over ite raile 

rend 156 earloads of brick from Blue Island 1ineis to 
onb.eas, for which it charged $9 per car — ee. fi 


— ani 

— — 
— — 


— — — 

It Snot disputed that the rate charged was 
ibs ———~ reasonable and in compliance with the schedules filed 

y gy egal Interstate Comnerce Comission and the Railroad 
, and Warehouse Comaisesion of Illinois, and wan lees than 

the max rate as fixed by the said Railroad and Waree 

house Commission. * » that the 


plaintiff during the month of August, 1911, hauled brick 

from Chicago Heights, Illinois, to Chicago, a distance 
of 30 miles, for $5.50 per carload, over the same track 
as that on which it hauled the brick for the defendant 

from Blue Island te Chicago, a distance of but 18 miles, 
* fim ) ; 




edt yd Herohisex toemybyt « moth Leeqqa me ad ath? — 
bre (wellegqa) Lilinialg ens te w6vat mk Prved Leyloka 

89.@08L%. x02 (tuslloqge) suabae'tib oxtt taniays 

ttitniely ont ,L£@L <dnurgub- Yo niteom. Ot york 
eLiat att toeVve Stabe teh ads 0% bo tuad viaqmoo baoxt 
ot stonkt1t «tna loi ould mort xo bad be ebaelzae eel beet 
ote shaol iso tsq¢ @f begrads ti sto Rife. 10% 1 Oye0 kAD 
aide — Ateva oas vag © * belist yetvadtaoins to 
— ——— 

— — 

asw Segtado eter said sans boduqath son ef #1 

—ñ— ⸗ — at ö—r, — — — 

holk? aeluhedoa ond at iw sonaligmon nt Sita sidenqunet——~. 
baotlia oft bre coleatmmod oorenmnod ovataretnt ost * 



ftadt oust aew brs yatonil sy Io ‘MOL aa Leno eavorleiaw (one 
OTA bes beorLtar 1 bow, odts wd bextt ee stax —E —2— 
ontt tate —— — tt +e ews notanimmod savor 
Mo led ——— efL@L ,tauygwa to admom ods —R Tritniale 
sonesatb & ,oyantdd of satonbi st sedrigtell or⸗o tio — 
doers ems ert tove «baolxan 104 oa. at 10? — 08 dl 

tnabnoreb e9 rot Akad saly deLuait a so kb a0 ° saat a 
v ——— BL sud Yo — 8 yonavkaD ¢ y r 

Ay Oe 


for which plaintiff charged the defendant $9 per carload; 
that this was unjuet diserimination and contrary to law, 
and that the defendant should not be required to pay more 
than that charged by the railroad company for hauling from 
Ghicage Heights e- $5.50 per carload, and that therefore 
plaintiff's claim for $1447.34 is excesnive in the sum 

of $4738, 
—— — 

— ——— 
— —, — — 

——— — — 

— =the tirfendant—oontends that when the evidence. 
I it had been charged/for hauling a carload from 

\baue lel <a to Chicago than was charged other payticn for 
hauling the vene kind of a carload from | tnd ongd Heights 
to Chicago, over the same track, it had entebl ished a 
prima facie ease oF unjust discrimination, the argument 
being that this evidenge showed a vioigtion hy the plaine 
tate of sections 2 and Sef an Act te ‘Prevent Extortion 

; and Unjust pisorimination, Murd's Revised Statutes, (1921), 
a Pe 1835, and section 25 of tn nai road and Warehouse Come 

"missioners Act, Hurd's Revis — —E (1911), p. 1854, 
Said sec. 2 provides that if, ‘any railroad shall make any 
unjust discrimination in ite rates fox freight or passenger 
transportation, it waaay ‘be deemed guilty ef violating said 

C act. Baid see. 3 provides that if any rablroad shall 
charge for transportation of passengers or freight a 
greater toll or compensation for any distance. ‘than is 
charged for a greater distance for a like quantity of 
freight over, the same line, in the same direction, ' @irectly, 
or by means of any rebate, drawback, or other shift or 
evasion, ‘auch act "shall be deemed and taken, against euch 

⸗ railrond corporation, as prima facie evidence of the ungust 
diasrininations prohibited by the previsions of this act." \ 

Sdid sec. 25 declared it to it to be unlawful for any common ~~ 

shaoliay a9q 0% Insbnatoh eft hegrado Tiitntalg doldw tot 
«wal of yietinos bie moijanimizegib tex aw aaw abit sontd 
vom yay of betiupet od gor bivoda snabmotoh ond tacky bee 
mort piiivad rot ynaqmoo baotliaxr edt yd boptasto dand comslt 
exotetontt tadt bane ,baolise seq 04.0§ = atiylek oye £0 
nue oft mt oviacooxe ak S8,TDOL6 rot miafo atttisnialg 
8186 to 

— ——— —— — — — 

— ent nostw Jad? absstnos—inabaeteb-ontt——_ 
mott Peo taso ® goifved tot\degtede meed bad st tastd 

tot end tonto begtano eaw madd oyasind of fal oulg) 
atigiek doad Litt mozt beoltao s to beid onae ont git Lu 
8 borat tdatas bat Ji ,xostt omay “a —— ,opao ldo — 

tasmupis sexi Ywotsanintroets auteu eae0 
eniels edt yd uotbefoty a bewoda sotob ive aid tests ant 
‘nolitogxl saeverS ‘et toA 16 ty é bas & anoitose to wu 

(LLL) ,eetugass boeivel atbawit  Molienimivoek@ taubav baa 
~mol sevoreta¥ bas baotfinl adit to as noltosa bra .8e8L « ag 


aost oy (LL0L) —EX atu ,$0A ovenolenta 
ys eam {Leela baot Liar Ya tt Jedd aeblvoug & .o9e 
tegnseeng xo tiytest gor ootet ath ai gokianinixoats say 
bia gaitaloty to yi Liu bomasb od” Aine ek noksatrogenas 
Ifesca baotsiax Ure Ra fads —R & .o%a blade toa > 
* a tiybogt TO atognoresd ‘te nol⸗at roganan⸗ ae 9 eytaio 
— ak madd adriad ath YA tot nosaunoqnos ao Ifot tod B07y : 
: to yi itnaup eAll » sot sonstalh wa⸗rs & tot bagtesio ; 
— E wMolfoorth esma edt ak yomtt oman od. rave ddglort | 
30 Stine xeddo 10 ,dosdwath ,etadox yaa to nana yd p 70 ; 4 

caus faniaysa ,nevias bos bemeeb od ffasta® tog rape 
a⸗ | wna odt to oomobive etost amiag an — 
—— alist to enolakvorg ont yd — de i a iy 
: frommon. ya tot Lu'rwatnws od * ak rot as +9! ‘ab tae 

ö—— ae tree 

— a Ne a es 



—— — — — 

eharge OF vesrive any “Erenter—-conmpensntion 
J ——— for a shorter fan for a longer dine } 
er the game line, or to charge any greater 
compensa ts as a tnvrough route than the aggregate of 
the intermediate rates; and declared that said section 

‘should not be construed as authorizing the carrier to) 

Pal iw 


jcharge or receive as wrt compensation for a worter as for 

\@ Longer distance, Gaid vedtion previced, however, het 

upon epplication of the carrier the commirnion might, vin 
tpeoial Qases, after investigntion, permit the carrier 
to charge less for longer than for shorter distences and 
—* the extent to” Agni. oh the carrler ‘Show! d ve re 
iievea from the proud bition against an equal oh greate 

— for a shorter than a longer distance, Oke 


{ the plaintiff's position is that the rates 
6 — and that the reason for the 
⸗ a here 7 ~ 7 
fiers ti tie made for tie” Hauling of freigh 

— — · — Moka N re PTET mrss 


/ ie-thaf’En 1898 the railroad company entered into a written 

contract with a land association of Chicage Heights shereby 
the association eonveyed land to tne railroad company for 
right cf way and for ether purposes, in consideration of 
which the reilroad company agreed that its freight charges 
for hauling carlond lets from Chicago Heights te Chicage 
should, for a period of 99 years, be $5.50 per carloadg , 
test fn 1910, when it attempted to raise the freight charges 
from Chicage Heights to Chicago, it was enjoined by the 
Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District 
of illinois, Mastern Division, from doing se, —— 
injunetion is still in full foree and effect, the court holde 

ü OIA 

ing tomt said contract to be valid and — sings | — 


— — —— — 

nolpaaneqmon—redsrrs Ui qe evierst—to 

\ eaih —— & tot marist tedtosda 8 “tot ‘obagerays 

te3se%m yis egtato of so ,onil emesa sie toy 


to sispotngs sit maid esos yor BS 86 HOLi aan 

fertoo⸗ bine Jedd borefoeh brie jsecet sfaibemrogis 

(03 taltrnp edd yataiztodius as —*— od son b Luar 

sot as otroa a 10% nolttaaneqmos — as svieosx to —— 
toss ,tovewort ebobivorg noltsea bisd ,opantaih tegmol ¢ 

mb) , dy bes roluntemos wy ae odt Yo nokssotiqgs nog 

be brtap ent thoveg ,moltegifeovai tettea ,acaan Leioog a ni ' 

bole aoonstalb xofxode tot etsiit aognol «ot asef eytario of er 
* od piverte rolttse val⸗ —D— Atta xos oid edit 

fetes 40 Leupe os tariage no ks kd borg ens mort eve 

| ay eonstelb tognol # narid roditerte 2 t0% 


eagtar orl? bait —J nottteog a'ititnia£y oft 

edt tot moanet od Jaks baa ——— — 
—— te i oi “Sue Yet wD: — * fig 7 — 
pedsine odmt bexesne Wrage os —— — edt Beat —— 


Ydotemeatigheal ogsoldd to nolialcosss bast # sitlkw toaxtnoo a é 

sot ynaumos bsorliart of oF baal beyovaoa weitalsouns ott 
to nottatobianco ak ,aesoqiug wa⸗o⸗ Tot bane yaw to gelak⁊ 
r aogiado fdydox't ett jas bootge —— bsotlles eat tio ictw “s 
yao td oy addgiel oysoidd mort avel baoltas git k Luna sot 
x ebsoltn r9q 08.88 od ,ertsey @¢ to bolxoq s tot ,bivoda 
eogitads silgiert oft suiet of betquestta +k morte ,OLeL T⸗⸗a J 
i edd yd bonictas asw ti ,oysolad of addgtol open Ltd mort 
toltsaid nao⸗oun ould 10% eotase bosint os Yo ⸗auuod tivoxko 

— ms ad ~98 yolgb mort gmoke ky sa etetant gehen ist i to : 
sane ae ie 

—* | 

otras | santtens ona bkfay od 08 & 


of all the facts in this case, we are of the opinion that 
defendant has not establiehed the defenses of unjust diseriml- 
nation, and ae the rate charged the defendsnt waa legally 
@atablieshed and reasonable, the action of the court in in- 
structing the jury to find for the plaintiff wae serreot. 

The defendent also sentenia that the court erred 
in-allowing the plaintiff interest on the amount of ites 
Claim; that interect 19 never allowable in the abeenes of an 
agreement, except ae provided by statute. Thie ie undoubtedly 
@ gorrect statement of the law. The atotute, #e0. 2, ohap. 
74, Hurd's Revised Statutes, provides, inter alia, that in- 
terest may be allowed "on money withheld by an unreseonable 
and vexaticas delay of payment." In the case at bar, 211 of 
the freight was hauled during the month of Auguet, 1911, and 
pisaintiff£f's claim was then due and payable. Suit wae not 
brought until Auguet 29, 1913. On the trial on the question 
of the allowanse of interest, the revord Lo ae followa: 

"WR. BARTON: I eloes my Gave and will ask the court 
to instruct the jury to find a verdict fer the plaintiff for 
the eum of #1669.46, being *1447.34 prinaipal mad #392,12 

"THE COURT: Ia there any dispute ae to the amount? 
"WR, STRPUCKMANN: I preoume the somputetion is right 
but I object to the inetruction to the jury and T could like 
to te heard on that, on the legal proposition, before the 
Court instructs the jury. 
"MR. BARTON: You ean be heard on the motion for a 
new trial. 

"THE COURT: The jury will be instructed to bring in 

7 @ verdict in favor of the plaintiff and againet the defendant 
for 21669.46." 

Prom thie it cleerly apreare that no objection waa - 

geadi aolatqo edt 16 ere aw ,een0 etdt at etont ed? La Yo 
-tuitoath soutas le sensteb edt hedulldetee tom aad am paeted 
vilegel aew tnebhasieh edt bepinds atat edd oe baw aol an 

-al at @ryon ef} to mottos edd ,oldenoeset bas pede tt — 
oorrod saw Tiltnlelq edt rot halt of yrwt ed? gy 
hente tsyoo odd tedt? shaotnoc gals tacdbasteb dT 
ott to tauome eft so togtetat Tilinlal¢ ed? gate of 

mi I someede edt nt efdawolle tovem ef dootednk dadt ak J— J 
Ubetivebay ef eldT otute te yd boblvorg as ¢qeoxe aaonso J— 
.qaso .G .009 ,etuteta of? wal ed? to tnometese soorr00, ey J 
~al tad? elle pogal (esbivorq avtutes® bealvel a*bayit at 
sidance satay as yd bleddtiw yeaom ao*® bewolle od Yau mnet 
te ife ,1ad 4a ono odd al “.tmemyen Yo yaleb acolsaxev sand 
bas ,{f@L .teugwh 30 disom ed? gatawb belued saw (edgy taran edt 
goa exw Siv8 .eldeyedq bas evh med? caw melo — 
aotteoup ed? oo Leixt od? ao .oct as tougud Lito taguord 
rewollot aa wf bxooes oft .daetedat to sonawolls edt Yo a 
tywoo eit das Ifliw baw eseo ya eaole I ;WOTHAR Aue | ’ oe i 
sO? Liltalelg eds rot solbtev 2 Hall of yawt ode tourtent of : 
SL.S8S% bm faqtoutrg SE.THOL% gated .94,088L% Yo mauve edd 

Tioyome ed? of ee etyqe lh yaa ered? ef ;?TRUND FAT* | — 
tdylx ef aoltedeqmon of? emusetq I :WRAMROUATS . AMF ie, 
exif bivoo T bua yet oft of molttouttant edt of tootdo Tj i 
eft aroted ,molstinoqetq Leyel edd ao dad? mo bused od « a 
Vist ed? eftowrxtent tu uo 2 

8 10% aottom ed? no bised od mao woY :HOTRAG .AM* — 

at gal xd ot betoursent od Lite Sik odT ravoo mr ? 

h _tasbaeteb edt dontege bas Yr1entelq ot re rover * teu 
* Pity: Yi 

saw mottoatdo om tadt as oga⸗ yltecto tt ot 
— F 20. —— 

oh; Salts ee 

oS me 

‘made to the sllowance of interest. The question waa not 
aang to the trial court, and it has long been estabd- 

lished that a party cannot raise a question of thie nature 
\_ for the firet time in s court of review, 

Finding no subdetantial error in the record, the 

judgment of the Municipal Court of Chicsgo will be affirmed. 


ton Gaw noléaeup eff .teeredal to sonewolla edt of 
~datao seed gaol ead tt bas ,tawoo Laltd odd — 
eistan ald? to soliveup a sella tomngo uitag «fait | 4 
walvet to tivo a at omtt de ad 
ed? ,brooey oft al voTte Lalinatedve om —*28 

ehomattia od ke epeoldd te twod faqielaul od? 2 


281 * 21677. 

‘ Plaintiff in * 



198 1.4. 342 

, eA ae oy 
*. TUSTICK O'GCRHOR delivered the pinion of the eourte 
’ Pat 

The writ of error in this me necke to review 

an order entered Wy the Gireult Court ef) Cook dounty 

quashing @ writ of hebeay corpus and ai shdnoing the patio 
tion at plaintiff n error*s cost and rohending the infant 
quite of plaintiff in error to the ountony of the defendants 
in error, The parties will, for convent ence » be designated 

ne relator and renponéente. The facts are these:) The 


— *t 
— — — — — OAS 

— — —— — * * — 
infant ——— 

and enly ehild of the relator, and the granddaughter of the 
reapondents, The relator a Sa man about 32 years of ALCe 
eerie ropianein the village of Laporte, sdnnenota, — 
Aarevided igoadid—otete practically aii his life. On February 
25, 1911, he was married to the daughter of the respondents 
at Kenosha, Wisconsin, Ressondents’ daughter and the relate 
were cousins +f the fireat degree, and prier to said marriag 
she Lived with her parents in Chicago. She vieited the 
relator and other relatives in Minnesota and there fey? 
became engaged to marry the relator. Afterwards the = =~ 
relator game to Chicage to be married, but found that 
the lew of thin gtate prohibited marriages between cousins f 


° oT TOLE * ses 

2 PEUHS & A GAAMIE oiot xo —— 

: THUD LY 7 1 Beh: # Be 

ise c AT Ser 

ee 5 


i | 
"  wahvet of silesa * aid’ ak treks to fiuw off 

tnotei ond ae see taoa er roti 7 riisntese ta acts 
, Bfuabsetod ot to ——— ea? of toro ak TWrhtnioly | 20 bLtito 

 betauyt: aah ou .90n9 Lu vine tot ffiw aghtxna ouT store 9 
e%8 avout eA? safnobmogao bua todaLod J 

— — 

*ossquab S — —— —D—— ‘bListo Tank 
ent to tosdiyusbhbnatg of? ban .togalex orlg 20 GLiisdo vine bese 
2958 %0 ataoy Sé tuoda ment — totaler ost? -2emoimoqnor 

— a" ead oustin au er to onalliy on¢ ot fpenteor i —8 

Ginebnogeot od To retdguaeb afd of hoktaam geaw od eif@L as 
otafex ent bao toitgueh ‘aitebaoyeoh .tisrovekW ,etieomel ga 

a3 bodiekv of ,oyoodm® mt atnoray cod Atte bovdl ove 

exons hie stoaounil mk wovltater tedto bas sotates 
| sild abrowtestA .2oteLer etd read OF degesno — 
todd deusot sud ,bolexvem od of ayn of omue rotator 
‘enlavoo neowted aeyettism oon aitaieng — adult te wok -@ 

J 4 

od tuN0 oid Lo modalen old dorevi tos nonaodeo Abdaraut u 

Ado na) 4044 and” oh Yileoksow1g Od smb tedemmeagyt bobteoash 

dviam bins of tolxq bum ,ooryob tarkt ef9 YW efbayeo exew 


of the first degre@. Thereupon, he, together with the 
reapondénte, and enid daughter, proceeded to Wiuconsin 
where the smyrriage geresony was performand, They ell 
dumeodintely returned to Chisage, and within a duy theres 
after, the relater and his wife went te their home in 
Hinnesota, where they centinued to Live together as bune 
band and wife until April 106, 1014, when she died. 
Vivian Dorothy Schutt, the child in question, wee the 
omy child bern to relator and hin wife end wae about two 
yesara old when her sothor died. She wae not very strong 
phynically, end about three weeks after her nother's 

eee th wan taken to ——— — lly bi, toning in Chicage, 
where slieeten. sevens About Deceuibey 12, 4024, relater 
wae notified by publication that respondents had filed 

& petition in the County Court of Cook County fer the 

i. By adoption of said child. Le pate Pa 1914, relator 

of the month demanded that the: pepenaente deliver te him 
q hie child, which they refused * do, Thereupon the petie 

— — 

tion in thie ease was filed. 

The respondente convend/that the cusetedy of the 
@hild was turned over to them by agreement “pe that they coul 
reine her to maidenhood, the father, however, to have the 
right te vinit said ohild at reasonable times," that this | 
was done at the dying request of the child's mother; that 
ghe oka well taken care of and had o good home in 
Chicago, and that it is to the best interests of said child — 
that she stay with respondents, 


end ssiw yositegod od soquexed? eborged gnast ste te 
alanoe aly oF beboonorq , toddyuab bhas a sasesonogaers 
{ile yout .besrtotzeq sew Woueiw® ogaltian ont eee 
eosed? yeh o aiddiw baw 4 0ga0 Lith ot bemniwiet vlotakbonms 
ai geiod “hodt of Sow otiw aid bine rotator ott —R 
wat ag toltenot evil oF dentisnoe yond weed + os Gaon Lh 
oboih oda nostw {MOL ,OL SiagA Lhinw etiw bra brad 
ends saw f stokseoup mh Shino odd ,Sturine Wored — — 
ows dueda | naw brie ot iw elo baw tofalert of mrad —R — 
Biota ryy ton eaw of8 .bodd orld om tod nectr bLo arasg 
a’tedsom zon to? ta edoow eos” tueda bee . a VL Lao Legg, 
eOQeokso as as Ko beogant Sh Bre — ee car ous oF aovat naw atm 
rotator Wy: eft — ri rs evil i 1886e-ahe 9x 
bolt bel atrmobaogeor Sale notseotidug yd bed ils om aw 
“eta so% vx⸗auoo Aoot. 20 21v0 ——— ade od aoisiteg a 
tosalot bles ee 2 todos ot ebLisio btw to noksqoba Y 
988 std HO bie (bLkeo ott it aénebaoqaot ony begtarv —— 
aid ot toviled — vets ants bebremeb Adcom gad to beh 
wtieq acid aoguo <onT 9b os beauton yedd to debe u⸗⸗ ak 


: obese oa Same akay ak mols 

sx 00 Mins —— 
eat to ybotauo nault mules efarbaoges: eat — 

goo yott sadtt on™ tancongge “a moni? of t8V0 bomtud saw bf tio 
ord ovad oF yxovewer ytodtot nt sboortebian of text eolex 

HH Soe * 

Bist sacs "{eomk? oLdanoact ta bLido bias shaby ot drtgtx 
fads stodsom a*blidy at to taoupor geiyh ent ta oneb ow 
Xl emo boog a hal baa to exed tease Low pg: | 


SS : . 
The parent Lae thre right -+2-the-eustody-of | 
pis & * as against the world unles# he has forfeited 

or the welfare of the child demande that ne 
@ deprived ef it. Sullavan ve the People, 224 111, 468; 

L, 211 111. 519; Hohenadel ya Steele, 
POY Ili. 229. The wontrolling element is the welfare er 

‘ao child, and this is 

got to be determined solely frop 
he financial standing of “he partiere In Sormagk x. / 
¢ SUpERe the court Gay, pe 523; "We regard the 
ighte of the parent ae superior Yo thoes of any other 

on to have the 

ron, when that parent ie a fit per 

bguirenente of such w charge, The mere fact thr, 

ö— ———vrrrr 

Tevidence tammiecto tee respondents Wkike able 
to furnish the child with a more comfortable home than 
dare relator, but—we-have-ne-doubt fromthe evidente-that 
the seiator is a Tit aint-proper person-andcufficientiy 
Bble-te-nuppert ant tare for -hie-thtide ‘The svidence 
tendel/to show that 1% relator «as very fond of his child 
and thet he did aot intend in anyway to surrender any of 

Kies rights by turning her over to respondente; that he da 
& strong healthy aan, in a carpenter and contractor, and 
engaged im the lumber bueinese; that he hag held positicns 
ef public trust, auch as aseeavor, weaber of the Village 
council, etd; that he is honest and induetrious, and | 

has no bad habite; that he has had some financial reverses 
occasioned by the destruction by fire of relator's lunbere 


yarg/was indebted in severs) euall suas; that ewes earning 

Uae ee ee BPs ee 
a Sire rae 



—— “hetaue-srit-ot—tigkt ott Gat Fo xacg oft 
| tiatrxot wan od septlow blaow of? tonteya aus 

oa jot? abuammbh bite os to eteatlow edd TO 4 
z008 {11 OG ,egord oft gv mavhlius ott % Soran 

storie av Sobanoso ;@40 £11 118 Ligeia ax 
tol sxstiow ot oh dironem Lo guiilorterge ed? .@88 woe | 

t yfeLoa bonimosed od at tomat shad bee io 0 ⸗ 
—E a .vektieq ody to yathnata Letonantt « , 
ott biuagot O8" sEh@ oq tuueo off eptgus —E 
Paao ye “lo evois solieque an sneusq ot —— 

| | ed evest oF ft 


- omOK ya soar oro off ,ogterto « dove To adnegin’ pet 


id vin nt “reer 20 Yornon orom eved - xowseg a - . 
ae olde — — rete sat wile oo tame of = 
nadt emod eldadsotuwo tom 0 Hy iw Biko eal — 
— taild-somebive onld-wort Tewod-on-ved-we-tud yxotater a | 
J —B—— ona severe vaoae to FETS aE eaters ot : ~ : 
:  gonob hve an? 4 | 
bikse eid Yo bot yrev anw 10salo% —ã —— 
te ene Is hais Tie ot yYawyne at busgat sou bab on beds bas 
«Gk on Sadd [esusduoqaex of cevO sed gaderewd YC adiigts <7 
hewn sKotowrsaoe baa vetaoqray © ah suis ysis Lab⸗i baa 
okskedy bie wad ont sacs —— vores * —* 


Wig & 


about $100 per month; that he hed arranged with a 
family living in Minnesota ta take care of hiagelf and 
ehild. HKespondents further contend Mine the court 
found that the relator ana hie wife wore married in 
Wingengin to evade the lawa of TLidneis; that the 
morriege was iueestucus and void ab indtios that the 
reepondents are proper persons to have the tustody 
of the infant child, and that it For te onild'ts 
beat — to be reminded to their quetodys 

ö—— — — —— — — NEN SC — — — A BAA AIT 


introdune’s in evidence, showing that cousine of — tho 

first degree may lawfully warry in said orate. th 
ogulity of marriage taking place in a feroiga state, 
when questioned in Lilinois, is to be ws fuaced by the 

jw of the foreign Mate (Reifachnedds 

of exome positive law of th —* Wilsor neo, 

fll. 460, im tho case at)» » the parties havdng 

¥ been warried in sage am legality of the mar: Lage 
mst be adjudged by the 3 we of Wiscotmin (Beifscioiag 

|} Resfechneiaer, supra; Lion Xe Lon, 880 TA. dhss 

b Me Heleod, oy Ill. 545; Butler ve Bobler, 142 112. 

), unless the ‘partie have Violated sone pealtive jlaw 

| Of this etcte, /In the case of Ziloon ve Cook, su ea, it 


“ene of the parties nad been , di Vereea; war 


s “thw bognerte bad od Saud jovaom seg 00L8 tuoda 

hon foam To etao odud of stooommmhil as piivel <Line® 
giva> ot —D sod tt adnobuogest eb Lkelo 
ak babvies otow otiw sind ous tolalor oft fad bewot 
ort takt gutoatitl to awal ex? ebay of atutios a xu 
ont dod? pottiog ge blow bre suomtecoms aae paabenin 
ybostaup ort evar oF anosreg teqotg ote a¢nohinegeet 
atbLino ot col Md 94 ads bo »bitdo snared elt To - 9 
bo ug toss ot bebnamet of of teotosnd aad 9— 

PORTE ST RN re — — A opts Nhe Me — — ———— — 

ost 20 aniavoo Facts gariwosia yeaneh tye ak Legs : 

act Re bina a2 yrram VLivtwal yam eptaed sex} 
⸗eoo qae nghore? sak eoalg yuisat eyobties » to Wa 
+t yd ot od of ah ,@iomilll a ——S 
gape i aX Teptonsondion) otags aglorot ott coe wi, 
pan hatoiv ak at ogady tan oad oysielw sqooxe 4 (88 esd 
A —E Share i? to wel ovis tsoq euo8 ue 
acitva eektuaq ont , — * eaem odd ai 08 Ath a 
og dſtr a ont to ysifeget odd, snimnooe dy ak —- 
phionipation) aipfopaiw te 
14 ate OGM asoul a mol 
efiX tb8 , HO — — Axcꝛ * 
wot} ove, Lae omon hetaloty oved wid y eds asf 
4 2.8002 o¥ moetiy te enas odd s aesode auat 
fas to anos ksi o ows moows od ezatruan 2° , i, bie 
oss oxoW bow ,ykxwosetM to ofsts on⸗ oF : ee se & 
at mk bebiass fre Derust oe etarbount nih 
ey ome akua kw coakg nodad waived ¢ 

— ere areT 

diov-aaw {BAOTEVED mood bust | oes * 


inh We 


The court there say, p. 4633 “Every Gtate has the power 

to enact laws which will personally bind its citizens 

While sojourning in a fereign juriediction provided euch 
iawe profess to ao bind them, and to declare that marriages 
sentracted between its citizens in fereign Otates in dite 
regard of the statutes of the State of their domicile will 
not be recognised in the courts of the letter State though 
valid where eelebrated.*® The ccurt quoted with appreval 
from the case of Lanham vy. Lanhag, 156 Wie, 360, se followas 
I% (the law prohibiting marriage within « year «after diveree) 
seems unquestionably intended to contrel the conduct of the 
residents of the State , whether they be within or outeide 
of ite boundaries, fuech being, in our opinien, the evident 
and dlearly expressed intent of the Legicinture, we hold 
that when persone domiciled in thin State and whe are 
Subject te the provisions of the law leave the State for 
the purpose of evading these provisions, and ge through 

the ceremony of murriage in another State and return to 
their domicile, such pretended marriage is within the 
provisions of the law and will not be recognized by the 
courte of this State."* In the Wilson gage resicents of 
this state, left thin state and went to the state of 
Mivsoura for the purpose of evading the statutes of this 
state, went through the marriage ceremony in Missouri, 

and immediately returned to Illinein. ‘he sourt there 
held that such marriage was vaid. in the case at bar, 

the relator was not a resident ef this atate but wae a 
resident of Hinneseta. He had a right to go to Wieconsin 
and be married and then return te his home in Minnescta, 
the law in both of those sintes permitting marriages bee 



towog out wad ofasd yrove® 180) oq .yan ered? dxu00 ot ; 
anouttin 232 batd yLlamoereq ifiw dotdw awa dose —— a 
dows bebivote moisolbelaut agiero®t so mi gilerino Loa —R 
————— baid oa of exotoug ava — 
wald af astaga ng loa oꝛ ak amesitio alk noovted — i 
Iitw eftotmob todd to efad8 eit Yo uedudata edd Yo busyet * 
oggned? otat) astiet odd Yo agatvoo edt ak bos ingooer od = 9 
favotqqa dtiw hestoup Sivoo eff © * botanéesop oxesiw hilov — Be —4 
wrote? as ,00% salt O8f .mataal ay masinal to vnd of? mock ie 
tovih tofia ta9ey% o midtkw egeivtom grtgkdidorw wal out?) sr 
eit Yo toubson ets Lozttao oF bebnedns yiderotsmoupay ani 98 ; 
“obkeduo te macsiw of yout resdtede , ofati ond Yo asasbteox . 
taohive oft ,woiniqo two ai ,gntied dow .esitabaved ati to 
blod ew ,vtwteiaigel odd Io Mnodat bo uos aqxs yliuelo bat 
ete otw baa stata ald at boLinimeh amoareq now tet 4 
40% efasc oft svael wal oft to enokalverg orld oF sootdua 
dguvoutls oy bas ,srolelvoxrg — yiibave to ssoqiwe ond | 
02 miter ban stata rositonm at syatriaa To yrometes ond 
| ott mid¢tiw af spaiuvtam bobuoterqg down ,aiiolaob atodd 
edt yd bexingeoor ed ton LLiw bas wal ed? to anoketverg : 
to atmebines pao goaliv odd mI “.o¢e38 ald? to adiweo 
to ofese od of suow baw otota alfd St0L ,ofode akdt F 
atdt Yo aetudain oft gitbave Yo saoquag ef? tot —* a 
sitvonaik ai yrometen egetienm ont Myuomls trow yotate 
ered? tovoe off sntontirl of bostwies yet stbomms bua 
} tad ta evan off al sbher naw epoitan coun Sadi bie —3 
& sew Jud stata eidt To dembiact o ton sew xa nt 
“mtanooelW oF oy ot digit 2 bast of ononn iu 20 4 ae a 
fousanth mt emodt ald oF miusox —— 

aod aopanriam gatsdinrog sodas ‘one 

subs il 
io) pale 

ate “ 


tween cousins of the first degree, The marriage was, there- 
fore valid and binding, Under all the facts in this case, 
we have no hesitancy in holding that the relator is entitled 

to the custody of his child. 

The case will therefore be reversed and the cause 
remanded, with directions that the child, Vivian Dorothy Schutt, 

be delivered to the custody of her father, the relator. 



-stsdt ,asw egsiztism eXT ,90%g9b serit ens te an * 
,9a89 aint mi atost ent [fs robmU ,anibaid bun 
belstine ai rotsfor edt stadt gatbfod mi —— J 

»blido aid to 


sauso sit bas beatever ed etoteisAt {Liw seao ont a J 

durſoo vi⸗ oxod asiviV ,bLino os tant anotio orld Meike 



| | iar 
: d Oe ae 12 : 
: if Nat 7 : J ¥ 
>. i ; ht J iy if —* ae eh ey ti 
WY , Lead } i P 

6 + 21420 


ant in Error, 





in Error, 
%, f 
‘ f 

198 I.A. 345 

Pai \ — — 
* — claims on ao benefit Certificate ig- | 

sued by def endant we life of Julia hints her wether, 

1912, Upen trial she had judgment for 

who died becember 29 
i Z 
Among the grounds lor reversal presented we shall 

y é 
$964 § 
—— — — 
— ———— ò * 

~ nete-only-one, Phis case involves facts substantinlly like 


those involved in Neenan v. National Council, Knights and 
Ladiss of Becurity, 168 Ill, App, 490, beseription of the 
Plan of insurance, with benefit certificates and by-laws of 
the defendant material to the point in the inatant case, “Sy 
be found in the opinion filed in that ease, 

By defendant's by-laws it ke Srovided that « 

"All assessments for every month shall become 
due ang payable on the first dey of the month, The certifi- 
9 cate of each member who has not paid such assessment or 
J Bosesanents and dues on or before the last Gay of the month, 
| Shall, vy the fact of such non-payment, stand suspended withe 

out notice, and no net on the pert of the Council er any 
officer thereof, or of the National Council, shall be ree 
quired as essential to such Suspension, and all rights 
under seid certificate shall be forfeited, No right under 
such certificate shall be restored until it has been duly 
reinstated by the uember complying with the laws of the 
Order, with reference to reinstatement, * 

‘ae ——— Yr 
— ai 

oF It HS"Al so Provided that a menber might be reinstated by 

pauyment within 60 days from date of suepension of all ar- 

a Ce 

 ~Fearages, "provided, however, That he be in good health at 

she time of making payment * * * provided, further, That 

OSes a 

. 1 i Yan 
61007 of Inshasted J 


— — — 

abe ALeet ote 

Nos J 
xadaauaou HOLTAUT onmrerbwage” 4 

pat J—— 
— fi, cm ? — 
uy ~ek odnortisted $itoned-a ao auiato t —R 

{ * j ‘ 

‘axed oe tort ,ounex aiini te otlt ert ae Smite 

“o% tnhemaist, Bred oda Labte moqu SLO es —— 

 ‘fferie ow —— — {aero vex 10% abusers etld. — 

— renil, 

— — — — 

SN ——— — 

—XR — — — — eJost sevioval sano abdT ono 7 st 

bas asdyinn — fanolitat .v J ai beviovns | 

eee ~9e80 Snatani od ok taioqg ous og falrotan — 
,9es0 tadd ni boLit aokaiqo odd ab bower | 
+ gadt bebivorg wh Ji awaleyd 8! auabaeteb Ya 

emoosd IfLarie Adcom Yteve tot ejnomaseues [LA* as 

-itidaeo eAT ,1idaom odo Lo yeb sexl? ad? oo sidaeyaq bus 

“0 ¢nomesssen Nove blag ton sad ow tedmem dome Xo 

:Ainom odd to yab sent afd etoted so no aeub ban Siaemnnesi 

-ddiw beboeqeve buade ,tnomyaq-non doe to Jost end yd , Lis 

vine 10 L[louvod edd to Jtaq edt ao dos on bas. —— 

-o% od Linde ,Lfiouyod Lonoital eid to to ,Ttooteds 

adiyin la bas .dotaneqeuve dove ot Leiinoase ea 

tebruy digiz of  beadiotrot ed {lade etaoltitteo view * 
Yiu aead asd’ th Liou boroteot od Lian oto, tid 

edt To ewal ond ddiw yatylqmoo tédmen edd 

| eas icnsstacet | ot —— 

ae -18 [fa to noleneqaua ‘te —* mito 
* * SH — * 
9 6 ps ines, boog ah ad oa daatt —* 

— ⸗2u rod sbeblvorg + 

the receipt and retention of #uch assesaments or dues, in 
case the suspended member is not in good health * * shall 

/ not have the effect of reinstating said meaver or of en- 

titling him or his veneficiaries to any rights under his 
Benefit Certificate," — ! 
—— (HF cedent $ 
Fe — y conta ; : }, aanesanens 

for September, 1912, was not paid during that month 

\ {act-was-sufficrentiy~proved,,..cseence, under the automatic 

a operation of the by-laws reSte teens becaue suspended, and 


subsequent peyment would operate to reinatate her only on 
condition that at the time of such payment she was “in 

\ good health," A payment was made on — 7, tera, | Theres 

— — — 50 

al question is, was she in good health on 

she was Hoty the paywent wine invetecty¥e\eg' 

ghe atea/Decaber 2b, 1g, and) if not reins 

ot “in Good Stunding”- & condition necessary 

— — 

herteVidence demorr= 

\ y 4 
\ é 
1 — 
9— — * . 
- 7 we tae. ae PP 0 
oe J — — Pa 
“a re — 
i — — 

aærr eten that on October 7, 1912, 8 was afflicted 
with mitral regurgitation - s valvular disense of the 

heart - and that she had been under the care of a physician 
for this disease for several months prior thereto; that bee 
cause of thie disease and its consequences she wae confined 
to the house for some eight months before her death; that 
the disease progressed, with the usual dropsical conditions, 


until it caused her desth, That—sehe—was-n9t—lin._.oee Terre" 

unsel for plaintafy. seems to atten 

the compete > the /evidence that.— 


ni ,esub ro stnamassses dove t0 nolineser bas sqievet oft \ : 
ifsde * « dt {ood beon at ton ef tedmem bebnogexs oad saso. P \ 
-ne 16 10 tedmem bise yaisatanitor to soe tte eis oved ton : : 
ati tebnu atigiz yne oF eeiraioi tensed. aid to mila attata tes 

* — P = | * — A 
drome veeas as — — A | si 
vitamotus edt tobay —— aw Fo 
ban , bebueqaua ounood — awal-yd ond to noldaxe¢ 
no yino ted odasenior os stdareqo biyow tno myeg sasupoadun 
ni” gew ode soemyeq dove to emis odt te gads doit kbixo 

— — 

— av redosoo ao obama asw Ineomsq A a 

—— ee) 

#0 “tae x “booy nik oie asw ,ei nolsaoup {sok tx . ond ‘ 


‘02 ——— ve snoatyag eas sion esw ade/ tl tedeb. 0 

“niet don t2 | \bas 8484 roduanit)boto ene! Auc osaganioy 

yIsensoon aoilt bios gS = "gaibansa boog, ai* tog saw sida ‘bazash 

tes duahoetes add cow — — e209 

=Tromeb p conab oc reetnteean TF 
bosoiltts cow She Sen (8 tedosoO mo tad? waserta 

ens to oanga th taluvievy & - aoltadigurget Lattin — 

neioieyig # To s1e0 oid teobaw osed bad ede sad? baa « txnod — 

-od Jadt jofetodt noir adinom [atevee tot ssaoalkd whit 20T 


J bheaitces ssw ede asoneuvpeenoo eft bas oesenib sidt Yo seus 
tudt zaasb tod etoted addaom srigio emee tol sewod edt ot iz 



68aoltibnos {soleqotwh feuen sas Adkhw ,boeeotgotq seseeld odd “4 

YT ,dtaeb tof boeuen Sk verre in 

— — — * 
— — 

$ quad an ot smooe.- yeaa cg 101 Leunueas 


pt ease sonebive, edt 103 etoqmoo eas noqu 2 
7 \ : 
“vat to ots ow vides — aaw 3 in 6O88R 10 fare at 

an attempt to pay the assessment due a Cetober, The /sus- 

pengion for non-payment operated automatically, and nb order 

e defendant eee WAS nece ssa 

facts, /suaquent for the defendant eetares here, 


-6ye\oHiT ,tadoto0 ti eb taousesuee ond Yaq of tquadie as : 

eUIsseooen eaw xtelgoa. Snabneteb o Yo 

becevoelh ote geno eliis ak bosmouergesatog ye 

,9t94 betedos sanbnoteb ed tot Jaompbut, 



6 « 21420 FINDING OF FACTS, 

We find that the inoured, Julia Kraus, failed to 
pay the Geptember, 1l¥le<, assessment and dues, and thereby bee 
eaue suspended as a member of the defendant wocliety; that she 
was not in good health on Cotober 7, 191%, and that the pay- 
ment made on that date did not operate to reinstate her; 
that she was not a member ef the defendant society in good 
standing at the time of her death, and hence it is not in- 
debted to the plaintiff, Yury Kraus, upon the benefit cere 

tificate sued on, 



ot belist ,suerh sifu ,berwenl st dad bat — 
wed ydeteds bas ,e0ub bas Jneoseouaa SLL o tod 

- eite dass iytoloon sdnabaeteb edgy To — s os 
avsq odd fads boo Sek ,f tedov00 no ddiaod iia ‘ | 

| _ pte efatentot of otateqa Jon ‘bth. otab at a0 baw * ss 
boog al yiestooe saabaotebh ond to tedmam a toa wav a one 


, ni gon ei tt somodt. bus ,Ataob to ‘Xo omid — 2 


35 - 21681 

GEORGE L. TRAPTON, Guardian of 
Alfonso Cadamartrie, Louise 
Cadamartrie and Jennie Cada- 

martrie, ) 
Refendant in Error, ; 
@ T 
O Be iN = 4 7— 
— bringing suit on A benefit certifi - 
eate 1osuet- to rilora Cndamertrie,nad—judmment-£or-poe? oe, 
Fete , 

y H this case in its general features and as to the cxweiad 

— inv hiew ay a similar to the case of Kraus vf. tree 

4 — wd — — 
ay 1) Ope Fit ed- thls. cege, and 
— « 
Neenan ——— — 188 Ill, App. 490, HKeference is 

| made to the opinions in these cases for description of tne 
J character of the henefit certificate and the by-laws. 

fhe defense in this case te that the insured 
, did not pay the assessment under the certificate for the 
month of July, 191%, before the last day of the month, and 
for thnt reason, under the by-laws, she became suspended, 
and that on August 26, 1915, when she paid the July and 
August assessments, she was not in good health, a condi- 

tion necessary to reinstatement, Tre question to be de-~ 

termined is wether the insured was in good health on Au- 
/-eunr-20,-19195-f07, as has been held in these other cases, 
¢ _if-she-was-not°in good health at this tine the payment did 
not- operate to reinstate ner, and therefore under the terms 
of the-pelicy she was not in good standing in the society — 
‘ at the time of her death and hence cannot recover upon the 


‘te naibiewd ,MOTTART of | 
ealvol ,eititamsbad oa 
-abao elavet baa elise 



3 sTOUKK nt sundae toe 



— tT ISHS RO Five gnigniad , Pines 
ai — ——— >be oc Z 
——E ott of 8a bas setudaet Lenonog ath ak ee — 
— avert to. eases — ait. at ca ak bey ty ipvet eels 

—— — 

bis oo elise Fears 

ak eoneto tot OG .,qqA ,1fI BSL , 

—* Tot etaoltiixeo odd Tohru Jnomenoesa ont — 
bas ,dtcom ons ‘to ysb desl odd etoted ELC ehut to a 
 hebnaqeve emsoed one pawal = vd odd sobnu snouaot sacs 
bas yLut od bleq ode mow ,éLeL a8 saunas no 3 7 
-ibaoo a ,dtimed booy ak tou any ode — D——— 
~ob od of woideonp- ont  Snem sateniet ot 
“uA no ad fas ‘booy ak — ‘borat vf > 1 
—E resto. soot wi bien weed tn cao 


bib - dao anys and bina alat ta “as ont X 

sñoos oid of yoibasse..doog nt tome 
et ogy Tevooet Jonumo eoneit’S 
y — in ee oe 

a It was proved béyend-csntteversy that on August 
28, 1913, the insured was suffering from a tumor of the uterus, 
with pressure symptoms which, in the opinion of her physician, 
required the removal of the tumor, Upon his advice she was 
taken to a hospital and on August SOth an operation was per- 
| formed removing the tumor and also the uterus, fallopian 
| tubes and ovaries, The tumor was about the size of a fist; 
the doctor describes it as “quite a large tumor," It is slso 
not controverted that this tumor had been growing for a period 
of at least several months prior to this time, Inamediately 
after the operation her heart began to fail, the doctor testi- 
fying, “there was a weak heart-muscle, the heart wasn't strong 
enough to carry her along during the convalescence," one died 
: operon wT EF Ing 

“End “Shiareeter; whiten necessitated 

on September gnd, 

pair the constitution, in se — wevare following 

Court of Honor v. Dinger, 221 ill, 178. Testgad 


e insured wae net Ih Coser nearth. 

Sl bows 
Sar hen that t#€® by-laws were not properly 
introduced in evidence, orertiout merat, They: were certified 
under the hand of the naticnal secretary, with the seal of the 

\ society affixed, @hts-re-tr-dsaplianeewitr-section-15, 


— alee A alley 

E ,auitsiy ait to toms 3 mort ANTICS aaw bétwent odd —38 

saw oie eoivbs aid maqU .tomud acid * {svomet ost bertupe 

eafe ai dh *, 10m) ogtal & otiup" es sa sedizoveh ‘togoob i 

boirog & tot golvotg: need bad noaust elds tas boras voraos 

ylosaibeaml wate elds of toleg — Laxoves toast oo 

— kteed totvob edt ,Liat of naged dtasdt tod noi tox» qo odd 2 2 

anoxde t’anasw Jised oid .oLoewmeSt#0d anew 8 eew eroxi3* as 

bolb ed& ",ooneoeetavace edt patitub gacis xsd yrteo 4 Aauo 2 | 


 podetiesossn: ‘Motaw (rodoethis” BAS BeTE“e rit 

idiot boog al Soa wary no: t —X a 

aiiireoncs | fownsoo” Sede es spe Se —— 
~-isaed Baw — certs = 

ote pa: 

Soro) vapid ised boog at ed ot betasqqs ols sacs toette ous Ot 

—E 3 

, to ‘edmaxsoqqa oud oi esonatemuarto Howe *— 7 


ty ae 
.wolfot of” ‘beni font jon et sw saroviosg ‘Ga at Sno b 

i nosteg # tadd ‘nade, * va⸗ Caocli boa a “abtow ont buasetel 


yalb Vin moxt sett bas ped ee osate booy ¢fdanouaot a ea 
asdaew of Udapnamaeg. aot vieboles obao⸗ todd aser th 


* oid galwollot ote sw ‘Bath Los o# al .ne 
bpseol -OFL ffl ISS ,~Zegatd .v toned to Jxy 
Lit taent boos AL Yor daw berwenk om 
ylieqorqg ton etew ewael-yd Dr Jedd PeLsn002009 3 
a beitidsteo srew oxedt Seton TronsTIreed , goaebive at be e 

edt Yo {nee oid sitiw ,ytatetose. {snoiten ent to ba 


la | ie mame Statute on Evidence and Depositions, 

it he alae contended that the defendant waived 

the prevision of the by-laws with reference to good health 

when the financier of the society accepted the assessment on 

tnowledge that the insured was in poor health might operat 

s a waiver - and upon this we express no ofinion - there 
s not only no evidence in the freer that the financier jin 
lhis case knewsthat the insured was ‘net in good health, b 
Ine entire contention of plaintiff's counsel is that on the 
ate the assessment wrt pata the insured appeared to be free 
\_ Frem disease and in ees a health, As has been held in the two 
cases first cited, at appears weyond controversy that the in- 
sured was not in/good health at tke time the assessment in 
jarrears was paid, Therefore payment did not operate to re- 
linstate her, and there is no liability ‘en the defendant upo 
the penefit certificate, 
* Other questions are suggested, Specially the 
quegtion os to the right of the defendant to op@ and close 
je argument, but in the view we have taken it is Wonecessar 
; to discuss these, 
The judgment is reversed and judgment of n 
wi pe-entéred in this =. "| 

aD Se ee 
é f re th 4 

: ‘hd ix me i 



ow e@00itieoged bas soaebivel xo. ——— 

* boviaw tneshboeteb ects tact bobnetnos ite ai tI 


diised boon oF sonetsetet dtiw owaenee oad to soleivorg oad 

no dnemaaseas ond botqeoos ytoltoos extt to re tonank? oil? noite 

— — — 

rors arose) os Saar 

J .us taſs boog at fom Baw borwant edt Saclzomr ees a ap 
ont ao stadt el Leanvoo —— to moifnetnod etitas ; 
eatt od of betaeqes betvant sds B by Ao tnemeoeaa osit ote a 
ows ocd ni biod moed ean eA 8 idiged Geog at bas sencelh a 
emi odd Jadd yersvozsaeo baoyog ska We shosio sertt eee * 
nik snomeasens ont omid off ta dd laod boog al sor eaw b o xue 
Joos os stateqo Jon sey IMS OYBT o1¢ tore A? VS, q eaw atnozta . 
noqu dasbuoteh oft ag ytilideltt om at oteds bus tan — 
-ote0ltis2reo Ittened » id 4 

»boseegqgue ete enoltsieoup tedto 

p | * Vo elad nt borden 

35 - 21661 FINDING OF ¥ACTS, 

We find that the insured, Flora Cadamartrie, 
failed to pay the July, 1913, assessment, and thereby became 
suspended as a member of the defendant society; that she was 
not in good health on August 26, 1915, and that the payment 
made on that date did not operate to reinstate her; that she 
was not a member of the defendant society in good standing at 
the time of her death, and hence it is not indebted to the 
plaintiff, George L. Trafteon, upon the benefit certificate 

sued on, 


vsizdremebed er0ll ,botwent odd sadd doit of pr 
smsood ydetedd bne ,Jnomesoesn ,éf@L ,ylut edt yaq of bo Liat 
saw gfe tads ;ydotoos tusbuoteb edd to t9dmem #2 an bebneqeaue ey 
tnomysq edt Jadt one ,5404 ,8S sewguA ao difsed boog mi son 
efe dadt j;tei etassatet of etatoqe vou bib otab jad no sham 
ts goibaste booy al ytotooa tuabaoteb edd Yo tedmem 8 ton eaw 
eit of boddsbat Jom ei Ji soned bane ,dsseb ted To amid ond 
s3eoltitieo sitoned sat noqu ,nosteryT ,J eytesd sttivalelq 

10 beue” 

ll - 21551 


péefendant in Error, 

Plaintiffs in 

198 I1.A. 350 


—Piaintiffvrougnt suit against defentunts | rer- 
gusen was not served with summons, and suit proceeded by trial 
by the court to judgment for $317.50 against Morgan, who se exs 

. Paer severing Ferguson and permitting 
Morgan —— his writ of error alone — — entered 
Vas “ he 
in” Gourt. 

By his statement of claim plaintiff aver@ that de- 
fendants made a contract with him to deliver and convey cer- 
tain land in Washburn County, Wisconsin, for a consideration 
of $300 which plaintiff paid, but defendants breached this cm- 
tract and have failed and refused to deliver and convey the 
land, to the damage of plaintiff. 

Plaintiff testified that he met Ferguson "and 
talked to him in regard to some lots at Long Lake in Washburn 
County, Wisconsin," This {the only evidence as to any con- 
tract. Plaintiff then introduced a warranty deed whereby de— 
fendants conveyed to plaintiff a number of lots in Washburn 
County, Wisconsin, The deed appearbAte be in proper torn lst 
was duly delivered to plaintiff, Thue far the -evicence fails 

to Show any breach Ur~any-contract, +laintiff then saw that 

he sent the decd to be recorded to the registrar of deeds of 

Washburn County, Wisconsin, but it was returned with a letter 



emod MBE 40 ROIRTYO REY CupnvEzee 

: . strains —— | 

etooe ow ,“agtod geniags O8,Siée rot tnoambast of — me ; 
anisd Lateg bas NHoavugiesl gniiteves spe . 

fat ' gare oe Sara — 
betesue nasiz-ead snofa roxre to Jim eka oINIOBOEG 

i -Te9 yovnoo bis tevilsb o2 ink Ad bw Soatsaeo a 9bam 2 te 
7 nottatebianos # xot ,adenooulw <Vdnyod atuddeey ot baat i 
* -~mo eidt bedosetd esnabno'tebh sud bieg Trivatalg iiotde 0088 2 
rn ent ysvaoo bua teoviteb of beeu'tet bas boLliat evad bo soond 

-Tiidalaly to sjemeb onde os oi ot 
ie baa" noauy 10% tom od dedt beltigaed Vidoes | ie 
7 atuddeaW ai oval yAto.l ds etol emos oF bingedy at wa od be: 

“100 Yoe ot am 9onebive vino — ali? “,nienooeltw. wa 

a (-9b \dotody boob \Jastiaw 3 —— neds Midaelt da J 
9  miuddcaw ad atoL to tedawn @ Iidaialg od bevyevaos | edash 
by 7 a a teqorq al od os Mxaeqan boob oft abenoos se Mere 
eite?-sonetive-odd sated? .Itiinialg of berevifes vii f 

tous bess nods Tiidniels .soariaee—yr ; — 

from the registrar which seid that the plat of the property 

mentioned in the deed had not been recorded.) IIe sear aT “ot 

{ts~tnve, The letter pu “purporting to — Tome from’ 
16 registfar was incompetent, but even ir we could consider 

{to prove nothings Fleintitt therefore sine 


fowever,;-we- nave” fIVENn Consideration-to» the-en= 
tire Fecord and find the situarron to ve is-ferrowss | The 
lots conveyed by the warranty deed Bee, Sasar shed as in cer- 
tain blocks in *Orielle Fark, a subdivision,* etc, At the 
date of the delivery of the deed there was @ subdivision, 
duly platted into blocks and lots, that name, The lots 
mentioned in the warranty deed cay be readily identified and 
located from —— LE SAN ae — —“ 


‘4 have-veen-stritren fromthe’ record by the trial judgte,;—waich 

A was ETOper as’ tie PIat TS vonpetent evidences-—it seeti- 

— ⸗ appear df that defendants supposed this plat had been 
recorded in the office of the registrar, but such was not the 
fact. It adds appear that prior to this suit the tract called 
Orielle Park had been re-platted under another name, which latter 
plat hed been recorded, that the blocks in this later plat were 
of the Base size and numbered identially as the blocks of the 
Orielle Park plat, and that the lots mentioned in the deed 
could be identified and located on this later plat. A deed 

| conveying to plaintiff these lots by more definite descrip- 
tion in accordance with the later plat was offered for delivery 

j to plaintiff provided he should withdraw his suit. 

7 AS we, have indicated above plaintiff. bas — to 

e, And eres latter \cons oh ai tend by 

entered in en —* 

Viweqorg ssid to dafq sit saus biee doidw tatzelgom ons meee 
x TSR ENT _Cosbr0002 ased gon bad beeb et alt henotsnem | 
‘wort omod -ovad oF anissodxug T9ISeL% ee seeao 
robꝛaaoo bisioo ow Mu neve sud Sao as aaooa aw —— 
—R ———— ———— —Mrctueo 
— eit" aye 

teed ov- 1oldatontenos ASVIQ Svat ew,tevewoy 
eit | Swottet-es oe SI notvauy ire say ball bas brooet orks. 
-t90 li 6s boutaoasb one beeb \iaetiaw ed yd beysvnoo esol 
edd JA cote “,noleivibdue ao ,Atei el{{eltoO" ai exoold aist 
vitolalvibdye 8 esw ox id beed eit ‘lo yteviled sis lo odab 
atol off omen dant vasol bus exoold o¢mi besjety ytub ; 
bas beitijnesbt yiibset ed gee beeb ysaeitew odd alt benottaea, a 
Mb Bi09e@ tm Lor- —— “dalq alist mort besaool 

dotiw—~egbyt ishtd Ol Ve Proogyr sr 

<pteett—aeoneb tve Jango qu03 STEELE VIET om ‘ 
need bad Jalg aldst beesoqque etanbes tod dads Wexaoqaa has ~ 
edd ton aegw dove Jud ctaxdalyoy ort Yo enltie od ak bebtoost 
belino sourd odt tive eldd of toltg $udd ta9qqe asi tt 
austell doisw woman tedtons toba]as hes teiqeox need bad Ar offo240 
otow tulq todel aids mt exoold ed? sadd ,bebxodes seed bat salq- 
edd to extoold suit aa vilslsicob! Setedmuumn bas esie ones eis to 
beeb odd nk benotsnem atof odd sand bus , tela Atet sifetto 
beeb A ,delq t9osal eids no botaool bas boitisnabsé od —R 
-qitoesb odiniies arom yd esol seeds Itisaialq of ‘amtyovaoo 
Yleviish tot bet tto sew sJaiq tedal edd dttw oonsbr0008 ak mois 
Jive etd wardbdsiw bLyode ed bebivorq Iidatelq of 
of bolint ead Iisniniq syods betsotbai evad. ow BA 
* dxoda Ot baie * @nco wearge —J beur o 
—* cr tovooon bad bpisi¢ao son” et * jads teu ° 
eds to- * but, bits — 

21 - 21588 


Defendant in Erfer, 

Plaintiff An Frror. 

DS Liat oe 





F Pf April 16, 1914, judgement by confession for Tens 
was entered against defendant, Subpequently ne WAS aiiovea 

spin and after, much delay and \two- trials judement was 
yored sgainst. his hor e250 which he have reversed, 

8 Raabe, 
— —— 

— whe twill k 
therefiiende.disgheses, vay %on Nehzuery 25,1913, 

Jacob C, Paquet was the owner of an apartment building in Chi- 

cago, and on that date entered into a written lease with the 
defencant for 4 apartment, the term beginning Kay 1, 19143, 
and extending until April 30, 1914, the rent to be $42,50 

per month. Subsequently, in April, 1915, Faquet sold the 
property to plaintiff, Dolan, and Loker's lease was assigned 
to plaintiff, J. kK. MeDonald appeardé to have been acting as 
asliecter for Paquet, and he collected some rents for a short 
time after plaintiff became the owner of the building, De- 
fendant saxdl that on June 14, 1913, by agreement with plain- 
tiff his lease was canceled and a new lease entered into ex- 
piring September 30, 1913, and as evidence of this he produceé 
what purport#dto be a duplicate of the lease upon which judgmmt 
was entered, across the face of which is written these words; 
"Canceled June 14, 1913, J. M. McDonald, Agent," rt — 
mitted that NeDonald wrote this, Defendant also produced a 

memorandum which he himself had written, which is to the effect 


SE& — 

TAVoOO aT 10 

tnet ⁊xoꝝ ‘aokegotnos “0 ‘I eambut dLOL. 23L Ihaqa «=. 

Bowe tLe BBW ost yitosupaddug - snabaetes tegisygea. bored 


| ‘naw etic alairtt- cal one ysiob sounl\g9 3B bas hao 

__-beetevet svast.o2..aciseni sippy D688 26%, mist taniege b 

——  SLAL, GS Yilawiedon- ng —— att i cul — 
| -idd ak goib{tud tnemtisqe nse to tenwo oft saw touped.D « — 
odt dtiw veael aetsinw s otnt bsistne stab ne no bas 40; 8 —* 
' ELGL ,£ Ye gaioniged amos odd ,tnoutteqa ne 10% Sane | 
O€.S8¢ od ot snot odd ,dLOL ,O& Liaga Lhtay — ——— J 


edt bloa teypad ,cleL ,fiatgA ai ,yltnsupssdua siden t9q 



j f 
9— bengiees asw saael{ e'isdod bas gnalod ,tti¢galelq of eas qorg ‘a 


eS ynitos need evad ot xasqan bLlanotiod .M .t Migalelg ot 

Stowe s tot atnst somos botoel{oo od bane .touped t3ot xov00C fo 

| -o .amibtivd edd Io temo ont oamoed Iitnialg ‘tests — F 
J -nisigq dtiw snomeetys yd ,ef@L .df onul mo tad hase — 
~xs oJni boarsdas saeel won # bus bs fſoaoned aaw ganel e kid ma 
Swobbea ei eidd to gonesbive ea ban ,éfeLt — todmelsqoa aad 
’ mmgbut, doidw nogy easol sit to eiaoilqub a 9d os hasroqrud : oa 
rebtow nent nesiitw ai doldw to sost edt asotos sbere tne am 
abel ee, $I ",toogA ,bLenodoM .M .u eel yh nut | be ona a0 
a arn oals tnebnoted aids oto1w d aaogou Mi it 9d tbe 


gette eit of at doduw woods tan bad es ‘oval okdw smu 8x0 

ee ‘ 7, a aie * 

that the apartment had been leased to the defendant from July 
1 to September 30, 1913, and upon this memorandum kKeDonald 

— — 

— —— — 

rne Bind ar Torce of these memoranda depends 
upen—the—authority of /eDonald to act and bind the pleintiff, 
Plaintiff testified that he could read and write and that he 

wrote his name, 

never authorized heDonald or anybody else to make the nota- 
tion of cancellation across the lease, awed that he did not 
gee the paper prepared by defendant, nor icbonald write 

his name thereon, and that he never directed him to sign it, 

We have considered the evidence tending to ores 

Laintifg, an 

J— justified. 

th /\ 
e epinion/“tnnt| tne“ex —** n al the 

nald ad no autho {ty to cancel the lease 


— * 

As ee ee no aman of the lease. 
fends t was vou by” his 0 14getion — pay re 
The’ j gment is proper and f affirmed. 


NeDoneld's autsority _to ) act in the — 

yinl mort taebaeteb edt otf beesel need bad snomiaqa ost i 
blacoiok swhnetomem aint mnogu bag ,éfeL ,0& Todmosoe 

— — — — —— 
— — 


ebneqgeb abastomem $esus to SoToT gritbnic-ont : 
’ i 

-Tiijaielgodt Said bane Jos ot blanodot Te 

ea tsit bas edintw baa beet blyoo off stadt bettitess aun ah 

: -sion edd osm of safe ybodyas to bianodoM besixo 01 


ton bib ed ssdt See ,oassl ods seoTos ins dE Soma 
J etitw bilanodow tom , XAaheis Tob yd horaqerq taqeq suf , 
: 21 agie of ald besoextb toven 9d sais bna ,nosteds 

4 etisiy yd isk er tsdsam out oi toe ot ysitoisus —X 
* OT —— 


—— ot -gribnes - spceabive odd bereblanos even wy 
; bae/'r0 ngishofoa nas | (sna Notatqe anh to ban me 

7 eesel sat Leonao ot ys Modjus oh ba b Landon ‘ 
\9b-oasot outs to eblgoiso on asw ated aA 
et vaq oF “ebuete dt noitmyit o Bt d i ae 
-bearitts ef baa teqotg ek sas f 
— CREE EA | | 

57 = 21687 

H. WALKER, trading as Faisl 
& Walker, — 

Def endants in E 



Plai | 

atift in Error. 

198 1.A. 354 



on 8 “nOte whde by ‘defendant judement * 


—by confession wis enterca for-g425, | Defendant entered nis 
/ motion to stay execution and permit him to plead and defend; 
this motion was supported by affidavit, After hearing tne 

court denied the motion, Defendant contend 
thet this should have been allowed because the affidavit 

cnows. good and meritorious defense to the action on the 



0 ee eer oe 

we do not think that the affidevit present 

145 Ill, 462. 

up as a defense is thetplaintitrs 

re oat <% — en oo 

r set 


“$8aL&8 « ve 


feiet be anibats ,AaAIAW oi 

"tes Law so 
i at ed nabae Late #43). \aeae 

/ exaust 
afi —J—— 



pas A. BEL | OTE mus 


. “taombut § dashaeteb Yd Siam —— 
nat ii ——— — — 
ain bo Tadceo taabaated — hoes Ina aww ; 
jineteb baa bso [g ot mii elotog bas nolituoexs vate o@ noitom 5 
oid gotused tettA ,tivedtitts yo bedroqqua saw noisom a it 
; — 

———— sandr toc -T0L3 om oul botnsd 

tivabitts ortd bauhocd bowolis need —— biwose onas 


90 a hexesNe-seemsbuT-2 WSIS o ai—A- . 
, od FombLuode bas fq ot tushasteb edt ⸗anog os 
fe t1u09 — ————— —B— ot a ats * 
edt noqyu senston bags & Bai - Saabee te J taste tivabi1 | 

essoav of , Tat ostsio * nottas qas ie aie seth 

d1gqqua oi bolit adivebitts ,basta_< ovaes Tot baw tno. aba 
. AF oh 
ont tenisye ylgnoite seom boy enod. 26 ot ous aua⸗e⸗ bier (Ok 

einte of Inelotttwe ton ef $1 snodtnoltyge oa da taan & 7 

Rape, q — 
d 3nigin senateb —D & xO bevorq ta eft al 

sAned Lien .v 99 ga! foorgerit oanodsid . 
tnesex¢ Sivabitts edd sadt ankds ton ob OW reach 



tsGaon9 Yep gridanry md sxuoo ond vilseut 09 

Gem AAdy 23> fo Bab. Chilo artes tld ple TA . 

while acting as agents of defendant falsely and fraudulently 
made certain Fepresentations and that defendant, being in 
ignorance of the facts and relying upon the statements of 
the plaintiffs, was thereby induced to trade a piece of real 
estate for a note secured by trust deed upon other real es- 
tate, and some stock in a Five and Ten Cent store, lt ime 
said, first, that it was misrepresented that $<,000 had been 
paid upon a $12,600 incumbrance which was a prior lien upon 
the real estate covered by the trust deed securing a $6,000 
note whicn defendant alleged he was induced te accept, and 
that certain interest installments had been paid upon this 

prior incumbrance, ) These 

— might nave been 

e as stated, but as ay does not/ appear wig t the pene of 
4 t would make no/ difference as bo / Ane faiye 
cay Atha received by defendant ap to wether the 


rance rap 20. oG6-er $12,000 dr as te" the amount 

poner Another representation said to be fvevavient“Se” 
that the stock @n the Five and fen Cent store nad a market 
value in excess of $125 per share, “whereas in trutn and in 
fact * * said shares of stock had no market vaiue, but their 
value, if any, was entirely speculative and uncertain," Dee 
fendant deed not allege that the stock was not worth $125 

~per share, nor that it could not be sold for that amount, 

that it-has no-market--vadue- and: that-ite Ay 

lue isa "entir — — uncertain® is not equivalent 
0 ih ac un ‘that- it was actually-worth, less than $125 

er share, . blegation. ja _dneufficient Papa of 

— per alleged that there was a false repre- 

sentation that the $6,000 note and the trust deed securing it 

“in legal form,” whereas the note was not correctly 

“mtn Ji ,etote tooo ae? bas evi a at xoots OMG bas ,9d 


ee ry ay oe ! 
, —B — “at sored dy PRL Os Kis, — 
ylineiubestt bos yleeiet tnabaoteb Yo esuegs es gaisos eLlidw 

(Sxolsatnoasrget atadtao 9 

to adnoustasa eds moqy gaiyiot bas eftoxt odd to sonate gt 

ai yaied ,Jasbneteb tedd bas 

{sot to eosigq 8 obais os heoubal ydetens esw ,atlidataly odd 

-e9 {aot teito moqu book Jautd yd botuoee eten # tot ota Be 

need bod 000,56 tend betnsastqetelia eaw ¢i tads ,saxtkt bk J— 
aogqu sell toltq & eaw doidw sonatdawont OOU,SLg a nog blag 

bas ,¢tqyeoos of beowbat asw ed foasita taabasteb okie ston 

000,9¢ @ goituoes boob seutd ont yd betevoo estates Laer out 

ein? moqis blag snead bad ainoemiiatent sSsetotat ALGTIO9 — re ts 
“need svad daigim RRC © na 

son egob Yt aR tud : tate as ob 

to — ont paw tsoqqs \ 

—9 odd \ oe as gouote TL \on 92881 | ene sk a Yost : ‘i — 

et gnolubuert od ot biss noldasasestget tensonaA 
joizem 6 bed atota Jus0 nel base evil odd ma doode oid . 
ai baa atuxat ak saetedw” ,etacde toq ESL to aesoxe ak oulsy 
aiedt Jud ,eulsv soxdxem on bad Aoote To setade biwe »* toat 
“97 “ alesiteony bos evitalusoye Yleotidjne saw ,yne tt outay 
6Sl® Atitow gon aaw XAXsota odd Jedd ogelia ston doar dnabast 
-tasons Jedd tot blow od Jou biuoo ti stadt ton ,stade xoq 
—— J tedd bas-eyiev doxkten on ead th tant {fe a 


$a9 Lev tapo gon af ‘aladue ok baa evitel Titae" ak oul. : 


este mans aot itrow-yTTauton new tbtads notsayotta nn 09 
V -sr9ti9d.89. gas snetoi?iwant af noi sayosio- t 

-e1qot esulst e aew otodd Jans beyolis oats ad bas 
dk gniitsoce beeb tauit ont bas sson 000,3¢ odd " 

vftneat+Aan tan aeaw Pere eo att pgeaavantw eee 

described in the trust deed in that the note was made pay- 

able "November lat after date,” and the trust deed recites? 

that it was "payable November 1, 1916, after date," ivts) 

eve Chex? dhl ⏑ does not i 

alue of the e note;—Allegations in the affidavit that deq 


fendant is informed and velicves ‘Wimt—tie note and trust | 
Se ROEETT ees recertty eC “ggllalerak- ab 

Tested “by the rule — — e stated, defend- 
ts affidavit/of e gogd and ueritorious devas féils. | 

e court below ruled orrectly in overruling détendant' — 
tien, and the setuenl 14 affirmed, * 


“\Saq ↄbam saw ston odd Stadt at beeb seurt ose al bodizoash 
Mgotioox boob tents edt bas ",otah t0dte tel tedmevor® olds 

SS ",9cab tetts ,8i@l ,f todmevent efdayaq* eaw. si sods 
oxi pee ed don e90b-bne torte fsoltoto outs 

; Rie’ 
rob sands divabitte ands ak snotjaye LiA-—{ ween osig to aula 

_AetsTELLles- —— 

tents bra osom ent saat eovatlod bos boortotak ak fuabaeR 

~bneteb shetese syoda- — 9 Cua ous |xa beset 
| eating suns teb ayolzohizen bas beoy 3 te tivabitis: at 
¢'taabaeteb ani Lorxe vo me UN gence boLut woied Tiwo0o @ 

bemiitie ei-¥aougbut edt pae~ noise ; 
~~; CMSA 

43 - 21723 

Defendant in Error, Big 
COMPANY, a corpoyation, 
Plaintiff in Error. 

OY o>) 
19% ey. — 3517— 

— aa 

F Plaintiff — alieg hit that he had de- 
posited $500 with defendant as security that Anton Lechowicz 
would turn over to defeniant all collections made by him 
while employed by defendant, wien, if done, the deposit was 
to be returned to plaintiff with five per cent, interest, 
Plaintift?—-saga that subsequently Lechowicz left the employ 
of defendant, having turned over to it all moneys collected 
by him, ! 

Defendant ¥y ite affidavit of detensé any that 
Lechowicz, employed as salesman and collector, made collections 
aggregating $190.75 wiich he failed to turn over to defendant, 
also that he is indebted to defendant for a balance on his 
merehandise and cash account, also for an item of expense 
incurred by defendant in verifying accounts anong the trade, 
also for commissions advanced on sales where the accounts 
were not collected, The trial court struck from defendant's 
ae affidavit the last three items just described and entered 
judgment against defendant for the difference between the 
amount of plaintiff's claim, $529, and §190,75, the collec- 

} tions ssid not to have been turned in, which is §$356,25. 
\ a 



The court reserved jurisdiction of the balance of plaintiff's 

| elain for future detersination, | 
a ie ‘ 


— — 

* RE — ——— 



— ' , © 

-9b bad sid sands b& so 610 9 kite teteretd Ititoiealt 
Solwodool aoena Saud ytiqvose as tnabasteb dt iw — — 

asw sa0qeh ais ,snob ti ,neiw ,tnshaeteb yw bovolqus. ad 
stuotesil -Jn99 tug ovit dtiw ttisgnialq oF boarwso 7 02 | : 

yolqms elt stool soiworioa.t yYitneupeedse tans en * tatelt 

betoelioo seyounom ite 3i of tove dbontys yoived , sasvuotab 2 te “ 

tans diene — to divebitta est Se aab nis tet 
“enoltoetioo ebam \\modoatloo bas ceuee lea as boyofqne «soiwodt 
.insbaeteob of tevo nat of bolial ond AoOtmw €V, 001g: aatisgorg30 
aid no eonalsd 8 tot tnabasteb of botdebat ef od dans “1 
esneqxo to moti ne tol cele ,Javooon deao bas seibaar 
.9bs8t) sid gnows etnyooorn yniylitev al tnabusteb yd — 
etayoo0s eit etenw cofse no beonavhs ano laatmnoo 10% 08 = 
e'tusbasteb mor? Aoutte tiuco [eizd ofT  botoal fod * orn 
betotns bow boditoaeb seul ames estat teat odd div abit — 
edt neewlsd eotietoTtib edt tot Juabneteb Jeaiags as⸗ mabut 
-Selfoo ont ,cV, Oey bas ,@Ség ,misilo aatata Yo. 4 : 
GS, 865% at dotiw .ok bontys avod bins ” — 

ea'ttigaislg to sonelad odd to noito 
~o J 
— — ————— nd i 9 = tet ; 

We hold that the judgment of the court on the 
items disallowed was right, | mae condition of the deposit 
of the ¥500 was stated in the written agreement of the par- 

ties to be to secure defendant “against any loss from dis- 
honesty, misconduct or neglect of business” of j.echowicz, 
We are not of the opinion that tne deposit was intended as 
security for any proper obligations of defendznt's salesman 
in the usual course of business; the agreement does not 
reasonably bear that construction, ‘The conditions permitting 
any deduction from the deposit when returned have reference 
to any indebtedness due defendant or loss sustained through 
dishonesty, neglect or —— — of their salesman, The 
construction placed upon the agreement by the court meets 

with our approval, 

Flaintiff has assigned cross#-errors alleging that 
the court should have stricken that part of defendant's affi- 
davit setting up amounts collected by Lecnowicz but which he Tl 

Aas failed to turn over to defendant. We Hold that the de- 
( posit oy plaintiff was intended under the agreement to apply 
_ to such collections, It may be tnat this failure can be ex- 
elaine, but standing alone and unexplained it implies a loss 
to defendant through dishonesty, misconduet or neglect, and 

therefore comes within the manifest intention of the agree- 


ment, It might also be noted that the averment in the affi- 
davit of the failure to turn over collections, puts squarely 
, in issue the allegation of plaintiff's ata tenent of claim 
that Lechowicz, wien he left the employ of defendant, had 
_turned over to it all moneys collected by him, ‘The cross- 
errors are without merit, 
For the reason above indicated the judgment is 


fi SB es 

ent no tiyoo ett to taoomabul sad Jans blod oW- 
. sieoqeb oot Io moidibacs eit af. digit saw bowolleatb ewosk 

* ————— 

-teq edt ‘to dnemeotya nestiaw eds ai bedste aaw oveg odd 

-aib mort esol yas tanisgs” tnabneteb etuoee oF od of 89. 

| Senese tex ovad bentyset neuw tiaoqeb ons moxt soitoubsb all 

5 — bentsteve seolf 10 tnabneteb, eub eavnbstdebnt Yas of 
eiT ,nemeolse tioad to soubmooetm 10 sootygon <wWesnosia kh J 
J BJe9m Inuoo ons xd Snoesnsetys eit mnogu beosigq noiseuréance 
————— * w 

dedt yoige (ls etotre-s2019 bengiees eed tibinialt - 
" -itts ae'snabaeted to s1aq isis noxoitte avad bLuome — 
pe ed doindw tud sotwodoel yd basooLtoo aJauoms qu gniddoe iva fy J 
web old dant blow of .daabae ten. oJ tevo miss od botied “i 

 -yfqqs o¢ tuemeetge oct tobay bebnodad eaw aeatala vd thao 
i . 


5 -x9 od e909 etulist sidd Jans ed yen JL ,amoitoolfoo owe 

i eeol 8 asifgmi tf Soniatqxseny baa snole ynibmage stud , bout 
bas ,toelgan to stoubaooaia ‘iasnoneib Aywot ad tabs rob of 
- se9tga edd to moldnesat —— ead aiisiw semoo ——— 


-itts odt oi Snearteve odd Sand Seton od coals Siytm FL - 

vlorsupe etug sanotsoellos teve cist od etufint ant to ‘evel 


‘to bein ties soll e'ititniala¢ to moltsys{le ont ounet ab’ 
bad ,tnsbusteb to yolqms edt st9L oof now ,xokwodoot J and 

ari i: J 

-eaoro oA? min yd betos{Lloo eysnom Lie tt oF revo t 
throm rane ee a pa 

\ c Ms 

March 27, 1916 

GT1S and si fase dle ——— Truabees 
under Otis Trust ecuent, 

ss — in Trex’, 

aa COURT OG CrilCace, 
HARRY H. LOBDELL, Trustee for 
gomuel Fitluk and Leo J, Lieberman, 
copartners doing business as La 
Solle Street Shoe Store 
Plaintiff in Nrror, 

— ee — — — — — 

7 fi oy 
* —— “ease” ; : 9 




Flaintiffs brought suit claiming 
by reason of a lense to @ pro rata, shere of moneys ree 

celved by defendant, Lobdell, trustce, from the sale of assets 

of Samuel Fitluk and leo J, Licberman, co-partiers, . Upon trial 

,the court instructed ‘the jury to return a verdict against de 
fendant for vl, (54 22 upon which judpment was entered, Dee 
feidant seeks to have this reversed, 

pitluk and Liebernian were lessees of a store 
under a written lease from plaintiffs for a term beginning 
day 1, 1912, and ending April 3G, 1917, at 4 monthly rental 
of $500 pnyable on the first day of each month during the 
term, The lessees also agreed to pay lessors for electric 
light used. In April, 1913, the lessees made an assignment 
vw their property to Lobdell, as trustce, to be converted 
into noney to be used in paying tneir creditors, The rent 
"the store due April 1, 1913, was not paid, on April loth 

e trustee took possession of the presiises and occupied 

“il April: 18th, Plaintiffs claim that under the terns of 
“C@iease, the lessees being in default not only as to rent 

“ton other covenants, the entire rental'for the baiance of 



7 a 

ASELS o: Bh 

: “Th, iJ [Ss AL vue: 

owed ‘ a en OF bits 

are , @i¢0 Stk : 

» f — oH 5 

: I x Vol — benraly 
= as 5n ness 
— —— ard 

: NO Yo 
fi : J—— J 
4 ee — x 7 
4 7 Pray i 
ath f ‘2M 4 . 
~ of vp dpe i 

ii i Adda ge 
adit ol yee 

b=} Sully WE" 

is a © we * yee 

f 4 v “eke ul gdh 

_ ith < . aloe gall I 
a uy) OW ae 40.108 ae 
: : Sh A sade. ite 

nn Jelena tl Peer — 9 
—0— ida ti oe) 
rt —* —E—»— ond, —* 

D—— touid i 

-ssed term because due and tnot plaintiffs sre creditors 

itluk and Lieberman to that amount, that is, from April 

1913, to April 30, 1917, at 500 a monti, wiieh is 724,500, 

‘4 to this should be added’a bili of 43382. 10 for electric 
tight, making a total of 124,852.10; from this should be de— 

icted the pont paid by-the trustee while he was in possession, 
waely, $124.51, leaving a balance due plaintiffs of (24,707.59, 
essed upon the allowance of vlaintiffs' claim for this anount, 
fudgnent was entered for their pro rata share of the moneys in 
tie hands of the trustec, 

It is first contended by defendant thot tke 
tiffs were not parties to or beneficiaries of the assicnmerit 
fron kitiuk and Lieberman te Lobdell, trustse, in that it was 
necessary for creditors wishing to varticipate in the benefits 
ff the assigned estate to become parties to said agreenent ef 

signment by signing their nanes theretc, It would be a 
wciicient reply to say that this defense was not set up or 
claimed in the afficavit of defense filed in the Lunicipal 
ourt, Under -the rules of that court, which are properly be- 
fore us, defendant will be heard only as to thiose matters of 
“fense specifically set out in his affidavit. (See rules 
and 20.) Yhe only issue made by the affidavit of defense 
i the amount dues. But even if we should not apoly the rules 
trictly, the evidence fails to sustain the contention that 
laintiffs did not Sign ihe assignment. as 

2 se 

reement; rather the 
‘ference is otherwise. ‘The document in question refers to 
Nerties “whose names are dgigned hereto, or to a copy 
‘Teof, being creditors of said first partics hereto,” ‘The 
ccument in evideyce is signed by only one creditor, As the 
‘Yidence shows that eight pther creditors shared in the disso 

‘ition of tine proceeds of the money in the hands of the trustee, 

*Presusption is raised that there must have been enother copy 
} . 

* — 
* — 


ha 4 0o n 6 

J fe 7 
° a 
é rit i L 7 
to Gil 
© : ' : * 
4 ala, ; 
A . “OD @ae 7 

it laird 
_ +> ide 

old) Bt * 

mas une 

> ha | 

Hen ® Otiyas 

» Widosse 

‘ih tee i. weep 
: i 22. a one Tster 
visi ge iL her we 

Ls Heeu thd goes 

i: ( ot Gubeo Aa, Copan 

? Zila kt Jie ? nels worgalr® 


WB = Pe Leleal 

. lease provided to be paid * * * as the liquidate 


rother copies of the agreement, one of which may have been 

ned by plaintiffs Shere was no evidence that the 

vil w 

the record was.the only copy of the agreement, and there 

sno evidence that plaintiffs had not signed onotner copy. 

Oojection is made to the form cf 

PVE tree i 4 
vile VerulLlenu 

fund in the filese While tiis may have been informa] 

Ly ok 
ostantially correct, In any event, the re 

cord as to the verdict returned is sufficient, in Chittenden 

1, Evans, 48 T11, 52, i% was smid that it was 
— — 

fora jury to reduce their verdict to writing and that it 
sight be reduced to proper form by the clerk undcr the _ 

action of the court. 

It was not error for the court 

to deny leave to 
efendant to amend his affidavit of defense, The motion was 
de several weeks after the canclusion of the trial Mure 

nergore, no ancndment. was presented to the court at t 

inc the motion for Louve to amend was mpde. 

Claypool, 126.372. 207: Dileher v. Schorik, 207 Ill, 526, 
Under the provisiona of the Lease avove refcrred 

0 it was provided that if the Lesse« 
nt of their sexta for the bencfit of creditors, the lessor 

ight terminate the lease and re-enter said premises and re- 

sSe38 themselves thereof, and it was further provided tnat 

42 Guch event the lessees snould at once pay to the lessors 

4 6um of momey equal to the entire amount of rent by this 

ad damages 

af . . * 
% the Lessors,” The claim of 
b 2 

‘a0unt of rental as liquidated damages was —— under 

“ie terms of the lease, Among t) 


ne cases 30 holding are 

fntral Invest? Co. v. Mellick, 267 Ill, 564; Smith v. Cood- 

1449111. 75; Grommes v. St. yuul Trust Co., 147 Tl. 
and Williams v, Short, App. Court No. 20581, not yet 

sh Thy 6 62S aR eagy 

ae Hy stishe 
= ‘st > hye of : 
: I I — 

= ® ¥ 
vf a4 — 
—- 7 
ont LJ 
bd ah 
i i 4 
’ a I 
: 7 
e J é 


75 = foe at 


oa oe 86 oye 4 

it Of \@@ayade eeu 

A) * i deen tod 

wast ‘o> iting: 1¢ tweet 
* tie) eet DS am, on jot 

‘@ -10T) St Sehh Gr, 

Ho sufficient 


. disturbing the judgment 

rengon being brought to our attention 


ee S65 off 4 A 
it is aiftirmea, 

AVY Tis —X 

= * 

64 » 21814 

defendant in Error, 

vs. \ 
Plaintiff in Yvrror, } 




Defendant, charged with pandering, was found 
guilty and fined $3006 and sentenced to be confined in the 
House of Correction for one year, 

He seeks to have the judgment reversed, saying 
that the information is insufficient in that (a) it charges 
several offenses in the alternative, and (b) the place of the 
offense is not’ dgpbeibed. befendant's attorney went to trial 
without objection to the information, The defects suggested 


ene question of guilt or innocence, it is too 

late now to object, People v. Weber, 152 Ili, App. 102; 

do not go 

People v. Ferca, 161 id, 666, iiowever, the information 
charges only one offense, “Inducing” and persuading" are 
practically synonomous, 

The place of the offense is sufficiently dese 
eribed; it is charged tnat it happened in the city of Chi- 
cago, at No, 671 Milwaukee avenue, (See opinion in eople 
v. Leon, No, 21745, this day filed; also beople v, Bennett, 
185 Ill, App. 316.) 

Was there a jury waiver in writing? We hold 
‘that there was, The record recites the execution of such a 
waiver; the record imports verity. Nichoison v, Loeff, 255 
T1l. 526, And the waiver is in the record, ‘hat the de- 

stonta Ot tnaboe tec 

ve Mou : fey fc eae jt, ® 

[de AI eer 

Yaustue YOM MOITLUT ———— | .AM 





bavot. eaw ,yataebaag dtiw bogtade Anabris tod. ; See 

+taey eno t0T Koksoerro9 t0 908 * 
eegtano #i (#8) Saud? at dneloittwant at no Ldauro tad ond ¢ vu 9 

7 odd mt boattnoe od of boonsdnee bas 0068 boait bas 
yaiysas ,beersves ——8 edt evad of axooe on 

Rea’ ipa fi 

ent to somly sit (d) bona ,evisantesla ont an seunetto i * 
2 fain ot Jnew yerroséa e' dnabns ted — tom et = bd 
Ey! beseoggue asjootsh elt melsamip las edt of aotses ido | se ai * 
oo⸗ af 41 .2oneo0nni ro 4 to aoltesup on? feu 4 9 
80L .qqA ,fL1 SCL ,z9d0W .v gkgood .toetdo of * —— 

 moisamioIni edt ,tevewoH 808 .bk I8f ,spt9d .v 2 * i 
ets “gnibayers" a “gntoubal® ,eanestto eno “= — 

—XR wee * 1 

; s * 
 maeb YitnotolYive ek senetto eit to sont oT k: en a 1, 
7 \ — ae 

-idd to ysio ait at bemsqqad 3k isdd bogrado sk ah j 
 gigoet at acintqo ee8) ,exneve eotuawlia {Td ) soit 4a J 
At ae! 
J  \gdenneg -¥ gigoot cele jbelit yab 6 ksid OTIS * me 
(BLE F ut 
, F 

blow ow tyaitinw aL toviaw ‘week a ll — 
vey pal 
8 siova 0 noisuoexe oad sedtovt see — ae rod 
ees aoe ov ses —9* Arogat Sto: et odd ; 

fendant signed by making his mark does not impair its in- 
+‘ tegrity. 
J fhe evidence has not been preserved, The 

q errors alleged against the statutory record are without | 
merit, ‘The judgment is affirmed. 

4 — 


P ’ 

—_— se 

«tk ett chequk ton fob sem ald gain we 

sit ,bevieeetg need fon asi sonobive var 
. fyodsiw eta bioest yiotustase ed? Saniays | 

-beomiitts af tan ott 24% | 

” : 
a — 
— — 

| 3 i) 
J— * + J J J 
J i: \ 
J ‘ ie 1 
7 i F it) 4 el 
Bye i ta ! ‘ 
ari Aas 

j iu oe | A 
‘ A ie 9 ch at) 
/ a ' F t 9 ia , J 
y ry ‘ ; e sa ae 
y ; ; i 

85 - 21946 




198 L.A. 363 


Plaintiffs employed defendant as a traveling 
salesman, ‘They bring suit claiming that their advances to 
him exceed the amount due him on commissions and that under 
the contract of employment he is obligated to repay the dif- 
ference. Upon trial by the court judgment against the de- 

fendant was entered for 93685.74, 

— ——— 

Te sadienes commenced to run March 9, 1909, and 

ended February 28, 1910, It eo olaimed on behalf of defend- 

ant that plaintiffs wrongfully discharged him before the end 

ef the ———— 
— trial court—properry © ould’ find’ that 
in December; “tous ;~or sanuary, 191 yd by “mutual ‘agreement the 

contract vas terillinted, / Thapsaniesreignimebetne evidence 
4 sie to the effect that at a meeting between defendant and 

—not~—persuaded’ from-the--evidence that 

plaintiffs in December, 1909, or possibly January, 1910, de- 
fendant proposed "to quit," to whi oh plaintiffs agreed, (Ho 

— — 
* ö—— ——— ———— ——— 

e passer upon — —— of @ bi ce loa 

There being no wrongful — and no refusal 

th —— “on is alleged in the Statement o i that 

apers - a8 9 

fa te sorta wot i” 

ae soo lleqga | n Ras ihe , 
* av mele a p ute 

£0:6 ALS6el 


goifeveart s 3s jnabasteb bayolqme atilinield ; xg 
ot seonsvhe taled? Jadt gotimiato Jive gaird —— J 
robeau tans ois anoisetmmos ao mid exh Snvome eat Arne ste J 
-tib edd ysqet o¢ batagif(do ai of tnomyolqme to a sal aig odd 
⸗ob oft seniags SEAS uoo elt yd Lsits aoa. —3 

_sP8,2888§ 107 boreda aaw dnabast 

bas ,@0@L ,@ dors aut of beonemmoo sositsnoo oT 4 feet — 
-bieteb to tinded no bemislo a 4X ,Of@L ,8S. — bebao oy 
bas et etoted mid boyradoalh lactated etiLinialg sads tne Rr 

thdt- conebive-srtt mo Tt bobayereq—ter Atostinoo pga ln 

nri⸗ ———— — a 
— ** te 
exis” dromeozas tausum Yd OLR T ER ee oet · roaneaa· a ) 
_sorebive’ —— — — * J J 

bas taebaeteb asewieod gaitoem, “ ts gait soatts one OF ede 
9b ,OLeL ,ytesnst yidiesog 10 ,@0@L ,tadmeoed ai nuatata 

— — 

boasraea attisaiaty doidw od *,tiup o¢* beaoe TOTS aedaon 

———— — | 

ü— —— — Tae 

got 8 “to “RoLiqmiveN ony woqy bse ba 

feeurter or Dre — e® Iutgnomw on gated etedT 92 riioeih 


mi tom sis yous " tostds09 o ntlw no og 

attiinial, y 
edd vorotne of gnivece hoz? betzst Jon eta eoned — 
stnebgeieb sénisys sostines out Yo a | 

pans ot Holiw goa⸗ ooũod lv⸗ t1etequoo” ce ote | * at ‘ly | 

By migso“to tnometase edt at beselia pe Med 

— we 


the advances to defendant amounted to $4464.50, The affida- 
vit of defense admits this, The Statewent of Claim further 
says that orders obtained by defendant upon which he is ene 
titled to commission amounted to $21,934.46, Attached to 

the Statement is a schedule giving the names and amounts of 
each order, and it was alleged that these were all the orders 
upén which defendant was entitled to commission, If defendant 
wished to question the correctness of this statement he 
should have specifically done so in his affidavit of defense, 
as required by the Municipal Court rules, which are in accord, 
or, a8 provided by rule 20, he could upon motion be excused 
by the court from specifically answering any particular al- 
legation, upon showing to the court that he could not answer 

it because he did not have the necessary knowledge as to the 

fact alleged, or for other good cause. Defendant did not 

avail himself of the provisions of the rule, Upon the trial 
no attempt was made by him to show that the amount of orders 
was not gorrect, ‘The books of the company, upon nis re- 
quest, could readily have been brought into court. We are 
of the opinion that the correctness of plaintiffs' statement 
of the account was admitted; hence it was unnecessary to 
make detailed proof thereof. 

The points urged for a reversal are not con- 
vincing, and the judgment is affirmed, 


; : ’ Aa) 4 » 
~ J J 
-sbitts ofT ,0¢,S0bR8 of bed nwona nates ab ‘ot on⸗ 


teddiv?t mislo to tnometate edAT ehad éftobs odneteb 
“16 si oat do kolw nogu tnehbre Tob ew boritasdo exsbxe tad nae) 

os borionttaA dh, 880,189 of bornuone — 

Yo ednwoms bas seman edd yoivig ofubexdoe #8 ek eoseo asas edt 
arebio eds {fa etew sasdd sant bone lis eEw Py: deta — ome : ; 
tusboeteb tl .ooleatmmoon ot boltisne usw. tnabis teb — ville a 
od tnomedats eldt to eaondosrtoo, ons Wobtaenp ot bone iw 
,eenstoh to stivebitts etd ai oe snob, _ileottiosgh eves biwora 
,btoo0s ai ots doidw ,solut txyod Isqlotnwh ent yd bexkupot es | 
beeuoxes od noitom moqu biyoo of ,OS slux yd shamba adr 1% 10 

-fs8 telvoitreg ye goltswens ullaoltinegs moet tryo9 ould 

tewanes Jon bi{yoo sad Jadt gruoo edt o¢ Qniwote mnogu obioget | ‘tA 

oft of as sybefwonX viraeesoen oft oven toa bie od aeuaved tk 
ton bth tnsbasted .seuso boog tedto 10% To sboge ta’ ton 

fetxt edt mnogU ,efux edd to anoleivortq odd to “‘Pecmid. Eleva 

atobto to davome odd sadd wode of mid Yd sham eaw tquw dda on 

-e1 eid moquy ,yarqaoo add to exood aut .to97%109 don sew 


ests sW .dtyoo otni Joygyoid oeed evad yYlihset biuos steoup 


inomeiase ‘etiidJaialg to eaensost1e9 ede tadd moinigo oad ‘to .\ 

of ytAsesDenny asw di goned jbessiubs-aasw emo 998 eis to 
. toetedid tootg beliateb sexism 

“09 tom eats Isetevet a tot bogtu staiog eAT 
eboumxitts ef tnomgbal oft baa ,gatoaty 


ya j / f A Ke i} ey 


36 = 21664 

leaintiff in Errgr, 



er —— por a in nrvor 
: error. ra) 
! \. je 19 YO De 3 67 


— — — — —— 

Plaintiff had a contract to do certain work in 

the erection of a building for defendant and after all the 
work had been done received an architect's certificate for 
$671, the balance of the contract price. by the terme of 
the contract plaintiff agreed to complete all the work he 
had undertaken to do on or pricr to August 25, 1914, As a 
matter of fact this he failed as to one store to do, The 
work of plaintiff on this store was completed on September 
15, 1914, a delay of twenty-one days, Defendant claim at 
he had rented this store to a tenant who had paid $5 on ace 
count to bind the bargain, at a rental of $45 a month, which 
was the reasonable rental value of the store. , , 

the testimony—of Defendant eatabidched—tne-fuat 
that he never saw this prospective tenant again and was un- 
able to find him, ‘the store remained unrented until kay 15, 
1915, and defendant claimed that the loss of the prospective 
tenant was duc to the store not being ready for occupancy by 
guch tenant at the time plaintiff had contracted to complete 
his work, Defendant claimed that the neanure of his damages 
wag the rental value of the store during the time it remained 

_ unrented, and the trial Judge, heeding defendant's contention, 
gave judgment for $404.90, the amount of the architect's cer- 

“tifieate, less the rental value of the store at the rate of 


etTOTTH ak tisabel 


soe AI Bel say, 


— —— ⸗ — — ——— — — — — 

ai Xitow aiadteo ob of toattnoo —a bad Prdsatals | 
eid {Ls x9Jis bas gnsbuvtob tot yathiiud # Ye aoisoete edt — 
tot esollistes a'soesisows ae beviovs1 enob aed bad AtOWw 

to sates oft yA .eoitqg sonmainoo ens to sonatad add , {V8 

ei atow eis Lis eselqmoo of bootgs Tiivalalg Josisaco odd © 
eB eA ,dfef ,éS sauqua of toliq to no ob of aeasdtebsu bad 
eit ,ob of stots ono of es bolist od aks Sont to totten 

todmetqget ae boselqmoo saw etosa alist no Midaiole to fron 

ae aS jusbasted ,ayab eno-ytoows to vyaleb s Scr el 

-on mo 6% bisg bei odw sJaoanet # o2 etote abit basnes bad — 

doldw ,dtmom 8 €6¢ to fatnet « te ,aiagind ef? bald ot tayoo 
, , «9todve ods to eulaevy Laénet sidsaoeset ons — 

sont ond ——— Inabas teG 20-ynomitess sit 
“1s efw bas niags taanes svitsoeqeoirq eld? wae toven on tnt 

OL wed Lisay bed aottiu beniamet etose of? mid bast os olds 


evisosqeotq edt to esol eid Jacd bemtato tnabneteb bas a 


ud xoaaduooo tot yvbaet gnisd son etotoa off oF ond sew 4 Py 

etolymoon oF be J oaranoo bad titisakalg emis edt ta snanes iow a 

raat ve 

seyemnd elu to stwewom ott Jadtd bomlialo Inabne ted — iron —* 

bocakacisx tk omid ond yaliwh eto0dsea oid To oulav fatnox oud 

: Hotaas anoo 8’ 3nabne teb anibosd ogoul falxt ould bre shone 
“190 e'foedidote edd to snwomn ssid 108, dong 10% — ove 
to osa1 eit ta otota ond to auce⸗ ta⸗noa ous * 


ae ; te” SORTA fre” 

$55 a month from August 25, 1914, when plaintiff's work should 
have been completed, to May 15, 1915, when defendant succeeded 
in securing a tenant, Plaintiff seexs-#-review-of-this judge 
wrent-—by_thia cour-and ask for @ reversal and a judgment in 
his favor for the amount of the architect's certificate with 
interest, less the rental value of the store for twenty-one 
days, defendant's damages assessable for non-completion within 

the contract time, tN ear Nera ON 


Plaintiff contends that in cases like the one at 
bar, where a contractor fails to complete a building within the 
contract time, the measure of damages is the rental value of 
the premizes from the time when such premises should have been 
completed under the contract until the time when they were ac- 
tually completed, 

There is ne authority for assuming that de- 
fendant suffered any damage by tne loss of the prospective 
tenant wio proved elusive, and nothing in the record justify- 
ing a conclusion that defendant's prospective tenant disappeared 
leaving $6 in his hands because the store was not completed 
for twenty-one days after it should have been under the con- 

It is the low that where a defendant claigs dan- 
ages by reason of delay in the performance of ® building con- 
tract, whereby such defendant nas been deprived of the use of 
the building, he may recoup the same in a suit against him by 
the contractor and tnat the measure of damages is the fair 
rental value of such portion of the premises during the poriod 
of delay, Gallbreith v. Chicago Architectural Works, SO ill. 
App. 248; Suell v. Cottinguam, 72 111, 161, 

It is not disputed that §55 a month is a fair 

J rental value for the store, which was not completed by plain-. 

biuoda Atow e'ttisalealq oesdw ,A1@L ,@8 tauguA mort inom a ag p 
bebosoove snabneteb amodw ,éfekL , ef yall oF ,bedetqmeo need eva 
-gbut-eid—te-woivet-#-enees Ttitniali ,Jsaaned 6 gnttuso88 ä — 
ai Jnoomabut, & bae Lsetevet a sot Maen : 4502 — 
‘Adgiw etaoltisieo e'tostiaorts ent To Jnvome oad tot rove 
eno-ysuews 10T st0se eds Io oulav Ladner ocd eeol teers 
niotiw nolstetqmooenon tot efdsessess aeyameh 6'sasbne teb ey 
een ann ETS foarsa09 ° 

be eco sit oil eoaso ok Jads ebnotnoo Ttliniali | om 
eit olddiw gaxibtiud a otelqmon oF eLiat s+osontdm00 gs 2 t9 cw ‘a : 
to ovlav Istnet sit at segameh To o1vesom at ,omit Jowrtinos 
mead ovad bivode ssaimetg dove notw omits os mort souinotg oft i 
-98 stew yed? nodw omis ond fiinw sJoatinos ot? tobnwy — 
obese lques 5 

-ob ted? yoimuees tol esitoddue on ek st9edT — 
evidosqeorg od Yo eeol edt yd eysmsb yaa bote TIwa —— 
“Ylisgeut btooet os ai gnidvon bas ,eviauloe Sevotg. ortw * 
betscqqseib tusust evisgoseqeosq a'snebaeteh gadd noiewLonoo & 
bhetolqmoo don saw otode odd gewaced abuad ais at cy yatvast i 

“100 sdf rebay need eved biuede 3L tad ta eyed sno-ysaows 10% 

| | teats 
emad eaiaslo Jaasbusteb a etelw sans wal od wf 31 . uy 
-“ao0 goibliud # to eonamtotieg oft ai yealob to nossot yd @9 

to eau ed to beviuagedh ased aad tnabastebh douse betel oft eid 

vd misdi ganiays sive a ci omee odd quooet yom on vamtb thud ) 
aiget sd? el esyomeb To stueaem ett taud baa xosootinoo ond x 
botisq ot gniivb esalmerg sat Yo noitiog dove to eulav f new 

. ffl 08 .¥ Sitesi ited vale 

| -L0L {11 ST .wadantssed .v Liews 1608 .aaA 
tist 6 al uinom a 0&9 Jadd beduqelb gon ot dE a rt 

-ntalg yd botelqmoo son asw dolduw ,otota ods x0? ontev £ 

tiff until twenty-one days after the time Limited by the con- 
tract, The rental value for this twenty-one days at $55 a month 
amounts to $24.36, for which amount defendant is «ntitled to a 
eredit. beducting this sum from the amount of the architect's 
certificate, 671, leaves a balance of $646,64, due plaintiff 
. January 16, 1915, for whieh sum, with interest at the rate of 
& per cent. per annum from the Inst date, plaintiff should 
have had judgment, Not having eo recovered in the trial 
court, plaintiff isa entitled to recover in tiis court 

$646.64 with interest from Janumry 16, 1914, to the time 

of filing this opinion, which interest is 670,94, 

The judgment of the Municipal Court is re- 
versed and judgment entered mere in faver of plaintiff and 
against defendant for the sum of $717,585, 



“noo oid vd botimil emis sid 1 1s ween eno-vinews Lita mis 
ditom a C6 ta syah eno-yduows aids 10% eulay Ladaet vit ston 
8 OF beldisue sk dusbuetebh tavemea dotdw a0? 296,a59 oF esnvoan 
e'toetidores of To Snvomea odd mott mue Bio wolsoubed .thboxo 
Tiidalely sub .b3,353% to sonatad a sevael ivag s9daoLtiaas9 | 
to eset oft te seatetni ws tw we doinw tot ,efer OL sea 
bivoie Btidaielq ,esab desi ect mott muans teq .die0 t9q a 
faits od ak botevooet ow gnived tou tteamhbat bad ove 
2tHO3 ekid ai toveoor of Beltitns ak Mildntaly —D 

eais adt of ,bLeL .aL yraunet aot? seetesni atin bd.a J 

. 0. ov ai Jeotedak io lsdw ,woinigo & kid yatsit we 

“ot ai true) Laqioinu oad to tnemgbut ad? 


bas tiisjoialg to rovat ot sted botedas dnooyba | bas ‘beatey 
«380, VIVS to mue sdt xot inaboe tes daninga 


296 - 21692 


Plaintiff in Error, 

(1981.4. 369 

Defendant in & 

\ y 


Walter ©, KeKenna was a patrolman in the employ 

ef the board of South fark Commissioners, McKenna was what 

is known as a "Civil Service employe." He received his ape 
pointment way 17, 1911. On August 17, 1914, the Civil Sere 
vice Board of the South Park Comsissioners preferred charges 
against KMeKenna and appointed KH, C, Carbaugh and H. J, Furber, 
gr., a8 a trial board to try NeKenna, kekenna was charged 

with conspiring with officer Sullivan on August &, 1914, to 
demand from Walter H. Yulser, who had been arrested, 380. 
Wulser paid that sum and kieKenna released nim, Un this 

charge McKenna was tried, found guilty and discharged from 

hia office, Hetermmmvrougit this mandamus prééeeding to have 
the-soutn-rark Commissioners ordéred-te-forthwith- place his 
«ame upon ‘the roster of. patrolmer, go -that he wight perform 
“the duties of ‘and keep that office. 

| ‘ It appears from MeKenna'ts petition that a partial 
‘hearing of his case was had in September, 1914, before Carbaugh 
: and Purber, the trial board, and that owing to the sickness of 
: ‘-MeKenna the further hearing was postponed until February 15, 

a his own defense, fFurber did not sit upon the trial board 

x the hearing of MeKenne in his own defense was had before 
rbaugh, who alone sat as the trial beard, 

Q § eer The right to —— erit-et nandanus rx ba 

SOLS ~ des 


— — 
o⁊ W nt ⁊ꝛueaiata hae 


; rauor HOLHZGUG OT HORAM — —— 
ay: i he me 

Peds. AI 3er 

— — — —— — 

Anuoraaruoo —X ‘eruoa 

eTOTKR al smabne xe 


ts hs 
ae —5 

yolgus edt ai asmlotseg S sew anieXok 4 sos Lav oe 

' deadw eaw annexXoM .atenolssinmo) Atel diwoi To birod ods * 
“qs sid bevisce1 of “,eyolgno solved iivio® &@ 8A owortd 
etal £ivid ent 1b L£0L TL teuwawA oO fel ., 4 vau naoaaie 

geyiado bettetetg atenolestmmo) Ated dsuo& oxia 1% os 908 


eTodint .t& .H baa dguedtad .0 .H betnloqga baa anne Xow Jen — 

a —* vel 

beygiaio eaw anmteiod ,aennetoM vis ef biaed fais? e ye J 
og JaugwaA ao navilinue na0itto as der golxiqe mon as 

068 ,betaotis meod bad ow ,toatud H ——— mort oa⸗not 

éiss nu aiid beeselet acttid on bas me 4 biag x98. 
mort bogitadoelb bos yilisg bawot ,beits saw aaas aou eytada 
evan of yripesootqg evmasbaam eiad eero err <onitta 8 * 
— ‘@tenolcelanod iat-s . 


; mrotteq tiyiwm of Jadt- oc ,noemfottaq to teveor oad coab 9: i 
“,o0itto gad? goax baa to J—— oud 

falixeq » iadt noistideq e'anneod mort sxseqgea 31 a 
Mgusedie — .A ,tedmesqod ai bad eaw aano ein To sunt ‘ 
Yo seomioie anid of aniwo ad⸗ baa .btaod fati3 odd rodwh | 

0 yravidet Lisau benogteoq aaw gnitasd nous? orl 2 ‘ 
braod aaw brs boteeqge Yifsaoetoq enaeXon om dotuw to aé 
; y ues 

biwod (airs edd moyu die ton bib xodtu% seated * io 
er0led bed esw oaneteb awo * ak anne 10% te auun⸗·a 68 

Poe — 

are upon the contenticn that Purber was absent at the 

; hearing on February 15, 1915, and that the report on KeKenna's 
case, which was adopted by the Civil Service Board, was sade 
by Carbaugh only, and it ie “contended thot Carbaugh had no 
jurisdiction to hear alone the charges and report his findings 
thereon, To McKenna's petition a general demurrer was inter- 
posed and sustained and the petition dismissed, and KcKenna 

prosecutes this writ of error, seeking a reversal, 


— — — —— 

Section 12 of ih Sage Givi) has oeenieee 
that “charges shall be investigated by or before the Civil 
Gervice Board or by or before some officer or officers ape 
pointed by the Board te conduct such investigation, sa 8 

The objection that Carbaugh could not act alone as a trial 

board is made in this Court for the first time, The record 

does not disclose that Mckenna was deprived of any Legal 

right, ‘and it is not denied that the proceedings were in every 
particular, excepting the one complained of, regular, As the 

4J Park Civil Service Bocrd approved of Carbaugh as ita trial 
officer, (it will be assumed from that fact that he was author ized 
J to act a6 the trial board in kekenna's case), As unde section 
12, supra, it is competent for one person to act as a trial 
board, (it will be assumed that Carbaugh was acting as such 
| under authority of the Civil Service woards who not only \ 
J approved his report but acted upon the recommendation con \ 
q | tained in it,\ That he was not so acting is nowhere averred | 
(| 4m BeoKenna'sa petition, Neither is it averred that Carbaugh 
had not been authorized by the Civil Service Board to act as 
M Sole trial officer, The Civil Service Board had the power to 
change the personnel of the board at any time, and in the 
absence of any averment to the contrary it will be assuued 

that it authorized Carbaugh to proceed as sole trial officer, 
said by the writer of this opinion in People v,. lowell, 
it peed J _ 

‘i my Ovi Pe ere a 7. sy 4 
ee f ; a7 oa 

sit de taseds saw t9diwl Jadd noltnstaoo odds moqu bedas 

a 'annoiou ao txoget odd Jedd bun ,cf@L ,oL yravidet NO | f ‘ 
shan eaw ~btmok§ eoivied Livid sds yd bestqoba eaw soldw , so 
on bsd sussadtad dads bebnesacs af ti boa ,yine dgueds) : 
egnthbnit ald sroyot bas segtsdo edt emole rs0ed oF voisatbats 
stosal saw teTruueh Lareney @ moijiseg e'anusiok of .. ! 
Sno9HoN bas ,beealwoib moliisoeq ed bas bonteseus baa 

etagisvet # yaldeos ,toxte to Jitw edad oiuooe 

ü— — — —— — 

esiivorg JOA soivaep Ktvk0 uxt edg to Sf moltoss — 
Livid eld atoted to yd betagiseovnl od Ilada acgzedo® 3 
-j% 8@Teoltio to 199itlo smoa oteled 10 yd to bisod ner 
nes notsagisuoval ova foubaoo of bisof odd ww be: i 
{ottt 6 us onols gos don bivoo dguadis) sed3 noite tse : 
br009% ou? omits sexi oft tot dJawod elds of ebsm eth 
Legos yas to boviteed eaw suneXoM sade oaoloe ib * 
reve mk otew egnibsescoorg ods tadd be Laed ton at $1 bas. 4 — 
⸗ BA .taluget . to beaialqmoo ono ant golds qeoxe — D 
{aiat ett es dyuadiad to bevorqqa bred esivren — (x0 
poi foujus esw ef Jans Jost Jad3 mort bomuseaa od Lite ods a: n ' 
noidooG | wmebis GA loess & ' BA Aou ai bis0od fairs * ee 00 08 
{sits s sa tos of noeteg ono tot dassequos ai 21 ccs 
Howe es gai sos aaw Mguedted doit Hoswaes og iLiw MDa 
, Xiao ton ow doraos eoivies Livid ez to wailed: 
‘soo notssbaemmonss od woqu betes dud I20q9% ata b 

(petuevs etedwon at gaidon oa toa saw od tadt tt a J 46 
dgusdta) Jads berteva ti af tontion Moltizeg ofa ° 108 | 
| as goa of brs0d eolvies Livin odd xd bextredtue noes nw bad 
7 od towoq ed bait dauot oo vaoð Liv eat — tt of 
a ont at hae ,omis yon ds brad ona to — of — 

bouw ees 9d {fiw si Vrars 109 ond ot ime ra⸗ " Bs 

i , toi Ito fait ofoa aa beovorq of Nguse 
Ad ey per ee ee ee ee em Cre oe 3 ie One 

127 Ill. App. 614 - “However, if there was room for any doubt 
| as to the legality of the appointment of the persadns conati-~ 
| tuting the trial board, the ratification of the action of the 
board by the commission in approving and adopting its report 
\ and findings was a sufficient corrective;" and as further 

| said in the Powell case, Supra, “He appeared at the trial 
| in person and was heard in his own defense, and in thia re- 
gard all the requirements of the statute were fulfilled, He ~ 
| made no protest cr objection to the jurisdiction of the 
\ ‘trial board either before that board or to the commission, 
The juriedictional question cannot be raised on this appeal 
for the first time," Joyce v. City of Chicago, 216 ill, 
466, is a@ supporting authority, 
a City of Chicago v. The People, 210 111, 64, 
urged by counsel for plaintiff in error as controlling au- 
thority, is in no wise applicable, because in that case the 
| trial of Gray, the relator, was adjudged to be irregular, as 
the trial board was not constituted as required by the rules 
| of the Civil Service Commission, and Gray was also deprived 
of the opportunity to be heard in his own defense - elements 
which are not present in Wexenna'ts case, 
If it were neceasary for us to decide this case 



pon its merits, wuich it is not, we should be impelled to 
find that keKenna was convicted of a heinous offense, dishonest 

in itself and destructive of the discipline of the police 

force, of which he was a meuber, 

The proceeding against McKenna, whieh resulted in 
hia discharge from the service of defendant in error, being 
regular and conforming te the Civil Service rules applicable 

te his case, the judgment of the Superior Court is affirmed, 


tdyob yous 01 moos eaw eteds Tk .toveweH® - * Aun Atut 
eldanoo anbateq of to Ineuatalogga oils to a Liagot oult ye 
edt to aotaoa ef2? to molisoltitar edd sbtsod fobas om. 5 
troges ati salticqobsa bus gnivoryga: mt nolentmmos. ond ‘Wh * 
acla an bas “jevisoetr0s duslvitive s eaw enuban? 6 
{atxd od ta botaeqqe oH” ,axque ,eeno Llowol sai abt 
91 gids ai baa 1949 tob fiwo aid nt bined eaw brs nested 
oH ,beflitint otew otudada odd Yo etnomotiupet odd (im t Ay 
ait to molJoiboitul, edt of anoltooa{de to seatozg on pra 
-Holeaiummoo odd of 10 btwod gand etoted tediio braod ae 
Lnaqqs wkas no bowiazt ad sonaso nolsesup Lenoldotba itut, 
tii 818 ,ogsoiadd to ystd wv aexen ",omis dark? ma x 
Ni hrodtus aaisitoqqua a J— a 
-,b6 .1f1 OL8 ,olqoot oT ,v ogsoldd to yettD | 
ue yaiifortaoy as tori oi tiisatata 10T mat 

ayy yy, : 

od oeso fads oi oaunoed ,oldaotiqga eviw oa at at vedios | 


ea ,talugotti od of boyhulba eaw Ao⸗atos end — fala 

.9880 B'sane io at dmemetq Poesy ote | — 
o040 gids obioab os ay 1oT YIseseoen otew SL TL a 

ot bolfoqmi od biwode ow .don ei tt dokitw ,athuom eft 1 

Jaonoieib ,eane?to eveniod # to begaivace aaw sae aou todd 

eollog edt to enitqioeib edt to ovidours sob * 
+t0dao.a & saw on sokdw Ye 
mt beodivect dotdw annexe —R anibeosorg oct 

ty 17 F 
anied ,totrs at sasbastob to oolvive od ‘02% * 
ss eLdmotiqga eefux soivied Livio outs oo wminrotnes & 

ebourti tte ab gxuod xolxeque + edt to — a 108 o 8 i 

| ‘aaa 
— ——— hy ha *9 i 9 Haeae — 

42 = 21720 

Defendant in Error, 


city oF ran ape: a — ne 
corporation, ¢ 
City of Chicas 

— — — — — 

Q T 
198 Lh. 372 


\~ The order for.a writ of mandamus in this case 

st\be reversed for error in procedure, and as the case 
st Oe in conformity with the theory indicated 
this opinion, the merite of the cause will be neither 
etermined nor discussed, 
pefendatfn error riled “BY. Retition for a 
it of anager #eek ing to compel the plaintiffs in error 
to approve-plans for a certain building and to issue a per- 

ö0 w eS 

mit —authorizing-ite—erection,} ‘According to these plana, 

metal covering was to be used for the walls and ceilings 
of the building, without any plaster on the inner side be- 
tween such metal and the wall or ceiling, which was viola- 
tive of the provisions of Section 605 of the 1911 Chicago 

code, The respondents interposed to this petition a gen- 
wea Reta x 
eral demurrer, The finding part of order and 

judgment — — as follows: 

"This cause coming on to be heard upon the 
demurrer of respondents to the petition of petitioner and 
after arguments of counsel and being fully advised in 
the premises, the court doth find that section 605 of the 
building ordinances of the City of Chicago as amended and 
passed and in force on and after March 9, 1914, is unreasonable 
and void as to each and all of the provisions thereof requiring 
lathing and phaster above and behind metal covered ceilings and 
8 in buildings erected in said city," 

4 —_ —* J abt } > 


estas = Se 


OMe hel Cer 


9889 aids ni eymsbosm. to tiww oa to? ebto oT 

geno — as bas 19twb990Tq ai totre rot ea 3 
betacibat — edt dtiiw ytiorrotaes nt —— 8 od. a ‘ 
‘Sedtien od Iltw seuss sit Yo etizom anf —— 

— N 

‘a ; an -besaavoeth tom bontaxes 

& Tot — Pete bo Ltt TOTT9 aD gabnoteq 

tott ai etitniala eit Loqmoo ot yainese 

-it9q9 & sueat od baw ynibfiud niaties se t0o% anal sevorgas . 

. — Y REN AINE — onan, 

.enaiq gaedt of — “ — ——— 

agnifies bas eliaw edt tot beaw sd ot Baw galtevoo tasom 
-od ebia tonnt off wo t9teelq yas tuotstiw Bab Lhud outs “i q 

-sfotvy asw cotdw ,gntftes to ffaw add bas ‘fatem dowe neewd ; 

oOgBBoLlNid (LOL adit Yo @08 aolttosa te antoieilvotg ent to evis 
“1193 @ notatſog eldt of besoqgiosnt agnebaogest of?  9boo 
~MOA ~ ow Nahe ah 

bre tebro fanit.sdt to sasq —— eA? ato rts d {219 — 

sawoffot es od Fons Totine whit bE bowtera t Snomgbs 

— — 

eit noquy bisend od o¢ mo antmoo seuno aldtT® . 

5x8 tenoistigeq to moisiteg edt of etasbnogest to tatiumeb 

at beeivbs yifut gated bas Leanvoo Yo etns tA totta 
add to @08 motsoee stadt batt dtob tiyoo odd ,seataetg ont 
baa bebneme as ogsotdd Yo ytto edt to seonentbhro gatbfivd 
eldsnoesorgay al ,d{@L ,@ dors testis bana ao sotot ai bas or bas 
goitinupet hootedd enoielvotg sft to [fs bas dose of er btov bo 
bas agniiieo bet9vos {atom bnided bas svods tetasdq baw gnidésa: 
| ".ysio biea ni besoore egnib liud "ie 


iy —— 
Pei | i ae ‘ , ee wie LAR 

The order continued by awarding @ mandamus against 
the City of Chicago and its Building Commissioner, as prayed 
in Hartman's petition, 
— — wild be noticed that the demurrer is nowhere 
disposed of. ‘he Court could not enter a valid final order 
without disposing of the demurrer, After the disposition of 
the demurrer respondents had their election either to abide 
by the demurrer or to answer the petition, If respondent 
shall elect to answer the petition, the question of the un- 
reasonableness or reasonableness of the ordinance may become 
a question of fact to be deternined as other questions of 
fact, This being an ordinance passed presumably in the 
exercise of the police power, it will be assumed, until the 
contrary is made to appear, that such ordinance is reasonable 
and the determination ef the Council on that subject held 
to be conclusive. Languel v. City, 197 Ill, 20, 

| The judgment of the Circuit Court is reversed 
and the cause remanded with directions to the Circuit Court 
to proceed to hear and dispose of the demurrer and thereafter 
to proceed as in like cases, 



¥. eo) 
4 ¥ 
genieyes aumebasm 6 yaibiswe vd —RR tehio oT “uf 

boystq #8 ,tonoiseiamed gnibliud ett bas egsotdd to ysto odd 4g 
nhs. aR) «glo ktideq e'namtasH ok ~ 

etoiwon ei t9t1umeb edt Jsdd beoiton oe fiitw x Se | 
tebto Lanit bilsv s tesme son biuoo t1u09 sit to beaoqetbh 
To moidiegogelb od teSIA .t9TtuUMeb ed to gninoquth euedsie ' 
abide of reisie noitosle tiedd bad esnebnogset tetaymeb ont , 
gaebuogeet Ii .aoisiteg esd towana oF to tetx1wMeEdb odd yd 

-au edt to soltsesyp edt ,noltisedq eft tewens of toale iflade 
emoosd yam eonsaibxo oft to seetis(dancaset to gasneidsnoaast c 
To enoitesup tedzo es beaimteateb ed of Jost to Aolteoup 8 | 

eit ai yidsmueotq beeasq sonanibie as pated alAT “dont 

eds fitau ,bemsess ed {fiw ¢t ,tewoq soifoq edt to sulovexs 
efdenossst ai sonanibto dove teadt ,1ra90qes of ebam ei yrstsnoo 
bled toejduve tadd mo Lionvoy ant Yo nolsentaresob ett bas | 

.OS £11 Ver M39 vy Lougnat review lonoo od of 

beetovet ai dtwod sivorlo sdt to saomabst 9aT x 3 

| tinued Sivorio edt ot anoisoetib dtiw bobnamet sauso ont bin | 
Sedinsiesds bus tertwaeb edt to saoqeih baa t#ed ot boo oorg of J 
29880 exif ai 88 beeoo1g ot 


= > 

44 = 21726 


Defendant in irror, 

19S 1.A. 374 



Re ae ee 

in irr 

i, sean — o's — in 

wh prdinta * recovered @ money judgment for- Soc against 

ü—— —— — —— 

det enaant on the: finding “of ttre~court. J “The elain for a 
| mechanic's lien Wwa.s —— —— —J 

teie-review, —— Crane 


mer enaant had a contract with 1. 

Harris, & general contractor, for the erection of a build- 

ing, in. -¢omtract all liens and claims or right of 
lien under the Mechanic's Lien Act for labor or materials 
furnished, etc,., were waived! 

Sjoue Lande had a contract with Harris for carpenter 
work to the amount of $2100, Plaintiff furnished lumber to 
Lazar, which was used in defendant's building under the 
Harris contract, The Heitman Bond and Mortgage Company made 
@ building loan on Goldberg's property and plaintiff exe- 
cuted and delivered s waiver and release of any end all 

liens and claims or right to a lien on Coldberg's premises 

on account of any material it had furnished to Lazar, which 


waiver and release it delivered to the Mortgage Company, 
The Court awarded the judgment on the theory that Goldberg 
had testified in a prior suit that he had reserved out of 

the money due and to become due to Lazar, $200, which he ae 

“OSTES = Be 

8 4299 arent “Avs Sh) ae 
80h! 8107700 
oe, PA OS —E ‘ni daabas ted 
: ' ay 

AYE AT 8er 

.⁊auod RHT 4O MOIMIGO HHT quauvtasd MOdLOH MOI TEUL eh 

*  ORMAKLLOD uurna 7 

To kas B ortos Met etd? J 
ole 8 ——— ‘TOR si 2 * 
Sanisys Sosg to? trie mab st yornton 6 barovooe 2 Liniate 

ME ne g0 — 

— — J 
@ tot mialfo ont Ic ruooh· to” that⁊ Joa nod 

~~ — — 
— — — — a — 

— . og — ton egw mokt e'olnsioen 

,l dtiw tostinos s bad ‘inion —— 

-biiud 8 to moisosits edt tot ,totoatinoo fe19094 B eho 

to gigit 10 amialo bas anett Lis sonssmoe fod om cam 
alattotsm 10 todel to2 soA meid e'olnsdosd edt tobay molt ; 

ch bevisw stow ,,ote ipod taut | y 

Qetneqies tot airaeh délw tosrsnoo # bad ‘ciead ena , — 
ot tod bodealoiws? Piitais{t .O00LS$ to savoma ant od At10w * 
oud tobnu gaibiiud a’tnabnsteb aL bse eaw dobdw —J— 
eban Yasginod agaydtou bas bnod asadioH odt ,Joettnoo altieh 
“9x9 Tiidnisld bas Yiteqord s'atedbLoo te aso — 
{is bas yas to saselet baa ‘tov Law a botovileb bas boaus | 

age imerg e'aredbLoo no weil a es Sogh+ 10 amtefo bas anette 
do titw (tase ot bodetotwwt bad ti {elrotam yYais to nuoooa ao 
. Vquo) agagtioM sat of botevilob et seaolfet bas’ roview 
atodbio) tads yroods edt no ‘Seeper in eds bebtaws $1509 * 

" * et dotdw 00s texet ot oub smoosd of bao eub ones 6: 


___——##e_have-not—been—favered—with either briaf- 
or thre “part —— praintirfr * | 

We think it clear that no claim for a Liven 

eneral contractor, Varn\Flaten 

v. Winterbotham, 203 12 


fen and it did not try thi 


Plaintiff had * 8 
case upon that theory. We. tind jaintiff's rights must be 

oa within its omplaint and\tiat therefore the 

udgment was erronéous, lacking a finding that plaintiff). 

viet ase right to a lien, | 
But, proceeding further, we will\ dispose of 

aintifis~cinim for- ‘hunber™furnt 

— ——— —— — — — —— ek LEE 

This stain ‘Taberutea by the testimony of defendant, Harris, 

the general + dapanioet adh I and Frank Heitman, who — —— 

— —— —* 

“Tf the baw ~eeuhe-tokerate. 


the Mortgage Company x- 

— — 

eging one cause of action and: — — 
still plaintitle fails, 

The judgment” ‘of aotped Court is reversed, 

and as —— no cause of — “ageliist-defendant / 

eable in a court of Beal the cause will not be re= 

— — — —— 



— aataadata ed} tot anibfoa | 
J ditiw borevet—seod—-ton—oved_38——___. F 


.triintetq: tevtraq-ent—oe- 

m@it & tot mialo on Sadt teofo 3 aAnids oe 
7 asin Josiinoo eid tebaw as ,tilénislg yd box Sutem ed) 
| taq alat, -boviaw eaw meil e'otaadosm a of dala ons ef 
natas both anoeteq {fs moquy yalibaid soatinoos ont t 
dj ,eitiesh dtiw soarttanoo-due yas bas elsitetsm to 10 
{I Gos wadtodzedaty -V gessiiAipy .toseatinos {mteneg 
/ .8en 

hit yxt ton bib 3i bas nstt/on bad ttignielt | 

eym eddait etttitaleig/lntat oW .vtoeds Jedd noqu oes 

you edt stoetetesdy Suit Aaa tats (qaod. edt MEAS bw bowsese: 
arsntacg stadt ayia & gnidorl ,euodaorte asw —— 

Pi -Meit @ od Sdgit att Desiet Listas 


3 owogase Ain ew ,teidivt gribessotq , tug X 
branvaorpt onus {sits odd noquy Ptitatelq yd aba belo 9 

gS iP ok ot saw doidw ,OOS% esizg sosttnoo sdt mort duo YLo 

Mersat-bone trtyr ‘Tedewt tot misiouetivateg brews 

— — 

+8irreal ,tambneteb to vnomistass ost vd botutet et mialo elLat 

—ñ—— ed — 

Sesneaaxget ow ,memstio# ALAeTT bas ,t0ssatdnoo fatenesy ont 

E ——— ee 

— etstefot — wat ent “tF- Fanis-oe| x —— — — 23630 oM ods 

— —— — —— 
foaaoaa ——— Seuss SHO ⸗ 

ela tidnisly SEs 

——— ai tuuod faqio tosnt-ont to Paamgbut ont 

tnabie teb—-tetilays notion to savao on ead ‘TMitnis£a ee b 

“St od ton [fiw seuso edt ,wel to tiyoo a at ofdseotetns 


46 - 21743 

Defendant in Krrer, 
\ ve. 
' Plaintiff\in Rrror 

198 1.A.376 


Defendant brings this weit of error) to haya us 


revie a) judgment convicting aim, Ot being ap inmate of a 


hous. of prostitution, ete.) _eontrary to See, S7, A. i ehap,. — 

—— — 

— — ⸗ oi 
— — ce be a 

oo R. Ss A jury: bade waived, the tried tudes 7 hear- 
ing the evidence feund defendant guilty of the criminal offense 
of veiling an inmate of a house of 111 fame kept for the purpose 
of fornication and fixed his punisiment at 30 days imprisonmet 
in the House of Correction, the payment of m fine of g100 and 
costs of the prosection, 4* at $6.50, in default of payment 
of which defendant was to be detained in the louse of Correc- 
tion until the fine and costs are worked cut at the réte of 
$1.50 per day, or until discharged by due process of law as 


The ere 

q by otatute provided, os 
> Only the statutory record 48-befote. us, 

rors complained of arc said to be ——— within this ree— 
ordJy $¢-will_therefere-be-assumed-that the evidence was. auf - 

iris i4 

a which defendant YS? charged with offending went into force 

July 1, 1915, befendant contend tnat the information euarges 
— ⸗⸗ — — ————— — — 

conviction and judemenat if the informa- 
tion-warranted-the convictitn and the judpment ie a idawful 
en he prosecution %@ by information, The statute 


— E,—e— — — fiat defendant ~ 

Savis 54 

( TATE BHT WO Z40Ru ann 

stOCTA aL Saab tod —9 

MOL aaave 
Sort at/Yttsaield a 


aye . A. 1801 


eu owed od | —J to 3 Btw aids panied dnabas tec J 


to os ani aA | aithod vs teh yalsoivavo * sivet 



Gato ef * Ve 2 dae ot — —— 1980 Holts aera, Yo ¢ aid 

-tasd * —8 Tatts eit ,beviaw Ce atk a ee 
eenetto Lanimito oad To vs taa susbnstobh bawvot sonebive oid yak 
esaogivg edt rot tqex omet {[f{t to eauon a to otmmak esis atied Yo i 
Snoemnovizqui ayeb OF ta tremie tiue ald boxl? ban mott¢aotato? to 
bas OOL¢ To sail # lo Jnemyseq od ,moitvert09 to @eue ast at 
tooayaq to slustob at ,0d,358 ga ——— — and —X 
-99%109 Io gawoll odd at boniateb od of sow anabeis toh okie Yo 
to otax oft tm suo bextow ota ateon bus salt ont Litow molt 

as wal to esesc1g ob yd ee fisayv to ,yab taq one 
ror) das ads fe | bebivery otutade: ‘eg 

-te od? a sco yieruindad ot vino | 
-991 elds alidtiw ———— od of bilan nes to bontatgaoo * 
-Wwe eae sprebive-ond-dandt — ————— Lore 
~aorro tates ti vuemybyt- daa” wobsotyres- ‘ 

etusata ef? ,noktamrotat yd —— aa? 

ha ret 4 

"A aod ofal daew yaibootto Atiw  poytade SY saabaytob lie 

; — old sarrotat eds dads Mebane scros timbas tec ~G£0L — voy 

‘oui2 stk — — —R weld 
CoE AD TOW nitd—o7rn-ongulT..... —E — — 

— — 

thabus Lob — ——————— 

— RD He 

*on the 7th day of August, A, D. 1915, at the City of Chi- 
cago aforesaid, at, to-wit: 1259 ¥, Madison street, was then 
and there an inmate of a house of ill fame or assignation or 
prostitution or lewdness, contrary to the statute,” The con- 
tention Yo"'that the charges being in the disjunctive are ine 
sufficient to charge ang offense of which defendant can be 
convicted, and that the venue in the caption of the informa. 
tion is no part of the information, Defendant voluntarily 
went to trial upon the information without objecting to its 
sufficiency or moving to quash, ( The objection made on review 


for the first time is without 

force, The trial court committdd 
ho error in ruling upon the sufficiency of the information, bee 
esuse defendant did not challenge in any way its sufficiency 

or call for the ruling of the court thereon, Besides we are 
inclined to the opinion that the offensea charged in the dis- 
junctive are in legal effect and intendment but one, Hither 
one, less than all, may be disregarded, and an offense of a 
similar character against the statute remains, A house of 
assignation where prostitution is indulged in is a house of 

ill fame and prostitution is lewdness. We regard Blemer v. 

The People, 76 il], 265, as authority supporting this/dicta 

B | 

and as in no way contrary to it, The venue is a part of the 
information and the charge that the offense was committed at 
the *city of Chicago aforesaid", etc,, by construction refers 
to the venue as laid in the caption of the information, Again, 
defendant claims that it is not charged that his act of be- 
ing in the house of ill fame was unlawful, liowever, the 
charge was in the language of the statute and the statute 

made the act charged unlawful, ‘That was all sufficient, De- 
fendant says he was not an “inmate” within the meaning of 

the statute, in the condition of this record the evidence 

may have established, for aught we may know to the contrary, 


2Ru to ysi9 odd dm ,€L0L ,¢ A .tengud Yo yah AIT ond no" ny 

neid esw ,foersa mosiball ,W @OSL :tlw-od ,ta ,blanetola ogao ‘a 
i's geld One 

to noivanyiass ro omst {fi to eswod w to etsmni aa event bam Y ; 
“noo eit “,atudase oad od Wists A089 .eeoabwat xo wolsutiseong: — 

-ai ote svisounutelb ot * uttiod seyriedo ont tudd ek nokiaed 
ed ago tnebaeted doldw to eanstto gaa eagtaio of — ae 



eamrotai ods to moitqeo of at ouuov edt dads baa  bedatvriog he } 

YLiteimsloy ¢asbasted .netsautotat et ‘to susq on ef none . 

ati of gaitostdo syouistin aoisamtotal od moqu {eit? o3 —*— 
wolivet oO obam noses tdo oat ieaup of agnivom 10 yous iota 
bbstinomoo Jtwoo Lalist oT sort fuocddiw et emit tort? odd — 
-od ,molsamrotni of? Yo youstoltive ed? sequ yaifut nt 10179 od 

youslolLliwa ati vew yas al eynot taro. ton bib sannne tah wee 7 

ets ew @¢eblacd ,noeteds txyoo ent to nativa on? ot ffs0 10 a 

-alb ext nt benzado seens ite eit sad? nokmtgo ety ot bentfont a 

Todsii .9a0 Jud Joombaedal bas soeTto Layo ai oun Weise’ i 

s to senetioc as ban .bebisgeteib sd vam ,ifs aads “ J 

to ogyod A ,uniawes otueats edt seaniage tetoatado talluie J 

to gauvod a ai at bogtvbni at aoidusiseorq eatery nolsengiens : 


-V¥ tome ld bisget oW -seonbwot ek nolsusisesoiq bas omst cob J (4 
(atonb\a tas aaisxroqqua ysirousus aa ,cOS .11i a lanes ot Ri 

ods to dasq s ei sunov oT Ji oF \YtHtsnOe Yew on ni aa bis 

3a bestiomon aay seaotte edt tad? epteds oft boa moldemrotal J 

etelst solfourtunoo vd ,.oc0 ,"bineotots oysoldd to vtto™ out 
bapa Molsawsotai eit to aotsqno edt ak — a8 eunev ond ot nt 
-3d to tow eid gad bogtado son ak tk todd ‘amtato saabreteh — Mi 
edd ,tevewod  ,futwalay saw emat [Lt Yo eesond oft at gat 
etusate od bas osusste odd To eganygnal ond ab asw oy 6 I 
“eC .dneioittwe ils eawidecdt .fvtwalau beyterto ben eds t a 

To aninaom odd midsviw “esamni" as soa ‘enwod ayse $e a 

| ,saiebive sit broos⁊ aids to aota abaoo ods al inte "1 
ie — etersa09 edd of wonal Ysa ow Sigua 10% .bosiet 

that he was permanently resident in the house of ill fame in 
which he was arrested, and all intendments must be indulged 
necessary to suetain the churge in the information, 
Defendant challenges the constituaionality of 
the statute for the violation of which he was convicted, 
Whether this challenge be well taken or not is none of our 
concern, “his Court is not vested with jurisdiction to de- 
termine constitutional questions, if the constitutionality 
of the statute was involved, the review should be prosecuted 
in the Supreme Court, In this Court the presuaption obtains 
that the statute does not offend any constitutional previe 

sion, Barnes v. Drainage Comm'rs, 221 111, 627, Seeking a 

review by this Court waived any constitutional question 
which might otherwise be raised, 

Defendant contends that there is no statute 
authorizing imprisonment for the nonepayment of "fines" or 
"costs," In this he is in error, Sec, 452, chap, 35, Hurd's 
RR. . provides: “nen a fine is inflicted the court may 
order, a8 a part of the judgment, that the offender be come 
mitted to jail, there to remain until the fine and costs are 
fully paid or he is discharged according to law." Gece. 448 
provides that where jail sentences may be imposed upon de- 
fendants, the court may send the culprit to the house of cor- 
rection or other place provided by the county or city aue 
thorities. The remaining part of the sentence - that the 
fine and costs be “worked out” at the rate of j1,50 per day - 
is in the interest of the convicted persen as it minimizes 
his term of imprisonment, 

The objection to the jurisdiction of the trial 

_ Judge to preside at the trial of defendant is not well taken. 

There is no reversible error in the record before 

: us and the judgment of the lunicipal court is affirmed, 



ai vast (Li to saved eff ai Snebieor yLinensaresq sew od 9 

beytubui od sueum estuembootal {is bas ,beteotra eaw of do Liter ‘ 


moligsamrotai ei? al eyienso eft niatiewe oF ytasseosn 


to yslisnoldusisenoo sit sogaetiano saabneted 

-bedotvnos esw ed doldw to noltefolv odd 10% otudaste out 

tuo to enon ak gon to moist [Lew od ognetiano elds oddone ; 
-o) of noisolbeizut diiw besteev son ak éxyod ald? -t99M099 
Utbianotsusidenos atio tl ,enoiteesp . {enoltus isemoo omiores " 
betvoveotg od bhwode welvat odd ,bovioval aaw osusate edd to B 
eniaideo ve kieeuease ast S100 a tria al .31y0oD emexque edt ni E 

eivorg fenoijulisenocoe yas baetto ton asob stutaste ont? santa 

s gninesté ,TSd .fil [SS ,et'mmod eqaniozt -V¥ sonted — | 
nolteoup Lanoijusisenoo yon beview Muod atds yd wolvet 
-besiat od eeliwitedso sigin dolaw 


esiusese on ef etodt sadd shnotnoo stasbue tet 

10 "senit" to suemyaqenon od t0t daemoalxqint guisitodius — 
e'bxs ,8é .qaedo , o .1t0orte ai ak od elas al “,eteoo" — 
van dxuee odd bostoiftnt el ealt se aedW"” seebiveorg ,.u Ah 
-moo od tebnetto sad sadd ,Juoagbuet ed? Yo t2ag Baa — — 
eta eseco bas eatt edd Litany alemez of sted? ,iint of bestia — 
Sbdb .oot “wal od gnibirovss —— et of to biaq xf uw? } 
-ob coq beeogat od Yom eooneines List siedw tact eebivorq — 

‘bila inet to exes 
fsits ed to noisolbalau, ods oF natteelde oat | 
-Moxes [Low Jon ei dnabuateb To —R edt ta oblaetg ot 
 @toted biose: odd al tots oldieteves on al oredT 
ae sbomritia el dived LeqioLawil eds ‘Yo Soomybyl 


47 © 21746 



Plaintif&® in error. 

198 1.A.379 


This is an automobile collision case in which 
the gas car of defendant struck the electric car of plain- 
tiff while the latter was imprudently turning nis car 
around from the north to the south in about the middle of 
the block between Harrison and Congress streets, The case 
was tried before the court, who found in favor of plaintiff, 
assessing his damagea at $238.30 and for that amount gave 
judgment, Defendant seeks our review and argues for reversal 
errors committed by the trial Judge in his rulings upon the 

The rulings of the court are contradictory and 
in many essential particulars erroneous. One of the material 
questions before the court for solution was the amount of 
damage to plaintiff's car resulting from its collision with 
the car of defendant, Defendant cont¢zied that just prior | _ 
to the instant collision plaintiff's car had been in collie 
sion with a horse drawn truck, but the court won not permit 
counsel for defendant to ask questions on crose-examination 
concerning such former collision, weitKer would the court | ~ 
allow any questions to be put to the witness of piaintiff 
testifying as to the amount of damage done to the car in the 
prior collision with the horse drawn truck, ‘this witness did 

not see plaintiff's car until after both collisions, and his- 
4 d 




+ torr ak ttntets 

ese AT eer f 


ioinw af ease —RXE elidometus ae ak elu? tk 
-nislg to 189 olLitoole edd Moutsa tnabneteb Io tao easy ot 
t80 eid gniatwe VAsaobstgms ecw tetteal eat oLiew BRA 

to elbbdm oft Swedes at Atuoe odd of idtom oft mort aun 
seno od? ,atoetie easxginod bos nositteH neevsed toold oat 
,Wisaisiq to tovet ai bavet odw ,tiw0o oft stoted boitd @ — 
evsg énwoma tads tot baa OF,8824 3a sogamab eld — 
Leerteyes Tol seugis bas welvet tuo ei698 Sueabreted — sao ; : 
edt noqu egaltux aid mk — faiztt odd yd bodtianod —J— 

bus yrotolbstinoo eta dxwoo oft to egniivt edt * — 
isitetsem edd To on0 .tuestotte Bra twolsisg faldueens xauu * 
to Javoms sid exw noitulos rot siweo ed. o10%ed wnoises: a 

ditiw moleif{lov esi movt gulsiuee rt ts9 a'ttisnisiq os openab 

N. | toltg seul fads bebsptnoo tanbasted ,sanbaeteb to two ‘ox J * 
eiffoo mi need bas 185 a'tti¢aieata nolaifflos tuuitenbi edt 08! 
Sinteg gon blyuow trtwoe ods sud «touts cweth vetoed 6 Adiw mole . 
noivenlusexe-eeoto no enolitessp Mea of snabie tod tot Soanwee. j 

™ | gxu0oo ods bivow —8X sMoleifios tomxot dove aleneonos 
Tilininls to esendtiw ous of tuq od of enoiseoup — 
eas ni aa9 ald of onob eyemeh To Savoma ete of Gn yaly 
— bib eeentin sidy ,xowtd nweth sarod ons di be — * 

ct is ial 
om ald bus ,anolelifoo — Testa iitoy aso a! hoard. J J— 
Po Oe 9 

a J 

estimate of the damage to plaintiff's car did not take into 
consideration the former collision, Furthermore, counsel for 
plaintiff nad the effrontery to ask the court to discipline 
counsel for defendant for his temerity in asking questions 
concerning the former collision, Again, plaintiff was al- 
lewed to prove by his son that Officer Golden had stated to 
him that his fatner was witnout fault in the collision; yet 

the Court refused to allow counsel for defendant to ask this | 

officer whether plaintiff had not admitted to him that his | 
car hed a few minutes prior to the collision with defendant's | 
car been in collision with a horse drawn truck, and that es a 
result of such sollision his car had been damaged, In all 
these matters the trial Judge erred, 
The son's testimony was clearly hearsay, efter 

v. Chicago City Hy. Co., 159 111, App. 81. Proposition No. 3S, 
held as law by the trial Judge, was erroneous, it held that 
the question of plaintiff'a being in the exercise of due care 
and caution, ete,, was one of law, while on the contrary such 
question is one of fact, 

| We do not intend to pass upon the weight of the 
evidence because that is not before us on this review, but 
for the errors indicated the judpment of the Municipal Court 
is reversed and the cause is remanded for a new trial, when 

the evidence excluded, if again proffered, must be admitted, 

mot [9envoo ,etomredstrud ,moteiilos xemrot odd —5 
esifqtoeib of gxyon add Aas oF Ytednor tts said bad ias 
eneitesup goixzes ai ysirtemed aid rot tsb teb 10? foe 
«fe Baw YiLsnialg «HiayA .moleiflos xomiot aad aera 
ot betase bad nebfod teolttO tadd mow eid ys even ee: 
| toy ;aoteiffos eat ai sfuet tvousiw saw todsa? Shit tald 
| elit aaa of Jasbnetob ret Loenuoo wolia of boau'toz s1w09 | 
| gk Sand miki of dossimbs fon bad Bisalaly todsedw t9OLT 
| a"dnabnered at kw motelfioo edd of toltq sesunim wot — * 
as dandy bas ,towts nweth eatod a Atiw Moletifoo at aged 9 
{is ai ,bogameb need bad tao oid noie ites iowa to stwaee 
; -berte ogbut Inlad ods vsetiam sent 
tojicd ,yectsed yitselo waw. yrouisjees a'noe oat | ce 
1E ,0% moldteoqont .£8 .qgA LI @bL 4.02 oh YthO anol ) 
tact biod tt BNOONOT TO asw ,ogbwt Lalas od yd wat os bie 
9its0 exh to selotoxe ent ai antod ‘et %tienialg ‘to ‘woktaoup ot 
Mowe yerernee eds no atisw wwat ‘to eno Bow 1.288 — R 8* 

.onn 2o ono & 

eat to dsigiow ous moan aang oF baosins 17m ob 8 ahs 

nedw ,fetit won a 02 bebnames ok oauao ose bas Seu 
bottinba ed saum bore ttorg: atass tt bebutoxe sonenive: 
aaanaunn CHA eENECVE A | 

» Bl- 21926 

ex rel, KARY BELASCO, 


— —— — — 

198 1.A. 389 


this i+-e-preseoution for bastardy. / defendant 
waived a trial by jury and the case was heard by the trial 
Judge, who found the defendant to be the putative father of 
a@ bastard child born to the relatrix, #-oney—jidpwent—in 
the ususl form was-entéred and defendant proséecutes this ape 
pent, the errors assigned and argued eC that the finding 
and judgment are contrary to the weight of the evidence, that 
there #e no proof that relatrix was unmarried at tue time of 

conception, and that relatrix and defendant were non-residents 

of this state, — ON: Oe 

— — 

—* Gone titpid 

——— was an unmarried woman,, reeord. 

fused to hdd as Ane law. in the ¢Griffm was adai 

tion, eke is no evidence in this cAse " relatrix 
was not umarrled woman at the time sMe concehved the child, 

defendant stands cynvicted of being the father, in the absence 

> a!) Bey 




888 ser 


I mn em 

dasbne ted — — ————— 
fsixd oid yd bimed eow sano oft bas yut we taind a 
to todgat evidaruq edd od of duabreteb esd bawo® enw 

aniopalt ois sacs 9d —— bas benpiann e1oTte oat 

ae i) Rai 
194890 s 

\ — M snot badasttede-mqntspads od IE 
ale —— attemow beltiramin ta FER unl * 
— J— 

ataeblasi-aon stow suabdeteh baw xitdsier tans bas nots eon 

feqoontos to 


a 7 or tees 7 

ay ; 
, on 

of proof or challenge to the contrary it will be assumed that 

relatrix was unmarried at the time of conception, Furthermore 

eeratinix testified that defendant was the only man she ever 

o attemot was made to prove otherwise, 

The trial Judge proceeded with care and tircunm- 

carnally knew 

spection in dealing with the facts, Not being satisfied wit 
the testimony of relatrix in affirmance and of defendant in 
denial of the charge, the learned trial Judge continued the 
hearing for further proof. at the final hearing each side 
produced two additional witnesses, ‘Those for relatrix cor- 
roborated her on material matters and contradicted defendant 
regarding matters which he by his testimony had denied, De- 
fendant's witnesses testified to negative facts which were 
without probative force and tended in no degree to establish 
any material controverted fast, | The clear preponderance of 
the evidence is with relatrix, Defendant rests his case in a 
categorical denial of relatrix's testimony, but the evidential 
facts so clearly discredit his testimony that the trial Judge 
was justified in giving little heed to it. 

While the parties were non-residents of this State, 
they were both within the jurisdiction of the court, as also 
was the child, who was born in Chicago, Defendant was arrested 
in Chicago on relatrix's complaint and appeared and pleaded 
without making any objection to the court's jurisdiction, It 
is now too late to urge this objection if it were otherwise 
well taken, Counsel for defendant admit in their brief that 
under the law of this State a non-resident may maintain a 
bastardy action; so counsel's contention that because the 
parties Lavenved are non-residents the action cannot be main- 
tained in this jurisdiction, falls of its own weight, 

There is no error in this record and the judgment 

of the Municipal Court is affirmed. AFFIRMED. 


stadt bemveas od {Liw ti yrsxtmoo edd oS egnelfsdo 10 tootg to q 

stomtediiu®  .moitgqeonoo to amit ot Je bolirtemay ssw epee 
tovs oda aem Yino soit eaw tusbasteb sadt aera xitislom) 

r [_-seiwxostt evorg oc sham esw tgastis of\ 

-muotis baa 57a0 dtiw bebssoorg sybwt Isirtt oT 

: Rai 
edt beunitnoo eyhut Isirs bentseelf edt ,spieado silt to {sineb — 
ebie doses anitsed Isenit sdt sa |.r0014 todtryt zot anitsed — 
-too xittsfet rol seo ,esaesntiw [smolsibbs ows beouborg — 

tusbasteb besoibsttnoo bas etetisem Leftetsm no 19 betstodon 

deaifdstes ot setgeb on ai bobmes bas sotot evitedotg tuoddiw 

to sonetebmogerg tselo ect [tow bestevortace [siteden yas 

8 oi seso eid esast tnsbustsd .xittisis1r diiw ek eonebive odd — 

= ata edt gud ,yaomiteot a'xitislor to Isiveb Iacitogetso. 
— {sits odd tect yoomiteod eld tibertoeib vitae Lo 08 etoat 
.ti of booed oftsit gaivia at beitisvas, asw a 

,stste eidd to atnebiser-non stew neti sag: eit aLidW 
oels es ,titu0o st to aotsotbalust ond nadsidiw diod etew vod 
boteovts asw tnsbnsted .ogsoidd al mtod esw omw ,bftdo ont aie, 
bebsefg bas beissgqs bas suis fqmoo e'xizttefst mo ogsotdd ni 

‘dL ,moisgoibeiau, atiiryoo odd oF noitostdo yas goidem tuosdiw . 
selwienito stew ti Tk moitosido eids ayts o¢ etal oot wor at 

. tadt Isitd tieds ai simbs tuabasteb tot Loeensod nected “Slaw 
& nisinism yea dnebiser-non 6 esate aids to wal oad — 

Dy WML A Lg ‘a 
edt seusosd Jadd noisinstaoo — Goemwo9: 08 

+ eniem od tonaso noitos ont etusbieer-nor sf ‘beviovat — 

.tdgiew mwo efi to eflat «nokta i a elds nt ben at 
bs) 1 bee 

, doomgbut edt bas broos elias oa —* — * 45 We 
hy ; * Mee 
U CTRT ROT GF er A al . ‘kid — — —5— 

281 » 21264 / 

trading as MeCARTHY & LARDIE, 


COMPANY, a corporation, A 

wan 198 L.A. 495 



This is en appeal from a judgment rendered by the 
County Court of Cook County against the plaintiffs for costs, 
following a verdict of a jury in favor of defendant, in an 
action in assumpsit for damage to three cars of potatoes, 
The declaration contained two special counts as to each car 
and the common counts. One special count alleged the failure 
of defendant to safely and securely carry the potatoes, and 
the other alleged the failure of defendant to carry and de- 
liver the same within a reasonable time. The defendant filed 
a plea of the general issue. Some of the potatoes in each 
ear were frozen while at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, or while en 
route to Chicago, Illinois, 

The potatoes were loaded into the cars at Spencer, 
Michigan, Before loading, false bottoms and partitions were 
Placed in the cars at proper distances from the sides and 
ends thereof and were “doubled papered" in order to keep the 
potatoes from contact with the cold outer air, and a stove 
was placed in each of the cars, Three bills of lading, one 
for each car, were issued by the Pere Marquette Railroad 
Company on January 30, 1912, which showed that the potatoes 

had been received in apparent good order and were consigned 

%, Sa8l& ~ [8S 
eHIGHAL & VHIMAOOM es gnibs1t 

a SET GHWHT AOU & onanian 
4 Moitsrogioo a hat 

G 0 h ives | B'C [ aia the 




eft yd betebnet tnomabut s mort Lseqqs ams ef aldT 
,ateoo tot ettitnislg odd tentegs yiauod Acod to sis0d ysnuod- 
ng ak ,tasbnotob to tovet at yw, s lo totbirev s gntwollot 
,eo0tstog Yo etso sexrdt of onsmsh rot siaqmuaes nt nottos 
tso doses ot as atnyvoo Lstosge owt benistnoo noitstsfloeb odT 
eswilist edt bexsils tavoo LIstoeqe end .etnsoo nommoo oft bas 
bos ,ssotstog edt yrtso yLlorvoce bas yLetsa ot tnsbnetob to 
-sb bas yitso ot t¢asbhbneteb to erulfst edt benetis adhe. —* 
befit tnebnetesbh sAT .omist el{dsnoeset s aidiiw ense odt tovit 
ross mt esotstog oft to emo2 .euaet Lertenes eft to abla” 
me elidw to ,.nienooaelW ,oowotinsl ts efidw mesort otew 189 
setonkl{I ,cassind of stuot 

~teonsadé ts etso ant otnt bebaod stew eeotstog ont 
tow anoititis¢ bas amotitod selst ,anibsol eto ted snsgifoim — 
bas aobie od mort eoonstetb reqoxg ds atao oft mi beosiq 
eit qeeX of tsbt0o ak "botsqsgq bofduob" stsw bre tosterit abe 
evote 6 bns .tta totuo bloo edt diiw stosinoo mort seosatoq 
eno ,ynthel to allid serdT .atsao ent to dose iit boowlg ssw 
beotlish etieupisM esteT eft yd bouast etew ~tRO dose Tot 
esotstog oft tant bewoila doinw ysleL ,O& ytsuNsl no waegmod 


bengianoo etew bas teb10 boo, e— ai bevisoet weed 


to plaintiffs at Chicago, Illinois, over route "Ludington 

& Ce & N. We" The cars were conveyed to Traverse City, 
Michigan, and from thence to Ludington, Michigan, Plaintiffs! 
agent and caretaker, C, B. Martin, testified he rode on the 
cars from Traverse City to Chica:o, and at all times kept a 
hot fire in the stove in each car, From Ludington the cars 
were taken across the lake by car ferry and arrived at 
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, about one o'clock on the afternoon of 
Friday, February 2, 1912, It was very cold in Manitowoc on 
February 2nd and 3rd, On the 2nd the temperature ranged from 
15 degrees above to 7 degrees below zero, and on the 3rd from 
5 degrees above to 16 degrees below zero. About two hours 
before the cars arrived by ferry at Manitowoc, plaintiffs, 
Imowite of the weather conditions at Manitowoc, sent a telegram 
from Chicago to defendant's freight agent at Wanitowoc, re- 
questing defendant to accept the three cars (giving their 
numbers) and saying; "We will stand the loss if any by freez- 
ing; send cars forward today to Grand Avenue, Chicago," This 
telegram was received by said agent at 1:15 P, M, on February 
end, about the time the cars arrived by ferry. Defendant re- 
ceived the cars at 2:30 P. M. on that day. They were placed 
for a short time on a side track and then hauled by defendant 
to its "Calumet" yard, about two miles distant, where freight 
trains bound for Chicago passed or were made uD. The cars re- 
mained in said yard until about 4 P. M. on Saturday, February 
| ord, when they left for Chicago in defendant's regular freight 
train, No. 180, arriving in Chicago on Monday, February 5th. 
Usually, such a freight train,cerrying perishable goods bound 
for Chicago, left Manitowoc at said hour each day, but, owing 
to snow and weather conditions, the train echeiuled to leave 
at 4 P.M. on February 2nd did not leave Manitowoc until 2 

o'clock on the morning of February 3rd, arriving in Milwaukee, 

motanibul” etuor tovo ,afoniif{I ,ogsoidd ts etititnislg of 

<VtLO satovetT of beyevnoo otew ates oat "Ww oh 2 OD Dd 
fattiinisli .aegidoiM ,motgntbud ot sonsdt moti bas ,napidoim 
edt mo shor of boltitest ,aistisl .f .9 ,.asasteiso bas inegs 

s tgeit eemid [fa ts bnew ,onsoidd of Yl eerevertT mort ated 
etso oft mOtantbud mort .1s0 doses at evote ont ni as1tt tos 

ts bevizts bas yxxet tso Yd owal sod eaotos nolat etow 

to moomtetts edd mo AooLo'o eno duods ,mtanooetW ,cowosinsi 

m0 cowosinsM mi bloo ytev esw SI .SLeL a Yrssidet ‘Vebkri 
mort boxnsr stutetscomes eft baS sft oO .bté bas bas vrsuidet 
mott bie edd no buns ,otes woled asetgeb VY ot svods esetgeb af 
emod owt tuodA .ot9es woled aserneb Sf ot evods esotgeb € 
pattidniela ,oowotlnsM te YITet Yd bevitie ateo odt o10 ted 
mstzefet s tnea ,oowotinsM ts anoltibnoo tedtsew eft to 3 atiwo mi 
-ot ,oowotlnsll ts tnegs tiztott altnsbasteb ot ogsoidd. mort 
ttont gnivis) etso serdt oft tqeoos of tnabme teb anit eeup 

| super? yd yne UE gaol odd basde Liiw oW" :antyee bas (ezeduum 
efaT “,ogsoidd ,sunevA bastd ot yabos biswtrot aren brea eget 
yvinsideT nm ,M .¢ @£:;L ta sSnoge bise yd bevieoset esw mstgeles | 
-94 ¢nsbroted .yitet yd beviiis ates sot emit ond fuods ,baS 
beoalg srew yor? .yob tad mo . .4 08:8 te exes ont bovieo — 
tnebmoteh yd belued nent bas Aostt obie s mo emit Festi 8 ToT 
toigtett stodw .dnstaib aelim owt tuods ,bisy "JemulsD" ett ot 
“8% @1s9 ONT os sbsm stew %0 beadac oꝛgos ao tot bauod entont 
YiIsv1deF — mo .M TA 00 ds fives bisy bisa mt — 
tdgtett rzsflus9% a'tnsbnoteb rit baavidy tot ¢teLl yous now . bre 
Ate yisuyide@ ,.ysbnoM no ogsoidd ot antivirus ,O8f .o kets 
bovod abooy ef{dsdeiieq gniyrieo, aisit togiext 8 tove Vilsuel | } 
antwo ,éud .vysb dose tw0od bise ts sowotinai titel ——— ms) a 

evsel of holyhbendoa aisit edt ,anoitibmoo ‘todd sew brs won, of 

& Litow oowotinsM ovsel gon bib baS yreurdel no .M bts 

Ree kt eR OE ee ee PN ee ee Sa eee ey WORE em Vv EG i eT 11 


Wisconsin, late in the afterncon of that day. ‘The train 
which left Manitowoc at 4 P. M. vaturday was the first 
regular freight train to leave after the departure of the 
freight train at 2 A, @. on Februsry drd. After plaintiffs 
had sent the above mentioned telegram, and about noon on 
February 2nd, one of the plaintiffs, ©. i. McCurthy, called 
on B. A. Little, assistant fraight claim agent of defendant, 
in Chicage, and inquired if dsfendent would accept the cars 
en their arrival at Manitowoc, an¢ Little infermed hcCarthy 
thet defendant would not then accept perishable freight at 
junction points, such as Manitowoc, on sccount ef the then 
existing weather conditione, and that on that morning defende- 
ant hed wired instructioss to its agents et certain junction 
points, including Manitowoc, not to receive perishable goods 
from shippers or — — Lines on account of the weather 
_eonditions,) Subsequently, on the same day, plaintiffs again 
wired defendant's freight agent at Manitewoc, as foliows: 
*Put cars wé wired on this morning in round house. Wait 
instructions from Mr. Little.” | this telegram was received 
by defendant's said agent at 4:17 P. kM. 1 4s now appear 
that any instructions were afterwerds received by said agent 
from Little or thet Little was to send any. Defendant maintained 
a round-house at Wanitowec. it contained only 4 stalls, each 
stall capable of housing one engine or one freight car, and 
defendant there had no other facilities for "“roundehousing” 
engines or cars containing perishable goods. On the night of 
February 2nd two of defendant's engines were put in said round- 
house and two freight cars, of the refrigerator type having 
no stoves therein, containing perishable gocds,. It appears” 
from the-testimony that it is not the custom to "round-house" 

any car containing perishable goods where the car has false 

onistnian tasbastol .yis base of eaw efttid todd x0 efsei moxk 

e-bmuot hise ni tuq ot9ew went ane a'insbnae ted tO owt bas Yrseut 

hae off .yeb stadt to noontedte ont al otal ,untenooaly¥ a 
garit oft caw Yabmeel .M 6d > de oewodinsl steLl dolitw a 
eit to oistiaqes add srstts eveel od oiatd Soaiert —X Ri, 
ettivatalg 193 tA .biG yYtsutdeT no .M oA S ta nisi ddatett i 
MO Moor ‘eunile bas ,metygeflot benoiinem evods edt tn9y bai | 
belles ,vwdsdisDoM . oH ,attitnisiq odd te ono .bn8 vsaurdot 
,toabnoteh to tnoega mialo Joyiort Instetesa ,olssid A J— ‘mn 
atso edt tqoo0a pivow tnsabmeteb tL boutupat bac oneo aud toh x 
yAsisdoM Homrotnk ofttil tas ,oowedine® Jo Lavirtia lost no 7” 
ta tdgtextt eldadai rod dqe0068 nerds ton blsow inabnetob tent 
neds edt to tavocos no ,oowotinsh ea cous .atniog noisonut, 
-bnetob yainiom teat no tent bas ,snoktibnoes tendtdsew patielxe 
nottonuj, aisites ts ad nese ati of ano Lsountant heute bast tae br 
ebeor oLldssieiteg avidost oc som ,oowotingsM gnibulont otntog 

teoritsew oft to ο asenil anivoamnes 16 avoqcide moct 
oy bs 

’ . — ey. 
nisgs etticaisly .Yeb emsa cnt no .Viimeupeudua l,enod ibs oul 

:awollot as ,oowotinst ts dnoye delgioxt a's nbasteb bortw 
‘ttaW .eeuorl bavot ai gatorom eidt mo botiw dw anno duG* 
MEYARD eR Gee mstgetes aid? | *.eitsid ot mort — — 
issqds jon woo wl OM OG VEsd ta ‘a bisa e'inabasted — 


tnoas bise yd bevisoet absaesh ite siew emoijouitent yas — 

tose ,eiissea b yino benisinos ti = .oowosinsY ts sawod-bauot a 
bas ,tso deiyiext ono 10 enigne sie aatauosd to aidaqso Lista 
"‘gaiievon=havot «sot aeitilioat rssdde on bast exosd tmabaotob 

to toyin any nO .abooy eldetatisg patntainos etso 10 conta 

nd tat MGI T 

— can eqvs wotstegizttex end to ,e%s9 idgtes? ows ons * 

“ Biseqqe ti .eboog oLdsaretieg Sahni Oe ann 
“eavoteboyot" oF mocvavo edt som ak $i tats Moeu⸗ ot 

galst asi te oft oteriw aboog —— paintataos we— 




bottoms and sides and a stove therein and an attendant to 
maintain the fires, as was the case with the cars in questim 
It further a the testimony of plaintiffs! caretaker, 
Martin, in charge of the heating of the cars, that when freight 
train No. 180, scheduled to leave Manitowoc on the afternoon of 
February 2nd, finally arrived from the north about 2 o'clock on 
_the morning ef February 3rd, he heard the conductor of the 
train say that he could not put the three cars in said train 
for the reason that “he had his tonnage," which meant that he 
then had in his train all the cars he could haul on his 
division; that the cars in question remained in the yard expos- 
ed to the cold wind; that notwithstanding he kept a hot fire 
in the cars all the time some of the ———— at the ends of 
the cars were — en February 3rd mail haters they left 
Manitowoc; and that they were in good condition and not frozen 
when they eer in Manitowoc. It further ———— the 
evidence that shortly after the arrival of the potatoes in 
Chicago, on February 5th, the same were sold, and that solely 
because of their frozen — plaintiffs sustained a loss 
of about $773, It déés not appear, however, that. plaintiffs 
suffered any damages by reason of any unreasonable delay, if 
such delay there was, in the delivery of the potatoes at 

It is first contdnded by counsel for plaintiffs 
that, on the issue whether or not defendant failed in the 
performance of its implied contract to safely carry the 
potatoes from the time it received them at Manitowoc until 
it delivered them to plaintiffs at Chicago, the verdict is 
against the weight of the evidence. Ye do not think that it 
is, It should be borne in mind that plaintiffs, knowing of 
the weather conditions, wired defendant's agent at Manitowoc, 

before the cars were received by defendant, to accept the 



ot tnusbnetta ms bas ntetedt evota s bas eebla bre amostod 

‘oiteeup mt atso eft dtiw eeso edt eaw es ,estt?t oft atstatem 

ytotsterso 'attitnislq to ynomitees oft mort eraoggs t3edtiut tT 

deigtett nedw teft ,etso edd Yo anttsed odt to sarsdo mt , ait Tall 
to moonrette edd mo ocowostinsl svsef ot befubedoe .O8fL .ou nia 

mo Aoofoto S$ suods ditronm oft mort bevitia yLisait ,bak yisuidef 

edt to totovbmoo edd brsed of ,bxé Yrsuidet to gatmtom edd - 

mnizit bisa of atao sexdt ont tug ton biuoo ed tanit vee atett 
ed tsdt tnaem doldw “,eysnnot eid ber of" tads noesot edt 10% 
eis no [usd blyoo on eres ont Lis mters etd at bed nost 

-eoqxs bisy edt mi bentamet noiseeup ai erso ett todt snotatvib 
siit tod s tgex off gnibass edd twion geds ~botw bioo oct ot be 

to abns odd ts Beosstog eit to emoe emit ong fies etso ont at 

ttef yedt etoted bas bit. yisuidet ne meso etsw etss oad 

m9so Tt ton bae nottibaon boog at etew yerlt tant bas ;oowot ins 
ant — —— tedgiuyt $I 0oovoo mi beviris yors nedw 
nk esotetog odt to LIsvirtis eft tstte yitiede tedt sonebive 

yfefos tant bas blo etew emsa ons Ata yissxde® mo ,ogsoidd 

eeol s bentateve etttintsiq molsibmoo mezort xzteds to eausoed 

etiitnislg ted ,1evewod ,tseqqs ton abbb tI STS Suods to 
ti ,ysleb efdanoessiny yas to noeset yd eegsmeh yns betotive 
ts esotstoq ent to ————— mk ,esw sitedt SCob dove 
: ; 20g69f09 

atiitnts£g tot Loemoo yt hebnbsnoo gertt at #1 
edd mi belist tnsbneteb ton to tentedmw eveal ond mo ,tadt 
edt yatso yLetse ot tositinoo betiqmt at to sonanrotiegq 
fico oowodtasM ¢s medt boviesot tt eomtd ont mort aeotsatog 
ek toibteov st ,ogsoidd ts attisnatslq ot modt beteviteb tt 
sf tadt Anidt tom ob sW ,eonshive eft to tdgtow oft tantsgys 

to gotworm ,ettivnislg tedt baim nt entod ed blyode s1 — 

PowotinslM ts FAogs a'itnsbastsbhb bertw .8nols Ebaoo sod sew edt 

eit tqooos ot ,sasbnetob yd bevieoot etew atso ont oroted: 
: eb a a 

ee ee ete 

aes <5 


cars and that they would stand any loss to the potatoes 

by freezing. The cars were not accepted by defendant until 
after the receipt of that telegram by defendant's agent at 
Manitowoc, and the subsequent acts of defendant in the handling 
of the cars at Manitowoc should, we think, be considered in the 
light of that telegram, the severe weather conditions then 
existing and the fact that the cars were heated by stoves 

in charge of plaintiffs' csretaker, Plaintiffs' second 

telegram to defendant's said agent was not received until 

about three hours after the receipt of the first telegram and 
until after defendant had received the cars in compliance 
therewith. Counsel for plaintiffs argue that the first tele- 
gram can not be construed as meaning any more than that plain- 
tiffs would relieve defendent from its liability as an insurer 
and that plaintiffs did not intend. to relieve defendant from 
liability resulting from its negligence, We are of the opinion, 
however, that the telegram and the action of defendant in accept 
ing the cars thereafter should be considered as in the nature of 
@ special agreement between the parties, Plaintiffs were anxious 
to get their potatoes as quickly as possible in Chicago, and, 
mowing of the weather conditions and that the cars might be held 
up at the ferry landing at Manitowoc on that account were willing 
to take chances of the potatoes freezing, especially so as the 
cars were heated and their caretaker was in charge of the cars, 
and, hence, they proposed to defendant that if it would accept 
the cars at once they would assume the risk of loss from freez~ 
ing, and, acting upon the proposition, def endant accepted the 
cars. And, under all the facts and circumstances in evidence, 

we think that the jury were fully warranted in returning the 
verdict they did, 

Counsel for plaintiffs further contend that the court 

erred in giving to the jury two instructions, Nos, 11 and 15, 

=O w 

ssoistog elt ot esaol yas baste blyow ysdi tisdi bas ates 
fitny tusbneteb yd betqeoos ton etew exso ef? .gnissett yd 

ts tnogs e'insbasteb yd metgelet sant to. tqtesst eft tet ts 

gniibaed ect ot ¢usbaeteb to avos tnsypeadve edd bas ,oowodtnslt 

edt mt borobtanco ed ,wnidt ew ,biuode cowottasM ts atao oft to 

nedt anoitibnoo tedtsew etevee oft ,metgefet tsi to cise 

aevosa yd betasd orow atso oft ¢adt toast st bas gatstalxe 
bmoosa lfatti¢ntsiG .1telaterso ‘ettiinislg to spiredo nk 

{tse bevisoet fon esw tneys bise e'tnshnetob ot matgelsd 

bas mstgofet tarrt edt to tqtsoet edt t9etIs emo serdd tuods - 

gonsaifqmoo mt atao eft bevieoot ban tnshmeteb rstis Ittay 
eefet garit odd tsdt euvgis attiiniaslg tot Loemod .Atiwotent 

entalg jedi medt stom yas aninsem as beyirsanos ed gon aso As 

tetuent ns as yYstl{idetl£ ati mort tasbusteh evetfet blyow atris 

mort tnsbastsb evetfor ot bootat gon bib atts ntelq tsdd bas 
~motnigo edt to sts eW ,eonegiizen ati mort gnitiuest ytilidarl 
qeo00s ai tnabnetebh to moitos ent bas matgeled oft tsit ,tevewor 
to emssn oft at as botsbienoo ed bilyoda tettseted? arso ont gnt 
syoixns gtow ettitnis{L ,eetiisq edt neswisd tnomsetgs L[atoeqe s 
bas ,ogsoidd at efdkeaog es yftoliup es asotstog tlodt tog ot 
fet ed tdigjim atso odd tsit bas anoltibnoo 1extsew edt to pnriwoml 
yxiifliw stow soooos tsnit mo cowotinsl! ts gnkbast yitet oft ts qu 
eft as oa yYifstooqee ,antssett asotstog edt to asonsdo oxat of 
.~atso edt to eyitsdo ni esw tetstetso stiedt bas betsem otew earso 
tqecos bſuow sk ti tsdt tnsbnoteb ot beeogotg yont ,somed ,bns 
-soett mort eeol to Xeiy ont omvees bluow yeds sono Js atso eit 
ent beteoosa Saubus Mb ~moltieaoqotg eft moqu gnitos ,bas ,unt 
sonebive nit eeonstemyorto bas atost sft Ifs tebou ,bmA .8%ts9 
eit anintutet at betastisw yifvyt etew yint eddy tedt Anids ow 
«bib yort toibtev 

too edd tedt bnetnoo tendtiuwt ettkinislq tot Leanuod 

cl buna If ,aou ~anolttouttant ows yiut ent of gatvig at bets 


we are however of the opinion that, even if it be considered 
that the instructions were not strictly accurate, plaintiffs 
were not so prejudiced by the giving of them, or either of 
them, as warrants a reversal of the judgment and the remanding 
of the cause, 
The judgment of the County Court is affirmed. 


beteblanoo ed $f Tk neve ,«stant aeiatge et To reveword ote oW 
etitinialg ,stsruoos yYitolrte ton etew esnottouttent ont tandt 
to tonftis ro ,medt to gnivig oft yd beolbuterq oa Jon stew 
antbnemet edt bas ¢nemabut edt to Isersvet 6 atnatisw as ,medd 
e9eauso sit to 
.bemiitts ef t1v00 ysnuol edt to tnempbut, eT 


36 = 21285 

. Defendant in Eryor, 

=e ee 

JOSEPH B. swowpeit 

Plaintiff i Brror. 8 I at. 4 0 9 



Plaintiff in error, Joseph &. Snowden, became surety 
on a recognizance taken in open court in the sum of $1,000 
which was forfeited because of the noneappearance of the 
principal, James Thomas, in said Criminal court. Thereafter, 
on Februsry 8, 1914, judgment was entered in favor of the 
People against Thomas and plaintiff in error in the sum of 
$1,000 and costs, To reverse the judgment plaintiff in 
error, on February 27, 1915, sued out this writ of error and 
moved that the same be made a supersedeas, which motion was 
on May 1, 1915, allowed by this court. 

It appears from the original transcript of the 
record that Thomas was indicted by the grand jury of Cook 
county for larceny, that Thomas with plaintiff in error, as 
surety, entered into said recognizance, that Thomas did not 
appear and the recognizance was declared forfeited and a writ 
of scire fcaias ordered to be issued for them to show cause 
why the forfeiture should not be made absolute, and that on 
February 8, 1915, the court entered an order reciting that 

“the writ of scire facias issued herein has been duly 

returned by the Sheriff of Cook county," etc., and declaring 
that said forfeiture be made absolute and entered said 

judgment. Nowhere in said original transcript of the record 


8SSlS = B& 

,QLOulsuE YO wTaTa at TO Kzd0RT 
torts ak tnaehustee . 


amy ~H HUZOU 
mi Ttitpiald 

% f 


Ob .AL SCH wre 


yseutuea omaced ,nebwond “it iqesol ,toxrre mi Tibinisld 
000,f2 to mya odd nk saveo nego mk —— Sonssingooet & 10 
edt to gonaiseqqo=enon oft Yo saveoed betleTtret aaw Moidw 
~T9Itaotesit .tuvoo Lanimi1) bise nt ,acmonT eomal ,[aqiontag¢ 
edt lo tovat nk beotetmo usw trompbyt, ,tLeL .8 erewrdet 10 
to mua end nk torte ak Ttivaialgq bas semodT seniage eLqoed 
ni tittniele tromgbyt edt sarevet of .ateos bas 000,L¢ 
bas torre to ¢itw aids tuo bows ,aLeL TS yrssrdet no J 
@ew moitom doidw ä sham ed emae ont bevorm 
-tisoo sind yd bowolla ,GL@f ,f Yam mo 

edt to tqitoansit Lanigiza sls mo xt eusegas #1 
X009 to vil bosty odd yd betoibnt asw asmodT tant drooo⁊ 
se ,to1te ai tticatalq déiw asmodt oo Une otal mat Yitnvos 4 
ton bLb esmondT suds ponent nooo bise oc ai 4 Wome — 

tiow s baa botiet10% betaLloeb Baw VonaEtayooet ett bas ts9qqs 

savas wotle of medi 10% bewealied ot bate bro aatsot gtioa to 
no Jodt bas ,atuLoads sham od ton biworle exutietz0? ond yw 
ted? yntitoet tebi0 as bheretae siwo0o ont SL 28 (ranido® 
Vinh mood asi ntorod bowent antes? gttog to ¢itw oft” 

aat aetoob bia ,.ote * «Xe avoo x009 ‘to tiftsedé ent yd bocraud oa 
bias bereino bas etuloada obam ed etutistxo? phoe tard : 
—— offs to tqtioenaxnt LIsntnizo bkea at eteitwok "pacar 


is there contained any writ of scire facias. 
Counsel for plaintiff in error, in their written 

_ suggestions filed with said motion for a supersedeas, contended 
thet, notwithstanding the recital contained in the court's order 
of February 8, 1913, the judgment should be reversed because no 
writ of scire facias appeared in the transcript, and in support 
ef their contention cited the case of Campbell v. People, 22 Ill. 
234, 235, wherein our Supreme court said; “The office of a 
scire facias is both that of narr,. and process, and the record 
should show, not by recital, but by its appearing in the record, 
that the writ was actually issued, giving a copy of it." 

On January 10, 1916, the People filed in this court 
_@ motion suggesting diminution of the record and asking leave to 
supply the omitted portion of the record instanter, and at the 

| game time presented a copy of said writ of scire facias, duly 

| certified by the clerk of the Criminal court. Counter sugges- 

| tions were filed and the decision on the motion was reserved to 
the hearing. eh TASER ABs HERS the motion was allowed and the 
copy of said writ was filed. On April 6, 1916, plaintiff in 
error filed a motion suggesting that said omitted portion of 
the record, so filed by the People, had been diminished by 
reason of the omission therefrom of the record of the proceed- 
ings of the Criminal court euthorizing the filing in that court 
of said writ of scire facias on January 7, 1916, nunc pro tune 
as of Februsry 3, 1913, and osking leave to supply said record, 

In view of the conclusion we havereached that said 

judgment of the Criminal court, entered February &, 1915, must 
be reversed and the cause remanded, it is unnecessary for us to 
pass upon said motion of plaintiff in error, 

We have carefully examined the copy of said writ of 

scire fucias presented by the People and filed March 28, 1916, 

it appears on its face to have been issued by the clerk of the 
Criminal court on January 24, 1913. It recites that Thomas and 

-asiost extoa to tiuw yne bomketnoo exedt ef 

mestinvw akondd oi ,tot1e mi Thitntealg sot Leanwod 

bebnesmoo ,sssboetsque 2 tot molsom bise diiw boLk% anoitsougue 


aebxo etersoo off nt dontatnoo Latioes edt ynkbastedtiwton .jadt 

on eausoed besvavex od bLluoda tnompost, odd ,EL@L ,6 yrawxrdet to 

éteqaqwe ok bas ,tqtroans:s od? mi bowseqqes saloat extoe to saw | 

££2 88 ,elyood .v LLodgmnd to easn off bedto mottaetane thedd to 
& te soitto ofT” ;bisa Sus0oo emetqué ino ateterw ,36S bes 

buecex eft baa ,caeoorg bas .cian to tedt dted al eaioat ertioa 

,Stooss ons ni gaitacqqs ati yi dud ,{siiovs yd son ,wode bLuosta 
*“.$2 to yqos s gnivin ,beveesk vilautos asw tiww oft tant 
fivoo edd af boLtt efLqoed ost ,8L0L ,OL Yrsunat oO 3 

ot evesl naites bus breost off to nolsuntalb gatvaongua aoiton a 

eds ts bas ,tetinatent broset od? to moliaeg bottiow oct vfqqee 

yinh ,aatoa? etioe to titw bias to yqoo s hetaesetq omis emsee 

“aongue tedsasoD .tiveo Lanimit> et to Atefo et yd beitiiizes 
© Bevteset eaw soitom eft oo molaineb off bus belit stew enokt 

eat bas bowolls saw conedans oft ,d4@L ,88 dors oO .gatracd silt 

— — — 

— ——— 
ad Tiusntele. , BL@L ,8 LieqA mO bell? saw siaw blee to Ygoo, 

to moisvueg bostiino bisa sand anittaesgua mottem s helit sors 

ud beset akmss noed bsd ,oLqood edt yd befkt oa ,b1098% ont 

-beesorg ed Yo buooes oft Yo moxtotods molaaimo ex? to noaset 

tuvoo sadd ak gatikt ent gniaitodjua sau09 fantmixd ont to agal 

mud org omur ,aLeL ,f Yisunet no astont pztos to siaw-biae alt 

ebiooet bise yLaque of evestl aniven buna ,éL@L ,é yrsvidet * 8s 

bisa sad? bedoxereved ew noleaulonmoo oct to wotv at 

gamma ,éf@L ,8 Yraride® heroine ,tuvoo Lanimix) and? Ye ‘dnomabat 

of ay Ict YIsesooonny ak fk ,bobuamet eeuso edd bus dearsyet od — 

etortte mt BMiktnielq to molsjom biaa noqu essaq 
to titw bisa to ygoo sdd boaktmsxe yLiyterso svad eW 

-O£0L ,88 dorsit bofét bas eLqoed edt yd betmeserq satoa? cha’. 
og t6 Aefo ont yd besoak need eved ot sost stk ao etssqqa ary 

‘ baat 

bea samon? tents aetboos #3 EOL .bS veraueet ao suu)lSD Lantoat< 

i —— 


Plaintiff in error entered into said recognizance in open 
court on July 22, 1912, that at the January, 1913, term of 
said court both Thomas and plaintiff in error mde default, 
and that their recognizances were declared forfeited. The 
sheriff of Cook County is therein commanded to summon Thomas 
and plaintiff in error to appear before said court on the 
first day of the next term, to be held on the first Nonday 
of February, 1915, to show cause, etc. The first Monday of 
February, 1913, was February Src. On the back of said writ 
is the return of the sheriff to the effect that he served 
the writ on Joseph J}. Snowden (plaintiff in crror) "this 3rd 
day of February, 1913," but that Thomas could not be found, 
On the back of the writ, also, is the endorsement, "Filed, 
Feb, Srd, 1914, Frank J. Walivh, cerx. | section 17 of 
Divison III of the Criminal Code (sec, 310, chap, 28, Nurd's 
Stat. 1912) provides in part as follows: 

“When any person who is accused of any criminal 
offense shall give bail for his appearance, and such person 
does not appear in accordance with the terms of the recoge 
nizance, the court shall declare such recognizance forfeited, 
and the clerk of the court shall thereupon issue a scire 
facias against such person and his aureties, returnable on 

e st day of the next term of the comrt to show cause why 
such judgment should not be rendered against such person and 
hie sureties for the amount of the recognizance, which scir 
facias shall be served by the sheriff of the county where the 
court is held, upon such person and his sureties, by reading 
the same to the defendants named in such scire'facias, at least 
five days before the first day of the term to which the same 
is returnable; and, in case the person aforesaid cannot be 
found by the sheriff, he shall make return of that fact te 
the court. The court shall, thereupon, @nter judgment by 
default against the defendants for the amount ef the recog- 
nizance, unless defendants shall appear and defend such 
cause; and if the defendants shall appear and interpose a 
defense, then the cause shali be tried in the same manner as 
other causes of a like nature, after any such recognizance 
shall be declared forfeited as aforesaid," 

iy The judgment against plaintiff in error was entered 
on February 8, 1913, It appears from said writ of scire 

facias, issued January 24, 1915, that the same was returnable 

on the first Monday of February, 1913 (February 3rd). It 


wh we 

meqo al oonmexiageses blea otal bewstne toT1te ni ttiiatel®q 

to oret ,tf@L ,yraunet ons ts sadd fel Ss : ¥let no Fuavo0o 
~tiusteb ebam torte mi Tti¢gntaly dns samodT tod t1yoo bise 
eit .batketuet borsf{oob stew asonseinpooet thodd sadt Som 
aemonT coma ot bebnsimon ateredt af ytaved wood to Btirede 
efit mo ¢uyoo blas etoted tseqqn od to“re wt Tt akalg bas 
yabnow terkt ed? so bled ed ot ,erted sxen oft to yYab saxt? 
to yabnoM ¢attt ef? ote ,eaueo wore of ,g10L ,yreutdeT to 


ii —— 
siww biae to Mond eof nO bad yiauidet aaw .cL8L .yisuerdst 

bevise of ted? tootte ont og ttkvede ect Yo ntwtet ond ak 

oxé atds* (aott nt Ttidatsly) nebwom’ . Aqenot no thaw ent 
ebauot ad ton Bilyoo eamodT tants gud " €L8L ,yrsuide® to ish 
~oelit" ,tnemeutohas oft ek ,onle ,di«w sf¢ to Aoad odt oO 

to VL wiasos | Mateos ielaWw .G Aanett ,éLer edie dot 

ath .8 .qatio ,OLS .oo2) obod Lantmizd oft Yo ITT moatved 
sawollet as taisq at apbivote (sieL tase 

fanimisto yas to beavoos al onw noeteg yas nedw® — 
noateq dove baie ,sonatseqqes ald sot Liad eviy {fare sone 
“goose edd te amitot eft dtiw sonmbtooon ak tasqae fom asoh 
pbosistiot esaexingooet rove stslosb [fade tuyeo edd ,sonasia 
stioa a exaet moavetod? Ifada tivoo sit Yo dvelo oft bane 
no oldsriuwtet ,seitetse aid bus noateg dove semisys ast 
Uie sauso wode of gameo oft to met stxon elt To vab tea 
Sas aceteg douse senisgs besehbne1 ed ton bivoda Jemmabyt dove 



ezios Moldy ,gonssingoost ext to Snvows off 10% eottema aid 

ens otedw ytmvoo oft to Ttitola ont yd bevtes od ifane s 
giibser yd ,aesitenus eid bre moerog dowe moqu ,bfen ak tiw0s - 
gasei 3s ,anisst'oxtoe dove mi beman atnebaateb ont oF omse ont ) 
étse ont Noiiw ot mrss ess To ysbh satkt — Exo lag eysb ovt 

— —— 

od Fond bleaasiols ndeieq of} eas al ,bne jeids mies 
ot gost tant to mtytet ofan [Lane on Vibveda 9 

vd tnemypoyt t98efm ,noqueteds ,iisde P1089 oaT twee ae 
-goces ent to ¢ovoms oft 10% atnabme teh ost taniean tiustob 
dove breteb bas tseqqe ILate atnsbusteb eselay ,sonasina 
& peoqgtoint bas tseqqe If{site etnebnetodh el? Tf bone j;eaues 

us Tonman omee oft at bolts ed Slade eauco oid nedt ,eeneteb — 

eomaxingooet dove yne teotte ,etudan oftl s to eveauao terito 
*, biseetols es betistrot betefloeb od ilede 

hetetme esw torte nk Tilintalg senisas snemybut edt it 

etter to sitw bisa mort ateoqqs tL .ef@L .8 yisuidel no 
eldantutor enw omen eft stadt ,eLCL dS Ytauasl hoveet .eetont — 

#X .(bxE yrourdet) EL@L ,ytswi1de% to yahnoM saxlt ont 0 


further appears that the writ was not served upon plaintiff 
in error until February sra, | He was not served "at least 
five days before the first day of the term" to which said 
writ was returnable. In our opinion the court was without 
ee jurisdiction to enter final judgment against him on 

February 8, 1915, or at any time during said February term, 
because he was not served in apt time to require him to show 
/cause at said term, and that said judgment is void, (People 
V. Moore, 143 Ill. App. 382, 385.) In the case cited it is 
hee "The jurisdiction of both the subject-matter and of 

the person is essential to the validity and binding force 


| of a judicial sentence, If either of these judicial facts 
pe wanting then the sentence or decree of the court is void, 
In such a case the whole proceeding is coram non judice,." 
(See, also, Campbell v. MeCahan, 41 Ill. 45, 49; Mulford v, 
Stelzenback, 46 Ill, 505, 506; Gardner v. Bunn, 132 Ill, 
403, 410: French v. Xegan, 58 Ill. app. 261.) 
The judgment of the Criminal court is reversed 
and the cause remunded, 


tiftsatelg nogys bovioa Jon caw Siiw edt sant ateeqqas tedd iu? 
gassfl ta" bovitoe ton saw ell — yYisurdet Liinw torze at 
biae doidw ot “mrat ont Yo wah Zexkt eff g1ieted eyeb ovit 
tuodsiw eaw davoo ord molnigoe two ml ,efdanintiest aaw sicw 
no mirni taniags stnempbut Isntt tofae of notsotbeiavt 
iet yisuidel Siae gniivh omid yms te to ,6LOL .8 Ytewrdet 
wotea o3 min siiwpot of omit tqs mi bevtes ton eaw od seusood 

efgosd) .biov ak tnomgbuy bise tant bane yoted bisa ts oeuss| 
eat $i betio seas et aI (,a8E ,S8E .qqd .LLT ELL oxo .¥ 

to bos tetiam-soojdve ont died to notsoibalavt ett” rem | 

eotot gnibakd bnew ytibifev edt ot Laténeces at nosteq ods | 
atoct Latotbut ovedt Yo redftte YE .eonesmoa Lalokbut # to. 

“,woibut, non mexoo af ynibosoorg ofodw ond esa s dove nt | 

| a 
ehbiov ef tuoo edt to eetoeh xo sonetnee ods medt nalkinew ef | 

ov Hrotinw ;@h ,c) LSI Lb ,aetisdvol .v Lledgme) ,oalse ,9ea) 
effI SEL nme .v genbusd ;O0E ,60o {fT Ob ylosdnoxist2 
(£88 .qqa ffl 82 ,mege’' .v domoxt 3OL) ,0b 

Soazevet af tives Lantmixd oft to S$ nomabut oft 

ebobnamet vauso eft baa 


36 = 212385 

Defendant in rror, 



obese  & dnnon 


Plaint ff in “rror. a 7 A Ly i) * 

f > wy, J \.. @ : * 
—* — 

—— ——— 
—— ——— — — — — 


Joseph &. Snowden, became surety 

was forfeited because of the nonsappearance of the principal, 
James Thomas, in Band betaine Court. Thereafter such proceed- 

ings were had in said court that on February &, 1913, judgment 

was entered in favor of the People against Thomas and 
‘tn=are@er in the sum of $1,000 and costs. To reverse the judg- 
ment pA ha -ersor on February 27, 1915, sued out thde writ 

iy and moved that @m same be made e supersedeag, filing with the 

motion certain written suggestims, which motion was on May 1, 

1915, ailowed Ng Bourte 
it appeaxbls cont the original transcript of the record 

that Thomas was indicted by the grand jury of Cook County for 

larceny, that Thomas, with mas surety, entered 

into said recognizance, that Thomas did not appear and the ree 

cognizance was declared forfeited and a. writ of scire facias 

ordered to be issued for them to show cause why the forfeiture 

—— not be made absolute, and that on bebruary 8, 1915, the 

fourt entered an ‘erder reciting that “the writ of scire facias 

issued nerein has been duly returned by the Sheriff of Cook 
county,” ete., and declaring that said forfeiture be made 

absolute snd entered said judgment. Nowhere in she original 


aa: why 
¥ | transcript of the record ie there contained any writ of scire 

netiag OS a —— So 




y ry 

he aay 


— — 

— ——— — 
— — 
ö— — —— — — 

Ye&@wa omsood ,wobwone .u Aqeeot 

Hoisw 000,f% to mye ond ni disoo mogo nt mowed eonssingooes & 0 
elaqionixg aad to eonsiasags-non oft To eausoed betie trot ea " 
«bessotg Nove tesiseied? .sisod Enada) oa ni ,aamont aemst 4 
tnomgbst, .cLeL ,8 ytourdel no ¢edt g1s09 pe ni bad etow agnk — 
+i bas esmod? teniags ofqood eft to tovet ak beret m9 saw j 
 epbyt edt sarevex of .ateoo bas. 000 ,£8 to mise end at toung-nt 

tiww edett duo bese ,2L@L ,VS yussidel no — Eh dea | 

ont ddiw aniiit goeboatogua 8 ob an od omss sé tadd bevom bre” 
f Yai mo sw moitom doiniw ,aniveogyve nottizw akatro9 — 

vents yd bewollis sal 
btooet oft to tqitoanaxzd Laenigizo sais —— #1 

wot ysnyod Aood ‘to vant baaty sis yd betolbnl saw aamonT ati⸗ 
RY | 

beretine tore an-~ nd iw aunt doads watt 
ot of baw tseqqe fom béb aamont sald SOMBRE BOISE biee oe at 

aston eitow Yo tinw s. brus bes fo txo't borsis $b Gow. sonastagea J 

ii eustietrot offs yrlw sevao wode ot mods T0%, howeel od oF betebt0 q 
ons LOL .& uC awidet ne sant base ,stulouda ebam od son | —* 
asins? gtiog to Jkuw sft" Jedd yutdioes —R as betes ne aap’ v 

000 ‘Yo Vthved& ons yd bowusss4 Yiu nood est niered bouses 

— . 

—— vee 

ebam od otwdkotiot bisa tnt antzaloeh, bas se ote * ytnwos . 
Ms ee bids ni ererwou ——— b Lat bored baa ad! 


Counsel for plaintiff in error, in their written 
suggestions filed with the motion above mentioned for a 
supersedeas, contended that notwithstanding the recital cone 
tained in the court's order of February 8, 1913, the judgment 
should be reversed inasmuch as no writ of scire facias appeared 
in the transcript, and in support of their contention cited 
the case of Campbell v. People, 22 Ill, 254, 255, wherein our 
Supreme Court said: "The office of a scire facias is both that 
of narr,. and procees, and the record should show, not by recital, 
but py its appearing in the record, that the writ was actually 
issued, giving a copy of it." 

On January 10, 1916, the State's attorney filed in 
this court a motion, supported by affidavit, suggesting 
dimunition of the record and asking leave to supply the omitted 
portion of the record instanter, and at the same time presented 
a copy of said_scire facias, duly certified by the clerk of 
said Criminal Court. Counter suggestions to the motion were 
filed by counsel for plaintiff in error onc, by order of this 
court, the decision on the motion was reserved to the hearing. 
These counter suggestions have been duly considered, but we are 
of the opinion that leave should be granted to file said omitted 
portion of the record and it is so ordered, 

The copy of said writ of scire faciae discloses that 
it was issued by the clerk of the Criminal court, that it was 
served by the sheriff of Cook county on plaintiff in error, 
Thomas not being found, and thet it was returned by the sheriff 
and filed in the clerk's office. . 

The copy of said writ of scire facias now appearing 
in the transcript of the record, and the only point relied upon 
and argued by counsel for plaintif’ in error for a reversal of 
the judgment being the absence of such copy, the judgment is 


nostinw xtodt nk ,1orre at ttisatelq tet Loanwod 
a tot SDomolinem evods moitom oft dikw boll? anolivsexyyue 
enoo Istkoset oft natbastadilwton ted? bobmetnoo ,asobsetsque 
tnempbut, oft ,ELCL ,8 yrsuidef to tebio e'dawoo edt ak beniat 
betasqqe asiost orttoa to tiuw on Be toumesni beeteves od bivoda 

besko notinetnos thot te dioqque nk bas ,tqitoansart oft aki 

ayo miotodw ,@o8 ,bES .LLT S& ,efgoed .v LLodqmad to ouno edt 
tadd Atod at estost sttoa a to soitte sft" sbise siv0d omotque 
efatiost yd tom ,wodea biuode brevet od brs ,sas007g bas + TI8M te 
VYLisutos anw tiww ons tadt ,bioce ont 4 aniuseqqs ati yd fud 
“$i to yqoo s ynivia ~boueak 

nk beLtt yentotta atetaté ond .2L0L .OL yraumst m0 me 
anitesyuve ,tivabittsa yd besroqque nok tom g tuvoo ahd 

bestino sit yiqque of svaol yattes bas brooet off To no kt inumib 
bestneesetq omits emaa aft Ss bans ,tednsteni brooet edd to noktrog — 
to Aas I0 edt yd beltisico yfub ,sstozt ethos blee te yqao ad 
stow noitom edt of enoltsoyguea totmuod .s109 Lontmt1> bkaa 

sidt to tebio yd ,baw torts al Tiitnlialq wet Loenuoo yd beLtt 

eis ew tud ,betebkLenon ylub nood ovad encistsoggue tetmvos oaodT 
bsitimo bise efit of betnorg ed bLuode evael stadt sotaiqo eft to 
eborebro o# ef ¢i bas brooe1 eft to notiioq — 

tandt aecoloelb esioat stloe to tkhiw bkeae to yqoo oAT i ‘ 3 
aew tk tedtd ,txuvoo LanimixD oft to Axelo ont yd beseak Baw 7 
<torte mak ttitaisly mo ytnvoo AooD Yo Ttitene ont yd — 
YWirede odd YS boaruter aw $i Sant daw ,dauvot gatod tom asmonT 

aiitasage won astos? otkos to titw bkee to yqoo sAT 

no qu bolle gutog yino eft bas ,brooot oct to tatiroenatt ont —— 

324 ~ 21308 

AL 198 J.A. 411 

bebe feiokid ¢ ah 

— Tit" appeal is. trom's)dcoree! grentsn @ husband 
a divorce on the ground of extreme end repeated eruelty, 
dismissit the wife's cross-bill for separate maintenance, 
directahA partition of certain real estate owned by them as 
»”) tenants in common, and sepeint ies receiver to collect the — 
— from ene BE Oper ty pending the partition proceedings ,/* 
aitenecontenca EY that the decree is against 
the clear preponderance of the Tremere ®) that ‘ie cross- 
bill $=, suppor tec by the greater ia of the evidence (%% 
that the court had no jurisdiction to make partition or 
apooint a receiver, 

The decree found that the wife had since their 
intermarriage been guilty of extreme and repeated cruelty 
substantially as charged in the bill of complaint, that she 
was a woman of great austerity of temper, that she indulged 
in violent sallies of Passion, that she had on two occasions 
used personal violence towards her husband, striking him 
once a violent blow in the face resulting in pain and 
loosening his teeth and at another time on his hand with a 
heavy hatchet bruising it and causing pain; and that she 
used towards him opprobrious, obscene and abusive language 

without provocation, and maliciously and without reasonable 

ee accused him of having unlawful sexual intercourse with 



Tih .A.1 Ger — 

ok — * — 
basdeud —5—— —— ak. sunset = ‘ 

, ont toslioo of tevisoex 8 rear bas — 

* ———— —— ——— xen 

aig bw sewoorot at fauxos £ —— atvas to — 

x | 
( (FOLIA Aodua 




ago oat mort 4 

-880T9 * tett cc — orf? to ‘sonesebangere xeelo 0 ods 


(@) sonsbive. sft Yo pears rotaotg ‘ont x dot zosque me its o 
“0 moitttisq exam of. notte bed wt on bed t1109 edt ‘vant 


F . wevtene: 8 satoqas 

—— vi; ‘ 

ttorndt sonte bsd etiw odt tastt bawot setoeb oat 

ytleuto —— bas emsitxe to vi Liay ‘geod egelriaeretat 


ede tent ,¢nitsigmoo to IAJ ent nk boytasio @s — 

— tes 

sysugnsl evieuds bas onsoade — ——— mba 

ian i Tey Pe ey 9 yt 

= Deo 

one of his tenants, 

Avis was sufficient ‘evidence on which to 
base each finding, “dees not admit of argument, in our — 
and whether such evidence clearly prepordcrates in complainant's 
favor, depends altogether upon the credibility of the witnesses, 
rnon the opportunity to see as well as hear gave the chancellor 
a facility not possessed by this court, one which. has been 
Peferred to as of the greatest importance in determining the! 
weight and eredibility of evidence, (Corari v. Olsen, 91 11. 
277; Johnson v, Johnson, 125.44, 510;"Porter v, barter yaa" 
IOUS GS HET NUE ar HeNevsa1—were-of-tne-guue- 

d character-as’ those charged in the bill, and the 
Aawiy* conflicting at most of the 

‘equiring-— shes fortteretion.at_the 
redibility™ ‘oF the respective tnesses, and se fer as ita 

— — 

termination became” anevident fedton in finding the tacts, 

e shall not undertake to Pata the-decree or analyze Ane 



sential teh a 

ce. that” Seemingly justifies the courtrs” rintings< 

Ron-—tinetance;-we note thet Against the evidence of 

— — 

seven witnesses as to her use of opprobrious epithets and 

abusive language towards him, cee nei bare uncorroborated 

denial, and against three witnesses charging him with similar 
language towards doers, Sate Lie bare denial, The motives and 
interests of these several witnesses ee sutébetently dis- 


ve 7 ‘the.f inal test by which their dreaingatty Was 

termined. The application of such test is a well recognized 
ction of the chaneellor, ona one.of much importance when 

4t is clear that one phrty or set of vitnesses or the other is 
ifestly falsifying, , applying the maxim falsus in uno falsus 
mibus, the chancellor may well have discounted her 

lenis — ai eonatroqmi teetsety oft to ‘Ba, of bette 

Lat £@ ,neelO .v txex0D) .eonebive to ytiLidkbers bw, jHate é 

, — varecra ccs cy totr09 OL vbt ASL ,noantol .v m0 asutol ‘sg Ph — a 
’ ie | , —* — J 
omas-orit-to-otow Litd s0e048 ond ni Shain” wegiadto 
ont bra ,fitd odd ab boytato stent es-wetestado bagi 

ext Y6 teon * gattelitaes: My * 

— snbierehie no O-erofs--gnitiupet 

ett as Ist-oe bas ascend t y. 

edost edt gakbatt at 208002 tnobive tem Hino Od no kdnkmaod 

aah osxſaas⸗ 0 —— — dusteth of sled to bm gon Ltase ° 
egaitit? a’siioo ond aoltivoaut ylyaimses — bs 

to gonmebive odt tentase — ed orr-ow- porter On 

: we 

bns etedsie avoizrdorgqe to cau red of as —“ 107 oe a 

Ao! a 

| badetodot1ooms ersd rol ebmmke id ehiawod egsupnael vious 

‘es PS ————————— if 

<slimie atiw mid yatgiaco — gerdt tanisgs bas Laknod 

, bas eevitom eft ,Leineh ord will a1 — , ton eabiawot © opavamel 
-aib Yfinetebbiwa son * asasend tw {steve sees to eseoredak 

, ——— adnan todd ovlg of ai oiidana.d 01000 ont mi boaole 
ifoew XAtu — —— ~elirw soubnos-baa-sonaissaqe~nkedt 3 —R 
saw yi hLigibers xtont doindw yd taot Lenk tond iat 


boaingooot Llow s ek tees cova to — esta ponte 

aint 0 on pk evelat —— mut xem oxis —— —* 

a ad 

wad hatmtmanbR awad ff faw OS Ae acl cae 


versions of “the acts of physical violence, 
#@rebe Her version as to both incidents of physical 
violence was supported by her son, who took an active part 
in her behalf in one of them, her daughter and another witness, 
as to one occasion, and her daughter and son-in-law, as to the 
other occasion, corroborated in the main his version of the 
affairs, The main acts of cruelty charged by her against him 
were parts of the same incidents relied upon te establish his 
Vand -met—otant OF Tall ty the 
-test—of-—erecdivility. It-wovld-subserve no-useful or practical 
purpose, therefore, to narrate here the déthils of these 

charges of the same character 

incidents, —we-are-sattsfietthat-giving credence, as the 
Ghamcellor mst have” done; ~to--complainant’s witnesses “Phere was 
eufereitnt evidence of intentional commission without just 
provocation of two distinct acts of physical violence against 
him of a painful and serious character, while she was in a 
State of ungovernable temper and evincing an utter disregard 
ef any danger that might attend them, 2 

J—— ree “Whsn-thewe—incitunia are considered _in—conneetion.. 
with ,é Evidence showing the history of their family troubles, 
J apparently began over money matters in which he was 
seemingly fair and generous, and showing that he had always 
evinced a kind and peaceable disposition towards her and her 
children by a former marriage, and thet she was a large, 
strong woman, of high temper and wilful quarrelsome disposition, 
given to vituperative and vulgar language towards him and his 
tenants (all of whom testified for him and against her) and 
that she had evinced a manifest disposition to get hold of his 

_ property and to get rid of him, and had previously without good 

) érounds filed a bill for separate maintenance which she dis- 

en containing unjustifiable charges against him, and that 

.soteloiv fsoteuiq to stom ent to° eno: 
fsotaydg to ednobioat dtod of en notetov 190i ofiey 

tisq oviioa na Aoot ow .noa rod yd bettocawe aw some Lote 

,seentiw todtons bag tetdgush te ,medt to emo at tLetod —— 
eig o¢ es ,wel-nienoe bas totiigysh told bas ,molesooo emo oc 

eit to moterev eid niem oft ni botsiedotio9 soddnses: ste, 
mid tantege tod yd beyrads ysLev1o to atos ntam oft sextet 

aid daildstes os noqu heifer etnebtonit omaa ont to ates a 

SEE TERY emsa ont to al 


Isoitosia 10 Luteey on evisndue bivow-sI~ 

eaent to aflatob ont over o¢sTian of , sto tetensd— 9 aquuq 


~~, — va ,esonebeto anivig- tadéd botietrar ots—ot > on 
—X — — — E— ‘overt — — 
govt tuodtiw noteeimmoo L[enoitnetnt to sonebive + pé8e wih ‘ 
tenians eoneloiv Isokaydg to atos toulsalb ows to notsasovex 1 

S nak esw oe olfindw totootsale evoitoa base iv‘tnisq a so inhi 

btepoteib zettiy ns antontve baa teqmed emer 
| * 8** —⸗ — acl⸗ ——— ius 
Noitoonnoo—it. berobLanwo "bra shewtrbont~onessase 

~eefduort yLimest ated? to yxotelid ot gntwoda oonsBE Vi, 
aaw of doidw ot etettam yonom tevo mazed yitmetseqas —— 
avewis bed of stadt natwore bas ,avotereg bane tist Lanimese 
ten bna tod ehtswod noliiaogalh s{dsvsoreq bas baid ws boon * 
~oRtsel s easw one todd bas ,saeitisem tomt0t s yd noth Lbets 

etoistiveogelh emoafesteup Lu'tiiw bas teqmes duid to ,nsmow yao 

aid bus mid abtewot spavgnst usyluv bus ovitstequity oF nevty 

bre (sod dentegs bas mid tot boititaeds mosw to LLs) ate 

aid Io bLod tog of mottiaoquid sactinsm s beontve bad ede tan 
boog duodtiw yLevolverq bad bas ,mid te bli toy ef bas — 

-aib ofa dotdw vongnetniam ogstaqee tot [Lid se boLk? ab . 

ted3 bas mid saniaya asyiedo eidattiveutas gnintedmos bosed 



he —— seventy years old (her senior by about 

eighteen years )ywe-think the fact of extrene and repeated 

cruelty;~as heretofore-interpreted by.our Supreme Court, 

—was.fully established and justified the decree, 

he other point mate by tothe 

t of jurisdiction to make partitionof their 
real estate aad appoint a receiver to collect the rents, 
is $0 clearly untenable that we need orily to refer to 
appd@liee's authorithes to which apfellant has not undertaken 
to reply. (Harrer v. \ ; “80 Ill, 197; Heyman v. He 

210 Ad. 524; Van Vlect Vy @ Witt, 209 4d. 153) Besides 
appehiant is in no port tion — such question on ite 

merd 8S, as it appeérs that the pabgies had by mutual id ae 
settled all controversies and questions respecting their, 


rea — fr it is so found in the * 


$0 far as the question is one of — 

e Spied ablen’ Seminary v. Gage , 103 id. Sig ov 

~The decree will be-urfarmed:”” 


on 1 ; 
J 9 a 
tuods y¢ toimee ted) ‘bLo etsey Wrovee — ap YY 

betesqot bie sitettxe to “Poa say antiit-owy( etsoy moddghs 
.ftH0D smerque wwe xd betorgtetab rH eye 
esotoeh ont beblitaeut baa bedelidates— 

oni? ot ae taslieqqs yd otam’ THIOg itshto enh --— 

.samybit -V gamyoH ;V@L , {Lr oe ; 
aeblaet (28L .bt [0S ib at 47 to9LV geV jA8@ ob 

ast mo nottecup dows —— *& om mi af dass 

— Ladion “0 eno al moltaeup oft @8 a? od 

— 8 J—— 4it tot eted beatae yl qo xqut al gi wet 

\ (VL .bi SOL, oe — Yrsotar a Laotgolosat Ve: : 

> pemetYns id ilLiw se1t.eS sit ~ 

ae ay i 
—* Peon eee 

334 = 21319 



198 1.A. 414 


J ‘This appeal—is-from-an~order-vatating a judgment 
| teaken—ageinstappeliees—(defendants” below) 6n default...The 
yh order was based on a motion in writing made at a subsequent 

term in behalf of said Milton E, Petty to correct an alleged 

error in fact, Sea eR Fer under section 89 of the 

| —* a) Jollet a 
b Practice het) a cha" 


he wrtt-of 

error Coram nevis. the basis of the proceeding was the 

contention that said Petty was mentally incapacitated when 
—— zal summons and remained so wn fter — ot ats 
fon nat Ap, —— 
the = jar, was had J attitavite, a Ane orepar” practice, 

ñ—ñi —— 

— ne 

iar — Linseed-Compariy, "221 ITY" 162;~266. ) 

White-an_oral-hearing; Hs” requested by plaintiff, might have 
been had-in-the- discretion of. the court.under section 86 of the 

Practice Act, the record discloses no abuse of discretion in 

aenyine the request 

——__—> There were two affidavits in support of the motion 
and two counter affidavits. The former were by physicians, who 
attended on said Petty in the period referred to, and con- 
tained positive, unqualified averments that he was then 
wholly irresponsible and mentally incapacitated, The cowmter 

\ affidavits by the deputy sheriff, who expressed a 

contrary opinion, and one by plaintiff's counsel containing 

enuod TIVORIO 
“YTHUOD 3009 

RED hel 6 Or 

poe i 


— — ——— 

—E— 3 — t9bte nse mot? — — 
eat. .tiusteb no (wolsd uinebnsteb)-eseiteag, 
ineupsedue g ¢s obam gaitiaw nk noitom a no beesad asw Tob10 « 
begelfa ms toert09 ot ytted .f nosLiM bise ‘to Yared nd mist 7 

edt to @8 mottoee tobnays onob~ yar-es ,doe8t nt 0x20 a 

(533 er "he MP 8 g) q 
teetrtw sdf rer nettom 21s [eon sottostt 

: oft asw gnibsscorg ot to esisad ont har eg ee 

nemw botstiosqsont yliatnem asw ystod bise stadt notinestnoo 

mended fondAng Gh) enti: goviistl Late non 

,oolsostg dlehidirni hase, aow gnt 

bas J nomebut teste Litny oe bonismet bus enommye dtiw bevtog, 
<4 a 

“V¥eeuper ont 3 
| noitom ent to gtoqque mit ativebitts ows ox|w otedT < * 
ew anstoLave yd stew temi0ol oT sadivabitte tod RYO owt bra 4 
J -noo bas ,ot betxreter boltisq edt nk ytted bise no *** 
nedt asw on tant etnomiovs bet tiLaupay — * bent 35 %. 

. fet¢ewoo eT .betstkiosqsont \YLiataem bra eldtencoeerst xu re 

g beasetgxe odw ,ttitede ytugqeb ont xd 5 esiv b 

a a tk ea een ae dl 18't 


X matter almost entirely hearsay in character. 

— — — 

—— ™e-order fails’ to-make~an~ express finding —* 


“but it was unquestionably based on a finding that said 
otty wes mentally incapacitated during said period, for that 
as the oniy~issue raised and to be determined in the pro- 
eeding. We shall wot disturb the,order because of such 
informality. We think it was, nfutified by affidavits of 
pérsons most capable of kuin of merited Senda tiens, and in 
r pene the conclusion we disregard the motitne and petition 
first filed” as the — * motion here considered properly 
— ——— — — F 

presefited. the. — on “which the-issue was taken.” 


ar 0 eas 
: i : ; : ‘ Wap): 5 
WT AO) fh US hae 

‘ 4 wey * 

ae — ——— Paonia 
. te BaEBRIY exoraxo- m nein C : Te oT of —* 
blag tant gnibait s no beesd yLdanitesupay saw $i au 

tet tot boliog bise guitub betatiosqeont yilatnem ¢ pe 
™ -otg oft mk be niiixed ob ed of bos beelat ove 
Pe ove to saneoed —* ere diutats te ifade : 
7 te ativebitia yd bekti2: —* Anids ef 
x nk Bas no tttbhaoe fst nom ‘to » eidaqso 
— poktiteg bas. anéisom edt biepetath ew molaikonoo ent gat: 

c ven ge*.. —B sied soljom gneupoedue eft ashe. 

b ei sneasd -2sw woonceredd fo iitw 



Pe sk 
ht Nee a at 
eee d J i Uy ‘ : 

ay 4 Ge 

a ima i 4 9 ap 

S60 © 21335 


198 1.A. 415 


This was s suit to recover damages for nereaonal 
injuries, ‘the verdict end judgment were for 34900. The 
company's sppenl in besed on the contentions thet {1} the 
verdict is contrery to the law end the evidence and (2) 
is excensive, 
J Hertel, the plaintiff, was a pansengter on one of 

defendant's cars that in 2 backward movement collided with 
_ & ween and horses attached to it. He was probably thrown 
from the cer end sustained injuries therefrom, 

The declaration charged that the moterman of the 
 @ar “wrongfully, imoroperly and negligently ceused the car 
to be suddenly and quickly sterted and in a backward dire 
ection, and to be operated swiftly in e backward * # * 
 G@irection" agsinat a certain wagon in the rear of said ear, 

‘ The car was an open, light summer cer operated by 

 @leetricity. fe-avert a collision with a wagon that was 

Whatever view may be 

MAST aacxau⸗ 


Melb A. ser 
J sTAUCS ENT vo uora aa HHT IMAC TREE aura sont ae tt ' 
Yi ! j kot) prc 
Lanontog to% a9pammbh isvyooet of tive a waw etd 
: ent 00K tot etew tneormphist, Baw toth ev eft } . é, 
" ia at (£) tant onokinatnos ey no herud ak Less. a teen 
(S) baa eonehive eft bas wal oft oF yrostnoo wk fotiner 
| -eviongaxs 
4 20 OO NO TONNeRREY A HOW Metabate edt —8 
Aiiw behitloo snomevom btawload a nk dort tao ott 
q Ki nwonls yidedord eaw at oh od heroatia seared si 
‘. ) er smonterentd askrotak bomtatesyse —“ 
by “ods ta namtotom edt toad? beyisdo noliataloabh edt 
mM 189 oft bengao (iiaontinen baa yivoro vem . —— 

ehh brawloed s at ban. hottw#e —— baw yLaobbwe 

negligence complained of, and whether the case can be said 
to come within the rule of res ipse loquitur, we think the 
evidence submitted to the jury werranted a finding of the 
negligence complained of. Whatever was lacking in plein- 
tiff's proof was supplied by the testimony of the motorman, 
who, although he claimed as the reason why he conld not 

stop the car in its backward movement that the reverse lever 
became stuck so thet he could not move it back, failed hoth 
to shut off the electric power and to apply the brake after 
the car started backward. Ye think his ow evidence was 
such as to justify belief that from his munifeet inexperience 
and goufuaion he neglected to resort to either of said means 
the exercise of which would dovbtiess have prevented the 

But we think the verdict wes excessive. The 
evidence of the extont of plaintiff's injuries ane how far 
they impaired either hie permanent health or ability to 
: work, is net as satisfactory os it ehould be. His principal 
injury seems te have been the Aislecation of hie arm which 
| “was immediately set. Ne woe laid up in bed for seven weeks 

when his docter told him he could go to work and/réesSumed 

lsbor of the same kind in which he had been previously 
engaged, that of saussge making, and in which he remained 

at widiminished wages for about a year, when he boid off 

for four months, claiming thet he had pains in his arm and 
other parts of the cody. He consulted no physician, but 
acting on his om Judgment treated himself at home with steam 
baths, He then vent back to the work of sausage making for 
three months. ‘why he left it does not appesr, unless to take 
the easier work of tying pork loins together at/wnicn he was 

employed at the time of trial. He then got | i 
) Br: or to the accident he received $18. PF a year after the 
Sy Maat 

bisa ed oso sand ed? teriterw baa ,to bent alqaoo sonsziigen 
ot Xabit ow tutiupol segk get to ofut odd nbs tw emt0o of 
aft to gntbait s betnontow yt edt of bods kdue vonehive 
enttalq ot anblost eaw tevetady .%0 beniaiqnmoo — 
nsariotom oft to ynomistaes afd yd boliqque anew tootg —XR 
ton bunnd ef yw coesot eft es bomtalo ed AXyuontic 0 
sevel setevet eft tant Smomevem hrawtond aff amt — etd qt 

dtod beLitst toad $2 evom fon hinoo ef taslt of Houta omsood 

iow oedabive nwo eld Motes of .baewdioad botieasse tad oid 

sonetreqxent feotinam etd mott fart tolled wladeut ot vs dove 

ansom bine to teritte of dronet of hofoetgen of nokentnoo baa 

oft betaeverq evad saettduoh bivew doldw to ealotoxe vat 

.taobioon —9 

eit .eviesooxs asw tolbirov ant Anlidd ow soe wy 

vat worl bre aotuvtat atttitaial to dnote edt Yo vonebive 

ot yYdiitda to dileorl tnonnnteg ain todd to betiagar yeas 

Laqtomizg alti .ed Afuoda #2 aa erotor tekéne os gon at TOW 

foldw ats sin to nokfsoolelh ods need ovad of amoen wnt 

exis ow — sot bed nk qu bial sow of ten yiotsthonmi “aaw = 

boat ban Aiow of on bivos on mid blot totoobh ela norte 

vinuotvenq mead bast of dolrty ak brit oma edd to todal 

i bontames off cio a cin mt bow ons auss Yo tact bonaden 
} tito bhee os nore ,iney « tucda tot: separ hosted aka bas ta 

. bos mts eid nt entaq bert on fort paimielo ,ertd nom HOT 10% 4s 

dud ,astokaysiq on bodivanoo ef .vbed ont te dads woulto | 

 maede Hgiw omow ta tLoomid bodmetd Trearghy | pero waka ne prisoe 

tot pakion enjeevee to Xtow oft of aoad ‘taow as el⸗ oll santas 

, Taeqqe ton noob #2 red « of vate etd a0m oon 


accident his wages were from $20 to aa8.] How much harder 

“sausage making is than tying loins the record does not dise 
close, nor why plaintiff may not still follow his forner 
occupation, for he scems to experience the same pains in 
@ach kind of work, 

However, he evidently experienced some limitation 
in the use of his risgnt aya and bedily paine and should have 
compensation therefor, But any other disabilities that ree 
Sulted from the accident are somewhat conjectursul, at any 

Pate very meageriy and unsatisfuctorily shew, 

the accident occurred “ugust 20, i942. He ceased 
to have mediesl attendance and resumed work Cctobur 25th. 
The treatment he received from his physician aside from 
changing the bandage ou iis arm consisted of rubbing his back 
with medicine whieh his wife continued to do for four months. 
Me hae not soughtnor received madical care Since, His 
physician died vefore the trial, He is apparently an ignorant 
man with little knowledge of the human snatomy or tie causes 
of bodily Lilw. The verdict was based on his rather wnintellie 
gible description of them, withut the aid of any medical 
teatimony as to hin physical condition, or the seriousness 
or cause ef the seemingly minor troubles, aside from the 
condition of his arm, of which he complained, If they were 
of a2 serious or permanent nature ond reasonably attributable 
to the accident and such as to impair hi» general nealth or 
eapacity for work, it is difficult to understand why medical 
testimony relating to his condition was not preduced. The 

evidence is by no means convincing az to the extont cf ef 

still do the work he has done in the past even since the 
accident, or whether the difference in wages between tho: 
‘received formthree months prior to the trial and those re- 

ET ge a) ART ——— 

— — 

— — J 
ay “tebrund Howe. woh {889 at Ose mark erow aogow abit duobiove 

— — 

eath tou geoh bxongt off eniot pee nas? 8h mata a⸗ 

nt entag eames end soreixegxe ot amooe ot wo ,nodsnque 

| tow to bata 
moldvetimil emes beoneitoyxe uhimebhve eit ,tovewol! 
oda bisode bas entagq yiibod baa mre gmyht wid to oun edd mk 

Wot tad wettifidselh asdie yuna ivi =. xe herons Noss saneqmeo 

‘beases sli .248L ,O8 suvgwa boti990 dmubtovs oxlt 
AGS aodesoO Atew semwest baa eonnhbnetie Laoiboem ave of 
mort votes antoLeydg aid mott bevieoa: of dnomsooxs adh” 
dosed eit paiddss to betealenoo mts uit no enebnad ons wrt pnndo 
-adtnom syolt tot ob of hounitnon otiw aif Mot itw endo bom be 
aiH .oomte otes Leolbba heviovst xondilgyne fon eos of ( 

dnatonat os “Ld neieqes ak oe ,iei«cs off orxotod beth unioteude 
aeauno sid To Ymotans namul of To egbalwomt eLteit cid bw fm 
whites abn ‘onltex eid ne beand asw Jokbiev ont .afLt “iibod ro 
( favibom yas to his aft tuodiiw ,awitt Yo nokeqinrgesb otdty ‘ 
eseenevoixzca esd LO ,ookiibroo Iseeieyig eli ot as ynomktood 
ond mori shbleaa ,eelduert tontm yYLynkwoer etl? Yo wade TO 7 

etow yous ti .hbeatealgmoo on doldw to ,atea aid to mols 2609 
eldasudiatia ‘idanonsot bose oipten 3 ri ram tog 10 auoitoe a xo 
10 Atined detensy eld akeqmt of en owe ban tnebloog ik. ow 
Laokt bes vit breatgatobny of tlaovtttib ak gt ,dtow stot yi bosgne | 


< 2 Fx a. 4 
out ebesubetg Jon aaw molvibnos alin of yakialor aaa cl 

Who to tuodxo of) o¢ aa gntontvneo ansemt on ba el “sons 1 

i$ vomle asva deag ed nk onod fat on Atew ond on 
a aeyow ot batten tact orit — Hs ee 


coived prior to the accident measures the degree of physical 
impairment. If therefore appellee will enter a remittitur 
of $1000 wlthin ten days the judgment will be affirmed, 
Stherwise it will be reversed and the cause remended, 


— a 

rads stmor a twetme Lliw aesiougn oroteredd — J 

shomrktts of Liiw tiomghut od? eyed aod a 
sbebnamet sauso edd bas beatover o¢ Kite 4 

“4h vr fi ae inet * Oa 

556 = 21341 



Bailiff of the Wunicipa 

» Appellant. 

\ fF 198 T.A. 41 8 





thie-was~ereplowin \suit (tried before the court 
without a jury. Whe court found the defendant Cermak 
guilty and the right of possession of the property in 
question in plaintiff,Gatabkrese.. The property was levied 
on under a judgment in favor of the Common Sense Company 
against Calabrese's brother Vincent, No propositions of 
law were submitted to the court to be held as such and no 
question of law te otherwise rere in the record, The 
only question raictinaal athe & — — —— 
sufficiency of the evidence ss to the ownership of the 

The property levied on consisted of a soda water 
fountain, a show case, a safe and cash register in a drug 
store that had been owned and conducted by Vincent for some 
years. Being indebted to Gennaro he executed a bill of 
sale to him of the drug stock and fixtures including said 
property s0 levied on, on September 19, 1915. Gennaro took 
possession on that date and sought to evidence the trensaction 

by recording his bill of sale September 22nd, He hired a 

party to conduct the store and gave Vincent desk room therein 

| for another line of — His possession seem#“to have 


LhELS = d8o 

+ ReTACAIAD onauumd 

Ioqua / 
, . av 

Six 'piver ' em 




tuuoo edt etotod — tuk (cheapest 

xeorrsd tnebneteb oft bavot gies en Jy, s "guetta 

mi ytusqotg edt to molLaseaeog to Agte oot bas ytiiuge i 
betvel eaaw yiteqota sat sagmisted. Tit bela nt nétddame 
Yaegqmod sense nommod sai? to tovat ai jnempbut s te bas 0 

to enoltileoqormg ok .tnsonkV sedtoud e'seerdsisd senisga 

om bos dove es bled ed ot tiuoo oft of botsindyea stew wal 
edt .htoost oft at Rag h say trey eelwredto wk wel to noisesup 
— IW Kary aKa ds. sh —* ——————— im 

ont (ai -moltsrbienos æo 2 teqoxg molt aeeup vino 
edt to qinetemvo old of as sonehive ed to yoneiotttue 

| «YS IscoTg q 

teisew sboe es to betelanoo no beivel ysiaseqo tq eT , 
auv1b s ak totvaiysa daso bons stsa a ,eeso wore & ,nisinvot ~ 
emoa tot tneontV yd betoubnoo bone bonwo need bad taht etota 
to {Lid s botiuosxe ed otenne) of bstdebnt gnlef .ets9y 
bisa gntbulont eoiwd?xit bne Asota guth eft Yo min of ofse — 
aoot o1senmeD .cLeL ,eCL redmoesqed 110 0 boivel os Ysreqotg | 
noltsosenstt edt eonebive o¢ tdywoa bas sisb jedt mo nokeassaog 

. e bottd eH .bnaSS redmetqet ofsa to fltd etd matbroos⁊ Ye 

nisxodt moot nob tneont¥ ovey bas etotea ect toubnoo of xis: 

eves ot Menesa noheseasog ati ass atoud 228 * 

“ — date a 

‘een oe he il ——— —— — me * 



⸗ toind that the transaction was valid and free —A fraud 

— ———— — con travened the Bulk Sales Act. It was A 

— — — — 

“A that no notice of the sale was - previously given to the 

Common Sense Company. tthe court properly found that WhO 

mes-net-ecreditor at the date-of the salewy While 2 hed 


received an order from Vincent for goods prior to said sale 

it did not deliver them until subsequent thereto, and there wr > 

— aren — —— — — 

was Rothing—in—that-ctireumstance or- -any- Sthee evidence that 
established either in law or fact the r vibe ame of creditor 
and debtor between said company and Vincent prior to said sale. 
¥We-find no occasion for disturbing the judgment. 




—bwett moxt sott bus bilsv daw noltosensat edd todd Be 

hebeonos naw $I \ oA sola XLut edt bonsvettneo Fr eesinw 

— — 

— — — 

eds ot mavig yLavolvertg asw else eat te golton om dai 

th tent doum Vireqere txu00 ent tui. Yaaqmed eaned o 
—RX 9 

bet #& oftetw y Veise ent to — — oat te rod kb: en-eee 

efaa biae of totiq ehoos rot JavonkV mort asbio as boviecet 

corw stodt bas ,oteteds tneupesdyea Litmw mort sevifebh tom bib tk 


DMS ' 
tacts vonwbive [ent YUlus-tO. 99.003 emevtto fend omkdtod ee 
to¢ibeto to gidenolisafor ort tost to wel mt aedtio —— 
eolse bisa of toliq dasontV bane ynequon biss neewied tosdeb baw 

o CMT — 

ure Le — 

567 = 21352 

FREILICH, Deceased, 

CH, individually 

—J—— of the APPHAL FROM THE 

estate of 

deceased, CIRCUIT CouRT, 




— — — 
fis Appeal we from an order /af?irming in effect 
an order of the Probate Court tareotine|etsPiant ep * 
executrix of the last will and — of Wolf Freilich, 
deceased, to pay out of funds in her hands , to two legatees 
under the will, $1500 each , on account of their legacies 
in—the~condition —J the estate We think. the order 

of. the Probate Court was: premature oe not have been- 


upheld, When ¥t* wes made Tt apy appeargy that the executrix had 

in her hands $14,459.70, that the uncollected accounts of 

the estate were deemed worthless and that there were pending 

Claims against the estate amounting to $4,495.10. It also 

appeared that ad not been allowed any compensation 

for her services asnéxecutrix, nor fees for her cousel, ‘The 

Circuit Judge, on the proof before him, estimated that the 

latter might equal $1700, and from the showing of record her 

compensation as wien tree might ageregate, on a full statutory 
allowance, $7560. en if, as contended by appellees, the i oe 

J— — have taken into ‘consideration what amount ~~ 

MSS properly allowable for her compensation and her counsel's 

"Ow FO —— 
.bs ass d od — 

—* HOTELS ave. 


Koad cd ⸗ 
tootte mt —“ Ay a —— Laogaph abet 

* — ds 1109 etadord ent to xebt0. ne 

loi fiert Low %o —— wits 1th tulad ont %o xbusuooxs 
avesagel owt ot ,ebnad tod nt ebast to tuo yaq of ,boaneosb 
estosael xrkedt to tno no oso OOCLF Litw out xebaw 
.tobrsetedd | 

tebio edt anit sw eistae odd to nolsipnoo-ens—al , é 
nood evant ton bitioda bos ori d sno 1g asw PtuOo™ etadext_ot te 

Nay" e — 

bad xkisuoexe end tent axs9eqgs ) oben aow “9 monty . blee ‘i 
to ainvonos betoslioomay eds old OF. 08d ML$ ebnad rod fg 
antbneg siew stedt tant bas seoldiarow bemoeh etow otatas ont 
cela I .OL.GCA bg oF Anis nvoma otadas ert teatags sort fo 
noivasnsqmoo yas bewolls need ton ba todd botsege 
eft .feanmoo ten 210% asst ton ——— asoivise tol x0 
edt tadt betamites mid stoted toorg edt mo ,egbul — 
tod btosst to gniwone edt mort bas ,90TLR Laupe daigin reste 
— [iut e no eotsnetane Sagar xiiivoexe us nol tsar 7 0 

ileal — — ATs rem: 

edt ,essileqaqs xd — wa , th —— 

_—_——-“}muontis Fadw nottarsbkenoo ofmk netad ed tam 


fees whe) the order_was entered, yet the fact repedns that 

neither had been tixed, nor properly Could’ ve /withdut the 
— ger of that’ court, mien presumavly would“not be entered 

out a droper hearing” ‘and showing. | is The record before 


‘> indicates. that her services as executrix extended over a 
considerable period and involved handling numerous transactions 
and large sums of money, eggregating over $125,000, incident 
to closing out a merchandise — collecting the accounts 
mae paying» the creditors, | ‘and as ‘the court might in the exercise 
of a —— — allow for the, executrix's <ompinsation / 
a —— bea a sum which with the unsettled Lisbilities 
might, when deduc ee from the amount in her hands, Leave in- 
eam to pay ny legacies whatexer, we think the order 

emature and should not have been entered, 


cat. ag 

etotod brocot “ame A simulate bs lakes ro go a — ay 

— ee 

6 Ievo bobsmetxe xkittyoexe as aoolviee sod Jai -‘eotsoltbak wR, 
snottosanstt eyotemun gulibaed bevlovat bas bolteq eldateblanos 
tnebion: .000,é8L8 sevo gnivsgotags ,Yonom to amva egiel bas 
egnuooos ent ynttoelfoo sReontawe eatbnedorem @ tuo gntaoto of 
eetotexs odd at trigtm ta09 ot as bra! wetos bet ont But xsg bas 
i — — — 

\ foltoangqmod, e'xittvoexe Sad, 10% wolla nokseupatb galw 8 S 

‘ j \ t 
aetsifidstt befttoens ont Atiw doicdtw me 8 aoet e'ieanuoo b 

«nt eveol .ebnadt tet ak $ ru oms edt mot ———— — cs 
sobro eld Anidsy ow toyed. seloayot ens ag ot dnoiott se 
.beted m9 noed eved Jon bivods bas oud amie 4 88 3 


© 4 

388 = 21575 


Appellee, APPEAL FROM 

COMPANY, (Corp.), ) ] O QT A —— 

A pel ‘ant, ) en J ye Ale 4 6 5 

- fer — 


— Pisintife beam, was a manufacturer of 
defendant ; wes engaged in selle 
ing "little household savings banks", called safes. Under 
arrangements between them the former manufactured the parts 

vi and assembled them, and sent monthly bills for the same —— 

as POPE 

which appear to have been paid regular. y * over two years.) 

ne~valU0-OT- WEF OEHULEE ‘ 

the last few months of their dealings. Plaintite 
claimed as due on account..96,193. 922° Defendant claimed a/ 
set-off of over $13,000. The court's” finding and judgment 
¢-in-favor-of-plaintif¢-for—$3,510493<" " 
This appeal a ap for review, the refusal of the 
court to allow three items of seteoff, (1) one for $300, the 
cost of “fillers” made by plaintiff, and delivered and charged 
to defendant against its protest; (2) one for $528,67, the 
ageregate of an increased price of one half cent charged on 
safes made and furnished between October 1, 1912 and January 
1, 1914; and (3) one for $10,285.92 veing for what defendant 
called an overcharge for material delivered between April 
1910 and September 1913. 

Plaintiff at defendant's request made a written 

Proposition in 1909 to manufacture the parts of the safe at 

— a 

avels - 88E 

re | ae 


MORT JAMIA ,eellogga ake 


zep ALeel 


— —— 3 

to Towsostunam & esw eed tenet A many, 

— nf bezesgno esw gpedied. dnshmetob NO 
tobs0 .eetee beliao ,"alnsd agnivas bLodeavosnt ofttii" gat ; 

; atisq ont bowusostunsm t8emi0t end mort noewsed ad 1OMOyNS TIS 
oy: emea oft tot allid yLdtnom dinoa brs ment beldmeaes bao 
ck — ows teve x0% —— bisg ** oven ; | ote 
das, bas-borevitob Sseratts ven “Yo wuts eis 
Vhs abolé -@gnifsoh xfodd to adinom wot teal ot 6 bk < 

* bemisfo tnsbhbneted 80 +80L,9%-$00590 sto eub as outa 
tromgby t Bae yatbok? TF 209 eff .000,cL8 seve to Ye 

ach —R —— ne —* 

SO. 018,58. 20%-Dbtinkely to rove tnt 

» end) t0 {savtet ost wetvet xo? —22 fseqqs aint 
edd ,ONE% tot ono (L) ,tto-toa to emesi ooxrsiz wolls of stuoo 
begtsio das bexeviloh bas eTiisatelg yd ebam “eto lLii” to saoo 
ent ,V8,888h tot eno (GS) pteetowg ast saniage tnabnoteb ot 

no begiedy dneo tisd eno Yo sokig beesetoni ne to “ohame cane) 0 
Visunet bic SLOL ,f sedoto0 noowied bedeiniwit bas beat sores F 
tnsbnetoh tadw rot ynked Se. 888 OL8 tot emo (&) bes aia . 
2 LIktq) meewted berevilohb fsiiesam to? ogtadsr9v0 nie bel 
? -BL0L ‘rodmesqad ps 
j * nettiuw « sham teoupot a'Jaaboo%9b 3s sudemtett 

yA ¥ ta etae ont to apsag eats onus ꝛunm ¢ 


certain specified prices which does not appear to have been 
acted on, defendant's secretary testifying that when ing 
ready t9 arrange with plaintiff to do its business, the 

latter raised its price. There was a futile effort to hold 
plaintiff to its original proposition, But~whether it had 


accepted..or.not;plaintiff.could withdraw it at any 

ime and def endant.was..obligated-onty~to~the~extent..of goods: 

ae redi\ The subject of changed prices became a 

matter of discussion and correspondence but the record shows 

thet the goods were billed and accepted at the changed 

prices up to the close of the parties' dealings, and(‘Setualty 
paid for without protest up to the accruing of the account 
sued on, it is the difference between the prices contained 
in the proposition of 1909 and said changed prices for the 
Material furnished that constitutes the so-called overcharges 
in “Sata third item, 

ae The basis of defendant's contention with regard to 
Said overcharges, ~ that it was induced to accept the changed 
prices from the necessity of its situation and misrepresentation 
by plaintiff as to the cost of manufacture, and that its pay- 
ment of overcharges under such circumstances constituted pay- 
ment under mistake of fact, = is wholly untenable, It was 
merely a question of contract. Plaintiff modified its 
proposition before acted on as it had a rignt to do. Defendant 
may have been embarrassed thereby just as it was ready to 
arrange for the output of its articles on the market, But 

at that time there was no agreement capable of enforcement 
against either party, and defendant was not obliged to accept 
plaintiff's new terms. If plaintiff drove a hard bargain and 
either took advantage of defendant's necessities or even 
misrepresented the cost of manufacture, defendant having 

given plaintiff orders on the basis of the new prices without 


seed svsd of tseqqs son eoob dotdw seokiig botttosqe aistie9 
ar $i now defd gniytitess yistetoea etinsbnetsb ,mo betos 
eit ,eaentaud ati ob ot ttitntslq dtiw egnsitts ot ybset 
blod o¢+ tuotte sflitut s esw erent .eotiq ati beats zetisl 
bank ts sontenwetyG  .noitlsoqotq fanigizo ati of Ltigais 

J ; 
/ yas ts tt wetbhbit iw. bBiveo-ttit nisig-,ton..2o. bet 

-eboog 10 snedxe~ ont ot vino bedssiido.zsutiushbasteh has emt 
g omsosd esotig bexznsdo to soeotdue oT et \/ 


beansio sit ts betqeoos bas belLltd extew aboos ont sinie 

witeuios)) brs ~egniteeh ‘eoituisq edd to svofo oft oF qu esoiztg 
tnyooos eft te gniutoos odt ot qu seotsouqg Juondtiw 1z0t biag 
bonist noo asotiq ent meewied eonetesttib end at t1 ,n0 boue 

eit tot asoixg begnedo bise bus COCL to moistieogotg edt at 5 

eepisdorsvo beliso-oe edt aetutisenoo stadt bedeloivt Lettedsat 
moti bridt bide’ nt 

ot bisge1 dtiw nolinestnoo e'tnsiastob to alasd ent a 
beznsio od tqe00s ot booubnt asw ti dst - ,eegisforsvo bise 
nolistneestqeteim bas noitsutia esti to ysteaeosn oft mort seoirg 
“ysq ati tsdt bas ,eissiostuasm to veeo edd ot es tiitdaleig J 
“VS betusideanoo eesonstamyotio dove tebny eeyisdoteve to Jnom 
esw $I .elfdsnstay ylionw ei += ,tost to eiateim tebay dnom 
ati beitibom itisnisi@ .tosttmoo to molteeup s yLetem 
tnasbhasted .ob o¢ taigtt s bed Si es no betos st0lted nottileoqo1tqd 
ot vbser asw ti as teu, yderedt beaestisdms nased evsd Ysm 

tv& ,toxtam oft no eelottis ati to tuqivo oft wt egnstis 
tnemeototnes to sidsqso {nemeetas on asw otedt emit tadt ts 

sqs0o8 ot boxgtido ton easw insbneteb bas ,ytisq tsatie senisgs 

bas niegisd bisd s evotb Itidntelq ti .aenred won attilsatelg 

neve to eettkeaeoen a'tnshusteb to sgstnsvhs Aoos rtediioe 
gnived tnabneteb ,siwsostunsm to taoo et betneaexgqeteaim 

Seradd te eanb+er wan. ond. Sn (ebiced Gale) ee | Soke eee 

~3- é 

any binding conditions, and having paid for the goods billed 
according to such prices, it was in no position to question 
the validity of the contract or the rendered accounts so 
paid which by its acquiescence therein became stated accounts, 
The terms cf the arrangement did not hold plaintif? to any 
specified cost of material, Hence, even though it induced 
defendant to eccept prices on exaggerated statements of such 
cost so that it might realize a greater profit, in view of the 
fact that the actual arrangement between the parties was for 
specified prices to defendant, and hdl Vaned on the cost of 
manufacture or of materials, there is no room for contention 
that there was a mistake of fact or for the application of 
the doctrine of the right to recover back money when paid 
under a mistake of fact. lience the item for overcharges was 
properly disallowed, and evidence relating to the cost of 
material and manufacture was properly rejected, 

As to the second item mentioned, that of increasing 
the price of each safe one half cent, such increase wes re- 
quired by plaintiff's letter of Cctober 2, 1912 and accepted 
two days later by defendant, and defendant's secretary so 
admitted, saying "I accepted it because I had to." But 
neither party was obliged to continue the arrangement, The 
occasion for this raise was the incressed cost of metal, and 
defendant had reason to believe that if there was a reduction 

of cost of metal forrier prices might be restored. But there 

was no binding contract to that effect. Hence, said item was 
properly disallowed, 

As to the item of $300 for manufactured parts never 
ordered by defendant and which plaintiff had manufactured 
ahead in anticipation of orders, we find nothing in the 

contractual relations of the parties which obligated defendant 

to take or pay for them. There was no mutual obligation with . 

bellid aboon oft tot-bise yatverl bae ,enotsibmoo gatbaid yas 
nottseup ot nottizod on mt esw tk ,aeotrq dove ot antbtoo0s 
o@ avavoons hetobaet edt x9 tostd neo edt to Yibiisv ent 

Aad auodos bet ata emaced atoreds someoasetupos atl vd ao het * * 

tot eew eelvisq et noowted Inemegnstts [eutos oft ‘tant — : 
to teoo ort no —— bas asbeaso tob ot esoltq — * 
noitanetaes tot moot om ei st0edt ,aleixezem to to oAud os duen J 
to moitsoiiqgs eft tot to tost to eiateaim s eaw. oueds tad 
bisq nedw yenom aoad tevoeoet of digit ent to embutoob ont 

asw eogiatoteve tot mesk ot —— fost to etetein ao ‘sobais_ 
to teoo ont of gnttelot sonebive bas ,bewollaatb ylreqorg E 
,bosoe tet. yLteqotg esw sivtostunam baa Letredam iq 

gntesexoni to sant ,benotinem metk bnooes ot ot BA 
-9% asw gesetont dove ,tno0 tad sno etse dose to soitq oft 
betqeoos bans SLe@L ,8 xzsdotod 10 tettel e'tti¢gnaialq yd bertup 
os Yistesoos a '¢nebne tob bis ,taabnetebh yd tof#al eyeb ows 
tua “ os bad I-satnoed $f besqeooa I* gniven .bestiabe 

edt ,tnemennsirs ent —— of begildo esw youeg sodtion 
bas _ Letom to tado beasetont eft asw oelet etki? tot noiaero0 
moigousbex #2 sew stent tM sant evelfed ot nmoasez ban snabre te 4 
ersnt tud betoteer ed tigim ceotrq ashxot Lsten to taoo to. 
asw meti blee ,ooneH .toette tant of tonut noo anibaid on saw 
} .S5owolleatd vireqorg 
teven atteq howdos tumem xot OO€@ to meti eft a8 aa ie an 

respect thereto, Defendant could not compel their delivery 
nor plaintiff their acceptances, In the absence of any 
arrangement express or implied as to a surplus of manufactured 
articles or for defendant to take a certain quantity or more 
articles than it ordered, plaintiff took the risk of making 
more than defendant saw fit to order, - 

ve should enter the judgment that should have been 
entered below - the trial being without a jury - which re- 
quires a reversal of the judgment and entry of one here for the 
same party for an amount $300 less, each party to pay his 

own costs, 


— =~ Fy 

yxevitss ried Leqnoo ton bluoo snsbusted .oteteds tooqaet 
ya to eonseda oft al .eoustqesos ndont ttitalel¢ ’ 

bomsostunsn to eslqrue # ot us botfamt so eeaxqxe Snemegnstis 
ag Ns Bi 

gatien to deli edt Aoot Ttitatelq ,bousebazo $f ment solottis 
? nS ( ts J yy, 
_etebto o¢ sit wae dnebnoteh neat stom 

sion to ytitmeup xhatie0 s exed of dtnsbnoteb tot ‘to ae 

need evad biuode tans sSnomgbut edd 19%me bluode ov : 
est doinw - yout # txodtiw anied Latrt ent - woled bored ae 

edt 1ot eton ono ‘to yttns bas Jnemgout ot to Lseatovet & eotkup 
ain yeq of ytsq oso ,eael 908% auoeis fe tot Ystag oma 

easveoo fr vO 




229 © 21624 



Defendant in srror ERROR TO 
V8. * ) 
‘ ) 

Plaintiff in © 


—— — nr 

De was charged on information with 

larceny of "one United “tates of America Treasury Note of the 
denomination of five dollars of the value of five dollars." 
On trial before a jury he was found guilty as charged in the 
information, on the evidence of the prosecuting witness that 
\ the property taken from him was “a five dollar bill," without 
further evidence specifying its kind or character, or even 
whether the bill of that denomination was money of the United 
States or some other country. Spek-eridenen_presente-nol s 

— — 

—————— —————— by counsel-for th 


People, bu 


ure to prove an essential averment of t 
declaration. + lpia: domepees of no discussiion. 
It is fund al. (People v. Hunt, 251 Ill. 446; Yale v. 

#42 —ve-People; 101 id, 382;—Lo 

— Sate 
’ — — 

— yr \ —* 
oe will be reyersed and case — f or 
\ ; i . : y 

erry’ in overru “the motion foP& new trial, 


ae > = ee wee AG) — 
4 t 

oF Ost tort ok tandhoe ted , 

i 8 A.1801 


atiw heytars saw ——— 

ent to etoll ytuwusetl. soltomA to aetat&® besinl one” Yo ynoouss | 
",atelLob svit to eulav oft to artailob evit to —E 
edt at bentedo as vo Livy bave? saw ed etoted faixt J 
tant eaontiw antivoeso1q edd to sonebive edt no — 
tuontiw " LLid xeffob ovit s" saw min mor? metad Ys teqom | ont 
neve wo ,xevoatsno xo bald att arly tloege eo nebive — J : 
bestia ext to yenom asw nolianinoneb tant to {lid orft OMS 9. a 
a fon-stemassee aomebive dove .yutauoo tedte emoe to 
—* Lee auoso Yd bebnstaoo se oeneirey to notte 
* ad egos 
»tobsevoalb on to atimbs tootdie Tr ae mek © ont —2 
J eisy. peas Att cas tout .v slqood) — bew't ek 

0d-( 104 cghaoes-+ wi{t® 7@08 ,bt LOL \pe 

2 to stnoemieve {al¥neses. as * ot ot 

— *—— a 

* bob mame eae brs beatoter, od od —* *ncxcab ik ent 
efolit won ‘etor no ftom oui UNTSVO —3 


556 - 20890 


1981 ie AS 43.2 

STATEKENT OV THE CASE, ‘This is-an appeal from 
@ judgment tor #426, 5G, entered in the county Court. of Cook 
County, againat William ©, \Regelin and ‘William Jenson, * 


pel ants, ‘in favor of Duane ae oeiek and Grace vabeoek, 


EVE wife, — 

Regelin, Jenson & Company, engaged in the real 

estate business in the city of Chicago, hereineftier—referred 
to #8 Regelin and.Jengon,. through R. F, ’cAkinnon, a salesman 

—————— ._ -- —. ~~. 

eaployed by them, sold to a certain Wallquist, a janitor in 

their euploy, a farm situated in Kent County, Kicuigan, owned 

by aye ~*¥pegelin and Jenson represented Wallquist and 

no commissions or other compensation for services therein ‘ 
rendered by Regelin and Jenson was paid by either of aed 


Wallquist, as a part of the purchase price, gave to 

his promissory note for $750, dated January 25, 1912, bearing 
interest at 6% per annum, secured by a mortgage upon the said 
farm, The negotiations in relation to the sale in question 
were concluded in the office of Regelin and Jenson, j)uane 

J. Babcock, one-of-the sppell ees, testified that at esd 

time he was introduced by ekinnon, to ur, Jenson eme-oF wire 
_ «appeliepsd that the latter said to the witness, "If you have 
"any wore dealings, we would be glad to nave you come in, any 
oo transactions, come into our —A 

About a year later, watlquist having defaulted 



—9 — 

te to ROODSAR otf 
,ee0 [logqa 

xxruuod HOOD ues 

,-4@ Jo ——6 
etyallogqa iby: 

CEh AT Ser 

mott tasdqe ne sad eid? Auad HHT (LO int Ate 
| 06, OSD}, tot $1 aba a 
a me kttlw ta — “uaa Lt 
Snel Yo rove), ob sie 

#009 Yo aruoo x⸗enuodꝰ ead at bated 

* -G8 yhoanet mei Litw bas ai feye: 

Mi ane * 

—— 9081) bas Ad o 

feet at ni boxagne ,yaaqmod 4 aoeast here: | 

hattsiet te sisrietad a to ysio eld 

dqensotsaa aotxi A aauoꝛas aff 

at todinst » ,selupileW alatteo a ot bios — * x 

* ponwo wiwagtaoiw .YIqwed gneA ai betas be otra? oa 

bos selvuplley batooersetget noanet bas mtivged’ 
aerodd evolvree 10% Kolssensguog . tose 10. anh 

Sa at lo “oldie ud bisq 2 OW MORN L bas ailoyek ro 

— Wire, oF ovay ,9oitg esadotig oat Yo sang a en | 
: - gaiteed , eres .68 vteunet bostab OGRE: tot ston — 

bet gat 

* — soy, 1" .2eendlw edd o¢ bine -eedat ode saat 

mae a \ 
Yas ok ge wor eyed of beta od biuow aw , | 

ae (8 ® ® eobtto nwo odd ga 
r >. bostusten — — — — 




in his interest payments, Urs, Babcock, ene-of-the-appeitrees, 
ealled at the cffice of KRegelin and Jenson, met Kr. KMeKinnon 
and asked him to direct her to a good lawyer and testified 
that NcKinnon replied, “What do you want a lawyer for, we 
do that kind of business right here?* In February, 1913, 
Duene J. Babcock called at the office of Regelin and Jenson, 
relative to the collection of the interest on the Wallquist 
mortgage and testified that he then and there said to McKinnon 
that Jenson had told him that if he "had ang trouble or wanted 
any legel advice, to come to that office"; that Merinnon told 
him that Wallquist was still working for Regelin and Jenson; 
and that they could arrange to collect the interest from Yall- 
quist. Later and during the same month, Duane Babcock fur- 
ther testified that in response to a telephone call from hke- 
Kinnon, he went to Regelin and Jenson's office and was there 
informed by iichinnon, that fegelin and Jenson had obtained a 
loan from Wallquist of g1500 on the farm in question, and would 
pay patty... amount due them on the mortgage if the 
witness would come to Regelin and Jenson's office with his 
wife, and endorse the mortgage and note for collection, which 
aid on the succeeding day, On this occasion neither 

of saw or talked with any one except McKinnon, 

. while in seid office, nor had talked with either of 3 

relative to collecting, through them, the note and mortgage 

in question, 

dot bvndtnd 
MeKinnon testified thas he told » Jensen, 

he had a mortgage on the farm in Nichigan and asked Jenson if 
he, McKinnon, could put it through Jenson's benk for collec- 

age, Having obtained Jenson's consent, the mortgege and 
in question were placed by NeKinnon with Poresan Bros, 

ng Co., Chicago, for collection, kcKinnon testified he 

peootiogqs—end-to- one, xocodsd ,at ,adnounyag geotodtn: abd mk 
noumiNeM .t vom ,coenet bane ailonef 40 enttte oh tabu 
beoitisaes bas teywal booy # of ted Soetlb of — 

ew ,t0t teywal o Jusw voy ob dadw"  beiiqet monntXom ¢ 

: ,6LOL ,ytavtdel al “vetoed tigixt esesoiaud Yo bata —* 
Adenas bus atſs zo to —R out ts botino Avoodsd ut * 
‘telupliaw odt mo desxséat oft to mottesal{oo add of vite! 
nonitoM ot bles stedd baa nods ed sand beltivess bas osinad te ie 7 
bosuaw to efdvors tas bad” ea ti Inds ata bfos bad noamst ‘at 
BLot nonnixoM sadt ;"so0lTte Jails oF omoo oF — BR casoc 
zuosuo bas oifegeh rot gaidxrow {Lite saw detupiiaw na a 
-{fa¥ mowt gestedak ott So0fLoo of synetts bfluoo youd suds oe 
tut aooodad snaud Ataom omea ont yaiuub bas aetal de | 

-oM mott Ifeo omongefss s of sunoqeet ak saesid besttveed madd 
stedd asw bas soitte e'nesnel bae aileged of snew ost |< stonint mead 

8 bentesdo bed noenst bas er seas vnonnbioN yo bewrotad . 
biuow bua ,noiseeup at wet odd wo o0aLg to teiupt Ww isovt a⸗ aie 
eat Ti sgsgttom ods ane meds ayh savons ont ag 

ein dtiw eottto a'moenet bas aiiegent of smoo oLuvow * 

-  doidw \nottoot{oo tot eton bis vgagdiom edt eetobns bas, 48 he 
| Tenvisa moiesooo elid nO ,.yeb ynibesoous wid no bib @ * =| 
; stonmitoM sqeoxe ene yas dtiw bexlss to wae , —* 


to toitlie dtiw bowllfsad bad ton .eoltto bias * 

ak ——— 24 Lak, ; , 
J — Tabata, bfot off nent boltiseed anonalion 

* noanel, boxes bae nagidoit ot mist edt m0 opagsiom a be : 
 -9elfoo tot aAnad a'noenet dawordd 3f tuq be adie e . 

Boxe nemstol stiw nonnkxoul * * ome iseeup ml 
Vag * As * ad j y 

did not remember whether he instructed the bank to credit 
the personal account of Jenson, or the firm account of Regelin 
and Jenson, with the proceeds of such note and mortgage, when 
collected, Jenson testified that ueKinnon informed him that 
the mortgage in question belonged to McKinnon's wife and 
family. KMeKinnon, however, stated that he did not tell Jenson 
that it was a family mortgsge, McKinnon was connected, re- 
motely, by marriage with Wrs, Babcock, who testified that she 
had not previously seen McKinnon since she was @ child, and 
did not recognize him when she saw him in Michigan, at the 
time of the negotiations for the sale of their farm, Jenson 
testified that when the bank called him up and informed him 
that they had collected a wortgage and wanted to know what 
to do with it, Jenson informed the bank that he would refer 
the matter to MeKinnon, He stated that the mortgage was 
credited to his personal account, and that he drew checks 
against it, payable to the order of McKinnon and the latter's 
wife, respectively, which checks were delivered to N\ckKinnon 
and cashed by Kegelin and Jenson, and the money paid to Kce- 
Kinnon therefor, in their office, ‘The checks referred to, 
three in number, were in the aggregate sum of $735.25. 
Regelin and Jenson had no other collection at the bank at 
that time, Jenson testified that McKinnon was tien indebted 
to the firm in a sum ranging from $250.00 to $500.00, On May 
24, 1915, MeKinnon paid to Duane J, Babcock, enter the’ 
peldewes, $400.00 on account of the proceeds of the note and 
: mortgage in question, and, thereupon, Babcock gave him a 

A receipt as follows: 



» \ 

¢ibeto of anad edt bestonutdeani od tendtedw tedneaot son ht 
aifousi to tnwos0a att oft to , sonnel to tnvoone — stl 
nodw ,9yspiitom bas econ dove to abesvotg edt ds iw ·aeacas⸗ 

tec3 misi bemtotnt monaliow Jedd beltitees aoaenet bethctal 

bas etiw a'nonniios of boysofed moisesup ai egsadtom ods 
; — 

moens. {iss Jon bib of Jand botase ,tevewon ,coamiNow +VLinet 
-91 ,botoonneos eaw nowt on 99857 ⁊om Vv dunt & aow dh 42 

edie tad? beitisess odw ,dooedsad erm dtiw ogaitram yd ‘<ioton 


bas Acdo s asw ede sonia nonaixXow aseos ylevolivetg ton 

; edt ts ,cayidot at mia wae oe nedw min eainyooot tex hie 

noeas ,atst tledd to olfae edd tot anolsnisogen ead te: — 

mid boartotni bana qu mid beliso ansd edt nesw tad botiites 

jacdw wond of botany bas eysalvionm a heJveilos bast vont Jas , 

xetor bivow od text aAnsd odd bemtotal noenst i ad we ob on 

ada 3: 

saw oyegstom eds sands betese off Hoc to ot roddam § ple 
axosiio watb eff gadt bos ,tnwvooos Lanoa1eq ald of bod £0 

e'’totial edd bas nonnixon to rebr0 edd of ofdaxeq 31 dea 38 


nonntio’ of be1eviisb stew exoeds deldw ,yfovitoeqest othw 
-o4 ot bisg yonom ot One ,noenel bas milegel yd bodeso bas 
sod bet1tstert extosdo oT ,evitte thos ad . toteteds monday, 
: J .88,GéV@ to mua odagetaga odd mt ets — mt eortstt 
is ta aAnad sit ta notjoetioo tedto on bad moanet bas atlegen 
boddebat asi? eaw nonnixod saad boitisees moanet nt Se 
i yeu nO = .00,0068 of 00,0283 mort yolgnat awe @2 at mas oud 
“ ‘Sit ‘toswme . Aooodad -b maul of diag noani Now eler * 
focus ,aten aad to sbseoorg eit To ¢uvoo0n mo O0.00R% 4 — 


8 abc ev ny toondsd —9 / boa .noldeouy at 9; 
rewoLto? Sted pes 

* 14* 
J oe | 
we ts 
aw J 


Received from fF, F. Mekinnon 
Four hundred dollars 
to be deducted from collection of note for 
/ 4750.00 being mortgage on farm in Kent Go, Mich, 

4 "8400.00 Chicago, May 24, 1913, 

— Duane J, jkabcock," 
— vpn 
at that time, according to ape 

MeKinnon informed 
—E testimony, tnat such payment was in the nature of an 
advance, and that Wallquist had not at that time paid the 
mortgage and note in question, No further part of the money 

collected on sai note and mortgage has ever been received by 

, who made repeated demands upon hekinnon, 
and later upon Jenson, for the unpaid balance of the moneys 

During the summer of 19135, irs, Babcock called 
at the office of Kegelin and Jenson, where she met Jenson and 
testified that she informed him that she was there to learn if 
the money upon the mortgage had been received, and tnat Jenson 
asked “What mortgage?" that Nre. Babcock replied, “The Walle 
quist mortgage you are collecting for us,* that Jenson upon @™ 
examination of the firm books told her that the mortgage had 
been collected during the spring and that Nekinnon received 
the money through the office of Regelin and Jenson, A short 
time thereafter, Iuane J, Babcock, her husband, called at the 
office of Regelin and Jenson, ano there saw Jenson, and tes- 
tified that he told Jenson that he wanted the money on the 
Wallquist mortgage; that Jenson said he knew nothing about the 
mortgage and then, upon looking at the firm books, Jenson 
further said, "Well, here is * * * the deal of the farm on 
the books, but I don't see nothing else," and he, Babcock, 
replied, "That is funny, I brought it im here to deal through 

; you people because you said you could transact any business 
of. that kind." 
| MeKinnon continued in the employ of Regelin and 

Jenson until April, 1914, when, according to the testimony of 
ay, : 

a We ae Me aie a 

' ‘Ce 

re] J 

OL0£ vau — he DORE" 
nouniXod 4 .% aott bevidden™ a: 
erailok hetbuvd wold | A 
tot eton to moisootfLoo mort botohbab vd od 
SoiM .od tne at mrst ao ageartom gaied OO, OOty 
* . xooo dail ob Sates 

eqs of gaibtooss emis dade ete) beorto tant moc ° 



oe to estudan ont ai eaw snomyaq dowe sans — 

edt bisq emis taut da ton bad Jatupliew tadt bas song) 
yonom sit to txeq tondiwt of .aoisaoup al eton bas agen 0 a 
yd beviese: need reve sed oyaysiom bom ston plas no bosne toa 

— ⸗— ‘ ; ® : 4 p 
eMonninow moqw sbnaneh betasqot sham oriw® Mo ⁊aci⸗ 


syscom oft to sonatad bleaqnu sat tol ,noaemey noqu nodal bra 
betes ffoo 
betiso xsoodall ,atMm ,efe@L To comme: edd amined para 
bas moenet tom ode etodw \noenol, baa atloxyen te goitto end 5 
*i nesel of etedt sav ede tad. wid heatsink ee godt belrtse 9 
aosctol. tend baa ,bevisoet ased bad sysgdiom sz aogu bast 
#-Ifaw edt” ,beil{qer Avoodad .atk Jads — E— tadk® boxes 
be moqu moatet tadt “,ey tot gaiseelfoo ots woy easatida getup J 
\, bed exyeyitem ot sadd ted Hblos exood atit ods. 16 noktentaaxe 
bevisoot aounitoM Jad? boa gninqe eas gnkiwbh besos ttoo * 
giode A .moéaol bas alfegeH Yo seitto edd mawords ye oui ‘i 
7 ott #2 belf{so ,bnadeud tod Aocedsad .& stat srestaeted salt 

— ~eod bas ,foanel wae etedd San ,neenet bas ailoyes to epttto 

odd no yorom ond bosunw od tadd noenst bLod od ‘tadd be rths 

oid tuods yridton werd od bise moanst seadd joxendrom ¢elupfioy J 
soenst ,extood milt ont ga rere foggy ,mands ora oyag da 

Go mtat eds to {mob outs »* * et etod * {Low bien 16 aw : 
,toooded ,of baw ",eale gnintom eee staob IL sud — 7 
dgvordt feeb of eted at $i digword I ,vaawt eb tadt® , : 

sseniaud yoe soseaars biyoo voy bias vey seunood 4 

bna aifeyel lo yolqme eft nt Kountine' ‘monakioM 

4 J 
To ae ; oe hu JA Bo 

Jenson, McKinnon voluntarily terminated his employment, Upon 
¢ross-examination, Jenson was asked the following questions and 
made the following answers; 

*Q. Isn't it a fact that you in answer to my question as to 
whether or not you had collected the money on this morte 
gage said you had not? Is that right or wrong? 

A, I don't recollect just the conversation at that point, 

Q. And after [ told you that the bank President had informed 

Me that you had collected that money then you did admit 
that you had collected ity 
A, Well, you knew it then if you-- 
Q Yes, I knew it. And you did net tell me until after 
I told you that the bank president informed me that 
you had collected it. 

A. I don't just recollect the conversation,” 

— — — 

ü———— — — — — — — — 

— —— — — 

— — rns pte 



The errors assigned by the OPPS LAE, and relied 
on for a reversal of the judgment are, - the adsiisaion, by the 
court, of testimony in behalf of the appelleds over the objee- 

 j tion of appellants; improper conduct of counsel for appelleep; 

improper and prejudicial renarks of the ‘court, in the presence 
of the jury; the overruling of motion to find the issues fo 
the appellants at the close of appellees! evidence, and ag 

at the close of all of the evidence; the overruling of motio 
al for a new trial, and —* ‘the verdict ond judgment are ex- 

| eessive, 

the trial courtrelates to the authority of a val eaman of 

The main question arising out of the coisa of 

appellants collect the proceeds of the note and morteage of 

_ appellees \ 
J— Appellees never sustained any business relations. 

ith Regelin and Jenson, prior to the sale of the real estate \ 
m question, KeKinnon and Jenson both testified that LeKinnon 

er enn Je ieee 7 Bi. vv 

noq’ .sneayolqms ela bodaninres yLixessaulov msoantion Hoanet 
bae enotieeup yoiwollot sat boxer saw moanat tol San Lore -88 or 
:e%ewens guoiwoffot ent 
oJ @a moigeoup yo of tewana ai voy dadt tomt ws Ji 3' nel 
-ttom aisds no yonom end Astool{oo bah voy Jon 10 teasodw 
Fgnotw to Jadgix Jady al ion bad wey bise eysy 
etaniog Jadd 3a noitsetevnos oid teut toollooert s*mob I 
boaxotali bad snebieett aAned ed sacdd woy bic? 1 tette baa 
dimbea bid voy weds yYouom tadd beJoolloo bes woy Jatt em 
; (Vti betoolloo Deut woy dads 
--uoy ti ood JL wend woy Ao v ee 
; a. 
tests fiinu em [fot Jon blS voy baA .tl waml I ,eey = 6p 
sands om boarrotat tnebleetq aned ond sade woy bfLod 1 O 
ft besoolLoo batt NIE Oe 

",coitesetovnoo eds toelLooor sent, t'aob I 

— —— — — — — — — 

| .TAUOD KHT YO rorar ao WHT CGiarvruct vraoovoa cdi Tee — 


fetter bab ednattoqgs edt yd beongises eroxrzs oT * 
odd wd oie Fabs odd ~ ots dnompbul ont to Leet9vest ies 
vs (do edt teve ‘ade LLoqge ot to Yiaded at ynoul sass to “Sued 
‘ les {Loqqs tot feanwoo to Joubaog xoqotquk jadant logge — 
eonsestq oft at rwoo ddd to sxiss9% {elotbuleotg * 
Ot eeueeli odd Halt ot noitou to gailvxzeve edd p;ytut end © 

: ge bas ,sonehive ‘aos (foada: to suely ent ta atnellogqge * 
J Yo gailuitrevo- oat soon lve eid to Lim to eeoto ous 2 ' 
-xK9 918 dnompbut das toibrev od \gault baa , Lata wou’ a 101 

| GS  ovies 08 
“to noitoa ⸗as 0 tuo youicixe moitseoup m. ot | 
Vi to neoiis Lae a to ytiroidua exit of aotatet tW09 tala⸗ ost 
20 ogeatz0n bus eton sf3 Yo ebovoorg ont tosLfoo peat 
oA | vagina 

M4 14 ANTS. >. 
y, Yanotsater eeotleud yas bentadeve teven seo tfoqgh ye 

é oasaao {net edd to ofsa edt of volta osnot bas | 

eed dees Sweet, haobid Ra.6%S bene aie wiles NE ah i rae 

had no express suthority to buy or sell mortgages or collect 
money for Regelin and Jenson, It may be stated as a general 
rule that whenever a person has held out another as his agent 
authorized to act for him in a given capacity; or has know- 
ingly and without dissent permitted such othor to act as his 
agent in that capacity, his authority to such other to so act 
for him will be presumed to have been given, so far as it may 
be necessary to protect the rights of third persons who have 
relied thereon in good faith and in the exercise of reasonable 
prudence; and he will not be permitted to deny that such 

other was his agent authorized to do the act he assumed to do, 
provided that such act was within the real or apparent scope 
of the presumed authority, (Hechem on Agency, vol, 1, 2nd ed., 
section 246; Stock Yard Co. v. Mailory, ete., Co, 157 Lil, 
554, 565.) By permitting another to hold himself out to the 
world as his agent, the principal adopts his acts, and will 

be held bound to the person who gives credit thereafter to 

the other, in the capacity of his agent, (Thurber & Co. Vv. 
Anderson, 8&8 Ill. 167, 169.) 

We are of the opinion that appellees, under all 
the facts and circumstances in this case, were justified in 
presuming that WeKinnon was authorized to act as the agent 
for Regelin and Jenson in the matter of collecting the pro- 
ceeds of the note and mortgage in question, It was also for 
the jury to determine from all the facts and circumstances in 

evidence, whether appellant, Jenson, had knewledge that the 

| proceeds of the note and mortgage in question belonged to ape 

pellees,before he paid $735.25 of such proceeds to keKinnon, 

No reason has been given why the residue of the principal sum, 

and the interest thereon, were retained by Jenson, 

It is urged by appellants that it does not appear 

that William C, Regelin was jointly liable with William Jenson, 

tos{foo to esgaytiom {fea 9 we ot Ytinondue seetqxs on genes 

, € AA 
plea Site 

feten0g 8 88 bodsta ed yam FI moana bas ailo gen 10? ‘Yemen 
: a) 
tnegs eid es todtons tuo bied esd nostsg s reverse todd * J 

tos oe ot todto dowe o¢ yYtixtodtius aid ixeteawan gadd ak ts 
yeu ti aa tat o8 ,nevig nesd event od bemusertg od {fiw miu a 
eved onw aenceieq btids to addgizt odd Jostorwg od q1segeoen — 
9fdenoasss to seiotexe edd ai bas dtlat boo, ai roe Teds bette * 
dowe sent sob og bets imreq ad ton ffliw ed bas jeonsbirg 

.00 o¢ bowweas od tos adt ob 02 beudiodtum —8 eid aaw — 
eqooe sneiteqas to Leox edd uiidiw sew tom dove tedt bobivore 

«ebo BaS ,f Lov ,YouegA ao ren, ¥iitoisus bomuesra oud to 
{£1 T6L .09 ..989 , tol isif . .09 busy Hoots 7OaS molioee 

: me: | 


end ot duo tloemid bfod of teddons acids lariog xa (. aoe a. 

{fiw bas ,etos aid etqobs taqtonizg edd ,Jnsge ald as boxer 

ot todiesteds Jibeto eaevig odw noaisg edd ot bauod bio, — 
J—22 nods ) -tnege eld to ytiosgqeso edt mi roid 

(.@af ,Vat . £11 88 —E 

{is teboau .e00Lfoqqe tadt mointqo edt to 918 oW . ' i 

ai beititay, etew .seso eld? ma esoustamrotio bas —— 

—* Fas3s8 sat as ton ot posttoddua asw momakioN tads ——— 

-“otg sad yaisooltos to tediem ot ai aoanslt bas ailegoH x0t i) 

Tot coals esw Ji .moiteeyp ai sysyditom bas eton ond to choo . 
mi esonsdemuoxrto bas atost oud ffs moxt eniotetob “ Petar, ents —A 


Aus ——— ox to sublet sult Be nevis naed aad 
Toanet yd benistes stow ost td — 

— Ay , 4 J 

macgqs ton eg0d sk stands asnatfoqga vd begzu el at 

ona’ malrrrYe thie efdettf — ae Ty oe ee 

and that, therefore, the verdict and judgment against the 
appellant, William C. Regelin, were not supported by any evi- 
dence, No affidavit denying joint liability was filed by 
appellants; but it is urged that there is no evidence tend- 
ing to show that William C, Regelin was one of the mesbers of 
the firm of Regelin and Jenson, Chapter 110, Sec. 54, Hurd's 
Revised Statutes, 1913, is as follows: 
“In actions upon contracts, express or implied, against 
two or more defendants, as partners or joint obligors or 
payors, whether so alleged or not, proof of the joint 
liability ior partnership of the defendants, or their 
Christian or surnames, shall not, in the first instance, 
be required to entitle the plaintiff to judsment, unlese 
such proof shall be rendered necessary by pleading in 
eabstement, or unless the defendant ehall file a plea in 
bar, denying the partnership, or joint liability, or the 
execution of the instrument sued upon, verified by affi- 
there was no evidence offered by appellants to disprove joint 
liability. This court has held that the proper construction 
of the statute in question is that it relieves the plzintiff 
from the burden of proving joint liability, “in the first 
instance," and leaves the defendants at liberty to disprove 
it, without first denying it by plea, Bensley et al. v, 
Brockway, 27 111. App. 410, 415; Martin v. Nelson, 53 111, 
App. 517, 520. 
It is urged by appellants that the court erred 
in admitting in evidence certain letters signed "Regelin, 
Jenson & Company, per R. FP. MeKinnon," because such letters 

were written more than a vear prior to the time when appelless 

gave the note and mortgage to MexKinnon for collection, and 
; that such letters relate to the sale of the farm (which transe- 
action was concluded in January, 1912), and therefore could 

not by any possibility be regarded as any evidence of McKinnon's 
"authority to act as a collector for appellants or to represent 

in any other capacity than that of salesman, 

No question of MeKinnon's authority to negotiate 

eit daniags soomgbul, bus toibiovy oss oro teteds teat bon 
«lve yas yd botrogque ton etow ,aifeged .0 mel{fiv aat togae 

yd hbelil saw ——— tniel, yaiyned- tiveabitta on —— 
-brot sonobive on eh erent tend boguy at ti sud ietanctoaan 

YM eteduem ods Io ame aaw aifesen# .o mokitiw dadz wou of 

a bowl 08d .908 ,OLf tosqadid§ .noanet bree ntleyen to. wrt 

rawolfot ae et ,EL9f ,astutasa. boatve 

tenltags boltame TO aeetqxe esoeuanee moqs anotitsn a 

' to erogifde snict to sitsntiieq a2 ,siaasbnsteb stam to we 
tniot odt to toorg ,ton to begsila oe tedtetw ,etoyag 

tisds 10 ,adnebneteb eft lo qgidetendteaq tonysitids 

wWorsdent Jexlt ost of .tém (fade ,esmentue to nsisaitay 

eeolny ,Jaomont of Titsniatg odd efitiine ot botiupet ad | 
ni gnibselq yd yteassoen bertebrot od [isda Yoorq dove 

ni sefq s oLfit Lisde tnsbastebh edt eseelny ro ,tnemetec 

eit 10 .vtif{idel{ dntot to ,qideatentisg edd gisiyned tad | 
e-itta yd boltiaov ,nequ boue tnemutient edd to tektuesxe >. ; 


saiot evorqeaib o3 atuslfoqqn yd bets tio eonebive om asw —* 

dati odd at” ,ysiLidsts Sinko gutver¢ “to —E © 
‘evergdit of vtrodifl ta efosbooteb sdd asvaol bas ", 

-v .fo 39 yefenesd ,selq yd tk yalymeh sexi? suodth 

ffl 6&8 ,moefet .v mistem ;ofb ,OLfb “— — - 

.o8d 02 A 

, | berrs f1u0o ot Jadt edoatisadge yd begaw alk 31 eu. 
* nſson bengte eretiel alstieo sonshive at galds ko 
14 atetteL fiove seusosd ",mnomnk (oul oi A a9q ‘xmngmoo A 1 rout 
é “aeolfodis ore sive omts ols of ‘roltg T29v 8 nants atom nasdiaw 9 ) 
hue dobsees foo 16% nonattow of eyeys ton bas osomr edt 4 
-ensts Molsw) ost oft Yo olne ot ot etalet atostot : 
‘bLuop etotetsdd baw ,(S1@L ,ytaunsl al bobsfoneo ew a 

6 aonnttom Yo sonebive yas aa bebtaget of — ws w 


Bey oy 

Jneeatyet ot £0 Btnalloeqqa r0t ot vol foo s bees ag x 
asngoiss To dads madd yiipeaee, # aT 


such sale was raised on the trial and while such letters may 
not have been relevant or material to the issues, appellants 
could not have been prejudiced by their introduction as evie 

Appellants also urge that there was no competent 
evidence thet the note and mortgage in question had been given 
to McKinnon, nor that he had collected the money on same, 
McKinnon admitted upon the trial that he received such note 
and mortgage from appellees, sent same to the Grand Rapids 
Trust Company for collection, and upon the failure of the lat- 
ter company so to do, placed same with Foresian Bros, Banking 
Company of Chicago, for collection, 

Appellants! counsel assign as error improper re- 
marks made by the court and appellees' counsel in the presence 
of the jury. There were no objections made by counsel to the 
remarks of the court complained of, In any event, the language 
of the court referred to did not constitute reversible error, 
Some of the remarks of appellees' counsel may be properly sub 
ject to criticism, but they are not of such a character as 
would warrant this court in reversing the case on that ground, 

Appellants also complain that the verdict and 
judgment are excessive. The note and mortgege securing same 
were executed January 25, 1912, Appellees received 4400.00 
thereon on May 2, 1913, The jury were entitled to compute 
interest (a) upon the principal aun, up to May 2, 1913, and 
(b) upon the amount rewaining due and unpaid, from that date, 

— was due appellees on way 23, 1914, when the verdict was 
: Teturned, a sum in excess of §426,50, and, therefore, the ver- 

dict and judgment for such sum are not excessive. 

’ | 

yeu etedieLl nove 9 f Litw pris catre ond 0 bootax enw of 
etnal logge ,souent ont of faite sam T° tasve Lox hood vad 
-ivo es noidsoubortal thendt yd boolbulere aeod evad vou 

jnetogmoo om aaw atrodt tadd oy oats atnslleqqa 
a pevigp seed bed motteasup ai agunditom bas ston ot tad 9¢ 
7 .omea fo Yanom edt botoalfoo bad ef tadd ton wnonnhixa (od 

| 3 oe 
ston owe boviovex ed sadt Laity odt noqu bodtinba sonnks 

,tolsoolloa tot oꝝeo dy to 
#9% Toqotqul torts as ngtess Leanvoo 'etaslleqqa et 
 eoneeerq end at Lounuoo tees lloaqs bae duos ous, ud obam 

eid oF lesayoo: ud ebam anoitosido on stew ered? pare 

i ‘ 
awe Ot 

¥ egsugiuel oft ,taeve vos al ,%o beatalqmoo dayoo oat to a2 
torte eldterever astusistanoo tor bib of bexte tet Mn 

| emsea giitvose sysygd1om baa oton silt sovianonxe be 
“00, 008 bevisvet seelleqgA .Si@l ,é8 ytawaal —* w 
eiuqmon od boltitae stew yout edT .éLeL .S& van : 109 T9.K, 
bas ve of qu Aus faqionixg odd aoqu — 
293.86 ted mott ,blaqay bax osb nacre: tavous ond 0 
won toibtev edt sew ,bLOL ,e& yaw “10 — a. ou 

k * exis serote ted? bow ,0¢, d5ay %0 —— stayed —* bean 

J 9 Livi? co * 
eo J M we ' me 
a! aie oY Dean pan i 

We are of the opinion, upon a review or tie ene 
tire record of this case, that no prejudicial error was com-~ 
mitted, that substantial justice has been done, and that the 
judgment of the County Court should be affirmed, 


-n9 oiit no wrlvex sou ysodnigo ai 20 920 oF a | 
«moo esw 19x19 Leivibwletq on Jas ,9aao alas | ei 
edd ¢edt buns ,snob nesd ead eoiseu, —— 
.bemritts ed bivorde 5 vonauod⸗ ois 3 


1 ny 
eee) cae 
4 J 
a 3 
ge se J ay 
ag ; ne, ‘ 
| : a 
i ; 2 
J i J J 
4 a J 
J ane r] 
| ’ ’ : 9 9 
(a / " yr alae 
f 1 2 J 
hires 4) * Ned 
; ‘ J 5 . J 
Sh. igi 

68 = 21449 


Defendant in Enror, ERROR TO 


vs, \ 


i yy n Error, 1 9 8 TA. 4 3 4 
\J Be 



John Zinz, the defendant (plaintiff in error), 
was found guilty by a jury in the Municipal Court of Chicago, 
of being the father of the bastard child of Tillie Wolf, the 
relatrix, and judgment was entered on the verdict, 

The only assignments of error argued by counsel 
for defendant are, = (a) improper and prejudicial conduct 
of the trial judge, (b) that the court erred in overruling 
a@ motion for a new trial, and (c) that the verdict is against 
the manifest weight of the evidence, 

| te child was born on December 23, 1914, The 

relatrix testified that she became pregnant during April, 
1914, that she hed sexual intercourse with defendant on the 
first Sunday of that month, and about four weeks prior 
thereto, Defendant testified that for a period of time 
prior to September 26, 1912, he sustained illicit relations 

with the relatrix, but did not see her thereafter until 

_ May 6, 1914, when he again had sexual intercourse with her, 

\There is evidence in the record tending to corroborate the 

testimony of relatrix, 
A prosecution for bastardy is not a criminal pro- 
ceeding (The People v. Noxon, 40 Ill, 30) and it is only 

necessary to establish such case by a preponderance of the 



D = aN af any 1 8 eC J To ⁊x segs 



,(to1re ak ttitatsiq) tasbaeteb edt ,satS not 
ogsoidd Yo tmwod Lagtotma edt nt yt e yd yttivs bavot asw 
eit (tLoW ef{LtT Yo bins biatasd oft to rendst edd gated to 
.toibtev ent mo bovotne eaw taompbut bas .xittelet 
feamoo yd bevyagts xorre to sinmemnmaiers yino elt 
toubnoo Istotbutetg bns teqozqmk (s) = ,918 tmebneteb tot 
gnilurteve mz berre Sivoo ent gadt (d) ,sybut Istat ont to 
gantss3s at totbtev ont teds (9) bos ,tlaits won 8 rot noitom es 
,eonebive edt to tdgtow seetinem oft 
edT ,af@£ .cé& azsdmeosel mo atod asw biido ost | 
efizqA anitub tnsngetq smsosd ole tect bettisess xittelor 
ext mo tnsbneteb Atiw setyootetnt Lasxea burl efe tandd ,bfeOL 
toixg exeew aot tpods bne ,tiinom tet to yebaua satit 
emit to botisq s tot tsdt bettkitees tnsbasted -oteteds 
emoitsfloxr sioi{[{ii bentstave of ,S{0L ,d& tedmetgese ot toitq 
fititnu tet tsetsdt ted see ton bib tud xivsatet edt tiw 
.tod stiw eaitvoorstnt Ieuxee bet ataxze of mow ,ALCL ,a Yel 
eit ststodoxroo ot anthbnast btecst edt nt sonsbivs ait steAT 
[ .xtstates to ynomttesot 
eorg fenimixto s ton ef ybistesd tot nolivooaoirg A 
vino at ti bus (0& ,ffI Ob ,moxow .v olgoed eT) yntbsoo 

eit to sonstobnogetq s yd eeso dove daekidstes ot yIseascon 



Upon a careful consideration of the entire record, 
we are unable to say that the verdict is against the manifest 
weight of the evidence, or that the conduct of the trial 
judge complained of was such as to arouse the passion or 
prejudice of the jury. 

It is also argued by defendant's counsel that the 
court erred in overruling a motion for a new trial on the 
ground of newly discovered evidence, Such evidence was known 
te the defendant before the trial, and no explanation given 
by him to explain his failure to offer such evidence during 
the trial. 

We are unable te say that substantial justice has 
not been done, and are of the opinion that the judgment of 
the Municipal Court should be affirmed, 


Pei ¥ J va - 

tooo otlines off to moltateblanoo Iuyterso s neq 
taotinam edt fentags al golbisv edd tadt yse ot efdany ers ow a 
{atti est to soubnoo od salt 10 ,sonebtve edd to tigtew a 
xo notassq edt savers of as Mova asw to bontaiquos —— J 
Cust, end to eoibuletg q 
sit tatt feanvoo atinabnotob yd bewgxs osts alt tI a 
eft mo taizt wen s 10t noltom # gailuraeve nk bette —X i 
nwoml asw sonebive dove ,eonsbive betsvocelib ylwen to bravo Tg 
mevig nottsnsiqxe on bas ,{istit oft eroted tmebaeteb edt of 
gniiub esonsbive dove zetto of owwiiat ate mtalqxe of mic we 4 
eLsizt oat 

ead soltveut Ieitnetedye tart yse ot sidan sis eW 
to tnomgbut ens gads motnigqe edt to ox bas no b need jon | 
ebemikita od biuode satyod Laqtoinum oat 



y it was during the first two weeks of July. Two of defend- 

202 - 21596 

Defendant in i 




198 I.A. 439 


— eee — ——— — 

in Urror. 

In this eass the jury found thal the relatrix, 
Anna Jorezik — was on ranuazy /91, 1915, Aelivered 
of 8 bastard child, F that George Garihes, defendant 
(plaintire in orrer)/ was its father. A motion for a new 
trial was overruled, | | and judgment entered on the verdict, 

ae ie — urge * the defendant that the verdict is 
against the manifest weight of the evidence.. 

the relatrix testified on direct examination that 
she had coition with defendant, on several occasions, 
commencing June 11, 1914, while employed in a Chinese 
restaurant conducted by a certain Moy Sing. The defendant 
was employed as a cook in another restaurant on the first 
floor of the same building in which Moy Sing's restaurant 
was situated and continued in such employment during the 
remainder of that year, 

Defendant testified that he first saw complainant 
the last of July, 1914, and commencing August 2, 1914, that 
he accompanied her on three occasions to various places of 
amusement, Jefendant denied that 2* at any time, had 

illict — with reletrix. 5° | fang 

CUNO TNC wee, 

attention as to whether the relatrix entered his employ in 
June or July, 1914, but, according to his best recollection, 

aests = Sok 

{INOHOU KIMMA .Lew xe Pease: ce 
{ mi dnobae ted 
OT HOSAS Bais | 
rauod JAGLOX MUM ft 



Xiitelox oxlt salad bausot yiut edt — akdt of , 
howevilob. 2LeL a” Yteunsl 16 sew — —— nk - a 

$ nsbita%teb caoalt x09 ogiroed tant b boi paatesd | an 

toibtov oat m0 bores no toompbdys ft baa |b beLwrtevo ow M 
at goLhrey ot ful? taba teh ond we Honus ak #k eb 
—aonebtve edt to tigtew $ ae Tl oud ene fentane 

tans noitanimaxe goaxibh no beltitess xiutater ‘sat? ey: 
~enolesooe Ietevea mo .tnebne ted ag iw noitios ad ona Hy. 
seontd) a ak beyolqne oftiw fel ,fL ont gnkomemnog me 
insbooteh ef? .gnke yo nisires a yd begoubnoo. temcanteet a 
terit oft no tnstuetaor «erltons at Aces as as bexoLame asw : 
tnetweaseot e'gnta yom doidw ot antbLiud omea ont ‘to ‘rool? 4 
ent gikiub snomyolyme stove mi beuniinoo bas bosauthe eaw 
.ta9y todd to tobstamct i 

tnsniafgqnos wae terk't ef tadt beititeos + asbne ted | ; ; 
toads LOL . tesguA gatonommoo bane ,bLeL Aut * junk nit Hi p 
to evoglg auvoltav ot B—— sel no xoti betasqmooos: soot i 

we — J Aatoton dttw —— sisi 

— tte 
ns Kae * 

we ers sq gon “bib ed tarit ‘be stbeaud ‘i pake you) 
nk yolgms ain beotetas xitiatslox edt ont ctw oe —— pire 
5 ' moktoellooet seed ald ot gaibtecos .tud eb LOL eit x0 

oe * eae Oe 8 Me! eee a Ae a, re Nee yee, ee Pe, | ee ue cen” fy oe 


ant's witnesses, co-employees, one of whom commenced work 
there June 24, 1914, the other July 23, 1914, testified 
that they first saw complainant during the last days of 
July, 1914. Doctor Leonard 5. Wood, testified that he 
attended the relatrix during her accouchement, and that the 
child at birth was a normal child, weighing seven and one- 
s half pounds, who took nourishment and commenced gaining 
ee from the time of its birth, The doctor further 
testified that the usual period of gestation is 280 days. 
There was no evidence offered tending to prove that the birth _ 
7 was premature. fase fest; that; even Ifthe testimen 
letrix-be cepted ss true, the child must have Been 

ef premature birth, The burden was upon the relatrix © 

rove\the paternity of the child, The case of relatrix rests 


testimony of Doctor Wood, which strongl 

the pregnanéy of the relatrix occurre 

tends to show the 


several weeks before whe claims she formed the AequAan tenes of 
flefendant and hod coition with him, The evidence — 
preponderates in favor of tiie defendant as to the time he first 

met the relatrix,” 

In the cases of Haines V> The People, 82 Ill, 450, 

ad Peters  e The People, 74 Ill. A 8 178, cited inl support 
of relatt ix contention, there was a conf itet of evidence as to 
ether the birth was premature. There is ndcont ict of 

daence upon that point in this case. In the “Inetant case, 
here the testimony of the relatrix shows that the \riret act 
f intercourse with defendant was 233 days before the birth 
f the child, the burden is upon her to establish by —* 

repondcrance of the evidence, that the child begotten of 

Atow boorsmmo monw te ono ,sseyolqmo-oo ,avecontiw e'ine 
boktisaot ,dLOL .SS yiwt torte of? ,BLOL .dS onwl ozodtt 
to eyeb geet ot gatiw) ¢nanteLqmoo waa tetit yet sant 

of tedt bettisess ,booW .& bisnost rotsed .bL@L — 
edt tad? bas ,tnemenouooos tod gntiwb xiatealet of% pebnotga 
e-ono boa nevea gningiow ,bikdo Lemton e@ aaw diaid ts bitito 
gninisg heonemmoo bas tnemdelaven Aoot ow .abauog Mad 
tedtiut tesoob eT .,Atuid aft to emis orld mort — 
-eyah 08S ef noitsteey to boiteg Ieunw end tart} bobtisue 

_AMdald old tad svotq oF gnidnes bere tto sonebive on asw ox? 

yromisast ene rr — ee ase 
noed.eved tam bits odf ,owtt as botgs — 

oa xitésLot ort mnogu saw sebiwd ef? Mt ukd eutamerg to Atm 
atest xitdalex to oeso ed? .bLido oft to YS tateteq ott /evot 
,oonebive betteqquans ted soqu Lott? 6 ; 
go⸗ arodoaxoo al tandag toh xo $ Ling to faineh of 
—— Noinw , boo 168906 to yvnomiteot gatonotot ot a 
— * xittaler oft To (Daange tq old Jatt woda ot abs | 
+) eotat at aur on oft boorret este emialo ora e006 axoow tarov 
vcaoolo eonebive sfT mid ig tw soit Loo bed bres tnabrete® 
sarlt on emit ot o¢ as respond 3 ‘to Tove? nk aetarebnoge 
| * oxiatelet ond to: 
OES {cst £8 ,eflgosd outt 4 apnissi lo seaao ont al . 7 
tiogese fi bests ,8vL oa -LfI BY ,slqgood edt .v “hootet0d bau ; 
Ot ea sohebive to tol tm0o 8 asw oteds ,moiinetnos xitdslot 

to tokltaos/on et erent .eimtsamerq asw Mextd end rddtor 9— 
8a tote on mI ,oaso elds at tntog tadd a+ oe 
tons sonky ans tends ewode xitteLlor oft Yo ynomisaes ef? ot9d 
; igatd /ons estoted aeysbh C&S aew tnsbanetebh dt lw eewootes at 4¢ 
i f* ud datidesee of tod mnogu ak nebiud edd ,bIkdo oats | 

¥ iD 

‘to mettoged bitdo ont tad ,eonmebive ent to oonstobioqe’ 

—J ie 


such intercourse was of premature birth. Souchek v, Karr, 
(Meb.) 111 N. ¥. Rep. 150. | 

When we consider that the relatrix had the burden 
of establishing the paternity of the child by the greater 
weight of the evidence; that her case rests solely upon her 
own testimony; that defendant's denial seems as worthy 
of belief as her testimony, and that the medical testimony 
makes it very unlikely that this child was begotten at any 
of the timesswhen defendant had an opportunity to have 
sexual intercourse with the relatrix, we are led to the 
conclusion that the ends of justice require another triol. 
Matteson v. The People, 122 Ill. App. 66, 70. 

The judgment is reversed and the cause remanded, 


tisk ov .dtaid eisameiq to caw saiwooustat tone 
| 08L gon «Ww 6K LEE (do J | 

rabiud edt bad xitteler sdt tadd tebhemeo ow mest : ‘i ln 
retsetn off yd bifde off Yo yslnvetag ods saddat date 2 | 

tet noquw yLefon aseot euno sod tat jeonebive edt te ta alow 
yditeuw ae emoos Lelnob e'snabneted tart caonta ab⸗ 
ynomitact Laokbom oft sand bas ,ymomiteos t8d es Yelsed Yo. 
Yas Ja mottoged eaw biido aint Jandt yLoxliow yrev st #9: 
evad of yYitaustoggo ms bad ¢nabneteb nestes: wombs od’ | 

ert of bel ets ow .xhitalor odd atiw oau09 104 mk souxoe J 
totes xedtons etkupox eottaut to ebmo et tantd nokayion 109 
-OV ,50 .gqA .ffT SSL ,efgeod ext .v nocettal 

| bobname eaveo oft bam beetevet af smomgbut, odT | 


1 = 20771 

Defendant in Error, 
vs, 5 
Ww. J. FRER, 
Plaintiff in errégr, 



_ Plaintiff, seeking by an forcible” 
detainer to recover posseasion of a arn, had\judgment, we 
are of the opinion that this judgment should not stand, 

Plaintiff was the owner of a lot on which was 
& residence, No, 4352 Calumet avenue, and a barn, For some 
years she had occupied the entire premises as her home, in 
January, 1914, she made a written lease to defendant of 
presiises described therein as "House known as 4552 Calument 
4 Ave,," the term to commence liay 1, 1914, and expire April 
\ SO, 1916. Several weeks before the term began defendant 
| obtained from plaintiff permission to take immediate pows- 
ession of the barn, and plaintiff removed her electric car 
‘therefrom and delivered the barn keys to defendant, who 

thereafter occupied it with his motor car, It also appear 

that at the request of plaintiff's agent the defendant paid 
an additional insurance premium which was required on ace 

count of the occupancy of the barn with a gasoline car, 

There are also provisions in the lease which indicate that 

all the buildings on the lot were included in the denised 

— — — — — 

Prom these and other circumstances, including 
the character of the neighborhood, we hold that it was 

clearly shown to haves been the understanding and intention 

tyros « £ 

nornon wl WL 

~toTte ak sasha tor 


eV — 
DAhind TO 
ARES ot —V 
24728 of Ces 

OhD.AT Ber 


“sidtoxet at aolsos aa yd gaisoge ,Tivatelt * 
84 nomgabut bad , te noisaeesog qovooes of NE 
,baste gon bLvoca tacmabu eit tans nolalqe saz t ota 

_aaw dolidw mo tol a to tenwo edt saw Tikiniald 

esmos to% .nisd 8 ban ,ewseve soawiad S66) ,ck ,eonebleet a 
ni ,9med tea es eoaimetq etitne edt balquooe bad ova RTB9t — 4 
to dnabaeted ct eaeei netsixnw 8 ebam ade ,dfel et ia 
toouwts®) S6ES en swonk seuck" sa nieteds bedizoeeb ses imetg 
fiagaA etlqxe dos ,dfeL .f Yau eonemmoon of mrad edd ",.9VA 
tasbasteb aged ates edt e1tcted exoew Latoved X oo 
-sioq sJaibemml sist of nolasimieg Tiitaialg mot? bentasde — 
aso oitsoole tod bevomet Ttisalelq baa ,aisd edi to molees 
odw ,dasbaeteb of eyod mtsd edd betevifed base mottetedd 
\\@aneqqe ob ſa 3f ,t#0 todo ald ditw Ji boiquese ted taor8edt — 
biaq sJashueted edt gnegn u'Pligniealq Yo seeupet oft te dads | 
-98 no betiupet eaw dotsw mus tonxg sonusivant fanoislods na i 
.ta9 entloasy & dtiw arad edt te yonaquono sd? to dnwoo 

tad? eteolbal doidw saael edt oi enolelvotq ocala ats eed? —9— 

beelmeb odd aiibebyfont etew Jol odlt mo egnibtiud oat * 

— — — 

gnibufont e90nnteaworto tendso bas esos — 

nos * 


of the parties that the premises demised should inelude the 
entire lot with all the buildings thereon, In Armetrong v 
Crilly, 51 ill, App, 504, afterwards appearing in 152 111, 
646, it is held that the demise of a house by a street number 
carries the premises of which the house is only the main or 
principal feature, 

Defendant wae rightfully in possession of the 
barn, and plaintiff cannot maintain her action, The judgment 
is reversed without remanding the cause, 


Be yee A RR Se ee 


v al aoe tedt aꝝaab Ling ont ila Pree tot on 
~ffi SL oi guitseqge ebtewted ta 2808 —0* ALL ce as 
tedmun ssetse s Yd eavod & to seimb edd Jans bien et th y 
to atam odd yiuno ai sawou ons doltaw. To aosinerg ould ae 
.otud 20% toq om ” | 

od? to notsseaxrog ak Yiintsdgit eaw Juabas tod 9 
— anlata bas wid 
.oauao ost gutbuamex tyouds lw boatevex ai —9 

— E—— 


9 = 21455 


. Defendant in Errgpfr, 

p va, 

Plaintiff in grror. 

198 1.A.442 


* aintiff, Pia holder — — reas aignea 
by defendant, C judument itor $334, —9 | upen motion the 
gourt opened the judgment and gave leave to defendant to 
make a datenne ena testimony was heard by the court, 
ees, ae. making of the note by defendant, who was 
plaintiff's husband, and the delivery to her was not denied, 

Defendant contends that plaintiff was in 411 health, and 

upon her saying “that she wanted something to protect her 

for her funeral expenses," he gave the note to her “to 


pacify her," On the other hand, plaintiff testified that 
the consideration for the note was money mich she had 
loaned to the defendant. Her teatimony was that she req 
ceived no allowance from her husband for personal expenses, 
and during their merried life she had worked for a time in 
a laundry, had kept roomers, that she had received from a 
daughter payment for board and washing, and that she kept 
an account of her own moneys in the State Bank of Chicago; 
that it was from her own money thus secumulated that she 
made the advances to her husband, who borrowed the money for 
the purpose of buying @ lot. it also appearm that when she 
was merried she had something over 9200 of her own, The 

husband, testifying, Sas net deny that he received this 



YIGHVGoM MOLTLUL ouiareaat , 

bonaie — — sebfoa ons tritaiala . it 
oud Mois om mogul .80, BESS ———  tuabos tab 
ot Japbao eb ad evaed evay bat Soro mab ws on benego —J— 
scree oad vd btsed enw cnomisass baa oune ted ao 

saw ow ,dnabasteb yd edon sis To yatden ‘edt 
.beinesbh ton eaw aed of yievifob oft bas ,baaedaud a'ttiinial£a 
bas ,dtined IfLk at esw ITisnialg ads habnesnoo tnabas ted 
soul SJoesorg of guidvemce bstnsw one sade" goiyas ted moqu 
of° aed oF aton edd evsy sh “,seeneqxe Latoaut t38od tot } 
tems SDeltisgaed? Wisalalg , baad t98dse ade nO "ted yYtiosg 

bad ofa doide youom esw esen eas tet aoltereblenoo et 

“or ote Jad? saw ytomistass ish .sambasteb ods of benaol 3 
8eeceqxe Lenoutesg tol busdesdt tod mott soaswolla on bevieso | 
at smljJ a 1ot bodtow bad ode stil bolziem aledd gaiiwd ban 
& mott bevisoez band ele Jad? ,etemoot 3qeit bad ,yrbauel # | 
sged ede Jactd bas ,gaideaw bane btiaod 10% snemyaq tosdguab 
;Cgsoldl to Aaek esataG odd ak ayonom awo ted to gasoooa a 
one Jadid botatuuuoos euds Yonom awo 194 mort saw st tas 

tol yYenom sad bewortod odw ,basdewd tod of soomavba edd ebam 
ee new Jans foxnoqqe oula di ,#ol w ygaiqud to evoqing anit : 
ont ,nwo tod To OOS$ teve yalddemos bad oa beiviam 9*— 

aids bovicoes of Jans yueb Jon eb sadhyLiseod , 

money from hie wife,and the evidence cigarky showkd that the 
amount of the note represents only a portion of the advances 

; raion by plaintiff to defendant, 
“a7 unde these. gireun stances prammeste wap entitled 

maintain Her adtion against he husband, tHe wie Sees en⸗/ 
itled "tugband and Wife," chapte 68, secs, 4 7 Hurd’ 

Linoie,/ in for July l, 1674, | as been, construe te gue 


horize ja husband or wife to sue the other on all contacts 
xcept for serviges rendered to bach other, ona v. 

melier. 106 roby 36; Hianilton v, Hamilton, 8&9 124, 349; 
y. Sawyer. ase lll, 443. mhe contention of Ketensant | 
is court id based ‘upon the ptatute in force prior to | 
the enactment of the present statxte, and is unavailing. 
The ju ment isvaffirmed, 

ens sade —X Yfegato sonebive ait tos,etiw eiA mor? Yodo 
S9onevbe os Yo molitzrog # ylne BJooae1ge: eton e439 to tawome bY 

Jasbaeted of Wtidaialy yd obam — 
bolsiiao a J—— oeog⸗ x9! uw oh aa 
789 Sdusate ONT .bandaud pod denisge aoitps tok aisdntam 
\ # Pex 09 bas I \,e0e8 4d tod qado *,otlW bas bandit Sols 
\ * — need a oSVSL .f yLul sorot at alonil 

\ \ \ 
| etonrtseog {in no Taito oid ous ot etiw to basdeud ® oxke 

| -V¥ samo iT Toso doad of betobaez sopiviee tot sqsexg 
eer Y {LI @8 Mod Liamiz iv Motiiaeh ;88 Ifft aor , 
| tuabas teh te aoitaasnos ont sCbS ILI &E · , 
Ot toltq esxok ai —8R oad nogu bowed Bt tayoo athe 
Siilliavasy et bas —ER snssetg, os No Jnomtoane ede 

-bamtittenet dooumgbu kf oat 

16 - £1552 


i) LILA weDERONT et al., heirs af ) 
J law of Hannah U. Conroy, de- | } 
4 ceased, Error to 
7 Defendants in error, 
J — Municipal Court 
J Vibe 
. of Chicago. 
YP inindi tf in e ay 4 
My 8B 
ed 0 YQ I . A. 4 4A 4 


ncic eh DRED 

Hannah Me Conroy, now deceased, made a Nee re ‘writing: is 

to defendentof premises known on 4519 Indiena avenue, for a 

term gommencing September 1, 1913, and ending April 30, 1914, 
at a monthly rental of $50. The heirs of Mrs. Conroy brought 
suit claiming that rent for the last four months of the term 

al by the court the plaintifis’ 

Defendant argued thet the heirs are not the proper 
a partion plaintiff, that suit should have beon brought by the 
\/ administrator. i contention Ta. “withoat merit.” _ pont 

ERG et 


bus 0 OL ’ — heirs, and thereafter they were —* tled to 
pollect the rént; the administrator hai nothding to do with 
nis. This ie so elementary that ot tattons of decivions are 
q mnecessary. J / 
Some defense is — upon the concession 
at the trial that it thd defendant, vere present ho would 
testify to the poor condition of the hoatiitg. — in the 
ae and to other natters set out in his affidavit of defense. 

While conce hat he would so testify, counsel 20% plain- 

tiffs. wees o hig competency a8 6 witness, on the gro 

— ——— 

ander ‘the — chapter a, pee. 2, , On Evidence: ‘ana 

2 exiod ,.le to ytomacon 
~oh ood - deoned to ¥ 


ov z0%x%%5 
tesod Seqtofunt 
segantsy te 

KAD en I SOT tke — 

YISAVGOM HOLTAUL ourcresa¢ efi 

{OOH .X eumt 

— — —— 
— ⸗— “— 

“gate baw ot —* obam ,h9ea000b won ,younod ol dennall : 

# tot ,onmeves enethal @L8) es won pealnorg todmsasteh ot 
ter 08 high gathae tae ,8LCf ,f xodnetqet gatomemnoo aro⸗ a . 
— Yours) .atM to ackost oat 080 to Letnox ctat aon 8 ta 

mxot off to edtaom xwo% test oft xo nat tase gatmbato oie 

Ar ala Cey ont “boo” att gd fotos fh tag mood tom bart ‘ 

xoqorq edt ton orn exted oft tact esgus tnebasted! 
eft yd tdgvoxud nood oved Sloods diow tadd ,tkkintatq aolvisqg 
+ nod “le Fuom More tw ar Kok Inet aes | xodentataimbs =~ 

Oe Al a et 

ong Ieox odd ,SL0L ,xedsmoed ot youno Vaan ro" Bei 

of bo f3tago otow yedt totteorot? ban ,exted ros_oF beaasi 
— sittw ob oF autht on hed totextatatmha ort ⁊ edd * 
O18 anotatooh to audited to tadt yrednomele og of etdT .ebdd 
az" Se Vresaoo 
ao tano ocio o eat cogs beast Korqnedta wk punoteh —XR 
— ont Shomer oxew stab aored eae tk gett Letrt oft ta a 
‘ as ak aut auaga⸗ —5— and to no tatoaoo LOOG ont of Ciiteet A 
a prob te divs tite aid at tno toa — ** geste of fas os 
‘ at⸗ La tot Lounsoo eritaod oe biwow at ts 1th out ~ 

Moreen 4 Abe nm ——— 

ha —— oa J 9— 
Bowe —— nos. oa “fi a — oostode ods | ‘ebm rt 
. hae) (vio cue ee wi ye | 

Depositions, he would not be permitted to testify. This 
objection ia valid, and the trial court so held. I[t is 
true that an interested party may teatifty to facts oceurring 
after the death of o person. These facts are claimed to be 
that defendant removed from the premises with the consent of 
one Coleman, who had been the agent of Mrs. Conroy. There is 
no teatimony to thia effect, and sven if we should “gonsider 
the affidavit of defense as teatimony it discloses no 
euthority in Coleman to act on behalf of plaintiffs in any 
way whatever, end certainly no anthority to release defendant 
from rent. 

The contentions made by defendont's counsel axe wae on= 
vineing, and the judgment ia affirmed. 


"4 ald? .ytiveot of Betsiorreg od ton hivow od sanoke Luogod 
at 1 .Sfot oa susoo Latyd oft San ,hbiey at — 
giicusose atoat of yttieot yan ytusq botvetetat as sat ¢ * 
ed ot bomtefo ere etext saodT .noeteg # to fsaeh ont 
‘Yo dneunoo ont Atty evetmerg eff moxt Sevocer tapsnsteb 3 
at ered? your) .axii to ¢noge ont coed bat ocha ssnmefod 0 — 
aobhenoo Sinode ow th nave bas ,tootte. aldt of taontseet ¢ 
on souofosth tt ysomttaet aa canctob to tivablita ‘a Ail 
qs of ettivately to tiaded so tom of aamefod at ytts doe 
| taehasteb oanelot of Utiroctue on ylatadneo bae stovetaiw % "2 
: | | trot nor 
ao ocur oꝝa Foenuoo a'daesnoted yd oban anottasisme ed? et 
yy shorts ot toomabr, et Soe ygatenty 
| CAT HHA 4 


32 - 21652 

HUMAN , } 
Pleintiff in Error, ¢ 



Error to 
Cireult Court, 
Cook County. 

vs. ) 



Defdpdant in Pxfor. 

Plaintiff broughteuit alleging that while he was alight- 
ing from one of defendant's cars, through negligence it was sud- 
denly started, throwing him to the ground and injuring him. 
Upon trisl the jury returned a verdict of not guilty upon which 
judgment was entered. 

Plaintiff says the verdict wa» against the weight of the 
evidence. We do not think so. The jury reasonably could 
believe that about ten o'clock in the evening plaintiff and his 
son, & young man nineteen years old, were passengers on & north- 
bound North Clerk street car; that they lived on the north side 
of Fullerton avenue, just west of Clark; that when the car 
neared fullerton svenue it stopped at the gouth side of the 
street to allow plaintiff and his son to alight; the son alighted 
first from the easterly door of the front platform, then turned 
northwesterly asrens the track in front of the car; pleintiff 
following, atarted to turn to follow his son diagonally in the 
direction of their home, and either twisted his leg and fell as 
he made the turn, or slipped on the rail of the track. ‘There 
wag abundance of testimony that the car made only one stop for 
plaintiff to alight, and remained standing still until some time 
after the accident occurred. We would not be justified in dis- 
_turbing the verdict of the jury. 

of torr 
F⁊ruoo Fivourd 

obo — | Se 
* NS WA. I 2@ Peg 

— aew of oltdw ac⸗ gitgel is. tise tdgtoud rettateri . 
~Aus eae vt gonogti gen dauouit ,ause a'onahneteh to 6is0 ee: owe 
J ami autal baa basoxg ort. of mks gukwortt * *— 

bLn09 yldsncasex yet efT .oa amtdt toa. “ mm 

~dtton A no wxegnouasg oxow ,bLo gr00y mostonts cam 3AuOY & — 

obtu dixon oft xo bevtl yodt tadd 1180 toorte axe Id ato bared ‘a 

otigifn aoa ond ysdytleot now ald Sne trktalalg wollte ot —E J 
Soares aode ,orrottala caoxt off to ro oh vixotaae edt moxt tone a 

ood? .aloett ont to Ltax oft a0 beggtte xo rast edd ers od 
OT ‘qote eno Ulno sham ta0 on? dads Yaomttaer re conabaude « aa 
ves omoe Citas Lftte gathaste bentamey bas staat — _ 

It is said that it was reversible error for the court 

to instruct the jury touching contributory negligence, as the 
evidence shows there was no contributory negligence in the case. 
The instruction is # correct statement of the law, and we do not — 
believe ii can be said with secureacy that there is no qv stion 
whatever of contributory negligence in a case of this kind. By 
instruction No. 2 given at plaintiff's request, the jury were 
properly told that before plaintiff could recover he must be in 
the exercise of ordinary care for hia own safety. Flaintiff can- 
not now complain of the instruction on the same point given at 
the request of defendant. Harney v. Sanitary District, 260 
Tll. 54; West Chicage st. 8. Co. v. Buckley, 200 Ill. 260. 

There being no convincing reason to set aside the judge 
ment it is affirmed. 


—E oct xok torre efdtaxever sew tt tect Siae — 9 
edd ap ,eomegtigen yrotudixtaes gatdososd yust ode i 


Anima ont af oonsalfgon ytotudiaimoo on Bow ered? arose Yo 

on ob ow bus ,wel oft to tnometeta toerx00 a at mnt oi : 
«motte ap on at etodt tadt yoarwoon dviw b lee od amo ah 
va +bott atid to sano @ ot eonogtigen yrotadktinoo rom 
bi oxew Frut odd ,teerper a'tuttatarq tea nevig & wes 
gt od dusm od xevooot Sivoo titiaialq erotod tans sted 1 
89 tittintieli .yvetas mre sid tot oxo vrsnkhzo: te oats 

$8 novtg tatog omea ed? no noktountant oft to atatanes — 
008 ,foputats yxsttane .v comet .tnabastob to taon; 

098 .LLT 008 «yo Laoua i 2 8 8 same duet 8 
Abub oft ebtes toe of noasox satontvnes on gated et 



57 = 21795 

Defendant in Error, 
vs, *, 
Plaintiff@ in ärxyor. 
% : 


— — — — 

198 1.A. 451 


Petitioner filed his petition, amended, for a 
writ of mandamus to compel the City of Chicago, the civil 
service commissioners, the fire marshall and the city compe 
troller to place his name on the roster of the fire departe 
ment and upon the fire department payroll of the City of 
Chicago as a pipeman, with the right to enter upon his 
duties as pipewan and receive the salary therefor as he 
had prior to his removal from the service on or about 
July 25, 1908 ‘To this amended petition a general demurrer 
was filed and overruled, Kespondents elected to stand by 
the demurrer, and judgement was rendered that a writ of 
mandamus issue, —* 

"Petitioner has not appeared in this court. 

This court has had occasion several times to 
consider petitions of this kind, notably in the recent 
cases of People ex rel. Hickland v, City, No, 20699, opin- te 
inion filed October 6, 1915, and Vaughn v. City, No, 21089,— /%)¢ 
opinion filed February 15, 1916, see, also, opinion of this 
court in Rudnick v, Gity. No, 20897, this day filed, The 
form of the petition before us is similar to the petitions 
considered in these oe und what is said in those opin-— 

ions is applicable to the instant case, iit has been many 

, Pal 
RA dly LAR Sn Beet: 



.esots .on .yttO .¥ ba .2f@L ,2 tododod beLt? aoint 
alit to notutqo ,oels ,o9& .afeL ,af Yisutdet belt motatgo 

~. it 
* a an a 

aevis = ve 

YAHAH .fex xe @itoRg 
—X mt anasbus ted 



SORTA at petiigaialt 


moh Ateer’: \/ 7 



“B tot ,bebneme ,moltiseq ald belit tenotsi det 
Livio sds ,oysoindd to ysid ett Loqmoo of ayasbiam to ¢iaw 

-qmoo ytio es bas [f{sderem stit eld ,etonolesiamos eolvise 

— na 

-tteqebh etit oad Yo teseot ond mo oman ald eoslg of telLordt fs 

—— ew 


to ysid eit To [Lowyeyg Sneadtageh etit edit noqy Bas doom y 
eid soqu t9da0 of tigit ond citiw ,nameqiq & ae onad tay ; 
ed an toteveds yislse eft evioost bas nsseqiq as aeisub ‘ 
tuoda to no eoivise ed mort Lavomet ain of roitq Das a 
ssiiu09b Lateneg & aolildveq bebueme elindt of .80@L ,@& yLut ; 
vd basta of betoole esgnebaogesh .belurrevo bas ba fit eaW 

to Jitw # sed? betebnex aaw tnsagbet bas ,tetiwmeb entd 

| .oueek eumabnam 
wiw0o aldt ai beteeqgs ton ead somoksisat 
ot eomid [eteves molesooe bad aad divoo ald? 

dnsoet ot ni Yldason ,baix aids Yo anotiiteq rsebhianos 

-tiqd ,@@B0S ,oM ,ysid .v bnsixoil «fot xe efqest to aeaso ; 

edt ,bolit ysb eidt ,Te80S of A¶ v dotnbue od u00 
enoltivyeq edt ot talimis ek eu oro rod ntoltiteg— oat ‘to mot 
enigo eeodt al bles ai tanw bos 18989 ‘ewedd ai betebianco 
Yusm assed ea tl .eeso tresant oat ot ta⸗itaa · ek onok 

—X —6 of — 

times decided that a writ of mandamus will not issue unless 
the party applying for it shows a right which is clear and 

undeniable, jeople v. Busse, 248 ili, ll, 

In the case vefore us the petitioner has failed — 
to plead any ordinance creating the office of pipeman, it is 
alleged that an ordinance was passed creating “an executive 
department of the municipal government * * which shall be 
known as the fire department and shall include one fire marshall 
* *® and such number of * * pipemen * * and employes as the city 
council may by ordinance provide," It is clear that this con- 
templates an ordinance by the city establishing the number of 
pipemen in the fire department, but petitioner has not pleaded 
any such ordinence, and discloses in no way when or how the 
city council provided for any number of pipemen. This is 
not sufficient- Kenneally v. City, 220 Ill, 485, and also 
the numerous cases cited in the opinions in the cases first 
referred to, 

The fact that the civil service commission es- 
tablishes a classification of offices and places of employ- 
ment does not establish the office itself. Bullis v. City, 
235 lll. 472. 

It also should be noted that under the civil ser- 
vice rules and the Civil Service Act original appointments 
shall be on probation for a period of six months, and that 
if any probationer, upon a fair test, shall be found incompetent 
or unqualified to perform the duties of the position, the ap- 
pointing officer shall so certify to the commission, and the 
head of the department may, with the consent of the commis- 
sion, discharge him upon assigning in writing his reasons, 

The petitioner alleges his discharge by Chief Horan, but 
fails to allege in what manner the chief did not comply with 

these provisions of the civil service rules and the Civil 

eeelny eusel ton {ftw anashonn to ¢law @ sands s9bloeb asus 
bane taefo el doldw digit & awoue Jf 10% yoivtqge ywusq odd 

off , £41 888 .9eayd ov sigoo% fdelsobas 
Ny [ betied een tonoltiteq eds ay axoted sano sili al 

ef sl .nsmeqigq to eoltto eid yaidsero Sonenibio yrs baste of 

eviduooxs as" ynitesto heeasq esaw sonanibro 14 isis beget 

od Iface dokdw * « SN9mNtevey Leqloinum ests to Saomtteqeb 
ffedeteam etit ono 9Sutoni {lade baa tnemsteqeb etit edd es wood 

ysio edt ens eoyolgme bag © * nenegty * *& to gedaan ose bis * # 

“109 elds tedt wsalo et $I " sblvotg sonantbre vd yam CAdauoo 

te tedaun add anidelldetas ytio ond VI Sonentibto ma avtelqued 

Sebseiq fon asx aonoaalasq tud ,taomdxeqed oti2 odd al meme g.he 

eid wo to nacw Yaw on at e@seofoeib bas +9oheKlstO dove yas 

ei sidt Aomogta to tedaya yas to? bebivoxrg LLonwoo Yio 
outs bas \88b .ILt ‘dneioittwe son 

texit seaas edt ai anolutge owt ni bests 89882 @yOToMwh ond 

-OF betreter 
“88 noleeinmoo golvroe fLivio ond Jane Joet od? 

“Yolqms to sees, bas a90iTto. to MOitsoitLeesflo a sedeitds? 

MZL9 «Vv etiluk .tfoati SLviTTO ext datideses ton 890b Jaem a 
— £01 aR 
“198 Livio ot teboy tadd beton od bluyodea oule ti 

efnentniogs isntyito toa eolvied Livtd odd baw eelux gotv 

Tadd bane ,eddnom xte to betteq s tet ioivadorg me ed Clare 

tatsqmoont: bavo't od Clade feed thet @ xoqy st9Hoivederg ys tL 

ent arotiag of beltlisupay xe 

Moleekmmoo sad oF YtLSTHO OB ffede ywottte anisatog 
“simmoo ens to tneanoo add ait kw 

“G8 end MOltieog ont to feliub 

eit Bre 

(VSM Front yagqgeh eng to baed 
-ENO8HST Aki anitiaw at atingtees noqy mid eytadoetb tole 
Jud .matoH Yetdo Yd egredoeib aid eegellis r9M0ltiieg edt 

thw Ylqmoo ton bib totus eds tonrem tenw ot egette od efiat 

a Livid e3 bas we tyr eolvieu fivie sad 10 aueteivorg os 
a ’ 

Service Act, From anything that appears to the contrary 
from the petition, the petitioner failed to give satisfac- 
tion while on probation and was legally discharged, 

For the reasons above indicated the judement 
of the Superior Court of Cook County is reversed and the 
cause remanded with instructions to sustain the demurrer 
and dismiss the petition, 


yistiaes edt of stmeqqe sadd ynidsyas moth = .t9A 29 rial 
-ostaistse evig of bells? tenmoisiteg od? tithes odd nor’ 
_,bogtadoalth yilegot eaw bas noltedotq ao eLiaw moda 
JoamjbuL sit betsolbat evods ancaset es 10OT hal 
eas bas besisyet ef ytuwod Aood to siw0D soltsque ost * 
tettumeb edt alaseus of anolsJoutjeni dilw bebuanet 7 

olsiiseq sdt eelmetb b — 



WO My 7 ran 
hi an are? age? 
' ; / 9 i Mii 
J (iy) 


424 - 21822 



cook COUNTY. 



Plaintiff, employed by defendant, was injured 
through an explosion in a small foundry connected with de- 
fendant's plant. He brought suit and had a verdict and 
judgment for $1,250,000 

The cupola or furnace in the foundry was 
cylindrical in shape, four feet in diameter, resting on 
four legs which were about five feet high, standing on @ 
concrete foundation, The upper part of the cupola extended 
through the roof, The bottom consisted of two semi-circular 
steel doors which when closed were kept in place by two steel 
props; when closed the contents of the cupola were reteined; 
when open the contents dropped out. The cupola was loaded 
with alternate layers of iron and coke from a second floor, 
bien wis called the charging platform, Occasionally the 
iron in the cupola did not melt to the proper consistency, 
When this happened it was necessary to open the bottom doors 
and allow the mass to drop out; otherwise it would grow cold 
and solidify, and then could not be removed without destroying 
the cupola, 

Upon this occasion the iron was not sufficiently 
molten, and the foreman concluded to empty the cupola, As 

the operation is attended with danger, he first ordered the — 

a ne 
go ~ eee ‘ 

% S8SIS - ash 


\ ( HOERO xenrrau 
X BS eeLllsggaA ! Bie is 

@c sb he 1s 20 aa 

betutak esaw ,tnshasteh yd beyotqme ,tiitnis(T 

-ob Atiw bsJjoonnoo “ytbarot ifame a ai moleof{qxe as —EX J 

bas dgoibtev # bed baa ¢iue tdauoid eli -daslq atdasbeot 
Me eee { to? sno ngbut 

eew yibavot snd oti goaniut to sloquo oA 
no yaivaor ,totemeib ak Jest iw0k oqacie ak faotxbaktyo 
ano giibassve ,datd teat evil tuoda orew ok ctw ages wot 
bebnesxs sloquo odd ‘to stusq teqqu edt ,nottisbayot otenomos 
xeluotio-imee ows to bStetenoo mostod oat . toot ond ‘iawondd 
{sate ows yd sosiq ak tqex etew besolo as che Ao Latw ero0b teoge — 
jbenisiet eiew sfloguo odd To aluetaos sid bos ofo a9 rie regora : 
bebsol saw aLoque sil ,éu0 beqqoth adaestaoo odd mnae este 
~toolt bnoose 4 ott exoo bas aoti to eteysl odantetia at iw 4 
edt yifanoiesypo0 .mrottelq gnigtedo edt bol{iso saw ‘dots 
.yonesetanoo teqo1qg edd ot tfem ton bib sloqus odd at note q 
#i00bh mottod eit neqo ot YIseseosn asw ot boaoagaci elds nodW 

bloo wotg bLuow ti seiwredto ;tu0 qorh ot eBnn | oat votts baa 


Yisooiottive Jon aaw mort ode noten990 er nog 

—F 8A .HLoquo sd yiqms of bebuLoneo neue tot ost baa 
—* J J 

F eas berebto derit of s tegash aig Lw bebsoea « el ‘not 
ame gest: 

ORF 5 ’ Fi oy ee J * 1 

laborers, including plaintiff, who was on the charging plate 
form, to leave the building, and then directed a man, called 
the cupola tender, to open the bottom @Goors,.. This man, with 
a long rod, knocked out the props, the doors swung open, and 
the mass of iron in varying stages of Ligi®fection, With 

coke in various stages of combustion, dropped upon the 
foundation under the cupola, What is described as"a terrific 
explosion® ensued. Farts of the brick walls of the foundry 
were demolished and the building practically wrecked, Three 
men were killed. lilaintiff saygs that upon receiving orders 
to leave the building he went from the charging platform by 
an elevator and had reached the ground floor and “was hardly 
able to take a step" when the explosion occurred, He was 
blown through the doors and underneath a freight car standing 
about fifteen feet from the building, Some witnesses placed 
plaintiff just outside the building at the instant of the 

eS Plaintiff alleged 

end iitrodueed evidence tending to prove that the hot contents 

of the cupola fell into water or on a damp place present 

around the legs of the cupola, and witnesses testified that 

this contact of molten iron with water not in sufficient» 
quantity to cover it would ceuse an explosion, Defendant 
escrived tne explosion to a rush of gas into a "pocket" 

formed by a partition and the floor of the charging plate 

form, and the ignition of this gas by the hot metal and 

the flaming coke, Defendant vargudp that its explanation #@ «+ 

established by the greater weight of the evidence, and 

therefore plaintiff's allegations as sry in, his declaration 
nave failed of preet, and hence he sencot recover. “The 

uerat testinony of the witnesses as to the presence, 

ry) tet tolsenciqxe ett as acess tnabasted ,exoo gitoslt “an 

-selq gutytsdo edd no saw odw , Ttidnial¢ gouibs font ers todsl 
beliso ,nem @ besoeitib nedt bam ,gnibiind ont aval ot ,mrot 7 
dtiw ,aem wid! .etoch motted eft meqo of ,tebmet sfoqvo ea 
ban ,asgo gouwe etooh end ,sqorg ould Syo beXsonA ,bot gnol # 
as iw notsoateypts So wonaiea griyitavy ak sort to senm ed? 
eis soquy beqqoth ,molzvewdmoo to seyate esoltav ai exXoo 4 
oititzves e“se bediaupseb ai gadW .afoaquo edt tsbsy aotsabayot | 
Utbawot ent to afisw Aoiid edd to etisd -bewens “noleolqxe a 
eetdlT .bexoorw vileolsosig gaibiiud old bae boreiLlomeb stow 
etobto yalvisoet noqu tad? aeyse Tiitntsli .belfix etew oom 
vd miotéalg guiygtado eft mort snow ed guib{iud eds evel of 
yibtsd esw® bas toolt bayoty ed bottosot bad bus t0ssvele se 
aaw sii ,bettuco00 noleofgxe od? netw "qete s oxet os wkee 
guibaséa ts0 gduiett e dtsentebny bas stoob ed dauotds awold " 
bsoelq sesagndiw esmotd ,antbhbiisd add mort soet neostht tuods 
edd to Sostent edd ga yathitud oft ebletuo taut titnielg 
| oreotax⸗ 
begotis tiliniasld® : | 

agastaoo gow ods gedt svorta of noibaes sonebive —— bas 
¢$anegetq soalty queb & neo to tod .eW ofai Ifet aloquo ed to 4 
vedd hbeititjeass esaeectiv bas ,sloque ed? to agel edd bayots 45 
“dasiolttue ai gen reteaw déiw nori ootfom to gostnoo elds ; 
Jasbas tog ttaleolqxs oe eseuso blyow ¢i tevV00 oF yiituesup 
“texoog* = osnt sey To dert # o¢ noluolgxe out Hoe tade⸗ 
-talq aniptado edt Yo tool? edd baa aoltisang & vd boarot 
bas {sdeum Jod edd yd aay aidd Yo neltingt edt bne , wrod 

hae ,eocebive eid to tdylew teseetg edd yd. boretidetas 
noitaisloed etd gt b blef aa enoitegel{a e'ttisatelq etotetods — 
oat ‘| .xevooex ¢ #onseo od soned bas stoorqg Yo beList vod 


,soneeetg odd od em seveontiw alt Yo wupuiserd gattoi st 
\ PI m1 

quantity and exact location of water on the ground around or 
under the cupola, and the variant views of witnesses con- 
cerning the respective causal theories of the explosion, 
were properly presented to the jury. We are of the opinion 
that the jury reasonably could find that the plaintiff had 
proved his claim as to the cause of the explosion, 

it should also be noted that at the defendant's 
request tne following special interregatory was given to the 
jury: “Was tne explosion in question caused by the dumping 
of the cupela in water which was then ana there under the 
cupola?” and to this the jury returned the answer "Yes,* 
No motion was made by defendant to set aside this special 
finding, and there is no assignment of error in that regard, 
it has been repeatedly held that under such circumstances 
the defendant is conclusively bound by this finding, City 
of aurora v. Rockabrand, 149 111. 599; bennsylvania Coal 
Co. v. Kelly, 156 111, 9; Empire Laundry Machine Co. Vv. 
Brady, 164 I11, 58; Varrell v. illinois funnel Co., 177 
Ill. App. 425. 

pid plaintiff receive injuries which would 
justify ea verdict and judgment for $1,2507 Plaintiff's ad 
damnum in his declaration was laid at $25,000. We are not 
persuaded by the argument of counsel to believe that plain- 
tiff received no injury of any kind. it would seem to be 
seif evident that a person receiving upon his body the 
force of an explosion only a few feet away, which was suf- 
ficient in violence to wreck & brick building, must have 
received considerable shock, Jhysicians testified to the 
presence of dilation of the heart and injury to the kidneys, 
While at times plaintiff may have affected to be in more 
physical distress than warranted by the facts, we are not 

disposed ,under all the circumstances, to consider the ver- 


to bosows bayoty; sid a0 t9¢ew to moidsool sosxe bas ysitasup 
-xo9 eseegentiw to ewelv gosliisv oft bas ,sloquo eis taba 
,moicoiqxe esitosdt (eeunso evisoseqeot od yalareo 
soinigo eit to ots oW ,ytyt off of Sstasaerq yiteqotq stow 
bad ttituiealag add gent boat? biwoo yidanosset ytwt edd tedt 
.m1otactgxe oft to eeuso eds ot ee mieslo sid bevoitg 
e'dnuabostob et ta Jedt besten ed oe te biyore 51 
ent o¢ navig asw yrestapotistini [elosege gaiwoifot ant sesupex 
gniqnavb edt yd beaves noitesup al aoleolqxo out esi" ;yIut 
eit teboy etend bas neds eaw doldw tedaw ai aloquo odd Te 
*,esY" Tewans sit bomivser ying edd eins oF bas “Teloqus 
{sioege eins sbise foe of Inabuotsbh yd ebam ae ok 
-bisgst dant ai totre to sJnemnglaees on al steds Daa «gnkbait 
Beonatamuouls dove robmy Jant bled yLlbsdaesqet ased ean 31 
NYSLO .ytidbait eins yd bowod yLeviewlonos af tasbneteb sd 
iso? sinaviyenme: ;0e@& ,{f1 eCdL ,bnatdsdtoos .v SOTA tg 
ay 09 anisiosm ytbaust erigmz ;@ ,ff{1 004 ,ylfod .v .o0 


YVf ,.00 fonowt elonitli .v Lloret ;8¢ .{f1 bof .ybssa 

-GSh .qqA [IT 

blyow doidw aeeitutat evieoes ttisnais(g¢g bic 
bs e'ttidnis£t f0eS,Llg tot beas soibisv s yiiteut 
tom ets sW ,0G0,dS% ds bisl eaw moitstelosbh eld ak muomeb 
-nislg isis eveifod of [eguyeo to soomuyta edd yd bebsueteq 
ed of moea bivow Ji .buid yas to ytuial on bevisvset trie 
ods ybod eid mnogu gnivieost asoatsg s seit tuebive tise 
-Ive aaw doldw ,yaws deel wet s ylwo noleol{qxs as Io ept0t 
eved seum Wgeibtind Aofid a xoetw ot sonefotv at smefolt 

edd oc boitivess ansiotaydi ,doode eldstobienoo bevieset 

-8yenbis odd of Ytutmt bas dts0d edd te nolsellb to eouseety } 

stom ai od ot betootla svad yam i⸗atata —X ts oct 

ton 918 sw ,esost sid yd botdnetteaw aed? —J Leva 

-tov edt isbianoo ot ,esonatanwotto end Ile ꝛebau. 



dict of 81,250 to be excessive, 

The refusal of the court to give certain ine 
structions at the request of defendant was not harmful in 
view of the specific finding by the jury as te the cause of 
the explosion, 

Alleged improper remarks by counsel are not 
of sufficient seriousness to require a reversal under the 
facts of this case, but even if this were not true we could 
not consider this point as defendant has not assigned as 
error in this court any improper arguwent or conduct of 

holding as we do, that the verdict was not cone 
trary to the weight of the evidence, and that the amount 

of the award is not unreasonable, the judgment is affirmed. 


,eavieesoxs ed of O@8,1¢ To fold 
ext mtattao aviy ot dimuon edt Yo Isauter sail 
at Iutored ton asw tagbusteb to Jeeupet etd Ja enoitoutsa 

to seyso oft of sa yr, edd yd goibatt oitiosqe adt to woiv 
-Noiseiqxe odd 

ton ata L[eenuoo yd adtemet tegotqmi SDsygella 
eit asbou isatavet s stiupest oc eeanavoitea Insiolttwe to 
hSfluoo ew sutt Jon etew sidd ti aeva Jud ,eeso aint to atost 
as bongieas son asd dnsboaeteb a8 tuiog eins toblenoo son 

to Joubmoo 106 JnsmwuytTB Isqotqmi yas tiwoo elds ai tori 


“noo ton exw soibtev edt tadtd .,ob ow as ygatblok 
tnuome edd said bua ,sonebive edt to tdglew ois oc YreTtd: 

bemtitts eal tnuomabut, ot ,oldanocessiny ton ef braws sd to 

72 = 21869. 


Appeal from 
Superior Court, 

Cook County. 
198 I.A.458 

Plaintiff while employed by defendant fell from a high 
platform and was injured. He brought suit alleging negligence 
of defendant in leaving crushed or slush ice on the platform, 
causing him to slip and fall. Upon trial by a jury he had a 
vordict upon which judgment was entered for °1,000. 

Tho jury could ressousbly believe from tho evidence that 
plaintiff was employed in and about en tee house snd icing 
_Pplatform aged for deing ears. | Th he platiern Le about 760 feet 

EStié#Meng and 16 feet wide; ' eM. sa double-decker with a sheet- 
iron or tin roof; the 0 woper deck is about 21 feet from the 

ground; at each end is ‘a eluster of lights; under ages)" y 


these were lighted prs when ieing cars. Railroad tracks run 

perallel to this platform on both sides. Crushed ice ie pre- 
pared in the ice house, then breughtover the platform to the 
Gars; from the upper deck it is placed ee carrying beef 
and poultry. One erew under a foreman does the work in daytime, 
and enother crew at ———— Orders HE etven to each 
erew when the work ‘ie finished to clean up all spilt or loose 

! ice. Inetruetione from the foreman were, “whenever there 

ae wae ony Slush ice or 60114 ice spilt on the platform it 

a must be immediately picked up, placed in a full car that 
might be standing along there; and if there was no full 

\ ion standing here, Uerer it into one empty; if sane ws was 

0 empty car chere shovel At off on the ground, and deat 

yw it to lay on the platform.* In February, 1912, —— 



-@3afs - &Y 
ort fseaqa ; 1 gir ; 
“av f 
e*#2900 xolceque baie — 
#0 A iy 

»otaro) Wood. 4 — ‘ah 


BabA eer 


figid a mort [fet tanbneteb yd hoyofqme s Cteu vt beateld | i ; 
eoneat fg0n anigef tn tise tdgverd of .bourtat sev bas mrortstg 7 
exoꝛoala ety wo eof durta vo heodwrro aniveel at inadactes te 
a bed ef yuh s yd fntxt noqd .fist bose qife of mid aateune, 
. +000,£8 ~<o% boroins saw taomphet Aetdw noqw fotstey 

tent eons hive ot mort eveltted yldaneasot Slgoo yet oT 
3cctot ban paston oot ne tuoda ban at boyolqme saw tidatstg 
teot OaT. toda ‘SF mobvaty eAT ). .axR0 gukab xot Soar — 

— — —— 

“toon 9 1dtw vod0eb~olduob Re Dass sobiw teet Of bua aor 
et mort toot £8 tuode ¢ al does sor 0 edt Noent att co” noxt 
— ⁊eo hciu zaage te xoteu Lo a ak Bite dose ts jhsirorty 
tur adsext Beorlhnd saxe0 grbok most ck — ox0w ened a. 

‘tood gakyxreo —X * boost, - “at #2 seed xoqqe ‘ont work jexeo 

Ay’, J 9 
mivyeb ot anw add agon Remexot & xebsy werd ead. “sued Seog: Ga) a 
sone ot sorta i arebro ——— te wore todtoms ban 

eredd rovernoriv™ gee namero't’ ott pre? ono tsoustont 
—* mreteaty ont: * ‘ttaq ect Btfoa +o ont * bat 7 

By ‘ 



cnt on asm exalt tf bas — * 3 
‘uaw exvode Sh iat eno hes Le * | 



the accident occurred, plaintiff did @lerical work sround the 
ice house, sesisted the watchman and assisted the night crew 
in icing care. Upon the night of the aecident no cars were 
iced. Plaintiff was assisting the watchman, and in the pere 
formance of this duty he walked over the top platform at 
least three times during the night to pull the night watch- 
man's clock; at these times he valked along the south side 

of the platform. On the next trip, which was his last, he 
walked along the north side, and stepped into slush or crushed, 
ieee which had been left there by the day crew. He did not 
kmow it wags there, ond on account ot the darkness did not see 
it. It caused him to #lip and he fell off the platform down 
to the railroad treck, receiving severe injuries. Only once 
during the seven yoars he had worked there had he observed 
any slush ise left on the platform by the other crew; the 
instructions to remove this ice had been followed with only 
one exseption for many yoars. 

es: Bea does not seem unreasonable, in view of the great 
Ganger to workmen on this high platform, that ordinarily and 
usually great care wonld be exercised in keeping the platform 
free from loose ice, and that only rarely would there be an 
exception to this rule. ' 

Did plaintiff assume the risk incident to the presence 
on the platform of crushed ice at this time? We think not. 
If the fact was, as the jury must have believed, that the } 
presence of this ice at this time was an unusual and extra- 
ordinary oceurrence, then plaintiff aid not aswune/risk, As 
wo have before indicated, we cannot conclude that the jury 

_ should not have so found. ‘This being true, plaintiff did not 

agsune the risk of that which he did not know, or of that 

_ : wae 

edt Souoxa axow Ieotzofo bib Ttttatelg ,borwove snebtoog ant ’ 
wero Jtigtn ont Sotaiaaa bas nemfotew of? Detatesa ,eavod ook 
exew axrav on tnobtoos offs to tdala ont nog’ .arA0 antolL at # ; 
“tog oft at baa ,osamdotew odd yaitotasea aaw Mt ttatels shook 
ts orxottalg got eft tevo beslew ef ytub alt to oonamret , an 
~fotew tigtn odd [Iuq of teigin oft antag aomts soxit taset : : 
ohts dtuon odd gaole hewlev off somtt onodd ta gaoofo a" nam 
of ,taeal atd saw dotdw ,qtat txen oft oO) .mrottalg oft J 
odasto 16 Masta ofnt Seqget® den ,oht» Atron otf? anole hodfaw a 
ton SID oh .wero yah odt yd owdd Mtol ased Sad dolbitw ook a 
eee vou Sth euercixed efd to tasooon no hae ,ored? aaw tt woend — J 
arob mrotiefy ad? tro [Let od bas qtla of atch boneo 1 «tt ; 
gone YlnO .aotustat oreven gntvitooer ,soast hooxller oft of 
bevresdo of bad ered? bedtow Sod of ataoy mover adv gatush i 4 
edt jwouo redso dt yd mrottely edt no tel eot dante yas 
ylno dtiv howellot seed bast oot ald? ovomex of anoitountant 
sazeey Yaam sot nol? qaoxe on0 
taorg eft to wolv at ,oldanceseray mesa ton a00d #1 | 
bas eikinntere gad? ,orroitely dgid eidt ao seonlrow of tegaed 
nidivata ert gakqoos ot boatotexe od brow ox85 Jao _iteves wa 
aa ed otods Sluow yloxax yao tedt bas ,eot saegt mort oo 
oft: aldt of notdgeoxe 
eonoserg oft of tuobtont awk edt ommage Trtintaly bd : ‘ 
ston Anté? ef femtd elit ta oot hodarxo to mrotselq ont ao 4 : 
odd tadd ,hbovetioed ovat taum Fauh odt ae ,wew Jost ond — | a 
-sxtx0 * ———— a8 aaw omts atdt ta oot eid to ——* J 
Pr tats \onsees ton hth trhtntalq nadt , oonoTsmpeo Wambo 
Crt od Fact obyLonoo tonnse ow ,beteothat exoted 7 
a bth Viktatale ,suxt gated gtd? hat os ovad ton ae uo 
tod? to x0 ,womdk tom Lb of soldw tad ko aats « i? om 

cies J nn Be 
J i Ae ae Tig 

A which he was not chargeable with knowing. | i 
th The judgment is affirmed. | 



-gaiwool diiw efdsegtado Jon eaw on dokdw 
-hamriite at tmomabst ol 

95 = 22012 



£98 J.-A. 4 0, 



— — — —⸗ 

The issues in this case are practically identical 


with those involved in Summers v, Hedenberg, ante cage é iu 

The land involved in this case and that involved in the Sum- 
Mers case were parts of the same tract, which had been orig- 
inally owned by Summers, In this case the defendant © 
entered into a contract with the complainanta for the pure 
chase of the land involved eee ach ne purchase price 
of the land involved in this case was the seme as that of the 
land involved in the Summers ease, the two contracts containd 
the same provision as to deposits of the contract and carnest 
_ money with the Chicago Title and Trust Company and the right 
of the complainants to retain the carnest money if defendant 
failed to perform the contract on his part Syed of oe 
quest « Hes lg ag in the two cases are idé see toa 
“the: ‘Sunmers” c Easat aot * Ct ee atad diene. 

ee e — was delivered to defendant, who 
made no eejeation to the title, When the time for the pay- 
ment of $4,060 arrived defendant, on repeated demands, failed 
to — the money and also failed to pay the §5,000 when it 
fell due on the ground that he did not have the money, The 
Master preperiy from the evidence concluded that tne only 

reason that defendant did not make the payments was that he 

% was unable to raise the money, as he never gave any other 


* at A.1 2? ms J 

—R woo wails TO ‘BOrms £0 aur — TAA goLTaNt ie ae 

— — 

faotiaebs yilsoltostq exe eeeo eld? at sevesi sdT Mie 

A x 8 
sana, sins sBtsdasbek .v atemawé ai beviovai — aie 

-ous sat xt beviovat tad? bas seng aisd at bovioval ‘Baad. oft 
-sito mecd band doktaw ,tostt smee ent To esusq otew 9ea0 ey 

‘ gausbceteb edd easo aind ol ,et9mmye yd bonwe yitemt 

-iNg au⸗ 410? esasalatqmos ai3 déiw soatsao9 & otak — 
eolig sensioruy ous vooas oka beviovnt baal odd to oands 
edd to todd a omes odd waw oenn aide at bevioval bas £ ond 1 ; 
fantatnos atostinos owt ont oe erenmus edz at bovfovak bau 
seentse bua tostinoo edd to atlisogsb of ea aolaivorg ome od 
$dgiit sit bas yosqmod gaurt baa ofo2t epaoiad edt dg hw enon | 
tnsbastebh TL yenom ftaentao ols atadet of etaaniafquoo ond to —49 
odt to yas, ,Jusq etd ao toetdmoo ont mrotisq oF bested us 

‘oe Sake aise — * eta —— ews edt nt bevieyal 4s 
Oto ‘bevaeeee nua don been 9 —— 

ow ,tuabaeteb of betevilobh saw sostteda ® — eon? 

-“aq edt tot emis edd aonW  eltit odd of woltsne (ee on abe 4 

‘botis? ,abanaed besaeqet ne , tambo tab boviris 000408 to 
F tt mestw 000,4§ edt yo ot be thar oats bax vonon ‘od we 
ext? enon ouid eved tou bab od tatl⸗ baworg mld « ‘ 

«so gate dads bebulonos ‘eonsb ive acid mort | t 

on dada aaw esromyag edd oxen ton | X 
¥ J —** Ys 8Vvag “oven o fan . 
, a ee 

reason nor made any objection to the title of appellees, A 
motice similar to that given in the Summers case was given 
by complainants to defendant April 14, and, defendant having 
failed to make any payments, complainants caused defendant 
to be served with another notice that on account of his 
failure to perform the provisions af the contract, make the 
payments necessary and comply with said first notice, they 
had elected to declare the contract null and void and to 
retain the purchase money, hiay 29, 1914, defendant filed 
in the Recorder's office an affidavit similar to the affi- 
davit filed in the Summers case, He never made payment of 
either the £4,000 or the $5,000 to the Chicago Title and 
Trust Company nor offered to do 30, No argument was made 
before the Master of any defect in complainants’ title and 
no argument on this question was made before the Court on 
exceptions to the Waster's report, it {eo breued for the 

\\first time in this Court, The grounds of reversal urged 
yet First, that complainants were in default at the time 
of the service of the notice of April 15, 1914, and were 
not entitled to forfeit and retain the earnest money, be- 
cause there was no proof that at the time of the service of 
the notice they had perfect title to the property, Second, 
that complainants did not tender a deed nor prescribe the 
form of trust deed. Third, that the notice did not give a 
reasonable time for performance, Fourth, that a court of 
equity will not aid whe complainants, 

| eae By basing » his — sn. contract - 


biestion, "gehnson v, Zbnnson, 45 Minn, ⸗ ——— 
defendant that couplaingnts rene ‘toeive hin — 

for the papuaad of the — price is not wuppastee 



r ; : , 1 * — 

A -seetisqqs to elitist ont of — van obec ton NOSBO'T 
nevin caw caso etoummyl odd ad sevis ‘dacs ot solimke sotto 
anivad dasbnoted ,baa ,Sf Lh1qA saabnoteb of atnaniatquoo we : 

tnebonsteh beauso etnanialqmoo ,etnoayaq que —X ot boLiay 
eid to ¢nyooos no dad? soiton tadtone di lw bovao⸗ of or 

eid ovam ,sSsattaoo edd to anoisivotq ost oꝛasa ot owtia® 

yous ,solton sexit biases dt iw yiqmoos baa yiseseoen adnonvog 

od bas blov bas {iun gostsa09 edt exeloob os besooLe bexi 3 
‘ Ry 
belit tasbasteb ,bL@L ,@S yek ,yenom eandotwg od auaava 

J oↄda od tallinis tivabit%s as eolite al rebtoeen: oat au 
to tnemyseq obsm t9ved of .oaan eto sue exit i botid bivab 

baa ef3tT ogscidd edt 08 000,88 ont 10 000,08 ould sonido 
ebem sew inemuagte of .o@ ob of betelto tom yaaqmod taux? | 
bas oltit ‘ataanistqmoo at goetebh yas to tedeaM edd stoted 
ao Fo) said e1oted. ebam saw molsjeoup ald? mo tnomunte om 
- edd rot bowytet oy $i 6 ,&toget a'tetaak ot od enoliqooxe 
beni [getevex to ebrwotyn eT .tawod eins ak omtd sent’ 
emit oft ta ¢fLusteb at o19w etasnialqmos fads torte | pond i, 
ateow bas ,dfeL ,éL Lhiqd Yo oosison one. to ootvrea ent to 
-od ,yonom geentse edt alasot baa Sieti0? of beliltsns fou 
to soiviea edd To emit ont Ja sadt Toorg on saw etods seuao ‘ 
one. .ytieqerg od of BLdid toetreq bad yorit ooltion ont 
end edixoze1q ton besh # szehnmod Son bib esnanialgmos t 
@ @viga doc bib soliton edd tend ,biidt> vhseb sauts to rot 
to Jisoo 8 dads ,détuol ,eonaarrgtreg 10% smite sfdene —J 
\dosrsno0 aiit_sxo240g-o¢- “fagsstot @ ete — ad ya mi 
abawoxy “KaKi3 0 {ia beviaw tnabme teh“, 68 -uh: Of = ma 

beens tou et “ — $ to tnomyag “oo 
* oy TT. | 

by the evidence and therefore cannot be made the basis of a 
claim of his right to a deed upon payment of the purchase 
price, The evidence shows that his refusal to perform was 
upon the sole ground that he did not have the money to make 
the paysients within the prescribed time. In Ashbaugh v. 
Murphy, 90 111, 182, it was held that where a defective 
title isa tendered and the conveyance is refused on the 
ground that the purchaser did not have the money, he could 
not object to the title, and the Court said; 

“Had he himself been ready to perform the con- 
tract and objected to the deed because the property was en- 
cumbered, the plaintiff might have been able to show that 
the property was freed from all encumbrance and the title 
perfect; but defendant makes no pretense that he was ready 
and able and willing to perferm the contract," 

To same effect is Runkle v, Johnson, Sv 111,528, 
In Johnson v. Johnson, 45 Minn, 5, it was held that it was 
not important that there was a cloud on the title which could 
have been removed when the vendee stated that he could not 
get the money to perform, it was not necessary that complaine 
ants have title until the time they had agreed to deposit the 
deed in escrow, and before that time defendant had made default 
and could not require complainants to obtain title, The Kaster 
properly found from the evidence that Hedenberg made no objec- 
tion to the title, but failed to carry out the agreement by 
reason only of his inability to provide the necessary money, 

In Kissack v. Bourke, 224 111, 352, Jiourke made 
@ contract to sell to Kissack certain land provided Kissack 
deposited in a named bank the purchase price, which should 
be delivered to Sourke upon receipt of e deed from him, An 
abstract was delivered which showed a defective title, The 

time in which the transaction was to be closed was extended 

thirty days, Kissack offered to pay the balance and take a 

Yh ta ie 
@ to alead sdt sham od Jsounao stoteteds bus eonebive odd ys 
eascoisg edt to toomyeq aoyy boeb a of Joyit eld ‘Yo mista 
few stotted of Laavter ata tad? ewode sonsebive oAT aohag 
aian of yenom edd eved don bib ox sant ‘bauota” foo odd 04s 
-V dgveddeA ni «omit heditosertq ox3 aiad tw adnemceq odd 
evitosteb a stew fait bled asw tk ,SBL ,LkT OC Bec | 
edt ao boeutet ef eoasyevnos edt deia bovehunt ak oleae 


bivoo od ,yonom edt eve ton bib tesademsq odd tadd bowery 
tibiae fino) edd baa soLdkS esis of Neh 

“109 end arcotizeq of ybaet nosed Besmid ed bax" 
-19 eaw ¥Iteqorq ead eeusoad heed edd of bodoatdo bes sont 
éadd wone of olda need evad Jogim Ytisaiesiq sdd ,bete 
eftit edt base eonatdavens {fa aott beett eaw ytteqotg 
yYoset eew of Jade senetetg om eokam dnabaeteb gud jJsoe nit 
“,Joatsaoo eis mrotiueq of gnitiiw bas ida | —* 

.BBC. 441 O& ef tostts smse of 

saw $£ tad? blod saw 9k 6 ,ankM & + fo8 A We moeudoy at 
biuoo doidw ofitd ond no buwold @ saw exedd taut Shad toque gon 
toa bLuoo ed tadt botada esbuov edt codw bevomet ‘nood ove 
-infqmoo tads vreaeooon fon aaw 71 .orro'rted ot Yona ond jog 
eid tivogoh ef beotya barl vous omts od? fisaw ofsid svad aan 
$Lusteb ebsn het tnebseteh omtd said etoted ban ,wotoae ab be 
Totus oft .efsit alatdo ot estnaniafamoo otiwpar ton biuod bei 

-saide on sham giadaebeli dadt oonsbhive oA3 mot? bayot hati 

|, Youom vineeeoen oat ebivorq of yeitidank atd to —— 
ebam oxtwot ,86 {fT BSS ,pxuvoe .v Apmaatsx ol 
dosexit bedivorg baal niatzso dosauty of Iles od teatdnoo 
binge sdotuw ,ooitq séadouwwg edt aned bomen a nt bediwog 
nA mts mont boob # to tqisvex moqu exawod ot beened 
“edt -2f913 ovisoo tad @ bewods doidw botevilod eew t 
bebasixe ssw beaols od of asw nolinssastt exe nepal 
a lad bas gonaled odd yaq of bozetto — seca 

———- — 

warranty deed, or to deposit the money in the bank if fourke 
would make the deed, which he refused to do unless he was 
peid a larger sum, ‘The Court gaid;: 

"We are of the opinion that the deposit of the 
balance of said purchase price in said bank was a condition 
precedent to appellant's right to a deed to said premises," 

fhe tender of a deed was not necessary, All 
that was necessary was ian offer by complainants to make the 
deed and deposit it provided defendant would deposit the 
payments and perform his contract, and they made this offer, 
By the provisions of the contract in escrow, complainants 
were not obliged to deliver any deed to defendant, but only 
to deposit it in escrow with the Chicago Title and Trust 
Company after defendant had deposited the purchase money as 
provided in the contract, 

The law does not require a needless formality, 
and an actual tender is unnecessary where the seller is 
ready, able and willing to perform on his part, and ea tender 
would be a mere useless form, If before or at the time of 
performance the purchaser has declared his intention not to 
perform, or refuses to do so, the seller need only prove 
that he was ready and willing to perform on his part, 

Osgood v. Skinner, 211 11), 220; Gohen v. Segal, 263 ill, 34, 

And if tender by the vendor would prove ineffec- 

tusl, the law does not require a vain act, and such tender is 
unnecessary, ‘Thus refusal of the purchaser to perform, or 
his notification of the vendor that he is unable to perform, 
relieves the vendor of the necessity of tendering a deed, 
39 Cyc, 1377. To the same effect are: Mix v. Beach, 46 111, 
$11; Peck v. Bright & Co., 69 111, 200; Clark v. Weiss, 67 
111. 458. 

Defendant's -ohjection to the decree on the 

ground that the notice given was not reasonable is not sus- 

tained by the evidence, 

exrwol ti dnad oft ml yenom off Slaoqeh of to ,besb Vasey 
; sew oc eootus ob of beaewtet od nokdw , boob ont salem bivow — 
tblae giu0d of? jmwe tegtal s vies 
adit te dase git tadd solniqo edt? to ota ow* ; — 
meisibacs a eaw dnad blee ak eoltq eaddotwg bise to 9 eg 
* eoaimertg bise ot heeb @ of Sdyit alsualleqqe of tanbe J 
{fA .Vviseeaooen ‘gon saw boob 2 Yo tsbmed oct 
edd oxen 6s sénanielquoo yd xetto ni aaw yraseecon &, aaw ag b 
edd Sieoqeb bilyow taabastes bebivorg ai tieoqeb ban — 
xe Tio gids ebhan yedd bans ,tontinoo cid MLO LLG, one — ay, 
ainanialgmoo .worons ni Jositéinos eft te anoielvorg uit we 
yteo gud  jnabas teb ot boob yrs xevileb ot boyitdo ton oe 
geaxt bas oltiT oxgsoidd eds dtiw wores mk sé pieaeb of 1 
2a Yenen ——— ‘esi — ‘bad Aabas top tod te ego 
,deaxtaee ont aa ——— 
VeLLemtrod seolthoos. 6 etiupes gon esobh wal oat 
ak tolfea eat axed cranevoenny at cohnez. —— 
- tebnes s bae — R etd ae mrotrsq, ot and (Lit bas. ofda. .vbaot 

Yo sald edt ta xe ‘etoted 1 samo eee tons hatin i 

«b% .fis cas Lago v pad OD eas ie £8 —— 

-potient avoir bivow sobnev edd yd tebses ‘te baa — — 
ek Tebasy dove. bap Joe aiav sxiupet Jon aseb wal edt Tout 
tO ,mxoGtieg of teesdotwq eit To faeutor —X — ———— 
—B— — o⸗ o Lanci ok a9 tada rebar, aris to Laisa ich a 
boob 8 grixobned ‘to vtieeooen dt to xobaow nstt. aove 

nes aa toned “¥ xi Ome, too rts ema oad oT see * 

va satel .V¥ eato i008 Ati 89 2 4.00 4 Snead v 

edt m0 eet09b ont of —2 ‘8! taabme ted * a. 
Ae -aus ton ak oidandenet Jon asaw nevis eolson ont * auo 
oa ; . pore se 


Defendant's objection to the decree on the ground 
that a court of equity will not decree a forfeiture should be 
overruled. The decree does not declare or decree a forfeiture, 
but merely decrees that defendant has by his own ects prior 
to the filing of the bill rescinded the contract or caused 
a forfeiture, and that the title to the earnest money was 
in compiainants at the time the bill was filed, S#arnest 
money in the hands of a trustee belonging to the seller 
because of the defeult of the purchaser cannot be returned 
to the purchaser, but may be decreed to ve paid by the 
trustee to the seller, 

In Bucklen v. Hasterlik, 155 i11, 425, it was 
urged that the sourt wes lending its nid to a forfeiture, 

The Court said; 

“if the decree of the Circuit Court in its nae 
ture enforces a penalty, or forfeiture, it cannet be suse 
tained, The contract between these parties recites that 
‘seid purchase has paid $1,000 earnest money, to be applied 
on said purchase when consummated,* and should the vendor not 
comply with the terms in furnishing title, ete,, 'the said 
earnest money shall be refunded.’ Ly the terms of this contract 
the earnest money became the property of the appellee, of which 
he could be divested only in the event of his failure to pere 
form his contract. fhe check wae, at the time it was drawn, 
delivered to appellee, and while it is true it was afterward 
deposited, together with the contract, with the International 
Bank, the evident purpose thereof was to guarantee that Haster- 
lik would, within the time prescribed, furnish evidence of a 
good title, in which event he would be entitled to the check 
or the money." 

The Court cites the following passage from ry on 
Specific rerformance; 
“Where the purchaser, after making the payment 
by way of deposit, unjustifiably repudiates the contract, or 
in any other way goes off through his default, the vendor 
is, in the absence of stipulstion on the point, entitled to 
retain the money, treating it as having deen paid to him as 
@ guaranty for the purchaser's performance of the contract,” 
The Court also cites Depree v. Bedborough, 4 
Giff., 479, where the Court said; 

“Then how the person who is in default can, 

——— adit 00 9 edt ot molroside af suabae ted 

~@msslettct s serach to stalveb gon ac0b setoeh oT bo Lutteve | 

ed SLiode erutiettot a seteeb son iLiw ytiups 0 ⸗NAuoo * sad ; 
toliqatos awe ela yd ead aual tis teb jads agetoeh yletom gud 

; . — 

beaveo 19 fositsnoo ond bebmisaod {fid odd to gall? elt ov 
Bow Yonom teerntse ofS oF eldid odd Jods base oTUSLO TOT B 

gaontsi bell? eaw [Lid odd mts ot ga usnantelquoo ‘es 

telfee eds of gnignoisd seteuud a To shana ond ak yoren 
paqauney ed Jonna tessdoisg edt to tivusteb ost to veuinood 
ant xe bieq ad of beetoed - od yam gud toastoisg ond ‘oe 

tolloe ent od ‘potent 

esw ¢: (8S Lf) GOL .Abiresend ,v np LXoudt at be 
sors Lotte? 8 ot bie efi gather eaw trod ed? taut begs 
tbise sewod eat 

ean afi al gxvwo) sdivotls edt to setoeh edt T1* 
«sua ed tounso ti ,etutietrot to ,ytiansq a — * 
tedd sotioer esiirsg seeds noowsod sosxtnoo el .beniat 
beifaqqs sd of ,yenom saontse 000,f£@ bisq eat sescdoug biset 
gon tobscev ed bivodea bas *,bessemuence sew evadouwg bias no 
' bkae edd! ,,9% ,ofstit —— ol ssrte? odd déiw yiqueo — 
goatsnoo eidd to amzod end YS ' bobmw'tet ed Liade yonom sesntas 
soidw to ,selleqqs ed? to ytieqoig eid smaved yYenom Jeenmtss | 
-toq ot ervliet ein to Jaeve edd al ylao beteevib sd Sivoo et 
<awerb saw ti emis odd gs ,esw Aoeno oT. .Joatence —— 
brawiesioe gaw Ji euars ol th eLisdw dus ,polieaqgs ot bovevilfeb — 
fanoitanctetal eds d3lw ,toatsnco sedi asiw tediegos ,botieoged — 
“rosea dad? setnareug of saw Toeteds eeoqrug tnobive edd rr ae 
2 Yo sonebive deiwiyt ,bsdixoweestq omit ofS alddiw ,bivow AML 
* edt of bofiistas o¢ bivow of taeve do Ldw ah settle boog — 
*,yonom eit tO 

MO YTT NOXk ogesasg eniwesior edd asdio dused eit 
_ ieomReTO TIE oitioogs 
. doomyaqg ond gaidem sotta ,tesenoxwwq sd etesiy" . 

to ,tonisnoo sat aotaibuqet yldelttitewtaw ,Jkeogeh to yaw vw 

nobaev ont ,Jiusteb aid ogvotad tIo sson Yaw todto yas. # 
od beftitas ,taiog oft no noltaluqise to eoneedsa odd ai ,et- 
es min of bleaq seed yoived ea Ji yunisnots ,younom ond takes! 
* Joo1snoe odt to gonamtotisg a'tseadoxug odd tot YSnataue 4 
> ,d@gvotodbed .v setysd sesio opts give sAT | 
:bisse IuwoD edd otosdw 20D ,, THD 

eiao Sfueteob at ef odw noeteq od wod noriT® 

upon that default, and in consequence of that default, ac- 
quire any right to the money, which was parted with as a 
security that there should be no default, it is difficult 
te conceive,” 

After citing these cases, the opinion of the 
Court in the linsterlik case proceeds as follows: 

"jt is clear from the contract thet the only 
contingency which contemplated the return of the money to 
Bucklen was a default on the part of asterlik,” 

. The Court decides tnat the objections te the 
title were not good, and, therefore, Bucklen had failed to 
perform his contract, and hence Hasterlik {who had not dee 
feulted) had a right to declare the contract forfeited, 
anc the earnest sioney was turned over to him, The Court 
also held in this case that no tender of the deed Was nec~ 
essary because it was evident under the facts in the case 
that the seller would have refused it. 

Karnest money 18 @ guarantee that the contract 
will be performed. if the sale goes on, it applies as part 
payment of the purchase money, but if there is a default on 
the part of the purchaser, he has no right to recover the 
deposit, but it belongs to the seller, 

owe v. Smith, 27 L. R, Aw, B. 5. 89; 
Gatton v, Bennett, 51 LL, P. (Chu. D,) 70; 
Kelley v, Thompson, 161 Mass,, 299; 
Bucklen v. Hasterlik, 155 I11., 423; 
Depree v. Bedborough, 4 Giff., 479. 

The conclusion reached by the learned Chancellor 

was right end proper and the decree appealed from is affirmed, 


— es 

-o8 ,tiuateb Jad? Yo eensupeanoo al bmw ,tiuateb dads sou 
2 64 aviw betiag eaw iioliw ,yenom sds of Siigit ya ot J 

#Suolttib ai #1 ,tivetebh on od bfuowe etods 2* yt 
* ,ovieones 

eit ‘to “woialige eda .80an9 oaerd goidlo ted TA 
:ewollot es absseotg saso Allistash aad ad txu0d 

vino oct sandy Joatinos edd mort taolo ai 2i* | 
od yenom ont to ntutet odd bosalqmedtnoo dolaw — —— 

“ Ailaestest to dueq edd ao Sivete’ a saw wotilo 

ens ot unoldosido off Jadd eoebioeh dame oT 
ot beolist bed aelioul ,exctetedd ,bne ,booy ton sxow ofthe 
“9 son bad ostw) Aiftoeseod eoned bas ,teatiaoo aia —— 
sbetletxol Jeettaos vit sisloeh os digtt « bad (bod twat 
devo oft mid o¢ teve bentys aaw yonom Jeontas edd bea 
oon gaw beob oid to tabnet on tads sano akdd at bfod ‘oala 
eco ont ni edost ent toban Jaobive saw Ji seussod Yiaese 
.di hoewilet evead hivow talfea ont tat 

Soatinoo oAd tadd sotastavy @ ak Yonom Jeantal Gi 
dasg aa asiiqga Ji ,no eason ofae odd TI sbomtetxeg of Lttw 
mo tiueteh s ai eters tL sud Katom Sendoumy ods to tasmyng 4 
ead teveoes of Jdgli om ead of ,t98edoung edd To S2eq odd 
etoiies edd of eyaofed 3k dud ,thuogeb 

zes .2 M.A A OE TS ewou —9 
sO" (.a . o .t .t £8 — Hodsey 
iGesS ,,aesk LOL ,moeqmodt .v yelled 

(OSd «fl Bel «Akitoseat ov metvtoua 

-@VS 4. TILO Dd ,dguotodhed .v¥ setgett 

tolf{sonaid bearsefl edt yd bedosert notewlonoo edt ou 
-bemritin ak mort bolasqqe sstoebh edt bas toqoxq baa tdyiz sow 

2 = 20897 

ALBERT W, RUDNICK, Administra- ) 
tor of the Estate of James fF, 
Scannell, deceased, 
Defendant in Error, 
vs, 4 

Ylaintiffs in Yrroy. 

X yA 19 8 I.A. Ae 



| me relator — fren the CGireuit Court a 
writ of mandamus reinstating him into the claimed office 
of “meter setter" in the Department of Public Works of the 
City of Chicago, Frem-the-judenent awarding that writ 

respondente-heve-sued Git a writ of error sééking-a-reversal, 

Since the writ was sued out respondents weve suggested the 

death of relator and his administrator Res been substituted 
and duly summoned, and while his appearance had. been entered 
he agg failed to file briefs or argue the cause, 

J The cause was tried before the court upop the 

petition as twice amended, the answer of respondents and a 

stipulation of fact, The relator had before the filing of 
the petition been dismissed upon a trial before the Civil 

Service Commission, in conformity with the requirements of 
the Civil Service law, 

— — — 

We do not deem it necessary to our decision to 

—ñ—⸗ — —— 

notice any questions presented regardüng the irregularity or 
the propriety of relator's discharge by the Civil Service 
Commission, but will decide only the first assignment of 
error, wiich is, “The petition as amended did not set forth 
_ facts which show the legal existence of the office or posi- 
thon of ‘meter setter’ nor the legal right of the petitioner 

ne ® 
to hold it, 


eiseininbA ,MOIMGUH , INRA. 
“a eomal to stated ont Yo toe 
Deersoe0h — — 
etOTTH ol Inshne toc 
f .ev 

ee 2 8 ‘te QOVADLIUS To vero 
eKOtxrt of aPiisnial« 

BER ATeer \Y 



ere av." J 
ei 2aUOD 1000 10 

——— ‘anc bentatdo tojaler ott | 
291 to bomials odd oval mid goitatentet auaaboam te ¢ baw 
eit Yo extoy obfdud to sneneteqed edt wk ““etton sodem® % 
otlaw- taney ——— ‘Sete mh ert ont. won't .ogno bid 20 who 
, inaxeve*: B antasss ‘torte to diaw a 19 Wore-oved-edasbaaceo% 
otit — 9Ve0 einebnoqgest tyvo beus aaw daw odd sonte 
besusiiedue — eet totartetnisha eid bus teenies to sitaob 
boxe tas heed nd Sonsiseqqe eid otisw bas » benommsve viub base 
.96Nad ont ougts To aretrd efit os better aa ae 
es ogy Sayeo vad ertoted boins a2w SOURS ont | os : 
4 bas einesbnogest to sewena sald —— eolws ea nolstieg: 
Yo gaiflt end eroted bad tosaler eit ,toat to noktaiugise 
Livia A⸗ atoted faints & noqa heealime ib seed Hotsidoq oat 
to asnemettupet eds délw Xs imzotnes mi Molec Limo y oolvtog 

wa. solyted Livid ont 


ot noletooh xn0 ot Ytaegeoon st meeb ton ob ow * 
tO YJitalwyertt ot ——— besaseexq enoldeoup yes ‘sokdou J— 
0014v100 —J outs xd Syradoalb a'rotslor to Wersernn ode 
to tnomrgiees Jerh? eit “fro ebiosh Libs dud noise lanod 
ds1ot tee son bib bebeme as noisitoq oar· ,at o.itw 7079 : 
~keoqg 10 s9ltlo eit to eonssaixe Inael ond woda do katw atoet 

A hte — — 

a we 
* atl iF 

— exis to fants Ingel eas tom oc totem! to no 
| onto Parse ent? 

We have concluded that by ne averment of fact in 

j the petition as amended is it made to appear thet any such 
office as "meter setter” exists in the Department of lublic 

Werks of the City of Guiannh: \-toe relator avers” tiat the 
Department of Public Works was created by ordinance passed 
. “April 18, 1281; that thereafter, by the revised code of the 
) City of Chicago, 1697, the said department waa established 
| as an executive departwent of the municipal governuent of 
| Chicago known a8 the Department of #ublic Works, embracing 
| the Commissioner of fublic Works and such other employees 
66 the city council may by ordinance prescribe and establish, 
By no averment of the petition as anended seit 
made to appour that the a, flee — Patrice 
office of “meter setter," Thee —* service Commission had 
no power to create the office, hey ceuld only classify the 
offices crested by the ordinances of the city council, It is 
settled in this juviediction that in sandamus proceedings 
where the existence of an office is claimed, it must be made 
to appear by appropriate averments that the office was created 
in the manner prescribed in cases of this character by an ordi- 
| nance of the city. Courts of general jurisdiction do not take 
| judicial notice of municipal ordinances, but he who relies 
upen such an ordinance must allege and prove it as a matter 
ef fact, People v. Busse, 248 111, 11; Stott v. City of 
Chicago, 205 ibid 241; Gersch v. City of Chicago, 250 ibid 
6; Bullis v, City, 235 ivid 472, 
| The petition as amended does not cite any ordi- 
nance of the City of Chicago creating the office of "meter 
setter® and without the citation ef such an ordinance in 
the petition of relator the court cannot determine that any 
such office exists, This principle of law is so uniformly 

well settled by so many decisions of our Supreme Court that 

mt goat to theme vs on yd dadt bebylonos ovad oW 
dove yne tadt tmeqqa o¢ sham tl ei bebaean ea nosisog oa ‘y 
obfdut to, taemsraqed eff at stuixe “rodsee tetom* an ⸗ 
edt sah exeva totaiex eat | ,ogsoidy to ydLo edt to : a ia | 
becesg vonanibire yd —E eaw alioW olidui te tae . | | 
edt to eboo beaiver odd yd , tes teeteds tadd- ,L60L ave 
bedeitdases asw toemsiaqeb ye aut .Te3L ,ogaotdd to 

to dnoourtevog faeqioinum ont to —— ovissooxe - a 

 |detideses bas edixosetq vonsnibie yd yeu dkonuoo ysio edd aa 
ay) —2* 

ti * bebuewa es noisiseog edd ‘to susmateva on Ys 

dt hoteeto gonanibte yd Lionwoo wee YY ons Jadd tasqqs ot 
wr Bay Biheernn dawg mm b.tho.psxnonorn sine 

J bed moiaelmmod solvied Livis Dat At a * cotton resem" to volte 
iy 9 

eit yvtieeslo ying bfueo yoiT .eottio ads otaoto ae Towoq. 
eit ¢% 4 ,fionwoo vilo oy Yo seonantbhio oft yd bossorto sook ‘ 
agnibosoorg exymebasm al dads molsoibe bint @ bed ad boise 
ss @bam od seum $k ,bomialo ui eotTio na to sonedetxe ads ono. 
betaato eaw eoitito oid Jads addomteva atalzrqoxrqgs xe — ot 
=tbt0 aa Id wasoataio elit Yo eoeso ai bedirosetg tostam ou 
, exes ton ob neltothetiet Lateaeg to atived lated exis to o . 
. seifer odw of gud ,go0manthte faqioiaum Yo ooldon fatox bk but 
7 tojtom a as ti svotq baa waetis Feu eonanibxo as dove 0 oo 
Jeo ysivd .v grote it sts 8dS ,geaud «Vv gigood toot 
‘ bidk 08 ,oyavind to Xoh9 -V dogted ;£88 bidt eos gao kidd 
9 SVD adh 26s 1X29 w¥ abs ee 
t «ibto yas atto gon e90b bebneme aa —9 od’ 9 

tstem" to ooitte edd yaisdaeto ogaoldd to yd Lo oat —* 
ai gounanibto aa dova to mottatlo odd ——— 


i yne dads oninwetob sonaso #100 oa⸗ oaalo % 0 
Iar o thew es oi wal Yo — oat oy wixe 

dens uod — ‘tuo ‘to yaa 98 XC b 
Pit ae oe eile — * 


we do not deem it appropriate to further extend this opinion 
in desonstration of so clear » principle, 

a the judgment of the Circuit Court is reversed 

and, as the relator was not entitled to the writ of mandamus 


pray ed and is now dend, the cause is not remanded, 



moinige aint baséxo rersidiwt of sisinqorigas ti moeb ton ob ew — 
-9{qionitq ms weefo oa to Holisisenomeh aah 
boetevex si tuuot shyorts ait to tusmybut ony 

auombnsa to sitw ont of beltisias son saw todalex oss as be J 


a⸗- > - 6a 


4 _ Plain 

198 1.4. 483 


On a trial before the-tourt without the intere- 
vention of a jury pleintatr had judgment for gl50, and de- 
fendant brings the record to this court for our review and‘ 

q asks a reversal, MOA Sa eee 

— — 

Plaintire claimed to have Qloaned defendant §150 

— t— 

with which to pay money that defendant lost at gambling, 

oe ee eee att nea, 4 3 / 
defendant invoke), section I8tcaertereein ky os, : * * E 

fense, It not contended that the 4150 loaned, or any ? 
part of it, — paid to plaintiff as money won by him from % 

defendant at the gambling game of poker or any other gambling 


game of cards, It oie? neueven that plaintiff ond dee 
fendant and five other men were playing poker at plaintiffs 
house and that defendant lost 3190, and having only 940 
with him, at the conclusion of the game borrowed the $150 
from plaintiff and paid it, together with the 940 he had 
with him, to the persons who had won various amounts of 
‘Boney from Bim — a 

The aittieusty | wita *s contention is, 
that bis hestineny lacks corroboration by any of the «= . 
persons present during baat evening who assumediy had knowledge 
of the transaction, —9 ef” these | persons was called by de- J 
J fendant to testifyin his behalf, on the. other nand, two of — 
‘the participants were called vy and testified on belimif of 
a mae * nh Sete testinony was corroborative of plaing 

a te hen Phe 

i Be 





esh AI eer 


— — 
“total oat Suetstiw Jaueo-ens ezoted tabne a m0 

Ob bas ,06L¢ tot Ioommbwy at Nicsꝛ⸗ca Yytul a To aeitne 

“+ baa welvet two 10% duuoo elds of bropex — agaird — sh’? 
he — ~ tawteves s ema 

—â— — 
— — 

—ã——— — 
(O61) snsiue'teh bensoly evad oF bemialo Iidalslt 

ng et 

-Bitidasy tu teol tusbhaeled sada yotom yaq o⸗ ds dite sty 
ey RE rain 5 +P wath ei 
) Asstovat ta saabne oc 

3 | . 
ya 10 , bonnet OSLh odd sans —————— rou a 1 —* 

mort mid yd new yonon ea Nisaiale o¢ bleg F — to 3 
giiidms, tedto yns to texXog to sammy goilfdmey odd ta danioneteh 
-96 Soe ttitalels sadt stovowod Ataee v1 abrao to omg 

i — #Tibdatalg ds toxoq yatvaly etew aoa a9dte dais ha tosbaet 
Of yino gaived bae ,OUL§ deol tasdneted Jadz. bas vewos / 

OGL} edd bewotred emay oct Yo neisutonce eft ta coke : awh 
bast oi OM} ond Aslw Tensegas ,3i bing bas Nieatalta pers 
to ednwows evolisy now bat ow snoetoy oad os wat a as. xt 
y Le, See een OTE S oa vo —— 
4 aoisuetaeo a*t at bw Xs Luge Teh oat ait OF WA a 
| oslt 10 yam yd aoitexodorxes exont Xnoatsuot awe ‘7 
bo dwar Sad Yibomeas enw aninove * — — 

ob iW belles asaw — 28244. “to — eee 

tiff's account of the transaction in every essential pare 
ticuler, Defendant's testimony was not supperted by any 
other witness, in thia condition of the proof the court 
gould not find the issues otherwise than for the plaintiff. 

At the time plaintiff loaned defendant the $156 
in sult, the playing of the poker gaue wae concluded and 
defendant borrowed the woney from plaintiff with which to 
pay the persons who hed won from him during the evening, 
plaintiff not being one of them, If plmintiff had received 
any part ef the money loaned by him back again as money 
that he hed won from defendant at tue poker game, then the 
statute invoked would be a complete defense, It ia the law, 
hewever, that a pursen whe at the close of a gambling trang- 
action loans money to pay m gambling debt may recover the 
mondy in an action at law, notwithstanding the lender may 
‘have knowledge of the purpese for waich the money is bere 
rowed and that it is to be disbursed in the payment of 
gembling debts, 

We think plaintiff's claim comes within the 

ruling of Armstrong v. American Exchange National Rank, 
133 U, 3. 433, in which the court wade the following ob- 
servetions: *An obligntion will be enforced, though ine 
directly conneeted with an illegal transaction, if it is 
supported by an independent consideration, so that the 
plaintiff does not require the aid of the illegal transac~ 
tion to make out bis ease,® Bank of Montreal v. Griffin, 
154 111. App. 616, is to a like effect, 

The judgment of the Municipal Court finding 
support in the evidence is affirmed, 


seq ialdavsace yreve ab nolktosamess vat To sauooos arise 
yoo yd bedteqqua don saw yom teod a'tnabne tem taLuass 
txyou odd Toorg eit Yo molikbnoo alday al seontiv 19Adse 
.Utivaieatg odd tot meade oulwiendso seveal edd bait Joo bLuow 
O&LG odd tnadae'teh bowacl Ykinialg emit ods ta ‘ : | hi 
bas bebylonoe aaw omey texcq soit to gpaivalg odd ,tlue ak 

od doidw ddiw Tiisaielq moxt youom eld Boworted Jnabae ted 
.aoineve ait gnixvub mid moxt mow bad ow encereq of? oq " 
bevieoost bad Btituieiq Ti ,aeit Yo ene gnisd son tihiniels q 
yonom us aiage doad mid ¥d benaot yenom gals te titaqg Yas ; 

—XR neds .omng texog eas dm Snabaoteb aott mow bad off dest | 
~wni od at JX  ounetob ofelqmon a ed bivow bodovnt otutage 
«anaid yotidaay » Yo esofo eft da otw noetsg o Saad .tevewos | 
ond tevooer yam tdeb guiidusy « yaq of yeucm easel noltes — 
ya tobaefl odd yribandettivdon ,wal Ja soidom am at ywaom 
“tod gi vonom vis dolew rod seogzuq ssid Yo eabe (wont ovnd 

to stnomyeq odd mt beard Lb ed af oh 32 sadd bas bower : 
added amuténna s 

eis oldsiw semoo oafelo a'Thivaiaiq dakd? eW ; 
doad Lanolgat eanadoxt geodzoms .v yaongemta 20 palin 

-do gitiwellot odd ebhau duvoe ofd dokdw mk ,882 .2 .U SEL 

wih Mguodd ,beoxotno od Ifiw aoktagiide mA* renotsevron J 

ei $k YL ,woisosenett Lageli{h os dtiw 4 eltsexth — 
edd dads ow ,woisetehinavs tnebasgebnai aa xe bosroqqwe | 
-oounais fegolli of! to bie add otkupst ton weob VusaLalg 
Hitting .v SeeadaoM to Asad ",9an0 Bld yo oxam of — 
.400 120 exif # ot ak ,8L0 .qqa ast bet 

gaibalt s1yod Laqiotaui os Yo doompbst edt 
-houxitia ek sonebive off ad ¢roqque 



28 = 21632 

bla ntiff in Error, 








wa 1 98 I.A. 49] 


The writ ef error in this case seeka te have 
reversed # judgment of nil capiat and for costes rendered in 
@ trial before the court without a jury. vefendant in 
error hese failed to appear, 

the abatract of tie record, the souree of our 
search for errore, is as a whole meaninglesa, it is ine 
echerent and in tne fragmentary manner in which it is put 
together presents neught for judicial sonviceration or ine 
terpretation, #ven the comeon law record is net adaetracted 
and the bill of exceptions is siaply referred ta ae such by 
nese, but ite contents are not even suggested, Were we to 
attewpt from the abstract to deteruine tre cause of action 

or the state of the pleadings our conclusions muat be based 

solely on sso 
It ia stated in the abstract that the decliara- 

tion is in an “sction cf debt on a foreign judgment Laying 
damages $79.50." It appears that a judgment by default was 
entered and then set saide; that pleas of nil debit (ea bad 
plea in debt on a judgment) and of nul tiel record were sub- 
sequently filed; that s replication to tne plea of nul tiel 
record, concluding with a verification, was filed, and that 

on gra tenus desurrer to the ples of nil debit was sustained, 

Then follewsa the judument of nil capiat, waich recites tnat 


feb AT eer \ 


eThU0D MNT TO HOLURLO ART aunvi Lad soatoa woutas 5 Au 

~ eve of 440060 caso vlad at toxte ta dia oat. 

at botebuer adaoo 10% bas ta tame List to saoabul a 
ai dnebostod  .yivl « dwongiw giueo ead oxoted J 

| | Taq ot betta asd 

tuo To soxsoe vas sbiove7 sas to spatiada out — 

eal ak di. -keo Lantonom slodw a aa al sz017e * Y — — 

guq ai 3i doime ai tecean es one. aa baa 3 nexede | 
“ti to noidatedlenca Laioiny, xot Jdyaac staveorg © mak 
betostteda gon af broosa wal nesnp odd nove saolaase — oy | 
ya doe aa od borre tex Manis es enolaqooxe ‘to “estt bes 
ot ow onsl¥ bo saogaue Aasvo ton ou sdnedaca * a 

Pun ue 

notson to asso oad onioreteb at Joursoda ata mort * ws 


besed od sada anclévlonoe 1H0 egnibes la eas 10 osuta * 

ae Lo, 
-atelooh ens Juris sonisede arid nd —XRX st #1 

gaivad ‘tovombul, ayioexo? « ao Sdeb to notson* as ol 8 
saw tluatob ud toomygbul a sad aiaeqqs $1 * 08,8 
bed #) sided iia Yo anelq Jas jobian Jou aoa⸗ 
~due oTaw biroo8t Lote fun & te pita (dnomudut a 
’ dois fun to mely ont os aoisnot igor ie ; 
dad baw ,belit aaw snotsnoltiney ry ghee 
-bonissaue enw sider Lin to wen eds — 

au⸗ —R dotiw «Jatgeo L 
* Th wy « — 

i rs 
- A. —J — 

submiosion of the cause for trial by the court was pursuant 
to the stipulation of the parties, Subsequent to the entry 
of the judgment defendant filed, by leave of court, a plea 
ef puis darrien continuance. tio issue was joined on this 
plea, Fblaintiff then moved to vacate the judyment and the 
motion being overruled an sppeal was prayed and ——— 

While a full tranmseript of the record is before 
us, the abstract is but little more than an index to the 
record, The abstract is the pleading of the plaintiff in 
error and a court of review will not look beyond it sand 
search through the record in an attempt to find reasons for 
reversal, ‘The abstract faile to disclose anytiing which 
tends to impeach the judgment found in it. The Hupreme 
Court, in Village of bes rlaines v. Winkleman, 270 ill, 149, 
eon a petition for a rehearing, pointing cut material matter 
in the recerd not found in the abstract, made the following 
pertinent observations: 

"Our apprehension of the record is derived from 
the abstract prepared by the appellant and accepted as core 
reot by the appellee, ‘that abstract does not show the obe 
jection above quoted, and the appellee did not supply the 
Omission, if it was an omission, Under such circumstances 
the court does not search the record to saacertain the is- 
sues, but acts entirely upon the abstract,” 

The abstract of the record failing to show any 
error of procedure or in the pleadings, the judgment of the 
Circuit Court ia effirmed, 


tasueiwwg aaw Sivoo oft yd Leiid tot sevto ot ‘to mon ; 
yisne end of Jnoupeedul eotiszaq odd To noltatuqiss ® 

uidd mo bentol saw ayeak of 

gt ban Irmemybul, os oteoavy oF bevom meds vtatalt 

ae ,bowolls bus boyarg saw Laeqge aa be futteve ae 

sreted ek brooet ot to tqirosuass [Lut @ o Liaw ace 
eds od xebat an madd atom efsili gud ai soatseda od eu 

ak Yiisntsty odd Yo antbacte odd ok soardade of — 
bas 3k buoyed Avol gen Lihw weiver to sayoo a baa tern 

10% enoaset bait of dqasdéa am al btoser edt dgyotds sow 

Holdw gnivtyan saofouih of alia? tomasada ot fan ren 
‘ — ime 

emexqué od? .th at basot toemgoul, od? dosoqut o? eba 
sObf , ffi OVS temo ldall .v penials aoc 20 enasity ot 109 

tetion Initetem tio yaisatog ,yaitesdet a t6% noid ideq: a 


, aaweA aan edd ban ,toetieds edt ak baset som brove oat 
reno lsavieade ones, 

mort beviteb ek bipset odd Yo qotenedetqga wo" 9* 
“109 #8 betyqeoos bas tnallegge sas yd sense soazteda end 
edo ont wode ton seod soatéada Jadt  .oollogqa os d soot 
eat ylgque ton bib selleqqs ofd ban ,betoup evoda — 
asouavamuerio dows tehbal ,oolawimo ma eam 3k BE tO 
-ai edd alaszeoas of biooes oi dotsee ton esoh s1u09 i: 
* tostiada oft mnogu ylexrisas estou —— 

yas wore of guifiat btooet ef) to doardada ed? jm id 
efit to snomybul od? ,wgaibantq od? al 10 siubeso7g to —J 
-bewtltta el a1u00 shu to. 



29 = 21633 


in Error, F 
3. y 


193 1.A. 493 

| The record and abstract in this case are in 
all essential particulars the same as in the case of 
August Leroy v. defendant in error, General Number 21632, 
opinion in which is this day filed, and contain all the 
infirmities in that opinion pointed out. For the reasons 
appearing in the Leroy opinion supra, the judgment of the 
Circuit Court is atfizmed.\ , 


Geh ATEer 

sears - es 

~TOTTH at tinisl{ 


.TT008 .V avon 

tnsbasted a 


p - We 
# 1 . 

ni ets seso aids ai sostieds bas bioset sit Ly 
to saso edt of es omse sat sisivoliteq [sitmeres [is 
.SSSlS rsdawi ([stened ,terre at pepe nee Vv yore. deuguA 
edt {fs nistnoo bas ,beLit yesb etdd ai dofidw at notaigo 
enocasst edd tof suo botaiog moinigqo tsdt ai seid iouttnt 
edt to tusmgbut edd .Stque aotnigo yoused edt at anizesqas 
Y: ebemritie ai truod orto 


34 - 21676 

ANTON J. CERMAK, for use of 
Defendant in Error, 

V. A. STARCK PIANG CO., a corp, 

Piaintiffs in Urrgr. 

— ee — — 

198 1.4. 494 

Vin an action upon a replevin bond plaintiff 
in a trial by the Court hed judgment for $400 debt, the 
penalty of the bond, and $254 damages in the usual form, 
and defendant brings the record to this Court for review, 
The replevin bond sued upon was given in a 
replevin suit, under whieh the defendant Fiano Company 
took the piano of plaintiff. The replevin suit resulted 
in a judgment in favor of plaintiff and the award of a 
writ of retorno habende for the piano, The piano wae not 
returnedyand the measure of plaintiff's damages in a suit 
on the bond was its value together with his costs, | 
Defendants tendered in defense @ writing 
claimed to be a contract between plaintiff and the Piano 
Company for the purchase of the piano in question on the 
so-called “instalment plan,” It was claimed that under 
this contract plaintiff was behind in his payments at the 
time of the suing out of the replevin writ, and that thereby, 
under the contract, the piano was the property of the Piano 
Company and it had the right to reduce it to possession, 
Plaintiff denied that he signed the contract, but claimed 
that all he signed was a delivery ticket, Defendcants' 
witness, Laury, while testifying that plaintiff signed the 

axdts + Bs 

to eau tot ,HAMMKD .b HO 
eTOTTA al, snsbneted = -/ 


,ODAOIHD WO er ee” 
.gtoo & ,,09 OMAIT TG A of 




ttignisly bnod alvefoez 8 moqu moidoa aa ar . 
odd . dob OO) tot soomabuyt, bad Jrwod edd vd felat a mk 

sat0t Laueu ocd al sogammb d6S§ bas ,baod eds to” ei Laneg. 

-welvyet tot dxvod elds of brooet ocd agairad tnabus eb baa 4 

8 ai mevig saw moqu beue bnod aivelqes out — 

yosqaod onotd tnsbaeteb edt doldw tebaw +f ive aivetin 

bosiuest tive nivelqet ont | TWibtaiala to onaig en? wood 

& to btawe ons baa Ttidatal¢ to tovet al sneambut es ak 

jon eaw onatg ed? ,onsiq ed? tot abusded ontosot te she 4 

give 2 al esgamad aefttisnaialg, to o1mesem odd basfemruter 

[.ataeo aid dély todtegos oulev esi saw baad oat ao J 

yotiiiw @ seaeteb at bexebnos etashaa ted | . 

consid edd bas Yiidntsiq neewted testéaeo a od ot beutato 

aid no coltteeup ai onaigq vit Io seadotsg ont tot aeqaod 

tebnu gad? bomielo sew Si “,naiqg taemiadent* bo fteo-oa 9 

add tm atnomyaq eit at baled asw tiidntety ftoatinoo aldd 

sX¥Goxouls ¢add bue ,stizww alvelget edt to suo yaivue adl ‘Yo — 
oneld edt to ysteqorg odd saw onalg and toaxénoo edd & bat 

Tolsssesog oF SL soubor of deiner ent ban af ban ut J 

bomialo sud ,tosataoo sad bonyte od sad? be ined auata 

‘atnabae tod JoAofoe ytevileb a exw bongte od fia | 

ss gold bongie Ttitnialq sans gnivtlseod old — — 

9 — —* 

—_— = ne 

proffered contract, admitted that it had been changed in 
several material particulars and taat a large part of its 
terms had been added since plaintiff signed it, There was 

no proof that plaintiff assented to any of the changes 

made in the alleged contract, The Court exeluded the writing 
because such material chenges and alterations had been made 
without the assent of plaintiff ,\/@his ruling of the court 
left defendants without any defense, and our conclusion as 

to the correctness of such ruling must be the determining 
factor in our decision, 

This ruling was without error, for, as said 
in Gardiner v. Harback, 21 ill, 128, *The law will not 
tolerate such changes in the evidence the parties have 
provided of the terms of their contract, and if so made 
annexes as @ penalty the release of the other party from 
all obligation under the contract,” 

The alterations in the contrect were material 
and were made without the authority ef the plaintiff. There 
was no subsequent ratification by plaintiff of such une 
authorized changes, either express or by implication, 
flowing from any act of plaintiff subsequent to the maxing 
of aueh alterations, Under the proofs found in the record 
the legal title to the piano was in plaintiff, The find- 
ing ond judgment of the Municipal Court are right and its 
judgment is affirmed. 


ni begaads meod bad $k todd botiiaba ,foardnoo bow tong 
sti to dusq ogxal a ¢ast boo ataluolsraq falredam Laxevon 
saw ate! ,ti benmgie Tiidatalq sante bebba aaed bad ated 
eegnsis odt to yaa of hotnsana Tiltalelq sant teorq on 
gniditw edt bebyloxe tavod eT  tosttnoe beyotiea edt al obaa 
sbam coed bad ssoltstesia bae aeyasco Laitotam sigue oausved | 
$tu0o odd to gnilwt aby, Yiisnislq to Joonsa odd dusodd tw 4 
#s molaglonoo ‘two baa ,9aneled yas tuoddiw efaabnetob stot 
een lake edd od gaum goiftyt dows to aeendtoetroo ons ot 
-oisigeh i140 at xétont 

blag es ,tot ,10tre swodsiw eaw gniluz eid? 
gon iLiw wal edt" ,@8£ {1% IS ,doedaeh .v watband ab 
eved solttaq os gonebive ond at eegmedo dose otarofot 
ebsm 08 li bas ,Joatsmee head Yo amos edt Yo bebivorg ; 
wor yling tedvo odd Yo seastex ed ¥sieneg @ an eexontn 
—5 eit tebsaw notenka Ila 

Saliesam etew Joztsnoo add al enolisresia sdT 
eTeda? ,Ttiidnielg eds to ysivoitus odd snedhiw ebas 9tew baa | 
emu douse to ttitatela Yd moltaollisas asupos dun on sow ¥ 
tOitsoilgm: yd 10 ewsiqxe tedtie ,¢egnado box bod dun 
giiiam eid of Sneupsaduve Ttliaialq te toa ys ant gaiwolt 
brovet odd ai bavct stoorg odt tobal ,enotstatedin dove — 
~Suit off  Tttinleta ot saw onaiq sit od oitit fayeol odd 
asi bus sriyit orn stv0d Leqiotnwt edt to tro mabst, bua got 
ebomtitts et Poomgbut 


$91 = 21789 



193 1.A. 499 



Plaintiff recovered a judgement for 92916 against 
defendant on a trial before the Court, without a jury, and 
defendant —— 

the defendant, L. Gowld & Co,, are wholesale 
dealers in wooden and willow ware and house furnishing 
goods in Chicago, and until July 6, 1909, owned and operated 
horses and wagons, etc,, and used the same in the hauling of 
their goods, On that day defendant discontinued doing its 
own teaming and sold all of its horses, wagons, harness and 
other teaming equipment to the plaintiff, On the same day 
the parties entered into a contract wnich provided inter 
Blia that plaintiff should do all defendant's teaming work 

for a period of five years; that it should for that purpose 

furnish defendant six double and two single teams with wag- 

ons, drivers and other necessary adjuncts, for which plaine- 

tiff was to receive from defendant as compensation $1,000 on 
the first day of each month, during the life of the contract, 
There was also provision made for the supplying of additional 
teams as the exigencies of defendant's business might require, 

Among the material conditions of the contract plaintiff 

agreed that during the term of the contract ne would keep the 



Wagons well painted, have defendant's name painted on them, 

and keep all the wagons, horses, harness, etc,, in as good 

order and condition as the same were in when possession 

thereof was surrendered to plaintiff, and generally to carry 

eatin - [@ . 



Ceh ALT cOT 



genisgs af0S% tol snombul, 2 he tevoost Ytienieit 
bus ,vitul @ duodtiw ,drwod ead etoted fst a ne tnabast 
| .eiaoqas aabas ⁊ 

efeeeloiw ata ..00 & bLu00 ot daabietob ont \ 

potdeiniw? sagord ors oLew wetiie bus neboow at ere L 

beszetece bane benwo ,evueL ,38 viet Ilsa bas —— mi abo 3 
to gnitvad eds oi emee on? boew bane «ante nonau “bas —J 
asi gaiob bowalsacouth tnabnoteh yab tadd m0 .eboog —J 
bas seontad ,anoyaw ,eeeto0d ati to {fe bos buns —E 
vVab omsa ont gO) ,Tilinisiq oi3 of tInemglups atimsod to. vo 
dednt bebivotq doltdw Jostines # otk bototas daltiieq odd 
atew gnimsss e'tasbas'teb {12 ob bivoue Ttitolel¢ jedd pile 
stoqing stadt tol biwyode st dads jezmey ovit to boiteg s rod 
-yaw dtiw amned ofgata ows bas’ eLdyob xis tnaboe%eb sake’ 
-ftielg doliuw rol ,etonuibs yiseésoon Tenis o baa etevixh , ent 
MO 000, L§ noisssneqmon as susbaeteb mort ovieoot ot sew 3 
eJostsnoo odd to etif edd gniaubd ,idnom sose ‘to yab tetk? ont 
fanoitibhs to yniyiqque eds r0ot shen motetvorq coals aan oxod * 
,otiupet Jdaim esontend a'tasbasteb to eotonexixe edt en ‘om 
tiiinisiq sostinoce odd to anckstbnog Kebiosam odd 
edt qooxt Sivew ef JoatInoo of to wed edt galaud— Sasi 
aos mo betnteq eman atinsbasteb evad sbeaniag Liew 

booy as ai ,.,oco ,seonton —ER anonan ous aa * 
* rare " e 

as rad 
y oh ony 3 a 4 
P aN eee 

af  molseseueg sodw al stew omea 9. 
lghuse of ylierones bua aebinseie s 

en and conduct the teaming business incident to the business 
of defendant in a manner “satisfactory* to defendant, on 
failure of plaintiff to comply with the foregoing conditions 
in a manner “satisfactory” to defendant, the defendant might, 
on giving thirty days written notice to plaintiff, declare 
the contract "forfeited and of no force or effect," 

it is proven that plaintiff received the teaming 
outfit sold to him by defendant in first class condition, and 
under the teaming contract it was incumbent upon plaintiff te 
80 maintain the teaming outfit at all times during his term 

of service thereunder, FPinintiff claims that he did so, but 


- the overwhelming proof is that he did not, \Flaintift's idea 

of maintaining the wagons in good order and condition by 

keeping them “well painted" may be gathered from his testi- 

mony that he only painted the wagons once after he took them 
over cinder the bill of sale from defendant - a period of three 
years, | The evidence demonstrates that plisintiff kept the 
horses in’ an ungroomed condition; that the harness was not 
clean; that the wagons were not “well painted*® or kept clean, 
but were habitually dirty; that there were many holes in the 
wagon covers, causing rain to percolate through and damage 
goods being transported in such wagons; that, moreover, plain- 
tiff's teamsters "loafed upon the job.” 

These conditions, when called to the attention 
of plaintiff were not denied but excused, Flaintiff in effect 
replied on one occasion that tie could not afford to live up 
to his contract, Defendant being dissatisfied with condi- 
tions, availed of the right reserved by the contract to termi- 
nate it, and on February 15, 1913, gave plaintiff notice that 
the contract would be determined thirty days from that date, 

Since March 15, 1915, plaintiff has not done any teaming for 

4 defendant, 

ool AA Aina rd 68 08 OS eee 

agoniaud scid of dneblont aeenteud goimees ot soubnoo brs Pe 
? nO .tnabnas'teb of “ytot¢osteltiac" t90nem @ ot suabaoted 
9 enolslonoo gutogetot eds dsiw viquee os Yiisalalq ‘to omwihs 4 

wtipia Soabasteb ox3 «dnabae teb od *“vrosoa'tatése" wanan o 


7 etaloed ,itisniasld od soliton netiiaw ayab yitias gnivig a 

",toelte t0 soxel en Yo baw badiotroi* soatsnoe | 

‘4 , 


gitinaed edt bovieoet Tiidnisiq ted? aeverg et t1 
bas ,nolsdihbmoo aaafo Sati? al sasbreleb wd abd of biow 427 fi 

ee of Tilsnisiq noqu stnedmyont aaw ti goaxsn00 githonss ony x9 
: pa 
’ mies ald agnitob somts {te 3s si ysuo yetinne 3 od nletnts a 

gud ,0@ bIb od Sexid vitals. Nniaalaa —— im⸗ · % 

meds A00d 9A Ted's gono enogew oud botalaq ae od ae 
nde Ok 

 getds Yo boiteq # + saebosteh mot? ofan to ite oud —— tove 
eid tqed Wiidnislq sade ‘ eesncéenenat soneiive sat | — 

— — 9— 
Jon eaw agontsd ond Sans joeidibnos bemeotgaw ak mi 
’ .aaelo tqext to ‘“bodniag {few* Joa orow anoyaw ous teddy of 

me : 


ead nt asfod ynem etew etedt dads pydaes ellaud ides —* 

synmeb bas dysvordds etalosteg: os niet pitteuno sexe v90 Ho; soe 


—284 T 9 

"dot ‘odd roau —RX arosemnos an 

auata Aavoo rom , tails ienogew doge al bedroqenert gated 

nolinetta: okt od be Liao noaw ,enottibaes seodT | 
foot to al YWitntetl ,beevexe sud boineb ton orew tite, (qt 
qu evil of brotts ton biLuoo ok ‘tadd —ER ‘eno Per 
-tbnoo déiw bettotsasalth gated dnabas tod —— 

— — of Joartaoo edt yd bovteaet digit ond te botiava ve j 
teds eotton Nianatata eveg ,éfeLl él vanuedot, no. 
,eteb tadd mort ayab — — — 

702 ‘gnimses ye nob ton aad mere 
nue sen pas adil at tenes — a 4 wy, ; 

ee ee 

bs. i fe 

This suit was brought upon the assumption that 
defendant wrongfully terminated plaintiff's contract and to 
recover damages resulting to him from sueh alleged wrongful 
oot \rnat plaintiff neglected to perform the contract in 
the respects complained about, is sustained by the evidence 
in the record, It is, moreover, evident that plaintiff did 
net perform his contract in a manner “satisfactory” to de- 
fendant, While defendant could not arbitrarily terminate 
the contract because of dissatisfaction, we think the "rule 
ef reason® is the “canon of construction" to be invoked and 
applied te the condition which the record here discloses, 

As ssid in Gibb v, Irving Park District, No, 
21585, net yet reported, “Where a contract provides that 
services to be performed must be satisfactory to the em- 
ployer, suci: clause means that the services should be such 
that as @ feasonable person the employer ought to be satis- 
fied therewith, Keeler v. Clifford, 165 ill, 544," 

We think that as a reasonable person defendant 
was justified in cencluding that plaintiff did not in mae 
terial and essential particulars carry out the contract in accord 
with its conditions and that such conduct of plaintiff was not 
"satisfactory" within the meaning of the contract, and that de- 
fendant was consequently warranted in terminating the con- 
tract in the manner designated therein, Where, as in the 
case at bar, a contract is required to be performed to the 
satisfaction of one of the parties, the meaning necessarily 
is, that it must be done in a manner satisfactory to the mind 
ef a reasonable anil The plain construction of the contract 
in the record in this regard is, that the teaming outfit was 

to be maintained and the teaming dome in accordance with the 
contract in such manner that defendant, as a reasonable man, 

a to be satisfied with it, Measured by these rules, de- 

— * 

tadd moliquuses odd nogu tdaguotd ssw sive aldT 

ed bas toatinoos a'ttisaield bedsainte?d yLivtguomw sasbes 
Intgnom begelia dove mort mid of gate {ueer ee 

ni soatsnos oat ortotteq og bedooLgen ttitaisiq tadT» 
eonsbive eit yd beniagveve el stiods bonisfqmes etoogae: 
bib Trlidalalq sjads ‘daebivoe ,x%evoorom ,ek $I. brooon en t 
-9b os “ytolosteisee” tzonnem a ni tontémoo eld mio toq 

etsninies yLitatsidis ston binoo Jnabavsteb olLidw pee 
efut" ed aAniidd ow — Yo eeuaood toaxtn0o 

‘ Snes bexovai od of “soltsiouttenos to monso* os at “nooner to 

O84 ,Jotazsaicg trad polvtl .v ddid oi biaa aA 
tadt eebivorg sosisnoo 2 stedW" ,hedtoqet toy Pv ae 

—— od bivede esolviee edt Jad? sosem éuuato. aoe 4x9) a 
-sitse od of triguo teyolqnme ent noaetoq —— s en 2. 
"p98 ,ff1 Gas ebiottito -V go fogr st wero 

insbaeteb soeteq sidenosast & as at⸗ Aide oW 

¥ bi 

esa ai Jon bib Ytitnialq ¢add yoibwtlomeo at bottivent, 
oooe at gostinoo eis Juo yt1s89 Bialwoisditaq {aisnuseas bos ia 

gon saw Tiliniet¢ To soubnoo dowa sade bas anolsibnoo ett bast 
-ob dadd bun ,Joaténco odd to gringem ot ntdgiw “yrodon te lies ue 

ee AT; ial 

-aoo od goiitanimieds ai besdnariew yLinsupeanoo saw te — 

edt ak as ,ot9edW ,aleredd bedangleeb tennem ont at to 

. odd ot bomrrotteg ed of boxrkupet at sostinoo & vied ta 
elirsessoen uningem sit ,eotstisq odd to ane To aolion 
«bake ot of ytotostetine toanem e ak enob ed Sagat ok said 
_ tosttaos sit Yo aolsouttenoo nialg ont “nu ** i. 


end diiw sonsbrocos nt enob uninses edt bas bone 

— oldancesst B 8s Nnbtis too 5 — — i 
aa , —9 J——— 

‘fendant had the legal right to abel the contract in 
_ the way it did, 
; A: i (‘The judgment of the Municipal Court is wrong and 
is therefore reversed, with a finding of fact, . 7 


i. bs Ry es 
Gk Jeerdaoo edd odanimzed of t4git oyot out —R 
—* = aa 
eh .bab a —* 

baw gnotw ak —X —— ent to ——— * 

·70M40 10 OMLCUIE HTIv qaeasvan 

J F 
La ; iy 

yal beget 
oe Uk Or 

; ik 

591 + 21789 FINDING OF PACT, 

The Court finds as « matter of fact that 
plaintiff did not perform his contract with defendant 
according to its terms or in a manner "satisfactory" 
to defendant, and that defendant had the right to 
terminate the contract, whieh it did by giving thirty 
‘days notice toe the plaintiff of such termination, 

wre & ' 
+s @ 

: 7 
— ee er re ee ee I 


tjadd dont to tedtam a ea ebait drvo6d oat 
tnabneteds dtiw goatéinoo aid mrotreg son bhp ¥ 
"vtosoetaliea® tennam # at 10 earted agi of 

ot tdyit ont bad tnebuoteb gadd bas 
ysttids anivig yd bib 3k dotdw ,soatéaco at 

88 - 21964 


vs. ‘ 
AWNING COMPANY, a oo, ee é 

tion, f 

fppeliant. oe 





198 1.A. 509 


* ra 


Vin this case the affidavit of meritorious defense 
wes on motion of plaintiff stricken from the files, and a 
judgment, as in cases of default (the damages being assessed 
by a jury under the instructions of the trial judge) entered 
in favor of plaintiff for $3,508.03, and defendant appeals, 

[ Assessment of dawages by a jury is unnecessary 
unless requested, Kann v, Brown, 263 111. 394, 

The sworn statement of the claim was sufficient 
from which to assess the damages, Weil v. Federal Life insurance 
Co., 182 111. App. 522, The reading by defendant of its 
affidavit of defense to the jury while irregular was harmless 
error, When defendant's affidavit of defense was stricken 
the csuse should have proceeded as in cases of default, De- 
fendant in this situation was only entitled to cross examine 
plaintiff's witnesses in diminution of damages. As applied 
to the practice in the Yunicipal Court, the motion to strike 
the affidavit of defense is tantamount to a demurrer to 
defendant's pleading, which, being sustained, so far put 
defendant out of court that he could only cross examine 
witnesses for the purpose of minimizing damages, Bing v. 
Tyler, 79 ill, 246, 

The determination of this controversy rests in the 

construction of the contract between the partios.\| saimtatt 



\ tans poaa 


GOc .A.I 8er 

7— 4 PL J — a ; 9 
J Wr 
\ aOCLS - 
\ of «Ont An cod 4 a7 
4 — — 
44 J 
.odaAbino %O vA + 
cy | — 8 .IAIMCV i) 

.7auod MNT YO MOLMI4O @HT QUAMVIAEd Mod.toH — J— 

eanoteb ssoirod item to tivabitte es seso sins yet 
s bas eelit ss wast asvioiltte tiidnisig to noivom ne, 
bovnouas gniod eegnmah edt) slusteb to —J 4 —— 
betes (egbut faint edd to ano ktowssent aid webay veut 
-B8iaegqe tushbaeteb bas ,60,800,6¢ x02 tiignio£y to rove 
(xasssosnay at vaut #2 yd aonemeb To taomeooeas | | 
bes -if1 .v com Jbeseaupot - 

gas ioitiwe asw tiinto eit to inemetate mtowe. oar * 
ss Siit Lerebed .V' Liev ,@egemab od —R ot dose * rg 
ati-to dasbue tod ww aathase ane S86 .qga sath F 23 

—5 enw eens tob to tivebitto ettasbao ted — fe 
-9f Au to eeeno af es babsaooig even. bivoda easing 
entmaxe asotp of belsiias yioo saw moiteutte abdt ab ¢ 

boliqqs 8A .asynneb Yo nottunkmih at aseaens be —XR 
siitss ot nolsam els $1009 faqioing od ak ‘eottoang ond | 
ot Tortsmeb « at davomesaed ai sono tob to tivebitte 6 

juq set oa ,beatasaue gnied Ad Latw — le et snubs 
onimexe seote yino bivoo ad Jady Fiwoo to. sue ta | 

a seit -eopaneb antekeiedn to ssoqrwa ont x0? eaeass 

ee * 
‘ce a a to ne lah a 

8 ond ak adeot yerovert ado, wtas Ye otdnntaresee « Li il ie 

 PWidaiss le eolixaq odd ‘neewted tos a 

i ‘ \ : 
a) . a’ . ae | 


contends that it is a contract of sale and defondant that 18 
is a consignment contract. Or to put it another way, plain- 
tiff insists that the goods sent defendant under the contract 
were sold to it, while defendant insists that the goods were 
sent to it for sale on sesignment, and that under the contract 
it acted as. plaintiff's factor and that the title to the goods 
remained in plainti fe. 

The material parte og the contract are that defendant 
ig to handle the entire line of pillow tops manufactured by 
plaintiff "on a consignzent basis" subject to a five per cent 
return. frices are stated which are to be paid by defendant 
to plaintift 8S soon as Money ie received by defendant from 
purchasers; that “a full settlement iv to be made November 1, 
1914 for all stock on hand or in transit in excess of five 
per cent of the total shipments, eaid five per cent to be eub- 
ject to *«" (plaintiff's) "disposition and to be in first 
Glass merchantable condition ss originally shipped.” Defen- 
Gant bound itwelf not to sell the goods for leas than fifteen 
eents advance on the prices fixed. It is not in dispute that 
under this contract defendant received from plaintiff pillow 
tops to the value of 26,207.69 or that defendant ia entitled 
to a oredit of $2,689.66, which includes goods returned of the 
value of $324.50, whieh ia slightly in excess of five per cent 
of the price of all the goods received by eae id this 
computation, if the contract is one of sale, there is due 
plaintizf the amount of the judgment. [f it ie not a contract 
of sale, but one of consignment for sale for account of plain- 
tiff, then defendant may discharge ite liability by returning 
to plaintiff its goods to the value, under the prices fixed by 
the contract, of the amount of the Judgment. 

In construing a contract, all of its parts must be 

’ considered. It is not what the parties may designate a contract 

tt tad? tonbnotes bas oLae te tosxtaeo a at et tad? abunt 
“nisl ,yaw sodtona fl tuq of 10 .feaxtaon fnommgtance & @ 
foattnes oft tehbsy gashbueteb ?aea shooy oft Sadd atalenk b 
exow abeog od tact? atalank tasbaotes elidw ,tk of bfea xe 
doaxtnoo odd xehaw gadt fos ,tmommgtues mo ofaa rot tt of tn96 
aboog ont of offi? of? dad? San xsotost a'ttitalely as boven | 
| wt Notelq at Soman 
teabosteds tads exe Toaignoo of? To atxeq Isixoten odl 
yd Souvtoetunam aged wolltq te onil sxitao edt eLhaad ote 
tao toy ovik «& of Seeldua “eluad taomagtanoo a a0" rene, 
tashaeteh yf Staq od of oxe dokide botate gia sookri 
mort tnahaoteb yd Sovieoer at yonom as noo ea Trsiat fq 0 
A todmeyok% obam od of al taomoitvea ‘St a" dade ye 7 
ovtt te eseexe ot thenett oi to Saat no deootea Ife rot 
-isa od of tmo0 t0q evit Siac ,atnomgida Latod ond te neo 

-setot - ",boqatde eisalgtio ss nottsbnoe ‘etdeteadoven am 
noovitt madd seol sot eboog ant? {Low ot ton — — * 

vo Uilintealq moxt beovteses Trshaoked toautaoo ee 
boltitne at tnabacked tadt xo 83, Yos,of to oxfay orf — ot eget 

od? Y0 bowsutox aboog aobuLoat dokitw ,89.080,89 to éhhoxe 2 of 

taoo x04, ovlt to saooxe at ylidatla at setdaw (08.2889 to ont 
ata⸗ — yd hovtooon wioog ode Lie to opti odd % ; 

ovb fi otods ,ofes to eno ak tounta0oo ed? th ,nedteds 

 tgottnoo s ton ut CL YT mompbul ond Yo damoms on 2 pasha 
 sstkatq ko tagooos xot oLea tok saomng tans. to eno dad «ofa to 
ss qukauidex yd Ytettdatd ats egredeald yam saadsetoh aadt. 2280 

Yd boxtt wootzy ont robaw ,ewLav odd of r ekney meg teeta be i 

od: Pann ataeg aah. to ffe | toesta00 9. 
a. tade # 



to bo which will warrant the court in formulating a rule of 
eonstruction in harmony with euch designation, but from all 
the language used in the contract the court will ascertain 
the intention of the parties and by construction determine 
the measure and rights of the respective parties thereunder. 

We cannot conclude, because there was used in the 
contract the term “on & consignment basis" that it is a 
"sonsignment contract” as distinguished from a “sontract. of 
sale" and thereby ignore its other material provisions, which 
Glearly define the rights and obligaticne of the parties. 

The term on a "“Gonsaignment basis" hae relation to the time 

preceding the final date of settlement, lovember 1, 1914, 

when defendant oxpressly sgrees to pay for “11 the goods there- 

tofore received by it from plaintiff, reserving the right to 

return not more than five per cent of the total goods received. 
We think thet the reasoning of the court in Lonergan v. 

Stewart, 55 i11. 44, is a rule of interpretation applicable to 

the instant case, where the court say:- 

tnoegh ts bo altered foray tee. coatrest in one of batisent, 

Sr tatedaes we etter U2", stu, severe) te’ mate 

reeciver ia at liberty to return another thing ot equal 

value, he becomes a debtor to make the return and the title 

to the property is changed - it is a sale.” 

Chhokor ine v. Bast ss, 130 ibid 206. 

on November ‘ i914, if plaintit? had demanded a retuwn 
of the goods theretofore received by defendant from it and then 
in the possession of defendant unsold, plaintiff would have been 
impotent to have enforced such demand under the contract in the 

‘record. Peoria Mig. Co. v. Lyona, 163 ibid 427. 
The contention of defendant in its affidavit of defense 

_ that the goods, the price of which was demanded by plaintiff in 
ite statement of claim, were goods received on consignment in- 

to ofvx 2 gatvalsmrot at cauos edd taarxew Iftw doliw od of 
iis most dud s29tteagteod dowe fd be yromrnrt ak mollowxtay oo i 
atad aooa⸗ {fiw tos ond toattneo of? mt bows ——— ¢ 

F— oxhaxod od noktorxtance gd ban eetiray ont to woktret at | | 
i erebasetordé eettxag avid oaqaot oft to atdats Bows pruzenset ‘edi 
odt at boas enw exedd omvnood ,ebatonoo tommy eo 

a ak ti tadt “alead tmoaumtanco & xo” mae? odd Tt vet c N 

a gee 

to voattaoo” « moxt badalagnivalh ea "Soanrioen ¢ J 
dotdiw ,anotatvexrq Intiovem reao atk ovongt ydoreds hen — 
eokiteqg edt Yo ancktiagiide bas etdgt« edd ealteb ytxaote 
oukt edt of sottafer sad "atesd tnemeg tysoo" & ao wed ont 
gbhlOL .f sodmevol ,taomolsies to etah Lanit oilt gathooeng 

jo ate —— 
— — 

4 A — 

eeteds aboog oft [fe tot esq oF neorge Fanorees as zue Toh asde . 
ot Sduls off antvieaot ,ttitataly mort si yd bovioost sxote? oa 
 gbevteoes ehoog Latod ait to Jseo coq ovit asd? oxom rae auton . 
v Hegzronot xt Iason ent to ankaosacx odt tedd dald? oF ie 3 
od oldsotiqqa Holtetonqrod at to ofot w ak ,dd .LfT G8 ——— 4 
-:yae tusoo ent orecty ,ona0 tantent ont A 

jbresters.ot ot 3: Sovertbe ete Sinead 
exodt nertw gud —— tom al y xozere add of oftit J 

of? bnew ,ofottue otrtooge odd oxotaor ot soktagtide on 
fasps to gaint seddvone nunteon of yuedll da et — 

oLthd oft Bae oxetor aft odam of sotdedh 2 gomonod of , on. 
“.ofaa o af th - bognado ak yuoqerg add 

ned? bose ti mort tnabaotes ud Sovieoos oxototoreds aboog ot re a 
Hood oved bivow It7alelg .hCoaan snohaoteh Yo sotsaenwoy Md · i 
ede at doariaos oft coda Amand desea boouctae ovat of taotog t | 
; Sd Bidt BAL yenoyt wy 92 saul ataeag (0% 
| Ganoteh Yo Fivebitte att mt taabaorod to sottaotnoe oat 



virtue of the contract set forth in euch statement, presented 
no defense, as we hold that the contract was one of sale, 

The Municipal Court 444 not err in striking defendant's 
affidavit of defense end in entering the Judgment appealed from, 
and the judgment is therefore affirmod. 


— — ok wxe Jon S86 txu0d Legtotamé sat 
NOx holseqqs tnomgbat od? antietae ak boa anotos bl th 


\ ' . f 
te — 
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aed a a Net 

37 = 19494 




Plainther anf 198 L.A. 00% 

MR. PRESIDING JUSTICS PAM dslivered the ofinion 



of the court. 
By thie writ of error defendant (plaintiff in error) 
Seeks to have teverged a judgment entered againat him in faver 
of plaintiff (defendant in error) for damajes Sustained as a 
result of having been bitten by a dog owned by the defendant. 
Suit wos breught June <, 1911 and the declaration 
filed on the Sam day. The auamen⸗ wae Barved on defendant 
on June 3. On June 19 the appearance of defendant wae en- 
‘$ered by his attorney. Ko plea wae filed, Gn duly We ds- 
fault of the defendant was ordered taken on motion of the 
Plaintiff’ and entered of record, OM October 14, 1915 (15 
1 B&ths later) a jury heard evidence a8 te damages sustained 
by the plaintiff, ond returned a verdict for $450.00 and 
q sont, upon which judgment wes ontored by the court on Oe- 
 $eer 19, 1912, Naeoution #a# issued on said judguent and 

demand made on Rovexber 11. On Novenber £0 motion wae made 
a by gcounsel] for tho defendant to vacate Said Judgment and 
Auasn the writ of execution, which motion was denied on 

_ November 29, 

" Defendant, while setting forth many se#¢ignmen te 

f ‘of error, argues but, two in his brief, viz.: 

jen (1) That plaintiff did not, in his declara- 
tion, Set out that he wae in the sxercise of dus cara 

fer his om Safety at the time he wae bitten by the = i 

aener * 
xore STAT 
— ue 
TAUOD gorgerus yt 
Arauoo xood Ky 

‘ Ps tabalt 

SOc AI eel 

mt ato odd bavevileb MAT TOIT oman Ry mM . 

f an 

| _  atew08 ont to 

(rorxe pt Diitmelq) tesboeteb r98%re to tre aids y@ 

roves mh uta Tanks Be heres ae saaanghek « heercver eved of mies 
a a6 bestatave —* 10d (ro71e ak tobe eb) rit setete & 
tasbnwloh edt x bamwo gob # yd metetd mead gntved Yo ——— 
aot aaxal dob ost baw £10f .& omy word eow the a 
_ thabreXeb mo bovTes saw anomewe dT yah omen eri ne batts 7 
~rte 8nW trabaetek Yo. opantseqis ost ef emu ao x 
web Sf ylok a0 boLey aan soll On youre stn alist web 
ad? t¢ aetion ag node? berebro fawn ser ody te ots 
Gf) “fel AA redes00 a .bvocer ve hetetae bas vanaats —9 
huntateue seyeme oF as sonnets ve braved yu & (retat a J i. 
bok 00.0889 103 tolbrov a bearmtey bas cit tmbelg odd ve 
90 28 gO o. one vd hore? ne hee 3 seat phar | Hold ae = a 
bre teromyhel bes ne beuaer, aon nok tuoeait 83104 8h 9— 
obsm sev moksom O8 rod evo nO «ff xednovow ne, obem bi 
Sow tno pit hae atnosy hdl Inebreteb ont x02 Kosaee ¢ 

m belaeh wew mottoa dot ste «tol tv0exe to thrw oft dt 

08 x0dno — 

——— Vise Aor gakstes elldw .tnabaer ol a ‘i 
realty ,leird eid af ows dud — 9 75 
-eraleeb @in at gdon LLL WLsatelq ted? (f) ‘ * raat a 

oxrao evb to esiorexe of ot saw of tent we tom * 24 ae 

odd Yd motthd ew ot omkt eat * xtetae * J 
J if ee 



(2) Defendant's appearance having been 
entored, the court erred in aéaetging damag oe 
against defendant without netice to hin. 

With reference to the firét sontention, our Supreme 
Geurt in C2 A.R.R.Co. v. Kuckkuck, 197 Ill. $04, held that 
in the case of domeatic animale which are not naturally danger- 

unless they had 

ews, the public are not bamd to exerc ive care or cuut lon/mithe 
wEAXNOt ve ef the vicious tendencies of the particular animal; 
and in arriving af that conclusim Stated, p. 510: "it is net 
necetgary for a Plaintiff to aver and preve the exere ive of 
Gere and oaution for his ow protection, but it 16 matter of 

With reference to the second gontention, the record 
Shows that the Gefanlt #26 taken on July 12, 1911, There is 
nO Glaim that Such defaalt wae improperly taken. The damages 
were not a6Se8eed wmtil more than fourteen months thereafter, 
There ie nothing in the record to indicate to thia court that 
the a#seteanent of damages did not occur when the case was 
resched for trial on the regular call salendar. “Shera nothing 

te the contrary afpears in the racerd, it mutt be Presumed 

that the cate was tried upon the regular ¢a1) of the calender, 

Under sush cirgumétances, the emtentio of the defendant that 
Hetice 16 necessary after default before the court can hold an 

inquest for asaeeaing dasage’, i6 without fores. 

Pinding no revereible errer, the judgment i8 af- 



need grlvad eonarseqae e'¢nabaeted (8) 
apgemsh pateteese ak bherre dawoo eds ,betetae 
wats od wolton svodtiw tnebeeteb sentsye 
euerqu® wo ,netfaetaos tartt ad? of ooneteter dalW 
tet oLod (POE .U1T VOL whowddoud .v .00.9.f.A 8.9 ak sswoo 

“regmah y{feqwitan tom esa dolde olawianes obtGemeh to o@ao oaf ok a 

bent yodt eeoltny i ag 
xitzx\nolivso ro oreo eatorexe Of bod tom oxe olfdug odd ue “ 

tiomine tealyoltxseq ed? to Solonehne? avotoly eff to eolpomxxaa 
gon @f 22" OLE .g psotdete® miaylomo ta8% te goiviwe ak bas 
to eatoroxe end evord bee reve of Dildabalqd a2 xe? — E 9 
to roftem Gf fl Sud .mobtootory awe eld vet o baw oxa® 

7 * .ceneteb 

brwoor odd qnolirotoeo baooes att o2 eocetetot ATT. “ 
at ered? .{f@r Af ylub mo nedad aw Heated ont tedt eone 
tepsmueh efT otad yLreqorgut sen tlusleb dove tad? atelo om 
erosiacrteds aftrom meet wo? sends orom Ihtav heskesae. ton oren 
tett twos abdt of eteothnt of brooor eft at yakdton &t ered? 
ane ets od mode mone ton BLE Boysmeh to Inemudeuke ond 
polnten oxvecW .wahooles (leo raingor edt am faba x01 bodoser 
hemrserl ed Sau tr ,hreoen off mk wnsoqas yrersneo ot oe 6 
stabrolso edt To (lao waluger edt moqa bebsd eew ona et tedt 
tent tonboeteb edt Yo whiaesmo oft ,deonstomuno deve reba 
na blod meo Pwo off ewlod Musted teks Ytsee Geoen at oot tos ' ‘ 
-co70% froddiw ak « 80 — aoloéesae rot teoupat 

“la &f tnemgbet edd .retre eldharever on gakhat? 

12 - 206423 


Defendant if Error, 


FF. 0. such 


WH. PROSIDING JUSTIC® PAM delivered the opinion 
ef the court. 

Defendant in error (complainant below) filed a 
bill against plaintiff in error and others hereinabove 
mentioned, te declare and enforce an express trust ime 
posed on certain personal property secure the payment 
of a loan made to the AmericaneMexico Mining & Develope 
ing Company (hereinafter known as the company); which 
fund the bill alleged cawe into the hands of plaintiff 
in error and ¥. GO. Smolt, two of the defendants. below. 

fo this bill anewers were filed by the company 
and plaintiff in error, to which anewers replications 
were filed. A plea to the jurisdiction was interposed 
by Smolt, to which plea a replication was filed directly 
traversing the allegations therein set forthe A Grosse 
‘bill was filed by the company against defendant in error, 
which was afterwards dinmissed by stipulation. 

Upon a hearing hed on thie bill the issues 
were found for the complainant end a money decree was 

re tals” 

entered against the company, Snolt and plaintiff in 

g torr 1 


806 AL 

nvinigs eat? bousviteS MAL ROLTaUTL OMI LETHE St 
ef tee ons to 

® boLit (wolod suatialqaos) tor al suabas'ted, 
evedaniorsd atoido brs torte nt Iiiniasa tantayo iid 
ah teuvtd anerqxe ne sodelre baa etafoed of  botrotinem 
tromyad ody samena ct ystoqerg Lanoateg miatres no benog— 
eqoleved J guinth ookxoMenavitems of7 of obam nael a To f 
Holstw ¢(ynegeen elt ae swan ‘tas tented) YRsqae? grt 
Wiiniealg to absad ols osnt aus boyelis (Lid ost baw 
90 lod .a2sabao tod edt to ow’ ,tfoml .0 « bas —J coe : Ks a 

-—ymeqmon ol? yf boli? exow axewsan [Lid etdd oF | 
4 anoitaokiquy etowenn do kriw of . Torx ak Naen tata one ian 
_” bewoqueint naw moltotbartnt, ont ot ta —————— 
eisootkd bolt now mobi tiqat ws aotq Hp tilw of at hone w 
(sua0xd A eifdxo? sou wierd? emo kt ages ⸗ * " 


ce al tx" ees ha ri 7a 
Pai saat eS we 

nouns ot Like elds a0 bat aan 9 

ta eh ’ 


error, for the sum of $7,725.00, whieh decree it is 

sought by this writ of error to reverse, 

Although there are many errore assigned, 
Plaintiff in error relies upon but two, viz.: 
1. "The court erred in not setting 
aside the decree, 
2. “The decree is not supported by 
the findings, ond is erreneous.* 

We will take these up in their inverce order. 

The record in this court (which was prepared by 
the plaintiff in error) contains no certificate of evidence, 
It must be presumed, therefore, that there was sufficient 
evidence aKexmk to sustain the finding of facts recited 
in the decree. ‘The question is, therefore, whether or 
mot there is a sufficient finding of facts to sustain the 


The bill of complaint alleged that the company 
wes incorporated under the laws of South Dakota; that it 
Was engaged in operating o mine and smelter at San Lorenzo, 
Durango, Mexico; that it was in gresnt need for ready meney 
for the purpose of smelting certain ores which had been 
mined and were ready formnelting; that F. ©. Smolt was then 
superintendent and manager of said mine and smelter of the 
company; that Ulric King was cashier of the said company and 
wae in charge of its financial mattergg that the said Smolt 
and the said King (the latter also m defendant below) ree 
presented to complainant that the ore wae of the value 
of upwards of $15,000.00; that if the company could obtain 
& loan of not to exceed $6,000.00 for the purpose of smelte 

ei 4) So190b dotdw ,00.480,1¢ lo awa ont tet ,toOxme © 
-9ateve% oF torro to flaw aidd yd selgwee 

,oorgtees etetre ynam ote eredt dguods LA 
temiv ,owd Jud moqw asifon tone ni ——— 
yoltton gon ni berte sivoo edt" ot 
“.oox00b odd edblan 
yt bettogquea ton al setonh onT® 4 | 
*,avoonorr al bao ,agribait en7 
“robto sntoval todd mt qu onond edad Litw ow 

of hetsqeiq saw doistw) ¢tven aid? ak btooet edt : 
onebive to efaoltidises om amiatnoo (torre al Tit¥olaly oft — 
dmetolting enw oxed? todd ,oretored? ,bomusiorg of taum #1 
Setioos atowt Yo goaibait? edd aletaue of tompetibo eonebive : 
10 tedsedw ,oroteisdd al nolteoup eff .eoTdeb odd ak 
eit misvaue of agost To gutbait gnotoitiwa # ek eredd ton 
| ” ,senp0 
— Ys) orld jade boge lla duialemon 190 Like oT 
oh sauté pas ovind aiveR to ewsl edd «ebay boseroexoont & aow 
ennetedl asi te tedieos ona enin « gaistateqo ni heangne sow 
Yonen ybaot 10% been suoty mt aaw Ji Jad? jondxok operas 
nos bad tiotnw eete mists. pakd Lome Yo esoqiuug sls 102 
ont wow SLomG .0 . dadt janie tomo? weer orow bas bomber ; 
edt to tedfeme bra enim bla lo te8yanan bas aodae· atuoaua 
Ls Weaqaco hiaa on? to to hitaan e au ahh o butt tart -Peuagios 
Loma bisa os dacs GOI Fans {alonantt e&& Yo optato ah nsw 
_ set (woled tnadneteb » ocala total outa) va biaa ont ca . 
ri sulny ont to ame ato outs daxtt tanta Lqsoo ot botnenorg a2 
nieddo bisoo ynaqeoo odd IL tart 1004000, 058 to tial 4 
~) Loma to exogruq ovis 20% 00 000,88 boooxo ot ton to nol @ 


ing the eaid ore, it would result in great profit te the 
company; that complainant, together with plaintiff in 
error, G. ‘. Penwell, J. R. Morris and Fred Watters (also 
defendants belew) advanced to the company the total sum of 
#6,000,60, in consideration ef which the said company, by 
ite aforemaid officers, Smolt and King, agreed to held said 
ore, the product of the smelting thereof, and the proceeds 
te be derived therefrom, av a trust fund to secure the ree 
payment to the defendant in error and his aforesaid assoclae 
tes, the sum advanced for said purposes. The bill also set 
forth the macunts advanced by the various perrons whe pare 
ticipated in the lean te the company. It further alleged 
that the company entered upon the smelting of said ore, using 
the advances made by complainant and his associates for said 
purposes, and realized therefrom a large amount of money, 
to-wit: upwards of $15,000.00 Mexice silver, equivalent 

to $7,500.60 in gold coin of the United States of Americas 
that the company also sold cutright upwards of 40 tones of 
said ore, valued at $4,000.00; that the company still had 
on hand 600 tons of said ore of lower grade, valued at upe 
wards of $7,500.00. ‘he bill furthe set forth that upon 
completion of the first smelting operation and tre wale of 
the product, complainant applied to the company for an 
accounting of said preceede and fer payment te him and to 
hie associates of the money due them; thet a similar ree 
quest was made upon the subsequent sale of the said 40 tone 
of ore; that these requests were made upen the said company 
and ite officers, viz., the superintendent, and plaintiff 
in error, the president; that the company, by its said 
officers, Smolt and plaintiff in error, from time to time 
promised such accounting and payment of the moneys so due, 
but failed to keep these promises, 

edd? of Sitonug gaetg mi Pfueet biyow #k ,oie biases ont gat 
at trisgnialq ditw tadsegos , iran lalgmos ari⸗ i AGRO 
oals) sxeetall bet't bos aitzoll oA .b ,ilewnel .V .o , torre 
' to awa Letod edd yoaqmos anf of boonavhs (wofed asasbno ted ; 
Ye a yeqnoe bisa etd co bew to solvatebiencs mi 100 900,08 a 
bias bLod of Seoxge ,RALA bra sLone .eoollto bingesole otk 
aboooorg ait bas ,osiost getsiowa edt Yo Jouborq emt 490 
-9% off o1voee of baw? sesad sc oa ,mortered? beviaeb ed of 
esiooasa biasetote ald bee soxre ak tuabaeteh ols of Inamyag 
foe sain Lilie ox? .eoacgtuq bisa 10% hbeonsvbs mus oct ,a0t 
“teq odw econreq avoliny oft yd boonevba adawoms ont doco 
boyetia tederwt ¢1 .yungues ott of maol oy at boteqiols — 
niow ,o70 blea to guidloma ate moqy betetne nagqmen oft Jadt ; 
bisa 10% astaiocaas ald bra snankalqmoo YW ebam soomevba ons 
eYeriom to gavees sgial a moxtoxodis boxi isos bre aonoging 
gnoLavivpa ,xavile cokxol 00,000, 6L8 to Bb wwg stiweod 
gaoirtamA to socvat@ betint et to mios blog ai 00.008, ¥¢ ot 
to anos Of to abtawess Sriglxtwo bloe oslea ymaqmon of? sad? 
bad ifita yragmoo oft tans 700.000, 9 ta boutev ,eor0 bine 
wai ta boutavy ,sbary towel to 910 biag to anos 008 baad 0 
moqy Jedt dicot tea Radiwt Lid edt .00,008,°8 to ebraw 
to éiee att baa nottaceeo qiitefonm g¢etkt eA? Yo melteLquoo 
ois 10% yRagmon oft oF hotfqgae Snanialquoe ,touborq ond 
of bre mid of tremyaq sot bus wbeosoesq bina to guigmwooom 
«ot tallale « jad? gmorit sub Yum att To ea at thn ! 
atto⸗ Oe bison edt to ofan tnoupendue edd gogu sban aow dnoup J 
Wiaguee bias odt moqu obas ot9ew ateoupet seedt saris porto to a 
Ytitmlely bas sinobnosnizequa ot , aly saip0kTo att i" 4 
7  bkas athe yo wraqmoo outs tadd jiaobleeag es? * 9 

«sob 08 aysitom edt 20 siromyag * —2—— —E is 


The bill of complaint further alleged that ene 
payment of srid smelting operations was collected by the 
paid Smolt and deposited with the American Smelting & 
Refining Company in his own namey; that thereafter the said 
Smolt remitted a pertion of said fund to plaintiff in error, 
whe wae at that time president of the company; that the 
said Smolt and plaintiff in error converted and dissipated 
the said funds, or the greater part thoreef, and failed te 
account to complainant therefor. The bill of complaint 
aleo contained certain interrogatories to be answered by 
said Smolt, plaintiff in error and the company; and cone 
Gluded with a prayer for an accounting from all ef the 
defendants, and that they be compelled to pay over to the 
eomplainant and his associates the amount equitably found 

due them, 

To this bill answers were filed by the company 
and plaintiff in error, For the purpose of thin caney it may 
be gaid that their answers controverted all the material alles 
gations contained in the bill of complaint. molt did not 
anewer, but rested upon his plea to the jurisdiction. 

The decree vet forth that the cause came on te be 
heard upon the original bil! of complaint, the answer therete 
of plaintiff in error and the company, the replications to 
guid anewers, and the plea of Smolt end replication thereto, 
ans aleo upon the evidence heard in open court and documents 
adduced in support of the issues by the various parties, and 
upon arguments of counsel, ‘Then follewed the finding of facts 
upon which the decree was based, The question arises, whether 
or not the finding of facts sustains the money decree. 


ano tad? bogeiia redtuwt talatquoe to {iid ont 

ett ye beton lice amv enoltareqo paitiona bisa To seomgeq a 
& gatiinme neokvemA odd ddiw hesteoqed bee # Lost bisa ‘ “ 
bine edd tet tantent tat geman nwo ate ai yaagmeD yabatton 
ovr ni Ytidmialg of baw? biaa Yo aolstoq # boss ter $ fom 
edt tait pyueqaon sd¢ Do soahdewrg omld tadt tn oaw ovtw 
hoteqiaakh ban bottevnoo uo98tre ak Piivaiaty bra t£omiy bhava oat 
dt belied hua ,Yooredd s10q sedadry odd <6 ,abnwt has ott 
tnialquos Yo [Lid eff .tolevodd dmanialomod of tmson0s 
yd hetowuns ef of eoitotayotietai alatiee boniataos oats 
ooo ban pynsamos edd bem sotto of Wrktmlialq ,d Lome bine : 
odt t@ (fe mort gn ténvovos na tot ze yotd o dtiw beby to “ 
odd of wove yaq of betiequoe od yond fads bas sadtabno teh | 
haus’ ere trom ont godaloonea a hat bre Jus a tenon | ‘ . ‘nM 
| wots oub — — ) 

—— an? yt bofit exaw atewans itis whlg oT 
m tL geano abet to saaguug os tot ,tomxe mi —XRX bas 
Lo Indrtos aos odd Ela bedxeversnoo oTewsns sets? david bios ot 
gon bib t Lome etn lalqame to. {Lie of ah Somiadnoo anoltag 
stolsotbaiwwt odd of agiq als mogy botaot dud towers J 

af ot no omn0 ses oft fait Mito? son eo109eb ont eid 
exodt tiwenn ost .tutalqnon to [Lid Lentylno oft noqw braed 
ot unpivaotiqodt ald ,yiaquod odd baa tort ak Vitsenielg to. 
ofoxrsds moitaoilqex baa tLom) Yo aelq ons brian yarowane bkew A 
Jromook ban sis00 aeqe mt Disot eomebtve oft mnogu eats: ane 
ne ,wottieg aroliev odd yt soueek oft to xogqus mk beoubba 
‘YO yuibast ont dowolfo? wed? ,Loanvoo to atuonuryte | —J “a 
* sH0elta “oliaoup ext .boaad sow eaioeb edd cnt —— 

sf" 2901S Bh genoa on? entataua urea * wer tbei tt out oa | ) ae x* 

mie es re | 


While plaintiff in error asserts that the finding 
of facts generally ie not sufficient, his argument is based 
mainly upon the contention that there is nowhere any finding 
in said decree, that Smelt and King were authorised by the 
company to enter into thie trust agreement. As we read the 
decree, while there ke no express finding te that effect, yet 
it contains a sufficient finding ef facts from which it may be 
reanonably inferred that the court did find as a fac that 
Smolt and King hed authority te enter into the trust agrete 
mente The decree finds that these men were in direct 
control of the company's affairs at San Lorenzo; that they 
had charge of the output of the sine and of the reduction 
of the Gre; that these men had represented that it would 
be to the caupany's interest to smelt the ore already nined 
and therefere requested defendant in errer to adyance $6,000.00, 
The decree further found that complainant and certain assoc ie 
ates, among whom was plaintiff in errer, did actually advance 
$6,600.00 te the company; that the company used this money 
for the purposes for which it was advanced, in consideration 
of which it was agreed that the product of the smelting and the 
cash preeeeds thereof would be held as a trust fund te secure 
the payment ¢f meneys oo advaneed, The decree further found 
‘that upon the completion of the fret smelting ecperation and 
the sele of the product thereof, the complainant applied to the 
company for an accounting of the proceeds of raid sale and for 
the payment to him and his associates of the moneys due them; 
that similar dewends were made upon the subsequent sale of 
the 40 tons of ore, for which the company received its payment 
in cash; that the demands for an accounting and for payment 
were made upon officers of the company by complainant. There 
wan a further finding that the company, Smolt and plaintiff 

| ol 

garhbmit off valt a¢vonax toxte od Yihsnlalg oLisw 
boasd al snoswyta ald ,tnoinitiwe ton ak ylievenog afoat To 
hbalt yns exedwon ol oredds Jedd moitnetneco odt woqu yYintam — ; 
ont yd bealiodtue otew gnit bus #fLomt tant 90970 9 bkpe ak 4 
edd baot ow 2A .dnemeotge Sautd eins ofml xadne of wrsguoo 
YX atoetts sarit of gnibalt exozgqxe on sd oxen? olLidw x08 
yan $2 so keiw ott atost to gaibakt saotoltine « amtagmoo 2k 
toit bal s aH baht bab stw0o ond tadd bortro9'Int yLdewonaer 
eorrns teott ed ofl tetme of yelredtoa bal galt baa $ koma 
soeuls ai otew nom oaodd Sade abril setoed eT sino 
yeas dads ,ounotel ma te etislYta a'ynagmon eff to Lowsorod  F 
moisdoubex edd to bam onie orf to tuqive ods to egtade bed 
binow si iad? bestmoariqet band nam enedt tact pome only 20 
bentn ybaetio eto oft tiene of teot9edml atyisgmo od oF od 
90,09 soaavba of roti ak snabneted betseupot oro tereadd bn 
poune misiioo bus Inaniafgmon tent? bowot tostdiwt gotoek of 
novbs yifautoe bib ,xo 1 oi Vilsninty sew modw geome ,seca | 
won eid? bean yreqoros onl todd pynaquon edt of 00.000,a¢ 
oltarmbience ai ,hoonavba saw $2 Aoinw vol adaogtig ond 10% 
brs gridfoma er? To towborq ot tad? beexqe saw 32 do tdw To 
one of Saul taytt « 86 bLod od bluow ooredtamsedeoty deap 
mor tetivt soxseh ofT .boonavhea of syenon Lo dnomyag ods — 
ia noivatego wld Lona texai of? to noteetenoo ott soqu taht 
ot bolleqe tnaniafgmoo oft ,toereds somubotq al? to ofan ot 
| Sie efee bina to abosoorg edd to palinvoson na tot ynaqmos 
mons oub Byonorm os To eetaioonna ain boa mid of Snemyeq esd 
‘te au tnewpeadya odt moqu ebam otow abcameb ta limia pace 
maya uth boviooox yYraquoo ont cio teiw ton st ro anor op ond 
tnonyag ⁊oꝛ brs nat oauoo va nas TOT advan ont au⸗ jane Ce 
one / staan taLgeo Ye Yiaguos ott 20 axook ito noqw — 

- = iA ae iN J 


in error, had from time to time prowivod an accounting to the 
conplainant, and the payzient ef moneys due him, and that they 
put him off with such promises and representations, up to 

and including the time of the entry ef the decree herein, 
From these findings the reasonable inference arises, that 

the court slso found ae a fact that the sot of said Smelt 

ond King in agreeing to establish the trust fund to secure 
the payment of moneys advanced by the complainant, wae either 

autnorized or ratified hy the caapany. 

fhe court further found that a sum of $6,000.00, 
realized from the sale of some of the products of said smelte 
ing operations, was collected by Smolt and by him deposited 
in hie own name; that subsequently the said Smelt remitted 
this fund to plaintiff in errer, who at that time was presie 
dent of the company; thet these two men (Smolt and plaintiff 
in error) hed dissipated ssid fund or «a large portion theree 
of, and had wholly neglected and refused to account for the 
fame or any portion thereof. The decree further found that 
said $6,000.00 came into the hands of Smelt and plaintiff 
in error as a trust fund for the complainant, who was ene 
titled to same with interest thereon at the rate of five 
per cent. (5%) from May 31, 1907. Clearly, therefore, 
the court was, in our opinion, fully warmnted in entering 
the — decree against the defendants, one of whom was the 
plaintiff in error. 

The other point raised by plaintiff in error is 
the refusal of the ehancellor to set aside the decree. in 
opening his argument for reversal on this peint, counsel 
says: “The merits ef the case lie in the affidavits pree 
sented on the vacate the decree.” As far as this 
record shows, neither the verified petition to set aside the 


+ of guistnvoces ne beoalmotq emit of amid aot bad ,terve ak 
as tsads bus ,mid ub eayonom to Soeuryaeq eds baa nacr LaLgnoe f 
ot qu ,anoisadneeoiget ban coulmotg dowe ddlw The mld dug 
etlorond sexoeb oft ‘to ytd aafy Le ems ot puilouvlont bie d 
gadd ,atultea oonoteint eliancenex ord syuibsit eaod aott 
#lomi bias to ton ocd Jat toad a ae bawet oale tavon ond 
oxyoo@ of bawt Sawtt oft dalidatae od yoteetma al gait bre 
dtio saw ,inentatiquws ef? yd boonavha wyotom to suemyaq wit 
sYuagno off yt boltitet to beaitoulue 

«90 .000,9¢ to mua o sand bayot widiiut Prvoo out? 
fema bles to atouborg odd Yo emo8 To Ofas ont noxk bostinoy 
bet inogab mid yd bae tLome yd botne (Loo asw vao at aio qo pat 

bottincr sLom ding edd yLtsoupeadue sastd youn owe a tel eh 
ke ong ate ould Seed ta ocr , torre ord Tittwlalg ‘od betwt abit 
thintely bes tion) mom ows onodd sunt punaqmos odd to snob 
oiedt solfieq eyxal « to bmw? bise betaqiaalb bad (sor29 mth | 
odd 201 snvovea of heaton bne bosoolgon Vilorw fast ein ato 
tant : beret toattiyt ooroeb oct , booted? noteroq yas “9 XR 

tiisvaialg baa t Lome to ebmssi od otek omamo 09.000, 06. bins 
=i Bae Oxi since Lqmoe ond “10% beast dautt ea rorxo me 
ovit ‘to otut oft ta xooredt Javrsted dhe oman of boLsts — 

| ywtotoredt .yLaaeso TOOT £8 ye mozt (RB) .tno9 10g 
guivedne mi bo — yi kurt ao derauo 190 ak 1808 ed ot 
d+ eaw mow to eno — oat sonhags —XR wonon edd 
totte ab — * 

ak norte nt attintate xd boakar tnboq, woo ont | 
(t- ahotoeh out ghiua tou of tof feonato oud. 0 Loawtor out 
—— Loanyoo gsakog ald? no Laaravoꝛ 0 toomgta abd — 
had adivabstts ony mu ort eae: ond xe agkcoa — * aay ' 
ala⸗ ao tH% BA —E oud ‘ednoay od, moltom odd i * 


decree nor the afficavita attached thereto, nor the affidave 
4te prepared after the filing of the petition, appear in 

the certificate ef evidence; before this court ean consider 
guch affidavite, it must appear that the afficavites were 
considered by the court below in passing upon the motion 

-te vacate the decree, Thie fact could only be made to appear 
by making the affidavit o part ef the resord oartified yy 

the judge who heard the caus@, The record in thin case is 
merely the cornumonelaw record, There is no certificate of any 
kind attached to show that any affidavyite were considered 

by the ccurt, ant in the absence thereof, it must be presumed 
that the action of the court in overruling the motion to set 
aside and vacate the seid decree was correct, nothing appear 
ing te the gontrary in the record, This rule of law was 
Clearly met forth in Lange vy. Heyer, 185 I11, 426, wherein 
the court said, p. 4223 

* ne affidavits copied inte this record by 
the clerk, and which, it is claimed, were read 
oi the motion to set aside and vacate thedecree, 
are not made a part of the reserd by a certificate 
of evidence, and are therefore not before us for 
eur consideration, In Pelt. unos 58 Til. 
145, it is said, p. 146; "The —*— ant secks a 
reversal of the decree in thin cause on two grounds: 
First, that the court ought to have awarded a new 
hearing on the affidavits filed in sid of a motion 
for that purpese. the affidavits to which reference 
ia made form no part of the record and cannot be 
considered by the court. The appeliant, to obtain 
the benefit of the affidavits in this court, should 
heve had the same made a part of the record by tne 
certificate ef the judge who heard the cause in the 
girquit court.’ The wertificate of the Judge ate 
tached to thin record, that ‘it contains all of the 
record necessary to a full and fair presentation 
of the errors complained of,’ is not a sertificsate 
that the affidavits were read aw evidence on the 
motion te set aside and vacate said decree, and 
isn wholly insufficient te wake said affidavits a 
part ef the resord,.* 

fo the same effect sre; Du Gusin Water Borke Oo., vy. Parke, 
@07 Ill, 46; aleo Bellinger ¥. Baraes, 223 (11. 121, wheres 

ot om 

vebktte off com ,adords bedontia adivablTta od ton oe tomb 
ai tanqya ,wolditog ont ‘to gakLilt odd t0dta boxaqorq adh 

sebiance mao txvoo athe sueted yaomabive to etax titers wag 

otow ativabliia ont sadd cemgua Saum 22 1d tyeb)3Te ioue | 

folsom on? nogu. yiinaeg ei woled g4xuor ocr va d⸗ aob daaios 

as Aqe ag nbam.od vine binoo dost ekdk .ootond edt ‘@taoay ot 
WEDERTLS 109. — — ont Io tuag 2 tivabl te end’ gecksam w 
gk anaes aidt mk broowt edT eOuswo ast braced odw ‘eybut ols 

is to afaoktisces or el oxed? .byooex walestommon eft ylortem — 
berebtance s1ow ativabltte yuan aale woe of berdoatts bak 

paynorg ad taupe th ,tooredd conenda os mh dan ,txuon ond yi ‘ | 
pox of moison odd gutlurimyve ak dus ond “to mites oc? taht — 

anogga yaisivon ,tvext09 aaw oor09b bisn edt os¢aoav bos obies 9 

gow wal to oun wit .dyonex omy mi yeotdmon of of yak 
thoredy O88 . (11 OOL .29NO we Das ot Atco? dan ytreeto 
| 38BA 1g , bine styon od 

YW buooer aids ojni boigos ativabilie ofT® 
baot otow ,bominlo ai ti ,Hoidw bas ,¢aeto af? : 
.eotcobeds elacasy Sue etken toa os aoisom odf Ge 
dug ttiicoo a yd brooet oct to. d1eg 8 obam Jon etm 
@ot aw oxotod Jor —— — — to 
»ffi 6é pees iiss - tolsanxe 90 
a adpoan srs — o .q , bine oi 3k , 
iebrvet_, ows mo Benen aiid eb — — sid to Fh 
‘wet s bebiewa evan at Jcguo duuon ond tale ,tarld 
soitem s te bia nk boLit ativedltte odd mo guiamed 
eonexetet doidw o¢ ativabliYta oct ,gaoquug tens cot. 
ef gonmao bra breset od? Yo diaq om atot ebem al 
Hinddo of ,ielieqga edt .tuwon els yd bowwbienos - 
biveda ,$iweo afdt af ativeabitia ect to sitened end 
add yd bioset, ot to dnaq a ohem oune ect bal ovad . 
ot ak guupo ot Hreed orlw ogbut, salt to pteckthixos — 
90 ogbut off te etauiilsvem of? '.duu00- Sinortlo. — 
od? Io Ifa anlasgbo tl’ fait? ,bicoer ait of barloat 
| molvernoasig tie? one Lint « of (reaaesen ‘fiooet, ~ 
ataokiigtes o ton al ', to bonlalquoo atorre odd to | 
ett mo senmpbive sa basi 21ew eaivasitte ods tnd? 
bee ,oanoeb bias etadav bane ebiewn Jqu.od moljon 
a adivabhiie bisa even ot ao ott twaak Yiiouw al 
* D——— hs — 

esa ae “98 atzoh wont ahoup wh 3928 doeTto oma oat 

Ds as rae rey Bem  «asnseewe? PPA TY WR, ye a ‘hie Bie | —— ae 

- Am the court, in pageing upon thie point, said, p. 1243 

*In our epinion neither ef the affidavits 
is a part of the recerd proper, and the affidav- 
ite are therefore not before ue for consideration. 
fhey are not preserved by » certificate of evle 
Gence, and it does not appear fron any order or 
dearee entered in the cnuse that they were eitaer 
read or conpidered by the court in parening upon 
the respective motions to dinmiges. Under such 
circumstances effidavite do not become part of 

the recerde"® (citing Lange vy. Heyer, supra.) 

Plaintiff in error urges, however, that inasmuch 
as the petition was sworn to, it stands in s different 
eategory than affidavits. However, the verified petition 
and affidevite attached therete become no mere a part ef 
the record in a proceeding of thie kind than an ercinsry 
affidavit. This precise point was passed upon by this 
court in Ford v. Pore, Gencral No. 19899, wherein it was 
held that o verificd petition for a change of venue was 
in the nature of an affidavit and under the rule announced 
in Lange y. Heyer, gupra, could not be considered by this 
ecurt unless incerporated in the cettifieate of evidence 

signed by the trial court, 

While plaintart in error also alleges that the 
decree is erroneous for cortain other reasons, viz., that 
the plea of Smolt was not disposed of, and that King, 
although a party defendant, wae not served, yet after carte 
ful consideration of the argument in support thereof, we 

are of the opinion thet his contentions are without merit. 

Finding no reversible error, the deerce of the 
Circuit Gourt of cook County will be affirmed. 


ae pny A —— 


tO8L oq ,bion ,tniog ald? moqw gaiansg mi ,duveo ost mh ny 
P OF ails 

atkvebttta od? to testdion weimigo two mI* , 
«vablt'ta efd bia ,teqotg breeet eft Yo dtag a ab 
snoiserohtamen to% ay ecoted ten sicteteds ota atl 
elve to etaoitizroo «a yt bovaeeetq fon ete yodt 
40 X9b1O Ya wort Teoqqa fom ageb 3A bua « ; 
tedtio oxow yort sacs oauno off ak Soretno soroeb 
aoqu giiegeq olf disao oft yd boreblaace 10 baer 
fous tebe .autmalh oF anoitom evidoegeet eld 

to Iraq smooed gon ob aflvabitte azo⸗ amwoxlio 

— .Z9YOH 2¥ Sanat gtivin) *.btenet oat 
doummanit tat ,toyowor ,sogius torre al Thlentald 
} toereltib «2 mi abradte J , ot miowa usw aoisisog sit ss | | 
molsiseg baltiney off ,tovewoH eadivebitte madd ytogedao. —* 
to dxaq ia om emooed odmions borowtia ativabitie bua a 
YiIonibto ma mesg baix aids to guibosserq a al bsoves ona | | 
abs yd moqw benesq aaw jntog saloerq aldt etivabitts 
now + dhotodw ,0@8@L .of Lotoned ,dz0% sy bxot ai dxs00 
saw sunoy ‘to oyiato s tot soltiteq bektivev » tedtt bhof 


boonwonns ofgx oft xobny ban ¢ivabltie oe To otmdan sdt ak 

aids yd borobience od tor hives .waque Oxo av gamad mk — 

oonsbive te staoltigtes edt mi begeto~rseni aes law tive i J 
siiwos Labs? oft yd bongte 

wy ee 

off add segotla oule rorre mt VWitntaly feet 

| tad ,.aiv ,emonacx roto aiaedioo 10? avoenerts al —— 
epatht toc? baa ,to beroqakd Jon aaw #Lom@ to aelq ont —* 
hte costs toy ,bevioa son naw ,inabso'toh yeraq 8 steroid ke 
t ow ,Ttooredt Pitoqqua mi tInemsgze eff To no itexobtanoo it * 

J stixem juodtiw o1@ anolinetmeoo ak guilt moinico ont te ome 
tf — 

shomritte of Litw yseuwed Aood te ae | | 
ie i nt a de 
| —— tee 

6Y » Z1LOS5 

TAMES ¥. ALG Hl. % 
Defendant in &rror, 

4 é 

& Corporation, : 
—“ in *ror. 

WR, PACSLDING JUSTICE PAR delivered the opinies of 



the cGurte 

By thie writ of error it is sought te reverse a 
judgment fer 664,00 and conte entered in the Munieipal Ceurt 
of Ghicage in favor of defendant in errer (plaintiff below), 
againat the plaintify in error (defendant below). 

I pistestesti #tutement of alaim was for $90.00 due 
ao wages for tie menth of August, 19234 which cefendunt ree 
fused te pay althecuch often requested to do ao by pleintiff, 
in the affidavitef merita it wae denied by the defendant that 
there was any seney due the plaintiff as no services had been 
rendered dura mg that month and becaure plaintiff wae dice 
charged from the employ of the defendant for good cause during 
the month of July. 

Plaintiff's alain $4, upon the theory that bee 
@ause he was paid his walary on the Lith and 30th of each 
month, his euployment was by the month; thet he was not dise 
charged until Auguet lst, hence defendant became Liable fer 
the whole month of August leas such sums as plaintiff was able 
to earn eleewhore. 

Plaintiff testified that he Went to work for the 
defendant company about December, 1915 and continued in its 


% —D = poet 
J mi ir saa 


J f 

CJ G 4. 18 oO Q | ; | Su he! Shas 

Yo nabmiao oid benewd Lob BAT MOETAVG COICO AS — 

& wAxHVEX vs diywow at gh 201% ‘to oid. we 
sawed feqioknusl ol? mt boxstae atuoo hts 00,900 10% —E— 
Axroſod tiigaleig) Tanxe ah tnabeotoh to tovat ak oynn be we 

» (waled snubne teh) s98%s ak Tidntad odd frontage 

Sub 00,008 wt dow elato to ‘gnenetodn orneisniain ||” 
eet dnubreted dotdw bLer —RX to ‘sides ond tot * a 
oVhigmialta yt om ob of bedaeupet norte dywosts Lo xa ot boawt 
gad) tnabated ot? yd bedwod wow ah atiroc todivabst te oid i> a 
goed bad apolvies on en wrhenitede edt ub vonen wie oon —— 
“seth caw VW2osiaty dsuased ba — — pili bow , 

—— oauad ‘pees ‘sot ‘g¢umbie'ted ould te yolqua au⸗ aoxt | 

onl doutt rons ost HOLES — —— —ER 
Aoas te 208 bra AtOL oxtt no vratan 92K biog say 0d 6 
waid Jon anw of doetd jasianm ont et one Farmmyolgors ait 

. 20% ofdart naanod Inwbaetes adaiaci tas. eau⸗ Litew deg , ”" ie 
“olds onw an tata a2 wae dose, aod —* eo , re am oLoctw, ext ia 


“eitt ‘x0? ecw oo ste oat sais — 


eaplhoy up te Auguet 1, 1914; that he wae paid twles per 
month ( om the 16th and last daye) at the rate of $45, 00 
for each oneehalf wonthg that on August let (Gaturday) about 
10330 in the vorning he reacived notice of his diachurge, 
in a written comaunication addreseed to him and signed by 
Thomas 3. Boas; that he also, upon that day at one o'clock 
Pelle turned over papers still in hia possession and belonge 
ing to the defeniant, for which he reecived a receipt from 
the said Bows on behalf of the defendant company. Another 
witness on behalf of the plaintiff testified that he saw 
the plaintiff apparently at work in the office on the morne 
ang of Auguet lst. 

On behalf of the defendant one Geerge KH. Jones teste 
tified that he was superintendent of the exesutive department 
ef the defendant company and that he was the immediate superior 
of the plaintiffs that during the last week in July he called 
Plaintif’'ts attention te the fact that he had not handed in . 
his reports rogulkagiy; that plaintiff explained to him thet he 
had been in court on other watteray that he (Jones) then made 
his report to Mr, Bess whe hud control of payroll auditors; 
that the letter from Mr, Bows discharging the plaintiff cane 
inte his hands on Friday worning, July Slet and was given to 
the plaintiff; that about 4:30 .u, on that day, plaintiff 
talked with bim ne te the authority of Boos te discharge hin; 
that he (Jones) told plaintiff he had ne control ever that 
question and advised him te take the aatter up with Ur. Boss; 
that at nine o'clock the next morning pleintiff presented 
himself for work; that he alse did se on the Monday morning 
following. Jones further testified that he paid plaintiff 
en July Slet and that the receipt was signed by plaintiff on 
that dey. 

a ae 

goq eokws bheq caw on Jans pe0OL ,f tauqué oF qu 
00.699 to osmr ort ta (ayeb saat bow MgOl ott mo ) dome 
tuoda (yaouptead) tal tawguA mo tak? pdduom Blaleono dose 202 
eSnxadoalkd sisi Ya solton bovieoost of yaulaton oid fe co a 
Vd botpie bon mini 62 beanothbhes moisnoleummes aesd haw anh — 
deolo’o ono ja yob iat? moqu ,oalw of tadd jeaol samedy 
egrolef buna moleaseanog wif ai Liiva ersqag eve besrtsd | tall : 
moxt Iqlevet « boviooes od dotdw “ot .Snakneleb ons oF, aa a 
telson »Yaqucd gasbaeted edd, to Piaiied ao sao biew ont J 
wae od fads ban Ttitnialg edé Yo Beaded wo sans ; 
eatom ost wo sotto odd nt atow ga Vswerwaga Tigadele oi ‘ 
otel tates to pak 

ones aemol »f onto00 eno Snabuoteb ais To Basted 20 : 
Jnemiraqeb evituooxe it Yo tro bre gntieque aw it suid portas 
soliequa eietbennt oft aaw od sadd bas yYnaqmon gnabaeteb ‘ond ‘on a 
belies en ylwt nk Moow Seal orld piritud 3 odd gridtnlal, ong we 
2 Sobral fon bod of texd gox't odd of molaomtén gh rTht ng 
(on taut mkt of bonieigun Witnialy add pytamdegon sacoqet ou 
@bam nadt (wonol) ed tad? pevetdan todee mo Pus aa rood ba 
 paxotibua Liocysg te Lortmoo bet ow avok of tevgon wid f 
(Gaao Tidak aE oid yRagtaroeho suas eM wOT xogdet ds Has 
of nevis gaw bra felt ylul ,gotecem ysbixl me abnad okt nas » 
Pisniale .yod fad? mo ole OFS suede tadd sYItahetg ode — 
Pid apteiowtd of ago to yttiedtus ol? of ao md asiw r te 
fal? cove Locime on: had ot Xtthntate akeb timed Ween 
jooo0d .t Adiw qu teddam ole soled of mid Doakwba bane mold: * 
a j bos nonere Vitsalala aaleson dxon ous atvoty*o oats al ‘ | 
" paket yabnok eld ao ao bab on La ous dots phiow x0 ton 
m⸗ntala hag oe fads boittsaod ronda sone 

: a0 neaiata Ww domi ann dakeown * ban — 
hy pou Nh) comet —M Pace Rie 

oe aw 

Sr. Bons, also culled om behaly of the cefendant, 
testified thet at 9230 Aces on July Slot he handed o letter 
to Jenes, whic Letter informed plaintiff of his diacharge; 
that plaintiff’ qaaue to him on the next day (August firet) « 
few minutes after nine o'clouk, ani asked him for work to do, 
end he tole plaintiff he bad no werk for him but at that tine 
plaintiff did turn ever papers for which ae (Bows) gave ree 
eeipt te the plaintiff, Me alse testified that on July 29th 
he took up with plaintiff, in the presence of Jenee, the fact 
that plaintiff had neglected his pusiness ami that he informed 
him he would haya to ooumunieate thie fact to the president 
of the defendant ecexpany. Defendant endeavored to introduee 
a letter from the president, directed to Boes, ordering the 
discharge of the plaintiff; this, however, was not adzad t ted, 

in evidence, 

_ Harry &. HeConnell, another witnese on behalf 

of the defendant, tentified that he euployed plaintiff? without 
any definite agreesent ag to the tine ef espleyments that the 
first exploysent was ucrely temporary, and that when that was 
gompleted, plaintiff asked him to arrange more work for him, 
and he informed plaintiff that thexve wan nothing of 4 permanent 
character to offer, but that thore were three or four audita 
that he might go out en, and that in thet way he continued in 
the ouploy of the defendant company; that at firet he was paid 
$25.00 per week anc later eon he received an advance of some 

$5 or $6 per week, 

There was no denial by the plaintiff as to the cite 
cumstances under which he wes employed, nor of the fact that 
fault had been found with his for hie failure te attend to 
yde business during the last week in July, nor any denial of 
the charge of negligence. On thie state of the record the Sour 

strabneteh oda te tLoiod no bolino ents «suet anes 
awitiel «a bebuad od sult yiul HO, eileA OEE sa. Saslg * — — 

ox ovay anottl) on oldw xo% exeqeq Tove mts bib vraant La Le — 
4908 ylut mo tad? belthewd oaks off .Tatakelq ond of tateo ti 
oat out sen To BOIToM ote edd mi ,ttidakal déiw we Moos « r 
—X ed gent bas ueomlend ald betoe Lyon bad nirataia 
— E ode of ſoat alii? ofan invenes o oved. yer ox tiew od a 
eauboussl of bexevechne Sambi ted Via od tnubaetob ‘out ; to 
add? guixohvo ,aeod of betoorlb — EXX o ot wort norton Ms 
hesiinbsa jon aaw ,tovewol ,aisd gTiisnialg sav To sycoitoaky 
soonmbive wc J 

TLerted ao anentiw xolijoaun ,flonagdoH '.u yasell st —* 
uous kw Naientata beyotque ov tacit DOLTLenss adnan Yb wit wm A 
pat Sastt ze mreunga Lome to wwid wkd os Be Snenpotye aginiiob ¥ ‘ ‘ 
ye Sat) mode Sond daw ,yumroqmed yLoxos aaw — tat 
gunn 40% Sxew oXLOM OgueTta of mtd bedas WiivndalG , af der 
Nemxog « To gatdton maw oxstt sand Trkentele sabia 
athbys cuo xo sexs giow otedd add Sud toto od —— 
u haunidnoo on Yow Sord ak goad boa no uo 0M Satya ok att ‘ 
J an od duxtt ta tedd gynaqnon $ausbmatow ext to — uit 

fei —*1 

sleow x9q ne ‘ y 
: J— 
wih ot 07 wa Ttktnialy of? yi Latneb on aew ovodt 

sats toatl oft to som ,boyolqne saw ost ao dite — 

* OF bavtse oo oxuLia® ahd wOY att au ka — need a 

—R Wit ab oo 1 of oid 
ae volta oa Thee al ey Aries — 

entered judgment for $54 and.costs in favor of the plaintiff, 

this being one nomth! s galary lese what plaintiff had earned 

in other eaployment during August. 

in view of the feregoing evidcense, it must be conpide 
ered that thore wasno hiring from month te oonth, and even hed 

there been, that the plaintiff wae discharged for good cause. 

Purthersere, the evidenos ehovn that plaintiff? wee o ehuelly 

discharged on Friday, July Slet. Tho rofore, if he reported 

there Auguet let and did work thic ware purely voluntary on his 
part. Under all these facts and clreumstances, we are clearly 
ef the opinien that the court erred in finding for the plaintiff 
and that Judgment should have been for the defendant. The 

judguent will be reversed, 


Finding of facte: We find as a fact that there 
wae no hiring by the defendant company from month to month; 
that plaintiff wee discharged on July 31, 1924 for good cause; 
and that the defendant is not indebted to the plaintiff as set 
forth in the statement of claim, 

* 74 — ‘Pie Vee 7 a ue, iid 
| | “ g lit , 

abe ) 

ettistaisiq eft to tovst ni ataoo-bns hag tot tmompbur, nee 
bentae bod Ttitaialg ¢adw aeel yrslae at dtnon ono gnied nh 
[ efargua yaitub —“ “ yal 

ebiason of sao th orshlve guieyotet ots to woiv al 
bast move —E Arian of Ainom mort paten om asw oron⸗ salt 
sdunao boog 102 begiotoalh gow Tiitnial, ait saudi 90d . 
vilsuies saw Tthintelg tad? aveda oonebiys ate Xroeruon 
bedvoqet of th ,oreterenT L — D no o wa oue⸗ 

aid ao yretautov ylotwg sew aids draw hiv bea dal Saugua ¢ 
ylraelo o18 ow ,evoantemiorio bag atont ogodt Ila cob! * 
Vitintaly oft tot gadbakt ai bores txuoo ond fais molaiqo — 
oAT te Tod ed? tO? mood avant bilvoste Soumya, tai baa 
sboatovon ad SLtw enon i 

My J 

pte — 

ary vaR 

atedd Jods font B ‘ea bait oW¥ tadout re paubart | 
—R os d$nom maxt eanczaoc dnebawtab mis yd pute tit on 3 7 
teaues boayg cot ALOL , £8 wit ao doyraden th maw Watabety pe vf 
fen aa Tiktwlats sed at bodteobeee Jon as Iraxerp tol ong tad van 

_emtalo Yo gmomagate oid ak am 

88 « 21663 

a Corporation, 

\ Refendiant in error ,f 




a Corporation, and 
@ Corporation, 

98 I.A. 512 



My PRYSLOING JUSTICN PAM delivered the opinion of 

the courte 

in en aotion brought by defendant in errer againat 
the Chicago Railways Gompany (hereinafter referred to o@ the 
rellwaye company) and plaintiff io erver, for damagem sustained 
in a aollisien, the court sitting without a jury dismiased the 
Guit ap to the reilways company but found the plaintiff in errer 
guilty ond agseneed defendant in error*s dawuges in the sum 
of $79.66, upon which finding the judgment wae entered to reverse 
Which this writ of error hae been prosecuted, 

the evicence introduced on behalf of 
in-erreg, showed that a beoy wagon having om it a lead ef 26 
barrels of beer, belonging te it wan otonding on the weat side 
of Wextern avenue, facing south, about 25 feet south of 

seloon with which | y ate business; that 

directly behind thin wagon, and in gf mt of said saloon, was 
& wagon belonging to pear? onal « Slee facing southe 
“This wagon pulled out and proceeded in a southeasterly direction 

— : i ¥ 


409 — — — 
es A geet ech Sede hed | 


Ere AT 8e 

faniags tora oi Saabsotoh yt Iiyuotd —RS * Bay. 
ont ac oF hoxxe key vor'tan tered} viawioð⸗ — ows be 
beaiad ava angen <o% stort ik Niraltata on — 

— my a ‘ak —— —————— rk tmabee0® bonuses van 

e tae8 as to wrabaote ew an ob cic ale stood 
1% Man suede itu — 5 rt 

0 ee 

arid mi ter 

in order to pase the wagon of 
geiting on to the gar tracks of the railways conpany, was 
struck by a oar Owned by the railways geet The evidence 

shewed that the wagen of — — o natruck at 
the rear wheel, and the foree of the impact kmocked off several 
barrels of beer, the cmtents of five of which leaked out. It 
further appeared from * aeno⸗ that the omr struck the wagen 
a 1 
cay, just previously to hitting the wagen, was going rapidly; 

at abeut the front wheels, and that the 

that at the tine ef the collision the horses attached te the 
wagon of = were at the rear of detendent—in 
exepie wayon, which, — this entire tine, wan standing 
etill.s 5, wae alae introduced ae to the damage dene to 
the wagon, to the barrels and ae te the value of the beer that 
had leaked out of them, The evidence showed that the total 
amount of damages sustoined was $78.60. | 

At the clese of the defendant in error's cuse, both 
the xseilways company anc the plaintiff in orrer meved the court 
te dismise the cause, The séurt granted the motion es te the 
Yailways: company but denied the action of the plaintiff in 

4 [ane jeatimony offered on behal@ of tun pleintidciiig 

@rrer corroborated that effered on behalf of the—defescentiin 
wi respect to the position of the wagene at the tine 
pulied cut to go south and — 

the wagon ef <a 
pase the wagon of, — — EELS 4 There was other 
testimony on behalf of PUAN T II, 5 that the rear 
. of ite wagon was struck and not the front; wie that when ite 
wagon started te pull cut, one witness stated that the car 
@ausing the accident was some 200 feet away, while another 


is tO Moysw eet anmy oF sebue 
Saw .yosquen ayswiiex edt I wipers tee odd oF wo gate. ; 
sonebive of? + yragmoo ayewlian ond yh bone tao 6 deere 

$a domita a — — a 
fatoves Ito belsont Josqnd od? Yo votot act baw — — 

| J | 
Uibigat yao eaw Mopew off yrideld of viswotvorg sau —— 

od⸗ ot bomoaitx sewtadt ef3 nelailles est to ona⸗ ead * fa 
seh. tah ty ynex off ta ot0w ; 

witbaada aw ywene ativne uldt 2 — 2 


ot ood egacwh ott of ae beoubotiak cals sew eomebhve — 
taste teed edd Yo oulay oft of aa ban elertad od os moyen ene 
fatot ond Jadt beware sonebive oat. sina? Yo suo. belaok baat 

[.oa,ere caw houinsave avgameh to — 

Hie "a 
déod ,enae atxorse at gnabasted on? ** sails odd th —— 
oxuoe ott Seve ⁊ar as ug Walely eid ‘baa raquo —E— = | 

et 02 an twoltom off boauurn fuses oat —XRXX out . * oo 
J A Wtsntate vad Yo nokgom ods bakawb sud wiage09 
: r ; : 

i Ri tanbasdobodt. to Yaded no bexeTRe sade — 
waht ot te anager: 9 

Te no Naov ois OF OeqGReT «£ 
bie twee og ot 409 Doda | “te moyen 8 
_ Fett: bey erent Rs e es ato mogew ond | 
‘THT oud — —— i 
iat sac Salt osle south sais Jon Suna alpytia aav uog⸗a a. | 3 
ot Pale betaty soontin eno * oF beseate * 
tone Slicw ,Yaws 300% OOK omen eaw *— 

eee Me WIR Li ah Meee eee ies aan 

Aron iy 

i, ha? 

Witness stated 2% wae 100 feet aways that it wae coming fast; 

that it did net slacken ite epeed until it wae within ten feet 
rae EE gy 

‘ bath " 
of the wagon of : | 


On this state of the record, the court entered the 
judgment somplained.o .Paintiff in error urgee on groundea for 
reversal, the orree of the court in failing to diemioe it at 
the clone of def ndant in errer’s exmey; and further, that the 
evidence ahewed that the accident wan not due to any negligence 
on its part but was due te the negligence of the railweye companys; 
and urges further, thai even if it had been gudlty of aveligenue 
in having ite wagon on the car track, yet this did not relieve 
the railways company of liability, since the railways company 
had the “last clear chance to aveid it.* 

As far ae this verdict in eonesrned, s12 that the 
defendant in error was required to show was that some gaat of 
negligence ef the plaintiff in error sontributed te the 
eolligion whereby the dumages im question were sustained. There 
is evidence in the rederé from which the court wan warranted 
in oonGluding that the plaintiff in arvor was guilty of neglie 
genee which contstbuted te the sagcident in question. While 
plaintiff in errer introduced evidence in the cose, it was of 
& ¢Gharacter rather to show that the negligence on the part ef 
the railways company congributed te the secident. Such evidence, 
however, would not absobve it of reapomsibility for ite own 
act of negligence. Being itself guilty of negligence, plaintiff 
in error in ig no position te compjsin that the railways company 
ghould also have teen held liable. Tne rule of law is that a 
person way recover against one er o11 joint tort feasors in an 
action of thie kind, ‘The defendant in error should not be called 

‘ upon to suffer a reversel in this case merely because in the opine 

eon of the plaintiff in errer tie court should have found the 

{tant yarilos Saw TE Tadd” yes sow? OOL wow sk dotode omonth 
fowt nod nhitiw saw $k Lite boodu odh nexvein Sou bab 92 9 7 
[. to mopar odd Yo 

i Aut 
aid horogee dxuao one stoop odd Yo abate abit nO > ae 
701 abnvoty #8 aogu torse of Tilsaiali. D,bomiasquos —D : 
ga 2k aginelds of gnitie® ak given add le sours std etawroven J 
ould vectd groddiw? bea towoo eto ab dumb tob to ouose oxy 
somgifyen yno of eu Jon saw inehiova off sods boworle oomebive 
magnon ayewlias oct to vomeyifgen ale oF owh aaw sud diag ath so 
gonegitgen to yeilwey nood dan $i Th move Joe geottiwt eegiy ona | 
erpiior fon bib shit toy gxowrt tao ois MO Moy atk wet va J 

edt tedy Lin ,berinonom ai tolbnov elds an ae% na 

to 208 emoa faded vaw wore of bethupet aaw 0188 md dnabaoted 

ode of bodadatdaop avwxe ak Wiiminky of? te voneattgon 

eed? .henlstaun oxow sotfavup ah apes ote vio voctu notaries — 

ss bedaartaw aaw fuwoo Ad dokew moet Sreoet ele ak eonebive ab 
ekigan to yPileg aow terns a2 Peiswlele wade dant ar Lhe Ro an J 

olinW .moissouy wi tnobioon odd of dagunibetuoo ip hiiw v — 
* to sow ti ,euen off at eon bave boouboutnt Torke ot uania ta 

te dung ett wo soomgiiyn oft take woda of toga 1939 * 

vousbive tions .tnvhions ods 92 “bedi eAGGD ayaw Liat 
7 ftwo sok Lot yl Midianogaost Bo oi evienda Fon bLvow ote ve 3 
lendaſg ,sormyligen to ytlkwy Teats gat of socmegityon Yo ¢ 
X eyewliot od? judd alafquoo ot moldkacq om mk ok ⸗ 
# tad? at wal to ofux od? .oldetl biod aned ovat outa bivorte 
an eek wxoua? $103 tHiot {fa to ono Sontays awvoues eat tr: 

ed Jon bivode tore wk thadantod att beck aise 20 

(ety 3 aa 

td * ere — Snap one wh a wert 

l4e - 63118 


Pofendant in ror, 


in Error, 1 9 gr En ae 2 1 4 

MR. PRESIDING JUPTICE PAN delivered the opinica of 


¥. J, LAKE, 

the court. 

By thie writ of orror it is Sought to reverse a judg-— 
ment for $71.53 in favor of defendant in error (plaintiff be- 
low) sgainst plaintiff in error (defendant belew), for money 
@lleged to bo dus for grocsries and meata old and delivered 
Dy Plaintiff to the defendant, during June, 1905, after de~ 
dusting a payment of $5.00 made by defendant to Plaintiff on 
August <3, 1909. The affidavit of moritu alleged by way of 
defense, that the account in question had beon wiped out by 
defendant's discharas in bankruptcy granted on the seventh 
day of Ssteber, 1907, Plaintiff's claim having been eohed- 
gied among defendant's debte in that preceeding. 

| the mly question in the nso ie, vhothor at the 
time of the $5.60 payment (Augwt 28, 1909) there wae an 
unconditional promise by the defendant to Pay Plaintiff the 
indebtedness due him priecr to the discharge in bankruptey. 
There were but two witnesses in the gate - the Plaintiff 
and the defendant, 

The testimony of the plaintiff fairly tended to 
Show that the $5.00 payment was made an acegunt of the old 
indebtedness and that defendant had, at the sam tim, made 
an wioonditionsl promise to pay the remainder of the indebted- 
ReeS due Prior tohis discharge in bankruptey. Defendant tan ; 

Ne: i 

om . 
7 . — — 

err mogrene 
“PeuOD AST Ox ute 


-pbut es eeraven oF igo 8 at yt roT10 te roe al a⸗ eo 
~od tit gat sf) norre al dusk 0% ab te rover at Pr | "50 
yorm tot . (woted # nab 0d ob) worse al Wi et ata santa 
* : hevevi Lok baw bios Stam bow Hot rec 13 wt eh. od ot, 
“web rete .208L corm gn nuh —E— oust or ate | 
aso Beat sig ot srmbaeton yd ehen OC a} to —“ 
to yaw yd bogetla uivizvom to tivebitiu oT 
yd duo Beate seed had noktauup at dmosoe ent ae! 

dfneves ed? m hotnarg ——— mt we gat atte * 


ett ta seditodw et onao ond at mlifeaeup yim ot | 

ie Ge are? (oes SB gee wa) tsa eg 00.4 eit * 
ae 2untala yet oF Seebneted off yd ott mosq tenak ate 
i. evosUtdaad ak egtredoeth ed? of vol+1q ma eb —R ‘e 
| Wlgatalq ott — easo ald st Boe tently ont ud ener a 

: etheeoorq tant nt Stdeb &* Saeboolod gnome Las 
2 ’ 




* ba — ai bee el pr SCN oe noe 

tified that the $4.00 was net « payuent on Badd account but 
to invoke the good will of plisintiff to essist hin in 6 o- 
ligiting life insurance from his (plaintiff's) orether, and 
that he did not enter into any promite or agreement to Pay 
the indebtedness that had already beon assenarged, | 

The finding of the court for the plaintiff end 
the rendition of judgment therem@ mut be taken by us a8 & 
finding that an unconditiwmal pracise wai made by the de- 
fendant at the time in question. Mardhall v. Tracy, 74 
Tll. 378. Wo cannot Gay that auch Cinding 1i# clearly and 
manifestly againet the weight of the svidenee, hones the 
§uagment of the Municipal dourt of Chicago must be affirewd, 


gud trsooos Hket oo tremyeg # ton Baw 00 tt ont ‘tade 
“Ot at ald tales of Ttltatalq Io {fhe hee yg ont « si . 
bow yrodiord (a"ititeatela) Gta most eons ant exit | whit 
YI of InoweorRs TO oulmort yaa ott tefne 2 0 bee | , 

bhoytasoeth need ybsorls had tant naonbetde , X 

bie TRFalelq edt wt sweo edt Yo yokbett ost y ei 

A as ww Yd modet ed taum moredt tmemgbut to nok sn a 
_ eb oft yd ebam Saw obkawrg fem titbroon mae fade sail 
aT gyoor? ov Lfadurey wohtoaup at aut? odd te tne ia 
bas yfiselo Sf gakbot? dows tadt yee tonmmo ov ane. 
edt oomed ,oomebive eft to tdphew oft tent sys vite sort 
sbewrtt te od ttum OyeolAD To sus0d taat ol mM eat Yo | 




J we ‘ yh 
5 ight J 
vd ; 1 uf | j mak a 
* ore “7s @. Sin & : 
ee tay aa Be 95 

612 e “ehgae 

ILLINCIS rel. Hettie 
Zimmeraan >: 

VSe x 

\ Appell 

MR. PRESIDING reon PAU delivered the opinien 

Appellee, EAL FROM 


198 LAY ese 

ef the courte 

This is a prosecution for bastardy on complaint of 
Hattie Zimerman, the rolatrix herein, Thie case wae tried 
twice, » first by the court and jury, and the seeond tine 
before the court slone. Both terminated in « finding of 
guilty, and judgment having been entered on the second finding, 
the defendant hae presecuted this appeal, in urging « reversal, 
defendant contends that the judgment is clearly and manifestly 
ageinet the weight ef the evidence. 

Yhere are two questions in the cose, Vine; (1) The 
date of the firet act ef sexual intercsurne between the parties; 
and (2) Was the child prematurely bern’? 

| Retatrax testified that en a Seturday night, sone 
time during the month of Gctober, 1914, she and one Bligabeth 

; Kaiser attended a dance held at a place known ag the Lincoln 

Turner Hall, in the Gity of Chicago, where they met defendant 

and one Muehlke; thet some time Later the four, ds @, the 


elatrix, dics Kaiser, the defendant and Wuehlke, went directly 



wear mute’ % 
—2— aio 

MOAT TANG 4 ‘gtelingqaA” 9°) 
TOD tagzormuM | 


See Al 8er 

* ———— ao — ‘rat — a ‘a. ana waa 
point wow saan aay - —V — xii olor pelt — 
* brovoa orld bam Yet bas auan md ya feud « 

te gathalt —W boran lario⸗ Agee .onoLa’ ‘renee: ‘ont 

, Ky 


asd oo ok wiet ont —— “* 
pRad Som itcw ai bw, Snadie2ed, 9d a) 

— amt Ki hey 4 9 3 
ay , is 
— he be J coh a 9 ‘eh “1 ven ees 9 + Ay : | 

from there to the home of Misa Kaiser, where they romained 
for Som time, during whigh pericd she (the relatrix) and 
defendant had Gexual intercourse, a6 a result of wWhioh sho 
Conceived; that thereafter the defendant vocam a@ frequent 
visitor to her heme, and that illicit relations sent inued 
intermittently until a short tine before the child waa born 
(June 87, 1915), She further testified that after her first 
intercourse with ga fen: dant, her feriod of monstruation 
Sessed until after the child was born, aad that the child 

was & full term ohild, 

Defendant testified that he wet the relatriz forthe 
dat hd rmrotna “thy Bona s 

first time on poeta ¢ 1B14, at 4s dance, 
Sey Cth oes wrt 

— — mm this point cenfl ia 
thet of the relatrix only aa to the date on whigh they firat 
wet. ) It iG important to fix the date of the {iret mosting 
between the reletrix and defendant, ins@mush ae it i9 sontended 
by the relutrix thet it was at their first meeting that sexual ) 

intercourse took place, 

The only testinony, other than that of the relatrix, 
offered On her behalf, wae that of her modher, who testified 
that she saw defondant in her hane during November, 1914 and 
that she sew him frequently in her hanes after that time. Cor- 
roborating the defendant ss to the time of the first meeting , 
were four witnesses; Arthur Rass, Elizabeth Kaiser, Harry 
Tushlke , and George Throne, 

Avthur Haas and George Throne beth testified that they 
, net the relatrix and defendant on Deseuber 5, 1914 «at a dance 
- ~‘Reld under the auspices of the De tux Athletic & Benovolont Aeon, 



benlawet yor? ovurtw (reutaN sek to eso edt OF oted? riod 
bee (zivtaler oft) ea bolroq dol dw pad wh ent? once Tod 

oe Moldy 2o tiveey & ae ,onmootetes Lauxed hed Saobneteh aa 
Seouperd # axsoad Frebnoled edd tesiworet? tad? iboviovaeg 
houatinos «motteler sholfit tect base .omod red oF wedteky i 
mxod Aaw DI tdo eft erotod oat? froma a Lk dom invest taretat, e 
axl sod teste tad? heltiteo? tedium. 06 AGIGL ve ome), | 
Hokinerdenom Yo kobwey ved gtnebacteb Ay somogratak 
biiso oft tad? bee qntod wow hikde oft settle Lktay beanee, 
soko wret SIR 9 ony, 

eiitisot xtvdaloy oft tem ed tons Kektsieed fnebacred 
— ph Teague rbd 

— ate BLIGE ——— a Poh} gees * 

ON pe — 

— flnoo tetog atte no —— aii 

turk? vert okie fo efeb eff of as Yine ai xtuloe ett 40° baat 

antteom fart? off to efeb odt 28% of Someroqms at at (V2: 

beh watnoo GL ti a8 dammaent ginebootek bas, xkitaler, ont noewted r 

Apuxen tedt gaiteen tout thedt ts saw th gust sbutalow oa⸗ we ‘ 


stonld dood ome oxetat 

<ubraalor.od? Yo toast ood? rodto ¢yoomtdaet yIno emt 3 a 
batt teed © fe Todd i ted Yo tht aay cl fadiead zed no heredto. | 
bate pler toch ovbn on wih ood tod ok Seabroted wave ote wat 

~109 sack? tat redte oad tos at eltooupert mbit wie ‘ofa — | 
«ant toon test? oitt to ek? eit oe ae toabnoteb ‘ont ‘patveredey | 

“rie oreated dtodenk iy «uel ors Ph seeaondie trot ore 
“one Ta? | — 9*— ———— 

at the Lincoln Turner Hall, and identiffed the danga program 

used on that occasion. 

Rlissbeth Kaiser testified that he met defendant at 
the Linsoln Turner Nell the first Seturday in Dacamber, 19143 
that che and the relatrix hai gone there together unaccompan ied; 
that they were introduced by Harry Muehike to the defendant, and 
that they danced with them; that the four, 1.6, the rolatrix, 
defendant, herself and Mushlke, left the dance hall at about 11350 
PK. and rede on a Street car te Belmont and Lincoln avenues, 
where the four stepped off for chep ausy, after which they all 
wont to her home, arriving there about one o'clock in the morn~ 
ing or thereabouts, shore they spent gone idersble time in the 
front parlor, the two couples sittimg m oppotite olisa, with 

the room in darknesG. Mins Kaleer's teetiuony was corrcborated 

by Harry Muchlke sho also identified the program and admdaoian 

ticket wed «at that dance. 

The relatriz did not deny that she attended the dance 
given under the auspiess of the De Luxe Club; in fact, har tos- 
timony is in full accord with that offered on behalf of the de- 
fondant except a8 te the date on which the meeting took place. 
The relatrix, moreover, iné dated that the danse at shich she 
met defendant waa the only one che ever attended with him, and 
that it wae on tho Game night that the first act of intere curse 
took place, | oe ere aatiefiod, from all the testimmamy in the 

Cake, that the dence at which the véelatrix mt the defendant 

wes the me held on Deceuber 5, 1914, and that the relatriz 
firet mt the defendant on December 5, 1914 and not during 9c- 
tober of that year. It ie fsir to presuue, in view of the i 


fects and circumstances in evidence, that the court in finding 

j — guilty, Proseeded upon the theory that the firet | 7 

‘ ve⸗ in Decender, but that the child was a seven monthat 



maxpony eoorh ed petits ret Reus sf iat sect atooak.t ont ta 
s snot e000: tate 20 boas 

ga tosbostebh teow oft tadt belilteot tested Medsakia 
yeL2L ,reduooed ak yahrvtel gaxkt ode (fell yom? clowskt eft : ‘ 
thol nuqmoogans tedgepo? oved? enon hed ahataflor el? baw ote ae d 
4 ie tnabrotek eft 99 otldeuk yrtal ve henukoxtaa ore val⸗ todd ae 
exittelor ody «tel wot oft tent pene anus beoneb vede 9 — 9 
ff toda ts {had eonsh aud sof « od LitouM bas eared ctoabaoteh = 
_ Banmovs mMoonkd bews rromfe ot 128 teords &® me obor bos att 
{ra yout rok awe ‘othe eyoue qode 0% 20 beqyote 0% edt ovady 
-myom ef? ak fneloto ane tuods oredt gatvirre somot so ot toon 


odd mk owt? atderent ago 9 Freq 8 yet @ TOs — stuedeoredy —— 

WP Pia 

ew «Bobs a wat —2 pot tiie aelquoe owt eas soled ‘tooat 

— ———— Yoon? tae i zautak ent  Jauendtab ab vor on 
minsinbs baw sis TOE amt bortetmobs ets © ster oka out J ve 
! |  .goneb seat ts bow toxat 

. Bindi — 4, abil Re 
eoneh ad} bebaotta ede tad? yreb ton blb phates ont 
sot xref ,toet of ould ext of elt te aeobquwe ai? weber. —— 
~ob oft t¢ tLeded ne horatio ⁊eela dtie bre oom “hhh mt ot Yom 
— -voaly soos. aedjoom off folie ee etah edt oF a8 sqooxe. soahme® 
edu dotde ta oornh ott ted? betel anh. yroveowa extiutelor eat | 
bra .aks dite bubsette reve ede amo yfno edd tow tonbaotoh: tom” 
serv OTeraL Io doe Paykl odd gadd MAphn emes ext np saw th tade 
; ott at yoomttaot off Lia sort bot Pat fae ere oF oata wet, 
tnakaeteb odd tom vixtelet ef? coldy te oomeb odd tants 20800 
xixtolor edt tany. be 4ſat ef reds eoet ite phot om oat al y 
-00 jakwh ton baa Der 8 roa sot v aaeb aei ob odd te tout | 
oft to poly nk < Saw B07E oe ‘glad al a —* sonia 0 recor 
— md too odd vada .oomabtve nk ‘eeomtucuorte bow crue 

* wa ‘a 

Sa ee 
Pe ie BN Ce 8 tk? a ee 




ae odd? tact? ena odd nogu beheasesed —R  saabaenes 

The question then arises whether, under the evidence 
in the ¢aue, the relatrix Sustained the burden Of proof on the 
Qusstigm whether or not the child waa 4 Seven months! child, 
In determining that question, we must eositer not oly the 
expert testineny in the ¢a66 but 4180 many ether facts and 

Circumstances appearing in evidenes on the trisl below. 

On the aquestion wdiether or not this was a full ters 
Child, two Physicians testified for the defendant and one (Dr. 
De Lee) was Golled by the court, On dSehalf of the defendant, 
Dr. Regkor testified that he was im attendance at the tise the 
rélatrix ead cmfined and that the child in questian was well 
developed and posasseed overy apponrance of a full term child, 
4.6. where the poriod of gestation coversd ning months; and 
that it wat in fact a2 full term child. Dr, Hoje, who saw the 
@hild within a maith efter birth, 215¢ teatified that it pre- 
Sented every appearance of @ normal full term ohild, sxceptimm- 
ally well developed, and in fact was a full term onild; both 
deetors actting forth the facts upon which they baded their 
Genel ue ions, Re, De Lea, who waa called by the court, etated 
that when hs Gow the child (shich was about two monthe after 
its birth) he could not tol] whether it was a full tearm or * 
Seven monthea’ child; that, however, 4 ohild born within 
f Seven emths might have the normal devolorment of a full term 
4 Ohild, He, however, did state that that ws6 unusual and the 

| Defendant insists that newt only doses the expert testi- 
‘mony show that the child was not prematurely born, but that there 

other facts and circumstanoss in avidence shich show clearly, 

oonob t vo oft rohew , todd ody agal rp aoa⸗ ad Sou ont | 
ait x0 loony IO nebwd edt hontataye — ou⸗ ‘ene, eat 
biido Vedincm aeveo « bev hitdo end ton To todtede — 
oft Vim ton tebl ams * ow efols soup. sade prteimrogeb af 

bag @foet tedte ynem ocala dud ane edd at yout ined 9 »a⸗ * 
ewolod falx? ed? oo eonebive ok pee saeqte aronst a wort 

wrot (fat 2 sew ub A? Jon 10 redtode nat penio one “| 
270) ono Dow Seabmateb ot 0% Betti seed anak ol ayay ow? | 
\tnahoetob ef? Yo tiaded m0 twoo ett yd bef teo aaw (ood @ 
itt est?-od% $8 eonshavdta ‘nt daw bd tart pettbroed roxoot 
ifor ee mEvaorp at DIL do ed? stadt bea beattooo asw ut E Ler 
“ebikdo mrot ifet » to wane — — Xrov d os aas vog bas beqote , 
} bos  udtrom ‘enki bereves mM ltesaep to bol ret one ovedy — y 
| eid wee ode .oteM 7 “.b{2 do mite? {fot a toad at — cee . 
Ont th fede beILde0t oefe cifutd roste Ata aw at an⸗ Lk do 
emitqeoxe (bitte sot (fut Lawton a to somaseaie trove’ | 
Atog (BIkdo mre? Liv? 2 ew Pork a2 Bow sboqofoven ffe 
stot botad yodt dabite goqu atpst edt dtwr anbdsou om 
boters treo ott yd hollen sew ote <eolt of yet / anki te | 
eala add nom ord tioda saw dobdw) Dito et wan “ef mote te * 

2 to wet itu’ x wow Pt yesttoitw (for tow biwo of (arads be " 
mitiw avod hitdo # .revewod , toda th th do Yor? rom kai 

mret (fe2 a to toamolovel Lemwa edt ove daigta meds ae * 
ot? bea Lavavey sew tote tect atnge blk eteveNo d son 

—* salen — —J ot “noone tonu ork © baw 4 
a Noves A Gay abet teat font ate otdademtat 6 

tant awe ® ylrsero ooo ott ve apes, ‘ we 
pas ; wy ¢ 8 ee — tm 

I¢ would Serve no wiefal purpess for ui te ast out in detail 
hore the facts in the record upen which we base our ¢ mols ion. 
The record shows thet Fre relatrix met other men with Miée 
Kaiser during the months of Septesber, Ostobor and November, 
1914, under the same aircumstimess, and repaired te the home of 
Migs Kaiser, weupying the same room in the same manner a6 she 
did with the defendant at the tias she olaimed the iret act 
of intercourse took blaca. Thers iev'Stne avidenes in the ra- 
cord that she met other mon during Septerver, Osteober and No- 
veeber at othar Pplnces, whe acc Qupanisd her to her home, under 
Circumstances which indteate’ she was no particular a8 te the 
manner in which the met these wen or the character ef the man 
thosaeives. | ’g are Satisfied, from an examination of the re- 
Gord in this casa, that the finding of the court i# clearly 
end manifestly againat the weight of the evidence. In arr iving 
at our conclusion, we are not unmindfel of the fact thet the 
Court Sitting se oourt and fury sav ond hoard the witnesses 
testify and waé therefors in 4 more advantageous pos itd on te 
judge of their ersdibility and wish their testimony. However, 
we are genetrained to arrive at cur ¢c@mslusia by tha testimony 
Of the relatrix herself, whe inaisted that the child was a full 
term child and that it wes omoeived during October 1914, and 
that she never at any tims notified defendant of her pregnant 
“e@ondition nor oharged his with the paternity of the child until 
after ite birth. Being Satisfied that the finding of the court 
* Glearly and manifestly against the weight of the evidence, 
he judga@ent must bo reversed and the cause remanded, 

Bay: . 
4 af . * 
i -"s 
tw, | . =a i 

i aft 7 4} i Tissier s eR iL 3 ; le 
y Ab, 8 „ nt y a i i vt Ms a 
Ri. ‘ ’ —J 

fistet ot tuo toa oF ay rod sseqwge feteas on evTes. bf 
molasinme two sasd ow dot de aoq brooet et? al edoat ott 
@atu iiw oom vote tou xi awalor oP foe avode bro: J 

ctocnove bee rede? ob a Todaesg eS te aAtrom odd gakws x “ 
J M be 

to oad oft of bowleqgot bos , eoomtawornts anse off — 
os Be rena omsd ot Ak moor aman ons sanyevec «rodted ae at 
tow fankt sat bomkalo ecu emt? odd te foabmeteb od —9 — 

267 odd ok eonobtve outs ras ered? .ocelg dood weno ora: 
~oK bas radotad ee yelwh nem rodte 2 ous ene tase 
stebew , cued rad ot tod Delneqae oon ode .eeonla wodto te —* 
omg of ae raftwolicsg a sow ate “etaathat Sok ctw wooed 
ane ‘he att to tetostedo oft mm nan ebed? tom ane dotdw at sem 


“OT edt %o aolftsnlners se mort vbot act aa⸗ one — 
yYlueato at to 0 eft 3o gothalt oft tadd ,ewao ubde mk R 

 patvirre of .eonebtve eff to tiytew oft tuabage yseee32 nites re 

edt tad? toe? of% 20 Luihalnny fon ora ow . nok aw fone we tA 

ass son? ty ef? braet bae wae yuk bas ?s4P © ee pakaake 9 * 

ot wo kthsog ayoupsiooavha oyom a nk ero? ovedé —7 gue 

 EMW2 & wae bik do oA? Sedt hetetant oie .doored * * 
baa tet redotoo ged muh bevi sono sow a bass. bas ot aco a rei 
Irengery red to soahbaeleb beltiton euls yas ta coven one | si 
{tte bitdoe eA? Yo Winredeg edt Mote mtd boyrede om wok a . 
_ true 0 od? te yabbat? edt tent hebtak teu gnt ef * 
- gtonehive edt to tigtow ext fonks ye vsveltinon baw Ais 
hobaewox eavao odt bas — od foun § ta : oh 


acuuuan OMA aaamavar — ot 




“TOST.A. 5A 

MR. JUETION GOODWIN Aelivered the opinion of the court. 

Se — So oe 
= — a 
-z —— “4 2 
Ke ~ * 

Thic ie an appeal frem o judement aminet 

J the plaintiffs in error, hereinafter referred to as 
ee the defendants, ir favor of the defoniant in error, 
4 hereinafter referred to ae plaintiff, for (446. ‘There 
vas avffietont evidence to sustain the pleaintitr's 
Glnim that che had left with the defendant Pauline 
Sohumior the aun of $206 on one oseasion, and i240 
* F en @ later cocasion, that the money so depeeited had 
2 been turned ever to the defendant Louis “ehurder and | 
ss amet for the Joint benefit of noth, ant that only 
Ba.) (4.00 ef the amount so deposited hed been returned. 
be It wae admitted that (240 had been left by the plain- 
| (titf with the defendant Pauline ‘ohurder nome tine 

in vay, 1922, but 4t mao denied that ony portion of 
‘thie came inte the hands or undor ‘the sontrol of the 
Aereraent Leuls Cohurder. In regard to the latter 
F — point, and in regard to the question of whether it . J 
9 ‘wan $240 or §260, the trial Judge whe hoard the ease 

sw ra d 
wae Marten. she loft $200 with the defendant ‘i: 
| | eer’ — 

of Levis Sehurder, ant we 
— ot the dafind 
—A i y 


has 4 agi * ies F aM 

OT MINT old 
LIVAT bere UND orves 
— 8 Q | * 

todd ‘oats vonebhve af orads hers ‘7 a! wu 


exodt? +Beny wot .Vikinkale as of bovietet tes 

sro arft to woleiao act hovevt leh Wrivdnon wryurn Mt ty Ma 

tanken« Serom bert 2 ae —— oe ot — * A | wi 
ns of borretet sof tonto! stone 2 avrtinkata dd 2 me — 
torre. gh tiabeotoh ott to mova? of adeaberotat ous a) 

at ratenteta ext tat auua od somobive snokorize aa Me oie 
omk Lira" srabeyetoh ode délw es hed ode sods state ae 
,, baRe hers Ao tasooa one a0 9089 Yo nase ott “otra oS ad 
act hod tas rob om Yous edt dadt »wologooe todak ⸗* — 
bets —2 etue tnabmo'ted oft of teva bord weed, " —9 9 
_ hae gad dite yittod “to dP ronod dettot, edt aot beau - : am 
dorrarsen mood hart bedgtaeqed oa tose ott te 00.0) 9 Ma 
~nbole pdt yd Hot mood Dad OM) tadt botetuba eae. 1 Me 
ant? agen tobsiio” onkigaT Seabsro tab oh gto * J 
⁊o ao tarog wan oar⸗ botwob eae dh sud «tler vail ok 
ond, to Londo ont seobetir au alitest od? o¢mh enag std ii 
sofinl ody ot Dragan nt robo” etued saath es a 7 
tt oddadw 20 maktaauy att 99 daener at bua dateg J 
oasao od⸗ daaoct och on bat fairs orks 08m} 30 ose) wow enw ee: i 
wi⸗atata ont 49% beso? ‘einebtve east a — 
“qe? at omkt enon 3 nt bektttned oats moatata of? ‘ 
proved atary ov? acid quot —7* ⸗ toot stad 
fantereton ont athe 90nd tot oda — | ew toa 

aun —*& (robert alvet to mots aay 

at? saguahay tod oft? tp, ¢tomed gute 

ritaei ttooge shvabltts «trobunion @ : 
“nedmosze% to inom add ak CORD ont 


1900, and sald that {f any meney had beer leaned her 
price to Aneust 1, 1909, it wae outlawed by the statute 
Sf Limitations. We think the ovidenes diveloesd that 
the #700 wae advanoed mrieor te Aucust 1, 100°, ani 
the question therefers sriges as to when the statute 
ef limitations began to run. The plaintiff we the 
nother of the defendant Pauline fohurder, sho wae the 
wife of the ‘efendart Leuis “ehurter. 

Tt oloarly appeare from the tostineny ef the 
plaintiff? that she left the money with her Ganghter 
with the copress understanding that ¢oefemfants should. 
use it for their om benefit, ant thet they were not te 
return it unlese she necded it and asked them te 4¢ gos 
the {260 loft with the defendant Pauline Sohwmier in 
1 wae Left with a cimllar understanding. Apoarently 
no demund wee mnie for o returns of the money until 1914, 
when rlaintif? wrete defeniante, waking 2. formal ant 
explicit demand for the return of the money. 4 tn 
¢leariy the law of thic State that where one derecitae re 

| money with ancthor with the un@erstanding thet the rer- a 
pon pocoiving the came shall use it for hic om benefit, — 
i; ard roturn it on demand, that thers Ie no duty or che J 

Ligation resting upon the persen receiving the money 
te return it until ® demand is rade, and coreccusntly | 
the etatute doen not begin to run until the retum of 
the noney haw beer dewanded. This hae been dscided by 
our Supreme Court in Selleck y. Selleck, 107 Til. sA9, 
ee im all moterial voenantny: | 

oo me 

‘hae Hi n 

tad homeel cond thine yorvron vase ‘th tad? Diao —— 
odusate od od howalsue eaw 32 PORE of taped oF tote 
tant doartoeth vaandive odd antdt of sanotsadiuhl , 
LO0OL of SaunuA of tolwr Beonmvhs aaw 9095 ote , 
esutasa odd note of aa noelte etotoreds ok Saowy at 28 
etd vow Yittntale of? omer od naged ano bted beth t to 
ont 20W oie J— orth ius? anahetu dod ont? 20 tod Som 
tatennte® atuol srabrotes ola * * 
oi? Yo cnoabgans ed? sont aveotqa eineoto a. 
roseiguad ‘mdf Kobe yonen etd Hime ote Sots F. 
Dfuote adgewinete: dott qakhowdewbe seoeteo ond J 
of fon wrew verdd ae Sas .htened ows viadd 40k Of ean a ; 
con ob of mots bolas Bae St Sobean ote anolaw ot wrsee 2 a 
mt robaeto’ onttoa’ froheetoh odd dziw stot cone ott — 
yltersercé saatterad aroha “atixke o athe fel er fret. 
shLor Ltdns yemon offs to nauges «2 tO? oham anv tacaot on 
tee faerro’t. o poioles , ofnaineteb otors — — — rent 
at 32 .¢onom etd 0 ivateten aitd Oot Reanemd pukilane 
odtuoreh ono onortw tots ofad? atdt to wal oft yfeaete 
— elt fats aathestanohen ond attw todtons dtte tenon | 
«titomed aw: atd tot $2 cow fade exan ott sitvteoet ton ‘ 
«#9 0 vob om wt orectd Sers chewed am ob erardow tena 
Yonot oft uatvtesor moaney ott aoqy paktaor mokinght 
¢dreunosno0 ben yohew a! Bemmoh o Ltda ok tmeton ob 
tm cautery eft Ebdon ate of atgod dom neoh odutata ont 
vd Hebtook mood aad att? .bobssstoh need sad yoror ert | 
«08% . LET VOL footie? · x Soot ton ak gm0o omar? “ms 
eimky ,atooqeot Latregan [fe at .otew atest od dotde at 
ono .hotte ease ont mi stad te oosn edt wt onods of awl 
ost at Ytitrtal igiv akeod atest betisoqed beqy ant it. J 
+ oft” ,btae of dotdw x2 tqtooot a ovag ‘of dtotity x02 eo 2 
oe of «mofoacneon qa af oftrtw ow ‘i rand og of tal — 

7/7 +s 4 4* Ane " 

10 ame 

aelivyered to her whenever called for.” ‘fterwarde, with 
the consent of Mare. Somt, he oold the bende and weed the 
money, ‘“wenty years afterwards, pr@cerdires vere hat te 
rooover the walue of the bonds, and the statute of Mmita- 
tions wae pleaded. The court gcd? at rare "OKs 

i "It was clearly, in this eace, the arree- 
a! wont of the partics that no duty te return the 

4 money or the bende ehewld aries unt!) on aatual 

—4— wi demand for the scane shevld be made. Under the 

4 erigizal contract no astion seuld heave been waine 
ted! tained by Kre. Yood for theer bonds witnovt an 

;  a¢tual demend; and the proofs tend to shew, ord 

J— we think do shew, that the money for tho bonds 

—3 . cone net payable until actually demimied. The 

—9 iseion by Ero. Yood te plaintitf in error to 
mu thin morey eont trated wntil the time of 

(oe * death, arnt the lapee of time airme hor doath 

i had not boin suffieient to bar the claim.” 

the eowrt also said: 
— ee: | "It may be that 44 wae then her Inten- 
oe. tion and expectation that the bonds never 

eb. ep ag galled for by her, but 1t le eavally 
te plain that che intended to retain her rt Mite 
J eall for ther if clreumetanees should ' 
npr that course desirable to her.” | . 


ae fea We thimk 4¢ de equally clear in the case at NOLS 
2 ie ‘bar that the plaintiff @44 not intend to make ar abeolute 

: cud but! that there wae no duty saat wpen the deforndants — 
| te voturn the money Wahti che demanded it. Ae no demanf 
ae wae made unti2 shortly before tne awit wae becun, the 

— Stetune of Limitations bat not run. ¶ o there was eutr · 
i) . ‘Alesont evidence in the record t¢ sustain the court's * 
the fudgnent must be affinred. . 

dsie ,shrewiesti *.t0t Soften soveroiw ted of Sewvites ry 
eds hoo has sived ed? foo of , hood -et te gramme ont 
of hod otow annlbocoory ,abtewredts esaey yinen? _ “yom : 
<a$inkl % odudote eat hiro yabaod edd Yo eutey adt revert 
120" eneq ta Stow drv0e ed? -hebasle aon anots 4 

a off .oaas atde of cx ase #r* may! J at 
eit — — om — — Pe —— 
Leston wn Litas oalta Bigoie a feaod on 

bys ,wods Of Beet et a | 
abaod aco 192 yerom Sud? 4 
ot” »Dohromeh ylleuten titel eid 17 Bg 

ot vorce mt ttttatalq 22 hoot -ett of te sotonh 
. Se ote ald E2daw teehee Ry 
Ageed dl oonts ete 20 oar — 54 
oi bake ed? tad of — font ; 
|  thhee oaks duos od? a 

— ved pid aow $8 tatt of yam rye 
| soyanr abetod edt fat? sottatoeqxe bea cokd 
' eflawoe at st dud .nect yt tot bollac od BL 
. os pear’ Sas Auntes 9% bebaednt oda tedé ov. 
0 bſwora — ——— t! aed? got J 
xo o¢ vldaukash owen aa⸗ 

$n onao od? mt neko xttaupe at ok atebde om ae ae 
etufonda na stam ot Beogist gow BLb vt⸗atat; edt gd” eed a 
sinobaoteh od noc Jano xiub om aaw owodd daft “suc itty ‘ a 
frromeb on a «92 bobrramet ote ttanv yontoer odd nuston of a 
ants ceniged mun tera ag? ono'ted —— — — obam tan 
“tim sew omndd as smart ton bed anoktestatt Yo otudate 
a'tuvoo aft bed ane i$ broven ost? mt aartabive omokok? ‘ 

sbemrty2a of seu dmommbot, * 


} Wis p i Fu <b" ‘ J 
* i ? —n—— 
Be *4 a tie 90 fi ait 
wie —9 aa, ie. vith —* Ve ay 
— 3 * PS Oe Say at 9* My wat” 
i 4 4 i 4 ye mA —* pie ; 7 

en See ee 


an⸗ 21191. 

2 Gorpera tion, se Aw 

in ~ 


—— — — 


= 98 L.A. 549 

uh. SRVETICR GOcOWIN doWivered the opinion cf the court. 
f ' 

The plaintiff in error, hervinatter referred to 
sae the defendant, sve? out this writ of orrer to reverse 
i : a fudymont recorercd by the defendant in error, horoin~ 
A , after referred to oo plaimtitr, for 790.%4, for yainta, 
X ells, end vormishes, The satan wer heard before the court 
ih without a fury. 
! . The only somversation hat with reference te the 
-« @emtract between defendant and anyone reprecentitie the 
ie plaintiff. wes ever the telephone, one of plaintift's 
9 witneswes testified to s conversation with defendant, in 
"whieh defendant agreed thot the goods in question, which 
were orfered by a painter, should be eharged to ims he 
also testified that tho painter had freqvently beusht patnt 
of the plaintit?, end sowetimes on credit. Defendant de- 
-nhes thet such a sonverantion escurred, tut enid thet at 
| an later date he hat a conversation with reference to the 
f goods being lott at bia places. "eo testifies further that 

thee goods were not used in any work of his, but in work 
eo for the Indenemfent Brewing Cempany, the lessee -f 
ce. although the painter had 
—9* aAons sone werk for him pricr to that time. 
ae ‘Tt appears thet the materiale in queetion were — 
i —— the dofendant sprit °° and vay 9, ant that on 
i ee a. ee 
Oo ee J 

- Ferre » &I2 
OF OREM 8 Ne — ———— 
THEO TJASGTO! Tou J ye bs ie F i : 7 

ene he I cere * a —— — 

— off 0 witatao off bevov tes txwabo0 OITA 4 


of horretes veftantared «torte nf Ntortat ett | oe 4 
enzever oF were to tier aide suo have —E— ** * 
| onkomed qaontp mt demhdeted odd et Rovevener mom kat a 7 
entan tot B66) cory Mibdetate ao oF howe ter, ae 
smten ad oroted Byced cov ostne of? «netiaternty Dra «alto 
| vent, dort tw 
ods od ronenoter dity fat nokteenpveeo yao edt 
ag? oaktcovetcet exoyne dna tnadne'teb acowted tometane 
atttitetat: to eso +emedqelod edt wove pow . Yhiakelq 
aE ctnabrioteh tate coktsereviee a.of Dottiteer seasons hy 
doidw «aokivote ot aboog edd test beara dmahae os tonto 
ad amit of fhentedo of hives .tednier a yd bora tro omer 
Seatac arciwod wLinoupert hat todmtaq ond tad? hokttteet oats 
-oh tnabtoto’l ethos mo aantionon baa ,Phtintal¢ edd to 
$o tails Sten gat . bernince cok samrern09 B down sodt aolts . 
sit of oorenetor Goly molinatevmeo 4 Sad od ofeb wogal a 
gals vocsrut aoltigaat of .eoaly wld go Sef gated aboag 
tow at tod .atel to saaw yore ek boow don ovew eboog engl? 
> ooonel ocd « of axtwor! gvohmecohal acts 0% — 
had tedeked odd dguodtia .atd yt bokqvoce aeatowrq ott | 
vomts tarts of water mid wR stor exe enob J 
‘ tow noktacup of alstretan ed} sade exwoqqa #1 | 
no jadt Sere 4S Ya Bam OF Lbaqa smaheah OAt MERU GENS, 
On Bhar sef meade tot [itd » hovloovet tmabroted taf oma 
hovioons of dmomesatw Lao odd eaw St -datd 18t of mobtwesse tig 
btwn .ot oo — —— boatvhs one At tat tes a 

— y 

ia Toned 

- - 

was broucht “ovember 19 of the sane year. 

Counsel for doferiant elaim, im «fect, thet 
ao thers wae ene witnese tentifying Gpon one side, art 
ancther witness testifying direetly te the contrary, there 
was mo prorondorance of the evidence. “hic wight well he 
so if the question of the prependerance ef the evidenee 
Aeremiod solely upon the number of witmecses, but 4¢ hae 
been repestedly held thot it does net. “oreever, whtle 
the fact that whom a 6111 war ecnt defendant for the roode 
delivered at ané weed to dooorate his place of burtnens 
he 41d not repudiate any Liability. cipht net in itself 
be auffiefent te warrant the inferenss that he admitted 
responsibility for the 411. vet, that fact fe « ¢ireum 
starce whieh the court had « richt te take inte considera 
tien in deterwining the qwestior of the prepenteranes ef 
the evidence. Ag there ven. ouffietant evidence te support 
the finding of the court, the fudpment must be affirmed. 




\rnoy eran edt "to OF ctedmewell 4 
dart gtootre mt qmtalo frodmo'te ro% torcuod 
fra ,ebta one sony astxt av⸗ anode one wm ie 

otadd .yrextinos off oF eitoonth datertaass aeong tw sett . 
o¢ tton srint: otst” soompbtve ett soasrabaoront et « 
oonedlye wit to ootershaoyery mts ‘to antsaoup “te ; 

aad St Sif yooarcnttw Yo secur ods moqu veto d To 
ot beter rtovaare" . toot anol $t ftoctt Lot wEBe 
chaos od? tot dratmoted som saw Ihtd » mode tats Som 
duomttawd to goel7 atd eterooeh of hoa baw te Borys 
Meadt at Yon sithts .yIEDtatt ys etabbuqwn don 
hotatoba of tnd oxmoretat edt Smart of de 
«miprto » wt Soar dadt ,dor™ ttr⸗ ott wot w rie 
are odnt ettad of. —8 a den wer ote fata 0 ‘oi 

yEMALTTA * ie tant 

Mt a ti 
i A vices! 
athe eee 
J 4 

PEG « 21°87. 

VADRTOE 3323 19 8 I.A. 5 5 O 

Plaintt } 

MRs JUSTICH GOODWIN delivered the opinion of the court. 

The plaintifr in error, hereinafter referred 
te as defendant, prosesutes this erit of orrer to reverse 
a fadgront ageinst her, entered in the “wnietral Court in 
faver of the defondint in error, hereinafter referred to 
ap plaintiff, for architest's foor for services alleged 
to have been performed by the risintiffr ot defeondant' a 
request. The defeniunt's huebend, who, umier eeotion 5 
ef chapter 51 of the Tllimoie Revived “tatutes, was a 
competent witnors in thie cause, was galled a « witness 
in her behalf. Upon quoctions beine rut to the witness, 
the court custalmed em objection. “hat cecurred thereupon 
io recited in the record as follows: | 
"iy. Moses? ALL right. “o offer te prove 
| by the witness ~ The Court: You won't offer to prove 
4 anything by the witmoscs. “©. “Moment « the substance of 
J mat hae been testified. The Court: Bo, no. Mr. Nosesr . 
That the testimony mentioned in the proof - The Court: 
‘ait 0 mimte, don't start in on that at oll, eal) your 
hort Witness. Yr. Noses: I have no other witness. Mr. 
‘Gatlint No evidense of agency on behalf of the musbant, 
yond abeand tr. Memest ALL I want te do is te 
“ave my reser’ {f your ener please. Your Senor will at — 
lea st give me the privilege cf saving my record. The | 
i) urtt No, i would not let you do it on thie record. 
— r+ ewes: May I write it out at tome other tine, the 
Ofte to prove? she Court: You won't prove anventing 
— al 4d — aie ——— ek) 7 

DGG ALT 8 Qk | Nowe at onipeomea’ OM 

«dute9 of? to ttolntao edt devertiod ameaope — — 

boristor vottantored ao ah Yihintsta et? 

owtover o¢ more &o der alte aotvoenor —E aus ‘ot 

mk dave Las te tet: ode mt porodae ato taciega trom tart, a 

od horre'ton codon ornedt eromna nk gn obevoteb att 0 stove 

bogota acotrros to? aco ot dont Morus 19% Ni⸗atat⸗ aa 

n  draberotob do tignbale ants ed hoarrot19¢ —XR owed of 

8 moktosn telens —R buadeunt eV srstroted orf? ·⸗aouve 

& now snags” houtvet otomttey ote * mn nodqudto to 
agent o en batlLao sew —E atdt ak —E trvtoqzoe P 
stinertiy ectt of dug anted awotgsoiy mes — » tasted tod et 

mauertots ‘bomen ad mottoctde fei oma dati suds, art 

rawolfo® aa brooot ont wk 

ever: o¢ twt¥o of teigtes LA teen ai a 

every ot reTto snow uo’ ticu09 edt ~ anomie ont vd 

to eormatadue off + reond!” * —— ott wd aataova 
— i — —— — rueh ott sbolttenes mood wat toda : 

tsrued ot = Yoong ond ak Sowmkivex yromktaot oct tat? 

moy (fan ffs ta tatd mo nt Suet te0d codumctn 0 Sha" 

i .enend te aedto om ovact t — snaorttiw oxen 
— ot 0 Recodo Yonah 20 eomeblve ot HnRbtad ye 
nd at of OF dum T tk vos! sat  toosq aad siete a 
ds tite swore! mor YY  sbasoly ‘nonoit soy %2 Shoes ye eae r 
“ot? Drove qa gittvan to enotiviaa ott ait ovby * 

‘ ¢ i 4 
#45 mt an n'y J 5 

‘i | {manor ald mo $f ob voy Sat Soot bkvew.1 gen een 

odd ,ort? tedso enoo da jue 22 Cd 1 ya J — J— 
ve zataareia oxoug ttao YoY —»— rawone of io 

| toe exe remnted for 6 new trial, 

nied a) 

this wlinees a$ all. This ie the husbard of the defond- 
ant. Hx. Mewest That ie your Soner's roling; | ovbrit 
that ruling is not correct and { want to make a record 
from + The Court: { will stend om the puling. ‘here 
won't be anything fror this witnoss. You won't offer to 
prove anything. ir. “oses: T only wart to make an offer 
to preserve my record for the - The Court: Don't waste 
any time on it. Ur. “oseat - Appellate Court if your 
ener please. The Court: Ali plight. You have got 
another chance with the Appeliate Court. “rr. “ospe: 
T know, tut for the purposes cf saving the record in the 
Appellate Court « The Court: “ave you anrthing further? 
ty. Mosest I want to make an offer, that thic witness 
will -« ‘The Court: The witness will. rot testify to any- 
thing. ‘the witness is objected to and the objection ip 
guateained, on the ground that the witness is the huebeard 
of the defertant. (Sxeeption.) Mr. loses: I understand. 
the Camt: That is ali there ie to it. Me. Mosemt All 
I want to do ie to save my record here by telling your 
foner what the witness would teatify to. “he Court: 
I 4@on't wont te Imow what he will testify. “%. “‘osest 
So the Aprollate Court, when it mote te the Aprelilate 
Court will know what 1 expected te prove by this witness. 
the Court: They will never tmow that way. (‘xcertion.)* 
eontention that the defendant's cffer was but to prove 
what the defendart herself had olready testified to, is 
without merit. Defendant's counsel was entitled to have — 

an opportunity to make hie ¢ffer fully, amd thie was @ 
him. Yer thie reason, the fudnont must be reversed ant 


~froteh oft to Bendaudt ot of aldT «fle te onenthe ofdt 
dindie © tanmkiut e'onet awoy af gad? tageoi «ail =|. dna 
bxooer 2 ofan Of draw I Bae dowrioo font al athlon sade 
ortect’” saokiue att no Deete Lftw I reed ef? < mogt 

of setto #'’cow woY .oacndiw alas uett gokiddvues of "mow 
T9%%O a ohom ot dvaw foo I teseo .ei | +gakdiyas eyvetq 
edase s'xol rite? oft = add rot brooet wr evaseget of 
etiay 2t due otalleggs - taeec! x 4ét mm ont wen 
tom ovad coY .tiyta ££A tomes od? =. onaoly — 

— 8— to do? etaltogqs edd atv oenmdo sedsoms 

et? ot Bxooet odd gttivas to eaoqmg ed aot god ywont T 
Prodiwt ative voy ovnl! tfaued ed? + dnmd oFalLogeas 
nnorsiw oft tad? .s9to as efax ot dnew T taenoll «it 

mite of Ytttaed tor {ftw aoongiw ed? roa oft + ffhy me " : 
at nobtootdo off fem of Bodootde at vaondtin ed? «guide 7 | 
teow? od? at anantiw ot tet favo ort mo Renfetemm 

feetavober { taeno! «tt (.noltqoext) - dnoferatal ode x 
CfA tooo’ .2! sk of of wreds? Ife at dad? tga0ed eit 
oe nalilod vd oved Brooot yo eves of at ob of damm I 
r#meo off +0¢ ytiseod Aivow ematiy edd dace Toner 
tnomol’ 1 «oytttaad ftw ort duchy wordt of grew ¢'nod T 
etallorqs aff? of atog St coctw eftwod odalkeqqa of? 03 
sanondiw atest yd evowy of bedogowre I date wort Ifkw ded 
"(.coksroox'!) .¢sw sould worn! rower ftw edt tdemmd ont? 

evenq of dud amw teTIo at deat toh arts — 

at .od holttiues ySeetlo bart tLoated smabroteh, ant sate 
ovat of hofstiae aaw foamsoo a! tmabroked -thvem tuodgtw — 

sEugoh now atts boas LLIN oY alt orton oF YPEeosoqTo mA 
as bowsever of tutm Seromp but edd procses abit wot alll 

IDA OCLEERG, a minor, by 
JACCR OSBEAG, her next frie 

Appelleg, APPTAY PROM 
wren —— COMPANY, eoor covrry, 

198 IA, S59 

WRe JUBTICR GOCDe delivered the eririon of the court, 

thts appenl wae taken from a fudement against 
the appellant, hereinafter referred to ae defendant, 
for $5,000 recovered by appelles, hereinafter referred 

to ae plaintiff, for personal iniuriecs alleged to have 

been caused by the negligence of the defendant. The 
éeclaration oricinaliy consioted of six counts, but 
prier to the trial, om motion of plaintiff's attorneys, 
4% wos amended by Alomlering the 4th, Sth, and ¢th. 
The firet count allered, in general terse, that the 
deferdant carelesaly and neglirently drove ite auto- 
mneobile truck, am! in soncoquence the plaintiff was 
struek and run over: the second count charged that. the 
defendant carelessly and negligently drove the truck hy 
at a high, dangerous and excossive rate of speed, to- 
wit, 40 wiles an hour; while the third count charged 
that the defendant failed te ring the bell or seunt 
the horn with which the truck wae equipped, or other- 
wise to warn the plaintiff of the danger. 

. The ovidonee Aisslomsd that a chauffeur and 

momen raed, 0" 
ravo NOLAND 
—D 00. 

 far68m ont %d golnkao * bovovifo® G00 apenas ae 

it's derow but a mott meted naw Laaqqa aia 
cdnaberotob eo of herteter toetanlered fost Loqne og 
herrreter “odtantore:t .vellerge yt herwvoped 000,84 we 
‘evant of Benotls oe bettst od Laneover X At as of 
ad sdoaberotes estt Yo oonren Rip of mie yd »a auas rood J 
‘gud ,»atemee xo Yo hotetasmra eiLentn bo ne tiscatood —J J J 
-syowmdts o' tat satel 2 molten mo takes ods ot vata | i 
Af i trea etd ae ord vmtuatnans td ‘baboon: oom gh 
‘oft dott . erred Laetemes at «hom Lk treo. toate, , ae 
“osu eth. evort yldmrog d tn oet bere yiavetonsa. deatretied 
ane Ytkintola ods oowoMpeRAee rod See towne wl keer 
ems doit honsitte gooey haope ott. Lwevo curt: “foe spurt 
wound off avoth elation Lis or bere ‘ylano forme saber reh 
<ot ,hacde to eter oviasonxe bee sponsyrah: vita a ta 
— honererto Senso Naked ott oftnte yemvedt ia aut tu atte 
fron te trod ant gate ot bol te? ‘drahensed sat testt 
mdetio 0 abeachane new towed wdt na tate ovat oie 
‘temtnh add to Vton tat mi octane ot Bast 
‘fas qe Ytwata 4 darks bonofoath genohtys adh’, 
* Qetv ich ou — D —— ond ~~ oie ont ae. glad 
tuodn dtbw babmot x whheenr er ‘bn. tute witha toi Se ——— 
ads Anata —D—— eftedaer a nt Sagi: hs) end ov 
onto ers aerate wth soos agmtson ‘to BEG Wren i 
abe bad sorctw .taee horevos v doe wt at hoagon enoe wal We , 
saebdta edt ta neyo tod toot hea tne antes hes 9 oe 




girl ran ovt from in front of the herse attached to the ; 

he slowed dewh te eight wiles an hour. je we — 

iv} a 
Hea CF 

aid that he did not see the little eivl until after 


The back curtain had holes covered with celluloid about \ 
twelve inehes scusre, but there war no tentimeny ag to 
how the front curtain wae constructed. 

The true? entered Tastings etre»? at Loomis ~ 
etreet, in the vicinity of Laflin street: on the nerth 
side ef Hastings etreet, a SCermar band wae riaying» 
and there were children runing abewt in the street. 
About seventy-five fost from Laflin streot, the plain-e 
tiff, a little girl about four roars of are, ran out 
inte the street arm! was struck ant run over by the 
truck. As o reoault. it became no¢covsary to anputate 
her left arm about three inches from the shoulder. 

The testineny of #13 the tltnéases substantially 
agresa in regard tc the phys! sak condi tion of the 
street and the prosencs of the children im the vieinity, 
but there wan o confliet in regard te the tate of opecd 
at which the truck was coing, arid the question of | 
whether there wore wagons and « Dugsy slere the north . 
wide of Maetinge street near the ourbstene. 

The chanffeur's teetimeny war to the efent — 
that there were two ragens and oa bugey?, the littie ri 
bugey: she was about el cht feet from hir when he saw 5 
her: he used the emergency ant foot brakes, ant aid 
all he could te stor the car; he covld make an omerreney 
atop in about twonty feet; che vac about ten feet behind 
the cer whon it stopped; his helper was blowing the ne 
whistle; when he ontered Hactings street ho vas going — 
about twelve at aes an hour. but before the aceidont ee 


voted by the testimony of hie helper, who, however, 


Jods btofullon dtiw hovevoo wofod had alatwere toad aft 

of ea yrontteot on naw eros tud ,otampa sorted! eviews 

sbetowrstaneo sew oleisia Soest — wod 

weimood te syonta agnided? Sony ayo Aouas erft 
feror oft no téeexts wiita!d to ytiakotw anf at , sowtde 

polyester ae Iead vane. 2 .deetde agnttaati * obta. , 

sdoorta ott mt uote atttarss sothiide omw onredd fess td 

wnmtsia off ,toerta mifte! nowt soot ovtt-ysmeven duods 

due ret .o98 to w2eoy “nro geda fake efddtl w tht 

att ve Tove cue Xa Youria cow bos feotde * odnk 
—XRE of vansacoed ommoed $f ,Sfuact a as - Kowr3 

stohivorts wile J gorlarrt ownts tvoda wa stot tod 

ctat aastoun sonnsid tw oa fie Yo yrduttoaed oft 
end 0 mots tte favlecide 6 eit of Peraen mt —— 

Jimtoty ont at mexbfide aft to eomeaen oft hows towne 
wegn to otat oft of Beanet nk Jolie a aay orteut? ged 

3 eottaorrp etd va «qatar now towns onlt diptety to 

fdton ost gaot⸗ vad u » bee amegew eter errors sedtdecte 
-ootadtte oft seum teense anek ion! to obin 

| * da07?o edd had * tromktcod oF no Yuta at? 
—9 ot⸗⸗tt ontd iene! 4 bes anoyew ows engin oneds tart 

«tt of hortontts oot ota to snort mi movt gud aot fats 
was od mode nts sor? deo? tints $1eds saw ede iasee 
bth tera .sedaxd toot Nevis qoneprem ott Soar xf ted 

monte ra eax bfuoo ed ase oct cojm o¢ Bkwoo ert tLe 

iifed tost med Juoda saw ede ticet yinow? deda mt qodu 

ott antwold ome sofort atel tReqqota $2 mow xao oft 

anton av of toorte ogmtinet heremo edt meutw tofietdw . 

“frobhoos ond oroted tut qwot an eokte ovkowt smote 
odorroo naw o” rusel mm sefte digte of Awod Bewole od 
*  sevewed .odw .tortet alt to wnointiaoe ont yd betet 

tot te fitter forks extant elt aoa don * od sade vera 

the socident. Me was sise correbersated’ by a policeman, 
whe oaid thet the touck wae soing at a elow rate of 
speed, anid that there was a large cromd of little chil- 
dren runmmine ⸗⸗ the etreet to hear the band. 

The — itein, for the plaintiff, tooetitied 
that there were no warone or bugey near the place ef the 
eecident: the little girl was about ten feet from the 
ourbetone when che was etrvel: ho dia net hear any horn 
or belly; there was a bam! playing on the other side ot 
the stroet. 

Alice Pughhols saw the aceldent from a window: 
eaid the ear wae going ten or twelve miles an hour: there 
were mo burgice cr vehicles along the north ofde of the 
street; the truck ran about fifteen or twenty fert beyond 
the place of the scefident. er testinony was gorroberated 
by that of one ‘effman. 
| Couneel for defeniant contends that the evidence 
Aid not establish any negligence on its part. “he un- 
Ai sruted evidence chewed the cross weicht ef the leaded 
trusk was about nine and one-half tons,/ant ite momentum 
wag, of course, the product of ite mage by ite veloeity. 
The latter factor ta in dispute, ni] plaintirets witnesses 
ony 1% wae going from ten to twelve miles an hour. while ‘ 
—s @efendant's say it was going fron seven te eight wiles a 
an hour. All agrees, however, thet there were many Little — 
ss @htRaren dn the street in the vicinity of the truck, 
—* attracted by the playing of « band.\[ the speed at which 
& trupk or cther vehicle may be driven without merit om 0 
rust dopent in cach instance upon the fasts and otreume a 
* stances of the ease. Aa there was, in thie ease, a on 
¢ a rꝛaoi in the evidence, and as the question of whether t 

4 —J— J 


«sanmmokfor a xd hetenoderto onin ssw of + srobkoes onft 

to otas wola « te yatoy sow Morr ed@ Sodd bhaa ode 

ids at⸗⸗1 to brord optal.a saw ona s sant thon bower | 
beast od? ‘sa vet e# sootia ody a @ waters mor 

helttien? .Vttsntale ef? vo%  ntoze we ot? 
Mis te enate ond nen YaZed to UMOZeW ON OTOW ered? sald 
ad? mort foot mot stOd_ wow Ighy ofttht ond ‘dehtoon - 

masd ton ened don bth et towne caw ede sede eaotedzua 

Yo ebte tatto eft mo antvate baad a aow omer ¢Llod 0 
-Soetta oxi? 
“probed # cov? trobloss edt van skoddovt eolfA 
reds sawort ma wetter, ovtews ~~ mod anton ane tao edt bisa 
any ‘to shia dito od? yools neloleigvy to aekggad on — 
vro toot vxnev⸗ ⁊o mood? iuods mat toute ods teeorta 
lerogonroo sey ymoutsaot reli .anobtooe aft to goats odd 
+ MamTFOl gee ‘ho * wd 
porrohive. oft, bast, aheis acroo dnetsto%eh w% feemo>) 
ol ad? mo aqeton d taon utes dakidugan ton fab 
babaot edt to sfatew aaoty ott Doworte vomo hye Dodmre th 
mero ait dan | mand “hal-one he J sued wow toned 
Utleofev att xd ae⸗w ast to audor odd ———— * Slated 
banonrd iw startiekate a [as pita ok nt 0d oa? nosins, ad? 
— od sm alter sviow! of mod — nates saw tt wa 
_aetin tints of weved moet naton oom ot Yom a! trabeoteb 
Peskl ynas etew etadt Stadt erevewod —R ifs cost 8 
Aoirat ott to yetmtoty edt at. tounta ott mE ceBE ito 
folie t2 hoor — — 
onion bt ont tetas! tw nevigh, oft (ax olatde ‘tod to. J eens ⸗ 
—worto bee atest es mod eonas ast dome at tmogeb aue 
wme a ,oang aidt mt ,oaw ateds ah vom: — to * t 
AY sodtocte to nektaody att am has Mny ish it mk gon 
t0I0b one to ono UtoqOT saw ImUR Ahem Baw 

ih wodte’ cebieae eee he setegiil ial J 



careful reading of the evi‘'ores as abetructed, to eay 
that the verlict war againet the ¢lear reient of the 
evidengs. we cannot cet it acide 4 

hefergant next contends thet the fmwy should 
have been Instructed es to the 41emieeal of the lact 
three counts. A genelueive anever to thet contention 
te that no such instruetion was asked, snt that the 
deciaration as it exieted ot the time of the trial, 
consisted «of three counts omly. In this eave senneo- 
tion defendant insists it oe error to eay im an ine 
atrugtion, “If the (efendant garelessly and neeligently 
Grove the suwto-trugk ae charged in the declaration," 
that they whowl’ find the defendant gulity, inelating 
that thie permitted the jury te find the defendant sulity 
on a count which hed been dierianed. | up Owprene Court 
hae expresaly held that eueh an instrustion Le prener 
if there ic evidence sustaining any count tn the deelara- 
tien, even though there be other counte whieh are de- 
fective or are net sustained by the evidence. (Chicago 
City By O- vy» Foster, [Ff TIL. 2M: | “ehlauter ¥- 
Ghiguge & Seuther® “rection Company, SS" T11. 164.) 
Meroover, the declaration referred to woe the declaration 

an it existed at the time of ‘ne trial. 

One of tis 

Defemiant aontends that ,the tmetructions #Hesay 

dheetidtt Le ortoneeus Tyee allows 2 resovery “for all 

demages, present and future, if ony, which trom the ovl= 
dense can be treated ae 2 nesesnary ani direst result * 
the injury complained of." Clearly, however, the phrase 
"ean be treated as” is a limiting ant omlifying phraee, 
ami Limite the damages to theese that ean be treated as 

& necessary and direet result cf the injury commlained — 


une of (dotoottedn aa vond live otf to gakheot Lvtomo 

off Yo tintew umfo ect tankaya seo tobirev ons fait 
[.eBfun $2 fon tomene ov ,oamoblive 
fitemete eat ott sand obrregroe dxen Jnntereted 

goat off Yo Emantmeth aft of an batowssant mood ovat . 

cotdwaiaoe fact of tewane ovtuyLotiog 4 . xémob eomt? 
odd tads fra . betas new aot touted ctotte oem tote ot 
_tnbed oct ‘to ents off da Begala t2 aa eotdanatoed 
=perrrog eee ebrtt at .¢fce atmueo sends to bode tanos 
ent ne mt toe of tOtTe new oF agetamt gnabosteh nots 
eLdmontinon Sa yLaselonas txabaote> ode Sh" ,moldownen 
* notterafooh odd mt hantade a6 townt-ofwe odd wyexb 

‘gebintont .xsituy detabrotod astt Bett oLvodia yous dadd 


ohare tadbavtob out Barr of wot et Bodttwseg abd? tet? 

$x energy i tO 6. bometuath mood Bad detde seme a ro 
‘merorg at nottorrtan? se tose Sorlt hod yluaotexe andl 
anfood etd nt Saude ute aniebegaue emrobive wt wade tt 

-oh on cote otaves tedio ed érect? tqueds acve «mete 

oyectdd) cemebkvs ott yo hocithanen tom ote 26 eviton? 

‘Y ct tes Eat” pant net ‘Ooo deol wy 629 xh yan 

(cept Inn nat — § enaptto 

Rearat ooh ect? saw ot bowtetor soktsrelooh edt — 
Ea at ot) %ovomts As te hosabeo $f aa 

i to erro 

ma a rooamtant ‘oat, date” — — 

fis ror" raevooun # avells Pepsin —53 ———— 

tye etd wort dolce yen Th qoriet Bie tnoawiy” ~aégameb 
ty #fueot Sound ra yranmennir 2 ‘oe beahwsd of sme eerie 

parse odd provewol cytrnats Ro honkatenne eorhat oft 

enate antytifuare few gatelmkt a et *as hednend of sao” 
* ap nd tag tadd ovcst 64 wogamad ond adin tl haa 

— — ‘onte "to —— 

hal ee BT 
* ery 

— beoauee “it purports to tell the jury whet they 


or» ae Gintinewl shed Cran: inmagee which right be the 

indiyeet soneouverss thereet. “he evalification wae 

proper, ard favorable te the (efer lant. 

Qmitioiom that the ineatruction thet 1f the fury 
believe “that any witness hae wilfully ard imoewingly 
eworn falsely to any material olerent in thie case, then 
they have a richt tc rejeot the entire tertivrony of this — 
witness, exaert in there matters, if any there be, where 
hie or her testimony ie corroborated by cther oradible 
evidense or by feats and ofreummtances erpearine in the | 
gase," on the crounml that 4% doen net leave the fury free 

to rejest it in ite entirety, 1s not well fownded. The 

inatrustion ic one thal io cometentiy civon, end han al-~ | 
meat wniversally been approved. oreover. ve think it | 
ie net subject even te a teebmion] oriticles, for while 
the jury have the right utterly to reject the oneerreberst 
edt tentimeny of © witness whe ban testified falsely in | } 
reram te a material matter withaut weighing or conelder- | 
ing it, it ham, we believe, nro priest te rejeet hie —— 
mony upon a point where be haa been corroberated, a1 — 
they have, of cewuree, the right, after weishing it, te — 
gay that in view of the fealeity ef his testimony on , 
ancther point, tt in entitled to no weight or credence: 
there is an sbvious difference between rejecting ant re- 
fusing to consider at 11 the uncorreberatet tectimony 
ef o witness who hac ewornm falcely in regard to « mater4 
point, ant ite right, after consideration of hin oc , 
rated toatimeny, to say that, in view ef the faet that . 
he had evorn falesly, they 4o not sive it veight or or 

Counec] fer the defentant oriticise an 

| tne tot snatartion in coterie on wie oe 


ed of diate Motsw sogamed aot? Doda «BQ 
cow crotsaytatiaup of . «Tested? aometpeatoe toonttert . 
? -Sualere'ted oft OF oldateval ina etOqOny 
ane ats th godt potiowmant edt fats motekebead | 
yfgrtwort fern yLtetliw sad avendiw ome dade” avatled 
ons young olds mt deouake latved¢an yaa. od qloalat mtowa. 
tt 2 cnoskteed exttm add goepat ot tate a ovad yodh, 
steoctiy 4 cxf eat? Ye Tl, .awvetian eaadty ak — », BOR Bw. Pa EY % 
— sadt> wt Deseroderrio af ynomtiesd red te mh ey 
oft wt anttvanqes aoenatanerko bea etost ed mo senebive - : 
st cork aft ovaol ton coob JE tat? Inwor, ed? ao “ponen: 
od? poker Low tom. at tomlin eft ak tt seoton oF 
fe and hors provin yldeotenon at tats agg of moktqwetenk:: 
ft Matas ay .aemote! .bevoaqqa seed yf Lawyeviaw .teom . - 
efidw an’. ermtolsian Lactedoos a o¢.seve Sooteye tom af 
edorroon: oS tooker ot winustin tty ht acid oved emut wat | 
nit vLeaie? bokthsead sed ody nepate 6 te. eromkiasy be 
eh tanos 19 atidytow duodtiw settan iatueden « of beg ors 
duet ald toctert of dinty om govellad ow. amt @240h gah 
pAtle » dosatodori-» oad sek oe auutlat tet hoa noe ee , 
of «dt antiytow wettu <digde odd, poem 29 caval orth 
AO ywomttaut atd to wheter ad? 20 webv mk feels yen 
taomotens ‘To sty tow of Ot boftfews at Ff ebetog tector: « 
ot boa anktosten seowled comune ttif avetvde. am at ones 
Uromtions heseraderwsan ott fe de mohtenee od pekau'h . 
aoten @ of haagen mt yiealea? wows pad ose aeoertie a to | 
dowias ald % sobtetob tana. cette <tiyts ast hme tated. 
‘fost ton) off ta. woly at ated? an of. -yromttens Redon © 
ono to figtew #2 ovin tom.ob ods «ykeaLet omrowe a 
Homisant na oetotstre Inahewkeh oct oR. foeaweo Oye’ 1 
Bivora yous tortw vast odd fed of — 
at ebta Adtein no gulnbrieteh st coktexehtames ofmk ofee 

set — — 

the preronderarce of the evidence, avi refors to the nume 
ver of witnesror textifying, without referenge to the 
number of witnesres testifying for or arainet the vartous 
ecntested prepositions im the eags.” Just what mooning 
the Jury ceuld have attached to the otatement that they 
were to take into concideration the mumber of witneasen 
testifying, unless they urelerstee’ if an meaning the num 
ber of witnesses testifying on one afde or the other om a 

4isruted question, covmsel does net roint out. We think 
the criticism of this instruction and likewise the — 

isa of the other lnsirustions are T12hout erst il 

Defendant alee conter’s that the fury shewld hevo 
boon inweirustet that “ff the ohtid wan in front of the 
autemebile en msidenly that the driver had ne metice of 

any danger,” ete., then the 
instruetion was clearly bad, for it, in etfeet, limited 

gamnet recever,. he 

the question of the driver's care to She very moment pre- 
seding the sseident, am! Leaver owt of view the question 
of whether the aceldent was the weet of ough negli cent 
@riving ao made £t inpossibl: for the éeferndant's chauffeur 
to aveld the accident after he saw the child. 

Deferdtant * s witness Pyoet, & oarponter, was per~— 
mitted to tertify in recam!’ to some measuremente he had 
made im connection with the bullding in whtoh the witness 
Bughhels wae at the time of the xeeident. ‘e was then 
aeked, “New trem the point that you steed bencath thet q 
window the fourth wintow on imflin street. on the ceuth-— 
east corner, ant leoking tovard — in the @irestion of the 
_ @lestrie Light pele northwest, will yeu toll the jury 
| ‘iat dart of the prontoes om tho suuthvest corner vere 


eon of? of ove'tes fon .oonehtve an? to eanetebwoqedq of? 
eng of ooctevetot fvodsiy «anktitises ososondiy to ted 
avotyay oft ganfena 10 s0% nakyttdacd seeaendsin ‘to teetou | 
_ grieoem dete faut, ".ceno off ot asoktteoqent hodaedeme 
yods Jods tremetage oft 69 pedestta over bisa yaork adit 
ueumontiw to tedium oft coltavebfanreg cist ortnd of ore 



-mim wd? gutnnew ae $f ootershay yodt aaoLet -aatytitees 0 - 
a m6 toddo ett to obfe emo mo galyrttans noasont in to sed. - a 

Unidt oY .d1o fated ton eaoh Leamtoo ,.wohicoup hetuqakld 
pi fea’, ons calwoxtl s notsoursent eid to wer ote Emo, oot 

ere gs 

4 — 
—— — F 
a, So. 

—— Peete ont 0 mato 

ovat Sivede wet edd tet eleesoon onl —— ⸗ 
edt to daort mt mat bitte off TR" sade hesewrtsemh moet e 
‘to eolton om had tevi<b * ted? yLoobtani oe elidowos im — 

Pre arotictw c * 


tttdotel a 
of’? «stevooe: fonnas “add mete code “qttoqean vate . F 

— mt «tt mt bad vinesle aaw woksemrzant ae 
ety Seams wry od? of otas oe tevith ont to moksaotsp. ont? 9— 
sohiacyn edd velty te auo wovand fece ydrtebloos one antbos 
Srv tfeeor dom to $iveat oft new tmobtoos ess stectd act te 
eYimuto ot tzstrotes ott wot oLetewaqsh t. obam as getty tent 
. Biko odd wen ot —J jnohteee odd hhova of 

“fog anv ,.tosmoriae 2 .fvoxe! anentiy o* dnphnetel 
hort ott adnomomenes ante of Mamet mt YRttaed of dedi tm 
maemthe off doltdw mt aerkpftud edt teiw moltoenmtos mt ohas — | 
add asv of «6. trebtooa eit to omtt edd ta acw xferdont 
dads ddacnot hoota voy Sartd gottog od? mow? wer" ghodlaa 
—— ort oo .doerde atitet ao wobrlw Adraso't, ott woberbw 
of? Yo nolsoert 
wet od Ifod way Lille «deewdiaom ofeq tty ht obxdsefo 
orev toroo taowttuon of? me seoknesy aig to suaq tarhe 
ats of nottootdo aod! "Témtoq sad? sox? uog 09 ofdtaty 
overt of duor I* . Blam Learwoo «dentadawa aorarev⸗ 



by thie witmecs thot from a point 4irectiy bonowth that 
wiridew, looking in that dire: tom that ne part of the 
gi¢ewnlk in front of the tutcher chop io viethle from 
that plage, and I believe that fa the only way that oan 
‘be proven." leferdant van permitted to shew the phystenl 
facts in connection with the lsention, and the court ine 
Gieate! that ne Lint tation would be put upon the soope 

c of teatimeny offersé for tmt purporce. "os do not think | 
the eourt corp) Tnacctenatee the imeviry to whet cas 
“visible” to « witness at « certain point, partievlarly 
when that point. was mot the point (row which the secident, 
wae viewed, The question of whether there wae anrthing 
to ohstrust the view between the window frer whitch the 
witnoes axe the accident, and the place of the acoident 
or geome other place, ceumadl did not shoose te ask, al~ 
though such an fnewhry would have neem entirely within 
the scope of the court's ruling, “oe do net think the ( 
court abused tte ateeretion in Lintting the agepe of 

tho examination to the physioal facta. — 
As we, find no reversible. error .in, the. record, h 

the judgment must be affirmed. 

Pa) avn ; APPTANED . 
by I ' ; 

Ne he ae 2 ; dibs ht 

— hl aw“ Aa —— , ie oy le re 
be ‘ J J 9 9 Ae) 
4 { = i Mi 
{ lt. 

‘ tae tls 
‘ane Aaa 
™ the , J @ . Milt 
; 4 ay 
J a F —9 J 9 
— 9 

J Jil © | ' 
’ — * bs ae 
we — — — Pu) 
>, ‘ * 4 J 

tats Vistdorkd Into a mort. dats aunt ty — 
ostd to suet om tacts woktooukh smelt nek gehtoot mabinte J 
mov ofdlaty ot qoda vodosmd ol? to Sewn ok — a i 9 
ty take tow tle ont of tadt evelied 2. ens «oon ‘tot 
poboyiy oft worta of bade tarnsiy ase ireberotot *, mo vorg ad 
ent dion vd) fre .noktseat ont? ditty wobtocanmes mb peony 
aqoos oft coq Inq ed hlmor motsad inkl ent “tant wi 
Mmtde ton ob oT. soamquny 4 xf? “10 boterte ‘sonttuot 20 
; auw dade of wrbepert ety —E— crak fonts. eso ote 
uinntsntieny trtoq thadwwo a de agomtle a of "oldtaty? 
robteon ef? cody mere tated orld «tort, nan ⸗a bio Sarts — 
akon. naw 4 siete 20. nat · acum edt sbowety ear 
eke utolite woah wotetw gett —— wat act tears mito cm 
 tiktoon belt %o- ‘onal ode Sore einontoos witt Mad sxonhhe 
«fn «ter of ‘ganodte dete bab, Lonimos seata —X sane * 
mbttte vEdenn oenn nase ⸗vraa Dhaow eka or stow syd: 
ext? derbetd ‘shone’ oh oW sgmktom — — — oxy to moos ote a 
to exon edd parte tubt vt nokteras th oft heads rae H J J 

* “eaten? — pelt ot —— wah | | 
f -broget, edd st 07 19, elds ba £%,.0 oe 
29 «bel gane nn Sum gt erid 4) | 

. * — 
Mee: F ; en 
Oi eee 
\d —e 
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Be6 « T1BS1. 

PAUL A. HART: @ “owe by ) 

GRORGE A. FANT, hie noxt ) —* 

friemi and jAPP AL PROM 


, coor commrr. 

| This appeal was taken by eerrisinant below 

— from an order allowing the def: t. tomperary ali- 
i nony and solieltor's feor.Y Complainant, a2 miner, by . 
hic father and noxt friend, had exhibited hie Dill of 

complaint reluting thet he wan 19 years of are, that. 

while unter the are of 18, & warriare ceremony was waned 
formed between the cerpiainant and the sof tmiant, that a 
immediately upon the performance ef the seromeny geme a 
pleinent ard defeniant separated. that the warrtage won 
never eonourmated- that the partice never entered into — 
the marriage etotue ner lived tegether ae man and wife, 
and that said carriage was never ratified by eorplainan 
in any manner theresfter, and therefore ne asked 
that the marringe be declared null ani vold. The | 
ef the defortant admitted the marriage, ascerted ite 
- walidity, avorred thet defentont and plaintiff lived 
together an man and wite, anf that os 2 result of the 
marriage two ehildren wore bern: thet defentant wae Liv 
ing separate ond apart from complainant without any fa 
on hor part, that complainant had abandoned her and 
ggu naa and refused te contribute to the support | 


mone tametat 

GGG .A. | dys: 
PB ae tao) ott? to stohutes ots oer⸗vitod —* machine, «AM 
weled ——— X —— saw Lasgen atett 
tCa yimtoqmed tnabneted odd qstiwo tts teh 1 nor 
xd poesia & ,doantalqesd VY: eget ataotiokfon baa wren 
to iftd abs bod kd tdxo had , beret yt Jamon Secs stots at ota 
| tadg ene to areet oF caw ard dads gata olen éntalq=ae . 
“797 nay gHoreres egairtten & ,PL to one ont “te hens of tdw 
fant toate toh edt baa Inentalenoe add aswutod bent 
<70d Yrorngteo odd va portato Sto owe sows et otathomnt 
aay onotrian ott — bogausaos snsfereoh rts tmantete 
efeak hateine sevon —J— ors tanks bod scmtrao9 seven 
potiw hes ag" aa xortdenos hovil J augata onatesast . 
matkalenon vd bokthiet roves ame ogatetam bien dads tne. F 
_ betes edt) erototodtt hes tod toro Terria vera at Me 
jeans ot? .Btov. tna {lus Setetooh of onatarem edt gach 
mgt bosamase te brtom ou⸗ hos date aadas koh ats * Bet 
bevtt t⸗atata heen —E — todd hortewe wttbtLay vs 
ef to diweet o ac ‘tacts here .othw Bevan Saget as wa⸗ono⸗ 
VEL on ‘snabsoteb back? mero anew mathy tite owt — 
ee? vein duortt tw mon iataros sont duane boo ofungea gat 
haan ‘soct donohenaca hed tram batqnoe gant <eog toot m0 
* frome ots ot | edudtatmoe oe gents baa serontacn 

puidated by the cowplainant.V his contention cannet- bo 

for her evppert ant maimrtencmee and for the surpert and. q 
raintemmnoes of enid children, amd alleged thet she wae ” 
then dependent for oupport wpon the charfty of her friends: 
that complainant was erployed ae a hank clerk, reeeiving 
at least °C0 o week, that he was a stront, healthy man, 
able to previde for an’? auprert croce-comrlainant and — ‘ 
her children, and seked for soporate waintenance and for - 
temporary solicitor's fees. ‘he cross bill was ewern toe | 
The affidayite of the serplainant, hie father an? nother, 
Pery strongly \|sustaine? the allegations in the bill, oid . 
tended te show that he was attending ochecl, and not en- 
gaged in any busines. * 
Uren reading the bill of eceplaint. crese bill, 
anawere and affidavits, the court entered an omer allows 
ing tecrerary alineny and eoliciter's feos, trom which 
the cempleinant arvealed upon the sround that the court 7 
mas without autherity t onter it, for the reason that | 
defendant war not — re, becausethe marriage — 
wae yoia, ani if only veldable, had Jeng sines been re- 

pustained, «ds«. the werd “wife” in eection 15 of the ; 

Diverse Act, whieh avthorizeas the gourt to require the 
husband te pay the wife eveh eum or sums ae may enable 
her to waintain or defen the suit, and alinony during 
the pendoney of the cuit, where At 1s just ond equitable 
has been construed by thie court im Jrow, vy. Drow, 1% 
TLl. App. 448. te be a senveniont werd of designation — 
ee — Tn that eace, 


fern drogen otf so? baw eortsvoteken has sroqgva wed a2 

now adn doxtd Hogetta Dem .owrheite bier Yo wenonededar 
okt ret to ystrerte oft moa drow 16% sem im ogubd —X 
atyteno tele Attac ba huyeleore ann $rean haf — tatt 
«tat ytdtnwd .nrotte a caw Od todd Moor 9 ony dower. ta 
bem erate lpwoo-noon seoqne Le aot obtvent oF olde 

ot frre oomanodetuc otetaqnn wt dodan bes .moththte wet 

io oowa naw Chid apo et? .age't wo'tedtotion yurroquad 
otsow fre vedtet ald drake lqmoe ad? Yo afivablht te. edt 
mn fthd oft ct wodiagetto oft homtatauelEtynotte ved 
me tor bes ,foofoa prtinetioa naw ed jad? words of babeed 
sovattkeud yao ak bones 

sfitd neoto .dnkalqroe Yo Cité od? gather mot 
oti vebno mn Sereine taues on3 OahvablTIo. hue antowan 
Aoldte vox? ,goe% a'rodtotion Bas yaoukles yuesomes yak 
ruoo ont tadd Recor oft mnogu belmeqnm an autatanoo aad 
tortt moaned, offs ao «tf somo of Ea trediue dunt $b age 
mater ot? oersded, oti a gman tatcane fon saw ——* 
~wx moed ooate grol hard efdebtoy tine tf fees , blov ome 
od -Stonne noksnestoe ott Vi tnantaterog ett yt hotabbeny 
off to Sf maktooe mt “otiw" frrow of? dveee ehonketaua 
ang entvpon st Adoo ott aectrorltue aolav tod ootov hi 
- eidene (ar en ame to mum done othe off qou of heracuuuti 
aatwb ynontle baa . die oft Reoteh w aketiban of ter. 
dations ben taut at tt ovece <ttue ext % yemoheod od 
Of cement -y miter at dmroe atts yo Boiratenoe mood sad 
“ motdommtneh to bygw smokwovitos a ad of BOR oogh «LET 
ound told oT «Rebeca yoiertwal ewodt ot honk don. 
te todd benvom oft ma eorovth & dotyisoe dea bateso9 oct⸗ 
erty <osttons bart snshwoteh oft opal wast YO. omy, welt 
“tatotfoe yar oF aabw mo meet belaogia Sunberoteh yyetves ; 
afede sow enatewrm ett aa tact baworg off me soe% atang 
Bi da eas ai aan 

oe oe 

hughand amt wife. ir. Juetioe “eAlliater, In affirming 
the omer, eald, Pe M7 
"Yo are of opinion that section 15, sfore- 
“nid, not only in terms arpliers to all eases of 
diverec, but that it ens tho intention of the 
legislature to center uron the court the dir- 
oretionary —* a * allow omy ah —* aed 
temporary alimeny im any cace vhere o deoree of 
diveores io authericed by cai seotion ome. The 
weeds ‘hushant'! and twitet used in eeotion 15, 
ore wore of desigmation. “hey are soretinmes 
from necessity or “‘eonventiones enployed in that. 
senee when there fe mo lawful, but only 2 de 
faeto relation of huctani and wire oubsistin Fite 
eo in the etatute defining bicarny. 'ho- 
ecever, haying a former husband or wife living, 
warren another persen or continues to enhabit 

BE eee ee ey eee te this State, 
the gonelusion ef the dictineculshed furiet i# clearly 
eouml.s It may be noted algo that tha word “diverse,” 
ae used in the statute, te not semfined te the annuilrent 
of lawful marriages, but embraces cults weet to fe~ 
clere the vullity ef illegal marriages» even when goad 
ad inttie. An examination of section 19 of the statute 
HEE, chews that the term "rife or wives" there used, 
inelwies these whe have entered inte veld marriage son 
tracte, owhila:’ section 16 iteelf applies te 411 sagen 
of divorce, awl to not confined by ternn cr reanen te 
ville brought for diverse for the causos eet out in 
section 1. 

Corplainant further sontenda thet the ehancellor 
wae not justified in allevrire alimeny. rene solicitors 


foen upon the showing made by the Cefontant. aeetaavite 



~~ me 
ne a ae 

were presented upon the side of the complainant tending | 

to show that the rarriage was invalid. The anewer and 
—J erosa vaaa of the defendant set up a estate of 

widely ie trun, would have ronioned the marriage of une 

oe : 
antorttte af .tetatlito” eoftey, .% oti Bae baadent 
17h og ~ bee ,eelvaa etd 

2* —V ⏑⏑—— peor po ta p> 
aonen [fn of achiare enred 
at? to woltcmsal oft saw ot ph ay a bias 
~al ed? gtyoe oct. meqy steiner of ——— 
a * — le nag wok La ye 
eexnoh « overte peso THe & 
ot? one wold ae a — 
sat mokgoes mt boay ‘etter’ | 
aomifenon ota ved” -coks 9 yy OTE 
Sods mt harvolqwe eanelinewree to ———— 
da vine dud , Foe hie nde poner, Hey 
sanisatadya othe bao beogend to woltelen 
-oi'' «weg td amintteh esutata of? ak om 
egttiwtf otiv eo. Aerncamt seers? 4. Pie 
idaioe of es. To Goateq tuts 

-ofasa akds gt ‘Gate 33 natoa pect, dose 
ulimeto at dato bodetsmettath ett te motautecoo ott 
*,eorovih™ hvow orld sacs Gale botom od yan tT .Bewoe 

brentucee etd od HetePmoe ton wt ioc afd mt beaw an ~ 
-ob of ftyword eflee aooendas Jud — E —— to 
Bioy crxtw rove 1 ne atertan fegetti to etiilenm ont oraly 
edutads ott te @f ankdoes ‘to noltankaaxe aA eotiint do ary, 

ahowt oped? “aoviv im otty” waet oe duce weds AEE is J 
«noo an blev o¢at teotedro ovad onw oacris eobeLonk j 
nouno {fn of soblqye Thaads Of cottosa (yélinms enfomst “af 

of moseen to acted ve hemtiaoe fom ah fen peotevEh to 

mt tuo toe asauaso old 10% oomers® «Or Sewn aLihe 

-f molsooe 
solfeoratn ott dest — aeons Secorehas qos ; 

g' tos tet ton fawn. ymoeikLe witwolla at Donate, ton saw 
sttvaSIYtA sapmiaotted ott. vt ofan get bwoda ocd moqu ane 
gntheot tromtafquoy: ont ‘to obs. ont croctu bog moony: omer 

Sa tavene of? .Bitayel aey-egatwren off tect) wore of 
tox? to otetn a qt ton dnabaeroh efd %o LLAd-eaore werows 
matty I onatetan wit? Hotehon eval. Mvow «oad Mt ytgtow 
‘datdt ew trrages oft W-ededa aids at xathttax beadsso 
tod yd homtatase (Livy st yoLleenade edd ac not⸗v· etd 
qM@, LIT LA2 qgobhontoutted .y. ærieaniei mt Bla at 7 

a | \ a in 

where the court, epecking through ‘rr. Jucties “arter, 

im go contends that the —* court 
' cr ordered the payment ef 
alimony when the feet -f the Ah Bogen wae in 
—* Appellant's answer te the rule to shew 
gauss why he should mot pay thts alimony adtnit- 
ted the fact of the marriage core every hut denied 
ite validity. ‘“o Siliweny nentonte lite 
Tay be allowed without a carriace 
though a facie cure chowld be required te 
Do. shenm St the wife. (2 Amy & Ergte 
,Smeys of Law, « an ed. = BP. 101, and eases 
J ho erriace ceremony being ac- 

mitted and only the lopality queationes, the 
court wae tified in 33 temrorary ali«~ 
mony. It ie mo objection to the allewanes of 

— the wife's bill for serarate 
mintensme that the huehan?t denter the faste 
alleced by her. “he court may, if 4t deem 
necessary, enter inte a sutitietent evamination 
to det me the comt faith ef the complairant 
in exhibiting her bili. which will oréfirerdiiy 
be ir ewegr to an inepection of the pleadinrs. 

————— Rardin , Eos Tlis BAR: Cooper y. 

The propricty of the action in allowing alimeny, 
then, 41d not depemi at a11 upen the question ef whether 
there was cr was net « valid varrlage, but only upon the 
quention of whether a prima facie showing hed been made. 
in Yornum y- American Ronding § Trust Co., 18¢ 11. App. 

my: Soe, the court said,at page “09: 
| i Ain 4, does not Legend that beoruse the . 

atetict © J x, Jontine, o1 Til. 

J witheut jurisdiction to enter an order tn personas 
without sorvise of process on the crose bill for sep=— 
arate maintenance. ‘Te think this point is clearly 


<tefta eotfaut ot devents aniteoce .dtwoo aff evecto’ 

drsoo —* ets ad⸗ ape yg ody ry yA* F 

vtatoqves Bo grroarzeq sis herehse Ia 

wf gow oneiviax art⸗ꝰ Io. Saat oils — 
worts of ofut off o2 tweatta afrerra ſ age sesmunkh 
~finhea vnomifs a?*df var gon Bblwada ed viv dames 
belseh dud yrontoteo snalwtes ef? to west edd Be 
sil sinotson ytorkla yx T oydiatiay ast: 
hevowy enelrian a Suoddiw bewolls od yam 
of Bexlupet ef Sivore sane stost m Sawody 
ome 8 sah 2) .etlw of? 6 swore of 

acoso Bee . fOf .¢ + «Be BP ~ ywal BO vgend... 

~ha auted wrometeo onaittan arf" i , 

ef? ,horolhiaawy yilLenet od? vine bee bodeinu 
-his yvtat0ecmed antwollse mi beltt? esw Suve89 
to sorowplinc off o¢ anolgootds on @2 #1 -grom © 
etataroa Wt [itd a'etiw odd ankivver yromtla 
atou't off sotaeh Sadat oft dat? oonaetnian 
wroob $f ti .vae dantoo off «god wd begekia 
 polsanicexve dretettivsa a oft t9tme , rteeaseon 
tnasttaloqnoo adj to fé#fat boos att onievedeh of 
qitvetine {fhe dotew [ff wet za ml 
sanrthaels oft to noliooqant ma of beaPinoo od 

“V Meroe 199% «LIT Mot . bial +¥ — 
wpa : = a 53 

YWrontia uriwofl{s nt solton oft to yseleqong edt? 

ornterte to molioewp afg weqy {la te tereted sor BLD \ oct? 
di moav vine gud ,onabvane Bifey « fom aow 1o naw wred? 
oban sood bat aniwoda stos? onlay @ tediedw to soksneup 
qqA .f£f1 SAL , +80 taux” s gatdoos mo ixvomA «yy sutrgeY aT 

1900 ova fe. bisa dune edé ,908. 

att? ouueced gard? wollot tom aeeh ti* 
tnanltalaee od? gett Soblood deed shod 
snatiogqa Ge ethw eft ton saw seae Sod? at 
era yorocttia yierorres Tot sebro ec? emertay 
-berxesno vyiteroetat aow aeot a’eodgtetioa 
od owt fom avv Teovrsl? towoma aff Jad? ao 
-%0 saw sotood Lert? edd wodw Yiltéeskale ond 
«LIT £0 <ottvot «vy amktoet ganfsto) *. bevee 
Cpigve «worl +y gw] fem , VOL 

ob FS7b SERRE SOFIE TRieRoo dese fonmue® 
stenoone cf cefie mo rete of moktekbalwwt suodtiv 
_“7e0 rot [f[itd aserts eff a9 anoooty to eekwroa gueddiw 
vieaelo ef tmkod abts Mnidd ef .comanodatan esate 
titay o rood bart ofw ,frentefiquee of” +dheem dwodéiv 
vtoorats vk [fd td hedhdidee ,ymouereo onateren a of 


ie P 

at ee ee 


vine | ae 

Which geught te heve the marriage amulet. Th de « 
fonilier pringiple that mo ome may invere the afd of 
& eourt of equity without submitting himesIf te ite 
juristiction, ant «a neeessary incident to the fling 
of a bili in equity de the right ef the detertant, 
after anewer filed, to exhthit » crosy bil) aking for 
affirmative relief. The complainant haying voluntarily 
subjected hirmelf to the furiedietion of « court of 
equity, the chemselios wae ompewered by ceation 18 to 
enter proper oriers respecting aldmeny ant nolledterte 
feon, notwithntanding the minerity of the sompladrant. 

rer the roasom: etated, the order must be aft- 


| s of 40 -Bbaltuets soaker ald oved of Jreeoe folie 
to ble off ostovet “gn ort On dett alelen hry — 
agt of Monartd antédticdre sreditw erpo %o $989 a 
~ettit odd of teoSiert yasesooen « fan ,wekeadte bart 
<dcalereted ats to ddsta odd of ydtope of? Tiida a 

109% pritas tfid waow « gidiixg of ,HoLlet owas “soe he 
yitsaiaslov on tvat fnuentafoened ott to tient ovl tartht te Ai 
* usn 2 ‘to mokton! vn bona ots oe “eLomatat ho doatdve 
of BF notices “d Horie. “he naw ‘anffenasto watt Us ape 
e*sodtellon Ina yrociis eabiougaey wretis — TOsste 
sdaantalares oft to ytinonie off gathnaiaddiwion 00% 
-ta ed ten: ob ·r on} ,hodata. ermaannt ok? sot 

« GMA TTA | 

41% ~ 01400. 

Appelicer , PRL PRO 

va. NUNZCTPAL cour? 
Adwinie trator r 
Leteake of AMA 
Desensed » & : 

* to 198 T.A. 558 — 

MR+ JUSTIGN GOODWIN delivered the opinion of the court. 

D wat spponl ie prosecuted by tho adeinistrater 
of the estate of men Lietzau, cecensed, who was the dee 

formiant below, to reverse the setion of the lunioipal \ ; 

Guubl 2k Memitng hin mosdenSe vacate & fodgnent wieeea 
“August 6, 1915, by confession aysinst hic decedent cor 
BR p8OR and $200 attorney's fees. on a fudewent note datet 
—, Ghiemgo, Auget 5, 1915, for 62,000, payable, 80 faye after 
oth date to the appellees. An order was entered Setober If, 
i * 1914, allowing the ontey cf « methen on behalf cf de-  - . 
: ferlant's aiuiniwtrater te vacate the judgment, ant sot- ; 
: ; 

ing the bearing for Ustober 35, 1014. on the mame day 
‘Piied hie petition reciting the civing of the 
Judoment note by bin decedent Aurust Sth, 19325, for 
= $2000, ext alleging upon infermtion end belief that 
| — his decedent, om August Sth, 1915, and for a lone time 
doy ogg ant fron themee until her death on fugue 
RAE Se Hs tnt cnet ond under medfenl 
eo) t therefery thot on ald "th day of ‘uguet and a 
— —— —9 



ont — + te eae 

b J— 

oorta · BED 


fH IAT ime oe 

tes INTEORene ge 
ohapret 0 ts —— 

e , — —B 

8G G A 8 Ser ; J— 

-Suyjos of} to mokniqo ody Sotevtt 

stariatntmbs od yd hetucesotg wt Lacyya ald) 
dh ong bow osty .Deewape® ywandoht such to obadeo aff to 
 Enqtetens( ext to n@kiec ond easover of ewelod Seater — 
—— trem but & odeesy od\makdon wht gatynah mk dated 
tot deobeoed sid gantoysn sotnad*tnos ed  erer 18 Pasmk 
betah efom sro iat 2 mm . soot al genmretde OOT3 Daa 000,20 * 
eftn ayoh OF oideyeq .000,85 wot ,efol «2 sams oqnotas 
‘Wr wedose® Sovsime eow tobxo aA  auekieqas etd of egoh 
~9> ko Biaded me aokiow a to eudew odd gubwokia bier” 
-toa Ita ,dmmanbet ot otasav of todosteininte tanto a 
(ah ouhm edd oD BLOL .M0 wededed wot gabesad of Rake — 
ott to gitvis ed? guittow: molstte, old botht Dane « 4 
mot GEOL ida dao dnobesed aif yt avon sromsbut ae 
teste tohfod tas soksanrotnt soqu galgetio tas 00% 4) 
oaky moot wot tne ELOL aan suus mm yteobeeed ath | 
Seangert no iteeb wed Cidew oonods weet fee oforasdte sober * a 
Kaothon robe hee Decor Lemdidet te wow ¢8tOr a 
ete. smerny To yab 30 Raw m0 teed aivtorteds Swomtawns 
nod Itty odd sort Bra atesodt woleq exh? gab 2 
woh notord mood ener Benes heer man i if 
— oots weet © tO dat — E ut — XX 
Snrts bosootxoset <tavownt sno tre YLdrewper? 8 ‘ 
sPongato vd of St came vo oatt waiitesets ¢ mt ED 


to August (th, her condition had been such that shoe wae a 
unable to leave the flat: that appollees supplied her : ‘ 
with intoxfoating Liquere and — ve condition was , 
sueh that safd appellees muet heave Imeorwn that ehe was * 
about to die shortly theresftery; that she aad ate on : 
Auctet 15, on account of and hegnuse of the exceccive — 
use of intoxicating liquors. of eirrhosia of the liver? 
es that ashe war, om the Sth day of August, mentally ineom- 
| potent to exeoute the note in cuositon or te transact ' 
‘  “buetnees; that at the time of eipemtiie the note che aia a 
not know the nature of the imetrumont ciene? br her, and : 
thet 1t woe executed vitheut any Valuablé eoraideration — 
given therefor: that she did net theresftor rememvor that — 
she had olgned it, ord that said note wor fraudulently J 
obtained by the appollecs. Petitioner Purthor represented 
that hic firet information or krewhedes of these fete J 
wap obtained in July, 1914, when the atternoy for one 
ss Cmeille Breplin, a sinor, and Louies Lietrau Seler, the 
My hedve at law of the deoodent, informed hin of thems 
that he verily believes that he has a got defense, ant — 
9 asks that the jodgrent be cet aside ont vacated, and that 
D2 je hewe-Aeuve to tite on acritavit of defense, ant tentens 
Bi. + the tm of 90.00 conte tor a fuwy Vv 
yu. . Richard i. coler's affidavit states that he 
J | Ae « broter-tnetaw ef the denedent; that she died At 
i ae, 1918, ani had boon for anveral nonthe prior therote 
ke aaaaetoa to tho habitual use of imtoxieating Liquors ana 
‘ awe that om Ausuet 5, 1915, her condition of rind 
oe ody was gush ao to wake hor absolutely tnearable 

paw octn fadd deus mood had roks Bree wit 1439 forguh of 
Tort ho lferntsa agellonen Setlt 12af% off ovael of aidany 
how notsiiuee ved tect bug aroun hl ants ootnosns dade 
ecw ote tant swoent ever Saum aeotleqya biom #at? dene 
no okt BRD ode Jat? prosttaotedd eLtrosta okt og suckin 
evivceore off to ovuraoed bee, “te tavocos mo .6£ sam 
ttovti and ‘to ataodrtty % to erroup tf — to ents 
~tne poet eliassom ., daigue * vat A⸗n etd “0 , J dad 
_ Sonunaxt 92 s0 soksnenn mf atocr ott —E of smozeq 
BER ode eter ort? an tem te to omit mid de sats aaveit aus 
hela wed vd Herm be derenmres west edd to rats at od? wort ton 
soltioxehtanos efdenloy ite Suodiiv hetusexe aaw Bf saitt 
fads eo%manoe —— ton bth orto socty ‘potomeds rovhy 
ulsenivhues? 2 w~ ogon Diea .tads baa «ot herty ta hart ote 
watrapuTET “se sige morots tier -aoolLogqa ods ed homtesde z 
| 402 aged? to onbelwort xo soltamrotat ⸗a·ata ald sesit : 
eto, at. omnes te ers — tor viet ak bonkesdo ase 
ot $ ,tete wsstolt ne bere! hae « “som ds a EEG OEN OLE tenn 
twos to sid Searso ust stone 90h und to wat de anton eine 
Des <oarroteh boon A aarti ed Salt aovol ied yEtov oct $ ont 
Sed? tia .beseony Aes oblas tee ed jrannivt ed? tach utes 
tinhen a Keres 5 mater eROB to akvabr re me of2% of overt overt ont 
Vault 2 st afaoe oo. Hi to muse oft 

od tats oodate thyob?Yts a’sele” «fi arot⸗ 
feurmut Beth ofa serle tinoboosd ef? to walwat-tediomd a af 
osetert+ wiry adines letewa <o? rood Hark fra fOr .Bf 
‘poe artmtro bt aerkteotuogert ‘to ons Lautidadt edt of hotottha 
| —RX soltiinon wat Zueot erinn oo Sait pedaieb 
 ofdecean!? yvfosufoads tod ofer of 2a town am ybot baz 
> beger ‘athnin -Lenovon Oo? ttovodat overteud (ne gebiesanda 
* qo owt To alevtetal to ted waa sSnakRin 4htaod aed of 
‘sobre now acta erotmacoo bine to cozc ep ieen .toew # womks 


* A 

the influence of seem intoxieant, ant at mo time mde 
any mortien oC executing the note herein wue? on; he 
knows what her finaneial elreumstaness vere, antl vertly 
helieves that she wae not imlebted to the oppellees or 
either of them in any smount whatever} he ifn ieformed and 
believers that shortly pricr te the Sth day of August she 
diyeotes the drawing ef a wil! leiwing her ontate te her 
nelee ont sinter, and the only rearon anid will wme net 
executed wae thet for shout ene woe? prior thy on-and after 
said Sth day of Auemet, 1915, che waa montaliy inearable | 
ef trancasting business and was not ¢f sound ant diepeeing — 
wind ant semory: thet sho had "800 in the bank at the time 
or her @eath: that rlaintiffe hat Srequently tatron —— 
from her flat without hor consent, and within ome day of 
mile Renda,” Gas RGGuE Wy Withoct motion whatever to hee 
sieter Louisa Geler or this afient: that neither he ner 4 
his wife were avare ef the execution of the note in son« r 
troversy until the last week in July, L014, wher they were 
. informed by their atternoy thot he had juct ascertained ’ 
_ that a olaim had beer allowed in the Trobate Court based A 

en said mote: that affiant dmredicately began 2 diligent — 
. search for evidense bearing om the exceution of said note, 
* ard on August 81, 1914, ws appointed cuardian of viꝛae 
‘ay | ye a winer, by the Prebate Court. 

ron the affidavit of custay Vedel, a phystetan 
and surgeon, staton that affiant attented the deacared 
“during the year 1925 at vartous tines, among others, 



ABan ontd om to Tem .dreetxodet enna te conomttak ote 

of tao town mkoved efor odd ga btueuxe 0 Modo ete 
wiitey fon .etow svotatemotto Iatorant? ted sade awornt: 
7d noptiogqe dt ot boddobst tom saw esta add wovekter  — — 
brs hoarotet at ot provetody inwons yao mt odd ‘20 rerithe 
arte Harrys to yom 90 olf of sobeq viiroda fork wevettod — 
“mt o} pdeteo sed yokvjel «itv a to aabeesd oft hoseenth 
gon anv (Liv Bow moauor yito orf fea yradntn bas sotes 
ita: heractto dd coted feew eno duets to $400 nae Soswoors — 
atdoranc eftedaom now one (BLOT «damyeh to ysb cite Btwe 
petacqs!® fx Bowen to fem saw bra anortacd get sonnet 0 
met? oct tn ‘ied ond mt 000% bat ofe sade (ener Ree Bebe 
fokive noted yLdrenpor? hwl atttintala tads tdéash ged to 
‘ts coh ono aidédiw hun .émesnoe nod Suotdiw Sekt sont not ~ 
wrest 9% ‘wovedartw votton,suodsie e Eagar shart | 
emer ent rositten gate yinatYie akdd qw * aatuoũ — = 
sim mt atom adit % nphtwoexe edd ‘to oxawa, oven ote kt 
roe ortd worty .DLOL eytel nt dosw tual ott Ltimw yomyoed 
homtatroae fovt had ef tulad vemredes thet? ge banat 
boot Imo ofetor! ont at hewotka ond bat mtefe a dartt- 
SnomifLib o aaed eforothorunt dest io fads reted bkes mo 
ston bies ‘to motsrooxe of% no gained ogrohive wo't sordiee - 
wf Ley. to matinee hegatoq¢a wow ,eLOL gh Pauper ne bi 
smd otadomt etd vd «techy @ — 

natotovig 2 tebe vateu” no dtventyts ed? | tA 
boamnooh oft hotnotia seatyte todd ectata: —— tan 
setedio qrows ,aoatds aveliay ia ater wage ots ath 
bedsotxodat acy ora eoteb oor? a0 brs vane tno bs 4 


— — 

affient,. of am exasanive wee of imtoxieating drinke: that 
in his opinion, based upen the com@itien in whieh he Com 
her ot various tives, and espesially her condition Aurust — 
#4 and 7th, ohe was between thene dates mentally ineapabie 
of trumoeting vucinesn. 
Valter ©. Bieehoff in his oftidavit stated 
thet he sold bottled beer to the desedont some time prter 
to her death; thet tum i¢, 292%, she told him che was une 
able to co downtown te got any money and unable te write 
her name go ayybody else could got money for her: thet 
trom duns 16 to August &, the date ef the lant delivery, 
he delivered 1% deven bottles of bear: that he 414 net seo — 
her after July *th, but wae teld by Abraham "Ledler, one 
; ny  ©f the plaintiffs, thet she vase unable te get, evt of the 
“Ouse, and that she wan drunk one-half of the timc, and 
' that she drank quite a bit of whiskey whieh ha set for 
in a bettie: that every tine affiant saw her fer the last . 
BS fow vonthe before her death, she appented to be unter the 
’ | Anfluense of ot @rinks, aré hed « very poor P 
REMOvy . ‘ 
4 Joharne xieree sa iZAl’? tmat sme one the 
deoséent for three sonths prior to her death om an average 
of onee every ton or twolve days; the last tine she es llet 
the ararteent war @isarranged ant im an uneloon condition | 
anf a lerpre mumber of dishes vere umvashed; she frecvently 
Sette wee SARE Get washed Ye Ricken fur tery and Be ee 
about the sth day of August, in her epinion, decedent wa 
; ot of transacting beciness or of umlerstentin 



tact? ;erfatch gutinoteoint to env ovtensexe mm to «Pemktta 
bei’? ot ttottw nit notttinon oft soe —8 —E atint 
dni motsithmmo sed Ltatvoqus faa .uerkd auotey $n aed 
een ett aaem⸗ sotnh onodts nowedod cow rts age bers ss 
vowortteud gabtawenart * 
hotada steabiore ated ok Veetsatu .O westat: 
rota oats enna tnuboveb ads 94 rood boliied — 4 ‘tok | 
omy oaw eta mkt Sfod sein , MLL Me ost todd iddeob —— " " 
ett of ofdacn bern Panos ra son ot — servo w ot olda 
_. tech pret 29% tena tog tuse —R webodh ein 78 omer each 
etreriteb taal oft to ofeb “wets ad Saenger ‘ot Of. 
pen ton Hrh oct gadd J ‘t acter⸗ moxeh ae a 
one — uacaric⸗ wd Blog maw sed ae wet 109% — 
welt “ho Sera ty ot » Lefts wane “pate suet? cuvehanbadi ond tw L 
frre omkt! ond a ‘esd one sonra wan on $ nets bea const | 
ent xo fon od dobete yoxta Lat 0 ahd r ontyp Anu⸗rh oda tact : 
goal orig 0% wot wen Sonttte ookt wears tants iettdod opt 
edt ‘telewr od of SetaeqTa odd . too tos oxoted adinpon wot 
‘og tev * hed fers vata pats ankagenk to obaoutauu 
ads ———— ———— ontactot — — 
mete — — 
dottao acta amt tank oly rage’ avlows To mod —X eoro to 
wokattnos sun Lec ee met Seem hoqemernaee o nen Sremtt oe ott 
ehdvoup en? ote 1 astaawns o nor wocta kh. "bo ‘rockon ental @ bes 
rte wen Royse retort 120% anrlath od? Badaow Sno tart ad Semanko 
mae trim ogoh combo ‘rod tt stash 0 yb 20 od dood 
(Rites tanfenr to to anasto! gattomamess ‘to aldaque ton 
| —— 
“ab bodete \yortd$e ma rotwotnted +X stort Poe — 
pt ted ga inobooeh aoqu beltac — 
—* 09 AO pth ght . herd ot Ont m0 quart » hee 
ftw 9 aitkword %o eboawug ont aot ,Pi0z dommes 2 

Wi f sg eae 

pe —J1 

R ta 

for her; om oach of the cecaniens ant on each of vatd days 
ghe won intoxieated to such an extert and dogroe ar to he 
areoletely unable to transact poe inear of any kimt or nature 
whatsoever: aml on cach cf sai¢ co¢asions hor mental facul~ 
ties appeared te affiant te be ft: pada’ to sush a degree 

as to romiar hey mentally ar? phreleally helvless. 

“pom eornsiderine this retition and theese of- 
fidavite, the court denied the wotion to act acide tho 
juigment ani permit the petitioner tc set wp a defense, 

it is the well settled law of this State that 
where timely arplisstiion is made te set oeide a Sudement . 
omtersd by confencion. 1¢ is the duty of the court te allow 
the defendant to plead {f a meriterious defense ia shew. 
by proper affidevits, (Pitte v-+ Magle, c4 TLL. olor 
Oiighvist Transportation Co. y+ Sorthorn Oroin Co-, 204 

TU. S10) Markman Ge. y. Thompson, 190 (21. Apps e212.) 
the statements set out in the sfridewits pre- — 
sented te the court below, if true, diselcsed a state of 
faste whieh would warrant a jury iy finding thst the de- 

i“ VOM was not, at the time she signed the note, eapsble 
sof understanding the mature of the tranenction. he af= 
ss idawite of her lawyer end her physician are partieuleriz 

== eepiett upon that point. As the affidavits, therefors, 

J «get up a meritorious defense, tho rouatming quoetion te as : 
_ to whether there was laches in presenting tho application 
te pet the fudgment aide. Tt will be noted that this 
ch —- Judgnent note wae cbtained by the appelless on the sth of 
M sugust, and wae payable 70 days after thet date. Upon 
"a _ following day, appellees entered a fudement fer the full 
: — of the mete, and (noe attorney's foes. although 
_ thare had been ne default in the payment of the note, and 
by ite ters tt bad 29 daye yet to ren. The affidevite 

e that —— of the heirs at law of the dece 

pe) * 

i ae 

od of un nowgeb bis Inodxe ran toga of hotantunhit i now ae 
Has ves Dest ye to wadettood syarrend of wlétent eodettons'a | 
‘une tadmom tect ano kuanos phew ty inns m0 tata eevsoutody — 
women a Hoa od Aontornt of od dmatvre of benmomte woke | 
.anotelod YLtnatersty bi ¢otetmen, “taul: sto herons * i ae 
te ened fen mitthior eidt yu ttohbanee sgl —— 
_ ott oblan ton of po B80 ee boleh bron odd. er at 
<ooneted a cr tan of sept hte nels $ Emtec ter tribe 
jartd esas” olds to WA Bentvou tww ott ab ee —* 
dreamy barh 2 ohhen ton at obat at mot saint lon fewtt teste 
itn og dus ath Ye ydith od at at: a tans raoo wa —— 
rous a onroted ‘evolves ined 2 we Rooke oa: Mabei · ten mt ut 
02% ,£E7 $2 cotpet oy a adgts) gabe keke ——— wo 
BOR gig? mbar? xodsrott ¥ 429 — 

C2199 sq tti OUT “eae? oY opd —— Nees 
Orc nt hvebhets oct ab Swe ‘fon Ranomed nie ett. | 

4 etnta ao Swenlosth soiree th rote Neto ‘eas ad 
mB witd. — pe kbeh ok grant & ferrsew binem dotde este 
efitegng .efow ete bewy be we omy: ‘edd 49 (tor new temboo 
ate of?” amo ksaaarantt att % — ——— ats px tderad uon deru * 

vt·atuot⸗reg oe oW to taraa ‘xe ee, sroyent tad to aehveht? 
awvo'tarods vathvab ire ote ah, “stittor Saks sce stohlqne © 
8 SF mokinanp agintanot ay —D to teeot reo * 7 ‘jon 
potiaattags ot? anttevacg mt acctoet alee ortortt etdorte oe 
gtd? Sead bogom ef (Ltw 42 ebins $iaiiak aiken ed 
46 sd" of an nedfloqew ont vd bonttasdéo eaw ofon sovmbut 
ff noe’! .oteh tet) ted%e arab 08 oldataq sar bum , tenga 
Ifwt ott vot sromhet «© hevetwe aeellecte ~yah gutwoltot 
Mauodttin .aeet a'yerpotta O08) Baw , epost edt v⁊x — a i 

astvodttta ox? ame ob dy eel 0 at an ae ‘ig 

inahanah ett %> wel tea erket edd To steddtem dedi» eaoloatb — 

| wnt! he hed obtained or there head been presented to his 
| aftidevits Aisclooing a soriterious defense. Tn view of . 
F the feet that tn order to pregent the defenss sot out in 

nad nny knewledce of the extetence of the nete unt'l the 
last week in July, 1914; that thoy immediately brought it 
to the attention of the administrator, and began a Mltgont 
search for evidence bearing om the oxecution of tho note. as 
Where Judgment by confession is entered arninst an indi- 

vidual he must, of gourad, Trommtly take etepa to sot it 

Behe, cor the foets cormmected with the oxeaution of the 
pete are ordinarily within hic knewledire. An * 
however, is net im the same nowition, arnt he io not re~ 
gired. ant 1¢ would not be proper tor him, to mike applies 
oatdon to a court te set oaide a fudgmont by confession 

the affidevite it mao neconsary to Loente ont intervicw 5 

bes Praga of witneacos, and in view of the time ordinartly 

_ mecoesary to o painetaring investigation of a matter of 

pi: * mints oe ape unable to say that there hag ——— * 


——— it munt be noted that. one oft he 

= | sw fea einer. Tn view, then, of the aha 

‘eae mo 

ects Lidod olor off to comotatee — » ieee —9— 
th dlguond Ltoa nthoacat yodt Jactt htet qetwt at toow a “ | ai 
eg hth) o mage? bra ,totontatmiehs off Yo nobimetén ead nd : 9— 
eoton ett to motdupexo oe amo gabused comp have — — 

<that na tantino hows at aoteoe indo yh tester — iin 

$t so2 oF aqeta mfet ,oamoD Yo .teus ed. | oe. i. 

etd to noktuecs edt f¢tw fotoemon ose? off an? nok wu 
Seridabriihe oA .ogdolwomt ate bitte yLtsanthe one. ‘pele a | 

-e7 fon af of hoe etoht tno owne ond mi fom ak toverod a iy 
Miggn ester of putt aot roqoet od dom Blwow #2 tem yhowtup . 

motaesrnos ye dromsbot a ohtne fom of ↄxiao © of mOBIRe * 
“mt of bedsoxeny toed bax atts 19 bemtetdo batt ext Liter 
“40 woly of .gemeted avotwdbron « gateoloats sohbet ‘ig 


80 telias oa 70 — — a of 
Cheineed wed ows test) can of ofdems owen ov obakt abe et 
off to 46 vel te uated od? to ter edd mo medieto aadeak | | 
he orto fats Bosom of dum st sok hha ak -nodentalaboha | y 
Adtamcadd od To «watt wety st poate «af ——— i 
edt to ore ow ,aftvebltta yd bedroseny — —9 
od qu moqo of qnteuter nt bewim. toe, wd dads sobstge whl ie 
@fan of vtinudtero me deatfloowe ott theme fea. bet 
tren howraver od .oxotesedt «iftw tabee off? —— 

e Avi ——— — en 8 

‘ 4 7 Say 
» F UF ast J 
enn oA cunereen eee ane: 
hee | A Ae 
* ieee. od 
. dei ty 
ft — eee y 
A RN ae eon 
A? 16 f ae ae | : 
; Pian ? 3J J 
Wy y 


64 = 50888 


a corporation, ) 

dant in Error. ) 



, @e-partneres doling buadinese as 

WR. JUSTICE O'CONNOR delivered the opinion of the court. 
V the defendent in error brought euit in the Municipal 

Court of Chicago against the plaintiffs in error for #75. The 
Case wan tried by the court without « jury, and judgment was 
entered in favor of defendant in error for the amount claimed. 
To reverse thie judgment the case ie brought to thie sourt, [For 
convenienge the parties will hereafter be designated plaintiff 
and defendants ae in the court below. _/] 

‘In Ootober, 1912, plaintiff wae under contract with 
the South Haleted Street Tron Works to haul « steel girder from 
the latter's place of bueinees, legated on South Halsted etreet, 
to the Alaska Theatre, located on 3let street. To do this work 
it required twelve horses and five men. OM the morning of 
October 1, 1918, plaintiff's men and horses went to the South 
Haleted Street Iron Works to load the girder. When they ar- 
rived there they found a Mr. Carter, who was in the employ of 
the defendants. The girder wag loaded on a wagon and taken 
to the Alaska Theatre, but on account of some obetruction in 
the alley near the theatre, plaintiff wae unable to deliver 
the girder at the place desired. Plaintiff's men, after wait- 

ing a reasonable time, informed Mr. Carter, sho had accompanied 

them to the theatre, that they could not allow their teams and 

men to wait any lenger; that unless the girder was unloaded 

‘ie eae Yi 

( . Ymaewon aaYONNIT a * 
— a. 
.o⁊r ⁊ at tmab 
oT marx ( | 
@£ 989 

A110 ed¢ to soiatao edt horevileb AOUMOD'O SOITAUL Saal 
Leqtoioutt ed? ot tive tdgword sorte ak trabaret wb oat a 
ear ans Tol. to1T1e at ethivntelg edt tantage openido Yo er) 
49 enw aenabul bas .yust » tuodtiw tivoe edt yd heirs ew nas, 
beatete ‘tavome ‘ef? 19% to1te at daabasted to tov at boxetae 
sof]. tio eldt of tiguo1d ef seen edt —E aids serover of | ; 
a prstatats botany took od tetisexed tite eoltig one sons iaevaco 
if [—woled auoo odd at as a?anbaetab bas 3 
the sostinoe rebay ecw rteatelg ater ctsdote0 a ; Ties 
wort xabtky feete s Ined of at1o¥ port —R betesaW dduos edt 
teense beteleh dds08 no beteool .Bosmlond te ooalg a' zed tal oda 
2x0 wits ob oT deerte toll no beteool Orda edT aAo⸗ata ont of 
. to antaxon ods sO .fem evil bas —8R oviout berluper a 
a⸗vos oa ot taew avexod bas nem errtiiniete Rie vs ‘2940100, 
a ~18 yods nodW »tebrty ‘ont baot ot ar o sort teorde —R 
40 volque ed? at saw odw < tetrad am # bayot yed? sted? baie: 

i: exes baw nogew 8 90 debsol eaw rebty edt \adaabaoteb — : 
ek soltowriede emoa to tayooos ao sud ,etteedT adoala add of 
teovilteb of eldaay aaw titentele .ettaed? sd? taen Yolle 

wtlaw testa , nen a'iiiscislq ,betiveb eoalq edt ea rebel of 
beteagnoves bed ode .tetxeD i bemrota!l ,omit eldonoeaet a 
: bas aseed thedt wolls fou biluoo xod⸗ tect —— ody * 

* ey 
 bebsolm saw robri oat ont 4 tier 0 
—* a 3 he seolmy odd crenaot i 



at once, plaintiff would charge 925 per hour for any further 
delay. Thereupon Carter went to a nearby telephone, and 
shertiy afterwards returned and told the plaintiff's men if 
they would wait until the wiveer eeuld be delivered at the 
proper place, they would be paid for such delay. Plaintiff's 
men waited for three hours before they could deliver the . 
girder, and this suit was brought to recover for the three 
hours’ delay, at $25 per hour.- 

One cf the defendanta teetified that Hr. Carter 
was in their employ; that he was primarily an estimater on 
steel contracts; that he lived near the Alagka Thestre, and 
that he was inetructed te go to the theatre three mornings 
each week and inspect the work and one how it was getting 
aleng. The witneer further testified that Carter was net 
authorized by the defendants te auke any agreement with the 
plaintiff's men in their penalt,’ Pron the state of the ree 
eord, it doea not apyear who was responsible fox the éelay, 
ner ta whol Garter telephoned, ner whe Jarter said would 
pay for the delay; nor do¢e it appear what cennection the 
gefendante had with the Theatre Coupany, the plaintiff or 
the Geuth HKalated Street Lron Yorke, After nu careful cone 
sideration of all the evidence in the record, we are clearly 
of the epinicn that the finding and judgment are not sustained 
by the evidence, The judgment of the Municipal court will 
therefore be reversed and the caune remanded for a new trial, 


TL mon atttidntele edt bfod bas bentley ahiewied is taxon 
ehF ta bowviloh od bisa seixdy oad Litem Shaw biwow ond 9 
Yilinialt .yeleb Meus tot biaq of bfuow yout — R seaoxt hoes 
. oft axevVilod biveo yedd ere'tod awed eoids 20% bestow nom 
eouls alt 1ol uevooes of Sdysord aaw 2 hue east? Sewn . J 
‘etuod toq 68) te vated Fonvos — 

—D—— ot Sai? hoLtistoos atnabneteb odt ‘to ond . 
Mo rofamiszoe na yLitamirq @aw oct Sante 1yoLane shed in sow 
bao seusaodt atest, et? toon bovil oa sanz jasoaxtnos fooge 
adn tanto. words ousosdd od? ot 9 OF bodoutsent enw on vat 
— Balstey as $2 worl e9e bra Fiow ott fseqant ban teow sono 
Jos eae tetiad tadd bokI bowed sondia? aeentiw oft sono ta “ 
—* i a: 

* dd bw soomeexge YA extaw ot asunder teb and yo — 


— adt to edata olt — —8—— thet - nom — 

80 Traswiele ord .Ysaqaed oxtaant ott Ad bw hk * * J 
enos Lutoxwe a toftA .odtov notl goexta boda Lal a⸗ uon or? 
fs a9 Lo eta ow gbteoot ont me sonebive ois ite Yo olde : nbs an 
tadaun fof ots —E — dan werden ht ont docs noémigo oe | | 
fliw fru 0d Laqio trum odd to seoormbyt ext soonsbhve — 
‘i wen a | tok bebracet —R& had rua — seatanet od 

| : 

73 = 61049 

Derendant in Error 




ve \ 

H. A. REITER, doing \bueinese ag 

PL Sif” & Ts 
: “Foot A S81 


— —— — — — 

WR. JUSTICE d\ commen Xstivered the opinion of the court. 
\/ Plat obits (defendant in @rror) brought suit in the 
Municipal Court of Shicago againet the defendent (plaintiff 
in error) for #92.50. The case wae tried before the court 
without a jury, and to reverse a judgment for *92.50 in favor 
of the plaintiff, the defendant prosecutes this writ of error. 

The defendant is a real. estate broker, and as euch 
eold certain real estate on behalf of the plaintiff. 8200 of 
the purchase price wae peid to the defendant by the purchaser, 
which the defendant claime as hie commisoton. Plaintiff con- 
tends that the defendant's commiseion was to be 23 per cent 
of the selling price, or *107.50, and therefore %92.50 of the 
amount paid to the defendant belonge to the plaintiff. The 
evidence tends to show that the plaintiff called at the de- 
fendant's office, June 2, 1914, in reference to the sale of 
the real estate. The defendant and hia saleaman Karrer were 
Present. The amount of commiesion which the defendant was to 
charge wae discussed. 

The plaintiff testified that the defendsent eaid his 
commission would be #200; that the plaintiff said thie wae 
too much, and that he would only pay #100; that the defendant 
gaid that $100 wae not even 2) per cent; that thereupon plain- 

“Th aed said if fefendant would not take 2} per cent he (plaintiff) 

; wee? nd A) y J 

fen Hos. 
raxwk al tnebasted j 


4 ; av wilt Ae 
if be) whe ea ate 5 ps 

ge — ges ET. H 
. | srormg at risa tess ie) kin! aan 
moe AT BO. 
X ⸗ 

ef | ss —— 
a⁊uod edt to nolatqa odd bevevilab ROMMOD'O gorTeut a er’ 

edt mt thye tdguoxd (10728 at taabaerell) nia iato ¶ 

— tnebasteb od? tan legs geo ido te ttuod taqiol as 
 fay0oo oft etoted belts saw ovao ear 08, soe xox (ven 

fous eo baw tetord tates Leet « ‘et dash meted ext : ; 
to 00st itntalg edt Yo Medes ao stotee Leer als ar⸗ 
— ef? yd tusbaeteb eft o# tee esw eolxg ‘eandorw: « 
-noD taatat⁊ ao ten tame old ea estate tnabaeted et 
too —E bs ed of eam no tee nmeo a 'tanbreteb odd feds 
4 edt to orotered? baa .08, wor” 70 soltq galitee 
ed? .tittatel oft of agnoled ‘taabne? 9b edt of bag 

-ob eft #8 bella Witntalg edt teat woute ot ebnet eo 
Io atne edd of sometelet at afer 8 emul eoltto een 
eTow ‘ger name else eld bas tnabneteb edt etegee, Inox 

a st way Saab aed ob ett dotde notes tan 10 ‘awone eat oo 

would not sign the contract; that the defendant said, "ell, 
I guese we will have to take that," and that then the plain- 
tiff eigned the osontract for the sale of the property for 
#4300; that later the deal was closed at Kranaz's office, and 
that he then asked the defendant where the #200 deposit was, 
and the defendant statedthat Mr. Karrer had it; that on the 
afternoon of the sams day plaintiff went to the defendant's 
oifioe and met Mr. Karrer and asked him for the difference 
between #200 and 2} per cent of the selling prise, which was 
refused on the ground that the commiesion agreed upon was #200. 
The defendant and his saleeman both testified that 
& few weeks prior to the time in question, they had sold for 
the plaintiff a flat building; that the plaintiff received as 
part of the consideration for said flat building the plece of 
real eetate above referred to; that in that deal the defendmt 
wanted #400 commiesion, which the plaintiff refused to pay, but 
finally agreed to pay *300, and further etated thet if the 
defendant sold the real estate mentioned in the contract above 
referred to he would pay *200 commisgion; that in that trans- 
action the plaintiff elgned a written agreement to pay the 
defendant #300; thet on June 2, when the plaintiff oslled at 
the defendant's office, he asked what commiesion the defendant 
was to charge and wae informed that 1t would be 8200 ae the 
Plaintiff had theretofore agreed; that the plaintiff’ said he 
would not pay that amount; that he first eaid he would pay 
#60, then *100, and then 34 per cent of the selling price; 
that thereupon the defendant stated that he would sell to the 
prospective purchaser a piece of property owned by another 
pereon in lieu of the plaintiff's property; that the plain- 
tiff then eaid, "Well, all right, draw up the contract, and 
I will pay the #260;* that the defendant then drew up the 

contract which wae signed. The amount of the commission, 

ii a t ney . aw _ a) Sa 


Afene (bias sanbnetob edt tadt jtosxtaoo edt ayla ton bi 
-ttalq ef? medd tad? bas * stadt edet oF ova iite on eae a 
rot yseteqgotq edt to alas ed? 10% tonrdaoe edt bongte Tul 

Bos ,eoltio a'senmstd te heaelo oaw I20b edt sedel todt 008 
,anw tleogeb coat odt ered tnabmstebh od? boxes nett of od 
edt ao tadd (th bed set1ex% . iM ted betate tanbasteb ede 
a'tachneteb edt of jaew Bittaislq yeb emsa —* te aooar st 
soneteltib odd 102 wid bexes ban textes .1M tes bas ee 

aay dolde eolaq —XE edt to tae seq iS bas OO8d aeonde 
-OOS* eew moqy beorgs nolee Immoo edt tent oauorg eds a0 boas ste | 

tadt beltltast dtod nano sloe eid bas Inabasteb edT 

r * 

tot bloe bad ved⸗ (motte sup at mtd oat ot 1oltq ofece wet, 

ae bevisoes Yilsntalg edt tedt ipates hud tlt 5 — 
lo soelq ed? galbliud galt blas zt mol tetebteaoo ot to i 
tmbaoteh ef? Iseb tedt al ted? jot betreter evoda otaten | * 
duc Xaqg of heautet Yitnislq edd doldw olen knoe cont beta 
edt If ded? betede tedt1yt bas .OOf* yeq of beste: vike 
evods sosrtm00 eft at benolinem etetee Lasy ed? bloe ——— 
~snstt tedt at tedt yaoteetmmon 008% yeq bluow ef of berrzei¢ * 
edt yeq of tnemectge mottize « bemgia Tittatelq on? motte 
te belizo Yitintelg edt oedw (6 enw mo tedd (00% aabas ro J 
danbaeob edt soteelmmoo tedw betes of ,eoltto e'tnabasteb — 
oft e# COS# od bivow tf ted? bemrotal eaw bas eytsdo oF oe 
od blea tiftntalq edd ted? jbeetge exototveted? bad — * 
yeq Sluow of Blea tutit ed tadt jtovomea Jdadt ver oa blu 
jeoing golifes edt to taso req 48 asd bao Ore aod? 0 
f edt of [lee bivow ed tad? botete tnabasieh odd noqueredd 3 
tedtons yd beneo ytteqetq to soelq & teeedomw, ovite ori 
~ttitelq edt tad? jytreqorq a'ttiintslg ed? te weil ale poate 
bas ,tostiaoo eft qu werh ,tdgtx Ife low cbine “8 
edt qu weib sed? snebneteb ed? tedt * 008% ot veg : 

4 — Mee, 
we ~fokeetamon ad? to 44 ——————— ta tite on, 


however, was not written in the gontract. Defendant further 
testified that after the deal wae closed at Kronez's office, 
Plaintiff said, "Don't I get any 3£ 74200; * and defendant esid, 
"Wr. Karrer hae that, I haven't;"* that on the afternoon of the 
game day, plaintiff ealled at defendmt'« office and there met 
Mr. Karrer and demanded the $92.50, which was refueed. v 

From the foregoing, it clearly appears that the only 
question in thie ease ie one of fact. The sourt aaw and heard 
the witnesees in open court, and unless we can say that the 
finding is clearly and manifestly againet the weight of the 
evidence, the judgment should not be disturbed. We have care- 
; fully examined all the evidenes in the record, and are unable 
to say that the finding of the court io clearly and manifeetly 
againat the weight of the evidence. The judgment of the 
Municipal Court will therefore be affirmed. 



zsedizul tnehoeted .goetisoo edi a messiaw son saw  Tovenod 
,soltto a'senst¥ te —— ase Ieeab of? teste todd bottitesd 

,bise tnaboetob dae * 008 to yoe tog I t'od*® .btes tilvaielq 

edt to noonretts edt ao sedt *;2'neved I .¢adt ead tered . XM" 
gem ered? bas eoltio o'# mbaeteb ts bellan Tilinlelq \ysb omes 
\ .beevter eaw doldw .0&.8@% edd —— bas 19112 ot 

yino edd todd ataeqqe yitselo tt <gategerot ed? wort a 
breed bus wae tives edT .tost to eno af gseaso aldt al moiteoup 
edd ted? yee seo ow evelny bas .¢tyoo nego at ssanentiv ott 
edt 30 tiglew edt teotegsa ylteetinem baer ulresio et gotbalt 
~9tno evad ef .bedruteib ed ton blyode tnemghut ed? ,soneblive 

elcvany eve bas ,brooer edt at soneblive off (le bentwsexe yligt © 
yiteesticaes bax ylreolo at ¢xyoo edt to gulbalt edt tadt yee of 
edt to tnemghbul edT .eonebive edt to tdglew odd saatega 

ehboemriIte ed eroteteds Litw dawod Leqtotast 


91 oe 21061. 

‘ Plaintiff in Error, 

vs o — 
BH. SPRANER, trading as OF CHICAGO, 

Wicker Park Garage 

— Error. — 
"198 LA. 584 

BR. JUSTICH# O'CONNGR delivered the opinion of the 


This was an action of the fourth class brought 
in the Municipal Court of Chicago by the plaintiff in error 
(hereinafter called the plaintiff) against the defendant in 
error (hereinafter called the defendant) to recover damages 
for the loss of a motorcycle valued at $225. ‘The case was 
tried before the court without a jury, and the issues were 
found against the plaintiff. A judgment was entered 
against the plaintiff for coats, and this writ of error 

The defendant was the owner and proprietor of 
the Wicker Park Garage, located at 1616 North Hoyne avenue, 
Chicago. The plaintiff was the ower of the motoreycle 
involved in this case. On the afternoon of May 31, 1914, 
plaintiff and one Frank Schmidt were riding said motorcycle 
along North avenue. As they were nearing defendant's 
garage, the drive chain of the motoreyole broke, and plaine 
tiff and Schmidt then pushed the motorcycle into defendant's 
garage to repair the chain. They worked for some time but 

were unable to fix the chain, and, a storm having arisen 

— ete 

etQrrH mt Yikenials 

OT AOS \ — 52 — 
| her Hes . 

enaued TAGLOIWUM \ ⸗ 

eOUADIHD TO * antics ——— 
goted aArsi rsotoiw 
etortte at nannies 

bee .AI8er ~~ 

eft to mnolaiqo att bexeviteb ROWMOD'O ADITSUL AM 


_ Qdguerd aaaſo ditwolt ed To nolsos in asw ald 
torte ai tilinielg edt yd oysoldd To tayo0d lagqioinum outs na ’ | 
ai tnabretebh off tenians (Tisntelg ent belfao te tes laniored) TARE ti 
gogsmah tevooo% of (tnabasteb on3 belLas tos taniexod) xoxte 
say enso ot .GS85 ta betsy sLloystotem # to aaot oail⸗ x0? 
stew aovant oft bus ,ywt @ twodtiw ¢xweo ont exoted boizd 

boteiae asw inembst A .ttiinisi¢ eft taniaga bavot 
cotre lo thaw aint bas ,e¢a0o tot Yridwtela ot sontags 

to toseiagozgy bas tonwo edd aaw inebae tsb oat : fp x 
Autiavsa smyoll ag ⁊ on 8404 te botsool ,egatsd Atat todo lw ‘ontt 
efoyotosom edd to temwo sit saw Tiiinislg ant — e@gso £dd 
<A1@L ,L6 yell To moomtesie oft m0. .esao elds ot borlornt 
efLoyotctom bisa gribit erew ¢blovioa Ansti eno baw ttismtalq 
afinabnoteh ygnixaen oxow yodt ak euneve ditto grote 

ettalg bre ,etord efoyorosom odd to miads syixb ont .o3eteg 
a'inabnetsh otm eloyorod om ond — nent thimdo® bas — 
tud ois omoa xot bodtow yedT miedo odd aheget of ooetey 

} nonkts anual mote « — eMtato ont xt oe —9— 


in the meantime, plaintiff decided to leave the motorcycle 
in the garage over night, which he did with the permission 
of the defendant. ‘The plaintiff stated that he would call 
for it the next day. ‘Some time during the next day, a man 
called at defendant's garage and presented a written order 
signed by the plaintiff directing the defendant to "give 
this gentleman permission to inspect" the motorcycle. 
Defendant complied with plaintiff's directions, and while 
the man wes inspecting the motorcycle he mounted it and 
rode away. Plaintiff arrived at the garage immediately 
after the man had gone and demanded the motorcycle. He 
was told that the motorcycle had been delivered to the man 
who presented plaintiff's written order; that he had just 
left with it, and would probably be back in a few minutes, 
Plaintiff waited around the garage for a while, but the 
man did not return, and the plaintiff was never able to 

recover possession of his motorcycle, 

The plaintiff contends that there was an express 
contract by which he agreed to pay the defendant 50 cents 
for keeping the motorcycle over night, and that therefore 
the defendant was a bailee for hire. The defendant denies 
that there was any such agreement, and contends that he 
permitted the plaintiff to leave the machine as an accommoe 

dation and that he was a mere gratuitous bailee,. om 

We are of the opinion that the evidence in this case 
is ample to sustain a finding by the court, as a matter of 
fact, that the defendant permitted the plaintiff to leave 
his motorcycle in the garage over night in order to accommoe 
date the plaintiff, without any agreement as to compensation, 
in which case the defendant was a mere gratuitous bailee, 

and was liable for gross negligence only, or a want of slight 


eLoyortoton oct evaol ot hobioob ritsatata ,omitnaom oct ad 
Moimaimisg edd tin bib as fotdw ,tdgin t9ve epeTeg any 4 
ffao bivow on stadt Sedata Tikdaltata eT .tnabmeted orld to 
nem a ,yab txen oft goitub emis emoe wyab dxen eat tL sot 
‘tobte aettiuw so botnesstq bra enateay a'inabneteds ta beLiao 
ovis" otf trebrolob oft gaifoorith thidnialy, edd yi benyta 
-ofoyorotow ont “toeqant o¢ noisetateq namolimep, eine 
slidw bus ,anoitoerib a'tiktnialg dilw beiiqmos Inabste rot 
fas ¢k botavom on oLoyototom erft paitooqani aaw aam alt 
ylotakboumt exysts,; edt ta bevicie Tiitnialt yews ebor 

sh .efoyototom odd bebnameb bus enoy Bar nant odd cotta 

nan ofS of betevifsb need barf sloyototom ont J add bLod anw ya. 
fast bod of tots pxobto metsinaw a'ttiinial betneeotg ow 

-sotunin wot « mi Hosd od yldsdorq bluow buen , tk ddiw steel 
ent tud ,eliow g 10% egeisg ont bawote botlaw vaatasa 
ot sida «tesven esw Tilialalg sid bra rrussa dont bth nam 

eLoyototom ald to moleaoaaog Lovee 

asotgxe ma raw otedt tad? abmetgon Vilinielq ed'T 
atnes O8 tnmbnetod ond yaq of ben tga ont to Lobve yd foerdnoo 
etotezods tadd das ,tigin tevo sloyotodom ad? griqeod t6et 
aolineh gusbnoleb off otis 10% esilad w saw taabnetob ont 
oni tady abmetnoo bra ,tnemootgs Nowa yew saw otedd tedt 
-ommooos v2 an enindosm oft ovaol of Tildntalg scat botdkareq 
\y .eefied avotivtery stem ¢ aew on tat bus moktab 

oo elds ok gonubive odd satt moiniqo sit te ate oW 
to tesiemu 8 am ,duvoo ed yd gnibait 6 nistaue ot olqma ak 
evsel of Ttitnisl eld. bessioreg dnabuoteb ot tact ,toat 

-onmoon # oF tobite ak tigin revo oyeteg ont mk oloyototom ald 
sotiaaneqnes of aa tnomeotgs ye duoltiw ,Thhinlel oi oftab — — 
oeltad avotiutaty, stom 2 saw tnabroteb ocio⸗ e280 lo Retr mt j 

dadfe. to tnew a to ,¥ine sononi gon vacr tot oideil aaw * av 

a —2—2—2 

Care or diligence. Gray v. Merriam, 168 [11. 179. The 
plaintiff does not contend that the defendant was guilty 
of gross negligence, nor does the evidence sustain such 


But, even if we assume that the court adopted 
Plaintiff's theory of the case, and that the evidence is 
sufficient to sustain a finding that there was a contract 
for compensation, and that the defendant was therefore a 
bailee for hire; still, if the defendant used ordinary 

care to prevent the loss, he cannot be held liable, 

Standard Brewery v. Bemis & Curtis Halting Co., 171 111.602; 
Gloyde y. Steiger, 139 I11. 41. | 

The plaintitf in this case showed a delivery of 
the motorcycle to the defendant and a failure on the part of 
the defendant to reedeliver the same to the plaintiff. This 
was sufficient to make out a prima facie case of negligence 
against the defendant, and it then devolved upon the defendant 
to show that he had exercised the degree of care required by 
the nature of the bailment. But, where it appears that 
the goods bailed have been lost, stolen or destroyed by fire, 
the law will not presume negligence, and the onus. or bugden 
of proving the same passes to the bailor. x- Union 
Stock Yards & fransit Co., 193 Ill. App. 14. The undisputed 
evidence in this case clearly shows that the motorcycle in 
question was stolen, It therefore devolved upon the plaine 
tiff to show that defendant failed to use ordinary care to 
prevent the theft. 

The plaintiff admits that he had advertised the 
motorcycle for sale, and the evidence tends to show that he 

so informed the defendant, and left his name and address at 

t= ae 
edit .@Vi .ffi .somegilib io eted 
YLisg asw dusbastleb oft tadd bastnoo tom aoob Tilialalq 
town mistaue oonebive oft seob tom ,oonsaligen aaoty to 


betqoba tivoo ocd stadt omwase ow TL nove , tut 

ak eomebive odd Jadt baw ,easo edt to yroodt ew ttistaiaeiq 

ee ee oe ee 

tostsinoo a new er)eds tadd poibei? ws aisteve ot toe toh Ytwe 
8 ercteredd? saw Jnabroelteoh edd Jari? baa ,moliaaneqmoo tot 
Yranibro beay tnabnotoh oid TE ,fitia jotld tot ooliad 

-eldeif{ bfLod ed fonmnao en ,aeol ont tnovetq of tae 4 

;R08.Lf% INL ,.0) yoisie abi) § aimed sv yrownmd bisbosds 
> ££ @8L ,zopted@ sv gbyolo _ 

to yreviteb s bewons gaso sidt ak Ti kintele oat 
to tisg sat no suvilat a bas tnsbne'tob ond of oLoyores om on⸗ 
a bel? »ttiomiata ond of coma od tevilab-et of tashasteb ong 
soregifyed to sees stost smiug » tue exam of jnotottiva aaw 
shbnolebh edt hogs bevfoved neds $i bas » duabaeted eas taniays | 2 
qi berivpset. sie0 To sexed edt boatotexe bat ert tadd wore ot ‘ 
tenit eitseqqs ti ouodw , tu .tnemiiad eft to eisten at , 
exit yd beyotteeh to mefote ,saol meed evan beilad shoog edt ay 
rsbaud 19 ayo ont bas ,soneygilgen euyaotg ton Lliw wal ont 
RoinU «x sfodpi .tofiad ot of apsesq omea oAd gutvorq to 
betuqeatbas off df .qqd {LI SCL ,.99 tianaxy & sbra¥ xoose 
at ole yo sos om odd tact awoda yfuaefo egano elds ai sonebive | 
atialg eid moqu bevyioveb eretereds wl ‘meLlots asw noltaeup 
‘od sia yvianibro eay oF belist) tasbreted tant wode ot Yttt 
etteds oft oneverg 

_ ene beaketovbs bad end tact atlmbsa Tiiinisig sit 

od sons worse of abnot sonebive ont dns ,olaa tot eLloyotosom 
te aeorbbe bas oman ain stel bus ,snabnotod oid bomrotat on 


the garage on the evening of May Slst, and requested the 
defendant to permit anyone to inspect the motorcycle whom 
he might send around, The man who stole the motorcycle 
presented to the defendant the following written order: 
"Kindly give this gentleman permission te 
inspect my motorcycle which was left with you 
last night. 
Rdward A. Glende.* 

The plaintiff admits that he signed this order and gave it to 
a man whom he had never seen before and has never seen since. 
It alse aypears from the evidence that the plaintiff ine 
formed the defendant that the drive chain had a few links 
missing and that the machine could not be operated until 
the same was repaired. We have carefully considered all the 
evidence in the case, and under all the facts, we are clearly 
of the opinien that the plaintiff failed to show that the 
defendant did not use ordinary care, and that the court 

correctly decided this case on the law and the evidence. 

The judgment of the Municipal Court will therefore 
be affirmed, 


ait beteeupst bas ,tait ya Yo giinovs oft no egatag a 
monw efoyototom edd tosqant of emoyne 3 kurreqg ot snabaeted * 
afoyotosem odt ↄ Locc ow nem aff .Sxvors bros sdgtm ot wy a 
sobre mecsinw gauiwollot edd dnebaetob edt of ** 

{ op ay 
ot nciaalwteg namolinog sidy oviy yfbaia® — her 4 
woy dtiw titel eaw cdoidw efLoyototom ym fongant pls i 
e$igin gant — 
".ebneld .A brewbe : eT id 


Onin teea seven aol bis etoted nees teven bead of monw nem a J ‘a . 

$i ovag bam tobi0 aldd bemyie on said etimbs Ttitntslq eT 

etd Thitniel edt tad? somebive ond mot ataoqa coals a * ; 
anil wet o bad miaro evith odd daddy tunbnoted odd bearrod - 

Lita betateqo ed son bivos omidvam oft tact bos prigator - a 
aa ff@ borsebianos ylluterno oval oW .borlaqet saw oune ot * 
tsefo o%a ow ,asoet ont Ile toby bre paso ond mk oommbive J 
edd Jedd wor's of beLia® Triintata ond santd molakgo ont to i f 
⁊uoo edt teult bows PE 20) ‘eran thse cay ton bib faabastoh 

soorobive oft fae wal acd mo ↄv ad aids boebioeb ——— F J 

~ototods iLiw $rs0d faqto Lait eit Ye > ema oat ‘ 

— — 


OSCAR ins and BERTHA HET2, — 

Appellees, Fi 



19ST.A. 589 

wn, JUuoTICN O¥couNOR delivered the opinion of the 

Apeelian — Bs 


Thies is on appeal fros an order denying a motion 
to diesolye a prolininary injunetion. ‘Tne bil) socks to 
remeve clouds and asks for an accounting. The partios will 
be designated complainants ani defendants as in the court 

The sotien ease on for hearing on the face of 
the verified umended bill, and munt therefore be treated as 
& demurrer to the amended b112 and the conse decided upen the 

fane of the same, fpiemher ye Gity of Gudcucoe, 216 11k. 1llé. 

Yhe complainants filed their bill and aftermeats 
by leave of court, made a number of amendments. The amends 
mente are all incorporated in one docuwuent. The better prace 

tios/im euch canes ia to require that an engrossed bill be 

filed, While the bill an amended is very loosely drawn, 

yet, so far a8 material to the question now under consi dal me 

tion, we are able to gather fron it that tha/Somplainaats, 

on January 8, 1913, purchased property known as 2162 Lelend 

avenue, Chine, and paid for the same; that the property — 

is dmproved with a tewestory brick buildings that the cote 
BS ‘plainant, Osear Meta, in 1907, euployed the defendant, 5 

mone mara CO 
xxxuuo moo 

She —— ont — — ne 202 atea how aduo le ovo 

‘20 over ese oO gehveod 16% oo pap atom ott 
= basoont of eroteiods duse ham Atu⸗ babsrorss bettixey 4 ) ay i) 
oo neq bobtooh onay odd bua Ld hobuoms et of — Hie | 
At EEE dus saul 20 LES. ook Bodine vem wid to sont 


ONE iy 

———— oat Liked sect — * sgn Leto ot Wee 

bias sessed ott drew ob ane ak beasxoq toon: tte oe 

ae Shae Lonsorgne rus tari⸗ os tupox od ms apano dows a 
* earch ylomoos yitev an bebo ws kia ons poche 
—— ben won Bosaoup ait Of iabwogon ee tat 

— — 
——— dant oh wort edit, ot } etéa o * 
‘tent ne 

me * dads “tomb mp 

ee ey 


Oscar Bredfuchrer, oa his agent to leok after some real 
eetate sattorm; that the complainants from time to tine 
purchaead different parcele of real estate and were ree 
presented in said transactions by said Brodfuehrer; that 
the latter centinued to act in said capacity from 1907 
wntil the filing of the DAL in this aaseg that sinw the pure 
ehane of the imland Avenue property the sawe hae been oocue 
pied by tenantss that the defendant Bredfuehrer ae agent for 
the complainants has sellected the rente from such tenantag 
that the defendants conspired to cheat anc defraud the 
eomplainante cut of esid property and in furtherance of said 
conspiracy, On or about llth day of September, 1913, forged the 
eonplainanta’ namen to a trust deed to said preminen, pure 
porting to secure an indebtedness of $1000, that the suid 

trust deod in a forgery and shou d be removed as a clouds 

that afterwarda, on or about April 25, 1914, the dvfencantes 

in furtherance of said conspiracy te cheat and defraud the 
complainants out of said property forged the couplainante® 
Names tO a warranty decd cenveying the Leland Avenue property; 
that said deed wae filed for reosord in the recerder’s office, 
Cook County, [ilineia, on August 10, 19163 that the recorder 
of Sock County is abot to deliver said warranty deed te 

the defendanteg tint the only way that complainants ean show 
that said warranty deed is a forgery is by producing the 
original in court; that from 1907 to the time of the filing 
of the bill the defendant Bredfuehrer collected rents for 
the complainants derived from several different parcels of 
real estate in Chidage and hae failed to properly account 
fer the same, he bill prays fer an accounting; that the 
trust decd and warranty decd be recoved as clouds that the 

a ne oe 


Laox cmos vod te dook of taoga aid ao ,xextawtbort 18080 
out? oF omits mott atnaniatynon ents $outt gato dd awe otatus 

ons otow baa ofatas Lawr te afLontag —BR— — vounstorirg 
salt grosdowtbord bios yd ano hdoannaxd bkon ak betasavrg 
FOOL mort ytioage blae wk fou of beamlinve xoeszal of? 

mq od moto Sat? goaso ahig wk Lhid ocd Yo gulitt onde La sous 
e500 noad a@af oune eff eexeqere esuevA baalal off to eaado 
cot Unoge om sotouIboul Inobreteh ot Sold gotanued oe hoe hey 
gosnanres Mowe mort adner asd betoeliee sat ataaminalqmon edd 

ett buavteb bas fae of borkqnaee atnebastob odd tat — 

bine 26 sonetonsist ai Ouse ysaoqotg Siae to duo etnanialqudeo 

beytol ,éL0£ ,rofemtqo8® to yab dilé tuods 10 wo ,ypaniqanes 
wig ,~nonimety biaa of beeb Jdants o O¢ eomen “atnen lage: 

bios odd salt 3000L9 to agenbedd obs As ouuOR ot gnisreg 
ghwolo » oe bovonen od b words bus VIegret a wt uoob daurnd 
atuebnotoh etd ,df@L ,8h Liaga tueda 10 no salvumiod ta Sols 
eit buaxted baa saordy of youtkqenos bhos to sonatas tut ab 
fegnantafenoe oid boyt0? Yireqorg. bine te Jue ednanteLqmeo 

heqoiwg simevA dbnalet oy guiyevnes boeb yYawtiaw a of aomest 

poOLTIO a'aohbceoesn off AE bropet «ot be £23 naw boob blea taut 

robtooes st todd GeLOL ,OL sowyWA mo ,MionALET ,ysawod dood 

of boob Yfaoriaw blag wvileh of tied at ytmued 400d Yo 

fore nao atmaniniqnos tmis yaw (ine ort Judd judnahne top ens - 

edd yiiouberq yd af yregret 2 ef beeb naraau bisa tosis 
BALLET act to omit ont oF WOOL moxt said gouueo wi. Lantytre 

‘10% etme bogoelles sotdentbort tanbaeteh ould ihid osid ve 
Yo aleoreg Jnoxe Trip foroves — —R& egnnn Lafanco ons 
| Snuopos Ylregoxq og beste? wart besa ogad sad at tates Loot 
gat tats gyotiauooos na tok ayarq ithe ont eons oud 102 
ont fmt gubwolo ae hovouns of deph ener, bee boon sens 




reeorder be enjoined from delivering the warranty deed, 
and that the defendants be onjoined from atteupting to 
exercise any acta of ownership over the property, etc., 

and for general relier. 

Tne defeondante firet contend that thie being 
a bA1L to remove cloude, and the premioes in question 
being improved, an allegation that the complainants are in 
poscension is easential, and tint the bill as ewended caw 
tains no such sllegation, and is therefore — defectives 

[The contention gnnounces a correct statement 33— Aau. He 

are of the opinion, however, thet in view of the allegations 
ap sbeve eet forth the bil! as anended deen aver that tne xtce· 

plainante are in ponponsions ¶ 

The next contention ig that to warrant an injune — 
etion of the face of a bill 4t must be verified, and that 
the verification to the amendments te the bill io ineufficie 
ent. The affidavit is ae follows: “Gsear Mets being sworn 
States upom oath he hae heard read the above anda foregoing 
anendaent and knows the emtente thereof and that tne 
Statements therein made by him and complainants are true 
aad he subscribed hie name to the samee® The objections 
urged to this are that thie affidavit woich appears at- 
the foot of the document consisting d¥ eleven different 
amendments to the bill, referer to but cone amendment, and 
therefore it is impossible te determine to which amendment 
affiant refers; that the word *etatements” ac used in the 
affidavit is ambigueus and that no distinction is made bee 
tween matters stated positively and those upon information 
and belief. che objection that the affidavit refers to but 
one of the eleven asendments is hypereritical rather than 
meritorious, All of the amendments are in one document, and — 


abeob yiastiew ot goivevitod mont bentotas ev sobLooos 
os grigquoita mot? boniotae od afnabasteb ong tad? baa 
oAOS® gVylssqorG Oy tove qidsiemwo to sfoa ya ealtorex9 | 
) eteifer Lurene, 10% bes 

goied eft? sad? bmotaco fatkt efnaineteb eff 
nolgeoup ni avaiaorg ond baw gabyolo evans os £Lid o 
mi eta sinenlaiquoo odd Jedd noliageils na,bovetquk gaied 
apo Sebmeas en [Lid ode Jods boa ,ialednoeas ui nolaaseaog 
evidneted yLLadat siotetodt al bus ,moteayetia dove on ented 
aw diate ditometnta Jomr1eo o seonuies melinetnoe aff] 
enoitaguife oft to wokv ai sedd yxovewod ,noiniqo ed? to ote 
oo osit Jet? seve og0b bobmeme am (iid edt txt see eveda oa ~ 
[i etoteapanog at ora adnantatg 


rts bat ie Sharsaw of dads ak noliaestnoo 2xen ont 
tact baa ,bolthiov od toum $2 ikid a x0 eos? ot to notte 
eto tT tuant af Ifid oné of atnembaone ed ov Mohsoo LtLiew ost 
rows yaied ato tace0"” tawollot ea ul sdvabhiia edt tae 
wikogero? bas evode of% baet frison aah ont a⸗ ao mogs votara 
ose dal? bon Yooted? efnesmo edt @wonrd baa J roscbesseus . 
ovet ota atnanialqwoo bas mid xi abana shovels asnonos ata | 
enoisooide on? "somes od oF oman old bodiveadue od bam 
te @iaeggs so btw tivebhTie abst Sasid oun ahag o⸗ beyw i 
saore?tib novels Te yeisaionon dneawoeb exit 26 foot ods t 
baa ,#rombyean auo sud oe axe tot ihe od? oF agaoxbaome 
trembeons do kite ot onierotob ov oLfddeaoqet wi Pe oxorexoitt 
ond oh Sou os atnnmos aga wrow oft sant jexo tor jasktis 
ood obamw al moktonigath Ot Jord baa semargedious ak thvabkyta 
OLS morro tek hOGA ound baa viovis ag bosase ores san feows 
Jud oF axoton Sivabitie od tastd noltootdo o«t\ stekted bes 4— 
newts uniigax Loolksinoreqyt ef ssn ombermssa movelo eit Yo eno 9 

2 eee ee Oe ee in Mem wee ie OOK Ol ok Oe ee ee be ee, Eee eee ines tei ee ee i 


24 ⸗ 
the affidavit refers to all of them, The Objection te the 
werd “etatemente” as used in the affidavit io witheut merlig 
eo alee de the ebjeetion that no distinction in made between 
powitive statenenta and those upon information and belief. 
Under the facts we think the affidavit in sufficient. The 

next objection urged ic that the court, as o part of the 
 prdey denying the motion te dissolve the preliminary ine 
junction, ordered that the rente eof the property in question 
be impounded with the clerk of the ¢ cart; that this was in 
effect the appointment of a reoviver, and that under the 
statute, before a receiver any be aopointed, the complaine 
ante must first give bond unless good caune in shown why 
such bend should not be given, and that me such cause wan 
ghown ond no bond wae giveny that the impouding of the rentea 
was, thorefors, erroneous. That part of the order ebjeated 
to ie as fohlowss *It is further ordered that the rents 
collected @r to ve collected from the premises kmown as 2162 
Leland avemue by cither party te thin caune from and after 
the 23rd day of August, A. D. 1915 be impounded with the clerk 
ef tis court until the final disposition of this causee® We 
think that thie order was not in effect the same as the appoint 
ment of a receiver, The bill avers that the complainants are 
the owners in fee simple of the property; that they are in 
poasesnion and entitled to the rente derived fren the same, 
and on the record these allegations are etimitted to be tru@e 
it therefere appears that the defendante could in no way be 
injured by the order of the gourt. Furtherwore, no objection 
was wade to the impotnding ef the rente and for aught that 
appears from the record it may have been by agreemente 

7 i ae = OF Pe J yt awd > ll 4 * i heft 4 

F We ye 


ony Of noigoutdo eat ,mecdd to fle of exohot sivebkttse ont a i 
piinem tuoitiw ef tivabs tie edt at doew ao “atnouetase” brow 
moowsed eham uk moltonmiteth om duds noisteotde edd al eade oa i | 

etelied ana fro Ld mercotad moqu onolt bw eineamtase ovistaog ey 

ext staotodYtua at ¢ivabltte olf andd? ow agoat ond teed fee 
eid to stag s as ,tuiweo ed gals ah bogw neltootde exon ra a 
eni ytanieilerg eds evionelh ef soifem of? gabyind 0bte a 
nolvaeup al yw org oat Yo ataot of? Jars borekree national ia, ; 
ai aaw aids Jactt su 9 oul? to axel oe AP tw bebauoqnt od 
edt aobnw tad? baa ,THVivoot a To faonsedoo gs odt so0T%o 

ettielymos eds ,betaiogan ed yar tevloout a oroted otutata a 

Yiw awode al wevan boog coolan bmod evig gackt seum adn 7 

aaw Oauen dove of Sait bnew ,aeviy od Jon b Lu eske ariod aAous 9 
Huot orld to yathetvogat oft fads yrovig wow baod oa baw awote 
hegoetde tebto off to Ftag sad? sauoonotie ,exoton ut? ed _ 
afar edd tail? Soishso sodttiwt af $2 sawolfo? as aa ot 
L5f@ an nwo escleetq ect matt betoniLes of of +e bosoesioo 
setite bane mort oaweo wins of “diag <oddio yd sxnove banged Won 
ofp ois stiw bebmuogms ed GLOL oh oA gteuguA to yodb bres ot h 
W F.enuao ali? 6 motsieogeth Lomit odd Lidny davon aids Yo 
ores eit o@ O80 sold fooTte ak ton saw t0bse aided Jans Beeld — 
An sivaniaignoo oid tatt axeva Lid oft .xovivoos « to Jaam ‘ 
oi exe yous sas? gysxeqerq act Yo ofqaia ont ak wxenwo ond 7a 


 gOtine oft Kort bevitod snes od of DoLdlene daa ab laasanoa Wir 
* Ms 
— ad of betiiaba oum anoltagetia eaed? banon ody no bam ae 

" Me J 

od yew on at bivoo atashaeted si? salt aresqqa — hae J 
—8 Of ,otoutodIust .tive0 of To tobxo ost wh ta 

_ tad touua x90 baxe afer odd Yo guibawoqnk one 0 oom : 




ao lee 

Vinding no reversible errem in the record, the 
order of tne Cireuit Court of Cook County will be affigmed. 



ads ,btesex of2 ai Porre oldiavevet an galonit 
ebomzitta od (Liw yisweD dood te fined siueakh edd Yo «cobte 


5357 - 20870 

WILLIAM DOROTHY, Trustee in Bank- 
ruptcy of the KR, kK. Maynard Jiano 
Company, a corporation, bankrupt, 

\ Appellant, 


Vv * 



vpelicss. ⸗ 1 9 8 T yi @ 6 0 1 


y us ware 


@onplainant filed @ bill for the redemption of 
certain accounts, notes, contracts and papers in the poss- 
essicn of the defendant Commonwealth Commercial Company, 
which it is alleged were delivered to said defendant as 
collateral security for loans of money made by this defend- 
ant to the R. K. Maynard Piano Company, of which wien adie 
ant, William Dorothy, is trustee in bankruptcy, The bill 
prayed for an accounting and asked that upon payment of the 
amount found due from the Naynard Company all its indebtedness 
to the Commonwealth Company be declared extinguished and that 
said accounts, notes, etc,, be delivered to complainant and 
decreed to belong to the Maynard Company and to complainant 
as trustee for the same, Upon hearing by the chancellor the 
bill was ordered dismissed for want of equity. Irom this 
complainant appeals, 

The transfer of the accounts, notes, etc,, from 
the Maynard Company to the defendant was effected under four 
contracts, Complainant contends that these contracts, rightiy 
construed, show the transaction to be a transfer of collateral 
as security for loans, ‘the defendant Commonweal th Company com 

tends that they are wnat in form they appear to be - bona fide 
- sales, Ww ; 

ovysos - TEs 

-%084 nt easenxT ,YHTOHOd WALLILW 
onsii bisayek .i .H ad to yor 
wwasxanesd —— B arated ; 

vastileagqa | iW —— 



eYTHUOD Aooo , TAVOD Nore 


cosgpouie | — 


Wass pid 


; ; — i 
to aoitgmsber oft trot ffid « belft snoniatqmed he AY 

~eeog oft oi ateqeg bus etomtinoo ,zoton ,ednuooos nisti90 
Yasqmod [aioremmod dé taouaonnod dasbiueteb ods to notes J 
as Jnabauoteb bisa ot betsvileb otew begolls ak. tk satan 
-bnatob alist yd obam younom to aasol 10% viituoos tersgetfoo 

——— vig Lekw to UaBguod onsid brenysl ot 7s ‘ont ot a 


{ftd eat yotquranad mt seteurt at. donot molttew , tine 
sit to tneayseq snogqu tans bodes bas goidayvooos ms ‘rot —— 1 

esonbetdsbni esii (Is vasaaoð ptanya il ott mort ouh bowot rauoes 

seat bas bone Lugnidxe bsteloob ed yceqmo!) ‘9 Lnowecomno9 ould of 
51s doanialgaos ot berovileb od ,.,ote e9ton .ednu0o9e ise 


tasnistqaos o¢ bas yasqmod bianysll oat of grolsd ot hes wweb 
eit tolfeonsdo sit yd gniteed noql lomae ond rot voseutd 
aided mort .¥siups to snaw zo% bees imakb bexebto saw ttkd 

| me -aLnoqaa ‘Snsnte fqmo 

mort ‘wha — ,edauooos edt To r9teaerd ait hs 

‘uo? tobay hatoo tte aow dwabne tna, ond od rasaaod é 

helidsis aitopetnee busts Soult ebnadaco Fron 8 £qu09 

dw, wisgmog Ad LsownomaoD ‘frabae teh pe 


pbtt wae + ‘¢0as cenmae eee, lite wih came eee 

We are of the opinion that the Supreme Court of 
this state has decided this question for us, in the opinion 
filed on February 16, 1916, in the case of Mercantile Trust 
Company v, E. H. Kastor. Respective counsel in the case be 
fore us are entirely familiar with the issues and history of 
that case. The contracts before us are structurally like 
the one considered in that case and differ from it in no 
substantial respect, Following the Supreme Court, we hold 
that the transactions between the Waynard Fiano Company and 
the defendant Commonwealth Company were loans, with the ac- 
counts, etc,, transferred as collateral security, 

We are of the opinion that the dealings be- 
tween the Maynard Company and the — Company con- 
stituted one continuous transaction, These dealings were 
never closed, The making of the yearly contracts bore no 
particular relation to periods of time; they were merely 
incidental to the continuous business, All the transactions 
are subject to investigation, Jenkins v. International Bank, 
97 Ill, 568, 

Although these contracts are illegal, being 
ultra vires, it would be unjust to hold that complainant, 
who has received money under them, should not account for 
it, and the law implies a contract to return what has been 
received, Complainant should be required to return the money 
advanced to the Naynard Company by the Commonwealth Come 
pany, together with legal interest, Leigh v. American 
Brake-Beam Co., 205 Ill, 147, Section 11 of the Inter- 
est statute, which says that corporations may not interpose 
the J of usury, has no application to this case, 
Union National Bank v. L. N. A. & C. Ry. Co., 145 Ill. 208, 
and Farwell v. Meyer, 55 111. 40, are autnority for holding 
that the rate of interest upon any obligations of either 

to duv0oD smetaquG odd Sand motmtgo adt To ots @W aah 

motniqo elt mi eu tot molteoup aidd bebioedb sacl otase abit 
taux? elfitnsotel to easo ent at ,dleL ,8f yrevsdeT no betty 
-d 9eso ot ni Leanvoo svitosqeefi -zedead -H .g .v Mea | 
Yo Yroseid bus eeseai edt Atiw retiimst yfetitns ote ey stot 
exit eliaxutouste ots ev etoted etostéaoo eT e889 se 
on at ¢i mort tettib bas easo tadd mi beteblenco eno “a 
blot ow ,txsrod emetque edit gaiwolflot .tosqaset {sttastedue | a 
bas ynsqned onsiZ branyseli edt noewsted anottosnaszd ent soit 
-=-98 of? déiw ,ensol stew ynsqmod it — te | i 
Uinvooa L[etetsi{oo ea bertetenatt ,,oto pee : 
-ed eaniiseb ont teds moiniqo ext to ote sW ais 
“moo yNeqmod J——— edt bas yosqmoD bisanye edt —— 
stow aygnifaobh asset ,moldosenstd evounitnoa eno betusita — 
on otod adosttaoo yiteey odd to anidem sift .besolo r9ven 
Yfetom erew yout J to eboiteq of noitsiet is{voisisq — 
SHolsosansit edi {fA ,eaenteud avyounisdnoo eft of fainebtont 
etnsd fenotisanzetol .v entinet .noltsyitesvat o¢ deutene ome 
.88@ {II Te 

aiiod ,{egefli ors etositnoo seeds duyonddt fA 
Josnisiqaes tadt biod ot teutaw od bLuow tt — attly 
tot gnvosos son biuede ,wedt rebas yenom bevieoet esd ow 
need esd tecw oxuvtet of Jostinos s asiiqmt wel edt bas .¢t 
yoton sit axutexr of betinpex ed bilyode Insnieslqmod -bevisoor 

-m0) défsewnommod edt yd yasqmed branysM edt o¢ beonsvbs 


fi asoitemA .v dMgiet .seetstnt [spel dtiw todtegot ,ynsg 

“total eit to ff nottose “Tet .L1T 808 ..99 mse do sexe a 
"Va eeogtedal fon yam atoiierogioo tadt eyse dotew etutete too 
y -8aso aids o¢ noltaoifyqs on asd ,yiwey ‘to senoteb: ont 
iy 80S ,f1f Gbi ,.00 .VA 12d WA WM od α 
ath. TOE Ysitoddus ote .Ob .LII BE , —E Low pws oa 

party in this case to the other which lawfully should bear 
interest shall be at the legal rate provided in the absence 
of a contract - that is, 5 per cent, 

Complainant is entitled to an accounting and 
to a return of the collateral upon payment to the Common- 
wealth Company of whatever may be found due it from the 
Maynard Piano Company, with interest, 

The decree of the Superior Court is reversed 
and the cause remanded for further proceedings not incon- 
sistent with what is said herein, 


-tneo tsq @ ,at sat - - — 
das gaitauooos se of beLiitue at tasaielqmoo — 

_ -mommeD elt of tusmyeg mnogu Letetelloo ent to arcaen or 
 . edt mort ti aub bayot od ysn tevetsadw to Seay 
: | -tesetedni dtiw ,yneqmoo oust & 

beetevet at t1v00 totteque odd to setoeb edt 

-Aiered bise et tadw alt tw tue 
.CHGUAMEA CHA akeaxvan . 

* = 4 
F “i > 7 i : * — 
\ * g f — — 
— ⁊ — i t J H * * 
\j anaes * eo ey Sj 
4 jae x 
h — 2 

Opinion of the Appellate Court 

AT AN APPELLATE COURT, Begun and held at Mt. Vernon, Illinois, on the Fourth Tuesday 
in the month of October in the vear of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, 
the 26th day of October, in the vear of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fiftee 

Hon. Harry Higbee, Presiding Justice. 
Hon. James C. McBride, Justice. 
Hon. Franklin H. Boggs, Justice. 

And afterwards, to-wit: On of December, A. D21915, there was filed 
in the office of the Clerk of said Court, at Mt. Vernon, Illinois,an OPINION in 

ee 2 / 

| 199/T.A. 604 

e words and figures 

—-Lidgenwond te. Conpany, 0... 
2 ee Appellee... | PPEAL FROM 

\ / 
ot en ee ‘uses, 2G Seen aoe 
vs. \ | / 
- ⸗ 
“aay \ — ———— Given wi oS as COURT 
_ eed eee F 
March Term, 1915 ‘ | / 
_ nl ihe a — : =e V 
eee Site ee | ee eee Mad inon 2c: 2. COUNTY 
 S0.._Re..He..Rebinson & Son Cont- | 
owercine Company, == = | 
_. Se Appellant. | 
e — 

\ < 
< DS 

aeacane, Sollogg A. SF oft 

a — 
3 Al i mhontilt Aion aM shed 
1 . 4 cov VA fer Leber, a arn Rat amy Saud Tiere wa ont a) j 

4 ’ , ee wt 

ugt\i\ io n, ei hae — pm, 

4 + it peo * Mile * 


7 . aD. yale ast N cw — 
oie, —— oy J 
Wales Jogqotl 

“ea A CAMO 

>is * 

wd * 
oY oc et Ny A Saoed a ond fat... ‘wit nO Sites 
‘ | % elas R ni AVASO — a vow SV Ag — — ii oth) 
; 4 

4) 63 Be 


— welch 
MOM JAI4 om 

ar — 

Term No. 46 Agenda ‘lo.61, 

Karch Term,1915. 

Lidgerweod lnnufacturing Company, 


— — — 

VS. jAnperl from 

S. R. H. kobinson & Son Contracting V-A-D-I-3-0. 


— —— — — 


Cpinion by iligbee, Ff. J. 

Thie is sn appeal from a judgment entered 
by the circuit court of Madison county, upon a 
trial wherein the jury was waived, in favor of 
, — snd agairst apnellant, for the sum of 
=) $53,000.83, on Kay 22, 1914, 
The suit grows out of the following state of 
facts; On May 25,1910, appellant, a goxpovation have 
= ing its principal office in St. Levis, Méesouri, 
purchased of apnellee, a corporation, engaged in 

tie manufacture and sale of machinery, having its 

principel place of business in New York City and a 

ss branch office in Chicago, lllinois, through G. N. 

Crawford, Sr., the manager of ita Chicago office, 
Pee three Lidgerwood-Crawford Seraper bucket ixcava- 

‘ tors, twobeing of Claes 3-F, at £10,000 each or 

a total of $20,000 and one of clase C at $17,500. 

the whole contract amounting to $37,500. On Sept- 

ember 22, 1910, appellant gave to G. N. Crawford, Sr. 


* ale 

—JVJ J om 5) an) — ee. 
atl SOS. io 

— 9— a e-% 
H .fd.olf sbnegs © You! * 
SLL erro dora" a7 Spe 
% a . 

Uris qe 9D gnttutostuael boowregbtt 


peileqg Pi 

mort LnaqaA\ . oe 
\ é E ; 3 I 
I-I-C-A-M ——— 3S moanidoi a ok ae 
4 ¥ rig 
. _ a 

— asiisqa’ 

F ote 

_e «@ 

bet ,oodatli — Rae 


ambul 8 mott Ireeqqs aa ef aid? y 
{ to S109 givorlo ot yd 


bereine u 

pe nog Xcuoo ase thas 

to royst mi ,hbeviaw Bsw yrut alt nistedy Csitt a 

at xot Jantlocar grisgs pas seltsqqs 

to man 9 
cB. 000, 568) 

pfer ,Ss yea m0 

ptwo Lor eis to tuo ewoty tive oT 

to etate & 
sorel, es yam m0 

 anfloqqgs gatost * * 

vail notdeteqzoo 8 
trsose all pivot a0 wk sotto [fsqionitg edt gat * 

at Hhagegn? - (noid stog1oo s ,oolfeaqs To boesstonia as: ; 
ett anivert .vren tose to sfss bas stud os tunsm ons F 


s ban ysiv wxcY well mt — to soalq Lagioni ta 
= «<M wv iquonutt | yecomittl pogsoidy at seks oe donetd 
4 ,orTto oso itd ati to xegesnem oft yet” protwatd : 
4 -Ay Box geaoud naqet92 protwar) -boowre gb oonar 
J 10 fone 000. or) te ,t-f agsl0 to ambadond (e708 
a ,006 ,TL4 ta 0 asalo To ono bas 000, 0 & to {[ntot 8 F 
- af qau MO 00d ves ot get d miso mn “yontsH09 2 Locw — 
—* exe ,biotwsatd oll .0 of 9V8S snefloqas orer — 
“Og on ta 2* 

oan Ta 

Ar ae bre el — —— 

upon this contract, ©5,909 in cash and five 
promiesory notes of that date, payable to spneiier, 
two tor '5,000 each and three for $3,525.55 
each. One of said notee for 6,000 was to fil 
due On October 12 and the other November 1°, 1910 
and the three notee for 13,333.33 Matured rerspect- 
ively on November 12, December 12 and January 12, 
following the date thereof and all the notee drew 
interest at the rate of eix per cent per annum. 
The $5,000 note which matured Cetobver 12, 1910 wae 
paid but no further payments have been made unon 
the purchase price of seid excavators, and appellee 
brought this suit to recover the amount claimed by 
it to be due and unpaid, the same being the amount 
of she four unpaid notes with the interest thereon, 
the balance of the contract price not represented 
by the notes and a bill for castings, nachinery 
and material claimed to have been furnished appelle 
ant, in erecting, repairing and maintaining said 

The ésalaeati ov. filed Nay 9, 1911, contsain- 
ed eight counts. ‘The firet four counte declared 
on the four notes avove referred to. ‘The fifth end 

sixth were common counts for goods wold and dele 

ivered. ‘The seventh counted on the coneolidateaaxe 

ed counts for money loanec, paid and exnended, had 
and received, and for interest, work and nuterial, 
The eighth wan for money due on an account stated, 
The judgment recovered included the aum of she une 
paid notes amounting te $15,000, interert unon the 

same from the date thereof to the dnte of judgment et 


ovit bre daso nt COO\d) ,sonténoo ridt moa 

2tfomge ot aldsyeq ,otab tacit to eeton yrosaimotg 
ES.S55E,5% tot serdt boas close 000,¢) xot owt 
(fet of asw 000,d% xet aston biagea to sn) .doss 
Ofef ,&f rsdmevovf rendto odd bar of tadotoo aG sub 
-tosqest betutam S8.886,€5 tot aston serdd sid brs 
ecl ytsune!l boa Sl rsdmeoed ,Si redmevot no ylevt 
wath seston ott [fe bak Tostsdt stab edt gniwollot 
MUIIG I9q Jaso T9q xis to eter edt ta teoretnt 
aaw OLOL Sf tedotoo bstutem doidw ston 000,83 edT 
Noqy sbsm ased svat sinamysq tediqut on sud bieq 
esefisage bis ,wtotavaoxs bise to soirg sashorue oft 
yd bemislo — ait se9vooemt oF tiua ett tiguoxd 
tnvoms ois gnied smss sit ,.bisqnu bans sub ed ot ti 
encoe1eds Seetetni sdt cttw eston bisquy ry0t enid ‘te 
betaseetaqast ton x0itq Josténoo sit to sonelsd sdt 
yteninfoagm ,sanit¢saso tot Ifid s bans aeton edt yd 
e[{sqqs bedaintut mesd svsd of bemiefo isized sa bes 
Hise antntesaian bis gnitisqet ,gnitosrte mi ina 

-attagmoo ,(fef .@ ya hbolit dottaxelout an” 
herefosb etmroo tuot gertit esd? .atnuoo Sdgtie bs 
bane dtttt oT .ct Setrstet svods aston tuot sds no 
-ef95 Dns blow mhooyg tot atmos momnos etow dixie 
exXKASt sbifoenco oft ao betnuoo dinevea of! .betevi 
bad ,bebnsexs bre biaq ,o9nso0l ysnom tol stnyoo bs 
 fstreten Bes Atow ,teetedai tot bas ,bevisoest bas 
sbotnde tnvooor na no eub ysnom tot ssw tiyte oil 
ens ahr to mue ort besbuloni beisvoost snomgbut edt 


edt anoqy taotatmi: ,000,df3 ot gaiinuome noton bisq 


tn dnenybut to stnb edt of tostedfsd ednb sdt mort somes 


six per cent per annum, $5500, the balance of the 
purchase price for the excavators not included in 
the notes, 412,500 and an open account for supplies 
furnished apreliant amounting to 3200. 80, meking 
a total of 734,000.83 against which a credit of 
$1000 was allowed by the court for damages. 

on the first trial of this enuse the notes 
in question were not sought to be recovered on but 
were introduced as evidence to ppove the amount of 
the account stated (#29,667,52) and judgment wae 
entered for that amount. Upon appeal to this court 
that judgment was reversed and the caure remanded, 
(183 111. App. 431) and reference is hereby made 
to the opinion of the court in that care for a copy 
of the contrsct sued on and other material facts 
necessary to give a clear concention of the issues 
invelved. ‘mong other matters and things therein 

determined were, that appellant had a right te show 


whnt wae said by the parties at the time the writ- 
ten contract wan entered into, not for the purpose 
of varying its expressed terms but to determine the 
design and intention of the narties in making the 
contract as shown by the surroundings and circum. 
stances under which the contract was entered into; 
that the contract wae for whole machinet.and not 
separnte parte of different machines, and therefore 
appellant should have been nermitted to intrroduce 
evidence to show if possitie the parte furnished 
would not fit together, thet it wae necespary to 

make certain changes in the parts and the amount of 



aft to sonnisd sdt 0068) ,munns 19q tn90 19q xis 
ni bebuloni tom atotevsoxys soft tot soltiq seadoisgq 
esifqque ict dnuooos nego ne bas 00,Sf} ,seton ons 
antoieam ,€8.008E. oF gnitnyomms insilecqs bedeinrut 
to tiberto a dotnw tanisgs 6.000, s€} to Intost a 
esegamsbh tot t1u09 ext? yd bewolis easw OO0L} 

eston oft eeuno aidd to feitt text? oft mo F ea 
tud mo hetsvooet od of tiiguos ton stew moiseoup mk F — 
to tavoms sit svouq of sonsbive 28 boouboagat stew 
aaw sosmgbut bas (880, Vos, es6) betata Jnuooos edt 
tisoo 2idt ot Lseqqe noq’§ .tnuvoms Jnadt z0t bseteins 
e>bebosmet ss3us0 eft bas beateavyesi asw tnemabu;, sSad$ K 


sben yd ora at sonstster bas (LE) .qod .fL{I S8L) 

Yqoo & rot saso tant ni tives ect to acokniqo sit oft a 



atort [nitetem tedso bas no beve oatdnoo eds de he 
eeueaet ait to neitqsoroo tesfo s sviy oF YIseRsoen | i 
nisradt — bis etsttean tedto ynonr* -bevfovat 
wode ot tigtt & bed) analieean tsdit ,s1sw pontmreteb 
-tixwy odd omit edt ta eatixreq sit yd bina naw Sactw — 
seoqtrc ent rot ton , oant bstetas anew teattnoo aad —* 
odt sntoretsb ot tud eames boanorqxe esti gauiyrev * era 
edt anttem nt-asitrsa sdt to nottasdnt bas mgiesb Wie 
emuotio bas egnibmworttun edt yd mwore as tosttnoo 
rodni betetms arw tooxtios oft dotdw tebay eoonete \ 
ton bua, dentdoan efoiw tot asw tosrinoo elt tacts 
ercetetedd bos ,senidosm tnarett rb to atte odntsqee 
ooubomtdnt ot bettimrec need eved biuoie taslfeqcs 
hede tort atiegd adt efdteroq ti works ot sonebive * 
of yrsargDen eow ti tertt stedtogos ki ton Stier —— 
to trasome 9ifd bas adieq ond mt eegnado ntstre. exam * 


pe ey 



damages nceruing to appellant on account of such 
changes. The court also held that the written con- 
tract did not necessarily preclude appellant from 
the benefit cf sny implied warranty there would have 
been in the absence of a written contrect, that the 
excawatorswere manufactured in a workmanlike manner 
and reasonably sdaptec to the purpose for which they 
were manufactured. Aleothat if any subsequent cone 
tract was made at the time the notes were given and 
the £5000 paid, that appeliee would complete the 
machines snd make them estiefactory and fit to do 
the work for which they were purchaged, appellant 
had the right tostow such facts. the second 
trial of the case, the court below proceeded in 
harmony with the views exnrese2ed in said opinion 

and heard eviderce ae to whether there were defecte 
in the excavators as completed machines, 22 to what 
was neceseary, if anything, to make them complete 
and render them evitable for the work for which thef 
were nurchaeed, as to what extent if ony, they vere 
defective when completed and the damage to appellant, 
if any there war, by reason of imroper manufacture. 
Evidence was also heard ae towhat the subsequent 
contract made at the time the notes were given was 
and what had been done in regard thereto. ‘Tove 
forty days were consumed in the trisl of this cavee 

; P 
in the court below. “he record filed here ia come. , 
posed of over 3000 tyne writen pages in addition 
to numerous exhibits, and the briefs, argument and 
_ abstracts cover over 1400 rages. It ie therefore 

“evident that this court should not discuss the preéfs: 

fous to tnvooos no tnelfleqqs of gniutoon esgamsbh 
“Noo Hnettizw edd teit bled eels t1u09 efT .esgnado 
mort tralloqqs sbu loser yLitssse0en ton bth soars 
esvead Slvow stedt ytosttew beltfam vis to titened ont 
edt Sadt ,toertnoo mettiaw ew to soneeds et at ased 
tenian etilnamlror a at bots on tuna SI9v72 ToAVMAOX 
Yons dotdw tot seogtsg alt oF batgqnba vVidsnoesst bas 
-109 Jnsupsedue yas ti JsdtoefA .betutoatunam stew | 
Ban a9vig stew easton sdt omit oft te ebam eaw toert ee 
adit eatatqnos Sluow selloqqs test ,bisq 000% edt — 
ob of £2 bra yrotorlettss met sxec dna ——— a 
tanifscan ,beestoruq stew vert doliw rot drow ons 
biooee oft mm? .etost cous worlact tigi ect HDecl 
ni Sehsscorg wolod fisoo add .seno ext to Intixt 
Noiniqo bise nt baeseerdxes #wetv sat diiw ynoorrsd 
 atootab stow evant tedtedw of es sarebive bised an 
tadw of 2* .xentdosm betsSqnoo ef erosavnoxe eft nt _ 
staelquoo mods 2get of eooidtyne Tt ,yiseesoen raw 
Yots dotdw tot xrow efd tot oldsatiua meds tebmex bas 
etay vat .yns Ti ¢aetxe tadw ot asm ,bserdoisd stew 
nefleeqe ot 2yemeb edt bre badalamoo rectw ovitosteb 
eotutortunem tacotemi to mosset yd ,saw etedt yaa Tf 
travpesdua eit seadwot an breot onfs aaw sonebiva 
new tevin stew reton sft omit oft ta sham 20474000 
ain? ,otetett bireget at ench resid ban Janw brs 
| eeuno nidt to Ietat ont mi bemurnoo etew aysh ysrot 
| ano ei sted belit bxreost sot- .wolead druco edt at - 
nottibhs ni segsq met’ ir: sayt OOOS rave to bsroq 
bas tremuata ,ataitd ett bre ,stididxe evordémun ot 
etotereds ai +I .asygeq OOEL tevO T9vOD etostinds 

eleorq oft eauseth ton blunie t1ruoo aids tadt tnebive 

in detail snd coneider all the numerouea cuestinonsa 
\ raised, unlese it showld find it to be absolutely 
necerrsary to do #0 for the proper dienoesition of 
the crase. ‘Fe hove given the cnse a careful consid- 
eration end find it is not necessary to discuss 
here all the questions raised by counsel to nroverly 
decide the same, and will therefore confine this 
opinion to a discussion of those matericl matters 
which, when determined, ecnrear to fully disnore of 
the questioner whether the judgment was rightfully 
entered in fevor of arrellee and whether the record 
pertaining to those matters necessary to be 
established to entitle sprellee to 1 recovery, was 
free from substantial error. 
© great amount of evidence wee vnroduced on 
the part of apyellant for the purpose of showing it 
had been delayed in its work and damaged by reason 
of iate shipments of parts of machinery: ty the 
| improrer conatruction of parts of the excavators 
so they would not fit together snd by defects in the 
7 material used in their construction; also to show 
that the excavators were not capable of doing the 
work contem lated by apnellant. ‘the @lains of 
appellant in regerd to there matters were contro- 
verted by anpellee, and on its rart a very large 
amount of evidence was introduced to show thet such 
feults in construction and machinery as apresrec , 
were of minor immortance; that the parts when re- 

ceived, were not properly taken care of; that the 


excavators were erected and mannged without proper 

- De 

anordesuo suotemum sft Ila rehienco bas ([isteb nk | _ ; 

vletiufoeds sd ot tf bet? biuode tt seefny jbemter = 7 

to notttroqaib teqotq ods tot of ob of VIBRA999N 
-bteancoe [utets®s a enao sit mevin svar oe 92889 ont 

eeyorth ot vranesoen ton et ti bunt? bas nottate 
ylracota ot Seenvoo yd beatsat anottesun sit [fa ered 
nidt erttnoo stotetan+ (fiw ban ,scme ott abioeb 

eretiem ([citatemn saodt to moinmestoetb ew wa ne intgo— — 

te seoceth yffut of rsecas ,honimreteb nadw to tdw 
vifutsdgit esw tnemgbut ont tontodw anottes vp ott 
broset sdt tedtedw hne eetieqcs to tove?t mt Sertetns 
ed of virsemeoen erettism seott memmxk of gnininetieq 
sew ,yrovonet cr of sallacqn olfttine of Sedat{dstas 
exsorzs [ritnntedus mxzt sett 

mo baovhara eax conehtve to sSnvoma taoty A 

tft aniwoarte te seoqruq edt tot tanllogqr to traq ont 
noseoy vd begansb bar wrow eth ot beysfob need hr 
ont yd ivrenidosm to afisd to stnemgide staf to 
stotrveoxe sit to eis to mottourtenos nocotepae 

edt mt etostesb yd brie wsdteg0ot SEIT ton biyow yort = 

worm of o#ls —— — xtedt mi beew introsem * 

eft aniob to sfdeqro ton erew atotaveoxe ect tacit 

to emixelS of! .tneifsaqs vd betslqmetros Art0W 
-ottnoo stew stetiem eesd? of broget ni tnell[eqqs 
“ggtel vtev s dteas eti mo bas ,ssfLeque yd betrev 
doua tedt wore ot beoubotint eaw sonebive to tnuoms 
, Dateecqn #28 yienidoem bae mottouttenoos mt 2tiuat 
-or oonw atiaq edt todd jeonmtroamt rontm to stew 
add tent ito 9169 nexet vitercta ton etow .daviso 

r9qord tuontiw besynnem bone betoe1s stew erodsvsoxe | 

J * —* 


-d- I * 

es —— — a 


care or skill sand thet such delay and damnrese as 
were occasioned, were to be attributed to a large 
decree to appellant's own neglect and miemannpe- 
ment. All evidence was henrd subject to objection 
and the court held, among other things in nroposi- 
tions of law ofiered byapnellee, that under tte 
original contract avpellee wars not liable tor dame 
ages suftered by appeliant on account of Celaya 

and thst its liability for damages on sceount ost 
defective materinl, was only where such defects 
developed under normal and proper use within thirty 
Gays after atarting the excavators to work and in 
that case they were limited to the cost of replacing 
such defective narts, in case appellee did not 
replace the same, plua the loss or dameces which 
were shown to have been the materisl and nroximete 
result of such failure; that hugh “lenn the erector, 
who was furnished under that provision of the con- 
tract »roviding that anpellee would furnish 2 core 
netent man to superintend the erectiscn und stsart- 
ing of the excavators, was the employe of aynpellant 
and that appellee was not liable for any sct, 
omission to act, default or negligence on hie part 
in erecting or starting said exeavatore. Yhe court 
further held thet if anpellee delivered to annellant 
excavators of the kind ordered by 1nd substantially 
corresponding with those described in the contract, 
then appellee war entitled to recover the contract 
price less a certain credit of £1000 nilowed by 

appellee at the time the notes were executed and such 


er 2ennmaab boa yaieb dous dadt bre L{ide 19 93189 
entsl s ot beatuditstia sd ot etew ,benoltero00 siswv 

-syonroe in bos sSoelgen avo a'ltnet{leaqe ot aet909b 

noisostdo of tostdue Sised ssw sonsbive ILA Som 
-teoaota nt egntdt tedto gnomn ,bfed tiy0oo edt baw 
sit tebny tsdt ,oslisqaqayd Setetto wsl to enois 

emeb tor afdeii ton asy selLoqra Soaticoo Inntairo 
aysled to tnuooos no tunifenqn yd betsrtue e945 

to tauoo.e mo esgnmsb tot yiiltdeil esi sedd bas 
atosteb dove stedw vino esaw ,Icrttstsm evitoeteb 
ytrins otdtiw seu t9dcota bas I[rnmton tebny beqoleved 
ni bos Arow of atotsveoxe ait anistists totis ayab 
grioslas1t to treoo sdt oF betimil stow yedd send tadt 
ton bib selfeqqe gsro mi ,etisa evisoeted dove 

dofdw eseacmsb to s20l oft eulq ,smne sit soniqet 
eismtxors bas Ietisteam sit tiesd svsd of nwore ete 
vrotoets adit noel) dyyd tadt jstulist doua to sivee1 
-to9 ent to notetvotda tadt tobny betisiniyvt esw ow 
e709 s deinrut blyow selfecqga teait antbivot: stos1t 
-tiese2 Dae so itosrs edit bastinitequa ot asm tSneteq 

; —— to ayolams sat esw ,e1otavsoxe eds To ant 
fos vos tot sl{deil ton esw seli{saqn Jedi brs 

tragq etc no soneaitaen * t{usteb ,tos of notasimo 
truco att .etotaveoxe biee anittete to gaitoets ni 
tnelisece of betevifsb eslfeqas th ssdt bled wit 
ylfettnsiedue bar yd betsbro bnix eit to arosavaoxe 
,foatinoo sit ni beditoreb seodd dttiw an ibnoqeetto5 
toerinoos sft tevooest oft beltisine aaw selleqqs nodt 
vd hewoltn COOLS to tibesto nindio9 6 enel soitd 

douse bain betuoexe s19sw seton sit emt ait ta eelleqca 


other allowances for rensirsa end alterations ar 
vere made by appellant with ornellee’s written cone 
pent or anprovel. 

e sre inclined ta the opinion that the 
proofs upon the second trial, ase a whole, showed that 
appellee had complied with the termes of the econ. 
tragt to vce performed by it and that euch damages 
ag@ accrued to appellant were cve ir # lerpe derree 
to the unskilifulness and negligence of ite enploy- 

es cr to other matters over which appellee hae no 

' ¢ontrol, and tor which it was not rearonsible, / 

Careful consideration of the case Gieclovea howe 
éver that the settienent entered into betreen the 
parties on September 22, 1910 above referred to, 

was a potent factor in determining the question 

whether eppellee was entitled to the judgment awnrd- 

| e@ £¥ im ‘the court below. 

veptember 21, 1910, G. N. Crawford, Sr. 
— — — 

en on * on 


Nad visitee—thewerk ane inspected the excavetors. 

Ee teetified thnrt at that time he found the two 

BeP excavators in actual oneration, that the boilers 
and gears thereof were in good and proper op rative- 
condition and that the erection of the © execavetor 
had not yet been completed. Nothing hed then been 

paid on the wachinee and Crawford requested +m 


& payment, i. 

—son—the-next—dey, September 22, at the office of 

the iatter inct. Lovis, Vinsouri, heme the matter of 

a settlement wae fully discuesed. Kobineon claimed 



es anoiterstis bans atiagqexr rot ndonetadien Wie 
“109 netti¢tw s'selfecqn dtiw tnsileqas yd sbam o19% 
-(avozqqa to tnos 
edt ted? notniqo ott ot henifont ete 9% “ 
tedt bewode ,efodw s an ,isitd buoose sAdt noqu stoetq 
-109 et to amet oft dtiw heilqwoo bar selleqqa 
esynmeb dove Tedd bas St yd hearctisaq od o¢ JBart 
997395 satsf 8 Ai sub stew tneilsqgs ot bsutoon aa 
-yolqine ati Yo sonsgifgen Sna esonitutI {liens ait of 
on het soffeqqs foidw tevo etetiam zalto o¢ 10 #e 
\ ,ofdtenoreet ton eaw ti dotdw reot ban ,fortnmoo \\ 
-wot as o ſo⸗ ib seso edi lo noitserebianoo Ivretao 
ett nosovted ofmt betetnae sJnomeitieer ont tans neve. 
.ot Serratot svode CLO! SS rsdmsiqoe no aatstaq 
notts9up eft gnintorreteb mi rtotost instoq S a aw 

-5iaws trenybul edt of bolitine sew sellaqqs teiéshw 

evolsd Sxruoo ett mi Sk be. 

~a1t2 ~brotwaT? .8 8 ,ofer ote seadmetqs? mo 


eetotrveoxs sift bedoe qrn i baw eo ek —bediety Dad 
ows ott bnuot ef smit tadt is todt bettitess eH 
sisltod eNt tats  neoitsisco [auton nit et1ossveoxe Te 
evitersqo resqotq bane boog al stew toerssdt sine9 bas 
totsveoxea 9 sit to noitoere sit ted? bas noisibnoo 
need nedit ban agntdtot .bstef{qmon nesd tay ton bad 
—deste betosupat biotwat) bas — edt ao bisd 
“Nido 3 199% — ¢ dnemyaq & 

4 to sottto sdt ts ,SS tedmetqe’ x<at—-deon—sttt—oR_ 
to redism oft swpecke ,ityoanit ,etvot .tink astisi edt 
bomialo noentdod .baeasuvonib yIfut anw tnemeltios s 


=} @& 

thet appetbees bad been of sore cnet in the 
: 4 
erection of the machinery than were reasonable and 
that it had suffered other damages. Crawford 
wes willing to make some eallownces and pe a reault - 
of the conference he allover ce=eteent ond the 

latter acéepted, ar a credit upon the enntract price, 

the sum of £1000 in settlement of a1) damsces 

clained L=apreeeat to have been sustained up . 
to that date, “hereupon “ebineson p fi 0 ——— 

$5000 in cash and gave deter the.note for 96090 due 

October 12,1910, which has been paid, — —“ ware 

and aleo the note fer “5000 and the three — 

$3,333.32 each, sved on in this cease. hese was 

Recontroverry prt that the sum of *1000 wes erreed 
upon between the merttres in ecttiement of o11 clains 


bjup to thst date, but 

] ) —ñ * damages 

it is contended » ’ that euch dansges were 

ngkeed upon unconditionslly, while the contention 
> ~ 

— ie that thie settlement x made on 
the exprere condition won temeen fll. the 

machines satiafactory and if the old oner did not 

give eatisfaction would furnish new ewinging en- 

gines, new ¢g ares and new boilers if neceesary, 

and ae to carry out this new 
agreement, the ©1000 would not be accepted by 
appellant ae the amount of damages — was entitled 
to. The only pereon present nt xtee time thie 

EY 2precnent—er—setttement wer-madea, in cddcition 

to Wr. Crawford snd Robinson, wae Vr. Dentzer, 


* who to a lnree extent * 

the secretary of 

F : wile 

r - b 

otag tonttnos oft mnogu ¢theto 6 eR st qebdos rodtet 

heat3s enw OOOTS to muse ont tadd de—erreverincs—es 
amislo [fe to tremeftios mt — —— noqu 

aft mi teoo s1tom te nesd had itottoces tout 

baie affeannrest aew nett yvrontdoesm aft Yo mottosre 
bro twer) -cogersb tedio hberettue bad tt stadt 
tluney 9 28 fon s90nnvolls smos exam oF siittinnian 

—“ os. 2 
att brea = +S hewolls of soneretnoo edt to 

regemnb Cf to toemelttes mt OOOL! to mwue — 

J +n Shee need sved of jatar bominto a 
8 NAA, * (ae 
a8 ntonmtdoe oqus ↄactꝰ -9tnh tadt of © 

i) 2 

eub 0008” rot Stor st met ove bar deno ni 000€% © 
teem bieq need eat dotcw ,OLeL of xodeto0 

A as goxdt aft has 0008% rot stom edt cals bane 

now weer .oano rint at no beue ,fome S6.866 e3 


gud .stabh tent oF quié 

gotineinos et afkow — Noms betas 

mo o bocu tnemefttex aidt tart a 
ant stan Se ena nt roitibdaos wnenqer: ett 

ton bib safo bilo edt TE One yrotontaitan asnbdpisic | 

-19 griqniwe wen ceinist bluow nottostatina svig 

\Wisessoen ‘tt ateltod wer bas s1seq wen eonty 

wan sist suo — of —— basin 

Yl betqeoos ad ton bfuow GOoOoI sat LIM 9T 3B 
beftitns mew tf egemsb to sevonm sdt as tnellsqqe 
nates, omit — ts tronetq nostag yin off ot 

CT Oe ae 

mottibhe ms — : 

~tentmed oe enw ynoamtdol si ne brotwet) .1! ot 


corroborated lr. Robinson and testified thet 
tr. Crawford absolutely sa¢reed to furnish new 
boilers, for the Bei’ exenvators, ir. © rawford 

teatified there was no discussion about geare or 

not lers on thet day, ong «me denied that ne agreed 

; a 

to furnish — Gny ne boilers or awinging 
engines or genres upon anycondition snd he ‘was 
corroborated by certain facts and circumstances 
which would tend tn establish the improbability of 

ic ie ae, pret + 

euch a contract being 

connection it was clown % 

‘Ff y? that at that 
time wxcavetor C had, not been complete erected 
y | and that ase eS Bf) éid compiete 
f 2 the erection. — terwards Gemanded new 
i boilere of anrellee, cs. none were furnished and 
re * the job was completed with thore first installed. 
ee ti : 
7 o> * | jm themonth following the settlement, lr. Crawford 

ie a neain visited the machines ard stated he round them 
eee / Amprenerly csre@ for and onernted, Gubsequent to 

\ vi thie vieit one Mei 

ap, wae sent down to overhaul 

them at =. : exfense, and the proof tends to 

* { * 
s show he left them in good repair, it also * 
— ae) \ 
+ ‘\ that a new set of gears was furnished ry on 

after the settlement was made, out the proof shower 

that they were of the saeme size and dimenrions as 

the original bevel geare and were furnished ce 

a charge against for them, 

: A /S 

The court sitting as a jury had the esre 
opportuni ty of determining the credibility of wit 
esses and the samenower of determining where the 


™, - 

dedi beititest bas noantdoH .1iuf — 
won Aeintut of bestye yleatulords brotwetd . zi 


“yp or 


brotus iu -sTotavnaoxe Tf asit tot — 
To =te84 tuoda noinaszuneib on asw etecdd baltisead 

boetya af tant = ob ae hie owed ted m0 ete t tod aa 

. * J 
yAignivn ro etol * weir * — — dada 3 ot + 

ssw on bre moist tbrooyne rach etre 10 contend — 

ssonctenuo1to bas stost ntaet t99 YX — EDD ——— 
to ytilidederqmi. ot de eafes o} bret hiyow coke 

kidd ol — ⏑ acted Joattcoo s fava) \ 
Aaa — 

tedj ts tadd \<« XW mwolle eer St nottosmnon \\ 

betostes vyietetcnoo negad gon Sad 0 totsveoxe omit ( 

sisviqmos 5tb das o: 22 HAIMON Tek Locen tact, bas 


wen babuamsd bs2 

* 9 

——— — — ait a 
bie boltainivt sisv enon Sud ,»vellseqqcr to wretiod 
ebatinsgans Seaxit sions diiw betofqmoo anw dot, on * 
brotwet) .t{ ,dnemeiztes edt aniwolfot dtnomedt nt 
madt bavei sf bestate bas sanidoasm adit Ssttetv atene 

ot tnsupeadud .betetsco bas tot bate. yirecorqnt 

{usdiove ot mob tnee ssw qaf{iiio!t eno thetv oe —J 
ot sbnesst tootq sat bas ae A tre mods 9 Ney 
2 sonfn tl .xiscet boog at ae dtet Tal words Ne 
— hbenainivt saw eTR93 to ten won & dads / Yaa 

aworte toora ent stud ,sbsm env trnameltton eat resis is er 
7 . i en 

an eriotanseth bas oxtiea emse eit to stew ysds tact 
bon toe bis etR9 feved Lenmigito dt Rie 

~) einiy ‘Tow & 3 . 3 tT 
— tArffleces to tshto edt noqu etaaq — bp: 

; < emeandt tot. * 2 
J - wee 

teanieags satedo 4 

anna oft bedi A s es gnittie tivo9 oft 
tiw to vtilidibars sft anintoreteb to ethasr0qa0 
edt otedw aninimrsteb to rewoqemaa ont — —* 


Po : 5 oe * 

preponderance of the evidence lay 7s 2 jury ond 
we should give the same weight to its findinge 
that we would to the verdict of a jury. Padalski 
VV. Stone 186 I11. 540; Nich V. The Perle 95 Iil. 
a In arriving at the conclusion which it did, 
the court below in passing vpon this rettlement of 
September 22, must necessarily have decided either 
= that there were no conditions cixeunas to the 
making of the eame, as claimed by apnellee or that 
if the cash payment was made and the notes given, 
=e, with the promise thst the machinery wouid be made 
J satisfactcry and new boilere, ewinsing engines and 
gears furnished, if necessary, as clnimed by synnelle 
ant, then that aprellee must have complied’ with 
these terms. “hether new boilers and new swinging 
engines were reasonzbly neceesary, were questions 
of fact for the court and there was ample evidence 
to sustain a finding thet they were not necessary, 
especially in view of the fact tne nroof tended to 
% show that the workmen sent by appellee put the 
machines in good cendition and that it spperred 

* thet the seme hoilers and engines were used tntil 

the job wee finiehed. It is also clear thst aprellee 
could not rightfully be held resnoneible for any . 
difficulty in opereting the machines caused by the 
inexperience and neglect of sapnellant's emnloves. 

e. 3 Inger opinion thenroofs were sufficient to hove 
warranted the covrt below in finding that no cone 

ditions were attached to the settlement, but even if 


we Were tot oldisnocser biet ed yfluttigizt ton b fire 

selfecqe tadt taslo onle ei tl .boedsint? eaw dot sat 

} ; 4 
7 7 a ; - 
+ : = ~ st 

y a 
vg 7 

bre yrut © as yRt sonsbive sat to sonetebnogstq = 


ttefebsi .yrut s to gotbrov sft ot bluow ow tedd J ia 

ayntbnit att of tytow enme sid svtq blyode ow 

.ffI @@ efqret sf? .V Moi :OBd EFT aBL snose .V 


~hib +f cdoinw nokeuLfonoo soft ta anivirite al . 

to tnemaftian eatdt nequ aniessq ak woled sasroo ent 
tedtia bebioab event Vitteeesoen tau SS —— 

‘edt of berisint te snot ¢itbrioo on stow stands tet 

tadt to soffeqar yd bemtalo es ,smse oft to —— 
wavia seston eft bra sbem enw tnamyag caso odd th a 
shem sd hisow vrentdonm ont tant seimotaq ait Atiw j 
bas esntiagns antantwe ,etefiod wen Boe yYtotortet isa 
ef{f{saqe vd baemirnfo ws —E — bore tats? — J 
Aſtwo bstiqmoo saver teum sel [leqqs todd remy tag 
anianiwa wen bas etoltod wert tefttot* entet geoct 
saepitesup stew  ,vitae2#so0en Y([dsenoesat stsw eontgine 

eonsbive siqma ssw steit bos tiyos ant rot tort to * 

eVtaezeoan ton eter yods tatt gntbait s misteua ot © 
ot bsbast toord sit tost ont to woiv mi yvifetooaqes — 
eit tuq selIsqqs yd guns" — aft tedt wocds +o 
bersecae $f tatt bas nmotttbhbnoo booy at nonhifosst 

Litnd beeu — nentons Sie ateoliced somas arnt todd 

odt vd beauno eanigornm sat anitsteco mk Ytieotttib © . 
eravotene altreanifecqe te toelfasn bona sonsireqxont — 

eves’ ot sortrtousn oxrew stooresdd notatet ayo ml 
ir As 

ences on tedd axtbatt mit wolfed truco sft betnerrew 

. ee 

ti neve tud ,tnsreltter ext ot betontia sitew enorstib | 

Z * 
-OLe aa J — 
* — Pi ;: 
: a e 
: - _, I iz J — % 3— 

there were such conditions, the proof wae ample 

that there was no ench breach of the rame 22 would 

| be sufficient to dcfeat appellee's richt of re. 
Covery. Unon thin Wweaihs it anpeare to us that the 
trial court correctly found the facts in favor of | 
@ppellee. ‘te find no error in the rulings of the . 8 
ca court in reference to the evidence affecting the 9 
- - ‘ 
aa materiel questions necessary to the decision of 
ais ; the care. he rulings in regrrd to the propositions a 
F «Of law submitted are not free from criticiem, but EF 
. 0) as the judgment given by the court wre cox rect, f +) 
at if _ @uch rulinge must be considered asa harwless. “Stowell — 
9 h 
ai pet Koore 89 Tll., 563. “uchs & lang Co. Vs. rittredge 
BE 242 J1l. 6&8. Where it is apparent fpon the wiole 

record thet the judgment is right, en error committed Ae 

‘ — 
fe) 1 by the court in holding propositions of law, is 
Be — barmlees and should not be ground for reversal of * 
oy HiT. Ts : a « 
_, the judgement. Famous Want. Co. ¥. Wilcox, 180 x 
—6 oa > 9 
_ M. 246. Cothena m Ves. City of Cideago 263 111, F 
a : 
| a. * 
4 J o 2 44 
_ ss ss The Judgment of the court below will be 7 

rs eff ‘immed e 


Ifewot® .ssotorend es hborebisenoo od teum sanifut dova 

eybettsit .2V¥ .0D yar. S ecloys .88@ ,.0LT @8 etoolt .V 

betttmacos torts as ,tdaiz ai stnemabut eft stadt broost 

9 fesn sew tocte att ,snoltibace douse srew etedd 
Bbiluow se aman odt to Aowatd dore on Rew etand tad⸗ —— 
-st to tdatry *'sellfacqe taatob ot tneiotitua od F 

eit tedt ew ot eteenca tt atode: eat 0 GU — 

_ to tovat ai stont aft bnisot ultaorros tiuco Cettt 
edt to santfuy sit of torts on hatt sv .osllenqa | 
oft anitostiIen sonsbive edt of sonaretet at 400 

to totatoob ait of vyitaerso9n anoitaaup [sttetsm — 
enoitieodotda oft of Hreyot ai egantivug of? 2240 ond *8 
gud ,aeinitixo mort sett som sta bettindua wel to , 

foerrco anw div0o edt vd nevig dnemgbut add as ; : 

sfofw edt neck dustaccs ni ti oted¥ .88 .1fE SPS 

ni gual to anoi¢ieogotg yatbfod at tiuoo aft yt > 


to fmetevet tol bovotg od tom bluods bas 2as Lorad La * 


O8L ,xooliW .¥ .c° .tnet avomsi .dnemabut sdt 4 ’ 
effI E88 ogsoit2 to ysio ↄV oremedsed .dd8 . fT 

ad {fiw woled ¢ruo9 edt to snemgbut act 
ebooritts | 


F a 0 
eifut of bettoqet od ot Som < 

hae 2 

I, CHARLES C. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, within and for the Fourth District of 
the State of Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true copy of the OPINION of the 
said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause of record in my office. 

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court 
at Mt. Vernon, this... 0. — Fae oe 
A. D. 1915. ¢ 

doy of December, 

ap. NGL LZ 

of the 


AT AN APPELLATE COURT, Begun and held at Mt. Vernon, Illinois, on the Fourth 7 uesday 
in the month of October in the vear of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen, the same being 
the 26th day of October, in the vear of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. 

Hon. Harry Higbee, Presiding Justice. 
Hon. James C. McBride, Justice. 
Hon. Franklin H. Boggs, Justice. 

And afterwards, to-wit: On the.............. J dav of December, A. D. 1915, there was filed 
in the office of the Clerk of said Court. at Mt. Vernon, Illinois,an OPINION in the words and figures 

aaa 198 I.A. 618 

cece Sind Oe I Appellant. | APPEAL FROM 
vs. | 
| Ce Cue ee $ | =a eS Curette COURT 
De 8. Pr Iasi oe el Bdwerde, COUNTY 

sD oinlloqg A Say X08 { ota 


is cw 
aa wT 
f 4 
» fe & 

"xR AGO 
MORT 14 

res wh ATL roo, SI Any oka Viney coe ane aes —8* 
Voth oon Va —— Bs Aare S sain Wr Aig od ah 

. ~ pa 
\ joss Vow’ see Dives wo — Voy wi oe : 


A— dint. hs wy — 

7— sae 

—— — 
onan Qvlies ) adit Gyyak 
_ ⸗ 
7 orgenl. ohitisll me 
avant wate 

WANAD an soni ore 9 tis Suid bine. 


| ~ ~=itcee eee 
} a 
. <a 
’ ¢ 
— — — 
“a Le. 
4 nis ment ba 
t t ° 
' : a ‘ 
s t - r¥ 
~ } = 
Ls a N * 
F eo 
— ‘ 
' — J ———— 
J i 
ad * ; 7 
t arr a” 
a4; OD 
— —— 

‘ . J ——— — 
ges oT, Ce 


"erm No. 68. Agenda No. 29. 
In the 
of Jtirn 
Sourth District, 

March Term, A. "). 1915. 

Melchior Leipold, 
ee. Appeel from the Circuit 
Bloert itpler, 


J. C. KeBride, J. 

— — — 

the plaintiff in the trial below sought 
to recover a judgment on 8 eontract contained in 
a deed vhereby the defendant war alleged to have 
aerumed the payment of certain mortgages. The 
verdict of the jury and judgment of the Court was 
rencered against him, to reveree which, he nrose- 

cutee this appeal. 


thst the ape ae t owner of ftve—hundred.. 
end—eleyen{ill}—ecremof land situated near the 

Saline River in Saline County, Illinois, tett-*re 

7 ase om one Fer , “=a upon which 

there were three wortgages, one for the amount of 
*ovur Thousand Dollara ($4000), one for Three 

Thousand Dollars ($3,000), and one for Hight 


Court of Hdwarde County. 

-@S .o!f sbroenA -89 .,o mre” 
eit ml 

cfer .¢ .A  ,mreT α 

.bfoqisl toidoleif 
tivotr? oft mott Esaqq’ v 

XAuo) sbtswba to ο9 t9L[qi TodI 


; -% ,9bitdolf .9 .% 

Siguos wolfed [sits edt nt ttitniala od? 
nt bentstnoos torttnoos a ao tnemgbut s tztevoo91 of 
eved of bogaltle sew tnebnetsd oft ydstoctw beob « 
efT .s9gRgttom nissi1990 to sSnesaysq oct boaweas 
aew tro) adt to tnemgbut bas yrut edd lo soibtev 
-ssotc of ,fotdw estovet of mid sanisys beio5net 

.fseqqs etnt seduo 

FE eT Be eS 


~bertbouseyt? to remwo lot anne ⸗ ent dock} 

edt teem betausie boel te-retoe—+Lic}) neveletas — J 

artes  aionif{l[l ,yimuod enifsé ni tzevill enifse 

dotdw nocy bre .Yrefo syrost Sno mort HsseNoron had 
to tnvoms edt tot sro ,segsgtios serdt stew sisit 

serdT tot ene ,(OOO0S)) arelfod basevodT 1rg0*% 

tigi tot eno bns ,(000,E%) axellod baravodT 

dla, rs —— 

Thougand DPoliare (%8,000), for wh iéh Apmediand 
wee liatle, either by heving executed the notes 
secured by feta, mortgayer, or by having oeaumed 
the payment thereof. hom Th 
On Bay 17, 1913 appre ay and con- 
z veyed the afopésgeid Land to — a 
nominal consideration of ‘wenty-five “housand 

: fe 
veyed +he—seme to appelteé by warranty deed. The 

Five hundred and Lbifty Doljars peeps 988! and con- 
ak- —— = 

deed making the convey2nce contains the following 

statement: "The covenants of warranty in this 

deed contained are made subject to the mortgages 


on said land 
and the sxccumulated interest 
- on each of *. above, which the grantee herein 

assumes and agrees to pay.” 

The sale of this land +o—sprpedies was 

effected by , epee, Gould, a cousin of: 
") epuetice. — Sy Ae ettee cid st eo wite 

“esses tena? to show that Gould was acting as the 

agent of wets Rin Ke consummation of this 

desl, and that he received frem-eppebtant © com- 

4 mission therefor; whil the 
Me Ne tal 
testimony of ti A’ — t ond Gould i that Bould 
ee — Pret } 
Re ot; * did not at any time act ars tee cert, ofsepellanty 
— It furthét apreer > phat upgn the 


first efforts of Could to trade Wits ayrebtee he 

eat was unable to consummate a deal snd that he theree 

a ; lan 
upon entered into a partnereship with } er 


“abe Tot ,(000,4%) eatellot bresuvodt 
zoton aft betuosexes anivsd yd r9dtte vofdeil asw 
hemuAnse anived yd xo oyegttom bts yd bety098 
eltostets tnenyeq odt 

-noo bas eqqes ESOL VI vet a0 

e tot setfegqe ect of bret bxeteeeta eft bovev 

bosesotl avit-ystnow! to noiistebtacoo [entmon 

-noo buns (0d2,de&3) ats fou Wttiz bas boxbnull evil 
eek A> 
edT ,heeh — va ot emee—ods beyev 

gniwolfok edt enietines gorsyovnoo eit antoem besb 

afaid mit yinerisw to etnenavoo ett" stnomoteta 

segeyizrom ett of tostdu= sam sts benistnoos besb 

⸗ * > 

/ Sen it ? 
— 1000-5 — RS 
-teorotni betelumsoons eft bos ~p6GO,8o are) 2 

ntorani ostasty sft doidw ,evode ert to core no 

*".veq of agetan bor agmueacs 

say eotteeae-—ot baef atdt to ofse sat 

‘to nievoo © ,bivod α ud betostts 
0 hia ei ban eebtomee E yoomitaot — foc 


ot es gnijos aaw bluod stent were ot Rbnet eeecerm 

aidt tc noitammuenoo 9 ak to tneys 

-109 s iaohklecdcas-sert hav ieoer ed tndt bas ineb 

ait Cidw ell ese noiee th 

blvo® fait st bIuycdD bre are 

ae fs ehomié¢est 
— Jno gs, set as tos emtt yor ts ton bib 

edt noau tan : — tsecqs téddrut hal 

a\ yay Pers 
ort eetferes Wid iw ebars ot bluo? to atrottes startt 

-stodt F tedt bne [asb 8 otammuanco of afdsay saw 
dtiw qtieerendreq s ofmt betetne moqu 


the purpose of purchasing this land, rrereby—i+- 

was agreed they woulkd-pureneethe-tend together; 
was sereec 

— a ee oe 
— —— OAL? * 
—— —— repcosed great confi- 


sence, roth in hie integrity and in his judgment, 

and atter the arrangement was made between—him—end 

“ se this land—topether-arvreHiee left 

the matter entirely to the—}erdpwrer ef could, and 
did not even go to see the land. Could represented 
te~hee that it was a fine piece of corn lance; four 

hundred seres of it in a high state of cultivation; 



three hundred acres had the stups taken out, and 

that it over-flowed oniy in times of very high water; 
thet there were no slovghe in it; and that the Saline 
river ran into it just enough to drain it good; 

that the improvements were good; and that it always 

€rew good corn and was worth tifty dollars an acre; 

and that t e," ant, shes-he-prranisedim, paid 

tifty dol'iars_an acre for it. Gould cissed er the 
ploy xt 

deal wi h, oP etry, but anere no evidence of any 

agreement having been made to assume the mortgaged 

vindebtedters previous to the making of the deed, ame, 
when LO - / inserted therein 

the Mepesetere—clause assuming PP aaa and 
Gould then sent the deed tof eprekiee who retained 

it ané ae Hie tama alae! Ht al the reason, 

as he said, that Gould bis ae partner wrth hii and that hie name was not in the deed me 4_ 
eneofdeee Croutced@. Gould then intormed the eprehl- 
*=@e that & WAN — — nanolet- furrentine desired 


+i-ydotedte ,basl aidt qniasdoruq to ssoqiuq silt 
~—“ttoritegot tre font santotiq bisaw, yout beetgs BBY 
“noriwoirtsiro DIS; ——— SateTt Haw ph itres 
owe * 
-itnoo ¢saty besoqeat wos - ee —— 

Jnoemgbu, aid af bas “snes sid mi Naa apy spomeb 
bao—mii—noowed 9bam aaw taomegnstrs ait — bas 
—B Jb , 
tYtel s9feaqs-retite3e¢—Sael 2eidi secdayua—otbpiurd 
bas ,Sfuou = saroet.edd of} ylearitnes totiam sdf 
betnesetqet SIyoU .bnal edt 908 oF Oy mave9 ton bib 

tuot ;5a8f m109 to ooatg anit s aaw ti teadt seo 

wmoftavistiuo to esteta dyid wp at $f to gatos bstbaud 
AND s 
bos ,tuo medst eqyte eid bs aetos betbauc setdt . 

?tatesw dyid ytev to aomis ai yao Sewolt-ravo $i stadt 
enifed eft tadt boa {si mi adauols on stew stadt toad 
>booy $i nitstb of Aguons Jeu, git osni met revit 
eyswis ti teadt bas ;boog stew einsmevoiymi oct tant 

79798 aS atsllob yStit AéioW Bsw_ bos m109 boog weTyg 

bisq |“ esktetrreer—rexds , Pd + sent boas 

edt we berofo biluotd .ti tot 9198 ne ateilob yrttit 
Sera 4 ung 
yas To sonebive on —— gud , x iw Isob 

dSsgegtiom sit omue2s oF sham nead gnoived tnamestgs 

cheer .6995 odd to gnitsm 9At of euoivetq aersmbotdebati- 
nieredt botreent —— aecw 
bis ,s9nsgtrog bise animuees seuslo~arrbeaeget sit. 
; ALY 
benister ow — + bosb oft Suga node Bblyov 
ay ** —* 
sToaset ont FOE OES Ra ae ae di 
i—metorttiw rsntisd © eam bluod tadt ,biee ed ar 
> mr peed ois mi son saw oman sid tadt bis Loeb ailt 
~Léeres, sift beatotni news bLluod sheetusTg orth Ñαιο 

betisesb enitnerr’ reborn themes cram s dedd eo: 




to purchase the land and that it coulé be traded 
to him for Thirty Thoueand Pollare (30,000) by 
teking scme property in Konsae City and other places , 
— —e, and that Could said ie knew the 
property end that it was good, end Could also a 
that“Time said to appellee, "The deec is made to 
you, ! admit that , but I will have a half inter- 
est in the land and rather than make another deed, 
you go ahead and do it as it was and 1 expect to 
get part of the property you were treding for." 

It further appear4 that a deai between 
Could and Turrentine was consummated upon the 
judgment of Gould, and on the next cay efter this 
deal had been ¢ a and the vo ee the deed 

, , 

from 4 oO appelbbe — — recor 
It further J———— bhe property taken from 
Turrentine was_of no value and that -the —— 

——— spor afta 
secured % from —* adition 

to the assuming of the said mortgeger, was of the 
value of about Forty-Vight Hundred Doliarsa( #4800) 
and that the Saline County land wae of an infer- 
ior quality not in a good state of cultivation, 
and worth very much lees than it had been repres- 

It further an ae the evidence that 

a year or so a the time — 

the making of mm deed by LK, ~prenbeee ‘ 

that geome of the principal and interest became is 
upon the mortgeges referred tp in the deed, * 
vere not raid by ng ete £0 — — eeded 


behets od {yoo $i dent base bust eft easdoruq of 
yd (000,082) ereLlfod basauyod? ytrtid? tot min of 

aaos Iq testo bis Yi ageacl oat ytiteqorq artor guidst 

eit wail ei biaa biyod tsdt das , beebedd—ne—n. 
dm oats biuod bas ,bocg saw tit tedt bas ytraqotq 
of sbam ak b99b edt" ,golloqqgs ot bise eeriT tat 
-totni tle! s sve fiw I tud , tadt tinbe © yyoy 
.beeb tortone oxen aadt vedtst ban bast orft at tee 
ot tooqx9 L bas epw df em ti ob brim baeds oy voy 
".Tot antbsts ets soy vuttoqota ott te tired tog 

ngewied Iseb se jecdt Arsogqe todiaut t+ * 
eit soqs betsimuanoo asw enitnestcuT bra Athen 

gidt tetis ysb txon oft mo Ses ,bIvod to tnengbut 

beeb aft ,sham besh aft bas baRgofo aged ket feeb 
4 We hrooer met bsserbe — —— + ree mort 

mort nootat vitecotg eds rules ems ed wodtirst tI 

yttecota adit tett bane oulsv on to raw snitneartuT 
—B——— t b 
Notes ni ™m Tt STNO8R 
* MGB i x | 

edt to asv .293cg¢10m bisa oft to antmuaas ot of 
(OO8h%)nusffol berbnull rol tuode to eulev 
-r9tni ns to gsw Saefl yinvod sniled odd teadt bas 
wsoitavitivo to atste boos a mt tom yitifsup tol 
esetqet mised bad ti nett esol doum ytev Attow baa 
| -betas 

teat sonebive aft — toditiut tI 

} to emit oft mott of 10 TR8Y 8B — ee 
ID ge NED us beeb itwe to guided ont 

— ge . . 
eub omesod sestetai bas Lecionttg oft to smog tat 

na baad efit mi «Nast tet saasadiom sift noqu 
be599 Soy ae edt xd bisq ton 919" 


to pay off one principal note of +twre—tseusand 
pettsre—2 000) saad several interest notes 

amounting in all to about Two Thousand Geven Hun- 

dred and Nighty Dollars ($2, 780)» 

Caver—_thre—eamnowurt—9 > paid-ort oy appellans.ihat 

this suit._wee-instituted, . 
The deciaration cone atte several snecial 
counts and the common counts, but each and all of 

them are based upon the foregoing cl@dés@faseuning 

the mortgages as pet por th in the deed made by the 


: ora apsetiont to * : 20 
Spratt aoparioe filed the plea of general issue, to which 

he attached a notice of special matters in defense- 


First, denying that the deed containing such clause 
was ever accepted by hin, or that tie assumed and 
agreec to psy the mortgages; second, that the tran- 
saction through which the — deed containing rai 
seq clause was obtained had lena witccted through 
the fraud and cireumvention of onme™-serest Could, #0 
agent of the plaintiff, and that the deed was fraud- 
ulentiy made to , and that becauese of the 
frauc connected with the sale the contract sued on 
was void; and third, that the defendant never did 
receive any consideration for assuming and agreeing 
to pay plaintiff's indebtedness in the declnration 
mentioned. * 

To arrive at a correct conclusion in this 
case, it is recessary to determine to what extent, 
if et all, the foregoing cluase contained in the 

deed made by appellant ie binding upon the aprellee. 

4 ; - Se 

hbosewest—er= to sion Isqioniig 90 tho yaq ot 
gecon teeredni Lei9svee bee [000,$}) srefted 
— — bASsauod owt —————— oJ [fm mi goitnuome 
-9%-03d—ei— Fe —bis 4(08) .S)) eres lod yiglt base berth 
tsdisoslloags 4é-b0--bise—or tions -OAS~TOKD _ 
: bedardttent-mewttee aids 
Isitosce interie S40 tanoo nottersfloeb oT } 
to fis bis ooso gud ,atnvos mnommoo sdt bane atauoo 
gpoitmueen jSebQlo aniogsitot edt noqu boesd ots —* 
ont vd gbsem heeb ont mt —— 2 esgsatrom ant 
ott necdtemsineb eit ol  .soblee od Inmttenqe 
Noidw ot ,sueai Leteneg to nselq odd hefit setlegas™ 
~oansteb mi atsttanm Isiooqe to soiton s Setontia eo 
gauslo dove gninistnoos heeb edt tadd gniyneh tert 
Dre bonweaas Dut decd LO eat yd bsaæqo oos Teve Baw 
-nertt oat teft ,broose j;seysastrom ods veg ot Bbest3r 
AN gninistnaoo — @ees. giit doidw davotds aoitosa 
dauvords batostie need bad Seniatdo asw seuslo pine. 
CO (bluol teederrsre to doitnevauorlo dae butt pid 
bus? pew besb ey tends bose ,iiidnielq edd to tnege 
eft to seusoged tact brs ! ot shsm yisnelu 
no Keck Suede eit efsea eit ditw besosnno0o Sustt 
5th teven tashneteb edt sods ,btids bas jbiov aaw 
gitestgr bas unimyeen tot NOisseiebienos YB avisost 
nottstefoeb aft ni seaenbetdebni a'ttidmisiq yeq ot 

* -besnoistnem 

aidt mt motaufonoo tost109 «8 ts evyiris oT 
Asſxs sandw os soioreted of vtsanssat art ti ,9as9 
edt mt beniedaoo sas—ſo gniogotot oft ,fis ts Tk 

-s9lfsqqs sdv noqu gntbntd ai sas lloqqs yd ebsm beeb 


"A contract to sesume an incumbrance on land pure 
chased is not one of the ersentiel parte of 2 deed 
of conveyance; indeed such 2 contrect ies à strange 
er to a deed. {| 4» ¥ # The mere fact thet Funk and 
his wife executed and sinew Vee a deed, ond inser- 
ted therein a clause tnat Funk should pay the morte 
g@nge named in the deec, would net create 9 personal 
liability vron him. In order to make the aseumpte 
ion clause in the deed bincing and obligatory upon 
dunk, it warn necessary to £0 one eten further and 
show that he assented to that clause in the instru- 
ment." Thompson Ve. Desrborn et al., 107 111. 87. 

"*/ contract to assume an incumbrance is not 
one of the essential partes of a dee@; an the cone 
trary it is extraneous and collatersl to the convey- 

* ance. Such recital in the deed is not in and of 

itself sufficient to fix the liability to nay. 

Something more than this must be shown; the grantee 

is not estapped by the mere recitals of a — 

did not execute.” Schmidt Ve. Werrivan, 101 App. 


This ig a collateral uncertaking * if the 
promise fail or be shown to have been obtrined by 
fraud or mistakenly made, euch urdertaking cannot 
be enforced. Sehmidt Ve. herrimen, supra. It 
was contended by aprellee upon the trial of this 
case, and is here insisted upon, that the forego- 

ing wee a simple contract and a colletersl und 

-tuq Snel co sonetdmsont ns emyeas of tosténoo A" 
beeb s to etrsq [sitnsares ett to sno ton et beraio 
-gistia sc et toertno9 2 dove besbat to 
bas ancl tent toxt orem edT & & & & .b9eb & ot T9 
-teant fre ,53eb s Setqaoon bas betuoexe etiw eid 
-Stom odd yveq bfyote Anu tedt seusio ew ntetentt bet 
fsnostec e etrero ton bluow ,hbeebd ant ni beman agra 
-tqmuaes ott sX¥am of tab10 mt omit noqgu ytilidatt£ 
noqy Yroteat(do bas gntontd beeb edt mt sausto not 
bas 1rodtryut asts aro 03 ot vireseasoon asw ti ,anud 
eutgent oft mi onualo tadt of betneaas of tadt woos 
V8 .f£fT VOL ..f[8 *9 mrodtae”d .3V noequodT ".snom 

fon ak sonntdmyont ns esmyeaa oc tostinoo A* 
-109 eff no ;699b a to ating Istinese9- eds to a0 
-“yevaos oft ot [sretsffoo bas esuoansttxe at tt rats 
to bre ni ton at beeb adt at ([stiost dou .9one 
veo of yttlidet{ off xit-ot Snsiotttve tloati 
sestnary ott pnwode od teaum ets neat stom gnidsdemol’ 
wi kas’ s ‘to elsattoor exom ect yd beqgofas ton et 
eqqA [Of .nertrret .sV thimfod ",essuoexe ton bib 

eit tk bok anivedre5au LIstetelioo s si ati? 
yd bentetdo need svar of nwoda od to [ist vsaimorg 
tonneo onitetrobay dove ,9dem ylnodstsim 10 bustt 
$f .stque ,namitre! .aV tbimdto? .besoretma ad 
mint to (mitt oft moqu sallsqqs yd bebnestnoo asw 
“Logetot oft tadt ,noqu botatani stoi af bas ,9889 
o™eboy Leretelfoo s ban tosttnoo alqmte se asw grt 
TO Dieet vo hantnddo sew tt ti decd doe , gutted 

tt oxem OF Ss poonsteamyotto dove reba benistdo 



ee q 


ee ee 

fraucgulent, then such contract is void snd not 
enforcible, snd we think this is the reel cuestion 
to be determined in this cage. Anvellant ineiets 

that this comes within the clage of cases thet even 

if there was a fraudulent revregentation of the value 

of the property, thst it becmme the duty of appellee 

upon the discovery of such fraud to return the 

property and te demand a return of the consideration 

thet he gave for it: or that if ne kept the property 

his remedy then would ve to sue for the danagea, or 
that such damaces could be recouped in an action 
to recover the purchase price. ‘We do not believe 
thst appellee is limited in white case to the doc- 
trine of recoupment or of a suit for the return of 
the consideration, but that if the contract is 
fraudulent he msey have the benefit of it to defeat 
Bppellant's entire action. ‘ge we have seen, this 
is # simple contract, and where the scticn is upon 
a simple contrect, fraud is a good defense. 
Rovineon Ve. Yetter, 238 111. 320. Schmidt Vs, 
Verrimen, supra. 

"Yraud practiced by the party seeking the 
remedy, upon him against whom it is sought, and not 
thet which is the eubject motter of the action or 
Claim, is universally held fatal to hie title." 
Greenlief on Ividence, Vol. 1, Section 284. 

if the appellant, by himself or his “ 
procured the obligation here sought to recover 
upon, by false or fraudulent muemaxz means, then he 

can receive no benefit from such fraud. “he doce 

ton brs btov afi tosttnoos douse nett ,jnefybuart 
aoidseup [sex oft at eit Antdt+ ow baa ,eldior0tngs 
ateteni tneffacg\ .9ano etdt at bantareteb od of 
smeve Sedt 29289 to earafo oft nidtiw eemeo etndt tact 
gufev ett to noitadtnoserast Snefubustt s 2ew stedst ti 
eelffeqas to vtub sit ammood ti tect .vtascorq et to 
edit atutes ot buntt dove to yrevooetbh ext noqu 
noitatebtsios olf to mtutet s basced of bre ytracetg 
yYsteqorg eft stqex of Tk Sedt to :tE tot evaeyg od Sadt 
TO ,megearh sult rol eue ot od bluow nods ybemet vial 
Noijos ne af bsqueser ed bluod esiemeb dove tSadt 
evaifed ton ob sW .aoirg sesdotuq ais tevooet oF 
-o0b oid ot 9889 eo boft ai betimt£ eat sefloqqs tedt 
to natuss1 sit rot give « to To tremquooet to snitt 
ei sJostdioo ofS tk tedt tud ,notsatreblenoos st 
tseotsb of ti to titened oft eva yam of Sao lubuert 
sidt ,a997 ovsi ow ak .cotton stitae e'tnalloqas 
Noguy ai acitos ott state bas \tontfaoo sfqmte s et 
-98N9%9b boog a ek bustt ,tositaoo eslqmta a 
22V Sbhimdou .0S8 Lif BES prattoy o8Y noasnivot 
.stque ,nsotrret 

ent gnidsea ysisq edt yd beoltostq Bueri" 
ton bas ,ddguoe eat tf modw tentage aid noqu ,ybsmer 
10 noittos edt to tetdcom Joatdus oA si Aotiw tant 
" eltis aid od Late? blod yLfsereviny at ,mtnfo 
S88 acortoa® ,f£ .foV ,s9n9btvdi no Yet{nee71d 

— eid to tfeemiad yd ,tnalleqqs oft tt 
tevoost of tHigues stent moidgsgildo edt bersoord 
ont nondd ~2Neom xXxeum Jnofvburtt re satst vd (fo ek 
-00b ef” .busrti cous wort sitsaed om svieost aso 

eefloqaa tk ofdnotlaqs od tyim bexovnt ered entat — 

i * 


was seeking to recover damages from appellant that 
way have sccrued on account of such false represen- 
tations, but in thie case appellant is secking to 
recover upon a collateral uncertakiog, and even 
though the acts of the agent in the procuring of 
this collateral undertaking were unsuthorized, 2nd 
if such ebligstion wae procured by the unsuther- 
ized and fraudulent acts of the agent, then we do 
not believe that apnellant should recover anything 
by reason of such unauthorized acts. in other 
wordsa,he could not receive ine benefit oi the un- 
authorized acte ot his agent if they were in fact 

"This Court has held that where the prin- 
Cipal actuaily receives the benefit of mumyx money 
procured by the unauthorized acta of its agent, 
the principal will be liable in the amount it has 
received the benefit of," Alton Manufacturing Co. 
Be. Siblical Institute, 2435 111. 208. Citing; 
Jirst National Bank of Lasvegas Vs. Osborne, 125 
Lik« — Faye vs. Slaughter, 4 i121. 15%. 

BASU — \ 
| +! nee to waethner or not the 

| prob eppertest and his agent were guilty of fraud in 
. securing the obligation treme sued unon, the-evtre 

Pow Scd-Heuld week Seekivind nee ates 

; ~wesctieer to do with thie ssle Ee — 

effected by Covld ae a broker and no} ae the agent 
plese and that werterer representations may 
shave been tade—+y——ertd—to-epretrete were without 



gedt Susileqqs mort eesgsmsb tevoove1t ot ynidess asw ot . 
-1sestqo1 salnt dove to gayooos no bsutoos saved Ysa 
ot gnitoes 2i taslisqqs eeso sits ai Sud ,anoitst 
meveo Sas ,goiustrsony isreatsilos s noqu tsv009T 
to qnituoorg eit ai t¢usgea adt To estos sis ifguodt 
Bas ,bositodtusauy siew gnidadirsbay Latetsifoo aids 
-todtueny oit yd beivoorg aew noite gifdo dove ti 
ob ow aodt .Jnaygs sit To efos ¢nofubustt bas bssi 
giiddyns revoset Siuodse tnsilsqqa teit sveiled ton 
todto nal .aton besttodsiusny Houe To noxsst yd 
“as 9it to titened st svisos1 ton bivoo sd .abtow 
tost mi stew yott Tk sJnons aii to ston besizodtus 
; etnetydustt 
enitg eit etedw fads bled ead ¢tv0d atiT? 
yenom xxmax To Jitensd sils esvisoo1 ylisutos Leqto 
2fnegsn esti to stos besizroustusnu eds yd betwootg 
asi ti gnvome oft mi aldeil od ILiw L[sqtonizq sat 
200 gnktutoetunsi mo¢ IA ",t0 S$itened odd hbevisoost 
wanitid .8eS fff EAS ,edutiteoI Lsoitdia .8f 
6Sf ,orttcde) .e8V asgevest to unsd L[anotissil teri 
Gk hed ee ~wetdgueic .eaVY syefl 3cS .fif 
: LARD mA — 
edt ton to tetiteow of a Bn * 

mi buertt to ytlivg otew snegs eid bos teerttooes 

<tve-sré .noau beuye seen nottsaifde sit gntituvoss 

eve * ⁊ αα “a ie. 
Se WU NO : ws 

an idten I at sJsdt betitttags dtod bi{uovd bas ¥ J—— 


—— — s Ieasæ aftdt dtiw of of «eects 

tnegs eit ae ton bos zrsdo1d 2 38 bluold yd batootte 
ag — 
vem snoitjetnesetaoet ⏑ 7 A 

suottiw stew #9+-forge~od—bfites—y~d¢—obsm 93d oved. 
\ / 

Be a 

puthority of, . 
: — 

inchs orfullbisd - 
‘rom the teatimony of spre; : 
thgt oa . gat one time, iold apperree thet 

A ’ 

he employed . Covid ve his egent to dispose 
ef thie land and paic him for it, the payment 
being a, half lial in the machine shop that 
ar the deal. ‘Metse-cor-ersatinr 
oeeuneed—iaers—roridts in 1 i. Carnet 

3 HK. Quindry testified to having heard the 

— ey 
convergation. lie also states that the — ilauiclys 

testified on a former trisl that he turned over 
one-half of thia machinery to Gould for making 
this deal. It eve apvears from the eviderce 
that Gould showed the letters received by him 
from Epler to Leipold, and aleo told him what 
spler anid; and Gould AM contradicted by Charles 
Marshal and Charles Naylor, who sradthat Could 
stated that he was acting ae the agent of J ecipold 
an—thtetrer\essiian, and that he covld not get the 
desi finished and in order tno complete it he had 
to teke a helf interest in it hireself@./>nd—+there 
are meny other circumstances connected with the 

transaction, which, in our opinion, would warrant 

the jury in finding that Leipold and Govld were 
working together in this traneeection. When the 
first deed waa delivered to appellee he refuered 
to aceept it because it was not made to anpellee 
and Gould as joint owmers. ina short time this 
Was remedied ond sometime during this period it 

appears that Govid told appellant what spler said 

* * 9- 


reds ly 
Vit POtT™ bit ore prey ato ui froddue 
—R Dio satay te 

rome io ynomisest edt mort ataag I 
; tS .omit ano ts —— 

seoqeih ot tneys sin se bLy0d . deyatqms 9 | 

tnemysq ott .ti tot mid dStaq bas basl atdt to 

tewi godte sxtidosm sft at testetat tisd.a aaisd) 
Notterreywrrs—etrl! .faeh sit 

sme ot brssd anived of beititees vrbaiuy et 6G 

—RE ait tedit setsate oals sil .noitasreviioos 

teve bend of Sedd Leins rasrio? s no be ltiitest 
gnidaem tot bluod ot yrentdosm etdt to If{sei-900 
soneshive edt mort atseqqs cite $0 .fseb aris 

mind’ yd bewtsosr atottol eds bswote hLliod tact 
tene mind bfot oafs bun ,bfLloqis! ot relqd mort 
2efredd yd betotbatt noo ODN bLucn bre tbirme tela 
Hliso2 fasd hase onw ,tofysif seftrdS bas Indarali 
bLloqts< to tnegsa att 2s gniton asw of ted? betate 
edt tey ton Blues of tedt Soe , ceddomcrer feta 
bad and si atalqmoo of tobto nt bas bedeainit faeb 
erent—orc|,Btloartd ti nt teeretat tled # eaet of 
edt atitw betoasnaoo asonetemuorts teito yism 91s 

tnatisw bluow ,notatao tuo nt ,dotdw ,noisdosensst 

etew bfirou bane bLogisd gadt gaibrit al yrei eontt 
edt ned .noitoseners aids af redteyot garttow 
besute1 of selfeqqn of batovilsb sew beeb sattt 
seileqqcs ot eban gon asw ti sausoed si dqaooe oF 
aids emis Srode s ml .etenwe ¢niol as blued bas 
$i boiteq eins yniruh ouitemos bus hethemet saw 

bise telq. tedw tosifeqqs blot biveuv teas sissqge 

-e- “ 

PRON ny — 


and showed him pler's letters, and they were 
undoubtedly in consultation about thie motter 
and the acceptence of the deed. 

O It further apnears fem the crvidence. that 
the land had been grossly ihe ~ tual by Gould, 
both ae to value and conditiong and we think 
that appellant could not helr but have known, 
under ‘te conditions here shown to exist, that 
Gould was claiming to be a joint owner with Epler 
in this deal, and certainly knew that ipler had 
confidence in Gould, an@ if he wae coennerating 
with Gould, ars the jury seem to have found by 
their verdict, it would certainly be such a fraud 
upon the rights of appellee as to prevent eppell- 
ant from benefiting by the transaction, at’ leest, 
we are unalle to sey that the verdict of the jury 
wae manifestly wrong in finding that thie was a 
frnuduient schere concocted by appellant and Gould 
and nrosecuted for the purpose of obligating app- 
ellee to pay an amount far in excess of thevalue 
of the land that was deeded to him, to say 
nothing of the property thet was turned over by 
him to aprellant. ‘ie alec think the jury were 
warranted in finding that appellee never assented 
whewingly ane intenticnally to the assuming of this 
mortgage and indebdtedness. As it apnears that the 
deed was placed on record and the conveyance 
made by appellee to Turrentine through a echeme of 
" Goule that probably had for ite object the faet. 
ening of thie indebtedness upon appellee; and ag 

it appears that in the deal made with “Surrentine 


stew yodt bas .atettol e'refqi min bewore bas 
taticm sids tyodr noitsti(uanos ai lbesduobmy 
.b299b odt to sonedtqeoon ailt bar 

tridt Aoas sot west errands rodtret $1 O 

blued yd Sstisserqetsim yf[230%14 ne0d bad bral oct 

Anidt ow One gnotttbaoo buns sulav of Bs Asgod 

amon eved fud vlad ton Sfyoo raat sand 

tedt ,tetxe ot nmwoke sted anotstibhnos at — 

aofqi dtiw tenws tntot s ed ot antmisfo eaw biuod 

bad rs{q ?add went yIntstis9 bnew {seb eidd ai 

aaitsia 79-09 aau of ti Sas , b4900 ait 9 2tebi tno 

yd bavot overt ot meen ytut ott as .bfuod ddiw— 

bustt s douse ed yinistreo blyow tt ,totbrev ated? 

-{{eqce tasvetq ot as aefleqqs to esdgi2t adit noqu 

etasol te ,noitosanstt aot yd gnitttensd mort tas 

yviuf, oft to toibirev edt fedt ysea ot ofdsnu ots sw 
a esw aidt Ssdd yoibntt at ynorw Yitsotinsn AnYW — — 
bfvod bos Jnsilegqqs yd batoooncos aredoe ne fuhuset si 
_ eaqs gatiteygiide lo saoqiugq sft tot betusseotqd bre 
eulsvend to es299x95 ai Ist Jovoms as YSg ot worse 
yse o¢ ymtd ot bebesb sew sect bast ott to 

YI revo beatus esw tsit ytiscotq edt to anitdton 
— crot, edt aAntdt? oels oF  .tuatLeogr o¢ mid 
betnseas uevan selfoeqgs tedt ant batt ui bebnastad: 
aint to gnimuaes sft ot YLilaenoitnetnt bre <elpniwend 
eft tedt atsseqs Fk eA .anonbetdebnt bane gaeatrom 
gonsyavnoo eit bas broset ao beoslq saw beeb 

to smetos s dauords entineriuT ct selloqqe yd sbhsm 

-tast od tootdo sti rot bed yidedotq teds biluov 

8s bis jeellecqes mnogu eeenbetdebat eist to gnine Are 

«Of[-. : a4 * 7 
V 1 *F0 E 7 ~ 

enitnerry’ diiw sham [seb oft at tadd atseqqs ps 

the property received by Gould anc appellee was 
worthless; and Gould all oi this time so maneged 
end manipulated the matters as to evoid becoming 
liable himself ior tiiis indebtedness, but ail the. 
4 tine sought to ereate an obligation upon tie part 
of appellee; and while there ia no evidence uirecte 
ly connecting appellant with Gouid in this matter}; 
yet, under the circumstances 4nd admiseions made, 

BC we Can not say that the jury were not warranted in 

— finding that they were co-onerating together, es- 


pecieglly so, when appellant was so closely agso- 
ciated with Gould and was the one who wae largely 
id| | benefited by the desl. Thejury heard the witneeses 
testify, and had an opportunity to see —— 
their conduct and _ while on the etend, 
and to know better from what occurred during the 
va ‘trial who war telling the truth about this matter 
Ahan we can tell fromthis record, and if the wit- 
—— of appellee were telling the truth about 
i 2 it, the_n the jury was warranted in finding as 
v2 f f thay did, 
A 4 | There is an objection made to sppellee's 

inatructions because they are framed on the theory 

es that the presence ef actionabtie fraud inducing 

# an —* ‘damage to any extent is a canplete cefense to the 

| * plaintiff's Cause of action. We agree with counsel 
* that the instructicna are framed unon this theory, 

and for the reasons above indicated, we are fure 


asw eallaqqs ons bluod yd bevieost ytreqoiq ort 
hegsnen o# gmtt add to Ife bluod baa jeeoldttow 

yiimoosd biove ot es sratinn edt betstuqinain bas < 


itt {ie Sid ,naenhbetdebat elit tok tloamid oLdsett 

txsgq ot moqu notstegif{do an stsets ot sriguon smkt \ 7 
-foetiv sonsbive on ei stodit sitdw bas reolleqqa ke \ ‘ fy 
‘totise eict mi Oinov atiw inelloqgs anitosrnoo yl J 
bam enoiasimbe bie eseonstamyorio att tesbny Jey 
ni betnstrsw gon siew yrul, eft tadd yee gon an. ow 4 \a 
29 ,r9dtesygot .unitrereado-09 siew yans tend gudbntt Ds: 
-o#8s Yissol9 of asw tnaeileqqe nedw .os vilsioseq 
yfogisi asv odw eno sft aaw bane bivod Atiw botsio . NY 
reesesontiw sat bined yrupjedt? .faeb sdt yd betitensd 
— 992 03 ydinustoqgo as Dad bas vibdaes 
bart: edt ao alidw YS bis Soaubnoo riesAt il = 
edt gnitud betry9o90 dsdw mort retsed wont at brum 
tottem etdt tuods Atuts sdt anifled sew onw [stat 

-tiw oft Ti bos ,brooet etdtmort {Let nso sw nant, 

uods diurt oS goitist stew selilsqqs to noneon 

ear giiboit nit hetnstrsw asw yrui ett mons .tt. | 
ae Ris aly 
ebib yout © 
e'selflsqcs of sham nottostdo as at stedT a Se 

yrosdt sdt no bemart ete yods egeusoed anoltoursant J— 
gntoubnt buerti alfdsrncttos I9 gonsasrg ant dads | 
efit ot enneteds stelqmo « si tnstxe yas oF —5 
feaenuoo datoe soxrur of .moitos to sauso a'ttitatel¢ Vv 
eXtosds waite noqy boatasat ste encitouident ald todd _ 
-Iut 916 ow ,b9tsotbait svods anonset oft tot baa 

toertoo ew ai yroesdt ant tadt aotnigo edt -to t9edt 

olla . \ th i 
; } 

; should not have been ; iven because there was 
no evidence of any kind to support the inetruct- 

* dion. Jt is true, there was no direct evidence 

that appellant had anything to do with the sub- 

sequent conveyance to Turrentine, but if it was 
a fact, ea the evidence tended to show, that Gould 
/ . : P 
and appellant were co-operating together in the 
consummation of this deal, then there were such 
aoa facte surrounding the trensfer to Turrentine as 
. to warrant the court in giving this instruction, 
oe —— we have carefully read the record ‘ 
in this case, and can not say that the jury was 
Si . ee) : A? : 
o aaa not warranted in arriving at the conelusion thst 
a ty _ they did with reference to the facts in the 
/ease, or that the Court erred in its rulings and ‘ 
Fa instructions, and th® judgment of the lower 
Ee — 
oe » court 18 affirmec, 
ay s “i f 
20 jee, Judgment affirmed. 
ls * ga 

Jurtice bores dissents. 

Not to be reported in full. 
. mw *. -12- 85 
— a 
‘ wy F I 

esw stodt seuscoed nevi, mood eved gon Oluode 

ne sal 

-toutsani oft trodqque of brid yrs to sonebive on ce” 

sonsbive sositb on esw sisde ,eaurt ei GL “nok ol 
-due ott ddiw ob of gniddyos bed dasllogqr drt 

sew di ti Sud ,onisnetivT ot sonsysvio9 Samsipoe 

blued tedd woe ot bebnsst sonshive ont 2s tort es 

eid ai iwsidtexot ynitsteqo-o9 o1eW tnelleqqs bas 

dove stsw oisdt oondt [web eldt To no td snus noo 
2s onitnerruT ot tetensis edd goibnuortwe atost 


snottouttani aftdd anivig ai sity09 eng dost Taw of 
x brooet act bast ylivtetso even oW 
asw yrIut edt ¢sdt yee tom meo bie ,o8eo ek a. 

tedt noteulonoos oft ge goivitis al bodnentew 
eit nt atont edt of sonerstort cit iw bib N 

bos egnifut eti at barre ‘<. edt tect to Ry ee 

it one weno itouttent 
.oonrrt tts @i S109 

yewol edt to tasmybui, 

sbemritts t+nomygbut 

weinoeeib agjod sottenugt 

-ffut mi betiroqet od of golf 


fL~ —* 


i oe 
ie a | 



I, CHARLES C. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, within and for the Fourth District of 
the State of Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true copy of the OPINION of the 
said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause of record in my office. 

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court 

ME Vernmonihise Let dav of December, 

A. D. 1915. “ail 

Se eee Oe 

Hon. Harry Higbee, Presiding Justice. 
Hon. James C. McBride, Justice. 
ion. Franklin H Boggs, Justice. 

1 Nh . cp & 
i etre 6 2 

And afterwards, to-wit: On the -22---i17the----. av of April, A. D. 1916, there was filed 
in the office of the Clerk of said Court, at Mt. Vernon, Illinois, gn OPINION in the words and figures 
following: \ 
E. L. Brown, ‘ i 
—— oS Sa ee ae’ } ERROR £6: 
Jaa Appellee, j APPEAL FROM 
— Bo j 
; j 
3 / 
2 —— ww | 
vs * — | 
— —— COURT 
No. Boece Po eRe | 
October Term, 1915 | 
a. ee eR 3221") - a COUNTY 
ae Jonn L. Paraham Hat Co., | 
ee | 
—— ee 



Term No. 5. Cetober Term, 1915. Agenda Eo.l 

&. L. Brown, 

ve Appeel from Tope. 

John 1. Paraham iiet Company, 

— —— — 


Opinion by Figbee, FP. J. 

Appellee claims a balanee due him for salary, 
from appellant, a corsoration doing businees at hemphie, 
Tennessee, and to collect the same, awore sut a writ of 
attachment before a justice of the peace in Fope county, 
illinois, which he caused to be served on two of annele 
lant's customers in that county, There eas -2 judgment 
against the company from which an apneal wae taken to the 
circuit court, where the jury found fer appellee in the 
eum of $93.75. Judgment xwse entered ageinst appellant for 
the amount of the verdict and coste, and thet company hes 
appealed to thie court. 4n inepeetion of the record dies. 
Closes that neither the motion for a new trisl, nor the 
instructions in the caee, are contained in the bill of 

The rule is well settled in this ctate that where 
the trial ie ty-jury, the errore relied on for a reversal 

on appesl, must first have been brought to the notice of the 


ae © Pe ‘Sed, te ae — ‘Li err er Sao. a 3 a 
pee — ae 
* A 

sbnoya A LRL mre? rodotod 

99 — 
-9goT mort Laoqqa . ae Pipe: 
Xasqeoꝰ tai meters’ 2 

( -tnsiloaga 

“th 2.2 ,eedgil yf motntgs 

a — 

sUtsine tot mid eub sonsind # amtsto ostforgh | 
~eidqus! ts esentaud gntob fotserectoo & tne ffocae aot = 

to dinw a due etows ,emma ot Saallos of bar ,seueenno? F 

ayinuoo scot at g029¢ ot to ooidert & areted ft: 
«feqch to cwt ae bevien of ot beeuss ert sokster vated ft 

— « 207 sted?. — deat at ——— 2 

edt ni eolleqqs 16t bawet yrst oat oxede tmr09 Suen 
of tusifeqqe t2niags batetne 2297 oh — — 

b broosy notdoeqent nA dquo etht ot > 
‘edt ton ,{etad won s rot aottom ont nodtien tant es 
to (Lid odt mt hentetnon ots ,bas0 off at ano ttom 

. — yanoit qoox 

‘orter'tedt stat: 2int mk heltte: [Low at ofirr ot? — * 
Lserever a tot mo botfor arorts odd | — — = ee 


trial court by a motion for a new trial thet they nay be 
corrected in that court. The clerk he copied into the 
transcript of the record made by him what purports to he a 
motion for a new trial and aleo what are claimed +o be the 
instructione in the case, but thet does not make them a part 
of the record for our consideration, as these are watters 
which must be vuched for and certified to by the trial 

. judge and not by the clerk of the court. 

In Call v. The People, 201 311. 499, there aves. 
tions are fully reviewed and determined -nd the court's 
Opinion therein together with the erres referred to, leave 
no room for argument. In that cese it ie onid, "It is not 
sufficient that the clerk copy into the transcript of the 
record made by him a copy of the motion for a new trial, 
it must be made ea wart of the bil} of excentions, the rule 
being thet no grounds other than those set out in the motion 
for a new trial, will be consicered by thie court in review- 
ing the judgement ef the trial court, it is important thet 
we know what that motion contained. This knowledge can come 
to us only throvgh the bill of exceptions, * 

in the ease of C. B.4 QeRR.CO. v. Hazelwood, 194 

dil. 69, referred to in the case last nbove mentioned, it is 
gaid, "The instructions do not appear in the bill of exe 
ceptions...We find in the record immediately following the 
J bill of exceptions, conies of instructions, but nothing in 
the bil] serves to identify theee inetructions as being : . 
theese reterred to in the bill of exceptions. The certificate 

_ of the clerk is to the effect that these instructions are 

_ @opies of those given or refused by the cart. This ——— 
»Be a 

¥. 1 & i 
* FFs - —* 
—— eee wis! — 

ed yet yous todd Laird wea 4 1ot noitom a vd uod fant 
ett ofnt botqoo sac Xzefo oft .d4tMOO jadd at botoetz00 

ed of etreqtuq tadw mid ye sham broost eit to tatrornetd Fi 

d+ od of bomiafo sin tadw oats bees fabut won a ‘tot aot 

q 8 maxi? avew toa 290b ted? tud 60 ‘odd ot ancitourten 

esisitam 915 9ead¢ as — 9 tue xot brooex ont 

{feist ‘aus yd of bektiiateo bre ‘tot bedowv od — oti 
»tis09 edt To ‘aslo ott yd ton bas J 

agup anedt ,@e> LLL £08 ,efqosd eT * ttad at 

afttoo ait bar honterrateb bis ‘hows bend yifur ote ‘eno 3 
sveot ,of bert: — 222 20 edt? ditw 30* ‘atetod? notatgo 
Stat ot ¢¢ onan tatt of .dnomugzs tot moot of 

709 ‘Wxaflo act fort tnekot 

fon at 31” 
adit to fatroanats od? otni ¥ 
.fatys wen 8 tot nottom en? to xao⸗ 2 mid wd aban bro992 

efur ot ,anottdsoxs to (ftd ont to tres - “eban od faust at 

g2 ga0dt neds todto a bawo Ta ot —0 
tw ,faind won’ 

ttom oft mt tuo 3 
gtvat ai truco aids vw bere btanod 6d tr 
.ttsoo ferat eat to $nomabust 

gedt guetroqmt at vf 
-denisinoo ao bom tect taste wort ⸗ 

100 M29 exbo tvxon aid? 

« enottqeoxe ‘to trad ont dguéwds “ino i ot . 


Ber ,boowfossil .v - #.8.9 To ome — 
teal sano oft mt oF bereetet eo — 
-xe to ffid odt nt maacgs gon ob enottouriant oft” bine 
oft mt batt sis samodt@o9 

k ti Jbanoisnant syvods 

edt gaiwot fot yet aiboant bi0987 
ad wanottorttent to eatqoo sero ks as oxs “S3¢ 2 

at gaidton J: . 
geod qitinebk ot aovise red St 

: gnied a5 anottouttant 
soltitroo en? anot gas ox⸗ to [ftd ent nt of petretet | 900 

ets eaottourtant — sede sootts ‘ont ot af ax Lo. ont to 

sgitisti199 eta? duno ont ye bosutot ‘to novia sxodt ** 

oe | — fas — 

“resented he would increase hie eales; that appellee wae 

_ paid his ealary for thet month and the fellowing month, 

has no virtue to bring these inetructions to our judicial 

Appellent claime that upon the fecte in thie cane 
the verdict and judgment should heve been in hie favor nlso 
that appellant was prejudiced by remarks made by the trial 
judge. Whether or not these reaeons were eet out in the 
motion for a new trial in the court below, we cannot know 
ae thet knowledge could only properly come to ue through 
the bill of execeptione. ‘The grounds upon which the motion 
for a new trial was based, net annesring in the bill of 
exceptione, the presumption is that the trial court properly 
overruled the same. It must aleo be presumed so far az thie 
appesl is concerned, that the evidence ras eufficient te 3 
support the verdict end judgment and that the remerke of 
the court complsined of, did not effect the verdict. Rote 
withetending the fact that the reeord does net properly 
present the queetion es to whether the verdict was suprorted 
by the proof, which is the principal question relied on by 
apreliant fer a revergal of the judgment, we have exanined _ 

the record and find that thepppoofs were amply sufficient to 

sustain the same. 4 

it epperrs that aprellee had worked as a travele s 
ing selesman for appellant for a number of years, that his ; 
enlary wae based on the amount of hie salee and had been . 

Changed severnl times on that rccount; that in December, 1914 


when he was getting $125 a month, anpellant complained of 

appellee's work and the question of reducing his salary 

wee discussed, but that this wae not done as apnellee rep- ⸗· 

= 4 

etothut tuo oF enottourteant assent gniitd of oudaty on sed 
| "ssotton 

o sint at stort edt moqu ted? emisio tun lloqqa 

be agin 
A tovel sts at noad even Sluode tromabist, bas totbrev ont 

itt off yd obam axtinmet yd boolbutetq saw dna lioggn dealt fh 

odd ni tuo ten etaw saosmst esoat tom to roas oci — 

rom tonnmno aw ,woled dau0o oft 4 f{eintd wen 6 x0 aottom 

Mauoint au of amon ylrsqortc ylino bluoo abs [wong todd as * 

Etoo st dottw moqu abnuctg of? -enold qooxe * ar as 

4 : 

to [ftd odt mi gnitaeccs ton ,beesd eaw feist wen 8 208 
qotq Sxuoo Inits oft tant et nottqnvesre ont — 

#8 tet on bomueata od ostar Je unt rt + omee adit belurrevo — 

of fnetoittus sav somebive ont tect? —— at — 

to avzemer adt taNt baa dreamy but bas toibrev odd Ptoqque 
‘OM .tothtav aft gnotts tom bE , ro bentolqupe t1u090 oat 

yltedota tom 2906 brooet edt salt tost sat gntbasdedt iw = 
‘orque arw totbrevy sdd redtedw of es mnotiseup edt toonara 
f me bsifor noiteaoup Laqtonir, edt at to iclw Roots silt ws oa 

Ninaxs eved ow ,tnerrmgbut edt to Inatever s Tot tne fLoame 

fetottius yflamen stew stoogukeds ted? Batt bas brooe7 acid 3 
-omse off nistsue — 

eveitt 8 28 boxttow bed selleqqn tad? eitssqgqs 31 

Mf teat ,stesy to r9edaum s tort tnsileqqs tot nameetnn gat 

meed Sed bas esfse atid to touems edt no beesd sew wisioa 

(,tedmeosc nt tadt j;tmyooon tant no semtt Iaxreves dogma 

to Hentafqmoo tnaffecarn ,dtnom s 6SL4 gnities aaw ef nociw 

yrsler eid yatouber to motteaaup oft Sas drow a'sefleqqa 

rx vellscqs as snob ton sew aldt ted? tud ,boasvoketb saw 

sow solfoqcn tant zas ſas ati sesetont bluow ed betnerst 

eitnes gniwolfot edt bana dinos: tadd tot ytales sid bleq 


but on Pobswary 18, 1915, he left appellant's plince of 
busineese in femphie, came to hie home in lllinoie and 
never returned to work. It wae for hie Iset month's 
snlary that suit wae brought and the verdict appears to 
cover the portion ef the month he worked. Anpellant 
claimed that apnellee had been overpaid by resson of his 
net working full time and that he quit without apneliant's 
consent. n the other hand arreliee contends, and there 

is evidence to show, that hia duties as a treveling sales 
man for aprellant, did not consume all his tine and that 
he had fully performed hie contract, also that he had ouit¢ 
with appellee's econgent and on its suggestion. ‘hile these 
pointe were contreverted, there was sufficient — to 
fully sustain the claime of aprellee. “he judgment in this 
ease will be affirmed. 

Judgment affirmed, 

Hot to be reported in full, 


a’ittnom feof gin tot anw If 

of arssqgs ¢otbrov ent brn tdquerd arw dive sed 

_bextow of dtnom edd To gottxed “ad 

yd biaqrevs 967 bead osfleqacr tedt 6 
bas omit Llut gation 4 

¥ — 


eld to moee#9™ 
7s fuods tw tiup sa tact 
atfetaa bast tedto sz Pi) — 

std tadt ,vede of oonebive a 

bib ,tnsifecgs ° or ae 

sient bre ,fbmetaco 9 

wpalne guifeyvstt #8 en astsub 

t+ etd ifs ompenos ton 

tots bne 9 
ative bad of tnt onfn ,teagtneo etd bamretted ei luk bart 

noideenyua et mo bas tneaned n'ostieqas * 
evoriac® eraW anton al 

easc3 etide .f 

of tooctcd tnotokitun enw etods ,betz 

eidd ni saoeyduf ei? .eelfedgs 

ebomriita $ senrgbu 


I, CHARLES C. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, within and for the Fourth District of 
the State of Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true copy of the OPINION of the 
said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause of record in my office. 

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my dan 
at Mt. Vernon, this ............. ——— ey wee 
A. D. 1916. 

ffixed the seal of said court of April 

__ Clerk of the npenate C Court. 

the 28th day of March, in the vear of our Lord, one thousand nine hundren an 

Opinion of the Appellate Court 

AT AN APPELLATE COURT, Begun and held at Mt. Vernon, Illinois; on the Fourth Tuesday 
in the month of March in the vear of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, the same being 

Hon. Harry Higbee, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. James C. McBride, Justice. 
Hon. Franklin H. Boggs, Justice. 

And afterwards, to-wit: 

On the... Seventeenth day of April, 


. D. 1916, there was filed 

in the office of the Clerk of said Court, ut Mt. Vernon, Illinois, an OPINION Hi the words and figures 

LOW “Tek Jol is yo ste 
ee ees Appellant. 
Tc er 

——— ———— ———— — 

198 TA. 639 


F 7... St» Clair. COUNTY 


Wg RD E 

SO ee Se, IP 


he G 

«i ae 

WHO Sioll J on AC ois 

oe pag 

— Vso bid be sage, RIOD, — 
it ' sits voy one ved wie le Gib, aS pe 
4 Wade) at Be Aho cy] W Mrd oft ah —J epic: 

wonetil> grind —— — — i 
MR. CD amare 07 A 
. } atts 2OQokk NA ABIL Aoki Poor 

VA hAG A ZARA’ old Yeo 75 — — 

Pee | eee 
} sth) overeat 1 Soe oho Ay 

; : 2) sees —— — nd | 
— — Pipe 
CLK, «te ee — el 



Term to. 14. October Term, 1915. Agenda No.4. 

Jacob Schulz, 
Ve Appeal from St. Clair. 

Wiiliem Haiser, 

— — — —ú— — 



Opinion by Higbee, FP. J. 

fon 0 oe Sse Cine os we wt woe 

Appellant owned one hundred and twenty acres of 
land in 3t. Clair county, Illinoie, san¢ apneliee rented and 
occupied an adjoining farm. On the morning of Cctober 17, 
1914, four cattle belonging to annellee croesed the division 
line between the two ferme at a place where there wae no 
fence and went over a field of appellants sowed to winter 
Oats and snother which wes in clover, both of which it is 
Claimed they injured. They were discovered about noon and 
a@riven back by aprellee and his brother. On December 16, 
1914, appellant brought suit in trespass agninst appellee, 
placing hie damages st $10. Apnellant wan defeated before 
the’ justice where the suit was instituted, and also in the 
circuit court, to which an appesl wes taken. His motion for 
a new triel wae overruled and he brings the record to this 
court for review, complaining among other things that there 

was prejudicial error in the instructions. Thst the cattle 


Mm sbrogs 2L0L yarreT todotoO = AL OM omeT 

-tisf0 .¢& mort, Lseqqh — 

-L ef ,s9dgih yd nointgd 

ane enna nan 

to eeton ytnews bone borbaurl eno bemvo tnelloqga : 
ms betnor salforqs baa ,etont(il ,ysnudo atield . 48 ak — 
NE tedoto0 Yo aninrorm att nO .mrst animtotha mz” botquo00 . 
taivib sdt bsesoro selLeccs ot anignoted altteo uo* “ater 

on eBy oteit etedw soslfq a ta anxst ows oft oat ed “ontl : 
atetniw o¢ bowos etnsf[loqgs To pLoxt & T9Vv0 tnow ‘Bas sone. 
ai $i soi to dtod ~rovolo nit esw dotdw rodtone bus ‘atco a. 
ma moon tiods bstevooath stew yed™ .betstat yedt somal 

Of tedmecet nO .tendtord aif bas — mt 198d 1 

[tino eit ged? .enoktoutteni odd dt xotre fstotb 



entered appellant's farm and paesed over his fields within 
a short time after a rein and left frocks in the soft @round, 
ig conelusively shown in the evidence, but as to what damage, 
if any, was caused to the land or crepes, is disnuted. Ape 
pellee eeys in his brief that it ia not disnutea that his 
exttle got vwnon the land of appellant at the time in queetion, 
and while he does not deny that he would be lioble for any 
Gamages done by his eattle to the lands or crops of appellant, 
he contends that the evidence in the case does not show that 
his cattle did any damage to appellant's land, end therefore 
tne judgment of the circuit court should be suetoined. 

“he court inetructed the jury on behalf of appellee, 
"The plaintiff is required hy law to prove his case by the 
Greater weight of the evidence and even though you may de- 
lieve from the evidence that the defendant's cattle entered 
upon the land of the plaintiff, still unlees you further bea 

lieve from the evidence, that the plaintiff's crope or lands 

were injured tr reby, then you should find for the defendant. * 

kollowing this theory the court refused en inetruction of- 
fered by anrelisnt which told the jury, “thet every vnauthor- 
ized entry upon the iande of enother ie a treenass, for vhieh 
@n action will lie, and the law implies damages te the owner, 
and in the absence of proof ac to the extent ox the injury, 
is entitled to recever nominal damages"; and also refured 
several other instructions to the same effes't. The instrue- 
tion above referred to, x2 viven for appellee, wae erroneous 
as earplied to the facts in thie case and those refused for 

eppeliant stated the law correctly and should have been given, 


— — 


kddiw abfett atc teve beaesc baa oret a'tnsilecqs beredas : 
org ttos edt nt exfoar} ttel bas aist s testes emits trode 6 — 
mash tsdw of een Stud ,sonebive edt mi mode ylevieulonoo st 

qa .»bestuceth ai ,eqoro to Smal eft od besusS asw ,yas tL 

aid: edt S5otuqe ib tom et ti Sait tetrad-ald mt eyse selfeq 
ague ni gintt sd? ts tuallsaas to bael edt noon tog afttso 
me tot.ofd-ti od bBluow sa tadt yreb com ss0b sil oCindw: bas 
feoqs to aqoto toe esbnaei ett o¢ aftiao ald yd enmeb eayened 
$ wode ten a90b ses9 sit mi sonebive sit tedd abnestnoo od. 
teredd bas ,basl e'tasifeqqe of sascmeb yaa bib olsteo aid 
sbenicdeun- ed blvode tiseo ¢ivoxto edd to taemabyt, odd. 
sqas to tiered ao yet sat betouttent tauoo- edt 
mt yd sesso eid svota ot wsl yi betiupst si Mistntelq sat" — a 
od yem voy tyvodt mevs bre sonsbive sit to tdgiew tetset3. a 
tetas oftico etinehuateb ont ted? gonebive est soxt sveil 
F tantrirt voy sselnu ([Ctte ,ttitntelqg eft To bral odd oe 
if xo sgoro e'ttisnialq ont tact ,sonshive edt moth syseil 
sbasieb eit tot batt bliss voy asdt ,ydet sit beruial stew 
sto mofttouwtiant ms bseyter ttsoo sit yroedt eint goiwoifod. 
itueny yrove tedi" .yrut edt bfot dotdtw tnatflecqs yd beret 
lw tot ,sesqestt s at tsdtons to shnel eft moqu yxtne best 
mro eit of s9usmed aotiqnt wal sit Oas ,stfl ([{iw noidgos se 
ceutmk eit to gnetxe eft ot a8 Icorg to sonsada ont mt bos 
besutet coals One j;"seasmeb {eutmon tesvoosr of hettitnes aL. 
sttank sit .tholte emae ott ot encitouttant raito inveven 
emotie sew ,sefisqqs tot msvig as ,ot herrstet evoia mois 
fot beasutsx ssont Bone 9229 atdt nt etost- ent of hetfiacs ee 

tg meed eve blvowe bra yltoeitt0eo wel act beteate tuellegqas 

very unauthorized entry upon the land of another is a 
tressnees and dameges nre implied from euch trespass, for 
which an action will lie. Pfeiffer v. Groseman, 10 11]. 
53; Bulyit v. Hatthews, 145 111.345; MePherson v. Jamee 69 
11l.Apn.337; Walsh v. Hertzog, 154 Iil.Anp.503. in the 
case last cited, apnellant found appelice's horse on his 

— premises and refused, on demand, to give him up unless 
eapneliee naid #2 damage Appellee gued in replevin and 
obtained judement for nossession of the horse. On appeal, 
the court revereed the jucgment and in the opinion it is 
stated: "Counsel for epnellee argues thet the amount de- 
manded was in excess of the actual demages done and that a & 
tender wae therefore rendered immnracticable. iresnective 
of whether or not anveliant was entitied to tne ‘sum demanded 
as actucl damerces, he wee at least entitled to nominal 
demagee, ~s it is rot dieputed that the horse was taken 
up while trespassing upon hie premises." 

While the amount inveclved in this case is trivial 
and tre injury done to apvellant's field might well nave 
been overliccked, or the damagen settled, had it not been for 
the ill feeling between the parties to the suit, yet appel- 
lant was, as a matter of fact entitled to recover at least 
‘flominal aGam2gees and ss the court erred in ite instructions 
upon this question, the judement must be reversed and the 
cause remanded. 

Heveresed and remended,. 

' Kot to be reported in fult. 

ast wmudtons to baal edt moqu yrtms bestrofiusay yYTsv> 

tot ,aaeqeett doss mort betfomt ets esacmrb bas sasqeaott 

eff{I GL ,mamecorv .v tettierd .eft Iftw mottos as dofiiw ~ 

@8 semsl .v ncetediold ;@hS.(Li ddl ,ewarlttal .v diqlyud 766 
edt ni .808.qrA.fLI AGL ,gostren .v dala sTSE.qqa. FLT” 
atd mo sarod steolleqqn bawot gnallseqs ,batio tert enna 
arolau qu aid avig oF .breameb ao ,beeutet bas aoe tmetq 

bua mivolast at beve ssilsqqA .segsmnb St bec oofloadgs 

~isecqs nv .aetod ois to notesseeog rot tnmengbui, bsatisido 

ei ti notniqo one nt base trends; ett bestevet gruca edd : 
9b ¢ouoma edt tedt esugis sefleaqs tot fLeenuo o ibesatea- 

x s feos bas snob esygamsbh Lauson ont to eeeoxe ai es bebasat— 

evitoscqesnl .sidsoitoszqmi bsrebmer etototeds esw sebnet 

bebasmeb me ont of bsiti¢ne saw sasileccda ton te teitecsdw te 

Inninion of beidisne teansl ta een en ,2egomnb Levtor 26 

mextes caw anton edt tedt betugqeib dom et Sf as .s9Qnnsb 

" 29k ime tg sti moou gmisesqrets sfidw au 

Istvits ci geno vind nt bevinvat tavoms edd af iiW 
even [few gogtm blott eaettnsilLecqe oF snob ytuiat ant Sas 
sot meed ion ci bad ,heltier nogemss sit 10 ,baXiooitevo noes 
-Leqqe tev, ,tiva odt of aaitted ads nasevte! gmifeer fit ott 

geasl te yovoost of ba ltitne gost to tatiam A eR .aA tant 

enottourtant ssi mt bevtts truco ont 28 bae reegensh Lanimon 

edt bie becrsver 3d tana Jnembst, edt ~woiteeup ead mogn 

dbebnsnetr aeu/eod 

~bebnamet bas haateveh 


efiut oi bes toast ad ot tow <5 iee 

I, CHARLES C. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, within and for the Fourth District of 
the State of Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing is a true copy of the OPINION of the 
said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause of record in my Office. 

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my ail the seal of said court 
CELIAC TILOTISALITIS yee a ARN a fog oo a dav of April 
A. D. 1916. 





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