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Plaintiff? in orrer, 

We } 
i GOvst OF Oitoanc, 

a” 4 ie i 

@ corporat ion, 
vefendant im Srror. 
oie PIS FTO MiomET 

ia an action in the Municipal court upon contract, 
ana apon trial wy the court, thexre wee ao finding for defendant 
with judgment therewa, which plointiff ty thie writ ef error 
seeks to reverage 

The statement of claim averre: that on Jaby 4, 1997, 
the Community “tate Sank, predecessor of defendant bank, (both 
eorporstions having been organised under the Banking iawp ef 
éhe State of illinois) seid to plaimiifi veal estate bonds of 
the par walue of 259050, with eoupone attached, for whieh plein= 
tiff paid te the bank O8,2)73 that as a part ef the transaction 
the bank agreed it would repuremace the bontu ot the eam price 
at amy time thercafterg that om Say 28, 1948) plaintiff tenderwe 
the berds end demanded that defendamt repurchase the seme 
aceerding to ite promise, wat that defendant falled ad retuned 
to 46 so. By o leter amendment plaintiff aided a paragraph 
demanding $9,000 fer money had anc received om or about May G8, 

1958. An to thie Inst paragraph, defendant pleaded the fiveryear 

ataiute of Limitations. 
The affidevit of merits denied the execution ef the 


time oe : Hy 
Viad¥ te i 

Cores wh Reels 
“aasrogens ar a7 | i i 
.ShybT ag to vewaD oe 
| meee ae be: 
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stroménos neg *tune togtotea cd wh havi: az 


eoutenet. Tho affidavit aloe asserted that ac a tanking corporation 
the execuiiom of this contract was wlixe vires the corporation; that 
the qumiract «as contrary Go the by~laws of tae bank; that the 
suceesser Sank had uo knowledge of the contract when it took over 
the assets of ite predecessor; that defendant by eolivcting interest 
en the bonta hac elected unconditiousily to reaffirm the eentract 

of purehasey that the sffur te repurchase war not accepted by pisin- 
tiff within a rensonable timey thet thes contract wun dilegal and 
void ae vielsting scotion 3% of chapter 34 of the act entitled, “An 
Aet for the protection of bank depoaltursg" that the demand te 
yepurebage wee wes made within a recsonable bimeg SBat any agreement 
ef any employee or agent of the benk jo repurchase said venda was 
without authority from <efomiant or the Deard of diresters of defend- 
ants that defendant had sc knexitedge of the «greement amd Bee st adi 
times diaclaimed the suthorities ef such gorgim, employee or agent 

ta antey inte any auch agreement, and tuat the oredeaecser of defend- 
ant made uc such agretment; that the agent or servant of the pred¢e 
eeeser bank had no suthority te make the game, amd that if 1% was 
made it was unknow: Ge the board of directors of the predecessor banks 

Ag already stated, the lacues were submitted te the court 
and the eyidenee taken, roepecitions of insw were submitted by plain- 
tiff, and some were held oe requested and othere refused, ia already 
gtated, the finding wae for defendant with judgment thervon. 

The controlling queation in the exse is whether the agree- 
ment ts reperchace these bonds om demand wae velid and enforecables 
Flaintift contends that 1% wae in the mature of a conditicenal sales 
contract and wee neither ultra vires the corporation and contrery to 
publie yelicy mor prohibited wy any stetute of thie state and on 
this point relies on Freedman v- Madison & Kedzie State Bank, 259 
Tlie Appe 529) swotin ve Atlas Exchange Jat'h Bank, 265 Tlie pps 


uatvereqxs yriktnad 2 22 tai bodvonse ooka ivebht ts ott? . doratnoo 
_ tate fmebtocgyes ont geaky wath aay dontéooy eis Bu nohienons odd 
ostt gett yaar’ ond to eradeye ec? G4 Yretdnoe env foanieee ona 

neve anos tk nestw doewsnes od to subetwerd om Aa ape rou eypaR 

soounent guitortion ys denboe'ted gots preneaveheny abt To eferse ant 
toatinge oe coisaeiatele os Usesolsioovemm aosrete veld abmod odd ae 
whale id detqores som auw sentoages o¢ twrko ads ted? topacio ag, 
he dogo itt ass doatdaon oid duis gorks aidenon6o% Fe iin ed 
ae abegesen don os ko G8 sedqede te 28 mnbdown: geiteetoty ‘ee ‘her 
9? bun at tals *yarestaogeh tned Ye moteosdeng sith zt #mA 
" gnemeetes ene soctt | ‘gamb? etadensot @ nde oheet ‘tow cow onesie meet 
) mae aed bles oe cite sat ee sued ante ie Fabia *e bch cana ae te 
ebro se gredeoctt 8 ened ons ae ‘inobmotee zest wehreskian daodt te 
is te nag beim drome ras oa, 26 ogberverst ot bet fesbasteb ‘outd Aine 
“dawg <q sevatque qimevsq dome 39 evksivestive ext ‘beaiheLoet 5 Lhd 
sbasiod to Togewhe hon, add dad? ban gemeetae Hone om tet mk wrod te ee . 
ephomy oft Ye dnavive 4a sone, ede date ssusmeetge Bone Om § ical ‘oie : 
ssw 2h bi teed ome. cane off eden oF es vette on batt sie Lone HD 

2 shad cynnoowhemg off to etadenshs I beret es? oe mmaantay Rae a stem 
dxuop, at a6 aottientne, expe nakent ont? ohetade MPEUSES BA ogy > 
| eabaky, WA netaiadva, sven mak te anoktheagers . «mains anehtye 9tt hae a 
(Mme ad, aanettet gant, hus, beTene er ae Shed over te sid ry tha 
" sites tarts aramempiel, at bor auanae’: ak aw siadiliig at ahore 
mage oe aaeleds Ot game sult ae mnkinee 
pt ideenretne Bae Biter aan panee®. 0 ott ale a 
aelen REL a I MED — is C8 


#583 Enaee ve Madigon & Becate State Bank, @69 ULle Appe SAG% 
Hoffman v. Sears Comunity “tate Banks 269 [11s Appe Gdty "olf 
ve Met") Bank of {155 178 T1le 45. The authorities cited suppert 
the proposition of lew fer whieh plaintiff contenda, but in the 
Hmasg onee cited (a eertifiente of importance having been granted 
by this court to the Gupreme court) the dceoree was reversed by that 
court (Knags vs Nadigom & “edsie State Bank, 344 (Lie 854) the 
sourt holding a contract of thia kind veld and unenfarcesble. Tt 
ig the duty of this court te follew the law as declared By the 
“wpreme court of the state, and in conformity with that opinion, 
the judgment of the trizlk ecurt ia affirmed. 


Keourely and ("Comers JJ+, voneure 

GOHe .qch «LIT GOS qMual bape oareX $ momhee + saaM 
_- BASE WPNe aah «LET Ohm salad odede cis ais ov Sa 
| $xoqe beste nod sbrodina ott BB 6 Ki STE ge i, 


att set ud es hvta $109 vebembake eho tr 2% wok xe aetsteaaeg as 

besarte wood undead sonad coq te odeol ti ree a) bette oan aRe 
~ geata vd bouzeves enw esxoct nals (sx00 ouvra ott a twee eble t 

“edd (080 -i11 126 dup odntt_stahot & menthol «v spout) sve 
ae Se es ae 

37026 ee } 

P,3 ie 
Appellee, a ail é 

we. F 

GUY A. RICHARDSOR, as Receiver, 
eto. tJ at Hho g 

eF cook county, 


274 1.A.649° 


I. In an aetion ueon the case for personel injuries and 
upon trial by fury there wae a verdict for plaintiif in the eua of 
$15,000, Plaintiff reaitted $5,000, and the court overruling mo- 
tione for a new trial wend in arrest eitered judguent for piaintirf 
in the sum of $16,000, whieh defendianta contend should be revereed, 

It is argued teat the verdict is againet the manifest 
weight of the evidenee; that the court erred in the giving and re. 
Yaeing of inetructione and in ite ruiisgs upon the admission of 
evidence, and that the damages are exorzenive, 

The deelaration was in twe eounta. The fivest in substanee 
allaged that on December 16, 1931, siaintiffY was o passenger fer 
hire on one of Aeferndsntea’ street care; that 1t thereupon became 
the duty ef defendants to excreine the highest degree of care, eta. , 
#6 as Hot te enuse injury er harm te ker; that they did net observe 
their duty, but om the contrary “by their then agente snd servants” 
80 carelesaly, negligentiy snd lepreperly managed, operated and eon- 
trolled the car that plaintiff was tarewn from her position therean 
te the street and injured, 

The second count, sdeoting paragraphs of the firet, avers 
that it became the duty of defendaite te keop aid maintain the 
etreet car at a etandstill until plaintiff had sempletely bearded 
the same; that they did net observe their daty but on the contrary 
Gaaeed the ear te be moved forward with w sudden and viclent 

Jerk, in sensequence of whieh slaintiff was thrown fren her 

’ ‘ oe wa Ye a eos “pe iat of ical ma 4 
OOsATE AY Se oot "att ——— 

r PATO: EE ao aaeaier eae 

hen eosuutnd, Laaoureg 19% 9080 e6t weqt abhtee ae al : gh oe 
“Yo mug grit af Y2dsalade 102 golbvow x enw eneds Rut ee Kale Healt 

wom gablinxere tivo at bade , 00,80 betdtase Trhta bars eeesea™ 
IWitaleal tet toombal betesae georne at hew inte wea w tet emote 

-beeteves ed bineds Suetann ataedae'leh Seicw ,000,02) te awe od? mh 
feotinan ad3 feainye at solbrev-amd tase dooyee eb ax OO 
0% bas qalvie ond ad hovse Sxu0s esl? ta89 peonmbive ond to teigdew 
Yo melesiaba og noqw sgativ« e24 at bow enoltonrsent to geten't 
| oviaeusxe sin eegenwh orl! ture hae ,soapblve 
sormsedue af suxtt aft .agnwos ows at saw cottareioss eff 
4e% Wyganeeay 2 vay Titiniale ,f6@L ,¥i aedemped a dust bogeiia 
awnved soquetedd 24 decd jemme tortie ‘adughas'teh Te ome mo exh 
+ -0tm Ota, to Sorgeh Paesdyd add saloxoae of staedco teh To youd one 
 evimede tom bh yout Jace? ped of ated te ytelal weaned oF Tom se 08 
7 “ataayiee bas atneye avd uhedt yd" yeettato ond mo tw ub hee 
<7 he betexoqe ,beyenan Ylusgetqel has yLiawyt Lyon eheas iene oe 
(teeta? aeldives tod mot? nwoxst saw Tisalely terid “ao oct ellord 
shoruhet han tee tte ”" va nr 
stove ,fewit eat to erigartaortan aaldqobe .tiweo baones ont 
edt aketalem fou gonad o siachup tab te weet eet wooed $2 daa 
 Rebawod ylsteteme bad Aabiaietg Litem Shioeenade vi, a6 
_ te edt ne tid youb chedd ovneete pie 7 signet ines — A al 


ae Rh RE riteatece fodae * % “i wane 

eoxition and injured, 

Ii, Ye wili first consider the contention that the vérdict 
is against the manifest weight of the evidence, While seme ef the 
facts are eeneeded, there is a sharp confliet as te most material 
matters. It ie eoneeded that plaintir! eee injured et the time ale 
Leged (how aeversly is a mutter in dispute) at cr near the inter- 
section of Hormal boulevard and 89th etreet in Chicago. Nerval 
bpeulevard ie a public street extending nerth and south; S6th street 
a public street extending emet and west; there are no street car 
tracks in Kerual boulevard; toere are two atrest car tracks in 80th 
atreet; westbound gare run ower the north traek; eastbound eare 
ever the eouth track, ®laintiff, a widew, Lived at 3064 Yaelliace 
street; 2 alister lived at $7th sireet and Parnell arenus about two 
blocks from 69th street and keraal boulevard, Om the afternoon of 
the day in queation plaintiff went to the Home of her siuter, taking 
with her a little daughter, Lorraina, then aix yeere of age. Plaine 
tiff left her sioter's home fust tefore dark, she says, and walked 
south intending to take a Sth etreet westbound ear at Kormel bowle- 
vard to Racine avenue and thenge home, 

Plaixntisf gaye ane etecd for ewhile on the northeast corner ef 
the interseetion; that a etreet car came from the east going west, 
and stepped; that she then took the Little cirl by the hand and walked 
toward the etreet ear to the bagk purt of it, pieked up the littie 
girl, set her om the rear of the platform, and while holding the 
arm of the child plaintiff tried to get on; she says, "I was getting 
on with my foot, trying te get up, end the cur jerked and went and 
I feli off snd that is all i know." She woke up, she saye, in St. 
Bernard's heepital. 

On the contrary Er, Palsh, the metoruan on the street ear 
im question, testifies that the street car he was operating was a 

payess-you-eenter car with vestibules at each end; that the conducter 

19 Temes Seagidren en? no edlsime tO? Rootes ove wyee Thitekess 6) é 7 
_4teer galog tase ef? mot? ones yoo goose » tadd prtehtomewatat ent o 


outst bas nolstooe 

telbrhy o43 deot agiianiaes ext whivane dart) ditw e@ he Banco 
ad? ‘te onoe oftd® .eoashtye eid ‘to ouylow tne'thame od? teakege at 
Latretan taom of 2a toLCinon quads 910d hebowsen ote ednat 
okie sale ot se desutat wow Tidniely gad hepeeaae ad #% spin ddan 
| otpent ott te9t 10 ta (atuqath ai tAdtem a ai ylerevee west) bees 
feorot .ogeelds ai teore a08 bin hiawe Luod Santo’ te aattooe 
seexge 6308 jAtwos bine site gatonesne inert ohtang aot brave ised 
tao gowits 06 axe wheds jaeew haw tone gakdnetan taotee otidug » 
a3@8 gt ataatt tao teette off exe ost phievatwed Lewxed oh element 

_oie%9@ Davediea® pleext Axon ant “879 ain wad bimedtecw tonto 

woaiie’ 9205 te Rovtd wwabhw a , Misael saeest atwee seth Tene 
et tuede auseve Liew has teonte ca $a bevel teiele 2 ;deetds 
‘te seontetie ed oO .hievedwed tamtek bas deere (908 moet atoold 
galdat ,tadale sod to smo ald of doe Tihtniadg metderop ak eat said 

eniali se to evey ate anit ,enhertod ,wetequed aitgts # xed otto 

bodlew hae ,syae eds ,Siwh ore'led text emo e'todeks tod Mok what 
-oinod taste ta tao bauodisue goatde At « eset of gathawtal dtwoe 
aac Gpmens bee exteve sabe of brav 

otiaw bas drei oct ut Letg ofsthl edt Boot amit we dadd pbeqqgode tee 

 wkeehd edt qu beipiq , fi Te tree Yond ott ot tan gomse eat Imewet 

efit wakbted oLtin bas ymrottete ely Le teen adh na ted teow qitehy 

— gmiiteg maw T* ce yan one goo tog oF Hetet Wriseladg biirs et Xe wee 

hae fnew bas bears! tea oct bow , au fey @@ guy? qton'h yen Mody ao 

<t ab , ayes on . ow edow anf Sent: Sa een SF 

‘xm gosttu wid ap aesciotou and , dale dds 

yon palteiegs Ber 64 tee foomde walt ints mons groteuy 


ale i 

Was at the bask end ef the car; tint he himeelf wae in front; that 
passengers got on at the rear but vould get off ah either end; that 
as his car slewed down fer Sormsal boulevard he noticed plaintiff, 
the little girl and a wan standing alengeide the car track about 
threes feet “in the clear;"* that whee the street car wae about five 
or eix feet frem plaintiff ehe fell deen on the track in frent of 
the atreet car; taat he put on the emergeney brake and stopped the 
ear slmest inutantly; that it ran over her and the fender pushed 
her off the track; that when he get efY the ear she wae under the 
front step where people get off, whieh fe on the right hand side 
of the car; taat he picked her up and put her in a witting poaie 
tion when twe police officers came along in a car: tat the ehiia 
ran away esd the man who eas Waiting for a etrest ear with olaine 
tiff went te look for Her when plaintiff wae put im the sousd car. 
He says he neticed when plaintiff was Lifted wp that ene ef her 
@lippere came off; that a man on the street pieked it up and 
handed it te him; that the slioper was picked up sear the front 
step; that the pelice scusd csee within three winates after the 
aecigent; that when he firet saw plaintiff he was about 25 feet 
eoet of the ermal boulevard eresewaik. UThe street car was sbeut 
40 feet long; it was at this time lighted wp. He says that when 
plaintiff wae picked up she seemed to be unconselous, and he aleo 
gaye that he enamine’ the ground where she fell; that there wae a 
hollew with tee in it and the ice was seratched, 
Reese Frichka, s house to house canvesser, whe at this time 
lived at 8907 Hormel boulevard, testifies for plaintafr/at the time ff 
the accident she was walking north on the east side of Normal boulevara 
on her way to a drugetore on the northwest corner of the intersee- 

tion; that ahe guw the street car coming and saw plaintiff with 
her little girl; that plaintiff was on the corner waiting for the 

ear; that when/atreet ear stopped she (witness) creased the atreet 




tad? pfwext ol eay Tegaid eof face jtae ane Ye hep dAoad ens te eae 
gan? phase aestic fa Yto fey Biwos Sud test Odd de on 204 eveanoasag 
, Viivalete Beolion od bisredued Lave cw ‘awek bewoia tae att oa 
 Gueda Aenad reo aid ‘ebleuacta yatbasse Mam 2° bio fly sa9he as 
ovi't tueda saw tao toords anid “oat suatd "regato odd ae” tent vont 
to #nott a2 soaxt odd no wwoh fie? ace Yh Sdake fe ave Soe? xin ho) 
ect? hocqods bas odand ToAxs Hrs odd ao tes ad tess sae deente oat 
bosinsq woh odd be tos tove ner ah sat ‘TWltastoat foate ts 
$x} tehav saw ose tao eat ‘Pro toa ed node sasts ‘aeexd oui ne ma 
‘hla baad diigha eit ae a2 vishaw (to ta, ‘piqoog ‘wei qote “tuo? 
ataog yaltste a ab ted lad bas au tes tedete oa ‘dent yiee ods te 
bili od? fa e 420° & ak ‘gue ta gaan stool Tee solteg ews male noi 
“satate adie tao ‘teers a ‘vot paldiow ane out Bea ‘ent? ee come at 
tes bawpe 99 al gu@ enw Tthiwiele uedw ‘gon ‘get xoot of tm tus 

‘eek Yo ome Sand qu bevtil eae Vantete | node bos tion on. ‘ayer a 
‘be qu 21 boxtole feorde e649 as maG 2 dats tte aun orecghle 

taost odf tesa que bee ha ‘age xegqite “one ‘baad paket ed ‘th bobaad ; 

edt weft eotunia sod) abetiw ames a ‘peltor ant decid ) rants 

“Guede baw tao footde odT | .Alaweeote vigiie’ tacit nae Ye teas 

mene faXS eyae Oh . qu bo tdght emt: otdd te aww #t vamol 90% “Oe 

“gate of haa evelésadenu od ed bameee one ‘os ‘hexate saw wk . 
: sy gu i 
“3 saw etods ses? rite? ore eres baworg oni bond nexe ed tadt oan wes 

ee ee 

dedvdares asm ea! ont baw $2 at sob ale ots .* 
eats shes ta osteo ose ,xsaesvaes onved od sawed a (lito Ext ‘eset 
wo gat? aff deN Tibi alate tot bol tiewed ,btove od Laser git tea te bevel 

ar X 

Bisvetudd Kaneot ‘to shin seas ont 0 déxen ‘gatiiew ter ‘ode tandtoos 
er ier ai eras. al 

-poereial off lo wetck teowwllsea ocd ” oxotoyurh a a of bi ‘tod ) 

"ad iw Vibdatede wee bie guimes ‘tos seouge oat v0 oe fonts isekt 

aes oo Diy vy) me ¥ 


eit 19% anti lew tomes outs no el Mubsatasg tana sista tt etter pad 3 
° es 

‘geente odd heasote (seoatiw) aria bequyote “wes teat 

2g tees 



to the north in front of the etreet ear and turned around to vee 
if her huabend wae getting off the «treet car; she says she saw 
plaintiff put the little girl om the rear platform of the ear and 
geaw her start to get on the car hereaif; that aha had one feat on 
the platform, but thet she didn't knew whether plaintiff's hand 
wae on the gar then the street gar atarted "its a jerk and threw 
her te the street, snd thet plaintiff fell with her feet teward the 
north eurbing. The vitness says that it was o dark night and *you 
oould net see everything Just exactly, just eo plain;" that che 
gaw the donducter get off the back platform to hein plaintiff up; 
that witness then hurried across the street and saw no more of the 
aecident; she got seme medicine at the drugstore and then erossed 
the intersection on the vost side of thea street; whe 414 not see 
the meteruam step out of the car and ii4 not antics whether the 
motorman opened the front dear; he would have been about three feet 
from her, ahe saya, if he had done so; she (id not retlee any poliee 
ear or equad; she did net see anyone take pisintiff oway;: ehe aian't 
give her name te anyone, and she didm't sec any man siending trere 
ready to get on the car; in briel’, the says she did net see anyone 
“exeent the laty aid the little girl.” he aays that pleintirr's 
feet were toward the north eurb ond har bead neer the rear waeela 
of the street ear; that the ehild eereased with fright ond @etack 
her head eut of the door of the street car. Fitness 414 net go near 
the lady whe was hurt; she didn't know whether anybody took eare of 
the child; whe Lived near this corner one year ond saw about ei ght 
accidents at the eormer in two ai whieh peoole were killed, 

dirs, Gertrude Sullivan, eho lived on the first fieor of the 
frame bullding at the northeast corner of the intersection (the 
eide of the house faced 8944 street, tne front faeed Noraal boule« 
vard) eaid she was having dinner about this tise, heard a ohild 

scream but didn't pay eny attentien to it fer a few minutes, when 

goa o¢ Baveta Beatee ban Yee Peoxte edd Yo Faoxt ab doen oad os ! 

um oe yee ode ptmo Soosdu odd Yio galitey anv basdand coi 42 
bite tao si ‘to arotietq tacx ody mo Eri) oLlFkL edt tug Trtvmbaly 
no doot one hac ode todd ;theoted tes od? no fey of Peete ted wee 

baad et Tttnlete tedtecte wood P'abih onfe Yas fod pare tbate OAt 
weuds bos dtet w ddiv boduade te9 ¢ae7te OA? nedy ta0 Hd de wee 
eit btewot too't tod Atiw ile? Ytdsaleto vent bas ,tooten oat od Yon 
soy" bae tigia Yueh 2 owe 22 tect eyes seoagiw oat satis erg 
esta tai *;akele oa fowl ,ylienns saul, dake) crave ona sen bidee 
few ‘VRbinlala cisd of widitata send edt ‘vie doy <eboundod bad Wee 
silt te oxom on wee bus Senase buf beets beet A ee 
beencts oot? ban exoteguch oft je entolbew oon toy sae {toonlous 
“gee don bib enn jdeerte oft Yo bin teow oad wo dohsosernsat ‘eae | 
mat toddore @olfom fom bil bus tao ave ‘te due qote mawecoven autt 
gost sons duede ased eved bluow on ‘pxoon ‘gach one beasee tuners $ 
eoklog ae seifoa don bib one roe ‘eaob bad oa oF ayae ode rod ‘ “t 
tobe oda iyaws YrFaieig oiad suoyaa oan dom Bis ody phawpe 1 tae 
ered) gsihncis aca you soe dt ablh exe Kae emecds aS sain tod B¥EY 
exeyne aoe fen bis ant aye ote , te dod a ¢ yao odd ao tee ‘ot baer 
a’ Yiisalete sedi oye on “fats ‘ofsear alt bob vies out demo 
efoodw sa6t 03 ia098d bao t3d baw drwy trom walt | od | ‘pide WA 
“Woute bas fijit't ddiw boonetes Aliso edt fedd pao douse if Yo 
Tosa oD toa bib ceonf2® . ta teerse ont’ he toot ott te ‘Yue ‘aod ie aye 
te oreo foot ydodyla Tedder weak F’ahit 6fe péuud sew outw ba : 
stg be tuase Wee fine wey ono Tetnos ehdt taom howl! ade iene vod 
‘aha sho litd ote olyorq dotde ig owt ab teaten ous ge ednenions 
Way tooth ee 2y sittin Bawdl ote amexindle waeheed aa eNO? 
get) motteseret a ert “te temtes seetiiton wit ‘te ganetiod omar 
;  piido @ Breed , out dine syade sonst gate ew ae an (na ae 
— tewate  eegmhe wet A OT TE OF nattied te Ye cag eae tad meson 

i a 

Pye sh, 

she locked cut from the back bedreos window and say the car standing 
there and saw a weman being picsed ap “rea the back end af the 
atreet oar.® Ghe awxyet “I 4idn't see the ehild at thet time, *# 
Ali I ceuld see, fust that they were earryisy Ker to the machine. * 
Shae says that a few feet from the end of the ear the noticed a shee; 
that ner mother went to the front of the house to sen what Red bee 
gome of the child; there wan an are light on the coner: #he war nat 
able to identify plaintiff or tae persona who picked her up. ithe 
saye ake saw the forse ef poople picking ber uc and that they oar- 
ried her te a machine that wae standing in baek of the street car 
a little ways and facing wast; she sow some bundles on the curb; 
the shoe, she gaye, wae lying four or five feet from the rear steps 
of the car, The mother of this witness teztifiet thst ahe heard the 
ehild seresam but 41d met see snything, 

Ralph Stoner, 2 floor maneger ef the 4, & ?, Co, store at 
GOS Fest Sth street, weet of Aorval boulevard, went te the inter. 
section «ith another expleyes to teke the street car: he noticed 
thet the street gar had mo orew and saw the car from the south side 
of Sth street; he identifies the time as keing twenty minutes to 
seven; he saw oe pair of ladies' sliovers alengeide the street sar, 
about the middle ef it; ha suys the street car wae ctanding eat the 
Teguisr Slace; there were some passengerg in Lt: the gliocpers were a 
Littie baek of the center on the nerth side of the street gar and 
we Tar as Re knew the autemoblie teat took slaintiff away had 
already gone when he arrived, 

Joseph Themes, a clerk in the same store, left the store 
With Stoner and ran with him, as he gaye, to get te the street car; 
there was, he saye a crowd around the bace and er the atreet car, 
and he saw some fellews sieking the womer up and carrying her around 
the back and of the street aar to the squad e@ar- As he and Bis com 

panion aperoached the seene of the acciien’t the ear was between then 

giibnecs tee ene enn fis wotute apethed deed ant mot!t fae bealogd: ane 
ene ‘te fee deed ssi? won't" gp bevodge yaled ancow « tae bnew ened 

4% wemtd Sent ta bits wit oon S'ablb I” payee oct % ce geome 

* entiane wit o¢ ae galytins ster gadt fect feu! ,ooe biwop I LEA 
joode = beolton ee tam gf ta fom oad sort goat wok « ad? wean ode 
-o¢ had Jacw nes of wavod mAs to #nott ody af Saree zeszen cea dads 
on ear asia jIsaes aut ce tli ote on anv owed (bliso eft To ammo 
ost qtr east bavletg ase ameereg ede so Tidvatede Yt Lends of olde 
“tan Yet saris ben qu tad paldaly eloeog ‘lo. eavet edz wee sale ayer 
‘eo eerie ect to Ae af yaiboates aav tec aakipes 2 of tend bods 

o gdtse edd ao selhaud eman woe ede pinew gated’! Aae syaw ebtthis 
edeva ret eds wort gee) evil te trot goby are . eye osie yeede ex? 
oi? Ser ods Jed te lRltaes weont lw att ‘to totem edt .eew alt Qo 
walid~as o@0 fea Bh tod waetee Aide 

oe erode 08.12 1A odd to Togenem Ae0l} & TOMO Mate 

 wietab ed? o} tase ,ftaveluod Leaves te taow ,ioonte cee teo®.dG8 | 

 Besltes eG jtee toes onf cael of aeyetowe testtene cttw asl dege 
Shis stoce ond sott 120 add wea hae OTs om bas tee death ot tant 
gt aodunin yonew? gaied a2 sul) @dd aeltivaeds al qleade 7 Yo 
stao foerts wis Shimgnoin eteqgtia 'eelhal to tleq 6 wae ed paevbe 
mi Je guihnads saw tay Joetts oc? eywe wf 2k Yo aLbhee edt Syeda 
& Stay ategy tig ant ;oh ah etequesgeq emus eter ered? poaetq takegex 

hte tau tooth: sf to ohis Aiton ae? 46 tetned ont te dows aftehs — 

had yore Viktalatg dood tad eLideuotim edt wiak of on te? on 
- shewkens od ance. oteg phmenke 

exore ac¢ Htel ,~wtete ewe ant al Avoio weaned? Ageads o>... 
Fab Jeeth wis oF fog at ogee On Oe mtd KT hw mothe meMOTe Me be 
(tao Jeette edd Le bay decd add bavexe bwers w ogee et ,eaw omode 
bagdte tol yalyeine ban gh Raney wed wae enka iia tina 

«00d eli ham od eA tan hepa eet of ae Qeeute end " ' 

saat geeeted aex tao edt /imbless est to smape galt te 

and the people om the north side of it; he cauldn't see anybody on 
the north cide and couldn't say whethex there were suy slispers 
lying there but was sure Stenger gid net picx taem up. He didn't 
know anything that wae going om until the ¢rewd gutaered; he saw 
the police squad take plaintiff away. 

This is the substsiee of tastinony of witnesses called te 
corroborate the narration of the plaintiff. 

Cerrobating the testimony of Palsh, the motorman, is that 
or tha gonducter Arauwe, Krause says that he slone was on the beek 
platform of the street car at the time of this octurrenae; that he 
felt a sudden jur; that he looked out Waem the eax sioppead snd saw 
his motorman dewn in the etreet vita a man picking up o woman; that 
they were @ littia eset ef the front step; toat he went right up to 
them and helped ber get up; he sexys pesitiveiy thet me one get on 
the atep or pletferm at the rear of the car; that a police efficer 
came along ani eald that » squad car was cuore, enc that they took 
her to the squad car whieh was in the year oi the etreet car; that 
he, with the twe officers snd the woman, rede in the squad car to 
St. Bernard's bogvitel; ne says he did mot age the Littie girl there; 
that when the etrect car steyped ise front end wae abeut 26 er 84 
feet east of the crosewaik; that he didn't know whether there wae any 
ice or enow on the street ut thie time, 

ir. turphy, a polieeman, testified that on that night he wae 
driving a squad car east on the south side ef S¢th street; that 
Officer Hagan wae with him, and thai as they apypreached Normal 
boulevard the signal light was red; that ke came almest to e eouplete 
stop and leoking in both directions he sav there was no tralfic 
and continued eset; tuat leoking north he saw a ludy, = child and a 
man standing on the nertheast comer of the intersection, waiting, 
as he suppesed, for a street car wolek was apyreaching from the 

ant; that when the squad car was about the middle of the aide ef 

 ybedyns ete 2! akuoo ad gil Lo ebie civea. em? ay gigoeq add baw 
ateqgite Yue otew eiacd teagedw yar I'sbives ban ebhle diton est 
tote o8 ys mod aolg Jan b28 tem0dd ste gew sud gteds gabyl 
was of phatontoy bwowg eas divaw se grivg aew tadd? gabodyos woad 
Yate VWiktolole olet beupe soddeq of@ 
Od basleo seagnis iv Io Yoouidess to Goumdodun elt ah REAR dads 
sliliaieig o@¢ Ie solteziea ace siexadoties 
fond ol ,gaarteden of) ,tadea¥ te yooutteot of guteedome? . ign 
toed eff a6 aaw vals od Jade agen SeeMTA .oaKT totcehRoe add te 
tbh tad peomemiumes ehdt Yo cmb? edt ta too lownte ort Yo mottat, 
wee hae Seqgodn 120 6 men seo beloed of gedit gael aabhus w tis 
said jncuaw 0 qu antugiq aus a dtle seoaga e467 al aweb aamvetem etd 
Os qu ddght Saew od 3adi j goa ¢uort edt ‘We sone midi di a eyew gods 
Ae 04 ome of Jails Yloviileog aya 5 {qu img ted hectod Bam eet 
sagitio eolLeg @ iad jxRo ost Lo Kans aft Ze aeeeete xe qede onlt 
toot yous taut bas, .stede aan tae deups a dad’ Bhee joe yoote ome 
teed , tao teeite odd io taeg of ch saw dodow waa haups ed? of goat 
Ot to bsupa ofs 4h Shot , anew act baw exo to ows ocd, HAW qa 
peted? Indy asth oA? nen Pou BAS of axen oa gdotloged a nested $i, 
QR 10. OR suede aaw bao da0vl odd oeqqede, mao toenia odd ande dade 
UNA ABW etedt “eiedw wend J!uddsh od Pans phisweante of To tame Bont 
| | } et ee 
env ag tigi« tadd ao dads Poitidand ,hameediog a , elena oth. 

Said gioetia H2 to chic Htues w6t mo sane ter hempe pati 
fsuxet bedoaorcwe youd as sent hae, aa: 8 be: Saw Manel week T 2G 
 etelquge « of taoule ease +8 dadt phot nw fies inegde edt, duevetuod 
kets on eae exes wea on anoitoonhh ted a2 gabsoed baa gore 
# haw Dildo w yhed © wae os Motom gtidoeh deds ptone hewaldoon, baw 
sBilsiaw .sohionetedai wae to ilies sang 
lid ag yabdpnongss san volow res, seamte. « wd ¢boam 

the street car he heard @ serean and steyped at the east and of 
the etreet car; that after Offlecr Nagam got off he pulled the 
equad gar down to the alley on the merth side of SGth street, 
backed up and drove west, “hen he saw Ufficer Jagan, the sirees 
gar conductor and a citizens carrying a wowan back toward the back 
end of the atreet car; thet they out her in the squad ear; he 

gays that the citizen sald tae enild rai sorta on Sormal boulevard. 
This witness aino said that the front end of the atrest ear was 
about 18 feet east of the erossvalk. 

Officer Sagan testified that Kurphy wae driving the squad 
ear at the time in questien; that tae first thing that attracted 
his attention after they had paswed the atreet car was a person's 
scream; that Zursky then drove << the ess end of the street car, 
and he (witness) cot eut of the squad car and went around the 
east ond of the etreet ear toe the agrts side, ani that semernere 
petwean the conter and the front ef the street cur were the een- 
auctor, the motorman and anether san by the name ef Seheeley; that 
tuey asked for an ambulance; that Ke told them tha squad car was 
there; that the wosan was earried beck to the squad ear which 
Officer Murphy had turned arcund; that they tesk the xoman from 
some position between the front snd the canter ef the street sar 
back te the reser and put her in the equad car; that Seheeley vas 
the only witness whose tame they get; he exye they had @& plein, 
vnobstructed view ef the atreet and didn't see the street car hit 
anybody; that the street was well lighted, and that there was 
bevlevard iight om the corner; that they saw nobody knocked down 
by the street ear, did net hear any grinding of brakes nor bell 
sounded by the etreet oar but just Seard a ¢cremm wien the car had 
not yet come to a step; he theugnt it was a indy werecaning; he 
@ould net say whether piaintiff wae conecious er not when she was 

iarion Sehecley testified that he was a fereman of the 


« 30 NS 9am oe de Doquete bem mmwnowa: oroed vst tee Sootds vit 
MY be ddlug es X60. t09 mega, WOktty tad he tare pews seetew bid 
FOO? HEM Le Shia smd ody ne -yolte ene ios avoh ta0 haepe 
#2P4IH S22 ,aogel teed TIO wae wut Oe See STOLe Gein get Boye 
ged edt Suawod oad mamow « anhereen Witsoe hae cetewkeos’ ky 
Od {189 bawpa asd wh SO tay posit sang pMee Seente wd ‘ty hoe 
*hteveluod demzok ao arten mes Sddde On? bhen apebeis ag tims yen 
BAY FRO F00TtS Mas RO Ame, Fimn’h maid: donate phew sale suet tw adat 
, ry “ ka wae ote Ui irate 
dang On} GULVLTD Aa’ YNOTEM dou? OL Lesned ieek- reee iy (CoO le i 
betenrsts fay gahott gaak ong eee pMOLFORMy wt winks O87 8h yee 
a aoer9 & G88 160 Joonty, ast horneg baw wade teeta nothatree aE 
og ME F90%8e Out 20 das tenn pride overt - wot et tact” dainty 
_ ot bawets Saw bu8 too Bewpe oud ‘te ee ee 
Ptosiwenes tec? baw «Die Aa198 ott ot cad boemie otis : “he haw desu 
Reo sls enow 189 toette ade Ww FHT 289 bow Goede oP ay. 
Fauld jNPLooies to omen odd. ee mem cerdoue bee nated oe wait eatale 
SAY TAS Lape OAs mped boos od, sone joo rue Lutes ae et a ee af 
Make cep base ons oe Aoad beivies sew amo exe deity” OE 
MOT? Monow OFF Mov? vent dead. thawora hauwrnag bed vagal weer” 
OR A09T8e O01 30 Netmee end bam tnowd gate meat od eetiteog soe | 
oe {0 Loorins fa0d j%ao peupe ony ah tek Tey he tae wd QR iad 
aj LG a bed, Oak eye od team gods Pp Ai 
ob 70 tu0t22 Oct 990 2! abt haw trade wit ky Weke fh 

tis } 


RAMOS TO wath ab yee Re Soe bab yt voonte way 

bad weg att AOAW MANOR oe buawe deat staid Nas Sewn te wee poet fen 
O48 jaabenenbe Yhed @ ame hh Jiigiond oc zymde owt ae to" 
Cav Kin. “9K 20m x9 pasodperios nam. TMentety saaptans wiheasicqas an 

ants te temo ot a maw oS tec he ilsend yotootes hai: 

Rew York Central railroad; thet at the time in question he wae at 
the northeast corner of 89th street end Formal boulevard waiting 
for a street ear going west; that as the car approached he stood 

25 or 36 feet east of the ercerwalk ef the street; that there was 
a@ woman and a child waiting there close to him; that when he first 
gaw them they were st the aurb, and that “hen tae ear wae coming 
Plaintiff eaesed him sbeut three feet te the east; that she slicped 
and fell in front of the car when it wae about three feet from him, 
ana that when see fell and sit the pevement the car was so close 
4t hit her practically at the same time; that when the car ateoned 
she Was ander th« etep ef the ear, er practically uncer the front 
step, and thet they pulled her out on the pavement; 2 estiuated 
that the car went about five fect after it tame in contact with 
her bedy, and that when the ear came te a atep tne Tren} end was 
abeut £25 feet from the east crasewaik of iormal boulevard; he says 
the motorman got eff the side se (wltness) wes on; that he and the | 
motorman took her out; tisat ke sav nobody “lee right there at the 
time; that the next persone whe came vere the pasnlie who got off 
the street gar; that the conductor Came, and that the policeman, 
the conductor and he (witness) took plaintiff into the squad ear; 
that he gave his mame and address te the eenducter, the notennen 
and the police officer; that in helping plaintiff they took her 
@leng the north side ef the street car and put her inte the squad 
ear, which was at the rear of the street car; that he lscked at the 
place where she appesred te slip and found a dent er hole; he says 
"dt waen't what you eall a hole either, in the pavement, a thin 
eoat of ice in the betton of thie hele;* that he leoked to determine 
what mode her fall. ie gays he was getting ready te weve from 

8841 ermal avenue that night; that he had a couple ef bundles of 
@lothes with him; that he 2i4 not aetualiy leave the glace that 
night wut stayed there that night and the following day, 

nen, a, ~ 


aa gay oc aoligoup mi seid ef? al toss ibsoudies fetéaed Seer ™ 
neltion bravelved lagzel bie doerte Abe? te Teutos fracstxog eas 
hoote 2¢ betenotgqe tao mt ao terid ifeow adioeg oo toords 3 bay 
any ated gad? ; footie ett to Alawase%s 083 Ye Saas teat 08, te a8 

Ba a 1 

seri? eet ging. dels pmks ot enol ornate aaidiow bLivo “ ban _ a 
gatmon aaw Tao wid mnaiw tast baw ,dtwe od? te e108 vend pt. ae at 

hogy te axle jad? {teae out of dont sanad buedh that beaneg “yh dale tg 
abst aor? soot sera tuods eae $i node tao of4 ‘te daord at ‘thet bra 
@agiv on aor “Ho exlt tasaeveg oad tha bas ‘its? aie eee twit Dian 
hoqcote tee sit nariv casts pout 3 ‘amen of) $8 “Utes Beers rot ie a 
tno? and tsbas ‘elisoliaare 10 ,ta9 edt to an oat cebu enw ade 
_ beteattes ta {dnsae vag ond so tuo tod be iia ‘ens todd ‘bee dte 
atts soetnos ab ones at rade deot ‘evtt “hieda’ ‘dew 08 ‘wdd ‘tage 
ase bes amor? oend ‘qote 2 od some 10 out “meake fed? bas” “ebod “adel 
BYee od rbuave Luod Aawsok te ‘Aiawenor. tees ae mint joot ag thide 
| edt bas od dada pao baw “(sennsty) os ebte nit “Yte fon alanrté 4 oat” hits 
169 om 
te ‘$e oxi iqose ont otew omae ony eaowreg ean’ ach “bad ‘yous 
estaeo9 Coq oxtd tox has samme 2 xofoubnoe odo “Yodt tao “geetre "eat 
ites baupe oats ofa Yhtatsse deo? (seentiw) of tae rotoupinde’ ome 
_ anrod ox ons  Tosoubsow ems ot eaethbs foe omen ott oven’ on ones 
test doo? eouis VrEdal ata saiqied at teed preof tio set tog odd Bie 
boupe welt otal ext 184 baw 160 ‘teense outs w ohie stron wets aiita 
exis ta boxoos ast dass jte0 toorte 6d ‘te cane « oft te naw tod sw ‘ie ; 
ayes oi i yotos te tab Ps ; baw’ bar qite od ‘Gelliaaga” ade etede ‘onnite ' 
lee dey sade dal 
salsteteb oo bedoot oe tacit * yefen bat to ‘sobbed wit at edt 6 $a00 
Bort even of haar gatvton sew ‘oa wwe ‘ol iis? ‘tit obi ae 
6. we tbawd 1 stave a hes ont vaste ala dest ouihe ve “Leto thee 
text spate ont ‘ovmes ? som ALD od tae wd -nedgpnterey ag 

Lauton ton nth 
«web gutvedit eat howe dttg be tadd ro el 

ost tu etess tights 0 ie whedon we od anit ite aod sont Ms 

able ® staeme vag onit al , wostt fo ‘elod a 

fev ap ge Sela mata ey Pat als 

Plaintiff testified further than slready related that in the 
aceldent she hurt the big tee ef the right feet; that she lest teth 
of her sliispers; that the toe injury was the only injury to her 
feet; she eaid she didn't know whether there was any injury te the 
lege, tut afterward said there was an injury te the eye, the neck 
and the back, 

whe vas injured on Wednesday night, wae then taken te St, 
Bernard's heepital where she etayed until Friday merning when she 
Was rexoved to the Evangelical hospital. She said that «2 doster 
teek care 6f her at St. Bernard's; that ake did not know that he 
was Tr. Perterfielid. YFeur or five stitches were taken in her tee, 
The Doctor did net do anytuing else fer her snd said she ween't 
hurt. dhe said she had a eut or bruises ever ber right eye. Fhen 
ehe vent to the Svangelical hegsital Or. Vineberg tock eare ef her. 

Or. Porterfield, who exam ned elaintiff at ot. Bernard's 
hospital testified that the eye reflexes, the tonzue, wouth, chest 
and lewer extremities were exasined, and found that she nad »o 
hematoma over the right eye, an ebrasion over the bridge ef her 
nose, a bruised left shoulder, abrasiona of beth enees, a deep 
severe laceration of the right tig tet, amd that these were all the 
evidenees of recent injuries, He aays she nad ao typleal arthritis 
deformane, had limited motion in beth knees and a etiff right albow; 
that the hande were sharacteri¢ticaily deformed for arthritis 
deformans. Ae explained that by hematoma ke meant disesloratien. 
He furtner testified that there wae ne injury to the eye; tast she 
Was not uneconecious while he saw her; tnat both pupils reacted te 
Aight and saccemmedation. the nervous eysien reacted aormaily te 
teste; the bladder and the bewels functioned nerenlly. Ee says 
that when she left she told nim ehe was going te the County heenitel 
te save expense; he slao says he inguilred of her ae te hew the aecie 

gent happened; she told him she was waiting fer a westbound street 

ait mh tadd bode lot chao le macs taddaet peltipeds Tri¢slerd 

sted geo era fost ;d002 tigdx sds to sed ghd ott? itn bite Pabiode 
toi od ytwhal yine et? ear yiotal eet og? tade peceqedia «ed Yo 
oats os yrutal you saw eveds weitedw wont # ohth ade Shee one “(ooet 
doen edi ,oys adi oF yYrNtal oc eae ened? hina canichantelonrl dues aeael 
toad as ‘bite 

+ a? ated serie ean ,tayia yabsonbe® ae berated ane ot Bie 
efig ade galutom yabiad Ligue bayete oie etode fatiquos 2" beamed 
tofooh # fan? bles ede - hos tenon fact iayaav® out of bovouot een 
ea. tase word ton BLb ete Sass se! brewed tis ta t0d ‘to oreo does 
ood 19M ph amigt orew sedoshia ort? Bt) wot his Krx93t8t at sew 
e'meaw ate bise Sas sosi tot one Balctyae en form bib soteoe ‘eat 
Bese ao the ra reve anetund =e fo 8 hast enim bine one tau 
atest ‘te Shed doar aredonl® a fag hoaert ine bippuav aut eb same oate 

e' Aaaaxed tS Ou Trigalels ben. naxe oxtw (Mg Prast208 ci vo 
farce ,itvem ,eiyaed or9 ,aexe flex oye site ted be Puigesg etdqnest 
 &@ best ore tede bavot bay ,hoaiaexe oxow weldinnroxe ‘ores bas 
tok to wphiid ait xeve toieatde as , ey asia ond x70 onoganed 
qeoh £ ,aeend Atod Te emelsarda oh ixese Peer bestund a enon 
odd ifs oxew oaesid Jar? ban ,set gad tdgis bad te noldarepal oxavon 
altindite feolect « beit ocia exam ok saatambak sooner to aooneh ive 
iwodin digia Biites 2 baw wood ated af aoltom bpstats hat ssanateteh 
absizdiss tot hemro'tos ‘lise tteltetoatads aren band eat “gnats i 
oktarcioowlh Sagem BH amiotennd yd tant howiedgxe oi .anamroled 

“este ‘Fass joys eat oF crete on eae epesis tad’ bo tsteont . sau 
Ot beteset aliong Biod vast et wae wai shor saoleenvomy sou sav 
ot Yilewton bagonet mpteye auowten ot nal ne 1 
ayes oh .¥ifearen Setel tonu't a iowod ont ene  wabhals eas 

Kad.dee ont yiened ant of gtlog sew ote ea as sie to ote 

toon sit wos of am tog to Sothupmd pe - ye af es a 


oomele dass 
GM siggosicrve 



car and when it approached she walked up to 4% and etepped in a 
hele or slipped and fell, an4 that the ear Rit her. He 414 net 
tuke any «rays, The history at the hospital showed plaintiff 
suffere’ some pain. 

Re, Weinberger saw plaintiff for the first tine on Decem- 
ber 18, 1951. He saye che compleined cf severe gain in the lumbar 
region. eray pictures were taxen, and the battle ey the experte 

Such is a summery of the evidence on the guesgtion of Liane 
bility. Both ceunte ef the declaration were besed aren the theery 
that plaintiffs was a passenger. It is net argued thet there is 
any linbilLity é4leclesed by the evidence upen any other theery, 

The cuestién herve ie whether the finding of ifabiiity is against 
the elear an4 sanifest weight of the evidence, Yhie court is of 
the opinion that it ie. The brievs adait thet there is perjury in 
this case, There ia, but not ae te sll the witnesses. kre. Sul<« 
liven, @r, Stoner and dr. Thomas were vitnesees whe tela the 
truth undoubtedly as they eaw it. Plaintiff of course kas an ine 
tane¢ pergomai interest. if tne sisry of her ceeurrence witness 
is true, then Saleh, Krause, Surphy, Hagan and Seheoley are gulity 
of wilful and deliberate perjury. YTaere ia sething in the narra. 
tien they give which would juetify that eonclusien. Gn the con- 
trary, wcile contradicted of some watiers, they are corroborated 
by meat ef the facts and clreumsetances in evidenee, such, for 
instane¢, ag the powitien of the slipper which plaintiff esye she 
loet and which was found, aad also by smeh of the testimeny of 
witnesses preduced by plaintirr. 

She testineny ef Or. Ferterfialid as to tae cemdition ef 
pleintiff's tody at the time of his examination and as te her 
atetement to him of the manmuer in whieh the secident eesecrred are 
mot without some weight. Summing it up, the anawer te this qv estéon 

depends upen whether the partial and interested stery of plaintir¢ 

wie aeane 


6 mi beqeodge bos #3 of ie boule heist besipnerace Hi anaty Soa tao 
fox Hib oil “oni tin uae etit ted baw iat boa bowette ¥9, Phod 

| Webtaials deeds tes bawod uit te yxosaia ott EYEE, yan, falng 
iit _etthag emus delhouns 

moped. 5 so erat: tout auld wok vebeabadg weit ‘aagnecatss we 

andiaw i add fal ning wieves to isch Sepa ome atten oh ECL es on 
atregne aft to oistud ods fam ,motad weow senutele yriek  .nodgen 
: fn 0 eae Rs 
ME GES OMB i wine 
Ytewss aad aouk hoasd oro" eitera toed wit te adaues Mtoe ‘ae. 
al oteds feild pouiyts ton al ot .wgxsauag & Raw Ttitatete sad . 
"roots Wedde Ys noqw soamhive add yd bosatoa ts wel itdet se ete 
tentage ak ye tiidaks te antoatt aad tedtorte ah nod ad toegarp aa i 
i a ox009 ant _seonebive oats te tty tow tes! planes San a. 

wekt to not3n0 up eit “a9 ooneb ve salt X. phen 

a ea 

“tet eu snoaenad Ee ext as 8 a fon ths yr oe weap na a 
ort pLod ‘ont aaae oad iw wiow snaoutt te aa panos?’ et aft < 
«nt as ves eatue9 te vite tok A wth wae yas +“, et. 
saest lw Sonortwa9s xox ‘te erode ees i deoreda. ds bemee 
Wethug axe Ye Loouioe has ow gell swigr al poten Mote® peed geet a. 
setts outa a pabdzon ai ovat | sctetteg ptatedifed bas ivftLiv te 
| +n08 ont no -nozawsoaon jadd Visrent biuow sobde eva. Oh, 
“hezetesorres oven conte s8t8 fen sapn Bo betothergnos eLidy ,exete 
aot doe oounbive: ah aegostemignhe Lam em. ont to pension i 
aria ‘ates Tritatalq ita tstw we gelte ant ta pL weg ret aa —— | 
; He euontieny oat te ses sl cate ae «Dian a ) 
sre | .Mubteuede of Soguhors, sesene 
te moi t tho wid ‘of as ‘béoL rod t0% MG Xe ‘qaostteed eoft i hedend 
xe od ae ‘ban foituatinxe whe ve omed salt ca me: a ata 

“$4e borr.n00 sanbioos ous ito bate ak toss ee * salt o@ 
sone! eae ue og "mae 

‘ a dye vt Ry 
| agdincuy elit of seman ‘out ai ante cg oe oe = on 
“Meidatata te crate besenvaraa ie peitontt osit sexdsonw noqe ehaeged 


sorreborated by the lasrobsatle story of another sewarrence witness 
ia to be aceepted es agninat the teatineny of six witnesses disin- 
terested aa te the matter in dispute and wo, as a matecer ef faet, 
give a reatosatle aaqount of the agelient whies is cerreberated 
hy many facts and eireusatanees and in gaany pointe alse by dips- 
interested wlineases produged by plainilif, Sueh being the record 
this court must held that the werdiet ia clearly and manifertly 
against the weight of the evidence, and the judgment waet be re- 
verent Ter that reasen. 

Lil, Defendants scesplain of instruction Bo, 3 civen at 
plaintiff's request. It is as Pollcrs: 

*lt ta the éuty of common carriers te ds all that Ausan 
eure, vigilanee and foresight can reasonably do, under the eireum- 
etanees sa¢ in view of the sharacter and tae nede of conveyances 
adopted and conelatent with the praeticai arosegution ef their 
pueinest, reasonably to guard aguinet accidents and eonsequential 
injuries to thely passengera, aid if tuey segieet to de ac they are 
$2 be Aolé strietiy reaponsibie fer aii vonmequences waieh Flew 
from such negieet; while the earrier is not an ineurer fer the 
absolute safety of the passsiigersa, 1% dost, Kewever, in legs) cen- 
templation, undertake to exercise the highest degree ef eare con~ 
sieiemt with the practical presecution of its bawinerss and the mede 
of conveyance adopted, to secure the safety of the nasaenger, and 
is responsible fer the slightest neglect, resulting im injury of the 
passenger, if the pacsenger ie, at and before the time ef the injury 
exercising ordinary ears ter his or her own safety, * 

The inpirvrustieon ia eritioiged in the firet pleee beesuse it 
is said that in giving it *withowt cuslifieatien"® the court assumed 
that plaintiff was a pasvenger and thue igneref the teatineny ef 
five witnesses whe testified as te faets whieh, if true, showed 
conclusively that she wae mot ao paseengzer, The instruction is net 
as to its form mandatory; that ia, ii does not in express vordg 
direct a verdict. Flaintiff says in eubstanee that she agreos that 
4f the inatruction assumes that olaintiff was a paseenger 14 tg 
erroneoug, Dut pluintify eays that Li dees net asoume that the 
relationanip of carrier aad pasaenger exlated, but moraly states 
the rule of law applicable in eave the jury shewld eo find from the 

evidence, She cites authorities stating the rule of law, net 

eagativ eomettepoo wentoum Te ¥todn eiiedo teak ede «1 betetodetxve 
~al@ih aousontiv xie ‘te yrouktacd ext fantaya en betceosr' of ot #2 
,foe? ‘to tetsen e ee ose hae otueekh ml teefee oct of bo heteote? 
betwiodorses si doldw daptings ant Yo cancepa elteatraet Bovey 

walb YC o8ln ueitog Yasm mi bar weometemiseth fro atest yoom of 
brooer oid ynled oid J tikiatato yf heowhevy Hedrons iv heteete dat 

° iiteotinna bar yliasio et 2ottrey et? ted Mled teu tomed wet 
~ox od taum gaemglut edt bas ,eoashlve odd Yo tigtew oat senbagn 

. , ; sia Sets eet heater 

@a aeviyg U ef ugidowsseat Yo mivkeuos atughaptec LL 
‘tewotle? ee of oo .aiteapes re 
wai Gadd ile eb oF exsltige worker Ty youh way ak 3E* hi 
-motke ens tebay ,oh Yidancases aa yg eg ° ™ 

a viteo “to Shen ofl hig wesetady oily oo mie es 
tiedt to moktvosnoxy, Lasiteasy edd dele fog jesoo hie bead yoke 
faitmesyeteon bee a¢debiova faaiaye Braiy of “hia a . 
ou yous o8 ob of Jatigen yeid th ban ,wtegnoasag Ged. 
welt to few spon coovnee Ike ‘vo? sigtenoqess Ykte to 
ons aot aotwent ae gon oi tolraes add aside 
“Kgs Cogel at ,tevewo ,ueoh 31 ,ereyotecay ont 
«fee eteo te conyeh feesigin ad? saietexe ef axed 
eheu ent — seeniand #f2 Pg ype feos | 
bas , Ts aut ta yae eat axupes of , 
ent ta ‘ f i Wats tuabs  Seeigen Sangighie ad 
what ed? to oni s od? pigted bas de , ol teqgeeneme 
‘ “foles awe ved te obs! to ore pete tore: 

fi weunced enefy fartt oct wi peakeitixe ef nebiowe¥ant ont 
bewwens fives 49 “adttaet tifa twoddie™ £2 uniwhy at add bhab wb 
to vnostdans oct betongl sunt bee egasvang o @ete Trivalety Halt 
“geen ewid TE ,dotaw eto? of wm Kel tree ooW eoewedd Iw oP 
ton ah aoffoursent ec! Stegasaceg # toa sow ecu edt yey lewheaoo 
ipiyer enoteks ai fom ceob of ek faiid ase mah 
gadt goerye one taut sebesodea al eyes Tiidahels vot 
ei J) segneeerg « gew Yhientai¢ darts seinnicll pear 
(gefats Eleva ged Ded aine segnbameg bre “te 

We ei? mort batt os biwase gant, wt ont o@ag ab olde. 
tod ,wol 1 slit ons yoltete ashy ixosdte 

aa SN ae 9241 RMSE Wad See pi. a a 


Aleputed, that inetrauctions are to be considered ae a series and 
that omissions in one instruction which sre supplied in othere 
will be considered harmless unless there i2 an obvieus tendency te 
mislead the fury; and she say that manifestly in a cage where, a8 
here, there are twe irreeencilable and conflicting thesries ag te 
the manner and placa of the agcident, it ia imposrible for clain- 
tiff te state ail tse law of the case embracing totn of the con- 
Tilcting theories in ene instruction. An examination of the ine 
@tructions ae s whele discloses that the jury by other instructions 
were elesriy and repeatedly infermed by the court that »vlnintirfr 
Rad alleged in her dedlaration that she vas a passenger for hire 
upen the etreet gar and that unless she sad proved this by 4 pre 
ponderanes of the evidence, ahe could not resever, There were at 
ieast three eueh inetrustions, wille in still another inetreetion 
the fury was told that there wee ne charge in sleaintiff's declarae- 
tion that she was infured as a reeult of faiiing frem the atreet 
ear or being struck by the front ef the street car, and that if 
the jury believed from a preponderance of the evidenes that plain- 
tiv? elther fell in front of the car or wae struek by the front of 
the street car, there aculd be no recovery ii the case, Obviously, 
as defendante suggest, this eritielan of the instruction would nave 
been obviated by inserting at the beginuling of the iustruction a 
Clause tc the effeet that "1s the jury believes from tas evidence 
that plaintiff was o paceenger on the sar in queation, then the 
jury are inetrusted tuat it is the duty ef goamen carriere,” ete. 
Defendants cite a number of eages, some involving ¢riminal oreseeue 
tions, where an inetruction sot in fers different from this one wag 
held to he mislesding ag assuming a aantroliing fact which wag 
clearly in dispute. The oxeee cited are too nuueroue fer review. 
Peop man, 273 112, 864, ond People v. Hervey, 286 Lil. 

593, are two of these cases involving erimicel proseeztions, and 

fete eottes a me ferehbiondo of of oun enpltoutden? stadt  dedwew tp 
wimite «2 Rekiqgus ore doduw sulvourdeat sag wt emo testing ‘aids 
Ot ~ormhned wuoivde ae wl ep at coe iow ete fanen beret tenes od Cf 0 
aa, O%e8w wong 2 ol _ftestiawm gadd syee ode fee peut ede beo tela 
of a@ aviteen? gaitel fia bus eldaLiesesortl ewt ate etead joteet 
 mtihete tot eidieseqml ai $i ,taphioue edt ‘bo eeadg Bac tema “edt 
‘anidg ef ‘to Stod yatnardme enno od to wok ood Lhe edasa oo ‘tree 
oui ent to toltetionge nA ,sobtourtenal wae a) ee tioed? qaaivehst 
eteltortéent tose yd yout of gacdd soeglowlhs ekedw a ee aaultoneees 
Ttiintety tadd Juego ef? yd Dewretal yLhetweaqsy ban ylxasio ov9ew 
atid tcl tepgreaeec & aew erie Sarit welbvetefoeh Wed ab Boye Lie “fest 
“ong & ve alas hevexg Bast Sila “aaekay Gods bas tae aaette edd mo 

| te wrew omst tevous4 Ariel hiweo wre Hie vont v6 wer te voneranaoe 
“Maitserssat edtoaw Lttte nt ofhow .enottevrsant dieue wont teas 

oats leod at Trigate te 2 ey taco on saw ote taste tot wow ‘cut ome 

- deexts eae want gable ‘to Fumes a aa homubak aaw site tals a 

‘ fads hime pts sourde oat re riot ads wd towste gated 0 199 

i ontaig tacts moaabive adi te onaarobacceny aor fawning erat oat 
Ye saow! oft Yd dowede aw co tHe wat XH Saott wt Sher tods te Wee 
‘~efewelvd® .o8eo edt oh yawreaes oa ed bvee otert yteo dootts wat 

veved biwow molvoutiastt eid ‘io wetol¢ine aby ,deoggam atanhos ted oh 

@ solvouxtent edz ‘te yolwuaed edd de yalerxeed) yd betalbeio mead 
sunshive ait soxvt euvetiod yrut edd 12" gasls Sow Fhe oa? of oom 

> gi? aedd ,dottseup ai tee odd ae tegneeeng ao caw Tittatele sede 
Ode ",etelcrny comme to \tub ot wa ok tase Redeumdek wow ewe 
epaoty Loakelte yalyioval saoe (eaneo To tod sotto vtasbue ted 
new dota gos? gntiforvacs » ‘YyateGese ne ‘neat fio di ban eo of Boost 
jwokves tot cucvenua god #te Bevo seasg emf — 

bum, 153 211, 200, and Grifenkan vy. 
Chicago Bailvays Uo., 299 Ili. S60, are twe of the causes involving 

¢ivil actione where the rule has been diseumsed and applied, These 
eases are to be distingulaked from these in which instruetions have 
been held erroneous as emiiting certain «essential elements while 
directing a verdict. Theat ig not the oriticgiom, but the contention 
is that the inetruetion as a whele assumes a controlling md eontre- 
verted fact. An instruction of this kind is net for this reasen 
held te be reversibly errotieous in every case, but only where the 
reviewing court must reach the conclusion woen an examination ef 
the whele ease that 1t would prehabtly mielead the jury. The feet 
that in sueh case anotier instruction was given stating the law 
eorrectiy upon the particular watter assumed doas not cure the error 
ef sue tmatruction. Ye think the instruetion subject te eriticiem 
in this reseect. 

befendantsalsee contend teat the instruction 41a wet Limit 
tae apolicaticn ef the rule ef highest degree of practicable eare te 
the evidence te which it could be properly applied, The jury, it is 
Said, was not advised as to *hen under the law a person becomes a 
Passenger and becomes eatitied te the pretestion ef this highest 
degree of care, Defendants esy that no other inetruetion advised 
the jury om thie point, and that fer aught that appears in the in. 
struction the jury mey have undereteed that it aoplied te a person 
whe atepped up te the traek for the pursese af boarding a particular 
ear then appreashing. it dees not, hovever, appear that defendants 
offered any instruction on this point, and if the jury was met ine 
formed in that regard defentauts are er in & position to come 

Another eriticiam of insirustion fic, 3 ig that while it sete 

ferth the usual rule that a earrier is set an insurer of the abeo- 

lute safety of the passenger, it qualified that rale by ssverting 

of aingtiay ba ,0@e Afi Gal , . 
galvioval seas ont te ows ote ,0@ .if1 8a a0 guniate manele 

weed? .beifegs dan hostuanid aved aed olen ged erode anokson Sivio 
eved enotsionzteat dolly sh egqad moxt bededegmigelh od 62 ote megeo 
slide atgeuelo datiasaas aladine awcesotte, ied mood 
folsapiage eit Jud ,metoisine add goa at dodd ,gothier a.gabieeskh 
~otinigo bate Ba LLoxd nox 6 aeonere slow & a6 aehdewrioal od ged ot 
Hoses aifs ist ton ad bails alse te acltewmtent m4 toa? betney 
ost gxanw Yoo Jud ,aaeo Yiave at aves towne Gidiaxeves ed od Med 
to dollentuaxe Ga mage Hoisuionce sai ageee dean diueo gaiwatves 
dast edt .yxaul, sit barleke yidedoug finer 24 tacit eaag ofan end 

, Med end pitirage mavig, sam, nottounsent wecifemm, peso siqum mh tagp 

TetZS ans. ate joa asoh femusee Tosjan toluoi@teg acd acvn ¥ltoetias 

mhotsixe of doeldee aotdputgeant pay dates a! .wosouxiant siowa to 
eee sie Bay (oh D8 GAOT hs ak 

dtu gon bib wabeesirnes et? Sead . per oadeepusbae tee by 
of ete9 Sidasitoatg to eorged famigid Io sivt adt te. aotieoliqnn odd 
el #2 .ervt eff sbeliqua viregong od Siuoo #2 dabile of somshive ea? 
_@ enmoned mosxog & wel ead tabaw node ofan baatvhe fon. aan pblap 
Inedgid @ias to apideasorg add of beitiiae apmeped bax teaupaneg 
beeivba agitontieal twoso on feet yao stashaeted, 2189 te sasged 
“ah odd Bt oteeqqe fans tigen 19) jend hae ,ftkeg eh2 ne yewhoade 
neeieg # of bedicga 4 todd heoseyehaw eved yom ytwl en? settemnte 
telualtseg # palbteed to osoqtHg ete tol doeet ons oF ay beggeda ede 
atashastek gad? ta0qga ,tevewed ,fo0 Reob 31 sgpktenotage madd sae 
wal oa eae [tel ont Th has ,talog atid. no, aottaugtent ae haan Te 
_w809 of agltinag.a at apnet. ois atiabar tas baaget tert xt demre?® 
i eape ae oo hee 
bbs 239 Bhan mheaad 

adore a silee Joh al. oa ee etl yy REDE EERO RA 
woada evi? Yo Totuead us tom Ok wolunee 4 fast ia 

padarogss ys olin tut ets 44 atom a san a 


that the carrier wae obligated to exercise the highest degree of 
practicable care to geeure the safaty of the pasvenger and was 
‘responsible for the slighest negleet, resulting in injury ef the 
passenger.* It is ssid that the effect of that rule is te minimize 
and practically nullify the sen-insurer rule snd corres ondingly 
enlarge the rule of highest degree of practicable care; thet the 
rule that the carrier is net an insurer of the safety of the eassen- 
ger in a limitation on the rule ef highest degree ef practicable 
eare and that without the sen-linsurer rule a jury “ould be likely 
to extend the application of the highest degree of »ractieable care 
beyond ita proper limit; that the courts have always been careful 
to limit the passenger rule of care se that juries will net be mis- 
led and that the noneinsurer rule is intended to sarve thet purpese, 
Sefendsnts point out that, im the application ef the rule 
that a plaintiff must eetabliesh Ais case by @ wresenderance of the 
evidence, limitation of the same by statecents ite the effeet that a 
Blight preponderance ia safvficient has been held erroneous, and eite 
Reivits v. Shicage Hapid transit vo,, 327 Ili, 20%; Boliey v. Chiseage 
Repid Transit Co., 335 11]. 164; Hohegek v. Public Service Ge., 342 
Tll. 482; Bunch v, Abbott, 256 ill. App. 34. the rules are not 
neces#arily analogous. The prevonderance of evitence rule ia one 
applicable to ail classes ef cases at ecmmen law, while the nen- 
ineurer rule sews to have been developed in stating the law ane 
pPileable te a sarticular kind ef a particular classe ef bailments. 
Schouler on Bailnents, Part 1, sees, 18 - 16, tae rule originally 
aid net, so far ae we are informed, eo sc far as te make a defendant 
liable for the “slightest negiect.* ihe use ef toat werd in an ine 
struction in o case of this kind wsuld seem te leave very Little 
for a jury to decide, Lt would (if applied to thie elas of cases) 
tend to impair the nen-insarer rule, In Webber v, Chisage City Hy. 
So., 267 Th1. App. 605, thie court Beld that an instruction “hieh 


te awrgeh teotyl! oAt oalovene od bo tagh ive dew veliine edd tadd 
iow had tegudeseg ots Lo Yse'tan Oss otuyee OF oreo atdadieatg 
oa9 ‘to euitet at gaid¢iusdt ,tedtgan sdoctytin eat vor of¢¥oasense* 
eaiminio of al olvt tacit to SosTi® O49 tout Ohee of HI * kepedadag 
qigaibao eortes Bae oLet tetWedlawen oad YER (Lin qlledb tant bite 
OHS Sed? joras eldeolioary to oetgei ceodyid Ye olen ant aptatae 
isdang wif to yvetas ea) ‘te setwank mi tod ef adbrtas eth daeld ent 
eidaetioarg to serged tasitgid te ofet silt HO col tetiele @ wh aeg 
Vietil ed hivew yiut # eivi terteal«no: et} Meettle todd bak oRED 
ers eldaiiisatc ‘to sotgeh feedgid ad? to teddead igce oad pinied 88 
iwiewe asd weewks over atusos SAf 2e8d pombe eogerg adh Meoqed 
oaim o¢ ton Liiw aoltet dav? oe exae Ve oor neymeonng off Thert at 
~enegrug tacd ovree of beabawdal al ser ‘tetunabeaon ont Saad Bee laa 
 gtivee o:9 “to aaltoatiogs OA at jad ghd takoq’ ‘areas he ce 
eit to gonesphacoorg « yd geen ahd delidases damm vianabeaasevbemd 
@ Sau? foots ex? af etneiotade yd omme edt ‘te weliodialt jeoasbive 
631d Bao ,aveenorte Aled wend wad dmicl rice of np aiictes — 
angeti. a” Xedos {POR LLT PRE, $i 2 BERERD 0 
Set , 09 melvres ptidy Mosplg¥ :bOi 1161 Ab ,.99 dg 
gon ots setox otf 86 wad eth eas \eeeuea » 
oto af olive souphive "to sometehangesg otf Levdgelane “chresesoen 
waton a? oLtdw ,wal agus ta somes to Seekald (ix of eideehigqa 
266 tat odd gahtade ai heqoleveh mood eved of wxoenr aie Geemeet | 
 aaamaitvad te skele taduotsxeq « Yo bob® aeduelreee # OF @teodte 
 Yitemigixo kur oct et. OL ceva ,f duel ,atehtied ae SylwotoR 
titbne eb @ odes of ae et Om oy  heortvhal ete ow ee cat ob, hom DED 
oh wh of vee tas? %o eos OAT “ Soatyen teadtyete* ent ret widetk 
aktshe yxow evaol of meee bivow bud wbsie 2 eano @ at molsouaie 
| Wage te eels afd oc Resin 2) Bkewe PE sobitnen OF exut @ aot 
Ho. ete teredt-a9a sue ekegmt en ’ 
Horde Aottowrset me tect bind tawon wks EOD ele as 8 af 


told the jury in substance that while a common carrier was net an 
insurer of the ssafety of passengers that did met “in the slightest 
degree” relieve the currier of its duty te exercise the nighert 
degrees of sare, ¢tc., Yas erroneous, and that by auesh Ainetruction 
the jury would be enceuraged te extend the rule requiring highest 
degree of care beyond tue Lisitation ef the nen-ineurer rule, Plain- 
tiff peints out that this court has refused to reveres “here aubetam 
tially similar instruetione were given, ag in iliingis Southern Ay. 
eo, v. Hubbard, 106 Til, Appe 462, where the inetruction ssid that 
the eurrier was on insurer of the passenger ageinat any injtéry that 
might befall him by reasen of ite negligent act, while he was in the 
exercise of care; as in Kaghensid v. Ghicage Hy, Co., 210 Ill. App. 
87, where an instruction stated that = carrier was reapensible te « 
passenger for “the slightest negleet te exercise such care,* and as 
in a still later case where this court refused te reverege for an ine 
struction whieh anid the earrier was ebligated te use the highest 
degree of practical care and was ‘responsible for the slighteat 
neglect resulting in injury.” 

We de not new Bold that the use of the phrase in an inetruee 
tion ef this kind ia in 211 ecsees reversibly errensous, avertheless, 
we do sol4 that such language is subject to the oriticiam thet it 
may in some cases mislead the jury snd might in a Gae@ ciose upen 
the facts require a reversal, 

instruction Se. 3 is further eriticized, in that while 
helding the carrier ressensibie fer the sligheat negleet resulting 
in injury to the passenger, the instruction does net confine this 
reaponsibility to the negligence charged in the dselaratien. It 
ie pointed out that the rule te fundamental and witneut exeeption 
that a plaintiff esn recover only upon proef af negligence which is 
charged in the declaration, end that an instruction which pereites 

& recovery on proof of negligence not charged in the declaration is 

ts P08 GW toleten nomsion a eihiw jadd Gametedcs al ytut ead bhot 
taegdglis of3 x2 fon bib seat wxeyaonaaq Ye yse'tas oat Ys tetwemt 
taedgiy oc wateréxe oF ysuh eF1 to tolTtRA and evel let even 

aoitewitent "8! desu yt tad? Sas ,ausonorts ase ,.930 ,oted to 664 st 
doatyid yalilupet Give edt taofes 6% hepetnoone od Rivow Yawk ey 
nuleit .6iut wwawaatemen G0 Yo eltnPtatl aa* Kadyed exes “te HdTges 
atadun wrod outevet of bealiter aed Prvos abd Haid ano etateg tts 
“whom tii as aa on orev enarduiiia ustinte pcynee 

Pale Vtatal yle dentage’ vegase uid aid to sill Aap id Witte é 

edt Wh eae or efiew ton taeyd gon att te noseet yd abe tinted’ ‘Fit, Lon 

‘Waa EET OLE ys, ) »¥ biometnad at we petso Xe onlonste 
® OF Widtanodeet saw telriey & Sele teotada aortbundeat aa etede | 
ow bin ores dove wutytexe of tee tgen Fubddnite wie <0! 
-dt ne to% setdVET of DoaWteY ‘Pruos bts wtnity odae tote. 
deorghil ate oe oF bot wat fhe new toPerno of) Bhaw ao ite at¥eide 
> ipeesstiyhie ene cot bitieneiioe naw bint otee tnoltnery Yo Gory 
, ‘eure at Sale iver tye Kyer 
aduetemk ot itt wasnt edt to baw Wad Fans hood wow ten oy ee OO" 
“nes Ledtroved jeuconmrrs Yi iuever eewee Its Hi oh Kab whore Yo Holt 
$L thily meloketao ous of teeteus et ogengaed coon bad bro Ob OW 
megs eos sees © Bh sity le bas ane ot feefele eevee omen uF am 
ereven « el arse ott 
e eta sast Wk jbomtotthys xonert’s @Y & lot mo btowereaT ae 
o ‘gale ivest dseigen geetyiia exe 16t — ‘wii et ‘git Fon 
hud eatineo tou e404 selvoutsant edt ,teytese 
at \mottetetoes ony at esa ve. 

“—_ ws bs 

#8 Ho tiie ebieyt gen T6 ‘Tedte seca Ethd th¥e 
at tamed ate. ‘moleenedwkh Ae tend —— 

ak Rottwreloeh eff at ‘pagtads pewre 

Ea ats 

i i ; oe ae my i i ; 


erreneeus. There ie neo deubt of thie rule, Gf the innumerable 
eases that might be cited, we refer to hatner v,. Chicage city fy, 
€g., 233 Tl. 169; Lyons v, Ryereon & Yon, 242 Ill. 408, and 

ie, Boe Til. 368, 

DeTendantea point out that in each count of pleintiff'’s dee 
laration the charge le that defenjants' negiivence was “by their 
then agents and servante;* that the only negligenes sought to be 
proved wae thet the car atarted ferward with « sudden jerk, that 
there Was no evidence tending te #sow what caused the car to stars 
forwara with a jerk or thet 1t was due te anything done or Left ume 
done by the conductor or woterman; that the alleged start with a 
jerk may have been due to the mechaniem of the esr “itheut any fault 
on the part ofdefendsnte’ servants, They further point out, citing 

Prisogli, 176 122, 3305 and Bide - 


ie He Co. v. Conner, 217 fed. 956, that preaumptive nega 
ligenece may net be indulged usless the declaration ia broad enough 
te include every kind ef segiigence which might have euanne the ace 
cident, aid that etherwiese the rulg that recovery may be had enly 
em proof of the negligence charged in the declaration might be 
violated. Gn tha ether Hand, sisintiff pointe out mumersus other 
inatructions which covered this point and by wiich the jury wae 
repeatediy told that plaintiff eould not reeover uniess ene had 
proved negligence ae satsted in her deelaration, and she eays that in 
view of the full, concise and gemplete inetructions given, it ia 
preposterous te argue thet the jury might nave in any way been mis- 
led by the imatruction. 

When this inetruetion is carefully read, however, while not 
4ireetly and expresely mandatery in form, it La in substanee mandatory 
aince the jury is told that under the foete an atated defendants 
are “responsible.” Thies does net in ferm amount te the direction of 

& verdict, but it is entirely posealvle that it would be so understood 

Oe ee ee a ee et 

~208 atanealate 1 saues done ah Sane duo takow etaab a0%e 

yen svisgawes te Paes 42a abet ce 

iciitiaa ods 3 eke ahds Yo iduoh om ot oneme AuOs mE TtS 
went «AY Bente of tetor ow shotie, | aa 2g a. sand ‘e889 
we 90 SLL Gas ams amma 8% ALT ES oo) 
“ae iy 5 MOM SET BBE 5 ot } 

wheat yd" ay Somes igam ‘adias ‘ae teb Sal. ak , epteso asta person 

wd od Atguons, seneutigns ydoo aft Ient "jadaewane ban siaege medt 
tadd Atel aghdua « sade bxewgot pesiasa wwe ont fact Baw bevers 
tase ot tao edd heaves Jasin worm oF gulbacs Snapbive om gaw snes 
am Tek se sash aatdtyna af enh saw #2 ind xo Maal 4 ge huswie 

& ditw tate hegotio of) fads jaamrodem to Tedewbans O89 mA ome 
tine yu suontily tmp edd te AL nee i bad ot sub aed 
aGisie ,tuo gated sodguwd yoat Latasvren + "eteanmeit 

nb baw O66 441 avd 

dguond beord ai: gL dasa dos b ond onoLow x hontioad a8 ton Pie ne “ at 
+08 edt Daanss eved tdgdm dolaw seasyiigon te babk yuere eh is 7 | 
‘yiae ba od yam yxoveoet daddy ous ot ouiwredte fase bas ' ta iba 
AS tegie aclieraioeh ond ai hequane Moms gl igo i 

ve ve Yeon a0 

al fests ayse ose baw aphbenaeal toa as pve pon ae Bi igen 

wh 2 ,aoviy ancifourtest oteiquos bas eatonoo ,fin? 9 
“Alm aged yaw vas st syad autumn wuut oat taste 

16 mates oad of. tame, me a tone aut some [Leman Fs 



by the jury. We think the instruction is aubjest to criticiem in 
thie reepect, but it eculd not mislead the jury in thie case, 

Iv, A@ the judgment muet be revereed, 1% ie quite un- 
necessary te discuss at length ether pointe raised in the veluwin- 
eus briefs which are largely fevcted to eriiticismsa of inetructiona 
given. The jury was fully instructed fro: the viewroe int ef beth 
parties and at their request, und the instructions as a whele state 
the law in substance as it hae frequmtly teen declared by this 
court and the Supreme court of the State, Defendants complain of 
Plaintiff's instruction be. 2, it seems to have been aspreved by 
thie court in Reynolds v. Alton, Granite & Ot. i. Traction o., 
194 211. App. 87, alao of Ke, 4, which seeus te have deen sopraved 
by the Gupreme court im Peterson wv 

tien Go., 238 
Til. 411. They complain of plaintiff's inatruetion ke. 6, by 
which the fury was toid in substance that if plaintiff's injury re 
sulted in the aggravation ef a previcus sickuess and disability, 
the jury might allow damages for gach sggravation. Befendantse de 
net question that such is the general rule of lew bet urge it was 
erroneous to give the imetruecticon in this case beoause the 4¢eclarne 
tion 414 net allege such damages, “ich are speciel. A mumber of 
authorities are cited to thet effeet. 

the instruction is taken alzest verbatim from Chicago Union 
Erastion Co. v. Browdy, 106 il. Apo. 1%. Plaintiff cites Aiiiiara 

i706 lll. Agp. SUT; Ld canbu ’ 

604; sil of whieh in substsnee heid that where the plaintiff was 
at the time of receiving an injury sulfering from seme disease 
and as a reault of the injury that disease is aggravated, damages 

may be recovered for such aggravation, There is no doubt of that 

rule, whieh is firaly established. The precise question raised 

ai @atoigico of teotdca al meleontasak emf dnadsit o%  .yaul act ed 
saan aisd ok yiut ect baoints tom hiacea Gh ¢ed ,epeqeet etdd 

oti atiap ai cl ,bomiavet od damm Poomehwt ete oA |. SFI. 
-siwwloy ef) ot beulat otaleg ‘edie dtgael ta eeuoeih gf yuaveonen 
eogiicuiseal io somlottize of betevel ylestael ets deisdw etet«ad eso 
ated ‘ts tunleqwety edd sett betoarsemi yliut eow yavt emt .merty 
steda lone o sa saoltouvient 44 bas ,tacupes thet? te bow aoiteay 
aint ya betaiseh aoed ylimapetl sean 7) ae sometedue ah wal odd 
te abaiqmeo adaxseete .etasG gsi? to saneo smetqul eat hae dns 
yd bevetqas aed aved of emeoe 74. oh en ee 
 Pevorgas need eved of anaes dwadw ~b ooh to onde Ve pun Akt 0k 
. : oO) @) draco emetqes scl? yd 
oe ,8 .08 solsorctomt a'TrAtotety Re mhadgsoo yeme Lit ohSE 
wot gtutal e'xritaielg Th iadd sotndedum eh bdod aoe yewhoont sokaw 
 axt@iiidaalh baa eeemiate awsedverq «2 lo aghtevetgna O6¢ mi Seehen 
ob atustive te .seltavetgge dose tol segeceh Wolla ditgia tet edt 
ane gi ogi ted wal ‘te elo Laveneg on at toms cadtd neltecup tom 
~eteligoh off eaneved eeae @243 wl doldecitemh ef3 eviy oF exesmerte 
te wodewa A slalonga axe doicte ,eepnmeb dowe onelix gon £1h aokd 
«taeTia tai? of te¢ia st ae litetie 

shalt esata mont asediov deqanke aniad ef apitesnieak off 
ARAELIIE metic Titialelt .OL .qwe fil GOL .ybvorl 10199. sohfeaat 

2200, st Ob200% ov swgoeds 20S saga Sik OOL .. 99 oeR ones tse ow 

Sa ali tyadtad sh etal i tO .ggd idk OL 
GGA LIT TEL , .9; aot ;896 «agh fit aE 
ga Tisaleic oft oxeiw gad? o40d eonetedue at dadtw Re Lin ;)08 
esecrih amoc avtt galieVive qtuhat ae gaivienns to nals ot te 
wegaies ,-hetevwinge ef eeavelh tacts yawhal oe to dgomaes «8a bem 
fate “to ddeob on at sand .sobvevergga wins 10) MeterooNt ed wn 
powder mokteouy eeisory nal beste kidadeo yierst eb votde gate 

‘9 #8 ¥ 


is whether a court may inetruet the jury to that effeet where sueh 
damages are net specially claimed in the declaration. It seene, 
however, that by inetruetion ke, #4, which was giver at the ree 
quest of defendants, the Jury wae directed upen the theery that 
this question was before it for ecnsiderstion, and Raving tried the 
Case on that theory it would eeem defendants are now eatoppe? from 
Yaleing the question for the iret time in this ecurt. 

Vouplaint ie alse made ef plaintiff's inatruetion Ke, & as 
te demages, Ke. ae te the right of the jury to disere4it the 
testimony of plaintiff because she was the plaintiff, and Yo. il 
as te the number of witnesees, and it is urxzed, with citation of 
many authorities that plaintiff's exgerte were permitted te base 
their epinions upon subjective ayeptess, It ia alsa urged that 
the damages were exeessive, A full Aiscussion of these pointe 
weuld unduly extend tuis opinion, 

for the reasons siated, the jJudguent sust be reversed and 
the egause remanded for another trial, 


O'Genner and ieSurely, JJ., eoneur. 


tieae eed teo'tho tam? of ¢owk edt toutdenh wou Probe ew tecoedw af 
samen $1 .audderskoes ocd af henkwds yfielosqa Jam ote sagndib 
=9t aff a2 sovly saw Sodfcr (S8 sod wetteutgon? yd fads re vewed 
ede Greed? of? mequ betoer th aaw Cteh ons jonah to seoap 
edt Aelte gutvad bun ,aottetehionse ee) si wed ted eae del beens akas 
Sext beqqotes wea ot ‘ataat 20S ween Sfoow SL yuoess sae oo eeen 
|| deweo-cist ch Gulf gevd? oes 20% aatewods sue galatet 

es 6.04 nelvourten! aT tkiatale 6 oheim sede wh ¢aladigea ~~ © 
odd Sheree hh of YtUt, oP To tty ts of OS Be & Lo jedgemsh OF 
£2 /08 Rae ide atelo ocd ane oe oonnsed VYertalalg ‘Ye Yaomttase 
te moltetio Silw , dea al 2 haw ,eoueoitiw te vedeun a of ae. 
 gaed of hedd lated wree Béxsexs o'Ttivalsig texte eo tt hodewe yom | 
felt Regie outn ab tl sametquys evivsetdue moqu asetatge teas 0 
atuiog oeert to moisevoats Ligt A. sevigavexs ots BegmoRd welt as 
bag hearevet od teen Juam bat ett , hotate econo dl ale 
op oe qiluadend te cigar octet: poneinnihwehes one ; 

oe 2 gCCRAMRM: GUA CROMER «8 6) ies oO) Reo Peet . 

A oe yi eee Re aw ee 200 ee es 
giugaos sb) eeleretok hae weaned" 
aan! iia ‘es ORT Oe. 
Py mn jase Ke. eee a SYP veda ee aa Ora Ge Shiz ay | BEY) RAR RS Drab er ie 

: Eh ae Rae xo a a yt ee oe ay 
sas Gd ae bie OSE 
Th, TERNAL, ie ERAN (SH fous a Es wht pew 
i eimtwne wb Sele Bees 1,208 

P . ‘ a ae " 
Res ay BV Ree Ae. at i Oi 235, ae A AM EER a. t af. ee re Eh a 
cpoow eh Sake gid. eat Ty RR ke eo Re 

oo ey apa Ue. te eRe ee? geet 

a iano ake ame cra Bey Ae Rak eeereaee ? ce teet ie ee ad ee, aN <i) 

BTS re 


87169 entation 



v. CIRCUIT coun, 


ae cee i i etl Na Sree eae Mine et 


2'¢ 4 L.A. 649° 


The exeoutor by this appeal seeke to reverse a jucgment 
in faver of the elaiment in the sum of 23,579.79 entered on the ver- 
dict of a jury. The cause wes heard in the Circuit eourt om an ape 
peal from the Prabate court by the executor, tre claim *¥ing been 
allowed in that evurt also. 

Macdonald, the deceesed, wae a physician and owned a bulkd- 
ing at Gakwoocd boulevard and Cottace Greve enenue, in whieh he oon- 
éueted hie practice. The Orexel “tate bank waa a tenant in thet 
building. Dr. Macdonald kept a somiereisi account spd alse a savings 
secount at this bank. He aleo used a safety deposit box re ted from 
this bank. He ommed real estate in other carte of the elity ang was 
acsustomed to trade eumewhet in that kind of property. 

The claimant, iss talker, is a nurse. For mere than 
twenty years she was closely aasueiated with Dr. Yeedenald in his 
professional work snd siso in his varicus financial md bua ness 
transactions. “he kept his books and managed in part at least some 
of his real estate. che occupied a flat in one of the buildings 
which he owned, In short, she scexe to ‘ave been trusted ond re~« 
lied on by the doster in ali his orofescsionsl and business sffeirs. 

Dr. Maedonald died on Setober 51, 1931, at the Sest Subur- 


Mort. Lie ‘TA 

ST. nA of v2 Se rai ae 

‘* ne 
WNUOS WHT We loTMIee CORR Gameviaes OO 
Eons aha: Ct ese f R 
favasoi “ oateTet et sieve a knee ates « { xotvons. on ne 
~297 ods a0 bowseae 8, 02.88 te mass, eat ae 4 wets, © wren a at 


~48 as a0 tives # tor to nay gh taped now veuuse ad * 
aved itv af miale ota TERS ost “d oa 

mo me Fou 

“bhi | a eae hee eebeteyte a wate “donee ast, fons ae 


~aoo ef doldw at eee over SaettoS bas Baeveized hoomiad ta gut 

gade af janet a aw tacd etat® Lexen’ off peerengey, att beteus 

agatvas » oale bap tnvwvos Lakexenmos # ted Lane 3 
mort bad rwu xed diecged yiotas a pees onin oe mand atstt te pate 
oay bane Ytle ed? to afueq tedto at efotes Saet bervo of .ainad elde 

~Yireqerny to bald ted? at fasdwom 8 ebwtd ait Beuotaxo0n ah 

Seag tom 19% eeu 6 al ,twllal aokit etannieio oat 
“gta at binacbeo .0 stte betatoosas ydeneds een ode 0m, ware 
geen bud bm Leloseatt sucitay oft at onis bas sxow Samods 

gece tose $s fang at begenas hen exood att Agen ot? amekiomeme 
egatbiivd ed? Yo ono mt talt s detqueos WM .otutop oes at, ‘to 
“ot bas Sotewss aeed ovat oF anese ss fs si teed nd amet 

had prneee’ oft, ment foo ; 


ban hospital in Usk ark. The claim of Misa *alker as filed in the 
Probate court is in the form of an aceount between Dr. Vecionald and 
herseif, in which she charges him “by eash placed to the eredit 
Gharles Nacdoneid in the Drexel “tate bank on Jetober 24, 1951, and 
for money ten had and received from said Ann ‘elker by the said 
Charles Macdonald .... $3579.75." There are other iteme in the ec-~ 
egunt which it seams were act allowed by the jury and which sre 
therefore not involved in the appeal. 

The Glainant wes incompetent to testify under the statute 
as to any oceurrence with reference to the transaetion pier to the 
@eath of Dr. Nagdonald. “he produced witnesses, however, vhose evi- 
dence tended te show that five daye before the death w& Gr. Maeden- 
ald, on Gotober 26, 1931, Kiss “alker took to him in the hospitsl in 
Sek Park a certificate for 25 shares of stock in the Comeonweai th 
Edison Co. This sertificate was in her nome. 4 photograph @ it is 
in evidence, “She at thet time signed the blank form of assignment 
on the usck of the certificate, and Mr. Yhitehesd, of the Cozmon- 
wealth “dieon Co., at that time wrote his name on it as & Witness to 
her signature. The gertificste upon its faee appeare to mMV¥e been 
issued to the eleimant Getober 15, 1951. nm the day foliswing the 
execution of the assicnment at the houpitai, the evidente shurs 
Glaimant took thie certificate, together with another for 25 shares 
in the same company fasued to or. Macdonald and endsursed by him, te 
Mr. SoCarthy, sho was the manager of the Orexel ‘tate bank. UP. 'G=- 
Carthy made out a “sell order” which ies *alker signed. In. Hacdon- 
eld'’s signature aleo appears on thie order. This sele was thereupon 
executed by the bank through e broker. One of the sertificsates mid 
at $143 a share and the other et$l143p a share. This sell order siso 
directed the sele of a hunéred shares of Imsull Utilities, whieh, it 
appears, the bank likewise sold at this time at 712 3/6 a ehawe. 

aft at belft 26 vedis! sald te ateie eff cual aed ot lotiqaed aad 
bes Slanxehae8 .3° aeceted teyvepen aa te ate? od? at sl tuvee et¢edest 

} Gtheto eft of beonle dase ¥6" ald seguede ety doldy ak Piaget 

baw ,18@L ,88 codete0 mo dnad otet)) Lacon ‘wile af Blecoboat woken 
Bias ods xC tediey nA Sbie aet? heviesot bas het moi? venom oT 
~o2 off at amet tofto ors wrod *, PUTER) ways Slasabool soled 

ote dotdy bas yout ed? yw bewolla gon’ otew’ ‘ameou tf doidy tae 

ee EG 

 faoags et? et bevieval tax ovehorent 3 

ooutate eds tobew Ytiiaet of tantegucen! sew that ale od? 

eds of wing seldeeusatt off of eoaotetes a — vas of a 
bos .xii te ‘ditaeb 
is behaes voneb i 
at Lo tigeod adv mt ott of doot tote” aur (aes 988. xevedas a9, ble . 

a? inowaéamed ett at doote te secede Of tet sawed ttxo9 8 awl Beg 

-lyve onote ,revewod ,seenentio beowbery of? Baer 
—HoboaM sx % ftaoh edt vtoted syab oylt tant we f 

al tt w dyomototg 3 + oma tet at sae adaottta mt 

amommeS eff to ,.boedetity .we fate ete rbines oat to eae oat ue 

ot aaoatie a 0s ot ne ane oh ator omid tate te e190 aeakhy ohne : 
need eyat of eiusqys ont att segs atanltioxes ft. eran aa, | 

, oft galwolio?® yab of? a ofOal .Gs sodeto | teva 
awods eonehive ode ,latiquod odd te to 
sotade 8s act softens agin qodteRe t wineries aide teed i 

ot nee Yd besrobae ban blanchess . OF Seweat Wangaee ome, am, 

-o4f . td oni etad® foxes at te TAHT eda aa aA" “Tne 
~aoboay ui .Semle texted aut’ Kode "redxe sto" s tie aii ‘ ” 

bic oiger rites oda “te Yond ove’ ti wm Xue 
or is maha sioe anor + onda a Melgta toda ¢ 

fae peat Sai en 
iy el 
chia ma yal, “, 


The proceetis after dediwting charges ancunted ts the sum of 06,368. 
Ro part of this sum was paid to Mise Yelker, and all the money resi- 
ized fram these sales was deposited to the ageounte of Dr. Masdonsld 
in the bank. 

when Sr. MeGarthy wes on the witnese stand he was asked by 
the attomey for plaintiff to state the conversation with kies Yealker 
at the time thia deposit was made. The attorney for the exesuter ob- 
jeeted, and the objeetion was sustained. Beeause it wae a cart of the 
actual transaction, we think the verbal statexent which aecomm nied 
the aet of depositing this money should have been admitted in evidence, 
On @ress examination the banker was asked by the attorney for defend- | 
ant if the oroceeds were deposited in the account of Ir. Maedoneld at 
Miss Salker's recucat. The attormey for sleimant objected, eteting 
that if that question was allowed he would then ineist that the whole 
conversation should be received. VYhereupen, the attermey for the 
executor withdrew the evestion. Yhuse evidence wae kept out vhich 
should have been admitted and which it is fir te infer would mve 
been favorable to slaimant. On the evening af the day ty. Meedanald 
died, James Macdonald hie son, Gertrude, his daughter, Miss Yel mr 
and a Mp, Ammiger, were present. Mr. armiger says he suggested to 
Jemes Macdonald that if the dootor had seeuritics or money in the 
bank 1¢ would be well to «et them out before the bank was aware thet 
the dostor had passed away. It wae ateated thet the dooter had money 
on deposit in the benk and that the daughter Gertrede had power of 
attorney to sign ehesks. Thereupon, Mr. Armiger had Gertrude draw a 
ehesk in blank and handed it to Vies “elker. om the followin ay, 
Sundey, Mise Welker wae at dinner at the home of Mr, Armiger, and 
the testimony is that after dinner claimant took from & bag, money 
amounting to 88,726.01. Arniger testified that ciainent placed this 
money on the table seying that swat of br. Macdonald's money wes in 


asttindhh t mauve ong af bormrose degen pate avee reste sbeenony ot 
~iwet qoncm eff iin Son ,eevdn! as th @8 biag eos sue onde ‘te tx8g, Ov 
blenmobea .ul te scdaegoos id o4 getisogee awe weien oaane mont best 
sao ta 
Ye Setes sow af Senate savatiw ade mo sae yt aor ‘eal atl sod : nao 

sedist asl dike nolieatevroe sdf etete. ot ‘Want ate x02 yornotte: ‘edd 
+o sesvooxs eft rot yortotse eM? oben naw Pkneqed ene sak adh te 
ed? 29 s46q @ aew fi weueces -honistews ane notsseiée od ane shoteet, 
 Seknaymcoes doldy duemeteta dediey sd? ant we sokvoneneed Aoutes 
sem0RLVO at hedtinke aesd syed biveds Yemom, obit aultiaeged 16 ton od 
“hostob wt yout dia odd Ye Seen. caw soln ott molt entuexe asore, a0 
ta bflasshen . te taweeds eff at fetlseqean one abeooers one ay tna 
gaiteta ,betooido tanmiale wt yearotis ott steoucon etieakay wat 
elodw oft fadt tatent aedt bLuow od bowolie paw xotsvoup ante at dade 
‘eit 26} yoouotte off .woquetad? shavienes iad bivate notsaerevaes 
 hetdn tue tao8 ean aooeaive andT -Hohtqeny odd voubstte setveexe 
at Sivew totai of ahet af #2 dotdw das ste xoad vad bivodte 

Hinabboak al ad ont 20 galanve axl? a0 , ‘es 
‘ted iad ents ysotdgead alk ,ehardse) wee an Ainacdoss seme sbotd 

CSE ie #3 
et betecngun. et ayes teqgioma . tH -tneaorg | e1s8 sephora ox 2 bon 

ot th yemem to eeltiagaee bad xoroed aed TE texte bLancboak ‘aoa 
tnd? crews ext dnod edd exoted dpe mtd fog et Ger od Siupe #8 anes 
yomom fad seteob ecg tats botete sow gf _ «Wome faneee bad “eteod edd 

vf teweg bad ebwitieh tatdyead ett rans oan ge ott mk theoger Bo 

\ Roth obwtdseo bat gegdstta . 18 oequen a? of : mart mate oo wome 
9 Wh cekwoLioh edd ao amis! avin of, wi ” hood 8 at er | 
han aA SA Te one OE, Ae See rt a "Foto eat car 
atts boon. saomteio tacts batitroes ig “ad : \# 18 oo 
ai sew Youow a*bienoboaM wx % von Si iomeey Meee wat 0 non 

ee + ae TAR 

the savings account. The witness saya: 
“I eaid that I was suxyprized at the amount of money ané 
Hise Welker eeid that Or. Meedonsld happened to heave sa mueh 
money from the seie of some stock -- whether she enid Common- 
weelth ddisean, Insull Investment or wheat, I don’t know par i- 
tively, but she stated that the stoek hed just been sold and 
the doetor had not had @ chance to reinvast it; thet it wae 
the prooceds of the sale of satoak the doetor bed sotten in 
games and Gertrude’s page and in Mise “alker's neme oFing to 
being umable to cet more than 85 shares in his own seme; but 
he wanted all he soule get and osnsequently he teok it in 
these different names,” 
The money was plaged in a large envelope and given to Ure. araicer 
for safekeeping until Hondey morning. The witness said on orese 
exeminetion that he had svezested that “les ‘alker set this money 
from the benk as she wae ¥G1l Known there, andttheat he told ties 
Balker that es soon asi the benk learted the doctor wee desa 1¢ would 
seal the vavuit; thet the children needed money af ocnee for funeral 
and haseitel bilis, beceuse they were orvhers and bad no funds @ 
their own. This money wes eftervaris turned over te the execut Gr. 
Jemes Maadonald testified that he had « eenversaticn with 
the oleimant on Ceteber Sist at the hetrpitel after hie feather died 
when Mr. and irs. Arciger, Gertrugée and « Vigs Neal were present: 
that they all drove over to the Gek Park cavings bank; that on the 
way Kise *elker seid that Gertrude had a joint checking aceaunt at 
the jek Park Savings tbenk, and that the money there could be obtained; 
thet leter in the day at the home of tiv. Armiger, Miss Walker said 
that his sister, Gertrude, had a joint sheekin= aceoumt with Bis 
father and thet Gartrude gould draw the money cut of the bank by 
éiening a blunk cheek; that Gertrude thereuyen signed a cheek in 
Bleak and hended it te Mies *alker who put it in her surse; that he 
next ss¥ glalmant on Novemver 1, 1l#¢1, st lumeh time et Armiger’s 
home, and that after lunch Miss alker tuck wa envelope from hor 
puree saying that it sontained the money ane hod taken from the 
Drexel State bank; thet when 1% was opened Zr. sraiger expressed 

surprise at the amount of money and asked Wiss “alker haw it ba pened; 


| oe 

rayan Aovesie Oe ysmebOR agatvRe ont 
foe Monee to heme eft 26 Soetuques anew f goede ties T° aie Ms 
doc os oved of bomeqqad binsebesé .19 tet bhee vediew eek 

some? bien eta tadiedw == deote octcm to sign exe moet | ee 
~Liq woud ¢taeb I , tate sc feomtwown? Siverl .ecelh ttisew 
bus blea seed sunt bat doots edd tedtotedete oe tud ypetevte 6! 
asw ti todd ;3i teeveter of vortudes o bad tow bad wosoud po a rv 

ai aptéen bed totecd eff NpetE te eles SH? te abooeerq of 

od pl ppt ema e'iodle’ esl’ sk bn omen @*olwetasd bus p Baws f Mss 

mal Hh ae amo alt a? eeuade UF made’ evect ton et oldaay gated © ~ 

#8 moet ent ‘ésnoupoonas baa toy bine af Lis 12 ene? igh 

pena Paster th emote / 8 

) pan cl ef nevis daa egadewme yatal « st heomly saw yonon emt 
em ao Dias aaoutie off .gudmem patent fiw nitqeedeten Ler 
Yeans eidd tng aedle® seks dete bofeeancs bert ad tat molteatmaxe: 
aaiu. bled eof tedtibas ,wied?. awond Liew aw sie an Xnad of noe: 
binoy $f baad aav cofoeb sd@ Benrgel shed ot? Ge meow an Jat” realei 
Loveow? TeX come 29 youem Sebsom mesbLtde ot. rons Teer oe ieee 
 & abavt RH bid Paw Ansiyxo wtOW Yodd oauoed yALLtd Lustqued Bid” 
<tadvogae add Of “ove bemad abvavretts saw: Rennes, wae? soo te 
Stix asifausernee » bat ad ted? soxihteet hhemedesM seme 6 foo) 2x8 
Beth ceftet els aodte Ludigaed odo fe tale vedeteo ao fusatare one 
Passe ered deed seit » hae ebuTdred ,tegkosh 4 os dae ot mee 
| odd we cad? jdnad wuntal wl da0 act 8 TOKO SOEs Lin yedd aude! 
| te tawenes. paivwede Saket » Ast ebirctaed gant paw teal hat anki ome 
— «themtst#se od bLueg exedt yomem eff. tad San pines. paiva skeet ahead wate 
| Blow sokteW wake eho 2th Yo ome odt ta wil wae anh veteL sate 
—Bkd ditte Janoves ywobieeds ¢glol 2 kat ehentre yxotste ee fete ~ 
My aed atf Ye. fu Cone nd enc hvu eReNND tute Re aNEO 
«at dente @ beaala aoquereds eiumiied tet) paleo wnelé o yikes 
ot tese. pmerg. tod mb ot aug ete toaiLan cal oat Sonos tne state 
S\neptans ¢e onts denal @e .AbGh of ‘antenna iy genta te Sa ear 


that "Mize ®alker told ue that my father had ordered her to sell 25 
shares of stock in the Commonwealth  dleon Company in his name end 26 
heres of stock which vere in her name whieh he had paid for.” James 
Macdonald further said: “as my father had bought all ef the CGommon- 
wealth Sdison stook that he gould from a man by the nome of »hitehead, 
who was selling the stock two or three doliars below the market pice, 
and that ir. thiteheed yas not allowed to seli more than 25 mares to 
any single customer, and for that reason he hed put 25 shares in vise 
Palker's name. Mise talker then sald thet he omlered her to sell the 
stock in his neme and in Siga@ talker's same and to put the money in 
the secount eat the Grexel ‘tate bank, and thet wae the resson t here 
Was 60 much money there.” 

Ruth Neal, witness for defenduent, testified in wm bata nee 
that she had a conversation with Miss “siker on October 31, lvl, st 
about ten ofeleosk in the morning at the “est Ouburben hoa pital, imne- 
diately after the death of Sr. ¥Yacdonaid; that Mies ‘slker wee gather- 
ing up the effects of the doctor and sala she had same exvense in cer- 
tain business matters and the doctor had been Very anxious to pay her 
the money and had @ fered her «e cheek for her saiary, but thet Mise 
Walker told him that she didn't need the money an on the firet of the 
month she Would be solle@ting the rent and whe could take what noney 
she needed and that Br, Masdonalé didn't owe her anything. 

The @laimant being a competent witness as to ontters which 
occurred after the death of the deotor, testified in rebuttal that she 
@id not heave a conversation with Misa Noal in Or. iagdoneid's room at 
the hospital, and that ashe did not make eny statement to the effect 
thet the doetor did not owe her any money or thet be had paid her | 
everything. She said she was at the home of Armiger on the evening 
ef Getober Sist and that ahe showed James sacdonaid the anount of 
money she had in the envelope and that he remarked there woe « let of 

it and agked her where it came from; that Mr. armiger went t Or. 

a& Lifer ef aod herebac Set todte? yu tate ew blod sod bY ante” - 
S28 Sa oman sid at yaagme aoetg at Lnqumomame® ants as doote to woxade 

ca. aay ON 

ena’ ".tot biag batt ad te tow nuns net at prew fotse soot | ts 

~aomod wd te Lit dae bast amttet um axe +Sine rdf dieneboat 
chooitod tts ‘te cava af? YW aan @ mre Biztes ent tessa woot mont Adbaow 
ool ay toxtcam ods woled araties oweds to ont stood ws pation ‘aoe ow 
ot sea 38 wads ortiaes Siea. ot bowed tom oon besdnatds vk anit bas 
wali at eetede 8 gq bad ot newoet tans tet one view fauo ofgate ‘ae 

add fies of sod bovelie of dads bisa wens aeaLe? 8 ans - oma etuedias 
ak yoaoa wt jay of bee omen al veakew abit mt ae amee “a fat sons 
ered # season hae ast ass pas pases otad tenet" ot ta = 
oon asad ink doritiaes vite buoteb x02 oda p Aa sha igen 

" Ae cor Ga dened . 

a fee is ‘sedated ee cwaloy aotie athe neh swany¥sve a =o bowed 
: <P F k ie “ARE Se 

-onnt ie ata aor mehendes Sook ‘ods ta aoheren ote at “gesio's net tuods 

Re ity Tats 

~tadisy ase alo male told {Dianebpat 0 te Stoo ‘ods vote ‘Ueeatp 
~ae0 ad enneyxe CIO & bad ala blow hae reteed ‘odd Ye atoeti0 6 ony i pat 
tet Yo oF evotans TY awed oad ret oo wd ban eof tne seoahend Ae 

ous tad? tod tisles tod ‘a0? Hoods 4 tod bio? pad. baa yous ode 

ods ‘to souks ode = as Years ot howe ‘#abke ani teat and bhet ‘senke 
se a a RNR Be a 
Yemen tare oalas hives ede bas ta0s ong paisoctsen od bivew ‘ote dénom 
een TF 
ogildeyan coal avo # abkh Bisnoveni oT) tanta bas ie 
ae Ne 7s ait Haat ay 

‘donde exostas ot ae anon te taoasgaoo 6 4 guded Srisuada Lo et? - les 

ede sadt Lateuden Ph Bolitsues rodeos os te S000 eas setts be 

fe moos a*binacbosis oi at Leow eek agtw ac Htapuovace 8 rer i 
testis oda ad taemeate wo ota ton ry at a ‘  tothqnes 1 oi 

ted bkog bast ad tate, x8 wenen we sed owe op 


bad tol a “asi ‘ered boxtaaot at tats op 2 ot jolene 
a, sem neptora, 2s tae a ' 


Maedonald's home and took the envelope with the money to his heme; 
that the money wae taken out of the envelope end that she said: “You 
must remember 25 shares of this ateek ie mine; T have my receipt to 
show you. Your father was ili; the thecking aecount wee low; the 
savings aceount wes lov. Yhe dector advised me -~ he was my banker, 
he advised me to sell and put $1006.00 in the ehecking seeount and 
the other in the savinge aevount and he wala: “'I wild take oare of 
you next week.'" ‘She denics that ahe #aid at that time they the 
doetor hed bought ateoek in his neme and in the nenes of Jmes, Ger- 
trude and herself beexuse he could not cet so mush atoek in his oen 
neme and denics that ehe said that the doctor had bourht es many 
ahares of atoek as possible in his own neme out @¢ould not pet any 
more and had purchased 85 shares in her name in order t get them 
two or three éellarea cheaper. Ohne says that she did pay that Ger- 

trude had a joint aceount with the doctor in the crexel otate venk; 
that x. Armiger suggested thet Curtrude write out a check, agen it 
end withdraw the money from the savings aseount; thet Gertrude 
signed her father’s neme and right below she sigmed her name and 
that check was used. 

ux. Arcaiger on surrebuttal denied that “las falker had 
seid to him im hia home on November 1, 1031, “You must remember thet 
26 shares are mine,” and Jemes, alaw testifying on surrebuttal, de~ 
nied thet ahe had sald that. 

Beeause of this divergent testimony the evidences ae ta 
the purghase of this stoek in Migs Walker's neme besgomes important. 

Kr. Steele, an employee of the Comsonweelth idlson ¢om 
pany, had known Or. Macdonald for twenty yeare and elao knew Kiss 
Walker well. fe testified that in 1941 be talked with them in the 
gresence of eaoh other about the purehese of Commonwealth “dison 
stock. We saya: “Mise “alker was present and the deetor seid t hat 

ghe said that she was unable to buy any «tock et the wresent t ime, 

: ate ape ; Te ae CM: Mole ie a 4 
jouod aif of yertom ef? ttiw eqeleyae ot? Zend Ace emod a hienehest 

wel" ;diee ofe tedt han sqoiervee est te tye aovind ase Youom ode ted 
ov tqleser ye svat t jomku af gouge sist to esteds és Todmsnet tom 
em? jwel age davosom gutwoad edt jade aan ‘watie? uy OE, wade 
stedsag YH ase of -~ om healvds xoteub ott «wos oat taseees sgatveg 
fee toucoes gnidoste ed¢ at. Ob OO0LG tay bea Aine ot on ben ve of 
te es9o wis? ify i* ibies of baw feseoes Spee ont a edt , 
off fads wars dadd to Sieg one tatty volaed ot ved Xoew 08 UeX, 
~ted nom te semea of? mk bane omas etd mt 003% iigund bat yotoos 
avo okt mt xneve fou o8 dag fon Sivey ef opuood Uvered has ohwne 
Yaem ee dfwred bot retook one tone Sioa ate tans aetneb oa oa 
Wee fon fom Biwoe sud aman ame sid at eLdinvvy an Hoots % senate 

_ Medd 93, ct reb% aL smog tock ah sagged a8 heswtosws Sat bas osom 
=H00 edt you DEb ose todd wyoe ott erogenso exmtsos ovsdt, x0 owt 

{Sime ofed® fexewi edd aE cetect amt ate Huai ener ® ‘bet eal 
ot gage , deere s tve othew ehyitaet tet? bedeegpiin sey tata” oe tate! 
ebwnsxop fone ptimwdee agatyes ade nect ‘poitom oie weubahiw Bia’ 
bites @nen tat msi ote Woled sai paa a gtoettet ded Denyte 
Rea eee Deasssgeod 

Balt vente’ sare tHe betaed letivderme mo aegtext se” * itis ot 
ted? todmenwx eum woY" ,IACL ,f sedmwveld WO owed eht at ate ee eee 
en ne cts gets ,oomt bon “ents ote sonede 28 

| ; } ma dase bios Watt oy ait Beir 

Gt ga evnehive sd’ yroutiee? Hegrevth otdd Te wersceg eal bat 
rare somone’ euler oredie® sath ak adore hosel nt at 
wiew sah aid 

2 merit fitte bedist od HBGL wh art pee 

fount 4s Laown to onetitey ont sewn ei fo 
touts bhkh Yedpob ett hmw tawaer” enw contin sake rayne oF” Jabot 
~eat? inesew oft ta Moode yas yd oF een wen ote tant bhi s 


and the doster eaid that } he seid that he had 

to take gure of the children at seheol.” “es further testified that 
he saw the dootor again about three weeke before he died -- about 
Gotebker iGth or Leth and "he told me thet he couldn't buy any « toek 
ag he already purchased from Mr. thitehead.” 

it seems that at this time the Utility “sewrities ¢com- 
pany Was avting as selling agent for stock of the Commonwealth #di- 
SOn Company and that the employees of the soucany vers used as a- 
gente in making these sales. Wr. “hitehesd was an employee of the 
Utility Securities company and effected the actuel sale of this 
stosk, on Cotober G, 1931. Dr. iMaedenald tought 25 shares for each 
ef hia children an¢ 8&8 shares for himself. Twenty-five sharea were 
3016 te the claimant Ann ‘elker. A memorandum as of that dete was 
issued en contract No. 5146, which is in evidenes as ¢isimant's ox 
hibit S. It shows the purehase of 26 shares of Commonwealth idis on 
company atock at the prise of {139 2 share, or « total of #5476, and 
states that the stock vhen fully exid ia to be inwusd te “Anne *al~ 
ker, 765 Jekwood fivd., Ghieago, Tli.” The neme of “Anne Kalker* 
is signed thereto as purchaser. The nenorandum shows an agrees nt 
ta purchase stack; to pay cash within thirty days; the reesint of 
$328, a statement that the sale was made sy Uhiteheed, and the ap- 
proval of the Utility Seeurities company dated Setober 18, 1931. 

thitehead testified that the lenghand writine on the 
memorandum was his, and thet the memorandum was prepared on Goto ber 
&, 1931, in Or. Meodonald’s office; that on Getober 9, 1951, he 
again Galled at the office of Dr. Macdonald u:d asked him for an 
affidavit thet the 25 shares of stook to be pleced in Miss Uolker's 
neme was actually her orn; that Or. Macdonald replied thet 1% waa 
Miss “alker's money, but that he would give an affidavit, which he 
wrote and took to the next room where it was typed; thet when it 
was returned to whitehead it had been signed by Mias falker and the 
seal of the notary put upon it. The origins) appeara in the reeord 

et i 280 os sada Blas 1etech eft bat 
todd bektiesed xoddaut oF °. Leodde va xoubitite ot: te o¢eo oxer ee 
fuudm <~ beth et ototed adeaw gwadd teode diage tétddd Sat and od 
dood 2 yee wud ttabluoe of duds om Bled od” dan MINL co MdOL eoastad 
“,beodotie® .ai sott peanmbuang Vann et mes 
-m00 sotghuveos yiilavd edd omld wldd te gadd aden tt YO" 
-ib5 dotsewnomn) edd ia deods 46% tangs nalicen te gotten kaw Yneg 
=a a8 Seay cow ynacéns odd 20 sewyOidue off Hedy ban’ ynsqmee HOR 
afd to seyalqan ao anew baedosia! .od .eelas suede guivem ab esiea 
ald? tw eles {autos ost Dotectte hie Yaqdoe abitiaivet YH 
dene tot seradu 8 dfswod Blencbeat ae steed (8 vededee aw” weewe 
exex setads ovit-ydaew? .tiesald «et eerhde 8% tam wexbtide Al 6 
aaw edeb todd to an avbeotemem A .TeRLAT mind tatntalte vot of bios 
wx e'dnumtale ae ooaebtve al at dotdy ,e88 .0h Hetinos ae beteet 
a6 abi Aileewscnmed 1e sovaefe 82 te sundouwt oft aweda ot LOE 
bie .@0e8) to lade? s 26 ,enade 2 GEL) Te eetig odd te doote yumgam 
vial ema”. et Bovaai ed @f at blag Yin? gede_ dots mit sed? eaters 
“seiel ont." le oman as?  “,itT ,ogwokdy 4. DVLE Roowmes Bor ton 
idewatye ao erate avhastomen oT .tesedanyg sa etoumte beagle of 
%o ¢clvoer ed? jayeb vyialdy nidbie fase Yad oF iioots so does, of 
“48 off has ,deetetidé ye obam saw los etd dadt Ineaetate « 8884 
- SBAL Rh radvtep betad qaagace saktiimpel yilieeu ede 3 0, Lavery , 
ett so politins basdtguod odd gait boliitaes baadesish! is 
tedetoo he Seteqetq sew subaetomen ef) tadd boy ahd oom, gta oh “a 
®t ABUL .@ todutad 20 dad? yootre a'hlenedenM 0G AR He o 
YM MOR GLE deem Bow ALenedoo' oxi Nw oeitIe ef? ta dwLE 
‘anton enti mb dopetg od ef dootn Xe cotate G8 esd tact 
AMAL todd betiqas RLevobeak «wi sod? yume tod wilewtoe 2 

bed od tects bise ed pega 

Ah Hotty .tivablits aa ovty atogm ef and sud .Xo8 - 8 | 
4h sate tate jdeqyd sew 42 oxedy moun txom ot on t | 

edt ban x9ikae sabe meet Ale apap ides aa 

as Exhibit 4 and is as follows: 
“"'To “hom Tt May Coneern' 

This is te eertify that I am buying 
26 shares of Commonwealth Sdisonm stock in my name. 

(signed) anne ‘alker 
768 Cukwood hivéd.” 

Attached thereto is the s¢ai of a notary public. 

Mies Julie Uternberger, who saye thet ehe was an employee 
af Dr. Maedonald at thie time, doing typinc, ete., was show this 
exhisit and said that Or. Maedenald wrote it om « serap of vaper and 
told her to copy it and that she took it into another room end copied 
it. She also says that on the day before, Sr. ‘hitehead wes in the 
office and that Mise yalker called her to type a letter, and that the 
doctor seid, referring to vr. thitehead, "This pest ta eitting here 
again and he wants you to buy some otock.” Ghe alse eaye that thite- 
head returned the next day; that Or. Macdonald then gaid thet Hise 
Walker wanted to buy some stock, and thet Khe was ready to give her 
monscy $o buy it with; and that sas when she typed the peper. 

y The testimony of “hitehesad is further to the effeet thet 
he told Or. Masdonald that he was limited in selling the atoek to 26 
shares to a sustemer; thet euch wee the rule ef the company, and that 
was the reason vhy he took the affidavit; that the sompany required 
him to do so. He gays thet the 25 shares for or. Matdonald, the #& 
shares for hie son James and 25 for Gertrude were sola om the 8th, 
and that the shares to Mises Yalker were #014 on the foll@ ing day. 
The affidavit was requested because the advance payment on atecount 
of Hiss Walker's stock wes to be taken out of the chesks of Dr. Mac- 
@oneald. Fe says: “Dr. Meedonald enid thet he would gee ies tel ker 
end would protest me. “hen I saw the dogter on Setober @th he sald 
that he did not have the money loose, but would buy some shares 
later on, and that for the shares s0id to Mise ‘elker be would give 

his eheek or cash, as he wee taking ¢are of Miss *alker’s payments.” 

a eee gle 


| i “yaved.ter Le ‘ah pos » eaten, as 
| taped wats #1 seat one 

gated mo I Gade ‘risaes 08 ak & 
Omar gm st deeds soetat debebeiteast to aetede OS 

tox Le® emma “Peeve ig ll 
* ay la peomiaa ant 

sotidug | anton A te nen ost at oteredt & 

eoreiase ans ast ate tect ayes ote ctegrodenaae elias netk 

abst node aaw 080 eerekays antob cwhs wbde te ahaa, map 
bas tegag ts qetee © so th storw &lanedoast anf saci bine bas Stésaxe 
aetqos ba» 06% reddons ont at dowd ede sate bua tt Yano oF tod phos 
ete ak aay baodod iat othe sighed yab eds pe dott ews gale ode «at 
ed? fadt hns ,19dtet # Say? o# ind halioe soalei ante sede. ue oottic 
or af yaksate at Gneg abdT* sboodod tity cat ot wisi tes shine gosoed 
~adiats tat aye osle atts ",kooga ance we et gay atase of nee aleges 
a abi tedd otee wast bissobonn a tage iYed txon att boweag = Deed 
tet ovty of vhaes cow od todd baw “ploots enon wid of Dodson amides 
i ‘stoqeg ott heey ada nodw saw Jads baw ;ddte th ws og yoaen 
to at ‘footie ‘edt of sedturt at onortos batt te yaonkt et WAT 
ag es agode ons patios ad portant now ‘ost tad? bho 

eames, Ba, - 

Psd bhot ed 

tadd baa «Yaogsto0 ost ‘te olor ef? naw dove tase yxeaosaue, a. ot aytada 

bar hupet Yusqnee ott honk fivabi tte oft dood eat raptor AORBOT edt aa 
aa ont BLanoboak m at cerate: as att tate aye a «08 eb hd 0 
at one xo bios stew obuxtr00 wr ag bap Bemct awe abd 76%, aortas 
+¥eb gat wiLor exe ste bLoo otow nota awh of evredn wt ee Ca 
iayoves a6 Faomyns ‘easavbs ‘att ° oauwond busaouper, Pa SAMRAT Te BE? 
aoa 42 to sxoots wild %o tuo a9xes od of ane ts high an : 
t9H bs walt eos bivow as tons biea biancbost a" 

big .g Fats 

bbs ‘ed Hee tedota0 no rogaed edd wee % meay a 3 

aetade exon we Aivow tus sesped, enon ott rad, ton = ha ot 
ovty Bibvow ef rin! anti of bios aerate oft ¥ ath part 
MR ar Hh RR Aa see! 

* sgmomws aneala’ aati 4 eure ah gee “lt 
fat Daa fei phy iy 


As a matter of fact, “hitehead had at various times before these par- 
ticular transactions sold stock to the doctor and also to Mies Welker. 
At a prior time she purchased eight shares of the Commonwealth ‘dison 
company stock on the advice of Or. Maedonaid. 

A temporary reeeipt upon a printed form uaed by the Utility 
Securities company was issued to Ann Yelker on Jetober 15, 1931, on 
sontract No. 5146. ‘The original is in the record as Exhibit 5 md 
atates that the amount paid is $3150. At the bottom of the receipt 
appears in large type a printed notice in substance that the reeeipt 
is issued in lieu of recording payment on the invoice or security 
savings account book and a request to keep the receipt and when son- 
venient to present it with invoice or security savings account beok 
for entry. 

There. is evidence, too, from which the jury had a right 
to infer that thie certificate of stock was dsiivered to cleimant and 
that she held possession of same from that time until she delivered 
it up to the bank to be sold. 

The executor contends that the fect that the proceeds of 
the sale were placed in Or. Macdonald's account and therefore in his 
possession, creates a presumption of ownership which must be overcome 
before the prima facie title will be dtvested. He cites Martin v. 
Martin, 174 Iii. 571; Coffey v. Goffey, 179 Til. 285; Chestnut v. 

Chestnut, 15 i11. app. 390, and other cases. He says that the infer- 
enee to be drawn from the act of plaintiff in depositing the proceeds 
in the sale of the stock in br. Macdonald's secount in the benk is 
that he was entitled to the money and thet it belonged to hin. He 

cites Miller & Graves v. Pratz, 179 Ill. App. 204; Kinahan v. butler, 

133 Ill. app. 459. We do not understand that the law as stated in 
these cases is questioned by claimant. This argument of the executor, 
indi cates a disregard of the theory of claimant's suit which is that 
she had a right to recover upon « quesi-centrast. See Restatenmt of 
the Law, Contracts, vol. 1, sec. 5, p. 7a, where it is seid: “"guasi- 

sontrsets, unlike true contracts, are not based on the apparert inten- 

-taq ewveds exoted eauid aweiuev ta bad beefesin’ ,.fo2t to tetven « aa 

.teiisi sath od cals bms tofeoh eft ef xoote bios adeldoassext naluott 
acelh| aétlasewacwme. eft te se rete trigte bousdouua este omtt zohiq 8 ta 

diacoheat ,xi te eolvbs oft no xdote Yaaguco 
yelitey ode Us Beaw mer bodatnd a eemegar gqlesex ytowormed A 

me ,l8@L af t9detoG ae ‘tonite th oY boveal eee Yoaqgmee ashi iuuoee 

bee @ #tdided ee brcees od? nt at fpaty iro oft +818 oil toeTsnee 
gateses eft to aotied ont oa “cates at bkaq twee ott tot ontate 
tqisout ont tant one 3nd sa at votes hetatea 8 eqs ogxel ak wraeiys 
Ydlavoea To setovnt orig FT.) smonysc gatoroves te went at boueat at 
“00 asiy bas tqteset odd qeed ot teeupot 8 baw stood tmuooos ogatvas 
wood fayeoos agnivars ysirwese te sotovat atte #t snoseng ot inotuev 
: yuiae, mot 

Rigit S bad vast ods sold meet oor voonsbive ed erent | 
bas tusmtalo ot borevi (eh eew doose to ovaoltteiee onde ‘tat sont ‘et 
Soxevileb eda itinw emit tad? most ona ‘to. nokaavasog Blew ote. a 
+ntus od of dined oft o9 qu 8 

to .mheove sy off said tend ett tant adeatee xotupexe oft 5 
eid al exoteteds bas taveeos @' SlancboaN oa wt boost oTe# eta ode 
BMG HTS VO as vaum dotdy qiferosmwe to aotiqavaoag t eetsero ace peae 
wv Ne este of .betaovth od Litw oldie stop’ saul ost exotet 
! dunseed) ;888 . {iT ere kettod “¥ xexiee ive iit ov ou ae 
~tmiat od? dudd syne oft .80880 tsdtc bas 1008 “aaa “itt aL igs 
abeooory est antttecqes st Tritnisig to ter ats Pee used oe et oon 
al ined oat ai tavooes a SLanchosii oti at sioots ode t0 elae ‘pt 

F ‘ eo ontd mk 
on asta ot begneled $8 tots bre Yenom ode os botattce aon od todd 

oo a 
tod tu +¥ Madegth 208 .qqa .LiT evs ators v 

ai betete as wel edt tadt bastexoiow ton ob ov ad au ard we 

x Pais we 
‘totuvexe ed¢ to dacmmte alet » tant o.£0 we hometteoup at aeeae ‘oxo 

fadt at doldw tive atinamtale Ye yxooMt ont 2o Dasyouth « “i 

Re Ra Fee 
to tmmsetoon see . - Sout 200~Le sup bd noqu xereo07 os gta r) batt he 
~hesup" :ekee at zt wredy st «G a 08 vy for vaseorsao0 preys 

4s % Bt) MORES ‘ Pi tl 
-seint tueusq¢a eff a0 ontunt toa ots steele earad arts 


tion of the parties to undertake the performances in question, ner 

are they promises. They ere obligations ercated by law for reazcons 

ef justice.” Upon that theory oleiment cites Seterson v. Smith, ®11 
Ill. App. 451; Laflin v. Home, 112 Ili. 25%; Nirst Net'l. Bank v. 
Gatton, 172 Til. 625. She also points out, citing Jromwell v. Brom- 
well ‘state, 139 Ill. 484; Peabody Cosi co. v¥. Industrial Com. 289 fil. 
$35, that the presumptions upon whieh defendant relies are only preeum- 
ptions of fact, which in the last analysis were for the jury te ¢onsider 
in connection with all the evidenee and not presumptions of law to be 
determined by the court. “e think this coustruction is gorrest. Con- 
sidered as a rule of evidence the feet that the proseedsa of the sale of 
Claimant's stook was placed in the benk agcount of decedent would prime 
facie indieate the proceeds beionged to him, but the presumption wae 
only prima facie. It was not an abaclute presumption. Tt wes a rule 
ef evidence--a matter to be considered by the jury in the light of all 
the other faetsa which appeared in evidence. 

%e think, toe, the offered testimony of witnesses az to 
statements made by claimant in revard te her ownership at the time the 
stoek wae cold and at the time the stuek wae still in her peszession 
was erroneously excluded, and that this ovidenes should have been ad~ 

Pefendent also argues that since the claim was for « fixed 
asount of money, it did not sall for the sxereise of equitable rules 
by the Probate saurt and thet the ¢laimant ess therefore obliged te 
prove a precise gum due. Nowhere, ssys deferiant, is there any proof 
meade of any specific amount that claimant ever tured over to the de~ 
eedent. There is not, he says, a word of evidence to shor how such 
money claimant ever lounéd Dr. Macdonsid, » nd the reeord is si lent 
es to whether the lean waa tem or ten thousand dollars. Theres were 
facts, he seya, which micht have been easily proved, and in this con- 
nection he cites {chell v. Yeaver, 225 Ill. 159, where it wee heid 

EMO! ig al 
ton ,folieavy ah sepaamieTieg 6c sietuebay es aettusq aft te sett 
 aapaaes Sot «ef Yd heteoto santiagiicn osm yor? seceetmeryg yods eve. 
Li? .A¢iad .¥ goetete: aetio taembale yioedd tedd nop *.o9ttust te 
sv MiG Ltda Sarre BBR .L1T GAL ygrwit sv peieet 78) .qqa . Lf 
wmg2g .¥ Liewsoxt puttte fue adaloq eela ait sO) sLk OL gegeeD 
-LLT 88 . mod Letydewiet v¥ «9% _Sbodset y28a .LLT OGL . tetas thew 
-weetq Yice vis aetloy tasinetes dokitw weeny snoliquvacicg © ft tds yoRe 
tobksnee @ Yxul eft tok etew ateylone Yond ate at dodo ston% Te neoheg 
ed OF Wal "to enoktqaseets ton ban eomodlvevott Lila sake aolivanmes at 
-000 sfoortes a! xoifourtsqns eff antdt ev sucee ede yd Domtareteb 
te wee oft te sheover: af¥ fad? foot ott cnveitve Yo efet 2 ae bexehbe 
anteg bivew tnohoosh to tnveses aimed ond ak boonlg saw dsote etinashale 
ane uctiqasott oct Sud gatt oF begnoled abedsong ont etnothal otoet 
‘elut o dow 3T  .moltadoweTy eieLouds ae tod wae aI’ stont auiee vine 
{ia te vdekl ete af yust. ad? yd Devableme 9¢ ot tadtan aq-ennebite to 
sopuehive af betaeqge deide aden? weate eas 

‘98 @a agasensiv W Yromlinet feteTio af? ,oed aati? oW 
of? ealt odd ta qidsvoars 1098 ef oxanet al teamtely q oben etnometage 
weteseuvoy ted af LLlts euw doote off omte wid 3s bee blon cew dooge 
-ba weed w¥ad Sivote seaehive ‘ald? jad? Sas ydodshoxe -scatecncordenn 

= eon 

Net ae 

“fexit o tot sav akalo eft vecba tedd soup Gala: tom Sao'tet tvaty 
-@eius aldatiage he esltetete eff dot Llaeotom bah 2. pes. ‘nome 
od baglide etérexveds now Saentads odd tadd Sow duteo odedort. et 
Toot Yak owed? wl ytastastos aye jovedwoRm veh mea: raninine ores 
~ah 91% of Yo18 hoatyd cove taemlele tede feweom eltioogs yao 
Hout tok wote Gd senoblve tesrow ws emieeeie ali pum | 
retin at bmowe OMe bm! w bLamoboaRt xt borseL ove dnoutete yeRom 
wtow om saint lob budmuad? net TO nee caw muod ent codtedwdd an 
~soo eid mt bee deters Yhinae aeed ovat ennai masoemear =a 
bdo ae ed erent (eOL .a0T- ae 

Ye ee RR A 


that the allowance of e elaim against an estate did not require the 
exercise of ghancery povers ty the Frebate court and that the mis 
upon review of eantroverted questions of fact is the same in such 
eases ag in other actions et ia¥. 

Here, sgain, this rule is not sontreverted. This cleim is 
not for money icaned. As already said, the euit is based upon the 
theory that as « matter of conscience clisimant iz entitied to recover 
from the estate the auount of money which the decedent received fram 
the sale of stook which telonsed to the claimant. “het sum ia defi- 
nitely proved by the aziount reeeived from the sele of stock. The evi-e 
dence is that one of these esrtificates broucht °S579.355 and the other 
$3567.25. The certifieate of claimant broucht one or the other of 
these amounta, and the difference is nat important. 

The gontrolling question in the case isc #®ether the verdict 
of the jury ie clearly and manifestiy sassinet the weight of the evi- 
dence, ae defendant contends it is, Yhe decision of that question is 
elese upon this record. In weichine the evidence we may not dierezard 
the faet that two Judges, one in the Pretbete court and the other in the 
Gireuit sourt, who sew and heeré the witnesses, have anproved the al= 
lovanse of the @laini; thet a jury oy tweive mem wha sise eaw ma heard 
the witnesses and those verticuier @uty it was to try the facts have 
alwo decided these issues of fact in @laimant's fever. 8 sre not um- 
minéful of the duty east upon courte to jesiously cuard the estates of 
decedente from wnearranted cisims. In thie ease the trisl judge, ve 
think, as airesdy stated, erred as agninst the gleiment in exeludi ne 
ecompstent evidence offered sy tor whieh it is foir te vregume atronciy 
tended to srove her ease. ‘¢ Sizht wish thet the reesrd di soles ed 
more fully material facta as te the financial transsetione between 
decedent and claimant. “e have not overlooked the testimony of Tanes 
Kasdoneld, whieh is denied by claimant, but he, ae well as clelmnt, 
is interested in the cease. Hr. amiiser too, seems to heave taken an 

unusual interest in the matter which makes it 4iffiewlt to give full 

eis wiiupen goa OLh states ne tenteae minds, 4 28. sanemlda ot 9m? 

OL jm O08 fat ban davon piaden’ odd yd aseren YeveRed® 26 ealeupx 
osm At sane att al ten% 29. Bachtoeurp: bettavaxiace te. eat 1. ategu 
nin da sashes nade ot 9 soano 

at, atals ala? _abetapransaen, tom, wt olus abte. etihoge comet bsp bu 
i ‘e6d mow oand af 3tue edt biog yoawle 94 .domegs wuen xet ton 
‘Keveo ox ot belthine at tanubado eougiognce to etiam a aia aad 
_.. BR? bevieset Ineheoeh edt daidy yarom to daveme ats oted 
_ritob ot mwa df? .fnomtate edd pt hopaeledg dette smote Re olaw wat 
~tve Of? .deots, % alae off mort bevinges, jaune adi ye hevesq ylotta 

Betta, ona his GS ET3C! Pipwone aeteoltdeier eaedt Ao ang anda at, nonep 
_ % xodte off 20 eae tdaugd tnamtele to eiaeriigces odT «88, TaGRS 
i stastuogat tea a eoaexetth ed? fae ,ataeome oxedt 

AAI Aten A 

soinuey one stedtope at oago ot wk apltaenp galilortace ad? 
. pive edt, % ddglow ast fastepa, yiseatiann par plaaede of vunt od 

ai seltseup tade Io molalesh ec? ,at 31 shantme suekneleh as ,oenel 
Siageta th tox We ow sonpaive mit gutdglow al eRe, ands nog onolo 

oft at xodte ad? dus f1900 asedoxt oMt ah 996, .eapbul, owt tadd Pond oft 

-is oft Revougga oved .somneatiw ads prvsd one was ge gtvoo ¢iuosep 
bused )@ was oale ot som avlewd 20 eael wo tad poet ast % evonwed 

aved etost eid yi? of saw ti ytub usiveliceq eacdw has sonncatie, att : 
“St Jum OIA GF . dove: e'danmtals ot toad ip aomwek onads bebtoeh oats — 
to asiadeo ont Sravy YLavelsel ad abises sega tame youb ote Me. sisi 

ev .dahwh Intud ai’ eaee atdd al .entole Setaetzamay meet ad 
Ba tbusons ot dnealalia ate, dentene ae berse ,ketete theorts, 
Vgaerss eavserg ed uiet af th dotdw aed ya boxed Ww, eanehtve 

illaelad ie ae fotonans3. att. yey ee, peti at * 
owl, 10, yaeuttned ole Aedposzave, son eves of. oft 
_sfa satiate as Siew (88 ot fed .i marke, 
SP APRS, OF 08.08 ENON. «OE. TOMER . bs assy 
Livt evty of tLuelttie th acden olde ‘xottuw edt at teorotat oF 


erederce to everything sald by bin, Taere is mthing te indiente 
that claiman$ was indetted to Dr, Sacdoneid at the time ef his 
decease, The evitence ali points in the otner direction. The 
written evidence including the affidavit prepared by bim all tend 
to show that Mier Valker was the owier of thes# 26 sharea of steck, 
ana if ashe was, equity and good senseclenes dacand taat the eetate 
whieh reeelved the preceeda from the gale ef her stock should ree 
turn to Ker the amount received. 

The Judgment te affirmed, 


ReSurely, 7., sonenra. 

O'Conner, J., spesialiy eoneurring: 

i agree with the result but aot with ali that ie aaid 
in the opinion. 

ee. IN (4 eae ay 

sgnotbad os “aubston at oxeat ts wa bee pats exons. at sonobe 
ald te oaks ena $a bLenoboak 3 ot _baddebas A dal erentetn to 
oat tod teonth sodteo edt al stale fis Msn a wh oa 

ale hate 

\soote 7 r0 aornsta as oanss <. sours ose eew aoe v pada 3 das ie 
otetoe asid aasis haeaeb pone Lonaes hoag ban Ae. aa oa ad 

Bs WN D aE i Nore ue 

5 vA 

eg! SN OH ee ee al 
+ vigoas | desamn et, 904, 4, 

CARR ITBA gai ake Y 3 i hata is 
4 nvated Cia: See PYG Se mAs es TIE: Ma: See MR VBE is nt RT ae HE A say! yi ee * ¥ He “* 
‘. % B ats SR, eS, teal 
hs ltd \ 
i aS) ie \ bhi el 38) ah dis 
a S se pe Tee, fae, ae ae eee Lee, aa 

bie as sas iis spin, goa gut pony one ashe a Koi ae iy : 

Appellee, } 
Appellants ; 

Wi tag TA. ¢ 649’ 

Thies is an appeal by defendent village from a juégment 
fex #309 entered upon the finding of the court im an action on 
the cases 
The declierstion alleged that on lecember 2, L¥S0, and 
prior thereio, defendant follec to keep a highway within ite 
goxporaie liailie in a reazensbly aefe comGition, in that it pere 
mitted Geep, durgecxous oad open ditches Se be anc remain outaide 
of the slab, sueulders asé irainage ditches ef tne highway, rendering 
it weotes thet om that cate while piaintiil wae ridimg in an automobile 
as @® gueet ef one Uhowas “leménha, anc «whiie he was in the exereinse of 
oréinsry eare fer Hie on suitiy, the auscomebile ae a result of the 
Begligence ccacribes wau previpitaisd inte the dite, injuring pleine 
iff exteraally acd imterymally, causing great party Sheen ard taat 
Plisimiiff cauly served aeiive ef tne sime and piace oF the injurys 
etaes pen the Village of Mighteu Serk ac requived by the stetwige 
Phe willange filed a ples of not gulity amd a further ples 
that 44 did not own, oentsci oz poanene wae PYeMiees im qusation. 
Defendant contends bast che caty te uniniain tae street 
in queetion in safe condition 4: the time and place wag noi upon 
the village, becouse the highway wax then within the exdlusive jurise 

: ‘i _ AMES mein 
+g PBIO9 AGTSETES Mote SABtd i peas 
. ok a. yy Bs) ae me ao | 
Le bo Ook, tah an wpe 

eT MOD TY a RG rete et er aeerieit 

dreaghut, « awk epattie imshaeteh YE Lneqge ms sk eat 

he soften an ah tio edd Yo yathott esis: shgwy barcode. OUCH 8R 

sano oad 

bus .OSCL oh xedmonwl wo dase bogeiia woddsraiowd ont : 

| agt uisiste weurigid © good oF betlot anabawtes gavonnile ‘akg 

waoq a2 ‘ase sh giles bers ‘whan yddottease’ a ak ahs eceoagn awd | 
ebiadwe miauox bar od of nesiost® moge bun emoxsymnl «que bode 
wuirobses gysududd aate to emsineds eyanint> fas eupbiaaie _Cake adt Bo 
Skkdoaaius ca ak guibix kaw tigdnlalg elke etan dare mo Joule pe heat a 
te satorexs et ah acy od vildw mma ,anommde semodt ome te tong a 6 oa 

ede vo tiveot a as ehidemadaa Gals stietuu ano igh 20% one biti ‘, 

entaiq guixuiet qiedis odd esol badadigioesg saw sodtuosa® : | 

Gasid baa ac9d0 giing taazy yaieios vdaeiedad tea vftaa : e 
aXoeubad eal te soatg bas omks aid ke “gi game povros View vatsatady 

“ seamdada ada yu bouinyyt rvs) Bitat wodsig td to wgalLly oes nog ated 

soe Ee, weld wi » bas YyLiny don ‘to wedg @ doth spotty aft 7 

«Hod tawny mi woe Lane, oat seen og *2 Lowtane fire ton ib ba sect se 

feoxta one minémsae of ih oils danke aiarwésre drinbaee bod es , 

negu tom es oowde brs oad s sale oe aud SBOS oten nu mole 8 i A wih ' 

cotuch, evlaufons dt aivhw modd wnw omiutd ed oaueued 961 teky odd 


diction of the State of Iliinein, because @lainvif? did not prove 
that he was im the exereiee of due care for his own safety, because 
he was guilty ef contributory negligence and because the proof of 
damages ig too indefinite to sustain the werdiet. 

There ts little conflict in the evidence upon material 
points.  Uefendant village is located im the south part of Cook 
county and was incorporated under the Cities and Villages acte ‘The 
accident in which pleintiff was injured cceurred on leceuber 2y LGBG, 
at the intersection ef Crewferd avenue anc Sauk fraile within the 
corporate limits of the village at about seven Be Me 8 Crawford 
avenue ig a public highway extending through and beyond the village 
ins north and south direction.  “auk Trail is also a publie highway 
extending east and weet throuch the vi Liages Crawiord avenue had 
been selected by the state department of rasds and bridges to becone 
a part of the proposed right of way for state route Ree 49, known 
ae the governor's highway (see “mithe-Hurd's I11. Reve Statwes 1933, 
Ghape 121, pe 2536.) The route vhen completed was to run fren 
Chicago to Monee and te pointe south through Richton Park. At 
Ronee, atate route Nos 50 branched of f from route 49. At this time 
route Noe 50 had been completed fram Bones north into Chicage and 
extended through Oak Ferest and Oaklawn porallel with route Bo, ap 
and about a mile distant from ite Pavement on reute Boe 49 bad 
been leid in Crawford avenue ae for north as Sauk Tradl but had not 
been laid on the north side of that trail. on the north adde of 
Semk Tradl, at the end of the pavements wae an open ditch. It cowkd 
not be seen at night by parties traveling north by automebiie sa 
route Hoe 49 until they enme te the ond of the pavements the 
Sestimeny for defendant tended to show that the aiteh io question 
Was made by the state; thet for plaintiff, that 4t was made py the 
village for use as a drain from east te the wesie The ditch wag 


wrong fon bib Vidimbely saison’: qatomtitt te oted? olf to mottoke 
severed «yietes awe eld tol otAD” oe te eulovexs od? mt caw tal dant 
te koong aff samoed bas sonsaiger Yrodmiixiees te “iting sew of 
stokbvev etd miatane 09 egintiesat cod al sagaamb 

I[shietesm sega eonmeblve aot at sotttawe efit at data 
ond to sxnq dtaron ost wt hegaved af opatity tenssetes  .aéatog 
edt soo eopalliY inte geisro efe webew pagevogisom? anv Sis YaNeo 
eOS2L gh sedamoed to bottupeS poutnl aaw Teieakads sto bite al gnobiers 
a ahdbtw gttert shat bits somone brotwaud Ye molgewuseéns ond to 
bio Lex ost o@ mevou 2 Inada sa epatitv oft Xe ptlatl efexoqree 
SS brcyed baw stqwentt nents 
bidig vats ak ftoxt aus © \wokteexth Aiden bas séson 2 md 
ned ‘nuinova beoteaxd segattiv bad Mpvondi souw baa te08 att ooo 
 ampood of eeghtrd ban abdsaz to dtrem7taqed etoda ext qe deaddioa aood 
- pewoent 9B wok eduor séada sor yaw lo dstghx Soaequay ode to sxsg @ 
ebe0L qonsade sve ott a! buns tn gon) youdatd ‘a*homxeven oft Gn 
| woret mart of naw nedoignos nodw séwon edit  (eae8S oq ofS oqaslo 
| oh but ap ato 2 Agworsi? 1 domoe edutoq of bas cond 02 OBAdLHO 
ont alas aA ote otuox aoxt Tho pestonatd O8 sot ‘odeos etste ‘spomolt 
bata opnota® vant Aaven sesT0ll uovt bedeigues wood bat o8 v0 bao 
“@d eo edmot Astw [ellarsg awatind ban dnotot dot sysrowls bOGmDaXO 
past @b voll edu0t Bo snomevel “gat mort iniinns eth’ Wala 
son bast gut Eker? detad on déton tat sa oomerR psorwerd wh ‘phat wotd 
20 odie aaron? nO ohkexd tadt ‘Yo bbe Maxon end a0 ‘bat mood. 
bLnoo at oso meqo sa wane Pe So fw odd tn eho asst 
1% ekidomosus ‘ae séson gmbtowent eokoung detgt at ‘tae wooe bé gon 
‘ost? smoreat 30 to ot ob went lib» ook ote 
poktaouy 62 dosh eile dad woe of sobued taabmeted 26% gmat iee? 
ott Y ebam one os sack: ‘eMentnte, wet Soild ietate ‘sas salt 
naw dorks oft sao nal o honed ont iba oyatl 

ba baal ow sot ° 
OR ah ye te tA sald Gy i eqn a o ae 



abent three or four feet wide «t the betieom and about five or six 
feet wide on the top, and ite averes@e depth wae four or five feet. 
It van east aon the north side ef Sauk Trail a then turned toward 
the north along the west side ef route Mos 4%. 

The evidenee for pleintiff ta to the effect that there 
wag only one warning sign om Crewford avenue within the Village. 
Thie waa a detour sign placed fifty or sixty feet couth of Sauk 
frail. Lefendant'a chief of police testified shat there wos oa 
warming sign 560 feet south of Sauk Trail which wae marked 
“Pavement endge® However, it is cenceded that there was no light 
nesr this sien, and that it could wot be read 2t nicht. The open 
dithh could not ve seen by a driver from the south on Grawford 
avenas until he came to the end of the parement. These wae @ 
emall smudce Licht at the aide of the roxé known to recdmen ae @ 
"cannon ball light." This was om the went eide of route Mas 4%. 
ang at the ond of the pavement there wee another similar Light om 
the eset side which was, however, in fact net lighted a: the time 
ef the secident. There was @ barricade on reute Nee 49 about ten 
or twenty feet north of the end of the pavement. This was apparently 
@ dangerous intersection, for in lees than six months from 2G to 31) 
ewlomebiles bad tc be pulied out of this particular ditche ‘the 
evicenee shows the chief of police reported the situation to the 
willage beare but nothing wag done to better it. The state took 
care of the lights, signe ont barricades, which were cowa much ef 
the time. 

Plaintiff's testimony ie to the effect that he wae riding 
ae a guest with a Mr. Simons from Saxton, Illinois, to Uhicage. 
The autemobi2e wes a Siudebaker. Flainiiff ant om the front seat 
om the right side. Gimmons wis ¢riving. It was sbout seven o'clock 
and getting dark. The headlights vere one The speed of the suto- 

mobile (plaintiff says) wae sbout 35 miles on hour. Defendant's 

wha xo ovlt sods bom mooted ods a0 obhe soe tw8t “o owt? reads 
fost evtt to capt aaw diqeh epatows abt bas wqot ai! ao ehiw font 
tamed Dott aodé due Liewt deat te she owen wll we team son OF 
gt aot etme te obhe Coow ed? geeks’ Pen med 
gradt dak? Sootte ede of wt Trbdakale cot wonohire otf 
oBeLLee ode oisidiw quiere teretwrs? po mie vatterrew ome cleo wer 
tus® Yo dives took quate re yttht bevmky mete si 700 ened whet 
a now oxertd dat? bebitheeet solfeg te totite eldaeboeted  « Thert 
bolas: acw dodde LlexT aun te seen deat one wept igittiines 
gig hh om aaw ovals dade beboonee of 1% erovewst «© “awhow seemioget” 
nego, oft  trinks te baon of Dom Aiwow oh secte bees gehe’ abe ed ‘ceo’ 
pee ten® ao Manon: oft work coviee a yd weed o@ tol hives weld Fo 
dt ene-gxontt  oduomovng oi? Ro bow ead OF Stee om LRdow entrown 
gam membaet Of: tromk aot oT ocobRe Sete da Setpes epbime Linda 
gto n0T, etuor Too whie tetw wt) wo" eer ater 0eebt Pied wontne* 
pe deight uatioue vesttese wan wees Pe ee 
omid. osld ge bodtight tom dowt nd « revered wean sus vite Fane wee 
ot guode Ge ool sauor me Gbaoduted @ exw exer?” sfivebhose oat te 
Ustnexrsqas oow elST 4» tomryng od Ye bu one to dined sook Gnowd to 
08 4 Bs, amet welterom ake nade test m2 soo guotsovenodal aorta 
ont edocih ssdugigseg alae te due bolting od ot had weltde 4 
otis of mobtaudhe cae bedcoqet woileg We Bohso- or ion 
Hood sada elt #2 tadted os eaah aew prhiret tot eins gant 
re done awoh enow stp doly men iene wer —_ Lathadetratl 
ant am oth, dnd) gpotta oat OF ah “onan tags wren” 1 6 Boe 
) senngh@ af, OhOMhLE gttedxe% mmox't osrocsate vet te nee 48 
$ave suost od¢ so goa TEEIOEALE — stedadobeey ‘a tow xs Y é wat | 
“Hoote's, meres twode say at) Suivi 200 wreaks © hae tt i a8 
oom oct RO, Somge eT ott oxey etstghihostt oat ‘oats aarti) j tone * 
at tnabeeted + csed me eo kta ad dxode aew (ewe ‘yubomtetg) oxhsc 


evidente is te the effect that if wae colug meerly twhee that 
faete. this wae on iseue of fact for the trial court. Flsintiff 
hed sever beer ever thic route bovere. Ee copys he ouw the dct cur 
gign and warmed the driver om ther, wher it wee toe late te evedd 
the necicent, cow the eileen. Tet oa they went Oote ity the car 
tipped ever on the nersh end an’ then Curned overs 

Plein iffts bees onc kmee were cut, an’ Kis face erm neek 
wore bruteed . He hod « Yam imee, he aeya, for six monthe ont wae 
auoy from hia work for six weeke on acount of if. He hire? & mam 
fer that Aencth of time tg help Ria wife vum the ves jaurawt business 
ie shieh he ws enpaged and palit for thie a <crice 330 a weok. Pag 
déetor’s bill, he ange, wee $49. bho fincdnge of the catrt wan for 
dutangen te Ghee wot of 7300. | 

tm viaw ef ahi the fecha «ee wove related we thick ¢ 
quegtians of whetaer pleintiff wae cuilty ef coniriiutery nega igenes 
and whether he extebliched the feet a*firastively that he wag in 
the exercise ef due eore were Tar the court Tf there bed ben @ 
jury, the cucwtien weuld have been for the jury, emt the Pinoding ef 
the eouri t« ertitie’ ta th: seme eefgkhi Reve ac the verdiet ef a4 
gery would reesive. Defendant alters HePermo.t ve Rokeown Teuugs Coe, 
265 Tile (Bis 326, where it woo held that the pleimii?t whe wee 
viding with another sheul¢d bere secrlcived t+ the driver of Bie 
mogligence in Griving ice fact and cewhe mot recover ualoer che 
@ould shox @oare im that regard. The evideece here shown that 
praintizf enlied te the attention of the 4river the fret that 
thay were approaching = detour. Me could met see the diteh antil 
they vere in it, and he was not gblige? im the exereice of ue ena 
te advise the driver of sewethine obich neither of them cewhd act. 

Petendamh relies very wuch won tte contention tht the 

highway in question wae im the exclusive jurisdiction of the State 

_ dots spt cieeon gateg sew th dude JooRae eds oF at aundatys 

iagk. «tsnoo Jelyd od? cototewt to evewt ae vier watt!” J Witt 
seek adhaennk won tie <eneted odvior Whe g9ve “dead twee fas 
Stove of aval cod eaw 0S starter qmort? bee covieb walt Boece “Gh ages 
$a oft g22 pdad ter weld oc Par a etal ty ome wa Yrodtees att 
po ete Benue gett tee Gaederon Hie Re a 
daatisine setath ten earn ae annie sid 
sow. ios eddnom xin ~0), soya ont (tome me Whol ORO. bam tent wthw 
non a hexkh oh .df Ye dmweos mecettow xtn cit ovo BHM moet Qadh 
wsvataad drew cued uld mon otha wis qhad oF mks te ehgiee Paety Ho% 
ORE. «egy o.O80-e0kr tee in tet eet Abn tote tein even’ det dtd Site a 
| get paw.duues ad? fe arbastt o@f os RObca we dateen ert Erbe a adtens 
ee ao ee ee (yOORS 34 sirens, Gah et _ cone 
odd. tecteld ow bodadow vvat wo advo ons Thy al hits Lana 
e2amgiigan Yaoiveismee Yo yetiuy wat WU tabeta troxttes My 
ak env od dads yLavbtoettYts foot of Wate tttdne” nba’? ‘nee 
a aed bad enode XE: stemtocnts ont eter exe onthe 6ebtwiiel git” 
be gabhak oxfd iw ayeuh odd veTORADE vad BOW nobeetes “ad? tiwt 
pee dalbsev-adt an @rmtnig tow amen ote 62 Soft? tin ‘a baie oe 


i 78 ee i ie | Bis a 

pita weokaw revecet ton Sins bas faa odd Gubviie son 
gaete aeocte overt eonssiee oer eemyiel = tt aS ae maa 

eb a eo , 

RY he ee Pen sl Rises 
oii eae ee ; 
me a 

oteitt ‘id! to to nentotbebat ov aides Ga tae 

» ay “3 SY Gawain sae ny Pir: iy fe 


of Illimeis and it was therefore without ony duty in keeping 1s 

in repair, and 14 cites in this comneecticn (mitheHurd’s Llle Neve 
fitatees [9519 cChape 121, eeegs 3500 and 306. Seetion S00¢ denounees 
any person whe wilfully cute, «xeavetes or otherwise damages any 
impreved state highway whieh ia under the control of the department 
of puvblie works and buildings, or for the maintenanee of whieh the 
state is responsible. ‘ection 304 previdee that the department of 
public works and buildings “after taking over reada er atrvets shall 
ereet ond maintain standard guide and warning signe ond cistenee 
benrds of wiiferm ¢esign.* From thease provisions of the statute 
éefendant draws the inferenee, to use ite cwm wordm, "thet there 
wag ne dut. upon the village in thie rewpact.” The duty of mine 
teining highwuye is apecifiesily impesed wpom the local suthertites 
by section 12 of the Citiss aud Viliages set. (‘mithe-lrd's Til. 
Reve Statwes 1933, chaps Lal, secs 277+) 

Seetion12 of the decond State Sond ieene act ef 1023 
(SmithdHurd's Ille Hews Stataes 1955, chaps Lol, seGe 281) imposed 
a similar duty upen the local autherities in the case ef an in- 
completed highway. ection ? of the oyatom of ctate Bighwaya act 
of 192% (“mith-Hurd's [lle Reve Statae, 19355 chaps 12h» wece 297) 
provides im substance that mo rond ie yagardec ae taken over by the 
state until notice im writing is filed «ith the village poesicent. 
It hee also becn held im wumercus eases, in substances, that the 
statutory duty imposed on villages to keep the strects rensonably 
safe wag not remevee nor their jurisdiction in thet regard Leasened 
by the hard roade statutes. Village of Slencoe vs Burford, 317 
tlie 2039 Village of Northbrock vs Sterba, 516 ilie 3609 MeKean ve 
Gounty of Carroll, 324 111. 2437 Villoge of Mariggs v- Jenegs 327 


Tile 180. 
the evidenss for plaintiff is to the effect that the diteh 

¥ : 

Jd gnigewl as Gawd we duosstw emotes enw #2 bee gtembsst Yo 
Sel of41 of badiinta tes moisopanee mide at aptio g4 toa gsiagen at 
aconmmenth s00% meifesk 806 hae 98O€ sapen gf kl synco gfORL geatad® 
Yne aegeush eelwredéo se eeduveowe andwe yilviiiv ole meet Yc 
tondreqes eld Ye Loxtmps of? whew et delde qowigid fate hovongut 
eid dotde Yo epmanetutan oft wah xe ysgecalind bape ecteew obideg to 
% taastteqos ef’ daddy asdirow 8 moliget «eidiaeneques a2 odate 
Sista atestés co wheot teve sttidad <o9dte" epabbtied ban atiow obideg 
26% eoutage add To eoeltoirexy ened! sont ".mytess aeeltiow bo ebtacd 
ounds ¢eds* gobtew awn ett ses of ,2oneuvint oft ewesh dawbera too 

) miaptes te YWab ef2 *.dutqeo" eid? at egaliiy od? gogu \iwh on eer 
eetilsodtiwa Lacol edt? moqu bosoqut yfieottioogs af ayerityld gatabed 
whit gthemiediies) «dea wegaiill boa aeidt? odf Yo SL aeliosa WwW 

, (6TVE 408 GAEL s@ado qGkOd aondads over 

8@L 26 do euegh Sag sind: Sugoi alt Be SL metiged 

. boseqms (L068 «oem giSd egado 71602 gaptatd aved ancien 
ent ae %o oesg oaf ak aoltivesivus Lsvek ocd mnogu Qiu sekaabe « 

toa @yardighh aged: to mday? att te f weksont  —eigousighd bededgate 
% ATER 268 2SGL ogee 468SL geadade evel «Lil et hratiqalt de) S8RE to 
otd YS seve seled eo» dekunget eh baer of duce e9matadoR ab wedtvow | 
sdmebieesg eyaliiy ad? dete best of gatétew at oobton Lhvaw otada 
gilt Joe? goonsdadua at genes evotoma nt bled mesd gale aad st 
vsdaswaacx adoatts alt geet od segetiiv Ho dousqml Yiub Yoedmtnte | 
bonegast Stages dads at moliotbaduw) sheds som bovemst Jon saw shee 
FES ahta PTW ov goomElG Yo oRALLEY «nededate ehaws weed ost yt 

TAY RRMMOH 00% oT AEE gadtewhs ov RootdtsxoM Re wpeLLAY $808 itch 

a Ee eee TODS ofl AGE g flowers? Yo re gad 
Oe 9A 

Minh us sat. dayne ot ot ak Red¢abaly aa ptm ee aie 


Was made by the village, but «“hether it wae or mot, the uncontrae 
dicted evicenes shows that ite dangerous eomdition hed been known 

to the village for such time <o vould constitute constructive setics 
and imponed the duty of removing the denger.  Yillege of Marseliles 
Ve Howland, 124 111. 547; City of Phere v. Saneys 18¢ Thl. 454 
Village of Palestine Ws Siler, 225 “ils 6307 Lawrenes v. Villiage of 
Shanmahers 157 TLL. App. 5605 Talley v. 2s Co Go & She lie Re Ro Ces 
231 Tlie Appe S133 44 Sows Jur. 039. 

Sefendent sleo eontence with some plausibility thet che 
proof of dowages stistained as a result ef the injury is incefinite, 
There ity hewevers no confiiet in the evidence in this respeet, and 
® fair inference from 16 is thet plsinsiff was unable to work fer 
mix weeke} that he was obliged te pay out $82 for doctor's villa 
and $130 fer someone to do his own work while he wae disabled, %e¢ 
think the court hed the right te assume hat injuries such az 
Plaintiif received, slineugh he did not expresely BAY 80, would 
result in diecemfort and painmy for which he ~owld be entitled te 
som@ allowance. The amount of the damagea is net large, and 
prebably upon sacther trial, still larger éomages would be awarded, 
¥@ think avbetontial juctiece nes been dome ond fer that reacen the 

jmignent is aff irmed,. 
ABST RB a oe 

MeSurely and O'Conner, djs, eoneure 

} watever sha een “0 gaw ak sass oeke aud evgaitte aay re ‘whew sow 
: sateen need hed wold iomos suo roges n$t gacté ewbite semwtivs boPRID 

worsen ov sous em90 eiuttteanve bLwew en oak? foarn <0" opt tty ‘wale ‘ot 
aeittonsei. he_wnslLty “yregmed etd guchvou+ co Yiws off Soewqell maw 

| 1ab Lit BOL gona ov aunkt Yo WRG yThe TET bat gereteat Pg 

Re apelLUly +v ¥ geno qoee ott eee Qetie sv batveotet te meeneEy 
| ant sf oh i ot 288 doo et + woes goat -qqe VEEN POL yorpetnrtpate 
SO ale et tat hb EL age eee Bee 

ots dats qiditdinuate ‘cuca Médw ababthoo ‘onta niebawtet OO" 
vetistrebad al euibat ‘esd Yo Efieot 2 ve nombstewe ‘Moyased “Yo Roony 
ete stooges etdd al somodive od? ai soltides va gtevewsd gah ovad? 
| ‘wot drow 63 of@nay var Vthintatg said @2 6 woth GomerdtAl theta 
 akthe e'xeseod «ot 98% duo we ‘ot ‘boghide gow ‘eel Sante spanmadiad 

ee bodankh aes of olitw dtow wwe eid ob 07 seoomen tot S8L$ bas 

aa sows aeiamtsdt tart’ ae ee 

hiwow <n era Ueaorgxe tem b26 of Sovedite yvoyheoot Titvatalg 

3 on ‘betsdsne od know off dotdw xoY githeg bios dxotmooehb wh diaeos 
‘bas soured don af weigemab Sis ‘ho Phare ett ‘ obtnmetite enon 

doin od bLsow eogomeh xogral Lokea 4 ind 

wit Me59% ints xe? tne onob nwod wail bobvewt £ 

—_— — eg renemsS * iia 
iS ¥ ‘ 7 
Ree 9 gue fen) ay haw 
MONG RS: Varun ears 7 pees 4 ae Sag 1s a ents wat 
Ree PROT alle eh ANS | lla 4 
hl ideal SEU aie RIS ae eget 
¢ see 
eek » Lt 

HR RA IE a | ER SUA ht aa 


2 a 


a Re ES, 


State Pawners Ameociation, Lid., & 
Limited Partnership, 

BPRS . _ 
» Ws, % 


ide NG EGLE 



a Limited Partnership, and JOSEPH 
B. RORSHUAR, et al., 

Ne eae ree 

Def suidants. 
Gn Appeal of BXARUEL &. ee @t She, 
apaéliante. i TR ~ = 
2 K 4 L.A. 60509' 


Thie is sn appeal by Emanuel . Edeleon and certain other 
Limited partners of the Lllineis State Pawners Association, Lt4., 
from an order entered pendente lite aneointing reeeivers for the 
Asseciation upen the filing of a verified bill ef complaint ty 
Beatrice Feldman. ‘The order was entered Fitheut soties unon the 
day on which the bill was filed. 

The merits of the issuce of fact ané of lnw involved in 
this controversy are considered in an spinien this day filed in 
cause No. 37413, in which Toreph b. Korabak, surviving general 
partner, and others appealed frem the same order. The issues of 
lew and of fuet are substantialiy similer, wid it is unnecessary 
to repeat here the reasens stated in that epinion, en aegsount ef 

which the order muat be reversed, 

O'Connor and BeSurely, J7., concur. 

‘088 A. I b S iene nt 


rouse ae —— ‘BOTATALA 
6 teastet fe sheaki a howe 
lt a bt ytedtabonoesa "gramel tiale 
qhdere stra? bod tmtt 

| FTKUOO mou9 XG {  WLALOcess emmas staan weeds 
‘ . me te vakderengaas bed ae 
} ge de * gl 


a Be a ss Sie? 

j ete 90 wobdmew 5a saint te Lasqea. 99 

_ 2000 8H? Ye SOTAIGe BET CaMNViuee | 

soutien ndastee hrm nosed Xk Lousemit yo tiwyda ae of oleh 
obo, ,foltelponsd axgawal agase ebori 02 itr t0 etenttag bosimtt 
sds tol expvisovr, gabtaleqw~ pois gion bese haretno ‘qehro ae ‘mort 
“dS tutslqnog Io ithd kel tiner eto yak Lit off Heys aéttalooass 
‘oe most outs on Seog in perades eaw wehte eat “5 tats Ln" ooltsaek 
bay. ss easheepanpinrienetiot ct 
ab beviovit ms 1 bes $002 to secap2 oo to ebiaer ext ” is 
ab betit wh elie no tatge ae af bogedloaro exe eRxoventmes alde” 
faxenss galvivive adoro t dgae at sedin ah, (S207 104 Sono 
“¥o nausek ‘eat. xebue sta asd ikl beleeqqe srodea bane, pendtay 
¢inaeeconay al ws hen ~eoktoke yilahiaatedse omy dow't Yo pas wad) 
te éaucoon ao ,Helakee teat al Selata aneawat ots oted gaeqet oF 
-boeteves of eum tohte off dedcw 
SRBAVEA “spicy «cll seamed ite cr 

YA ib 4, a Pa a 

etuenee , 5% .Yletuiga haa tenaed! 0 






eget ace Rete ne Nemgay Rn Nee winnie, 



a Limited Partnership, JOSEPH =, 
EORSHAE et Gi.» 


ASSOCIATION, a Limited Partnership, 



274 1.A.650° 


Thies is an appeal hy the Illinois State Pawners Asgociation, 
a limited partnership, and Jeseph @. horehak, from an order antered 
Bovember 27, 1933, appointing receivera for all the agsets and 
property of the partuersaip. fhe orser "ae entered without notice 
upon the verified bill of compicint ef Beatrice Feldman filed on 
that date. The record discloses a motion by defendants to vacate 
the order of Hovexber 27th and that the same was denied on Decen- 
her 22, 1933. Defendants save agvigned and argued errers in that 
regard, Mowever, the order of December 22nd was not avoealable, 
and as a matter of fact uo apgeni haa been oF gould be taken fran 
it. See Gmith-Hurats Ill. Rev. ®tate., ehap. 110, 266. i123, Tre 
only question therefore before this court is whether the chaneel- 
ley erred in entering the order ef Sevember 27th. 

It appears free the bill that tae aggociation is a limited 
partnership organised in 1919 under the Uniform Limited Partnership 
act (see Suithellurd's [1]. Hey. Stats. 1935, ehap. 106), par. 7, 
pp. 2123-27, Laws of 1917, B- 60¢.) ‘the articles of partnership 
are attached te the bill of compisint. The purpese of the partner- 
ship is stated to be te engage in iending money an taking real or 
personal property as security therefor, ete. ‘the partnership, ins 

faet, conducte a prosperous pawn-broking business at 140 Korth 

Dearborn street in Chiecage. The tetal partnership contribution of 

(Ns he : saste 
: | a ee | 
‘, ; " ‘ i ROALD rk ee ee CMe. As, 

woltaIpoona CAIMMAG STATS 
2 BISVOL , qideceadint bot da 
oe hi saseio 


rahe teate hetiuhd a , 9PTALS 

sath Loegs 

“0G9 AT SYS 


, Molseloosad exsawet, eter’ ateoabifi edt ua feenes fem ah abst 
betes iwhie as aot ,tedatod .& sqeeot hay. qbiasentiag bed hall # 
bw agease oft iia io) srevieoot gabinteque ,f604 , 78 todaavel 
eokiqn tcoWsle bevedae caw uphto etl .qiseteatiag oft te “iseqoud 
reo HOLLY aautio% eclttaed to Seiaiowmee Be LLid beitivew edd aeqe 
stanav of alusbue'toh yd aoliem s eseoioath buotes a8f .odab dt 
~mo9C ao belash saw smse ot) test dee StS cmheved ‘te cette ae 
ted? ai axoxts bovyte hoe herplesa evad etunhas tel  .e8eL . 28 s0d 

sett Mele? ef bivon <9 sped wad Lapcge on eet Yo th2eam @ ew hae 

ont 684 .o0m OLD sqnde y.etatt v9 Lil at heels ah oot PR 

igen om: tolsesv ef dume eisd soled etetetei¢ settuesp lew 

«eve todmevell to tehte an? galretnw mt. bere tof 
hetints a ef nolteleoues et tads Shas oe wort mteeude the oe 

qidateatze4 hegieti miotiat edt tebay @1@i at besiapgte qidetsattaq 
i?) meg .400L geste ,SECL .atase <VOH ASE oY breaHacht Laub wom) doa 

3 nih a era i 

eliletsatisg Yo vetoltis oft (. aan * Pres te awed (ta-bans td 
~teating odd to svoqteq eff .taiaiquos be Litd e9 of betoedia ote 
to feet gutiad ban youom galbaet at egagas of ed of hetate at qise 
td ,akdexenttag ed? vote ,xotemdt yrixuese aa etreqong Lemouteq 
Mirek ODL te evenluud gatiord-aweg aseteqaone a atowbago , teat 

to nolsudixndnon qidetentteq fete? ent .ogentsdd at tootte arodiest pie: 


the partuers ia mora than $600,005. The business Aas been sauce 
eeentul and profitable, dispensing large dividends frem tine te 
time to the partners, both general snd limited, It hes sutstanad. 
ing loane ef mere than $800,006 amcly aeeured and, on the date the 
bill wae Tiled, hed cash on Xund and in the bank emounting te 

Ye to Oeteber 21, 1933, the Asevcintion seneieteéd ef 
about forty limited partners and twe general parteers, nomely, 
defendant Joseph B. Korahak and Harney Feldman. On that date 
Barney Feldman died testate lesving Kia surviving bis wider, 
YVeatrice, complainant, sud three sisor children, At the time of 
hie death he held general partoerehip certificate ef the agers. 
gate value ef $40,000, Hie wife Beatrice and the miner children 
held certifiestes in sabstectinl ercunte, The totel centribut ions 
ef Earney Peldwven and hie fwelly te the partuership saceunt te 
$268,806, which is sowevhat leor then one~helf ef the tetal 

fhe Lest will and testanent of Barney Feldman devised an 
bequeathed all Als estate te cemelainant Sestrice and moaned her 
ae exequtriz, 

Sectien 20 ef the Uniform Partnershis aet prevides: 

"The retireuent, deste or insanity of @ general partuer 
Gispolves the gartnership, unless the business is continued by the 
remaining general partners 

{a) Under a right eo to ae stated in ine @erciileate, er 

(we) ith tue comeent of 211 sembere.* 

Hers, the articles specifically provide (nat death anall net aiae 
solve the partnership. Article 8 of the partnership articles, in 
Substance, provides tact a geversi partner may dievese of hie share 
of the capital eltner by will or ty assignment in writing; that 

sueh instrument shall be of centroliing effeet in the event ef the 

~oie need eat eesatend ett (mG, 2Oae arett orem mt mente ow 
at pels mort ehaehivis envad uitiansanth “shieitnes Aue pe a 
ehaetedue sect $1 .hetiett bas Leweaey ated ,eeentsen wei ot quid 
(get efah ad? ae .haw herwoss ysqmm 200, 0888 maid wxoa Te aneet gat 
ot sattawenn Mnedoodt at ban hmet ne tans ‘batt. “bert ‘saw hth 

te beta Lance aebiadgouad ont weet 8 eoroo ae ee 
~elemen ,exoattog kevoaey ows bas oventueg hot hmar yovet tuota 
otab tan) 00 ,mamb Let b viene fy che dediarod ras fooect taehantoh 
,webhw abe gutvhvare mabet ‘pobvees eroresd: het sevah Lot ys ered 
» Re omkt ont 2A saothiide tomie serdd hae ,fasatelouds ,eoistacd 
ie +STQ38 247 Te oteathistes qiswreaiteg Levemey Ried wef déest abs 
noTkidde soaks 942 haa eobvtase wtiw ai .000,088 24 onler etey 
ateltudindnes (eros ast .adavens inttaududue mh setaateteres Mbox 
er tememe qideieaducy 447 of yLiuat otf San avabiet xoartatt 20 
fated sdf lo Diedeoae omits see ¢acwonne al ao btw 008 O0nt 
bie doulvsh saehict yaar te fasuetees be Ldbw dead edt oo 2 
aul | vn “oliaiiheaialeiiialll 

|  ceadeng berewwy ets al to deeb danse: ttow xd wate yh 
ons ed bewal taco sana oud a, Pape Ghats 3: ead ¢ 
te yWasltisnes aad ab betade ob OF be Srigte & Toba: ts) 

* exednem Se le tneease ene ae2F dap eer 
<0 th den iia Ajesh tact ebtverq yliaed tiveqi eeteliue nt |, ered 
“mh yewkotew qhdavenstag wit to © esndsia | saboerwnt ude sat orton 

whuin oh To saoysth You seating Leweing 0 dwelt aehiver¢ ,somitedue 

send ypaisiaw aL snomagione Wh xe LEbw yi wouishe ditions edt Ne 


ath a nae ae sine GAA UE Ait | 

Sed oe et ARERR | wl aath aaah tent 

 tushiverq soa qidatsattsl wxettal eat Hoot -aekteea’ i me 




eee! eh fee a Bhim cand 

a a 

death, ineanity or imakility ef euch partner; that “the retirement, 
death or ineanity of any general partner or limited partnere shall 
net cause a disaolution, but the surviving general partser er part- 
nere ghall have the right te continue the tusiness with all ef the 
property of the Limited partnership, ererided, hevever, that in such 
event, and within thirty (30) days after the happening of such 
event, the interest of such general partner so besoming deecaged, 
4isquelified or unable to act in the sifairs ef the limited partner~- 
ship” may be put up for diepesition and sale and acquired by any 
general or limited partner upon terme provided in a previous article; 
that ether arrangesents may be wads with the consent of the Limited 
pertnere represented by the atterseys in fact; that thse aselgnee or 
legatee shall not besome a general partner unless the whole interest 
has been assigned er bequeathed tc one pera: ant the gentral parte 
ners renaining accept such person af & general garter with the ¢one 
gent of the majority of the limited partners expreseed by the com 
mittee of attormeye in fact. 

A provision with reference to the manner in which the inter- 
eet of limited sartners may be sold is contained im article 7. It 
provides that any general or Llinited partner shall first have the 
option te acquire the same at ite book value plus earnings. 

The sele of « general partner's individusl interest ie pre- 
vided for by article & apgerenily referreé to fin article 9. In sub- 
stance, it provides that such interest may be sold but suet first be 
effered to other general parteers at the book value or other price 
mutually agreed upon aud if not taken in tes days the vender general 
partner shall give thirty days written netice of his intention te 
sell by posting a notiee and leaving a copy with the cther general 
partners end thereupon the general partner shell be required te 
aecept the kook value of the interest eo offered from any limited 

partner and in default thereef may sell to any other persen 

eet nae 


,taeantiser ssit* baste premetag tieumg ‘te ws tLtdend te Winwent “tito 
Siatle rtand cag bothuts 19 tondang Lesaney gaa te vl saast "0 séaok 
«faq to Wattage taneney gabe iveae add Sedil sods ubowes e sate een 
ef? to Ife ddkw- apsalaus eds sonisees of dig nat oven este aye 
douse at tars , Taveras beblvene Clterensteg hevimbs oad ‘ta wagers 
dose to yalnecesd eft 1ed%e ayeb (08) Dilated absig iw Baw .taeve 
ebesascoeh galaoosd oa q9ndtag herons sto wa tw suotesai asta bhandhded 
wont tag betiaif£ edt ‘te axlatte ans ad tea og eidany hong be dttLaupets 
The YI borlupos bas ofLee hus aot dts ogats a0 w sue od A oad “qide 

ey Ba 

idfeséce ‘suoivetq # at bobivorg ames Bogs seas tag begtats exoney 
betimts aid to tasamo asd tig te obum od wont dasas gant wate teat 


te senglans oda tas i400 ab eysanerss out Xd bos.senonger wrote 

teetotat efedw oud eee Lous roa 18g farensy « sa00% 5 +004 taste seaegot 
edtaq Leteasy ont Bitte noa19q amo of boxtueuped xo boutons ond aad 
“890 edt ag by tent teq lorene g a aa nosT9g dows 490008 aataincer area 

-se sit yd hosaetoxs ex190t t6¢ hodink£ ests to et itobem ans te “tage 

a Kot Bay 

boat al stort et ta to sertin 
— oat doldw at rennesg et of sour tater athe molelvore A 

wag ot 

$i .V efotéza at bentadnoo af Afoe od yan ‘exendis¢ bedtats * tae 

ee Ne 

edt vad $ox1? Llaste toastoq bediats ve Laccoeey Yuta taut oohivwey 

; . 
-egatotas sulq eulev Mood ‘eat ‘ta ome ons omhupea at aoltqo 

-ouq al seourtak tauhivinad 8 'meatuag forenmy * te stow ome ehaupit hs 

nN pone a ee 

“due al .@ efolits al os bevie tes \isaotacas 6 vtoitae w xo poe 

od soxit dain tud bLoe od yan taeda sto wa taut conven a eensse 
toltq nasito Qe eulev dood ods ta atoning fexoney edt -e bote Tre 


Late ney tobney ost ays aed at aexet toa ua as soqK boerys yh Seud oem 

at wottnesat ‘elit te eolten sere tow ayeh “eaehas oviy fr plete en) . 
fete neg Tose esi ag dw yaoo a “gaivasl be a ng Jo “gataoed ‘oe oe 
o¢ bettupet od fede toadiaq katenog odd sequen: Ag 
betintt yar mot? berette o8 teors¢a) ef) to oulay doo 

nooreq tnido yas of Lion yom tooted? dusted af base tones 

a HF rae, 


ee ea ‘ ‘Rieti ME 

nen gas SNE 

acceptable to a maferity ef the general partners, The srticle exe 
presely provides: 

“No gertifieate of membership ehall be issued at any tine, 
mor ghall any person be admitted as 2 geval ex limited partner 
Witbeut the censent of the geereal managing partners, or the sure 
vivéer thereof in the event of death or disability." 

eae bili sete up the erganixation of the partnerghip, the 
provisions of the statute in cage of ine death of a general partner, 
the right ef a limited pariner to have tie parineranip beoks kept 
at the place of business ani ta inssest the same; that the Limited 
partnereaip is operating under last esriificate dated July 1, 1987; 
that thie certificate provides that contributions io the eapitel of 
the lisited partuerehip shell set exceed a miiiden dullars; that ne 
salary shall be paid to a general partner uwhiess uctusliy ompleyed 
im the conduct eof the business; that « general partner hae the right 
te dispose of his eentribution by will; that the suecesvera shall 
have the right te participate in eonducting the tusinegs to the same 
effeet ae the deesased general partner, orovided the general gartner 
remaining accepts such gerson; thai any pergou degiring to become a 
limited er general partner ghal2 execute, 2&8 a gendition oreeedent 
therete, a joint and several warrant of attorney, nominating a come 
mittee of two persone and their sugeeasors ae irreveeable attorneys 
in fast of sueh person; that these atterieys in faet shall be gee 
lected by the general partimers from acong the general er limited 
partwers, aa that these attorieys shail have fuil pever to perform 
all lawfui acte in veialf ef the limited partners; that Barney Feld. 
man and Toseoh R, Korekek were sonatituted g@thersi partners and ape 
peinted the committer of sttomeys in faet and eo continued until 
_ the death of Barney Feldean, 

The bili ales neta up the intereet of complainant and her 
miner ehildren; avers that the partnership Ras heretofore been a 
thriving and profitable one, ond states the aaah te be $75,000, the 

inventery value of merchandise is $160,000, and outetanding personal 

“ne @lelitn salt StS aitE8g —» ont te WW trob m a wntinsinnn 
: sun inet vor visioiey 
poy us tu henenh at diane gidiedenn ‘ko aganitiszas ot® ©” 
: ing oat x0. Seca eae a eer ee 
*soeliidealts 2 adeeb ‘lo toeve ach ab 
eit ,@ideweatiag eis to wetigninngte edd qu agen Lfid ant... 
,toaiiog Letensy # “ie ddesh edd to gaegQ ah otstets edt lo asoialverq 
9qed atGod qlieteutiag ei) oved of toatteq botiniL« ta saga odd 
Bebtahs of} ded ;eaee OAS Soogead oF hae, saemiend te eneig ode de 
iVWBOL (Lf Elvi detab esas iisiss goal rehew galseusgs ot qiketeuiase 
to Laskqen ont of anoldudinives tat eebtvesy otwedhigtee madd. tant 
OM tant jataliob woliitm # beeone tom Linda qiseneutaag ‘hoaimlt ond 
 heyetqae yilavtes se@Lus toutteq Isveneg « 0d bheq od ifene, yeetoe 
Piglet ect ea yearrsg Leteosy a Jatt jasomhand oft ko gSouhaop, omg, mt 
flare etosebboue Gas duce 4 olde Yt nobtedindape abd Ro, saoceth of 
eae writ oF evenieud odd galfouhuae ad etagtotiung of dityis odd, yet 
contiay Leno dwy oY Beblveve ,1eniteg Lanesieg hoanewad. aid, 26, toate 
@ @moned of gputiriead apexred yon tad? taoeteq dogs. atqsope galakamex 
SReheoety Hols ibaws & as ,edxooKs Lian teatuag Leroanp xo bodhmbs 
«neo # yulvenivon ~woterta lo factiew foreves boo taloh « softened 
eyeniests Sidssoverts ae etosagveve “het? dee sagaig owe le egdtin 
-90 od Llede test af ayeatetia seeks sand joonteg deue to gaat wt 
fetinii «to ietesey oaf gocnn mon? etemitag letameg O62 et mnenet 
“pre txoq of tOwOq Lint eved Lode -ayomtedte seeds tant him (one 
abie® yewted tuck yar Astaq heviak£ edd to Userod wf. edog, Aabiaiette 
“age baa erentieg Lareney Bedureionee ore seseted .h dqssol. dae, ans 
Ttsnu bovatency os btw dont ad agerred tar ieecoed shen ommcmnnahen 
tot si Thembetquos Yo seeetat exe aw atom caswillaicy 1 
# weed Stotozemd Bait at sieanr ame ett tech eee iciaididiann 
edo ,OO0,80e Od oF teaw wilt setnde bas one oilertiong Bae aakebuts 
Iancaneg yatharsetwe bas ,000, 0088 ef watbinailorom to eatow sadamrat 

property loans aggregate $560,000. the bill estates that Jeseph &, 
Sorenak hag refuned and denied to cemplainant the right to exanine 
the books, papers, records and aocounts ef ihe partuerenip, er per- 
mit ser répresentative to make am investigation eo that she might 
obtain information, It avern the execution of the last will and 
testament of Harney Feldman; isat it hea been filed fer probate and 
disposes of his property as heretufore siated, and "that your ora- 
trix 4i4 thereby become aentitied to participate in the senduet of 
the business to the game extent and witn tae game powers and privi- 
legea as the easid Barney Feldman enjoyed at the time of bie death;* 
that she negotiated with Joseph 2, soyshak, the vole eurviving part. 
ner and surviving sttormey in fact to that end; that the general 
partners ecapesed of Joseph 4. (orghak sad complainant were charged 
with the duty of earrying on the buginess of the Limited gartner- 
ship; that she served notice on Sovewber 20, 1955, upen Joseph ©, 
Eorshak of the death of Feldman, «7 hie will snd ite bequests, and 
averred that ehe became and vas a geteral partner with Aim and that 
she requested in that notice that Joseph should net take any action 
of any kind in respect tc the partrnerahip business, sxeept in the 
usual course of business, untii she hod had an epportunity te ex- 
amine the affairs of the tusiness wid be fully advined se toe ker 
reseoneibilities; that on hovauber 22nd she personally visited the 
office of the partnerexip ond advised Joseph that she would on the 
following serning st nine o'clock appear and aseume her duties as a 
general partner in conjunction with Sim; that Joseph in bad tenper 
ond quarrelsome attitude stimted that he weuld not perait her te de 
89 oF permit her to come 66 the offices of the company again, and 
that rather than permit her to assume suck duties he would Alsacive 
and wind up the affairs of the partnership, and that he was intend. 
ing to de So at any rate; tiat he would use foree, if necessary, te 

expel and eviet her from the preaises at any time thereafter if ane 

.X dqgeol ddd andede Litd ost .000,008) etagetage smaed rego 

amd os tilde ont dns min ques at bolus baw deautot am ana od 

9G Re ,ehiarantt8e esta te agausaes bas shrooes seusqae oiieed ot 
tigia ose tad? on nolJegiseoval mg ekeh od eviswdinesd yew ToK Wa! 

baw Likw deal eug to welguseay a9 axeve #1 =, aeljawiolns abeddo 
Ane gtade tg tot balit need aati 22 sons jaembie youted to fomeiiaee 

eats “wey tat” bus ,bedede otelos sued aa YPasyqetg etd Te ereoeeth 

‘te fonbnos end af atagioidxeg ot be tetiaw eaosed ydotedh KER wid” 

eiving ban @tswou supe sug oitw has dnerxy tone ose oo venelene any © 

*:sigeob eho Te omld add ta boyotas sanhie® yormek bias set we ebget - 
-ttaq yaivivrse ofon es ,Katioxveh .6 syeecl aiw beteltegea ete dedd © 
S@xsneg e467 dait ;bim tance of Goal at quocette galvivaw bas tom’ 
beginds Tew @anaivigses bas datatod .f sygoaol to beasqage erentiag- 
-teaiweg hegimil sai Lo eaonised oss mE guivuwso te “etuh ont aohw 
pil dggeok moqu 80 ,O8 todmevell ao endvon bewwen ede genie jade © 
hae ,agesuped @24 baw idiw ald to ,mombtel te aeaed ese to Mecteegl © 
fas? dos aid ithe tenttay iaromy & eer hee semen ote todd howtore” 

aeléna Yow Oded fen binoia Ageeel seco. sotton dens at be his 

edge ak tgeous ,eeeniond qlistendueg ant of teeqnet af bald coh we’ 
«my of uinmreqee as hod hod ode Lh¢aw ,osealerd wo oatkes’ Lake 
gen of as heslvba yLiwt ed bas enentesd edt Yo athe Tia eft ontas 
ot fetialy yLlanseteg oa0 Dats sndxavoel mo dadd jadky rikdteaceser x 

ede mo bivow ode tade Aqnact. beeltyvBa bas qtoratteg odd te otto « : 

2 bf wedeub 9d coMsae bas teegqe Dsois's vals ga _akorom gatwossot ° 
tequet bed oi dqesok sass jatd dghe mebtonsgace at toadwg Leteneg” 
eb of tek dhatey tomhinew of tadd hetasn ghusieta domedertemp baa’ 

haa ,alese yacquos ed? Te ase Vio ent $d empo of ted dhorteqore a8.” 
evicasth binow ed seddud Moun empaae of tort sherog aadd wedtos tend 
~baotat saw a feds bas ,qldaiesdreg ena to ovkette eff qu Sabe bao 

ov ,ytecaqges Th ,09%el enw Bivow.od gad podem yma ta oe ab ee a 

aneuld present herseli there; tuat on hevember 20, 1954, she served 
upon the Association a notice (a copy of which was attached te the 
bill) stating that she had appointed an auditor as her attarney in 
fact and authorized him te examine the books ef the esmpany in her 
behalf, and demanding that ne be given the privilege to de #6: that 
thie notice was served on Jeseph whe saic¢ that the auditer esuld 
proceed the fellowing morning but that at taat time when the auditor 
apyeared Joseph prevested sia frem delng his werk; that negetiations 
and conferences between attcrneys af complainant and Joseph 3. 
Kershak and the atterney fer the partnersaip follewed and it wees 
agreed the auditor could begin an inspeetieon of the bocke and ree~ 
erds at two s'slock p. a. om Aoveuber $1, 1933; that the su@iter 
presented himaclf, and that while he was examining the beeks Joseph 
eaveed the books and records te &e taken from him and leeked in the 
Yeult and refused te permit him ts orocesd; that contrary te the vore- 
visions of the sartnership articles Jasep: had fren time to time 
drawn large and exeessive amounts for salaries without rendering 
employment in return; that he head aporopriated to hie ewn benefit 
and personal use approximately 24,000 during the year 1933, without 
the eonsent cf the other limited or general oartners; that he had 
abeented himself from his pisee ef business, remeining in Europes 
for upwards of fourteen weeks, and during that time wrongfully dree 
large and fabulous eslaries; that it was bis duty under the partner- 
anip articles to render reports of the business; that during a 
period of fourtem years he at ne time rendered to the limited part- 
ners sueh a revert; thet "several years uso” « “reserve fund* wae 
created to pretect the partnership in ease af unfavorable decision 
was rendered on certain mattere by the internal Kevanue devartment; 
that this reserve fund new amounts to $156,000, which wae oreated 
out of the prefits of the partnership ond should have been declared 

anc paid as dividends; that altheugh the satters ef the Internal 


beriee ofm ,f60L ,O8 aedewvell ao fone pereit “tieered tneeete hinete 
eed of Bécee tts wee Mliw Yo cect o) solich A Beltetoosed OFF nOgE 
nt yorusgtn t9d ae tTodtsea ae hetatogge Bek Oke thud gatdada” (EERE 
“oa 2 ¥YMeqaeo oft To eto br? eal eeere ef mit seeteoriven Bem foNT 
ted ;oo bh of ogetiviug eh? wovig ed of Jet? gation hee peated 
bios totibue sd Tard biee ose Kqeadt ao bevese sew oet¥on ete 
wodibwx Okt meriw owls tert ta geod Jed akloxol gubvolLe? ene nepeety 
anbisattogen Yadd pitow ald gutch mot? add petnwrere dgoael Beendous 
.2 dqbaot bar fnemic iquse 16 aypares se neseied eeone te tabs! hae 
gee dbo bab hewolfot qidevenvang eu? tot Ywhterte edt daw! eeeEN 
 ego% bas aifiood SAY To wobtoowent as atged bivow tes hime oe hee tEe 
Sortie et fart peter , 18 tw9teeved ao ie Vf deote'e owe Ge need 
“Heeaet ailbod ant guliieex® new oh eltcw YeN? nae /Ttenen BOR 

ei at betbot Sim mba wort wowed of oF ebeboot baw aod ore bewhieD 
cory oie 09 textos tait ppbuviitg oF tt Phitey OF heneter Naw Filey 

"quit? 9% ealt mort hak Nqewot eetotden qiirentueg wad Yo endtely 
 gnbvebier Sportive notueiea tot eaves ovlkedexw hom oyrat ‘neweb 
S¥tomed owe ett of betetrqorens: hast Sif Yalte’ riensiten mt saneotloe 
fuodthe CECE revy oil? yakumh GOW NY Yferenttornae oa Kattoerig bina 
“Phe od tens peceaetae fevetey to dediabl conte oxo re daenien wae 
‘eqotu® af qaictesior jcevatsud Ye sosty eb wort Tieemid bovnenva 
Were ULL doew bate Cade yabevs Sh jekeew Westies Te 
-tonsteo ent tebe Sot wid uew TL Fads jwolewiew oxoiudnt hav SBrat — 

“ig gmtiod faite yaesnteud ox “to ebiocsy xebner 00 weleRW Gite 

‘Pimy hegimil ody of hotobceT omty oo ta UH Wekoy meraUeT To HeteEg 
daw “hnui't evtbeet® # “ayo etsy Lenevee” tend yevoowd A Hou ‘wien 
nétaloeh eftatovatas ke cane at qidersivie edt fotote 6 BerewrD 

“ pgdemdrnesh evteved Lemvetat wat Yo destin Aistxes do Betetaet Caw 

‘potacts eaw aolae (000, 0048 of vriwene wel Kmu't dvtodie Witt “Fadt 
 Betafosh aded oved Biveid baw qhdeedditcd Cay to wttietg enh te Fue 
 gasttdaeat ont Yo weet tad’ wit Aglidite ta sas yatmnters wan day : 

Revenue department had leng eines been decided favorably te the ase 
scoietion and that there is ne lenger any neceaulty for the reten 
tion of the fund, Joseph has conceived the achese of remalsing in 
full eentrel of it end refuses and declinee ts congent to the dire 
tribution thereof to the injury’ and prejudice ef eouplainant; that 
aithough complainant has on numerous oceesions asked and demanded 
that Josevh ¢iselese the amount withheld fron the general end 
limited partners im the reserve fund, he Aas refused and declined 
te give her information with reference te the same snd refused te 
make any dietribetion therecf, and that he hae speeifieslly stated 
that he would not make any distribution te commlainant er te her 
children out eof the fund or out of any other moneys belonging te 
the partnership because he intended to sreek vengeanee woon her and 
destroy her financially and meke the eteck and interest of her 
children and herself in the limited partnership werthleas and af ne 
value; that he hae within the past few doys stated that ke intended 
to “bust® cowpiaimant and that he would make her crswi on her “belly” 
before she would get any benefit sut of the sartrerahin. 

The 6111 further avers that sald Jeaesh fe aeting in a 
fiduciary cavacity with the sroperty and asnete of the Association 
and in violation cf there duties haa renestedly atated Rie intention 
to operate the business oa he sees Fit eltiheut recard to the righte 
of compiainant and others; that he is going to expend the money of 
the partnership as « general partner under the powers of attorney 
given te him end hes the right sq to fe without paying any attention 
to the demands or rights of complsinant er any other of the limited 
partrers, or his fiduciaries, and that if compisimant oné@ her at~ 
torney shoul4 come on the precisee of the Asseciutien he perronslly 
would throw them out and if he could met do it, he would heve hie 
assistants 40 #9; aiso that he ha@ exoressed an intextion thet he 

has the right to sopeint without sonsent or acquiescence of come 



was ond of yidatovel beblooh coed senis grol ber saemrtegek eaneyed 
ssoten gals tot yeigeaosa yas tegaek on wt etedt rede hee modtatoes 
Gk gaialensx to ousos oat bevieogoe end dapegt ,havt ont Xo mols 
oath eid of taegugo of ssaliooh hae segstet bas tt eo Lersmem S13 
ted? ;toantaiqawo Yo selbeterg dae Yyrehad odd of Tosedd aobtudias 
bebuam) btw bedea ageleases suoteawa we ged daadtealqaos syaoddie 
bao Levey od? moat bisrdtiw tavemm elt arefoeth dqeveh..sadd 
beaifeeh fae beavter sad sd ,bawl evisset o8¢ of exentise hesioll 
o¢ boswtet bas saan 944 of sometoler dtiv aghiecrotal woa.avts, of 
botete yLinolitoea ean sii tadt bas ,tostedt aeltediitets yas. eaem 
_ tas of to taealaiquon of soisatininih yas exam sen, bivew oa dads 
ot antguoled ayengm aadto yas to duo to hawk eff to tue meghiide 
bay tod aoqu soameguey deetw of hehnasat 96 sexgood qiderssd tag 9At 
_ tee to Ieeretal bas doote sd? oem hos yLiatonsalt sed yostegh 
om to bun seolditow qideteaitag hetintl od of Weeresd baa o zh | 
bebaptal ed tact Sedase aysh wot taeq edt abddiw gad on ted? swan 
“giled* tod ao fweto 194 oten Binow of duet han sagaletqnes "temd” 9? 
-Gldeteatteg od Yo sue steed yoo fey Divow ace preted 

ont guites at dgenot dies sede? oreva ted? LLid OF nn 
folsaloocad sid Io afeene bag ytregeta eft dat inten 

Koltcntat ald batata yLbetaeqe: sad cetivh ene? lo noigeloty ai.bae 
atsylx esl of bteget dyed iv 227 agen oc en eanmtand sft starege..ot 
to yecom ert baegxe of gatog at asf tars jenesito han tasalejenge te 
Yearotie te exewoq eit tohay teattag Lateseg # 90 qitnremdseq alt 
Selineste yre aaiveg suottiv oh of 08 dsadt oct ead bee, whit et aayvtp 
betints adt to vedio yas 19 Ineaininwes te ateigit 29, ieliggaicbrinas 
sta ted baa Inaatetquoo Tt dads has ,wetteteuhtt att to m4 
ylisaorreg od moltelacred eit Ye sentmetg at 99 samp, pani wenger 
kd eved Siwow ed ,¢i ob tom bSyo9 od 2h tae two conse i al 
od fat? soltaesat ay heegetaxe bad od todd cate jae oh etas 
sono XG soagoselupos To tavanog tagidhy ent a 


plainant, his wife, Jeanette Korunak, as a general pariner; that 
Jeanette ie wholly unfamiiiar wiih the business, but that Javeph 
has stated hie iniention te appoint Ker as a general and wanaging 
partour with bim, so that Joseph and Jeanette may be the sole and 
only gineral parinere of the Aseuciation and in full, sonplete 
gontrel and domination of ite sifaire. Complainant also expresses 
her belief that Josesk &. Lovahak, unless restrained vy the court, 
will carry hie threats into aifeet; thet ke will then be in come 
plete control of «li the srepertiee, agsets and affairs of the 
Aaseciation, to her great etd irvepersbie ices and injury. 

Compisinant shewa that she la tue aluter «ef eald Josenk; 
that her three miner children are bis neices and nephew: that she 
hae isplored and entreated him te desist and vetreain from carrying 
out Kis intentions, suit that he ineicis be ie the ecle and @xelu. 
eive dictator ci tae affairs of the Aseociation; wit ehe atetes that 
uplese he is restrained and anjoimed ke Fill iare steps te deeignate 
and appoint Aie wife one of the general banagitg pertnera, end that 
they will take control of the Assesiaticn So #6 cismanage or g@lesie 
pate the affairs, besineeu, regerwa fund, property and offeete ae 
te render the eame inaclvent or of little or se value, 

ComGiainant, according te her bill, believes that ae 
general partner Joneph nae been gudity ef eonduct prejudicial te 
the Aswociation, persistently committed breaches af the partnership 
ané ether agreesente and has vhown such anteagenies end hatred toward 
her and the interests of herself’ and 93 her three miner children aa 
to render a diseolutien of the Agecgiatian both imperative snd 
equitable; that it will be te the best interests of all tue partners 
beth general and limited to dieselwe, wind up ond Liguidate the 
Business of the partnership and to distribute ite aveets te the 
persons entitled thereto; that the beoke, records, personal property 

and effects of the partnership are in the sole and exclusive 

duet preattey Eeteneg » es )kkseted optensel (otiw wid \ghabbite 

 deponeb fade fod pawaciend of? Wi kw tab Lime ths ELLode ef oF tonne’ 
Bhigomes hae ieveaey @ bo yer teioeqe 2 MOROKes ct wid bethde watt 
_ Die eloe sag od you ettenns) bus geeenl teas oe ,abi eh entre 

eteiqued ,iivt ob bua soltedoowgA bu) Yo etbadeeg faxetey etn 

eeunergxe onin tieateiqaed .etietie ag2 to doldaaimes tae Lotdned — 

fives 902 Ys tonlatseed snedaw ,Aatete8R .@ agovel tans Yohied *ou 
wmno m2 9d onsla Lilkwed suds ptoe'tiw etal Stoeead’ ede qeske! OLIe 
pad ‘to exiaTta baa aseosee jaehsueqetq odd Lia VW Loviags” ete te 
semwhlal Sa8 aso1 Sidetegemit baw Sesug weed oF (aeleeleoRRA 

qiqeeot Blea te tetets eng ef sda tans evote Pastielquad “” hal 
ode teds prodgow daw aocled aid o1h wethihte voeim eotd? tod taild 
gatyxrse oot? alevtet has tetenbd ef atd besaereas baa betoleak dad 
-¢fax@ bas cine adt #2 ed deetedlam saat Fed (wtetbae ta? Ora Fag 
jet andar ode Baa ;Moteniosaed ti To eter ta odd Le todesots “evte 
etaipioes of cesde oes ikke od aemtotas Bae toaleteded el ok ddeled 
fede bne jersagteg gotyanen Levene, ‘ett “to sao STW ate dnked@y pad 
elaeit t¢ egatsumia ea of dolteloosssé on¢ Ye Letiacd olay Shhw yome 
an afoutta haw ytieeeta , bash ovededr jeesnteed , eu keV ta wid oteq 
ouisw om co etalk “te xo Sheviowal mine wah eebned OF 

@ eo far eoveliod ,Lild a6 of galficosss Ftettdigues® 8 pms 

Qf Latatbeterg towkae: To eeliay aesd eae Mgoest cdattdg | — 
qisietentw ait to sedonoid Aettlunon YEtarteiou@ ,wolde 
biewed beriad bas aetnogetan dove nweie west baw sommaitgeiill few 

ee aethlico rocks setdd Ywil to hae Viseted to ecersonat wit fae west 

atonéaag one | is to eben sth send ot of of te #2 at tar 

eit sonbhup ht bee que bakw ,evfowedh 08 Sertiaht ime” # 
gig ot vteown ath waudireke os baw qghuteattie GH 10 te 
Theeagat sastbnlcbg han VIN chheaad hnaownes ated Y daberod 

te pe ene eee: 

possession and under the contre] of Joseph {. Rershak; that ae as 
anple opportunity to change and alter the besks and te dissoae of 
the property; that woon a complete, trac and just aeeounting it will 
be shown that Joseph ise indebted to the Agseelation fer a eam jas 
she ie informed and believes to be) of sany thousands ef dollars; 
that unless « receiver is appointed she will muffer great and ire 
reparable lose and ¢amssge; that em injunction sheuld be iseued ree 
straining wd enjoining Joseph &. Korshak from further ayplying 
the funds and property of the Aseeciation te hit ewn use and from 
changing the atatue of the partnerehip by accepting Jcanette 
Eerahak, hie wife, as a general vartner, and that some competent 
person should be apsointed receiver forthwith. She avers that sub- 
atantially 213 the property censiste of cash on hand and ether 
property of intrinsi¢ value, such se 4iamends and jewelry, all of 
whieh is eaclly dieposed ef; that in the event neotiee was given, 
Joseph =. Korshak would take steve to transfer the property and 
effects of the Asseciation to her irreparable less ond injury, she 
prayed an injunction te restrain Jeseph rem shenging the beokes, 
disposing of the assets, or enoumbering or secreting the saue, 

tueh is a summary ef the bill, consisting ef 54 printed 
pages. The question fer our determination ia whether the ageaint- 
ment of these receivers witheut notice was error. CGowplainant cone 
tends that by reason of the death of her husband the partnership 
theretofere existing was diesclved, She bases thie cantention on 
& eonetruction of article 9 of the partnership articles, which we 
are unable to follew. The article is lengthy and involved covering 
many subjects, and eemelainant interprets the werd “srevided" which 
ereceden certain caragraghs at expressing conditions with whieh she 
eays 1t was necessary defendants sheuld comply in erder te prevent 

@ disselution at her husband's death, In our opinion, thie eon- 

etruction would be contrary te the intention of the partners as 


aac gel fast piadered .2 cdiguaol ™, fortnos pad ‘sehmy ban  Regenonees 
te meegakk oF haw stood ed 4 ke ban sacwde ot qtlourcoqge 9 igaue 
tiie #k gaicasoooa tout hae oNEt ,etelgnon & nome tans ANSte gers mig 
aa) mye 4 xo% moltalooneA os? of betdabak ef dgeach tade 1 rade od 
saxatioh to abaseuond yawn to (ed of eoveiiod baw bear trt aa pia 
wth bas saetg tetive iitw ode begatoggn af Tevigees « i cd 
-9% bougad od Adwede agizenubal aa gadis iogeua> hee onal eddenaye 
MUYLAGS TAAITHT XT Ansiazod .& quack gutatahan bas golnberte 
aokt ban 886 we, abd es Geisatooras add to ysenqoey bas ebuel ost 
sitenes giifqaose yd qideteniieg est to atete od? pak 
daaiegnon esea tak bas ,teadtag Leresy 6 a ,etiw ald a 
~dun dads atove edi .igiwdero? teydeoos batatogga of hiseada men 
AMO daw band wo done Yo atalenon yiregeta edt Le yikedtqets 
to Lie .yitowel fe ebaomalh an dows ,enley ohvalztmk to ytuego: 
stevia aw potion taeve eat al sadt je doweqalh yhtena parte 
_ data eiteqorg eff Tolenet? of aante aad bLuae aster oA ale en ot 
ach .qtulal ban scol ekderagetts 19d 92 polteisonad adi toe atoo tts 
_ stieed oft gatgaade mare? dyecot aleardnor af apiteduhat an beyerg 
Anan od pahte ras, x9 aniragayeme Te .Ainnen At Xe Qamkeeamth 
detnizg 08 To palseledes ,tild a? te xramum @ at AoW. ee 
stalogge ond tasiiedy #1 aglianorsiod tuo tot soltmeup sat mepaq 
~tgn Iteaieiguod .t9%e anv aoiten ivedtiw guavieset ——— 

SOs, a 

, eo ao ltaedaoo abet: aaaeds ont, groans: sae ‘aad rtohg R 
i Mekiw ,onoligna qidareagie, sf? te 0 elaitue te noLeoetaney * 
aniteyeo boviovat baa witaned wt efoline ost ,mpito?, ot ehfaan om 
_ daldy "hobivote" Sou aiid adetqtodms taantelanen Dae adeetdve xnam 
aria dodcw agiv amoltthace gatenenaxe es add 
foevetq of tehte at yiaueo biveds stnahie’ 
no nee BERE., wtotata, 240. Bd 

ae atenttag a3 to oolisetat od? ot aeahiaad nee  sltsete 7 


expressed in the entire articles of agacciation. The word “*nroridea” 
may ehere auch meaning harmonizes vith the eontext have the effeet 
of creating an exception, but, ordinarily, as wae said in Bonegay 

¥. Rebinsgn, 210 5, ¥. 65%, it has ne other or greater significanes 
than the word “but* or “amd.* Gee siso Souvier's Law Dietionery of 

Words and Phrases and Madii v ~ 7a L, Be, S30. 

Hereover, parts of the bili are inecneiatent with the theery thet 
the partnership hare been in Cuct disesived, as in one gart of the 
bill where i¢ is averred that coupiainsnt served netice tast ene 
had become a general partner, Woiech comsiaimant} in ser brief aays 
she 41d, “desiring to organize under the act for here¢lf and for 
her brother Joseph emda for aii the Limited purtueres ani to prevent 
a dissolution.” Again, the language of article § is not in any sense 
mandatory, and the conetruction fer waich complainant gentends can 
net reasonably be based upen Wie words used in it. Gowplainant's 
conduct is aleo inconsistent with such conetrusction. “We held that 
the death ef Feldman did net dissclve the purtvuerghip. indeed, the 
bill of complaint is quite ingonslztent in this reepest. As a mate 
ter ef facet, comelainant brings her suit and describes herself as 
"beth ga Limited and general partner,” which she can not be if, as 
she now contends, the death ef her usband bose fuctoe dicecived the 
partnerghip. The allegations oi the biil are not sufficient te show 
that ahe ia a general partner, far the reason that it falle te ale 
lege thet she has been accepted aa such by the other partners, 
What her exact relaticnahip te the partuerahip may be, it is net 
necessary Tor ug te decide at thic time. Ane ia of course a limited 
partner but whether she is a general partner Le not « controlling 
fact concerning the precise question we are called upen to degide, 
With the main iseues raised ty the bili and anewer we have 
Nething te do an this angeal. The only question before ue concerns 

the propriety of the erder appointing receivers pondente lite. 

*asbiveta® Brow eff nottetevesn To ecichtus eiitas eff ni Semeetqne 
footte 64 wed Pxeture ei Utiv eeulnomtad gofaden town eater yee 
Ydeanot af bine eew ce ,yittealive .tod ,s0ltgeses ae galdeens To 

eoneo filugia tofeo1g to Terite on sot G2 803 . 62 GES  woetiee Wy 
to vexneizolé wed e'aelvuol opie ged " tae* vo "Yad" Buew odd dante 
062 ,.8 wf AY . 990 3 eivsoll ov ithed bad ebeeedt doe ebxel 

tadd <steods off Giiw tuetelencemi ove Ifid wee lo sttaq ptevoetet 
eid ‘to ting ene cl ax ,boviveulh soet ni aeod dad qhdessnting ene 
ede tect eotteu bevtes tavalaiqaes tact hevvews af 3% saeiw Dfky 
ayer ‘tolad ued ai fosnialoame sold ,watieq Loteaey @ naeoed Basel 

qot bas Ifveted tot tes elf tokun Osinegto of qaaiziaes” ,heowde 

taovere of Uinw wronetag SeFlall eM? Lie 40t bne-dgeest seaterd ned 
gana Yas ai fou at @ eloifta To. sguuynel od? patagh "ao ltuiedeth e 
aso whnothee tnaalsiquos deliv xo mobfewtdeads ade Nad ytetabian 
s'eacmlalemed 122 at bean ebted sa) seqe Rows of Yidanadeey Yon 
tadf bled s¥ .aglsocrseaes douse dtiw Iaededamoont oats al 2oabaeo 
ed? ~hoobal .qldeveatus¢ ous sviswels Joa Ads camhiet to ritewn wat 
ntat nae -te0qee?r @idd ai taeselanegal o¢lup at fadatgads Yo 10d 

aa Lieered ee¢itgseh bus thus ted egaltd fnadleique, ,JeeY te Hee | 

e¢ ,th ed son nao ode doldw ",teddasg Letedey bow bedints « dred" 

wd? Hevfcenth ggost ongd Bncdew! tek ‘lo taeeh ott adaetnos woutiede 

Woe of tmetelTtua dom exe [Lid edt to eaoliagetiv of? qideateatteg 

«fs of sitet #4 sad nomese OY dct (xOrdung Sexeaig a a2 wee Peds 

°  yetentteq tedte odo yd dove ae bOsGsooR aned ned ota dade “oges 

° gon at o2 jad (um givensatieg ons oF gidenshtalen sede tee tale 

bogiasf a #etwoo to wt ode eats atdd Ga Sbigab oF au to? Cteeeeson 

“gintttottacd a fon al touttag tetenog # a4 ote shidede ted Yoni — 

 \ehieeh of aegu beliaa ote OF Aglieeip” ‘oakousy ads ‘yateto omen: abi 
eved ow tewaas bas Likd edt Ed beater aeueed Abe yt sane 
antesnos au otdted maitesng ysao' oa’ lecumnans et eb ot satin 

BSR gonobusg exevinewr 

It 1s quite unneeeesary te discuss at length the Law apoli- 
eable to a state of facts guch ae sre diselesed by the bill. The 
business ia large. iieny persone are interested in it and have 
eontributed considerable amounts ef money in order toe develen Lt. 
These perpone aseoclated themesives under tae Uniferm Fartnership 
act, apparently with the express intention of preventing the disea- 
lution ef the Agseciation as & result of the death, disability or 
ineanity of any sf the gartuers. Chief Justiee Geott said in the 

ease of First ge, 7 Lil. B07: 

“A receiver should be appointed in no case, unless Lt is 
made to appear there ia an taperative neaenalty for the ates, to 
preserve some particular preperty for such parties ae shall be 
entitled to the benefit." 

# @ourt will hesitate before canting apon ownera of a 
busineges the exoenses of a receivership where the hueiness is a 
geing and prospercus ene, where no cighte of erediters are involved 
and where there 1@ no ¢laim that the gearties in eharge of the bueie 
ness are inaclvent, Cemplainant insista (ae she rightfully may) 
that we should comsider mo part of the reeerd in this esse showing 
proceedings in the court beyend the (ise a} which the reesivers 
were appointed. In ether words, ane demands Juégment uoon her bill. 
We must exelude in comsidering it swerything staied ae mere conmelu- 
gions, A gourt can rely only upon facie properly pleaded. tie BILL 
sete up that defendante have wrongfully denied couolainant's right 
to examine the books. @6r thia she hae 4 semplets resedy without a 
reesiverssip. It questions the prepriety af the salaries drawn by 
the general partners at a time when (if the allegations ef the bill 
are true). the deceased husband sauct have aporoved. It comeleine of 
the faijure of defendants to perform the duty ef isamuing statements 
where it would seam if there was negligence the deceased husband 

must have participated in it. It questions tne propriety of the 

establishment an4 maintenance of the undivided profits seesunt, in 

f te aatesenoe wh _sbavereas | ovad fou betes 

«tiggs Wed af dtgued ga eewonls of cteaeovensy ative ei FE 
et »kERG ald ce dewedouls wx we dene whee by otata 2 64 often 
tied bas G2 at desertesad ore enooted Yost Legter et edentend 
.t2 qoleved of aohto at comom Te eiavens oldatodbioasd besiledage 
qideveatned anetiall edd rehay aevisomeds Setatoonva excateg Gendt 
-o0nth oft galinevets te asltantal awetqze ade Atiw yftoetmeqa ,foa 
o Yelitdeels ~dteoh ont Yo tineet 2 se asieinodss ond “te Woldus 
eit ab dies gioe! solvent witd vaxsadted eAF ta — ‘te ‘vd taeeat 
OR £1008 yp AE “te ase 

gh @h aeeiay ,ee8n on xt Betiiogys o¢ Pivesiy teviecot 2°" 
oe ene tot ydlearoes evitaveqal ma ol ote zit roses, of th 

iisda sa eeldusg dows tt ee toqens prycene ye bgp 5 ms 

& Xe axenwo mogts niase exerted otagtand tii ¢ du0e Me 

rm ai aoonisud oxi erst: ahigxevisoe: od 26 avenge ont ar 

bovioval ous asedibexs to at igix ont zest 209 ReOTeTE OTE bus, tea. 
n Leu eit te sazade nk as Lat0g ould Rietind aheco oa ah Ste aS 

“(yg wAdwtariy te one va) etetadk fanatetqepd -tusvienat pm ee 
“galwoste eaae wdris ma ‘buever ods to heah on Febtaagg bivorie sll 
wid areviooet ons do hsiw ge outs oats baoyed F499 ost at agathooas 

atid ton wean teombat ¢ banned octn ehzow rote, at stetatonsa, aw 
-nlones ora ae bedase gaits reve # aahrebtenos ah ebutowe ieee 

hore ont “ hohae Le yLzeqord Bi oe foau tino vex sap Jtu09 A spaot 
‘Sagts a! tneats Leno bolneb eLiutgaose evan 85 ob a0 0d sand ester 

8 tuodtiv hones ete Lqnas 2 east oe eine 10h ‘aheed oaid pat as 

vd | awn soltales oats to wolrgoxg oad ane2sesup aS am 

a 3 

bandeus beeasosh ont oral igen aa wxess 1 ah nea ble ee 

ant ba efelrqore ent aneksesup # «#1, md 

“a towooen asttore bobivibew ont Xe. 99 

ee ee 


whieh action alae, apparently, the deceased must have participated, 
It avere (stating cireumstances) an alleged threat of Joseph Korghak 
te appoint hie wife Jeanette a general partner, and it may well be 
that this is an event which sheuld be avolded, and if a0, there is 
an obvious rmiedy vithout a receiversiip. it savers that the boake 
and regords may be altered « a thing possivle but very isnrchable 
under the facts as stated in the bill. It avers the right of come 
plainant te eonpel Joseph =. korahak, or the limited partners, te 
apocint her a general partner - 9 contention, a8 slrendy stated, 
inconsistent with the theery that Feldman'a daath disealived the 
partnership, In short, the bill discloses an unlertunate family 
quarrel, in whieh more than ane woman is such interested and in 
which rein is threatened to & pronperouRe buainess =~ the result of 
years of labor and industry. Cemplainant teas rights, waieh ne court 
will te slew te protect. She may have protection by aporopriate 
orders, but the appointment ef receivers wae not aeeeseary te the 
preservation of her rights or any one ef then, The order did aot 
preserve the statug pending the Litigation but destroyed it, I¢ 
aid not preverve the corpus of the bueinees but tended to ite 

We have exenined the cases cited by both earties, Kone of 
them is at a1) similer to thie, ‘he appsintment of receivers upen 

facets such ae here diselesed was unprecedented and conetituted an 

abuse of diseretion., Original Vienne Bakery Go. +. Keleeler, 80 
Till. App. 406; Husbaum vy, ioeke, $3 111. App. 242; Jxekeon v, 
Metropeliten Sune Bye ten o, 863 211. App. 302, 

Yor the reasons stated the order ie reversed, 


O'Connor and BeSurely, TJ., csoneur, 


‘hodegtb ising ovadl Sean Sovcubeh xd \¢iiuwibdee’ , Uta kdlbee soAdw 
dasexoA dqeact Yo tueth? hegella un (eeonedumuette aalvesa) eteve ot 
ed ifer yout 4i bax ‘\tendaca Ieteceg @ sitenest site aid tatouga ‘ot 
et esodi ,08 2 Bas , beblovs of biuode tle bw fasve ihe ll oted sate 
ciood ‘odd gadd exeva $f vabieavisost « tuoddi= <hocws biel 
. otiedonyat vier Swit oidtenog gated e ~ hotetin ad aa abxoven Baw 

-n09 to digit ott eteve 2 .titd ‘ede “at hetede om ‘egour dh tobe 
of yatsait8¢ be that f ods x9 osteo of sonst foe - Ny rote 

sbeaate chao fs an 1ito.83 ne 39808 ‘hs tpadueg tote, 

edd bavionn lh diach at ana fo%, dedd wroed? odd ths toads tengoat 
yk diwn’t esansexetau on eevotonts iid ents, oaede: ak gi harem 
nh hae Pedostetat deve gh aagow oto mid etem dalde al , soteanp 

Xo tune, edt + anentand euoteqnotg © of beneteect reg ¢ aber ho.heiw 
taues om dotin .addgis aed donate tqmed anthaubeh, bee, Aadet to omaey 

_ fea bth sobre ool west to ene yaa 20 eitgis tod Ye aelter a0 
$1 sth boyoataoh gud aelsegisit eds gathueg aadede edi eviasesg 
a¢) of bohawt sud saenieud 063 Lo gugzoe wat evieaotg toa bth 

: Me qmed .natsing died yd bette seane of peaiaane eta OF yi.) s 
“goqu eteviooe: to samstatoggs off aad of toilake Lie de ah medt 
_ te bOtwstsanes baa betagbegetqay saw beogtontn ered 08 diane atont 
c Teaniibiieepcheasil ; 

TS ne. Bisa aes 

uh claw tad y 
(CRBRAVER ay wos whine > eae ow SE ate cee te ele 
BN or Sa pe B iat 1 ep ae 





Sexccan _ % 
TM SERA erent 



and HMISNig de STARCK, complainanta, 

ami FRANCIS MEAD, agsignes, 
Defendants in’ Errer 


copartners, doing business as MOTOR 

Cai. FINANCE COMPANY, net inee,s 

<< Paneaee cee laintiffe in Error. Bi? 4 TA. 6 050 



ll i le ee a eed 


Complainants filed their b111 againat defendants volen 
Geld and Hilton Levinsohn, deing business as Beter Gar Finance 
Company, not incorporated, and certain of their agents, asking 
for an accounting and praying for the purging of the socount of 
Wumerous usurious charges, the restraint of certain replevin proe 
ceedings, and the return ef wo cerimin truecke that had been 
pledged to the defendants by chattel mortgages to eccure loaneg 
enavers were file@ and the cause wae referred to a master whe took 
evidence and mede hie report recommending a deerce in accerdanes 
with the prayer of the complaimants' bills the chaneelier confirmed 
this report and entered a deeree accordingly. Sy this writ of 
etror the defendants ack for a reveraale 

The master found that complainants purchased twe moter 
trueks for approximately $5,900 eachg that Gold and Levineohn, 
copartners, were dcing busizess se the Motor Car Finanee Companys 
in the business of Lending money and taking av aceurity chattel 
moxtgages upon motor cars and motor trucks; thet on Jomuary 31, 
1929, these defendants made a lean to complainants, receiving from 

‘oad ALASS 

GR Foiks. 
eTOG Avi wake 

SO GO ON i Gg 

.T909 Mr W WrErso ay Gorm Waban vauateane wor seut peel 

telet atnebne'to) dackagea Liid “beds nati’, 08 rik 
eonsnkt xed oisthcen grenteet qutehcmteuieetaniiae hatin 
gaan yetnoya aiedd Yo misdves dna ,dedaroquent dom «ymogmed 
‘to ¢oyrecen ott to gatguvg odd v0? gulyewy bua gubtawevee ma. x0 
~osg siveiqes Siadxee te salevdeon od? gaeygneds eased en awoxome 
wood had és esloww? misses ew 20 mmes ode hme yoga dopo 
gutmol sivoce 6S eegagdtom Leotindk yt eimobne los afd of tegoode 
Hees wiv totaem « of boxtetes eaw oamay esld hon delit exow wtowns 
sonabioois mt setech a get brcemenes suoqes aid ham dna vonsdive 
burt too wi teers ade yotid Vatnaabatgmon wis Yo xwgnay este sity 
ipdhmanmeadiags +Vigeh ito seresh « bovetue ous Seeqen whdhs 
<Laenni att on <oehlacant Sal arte 
totes ows beasdotwe atnantalymos Jedd beset cetens vet 

vtioentvsl ta bLod sass qdoee 000408 Yet as 0 86 sewiele 
swag? eoaentt tad woLeM oid on avKtiod yatod Oxew yexndraqos 
pucpuusdbestemba dbamiand nt ie: ehesics badbenoaaa’ 9 

eL8 Yreumal wo deed paslowsd soten ime tue soveu meq aaa 
mx? yatvisoer yetasstalquos of maot 2 dbaw stusbasteh ened 

_ / 

them their note for $1,124.70, payuble in monthly installment« 
with interest at the rate ef seven per cemt per aumummay to secure 
Payment of the sote a chattel mortgage on the two trucks was given 
te defendanta. 

The mester's seaport then preceedia in detail to give the 
transactions thereafter.  ihen a wote matured or there was a 
balance duc, sev notes and chattel mortgages were axceuted by 
complainants and given te defendante. the report sete forth the 
necounts between the partica invelwing the making of these various 
notes an the amounts paid on account anc finds that when sn 
indebtedness watured complainants vere compelled tc sigm a renewal 
note far an smount substantially lesger than the amount due. The 
master concluded tmat the tranesctions between the complainants 
and these defendants were tainted by usury, and that the acceunting 
ahewed that there was no money duc or owing from the complainants 
to the defendante. 

The mister further fewid that ceviain of these notes 
were made payable to Murrey Stempel, one of the defendants (aet ing 
for Gold and Levineobs} who inderse? the same to the Botor Gar 
Finmanee Companyy that at thie time ac money was received by said 
ecmplainants fer seid notes, end thet this was a colorable 
transaction and net made in good fnithe The master further found 
that some question hewing ardsen with reference to thia mortgage, 
6a arrangement was made that the trucke should be sold st a chattel 
mortgage sale and should be purchased by Otempel, and thereafter 
gold te Minnie J» Stavek, one of the complainante, whe should 
execute her notes and chattel mortgage; that thie arrangement was 
carried out and Minnie Starek, the wife of Charles “Starck, ¢omplaine 

ant, executed « series of notes to the order of ctempel, secured 

<2 eee 
eta ewteae! ne 

adniaiiadess yseowm mt addoyeg glT.dtdy ki 20% odom xdedd mode 
Sxugey Of tae Xeq tno ug HOVE Te stot eM? tu daonedmt mohw 
Mevis enw edowst ow? eslf wo egegexom Jottade « efon efit to smeacay 
edt evin of Ltaded ak ubeonetg wa ‘sxeqot oVsesnem a Mt 
& caw suedY Te bouwda ofon a areas -r9dbensaité anal ésogetetd 
4d betvonas sew wegens son isdies&e ane seton wen se somiet 
ais d4uok edee dxeges salt ssdusneted aad wovig. fiom aera, 
auetzey sued tq guiven ods eatviews? sohvtsq st spowded adi 
, ‘a nade tat abl’ tno targa to had Wien et tn aoen 
foweno: 2 ple of defteqmee sx9~ ainantatquos betdan seemdeagodut 
agit .owh dawomm eed mals tegtet yilalteadedss toweee me cod efem 
“Yduartaiquoy Bhd meowdrd anol ivcunmed oid task Debuts xeduom 
pukdnvooos ot dors bee Cums Yh Sodettad ‘oxow atnebneteh suddd tem 
erraramevtngd outs aia va 10 xb wont on ane m vias priafh ‘wii sf 

“ensen neds ‘te niadxso das? base’ vont team ail wa 
gat ten) ednadcetsd esi? te See slogan ee % cuit a z Rees % ae 
ua xedoi oft ea ns 8 seh beaxobnd caw (mieontved pe wea 

bios ue tevivoor sam comm Era oats odula an enstt " remega che 
eldaxoies 4 oi inte sastt tae seeder Mos x0 ‘ednasialgnos 
— rede xetenm edt edhe? 00m a oes ton ans cobsomenend 
eteage tom ali? 09 somexe tex Hab tends patvot eotseesp om 
fats acto & te bioe od hdwosta: siowea wd baete eho aw doemntonv thn 
rodtooroits one efoqunas We decastoy 96 Diuede bas oon oguatzem 
“title estw sednuntatence ede Yo ome sioxeds “st bh 2 
a tnomegiiers eidi tas fopagecom fottede ‘tm esi 
ont acqoe etoxsde sation we otlw rod vdorade po Ng te 

+ ie ore 
bowie ogues® % ebze oats os ¢ anton te ‘okmn o thee 

MME wPoeteca a ge ‘mapa 

ip fea poe cen cre 


by chattel mortgage; that subsequently Ctempei entered judgment 
by confession om these netes, which judgment ie still in ferce 
and uUentisfied; that subsequently otempel agcigned the mortg@age 
end notes to Claud A. Sneed, one of the defendants, whe esucei a 
writ of replevin to issue out of the Runicipal court ezainet 
Minnie Starck, ond the trucks were taken out of the possession of 
the eomplainants upon the replevim writ. ‘This suit was still 
pending in the Municipal court ef Chieagce., The master found 
that no consideration woe civen for these nates or she chattel 
mortgage, that the replevin suit sh@uld be restrained and enjoined, 
end that the judgment on the motes should be satisfied. 

Apparently Sneed, acting ac the asclguee of OLempel, 
held a sale of the trueke wider the terms of the chattel mortgage, 
and although complainents geve metice thet they were the ocners 
of the trueks, Sneed preeecded and scld the game to Chriet Slaeny 
aieo one of the defendamte. The mister could properly conelude 
thet in this tranacetion “tempol, “necd and Gleen vere acting as 
the agents or servants of Seld enc Levineem, doing business as 
Meter Gar FPinaree Company, and wore commiving and eoifedersting te 
evade the usury laws, and thet sxid agelcnments anc sale were 
merely s pretense for this purpose. The master slec fownd that 
all the notes and vhattel mortgages exeeuted by the complainants, 
avi whieh were retained by the defendants, should be celiveree up 
and eancclied, amd that the defendants should be required te 
gurrender the moter trucke takes by them. 

While the sbetract notes that objections were filed te 
this report, it fnile te show whet they were. Heither doses the 
gbestract show the character of any exceptions filed, in the 
brief for defendants counsel have undertaken to relate at consid 

erable length the facts and the secounty between the parties, 

Te Ties 

srompost doretee Lequeds yitwoupeadwe sass poyeytcom Leddedo wW 
oust at {Live 62 scsmphrt Moide gender eaads ab nébenehind ye 
eyed rom ald Somgloea Loques) ~eowwpendes todd qhottetieetw baa 
4 Seemenm otly gedaabaotes off Yo ond gbeont 1A huakS of coded bra 
dantans tuseo Leqkolowi edd te éue evand of wheeiqed te dtxw 
‘Ro meleeseseg eds to two woke? ovow walowrd odd She ytousde stank 
iikee gow the oie? dite wiveiger ed? meqy e¢mentetgue ede 
“Pewet cehems of? somwetsd? Yo eawee Meg tezmit odv mi gatbesq 
Mestads ods 1 codon savds ww? movhy aay ‘Metter obtanos on nas 
ebontotas me tentarteex od biwadle tive aivergen oily Sods 40 
 4bebtetéas ed Aiwerls aodom of? mo daompbst ons tosis onus 

givqatese to ottmives ods an gudion ee 
veamaston L80Vie wks Yo trent vats Oba wad wad Yo oad = Bind 
‘pxwiwo et? ovew cout? dort wolton o¥ag atuant 
| qeeefO gubutd OF ames! oe b£o8 to Wibevoog bend gated wb 
pbutettes Ueeqe<g ffvod cedeee eff? sadnshneted sid bo ome one 

ss grtios ozo" mnl0 hue heen? «fequmse ensevilil bi wit taste 
eh wuvntend gutes .arlonived baa bfed te wdna ial to aiooye est 
62 gut tetenctnss smn pitviinos oxow bah «Yheque? gesien: wed ore 
exow ofow bea abnomemlas bine tadd ios qawak ‘conus aild obave 
‘Ped? peiet vale tedecm ont sseoqamg etely so% bonnderg » clones 
eainentatquen odd yd boditooke popegd som fedado bes avdon oat te 
‘gr bovewhien of Sivorte ysihebmeted aad a bomtater puew duster fn 
8 veatupen 9 biwaite Wimsbaotsb eild dadé be sbetteonan bam _ 

sod! Sole? walewsd xosom cok rebsexame 

ed BNET ote ametioctdd saat’ sodon deauiads odd okay | 
od weeh casket sso yt ity wed 64 attht 5 goroqee abe 

eal? OI sbekl? amokoqouxs qa to tofoezade - 

 wblunoe t8 stafer oF bivcuapienpdigens eat 

Ne es es eS dae ca 

f yates 


without any reference to the sbatract or the reeerdé. heforence 
should be made te the chetwact where the facets upen which counsel 
rely appeate Unéer these circumstanees this gourt will not consider 
aecigmmentse of error that the finding ia not oustained ky the 
evidence. Town of Vegtern Bound v> Lopers LOS tlle Appe 609 and 
we shall accume that the master's findings «of fact are eovrect. 
Singers Mimiek & Cos vs Steeles 126 Ill. 426; Strayer v. Dickergams, 
WLS Tile 4140 

The auount of the first mote waz @1)124070, with interest 
at seven pex centg the amount agtuelly leaned was 5855,59. The 
amount of the accend note wae 91,275, with interest at aeven per 
eent j the aout agbusily icamed was 51,0°). These were typieal 
of the tzamesetions. Seetion 2 of the Interest cet, hop. 75, 
permite a maximum rate of interest of sever per cont on money 
leaned. Under the cirewugtanees referred to the loans were 
wuouriouse Borrowers, @t@. v. Eklund, 19° [lle S67; Ulemens ve 
Crane, 234 Ill. 215 Cobe v. Guyer, 257 Tlie S685 Levcedl vs 
BGilliama, 256 Tlle Appe 489, Calling usurious charges 
Cemmissiong, otu., d9es not velieve the trousaction from the teint 
of usury. Maher +. Lemfromy G6 [lie 15g Uniom Bational Bank ve 
Le No Ac & Gs Pye Soop 145 Tll. 208} Samford ve Hames 153 Tle 199 
The giving of nev notes, the refinaneing of criginal leosns, taking 
new paper an’ balaccing aceountea will aos wipe owt usurious cmargea, 
ami eo long as any part ef the original loam is urnpald the usury 
may be éeductsd therefrom. liugter ve Betehy 45 Tile 1783 Cobe ve 
Guyer, 237 Tile 4683 Lobéel) ve Zilliame, 255 Ills App. 489; 39 
Gye. 1005, para. 4 ani Ge 

What purporte to be «a transcript of eertain proceedings 
in the Susiecipal court wes introduced in evidence. It shows that 
a Yepleyin suit wee sommencs4 in which Miiten Levinsohn, doing 


ante ma 

ts erat bend I 

eae ae 

ora ao 

Se ein eed Seiireme—re eet a ee 


eoiersto® brosur oi? 10 doadtiods oad es wererers we “twodale 
Kennune Meidw noqu teat wed oxdsle teanbade alt ed oat oe bode 
moieties gon ftw éruoo atdé aeenndaswexls eased ‘zabnt! -T994G9 “fer 
| “gtd of bonteteme don at ‘gatbndt “elt dass xoxxe %0 s2eumrgiess 
bas 90? sau htt Bal «xeqo! + bewelt oxei ce 38. mye  sweseive 
efootwe e148 font to agmbbatt eo? rodenm aka sacks ecnssae Lhaste ow 
asoaxene hi “V zoxemse yORD of EK tel sakes: ov y 09 8 soda aemad 
ius hth boon hss 
deovedm Mile gOTe BOL, ff wow stem taxkt ett ‘to Fawtes oft ‘ 
“ed? 00.0084 caw hommel ylieveer Unwoms ote fiaeo tug YHNSE GF 
xey moves ‘ts destedak dete gat y it vow oon Brbder od ‘be Vamsi 
aobey! orow ovat +600429 wew bensod “ULiensen Sratoas oly pan 
| gS? aga? pte Sescodal ond to B mideed  senodisenmind ed de 
‘Youom HO see isq caves te denvedR? Re odet sumheem a etiaeg 
» @rew engol oft oF hoxcoltes seomdemmesto ott cehew  . dotmbe 
oF geemerO «y8OS gLLD O8L yhurtdl vy sete yetewores .anoredy 
oF Ghaidst 3980t . 160 Ves abet eee POLIS oILt BES goo 
 peyreto erelave Wabi fed «= «OBR aga etrt Bee eorgueed 
duiad and meet molivouastd at) everiok von weed .0Ye yard’ 
o¥ Anal Leaotinl tment) yeh? sift OB qmontyas Vv xede een 
oG0L effi SOL gettet «¥ Hrokee) 4eOR »TLY tot 000 sy Poa ok 
gitides ,enmol Lemtgixo te patonest tes edd ynetex wen to getviy af? 
eaopizdo ehoiwver duo agtw Jom Lilw eiarbews yrbonsted bts one wom | 
ewan oy bhaqne wi mack santyito ont Yo Freq yu ext DAO om Bee 
o¥ gdod GOVE oLit 8 sdegell oy sede = wmteerberccde: bodouboe od yam 
hs wrortinatbe ering «Sacco xO00 6fK0 VES axoyel 
. ! Li pate onda dien tl og «toot » me 
agalbovtory moive Yo sqbenenets 2 ed 02 etneqieg ted. ieadiaiin 
twit awode ¢1 .2ombive a2 beowbetéal asw gouee naeamalanineed 
gittob gmiovetved mos iil sindue ah pronemes wow diwe mbye. 


business as Koter Car Finanee Company, wag plaintiff, and irving 
Starek and John Dee were cafandants. The court found the right 

of pouseszion of the preperty replevied to be im the pleintiff. 

The transcript does noi show what property was replevied. Defendants 
argue that this judgment is reg sijudieats ae te the ieewes im the 
present ese. 

The burden 14 upon the person whe aecerte res adjudlenta 
in another proceedings Sawyer vs Helge, 160 Ille 620g Leepeld ve 
Sity of Chiexeo, 156 Ills 5683 Paoghe v. Leckhinsg 27% Tlie 106. 
The migter found that defendants hac falied te eetablich thet the 
parties, subject metter end esuse of setion were the same in the 
replevin cuit ae im the imstant omit, hemee there wasn ao former 
adjudication preven, ard, woresyer, the osly issue determined in 
the Kuniecipal eourt wag the right of possession at the time of the 
institution of that gult, which cate goes mot appears this does 
net determine the owwnerahip of ihe wroperty. se ckancelier eane 
firmed thie, and, as we Wave anid eeiores, ne Sbjectiions or exeepe 
tious thereto have been abctracted. 

Defendants assert that there was a sole of the mortgaged 
Property under a power of ele eontsined in the ehattel mortgage, 
with the acquiesvence of the movtigecor, which bars him from suboge 
quently precuring erecit of moneys alleged to have been usurigusly 
charged im the crigimal tramanctiune. i 's supgert thie sasertion 
defendants varrate at some Lleucth what are claimed te be the facta, 
but witheut any reference to the abstract or rousrd. Je are 
therefore unable to analyze their statement of the eupsomed factee 
Complainants aseert and the master found there never had been a 
bona fide enle. 

The reverd dees not support the claim of defendemta that 

they were acting merely as brokers and may therefore charge a 

eaiveul ben: giittnialg asw qyaweend comentt nol tedeM ae copmiand 
ddgia ed? seuol fies oft + admhme ton grow von vateh toe aloxedé 
_attbintetg eft mt ed.o¢ hotvelttvs yoroqeny add Ye eedapeawng Yo 
adnshretad sbelvelgos saw Yireqeze fade wode fom aeebh Aqinaenand gaff 
; st mt nownet sft 04 sn alge talina aux 0? Smomaiuh olde ont owas 
too tbuks ax od keene ost Sowreg ot noqy al sonra ~ sie 
 6¥ piaeoet QORb Lit ObL gueatet ov seems skeen sella wt 
sBOL efit EVR sab tioel sv gigeol y6b8 »L1t O81 souaekd) te vate 
ott gots Aeifcotag ed befiat pal ssuenuoteh dadt Swot xodsom, ont 
| od? of omae aft otew Gelder to panne bum aodtem doeidve qapiexeg 
toRmeel om aaw exedd oompd gdton tuedenk ods st an ddee ab velges 
Mi bowimiaiph exeak yinw asld gtovoecem yhne <MevS%G Beldortaetos 
mi? te omit off ¥a modeeveney ho idtgix sid saw ¢useo Saghobamit-estt 
aso eid, «tesq¢e dom aes odab deidw yiiwe dasityde moleesidans 
o18¢ Wddovinne a8). «yrregowg af To Gideusiwo ons ondercede) son 
“(apm to suolioride of goseled Glas rvae ow ae 4 Sm erry pomek’ 
ebeteotsede aod ava odoupeld emote 
‘ bomeatvee, oi to tive & waw ovadd Sand o2ssne efeabow lod 
stgrat tom defiade odd mh deniedaes efsa. 29. tomg,6 sohny ‘wegen 
 seadira mori mii axed dotey «copagd som sal? 26 ppmoemetupon ode ide 
VWarolisay esd eved od. peneste agenom te shoore galasorg yLe mes 
_ @eietease alt J veqgun of  samdivennent damigiae edt mf bogie 
“quégat 842 96 0f bombaie 9x0 tadu diymvd omen tm steviag, agnabaoteh | 
gy SF, . ohtamet Ze senrpade, ait Of ponnse ten sgte seUee, # amd | 
“theo oA? Ye supmodade xis oxyinna of eLdame oreroxestd | 
4 Heed bast cove ered? basot te seam ous — a ee ) 
Sault atushneied w maka prs aemmdaneaie pes i, eal, sc, 

& ogxashe ssehoendh Wet fn ston 9, xirnnm waldon. om ad 


commission for investing funda. The evidenes fully ewtabliches 
that ithe losue were wade by Geld ami Levinealm, Truc, the wother 
of Gold and the wife of Levinachn cecavionally supp].ice these men 
with money but they gave these woman their demand sebes fer euch 
momeysp which were depositec in theiy own bank acvow:t > 

Other pointe are made which ve hawe examined, but they 
fail to present smy convineing reasen to disturb the deered. 

The Gceree required the defendants to deliver the trucks 
tc complainants within a ehert day, and in the event of their 
fellure co do so Gompleinante’ duunges were assessed ot the ou 
Of G5—0004 The commer, concerted ection of the defendanta, 
Wilawfully te take these trucks in an endeaver te compel the 
paywent of ugury, renders them jointly and severally liable. 
howlhor Ve Loewt, 255 Ue So 5220 

ae axe eof the opinion the mester*s report wae based 
upon the records amd his legal conclusions are correct. The 
éeerece wae justified and it is affirmed. 


Batehett, Fe Jey aad O'Connor, J4,; concurs 


@eeellvetas “Lint serehive att «ebme? gmhiaoved a6) sokankaay 
Rem toot belkqqua Ylenotvast’ wMeantved Ye Ohiw ed? bem BieD Ye 
‘these -x0% wedon Seamed chelt mnmdw sens? ovay yia! dee yam Mote 
 ~ ded om ava dee ghost ae ‘eed saoqed aortas uumen 
wn jud 4 bouimaxs avad on Mpldw oben o18 stntog xaltdd® : 
‘~eaxeeh eft Guetb of nosost gubonivees yw sini as caw 
“Welawed ots xovkieds od stasanetes oat bevdupet cenees ah? °C 
ahead tw ceive edd wl baw eyed Itede & miditw edmank 
jee exit fa denedase o1ew sognind ‘eonantatguee oa oh of wietRak 
 gu@agbaetsh add to noises bedrbents ghhamtie edt ” — hea 
ait? Lequeo od towatlne a at aitowrd cue otae of tivities! 
‘sehdats ullexveves tne vtatet meds wrobeten yea Ko Daou 
- @RRO 28 AT O88 gone ov abies 
bowed aaw otoqet o*vetusd o8) Wetatgo wat Be vue oh - 
aa? .toorx0> ov attobaifones Logel td ban ybeteoe edt wom 
nya i sees ri et dius arcs eT eww edmbeb 

8k anal Re ae 


<P eaerien: 

oA SMATGEA wi aa ante 



ee ytuwdgilen arcenlve Mone pyngt aie ot 
Ps We Roe she so aie a iM Bae or ja 

:. ER: BRE pe MS Frente ind On ay ‘ 
‘ die jada will ‘ 
ie al 

ieee See, ee gest 


ALBERT J. HORAN, Bailiff of the 
Munieigal Caurt of Chicago, ot wl., 


274 1.A.6507 


This ia an appeal by defendants in an action of reslewin 
in which, upen trial by the court, the right to pooeseasion of the 
preperty in question was found to be in plaintilY and his demagea 
were asseused in the wwe of ene cont. Pleintiff claims te have 
purchased at a sale under the foreclosure oF a chattel mortgage. 
Defendante deny that the chattel mortgage was « lien wren the 
property at tae time el the foreclosure. 

The ehattel siertgnge Le dated Feb, 2, 1923, executed by 
the Sandara Fubliening Company, a corvoration, aw mMortgacor, te 
Deminikas Piwarcnas, sortyages, sonverving an assortment of heavy 
printing machinery, tools, ,aqudgeent, asd niscellanecus furniture 
and fixtures; the mortgager printe: « nawseueser culled “Sandara, * 
fer the Lithuanian Hational League. The mortgage was civen te este 
eure notes acaregating $4900, maturing i nm one year; at the expire 
tien of the one year afYidavite of extension for anether year were 
executed and recorded in the Kecorder's offiee of Cook county; this 
Was pursuant te the statute which permite the extension of a chat. 
tel mortgage. Subsecuently, at the expiration ef the yearly periods, 
two more extension affidavite were mede and filed in the Mecorder's 
office cf Coek county; this would make the last yearly extersion 
run from veb, 2, 1932, tw Feb. 2, 1033, It wag within thie Last 
extension year tai the oeeurrenee took place giving rise to touis 
replevin suit, 

The statute under whieh the mortgagee undartock to extend 

; : il “ vip +99 Ltogca | 
UGE AOL OTN, ay ) sige , 
gs = mae ay valle th 
_ tYa Ree mae te ne 
\ “edd te TrEEted eAKGR 2 ranaa 
: ah ee Om inte 
a DF ota. ay ; 
ay is ai ie GARR a maga a 
| "088 AERTS nee eae 
a, . pi 
i -tavan ant AOI AD SG BS — UV Aoki Loli dM MO LINEWE: ges Lio 
|  dibre keen be weltes a2 ah atashoo'les co Laseae an a shat 
| My Gian et 
ile O43 Yo meteasaseg 09 sajhy dae’ davon Bay ys tebe nogu ‘ ° hers 
: ARR 8 
negewsh eid bas Viidaiety as ed ad pavot waw ‘goltesup ad eieocene 

i oved of wminle Yekiatel use wae te one Wad ab Sestoead © 
| -Onenttom ieiteds @ te wtueeioere? edt ebay othe o ta boas 
aad MOM 802k a Rae oumetom: kettate ond tats Yb 
-VtNwELOOTOR anid Ly owns wae Pm 
td Setuoone MAL .t ode hetad od omandrom Leany wat 
of ,Tegegtrom aa HOLIn tog en w# .tamqnat gabiel cet weahmde ae 
wees 2 THOOPTOGES Me QOkyOT KOO .Segentrom , mmconanet soWlalmet 
Wiwdteret atone (leoeke bee ,taesgeupe aloes VI aidens yaltabag 
* e1mbtel” bellay tegageron hotel te tegegeeom et paetudat? paw 
ae of maviy Saw oganttom ott O50 ROL, Laue sok ong sith Bul one eet” 
etiqne of3 3a stacy eno a atlinianm ,9000% ga ltaretage anton erin 
OTN TOsY Tetons rot aolacixe to wsivabd tie savy eno edt te welt 
aldt ;ytawoo dowd To sei Tte se iebtoned ang ak behtewert fam bosuoexe 
~tare ea to wolinaedxe ans atloreg aetdw adutaze ade ot Fanuenee naw 
Whelteg ylisey sed ‘to meltertane etd ga Asma upmadet .2gege tom ted 
a'IShtooeh ast at hott baw oban oxew efiymhttte ROL ect hee ona owe 
Golamixe yitaey smal ong alan bisew wkea 1¥sawoe aood Yo oltre 
tant aisdd alidgiw maw 35 (eeOE oh tat ag 880L m wot mort eakalll 
akest od ealt galviy mete dood suamriweg@ its tent: mary aulnestom 


husdxe of Aoadm baw shaiitenn ont goeliiw qehag 

eyes MD; nit bi ae suck { 
AS hi neta a a Ue 

Na Soy 



hia lien provides that the maturity ef = debt aseured by « chattel 
mortgage shall net sxeecd three years from the filing of euch in- 
atriment fer reeard “unless within minety daye after the expiration 
of said three years, ** the mortescor *** ghall file fer reeord in 
the office of the reeorder of desde of the gounty where the original 
mortgage ie recorded, an affidevit® stating the interest the mert- 
gagee has by virtue of the mortgage in the property mentioned and 
the amount remaining unpaid on the wertgage und the tiae whem Lt wil 
become due by extensian or othervige, suek affidavit to be recorded 
by the recorder, “and thereupon the merigage lien originally se- 
quired shell be continued and extended untli ninety dsyse after the 
expiration of such period of extension cf tue time of paywant: 
Provided, such extension of the time oY payment aball not exeead 

ene yaar from the filing of sueh effidawit.* Chap. 99, aec, 4, 
fllinois Statutes (Cahill. ) 

Pilsintiff ¢ites iusch vy. setar, 271 iii. Apo. 3, in avonert 
of hic claim that the lieu of hie mertgnge continued by reason of 
the various exterpsigens, In the cited ease the mortgage e¢eured a 
debt, the last installment of which did net mature until more than 
three yeare therealter, ait 1% "ae cenimded that thie rendered the 
mortgage void ab initio beeaune the statute iiwite the maturity ef 
the debt secured Wy chattel mortgage to three years. The court held 
against thie seeltion on the ground that ander the statute the 
mortgagee could, et the expiration af tures years, extend the 
mortgage for amether year by making the required affidavit. in the 
instant ease there *ere tires yenrly aacessalwe sxtensiona. “e find 
no dAeeided case in tois Stute construing this statute, bat in tre 
cases in the Federal courte the atutute was held to authorize only 
in Re; Xemgwall Us., 201 Fed. 82; Fullews v. Contie 
nentel Savings Bank, @36 J. f, 300. The etatute in regard to 

ene extension, 

chattel mortuages is in d@regation of the comaen law and eheald be 

i a a a a el i el i 

1..4/ °\ i-~~—- ara 

at at path ven. tte hetkupes rid aatien hi? tery te path t0't 

Lottmio @ yd hetwses tdeh a te et itudem writ bautt aohiveng: weak oka 
eith ioe To Qnkfit eld went et9eoy souwlt be tone den Eine opagi tom 
aeiteariens si) setts eyeh Yieain abigiw eas ina” Baooey baile ‘tom area 
at breoet t02 silt fiatle *** <e,enfaee oat: ee, mtang ‘ebeuh:-blee: te 
feniyire ens etenw “‘Giies aif te eheuk to xobeebet wed ‘to eoltte a? 
-ttoem os Seoisinl eds yalsade “sivebl tte ite ,behsooet oi sgegitoen 
bar beaeli nea vote qeia st ah sgcadton ade Vooekbtiv Yd gad eonmy 
Afktw ¢2 apse omits od? bas opayd som oid Be bheqan aniakanen aaa odd 

hobiooe: ad of atvabl Tts Sseaaial eokeadio to mabe sxe. wom Dames? 

ou Sie 2 

rea VAlealiaito melt (eRaps ton 97 mequasent baa? _prabover areola 
Fe Serge 

o4d toftea ayeh ¥enka a28 cu hebue te ban. bouts ave od Latin 

Wp Redk Ty Sk ye aR) 

; fap ayag, 39 omit Sod te madace sxe, to botsog fame ® More: 
ih oe died 

2 eRe ee aa ebven te | sown x yuna vais aon mt» ono 

svongpe at ® -9gh as v8 eset .¥ Sonus eoate Tibaatest 
OM Meese we a 
te Hosaet yd beuni aos Oya, From ena te ap he out tad mba Lo abd 20 

/ berwose oyan? Tom oats 9849 bea te ods al “saneke soe ‘auoltey oss 
asd stom Atay srtutan sou hs so bbe te daenstatont ‘dead eat Ngee 
paid hers hien iad Sasts hebastaee naw tt bine "ee Ptaveads orang ‘tonal 
_ te yiitatem ont astute stutess ea “oeusged gins Se Boy aso 

bles sree aul? + PEMDY, vor 8 yeas ion Kegeaste w betueee sdeh 
VS RR ane 
ene atutere este rohaw tects haworg ie x6 ott tao ples Bion yer 
eB ipae  Temae 
_, ME Paodxe aetaey ontdd % noldexigae 0s 4s shinee pe ae 
ee ee 

ogays Tom 
aay «Shi aa ied 
debs PIE sik € 

owt af gud ,etutad aios pabiecsene: stare ales so boblowh 

hy ae x i tg ott nf ogy ws oe He ype Fang 
Ai . 

tik eatredius ot bina eee Seutate asd is newoe, nana ag ee 

Aart. ov eaoleasixe aylenseoue vitese sot ener etait 


ot dunner at seusate ‘oat 908 7 _ aes ~ wgstvel sag mn 

strictiy sonatrued. Porter v. Decent, 35 (11. 478. This ius been 
applied te extensions, gris? ¥. Heuey, 99 T1i. Aon. TM. We 
eld that the etatute gentempiactes enizy one extergion, aid that at 
the time of the fellewing cesurrences the Lier of the chattel 
mortgage, ae far as the rignte of tsird parties were consermed, 
had expired, 

April 19, 1932, the mortgages, Yomninikes Piesronas, vent 
with his lawyer te the slege of buoinees of the mortgaver, the 
Jandeara Sublishing Cempany, and told them that he wan tixved af 
Waiting for his money and that he would foreplese the mortgage; the 
agent ef tne Publishing company asked for further time but Piwarenas 
stated tuat ke would take full contro. and sharge ef sll the goods 
and chaitelLe, Thera was e@evidenes that Siwaronaa vas in ooeseasion 
under the surtgage 4uring April, Kay, and part ef Juns, 1932; the 

paper “Seandara* wan «tili printed out fiwaronas said the wages ef 
the euployeee, 

June 15, 1939, the aticrney -ho reeresente! the defendants 
Gudsitie and Page, teld the attorney for Pivareneas that he expected 
to take some action «gainet tue Publishing ecosipany on behalf of 
Khiie eliente, who were crediters. cOiwarenas then inetructed his ate 
terney to go shead with the foreclosure of the mertenge; bis at- 
terney prepared noticer ef Taerscliceure and peated them apen the 
premises; the notices were to the ei feet thal tae property sould 
be gold om Jume 96th af public sale purguant to tus terme ef the 
Mertgage. Unorn this date the sule was had, and Miehael Narvid, the 
Plaintiff here, mude a written bid ef 34600, whiek was accepted; « 
ehattel mortgage bill of sale wae prepared, delivered te Karvid as 
wendee, and recorded; subsequently a repert oi the sale waa de0 
adivered to the Gandara Sublisiing CUompumy. 

Om the follewing day, June 2let, some deputy balliffe of 

the Kunicipsal court game te the premises and informed the manager ef 


ame 5 est abet | BOD WALT Be dines 7 13839" “bow: seaon ebtotxan 

oF ne aA efi GP NRapHL ae pevdtns .Ritg.inian 9x9 of bed ique 
“te teed tra Hole moaxe one vine ansalgantsos etusarn ont Jana »fou 


ek EE r We | 

Losin odd Te note att seve TIND9e patwettot odd 6 ous ais 
sDoueras.r90 ore | ao kerng ft Bais re site ss vd newt ad ne emeatnon 
“tase sncotaeht aed ted aot eouasd ron ant seer vet aga 

mea Rita 

“eat “eTonsyt tom ot re naeah: sae te nonkiy ot or aevund abe aghe 

6 Se Hey th re 

Ny aecil tinw od tadtd woth hind bas seg patent ious atahawt 
ext jogestrom ext seelgoret sivew os add ae enon ahd tot natsian 

mack. | Raia ete Brie 

sanotart® jot ‘gmt reddunt <st besten ungnes gab d ides ons Ye toege 


abocy ois tie to ‘gree hae Lovd.ans toe’ ome? hixow on tens bedase 

aie. < Sees oien 

nolsesence “ enw nasoaewhs ssi seasdive oew su0st | -eiodsaiis, baw 

, ae ea 

ott Beet enut ‘te dtoe hota mrt Rost gabe ryends om oie 
ylsnexeqqs ee Ee ibs 

to geyew edi Silay vediadeiialad jus bedabea Lihae | oan “atnbaae TOGKY 


sosyotene a 

atnabas tab ous he dene teet ont wennoite outs ite ek one 

bosonaxe wal tants aanctem “ot uemotds ent biot by ala daw ‘sesteban 
a Easing an euaquree ate rion exit tanteae nottoe mos, ins es 02 
ota abs berouisant ast ence taw ht sexos thoes mi8w ite “jatnenze 9 ate 

ate at jeaay tron eit “te erunecoxe? ast adie hawt 7 od eeaned 
Bi ont moqe meds botees ete auaoowre? ve avotton , 

bLuow yexeqo re ‘eas dent pie oat ot i ean Pr Te Sp mrteene 

ont te need edt od trewareg otee etidue oS dae oot me wes 
sit} (bivinit Inncio kM how bast anw sien ost? ofen abi soa span a 
a jhatqeoon any iakdw 00088 te bie messi a ire ome 

we bivset ov ‘boveviies .Seceuong ‘aw ‘ofan ‘ne Lthd 9 
iy se ase sites “oat iT ) Fro Ys ieasupe vue “lea 
te Meliss dag prot jain ahehasl ti é: te 2 a 

a vi ane 


the Gandara Publishing company that they prepoeed to make a levy 
on the property; they were inferme4d that the property had been e014 
the previous tay at 2 foreclosure sale; the bailiffs left a card te 
the effect that the wrégarty was in their eustedy, 

July 16, 19352, the plaintiff filed pis affidavit for re- 
plevin, alleging that on June 21, 1932, defendent Horan, Bailiff 
ef the Municipal eourt, and Gudsitia and Fage, defendants, wrong- 
fully took and detained the goode and chattele: slene were filed 
and the case preceeded to trial, and the court found in faver of 

While the lien of the chattel merteage, a8 ta third sergens, 
had expired, yet, when the mortecacee, Piwsronag, teok asseession af 
the chattels hefere the levy of the exeeutions, his gosseasion was 
paramount. Upringer v,. Lipgie, 209 kl. 261; Firet bation 
Np Baree Commiusion Ge., 198 Ill. 232; Se 2 : 
Peoples Bank, 332 11. 362; Sols v, Zacher, 2% Ill, Agr. 193. Bven 

where poseession is taken under an unacknowledged mertuage before 


porgeession ia taken under an exemition, posseraion under the morte 

gage is good. Cope vy. Brentz, 190 Ill. App. 54; Doty v. O'Neil} 

and O'Neil, 272 Til. App. 212; Fike ve Golwin, 67 ll, 227. A 

mortgagee does net by extension waive hin right te take posasssion. 
Rector, 8% (11. App. 850. 

Appellants ween to sdwit in their argument thet possession 
of the chattels is paramount, but argue taat the mortgagee must 
openly and visibly take peysical poaseesion ef the sertgaged chat- 
tele, citing Wiliiame v, Head, 219 T1l. App. 8; BR u, 8 
Rubber Ce., 262 I121. App. 387, aid other gases, In the first of 
these casea, after notices of sale were posted the wortgager was 
left in poesession of the property, which censieted of implements 
used on the farm; the foreclosure sale wae postponed indefinitely; 

Judgment was obtained by a crediter and exeaution ieaued and the 

sheriff levied on the property; the mortgagee breught suit for right 

{vel # fom of heeegete yeas taney Yiaqaes wikdelidet etebaet ond 
bies ased hes ytxecond of? tertd Somretat ager yet pytteceng edd mo 
ot bias «© Htel eMiilted eas jelee equneloetel « te Wah avolwverg edd 
xhotaue tied? at aew yttecony wnt taste soeTte oid 

“OF Tot Sivablitie ald bell? Vilvalele odd ,BE@l .8f yint 
Whdlad ,aateh garbusteh ,SERL , mE envi ao Jedd paipelin ,ahwete 
“BaOTW ,etashasted ,eyot bac atttabed bas strues Lg he hemes oct te 
beLtt erm saelg ieLotietio hie whooy off baatateh bas Moot y ity? 
to tovet at bawet oti0 9 ont dae fabs? of hobseootg aeag ode fas 
seanereg Salis e¢ a 1 g82 91001 feijate ett 2p godl ost. Liem | yeti ) 
to aoisasasog dood seahotarst ,wegegtrom odd wedy y toy. eli, bed 
tee riolosesaog gist Hodsverxe oft be yvet edt exerted wiottamte ett 
teal faoobte’s gost i098 .1T 008 ,elagh! v xempixg?  .dawomexeg 
aL n0l uietMe geodtued {88 «£47 80% ,.09 melee hase pana av 
movi 685 ag fi TORS” ‘ides. econ s8OE LT SRE. weet ap kooet 

eteted Sysyliow begholwontesny ax tehaw meted wf So lseemeem oxecde 
«fiom off inbiw molereneoy ,solticema me Shee mexXet of solesseseq 
AiteK'O _.y uted :202 .quh .£4% OL .atnend ot ego. «boon at anen 
nen VSR LET TO ,gtyhed vy eAES 1858 oagA £6 Se + ditalle baw 
sHotsaveseg ovat 92 dsig ts ald evtew aoleantne yf tom Roh smnrotnon 
| O88 .amA LT 08 , mats | 

metacenses Seis tnemvate thet ot tiebs of moon atmo icesoh nlite ted 
|: FeuM Kegegtrom eit fads sugts sud Pid teats 
steno heanatzen ould ‘te selsesaneq Laolaygg stat eldtaty has yLaege 
afd a donk s@ sua .LEE OLe py LLLLY patito ,elet 
te feck oct? at (s89GRe Xeldo daw TEE te efit COR , QP noddeh 
aan ‘topagttos oats bateoe exav eine Yo weolion t8Pte eeace onesde 
Staoaeluat to Deseinses sold ,yteecots ost Yo mpleasenog at tet 
i¥AetisNenal baneqdaog Gar nine stuseloete? oct pommel ost aetna 
eat has heuest aolivonxe bas x9tthem « yd paeveinianies aioamy bart, 

‘tHglt ret thus fdguerd sogzatiom sd? pytreqose, mt mo: " 

of property. It wae held that ae he had done nothing until after 
the execution levy was mada, the mere posting of notices of fore- 
elesure was insufficient te conetitute » taking ef possession, In 
the second of the cited esses the levy of the execution was made 
before the foreelorure sale. In the present case the levy vas not 
made until after the fereclosure sale, 

The preperty covered by the mortesge sas a gomplete printe 
ing plant, made up of heavy maciinery and equipment used in printe 
ing a newspaper; the sortgagee, FPiwarenas, was s baker by trade 
and it was imoracticable fer him to remeve the graperty and etop 
the publieation ef the paper; inspead, he took contre, in April 
and therearter paid the wages of the employees, and permitted the 
Lithuanian Rational League, waieh published tue paver “Sandara,* 
to continue te erint the paper in thie printing plant. in Pirget 
Eat. Bank of Croekett v. Berge Live “teck Commission Ug., 198 
Til. 232, the court said: 

“So particular mode of taking or retalning posses#ien is 
required. ** ke rexoval of the cranerty from the mortgaged premi- 
ses ie exsential if the mortgagee has actusl control of it tere, 
(Jones en Chattel Mortgages, etc, 180.) What constitutes a change 
of poresesaion depends much upon the character and situation of the 
property. * * From an exacinetion of the autherities it clearly 
appeara if the mortgagee «* have the greperty in hia view and under 
his control, and by exercising contrel over it by virtue of his 
mortgages indicates an intention of depriving the wortgagor of his 
apparent ewneranip and possession, it is sufficient to proteet the 
property from the claim ef third parties,” 

The court could croperly Tind that the mertgegee was in poesession 
of the chattels from the 15th of April, to and including the 26th 
ef June, 

The matned employed to foreclose conformed to the language 
ef the mortgage and wae authorized by statute; proper netices rere 
prepared and served upon the mortgager; uetilces were alse sested 
on the dour of the prevsises and on three ether locations in the 
vieinity eof the -reperty. Although seme witnesses testified that 

they saw no notices, yet the court eould properly cencliude that the 

pabse he ORY. 846: Me. TeQety af © i ** soyegtiem git t 


tot'te thine gatiged oash bed 96 we tate Died ewe ot tregets 10 

 sbiet In avoisem te ygoiteog esem sad ,oham saw yet Rol dNoORe nate 
al .felvapecog to gatdet # ebutitaman of dae lelTinent ane wrweot 
Sbax gay aoliupexs ons to yves ede Boman hotlo ons To bases ont 
tom saw yvel odd ona iapsote att ak een etue glee to? ont aseney 
elas stumolog tot wit afte ditou then 

-talze Stelquaa # baw agegtzom add yd hexeves ysteqetg: oat ore 
-tiizg ad boos tasmgiope haa ytoniosa yvaee te qu shen tana at 
shard yd worded @ saw ,aemotawhi ,segeygsdtom edd jtegaquwed « gat 

» ete. baw ytieqetg eff arens: of ald +07 sideolsaszows BaF ot One 
Lhtgh ut Lortnee dont od yhantenh ;xeqeq est Yo meltaohidua ant 

ait Hoddiataq hee ,geeyaique 12 Yo eegay ooh hing wePlacnedt hae 

ek itinnein arahages xa wings to ob lit 

«teeter os a sings end bh yiteqet) bia sorn.guin't oa 
.eteds 22.%o fevtnas datos sac nagegttom et? Th 

epaeiio & distittoane ven? (065 se eer eee 

ocd to aodéeutia haa twsteatada e679 spooesh. ea 
ylreelo th soisixedtne eft to wold fir ae aor% 8 me 
wi to ouatly yd $2 seve fotines galelorexe yw bax 4: _ os 
(gid to togegsiom sad gaivigeeh bai | fied oi oo Siao Lhe 
ier - ¥ 

ont Byecrreteid “ peneienalat af @) ,aclseeaseg ba we dau 
*,eolizag butét to atete esd roe or 

8802 edt yubdelond ban o¢ , tings ealiiianions etbaid -. e 
ayaugaed ont 02 sandiians esetoese? of, ane, yrs ?., wih 
stew eroison taqoty jatwleta yd deal tastam Baw dain pRe_dxom oat, 1 te 

keteoy opin exer seolion ;tonagtxom aid aoqy heriee baw betarn te 
ot mt anotieped testo sates aa hae anekonte acid to took ed? mo 

tan? toitient agerontiw emes Agueitta  .xttomere oft Ip ythalely 

omen ma net 

notices were croperly seeted as reeuired; pursuant te theese 

notices the property wae seld June 2th to Narvid, the plaintiff, 
whe received his bill of sale bearing taet date; that he paid the 
money for it is e¢etahliehed by the evidende, and his nome subse- 
quently appeared as the publisher of tic paper *Sendara.” Althoukh 
the bong fides of this gale is questioned, we find netuing whieh 
would justify u holding that it wae invalid. 

Defendante filed ea plem uwlleging that at the time thie ae~ 
tien was breught in the Superior court of Goesk eounty, an aetion 
Ser a Trial of Kight ef Preperty upon the same identical eause of 
action and for the same identical property mentioned in the decla- 
fatien in this cause wae brought by the plisintiff agsineat there 
defendants, and was still pending in the Municipal court of chicago, 
Upen the trial defentants seucht to intreduce the files in the 
Bunicigal court case tut the court sustained am abjection te them. 
The record shows that the cage in the Municipal court had been a41e- 
missed or non-suited before the hearing in the inatant care, and 
the raling wae «rover, 

We all the attention of the attorney fer Aaeferdante te 
the rule of this court with reeeeect te briefa, 
Finding no reversible error, the judgment ie affirmed, 

Matehett, FP. J,, and O'Conner, J,, concur, 


ied oo Fmevetog pMiLeek eo besedy Plteqets eer avelton 
Privately oat ,biver® of A908 onal Biow taw qrteqote BAP Sooldon 
wis Bley of Sant porwd fost gatreoe wlan te Lite aia bevlovet ose 
aeedun ox wkd bee ,sbusbtew wad yo tevertdasee wa #2 vot Yonom 
seunciste “,arohmed” Yoquy oil? Ye vemeloduy ed? va Keuesgaa yeaeup 
dokdw gaistonm hatt ov ,Sonetteeup oF ofee oid) Yo Rabid ened ode 
sbifeval euw ok gaud yaketed « hear biaww 

«oo widt emt? eit te dads gatye tts asiq a best? etaebawea 
settee se ,ytauoo Mood Te Paso tetroget of? al sxywerd saw ‘ait 

te eaund ksoldmebt comme oid itoqu ybroquet to dag to Kale? @ tet 
esineh eis ai bouoltann Yrroqery Unotimebk saa off to? hae Rottee 
enedd 24ntage Tiivatele edt ed siywete aw ouved sind at whee 
.ogaclad Ye deed Laqivinud ef? ot galbang (Lite saw bax ,otanbh 
pu? nt gofPt O00 Gaubettak of daynon wtowhastos felt buataped 
weds 69 mobtsetde aa hémladeue tice bad aed e000 Srmos thylonalt 
«eth neod bel txveo Leqlehaut ond ak sang od? Yad) eters beooet we 
bas joan taetont ‘pst wk gitason edd ptoted, Saiumiow *. henate, 

se o et aah sass bet ere ‘st Xe ‘eaten: ‘eat ain - 
iriya & * etened of etre maa l #asee ama 4, 

Pe MT me CoM ie eM a) 

Sew woe aos: SUP Aten. sale ee 
samen, 4k ee ea He | 

YES ae oar Bie Bay FF 
; sg Niiate “ligt. | iia ai aE Oe URNA ase ts:  tk ea ‘~~ Rs 4) at ane 

a d 2 he Sah ee ‘ UC OS Tice ARDY Heh APOE } ¢ si a Ki by iain A A 

Pe en a ee iy. balk went Get “an Rcd 


BSefendant in Srror, 

HS cae a 


Plaintiff in frrer. 

Sra esse 


O74 T.A. 651 

ee ee ee ee ee ee a 


Upen trial ef an action te recover megne grefite follewing 
a Suceeerful action in ejeotment, sleintiff had & verdiat for 
$2782.93, and fudgment against defendant was entered for this 
amount. Defendeant seeks a reversal. 

Im 1906 plaintiff purchased a 25 foet iet lecuted at 3620 
Berth Yeetern avenue, Chicage, for 2400, and built a house on the 
rear of the let at a cost ef B00. 

Im 1924 defendant erected » building fer a gargge on the 
tee lote imaecdiately south of plaintiff's property. Plaintiff, 
¢laising that the nerth wali ef thie bellding enereached seven 
inches on her property, broucht =o cult im efectment which reeul ted 
in a vertict for plaintiff for these eeven inches, 

Beeesber 1, 1930, which wae within o year after the judgment 
in the ejeetwent preeeedinge, plaintiff filed a suggestion of dane 
agee, pursuant to oeragresh 44, chaoter 48 - Ejectoent - iilineis 
Statutes (Cahill.) ‘This statute provides that a suceessful 
Plaintiff in an ejeeteent sroceciing, imatead of the action of tree. 
pase for megane preofite te recever d4swages, shall, within one year 
after the aejeetuent, sake and file » suggestion of a glalm for sesgne 
prefite which shall be a continuation of the ajectuent pracesdinge, 

This statute provides that such suggestion shall] be subatan- 
tially in the same form sa « declaration in sn setien ef ssaumpeit 
fer use and oceuration, and the ease pales of pleading shell be 

observed as upen declarstions in peravnal aetions; that the dae. 


a — 
stand shogambes Wwe... ..... 

a>: me eS 

+L mveO 2 TONES et fos 
4 ; & 

om, fravoD 4000 to : 
evi ma minbadass hse 

14a A, I ASS at pert 

Re deat ok wees 


watweltor ast tous aseee wevooes of ‘olive ne to fatad nont casi 
*o% tolbuey e basi vitals te nvmdoete ab soiton Ioteseoowe a 

ut bas <tetibene 

£0 | ane wot Rorotae saw fanbae'tat fankage ? a oa 
| ‘daatoret s sieee ‘taabwtog betione 

“ O88E te tetanot #01 soo as a | Bondo viifaisia i ee Hee 

ontd no  onatee & x0 path ithud « betvere Srabanted seer al int 

Members sedroqore a titéntalg 2e davon “letadbomad | ate: 
fi “eves betonotone qatbitud etde ‘te ise atron ‘ont tedd gm 
hed Luees dobee seemteets a: ¢ive @ itgueed aetmeneg ‘ead se » aero nt 

onndont ner 98 oaesid ‘ret Htatete ot te Ihxev bat 
sas aghat ett aedta x28y a absitiw naw dio hat Ober of ‘Wodusoet . 
=f te noltacanve # bossy vilsmietg “ auatbooners tonmtosts ‘edt at 
atonttit - - suendoot® . Gh veduade .b) demagexae OF tuswered +s038 
" Gvtensooun 0 tec$ eeblvete stusate ake? (.£f2aad) eotuters ; 
«sett Te colton ond Yo hessact suathosoortg Margit me ok Milemtate 
| aaegy ou aldziw . thai Aegoned Teve9e2 ‘9s ethtote fase 10 sang 
ss gaan tot atelo « ‘to apttesggoe a elit bas whem dneadoste ot ‘ethe 
sagatbsesarg sesutoste eff To noitavalinos « of fiaste so kaw at iterg 
enngadum od Lintie aolteeggue done tae sebiveste asutete ents 
dhaqawesa te aoltoe ae at aodtetafoeh 2 se a@ret omme add at vehtads 
a” Linde yaibaeltg to ae tet ones oct baa ao liaquene ben Laid ™ 

a et sat isin toe Lanowreg nh amosseus teat | moun - hov 

SS ee oe ss 2 fom oe ses 

fendant may plead the general issue of noneaesumpsit. er way plead 
specially, and if the issue be found fer the plaintiff the jury 
"shall aseergs his damages to the asount of the mesne profite re~ 
ceived by the defendant since he entered inte possession ef the 
premises”; that on the trial the titie when defendant entered inte 
the possession of the preuisem must be proven, and the time during 
whieh defendant “enjoyed the meane profits theresf, and the value 
ef sueh srofite,* amd thst *the esurt shall render judgment as in 
actions of aesumpeit fer use and occupation.” 

AS ® peneral rule the revteal value of the premises is the 
measure of the mesne profite, Testern Book Co. v, Jeyne, 179 Li. 
Vi: rahy pmpegn, 42 211, 308; Calgh & ve ae « 4S 


+ BSG 3 

fll. App. 46. 

Plaintiff alleged by her sugeeetion ef dananes that it wes 
filed “according te the ferm cf the eiatute in sush caves wade and 
provided,” and that @efendant was indebted ts piaintLir in the 
gum of $8000 “for the use and occupation of the tesewente abeve in 
the said Declaration end Judgment mentioned by the defendant, held, 
used and ecoupied, at his resuest, for a long space of time," ma 
in coneideratien theresf, defendant gromieet te pay her the eaid 
sum of nioney on reyuest, but has refused to do so, te the damage 
ef plaintiff in the amount of 75000. Defendant filed the plea of 
general issue, and alice a specini plea asserting that be did net 
uae and ocoupy the oreuiesees pursuant to any agreement, bat that a 
4iepute existed reiative te the let line, “amd that net until the 
judguent of thia esurt waz entered ln thie osuse wag it determined 
that the defendant wrongfully withheld the premises in suestion 
frem the plaintifr,* 

Defendant ecenecedes that plaintiff ie mtitled te recover 
the reasonatle rental value of the seven inches of ground occupied 
by him for a peried ef five years ismedisately preceding the filing 

of the suggestion of damages, whic he says is $43.75, This 

heolg yam to .gieceyean-poe te eumel Lavecey one heolg yor demfeaet 
qt ent Teheatesy ant wt duvet od aueel odd Yt Dae pybtekengs 
“#1 editoxg aqyou ode 29 tmvome ot of segoned ahd oeeenm Lfade* 
om? To asi sssaaog otat hoxsdns ad @odle Jashas tel ety ee bevioe 
etal Betegar saohaa'tos aow ould ost Laled 00d ne tadd {*veckunee 
auituh omid eit boa ,aeverq od tenn eeaioerq aff to aghenseseq ait 
oxlav et? ban ,toerst? e¥2 tone gimex Od boyohne” Sashae teh HModdw 
ak an sueuphul, eobaox Skese Suwop ef" dodge bae “att terg coum to 
* sagt ipquooe hes oom sot tlageamea, to aaotios 
edd ah aoniacig pat Le eulay fasaos at efn% fegoneg @ PA oy 
HET OVE gavel wx .09 soo muptagt .ettroxg pounm nat to otuamem, 
aes Ce ee ee (208 41) S35 , goggle eee pat 
a Rb och ob SE, 
aa " gang eenened Yo palibiinatiie sod, an Sntty Frlgadass og gy 
bas ebas eenay dova ai sfusada ei? Io seo't odd ot yulbagons" pret 
add ad Titsalate ed Heddabal saw Jawbae tok gad? hae * , bebivorg, 
at evods as nsue aed ad te Moisequege baa ome ace ag" qt Bid ahd 
biod <Sambas toh outa yd beaedsaom taomyhul bos agi teteteed btag edt. 
bie “, seid To cose gael # 16% ,iaeupen eid te ,detquone bug beew, 
biea edt tod, we of healmstg Sachagtoh ,teetesd aghtetehiades at 
: oganat ait oo ,00 ob of daasiet ead dad ,oeeupes So yeaom Te ame | 
Yo sede ext boll? doshas ted 00034 To tanpan oat at Whigalete Ie, 
fom bib ost sasig gatexenes, aeig delooga # coeds baw ,ouged Leneaea. 

tate tad ,stemetas Yas of fanuatag sondag ig gat WR APOE, 

‘ont ftiay dea tat hae" ,oatt tof ad od svideies botelxe egaemn th 
dethureteh ¢2 aqw eouen atdt ak beyesan aay syuee made ‘Yo tamghal | 
fad daowp ab seatamig edd biasdtiw x wv saabasteh est dade. 

ing We Raa i ke Fa *.Vebtalate nat? mort 
revooet of ho.1828.00 a vultatatg sand ‘aohesacg tora 

betauose bavoxy ‘te asdoat aovee outt to euler £ piomnns oh, 

om) eakist outs aathaoong eiotatiowmat « euene ovtt ‘te dotted « to’ wt at i 
ais? 2° ane ak eyeo od sie hdw iene v senaiinunain ont biel : By 

heed . 


oount was based woon the walue of G780G whieh plaintiff siseed 
en her let. Vrom this 4efendant eetiosted the valine of the seven 
inehee at #175, upon whieh, «f the rate of five ner emt for five 
yeeres he extinnted the rental value at (45.78, Hla wotion te as 
inetruct the fury rae denied, 

Plaintizf® arecuea that she is met limited ta the rental 
Yaiue im extimating her danaces but may reenvery extra damages ag 

the parti¢culsr cireumetances of the ense demand; citing Ain: 

wv. Remer, 63 111. 230, where it was held that there was ne sub- 
etential aifferense between the action previded fer by the atatute 
and the common lew action cf tresrags for megne erevite, Plaine 
tiff cites cages holding that in « sommon law action ef treapaas 
for meme profits, plaintiff te not confined to the mere rent of 
the previses but the jury may give were 1f they ao pliesee, Gagd- 
title vy, Zomba, 3 Wilson's Reporte (Sng.) 114; Oremeh v. Han, 2 
Pa. St. B71; Town ef Gtayten, 45 Gregen, 301. is this 

defentent recline that such extra damages may be recovered only 
when specieily pleaded, and thet in this ense plaintify han made 
BO claim for soselal damages but has Limited her elaim to damages 
for the use and eceupation of the ecuugied piece of Land. 

Se are of the opinion defendant's poritien ie wound. Ordie 
merily, the measure of davages is the fair value of the uee ef the 
premises Auring the ocoupaney of the defendant, but olaintiff ia not 
confined to much demages but way recover all desages whieh he may 
suffer fairly reeulting from the wrong complained oi, if specially 
Pleaded, 20 Am. & Ung. Enc. Law (Gnd ed.) 547. This precise soint 

was involved in Trotter v. Town af Stayton, supra. in that case, in 
considering a atatute mush like ours, the cour$ aaid: 

“At common law newline] damages anly were recoverable in an xction ef 
ejegtsent, and a plaintiff, if he reeevered mere, was sbliged to 
‘being an independent action in trespass to recover mesne profits, 
The statute easbines these two agtione; but there is no ressqn why 

& Mlaintiff may net olead and give in avidenee in an actian ta recover 

“navies cf aatton mech ones ah ovis tm one 

| Beem Se TYisentedg sade GOeTE Yo owiev ont woew booed mew Hewes 
Govbe #87 to sitey S4e hetacdtee Peehaw'teh etd} wert der wee me 
oui? <0) foee tHe OVID Te eea4 Bet fe (Heke noek (ROKR ge wee a 
oe 62 aplte 2i%  .60 009 be gulav toon eat Rade ses BE NES 

b bniing weit ve  /bebaeh sae Grok OS eeriead 

\ febaet oat OF heskell Pow sl oie Few? etigne Trainee’ ©! 

L) BF BNQcheh etdee TevNGeT Yen fed SogAmet Vhe gol fewksen wd eukav 
Paeotemls paltic ;huaash stag O09 Tb eooteteavoxts tetoetirag odd 
-¢ua of Sev o19s Seeds PROM enw s2 oxotw ,OOR £11 TO  phenee wy 
@tutate e63 qt 40% bohivory solion ed! aeweted some Tih Lebtante 
(|) emhOlS. vedDiorg gages 18) Aengeosd td nelgee wet mainte wat fine 
quaqset? Ta aoltea sed adoete'a al teat goaeptot segea ait te Vike 

‘to duet siea alt of healings dom a} Tiktatel, eatery ping to? 

oo aBGo8  seadele oe yess “TL wren avly gaa yint edt dad” ne 

| Pio yeeter omens ;846 (act) advoqger sana essen ee 

nhds oF .40E  aogeto ee ary 42 eer 
 ¢Lite “borer 9oes it gen ohdetsanens tiie ‘tans eoltart teehee tes 
 ebam aed VWibtslelg ean alts ak dadt has , dohaele VE Lehadde Wertw 
‘Royaseh of ainke tod hoahakl aed fod weyers Litodew tet MhAED om 
_ {bah ‘to seelg belqueee oid Te sokiaqiose Kar aio Ctr or 

-lia0. .basos wh aoldlavg eeisbus teh nolaiqa o4f Te eve eH) OO, 
‘ai? to seu od) to ouley tin) on al woynmab to orensm oh Utted 
fom af Tiseledy tad ,dwhaw Ion ods to Yomnguoso sie gmeNs aamithinne 

ne od dite eoyemsh Sha tvoueT yam Pod wayne Aven we hemitie 

Qlialooge Id .to hoatélqnon yaote on weak gaktiuees etabet aeiine 
tabeg eatoerq wltt ,fha (.bs! nani 9h | igipelannlied manihainn 
ibaa sumee oft eto BALL Homme — = sora 

te cereun ae ak eidetavones + | wok 

ot boglica Raw , Pron botevonat oat i Tres whale r" pri 
eS tet oo ‘mw . 

aoyeox on al onesie tod inmeltoe 

oad cyan «sh $oddw CO Se aol toga wat te 


real property under the statute any dasages he may have suff ored, 
fairly resulting from hie having been wrongfully kept out of ihe 
poesession, in thie, as im ail casea, coupensation ig the wasasure 
of damages, and if a plaintiff has been unnecessarily ainoyed er 
harrassed and his bueinesa injured by tae wrongful acts of o 
defendant in taking snd retaining peeseseion of real propurtiy, 
there is ne reason wiy, ln on action te recover posuesslon tueroel, 
he may kot plead and recover uch epsctial damages, * 

The court held in that case that the pisintifY nad preperly speeially 
Pleaded matters which entitled nim te damages in exeene of the were 
rental value ef the property. 

If plaintiff had, by especial pleadings, claimed daviages for 
matters arising at the time of the original trespass, defendant 
eould have suceessfully pleaded the five yaar statute ef Limitations 
an to such special pleas, and even if the atatute had not ran, def end- 
ant was entitled te notice that siaintirl weuld olaia more than the 
rental value ac that :¢ might plead to the same and prepere to meet 
#ueh claims upon the trial. Sflsintiiiy by her deglaration having 
@laimed only for use and geeupstien, was net entitled to reeever 
for extra dasager. 

the court inatrected the gary that ite sele function in this 
ease Was to fix the reasonable rental value ef the seven inchee ef 
land. In substance, this was repeated im seme sight inatruetions 
given to the fury. It ia evident that the jury entirely dleregarded 
these inetruetions, an¢ whether moved by eympathy or fer seme eter 
reanons, returned an excessive verdict. Swen if special damages 
had been alleged, the evidence would not have justified the ameant 
or the verdict. 

Plaintiff's brief! concedes that im the somaon law action ef 
trespass for mesng profits plaintif? ean recever apeclal damages 
only if the same are pleaded, bul asserts that the damages preven 
were not specialdamages but general damages, citing Glmstead v. 
Burke, 28 111. 74. ‘this was a suit in covenant for breach ef « 

Jease of a farm, the defeniant hawing evieted the plaintiff; the 

bere thse 3 Yad yee out Seynswh yw esuente elt wad uy ae po 

ewig ‘te ae @yex yLin'tgnorw ngs’ oe alive eit wert es ‘gis Lat 

enue amt sh peidoaseunes gaease Lie ai oe ,9is} at .aodeeparog 

wo beyouss ydicedweovany aged aad Tilrately a kt baw , ‘te 

a ty ates iwigaoie ent ¥4d Sotwlei eeeniend ade bas beeperisd 

> “"pebwteeeta fnet Yo uelsesenog yinietet Rap gubing nt wt oe 
, bas tans solaaens oq ueveoes of golvea aa val , Dg ner an ef | 
“ negames Lalseqe ove teveeet baw fv tea 

¢iloisege Yiueyorg bad Ttivaieia sy tact ease tart af Bled Yaues offT 
ers ot ko aveund mi weqeueb of mic bettizem sotdw @retine bebeety 
“etoqery off To erivy Tedaes 

tot aegeneh Seotule ,wynibasty Lelesga yo , haw tretnlade tL neh 
emabme ted ,aeequerts iaaigivo os Yo emt¢ on? to galetca wee eten 
encitesiail ta véutete weey ovit oft bebasie Yifo teaseoue eyed tfuon 

-bae'tep, awit ton bed etutats ant Td cove bow ,etedy Teieene dole of a6 

eit aguis @tem minis bisew Uitaluiq gadd solren of belettaw vaw tae 
soem of Stoqerg bie mus on7 OF hooky diyter as erie o4 onlay Leone 
yalvad agifataiabh tea yd Tilgatedt .tebr? eco apt enlede Mane 
eeveaes oF bo Loisne Jou saw ,nakiuquese bus oe xe2 vlae Semteds 
edit mi coitort ofee #2 tea goek ene bets wreak Pewee oak © 0% 
to eevieal opvow ot to culey intoot sidawoweet ect x11 of few sand 
anoldourtwal tigis omoe at hovaseot aaw choy ,ronatedue al beet 
febtegotels YLortsne yx ott dad Jnepive al #2 .etwh end of morta 
Tito Suen Tot 19 YrteqMLe YI howow TauLFeHW haw bite be ener 

topeomh Intoewe tL nave .tolbtey evinevee aw bomtetes ‘eaihacane 

Segoe oft Se rkivert ovec fen bisow soashive off ,hopoile aed belt 
 dobheee ae De 

te aoigos wad meters ont wh Sarit pennies a Tetvatart whan re 
angcveh deloogs Torp9e: mag Tihiniedg adi tesy papem ‘tol shaqnort 
MvetG aeyoush oA? add atitosgs dud ,bohandq ete — emt 32 yim 
honda aakeis: \sepeemh Sanna, teat goer wr 

- ould. (hdtabady eatstenetee wnleed: sumanen 908 sent te atene 


ae ale. 

@eolarstion alleged ne special gsmagee but the trial court adultied 
evidenee of the probable value ef the ¢rep whieh plaintifr might 
have raised. The Supreme court reversed the judgsent far the 
Plaintiff, the opinion saying that generel damages are euch as tne 
lawimplies and presumes to have accrusd iroa the wrong cemplained 
ef = speciezl damages are auch a8 renily took place and are not 
implied by law; and that in the latter ease unless the plaintiff 
states the particular dewege ke hae sustained he wili net be per- 
mitted to give evidence of it. 

In the instant ease plaictiff gave evidence teiding to ahee 
that defendant maiiciously enerosched on her property; that he tore 
down a femee ehe had erected, and sver ner protest and ebjactians 
Made an excavation om her property, and sltaough advised that this 
was on her property he pereletad in #reciing the eall of hia garage 
partially en her oroperty; whe alee cisima tnhat the paseageway was 
thereby narrowed. These are @oecial dasages whieh sheald asve been 
epeainlly pleaded. Ser declaration gakes sa elain for suck dasages 
and she mast be confined to har deeiaration, 

A mumber of things were creaented on the oral argument te 
the court weick inclines us to believe that slaintiff? has seted ene 
Yessonably in thie matter, the has bed & nuaber of atlormmeys, one 
after the other, te handle her claim; at one time she danended that 
defendant pay her $10,000 a yeur for the use and eccupancy of the 
eeven ineses of land in question; eae aise admitted that at one time 
«the told the atterney for defendant that sae wanted 930,000 for her 
lot; it is in the reeord that the sticmey for defendant offered te 
give her a selisy guaranteeing ner title te 25 feet of land, whi¢h 
would <ive her a let ae wide ase the ene ehe had purehaseéd; upen oral 
argument coungel for defendant informed the ceurt that he had, in 
addition, offered siaintiff 52000 to tarninate thie Litigation. Ve 

ean only aay that thie offer was sere than fair and we eannot 

betsinds siuoo isisd on? — Seana rte t's oa hoge fhe sottets Loeb 
- tats Nhkgmtade Rede eons eat te oukaw o ttadoxe wre eo semmintve 
| oat 0% tanmyhet end Seatower taroe exxqut oat bee tow ovad 
96% en sigue ain synod Larenon aad ambyow matabmo: ox ttabata 
pentaLqnos gaxerw. edd mont dearesm. ova of a mveone Dae sehtembwet 
tom exe bax aonke Agot yLleot em teue one eapeerh cabaege «Te 
Tidinialg odd eseins sesp tetdel ost wh tal? See geet yt Mebdqet 
“toy od tom iitw ed henlesawe sod of ogame tatwolitey eet onteda 
i" ore : tt Yo somshive evi ef bede he 
we ttac:0t: nib oss: compbie ave: Kidtatade epee: smademby edd lens #/ eke 
Sunt Of said pYsKoqorE wad co heceneteue Yiswotedion gaabien teh) sant 
anpttestde bas seedotg wer weve hac ,hesesne hectotie sous’h a! aod 
pide tata besivhe dywoes in bas ,ytreqony tet ae cedeevanre am when 
-epath, eth Yo Liaw eat gulfoous nt Seteieneq of Yreeqere Yor mo-wAW 
Bae Yotogaceag oc Facd aminig cals ace peeroqete ted we ehatered 
| Aoed oven biuede sotiw gognmeh colnaqe ote enedl .deworraa ydereds 
: aegacnh dove to% alaio on aekeci moldatatooh xo  hehas io ~Eetoote 
He wh M os  Molteraigan tes at Soallace ad deem ore bas 
of tasmugsa Late ecg ap betsesetg etew agnidh te tegen A 6 > 
op befon aad Tilvalele tadd oveliod of ew aoabiank eeidy foun ont 
tag yaernodte Ye tedeua e bak aad ode rotten, odd ot Yldemwenet 
_tasd Sebnaweh ede nais eno fa patale ted efiaad oF yReite eft tod te 
out le Yousquepe hte ene ony set. isey @ 009,456 week toa Pombas ed 
omii one 26 jad? bedtinbs opde oan gackieoyp a2 faet to mecgnk aevee | 
tod xo? GOL, 08@ bedume otis Jans tashaoteh tot youtedta: ect boee ode 
(ed bawito danhaelot cot qammodta oad dud peeoet pHtondial Hf 140r 
Agise Boel Le took GR ef O172% xed gatestuwsany yodtog a ten ovdy 
lore woqw pbesatoxsg bod once sao say ee Obtv ea dol woxer oviy binow 
ol bes 2a todd Miwon Oct domreTal daakartoh tor demuns troewyts 
 MattoglOll ald) edeatiuss of OOORS Tredatalg: hove tte smedeibba 

tense oF be Tiel nelt etom saw teXto alae fas yen eine: an 











underatend why plaintiff did not readiiy aceept it. 

Koreever, it appeare that the sidetake with reference to the 
lot line wae an henest wistaxe, Defendant evidently left the cone 
struction of the building te hie esniractor and took no personal 
part in lecating the north wall of the gareg@#; he vas in Virginia 
when thia was done. Eefeore the work was racucneed a survey was 
made and the sontraetcr started te wiace the wall acoarting ta the 
let line sheen by thia survey; when the contractor was sottfled by 
Plaintiff ef the encroachment on her lot tie work was stopoed, ond 
it ie stated a new survey was made which Lecated the bet Line at 
the same place, and relying upon thie the contractar ereeeeted with 
the work. Pisintiff seems te Have satublianed her claim am te the 
leeation of the let Line by digging wo sand igvating some ancient 
atakes under the siderals,. 

We reeite these things solely Tor the purcege of shewing 
that in our opinion plaintiff shoul¢ confer rit defendant fer the 
purpose of arriving at a settieuent of their alfYereness. Thhe 
honest wintiee ves defendant aheuld mot ba made the ceeusion for 
Mmuleting Kin im exeeesive damages. The defendant see shawn » 
4iepositiem te be fsir. PlaintiiY whould be wiliing to meet him 
kelf way and thue save further expense ts beth sartices, 

Wor the reasons indicated the Judyment ie reversed and th 
caure Temanded, 


Matehott, ». ¢., end O'Genneor, 7., concur. 

Sa Sa 


Se a aa ee ee ee 

ice di 

att sqsaos yitheos toe bib Wittakety, ue ba 
oid ot } eeueestos Atkw odateia ad} sand aracgge $f sereeres 
nen ous et pitiob ive: sneha ten ohate he Peed oe sae atl to 

| Lamworss an door bas raseuxtaoe us oF enh Ltd ar to adie: 
“atatgrt¥ at ae en seqeteg off to Moy dicen ag? arhtnong, oi idee 

naw YOrtuE A besapmucs any row (oH? e008 ,omeh cow eat goede . 

Sat of gathroons Liaw of3 hatuade  Enenenenes. Oat Nin amr 
Ws Belttvou new xotorstage odd maw iyersen efed nt swore mak tof 
na bowqate mp deine Pye) tet 2eA se Aaemivaoseue it Yo Vttatels 
te eats tok act bodeoot Koldy shen aay Yovtuin Wem @. aeeate mt #2 
si behooves totoatsane pat wld Ome any set. hte ,C8aLG cacen a 
ont of aa mtaLo toast desiat fdotae svar of amano apart Sal 
“tees ame yal topos bas au ant agi ¥ entt oi sd Te motias 
“galwose ta seoctug outs xo la ton panne anestt | setae, 7 ic Sb 
‘ou aot tnebastot iid bw te laee hineda Mihi wlela, Rolgige THe ab tase 
if eke ,eoaaers Tt db host Xe doom ttte8 ® A nae, te SeORheE 

va tot wabnanas one oka od tom binone fnebao teh, ait, 

_ @ frets ana dawdan teh eat _ se aed ovisasone ak ata porte 
mt a foun os yak tobe od biwoxe wihgake ls the od ae aetsieaga rs 

oo hang Atod of eeasqne Seddte? ovec ewe fra caw Dhad 
i Me 

ous hae deotores ak 2 no mg buh mit beteginal anseng 



; t 4 pid igo AE aga gs pepe as GR ary RA RE har ORR, wie APART 
Pat Oia a i9 a PRS a id ae , Ce D i 

7 mee wore we aaa wie 
-tupaee nt ny ° as a ot ,d8ndloden 


ius wth aoe HO ea ae ers Ria 

ee ay we aity > Gea nec ap pel Aileen Sates Indi ge RRR SRR rian. SRR Gs 
a ! 14 % ad ea Pid NSP 8 FS SUSE ae 4 3 

. ‘ a 2 tat at Mi ® Tee 4 ‘ , 

We: We ae A RRS ORS FR A aa Ee Mee: cRIRES 
Pi pate By oi ss ¢ ae esi 
ea bee 

on Bh eth a TT, gt. mi ‘ya 

eT a ke ee gow setae” «SU 


coe Yes emer 

36094 Va 
f F iN , 
Def ondant in Meror, f rae 
Hj on w GiRguIT Wary, 

¥G. 5 

, “@uoK COUNTY ,) 

Ron Sais, 

Ivy ; i ante 


% selene pe 

ae ce Ml ge Ran Mp ta gee 

tiff in Mrrer, 


Plaintiif breught suit against the defendant to reeover 
damages for neracnal injuries glauimed te have been austained by 
him as a result of the eakh driver's negligener, while sleintifr 
was rijing as a passenger in one of defendant's sabe, There van a 
jury trial snf a verdiet and futwment in plaintiff's fover for 
88,000 and the 4efendant apnesie, 

The reeord discloses that about 6:46 on the morning of Bay 
18, 1930, rlaintiff, who claime he was riding a@ a peasaenger in ene 
ef d4eferdant's esba, was severely injured on the Outer Drive near 
ite intersection with 23rd street in Ghieawe. The evidence further 
shove that plaintiff was a taxiceh driver and had been driving one 
of defendant's eaba; that abeut aix o'sieek on the morning of Kay 
Sth, 19%, having finished hie night werk, he turned the cab aver 
to the owner of it near Agckwell and Divisien streets in the north- 
woat section of Chicago; that atter doing eo, plaintiff wanted te 
go to the vieluity ef Gird street and Cottage Grove avenue in the 
southesatern seetion of the city, and hail#d one of defendant's calen; 
that the gab proceeded southward traveling in the Guter Drive, and 
as it aporcached 24rd «tract there was o Fort ear going in the same 
direetion; that the eab driver attempted te pase this Ford ear but 
the eab collided with the left rear part ef the Ford and then ran 

against a post, demolishing the cab and severely injuring plaintiff 

and the driver of the eab. A few minutes thereafter they were both 

' TS neene 
4 i Pe 
#%, ‘ cs ‘gi anou 
}: * eTorsy af tunhen' ted : 
j #Ivonto "= = 
: B® 

oer Ms puch sah “ 

“Ea38 op of iN ¥' g stad ab Trig¢abesi 

iatyoo ait XO aOTUITS SET caunavL aie moKA00"o worayt Hi solve 
{ pit gk win goeeie aat 

seveoes of @aehas tes any toalega Slee tiyuersd Weddin ds » ie 

yd hontoseun assed oven of bomiels ee livtal deserter: tol sega 

titaiele efiaw ,soasgiiqen atiavish dap edt 2 tiewet age meet 

@ tev erent ,ndao ai saahaeteb te eno al tegneseeg & ee gabhis aaw 
90d Tove? ea Tikselely al dnesahel base gelbrer « how sais? geet, 
ieecas faebr ted ent Bae GOO\a8 

Ya te galazea ef so Gb:8 Swoda Sate ebnoloeih hupeer eafT 
ene ch Tegneseeg w as guathin eew od amiats odw , thigatete pOCeCL ,al 
tanh ovird rede e2 ae hotubat yLetever aay ,adeo oe! ineban'teh Bo 
tectrwt senshive oft .ogmeleD al feerdse bxks fake noifosetetmt att 
ono gaivicth oped bacl bee “xevtxh desixed a sew WUeatele teas swore 
ya Yo galarom sat no Moelo!e xin tueda fact pedeo a! temboe toh to 
weve dao off Pood on yuicow drigte eld bedelol? gatved ,O8¢k seat 
«tition od? ai efeoute aoleiviC bus diewtieeh toon 31 Te tearo edt of 
of ot betoaw Tilwaialq ,on galoh i9fte gad? jogeotd) te aglieer. fear 
| et ah oumeva ever’, eyAstad bRe feotts MKE to ythuleiv edt of og 
f estan a'fauhaotob to one ballad baw ,ythe sd? te agisoon ame segprisuoe 


| fates ent at gatog tas brel 6 ssw omsdd toerte Hxth herlasonqqe #2 ae 
| tud tae brol ele? saeq of hetgmetia tevich deo add sand ;melsoonth 
soe edd ban brol sad te Hueg taex Yel ent Mew bebLE Lon dno exit 
Ttlraiale gaivetad yletoves base deo ont anhéntioneb ,t00q a tenhaga 

ee eh ied 

{| bin erin’ we Pw ons mal ant iovert brgwidnen’ Pohemoere dae, , a * 

“dted orem yout wwI'twomnds astunin wot A daw od? Yo wovinh ed? baw 


taken to the hoepital where plalntif? remained fer a eensiderable 

There ia ne dispute eas te theee facta, exeept that defendant 
eontends that plaintiff was being given a free ride in the cab: 
that he wae “deadheading" and therefore defendant, under the law, 
would not be liable unless it maliciously injured plaintiff, ef 
which facet there ise ne evidence, and the sourt aheuld bheve 4ireaeted 
® verdict in defendant's faver, as requested; that in any event the 
verdict ef the fury in fover of plaintiff ie against the manifest 
weight of the evidenes, 

At the request of defemiant the eourt inetructed the Jury 
that if they found from the evidence thet vlaintiff was net a nage~ 
enger for hire in ue eat at the time in question, their verdict 
ehould be fer the deffemdant. There was evidence to the @ffect that 
Pleintiff war » possenger for hire at the time he was injured, and 
therefore the motien of defoncant for an instructed veordiet was 
properly denied, The guegtion then is, le the finding of the fury 
te the effect that plaintiff was such passenger acsinet the manifest 
Weight of the evidence? Plaintiff testified that shortiy after eix 
o'eleek in the morring he hafle@ the cab in question am4 cot inte 
it an @ passenger, riding in the rear seat; that he had the money 
in hie seeket ané expected to pay his fare; thet he fSirseted the 
Ariver to take him te Bord street and Cotiage Grove avenue; that 
he 4i¢ wet know the gab 4river; thet he (platmtigs) 444 oct wear 
® ehauffeur's uniform when he drove the eab during the night, bat 
were a chauffeur's cap which he tarned ever te the owner of the 
eah ebout six o'eleck in the morning, as soove siated, 

Defendant called two witmesere, ene « claim adjuster vho 

lived in the nerthweet sectien of Cnhicage about fifteen miles from 

the place of the accident, sne was notified shertly after the accidmnt 

eidatthionne « 10% bothanex Ytkiniese exede Lettered pli ot metad 
fmebne teh Sadt iqeome ,afoat onsitt ef sa adele en at — 

idao od? at ois bert « movin gaked maw Wiateiets sacs whasds00 

. vite eas xo bow ined: ata sioleteas hae “gal berdhoek" new ed sade 

Yo ,Yrivalele hen tag ‘inwo tot Lam ah ene Law ofdens ad to binow 

betowsts ovas Biveda s2u09 ona ban eoanbive on ad pe teak sty delw 

ond Sneve yw at tact? ;Sedeeugex sa .teva't etomphne'boh at golbsev o 

tagtinem eat tealegan of Yiitaletlg ‘te tose? af yew edd le tobbter 

ree ety  sormbive of Yo daghew 
yl ofr Lesoindant gives ons gnobnoted Io dmenpat wxtoke Oo Loe 

-saeq @ $08 kaw Tikialei¢ tedt sombive sd¢ mow? bewe? yal TE hails 
vaibeov viess ,neliearp al emis os? 39 daw ect mh orld ae? tegme 
dad goet% odd oS evapbiye aew ore .damhem'teb wnt vet od htwedte 
bee ,hotehal caw en gomby ede da onle «at neguvaran # omw This abate 
aay toibiey bosovigent ag Tok dambasled to aobtem edt ovoteted? 
Rub. esd 20 gutbat peda jab aedtd, motseown: ‘As hedeoh yLueqoeg 
deetiaas ons faulaoge iwatsseng stone naw Tikeataty sass: goo'tte ode et 
i aia taf'te vitro tard fediltesd Thitwaies® fesaebiee’ ae he: ‘siighew 
etek goog haw mobdeesp, ab das oat beLfadt att gabernowm edged) touts! @ 
COuom ont het oo teat 7e02 Taet ort ah gabbty ,toytonneg wee tt 

fedd joumeve syotd egads00 has dentta bee Of mba eter oF een 
coaloy See test bth (WUsstabala) of sade. provieh des: ont womt Pew KLD od 

gt Lp temwe ef of cove boi? od dodtiw qen a? awe Theesto @ orev 
ee shedede. evods eh .patorem odd ab: fooko'e xiv-sueds deo 

git Toinuhhe. atate « ene ,eeeseatsw owe bedigo ¢aebaeted nn 60) 
moet ae ite anezt kt guede egactsy to moltees teewstxom oa sb howd t 

| fnath inca odd x9te. Larose, heRRLAeG Naw aun jdnedtoon rend Xe! o0aite’ ould 

«) e4t betoes ls off tage ;ete't sist geq od hetoogee fae Sodpoy wht at aS 

. geod ,Ssghs edd gatcteh deo ot everh of andw aeetiow af re tues: « 

_— oe 

he tentified that he took a street car and went te the asene of the 
accident where he arrived some 26 or 3%) minutes after it had taken 
place; that he found the eab demoliebed near the post and foun4 
that the fiag on the meter hed mot been pulied - that 1% was 
etraight uy - and therefore the meter did not ragister. The ether 
witness testified that he saw the cak when ft wag taken to the gare 
ag@, hich wae about three or fours hours after the sovident; that 
the flag on the meter was broken off; that the meter was in an wpe 
right pesition, whieh would indicate that the meter #sa not in use 
prior te the accident. The driver of the eab in guestion waa net 
galled ay w witness, There ls some savidence that the day before 
the trial defendant tried to lecats oim but wee umeable te de ee. 
There ies further eviderce to the effect thet plaintiff hed earned 
during the night befere between taree avd four dellers sed thet the 
fare he would be required te pay the eab driver weuld be about 
$2.78; end it fe argued thet it would be unreasonable te ascune that 
plaintiff would pay cut nearly ail of his night's wages when ke 
eguld go te the place he desired for seven cents ctrect ear fere, 

Rilsintiff testified that Re wished te gc to S4r¢ street 
and Cettnge Grove uvenmue at the time in question to see a wan with a 
view te purchasing from \im a taxieab and that he was informed the 
Ben could be sceon in that vicinity between seven and eight o'eleek 
in the worming; that he 414 mot went te adas the man and therefere 
teok the cab. 

The jury saw and heard the vitueceses testify; the issue was 
fimple and ensily understood; they found in faver of the plaintiff; 
thelr verdict was aporeved by the trial Judge, whe sino waw the 
witnécces and heard them teatify. Upon a careful ceneideration of 
#11 the evidence in the record, we are uratle te sey that the 

Tinding ie againet the menifest weight ef the evidence, 


= eS os OOS 

Pacey 4 ea F iti. CET ae ‘ay ip aaa Uae Bry inated ot 



and te sneos sais ot taew bas wo feonte ¢ * font o8 tant heltasest od 

eee a if 

mint boos iv ite ‘eoduahe or <0 of enon hoviwen on ‘ome tassios 
,beoe® hae seeq edt teen hese tLomns doe one bawet on Ride oud seve ta 
sew + tact? - boxing aood soa bod xefom at ao mie . 
x9Kt0 out? : _sedeigen tou Nh setem ota oro tenons ae - ew ‘giants 

~t83 add ot soled naw fh “wonte x0 oad wan on tant “borntsest 9 

fase ;tandtooe ons wots wasiou x60 sd eeu oi sods. = as, aa Rs J 
or ae ak ane xeses oui? Sasit ;Te aexord aor rena or fo gert ouit 
eeu at ten saw aetox ois sat a0 that biuow Hotse “malt ines 2aghe 


ton aw ply Ra ni ‘des oat <= svieh oat staebtoss ail at at 
Lapeer i: Be Ye ee tino 
Deda eas tec sven eommbive ammo 8 at eros wanad ie + bi se flee 
} OEY te, Nae 

03 ob 38 efdaau asw td ats etsoel 08 ho tas tan boos 29 yey oat 

“a > nae yet Ba eR OE alee 
betas bast Teds ale fg todd tosis oda Sd faaoblve wedoue? at gun pt 
ons tans daw exaliob aot bus vouds ngowted ‘eteted Saute sat aun P 
We twos od bivew moviad 4 dos ‘edt ve ag bextuper a Diwow out ove 
acd omens ed 2 Sdauoasona ad bivow ab tastt bowens 82 4. 4 pero 387.39 
od snd aogew at daty2a als 29 tia viseon vue a Stuer bi een 

“wrt tHe texte tias9 usvon x81 horiaen ed eons octt af. oa gimme : 
Rie RRS go ee ae te Be 2 

sovite sate had am, of becdatw net taitt bo ttsees Veteatass 

etude wake cal hag ad 

r “a be an © “90 of ne: teaup at ouhd oss ta aante vs eroz0 ayatted - 
' Uva tagian’ A ie: aes. 
outs douretal aow ont add ban Geabaes a aid art gateasonug od wsty 
e: AA ANE hh ae ae 
Hoots" e tigke bats aaves avensod lately tad? at noes od ‘stuos aos . 
FAR eT ‘ie 
exetersd! ba nes ot neha of aa tom bib od tase jaateren out oh 
Bh, RR Sty A ae RN 
AD SANE AC aa Seislcih hl co 
eaw une out “petdeaes senso) ts ont and bas wen ytut 
es b Seren we 
Mibsainca out te weve nk paws? ‘vous ‘booserebaw yltses bets 
Avie a eS ee aR er 
ents <i on fe oie vagbut felt ous xd beverage ane Niven che 

WW) a Oe a 
to aolteredtanos iutexo « og syilaaes ses? breed bus secsoadie 
; Ri Aue ER ata NaN 
one dans wea ot ofteas ome ow regs odd ek sonstive out ‘fte 
Cae SRO Nae eRe oh howd £ 

_sponentye ona 0 sagtow faottooa om} tentnge af 



Defendant further contends thai the court erred in refueling 
am inetraction tendered by it, by wate it wae cought te have the 
court instruct the fury that if they found fro the switence thet 
plaintiff wae riding in the cab at the invitation of the cab 
driver without the intention ef paying my Gare, or to berome a 
passenger for hire, then the plaintiff sould net reeever. The 
argument in support ef this offered instruction ie, taat if slaine 
tifs wane net & passenger but wae riding omly at the invitation 
oY the éGriver, he could net recover unless he waa maliciously 
injurad, and that thers wae ne ald egation in the d@olaration that 
would warrant a verdict finding that pisintiff wae gnllelouely 
injured, Be authority da cited in suppert of tide ereummt, 

Yhe ineatruction was treperly refused becuase there was ac evidence 
thet the piaintiff was riding si the invitation ef the Ariver, 
Mereover, at abave etated, the jury was ingiructed at the regueet 
ef defentant thet plaintiff could net resover unless the jury 
believed from o preponderance of the evideneo that sialntiff, at 
the time in question, was a pasmanger for hire, Ye think the 
inetruction given sufficiently severed the point, amd that it 

wae net errer te refuse the inatruectieon, 

The fudgsent of the Clroult court eo Cock county is 


‘Batehott, FP. J., concurs, 

Besuraly, 7., dissents, 



gaievtor at here Sseae ead Jasid shaetacy ened 28 dawhasrot 

eg ove of Pdynaoe cee ot ho bat ea wat @ pewebned sotsourteat ie 
gust soneh hye iy moat haue? ad th fait vist, oad fourgoa fan08 
dae wat? xe mobbed baad ext 28 dae edt ak gaitis ‘en0 Tittntate | 

' ee 

s poate we as te , etek ye atlas Ye noltaetat welt twentte aoviab 
aut? stovansr jou Bluwe Viktateig ont cmelt orkid 0" sayananag 

-niate ti ‘gada at aodtenasent hoteto ead 2 srozau ak toon 

aeitativul oad ta elon natdsx aww tut TeRsOARER 4a toa aaw mus 
wiovetel inn sew ed anedew a fea tives od storks oad Xe 
sake aolsataioes em ak PR on naw teat taste baa boxutat 
Glaweled tex exw Vebealedg dadt abbas sekbuey a fnew biuow 
Sepang ae ald? to Suoqque ab bedke ae Ya sod os od " sbenwhat 

Soaehive oa naw otult exuaged heaxtet cireqorg a ok toussant om 

tevivh 94f Yo uclsadivat od? ta gaibes eer Vitsateca ont tacts 
dueupex odd te besownsans ase vont, add ,botade oveds ae cweverst 
eta esta ess inw reve0st tou biueo Tritatete taut Smhactes ‘xo 

te Videubeig sass eons S99 aay Ye coamrebnogete * mort pave Liod 
edd aided 98 .axka cot 4ogue sang 4 saw smolsuenp a ‘ontt ‘eat 

th gad0 ban ptatog od? bexsveo Ysimicl Tiss asviy morsoursant 
sHokfowtdask o¢ pavten of tocte tens lead 

et wae ‘deed ‘to #xaeo “Hiuentd nas Bing samt eet 

satu0 809 Lobo reedoeam 
AD Be 3 Pi fa ee 
_satnoanth ‘ack hoaidol 

vt geht she 
Wah one Awe 

ay : NE 
Feonmvtesy wet Lhe 

Cr aera we yok ae | ; 
cy iyi? ae 






j Appeni from Gireult 

App el] art 

Court, Cook County 


Males! Mom Sec Nes Migr Tigger? 

=s ss oo 
Gp % > : 
WALTER S. TASLSON, Breeutee, é ‘E tothe VU oO i 




Mabel ¢. Van Vilasingon filed  r wmended eclaiw in the 
Probate court of Cook county agains’ the wstate of her father, 
John . GCarleon, deceased, for $20,489.15, (11,784.20 of wnich 
was the proceeds of an endowment life insurances polley iesued to 
her father in which her mother, Gusie lL. Garlson, eas the bene- 
ficlary. The balanee of the elaim (4,604.95, wia for interest 
at 6 per sent per annum,from July ©, 1918, the day on whieh the 
money was paid by the insurence comenny te John 4%. Uarison. There 
was a hearing before the eourt, the claim ms disallowed, smi the 
@leilmaat appealed to the Gireult court. [4 the Gireuit curt there 
was 2 trial without «4 jury, the claim ves agnin disallowed, ond this 
app eal follow ed. 

The reoord diseloses thet dnly 8, 1903, the 7quiteble Life 
Assurance dotlety issued ite policy of insurame to John #,. Carlaon, 
by whieh it agreed, upon satisfactory proofa of his death, to pay 
910,000 to his wits, Susie 1, Garlson, if living, or if she was not 
then living, to the assure('a executors, administrators or sasigns. 
The policy alec provided that if tne assured was living July 4, 
1918, the 910,000 would be pald te him, if the policy waa then in 
force. | 
April 8, 1904, the sam asswronee soelety lasued sn oth er 


5 Ye 


ThE TOT 66s dun oaw rar 

BM scabs OEE a ae Sm ORT Ree ly Ee 
(HORM CM MON 26 re res aA MY 

aso) HOOD, go uie8t 

we ee wd cf 


Be. FR IR - 
v = 

460. AT - cs 8 

PO ON BPO en cml fie - 

SOR ee ee My 
 Bsvgeni HOE TIAD ok x a 
¢ pabteges. hee a Re EES. 

“eager Po ty wad a 
a ie 2) none ate * eat vhanaptbed ‘aoniene “as oes 

apart dhangeye 

way ied abide sini sa. poitt panini, af pas dooms aed 
_, steele, tet to etaten edt, Jentaga “lave Xoe0 Me saaae,os adext 
Mote 19 O97, LLG BL.80, 08) wr ,dogavoeh ,zoaktaD i Adel 
of bowest wileg sumement otit tppumokne a Me abeavors att daw 
~éaed of? vey .sonlre) 1 piavd .rodrom zat mide iagecioetl 
teeters ml eew ,60,299,5) min te od) th, comeled | | 
o6t doidw ne yeh os? ,MICL 4? ytot sh, ten Nh, ines, sec 8.90 | 
erat? ,gogitad .M mdot of yanguns spew urand aft NS, Dleg, Bom, Np mee 
exit haw ,dewellanlh gem nbate Sat 9FtwOd BAS ereted guises. a aaw 
ered? tay eo, dhwertd edt af _stwoe a 2wesad eft. ot belsogga iuamteto 
Shit hoo ,bewolLestd siege ane mials edt exw » tweds te Latte, 6 pom 
howe beeen 
wi bs sdet tap ea , (Boer ec 5 elyt fee? sooeles kb boom ont ao bil 
toelind i asiet of ootetimat To yileg aff peumas lini ms ae oe 

wed OF gaifeedh ald to whoore Ytot este Li ae ages, 2 baw A 
tom amv ede Ui »aeivil UM ,soalted »2 eleet setae wt os mien 
<Syiaan to mote wtebttwhs ,exmotusete etheress one ca spate ost 

e? Ulvb nutvtt caw Denese ate Th ode bed tone cals york 
“GE mes9 een Wotton ox 22 yubd of blag o¢ S.u0N _—— ? 


policy for $10,000 to John M. Carlson, payable under the same ¢on- 
ditions as those mentioned in tie first polley, except that it 
agreed to pay the 710,0°0 to John M. Garlison December 26, 1918, 
if the policy was then in force, 

Susie lL. Carlson, the wife, died in 1910, and in July and 
Décember of 1918, the assured, John M. Csrison, reeeived from ths 
assurance society $11,784.30 in gatisfaction of each of the policl es. 
The evidenee further shows tmit John M. Gerlson, ?rom tims to time 
invested and reinvested the money raceive?d from the two policies in 
real estate mortgages, some of which tore interest at § ver sent 
and some at 7 per cent; thet in 19128 he remarried but he and his 
second wife separated in November, 1930. He died April 7, 1931. 
Mareh 14, 1925, John “. Carlson executed iis will whieh was admitted 
to prdbate in the Probate cow? of Cook county, and the estate is 
being administered by His executor, “alter 4. Uarison, a nephew. 
By the terms @ the will his second wife, Idw N. Garlaon, and his 
daughter, Mabel Carlson, now Mrs. Yan Vilssingen, the claimant, were 
given the right *o oeeupy the homestead in Chienzo s8 long as elther 
of them desired to do so, and after either of then seased to oeoupy 
it as a hom, it was provided that it showld beeome a part of the 
reaiduary estate. The wife, Ide A. Gurlson, ws given $50,000 to 
be paid to her in cash or in roal estate loans at par, as she might 
@leect, in liew of «11 eleaims she might mve seainst the estate, 
including dower and widow's award. The residue of the ostate was 
divided equally between the deceased's two daughters, Mloreme Carl 
Lewis, and Mabe Garlsen Van Vlissineen. Mabel o@@upied the home 
elite in Chiesgo until sometime softer she was mrried, 

Walter i. Carlson testified that he was 2 nephew of ths 
deceased and executor under the will; that he G14 gonsiderable bus 

‘+ Stunned in hia lifetime md eas familiar vith his 



“too emew ort tebe ofdoxyeg wealvad uM nitot ei GOO, 01% 0% wtleg 
th jet tqvoxe ~pllog tert? ont st Basel 3.6m erent? os enol. 
eBleL St tedmavet aoa led «SM tight of 96 0,015 oat we ay dowxpe 
seonet at a oe wifer est ' 
hoe yint nt ‘bas 0LeL nb be th thin odd (aoeten® at ohawe 
i, mont Sov esex «somite? «Mi met ybetimas eat GOS % redo 0@t 
288 bitoe mtd ‘te deoe w notdostaltine at O8 OY 5 L6G wWotos oom reese 
amit of omit mot? , aon tusd .M sdol ¢ af? awods tedieet sone hive ete 
nit aeteliog ows ait aovt boviesst waor oft Seteoratey bre besaovat 
tows veg 3 fo fastetnt oied doldw Ww ese jeanenttom otsites Ino 
ad ban edt ¢ wd be issaies es ‘ateL nb Peete Ets9g seq z fa spuee bas 
+ibel a Linaa be tb ou +08er «ta ao oS nb Poterenne am’ A ne 
bo? abo aoe tokiy tite abit ber neexe moa lsal ai eae 
el of ate out baw conw8 wo0d, to 7 mree stadors ass a pore s 
Mer 8 eoatnsd oe Sed Lav 1 totpeexe aks ww ba ore Le, 

iis Ais 
cia Tapia 

waste. . anol Be Keays md beoteenon ott pica Cy phi ee en “Wi 
qauuroee of beasoe ow ci te rents 1e ‘teste bas 208 bul ot Meeeh me : 4 
edt *» sts a vmoaed Bivens $1 3 ete bebtvory pew an) mie! “ 
os 000, 08% norte se sHoslasd ol abt etle oat rotate | scsi eon 
etete ede wo ,teq te amet otatae tees al 16 dase at ted of Sag of 
_. setatee oft teateas svat tiple ere amtake ite To. ae. ae steele ‘ 
eaw efeteo edt To oubiees ont bisa e*wobiy bas xewob g Lomk 
dx09 e mmrors ora? due ane at beaneoeb odd toute Lampe si vEh 
mod at Seiqubee toda .noguter LY meV mp1 ve 

‘g me 

affaires; that a number of times his uncle, John &, Uarlaon, teld 
him that before his first wife died she requested him to preserve 
the life insurance for the two daughters, whieh he had promised to 
do; that about eight yeara before John i. Carleen died, he ezain 
mentioned the insurance money to the witnes¢ and stated Khe 4i4 net 
know whether he would give the money at that tise to the girle and 
that he was mentioning this matter so thet the witnese would be 
“pested om things.” we further stated that the seney was seeumue 
lating fast and he hed se ambition to double it for the cirle; that 
en May 8 and on October 16, 1949, Jehn &. Carlson drew Kis tre 
eheeks for $10,600 each payable to the orgéer of Krs, Lewie, and en 
hie cheok stub neted, "For half paysent on life insurance poliey 

and interest,” and on the other cieck stub, “Fer bal. payment on 
life insurance oolicy and interest.* These sheeka were rseelved 

and eashed by irs, Lewia, Ue further testified that John &. Carleon 
444 business unter the name of John Kk. Garison & Co., ané carried 
hie bank aecount in thie mame; that Jenn =. Garleon eaid the reason 
he sent the checke te re, Lewis wae that her husboend hed made a 
request for a lean; thet he weuld not lend Sim any seney: that he 
would make a distribution of the insuranee money to Florence, *hich 
he had been helding for ker; that on Hevewber %), 19K), the witness 
wrote a letter for his unele at the uncle's request; thet the unele 
then copied the letter in hie own handwriting and mest it to Heward 
Lewis, ire, Lewis’ husband, whe was living in New York, The letter 
was reeeived by Er. and ire, Lawis whe efterward mieleia it, but the 
copy of it is in evidence. The letter refers to a misunderstanding 
eoneerning income tax on the life insurance meney *«hieh was received 
by Carlsen in 1918. That $10,660 waa fer the faee of the poliey and 
the other $10,006 which he sent te Fierence wae for the accumulation, 

over a nunber ef yeare, on this gum which he had invested, the 

letter states: “Florence'a Mether wae the beneficiary of the matured 

bie? ,noatzed .4 ado ,etons alr semis le soduwn @ tad? penteTte 
evEsnety ed mba boteonpes nce hath wtiv tout e hai ateted aut wks 

6d heataore bed od cutee sere tsiguat aw? oad at ronenwent “prt edt 
atage on ,both aonited «i nstot ezoted w Ley diigo suede ‘tad 0b 

fea bib os betatea Dow eaeativ edt 09 ysaom sonetweni ouis benot?ava 
bas @itis ed) of walt gall te yonom ‘ods ovta binow on vost wond 
od biuow saeatiw eae fans oe ted dam w tis ant ol#mem al ios taste 

_ mieniepen awe Yemom end Fesi2 bodeze reste? ak * eyaldls a vod 
tads jaizdg ong tot 32 gidwok of moka ida a ‘hast oa bas tant ‘aaksed 
oxd aid worb sonteed a milet es eL at redor00 ae no howe 8 yal mo 

ao bag ,etwed ,och to teht0 ed of afdoyag ioe 000,048 xt siiooris 
ywiteg spanzuend eli no J asaneq 3 Last sot" hoten dwto fondo ‘ata 

ae Inomyeq .iad 19%" ,dute 9: 2 ‘ertse ould sa hanes * ,tenmeent bas 
heviooes ote esgoto onemt *,: pao e sek bra wi ker onmtvent ut 
soadxed .i xdot, Jade hel iigess xeddrwt of vabwot anid “6 sexinns, ‘ban 
hatutes bao ,.00 & monLusd 1 adobe oan edt xehaw envatons BED 
soseet of blew moeizad .M asta tas? tema adds as sawoons ond ote 
2 Siew Ses Soadaud tod Jastd naw aiwed etl od sdooso ott “tase os 

ea tacit ¢ypaes yas ald booed soa hinew on dass jas e x0 “teouper 
Heide ,sosetelt af yonem aonsteeal ants to mokdudtaseld * eden btoow 
senaiiv edd , Mei , OS tedewvek ag test ited tot gatbcos 00d bet - 
ofent ado tadt j;feouper atefoas ec3 fa ofoaw oid tot wgtek * sour 
Rtawed of G1 daea haa galiiavband awe etd af todded oat betger ‘anas 
segtet off ave wok af gatvil aow ocr ,haedend Vateed_ oat sete 
ont tut ,tt btalebe buawsedts, ow gland -a7% hae, 24 yd AOIONOE BOF 
guibasehauets oof wirolet witet sat, ,eemeblye a an 4 BI c 

fetteaes saw rindi yous eonmivant whit ont 9 Bad gm oak rho OMe 
baa yoltey et, Yo spat od TO? sew. 000,049 samt of ser | bone i aa ° 
Hottalmyoges ois Toh saw enagTelt ef ¢aos, ga seddw O00 

edt ,bedoevat hed wt soddw awe e2dd we ,atooy Te 

hetiten ost to vunkor toned eit eve eae tele ie nee 

Cavey Bane ce 


Endowment policy &@ requested that 1 de ag above stated - I Ao 
not knew wheter or not this ie canstrued se a gift, imheri- 
tance or insurance *«** It dees mot ween to me that it (ie). 

an inheritance but rather a sert of trust fund in the girls 
behalf decided upon by their Kother & myself - fhoir Rother 
passed away in 1910, leng before the maturing of the policies, 
and’ when the policies matureé 1 secured the woney and invested 
it for the girls. Because of my income tax and questions re- 
garding same, 1 an gure yeu will hear from the income tax bureau 
in Hew York, and I auggeet you make your requeat te file am 
amended etatecent. I am serry there has beer a mixup ever this,* 

Clara G. Garson, 2 sister-in-law of deceased, testified 
that during the war Jonn &. Garleon was reeciving some money from 
life ineuranee and was giving some to his relatives, The witness 
"asked about the girls and he ssid, "Yell, their mother's Life in« 
surance ie in trust for taexn.' Thie wag after urs, Carlweon's death. ® 
The witness slso testified that Carleon eeid that the money which 
he had received from the tec insurance policies was secumlating 
sq that new there wae about $19,500 fer gach of the girla; that he 
pat it in trust for them; that on another eceasien ke told the 
witness he had given Florence ber share and that Kabel would get 
hers later. 

Blia G. Carlaon, suother sister-in-law of Jenn &. Sarleon, 
etated that im 1950 he teid her thet he had dome well vith *that 
trust fund, thoee insurance policies held im a trust fund, I have 
turned ever here to Flerence and 1 am just levking for a goed ine 
veatment now to turn over Label ta." 

Stella K, Coleman testified that she was sequainted with 
John &. Carlson and visited at his home about Desember, 1929; that 
he then showed her a letter written by hia firat wife Susie abeut 

the ineurance policies, in wich Susie stated she wanted him te 


eh £ « Sedare orede da oh I fexti bodes mpet & eo dfoy fomavobat 

Pre sei , #324 2 9a Bbowr fanes ‘at elas dou xo sonderw womd gen 

{al} $3 tead om 64 moon fon eooh #2 *** eoastseat te pened 

afzly eat af bavt saws? to dyee a xositen Sud sound tesdat ae 
tentox thos? - thodye 4 t0dted chest? yd mous Bobloet ‘asin 
,satokier edd to guitwéam ot eteted aaet ,OL9E al wera veonag : 
beoteovnt baa Yano #4? Aetwoow I benwdem este tion oar sonst bate 

mx anoliecup bas mat omeont ye ‘te savesett saints outa 10% ah 4 
decid xat emoonl edt att wed Lliw vey ewe aa i ves gatbaay 
ns GLPt of Peouper Twoy eden sox facggue t baa ix Pod a 

* a hag +eve quxtm 2 feed eect arens eries mm I aon Sate benaen 
boltises? ,beeseseh To ¥a faa }atotete & ,orreS a etal oe | 
mort Ywom soot gaiviesss aay neelie) oa auto’ rew one gard v 
esendiw oat leevitates: ald oF oinos ‘patvis aw ben sonmtwent ete 
ea} Stic se tedtest shecd , Liew ,blee ont baw erihy odt tuota boxina® : 
sob @'Wortuad et t0dts saw bicT * edd x0? saurt al et conan 

to Eeie yomow oS? Sal? bies aoetiad duct fot ivest o@ fe anoudiw oft 

gatvefinwess ea avtoiloy eanetuent awd ode won't bovioost bast oa 
ot teslt :atths of9 ‘Io dose 10% 008,824 suede sow sans won $08 on 

‘pis BLos oh selemoos tesivoxe no doxtt “pmo 1a taut at a ag 
fog biuow (4dak tadt ban eras vod sono Tost nov ast on { eamad iw 
,toetin® 6M sdot to walsal-xedels nodd one ‘i 2 allt meat a : 
add” ditw Liew each bad od Sand test B63 od cnet mt swiit betare a 
@vad ft jhav't gaurd « at bled asiollog oonsteent Saodd , hawt wt deucd 
“at béoy # tot galdool taut, sa T bin ooantert of ated hed’ it a” ag 
* 0! fede rove mud ot heal tanadaoy 
digtw betninuses aew onde saitt Soft itend mame ted it oF 

(falg [ORCL jxednmend swede ainod etd ta betikiv bas diverted vee” 
suede otewt otte seatt abd yt add iew ‘wader * eos voweda abd oil . 

o F 3 
g? mid betaew ori: fodeda elewt dictee at ‘ venient” 


give the girle the ineuranes celicies; thet she wanted nin te 

hold the money in trust for the girls “antil taey are o1¢4 enough 
or until they seed it;* that John #. Userleon said at that time 
that hie seeond wife said he ghould not have sent the $20,000 te 
Florence, and he replied that 1% wae Plerence's money and that he 
hed Mabel's and would give it to her when he thought she needed it. 

In addition to the foregeing witnesses, the claimant ealled 
L. P.Miller, an attorney whe Bad repreeanted Jenn #. Carlecs in a 
mumber ef matters in 1956. the witness stated Ke wae willing te 
teatify to conversations with John &. Carlsen, but Jid net want te 
be criticized for reveaiing professional disclosures. ‘tnereupen 
the executor stated he nad ne objection, but ceulieeh fer the exe~ 
cuter objeeted, and etated that ae bad no right te waive the ebjee- 
tien; the chieetion was sustained, Counsel then made an offer te 
ehew what the witmess would testify te, whieh waa in eubetenee thas 
John KH. Carlson had stated he was holding the inauranee money in 
trust for his daughters. 

Glaimant's position seems to be that whan Jehn *. Carleen 
in July and Geecember, 1915, received the money under the pelicies 
from the assurance society, it wae received by him as a trustee fer 
his two daughters, ani this sees to be predicated on the fact that 
the policies, when they were i«sued, were made payable te Gusie i. 
Garleon, the sesured's first wife, and thet #he requested Jehn &. 
Garleon te keep the insurance solisier and the money fer the tve 
daughters, and that afterward John i. Corieen stated te several 
witnesses tist s« was helding the money regelved frem the insurance 
company in trust for the dsugnters, 

We think the eentention eannet be sustained. the policies 
were issued in 1905 and 1904; they were payable te Gusie iL. Corleen, 
the wife, in ease she curvived her husband; but they sles previded 

that if the eesured, John &. Cerleon, was living 15 years after the 

we oe 

oF id dotanw ode Pang aakeliog sonotuant acid efeaa: yea ~~ 


totus ble ot qent ibing* aiuts ahs 402 jure ok conem ons kod 
onbe Pere, $a bias aoa kaad oil C ate dads "3s been wens fiom 0 
at 600,086 edd gase avast ton btsvoste oa bine oie baooes aka tae 
ed dat baa yea a! sonore naw ot seus be htge ‘ed hae sane t0t 
22 beboen exe Ssigueds @ aa aosiw aed of ah orks biwow haw a! india bad 
he Liao J oeais to ete \seazoat iw gateaece’ este os ‘not d tbbe ‘at 
2 ab moe ta) at nstet be gnoaoxgo1 hesl oste vemnot fa ue Road pe 
od pak ithe ear oul bodage azonz tw oat 1088S ak eredten % redawn 
ot anew fou bib dud mea dead 4 adie’ uy bw angdtasroraos a eilsas, | 
Roquersat eotuectautd tanoiaas org paliaover to baxkoss bao ad 
“axe odd tot foassueo tus Wotto0 ide an hast oul hetete xotuvexe ‘eat 
~ootde one eview ve ‘tight oa bad ‘as Saas bo dasa ron ‘bores tde wate 
ot ‘aetto fie eban ‘ata conned sboaboreue ant neiteette * mis aaoke 
saris sounsedue at saw ‘doddw ot elitesd biuow anoatiy ‘on 4 ‘daaw 9 
a wean oonssusak ant patbied ane o4 hatate bad oa tea — 
| sates ste xe ae ‘ 
moaitad eo cutet nenw suc od of Bi 8 net tiaeg at taneteso pnetiones 


a eat ; 
aoloiios ess xebac xeon. eat bevisoes 1040 vtedanoe aw ent an 

aot sotawts 2 se mis qt bevieoss saw 32 yeoloon sonecumns outs son a 
Sad? text et? ae betas thexg ad of eames ahaa bie setesiguat ont ne 

‘a a nity “ 
| o iam ‘ot okdayag ‘ehaw oxew bound stew ‘wae edu “snolodtog ouls 

rad @ 

“i miet boreeupor enn sadit bas ,otiw gert? 2! hewaes eas mn Ee 
‘vd on? 16% yonom odd bas astottog ‘senetinat one aves 8 mea tiad 

rad: Lo) 
“[oteven of hosed moelaad oii alo buewisd te sass bas -ereaageah i 

oe BS a ee ows ao tt hevisoos yesiout add ake fod sew od sack mee 

ie , sexed squab asi xe sound ow : seuee ° 

soko log ent ehoatataue od tonnes salsaed 00 ous ‘sos con 

aseixad wh oir us of akdayan ete% wens 00k ba soe Poa Soames, 990m ho 
pebivete ate cd tae basse xd sevivive ode hcg hall og i gn a 

eid wie Seond Fi aatyis ase anetad “ swt shorn bron ar Me 4 

ae iy 18 
A Pe i Sug 

policies were issued, the money vould be paid to him. Guele L, 
Carisen died in 1910; she waa survived by the assured hueband, and 
the money was paid to him by the Ineuranee company 15 years after 
the policies were issued, naxnely, in July ané Degoember, 1014. The 
money “as his property under the exprese terse of the policies and 
he ¢i4 set bold it aa truetes for Mie daughters or in any other ea~ 
pacity than owner. if he desire te make a gift af the insurance 
money to his daugnters, chviously he eould have done oe. Bat the 
evidence falls shert ef what the law requires to accomplish sueh a 
result. KeCertney v, Ridgway, 160 i11. 129; Weaver vy. Yeaver, 182 
Til. 287; 4) ain, 165 Ili. 2215, 

in paseing on the saeetion as te what wae required te eon- 
atitute a gift inter vives, the court in the KeCariney cease said, 
(p. 186): “Te conetitute a valid gift inter vives, possesvion and 
title must pass to and veet in the donee, or in a trustes for the 
denec. If anything remains to be fome to complete the gift, what 
eo remaine to be dene cannot be enforeed, an it im based npen no 
consideration. * 

In the Seaver case (182 111. 287), the aseured's widew and 
hie mother esen claimed the benefit of an insurance policy upon the 
life of the busband and eon, About a year after the aseured wae 
Barried he went te the ineurance company and executed an ageigoment 
of the policy te his mother and left ene eopy with the Insurance 
company and togk the other, with the policy, te hia heme, About 
four years later he made another assignment ef the poliey te his 
wite, One scopy of the avelgnment was attached to the policy and 
delivered by him to her, the other was delivere? te the Insurance 
company after his death. The court anid (p. 290): "Both assigvments 
are admitted by all parties to have been intended by the aseignor 
as mere gifts." it was eontended by the assignment of the solicy te 

the mother, the gift was complete and that the assured had exhausted 

-i otes® ald of blag sd binow yroom sf ,heneel etew Beto tlog 
bas ,bieadnusd howseee od yd bovivrwe wew ofa (O00 at Bobb iodo 
aes'te etaey @L yAequoe seaetuent ods yf aid o¢ Shey new yonse ods 
eal .810L ,redmeoed has yint at ,yloas« ,beuiel orew ae tod ted ode 
baw a tolieg oad te autos aeetgre ed? tobas yotéqotg ala enw ‘Yetom 
| oo note yas ab to euearigued wid 6% ostaund ‘ae #h Ofor gor BEA oat 
eonetuact eid lo Ptly ao odem of etineh ex TL .asawo Mott ylseg 
eve twil oer emeb avast bivoo and ylewol vdé .Stetsgueh’ aba od youn 
a down tieilLemopoa of aetiuges wel ede fece led —— etia® ‘sanahive 
$61 -zamagt_.v_zevae® :@8l ees as Yared Hee 99) “umes 
ons .ff1 aes , i si tit 

aso 0% boxtupex eaw fade 0? an aotteeup odd a0 ileal lily 
shies sno MOAtTAION old wh tamos ad? ,woviy apie Pilg # eduyite 
ben sphanecneg goviv aegat Huth bidov « odut tience ov sy (0ek .q) 
eit tot sefvenxt # at to ,semob od at gany hos ov aga ‘tam orth: 
tate .tthy add ets tenes ob oneh ot 60 ealamet gnliityde 28  S0neb 
(on nogu beaad at th ee yhoose tae od Ponnme emoh od o¢ Kalaned on 
+ cae oe vinta hanes 
bas wohtw a'bexuane od ,(T8S .f11 S62) ened gevag¥ odd ot ‘ Pal 

ald mou qyortiog somes waa au to shieosd odd hemlalo dons 
: anv borwene odd 192s rasy a tuods noe bee hondowd ond “he ' tae 

Smomial oa as hetveexe Bas yasques ‘eonetwant oad of tnow on bodes 
sonatuent edt othe yqoe sao fel bon hit om ‘eid at “wolbieg ‘eat ‘te 
faved ~euod ald of ,yeltog edi date esite art toot Ana yaeqres ; 
ghd of xetiog ore to fusmngtaes xedtone hem ost uodel aant uo? 
hou yollow odd a3 podoatts Row tavenghaee ods ‘t. yaeo est’ eee 
, Seawiuedi att of hexevileh aaw toto oat teat ot mba xd horevi lob 
“edagangtane toa (ve «¢) blow trvon ext std aeh hd et'te YAqASO 
! tengtous oats yd bobawsat nod oved ot nelfted fhe vt “betiiabs ete 
of yalles hel te Jamegi ona odd nw behassaoe ean a ‘*agtha ‘erea ea 
botavacdes basi hozwaes eit feud bas esetonoe eae sity edd mondo oid 


hie power of further aceigrment. In gonsidering thie surstion the 
eourt said (p. 291): “The eorrectness of the contention desends 
upon whether or not there was such a delivery ef the assigument as 
te put the eontrol of it and the peliey eut of the power of the 
aesigner during the remainder of hie life, It ie coneedes, as 
@learly it must be, that unless there wag such delivery the gift 

to the mother was net se perfected inter vives ax to give it validity 
a6 against the second asmignment.* “he court held that the delivery 
of the assignment to the mother was insurficlent, and ecantinuing 
aaid, “Hoe controversy 1s wede upen the orc3esitien that an actual 
Mmenuscl delivery was not necesuary, but it is admitted * = * that 

@ g002 delivery may be misde by acts withent worde, by worde with- 
out acta, or by beth; that «2 delivery may be legelly made to 5 
third pereen for the benefit of a grantec, or, af im thie case, 

the assignee. The usual mode of delivery is the sutual transfer 
from the grantor te the grantee, But it le too well undsrstece be 
@ell fer citation of authorities, that the deslaratione and conduct 
of the grantor in relation te the instrueesnt sey be such an te bee 
come equivaient te such actual delivery, and in every euch case the 
erusisl test is the intent with which the acte or declarations were 
made, and that intent is to be ascertained fren the donduct ef the 
parties, particularly the grantor, amd all the surreunding cireum- 
stances of the transaction.” And continuing (p. 992) the court, in 
paseing on the question of delivery ef a <ift or deed, said: "It 
is indispensable, whatever meane may be adapted to necomplish its 
delivery, that the deed pase beyond the fdeminion and contrel of 

the granter, for otherwise it can net he correctly sald to come 
Within the power and contrel of the grentee. Their intersets are 
diametrically eppesed, “oth cannet, consistently wlth ite sbjeete, 
have control of the teed at the seme time, and until the grenter 

parte with ali centre] ever it that of the grantee 4oes net attach. 



eis notdesup ate? yatreblancs dl tasetgiaed tatitiet Yo dower ata” 
dbaseoh motvasdnes edt ‘to aaeatdedtod ont* (ree 6g) biee Pewad 
en _— ast ‘ro yroviteb « dunn eae etedt ten 46 tadsede moqu’ 
edt “to towed ont Yo two yolion ad? Be SEO Lottoien ody int veil 

26 ,defieonds sf ¢I .exkf eid te tehalsuer eat gaireh temyivea 

| Ftig ‘ont yisvifeh seve ew oxeie ous tan tans ‘ed $eum #h ytuawle 
{ ytibitay gf eviy ot es goviy mgat hetcetxeq oe ten cbt sunbed al Ok” 
ewvifoh de sat2 Sted tries okt “ saeaigléee Saeooe ott tenlagh ea” ; 
“getedi¢ncs tox (saelsfTiudal sew reazom ond of dasmigtdee Sa7 to” 
Lantos Oh todd aobstaoger edt woqy shamed yorariedias oll" | biaa 
fan? # © * hotthuba eh ff gid ,etadddedn son dew yeeviios fauna 
idtiw eptew yd ‘ehtow tyodtiw atee rd abet od ‘yam Yee hI heog « 

g 6S Chea -ektaget of yom yxevttes 2 28a2 jeitad yd vo, crdn deo 

\ g@ds Ate at ae to \sodnaty «to Frtedsd ent Yor noosa bend 
retoaery Landon ont ob ereviton td ehod Laven oat “ledeg hain ont 

od Sedeetehan ftw oof vi #2 fut Jeotnety OXF oF todmwty sae met 
foudaes Bad aHEfetatoah ode fart pdoly tradt ie to neldadie tet Ties” 

eed of an dovn ef you Saomuxteat of? of aoltatent at rotaery ait te” a 
ot? Beas dnd Yreve al ban ~etevifed Lguted dow Oo tas Lav tope m0 

otew anoitaretosh 46 atoa ody olde Atiw Inadak ode at fued teteures ” } 
ocd Yo dsubuod odd mot? Dedlarrooaa od of #2 dustat Sods ban ebam 
atigrin quibawerrie ont Efe Nas |totaety off “lteiislrtaq ,eokPiag” 
at ,fewes ot? (R08 Je) gateatsans ‘had * nottveswantt sdf “te Bobadse 
$I° PBine (hosh to #tly & te ytovhioh YW molrasap any rarer 
eff deticatoan of hedqohe od yim etena toveraie” jeldaan 
4g Lowdaes bas matataob eatt haoed weag Boos ot sade seteraten 
“gmee 62 Stas Ciroeetss ed don aap $2 eatossrtrs ‘sot Mavis oat 
| gen ateevesnt cdedt  oodoary otf 6 tortase ~. ore 
ede tte WER Ad 20 (rind ha tdnds ” (eaildo debe” a 
 sednery orte Lbseit baw jomes onde watt ‘ba bedt"eatd 20 ; 
jdoadde fod woot s0tiinty eds to tat 92 HV" “toxtdos fee ashe sta” 

wwe if the grantor retains dowinien and aontrol over it, the deed 
ie ineffectual for any purpose as a conveyance." Im that case a 
witness testified that om the date the aesured Filked out the 
blamks .atthe sifice of the Insurance sempeny he directed the wit- 
ness to infors the assuredt's mother that he “hed ageigned his 
policy of life insurarnee in the Aetna Life ineurenee goxpany, of 
2000, te her, gag Be woul’ keep She policy ond seelenment Sox 
her;" that the ritness communicated thie te the mother and she ree 
plied it wae very kind of her son. ‘The court sei@ (p. 295): *Thie 
testimony, considered soot favorably to the appellee {the mother) 
morely amounts to cayines that he made the aseignment, retained 
possession of it, and sent word te his mether that he hed made it 
and that he would ‘keep it for her.'” it wae held thie wae ineuf- 
ficient te wake a vaild gift. The court continuing (p.997) quetea 
fron the ease of Zadgley vy, Votrain, 64 111. 35, as follewa: "if 
the trust is perfectly erated, #6 that the donor or settler has 
nething more to de and the tersen seeking to erfoerce it has need ef 
no further conveyance, *«* it will be carried into effeet, although 
it wee witheut consiceration snd the oospeseion ef the property was 
net changed, * 

im Willigis ¥, Chamberlain, 165 11. 210, supra, it wea 
held that to camstitute a valid gift inter vives *there ruet be a 
delivery ef the subject of the gift or sete equivalent therete,” 
In that case tee sieters claimed the insurance as gifte under twe 
policies om the Life of their deceased brother. The pelicies were 
payable te the asaured's legal representative end were found after 
his death in a tin bom kent by him in a wesult, Attached ts the 
policies were sesicrmente, one te each sister, The insured and his 
wife were extranged, Witnesses testified te conversations they 
had with the sesured in whieh he stated that he had assigned the 

imeurenge to his two sisters on4 informed then of thet faet, and 


heob ed ,J4 teve Loxtaoe ban Bolsines eatasey teinety eg FE wer 
(& onan leas ri * Senayevaos # 86 MOGiNG THe Ty douwteoi tend ot 
3 oe rwe bist bowvane eas eter oat ag test beliistesd perres 
atte nig besoexth oni ean genn sone twat eae Le ookt ia ast tee. alse 

ei bomloas hast” nal Said weals out e'hotwaes eds sre hat oF “a 

to a eneqs09 we neigh otha acded et3 oh paneruenk @Iid Te yehtog . 
“Aol iuemunane hoe uolion gilt goed Blur aif how «1A of , 00088 
sige “1 adn haw seddom aut of atdg boiaolauams sagatte ont saat "ime 
 ghee® {808 .4) Diese frmeo ont oe ted to Dakd yer Raw, $2, bokie 

(xadsom | ould ) ooLivgas ost OF yidaravet Isom hevehlamoe eaonttont { 
bealaser ,taoanylens oi shas ed tad? patyes o¢ apauewe tial 

| aa oka baal on fads cals on eka. 0 hag Sope bie ath, ke a9 

-twant aay a hats bios aw at *? tad “0% a geek! hivow al outs ne 
bedoup (nes ea) gatualtaes srwo9 oat .8tby bhiey « odan_98 soni 
i iuwe ties sa gt itl (88 .ghe 

te ‘boon aad sk po 10%ns ot palsiens naeyed, ants hae ob ate oxen a sett 

dguadtt Le dvertts ofai bolero od thby 2 2h 84 nome yerawe vane i : 
naw r yetogore ods Yo notensanog of hie, aot term) taaoa suosshe aon a 

* .otoxedts tupLeytupe avon 10 yon at, te snahden pony ai : cee . 
ows Toba ests ae soneiueas si} bembate axon, ond, peng.a — 
e1ew -aetp log ost resid ond heessoah thoeste to atLt ost ost om SE , aie 

oxi? 08 “ bortontta ” .éduay ® ah ad ad wf soon xod ate cme gat 
eid bna hoxuenl act -steveke sions of si0 eioeang iene | ial eolobios etl 
yet enol tzexsvaoe od hedthdesd voneois 2Y sbogaettes. | 

eds y bemginen bed out sass begage ee sohaw | at dexuene, “at ke b 
; A stan JPR 

te ties 


that they understeod he wished them te coliest inesuranee money for 
the benefit of the aseured's daughter; that they bad agreed te de 
eo. The controversy was whether the seoney went te the estate ar to 
the aisters, The seurt held that the insurance money went to the 
estate of the sesured and not te his sisters, and sadd (p. 217): 

“We may regard it ae clearly estebilessed that it wee Willdans' ine 
tentign that the petitioners should have thie ineurance, but if, 
from mistake of law, he failed ta do these things waieh the law re} 
quires to earry hie intention inte effset, mere proof of his intene 
tion, however positive and cofivineing, sanhet change the title te 
the property." The court there certinuing furtaer stated (p. 221); 
"Her does the evidence showy that Wiliiems erested s troat or consti« 
tuted Bimeelf the trustee of the petitioners, wid ao Held poeseesion 
ef the policies for them, *** Vrom a nere imperfeet gilt a trust 

cam not be deduced, (Badgley «. Vetrain, 65 111, 25.) Suepese the 

policies head been endowment policies, payakle during the life of 
Williame to Himself, Yould it be contended that wo suit sould have 
been maintained against him by the setitioners, upon the evidence 
in thie reeora, for the celicies, or the ereceeds sfter their cel- 
leetien? And if net sagainet Sim, then why in this case againet his 

"The moat thet can be eaid, we think, is that Williams ine 
tended to make a gift of the precescds of these noliciecs, or nerhape 
the policies **# te the petitioners, and toek certain stene te age 
ecmplish hie purpese, but left the matter incomplete, * 

Of course Jonn &. Carlsen could have made a gift of the ine 
guranee money to hic daughters by hie 2eelaration and set ond changed 
relation from that of owner ef the weney to that of trustee fer the 
@aughters. And this would have been suffieisnt fia held in Yokem vy, 
Hieks, 9% i131. App. 667. In the inetant case, we think it clear thet 

the most that can be weaid is that fehm &. Garieon intended to meke a 

eel yoves vonmruaal Foolles as wale bedelv ei heotexehas yor? der? 
oh of Bowrge bad you? Jud? ptetiigaah a betxnes ect Yo PL iened ens 
of 4¢@ stadeo add of Jaew yonem ond tattedy ase qatevettaee of? ..08 
edd af {a0~ YomON SomexHeRh o4% decd bied Iaues ofl -.atedgha ont 
; (VER sq) Bhee Bae jetodula she of ton baw botseee vat Yo eteteo 
and termiill® aaw ch tedd besedidntes yiaeedo a 22 dtagen yan eo 
(UL tod peomatweat ghis oved dinate arenedttiag os9 tat aphiaed 
aot wal on? deluiy agaist saan? ob of hodin? od .wes, 30 gheselm mort 
labital eft to Toerg stem ,seoTie sdah colgaeeat adits wrese ot aextup 
Of SLPkS ode ayaado Fence ,yAloalvage haw ovitiney rovpwod, ,Holt 
1({£88.@) besarte wdidtant guinmis goo aeedd digs eit - “ereqota ont 
siveaeo “s gautt # betwete aos itll said worse nocenive oat asob ok" 
<motsdoneeg bdod oe bon evemdlatevg aNd Ro seteutg om Benmbh betes 
dened #8. ¢tlyg tooksoqgal oro wo most te | awed 10% sete liog est Ye 
‘oH suoqems (.a8 £42 88 jabested wv vedabell) sbooubeh: od om mao 
pe ete ott patuah oldwyoq welotiog taeavebim asad ded eohedtog 
vad bives Pio m sae Bobaegae ed fi Dine? .Uoamin of amehtie¥ 
eouebive ets neges ,wretelsitee a2 yt sin Jettene boniatainn aved 
«fein Tedd tofta ebeesete oti co ,setediog add aot. ghee isa ot | 
aid fantoys gone shed at vdlw meds oti dentoga ton 2h baa. ‘Faghdoos 
42  tadilerdelalabe 
> wad qmehtel® gesg at qaetad ow dive i amcinneteinla 
ecsivee to ,seidifon eeedy ico sheosarg e442 to Pilg x» i 
«ok 6? aeete aledeoa Yout baw ,er9emedd ivom anit ot 4% setodiog. ont 
| * ctelquopal tediam at sol dud scooting ale Mekignoe 7 
-ai ade to #tly & eben even Gieow Neaitad oh tot eaxwoe Who 
begmatto Brin foo bre aoidetefoed els yd ststdguch etd o¢ YeHom SeneTuM 
ghd 18 OvPeswed Yo Band oF eoson Hilt: Yo ome, Ye si moRY swhsator 
LY edey ot BLoif aa drole LYE neve wvad bivew ette bak” sw | 
tastt tanto $2 detid ew (east Powdeh eft at 6182 VaqA cs 00 pies 

Ss Ofc O¢ boboosnt sowiesD . meh gard wf Diane od nay daselh aotimt ont 



gift of the preceeds of the pelicsies te his daughtere but did net 
a€o se. Neither of tne girls could Save mainteaines a suit against 
hin at any time io rewover the preeeeds of the policies, From 
1918, when he received the money under the pelicies, he head eame- 
plete centrol over it. de invested and reinvested it in mortgages 
and apparently kest hie money in iis own banking account. There ie 
mo doubt he intended the money for hie two daughters; ho stated 
thie fact on a number of ocensiong and he gave half of the money 
te hie daughter Florence, Fut haying Peiled te waka a gift af the 
remaining half te his dsughter babel, and heuwing died witheat 
having done ec, the insurance meney will oases under the terme of 
hie will. 

We held the gift was ineompliete and therefore the claim ras 
properly dieallowed, Tne result weuld Ge the same if the court 
had poruitted the witness, Miller, to testify beenuse whet 1+ wap 
prosesed te chow by thie witness wae merely cumulative, %a tainmk 
the witness should have been perulited to testify. Phillips v. 
GShase, 201 Maes. 444. in that case the court in discussing the 
queation of privileged coumnicatione between attomey and client 
said (p. 448): “It has heen reseatedly held that thie rule of 
privilege sheulé be construed etristly. Foster v, Yail, 12 Pick. 
So, @8. Hatten vy, Bobingen, 14 Pick. 414, 42%, It ia fer the 
protection and benefit ef the elient, to that hie diseleeures may 
not be used againet him in conmtreversiee with third gerscnsa. He 
may waive it, and if there is a gontroversy after his death between 
his estate and those elaiming adversely te it, the privilege may be 

walved by his executer or advinistrater, (Sreeke vy, Helden, 176 
Mass. 137) or by his heirs (Fossler v, Senriber, 36 111. 172,)* 

the judgment of the Cireuit court ef Cook county is affirmed, 
HZatchett, *. J., and KeSurely, J., concur, 

or ” 

fou BIG Yud evedriguet hd of aedodteg ett ty wheeveny eet to Pty 
tadioye Piwt # Sentadries oved hives wlity wat Yo tendhol ee Ob” 
amet jeetokiog ods To abeeeete silt Teveset aS Sele yma de ott” 
~mse fad sl ,eoleilow ely ebay Yonex oft bevineer on cote OreL ” 
seyegrtem at $i betervaiet bas betesval ef (72 teve tovtites ‘ene’? 
a2 ovnett Vtewecod yuna’ awe why at Yemen elif teex yLsnouMes tnt 
badeta ex pimteddywad ow wt cot ywaow on? Bedeetal ed Pdeoh on” ” 
“one edf ‘to Whew orey oo New eheteaneo to tedava 2 we Youd atav’” 
ex? ‘te Pre_ w ollhe of do Lha’t gadvedt dwt aomeTett ceddgush whd ee” 
‘feoddiw hele gatved hae , fede tetequeh abt of Yio gitdtamt 
to ems? ex thay eake aaahameeiieemend ‘gat, 0a pods 
enw miefo eis @ro'teted} has ofeLymoonl aaw s28y wie Box “ Sa tall 
Peed ade VL sows od od Divew Siwaen ext dewytienls yhtequry ” 
eaw 2 tale counbod YISIeeh oF \THLLE jnacwtiw of? betthithg bad 
dane ef ,ovhiahawe ylexsee sew aeensiw elAr yd wate ef Aeeeirett: ae) 
“Vw pabetigt aptivesd of betPlameg aged even piven aasattw oat” 
om} ghi@nveelhy i tunes ef? asac Gacy ae bee mene eee és 
tniekis baw yoRrodde aewied ene itestommmy hageiiving to nobtewsp 
‘to efwa aid tand blow ethetnonee nood ems oT 1 (Oa Vag) tke! 
sMoh? 82 ,Lfek .v segeot .ystolase bewrteson od nae’ ‘oye thei 
edd *63 eb FI RSD , OED Lathe OT Lycow se netteh 00 .@ 
tty @eruaelosth Ghd Seat ve ,taedtw oH) tw tkaehiie ne nob everony”’ 
ol whore bebe Mttw aetevevertase mt mie toate howe od ton 
awaused’ Monod oli teeta yatovoxtmeo & af oredd 12 bee ot pital ile 

od wee er ast (oot nen gatatefo enous petro ged ald 

a ‘ao Y at bo 4 a iat xe) I aa 4 ik tebm % th: 
W(.9TE iil 68 andl ee r 29 fae PGurs 

ee to | 
soeetit: wh titans 600 to useo lw ede bial fammghet eaptenten: is 


TAMARA THM ‘ sate aes. ee yal Me 
RuOMES aa amaieliis ue «2, ghee ta . 
ia SF mee See swans ont * 


HekBeeT De KYGHGFT, ) : | 
Appellee, 2 
Py » 274 i1.4.051 


Grace Kyeroft Colonel] seeks te reverse an order cntered 
by the “uperior court ef Cook county Jume 1, 1953, which among 
other things, avarded the custedy of the ten-year old son ef the 
parties to the father until the further order of court. 

The record dineleses that suguet 22, 1925, Hervert be 
Hyereft filed his bill fer divoree againes his wife, Grage &. 
Byereft. She filed an anewer ami later a erese bill praying for 
a diveree from hime After the issues were wade up the ease 
woe heerd om the creas bill, complainant Kaving ebandoned hie 
bill, and Geptomber 22, 1927, a dweree of civeree wae entered 
im favor of the wife in accordance with the prayer of her ereas 
bill. The eustody of their four-year old som wae awarded te 
the mother from July lat to Secomber Bist ef eeckh year and to the 
father for the remaining six months. ‘he deeree in reference to 
the custedy of the child waa subsequently modified from time to 
time, sometimes by agreement of the parties. There appears to 
have been considerable trouble between the father and mother 
ef the child in this respect. 

April 21, 1933, the father of the child filed his 
petition in «hich he set up the civorce proceeding ami the 
provision ef the deeree in referenee to the eustedy of the 

aa. Te 
wees Wis 

eYvEveD Nod : 
PA EI 8 a Ne a. 

oTHVOS INT w mane am ceca meats SE at 

hexoses 2079 ae oateveT of wihowe Sionods® storey! soar Maw | 

pau Mold gCS@k f cowl ysauoo dood to duos solsogye | ' ra wt 
ed Yo nes Bio tasy-ued di Lo Ydosnuo edi bodeaus guy) reste 
sdmoe Yo wobra xedeswd ost LE tees sosta2 et} Oe beowovinae 
ol dxedvol , GRRL Sh beurysi sats ponokanth brooes oft nme 
af epexd cette ald tautaps epxertd cok S426 ols Dodd? Power 
mY galysra Lid snow @ etek baa xeMEme ne PLE? dh 4M ROxOYE 
seeo od Gu eben oreW womenl gas wothe — sath mowk 
sid demphmads anived sustiatymoe giild yaar ent mo bemest | | 
bevesne caw cores Bo eameed # gTRCL gh uodemsqne pom, «hte 
seore aod to teyexq sli aviv seanbusove at eBtw oxi Ro xoyat at 
6d Aohxoun aaw ton die ceeyravas aheds Ip Ybodawe agT 9 Lite 
odd 09 Sra tasy dase ke tals cedincewh oF fal, valk work waddom ost i 
OF eamrsotes mf ge70eh a? omaimos ade pabahomns oad wR wouter 
Oo Smhd Mork Bel Bbom yLinoxpondwe eaw Riko ed To yoetnwo. ont 
9d etneage oredt -aahsron ates demamoeae ‘E-mbOnre ico ) 
FSR tae ee 3 

rae > 

"she ee ln ab 
he at Ata ant 30th en Bg is 

<a fe a aa 

at? has gakbeoootg eotevt sd qu dos da stolah bong | 
wid to Yhodeo od? OF sonwretex wt SoNoeh om? Ke mobedye mh 


Child; that he was in business in Chicago, had remarried subsequent 
to the divere¢, that his former wife had alse Yemarried ami wow ree 
sided in Baltimores that by agreement between them the child had been 
part of the time with each of his parents; that on April 12, 1935, he 
hat obiqimed an order from the court thet hia formexy wife deliver to 
him the custody of the chile by ‘prid 15, 19335 thet she bring the 
ehild from Baltimore to Chiesge for that Purposes The petition 
further set up thet the eréer was not eomplied with; that it was fer 
the best interests of the ehilé that he be delivered te the eustedy 
of his father particulerly for the years in whieh the child was 
attending echoolg that petitioner was finansieliy able te give the 
ehild the benefit of the best eehoolay that the child's mother wag 
net a fit person to have the eustedy of the child becouse of her 
defiance of the order of the eourt enterec «pril 12, 1923; that he 
had rented a summer home in “iseonein whe s he intended to take 

his son during the swesex Vagabiong thet simee the divorce the mother 
of the child had moved from Hew York to Cuba, to St, Lowis and to 
Baltimore, where ahe/iow Living and 4% was not fer the best interest 
of the child to be changing schools so frequently. 

fhe prayer was that the bayments of alimony, au provided 
for in the deeree, should be wuspended witil the child was brought 
into the Jurisdiction of the court, and that the father be given 
the custody of the child. 

May 2, 1933, Grace “Myereft Colenell filed her anewer in 
which she admitted the Giverees that che was willing ¢o comply with 
the court order of April 12th, but that the ehild was unsble to 
travel on account of illmesss; denied that it eas for the best 
interest of the child that he be turned over te his father, but 
Sverred that he remain with herg denied that the child was conetantly 
Changing sehocls and averred that while the child was in the Custody 


drompoedien Gekrisumey Seth ~ogantdd mb cacakend mt saw od gaat pbibeto 
oss wot bos patccamet cals had sthy wemnot elt say enenovih O65 97 
good bast Stketo ortf mode goowded Inemmewge yt dass goxqukoLall ot belts 
ed g680L (ak kings mo daild yatmenag ahs To Mone sity ont ost Yo $t0q 
od rorhioh otiw temo? aid dats ommerd oatd ork “eben ms gonkadde bot 
eds gut«d ode tadé gOO@k ght Drage qd aitde ext to yaovawe edd mtd 
solaead oat? severe daclt woh @gavddd ot orteanh Lee aoe phite 
got asw sh Gane atakw ophiqave dom exw wobso adit doxio qa toe <eteett 
qootuny odd o¢ noreviteh ed°ant dade b&hde ond To shunteent teed odd 
gow bkito oft doldy nt atagy om? ve Veendvet dang, © tonite? atsl Lo 
odd erie ot aide “dintonant? naw semotisieg | teste i ioedon aboned 
enw undtom, at bitdo,osla, pncd, gakapdon feed ol? Xe, serene, ome ' 
gad to sawmeed blige galt so yoosaue ox oval of moet 
edt dads, REARS, gh Lina’ bexpten, g2MO8, oft Xo sehen 
edns of bohhegat ad oc mey skesmoak’ wt cao oem 5 bednes 

aotton ade aotowkh ac? ease dsaté polizes” Temmem oaks gatas toe ata 
od han abued. «A804 qatuo 02 Sx0k OK ape? coven iat BEte salt 20 
suoredah sand ocd 70% 466 S08 42 baie gaiwit obtete » xed scout Lo8 
| sektmaupent on, azoodon gaizudy of 09 thse eae 20 

bobivexg af «yioutia Io etneaneg, ode dad? aw tee oft ohicad 
fdgweord now ikde etd Lidaw bobaagele od wiworta svonpeb ods mh 08 
perety od enaidec 88d Soaks, bean gf ates O88, 30 not soins w vt, td 

shitieto edi Be gees an 
! iy a 



om or amtisnw — wae tat, ‘ sb Ss vs Vier Ge 5 tea , ode 
. ged egte tot aaw 22 Gnald bodme> 4 RAPP Eb, %e oti ; -- 
nt rab st sorb nats nt 
hota ald tot ene! eat b oan pony necapye baa ao doe gotanad 


of his father he wan taken to Califernia for a years 

May Sl, 1933, the matter came on for hearing; both 
parties, their counsel and the chile were present, There was 
considerable argument by eouneel fox beth parties in an endeavor 
te explain the situation to the court. The court said that he 
would give the custcdy of the ehild ta the father and upen 
objection of counsel for the mother shat «0 witnesses had been 
ewern and no evicence introduced the cowrt stated he would hear 
the matter in September, but refused te set the petition ¢own for 
hearing and direoted counsel for the father to prepare an order 
ané to brimg it in the next morning, and thet the bey be turned 
ever to the father inetanter, which wee €one. The next sorning 
when the order was preeented there was more dicoussion and it 
wae etateé that the mether had gone back heme te Baltimore. Her 
counsel cbjceted to the draft of the order as presented to the 
court by counsel for the father. One of the dedvetiom Was that 
there was a finding im the order that the eourt hac heard the 
testimony ef witnesses when thie was not the fact. There was 
alse cbjeetion tc the finding that it wae fer the beat interest 
of the child that hie eustedy be awarded to his father, but the 
objection wee overruled and the ovder entered, and this appead 

Gf eourve om order say sometimes properly he entered 
in such a proceeding without having witnesses evorn if the facta 
axe admitted by counsel, but an sxder showld never be entered 
which finds that the court heard the testimony of witnessca when 
this was contrary to the fact. 

Wpen a careful consideration ef the record we o7e- 

clearly of the opinion that the Bearing Was imeutfieleat io woxrrant 
the court im entering the order appealed from. 
¢he child was taken from the mether and given te the 

By the order the 

eugtoedy of 

“tay a te? abuses set ae newna naw of xestta’ ene 
sow gat none! mot ne onan rosven outs e600 i yet , 
aaw oxal? 1 ImBB OTE #300 bts aude bas Leaauer hes aos 
“ oVasbas as wut solizeg aso zo £seinioe we daa eldensbtanee 
ost Sasi bisa tes. oft a éxues ont of mols aude nuts mialqns oF 
i mogu bas ueildet ass of ands out Yo ydosauy oat svhy Duow 
hod bat asncsnétw om tasid vedtom on? ei Leameos 39 motteote 
toed bisew af sedate cum ost aoounoxtat sowoctye - Pua Sent 
‘got mwoh melst faq att don of bamuhoe Lal ete dae dqo8 a “spade aati 
gadte us sraqorq od xoslde’ ‘ott 10% foanwes beteors one : cag 
Diniswd OW yor eit) Yastd dum euutevom dxom sald mb ot gab rare 
incyarons jxed od? eno enw Kolaw v0 funtoat reddtat ode oe ove 
OF bus noteaveel> ron naw oxedé betaoenrg naedall ‘zobte eit woke 
hal <oxom dia of emma toad nog ‘et xpaltom edi tata aaa any. 
‘eit? of ‘pedeinog es xeb7e vote te fez vate of pete { 

coal aan ametserbde as to eno 4s maaider oa xe? Avenue popeny 
* gd Wined bat sxwoo ond fade x9%0 ows mi aelball s sew axed 
ga Grad? ‘dont ods ‘tom eam white mle woeseniin 20 ymemigend 
Peorsind dood ons rot new ae sets ‘pate ele oF toad don do onta . 
edt sud «xottet ais of dobewe od vbosewe ato goss biteo ail? to 
seinen ads doe vboxosne tebe erred beta botuxz0v6 aay, fonnlboret 
Reredad of etseqorg ot Pay on xb20 se — ¥ ‘ i 
event af2 ti crows evasondte wayne sasaate 28 i i 
‘ potetns ed ‘even ‘bbe t90x0 ae oud ake * 

one sy 2 

“ten ote pe briny enter tee 

ata tw bower vd To mel tec Mage a a ee 

Sew Oe Peehos okie aw yak eo: Pale eh Peat mii» mr mk 8 
Babe ReO1e at UE wwe? | eae ot ee ee ae 

niall aovey bny teettcar ata “a ve lel 

hy, a Me Bais i 
Supe any be a DN 

saw b£kno ott te KS ate 


father until the further order of the court. We think this was 
Wiwarrentes ani that there ahewld heve been a much fuller hearing 
om the mitter. Under the clrevummionees the deeree should not 
have been modified without evidenee. 

The order of the Superior eturt ef Cook county de 
Feverace anc sho matter remanded for further proceedings net 
inconsistent with the vierg herein expreseed. 


Matchett, fe Te, and Heturely, Te, coment. 

tidwe oc 
pat ne hg 


si ail a wet ah 
i ae ‘ite 

tpn “oe mie 



1 A woah ie | 
— ae envy ae 

ea oe 

y oP / 
, | 
a ‘4 

we & 

37150 j 

members of the Fire a1 
Pelice Commission of the 
City of Park Ridge, 


Gp FY T \ > iE a 
24 4. I.A. O51 

Pa Mi ee a a ecient a tel Nm aco A A 


, Reginald Ae Wittey, a sergeont of police of the ettiy 
hs eg ‘cal eivil service employee, wae dischexged after a 
hesering of charges made against sim by the proper offielale of 
Park Ridge. He filed a petition im the Superior court ef Cook 
gountys preying that 2 writ ef certiorari be lagued againat the 
defendants, dirceting them te produce the reeerd of the proceed- 
ings whieh resulted in hia discharge. ‘Sefendeante made a return 
te the writ and ofter a hearing the writ we quashed, the 
petition ciamissed, ami “ittcy appeals. 

Yittey, in hiu petition filed Uareh 145) 195%», set up 
verbatim, ameng other things, the proceedings of the Board of 
Vire and Police Commissioners of Park \idge, from which 16 appears 
that he wae charged with violating certain rules of the police 
éepartment of Park Ridge. The charges were apecificd te bes 
(1) that “ittey permitted certain persone te Lounge. eongregate 
and loiter in and about the office of the police depnr iment, 

(2) thet while on duty he “typed certain letters for a certain 
colored man on the stationery of the Folice Bept."g (3) that he 




Korseege woRe ATLA , é ” : es 

haa AI BTS Ree gh 
Wed AL ETS sess 


Vito ed? Yo ooliog to smeogren # eeoosi oA eat ' 4 
nan vanais as Wt 

‘@ tothe bepuadoath sow gooyolqus ootvron Livie 
te ofatelite toqetq ed? yd aid dankage saa sapsedo 20 abroad 
dood Yo fuyeo tolrequa odd mk molgtieg a beftt off regain dun 
ane deniage besuai ed inarehixes Yo shaw @ daots garyetg tines 
-Sse0e%y oft te Biooot ots oowhowg of mate gat Sood seinmbasteb 
Wxsiex 8 Siem simabiote. seyvetostd ald mt bediveot dois agat 
oat? ,beresup naw thew odd gadxaud a tothe ham dbee ade ot 
selooqqe YoIsh® bua , konotmald mot 3140q 
@ dee eb2CL .OL Mort bOLtY mpitiseg oist at exosare 
te Srsel ast te sgatbecsorg afd repandd cote gnome yatiodiey 
eiooqge $2 Motsw mott yogbli axel To wremeheeimmmd eotfct tae ottt 
sotfeg wad Yo sedi: utsi x9 mabtatery dite beqruaie saw od talld 
ted od belthosge exow seyret ont sombhli fzes Ye sms cng0 
sdagetanoo «opawel of srenteq mhedtoo vevtiereg Wess!’ does 
 gdtremd aeged soliog eat Ye aoktho est fueda baa at woatok bm 
| akatxeo & iol exedsel aiadxon aoa" out ind mo othe ona ¢ ' 
oat esis @) $"stqo ootfet ade to weeuatiae oats 0 sn boxe vate * 


“did give to one Howard Colburne, a certain photograph, the 
property of said Police Depts"; and (4) that while in charge of 
the police station he “permittec the eaié Howard Colburne to take 
and remove a gertain photograph, the property of the said Police 
Depie, from and out of the anid station. 

Attached te the charges smi apecificntions ani aa « 
pert thereof was the record of the proeecdingn, from which it 
appesrs that June 15, 1932, charges were filed againat *ittey 
; am served upon himy thet heerings were bad from time to time 
from August 3, 1932, until September 12, 19323 that the Board of 
Commissioners on September 20, 1932, rendered theiy decigion, 
whieh is as follows: "Upon investigation of within charges, 
we find that a notice ztating the time when and the place where 
this investigation wae to be held, together with a capy of the 
charges herein, wae duly served om the anid Re Ae Vitiey more 
than five éuye prier to thie investigstion, by personal service 
of a copy of said charges. 

“fhe Board of Fire and Police Commissioners fing from 
all the evidenee intredueed on the hearing of sai charges that 
the onid Re Ae Vittey ie guilty oe cherged therein. 

“It ig therefore ordered that the anid Ne As Vittey 
be and he ie hereby discharged from the Police Department of the 
City of Perk Ridge, Illinois, as of midmight, September 20, 1932." 

Way 8, 1033, the reepondents filed their return te the 
writ, in which they set up what they contend in a verbatim record 
ef the proceedings agaimet Yittey, shich is identical with that set 
up by the petitioner in his petition, except that in the petition the 
éeeision of the Board of Fire and Police Commigsioners finds that 
Wittey “te guilty ae charged therein,” while the procevdings set 
up in the rezpondents' return find that ©ittey "ia guilty of the 
followings" then follows verbatim the speedflestion of the | 

ettt esigormptedg, akndtos 2 gsermdied yaasih omm o¢ orig bb" 
te epruio af efldw Sadd (9) baa a" e2qed eetlod Stes to yrueqoug 
oxed © omuwdiod baowol Shaw ed! desttaxeq” af mutsuse euttog wid 
eotin’S bhas om? to Yuogenq oe giqgarpededg alataee 2 avomes fete 
“snotiade dian eds te tm dam moet eeiqor 
8 ap bita BMOtsaokiiosga ban aogzasto ous ee ‘pedeatea 
#2 dotdw mort vemmtbossomg eas to brooes odd saw teoxods ona 
wove fumtngs bofh) evew eepisdo sheer 5k ones taste oxesgga 
wists G3 omtd Mort dart erow agehrsed sasid jak megs Daves mm 
To Huse off sued QRSCL ghL sodmesqot kbéaw 88. 48 Some et 
etotgioss «herd berebmes ght@L .08 nodentqet mo axvecol ag teamed 
seogiato midziw to weliapiseownt meqg’* tewelfwt oa of sokstw 
oxndw soalg on? tae mosey omts odd yabtode colton @ dusts dekh ow 
ad? 2. WHO 8 Atty xostoned abhor! od eo nay aol sogtanaemd aide 
tom YOPAEY 4A 4H Dion eeld wo doyzeE uid eon snore aspaady 
worvice Lanoereq YO guoliaphiacvnt eidé of oh, ayed oyns mitt 3 
| Wn soomcadlo Sine Yo wane a 30 
“MWR ped wsemogvetamed golto% bun 92% Yo bxaee et” | | 
tat avaredts dhas Ye gudaed od we boouborzal ‘sousatvo eed Sin 
_ sttbewed’ degrade as Wikuy at yoossl oA 4H htoe watt 
WILY oA oH Bdow odd Gadd Yoxedx exOtowed? wh YT 
wad Sy fromixoqed opslol pals mort boyraionts yore ot 1 ct oo i 
“868K (OR reduocel otiipiubta Xo 99 yntombst sabe ek ™y . 

_ Masepmabtaeor, 4, 9h baptnnn, snd, teens o $n0 oy rT aake ae 
tee dag? dtiw fookimedt ab solste aweseny sonbege nattd beaDe ners oe 
odd cohitieg ot ak tess sqvexn vio tseg ola ak “tommtstie a 3 we . 
tak? shah? exone tos tome gobtor ns onkt to seo ate ro é | 
ton epalboooorg od? vitdy “yutored? bopeade ae vin att gerade 

ots te ysAtua at® ypoety “ond hah jill : wee ie a ae ee 
or We mob soot ttvoge as aban WoL 


Gharges made. 
it is coneeded by the reupcndente that if the true 

record, of the procesdings before the Bourd of Fire and Solice 
Comaleaiouers, wes that set up by the petitioner in his petitions 
homely, that the cecision of the Joard woe that “ittey "te guilty 
a8 ohaxged therein” this would be inguf{ietemt and therefers the 
jucgment cf the superior court chowld be veversed ané a gucdgmert 
enbex ed waking the reeerd ef the proceedings, On the other 

hand , tt ide conesded by eawnsel for “iitey that if the trae record 
ef whe proveeCings is ac shown im the return of the respondents te 
the writ, the petitioner, fittey, yas properly divche>ged, and 

the jucgment of the “uperier court should be affixmed. 

She record discloses that ou the hearing before the 
court the wmtisputec evidence shows that che record of the pro- 
ceedings of the Beare of Pires aud “slice Commissioners of Park 
Ridge, on the matter in question, sau idcniicsd with the reeore set 
up in “dtcey*s petition wherein the finding asi cewisien of the 
Board was that “ittey was “guilty ss ehorged.* ‘the undisputed 
évidence further shows that after the petition im the ingtant 
proceeding was filed, the record of the proeeccinga of the Board 
wae prepared by the city clerk and eounsel, in the werce end 
figures as appear im the reapomienie’ return to the writ on 
shove mentioned. the respondents eontend that thie was property 
dene because the finding and decision entezed by the Board on 
(eptember ZUth was morely a semorancum or minute of the proceed ing 
made ut thet time ami thas it was ontirely preper for the Beard 
ufterwari te cnuse this minute to be properly ¢xpanced to show 
the true record of the proceeding. 

it is true that under the law, 5 ee ated be 
corrected at omy time so thet it #111 conform to/real factee 

People Vs Ugehold » 257 Ikle Apye 176% Shenicie ve Bas of 

ened odd RL tald etnchacgaat ede yd bebeenee gh $B oo og my 
ecilot ta o1kE te peace an? exeted agilbesgorg eds to ghxoesa 
eoehehieg eid at sennickiog add ye qo ooe. todd cow ,etemeden tamed 
oiling af” your’ gad? gow Deas ede to Bolbeleet ete Gadd «yoann 
edt sxotexcdt? bos tehetitemet of bloow side “abouedd bogawle os 
foanghu, « tes beeroves od Sfeote twoo velauqut 9d? do doampoat 
vtedte of? m). sagmbroooe ig ads Yo .ave8e% als Qetdeanp doxedao 
Heeost wad anf th dade yoda)? uet. Lone Ed: so boened head wbonet 
oO? ninebmogac: ed? ty wivteu nald ot mvoleoas ab werhiweoeng ode) Re 
ban gboyscttouds elseqeng sav ayotdl® yuenelilveg add.gdham ode 
sham Yio of Adwede gxmes codisquh. ame bo seompoeh cess 
eee oxeted ogakiasto ald mo sald avecdonib Suewes aff) ete oye 
won ste to Sonos wale Gacy aworta varmbive aetiqekhne wae duo 
Mitel to evvnmlegismed soilok bme exh ko baweG. wits Bo satheos 
fon bieonu of? Aliw Deot@umhd saw quakseoup a) xoddam ome mol eaghhl 
pid Yo Golalvod ime guisnik sale sloneahe mabe biog atgoame wk qa 
beteyel ous ads *ekegely ae Yatleg" aan yordd’ date aew ixeel 
 teeteek oid mi weltiver edt catia date wrote: testa eonehhve 
brnef sd to eyalbovscsy etd to busces old yb kl aaw miboeseoag 
hte pouow off mi yleomee bas dweke Yrto odd Wd borsgeng esw 
aa dha cy 04 window "edneGubgese and md apace 
— wdvegety eae olsly fade Saudnoe etnesmuqued eg. bones wm 
Re dune outs ‘ef besesne sokutund mow seOat a nfs: wamaved ened 
‘Beth ionmouy ef9 Yo Otte HO sone tome @ viorae ae AIR oeedemnagna 
| Sno odd <oX wagowy Yorhime new dk sods dum mambd dole on | 
 wedla of tubmrgKe Ylacgou od at oto atte pete 08: se 



Bevestions S86 tile 753 Lily of Ghicage ve MeClusrs 339 Tlle ely 
People v. S¢ligy, 224 Wl. 408, 

Tn she inetant eese, therefore, the omly cuestion for 

Gtdision fe, Doea the recard as written up by the clerk oni counsel 
for the city correetly state the Broceedings head on the hearing 

Of the charges ogainst “ittey by the Board of Fire and Police 
Camissioners? This question, of eourse, ene mbievet to prong 

QS any other fact. ‘we im ouch s proeceding, on the return ef 

the reeer@ te the court, the 'risl is het oy the recereé., The Lew 
C066 BOL require a return of the eyléeneée or a gertti teste of the 
facts outeide of the records i: being conlxany Go the praetlee te 
form an issue of fast er bo hear or conaicer evicenee in relation 

SOL This a5 

BOE Fe i 

te the original proceeding. Puibhouger ve cots 
Sesroll, ve Soustam, 34, Mlle SS). oas where there is a vontegt 
ae SO whes ig the true recerd, oovieusly thie must be determined 

by evicenes, au any controverted Queebicne 

Je He Tottenherf, ane of the Gomelecionerg, testified 
that he signed the recerd of the procescing in which the finding 
amd cecision of the comiasioners was anet Sitvey “was guilty ap 
Charged,” that this decision vas rendered Sepuemvexr 2,5 LOS2, and 
that document oct up im the petition was the only Cucweent before 
the comeiasieners at that time. the ehinesse further ieetified 
that after the petition in the inatant ease Wan filed, the renurdy 
as submitted in respondents’ return te the writes wea written up 
ame signed by him and the other commiesionerag that after / 414 Ley 
filed his petition the seeretary ef the Bourd of Commiscsionera was 
imetrugted to prepare a record of the preceedings ari minutes of 
the Boardg that this proceeding is dated September 20, 1952, 
although the paxtieular document waa not mae up util Long 


$OL8 ofLT GEC grawhOOR «Vv 

00h LG MO amahiNd «v glmaes 
nek wetteers wha writ qo heme ae ee) ea 

Leamwen haus txeta edt ud qr moda er Ge vesnerait anual 
guibwaert edt me bod egntor overs oil otede EApoer un: io ols. Tez, 
 gobto% bre ox2% Ro bueet ant yt yesh) daniaga, sogiate wiht te. 
goorg ot taehder naw «reuree te atohtasap att, Terenbhnndeney, 
te wate orf? oo qgaihenoomg 8 Aony m4 Ont: stor togto oh, «& 
maf ef? stvopot odt mo hafal Solth cdf adaaae add Stopes ot 
ade Yo Hho eteo @ 46 Soto DEye aa? Yo mmnten « oTbuaes demMORh 
os swiiextg sl? of Wioriain gated ot ghassed aii “te whtecga atest 
moitatox mk-eompbivo wribemog co aoed od go teat to eanad se mao 
soe sik £08 gabtgoo ov apguoddusl sgutasoveug Loutgive adé of 
geotnee 2 el wrod otedy iu 1fO0 sSE0 SbS -tadamelȴ Aiea 
beuterredeb od tome gike Yasotvde 4haonot cued orld md gesiy oF ae 
 nodieemp bedxoversney Yu on quomebive XE 
Rettheerd qo'tenotwalumin end Le sm gTinsinesdgh heh oe 
gabbek? oft doldw na yikboovoug ie 36 budoee eas Memgtarnd samt 
an TWiing sow’ quidew dad? ane wconotominmee att to malades tems 
bas (REEt .0k eedandqed dotedaes aaw telaiook aida cubase 
ooted fasmeed Yled odd saw mobdliog aii alge goa” 
bolthiced tomvau? asenaiw dof?  wembhd dads da smminbat 
ehiovey odd ,o0TP aa sane @uatank otto cok Holst iog. eos wed ha dade 
qe wetiiee cow giltw ect od menier Yesoonoqees ab tedthmdse ee ; 
aged! setts todd? qetent beatin “ontee wal tee abst ed Gomgte Bie 
pow exbnohon ined to bode! erty he ekedertoe ade wobstovg eis vett : 
te asduehs bus wantbeboos eM? ‘te bxover o oxaqemm of veseirntoat 

: wane ad net | frends beh Ni owes: 

sy Sey RE: kD Sep ad 

a ua aaa a is a a ae agi a 
TD Be Sa ee ee seas: 


Miehael E. Sewman, alus a sember of the Beard, teutified 
that he wae an atiorney ot laws that he signed the reeord af the 
proceedings aa a meviber af the Beard hearing the chezges against 
tittey, oc preduced by the petitioners ty reference te the 
record ax predueed by the FeSpOM Guess he testified thet that 
€eewnent vhich wos dated September 9: s LUS2, Alwo bore Aig signature 
ang that 1% wes met sigeéd on the date it boxes Bub afeer the lastant 
Precesvcing waa broughty that wefore ihe eceordg PprGuucsd by ihe ree 
*poncests wus wmic up, he was culied oa ihe wiepnome by the city 
attorney whe acvised that he wag sGucing OVEr reupeadentst return 
tc the writ and that he wanted the sitnena te eign 1% that on 
Scplcmper 20,5 l¥Se—9 he prepares ihe reverd of the Ppresecdinga of 
the Board as precueed by ihe petitioners that the finding aud 
de¢ision wave in hig mandwritings that the minuces of the meeting 
were weiliea up afterward by tae aeeretary > 

the court then put a qaeuiion to counsel fer the veapoudents 
from whieh i¢ appears that aftex the reeere of September 26, as 
procuged by the petitioner was made we and signed, Sittey wos dive 
charged and uething furtuer waa dene wntil several months ister 
when the minutes of the meciing were prepared. the court eon- 
tinuing g2id: “Um what reverd was he étvehergel? on the recerd 
that was im existenee oi the time he was ¢ischargea. That 46 
the date of this ecsuse ef action. {ix montha later 4 corrected 
regert was fixed up. lire Blim (counec] for responcents):. That 
several wenths later the minutes were prepared." 

Charles Gs. Lunk, an attorney at ies who wee aeoretary of 
the Boare of Fire aud Police Commiguioners, testified that he was 
Present on the evening of Sepiemer 20th when the petitioner was 
@isechearged: that he mede minutes of the meeting at a later dates 
that the revord of the procsesdings aa fileé by the respondents in 

Sekthine? «tien ede Yo cegnem @ Cada youn! otf domed 6 00. 

ods ko buseox add bomgia ot fads Pe da yawide ue wow al ols 
 fattage aoguots ed) gudtowd axeek ode to wen wae agel boreoTg 
the of seasueter al seed cig og att we bemrdeng ca eohede 
fait’ Sond woPtbseed od vedixs integers onls AO Soonnomy us rode 
eudenalu Gtd ‘eted wale .SECL .oC cedkwtyed bodes waw MveHty deeded 
dusdent o42 tod%e Jue coved Vi bénh acd ao bonyte ‘Yon aw FE Pete hae 
-82 ed) UE Hooulowy etdnen ed wrolew dads Pidgeore aew bamunnnens 
Wiio add qo wncdqeied ats mo belind saw od equ obam ame adae 
wiwier ‘ddwobsogeox cove galbase aww onl dauly boudvbe ome yoimesta 
te add ak ngie 08 asonshs odd dodkew od F442 “bas GOxe bese 
Bo agnibusvemg add lo brevet ald Potegesg of GHEEL (OE aod 
bua gaboath ed tact grouoisiing wii YW beowboxt ee btebtt oft 
Bik Joom oti? To eoaunia ott tady qyntekrwoend abel ni Ouww module 
seeder one Ye Beewtor hs qu wevitew ou87 
etustnoqeut of? vet Lovnwos of tmsdeuny & deq wee Hukue ot!” OY 
bh ok tocmm sees Ye denowr sae tedte texts wenequs oh Moidw mot 
eal caw ysrdl” ghemeda tae qu whew aaw toNGhI tiem alterna 
otek adsmom Lnteres Lives onob cow vedeau igmbulton baw bogie 
-noe tiuey of? boungeny stew ation wid ‘te odin ity weir 
‘DeoneT off me theyratpots aif air Seebds dated LRRME SRD 
ab dnd? sooguedtonth cow oot mtd ets tx somosee a ai Salt 

Redootsbo w-wodat waldnem x0 hotties to seuae enti ae ties ae 
e Shs halie ak nes af 
gad? hiwsscemanes 40% fouimoe) svar ~~ heii nor ts q 

Re YrAl ores aaw odw wat din “eros ts “atl owas * ie Satin 
sow off tals nePtiiesd yaxstelwetaned onkiet teed NTs Goad ad 
wav tomwidbiog ost eedte dite xdchandaed ko Wades ‘adi’ “ | 
tetod total a ty Qed sonen sete Yo eoduin obam Wet diate m gee 

mt adivhmogess aft yt petit we gubbooneng ols e eee 

~ ee ee 


their return te the writ wos prepared after the suit waa broughts 
"I wee at Mr. Blin's (respendeets’ eeunsel) office, he went over 
this matter with me. ‘Ye went over it all. He sald he would work 
om it and i went beecke Mr. Blimt (+ “hy didgn's you prepnre 

the minutes befere this? * * * A. There was me cause for its, 

We have other actions where we have had police discharged teers 
ami I newer prepared any mere minutes than thie here and there was 
mo requent mede until one evening when Er. Yitiey eame in.” 

The foregoing is substantially all the evidenee im the 
reecréd, and upon a consideration of 1% we are of the opinion that 
the record of the preseedings, before the Sonrd of Fire and ®olice 
Commiasionera, ia that vhich wae introdueed by the petitioner, 
getec Septenber 2%, 1952, and that there was no ether minute zede 
of the meeting until several months thereefter.  Thie sleerly 
appeate fraw the ewidenee which we have abeve cueted, end was 
stated by counsel for the respondents in response te a question 
put to him by the court where he seid the minutes of the mecting 
were prepored several monthe after the meeting, “his alaw 
appears from the testimony of the witmeas, Lunk. 

If a record of such procecdinge could be eorresteé or 
expended, ag it is exlled, in the mamer in whieh i: wes dune by 
the respondents, then every record in a civil service case could 
be carreeted so an te make it invulnerable te amy legal attacks 
Thies eavnet be dome. “f course the lew does net require the 
spreading at large of a preceeding at the time the ection is 
taken. This may be done if proper minute or memorandum is made 
from whieh it ¢an be determined what action wos there taken. 

The record of the preveedings of the Bonrd, finding 
that fitty wxs *guilty ae charged” under the rule ameouneed in 
Punkhouger ve Coffims 301 Thies 257, ie imaufticient and that being 


teagan sd saw ¢hve oad sud te betageng ean Siew ale a4 wepeen sheds 
T8¥9 dmow on gaotito (Leeruwes teanehuoqnon) a tm 8 =o te oon bd 
sao hdvew an Sion off hin oh Teve fnew oe soe dake scoot mbt 
 eageTe Ho%, @ "acta wae od boek £8. ual tod anaw i ites a i. 
ott wk saueo on saw oxen? Ae * Fetae exotod eodunis on 
asia Dapaastond b vol foq baal evad ew oxese artet dos waste evad all 
naw oasis ore owed adits weal oedumin wrom ys bereqeay Tova T wand 
“suk sie yeas » tH mode gatasvs one Sting 8mm tamper on 
“ake a vous dive ene "ger Lat dans oti at antogere? oat : 

dats wo. mo outs to wt ww al we no! Jersdlanoe 8 see baa drones 
eoilot ines okt te er out onoted ramet boeo ong utd te buwoar oat 
a venol #199 esl we hoowboxsat ane fia date seats at sorene! ve tuned 
seen eduate aedde on naw vod toss oe sues 108 todanaqee dered 
eit eid? ¢tedReoved? edtuent inzowos Shims waa ea? te 

aa beta » betoup oveds rail 9 dodsty eonehtye dé moO) etooges 
moitecup «a af parogens mt edmobaoqeo” esta 108 feaumros ve hotate 
pntsvom ots Qe es dum oats tow fs wort saw00 out ee mahal of tea, 
oak eset vgakeoom vate vets ast mt Lexovee eeegesg. 9 ont, 

" pass snaonstw ont? os woot reo ase moe. HEHOE 

0 hotvexxes od bites ‘wgatt bo003q town *e preee7 a je. - Pe ‘ i 
WS ond naw sh Motsty at commen oats a gboLtan at ny es amine. 

NRW iscsi 

biuoo rer) ookvive Livte a mk ‘brooes vier sae entice 


etoctén Leyet eta ag oldenondeves at oan et Ba ov bataersee of | 
ei? ethupen Jon aseb wed outs oars ~ +o ‘9 tomes atdt ~ 
"a modton ont omt) oat ta “arboo coop 4% wares de yetbam aos 
obam ef mbusseme xo adurta coqowg 1 emvb od rat els? jet 
\aewnd oxadé paw wolion touts omtmss dot oe dune 48 Kota m wnt | 

wed bat? ehusef exe to ogndbeeoo-g oss Ye sxoees bed " 
at doomwoans ofux seta ‘eo ent "bepuaaio hes kia had way F att \ 
wated teas bas supe want at es ory oe | he 


_ the only record properly befere us, the judgment of the Super ior 

ouurt of Cook cowity will be reversed and the ease remanded 
with direetions to quash the reserd of the proceedings had befere 
the Fire and Pelice Comaiss Lonera > 


Katehett, ©. ds, and Heourely, J.» sozeure 

onset i a 
shstiew ia hahaa, some papery! 

eroled Bs pe com sit 39 hae 


ee ee waste eke wet aUET: 

VA " 
Se pra bial 

cal es ans sane aaik aeheld 

ant rset ise 

roots oie? 

sank ew 4 eC ony vee weed ce “Aeadale sie bey od 

ee ranine a 
ced nie 

ei ial "ih 

37166 a ee 
JAKES Fours, ) ae 
ve. ) of 
Appell oe. } 


- LsS>. "7 > 4 ; ; 
Spry A YF PR © 

& 6 L.A. 6 52 

By this appeal James Fouts sesks to reverae an order en- 
tered by the Cireuit court of Cesk county Hay 26, i945, yacating 
an order entered Kay 3, 1933, by wsich defendant's appeal fram a 
Judgment entered by a jastice ef th« paace was dismiesed fer want 
of prosecution. 

September 27, 1928, James *oute brought euli before a fuse 
tice of the peace sgainet Anna Maresiius and Jehn Suliiwan te re- 
ecever $293 wnuich he elaimed for damages te hic autasetile, There 
wae a jury trial and a verdict and fudgment im plaintiff's favor 
against the defendants for the eamount of hie ¢lalm, and defendants 
appealed to the Cirenit court ef Coex evunty, The transecrist of 
the precesdings wae filed in the elerk's oifice of the Circuit 
court Getober 16, 1928. dune 2, 193G, the ease was reached fer 
trial and the defendants failing to appear the court ordered the 
appesi diamierse4 fer want ef sreseeution. June 9, 1930, the order 
of dismissal was set agide and the eause reinetated. June 16, 1930, 
there wae a jury trial and at the clewe of pisintiffts ease the 
court inetructed the jury te find defendant Gullivan net guilty. 
The jury disagreed as to defendant Harcellus and they were dia- 
charged. S¢arly three yeare afterward, Bay @, 1935, the eage was 
agein reached for trial ond an order wa@ exiered reelting that, 
defendant Marcelius having failet te proseeute her anpeal, It was 
dieziesed on motion of plaintiff's attorney for want ef proseeue 

tion, and a writ of proeedende wae awarded, May 26, 1933, 

aa oe 

Smmifeqaa - | 

man Pole 

Lari coo mnt ooo oat 


“th tebtoe te serevexr oF a60R steel aemat Lasaye etae e ey 

galteoay ,£bei a8 yall yYsanee seed To fumes Shwerld eci¢ yd boxed 
2 moti Leeqaqs s'tunhosteb dolaw yd ,Sh@L .@ eel Bevetse tebte an 
tus tcl beeciualih aaw soneq oft Le soltaul eo yd bexedae danomdul, 
Moltuaoneta te 

“ust, @ ototed sive Shguord eto wemet ,SRCL ,TS sedaseqed 
-9% of aovlifv® adel ban avilewted sank foaleys neaeq ons to eokt 
etedt .ofidonotue ald of acqgemah 10% howlais od dofdw 88S) seven 
tovet a'Tilraiele al Jusmbst bax toibier « how fabet yawt @ eaw 
aidebueteh bas ,aloin ald to savomm etd 10% stashaeteh ont fantage 
‘tte tqicsoenets eff .¥sawoo doo® te treed Fluor® ae oF ho leonee 
tiuotl) ef te soltia u'diede eft wl folk? eae age iboeoety edt 
tot hedesst anw egao sdf ,C82L ,f env O8OL , OL tadetad twes 
edt bevebroe dxueo ett aseqqe of galiia't stonhoe teh edt baw felts 
zebxe odd ,CECL ,@ eawt ,moisuoseotg lo taew t¢t beeeimath Lavaqn 
,~OCeL Bf cowl .betetsciot eaves odd base abiae toe saw feealieats to 
edt sage al Ttivalaly lo ssefo ed? ¢e Bae Malet past « eaw oxoale 
“Viilwy fou saavillwt taabmetob Balt of viet ad? betousteal fruoe 
“sib oxow youd haw Quilsoll dashes teh oF sa heergenth ytet eat 
new sano ott LECL ,G Yo ,biewred'te exeoy eortd Theme .begtads 
,tedd galtiver hexetus hew t0bvo se hue Lebst cot hedioset aleys 
anw 32 ,dmeqge sod otuecaong oF heliat guived euiieote® tamdas tab 
-vonzetyg te tasw tot youredta at ttisaiale te moitem ao howe tam hb 

ECL .O8 YOK .bebrewa sow ebusbegong to Site 2 baw okt 


defendant filed a petition which set up the order of May 8, 1935, 
diemissing the defendant's sagpeal, and averred that defendant's 
attorney wae absent en aecount of iliness, amd «a copy of the ate 
tending physician's certificate was atleaehed te the petiiien. Gn 
the same day the court entered an order vacating the order of Hay 
6th, and plaintiff proseeutes this appeai, 

fhe order of May Sth dismissing the appeal for want of 
Presecution with wreeedendo wus witered during the April term of 
the Cireuit court of Cock county. “he kay term began Kay 15, 1933, 
and the order apyealed from was net eiered until Kay 26th, which 
wae éuring the Hay term. The order diesilesing the appeal was a 
final erder and at the close ef the Aprii term the court wae 

without authority to raeate or eet it aside. 

Turivas, 338 111., 186. Se atteipt was mode by defendant te 
bring hereelf within tae provisions of Gection 3 ef the old 
Practice act. In these cirevmstances the court Sad ao pover, 
after the April term, to enter the order appealed from and it is 
therefore reversed, 


Batehett, ?. Jee atid beourely, Jor GOLA» 

Ay ‘@ 
i e 

,f5@h ,f yak Io rebz0 of7 cw fae setdw molilieg a be kts tanbasteb 
aliashae'teb dad? bevisys bas ,tasqqe e/Sanhastob ont gatmeionth 
wt of? to yoo 2 base ,aBeali2 to taweonn me demeda: any yarrotte. 
rie) BOlstIeg oatd os hestoatia paw etacithexen a malo Leyste gaihass 
yaw te t9br0 ast yattasar ‘taba me hoved aw ies ang wh omae aud 
: deans abu aséveesetq Vibsabete ‘how ate 

‘te énaw tet dees ons gateviuadh S66 Xm% to sebte ect 
te axed Abaga sdf gaiiwh bexedoo sev ghapbegaty ety aoltooepety 
CERL aL Yak segod aust yaad oak .ydaiet Heol To twee thawekh> ene 
Holds ,8#68 yod Licas hetetmm som sev oogt beleorre webto oat fae 
a saw faaqqe at goiaatonid tabte ed? ated ya otf gabe eam 
anv fides e028 ames ised odd to eeotd ang! daha -eebto feakt 
& waeire oy bseted abies sh ton te etedav of ytiveitam teoddie 
(ot Soebseted yd shaw eee Sqaedsa- OK BEL , £2 BSE eevleet 
. bo. dF, ke BB aehioss Lo eaghetresy ea? atativ ticarwd gait” 
 TOWOG OF Hes FXHOe ON? ROQUAtameotig Gand? ak .toe sokenard: 
Bi FL dae mOX) desooqge Kobra ads Tedar 08 yomsd Lined edd teeta” 
;  ,heotevet erg Remedy» 
A LRCARYRR ARTAG . Hii a eM Lda we 
2 ; Yo duet atest Bek Bs abREs Bais: ila ae ge 
 etuaton got yydotndel bag, 6h ut ythedecat. 
a kane “Re 

mak, a mye Sete 


(aos Soo goay 
ET a Oe rae es a af a meee 
is fod Mir es Ga i hens ih 
eee A Kae | Na i ‘ " trhs Sat oSn 

Ceres et PRR Rk ae 


y) heck ee Pad. 

‘ aaa ah meee eee 


: o 

ae OWL Ve 

274 1.A.652 


BANK, a ¢orporation, 



By this appesl defendant seeks to reverse = judgment 
for $1,218 rendered against it im faver of plaintiff in an 
aotion on a written centract tried by the court without a jury. 

Plaintif('s amended statement of claim alleged that 
Suguat Sy 1923, he purchased certain real estate bonds from the 
Commmity ctate Bank (hereinafter referred to as the old bank), 
afterward consolidated with defendant, Sesrs Oommamity otate 
Bank, for $91,202, plus $16.60 accrued interests that defendant 
wae indebted te him for $19198, plus accrued interest, for meneys 
due and owing to him under and by virtue of a written contract 
executed by the old bank through ite egent, wherein it agreed 
te repurchase the bomise at amy time at 99 snd accrued interest, 
in consideration of which and in reliance upon ite agreement 
to repurchase, he purchased from the old bank the first morigege 
Yeal estate bonda described im the foliewing bill of sale and 

memorandum agreements 


Rs SEG kG 

PL a EIA Gig Se Sa a ot 

MAVEAIUE aol yeRy eazardare at 
eT A? W Belwice sHt. pe 

Pe tg RP 

tanemeut, & vareves 02 eison snabaoreb Lesgqe ahd ye 

fom mt ‘Beataig Yo rove? at at Juntage soxsbae BiG, £0 202 
<Unul, & dwodstw Ixus ond YC Soted deandmos neste a mo ashton 

failt begelie misko 20 saomerade bobeeme ar titentast it i | 
oe met abead states Leet akasze9 boa seio xn oat 880 e faicgud 
«(sued bfo ef ua o8 boxte tex t0¢ tendered) srt edad Asa 
ied Elosmao cises ,émabaoieh Aji betabhioexen aie 
tustesteb gad? ganovedak bearspos 00s0L8 amlg ,O0G—k4 302 siuat 

foatseme mediauw a Ie eusciy Ss hen oben md of gatwe few ob 
booms 42 utoracw .tuoge a¢t Kawotds Xuad bho at YS bodwoone 
ateocetal bowtees ban OF sa omit wae te mined ol? senitoxmget oF - ) 

imemertgRs ati mogy oonalion wt bas doidw te nolievedianes mt 
egegirem text? edt ainad bLo old moc? beansiomg 4m 


S600 Roosevelt de 

S‘aguet S$, 1928 

1435 &. Spaulding venue 
For Sale of 120° Par Yalue 
Apanoff @ FLOGeOO rere nceees eZ Rihi, 00 
Agerued interest from June 
15th ts py * Sth 

1 mide 23 days 10266 

Bond Kose 206-262-121 -119 
Maturity 12/15/34 

Comumity State Bank 

Awzuat 8 1928 
Bote Peller 

Repurcharable at any time © 99 and scerue interest. 

Per Le Ye Méilier* 

Many Gefensee are set up in defendant's affidavit of 
merits and many ressone sre urged by i: for the rewergal of the 
judgment in this cause om the record presented, but in view of 
the recent pronouncement of our Supreme court in Knagg v» Madison 
Bonk, 354 ille 554, it is necessury i¢ consider 

omly the question ao te whether the agreement alleged and reveived 
in evidence, which we will sasume was an agreement by defendant ta 
repurchase the bends from plaintiff "st any time 4 99 and » eorned 
intercet,” is wltrs vires the power of ine wank and againet public 
policy and, therefore, unenforceable. 

Considering substantially the seme form ami character of 
repurchase agreement and determining the identical question presented 
in the instant ease aoc to the iliegality of some, the eourt in the 
Kuaeg case, supra, held that such a repurchase agreement entered 
inte by a bank, through ite officers or agent, was ulixve vires, 
contrary to the statute of the State ef Lhiimois, and against 

WAG wate Yerevan 
abl SLewesoeh (ae 

BECK 9G dwargasd 

aukeY sat 


— ObgO S45 

_ aoorodmk esis Sed nse waa denen 

: Sti ov ot 20 oW ot tot” 
“to thvestrta atinabnotee mt qu den vue eoum | 
ade'%e Laarevot oat 10% eT en ee 
ho wete at ded yhedmowexq Broo ex att we panes one ca dom " 
eetoaly .v pesug wt favo emexgett amo Yo tment fh 
rarnstendngnenbedatetebacdeedic tte K adas: 

od Senhotes Yd Peemeer—n ce new weeds LL2w ow dndide ern 
wedito tn 'O0 ‘eet ‘endl 4a¥ “eit eatilng iain Stald as 
bares — ‘baa aad “sr te aregd ‘ote geuky ae 

prmaemnsmaabimaipiniuntsn sis 0 

doniage ons yatomsiit Ye otads aad Be etwdete sult of yraxsane 



public policy and, therefore, void and unenforceable. 
in conformity with the law applicuble to thie cause 
as thus enunciated by our Supreme court, the judgment ef the 

Municipal ecurt of Chicego ie reversed, 

Gridley and “ganlan, JJ+, coneure 

wotwoud ty Gi soak ‘Lcvtiisiok Wada ‘pte edterneall 

(yore Sl 

Wise ener ra ae enyat, Hpi benpe ae 

if Wag 
We dnd 
Rees wae Ne 
ee ee 


cdmacndnd area, Syma WAS mae gi, fat gabibeatt 

‘ er ass grey ewe M jf Upesatooiinae ik eas mee 
aa Ne a ee ae | . MRA ee abl gab 

ty yee i ieee 4 Le Se ee 

ate Se Seeronct aah oa FEMA sian ue penn % 

he SR ee 
Pe a qa ee ee Pee eee a He 
SORTS HE i oduwtn wk #f° get ei dt Rae pea 
hovidsod ben kegels tampa aetele ae Qe 
eh ee ee 
te ee eee ee ond - Be 
shlding Pa ategus ‘Poeea Witogal Vaety ee — wate saan a Ban 

ie Sry ae ate Senibie Bee 3g warenn's Heeonee iia’ Leanne ibid aataes ; sel iY 

oss we Beatty wall 9 esate te “ot tages ae wally Be ba he 
et we ye ac onatentanein? a Staite dad witb 
PO SEE.. ie see gate wh eet, 
Heit cee ents ag bom SAR ae hates al , 

36813 fl \o 



Ve ) i 

SUPRA IO LOAN & monTéaeE } 
COMPAEY, - come 2 OF ¢ at Oe 

Appellant / 

ms . z ¢ é4 Dea o£ 1. oO 5 9° 

This is an appeal by the Superior Lean & Mortgage 
Company, & corporetion, defendant, from a judgment entered age inet 
it on the verdict of a jury for $914.66. 
Plaintiff's statement of clsim alleged thet Mareh 7, 
1929, he lent $2000 to the Superior Loan & Mortgage Company, a 
corporation (hereinafter designated as the corporation), then 
Operating ac a cormon law trust under the name of the Super ior 
loan & Mortgage Association (hereinafter referred to ao the 
agsecintion); that the loan was repayable on demand with interest 
at 7% per anmway that on or about “pril 1, 19%), he received on 
account thereof $1336% thet on or about April 28, 1930, defendant 
corporsiion wae formed with « espiteal stock of 6250,000, that all 
of the assets of the ussociation were sesigned to the eorporation; 
that among the liabilities szeumed by defendant wee the 2668 
balance due on plaintiff's lean with 7% interest on $2,000 fren 
Merch 7» 19295 to April 1, 1930, and 7% interest om $665 from 
April 1, 1930, to the date of judgment. 
Defendant's afficuwit of merits made in ite behalf by 
«ite seeretary, Louis Sandler, denied that plaintiff lent defendant 
$2000, or that he had been repaid $1335 on account of such loan. 

anne Vt 
JALIL SLM er hd A, 
ne Se Rvs 

‘ead AL BY 


epeaixok @ anal vohtoqad add qe Lonage ma at ote? 
Jack ogs bevedas semmgoal a mort aitabre tod gHehloregeed & 2 URagae) 
aa. df89 tot Yh o te sabbsow ods mo oa 

oY dot Sold dogetin miato To teamtote of rrhemtalt 
2 eye) opepdrell 4 magi tolsequ® seit of O00R) dnet of Cok 
tect (metinrognee off uae betomploed oP tamiered) mets sco tes 
colcoqul ext to omun ote cota tout wal aoameo a an pabboxeqe 
ald an of bevtetet vot omtoted) gotistveca egagitel & aol 
faowent diiw beamed mo oldayaqex ear naot ot? dade t(mot sat sesun 
uo hovioowt ed ,OLOd wh fisgs saede xo mo dade qatmne La we ta 
dunbasted ,O@k 98% Lhxgs tuode xo mo doit? 186eLs Yooradd moves 
fie dans 4000,0088 to xogte Indiqad « dély hoa acw sottaroque 
paottasegros add o¢ beaylean o10W nolsoieoeen ony to eéonor ext ‘ke 
anal odd eow dnedastod qo bommmne woke hitdals ad? pone gots | 
mort 000.80 mo saoroded RT dttw neo at eta dateta es ‘ouh eonskad 
sort ERAS wo Seotedat KT dae gOCOL af Lhugs of -@HEL oF dota 
efxeagaut, te etab ont? oo vO ak Ae 
qf Tiaded ati mi obam athxem to shyabi the e?inabustet 
inadaokon tued Yebintedg decid bateoh «s0Khael wteol eutadoxpen aft 
wnsok Koon Xe Smrennn mo BELLE hoger soed Da ok sat x0 ,O00RH 


Yhe affidavit sdmitted the orgenization of the corporation April 
28, 1950, but denied that 211 of the assets of the anssociation 
were assigned to the corporation, or that defendent acoumed amy 
Liability toe pay plaintiff [665 with interest. it stated thet on 
and before Merch 7, 1929, the aavecintion wae engaged in the business 
of making small loaneg thet the capital fer these loans wax furnished 
both by members of the caveciation and nonuenbers whe deposited funds 
with the association im order to participate in its profitas that 
the agsegintion lesued te nonmembers, who depoeitec funds for ine 
veotment, a receipt designated a vertifieste of deposit, which con- 
etituted the contract between the esseeiation and the normenbers 
and that Mareh Vp 1929, vleintiff depoeited with the avsociation 
$2000 and received the assectstien's certificate ef depesit for that 
@BUaUT te 

The affidavit alleged that ehertiy prier to April 23, 
1930) it wee decided te reorganize the asaceiation aa a vorperation; 
that eubseriptiona fer stock of the proposed corporation were signed 
by “onmembers holding eertificates of deposit ae well ae by members 
ef the assotistiong that thereupon defendant was organized as an 
Tiiimeis cerperationg that plaintiff was ene of the erigimal sub- 
seribers for 20 shares of the eaxpital stock of the corporation at 
the per value of $2000, and by his subscripiion agreement transferred 
and aszigned hig interest in his $2,000 ocertifieate of depoait in 
the association in full payment of the capital stock of the core 
poretion subseribed for by himg that pursuant to thie subseription 
agreement defendant delivered to plaimtif? ite ecrtifieate of stock 
dated April 35, 1930, for 20 shares of eapital sieck of defendant 
of the par value ef $100 o share and received in payment therefor 
plnintiff's ecertifiente ef deposit for $2000 im the asaeciotion. 

The affidwrit alee averrec thet April 6, 1950, plaintiff 


Liq: mebiareqzen and % colsvatnegse odd deddtabe thvedt Yin aft 
nokgatoousae ald te aiwsde ofS to Lie ads bofued dad g0EEL 8s 
Ye tienes teabareteb sas a¢ yaeoktincogtoe ade ef heaglena ow 
te gat? bedate sl ssuexedal diiw 8080 Tikembalg you of ePhitdall 
anenkevd af? ol hepegee aaw welictoouns oad geROk 9? Mesa oveted bes 
Sosle eva t aow amood eaend t@% Lotiqns edt feds ganmet Liv geiden to 
eo bew's bostaeged ody producmmon bows t@tiatoannn eat ‘to 5 tein ‘we dod 
tess ugltong off at egagiotgug oF webto ut mottatioban ed? atiw 
qaf cet asm? Setieoged omy «etedssenen ot fewond mei sakoooas ans 
amon doisw gtisogeh to o¢onttslxwo a bedemyiaed iqtenes fo gionmteoy 
(reduome: si ona neltelsogsn sad meoeded soetsavp, edt bosuette : 
motistoosse sli fti¥ bodteogyd Trdembeky sRROL oF Moxa gadd tm 
heats 80t ¢2eegeh to odavitivxse ataglecioene, wld. beviooss daw gouRe 
Evel -erOma 
se them, 3 “xetag sete: test. ante stmabi.the ent oats | 
inolIianequec a ae BONolpenss add sainayxeos o¢ bedloah axe oh 90608 | 
bomgte sw fetiazeqren dowogang add Yo Aveda tet uot schrondine, fast 
axoduen VS an Liew se dtagged Yo wtenohthaxom garbled axa jae 'vu xe | 
ae as houlmagTe aaw itabee lo segueted? gold gael eatoewne os. oe 
~disa Laat gt x0 gosh) % one gay Tiktatale dads. 10k foxeqz9e dont LET 
je wolderoqroe els Yo Aneta Letiqasote %» aonate 08 set exadinee 
bexsolenst? tromecxgs aehiqttoadwe aid yt bas .200R) te ember eget 
nt tiaoqsh Ye atenliitces O0%eRt ald ab taoxednt st mo a 
“toe adit to seats Ladiqus edd to émeangeg Liat at modieks . 
motigixoedse aidd of tmmexiug doce gmbel Dares oe . 


tnabostes te deede Ladiqen 2a eoceds Of xet seine seta i 
woloved? geemyay mt havens x ous ¢ cate a COL) YO ouLsiv eg, odd 
oHokiakoonnm alt, ak GO0RE, saaeabermeaninedmnnsomienilen é! 
Vilseakg gUlOk .6 Liq sels hertowe 


applied te defendant fer a loan of 15003 thet the lean was made 
on that date and he executed and dehivered tc defendant hia 
promissory note for $1500; and that defendant ise Bat imcebted te 
Plaintiff in any sums, but plainsirf i ingebted to defendant in 
the sum of $1500. 

Defendant contends that Pisintiftf ig attempting te evade 
the effect of hie signed agreement of April 7) 1930, to suber the 
for enpital stock of the sorporationg that this agreement ia an 
effevtual bar to hig reeevery in this cause; and that, inaswack ag 
he purehaned 20 shares ef defendant's stoek with his S200 gertie 
fieate of depesit in the neo ciations he cam net new revover that 
$2000 er any part of it on the theory that 4 still remeaina in the 
form of = lean or ceposit. 

Plaintiff's theory is thet Merch Vo 1929, he lent the 
agaeeintion $20003 that he was repaid $1358 of the loan im April, 
1956, amd that the corporntion is still indebted te him for the S6a5 
balance of the loan with interest; thet his signature to the stock 
svubseription agreement and the note for 81500 were Brocured by fraud 
and that he signed those documents ot che time he was repaid T1356, 
after he had been advised by the secretary of the eorperation, in 
whom he reposed confidence, that they were simply a receipt or paper 
for the records} that he was illiterate end did net knew the cone 
tents of the instruments: and that thease were questions of fact upon 
which the determination of the jury and the judgment of the trial 
court Kaawegu ahould be held te be conclusive. 

For a proper underatanding and determinntion of the quese 
sions presented by thie appenl it ia aeeesecry te detail the evi 

denee somewhat fullye 
It appeared that Lowie Sandler was secretary Of defendants 

‘which wag incorporated April 28, 1950, and that prier therete he was 

Gham usw moet ort? dost g008LG to maed « 0% amobusted of Setigae 
ght dgobavkes of boreviled hug aotuowxe ext tee 989d Bart to 
at peddotas tom ot teokaetos. dad tous (ORG wor odem Pe 

dt duahmeton e¢ deddubad ak Tiitnbaty ted cme yun Teeetale 
- ¢00ast emma wnat 

-gperve od gakiqaedta at Tiliahedy tat? sheodees Jaubas tet | pea Os 
| pdbesadia 08 2088L aT Shxqs to denmootga bengts. obs We. pone nae 
po nd tragoonge abst tate quolaasgaes ord, 20 dopta Lattgan tot 
as oman, ,teds ona gequco ald? at Yreveoes etd of xed Lautoetto 
whine 00088 afd doky dood wtinabeeteh to setade Of donation tmg of 
tas) co9vqoes won som sae of snotsatoones, ee mh dtmoge> to ofmght 
ag ot antames Likon tt das? yroods pie wo ak Be frag, wae we 00088 
, : hh ane eee neok, o es 
etd lanef od ened wo dara tad ok sqroedta atrntunbast “ 
ehingh st mank aid Xe AGELO Dinaex anw wl gout? ysoose pare 

Bond aft od aid gt dpddodat Litie at mobiexegues ott dacis =, sar 

‘deodn até of emtomnin eis toed ateotedat 87hw aod att te sonntad 

tart xe beuwoons, 9198 COR xo? efen ads bum JremeeseR | mab egte adie ks 
LAEEEA bhagas naw af Oats eli 4a,atriomman conde Bombe ost tat es 
_ mae ginal desoqneo orld So adoro se ot « an tet need baat ya 
aeqeg xo tqieort « Ginate axow vi saute coment tne, megnent, 

coinage foot te angttaeue * erow + pavds tosh ban 5 jetmemarctent et ceeds: g teres 
Rabe tg Yo tawarybr ad? Sma pot, oats 2 aottontnsateh ar toa 
; Ue aston he ej as 

vovieusonos ot 0s ged ed Skworls on 
weep ast te aot tantarotyd baa antonetexabeu mwa se : 
hy odd Lhadab og Wesaesoen at an Loogqn wits ye & He 7 ee ‘ 

etaabuets > te weaturees ane xoEbaa? awed tnt Pelle n 
ey a amit i hae 

cow od poms ata fot Sam OEE 08 ny Into 

nS Yc 
sh ‘i wun “hi ni Ne PRaaiaa ei ms) 
W $ f 

oli wm ¢ i: 



secretary of the same Company operating as a eommon lew trust 
under the name of the Superior Loam & Hor tgage \seoelations thet 
while secretary of the latter corporation ke met plaintif? in the 
Community State Bank, and, upon ascertaining thet he hag @2000 on 
Geposit there, urged him te deposit that amount with his agcagint len, 
Promising him that it ould be withdrawn at any Sime and would é¢raw 
interest at the rate of %% per annum, and thet if he left 4t with 
the seceeiation for ome year or longer i+ wOLLG @raw interest at 
the rate of 11% per aniums that cundler wrete oy: & ¢heck fer $2000, 
whieh pleaintirr Simned and delivernd t@ him, and « few éays theree 
after, March 79 1929, plainsire Fecelvec from the ResOcintion ite 
certificate of deposit fer thet amount, which provided: 

"This certifioate of éeposit beara interest from date 
hereof at the rete of 7% per annem if eaid amount ie on deposts 

for any period less than One yenr, and at the rate of 112 per 
anwum for exch full year that amount is on eeposit with the undere 

signed .* 
It further appeared that plaintiff had been @& dry gonads 

peddlers that he had resided in Chicago 16 Yenrs; that he had come 
here from Canada where he had resided two or three years aubaequent 
to hie arrival from “Wasiag thet he had S0meé Limited financial and 
business experiences and that plaintiss had on three previouy 
OCcasions deposited with er lent money to the sseecintion end in 
these instances his money hac been repaid. 

Plmintiff testified in his we behalf that all ef his 
ienlings with either the «snociation or the corporation were with 
‘Sandlers thot he waited & year before requesting payment of his 
92060, #0 that he might get 12% interests that he then went to the 
iseetnston’s effice and awked Sandier far his money, His teut imoeny 

%o what cecurred on that and Kis maext visit te Candler's effice 

best atated in his own languages, as follows: 

“He oaid "Il ean't give you no money.’ He was caught in 
bank - whet bank I don't know. I wnids "Mr. Sandler, when you 
ing to give me money?' ie said, ‘fou knew me, you heve confidence 

ferst wal does 2 8 gatiavsge yaecmes sans odd Te ystems 
gore. anodgatoona’ sqens atl & meel aoksega was ‘ke tema aaa: aabew 
od? ak Chiabeig oee oth modantegioe anatek ot Le wonde om otkstw 
| se ct had af sods, ntmtotonsn. neste sel. eal A? 
euetintonses eid dtiw tune vei? ghamgah od wae begee aaaedd. pheeged 
ene dhe ben oaks xo do emanate 6 HANGS at dade ake gabe dmeeg 
enn ab del wa eh dads aa etalios TOE RY to etee oF) Oe, son anbat 
te srovaend worth Bhaow tf Tags TH Lay Bee BOL. reteatagans ots | 
waned 20% Moedie » tap eter watbmns t0i7 pee og, SA ba ciaualhintl 
mings went wot w tam al ov hosovhiod sme ROeRFe:” 2d 4 
ast rabtntoouns nd apah.comkenes Takdmiady oth «Ff sini nade : 
shabtvang Sadar «dearane sans so ebaeann 2 ro. sonok ae 

stab mock seoredat axaed Ikweqeb te ng | ni 
Heer Doe ai dewoms aie tf aaah TY 

te mie Ad da Daa 5 ENT OO t on bet 
weet) ot gies thnoqe® oe et Sontsenenes oe” hath iu’, 

ome bet od aosid sem Gh ® wie ; 
sryendss cLagy caualt sh Ome bebbe at ant cod : ait yam 

# irre, souls op beast rubsebene sade eet ised s§ 
game wks oo YRS aie k me ‘ Saoged aness 
n wn Bo ka as uated sone ets Ld obhhinae ast Wat tomas 
pre prow PoligROgToe sik 38 medeapeee wae nee i aly 

wontreid om pipe wet x coin | tat + oe i te otmebd 
sekite etielbom®? a7 ot: ake Sci akih ede cane ws d Ce a 

escuiiaes vead une oak “ae pre 

oo fie 

in me five years. Thirty days Inter you will get your mene;.! 

"lt went away» Thirty daye later, [ think a month later, 
I ¢ome up to Bre Sandler and ack him fer the monaye Me antd "Rts 
Revits, you have te wait. “ee don't pay to nobodye! 1 say, ‘Mrs 
SemdLer, 1 tuke your words I need the soneye’ 1 oaid, '! iaeue 
eheckn; you said te do that, thirty days laters’ de anid, ‘How 
much you issue checks?" I said, ‘thirteen hundred or some, I don’t 
know how much, i didn't figures’ He eaid, 'I emam't do it, but you 
know me a long timt, I give yous’ - He made cheek 01355. I anid, 
‘How mick an amount ie 91335? “hy not even thirteen hundred or 
thirteen fifty?' He enid, ‘Don's verry; you get your money.* 

“He brought me paps and beeks to sign. I said, ‘How 
much you want me te sicn for my money?’ He anid, ‘Arey you afraid? 
You will get your money.'* 

As te subsequent oecurrenees plaintify teeiified: 

“So after that I seen him simost every two weeks; I was 
Gepouiter in the some bank re Sandler. “very time 1 saw him he 
gaid, 'You get it, you will get it, you wi1i get it.’ 

"He dragge¢ me slong here until 1931, I think Juneg i 
some up rs i no gl "tr, SEMER 6 re sees me hereg 1 need the 

‘ys © need money news 1 got : the ez rangement a 
yarn all is going te get married ijth of dune; © need the + 
You got to pay it, or 1 start guilt.’ He anid, ‘You stuart to sue mie, 
Sed bless yous You start te sult me, we get a judgment sgninst 
ef I galdy "Shat co you mean?’ Ue wald ‘Se corporates! I anid 

‘When?’ ‘Last years’ I gnid, *i don't think so. if you heave a 
corporation, other people's money.’ He mid, ‘the corporation 
take ever and go to pay everybody after all,** 
Plaintiff alee testified that “andler imaisted that he turn over te 
him the $2000 gertificate of deposit befere ke would say him She 
1.335 and he did a0. 

Sandler tes:ified in defendant's behalf that following 
a weeting of all eof the members of the agse¢intion April G», L8a0, 
plaintif? came to the office of the company April 7, 1940, and in- 
quired ae to what had happened at the meetings tact he told him they 
deeided to incerporate and that everyone whe wighed to become « 
ateckholder in the corporation had to subseribe for stock; ani that 
plaintiff signed the “steek subscription agreement” at that tine. 
(The agreement authorized certain trustees therein named te oct fer 
the wubscriber and by its terms transferred and ascigned the $2600 
certificate of deposit to them te be im effect aurrendered to 

defendant in payment of 20 shares of its expital stock for the 

. gieseriber.) He testified further that the next days April 3, 

aaa intel 

1930, plaintiff, having made no request or demand for hie 92000 

¢ wpreeux ba fiw wey ceded oeeh est 
azagak soo @ Bases abe pt gh soi * 
oe! Bien of ie Me Rs 
eee? Coe t goer ot Yon tig gy if sider oe & 
nena! x? eer % tr pont gas peor . 
wer" tony oh Save Be 

: waa’ wpe 5 sans 
thiewte weg gash’ sian Of 

yp had et deo? 4d deckata page AWeNe seco ad og 

aan 2 earn aes ¢tove sevate mid Por l dassle x08 et wii 
ot aisl wow % Ri wie one ale te 

a¥ daha 1 4 
wate ore 7 srw oe 
‘eR 2 oem: el 

seanal av gale: oat 
qe oa Ge unde scr! 4! 

ode whet you biwow aM quwied tigeges be wineries 8 
te ot wu 

pO82k 98 Rings sohdnionens ox BO weadaot ods TO Kia BO % 
wsed bam, 9G8RL at Linge erage, astty te ooaviho sat at ome TRddets 
qed? mtd bing ed seid tontvanm ed Se damaged Sat sate of Se 
8 oeouwt o@ bedake ow saeqaere geld nae oemnaguect® oF beblo 
tars hae goede xe? odixondion OF hod mebéecteq sen wut? ak ‘wolite feo 
oats tat! do “Meremaqe aobtginendin anode” oe hoctpea ‘Tikit | 
te 490, 03 doennn mioresty devesmd mbhesxoa conta damon 
0084 odd demhuae hee ker cetmens mae ade Ae fins aod abode 
ed Sprekenraim doette maoae oF mods OF — iu sroane 


loan or d¢posit, or any part of it prior te that time, came to 
deferdant's office and teld Sendicr the} he wantec te make a loamy 
that Sendler tolé him he could have o lonn of $1900, which he 

n@greed te take; thet after plaintiff signed the nete fer OL500 he 

wae given a check fer $1535 and he deliversd to Sandler, upon hia 
demand, hin 22000 certifiente of deposit (which umder the sub 
seriptiow agreement ef the day before had been transferred and 
assigned in payment of 20 shares of (efendent's sto¢k) ae sceurity 
for payment of the pisaey that the $168 difference between the $1500 
leen as evidenced by the note and 21345 received by plaintiff 
represented a prepayment of interest on the loan for eieateen months 
at the rate of 72% that the mote wee payable in 75 weeks at the rate 
of $20 « weeky that plaintiff would have heen repaid hie $Rb00 deposit 
any time upon his request or demondg and that he delivered te plaintity 
persenelly the certificate for 20 chares of steek in defendant core 
poration abeus april 30, 1930. 

Om erese-examination Somiley tosiified that ne payment was 
made ty plaintiff on the $1800 notes thet no effort wae made te exaet 
payment of weme until December 24, LOSS, when jud@eent wes confenred 
en it after action im the inetent cose had been instituted ard summons 
served on plaintiff November 1a, 1932; ard thet the only letier re= 
queating payment thet he distinctly rememberce sending plaintiff was 
that eof July 22, 1932, after defendant hac reeeived plaintiff's 
attorneys’ letters of July 3 and 20, 1932, demanding payment of the $665 
valance due plaintifi. 

in rebuttal plaintiff denied thet he eigned the subyeriphion 
agreement April 7, 1930, or that he even sow Sandler em thet doy, and 
he alse denied that he ever received = certificate for 20 shares of 
eteek of defendant corporation. He testified thet when he signed the 

mote in evidence there waa nothing om the paper exeept the amall 


OF mae qcukd dant od andtg a2 to Stomp pete oo yAangee co weet 
taunt a wlow od Sedaew af dads godbews ofet “ase onthe gmenyrong 
ok doko ROOREE To maok w ovad Divas oft whit oboe votuna daxtd 

ead GOREE. 20k adan ade wanes Wil omberg seite ondls ‘tual ea oozes 
add ongs gee Shhas we be homswkiob cat inte aSeee wi toads 2 nevty saw 
mus itd sane dotzies) a beige ‘te wosertbares oR} wast ‘shasamie 

hae betegteaes? oted oat axeted yah ia te Smsaneinge morsel te 
VWs oe (Meede sanbmeted Ye wenate be Xe a, al bengtose 

ae ons te ate BY oh ildeiia ist deat ite abl wine a 
| ' diaaged Oey ata phages aad overt aisater Vilsatade todd tiene a 980 40 
Vibentads oF aovavites of dade ena yonwan9 30 Seoupey als moqe oat uh 
exee demoted mi xoote. te wezeie GR t6) senertidcon ote yhkene r 
gE AE begs Ree eteeate 

aew thameny ae dad? pektiiees Golan? metiontexe-asere BO mee 
found of she aav Sxotts on dealt pedon CORRE este wh ft eal” 
baasd'hwod daw Seventh mode eer ,ko todas tsa wens to sonny 
giana bre betuthtent xeed bat odes ent eat te ten et 
air vedtet ‘vine ead dans bod inath 6b vedios ini Be 
saw Wihtalale guthws boxedinaed ‘obtener oid bach” siete eek bab 

M4 atiivetete beviveot tat Fanbested withe sheer ~ re oa 
[ tans al ilies wnt <tts Leah nan ® Daannited awed ig 
metiqixoadee eid bonbhe ‘bit sill ilkdeh Wine ain wer 

bmn «yao gait? ao xottne® wan stove GH Anal vo GORE 6° Ltagh daomiony 
io wocasin Of ‘26% sdupbhtaduon a bovkooor tate ot dived — ) 7 

ed? pempts ed modw doi botttiond OM smmtsnnerton Indl 7 
kfemn ast? | dene ogna baw ted ae wy an ‘ote’ 

geese PAE Sia WRC Ni, Ripeeae ey Pitt . 

ao fe 

prints that the blank spnees were not filled in am that Sandler 
told him, “this is a receipt fer the money what you cot" that, 
when Sandler asked him to sign the inetrument in evidenee as a 
steck subscription agreement, he asked Sandler how many signatures 
he wanted him to sign and Sandler said, “we have to keep a reeord ~ 
you have full confidenee in me five er six yearn, and I wouldn't 
cheat youg” and that he then wigned it. He further testified that 
at the time he received the $1338 he signed both documents without 
knowledge of their contents, relying entirely upon the honesty of 
Sandler » 

Defendont declares that the present status of the parties 
is that defendant doea not owe plaintif¢ 466% or any other eum ef 
moneys that plaintiff owns 20 shares ef stock in Gefendant corpore 
ations and thet plaintiff owes defendant $1500 on the note, I 
insists that pleintiff is bound by his signature te the aferenone 
tioned subscription agreement, which moeificd his original centract 
ae represented by his $2000 certificate ef deposit, and extinguished 
any obligation on the part of either defendant oY Ate predecessor 
aseo¢iation on that certifieste, and that thie is true even though 
Plaintiff wae illiterate when he sigmed it. it ia urged thet « 
written contract can not be voided, varied or contradicted by parol 
evidence and several eases are cited to the effect thet even an 
iliiterate is bound by his written contracts thet if he eon not 
read it constitutes negligence on his part to sign «a contract 
without heaving it read te him. 

We fully agree that is the extebliched law, but none of 
the enses cited is applicable to the situation presented by the 
Case at bars inasmuch aa it did net appeor in any of them that the 
Signature of the party was obtained by fraud, duress or mise 
er esentas fons We are of the opinion that the rule vontrolling 
the determination of the question presented in this enuse ip 



reheat gett Yen Gh OGSLE) 368 COO neous Moab weld sauté qeateg 
giade “9709 voy Jody Yoaom ott et tgkaoes « at dai” ats nies 

a te wocnaive at tmeamademk eg mia of mad nenkes sukbunt woaty 
aviudamite you wod aelknes betas gah yoga r TBA nokigh woods soore 
~ Sons 2 goed of oved aa® estan sedbast tae aghe oo xk hodaaw ost 
*pehteon X ham yauney aie we oth om ae oateehs tae Liat ved Oy 
fate ettieand eadeawt oF «45 asegte mad? oat dots bee "4QHON saeso 
 teuatther etirenmeak ated Remmhe ol GL osle bhovkeoes os om? ot? te 
we enn edt meme -ylontine petites axderndceo sheds %o sghekwom 

xeiecag wid wo aatada SoeReTy os gusts cnsiclaah sasnaetes 
to nan coulda ne ve Cobo Tilswdakg oe dae anol tiebm 
aoqtey snakrotob pt sioode 20 negate OF aENe vendmboly, tat eon 
gt vapor edt mo 008LG eoubastyd acme Titvabale, tame ons (stots 
onemonehe etd os oumtannke afd ye hme al yidatale teste veatent 
somnduwe Lavkgizo oll Sutton detain, «Seame tee, ankigh unedie poitmd 
Redtedeyetian bee ,tlaoged te etantiheare COG odd YS bodasnenqut ms 
emenepedorg 26h xo inadantod sosidhe to txmq add op satiagiide yar 
 ghgwodty wows ound ad aaele dasta wun antaok3aaces tadi_ mp potiaeones 
beth bepes nt 4h ott bomale, oct anche otemeet ttt cow sadgatala 
“forage UE eteleetinue to deicey gdodher OF fon ano daandmos meade: | 

nn, mmo ania aonnkn ons a anane nn annan cacerna haa nehiT® 
dom mao ae BR deale ttowntuen weoibew ais wt ames At 

Hie es A 

tomas 2 mete o6 tog abt ae aomogesaoe ! mnenore & ta a 

ext deste menaid ‘ke wie ak senne tom an oa , dame tad | 
cata 20 sxtrirh qhuax? wd bankeade eae wee oe. me rursonste 
‘qatiseromn- brs, tush, ebabige oot 30 he, H+ é 
at wanes alti al bodmuooty chien ot De saat 


correctly set forth in Fowler Gy orks ¥ 

110 Tllse Appe 186) 129-30, where the court 

“The rule ie elementary in this etete, where the 
distinetion between lew and equity is preserved, that the frend 
whieh 111 defeat an action at law upon «a sealed?’ imatrument ia 
wonfined to fraud in the oxequiien of the inotrument, such ag 
the misreading of the imetrument, the substituiden ef one paper 
for anothers, ox vhere, by other device or Wiekery, the maker 
wae induced to sign and aeal it, Believing et the time he wis 

eigning ond secsling a different paver.* 
the seme rule ia enunciated in hd mey & Starvette Co. 
Xsf' Rourke, 172 llie 177, 18283, where the fellewing language 
is used by the court. 
"But the evidenee shows that the appellee Was an ignerant 
BSN, ond could not rend or write, and signed the receipt by ma 
Kis mark. There ie evidence Gerding to shows that he did net under« 
stand the paper signed by him te be a release of dummgesge The 
q¥@otions whether ox not the appeliee underatood the paper signed 
by him to be a release, or a mere receipt, wae sulmittied t¢ the jury 
by instructions given beth fer the appellant and the appellee. The 
Jury have found thet he did net widerstand it to be « release 
Defendant's counsel atreases and reiterates the fact that 
plaintiff did not testify thet he was unable te fend the ingliek 

ienguage, That is trues But we are eonatrained te believe that 


when he wae interregated as te chether he waa able to read and 
write the Ongligh language he wae net afierded fair opportunity 
to amewer the question. ‘The question was fellewed ey objection and 
extended colloquy between counsel and the court, and when the court 
finally ¢ecided that he might anewer the question was not repeated 
to him, ond hie anewer was “le, I cannot write,” Sowever,s hig 
ability or inability to read “nglich ean not alene ¢ontrel the 
éecision of this cause. 

“hether or mot defendant's signature to the steck aub~ 
scription sgreement and the mete fer 21600 was proewred by fraud or - 
trickery, at the time plaintily received the $1438, was peouldarly 
& Question for the jury to determine from oll the facts and eire 

_ CUmetances in evidenee. 
: It was their duty to and they unquestionably did consider 

ase rat ob ois tnt, Sins Site 

Hy Bye eats mag sang omyfns emma her ee 
% at dealt _ Soran : btad 
“ged Seemers 2s nen ot ot ye me oe Masse Ke fosteb iEbe tol ee 

ey he ee _ hodednene af nar ontae , st 

eyawened yabwosto’ ot a ad e8B~8BE ath itt ers 
eer pr we Soe ak 

dmeronge mE dae SOS Legis aie ¢atd swore esapbsve end ll: 
guise ye dyiones tale weeps baet .athur to oot For fom 
ase? tom bie oil aati peur’ = 

ew pre aype gh ei oxedT + 
=* og ge act 
“ensmkae a ee Oo Fe pacino roe beh 

deaig donk oatt gofataiiet Soe aagnette Sanmaens sheuiaabitc: ‘on 
_ take oxniiod 02 beakaxtenes oie oe ane vost at Rael. Scien 
trowsroens niet a bobeuttie text wae nat gemamnt Megat edt ‘othe 
bas mobtoside ye bewallct ane matioamp oat - snokiwonty wid Teese ot 
retanges ton ane mettenny sie tens Uiieher of faut webtown GLEAMRE 
ais ysovoooli santhor denne K «9R" anu women ake he ale 
ed Jovineo oneke dom nao dabiget band Ge Yt ! 
sans aids Yo iabatels 

ain spode tts pt ommtanakn «Minginathos tnet xe sealed ey 
<a immth 1 howwsone ener 008KK xo stom may Ana daaneene rag a 
vArwtinneg aaw eBE6L9 wile baytoons UAtmbndg ombhedd te <euetabee 
“the dein aden’ cue Lio monk orkeenedeh oe sainneltni pi - 
tentang kb atten tonne qpeld hens Be wie att ae ‘s 


that it wae Sandler who wrote out the eheek fer plaintiff at the 
time of his ceposit er loan of $2000 te the asseeiationy that 
plaintiff waited a year so that he would get 11% interest inctead 
of 7% for hie money} that about  pril 1, 1930, when he first ree 
guested his money, he wen told to euse back in thirty daysz that 
April 7, 1930, when it is claimed thet he signed the ateck sub- 
seoripiion agreewent, transferring and assigning hie 62000 eertifie 
Gate of deposit in payment of the 20 shares of stock in the eorpere 
ation, he wae mot asked by Jandler for his eertifiente of deposit, 
although the agreement iteelf provided thet it be turned ever to 
the trustees for eeneelletion; that it kas met yet been cancelled 
end that there wee mo warrent for the issuance of the corporation's 
certifients ef stock te plaintiff until the eertifieate of depesit 
was cene@liedy that the very next day, April S») 1950, according 

to Sandler, plaintiff discovered that he needed money ond requested 
@ loan from the sasociation and that he acquiesced in Sandler's 
action in charging him $165 for the purported $1506 loan, allowing 
him but $1335, when, again, according to “andler, he could have 
eellected the face value of Bie $2000 certifiente of deposit plus 
interest if he had mot avsigmed it the day beforeg thet “andler 

testified that the $168 deduetion from the amount ef the loa 

represented a prepayment of interest on the note at the rate ef 7% 
for 18 monthe when, in fact, interest at 74 did not figure that 
amount either for 16 months or for 75 weeka, the actual tera of 
the note; that, according to Sandler, he demanded as security for 
the note the cortifieate of depesit which he knew wae worthless, 

it having been transferred and assigned the previous day by the 
subscription agreement executed in candler'e presence and delivered 
to himy that although the note wae payable at the rate of $20 a 

week and not a single payment hod been made on it, no effort was 


oh te Thkiwhelg set Moodie odd oom otguw ety coftald naw 2h dere 
futs posidasepune ote a8 GRORE Yo need we tiveqe® ald to embed 
baodent daorstak Mk Jog biwow og dade om xeey @ Bedhnw Trddmbalg 

wer duck? od mosis gOSOL gf Lhmys seeds toxit temo lst ot RY Be 
Sasha inysh Wrulslé ul choad amoe of bios exw ool ygonom wkd $aou 

dee deers aht bumgie sd dest pumate xk tf mbcte (OBOE fateh 
«“Ktid¢sen O0uS! ald yeieghane ome ais io Raawens etme seligttoa 
orgies ad mk doetn te aptaie OS os Te taaeyey wt dieogeh to edaa, 
stiaoqes ‘ otenictbeen aid 2et asloea yd Geden ton saw ec gtokda 
Gt teve homed od J¢ Jantt ophivera Leedt connie alt Mowatt S La 
soi Leones node see dom boat ot aeele ‘gooksaltoomes ab avesouns ‘oot: 
a'noitwroquve ei te bomumel ety sah seentew, on any ovadé sade oe 
ttaonsd te stant 2tii00 aid hv TAdanaty 98 doode Yo. stanlnheroe 
gaborosde g GEOL 4B Liew wea dom qxer odd tautd theLtveme aan 
bwenapet im qyenoa bbbon ed sail? boxeveonsh rid tuba qsedbaet 
a'2efben? of eeostupyn od ded) ee wat éatoosas agit woxk pale « 
guiwo tie sian OOLLe bedveqnny aio xo OLD mie gectpemto ak molion 
owed Bfbes ad ytetbas® of seb brooon viioge ytctv «ACECE cod mtd 
aide déadqsb Te ehantticsoa COOKE aket to wuhev senk ssis vetootton 
ge hhee® Sond gotwter yod one Ut vongtass fom bod of he saeceant 
mek ote Lo dumm ett mott wekdowbab BBLO add dadd bert i tant 
RY te odor sald Ga GoM Gis ab tootetnd WW dermmyeqeag & deduces 
tod? weg? dom bah RY sa Sovsotnt ydowt mt gmedw aamom bi x00 
Ww wed Lewtoe odd gmtvor 67 62 Ye eednom OL vot rodtte imean. 
at Yhwoee sa ohuamed oof ytetbne® ot ahh biosea vied tegen oben hs 
semeldorow eae word vat abies dtweged to odeodievee ote oven sat 
ity ‘Ue Wal watered sit Silly bikin till Ciidailldiald sagt soe 
bomriios ote aouedoug 2! cekbme wt bodawexe J my 
a OF Te etex att te wkdingey saw oer oe Hueaddtn gente 
anv ¢xptte om gtk mo shen mend oat Sommyeq ae Se aoe 

9 ten ona ot 

My ie ki 

za Lapa ie 


made te enforee its payment until after summons had been served 

on defendant in thie enuseg and that Sendler, having in his 
pesseseion the certifiente of deposit he knew te be worthless 

aa security for the $1500 mete, testified that he personally 
éelivered to plaintiff the evrtifieate for 26 shares of defendant's 
stock instead ef substituting 4¢ fer the Worthless security on the 
note held by him in the company's behalt. 

Defendant positively asserted in both its original end 
amenceé affidavit of merits that it reeeived plaintiff's jacos 
eertifieate of deposit in payment ef 26 shares of the corporation's 
stoek at the time of the execution of the subscription agreement , 
and there wae ne averment that sandler demanded and recelyed the 
certifiente of deposit as security for the alleged $1590 Loan 
represented by the note at the time that SYanssction was ¢laimed to 
have taker places Defendant's original theory as te the time ef 
the celivery ef the certificate of éeposit to it appears te have 
been abandoned om the trial. 

V@ are clearly of the epinion that the jury was duatiftied 
im the ¢onolusions reeched by it. Practieally every circumstance in 
the gage not enly indicates, but demonetrates, that plaintiff's, 
signature te beth the nete and the ateek subceripiion agreement was 
secured by deception or trickery. “e are eonvineed from a painstaking 
examination and consideration of all the evidence that, beeause of 
the confidenee reposed in him, plaimtify trusted “andler implicitly 
When he sévised him that it was just a receipt and paper for the 
records that he signede 

There are go many significent admitted er preven facts 

im this record that stand out as veritable beacons to light the way 
to the truth that it was wellienigh impowsible for the jury te be 
-* a in the trial of this eanuse. [t ie difficult te conceive 




boven mood bact aconmam sede Thiow deneyeg att epretae of ena 
nae et guibred ,xekines dase tne gonwoe elds ah prune Reh. 
 eeekérrow od o7 weed af seogeh To naan ls, catsennnet 
 ‘nanerveg ed daslt bw dihioss soton 00825 af’ cok “iitenes es 
a’ frimtanien Ro wereuie OG nwt adam didecom ent Themed at bowpvided 
aay he COR veeteinow eet wet 28 pnttwt tvedien ia fondest moots 
| , | A OAR Pe 

pee Lantyhed 081 died nt berinens Clovietang tmobmeWE ) oy oseh 
Coded a Pteniatg nevteors of dad? aakven to dtvebl te Delaerseie 

a aotsotegies wit To eons OR Te tuned met sieaged Io means theee 
cétamborge welighawedon ers te mab ineone add Ro onetd odd to toads 
“hd itn eh yebmaaah vokbaa’s dels desarceva on new sed? bin 

 pemed soktg dugetta add -to¥ ehtevesd ax steoged! Re-eesorthenee 
od pamdate oA ger tocwnaes gate cake tate te oeem oes) og Soduseo yet 
Se mente add oF ws esbeds” ‘Senigiwe a! deans tet — cre depen 
eva oi nnesaae gh et er ‘$y sbaeh those see “be qrowhs 
F | fated one’ we ‘netinitel and 
pobibier, vow eat ity duckd mpthdge ome Ye Ulres ke ows ah Oo 
at soundemecte cinve Ulicaddostt .32 yf Melieaed unolemteney wid mi 
aM ridontady Yads .an ford unomed se gmdate bet he son eure eae 
ae jeman 990g not dqgktondse oer ods ban eset ose red et guanbn 

anblagantay ‘a matt Seonivens wis oY kedodat wo cok co  orare 
te aumnond atasd wore bars ote ie to wins vibe ds . 
hd ko hiqat wethen? bodes Yitiaiatg " 
sald tok song ote sheave ry sei nai ui biased ee rio ‘al sepa 
‘ * showate ‘ed tacts abteoe 

dechincdgug ae 

ses te 

adoat nove, “ge botdhute cite ok ube ala 
eae os8 siti ‘os enonand eas iry A st 
ed 08 wa ots oh okdien i 


of an experienced officer of a company, engaged im the oma lean 
business, overlooking or neglecting to imeist om the delivery to 

it of a (2000 eertifieste of depomit, the delivery of which was 
provided for im hin sieok subseripiion agrsement. It ta just ag 
#iffioult to cenceive of the same officers the very mext day, take 
ing the worthless inctrument, known by him te be euth, &s security 
for a sete evidencing a $1800 leanne it is even more vigfiewLt to 
toncelye of his permitting « $1500 loans payable at the vate of #20 
weekly, £9 rum approximately two years and eight monte without 
making any effort te ebllect it. 

Then we behold the same seeretary graciously and benevoe 
dently delivering te a $1500 debtor, from chom he had reewived 
worthless security, a perfvetly geod certificate fer 20 shaven of 
defendant's stock and permitting the note te remain usecured. Ty 
it not alee incomprehensible that plaintift would on one day divest 
himself ef = $2000 certifieate ef deposit, thet defendont ts secretary 
testified was collectable at any time with 11° interest, and the very 
next day discover that he had to berrow $1535 and pay [16% to the 
peme company “er the privilege of making the loan? 

Defendant's counsel coneedeg that Samdler made o mistake 
im delivering the certificate of steck te plaimiif?, bat attempts 
%@ exeuse Candler’s apparent lapse in conduct by stating on page 39 
of defendont’s brief that Sandler, us secretary of the amoll lean 
eompany, “did not know thet he had to keep 44 ce sollateral.® The 
failure of defendant te attempt to enforce payment om the note 
counsel cheracterizes om page 45 of (efendent's brief ag “a careless 
@eley in demanding payments" Plaintiff's conduet in aecigning 
| April % 1930, his $2000 certifieate of deposit for which Sandler 
testified he would have been paid fwll value that day, the next day, 
on in facet amy day, ic hardly reooncilable with plaintiff's request 

maal tfc owl? mh hoganee eumngae a Ye week The Seomekreqy me ke 

ot Yroviieb av og faiam? of gekieolgan om pahteolsere groomed 

anew Motte Lo yrevhieds iv —¢2wege? to evandtiores 00089 w te at 

ae dank af 6% s€ampoetg meliditeadve Seole okt ef ced hehivern 

eted yyah than (ree oe gtewdtto aaeg ect to eetehe a Uteoryhes | 
Wiha oa yious of of wih YA mvom ytemmrteet seelitrew odd get 

at ¢ivestTih ott nove af ad emwad 08042 @ patogetive ofea' « Get 
Ong he ater satt Je eidoyog gunk CORLG a galielmzeg als to evdeones 
swottin atines diate bas exoet avd yletaséxorqges aya of eubloow 

sek sestiod e¢ sere yaw onbalen 

acvened ana yluealoarg Yostoveoe emes ani Miaded ew gat ooo * 
bupteoes best eat mune sot sxmtdeh O0RLE w 08 eat rovk Lom homed 

to wezatis OS sal e@nclkiexroe Sou Yiortawg & «ye hanes wantdevew 

el sherwosems atemet ov ofom onl’ paldstuvey dan aeets ot nabaoted 
Saeekh yeh ono wo binow Piiveialy tele eldtewedenqamont onta dow at 
‘Emsoqoor at inebastss ¢ady «ohengeh te ogeeltiersn SOng> Yo Bebemi 
yser af? bee ainevedet DLL Bihw omiy yan fe AEdatustion sow soktheeed 
wt) oF PBES you haw TRL wonvhG os Gin Ont Faull ToEDEED yRb dem 

Pauees enke pedo to ogetivivy oe rg? sapsidenes 
Sdatate o cham tefben? tat? wetbenee teenies «inakew rer ee 
ntquetds dud gYhbvatasy of Mebia to seedlttyxoo dd ya 

tooupex attitintake Mikw edattonmeye eSivead of gyeb vite sia ke ' " 


for a loan from the same company the very noxt day, and can not 
be explained away by defendant's counsel’ « statement on page 44 
of defendant's brief that “ever night and fellewing hig execution 
of the s'ock aubseription agreement, Reivits may have repented of 
Ais action." Such an argument ie illerienl and wicenvincing. 
If a man im plaintiff's cireunetanees needed GSC, or O1S3H, 
April Gy 1930, he wust have known that he meeded it /pril 7, 1950. 
Tf Sandler's testimony that plaintirr could heve resliszed the full 
value of his certifieante of deposit, plus 122 interest, April 7 er 
Sy 1955, were true, what reasonable can eould or would believe that 
imeteed of turning it im fer needed each he weuld have trated it in 
for steck in the corporation and $6 60 the same company the very 
mext day and pay $165 fer the privilege ef securing ©1355 on « 
91500 loan, repayable at the rate of #20 @ week for 75 weeks. 
We find no merit in defendant's contention anh are of 
the opinion that every significant feet im the reverd aupperts 
plaintiff's theory that both the subscription agreement ané the 
note were signed by him when he wee repaid ©1535 on eccownt of 
hide $2000 eertifieate of ceposit on the fraudulent representation 
of Sandler, secretary ef éefendamt, and ite prececeasors that the 
papers presented for his signature vere nothing more than « reeeipg 
for the money paid and «a document necessary for the company's records. 
The verdict im thie ense in net only not against the 
manifesé weight ef the evidence but it ie cleerly and abundantly 
supported by competent evidences. 
4g 40 defendant's contention that imaumch as plaintiff's 
money was deposited with or Lent to defendant's prodecesser agseciation 
NO liability attached to defendant corporstion and none was akovn on 
the trial, it ie sufficient answer te state that ¢efendant admitted 
both im ite original and amended affidavit of morita that the officers 


fon aap Sam eyed axon Ter ode ymomAMmO amas A mors saad & tot 

be gga mo Imnanvose &  Leamaeee at tana hed We yun poniadgne of 
nodiueane abt puivoliol aan étpin save" gadt Rotad elémabrete® 2» 
te wesangye oven ‘qaa ngieieh _somme ras od eg t soning ao!e pete a 
egutontvaosay hee Loptnottt at inemgre am som — “onmhgom ate 
g8EEL7 KO ,0ORLE botoae aepmadwasre tle atribintesg, ah ae * 

008k af Liagh #2 bobpon oak fads evar overt Pale on, AORRL, 9B thogh 
Lhe wate beztiees ered bhwov yrdsubeda saat aan 2008 a! cothaed a 
wo ¥ Shey atge todas vid nade atinoqo’ ba gener th C08 ak re ” ke 
gudi wvoliod histor ue biwoo mau oldanocaet date abared anew 08eE @ 
nh 88 behend event hiwrew sit Hows nehews wed mt ok “yates 10 Sangam 
ver esi WAKA METI ans ae e% ‘have ashantogmes ons xt stoote = 

; 2 nh eeELe gat uioos to sap ikeb ag oat sot wake we imo we oxo 

, sadoow oF net doow 2 ogg te aden oss am newest ‘es0k i: 


re ae 

Ye o26 bate nerénesaes at arscbaetob at hom on bad ‘a 
| etoqgn prgooa ota wt sow jnsoktingin yueve “gacks aointge “oat 
ont) Se Smemersgs eet aqhsoadne ode sted Sass qxoott a Yebtnbate 
Yo JuMovss me gaset phages an ok note matt ge Rompte oxew ston 
aokietmens'sqo% dre Lis asset oats no sheago? te otal khse9e e008 aid 
wah sass qtoenane nowy aah fn vtmabersted to quadoress “etolbaat ‘to 
bgioon: a tend wos yabstaore exes orudamie old aot badmee o789 
-abueoo7 at equi ate od Weanw mon dmomurso a ton hog ‘eonbe! fr] 
"962 damhoge 200 ‘qiixo fem ab vaso os baal sinew’ bene sana 
“dinate | bas a wine bo sl dvs res oe 

noticloosae soudwovhorg riiecgeestvgth * + sua to tote vad 8 ‘bene 
no nvde dew sown bom nokioweron | oot oo besides qoned 

bo datmbe fuctero'tes salt wtete ot ewan” essnmmuntoted . 
sano va? ‘att sad Ce le bon besos xe wo ! 


and trustees of the asseeiution recommended that the aangeisation 
be reorganized as e corporation and the corporation was orgenined. 
The situction presented here is not that of the aele ef all or 
Part of the ageets of a company or corporstion to another core 
poration for a vuluable consideration, but is that of & successor 
Gorporation taking over in their entirety all of the svete of ite 
eeorganized predecessor. That the corporation recognized ite 
responsibility end Lisbility is evidenced by Sandler's test imony 
that defendant paid all of the nOlders of eortificntes of depoait, 
who @id not subseribe for stock in the carporation, the amounts 
represented by their certifiesntes. 

he prineiple ig well established thet if the aseete of 
& company (association operating as a common lew trust er gore 
poration) which thereafter ceases to funotion, are turned over to 
& Buccesner Corporation, without the payment of any value but 
merely on an exchange ef steck, then the succeanex corporation 
impliedly seuumes the debts of the Pretevenzor company . 

This doctrine is well stated in skiryin Opersting co. 

BEM ELectrig Soe, (Oklae) 174 Paes O69, 1073, where 

"We are of the opinion that ouch a tranceetion was une 
Gonscionsble; that it was in effeet an offers te defraud the 
Greciters of the old eorporation, or that would operate og a 
fraud sagainat sueh ereditore; that the new Corporation ig a mere 
Continuation of the old one, under a slightly different namey and 
that a crediter of the old eerporation may lock to the new one 
for payment of ite claim. “¢ are supperted im these cenelusiong 

the ablest writers of cur text=-becks and c¢eeinieons of our 
| @heet courte. The rule is thas stated in ¢ eon om Core 
Porstions (aa Bée) geese OO8Rs 
e *cucceeding corporations sre net infrequently held 
siable where there may sot be etrie¢tly a congelidetion. Generally, 
& Hew corporation is organised by the steckholderg of an «ld 
Concern and reeeived the property of the old, the orcditers of the 
o corperaiion proceed directly against the new. ‘This rule 
applied ¢apeei where guch arrangement and the transfer of 
ne property ie mace for the purpose of defrauding the erecditera 
the o1é company. Thus a corporation composed of vubstantinily 
@ seme utockholders, receiving without considernt ion all the 
Opertys including » certain contrect for the aule of goods, for 

aeipainenss ote dal ion teats ‘pediukooens ais Ye atten ry 
-deuimagte oa metinrey ie etd Wat mobi omegter ‘2 aa) 1 on ud 
4e Lin to olen a Re ‘gest tom wt weit thus nti wt 
tes tartans oF noldwroguae og conigans «ke wdeoea oad te tt 
tounnoous & TO gadd ok dvd juodaete diane aitustey vot mos oem 
Pt Fy te aienue ent ko kia qoutivne ghost be wero divi 7 | 
dt dextugoess aeitetsqxen ofv” oath ow : & 
enon daod aMnathaw? ye vepeebive oi cotenastt meres 
qtheoqes Mi aud 0d Fade $s aundiel oad V4 Hite bho tantnoksd'é 
adeno wd ‘ealeaites ‘pot af Weete vet “et water 9 a 

ae stones ute “th tants businhidssus iiow ot Oighontae vail bil 
‘wave to tent? wok nuneso A 88 gat evtqe neldakoonda a guy 

at «eee omeread oe aot seam’ oe aaenee yottes ted? deity i thatae 
er ee a danete tw pitebiategted toaserore & 
 padtateg'noe caneeuown vote nnd? qieetn te “ pigghesttinlen ty Ore ‘ieee 
kh seupearsmcnsbehseho 

ip paknekons mtwian wt voted Loew oF wntatyod obs? 
‘eee i o“ vee AE — ann BewIO OE, Sone! 

satpemtene’ © 

“a a santas =i 

aUibacone? ek sobs Gonuno a 
blo we te suentonineta 

edt te exadiovsws ait woke, a 
afes oth. WOM 


the purpose and with the intent of defrauding the ereditore of 
such former company, wan held Jiuble om a contract ef the old 
comp entered into before the transfer ef the perty» 

Where the concolidation results in terminating the existence 

ef the constituent companies, ead there is ne agreement ee te 
Liabilities, the consolidated corperstion will generally be 
entitled t¢ sii ag yy weed and will be anewernble for 211 the 
Liabilities ef the corporation. Aad if the successor ie 
techuiesliy a new corporations and the eld hae agtually censed 
to exiat, and ali ite aseete and franchises have passed to the 
nev, ane it is & sere Continuation of the eld, the liabilit 
continues. Seither inw mor equity will permit ome corporati 

te take all the property of another, deprive it ef the meane of 
eee debta, enable 1% to diasolve ite corpornte exintenee, 
and eo tisel? preectieslly beyond the reach of ered iiora, 
without essuming ite Liabilitien.*” 

Yor the svengene stated herein the judgment of the 

Municipal cours is affirmed. 

Gridley and Seanlean, dJa» coneure 


Seas baat - ie ae 

IMA Tel ata ee wa, a 

di twee 

a ; 
é Eg 
Apgellant» ; ae. 
Ve } N / 
} Cook COUNTY. 
SHO ERIAR We ar rot | | 
APP@LLGE « . op ry T A fe 

This eppeal seeks to reverse a juigment entered fer 
defendant, Jeremiah ¥. Modraw, upon a directed werdiet in a 
aetion fer fraud amd deceit brought by Jennie Le Kolb, plaintiff, 

Plaintiff's decleration consists ef six scumta, The 
first alleges that suguct 25, 1928, she owned real eeteate in 
Yetroits Michigan, and Windsor, Onterioj that defendont represented 
he had contracted to purchase and was about te seqaire title te 
property oat 4715 Malden svenue, Chicages, subject to a first 
mortgage of £115,000 and a second mortgage of 930,000 that he 
alee represente< to her the Halden avenue property wae worth 
$209,000, and was leased November 23, 1924, to certain tenants 
4 under a valid written lease for a period of ten years ot a net 
? anual rentel of $26,000, thet the tenante hed purehosed, owned 
: and placed in the building furniture et a eget of 229000, were 
i Pesponsible, had paid monthly rental wider the lease and mo rental 
3 Concessions had been mide to themy thet ell of theee representations 
Were falne and made by defendant knowingly and wilfully for the 
‘purpose of inducing, misleading and defrauding plaintiffs that 
| 4 Plaintiff, relying on these false representations, entered inte 

a verbal agreement with defendant to give her Detredt, Michigan, 


j 4 
» Tata, apna MoM aaah : heh Abie 
1620 AT 3 oes aera 

tet Seusies taemport, o eaveres 66 axfeon pe eat? | 
aa wi golauey bedoouts « asqa «wore »W dalmowt _émebao'teb 
hy qgtRbOmkadg g6Let yd eteust qd vaigword Sebes bas buact tot meres 
od? sadnuoo xin to etuianes telseraioed a Ti imtalt 
at stegas Loox benwe eda ,3RGL 28h tangs sods aegetia terxkt 
kotaeso agen soiree dead pebvata® gtondal? ta yaapddole gtlioried 
o¢ shi3k0 walepos a¢ ayode saw hee onudntwg o¢ bodenntnoe bad ed. 
fault 2 0d Posidva pogantsd sommeve sobLel CLT) ta yueqong 
eel duds O00, 968 ‘ke ogegdrom smepen = Rete WOO, SLES to ogege- tos 
Htrow sow YlioqetE eT GObLalK on) tot os SotmeNongD oaks 
Binane? miadtey of «dECL »fS wodmewot Daeeed exw bem 4 0048088 | 
fom # $2 wtasy wed to bedcoq @ tek eeeed modeior titan «sok 
henwe gtosatomg bet edmowsd oft dostd 10009988 Yo Letnet Lounam 
OOH gH00 ESS Io txoo a te ouevdacat yatbisit od nk bean dma 
{stnox om due oaned sid tebe Ledeen yhdinwm bhag but » dilate J 
anelénénonsiqrn ened? to Like sok? guaeetd od von wood hed aneteseonee 
ess colt alennlenthamanpuegenesiets te teabegedes : 
taste PYALSMi stg yakbuertod One yatawedeke gymtoubal Yo recy 
. Oink boxmea gamotiotemannges vated veesd mo yatyor a saialaaiaialiee 
eninge ti 4ttorsed xed vig 02 sanimoted dtiw sosmonga Lod , i 




and Windsor, Ontaric, property, one liberty bond and $49162.04 in 
eesh for a one quarter interest im the Malden avenue proportyy 
that August 27, 1928, she convoye’ her property and paid the 
$8,362.04 to defendant, who éid not nor would not convey to her 
the one quarter interest in the Malden avenue property, but did 
give her a certifieate for 125 shares of capital esteek of the 
Malden avenue Guilding Corporstien, which steek he falcely and 
frauwiulently represented te her woe a one quarter imterest in the 
real estates and that she discovered thereafter such atoek 44d net 
represent a ont querter interest im the real ¢etate. The other 
five counts contained averments to substantially the anme effect, 
eoncluding with an allegation that plaintiff tad been domaged te 
the extent of $26,0006 

Befenéant filed a ples of met cuiliy to the declaratiane 

Plaintiff, the osiy witmeses on the trial, testifiec that 
she and defendant, and his wife, had been friends for fourteen or 
fifteen years and had visited back ond ferth te the home ef each 
other; that August 26, 1925, defendant called at her residence and 
teld her he had wade a contract to purchese aud was sbout to acquire 
® plece of property on Malden avenue valued at about P2009 ,000% that 
he woe short $26,060 of the purchase price and thet it wee a very 
good piece of propertys that it hed a first mortgage on it for 
$115,900, and a second mortgage of $50,000, that 1+ wae Leased 
Noverber 20, 1924, to Oxruce Feuchtwonger (aleo kmown ae Bras 
Fisher) and Stephen Lucsak, under s valid written lease for a 
term of ten yeore at $22,006 a yearg that ne concessions had been 
made to the tenants under the leases that she asked cefendont if 
it was = good Lease and he etated to her that he and Br, Jarrett, 
hie attorney, had thoroughly exemines oni investigated the lease 
end found it to be a valid Lease with responsible tenants who paid 

mh bO.SOL,64 ban trod yecowld om getreqetg pohiated ,recbalY bee 
“Pedceges vwE eokLall old aE deeredah tedzep ome @ TOR damm 
whi bhag san YWroqew wed koyornso ante gBGOL qT Pamgard gmals 
‘ved ef yormes fox biwow wer ftom 618 ottw ednndere tee ag 0583486 
phe ime g¥ssoqomg cutters Hobhel ott ai Seorrederd, aod tawp eno ae 
ane Ye doote Letiqns Io setmeta BSL sot sienititaee « tod ovig 
bes yoda? od dvede teiaw «Moki axogzeo pulhtial eames toe Lale 
ed? mb teovednt werewy wm o cow wed of betnoostqes Eine kubemet 
fon bho dood sieane “fevkavwe? ierwvesn dh este dads bas qedetas Laet 
sede off 8 «sefotns Lvox veld wt seeceent eetumap om # IneneIges 
ptoeTts wane on! efkekdantudue ¢o adwoarrevea bomkateoo atanee beats 
92 bepemel mond bet Tikdeaig dads re tea bw “geht 


"000,088 to’ “jibes “Bile 
noktarstoel ons od qi ftv, don 2o wolg & SoSES iuabavtes acai 
fais bOetARSd qLaled and 46 aunatke ykod odd ,Yutdatai 

te esse? wt whaekst werd hawt rewebrnchnces Fee 
ier Yo nmad wit? 69 AEC? SnN Bowe bottady dart knw weowy woe HPD 
bes seaebdinet to Co SeLken daluhee teh GOBOL QE Jeng Inde erste 
Srinpse OF sudde unm tne otedtoey oF Poertnes m ohme Ret Cit ell REGE 
Seid [OO GMORE saode Fu bokkor eMER hobknl om YsreqeNe to Hoo 

Gree # onw Sh Saks dna seiey secckrung ene te 069,088 untae , 

Seat bin nile 

wot Gh so opeydwmm twxdt e bet 22 tems GyregoNE to KOetg’ bam 
bonsed ssw 22 Jot? O60—OE8 To RMR soN dawroe & bme OOO TEE 

20x aa nov Geka) ssyuswtenad coed of parang 
+ aE ee 


their rent monthly? that the tenants owned the furniture in the 
building, valued ot $22,000 that the rent wag to be paid monthays 
and that defendant made her an offer in writing te sell her a one 
quarter interest in the preperty for $20,000, which offer was ag 
*Chieagd, lilinela,s 
“I will give Pony ma ie ng in the buliding 

at #4515 (4715) & 4517 (@77) Eeliden svemue, Chicago, for 

ty'a"First of Sido, 000-00 nad a End nertgnge ofmatcay, Se 

Theusamd Dollarse 

(Signed) J, i+ KeGraw* 

Plaintiff further testified that defendant requested her te visit 
and inspeet the property with himj that on the eome dey uhe accompanied 
him to the property, where he introduced her to Mra. Fisher, and the 
three ef them went through various apartments of the building and 
exomined the furniture, and that she was efforied an opportunity ef 
inquiring pereonaliy aos to the truth ef the atetemernts made ta her 
_ by cefendant concerning the lease; that she advised defendant that 
p: the proposition looked good io her, Wut that che did net hawe $26,006 
“oushg that che told him that she had property in letroit, Michigan, 
and “indser, Ontario, which she would convey to him as pert ef the 
_@onsiceration if that was acceptable to Himg that she ami defendant, 
and hia wifes went to Detroit, Richigan, and “indoor, ‘Onteric, where 
- the properties vere investigated an¢ that thereafter she conveyed 
these properties te defendant aa part of euch consi¢eration after 
4 eir reapective veluce bac been agreed upon; thet, upon their returm 
te Chicago, plaintiff paid defendont 94,162+04, the balanes of the 

29900 sonsideration for her owe quarter interest in the Malden 
Averme propertyy shat August 29, 1925, defendunt ami his lawyer 

, @livered to her a certificate ef steck for 125 shares of the 
vital stoek of the Malden Avenue Building Corporation, which had 
ineerporated with a eagiteliszetion ef 560 shares ef stock 

tS Oe  ~  — 2 ren A 



ad? mk gaucho alt Domo gdtenne eae Aadd ayldinem gma xhodt 
tvidiamom btag ad eo gaw Smey ocd tadd 99604859 de outer egubbtiod 
ene a ted flog of gthiicy ah terto we tet obem dnobaotod dads baa 

as saw cette sto dew sha Rh se? Q“insqeng eff at dnotedah sednamp 

‘ es 
pe 2 

 tweegatt 6% ot (hemgeey ! 
botangmovoe ere Yd onmw sey mo Thels tlt Sitw Yrxeqnmy Mite Veomnet Bee 
od thes gterict® suxil of tod brewboritadk ont pmtw yybisqotg wit Or ete 
bus yakbiiue os? Yo admaerogs ewokrey dyuotl? enw mbdd to bot 
‘be vapunberan te bobtotta caw foi al oe dhrcyrecerneder ite vophatexs 

woo iy Giie"Wile i i Wi 5 hae Sea aaa tae : 
wing tat Fi ed torsei at yreqnsg had sete “Gadd whe baer ete tua ny 
‘eld ‘te foe aa mid 08 wvavs tow vite ‘deka (obe r 
edhabitetos tte eile dad tats bs Wid ind tl A hell a 
ezeily goitaind ‘eteobat! baa » gttaghdolt oioxse't of ‘teow conte ed tite 
beyevnce ode teftesrsdd dat tas aici ‘ore aw | 
setts nbiverahiams down to Pu “a iia 
sussex theld meq oat fickegh Wouia ” 
ant te sonatas vit Hhapessrnd sete slick 

haat sot — 


at $100 par value ench to take title to the propertyy that she 
teld defendant ond his lawyer she expected to receive o deed 
representing her intorest im the property, but that she accepted 
the eertificate for one quarter ef the capital ateck of the 

Plaintiff slee testified that shortly ofter the den} 
Was closed, and shout the time she expected te reeeive some 
money from the Halden avenue bulidings she wae adwiaed by 
égefendent that he hud just been informed, for the firet times 
by Sve0 Fieher, the tenant, that the purported lense of the 
building was fraudulent amd that tut, vhe oened end acld the 
property to defendant, hed induces’ Mra Fisher te enter inte the 
lease so that the property wmicht be seld ot a higher price, and 
that Wrese Fisher did not own the furniture at slig and that 
defendant aleo informed plaintiff thet Mra. Fisher told him the 
leesecs bad a private arrangement with “tut to pay ae rent, thet 
they had paid no rent and were not in a financial position to pay 

It appeared, om erceceexamination, thet when plein: iff 
Wigited the promises with éefendent emi met Bra» Fisher she avked 
no queetiong sbout the lessee. In reapemse to a question addressed 
te her by the court, ee te «hether or not whe dleeussed any buciness. 
concerning the preperty ox the lesce with Mree Fisher, she answered 
“no,” and when the court asked “why,” plaintiff etated, “i had ae 
object in talking to rn. Pichere” Plaimiiff waa then sxsmined 


by the court ase foliowa: 

a *“G. But you were buying some property Trem hes? 
Ae Yous I tock Mr. HoGraw'e word. 
4 Ge But you could have inquired about the Leanne and 
. everything concerned about it? 
Ae Yee 
Qe Bothing prevented you from coing 1%? 
Ae Bae* 

Tt further appeared that om this wieit plaintiff exemined the furniture 
{ but did not ask who owned it, that plaintiff was familiar with ite 

ade tai: yescoqune ects Of OLA) wthed ao Mowe omoy mg COL de! 
teed o oviseas of betongey ane t9gred aft bun tanker ted Kine’ 
dntgoren sale tut! tod yer iagong see ot deovedet mt gribinseowqen © 
wii to deeds Letigqze oat te setiony sep tok stent therem welt 
sted tewogrem 
fev> odd cotho yftreds dag’ Sedthvaed eeke Yihentelt : 
eave evhseor Of bedovgze nal wake. ta ies a Veet ee areal 
| ‘yd hosivie naw. tly apabbates amen soci a mo epee 
yeute Baik of Sat sbomro'tck avo text bad. ast goats duataoted 
et? te seosk be degra ots does a imenss Leal qencin tt die, ve 
‘ate Akon hus bamwe adv ytude deste bane smo dubuas’ saw pik 
os iat rodeo 0% Tsindt .axit boomtat Oat vtasbaoteh of we wi ” 
bs yolig toifaid 2 f+ Loo od aafzte wirogeng edt and ga quand. 
teas bee gita te rant Raves oat aw ton ry tose eat i ia 
“fd a bates xestes® Wee heat ‘ademtelg domcotad ate " 

teddy eno os war od Smt dite taewgaerts otavisg # Sed apenwed 
we we wads ino fatomeutt « at ton osew bee foo om Bag fat ott 

i pts 

tut ond nig reste: sant jot Lantmnnoennon as pnts an, 

“ati ya pere “Sein 
oaakon oaks tosis d acs fom am sss io 0 8 dehy oosdeneng My ale. 

beasesbae > mob tamup : Ao? younger: Of sonens ost seepil ! 

as bad a sintate wsntadg "ee 
boatanne wands | aay ridemtase 

ek Utdder eat # bere ane Chbenbnte Salt hd Ghee itech nea idl | 

Value, stating thet in her opinion it wae very goed furniture 
and suitable for guch an apartment buflding. 

Tt aleo ¢oveloped, on crosseexemination, that after 
defendant a¢vieed plaintiff thet he bed fownd out the leaae wae 
fraudulent, and that the tenant hed teen induewd to enter inte 
it by ‘Gut for the purpowe of stliing the building at om exhaneed 
price, and thet the furniture Mrae Fisher wae supposed te oon wae 
not owned by her, and although he hod been advised by hig lower 
that the lease wae in proper form ami told by (tut ond the tenante 
Sheat 24 was m valid lease, iS turned cul te have been fraudulently 
executed, and that he did mot know this o) the time af Bie trang. 
action with her and thet nebody could bave aecortaimed the truth 
about it at that Gime, plaintiff then eaid to defendant, *co ahend 
and use your own judgment amc get the peuple oui if you emns” 

I& also appeared that defendant Seld plaintiff, shortly 
thereafter, that he bac geused “tut's arrest and was proeocul ing 
him for fraud and obtaining money under fulee pretenses, and that 
thereafter defendant kept her advised of the progrese of the various 
wattere relating to the lease and the title te the property, amd thet 
he was trying to straighten out the tangle caused by the fraudulent 

lease and falee representations mace to him by “tute 
; At the conclusion of her teotimony plaimt it? offered in 
| evidences a certain declarotion, a bill of complaint, another bill 
' of complaint, an amended bili of complaint, an anawer, & ples ond 
” gb422 another bill of complaint. These pleadings had been filed in 
‘ verious couses, by or in behalf of BoGraw ae an interested partys 
3 Gn one wide or the other, in ao attempt to seeure redress against 

‘ Stus for his frevudulent cenduet im the sale of the Malden avenue 

ve property to hime 
: The ¢xdal court suetained objections to the sdmission 

 @agt iat boon goer sew 02 sebekeo seoaf mk deat aehiets gomlay 
sertediv’ Simawwsage me Mowe t0k etdatine dna 
v9d%s tard groitrrigmmesgagw om . seqgekere> eafa PE ye 
aed woeek wl? Cop Seve Dee oe desis Titemiotg teabybe seubasted 
ees cedes of beowbnkt fosd fan deoned onft taal? tne y teeiubee? 
aogmive wa Ja yebkikine edd cakifee te epey my ee ved dade qi a2 
aaw tea of Seporeee eow tunelT wet exettirw't edd tard fea qendug 
aegeetl ote qf beatves seed ted ed dgutaieke tae ted ql Some tom 
adasesd od hun Geo yo BOY tee eetet ceigeng Wt daw oeneh wae fade 
Ctnntubwert weed eved of Jue bewae 12 yOenel SLsev m Rawed gaete 
eumert eld to omid afd tn wict went don Mbb em dade tue Vhedeoene 
Héwsd ea bonter oes swat Biued Yodel gate den ted dédw motgos 
imate ap” qtuobmetoh of Mae mad Whately gemhd said seek emdda 
rine oy 2 cae egoog wd Fay Ome Smmpbary ord ang mn bee 
eivats gWibiabaly bhot imnieelieb sate bowmeg@e oaks PE coho) 
 phbtwseset anx dun goons ut dues beens ee | 
evehuay ead to svengeny ale te seadvin nk hand: danbaoton entteanedt 
todd te eyo toqnny ete OF aENY ate fis wonsd ect OF yatintor axedsam 
seen Leone? aad Yd beause ofynet ot wo woddatwete Oo yinkynd ne eat 
aa. 2. etoRieeecaeveor HeLe Mo Oanek 
at boxe Tie Tikenbely wramlinod thet adunemmendondiasl: weal we 
{ike veitsone ytakeiquos te Liht « yoobietnteab alereed se | 
ee Lib bene mo hae to 
ai bedkt need hat agathesig wasdt vtubsiques Ye Lité wialsone Ehe 
vetiog sotnevedat sy oe watGod to Miasied Ae oyunu “_ 

toonisis sd oF entevntéo bndatawe ‘90h Eat of am 
ain eS wets igi “e 

tigpil i edit aki ad diedaine mee Pye ae ny, 


of these plesdinga. We de mot deem it neceusary to diveuse the 
theory on which the court acted, or the prepriety or correctness 
of his ruling, inasmuch en these decuments aprenr fully in the 
record, have been carefully examined by we and have received eur 
ceneiceration te the anme extent es if they hed been admitted in 
evidence. : 

Plaintiff contends that 211 of theae offered plendings, 
excluded by the trial court, cantained admissiens by dofendant 
that are competent end revelans te thie couse, and we, therefore, 
eet forth in substenee the pertinent sliegeticna ef ene of them, 
@s amended bill of complaint filec by Jeremiah ©. Meraw, ax his 
wife, against “tut et 2l., in the Superior court, Jume eh, 1928, 
as follows! 

. Mainants represent that on July 1,» 1925, they 
ewmneé certain Sisconsin property? that the defendants Gtut, 
cvned the property known ac 4715 Raiden Street, -hicege; 
thet Stut represented te orators thet the Halden Street 
property waa worth in eseeus ef $210,000 and was leased by 
a written lease to Peuchtwanger and “tephen iueszak at 
yearly rental of $22,0003 that the tenants were finaneiaily 
responsible; had paid their rent according to the lease fram 
Movember 28, 1924, to September 1, 19453 that ne cenceasions 
had been meade to said tenants, all of which representations 
were falee and were known by “tut to be foiac, and were mace 
for the purpose of inducing eratora te exchange their — 
Videeonsin property and execute and deliver their note for 
$4,000 for the Maiden ‘treet preperty: thet after the 

' exchange craters Ciscovered that the lease aforeanid was made 

; for the purpose of having the building ceceupied that 1% might 

be wold; that the lessees were in exit building as agents of 

. Stutg thet they had paid me rent under said lease from 

| Rovember 28, 1924, to March 15, 19253 that from March 15, 

i 1928, to September 1, 1925, they hed pais to Stut the net 

income from said building, lees operating expenses; thet in- 
atead of said property being worth $210,000, it wae worth not 
to exceed $160,002" 

The allegations of this amended bill are typical of the allegst ions 
as to Stut's fraudulent representations to NeGraw, cantained im all 
of the plendinge offered in evidenee, and we fail te discern what 

 pessible weight or foresee they add to the uncontradicted, undisputed 
evidence of plaintiff alreadyin the record to practically the some 



of; weseat® os iasaeeun $2 sem dom eb oF semmianetg eaneie Re 
eaianannie te vtekagem Sd te gheton tawos osld Motsio me gree 
edt «i viie® xevaae sdmemweeS egets oo demmmeck qypakiox eld Yo 
tio Aeviooos ores Gne om Ys jecinene Yhrlemee meed avast 4 beens 
at teddimhe sev bad qode Md om tmotee same af ed moltenesioaed 
. el kee eh ek aang 
aati ionle Seretto aueds To Lia dade otemdmoe WhdwbAsy. ooh oy 
tisonetek yd aweltzeiais honlatnes ,tevoo Anktt st gd bobalone 
aovoRowmily gM bee soakee alse O¢ sankeves tne Inedeqmes gum dadt 
insis ‘to ene Te gankdegelte dimemkerag salt votndedee ak deco R dee 
etd ten ,vertet .v rakwoxel yd aot dateiqnoe 29 Liid Soon em 
O20 4 ER ons «ruuoy TanrNELS we MD qp kate 69% demthayn«ORhe 

‘ bss t a 

"ye bones caw has 2040 eben nee 
‘Lfelsnent’ ex0r edward nal) fans pat t Lave 

ext eeced ai of gatkisecom . 
ens ei tavis pis Pe ek “adaniqe? 94 
” hana ater tha yaaket > 

dnnw wrevath es Lint ow das yomnoblye wt oexetite ay en 8 
Aoivgat ban goetntnantooun sa) of bbe welt dorot to talntow ©. 
nF A LN Ot ee te ‘a al 

Le ORS Rea 

; ab aw net By sd) oy iG) 

dys ak 


Tt io mot contended, nor even intimated, there waa any 
intention on the pert of defendant to cither deceive er defraud 

Tymamuch ag plaintiff testified that the Valuation of 
$209,000 placed upon the property by defendant wae merely his 
opinion as to its velue, and that ne agrechen: was made by defendant 
te give her anything representing her one gusrter interest in the 
Property except the certificate for 125 shares ef eteek im the builde 
ing corporation, «hich ahe accepted, it ig unnecessary to discuss 
either of these matters. 

Plaintiif's major contention is that defendant had not 
thoreughly investigated the lease in question but relied aclely 
upon Otut's representations te him, which subsequently proved te 
be fxlee, and thet hig lack of knowleége of the frete, which he 
stated to her, concerning the lease, established seienter in iti, 
and therefore rendered him liable for damages resulting te her by 
Teason of the tranenction. 

Lefendant's theery is that there was properly me ground 
Giselosed by the facts presented for an action of fraud smi deceit, 

and that the baste elements vitel toc euch an action were not shown. 

Plaintiff iuelate thet the various Pleadinge filed in 

Other enuses by defendant, and offered in evidence wy her, show 

“tint defendant relied eelely upon “tut's statements to Aim as to 
the validity of the lease and the occupancy of the premises, and 
. Cefendant wae not warranted in making the statements which 

he made to plaintiff, based only on stut's statenente, but should 
made a fuller and further investigation. Ib is ouffiecions 
wer to atate that these plesd¢ings disecleve that falee otetee 

ts were made to him by Stut and that he relied upon them, but 
we ig nothing in any of these proferred plesdings that indicates 

Sa ee 



Pe. pe 

wie sew oted: ,hedemisal sero Tow s hehoederes seer WR SEE woe we Re 
hyoxiuh vo ovheoeh vedihe od dembeeted te desq oct mp medsuegat 

5 9S se ebomtalg 

to sotdontay off tate bolti tee? Vrkeniale ea dewmometles «oy wy 

phd Uloton now Smebtte toh YS yesoqo me ae Rog papain 
jucbow'ter yd sam Baw THOmMeTES OF én? See goutov a32 09 ea mekatge 
eit a} deoredek sed ome wait gabterednqin’ galaeyte aed only oF 
cattud edi wh dnote Yo seville OAL <eh odendtRGued sl? tqpoes WRNgERE 


gexonib o8 Yxescbsudaw wt oF qoesqecse gle Meise yiodsexoqTeo: gat 
| | awed ened? to cealthe 

jou Sart traknotos Sadi ut muRsnevwne wobeet-o? Tet sath om om 
qefos boiler sud wolddany at ios wit bateghoowvich eidauotads 
oo bovesy: aienenpoudus Moidw gttkl 93 enol sadmons Tye% waut meq 
on datde gadaat off 2 wpimntverl to deal eld dade tx seats of 
anne a Se ee vd 0 oetate 

Hom DobLon os taste Dum auto. stat ot oh cree 
aedaol ont satis cerbnente, seein. sande to wn at mee ' 


that his investigation was Limited te atatements made by ctut or 
that he relied upon them exclusively. 
fe maintain an agtion fer frand and degeit 1% is generally 
reeognized that the evidence must show the representations were | 
that they were false, and mown te have been false by the party 
making them, and made te deecsive the other Party, or made as pouitive 
assertions, reckleesly, without knowledge ef their truthy thot the 
other party believed them te be truey thet the person making the 
purchsse, or entering into the comtrack, relied upon the representas 
tienes and wae induced to net beesuse of (hemp and thet he suffered 
damage thereby. 
The determining question presented on this appeuk is 
whether gelenter has beon established in defendent by the facts 
appearing in the recoré im thia eauae,e 
_Plainsirt ‘a teatimony was te the effect thet dofendont 
told her he hod examined the property, lease and furniture, ine 
terviewed the tenants and had his lewyer examine and investigate 
the lense, and as o reqult of theiy combined exominations and 
imvestigations he concluded the lease was valid, eontained ne 
| concessions, vac for ten yours 26 am aveual reetal of Flag Ky 

that the tenante paid their rent each month and shat the furniture 
_ dm the building wea owned by the leavers and was worth $22» 000 
‘The Pleadings heretefere referred to aimply disclose that cout 
exhibited the lease to defendent and mado the same statementa con« 
a Gerning the lease, furniture and occoupaney of the building an abeve 
enumerated te defendant, and thet they were false and he relied 

if upon 

Defendant did not make the statements te plaintiff ae of 
Matters within his om knewlecge, ond it must Kave Been just as 
‘apparent *@ hex, ae it is te us, that he was merely relating to her 
his belief or opinion formed ac « result of the examination of the 

<b tud0 “whee eiowendate of Datars one moltegttaoral eid dads 
svfevtawioxe mad? coqu hotios af fade 
qliaxvenep of 22 stnoehr few base cet netios we wiatalax ef» 
gobam evew anoliedmenssges One wette jou sonebiye ad? tans besiagoser 
qiteg st yt ondat aed ovad oF worcmt due youdst wcow qos dada 
| gvheteog en phar xe gyttoy seaide ost? wrteosh eo oben bie qmorts griden 
otiy sake qslared “ckeatd te aghetwotsl sauielw «aneléoes yanedenveay 
ett yoann wmecrog od dati yeared ad eo mone bovaliod yraq wate: 
ssinsawmeet aly nog bekfes qfowntion emt otuk yxtredss to yooutiomt 
I beeen oat dad Ome qeeds to sameond tos ox beowhet cow Bem ameke 
ab fevcuw ehh co bedeoveny wotteuyp patntempses wl 0) 
wiowk ede ‘1S tretaeted wb bednhidstes ood eet gebmetog wextdenbe 
| th a wens ‘Ride wk Seuoed one ib mane 
| dembacken dott adverts ote of caw enemizens at vaidateh 8" 
ent qoumdiserw? bre wenn ,yexeqaug ety beaheene bed wot coed Bho? 
etaghtoremt our onimexe teyred ald hast Sma etrowed oat sowelvsod 
fen enottantmee tumbim chedt to dfieot 2 ee bee yoened, sal? 
if ui! “gm Dontatuen 08S ww sen0% os oebetonbo on snake aghvail 

£000 SEE sab vow tun aveoeAd BAH EE bone wn yk ae aa tee 
{ute dodd canisakd equiv oF denweten aueteretut wpubberdy oat 

-noo néceumsote saint ost shane hme snnbuoiod od onebs ede beddehtee 

eveds ne pabbitun ott 20 Youoguceo nm exude? younek was gabwt 
bentes a aun nist ose i 3a Mam cman inte 

se ne taneahate shamantnte ecnenienncae: aun 
as dave mond overt senm 21 hes gomboduncnt mow oftt miss tw 20s Sam 
goal oS githingon eleven caw eat Sami pair Os of Gh wa eon OF tay 

enema St, 1G 
BN ae re), 

| as to nottentunee od? Yo divest # em beunct mptatge wo Ietfed alt 


i . 


lease by his lawyer and himself, ani their inmveetigation of all 
available sources of information. 

To warrant an actiom for dceeit i¢ is umiveraslly held 
that falee representations must have been knowingly mace with an 
intent to deceive. It is conceded by plaintiff that the state- 
mente made to her by defendant conesrnimg the lease were not made 
with kmowledge of their fsleity, and were not made with any actual 
intent to cheat or defraud her. However, 16 ia urged thet an 
intent to deceive will be imputed to ome whe maken positive and 
wequelified assertione, recklessly, withewt knowledge ef their 
truth for the purpose of inducing another to «act on them. Te bring 
this cause within this latter rule it would not only be necessary te 
show that defendent felsely stated az true that of which he head no 
mmowledges but it «ould be incumbent om plaintiff’ to chow further 
thas he so represented the matters as to incuce in her mind a belief 
he Was eptaking from actual knewledge of the uattere represented. 
The evidence eleorly demonstrates thet wach wasn not the fact. He 
acted throughout as an honest mam end wan himeelf muleied by the 
@eecit of Stut, whe was guilty of the omly fraud diccernible on thig 
record.  tefendent explored every source of informetion available, 
eecking the truth as te the Lease ami the condition of this property, 
and we ore aatiefied thet plaintiff wae fully stvised thet his state- 

; mente te her were based entirely om Hie investigntions 

It ie true that plaintiff invested im this property at 
éefendant'e selicitetion. I: is sleo true that statement« made 

‘by defendant te her concerning the lease were false. That these 

dtatements were fealee was not diacovered by either of them until 

: shortly after the decl wee clewed: ‘That the frauulent eharacter 
of the leases affected irjurtously the velue of the property le net 

open to questions That the fraud amd deceit of Stut resulted in 

kin to mobtapiconvak thedt ina Rivamid den cowed abet ye sands 
 eteeceheat to seruiree efdelhere 

fet <ileeveview ah £2 Siogod “eb mottos of duatsaw of 
ma diiw »Sam yogmtoomd socd aver deme anohiatueonsqex on Lek tals 
sedada eg% foods Tiivelelg wW bedaomes at 42 sevdooes ed samdnk 
Sham dam ayew seeel wh pakoneee daetaekeh yet ted 62 wbam edeian 
ievtes Gie Soivw sims fon ovew Soe yotiaket sie? to eghetwont! melw 
as tak) hoe oh oh gsevews «xe hentted am dacde og daevek 
Dae OVELineg aolen ony ame 6d awanqud o@ Lhbw ovbhwood 0 tuedmh 
‘sheds tp ogbetvned swemtetw gyhesedioer .etobivousa bePthiampiw 
paivd oT sme’ ae doo oc ventene getowint Bo eeogeeq ods woDuiewes 
oo Yreeesnen od wre com New oF efew anteal ehae whdete oowee abs 
on boul stl Molun 20 seal eed ae Qednde ~heede? danke wedi 
wosidwwt wat, of YLidaindg ge édeedeawnd od bisow saint ipaaiaash 
tilled 2 sate <od Gi sexsi o2 on onadtem wt Settmowergen oe on tant 
sbetnuneiges sieiden os to ophadwerd Levies mont gatdeege enw ed 
oH steal a? fon saw gone tant cotondecmms —qixeoto eomebiye aT 
ot? WW bacalum Meamhs aa bee min doomed me ax svedtyuouty bodes 
aii? ae eidignsosis samt ume wold Lo qe Lie ew oo teee Ww TRObOb 
stidalicta meivnmotns Yo somes YTETe beTadgxe teabasket  <brooes 
atsxeyeng Gide Yo mahatines aul? bus sewed ety eg we Me One Qebevon 
“date ait Gadd ogeivon yidet sew Thteatety gece weltebtos ome or ons 
te Wregory able wt npc vba iia dh 
seed? tad? soaked exow waned es conunnenine navbar 
_ £ifus mods Yo xesttte yw demevonatd tom ase nt ner emda 
ten sik howe eee eink cSevetertet veredted oui te 
eR a ey sande 

vdeitge mm Ted a 

Gamage to plaintiff, as weli ag cafendant, ig aonesied, But was 
defendant's comiuet guch ag rendered him Licble under the Ise te 
anever in dawages to plaintitt? 

the representations wed¢ by dcfendomt te plaintiff did 
wot wurpert to be within his pergenal knowledge and he 244 net 
ageume te 6 etate them. He noi enly advised plaintiff thet the 
information related to her by Kim wae geines 416 A veeult of Bia 
imvestigution, but he invited ker te imepeet the promicon ond the 
furmiture, and accompanies her on sueh inepeotion when he twtree 
Sueed her to the tenant amd afforded her an apportunity te test 
or Verify the infermation he hed theretafere reevived cml tmperted 
te her. Plaintiff wee a woman ef «t ieuet some expertenes in real 
estate tranaccifens and the sanagement ef sreperty, and testified 
#he yea familier vith the wauel metheds sf valuing real cateutes 
While it is true thet che wes purchectes on intereet tm the oreperty 

let J 4 1 ee 

fameciately from defendant, the concern ef hercelf aed defendant as 
to the velue and ether attributes of the property wae easentially 
the au. “he waa offered the some epsortenity te exemine the 
_ Premises ond lesa as Cefendant. the lew reauires incdivitualin, 
| iu their dealings vith ench other, te exerdiee proper vigilance 
. aut agply their etiention to theae poriieulara vhich are in reaoh 
ef theiy ebecrvation an¢ Judgement, ant met eless theiy ayes te the 
weane of information acceenttle te them. (Seckford Inge Gos Ve 
Varnes, 22 This “pre 1%, 23.) 

Theat ¢efendant and bis lewyer were Lied to and imposed 
“pon cannot ¢etreact frem hie endesrvor to desk honestly with pleine 
tife. That hic ctotemerts te her termed out te be false cannot 
change their character frem honert opinions based on an honest 
investigation with abeqlutely wo omgecetion of knowledge on his 
part of their faisity. How coun there be any basis for an action - 



act tue .Derhcmwen et yteubenten ai Sheer sits | 
of vnk ot com ofdokS octet Goteotite aur dum doarbeioe a” AeeemeO 
Peete he ed wlgiated at tow 
Sth Rebewiadg of seonbe hos ed whee embeecnoeenges ett A ae 
Cie SE ol bes photon Lanew coq udit nidte he od bY eeoteURr weeT 
wht dots YWhintaty hovtyhe ghee den ot - sate one oe ont 
eed te eteeey 2 ee bendag wre mid eet sed OF 
| wt ennai ¢ Aegon ot dente 
iF fave of U satinaheentinde-nctadeaeliscaiinl vito wou’ 
Ag aerate hts bevlooot evererrnutd pleabeenrsmonentoe So: poe 

SHLAGaMs Ore CYP TECE My 1 apineaneniniin 

cenatin kawn gelistee tnt eae ities wd Ret sanen wee 

lig ahaa ingned wanna ann ataniid nes 
a | oan at ee Mot winds wt ot Hh nian At ° 


af fraud and deceit im the ebsence of the essential element of 
geienter? To held defendant cuilty of fraud anc deeeit under 
the facts disclosed would be uewarranted by any authority which 
has come umier our Bnoviedge or schservation. 

The rule eg to the erxential elements of an ection for 
fraué and deceit ie succintly oteted in Sntsley ve Johns, 120 Ilis 
468, 479, as follewat 

"The ground ef nection is fraud ond damages There must 
be a ettenter, a misrepresentation, aud a consequent loss. Fraud 
incl: #8 an iniention to deceive. if there ia ne such inventions 
the purty bonestly <iving hie own Baers beLieving he ia stating 
the truths is not Lisble, theugh the steteuent be shelly untruce 
Where, however, he knowingly «tates what ia witruec, a fraudulent 
purpose muct be inferred; ave when the atatement relates to the 
matter incuiree of, and being relied om neoessearily brings ¢aemge 
to the person so misled, hw having no Knowledge of iw untrutin, 
the nttion will Lie.* 

Im Billetrom vy. The triple Yrené Tire “oe, 226 Uli» sppe B80, BGR, 

Pee NRA i 

YA vevresentation to constitute the basin af an setion for 

frawsi and deevit mast nos only be false and knaewn $0 be folee by the 
person making it or, made as a porltive assertion | Fash eaay without 

knowledge ae to ltw trubh, bul the person to whem it is mace aust 
x ieve it to be true. and rely upon it, and be tnawueed by such ree 
MMauce to onter into the cantyact or make the purchase in questions 

| Herude Vso APbugkie, Gl Tlie 5513 Wachamuth vs Martinis, 154 Mie 5152" 
Thie ia met @ case where stetements were wade by defendant 


{ wnder special cireumetanees imposing « duty om him to knew the truthe 
The seurees of hia information were e ousily aveiiable te here She was 
2 interested in the purghace of the property, au well aa hes ami if she 
 @ew f1% to place her trust in the reault ef Bie investigacion ana that 

| proved to be folse and erroneous, through no fault of his, the law 

wit net reliewe her from her own “ont of ordimary prudenee. (nm the 

“ether hand, 15 may well be that even the moct etavekine investigation 

on her part would, in all probability, have beon no more aveiling 
gainat the machinations of Stute 

4 After full comsideration of 2231 the evidence, including 

the plendings filed in other causes which were offered in evidence 

Bes Bs, 

te énumete fehiosaes oat te oomende val at shoged Led Aaarxk Bo 

AN meee a 

sobmu #60008 bne tunst Yo Yetiwp atebiehe> bod oT 
fightin Yikvodion yn YW betaetipwm ed biwow bonesoath. tok, ai 

wateormsde vo ombsiesmk mo tehaw mmoo eat 
t92 wolsos ue to ateemele Isiiawes ats of aa oon om mrs 

itt OSS sanaioh ov Modaba sh hotede ylamtoown ws {hope®, one, Sear 

_ SawaLtet am 96Th am 

Sem orm hee Aes ct pedsoe, 20 omwasy a” i ible 

mem Sal estas’ tk” seeieens of msleansll Bt iieeds 
Oe 9 * SoS 

oir nadeT al a etgbied shabnigg tae sii oabehy iteomad 
en cde e i 
besiabest ‘g previ wi deuty 292 a5n <ieakwosel’ oat 
oda of setdadot imumedatn od’ wete am goers ta ad oun suoqui 

egewrh eyclta cLiveaanese au Sokfet qriad ban «to: Soedgnb waeden 
eegaras im wad ‘ke egeedwoud on salves oat shahete ve ae ue 

eRBR QRS vqys vt! O8S a0 ett Qnoel, efokst. oA? ov mental ihe at 
tegempnnl wthd bee guues ead axedeoten Yo woktnenp od? subwauroe ki gh 

wot watien te te alend ads efxtisenns of aoléatroperret A* 
edt xd saiai of of mroml bus eohot o¢ ving dent fume Jee) ine ich 
bee. ot neliconna evivinot # aa wham at ah 3 rs 

dema sham ei 3: ays es Mopteq off jad ydjwrd ett af ae 
“ox sioun 4S baouhat of et sige OS vin Reig 

80 9fit POL akebina sv Aumont 408 Satis sabietea, oF, beso 
abanteh yd than grow ataemdade oxedy saaw 2 Joa ef abt alle 
ndsurcs kt wom 08 mid ao YrEb 2 pakoogat aeanatumoste Latogge vebaw 
saw oo sxe of ohdalionva Wises aes mekcnmiotat ath te aeerwoE oMtt 
tin tk due 40 an Lidy ae eytxoqong edt to euosthang wet? at 

fads ons moksagtsgevas abd to shnens od Ri sound xed song 08 a2 wa 
Wak od qaksh to Sivek on agawndd remoonnere tin aaked 0 08 boverg 
etd ad voousbwag Tromkore Xe sayy ao sex MOxt sok WERLe som Lite 

RolisRizecyad paiioxnsn teow wld seve toma od Ako yum o8 ebnat zodite 

a Spee: 
palitare Oxon on aad avast qylhidedery Sia mt ohio S0k see me 

eee 20 aneksomtstons 88 ae 
puldusvat gsomebive site Lie 20 mobvonebtawen Lari x98) ae a 

eoavbive mt boxs'the oxeW doisty euaime xoslto mt bostt | 
oe BRS a ¢ 


Wut exeluded by the trial court, and ali sessensble inferenee| that 
might be drawn therefrom, ~¢ «re of the Opigicon that there waa ne 
evidence im the record tending to prove the casensial aliegution of 
Sehanter, and it was clearly the duty ef the arial court to direct 
& Yordict for defendant. 

It fas rule tee well established :5 eQykire sitatien af 
authorities that, if the evidenee and the veusoneble inforeneon vhieh 
may be Gramm therefrom do net tend io preve one or move maburial 
averments of the ceclerotion, it Lo met ervey is give a peremptory 
instruction. (Ziper v+ Green, 216 Ile App. 59%, 595.) 

Other points have teen urged, but in the view © bake 

ef this eause we deem it Uhicceesary to dincuse them. 

Per the rensona indiextsd Ske jucgment ef the “wperier 

@ourt is affirmed, 

Gridley and s¢amlany Ide, concurs 

A i ne A ane 




ee en ne 

toe, | reer APs Sa 

een, ms, re 
Wr pe anil bee 
tes womens okdaninne’ iis eos stsuee ‘bere ostd) ed 

es oan ‘prods Sauls anlatae nat te ave OF  mortereds ewe ot onan 

to aolsuge! in ‘Faldaeias att oveug 6d ‘gpitbub it bees peren 

fovxks oF fumoo Letis aad %e gear ait Visio aa 28° ye " 

re My MO is tN as BT ARGUS SUL kA ete ‘ 
hehe upping 

tw moiiatte Uvinpex ot butelidadue ttew God ob en a cis f 

aN CRE ey nots 

_ yoy elie 48 moa oe we 

Pgs elt HEARRUILCC M A RN es A am A — a 
Mt yialry , 

mS 4 
Mes ie 
Mis. Siad, 
y: J 
m arte on’ 

os * bah Hy iy i 

t ¥; 

aw : ey ty 

ed i : . : ; : a 
ph leisy uy epee f pes gai Uhadaiailieg Rh a MUR tra O Nt tid re ity Lphoeoe ‘sheet 
ad, cake ee eR ont 
eR, Tei 4 sats, Ree ie oe 4 4 uy ah aati: las i a Wie. wae a a 



aflame UE Samah SE it ad a a sy a 

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goomenive at sesette aoe Bey ee Aa ‘oe Hoty , 



Enown ae Mres James fa \ 





274 1.4. 653! 


im an setion im gseumpett, commenced Moreh 6, 1950, 
Dawec upon defendunt's policy ienued January 14, 1029, and 
imeuring plaintiff againat lees of six pieees of jewelry of the 
total specified value of $4,086, there wan a trial before a jury 
im Maroh, 1935, resulting in a verdict and judgment sagainat 
defendant fer 93050. The present aspeal followed. 

Plaintiff's declaration conetated of two epecial counts 
ef subetentially the same allege tions. 4 eopy of the policy is 
set forth in heee verba,s vhereiay iz etated, inter slia, that the 
amount imeured is $405043 that the premium ie $102.88 thet the 
Corporations “hy this pelicy of inaurenee, does hereby inaure Mrae 
Jomen Re Mediniey, whoge ad@rese io 19 Es Cedex Shep “hienwes Lows 
if any payable te ageured, for the eum of $4050, om jewelry, from 
Jomuary 13, 1929, st neon until Jomacry 14, 1930, at noong” and 
that “this policy covers on jewelry * * as per echedule attached, 
im sll situctions, ageinet 031 riske or loss or domage arising 
from any eouse whatieoever, except as hereinafter provided.” ‘meng 
the provisions er exceptions in the provision: “varranted thet 

the assured de not engaged im or in sny way connected with any form 


igo AT BTS 

‘eT ravos mete yea 

(gOREL 40 dwvadl tonnes gdanemneR Mt meLIo® tm Pa 088 
ena gOS VBL YeeuEsL Somme? yeetey a eiabeeted oe benad 
ode Yo Yxfowol to meonte wile 16 newts Senteps Wedabetg gatwant 
taut, « erected Kalet 2 ome oxdd qOR04h) do ones ‘pattioege faded 
Juniage seems, Gna sosozev 2 we pati ivoot ott ome é ¢ 
showalio? Laagge tameone oa? 0808s tet 
aanee tatvous owe ke bedntenos sot swtakon’ oY eeson ad 
at qtiog ond to yaor A eats sms ot ase 9 
ashy Sacte seensaruiie stedate wl | : 

igs va a 

+oue oumnet esl avod yoomonment te Wed Lon bate oO ge ) 
naodk sounotst os9 tabod 8 es ak avethhe ceade weotakoes of a 
woe? gyckowe, mo yO8Oh BO dee oft 45%  bataisia 6d sssavag : 
bee “yaoen fo QOUCL gL yam’ Liny toon bad aeet Sel ‘ 
sdedioasis eLgrerion seq an ¢ © erlows,. Re ats7bo Wpblox 2 
wittatin epemme x0 awet 49 otata ike sates « 
gem %. hobiveng aeftontoredt au Seas aay i 
éelt botuerme®® imate tort ws at we tqaanaee 
xtot we site bodenanes Yaw om wt kh wt Bema 


of professional entertaininge” Attached to the poliey is a 
echedule or rider, deseribing the oix pletes of jewelry and stating 
their respective values, - one of “hich is deseribed «¢ « lndies* 
diamond ring of the value of $1000, Im the first count of the 
declaration, after stating the execution and delivery of the pelicy, 
etese, plinintiff alleged that om Hareh Lily 192%, vertain of the 
jewelry so imoured (211 except sadd crime velued at 02000) was 
stolen, taken and carecied away from the premises of plaintiff,* 
of the value of 236503 thet forthwith after the aepponing ef the 
dese ahe gave notice thereof te cefendwnt, amt within three months 
ene presented to it her claim thersfer, et¢sj and that although 
whe has kept and performed all things in ¢he policy contained on 
her part te be kept and performed, and slihough she hay eusta ined 
the loss, yet defendent ofter mumexous requeats has refused to pay 
to her the amount of the less, ete. 

to the declaration defendant filed « plee of the general 
iewwe and three apecial pleags, vise, special plea Me» 1, an smended, 
and special pleas Neee 2 and 3. ‘he court sustained plaintiff's 
demurrer to special plea oo 4, ond before trial plaimtify filed 
replications te toe ethers. In sapevial plea Noe ly S08 amended, 
defendont alleged that plaintiff, for the purpose of precuring the 
issuance of the policy, on or about January 10, 1920) presented 
te it a written application therefor (copy of applicetion aet out 
im full), ond slse a sehedule of the jewelry evbstentially the sane 
as set forth in the policy; thai in the application she mace the 
representations and statements as therein mentionedg and that 
é@efendant, believing the same te be true and relying upon them 
decued and delivered the policy. And defendant further alleged 

in stbetaneces 

@ at yoting welt ad hendoasOA "sgubutotietas Laaabeawtorg te 
Seiiate ban yohlowet to segelg xia odd pridkiwesk guebts xe oLubedse 
‘sotiad «oe Gedhtuewh af soksw Yo eno «  saeathay evi jooques, shea 
edd Ko Samos tort? add af +000LE to aukev od Ye gabe: rene 
citte ad? Yo yrovkfed bus aobiwosxny odd gabiote soete x0} toxafoeh 
att te shedamy .@OUL git douse ao susid bogeila Vadwhelg won 
sav’ (G00L) to toukay gtths bike sqooxe Lis) docmmt os yxtewsl 
"tittutely ko osetmnry at mex? yume dubutew San mosiad otto 
ads Ye githwegges oe ood da as heating? seat 708080 Ye ouher os, te 
eadmom souls abidclw bar ,inecbee tos vm tasted volves ova ete amet 
Kguoitic dett San prods a uotorrwetd miele zed tt oe dogaoassg ose 
FG honk adios wiieg wis wl ouside Lhe heatottag a tqet att od é 
bomiatana sal ete duvedéin ore sdameot tog beg dqont ow od #08 ‘am 
a ad heastes ont edeompet awercomars 1wI%e snnbne red asx ook ons 
ite weed edt ‘te frome oaks sat oo 
fasoneg ed2 to tote @ batt? tnobne'tnd woh toretowe wes oo 
ghobmome ae gk ool wef iakoegs genkt oo deg Lakovga wares ors werent 
a’ ttlsnlole Rewkng sire owes wat’ of hee & engl sean fstovgs. bas 
helit Yitemiahy Iabx¢ exe bod nd at sor ade tatoos or rected 
qbotmenn ao ef eel wel Eotoogs al + exertte wt of aio seston 
ods gutcwooug to exeguag wie ret atthémtate feds bepedin atisterodod 
deduennrg eChGL ,OL Wiaetie ined so 10 XetLoq os te vous 
oe don not ook tage te woo) soteredd nok inaktege seadtew « a bot 
wane ooft ekalinsdndu Tubowt ost te eluvadon s oate baz (ina 
“ete @bam oate Bet sootdage sabe ak ans retiog eas ak oxo om ae. 
serie tam qboitod suman atoxade ne vdcoiotats awe unmet taza . 6 ae 
ety wane amiyton an ‘owsd od o atte ass antveb tes ote satay a 
sale caet-aw? maneted oe owhtey ata t benetiton +a % ot 


| That in said application plaintiff knowingly and 
faleely ateted that she was Yegiding with her husbend, one 
Jnmes Ae Hedinley, at Noe 19 Gast Cedar street, Chiesyes that 
he Was an execubive, that the name of hig empleyer was the 
Vent Penn Steel “es af Tarentums Pas, and that she wag not a 
public entertainers that nl] ef eaid statements were mace for 
the purpose of cecciving and did deeeive ity that im truth end 
in fact plaintiff wes not reviding with Jomen B. UeGiniey at 
ors age Sha% oe ee te meh gy of said Steel Coe, 
she Was @ public entertainer Living separate and apart 

from him, and at said 19 Saet Cedax Streets “hicagas, was 
conducting “a place for the coneoctien anc sole ef alechelic 
beverages, consisting of whiskey, ging beer and other aichhbolic 
concoctions and othervine wntertaiming and amusing thove whe 
Geaired to exllg” that sll of these fnets plaintiff well knew » 
and thet cefendant, relying upon the otatemente in anid 
applicetion isewed said poliey, which “hed it been adwised of 
the true facte, it would not have ieswedy" that is did not be- 
come advised of the true facts until on or about \pril Lk, 19294 
that it then “eleeted to reseind ani caneel said policy;” and 
that it then at Yaukeganm, llidmoie, in the county jail in that 
eity, where plaintiff then wag, tendered te her written notice 
of ite election te rescind and eancel the policy, and alee 
tendered to her the eum of 0101.25, in le noney, being the 
amount of premiua which ehe hed poid om the policy, and which 
anid mwa defendant new here tenders in courte 

In epeeial ples Toe 2, containing similar allegations, 
it is charged that in ber apgpliection for the policy plaintiff 
falaely represented that she woe residing with ecid Jomen i. KeGinley 
as hie wife at enid 19 Bact Cedar street, that che “was not engaged 
in any Businese, merenntile or prefesciomnl purnuites, ant thet her 
duties were these of housewife," well knowing eaid representations 
te be falee and untrue; that in truth and in fact ashe wee net then 
and there reviding with eaid ZeGinley, or there performing the duties 
of a housewife, but on the contrary “wee engaget in manufacturing, 
purchasing, buying and selling whiskey, cin,» beer and slewhol, * * 
and in the maintaining and operating ef a house for the sale and 
distribution of sleohelie liquersy" ané that had defendant been 
advised of the true facts it would not have ieoued the poliey 
in question. 

Gn the trial the policy, plaintiff's written appliention 
therefor (which contained the representations cubatantially oe stated 
in the pleas), amd certain other «ritings were introduced in evie 
dence. Finintiff was her principal witness and ehe wae erous-exanined 

i ee 


\ ’ 
te Bl 
Va et 
Vag i 
Wie Se 
ani : nt 
1) ee hy 
M4 Bil 
dat i 
ff sis 
my et 


bus yfanivesd TYetiatele soneeniess & ion mat i i 

| Ei athe ee fant of ot 

eanel jngedio waking gtieslntenesdesaieuite tabenas th faa a: 
Wsimieke yailog se ret moddnal igen wos wd Meats pis aie 
Woks Ova of conte Oka Mole aRithsey now me tee HeTAMONQIE Ue 
bogemt? inn ane" ade Fuld eloonde sabod Sak OL Shap go wRiw ald ae 
tad dats Boe gatlee wey Lomdear tom x9 abieanorom eonentang weet 
* siabititiesaiiaie. Sine pad wems Abo "Shred, be apows vow eolaue 
weds tet waw ofa Soak wt Ome sidney ot setts eesatow fae eased of 04 
selineg off gulmsetieg oreds xe yyotetver hing Giw gah Shomm emend » bee 
agai msectenes sf tepapae aow" yxoxemey ad? ow, dod, sottvoenen.e.30 
“© qhedyole bam wend sate «yndetde pak linn hee. gated | 
han ehoe,.of2se%,. sone 7 Me 
weed dmabawled had sol? dno 

beeuade iad abisiiaibeaee: suedistmansees ae + a " Sees ae aie) sere ‘endo oe 

ehya at heowsetsat exew wgaidliw case abandons oan ates os Sere 

hosimaxoegaety caw osbs nent noondte Lact acit tq weet all wenenn i 99 — 


at considerable length. In our «pinion her o ose examination 

wae undwuly and improperly limited ty the court ag te certain matters 
vearing upon the cefenees aa comtpained iu defendant's said pleade 
Tor defendant eter We -ehoenberg and Ghexvles 7. Ucrting ineuranes 
adjastera, testified at length ag to certain investigations made by 
them, and aw te certain eonversetions they had with plaintifi ond 
Gthers after plaintiff hac mace claim for leas wader the polieye 

Ae Ge (illard, en Inspector for the United “tetes at Ghieages 
testifies that he knew plaintiff “but not by the mame of Medinley,* 
that “she said her name waa Florence skheeay* and timt the fires time 
he saw hor “was on November G4, L928, ot Hos B16 Cuse street, 
Chisage.” He wae then asked to “deseoribe the premices «t 816 Gses 
etxeet,* but upen objvction was not saliewed by the cowrt te anawer 
the question. Thereupom, the jury being temporarily exoused, 
defendant's atticrney offered to prove by the witmexs the foliewing 
facts in substance: That the premices »% 214 Case street consigted 
of a one and one-half stery brick waildings that in the basement 
thereof were a number ef amall tables with four chairs around ¢seh 
table; thst on Yovember 24, 1928, the viiners, ac w representotive 
ef the Uwited “tetew Kewenue Department, ande =» reid on the premises 
aud took therefrom and confiseated large amounts of imtoxienting 
Licuers, conciating of whiskey, gimygalcohol, epirita, Uanndian ale, 
etess aleo lerge mumbers of Liquer stampa, whiskey anc gin lnbela, 
ané numerous bettlea ond other labeley that at the time ef the raid 
Plaintiff, in the presence of the witmees, “stated that phe wae the 
Proprictor and had been in this business at said loextien for one 
and « holf years, and thet she made sil of her liquer eut ef aleohol, 
water ami eacences"” and thet ot the time and place of the raid 

¢ plaintiff wae nrrested as Plorenee “keen, snd taken to the Federal 
4 gourt 4m Chicage. Thereupon defendant's atterney presented and 

ore adem hten at Ba re) od iodine ylutcesemt po tor bid 

bedetanos doves saw’ ote te wowimeng ottd doa? vents 

aot iambe me wae est matey ewe wl  thegeen £ aldose ht 


Se ee ‘e bitahae't ck Semkosaes ax anareted ea! sogw yoktes 
doivent! 4d fa lt of s@feadt tim guvdawenta: +h wort roy %¢ 
Ww chee ‘wold stagl enavnd tiinitee oo we HAgring és borthiand 4 ERT OM 
has Yikeniald Mote bad yutt RaOkesaterges miolver of aa ine ae 
YOllog Salt sob gual sol atade eben iat Dialaty ihe 
 goaeelad ¢2 endads Qudhut add <o2 aadoogngt ae seat sha 
+ yoanhvan De amen aes eS fam ee FH dbAdy wan od, daikd ba das 
sshd eoWkd aks dneld Mae “grows eons oll wow oem ual blew ota” seats 
aSvouds masd Bf 0K sx BEL oh imo Ho wa wt wm 
aad 628 do eeu tmog wt oabemes®” oo erlen wold enw oR. “emgnokse 
iewane 4 ames els yal Rewethn to naw Wedtosbee nomw ded “teenie 
| gbeaiieins qltieteqesd gated yam, ott mecumeadt omnes we 
wnkveiter vid kaomeiw say yi wrote at devotes baron @ " ‘ 

" (emmant wit ah ends a yait dures deine erode Unteune baa ono a Ye 
iow bemoan ethno ‘wet dadw aodiing ston te “costa = OnoW esr 

evi sotnesosque a wes weeonsiw wehd een «at asdavror ts) ‘teatd ‘soles 
weakens ay eld Ko dLat o whan «taami aqOd emmEWOR wndedi! ‘pethad add 20 
wahicotxotal te admarnme omtal bstaps aos bee movtoned> ‘dove “bre 
atie Gatbene? gaahrigs soso Ee aii otal te nk fe meee ‘sot i" ot L 
ealedal shy oan \esibe bab sear de aowirk Yo wcodmur syed eute toate 
eter old Yo mtd of? ta ba? gudedad xeilbo. bits ekttod aor remy Bee 
ake now ake dad? boteda” sonautiw edd Yo senso ts Ce { Yibtelelg 
oie sot Mokinoed bios do euoabnad wide ad wowed hed aw : te  e 
eindosin Ye tue xouyhi wa Xo LEe whan ain Hou? bute yuneoy Dail w cm 
 Bhex ot ad wonky eva enti ¢ ans te fads Lid “poomaeny baw | " hae 
Lavo volt oct? 0@ mealeg dew teow somot0S8 - boteerces as wutntate 
ee ba deduscoug wom tea 2" damnbreted wequeset vane * be 



offered in evidence a certified copy ef the veeord of cortodn 
criminal, proceedings against plaintiff, under ihe wame of Yiorwnee 
tkeensg had in the United (tates Distviet Court Ǥ Chieago, for 
Violations by her on Aovember i4, 1928, of the Sattonai *rohibition 
A@t, including the information (sworn to om Jonvary 2h, LORDG Leas 
three daye ofter the policy in question «ae ieeued), certain eb 
sequent proceedings, aud the judgment of her conviction on -pril 4, 
1929, wherein she was sentenced te imprisonment in the eounty Joil 
at Veukegan, [liineia, for ome year ané to pay a fime of [6fd, ette 
aut the egurt, upon objections refused to allow the offered teutie 
mony of the witness, «« Ge (Lllard, ta be edmitted in evidanee 
before the Jury, and aleo refused sdmission in ovidence of the 
certified eopy of sald record 

Harold Ss» smgelig ¢efendgnt's witness and manager of 
its Chicage office, «efter testifying thet defendant in issuing 
policies insuring agsinut lowsen on jewelry in governed by certain 
general rulee, wee not sllowed by the court, upon objection mice 
by piaintiff’s attorney, to state whet the rule wos where it 
appeered to the ewapany that the spphieom$ wae engaged in the 
manufacture and sale ef alewhelic licsers.  <‘efendent*s counsel 
offered to show by the witnews that the company's underwriting 
Yule waa that, where 24 wae digeleosed from the application or 
otherwige thet the applicant wae engaged in the monufocture or 
gale ef suoh liquers, a poliey sewld sot be iacued. The quurt, 
im sustuiming plaintizf's ebjeetion te ihe offered testimony, 
% stated in the jury's presence: “1 think \here ig ne ovidence here 
| that she wold alcoholic Lijwors,* snd ") think any rule with 
reference to that must be in the policy ibweit.” 
4 after a careful conaideretion of «11 the admitted evicenees 
4 including the tectimony of plaintiff, and of the rulings of the 

1 ee ear 
\ 2 Eearagerfine 3 
Phe | ae a Ye 

aevel ores af gy aatcals m9 of ‘ance nes tomate de wal Lomk | 
~ts mbes tod o(berwat use ‘antigene wh wou wate “pee weet voutt 
08 EF! we Holindwasd wid To demeighet oad bear search tooo, a 
Etat, renee ‘wha mh Sioa 2 set ee newer 90 ease ale erie ge re 
eo 40888 Ye with © yee ed Hew sive oa cat gelleek LET (nageahual 
elise DorwTte Mt Walid ad enwher gieatectia meee sooo att ut | 
 detobive af tatdtets af e ahettie 8 16 eobonnnd? edt ty sotine 
‘nate te sbiiebi ye we cline whe aelatey bead ta han bows ee 
. Repeenas tia ewouchy e*isaneebes giteme: VT — salen nt 
* ativvak at dnabunres sae jabgatewed vee quote agdekee wee 
aiatioe YW teknevey of Yxtowel Mo wheat finbege ae vital ata 
Gin walsortao nogy qdstiow ut? WH Keverty vox baw eaetare traney 
#t exodw aew ofex andy tate wiade of erties a? PRR nb: 
te ad Siegatgee cow Whee eee att fas? cages ade or bs te! 4 * 
Lonnuoe wl ¥xabeete” " cesenpht wbtedtoo ts ‘tp ated tna Wied aaideale | 
en ee ee ee 
“eo Rebiodtkage ote wert ideotoaly cow 92 arene adada cine oat | 
2¢ suudo okies aso wk bogey Bir aacivart Kegnila ue beomndl a ibe : * i 
ettncw edt sound oo foe Aitude wttng » gakdapee meme ty 
aioe Jaed Dowotte af) oy mek deugee wh PeEeaAd 
evel enables ol of owed debay tY sented ey ‘nt stats 
baw aut ue Rat Bek “ye da sad 
ne ee ee ee 
eserrbive hedtimew eat £80 Bo ehiaicinie teketa & ma 
et Me gt te tt ha GB 3 ) 


eowrt againat the admission of ecrtndn evidenee effereé by cefent« 
ants ve have reached the conclusion that the tutevesta of jurtice 

wili be best served By a reverasl of the Jucgment ond the remendeent 
of the eotuse for another trisl. The giet of cefandamt's defenas is 
that plaintiff, by ceneceniing the fset in ber application of her 

being of having recently bean engaged im & business prohibited by 

daw, cosmmitted « frand upon ¢efendant, whereby 1¢ wae indueed te 

igeue the policy, which 14 would nei have iacued, beomer of the 
inereaced rink, ant 1% bees adwieod ef o¢ had 14 known the teve 

faet. (See Hancock ve Knighta of \courdiy, 304 Tlie G¢, 714 Phelps 

Bye 226 Uhl» 2845 260; Salligare vs Hidhand © ousdiy foo, 
247 He Ye Roepe (Tiss) B46, B4Ry c& ws Sramkfort, ef¢s Img. Coos 
L72 Calif's G61, 2679 Fork ve Pidebity & Ce ¥ <Geg 290 “e “» Bepe 
(Sts Lowlms Moe, Court of Apps) 246, 24%; Beene we Fidelity & beposit 
Ege, 156 Xs Yo uppe 25%, 410-) Amd ve are of the opinion that, 
because oi the court's rulings rejecting certain of defendant's offered 

evidenge avd limiting plaimiiff’s crean-exemination, defendant waa 
usable te properly present ite eaid defense io the jury, 
The judgment appealed from is reverse: md the eamee ie 

Tttiand ed e 

MWidvats Pe Je, afd Seanlang Joy oonctits 

i aA 

atagteh gw hexvtte omashiys adaseoe ey oben tans oats Santana twee 
‘we eonk, Re niseredad oat ducks wokas een ase poatenow ovat sy ade 
dxegiemees af) os #barg on ots te keascoves @ ww bovase teas o sate 
et sreetes of faxdasteb we iety ast vhabed redtdose prs easeo we to 
on Yo mohtoshigan wed ad fe? ott nb cates wa eVueatate te tote 

wi bevasisane auentaa’ ad beyyeo need ehsnooon sntved te antes 

¢ Seumimt awe 48 sysoueie sdicebesstoh noes bicers’s ® hast tame amend 

ede’ % Be meee of ebexwnt sepa Peo bime ae Aodsier owslog wt, eons 
suns ould irene €h dad a0 te Seedvha mowd ot ot lok, beanie 
ete, Mes abd 0 SLE BOE gee koa: aes nen i. SRR sae drawal 
08h sane 988 (ont eae 

. Jont, »v soont ae ae on oaenee: 
at ats caine edit te ne oe Bea (ahs ited all oT oh OBL, 

 bowette atsuabneten te abalxse snbcor kor wpai see afameos wots J oat : | 
| | ae tnabuvtsd quolsaninaanenece 9" Yiiaholy gaksials Aim guiceblys 
ii a ee ee ee 
of onmoa ads 8m domtanv Bh aw Loaauee Sem, OA 

Hid ei . 

ROL GR miacor 



eC eratree 


He Jeo GRIGOLSIT Goo, ry i 

an Illinois corporstion, ¢ 74'y 6 ag 
Complainant and Appellant, 

THE GAIGOLZIT We», an illineis SEpCUI? coUnT, 

nog dg igey HENay Ze GRIGOLEIT, 

40h Ke BAKER, Fiche pt em ae COCR COUNTY. 

ere do pe pen Appellees. 

By this appeal complainant seeke to reverse an order 
or deeree of the circuit court ef Cock county, entered Kareh ie 
1933, sustaining the general demurrer of the five above named 
defendants to its second amended bill of complaint, filed Merch 
BG, 1032, and ciemiseing that bill for want ef equity. 

By complainant's original bill, filed September Be 
1930, it prayed for an injunction, a discovery anc am accountings 
in addition te the five defendants four other parties were mace 
defendents, including the Reynolds Spring Coo, a Delaware gore 
poration and ‘doing business at Javkeony Nichigan, but, apperently, 
mone of these four other parties wes served with process er 
entered an appesranee.s luring December, 1950, the general and 
epecial demurrer of the five defendants to the eriginal b111 was 
sustained. Thereafter compleinant filed evertsin amendmente, 
and éuring January, 1932, said defendante?® general ane speqial 
cemurrer to eaid bill as amended waa eustadned, and complainant 
_ +Setained leave to file and filed said second amended bill, in 
_ Which the allegations are in substance as fellowas 
iat. That on and for several years prior te Sept enibexr 

. airattog mE Re worunce wat Ganev Ean < rae wore co 


Ss ages he obeNre ed olose cammistgeme ksouun wilt 2 pe 
se —. pwuetRe sa neal anal to aan thewrte ele Ld = sa 

tye best? y aditntgees te ee Aotumnet Sioows vane we teat ste 4 
eQitape Te a 

 ¢@ ‘eoemnsqes vette ike Saatyixo efdaes ) be | 
eh roo. ey aes qeovrasakh «& quod dounet eh = ts ' ox ' : th 
: roam ewww enbinag sedde anak ata eth 04004 WRLAIDNG 1 
osoe oxsmaled @ +9 qakage: athowyet ad ous coh . 
ede ae sey , tad —— oer na: ant saiet 8 oan cate jas 

hin enlace. 0s a pwndanes gehen veomenueaye el} ; ia 4 
saw Lftd tombyt-re ob of admonition ovih wild Se tomtumnd Leloegt 
A seduomnume ahedxo9 ostht dnembosegns wophesendt . 
ri Latvnce ima Loxonep Yadasterated Ohoe Tata eos . a 
evel gain iarem sbonkndoice aut bepirom ea whee © 
ak , {ihe dodwems Sroore bine DAMN | 
sawolto® an wounded ate i 
eedusdget of wie exeot Lotewnn. fecal ‘van ey ee co eck on 


Xp 1925, Henry J. Grigeleit (the principal defentant and hereine 
after called Grigoleit) was a mechanical engineer of reeeaniszed 
abilityy wee alse an inventor of new and useful deviees fer the 
successful molding of phenolie products, suck as “pakelites;* was 
also an expert engineer in the designing and developing of hydraulic 
presses ant ether devices for the wolding of such produetss wag 
alse ¢ in furnishing edvice and engineering ckill ts 
manufacturers in this ert, which wac a new and rapidly expanding 
ones was also engaged im Chigago in the business of wanufecturing 
end selling hydraulie presses, &pparatuea fer preas eontrol and 
ather machinery for the melcing o? anid procucts, under the ame 
amd style of “He J. Grigoleit and \gsoctlatess" and was alne engaged 
in performing services as an engineer for the Kellege Switeh Board 
& Supply Coes a eerporatione 

amde That prior to Septenbex de 1925, Grigeledt had been 
giving advice to the Aeynolds opring Coe, whieh operated a meld ing 
plant at Jackson, Wichigan, end «hich had great confidence in him, 
Sue which was posseased of iarge cach resources. 

Sré, That sboui September 2, 1925 eertain officers af 
that company informed him that the compeny would consider a purchase 
by it of the aggets ef *H. J, Grigoleit and Asseciates,” 211 of the 
“Grigeleit patents," and “his exclusive services as an engineer, 
éesigner, inventer and expert for a period of 5 years, ineluding the 
exclusive right to the name *‘Grigeleit’ as a trade name in eonneotion 
with the molding of phenolic products and the manufacture of pr ensces, 
etee for such moldings* that negotintione were ducing whieh 
Szicoleit “formed the intention to Sagege 2n Bis own behai? in the 
field of molding bakelite and similar products, but immer thas to 
establish a proper molding plant « capital of sbout $100,500 wag 
necessary oni that he was without reecurees or capitalg” that, 
thereupon, Grigoleit, with others, including -linor &. Baker and 
Hebert Eo Burtons “formed « freuculent plan or scheme to acquire 

the Keynolés oprimg Co. sufficient eapitel so that he might 

@ngege im business as a manufecturer, designer and molder in the 
bakelite trace and under the vane of Grigeleits" that they then 
knew that the entire assets of He Jo Grigoledt and Asseciates were 
net worth more than $5,000, but they nevertheless planned ¢o form 
&® corporation with a paid up capital stock of $100,000, te be paid 

th ead¢ ascete which were soit worth more than $5,0003 thet they 
further plammed that this eopitel steck of the Prepesed new core 
poration would be sold te the Keymelde Spring Cos for $100,000 and 
thereby Grigeleit would chtain sufficiont eaplial, whereby he could 
engage, “either on hig oun behalf ox throuck the inotrumentality 
of another cerpsration, in the melcing of bekelite ané other 
phenolie products for the trade @eneralir,® etes 

4the That prier te Seteber 2, 1925, Srigeleit, Beker 
anc Burton, as incorporaters, fileé an appliestion far the ox gank- 
@ation in Illineis of esmpla. ianh worporati ~ it te have a« 
ided inte 4,000 shares of the per 

Capital stock of $100,500, diy 
value of 225, #achy that in the application it is stated tha 

the capital "paid in ecsh* is 19541027, that the capital “paid 

in preperty" is $98,658.73, that the property is locate: at’ te, 
2650 Jest Lake itreet, Chicages, ami that it consists of *Hachinery, 
equipment, eteck, * # SO0lL a, fixtures, $entg and good-wilig* 

end that on October 2, 19255 the Seuretary of State of tliinete 
issued a charter te oomplainant as a corporation. 

Sth. That on Gctcber 2) 1925, when complainant 


epieted tee Innonustsd ioqgtoat ay was } smu ot es f 
boatrgooes Lo Reankyse Laoinateon o eee (shodoyit png rit 
| aid Yet aspiveds iutesa bua wet BR qotnevet ae cals saw 
euw "gotiinded” ae dove gatowborg oikesesig Yo My ae heart 
obdaersinel oq guagetsved bee gaboydees vals wai toeatgns susqxe fe ooia 
gate Gatohe se down Yo wabetow ote cot rr eo Reverses grit 
os Litve gukweorkyoe ie oofroe quan ekan Attar" 
gathnegas yblget bs wen 2 aww Soistw oo pone J, seis mises 
FPR mans 1 be e eeakesd ede wb ogonld ah 
~~ ft Semace Sorte Gk anse tage peal: rent iso on 
eet ade aebow gadonbety Siew Ie ye kita ia ee 
~ ents eow tae “gredetoonas bits nae &Lakegaud « # * 
Ҥrack dooket wyeilet ail tet yoomhnne ae ee poly lin: 
<—- ergo ages & Shad 

wed ase Gaedonhs® UROL of wotestese ad aabee, teat Ranh sca Pay. 

git tlom o betexeqe solstw yoo) grbug? ankomges: i. qukvha | 

eats, at eee duo dal doide bine qmeghaiod dows 
smnestoos'’s Agana egret te be 

te ae ee windioe GBEL 9 redesgee inode to8t Sidon eee. 
sono, a sealwnes okmue % coqmuoe Saelt 
ons te Lis # posal oonsA aeees gkake mal Ae oH” t eivesa wif 20 2. i 
seeKLgs? AA sa agu dries avtsuioxy eie® oun “abo tag eholegts" 

ods faktutont qomeey 8 to bodveg 8 sh) euoga: nye a spdeoviend 
Bg wi euen ehats 2 oe teketegsve' eximm onis ; 
ensongeg 20 euientenam Ono ban abpatee xa pve rigs te gna 

ood ee ane nandsnaauen Swat, , 980 

ass ah “tietod mmo me oe peg ot oh Fn, seinkd oy sto 

ed satis ‘4900 4k auto. eat bans a etiieled utbsen te dies 

ea Go DOLe on Ye Latiqgas @ + L openogy| Ege NG apne 

state “gietigns 10 apatHoay T Lene baw er . : 
bee sual » pene aig sean as. 

eitapoe af peo e wale 
tap im ect Ferd oe * caktean snotet ti 
one at sobfom baw TF 
peak yells tata pedo, ‘ay tet 30 oa porn ack 
Das cg sedalooaes bes Shohowhnd «& of Te ssoaas 

arek oF woummtig analodrreren dad leet Rect me aos Som | 
oa Os gQ60,00.50 bs doave tae qu BE & — go. ik ded s 
coat SoA FOUA_AD & geen Cites. Tet 8 Si hf 
bene went HIG aQe LA odd te seein ps po tie oe } 
bus 900—00L0 sot «80 guergs @ ® oat bs a. aren med ¢ 


binoo of ydoretty glaiiges on. 
Ceilatheerical el odd dtyucrrde 
sete “ylleromes ohare gett a! eh Lone 
gediat a tieLonts) Att ' | Sy ul iil 
: Soe seus tte 3 Pinta te 
= oaie to aetada GUC,  ROOIVED 9 OO LG To eote * 
ae coaarane 8 a oun 
oa, Fe 
dor err ofeaa 
attack fit "fe 08 ae Stent, ob SORA q@ wedadne | 
ah bigeye Per aie ~ a 

43 ae . eens tek. ‘vadtae” «eae 
somaa tans og kiswad te aah iat oie ak cvetsoneeras ‘ool 3 
saa? edt wt nel sno thyaga 
ped pedate of 3h ett | 
ame 3 oe ete want 
re od sg, «te Ta 
eran algans west onek cl epdied 9 ~. » tna? ia | 


eorporction wne organized, Grigcleit “had ne intention of epersting 
it on Bie own behalZy er of paying it for seid «toe $100,000 tH 
eaeh or in property» but thet his sole purposes as well as that 

of Saker BUYVOns wae 46 enable him (Grigeleit) to geil Re te 

| Plainant's eapiial steck to said Eeyoolda om G im order é9 
Conugumuate | fvawi.® 

Gt. That in the application tS erganize complainant 
ae a ¢orporation Griguleit and Baker and Burton had named these 
#eLvee ag coagiisuting ite firgt board af circeteres, avi that Baker 
and Burten were agents and exployees of Srigelett and ware completely 
under his dominion and contrei, 

7th, Theat at the (iret meeting of co [pong heard 
of directors, held on Yovenper L3, 1926, Grigolei: was sleeted 
presideat and Burten vies=presidenty and Boker steretary and 
Sreseurerg thet Grvigoleit presented 4 written preposs] whieh 
he made various statesenta as to the sesste and ecudition of the 
business of Hs. J+ Grigoleit & gaogdated, of which he we the sole 
owner that therein he propowed, in eonsideration of pe reonally 
receiving 34998 shares, fully paid, of the enpital steck ef 
complainant, te transfer to it all of the preperty end business 

of Gs ds Grigeleit & ‘\@ee@lates, including sill machinery, toohe 
and equipment, all aaterisl and stock on hand, two Us, 2. Letters 
Patents both isawed June wy L950, thvee pending applientions made 
by him and three applications «bout te be made for ether patenta, 
and alse moneys on deposit and S0ecunte and bills reecivable art 
also the good will of said business. 

Sth. That suid direceters accepted the proposal by 
résolution paseed, in which 46 was atatec thet the fair value of 
ali of said property was $100,000, and that in payment of the 
Game, Gurtificates for 5,998 chaven of ¢Wiplsinant's «togk, parked 
fully paid ene uGneaasesrables, be iasued ig Grigoleity and that 
these tramsavéiome were ali “in eurnuehoe of enid fraudulent rlan 
of Grigeleit, Daker and Burten ts cheat and ¢efvawd complainant 
and vald Reynolds Spring Co." 


Be dy ia 

Ota. That suid Letters Satents and aelé soplieations 
on Sile “had no market Values” that He Js Srigeleit & Aggoelates 
bed nO @avnings and ite goed will has go value “exeept naz it was 
Connected with the engineering skill of suid Grigoleit;* that aid 
aesete, so purported to be conveyed to complainant in saehanee for 
sale 3,998 sharez of fully paid steok, were net worth PLOU~,ID, and 
mot more tian $8,000, ag sai¢ eireetors well keews and thet ebout 
Savember 18, 1928, Grigeleit reecived and bexome Pessegced of said 
$9908 shores of fully psid stock, 

sth, That on "svember a9, 1923, at snother meetine of 

the board of directora a» vesclution was passed to the effect that 
the transfer of 211 of said property to complainant, in consideration 
of the issuance of said skares of B6OGK, Was aleo subject to the 
Seeumption by complainant of eertais ebligatiens and liabilities 
of Grigoleit, amounting to $12,443 that said obligations were then 
and there aseumed by compleinants; that by anid resolution and eadd 

ption complainant “was then and there renderce. insolvents* and 
Shat the passage of gaid reralution was opposed fo complainant Ty 
Best interests and wan in further purauance of ssid fraudulent plan 
of wrsqeiests Saker and Burton “to cheat ond defraud complainant 

Bnd said Yeynolés spring Coe” 

gebiatege ‘te gsateaosak Of pat" sioLogis? ,Senlmegie aw aed Sa tog 268 
a iy ae mete ee sek oe wi te te 4% ge yoo eh 
gots ee Lie okon afrl gackd nk & q 

N ome Li yd S Ueshae Log, fe pet pions 62. anw be oh Be 
he ee Leh Te ee en.0i BaLInS patents wine 62 ere Las iges ‘at d 
‘ Sotace't _ bears 

dermechakeants ax keagra od noticolteys sf¢ ah paurt fila 
| ante beam bed node bas seled bahogiwt - cee 
 seantantt taste bea Preripetys no bane suee’ piel & Benet acon oa HOVE 
a stern eet ene bien 8 be kont x? Be gee ye! : 

® neice Sas. 

vennd s* domed aguos he gatecen gonkt ory oe gout “a sie 
bogoske anc diokogkst _Gitl 9S) te caren yen mo béost ovat ‘te 
een “ecto oe tae tate garhe eoeennyey wee bite seskiees 
tot wk Ineorn ny medtiiw & hodmawsg Chologs a sakd qroueaete 
wh? Fo wekahinge bee wdoens ‘ott of oa Bkipatete GRObeey 958 SE 
sfoe ono aaw wl dodsiv Se seetaroouas & Ptetwudd pied si to eeomhe 
Spoon yo woktarehlemer o qdoneqexg eal ateradt a0 oe 

Sadiqse ads 10 ¢ Seat, Ps ct ape » 
aa sebe tet Be: bout 3 oud ko Ein TF ct sekemts 4 
efood a yxemkso ant get afond emeah sou & shed 

exe diol «f «BU owe qheuash ea Rooke Habs inbustan Lie qhnoanlepe 

ahem cap leostiage ht gore, owed ‘ 9ee cagt Qaueed aed ® 
“quoimemy wetoe od o¢ ened enessoes fete bids i 
ita’? ecuepecniaee ath hem rig eee os pia Aeaged & : 

) gmat 

we oy soseue wae baie Smoaet ea ott a | 
— pot see y 
hoster eae a? ccs: cee oe ewuade rn 
“iasie OLS og | Dek homed oe a 
matey srokots? base ag ey pee mo SAG LT ky 
doeersonan buswthet bn eae a idling 4 ; 

awatenos am Shaw base, “msoates axogdedt rere ag? ie 
pe tatgounk & sadogh se: ole dante “genkey Sean of on hau" QheT 
paw at aa dqpane” aaier oa kat LLb5 boty wi! dae See ‘i 

one ay 
biow dade “qttategin® khan tq Sidte gods gee 
o% wpgaters af Sametatgyos of Rega rehee we of Sodnog’ 
ieue 4G00,00L8 alaaaw soa Star etoees See in Bei 

¢uode seid hoe peoed Live re nl ceitt ol ; 
bias tw Boswenna. beonptel ‘me: eosin ye eee 

ye aetioon wnattons 48 ion ear nt 
gaale ong oo oil oe: 

ae stage emu te ni pe 
mT cana ate aes amas taut ot ema 


Althe That the sbove action ef enid beard of directors 
im issuing solid ateck to Grigeleii, for esid insufficient can« 
siderations, etess left compleinant with inguffielent capital te 
engage im the business for whieh it wee organiaed. 

42th. That about ‘ovember 15, 1928, Grigeleit wee in 
the employ of seid Kel ‘witehbeoard & Supply Coes as a eon~ 
sulting engineers that hie euid new inventions were being developed 
by him “on the time of and at the expense of aid Kellogg Cosg® 
that the prosecution of hic pending applieationg im $he Use fo 
atent Offiee was done by patent soliciters euployed by eadd 
Sellege Soe} that on “evomber 15, A925, four apphientiona eevering 
his eaid inventions were pending in eaid patent effies; and that 
thereefter three ether applications were Filed by Origeleis. 

sth. That *from “ovember 14, 1925, until April Bi» 
1926," Grigoleit acted as complainant's president, aad “thereafter 
acted ae Vigeepresidext thereef until -weust i, L927, when he left 
complainant's employs” that during eaid period he wag in charge 
of its effaire and im the prosecution sf eaid patent agpliestieng 
that “at el] times after Yebruary 10, 1926" he had the suatedy pet 
aT a. uate gg van hcg the only —— — fe 
COmpininants or with gsid ‘syneids “pring Gos, whe had any know! eige 
of wnid spolications, or of the « ice t@ be taken tc protect com= 
Plaisant in the securing of claims thereunder or in the procuring 
of the igeusnoe thereof of valid patente, and that it wag his duty 
to oo preeeeute cald applications that Vadid patente would iseue 
te complainants" but thet “in pureusnee of hig cadd eomepiracy and 
plan te chest and defraud gomplainant a i guid Meynolds 5 ANS Cota 
and in pursuance of hie plan to secure for himge i the use the 
inventions digelosed im said appliestiena free unc clear of the 
patent monopoly atherwise the property ef complainant, aad in pure 
suanee of sald te of his, and ef thet of anid Baker ané Burton, 
to establish a business in competition with sompliinant sid eni¢ 

Waaih Bind i 

og Bist is 

melds Spring Uoe, under the name and aiyle of 'Grigeleit,’ and 
© obtain far his enid businese when ee organised the benefit and 
a¢vantage of acid inventions,* esid Grigeleit “wilfully ami inten 

tionally failei to prosecute the said five patent applications 
within ome year after the lest official setion ef said patent office 
eonesrn the aomeg" and that thereby said agplicntions (treneferred 
te complainant in patie eongiterstion for the iseuanee to Grigoleit 
ef seid capital etuck) "became abandoned and were ieretrievahly lost 
$0 Complainant, when it was anid Srigeleit's duty as auch vies 
president of complainant to faithfully and ¢iligentiy prosecute 

seid applications fex complainant's benef it.” 

i4th.» That yete to “ptember ly L055, Grigeleit had 
imetelled ecrtain of hie eeeeee devices in the molding plant of 
the feyrolds Spring Coe at Javkwotty Michigan, and that thereafter 
negetintione with 1% eonesrning the aule te it af gid the | 

j : f rs 
Scan He Ne a Me ae hs bad he 

1Sthe That therenfter, about Sevember 15, aseee 
Grigoleit and the Reynolds dpring Go. came to an agreement which, 
Under date of December 22, 1926, at Chigego, wos embodied in « 
certain “Memorandum of Agreement" duly signed by them (copy 
attached, marked Exhibit A», and made a part of the bill) hay 
which wau approved by the dirceters of maid “eynelds ogr “Be 

munipent® te buaadt Stag Ye meheom meets. old 3 se ko 
apo énebot tized hing, eet “toon ced ose ples pic. yetuaat ud 
as febsaes gree Suxawh ae hw (yah t Be Shere guttiy. tit de volts 
poe teagee apt ak Gatton “et sheath nae, wide C7 enna 

eek meee rhetisate (ROE gah Segetare we sno death stage. 
to @ Be ge? YR & aumedtiiodion gpediec tee BO cpique ‘eit 
soqedawet pada oxgw amotcaewnl wax Maw re init pingakgae er ge 
Sage wan dc, Sakae ke tag ee oe eae sual ge™ aha 
ok 9h oee eh gemidook ie wit a 
btow eet begrkestt fara weethe oo ts ing es om wae wend PER 
weed ee rON geisweidere wet _8h ok so dat ta ee 
gots bee goec tho due dog shan ae ‘ore <ceur aeinent Seraorend 
wee enh ef foal) wnoe gu bie cdr Mo “ace — “ot tertel 

ofS Binge Lhewe PAGK gil sademrve™ gee 
eoxRepnaie” Ame 4 SeeGLawng a dod adore ~ 
$%eS ool waiter QTd oh Samy Abore Boe cathe aogeae vo se 
gna ah Qow ve keke btam geek sacha age Hh we tae: ‘ 
qeasiiosiiqgs Smadnn bias ko nad sunrenss, salt tania hate nH a 

hae hotgis act wank out “QGAPL. wok Qimendet 
gale vodeaunes meewey peg wis we iy 
woe kun ne: eats ft ipetiar Pee Se i mink WER ie: 
ougn teaver, ¢ taal oo oF Be nie ta Te 
gab meseg we et te pent ey 
eiuh aia cow oh fads Gem ea Me 
weet sivowr atastag thtav vue 
sun we te gor seat isi “hs 

‘a oe : 
ge ts ating A oe 
Ue, wk Othe g DHE isigeon ‘te yee 
Stauth tats Poreet whee vy ate a 

? | algun tie 
| ahteand" wal bes Pi at oats amon 
«goeal teu ite’ Saw* thos pase 
acetinsifiique saree: 
anktio Snedeg flan Ye aorioe ie 
dovwetanatd) anak noliqua 4 
dhetogix® ae eoomume! oa? “8 aks 
feak etaroiiieres set ie eee. 
weedy take wa WR e 
nb wa eI RY diet, ‘bes tated wh \ 
Sec a cio ts 

bat shoLogi xd mer ah worm east! 6? aw 
te fnaty aul diem old ah soulveh Raves 
agataseoed: dautd bee gma ko lt 9 hens sit 
Lcd #hot shoo. weld gaeherme 

| Beek 4 A . 
sane ieee sedan bund ‘ 

* at yok bepclte m ear irons Og 
odd Yt bemato 

yikes ot Xo Jaag A Shem bro, 
open ‘toda a biea be wees 


im anid copy of the agresmont attached to the bill it 
is wtated im the preamble that Geigolett ia the owner of complain« 
ant conipanys having ite plant at 285° vest Lake etreet, Chiengag 
that Grigolelt, in additien $@ operating and meaneging the Company » 
"is algo, personally and on Bis een accoumi,s doing advising er 
eoneulting engineering work and reeoiving pay therefor ;* that 
Grigeleit has supplied to the Raynelda Coe m finenetal gtatment, 
showing the accounte seovivable and the uitilled orders of complains 
ant ¢ompony ae of leeember 14, 1928, ales a balance sheet dated 
Bovember 3°, 1928, alse m list of the 8. <- patente amd applications 
for patents belonging to companys thas the heynolds Geos ig 
engageé in the operation of # molding plant at Jacksen, Kiehigan, 
and “desires to acquire the Satire eopital stoek of the ws J. 
Grigoleit Cos in order te obtain the full bencfite of the patente, 
inventions, trade marks and good will ef ssid Grigvleit and the 
full benefit of kis entire times services, engineering skili and 
inventive genius." 4nd, in eonsideration of exe telier amd the 
mitual covenants herein, Grigeledt agzeed in subetanee : 

(a) To eed and deliver to the Reynolds “pring Ge. 
9106 19805 faqe value the ele eopital sieek of the 

Je Grigelett ce. tunes being ite entire autheriaes and issued 

stock), and te seeept im full poyment of the same the ame of 
€100.000 im cashy and, 

(ob) Im consideration of 260° shares of the commen 
ateck of the Reynolds Spring Coes tc be Lawucd au fully paid and 
non-nasesenbles and of a yearly aslavy Of @12,000—, to be oor in 
semiomonthiy payment id : BOC each, on the gen laut day ef 
@neh MERERe a 2. ¢ ante me a winding cont ie with anid 

J i = ; ebER BBE peiems (should 1¢ 
: pecesaaay or dea rable x: ates er ite a aaeta to @ gore 
peration chartered in some other Stat 


the Dencfits of hia enbize < S pereiges aeilties Liven 
company enefita of to service, a ¥s inven«- 
tions, trace marke, and patents grow out of onic serviees, 

ie inventive genius Meer © nexied of five wears fom the ashe 
af @ agreement} ATM 

(e) “hide ae porkenet marvin "30 diselese to oueh 

opt or A plage ns ae, 62 ISO 400 5 & BE ing Soe 

ing designate, Laven laa: om gis, trade-marks 
pmente ao he may  eotababe er praduce and any such 

 pther ‘Wael mering developmenia ani iuverntiems as may come io Bis 
‘knowledge and which may be of interest or benefit te anid Be Jo 

gt Like ak od fepalpaes de FSO TYE od re var? hhow wt 
-niatgane to vere avid ot sbelouiee tate afineore ot at adate at 
- joqelst? gfeotte amet deer Ones gx Pemby ooh ‘patina eringut09 ‘ans | 
eyes ould pebyoram tos Qukdavege 08 ond 68 iio o1 vite. gnats 

*q gutaivas ttt oe « RD HSE eg whe ao bose way 

baad “puotered@ ery Biivicses bee arom pm ™ pit bane ti iwaton 
pinsedate Laboeantt # 00 abheotet add of bel tegwe and ot 888 outed 
extafqacd to eteixo beiiiiow cit foe otewviioet atmuoved odd ga re is 

estas somte woutetod @ onfa , 000% at cadena to. an. remy 49 
anokinotiqgn bee adundeg +8 «V7 att ‘xe fotd # cake qAR0L 406 x09 ae rot 
ah 208 abtereets ods seid Caceall seed aa aetna mh 

" eas ban uakkoh ene to not soxshkamee ae ates Santen | ® Lovee 
veeneseden ot voorye sinteat® actors. ag weave 

“t oi t bene oe ittened xe pele soch to od ig as 


Grteees’ Cee (complainant), ite suceessers and ascignsa, % 
Coes ane to pign, seal and deliver any aa 
oe a e which say be ceemed necessery or 
desirable te eurry anid undertakings inte effect, including 
applications fer patents, tradcemerks and acgignmeuts thereof 

when end as the pame have been mutually agreed upons” and 

(d@) Sedéd Grdgeleit “further yee sheuld the seme 
be deemed necessary or sdviasble bythe 78 Lée © se We Cos. 
the removal of eaid Hs de trigele meas nina ¥ 
Chieege to dacknon, Michigan, and to the dancing of his repid- 
enee to Jnekson, and to use his influence te —— the con- 
anes plone eadid Grigoleit Coe of such of ite — oyesa ae the 
ak pr — desire to the moving ef é éeaired 
oyees = Ro 

Aué im enid agreement the heynolds Sprimg Coe, in 
conaideration of the mutual cevananta, ete., agreed, subject to 
the appreval of ite Boaré of Directors, 

"To purchase” from ecid Srigoleit *the entire 
authorized and "ined Bids ef 2199,000° of anid He Js 
pty @leit Cos, and “ts pay to said Grigeleit therefer the sum 

105,006 im engh on er before January 15,5 1926, te issue 
ae deliver te said Grigeleit 2500 shares sf fully paid, non- 
ageeseable common capital steek of the heynelds aprine Coe, ag 

a tonciderstion for the signing, seteling and delivery - 90 
five year employment comtract above enumerated cobs. entered inte 
by saie Gricoleit with “Gehiy de Grigeledt “os as re “et 
forth, “ened uteck te be de. — and pods eoatraes to Be € 
before January 9 ** in the event of the ¢ eyrevel 
af this contract by the beard “ae éirecters of the cuahas opr img 
Coes thie contrnet ehall be wall and void.* 

It ig further alleged im the 6111 ae follewat 

icth. That after the signing of gaid xgrecmery 
Grigeleit and the Keynolds “pring °o. “settled upem a maitiensien 
eof it, wherein and vhereby the considerstion for the sale ef 
complainant's said zteek, and for Srigeleit's cha mesial 
said five yesr employment contract with eompleinant, wag mec 28 ; 
im that the eush consideretion to be paid was reduced $0 075% 
and, in lieu of the additional payment of $25,000 im cash and the 
$00 shores of the eammen stock of the Scyroids Spring Soe, 
er said eteek wae then being traféed im on the Hew York sieek 
change at « wie ef about ¢10 per shure - eald Grigeles? was 
is ont Me 5, shores of andd ateck of the Reynolds Opring Co«g 
that o memorandum ef this supplementary agreement wne entered 
into on becenber 30, 1928 (copy sliached and made a hy be the | 
bill); ed anid supplementary agreement Zs ¢ingleve the 
that the 5,000 shares of the commen aboek af said leyne las 
Coe was to be applied one. as foz_ 32 _ vongiderstion fer 
entering inte the peta for sale 6! lainant*s capital 
stock, ep one-half = EE Ge SEA Foe 


agreement of Lecember ia, 1925, iahibit rn nerete, is a momorinl), 

2 49 getiytece bem empeceoeee OF). u(4nant tans) oe sheken =” 
ary = teyifed bus Lave os ae one ane ae 
tG Yiaeesoed heme h ‘eam Medi sFXoR 

wibutont gfostts otal epeiiotte bay bdoe othe d - & 
wesauets ednemgoese pete f ypaisodes gutuedeag wot case 
ane “grogu beerge vito sium mond syoe ontey oft se, bos 

omen est? Sivertn ,nee tage Bg! at sioLoyatsd dha. (b 

oF 229° efidesivhs x Yteveosen bamesb od 
a Ce aah aoe) op 

efoske ab +E to LInvames. bed 
~Siee¥ a ane te quatpamds ott o¢ bem ynegiitedt .nocdval of og» 

~aen exls Ahan Bagge of eorputtat aid ons of one se ditw souanas? 

arg peceuewege's atk te dowe te «6 aoteglad = aot 
bestes? bine So geivom aff o? aakNeb Wee 2. ca aged ig 

gt e009 gethuq! ebfemge ad¢@ daemoosge Sine mh bee 
of foetdem aiownge .-0%0 getaeneves Lamtma ete to ¢ Lieto btesos 

sanodoouk Le baeo@agh to aoe est 

eviane ofd" shofopt<d petit ~~ “onantotay oF 
e% oB bkew te "000,008 

Ean ix fecigas teguet dee boat 
son adi soto? dfotophal Gs 7 yng of" Bae g200 dhe 
ouuul o2 Beer 4 OL yeanike’ sroted 6 mo few a2 a Be 
atts | ohkat to asiade O68 Slokoghsh bhaw @2 | 

ae iat guise? sbionge® etd te woods Ladiqne wommo efd — 
~ to euavh ton hae gutless gaodemin eds xed sits bs 
eked we ¢ betexremune erede soutémoy 
ee 600 shaLayt 20 oh of anfe ool 

staal we ae Agta, ahs botevi ded 
seve tggasib © aig Hors ale a w © 28265 ft m1 18 
Bak ue ohbamet ale te wmptownts te fised oa) X Tats as 3 
*,ohov dam Liam of £Leibe, foqnaaee nist; 400, 

teweliot an ikke wate wt —" ee inde at + 

ge hea te. 
votéastttbon @ a aoe ale dea we no De 

add "Sint 


ont pols cod 
“ote we Sielogt 

! . 28 eared cz Leer ity oo2% 
qoUUs 53 o: be ve Saw 
ode. ie 8 ak eps ees 

wean pe wot cane 
age ote ight blax 
ie a phe 

ae Perec npr ee mel a 

se pao 


and complainant cherges that if any anbbicuity existe, it hee 
arisen through the wutual mistakes of the Reynolds opring So 
and Gxigeleit in drafting seid supplementary agrecment, sné 
that it wae the intention of the parties thereto at that time 
thet the prevision in the agreement eof Decerber 22, 2928 (Reuse 
(ep) of Sxhindt A ap hexveinabeve set forth) sacald be fully 
maintained at all times, ond wes in ne way wodified by anid 
supplementary | agreement of December 5°, 1925." 4nd complainent 
avers that enid Griseleit, in executime both of coid cereemente, 
eee rea sation ef complying vith or ftarrylucs out amy ef the 
provisions bhereels but ene euted them beeouse auch execution was 
ngetsenry $9 the ¢engumation ef his aforsssid frandulent plan, 
and that of Beker ne Burton, to cheat ond defraud goald feynoldp 

Bering Go and ¢empla ines; $.” 

The copy of exl¢ supplementary egreement, sttcched te 
the bI1lL as Exhibit B, is gated at Jackson, Michigan, Oscember #6, 
2228, is ai ened by Grigoleit, end by the heynolds Spring Cos, by 
its president, anc ig im pert se fellows: 

"Wes the undersigned, parties to # memoranda of agree- 
ment éatec at Chicags, illinoiz, lecember 22, 1925, copy of which 
is herets attachec, herein «nd hereby agree as folios: 

He Je Grigeleit * * herein and hereby agrees io the 
meGifiesation of the sid agreement of Leoember 22, 1925, and te 
sccept ae fula pay for the $100,000 faee aiue of the capital 
etoek of the 5. J. Grigslett Coe, * * the eum of ¢ v6 9600 in cash 

ape. §,000 shares of the gomuen enpitial eteck of the | eynedd s 
ing Coes sald ctock amé 872,006 te be paié an ar oefore Jaduary 

15, 1926. 

The Feynolées “mpring Co., * “ Herein and hereby agrees 
te purehaese of seid He Je Griggleit all of the $400,000 faeces value 
Capitel stock of the He dg. Srigoleit Cae, and to pay tuerefer the 
gum of bd ded im neh a@6 5, 3J0 gkaeren of the common capital 
eteek of the Reynolds Spring Coe om or before January 15, 1926. 

it is mutualiy agreec by and ype tne yout ss 
hereto that the ype ye ee, coe Haat Bes EO et = 
furthey; examination of tar g ort on eachis re 
Semeranes Sat eenent ge ahaa. » and to complete said ee 

on or “oe Rg denuary ib, 1926, ae the enid Ha J. Urigelei:s wiih 

effer full saceess to the said petemi reverés and te the xvecorda of 
the corporntion sf the ds d+ Griggieit So. in erder that the 
Reynolds “pring Oo. may be_asaures oe the representai mace in the 
gaid memoranda of egrecment anc @ scope and vailoity of the 
patents and potent applicstious herein involved. ee the 
investigation, ebeve provided for, of the patente, ace ext ons Ee 2] 

records ere got sotisfnetory when this spr coment ahs ae 
feete abe the event ba a gee Scion and Boon : OE 
vives _Breviced for pubstentlater t sppeare te Se actin 
he porties hereto are ze mubuedly % bound and the said payment 
9 ée ‘liveries “are to be made. 

lt ie further slieged im the bill as Seliews: 

2 : 

aa L7th. That the consideration for the ‘eynolds ‘pring 
Goe's entering inte the agreement with Grigoleit was his promise te 
_ enter into a five yeor employment contract with complainant and te 
give complainant his engineering skill end ali of his inventi ens 
 Pelating to seid molding arty that without this promise the hoynolds 

maul Of qudeto gi hp ita ys. ‘$2 duaeig niiiable ideale igaea 
# a0 egos nohenyes eue to odasedes Leen ode ae agaisea 
Que <iaceocrse gradtomelggate bine atl iback al Jhologdcd baa 
ouk® teed a OLSLENs awtiveq oof to waidapsm ng edo a. 
savati) @20L 22k sedmeceS ‘to tepeagine odd at cote vex toa 
yktet ad floods (ioe jo arodautoun as A ah aot 
bias yd pndeadage vse On rt ven pos Gagner ile js ae 
fren agaee bert 9 Stee Sedete o oid. sees he ai _ Wie datos, _ 
sires tie Siac. te med ‘ud dees tt .thodogiow blue, add. eteya 
adi te Vite tue gabgerer xe Bie poly ignes be Belis he 
gow ig Metts aoecusd sort sedacons due .« Tovseds ately. ror 
paete top iohext tievwrots abd te wodhtcuuanes ond. “ee ba ya PRUE 
abtement Bien heen teh ome omens as otis tame Secs mente le Reels lass 
GE LOR: fm» te sod ES. 

Sg eI 

gd sedoudds sitomoe mys Ciadmoust fqque Shue ‘bo ware od 
git ‘eo done 0 9 wsag beta te edad 32 e tata as Lite ont 
¥ 4200 gabrgs e bigerge 4 sets ve bie 1 PeLogtct ve demghe ak 88k 

snwo i fo’t al dans wat at hse Bo rtentes att 

“verge te @bste ramon e@ 8 oh kta «bette 
dois ke ca yBSOL 780 sodmones puiens. 

ive ifet ae venga opfeciad fe pea ‘boston’ ta. 

wis eo ato ted Yderod sae nied © ee dtabughed au wh) 

OF See ,a60£ , GR weewort to tnsaetgs Shee odd de i bBo: 

fathgay ong Yo oedev ses 000\uOhG add cet yeq fink as dgeoon 

> plane 4 OSG g BNE eo tw oot * 7 peed repro ok old, spat t oe rr) 

oi? te doots ingiqao spanes até CQ_d bey 
were . ' : i 20 me. blag oo ot Rt OS ae Store akon eon yt ae. 

“goo eRe — brie ‘ohare © * , ved gabe astern se at” 

enter 0h Cg ULE af le Lhe dag iegi at «hk ddee ote. 

eid soteceds play od vigil ,vto dipLowie® % oH onli te Senta lav 

fesigas Monme Ons bo gotate Uniged See dane ml COU—g ats to 
sORG5 ats yinama’ exghod xe fo 00 wakage abLenye* 2 te 

af d weowtod se = isvomya “idewsam ab 

not sanfiiexs “pied iitlaeat oe be 
a Sets theLlopt yt Chee Boos oa 
% adaooex eft OF bare ed eee saodug 

edd sodt sobre: ree shelog : 
wid mt gba 3 

ee sor 
seer ures #43 

geek aye stoic. att 20% oe . 
~ pire ait saw Bp sayy bd ntaee ited 


Coe woulé mot have paid to him the equivalent of $100,000 fer ald 
the capital steck complainant; thet without the time, labor, 
services and inventive ability ef Crigeleit anid steck was not 
worth $100,000 te the Keynelds pe lng © and that the Neynelée 
Spring Coe “had no notice or knowledge of the fraudulent nature 
of the tranesetions between him ané complainant eorporstion, as 
above outlined in paragraphs 4th to 10th hereof, but thet im 
purchasing saic stock the heynelés Spring Cos * * relied upon the 
representations of Grigeleit with reepect thereto. 

: _ sath. That on January 15, 1926, the Neynolds Spring 

Coe Gelivered te Griguleit ite cheek for 695,000 and a certiviente 
fer 5,000 shares of ite common stock for which he executed and 
célivered hia receipt; thet the emeumt of sold check was thereafter 
reeeived by himj thet in and by eeic receipt “it is mot shown that 
the 2600 gheares of the cowmon ataek of the leynelds “pring Soe, 

eo delivered, waa the congiderntion of Grigeleit's entering inte 

a five year employment contract with complainants” that °it was 
through o mutual mistake onc oversights, on the purt ef the Neynelds 
Spring Coe and Grigoleit, thet this fect wes no4 set forth in eaid 
ree¢ipts" that that feature of the agreement between the parties 
“hed net been abandoned but wae stil) in force and effect," and 
that st the game time that Grigoleit delivered his eaié recekpt 

fer gaid eheek and anid 69900 sheres of stock, he transferred md 
delivered to the Reynolds “primg Cos the 4,000 shares of the 
eapital stoek of complainant, “for which anid Meynolds (pring Cae 
executed ami delivered to him ite receipt." (Copice of 

veceipta are attached to and made a part of the bill, ag xhibdt C.) 

The sald copier of both reevipta, so atinched to the 

bill,» read es fellows: 

*Chicegos Ilie dane 159 1926s 

Reeeived of Reynolds Spring Coe of Jackson, Nichigniy 
check, dated Jans 15, 1926, #3215 for 975,009, drawn on the 
‘merican Truet Company, “ew Yorke Aleo, satoek ecertifiegte 
#SYO 5637 fer 5,000 shares of common stcek, 411 im full comaideration 
md ps for $100,000 face value of the enpital stock 6f th 
He Je Grigoleit Coe, an Tllinoia corperationg said 9100,000 face 
velue of eapital sioeck a paid and non-aseessabie and 
constituting the entire euthort expitel stock of wald He Ja 
Grigoleit Cos, seid cteek being dehivered in accor ange with the 
memoranda of agreement, executed December Zang, 1925, amd eupple« 
mentary memoranda of agreement signed end delivered iweomber 30, 
1925, said memoranda of agreement and supplementary memoranda of 
agreement veing between He. J. Grigoleit amé anid Seynolds “pring 

(Signed ) Ms 9 Grigoleit. 

oY Sa 2 4 

Received of He Js Grigeleit G100,000 fase value of the 
capital stock of the H. Je Grigelelt Goo, an Oliimets corporation, 
aaid $100,900 of eapited en ll gt ch calgon Mate 
ef exnié [Llineis corperstion, said enpital ateck elivere 
eration fox $75,000 in money ctentbt oN ag tn oy ey 
of our company and certifiesate WYG-8637 fer 5,000 whores of cum 
stock of our company, which ateck und cheek are delivered in 
secordence with memoranda of agreement between H. J. drigeleit and 
our Company, signed Dees 22nd, 1926 anc supplementary memoranda 
ef agreement signed by H. J. Grigeleit and our company, Dege By 


Lie wah (00,0022 Yo tnadariape od? = ‘*? aimave te ance #om@ Sinew 960 
qtodek gout? ofS tacicly tonle ie devise Caches satt 

20a eae Hoede Sbnat ig | ey ye toe aoobytes 
shLewgat ade dads hie | ore, ad 28 nde bi 

outer temiebaxt? 483 To epNat “e wlion A. 
a? peideuequce duet algae bas pf nomwiad _— 
i toed gant , tow cert ait os Psd plete gee vn & 

ete mu ballet * * seo gaia site ee nbes 

®,esered? Joagees dete siefegie® te onot date 

» ehfouget att gBROL yi yremaet me Les weer ince: 
Pe bd » Gem 0%, BPE =e% Meads cf} Btekogee® of sorewl Ted 06: 
has todeeux ¢ ef Mokdw vot vente mous o8f to woradie 06 het Md 
wise amw foetla bieo ke feuems: afd tele tiqheoot etd > 
sais mwerle & ion ek #1* gaton es. nt at ve tee. wl on genta’ ? 
eco gaity ebLonyge?! fo Rome aty Bo ao & 
erm anretne wtetttontes . notdamatsnes ait sav aberev ited 
abt? ~ feat Trager yen gaa oad Soarndneo eg ed tay muy 
eblomyged adv te tung salt ce gtigierers dee edlega lar im & iG 
nine me soae >’ tea tem gw fost aldo aevle yfloLogiad Ome oo 
egkiaeg af? navwied gaxmeetga ad? To eumtawh dade tad” poqi 
fun "givette Sne sesgt at ifite caw ted domonada peed gen 
Sgievex diac abd bounwifel dtefonixd sed? omtt omns ed? oe : baat 

— ae ag atecie te onnnde ae ] —_, fein Kurd pes 30 
a oe oe ig | 

eo: Oe 

2 aeaes ee iid 1 stata Be apace ag teas 
(.2 ve Biel 2s gi. oxtt eo B Siaee oan he eer vue ee 3 = 

at ad rcormueiams a satqivoo: ain Be ners bow ott 

—_— ” = Wan 

\ eORRE 4 Sl suml «fil paged NG 

qnegaeik yaeedpel te eet sat g" re @ % 

ee ee EE = gSL 
vee Liv 1236 ina 

& _ 
og aais Br) ie toe : % yee " 
— GSR g0OLE Biaa Frets 
bain 8igeou0 ye. son Sets 
a% Medoau Le 
aut ‘ihe eenetcerse we ee 

aed sinccamea Gata ak ow ‘or Hs: ne ; 

sétodogh<d 6% a (nomads) 

dooce Py oil. ree 
| lie ree id : 

e dexovi Les be Rovip 
ern sielontan o% «Hk meprded 
Ota yGemes 

Giada Ly se ee Bak 4 bac iY al . a j 4 wate ty a. 
glk 0908 yymageso ue bas Piotegie 1b ge bongse Senate myo th 


Tt ig further slieged im the bill as follewa: 

: 19th. That from dume, 1924, to Jamaary 15, 1026, 
Grigeleit had maintained the plant of said "Ms Je Grigeleit & 
Ageoedates” at 28350 ‘est Loke street, Chiesges that ome of the 
conditions of eaid contract of sale wee that complainant's 

plant showld be moved to Jsckaon, Michigans that Grigeleit 
requestec that the Meynoldsa opring Cos grant him some time to 
wing up hig affaire im Chicago and close some personal matters 
wefore he began work for complainant and aeid (eynelds Spring 
Coeg that for a number of years he had ceeupied a pesttion ac 
sonsulting engineer with the Kellogg “witehbourd & Supply Coe, 
including the time that he operated the business of "He Je 
Grigeleit & ‘eecgiatess” that during the months of January, 
February, Moreh and April, 1906, “as complainant ia infermed 

and believtes” Grigoleit woe empleyed by anid Kellege Coe "on 
full time,” and “wae further acting im the eapscity of consulting 
eagineer for other erganizstions 8@ Hames are unknown te 
Complainants" that “fer this reneom, the Reynolds Opring Ces 
gid mot pay te him the salary of 91,0900 per manth 

. i ‘ dari ae ented 
four monthey snd that “beenuse of the understanding aferese td, 
i the ature of She sonteact requiring the heynelds 
m ihe salery sferces td.” 

GY eletit Cds din ce Mik af 
Spring Coe, oF compa! 

20the That om April 24, 1926, Griceleit setified the 
Reynolds “pring coe that he had elected to terminate Big andd 
agreement with it because of ite breach im not paying hie on 
for asic four months; that his position “wee witheut aerit and 
taken ag a atep in the consummation ef hie said frowiulent (chemey” 
that on May 7, 1926, suit company tendered to him four cheeka fer 
$1,000 each far hia salary for eal four monthe and he aceapted 
all ef aid checkag thai thereafter he continued to work fer 

 @@mplainant as ite vice-president ond general manager and was pate 





said menthly seslary by complainants taut ke haa claimed, amd ig 
@laiming, thet anid contract of December 22, 1925 (Suhibis A) wae 
forfeited and thereafter abandoned because ef said auppoeed breach 
of the Keynelds Co. im mot paying aadd aslary? but that hie sadd 
Glaime «re without merit and move attempts “so lay a feundstien for 
® pretext to break sald contract, * * and emable him te carvy eue 
his frauiulent plan aforesaid .* 

Qiet. That “theresfter® (time act stated) “complainant 
amd soid Keymeléds Coe” prepared « form of employment contract 
between Grigelett and ¢ imant “in accordanee with guid agree- | 
ment, 2xhibit A,” and requested him te execute the same, but that 
he “fraudulently refused to enter inte the said five year wuployment 
contract with complainant," wrongfully pretending that he waa 
under nc contractual ebligation to compisinant or sald Seymelds | 
Goe 60 to Gog and that when he signed said Uxhibit A, “he had no 
intention of complying with ite terms," and his gigning ef the same 
“was solely an a atep in the consummation of hie fraud to acquire 
aufficient expltal te engage im the melding trade Jn sompebiiion 
with complainant and said Seynolds “pring “ee* 

Qind. That after May 15, 1926, and after canpleimant's 
plant had been moved to Jackson, Michigan, and while Grigolett 
was acting ae complainant's vice president and general manager 
and "oetenaibly* performing the duties thereof, he “wae devoting 
hie time to orguniaing a business to compete with complainant and 
suid Reynolds “pring Coe in the manufscture of machinery,” ote of 
that hes ingtesd of soliciting customers for complainant and seid 


saweliet wa Lid ade mi jogetia soda ME, BE 2 ojo 

gERE oS i Yrotttiol od ek eek merit gout Vas 
A dteingiw +5 of" hive i Gade add bonbkeinian and ddoto; 
oft to ome Jacl? togootdd gtoomta ade ges’ OGRE 2a ag. 

eo tiem aiguto Jatt gow atau te tagtd nos age ‘te abots domme 

Shulegix® teds innghdolh arated) of bevom ed Biwose 
of emt) amon wh txorpy 485 yada ahiamges pore satis be 
e2oti ms Laaonxey gimoe oeote Sie egaoi. a axtadte s. ae ad 
gait: abferys: Slee bas eT eer duaw moged Seated 
we Meith eots ” hesgmons hat ack. ‘te saewe & Bes seule g200 

oe ysquih pies wana ist eels dale wow ye unt J Lave pet 
ie ot ae 38 pers onlaue oes ge Le sbiaiees “aH pid fos cottd 
Can LO soa Bhs eae & odnat bells oat Se 
peacoat ef tmeckaignas ee” 0004 , Lays, baa me ada 

wt ll eee Par ~~ by eragoss 4 
finanse To Feng ae Sree oo 
bed sod ee sad BH a. 


bisa peed ar 2 ME RE 
. soiaerrete  ashaaeivnia 
ehfoget ods gmbiinges sags on 
“ehhaseteta ytelen ats 3 

‘patd behthion shokost 2 .Oe8L os awe wo dett oR 
inten ihe ipboee #0 a aa at te S aeaned th apie er 
LIM ERE QTY My POS HE bis a ica 
bere Sear te ite saw” mebhnog ald Anas fudtoom wet Stan oe 
“goumele: @uodwheeth bien wld Be Rodd swnae BOS odd’ ai ¢otn & on we 

0% ateute saek maid of re Ydeqaes Shep ,O0RL ¢T KM we om a 
botyenee GM Dem auido too Shwe vo't ance tot ‘obits 

9% dvow of beamkinos af tevtaored! tad? gate 

ae -, er Brag Lnrewsy Sas tueblasageooty att 
aelo aad ot ded? ginetalquwoe wh Ban Ba ks 
name + selene) Sel git zoekaraad to chentune bine tage see oat o£ 
Hosted bosoggws Aisa Yo seuened Sompbaada soe potoAT Bote tle kro 
Rypoee Phar 7 - grt oer ha ake a ee a. 
79% Seliabmvet 2 ya @ tin oteK aa Lo 
Sag eta OF ate oDeend i ll — bhoe Sasa of tedoag a 
sdiazetats cake beaanapeciicr 

onaisbjicnaie* (beotade gon ambi) *initiaaiied* font yet 
soatians ¢nompoique to ate 2 deaage wg *400: Pty “i 
heme Shag Hedw Pye rt mg at tate & bus Skofoyl xt 
dons dal .emea oid edwnexe of ata taguneooa bua "A ghdh a: 
tnsarye Lge br gp fe Svit Siena afi? sa teda2. ) ‘Beaune W ise 8 uss 
gaw a8 dedi gakinade moo.) ml ag atl alqmee gt te 
. on lat edt as bie %@ sieaotalanes vp heey many “ 66 ‘tebe 
&, tea beagda yp # of 400. 
time af? Te git = were naa “quoted off gidw eee . se, omk 
wtivigos of bwort sid Io mohiammenson ast ak bry: & an Yolen a 
aphiAisnmhe 2h bast Pe gpor soc eae i} 

ot bagat tyme saan anita ae oe =. 

“eyed pfieme re dae hdng aky wt otal 
giiteves saw" off eigorets ioe pe ie ah we 

were been Bn ote 


Reynolds Cees “solicited customers for the business he then 
contemplated ergemizingy” that about ougust 1, 1927, he was in 
readiness to engage in hie said new business, that on wast 1, 
1#27, he left complainant's euploy ami “refused further to carry 
out his contract with acid Seynelds Spring Ce. Sig sumpladuant z 
that at all times thereafter both said beynolds Spring “oe and 
compiainant have been willing and able to eurry out ¢ eontrect 
with him? and that it “was only by reason of hia defa thet the 
aforeenié contracts were broken.“ 

Q3rde That after ic complainant's employ, 
Srigoleit purchased Jond and a faetvery budiding im Deeatur, 
Tllinoie, “with the moneys proeured by him from complainant and 
eaid Keynolés Spring Co. by virtue of his fraudg” chat after the 
building had been equipped an a molding plant, he, isdividueliy, 
began to mold Bakelite for the trade undex the name "Gr igeLeii,” 
seliciting customers of complainant and said Deynolés GOeg that 
in confederation with eid Burien acd one uehenry, he caused to 
be organised the lliiuois cerporation of "The Grigeleit Co.* 

(a defendent herein, and hereinafter ealled Defendant co.) on 
Janucry &4, 19283 that originally ite capital steck wae $10,900, 
consisting of 100 shares of the par velue of $100 exchg that 
geid stock was paid for by “acid factory building at 746 Aagt 
Herth etrect, Decatur, which was valued at G10,000;” thet, theree 
after, om ipril 12, 1929, ssid eapital stock was inereased te 
v017,0093 thot after January 24, 1923, Defendumt ce. engaged in 
the business of manufeturing presses, machinery, ste. for the 
molding of “bakelite,” and began te mold “bakeliie” for the 
trade, “soliciting customers of euaplainant ; aadd Reynolds 
Spring Cos, yp of whose names Grigele ad gained by 
virtue of his ssseeiation with complainant and anid Peyaslds © 
Coog" that at the time of the filing of the originel b111 heved 
(September 9» 1930) Grigoleit was prenident and a divecter of 
Defendant Cosg that other gartier (naming thom) were other officers 
amd direeterss that Grigoleit controlled and was practioslly the 
eole owner of Defendant Coeg and that im fact 44 “wasn an ingtru. 
mentality employed by Grigeleit in the eoneuwauntion of hia fraud 
“pen complsinant and esi¢ Seynelds cprimg te.* 

ath. That Grigeleit and Lefendant Co. have adopted 
the word "Grigojite” as a trade neme, and are using it to 
characterize their product; and thas said word “is the some or fe 

gimiler te the were ‘@rigolgit,’ am’ that the aame are idem 

@hth. That prier to Auguet 1, 192% Grigeleit invented 
& new and useful device (deseriving it), in conneetion with the 
axt of molding bakelitey that compleinant and said Leynolds Cos 
Gaueee & patent application therefor to be Lok ooh to be filed 
in the Us Ge Patent Offices thot when the application was completed, 
Lainant amd gedd Reynolds Cos, om April 9, 1998, forwarded said 
destion to Grigeleit «t Deeatur ph rages Ringe te sign the 
some and to “execute an sevignment thereof te the Reynolds Spring 
Coes" that Grigoleit attached his signatures te the paper, but 
failed end refused upon repeated requests to personally £114 in 
eerteain required blanks; and that an 2 result of seid refugee 
“the benefits ef eaid invention were lost te complaimant ari esdd 
Reynolds “pring Co.* 
26the Theat from uguet 1, 1927, when Grigoleit left 
Complainont *s employ, dewn to the present time (Maren 26, 1932), 
he “hes wilfully refused to devete any of hie time, services and 


weit of ceontass od? tot etna eee botted ton eae aes 
we wow at TROL gf dang Syeda tesit ©) knee m fate 
ak see Mo tans *jeventan® went _— aha 
b all a8 voaita? bam bet” one a a" peak LqRieo 


: tt yoke oon Boog 
seettmeo Bi rey oe vide bar pbiitw mead « vad 
weld rat” 3 anes gid te meanest <. che one te Guae fate 

maleal mt abcntee Man 

@ ye dagne 0" anantexomne ates wabenet a, i 
qweineed ak whee qrodaet 6 
her sheet wig aes ee ye Seo RE 
autt of ait oad. * ptm? okt 36 patron dg 
seihiubbykbod ame 9 fnalg, unthion & On : 
dtesegi al” gas ale tenn akaxs wild vie 
‘teas a Thack ab tongs = hae “ee tant olga 

6 af opEEeme oon been sera bho nok swe be 
aot Hekeghes 9 ads" te MEE TH LE Sool heme eae A ores 
aoe dnetoe tet aks | 

abies a ee 

o8® oeoke eth gosty ‘Lag tqns wet er prt 18 yr ope £ ae waa 
, “baile - ook? 2 oukew Tag ae Te soto Yok te" gut? Samer 
dusk Ob? #9 gatadiud (uesest dies” ys tOd bkaq Gee Boose Mae 
uego! ,2ee%e Ate 


ee otate “poco eokh ga seakev eow dolatw ‘ 7) Lol 
tecewent aN doin Lage tae seek ahi —_~ me 4 tedda 
on eee oe eae {ORE goe exaust, witha, trad (600NE 

ett to% «poe oy veriAges aoa oes pat wots be asenteas Oh 
wh oh tad oe iba «8 & maged Gres bran ved fest ‘to gui dion 
Ben pe orng “Sunes aue® te romp teed gridtes foc* 3 

on Se wey 

eves noes ae rage sikeme) sekicag torkee 
wit ydvetioe sons Sel Lead ees rer ag é 
apitanh a8 aH 2 gout wb basis =o ts 
fare’ ala to winks aan oD | wale wed wh os: ante 
6,03 qebeq? atiowge 

petqoss swat oo imadsshws re skekwpeed oad 
of ¢f yakak oto Ste y tee + ie eo dl ® os * 

to sem ost nk” Seow Shon antit aduRts 
qagtds Se bs ots sme vate ald hem * —" tron was or wa 

mateo éie he: fer. steer * -foeiah es 
ate ote wet Tr aa Po a = 

a@u a SLomye ee 

back oe ‘oe eats wo ion 

abode Laue war tlie igus ott met 
‘phew ebamwenet gBEOL «4 L2ayd me an 
ost wate o¢ ate uatinonpen 9 tiene 
eptwa nekewges wt? of Ie@eent tram 
ewe 4% “oa g¢ aetmtongie sit heioases | 
‘gh LE% ee soy OF séuenyey rows wengs 

be teeer” btw Yo Pest & ad Sate i 
bhava sail tramiatqure of aqek orem # 

aQteed «68 ‘l) ont may A088 ta — «olan 
itm wvotveve «suke ake to we seared ot Roawtot % 


ability to the uee of complaimanty* thet in violation ef his 
said contract, by his own acts and by means of hig inatrumen- 
tality (Defendant Cos), Srigoleit “has devoted hia time to hie 
own purposes in competition with eomplainnans 
irreparable demagey" and that begause of h 
sentract, he and the Defendant Co. “heave amassed great profits, 
the amount of whieh during the paet two years eC@plainant hee 
been wnable te diseever and are unknown to it,” Vherefore» 
complainant prays that Grigeleit and Defendant Ga. "may be 
required te anawer the interrogatories, hereinagter set forth.” 
(the interregatories mentioned are seven in numbers} 

S7the That complainant “ie informed and beli é 
but has no knowledge of the fast,” That other mew and use? ul 
inventions have been made by GrigoLeit Aigo appliestiong fer 
patents upon the seme have been filed the Us Ss Patent 
Offices and that complainant preys o éiscovery ag to sume, eto. 

28th. ‘that new, at the time of the filing of this 
bill (Barok 28, 1932), complainant *i insolvent and lacks the 
requisite gapitel for eerrying on its corporate auteheneet” that 
complainant "hae berrowed money from the heyreldsa opr Cap 
end ig heavily indebted te it in the smount of £17,910, whieh 
comiplaigant ig now unable te pays” amd that eamplainant “ig Het 
now engaging it any business, except the helding of the aforesaid 



The bili prays (1) for a temporary and permanent 
injunction enjoining Grigoleit and Defendant Company “from engaging 
in the trade of moléing ‘Bakelite’ and/or any ether phenolic 
procucte of gimiler nature, and im the mawufacture ané eale of 
DTeSseG, apparatus, equipment and machinery fex the molding of 
the some, in competition with complainant enjoining Defendant 

Benet, See 0 er a as Rg ee 

Company “from continuing te use as a part of its eorperste same 

the word ‘Grigolggt* or ony mubetitute or imitation thereof ;* 
enjoining Srigeleit “from using the name or word ‘Grigelgit' in any 
way $0 compete with complainants" aed enjoining Origeleit and 
Defendant Company “from using the word ‘Grigeljte® in eomo«ti tien 
with complainant." ‘he bili ales prays 

(2) For = deerse ordering Grigoleti, and the two 
other and former stockholders (neming them) of complainant cor 
poration to pay tc compleinant "sheee monies reaeomably and 
equitably due te it in return for the ateek heretofore lesucd 
8@ gaid Origoleit.* 

St (unetar Seiet of Rusneieet sees, "ease 
 eteekholders wt of De: nu A 

. gtook im said Defendant Company “in truat for complainant ,* 
 @md that sald Defendant Company “holds o11 of its property and 
seeete ae a truatee for complainant.* 


ahd to mebindoty ma dans “penenbanagess. te paw ot oF b ohare 
~nans tien? ete Ye mente Yl Son ae eR HO oe He 98 yeti 

gid er mais nhd besoved ava? tinfogtr? ols Yaobubae : Led 

ag taety — ni i *, fut babs eh. ood x EG at ak ae ae mn ~ 

aaetelne ey 
Fae orks aioe Wie 
cole add Be gudbiort ade a peal Se" ecombeed be ‘ab a 
sesnseroy, hen peoragues s wet (4) ewse ane or: aie m8 
ga lgagar sont eine! etn tee he one shotoyaee at ob sont 
abtowady sade wie seine tad telat? aatbiom to ebott ad tt 
“ya olny ten omutowenon of mt baw sorardan taht > edombo 
“Yo gathiog edd so? wee § i sonnel ere + 29: a 
tuabastiot yatniolan aduambatan aon fd 

ime sou th ost mn " 

a ae es ee ee 


(4) For a deeree “ausenuing the value of the patent 
appiiestiones belonging ta complainant, so freudulentiy abandoned 
by Grigoleits* and “assescing the value of the patent appliestions 
whieh eaid Grigeleit refuped properly to execute,* and ordering 
that Grigeleit "pay to complaiaant tne fair and reneenable value 
of acid patent application." 

{5) Fer an accounting "ef 11 profita, royaltiaus 
monies ocx ineome," accruing to Grigeleit ami to Defendant company 
by vwirtwe of their engeging in the business of molding Bakelite — 
amd similar moldable products, and of the manufce¢ture and sale 
of presses er, con \ Sanspnent for the molding of the some, 

peti tic laipeant," from the date ihey firet began 

te compete if at tion f the comtvaets aforesaid to the present 
éays for on accounting “of all fers ami reyaitics in moneys 
reeeived by Srigelelt by virtue of his engaging ae a eouaulting 
engineer in afiy and all fields after lecember 22, 1925, and/or 
reesived from the sale oe liesrwes of amy Us is Lettere Patent, 
deaued to said Grigoleit and of righi belonging te complainaat.* 

(6) Yor o dimeovery and that Griguleit and Defendant 
Company be ordered to anower certain stated interrogatories 
(seven in numbers) 

(7) Fer an ie Commonding Grigeleit to aseign te 
imant 211 invention ‘9er° patent applications, mace 
= aequired by him subaequsn ta September 1, 1926. 

(3) Yor an order that the contrast of December 30, 
1928 (Exhibit 5) and the receipts poawing & between exigee’ nae 
the Reynolds Spring Ce. on J (Exhibit ¢) “be 

reformed so that brag low 4 way eorreotL show the true agreed: 

between the partie retos" insofar so such contract aud 

receipte “erente any ambiguity and do not refleet the agtuad 

Acmchit wa end Pag pag: between Grigelelt, comple inant gi ented 
s 2x 3009 op hereinbefore set forthe* 

Complainant's counsel state in their printed brie? that 

the bill im question, “taken as « whole, slinrges a genernd scheme 
by Grigoleit te defraud the Reynolds “pring Coe," am they first 
contend in substenee that the D111 shows such equity on ite fuga, 
on the ground of fraud egeinet thet company, that the court should 
not have susteined & general demurrer to it or diominsed it for 
want of equity. It would seem that a sufficient snewer te this 
gontention ia that the bill is not filed by the Neynolde Spring 
Coe but by the He J+ Grigeleit Soo ‘hile it appears thet the 
Reynolds Gos became the owner af all of the oapital stcek of 

fie Je Geigoleit Coo, by purchase Tram Grigoleit individually» 

the Reynolds Coe is not asking fer amy reliefs 

ao dered: 3 Ped toni ge a a . 
te aniod toaiiqga tania rene te a 
at pairebse ban * meat oe 

ae sadev eddanaeae’ ‘tte “shat | 

ay edoliLayor esi tong te yo" 
a S Sasbrre tod a Baeat cleat wae 
a4 ediiloded gatdion te perv 
a sien bue evetes Dem oct? 
a qeaeea et to i bLow esd Ht 
aa gaged Petit 4 b ald 

: aut ¢ieung . a 
1 he te\bas ,ORRL « iss i 
a3 piaadat erated «8 oV te goer saenait oo oe we 
13 ‘,dnantalgns @2 galguoled sight Xe bin Ptekegix® bt. 
lee amcbeetad dus stoloysts tnd 
1  pebzotagersegak betate = 

“ot mateae 08 sea ‘psd'sdiiiets via wes aa wt TW) sous 
® agnedan 
as A ae a rome Ps n oe a 2 9 php : : 

908 seinen te soxtsues adt 4 ast sat zobae na 

i i, if oat ati sO indieaa) rie a &s TR er ae pd 

i. sant ade wel so tatoank *, eS 
I iat Ba ines banc Sey sisineare dane 
ON ares’ dee saeteduleved of 4; ype eo! mh G8 
HM dads sens bedutry ctod? af afada Loanwos a! imguiaigned 
: omsdos Lnvoneg » aegraito q2hodw 2 90 snalaa" etnitas ereyen 

taxi ends beta "1292 _nelsee abhomges oft buemtah of santo ab | 
eSeet afi ite “iln90 done nwosis 4iid eee jess 
twode ames edt gods gynngmoy tad toate 

ecLLaubivi bar tptogts sort eae ad ms a ~ 

n das GD ee 


Counsel sles contend tht She action ef compicinant't» 
éirectors (Grigeleit, Beker ang Burton)» on November 19, 1928, 
in issuing Preetieslly all of complainant's» enpite, ateck te 
Grigoleits, in considerscion of the tranewer te 1¢ by him ef eer tain 
ef hie property, patente, vie.) when they ae euch directors "knew 
that Grigoleit could imme dotely ae@ll the stock fox G10 9000—" dp 
euch a fraud on compls saames Onc sueh a viclation by them of their 
fiduelary duties as much Girectora, as entitles it te minteain the 
billie We find no merit in the contentions the bil1 dees net 
@iselose on its face that there wae a freaudulens avervalustien of 
Grigeleli's said property, patents, ete., because by the agreements 
ef Cevember 22nd and Degamber 30h, 1928, between Grigeleit ang 
the heynelde Cos, and the receipts Peesing between them ox Jatmary 
15, 1926, it appears shat complainant's entire Gaplial «tock 
(representing said property, patents, ete.) was aglually sold for 
91009000, in money or money's worth te she Seymolda Ces, after it 

ad been given “ple epportualiy te investigates, and had become 
we Vieeds ae to ite real value. 

Soumsel alee eontend thet the 11) it Beintadvable on 
the theery thet "negative specific performanee by way of injunetien® 
‘way be decresé “for breach of a Contract for uniupe persenad sere 
 -¥hees.” (Citing 4 Pomerey's Bq. dures 4th Mdey S@G0 L7LG, 2 gece) 
And counsel ergue in substance that be@nuse of Grigeleit's covenant 
With the Reynolds Ce. (as wet forth in Paragraph (b), above, of 
the written agreement ef December 22, 1928) as to hig entering inte 
inant compamy to give hie entire sere 

& binding contract with Semple. 
iteces, @tOe, for a period of five years from December 22, 1995, and 
“Deenuse of the allegations in the ast Paragraph of the vill (to 

“the effoet that at an unstated time x dreft of some kind ef a five 
= euployment eontract was Presented to Grigeleit for hic sigmature 


SS aa 



e! emacs ndgaios ‘tq maktea salt gout hee aero wale Eos nuastann 

sess 18k codarvalt a0 « (isetwwe wa ‘wouket eatekontwo) 
oy deote Endiqas dténnitatqune Ye nee vebekeoon eine at 
kat 190 go met ead Oh oe THORATe adit te rudd obRAMH wet ‘edtedopis 
weed exogoent) sum ae yd? mow bee: cadet og yee rege me abd te 

ak "00040088 #92. foe ts Kan ented bene nines stofoghed Sati 

uhedt "te aud? 4h ne boakely x dowe be a teieehetoees . baer: @ sou 

wate abotokors ot tt veda bine wat vesosnath ave en wenn: Tre 
ois aoa cone eet? a seh hove 
te sek amdaviee sap iubwertt 2 naw litt ’ 
stromsorge sl ee seunoed goede ¢xengtet age tego ae pas 
tae theLogts® averted tats ash t00 edness fend 
serene bro emacs noewtod eed etgasons al ah ee ao) ooyet aif 

_ aloaee, ietiqay exhima st easmiatgnon 4 asqae ifs eed 



; Bah 

| iit 

to eidantasntam ob tbe oi satd bevduns weketenare? 
vrmpk aorartat So yor ys eonnmotreq SF TtooKs orkingva" dette soncanioes 

oxoa fanos coq sohma *0% 4 a0 deta 

‘ epee te, «Ate 008 cabal sgh goth ok oh epteemet 6 gertett) a “00s ’ 
dumerewos ptatosegty® go patoned Yukd sondsedun ah oema am yoo D 

ft wvods aie sega eg tet ak Mexo8 dod ao) this. 4 

(age 698 odeeen Se decmmmorrya tne edo ost 

pout gakxedne ald od ne 
o198 oxhiae ald ovke ot yew os oa 

i jem 90 488 soda 0 aortt exaiy ovtt % angot 
a @) iid astd to sqoxgotng Tout oat Tt etree aasens 
1 ia yet o to buts eoou to Jeeth ow baad senna one ” 

ousdannd aks not thotogixo oe? 


end he refused to sien the same}, the bill sufficiently shows 

that complainant is entitled to the injunetional relief os prayede 
In view of the entire allegations of the bill, we are of the 
opinion that the contention and argument are lacking in sukstantial 
merit, becaupe (1) it appears that Grigoleit remained in complain= 
ant's employ as en officer for about a year and one-helf after 

its entire ecspital steck had become the property of the Reynolds 
Co.3 (2) sufficient facts, as distinguished from conclusions, are 
not stated as to why he left complainant's employ; (3} the con+= 
templated five-year term of his employment had neariy expired when 
colpiainant's criginal bill was filed and the doctrine of lacheg 
should here be applied; (4) and it appears affirmatively from the 
28th paragraph of the bill that complainant is insolvent and it 
does not sufficient appear that complainant was able to perform 

ts pert cf an employment contract with Grigoleit. 

Nor, in our opinion, can the bil) be maintained, or the 
injunctional relief as prayed be granted, under the entire allegations 
of the bill, on the theory that it is one to restrain unfair com= 
petition by Grigoleit or the cefendant corporation, the Grigoleit 
Company. It affirmatively appearing in said 28th paragreph of the 
bill that complainant is insolvent and "is not now engaging in any 
business except the holding of the aforesaid patents," it is difficult 
to perceive how Grigoleit or the Grigoleit Coe ean be considered as 
being engaged in unfair competition with complainants 

Our conelusion is that the circuit court did not err 
in entering the order or deeree in question, sustaining the general 

demurrer to complainant's seeond amended bill and dismissing said 
bill for want of equity. Accordingly the order or decree is affirmede 

Sullivan, P. Je, and Seanlan, Js, concurs 

awotie Ylineloiliue {Lid ond. ¢lomeg of mete ot beewtos of base 
ebetenm ao toifer Innoltonuiai sad of deltiiae ei dnanhsiqaos tends 
: eit to ste ow eilid oft to anotiecsolis etiias odd to wetv ni 
Jaiinateduc at yaides! ars ineswate bus mebinetsoo odd teed mokatgo 
wateigmoo at boateast stefogix® dedd excocge #2 (1) seesoed'tirim 
meats tLed-ono bia ieey 2 tuods tot xeottto ne as yoiqus aténs 
abforcest eft Yo Ydteqotq edd smcoed bed Aneta Latiqan sui tnd eet 
8i8 setolastonos mort boteingniseais so .atost taotot trie (e) pe00 
+409 ssid {g} gvolqus afinsniaiquos diol ent wiw oF as botata don 
fedw botigxe Yirsen bed dusaryolgue gin to mod TeSyHsvit potalquat 
sedostl to sutuiooh edd Sas belii esw Lid Sankgixo é #naniatquoo 
ot mort yWovisamcitts arseqgs vt bus (Ah) qbetiqgs od oted bleeds 
th bue.dneviosai ai tnaniteiquoo teat Litd of to dgetaassq 1388 
miotreg of offs eaw duanisiqaoo sari Teeqqs ‘tmotok tive ‘som seek 
stiofepird Mitw tose n09 thieetcts ms to tree aib 
ed xo yhontstniem e¢ {£28 eft aoo pneimteo two at pzot — 
iM “snolisas iia extias ect tebne , botnets od bets Tt es tekforx tenet sonutat 
“moo tistaw misrisot ot omo ef Fi tant yYroott one nO Lite ‘sit “ 
tiofozics eft ~uotistoqtoo itabme'too eft to Hefostz) x no ttttey 

Era iae pagh S ‘ 
eit to tigexpetsq ASS bise mf gttiseqge (fovttoar tts i + ynsqm09 
es: YR 
Wa wt grtgere wom tou ei” bre tusvfoent at susntaLgnoo fede ‘tte 

eee hy 

dIuotttibh et si "patmeteq bissetolse eft to gutblom exld Sqooxe seontawd 

ete a 

BS be rebiatioo ed med 400 skofogtsP offs to steLoaizd wou ovisozeg 08 
ee Wek te zy er mal 

atnemielqmoe déiw moive squoo nist ni -bogsgne yates 
ax1o dom bib tx05d diwourko ‘edd sadt ef notasfomo 0 

Epa el 

fezenes add aninistave  mottaeup mt 9e%05) to tebr0 ore pai sn0 Ml 

bien uateeimsib Bue £Lid beberoms broose 2" trattaLqmos os * ch 
ehemiiiis al eor0ed co 19b20 aid yfuntbioooA ae Yo drew ba I 

: _wontee asi uuatasot om gk msyh tt 


Defendant im Srror, ‘ 

« BRO : 
aig ee Ae 4 1.8. 653 



The prosent writ of error eencerns a eoram nobis 
proceeding arising under eection 89 of the former practice «ot 
(Cohilite State 103, Chape 110, ps 215%.) 

im Maroh Sl, 195¢, plaintic? cmaneneed an action in 
the cireuit court to rewover damages fram defendant Sesause ef 
the iatter having on Hareh 14, 19359 xe alieged, fxisely and 
maliciously spoken and published ecrtain alanicrous and defamaiory 
words of an¢ converning plaintiff. SGefendant's appearanee wae 
entered by hie attorney, Fred Je Loyda, and a plea of not guilty 
filed to the declaration. More than » year thereafter, om December 
#4, AVSL» Upon Lenwe of court and with plainiiff'a consent, Ris 
attorney withdrew from the cose and one Ben ‘romin entered hig 
appearante ag plaintiff's aiterney, and on the same day, on motion 
of Loyéa, Loyda “wae given leave to withdrew hie appenrance as 
defendant's attorney, but it dows met appesr that thereafter any 
ether attorney entered an appenranee ae tefendenmi's atoorneye 
About a month thereafter, en duneary 20, 193%, 1% ic claimed that 
aronin,g ae plaintiff's attorney, caused « writven notiee (tlms 
the couse would be plawed on the trial eslendar) to be sent by 
registered wail to defendent in eare of “Sity Hmll, Berwym, Lilinola" 
that a registry return receipt, wigmed “Srank J. Krowcek, by 

{ se fm 
oe | 
4 i ve \’ Lath a 
yom. oy 1 Bi 
\ = Taka “a sauce , 
etext’ m2 snebero hed ~ 
lalate siwodte Oe wala : “a 
errs Boos , RB a 
‘Bad AT RYS % soe 


asides waroo @ eitesdos toured to dtew dxsneeg edt 

hace bebseog ome? 962 %o 8S meidasn veka etieita pat 

Poe (oWOLE oq gGth sgetd .keed .daad erst) 

ae Abivon tat Semen Yuteatewe pCO (aR deme 

‘Re savaged vaabHO% > mY? seed covewR ad Haren HOS Ode 

eee Yoda? gbaneide ow gOS (82 detel ne gebved secvet ede 

UtStamAIns tan yROIs SEE Hietwe Somebidug aon medoge YLevolet Lam 

1. at Setieencgs ot mete he etittrtate gketekon be te whree 

Ceituy Fou Yo woke o dm eakyes «4 noel geseosss ahh ‘gh borbeMe 
sodmeoel ge setheords qooy o waste wCR enetsenabosb eds o¢ SOLER 

abet ctnsenes BIBI atady ite dee dose Te oNeEL ROM LEGS 
alt boretue alas nei ome Juco secs dé souk mmubvieiw -yenmaien 

ety Boas: ew eUhd eoenG ale me inh .yneodse wT UMalg en senatacgaa : 
BS SotLeGge aid wetivivke oF eveed servis asw ebynd eabyod Ye 

We sefteoteds dads ceeege tom weed of tod equntedta ce! 


#ysaeita al onobne tot 46 oGnerteeqan nw boteéne: vomtords tose 
Gadd aembo le wh 8h glkOd 4 Oe QraMnRh os exee Tan UNs Memo 

nasi) vokten aniiizw o StanaD pyMmEDted arnentag: ial he nen | 
6 tno ed of (aabaosiee £absd ole 0 a8 


Evelyn Cerny," was returned to Aronin; and that the cause wee 
placed on the triel calendar. ower a yeur thereafter, on Kereh 
16, 19335 the foliewing order in substane@e waa entered’ 

That, on motion ef plaintirf'y at 
given to plaintiff to file his einilites 
aM eis @ 

That thereupoms the cause being called fer trial ~ 
ere the plaintiff?’ comes by ailernmey; thats 1) appearing That 
aeither plaintiff mer dufendant hme wade ésmand er paid for a 
trial by jury, thie cause is cumitied te the eourt fer trial 
without @ jury; that the court, after glee wll evidenee and 
be adVieed, finds the defendant gui ty ad aevesgeg 
the plinintiff's domoges st the eum Of 95,0003 that She court, 

im answer to a special interregatory submitied by Plaintiff, 
further findsthats the conduct of cefendants, Frank J» Brougelt, 

“ae shown by a preponderange of the evidence," wag "expressly 
mailicious and actuated by an eval, intent, design and purpose,” 

gad that, therefore, it is considered by the court that the 
plaintiff “do have and recover of amd from the dofendant » Frank 
Broucek, his said damages of 655000, in form ax aforesaid asweaned, 
Sogether with his coats and ehargen, and have exeentiion ¢thereyer.* 

The common law record further discloses that 18 days 
thereafter, om <pril 3, 1933, but after the expiration ef the 

[Orney,y leave ig 
Lier to plea herein 


term of court during which the judgment woe entered, defendant 

appeared by an attorney, named “hapire, and filed « written motion 

tO Vaente the Judgments supported by cofendant's affidavits that 

om the same dey, by leave of wort, three counter affidavite weve 

filed, « one by plaintiff and the others by Plaintiff's attorney, 

Aronin, amd an seeletent in hie office, named Harelikg and that 

the stated grounde of defendant's motion are in subetanee ca follows: 
That defendant has a complete defense on the merita to 

the whele of plaintiff's demand. 

That “no wetiee was ever ot any time served upon him or 
hie former attorney, Loyda, * * to place thig cause upon @ trial 

That during the month of april, 1951, “plaimtirr promised 
and «greed mot to proseeute this action but to diamiss the gone »* 
aud that since that time plaintiff, “on oo egeasions (the 
lest being during the month of March, 1922) etated to defendant 
that the eause had duly been dismissed owt of court." 

That the abeve facts did not and do mot appear of revered 
in the couse, and were unimown te the court when waded judgment wag 
entered, and, kad they been known, the equrt wowld not have entered 
waié judgment. 


ew sonon aid galt Ome takaeTA OF bere det saw *gyete?d ayfows 
Moxa wy gtaiReoiuwls taey 4 tev « teheraton Lait edt ao bopalg 
soptetee aaw cemaladve wl webue yatwoiled ond gh8Oh qQk 
ei evaei gyenterda s'ttivaieig te sofia mo ytadt 
ateted seig ae * wetiiiete aan efr% i Tadéatatg of neve cetepad | 

tnievd “ek tefles gabed sarwo ati  gnequeretd 3 sat? 
oan gery om at <— a yi agmtoe Piven ead 
a %O% Diag ge falas oben maw danbaa tel ‘res tttemtane es 
cee YOR 2% —" - Socdiavins 24 sastieo alte we ; 
bax oumehive £ ‘teed Talkie «item ene dest wm teode he 
aeugiese ban yo Lig oteb wld Ghelt 4 Ee guived 
aftaeo ale duals 10s ; Ye ame eat ie scaund pth Pewee maid 

YResak Ree dd Eaton togenreded Lateoge 2.6% vewems at 
slvouwalt © Maer? iat ‘te iowbmes ot Pasiasat vo pe gn 

eonebive sae be BERR? OOD RE 
etn Bry peel atmaat Live on ud betenten peasants ule coats pres oh 

el)? gadd ecmoo ost yd Becebianes ai 2b apeomeigge 
henna rate oo Geek yee Py i cggrtiamdhy « yaaa 
“ soloueds meiiveone eveul, em .oopiade bee atege utd dghw.condege’ 
wyod BL dal? asontoaks tedisnt haveec wel gece ent 
gle Xo moiserigne ede vette sui 9TOOL of Lbaqs am gee haoreds 
Icha toh gbo wins new shomshet, ot debe yb gee Te mee 
mohéow weddixe 2 hoLtT tea-,estqud? Bonne yyormses an Wh howmndes 
dale gthwehetin of tae led Ye Sedcougee gteamyhel elt ofeser et 
eTew udivehtY%s vadeso sowht goto te eveed vet ateh ome st ap 
| gearedde at Mtkeelate ve wredie orld tte Tatalq ye ono w ghekhr 
dad? dns 4hi tera homed quedo oid at tuntetees we tae yates 
rewellot an gamtadm ni eas mo ftom 2° deoheeted to abeuemy besate ead 14 

@ agixem odd qo ecmetod etolomes # aan sttuamodg 30 cn 
~ aun atte te tou ed 

to mid moqu hovron embd yma ¢o 2e%p gee concen om” daatt 
feiss @ goqu ganas aide opalg of * * aby ygemtedie tem 

pili at hi Ra BES 
aan « 
yore | 
heey 4 
oy ia 

",oae on? animtk ed dud 
ema) eno 

isabre tot 94 badada | | e ) 

oh of frat. gets 
¥ “ : of £ 7 _ Sap a Aas RS ; . a “ ah vf « Ba 
an to ah ious lt dene a i - ee aeoeu ome ot ua “py se 


bewteone Valémtaty* unas So te aim Sood Aner al . 

The common law reoerd further diwelesea that on April 
7p 1933, ofter a hearing upon defendent's metion, the court refused 
te vadate the judgment and ordered that 1% stand in full foree and 
effect as of the dute of its renditiong that on pri 14e L¥55_ on 
a further heering defendent's motion for a recenaideratien Was 
éemieds and that subsequently and within opt time defendant's vlad 
ef exceptions, containing ail affidavits that were presented an the 
hearings, Wau apsrewed ty the eourt and filed. 
in defendant's affidavit, eworn to on Bareh Sl, and filed 
om April 3, 1933, he slieved im substance thet he 44 nat tearn of 
the entry of the ex parte judgment, rendered ageinet him on March 
AGth, until March 20th) thet he hes @ complete defense se pieine 
Sifts agtion in that he did sat apiak or publish om March 15th, 
or 6% any other time, the slanderous words of or wonderning pleintifft, 
ae chorged in plaintiff's deelaration; that when, on Deoesber By 
1931, the court permitted defendant's then attorney te withdraw bie 
appenranes in the cause defendant did not employ other counse’ 
“because of plaintiff's promises ant agreements,” namely, that 
| "sometime during April, 1032," in a converention he had eith plein« 
tiff about the pending eauaes “plaintiff promised and sgreed net te 
prosecute thie action but to digmige the ermeg” that “eines that 
fime, on several secession (the last during the month of Yarets 
1952)» plaintiff statee te affiant that said cause had been duly 
 Giemiseed, and that offiant, welying thervon, took mo further actian 
7 im connection with the defenee.* <4ad defendant further alieged that 



he “hed no knowledge or motice of the withdraws. and substitutton 

of attorneys for plaintiff," and that “no notice soa ewer at any time 
} od upon him, ner upon his former attorney before hie withtrawal, 
“Wy pleintire or his otwrney, to place the onuse upon a trial 


| Kings oo tadé neeudoekh vaidart brew wed women ae 
| lid honthet tuyos oly quatsom af dmohmetoh nage gabieed A oP ha ghORl 9f 
( has cove? Litnh trade dh todd herebee hap ieomptat, eld oeamewy 0? 
() nw g2tie ah Atego tact yeenksinn at: eo mtn seit Re om Hell 
te aoe motiexohigaeost A x0? Bed su wt ama becoizas gab anes cadena 2 
ii LEtd a tdrsbawke® pubs sige mitetstw be ekinoupenden aoailt rue gbedme® 
ata ae dedeoney ewww dad dedendh te Lis qubahaiwen sanobsquons Ye 
abeais ee ee asin se eed | 
aah as ate itornit to! of ecto yabwoue ie a? sreibere mel m ‘at 
te meted dont Ste od seks sonssedvn ui toypitn wt 00 nw 0 
] doxait ao mid fotthige Soueodv® etateaget, stag xp ot te ‘get eats 
esihitig o2 eamrtes pie Leoe 2 ast od anak aso8 svt it Lo 

ae0S dovell me doidua xo dange doe Pie get dace Oh potion ‘armne | 

attisntalg yalaceeres 39 to woraw esone beta od goats cadto yee, AB to 
ad, xadaoned Go gies dod fmutdata dey ekuiiatela oh degsaste 4 

aid warbdtaw o2 ywaxosie mods a'¢mahag te) gett beeg ee ose es 

Sanmsoa aadeo -yolque foe, beh. tmasmote® SeRso att ok optats 

Jedd gytomon “,asoomertgs ban sombeneng, at ruiatets, % paHUn® 

omhaig ftw Mad ok ceolian ieee 9 sh “qhttt hbo gated oat aime 

ot goa deetge bas toalmorg Visgielg" geamee gol omg od tude sats 
a add vonte” todd “yomaa ie, agkogth ge aud motine vids © suse 
 qilgrsatl Yo amon, gale gntvurh saad, ost) agetaaone Lexaves 
chub word had portse bien tote HRARA Be eos rei 
wok sba vedtdaw2 om dood swodses) gubete .fanttta, indi bos _dequtemtt 
$au2 bupeiie xaldwt taskested bai “sauceted ome athe mob aos 9 | 
“ mokeuahtadan bea’ Luwaxbaddw od), Ye e08iom ” wabotive 

|) cuts sun. t. ste som soli si dads boa "4342: 

ghannnetty wid exoled weneruo sta ‘ourso? ahs oes Sf 

SB it wee, Le 

Dead 5 ou genes ot ont 08. ial a oie 

The counter affidavits of plaintiff's attorsey, omit, 
and of his sssistant, Harelik, are to the effeet that on January 
299 19329 defendant wae net ified by a registered letter that the 
Cause would be pleeed upen the trisl Culendery that the Letter ro 
addressed to ¢eferdant in eare of “City Halle Berwyn, Tlidineis s* 
ane that a regietry resurng reoe@ipts signed "Trank 7, Broucok, by 
=vwelyn Cerny” eas returned te aremin. The eslient allegatione tn 
plaintiff's counter affiduvit are that in January, 1032, the said 
“Evelyn Cerny waq the sceretary in eharge of the office of Prank 
Je Broucek, which wie at the time leoented im the City Hall ef 
Rerwyn, Illineis3* thet he (plaintiff) "had never at omy time hele 
any conversation with defendant in which I stated» indicated 
er implied that I would Cigmige or eouse to be diemigsed the sbeve 
entitled exuses or that I would vot presteute the eames” thet 
Plaintiff, shortly after defendant hod spoken and publiehed anda 
salnderous words, caused defendant to be crimimally presecuted and 
fined therefor befere a dustioe of the pensey and that “Sohn 6. 
jiruby, who appeared as defendant *s aiterney befere the oowmnt y 
Court, attempting to avail for his client the benefite of the 
Insolvent Debtor's Aety, teld thie affient thet the judewent would 
be settled and odjusted." 
The bill of exceptions further diseleees that on April 

7, 1933, when defendant's motion te set aside the judgment first 
eeme on for herring defendant avked leave te file three additienal 
affidevita, for the purpose of eontrecioting certain strtemente 
made by plaimtiff im hie seid vounter-affidavits, = one by defend- 
ent, and the others by axid Hruby and ome Kchert Brown. Upon 

| Objections being made by plaintiff's attormey, the court refused 

* aliew said additional sffidavite te be filed, or to soneider 


Dine, ané thereupon, «fter argument, entered the orcer in question, 

a to set awide emid judgment against dafendent of $5 _000, 


RGR! goed se errno aha to. mdb BA, eodeweo oat 

el ae bald anette, oat OF ona stthetalt ataatetene ets 2o, Ane 
awit dade mpdtud, beedalges # ud bottives amv dngamo tah 98th 905 
anw wedded gaia Basis qiehaadag, Seknd a8) eae. monks of Riaow SAeee, 
“pedomlscl gigrred giiah yoko" Be gomm oe dmabrotes a8 fagaete hs 
ee edoowo nd, 4% amex” boda pigksast tag watokges @.d084 PAG, 
ab sapidogatia demtsac ot ...cthaurss of jermioy sae “yave’, mytove. 
phan wld _RHOL otuaumel me det one, dhystk Ths spam er rhh gekate 

_ Mrawt to enkite end te sgyetio wm. qrotesone wenn gene? exter 
Yo Aiak yoko ote, ab aod good coke Oat FH, OFM, Hodder «alecwont, ksh 
bind omhe yam te semen Sed” (abt snkesa) oo dee “qudems ish, amprca 
pedandind | eoetnde, 1 glntde ab tmebwa be, delw aeiinaxonnes, me 
ovate wid: spate, WH euitae to sgdsmke akwow t dats bed Sqash 20, 

aber, nota oe ns: tens penne eae xs ose 
bus ‘soteunenen bonus od oF daahaoteb bonswe aniron auustadan 
10. aol’ tate dun qooneg ade 20 ationh  exared ro kota, bowel 
_ yarueo att ora lod Yatatsa aitemistot as kermeqgge mite 4 
att te eotioned oad tne ow Aor ob savestn ame 
oar eee aeRO a NI SE | 
ee Rd vatsten a6 
Sings mo rr pec eats u0 ammkeqaaxe te 
dmak> dmoeghal ats whhne dea ot gndkiam af eLAkHe el PT 
Aagekithae oouls ohh ae owned byl pontine Rey pus es, 
atmmesote miesrey gabsatoatsnon Ye sncquing of? mO%. 94h hk 
-haptel yd ono = pediwan’ Cheese dames Bs 
Mog smwenth @xade't ao hem, Nett at 
venues dase, acts, wenn wt sabe ag ” 

mils oe, Pa pie t 


408,88 Yo serrdaakes somtage sreaagtut ota po ott bi of 

f ! fi 
Te We ey » 


entered as above stated on March 16, 1933. | 
faid additional affidavits are contained in the bill of 
exceptions, The salient allegations ef defendant's affidavit are 
that “Zvelyn Cerny, the perch who it is alleged signed « registry 
reeeipt for a letter addressed to thie cefendent by pleintifets 
StiCrneys wee sever pt any $i time Big seoxetary wor employed by him 
in any mennerg” that neither éuring January, 1932) Her at any 
other times, was she in charge of defendant's office or working 
therein; that defendant RéVer Feeeived or say said ela imed regige 
tered letters and that he “never aS any time mode any admission 
that he Bad used the language attributed to him in the devlaration.” 
in Hruby's affidavit, while emitting that he appeared ag defendant "5 
attorney “before the county court," he alieged that he “newer at any 
time told plaintiff or amy ome else that the judguwnt in this ease 
would be wettled and adjusted.” In Srowa's affidevit he clieged 
that “sometime im the latter part of the yeor 1931," he was prenens 
ai & conversation between plaintiff? and defendant im the city hall 
at Berwyn; that he heard plointirr ony to defendant thet he (laine 
tiff) "wes grateful to defendont for what defendant had done for hig 
in commection with reinetating him (pleintiff) as Felice Hagistrate, 
that he expected mot to run agein when his term expired, thet he 
would help defendant gvin the office ef Police Hogiletrates, thet 
Be_woulé not prosecute tho suit he had filed but would diomies tt, 
that he would forget ali that had securred during the eompaign, and 
‘hat Broucek (defendant) should do Likewise." 

After a eareful considorstion ef the present reeerd ey 
have reached the conclusion that the court erred in refusing on 
April 7, 1933, te grant defendant's motion to set aside said 8% parte 
judgment fer 35,000, entered agninat defendant on March lé,y 1934. 

It clearly appeare that eontrary .¢ rules Nowe 21 and 23 

.oeak got moun bo boaads evade es bounds 
ee ftie ou) af bonkutnon oxe sebveni ta ‘Hncobsbohe phos 

ove thyabt tha etienbested to eantd mye ikn mation oft sannbiqeoxe 

wie igen S bottyte oopelia at oh ole nowtog siti ayes “mutewit™ ‘gah 

Pb ex rab aig ee gasteotes eidé ad pounetohe redder a tot ‘sqteoes | 

sie xé_novoteas. om Sindoroos elas sub )_qus dn eewet eam “emote 

7 qite as Sal «See eetawsiat syn att xeddtow indd “qramaa wo a 

| “patil tow Br) gekric 4° dRobeto'to ‘te ay utis ot ode naw ude . 91 i 

walgox bombals hkoa gaa 20 baptopen cages siabeewte’ asda tnkorodi 

eakankoie ue thaw mtd one 36 uowon” ont dente ony ‘prota bere 

a,mabigubtoos add mt abd of dodmdieiie ngairmnnt ost bea bat ot tad 

aténabneteh as wpaaeage at gate cat sttebe othe satvebh ita “gh eegeeath al 

yen de coven" of tal begolic wd *, ener tems “aa oxated® eettserts 
wae ste nt Seromiat, et ped? sate sre yee “6 eiheetate ‘efor sis 
pijatis et dhranrtin WYaes® wt eodawbon bee bolted | os b fue 
ior daw od EE ‘aang old he gusq soddal odd Al om i 
Lind “aie oo) wl thatato'ted te Videatabe fnowded matdsaxornos he | 
entaia) of fall sdotextol ef Yb itvatotg tess at Yatd dpe et 
ait vor ome bad Matstottoh tate vo? cqatmetos O¢ Ivteewry aad (REE 
sesedin tga oot fet se fyeegadaty) mbt pee datenter datw eel ssoncae me 
ad fade ghoxtqnn svnd oh tebe aboge mire OF fo dotovagew ol Gault’ 
fodd gotexdetgel soit te golvee silt — Lemwegee ol og poppe 
aif selunth bfiow tnd onihh hed ot tne. ods odmwonnome ot plato 
een ‘aalagmes wld patent porwevoe bad dete tha ere wer > a at 
‘wy oakonttt ob Skint engueapeorh 9 uO% 

aw Sipoos semaere ‘att ‘to woltateblawes Luthor 

te ‘gateaton pk bows fate > ls hee - fe 

- B80k 9k Hovteil no ia toe! 

s bn a” enc sole oF sqoeinos + tat wrens Coney re ale 


i to oe tanto 


hes hae 


of the circuit court and of the proviclensa ef eection 1é ef 

said former “reactice Act (in ferce prier to January ly 1934), 
defendant (his former attorney having withérern «ce ouch in the 
mlsnder suit) ¢ic not reveive persona) notice am dintingwiehed 
from notice by mail that aiid comse wowlé be placed upon the 

trial exlendars In our opinion suek personal metice ia required 
amé@ the lock of it ecenulitutes an error of fact within the meaning 
of section 39 of said former practice act. (See Risedorf ve Fyfe, 
260 Ikie Appe 122, 126; EOs ve Nulopkns, 259 [lle App. 262, 2659 
idee Rettnine She ¥s Jeuian S64 Tile Appe 163, 167-85 Chienge 
Tithe & Trust Coo vs» lauletta, 265 111. App. 564, 568% Grebowaki y¥. 
Nacleokeys 257 tlle Appe 484_ 4913 Hej ve omerigon Bottle Cos, 262 
Ills 362) 364-5.) Furthermore, in our opinion, it sufficiently 

appears that cefendant, personally, did not receive by mail a motive 
that said ecuse would be placed upom the trisl enlender. Further« 
more, in our opinion, it sufficiently appesrs thet after defendant's 
former attorney hac withdrewn from the ease, plaintiff’, by his atate- 
mente ami representations te defendant that the slander suit would 
net further be progseeuted But would be dimmiesed, caused defendant 

to entertain a belief that he need not teke amy further stepa in 

the cefense of the guite (See Shapmen vs American Life Inge Coe, 

292 Tlie 179, 189.)  mé we are of the opinion thet the court, 
im view of the statements contained in the counter affidavit of 
Plaintiff, erred im refusing ioc consider defendant's additional 
affidavis ané the effidavite of Hraby and Brown. 

The order of the cirewit court of April 7, 1933, refusing 
te vacate the ex parte judgment in the slander suit ageinst defendant 
ef March ld, 1935, ie reversed, and the csuce te remanced with dire 

eetions to the cireuilt court toe eet aside acid Judgment, anc io have 

# trial of the elender suit upon ite meriteae 

Ow@llivan, P. Jeg and Scanlan, Jey concure 


|) quae esas seuh 22th cae atoms 

' ‘ 
i 7 
h q te 5L noltoee te ase ket yo ag te ime Pxmog dtawsio of! te 
q _ a(PEPk ok Yrounel of welsq vosnt at) fo opdtoets aoa Blew 

i ont? at Hosa an mere chaste antvast auras S38 sours pabst) a a heh 

badietematouth ae oehton iaiie 28 avisawe faa Ob {okie comele 

wed mew beuaty oe biwow aad Bien dail’ Ehaa xd wp dion moet 
borcksyyes ws wold son Lenow reg fase motetye ial or ocahas lay, data 
1 petiiteot sald sist Saw tout, to Tonto a apledi denen a8 te deck edd ame 

| ~sO2ME oY Raphosts eet) Cok. pohtonsg wommg? blog te 26 mabteen 20 
yeaa AMES, 488K mit ie won 

eS Sn 


one Be gaa ace * “uh tet bas , 
a¥Atnwedezh (808 9b08 oags o Li! SOR 

|) sae goo eksd0M eomtzamn oy hall 460 9200 a - 70s axelantaat 

wtmetet ren sf ynotatqo we ak qeromodenat (oGq abe A886 hth 
eolson a fise vi evisoes #ou bib aritoume reg gdmabestad sats sSPaOREe: 
wre i vtabreton Labse add aoqe besala of ‘Biuow suweg bhne dont 

|) a* seabaoted sot%a sans axnoque Utes to Te ak _uedatge we Rad ome, 

“odads and uw «Montesa enaee ead moet mwavieidie bat yortos ga xoarrey 
aLvow oka toomnke ods $ agi taba tem S¢ BROdi aiaanetqsy dae eee 

i) énabxo xed So mae sdowatmath od binow ta€ iedsomeng ef vodsaw? sqm: 

| : ween Tams He Yous ond tort boom ge fad! Wehled 2 ategagdas, 62. 
] _a209_ sal LL mepizoms oy maggad® 992) «dtwa md? te eusteted nah: 

f etxwes ofl Gad? colatqe edt to exe ow bei (ORE ORL LET ROB. | 
4 te divndi tia tesago ora P33 Henk edatew ) a | 
| | 

| Lang blobs v'snndgo%eb robles o¢ wduates a howe ae 
I pubawioy gG8RL 40 Ling 3 sama — one a3 sebie et 
tnabsotoo Santee stam cobwake sd? mk soomye 

Ry ahd athe bodhrmiex af soateo ods dem 9! 7 
. ota of dem ytaeemtyl tive ebtee Yon oF oti 

) lito conan ww oeettzen oht megs Siam. PePeamn, 94 

php ost ot os a 
My Pues SRO "a 

36ano ~/ / rd 

Ce le Te COUP ai 1a, / 
Plaintirt and heiitiaal f 


HRANCES SIVENS (gued ae Mary doe), 


OP Cais 
. Appellee. ot 4 1 ofe 653° 

weer ee ee er 


m September 19, L852, plainticr sommene¢d in the 
municipal ewurt an eetien tn replewin to recover the poosesuian 

of am sutomebile, deeeribes in the affidayit an « *Ssekne Gedan 

(2952), Serial Hos CLATL, Motor Ko. Mexese, together with a1 
equipment and accesveries.” frog the beiligr’s vcturn on the 
erit 4% appecra that om September ecthe he replevied the aubomebile 
ang Mdeliverce the game te plaintiff," ené that on the feliewing 
day he wervee the writ om "YWre,. ¥, fivenn. sued es Bary Roe. 
| Therenfter the joint =ppenranes of P4liiem ané imeille “eher and 
Frances Givers sas entered by their attorneys, avd on Yebruery 4, 
AOSD, the twe ebers filed om affiesvit of merite, swore te by 
Beid Prances Sivens ne their esent.  r Pebrupry 25, 1933, the 
“court, “by sgrecnent of plntntit ant cofendente," ordered thet 
the evit be g45 pete both “cherg. This left the suit 
méing only ax ageinet Franeen Stivenn. Thereafter there ene a 

S¥iei bevore the court without « jury, at whick « meen ef ore 
Gocumentusy evidenee waa introduced, and at its eunclusion 
the caise waa continued to April 7) 1933, for dceivion, on which 

lay, after arguments, the court feud “the right of property 

Bisson, LATOR 
‘ay GOALS Ey 

4 helt be 

allemand convene om “g 

“ mobonsn04, 8 ast wovooet es totes aus n | —e ‘ 

ek na bs sottapot 008i 10 rot0m Lp 
: “efi ae wane o PEL oe he 

ettvomste » oats wobvosere af aston oitrsa tes 

_Babwotso® gala ne ‘sats bees seranentats ef — ont 
* 908 Fats na bows “aerate is sone = ie ‘oft 
tea wer “etftout ‘a8 matt he te eocsuroags “gatoy ad 

” yrersdt tue bes ewe ft , ata “a bao a 
_ Be OF eee, anebreet to pteninirtn ms vs a ae 

“eat s5ECE | — wee a | 

datdw mo enolotood io nee eer 0 esate , ar 
wmicoasnee es geahy ante” beret pape or ‘een: i 


in cefendant, Eres *+ Givens” and, efter denying ploimtifr'ts 
motions for a new trial and in arrest of judgment, ed judged that 
she “have and recover of the plaintiff the possession ef the 
property involved," that "a erit of 

that she recover her eoets, The present appeal by plaintir¢ 
followed » 

Tm enid affidavit of morita, Frances Givens alleged that 
"she is the ¢uly authorized agent of the defendants, ‘ilitem and 
iuellle feber," thet she is acquainted with the facta, aad that she 
believes that “sald defendants” have a good defense te the auit 
upon the merits. che further alleged im substance: 

That prier te May 14, 1932, *on Wehalf sf said defendants” 
she wag in megotiationy in Chicago wlth the "Seyul tolea & lervice 
See" (an wiineerporated company, of ee Jaeeb Se Goldenberg was 
the preprietcr, hereinafter referred te the Seles (oe) for the 

ee of a nee Reoekne Sedan autineibe. “with agcesseries at. the 

price of 57159 that these necotistions wees had with « agest af 
the Sales Coe, ene John Putiersen; that on may Lay LOS2 9 ake yee on 
meeount the aum of (215 in cach, and alse the mam of $550, "yw dee 
pores” t@ the Cales “oe of am usec Lincoln sedans” leaving a balance 
wupald of $40%, “whieh said sum it one agree? ahold be eadd in 
Monthly instalimente ever a yates ef one years” that Patterson 
'Fepresented to her ané ta aa defenéente that anid sum of 845° 
“would be carried by" the & that *atsersen presented ‘+e 
the defendente (the “ebers) "an instrument : 1 bh whieh he «aked 
them to sign, esying that he would fiil im the bleake the tore aud 
eoenéitions of the «ele and the pawmenta te ie wade ae shove net 
forths* Hat thereupon they, reay dig api Satierson's representations, 
“executed anid inetrument in blank® (= comlitionwal axles contrset, 
OH & printed Forms dated Hay it 2952, With said Lales Ge, ingles ing 
anid defendant's nete fer the totel snout of enid mon shy inetali«- 
enka, @ee.)i tat thereaiius cuichiants Beart that “piains acy 
tea we the ascignes" of seid contract and note, andi» uper 
perce igntions fewme she gas to be 46 plaintiff's posscanion, 
beoring ¢ andante’ eignaturess “whieh ag effiant believes, are 
semis gr mmag a Pee} Gi LGlombantus” Slabs howeves, gate contract 
rts te initial payments of enly | » inatend of 9515 az 
‘ jemualiy mace by aiiioni for the benefii of cefemiawts, aad alee a 

ins nee charge of #800165 which was never agreeé to by dofenantes" 
Ene ticks beonuse of the forezeing, aifiant "Jeules that piniat 

the owner of the automobile degeribed ix the writ, or is ent itled 
| $a¢ pessecuice thereof.” 

Gn the trink pleistift, oc make aus ita gr: 

——- a 

@ SHAE» 

led goid Geléowberg ae & witueas, Orv Imtrodumsd in evicenge ia) 
® conditions] seles seentract with the Tales Co. fer tae antomcbdile 
Question, signed by the twe “ebera at Milwaukee, Sisconsin, under 

a'kiiemisig gaebensd todte «ie “Senewi® +* sack ,inabacted at 
o<cld bogtubhe gimoaghet te fawn ai i Leics won 2 0% esto! 20m 
als % tehesoneoy old Tiliniate saz te tevecet bea overt™ ede 
fiw “,ouent cbuedad onpofer te tiuw e* cade %, hoviovnd Ur reqong 
titsatalg yO Laoqas suenpzy edt onduod ved covooes ode tnd 
» « bewolfot 

tad? bogetia anevi® 2eencrt qadtuom Yo ttvablite btee pl ce 
bem satiii’ gavembretes aft to trope bout apate sn qtee ‘alt at ada" 
asin dad bus gudoat off Aehw bedmtaupoa af sale todd “guode? eLitomt 
“tise wd? of sented boog @ oved “etuahaelos bla" tals sivotted 
teonasedie @i boygotia pro od sadirom od apqw 

Biea to 

soavsas A asia: ry on* “a “ast 9 
gay Bre * oe 2% enim | 
po Ppa (eo! setad op oo ae Pod o. ph ha ee aot 

ge eoitesssess diiw eLitemeive sakes gmloet ven 2 
te dnege oe tvie hed ever eeotipt tomer wpads staste 
mo Shay eile ySS@L _hK Yad we dads paowrtesdx’ miot ome 5000 okae. 

woh wh 46084 Yo see ext? axle bra steno wk OL05 Se ame ott 

eetaled @ vook “grtebee aleoutd - oe 
mt Bhan ac afwnie hooray nsw $2 ame, b i see caee fe ees 

moeietigs Sas “gusey ome Te Sede Ee 
moe gel + i os ew ta 2 rear seoneTg 
of bedase monte ssa eres a 
Wietian oh Hos a 
baa qmued mid o a Shak x? ya tare 
om a eves en hes of oe ad ‘¥e 
a8 ROL o? oa s Brom eee 
efostinan sefze Lanolsi bass ay “3 sad 
gaiseloul goer wetwi biew déiw _Kee 
Big by is moat bina To dames : 

rn kM Secl ue 
cise Sad? aglwal* faust a gigte 
hoLittes af ce ytiew ot mk bowie 
sense steak als ehh sun odam oF evitontatg dade wed 0° t 
(s) oeematys ct benwherteb aco ponertiter ke we Ura stoe Boe 
PAbMoiaine ons cor 400 antnd erie site tomeinwe metas Lente 

robm pBhasoogsl svodluewlld ta wieder awe oats: et donate ¢ i 

a hy 


gate of Ray 14, 1932, and which hed attached thereto the «ritten 
acgigmment ef the contract by the Onlew Coe $6 plaintiff, ef the 
aume date, together with all itu right, title ani interest in and 
to anid auiomedile; (%) the jucgment note of the “ebers, of the 
Bome Gute, for G56G0LG, paywble to the order ef the “eles Cos in 
22 equal monthiy installments of 046068, with interest, = the first 
inetealiment being paynble ane month after said date at plaintiff's 
office in Chicago, and the nets bearimg the indersement ef the 
Sales Coe, without recourse, to pleintiffy amd (¢) toe original 
receipts, procuced by “raneces Sivers, civen by glaintiivf te her, 
under the respective catea of dame 15th anc July 2lute 193%, showing 
Swe payments to it of 246068 each, + being for the ‘iret swe 

tue on auid centract and sote. ‘Thereupen her attorney 
admitted that “ug further payments were mecy” te plaintiff on ssid 
gentyact and mete. The contract contains previsions oa are ucwally 

fownd in cenditienal esles' cowtra te} the autemebile in question 

is fully cescribed; the “gagk acliing price,* including the extra 
equlgment, ie stated te he °715, and the “Sime priee,* which includes 
a “fimance charge of J8)0l¢," is stated te be 2795016; ef the lat 
mentioned price 16 is stated that a payment thervon of $225 hes been 
unde, and that the balance due of 2560.16 (the amount ef eaid note) 
ia to be poid in “12 equal monthly payments of 046068." Goldenberg, 
proprieter of the Solee “o«, testified in sub scarce that he wae 
present in hie Chicage office when the blake of the printed forms 
ef the contract ond mote were filled in by sypeur it ings thas the 
instruments, se filled ing were taken By Jehan Pebterecn te Bilwaukee, 
Piseonein, to be there signed by the “obers and returned to him 
(Soldenberg)? that the instruments were returnec to Sim bearing 

4 the Yebers’ siguatures thereeng that he “sold the contract anc note 
te plaimiiffy* that he signed the ossignment of the contract to 
Plaintiff and indereed the notes that be then mace out a draft for 


Weds xs od CAorede kodoadta hod dolde hae BERL adL yh XO-odad 
at 29 qBidentaig of 400 evfet a? Yo domsemoo ost Lo snommptene 
fers mg duecedmt Bea oLed2 eiitgia aff ie saiw yvesianged «edad omg 
ag? 29 gexede oe to otom smompont ott (¢) talidemmian obese od 
Mi 209 guise edd Ye sobre end of eddoyoy 96400006 x02 gedab omen 
‘text? edi ~ giesisdmi tiie ¢8d0$63 Bo ateomiLedent yisienom Sewpe BL 
a'tisdsialg 3s star Seo ss¢ta dene exo addeyeg aoted #nemlfetenk 
ods Yo énemsetohnd ed yrktned. vos ofs baw yogcnidd at solite 
- hemtgize one (9) dae 12 itetodG oo arat@set spomtiw ¢90 sete, 
sted ef Yikeaielg ww meviy yaneveo geomext ys Seowdotg gadgkeose 
gaiwada g8h0L gtake ydol mum 96k sah to eodnd evi tooqaet ede” teeme 
, ARTES edd 19d Abed ¢ adnng Reh: Bo: 8h ee ee haw 
vonsadia wast moquotedl 
biog wo Tihiakedg os | 28M, 3 
Utawaih ora ag enetalvory vatatens Seantnes 4a. “seton taa toantaes: 
sokiaony mt akidomasia sha fed-andeoo ‘avies Senstaioaoe wk 0 
outs ed) gabbekeut “sertzg gubling gen” ont qeodiassed yLiet eh 
aobulent detie *yootsq gate" sels ba aRETE ov of dotase et qummmytepy 
Puss ott ts eaLeRery oe 0 basede a ef w became i ’ : om 
need wn 2829 Yo aos touts trong, * saute betate of Jt volrg bemetineat 
(ston dtoa Yo duwoma act?) BL+0986 ie wh pas daeh snes bm 
sateduobied 6806809 te strong yee int, yal £° nt hteg wit od Wit 

“att tnd teats omy ot A we MO com 
soon 0P soso a stot yt clas selenite: 

ys ys oa Bl i 3 eee: a og rv ee i we 
et Hist a ioe ooan om ost doxtd colin wld oeexehes ise 


#43) ané attached said note and sentract aa a0 assigned to aaid 
Graftj ang that thereafter plaimiiff paid the draft and the Giles 
Coe received Y4Bue 

svancet Givens testified at eeneiderable longth beth 
G8 direes and cress-eiaminubieg, and she called az a witness aadd 
Ciiliam Veber. Vinimtift, in reputial, thereupon called as wite 
h@seee anid sokm Pattiergen acd also Joan Ls, Weitiaus and BH. Me 
Toate, xeeapectively bose attorney and eelleetion wenager fer 
Plainci(f’, and introdueea in evidence vertain vritinge. in aur} 
rebuttal franeom Givens ansé (eber gave further tectiseny anc ahe 
intraduced in evidence oikex weiitinge. Fe useful. surpone will be 
geryee im detallimg the teetimeny ef these witnesses. “wtf iee 46 
to aay that frem She entire evidence, corel ané dommcnteary, the 
foilowing salient facts apperred! Sarly im ‘pril, 1952, Frances 
Givens Visited the calles <c¢e's place qf business Tes tae purpoed 
ei purchasing tox Bereelf a new automotziiec pariiaiay om time pay- 
wents akc partially by an siiewanee on Aexy o)d Lincéin susomebilees 
She macy out and signed A istadiei “eredit appiie:tions” sowing 
that the same sowid be suimisted te a0) Bulemeiie CAnance compiigts 
{Wo ouch Gompauies rejeeiws the appidivation. Pinas.y, GAk oateaud 
ts be filied owt smotherxy ayphicntion im the same of her neplets 
Cihliem ieher, then in Nilesikec, giviag to ®stsersem oi. cotadde 
es 36 Bin finmucial standings sie. “Mis appaicutiow proving +0 
Be accepiable, the canditiomel scales’ cauivnet suc nohe aaars mene 
tioned wers sigued by She “chers anc delivered. The contragt, te 
fe woul in such dustrumentc, seucrved the title te and qvaerahip 

of the new automobile im the “ales “oes or dbs negigugs, witil the 

entixe deferred imdebtcdsess, amounting te $OGUs)lé, should be Cully 
geicd. ‘Tele mmow:t wee te be padd tm Svelre oquad me ihiy ingjalle 
mente of (46.60 each. fier the conireet and mele, Wy aeoagemeus 

ang indorsenent, bad come inte the poaseseion of plainvirts an 


Bhwe of Sommiane OG Be Toatteee eer nike bagdexian aw ObOG 
wofad of? haa tare odd bhag Wegiadg wee hweweds cade dame g ahah 
Med digaak aidasshianse te veal teased Re LO se Ora eho oe 
hiss ascniiv « so belteu oie Sam .seii<aimaesseeTs bn, dee iiine 
ojiw wa baliws aequasnals glaséeden Bh ghidenbalt «vedo mebline 
oll +H bow TandtieW ». slot onde bas arecotte tot tine aoewee 
( eo2 topemas mdliesiles dna ysmwdsa coved Yeviisogess qedeut 
ome Gh .ageitise siaéie, eeneatye oh ocoubotiat nem »hhhomtaty 
ada tee <nomtioes reddit covey sede be enovdd govmen’, Laddudon 
od Likw onoqrwe Gitecw of  «aptiihey sosve. comebheo, mt. sonubentat 
at sollte ,eousondhy egods Yo ymombtoas sce yatdhaded ad Sownee 
| ONE AYIntxemed dia Late ooo bive ethene. ole iain adie 
 Menaerth, «lbhia ore nt eieale # ints oeRp , 

. PRoq et Ot eeoakaue Xe, poalgvahed enine allele hail 
“Yad tm? mo Yialiiag siitomedss soe & Manied vor yabeastrg, To 
sie wits akogMld bLe sod mo evneRaiio as 4H Lhhasetog aan eae 
“(pitbwowl “anoldvalfuge ditexe" bedteney.o beape, dum: ug minee ome 
i nptagaos Boih: Phidamiae ae Of Onl slaw oe Blgoe og sts tad 
_ benteo ole eyitont? .neligetigae pat aadmales eoluaquoe some ove 
a wedigoa aacd lg enon ai? a aeltanllage smdtie due dOlLe? edad 
aktaiod tks Houtveta® af gidvdy eeealmewhbd wl mods s8edoe maha 

of galvom aeidasiiqgs ald? . .ade sailiee te ntenena ante 
“SO oYous OOH Joie Fomziton 'apdus.. Lead 
as afestiags ait sbysoyttob aay aang 
ghicecouwo baa a ekeee Say DOVkrao% quieras en sowie mt 
sets Lh do sisal 2th xo 4400 ontop at ak oLbdvaayeus 
u's od bLiseate rode way oe weed a fem geunton td 
witososh ‘esta scan kanye eriegt att ate oc o 
Sessa es w stent jas fectime as nt iy 

ia he Re a 

a j a Widenbatg te wotenos00q vase 


automobile finacey sompay, 1% mailed te the Vebere at HLALWRUREe yg 
wader date of Hay 1%, 1938, a Letter or notice, whisk shority 
thereafter was zeceived by Franeen Givens by mil from the ‘eherm, 
Siving full datailed particulars of the entire tranaact ton, 
deseriving ths <utomesile is question, snd saying’ "“s are pleased 
to netify you thas we Have purchased frem yours dealer * « Qe 
ésouments you signed when tekin: eelivery of the coumedity deseribed 
hereame For your cosvenienge was ave indigeted the amewst of 
your olign tions BuOWNE of your inebuliments, an’ the des dates 
Bake ench peyment ¢. ieGeh 5G eux office, * & ,* After thie letter 
oF notice heé wenn tetcived by Frevces Sirens phe pata ia Dials ite 
at ite efvier in Sleaze the first cen imestclinente ef $46.68 Cauchy 
due veepeotively en June lish and July Iithe 195%, bet netiher eke 
mer the “chery ever made any Surther paymerte em the mete ox gone 
tract te plaintire. 
; after a careful review =f aL] the evicenee we have renehed 
_ the eomeluston shot the eeuri's finding and JEIPLINS, abhaye mont Loned» 
are contrary te the elesr Pee poe cranea el tae svidenwse and tant the 
| fessent must be vever avd, “LLG numy OF the evideage intrecuged on 
) She tried by Frances Giveus tence: 4. “Mttedna Une celenses tu plainme 

tiff's suit om wentionet te che alticavet of merates plaimeiifi, 

évieence is overvhelminele i¢ the COUUEAS Fe SBP LRermgres ia our 
Opinion, it wuct be hel@ thas ker BCLit, in paydsig te plaliasige withe 
Gut sefeetion the exact snes ef the fizet tue LicteLimemig ag mene 
tioned im the eunettioast ootest COMEISG4 GLEGE Bade comiwaect Bad 
been asaiqned to plainsic’ Wy the Seles Seay amowried te a €eund Lentlon 
Of waid contract ey hee agceriimg i¢ ite term, 

Agr2eréinely, the fudgecah ef che BMBAeh ek oousk ef Age dy 
7, 1888, fe reweraed, ane pepe: dy witured here Gat the rigmt te 
the poratemion of the oniorebile is (VESl1GH Vas od ie in tke pledne 

“bier Oe Ie Te Corporation 
ivats Pe Jey and Seanlan, Js, COU Cite 


covdietin tn etetes advo? bnthwm thus canesan,onaant® otidenetee, 
shsxets dota spotter te wetted # edbRL @2h Wh Me sted xebow, 
aaxede! ott autt than ye amers? asonart yd devivoss caw soz teonety, 
° gpol¢osntand otiges ane Te wrmliod sing belied ed. Sivt peirig 
hone ty ox a rgudqae bes asain na olisqumetua vat gretél- pes, 

iggy * & ne dash seey xo Segeeorud eve Oo gaeléd moy MEL oR: am 

bedixewel yahhonmew oa he enttegele natty berghy soe wersemae 

%o Dovomn ots Heteed hak ovad oe gona corned aey THE anh: 
sede web edd tite gyal cherh see 26 AMOI #8 

se¢eol etd ete % * * _soktie mie ee Ieee 
Meenas of btey ofa amovho Pe A i RG Bi 
dias BODES Yo wiromt Latent amd sen wale opooksle mh oak te, af} £% 
ede Yonsion Wie «Une LqhteL katy den Aaah oct me YEA 9988. PAE 
eo do eso ate mo adape eR wk Re Re a9, ROT ui? ‘son 
Ha Thetatelg, at toast 
bedonoe Peak ow sondtive af ihm to wekwoe, GRID BTW say 
qborohinem eyods gtmongho(, bear gritos whic ae dege, okeniguee, i. 
ete Vid tha Verivhire bid Le wortaxomeengen conde, Of aF wots ote 
pe hocsbokdit Sonndive ene Re wmow oFkel oehonnewes, od Saat teomghah, 
emialy oi wodawtes ais abedewn oA uate? seta cooaatt ys fats! set 
d'tivvsinig qadimen % dienttTin aff of bemeks nom 64, a hts apy 
‘See wk coneubastocust so ytettano vehten cofeababedesaye at RRR 
oghgie ‘¥ebiniadg et aakya ai gholsoa peat. ude. Bint od. toga 22, minty 
enem uo paebbidsatch oud Gict1 ead Ye demoma Saame: ome tone ap 
hadi Poddtine biow’ redte’ Goetdany ‘anton iocgtatione ett at honpes 
mobases nail is OF Bysraronmy gee’ west. sali gh “tenteta et bomatnen om 
a anime ef oo patoumote teat yt fonsseme i 

ef telaks urls Said orks Gortsime ab psec, teat adomsowes at 
nba “ue wk ad bycal wat nok dowiy ab Ede tom Mbt Te eelaaqen 
kaa neem 


PISS OF Facte 
We find a5 & feet that the right to the Ppeantes ion 
of the automobile involved iu chia cane tea am ig ig the 
PlBimbA( Ts Ce de Ye Corporation, 

Pr rome 

Au? a aa. eh 

Dee age es Ba : 

? abe A a y ys INR MEOAN IRE RR 
rte yd anette. Gat eR OR: Nena 

itil i ie 

sesicronr Cre 

pis euioa MEY Shree hess 

6 EY as ty aes tye bia ate ae ay est: 

“okie l shew eo ci * ws 

pias Ph 


aa ERA eR ANAS! AR a 


wife cata Se eee! gach i ti ite HOR ge 

nesiaht eed we wenNsTVo wad: ieee 
bean) ged ae he set “e 

ae al mae 

wish ati ‘we ‘Winnie a ; 
dt sini ale sane i bcos dew tioe sett en 

us oi samnesttudls ee oes Oe 

ghee i “led dnd aha alee “uel qaah aa he ind ie ei 
oo ich + er iu i pen ‘ha i's “ti 
cy Ree ? ens 

Fe “age ya {abies scsi Mr 

oe Msi ast sid oe 

# J 
# S 
at cpedborey a 

~~ ae { i, 
{ Nel 

TSSUNANCK COe, & corporation, 
(ecmpininant )» . 
Appellant, APPEAL PROM 
Ve GIncUlt COURT, 
(defendant), } ) Two appeals 
ppellee.s } 
5) 'S TOA f(s 
4 ¢ 4 ofhe 653 for hesringe 
(plaintiff), APPEAL PROM 



INSURANCE ‘GOs ‘a "eaaratian j | he | 

(defendant) » 4 ' } 2 '¢ 4 [I I. A. 6 54. 
Appellant. ) 


om June 5, 1928, complainant (hereinafter ealle the 
ineurance So.) issued ite policy of inwuranee on the life of 
Smiley fomasum of Cieero, Lliinois, for $2,000. Defendant, dauchter 
ef insured, was named os benefieiury. The pelicy contained the 
provisions that “thie policy and the apyglicotion herefer, 4» true 
copy of which ia indersed hereon or securely attached hereto, con- 
stitute the entire contract beteeen the parties, ami shall be 
- incontestable after tye yeore from it=« date, except fer aen-payment 
of premiumes" and that s11 statementa made by the incured im the 
application “ahalie in the sueence of fraud, be devmed repregentationgs, 
and Not warrantien, and me such statement shall avoid the policy, 
WBless it ie gentained in the written ayoliestion." ‘The insured 
Gied in a hoapital at Hacisen, “iseconsing om September 23, 1929, 
less than two years after the policy was issued. On Jume 4, 1936 

Ne a ’ Mi Vols oe 
bw pie —/ ( A “Sua pa oa 
® SO TOG ** stakapne) 
arayod TrUeTD ev. is 
elasqga owt ili aay a(sanbae i 


egsiiiaed et ene, iy 2 i LYS 

eTHUOO HOT mave 



edt Lellon wsdtentored) dmantalqums gBGOL 48 cat m0 
te sti ef? se sonetenal te yetieg af2 bonaad (20d ooneuent 
sewed ginadus ted 4000.84 te? estomiiil qaxvotd Xo musemoT yolhat - 
a? Sentedaoe yediog aT »yxahetiawed aa bowen caw « boswent el 
Ont? & gtolexed MoOksackigge orld See Yottog aide” dadld o ’ j 
enee govoted Sendeattian ylomoes 1 mowred benxobdad af Hoist te were, 
$d Lints ton peoléing onl? meowsed Poettnes etiias sa? twitter: 
dneayeqeion ret dqeox yodab ofl moe? gEney ows Toste 

syelfog ot blova Lasts Semibedadlain-an tom aalinas uss 
bersent ofl “stpkievdiqua mestiuw ond wt Dnatasmon at 
s2N0L Co toduvtqe no gntemoosth qnonddaM Ja Lodiqued, 

OSL 9d cnmt a0 sbowant sam ong at soe wey ond ma 


(one @ay leas than two years after the pulicy was iesued) the 
imeuranee Coe filed ite bill im the ecirewit court ef “cok county 
againet defendent, slieging in subatenee that certain of the incured's 
augwers te quegtiong on her application (aw given to the mediend 
exeminer and ae eritten down by him on the spglication concerning the 
present and past condition of Ser health), were falue ané fraudulent 
and known by her to be sue@k, that if the Inewrenee Cee had news ef 
their foleity 14 would not have leawed the policy, anc that 44 did 
mot discover their falsity witil after her death, “he bill tendered 
vack ail premiums paid, andi orayed that the poliey, because of anid 
fraud, be declared to be null and void? that defendant, as benefheiary, 
=iiher agents end aticrneys, be temporarily and permanently enjoined from 
| prosecuting any suit om the policy! ani that it be ordered ta be 
| @elivered up fer eanecllation. Gn June Lé, 1930, the sheriff returned 
' the susaens “sefendant not found,” and apparently the Ineuranee Co. 
made no further attempt to get weerviee upen defendant. On “optember 
2a 1930, ene (epparently net yet being sdvieed of the pendemey of 

: the chancery suit) eommeneed in the superior court ef Cook county 

, an action in agewmpeit te recover the amount due om the policy, aiid» 
after service, the Insurance Cos on becomber 45 1950, filec a plea 

' getting up the pendency of the chumeery cult es o bay to the actions 
“Me plea te the merits was filed.  Februery Lé, 1951, the euperior 
‘gowrt sustained a demurrer te the plea and gave the Inmeuwranee Co. 

} leave to file an amended pleas Je the meentime, im the chanecry 
gud, and after defendant hed entered her appesremor Sherving the 
wranee Ces applied for « temporary injunction, after notice te 
fendant, aud, on Yebrusry 26, 1931, the court iawuec © temporary 
metion, enjoining her from the further presecuting ef the 

it oult, or the prosecuting of omy oction im law er equity 
inst the Insurance Coe, until the further order of the court. 

! Sti (howond wow yotiog edt celta wxeoy ov? mast ound yb ona) 

etawoy Soo! te treo Siworks wild mh LL2d ath BOLET 090 osenunnl 

We a'doswank std So oletteo ead votietadua af ‘wbgelis edtabre te’ santane 
| | Lom kowm ott od wevty an) mitwortgga gov amnbjeaee ‘et: vs a ss 
‘ { eid gukvinenes moltootigge sd? ao ald yo guok medelew és aaa) td agate} 

Ht deo.Le bees? tues eedet erow ,idtined xo Yo wedtthmes tang hea toners 

to gwort bad ood soamtvedk” Os Th tuttt gstbwo o¢ aber (CS - 
my & MED 
nt _ bbb ¢h Soaked bee eypiteg od? bomant ovad Hom Bivow 12 whale? 


|) bexoonse £chd eit saitand aod note Ltée wetute? cLedd aevwoatd soa 
| q bkes te eekoood «yotiog ede tad? hogera bom ybiag — tin toed 
1) | e(taie Mened as edriahee teh tads ghtev ban itu ov o7°' TT yw ed i ; 

ie mort deatobss qLinewadieq baa yLhuaxoques OH ywyperre 2s a Roi ype cca od 
Ae | 0d OF besoin ef thrtant tne Tense ay te tise Tae Leesunapats, 
||) bouuidog 2itaaste oat q0C0E 4aL enue mo yemibMetKonmen xo gi bosbyli 
We 00 potwtient edd Udworeqqe ban » chemist nites meomonre orld 

wedeIqy: BO sseabusres moqu setvren toy oF squmsde toudtHt on wha 
te Ynvinag ey Yo hentvoa antod jug ton Qlbneseqen) este oer qoe 
Winmee eed to suuon aabwogwe adeeb byammane (ein: ereenads tlh 

abuse «yotfeg ore ao exh txwoms ool) Tevenet Of slaamuona mh mobtom | 
| wait a veLRr «GEC 4) sedanend mo +00 comment ait gumbyEee soMta 
snotien aff Of tad a an dwn Yoweri eae te yaehasg edd qa gat uf 
toktequn sH¢ _L60i dL yoowaiet mo abedt® aew ad trom elt of web | 
, +0 comment ald ovaR bow ong sat of eet 2 semtogeim He 

Wroesate silt at gombsnao ead a) ea@hiy boameue mm ont et 

a vghten sedta seoanaihiamailial nek tte vo 

.) Whateqmed 0 Semgal Suyes ad ELOOL GOO Whowndsy 

a tt te SKhwobeeTG Tedeue') etdomerd sent ybebet 

' VWitive to vol oh Kobdoe Ye to —RbiMeeeOTy ode ae gtton 
L -sdMuO9 ols to eobTe Toddeet eM LhdeE Goo wi 

ape" aye : BwOihe? ae BRS ei eas “ee gated ete 


Thereafter, on February 26, 1931, the Inguraner Cos filed an anended 
plea in the esqumpeit sutt, setting up the pendeney of the chancery 
euit and the isauance ef acid injumetion an a bar. I¢ Gid met file 
any plea te the morite. Thereafter, aaid beneficlory filed « general 
and speoial demurrer te the b442 in the ehaneery Suits upon hich 
mo aetion was taken until Curing Seoembers, 1032, when the demurrer 
Was overruled, amd she filed an SHeWer Le the bill, im which she 
Genied that the Insurance Cas was entitled te any ef the Yelie? prayed, 
ete. Thereafter ¢ heorlag wee had in Spon court at whieh several 
witnesses testified for the Ingutance Cos, the Seyositions es? other 
Witnerctes were reads and one witness (rae onton) testifded for Gefend= 
ante The policy end application and othe: writings were intraduced | 
in evidence by the ineurance Gs. oy Spell Sp 19335 the Court entered 
a decree in whieh, after miking numerous findinge, it is adjudged 
 ‘SRat the temporary ingunetion (above referred ta) be dissolved, that 
“the B11 “Be Clamissed fox want ef equitys* and tha: the Meuranes 
Soe pay all coats. From the feeree the Insurance Coe prayed and pore 
feetes the present apoe@al to ¢he June Term, 1933, of this appellate 
Court (Gaze Ho. 36889). 
| After the entry of the deeree, the prosucution ef the 
“Beemepsit euit wax reowmed in the superior court. On <prdk 25, LESS» 
- plaintire (beneficiary of the policy) apyeare: and moved the court te 
iptrine the amended ples ef the Insurance Go, (filed Fetruary 2a, 
1931) and after ergument of opposing counsel the eourt eustained the 
me bien aud gave the Inguranee Coe leave te file an Smended plese, and 
We Apri 27% 4t Fi204 wnat As ontitieas “Seeond amended Plea with 
Notice and Affidavit ef Merite.* itt is a plen of the general iscue, 
te tether with a notice that on the trial the Imewranee Ge. "intends 
| S rely upon special matters of defense, which are e@¢ forth and sone 
tite a in the foliewing affidavit of merite:" (Here foliews an 

hebusau ie POLAR «00 wemmcomel aed aSRRE 48% quowcdel, no. 9 v9steored? 
i¢roesasty ofl? To yormbmeg ot qu yabésos, 9A Rie dissawenm 0d) wh won 
efit Gon DID 2h otad a ae mohdacwied. ting YH eomevmad geld, Cain, 6 Eine 
Loronen «2 bodht qrotedionsd blag _iettees ikem, wih Oe ne 
Soke moq «thee ysevasty ods wh Likd otd od + xommueeo ts fatooga, & 
xorcaumed ost? code 9801 gyedemonS gabt, Liswe awshed vo olden 9 
ete Moise mt oLihd etd ne somecn oe betty athe, Deut ¢ SARA TOE 
ehoyeng. Regie wste to gre at hekdsders near 908 wpmumcceel ott tna | ah 
farewen Hold on due nage ah pat gaw gahiaed & SOTERA 
-xestto Yo gnobstears? st «soo samauiens ade ‘pt reknAaeet.' womens d 
ebyotel wor bakticesd (nogmh «0iM) ancntiy amp bes, Hees #tey BPS ont 
 pourtotiah exaw agetelse uote bug cobiaotiqgs aru pdteg ont os 
cody drug0 wilt (BLUE gh KETGA MO, ned eimrmRRh wee ws somentve m 
eg tatee af of gamet hod? axoremas yeoltent epee, sii mi weg 
gaits yhoviews2s od (0d doreeten oveds) mobsemmbnt ' ortt aa 
pommnredt wit sods ban “eine to sane 80% sonata pe 
oriq fae begere s02 oometweal od ceTOs ate moa  .aeeed. the An se 
—— Ro goOCd quot sath odd of daegge Sasnod ‘aiid Doo 
sent ct ele mana < hen, eho: | " 
eSSRL gBR Lim ao od tOR germany ond pee domme ee % a 
pd samen of¢. boven ana. seagate (vol tog, mas te 2 ederim 
ad? beutatema Swen ele Learases ane’ te » seamen, woe | et mt 
ban .o0ky hotnems so eLhT of evaed 900 somndimel M6, ove bee woke 
daiw nest bobs buoeee” shekehdne at doate nese ot ave £ bag 
ssiteut Laconteg od to. welq 6 at ai Samed ne NAIM a 0 
giaoded” .00 someneneh echt Sabst mat om sot sokton 2 43h 
anes hen Seve? Sow ous wobdw esque heh Je emu dd, 
ae awetLo® oe “secnbemte pon 


afficevit aworn ta by ome of the attorneys of the incurenge Go, ) 

Te the affidavit there ere allegstions that he inoured made certoin 
false angwers to the medieal examiner's gugetione ae set down im tke 
epplicationj that abeve her signature on the application are certain 
other atatements or declarations, and that some of the statenwnts 
oF CeClarstions were felue, ete. the alicgations are substantially 
the same as those alleged in the 9422 filed in the ehaneery suit, 

On Key Sq 1935, plaintiff f41ec - dewmerer to saié special mattera 
of cefenae, and for enuse af cemutrer stated thas by She terma of 
the policy the some was te be incontestable after tv Yerwss except 
fer nen-payment of premiums; that “said matters af defense pleaded 
by defendant ce not set Up hen-poynent of premiums but seek to aveid 
payment of the policy om eausen extrinsic theretog" and thet eadd 
action in sesumpa! 
more than twe years after the date of the policy, and that, henee, 
She policy is incontestable. On June 4, 1935, after argument, the 

te collest the amount of the policy was commenced 

superior court entered an order and judgment in substance as fellexgs 

That on plaintiff's motion the court orcerg that sodd amenied plea 

of the Insurance Co. “be stricken fer vant of 4 euitieient afficavit 
(Of special defenses” that defendant's defauls be entered; that *after 
_hesring ali allegations and proofs sultitted," the court asseasesg 
“Plaintiff's damgen at $2400 (amount of the policy and « eerued 
eats ané@ thet judguwent be ontered ageinet the Inauranee coy 
and in favorfplainvite im said sum. From She ducgment the ineuranee 
Soe prayed and perfeetod an appeal te the Cetoker, 1922, Term of 
this Court (Case Yo. 37048.) 
| Thereafter, on Novenber 7 1953, on motion of the Insurance 
supperted by the affidavit of one of its atcerneye, the twe 
were here ordered SG be consolidated fer heering end te be 
icered tegether. In said affidavit it ie slieged that "beth 

® iuvolwe the same parties and the same subject matter and * * 

(«02 semamwent ond Te ayertetie ed te eae yt of omoum dkvebhite 
Bhat xo eben becuont edd Jasld amelcagoito ete wuede dtyeeh tie sad at 
ak? of mot Jon on agniiasey e'xemimens Saphoow ele of wxewnam axa 
. absi x9 ote motiaokiqas, ats ae ouiteapte xed orote dale tomlinks gue 

aizeuetede ote to omue Jedd bas porphiatalass 5@ Bomembinte semee 
wALat soni odin ors anotisneita ei? OHO geaiat oxew enphiatetere go 

stiles yxoucndis odd ak bolt Like wis mh begakio gnods ae, men eed 
medion Laboogs dtar of teTtewas @ well Tiddateld eG6OL. ab wa wo 

‘Yo mura? add yd dats bedade t9EKMmed teeauee x), dom, eAnno tod. 26 

dyooxe staey Or? Teste Sidateadmenn! of 96 ann pane sat, witog wad 
bobon ta oameted Le ereasom bhaw* todd ammdmorg Le Lqumyeqrmon te? 
“phowe od deoq sud amutewm Yo saeyograan.qu tox 49m 0% dmabaa ted gs 
bine teed bum “tosexeds adamtcéas annie ao yoltog ald Xo. dammyeg 
beonenmoe aew Yosfog adi Io Vamame eas doodton 43 diacmneg 2h aohios 
eoaniod a dasis bea gyptiog ott Yo aah age vaste Ps at ae, 
reed Bong teste natal 0 oral Le 

“90g sebscome bike Sacks sxedt0 swe wile  maheon o*? %. iv one 
divabl'tte dmotot twa * %e émew wal medeiaia od” ~~ ‘ 

out ‘pononant ong votes boxe ee oe pu at, 
vonmwent ons sagamgbul ons mow = sme Dow wh Tiidatal 
: Dg sxe ceen a tedgdod said 2 daoggs Ba. beeee" 

oD tet a am 2 an ; uy eae i SAAS . 
one ass aeyennesee, otk 

og at ban antaned 02 pesadhia vane 
tiod” tots hopetta af ah ppt 


should be considered tegethers* 4 certificate of evidenee ang a 
bili ef exceptions are contained in the reepeetive transoripte of 

Ia the cirewit eourt's deeree im the ghaneery sili, 
entered April 39 1933, it ic stated thst *1t appesring te the court 
that the answers te the questions in the sppliestion fer insurance 

were made in good feith and were not known to be felee and untrue 
ag % # thet the insured © *® wag iiitterate ang an 

unintelligent woman, ineanpable of reading er critims the “welish 

_ danguage and inenpable ef fully uncerstending the questions put 

to herj * * that the medics) examiner end cecter for complainant 
made « full and complete paysienl examination of the insured prder 
te the imeuance of the polieyy and that the enurl, being fully scvised 
im the premises and in considerstion thereof, doth finds" Thats the 
equities are with the defendanty thet the complainant haz “failes to 
sustain the material allegotioms* of ite Will; sa that it “do not 
entitled te the relief, or enmy port thereof, demamied.* snd 4% 
appears from the certifiente ef evidemes that, after all evidence 

7 hed been introduced om the hesring, but Before the écerce had been 
enterec, the vhanerliler made » statement as follewss 

: ** wast te mske myself clear se that sny reviewing Court 
+ * * will understand whet was im this Court's minds 
: Here ic a report, eehinit VT, whieh is called o Mediead 
 *Bxaminer's Seport of the “eaterm and Couthern Life imevranee Company 
taken by Dre Kellys whe wee a young phayrician, arg he agked her a 
lot of Guestiona. How, ira. tomawun wee a Lithuanian and a sample 
her lengumage and her understanding of the onglish language was 
trated, | think, by the manner in which seme of the other 
‘Witnesses testifies yesterday ef Lithuenian extraktion, There were 
‘@0¥erel witnesses here whe said che couldn't read “n¢elieh and that 
_ understood it very poorly ze psa asked har a lot ef ques 
Bow, Mrae Anton sal : fee sont when these quogtiens 
Were propounded te Mra. one aud vhe anid the Lester only seked 
her tve or three questions. ‘There waa sume doubt in her mind as to 
Whether he asked her anything about prior eperationa, and wo om, and 
re fe Gongiderable dowet in my mind as to whether he did, and, 
he did, whether she understood what he wae talking about. 
Heve are some questions « there are ever twenty quest ions 
‘Mm here thet he acked her, all avewered “Ho's You know and I mew 
the wey these things are dene. ‘The medical examiner comes in and, 

; ‘ 

4 dae Gavaakye Yo etuntthewe 2 © “yeuldoget nexsntvens wal biveie 
te wdghrosmnd epizongeet ext mt tontadios wid uaebtqvexs We inthe 
etiin Wrsenntio end xt covess stomas dtwerte oety wr 
fume ent o¢ grktesqgs tf° gad? bodede et OF Qteed yt Tega bondi 
eomawank to? soboottocs dé wi omotinene vite OF dianeadigerd 
ms aan otouestith vay * * detweat wilt salt “* © yoomeeih eats 
Matignl offi gatites co gaboese Pe ectequon! ymamow | pon 
tq eteltceng ac? quid hen derebeas “effet Ye ekdaqaent “baa” . agi be 
 duattstynos xeh vetoed Bea resdmeRD Enotbow aos ant > # Ged ed 

weed Rect aeuguh aly sxe tod dud gpitkroed ate he box ‘a 
eevelio?® wes vanandate ‘” viet tea witovmavto as Seu 



if you are thoreughly conversant with the “nelich Language amc he 
aeke you all these queatione, you de pret ‘Y well to enewer ali of 
them mecurately, if you ave therouchly honest ane falvly sonverannat 
with the ongliah language. But Fou get & Ban epeaking “aelieh to 
& woman of Lithuanian extraction, firing queations «t her, and 
expect her to answer oll of them is expecting mere than anyone has 
& Fight to expeot, 

I doubt very much * * thet thin women underatesd what 
wae going on when thie Seeter wat there firing questiony at her 
ond Tiliing out thie report. Gne ‘Ming ie eertain, she couldn't 
Tens, Deenuse the evidenee is undisputed ehe waen's fomilicr or 
eonvereent with ugliah sutfielentiy so thet she could reed. Zhe 
eaulé not read “ngligh, sq that the beater after filiine ou6 thease 
,uent "tiene asking her ta eign Mere dents ft fe rend is. — 
i 20 ¢VIGene@ anyone tranglatec it te her awa I dent bet eve whe 
Under shoo Jat tele ware LOMAIT ¢ wee 4c What Wag Om it,» and aa 
& regult of that i say there couldnt: have been ony fraui or deectt 
oF intentional vithkeld ing or mierepergentation of any facts 
ASS T think it was just like 4 mili. That is the way they 
de these things and that is how thig was evicen@ly dene. Here are 
& let of questions propounded io « -itnuanian women whe neither reade 
Mor writes ngliah amc then ahe in ackod 46 sigh & document shiek 
ohe soulda's read, and then you come in here after her death and try 
ie charge her with fraud for “@6ng agmeiting whieh ag probably 
édidu't under steals 

That ia the feeling < have about this gaat. * * Mading 
againgt the complainant; bill éiomicsed sec weet of equity.” 

After garefully eonuidering the evidenee inmtreduesd in the 
chancery enue, we are of the opinion shut che eourt’s etatenents and 

findings in the deeres are sustained by the evidence. And #e are also 
of the opinion that the abeve quoted ate tement of the court, ac te 

what eecurred just prior te the insured ta signing and delivering of 

the application, is alee sustained by the evidence. 

4m urging « reversal ef the Geereg, as entered im the 
Chancery causes counsel fer the Insuronee Cos contend im «ubetanes 

that in an equitable action to eaneel a Lire ineuronee policy upen 
the ground of folee representations ef facts materiel to the riak 
“appearing in the ingured's appliestiony, auch cancellation should be 
r ecrecs where it appears that the representations are folee in feeb, 

n though it alse appears that they were not mmevingly ey fraudue 
u Mitly mate by the insured. “¢ @re of the epinion that the ¢on= 
tention ig lacking in substantial merit in view of the provisions 
the policy ané the evidence. (See Saymer v | 

tlle Apps GlGg 19620; Joseph v. 

ort ee ohawymat Ao bigot ats mete hiievenane op istyuro tests: at soy Bh 
Yo iis sowana of Llow Yong. #o apy gavel Jeary eee fife ne 
deer rey Re ‘stat “Agen demsiont ~Ufatoieot ous grey 
et etign! gmidesqs mom © t98 pany tag cogamannd a0 tiga rey 
bum tot ta aretimenp yar  sookioettxe 5 ol te ae 

gaat BOER ads cme ght? ogy as sieeie ke m tte ‘sewene od ‘epet 
‘ - «t ‘e@ éiyit 

tose Bootatoors mmmow gist? dusts ** oma yx0 Meera & 
‘gat fe wuotsastty gubtst oted? es conte og og + here eras 
e*ahinvoo wis gtited 196 al grtkad ene Padre bt 9 aids swe ft 
£0 pp eee! Hasna yon neduged ber aft eoire 
ofa shoot Sinoo Sin malt O96 Miamelvivine 2 
epnda owe yard Ea Losilaaet were ook eft gals on | 

oe « * ones obs “tueda evant © 
“oye tape te Seen sot boun dam 

etd eh pease Tams ponobive sid aabxentsmes Sia = 

Re eR 

fen edeomotadn at ganas oaks gnsts saiatge arid % ore 6% ‘wane % 

cain ota ow bee s omirobive eat’ «at boakadnas ots sores ons ‘al er N 
bal 8a 9) TARO es Re eased od hesoup vvads bald ‘aude “polatge | od i. 
‘te gaknevi Led bets pabugte a? bowand ould o soltg asc re 
: ‘ebameblye od: a basta’ owe as te ‘ot “qroktootiqus oa 

oxie mb horeda ea qnoneos ost %® Lmesowes & ent gen yg wate axiep 
genniadin a2 mooonos 00 sosmannst adh soi Loumaeh 9@shet eopaat 
epg od Log: sore moat sib © Leann Of mabson whos Lape na ah. sot 
eis edt 92 Satvesan saoa2 te asatsabase sme inked Re Rewe ry 
od bineste wot tal fovnee stosee erok snob been oh bsmuan sth el 
adeet ct gotet ou ore liai meee tgs sal coed areuse ‘ 

tie 3 eee ee ene F onsmase ah 

Ps ee 


Tide ADS« 4525 S66e7F 9 ACL ismeon in 4cé ahhe #34) 
Ae to what oecurred im court in the as 

aW@ipsit audit on 

June €, 1933, subsequent to the entry ef she deere dm the chancery 
wait, the d111 ef exceptions discloses in subetance: That the 
wuperior court wae fully «ivieed by otatements ef opposing counse] 
aa to the purport ef said decree, and an te the contentions made 

in that suit by the Insurance Coe fer the osneeliation of the policy, 
whieh were gubstantially the same es etated in said netics ef 
“epecial matters of defense” file’ in the susumpsit eultg thet the 
sours expressed the opinion that, oe the issues raised had been 
adjudicated and settled adversely to the inewranes Cos, and oe it 
hed not at first pleaded im the ausumpsit suit any defense Sethe 
merits but had only pleaded the pendensy of the eheneery euit ac a 
bar to the eggumns: 
in the agaueps! 
tended in wubstenee that, aa an appeal ind been taken te this apeeliate 

salt, it was now too late to raise the suse iseoue 

% aulty that the attorney for the Insurance Co. con< 

egjart from the dceree rendered im the thaneury eult and asié deere 
Might be reversed, no further avtion showld be token im the gua wape 4 

eult until this appellate court had vondered « decision; that saad 

_ + attormey presented and asked Lesve to file am “add ittonel plea »* 
whith leave the court refused thot thie additional plea ecomtained 

| mibetentially the same allegetione as were contained in the affidavit 
) of the “‘pecial Batters of Defense” previously presented, and the 

) further sllegation that sald shaneery ewit and ingumetion “are atihi 
“pending and undisposed of* (whieh waa mot the faet)¢ thet it was wet 
. Gisputed on esnid hear ing that the amount @f the pelicy eued woon 

wae $2,000 and that the aeerucd interest thereon amounted ta about 
gory and thet, fineliy, the superior court entered eaid avder on 
June 6» 1933, thet said smended plea of the Ineuranee Coe, filed April 
“R%— 1935, “be gtricken for want ef « guffietent affidavit of epecial 
‘@efeneen”, that the default of the Ieeurenee Cos be entered, that 

(+88 ott G8 mt Qomerehe aP-ser oO sgh + fat 
fe shame Jinereeen ocfe me eweD wh beeeRS Susie OF wh o* nae 
Uieornde sit ah exwpeb ol? be oans age oe seanpeoddee boat +2 oma 
‘ond Saf? toomedetwn si aeaoLon is aitoLsqvOs0 te atte ar adtun 
fserumo ariaogge To atnemmints a aeetein hat aune: sw68e wl tegina 
oban anolinetne ed’ of as Sam yo2p0d hae et froqtwe wala of ws 
evoikeg orld Yo melseliogens ots ye sod conmumET ot Yt thea! seat et 
Ye eodsew bios af butade ce amon ast ehknt sondediew onnw sober 
ead tacit yotws Lemans weld ak ‘eEY “wae bed Re. sredeam Letosqa® 
 go0d: bat dektet eoment od? as ¢indd wenhge ent bia rugRe 2 

‘4h ae dum 4600 voremunt edd os Ytontowhe Butioon bad’ retool hut 
dt pe varcted ye dive Stagman ade ml vent tts de had 
& an Sis yteonado ox? %9 cemshaog ts oe ete he tn ab 

Dab shih de br 

eimai omen of} achat of edat 00% wor naw é ‘qtiwa q cute 
~ted «00 sotenwent of? 26% yond al dost qodwe agen wai aut 
if a ae Bed 

sisileqgs aldt of ‘weed need fact Levaqs a na ydeaté oousdaden nb 
‘ Sac ths Sh a 

“‘getosh Bian bre Jige yroomesto sit? ah bored ven~ed anit wort 

steqmmsnna ‘At at soled od biwods mottos sediurt on shoazoven od iia 
bhew, dada qmateieod » bare bue% ‘hawt dsuren otal lequn aide Shows nas dts 
Semele Lanotst ota” eos oLh% 08 ovnes baa See cesaoceng wornte 
botasnor axig Lanolstdhe eis sald gboasrion ewes ode evant ohitw 

tavant te ods ab bontaiace orow an HOLE omotin once ods vd 


$wode ov bed mw oun moored? aevvesad bewres a ate faa so 9 

tm aobxo bien bezedas gaueo teh egue ad ay OE edo 
Liza hoL1? 4409 vonetuest ot ” sol be bmome, 0 r <a 

kalvogs | 0 dFeabttie. eeier an 


“after hearing allegations and proofs autmitteds" pleiniirr's comages 
be ageesned at $2400, and that judgment in thet sun be entered aguingt 
the Inguranee Co. 

As grounds for a reversal of said diwigment in the ao0unpedé 

suit, counsel fer the lueuranes Go. contend thet the court erred in 
striking sald amended plese of speeial matters of defense of Februory 
BB, LOS1, and ¢efeulting the Ineurange C@s, Because @ plea of the 
general isswe also was on file and euch a plea ix not subjeet to 
éemurrer, and also make other contentions which we deem to be of a 
technical nature. Ye find se eubetential merit im the sontent ions, 
in view of the fact thet the reel ingue involved in both evite wae 
éecided after a full hearing néversely te the Inguranes Gos, by the 
seeree entered in the shaneery sult, and ne different iseue wag 
Breeented for decision in the Sesumpsis wuit,» and in view of the 
further feet thet me trial by « jury wos demanded by che insurance 
Coe im the eesiepeit suite ft: mey be, ae suggested by counsel fer 
the Incurance Coe, that the naned beneficiary im the peliey (defend- 
ent in the chancery suit) should have prayed by eresebiii filed in 
‘that suit ouch affirmative relief as would have warranted the chaneery 
 Sourt im awarding to her a money dee-ee against the inwurenee Coe for 
the amount ef the poliey and interest. However, she did net de thigs 
‘ but wought that same relief by the resumed prosecution of her pend ing 
 ppeumpsit uit, in which euit the Insuramee Cos did not raive any 
issues other then thove waich bad been devided adversely to it im the 
’ meery auite And «es are of the opinion, wider he clvewmestanges 
Aeelosed, thet the court in the eesiapait suit did not err is entering 
ate orcer of June Gy 19339 appealed from, wherein it defsulted the 
Maurang@e “Ge for reasone stated, ami entered the find ing amd jucgaent 
ee St tht Veaseae Indioaels ae tees te le, 
mvered April 3, 10%3, ie affirmed, and the juégment ef the superior 
Mirt, entered June 6, 1933, ie alee affirmed, 
Vatie Pe Joy and Commlan, Jey concur, 

wogamal of P42 jckely Yq trad é karte wae fine wap hs eget te Qabtend, tothe" 
dontaga sonnden od awa tose ae Fraaryoel, Seetis hers QhOhOE 4a oveagean 96 
teceen mae ed soamatats how te ee & sah aber aA, 4, at 
ni hours gumee ade dard dondae a0 eprcraut agit 29% Legemes. sess | 
ereerdet to wanetoh Ty, aiatinm Lebesgs 30 aedg bobs, phae gad ue 
tile 20 aokg @ onmabad 099 eananuestt ond gaks Sunde, ben, ABR, oR 
od tuajdvm tom at astg @ dose dem ob) mo. ae vee wend 2 Pate 
a Xo 9 09 mosd ov Anise anolinndaae, wedite ale, enka Bre «% es 
eunotineamen ode at ahzom Labsansadis of wks of somsdan snp samp 
now aphin déed ai baviownk puns Lows, one ake fon ptt Ro. smnty. 
ods NA 40.07 agsstueet es »* Mranvene wataned tivt 6 smptte bapser? 
moor gated, foe xetthy ote ban aitva Gsenciaite faidl al ooumiee sommes : ° 
pat mab a) ton ten A oa pa + 

ae Lennie heduszaue ees et yeas a pone a A? 98? 
abomtad) Wotton cult ah yestodtoned bemnm emit teat p02, . ce cuunt, ont 
wk batit Ltidesow yd oegesg oyed Biwose (ahwe erepandg od? fh aa 
qraenaste add botuerase wad biuvoe an Xebtox evtsamnn tts owe 4 " 
sot se2 apnmunnl od tgatage on oeh qoctom a ted OF auboeows at ; 103 
snicit ob tam O26 ote gtovewoll .¢aeredmh Bie Wises wel? a sce 
gathng set to soliugoaety Aamunot add yd Rebiox mae, saath daha 
wis outst som bth 900 samatumal oats stem datie 6h 9! bie 2s 
edg at 11.08 Gleaxavhe boblevd Gund Aad Moldy sary nett wr + se 
asonsdgmresto oct xobew qmelatgn oxlt ow bak ,.9ftme uRen 
gubsedas ab xxe dem bkb ‘dive Ahacamunan oid mk asnen. salt fads. gaadon, 
Ae dodtdunted 72 mtexaste qmmuh batoegan, aes tnt, 20 xebe0 a8 
Swany ey at onty att besedne 
aie ne 
tact ots 

bat fe 

E aN <n 
f / a 
y 4 
4 37042 ee 
_ + KALIUIERA tomacuy, 9 : 
4 Appellee, ; 
i )}  APPRAL WROl pe 
Ve ] 
4 t E 
| } COURT, COOK compry 
TH wearin AND govrEu ; . ‘ r 
Ive ARE Ces a ; <= Pa 7h = 
; FF f F 
werperation, , ¢ vi JA. 


The preeent appeal from a Judgment ef (2400, rend 

a by the superior court of Cock COUNTY against the lucuranes 

Se eay 
7 O4 June Gy 19335 wuss upon motion of the company and by order of 
this court, consolidatee for hearing with the sppeai (case Hq. 

$6639) of the ccupeny from a deerce of tne cireudit gourt of ceok Fe, 

eeunty, entered april Se 1935, (lemlesing fer wast of equity the 
Company's bi] in chancery agcingt =xeie Eoaimiocrs imam. ve have 
Wiis dey filed on epinicn in cace Yo. 36989, affirming the d4ewi vant 
said bill far want of Squity, anc in thet opinion we haw stated 
Feagoms why maid judgment of 9240 cleo showld be of firmed s 

| For the reagone atuted in cai¢ apigion, to which reference 
MEAtGs, g6iG judemest ef ihe superiexr cours for GLGOO, verdered 
6 the imeuranee company on June Ge 19239 ia of fives, 


hiven,» Pe Sey and Yeutleny Js, eoncure 

g te 

P | 4 
ha t is, We a 
. , 
i HRM 

forums wot sas, ea OO 
seOD #009 aTa00 

Rg@AT PVS™ jon wre 2S 

® Cae NOTE ag ACER ABM IE DAR al ies el 

pega We HOLME a cena ant oamaneiialamak 
ie es A 

“en ok 3 te ek a mr 
sgasquios son swartl até fentage eawoo soo te bawee ooh — ott 
w seoue wei sa ‘eng. ve w ml fom sag ann s28UE °o maw’ 
st sant) Keoqus aé hv yabtand sot Sofeht Soon 
“stood %» sues suet os » omoa a me Seed 

Rig e” Reber 

een on “pune srotatnad btes “isaiiae he ie & 
i tae hoot had | wat coe +o oat sie = 


booreit ts ‘od biwede ‘eala ‘ote ‘te 4 st aie 
sone votes oer ry vwsiubge bkaw ohh nedets ainoaodt ae 
“borates 2008 xt x0? cobrique ‘ons ‘te " 


Gs Oe es vi 
; spent t9 os seeks ° ‘ots we “gigas 

iar m 
eid 7 
ist diy 
P c j 
aby," j 

CLARA Ge GIGHAU, fear _ ot 

FREDRICK %e chi, 
Appel lant , i 



O74 1.4. 6B4 


BANK, a corporation, Garnishes, 

aoe Hep Reese Mats ae 


An appeal from a finding and judgment diavherging the 
garnishee. Clare, the beneficial plaintify (hereinafter called 
Plaintiff), obtained @ judgment for $5,500 against Clara ¢. Gichau. 
The inatant garnishment proceedings were afterward started againet 
Piret Union Trust & Savings Bank, = corporation (hereinafter 
@ollec the garnishee.) The answer of the garnishee states that 
at the time of the service of the writ it wes not indebted to 
Clara Giehau, nor did it have in ita possersion any righta, 
erecitea, choses in action, effeets, tetates, property or moneys 
belonging to her, save that "4t has a joint eecount in te seme 
of Clara C. or Adolph Gichau, * « 4 having © present balance ef 
$8.03 subjeet to withdrawal by either, and vhich thie garnichee 
states is not aubject to garnishment herein.” The answer was 
eontested and the enuse wae tried by the court. Counsel far the 
Garnishees, at the outset of the heaving, stated that the gernichee 
bank had in its posseerion a trust fund amounting to $1,900, which 
had been deposited in five installments by Glara Gishaw and fer 
which she aad been civen written receipts, The sole tasue tried 

| Wes the nature of this fumd, plaintiff stating, in hie brief, 
that “no point ie raised om the pleodings.® 

fs . | 
Py Ue ke 

; Rt Ne A 

) (fem pmeenarame 

> eG, 0INe TO DAG 

BSD AT AVS} — onilagel slteme's Sate 


aX5O2 SET YO WUUIGS ERY COMeVRaZA Wagmede wOrteUR sia 

ot yrbytedoots saomgoul Gee perkbeth a meek Loegqe mA 
beliow wetouternd) trsmteads Labettoned on? yotet? .perduhaxen 
wader 9 axa? dembepe 008,68 rob smonmiiet, w oombatde 4 (detdataty ” 
fantage botrede Mawistte eves epathveren towmdalereg tigedat aa?” 
‘cotTamtoret) avisevogioe s giine® wgatved 2 duet nobel Jaett 
fadd nodadn vostetintay oils Yo ewan oft (seedetieny oft bert” 
 @b Deedeber gow amy of View end Te eotvabn aad To omty od te 
qadstat+ wer wolteveemog att mt evad 92 APs tom ywailek® aed ~ 
weedom “to YOueTORs eblades gadootts gucttes at aenads seth 
oma od xi duivoows tabok # amt VE" dat oven youd oF yayuetoe ” 
Ye vonstad gaberny w gutvad ¢* * quot’ MeLOBA we 60 wank? Yo 
sedelirce; mtita otal one «ait ts w Lawaunte te wf dos nind e068 
aid? wt Losewod stw9e odd ys Selné sow oes odt bus bedaodaon i 
aosda texan wet tess bodade yynbrood edd te Yeoduo ois ta soso ery 7 
Anisty 0084L? 02 gakiavoms bmit saint 0 a soteawence aot wet t bad 3 a 
to baw waits anal? yd ainsi : 3 7 

boktd suet efon sd sadgheser medthew nevhy wood Saul ote + dots - 
stolid uit at ayuitste Yiieatnke eda widd te oxedae out cow 
“smpit hoody esis o ontas a dndog on tal 


Plaintiff atates hie theory 2s follows; That the 
garnishee “beoume Clara ¢. Gichau's agent to pay out oortein 
funde deposited by her to the owners and holcers of certain first 
mortgage Dond interest coupons which were &% thet time due and 
payeble. The suns of money deposited were in the form of « 
wpecinl or specifie ceposit whieh, when an entire sum had aecunlLated 
sufficient to pay asid mortgage intberget, was to be paid by the 
bank to the ownerg and holders of interest coupene whe would 
present the same. There were two definite conditions or events 
whieh must happen before ine Bank could properly pay out the 
funda theretofere deposited. The first ef these conditions waa 
that the entire eum neceaeery te pay sll intereat then due are 
payable head been aocumulated by deposite te be made by Mrse Sichau, 
The second of these conditions was she extension of the mae baad by 
ef the principal of her indebtedness ane the reduetien of the 
interest rate in eonnestion with enic indebtedness which was 
secured by the trust deed to eertain Oremings “« * * te the State 
Bank of Chicago, as trustee, either of weie eonditions took 
Place. “he garnishee bank acting in the eapaeity ef an agent for 
Eire. Gichau, the @epositer, and the deposit i¢selr being a gpeeifie 
Geposit for a specific purpose to be paid out by the bank ag hey 
agent om the happening of certain conditi 9085 permitied Mra. Gicshay 
te revoke her instructions of payment and cemami the return of the 
sums of money theretefore deposited as any times Hyee Gichau * * « 
had a legal right to the cum ¢depontted with the bank and therefore 
the plaintiff * * * hoes a egal right te funds «hich e141} Temaig 
in the hends of the banks There is oly one question in this 
Suse, and thet te whether er not the bank nt the time of the service 

of summons in the attachment suit, had funée in ite hande belonging 
$e or to which Clara Gichau, the duigment devter, had a right .* 

ealj ded? tawoliot sa qrecd? eid asteda Thivater 
wietiteo ta yer of Snege etieniold 19 eteld smaeed* seduintey 
dazit misdwo ke atehled das atenwte edt a! tet ge bedleoqed BARN 
bee oh emt? gal? ta oxew gohde amequne Soetedat bao bs sa ilabeoall 
@ %o sro? of? af ovew bediuoqeb Yoram To wk ae sehdeyag 
hotatumese bat mes extiwe ne dasiv qiolue tleoqed oi tioogs wo Leioege 

. ed bing oe af Row etawre sot caegt Te bina yg od Saint at 2 ira 
"twee erty amaguoo destoimt 26 wx ote “hen wrecme ett eo aime 
aduere to aneliidnoe ofin?'teS ews eter ered? .eetee ond taoeeng 
et) “Seo Yoq YLreqerG biden wend als oteted moqqed tena Mofntw 
Baw anal Ji hero aoe te teeth ial : eboeteoqen Stotedecons abnast 
, have oud sect toorpsnd Loa yay ot yronasoon se oxida oid —_ 
satel? «ail yd obem od oF atleoqes w petesemeng mead heat days 
_ Nobtwtam ote Yo pelanotxn off aaw amok st amee eerie te ‘buvase edt 
odd te soltevbes odd tne saunhesdobut ns ro Anghontag ent fo 
_ ge se habe anenbosdnbet akan aa bor te! so9nso0 aes et funtesnh 
otade ed¢ os * * * eoeimexg miagtse a2 boom dousd ols yo beteee 
Hood aupisinnes dive he sedate® —-eatnired ae. eegan dd 10 teat 
Sol save na to Yttoaqe eed mh patios aad vedi tinny wil _seende 
ottlosge = guted Meat! tlecged erlé baa erotieogss ose esiesoh® at 
wed an Anand add YS 49 blag o of onoey oLtiaean # zor Mmoqed— 
watiei® egw boséinweg gene Wiksee Binsrog Te yAioeqmatt ene Ah : 
ois To miwios oat names ben seemyeg to sande Zz yenee 
* * * aasiok® se7il somtd ye sa bevimoged eustesesads 2 yonon 30 coe 
oxetorontd opus ana ests debe bedtaoes satis ons es tity ‘ane Fels 
_theers ights Moti abeart os tye Ssgod a aa “ * be ‘lvataty oat 
ebe at ne lg eeup ene ina at neat sea ae pe etent 
volves oa ‘Ye ombs on da owe asta teu to madiode ab tus ey lai 
nrckanosos abaosi adl at aban. pari ohne ‘snsaioactn oats 5 1 anomare | a 

“Sigh «bak ¢toide smemmbul ot st td ' - 
tome Ghee on” Ba 



The garnishee contends that Clata Gichau plaeed the fund in its 
handsfor the specific Purpose of paying the past due interest 
coupons which she oweds that she thereby ereated a trust in fuver 
of the coupen holders and they beeame the veneficial emera of 
the fund, and thet the Sarnishees, ag trustee, is bound to see thet 
the purposes for which the trust was ereated mre earried GUS» 

No propositions of law er fact were submitted te the 
trial court and thig apptal presente but a simele question, vig: 
fm there suffietent evidenes in the recerd te support the general 
finding made by the couris the burden was, of COUurae, wpon the 
exeoution erediter te prove that the fund wae wubjeet te gurnighe 
ments (See Manowsky y. Conroys 33 [lle Appe Idl,y 143 » and cogeg 
cited therein.) The burden of preof is om the sleinsity tx eormieghe 
ment to entablish a gurnishable debt, (Harrie ye Bontag 
Appe 89.) 

Plaintiff, in hie TPES SavuMNeG & Mumber ef focte not 
tUstained by the evidence. on Peorusry 7, 1927, Clare c, avd odolph 
Sichau executed a trust deed to “tate Tank of Ghieege to secure a 
bond igoue of $125,000 upon Gertain property commonly Imown as the 

Pine Grove Apartments. That bank was thereafter songolidated with 

Foreman Trust & Savings Bank and the consolidated bank tock the 

name of YoremaneState Trugt & wavings Besk. ttn June, 1931» the 

sernishee benk guaranteed the depowlte of Foreman-Gtate trust & 

Savings Bank and the ausete of the Aatier “were pledged te the 

PFiret Unien Trust & Savings Bank, and the remaining bueinese ef the 
| Yereman Trust & Savings Bank wae moved to the Firat fatvicnal Bank 

te preeeed to collect the principal and interest for bencheldera 
aed holders of mortgages that were then outetendings" ineluding the 

principal and interest on the Pine Greve Apartments tend iecue., on 

gah wh peat ald soaaly sesh. waka dexke abiovens worlatevey oft 
fowwednd aah que ould yebgsy te Droge 2ftiooga et 4 habe 
‘eons wt temst 2 butawen ‘yp twalt osle, 4608 naneithn: tates ncealine 
eo crane Lebotzened exd wammed yenele fae wiphies soquoe sal’ te 
ged ong ot towed et sodden um gaoalatoney ole dad pee heart one 
ylee Boke osm Sedaves oar tauad odd dodiw vet eonoqring, oc? 
ats ad hed Abaca ov tent se wat 2 auntetsogerg @@ 
raty qnotiowy elite a aod adres Sameer otal beck PaO: poe 
Lardorg ott ragga of tenet off at oommhtys temdolt tam exedd. at 
eld Hoge asaevew Te amet moire ote eousao. ssid yt coms gah ook? 
staiasey ov duotsive saw kewl ed? tad? wren o¢ neehiere ‘tik FIERO 
sowcn Gan GOAL git aggy of ht Ss gi? 0% Maawonall 08) «tape 
adgbovins ak Tiboatade wld mo mt wou, te webred oft (xmborveds poate — 
(AE Tee gnsdneh ox abana) added aidadtuteren «aint Maken et tema 
tom atoe? se “ep etimanm ae sammmunenn ean tiki nelle sak 
dqkobs dua «0 steak ROL «Sf exasradell ae cceiaaas tae seal | 
a enmes ot ogeett? to amet apace 6? punh gaset & podeowme sapleko 
ade on avaih pines yasegetg Rate Goer 0G, 9RLS Ye omen deed 
date hederbonare wettaeted) cow dined dod sedcnadeeg eee os 
‘exis dood ned bedektiownwo ald poe ee eecteatt i duaee'T camer 
afd gikOL gout sh «thee egabvat & deme’, seaderanmp to 20 aman 
) & tamed stedt~nemenet 86 atlavgek ocd heotmexmny dead sorta ienay 
ae et oogbelg woow* cotint with ‘to ntonen att bua haat xgubett 
gift Yo woentend gatataaex 003 tite alnad ognivas 6 sax! sola guett 
arin Lawok svi dead’ ad of SovOm gow inst. ayndye! ao samba al 
honwwasbin tat wperkwws a! gawe't wekad donk toads ga eo" aignttiaen 
“genbfedenod 202 deorstat nw Leqtontag ead ‘teotios 09 swsooNg es 
ae wick thot © q mand hace Fd ero anit wie + rennet wenn vs 
#0 setend hood w¥eamed emg’ ¢ exh ei sats ” 


February 7, 1932, interest fell ¢ue om that ieee and Wat MOC paide 
Thereafter Clara C. Giche: mage five depesite, ageregating 419950, 
with the garnishee, aud she veetived from it the following reeripte: 
"First Weion Trust and Savings Bagk 
Chi¢ege, Illinete 
Rend Netete Loan Depar trent 
Chicase, Tllineia, 3«1G-«2% 

Received from Clara C. Gichau check for $500.00 te apply 
on interest due 27032 6x FS1 5286 

Firet Union Trust ane S8vinge Bank 
25000 By =. Thuern*® 

“Firet Unien Truat and “evings Bank 
Chicago, [Lidnedts 
Real Kstate Loan epar tment 

Chienge » ‘ilimeia, 4elexg 
Received from As Gichau cheek fer Sa0G- ty appay on 

FS « 16286 
First Unien Trust and “eVings Sank 
$3006 By Bs Fields” 

"Mirest Union Trust ane —aivings Bank 
Chiesge, ‘illinois 
Real Ketate Loan @ par trent 

Chienge@y Illimeis, 4<15032 

Received from Clara c, Gighan check for $3006 ng part 
Payment of interest due e739 on FS = 18286 

First Union Trust and “aViage Ben 
$30Ce By Es Fieldst 

*Firet Union Crust and “avings Bank 
Chiesge, lliineis 
Real Exvtate Loan Department 

Shienges Illinois, Sefegg 

Reeeived from Clara ¢, Gicheau cheek for $400 ns paet 
paynent ef interesas due e=(-32 on F & = 19886 

Firat Gnien Trust and Havingso Bante 
$4000 By E. Pielda* 

“First Union Trust and Ssvings Bank 
Béaxberusg Wonroe ari Glark Sta. 
Chieegos Illinois 

Keeelved remitiange (which is accepted subjeet te final 
payment in exh or solvent eredit in accorcance with the notice 
Printed on reverae wide hereof) to apply on account of principal 

or interest on item due ae fellewa on account of real estate 

a «Tod cy fon aow des camat dons me ah SL0% tnorodent ghbSL 4t Yueeeatiet 
q 908 LS Bali eno me sadtocwed okt, ota cumelok® «2 ata teeta 
Vi) _ taagnoes getwetiet edd dh act aewheans adie ao a todadeseg ose MALS 

aoa MMalontist ol ‘pe Ba penlBh onus. ot 

REoOLAT ohuabiti posh 

views At 0992008 tot aoeste Pr ced ‘ol sericea sib dee Hs 

dome? one quell stalin — 
 —_ —_— ‘bee oguatt ot a 


dy ade ty 
syns ‘ean enc th 

tt. IN a RRR! 

enkod satont ett “appeobe peer siti saan 

_ we elage, of 0088 10% dood uosiod +A. sas beri saes <a eet 

—— agatva: bie oe tte nota bs hore i oe a 

a me 
agudyad kee Gomext muted! seRO me 

ah aoa alos Ledcaes cr ead a cee lags to a AR 

“Reelted gotoutstigeneetma compre oxagalal 

denqnnya008% 0% tat es m "eects emit : 

ote har any! 

oe ee 


“ pevtes apie sagactay 1 hives aca ae 

an ~yubh x0? desde wage £9 2. aust 

engiucrandiiel sebieat of ve 

j ij iis fue se of ei ye | ies 2 
Labi? yD <n A 9 


mortgage on property at 2918 Pine Grove Ay 

Zue Date 2=%032 _ Maker Gicham 

seh hnieabidseseebarianunbaiens Di SON Dla eemraONR N see th nh hc in Re Ht 

L@ AppAy (ANCApad 3 th Spay O8F -nberest § Lei dL Somittanee 
Clara ¢ Gichean Date See%e32 
2729 ine wreve Avr 
Chicage 11 First Union Trust and Sevings Bank 
CRidsages, “liineis 


Partial Padunit neseies® ‘aaicas 
on the pock of the jrush deed from the Giehap 
Shiesgoe appesrs the following: "Is Se 15286.°% Clara Oichau, the 
sole witness ¢olled by plaintiff, teatifies thet "the meney was 

Ceposited tewards interest om a loan.” "9, (hy the court) Did 
yO deposit this money im the aecount as « cepesiter fer the pure 
pose of saving the money, or fer the specific purpose of paying the 
interest on these vondg? A. i Beponited i: Just exactly what the 
Eeeeipts called for. a» (ey coungel for plaintiff) kre. Cichats 
will you teli the Court exactly the uierstuading wlth which you 
éeposited this money? “hat wag the agreement that you had with 
the bank in reapect te depoolting--? Ase The idga-= Tt wag & 

bond iguu@, your Benor. < was in default. I wanted the bank te 
wake an extengion ef the loan. [ bed some moneye I aaked CHOU, 
"Will you let me take this money and pay it te the pondholéere 

"het waa the adviee given me 

and extend (me principal payment? 
by & great many people. the Court. G. You gave thia money te 
the bank for the purpose ef paying the interest on these vonda, 
de that correct? As Yea, when ( took the money that f had and I 
applied it to principal inatead of interent, and the reet of the 
money went toward interest, aud i: wae wot suffigient, + (by 
Did you tell the Bank at that ties Just 

I did mot maxe any 

eounsel for plaintiff) 
why you were Leaving the money with them? A. 

‘wh srexR sak Cher te ysaegiay: ko ogagitom 

wew Ertan ae" tarts ype sedi ad buttae agsontiw efLos 
bia . (tuwos edd yt) 42° “smabd & mo deexmtal wbrewod betieoges 
aut of? vor toltenqed a ud Jaudves wef! of yomom utd? sdenqah woe 
odd yatysg Ye eseqaiiq oitdioqe oof seb to evonom add yalvew te en0g 
sit dette yidowne taut 12 betieoged - +A Sebned soot me daouedat 
siasiok® vevk (Tiivetady xo? Losewoo we ae ey? betien edgts 
woe dotdw dtiw patina dene bey. sit Ubdonka famdD Ged Liked wey Lkke 
délw bed. soy todd cmeeetge af aew ged Cyonem ate? betiovged 
ly wae 0% sweet aa yA bla chen al ad teeqeek at aod Died 

od Kned vie bode 1 vélvetob wh ane 3 ‘tones mvey geued baed 

cunts Vesion Tt srynemes site tehet 2 silat oad a: iedeenene i Saw 
arebiodbued sit 6s 42 Yom baw youn mild wala’ | 
om tevin sofvha add san oii 4 

‘whwed Seed? mo énexeded este gabgag 

T hua bag T fad’ ypu ods Moos 2 mosey 9A ene cage | 
ots ko duos odd Seve sdoersdet te botnet Lagtont oe ak netiin’ 
W6) 4) staked tue com sum 6d ta saunied | 

oa ots Sate tm sot este S08 woy $80 mbes 
we + son ko Be th tats athe qintit dt pith 

‘ i i sie Pe Nagy ey in! aR Daag " 
‘ ge: Wet: os heya eR A “wi w ce pias 


atatement to that effect." She admitted that the only moneys 

she ever paid on account of the interest in qiestion was by way 

of the said deposits. The gornishee eslled as a witness 7. 6. 
fathridge, an assintent suneger of ite real extate lean departe- 
ment, and in ¢gonnection with his testimony introduced « photontatic 
copy of the Gichau trust deed. Br. Guihridge testified, inter 
adis, that the truetee in that trust deed was no lenger doing 
business and thet the garnishee was trying to evlleet the money 
under the trust deed for the bondholdersy thot he talked with 
flare Gichau on or abouts “ebruary 7» 10329 in refereneve te the 
Gepoaiting by her of the fund in qguestiong tuat “she sndd she was 
baying thig money on account of the interest thet fell due * * # 
“he said she was going to turn money over every mouth and exdenver 
to pay her obligations. * * * che wanted the bank 4s endexyer to 
waive the principal payment, or extend the principal peuyments (. 
What did you tell her? A. 1! te]d her that was not possible, 

that it in being worked through a bondholders committee, «= « « 

She said she wanted te continue making the payments ag menmy others 
Gide Qs (by counsel for plaimiiff) Let's have the terme of that 
agreement. Ae The paymente-- che was coing te wake payments 
och month to pay her obligniion, to avoid it being referred te 

a bondholders committee. ¢.» That is all she told you? That is 
the agreement? As That ig the baeis on which she was woking the 
Gepomite * * * { om one of the officers, just sasictant manager 
ef the Aeal Estate Loan Depertment, in an effort te collect the 
money for holders tows * * * Js “Rak wore you supposed to do 
with this money agsin? A. “e were helding it until the interest 
and principed which fell due heé been paid, then would remit it 
to the bondholders. “+ In other vwerds, the understanding you 
had was this, * * * 4f I understand properly, that che hed interest 

@oming due, she wne going im, moking payments duc from time te 

See AS ee ine ae ei aon: 

SSS ee 




sxonom qiee od dat bostinse sat "stestte sand of smemmiate 
yey 4S aw tolivowy wi seguadad odd to sewooga mo bheg tens ote 

+2 .% agendiv a os balliee senminnoy aff satioogob dh va wee te 
 ebtaged neck etatue Soot att be xoganen énatatesa aa sophtzdiall 
cenwbentued ‘@ doowbetint ynemtsaxd gis dodw Hol dpatenoy ot bes adem 
“ gadak ghortiaed oghtutie «ao. dee daust sninkh ett Ye yqee 
pate ' regeed om new boob dawnt éonts wk eeternt alt dak? enita 
Yonom alt Sellen od pays? aoe ondetminy veld fad? ine ementaud 
shiiw oedies ef todd qevebherbacd adi vet boeb deutd oat oder 

ogi af sonexston mt gS8OL gf Yrewdey tuude co po wactet® apekd 
aaw eon bien sale" fact geotinewo at hart ocd Te ged 46 nattbaoged 
Sr® * sou Lhed goss teovetmt eat Yo dewoaes me yooom e1d4 undyag 
tovarhae Maw diner Yrers save Yeon syed oF gulep sew ade dle oct 
et tevecies of duped aid Setaew ada” # * «ane! sayhlde west yoq at 
op etromyng Lagiosivg sd? bustxs to qtoomyeq Legions 1g ot avhaw 
soldinecg som saw dais ted Bhey L +A Tras Ltet soy bie sash 

+ 8% aretdiomes exehLathnod » Myo? vedtow pated et 3h dtautt 
docld 29 parced edd ove etied (TU vataig wok Lemewon yt) of oth 
adrengeg alan ¢¢ gaiog gew sf -—asemyey ed? 2A a dneeetaa 

o2 bevintet gated 2h 2tows at ooh ANE: 0 ON 8, SANE 
ak dof? twoy bhod ate Lhy ot dad? of 0% 

og, gation naw sila Aotity an alvad aad. eh tts. A, the to 
tegen Gneteluas seuh sexeohtic ad? Yo ono amt # Ht ® oth ae 
od Jookion of 9x0%29 ma at qionmbsoga! mued. afatsi kao.odd de 
oh of bonoggue Hoy sxmm tad! of ** * wags exohind we% yorom 
tonrodms oot Shoem 32 guthSot ovew oi aa pens 

#4 time biwer madd yOteq eo das oth Liv dot oe — 
Mey gnihantaroiew od? yotsow umtte oh. 

teovodnt ht wes sant evicoqorg bradess ome r u * © perigee me ¥ ’ ap 
ad ont mont owsh adeoeTyog asthatase ont auton one ale: ak outs o 

if 0 

time, am that money you were weing to pay to the bondholders? 

&- The payment was made efter the interest was dues and to aveid 
foreclosure setion here, che was making payeents en account ef 
the interest on iteme thet were Past cue. Qs dd you pay it out 
according to your underetending? A» We had no uniaratandings 

It was mot te be paid oxt until the interest wae paid in fuli. 

G+ Dic you pay it out et mtiy Gime? Ae It has not been paid in 
full.” The witness further Seatified that shortly after the 
assets of Yoremom-State Trust & Savings Bank had been pledged to 
the garnichee "1t¢ was apparent that there wonld be a eevault under 
quite a few of the bond Leasuss that head been issued at the State 
Sank of Chicago" and that, following the custom that brevalled when 
banks cesued to operate, a bontholdere committee was formed by 
certain membore of Poreman-\itate Truet & Savings Sank in eermection 
with the Chiesge Title & Trust Companys "Ge (by attorney for 
Plaintiff) Did you turn the money over te them? As Nag wit. 

We are holding the money to await the decision from thea as to the 
Geaire of the bondholders, or Court action through the fereclogure 
proceedings. * * * 4G. (by plaintiff's counsel) Aw a matter gf 
fact, Mrs Guthridge, the only interest you hed in thie entire matter 
is exnetly whet you have «:i¢ here, thet Hrese Gicheu eame te you 
and depegited thie money with you and you were te pay 46 owt on this 
past due interest. That is the only comection you had in thig 
entire matter, ie it mot? A. Thet war our attitude.” The witnese 
further testified that the fund in queetion waa mot subject to the 
check of Clara Gichaw and that the garnishee bank expected te pay 
the fund to the bondholders. 

It ig clear from the bill of exceptions that the triaz 
court wan ef the opinion that the evidence was not owfficient te 
warrant « finding that the funds im the garnishee bank were subject 
te garnishment, and after « careful consideration of all the oral 

Qereniadoned orf 99 You OF aakeg ex9w wey yomoa fade bam oomlt 
bieva of bas. gah enw dagsedah ods Tei he shan sow tasmyog edt «A 
te tmumess mo adnsayey yoidas Baw a3 .9te0 moabdon exyaotoe tes 
du dh Goq NOU DL. of «emda crew foals aeeed, no Sooxedal att 
 sgetimatare sas om. bad Gh vA Tpukbosda te bee wey OF gelois9es 
whbass ab hte, aov dne@svdmt gels Shea Sue, biog ed of tom sew st 
at bisq asod joe net fh. «A. tomtd yoo do tue at yg Moy SED oP 
esit wodhe Uldwosde tad Dabiicesd xodden nganitey oft “+ Liat 
od noghotg meod dad Xae€ agatyar & equ’ aissioane tot Yo ateans 
wobrmt tlueieb a od biwow gies Fauld Jone naw ah” pode Lriey wale 
afadi. etd ge Sosrmat soad back ducts qamnet haved okt ke wat # ottup 
node beliave sy daddomdoun oft gaiwaLiek «feds nme “onoeth? 2e tank 
gd demro% saw eottinues erodtodined # vederume oF ponane odand 
nobtoonnoo mi anak aguivat 6 tart stadiqname io% te academe Bad 399 
get yonxests qd) 92" «ymeamo® Some? & oho8S ageniny odd Atle 
othe sch oA, Tandd of ovo qernm ocd oud soy htt (thhenkede 
sat of as mods goxk tolalooh of shawn oF qonem ond gubhfod ozs o¥ 
osmeatoo te? sdf dyuouls olsen awed te eaxodtedieed eit te axkeed 
te todten amd (heaavon eiamkadg Wh oP * * * augakbesee Ry 
nodiont outsas efeld of hes soy daonecat vino gt? goght ute amt ee 
yoy 04 amas waste hD «nc todd .otodt diag ovad wey, Satin Vitoane me 
aid mo so $2 Ye ws amb cay, Gm ase btw orem aftd bedteogsd haa 
uidd md bad wey mestoonnes vine ond at deat  otnevedat | 
gnouthw af? “eobwanede se aay dadtt. «A teem at al piri oti 
ond 93 tnotdse tom cer mobtaeup at taw’t ads deste berthignd neaté 5M 
engiod bednagne sind sadelexen uct test ta sadni® anat? eo Seadto 
; rkodomed wi of sts oe 
fukxd sei? fad? emokiqoom Yo Like aalt mth; mete WE ME cine een 
od smotet? tum sor ome oemedtve at Patt motnign sai we eon ee 
‘goekdwe Gxew Sued sosteleioy oft mh wdowt, ots dant yatoat® a. ER 
kao salt “ibe to notserbtanay Kapheca > soa ne 9 do 


and documentary evidemee, we feel that we would met be justified 
in disturbing the finding ef the trial court. The burden wag upen 
Plaintiff to eetablich a gernisheble debt, and when the entire 
evidence te carefully anelysed the contention of Plaintiff’ that 
the evidenge proves eLlearly that "there were two definite condition 
or eveute which mst heppen before the bank could property pay out 
the funds theretofore Gepoalteds” is not entlefactorily sustained by 
the proofs  Pleintiff cites » number of eases which would be 
applicable if hia contention that “there were twe definite cond itd ene 
GF events which must hagpen before the bank could properly pay ous 
the funds theretofere deposited,” sere sustained by the proof. 
Plaintiff contends that Meyers ve Nifkins 268 111, Appe 
634 (abst.), recently deoiied by this division of the court, abaoe 
lutely controle the instant apoeal, and in his faver. There at 
appeared that the bank, at the time of the cepoalt wade by Safein, 
stated, ia a letter, that the Ceposit was made for the purpose of 
having the tank distribute che same to Heituan Trust Gos», in 
connection with the firs$ mortgage an the premises in question: 
thet euch payment was “subjeet to the understanding that the ssid 
mertenge shall be extended for a peried af twe Yeora," and that 
such extension “shall be subject to unpaid general taxes and special 
agseoamentas* and the evidense entabliched thet the negotiations 
Se to the proponed extension of the mortgage had failed and Ger sed, 
and we held thet uncer such cireumstanees Sifkin sould properhy 


‘ heave demanded the Fepsymant to him of the deposit and that sherefore 

it would be wubjeet to garnishment by hig judgment oreditera. Rogers 
) eomotive & wachine works vo Kelley, 08 1 Yo 284, te applicable te 

the facts of the instant eas@ and sustains the Judgment of the trial} 

EOinrt. ‘There the wourt, after holding that the bank held the fund 

fin trust, eaids 
“If the ercditere refused t@ assent to the trust, or if 

sothizent of dom binow ow sect Leak ov ssagedive Yradmeaaod kre 
nage ame wobrad ott otaeee Labee ead: 70 aedhes? oct pakdutald ssh 
eben att cone dem ¢tded eidedaiatag « daliday ee of kradebaty 
gode Vebentatig to saldmesnos ent. domolona qiiwiotss ef eomsbirs 
gokgkhaes edialkel gat otew ores” taalt ylaaede sorotg gosmhivs eid 
tue yaa “Uhreqong bkuoo dead od? suoted sequent seam Moditw’ otaere ae 
of bettadaire ehisessatelion sou of *,betigogeh erekavexodd bow old 
| od: Miwowtstotide xenon Ro codeien onthe Minhas: «Reewt a 
eno ket deoe odin tod awh Stee ores” ¢ale modiaotane att. ts aidaaliqgs 
te ye ULuegeg bisoe dnad od oupted waqyad deme Gotate. gd orre %o 
teeny ont WS hemkaduae ator Te hagtaogeh exototacedé whom? oid 
Solgggs oft 688 gnkies oy weenad saxit abewtmoo RaPEMARR Oy 
coodd (true oxta Yo wudatys mts ee bObsoes ~sinooet efe dada) 268 
ye wnes? etovat ata ah bea piaauqe seatant ons akontnos yotul 
snicehee ohm taoged oss qo emda eat 36 gles edd tas?  Retentyt 
vo Sung tg odd tod ohat sow theoged ste teed qroddet # wh «botate 
uot od gk gee taeet mandiet of emda eate oltgnttatek® wisad add gat test 
ip da Reema ek eee Date wd tee saagexom deskt ont cele ses ORCAS 
hieo ed? sorts qukbimtansiee’ ei? oF tevbelue” aa acevango dome tects 
hett des thetany oe Be hobteg<@ wet be bree , of Lhasa wyeps ton 
ampisaksenem-edd soct Aodnt kdatee,canobien ont Be  “poduqemaeaes 
shegose has bediet hed apagetem.eds Be, cobampans enaaqone add of 39 
yfroge ny Dives abhei goonegmamo tio sae <9 O00 deta. died ow bas 
axsteneds ¢arls. em shaogeb oat Ro. mb od arinneynmet att neonate ewasi 
_granad senotthonw soremmbuh, cde ws sommmebeoay ot s00ln ad biwow at 
ad sidentiqna at edt .¥ ot 08 sxettod ov easel RRRARAE 5 sub sopmae: 
Latte ett Ro tememhwt, add smtateny bug nme dreamt eat to avon oid 

er By a rf 
i i a a 

a, vi ‘ Yar 
bhax : % 
ae Hey Bihan rae ia sy i 4 + Vd «* afi : ; 

i NM 00,94: ER NE ey vesoisie 2 se mim 6 


st wttacae’ i 


7 ad ah | Ps 2 

= ye 

their debits were Giherulee satiefieds a trust Would regult te 

the cerporation in respect to the unexpended balance in the 

haude of the trusteca. ut eo long ae the trust was cont ilvudng» 
the sheriff's right, wider the altechment, if any, waa subord inate 
to the rights of the holders of eoupons to have the fund ayplicd 
te their liquidation, although the seupone bad not been premented 
when the attachuent waa ievied, and the existenes of the trust 
Was not then known te the kelderg. fhe eoupon helderg were 
oreciters of the company, “he fund in question wes raised te pay 
the coupons. the corporstion had a right to make the arrangement 
in question to prevent = cefeawlt in meeting the interest on its 
bonds, ami the Arrangement made Woe, we thinks effectual in Law, 
ae agiinegt the elaims of other erediters.* 

The gole anewer made by plaimtirt’ to that important esse ie that 
it there appears that the purpose for whith the deposit wes made 
“wae til) elive and capable of pertormence. Whereas im the 
instant ease the purpose for vhieh the depesit wag made wag ineap= 
able ef performance.* Had Plaintiff, in the inatant Che@, preven 
that the rarnishee could net perterm the purpose ef the deporit, 
a different situation vould be prenented. “¢ eannet sustain the 
further argument of plaintiff thet there te eufficient evidence 
to indileate 2 disclaimer an the part ef the bondholders. If the 
recerd te preeticelly harren as te the attitude of the bondholders 
in respect to the fund, the fault Lies with him. “wen after all 
the evidence had been presented and the eourt bad stated that he 
wae geatiefied that 14 wan his duty te make «a finding fer the gare 
nishee, counsel for plaintiff etated that he wished to offer 
acditiomal proof, and, thereupon, the court cont immed the further 
hearing for = mumber of days for the sole purpose of giving plain- 
tiff an opportunity te offer additional proof, bub when the hearing 
wae resumed counsel announced that he hed no farther evidenes te 
offer. The attitude of the garnishee in vefevenge to the fund in 
Question wos plainly stated by Frank i. aul, one of its éounsel, 
whe informed the court that the garmishee bank regerded the fund 
a6 belonging to the bondholders and that the only reneon why it 
hod not been paid over to them wag because the amount ef the fund 

Was sufficient to make only partial payments on the eoupens held 

, : i ip 

éd Shwaex bivow guste 2 selte kiss ‘oad wradde’ ‘eeew godub Vet” 

oes mh debuoqaenn ede ef doegeet ai atiaxousye ote 
ygahentiaes exer é ‘(le a6 yt oa o tba se 

start ovodue saw yyae th etmmamtoed de ea? we dew ert otis eat 
poidgge baw ocd weesl oF ‘enegwoe Re wiebhot ode ‘Se pdityt e ws 
bodenmete need dan Sal saagiee ost slqarostd Le erobtawblapht shodd ae 
deur? wid to vonetaine eid om gburpel ger tnomioatia Oce 
siew gtoblod edi aprebiod adt of meget cod? FOR aaw 
od peetax saw seawy et best ear grag sats fe 
gisria ett shaw of 2 4% bel moite? Ny onthe A 
pth oo gaosedal aly ooo at ditotted « Store 2 aedegony whe 
Ph hoe wt amen gaiit bs ow Cie igen tee od bee ,aanee 
! *eredibee rade to anhels oid Jankage ea 
doskd md aaxp duatwwgmk dadt of Sidelalg yt ohm teenae ofeo oft 
, Sham eae Sigoged sit sotite got enogzuy ate dadt werogge gredd oh. 
ed? mt aeasostl ~oensaxererg te aideqee baa evhia fiide enw? 
agnonk aoe 9 has @aw Zinegeh ott sokde coh saggy std goat ditatnah 
novesg adnan dntetadh off gst skttiniala bo «= ootrrttang te olde 
athacgeh ode 30 spogsig, ahd sergiesg. dan ademo eniatemcey od dott > 
orld, mistene Jenne 8h she dmegaxg. ed bluse gottantio sae tttds # 
enmedive smetel Vine ek would, dale tuttatade Bo tremegte caelt oe 
odd 2 arebleddued eal) 30.4385. nike pom combate kh 8: stant bak of 
wiehlodomed wie 29 ebuditia galt od ea arsed. ehhoal doomg 2h, breowt 
iia setts nevi «eid Mate aath shat od oheath sale ad dvogaes mb. 
ost Gots. hodata had dae add bos heduene we neod bad eomebies ot 
w2ay odd tot guisats & lem of Yin odel eae ah daatt, Sabigds em OAR 0 
gotio ot mutade oof tate bateda vhapsiedg “o'r, foanuan open he,.. 
worttaart sats boamik enon samow, ose etnqaaTeds g bie «FOOT Lamers ibis 
cnlala grivip 38 sada olen edd sok aah ke salina a 0% anhiset 
getiasd, add mode dag «loess, fonghiihha steSte oF yainwaxoaae. meets 
oF, some hive ema cat, ont, fami oh gest? F | 
a seer, mht of ‘oonwsstex mh egdedmne, 
sfosmuee add 20, orto, «fat od, Ant we ime ade: 

emt ond papaaner, saad oscinkesam, e6?, ‘aaae, onsen 
ah wie, monens vine efi? deds ona exebion® f aad, a2. pabgmeted 94. 
eet ort? to denen odd saxconed oan anil et ore hoe sad f96, Bett 

ated amoquoe ode ce vemomens. Sate, iw slam af fost oat 

EM | 


by all the bencholders. Amy guggestion thet the garnishee wag 
actuated by improper or selfish motives in ite attitude as te the 
mature of the fumd is wholly wowarrauted. 

Plaintiff? urgee that he had the right to reach the funds 
in question because there had been BO Seceptanse of the trust by 
the beneficiaries. Segers Locomotive & Machine Yorke ve Kelley, _ 
Supra (ps 233)9 disposes ef that contention am adversely to it. 

Plainiiff argues, ae we understand it,» that the case 
ehoulad have been determined upon the receipte given Clara Gichay 
and upon her testimony thet she hed tepesited with the garnishee 
bank the amounts stated in she kee¢ipte, aud that the evidcenee 
offered by the gurnishee sénding te show the nature and purpose of 
the transsetion vielates the Statute of Fraudee It is « sufficient 
anewer to thig centention ie ony that counsel fer plaintsire Questioned 
Glara Gichau az to the uncerstanding and agreement she had with the 
garnishee when she deposited the HOnSYs, ari he erosa-exasined 
Guthridge fully as to the seid agreement and underutanding., the 
instant ¢ontention that such evidense violates the dtatute ef 
Frauds was not raived during the hearing and ig Pisiniy an 
aftesthought. In amy event, there ke MO merit im it. The naotmption 
in the inetent contention that ihe testimony of Clays 
out a prima fagie case fox plaintife is uwivarranted » 

Im conclusions we may state that i? in any further pre- 
eeeding 1% appears that the bondholders have refused to agvent te 

the truet, or if their ceBie were otherwise eeotiafied, or if it 
should appear that if waa not peesidle for the garnishes to caray 
out the purpeses of the ‘ruat, @ trust would then reawlt te Clare. 
Giehsu im respeet to the fund im queation. 
The judgment ef the Sunicipal court of Chieaga is off inmeds 
MaLlivans Pe Jey and Gridley, Je, concurs, 


anw sede hercng ost gaaks ‘wat isegnMe wa sammacodhnod ode ie “a 
sad ef os bowel yea ok ed. povilha Melee to roquagad. yt betaw res 
, sboteer comme ited at fonts? outs ia oautian 
cout onta thos oe sys oily bad of Hesit momar Pebeekass Oo os 
ye! ramet sate to. PonaIgnors ak Mood bat wed sebad oe noiiteoup, at 
__aNpSta% sv ste! ombalont 8 evktomonat axonal, «etselpliened, aaa 
wit od Uleenovae dae woktmernas dash te Keene (eee “a see 
‘poae oad ted 42k ‘petode-cotbeus ow ea enawgre ‘Vikdadels | 
wasiok® axath mevig viqivows sid meus bontucedee ‘now’ ‘ovadl ‘p£irodte | 
eetidiniey ond dow bedtacqut inset one datd qwomt ened sot aogn ‘bow 
“bone have ould dad bas aadqieos oid ab dedate sé@omomn add stad 
“ps dbedaue Bes oxudan ost? wails OF pabiaes vosubaaay odd W boxs¥ts 
Va te stwande Gds pedagoly woldoaunotd ett 
|) pemotitadup Ytlitelg oY Loatmon taslt vis OF woiinetme eitld of s xomaste 
i ote ‘aiiw bast eile seosmorge brs pink onda ss ons edd of es waste. 
© Sombhmacpennerre wal been atepmom oald bed inode ‘eke pa vedetenns 
| att ‘Vantbantevobear bon teomsongs Star ot of an i! wal 
*s edudee: edt eodnkoly somebive Aus aval Clea “omatuat 
| ne uintady of tm pabrnedt wold nitive voalet to ua abort 
net iqeninas os vik a “ghxow om at ound sens ws rt “ tilgued | 
» gent x0 proath oun end sate netiussa0s ‘ne 
hod ee sams wh ribend ate ‘got caso giant . 
| “oxy reddit wus ab ‘he aude state yea o¥ yiatoutonos al 
os texan 08 foawhot oval axobtaithnod ‘ost els exenaae oe ‘aabbbbe: 
‘ oe ‘bh xe abodtat son salwesdio oxdw aio chew) 4d ow hawt sell 
A ad od coder: odd <et oidianog too one Ob ‘tnatt wee th a0: s 
“geekd 0s ahunox ‘oui? ikuow sauxd 6 stele) nth Yo! senoqiae Omi” 
ae ee wih ; quot at 
canna ua Gyno Ye 009 Seaamunierall e bey 

off Sao OR Se aM cl SP 0 4 Rew Ait 
Lt ie ‘bn 

Soma , 

eat NOR 



ROSA Binoy aed PRILIP S.noy 4 



274A 1A. 654 


im am setion of the firet eless, im the Munieipal eourt 
of Chiesgs, plaintiff sued te vevever upou certain bende ond hae 
appealed from  timawampe judguent rendered ageinet him in « triad 
by the court. Defemients heave not filed « brief in this court. 

The sult was instituted en four bends of S00 #s.eMe 
wigned by defendants (appellees) and Horry %. and Vebher Gordon, 
dated Vebruary 1, 1023, maturing Yebruory le 2034, and secured by 
& @eee of trust on certain real estate. The etatement of elaim 
wae filed om August 9, 1932. Upon leave given, an amended state. 
ment smd affidavit of claim was filed em Secenber Se 19384 I6 ig 
provided in the bends that upon eefeul4 im the payment of interest 
at the time and place specified the erineipai mey at the eLeetien 
of the holder of any of said bends become due and payable berore 
ite maturity, as previded im the truet deed and in aceordanee with 
the terme and provisions thereof. ‘There ig a previeion in the 
trust éeed te the effect thet im case of default im the due ami 
punctual payment of any interest dus on any bond secured by anid 
trust ¢ee¢ amd any sueh default shali contimue for « peried of 
twenty deya, then the whole of the principal awe eccured by 
gedd trust deed, together with the interest acerued thureatt, 
ehali at once, without motic¢e, at the option of the solder of 

( . 
Bo a | 

2 he. 3 \ ae | ue 

| | ee? ath, Se, Oren 



fe Prat a 

pe peo RES os HES GRRE iy 
acorn wa Ame ‘ Lene 

OR tito #0 000 epiLn atenm , DAtdO% pe 

; Rina ays 5% 
ha Ay ATS rg ig taal 
i os BM Rat 

dase8 Langhodast esd a soende dack? lt te aotton oa ro re 
eat Deas ahmed atasres noge xevenes af eww vidgatnte ‘ 30 9 30 
Laktd 2 mk mis demos bexvheox duomyhet, emmmeamtt 9 mont bedeoggn 
| aiusoo gid? ph Yeti » bese? tom ovad re satwos woe 
sone (0088 to wbmed teh ne begutivam wen Stee oar oe 
| amore nosde™ bme + ierreH Ona (moni teuiga) scl ue mate 
WH Dorion ban gCHOL of Yxawetol pmbwsdnm HCL of yraie ante wd 
whale to wemetede etl  »pintes Lowe stadseo ae dams , seb i 
~94 nits bodmome ce ghovle evens cogil 200K 98 dongs wo penne 
ab $E SUC of wwdmvol mo beLIR xaw mdady to diwobi Ye Aen deme 
éaonodah Yo damyey ocd Sh Phd MoqT some mtownd weld fd, Aone 2 
Hottovle uit da yom Logkonteg oct pebtioage eoasg | no ome wkd toe 
sietod widayag tne ox emooed edwad Siow te ‘Wee Re weRod wld to ‘ 
Hdiw apambtooem at das fooh dosnt one mh hebiveny mm yee tide eek 
og? mi tolsivesg « ek ovedlY «+ lootedd eotetroty wie died 


any ome ef sald bonds then unpaid, beeome due and payedile > 

In theiy affidavit of merits filed to the emended statement 
of claim, defendents do net deny the execution ef the bende, war de 
they claim payment ef the interest; they allege that the bank whieh 
was the place of payment wae elosed and thet no demand fer soyment 
had been made on them, but do not sllege that they bed tendered 
payment ox that they had been er were ready, willing ond able ta 
make paynent of interest thet beoume due on “wgueS 1» 19323 they 
gemy thet there kad been « éefauls is payment of interest «hich hag 
continued for a peried af twenty dayes amd allege thet slaintir¢ 
had no right te maimtein his <ction on ihe bends because of a 
Provision im the trust deed that aly right of aetion under the 

trust deod in vested tm the trustes, 

SS Vee Te 
EE ee ee ee eee ee ae ee > r 

On January Bp 195%, eper molbien of Plaintiff, the ouit 
wae Gimtigzed as te defendantea Herry %. Gorden and Nether Gordon, 
and, upos the wome day, the couse come on in Yeguler eouree for 
trial, before the court without « Jury, there having been no domnd 
by either party fer a Jurys and the court heard She evidesee and 


found the ie-:ues ageinet defendents and assessed plaintiff's 
Gamage: in the sum ef $2,06% and judgment was thereupon entered 
upon the finding. On January 20, 195%, upon an orel motion Wace 

by defendants, unsupported by affidavit: er evidenge, tae eouré 
| Votatec the finding and judgment of Jonuery 3d. Gm Boren ip L9SS5 
when the couse again come on for trials qvidenee wan affered by 
Plaintifs, but none by defendents, and the court found the ieeues 
against plaintiff. 

A&G the quiset of the hearing counsel for defendants 

“sbjected $0 the intredustion of amy evidence by plaintiff upon the 
‘@tound that if there was a default in the payment of interest cue 
“cuguet Ls 1932) nevertheless, the trust deed provides that such 

rOidayry bnn exh ampoed ghhegne medd absted dhe Yo ome Yo 
tnnemtota Seven oft of SOLE adhuem Yo ivudhyte heme mT 
ob som gubeed edf to molixeom off ysos Gou of admodasted eukiede *t0 
Hosdw dawd odd Shs opolie quit pdeorodmd ot Yo sromyeq abate “yee 
deparyer xol brameb om votd oon eee to naw demangen Yo exatg ett ear 
betohued bad qed val? wgedie fom 0% Jud quads wo hem mood bet 
62 efde me yabitiy ¢ybnrs exw 26 weed bast Yuna dacs wo eawargeg 
* dgedid gQ0WE gx daiigur me oud omoned dasté daovetat Yo tronyea eolen 
beet doled devvaded ‘to dmoarcog nt diuatod « mod hed exed?d dala quod 
 Miboadalg fod opelin ban .oyod Yoewd Yo Rekteg « wot boumhsmes 
8 WW wauvacd snmod aiid mo moddes afd mtatutem of sight om bad 
odd xsbew molten % dayix iin dedd bewd. deugs oct ot mobytveng 
eseteund ety eh Seteeor at. heen aque 
stu add gtihisiadg te melsom moqe gh0@L af exeome’. cond | 
atiobiel raiey bee aotnod «iM Yxtal esuabneted of ao tooutmmd gow 
wet cexwen cedager ch me wmwe gage ostd. vest sang a, gu. gan 
bmamed en need gubved ered) «yuh a dvediie gteen odie. exeted gfakst 
bap gomobye ax? mond games edd bes «yte # x02. al al 
atti inisiy booseces hia Binabaetod antepe anuee! esd. damn 
bonntnn seers oa fmomyboh bus ORR %s Xo mum behap | - } 

 einenpetes a .saneene saat ba anon tt th, 
ste anata Sa + tones aepiaeapiiotany ‘ | sr fl 

wo Se 

defeult should contisue far a period ef teenty days before pleine 
tiff hed the option t» declare the whele of the pringizal sax 
secured by the trust deed, together with the interest acorued 
thereon, due amd payable, and that ae the auit wae commeneed 

and the original ctatement of claim filed on iuguat 9, 1093, it 
wae prenisturely Drought}. The trial court eustadmed this eon- 
tention, amd plaintiff here imsiete that hie action im thas 
vegard wae erroneous. “# agres with glainti¢f. 

Under the semen law practice the prematurity of amy 
action ean be properly raised only by « plea in abatement unless 
She prematurity appecrs affirmatively on the face ef the declaration, 
when i$ may be teated ty demurrer. ‘the office of « plen in abate~ 
ment is to set up matter whiek merely defeats the present progecd ing 
but dees not show that the plaimtiff ia forever eoneluded y and 4¢ 
must give the plaintiff a better «rit. “ule 12 ef the routes of 
the Hunieipal court ef Chicege (in ferce at she time) reede ag 
abatement ay quistios Cer Perioainiies 2 the eourt : pig 
present the same by a written motion specifying the greunds 
thereot, end eaupport the some by an «ffidavit except where the 
matters relied on te euppert the metion appear ef recerd. ; 
such motion raines an ieeue ef fact dehera the record the 
court Bhall hear evidenee presented by the respeetive parties, 
pereere Ray Pag weeding?” gdemasce: the mather shall be eet 
in the imstent ease defendants did net file a written metios in 
accorésaee with rule 12, nex did they make & motion te strike, 
but they saw f4t te file an affidevit of merits to the amended 
statement ef cluim whiek hat been filed hong after the twenty= 
day period hed passed. i in the setthed rule of lew im this 
etate that where a party elects net to shide by his original 
Geglarstion and files, upon leave given, «i amended declarntiun, 
he abendons hie originel deelarstion awi the mult is regarded aa 
having been commenced at the time of filing the amended cowl. 

Bh o 

“or = 
SSSR pes. 



satoly oxmted ayeh Weed te tekseg s 0% eomtémee Alveds Iimeteb 
swe Laghowkag wld t9 oiodw até ointowd od mobiqe add bad Thee 
hearroos teoxedal ola Ativ wpiteget ghoot tamsd odd yd sommes) 
boemenmme aav Ikve add a guts one eoldeyag tne sab qnaeteds 
Gh qNOCL 40 dawgwh as beklY what to tremedete Lankghte oda ban, 
wnop alsid bombsduen omvep Laks’ eG? sdelgword elonudemerg new: 
tuts at moiden off dastt sdubamt ovedt Witalely hue gmehined 
ag tubvtbatg debe cexye oY. saueenowes erogeieme 
ws to etiistameny edt soliucug mek someeee ont? soba veces 
anelens Iusmncads ai iui i. heise tea siti 
etokintafoeh ott Io een% acid oo yhovi tnmet Lhe ateeqas yihweds al 
~sieds ai nig a to soitio edt «wermped qv hedand ot whe 
ert bo se ong samesag et gteotod yLevem eine tes dem qa aoa as oe trem, 
ét has edeburtones xavotot af Tiidakesg wt? tual? woste goa vob sad 
Yo woint odd Yo Sf tw +abty sestod o ‘Metawlaly ed ovin deum 
ea ebeot (omit en? do covet mt) openidd te gxmoo Lng 

at wt0dd am ee ten oe aentesd 
Slates od gt sate sity Ro motos 

 whdd tt wad Ye elux bedetoe odd et 24 +bowe pone sheet at 

It ie unnecessary te cite the numerscug authorities ehieh euctain 
this fomilinr prineiple of law, Under the state of the recerd at 
fs clesy thet the trial court erred in bolding that plaintifry eould 
wet recover on the growed chef ¢he muit was prematurely brought, 
and in arriving ot thie conclusion we have agsumeds, solely for the 
PUr poses of thig appeal,» that the twentyeday period provieion in 
the trust deed controle the right ef 2 holder ef bonds to sue thereon 
in an action im aesumpsit.e | 

AG the insistence of plaimtiif the trial eourt allewed hin 
to offer evidence in supgert of his claim, and se are Seilefied, fram 

@ reading ef the bill ef exeepiiena, that Be made out a prime Sacke 

Gases Defendants offered ne evidence. 

AG the conclusion of the heucring plaintiff aupmitied ta the 
trial court eertain propositions ef lew, all of which were marked 
“Overruled.” From an inepeetion of the seme it appears that the 
trial court misconeeived the rules of law agplieeble to the taatant 
tase. He held, in effect, ihet the plaintiff won barred froe waine 
taining the action on the emended statement of claim because the 
original atatement of claim wan filed prematurely. Se aiaxvked 
“overruled” the following propeaition of laws 

"the court helds ag a matter af law thet the boude 
emecutec by the Gefencont anc gue’ on herein by plaintiff are 
negotiable insicrumentea.* 

The bende contain a definite promise to pay jo the order of bearer 
(ey to the registered cener thereof) a fixed gum ef money ai « certain 
Sime and place. ‘the referenees on the bonds to the trust deed do net 
wake the bonds nonentgetiable. (See Jehmtskisa v, : Ls 
267 Ills Apps 169; Yright ve stevens Brothera Corpes Gens Hoe 

S6,649 Ills Appe 06.9 Gauge ve Simon sia Tlie ADRs L0¢; 2flueger ve 
_ Broadway Tre & Say» Banks 351 111+ 1709 Fleming y. Gannon, 267 TLl. 
Appe 163.) By marking plaintiff's Proposition ef lew pumber five 
overruled, the court held, in effect, that certain provisions in 

Kintesn soley api tluadinn avexomun gd otto of Mxesereonmy gh aT 

dk auesex ws? te state pole webot «mel, to vigtoutug tad fined whee 
binoo Rikimiule gests yokosod af Some dues Labed ods sant tenia, eh 
odetquond Yhoad ease my, eow slice geld doy Sawote tly ae Tevogst ten 

add so} qfolon gheminan oves ov setextense git oo muebyh ane ot den 

Bi moloivewg bali wabeydaewe on’ decd eLergqe,alde To aogcqrey 
sooxmld vue ot goted to sobded 2 te daipix odd ehoziaes boed samzd gfe 
: _ eAteqmunae mh sokson mm mt 

satel berusts Hawn Lola ads, aid emtads he seomielent ot aA 

Stes t ebedketdns, ota ow baw quikate aie he teeggan od epaabtve rortte tt 
| aah © tuo ehect oi deals ganmliquens Me £36 odd Yo, gathsota 
ah sOotvadee om howole genabneted saeed- 
Mt asl? 09 bets tetun ertambate gehacod of? te solewkones eb. 8A 9p gy yy 
| buduces oxew Hedy to Lfe qwet to mmolsteeqoug ahosxeo ¢umoo Sakad 
Sk? fond axcoque ¢1 omen odd Yo medsoequed aa mus . *>hoLexmewot 
dnotaet off of oLdactinns wel to seten ef? dovivouccetn dxupe Labad 
ties moxt bestad aow Tiliaioale ed? dads gdoette af ghied Oh. +san0 
ald sasoged miele lo snameiase Seinome erie ae natdon ses aatmbed 

# ean 

boatman ox a eenert amor beAtX asw athado To dconmd te fonigtee 

awed te fo} steoqony, wetenticn wie | : 
. gbtted ott teste was ‘ta wsseuit & & ae abide + 
ete Tiivatels ve slew mm dope beh nh 

| retidd te teirme odd oF yay of Selumuy vate tod aintathod aha ott 
i ttiatse: 2 #6 Younes to same Gomtt a (tected? wines Senstebkges edt oe) 
fem on beow Gaui? oid oF nbtiod oi’ md eobeinndie eit (boat ‘bits ntti 

WB biemuenos : tet ata eeu) Seearigecvimnniinnpebentyere 

oLit' POS gitonnnd oy shia yore tit ie | ‘dunt svar 4.x? 
ovit xedmmn wal 20 mediteogon Shinto sintq githticom yt (. 88d 


the trust deed barred Plainiixf from ue intadning the inatant 
action.» Ae we have heretofore poimted Cub, im Sohutekis 
ARRTE. the purpose of euch Broviciona wag io Peauriet ind ividaa, 
Section only in the institution or feureslosure Proceedings and yet 
in the comzeneenent ef SH avéion sq Teeover Bpen & perecial 

¥ & ip SE ey 


ebligetion of a signed muse or bond Steured BF @ trust devd. 

*h@ trial eours, BpOm Sue und leputed Zaete, shouig 
have found for plaintire, “be judgment is therefore Fever sed 
and judgment ig en tered in thie sours againets telemdantes, Jacob 
Pollack, Zimie Pollaeks Hous Baron and *hilip Buren, for GRgVOGy 
the amount of the bonds, plus intereat, ae prevides therein, or 
& S0te8l of 62,060, 

RSVehgsh ATO JUcemeRT IW PAIS couse 
BiO, POR O2,060, 

| Sullivans ?. 3., and Gridley, J+, soneur. 

oar ornfnreeorrentonrs 
_ aaa epee re rode saint email 

ancio)_aueslto’ f 095 ) 
“Rounded bat fohaduet 62 eae indivi thie ‘to wouqung ote Sal 
“gen “is ‘ggaibsoootg emide. noted Ye wonsweroams sald ah piso eo batons 
Lemonneg & nog wivewes of moldon ae te tenamnmomsen ack oh 
“\peet dare 2 fomaes Sao cod nual yuagte ote aobeaghido 
biwoute gaseet badge that: add segue «aii gased eat? oe po ae 
doaiyhint, Gf SMRbHthety set a we 

“boaroves omotonl ek ant 


ee uses + she 
Ba: het Rasp gore , 

et a ae Aeros Ait 
rk. Sy tan ee a. eet eR ea cuitdonity Nea eeneain Staud 
SiR ane he ci Ripa. aly SOO CARRRRT SE SEI Nea aig. take 

ah ie ah aa set isonet ess 
A ARew tine Ania ke aire iin so natie ath eee “~. - 

Bile as SE sg) 
‘nist atin bod 

Oe ee OM MM a i ala ia X we cm 

Pe Tse 

t * 
ef dary, Oy 1“) ‘i spat we ik “a \ it Mi. i 
RC TROP NA RI, MRR IRR ale Na mer ore ke Bey \ wy hy 

5 Le r 
a 58 wee f 
sears Sie. 
sail : a ee & f 
Appellant, ) : 
ilies tai an COURT OF CHICAGO. ' 
: : + @ F LD ial y < 
a Corporation, r i 2 G 4 I ° A, 6 R4 
Appellee. } 


in an aetien fer rent the trial cours found for 
éefenéemt and plaintiff has appealed fram the Judgments entered 
upon the finding. 

The statement of claim ulleges, in substance, that on 
Yebruary 7, 1931, a lease, for the premiges knewn on 3218 Lawrenee 
avenué, Chicage,for the term ef one year comuoncing May 1,» 1931, 
was entered inte between plaintiff, as leseer, and defendant, as 
lemseg, at e yearly rental of $2,400, paysble in monthly instalments, 
in advanee, of £200 eachy that on Agril Sl» 1932, before the expirae 
Sion of the leases plaintiff end defendant entered inte a written 
agreement “extending the term of the aforesaid lease for the monthe 
of kay end June, 1932, at the rental of 200 per momthg" thet “said 
agreement further provided that all ef the other terme and cond itions 
6f eaid lease should romain in full force and effect * » eg" that 
thereafter defendant wrongfully held ever during the month of July, 
21932, and plaintiff elected to trent the holdover as Gresting an 
agditional term for one yeary that plaintiff sues te recover rent 
fer the months of July» <ugust and September, 1932, ami thet defendant 
is indebted to plaintiff in the sum of $600 for rent for said months, 
The affidavit of merits admits the making of the lease and the 
agreements admite that defendant seeupied the premises during the 


bs = : 

ee ee ee 

JDAO VAT BY ‘S. ni opie 

x Pape he tae ee aie ie 
wot havet Youd Eabas oki suet cot moivon wx at " 
EG gS 

* dered snomsbut nonh sens  besaoaga ant Yekantade ons tuobasted 

Hest id 43 waht ie LP Oe) 

NG dente avoutinduy ai sawgolia mateo te susemtnde ont 
comstmat S186 e mond esatmnny mid 40% ‘sooubh @ 4f80s Af eau 
eLbCk ok yan sit onbaoe shox tow he sed ead wot ogeotao apres 
as giiabustsh baw gxoneel os a tttentade avewdod oGnt borssne aw 
an iconkas sad Asad wt eldayog 9!Obq%S to Ladess ehaney a te seoonod | 

eautexs edt exerted oases eft Shape eo Ee ‘ae we” 

astiiue a otah boxedue srmbesteh hae PUsatolq «eneet pote we sitiniy 

uisnes ahs 16% vacol Stavouete aid te mies sss gark bers xe Pe 
bhva” Seed “gadmom xoq GORS to Sateex ond te seen sont. fsa vot te 
anoléiinos bun smnd xed ox? te Lin sass pentveng | oats art sommenas 
godt %y* © © Jootte bas sete? Sint ah eden bLwode fas 0 " Ce 
avin Lo donom oats gxtiuh ove bed ‘GLkeiguo-w sanonetod 509" 
“ie gRkiaet® os sevebhax ets danet os ntoede decsunliiie 

a9; wevee4 ed aie Teva | dusts saan pele wee 

‘ios cara 


erm ef the lease and during the months of May anc Jume, 1932, 
but denies that it continued in possession Curing the month of 
July} avers that it moved owt on July 109 19325 denies that 
Plaintiff has the legal right te elect to treat the alleged 
holdover as oreating a renewal of the term of said lease ae 
extended, and denies that 14 became Liable te pay plsiniiff the 
eum of $200 per month for the peried ef one year from July 1, 19325 
alleges “that by heldine over during the first ten days ef July, 
1932, said lease was extended for the term of iwo months only, * * # 
ama ¢efendent avers that it hae heretefere tencered and now tenderg 
to the plaintiff the sum ef $460 in full satiefnction and payment 
of all rent due plaintife by ite® Suriug the trial defendant filed 
an amended affidavit of merits im which it admits the meking of the 
lense} avers that it moved out of the premises on July 1%, 19523 
denies that plaintiff has the degai right to eleet to trent the 
@llieged heldoever as ereating a renewal of the term of the Lease 
ae extendeds denies that it is Liable to pay plaintiff the eum of 
$200 per month for the period of one year from July ig 1932, and 
Genies that it beeome or ig a holdevex tenant for any period of 
i ime» 

The following ig the agreement ef April 21, 1952: 

"2549 ¥, Division 

“thie Memorandum of sgreement made April Zleat, 1932, 
by ané between Gamuel Rosen of Ghieegs, ILlineins first party, 
; and Natiomal Tea Coes an Illincis Corporations eecond party: 
5 : Vitnegseths 

“Whereae, the first party is the Lesser and the scoond 
party is the Leesee in a lease eevering premises situate at 
S218 Lawrenee avenue for « term expir f APEAL 309 1932, at the 
monthly rental ef Twe Humdred Deliars (£20. 405) o ANd, 

“Whereas, it is the desire of the parties herete to 
extend the term of this lense for the monthe of May and June of 
1952 at the rental ef Two Hundred fellare ($260.06) a monthe 

“How, Therefore, it is agreed by and between the 
Parties herets as fellows: 

“Firatt That the term of the aferementioned Lesage 

between the parties herete covering premises situated at 

$213 Lawrence avenue, Chicage, Sllinein, be extended for the 
monthe of May and June, 2932, at the monthiy rental ; 

Ce os 



ghhee overt Cue “Get te cadena ont yoko fun oaaek od? to geved 
te dtépom at? yotiwh mainosenoy me aawakiope ¢k dad eotave oud 
todd gudmed gSheL Of yiwh no duo Divo 42 dott atom rt 
gegetia wit #eord oF tvele 8 dtgex Leoged ons nat eeenkeds 
as soeel bina te med wai to Lower # wahioees Be eve bios 
oui PLD deeh she “oq of ehtali emwond 32 dog? aatreh hem ee 
saeer gt vik mmx? teoy ene to Seley onle net inom sq 0089 Ye mie: 
eyinh to eyed med goaks at? wali tore pubhiod ¥e dade* conetie 
|) a6» gine eittnanl ont "30 mned esd <a elimina wna’ tna GENRE 
| qasband won bas boredaed oxokodoned wat 6 foes gure inchmote® hae 
dscaangany bes po tsostabaan Lise ab oong ‘Yo atin seta vet eataty oat? oF 
bose? dumhaston Lakxd wold patna "oth yd WRAéatody owh snot Lhe te 
eats Yo gotten ests asiebs 2h dotsy wh af been te a bvabt ta -potomn ~ 
BREEE Qik east os nonimerry and te ano boven tt seta oxove fensed 
od? david of duets o2 sighs hogok wag ont yiintelg ata ern 
ouaes adi to wrod ot 0 Lawvnes 8 ga inne ae xovohieg begelia | mh 
te inet oad Tihewkala Yea 0# oLdath et ot sane asdaoe soohentn 99 tr 
beim EGE 9h visi mots ta0y eee % petro, ovis xe Aveo en, Ro ity f 
Yeo Dokwes we xo% named seventod 2 at an emnood $f sams wotmey 

On ae ae 
Bis eee 

sages. fs pen to cA ERS ot, pe putuptte’. oT in 
mobekyid, o® etal 

i oe 4 5) 

20k «teks Lhe) eben # iy 
“ wert Sh me ag PR Fart 
eee bavese pelea, nd 

pe roto ere relied =e eos oe % 
ad? svowded jae ed Seemed | 

wreak tm’ Jacaixcka at? Ro stot ott eon 

ta todmut lea sesinorm,pukeneen ote oan ae wee tae me 

adé wos Swhwosae wet ye + SR 

Ledaor Udinom oft ta yoy “ ty _— 


of Two Hundred Deliars ($200.00). 
"Second: That all ef the other terme one conditions 
im aaid lease remain in full feree and effects 
*In Witnese hereof, the perties herete heve exeowsed 
thie instrument the ay an year firet abowe written. 

“(Sigmed) Samuel Besen (See) 
‘ , Mationnl Ten Cos 
(Seal) “(Cigne¢) Th Asomussen" 

It was stipulated that defendant remained in possession ef she 
premises until “sometime between the tenth and the fifteenth of 
July, 1932." On July ii, 1952, @ representative of defendant 
hanced to plaintiff the following document with a request that 

he sign same: 
*Tuly Lith, 1942, 

"Bational Tea Co. 
"1000 Cresby ot. 
"“Chiesgo, illinois. 

“Gentlemen» . 

This is to acknowledge receipt from you ef 2206.00 
for the use and eceupation of premises a: $218 Lawrenes Aves, 
Chieage, Illinois, for the month of diye, 1932. 

“It is hereby cistinetly acknowledged by me that 
reed lease covering these premises expired om the 30th of ‘pril,y 
9329 and that you stayed there theouch the monthe of May and 
dune under an extension sgrecment. 

“I hereby agree thet your remaining there for the 
month of July 1952 is as a tenant from month te month thet i¢ 
shall, under no circumetanees, be considered « renewal of your 
lease and/or as creating a tenaney from year to years 

*i further acknowledge receipt from yeu of notice 
informing me that you are abanceming the premises on the Sist 
Gay of July, 1932, thereby terminating absolutely your tenancy. 

“Yours very truly, 

Plainsiff refused te sign same and sent Gefendant the fellewing 


"Chicago, Tllinoin, 
July 1a, 1932. 

 “Hetional Tea Company, 
*4000 ng Street, 
"Chicago, Illineine 

r : (oe. nome ‘wiatled bohm owt te 
asetsaon0e, cette ban ere! ey dee ker ates 
noses, meat Of vte Bee petht ware tan ce 
coves) mma Louden Coemmnel) of | 
e vse wm toe)" gt ea (asbee 

wale ‘on eabeovinnt 2 behaves smoboonnd tnt, vevatentee | 
Yo Asneasts> oli one dined asit meowied, _— Ehime woe if 
standard 2¢ evignamnanrget @.98E olf, ER abet suint | 
Aarts taampar % Hike daomrng gahweslek® aly Hoes hed oa | 

4 , oy ais 

ee eee 

an te. ery gz asve 
aH eon ive. BLRE ta @ 

eg Bede 

aa" ot ave “Mi “peas yea ahd 
Se he mada eens aaa od rp yates. 
ed? tot oxest$ yatataner twoy toil? boty 

$f gates Mdsom of Mimom mavk Sear 
ayey te Lewoues a ae ee aa 
aia S 

oo 2 wal 
at ‘toy most D gern *, 

sokéii te wey om e't parities 
teit ond mo aa? 

eyonaned mee ~ SERS ad oat } 


Ue hea 8 



‘a few days ago you left with me a letter dated July 
ll, 1952) adcregeed to yourselves with referenee to the premises 
known as 3216 Lawrence <venué, whieh you are new eeeupying sa my 
tenant, and which letter you requested that I sten and return 
to yoUe 

“When you retained possession of the premises beyond 
the expiration of the original lease an¢ the extension thereof, 
i determined te treat you se a holdover tenant, and I am tal: 
thie opportunity of acvising you of my election se te regard yous 

“I shall, of courses continue te leek to you for the 
payment ef rental ae provided for by the lease anc extension for 

the balenee of the term. 
"Youre very truly, 
“Se Rogen® 
Xt is undisputed thet the letter of July 21 was signed by Raamasen, 
the secretary of defendant. 

It appeare, from the bill of exceptions, thet the trial 
court found fer defendant upon the theery that the agreement of 
April 21 *killed" the written lease and ereated a new agreement 
by the terms of which defendant “would hold aver for twe monthe 
without obligating itvelf te go further then the two monthas” That 
the court erred in so heldimg is clear, so plaineire contends, 
“the written agreement of <pril 21) 1939, was in Legal effeet an 
extenelon of the lease between the plaintiff and the defendants,” 
it was made before the expiration of the leases and the language 
used therein is plain and susceptible of but one constructions 
the leage Was te contimue in full force and effect, subjeet only 
te the mocifiestion thet tae term wis extended fox twe months. 

Ié is, of courses the law thas a landlord ani tenent may enter 
into an agreement whereby the terme of the original lease may 
be changed. In Le¥rieost ve Syadleys 192 Hasse 346, the original 
lease, dated May %, 1900, contained neither a covenant for a 

Fenewel nor an agreement fer an additional term at the election 
Of the legsee. Cx November 6» 1905, before the expiration of 
the term, the parties entered imte the following agreocment : 

ssalweny sit of setors tet 
et an et) wen 28 
werres bas age 2 

broyed soaiasug ad? Re gel beniatey goy soxty* 
gteoveds selewetua wid Se asa gt : ie: 

me 1 bite atanmed aovoniod a a0 wey sevst wt ob I 
ene Steget of os Boidonte we ho woy grieirhe te ‘Citanouegge soaend 

«ad awk wey OF Beek Ge Gnd duos yooh, to yomte TY e% 
“ot solenetxe hie ones att wt ToS molyens, But ae  toepanes 

Oooh bot eer oe a it “oiut 
{HosMeERT Ye heegia sew LL pint te wedder wale duct sotmetoat at #" 
Re i 

Lakus oft dod gunmtoqeexs De Coed aly ooet swt at. + ea eee 
te demmmenge exit Sauls yupods ont mega snebasted wet it Cr aed . 

atiuom ows cok seve, ohed Meow" seebo 2a. 
doe? *.ed?nonm ows sate hil eetbiite ae nk es A 
sebriatone WiddMtalqg wm. stevie sf goubkdue qu wh ovrme fea09 a: 
ta entre Lapel af enw o280L 9fS Shag’ te Sarma 2 notsiee ota 
¥odmabiate b até tun Tiktstelg od? seoweed: oened eit to ‘wokewetae 
epavunel alt hae yousod ade 29 Rol sautene wth owing ham eae fhe 
sno keowidenp> ope tad Se ekdhiqonaes hme ohalg nh atenend bea: 
Vise Jovidien steoRhe One oonwh Siw me c haenonduniateg aie <e 
sein owt Ber bebandae oom mune ails fee oe 

A tet ehameves & tetition neuhatenes 2 s90Rh tbe ot 
Mehdeeds nds $0 seve) Lacmbetede us web seeanrngs. wa 108 2 Le elated mt | 

es te crea ro rere 4 
i es Aya o> dian 


“It ia hereby agreed that the term of « certain lease 
dated May Gy 1905, between /ichards Bradley, trustee under the 
will of John 1. Yilidems, ae leseors and Silliem T. DeFri@at, ag 
Aemsee, chail be extendec for the period of Ziwe yeara from the 
expiration thereof, se thet the term ef seid lease as *atondecd 
@hail extend te aml expire on the 30th Gay of Aprlie L910, ove 
all provisiona, eal terms and conditions in enld Lease 
and the aapignment thereef te he “ilidjem J. Lemp Brewing Company» 
which agaignment ia dated bocember dSe A801, shall apply te saié 
term ae extended »* 

tm the opinion ef the court it is waid (pe 352) 

"It Wage however, within the eontractusl power af the 
parties by # later arrangement te preolomg the term although the 
ease was silemt on this wubjeet, and thie was dene by an 
instrument whieh has been referred to ag the agreement of exten. 
sien, which wag execute: and became operative befere the term 
provided for in the lease had expireds In legal effect this 
agreement operated to extend the torm ag effectually as if ite 
principal provision had bewn inwerted in the l¢ase in the form 
of an option of extension for a further cefinite period at the 
@leetion of the lessee, who subsequently made eueh an election, 
By either way, then, the rewult ig she somes for the origine) 
demise ia thereby lenghtemed te cover the iengest time named, 
The lease and the agreement, therefore, must be conutrued together 
and considered in their entirety as forming the contract between 
She perties .” 

See aleo Hartley vs Garnmhom, 196 ve Ys Se GOL, 4023 Klein ve Auto 
Par@el Delivery Coss 192 Kye 593, 535; Sisleny we Enobleuch, 73 
Minne LOG, 1134 Hiller wv. Albany Lodge, 168 BYe 7555 756. From the 
aferesnid essea, and many others that might be cited, it da clear 

that an extension of an original term ig mot » new comiee but a 
continuation of the old one. the authorities point cut that some 
courte recognize a technical difference between the effeet ef a 
stipuiation for the "renewal" of a lease awi ame for ity “extengion,” 
While other courts treat them as practigniiy the sume in Legal effet, 
but they all held that an ugrooment for an extension ef the term isa 
not & covenant to renew but a present demise which becomes operative 
immediately upon the exereive of the opilon earnferred and takes 
effect at the expiration thereof and ig subject to all the conditions 
and covenants of the original lense, and that ne new lence ox other 

| writing ia nesessery to extend the term. By the agreement ef April 
: 21 the parties epecifieslly provided for an “extengion® of the term 

+ Of the lease and that all the other conditions in the Lease sheula 

Geno mingxee » Yo med efid sorts howxne vexed af #1" 
ene sabi socenrxd yr Seat aivensind |, i aoa ed QlORL of 

domi xGed oT owt LhW ine atogand MRELESE 4S ke Li 

wees aout axasy svi. te nolasg, “at ‘ea’ ; ae Z ae. 

hoineds) ea saaed Bien to mies ABT fome On. awernds Ps. 

gee gOLGL gLiwga to Yab AS0E ad awe aatgxw aum oe meng nih 

geod Slee ml mn ga gos Pe og ‘ _ anata 

a aig gidwesd Seek.» a ® 92". # es 

bkew ot Conte EAA, 9 AONE, ofA, HEMORE, SEMI SE 

des Wii 4( 48% wy) Dtoe wh ei suwos ot Ye wobttee outta 
eit. Lo siexeg actrees wh Mutts. ceeowert sie 7" me 
ke wad 
eae = senshi cla) ast 

he ones saw tiie ga 

oe saed oat Solete deemed sn 
mired wl? oxvelke 

rae) oa ainanod be beaNeUI mew debits 
pe ¢ dnotie dope ak shatigue be k oxen edit m8 at be 
adi aa ¥lkeuioo The ax arcof add bas tas | 

iexe't on? ok onsel odd mt dad voeni ned | i BB 

odé ga helbreq efiultab ae s pte 
wets ne oda wie Bical 
Lauiai xe 
ahomsn ems oe 

“erisoged bawxiates ae 
Meended Suaedmea cas *gntasos aa a ca woslome 

~#0Mh oe AEDES 80S gAOh Bok 90S tnt 

oid movt 5060 288? 001 O21 aeebel yeedet oy me LEE GORE YOO an 
faske af 62 yhoths o@ atgha tails etoddo-ymnde boos vabans binawsete 
& tod Gutmos wom » som mb aneed Lautybee mas to elanodxw me ditt 
“tie dnt? soe Jmkoy avielretiwe ett xbim Mo odd tome taMtdROD 
‘a to deuths os meawead sonst itia tniieiivsd « sxdapooes avawos | 
“sabindetes” edi Yet tao bee dawek wf Io “Gaweend” ott vel GehRatiite | 
efvotte fegel at oman sit yltoetionny ao aad Gooed alana eet hha 
ei sried edt 20 mehenetue ax 26? dtomebTgd as dade” Seam ee’ too 
etivarsio eeanesd deldy ootmes diseow 2 Jad wered OF dxanevon a” 
added Bike Sertetnes wotiyd ath to onteatay ae og Clout dium 
amelihonoy eft Ife of tovldwe at baw tobeeds woktenlges oA) th sobre 
seatde “iW canal wen of a#nétd hn bus gbawol hentai te wt YS aémenoy “be f 
Kiaga ‘te Paomesege ote pol yatited ot Sere doce oo vtonavoen ‘ad - es 
mired fit 26 “sotumudee” pa 2 ot boblveny vitealticdge attends wal sb 


remain in full force and effeet., As poiwbed out in LePyiest ve 
Bragleys supra: “In legrl effect thie sereement eporated to extend 
the term ag effectually as if ite prineiped previvion head been 
inserted im the lease in the form ef an option of extersian for a. 
further ¢efimite period at the eleetien of the lessee, whe subaee 
quently made wugh an oleetion. ‘Sy either Ways thems the result ig 
the same, for the original demise ia thereby lengthened to covey 
she longest time named. The lease and the agreement, therefore, 
must be construed togethex: and congidered in their entirety as 
forming the eontraet between the pertivs.® £6 is wignifiesnt thet 
the @rafter er drafters of the sgreement of pri] 21 earefuliy 
avelided using any language that wight indieate that the agreanent 
Was one for a "renewnl.” 

if we are right in our holding as to the nature and effect 
of the agreement of april 21, 9329 it follows, from the admiteed 
facta, that defendant wrongfully held over after the expiration of 
the lease ge extended. It further Toliowes frem the umcontradioted 
evidenee, that plaintiff eleeted seo hold cefendant for on aiditi onal 
term of one year. Defendant thereby became Bound for an siciilonal 
term of one your upen the same terme and conditions ag were contained 
in the written lease. (See Ueise V+ lenilezike 262 Tlie Appe $82, 
S56, and gages cited thereing Leek’ Lane Hotel Co s We Neinbergs, ILle 
APRs Ctes Gens Nos 36807.) 

@e any say, in conclusion, thit we regard defendant's 
document of July Ll, 1932, as practically amownting te an admissien 
that it recognised the leg»l effect of the agreement end thet by 
remaining in the premises after June 50 44 was heldine ever woen 
the terms of the original lease if plaintiff’ eleeted to treat 4+ 
as a tenant fer anether year, and it sought te escape responsibility 
by having plaintiff eigu the doeument of duly lie This he refuced 

tk fapksies ot sue taduide at {20006 Soe sew fOr tame 
isons Ot bokeremge srasotas outs set og ae «its « 4 
asd bat noted ren fegt scarey net tb ne ehfsureate coma ots 
& tt wohexosae te wotsgs ais Te aut ad or ‘naed, cial ot Betcomat © 
casitht dite avueed ails *y ptvnte Olt aa sobaivg of] aiid te art | 
ak siwaet wld gusds ewer voile i santioote me Meas sim Zeman, 
Zovo9 BS bestndisynoK woes? AL anime Lanighno att rh ee st 
oxoloied afnamotan att hem gaank ost bomen ont to at. . : 
na Werkiag ‘abedtd ud botebtenoo ome cadlsoyed oowratesop. foam 
$usté iam taaie eh. x "ened oto ae las ‘nate us 

weeded Aeerdnee sft ae 
detexes JR tami 20 tnemvenye sit 29 wupetech oa vores at 
inomoetpa ont at stank ned aaaaueccbegctu: aonde 
puattint bak etude od ot ‘ea pathtet wwe it hake weno Do Be 
estate od? wort pewol far If qSOOL Le Tinga Ye daemons Sty wal 
Yo netseriqes ods sodte rove died Ubvignem srmtewtsh sastt yooest 
“padatberamseny ad moet pewosso? sedeailt 42 .hebued | a wed eh 
Kau Wtttie the “tev ddetine'tes bien of ‘badeote UkdniNig dads”, demublve © 
(| keno tdtoka mir eo fitatod axsood yWozeds tandeotstt aie dite te mise 
yhO0 saq’. + £40 800 ghfeo tte sy aetey 664) ceapet new ede a 
ott eke ynereramncernntrmrenmralh laterets beéto asvad hea oes” 
| “(teees eat uineeapled rhe 08 | 
i tninbinhss Wiigik oe Hand cndiemnenn ae jeed ele! RP Me | 
adkewlabs mse? gabtaitmm —teokseaeg ue gSEOL ght Yiwt L6 deateh 
awdieaonds bua a et? a sos'rte —— | 

#2 ‘gnoxd 62 bodoods ibjnblitte ‘th oanedt Lamy 
BWLIddanogeox squoae of setyven gh hte oteey 

* Rome: eal endl sik tas 9 1 > tromiood » ‘etd te ‘Vdemtoly antvad ye 
; Sie Pigs Aye paaedt sit ve 

zp @ ne Se a, 


to Go» a2 appears from his letter of July 14, 3852, wherein 
he elected te treat defendent as holdover tenant. 
Under the admitted facts and the law plaintiff was 

entitled te a finding and judgment im the totel eum of $600 
for rent for the months of Twhrs august and September, L932. 

‘The judgment of the Uunicipal eours of Chdeage will 
be yeverned, with finding of facts, and Judgment will be entered 
here, in faver ef plwintirs anc ogaingt @efendant, im the tetal 
eum of $6006 


Sullivan, P. Je, and Gridley, Je, concure 

EUDING oF Pacts. 
We find as ultimate facts that defendant is indebted 
to plaintiff’ im the totel sum ef $00 fer rent fer the months 
ef July, August and Ceptember, 1922. 

“a. Hi; 

eR 7 

"tomy soot «bx vit te woddes ott mot ssooues oo) o et 


vinanos auvenkad a oe “embeoke taoxt on weer 
eae wekdabaly wal ente bres eda rodiaibs oes robe 

" ued erode sgor i ‘feugt. wba “ nat onee wees me a 
“gto ‘ynake te fiwes Lngketoatt aid te secnugoe, ot iis 

“bexedie a Sibw sso nat, nese te gut bud aw ebonseves “ 
i i Sia y i 


Estos oat mh qfrabiset0a fanaa us antata we wy ovat 7 

va suse Ba iat « me eal wate ae 

nae oe ar pais wah 
cata SS io e THONG. a “euorbho brs ek +o + ca te ’ 

Ro a. eA RRR ie Hi 
; en ‘ PEN ax 
i " v Mtg ot) 

A ak eta (ante if Tut 

“paieotnt ok onobusteb vade ator’ ‘anita a tab 8# a 
nab does a itt 0% dante ‘an deonidheedecas Ease we a as 

Mes a a 

‘ MM i ‘ a + \ 
pt WER Aves MMA £5 em Ba ONtaive am - | laa 
© e9 
w yr) KS 
\ iy +4 Wit 
Mik peas ted 
Rs Sea Hs it ¥ 
q 4 q AY, 
4 r Ri Abs Ay Hy (es 
3 Le # ia, rT 
ey ae 
i y te Typ 

$6904 P ca 

v4 gp 4 
yw aa: 
Appellant. ) 

6) 7 
me 6 

4 1.A. 655. 


Skis is an appesl froma judgment entered im the 
Municipal eourt of Ghienge ageinat éefenéant im an ection ef 
forcible detainer. | 

Plaintiff, in his complaint, alleges that he ig 
entitled to the possession ef Apartment ie 2142 North Kedzie 
boulevards Chicsgo, Illinoias and that defendant UtiLeefully 
withholds the possession thereof from him. In 4 hearing 
before the court the evidenee for plaintiff consisted ef the 
following elx exhibits: (1) A deed in trust by defendant and 
wife to Foreman Trust and Cavinge Bank, ac trustee, conveying 
certain renl estate im Cook county, Lliingis, deserived as Lota 
#9 and 21 in Bloek 7 im “hipman, 8111 and Merrill's subdivision 
of the eagt half of the northeast quarter of Jeetion S59 “ownship 
4G» north, ‘ange 13, east of the 3¢ Frineipal Heridian. (8) A 
trust agreement whereby said Bank, aa trustee, sereed to hold 
title te said real cetate for the use and benefit ef fefendzart» 
Herman Ke Lipman and Benjomin 4. Cenen as beneficinries. (3) 
an aesignment by defendant of an undivided half interest wader 
anid trust agreement te Ella lI. Lightfoote (4) An sasigument 
by said Lipman of an undivided half interest umder gaid trust 
agreement to acid Lightfoote (5) An order by said Lightfoot 
to Foreman=itate Trust ang Savinga Bank, aa suecessor trustees, 

a F 

oat ; ae Ais oe iden were ve ee,’ 
a Yow gy ee eS, ore ome Eee ke Me ee Ge Smo 

‘ y 

no PemAMOL om waar 
ee BES oy RHI 


Eas ‘hk ‘ h Ta, ry Axe ba <r a ee ee 

TROP Reis MO a ee 

anf Say 

oils mk howene dmmamoct # mont Laogge 0 ah gtitt ve 
“Re motvon mn int triotwto dob tae eyontsty 2 ase Leg totam 
aia rol ates! otatowt 
at est dastd opel fs atutalgowe wisi at aPebenie st 
etasex dé SALE of semen nay te Kolmmeae og wid od otetine 
lu twatew sem here Rob tate nw endomtLst onnnts sbuavedued 
pabiand & wt rik ox? Yovtuds Boduwencon ods; be ent 
wrt? *e bedatenos Vusmirte tet aanoonye ad duu08 oat stole 
hue inndwetes ye sawed wd heed & “@) ied rdtetns te ‘yilwedter . 
pelyevaes ,aedeerd oe aieurl agekvet tne dae? memwnet of ottw | 
ato. as bedisoned yatouhil ¢¢tnwos xed ab etaten Loox atesee 
Nolabvtidye a iiiecel ben Le came al ¢ Moolt a bal tna 0 os 

irae t 

A (8) smetdéeeM Legtontyt BE on! Yo teow hk vant « ent | 
fated oS Seotge peter? aa einet bles Qerdy dremees wa | 
etanhswteds te ¢etened ban gen ost wet ‘tatne heer bios * nie 
(8) saeitatedtemed sa soto? . mheabere ban « i i 

: -tobna duexodnl ted bobiviony ae to tneba oh ye dan 
tuecmmtens wi (4)  stootddniat at ate os temssvenn towed bias” 
- teerte hhes soem deetodnt Thad bedtethag me ti emikt dtee o 

sootddtyt aiae ‘o Tooke aa® (a) stootateet thos oo . é 

geoteur? tonesveew oa dual epatoes bua dart ve SESS 


to transfer title te the promises deseribed in enid trust agrees 
ment to plaimtiff. (6) A trustee's deed by Foreman Trust and 
Savinga Bank to plaintiff, couveying the north thirty feet ef Let 
81 described im exhibit 1. After the intreduction of Uhe ae 
exhibits plaintiff rested. iefendant offered no evidence. luring 
the arguments te the trial court caunsel for defendant stated that 
he would concede thet defendant “fight now" was living in Apartment 
ds Plaintiff eoneedes that when the deed im trust by defendant 

and wife to Foreman Truct and Savings Banksy ae trustee, (1) wag 
executed the oremises conveyed were animpreved. The reverd deey 
not disclose shen or upom what land the wuiléing im which 
"Apartment 1, 214¢ Sorth Kedaie Boulevard," is loeated, was 
erected, and it 1# slee silent ae ts how, when or from oho 
¢efendant obtained possesion of Apartment i. 

Defendant contends, inter alip, that “ihere ig ne proof 
in the record that « demand in writing fer the poesession of the 
premises deseribed in the eemplaint herein «as ewer made and served 

on the cofendants, a9 required by statute,” Geetion & of the 
Forcible “ntry and Detainer (et provides: "Seas 2. ‘The person 
“entities $0 the poaseusion ef lands or tenements ay be restered 
therete in the mammer hereafter provideds * * %," and clause 

Sixth of the sume, ¢liminating therefrom such parts ae ave net 
applicable to the instant case, provides: "Sixth » “hen jands or 
tenements have been conveyed vy any grantor in POsceenions * * * 

and the grantor im possession * * * refuses or neglects te currender 
posession thereof after demand in writing by the person entiiled 
thereto, or hig agent.” The parties agree that clause <ixth governs 
this appeale it is conceded that there io no proof that o “demand 
im «riting* was made and served upon defendant, but plaintiff con- 
temds that the service of wach demand, under the statutes is merely 


, " 
Yael tes 
4 i 
bi ie 


wostps dawxt bho ah bediuseed evelueng oo? o2 ofG2d aekemexd of 
oan dau mempret yt ooh atendames A (8) stthimkalg od deem 

sok te dea yrudsd céxom oft palyovnss @Tiivalalg of dual egeivet 
euad? to wolfowhoxdeh et? vote of idiiiee at budtrones ts 
quixvwl ,enetive om Bosetto dueiavted shetgor Piddatale at tdldxe 
bate | botede tasbustes 20% Leemwes sayoe Lalvt ode es atrammges ett 
sag «Pane Links" tanbeoted det whonnse Daven wl 
smahuetes wt dewad wf Gees oft mast teald eohounes Teivadel oof 
ae \4) ecosarTd ae edna ageatyal ben seat? aacawne Od othe nite 
neod hreoet oat shovenqmbin ospe omqoraes eva tan ‘ont om 
Holdw at yuthiiwe ef? band deme sega 29 aeaty ee 

anw shotavas at “qhsovedegh olabek adaadid sna a outing? 

anode mont $9 ) senater road ws ae smokes vote ‘a st en betvon 
GD GOR gan a RE 
ak apes cog, te notesrsnog bomb side 2 dabas Reb 

a” toate ae smobae 200 
toory ox oh orsdi eakle motes queen tae ti wheal ine 

ed? Yo motonsacog oss rol pati tie mt dead 9 dats uover ot a 
bevivs hia cham tove sew adocon en sLasoo odd we bedbsoas® - 

oni to 8 H860 9 " sautats we bo eknoee an canbe ob oat a0 
May rs O38 
98794 ott 8 +902" Lasbivor si ontagod one wisn sidtoret | 

_ feet 20,90 abyen Auk gitiocion aul baahetie ” 
wo aintat sedy « danke" saobhroug eoane. 

™ bs + stolaasas oq at Vode ty we we ib atic pate oY oe 
‘ebnesiue 6% adosdgon x0 pryie. ae. — 

~ e003 2éntate | and nen hee owies | 
whore at aebudede oat xobau a bat dove te « 


& condition precedent te the filing of a forcible deteiner mit 
and thet “it has been held by our courte that such » condition 
precedent may be waived" that ae the recerd feile te show that 
defendant affirmatively raised the instant point curing the trial 
he wili uot be heard to raise it in thie court. Nene ef the four 
eaaee cited by plaintiff in suppert ef she eontention that the 
services of a “demand in writing" ia merely a cendition precedent 
applies to the question sow befere ues 
“We nay premise by saying that the ection of forcible 

entry and detainer, or fercible tetainers is a wpecis) stetutery 
hcg | eumonry in ite nature end in Geregation of the common 

e and it follows that the tonditiione snd requirements thet the 

statute preacribes in confer: ing jJuriecietion must elearly exist 
that the mode of procedure previced by 1¢ must be stirieily 


Pr eae e gceesmer Ve Pridéy, 28 Ills 1705 Gchaumtoeffel v. Be 

7 id. dd ren 126 fae : * pg ime 
Tlle ARBe Be i 

“PPe 48, 49-51, 16 ic aaids 

"It has been repeatedly held thet an astion of foreibie 
entry and detaimer is « special statutory proceed in x y in 

ites nature and in derogation of the coun awe Yells 1 
1 Til. (Breese) 3373 French ve “iller, 126 Ill. @11; 3 
Ve “wing, 165 Ill. 354. 

"In the @ | Chee, Which wac an action of foreibile 
édetainer, the court ssid; The procesdings * * 4 being sinery, 
amd contrary te the course of the Common laws wast strictly con. 
ferm te the requisitions of the statute, * 

"Im the Fre ease, which was alee an action of 

foreible entry and detainer, the court hel¢ that a confession 
of judgment, entered wider the terug of « iesse awarding possession 
of the premises te plaintiff, was Unauthorised by low aud woedde It 
Was there gaid (p. 618): ‘This action ig = special atasutery 
a 9 stmmary in its natures, end in derogation ef the Comuag et 

e @8¢ it ie a rule of wiivergsi ot Panga in such actions, 
that the statute conferring Jurisdiction must be striethy yoresat 
m the method of procedure preseribed by it, or the jurisé ection 
set fail te attach, and the precceding be soram noh judive ang 
void, * * & 

"hile forcible entry and detaimer is a civil proceeding 
for restitution it is based UPON, anc hee by modern legislation 

alr A 

been evolved from the English forcible entry and cetainer, which 

Wee @ o7isinal procecding merely. Ejectment, from ita alow 
Ogrtss, Was an inadequate remedy te a dandlord, and the 
Legiglature previded the sumcary remedy by which a speedy recovery 
ef possession may be secured, but to prevent hasty action amd te 
secure tonants and their families from she tanger and inconvenience 
of being forcibly ejcoted without notice and reasonable time for 
preparation, certain safeguards were provided by the stntute,? 


whip We 

dks rotates, ohdio ts # te Qehtss, ent 2. ineheseq. mak stones ? 
mp9 t bet0e s Koy, tadd araves, we, y biod, wood, wed 32” Agee al 
Sade wets 08 eliak broves wll ae dace “Ghoviaw, od Yau Hore howe ey 
Keke? oli guburd istoq tmatans eid ben tat Towkigmst the. ‘dtabueteb 
a0, etd bo eno -deune, ahtd, at ¢2 eaten o¢ maadt.o6 fon, LEM of 
edd. geclt mokgnednoo, oat, to sromaus, ad Tibembels, We bodto seaee 

_ ghebeparq mokslinoe « yhomat al “ards due, nk. doommh" a te sok 
age arched wom Mebtastp oH, OF BO 

aigioxet to seigoe oe 
yuesntoes Estos r 8 af Ke 


ost dasld pf oadassreees <4 
tetoe yisaoto sone ae 

peg ad deus 3 

| gigteww’ to mason os 1 enw dolee yee pibe eda a saapuorieanatity 

SSSR es be ey 

#1209 aiide axel aommne ere 
*,odedada oalt to si pads wi oe wa 7 


>» fe meties. te by 
re gpd ® date 2 aka Fae creel a ‘oh ay 
te ba aOR Gy ‘Cawm eel & piead ciated De TARR ge A 
aX shkev bua Sage panel. 3a aural nds 8 ie ign 
Yrolmets Leloaga 3 }-mabten. ohm" : 

nonsms ex to pomgerry-on ent 

votes is . 
ere pep ott 

SRO hy ere ree 


it was further said (pe 621): ‘Such court of recoré doen not 
proeeed in forcible detainer ty wirsue of its power aa aR Court 
of general jurisdiction, bus derives ite authority wholly from 
the statute, end in such proceeding ig therefore to be treated 
8 @ court of special and limited juriedietion.® 

In City of Ghiesgo v. Steamship Lines, 323 tlie 308, SLB=G,. 4% 
ie seids 

“The eivil remedy im thie State fer the restitution of 

premises, based on forgibie entry ant detainers wee unknown te 
the common lew and ig purely etatujery in its origin, “hil 
our statute on forcible entry end ¢etainer containg seme of the 
ideas found in the “uclieh statutes aforesaid, particularly the 
etatutes of Henry Vi, they de net embody all of the features ef 
any of those statutes, and they caunot be aaid to be as adoption 
of any of them in their entirety or of any other Smglish statute. 
it hee been repeatedly decided by thie court that an aetion of 
feoreible entry and detainer is « special etatutery precead 

| in ita nature anc in devogetion of the commen iaw that 
our courts do net proceed thereon by virtue of their power as 
courts of general jurisdiction but derive their authority whelly 
from the statute, ami in sush a proceeding they are to be considere 
ané treated as a court of apecial asd limited Jurisdiction. (frened 
cms 1eé [lle 613g ¢ We Began, Breese, S579 Fitegerale 
« wiz 65 Tlie 3544 ae aGtion scing a apecial eta susory 
Proceeding in deregation of the commen Law the statute must be 
strictly fellowed as to the remedy pursued. * 

The contention of defendant “thet such « demand is guriadietional* 
anc that the failure ef plaimtiff to preve that he complied with 

such statutory requirement ia fatal to Bis setien, sust be sug tninede 
The Forefble intry and Detainer Aet ie sumeary in ite nature and in 
@erogation ef the common law, and it is ne haréship to require a 
ljanéloré whe seeks ite sesistenes to fellow sirietiy the mede ef 
procedure provided by it, and the preef of the statutory demand is 
an eaeential part of = ease brought wider the act. If the courte 
did mot insist upon a strict compliames with the statute grout 
injustices to tenants would inevitably fellow. In addit ion, we 
may suy that the claim of plaintiff that he could have proved that 
& eritten demand, in accordance with the atatute, waa actually 
served on defendent Dut thet he was lulled te aleep by the conduct 
of wounee] for defendant, is met justified by the recerd. Counsel 
for defendant, at the clove of plaintiff's evidenee, mowed far « 

finding fer deferdont on the grownd that plaintiff had failed te 

: go" an soem hy Pag ay Ties ‘ea gaa sa). Statexes, te ere] 

meen Xe ae hisadiue 8 ee wevizeh sant apg dag Ree 

:omehgetbalant ‘pos hank £ bas Labooge 2 riety * “a8 
tt aorate 4808 ed bad el.. Gipeees. oF Garo he, 

= SS eS eee af peste pe 

te wotinétéeex ons any oia0e a ans Bt heme iivie oat” 
ot avorday anw peg ype yor “rue sidtoxel wo beaad » 
aiid’ «suhuteo o¢t al yreteiote ylour a2 oa Wod moro 
aut te eaos ustednon vonbare® chads 
edd elteiveliiay gbiasesete cage en sae 

to aoudcet aff to Lia 
aehigebsa mc o¢ of bine Joie YO 
+@éwieda Sabine rodeo wre ~ vig 
be Nereis sade | 

——— = 

, 4 

sie insitapan! oat “dadta are1g > ik dé vaisatagi’ Yo ound 
ebtniloadeaue ef tems gmolioa akg of fats af inclines eds 
nt bes @tigen ati ah Class. ak doa souk atet se que ke oaO 
& exiupex of qidebura on ed 22 bee aad ewer ete eo mobésgoue 
Ye show ony yhtolsis wokte® of vonnteisos vit saloon nb eo tomas 
3 brawn Pwiwsoty weld “7 Reeng ita ees. ett Ld eontvosy urneneey 
ada aid 22 tbo siti satan Sayer vase = te Ou E 
ony onutate:* wsbe alo be wey as ; Sok tee ei me | Sebgwt | 
ow enh dbdbe eck sweden wsethwout ako sone? ¢ e need out | 
gould boven event Sines of date vebemtesy te minke ode o- ‘nts Wi 
Whawiee enw peeene nate ity: am wabvewga wh » Bi q 

feared tnover vat “ ‘sunt +o o a 


make out a prime facie eases, and he argued that to make out sueh 
enue plaintiff had “to prove everything that Seetion (elause) 6 
contains," and counsel then vead toe the court ¢lause “Sixth 

There is also merit im the contention of defendant that 
Plnimtiff has failed te prove that defendent waa » “*gramter in 
posresaion” of the oremises degeribed im the complaint within the 
meening ef clems? Sixth», ‘here is, undoubtedly, merit in the 
argument of defendant that plaintiff, in answering the instant 
contention, ia compelied te auysume alleged farts not sustained 
by the receré and to draw inferenees noi worrented by the evi- 
denee. Ge find ne proof im the recerd to show that Apartment 1, 
ovoupied by defendant, ig locsted upen the property to vhich 
Plaintiff cisime title by hia deere 

We de not deem it neeexanry to pass upon several other 
contentions raised by defendant. 

The judgment of the Municipal court of Chiexnge is 

reversed and the cause is remanded. 

Sullivan, 2 Je, and Gridley, Je» vorncure 

fase 390 oom os dens Serer OH bud guess gtoat @ tee ott 
a {oaweds) notice! dusfi guikegeere even os* ‘ast eres dake mi 
whint® sanaie Save silted pwen sem? Seamieo ona “e hate 
Saks dstmvton Ye wolicetooy ote a terex aoke ak oct | 
ak “oinety" « ear trwbnetod dale avecg of bette? antl vebawt atq 
emt wadtiw tikalquos oAé a hetProyes coed ag ealt . Bis 
cai mt s2com qySbovduemay qak ores Mieke easinto de 
“thatenh asti ankyewmas we sPudebesy tag: duaboodbd de dommate 
doubrdowe Jan abet bege tia twas 6) beLtogmos at “seb ine se 
(ahve ait QC bodacetaw fom asap tnt uexh od ban, bxooon ale 8 
“gh tuemireqs fads veri oo ‘ouoaca oat at Yoong om smth ov. “s90n98 
ante ot heeaeny mat mag hornond ob eimsbeoted ys batgumos 
- Sheed abe wd ost sale yh 
‘ritde Laxeven ans mag 09 ceunoon 18 Moun ova 68:87" v0 
3 sdunbew bos we heater sro 8 sae 
at earott Yo s1HO8 Laqhodeatt oft ho angi ot 

sdetnoans ok: tine ott Nae 
carat viata ae 

‘SRA ae, Seah Hien SA AA ig Me 

i 49 IS Ce Mer ee ee Ds | 
Bee ke Weel sii ee eka Soa eee SS Ha eae ge 54 

i 2 nh mc 

26450 aan / \ ; ( f 
sf é My 4 a j 
OR. ALEX B. BAGHUG, 5 f = 


Fe Cok Gaui. 
HSAY 8, SOKNORS, Q2'~4 1.A. 65 o 5- 

Opinion filed Maroh 14, 1934 

This is an acoeel from on order of the County Soart of 
Gook Gaunty entered in a eroeeeding seeking the relesese of 
petitioner unier the Ineclvent Gobters Aet. Petitioner hed been 
arrested smi imprieoned under = gopice ad getisfociendyum issued by 
the Gireult Court of Sock county upon « judguent of that eelixt in 

faver of one Uary 8. Gormer in on seticn breught by her acniart 
petitioner, charging sclicious wresemition and falae <rreet. by 

the order socesled from, the Jounty Gourt found that mealies wes 

the gist of the section in the sult in hich the judgment exe entered 
in the Sireult Gourt, ordered the setitioner reuandéd to the custedy 
of the sheriff, ond digmiesed the petition. The auit in the Givreuit 
Gort wos ageoinet Alex &. Usgmu, setitioner herein, ors. Alex &. 
Regmie omni Buelie Ke Whilieme. 40 originsily Tile’ in the GLrenit 
Gourt, the declarstion contained three counts. 

The first count wes against Emelie &. “iliiamea, slene. 
The ection wee diemiase’ «=< to her. 

The second count of the detiaration filed in the suit in 
the Gireuit court, gherged in eubatanee that the three defendontes 
falsely end asliciscusly, snd without any reneen or probable couse, 
entered into « conspiracy to defeme snd esuse the unlawful arrest 
and detention of pleimtiff, and with selicious intent, exreed 
between theaseives to hove Gmelie 4. Silliams file « setition for 

the iasuance of o Writ of Inquisition agcinst the plaintire: 

} ste 
j ty 
: r 
q t * 
™, A ' P 
4 é 
if im Z ¥ Wa a age Ag | «GaRGE 
fe paca eel YN } , 

mh NORTEAY, AT Yo seat 

See ee” ig wa wae 

4 b 

tale CoRR Panes tosh Sahel Wy 
cs B8augo yoo 

Bs sP@Lineya : i % a paar ‘ 
see L ae sorell belit vaihiicil Be, BSR RN Soe a ae 

Nea ee ae af BA 
Bete is! RS bint 

+TAIOR at %0 ROKHRGS BAY asnaviaien Lat worteus oanareans os a Be 
to trod etawe’ od? te ‘tobr0 ae not sega ae ad eid? rg bi 
‘to dotocer odd gations gaibessord » al boxbem eae ood 
moed bad reaottite? #0 stoddel tuovLorat’ one ‘woke 3 r6n0 34) 
‘W besnel mubpetostaiten he asia » rbbiw benbkdxend hak bei 
al fron teat to trecghyt = sect ylavet goe8 Yo Fined tiuondd 
teaieye ted yt téguerd wetter aa’ at conned 4a wo aa: é t01 
i stairs Sadet Bae modewagenre “awathslow gaiy 
ase shies deat Bawot rod Yeweh-adt \emhelemacnie ) 
beretne sow sewsgdeg edd doide Mt tive odd at mabter ait te tohy. ede, 
Yotave add at hebmamet cemolsizeq edt berebae free an A 
disorl? ome mi Slam edt no dhdteg add Soeaduegh baw 47%. | 
-G xeli .oxk ~atored toneliiveq .swaye off aot tatiege gow tepeh 
thuork® oat ak belit Yleaigive GA smunkiley fi esse fe congo 
osnate somal Li2t o oifemlt teringe aow tayoe tote nd Le 


tery 5. Comer, and withewt any reveensble er peebeble tuuse te 
appear before the judge of the Gounty Court, and there falsely and 
mliciougly and witho:t any reasonable esuse, ewoet te a petition in 
writing cherging that the plaintiff woe insane and uneate te be of 
lerge, aed et«ting i thie oetition thet the webitianer, tlex &. 
Magnus, hed examined the oleintiff and found her to be mented ly 
unsound and in need of institutional sare, all ef which wee falee, 
1t ie further slleged in thia seeead count of the degieretion thet 
by means of this congpiracy and falee ewearing, the petitioner and 
the other defemients osused the Writ of Inoulsitien te iseue, and 
thet, therefore, in sursuence of such consplrsey, the olaintiff woa 
arrested and teken inte custedy unier a dit of Inculeition iseued 
by the judge of the Gounty Gourt on the skewing aude oy these defend}: 
ants. It is further alleged in this count thet the arrest ef pleine 

ght her inte seandel ont disgrace, and out her to a arent 

deal of expense in procuring her dievkerce, 

The third count is substentinily the sage ss the ascend 
count. is we read this count, it is <lleged therein thet the ate 
of the defendants were msliciows «nd eithout any reesoneble or ore 
beable csuse. fo the declarcstion Alex &. wages sal Ure, Alex A. 
Sognus filed plese of the general iseve. Petitioner failed $e appeer 
at the trial in the Cirouit Oourt and offered no defense to the 
aotion brought there, The couse sao subaitted to < jury, end after 
hearing the witnesses for the piaietift, the court instructed the 
gery 2s follewa: 

"The Jourt inetructs the juvy thet if yeu believe 

from the evidence thet the defemiant, fsisely and wali- 
Gigualy, and without eny reasonable or erebeble Suse, 
Suused the gaid claintiff te be deprived of her diberty, 
the Jury may «llew es dem.yves ony awe not exceeding the 
amount gutd Tor even though the gum sillewed any exoeed 
the amount of dossees AOUGSLLY OFOTOR: 

the Court ingtruete the Jury thet if you beliers 

from the evidence thet the aefendent, maliciously and 
without any reagonable or probable oause inetituted or 
Gcused to be instituted preeeedings, ov attwmoted to 
adjudieste the olointifr ‘rein insane, o¢ derrive ser of 
her linerty, the Jury are outheriged to find exemplary 

j & 

OF chews eldedenq vo ekdexeecey qua auedtiw box gxonae® .& yet 
| bee Yhentet oxedd has .tr00 Viewed enie Yo eget sas sxoted mn egy 

ti soltiseq « of toowe ,eageo eldasearsx ye Seiten ha. qavalot lon 

ts of of etecau bas onsend aow Yidatete ene tonlt pitignreio paktits 

»  ‘gbdetaam od of rod bewot bow Wdtately edt Deakmete bat yawnyel 
“S Sutet enw delea he lax ‘eetee Lomedtetivent te boow af baw demain 
tad MeitersLoed ad? te Hauge haceoe eile af begets stuitewt at ot 
hin Geelidiien 4 coches welsh on qunteunn anak ae w 
Bids ,oumel of celtielupat ‘te tiv et bewone ataebaoted raddo ede 
sew Tiidatela oat .yortiqeses deus to someweney at Ototeradt ete 
| beowset aotvleluvcal te dig? ¢ xe leur yhodeue etal weald baw hoteeree 
_ omhawteb ened? ye Sher gattode St mo temOe YeRot ant to omhut Sabo 
| wttslg to teores ent cede tmved edit wt bege fie xodteet et HP sweme 
aps edallevalne tant as ee ee ee ee 

haovse’ ode eh omen oct staan ter fede dango k stg, 
ates of Fede alerted? Rogella kt Ff tow whet eer veelouth - itatiree 
" s07q to ofdanoseer Yue tuoitt iw bun saptotton oxow gnebsested edt to 
oH KOLA yer hae euwgel’ oo keLk no ifovataes wat oT Soemed’ elead 
Seaqqs od DéLte? vomelsise< cubed Lonnie GHP TO baelly Bey diniyom 
add ot eadsteb on Bevotte ine fele® PisowtO adv wh Keket G8 te 
tefte bas oct « of bedtindve den couse off woredd tignend coder 
eds botourtent tni¢e ade ange Odd et | on wast hw dt gutteed 
i * Ss ’ Boon wae ‘yeeoLlet es rit 

, rer food —_ * idee beans 

if ‘ 

stl xOLA yromoisiteq ot Soult medhtteg WhMt nt gudtdde bus pogral 

a, Se ee oe 

Or cunitive deasges, thet is, to mimish the defendant 
amd to furnish an exemple to deter others frem like 

The erounde upon which defendant «ske for reverasl of 
the Gounty Court are thot counts one and three of the desicr=tion 
filed in the Sirewit Jourt did net eherge the defendent with msliee, 
ther@fore, thet the judgment of the Gireuit Sourt wea net reg 
% on that question; that defendant in the trisl in the 

County Court, should hove been aliowed toe shee by soanetent evid ence 
that malice was not the gist of the setion in the Giresuit Sourt, end 
that in rejecting the efier of pregf on such cuestion, whieh it did, 
the County Gourt wea in errer. it is insisted by setitioner that 
insemuch es the jury were not instructed te disregard it, therefore, 
the firet count in the declarstion, which did net cherge asliece, eas 
before the jury in the trisi in the Gireuit Court. This judeaent 

of the Circuit Yourt 219 reviewed on sppe¢sl to this enurt. (Connor v. 
Msemug, S63 Til. Sop. G41.) The judguent eos «ffirsed, ond this 
sourt there held os to the first count that by the diswiess] “ae te 
Emelie HK. Hiiilams, ae dhe wes the only defeniont nemed in said sount, 
thie eount fell, leaving the two reaciniag eounta whieh * * * 

charged the defendent, Alex §. k-gnua.” Thia first count being out 
of the ease, there wag no etension for the trial jwige in the Sireuit 
Court or in the County Court to regerd it. 

Ag stated, in the triol of the enge iu the Cireuit Court, 
defendant wie not present and offersd ne evidence. In ite ruling 
upon thke offer of preef on the heoring in the county Gourt, to the 
effect thet defendent waa net guilty of aslies, ss charged in the 
declaration, the Gounty Gourt bold thet setitioner wos confined te 
the evidence offered in the trial court «nd refused te reeeive other 
evijence. ss stated, the first count «ce owt, and the third sount 
dees, in our opinion, sliege lice, Sewever, even if eetitionerts 

ppiinnunecing out porte OF ,@i Sade _.esy: 
edit mot? eredtc wares ire 

te plein cat ates pane seni sodate eG prance st : 
solteratoob ong te asté? bua sop ataweo salt ove atwel een oat 
oo tLom atin taxbasteh et sgreno dom bth tamed tiveath ed at balse 
(ARE tom wer Heh ttu9skO ond do Mnem~bat edt Rad gouPdered 
ed? mt inte od? ad tuohasteb teat yapdgeawp ded? Ao ehapthubhe 
cone kts tatsdcuidd ¥ dons” Of: Sivek. ane, ARH Ninh: 9 AD NNOND 
baa qitwo0 ¢hunsto ot mi spdtes afd te tady OA? tod som ondtom 
shih ti deide yrolisexy dove mo then to weble edt gaktueier. 
(tnd? spwoltiteg yd botetess ot #1 . towse af. peas tevehcabaeeh et 
attoneneds sik bregetels of beteursead doa oxen vewt edt ee, sdowmmoms 
ase .oollen ogtedo tom bib dotdw ,ueitevedeet edt as taupe tant? onde 
P tecmaegher, aidt .t2yeh divert ent at dedst Ot RA $3¢ 
|| -¥ xqnmoo) .taven aide oF Leon me Darel a faye, ° ) ast 20 
| abst hee gdemettte cow tymaghert ott (ER 4a04. ere see ore 
| ote denn st tat tg on han Me 
i stavos bite Hk denen ¢asbastek YLae ast sox ote on gpmadistt 9h 
i eae ot ataweo yalodenen ond edt gadwond 
_ tue auted favo toxdt add? “yanmegait A xOL, atmabanreh edt 
li ttvest6 ould wt optar Loixt odd 10% codnst0y oa new Suds gee 
ait burger of txwod vinwon od mt ap tmmad 
yee verso eat ak weno oct Ie dotee 9A3 BS gBPEMER PA on oy qvnina 
gatlut att af .s0nebive on boxotte dae taoneeg tom gon gaakmeteh | 
odd of .trwod ytawod LL Rogie nipinne eagnertymenel | 


contention were justified »s to the first and tsird counts, it is 
Omitted thet the aceand sount dees allece melise. The Sup rteae 
Sourt in Buek v. Jiez, 6° fii. 167, anid: 

"The term 'maliec' os used in the Insolvent Sebters 

ey = Eth 


ASG, sppiies to that ¢isge af wrenga whieh are inflicted 
with on €vil intent, design or swrcese, isvlies thet the 
euiity perty wos agbuated by luproper or dishonest sotives, 
am requires intentions re@tretion of en injury or 

wrong on another. (Fire nk of Flore v. & oS 

iGlL iil. 913 RP 2S4 

poyweli, 122 idl. G87: Kollar, st: oe: ve Or}GRs 
#238 ili, 356.) “pen th Beane setitien fer dig~ 
Gharge under the Inecivent cebtere act, if the declerstion 
in the cmuse in whieh the judgment .:minst the vetitioner 
wag Tendered did net charge aelice, evidences extrinsie te 
the record of that eeuse le uot edmlesitle t6 shaw that 
there wag maliee on the oart of the oetiticser in the erige 
inel tranesetion on which the julenen bi 
BiSZnser « 3 Ye BUSES: Bure 



Shether the thivd count of the Gecloration does not 
®entain en sllegetien af mealies, se oftitioser sentenda, or dees 
sentein auch sm allegation, xs this court views it sakes no di fferenge, 
amd we are ef the coiniesn thet the vounty Court sce not in errer in 
rejecting the evidence ag to petiticnerta intent, sand in entering 

the order sosesled from. fhe order ie, therefore,=t fireed. 




ef ¢i ,atmwco baivt bas taxit od? of ea botisieut. otae, aotuetn00 
amergut ef? .oodten oselle seeb saves haved’ “one teil bed timbs 
i thdow VOL iit O88 «BALA »¥ anu mt Prwod 

ot tagvioes! ed? ai beew oa .tagdiou' sset ogt 
ne or ry Hg ioiaw egaotw to yr toad ot 
.eevitom seouodelh “a Temerge se we heteidan’ abe 
te Ne ale a“ Xe ey vee J: : 

TRRASLh a ee a aes 
sega fa 

teat weds oF. St 

ton aoob We toseiiioh Sae'a dialen’ Werte’ oth saab 
seoh xo ,ebasdaod reookt Bred pet yeah Lew te ae Ra rytis ae whedte 

sono rortib on eels #1 ewbty tavkd cidt fs ynoseryoliv a dom wheres 

‘gk vort dl gem ow Stig yaved OMY Pk? Koketoe Bar We ote ‘ow bats 

guinvins ai ban .twotad® otrenetiiesy of ve bHRdRtwe edd Fie il 

| sboaninhajeebtersde ghd tolee oxy © — Peleowoe tebne ode 

‘ a iy Lie Ai ¥ haw Ba. Baek ake 
stored a4¢ eo Ree He aie whee ane 

th A ee a 

‘i ka hs dabelcite 9 * nine: “at ona 

f a 4 : eo ete “¢ } ES QAR BAG. aul e Pen er 
Wit ee re ee Le ake ‘oa 

Oe SOUT Oe gg PRB GM. si ailiaahd 4 

——_, fo Py 
36499 , ; Po 4 Pe ; i x 

CO., & Gorperation, a foo ni 

Plaintiff in error, MUNICIPAL BouRT 
Te i 

: oF wiosce. 
ES is ae el ae Z 
(Age v4 4 A of @ 6 5 5 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 

BH. G. HABSOGK, Tracing ss S005 SOFT WATER 

Gefendant im Lyrrore 

By this writ of error sleintiffi seeks the vrevereal of 
a judgment for seste entered sgainat it in the Municiosl court of 
Ghieage. dudgsent es originally entered in fervor of plsintiff 
and aguinat defonient on = judewent sete. 4 petitien end eetion 
ef defendant to vacate the juiguent snd te ciwe defendant « hearing 
was presentec te the court, the judgment wes voented, end as atated, 
judgment entered agsinat plaintiff for seste. The trie] was by the 
eourt without « jury. 

fhe record shows that on Bey GOth, 1921, defendent 
signed a promissory mete fer 399.95, sayable in instaliments, This 
note contained a worrant of pewer ef attorney to confess judguent 
thereon. The note wos paysble to the kneeKnit sonufseturing 
Serperation ami by if sesignet to the plaintiff. The judgement wag 
entered on Soreh 17th, 1935, and the sotion te vacete wae asde May 
loth, 1932. 

im hig petition ond setion te veeate,defendent reclies 
in substance thet the Gude Soft “ster Leundry defendant, entered 
Ante 2 contract with the imu-iinift Memufesturing Cerperction for a 
machine to mend stockings, such as@hine te be leseed at « rentel 
and thet upon psysent of the I=st instsliment of rent, the Knu-tnit 
Manufacturing Corperstion sgreed te give « bill ef scle to the leasee; 
that the uschine wee delivered to defendant ond was defective in 
that it did not do the work for whigh it wee intended; thet it could 
Ret be used by defendant in ite business; that the aechine wes of 

PSs. in i 


on ito Ltereg¢ed & 

pe Jaro tee adenes wk Siar ant sty" Py ae iad 
Ih % ‘ is ov iN ane (: 2 y 

ret 0s 8 Sab / 

jie Py tnateotor 
eel ww fioteM belit noimiqO | ne 
DINED me Yo Home WT CHearLate ater sorrae na reas ft 
to Encrover eit exete Thiowinty gorts 14 Rimi High Ye . 
Yo Hryot Leqkotnwit on? ai 2 tankege boxsten 
Wiltntate ‘Yo rove? at beretas yitantyixe 
patntod » puabartsd ody = oan — 3 ! bd saeeey of tm 

-G000IND 49 

‘Gao. AI DY 

gittretestone’ takes? ait ot dda ‘eo ter en att 
ein Imecghat eat .VtEtebate Oat of Somgtoud OF wet bun ‘nokesweqtsd 
‘Qe eben Gad etueny oF we ldda at fine ener sated a i a 

estioer tasbrotebstavey of watton Ime Moltited eit a om Speiting da | 
berodme .tuatuetod yrhaued reds" P2e8 abut eld saslt conutedue at 
“@ ot aeitetoq¢re® gabteremtamall $devkmanes out dite tonréa0o s otmh 
fotnot « te heared ad of entdoas Move wsgnbstoge | 26 of we 
tinkeuti edt faor to tagnlingent font sit Yo taomyee moqu 
 yemanes ad? of oie to Liad « eviy of boongs Hol Fexoqned aa 

pppunprbedreye st schon 



ho Yeiue to defendant and thet the note and eentraet wea nell end 
void for the reesen that the consideration for euch note woolely 
filed, It is further alleved thet the sesionnent ef the mete to 
plaintif? was anode after snturity, and thet pleintiff es¢ and is 
mot = bons fide holder before maturity of the nete im due seurae, 
Plaintiff insists thet the judguent for coasts be reversed becouse 
defendant wes not dilirest in mregouting hie metion ‘te veonte; thet 
éefendant ia bound by « 4oousent signed by Ria and that defendens 
éié not offer to return this saehine, 

sefendent teatified thet at the time he ourchssed from 
the Enmu-init banufeeturing Someeny the mechine referred to, be had 
& Conversation with one Bornes, « scicasan for that coupiny; that 
farnes seid he woe selling defendunt « mechine thet sould «end Silk 
hose perfectly, but tict upon trying the meeking he found it ddd net 
dq the work aa represented, and that he was eoupelied te resert te 

hand eork on the stockings; thet the vnu-Knit iemutactaring lercera= 

tion sent « demonstrster to defendent and thie Ssmonetrater could nat 
weke the wschine scceaplish saythine in the wy of sending stockings; 
thet the Kau-Enit fomafseturing Sorserition sent onether pergan te 
defendent to try te overste it and premiaed thet the tnutnit Lonufagte 
uring Corporstion would send another aechine to take the cleee of the 
mechine in queetion, tut thet they did not 46 se ond the maghine ia 
how in posveesion ef defendant <t hia hese and thet defendant hae net 
been sble te operste it. defendant further testified on orege-examin~ 
ation thst befere the dauengtreter, a Kies Shite, left, after making 
the demonetration, she presented defendant with « enrd end atated 

thet “this card here shows my tive, I have to ghow thet i spent three 
days heres* tat at her request he sled the errd, smi thie denonestrae 
tor then ateted to the witness that “we will end you © new esehine.# 
Defendant told her he did vet think the arehine wie eny good, wand 

that he did not think it would VOrkK. 

( qi 

er | 
bas Lfwe eow toertmon aes oto at? todt hace’ totaal ates’ vat cuiekon 
Yetose efor Move tol nokterebiesos eit tert moasot ed? 6% Dhow 
0? ston od? to dnrairy tae s oct teat begetin vedtevt at $f .betiet 
ei bax exw Yktatale tote Ban .ythusdey sogts eben exw sit tabede 7 
 qbhtupe sub ait eto od te yeieudax oroted rehtod BEY ged «0 ‘tea 
Saunoed re ad xteos rot atoveay ert ant tos? stebent Yrbtetes 
toad jansory ‘of ‘nolton eid gedteaneee ad drag sith Sau sow snahastob 
tnabavreb teds tar mist ye bomgts tuamuoeh » WS Hwed ef sanbeotes 
on Laos, aide auton of roto tom bib 
nett bevnsionuc sat ont oat te bouts bo rttvent fasbasret sae sca bi 
ny wi i ont 

gee, Reo & 

hi Hite bee bisom tose sekioan 3 a tnabentob aati ton ov Co iow 

ERS Ny Ga fH) PER 

| i" drosor a boLieques naw on ust has ’ pile ¢ ca eae 

||) -eroqte0 gadrutoetunten thatmaaN ede tard ieonsoots id 0 How 
he ton Dawe xetersenamh bese ons Paspaeish of yoHR ome 
jegahsoote pabbaos to Yow out at gattryas sedfcaooes ° ; 

Hi et woe 9% zedtear save neki ore? getzudostiie tae tr 
mtootamet dhaimunt ont feds beetwor bas #2 ote neae af we on 

| tom aed taaknoteb tedt ban emod wid #9 tanksoted bo to mplapsoes a. 

’ milanxo-eRror® ne Dottitest rediaut trenbaot ec et sero ot sk 
s Sie - ey, ee 
 patdaton reste attet soaker ea i ’ “gtotentanooed one oaphed tae me 

bstete bas broo B atte sushasros baa om prs, onoik 
eas aR Ce ee ea ee , 
condi tnoge 1 tate wade of ovad I yank? * i 



kether Henson, tae «ite ef the defenioant, stoted that 
ehe woe 2 part auner of the busineas of defendant, and testified in 
gubstenoe that the machine in cueation would not de the work which 
the Knuednit comufacturing Corperction, through ite seent, ropre« 
sented that 1% would de. 

The contreet between the Emu-Rnit sonufecturing Gorpers~ 
tion ig in evidence, «mc es2 when exeouted a dooument of which the 
note sued on wes «= onrt enti from whieh it wae term. This centraot 
previces that upon seyment of the nobe sued on, the title te the 
waghine in cuestion should seas to defendant, title im the interim 
to remain in the *su-tnd@ Sonufseturing Cersorstion. 

It ee¢eee to be «imitted thet olsintiff sequived title to 
the note in question softer saturity, end thot defeniant say make 
all the defenses thet he equid hore aade hed the title te the note 
reusined in the originsl soyes. 46 to the ovcetion ef defendanti'a 
a@iiigence in sresgenting his motion te yeeate, 6 note thet tue judge 
went wes entered in the Bunicipal Seurt of Thiesge on Merch if th, 
i832, and the aetion to veeste ena aije on Sey LOth, 195%. The 
re¢erd shows thet defemient is not now, end «sa not st the time the 
juégeent wee entered, a resident of Geck County, bat resided some 

. Ghstance from TUhiesgo. There is nothing in the reeord te indicate 

that the motion te vaeste was not mie in emple tine, ner thet sleine 
tiff hes euffered sny ineonvenience or lese by reusen of the time 
whieh elapeed between the entry of the judgment and the entry of 

the motion to vaeate. There ia waothing in thie point. 

Plaintiff's next woint is that defendant is beund te « 
eritten atatenent delivered te s demonstrator of the muchine, such 
demenstrater heving been sent by the seller of the mochine in question 
to muke a demonstration 2nd ascertain whether the machine vould work 
aatiafactorliy or not. Gefeniant atetes thet «ter euch demonatration 
hed been mode, he woe requested by the demonetrater te sign » earg, 

tadt Detote .tarhaotes ons Ye etd edd yaoemnl wedtes is 
al heltitest hae ,tashasted te oseckou ond to ‘Teawo fa0q ee aw oe 

Ho tebe drow ott ob ton bluow agitessp ad snidesn as deste womnt edie 
morgen stangs | eg guest so kt orog me” gakrston ames theimwe ‘>, 

__ seb bivew a weed betaes 

~sraat06 gabxicton tare tase add meaetod tometnon oat sin si ciee 
Of Koldw: Re. dgramnote m iveatrate:etshe gem bans seousbiva at o oid 
foexduon ataT stot env #2 douse mort han tung 6 exw mo beue 9t0a 

‘edd of Oi¢14 edtyno boun oton ait to ambaryny meq trait | 

mbzotad edt at oitit atmbas tat of samy bhwote sekteogp at outore 

sno itsneqrod gadeetos tony bbs Sonatas 
ot okt ie ei to Wa seahade ade besdimbs wd * Se Oe a? 

w! suebmoteb ‘te nekteouy eae ot oe 290, ; ct iad 
~gbast ‘end torit ‘eton yr taney ot noitos end ta at sae 
cate sone ne @yanssc to sted Loqtotaus vat at besenaes sow 

re aN 

ed? .880L ASO YR ao obew enw otosaw ot ac ktox ost faa 79 
“et ontt ot tn ton aro ne wou fon at taoharted seat enode LOOSE 

‘emon bebteet shar < hero soot to saabiaot a _sbareane 5 ae 
‘ebaotbal ot beeees eat ak pabiter st orsdt eyo wort as 

* ee D 

1 wnkeLe sede Tos onit slaus ad oben ton aaw ednone at “sobton oat tot 
ome odd %* noeses w eat to sompiavyneont wa bers tien aad we 

Teer pam Dh aks 


indiesting thet the time spent by her in her work eae setusily spent. 
The card he signed conteined the follewing: "Thia is te sertify 

thet your instructor, Kis« “se ‘hite, hea demonetrated aur Snu-Knit 
Hosiery Sepair Machine «ni instractes guar operater to cur camplete 
satisfsetion. “# further certify th=t our ine-Enit Msechine works 
antisfaeterily «ni efficientiy.* He ssid thet he did mot rend the 
ssrd and knew nothing cf ite soutents, mat toek the word of the 
deuonstrater tast it ce only « record of wer time. His stetenent in 
this regerd ia not Gicowted. No eltneases vere produced by pisintiff 
to dispute the testiaony of defendant, hie wife snd on employe ef 
defendant, to the effent thet the unchine in ~aestion weuld not de 
the work elaised for it «ni which the seller premiesd it vould de, 
end thet the mashbine wos uetless te the defendant. 

It ie further insiates by olaintiff thet defendent cannot 
urge bis defense te the note ec long ca the aschine in cuewtion re 
maine in slaintiff's pesstasien. The defendent leased the seonine 
from plaintiff, and the contract previded that the title would sages 
only after the note in queetion seo weld. Fleintiff elites Genili's 
Tllineia “eviaeé Stetutes, 1941, Thanter 141-4, sregreph 72, ae follies 

*vhere goods heve been delivered to the bayer, he 
sennet reseind the geile if he tnsw ef the breeeth of worrenty 
when he eceepted the gooda, er if he fils te notify the 
seller within 2 recsoncble time of the election te reseind, 
or if he felis te return or offer te return the goods to 
the seller * * *.# 

There sas no sole ef the preverty, therefore, the statute 
hes ne sppligation. The titie is still in the seller, «nd he sen 
procure possession of it if he chogees. The jwiesent is «ffirmed. 



i 4 efagen Yilewtor aew fees ved af ved wi geteqe ated ode dade mtb a0 bind 
Yrioves oF eh efit" tynivelict out heniatres bengie od bree ed? 
titSaunk wwo batertesoneh ocd .atid ool call yredoutiest tw0y dads 
efalquoe wee of Todeweqe tae bartartent mea endilogs whaqget ote keg — 
adtxow saidee’ timi-wnk tum fect YLiexweo sedtegh et |  aobtestedtas 
odt Loox fet Bh ad tad? Rise oH *.yltwedoztte dus qLbtedentatice 
(od To Brow ade woot tad yatantuoo att ko gabdten wend bie dena 
ai dvenetete uf! .audt ver ‘te Beetet oc yinw oew 2 teu setettemqemd 
Tidatale YW heevbery exow asesemtiw ON .kedugmdd tem ah Rregon ebdt 
“Ye eyokawe az has ottw etd ydoetaskeb te qromiteos edt atuqakb at 
ob ton bluew acitsoum xt eaidesm eft text doekt bo ott of 4tnabaoted 
ac ualh hanacaneemianie yshamiindutonsnainiibias:§ sein) 
 stinhastyh ait ot naekeow bow sakdonm ait ends chan 
fonnae tiabavieh tede Tiitelele wi betetest wadieet wh tT 6! 1 ly 
“dt moliesu ai saksine ad? ac grol oo tom wit ot osdetad tpi 
 Mikdem sit Secnel Susbasteh ont ymolemanmey ati hitatele a2 onsem 
ansq diver wLeit anf vadt Sehivety Seextso> edt Bae .VEitadadg weet 
shite sotio Btitihels .bhag cow ret ant mane We 

iat {THye Git oF Roraesind aed oved oe + Pei pi 
‘ss treed ece pe germane soe SE sass 

eld oytetem ef efie? ef Li wo gahon, b hed 
__shaignes of so ttve te ant to emtd afd en00 
et shoo, od? ateter ot tetle vo eter of 

i sae 

stuteto ests sorotor ad ateraqore oss te sine on ie oxo | 
neo ad bas R vivpwaged one at iitee a une ot es had 

BE one ON ME? LMM) Sa Me nC apa we rh Qe od R 

‘ sone ‘hall, a 

aon Oe, Bs 
ie Ree we & ne einy, Py ee bed g OE 

ai ‘ 

38 al rte: i % Pa 
365 we Passi | 

(Plaintiff) Agtelies, nt all 
coal BUSISIPAL oQuet 
We : 

(Sefendant) Apveliants Q'7 4 I A. Gag 

Opinion filed Mareh 14, 1934 

By this sopeei defeniant sseke te reverne «= judesent for 
$450.00 readered aguinat it in the Amicipsl deurt of chiesge, The 
setion is for dam¢ges slieged to heve been susteined by plaintiff, 
whe Glaims te Aeve worked ss 2 yatthmen on = bulliding being censtruc- 
ted for tae County of Geok «t Sinehester <i Pelk Streete in the 
Gity of Shiesge. §o Grief bee been filed by oleintiff, the uit 
aa originsily cowngneed 1a syrinet Patrick ‘erren and Silliam 4. 
Breri. An suended etaterent of claim ess filed in the Municipel 
Sourt, wpon which the heering there wos hed, aceinet Petrick “arren, 
William 4%. Grown, Yiliise 4. Jroen £ 3o., snd Potrisk “arren Construc- 
tion Go. To this amended stutenent of slais, ®«triek “arren 
Gonstruection Gee, apreliant, filed sn affidewit of merits, sherein 
4t ie steted thet: 

*Defendant denies that it ever empleyed the oleintiff 

on or sbout February 25, 1554, er at any ether time, by 
*entreet ef any kind, te work for it es alleced in said 
statement of gisim, end denies thet visintif? werked fer 
this defendant ae alleged therein. Sefemiant denies that 
it is indebted to the cleintiff in sny sua whetesoever,# 

Giliism 4. Srown, president of the S4liiem & Brown 
Construction Co., *s¢ preduced 4¢ 2 witness fer the sleintiff, 
testified in subgtones thet sis company bed = contract te seve a 
Building at #inchester and Polk “treete, »=ad thet the work was being 
done in February, 1932, He stated thet the vatriek darren Gongtruce 
tion Gomosany was the principsl centracter on the jyb, sceording 
to the understending of the witnegas, and thet he, Brown, hod sothing 
te do with the employsent of laber efter Moreh Ath, 1932, end that 

a, (thigarariy” °" om 
‘OoseInd Ws (geG® MOT TOUS TOROt anriay Or "| 
BED AT Rg t stsinec mien) re 
BECL DL dove boLit moiniq® ee 
THOS RAY FO ROTWETO @HY GinetEeM chan aorta eer pi Paces 
‘Wo! tromatat » savsver of elaen tabbested Lewyye arde ye °! ONY 
| ountemoe gute gathi ted & fe Hamiotes = we belvor svet of autele ome 
thu od? .Yeitednde Yo beLEY aod wet tome oH oyrotdt to yt 
Nm LET bee dorcel dodtee™ Fuekeys wt deerORKeD YLientytre as 
 Epephokett ots wt BOLRY dow miele Te dxometeiie Besitone ian” jmNeiel 
| mturttenod morrey Aobrtet bas yJo0 8 moet oY mbt tdee yosont J nee tte 
"pete dokutet Yate te Ye deunetate bobrient Wit ot © a 
 mhovene —" to sasinaahine an tow eat ivaitiiah eos note 

is Dg os kasagn0m 


Matters itt a nie reve 
oat? oer el 
oa bestow pathy 

 £ vom of Seertaoe & had wear abs on evasion ab = sai 
artod on tren act ill thie saponny® IVS Ka, SRN BA) ibd 

} seiliiene ih tut ai SOM] ay . 
aniston bas aitrorh ad ted? baw qanentiy eta — biti j 
ted? bee OTOL 40 sonen ratte sede Yo tamayedene att dtr ob of 

he, Brown, hed no contract for watehuen or isborere that were doing 
any work, other than removing machicery. 

Plaintiff? teatified in substunee that he bad 4 telLk sith 
Wr. Grown about coing t@ cork on the jos et “inchester and Polk 
Streeta about February “Oth, 1956, smd that he started te work there 
on february 29a, «mi that Green left him on the job. He further 
stated thet uething was eid abeut etges, and that come san whe 
werked for “vown ould hia fer 19 dsys werk from reprusry “Oth te 
Maroh “ed. Yhis witness «igo stated thet er. “orren's foreman 
toid him he should wateh the eater cump. He testified further that 
he taiked with Er. “srram «ni Er. “arren anid, “See frown", and 
thet in Bereh he toek the sl«ce ewi thet Srown did net come on the 
job any more, Om croge~examination he stoted that he esked Ar, 
Werren for his check, «mi “ry Yorrem enid, "i ain’t got your Sheek, 
Brown got te pay you.* Be stated thst et one tige ir. fsrren 

offered to pay him (5,90, smother time $3./%5 

and anether time 920.00, 
Other witnesses testified te the arieet that they acv plaingiff 

oa the job. 

| Patrick ‘orren testified on behalf of the defendent cor 

perstion, end atated taat it wx the general agntreeter for end that 
he wag fomlliar with the work being done im moving the wuliding et 
Ninehtater and folk Streets in the City of Caiespu, ond that the 
Patrick ‘erren Gonetructian Gampany eublet the cexntract for this 
werk to the Wiliiam 4. livewn Gonstruetice: Gamueny which did sii the 
work. He atated thet he knew the plaintiff. This witness vos saked 
whether, on behalf of the Patrick “erren Jonstroetion Sewceny, he 
employed any men on this perticuler job at “inehester ond alk Streets, 

snd bis anewer wis thet be did not de so. This «newer we objected 

| to, and the objection wes sustained by the sourt, the court stuting 

| thet “he might mot have definitely eaployed somebody, mat be might 

Baton ereW Sade eTOTENL re \Mondoter Tot PomTIMOS Om baw gtment see 
ferme tai | Drkvoren madd wade yatrow wna 
ithe Mint 9 had On toad ocastedue ak boktitend Yi teebare ae 
| aie’. bas seteadonl® te det xt} no, naw of yatey tuede wont sll 
Sind? show ot bprrage Oe told dar 4SKOL QASO8 Tsun’ tuode teense 
vedere? am. Gol edeune aid ed ewer! todd tee hats yeaa me 
eile ime Smee tot Rue Ls9gew Iuode bise vow gakdinn tase, betes 
| Gt APOR Ytowndel moxkt doe eysh OF wot att Mteg amore wot betvow 
 mamerret a mecrak 4a tate Betets cede senate ett «bas stoma | 
tastt seasttrant botideet ali sqmer water add dider bivote od mid Bhot 
‘bee *nwers O98" ybice mortar +2h hao Rome sai tbe dedi’ ob 
Sif mo neo fox bib sworn dedtt hn Sooke elt Amet od dora md tale 
| «tH here ot tute bedete of aedteatmnxe-aeore a deren yee dat 
—gteade swoy toy dake I" yhhee movne® gx Dan gdeecde etd wok wormek, 
fextal «xi ealt ano te @edd betate 28. Wisceiadincimaaladitea sit 
| ACO8h omit? xeditane hae 06059 amt? sedtome _M_F) mit goa of Doxstte 
 Meketele con yoas Sect sootie. ant aannansitin mapas 
 attol, tt, sm 
~ron dashaates edt Yo tiaded me hoktstaes sipraai pereng vad 
ted? bose tot roteetinoe Larensy edt onw Ft tontt betate bos niin 
te yaibliod at gatvon at eaoh gated taaw ect? dete gah tes? sow od 
ode tei bute | sogsead to eno ‘sa nk steenit Abt hen cous 
eidt wor domttaee exit toidow mate 0 btu fesod moves dosreed : 
edt Lie bib do bete wanted coktour seared avon eT smhiite odd ot drow 
Deion ace auontty alot .2italale odd vend Od edd Bedote OK xeon 
: of gyaernot Ho L$ ourteno® aorta sointed ot te ‘vhs 0 9x tern 
i einerte if0% bas retesdomh’ ts dot adoettreg ease ae se we ‘h 
1 botostso ame te8wens etait one eb ‘tow “BLD es ‘trai eo 4 ’ . aks ; 
watacte two ant “bei09 ont w ‘ponte tous on okadegede e sit eh 
tate oni tus sxtodesen boyodane “Uns tnttes owed ‘tout 

bab ie. TURF | we gn D tsgah cab ieguy adit * a 
Ltt pe Aone tothe eed Be Pome nes eat ee i 

heave been iisble fer his «cyvee if ne hed mot done sertnin things.* 
Sr. warren further tectified that he aever had any eenveres tion 
with the vleintiff in the monthe of Yebrusry, March, Avril, “ey or 
dune of 1932, snd thet be did sot direet plsintiff to de saything 
on behalf of the *atrick <rren Construction Company from February 
20th, 13%2, down te the dey sf the trink. 

From the entire evidenee, 1% ie apparent thet wisintiff, 
Af employed, rie an ewsloyes of the “Aliiem 9%. “rewn Coaeany, sub 
eontractorea under the defencent cemeany, and that there wos ne 
privity of contract >eteeen olaintiff snd defendant, and that the 
court waa in errer in entering the juigsent sesinet the defendant. 
fhe judguent is, therefore, reversed and renended. 



its Pou. eb " mig gdweiBoaey ay fhe 2 A Bae agents ont | 
“sepaldd steteoe enob fou bed od Ti eeyon a2 ot aags ped v 
a ADE CAG HE ape i : 
__., Bettewsevsco yan bod rayon ot dada boxiiteet xedent a | 
patatyne ob of Yaaatase goers ton bbe ea tea : ae a C J 
wesw mont varanct aoitowesane® norte aeistst nat te 
ir Seng Le eid RS Bis ees shone oat re J eae of ava 43 fe 8 4at0s 
p*iitatele saat tneragae ek ek seomentre eakene pct 1 sia 

xs mA wasn | so) era Sv ee. 
qdiomaits ccna a a a oe A fee ae wT Rh COR, 

“teats god We) oth feo we GA Rae Grn vem to mi 

me \ Xe 7 Re SF. Mini ciy pA) Bes Weds warps Le & e : 4a , J 
oy: tea es pee Ra, tes Se 9 vo ee em bi ee ane be ot Ree ae 
? v4 fd 
Bit Balle Me GB Ie I | OER ae 

WR SESE Fel A eS a pak BONES 

. 5 Bt eh lay | ee 4 ERE ss 
Thee Hacks ; 4) ‘) rag 

sl “exon iil: 

see vata Rags > eR ate inti opi earls 

xt in . 


Bae rk ame Beene RR, oe sii ght Wes a F ‘aie wet * ae 

ea go 

; . ind Woe We 
“ ral Py ey # , 
( v BLS atv Miva 
gt hae Baia 
Re og MY TAS oe ee 

yiseyet Sint Bea soreness. ee se cokoneraa aan in scisith 

ha tnehle cox wnemman pial we tie: Bear ee is i eae sh 
We asa hee Ri natin: ; fi) ea a 
jeaterde tame math hie add, ae fonds hte ee apne 

pyc: Ge Meal. gheaaet 9 he ncaa tore wee 


$6539 : 
(Plaintiff) Avoelies, * 



GOMPARY, & torporction, 

‘ a 
é fh ® Q 
(Defendant) Avcelient. } 2 v4 4 I 6 A ° 6 5 5 

Opinion filed March 14, 19354 



Sy this anseci defendent geeks ths reversal of « judg~ 
ment of the tunitical cCowrt of Chiesge seainest it in em action 
brought by olsintifi oe beneficiery wader two sGlicies ef ineuranee 
kasued to John Sziubon, ber gon, now decwaced. The trinl ees before 
the court sna « jury. 

The firet coliey wus tasued Ortober Lith, 1928, and 
nunbered 19906424, and the cesond was issued Rovember 6th, 1992, end 
mumbered 20106194. Yhe insured in sia sevliestion fer esth ef there 
policies steted that be ess in gourd beelth, end free from all 
physieal defects and infirmities. The solileies themeclves each 
provide thet if the iueured, before the dnte of the policies ami 
within two yesrs thereof, had ony colmenury disesee, then the colicies 
weuld be void, The @efenee is that insesmuch ae the inewrad was, and 
' hed been fer seme tiee prier te the epoidention for and the ieeuence 
of these sclicies, suffering from mleenary eoneumvtion, therefore, 
the beneficiary @ould not recover. in her statement ef cleim, plein~ 
tiff alleges that the insured 2s «t the time ef the apoliestion 
fer the insuranee auffering from pulmonary coneumption, had been 
repeatedly treated for this dise¢nee, emi that the agent of the defend 
ant comoany ene fuliy acorized of the physieal condition of the 
insured before the policies were tagued. fhe inewred died of tuber 
Gulosis June 27th, 1930. Gne policy prevides that upon this death 
the beneficiary should be paid 410.06, and the other policy provides 

| os 
va re, exe 
qboLinggh (2 mae en 


= ekg Recae _— ae sage haan | 
Geo As AYS stmativnch Ceaapartea) 
BECL .dL doreM beLit moiniqd : | , 
‘Wise Wet WO aGEdtio wy Gee evi Jian eidten, iengervie all 
‘waist = Yo Lexsovex ‘odd edose danbartet Diswe dade yt 9 
‘soltee ae at #1 teniogs oganidt to taro sys Load pon 2 
sonrrutal te adiclie; ost relms Yreiuitensd 
eteted eae Leia? edt -bovaeont wor toe wad hea ig ii 
oN jet & beak Pwo iw 
ban ,8865 ,AvaL redefeO beyeet ase yolieg dealt od® 
bas ,858L .i99 tovmevoK bowers ane aeons Sid ba ce: ous 
enedd Yo Aoee rot noiteohigae etd mk peuvent edt be * 
fie mextt cork ban cthteed: jaan a ties eee 
foes anvioemed? eotoiloy od? .wodsterttal han stooted Laokayiq 
has setetiog ont to eta ott vveted yhetumnl ed? Yt saat sbivere 
| pekedlog add medd yoxeontd yromenivg Yaa hast looredd exney ont midhhw 
ban ,aew borwent edd as dowmenth ted? of cnmwted edt .hkov od bigow | 
eouswent 4% bas got nodteolione of of teieyg Gadd same tet awed bed - 
2tOteteds  oltquvemevyracoelwy mort gairetive ,erdetiog seed? Te | 
wnkely yatelo to tuometote ved «i stoveex tom Dimoe wretettened add 
toltesiiaga odd to omkd oft fo eaw bocwant oft todd sogeite eke 4 
| mead bed ,Kottqmence Tranexlug wert gabreTive commumal edt met 
| shasteb otit To taoya odd Gods has yousenth atdy sot bodewet yLootenqer 
| ead Yo nokithnce Leokeyla oct Yo Resktaos Yikut wew Yanemee tae 
“rode? te beth Soumas ect .bomead otow aetodiog edt oxeted bor 4 
dteeb sido aoge tudd eobivetq yotiog oa 008k ; sealanhaeceail 
eebiveny yollog tadte eit bam 00eOLt toe ot Smee ! : koite 


thet she should be paid “S74.%. the verdiet and judguent were for 
$974.00. The preimuus on the policies were payeble in senthly 
installments. 4li srewiume were paid end reeeioted for by the 
defendant company by ite agent, up te the time of the death ef the 

feon Koterich testified for plaintiff, in aubstance, 
thet in 1929 he worked for the John Ganeeok Mutwal Life Inewranee 
Gompeny a5 8 salegnan te eolle@et amd sell ineuranse oa an agent; that 
he had « conversstion with the insured, John Oriubsn, about three 
weonths before he rrote tne issuranecs; thet the insured then informed 
the witness that he was siek and 4iad not think he wewld pess the 
examination; that he Koteowieh, speke to Joseph “ieond, who wee the 
then aegistent manager of defendant company, the next morning ofter 
he hed talked with John Oziuben, and asked Sigeni to see the insured, 
whieh Rigend aid; thot John Jsivuben the insured, then signed on 
application for the ingursnee in the presence of genni, and that 
Rigeni fiiled out the bisnuks in the aonlio«etion after the ineured't.« 
namé@ wis signed therete. fhe witness further testified that he after- 
werda delivered the ineurence seligies to the ingured. This witness 
also stated that he told Josevh “igend thot the insured won in « sand= 
tearium in #111 County, but thet the scent said *he ig ali right, ge 
ahead end write sim, ~« need the business." 

Joseph 4. Rigeni, a witness fer the defendant, testified 
thet he «29 sesistant sanager for the dehm Meseoek Mutuel Life In- 
gurance Compeny, had been for four yeors ond that Bis home #as in 
doliet, lilinois. Thies sitnesa was sheen the sppliestion fer insure 
ance mide by John Osiubans ‘he witness identified his om sien-ture 
@igned to this document «s Assistant Gupsrintendent ef the Jon 
Hanoosk Mutusl Life Inaurenece Somouny on this deeument below the 
following certifieste: 

"X hereby certify thet each of the abeve questions 
waa anewered ee recorded, snd thet i witnessed the signoture 

Shea ae 

Tet eron smemyhut bac toLbxev ed? 00.2989 bhng 08 Mugde ede tale 

Ustteroe ak aidayrn tee wpeng.ton ase ae ceruiti ant 00.875 

ea? yd tet hetoleoer baz dbaq euew nots knore ia ‘sedasmListank 

edt to dteeb add to emis oc? of a efange aa& ¥ wregmoe Rory: 

‘ eras bow ah | yeiembabe tot hs2tideed dekeotex miet— | 
consist oti Dieta stooleaew mae, ade rot Sodkow ae ORCL mt tad 
tad? jimege se ee eouetwent Iles ban toulion of xreatian « an yreqmed 
eondt fuede yneiuts® miol .fosweak @0% debe mokdewramnon @ had od 
Bemroltal nad? hotyadt att decid potaweweat edt atonw ed sreted exitaom 
att weey Sivow od xaidt Som bEb hus state eow Od trdd nonadte ede 
“a8? ew ody .tnogit dqseot of edeqn .delnotox od tatt ptodiadinees 
tote gulaten txen edd ,yiecmon tashasteb Te tegemnn insta iene neds 
chorueah edt 890 6F inogih bevles bas yandubad wigt withe Sediod Bad od 
fin beagte medt shorwont sd? aedutec ado teat (th kote conde 

3 tent dus .inogie Ye sonvesre eit ct sometveat ont TOY aostantiqan 
sthorumnt eit vetle moddeudions wid nt ednetd edt tod Dota Raw tit 
edie af gait Delthiest redtruk ensadiv af sotetedt bomg en ane ome 
— abemtie ats? .homent ond of e8intiog samemuect ad? Rarevited ebuew 
 ntase 8 mt oo betsent edt tnt? tnogl Aqdech Adet on tadt baaate lake 
| oheeatiemnmialimmennniasasneisis inline’. | 
“sneenient edd Deow av utd ebite baw Bette 

 «bestsdued .tachtetebh otf tet easatin w ylaeght «i devesh aetie She 
| iit oA Reutsit sonnets aéal add wor regerien tictutone wee we tae 
at exe omed eid dat? haw exeey swot tot mood Mae meee oomeAE 
ustuk tot soigansiqus set mode enw nesntte etdl sedenklit goetios 
“gtwtengie awe eid hetthinsbt epossiv est sanscbes sok 6 sheet sons 
mfol. ef ko SeOhnstntwegee YoxTetaes as dremmrceh wtds a 
A tt eae oO TE 

thereto «nd enlileeted ons week's vremium on the 2rd 
day of Csteber ly." 

This witness elso testified thot he saw Osiuben when on inspection 
was made of the condition of Gziuben, ond the witness identified 

the report mde thereon; that he, the witness filled it out st the 
address of the ingured on Uolling Otreet in Joliet; thet he ssked 
the insured certain questions, and sa he Seiuban, anevered them, the 
witness wrote down the enswers. He testified that prior to the 

time of the appiiestion he did ast know thet the apclicent was sick, 
or that he had been in » saniterium. fhe inereetion report signed 
by Ueiuben ond the sagistent sanacer, ‘igeni, a6 set forth, contain 
the stutenent that apciieant hed never suffered from tubereulesis, 
There seems to be little doubt, however, but that @igond the seaietent 
minager of this somouny, esa fully sporised of the eoclisent'ts eon 
dition before the policies in question were issued, ond thet the 
premiums payable were received by him under much circumetences. At 
any rate, the jury evidently so found, ao that the only oucstion fer 
this sourt to determine is whether or nob, ag a matter of dam, the 
defencant is bound by the sesdition ite egent ereated. ene of the 
Gases Cited by defendant are in point on this Suestion, aa age of 
the facta in any of these cnsea are et 11 similar te those subaitted 
te the jury in the instant ease, 

in luke Grein 95. v. Jilingis Yankers 14 ao 
by plaintiff 
Tlie App. 276, elton, euk ort brought on en insurance poliey, end 

the defense wos the geome, in effect, os that urged here. In thet TAGS, 

‘the applicent fer insurenes eporiséd the «cent of the egupany of his 
physioal condition and es te certein chysies] defeetes ond illnesses, 
and in passing upon the question ae te the liability of the ineuranee 
Company, the sourt said; 

“From the facts in evidence, it ia sorarent thet 

defendant wee apprised ef the ehysiesl sendition of Luke. 
Kotwlthatending such knewledge, or, Bberaeie, medienl 

oil edt mo avleony aiacoe aie | 
he een Trett tedenee te ee 

nottoequat as pre aoc bi wee ‘od tnt borttseer oats ‘seondiw tat 

paptstaobs event he ast bane sunt t te nok? BAe out to ‘eben one 
edt te two St DeLLIt evontle adt gad tant proorartt ebant froqer edt 
beder od dastt itogsel ak toorde gntliod bad fanaa eat Ye “geothbe 

add nest, in ompan giukes, of 9m ban ose btomup ‘mintass Jevest, 

Bie Qed Poy: aay sae tone ‘ hea ae Pho 
ged ot wodna fate Rertitens oF eremete ‘act myed stare wosude 
lols eam tnensigen out? anait won tou bib od foktankiaae edt ‘te omkd 


__ Demin tsocer aeitooreat, oat ad ‘s mh aped had ed tedd 30 
abaseoe etre? tea #8 a taogtt «r0peans dastetens od? bas ‘ya 

| seineluorsdw? gor? berettue sowed bas two Linas teat ! 

{ tmatekess ond tnog tt tent turd sovewod | daveb onsens od 4 of oan Oe : 

tig wt tasedtaae edt to beatae wut ans evans or i Ye ugh 

| ott todd bee sbuweed anew ag itesup ai "ile eat atetsd  sotdib 
A i sntonntemuor to fiose ‘xebaw mtd ye bevkeoor = a ant Om 

x02 nottooue via oat add on awe? oF u ube 

at wal te zegtam « as ston “ne xadsode a ‘omtwxossb oF | rs | 
ote to enok -betaeno tnege ach ao #LD00 oul ? ‘banod aL tal 

ve ened ae stortaoup eidt me ne tatog wh oe oxe tabasted a ‘botie ‘coal . 

“bos bm enact at relimte iis ‘ta ora seven , seed te ue ad atvek 

sono tno th . 
ah ’ coast 


FS 928 

hae hae yessog ‘comeruant & as aa a itgaens 228 mee WBregpon 
Tmo tess at ered fog tedt en atoorte, at 008 ae ame il 

MER i Ma HP ‘locien 

he to _yonqnee ont to droge ons ‘powtnege anasrsmt tat, 
_anoneomiit bare aroeted inode, " Lsds0e oe ay Bs a isk 

Re ee ee me 

ae Be e ay 

voaeiwest add re whibdenl eat oF ee a moktesuD id mnges 

BA NH) a RY es fied ee Hide 

“ieotdon seme wrt 
top Hh ie Peet a NA sg ea 
Te, de ee ier ae 

director of defeniant coaceny, roped us the insured! s 
age from 56 te 60 years smi the annual gremium fram 
the regular rete of “S59 te 9689.90, sonreved the 
appliestion, sad the seiiey wos desued. The soplicse 
tion wee asrked ‘inted up one yeur on secount of shysicel 
impeireent,' snd Or. Eheresle ededtted thet the imovire 
ment m@ent the condition of the ingured’s heart. we 
was what ia known a0 « aub-etonderd risk, and defendant 
teek the ineressed riak far the inogre«s coucena= tion. 
Shen defendent iequed the pcliey with the Enowledge 
that the insured eos net in aeund health, it is not 
entities to wail iteelf, ss s defense, of that previgion 
of the poliey which Jimited its sdobi lity if the inewred wee 
not in sound heelth at the tine the ueldey wea jawed, end it 
is iometerial whet exused suck eondition of agal th on the 
cart of the iueured, Be eae iad Ine. Ce 163 
tide App. BG, 120 Lid. Avy ipagenti 
The eleventh ples is based upon « @lewse in the 
appiiestion for tue seliey whiak reads, "2 agree thet the 
insurance herein aeciied fer 4911 net toke effeet until 
the firet premium is sétueally paid and the polley is leouad 
end delivered te xe ie ey Spoor b the 

che non 

Legimion ¥. (rudential Ine 

ua’ > TLd. Ailes 388; Fe 2 ite 
96 lille Avpe 7.) By defendant's course of tipsd= 
Ange i= asgumed the wurden of oreving that the insured ras 
kot in good health at the time of nig apeliection for ingure . 
ones, snd thet defendant wos not apprised of thet feet. This 
it failed te da, «nd is not in « paaition te claim that the 
font ee in refusing-to direet a verdiet im its favor, 

we, Ve SMORELIE Jig. Uo 

aes Les 40 Tide Ande 1246)" (Italics ours) 
in vlew of these Mutheritieg, and of 211 the ciroumstances 

oh ee ij 

lke » 

gurrounding the iseulnge ef these ineuranee “GLiGL@a, and the feet 
thet the genernl agent of the insurance SOepany stcnoted the oremiume 
peysble, presumably with fali knowledge of the genditdon ef the 
appligant, we feel thet the verdiet af the jety should net be 
disturbed. The judguent of the Munieleal Gourt is, therefore, 


WELGOS AND HEBEL, Ja. coweus, 

othaniens wt? oy beeee .yteation ¢ antastn ime ratowrs 
ae yo Aameas td onas a Sead at iay of 
ca propery 
fib gy nat howe ti Gus TiY oe cow YoRLog a hy _ 
oy hay] a OOM MA TMRY 
ed? godt Segditnte ¥. antione Named rae. 
esxnod etherusat aft Te moat hagn taht @ 
“Sratlien tf toe ,vely Brohasdeedae o ge . 
oO Le sme Qioet ep dle wad me Aaks heaagnens | ee ae 
Jon at fi. ye Be hey moray _ “ { ae tek ney 

ay Derwent sce iter eit ie 
eh ahhh t | sath ae 
aS BO rybry * bareye fryer pont 

Peek eb ; 
‘ic raped oad dedé site's 


a So Reaaeeae 
net Py folbuey 2 
ii) (aau0_ eegeeee abet on ( 1m : 
| peomsgemmorte edt Lie 29 dav seouttzodtnn, son) AY 
. feet edt bas sroteiloy eommummat egodt To. Lived emt 
perchan, aft, beeqeene, Yerame? eat ttt ear 

alec er yon porn bt, t 


>” amd te8 4 ‘ial 
snag! ‘ We ane 
f as 
a en "te ‘hae y 
j } aN my, a 
‘iy RU ane . Seal 
uel i 
: ewe Oy i Bosal le 
Oh ¢ ORIN He oy NR on 2 tebe 

26549 F caus i 



Gorjorition, COVPIY A TT Rh f? ue g@ 
} 274 T.A. 656! 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 


Apotli set. 

This ig om sovesl by defentiant frem = judgment of the 
Menieiest Court of Vhieses in trover, sguinet defendant fer the eum 
ef 9290,00. The trial «su before the seurt woon am smended stetement 
of eisim. 

The statewent of tleim «llegre thst the etme Mertwage 6 
Aeeurity Jommany on the nd day of Hay, 198%, wea lawfully entitied 
te op@aecaian of sertcin <oode «ni chattels deseribed of the reine 
ef 6495.06, by virtue of = ehottel sertgsye executed on the ifta 
day of Saroh, i@fi, by ‘nérew amivesem, <cknowlsdged by him before 
the Clerk of the Sunisiesi Goeurt of Uhiesco and reeerded in the 
Re@erder's Cfflee ef Gook Jounty om toe LYth dey ef Boreh, 18513 that 
anid wertgece conveyed the oroperty deseribed, sseng other oreperties, 
to &. G, isnéfield oe security for an wapeid belance due ef $1,890.0%; 
thet on the 17th day of Exroh, 1931, the ehettel sertgnce, tocether 
with the notes which it ere given te secure, were sacigned and 
delivered te the ictus tertgege &§ Ueeurity Company, plaintiff; thet 
with full knowledge ef the lien of the ehettel mertgace, defendant 
teok the goudedeseribed wut of the sossecaion of the morteeger snd out 
of the peeseesion of the oisiatiff, end thet defeninat, though often 
requested, has refused to Celiver up te plaintiff the goods deseribed, 

in ite affidevit of saerite defeniunt atated thet it had 
obtained = judyuent in the Municior] Court ef Chieage on January 27th, 
1931, sgeinet imdrew andresen for $22.25 and costs, obtained an 
exeogution from the Ulerk of the *umigiou] Court of Gnieage on Kerah 

PX { Ras | 

Bory pare. span ineo YHIAWORS & Zo20TROM ANTON 

- ss ; ra i eT pe 
Bi 6 ty ts eat ee ae aicd sana 

se steams oriaaal Detererrtovidert 
| gtod tetoqgtae 

kat sig wa. 

} san xOanu 

crete) Al pyS 

* ee Hewen 

) noel ae soca bert? sodnigd : ih eal 
o THUGS ES x6 no rar 30 Rt bE Ca Lite aorz0ys ‘oeareand. €: 

ait 20 taomgphot 8 ROTY fastened ye Lencus we Oh ORT ied: ay 
mre eit wor. tanbareren: dontege coneng: at a AOEAD Yo tus J Ley do kere 
_ transitnd bebaoms fe Moat tenes ott emted 5 ame od oe 0.00 te 

a a opaytrott anitns add saat angeite atase ty eopengene od? : : ode in 
' botditde vikitwed sev sees est Yo yak a . 
outer od to Dodteeeso ekedeade bas shoo bxtve 

Wi EH 

GEL eth mo Seton pmatman fades = 

‘Sih wh bebeconen hast eyeotse we reo te egletinet 66t' teody one 
aaat te on ix to ye ages aud ne viauot toot + sotto t 2 rebre0s 
| eektrocore rodeo ‘guome bed troneh veroCOT asa “Reyornve 9) “ousaete 
100,008, £8 Ye wb seme Lod ‘bhagaw ms “wot Wwe on bieatbaod ‘8 

“redemot eyegtron isttnse fod i500 _esoicet te wh satk od 

oa eae 
RE Mea signa Bagh wag onys 

er" Mteded vena? views . oy 


| sotto vgrodt .tnebanted tact has writabein eas to . 
ij shadinoeed edocs out Rh kemdadig ot qr nevi set ot banat ral 
| bed #2 tod? bodode dashapteh etdxom Yo eayabette ot ak 
sat¥8 Tsuaek ae oysotso to Pwo Ang todos ott at hawemig tert 4 

ite beakotde Repabogucamgh rey: ee ne 


Qnd, 1921, and placed the same in the hendz of the Salliff of the 
Bunicipel Geurt of Chicago for service on “sreh 7th, i331; that 

thia execution wis served on Andrew Andresen on Mereh 19th, 1921, by 
the Sailiff ef the Sunicips! court; thet om seri 7th, i9%1, = levy 
wes served on dmirew tndresen by euch Seiliff, and that the goods 

snd chattels, for the conversion sf weich gleintif? brings thie action, 
were teken posséscies of by auch Saliff end oy virtue ef the levy 

end execution the -o41i7f aoid these shattela, te the defendant on 

Koy lat, 1931, a8 provided by inv, for the sum of 38,09 and delivered 
the oroperty to the defendent, tevether with - S111 af sale as 
evidence thereof, efeniant further «lieges thet it hed ao hnewledgs 
of snmy lien, ¢isim er rights of the claintiff to the chettels deseribed 
prior to gsy Gnd, 1931, and denied that the sinintiff had the right - 
ef sosaession of thease chattele, end denied thet it had sonverted 

the same, «s silewed. 

Fleintiff's theery is thet ite chattel sertg=se lien is 
superior snd pricr te the iien of the defendant. 

Defendant's theory is thet at the time of the reeerding ef 
the chattel mertgrce on Moreh 17th, 1951, tucson which this suit is 
prediested, = judgment hed been obtcined by the defendant smadnet 
Andrey Andresen, the serte:gor, for the sum of 924,25 on Jonuery 27th, 
i931, snd thet on sareh 7th, 1931, when defendant glaced ite exeoution 
@ated Sareh Sed, 1971, in the hends of the Galliff of the Municipal 
Seurt of Chiesge for service, it hed serfeeted its Lien on «ny 
pergonsi property ef +ndree indréesen whieh he then owned and ehich he 
became oener of, during the iife of the exeeution, and thot it hed the 
Fight to scuse the Bailiff te wuke the Levy on the personal property 
in the possession of Andrew aniresen on April L?th, 1952, and by 
Virtue of any such levy to o¢11 the aame st publie sale, as was done, 
Further, defendant's theory ie thet this liom «se suse®ier te the liea 
Sbteined by the plodnmeity on Hareh L7th, 1951, by virtue of the chattel 

met hits 

if ee 
a on? ‘te VELL bess edt te ohana oss a esiied ede bee nde nee hSOE a 
i tads qisel de dese’ ao aoivren te? ogaoidt te éraok dag in insil 

yd .f8OL QaIOL Aersd ao serothes werdwd no howesn Row sostuDERe Baste 
evel B APOE KONE LExyA mo tout jorwOd Lnqiotauie ode To PYRE ER age 3 
| bows edd? tadt har sTR2l bet down yd aenerbadt works ao fowros eow 
_ auoltes erer wgabiet Sridakad Weide te moterorwoe one tot sesereuitn ban 
| wed od? te suttiv ys Ane Vdlke Mowe W Yo sodsenneey ands ouOR 
m0 tnabavied edt of wader tonto onadt Bios REbiged sus ae dtwoaxe has 
beroviier bas 00,88) Yo muro ody vet wal ye Sehtweny an 4f86L snk ea 
an eiss to Likd s ddl vedteyor vtachantab oat o# Wuscone ade 
sybelwons on bad #2 dadt engeiin reddevt sanhastel seoredd © D0 
 bedixeest akertents and of titted od? be stegtt a miele eb kd = te 
“tiga ont bed Vhisabady edt Susit bekaod baw ete ent yak of tedxg 
begeovuoo Dad #2 tould boiash has yelodtods snadt ‘20 aatouannos 2 3 

at mont speytzoe 103 tedto oti ‘det - coeed? etwinentads ; 

ae if stontuored sla n eraa a cig th 

i galbrooet, out te nis ede ta dads Sis yeoont : Hichwestemmerin sel vest aaa 
i ad dive saad ote moa ‘Abed vist fetes t9 ‘yogetan por My 

| seakeys danbastod od@ ve nen tedde ased nal teeta a a 

aa 02 qenunst to B&405" to mise edt rot 20grsteom ante ne | 

i fobtuooxe ati bevels tuabsoreb eater Wey ae Kors ao ‘teat _ * 

Anqokmust oat Yo Ye2Ltee ods Yo whasd Odd mk DEL ‘ 

Ws mo mOLl ott begooteg bast ts noire re 


? | ee Aobte bae ‘heawe aedt on oide asoor bas wore 
\ ont bed ua torts baw toltuoere ade “to shh ald ‘gabeath y r 


me” Wrogone J anoexos 9 one ee “Wot edt save of Tait td 


| " vaneb wee a6 eine oLLduy te ouee oe ‘toe * a Laas 
gt ae mn Had “eit ag Sie anna 2 iy 

eit edi of roltegim or modi olde feat of yro 
ANae Hips Neca 
Iettads ett Yo outtiv yt hel eel dees ao 



mortgage aentiched, end that uniees plaintiff could shew 4¢ hed 
title end reteined possession of the ehxttels desorited in the morte 
@ag¢ until after its purported chattel mortgege woe filed for record 
in the Sseerder's Office of Cook Gounty, defendant's lien ws< erier 
and auperior te the lien cbteined by the olcintiff, 

Gther than the notea and mertgage, the only proof offered 
by the slaintiff #00 thet of = nersan emmleyed by hist loan departuent 
of the Ketropeliten Credit Siscount Uorperetion, who testified thet 
in his opinion, the «ir cogh aorket velee af the itema wentioned on 
Mey 2nd, 1991, wee avout 9370.90; that on Mey Qnd, 1921, he ene 
eapioyed by the plaintiff, and that on vey am, L3Sk, he gaw the 
property in question in the possession sf Andree andresen, 

it was stimulated thet the judgment of defendant against 
Andrew Andresen had been entered on Jonunry 87th, LOSL, exeeution 
isqued on Hareh Ind, 1US1, placed in the nands of the Sediif?y on 
Mareh 7th, 1931, served on andrew Andresen on go r¢h 10th, 1321, « 
return thergon wis wade by the SaLLiff of the Swmiclherd gowrt of 
Chiesgo en dune 13th, 1971, «nd there is no diseate, but thet 
defendant through this levy received « BILL of seis for the poreserty 
mentioned from the Sniliff of the Humicipal Sourt of SnLGrgGe 

Plaintiff_ ts veaitien is that, imtegueh ag the chattel 
mortgex¢ in question ees given te the mortareee to aeeure the veysent 
of the suount eloiwed te be due fer the shatkele ip udation, thek it 
Crested s prior lien to tant ef the exeeution erediter, sven theugh 
the @xeeution «ea in the hands of the “ellif? fer servies aml Levy 
at the tine when the mortgece had not been ereeuted, snd vhen there 
was nothing te show that the wortecger elaiwed « Lien thereunier, and 
 Zapes v-. nox, 252 Lil. ‘pp. 120, is eited as sethoritye in that ease, 
the ehattel mortgages, which ws given to seeure ths curchase orice 
fer the chattels involved, hed been executed and recorded before the 
geeds in question were ielivered ts the mortecver. The regard here 

: : 4 
ba . wose biwae ges soe oneine tad? eg F veges oe 

fet ; 

“tron ut as ‘bad teooat ‘phos # oslo ‘ostd ‘te ‘no lesveson : 
proves, sor pede ‘aay egegtrom hottede hetroctary ‘eth ‘soit liven 
robs od Eo ‘e! anbaotoh ttawo® doot Yo settho a! eine salt” bal 
5 Aceh ls sthloadeds eat vd box tide week ost et ‘aa Cs 
bere2ze } oor vine odd ae ae sganydees bar © ston ‘gad ‘ned gaat oe slant 
taonteaed ned ats We bevoigaw ual ® te todd paw fatal wiete | “oar @ 
i andt “bostitend enw _asdenadTe? tawov edt babes: artiiese tit 
i a0 ‘booo sas: wang ett ‘te ou de¥ soseon dene ied ott ‘olga ‘pid aa 
eae od ust aba el 8 bods ieesent ‘dnads’ wat janet bat 
one wag of gBRGL gbnh YoH 0 poste tome baie YE tuaeds sae xd baw 

: “aswarbas vonbath Ye so isesenes ody had £0 a 

: i w 4ibex vases sored se aegechah workad | He 
Mt te temo8 | Log ke dat odd Yo YRbised oa ws ore 
taal tue sonra td ax eb orodt bas ste ave ae i 
“ eotonera edt ‘ot eiae ke LLid © bevkeowr (wes abd du i 
vn ‘opeobs® to sxuot Ear ho tai odd to Vhdlted 
we Kedtode oud as sounsent send vt okt L006 dilate * ver ties 
“gnome ‘eds wxu0ee Of souene ee at at “govly aa» so sdhoup ab . 
“th sed saotseou ak aden sede outs xot eub ed of bee date duos 
Ayo ‘Ov grea shoro noktuoone eat Ye ‘tet of a 
(red as eotvaee not ‘ales ont to ebasd 
“ exodt a1 sto ais. _gbetuooxs aoad too bed | | ah ties 
“has ero bareredt mot p bau be io oapoatton sll : 
yosee taste at sWetnoditss bra botde at et at at 
onde ‘sectors oi oxu09e ed novia env doide 43 
"ade exoted fiebxoowt bas "En iin tal { batt 's 
tet? ate oo mete ee PA beee, fF 
° sued Droown edt toyhatton #44 

shows thet on Moreh 7th, 1941, the chattels in question sere in the 
possession of the judgment debtor, 4ndrew andresen. The resord 
further showe thet on th=t dete, te-wit: Horgh 7th, 1951, the execu 
tion lesued on defenient's judgment sgsinst Andresen hed deen claced 
in the hande of the “n1liiff ef the Muniaipsl Gourt for levy, end 
that the chattel mortgage, on "hich thia sotien ise prediosted, had 
not been exeeuted, so the gzuae cited ie not sutherity. From the 
reeora in the inatant ause, #¢ drew the ecenelugien thet the geode in 
question had been seid snd delivered to Andresen before any of the 
tranasetions here hed taken piroé, thut st the time ef defendant's 
Judguent snd the placing of the exeeution in the bende of the bailiff, 
Sndresen =29 in possession of there chattels, and thet the bill of 
gale and eortcage were an afterthought. In thia atate it hes 
never been held otherwiee than that the lien of on srenution -ttashes 
to personal property of « judgsent debtor when such exeeutien is 
Geliverea to the sheriff, osiliff or cenetoble te execute. Legley 
WV. Germak, 209 Ill. Avee 45k 

We hoid thet the lien of the defeuient is ard wa 
superior to the iien of the chettel aertesge., The judgoent of the 
Munieizel Gourt ia, therefore, reversed with the direction th<=t the 
eourt enter « fudzeent in conformity wits the viewa exeoresesd in 
this ovinies, 



edt ak erow nie ktessso ai aletiodo add Td an down ae tee ewod 
|  prosex ott “sueeanbak worked grotded tavmglut 91? te motssoeee 
i} ~wonee odd LOL cet derek “theo yedab todd oo sass swoste ° tt 
i - batiely mood bad aeeothah Pan dnye taougbut steanhaoreh a boueat ‘elt | 
ban s¥voL aot tango eq sodawss edt te WRAL oe ost te shan oat ma 
“hot abetoodbere ot aot Fnw tsi decay 0 eeuegt tom kord.odo act t 
edd mort syhzadtus ton ak detty gone ect os <besmone aed fou 
ak aboox edt gods neteulonen ed? wort ow qnnne snepnes edt at oxo 
ode to wr oxoted meeerbe at Pesoetia® tne Adon wovd fe QI 
i e'tnshaoteb %o emt o¢ te tad? ,aociy aman? bad oxed saotinapnens 
|) gMiALund ane to atmest oft at ackonane ade Be yalnete att ban ’ 
te Lite ont tesid baw eeinedads eeadt to notensanog at gee pte ie 
god te state weed al ‘stigwodrearia, ae ores speyteom das ofem 

eedoatite felévedxo na 30 wot oid tosst aos on benoit bles nood neve 
at no ttuooxe dewe nots xotdob saomy best ® Yo wangong, Let — 
sell _sotuoone 9 oddntaaes % » TAL ded athinede ante ot bo 

ats a0 sooo HHE 80, ama, 

aon has wt ¢ushasteh sad Yo weld ocd tesit Rod of isd 
“pdt to tasmghut edt .ayng ton kngtente ait to nett eat of 3 fedvegee. 
edd taat soktoetio ade std bw oeteve seen, Does tod pe 

GAG UAN I one Ga aVas 

OH Nba socw ng 

ex rel. JOUN ¥. GALHOUE, 

Appellee, GLagur? sous 

v 274 1.A.656- 


rN AA a ne of 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 

Thies ease wea consoliduted with ease Bo. 36559. the 
questions invelved there «re the same ac these invelved here, end 
the views expressed im that opinion sre eonglusive sa toe the 
suestiones reised here. fhe order of the court im this exse rill 
be the ause se ie wade in gene fo. 36558, The jwipment of the 

Gireult Gourt is reversed, 

®1LSGH AND HEBEL, Jd. Josue, 

msiey gare”  ePbasait to ‘andve ais 
er ee ge 
y wane tt rises pute ppg Lew egy oe fy JGR 

“tt e ae oct eid 

BuO pewoure 

St decid od Pre. 


d abpoy oot MOL gdindocay beds tmedalgO nin Corn, oe ae rope 
edt BGO 0 Send thw Babunttonzes woe ven alt” neers 
Rear ogc hpiiargubqun Borbapeliogngehren wwlewnt anotteasp 

“add of #8 ovieuLonoe ots aolalyo tai? gk beaneiqxe ewely 
cal dase eid? nd fxv0o edt te wabre ont ered Béekex enol 
"sat 6 tnt ct” Seat i aS a8 on we 

To ined ale of Soa while 

Lins ‘ Vs ; Yo oc meath® ¥ 
2 P } Ridin vey 
et ae gh Tis eye * 5 arbi a el r e 

“satiaxen oh wt GA wORLIY 

a \ 
wae Roe Pee ae 5: Shy ee g" lh oi 


heey See ga, 

whe See 

———_—_ - 

ae % 
Ti estan th 


PEOPLE OF THE rare cr DiaieSts, 7) AvreAL Faow j 
ex rel. ASTHUG 2, CLOMDETS, ' 





hepa ll anti. 2 C 4 I.A. 6 5 6 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 



This G4ae wee Senselideted sith exee Se. HGSHS. The 
susetionsa involved there «re the smae as these invelvwed here, snd 
the views expreseed in that opinion are sentlusive =e to the 
epestions yoised here. ‘the order of the court in this oose will 
be the seme as is mode in o-ge Bee 36558. The juduwent of the 
Gireult vourt ia reversed. 

YILGON AND HEBEL, J2. condus. 

wort damasa e2WONL iat 49 aEATO Ber G0 

ere ¥ ies 2 * 

WIE MUCK ID she Lloons ia 
. walle 
aehe ae vSE.6008 a Gna 0: | 

ded rn ro Lae 

ekg no $900, 

| ac d .A.I b : g 
S8eL .Sf doteM belt? no tnta0 7 | 
etavoe ant ad Hore tts Ah uavevradd “Kal mortees sateree wae 
ot 488088 0% ween Attw bode ee 
fas .osad Beviownt ssodt es oan® eft ote seedt heekevnt aseiteoup 
38% of G6 selevioneo ere aeinige tert al Lerderqee awoke oat 
{Liw aero etd? a2 ¢rue0 edd to sebxe OAT secet Bowker sxotosan 
(ast Re saeagbet edt 8288S 20% seem mt chat ad a one 6Rd Od 
SRO ETL sien oh some ee se 


: Pee 2 sp bls, 
3 . ae TNS a : . yey v DAD ae 


B aise 




ee i 





ON lg SY 


@x rel. JOUN %,. GAVIS, 




AyoellLee H 

om y, ) 

SOs ay. 

{ope Li ants. ; 2 ¢ 4 I WA. 6 56° 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 
{hie eee wee Gon@olidated with eeuwe He. S6808, The 

questions invelwed there «re the same ss those involved here, ond 

the views expressed in thet opinion sr4 sonmlusive «= te the 
eu@etions reivead here. The orver of the sourt im thie ease will 
fae Judgment of the 

he the eeue os ig mode in enee Bo. HU50S. 

Gireuit Court is revarced, 


4 5 
| Mone waaatA 
t . ; 


| gkreyoe M08. | pelt te gOOADIKG WD VIR 

ea A I RYS! eminent igeyk 

ee “beeL aL forall ‘polit sun aa 

o TAIQD. BAT. BO » KORE RT SEnSVRIRG. As wane, eurgzeae 
Satta A: NOON ETI 5 
iiiw ease. aidt ai fxvoo off Re teb79 ect nated | 
et to tmemptut ect 20865 oR onso md, then os 



Appellos, f 
? couar ; og 

WALTER BH. EULOSOR, . f . pay OF 900K gousrr. 
Appellant. ; fk @ 4h J. A. 605 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 


This is sn scopec] by the defendant fren a judewent of the 
Gireult Court of Goek dounty fer —1,809.0% in « evit brenughnt by 
Plaintiff against defeniast to recover for injuries sustained wy the 
alleged négligence of the defenient. fae trial en¢ by 2 jury. There 
is no question of slerding invelved, neither is there ony question 
veised so to the ewount of the verdiet, nor objection ade te any 
instruction given or refused. ‘The setion eree out ef = selldeion bee 
tween the autemobiles of plaintiff snd defenimat at the intersection 
of two oaved highways. it is insisted by defeniznt thet the verdiet 
wae contrary to the genifest wehght sf tic evidence, 

On Auguet ifth, 1921, plaintiff es driving on sutemebile 
east an Onkton Street at the intersestion of Gekten Atreaet apd 
Wiiweukee Avenue. Gukten Street runs a-st ond west. tliweukee ovenne 
is « paved four liane traffie atote highway, degigneted ag *Stete 
fighway 21,* and rune in » northerly direetien from the elty of 
Ghiesgo. ‘the intersestion where the secident occurred ig in deine 
Township, “ook “ounty, ond not within the ligite of any incervorsted 
ehty or Village. Befewiont eg arkving north on GLiwaukes Avremue, 
The regerd shows that the «ren surrounding the intersection ia sparsely 
bullt up, ond thet there is sothing to obstruct the view agouth from 
Gskton Street, except « large tign end sowe trees. The recerd shore 
that the socident ceeurred between 5 ond 6 o'elock in the sfterneon 
ef = bright gungshiny dey/ 

Plaintiff? testified in aubstanee that when he arrived 
et thie intersection, he w-s sitting on the left gide of the ear end 

ae TE yg 

ee 2bf doreM boLlit nofimicd 

| MpGOD ANT WO HQINREO SHY OGHRVLGG, Joshi aexseur oaorsass 5 
( i edd te dnseuy bart 4 mort sanbast os : ont hone xe ol fat 
WE thyword tise 9 a O0n0084k6 at Yeaued 00d to ¢xu00 #ueedO 
edt yt beateteun seirutat sot revoner oF fnehatee Tentege YWitabetq 
axed? int «yd wow femee met atintasteh dg te vedeydinen bogetis 
nokésous Wis Sredd ef sadtiow .Beviowrl gxtdeeig Yo solterup om wt 
eens of ehen xeltootde ton  tokiriy eat te tases ont of ef Deeten 
“od Mélnilios # té duo wetg mites ad? Sauter ve oeviy cotoundemt 
noivooetotnd est fe taxtaoted has ttstatete te ‘welidosoten dt atoowt 
fotbrov od¢ fed? tnshaeted yd bedetaat a2 Ft” ayomdy td hevea ont Yo . 
pombivs off te tigder feotinen ode ot rsx d909 aew ’ 
eLisonotws an yaivich ove ttkdainle £80k gL tomes wo ee 
ete toout® meticS to aottooatedal edt go teaxd® motdno ms xo tone 
- qUmeYA coduenL&M teow bas taeo anu tobet® Hored <ceunbel soduambba 
| ated” ea botengiaeh .yourgia eters GLttert onad rwot bevag s at ; 
to ytie ed? mott aodgoorsh yleodtaon « af anit bas ft cordgt 
ents of et bermu0e0 taeDtone edt eredw noitowersdal edt -oynodde 4 
bateveqroani yar to ethell end midtiw ton baw veheuo® woo ‘clsonwot a 
stunevA ooauawLit so détoM yadvith enn tar iure ted segeliay 70 1 ner y 
| Weereqe at noktooeredai ong gnibawortaa sexe Odd Seale erotie Duooot ott / 
i mort ddwoe welvy att tourteds of gaidten et esos tndd Rew tlt a ts q 
ewode brones odT .eeert omen Dna mgte ogred « do@oxe sfoentt ey s ¥ 

LAN bevtves od sets dat soantedun af besnhieed YeAensntt 
bas «ee edt to obte thal edt mo guitste gow of 10 LtoouTe 



hie wife on the fight side, «nd »a they soorenehed “YLiwsukee Avenue 
they were driving at « apeed of sbowt 70 siles om hour. ‘te alse 
ateted that before Ke cane to Hilesukee 4venmme be stopoed and looked 
avewund and did ant eee any car, @xeent tro core ¢oming from the north 
going south, sed thet be then siartec east s¢reee Milwaukee Avenue 
at s speed of sbeut 5 wiles on nen, ena thet juet ag he wag oressing 
and nenrly over Silwsukes 4venue, iofendant's sce come ot high speed 
and track plaintiff's env on the right side and threw it sreund 
towards the north on Gliwaukes Avenue, ond that defendant's oar 
gworved and went east of Guktem Street «nd te the nerih, He ateted 
that defendent’s oar finaliy stepped on “skten Gtreet sbeut 290 fees 
from the creasing on the curb, snd thet his oar we0 threen about 75 
feet from the crossing; thet 14 went erebably 10° fest north after 
4% wae etruck, and that plaintiff's esr flosiiy otepsed on the enat 
side of Wilwaukee Avenue. He gtuted further thet hie esr wee atruek 
on the right ice in the center. | 
On Groswe~excminetion, claintiff testified that he had 
lived in the vicinity of the north side of hienge fer 40 yeara; 
that he had oeeagian to drive aut on Gskten “treet quite offen, snd 
that he hed travelled that street = sumber of times during the sucmer 
im question. He steted thal Onkton Street at the point in question 
is about 190 feet wide, is » four lan@® highrsy, «4 is Milwaukee 
Avenue at the sume point. He eleo eteated there were no cartiouler 
obstacles at the intersection te ebatruct the vision of aeterists — 
approaching the seint from either Milwaukee ‘venue or Ockten Street; 
that bout 500 or GOO feet south of the intersection the road on 
Milweukes Avenue ie deeper, that there is 4 kind of » awale in the 
read, but thet 1t is not deep enough to obatruct the vision from 
Gaktonm Street. Se alae stated thet there wae « atop sign, stopeing 
traffic on Milwaukee Avenue before it entered the intersection to 
creas Onkton Street. fieintiff alee testified that he knew Milwcukee 

eynevh seduenlix Secderotgge yad? ae bets eth 2a tty ts or? xe etin ak 
eele 68 .tiod as aslie OF dso te heeye & da alvin axew weet 
bexool bar becuote ee ounsvs peniuawLeK eo? oxee od asotsd sat & 

i Atron, ost mov? grimes sr89 ond tynoxe .KRe YA son ‘tom bib ban bawoxs 

ownneve SeawenLbh saos0" taee toénate aed? 62 teat ba sfiduoe gakog 
it yataeere aew ad es teot ted? bee ,.rwod ae solie @ tuods te moons 8 te 
besea Ayid te sam tee e'é@nehasted ,aunews sipmanows LBM x8¥0 vitees kas 
Bavote th woud? ban oBhe tiyit eit? ap wap o Mn dtaasta xourde a. 
too dtonstasteb sed bad sore ao stron oat ii 
botcte oY dhron od of bax toorst aotaes a6, taro taxes bas | Aid 
Pook OO8 Yuedes deers? mobded a0 bacaose wLima kt 188 etéuataston toad 
a¥ duede mwerdd eee toe eid daad bas seam add ao Balaente ode, Dt 
 gette ditvba toot Cer visedors taen ti teal jgatenore, eat nett SP. 
“Haas eit! nh Deqgote eLiantt 129 arttisabad Sede bas qlownt 
q estaba ‘how ‘eee ahd ted rodtsuat? betote ca vssnaevs osdususan te pate 
|) Mss © “ wedaes ade ne ‘ban tgs at m0 
had od dade beltisned Ytitntale (cod sdemxemenore a 7 
futher Ob 62 opsntdd to Obie Aeton oa te wintery nt a bot 
hae ,tePto e#lup tears? nodded ae tuo owlsh ot aa ta29e9 bod 

ie wat Ress S 3 
| pemwive oft pitttud womit to cedawa 8 foonte dadt bakcovons bod ed | Le 
moLtedip nt tutor ait ¥h forsee nodded + aait betese ous > . 

sodvnnlEn at ee avenged coor * ab hte tout oad tues 
xeduvobien ox orev Stat Botete ovis of vinden ce ot 2 ‘some 
‘ TTR (27) 

‘pPebteies to solely edt tourtedo ot wottowenesni odt te 

& 5 eae 

tae rotted ro eum onan kod to sori tates sat 

‘hawt aokety ois Fourdede of yoo ooh tt at 

galgtote .oyie ‘gets 2 baw oxedt todd 
of motdoweredat aati borsine Fade osoted | 

ee aaapneercnlicrtenh oa a éhay ‘belt idaea +o L es 
H ng geek > ae nage i 



Avenue wos 8 etote highway «ni designated «5 mach by the offieiels 

ef the Read Jepartment of the State of Lilimeie; that Be game te = 
full etes stout 100 feet frem the edee of the cement elab on “ilwoukee 
avenue, end proceeded et a rate of «bout & miles on hour until he 

wag about teo thirds «¢ress Jilweukes Avenue, at whieh. peint defend- 
ant's car wrem inte hie cor; tact he could see $90 or GOO feet down 
Milwaukee Avenue from thet polat; that he saw ag ear in sight, thet 
he looked again befure entering Milwaukee 'venue and centinued looking 
#outh watil the aceldent happened; thet be did aot ese defendant's 
car before 14 struck; thet defemiant's cor came so fest that ne did 
not see it untli juet before it hit him. ie alse testified that he 
newer told enybody «<t any tise eines the aveident thet be didn't step 
before he sent on the povement, aml thet he never alened any statement 
to that effect. 4t this peint, visintiff wo0 sheen defendant's 
Smhibit So, i im the reeord, and he then ateted thet hie signature 
appeared on both pages of this document, thet he signed both veges, 
and thst Re id not understend the contents of 14 chen he aligned it, 
thet he did not reed it aver, but tht asybe it «ss read te his, but 
thet he did mot think so, that he signed the statement blindly, thet 
the gen who presented the atutement to him seked him questions, vrete 
the snewers doen ond then showed if te the plelatif?, thet he signed 
At, and thet at that time he wou in the hosvitel. 

Ray 3. Tiompeon, ¢ eltness srodueed on bebalf of picintiff, 
teatified thet et the time and mesy the sisce im cuestian he was 
driving = ear gouth on Sileaukee ¢venue and acrth of the intersestion 
of BHilweukee Avenue ang Ockton Street at about 5 otoleck im the 
evening; that chon he wos «bout 450 feet north of the intersection ef 
Milwaukee ‘venue ani Gckton Street be saw « ony pull out direstly in 
front of him coming from the west and going ast en Cskton dtreet; 

- that he, the witness, was driving on the weat side of Milwoukee Avenue, 
afd thet he saw tuo Give come together; that he wus about 180 feet 

Loe va 


ainintrto ost ¥d down en | hatimgined bus oslgh odate | & ‘enw ener 
# of oumo of teat yotontitt te etere sat Yo tnomtaages beow edt Ye 
fi eeduer ity no dake tremee att to oybe ad? ont oot OOL tuods gate Liu 
|| od Lktey xwod ae weLin 2 tunds be eter a Ye Bebeeoors bas ,eunovA | 
baer sb Hide tiide whe pink vn ime LE sagan shukdt Owe toda ase 
fieod 998% GOW xo 008 gee Binow oa neat ire eet osat mex xao 0 én 
' togt stake at 100 om woe od anid itntos ted? mor? oumevk voaesne 
Wa wivoos beunitaoe bes suovA eskuarith gatrsiar nueted atsyn berool rt 
Ne Stiastaeteh vos ton bib od sonia boneqaad ‘taablons ont Liem hse 

¥ Bkb ad taut sent oe ia 189 3" tanbustes tear iourte +i mated 20 
ed test bert itaod oats ei wad tka ts erokad veut Shims 2) one ‘ton 
qote. stabi od tos trdtene ast poate oust we as ybodyas ‘bhot ies 


tapuogstn yar hengte roveu ad Saat bas vtaamorrig 98 me tno aa 
| bavreb awode are ‘Yidntale otateg wide to 

siaeetaadit sae Pest Rotate mode 8 hay gbroawe cul? mk £ sot Hib 
ahoang, deed bangle ed todd “Sunauned aie Yo anger ated no boxesage. 
ati Somgia of andy 2 Te etastaoo ocd baagereteas don bth od tudt has 
Rdpclatiplabianhantarsgiecntal et! 

fed qUibanld sngantets oft bongts ad tom? gon satse tom bab ed tate 
“ etoxe aesoiteeup mid bedes mis of toanbtate ads betnonone ren adil ; 
bomgis ed doxd Lbdatake odd of #2 howode anit bas aveh oxowens tt | 

Biss sHetieood o0f at con ed Smit teat ta deat baw 
i ythdtabats. to Minded. me beeubony eeomdiw etomqeact at wi on eee 
ME Oe Gotten ak eocly eld tows bas ants ond is aad” oath C 

moisooerotad ads e waders bas owas ecm oa > davoe es 

pitt aa tes he 
i Galle Fis 


4 : 
north from the point of the ooeident when it Aapoened; that after the 

@Ollision, claintiff's ear het been driven vest om Hilwaukes Avenue 
perhaps 125 feet, oni thet defendant's oor awerved te the right ond 
proceeded about 75 feet ever the sonerete to the dirt side of the 
roads that before the »ecident defendant's esr wea coming worth, thet 
he the witness, hed © Glesr Vision down “ilesukee Avenue beyond tae 
Angeresetion, thet the imseot cemurred on the cnet side af Hlireukec 
Avenue, emi thet plaintiff's eer hed aleost areased Eileeukee Avenue 
at the time of the acrident. G¢ esteted taet slaintiffts. ear wes 
going about 18 wiles en hour, «md thet se did not see defendant's 
@ar until the tiae of the iapnot. 

vefendant testified thet Ǥ the time of the aceident, he 
“ae going north on Gilesukes Avemme, © four lane Bighway, and that 
at the northecet corner of the interseotion of llenuken Avenmne ond 
Gnktion jtrest there ig « reel eatete office, and thot there sre ne 
wadidings of amy kind om the other corners, He stated there were as 
etep signe at the interasetion of Milesukee ovenue ond Osktien Street 
to ater the traffic on Uliweukee ivenme, Sut thot there vere atep 
aigne to ater the traffic coing and weet on Gokten Street, thet 
he firet observed picintiff's car ae he rerohed the west side of 
Mileoukete Swenme; thet there is * ierce eipm which obetructe the 
vier « little bit snd « few tress slong the eost side of Ziivaukee 
Avenue which sis@ ebetruct the view; that ne did nob see plaintiff's 
mee wntil if ese quite close te Silecuker Avenue, ond at thet time 
he was about 109 feet acuth of the eouth line ef the interseetion of 
the teo streets. we atuted thet olointiff was traveling between 50 
or GO miles =n bows, and that plaintiff 444 net ates at the inter- 
seotion; that he, defendent, thought vieintiff wes geing te atep 
er slow down because of the charnoter of the atreet, ond thet when 
he saw pleintif{ coming at « fawt epted, he, defwiient, spclied the 
brakes aa fast ea he could, that he tried te turn, bet could not 
slear defendent's ocr, sud thet plaintiff nit his ear on the aide 

ad? xedte tedt jhemeqqad #2 modmy taabdows ed? te toiog ef? mort | 
Sunovs seiuerii ae tow aevich ayed bur uo eR itmkedy ymosekeE 
bar adgde o6¢ of Dovxowe ‘tan oMandavieh tide baw eeet ORE ngikdes 
» Alt Yo 9bkg Jubb adt of StorEmon acssnaabpedbc cag babe wee 
aueays vesuo Ly heregr® teasle ba tne eovnavnnity rte he ‘oun: : 
BOW a0, att Bakaly tens beeede a \eaebicne ett Ye beta | 

_ oft oe von Sw om mt ta i il 
bin ou wat font v1 Dissanendevtedemticatrryety | 

od, g@mantone: edd ko omlt out se toat he Ltaswer navitae te nis foe | 
edt hae gyendgad exok suet &° ounews eaten peer ® ‘ie 
| | BAS GuROVA cedueudil Yo aodsoounstes ear to owemtan | om oe 

| on exnat tat hea gaotthe en Love at onnee torn fee” : 
OM 9xOu Sxadt Rotate oh. (euTonmee tebe odd OORT wie To wyal ' | 
fenrah noted bar. oumers voxiumette te mostoeivesit ont bd atgid dati” . 

a "tesa skandeeabmadnandacasusmaainesmeinein strate 9 nt dot OY" | 
13st te woe me to eh 
Odd, atourtade dotiw apts weet 6 8k rene that pounibwk Medel 
seauer iii Ye abi teow aay yok voet wo ete ae onsen a ‘ 
a"Ptitaiels see ton bth Of gOee yooky of? Fo cide’ ‘wake’ - ii > hs " ' | 
take tate tp bes yeusora sevuorE ie ot beet Fin tow Dh kite a 
"Wp imittpeonnint: ert Te ontd dtube’ ome te Wines dent” noe i fi % aot 
08 noswted gakievert anw WYidebaty dead hosede ok Sabworde ov 
~rotnd eat om que on bab T2keaLAss sna aes Roel ilo 
 gote od natey enw Tthtniale tdywodtt yeanban tes {oe 

Ss SUA Soe penta “ont hechantasemarhoutioden i 


amd his ony swerved to the right scninet « lamp post. Pale witness 
testified thet Milwaukee (venue ie level south of the intersection 

for 3,050 feet or more; thet there ia ne dip in the road er perceptible 
wise, and that the rout is oraetieslly isvel from Biles te the iater=- 
gection, Sefeniant «leo introdused in evidenes, without objection, 
plaintiff's exhibit 1 «herve referred te, = eritien atatenent signed 
by the plaintiff in whieh it is stated thet prior to the soeldent in 
question, plaintiff ese going exst an Gakton “treet at « eneed of 
about 209 mijes an hour, «md thet «9 he aocrenched Mhiwnukee avenue 

he looked both nerth end south and did net see sny cere oeming in 
either direetion, ond that be 414 not setp ond went right on, that 

he got « glance. of « car to his right and eteut 5 feet from hia ear, 
and then the oragh eume, snd that ¢seh ocr ran sbeut @ feet after the 

ageldent before they etoroed. 
The only disinterested witness to the saecident w<¢ Thomp- 

gon, the driver of the ol truck. He testified that plsintiffts ear 
pulled inte Hilesukee venue slowly; thet it had «roeesed east over 
the first, seoond anc third isnes of Hilesukee Avomme et shout 18 miles 
en hour before the etoident, indiesting thet pleintiff wes driving 
slevly «end wes using care in crossing Yilwevkee ‘venue, ond thet vlein- 
tiff had net come inte the interseqtion at = high rate ef eseed, ag 
testified by defendant. if it is true thet sleintiff bed resched 
almest the extrene east side of dilwsukee Avenue, » four lene highwey, 
before the sceldent securrad, this facet slene suggeste that defendant 
hed ample space and ene driving in = negligent semmer, or the secident 
@ould not hove happened, At any rete, the jury sar and heard the 
witnesses ond ag the verdiet ic net suminet the senifeat weight ef 
the evidence, Ȣ see no ressen te distruh it. The judguent is, 
therefore, affirmed. 


peentin aidt “sfeoq cant 2 tankeyo ddghx weld ot bovsews a2 ast Bae 
noltoverss id sft te tues fowas Bh omnes oodunn till Fecaht ‘pettatadd 
idsdqowr og ro bso oat mt qih om af otadd dads jotens te test bob yt xet 

Hi; Teatas, walt o¢ eolin more feveds yilestioury ei hae out ror eo oe ~ 
eHottootie tuodt is s20anb tvs ee feouborant eel: suskastec ‘stontebe 

to iy | &, te foarte noted 8e teas patog eo * thhtnkelq P 
pure ys podunw Lax badenorygs ot ae dost Base twos as eotin Of tues 
od gitkeoo arse Ye see fon bib dete stuen kes dévoa dtod podeos ot 
_ tet? no tighs teow bas Ghee ton bab ed todd fie ,sortoorth ‘medti 
| gtat, Rd work goet 6 dodo bas tay adel of =09 8 Yo standy 9 2 tog od 
i odd rests tort OF ¢uode ant 190 Aone tad? bas sence danve edt sede bine 
iH »bayode yond onated taabtose 
“quot? Bow sashsoos ad? é¢ veontiw Betnsretadede Geer eae Ores 
‘tao e'ttigakela tec? bestldest a ,dourd £Be odd 2a sovixd oH? aoe | 
ss towe tase bensots bed th ted? pylvota egkevA sexennlin otak DeLing . 
| walle GL dwods te GunswA coxeewlae To wane Aeddd for bagowe gtaxst at 
“gadvieh gow Tidtatalg an Geananeliies — ont lil 

en gbooge to. eter pays ba nobtoonpetnd edt ones et oe tm ad TRAE 

BS Wad 

 Redoset bed Yiidatedg dode att eh gh 2 ea, 

Ae eS 

prnpernete fastens alt mt 0 OP 
ght soem hat ott fh Gstndh 98, MANATEE AMG 

ery Hedy fue alah enh ad 


Appell es, i 
SUPranoR gourd? | 
Fo ; 

JOrPes TA Qey? 
panna 2¢41.4.657° 
Opinion filed March 14, 1934 
By this sppenl Gefeniant seeke the revyeresl of 2 judge 
ment in 2 versonal injury «ult brought seninet it sy oleintiff, 4 
trial wea had in the Superior court ef Jock Gounty before » jury, 
and 9 verdict of (2,0% waa returned, woon “hich verdict the judgaent 
wes anterede 
The deelerstion in the seee contoins five seunte: () 
eherges genersl negligence; (9) operstion of » truck of defendant 
at an excessive rete of speed; (3) operation of the truck «i theut 
lights; (4) Vielstion of the right of =sy etetute, ond (8) sili fel 

and wenton gverstion of the truak. flees ef the cenerel iseue 

of mon-cenershio and aga-operstian vere filed by defendant. Sefendant 
produced no witnesses, ond ot the clese of plnintiff'ts ease, moved 

| the court to direst the jury to find the defenisent mot guilty, ehich 

7 wotion waa denied. The couse wos submitted te the jury, whieh re<- 

: turned the verdict »5 etvted. There ia no question reieed here as 

| te the amount of damages, nor os to «ny instructions siven or 

refused. The pointe urged «« grounds for reveresi ere thet plsintif? 
wea guilty ef centri batery negligencs at the time and pines in 
question, end thet the court erred in submitting the osuge te the 
jury on 211 the counts of the decleretion, intluding the count 
charging wilifulneas end wsntonness. 

Wlaintiff testified in substance that on Noveaber 24th, 
1920, he was driving an «utemobile west on the nerth aide of S7th 
Street, near the intersection of that street end “abesh ovenue in 

= eer 
= Sa 

pence? Nie hs ESM. ta 
we we MH 
Se hs is) 

‘ OP ae 

\ af OO, ROR CLEe yong ‘is 
sYisyse Hon” ? he 
“veo a1 ESS FT 
ECL AL dorel beLlit notmtgO na : ) ‘vue in shy “ ; 

A TRUOO ry WO MOTHING BAT GUKRVIGM Akan andthe sok 6H sm. anv 
~ghut 2 Yo Leexeves oa) eaten, tagbsted Leacys ata Gn & 3 i eagied t 
A ,itatsle yw ti tentegs ttyvord thwe yvtat Lenoersg. © mh, teem: 
| gNWE © OFoTed YFRWOD dood Yo txuel xodsegM aHt nA bed. pow Ledeh 
_ taomghat add totbray cist moc sDeorutes ao" Oob4Sl 30. ABbbeoy one 
(0) ‘atmos orl enintnwe ones ‘oat amd 1 ni, san. ad tues 
_.,taahreteb,te sgutt « toe nodtetede (8) goomegtigen stalin alii 
 ethis dows? ead to wolterece (4) phoerd te geo ovbemeere Re, ge 
fvtiite (8) bes ,otuente yor To taydn ont to modtadode (+) Godage” 
| immed Loneney baa Ro vhedt ibid with * ane hescnge nm 
| duababted sthshested yd beilkt oewe ao ivne ymtte rage me 
| fo tbeves sen antetnaste te anole ont ae ‘brie: ve isiwnntte ot beans 

oe a ee PA ey se a CT 

wet ‘iio. dete arnt ‘ont ot destinies ecw ware oat shake ben 

" as evad bontow notdvoup on ai oredt stotete be oe — ' bn , 

eke to meviy saottourteat we of ae ‘rom ks | 

“mk opeig bas outt ‘eat + “sonnytien etd rd ine : 

anit oF seme edt geass bedire at berre tu0p aa pag “tt mt ory 
dnwoo wet gothutont sso LtereLoeb etd Yo atrene 


the Gity of Ghicsgo; thet when he came te the enat aide ef Yebaahk 
avenue, he came to * atep, leeked st aii the eemmers, s\v nothing 
Geming, and that he then proceeded to crese the street; thet the 
next thing he knew se was undernesth the rear wheel of » truck «3% » 
point ebout 15 feet north of S7th Street om the wast aide of *abash 
Avenue; that he wa token from there to * dester; thet ot the time 
of the accident, tae street iights had net been turned on, and thet 
after the seeident he ese defendent's truck there with ne lighta on. 
On oroge-exsmination, sinintifi steted tact he 434 net know whether 
the lights were burning on S7th Street «t the tise ef the <ecident 
oy not, ond that ag he eressed «bash ‘venue he was going 16 miles 
an hour. He stated thet the true: im question cane from the south. 

Lewis Dufenchard, « witneasn fer pleintiff, teetified is 
gubetenee thet he wae on the corner of S7th Street and “abech Avenue 
at the time of this secident; thut the nesrest light ta the alase 
im quéation ese on the northwest corner ef the streets; thet sacn 
pisintifl come te the sormer, he, plaintify, slowed down alaoat te 
a step; thet the truck wes then coming north on Sebogh venue, end 
thet on the left <r west side of the truck end eouesite te the dire 
ection frow which plaintiff eos coming, he saw « Little lewters 
hanging sbout & feet from the crownd, and thet the whtwess next gar 
the track en top of plaintiff's sutomobiie. On erasg-exnmination, 
thie witneas stated that the truck exe 2beut 69 feet from 57th Street 
when plaintiff's esr came us te the eorner. 

Ghile there is acthing in the re@erd te indicate the time 
of the acoldent, it seems to be caeumed by beth cartier thet it waa 
efter dark. 

fhe firet question to be determined ia wchether or net ae 
s matter of lew the record indientes thet plaintiff's sileged negli- 
gence sppreximitely contributed to the aesident, or whether, in faek, 
he was guilty of any negligence «t ally is already stated by the 

Se en a ea 

finedisw 16 ahs tens att of omne of meste todd jogaordd to wet bab 
gutdton wee yexemmos edt Ile te Sadeed uote © of amso on pouawr’: 

add todd jteerts of? agers of bshseo~ng anasto toke bmx esc 

# os towed & to feode ta9% mit dteatebas” new ox wand oxi peat axes 
donde 26 ebad deoe sed do Poorss aITE Yo dgmem tewt GL dueds salog 
Omid ot ty tod? qreteek a otoeniif moxt agded oow od P6et poumevA 

dele bas xo Hontet mvod don bed efdehs teowke edt gtmabioos edt te 

AEE AE LOE LTE nN re eee 

xeridorte wou tom bab wi tame hogade It Lindale gto , 
mediocre edi Xo oukt eat te oeutt s60RR s Qatanoot: ei nap tt 
godin Of gateg exw on eunov’ donde deacons Oh we todd Bee tom to 
efituge edt moxt onae nd tteow ak xoun? oft bats botole ho ede 
al Boftitoos yWrhtataiy wet axenthe fm ,bradoastet e tue He | 
only of of tigi ¢amnwen edt Fim piawhdeoe btee-te-euks edt te 
ede edd poteatte oat Yo témeo teowtirae ed ae sow wottetap at 
ot ¢eomls avob bovele ,Ititatel, geet .1RINs eat ef omse Witaketq 4 
bin euawes dande® aq dtxom gakaso sod? sew Soar? oct told qqetes 
 aekb 889 of odteaqae bas doutt eft To ahha tome ow weet add 0 tect 
avetent 9Lt2hi o wee ad yaakaye cov Witadeis Kole mort motte : 
wou Seon nesntiy ed? tot Rar ~boweny add wort tosh @ dwode gatyaad 
Holtentanxe~ensre a2 .elidommegs a 'thidakedg te got mg donne. *_ 
seaxdt KYvU-mie? #06200) tuede inte’ dawnt emh: beth hevete.amanlitash ae 
‘bad : vreuron oat of ob wane nen #*TREtaEALE. aM | 
a exit sd9 Stoolbat of breoet oat at gatdton meonndt ALM 
i aow tt tai eettesy stot yo heavens of od meme #4 antoon a Re 4 

ec rey ee pee 

ae tom 9 lees ad pendmressh, od enineiiaes inti ealis sale 

ek igen boyelie s'Ttithiely tote eetanthak droos 
apne nt r0Ksedw co qtimbteos sat oF hodwdsttnas ¥ 
sd YS bated yhoowla wa ple te | 



witness Sufenchard, when gisintiff case ta the earner of the streeta, 
he, cleintiff, came almost te 2 stom, ont then oreeseded alowly seat 
nerosa dubash Avenue, and thet st thet time, defeniant'e truek ene 
@ozine from the south «nd ees sbout 6) feet or mors south of the 
intersection, thet ia to say, detemient's trusk exs coming from cisadne 
tiff's left. 

in Sigale vy. Es 

“A dviver on the ieft gece « duty te the driver on 

hie tignt te »onreneh am intersettion with i ica ps oaxe 

to persit the latter to exercise hig Fight of EBBo] 
Ve uke, B47 Lil. ADRs K : 

264 lll. Avy. 68, the court seid: 

372 Psy 
406} HoCarthy v. Kadiz 236 THE hie trie gling 
ae8 Lilie ‘PP: 26e: ji LS & a3 gs Le St ee 
one one ¢ Is ae | _ RARE 
VGorgn Gh 

Sateen gbearve the ace ond 
ig e Boeretein, 225 Lili. Apa. 208; 
(itelics ura 

The regerd indiextes that oleintiff had the right of sy, 
and wee not guilty ef neglizence. . 

The nezt point raised by 4efeni-nt is thet the esurt erred 
in submitting the willful emi wenten count to the jury in the sbeense 
of any proof of eliifulness «nd sentonnegss, There =-5 no aetion made 
by defendent st the close ef slaletiff'« csae, ner wos sny instruction 
offered by defendant directing the jury to disregard this eount in the 
deeqiaration, The reeord dcea not show any evidence of wilifulnesas 
wo? wantenness. dovever, there ia s8 ellegetion in the deelerstion te 
the effect taat defenmient viciated the right of «sy etetute, and thet 
he wos Griving without sufficient Lights, beth «ef ehieh sherges sre 
supserted by evidence. 
in Septet v. tarjin & or 

Ss ula 

"It ia settled in thie state thet one good sount in 
* @¢elerstion which is susserted by the evidence will suetcin 
2 Yordiet and et althesgh other counte in the dealar- 
ation may net supsorted by the evidence,* 

erent: ede be seatoR Sad of amas Thtewkelg ancy.bras 
tee urate hobaapera sett Hes gota. «at teomle ome, ght LOSS, 48 

aan sound sttaahaviok .oudd dood fe fads ban .2uaeTs. Meador nm 29 
edt to ddyoe tom to to0t 08 dwada ger bits Keven Of mort salvo 
 eethady mort, yaks, gun HOet eieasbaeteh gina ad #4 Bede: 

| A ial 1 x eae Bil iossinks tk ia nA ae oft 
sbhaw dyugo ost ee pe itt Bae cnnetiill aM ate he 
wy Lah ald : hj ‘ . fie a 

“pans "Feels ites ‘iain br soleses sorbate 

ager Bo ilies edt bed, _yhatnaade: teat nails icone png sassisho “" 

, _ goonay bigest. te. othe. ea pes aoe 

bevre seus anf sede at tackaobok id dendas tatgg taan o47 me ae 
sonecdn edt ah yrwh. dd o¢ gaupo motuae bag Lot iste Bg, osetia wt 
phen aokten-on saw ores? (qaeenaetaer dae gponiihitte 30, toveg. yaw To 
soLiputde@at ume naw Kom goose a tiiseteiq te on: ot te taahesteb, x 
ex? at. tauen vide daeporead of get, ott gakgqnnsy fem heb yw borexto 
geosivtilie Io esovblve ye sede tom ny aeuins oat, : ebadl an 

at nektessioad odt at mottagadio, aa. of; HERAT, g THVT, ., -BROMMAI IN) 
dedd bas ,otutote, yer to. tigix oft batsloky tayhen ted, porn $903) : sf 

one wogrods deide to Atpg,. anttatt angied ten tuosttw. gatverb, apy, ot 
al wy auch 

ot oa tik ae ree bs 
q808 fff OES qh Jeol wisest + osu to weve wat Dette ts 

Gee alee Gulanias v. Jegamy Con} 

the Suprese Gowrt asia; 

"the deeierstion gharged $hat the sovellast ‘negligently, 
@areleesly ond wiilfuliy' did the Things eseclained of, 

Ceusing the death ef Antenoveules. The orsck does not 

tend to show thet the act wos willfully done, and seuncel 

fer appelieant argues that there ess « vorlenee beteten the 
proof and the desleratien, ad thet therefarr tha notion 

made at the clest of sleintiff's avidense for sa inetrustien 

te find appeliant not guilty should ‘eve RPG grented. In 

tort the plaintiff may oveve = bert of Als oheuree if the 
avermen’ ia divisible, snd proof of « vart af the sLlagas 

tions, if gufficient te wustain « O286, LiL austeain « 
gudguent. (ity of Jalie: Zab » A7? Laie LPB 
5 a8 ad. O73 Sity of 


®, af the proef shoved that the ast ene asus by the 
6 ao ey of eppéllant, reeavery could be hed even though 
ne Te 

gligence was not wenten or whliful.# 
The eeuse wog fedirly aubaitted te tne yary, and ws see 

nO Feaeon for disturbing the verdiet and judgment. The judguent is, 
therefore, «ffilrmed, 


NILGOR, Jo AKO 4USEL, 3. conous, 

Scone ate LIT Sh a8 

cuidnogtiaen’ daetiegan vit? tad | 

‘t ron anob toorg on T 

“at prada ty: yo "i 

noitom oat evetetods tact eon 
i es BS pe poaebive o Pts 

ye tae a2 nts een " 
of to free 2 To. loan 

ee bw bab <enut ott of betentedare GAA? 
sat taomgbul edi stonaphy, Sie tosbeey 967. 

Stel Aa Se wee 
oH ee okt ak a ners ssi, 5 : 
nk | ys . it at othe 
i al 4 

ia gh rat 

ets ee 




We : : 


} oF aeidade, 
sefendonts. ) 

nn ; 6) oA fa AW b ~~ Fi 
satis alts fo © & Lefhe 05 

Im fe Appesi of HERGAR Ff, “1 RKELMAR, ; 

Opinions filed March 14, 1934 

This ia on sppesl by Sermon F. “inkelann from an order 
of the Municipal Gourt ef “aiarwo entered after « hecring, denying 
his motion *te expunge or raeste order of Sorember tnd, 1934,” in 
eid seuse, ond denying defendant's motion for lesve ta file inetenter 
em emended affidewit of merite. fhe order acoesled from eae entered 
Gecember 3rd, 1938, on motion ef defenient guage pre fume 2s ef 
Hovember 26th, 192%. 

On Aordi 6th, 1922, unier worrent of attorney contained 
in s lenge signed by defeniont ni Suriel Gomnelly, = fwlement wee 
entered agcinet beth defendants fer the enm ef °656.99 for rent then 
due and owing te the plaintiff by the terms of this leese. on 
Petition of defeniant, “inkelaan, «n order mas entered giving him 
leave to sprear ond make o defenge, snd ordering the judgment to 
stand es seeurity, smd tint exeewtion be eteyed unthl the further 
enter of the gourt. The petition spen whieh the order wis entered 
resites agong other things thot the defendont, Tinkelman, is €@ years 
of age end hea never hed any ¢uperience in baginesa; tact plainsirf 
deafted the lease in pursuenes of on understanding had between oleine 
tiff ond defend=nte; thet the defendant, Minkelamm, at the solicite- 
tion ef the plaintiff, snd rithout resding the lesae, ond without 
sny consideration, signed his name as guaranter, a6 he umlerstesd it, 

sy \ 
= | mos Jax ’ 
“paddbeaiant rein tel is 7 


cs ae eee a at ve 
<stnsbaatet ’ cna "is ai brn 5 

oth ~ 

Veo Ad eee: 4 


seer Re dowel boLit bhosnege. ae 
sTHT00 et WO BOTS TIO sie easny Tai” ia sat ‘i sm an x 
setae ao bort aculesnb! 1 aneveit qW Lomwgr 2 62 eitT ” Fand 
wanes wuikroed © Teste beredas enon io grvet Sogodmw $8t ‘te 
i gh *y8SGL bat xedmevek Xo reine edoney To ouaeaee ot mottos wad 
| -wetasdemd 94ik of eves tot molten otnabartod gaigand hie: (sonee Minw 
i heretee ace mort belseqys tebvo edt .etkren to thvemhE Re bebo” Ra 
Ye o° gous aug ou fmebeeteh to aottom mo .0BUL ,brt sedmenet 

asw smomghet * .yiisnme? Lelret bee tusheetem yt hoagie encod # ak 
weds gnox rot 00.088? to eve ody tet efaehasteb dead fanioga bexetae 
#O .serol eidd to eae? att ei Ptidadeade: eit of aehwo hae ou 

ef treagie, ef? galsedte bas .coneted 2 atin bea eaegys it 

‘poredae ecw tobvo odd dotdw mouw sett iteq ott pee one te sone 

entaly averted bad gatbardesobay an to vemevewm al sums ot 
onthoiion ori #2 ete Lok stashoote’ ene sett ranean 
 tuadtte hme .oerek 94 yatheor tuodtiy bie hit 
att booterohn ef ae rodnet eng wh geen al ahs 

“a ‘seco see nung seta . 

“onde “ soa Yo so doa oa 

heakednoo Ytotts lo taertew why ROL co dbte® a ag PRET 

wid aatvis bevedtee ew taite ac ,aemhoaak atashenteb Ye mousites 4 

toidust ad? Ldtav heoyete od ac Ltuoexe tact tnd i nen ge 

axesy 83 ch ,aomiedail ,tachastob set ed apnred redto gaoas eetioon — 
YWieniniy dott jesontewd at sonod reqs ‘wae bod sews: and baw ce. 

and for no other curpese; tht inkelesn ie obliged to use apeetecies 
er eye glasses then recding, snd thet he did not heve the use thereof 
at the time of the execution of the lessee; that he,defendont, steted 
te plaintiff Ǥ th-t time hie need of glineses, and thet plsintiff 
then stated to Sinkeimen thot 1% ese onageeeesry snd burriedly urged 
$inkelman to sign the lecs#; thet “inkelmwen did net knew of the 
provisions thereof, nor of the eooaeity in whieh ae signed the acme. 
after the judpsent «1¢ epened ue, defendant on June 10th, 
2932, flied what is re‘erved to «s sn amended atetenent of claim, 
in whieh he sete uy smeng other things various alleged feete ton= 
eerning the income ef the preperty deaeribed in the iexse, woon 
which the judgment veg entered, aa sn 2lieged set-off agsinet 
plaintiff's claim. nH Hevember ind, i932, on motion ef sleintiff, 
this siieged set-off wee stricken, ond the court then «nd there 
entered the foliowing order: 
"dow Gomes the sleintiff in thie eouse, the defendant 
veiling sbgent and net represented and thereucen thia couse 
comes on in regular ceurse for trial before the court, with@ut 
& jury, end the Court a=ving heard the evidenee, and the 
arguaents of counsel, sad telme fully acvieed im the premises 
enters the following finding, to-rht: 
'The Gourt finds Six fundred Thirty Seven amd 50/100 
Bellare (%627.80) due from defendants Muriel Connelly 
and Herean ¥. *“inkelman at dete of judewent by confession.) 
Gn November 28th, 195°, defeniuat moved the court to 
vacate snd ¢xpungé the order entered Kovesber ond, 1932, and for 
i@ave to file en sdditivmal «ffidevit of serits, -t whieh time the 
erder appesied from denging defendent's sotion was entered, 
Gbjgetions sre usde by defenisat te warieus proeerdings 
hed before verious jwiges of the “unieipal Gourt, but there ie no 
showing in the record which eugreets thet defendent was net socarded 
_ & Fall and fair heoring by the judge she entered the order from ehish 
this appesl ie teken. “is srincics] centention seems te be thet ine 
a8 mh as he was 68 yeors of age nt the time he signed the lease, 
he waa, a5 a matter ef course, superanmunted, or, a9 thie word is 

selestoeqs say of hey tide at mmm ledak fait ;Seequug =a, on wot hs 

i, erent Ger ad? oved tom hab ef doula bre sna tbhans node seeuniy ow 4 

ii beste etaeten' tod ged, fad? joared oat te sodtueers oat ™ emda ott a 

— entetele tesa aw cereeety Yo bees wkd ontt test tn ‘Yiteabetg, * 

bayra vibeternt bas YrsReeoentn cer FL txAd memkedats of bededw aes 
edt to wont ton bib sealedals . tat Weruns oat pte of nentesnde 

| comin exit beirgie ef dotdw me Wsangen ag? Ye cee sYoorndg snooty : 7 

eAtOL tat no taebaeteb yqu bene oon txampi, sat wegts fh 

qntake te Sopeeret? rn elt oe of bapeoton at Yade beLee emer 

_ wee atoct, hegecia evobeey ogeids nose geome car wtee od dpkite at 
, _ Romie geneed ant nt hoc penean. yopeennn 4. te. Sayed Mal apne 

tee me “Oe ” ie 
oat . 
“ry 4 

tentre tro~tex boyeite ae ae ohoreniee fe new 8 
crtutateis * cotton so BOL one todaevon - oad 

tacbastob ott nouns slat al Thies oa 
a + has bovar jhstadeds ogg 

sauee asst pap 
su@dtia ,itue® sat eroted Lelxd ret eeenis ae wedges a2 
add ive ,oomebive eds bread wis — det 

ee a oe Cn ~ 

eeetnets add al al bealvie Hehe) 
“008 \o2 bas sevee yteid? ; 
** .nofoastnee aia te to ete cy 8. ree meas ba 
ot "gesa0 ad? bowen tacknateb 288k cd rodue wok a0 oy 
wot bax e8hGE yhae redxavel berets robe oat SQROYEe Das 
odd mkt doidu te gntiree te tivebivbe Leno ivbis ag ‘ouke ot =e 
. sbotedae new sotdom at anshapteb ganesh moet belesuas 
ega tbaecorg avqitey of dnabao ted Le eben wee enol en 
om at erodt tad .trve Loq te tiem edd Yo esha ne tn at 
bebtecos tom enw tashasteh tad? eteoygun ps snopes ode at gatwode 
deity mort rete off Betogne ase oghyt etd 
wah tadd od of emone sphtmningn beg ton, ° 5 sips iF . 
— gaenel ot bomgie ad ome eats oa ope ® Raney, Of 
wt brow aide ae 7 sPodommaatogue oe : 


defiued, *incapsciated by layge of years." The writer tekes the flat 
position thet thie is not necessarily trae «2 te one resehing euoh on 
age se thet of Gefeniant. Ales, eoungtl urcee a8 ground for revergel 
that defendant could not read vithout glseses, and thet there wus 

& misetatecent made ea to the contents of the inetrument whidh he 

thie court aaids 

"Shep & persen is not Liliterate, wnace 
quainted with our iengucee, it will net do to submit the 
walidity of 2 written inatrusent to = jury uoon euch 
hysotheses ag those in the inatruction umier eousiderntion. 
Even on diliterste person wiii be bound if he exeoute 
without requiring the inetrusent to be read, Thoroughgeod's 
@nc6, 2 Voke, 9. Yhere one can read but does net, then te 
void the instrument be must show sane artifice or trick by 
whieh he was ¢revented, or in other words, the jury mast 
he aatiefied thet the sign=eture wee obtained by fraud withe 
gut negligence on the pert of the signer.* 

‘4 RELBSOR Ve 4 PCAN EGR. 7 3G Tile H2Lhs 
the record does not ahow thet any srtifiee or trick was 

used by anyone in proguriug defendant's signasture te the lecwe in 
question. The extent of bis ese* unde im Kies vetities te zet 
eeide the judgeent in thie regerd ie thet he wae indvoed te 

gign = eriting which &¢ did net resd, oni thie is ne defense. 

The judgwent ia «ffiraed. 



tant out aeatad sadiew ont * A OTHOY te oaged ¥ bosntoaquoas® sbouttab 
ae doe pabdwess one oF om hutd YLinnyosoes tem af einy tone “wott teog 
ineroves set bawory ae eaytE ieanage ede ia otashaeteb te tant ae os 

new eredt todd bas senorty firostd ke bere fon bivoo tusknsreb teata 

‘of deine tammarrt Bett od? te ndansace aut of ae eben tusestatoeln s 

: ye08 ong fit 8 cuted a® 

ane to bathe woaeteet iit rrr es newer & ede 
de ag oF of gem thde hk 4 ag < me 
mons Yuk & gh fommultent anavie 9 te. We a 
emiatetaneiaes Ao stows and & eer: 
i atywooxe si Th ore yale Lity 
zg Sooadguotedt shaer 
ot mec? ,fom eeo0h tud beet set Gaa we ql 
w torre 10 per upd oad woee tem tat detemurs 
tonw yrre ont ee Taide ee TO he 

pitt EE 408 spemabinalt meinen 
nam antet te eomtaees eae teh wot ton etod roves edt lua 
at soon ont af sxudongte ettashavtad gatroterey wk saoyae, “ys boew 
‘Hee of aektived aid at hee ea sie te sastee, ae? | yaontenay 
of ‘peowba! ane 4 eae 8A Beget cae a perteang dé ebtes 
sonasted om et pide Sas yhoo toe. oan a de site yettere e ge 
soe es et Paemghet, Ont 


' ih aes i re aie Sa C i 
cee A “Shgl te RRA ay th eo eh 


a j 
5 2 
(Gomplaiusnt) Avpelies, i 

. } 

(Gefendant) Anvellant. ) 

Opinions filed March 14, 1934 


This ie sm scoes] fram « decree ef the Suxerior Sourt ef 
Cook County dissolving the morvicge of cossleinen$ and defendant. 
the record shews thet «fter the desertion allesed in the Bill, the 
sompininant upon reeeiving «hat to her wre suffielent svideace of 
the faet thet tee defeniant hed died, had merried «nother, it 
appesrs that she wea mistaken in this regerd. fhe deeree from which 
thia eppeei ie teken, in ecdithen to disseiving the w=arringe vith 
defendant, finds and decrees that the serricser to ber sacend end 
iset husband now decensed, «xe lessl and welid. The bili cherged 
desertion, which defenient by bis onewer, denies. 

There sre seny metbers set forth both in the bill sad 
aneeer, which are irrelevant to the lasue in the e:ae, which is, 
whether or sot the cowploinant ie entitied ta « deeree of divorce 
on the ground ef defemiont’'s desertion. 

Sompiainant testified thet she mirried defendent in 
ftuesia in 1699, sad thet he threw bar out in Sey, 1008, after which 
ahe came te 4merion, bat sent beck te “uesin in 1867 end tried te 
live with him evain, tut thet be would not heve ber. ‘the testified 
that she then came tc Shiesge, hexnrd the complainant had been killed 
in the “orld “or and married anetser. Ghe oreduged two #itneasss, 
one of whom testified thet in Russis in 1905, 4 € or 7,ehe had heard 
. the complainant sey, *I don't want to live with thet wife.* fhe 

1 ae ‘ ae ye 

Fi 3 
t 3 
bes a ‘ 4 

“hey < nee eo 

yo PAIR fea si Tee tox Lan ae 

4 etediond (dnowkssowes) — ay ig 
TaN oaaee BE ys ; ’ They de ee gas dee adept a % ¢ nals 

S29 ae) A NY S'S ers (teat ama 

eYTHUOD 1000 stasliaces (taehas tet) “yi wane 
SECT SI dors beLtt ‘enofalqe 6606 L008 AR aS a, 
«20000 BUT 4O BOIMIGO BNE GarIVEEM Jaay BOETeUL ‘mbnanmente ores 
to dance cy te eles gates I —~—s a oasis 

ne “etadvons Sebrenm bag. he ab had dealt Ha hosts to 
dolde moxt seroeh od? sheeges wide ab shar one: Aer + ast am 

tiv oycivtcs at) gulvieewséh et mottthin eh gnedes ab pais wlae 
bee atemes cod af ogedrean ods. Ce etnabneteh 
begrads [iid adi .BLiey Ann Isyed war ghetede 
seoinak yrewene aid ud dembew tab dolde sannenaneet 

bee Lhtd edt mt dtod APT? doe wrodtay Yiee ean ered) 
{ot Motde yanee Bid al auand sat ot tmevedeors wa dotdw grewane 
eoxerih to serweb « of DOLtiine ei amemtalaees o@t tom to emdtede 
stoitcned atdackhested to Savery edd mo 

at tunbastst herein ode tedt bertitoat eremtelqne® : 

Hokdw rove .206L yok at te ed words om dutt ban O6OL at ateoun 
of bated ture (ORL el shea of dhe faen tod enebroma ot amen ode q 
beltétess of sted eved fom bivew ad tedt tod yobege mast ithe evit 
boLlia seed bed teenkalqaoe sft brood seqrotdd ov once modd eae toute 
ateunenthe on? heawbors edi .zotome obec haw 98 bérow ry at i 

ed? “.ohlw todd dttw evil of tae ao id wen agers 

other ateted thet in Yuseis in 1909 she heard defendant eay te 
somplainant, “Get evt, i den*t went you.” 

in wiew of the fact that the eovurt ene sitheut furia- 
@ietion or power in thie sreteciiue te enter = deeree ta the ef feet 
thet compleinent's secomi merrivge wos legel, and of the feet 
thet the evidence offercd te suatciu the cherge of degertien is 
wiestiafactery, the couse ia reversed and remanded for « new triel. 



Ot Ye Saabnated Brest site SORE nb about nk bany nonere dete i 

* wo tiem #aab 1 ytue ton" etaentetemes i 
~aitut, tuedtte wow tev0o edt nat toot 96s Yo wake at i 

* ‘ae 


is re hy 3 colts ir pit zace hy ee Be ih a Ae 1 the P 
gr Pire x ye Rae BN ge au Se AS 0 oe ca a GR eI 

ett orenne 

ty op 

botiza aied had Feercehgeas ees ee sas dangiit 

ow &: Saye: Soka | Rte 

“ Sipser 

E. &. MUALES, 
Setenient in trror, 

REM avenge 



ats peal orien, Daaieees ag e 

Prudentivl Sealty Jomuany, Or i ” 
2é¢4 1.484.657 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 

ke M, ANGE ond H. F. RANOL, eo- aati 
Pisintiffs in orrer. ) 


This ceuse is in this souri woom 4 erit of errer direated 
te the Gunicipal Court ef Vook county, te rewiew the reserd in » 
progeeding wherein 9 judgeent woe entered by the court, without «= jury, 
in fevor of the oleintif?’ in the aum of °5,804, in on action for- 
wreagh of contract. 

Plaintiff's statement of clsim alleges that im the year 
1928, he owned » let in Svenston, Tilinegis, whieh wee «old by the 
defeninata for the sum of “7,004, end thet the transsation wae com 
pleted and the money received vy the Sefendants on Coteber 16, 1928; 
thet theresfter the defeniants invested acid sum in Donte or semuri- 
ties, snd in 1959, the pleintiff weocived froe the defendants $166 
seorued interest, and thit the cisintif’ demanded from the defendants 
Plaintiffts aequrities or their oagh veine, whieh me refused. 

The defenses set forth by the defendants in their offie 
devit of merite ie a Genial thet the plaintiffs lot wee sold by the 
defendants or defenients’ «sent, or thet the sale was sompleted on 
Getober a5, 1928, and the further denial thet toe defeniante had any= 
thing to do with the scie of olaintiff's let in “vaneten, or the 
investment ef the cum of °2, 604. 

There is evidence in the record thet the claintif’ was 
employed by the Jencrel Plectrie Jeusany for = peried of twenty-two 
years, and thet hie werk at the time of the trenazetien in cucatian 
was thet of sn armature winder for thie eempxny} thet in 1927, the 

ERIN Beye it oy ana a 

ns ai 
4 e 
7 ~ | 
1 r we SSBe8 
| ‘er HONAT We Thaw sd oh of 
, ( ROWS, aa. fasheaot yy 
“ae robe Jairo.eum ibe saci 

ony oe Pienne? CA. Pt Pn 

| ORBIT, “RO gSORE «6%. oR hae TORAH 4H 2A 
ae setaiend gaiob 
yaa AT BYVS a 
eFOTTR eh: OTT APAROAT! car ots 
 BSCL .SL dorsM beLit noiaiqd © Sac Ss et rt See 

beteetit terte te ticw & mee Pere e20f ME Bh eeuee neat } 
| @ al-bieeer ed¢ weiver o@ oetrwel dood Yo frwot Iegtotau edt 08 
qiut 8 tuediiw ,ftvee adt yl heredes eos tenmphel » ahewede gutbosoeny 

80T Goltos ae ak 06,89 to mun otf mi Widinivig ott to vovet at 
toottae te donors 

teey eft af tedd aogolie mhalo te tuseeters aNYeaeagess 
ad? ¥¢ Bier exw doddw yntomtiil ,seteare’ ai tod « baows od .8ROE 

“909 exw noidcesnett edt ftadd bas 908,89 To awe edt tod atacbaekeb 
 {HSEL ,EL redotod ao sixehaetes act yW bevisews yeuom oft bas Betedy 

~fiw908 16 ebnod at gem bie hefsorad atarieoteh edt sottooweds teat 

CAL) utaebasteh odd moxt davteves Witnteig od¢ 4GEeL al ban yes 
stanbastes ad? wort behasweh Yitalela ent todd’ ben yteerednt beytoor 

sbeevter eow doldw .oulev dam whet? vo medtinwoon en atntaln 

«Pts tied? at etnebmeted ode yf adtot ter eeastabd ed? > Bae 

adt yd Dive anw tos atttitnsaig amt tant ixiaed « ad etivem to. ib 

no besolason wow Sine od? tadt to ytayn Ineundusteh 40 atanbeeteb 4 
ayne had ottisbasteb oct tad Ledmeb rodtaot ont ban ,O8@L OL redeteo i 

edd t .wotenswi at tol et titniaic et ee 1 

naw VRatwkel¢ edt gmt beooes odd ut pensbire ef exact 
( peocrteve yo see see yemeaann neal 
" > - mongenun uk nottecenert edt to omkt wae os oval aaa bigest e 


plsintif? purchesed « let lessted in Svenetem, lilinois, osysbke in 
dnetellments; thot in any, 1987, the sieintif? received = telegram 
from the defendents doing biesiness sa the Prudentiel “silty Ceaccay 
Stating that they had « ourehnser for the let in Bwamsten st 995. 
per foot, te which the plsintiff replied that he was wiliing te 
dispose of the lot st °=96 = faet; thet slisintiff alee received a 
telegren from the frudentiel Seslty Cemoeny in May or June, 1927, 
to the effect thet one .ittlefield would arrive to slose the @enls 
that Littlefield did «rrive ot *%yandotte, Miohigan, in Mey or June, 
1927, and the piaintiff signed «= contract fer the esle of the lot 
amd gawe it to Littlefield. 

It 2iso apcears that the cleintif’ esiled ot the 6ffice 
ef the defendants ond turned ever coopers regarding this let te 
Littlefield in the yeer 1e27, and the defenienis, vy their scent, 
reoeipted for the cesers; thot the desl, by the seente of the flaine 
tiff, was closed ani the considerstion fer the trenefer of his 
interest ess received Sy the defendants throuch one of ite employess,. 

There is ao diavute thst Littiefield «ss «eting as 
defendants’ agent in the scie of the elsintiff's interest in the 
Svenston iet, anid the defeniunte by their brief «dait thet the trane- 
astion was with sittiefield, snd that ke eceupied «2 branch offiee of 
the defendants at Howard Avenue end -estern svenue, in the City of 
Shieago, while the sain office of the defendents «xs leemted at 
Seven and “‘estern s4venue, in Chiesgo. This sdmission indiestea that 
at the time of the treneection Littlefield ec net only the agent of 
“the defendents, but continued as their agent until the cleintiff 
@omplained sbout the sets of the defendants, sné their failure in 
not eonounting for the money in their possession, snd thet thereupon, 
in June, 1930, the defendants dismisced Littlefield «. an emsloyee. 
The defendents seted aq the plaintiff's agent in the trensection, and 
Littlefield together with the defendents received the geumiscion for 

al sddeyuy gelomilil ,woeenars gi bagnoal tod » heandoywg Metatala 
mevgelss » beviover tiisaiele oft ,TRRL gust al sade jateomlistent 
wrecmod ytlen Lettneturri ot aq aetakeuw! geioh ataabgeteh ed? mont 
ots te ngtanevi ai tol ode 7a? teasdenug # bed yont sods gaieoge 
_ OF Babiite ene od tuit betiqns vhaenbedg 963 sotto ot Ateot seq 
A Meviebor Gels Witakele test pfood 0 BB de tol dt. 20 owogadh 
s TORE. pony TO Yoh. Of Yenuegy, ytseas Sadgnmbert ode aoxt morgelod 
jLaeb edt anole of ovitxe bieow Bladeisisi ano fon} GoeIke odt of 
qeish To YSN al ,eoyisiodt ,ottehmey? so eviore 61 Siedtelesid tade 
tol edt Yo eine O89 72 faeréaeo « Homie Tatadedy et? Dea, PORE 
i. , seiianierhantpeiiemmnatasd 
i oontte eat ts belles Diatatelg ett todd etagags oude ah > at ae 
i et tei eis? guticanet execog tere Senne sae saliiehabii oie te 
qttogs thedt wl yetaniavted edt has ,¥ORL tay edt at bietretieht 
anata odd Yo edaoge add ys gion edt pomd jevaceg mcd meh DenekeonE 
ops S48 Te BOtnaend acd wal aolderebionads aid. bes. yeeoko eae athe 
s8anyoiqun ett To ang dusondd adenbaoteb ett a 
_ ae gakgor eam DiatteLtths fact otwamth om @2 weAdh gy You 
| ed? ah taototat I izateds old, Ye alee, adi mi samme Iptaabapaen 
| waneut edt test ttubs Yokxd sted? af stanbuntoh ext. bn, «tak 
| * seltto Monexd = hetquere vd dads pur hininacsead atts com otter | 
to tte edt at .ouaews arotae! be eumvs bua ta etanbawteb edt | 
ts Detmoel cow etaahustsh ant 20 sostto ahem at sksw sopsosad, | 
feds eotepibat motgatwhe idl onneedd nt sutidataleemrall 
Yo tueye edt Yino fom ene Dindretsintd 4 Adwsmanens NE OO 
Yhitndeds of Lhtay tuppe, chess, pn :omehtante tut gets 4 
ah orwltet thet? doe ,eiaebaetob af te efen pt (0te nmbabanie 4 
Moguered? gedt har aadielgealiels,-<s saomrqnanqeneneiettieed 
spoyolgme aa ne Diehelteld de nae d 
ao Ltonenext ont mi tage ofr? damkada nat ‘ne ‘ ' ‘ em 
(——- xOT modeatames oft hovtonas educhastad odf, sain xedtayor Diathekethh: 

getTviges rendered in the sxie of tae Gronston lot. fhe seney thet 
waa received by the Gefendunte for the esle and trenafer ef the let 
by the pleintif? ressined in the senda of the dofemiants, and 
Littlefield sentinued in the offaee of tae defendants, used the 
defengents’ etstlonery, snc from ell somesremees the vlisintiff had 
the right to sascume thet Littlefield sae still aeting fer the defend- 
saute, whieh inferenee wa justified froe the fact tat the defendants 
diseharged Littlefield in dune, 1959, after somelsint e.@ ede by 
the pieintif{ of the dishonesty of Littlefield. The rule of «geney 
is well stated by the Guprewe Court im the aese of Sh 

ion & 2immevwen Cos, 157 Lil. S54, aa fellows: 

"One whe holds out enother ss his scent to act for hia in 

& given Gapnelty, ani, by his hebite end eourse of desling, 
justified the inference that auch other ig «authorized to eet 
ag his agent, whether it be in « single tramazotion or in « 
garies of trenssetions, will not be heard ta deny the ageney 
to the orejudiee of sn innevent party, she hue been led te 
rely upon the sopesronee of authority in the agent. (echen 
on Agenny, sees. 63,84).* 

The further rule thet the principal is bewnad by the coke of ite ocent, 
unleas it appesrs to the contragy, i¢ sooreved im the aave of 

Si. Ries Fi he S5. POM NY i Ge We Ra ot perm his y 2a4 Thi « aaa, in these wordas 

"& Qompeny ie bound by the sote of ite agent in the exercise 

of powers within the sopsrent acope af His sutherity, unless 

special iimitstions upon hie powers «re brought to the notice 
of the parties desling with him. (fnenix Ins. Go. v. Stecke, 

249 Lil. 519; Yhenix Ine. Go. v. Wort, 149 14. 612; Hoble vy. 

Waugent, @2 lil. S94 and & Sorpus Juris, 776.)* 

im the instant esse the slaintiff's transsctiona #ith 
Littlefield, who snpe-red and seted fer tae defendanta ae their 
wepresentotive, were svoreved emi ratified, and the defendenta ere at 
this tine estepped from denying the ageney and the authority ef 
Littlefield, He, Littlefield, «speared sa the agent of the defend- 
ants in their office until June, 1975, The defendente were charge~ 
able with the receipt of the conelderstion due the pleintiff, and aa 
the pleintiff'’s gent 4% wes their duty te see thet the considerstion 

due the plaintiff <<< sreperly eseounted for. However, as the 

tett yonon od? .tol aatemevi aft Re ahs ade ad Deredeet \weedvets 
tod ad? to tetoneré Sas oleae ong To Measheotah elt Yet evieder waly 
Sts yetnekasiek of? to shined wit at dankesot Thatele ty ade 
wid Loa {aenehos toh of Yo eolThe ode mt bevatdeod biotite treks — 
hed Vebtabaly edd goonetsenge Lic wovk hae ytrewedtate ‘efnebeeteb 
~bastsh git rot gmites iiivs sow biviieigeld teat qmvpeon ef Bayh welt 
atunhae%tes edd dart toot ott aoxh SoLiitae) vew sonerstal doldw yates 
Yd ohem sex tabeloman wodhs «OSL poor af bindbedrthd Begredoesd 
naan to ober att shied edtted te yheominth ade Re Thistle wet 
FV egh beh lease te sano ed¥ Bh tod suetqat ost YE hetete Lhe wt 
a teroidet er qhd0 «SL VEL qa gaan 8 ao ame hate 
(wih gid cot tes of guages aid aa eedteme tuo 

“eee Sones se Bet: 

i stave adi Yo vies aft yd bawotl 2 Lnetoiare vat ae Lhe 

‘te ease od me hovorcas ab seer taoe a9 oe azsougs Ly. x shou 
rebror oandt at 4 e8s shi 982 qguntened Yo anot te Seo eon ky, a 
eT Rd ae eae 4 
seorexe ort at duvge sf eat ‘Yo eto8 odd oe h i st poqmoo AY 
ye freddie: 28 Fataqe ve tie Ca 
- sokton gon of wed Poy om Bo ae Sah aati 

aetna einen ante a 

ses aesidetieie tt: bs spite ee aves aaa lie : 
Tw ytinodtur dé bas yong 862 gatyaok mark segne 
ohne teak eet ta ange ah 20 Semen NO aiid 

mint no ne te ! 
_ eit we 4 teweToll | nt ta sn 

_—~" —_- "9 


defendants permitted Littlefield te continue «9 thelr agent ead 
employes, «ith asoarent suteaerity te act fer the defentente, snd 

the plaintiff, with knowledge of hig subherity te aet fer the defend. 
mts, te desl with Littlefiel4 in the Jefendant"« offiees, they 
GCannet be heard te deny the « yeney to the orejudiee of the pLadnei ff, 
who wha an lanecent party soting im geod feath and ied by the 
SPPOrPenee and the sete of Littlefield, . 

The Gefondenty contend thet beenuse of % fatel variance 
between the pleadings ond the ereof of fsete whieh digelese Slag 
agedast whieh the stetute of limbtetions is « goad defense end whieh 
ig = different mouse of cetion from that set forth in the plesdinga, 
the plaintiff esnanot asintedn his astlon. fhe defendants point te 
the date of 1929 og the date of tae, and the dete ef Seteber 1S, 19238, 
mG ths dete when the deal was elesed tad the svuey received by the 
defendants! agent. This court is of the Scinion thet the agency ef 
Aittlefield for the Gefendenta wee 2 eontinuous We, Bd the clainkige 
dealt with him wi theut knowledge thet Littlefiesla wes asting for Kise 
eeif in the trensaction, snd we believe thet thie setion before ue is 
well within the statutory peried. The cation es inetiteted on 
september 7, 1939, and there is evidense thet the desl in cusation wag 
eiesed on “uguat 21, L027, and thot the sete of the det oMsnte by their 
agent Gontioved in september end Setober, Lage, 

The ewidense established that the sseunt due the oleintify 
was $2,604, and for the reoeaus stetad herein, it le the eon@lueion of 
thie court thet Littlefield in tae Granssetion with the wiediatiry 
seted for and on behalf of the defendante, end thet the court aia not 
err in ite finding for the PLSLGEL ET, The judement entered therden ie 

satordingly affirmed, 


bins fueye Tied? en Suetonbe OF Kieseterhd ber tinrey etnahaaten, 
Hh hak seghaliawtsh ed? aot oa wt Yertontws droroogs ative .soqolqne 
| cpaerab sdf cot Tod of eProdtus whit Yo ugbedwent date ghadtabeds one. 
| qoit? een stro wtiisbustoh nat mt Risdtalee.s.dtie deok OF 9 Aih® : 
tt Hintele sult to werkupery ott oF Woamee aie Yowh of Raned ac P08 
eed sinadpebnetipahestin isos ix AA ARPLNGS So 
 hiattekadh To ates edt fas ennaxenggs 
sohntvey Later o Yo wemened deat bavtsow esandekah BHF boo 0-coeth 
bite © eelobsh Motte steer Be Teeny ede saaainiteiiedi asewted 
sath nab cetbtab hoon’ s et suptocsimtl Lo osutede es? siokew tesiege 
ame edt ah Wrct for tats Mott apdtas Be oases AngTA IO! ema 
teihek, vtnadatten tet snokten v1 atntaibem tannee 32ktabela 6? 
-aeed vine wedoted Yo otah ott bac olen To shah oat om BRBs to otab odd 
, tne posta mp on 
to ‘youbyn ext Heed moknide ome to wt Mee | | : 
 qhatatele 09 ban camp epoumiinen & Bem atashavteh ast att sot bindts “7 
auld rot gattoe sow higitedseil teat mghelnont tuodtiw mkt ko | a 
eh au axeted mottos olde toad vedios ow bite coitonanett oat at © 
_ me Ratutitens ese agktes oft obo fray wotusote edt ante ae 
pew mg btiouy it feeb ote sade seannive ak oendt bor «He iF x0 
ako? "ye etaatanted edt 20 eson sat tds he. S96 ott: ney 
eet gredeted hae eocenetaye a sue 
Vitenbale sat aud eavome vss saat | 

“tom bid fx199, od anit ba 
ek moorods berets treet, ot 

a ape 
rE Bo 

se — SELB Perea, gi tele oy) si 

Pe) ; n ‘ Gy 
sie 4 bt hy UUM (RRC sea Co Te ee sb MID Hoe cies 

Bey § RK POR. 


jf j F f 
; é é £ 
36604 7 ff an éé 
Aoneliee, j sa 
: surERtod 

& Bunicigeal Yorvercstion, €% sLe, 

a oe aa 
Appellants. ) ra 6 4. A ofle U aD 3 
Opinion filed March 14, 1934 


Thie i6 =n action Sy the sleintiff sgoimat the defendents 
te receyer demcces for s¢reonel injuries, snd is befere thie sourt on 
appesl. The gase wee tried before the equrt, with a jury, and 
regulted in « verdict for the clsintiff and sgeinet the defendants 
teargeret JenieBh, feoples Geo Light 4 Gek® “o., 4 serporstion, snd 
the Jity of Shiesgs, in the wom of 10,990. The defendant Somdle 
@rethers G¢6., » ¢orporstion, »~s found act euiity. “ubstcuently the 
defendant *“eoples Gas Light @ Cake So. wes dismissed by the oourt. 

After motions of the defendants sargsret danieeh and the 
Gity ef Shieege for = new trinl and in trrest of judgeent were over~ 
tuled, judgment wee entered om the veriiet, from whieh judgwent the 
Gity of Thieese preseontes thie spprel.e 

the defeniont, Sorgoret Janiseh did not file a brief in 
thia sourt, ond the only erief befere uz is thet of the defendant 
the city of Ghiceco. 

The plaintiff, on Sectember 13, 1035, filed an slternative 
motion to dismies the apvesi, or affire the judgsent for fsilure on 
the part of the defendemt, the city of Ghierse, to attach to or ake 
a pert of the record =n ascigneent of errors. This aotion =e reserved 
to s heoring, ond will be diseuseed later in the opinion. 

The fasts are thet the vieintiff end the defendant, 
Margaret Juniseh, sre sicters. fhe vlaintiff resided with thie sister 
a% 16231 tiesoner (venue, nesr the intersection of cescher svenue ond 

4 eRAR +h MA 
‘_@ei Lean. 


on ia ae hTeveq Ton bigamy x0 * 

Px. C ofc if & rg : “etre L100 

seeL edl dorel beLltt ntointcd 
atHHOL nt QO S0fRI%G Aw? Sze at. rae pak RUE YOO vk 
ataobretead oat featene “Phen tein outs vg med tar me et oes 

i Hi ie ees 


no ate etd} gtoted al bax nobustat Lasouren sot eaynnoh roveoss pe 
Bas , yeni ¢ dele ‘ewes od? otctad heir? wow se08 ‘oat sLnoae 
GHRaBdsteb ea Paadeye bas Mbembods edt set ‘seibeay i fk botiueor 
Bite woleeneyteo a 4.09 wed a aitghi aad aatgoot aMfataes, bexng 
— ‘tasbasteb ant 200040! ‘Ye fom ede mk aogaozdd te wie: oe 

and ¢ ide WydLtvy don havet gew .soldaseqves « 400 | 

st ne i | 

“edd tare dearest toxepeet etacknsted ett Yo enokton xoFtA | a 

“Greve oxoF faveghut Yo Feores at hme Eels? wan s cod ogemtd Ye oye 
a € ae 

a bea %) any 

‘ett —— elite ‘eet wtolproy add He borates vow taompbut 9b 

| sfesuqe edit eetumenors ogsotde to | 

mi telad © obs foe bt fooise’ somegtvk stanbaoted: oat | es 

“ Hiabinwted 9x2 to tone as as noted ‘Yada ino sits } bas sfuee obit out 

| wom Yo yeh oft 

evidomtatic ae Desir seeer 9Bt rodga toe ate “tates ot, ee fe 

| te eaulis® ot teromg bert eat exlita #9 gieogge on¢ apimeth oF nsloas 7 

} tien to oF Sootts of ayoetdd Yo YER of tenbawdeh oad To Hebq WAP 

Md Bins 

bovroner ene sodton ait3 serotes to sadnng teow ite bteded GAP tan 
_ smotniqe edt nt retel teeaveath ed Linw ban ¢ yankee | 
vere ott bas vessndade edt tasit - aont or 

eee nn ea 

foulina Street. The cleintiff woo employed ae 2 night telepeone 

eperstor by the Illineie ell Telepnene Company, snd om “ny 38, 1920, 
about 2 7, H., the plaintifY, tesether with the defemiant dargaret 
doniseh ami the inctter's daughter, Muriel Eeegan eighteen yeors of 
ag@, #29 im the defendant's sutomeblie being driven by the defend=nt, 
and in the front sent, sected with this defenient wae the defendant's 
daughter, ami the plaintiff vos seated in the rear aeet a% the time 
of the secident, whieh o¢ourred ot the intersection of the streete. 
A& thig interseetion on exeavetion waa wade in Pouline Ctreet, sereea 
tegoher Avenue, about five feet wide, in which gas usiue vere inetelled 
and efter these weins were inid the trench wie Tilbed with (irk #hioak 
had been romeved «t the time the exearation wis asda. 

The sontreverted cueetion of fet te whether the exenra= 
tion was properly filled wits the dirt that nod been removed from 
this treneh go ae to make the interseetion weed by the pleintif? asfe 
for trevel. There is evidence that the filling of the treneh raieed 
the atreet ot the point where the accident ceeurred a9 26 te areate 
a hump of from 3 to 12 inches sbeve the etrwet level; that the aute- 
mobile in which the pandntiff we riding struck the bump, ond frem the 
aheek the pleintiff ese threen to the flesrt 

it sopeces from the evidences that the trench wae refilled 
on May 4, 1930, and that = traeter wos rolled uoon amd over tne f111; 
thet the f111 woe higher than the curfeee of the street level, and 
that the hump mentioned by the witnesces was in thie condition on 

‘the day of the secident, Hay 38, 19%0. 

The evicence is controverted net slens az te the condition 
of the street intersection, but vise os to knowledge ef the condition 
ef the street both by the pleintiff ond the defendent, Gity of Chiesge, 

There ig no complaint by the defendant se te the saount ef 
the verdict uson which the julement sq entered. there are but two 
questions called to the attention of the eeurt. The first ie thot the 

snonye let digie # Bt Seyodume aw TRidnkale ot stort bie 
 OSCL (OE YR mo Dae Genoqued emodyDin’ Let sloakiit edt ibaa 
tersyre! tnahastoh ed? atin vadteged .Ttidakedy Ont 4K ‘at & tuede 
{ te eteny meetdgie aayes% Le bruit! Ceoditeg sin otaettat add tama oedast 
( dambnered ont yd nevind gakod eLigonndue «"imabanteh adé a2 eew yoge 
gp ltaabas tet Wt gine Gemhes teh epee HOEY beteoe .tooe dnort of ak bas 
mkt ate te tee Tams Odd ah bedren ene Vettmbele ait hae .teddguab 
 sabeette odd Yo soltoeetedai oft to Gemyynee ABide staebioes od? te 
BeesGea ,fe9tFo anklget «ch abou gow gelteveoes ae iubtosaseted shat is 
Lintent exsy gnton eey doddy wf qwite fant evel dwods geuamrs TeHowA: 
eke tego tigiv HOELEY aoe donor? edt biak etow wehmn ound 1%9 bas 
he ethan ecw aedfovacee aft aett ed te aovenes, ala ad 
~eveene eft xedeode as tog? to eoltnors hogeeoverégen edt eee aati 
mort bevemer wed Sod sede dash edt Adu Dodi er lami cow molt 
stag Widdninky mcr ye deay aodtqeatetat edt oxen of aa on Aomert what 
heaters comerd off Ro yak ids ont tedd gonehdve a evadt) .Lovert x6t 
-eteero of a9 02 bertuote tnebtooe et orate titog Ott so tvette edt 
“ote ect tel? pleved deaute ett oveds wedet SL od € monk te mance 
edt mot? ban qemu o4¢ seutte pathic enw Rhbembede ads Koddw ad ecko 
(ee aes -. ( steodt ect oF seordt wee Petvadaly ont seone 
i helittet ese demert sid tad sonwbive od? mork meooage Rh .orson ila 
(«GAEL odd neve has moqy beLion vow sosjostd 2 eae: mpeg Me 
|. ham gLoved deente ont tq Rockman edt godt wedgad wy © 
Me AB LIhnee Bhad ak saw woseemtin gt yi penat tuned 0.0 4 
wien. 0 3 WOE: canienimeanecndionsiaaibenhendll : 
| Mekhibaon ett at we anon fon kasenrentnot eh. SOmMbibND AAT: © ey : 
| pelt tba ede to -oghedwens of 96 onke. ted ynontoeenonad trots act 4 
 sogotdd to YAH qtandapdeb of? hay WRktminke OE Bh dBtod A 4 
| Necdawons esid of 26 dundaated ant vd takgsqnne med eat 
ond di ons ond? shovadae uw tamayhert edt Mpadw sogir 
| esd tort of tenth off steu0n edt Yo apdtnetts edt ot me 


1 Pam a 


trial court erred in refusing te direot » verdiet for the defeniant, 
the Gity of Chienges, The City centenda that there is no evidense in 
the record from whioh it een reasonsoly be inferred thet the defend- 
ant, the city of Shicere, committed an «ct of negligence whith wos 
the proximate or cantreliing osuse of the injury sustained by the 

piaintift. . 
The Sity ocints ta the evidenee of witnesses that the 

beekfili ef the tremeh wae done in the usual and eeetowsry prootioe 
used in work of thet choreeter, ‘There ie ao dispute that the trench 
wee filied, onveing 2 hump of from 2 to 13 imehes, and the slisintiff's 
@ase ig not predio«ted usen the ueusi and eugtomery way in ehich the 
treneh eas filled, tut upon the fast that the ues wie the veeult 

of the negligent filling, snd remeined for « time euffielent for the 
Gity to bave notice of the condition of the street intersection in 

Susetione , 
The defendant, tee Uity of Uhieege, in not on insurer af 

the eafety of perecns useing the street, but nevertheless it is bound 
%O use réecgonsble core ty “eer Lea wtreote im o yeagonsbly ecfe eone 
dition for orginary travel thereen of persone why are in the exercise 
of due ¢sre snd cuution fer their ewn sofety, ond it is lieble if the 
obstructions or jefeots in the street or sidewclk are of euch « aoture 
thet © person exerciging ordinary core cannet sveid danger or injury 
in poasing over then, especinliy «here the defesta cannot reedily be 
avoided or detected, Soender +. Sity of Horvey, 251 Ili. 228. 

The City has suthority to permit the construction of gas 
“maing in the atreets «nd to permit leprovedents, but the “ity is 
disbhle in permitting auch eonstruction as weuld leove the atreet une 
safe or dungerous for persons or vehicles to wese upon, City ef 
Ghicese ¥. Bropay, 79 Lil. 2770 

in the instant case it waa for the jury to decide chether 
the hump «t the intersection of the streets was auffieient in height 
to cmuse injury, ond whether the olaintif? exereiged due care end cou 

( qdttetaeteb adt rel tolovev 4 goenth of Qutedbor mt bow dee dakee 
i) RL eonebive on 22 erate tadt ahuetaos yPLO oc? gous bel? te qes0 ont 
t wheisted att tedt hewrohil sd yidenesess Ane Of dois most breses edt 
| exw doit: oomrgklyen to ton as tadtimmes yoyestal Yo Yee edt gdm 

Sigel ccenaPeaaiy saul yin «TRigasety 
oat? hid Sennoatie te voush iva ott oF stated wee ect ee 

sostoesy rasa taue bas siidend ost at enob now sonord m8 to Lint r 

, le 

donoxt oat taat eduns on er saedy ssetontede # ost te ckiahel me 

eee 8A 

yp ott aon “goa ous ‘test doer ans aan tad eee am a ~~, 
| gt tot tuatottive ealt © wot beatae bins ype bce taytigen ods te 
Ih a ao liveetetal soente ont a sels thao vd te soadon vas Ret eta 

To vetoed ae tom of poystid’ te yes edt .sushew ted aff eas Rae 
breed et $2 esolonteowe tud yteorte wit patter atowted To yen at 
<n0e thee “idenusex amt ateerte.atl nyedt-nt wean ebdateedon dere 
oaterexe oft at ors ode eanetey Yo aoeredt Lovett youtiive ret noeekD 
git tA eddad ab #2 Bue GUeten ae chedt teh Wekewet hewveres eater 
| seniei a tat te one ALowshte ae Jooxts ous a2 afeEIet To nso kterttede 
“yiutid 10 ‘Topaab Stove tonnes ore yranthre gubvienere ‘deoveg # fade 
adh auanbdhommnbainsintamndvnattacnncianisamnlier:d<cnened 
-oG8R LEE £45 yop to Mt 

ed velo ost due sstieseveryad fists of Stn eteerdw oft im 

wits taente add ave6l bivew aa eepnieenetennkenannees tt q 

omens asunabapaadiorapnesi ise sr 

peer tt “ar seu be oman assis a 

| tepteaine tun tnttian meetin Sat y sto 
if sas sie wee uh bnereien eee sh hee 

“1 Rthiatiad detested Ge Rontows 
nay To motvemtteces oft Atamreq oF “tivadius edt YOO GET ie | ‘ 

Boat N 


tion for her own exfety in the use of the nAgiveny . 

Finaliy, is the verdiet and jitiguent egainst the defond- 
ante contrary to the aanifest weight of the evidenes? fue Sity con- 
tends thet the cleintiff's evidence failed tu auetsin the burden af 
preof on the question of care far her sen sefety, and thet the evi- 
denee shows thet she ess suilty of ‘ORE bute ry negligence. 

The defendants point te the avidense ta @atebligh that 
the plaintiff knew thet the work Wee Seine done at the inkersestion 
im question, and had tnorledec afi 4t © eonth eYier te the socident. 
4gauming that the claintif’ knew thet the work was seing on, this 
wurely would not justify the ins rence, when traffic wee cermltted by 
the Gity to use the intersection ia Suestion, that the street wea 
not ressonshly ssfe for use by the OUbLiS. The feet thet the plsintifr 
gigned « ateatenent from wiigh it aguecrs thet abe knew the condition 
of the etrest, and whieh was «mitted is eviienes, together with 211 
the other feote and eireumetenses in the reoora, wie before the jury. 

Gveeee ig laid by the Gity uwoon the feet thet there ie 

evidenee in the record to the effect that the pheintif? while riding 

iy, o 

_ dn the sutomoblle of her siater <s5 telking with her niewe, who eae in 
the front seat, end that xno turned in bey gent eo ee to CANey of 
the eonversation; thes the pladnta £/ieek of sttention te the gneed 
Of the car and the aurrcunding conditions, was guiity 6f oonk ls butery 
4 négligence, The court hes indiested in its opinion thet it wasfor the 
jury tc pose upem the cueetion of Contelbotery negligence of the 
Plaintiff, af wall as the negligence of the Sity. 
agen 50 Tile 450. Brennan v. 
Cid. SMEOR2B, LAG ili, Apa. Bh« 
in PORN the siternetive wotion filed ny the eisanti tt 
on cestember 13, 192%, te dismiss the ssoel er te effiem the judgment 
for the reogon that the Ofty of Yhieago, a eo-defendent, failed te 
fale =n sscignment of errers, this court finds from the reeerd that 


deh th sreemnninarenytimdacsmenryote e501 
chasteb eit teategs tavmghat: hen tpabren galt ek gXLSOMi oo yh) 9p 
magn tke oat Senmabiee add To aigénn, teothann ont ot NTAEACe » wee 
ty meted eft nietem of bedict sonehire eetatededs act $ute, ohapt 
sive edt tude hon extetan ano xed.nok omen Re woktoonn adh am SRR 
-oantg Ligon yosudantnes Ye iiiwy exe ode tad? eponte Ott 

tadé delidatee of sein ive ‘ont of saion “adnabea ten oat ‘yl 
“moktoserodat ant te eiob gated oN anon oni@ sl ve Vedas 
: step seo pid at roils ‘teow r tite agtndreoses Sang bre ited aun 
‘abst 30 wieder ‘emw seo ‘pelt todd wood Thitnteds ‘eae eet 3 t eek 
wre best tmess enw exter? sete aounenebad oat eedtoat tom biuow ytian 
A anw soorde odd dastd anoiteswe ni monvosent rok odd oom of AAO ode 
bentate oat tasit toni nat soning ‘este vd oe xo? Sind Udawe ‘on 

wolstbace oft wend vie tone wxasgqe #1 desity mov? tanw tate A being | 
Lis hte redesyot eonphive sth bebthane enw dnkse dae qtootde ‘Yo 
penut, tt eroted eon ghrooes ult ah evometapunnhy ha t0e 04 0 st 7 
og redhat anal ont monger YALO On? yet Shek wh BOOTHE ce yoy ail ; 
genta Obasie Tratatake edd dade POOTKS, add oe Drones oct ak oqahhve 
ne extn copeam “0d. 60-be mabsiod omnmatadn ade: Abdowatse -t | 
oot use eaee ed an on dona cok & cece AN 4 

qxotidtrines Yo wt dbup eam qeanoddslnge Beene m 
edt tot cb th tats matnige etd mt bapog stank: ea pannel ve 49" 
edt to eaungeiqon “cretudavanen: Re moasonny eae MOH! came of: yor 
srigetehga® 2e.vhay .veas one Rovoonemetgan wat we. ibe aa. <itabale 
“— aaah oMET OTE pearrrene 2 apcliie ror 
|| Muatabatq ot vee Hoke motion sonnei gedaewe eth a 
tasers, eagomad tte. wt te Laogee ott: vexabiny 


the City of thiesge as » defendant was granted leove em April 28, 
1883, to join in the easignment of errors filed by the defendant 
Margaret Jenisth, shich wes agreed to by her, fhis sagignnent of 
exversa by the defondant Morgerct Jonie@h was adewed by the dorgerctien 
Soumeel and the City ‘tterney of the “ty ef Chicago, and by other: 
perties to the suit, snd there ayoenrs abtecned te the reooerd the 
City's joinder in the osulgnment of errere on behelf ef the oo 
defendant, Sorgaret daniech, 

On September 20, 19%’, the 2ity of Chiesgs saked for 
deave to join nuns bre Supe se of Aprdl 98, 1224, im the aeaignment 
of errors filed snd sope>ring in tse veoerd in thie prpeveds nite 
Thig motion ig still sending. 

Tae record sontelne not only the sscleneent of serrate 
by Borgnret Jenieeh, one of tue defendents, but slee the joinder of 
the city of UJhieage in the sesigneent of errers filed. The oreper 
practice in this gesg, if the Jity ieeroperly joined in the essignaent 
of errors, waa for the sleiutif?, wy mothen, {6 ccll the ottention ef 
this court to the lmpreper preeedure, to whieh this court weuld give 
due considerstion, but as it is, the igaues «re joinea uson the errere 

The motions pending will net be allewed, amd for the 
réssone at<ted, the court has quagidersd the merits of the anceal. 

Finding no error in the reeord whieh would justify a 
revergel of the judgment, it ia affirued, 


HALL, Pode S89 WILSON, 3. SueCu a, 

86 Lixgs so svses botanne anew taabaeleabh o es eyaoddd ko id, ede 
. saehesteh ont yd Baisi etowre te dapongdane ad? mh miot of ,eseL 
| modgoxaqrad ost? yo homgin ean Mosinek tomegued daniuohod od? YW amewne 
edd breoet odd of basneete puraqgs acodd hos gtiup ols of pekinxog 
-oo edt to Tinded wo aterty te toemngiees ed? eh sebato, «'ytho 
sipeinvh tatsyiok .fesbasted 
"teh betas, eaendae Daten beh abh-aiiiie om tal 
tasenpinns ose ak ,b58L ,8h Lingh to ae peep lingpeeneatete ina | 
_ syadbeeeerg abd? al descor gat ml yalccogae bee bel exons Re 
i gabe: Lidte wh eohgon onaY | 
J yn os eeoste te troaugtons ay. ito tom eabesmne Weowst OMB onc fon 
| Be sebatol edt vols tat .otacdastod edt te one ydeedank doregeal wt 
_ geqong of? »DeLit exerre to dmomegdans edt md openidd to etee ade 
 tuemeytens o6? a2 bontot Yreqomand YD O62 kA yQeee eddd mh -eohtoarg 
te Rodtuetss ott iLoo ot .ehdom ye ,Thidainig od} get sew yerorne to 
| vag Sivow dues aid? delde of .esubeeeng togetamk ent of) ‘prwoo abde . 
\ Brorne off aogyu heatel wry soueet edt yak Bh ey duel toddenpbhaneg enh ] 
i it soln money q 
ett.2it. die, deiantiniet ald aan i Cy a 
_ eaaqqs ett Yo edhtom odt Davahiange esd tayon odd, shotote anaeoon 7 
_ A Xbdtewt blues dolte roeet ot ms wOeES om BABE oc 5 boon iq 
ee ee 
sine “ g BHIET, = pea SP wee a, ies ee a teabie | 

ae Sah aaa 
ane a : ts eee price VM vA. MUN fy renee <2 


NT 4 ax vain 2 ag wa “ets > RR” cap ake Sie I we gis 

heir iat) ar oganmeneulal? hil ae Re ae ee 

raed ae ments i sii 4 m 






& gerporation, : 9 v4 4 T.A. ie 65 8 

Opinion filed Maroh 14, 1934 


Tnie ia em so0esl by the defeniont frem «2 juiguent in 
the eum of (238.95 in fever of the oleintiff entered in the Sunisipel 
Court of Chié=ge in om seticn by the pleintifY acsinet the defendant 
for damages to pleintiff's automobile. The ase ws tried by the 
Sourt, without . jury. 

fhe pisintiff in ode stetesent of cleia alleged, in sub- 
stanos, that he wee the ewner of an suteugbile, which he waa dyiving 
nherth on Ashiend avenue, in the City ef Chiesgn; that the defendant 
was the owner of en automobile parked, without lights, an Ashland 
Averue in the viainity of “once, chieh wa in vielation of the parking 
ordinances of the ity of Ghiesss, ond thet se s result of the neglig- 
ence of the defendant the sleintifft« oar was seuged te ron inte and 
ageinat the automobile of the defenient, thereby dasmging olointi (fs 

The defendsnt in ite =fiidevit of merits denies ownership, 

possession or tontrel of the sutemebile sloaimed te be parked on 
S@hlend Avene; denies the onrking of acid swtowobile, and denies nege 

: it apvears from the evidence that on February 16, 1941, 

img Xoseoe Street; that the tine of the accidemt we about € o'clock 
Peep At was dark, and es the plaintiff aporesehed 3389 Seth aghiend 
avenue nesr the northesst corner he passed a number of care oo rked 

et sm angle with the ourb, and hie esr collided with 2 red vhich pre- 



3 eee. a ns 

x diatroreom * 

wotg geo r nrg” 

i ged : yPereice: p ; si ips ate eee My eR Ogee ce 3 i Mt Rar rae J # i 
pie ahr Yo votiirse ast exis amen gor Var 

| ab tmomytut 2 mon? tusbasted ett yo soncit im df eae 9 OME 
| ee ‘ott at bovetas Tstataly nd te ail ee sins to ore ont 
oy + tite ‘vel 

dus Ht {boys tle wtefo to gnecedare etn vue be 
getty ih wow ed deity yolidemstie ax to thawe itt sia War ell alll 
doeBnete ext Fett pounbtd® to YOLO wef ai pacoewh bast ope poner | 
| COUR fie eatigkt intent ioe {Notes of Htomoa sti ite Ye tombe “SitF BT 
= East itt Yo no tenteky kt tow ithe \voveol to whtntaty edt al Suilewl 
ar, gityon sid to Hime & os deste bam ,opceid Yo GENO odd Yo epotentbie 
| edie’ ea rie GF Beeuee ean Yee w*YELeNindy oud duenaeten Ot wie 
avEaeadely paipemeh éores ytastente® wat Yai iibhdenipn ond deakags 

i jubtespane.| oabeeh peti to tivebitta ate pr fina i a ee 
i ao dedxeq of of homiele siisormague oat te Lowgeee. mo aoiaaseeoq 4 
| > “son wolmeb bas ,elidomotar hiss te getters, oad, ils jauney basa . 


_jrlosoregs .oummva banides ae dtroa ei tsoma re us «panei « ow Thidake 

jected from « log used te jack uy the wreaked Linelon e«r, oma by 
reeaen of eid Gelliision, plaintiff's esr was dawaged; thet the 
aefendent's place of business was leented at that number om Aahlend 
Avenue, end he wae engaped in a geners] automobile wrecking busines. 
it sppears trom the evidenoe that during the eregrese of 
the triai,the court entered on order mking an ante eoneern aging 
Business under the anme of “Sedi Towing Gerviee, Ine.” en additionsl 
perty defendant, which defendant filed ite sopearance and, at the 
Clese of the heering, wou digmiesed aa « party to the litiection. 

The following suestion is befere this court: Is there 
evidenos guificient to sugtein the contention of the rleintiff thet 
ownership of the ear in question w:8 in the defendant? Conerahd. p, 
peastegion or control wae acde on isaue by the defendant in ite atti~ 
devit of merits. Upon this iewas, the evidenee relied wuoen by the 
Plaintiff te esteblish ownership in the defendent was the fees thet 
the automobile wag parked in the street 35 or 99 feet aauth af defend= 
ant'e piace ef business. fhe defeniont, however, avsesred and dented 
that the wrecked Lincoln gor wae owned by it, ot that it ever had 
POSsSGsion or contre] of the suteasbile,. 

fhe evidense uoen which the olsimtiff beses Abe contention 

of eufficiensy of evidenne to exteblish ownerkaioc in the Acfendant 
ia thias 

"Ge Uhos@ gure were there parked diagounliy? 
Ae Gare held by Kortin 4ute Parte Senuaywmany »® 

Thies evidenee of the plaintiff is the only direct evidence 
offered upon thie question. The defendant dented having any knowledge 
ef the perked car, The evidence of the sheimtiff im the reeerd Le not 
sufficient to establish ownership in the defendant, fhe faek that 
Gar is parked in front ef a tuilding er clase of Dusiness dogs not in and 
Of itself establish owusrshis in an aceupant of the building. 

UPTO Ny ean 

Dena Wau Solcat | 

YW bas yes molonkd boioorw ods Qu vost of beow gel # moet Bexoet 
ee? tat pdogameh sew ceo e'ttiraieky wolaliion bise to moaaen 
baekdes ao vedmun tadt de betcoes aew seenteud To sald tideamnecnsine 
sna sedemd gaidoers elidesotis Laveney a at Boysyato oom ‘pd Rae .oumer, 
te xeorgete ong autrat fad? gomeb kee eit geet ateoyqe £2 
guieb AMiced oft te Vr bios wHtie® no heretas tyooe edt yale? edt 
Lanek¢ibba me “oat ,oolvso% gadwe? sboi* to oman oft vebay exonteud 
add te has Cogetsegge ets DOOLEY tnsbgoheb Aoldu ,tachnsteh yhuaq 
si@dtogasil att es vivax 9 wo Seesdmetd axe ,gakteed odf beanie 
 eredd ek ttrvoe ald? eyeted 22 sodtuenp gaivolte? ed? - a 
tate Witalele od? Yo sodtastage wit akedeus of Ganzogrtun. none 
etidexem Tasharteh off at ssw aoléneu ah nee od¢ Yo Cidgzemre 
whthe eff 22 taadepted ett yd camel ae ode gow dopeuse to aolepeaneq 
pit 4 mogy beiier seaphive oct youmms eit ao! yadheen | 
iW hilt nds aht:ten tame ee eee manne 
q =bavted Yo Mtwop sas OF no. 85 soothe ot ad Gaateg vow BLidometue oat 
belmed bas hossegee gwverdd gtisbevtek edt .neaniand to, spats, pt fun q 
pad nove th fedt xo tt yd beso. gow sxp alonaks, Daxoome edt te : 
wainatonatin 8h Yo. sontnen we saletoge : 
sokinednes aid seed tittately ess dotde gene OpMRbATe MOT 
__ Masbate sat at qhitrene Aatidntee ot sommbive Ye “ontortign Yo : 

se ae | 
TyLlemagath bedree ovedt spew axes sod i ip it 
Siete siesk cls aldo Ik ink ey ak Sed - 

sonebive deexth vine wit ot YAdsntate ea? Yo vombeve abet 
pba dtwost ae gakved belaoh sashasteb se sodden 
fom 22 bros: out mi Ytsdaiele ott Yo heeanead alll i 
| 8 tad got eat iowdaoieh ot at qbiterenes Maltas 
‘as at tom ‘seek eesntnud to ‘enelg to lcd ts at 
| se ah Sse 

sig _ seni Llind oat te taqooes ‘ni a | 

ree ee ee 

a a 

it avpeors from the record before thia eourt thet there 
is a failure of evidence by the sleintif’ te setsblish emmershis, 
posseaeicn or Goatrol of the wrecked cer in the defendent, and fer 
that reagon it ees error for the court te enter judgment for the 
The judgaent la reverged and the couse remanded, 

WALL, Fed ARG SL LSGh, gi GONE e, 

te nreuete wee yeas wy Putt eee Coe Ae, eoehe ~~ nitabidy 

Oe er titengbay ear ae , 
he soiree mney ORS sect be RRR we, ‘coal ce 

etek. ewer ee mh OF. emcee oe 
fase Peieekeds lt eee ee eee: 2 ore 
girheiamarnt Pdiodevtek ach ah me BPO, nb 208 
dg sed HENS GN, BO. Hak i NE ER: 
Ae-wel schger Sake OREN LD, SR, MEN IN 

fists ee eR ee ST DS EOE, EO 
be Ca ai 1h: ion ty ee uu 

een: ne. ea gH8k HR RH GG 
cilia ee) ee a el ea ney io 8 | 

Reo Oe ee eee Sate, oa eae ae 2, ES 
ME Ses eis bs. hentia : 
ii | pebteninee mad eomedt wunetaty it ei ane woe ——_ 

Saran th war ok keane ad RES 

cere igi insolg wenn “Barer 
ig gar atonnet? uae RH 

| ter ae breve wee ‘a ‘st deudede eed “e 
Loe pont watt gaan ale ab i 

ay Eth ees 

cs ton cont. gona bead es ‘oeate <0 BF a 
* aha han h te pena ttg ae 

Ne eae ee DS ass 

: wi ue 
fff ww es 
a ris i P ogt 

F Ze # 
36720 lf" 4 
reer ae § say ie sian poo z or 
ROBEAT UXMUTLGOR, /} read, wom t 

Appellee, © . 

Ve : 


; 4 yee 3 
Agee LL wit e a v4 4 af othe ‘e) 5 8 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 



Thie ie am sopesi by the defendent from s judgment entered 
for the sisintiff in the Seniciool Court of Gndesge for the sam of 
iseery note signed by the defencent, ¢-ted February 10, 1228, in the 

OS. the onaa wag submitied for trisl, sithewt « jury, on 2 prom 

evineive] eum of (1,005, seyable te the order of the olointiff, om 

or befors three yeure after dote. “ubgecuentiy « sort onysent of 

$100 was mde by the defeniant to the vlieintiff. The pleadings ere 

not cuestioneg, and the defense is want of eeneiderstion by the 

defendant in the exeeution af the note. 

Yhe ferte are subetentioliy tact the sledintiffr wits eine 

1 of the defeniant, » cresticiny stterney in Unicapge} thet the plaintiff 
asked the defendent «hether be knew ehere the oledatiff sould invest 
#1506, and the defendant advised him thet one Al 4. Selkind, whe 
Seperated the Uoumercisl ‘ress, ints, degived to axke » iorn of Tisoo, 
aad theresfter the loan wae ede by the pleintiff te Al galkinds 
thet the defendant orepared the ocpere; that the cleintiff reeeived « ar 
note fer 61500 Sr the loan, signed by the Comerginl fress, ine., Al 
i. Salkind, Pres., doted donunry 9, 1925, due fifteen eonthe after 
date, and paysble te the order ef the plaintiff, end in eddition, a 
promissory note of the same date ond amount elened by 41 4. Selwind, 
perecnally, aeoured by eclisteral @ensieting of the tock of the 
Gommerciai Freas, ine. of the par voiue of (400; that the claintitf 
Seposited the net amount of the lenn, §1909,eith the defeniant, whe 
in turn paid te 41 4. Selkind this smount; thet the defendent aid 

a ria: 
Rt Behe ae ay ie 4 

Te Se 

ie patois 
co eek eR 

& Py ov CRE “Weis 
ak. a - geigowme ananano 
‘ga O.fal bY “a simestouas || VOL ali 
| Ser The Weta elle eee OC Hheytae nal 
) hexotas tromghet ¢ mect tanbavteh ett vf Leong me al efat 
(Fo te edd TO? Ognoldd To trwod LeeRebitul One mE WERORALy ed 
| “nor a ae gtrat o tuedtin ,icivd to? bertindwe cer seco ef 008 
| od mk (SOUL OL Yrewndet Doteh tunrasted ete qd Domain oten Ytousd 
g Me QWttontele sit te Tebvo sit oF oldeyer MOL? to were Leqdoatae 
(Ye taemyey req # eUtroureedy®  .atab vette exoey conte orored ~” 

| gre apnthents oct .2Ttabasy sd? of tmabnoked edt ys oham sow COL) 
‘ed? WW notterebignoe Yo thew ot esavte® ont bas shonottesns ton 
soton oat to aeLtioexs ond ni teat . 

tj tnoiio\gew titeledig ed¢ fost yLinltastedas ete weet edt : ue 
| witatety ent toate fogevidd ak ynorotte yrlettoorm s eaners ted oat Yo é 
| teewnd bivoo Tiitntese ott oxedw wend od vedteny taabaeted od? badee 
| atte giatdafot JH LA emo teat mid beuteho tmebasted oft bas. 00a a 
| 0082 Re meet » oixm of bottneh ,,00T ,eeert Intorenmod edt betatage — 
‘| jhakdict £4 of Mitatele edt qh obew vow meal dt x ae 

“rotte adtnos moss st ar vases e oss betab nent 4 son papel 5 
& gfoddiods of bar .htaiedg ot te radee sdv et esdeyen, fam me te 
battle? ee iA ve beagle tavomn bas oth sane ott te ‘ston Tees : 

“ent Yo Moots ont 20 aetteienes: Lexstecion, bomuone q¥dieave 

not reoeive = fee from cither party for the serviesa oerforued, and 
thet there is evidenee thet the defendant verbcliy gueranteed the 

iostis | F 
it sleo tpeesrs thet upen aeturity ef the note, Selkind 

or the Comercial Sresa, Ine. did aot pey tae principal ond interest 
due to the plaintiff, but taat aubeequentiy and orier te the exeou~ 
tion of the note by the deveniant, the defeniont paid 220" to the 
Pieintiff on secount of the “elikind lean, 

The defenient cantenda that the alleged sromise te 
guerantee the loan was net sn original Oremice, but « sellateral one, 
and wes on undertaking to be responsible fer the defoult or aia- 
carriage of another, snd aites in eupnert of thie esntention the aaa 
ef Ve Subse, 269 ii. 870. This desision ia ney 
kelpre in dispom@ing of the cuestion in this esse. The supreme Uourt 
in its opinion en the suestion whether tae guaranty therein invelwed 

wee % Collateral promlee, held tht te stend boek of 58 agreement 

is to “stand cook ef ony obvligetion® ehieh the orincinal any incur 

in 4 certain matter end is « gucranty soutrast, nat 2 eellateral 
promise to be revengible for the debt of eHother, Other decleions 

are oalled te aur attention aleng the esse line, This «ation is based 
wpen the cremissery note in cuestion and BGG HPO A guaranty ef the 
iean ts Selkind, fue aspesk invelves the “Bestion of songigeraticon 
for the exeoution of the note. 

Heving reoshed thie Geneiugien, we a7 case on te the 
question of what, if any, considerstion induced the execution of the 
note. From the fsete, it is Spperent that when the Golkind note was 
not paid, the plaintiff oslied upon the defendant to aske ood 
this defeult. The defendant upon demend af the plaintiff paid to him 
#200 im different amounts te apply on eecount of the default in the 
payment of the Salkind aste; thet uson the insistent demeznda of the 
Plaintiff, and threat of « suit, the defendant signed the note, which 

bas ,besnelag asolvies oft agt yetaq Tedtio monk 06% # evieoed, 
edt bestnereny YLisdtev tachesteh edd todd onehive ot : ounae tat 

bakdie® ,eton sat to yedrwten aoye dead? wreaagye one oF” aes 
teoreta) bris Siege te att ess for bAf orl ,eawr'l Letegasned ‘eed te 
~utoke adt Ot volta Dat ULbastpoadue toh tud Ytitadate ete od eed 
ett of MERE hey Weeahuh adh SAR neted ate yo stom edt to wold 
nel i " qntot Brbtiet ef9 Yo taoowh wo Yhttntata 
‘ ” of belmony Beyerts sit doty ubadsaes daelineten ‘edt . 
i atid Levetelion o ud yselwenq Lertgtvo ay fod enw wedd Gil oobieraeg 
| “tha 40 thudteb oat tot sieisiodson $6 oF guateteétea a and hae 
| gbed S48 “neltadtdos aide to Hog “gatio ben prodded porn 
|| tem wf aoleioss iat 0668 xit 68 geal we xi ate 
/ | ‘enbrqul edt .bax6 aids at no iSioue smd Ye! yer be 
i pavioval aloveat yteseeg add veddade wo lines 
tassesty© ae to deed baste of toad Ried .oaloon Stel 
_ egh Yam Leg tontee est onde licihighag' we te > id nando 
 Eevbdelton « ten {oettiad ‘pdr ‘ye ek” ‘bai “‘g0dtea ‘nheteee ry as 
“pndheioah vedio .xedtont ‘to faeb otf tet oiddenodoy od ‘oF ettnoti 

i, bobhd et moitox eit? condi sade ond yaoke dabeneres tu “OH betes "de 
od¢ to ¢umrewy 4 mbow don bch nolteedy at stem Yrodebmon? Gay Boas 
mohtere tenon Yo nesteout kt cevtont: ‘Eheqen edt’ sessts of mot ig 

ee een y tea 
Sat tS ‘Sestuoexe oad Hooubnd ‘soltoribiteaos ante id 'te 
aoe ‘bt00 Sabkthed"t ae seit bev net matte 


is here in sontroversy. the rule ia well esteblished thet « scee= 
promise of ® disputed eluia between partles is euffieient eanciderse 
Sion to support = claim, or + act¢ exeouted in eettlesent therest, 
There wis » dispute between the cleintiff ond the defendant in thi« 
eae¢@ in regard to the defouit in the veyeent of the “slkind nete. 

It wes insisted by the cledvtiff thet the defendont guaranteed the 
paysent to the pleintiff. Thie fset was diaputed by the defendant, 
aad upon denial of lisbility by the defendent, after cart payaent 
wag medé by him, the pleintiff threstened suit. There ia no dispute 
between the parties that the rule of lew is thet where there is « 
bone fide dispute, the fact of the diasute ia auffieient eonsiderae 
¥. jarvis, 79 
Ill. 218, cited by the pleintiff, is somevhat snelozous, end the 

tion for « settlement, The se6e ef a 

degieion hag « material bearing on the e<se here on agveal, The 
eourt in that eoae said: 

"It ia net essentizl, te sustain the note, that it 
be abaolutely certein apoeliants’ testeter es degeliy 
iisble on the bond. The comsromice of « doubtful right, 
though it afterwards turne out the right io on the ather 
sice, «here there ia neither setusl ner constructive fraud, 
amd the parties 2ot in good f<ith, with full knowledge of 
the faets, is « eufficient ceneiderstion to supeort «. orate 
ise. And it is, accordingly, ssid: "fhe real considerstion 
which each party receives unier = eoupromise, belvg, not 
the sacrifice of the right, but the settleaent of the dispute 
ead the abandonaent of the claim it is no objection te the 
velidity of the transaction, that the right was veeliy in 
one of the parties only, ond thet the other o=¢ ne right 
whatever, Yhe feet thet the ene easy heve hed neo elain, is 
iumeterinl, if he was honestly wistuken as to hia clsim.? 

i Chitty on Conts. (11 1m.%d.j note ‘me! und (1), po 4B, 
And this ie the lew ag reeegnined by this eourt in BOL inley 
ve. satking, 15 iil. 140, Sigewerth +. Goulter, 18 id, 794, 
and Miller et 2] Ve Hawker, BO id. 128, 

humerous Znglish ond Amerioon ezeee might be cited in 
support of the princicle, mut we shell conelude vith « single 
quetetion found in the reworks of Lord Bardwieke, in Stsnleton 
Vv. Stapleton, 1 Atkyns, «t mp. 12. He #aid, following a 
previous deelsaien ef Lerd wrealesfield; ‘in «mreement entered 
inte upon * supcesition of «= ¥Yight, or of « doubtful right, 
theugh it «fter comes out thot the right wes om the other 
side, shall be binding, and the rient hell not prevsil sgeinet 
the sgreement of the parties, fer the right suet siwsys be 
Om the okéoside or the other, and tharefere the soapromise of 
# doubtful right ie « sufficient found<tion ef an agreonent,'" 


awoo # tril? bedehicates Ifew wt efor edt vevevortaee wk ened Bh 
morebionos treltelttun ot nelieee moowted misln ‘beteqats is te ‘oetcora 
steered? taomeitics at batyoone ston 2 xe wiiele s teogqwe of aos 
edd? mt trobasted dt dar Midabedy pat opoveed etuqedh 9 gow, eredy 
_ soto BablLad oct Yo Anewyeq oct wt shvateh od? of becges, ad. ono 
Ont bsetqaneng taxhaatee got tart SRdtadsia odd ys detelenh, wey 9h 
ctaebosteh ait ys beteysth gor ton% wtay. stRitadels 94g, of. tanmyag 
dersaryng tur teste ,tnshasiad ont yd Wiitdak. to iednob woqy bas 
stureth om et oredT tive homederrdd Wiwtely edt qukd yi Obom vow 
8 ak ornit atede teat ot wad Yo elys Sah tent eobteog edt apmete 
~steb Lemos taetoktiwe. wt ature ty edt fe that edt eos ere ke abt anos 
GY siz -¥ $022 _sagnxeaoll de onge ne? | 

tt peat eaten ed? aletess nae 3 
el, eee veteshet St mk 

* io 

fe0a'F { & 2 thoggre af xo b GAOL hak, ‘ as 1B -* ze m ee i 

| a Molitetebiares Leer ont ibize ae eign & al 23 ba 

it . sega oaD ae Foot rt ogg Be dud Hy He ‘Yo SOiTivose oul 

iy “st ot noitestdo om wt 4 3 te ‘3 
I gi gore ty fe ead ged 8 
éigin on bat tedto ont tant ‘ue eaitiog edt To. 
ai ,atelo on > oved ‘Yen ono ait ’ 

yee “Sr ee gt af aH aoa fiona fm ieee 

be ye 

be at 
ro dtin 

Py moseigna® ats sont 

The forbearence of the pisdatiff from suing the defendant 

for eaynent of the money lounge’ by him te Orikind esa sauffielent son 
sideration te gupsert the note exeented by the defendant. fhe seurt 
ao held in the onae of lorter ve Sisigg, 192 1ii. 47%, where it was 

"Soreover, in otapleten v. Stacie¢ton, 1 Atkyns, 12, 
Lord Herdwieke seye: ‘in tae ease of Gann WV, Jann, it was 
iaid down by Lore Yooclesfieid, that an csrerment entered inte 
upon © guppo@ition of = right, ar ef s doubtful rigut, theugh 
it often comes out thet the right «ee on the ether side, 
shall be bindisg,' ete. ‘ind in BeRinley vw. ‘stkins, if fll. 
i143, the court, in epecsking of this clase ef eetions eaid: '3+t 
ig immaterial shether the sinintiff eould have resevered in 
augh sation or act. if ke honestly supmesed taat he had a 
good cruse of eeticn, the compromise of sueh right ess 2. 
sufficient tonsicerstion te usceld ©» contract feirly ent«red 
inte between the parties, irresvective af the question aa t6 
who was in the right, ' The werd ‘suscese,' in the inatruce 
tion, is used in the save senee thet "sunsesition’ end 
‘eupposed® are ueed in theese casee, and, ve think, clearly 
with og mich securncy. “¢ wast held this objeetion sles 
untenable. eS 
os + & F 2 B® BR HF 
There wea, therefore, such = tieim on behslf of epsceliee 
ag te lay « ressoncble cround for ise sece@llent asking the 
promise. Huihcliand v. Sertieti, 74 tile G4; “ekiniey rv. 
Watkine, supra. Amd the only cusetion to be settled vas, 
whether the appelise henestiy suocesed or believed (using thease 
words 2s convertible) thst he hed « cause of setion, and 
whether the oremiasory note wes, in geod foith, given snd 
aecepted se 4 gompromiae of thst eause ef setion. Mekinkky 
Ve Satkines, supra; Sigarorth v. Uoulter, 18 Till. M4; Honeyaan 

The esse before us woe desided by the trial esurt upen 
% question of fact, which decision wea Based uncon the note im cuestion, 

ond unleas the finding of the eourt «os agsinet the ax nifest weight of 
the evidence thie sourt on apseci will net reverse the finding. In 
finding for the plaintiff, the trial court did not err, for ite finding 
ie justified by the evidence thet the note waa exeauted by the defend= 
ant and supported by « sufficient sonsider=tione 

For the reegsene exeresced Im this evinion the judimnent 
is affirmed. 



| tasbustet ods Balin moxt Witmdale ott Yo sonoxsedne? ont 7 
| amos’ aeiokViue eow Boldlet of mid ed bonnet woe ‘eit te Peony tet 
dives éat ,taabastod eds xa betueaes ‘pton ads troqaue at wokt: cebdi 

Ct ae) > 
uinw ti arode ate “iit for out “+ aadaiti Yo see eid at | tsa oe ; 

ee ie 

wes en EM ant rere grip aed af! te reyes 929 f beo Miia 

a ee par gal gel sala hes “iol td mrt Bin mae 

oe te ook he fia at a fm agen NB 
it rien enoites ta mage 

berevees: evad bLlune et Be santana ae iniestemni'st 
ten at dest Be, ont 

poqguee ylteaned of Pf. .tan to apktor stiwe . 
a aow tdyiy doe to selmomanoo sae abites te seus booy 
how tes yleaet to: boss of ced coat ane 
ginal pa ag o Ov. i 

moutt ad onnqe Daas ite “ oye 
bas Teeitiostor? and earner ahi te ae , 

“oes abideeteo wlio bled teum ov emamer yogi 0 
ee, a ote ee i die oil pee ee tone 

bg eM “aie oe ‘tay 

onlinuns ae Rinded, ae atae # wR gyi 
fica tattoos al 4 " hiaddadlads faye 
wee! Relation {86 oft a¥ wor bawvs «V Deed Lesidand 

gear belstoe od of gol¢osur Road oid ba 

omont a bevstiod se R 
sepa he 

snoiteni. at ofa: as ‘ogee bebo eee mole lose swaits 

te tty hen, totes. ot tenkoas en  feyen — 

: sbastat: ed oo betuoons ow ‘stew ehinhe 01 <_ 

Wai 4g ie ae te 
re ee ae 7 ee 

“essai enamine 

ho. 36733 



Sefendent in Srrey, 

OF oHIcAGe, | 

274 LA. 658t 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 

Plaintiff in trrer. 

This eouce ie in thie court wen & «Pit of error 

to review the record wherein “iliism feldmen is pledetifz and 
élbert Poul “elise is the defendent. On dune 1, 1991, the esuse 
wee ealled fer trick in the Municip«i Court ef Chiespo in the 
absence of the defendant. 6 jury es: svorn end returned » ver= 
@iet finding the ieaeues for the pisintifi and seswscing the 
damages at $725, on which verdict judgment «s2 eatere® by the 
court. The defendesnt sought to have the judgwent «hich ess en~ 
tered on June 1, 1931, veeete’,2nd filed e petition in euppert 
of the defend nt's motion, “hich motion, om dumuery 19, 1232, wae 
overruled by the court. 

It appesre from the petition filed by the defendant that 

the pleintiff filed hie euit on February 9, 1931; tast on FPebrucry 

16, 1931, the 4efend=nt filed hie appesrance and affidavit of merits 
and the omuse wae placed on the jury es'endar; thot en Mey 13,1931, 
the esuse wis set for trisl by the Chicf Justice of ‘he Bunicips1 
Court of Chicago, in the court room known =# 1112, June 1, 1921, 
the csuse wae resohed for triel, «nd the defendemt heving falisd te 
appear, judgment wee entered for the eleintiff, 

It further spoeare that «hon the gexuce wae reached fer 

qAYOO detlOlMuM aET Nec 
2H Lhe ph 2x 
Sap nase WW 

i OS a Ba 
ES ago co eSOER® Ua TEA 
RAD ALE TS | ema, oe 

“ peeL el forsK belit pakke: ss an + ae 
. Ton 2uy. &O sigue ae salam sea matin. Coal 
“noate Yo at a ey ton aiid af at esau att sit 

Pht Na CL 

ers brake ad asuAat clit atonede bnesos oad nalver ot 

_ tawee od? 800 ft eal a9 ,tadtailieh a¢h oh aehow Aunt tredth 
«wht mt ogedl@ Yo, #rw0d. Teqdokawt 285 fad tokte 30% bation sow 

de « Deawdet ban atoes exe etal, x taban tiny b edt, Le gomeeds . 

mit gaenecas Baw Plitetalg ons. TOR soueed ot gatbad t saeb 

“bat Yd botedae ger fannie: ‘canind taki as ATH, fa segemed 

te oe Motte daema! OFM ot Sih, : ea tas Boned eat . tue | 

‘Frocque nl sabelibae 0 bohy a Ey outrt 20 boxes 4 

wah PORE EL yreganh wp podgom apsd * Me ao teb q 

ee a 

tad? taxbasreb off yd DOLLY poststen ant weed OrveMNe AL 0 5 
_Qtowedet ap tad? 7JEOL ,@ yrewade! ao thew as6 belt PEdakelg oft 
giitee to Ptvabsite bas eoastcoqes ett best t tashae ted edt AECL GOL 
(HEGEL You. we feet peobas vo ert set ae bodetg wbw onene eit bas 

 Logtotmet exe 2 sebtowl Yoato ot eo tate or the sea Saree te 

EOL gf oaut 20 SILT ae nome moo Hues yoqnoti eed 

ot berber gutved dxchicodes ot hinw’ touey OR hedenres 

smnbeatolg edt x08 ncenknn ven 0 

tot berosax son gauze ae wate taeda axrceqas tHe bret 

trial, neither the petitioner ner sis attorney wae notified 
of the order of Mny 12, 1951, oy the Ghief Juetice of the Manietieot 
Court, setting the cuce for tricl on dune 1, 1941, im Room 1112 
ef the City Hall of Chiesgo, amd that the only metice the peti- 
tioner hed that the cauee had been tried eae by service, on 
duly 6, 1931, of the exeoution by the boiLiff ef the ‘amicinoel 
Sourt; that the cetitioner ond “is etterney rere vitheat secli- 
gence, end that the petitioner wae prevented from presenting 
hie meritorious defense to the slaintiff's elein. 

The plsintiif im hie st2tement of cleim slleges thet 
he performed legal services in the execution of « les#e and other 
egrecments between the jefendent snd sie brother Siehard &, ‘elea, 
ehiech were prepered during Borch, 1929, and that the plointiff 
appeared for the defendent before the Atterney Geners1 of the 
State of Tliimoie, in rageré te Inheritenee Toves during June ond 
Jaly, 1929, and that the plaintiff rendered legs] services in 
gettlement of the matter of “chesmielek cgcsinst the defendant on 
Ayguet 1, 1929, =nd thet by reason of said serviees there wes 
due the plaintiff from the defend=nt $795, 

As @ defense to thie setio:, the petitioner averse that 
the servicer alleged te have been rendered in the oraparstion 
® lesee and agreemente -etween the petitioner end bis brother 
Richerd 4. ‘sles, vere renderet in connection with the Probate 
Court proeecdings in the setter ef the fetate of Bertha hs Seles, 
- decenged, and that the services befors the ittorney General were 
likewise performed in connection with the prebating of seid eetate; 
and the petiti@ner avers thet sfter anid estate wae probated, the 
plaintiff requested « losn frow the defendent of $1,000 from the 
funde of the satate, ond the petitioner, oreviowk te the elosing 

ef the estate, ~equested the pleintiff te return this loen of 

alle i ad 
bektiton ane Youtetie atk. com tomotthteg edt todsiod eke? 
Luqknkmek edt Yo goktewk tekdd edt qd fer AE yxu te ratte edt te 
RELE moos mk ~f8@L ,f eavt no ole? cot ween act patter ,¢x00? 
«iteq od¢ settom ulus oft todd bac ogeois Yo Lie ytt ‘edt to 

ao polvres qd oae Bains deed bed enmag adt tadt cod teseit : 
Toqhetmul od? Yo VLELGd. odd wt aoltvonxe oft Yo .f80r 0 ylet 
~iiges mare xyy orate Youtetts ade baw memodtiton oft taat ¢daw0d 
yattaoseze aca kph a aoe wonohstaeg: out sagt bee ,eoneg 
miata g* ttntatals ed? of onae ten evoitetixvem aid 

tadd negeiis abot te dunmnbate aie - ‘shaman ‘ea? 
xedte has easel s Yo aokéwouxe off at seotvree Lagel eaatpeebes 
,sabow .H tradelt reddowd att bao Paeactet St mmawted wenemeetys 
Riwatelg odd fade hes OSCL dork gabewh herequeg aroW dati 
adt Yo Levened qouTerts sit oroted tevcbas'teh edd tox botwegge 
bas saul yedtuh sors eomterstal of brags « at cave sft Yo si 4 
at aeedvren Leger borehaet Vettahite od? “tedd Ome OBOL tee 
no tacka teh O49 fentoys Sefohanedy® to vetten dt to tabaoriien 4 
Ase oved? sopde<se bine te aghast ee ther Kae jOs0T ft te sie 
BANE tasbasteh ont ont vinta ot! ‘bed 

it ba Derrwees> 
tel? ateve tomohi fio off ,ookton aiar ot oneineal s mn 

b notenxeqerg ont wh borebnet aesd Sead SF hogette donkeren ont 
‘aedtord abd baa tenektited edt asewted ttaoaneras Sar boas 


_ gear vA ndtt9@ Yo ofeted edt Yo woddow odd ab : 

ated Lereacd yearotés ed? ateked aeotwres edt fadt aa seri 

jodntoa dies te yottadote odt Mtkw wottooanon ar bomtdtted oat 
edt ,bevadery one ofeten bine torte eae sills: “iia 

odd mor’ 200,18 Yo shawna ft woth set + badesdpibe YHenltdly 

gatsote edt ot auckverg eraaolsitog one baw .otagne, one te shaw 

| mak alas austen of Tattadode se betueupe: eaten 888 Yo 


@1,000, leoe euch eum ue wight be due the plaintiff fer services 

performed ss ettcrney for the petitioner. Yhe frabate Court sere 

mitted the pleintiff to retain the $1,0°° ss eowpeneation in full 

Zor hie services se stteorney in the aetter ef waid eatete; thet 

the servicee rendered in settlement ef the judgeent in the exe¢ 

of Sehwandelek agzinet your petitioner censiatei of the saying 

off of & emaller ju¢ement in full by cheek. 

it alse appenre from the petition thet by reimon of the 

gongeeted condition of the jury exvlendar, « calendar woe orinted 

every second year; thet the petitioner see informed thet seme 

of the pending cases on the jury oslendar cere oe: Lled from time 

te time by the Chief Justice ei the Mumicinsl Court, and during 

one of euch calla, the cose wee set for trisl on dune 1, 1931; 

that the petitiener incuired, through hin atterney, of one of the 

Glezke of the Wunicipsl Court, prier to the entry of ssid judgment, 

and was informed thot the next jury eciend«r would not be isened 

until the £211 eeavon of 1931. Yoie eatior of the defendant <e 

waeste the judgment in veetion ese sade se orevided for by Than. 

37, “ec. 21 of the Mumniecipsi Cmurt Act. (Cehilil'e 111. “ev. “tate. 
10512.) The motion te wee te the judvacnt #ae not ade until 
q fovember 9, 1931, some wonths after the renditien ef the judcment 
on dune 1, 1931. Geetion 71 orevides for the filing of « petition 
in the mature ef 5 bill in eculity from which it awet evogor thet 
there were equitable grounds for the weestics of the judgment, other- 
Wise thet « eotion te vecete the judgment must be wade within thirty 
aeye frou the dete of the rendition of the jucgeent. In a diecue- 
sion of the fete, it should sepear thet the defendant wee diligent, 

Me lin i ce gti te ES oe i _ a a 

ané that no fraud, secident or misteke interfered with hie being 
present at the trini ef his case, 
The coint at iseue ie whether the defendent wee micled 


Pay eed ‘i; 

AOOEVIOS TOT IWPiielo ea? avh od Mgde-e8 wee dows anal .500,56 
-19q Pad? etoders edt 9sedsidag ode tol qeatette ae heerotweg 
iigt as aeisaracquen 26 000,18 ed? gate: of Thitaandg edt bette 

$id? petcdas Shea lo totem edt ad youtedts as veotries g2d.20% 

onan @d¢ af daovgtul off to tromelitac mh boxehaer quadvres ode 
gakyng G4? Yo hatebeuee tesehttene coee smatege dalohaoriak Yo 
«oer vd Sig? 22 enengiat melisae 9 3¢ (Rte 

od? 86 aoneet va tact aedshten oft wont eteegqe oskertEe prem - 

Heialtg soe wokwslos 4 ~wwohaoLan GABt adh Yo acl sshaod betesgans 

emer tudd- boutokad sie temeitiieq aft weae: “7rowy kaeses yrs. 
emit mont befiew yr9e rabmelag bio ect ae pone “wathase adt to 
gatteh bas »fx019° Leghodmws, aat io voltoy reid at bal ao 
a if0@t af peut ae faked ror Fina! sae irks edt st leo sous De oe 
ody 20. eng to reese tts ned kyuoras hoxtupak toaoititeg ¢ edt adit 
tromyhut bios 0 yrtae eat of xoltg, tO Legh Laat ea wee nize “of 

bowent od ton hivon tobeasoo enue, tree ses tae DomvoRat aow hi a 

oe tasbaote ede to seaten abst “50E te momees ‘Tak 63 hi 
063 wd x0 bebavoxq ast bem anu aos taen: st tasmadat, a obiosy 

aged! ve £41 atELhdoo) .$04 #1090 ‘eqhocau ode Yo eee Ae 
Litaw oben on enw taonabat ons at ov oa askven ‘ett a 
teeegtyt ed? to senekhaon oat softe adtaow onve .te@r eo ca 
“abkdhseq © to guLik? ett tod nohiverg Fi noktost. AECL yf cau ao 
todd Sopeon deme Gh sete mer k a Ei <7 orp wih 


Cer1Me abate Ghats wd onder Gemeniey Seite e makina ett one 
“wvonts = at. dabaghbt edt to nertthney oy Re tab oat monk ash 4 
{Hest ger taebae teh ent Font tasqus biveda 32 yatook oft ke.nade 

ied als itiw boretesat otetate xe Inedgnee — mah ane 

‘ Gi. 

by the etatemont of the clerk in he office of the Tlerk ef 
the Munioipal Court thet no further chlendar of jury ences 
woul be issued. The clerk testified te the fact that in 
Wereh, 1931, uson incuiry,he stated te the defendant's 
attorney thet there would be no jury oslendar until the f211 
term. From the evidence of the witness it is net eleer whether 
the clerk referred to the srinting of eslendare or the auce 

penelon of the eall of fury cases, 

shen the deZondant entered his sopecrance he alee 
mode a demand for « jury, 5nd the ease wae then oleoed en the 
next jury eslendar. The imewance of the jury onletidar was 
amnounced in the Sumicioc! Court Record, a newspeper ef general 
eireulation «mong the leeyora practicing in ~hieage, and the 
oulendare were distributed on #oy 1, 1931. The ease in owection 
wis troneferred from the eslendar on June 1, 1921, and see tried 
hefere a jury in the absenee of the cefendent, end judgment wes 
entered woon the verdict, ss e¢ heve already stated is thie 

The affidavit of the atterney for the deiendant wae filed 
in support of defendant's motion, in whieh 4% is stated thet affient 
inquired of one George Mofsrlane, she wee atetioned in the office of 
the Chief Justi#e of the Hunicipsl “ours, snd he, afiient wap 
informed by tee clerk thet there would be no jury calendars iseued 
witil the foliew ng Geteber. Frow the record, nothing was done by 
affient se the attorney for the defendont until Soveaher 8, 1951. 
Bffienmt, in an s4ditienal effidevit steted thet he had not telked 
with ReFerlane, but did talk «ith one Pewl Krahn, from chom he 
reeeived information th<t no jury cxlen@der would be issued util the 

folloving Ootobver. 

dwice John J. lupe, one ef the judges of the ¥unicinal 
Gourt ef Ghiesge, heard defondent's motion, oné he states in open 

E OA Se me ay sk, OD, Be 
os imOf9 eht Yo solthe ox me sore adt te tenauitsite odey 
esmem put te wehaslée vadttuvl as seth Pune Ceqdoda 

ah Onde Souk edt oF Box tEsens steko so? sbeuent thie 

a dunbonted edt of beteds ef, etheras meow eer: Chall 

£fe% ond Bima rete loe geet om ed Blows owed? sede qe ! 
gedtedw toelo gon ad % yeontin at to somebive sd aort ie 

-mimt sit to amhaeien bo yattateg edt ot hoatetes deele ede 

2 Fh AIM eee gene emi he | 

Me FL 

nie af sonetsence ead hexane tacbanted out wos pee | 

add no bovela aud? aon wseo dt bas .ynut ‘fw Sacmod # sham 

' son tebitolen yumt od? to oomawyed walt Tabane Yew xem 
Inteneg Yo meqeqawen 4 iweeu true? fogbedanas ams ab 7 { 
eat haw seaveid mt autobioate emyrst odt “mom: nose: ; 

| ned enom: ah ove om .£08E ,f yaw x0 votudexeed over r baokeo 

nee samegherk baw Pasha as | ot eine serait — et wt ry rtoted 
Bis? od beteee qhentle oved ox ee stonhsor ad? nogy bee eo 

x4 HONEY act if 
Rat a 

beflt ese taabaoteh ody TORE 
toekthe tedt besaea et oe dot | 4 
Bo ookito ade at haw tote caw ode yomntustek oytoed end to Rentapah 
Rew dae the od hae poewed Eaghetaee eae 40 eabawt beamed 4 
 bewesd areheolse ytut oo ed Shear wredd Ted dente ont et bameatal 
46 saab cow yaiddomhuen0t od wert sxedeee? ga Meet hod ons cite 
8G! ,9 todeseed Litas seedme ted otf tod qnatonee oat Oa tastthe 
hodied tom had of tude Aototy devendTLs Kemoktiobhy me me eede wT 
od sins woe moet Sued auo dite ise $28 aad jomerdetaw: 
od? L2dnw home, ef Mow tadeelag yet om tect aebtanohit 

Teqhotmm edt te toghwl ed? to eam Peed +b ates oprah 
nas ok bodate ed bee soliton a deta bob pened Opon sat we > 

w= Bee 
gourt, after the judge and lawyers virited the chief dustice, 
thet be @id not remewher ever telling Frakbnm there weckd be no 
jury oslendsr until the foliewing Getoter, Out om the eowerory, 
the Chief Justice stated thet there were Jury oslendars Leousd 
4n ereh, Hay and dune, 1951, and thie wea e@mitted se © fact by 
the Clerk, foul ©. Kreha. 

The court nearad the evidence ond peered upon the aotion 
toa vacate the judgment, and wnlees the exder entered Le ageinet 
the eonifect weight of the evidence, thie court wonld not be 
justified ia reversing the judgment of the tril COUT e 

from the record, 1% doce not eppert thet teers ese diligence 
eaxereiee’ by the attorney for the defendent, exept thet be relied 
woon the elleged ataeemont of a clerk in tas affies ef the (Leth 
of the Municipal Court. The evidenee of the clerk is contt:- 
aseted, from the feet thet jury oclendare were iswned fer the 
months indiested above, and jury oteee were heard in the Huni- 
gipsl Gaurt of “hicsge during thet time. 

The order of the court ia offirmec. 


¢ x90 ne ns 7 a vA 
on od bE.ew ered aiden patties reve = adaouox 4 tea 2 vids 

seTOTeHOS ade ao oud etedorsd gatwoi Lod vais Ahbae cokiae Ls » aw Y 
Beane d atnbaatee yout oxox ened fade hetate sontome 2 abs ade, 4 
¢7 vost o ae * finetimhs nes aba bee Leer sce baa Nett aia! Me: Y 

seek 9 ket 

Sottcm ad? nose hondaq baw wombive ese erwin nana bill bint ey at 1 
taukege of etnies sebeo ott onsitinw Ka samgliat side once ed” 

ot #00 Sivow twee ekdd ,eommhive one te Sato tnpdtann eae 
sttw00 Iota ad te tasambet cd antonever nk ott | 

eamegilih wow ores fait xeagen dow ened ae Preset eae! son eer 
okie os tett devers .daabnoted wdt tet roardeew sat ee : 

A289 Odd to epttte at? at teeleow Yo dyomdody Bue 

wee af axote ede te SeenB hee oat ° — 


ies sea Oe staat ann 6 0 | 
iguthediahaienionbohames! ’ 

He De NE ik ¥ 
Byes i ae yh) e 4 ‘4 a y} 
SOMES, a name MS) ia” Moa 4 
: \ re ie 
ri ie 4 i Ai ‘ings 
ey fe a wi Sean 
‘a iy ie Mal i p 
dye i Ree A 
143 shine at i i" LA 
ay Sy } he a pF 
" vee i} 
ry al ae bh - 


Tee SRL APE ag 4 
Semplainent, : 
} Pesos EPR a ahs 3 
JULIUS A. POLIEOFF, es Trustee, et nl., } 
} Mets iy Pay wey ie 

On Appesl of THY FIDELITY 400 Oo 2QALTY 78 

4 1.A. 659 
Opinion filed March 14, 1934 
Thig setion ig in thie eourt uoon an interloecutery spo@el 
from an order entered in the Suserior Geurt of Gock Gounty ucon 
the setition of ¥, T, Sustin, = receiver heretofsere -apoeinted in 
the above esust, in whith petition he orsyed that « restroining order 
be entered restraining The Fidelity ond Oseusity Comoeny of Lee 
Yerk from proseouting in the Bunicipol Soert of “hieexe ite then 
pending suit sgednst the reseiver,. 
The fete ere substentinily thet on Secember 31, 1981, 
the compliaiuant filed «gainet the defendants her bill to foreclese 
® #¢¢6ond mortgsge upen eertain oreaise: therein deaeribed. The 
egurt spsointed F. 7. Justia «s reeeiver of the oremises, ond he 
filed = receiver's tend in the sue of 919,000 vith The Fidelity 
and Gaguslty Company of Hex York, «a surety. this bond eae «poreved 
by the court. The reesivershin wes subsecuentiy extended te include 

_& audit by the “hiesge Title é Truat Jeavany, ac Trustes, v. Byron <. 

Giliens, et al. involving the forsoleewre of the first sortgere uren 
the game premiecs, The sondition of the bond ia a= follews: 

"Now, Therefore, if the enid Ff. fT. Sustin ah<1, doly apceunt 
fer what shall come to hia hands or control ss eueh reeeiver, 
and vay and spply the same from time to time as he way be 
@ireeted by anid Gourt, ond ebey auch ordere ae seid Court 
may make in reletions to acid truet, end in sali respects 
faithfully discharge the duties of esid trust, then the above 
—— to be void, otherwise tc remain in fall feree and 



Too AoLeTaye wom OS SCRAP io em ah 
sole 8% gontauet de” (TWONIAOT , en, 
i Hobe? 
SYrMuon 2000” | ee By vi 

 TRAUBAG, GHA vonage ant te te 
. ey ae WO 


ea AD b> eames aecagegena a 

‘BCL AL dove beltt mobmtqo” 
| keseed qotumakentnd ae.noqy fuen sit ah an fo kt ait sgh 
| inoge yoo vooe Yo sxved ToxeRaul ag at dexotae wabao as > oni 
i. Al hetatogqe \etelesoved tovieess & ate ¥ * 2e mottitoe + 

 tehto gabnhettaet 9 tent bevesq ed mittted mote nd Pere’ ovods wall 
: OW Yo hem Yheneel dan YELLODL, OMT yutadonteen be 
edt th epeokdd te two Legtahast edit ab gaa ma on 
eTevisoo: oe tentage ¢iom 
qdBOL (IE tednsced so teat elLobinatedwe see adeeteeT ol. 4 
ancioerot of iLit to etaabavheh edt temkagr Dalit tagntnlqmon ot 
as? .bediroesd agoxdt ootteeng adwmroo wens ethane al 
of bas ,aseimerq ost Ro tevesbed db abtau! JT 60 Retatouge gemgo 
Ytiiebsi ed? deity 000,00) to wen sat af booed a serionen & peste 
‘bevers: ecw Bnod eld? .ytoume or pieet wel te piaqmed Yedewend bas 
«ghufomt of bebaotxo YLinevpoedun cow qidetevieser ef? .teuen ae 
4B mori .¥ gooteuet 26 oquegma® feu? 4 OLt2T eggedsl edt Wh time 
foxy onepdvom textt edt to exueetpere? otf gaiviowal oko te yomeLtie 
tevellet an el baod edd to molt ihage edt ,aeckaieng omne ont 
 *ovowoe YLub LLede witewd .¥ .t bien ade UF eee avon 
,tevisoer dove ee Loxtooe to ehand ald | ot aneo 

od yew of es omkd of omit : 
ago biee aa erebto cous ee bao 4? 

, afeoqeet Ile mi bme 4 ply ogy = 
wvods ei? medt atowrt bise te sat 
bas @ovet Lit at mhemon of oy dwradte 


4% the tige ef the arpliestion fer the bond, the reeeiver 
signed an epeliestion doted Jnnuery 4, 1952, shich sonteined a pre- 
Vision to save The Fidelity smd Csauaity Gemseny ef few Yor’ horalega 
and indewmify 1% fer smy ond «11 damege, lose or expence for which 
it may become lisble. n or about Horch 29, 1905, Justin, as 
receiver, filed hie Secort end Account «ith the court, secaunting fer 
the receiot and expenditure of meneys in Sis bende mounting te 
03,899.08. thereafter, the court entered an order on Jevtember 6, 
1932, thet the sum in ‘ustin'’s hands, ea receiver, be raid in redue- 
tion of the indebtedmess due the comelainent uoder the terme of the 
deores entered in the cnae. 

On September 19, 1955, Sustin filed with the court a 
petition steting that ne, the receiver, wea unable te comply with the 
order of September 6, 1922, veesuse ericor te the date of the entry 
of this order he hed deposited the receiveresip funds with the 
Gitisens State Sank of Vhiesgo, which bank wan olesed on Moy 25, 1953, 
by the Suditor af Public secpunte of the state of Illinois, sad 
offered to sasign to ive Uohen bis cisim «gsiest the benk for the sum 
of $2,498.04, nd erayed for » solifiestion of the ordter of Sestesber 
6 1932. ‘hie motion is «till vending and is not diseased of. 

Sn Geteber 2, 10a, “satin filed = netitien in this seuee, 
from which it eppesrs thet the sowoleinant “vs Uohen wee entitled te 
the aum of °5,904.02, revrésenting seneys duc her by the teres of the 
decree of foreclosure ani asic, which amount the receiver ves uneble = _ 
to psy on secount of the closing of the Citisens Stet« Gunk of Chieage. 
fhe petition praye that = rule be entered on The fidelity ond Cosuelty 
Goupany of New York te ahow cause why on order should not be entered 
Gompeliing the surety company to pry “wa @ehen the sum of (2,884.02. 

4 rule wae entered by the court, returnable on Ceteber 6, 1923, 
Thereafter this rule wis eentinued severe] times, ond finally tne 
Cause wae submitted to the sgurt s2 to whether, under the siroumst=nees, 


«evens: ad? .baod edt sot dations Laue ode Yo omit edd es —— 

-on # bantetacs dotde ,28CL ,) yrounel hoteb moRtmeing® 1 ‘=m + bomgte 

eeeinnal droY wok to yasqual YtLewen bas ytsiene® edt evme of motely : 
dois «Gt soneqxe to seed ,yugemad Lis hate wae rot ae “Yetanebat bas 
ae gtiteut! ,s0eL ,GF core Pueie 4 a ssidadt snooed Yam 32 

tot gabtgvecees ,teweo ef? MF be rasooot fan trognsi eid bolt atevi Oo% 

gt apitayom, abneg ain me eyenen Yo wrt thueerte hae ‘tuleone ede 

ag: redusdqe? te rabte a erste ewan oad ereslasred? 04068459 

| mosbet at Bioy eah greene ha qitinah teehee! mi mre igbe tect o8eeL 

sed ho eued ot tebax geantedgmen edt out tit annabetdobsi oa? Yo mold 

| , seams aut al horodne soxanb 

& tren edt ddim DALAY qbteud g6ECL 4@L odmedged Boys oo 

ad? dttn Yiquae of ekduow gow revseoes ost ght Sault yattoea meas 80 

_yttae add Yo ofeh od? of Boley nusded .OREL 2 tadmntqod te cebee 

edt dtiin ghawt qlietevisory ot winks bed et sume | 

<edgatee’ Xo ehao. ost Re ankteotsben 4 edt Brymee: pices! 2 4 
sho Resogadb fon ad Rus gadiney fhnte ef wottem wel? saapond 2 

yooure hdd mh wodedter 9 Peli nktent 280h 4S mlleseO mis fee 
ot beksidae vow meted svt taanteiomoe edt deutt vena Hose wh q 
arid te ered wid ys SOK out rence tlie vase tomume | 

 UtLeweed Ham yt Liebst Ait no beeen 06. okie: tebe ateuty ols. 
berosno ed ton bloods robro an ‘Uw seueo wade of x07 wll Ye me 
HO-dGRSH KO mow M Dnaesee see 

Rae ee 


the surety wae liable, and written briefs were filed ee the osrties 
t@ this preceeding. ‘the sourt tock the eatter under aovi aeuent, 
mud the question is stili undetermined, 

Ca Jsnuary 25, 193%, » suit wee filed in the SunieinealL 
Seurt of Chiesge on the receiver's bend exeouted by Ougtin and the 
surety Comvany, @utitled, “Tne reorle ef the State of fiiineia for 
the use of Eve Cohen, agsinst The fidelity ond Casualty demsoany ef 
lew York.* The atatexent filed by the claintis? “ileges the faets 
appesring in the reeard, which «re herein set forth. the defendant 
surety sompeny flied on «ffidewit of merits alleging non~Liability 
under the bond, on the ground thet the vreeeiver had ceeesited the 
regéeivership funds with the bank, met in his individuel eapecity, 
tut in hie sapselty ae reeeiver, and thet the reoeiver's failure te 
pay was due to the ineslweney of the wenk. 

On May &, 1925, on motion of the oleintif’, wa Gehen, the 
surety soaseany !s ASEREAYEN 02 Meehhe wae stricken, The Fidelity and 
Vasunity Comoany of few York/to stand by ite sffidevit ef merits, ond 
on Mey 17, 1USs, the defendant surety Comuany wee defaulted, and 
judgment wae entered seainet i¢ Gh slsintiff's sffidewit of claim fer 
$2,584.37. ‘his judgment wae settled by the defendant surety cossany 
for 1,855. 

On Cetober 2, 1933, The Fidelity and Cs@ualty Geanany of 
Sew York filed a quit in the Municinsl Seurt of Shissge, sesinet 
¥. Te “uatin to recover the less wusteined by the oleintiff as surety 
on “ugtin's bond, and on Octeber So, 1933, Sustin filled = vetition 
in the Superior Court of dock vounty, preying th<t fae Pidelity ond 
Caguaity Company of New York be restrained from preseeuting seid #uit 
agoingt Ouetin. 

From the feets set forth in the petition filed by Dustin 

q it sppecre, aubstantisliy, thet the surety coupany’s euit ageinet 
Bustin is upen an slleged contract @f indesgnity given by Sustin et 

ot node, ay, _Mugmbade | oat, te nokton Ho MRE Qe you 0 Dine ite i 
| a, wetted! ad? erode knse wee ng 2s divebsthe eb 08 b se 
ban 280 Emm. ta tiabstte aol x baote reaNaer wea ‘te yen Le 5H BN) 


i mn ~ red, rossi va ai, aise - '- 

_pebines edt yd belit exon ataird aettian bas sodas Row oe oat 
staonenivhe sobs 107 8am add te03 Pryyo ed? -gatbeovor stds As 
1, if 

ii sen tart ebew iit. et neitaoup oat ‘baa 
prairie adt ai beltt eaw the a tend tt ernment a0 oe mg 
edt bas ads aut w hgawoare baed orev tenet wa ¢ ead eqeond te > tue 
“moh etombLit to stose ont Yo sigees ett bods ita ‘sWeonee viene 
Yo yuacmed xttawee? tae yee boned ont temtny > enw eM 

gtoot odd sopeiic Ttitaaady edt ys best tgesdete et tom 

eaiedien panera ative 10 > tvsbants Lad » beLet y YaaqHOs, | i 
edt botiveqe! bad rovieost aid dealt pawory ode BO bapa Se 
aXtterges, Leubivibal okt at ton etsed gett, eal ebnart qidesov lone 

wh oustiel a! tevienes oad aie be atovinwet ay Wivoges okd as gh gud 

ae a ay fe ey 

ei: a , _ shed ost te yoanyioasl od? of of Bat! 

baw antiereh, acm aoe worse snsbavted Cad fori : Ey} pps ° 

Jheatane aapnnks® te gewed Lg as its at the 8 ; 
e wr *3tEsete ant vt beaatome ones. ait x070007 

bate whee oe ‘tne ae a 

Wa p, He ae ane ae 

ade aN ye he 

ta, abteus wf avis wh sigh me A EE 3 

the time of his applisation for the reetiver's bond; thet the surety 

company ¢lelas Jemogee from Uuetin for meneys poid te the helder 
of the senond mortence, st whose ilastenes “ustin 28 appointed reeeie~ 
er of the vurocerty in question; that the weneys due the eid agolder 
of the second wortgige «re on deposlt wits the “itivens @tate dank 
of Ghiesge; thet said bank wna clesec oy the suditer af Public 
Accounts of the itate of Lliidnoia, «nd that oid famds sre net now 
available ond wil not be until the senete of goid Donk are liquidated, 
the Fidelity and Ossunlty Jompany of New York filed ite 
verified anewer, cad on Jemuary 4, 1994, the court entered an order 
reatraining the gurety company from oresecuting the esuse sending in 
the Municipel Court of “hicrge ageinet f. Tt. distin. 

the law ie ei] settled thet if « aurety hes ouffered 
a logs by resson of ite guretyahip, the aurety le entitled te have 
the principal named in the bond mke good the logs. The surety 
eomcany in this eage paid 91,860 by reagon of the feliure of Sustin 
te pey the acmitted amount in the honde of the receiver to Sve Cohen, 
and the surety sompeny 44d not sey the 91,850 until Bve Gohen filed 
& guilt againat the surety eompeny snd tebe blish the eaount due end 
judgwent wee entered for $2,498.04, ond the surety eompany by compro- 
wise settled thie julgment fer (1,850. 

The petition filed by Juetin dees not oharge foete which 
would warrant the gronting of equiteple relief by the court, and the 
eourt erroneously entered the restraining order vreventing the surety 
company from preseouting iis suit in the Cunigipal Sourt ayoinat 
Quetin, whe, se receiver, simitted thot he oollected the ameunt in 
question. The petition dees not stste feota whieh are « defense te 
this sotion in the Municipsl Gourt, and the petition is utterly devoid 
of any quitsble grounds thet would justify the entry of « reetraining 
order, The receiver «ssusee that the eurety ¢ompany wae « sarty te 

. > 
Users edt todd ~huod evovivesr aiff tet vobtenttegn cit ‘i “ie 
i eobLow ede of Dang eynton Tot atten mor? segment amtato yoeqmos 
myhener hetaiougn exw aljas! somstert stodw gm yegenetom haobes bad Ye 
eon Ddew Whe end. wypaoM set Tame yHoLtenws RE YtEQeRG odt te to 
Kee OteIh eawettlo eed cede Pheogsh ay ore opey teow baoven’ ot Yo 
| phidv to nodthws ost ye beselo wey sme bine totl® poyroddd Ye 
H ea Feet wa: eheah: hiat Se tall (aE ah SNORE SF I Sa 
| .betebhupli oxa xand bisw Ye eteres sit Lita bo tom ELA bas vii 
iy eet BOLO strat... Yo yeegael yievenk bar yriTohit ont i BOR I 
 PebkO ah Leretae gauee et ,SSCL yd Yewmrt wo her sore taster 
sec hunccondbagpaeoa gaituoezorg mort yetoqmen qarwe od? gabaher 
COL ytiboentt WP. tetttege o_eokdY be gemed Lee debnis 
\peeetive eed Yroree ¢ 22 tents besetse Liew at wet oft 
ovad of besthine at yYWerme ont .careyteebe WE te nobeor ets 
_Gorue edt spook of? bony ‘iat tithe At sie Za hpettng: at 
iin ‘$a tinh WU43" hae eae Nine Wa ET ee 
Seciod’ PR’ od ciebeebe’ cite neki bth Ll’ Paadinn bus bthhl hal’ lad 
DOLE mastod avi Lidan 686,8 odd you Me BRE Yoaumcs Ghote eA? bae 4 
‘hits sib taaerks odd Wettéadae hhe! Yatmos yon at Feiligi sedi j 
aerqnes yd Yasomos yest ons had ,OOSRRLSE RET Horotae aoe Htomgdas 
<088, 48 xot smomyoy, etd netihies oie 7 
Moldy afoot Sguado son c00b ahtat Yo holst woliiter edt ii 
ond han yitwen oct yd Yoder oidutiugs 16 gektawrg edt ha cacelrge a 
YsoIwe Off gaddasvors tebto palntortest ead HovowAd Ustos ! 
tantege terme? Leqtogns edt at thie ets guntetonery aie 
tk tuidome dt botoeliee od todd hodtiabs ytevidwwr os ote siti : 
ob ennateh 6 eth doin ashok eteta tom a6eb meteLIed ad?” .dodtebup 
hieveh ylvetén eh sokdiveg oft bas teed Seq botawt vaplaod sitee'e 
wennlentont # te apiece anne ic: - ow eet wor) & 


ie not «= fact, exeect thet the surety wae celled inte the tuperier 
Gourt woon sotion of the receiver for « restraining order, and the 
theory of the receiver that » court of equity bovine jurisdiction of 
a sauee has the power to grent euch aneiliary or incidents] relief 
ae would be necesyery te de teaplete justice between the v= rties, 
dees not apply in this proceeding. 

In this ease the regeiver ocmitted by hie seseunting the 
amount due and thet he esa unable to poy te the complainant in the 
original exes the amount te be noid oy order of court, for the reasen 
thet the amqunt was deyogited in an ingeivent back. The surety 
Company on the reeeiver's bond weg required te meke good the default 

ef the reoeiver, os ssere set forth, ond although the surety company 

Gove notice to the receiver of the setion of the court, the receiver 
took ne steps to protest oie rights, ar te serfeet en acpeal from 
the judgment entered for the @unlsinent Sve Cohen in the creceeding 
inetituted by her in the Municipal dourt. 

Yor the revgena indiented in eur opinion, the order 
restraining fhe Fidelity sad oO csuelty ceacany of Kew York from 
prosecuting ite suit in the Hunieinel Court of “niesge sgainet F. fT. 
Dustin, is reversed, 


aif .Dotuleges eew TevESS6e of? MOidw at yegetbovong Sankgate at 
wotreqe! odd otmt belinn enw ylouws eae todt sqenee ytoat 6 Pomes 
~- $h$ bat gredto griniotdeot « «ot vovisoe?e ed? te nekeom aogs seu60 
to mehtokbelcwt grtved yeione Yo devod FAY aHRLedee GHD Te yest 
YoLion Lotesbisal xo yteliions dowe siovg oF yewey Od ait onNhD 
~eoheray od adeetad Seliae) SIelqno® of et Preenenet Of SlwOW he 
yt syakoeeoeny etd? si Yeas tom wbed 
(3 et gakinaoon ahi ys bertiges wovioved ent ean what ME 666 
tiie ak Paankalques oct ot Yor ws idan ney ed teat hes euh tevoms 
(| Yeenwe od salned tepvlosad a mi Rotkooqeh wow sawn edd dade 
siueteb edd boos totem af Hortepet eew bacd etvevierst edt ae opmeqeee 
Wrsqaee Ytotwa oct dyvedtle bus ,derot doe genes ae geevionet on? to 

yeviepor ¢d¢ gftmeo edt to motior edd te-mevieest O92 enkton ee 7 

woxt fneqca ae goetred of te etsy te als tondoxs ot aqeta én 0st 

setae eat at ante een emi NNR: ann | 

pepatneenenrinediantb cours 


| tobe en? yrokatgo two ni botnothat eieaewe ade met 

max? 2roY wor Yo Yass yYeLeweet Bae YPRIOLET ott 

“pf sR tarttage oganwt Ye Praof pengayisicniis tive ot gettvonen q 

mt Wel 

rf ig Res aad Dae Ae al 

OR , et wee. Pee re 

go) aR att a. aes oe 

eideak Melero eae 7. pha %, ‘ity Piss, wee 

4s qiewan ytedon Go fede Beat rete aR 

mie Fs ct aa RRR, iad etaow 4 
tse oh quence ames aaa 4 

A Bi bi zy Yo See a ig haar sh i ane Ca ae aaa, eee re peste i 

257 3 ty 
a Hite “et Geto ied Gh Poult Sree lila Oe Tae wis bo BS 


(Piadntiff) Agpeliee, 



: 2 
(Sefendant) Awotiiont. e i k He oA. 6 5 y) 

Opinion filed Mareh 14, 1934 


Fleintiff secured « judgzent in the tunieipsl Court in 
the ssiount of €2,546 against the defendent fer the wrongful conversion 
of a trust dead, prineipsl nete and other egunested papers. The 
aetion eas originally eve for replevin. 

Frew the fects it «opeera that the “age Park Suilding 
hosn and Homestesd Association, & copporstion, exgenized under the 
Wuilding Loan and Momesteed tet ef the State of Illineie had in ite 
employ one Joserh Tomnin, whe wns alao the elected seeretary for the 
Corooretion. The offices of the sorporstien Gonesiated of one reem which 
was elso ootupled by the secretary she spnears te have been the only 
officer in e¢harge of «and present =t the offices of the company. 

4% & Teguler secting of the besrd of directers of the 
defendant corporation on suguet 1%, igfs, the beard suthorized the 
purchase of whet ie known as the Suguet Soltes lean on eertein preperty 
leented in Chicago, “his lean smounted te (2500, for whieh the 
defendant issued its sheck, paynble to the order of “ngust oeltes and 
delivered it to him et the time he endoracd the note in question. The 
trust deed wee Gsted duiy 56, 1233, by which Seltes, a widower, in 
Goneideration of (2200 te deseoh fomoia, trustes, somveyed certain 
described real estatecte secure thie note tegether with six interest 
coupons of (69 ech. 

When thetrust deed wor produeed at the trie] it bere on 
on its baek the rubber stemp notetion in red ink, “Gage Perk Budiding 


Pe way 

neiios JASIO Tete 

eons’ © g@0(T6100284 GAATORMOR 

ea ut 2 Vo} -Sia eee 

— peeL BL doweM beLlit fo aq 

« TRUOU amt 0 wosnee ET canavnise nowLIS aorreut ik 
7 “ath trod Lagivimss edt ad tasiesbut, | e boru0se Mibtatelt me er 
i nolerorce Lutgnorw od? not tmahest ob ae doabeye biound to favems : 
| ‘F ouneqag bevoanaee radte hae ston Keg bonds “ebe0d tua sph * Ms 
} sadvaieen sot oe Wilonigive eo $ 
‘paki Aret en edt tone exaoege te stent add mont, 
ode ‘soba beataayte wiodt -nogeoe ¢ eoitnsogees | beoveamal bee 

oik & iy GD: oe hot ol 

ath ai bed shomiiit to ota98 ads to Bh boutenectt das aod aR Etat 
| oat ‘ot vestoro98 betnete ont oske aew ‘ocr vsone? seneeh eno yom” 
‘delda moot eno %o Satsianos nota sroctes ont ‘te aenitte eat . rat ore 199° 
ne edt miod ead at exnmuge ony wegeroes ont « datqueea ie aa 
Taegan eat te aseltte oat $s sapnerg “hae te eotailo ad as 
oni? to wrofostth to dened ald ‘te pubtoen relegot 2 ts 
edt Bosivoctas brood ode ,€80 22 temgut oo oboe ee .f rane : 
| Wreqote aistreo ae aeol aetie® teugud od? os muon ‘at ade Yo ae 

edt doidw cok ,OOSS! of Soca eae nae oye heO mk 

lean and Homestead Aase@iation.” ‘he principel acte iteelf contained 
the not«tion, “Peysent of this note ia semurei by truat deed of even 
date to Joseph 7. Tomelat. On the beck of the note wag the same | 
rubber stanp notation siresdy referred to. 

The check in cuestion wae enderged by Coltes, eashed by 
the Sepesiters Gtate¢ Sank and cherged te defendant's secount. The 
proceeds were used by Goltes in oaying for « previously exieting 
mortgage on the same oreperty. 

in sddition te acting ss seeretery of the defendant, 
Tommla wan operating a reol estete end mortgece isan Gusiness of hig 
own on the premises end operated end rented « nuaber of safety deposit 
boxes, “here ia evidence in the reeerd te the effeet thet plaintirr 
had been sequainted with fomein for seversi yeers snc hed bought other 
mortgages from hia. in the jatter pert of duue, 1951, olaintiff met 
fomals at the Sepesitore Site Hank by prearrengewent and withdrer 
S300 from bie secount whies he exve te Towels end received therefor 
the trust deed ond notes in cucation. The tee then srueseeded te 
Towsla's office where cisintifi curcheeed » safety iesosit bex in 
which he then plesed the papers. (n or shout the aiddle of Februsry, 
1932, plaintiff went to Tomale's office, which «<6 alse the office 
ef the Gage fark Suilding Lown ond Yomestesd Association and teok out 

the trust deed end noteg ond gave them to Tomala, ae trustes, for the 
purpose of hoving 2 foreclosure suit started »gninat the oreperty. 
While the trust decd rune te Tomalso, a9 trustee, the note iteelf wae 
payable to the maker anc by him enderced im Blank and orevided thet 
payments from te tise vere te be aede at the office of the legal helder, 
At the time the plaintiff geve the nate «nd the truet deed 
to Tomales for the purpese of having foreclosure proneedings started, he 
received from him » receiot vhich ateted that the note and trust deed 
were reogived by him from the slaintiff fer the sole and enly purpese 
ef such foreclosure proeeedings, frior to thie fommla hed already 
Sellected one of the interest coupen netes and ad psid the preceeds 

Dealatmes tieati ofom Lectontxg ofl *.xottstoones basteomell dus ames 
move Yo hook tautt yo berwder oi ston wld? Yo summyet™ stoltetom oat 
oube edt paw ston ont to fond edt a0 .Metemot a deb ot oteb 
oot hirresker yhoorta weltaten qaede asdders 

- yd Sadeso hori yd herroiae pew ankromy at aporo ost 
ae stayopoe a' tantasteb ot bey ade bie aed ‘ssete wtetinagee eat 
* Spalteans Wdvetvord * <6? quiver at sothot yt beow otew ebescorg 
roi CCL LY 20 TOS tener ones alt oO Oyayirem 

 gtuahmsteh aad to geatereon oe gatteon ot sedeiibe at 

eht to eteakaud neol egngties bee erates Loon # gaatareqo sew alamoT 
| gheeqed yseten to coda 6 betaer dae bererage han eoutmong edd momen 
UWedndele Feds therre ete of Prosser OM al emebive at ovat! -.9omed 
cate tigued bot bas ersey Lerevee ae? skews? agix betataupes: neod’ had 
fom Rtheniniy .[80L oan to trey wetted eat -m2 .ote wott ovgeutron 

oe a 


werbitiv baw ¢asuagerricore YW dank sack qrotivege? ext tx sLamet 
wien tenet! ka: ial Wt: Urea ak SR NRCS SA RR ND : 

“ee Debesoone ede ovr est wnotteows at wegen Ba boob taunt eit 

gk xbd timeced yovtan o deenstoney Tt eakeke wredw bodtto ated 

“erauaee Yo abhhibs: bat Puede “ca a0 etm ee Renny wet oot dee 
ate R Re eit Onle now sOLitw Qholtto etateaet ef taaw Weetededy {over 
two toot baw nolteiosesd bestankol hen amel gwbbhtws Sexi oged edt Yo 
ei To ysetourd ou qriomol of madi ovng then eten bax hook teuet ot 
“WXeueqord oY fondegs hotaede dle onwaetaene? o gakvait Yo eseqEEq 
vow Wheott wom ane .eedautd ve yodaws® of ees boob teurnt ott othe 

ee re 


ever to the plaintifi. Sometime in april, 1952, Towals disappeared 
and gle private business wos closed. The trust deed and netes 

were found by the stote examiner in March or Aprll,1992, smeng the 
aasete of the Suilding and Loon Agsoe@istion. The state bank examiner 
testified thet chen he wie tie exeminetion of the assests of the 
defendant somgany fomaia srezented these papera 2a nanete of that 

it is defendent's ewntention thet the trust deed and 
notes were at no time the property of female amd thet he fraudulently 
converted them to bis oem use et the time ef the sele ta the plaine 
tiff and therefore the sisintiff wes net = bone fide ourehaser for 
vaiue; thet the plaintiff «leo hed motiece that Tommie 2s net the emer 
bpeoouge ef the rubber stuap endorsement in red ink ween the pepera 
end the fact thet Tomain wea newed ca trustee in the truest deed. 

The plaintiff testified on direst examination that all 
the cavers were in the sem@ condition when predueed «6 the trial as 
they were at the tine he wureh«wed thes. In rebuttal, hesever, he 
testified that they were the aece exegot that the rubser steap 
hetetion #96 not on the doqusents. This begame « controverted question 
ef fact. 

in sucpert of the propesition that the trust dead shored 
on ita face thet Tomales wee the trustee named therein, counsel eite 

foliifeen v. widdie 

Hegel, 334 121. 96, 

Im the onse of feliifeen vy. Middle States Investaent 

Supra, while it held thet euch faete should place the ourehseer upon 
notice, neverthelecs, it sleo held that thie was 2 question of fact 
for the Gensiderstion of the tris] seurt er the jury in the event 
the onse ess tried by = jury. 

In the cose of Ovens 

Ve Soge@l, gupta, there wae a directed 
verdiot in the trial court in favor of the defendant in errer and the 

bexeoqqeelh sical .6hGs ,firgh ai euldmtes .Yiidadels eft ot gaye, 
eetos, bas boph denst od? . .boveto seu aptohewd etevigg eid bam, 
oft gaome .S8CL ings to AprAK af wimheore ante edt yo Bawot oxen. 
tentmexe das ofet— si? .totiainose aead doe yothiint ad? Yo atecas 
ed? toe eteeas ef? to sodteahunxe atc abe el most test Bestee 
fodt Yo gd@ers ve erence seed? botaescag slang? yaammoe Inahaeted, 
. ; e | sae ; tii stg htehoones, 
bina boab fect aut tone postentnas, atenabagned ne. i 
UsaeLshuert oH tot bas ates? Ro. Wagons Ait omit ox te. oxan emda, 
_ metaka, 040 of alee edd Lo salt ode to oom so. ahd of meat Ber 
rok teepdorey BRE sued. * san now Thsimtade odd guotersdd bas at, 
mo edt gon sow siaoel tedd voiton bad ools ttitalalg oat todd joudey. 
oy att soqu Aat bey ai sagoeereese. pli 

- anes ’ 

sa idatha at utili os ag bea 
ne kal"tattt.dn. noes. ade “ethene el 
od gtovewod. .lestiniot al .weds benodorsy ad Oat edd to 9598, NOM 
nate cation o8t. taht SORES, SOR, AER: SRS AE AN | 

a ee i SRA AE: Os ss aes oi 

fp entionpiors paar toa. tase nw Leocona wie tN he ee 
steiner astoth Natt SON RA OAT 
sh seeeden 48 ebb cable eal yale sonal 
en ineetaairs se ens ite one et A 8 


@nuse wee reversed innemugh as the note mis oayeble te the trustee end 
ae endorsed, und thig 720 « warning te the defemlant in errer. That 
therefore the Gourt erred in direeting = Werdiet. The Supreme court 
im effeet seld tact thie was 5 cueetion of fact whieh sheuld heve 
been submitted te the jury. 

The trisi ¢ourt in the ¢see st ber held 2s 9% proposition 
of law thet “if plaintiff at the tise be semuired anid trust deed nete 
and aecompanying pacers from Tosasla bad notice, either frem the note 
iteelf or any of the atcomecnying papers, «f ony feet indicating that 
the owmnerehip ef azid note sag in Gage “ark Buliding ond Loan Assoeiae~ 
tion, then the plaintiff did not then and there become on owner in 
aut Gourse.* This wie = Gorreet crevesition of inw ond evidenced 
the fact that the triei court took thie question inte considerstion 
in srriving st ite finding. 

On the other hand i$ cannet be guid that the defendant 
Company wat Sutirely «itheut feult in the trenesetion. It sutherized 
and directed Temala, its eseretecy, to segotiate the losn te Seltes 
and to take the trust deed in sie own mane as trustes. ‘The orineipal 
and soupon notes were aside payable to the asker ond endersed in blank, 
and sonteined no reference to the trust deed. Fisintiff held the doeu- 
ments in tis own voesession in hie aafety deposit bex for a considereble 
period of tias, during which s¢ salleeted ane of the saupon notes. 

Any eudit by the defendant eomseny wight beve diselesed the true 
situction awd the plaintiff aight heve been able te heve =rotected 
himself agoinat fomsla. 

The seoretary of * Building and Lean Aasogiction, is ite 
agent through whem the corper:tion ordinarily eoaeuniestes te the 
public. “hinkle v. Knoll, 0? Il. Amps 274; Prairie tate Loan Agen 

 ~+Sorrae, 167 lid. 414, If the plaintiff in thia case hed seucht te 
make inquiries in regard to the oenerahin ef the trust deed ond note, 

he would neturally heve mde guch inquiries of the seeretery whe ms 

i hat @odnurd 02 $2 SLanyey eew ator odd ee Hemeent bewrever baw obeRe 

ted? torte ni tashasteb of? of gateres » cow abet hak Shewebie Ge 

feioo astro! sHT .telovev 2 yedtoorl> it bores drmod sae Ho betent 

, “Wvhit tied sts ee Hireapliedinannengivageduanonselbesssebse sph: | 

| woke eoqbtg & bb DRed ted te ones UAE it marneennnes peniea 

i, eton heab fautt Sine betiueed et omfe ede ox Thidalaig YA Seah wee 6 

atom bet MOeY Yousts ,eotvon bad alamot wort wrested gakyneqedon ban 

| Padi gabdo kerk Fiek Ye to <erormy gab yieeaninds ott Yo Ye 40 tee 

| watiiovta aBot tne yukhttet a opie ak ety otek Bins te YhkeeeRNe Me 

. ndbcenialanenndiensdiabeadcninadbocnmmuadeeeivavedinces | 
heoustive has whl Yo soltineverd seeeneo © Ber eldt  % eeu | 

sateidahaniseanel ‘otar a wkae tit wend hound ue tt th 

Sich Mlle“ kk Wi Wit WE nd Sle, ie) 
bextreddus #% .noltornmde? ed} ae Chast tuodsre Yhor sew ont Gaal ; 
aodtee od nook si oFeitopon Oo yettitoo, utd alent hegeeene Rae 
| keatomieg SAT “sedative wil enitt Biro Wie ar Roh! tered at alt ih ; 
| (tet at boetiokes bam conten att of wiktsyI who extn Site indeniCO it 
| mood ef? Bod Yetinaeki shed goa? ad? ot soneretet on bentetiee A 
| glsersbiones » tot xod #teonad etetnw ali at aclbeiidod ime okt Ak aimee 
| falntone Heieuad Wit Ye ‘tne! Deteetitee St Sabin ‘tint eet Yo ponte 
genet ont Beneionth event” ; i : 
Detostens eves of aids mond ered ighn tented wat faa <6 monte 
Wei af yrottstooned axed bee eiganntie wt ‘(indie ene er eee 
guts ot - ens-cokmmaoe Uiromtite neltorersoo with motte dais tasyn 
esate oleters I sti unet ee ‘vorteug 


ee ee 

Se ag re 

the ohiy officer of the corcorstion in charge af ite afferis, The 
teetiogny diseleses thet none of the other offielsie of the coucany 
were ever present st its offices exeert at rare intervaige 

while ® persen Gon trenefer ao better titie then he hes, 
nevertheless, the rule is th«t where a true orner peradte snether 
to appear s¢ such and glothe« wim with aoparent emmerahio sai suthor 
ity to deal with preperty so thst an inugcent third persen is misalesd, 
the true owner will be estenpped from dieputing the title whieh eid 
geul owner hae csused cr sliqwed to spoeer te be veeted in snether, 
Benin ve 

of two inmecent persons «ust ecuffer, the rule ig that the one whe 

293 Til. $20. in & omae shere one 

yinesay the power of e third vereen the anportunity to cousit the 
wrong should bear the lowe, FEstton ve. Youny, 252 111. Aum. $15, 

ALL hese foetes had te be tensidered in order te arrive 
at a just soneiveion s¢ to where the loss ehould fail, fhe couse 
waa tried by the court without 2 jury. 411 the feete ond dlreuse 
atenees were before the court for hie sonsiderstion. ‘e are af the 
opinion that there wse evicence te justify ite finding ont we cannot 
aay ite finding ic se menifestiy ecainet the weight of the evidence 
aa to Gauge us to held otherwiaes. 

W@ G&G he Feesen for Giaturbing the judgment ond fer 
that reason the judguent of the “unicipsl Court is affireed, 



ied ics We 

ce Bee ia 

eat | wnbuete set to suxnto at potteroares, ou, Lae rode, xl, ode 
-peacmoe oi? Ye shainiiie sorte edt te anon tadt aeeelomth yows 
_saieviotal ging fe tyepna poedt ito eh. tet 

auad et tui? eltis cotted oa setanent aee soatag, mw oitey.».. ‘anil 
tadions atiateg ronce orrd « eum godt ad Out odg ,reeledéreven 

_crostus bas gidersame tamteyes aein mia oettole Bee dove ae xeoqge at 

sheotote ei sootss buist tapconeh an tedd om Wrsqon ie oh oF 
_ bhea aide 21342 94h gattuced® mow beqgoten od 46x comme, owe at 
_ pioittone, ah boteoy og 09. liseli ont preys, egy 
2 a E.R A ponding ame | 
este — et. wthentvewse. ” on0g, bakes, f. ie act \ 
— oBL2 oytk . LT ESS yyay »¥ gadtcl § »naed ost mnad Bien 
eyizus of tale ai bexabiaaes od of bad eteet poodd tke 
Sao os? Lilet biveds exol edt oupdw of x» aokpwlnnen a 
| _ ThWorko bus atost of? 114 pytel «.taodtin Pane gute 6 beds? noe q 
bil 29 8.0% qnaddoredienop etd to} Prume gat Aeted oxpm. aopmate 
- tonmee oy tao gadbast edt Yiiteu, pt eoasidye oey ovedt temt mokmhgo 
_pampbive oft to Pigtew ot ote Sacha on ad iiiphinesil ” ! 
sot bas srnmaba, 968 wuenehnd aan te ment 4 
sdemritte ef ered tegted — paren enc 7 
oi TMAITEA, TURGETE Hinde Ue orockene Man 7 

juiced Bad wen kta ne Pessasessy raale 2d hy ti a oe 
Ko tee thane: elie coll Raga aa gn ey dione 

wae ad 

E oe ; B 
fw y 7 Bie 
Fs # : : 
i il 2 
q o 2 
% er 5 2 

AUVHELIANY » Lo anew ; i f 
GROUT GouRt, i ¢ 
BE Nd 

Ge ; ; 

GHISAGG, & Gorporsticn, and 

FRONK J. G1M2AL, Aeceiver thereof, S741.A.6 & 9° 

Opinions filed March 14, 1934 


This ec an agtion breught by the sleintiff to recever 
the sum of 53,90°, being the omownt deposited by her in ene of the 
gefety deposit boxes under the contrel 2nd sensgesent ef the defend- 
ant by virtue of * lesse or sontroot end which sum it vas charged 
wae lost through the cerelegon@es and neglisenes of the defendant 
Gomoany. Tae triel wes before the court withovt « jury, resulting 
in « finding by the court in faver of the defendant oad judement on 
the finding, frem whigh judgment this appe0l hes been taken. 

The feet thet the plaintiff bed this sscunt of money in 
the deposit bex rented by ber is not disputed, tut from the evidence 
it appeara thst on Jenusry 1, 13901, turglere beeke inte the vault ef 
the defendant company ané@ opened snd demelighed certain deposit boxes 
loected on the oreaises, «mong which eas the bex leesed by the 

Vefendante claim thet at the time of the burglary the 
bank wae @xereising ordinary care in and sbeut the custedy of plain- 
tiff's depoeit and was, therefore, not lisble for the less. 

The contract between the plaintiff and the defendant bank 
provided, among other things: “The iisbility of the Genk is expressly 
Aimited to the exercise of ordinary diligenee to srevent the opening 
of the within mentioned esfe during the within mentioned tera, or any 
extension or renewal thereof, by any person other then the renter er 
his Quly authorized representative, * * * * This stipulation in the 

BORG WA, ia » | PKR B, Laake 

} hbk emt ia anna duiles 
rv 4 (tvoo trveere Sm LORRY Nee RIMS 
ae ae 
“ yhm9e Noon hcsin aan baa ECAR a 

eee dicy 

‘Qed cAI avg: | eet oe 
noe saunh... ak Wath bis ee 
seed ebl dorsi beltt enotatco a en ee 


reveoss of Uiktalele ode WW sdéguens wokdos me ane BEAT nn. Pow 

A248, 908. hh BPE, Wh DROP: PUNE. EE a SAO SE P 
a~basteh edt to Inomagenem ban dexeaes ont saben, aemed thm 

hogtsd® oxy th mvp. doldy baa ppenipet. te eared 4 20, peta apa 

daahestsh eit to acnegiizen hae exemaeferse ad MpneTA? FeoL Raw, 

aaktiveot .ytwt » tuedtiw tav00 adit orotes eee isis’ enT .|Yaequeo 

Ho toemgte, bas tashaated od to row as Srwee ode We pathak® muh, 

_ stetat med eed Looqqe else tamaybyt woide port, wn 

ak yonom to tascme aid bed Urttabndg ode tots food, oft , 

— agnebive ent moxt tad ydotugeth lp en ee pi [Sh ml 

to Fiuev oct otmt oxerd ereLgrad .S5HL 4) yresnnh, mo pain 4 ; 

Boxed dheogsh alsdren bedeilonsd hun deaage fae yasunee smahaeted, ody, — 

oat yd bonsed xod edt eo deidy yaumn ,ooedmerg ads so aeesons 4 

gies es Py 


at ‘ealgnin dt Yo. uit aff fe dade adele otustaatet ste. Same 

~atsig ‘to yboteue odé tueds bus ak sveo yteakbro galeesoxe sow ae j 

enaol odd rot sidatl ton sorotpned? yee baw tee diced 

daed tashbmoteh ott bae Titatele edd soowted tooxtnoe mt i 

ouorexe af ast ond Yo WALddest ad?” regaidd sedto gaome ,bobtve 
qaineqo sft stnovenq od peasy iLtb yreathre to aetorexd edt of be 

yrs 10 yured benoitaom aldéie edd gukach obese beaostxea alates. ‘ 
to tetnes odd melt Tedeo onTeq Yar YH stoorods is reenk FO 

edd ak nottaiugite alat " * * * gavktcanenenqur besdzed 

agreement ie simply sn exoresvion of the cewmen lew Linbliity of 
the defeniente. 

The defencent, The Lawrence svenue Netianel Genk of 
Chicage, 3 torporstion, clioeed ite doore on January “=, 1951, the day 
after the robbery, anc the receiver tec been joined in thie eetion 
a8 eo~defenient. 

The building of the defeudent benk =sa leeated st the 
eorner of Lawrence and Sawyer svemnes, two intoresetting streets in 
the City of Chiesge, sith its min entrance on Lawrence avenue and 
a gide entrance on Sawyer avenue, Om January 1, 1931, ite officiels 
were George 1, Piist, oresident, John J. defiries, viee=-nresident ond 
ovehier, emi John =. tslloy, sssistemt ecahier. 

The entrances to the benk hed three deors, two of which 
were held in position by s@ene of belte in the flecr ond the middle 
one hed s leek. ‘here «1s «lees in the widdle deer eo thet 14 was 
possible to see in or out of it. “Sithin the bank there wee s voult 
with two docrs. fhe front vortion of the vweult wae used for oafety 
depesit bexer and the other portion wee used for the «ash belonging 
to the defeniont end between the tee there wae a sertition «ad a ateel 
door. @Athin the vault there wae en eleetric light which eould net, 
however, be seen from the ctreet. The ledgers «nd beokse of -eserd were 
kept in the north end of the rumlt, while the books «ni recorde ef the 
gafety deposit divielon were kept sliengside of the aafety deposit 
box vault in the fremt end of the benk. 

Oa the dey of the burglary in question, Asiley head been 
taking off « statement of the affairs of the bonk and for thet surpese 
had opened the vault ond token the general record becke out and pleeed 
them on the bookkeeper's desk im the north end ef the bank where he 
was at works 

| The benk did net empley 4 evecinl police offieer sither 
4 by day or nicht, but they had « een on the bank fleer during the day 


te WLiseLe nal monho oat Ye mnnennene aa set oi et traaeerae 
2s Ahek Lecokeal cones oobnnmed od8 stasbanton eat. isi: 

yeb off .L20L 4S yxawnet ao steph sth Seago quntememened a sogconse : 
mottos gant wh poatet 4 weed mg! revinens ‘ond ame ayrsciiog eas 20 te 

4 siuetasteb-oo ea 

ott tx Heatseal etn net Partae Yeh Gas to getbLigd ed 

ab edoorte guitoserstal ort yesumove ceyHet Bin asapEIed Yo romeo 

Ait Sumeve SameTHEL Ho OoRNTEAD whem BOL Mity yop=edi To WO elt 
eletoltto e¢2 4f8GL yk yreenet ne. sduanys xeyeR ae soNestee ehie & 

bee teoblieeeq~eovdvy ,eeittiet 4 atigt ,imebiserg gfelat 41 syrost sow 
reoldese fanpetoss Rodin’ «5 asl ha greddone 

teide te eve .steek cents Gat aned ent ef wemergae eM | nae 

shite obs east adn wtlet th wintens wiminttamenth bash 

‘ow th tail oo cosh ethblw odd at enety vow onadit oad = ait sa 

CY Re EE OE SE: BOT Ve ih te a ate ee idiom 

i toot: b'has inte itemy a ane sent oot. eet hs: tara 7 
- gfom Divan dossy dtytt olvteets me gon aTodit Hee oat mbt x00 | 

gt ‘Yo wbrosor tne stood oat elbaw heer od? Yo baw dren ost no | 

sianate teak in thabeanth uate alia ee 
inate he safes ions lly Oe ane aE 

ss ur una enivene rk 


and another one whe cleaned ws at night, whe also sched as night 
eatohuen. the receiving telier's cages were on the left side of 
the benk cs one entered the door and there eae an alarm bitten in 
the receiving teliecr’sa sage. There eere clee buttons sennested with 
& Signoi siLarm which could be goeruted from every officer's desk 

emd the oagee, Dut no button at the entranse door. 

The bank hed been in bai Fimeneiel share for somotine 
and during the last fer doye of Jecesber negotictions were pending in 
the hope of perfecting = tonsclidetion of the defendant Sank with 
the Hantrose Trust 4 Sevings “onk. In order to effeet this conseli- 
dation it was necessery to secure the sign=tures ef the Gouptroiler 
of Currency ant that of the Otate suditer of fliimeise The capital 
ef the bomk wae badly imosaired and it was operating at = deficit. 
it had to do ite dsily clesvcnnes on « geek beste. Leyburn, the 
mational Sank examiner wis meking every effert to effect the congeald- 
dation and Mslloy had teen required by the oresident, Filet, te 
prepare 2 statenent on December 31, 1950, which wos neesesary te 
present 2t = sesting of the atate bonk exeminer, at the effiee af 
the national benk examiner on Jomusry 1, 192]. It was this eork 
that teok Sailey te the bank on the day of the robbery ond be wae 
prepering this etrtesent at the time. 

Balloy téetified that he hed been direeted by the sresi~ 
dent of the bunk te set the time lotks te oven «t three o'sleck on 
the afternoon of Jenunry 1, L9%1, and that he arrived «¢ the benk 
sb@ut 10 ofcleck on the acrning of that dey and took uo the books 
and prepered toe drae the statesent; that about 11 efaleck the 
telephone rang and thet seme person claiming te be Leyburn, the chief 
bank ¢xamduer, saked if the time look wes set for Pridey serning, 
$o whieh Mulley replied that they were set te vun off that same 
afternoon; thet this persen ssid: “%e are coing to clese your tenk ond 
I am going to send tee men aut te seek the vomit." Yailey teatified 

tigin we botor oate odtw atigia te ow Seavele oft ea bat 
to obke ‘Pel e409 mo eter Bh aao o"veilet gakvssoo ont " aad 
at nottud wets ns cen ered? bus xoob odd Dexotme a0 a2 “ded ‘eat 
athe & hetoenser anottud onle o18" axa co eteedios puta os bP acnll 
teed ‘atuaokte rove moet betensge od bivoe ote mals inn ins 
to0b sommTeNs ot Ye motte on urd 420388. oe i 
onitemoe sot aqome istonenst fed ah aond neg. mae’ ‘eat 
at gatbasy drew "enolveizognn rodeos Yo eysh wat ‘feet eas ape 
“Hd bw Land inabaeted ost Yo Malteiseonos » yaitoteog to eget aut “ 
~tleenoo alae ‘foette of tobxe al saan apttwes a does? voxtnon os 
| “ee Ltosbened ont to ssvut angie ed suo 2 or “Yeanepora err rit mi 
“Latins eat sabonibitt to ‘nod Roush etoee ont Ww ‘todd bas anes 
sthotres a ts patserege asw t baie dortmet bed enw ‘tard ont + te 
“edd ver yo sained tiene 8 Ho seomexeads einen at eb ee ee 
“Leases outs footie: ‘ grotie yrove gntsen vow rontanne an annd 
: ot ‘taht fae creon ede w beriupes mood dot ypdko tae cm ft ki 
‘of yuseveoen aes sotste ‘<80 +i odme0s’ ae snesstete tS E : 
Ye ealtto add oe Teatance aod etate ett te pattern 9 te eee 
, “tow ante cw tH oTECL yi vesuain’ ao ‘renteaxe Zaod Leno faao20as edt 
se aon od bas eseddor st to wre ont ne asd ont oe Ye. fou Hoot tae | 
‘ me omit oat ts ‘tnomogote eed = 
“sheen out YW Betoors® mond bas ox Pett tates Woke sill ack , 
ao ionjo'o sex? 2 meqo of exoos ox it oat ive oe Bog J jan med 
Se inks Oa | 

yy Doe HDi 

Youits ost? ‘unis ed ot yulnisio seeven ae, a hee 
% Crag 

a = te sees ae 

Ad be Me 


further that he went te work on the books for shout on howr and 4 
helf and thet he then hesrd the fremt door rattle «nd he went te the 
front door which wos locked ond there were tre men standing on the 
outside; thet he ocened the doar vithest questioning them and let 
them in; that «a he lecked the door «esin anc turned sround he 

found himself cevered by two revolvers; thet one of the tvo men 
went to the rear dwor of the benk ond let in two other wen whe carried 
burlap bags; thet they then forced him to try the combinstion on the 
Gosh vault, but it 414 not epem ond they then compelled him to try 
the combinstion on the eafety depoait vault ond thie dear opened at 
i o'eleck; thet they then crocesded te gpen ani rifle the safety 
deposit bexee until shout © e'eleek in the evenings. 

Walley testified further thet after the cen left the 
pank he wis foreéd te stcoapany thea =f the ooint ef 2 gum end that 
they then placed him in the front sext of hie om ony and forced 
him to drive te Hileaukee, where the tee sen jumped out and disspnear 
eds; thst he thereupon dreve te the polices stetion -t Uilecukee and 
reported the rebbery. 

Gganeel fer plaintiff point aut certein fsets whisk he 
Chains are significent, nowely, thet there wee no watehman or sacle 
tent with isiloy 2% the time of the burglary; thet Melley did net 
interrogate the person whom he oleimed salied him on the teleshene 
in order to find out whether it wea Leyburn, the antional bank 
examiner; thet he did net qwestion the tse men who eppecared af the 
door or ack for oredentiols before letting them in; thet Gulley 
sdmltted thet he made « wistcke in setting the time clock on the 
aatety depesit vault ot 1 e'eloek instead of 2 e'elock; that the bank 
should hove provided a sere effisient ayatem ef burglar sineme and 
that from the evidence it appears thet in addition to taking the eaeh 
and contente of the ssfety deposit boxes, the burelers took a number 
of pages of the ledgers of the bank. It is areued from this lsat 

a has wed as tueds 10% edeod sat ae deem oF tan od ade xedieat 
ont oF fier ed dan OLtton Tooh saoud oat Mrened medt od tot haw thed 
alt mo gribaste aoe evs ever evsat bas Detood eow Poldy xg0b toon? 
tol hae matt puknottaowp tuodtin took edt beneqe an duet gebbedwe 
96 hawene bemtst one atone Taah ad? Padook om am fads yak mode 
i | tom Ont edt Yo ono dads yaxoviover ont ys Aovowes Moet amet 
«Deke ees esl om cedto ous mi tek bas dined out to woah ewe odd of tame 
(edt ne mo Randiins edt Ed ot Rit hedeeD mat yout Ondt janet qudmand 
Vet of mit betieqaoo madd yest das nego fon SED $2 dud gtluny dann 
ite Renage toeb etd? ba tlusy tteoneh yetee edt no soktsakdmoo amt 
‘Wolee sat oft hae anqy ot Dekesoory sade yout tult pieetote £ 
# boar ! cinta WA st. adie te ease en na aia 
elkteak mannii tealt comitoat Aneta natal é: +h 
add Dae myo to tntor add to and? yegmqnos of dhe igs ind 
_ door bum x00 awo Bb 2a dase sont Loduasaoeniede: 

ai ote atest sane tea tahog eb etaiti init lle oe +4 mies | 
~nioss 16 nandotar ot sow avedd todd .ykemen eimsottogte 0 antes } 
tort bib yoLLe tadt jyralyrngl ott ke omtd oct te yokinn shin tna 
 pnedqesot odd a0 mht bekion tautede od mode aoansq ent otegorretnh 
dad Seoobten edt yiuadyed aoe th waditesy two bad of aebee at j 
| tit Pe Dereonge nv cae aut ont apitocun tou hth of tet ywentmane 
yeliot ted? gat wedt yahetol qroted eleltasdere wet ase owe 90) 4 
pd go Aooko omdt odd yuketoe mk naladede w shew of tote hotinbs ; 
Soin: ad t0dd qaveLo'e £ Yo dowienk AnaLote L de tev tnogoh —ywheS 
bas amnls talgud te apdays dastedtts onom 2 Doh iverq ovat Saree 

dese edd gadint @@ aedtibde al dadd eenocye 4h nomenes eat work 

(ied weit mort Begs oh eh wand wait ke coghes od 

facet thet there aay heve been something thot Selley er the efficisis 
desired to have covered uje 

Om the other hamid it is contended by defendent thet the 
effieisia of the sank, including Malley, sere verking under 4 strain 
ami Nelley knew thet the president ond vies-presicent were aeeting 
with the stete benk examiner ct the effiee of the national bank 
examiner on that day and were very liable te keep in touch with bim 
in order to effect the econaglidetion: thet 16 «e2 aot unrensoneble 
for Malley te believe thet the sen who scresented thencelves were from 
the offiee af the bank examiner oe the defeniont benk hod feared for 
& muaber ef days thet it would be sleaed by the oublie officiels. 

fhe wuie of isw in this state ls clear, The defendant 
was engaged in the business of opercsting = anfety desosit veult ond 
was *# taliee for hire. Under such ¢enditione sa these the defendant 
received the property «nd ite failure to return it, raises « presump- 
tion that the less woe due to ite nmiglicense and the lew imnesed 
upon it the Durden of showing th=t Lt exeroleed the depres of sare 
requiread by the nature of the beiiment, The defendant eas reculred 
to exercise ordinary diligenee snd that degree of sore or coution 
thet os aan of ordinery prudence er dissrstion sould use with reference 
to the esre of the purticular thing, were it his own property. 
Sehnefer v. Sa C@vogit Soe, 281 Tile 424 
The @euse hoving bean tried by the court witheut a jury, 

it is presumed that the court had in mind these rules of lew in asking 
ats deeision, the ouse resolves itself inte «2 suestion of feet ond 
were it before us in the firgt inetance we uicht heve neld gontrary 
to the holding of the trial court, but we ore ligited in our censider~ 
ation of the enuse by the rule which reoulres ue te give full faith 
and eredence to the finding of the trisl court who heard and asw the 
witnesses and hed a better eovertunity to pass ueon the foeta than 
#@ would heve upon review, it canmot be said that the finding of the 

alstokbhov od? xe Yehiel ted qatdtonon.amed egad Yan a 

edt: tad seabaproh. ~i.bebsets09..0h, th, Send, nadte. adh po ie nape 
aiexte 2 robe sudteor oxen QNedées pilin gAned oat, Yo winded? | 
galieed exon tnehiuerq-aoiy dan taebleosg add todd weed voles bap 
dani Lenetton ont to enkto odd te reckume toed obete edt AEE 
mhe dite domot ad qoed ot sided. yey expe boa yeh god? oo tomkegee 
 tidenoenemne dex ney OL Jett geo dubiloases aa teaite og tobse ab 
Bork sex enykvanadt hetmerery ottt awn ott Aaa, erakted of yaLLoi war 
wot Denest bad sand trabasies od? ne tomhmnns dowd odd to Modi Ro malt 
spletoitte oitdwr edt yi Deowie ad hiwow 44 toa ayah to xodmae s 
tgebastel ed? ,.tenie ai atage eidt a) wal, te Shack aad Kae Kasco 
ban timmy ¢iseceh yielen = gattaxege Le epouten’ sag al begegae gee 
squuuetg © odetnx .Pk mutex of oxuStad ett ban yorogany edt Davtenes 
| bemoans wed edt has seomptinen ett of auh new weak eit sade, mate 
amen te sacegeh set, entowane At fet. anton em. maiieNt Otek May . 
boriupes aew tacbsoivh oft .tmemiied oct to wemten ett yt bends 
mitian-ententnsegth tedh, edi on nae 
seanistes ity seu Rinoe goiter9e4> 10 eamohemg yreaibro to nam 2 tase 
© sebveqqug wo gid 34 esa Ie SOS AS eae | 
! : Sh ik Si geal thnecel weelee «¥ Tehesdes 
cUrat & suedsdy tava edd yd bodes aded worl ousse at, ee 
palden af wed 2e aofye snods Sndm ak And deve add todd Romwaeng ah At 
bas tos 20 mostsqup.» Otas Linedh gaviones oeem. eT. th 
serpent an tiingdanagiiiptabiasinorapesieninese 

ait wee bee breed ode gayoo > takes ode ‘nn . me ut est of bas 
asd? stock edt goa sBeg, oF ipeanpea gies me. ponanadh 

trial sourt io ao aanifestly sgcinet the »eight of the evidence ag 
€@ neeegsitate = revercel of the juigment. cestions s2 to the 
degree of cere in cages euch os this ore @einently cucstions for 
the trial eourt or the jury. 

For the reasons stated in thie opinion, the judgwent of 
the Gireuit Court is offirmed. 


HAL, Re de Ane Maal, de SUR 

. BRS eee eke ie ag DOs alc te sak sakes 
Grice: Kovtwn da vine. cabal Say: MI ae 4 ‘ 
tt: Ae te ATTEN ORME f° Ge ONE as | 
shdxienrmenpndeee ae Gh) 090, Reem R TR sia il 

wee pees Rew: Dted, aes OS. Eas, MM Re ae. ” Yo Aaa 
sphere Gi bleg Hee oe Penn. Bao Rh ae ew te, ne 

Peale oe oad esoR be oe WS eee ies Be. PAS Bs ae seash > aa 

at aeee mito Gentine ian ae? 

Hegn RRER Nhe) eb saa, o hebroNeRS 

teprbetest ode asakt at atone ing Sey 20 ” 

i peta eRe afd eRe oh rled er 
PHGME Ashe, et? Ana Mwee digs eee eh Web 

aeae go Seek Oe Rawk Bs PON eee 

eile, Bae a neni kare 

Agios 1 HKD te omepe Rate, hae SRY 


meee wet ate ae EpeAs GEER AR BRS sic 

we"t EGER TY i 

Ba i? ES x Py 

Stich ahiss, gig wk we ah whlinhd vn ot | 
BERD NI RE. awe Milne nator ROM) 
ality ars aS, oe dade: seis some a 

26795 } — 

Ge ti 3 o Lae ‘ a 
OsRL 8. OLS0a, ef 41, 
defendants. GLACWLy souat 
RN omy a RT 

GYeRs-VGepininante, _% 

Ape lLionte, 
7aRL A. SLSO8, et al T A Q) 
ge *creme-tefendantn. yd ¢ 4 we lke 6 o ef 
Lens Sherman, 
Agee, Leng. 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 


Thie is an sgpesl frem en order sustaining « Gemurrer 
ef the complainant te 4 srogs=-bili Mled in the ouuee in which she 
wae meade crose-defendsant. The oreae-blli wie ordered stricken from 
the files end from this order om apres) #25 taken to thie court. 

The origins] bill sroyed the forecloeure of + trust 
deed. Gouplainant anc oroge-compieinaats were owners of bonds 
secured by this trust deed ond their intersste were identical, 

It ig the gentention of Grase-coeplcinante thet seetion 
47 of the lilinois Mortgage Act provides thet in « Yereclesure muit, 
@® deficiency may be entered for sny Galenee aut the compleinant ever 
ond ebevre the preceeds of the gale, and thet therefore 1t becomes 
necesuary to b@ a Gomelalnant or Greseetompiclvent in omier ta erali 
oneself of the benefits of thie ennetwent. The anewer to thie lies 
in the originsl bi11 in which it ie oreayed thet the bendholders 
(whieh include ecrese-complainante,) hove » <efielensy decree in fever 
ef the person or persons entitled therete. the relief Sreyed for in 
the ereee-bill is «iresdy sdked for in the eFiginal bill. The 
tights of the defendentse ta the bill wader their «newer in which 
their interests fully eppeur will be proteeted efter hecring by the 
deoree entered in the vrecerdings, Where the rights of » defendant 

RRA eine WLP Ns 
de ENN 

MORe aeweGa 

wevow TIBOR KO 


‘02d .ALATS 

BECL SL doteM beltt aofmiqd 
Tertsesh 2 yoiaisveue tehto ao motk Leagge ae al aid? Se ek 
ode doidw ot enune off oi bOLt Limos 2 08 tuantatani tt 
mort medeitte berebze sew (Lid~-esore edt .tanhosteb-aeore obam os 
sfx eidt of apdet cow Leaqys ae rebyo widt mow bas og Lit ede 
gaunt to orweeLoste't exit beyory iité isaigivo of 
abaod 29 eae etew atuentelgnon-esote baw tansdedguod bead 
elagktaebs exew atootetad siedt bas beab tamed? eldd yo boruoee 
sottose teat etnentsiquoo-gaem te coltapineo edt et ME 
vtiue srueokoeret 6 ak #58 wsttrers tok opratzol aLomAsck at to VE 
teve taorleiqnes edd exh eoneind yo 102 Seretae od yam yone Z 
sesooed ¢2 evotetedt tree haw olor grit 1s sdeteeetid alt toa 
Lieve of seivte at tnsalelqmoe-ceero to taaniahenos © ad OF Yrsenooee 
eels wise ot vewene adT tnentoces efdt to abitensd edt %o tieeeme — 
atebLodhacd ocd tect boyrng ef #2 dedety md eonadeesn cieturndors 


nt yok beyerg toiier ot everett Saltioeen sinininn 0 tii: lat 
amt .Litd Leakpine et nk tot boxe yboorts wt Likd-nsoro amt 2 
fede at vewene tied? tobaw Likd oct oF stmebmoted aft to stdghe 

od? yd gatesed tovts havoetorg e Litw wesqqs Llu ateoredat siedt 
tushasted © Yo ohtghe eat wena eaenlaaens a a Moa ae 

appear from his enewer they wili be fuliy oroteated. 
Fielg@, %54 Tlie Glide 

Croge-Comeisinanie uree thet their oreag-biil was 

necensery in order to extend the-receliverchip se xe te inelude their 
bonds and afford them the erotection of the receivership. ‘the 
preyer of the originsl S111, however, seks for « reseivership for 
the benefit of 211 the bondholders and this incinudes eress-comel«in- 
ante. Gy order of ecmirt this ees dene. Gpeee-cemcloinante sould 
obtein no gore relief? by their ertesbill. Their righte ere already 
asfegunrded by erder of eourt. 

In our opinion the sileg«tion in the original bill te 
the effeot thet Sefenmiants «lived «ll rights under the nemeetesd 
lawe of the State of lllinoie tevcether with « deserintion of the 
trust decd and proffer of the inatrusent on the hearing, sufficient 
ay Govers the silerction of wolver of semestesd. The enewer of the 
omers of the equity not being abetracted oc ere net advised ehether 
this sllegetion is or ie set «ontrererted. 

The originei bill sovesring te pesy the onae relief as 
that preyed for in the cress-bill the letter ie not neeesenry and 
the demurrer te the erese=—biil wie therefore ereperly sustained. 
Beky v. igmrae, 352 Ill. S78. 

Yor the reagone aet out in thie solalon, the order of 
the Circuit Court ia affirsed. 



ahs Eat ae binds 
aew ILid-aneve tied? tad? oyrw atnon ke lgaoeeene ott AY 
rides? sbuloni of cx on @ideroviooer weit hastye of tebto al yroeeeoes 
tat sqiderevinoor vit ta sottnndery et met bretts fates ahnod 
sat qidewetzooes ¢ tot else ,vevneedt , fide ‘Eoaidytvo ond to reyerg 
Tatatgeperenyse eebdulent wise hes exebLodhaod ont ifs te ‘thread edt 
| Bkeeo sdrertsiqneo-enerd 28nob ear ent Hoe Ye seize ¥., obhae 
Wheorls ere atdgis tle cunainaabidieanandl ‘qe Teliot exom on alatdo 
HEGL ,bL MOtee 2as5 ” pike ta vrebte ve bolvrsugeton 
-@¢ L146 Lewtgive st at mottepeiie att molntee tee af 
‘besteemot odd rola etifgit Lin berkes snsheotsn t89 gostte eat 
edt Ww mebtyrxeesd & Ht dw redsegot semanas ~ ce 
mteelolt tie (saktood od? ao daetertant et Yes — 
and to towbae oft “sheoreemed to dhnntayptioviee pry LL 

«¥ camttis .boteotong YLiut ed LLtw yodt tom 


es Yekiet seas oft ybrq of qaltotnge Lied & 
pate yreensoen fou of verted Gat cheiaeions sit bm nt. 

‘pCR EVES Pt ae Fe sgh aa ARS ROT 


a : 

ee fx an i me nae ne tea 
a tid we dope: 




J Pd 


Sounlsinant - Acnelles, GLstVIt COURT,” 

A Gia counry.| 


hed defendant. Q27¢T4T.A.6 5 9 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 


Thie is om appesl from om order ef the Giresit Court 
denying Selinger, the holder of 2 39° bond, leave to intervene in 
a fTereglowure quit breught by semplalnont, as trnetec, te foreclass 
2 firet mortgsge bond issue amounting te 7219,0°0. fhe bend owned 
by the petitioner wos ef the a me iasue equght te be foreclesed 
in the eriginel proceeding, fhe setition centeine vertrin allegations 
to the effeet that he, Galinger, has now lesrned for the firet time 
that the mortgege 20 in defsult for « leng time; that he wea seid 
interest to august 1, 1951, in order te ounces, from him the default; 
that complainants with knowledge ef thease foots fuiled to acke bond= 
holders parties, tut tosk crecf before the daster in Shancery where 
it sought to place all bende on a parity; thet for the mirvere of 
enersing the bondholdera te vinee their bonds vith « somittes 
s@lected, they, the bondholders, were threatened that the eooumittee 
would purchase the property st 2 nowinel eid; thet the complsinant 
wee not © proper trustee to act for the reason that it esa resresented 
on the comaittes by one of ite officers; that it woa negligent in its 
Guties to permit defeult in woenthly depesite end nonssyment of taxes 
and in eoneesling the fsete from the bend owners; thet ite interests 
wert in Gonfliet with these of the aurchasers of beuda ond that it 

/ whe Gisquelified to set ss trustes beosuse it ned pledged ite assets 

ag security with the ‘econstructieon Finenes Gorperstion for 2 lean 

Nae Voters ate 
Nin. Lh Sst 


Teva Trune@s ehepteaeet “ bls 4 iaek'd 
ih sapere owas 
Odo ALL MS. | torte 6 sevtue Wo dara ne 
"pee BE dove beLit metmtqo = ste 
“ fu00 amt 8 ROTHTYO ant CRRVEING WORLEE SOR PeNE ge Om ef oote 
rund tivorsd adt te sabre as mext Exeqge ae ef ake? sort ote 
ab ersvrotnl of ovast boos CCR? o te cebtad wes preget tee nakyinh 
eeateoutint sooseutd es gtnrakeiawen xo Peed Flaw onde 
_ hemo hired oat O60, 0108 oF yattimems tient heed aged tem sent 
Deer “bssoloerot od of Piguee saved tm-e Ott 6 nos alhoenndente’ wht 
ano Ltaye.Lt> akstxoo eatodaed mobs iden hail api bbe oneng i 
 "omkt texth oft 20% bemtaol woa aad , eye 
ogee Fr aon of dace =— aot ® Dai teh iaial ‘wow Sang 


baad ote ot bekier ‘etost osed? to 
eredw “pxsonedt ni vetesl edt exoved Yoore Tod 2 
Yo seoanim vat to? dat retbeey 8 we ; | 

. settinnos » déte bund weédt conte bt erehfodbabd aft yatorooe — 
| qettinmes odt tai? heantesrat exes ,brobloubaed areuah 
tnentslqmon eit tact jhid Lenknon # on yiegeny att onsdonmy bivow q 
hegaseerqe: sow $f ted? moanet ad? tot ton of opfeuntt seqetg # tom ase j 
et! ml tnogiigon vow #2 ted? yexsodtko efi Yo one Ww eottinaoe eae ao 
sexst Yo dnesyeqnon bas etteounb yLddnow at ttusted tiered o¢ wokth 
etvoretal sei 221% jorsevo bood 9a? wort ‘piest ae pikiseones mt ‘ 
+h tadd bes abood Yo ersandori ott to sonny at ew soLitaos nt ome 

ami was,therefore, out ef the trugt business. 

The eilegetions in the petition consisted westly ef 
conclusions unsupported by “liegetians of eny perticular faeta. 
Ne bendhoider hae an absolute right of intervention esoecially in 
the sbsence of freut, wisfesannce or bed faith on the pert of the 

trustes. Agerionn, ets Lee 4 Beds idine Bory 
Sion, st ai, 765 Lil. Avy. S7e Bondholders are not neceseary oF 
proper parties te a foreclicsure proceeting. Eirebsugh v. Ireff, 
363 Ill. 82. | 

The motion wee eddre@sed te the sound diseretion ef 
the chancellor, The metter wes semiing nefore him and he was 
familiar with the plesdings in the suse «nd sueh other steps as 
had been perfected, Fetitioner's slisim saounted te » very amali 
fractional per centece of the tetel vend isaue and there wae in the 
opinion of the cheaneellor evidently aa purpese in ineresaing the 
ooat and aiding to the delay of the foreclosure creceeding. Fetitien- 
er‘a interests should be protected fully by the ehenesller. If 
the sele price is enly sewinsl, 28 petitioner eleims it will be, 
it ean be serrected by the sourt on the objection of amy bondhelder. 

$@ 88 no reaeon for diaturbing the order ef the 
Sireuit Court in refusing petitioner lesve to intervene. 

Fer the reagens stated in this opinion, the order 

ef the chenceller denying setitioner leowe to intervenes is affirmed, 

HALL, Fede ARR HEEL, de Swe Th, 

seaaiiouwd tevtd eed te tue yovoteredignes baw 

te Yiteos hetelanso aoltitoy od? ai saoktegelioa wat a af 
oettet ‘Telum toned yrs te arto tt nynk io bi betreqqunay ‘ane tewioues 
at ylielesqee woktaevretct to dagit stulende me ead 2 

TS EReceoen ten ots erobledbaoti ; at ane eae pvp 
ot emperor ee #90 enbiue togeey 

_» st 9 Ltt BRE 

to noiteroase bawoe odd o bogeouhha aN weston oat 

i ie cacen e p ait? 
i | sos 220% syaitheeoery stumoLoozot ode be valeb be cll gash Ds '. 
7 ™ st0Linonade edt yd eae) betoosorg oa buven e wi 

pe ee Bigs peat Sie Bee. amhe’s amie als vem ie 

hed Ch Sopa Peeweee ba Po wee 

on cM eo) 

Soo aaa Aitblanaternseiee 
: no aaa 
: : Peg 


® Vorperotion, - APPEAL FROM 


IkG., &@ Gorcerstian, 
Appellee, ard G4 1.A. 6 6 ‘th 
Opinion filed March 14, 1934 


fhe pieintiff, Hiole Bemey Bldg. Corporation, resovered 
a judgment before = justice of the seece of Arlington deighte, 
@ock County, Secesber 21, 197%, sgeinet the defendant Seo. &. 
Hemingway Orgenisation, Inc. 

denuary G, 193%, the defendant filed lise sevesd bond 
te the Cireuit Court of 6 veunty im the gam af (200.06 and at 
the aeme time left ite check for "17.55 to cover the aeats of Filling 
in the Gireuit Court. Thre bond «nd shack were left with the son of 
the justice of the penne «t Arlington Heights at the realdenee of 
the justice ef the pesoe, he, Kimeelf, being out of town. ‘This 
was done within the tiae for filing send and oerfecting the eppeal. 

Gn danuery 10, 1955, the justice ef the pesce oaghed 
the oheok intended to cover the costs of the saopent. Thies alee wee 
within the time. fhe jusaties of the sees, however, friled te 
appreve the bond within the time. Jubeecuently, the defeniant 
appeared im the Circuit Gourt smd the jwige ef thet court dircoted 
the justice of the peage te send the papers fo the Direuit ceurt fer 
tae purpose of a trial on spresl and this wea done. Yhereugen the 
pisintiff moved te diemies the «spend on the ground thot the court 
had no power to direet the justice of the pecee to cond the sepera 
te thet court. “ven though this order might set ave been enforce~ 
able, neverBheless, the supers were filed by the justices of the 
péaee@, ond the Sireuit vourt sonsecuentiy hed jurisdiction of the 

wont Leeern” 


‘oa 39. iba lalsew S 
nu BBL AL dorel belt? nointao 
herevoees «to LEsr0qe0 op ban tones ofenk stutatese oat Sh whch: IR 
caddy ink wodgadies te e050q wait te endtext a oroted Sesser bart, s 
a dad tantaoted est fenkens s88ed aff tedaensti Sere. 


baos keoqas « et bosst tachastes oat wai row 

| te bas 00.008), to ave oxy mt Wawed #000 te Pues thvetso 

| BELLY to efs0o edt rev00 of 08,925 xO foe sth thet entt, nem Oe 

| 39, mee ond tte fel orer anode baw baod edt etre tivork8 odd ak 

to consbieer osit te efitgtol aptgatiza te seq oct Be wtert,, eat 

eldT sawed te to gated tieomid od sanneg add Yo wodtan 8, 

afenaye | oud putgostrag bas Bad gatite zo? mde edt ahdtiw ane’ a 
bedeno eares one te oo 48 out ode reek a0 veranel £8 

wav oats alot »Laoaqe ont to tage edt 19 FOe oF bebasjat seede at 

ot berier arovewod shone one te hacia ont me ong abatte 

ES Ea Ae ee a ae 

 pedoer st ‘eeabe er Yo Pier aie pi me bhowett ‘an henwogas 
sot frvet Pisertd od? of exeqeg oat have ed SR oie edt to wotteat ont 

ed? socue ror? -oaob cow elit han Lnvagn mo Lett # Yo ewoqtuy edt 

exvcnc ot hs of wovng et Yo neiteut oft toordh of savas oH Bad 
apntotas mead oved tou tytn vobte nkdd dyued? oows atau00 toad of 
adt 20 eokteut odt qW DoLit orew eveqaq edt eneie@itneren olds y 
od? to motterbetrwt bad yLdwawponnve tamed tivork6 adit bas ,eoceg 

it is slee ivelated that the bond wos not filed end 
approved within the time ellered by the etetate. the record shows 
thet the bond «na filed within the time oi evidently came inte the 
possesion of the justice of the peaed, beonuce of the feet thet he 
Ooghed the cheek which socomeanied it, whteh «se ta sey for the 
expense ef the appesi. ‘All thie ess done within the time. 
~The deTendent should net be pemtlised oeanuse of the 
feilure of the justice te do thet which the lew impesed uson him 
Herteturg v. Seceen, “37 1. Son. 205. 
the order of the court qrerruling the metion to diguise 
the appesl wee not 2 finel order. if the trial sowrt Aad sllewed 
the sotion and bed dismissed tue sonesl, the situation would save 
been Gifferent oe it % 
. Per the ressens ateted in thie ooinion the sovesl will 
be and hereby io dismissed. 

guid heve heen « final order. 


HELL, Peds AND HEBEL, J, conc. 


th Sar Pe Age a 

wrote brewer ott .otetste ed? yt boeedla omiy odd midtinw bovexgge 
odt etait omno yLtneblve bac emt od? midtiw Belk ecw booed edt tame 

od tet tos? 949 Yo eauvoed gases gid To wodtaut edt To 
oat nor yer OF now Mode yth Detmonmoone dotdw toado add” : 
. omte ete whats Bnod enw etde LEA .teogge on? Yo semeaxe 
ode $5 datticied Boatlonse sd don bimase Sembested ot 

"amb mocu omega wal sult sotde taat ob oF sontaut okt Yo suuttey 


aes aga alt ves ere “ 

a thee, & 
ssindlh of nolton edt yalivereve treo oat Yo vabse edt ae 
poe aoe j ih fae 

bewSlis bud ¢xwoo Leixe oct ti vistre feat? « toa she 3 : 
evad bivor aostautie ad? yiapoqs etd ‘bowedmest bast d Ban a 
sani sat ed writ lac 44 a demnente 

Eeved Envews ost notntoe aka at betate ancesor mace pire 

fea MAT 

“3 Dh met ae 
Pit a nto aart. oe 

eR EN ei Se ee fe 
ctu ate tore at Seeded sigue ae 
wee eee bidtte 

Slee gual TR oR ie Dae Ne) aik eay iad wAY na, 

! ny ae 
weriyi: dpe Wie Gate ae wa. ae Te wo taba, ge 

‘ 5) ¢: emt s ¢ EP NN = Pee Em iid Ch ae wee cs ERM sind ; “ 4 
ives cee Sh ty ees cat Sar Gy aie GA vad ie ake bom wiieakeng : 
Ce Be & Re: x fifa zie %) hs ig give iS cM: i att ‘reno nis bt ey ey 

ieius oad weer ve ibha wabee aa kag aie? rene sl 

ott ho woshewe oor wh BAAD eter chery Gre vm 


Bile iW 

eS a Ne 

eek onstt Sa Pina Pee oe ee Rae ae a a 

avg 8 ba 7 i 

(Pisintiff) Sefendent in Errer, 


Ve j 
sa ae ‘ ‘ ; Bina QI fF Ty I é 
(Oefendent) Pleintiff in error. QA YT. A. 5 6 Q° 

Opinién filed March 14, 1934 
This ia «a writ ef ¢rrer te review = judgment of the 
Municipel Gourt of Yhieage finding the defendant evilty of pandering 
and imeesing a sentence in the house of serxreetion snd ¢ fine. A 
jury was esived by the defendant and tee ssuse wae heard by the court. 
The evidence ie not oreserved ond the aetters are oresented on the 
comaon low reeerd, 
I$ is insisted thet the information upon ehich the charge 
was beged is insufficient in thet it fadis to allege the name of 
the women from whom the money wo¢ obteined. fhe inforaetion is in 
the language of the st=tute and ia brought by one Garsh Gell Bliss, 
& prostkiute, from whom the money wos taken. “hile the nume of the 
femele ia net set out in the information, it is ehereed thet the 
money wes cart of the @urninge of Garsh Geli Slias, the inferment. 
In our opinion the inforestion shows won ite faee thet the nsme ef 
the female wie Garth “eli Gliese. It is insisted alao that the reeerd 
fails to show that the defendant wou furnighed with « covy ef the 
Anformetion prior to the trisl. 
The Suprese Court of this etate in the onse of The Feonle 
We Cleeya, 252 Tile 436, in ite opinion, says: 
"The requirexent of the stetute thet ewery defend- 
ent charged with » felony shall be furnishedy before his 
sad extnance An Alesutevys eakys cmd fn onder te’ make tas 
omission to comply rith thie recuirenent avalloble on error 

the defendant wust demand « cosy of the indictment and » 
List of witnesses «nd preserve the evidence of such demand 

Ga, 5 sxead 
see pli we write wer Yo RamORG 
gets’ - nna ee ise 
: ppt Gree ony aad 
| 88 itetiny xg Daa ee _ one ssa 5 
| 038 -A.T Sb See C+ Sa it SeeteT Ceaeleen* 
; SSCL LOT ‘ote belts aOiatgo °° 8 Pe eee 
vreaoo Wit to HOTATtS ENT omev dee Koeize SeRTEDT ce 
edt to Saba hart & wedvex of torts Yo doe0 oe nat 6 eutane 
gutxoharg to Yeling tmabantob eat goithas? e5.bint Yo aev08 Low 2odeu 
TR” emit 2 bee mbttoernee Yo bavadl sat ay Sonornen ‘ yrtoogas han 
 ptus0o 88 YE Broad any Seune de ban” diobs | 
| a te ig 
egrate edt do dstw ‘neti iho tt sichishe’t ‘ety tone senewams oe v8 
‘te emea dt egelie of oiet #2 sade at deeb e Yuna et beens wim 
ai al moitanrothi oct .Bentetds sen neem ect eae mae raow ae 
eeella Lind count smo W tiguord ef has etutets edt to opsuyant eat 
ad? to een est oid’ .medat aew yoaok eno molly sort letmili a 
edt tut bogeeds wi *2 quohtoerotak wit ak duo ten fom ad oLemwt 
etacuwrotsi odd ,aeitd Life sezet te egeineee ed? To Praq sia Yeston 
‘te nman adt feds eoat ett nogx evode Moktmmetai od? netatqo tue at 
broest ad¢ gadt ois betetent @f #f .eadii List done? ecw olenet edt — 
ed? to yoo 2 ditiw bedeimevt asw dushastob ade tod? woele of after 
sfotid ect of todty moltaanotah ’ 
Aisee! eff to oece edt al otate widt to faved saerqys oT Me 4 
reyoe yooimigo ett nt BED Lit REE qgmallt ow 
aide dt 

, fee trois 

im 4 bill of exeeptivuns. (fegple v. fer 387 ile 

There is nothing in the record sefore ue which sheers that « demand 

wee meade fer * eooy of the information «nd denied. 

It ig aiso urged for reveresl thet the inferm=tion 
fsiled to charge 2 crime. fhe informetion wos in the language of 
the atatute, He motion «ac sce before trisl te quzghe Teehniert) 
objections te indietmente «re wiived by croceeding te triei. 
teohnieal objections to the inéiotmwent can act be raised by motion 
in arrest of judgment. The fsople v. Giesgbere, 3262 lile 270. 

8¢ ser ne roasen fer disturbing the judement of the 
Mundeipal court and for the revsens ateted is this eoinion the 
judgaent is affirued. 



7) 98 wpeupess oat ai cay ane 
* kendetent * yim eate oF Tate? eee ohinn aes cereal * _sebutote owe 
aii shetet ot L cpanel: “ om oa $090 a ; 

TR eT 

sec ee alse: eon ie aS inch wis , 
ete te OBS esa SRY Re AT RI ae stetdivone | 4 ; 
Va ee ae fe ey” GaNR ie ‘st toa 


SE RN dh CM By ran SONOMA Ae 
cae AG ieee nee cs at MOT Be ae % fant di 

ee ee me ot est “ 
bie ie Poche poe Bean: ARS eR ial st oe | 


| i ee 7 
ie ie: yd. 
Sy lhe 

36957 ‘eg ey, a z 
MAAY E. SULLIVAN, Adednistrsirix of eaeOn TO i : 
the ketate of Bery Lundy, Jeeossed, ; " 
Seferient in Error, fGe JOURR, 
We ‘ 
Ss ine 


Plaintiff in errer, 
Opinion filed March 14, 1934 


Thig csuse comes to this court on a «rit of errer to 
review = judiguent entered in tae Superior “ourt of Juok County for 
$6,000 in fever of the plaintiff, Gary ©. Guliifenm, »duinistretrix, 
agninat the defendant, Sophia iicktenstein. The testimony not boving 
been preserved by @ bili of exeeptions, © reverend ia seket on the 
common law rescera alone. © motion for = new trial apresrs in the 
Common law recerd. Eotiona for 4 uew trial and in arreat sf judgment 
should be preserved in the bili of exeertions. 

it ia ingiated that the declarstion did not etate = ecuse 
@f action. ‘he original deaisrstion consiated of one count ond ene 
filed Say 29, 1329, and alleged thet the defendent was the owner of 
amd operated an automobile on “ay 27, LBGh, im Vhiesga, snd thet 
@evy Lundy, the decenssd, wos invited to beeome 2 peagenger in said 
sutemebile and the defendant undertosk te tranescort ber froa one 
pisee in the clty te another, but inet the defendent negligently «nd 
eerelesely opersted the sutemebile and that by ressen thereof it 
esme into « Goliiaion with «nother «utemebile «nd thet Mary Lundy 
was thrown from the cor ana injured, «8 ® result af which she died 
an Hay 35, L92e. 

The deelaration «verred that plsintiff ned been sppointed 
aiminiestratrix of the estete «nd thet the deceased left her surviving 
certain heirs at isx, neming them, and seked tuot the next of kin 
be rererded beesuse of ber deoth. fhe desluretion sige shorges thot 

i _-esw Bae tauoe ome te hetelameo sotiexekoeh Laatgixe edt 

| N : OF ONE ” te o xird sxdezalms HATE IIOG ¥RAR 
‘ 4 abeneooet Eats ere to oF sell 
Hwee sola renee at tsbawr es en ee 

| . 
s¥favee weo0 F 

Pie | | “RTO pooped 

ODO A TAVS 4, inka © On 

i beeL al dorel be Lit so tmtcO a eT eee. 
ota90 aT Vo WOLHINO ABT GAHUVEIGG BORAT aotratr, a oe 
ot torts te thes 4 a0 fewe0 aids ot ‘snmee oor eid? 
set ytmued Xoo? to feud? Yokweque $49 at beretas tamodut > welver 
| gabetentatatmbs teh LL oa vrei btabels add to towst at 004) 
if i gatvad tow yeomtieed ext “aletaastses aiiigo® ,tnshavteb ony teabige 
|| atte’ to bade #2 Loaraver « yenodtqvone Yo Liat & WW hevreneny d06u 
edt mt exeoqge Leint waa s tot aoltom 4 tele brooer wal nommeo 
tnomytut to dnexxe at be tata? waa © cot emetden -broget met someon 
sacteitqeoxe te Like ond as borrvserg of bi Lire fe 
z sayen & oteta ton bib aokteteiesh edt dent bedekeni oi #1 | 

* b, 2 ; 
emer bt 
ane Ait Psy ll PRONE a » 

se lane 906 bes 9 itakeLy gone horrors aobinas Lao ont 

oie ib ha my 

the next of kin suffersd sceauniagy less ty recson of the death of 
the deoeased. 

in ama@nded declerstion wos filed danuery 15, 1981, whieh 
wae praectiosliy in the worde of the wriginal deoloretion, exeept 
thet i¢ etstes thes sleintiff's intestate at the time of the secident 
wae in the exercise of sue eore fer her oom oafety. The saended 
declarstion was flied over « yeuor after the dasth of sicantiff's 
intestets, tut the azuse of «ation is the stme as thot set ont in 
the original declerstion. ‘the time aml eieoe of the socident, 
injuries suctsined, the asnuner of desth, the sherge that the defendant 
was guilty of negligenes in theepercticn of the suteomevile snd the 
fact that tae decesaed Lert ter surviving next of kin whe auffered 
secunicry logs by reanen of her desth, sre identlesi, as origimally 

eharged. . . 
It is ureea tant the deciarction does not state = emouae 

ef setion in that it dees uct «var; Tiret, the exiatence ef =» tuty om 
the part of tre defenmiant te proteet the claintiiff's istestete fram 
the injury comoisined of}; sesend, « fsiiure ef the defendent te serferm 
thst duty; third, an injury to tae sisintiff's intestate frea such 
fatiure; «nd fourth, there if no aliewstion in the dtelerstien that 

the next of kin er vonefielicries “ere free fron neclivence. 

Defendant strenucusiy urges thet it woe the duty of the 
plaintiff? te ost forth in her desleretica wh«t duty the defendant awed 
the plaintiff's intestate, 4 nusber of saves invelWAMEo the lisbility 
of eeployers by rerson of theiy fsliuve te furnish « gate slaee te 
work and proper apclianees, arc elted, tut these gegen sre whally 
foreign to thie sert of = precesding. there wag uc duty on the sart 
of the driver of the er, the defendant here, te croteet slebmtiff's 
intestate, wut thers was » duty to dvive the cor in « voreful, preper 
fanner 8H thet cleintiffte intestste would not be injured. This 
allegation is eontsined in the deelorstion. 

to Rests a 2 ee YG au 
eo ae 
= i? Vite p. 
, Ded in als Wey 3 

te Siterh ent Yo toacet yd ‘smog. ui nis pese 


Motdw A865 gi yYrounet hassy cow ao kienceeb bebaape « 
pn, BROS aad tore ipsb Avndybte eis to vbrow ent a2 ylies 
p AR Kel Sd? Yo wndd ot @e ofntuapad al assndate dadt words tt teat 
H bobase Qf. ae her mr jet) Wieet eb to ontorexs edt ml een 
» BI etataks to dteeh edt cathe xeey 2 neve Gelst pew — 
Ak tuo #90 dole ae rem esd as ao koi Serene a addi 

"ont ven eliceadn. aiid 6. Semen a eonny 

told totdenstooh ode it slowed ou ove erat Ao 

si svonsy tigen mov? ext ores, “eet | han 
tt ‘te ‘yiud ait sow Ww ded sogte Uewounete dani i 
{ dove tnabas'te oat wee teow hesimapegen ie wt on rh thay ] 


“Ulosin os td eee ee im 
 ianey edt me ‘Yeah on baw OORT” pees Pe 
ha ee i ‘ 
otht itary sosstorq ot wrod dante farbaoted edt 92 2 od te 2 a 

The 2lleged fallare of the cisintiff te clesd in ite 
declaration the segond slieged error, namely, the failure of the 
defendant to verform the duty of protecting the sleinsiff's intestote 
and alee the third assignaent ef errer, namely, thet the deceleration 
Senteined uo gharge thet pisintiff's intestate m9 iajwred by reasen 
of the feilure of the defendant te furnish the oreper pretestion, 
are ali based upon the mile snneunced im the eapleyer saces and, 
a8 Siresdy stated, these oneca sre not eustedming or in seoint in an 
agtion euch se the ane before we. 

sefendant ingliste thet the deeloretion sentelned ne 
shorge that the next of kin er beneficisrlee vere free from negligenes, 
in augpert of this sontention defendont sites © number of eseea ine 
volving injuries to ohiidren «here the negligence of the cerente is 

® quéstian to be considered, ond relies uvon the some of Selden v. 
Seniey, 271 fli. App. 158, and siwlisr exces. These aeses invelved 

facets from whieh it appeared thet the «utemobile eae driven by the 
next of kin of the desaxeed, Thera is nothing in the reeerd before 
us which would indieete in any senner thet the defendant seehia 
Lichtenstein ese in any wey releted to clainthif's imteetate or 
numbered ageng her next af kin. 

There appeurs to huve been teo trisle resulting in 
fever of the plaintiff. “%¢ see no receen fer disturbing the present 
judguent end for the recsons stated in this opinion the judonent 
of the Superior Court ia affirmed. 


HAbb, Peds BUG Te BB ley Ps WEAR ie 

ati ai Beale o¢ Uieldnteia et to sxmliet boyeile eit 
| sud to oruiint edt .ylemen .rorrs “Dogette bnotwe eft aod ‘ ‘ oat 
 «ftetestak et iivately sid yaitostoug to yYud sae axetiae "os baakusteb 
| febbbsedtons dud dead .yloned yeorse Yo drdumpdoda Behdd ott cake hen 
neeeet yd béxubal enw stetesdnl otYhidmiels todd sptode on beakednes 
eo ktootety +8q0te eg ‘Aginrat of taabasteb att Yo oruliat odd to 
«be eonds rewlqns sa? 22 beenvenae elar ode aoge beusd ifs exe 
me ai babee #2 vo gelniotanve ton ets #oane onde eboitote yboorie se 
way sroted eto emt ex aon notte 
om dDenketmoe aoigeraioeh sit pede atetiat taebastet a 
senogtines moxt oext ere asireiesteaed to als te $00 out fot + egaal 
<i esses to esduun 2 astio taabasteb nokta toe elds to #recawe aI 
al pion art Yo sousgliven ets exes arbi ide ot seduubect sseist 
Sv geblor to dase adt aocs setlex bee eberabienco ‘ed 0b mokdaonp a 
hevleval goes9 ooed? apace taikute dee g@Ol ngg® 6 ltt rey 29, s 
edé yi mevir so aLitomeeua ait todd daxeseqe #2 cindy moet efor? 
eroted broeet sd? ai gakddon ai axed? .Segonemh ef? be ait to teem | 
aliget gastesteh edt dod? tome yan af otaedbal bisow dodde em 
xO sfndeotal et semkols wt Sadstos You yas mL saw atotonstsods 
paid ke doe tod yagma hewedae 
wi unten: en ont seed ovad of avanqgs eradt © ou, 5 
taveer1g edt gaidcudeth tot soacoy of ona of ¢thitabaty act Yo vent 
duewghy, off goluiqo eis? af bytete enousee ad? tot bac enemghat 
cae aa ik free cn ont 30 ] 
| ptt RA i ttt 

3 % 58 , 
itt ondige tiga 4 


ye haat * Son Nee Pedi Pe 
ergs wl Caw Bite ‘oye? Cai a oe 

sega) ey, (os 

GALT Bie OGRrs ARY » LR ay & ; fk oe 



a Sorperstion, 

oe Lhe 

ippeliont.e 2 ¢ 4 I. JA. 6 60" 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 

fhe isht orug Vemcony, ine., © Gergerstion, vreuckt 
ite setian on an ineursnee poliley aceinst the defend=nt Gontinent«eL 
Gesvelty Gomceny, under waich the siaiatiff waa ineured ageinet 
lose by roboery. The sourt found sxsinst defendant end ageessed 
demeges of 505, A Sony of the coliey waa ctteo ed to the etatenent 
of ginim. ‘The woliey centsine the orevisien thet the sresf of Lees 
shell be furnished the oououny within O°: dnye after the diesevery 
of the Lowa. 

Gpen the trisl one Gimmens testitied thet he wa the 
manager ef the company snd taist he was hele uy ip sn slley took of 
his howe anit robbed of “G5, white it a0 slsined «ue the aoney ef 
the plaintiff. He testified that ee setified the selice and the 
ingurenes camgany; thet he never filed spy legs in «riting but gore 
* gianed state ent to the adjuster of the defenicnt cowsany; thet 
he €id not read the etetenent eigned by him. ‘thie was the only 
teatimeny Gunterning proof of loeas aé teoulred by the ooiiey. 

At the ena of the pleintiff'’s exse the Gefendent cought 
to introdues ia evidenes a signed statement by the witneas a6 te 
whet teok plate, whith th court refused to «<dmit in evidence. This 
Signed atetezsnt wa the only @videnes af 2» praof ef lewa by the 

Plaintiff and in our eoinion wee essentinl far the curpese of proof 

fuihes Letapattaod ) taehaetod ¢ omg sandonge SMS: 

Jom ates 

Tact gaukotmua 
Vi Fee i Ri wu C fe 4 

$e Se Tv 

agit oxy0 thys 

ws me seer yh doe beLtt “notntao 
Me 2, ie i 

.PiUOO ANE YO HOLATGO ane aana¥ Lis nea verry wa ) Of 
: I on Ga Soak ie 
adguord eho dtavan ses & yaOek steno word te sat sah 

¥ Rid ae ce 

a8 bas dusbaoted $e 

wares Testy 

cae ould of hovontte ir me ut Ye 
peed to 2eors., eae tosis fo kesvory, end ak 

cele 4 a 

“yreveoeth oat negte eyEb 08 akdtin Yameman oFi4 

ERG MORON Oe Me Mee Sees ORR Ta) > Nees 
odt eam au tod tertatest acount Oe . 

te woud wise, we ak ass Mad ver. od feat} A rege 

oi? tne aotlog ode beiti¢on oq toate ne kk 
areg fut atte Ad erol yao belit copes cs . ‘4 
tet aYooemen snehaeted oat Rial rete be ont oF te see 904 is 
vino edt sew eid’ be phate ody hove fom 
eNollog ont ys boxdupes ee cook te taoen gaierseace a 
teuos taabastob ont oeno ‘etttgatese ent to bie one tA 

of oe seentin edd yd tnenet ete bom te, & BF ase 

in compliance with the selicy. ‘The eeuse ene tried by the eeurt 
without « jury «nd there wen no reeson for not sdmitting thia in 
evidence. It helped te bear out pisintiff's avn enas end we eannet 
understand why an abjection was asde te ite eimiestbhlity. It 
eonteained the stxtement that Siamens eca the owner of the business 
nad took the money for his omn uss. hile it w2e contradictery te 
the etatement that the money waa thet of the sleintif’, it woe alse 
evidenee of the fact of notice of raebbery to the defendant end this 
neotioe wr2 in vritinge 
The sleim ia for 0.65 ond it is unfortunste that « 
gegend trinld showld be recuired tut, in our ccinior, the judguent 
should be reversed, 
a6 S78 HOt aided in arriving ot ovr ¢oneluaion by 
briefs on the part of the slsintiff. 
guent af the Munidginsl Ceurt ie reversed snd 
the csuse is remanded fur « sew trinle 


Penal ov has enue sme aireitutaty den: uanghian tented #8 s2e00blve 
hs tLkitee inde ett of sham esw moktontdo mn yin baeterebaw 
nasateud ait Yo tamwe Od? as euomNte Sect trenadede edt benkebnwe 
Sebortmon ene $f Bei toy ano elit vot yorion oat oo? hae 
eolk” ‘eew tk eres ard te sant ane yatom ott dent taomotate ett 
etsy tar saabantob | of Yredder to seston te toe? edt to vomebave 
1a sapitece nt con satton 

8 todd otenutrotay of 9 bale 88 aOR af minke sift | 

wee > Say Uae aha ase 
suomabut, ould swodnice 0 ad atu borkuner ad Bivode inixt mag 

“ moleuionas mae to gukebrss aa 
if OS eatimiade edt to teeq odd ae 

and teeters vt tweed Lon tolau® odd Yo turegbet 
mm oes jkebs? wen 2 vot Dh 

} i F q a od, ¥ f, ry Popo ied a 
ag va vy if Fish bade Mee Cia aea eae So a 

otk ait al 

nos f vk HAR 
Magee She SOS eh oll rea 
| | Or ATR Mhey He 
ay Reed i capri Bias ee a aati | aN sacle site ubecoab ay or poe “ yi i pg 
: bail 
vel to Scare # tw aiARws eae het ne | 


Ret murs Rok Sa oR ei imeRs) Mia: Seis bal m8 nosed we i 


a. ie 

N fe 



27 FTN 661 

Opinion filed March 14, 1934 



Appellee, * 
ApoP@la ant 
Plaiptiff reeevered 2 juienent seainet the defendant in 
the Superior Vourt for 1590 in sm 2etien in treseass on the cage 
fer sersonsi injuries. 
The evidence ahora that the oleintiff while walking 
aLeng s sidewslk in the Jity of Chieses sdjacent to the theatre 
building crned snd spercted sy the defendant, waa atruck by a 
heevy sign whieh fell from the buliding ond injured ber. Upen the 
trial the jury found the iecuca in fever of the claiatiff end assesced 
her dewages ot the sum of 9,0. Fisintiff entered =< remitti¢ur ef 
8500 snd « judguent ese entered on the verdiet after remittitur. 
Thie oage hee been twiee tried acd in ec¢h inetence 
resulted in favor of the plaintiff. the firet judgment wes fer 13,590 
and on eppesl to this seurt the judgment »=s reveraed. The onus 
is sow here on ® s@nend sppesi, ‘The eriginel setion wx. reversed 
beenuse of the testimony of en expert eitmess besed upon an x-rey 
phétare which indiested « fracture of the foet of the slsintiff. This 
witness testified thet in his cvinicn, from an exemination of the x=ray 
gdoture, the fracture ete the result of the eanident. ‘Another and 
Sifferent pleture txken on the day of the seaident eas intredweed in 
evidence shich showed the frecture wae en old end not » new fracture. 
Cefendent contemis here that the cleaintiff esnnet reeever 

on the doctrine of res jose loguitur besouse of the feat that specific 

eats of negligence were charged in the voricus counts of the deslera- 
tion; thet the evidence dees not supsert the verdict; that the verdict 

x | | : 
oo onote 

she : age? ~ ee 
hcomeaath pe t ‘ Siew s v 

sTHUOD sonny 

YaOthrE ys 

séeLl .Sf dorsM beLlit ao tatqo 

stnasiogas ish Whe 
otauen WUT WO KOTMIAG ANT HRC TT TE sons KorTeus, mu nae 

ak tnebaoted ong tenden: saemgiat + bexsvoone ar ea aa 
FS) OR pee 

‘ean0 si? 20 pRequor? xt mottos as ef ORBL! wor trol redzequs wt 

? woe data iesooreg set 
 publine eLbdw Tibtabesg eit tats erode commbaye gat 

ee pei red tri ty bas pking, one most £20, stele ys 
||| Beagease ban Btidatelg 9? ko covet mk powok oct baneso® eat ae Lotet 
| to euttetinos © boretae Mitades 2000468 Yo mine, ae t8 seyemel . ° 
stent hee ines sedis tesbuev ot. m0 hosetas aw bateiagherk: 2 s pony ’ 
| Gonetenk dene ai bin belt? eetut seed eat snen eae 
008,52 tot eoy snemghwt teett odt .ttededy oe te rove? mh etiveer 
Gene oT abaotreves anv danagin oat? tren eke ov eee i 
heerever new motfor Lentgine edt «lengge beeper 4 a0 oret ena ; 
/ York se mou boast oxantin droyen an Yo YromAteed edt To sanodd 
ald? .¥tdtaiels oft to seot edt to seuteett. » hetootbak — oxurate 
|) Yer-x edt Yo soltentmers ax mort wolaigo etd at fads oitatend : 
Hh bas tedtoa’ .dnobtoos ot Yo tiuser at ow sxutenc? edt 

ssrutoes? wea o tox Bac bo ae eew etetoes? ade hawode detdw 
sevens: gore Thitainle edt ted? ored ahrodnoo aanccounel 

-—errleoh edé Be siteuroo awnksoy ad ak hnguaee one: vomege 
I  tebbasy edt dost prothrer oft Pranqun toa sock ooneb ive 4 

is exeeasive and thet the court admitted iaprener evidense. fac¢h 
of these objeetions wis presented on the former sso8al ts this eourt. 
We held in that esse, Jen. Ko. 26199, Jovies v. Sorke Srothers 
Thectreg, that the evidence wou admiseible under the dealaration, and 
the same situstion ¢@xzists uwoon thie agoeel, ‘© sec no reseon for 
ehanging cur opinion in thet regard, The evidense upon the tricl in 
the cause now pending before us is very much the same «¢ thet upon 
the eriginel hearing and we eee no reason for disturbing the verdict 
by reason thersef, 

fae first vwargict wus for 94,599 and the second verdiet 
was for ©9,000. %e# do not sensider this verdict excessive. The 
game evidence objected te on the previous hearing exsept that gert«in« 
ing to the x-rsy gieture wes «ddueed st the trisl below om the second 
hearing ef the cause end the reasons edyaneed for sustaining the 
rulings thereon in the first ense are sopliesble to the situation as 
it ie new presented to us on the second aovesl. foo juries have 
sagaeé upon the questions of negiisence ond their verdiets heve been 
sustcsined in each inatenee. fhe error in the former ease heving been 
corrested ani there being no new or different cmestions raised on 
this eppesl from these presented on the origins] hearing «f the couse 
in this court, the jwigment of the Superier Sourt is sffirmed. 



doe! ,ssnebive receroas boddiabe orweo add? teat baw ovlessexe ie 
stron aldt of Lesces temve? ef? ao batneeéeq sew snolteetdo ened to 
4 ~tiadier sdzat “¥ godrcl sO8L0S vod omod 8589 vim 8 Sie 
| me Holteralook odd cobay pidiseiahs een eauebive ade ted f toed’ 
| Toh cme ner a6 AK Oo cht MLK aOGe wtedee sostoutie omen odd 
ai Laivt oft now oonebive off .bregen dete wi motntge tuo goiguade 
goo tedt ev tooe oft dow yvev aL ev aanted gudbasg. woa tages ed? 
fobbroy off gnisinude it rel aonnet on oon gw feo patresd dendgiso edt 
_shoorode: amnegns it 
tolbsey haoore off ban OC4,52 tol eer, sitiidinith on 
edd .avisasoxe teibrev aldé? tebinaoe toa ab af it ee 
watedreg dad? sqoone gaitaed evodveny od¢ me af iS iiians ehive emes 
dit gaintedeue 102 hesanvbe enoacot oat bas seuso ad? Yo. gabzand 
ae coltouthe 63 of aideaiieage ors pene dwndt adt ab anetedt s r mt 
evad asitat ov? sleaqne Sappes ad? an ev oF beduonerg wom ah p2 
stead ovat edviduey tiedt bur seasgtigen te aaedtennp odé moqa besmeq 
| toed gukwsdt Ouse reemOt odd wt tome OAT ySonnteRt dome at hembatwm 
| #0 bowler enottwaup tasxatRth xo wen on waded exodt han hetevene 
anuse edt to gaiteod Leatgdes wid oo betaorave wabddd wert Lengqe., 
»bemtkia et tuve0 ceteequl edt Ye tomo st ara att 


37013 a i” 

¥,. #7, BACKSTROR and FF, BACKSTHUM, o> 
doing business as FF. ¥F. BACKS THOM & BOM, 


Defendants in Srrer, # ft. 
ve, } 
} OF altaan’ 

a Corporatian, ; 
Plaintiff in krrer. ) &® Py + OR 


Plaintiffs sued in an action ef contract for the purdhace 
price as agreed of « speelally constructed gathering magiine manue 
factured for defendant under the terme of a written contract dated 
Jaly 31, 1928. In their statement of claim they set up the written 
eontract verbatin, and averred that the machine was constructed in 
conforsity with ite terme and wae delivered te defendant September 
7, 1985, and aceected by it; that defendant used the machine fer 
some months tut refused to pay for it as agreed, 

The affidavit of merite admite the execution of the contract 
and the delivery of the machine on Geptesber 7, 1926, (seven days 
later than the time named in the contract), but alleges that the 
machine was defective and failed to perform the werk for whieh it 7 
was deeigned; that plaintiffs attempted to repair the same but were 
unable to make it comply with the terme of the contract; that de- 
fendant then tendered it back, but that piaintiffe refused te ace 
gent it, whereupon defeniant stored it in a public warehouse and 
notified plaintiffe of ite aetion. ‘The affidavit denied that any- 
thing wae due, 

There was a trial by jury and a werdict fer plaintiffs in 
the sum of $2000 (the gontract price of the machine), upon which 
the court, everruling motions fer a new trial and in arrest, entered 

Sadgment, to reverse whieh defendant sued out this writ of errer. 

Defendant argues that the verdict is contrary te the manifest 

a } j cs “a manptbat 3 fae BOHTGAVAG ,F% 
4 i » WO A MONTSAGAL . 4% an euenland nie 
town ad ad nahae ted 

ev mek 

om i THAR TOIAVEL ema roaav ll 
ry a0 A T AY el a. Yitswiast whip ny 
® o A “ a. PW avn ait 

i ee 


eeadotig x? x0’! Sowrtaos ‘te seltoe ma af boue wruisatacs | 


» RAS 

sutiem saidoum galtedéay hetosiwteaes ¢iiatoecs a to beetye. “ en 
betab teats nee Misia a te sored ent thaw tog sae leh 20% betutent 
neiticr sy qu ee yeuid aialo te 2 pasta en thot al 680s Sad yeast 
me betourdance nae onbrioane oad facia horrevs he sahtadgor . 

xodassqos Saebao led at hetevilon aew hae ented adh Moke eterna 
bi sak osm aly beau Sanbae too tute isi got hetqueen hue .B30L 4f 
~beotge ea a tot weg ot haas tot oud. aGs hos OmOR 

doatines edd Yo aoltusens acid eatube eelrem 16 Shwabivas OFF oo yw) 
aysh meven ) O38L .? we ding 3 g88 a0 eaksionas ont ‘to previ ied, Pah hme 
ond tut seynits tud , (dnentae oat a hogan quht out. onde. nt 

tk dolaw uot xvew one sro'te¢ ay be thw heap grtganyzes ee ® 

orev tud eswe vai ahem of hetanezes wriaead wig tas simi me 
“oh Sax? joes a00 eety te aunted ons cithe gioues #h odam 2 otdagm 

-o0 of ‘beeutex athisalete teitd sud goad +h ‘iraned me cid inabast 

Baa eeupsiotow oliduq # a $i Beuede fiaahas tab Roc uete er #2 me 

wyte tact pelvod styebirte est xylose ef2 te ehtealate okt ha, 
at wttignteda 12 tolhxev a baa yuwl, gt falas « eow oni: 
dolde aoqu ,(oatdoam oft to eoixg soantaoo sit) O0RE to ae 
heteian ,feorxe at ban Lait? wea a tot enoltom yablarerew oe 
torte to sizw elds tue howe saghaeted dotede saree ot hea 

teortnnn edt of ytnttaos a2 tolbuey eds fant sevgia dimhae tod a 

weight of the evidence; that the court erred in its ruling on the 
aduiesion and rejection of evidense, in denying the motion of de- 
fendant te declare a sistrial, im refusing to give inetructions 
@ubmitted by defendant and in refueling te mark certain eritten 
instructions submitted by defendant ae “given” or “refused,” as 
Yeguired by seetion 74 af chap, 110 ef Cabill's Tll+ Kev. Siete, 1999. 

As to thie lsat peint it is sufficient te ray that tke 
record discloses that the court instructed the fury erally secerd- 
ing to the oraeties ef the Hunicipsl court in thet resgest, and 
that no objestion was made or exeeotion taken to the same ae 
given nor request wade by defendant fer further oral instruetiens, 
Further, an exacinatlon of the record indicates that the written 
instructions wiich appear thorein vere never in fact presented te 
the trial judge at all. There wae a request in writing at the 
close of all the evidenee for an instructed verdict fer defendant, 
whieh was denied, Apparentiy neither the court ner spvesing 
eounsel was ever given the oopertuniiy te see the sileged written 
inetruetions tendered, Such being the state of the reeerd, the 
Point is wholly witheut merit. 

The peint urged aa to the dtnisai of the motion for the 
withdrawal of a juror and for a deciaration ef a mistrial is sise 
witheut merit, The ground for the motion was an answer meade by 
witness Jenn Condon, a former empleyee of defendant, whe had 
charge of the machine during the time it wae used by defendant. 
Condon's evidence sheuld have been preduced as a part of plain- 
tiffe’ original case, but the court in the exereise of ite dis- 
eretion permitted his to testify in rebuttal. His testineny was 
very favorable to plaintiffs, and he was subjected to a severe 
exrose exemination, in the course of which soungel ror defendant 
guestioned him as follews: 

*Q. Backstrom gave you some money, didn’t he? A. No,eir. 
Qe Promised you some, didn't he? A. Se, ®ir, only Ben 

salt ae putivux afi al bere smo» one all jegreb hye ont te ? , 
“oh te Bolton odd garynoh ‘pl ,wouk ve te melvootet ban antenkehe 
enoljounseat evita of pilevtet at ,leintete # exelobh ef hen 

aetiiiw uistieo Aram ot yater‘tet al haa tmehan'tas er hese] Bs f ‘ 
| ga * benctor so “aévig" oa tantmeteh ye bert tncwe anol sootiaat 
ORCL ed8 ves *£IE e' £2hded Yo OLE Gets to av aeltoes yd hewkopet 
ect Sass Yeo of taplol tue of th taieg fend elit ef eA 
ehteosa eliero vtet Sid setisiebeni Saves on? fer? pexofoalh brevet 
“bis Sosqeex Jad? uF twos foyintad ode ‘te onltewry oH of gat 
ge omen ea? of amtier aoltyhoks te chet ame wpstedide 6h Pant” 
Jeueitowniant seve ‘Terre? sot tnesen eb Ya ohae Haoimer Toit BOWE 
‘ae¥ehaw ot} sail? totwolbnt trooe anit th nebtentnaxs an were 
et Levheeste toot at aeven Grow hletédd dengik’ ded ane bryetrenl 
gay Ga giketaw at deokpen @ asl breath © ie te oybul faked ext 
faebus'teh tot tolixvey bofewrtemt me to? oakesive ewe Lika to esets 
gateoqeo toa Cribs och tengton Yldesuagy@k Jbatites’ ene tobe 
gbsitaw begeile edt bow oF yPinerronye wd Rerdy 29ve mew Lennwos 
‘pitt [buoner ex? ve odate on? y gated ‘out kexohaed onottonannt 
wally | tives tuodslw yitede wk sae 
‘edt tor aeivon adt 10 Lelooh odd of an beyee tml oq wall oon 
‘pris ab fetveetm » to meltetvfoed » vet baa Semel « te Tewwtbagty 
‘Yd whos towame Re baw sottow oAv XOT Huwwty OMT toed onthe 
Bad ofr | sobbasrhh te seye Lene wentrot 2 ,abbsnd mist agony h 
Vthobie'teb YW beew eaw $2 omit oi yatiut eateoaa 6H2' to: april 
indietig Yo dng w be baokndty Oe OFA bLwets eonOe hve ot hat 
egib afi to eelovexe ond al dtuen oft Sad one kents)te "eRe 
anw Yacsiteet eth  .iettucer th _titasd of ate saiahmnetaial pe 
‘proves B of basset new st baw ne eins f 

4 i 
aa eed 
ne. Bs! 
1 i 

—————— = 


CASO NS Pea TENE hate me te ells expebatelte’ ‘pee 
wet ylno tie ,of 4A fet et ahibh ,ome pero ob 

Ben Hithelz was the secretary of defendant, ond the anewer was an 
accusation that he tad tried to bribe tne witness. Defendant made 
a motion to strike out the anewer, and the court erdered that the 
last part of it should be etricken as mot respensive., Defendant 
then made its motion to vltairay a juror and to declare a mistrial, 
which was denied. As & watter of Tast, upon re-examination the 
witnees Cendon, without objection by defendant, teztified in detail 
to an interview with Rithele, in which KRithols offored witness 
money for faverable testimeny and suggeztsd that he might go out of 
town te avoid testifying. Defendant cress-exacined Condon as to 
thia conversation, and Benjasin Hithelaz in surrebuttal testifbed, 
denying that any such conversation took plaee. Prebably the 
testisony had much influsnee upon tie verdict of the jury, but the 
conversation was material and relevant, and it was for the jury to 
pass upon the facts. 

Pisintiffes offered evidence tending te shew that «et the 
time the machine wae delivered te defendant a one-half horse-pewer 
moter was attached therete; that the power furnished by this motot 
was ineulficient and wae the cause of the failure of the machine te 
do the work as previded by the contract; that plaintiffs thereupon 
purchased and delivered a three horse-power motor with a speed ree 
ducer, ani that when this waa attached the maguine functioned 
properly. it is urged that this evidense wae inadwiseible upon 
the theery that 1% waried the terme of the written esontract. The 
eontract said nothing whatever about what kind of moter sheuld be 
atteched to the machine, aud the transaction with reference to the 
substitution of motors ocourred Leng after the execution of the 
contract and after the aachiine was delivered. The admission of 
this evidence 414 met viclate the rule againet receiving parol 

evidense to vary the terme of the written eontract, since the 

transaction was not prier te or gontenporaneous with the making 

| a 

me eeW tewens of? has , sashes teh to qratetess ond saw elodted met 
Sham ganhusted .aaratiw odd edbad of ‘beitd hed ad daca meldasion” 
ext sat hoxebxe éxioo ef? baa townie add Jug atitia 9 nolicn a 
dnabmetet cevienoques fen ta meiolede ef hivede #1 26 suka Saal” 
efatiteta 2 etalsob ot bas sort & werbsd be og cotson "aah ehom anne 
exit ‘netésntaaxe=o7 noqx dot to woddem & oA bolaoh naw Hobie 
Ltetoh at heliisost ,sasbae'ted yd molioetds thediiw ,acbned eeeatiw 
| sevatin bow The aiosia ia dodcw mi ,wfeteha atte wolvrstal an 6” 
te tuo oy 9 bm od dusis hethewmun haw ymoaiseed eiveveve’t ot yoann 
ot ei ‘pobaod boa! naxe-cnaxs ‘Pasbuoted \pabytieesd hheve’ od" awed’ 
hoktizece fatéuderrue ak alodsha mobos tenet hae .tokdaeteraao akag 

ae ous Yidadort 2098 Le oot noliserevato itoue yaa tant gatyus 
ous ed wut one ‘te solbiey ‘ond opqis some ltak 89 wi bart aonmtined 
on yuh | ond sot. sew aa bas Sentara bus tabieden bow ‘ol sana wo 
| " atoe® odd oi ses 
est te tens ‘wee of gntboss ‘sonebive bore'tte ettivatate °°?” 
aevoq-se700 Risd-sno a tashasteh of bereviles ene entioom odd wuld 
tovom alss ed bese horvut Torey act tastt jo¢eredd bettost$e aaw “cofoa 
et walAoae erg to oiwtist edt to seuwe ont sew hae gastolYieead av 
moquetasit eriismiaig gadd séentdaes oi? Yd behivetq as ‘htow odd ob 
29% beage a ifiw totem rewon~sared works » hover! tes has baanigaag 
bouol Sonn ont puss ails bedead an ase atdt aedw cade ba Coed 
oven oldtasiubaat anew sonebive ‘ehuy tase fags al a ¢ 
ant ‘stowns soe angaice es to amzed odd boteev 42 tasd yt : 

od bivede xovem Yo babs jade tueda tovedade yakdson Bisa aed 
ons ot soawre to dotw nelévsnaatd ‘ed? baa .eakdpan ond oF + be. an 
‘ent te soltunexe sid ‘soften anos betiwose exedon te ‘wal tus Hhadite 
ts aoluciabs oat .henevileh saw edi dons ong wha poe ¥ a 
Loreen aatylesex dealeye eden ‘ead lacy tou pie’ iui ty 

eas soaks 1 Soarsnee augg2 tee ert? to awusd oe bral ‘of ‘eoashive 

: Airs ch ae 
Neer ade naae euccmace quednes 008 faire maw sign 

ieee: ie: 


ef the contract. 

The contrelliing question in the onae is raised by the dete 
fendent's firet point (wiien we consider last), namely, that the 
verdict of the jury ie eontrary to the manifest weight of the 
evidence, Many ensee ars cited in the brief te the effeet that 
dt im the duty of this court te reverse a Judgment besed upen euch 
®& verdict. ‘there ie ne doubt that this Lo the rule, Here, the 
evidence shewe that thie gechine was conatructed aceording te the 
terme of ao written contract; thai Lt was delivered te defendant snd 
used by 1t for aoue comeiderabie time. ‘the torme of the contract 
ealied for a “postal card gathering waviine to coneieat of five 
unite,” woieh when completed wae “to be fully capadle of gathering 
tuirty (3) different pestal cards or similiar watter, se that opera« 
ters engaged at the aid of the delivery ciiain of this machine may 
be able to viek wo wnite esneisting of thirty (30) sarde or sixniler 
watter and insert thes in envelopes fer audling,® The written eon- 
tract further provided that the machine was to have a speed of 8 
R, P, &., aod that the feed was te be we constructed that only ene 
gard, or #elmiler matter, would come out at a time; that the double 
chain wan to be we arranged and timed that a eard, or einilar mate 
ter, eoming out of the firet feed tox would, by the time it reached 
the jast feed box, have a Tull assortment of 30 saris, or similar 
sniiun, ‘erin each Teed box, 

The gontraet reeited that 14 was the intention to eonstruet 
the gachine in «a manner based ugon “a erude uwedel* sede by plain- 
tiffe, but that it wae made « condition that thie model was merely 
& suggestion and wet to be sonetrued ag binding defendant im amy 
way. The contract stated: 

"You are te cometragt « magnine teat will de tue werk we 
intend te get fraw it, vis.; to gather thirty (50) pest carde or 
similar matter at the epeed mentioned, snd in & marmer stated abeve, 
“tn witt danubtieos. neeeasitate a large number ef changes in the 


i : 
tft ee 

F re Be ony fj PO aN 
“aed orld w banter al enao ostt wh wodtanwy gad Efarsaeo ett 
“eet Sade etoaea (tend wh tasoa ow sio2ow) tatog fast ® ‘gaahaay 
gilt Ye tidy tow susitace est of Cuattaee ut cut, nas. t9 fal as 

tend ‘favtte ond of Ywind bd at begs one sence awit sbonnbive 
eh MEY 

alone age heasd dnomubut « sea von os Jxm0s nue te xten as a at 
‘anid ‘orsl oehet odd as has baad tasor on ak oundtt _sodieney 4 
ans oe palbrocos bedoursoaen aaw oltiaon ohais fade “amass epanbt 8 
hows tnabae’tob of bore vistas eer 2 dats Hosssaoo mond tee « 10 8 tae 
toarines ‘ody %e ates oat : wink okies bhanon od aot ¢ ww zat 

4 PRE 
i i eek * 
“exh? te dslenco of seam antredl iad bxse inteon" 8 Restle: 4 
gabtestag % pidages’ yee} nd at mew beveigaoa sancioe oohow Bi 

~at0G0. bald o@ 1 Td dest 6 fide x0 abtos taveoa done ab (E 7 gate 
wou ‘@ahipsn aid? 29 mbes canvh Sed ons ve bine eats a Segense tet 

reeks a 

telinle t@ abtas (08) eerisia Xe pabealenme edtaw bio dotg of 6ida od 
«nop mpgtiaw oat * wal then aot agnokevie an aed repent sae tetas 
1G Yo beags @ ered of saw onlsons out suits hapiverg rsd? re) 

ait xine dadd hetowrten09 on ni of? taw bee ode rest See at A =! 
‘pkduob edd Sasi? jones o ta tH dal biwow stadies XeLinis me ama 
tas telials 1a shuns a dade beans haw baguette oe a of aww miods phede 
hedowet of anil 5 ‘eait “s shisow xod boot sand ps te fig aed 
testa ‘0 sebreo | 08 we anna ouse Liat & ova! eH08 eg ? 
nord boot ivan wore a 
towsdanon of molt omg ad xis oo gk toss begiens, teesdao0 oat 
nate te x shaw *fobos anwte ae aoge | boas some at advan 
ulbxen aew foboa odds seule woas sbaoe 2 aha sas ab tat o ” le 

“ao at baabaohe’ sabbaid as » brurdenen of a fon hae aed 

3 ae th Ae. ® 


aw as otis ‘eb tit jada’ ‘onkinan. a ‘tovnnee 2 
| te shaeo. tang (02), yanked settee? Pow 

mv ods fetase seanem a al ban ,beaoliaem & 

asi? gd aaqemato 2a wodmum equal 6" 

Benjamin hithelz, e@ecretary ef defeniant corveration and 
aleo a lawyer, drew this centract with suggestions from /. 
Backetrom. vefeniant produced many witnesses, for the sest part 
ite own saployees, “ho tezgititied to facts tending te shew that the 
machine did net *uiriai the veguirements ubove stated, The tes- 
timony of ¥. Baskatrom, whe had charge of the matter fer plain- 
tiffs, was to the effect, a5 already stated, that when the msehine 
wae Tiret delivered a one-huil serse-gewer motor waa aiteoahed 
weich sik /attisient, aud that wneu the thres heree-power whick he 
gupriied was attached ith a speed reducer the machine worked in 
euch a way as te ecompls vith all the requirenente of the sontract, 
He testifies in evukstance that the machine wae declared te be 
aatisfactory; that he was promised payagent by Rithels, and that 
it wae only after frequent requests fer the purehase priee, and as 
late ae February of the following year, that the defense was 
raise’ which was interpoved at the trial. Jie is correborated by 
the testimony of John Condon, at the time ef the trial empleyed 
ae manager ef the multigraph devarteent of Sears, Roehuek & Game 
pany, and whe had werked for defendant from Gepteaher 20, 1926, te 
Boveuber 15, 1924, hen he left ite expleyuent. 

Condom says that when the meciine wae delivered he was put 
in charge of it by Ben Kithela; that when the ewiteh was turned on 
the machine would net run; thai 14 was impossible to run it with 
the moter that was hooked up with it; that they (Backetrom, Yilliam 
Deckert and the witness) dismantled the macsine te see whether 
there was anything wreng with the meter, or whether any scart wae 

binding; that they found thet the parte moved frecly and decided to 

put a three horse-pover moter on the machine; that this was done and 

& *peed reducer put om; tat the maghine ran and that the result 

of the teste wae omtirely satisfeetery; that the machine was run 

approezinately two monthe until the work of the season was Soup] eted. 

——————__— - 

bas aelistociow goxhae leh to yiudetese ,alodthA ahantoed 
(2 mor? ancldeoggwe Atl seaxtase alsa work (toywel @ cola 
“Peay feom ett tot jseaeoasiw yams Besubowg duadro'teC .mottedont 
add tuit Woke of gnidned edoct vi aeliidasd ollw ,wedyetame twe adh 
eased eat .bedate Svoda atoeamcinpet ext Lihidwt gem bis anions 
«eho £4 tot witaw ead te eyiade bud oct jabtdedeat .v th \aomls 
Witold CA? dw tae jbotadd \Sadatn ax ,Joativ ode od egw yaTrhd 
betsadia aew tos om tewog-satox Yivdwead w berevitoh dealt daw 
et doliiw tewot-eptod Se2ng oat new fad! bee ebeatian et dole 
“ab hodtow elise ont sesuboxr besga & déliv badostia saw bottanue 
fsattaos ond to a4 coum tLupet ade ife dtiv etewes ot ge ‘aw 2 foue 
‘ed of hotatoeh aew onidvoi ood tad? soneteduy ai anbtisesd of 
doit tos Reith yd tasnyeq boekmorg saw of Jaks pyrotoetelien 
as hae ,eoitq odasiotug ed “sey ateaupet Sasayert teste “eine anw $t 
Gaw genwlod oft Sead pumey gatwolto? add 1¢ yahendet wa obal 
e¢é betersdotice wf SR felts od? te SOubote tad sae doldw heeled 
hoteique keiz? od? to omit odd be ,abbaCo axol tS yoonIbeed and 
ano) 4 vomddok erase Yo faealtayed sqorgiiion ety to tagemea 4a 
bf SSCL O08 toxuet qed Sort sannae Ish rel Bedvow hud oat Kas (ynsG 
| tasmyelqmy oti FOL ort ansiw ,O8CL BL vedaavel. 
oq eae Od Ketdvites adw'eikcodst oad heb tide egie ‘tobibed” °O* 
(wo Becca? eae codiwe edd made feat fetons 1h nek yd 22 °%0 byxacty ‘at 
diw $i me of e6flecoqat etw #1 tact pat tou 'bivow Satdonm Odd 
makisiW ,sottaxeed) youd sant ;42 thw qu Betdod ent dedt ‘xotom ot 
qedtenw eon 62 onttgew estt be 3 nested (wwwstt ie hase ‘ae ig 
saw Prog Yee seddedw to ,tofom oi? ati gacxe gal 7 
ot bentooh bre Langa devou aig ad Fal bane? deol ‘tbat i 

ie fa, sti tt asit syredactensa | Mi i vs gms naw ats 
| sBidde tases ‘saw Ttowsen ost To Axow oid Khemu wiemoR owe Y Lota 

William Deckert (who at the tine ef the trial wee in buele 
neaes for himeelf but whe in Sentember, 1924, was eupleyed hy de- 
fendant and had werked for it or for véeracne aasociated with it 
for nearly eight years) testified that im the fall of 1928 he was 
ferewan ef defendant snd took care of Gli the ganufacturing machinery 
and mechanical werk, and that witha @ Litthe hein from Conden he made 
the model which wae furnished b) defendant aid by which the machine 
was constructed, He corroborated ¥, Hecketrom with reference te the 
substitution of a three borte-porer apter for the ont-half horse- 
power motor, and eald that the use of the one-half horee-power 
meter ae a mistake; that «hen he found the one-half herree-porer 
moter would not work he called backatrom on the ‘ohene and that 
Hacketrom cane to defendant's olace and put on the aa. P. motor with 
a ageed reducer, after whick the machine ran and wart operated, he 
thougit, about Five days after delivery. He alse said that the uotor 
was tesporarily cennseted with an cla wire lying there so that it 
was net povsible te get out the ao HR. P. Roy thet the eleetrie Line 
wae overiouded and could not give the power needed; toast when gurrie 
eient power wae furnished the machine would wake trem $80 io 82 reve- 
lutions per ainute. i@ enw Condos rum the mnenine Per about two 
monthe, and he neticed Sovak yunning the maghine after Cendan Left. 

On the other hand, Frank Deckert, who Agseribea hiws¢if a8 @ 
teolmaker, and Wovak testify that there were a1] kinds of trouble 
with the machine. Ne says, *“Sonetines it was vorking; sometimes 
they got eards out of there, tometimee they dif net get any at all. 
Semnetiner @ half a dozen in one. i knew that the machine wae sup 
posed to knock out thirty earde at one time, it 414 not knock out 
thirty eards, not all the time.” His testimony a to the precise 
time, waieh wae important, was quite indefinite. 

Mre. Kay Barry, Fo was in September, 1926, on amployee ef 

the defendant sonpany in charge ef the girie whe worked there, 

~teud RE enw fetus ods ‘to pald wat He one) Fxorved mubifie 

-9b ys Beyelque now ORCL ,tedestqee wt ont Jud “Livamtd aot enon 
“9k dite betatveuee waoaxed tet <0 #f tot Bodrow Marl wile “Fas Bee 
“gaw of B8CL ‘te Livy bay ad fad? bo rtidesd (eee ddgie Yhiaen ‘ae 
reaitodm gut wios'turas ei? tle 4 stay deed Naw Pseboe'teb te maustet 
obam oH mobood stot? qied oLftit a deiw tan) waa odtow Lay beucitowat Bele 
enidens od dotiy Ye baa studas'teb cd bodatar't aaw debe Loom ost 
edd of oxete Tox ritiw morteteet NN teswredseron ot “Bedawtd anon ‘aate 
‘<oitsa tfeiesie #2 tGt todem toveq-nened seeds 4 Yo nots Sede 

“ tewog-oer oud “VWod-aae of? Yo. ‘eeu ods Todt bles doe ‘\eotea | 190 
“‘tewog~eetod ‘tivd-an ode asset oH nese deutt sesetela # eaw tote 
Fi sass has node’ 68% a6 worsedent Boies OA Xeon Fond Bivow tasom 

Hil ag tw totea .T il € ws ao s8q how oa ty eteaabinted of eames mottestlat 
. : ry | bad ete qo enw ‘eal cuss eainesa sa) voldv warts Sxeeuber iitee a . 
Hh aoson edd fais bias ‘Gdn sit JYtOvELOR teste ages ovit tuede .fiigalasty 
ik oh dard of ortery yaiys eile blo ae ¢ttv Bedananos Utiotiqaef ‘tile 
eatf oftvense out fete {2% [8 od ode Guo 209 69 osdtvecq Fon Baw 
= Prise nee teas ‘TheBeed “HOG oil} ots ton bidoe tue pdbsétieve die 
~oved $2 of 08 nox? odan Bivew satdoon oily pertataadt naw vewog taste 
ows tvode rot satvious eft nut dofact woe eh” Jetuake 40q enodsul 
ftef aobned defies saidona $a? yakanwe dave® beulddu sa has et om | 
a ae Phonatt aediioash edw ,Stedcet diwst ,huan xsieg oid a” ” 
éiddeis Ye ebdta ted stew Salad '2adh ceeveed ‘deve Vad bdiadeds 
went ronon faalicen sew $2 admtdeaon* joes ie ediliad Gad itis 
fie te yaa #64 son Sib yeaa dsuttemet “joxedd “th dud ebase deg ‘ened 
oque sew oatdpan Gat tox's wont 1° led a ndvoh # Utes Walia 
“gag selon ‘don Bi 92 Somtd Wad te edets CONE Gee Soviet of Seven 
rs, ‘esd 02 #a- cesehaced eit * dake ball fiw ton ,ebees etehits 
orsnsnintn fai teba F ‘etiup saw ta asa eqn. tow etdo vault 
1! wot nn (eres deidun dt 'ni'dae ell eet wR ‘ven at M8 
- orate bodtoe ‘ow eftly ett Xe eytario ‘ae ‘eens fasbae'ts ile 

testified that the carde never cang/right fros the machine; reme- 

times there would be thirteen carda to a set, sometinea thirty, 
sonetiner forty, ond sometimes they would alli ecue and buneh up on 
the belt so they eould net be used; thut ehe repertied te hovak that 
the machine wea out of order but they 414 not wey any attention 

to wheat Bovak did about it. Gre eays they worked on the machine 
and it would mot go; that they had te hire 75 girle toe do tne work 
by hand, and that the machine wae allowed to stand idle. She had 
taiked the case over «ith Nithels, snd she said Ae teld her that 
all she had to do wae te teli the truth, Some sight er nine girls 
employed at the place gave siailar testiaeny, which we shail net 
undertake to disouss in detail. 

Benjanin Kitholz testified sentradicting the testimeny ef 
Backstrom at every point, se identified alleged eouies of lettere 
whien hie stenographer teetified she sent on September 15, October 
2 amd GOetober 12, 1928, im substance informing slaintiifs that the 
machine was wholly unsatisfactory. settere dated February 4, Mareh 
7, and September 14, 19%, Yacketrom said were received, but denied 
that the other letters were ever received by gialntiffres. 

Fitheut diseusaing ali the evidence tr detalii, it may be 

summed up by asying thet several witnesses wuat have testified cither 

falsely or without knowledge. Delendunt argues that the preponder 
anee of the evidence ig in ite favor becauge it enlled a larger 
auniber of witnesses, Ye have, however, often etated that this 
court does net count evidence but weighe 1t. Ae 2 matter of feet, 
Cendon and William Deckert were two withessen whe were apparently 
finaneially disinterestéd «id whe had complete knowledge of what 
trangpired., If the testimony of Hithels ie true (lawyer se he was) 
it seene highly prebsable that upem rejecting the machine in 
feptemder (if he 444 vredjeet it) he weuld have done we in a manner 

that could have left no doubt of the fact, The eviderice here tends 

“omnes jomkslonm edt most digit\ pane nevea ahtee 82 tend boltisacs 

fe Ah Pi ? bo 

aya ent Somos stor * of shane agnetiag os hiwow weed? ae 

mo qe Band has exos Raetes bLuew rece anal demon baw ero “sont soa0e 
sand daw oi 8 bedroqes nae Sasi jhean af fon binog wat, on tied ort 
motasnsta Ye YeG 2 ont bap xen sud xepr te ano ear oat tows 

tins ae 
eatdones tind ae hewtow youd ayss eae with twode bab aavolk same Lot 

had oil eth brads ot bewotta new cabdoon oad tenia haw sDauast _ 
ai x Pb ets ae 
sactt oe bLos ox bias ada bate eetodtia Ht lw tare nea ‘aut bexing 

win ee: Tate 

aiaty enta xa datgte wna wsidued oa ad a) sae oh ot be oats tie 

8. a uA 
ton Liade ow dia Baim reuontsont toLiate oven oonte eas tn “bevotene 
t & ~ 

iteson sd wawoadh oo Primerica 

te oalzass ong pil sotherdaes bettisess whens i hab al is. ie 
, exerse£ Ro ae haes boge Lia Bests abd eis saiog ere 40 aotinioed 

Pe te aa Y Soa 

redo 200 aed Hedawtqo8 ad soon ita bee ti eees seddrargonsse aA shite 
weit ‘aastt avitsadaty yadarrortut domes ads ah BRO (RL ‘xeiote0 ae | 8 
Motes ,& Yrevadet botab awpstod _aytonpe te ttenns ehtowte raw ontsionat 

Pie Me 23) 
botned sud dovisos. ove bhas mows exon Oe ot endo tant hon we 

ers Gar 

; seth isatala xd bevinows vere did azerres ‘sedte brad fae 
‘ wn he _ thated at soashtve ods he sateauontt tone te 
WA aT 

a aterlt Sp peliisens eyed xs souesad te ieweves saute autyas we co bosnaws 
stepoogets oxit sana “esugta das haw'twe aye Leones tuosld te x9 rionter 

_toptad a be Lao st vanno od ovat ati ak wa sonenive one te 9 ’ 
f 4h CAMEO 
ates sand berate noe a Tavewad -sovass Ys saeeaont ty ‘to bo 

sdost te woddnn © ah th seater ud sonshive aawas fon ‘aseb fuses 

(aur on 80 sreyend) oud at fod ti ‘w caoausees ut uw exper 
as Py Re wees 

Pe Re eee eee ae os AM 2 MY 

_Nomnam a ak 08 omobd svat bimow on vt seston ‘Sit od th) rede 08 

ee Ly 4 Rae a ee 

NOMI HS > a 3 


ax08 oxtt ob 0 ateis ay ouid og act ceais eacit +a ton bivow fr a. 

Way ee 

Sy PRe 4 %% fa rsd os P ee 

3 He Ph ra Wine 4 
‘i noreges or0w ass oneeat ie ow s188 srexnea mati ban nebaed 
A aa AA. ' eas Lae ERs a 
dase 20 eats iwons #90.£qa09 “Bast aie bas t » ys salonmat? 
oe Seis oy Re Raw 

tat entdoom aed att tt on hor gage todd skdedortg eLaly bet smpon 48 

oneee onan soneb ive ont doe ous cr sduob oa ates , i wid i 
ne : fii oy ; ne 


to phow that the machine was not finally rejeeted until after the 
end of the season for the work It waa intended to corferm, If the 
machine would net do the work for which it wag designed there should 
have been an unqualified rejestien of 1t within a reasonable tine, 
Appatently the jury wae conviseed tast the whinesses for olaintilfYrs 
@ave wn accurate account of the transaetion, Ye asve neither seen 
nor heard the witnesses and are net gersuaded that we should rejeet 
the verdict which the jury returned anid the triah court approved, 
The judgment is affiraed. 

O'Conner and Medurely, (J., senour, 


eas redte Liseu botontes ehtaat an | eav oatdonm ue tas piel os 
shh apart 
ode ae: sets ot bebaedal enw ok wrow ene rot ‘geeaee ‘ede t0 ‘bile 

yD. eeapaler 

biwoste osenid bong leet now ss ito at te Xxow ocd oh don binew ontoen 
wnaks * kianesaes a abaghw at ve Hoh as bor bot tt Yeupew na ved ovad 

z ay 

eviyaiere « “o'r apanoat tw on? sens besuivaes eae eaait ‘paid ‘‘E 
ee Mey 

meee resivion eves oF mot sens net? nat ‘Ye smxo00s ssatuo0m 7“ all 

seotex bivode ow faut bebaueteg Jon oxs fas aeavontie ost bamout ‘ten 

Devercae S200 tabet ent baa beaaueoe wot, wa dw golbwe wv out 

Ger sk deaehve ) ee Spe ey) i aid : 

y Hi we hind ee tate j 

sw0Keo ot seioraston ba 

SB AB pate Beg ‘ ea RoR hoe iaene es ate aaah Bikege rN gic. & oe 
Aire oad 4 Ried oa Ranuat aie ae Wat See Uae i ta yf Pe $48 oti 
cba Mt Mp edith peel 
F8 Bytes CAR SRR GURL ein > CTE ponae ae pee ik ie a aan eae 

Baka EP RA vier ae Ane . ena thay Be Se gi 7 . 

CORR AOR hee Eee aealt siete 

J ~ 
ME & “a¥ ‘ ‘ a a , SAD hi RNS EN: Ba ala 2c i PAA Ses Hs Baer ag ® gio tat 
pene ar J PY 8 ’ Ye ab Sir Ave eh sug Pe a Pee 5 wens 

BE aatoe haat Sy aT err f ak abs 

ey es a ; | a RES Ae UMS dk i: 8 cee re | fom m sa rae 

“ea h ie ra evn: oye 

Haat mit 

HORE, BR” PRN. ae wesaehe ab: "a jada a 

UE SE. as EE GRA OS RGU iam As ro _ahvonts rant 

DANI: L, BADDES and j ra 
Appellecs, } gf z : 
) you SUPERIOR count = { 
we. } : 
Appellant, ) 

QA TA Crt 
eed é oy fl ofie O 6 1 
thie gauge wae before tiie esurt on a former aopeal, 

eiden vy. Jehpson, 287 111. Anp. 839%. The original bil was 

filed in the Superior court January ¢7, 1928, by Madden and Kelley 
for the purposes ef securing thigire rights in a contract with de. 
fendant Sarah Joknesn, under which they performed Valuable sere 
vides in her behalf in oroeeouting an action in eeuity in that 
eourt snd in defending i: the Supreme court 4 deores whieh was 

obtained in faver ef kre. Jehueon in the trial aourt. 

Bepnard, 323 111. 527. The services were not deuied, but ra, 
Johnsen filed a eroe@-bill, in whien she set up that a written 
sontract with complainanta executed by hor on Auguet 17, 1996, was 
presumptively frauduient ond orayed that the asme might be set 
aside, she offering te pay te compiainantea a feasonable fee, The 
Cause was put et issue as te ceth Bill and orese-bill, the evidence 
taken by the chancellor, and en June 86, 1920, a dearce wna entered 
(finding that the equities were with defendant), setting aside the 
contract upon condition that defendant pay in addition te eertain 
eoste and expenses the sun ef 87500 for seliciters’ fees end dise 
missing complainants’ bill for want ef equity. Complainants ap- 
Pealed to thie court, where after a review of o11 the evidence the 
decree wan reversed and the cause remanded. 

In the opinion we stated: 


, aX THUD AOD, "5. 

“£90 Bel BY S 

“ hesqes teerct @ mo Pads ekad exerted eam : i 

ben Likd inoigixe oat 08D sag RET Cee ,apeailol, .y gopher 
VILor hee swhdod yd .880L TS yraumel gases selasemt oad ah boli? 
~eh délw senxtaco a al warigts siese ant tupse ‘te euegug eae tot 
"Las otsewkelv boana'tteg yeuls Aoluhe Be Bian nonenaet torcati danbion’ . 
gadt ad ytiueo ah solves on yabdugoners at “theviod woul ok sendy 

aaw odin. aetow “ @%eoe saesque ey ai aattaeted ah haw suw09 

at gonaie’ tine eins on? al moeadiel .etk be covet ak dentetde 
stl ted ,pelueb foa tev aeoivase amt G8 .2t ane stam 
ees : Matakee a jas? qu toe oay siohaw md fitdaan one @ beet spect 
: wae ,O8RL Ph feng oo tod yd betusexne etonniadenes seiw foattage 
os oF Agia some oss lads heyorg bam Jomobwast yovdequreeng 

ad? .99% sldancasor « atnaniatquos oF yea eo gahuette ade ones 
sonekiow oft ,iiid~anota bam Lid dred of ae ounek em tee enw ens ‘ 
bocetae aay cetuok a CHAE 08 paul ae haw ,telinonwdy ame yd sf o 
odd eblea yulsten ,(tanbw@ eb tin anew neledupe. one said gat ar) 
alesres oe agidibga ai you toebaa'teb Gace nels shnes meee tnont om 
~@hd baw won't ‘ere? iet iow tot COARY Te ana watt apuce cee am, eam : 
“on stasate.qmod *tiiope to damw vet Lhd ‘etanatateve oe an tn 
wo sonshivs adt Lie te wolvet a teats onesie re eney ot t i 0% 

ee 5 Sage eae 

"The case of aroasecomolalinant ayaineat Jnnder and ethers 
wae orsetieally created through the services rendered by her 
aelieltors. “hey performed thane services upon the contingency 
that their labore weuld be without eeupenention uniees they saee 
ceeded in getting taek the vreperty which ereat-complainen? sen« 
veyed to Bernard, it is apparent that if the market vaiue of the 
real getate had deartase’ instead of increased thin contrevoerayg 
would never have ariegen, 

"Creevedefendante are entitied te receive as compensation 
for their services, in cenforwity with the agreement between the 
parties, one-third of the real estate reeovere? or the eouiwal ent 
ef ite value in money, Leas 93,206, What teat ameunt in eannot be 
satiefactorily determine’ trem thin recerd. Bor that reason the 
decree is reversed and the onuce rewanded with direetione for 
further preesedings in conformity wit the views herein expreeeed, * 
tires. Johneon petitioned the Supreme court for gertinrari, which was 

The eaus¢ war redecketed in the Savericr ecurt and the 
ehanealier keard evidence ag io the walue of the real estate re+ 
eovered in the @ult conducted fer her by complainants, and April 
26, 1933, entered a deerce finding that taare wae a Walld con- 
tract under which oowplainants were enililed te recever ene-third 
of the fair csah value ef the eroperty recevered in exeans of 
$3206; that for the opurgese of arriving at an equitable adjustment 
Madden and Kelley had offered to pay $5200 te ove. Johnson upon 
reeelving « deed to a one-third interest in the sroperty, bat that 
ahe had abeclutely refused te accept the arrangement; that ¢oemolatne 
ante were entitied ts « lien upem the premises fer the amount of 
the feces due to them; that the value of the preperty recovered in 
the suit in the Superier ceurt of Gook euunty, which was affirmed 
by the Supreme court at the time ef the recovery thoreol, wes 
$50,000; that ecesiplainante were entitled te one-third of this eum, 
leee $3260, making a total ewe das of $15,600; that ecomolaivants 
were entitiea to payment ef that sum, or in lieu therset te a one- 
third interest in the land, subject to one-third of €3260, er the 
eum of $1066.67, It wae therefore erdere4 and adjudged that de- 
fendant pey to eoupisinants that wus, er convey a one-third in- 

terest of the preperty, subject to the saymattet 91066.67 within 

wrotty bw tebass tonlage teotike(quopecsors to mgr oe 075 i 
ted yd Semehust oosiveea aht Mywotd? hetawte ul 
Yesgatiace add aoqy weolvree gamit howto tog sseatahl tes iad aw 
epua you? eaelas nelteansquce Suadtiw ad 4 ve Yracat' ahead 
etoo frathasquoo-unges dalsin ydooqe'sg att desd gaiiteg af Dehese - 
ett ‘Yo otlev Sewtan oat “th sade Faeusgga Bk 34 sbraamad ot leyev 
Yaterettnes whay Pmenotank te Baedaus rose gon oterer. _— 


toltaane gags 2 evipoet of baisiiae ote eduanonhetons ee sas 
GAs HOsWied Pagemsnyge ett Athw ysherdlaes al ,assivaee lane ont 
«shy Laovined oF co hexewooes Fares fees aot To brtrigeeso ne 
ed 2oanay ai fmweme tac? #ot@ O08, 2@ anes , Yocom al aulev aot 
ad? Aonset fale to  ,hrooey aisd work hawiereiok yLisotoa tals 
tot muokieothh dglw tebeotet senna Smt hue over ef sexo 
* poxeorgxe aheted eweiy ace Kohw b> secon al ayathoevorg redeaw 

sav doide ,dactaldies tot fiweg sowiged edt beanttideg aoendel .etk 
odd hue txuen Yetisgull 48% at hetodochor on onseo od? 

Me a ee 

wo etsdeo test edt Yo oulay st ef eo sombiye buns d ‘toLteoando 
Siagh bac adnantalquor ef tei eel be teuhmes thwe odd rt boveves 
«tod bilev 4 saw orsnt Send galbalt eerneb w hove ran etek 408 
bekdi-nue tevoser O¢ boLi line eee sbasatetques doide tebaw eet 
‘ts wanoxe al her vooer viieweia 6A? Yo outev dan iba’ oat to 
dimavoutha eldedings aa te gubvisin ‘to sveqine eat set sactd posted 
aoqu dosados sod of CORRE yin of Bowe The fed Yoited han mabball 
i | $dde “dud peacecere at ad tentedad bildasnan a of boob # galvless! 

6 fnweme odo “OT aneioerg ons noew meld a of Bedi tome etow stew 
al betevoset utte gee odd ‘WW euler edt eat pends oF ‘out ‘eoet ond 
peastrte saw tote ,ytades xoed te Puen rehiequi odd at hua odd 


i? ,@ub vtdd ‘to briat~sae of bolilias ere ainaato tones dusts 1000,086 
-— abewnde tonne sade 7000,024 Lo oud mua Late? « yaldlen 0088 ane. i 
=0n0 @ 6¢ ‘tooxeud wekk ai to ai dant te dnemgay ee. petetons: wee 
edt <0 ,O08tG Yo Gridd—omn of sootdwe ,haal oe a soommiat baked 

ath dest? beghathe bas bexebee etglois? ger dull vO. to me 

ahitiw T2.000L8 Xosramyeg of8 oF teohene aaa bse 

|) sstatomed datt prammynenta wad tqsu0e od bemlton Ulerutoada bed ote 

wat bubdt-ono » yornse te awe tad oc wei sondae? 4 

aaw ,tovzeds Ytevesnx ont to amis oni te dxude ‘sudnqud edt yd . 


ten daye from the entry of the deeree; that in default of the 
execution of sueh deed, or of the exking of such payment, the 
property sheuld be sold by = sacter subject to defendant's right 
ef re¢ecption. The Aserce reeltes other weterial fucte in detedi, 

The enly evidence in the tremeeript is thet taken by the 
eianceller uren the cueetion ef the value of the preniees, Free 
the deeres of april 20th Mra. Jebnaon prayed snt ean allowed an 
appeal to the Appellate court upen Miing Pond in the sum ef 
2100¢ within thirty daya te be sugoreved by the court. 

April 28, 1035, defendant moved teat the deerae of April 
20th “be vacate? , changed and sodified,* and that the tine epsoie 
fied in the deeres within ehien defendant sheuld pay the aseunt 
fourd duc with interest theres or convey to ¢omplainants her 
eneethixd interest showl4 Eo extended. This motion wae continued 
frem time te time, wid on June 7, 1947, an “smnended decree” wae 
entered by the court which the reeord recites to be Yon motion of 
defendant and erogs-compiainanta* ron thie awended decreas (which 
algo recites the facts in 4etail) finding the aum due to be 715,660 
aed directing sale in ease ef default is payment er the exceugion 
oF the desd, defendant likewise grayed ond wes allowed an appeal te 
this court upon filing mer bond within thirty days. The bond sae 
filed ond, a¢ a matter of fart, recites the entry of the dearse 
on April 26th, "fram #hieh deeree and anended deeres af tho said 
Suserior court of Cook County the said Garah L. Johnacn hae srayad 
for and ebtalned an augesl te the Apesliate Gourt within and fer 
the Wiret Distriet in sald state.” The bend goes on te say that 
if defendant shall duly prosaeute her “sald appeal with effeet,* 
ete., the obligation #hall be veld, ctherwise to remain in fall 
feree anit effect. 

Complainants arguo that defendant may net oreseeute an ape 

peal from a deeree whieh was entered on her own motion, ond this 

at Yo Ftvatwh ad Pasi reese oir te yutae 09 ot aye oot 

oct? doomed dower watson sett Ww 6 bees oun "heh nottuoety 
tity ot guabe'ted ae toeteue matase Fy edt niten ot Sfuntty: yeeqora 
Liated of ete? Labrodan wilto seeteed idaitihall all snotyqunter Ye 

we set Wasind Satie’ ws Seeroued was at soupbtve sing —<— 

one Lenebeong ant Yo wuber one bi se ihony el sar tos fopienty 
fw bows ke war bre beers nonatee wut MOR LIGA tO cornen tt 

te ave ont al bued gustts sens Fauoe ota timed wile or teas 
sanon off yt Merengge Of BP wgnb gone abteiw ooo 
Livqs To sasesh eff tes? hovon drmban tes ,68Ot ,O8 red 0% = , 
alongs emts elf tore San * he Stthen bie Denes Metnoey og A208 

- fueion’ 9A eRe bivoie tuwbas ed wohitw wisebw goxeen elt! ate toh 
md etaantakemob ef veraos to moBTed? fraverad the aut ry 
heuatines ean rotten aig! hebostxe ed bdwete tamer puadens 

. “nate Somrent feboone* ne ,Sker ,t sta aw fae Sal od seks mot 
te ddttos ao” of of sediowx froees eat dadiw dewow orig’ ‘te pewetas 
 Retver) eetoah Beduom ain mort “gianeiaiemoeonseth baw teebow tes 
1) goa; eu ed-ca wah ann ons Hakbatt (Kheles ah adeat add aethoew onth 
| | : ‘goltunsxe ent <~ famayeg at stored te onee Af blew gatsootto dan 
| i (oo Kanqne ae bevels eer dan bouirre Sodwotnr Faabub'ten (hewn wily te 7 
| naw band sAT  wwceh Yeas able tw Baod eee! galtt? soo Maxed ebm 
‘gateeb ont ‘to yttie ord teetoer .tdet Yo seddan @ wa {bon BoE 
baa BAy To soxeud Hobapien hha soTOe volte nxt” 8908 Chega! te 

40t haa ahd sxe odelleuga aa? at taeene na Denteddo Rae cet 
jaded Yee of ne asog nod ott “,o9n¢e Sthe wt Hobede de verb ont 
Sy deste tlw faeqge Bhas® som educosote ete Rlaste thabaeteho tt 
_ £igd si slaset of sedweedse (biov oe, Keay oe we i 

ie bine wodLoot comm cted silicide sh 

beyate nod svaculol .f dete? stan ott “tnwod Mend Te ree Tebtéqet : ie 


econtection de net without slameibility. However, we orefer to put 
our decirion of the agpeal wren ether ereunts, 

Pefendent argues fer reverted (eiting seny outhoritier) 
that the finel deeree ie errenecus in granting @ tien on the prope 
erty dégcerited in the bil] Deesuse it ts aet sepperted by alle- 
gations of feat; that # eemelainent murt recever on ths case made 
by his bill], sn? treat mere congivueione ef the pleader vill net 
euppert & decree; that of rerren lew an attermey dear net have & 
Lien uron the vreperty resevered in a sult canductes ty hiey that 
an atierner's iden ¢eee net aries under the Attormmeve’ Lien set 
without the service ef the netiee therein preveribet; that « @@= 
eres carmot rest om the prayer alone; thst the eantract (eer net 
ereate a specific lien; thet the finel decree is erroneous in 
finding thet complninents are @mtitied te an interest In the prope 
erty described im the b111 of campieint; thet che alLiaced contract 
dese net belong te the clase ef aentrasts wnies are apeolfically 
esforeced in eaulty. : 

All these scints are exgoed at length with mumercus elteeq 
tiens ef authorities, but sene of thes wae presented fer onne i era- 
tion uron the former appeal, afd 211 ef thes might have been sree 
sented nt thet time. Thies court and the Supreme ceurt hove many 
times Hela in eubetance that upem the second appeal of a carr, 
either te thie court or to the Supreme court, the Judguert of the 
gourt rendered en the firet apresl is ree adjudicate sa te oli 
pereens whe were parties te the procescding, Hot only ae to cutBe 
tione aetuslly decided “ut ee to all questions which might have 
been decided, if properly presented, af Was enid in Davis v. Juneig 
Agmr., 140 TL1. App. 22s 

“Were the parties, the issues and the evidence are substan 

tially the sexe, ‘the decision upen one appesi is ree udi 
upen a s#cond sppeal in the sume case notes th tanding adcitionad 

ateignmente of errer may be made reiving upon the second appewal 
questions hich were net raived upon the fixyet.'* 

) a aeey e tetetn a ,tevewoh iierialeiniine ‘ie fundaiw 290 ek otoansaee 
| MHSVOTA ee Seneae ‘ott. 2 soietons, 00 
Asetebradeas yas, anttte) Lemaownn ast rome Pondaehet ; | 
agony ant ae melt o aateceng at axamcunt ng at aga} taak® on dng by | 
ap lia yf Mesxoquve ten wb st smumsed Lik ate, ab heddeates | 
aban saan of? a9 *erooet dame tusntetqaps. go tant steak xe saohten | 
| fan, thie aehawtq welsh anataxfonse een tact Kew UAE, wht gt 
# ever fea ened wimeabtie sea: wad sorvang os, Sastt. omnes 2» tongue 
feds yatd q4 betowhaoe #2mm a ak Domvonen, yrengety oad moet so be 
gos ankd 'wyperoeta oc? xeban pokes tom naah weht at yeonarea on 
sph @ taxi? jhowlaneag stered? eobton oda To ooberpe, nat punsig bee | 
ten aren domntios 268 tects. penece, seyorg. ey) ao duet foones ome 
sh nko GUT TS at oorooh faygehs cht sald pret oitinega « otanee 
ayetg eff at fooragal me oe bate kee wa damaraigwon, tact sathadt 3 
foergaon hegutia ost sade, ptateteums te OEE ost Ad bad tavand te 
S aeaatsinanal re ote sivaniinn ‘te anes, ott of aaeiod ton, ane | 
P : j vet Rew at: dooretten | 
athe naomomse Hehe teas tl ta SeunEn ota Rooke eeemh LEA. oot, 
meet Lames rot hesesqere gow ott he vaen ded eb brid oe te suott 
OEY. ano aved jagic wed ‘te fe dee ,taorge cene? ene woutt nol "i 
Wem. gyad PruOD suOTGWE eHd dus tawes RAMS amb dad, fo bonnes , 
qnese @. 20. Lovage haoven, off neqe Jot oomesedon ab nut anatt : 
MAF NO apommdut alt rxwon vn rqul et of to Dees ante of sedhie 
fle ot ap atonibelbe got et faonge Rett wnt ap beteboes femme " 
bc aid at as yfeo tom shakboonetg, aut of eodotag one, ote ' $ ; ee 
pee tetghe: sity ater r.Aamktoone ike ef en oars dabtosh, VEinwtea. 6 a 

\ttefatee ets pocebive oxy bine eoueds alt ,owkeuag ihe ai 
si Lavcan ono noqn molaissh ene? yeoman | 
tha gribsactodsdelon eaes) oer’ oe of et 
Soeen ay gitlelet shes od tort me 
toes manarereront “rrapeen rere Yo) wor 

‘oxG, 106 Lil. 864; 

¥. Berton, 100 Ili. 63; Seeks 
Sabash, 8. bs & Pee, Dy, CG. Vs Potergon, 115 fii, 897; Smyth v. 
Heft, 125 TLL, BG; Sabeort » 259 ILi. WS: Zewt we. 
Doughas, 145 111. 164; Kean @, 146 112. 305; Untes 

i, 149 131. 836; CRBSGtt a echoes, 
on Bridge Ue. v. Pecole, 198 tli. 276; 

151 Ill. 184; E 
Moron San) & 00 #0..2.. Bere’, #27 Ili. 190; Bapiner v, ingrahem, 
@SG Tll. 136; Jagkeen y, Glows, 48 112. Siu, 

Ae & matter of fact, ufter the csuse wae redoeketed in the 
trish court, no ametdment to the pleadings ns made, and the only 
evidence taren wae directed toward the iasae an te the value ef the 
property at the time it wae recovered. Thie is the only evidence 
preserved in the recor’. It ie urged that tae evidence doen cat 
sustain the finding ef the deerge in thia respeet, and thie is the 
only error sasigned and argued which we regard ae open te cur sen} 
sideration, The finding ie that the ereperty in queation waa of 
the value of $50,000, and there is expert evidence whieh surtains 
the finding, As a meatier of feet, compbainants heave ageignes 
erese-errers on this findiag of the Aeeree. Ree. Jennean in her 
ewern anrwer placed the vaiue ef the eroperty at 21 40,000, = a 
Valine witch tende te very mach dieeredit the opinions ef come of 
her experts. The question in teis egurt on this eoint is whether 
the finding of the decrees is clearly and manifestly orrenecue. 
the chancellor gaw the experi witnesses ond Reard them teetify. Fe 

are not disnesed te substitute eur judgment for his. 
The decree ia aff iraed. 

O'Genner and Eeturely, JJ., soncur. 

daadnehr? ¥ eLaoe4 ete bev 'vhe, oo old ot eels treséua orca 
te hima se@ GGA .£i8 age Raheem 
y0G@ ffi OGL 

tun ds £8 wee 38 AEE OL setaabat 
Mime TOE ASL OLE eeante ho Lh BOR . | 

HY SRF 3808 413 eek 
Babel 7008 4141 Bel gabe 

oti tit fil Pos gee iy op 08s it en 
oat oh ho texooher enw ouned wiht tH Sa teat te seem cy anny es 
vine ony ha» ,ehem sae egathepte odd of fonapnoms om #1009 pan 

ehh ty ane iis 
wet “ke oulay ent of ox swaet ot wiewad hevoesth ad en sas womb ave 

eooebive gluon ait ed ak tt shexovooen ow th outs sais ta wencorg 
fou agoh ogaghive ons tea? bogie oh = 

brane oat at bovesentg 

ed? wi aide ban tonaeet a? st gaxen suit 1g gudbal2 edd atedeue 

MM LF ute) ; 
a6e tHe OF MOqe ae beeen ow dp taw heute bee ecydonm verse ¥ 

ds WR ate r 

te enw agiteony at yrmqors ods dadt @2 gakbalt ost? swohterehae ‘ 
, amotawe te dw eomehive Preqne at wxsdd baa 1288 998 te outev at 7 

hosmglnae ered etanaiadques ton te wos dam % a : 

“auatbatt st i 
Se at aoeatiol .axk 

.orKpah walt 10 watson whee we “ewornessno39 

Fah. IB ae ie 
&* p OU, O48 LG te “rreqorg #9 ™ eutsy oe peace sowane oF 

wat? cir wi “baton macs m1 x09 anes aed anidanus net “atone x ac 

{ ge 
SUOR TTS htep thm bate Elson te a noteob ose te grist a =f . a 
ef ,vtitae? words hueest bee nese aed Sw regne oat woe weLtoonaso 

SE na TR. 
ante to Sanibel, suo etus Landaa eo doeeenth ar 

fae ba 

GEM EA ; BAe ae): yodpuity ay feo) ih 

e pop 0A £60 ver | 

37053 fe 

THE LOKAX COUPAKY, so Delaware Cea rpors on, 
an Illinois Cervoration, a é 




a s 

fer eis, 


LOHAL BAGS. BEVERAGHS, IkU., a Corperation, 
FRAKE &, LOMAZ, Individually aud doimg 
business as FRAKK B. LOWAR COKPANY, J. A. 
a Corporation, HELBAR SYEULURD, Oo. A, 
J, HUGHES, as Secretary of State; and LOMAX 
COMPANY, an Dllineie Cerveration, 

64 1.4.66 i 


Complainant corporations an Loweuber @0, 1932, filed their 
bill in chancery against defendante, setting up in detail facts 
tending to ehow unfair competition, and praying fer a temporary 
injunction pending the Rearing and thet a decree for a permanent 
injunction, an secsounting and other relief might be granted, A 
temporary injunction iseued ae prayed. Defendants aspeared and 
auewered the bill. The cause was put at iseue and referred te a 
‘manter wha filed hie resert finding thet the enuities were with 
eemplainante and the facts averrea in the bill true, To this re- 
port defendants filed objections whieh uoon the hearing before the 
chanecelior stood as exeeptions. The axcentions were overruled, and 
June 28, 19235, a decree was entered in eonformity with the reson. 
mendations or the master. This appeal hae been perfected from that 
deeree, The bill alleges and the saster's repert and the deeree 
find the fasts in substance ae Tellers: 

The business complainants conduct at Uhicago was founded by 
John D. Lomax, the grandfather ef defendante Frank %,, William L. 
and J, A. Lomax, im 1851, and was thereafter continued under the 

name ef John A, Lomax & Son until about 1987, Joun A. Lomax & 


ax wept GR euswe tot # ,YUAT@NO ZAMOT Uhr 
See) HOA HRVER wurrwad aaan@ BHT Saw 

‘ scheaabctige oe ae 

hoa lingga i : 

aku Si tidnuelvibal Kawod oh SAE 

3 3 i 
(wee owner soo sBonkicl aa muse 
OF mk LoqmA 


aied? ball? SEL 68 Sedurvot ao ano lietagres Pusha fqan0d 
efont Ltateh ak as gultias Boas hue'tes Ggeniags yroomarts at eas 
eee tequed » “tol gabyerg baie halt Lreqeoo ‘ahetaw woite on a ro 
reamareg & xot HeToeh a Saxld Dae qudtandi 947 satan aptveautat 
A ecnang od tly te IS Riet reso tae yakrauoeed ‘oe iota otal 
Bie Deteoges einabac'tet boyetg ae bewwat sob tone bat ete som : 
# of beves'ted bie egeck te tiq Sew eased ‘ont ‘Akl ont Be 1 na 
dste orew sols inpe wat fete yathntt Prover «he bo ait este woftan | 
~o4 aidd of .sitd LLhd 989 ak boTrevA otoet ot baw adits fus09 
edd sxoted gatised vat noew Hotow eaottontae bettt adaabaareh Hie 
batts be Luxxeve orev anéivevots ot waeltgoors rr heate 16.1 fo 
anges Of MIlw Uthote tags aL hesodue dew eomoeh a CeOr ves et 
tad? matt betes tisg ated set Jaogde whet  xegeam otf to snot sabasa 
aetesh ont baa Tears a aetind Ome Bowe nego lla LLRd sett” sowesen 
io (tama ot na sanatndin 98 ats eit er 
tt behaval wew sqnoia® ts Jouhaoo ibe — sieatand et 
od, mnhseat .-G daart atnebae tod ane 


Son was succeeded by the Chicago Consolidated Bettiing Uo., which 
eonductet the seme business, nomely, that of manufacturing and 
selling non-alcoholie beverages, ete. Yhe Congolidated Battling 
Co. sold out the business te The Lomax vo. ef Kksine. The presisesr 
weed by the Consolidated Bettling Co, were ewned by George Lomax 
ang rented from him. Therearter Boe Lomax Co. of Aaine bought 
these premises from George Lomax, At that time George Lomax, J,A. 
Lomax and %. iL. Lomax were officere and direetera of the Kaine 
company. Subsequently, sil the members of the Lomax fanily except 
J. A. Lomax severed their conneetion with this Lomax Ce. of Maine. 
in January, 1924, the Kaine compony entered inte a contract with 
the Indian Hill Co., = corporation, whereby it was given the right 
te use the trademark “Indian Hi11" and certain fermula rights bee 
longing te that company, wid later the iaine company purchased ail 
the outstanding eteek of the Indian 11) So. Therealter ihe Lomax 
So., ® sorporation, eas erganized under the laws of the state ef 
Pelaware, In Vebruary, 1931, the Delaware company purchaaed all 
the aesete of The Lomax Cc. of Kaine except its resi estate and 
machinery, and the Maine company changed its name to The Paulina- 
Kingie Gorroration. At that time J. A. Lomax wae the president of 
The Paulina-Kingie Gorperation and vice-president of The Lomax Ge. 
of Delaware, In August, 195%, the Delaware corporation executed 
its chattel mortgage covering aii of ites property, ineluding trade 
names ang trademarks, to one Ada KR. Bronsen to secure an indebtede 
ness of $5,346.07 to J. ¥. Jones and an indebtedness of $5,006 to 
Charles G. Palmer, About August 3, 1932, complainant, the Green 
Lentern Beverage Go., bought the trademarks, trade names, ete., of 
the Delavare corveration for $2,600 sabject to release by Ata A. 
Bronesen of her intereet therein. The chattel mortgage wae fore- 
elesed, and J, G. Jollicoeur purchased the preperty for $11,150 

and thereafter sold the same to complainant Green Lantern Deverage 


< eS 

findiy ,.09 pabitiot hodab lioamed eyaabt ob ye babeensun enw 308 
freer gal tusostwasm te damt ,yiegen seponlaud ota ‘eat jeteahiens 
—gahssro8 betabiiosned ext 1094 ,weganeved eliodeete-non gatifen 

datamte ef?  anked to .@d xamed eff of posniond at dug okee. eee 

xewol ogtoed yd tenes stew 02 aabsd so Sedat tfonmgd oaid we deans 
Sigued ovata to .90 xamol oa ueVtasrant mid wort’ Crd san 
coke xaerol ORQOD wme? Sued HA katied egived mont aoatoore aed 
: ‘eakan ‘as to atedostd! fae aue0el The etaw mecigd ot sal fine ‘waaeds 
tqvoxe yileat xamot ad¢ to axedue ay iis ,¢ltoesgoedsl =. ynaqmse 

s@tisk io oS camel aint dike weiteeanoe sins bere vee namod a : 
Atiw foariace » afad botadue yragmee aated ang ahBad sVewnet wt. 
tints ent aoviy aew $2 qsortesdw  tolieregrae « a LLB ous bb ad ode 
ope Sddgit ada? aiadiws bas "LEEK we tpat* atsno bared edd enw of. 
Lie bewedorwe Yanques eatuh ald cotar biws 1 Yaingno® ‘gana of saiyand 
xemo.t ort aed tasre ct | 00 £22 nethal ond ‘te doors ‘gatbasgetue me 
‘te eteta off ‘to ewel 689 ebay hawtneyto new mobtaroetes a ae 
ike devssiotgg yRbeuie stewated ads «Sh-2E weswidet ai ‘ete 
Bae Ofates fees eth dqeene dale to 09 ausont sat ‘te ‘edeena ‘edges 
wantisat off of esma edt heguads yeas ‘ania ot ‘bas yore 
te taphieerq #49 aaw xamed .A .b auld fadt tA choltaxeqsed arene x 
00 aeaod saf to Enshtoouqewely Bae aotterooxe2 eteatinent fast ont 
tHduosxe modtexocres oxowaled of ECL ,Saogvd oI .erewated to 
ehene yulbuisat ,ydroqoxrg 68% Yo Lie yattevos egaydxom Inesado sf si 
ehotdehal ae ores of aonaurk 1A @hA wtg of oxtaso batt baw ‘nomea. “a 
8 000,24 To edesnbetdotal ha haw ome + oe to. abe ae wo sen 

aeerd od? (faediniymos Seer .e teveua dueda takes a se 

Ye geDSe yanmom obard Cemented ode fame — ad : 

-ot6T gar  santsan date wore t smtoan st 

ee Se Se 

finite i aber? Xi bs: wit i 



Cc., whereby it became vested with the right te use ahi the trade- 
marks, (rade nawes and formulas fermerly owned by John Lomax. The 
predecessors of the Green Lentera Uo. at various times registered 
eertain trhdenarke. the Green Lantern Co. sand ite predecessers 
have continuously espleyed the vord “Lomax® en certain of its labels, 
About Rovember 17, 1951, The Lemax Go. of Delaware registered ite 
trademark with the Seeretary of the State of Tilineiz, using the 
arbitrary word “Lomax.” About April 11, 192%, The iemax to. of 
Delaware registered ite tradesark wits the Coumissioner of Patente 
of the United States for “Old Tom Lime Hiekey." The predecessors 
ef the Green Lantern Heverage Co, have used the worde “Lomax Con 
pany" and the word “Lomax” became aesouciated thereby in the minds 
ef the publie with the products of Tae bemax Co. The use af the 
word “Lomax” beeane vested in The Lemax Cc. of Delaware and the 
Green Lantern Beverage “eo. A large and profitable business wae 
built up. The Lomax Cc. of Delaware was suthorised to do business 
in Tilineis February 14, 1931, and Jay Piesing Jones was the pregie 
dent of that company and the owner ef the common stock ef the core 
poration. 7. A. Lomax, defendait, wae sonmnected with this business 
for many years, and after the death of Jones January, 1, 1942, he 
became the principal managing head in charge of the company. A 
dispute thereafter aroeve in vhien J. A. Lemax was ousted from The 
Lomax Co., and thereafter, together with his brothers, he rormed 
the Lomax bros. Beverages, Imc., wid alee beught tha steek of the 
Great Vestern Bottling to. e ia new in charge of the sales depart- 
ment of Lomax Breas. Beverages, inc., end that eorperstion is an- 
gaged in the business of manufseturing and selling ginger ale and 
other beverages under labels containing the name “Lomax Sros." 
Various fermer employees of The iomax Co. of Delaware eclieited 

by defendants are now employed by Lomax Bros. Beverages, ine., and 

the business ef that corseration gompetes direatly with eomplainante. 

~shaut 02 Lia das 09 Italt Wht Aide Kofaev emsoed Si —gdotede 560d 
oat "ein nigt yd bemwe yireare? @aiemrelt bas toman. @bans .evuent 
Bexsselyet semis ubsluav ea .b0 atedned meeed ode ty. etesasosbeng 
‘Wtedaoveheta ati hoe’ .00 wtetasd obee0 exf en pmmedecrdl 
wafedel sti to atadxeo mo “kemed” baow out peQetque edewountinde ores 
ee boretaiges erewale® %¢ 140 xnmed 4eT ECL (C2 tedmevel smeda 
“sas gudeu “bbemhsit te etet® off to Crnde tone BAd thw deomwhas 
to .00 xamot edY , fees fx Liga thot * eee pow yuauthita 
adage to teaclantased est Wile deonhowe WPL hewetetaen eaawate 
stoaavoshorg sult *.yocoit omit se¥ BLO” wot wowwet DeetAT ott. Yo 
“ang? xanol” shrew bas been evar .oW ageterst mevsaml neo add Yo 
‘ahaim edd wt ydeorus hetatooses veweed “xaos” brow edt baw “yng 
“edd Ye eu on? 00 aindiod oat ty atowbord sie atiw obttue ent Ro 
’ ot bee otaitn Lott to .o0 xamod ol a2 bodeow anneed "xamed* bape 
"gan sasalaud ¢idatPterq has egret A 162 egeteved mmctaed aogt 
seemtaud of of beutrveddna tar eteteleg to .02 2emod eat au. ‘gehud 
oles ty odd eae socal natag it yot bas , OL. (AL yuwecdtat alomtsst” sik 
o19o off 16 doote mowkes afd ‘te toate axe Ane Aiea sails Yo ta9b 
asoaland aitt the botooance eew | PAbhaw tes ptemed LA bee smoldoroe 
ed \BEeL of ctw seact to dtaot ot wd tw bak jeune wise 402 
A .ymnqadd ast Yo dgtaiy at boot gudgenia Keqhenieg ene onaibiod 
oat wort hefeve saw xandt .A Lt det mt Store ebahwotwe ot uem th 
howto? od , odors seth ad be pero anes on anath h ised yours 

eae ad aoltareeweo fads tne |, eat \nogutin 
fos ole xogaly yitt tise bas srituteetutin Yo wusntent aa ad Sage 

* gota xasiod"” emact ‘edd palutatno betel tobeu jing : a a . 

| aa pebleniin orratod te fad deveven hel w eit as toe on 


Shortly eftor the death of Jay Fieming Jones, presidert ef The 
Lomax Co., J. A. Lomax organized a eampariy known ag Drinke, Ine., 
and used the office formerly eceuvied by Jone in sommection with 
it. By reason of this organization business was diverted from 

the Lemax Co. of Delaware ta thet ef Drinks, Ine. Drinke, Ine, 
continued to use the premises of the Delaware cowpany far the 
conduet of businass and the directors of that eempany inetrueted 
J. A. Lowax to resove Drinks, ine., from the pramiaeg, Decanter 
1G, 1952, defendants filed with the ‘seretary of State of Tliineis 
an application for the incorporation of o company to be known aa 
The Lomax Co. for the purpose of wanufacturing and selling bever~ 
ages, January 20, 1933, the Seeretery of State ef Tahineis teeued a 
certificate of incerrerstien to that conpany. The Delaware ecorsera- 
tion falled to pay ite franeuice tax wolech was due July 1, 1938, end 
for this reagon ite lieeies te dc business in lLlinéis was revoked, 
Defendants knew this fact and thereupon applied te the Secretary of 
State to be ineorperated under that mame, and a eartifieate ef ine 
corseration was issued to them. Subsequently the Delawere company 
paid ite franchize tax ani penalties and was restored te good atande 
ing. This action by defendants for the incorvoratien of a company 
te use the werd “Lemax” was in furtherance of their plan to Eee a Da 
priate the business of complainants. 

The master's report alee finds that a s.atenent on the label 
used by The Lomax Co. of Geleware aud ite predecessora thet Lomax 
Pepsin Ginger Ale ia ande from pure Jamaica ginger combined with 
pepsin and aromatics ie untrue, since pepsin ie met used af on ine 
gredient but pure Jamaica ginger foot in small quantities wae used 
instead; and other eimilar statements uven its labels were net 
true; that these misdeseriptions of ingredients ere net made fer 
the purcese of daeeiving the publie ond that the publie whe pur- 

ehased the beyersges relied upen the word “Lomax" rather than 

eat ‘to fashiaerq »semot gatay £4 yas Xe Asaoh ond wette % 
,-oMl ,aaiatel se oerond YASquOS a basioagte xamed .A .% ar? ame 
as hw meltpemioo af senel x belcusag Yltomso't saitte oid beam, fae 
moet hedtevih aaw saanioud otter iaegte aks te soaeet vi tt 
oak ,akabxd sont , salar ‘to tacit ot oxawalec to +00 xomol eat 

ed? uot YRequos ezawele sie ta ona taney ont ean at bounl sng 
hatositent yageae sant te arosoaetl& et hatte aupaieud to. _fenbem 
tndeoool .goninetg ocd mox't , oni setae orem od Racod re 
abook tit te ezngk to “indore edd sia bw bess’ adnabaere® SECL RY 
ae mreak od oF Yanyans & te aetsaroyinpat oat ok noiisotigga se 
waved gubiioe have gal wid nant te evegrng wit set hd ‘Kemod Se 

& honest ehomt ££1 te esede te vtnteroee ass GE Ch 38 umwoel, hone 

eeroqtos axawaled ox Wuisgsoo fal? of aol@eteqronal To etaortigzee 
hae ,SEGL ,f yin’ out aaw Mo brie xat eotunsest eth yaq oF bottay molt 
stadover saw atoattel at aneataud ob of gaseoti att aomnex ety. am 

nk te etaolt itnoe & baw . omen ‘geds soham beta xoetoont od ot at is 
qasqene oroma foc ext! eLdnoupemdut tom at doveet saw moltareqrge 
chaste hooy of berotaet aaw baa welt keane has mat salignatt eth. bh 
‘yaeqaon « to no tte1eq tess ens tet ed ambas'tes ed noises ner sea 
ada al ot nek tent bid Sonne Ata at at saw “nessa iow ont on hid 
eduentatqore ke savadawd out 9 neem 

iedel ent #0 Ineusiaie # sass eb on Ls freger a " wedeom eat 


xawol desi? erenssooheTg ath bow otenwiee Ye -99 manned $0 en 4 


sil il 

at iw pomeune wogndy wstemet oune wart whoes at ofa 


pail ot 

toa exe ‘alates est mons stusupeets  Japhets, esto, OOM 
Tot ohas toa stey atuetdetgat te snolsqizonsbate oneks test tet sont, 
wees eaiy edidua aut tant hae obidue one patheieg be 

“oats xentax *xamo.? btor ot RoR holier asgatayed: edt honado ; 

| te ot | 

Se A 

upon the descriptive mutter foliowing the name of the beverage; that 
the publie was net deceived ner were eoupleinunte guilty of any 
fraud whieh would vitiste or nullify their right to wee the werd 
“Lomax; " that the word “Lomax” as conmected with the use of ginger 
ale and other beverages manufactured ky the Delaware company and 
ite wredecessore wae a valiebie asset; toat the use ef the wera 
"Lomax" by defendants *ither in scenneetion with the words “Lomax 
Bros." or “Lomax Broe, Beverages, inc.,* is an infringement of the 
proprietary rights of oumpaninandag ate result in deceiving the 
public as to the manufacturers of the beverages purchased by them 
amd will ereate the belief in the minds of the public thet the 
products sold by Lomax Sree, Leverages, Inc., is that of complains 
sapnte; that euch use of the werd “Lomax” by deferdente would result 
in financial lese te compiainents; that the eeta ef defendante in 
soliciting customers of complainents aud hiring salesmen, drivers 
and stenographer would tend te 4eetroy the businees cf somplain- 
ents and were acts of unfelr oractieos; that the continuation of the 
uve of the werd “Lomax” by defendants vould eavee irreparable @emage; 
that therefore the teunorary injunction theretefore issued by the 
oeurt ahould be sade permanent. 

The decree finds that certain citations lor conteapt against 
defendants fer vielaticon ef the temporary injunction should tbe aige 
missed; that compisinante were net barred by unclean hands, tor the 
reaeen that there war no fraud upon the publie. befendants were 
therefore perpetuaily and permanently em joined frem using in connee- 
tien with the business of nanufecturing ginger aie, non-sicehelic 
beverages and beveracer ef every deeeription, the name “Lemax” or 

the arbitrary word “Lomax,” er the name "Lomax" «liner alene or in 
combination in corporate mames or in advertisenents, ete., oF the 

names “Lomax Eroa.,” “Lomax Bros. Beverages, loc.,* “Lemax Company ,* 

“Lonax Coupany of Iliineis;" @rom infringing on the trademark “Lomax" 


tad? jeyateved ad3 to omed edt gulvelio’® uestact evidehioeeh oct aogy 
gia To Yilivg fuscia lqugo grew REM bevieveb teu naw abiduq ale 
Btow eds eew of tiyix 16M YLLSTeR ce OfebFlv Binow viside budt® 
toyaty ‘te oon odd Adie botuennos aa “named? biew oot Face ” pte 
bus Yaaqaes etavalel 249 yd hetudoe inne cogateved: “ernie bne eke | 
hrow otf Le een ocd fay pseten Sidewiay & saw wronadsehote ett 
kanod” afrow sat Atiw noidveduee at teddies etaahow'tes cd "xemed® 
ed? Xo Pieneghivtat aa ef ", io | weyeteres .coee xem 49 * ond 
ed? galvisesS al siueet Lfie\ggnenialemes ‘to wihrigts piedsitqort 
wedd yd hogasiovuq Begateved Bat Yo avetwton teaen eat oF oo ohicue 
ads tuxid obidwg act to shakm od? of teh led edt esoet Like bam 
stielgues ‘te gadz ok sal ,asgareved eer’ nated ed hhow atousong 

tiveet Binow efucbw lok yd “anmed* btew e473 “to seu cove Gel? feta 

Ai génshue'ted to atoe odf taut jetmsabsiqgos of seol Leteanat tak 
etevith ,semeoine galtid bas atasdiaiqnos to exemodaee gabtiel ied 
-thalqaeo to aeenieud s43 quusees of beet tivew ‘redgexgoasdauiae 
eas “id meltnualiaes wif saad pooltewi¢ thvtae ‘te ates orew ban ete . 
i. peyattet eidatagerti seuss biver efaebastat yt “aaeed™ Brow weld Yo ow 
otf yd Beweet sietose sends wot soautak ‘Ytetaqent att oxetorety sade 
tuenemrse wheat ed Slade susted 
Seataga Iqeosaeo tot ancisvtle atudves sadt whadt edtoen oft! 6% OF 
cath of biveda netsanutal ytereqdief ade “te doltetaly ae! etdaiie tem 
ede tot ,shuwtk nam Low Yd berted ded erew atemate que tadd ;bemalm 
erew shtahweted .ebidug add aege Sum? on saw omer as ~ 
-oennes at gaive agri bealot a ylinenemieq iow Yl laudeqieg soto | 
eilovooia-men (ois ‘eyaiy gnhidtes lense to seemtewd sey str mate 
20 "aanod” eutac od? ,coltq?taeed yore To esgeteved San eegetdved 
at «¢@ ele vedeis “xemod* saw one a6 ” pcmuted* weve sche enema 
and * «do ~ndasmeaituevha ak 19. ws pit i Hpi i 

a a, ee 

registered with the Geeretary of the State of Lilineia; from 
using the seeret forsules of manufacture of preducts by complaine 
ante; from geliciteation for and sale ef sald preducte under the 
nome and etyle "Lomax"; from ic sny manner interfering vith the 
business, including the trademark and vatent rightea, labele, 
trade nawe and good will of conolainante; frem holding out or repe 
resenting that they are the representatives of or in any way con- 
Reeted with commiainants; fron operating in eonneetion with the 
manufacture and saie of said preluete under amy seme and style 
whereby they use the word “Lomax” in ite eesendary meaning in ¢one 
nection with tae business ef eemploinantea; from simulating the 
signe and color schemes adogtad by comolainante sna used in cone 
neotion with their business, wherein the arbitrary word “Lomax* 

is displayed, snd from eimulating the appearence, eonatrugtion, 
aeoler echeme and d4erign of complainante’ sutemebile trucks or 
falesman cars ani the signe therean by the uss of the erbitrary 
word “Lomax, * 

Defendenta ocentend that the decrees shoul be reversed in 
the first place, beesuse it interferes with the absolute right, 
whieh every person has, to ase hie ovr mame aonestliy in hie own 
business, and they cite a large numker of canes, such as Singer 
Mfg, Co, v. June Bfe, Co., 163 U. & 169, where it ie said that 
everyone has such absolute right, even though thereby incidentally 
he may interfere with snd injure the business af another whe has 
the esme name, thie ease wae cited with aperoval by the some 

@ourt in the later ense of Howe 

Benediet, 198 U. & 118, where it was held that euch right exieted 

in the absence of contrast, freut or extennel. The onoinion cites 

Mtg, Ge., 3 163 Ue. 8. 169; tigin Matt. Va on CS. ¥ A iii. Paton vate 
Co., 17 U. &. 665. Defendante alea cite Warshaveky vy. 4, Sar ghawsky 


mont paloni iil te esas afd Yo Yrosetoes BAF Atiw hovesetgen 
otilafesss yd adonhere “te wintee tune “te Gafwurst totes ost -yaken 
ad? tebe atowherg dias Ye bles Aap tot nokéatioios mort jweaa 
ens dtiw yadvoteeéal teem qan ok wort ;*semed” efygs tos soma 
,@iedel ,ateyit teetegG hae Mtewmebout wd gubfelea!d ,seentaad 
“oot #0 tuo qulblod mort jatawntedques te {Lie booq bag omen ebare 
“es Yaw (ue of to to Berifetanaerteet off ete qeee. dent paldasast 
of} StiW nettesanes ah yubterons mewt pesamtie tamoe attw hetoom 
givyds bee eset ne tehay @forbote Stee ‘to eine bee puntos Teme 
<n0o tk gukiovet ytobsosee adi at “Rama” teow ese cow yodt yletose 
ett gnttedumte mex? jetneninlqgmas te eeondand exit teks Kottom | 
«men wh hoaw bie atnerleleass Yd bes gohe sxomeew toLoo fee anyde . 
tame brew eter thdre of abetestw panontend thet ashe nettoom 
noktorstens ,somomeqqs ots gubtefunke wot tae ,begeteaKh ah 
to eXGWit eLideontye 'ataealwioxwes to agimeh how emaion telee 
en ate ‘Lo pew ott.vd heetecs aeale off 50 efne anvane Lom 
= ol f2on, 
sk beetreret od bivode owtesh eat tect Bretagne etoile 6) fom. 
 taiait etulcete aff Mtliw aeretaegal ¢2 sovneet , «onde geek? omf 
awo Ghd al vftectod oxen owe eid BOW OF RAM GooTed YtETS wekele 
" PeunkS aa down ,aenes Ye ted agral a etlo yes baw, 
| ¢ate Die wk $2 etode (WOE Oo .U eet, ee. | 1 
¢ifstnebiont ydereds Mwods neve ,tdyiy etwieeds ceen wart onnyene. 
‘wed oe TeHifoun tw etettiond eff otwhnd bar «ole ene tredal yomed _ 
eats oft ud Levotene deiw Aetly tae gene aia eee one nes 
rot ke sone tebe l wrt” id 
bevahte vipit done tek? ote waw SR wtedie ,BEE O° 0 BOL™ | } 
 aete ances cute cneadenee te Ruaeet genesis dacnguesvaitetied | 

& Co., 257 Lil. app. 571, where thie court eaid in substance that 
it was well settled that a perecnel nase could net he exelueively 
appropriated by anyone as against othere huving «a right te usa it, 
and that an erdinary family gurname wae manifestiy incapable ef 
exclusive apprepriction ae a vslid trademark and ite registration 
ae such could mot itself give it validity. 

The proposition has received unusual snd careful considerae 
tion in Denneli v, Herringelinilelarvin Sef) to., #8 J. 5. 867, 
where the U. & Supreme eourt in an epimion by Br, Justice Holmes 
hela that under the elreunstances wiieh existed in tat eaee "on 
injunction agsinst aging any name, mark or sdvertisenent indicating 
that the plaintiff fe the suceesser of the orivinal coupany er thet 
ite goede are the preduet of that coupany or ite successors, or ine 
terfering with the good wil tougnt from it, will vretest the right 
ef the Herring-HalieHaryvin Gaffe Cowpany, apd is ali that it de @ne 
titled te dewend.* in thet sass, of couree, there was no contention, 
as here, that the neme was baing used with the intent te defraud or 
for other than an honest and legitimate purpesce, 

We think there is orectically ms confliet in the esses which 
eonaider this erevosition, ae will be seen by an @zanination of 
Jemieson & Go. vy. daxiegon, 18 8. P. G. 169, here the court in sub- 
etancé eaid that a wan ought not te be restrained frem doing busi- 
nees in his own neme becaure there were people whe were doing the 
eome and whe would be injureé by “hat he wae doing, addiny that it 
would be intelersble if the esurt were to interfere and crevent 
prople from carrving om busismese in their ewn names in rivalry with 
ethers of the sume mane, In the sume case one af the ceneurring 
JuAges sald thet he 414 aot tink there wae any case, or ever had 
been one, Where it had been held’ thet = mem whe hanoened to beer o 
particular name was 4ebarre4 fram antering Inte any trade merely 

beenuse there was somebody clee of the same nane who had acquired 

ted? eouetedye ok bine tiueg etth verede ) att Lee fr vee, ea 
¢leviewlone ed gon Bives suse Lemveree # fad? hoketew nee eew $2 
2h sew et Sighs & gotvad wrostto demtage ow eneyon ed hetehreOteee 
‘to eidacepnh Yiteo tiwen saw eausne YLbas't quash hes) me fade ote 
noltes¢etyex eft ban Saewbar? biiar a ae aeltetigetoes evbebtone 
*Uthélov Fh oFhy Tioed? Jom hives Mout he 
-ateblieaes fs'terae baa Laweory Bev iovet amt naanceatitl whE see 
,fOS 18 60 BGR (sa ete8 AbyteM~ciekngnlagel wv eEes _- 
sesloll settauh . ru yd aodaiqo me at drNde Sabrque Ve died 
te” sgas tet at Bedebx® ao hdw” ametie edt toby salt bie 
gaitasthal toowelerevhe 16 dian jomen yew gihew tenlowd moldialile 
dans to Ynoqeoo Lanlygtte eds Bo tocenseee sah Wh TrDeabere ead Walls 
eat "0 jwtodeenoun aff te yotqued tae) Ye Pouhore HAP andere 
digke @4t Pootore Likw , Fi mort sdywed Elie Bees oot atte y ; 
one eh oh tod? Lin #2 bee (ymeyen® oted atvreterretogatieet Gat Yo 
Mohinesnot Gn sev ered? ew ters te eats Gadd xt *  bmenee ot betty 
to Suaxtteb of Paostak ede Adie boss pated oew owen ode tad oxait he 
(ener stemdhyek baw pastoris 
tigity gone ont af dobftace om ylieottoete af eveid aetdt oF 
te noitesionse ax yd meen od LOlw an euanetirene tly etl 
ndist ak Suwon et? oyerie (20h 9. LN OE , eee tpt 4 
-lend galoh aext boatettert ed of tom daique snivaende ahaha : 
AEE SY NE EE SO ee ee | 
th gadd oathhs ,patob wow od smite ys Bocutnd oo havew wule haw edie — 
taoveta san oxsTtodal 9% etew si8o sr aot Wt he 
dtiw yukavis ot aon ovo ehedt ah ameatet Wo gatettas mort efor 
wdecanninc pants ain ewan watee oe ok Eeatecones ae 

whinaee. of Peewee sam =. tt Pia maa hat #8 sis 
herdugha bee extr smmit oma ont Ye bate Ybodomes parecriy 4 

yt pr wall te: ay 
Ps Rage 

@ great reputation in the manurseture of the parileular goods dealt 
with in hie trade. Yhie general rale wae adhered te by the Supreme 
eeurt of Thiineie in Jobneca 3 

ate Co., *13 Til. 
106, where Lt was argued that the name “Jonneon” was a facdiy name 
in ordinary use which might net be aporapriated as a tradecark, and 
the court, aporeving the centention, said that the use of a fauily 
mame by a corseration etoed apes the same focting as ite use by an 
us Syekert, ete., 
198 U, 5. 118 To the same effect is Hilton v. Giiton, 164 Ati.378. 

Theae eares aleo held that in the absence of fraud, contraet 

individual er «a firm, sand eited Sewe © 

er estoppel the prosoritien is apolicable, even though ineldentalily 
eueh use may interfere with and injure the business of another whe 
hae the same neme; that uncer like circumstances the use of the 
fonily nase by a correrstion ferned by the menbere ef the family is 
a rightful uee ef Lt, and that in the abeenuce of negative cevenanta 
a defendant may not be barred from se weing the facdly name. These 
cases held, as deferndante centeid, that) the law dows net reeegrice 
AM ex¢lusive right te uee a surname as againet others whe hear that 
nam@, ond that prierity in time in the uee of such meme ee a trade 
name ie met @ eontreliing eirevmetanee, The rule, however, ic net 
withest ite limitations, ae an examination ef these caees will shew, 
In the firet plece, it 19 an honest use of such a name thet the law 
permite, not a dishonest or an unreasonable use, Thia lisitation 
ie alee stated in Sineor Vig, Ge, ¥. June Bie. Go., 163 0. 5. 169, 
where the opinion states: 

"But although he may thus ace his name, he cannot resort 
to any artifice, or 49 any act calculated te wisicad the public 
as to the identity of the business, fire or extablishxent, er ef 
tina! Gas wien weedy frie h alenliy a aes 


The case of ligwe & @ {o. ¥. Syekotr, Seamans & Menediet, 198 9.5, 
118, also receagnises the Limitation, eaying: 

£ "A 

fies ebony twaiuetiteg ads ‘te etates tuna sts ad sol te sunes te07e, A 
ouorgyt alt yd ot betethe eaw afvt tewemy abd . whan abd ab sidtdw 
Shi $46 , 92 tea mondo’ ¥ 180 ath mosis al atentitl Ye sxyoe | 
eann yLine® # saw “aonmigh” aman ott tect bevgte maw at atedw .00L 
bos ,ttaoghart o 92 betaltgoryge od tom trigim tsdcw mew yregthto mb 
tiiast a te oan of? stadt bine ,ooisaetans ont gaiverqes atrwoe, ont, 
ae yf sae ath es yalteot omer adi noqu boots acidatecien «4d omen 
o28ie.. Uhaderl .¥ 280 ohape ayel bedie bos ,artt ete Leubivthas 
AVE LGA DOL .pO2S2H .¥ motsAh a deoTto same aft ef 812.08 ,0 695. 
josrsacs ,huatt to eaneada oat uh tad? bled cate akeas eenat . .» 
Vilssaehtont dquesd nave ,eideotiqgn ak goitineantg sat Loqgedee t9. 
ow neditoaa te sesuiend edt ouutal has dgiw ese tendat OM: 
add Ye neu ot epomdaauosto oltl tohaw Jade jpoane emma gat aad 
at, Lian? oss ‘9 etaduan ad? yt beaet Adtorecxon a yd gman yihne? 
ataaneves evigayes Yo seusada ef? mk fads bas ,42 To. SA, 
eaedt, omen yikoet ads yateu oe mort housed of tom yam tm 
ontxgoovt Som oneh wnt edayints ,bustage efashasted ae ,BLo e, 
dadt ta0d only axedto toulons na sanetwe @ oma ot Pdgis ertenione 99, 
Obet? 2 2a saga coun io gan ony at emt? mt yoinedta ted? fan ,tmnm 
ton et yeavewond. .eLvt od? ,sonetampnte galiiontcps « tam at, omes, 
Yoda. £29 aeaew ceed? Yo saitaninexe ae apeiriggnicarcie me 

mettetioki atdl sen sidaaeraetay ae to Jaenos 

; » 0 = start 

te x0. imetanaages etn a rr 
de @ Sat og Lak sovhorq Taal pu 

wong a YOR. GREW ERs Ae Se a aba Grek ah 

fe held that in the gtsence of ey mest we OF 
any sen way use hie own Rane, in 1k legitinate ways, anc 
whole or a part of u sermeorete name.* 

Tale exception, tee, was been reeceriszed by the Supreme court ef 
Gilineis in A 
it is seid: 

shea Cae, are ahi. 129, where 

“If defendants established their new business and sought te 
eonduet it with the fraudulent and wromgrul intention of attracting 
ta themecives the austom lntesded fer aspellee, thie is clearly a 
fraud upen the rights ef the latier,* 

The United States Gusreme court, scnin speaxing through Br. fustiee 
Holmes, in Waterman v, Mojern Pen Co., 885 U, &. 38, said im aube 
Stance that there was ne distinction betewoen vorseratices and natue 
fal persone in the principle which ie to prowens Yraud, and that 
mo additional immunity ie derived frem the fact thet the corserate 

mame is that of one or more of the inversoraters; that the name 

must nevertheless be honestly and fairly used, citing Zee 

So., 155 app. Div. 564, wedifying 214 |. ¥. 676. ‘the seme rule 

hee been reeoguized in the ecurts ef FPeunsylvania and Sichiven 

(Hixes Co, v. Hixes, 182 Pa. St., 346; Lelding Cleaners & Dyers 
X, Belding, 245 Wich. 243), and depkine! Unfair Competition, 4th 

@2., Be. IM, states the limitatien with refers se te the wae af a 
surnare, saying that *voneent by an incerperater te the use of his 
mame snd the adoption theresf in naming the corporation gives the 
name « trade or business identity and estopa tie déedicater from 
thereafter using hic name in a competing ousiness.” Cee alee 

EG. Ve Tierney Bros., ine,, 130 dive. 425, 224 

The English esses aleo are to the cume ef faet. 

2 Chane, (Eng.) L913, Be 545, val, Rs 

Aay extended discussion of these eases would unduly extend 

as the 


\ € 



hi a. 

Hi wary a 

| desmetan 19 pues? to ee ee aatt at tas «bios ot 

Th ‘ ent. 88 On8 ,eyew efeakd gid oy Yad few Yea 

1 * sae obaoctos, a Ne teag a te afore 

%6 fxdea Gmesgu® eft xd daadigoast ewe wad 1908 .Hohtqeoxs at. 

ous , OSL oat wre 490 nen ofa deos_y_Jtgmaye te ak sont La 

thea hg ah 

ot fdyuor Das eacataud wea thet? bedet tfaan0 sbiahin ek ure 
giisessige te solsuntes fo tyaotw due dee ivbaeet weld teiw ok ¢eubtee 
& ¢ineele al abas on Llagna <a hehastal motawo est seviaamat of 
“,sevfad ond ‘te etigts eA? apy bar? 

ante eet. th aout ysidenge Akape ,ftwee oawrcnt aednes etased boss 

whee. wh Alae Bh 6B etl @6& | «eo net see bom 

autss bat SHoltarenios moreed meltealverh om aaw wgend 26K: sient 
tata ban dwech dasvety of af solswoaketonine one ab Sndethe tae” 
atetoyiee.ond gent dnot edt apt} device ef etinwamt tenoteibha ow 
«ean ed? gous petodetonxeond AF TO Heed tO OmD to dash oh imme” 
eZ SeiadeeY guisio ~heew ektlet bin yasdowee of selaciarith tier 

sey iioid pao alaavineausS %@ a¢usoo ete me nate satshaeeeill 

auth ‘dead tena seta 'eatdeok bao (O08 toe ae | penpunrt 
@ t0 Seu aad Of gouees tes sate aoliatiots oc? eosetn ,18e 1a ‘Vober 

als te saw suid oF tofexequonst me ud faesmeo” fedd gadyen jedewtie 

edg govlgy aoiverogusee ed? gations of Roewert awieqoda ott how batket! 
aot xoteothob old aqodan ban Ytiénebt deanbwke ee ral aa 

o% how Odd oq .hLOk ‘att eotmat? ©, 2me'towt AL oes ' at 
hk Wi sae perry 
due dee eudan hivow eeene gacis bid soteesogkh Apbun tne Se om, 


79H aX .009,.a9h: as snes snananell 
List gcma oath. OPO oF ok OAR gatytthon \SOa 12a Vega BOL [ge 



the opinion and is unnecessary since the controlling erineiples 

are, ag we view it, siusie and clear, A man hae the right te the 
use of his own name, amt if he uses it honestly, but he hae no | 
Tight te use his own nase where he haw lewfully centrected that he 
will net 40 se, nor where the use ef Lt will amount te the perpetra- 
tien ef a fraud, ner under circumstances vhere by the rules of Law 
he woul’ be eatorsed from aging it, 

The evidenes in thie esse sagtiains by an overwhelming 
preponderance the allegation ef the bLli tse the effeet that the 
ape of thie fasily name was for such unlawful parsoee, If ale 
leges and showa gractically without centradietion thst J, A. 
Lomax while sresident and manager of the plaintiff Delewere core 
poration proceeded with other defendants to conspire te apprepri- 
ate to his own use and secure for himself and othera whe were 
acting with his the businese of that corperation. Defendants say 
that the decree ig net susportes by the evidence, but ae te this 
particular point there if ne discussion of the evidence, defende- 
ante velying solely unon the technical ecntentiens that the title 
of complainants ae to trademarks, ste., Yas net guifleientiy es- 
teblicked, and that Bim evidence wae net introduced te shew af 
firmeatively that conswsers of the goods had been confused or de- 
ceived by the ecenduct ef defeniants, 48 a Satter of fast, com- 
Plainante claim title through the shettel mortgage executed ty J, 
A. Lemax when he was the president ef the piaintiff Selawore cere 
poration, and his execution of the sertgage seeme te have been 
aperoved by the directors of the concany, There ie ne evidence 
to the contrary, and thin is, we think, prima facle sufficient, 

The mere facet, whieh is senceded, that the Delaware corporation had 
been adjudged a bonkrust and a trustee asreinted woul’ mot be suf} 

ficient te diapreve that title, in the abeence of any bill filed 

by the trustee in erder te recover the erepersy: Eiymeuth County 
Trust Co. v, MacDonald, 53 Fed. (2nd) 827. Neither does the 
Trust fac: oe) Beier. ee ae ie 



eeigioniug gulifeziaes sd? avake Yieoaeseans al bas selatae sat 
edt of tdgts ext wad cum A seen dy ban skqate ,at miy ev oe om 
om nad od tud ,yftsenod tf abew of ‘Th tem ,omat we ahi to sau 

ex gad} bedoaztn0s Yitetuet ead od etedy euew awe alk sek 0 Sify he 

~etFOUTeG ade of tawolss 2Liw $2 ‘te eae edt wued~ Tem ,ow of Ten tite 

@et te reins end sel exoste eooumsommtie tehan tom ,huakY & 6 welt 
tt paler oett hecaatas o¢ af ow oat 

: gutelsstrrneye ae yd ales eum ease, whe ak somite ce nl Rs 
out fast soothe sat of ALig edt Lo maltogetio oft eomete - @ 
-ia @  ,cnoqeng inten inn dove 192 saw pmec yline? e2st 20, 9a 
sA Jk das? sobtotharzune toositw ylLeattoarg ewods baa gsoged 
_steo etewaled Tlitalalc etd ‘te cegsamm hs fapbtegre 9 Lise xemod 
abzqezaqa of etiqanes 92 atishoaieh tito dete hebessgny melsas sto" 

. wee sl arasli a hun Teale tet steaen bem oo are ald © of ote 
Men aissbusted ,aolsereqres tant to paantand eat ald Agdw antiee 
aids of aa ind ,ponehive ong Mi Sen mee ah pent a ae 

esid ocd tact aed nes noe prenrennaey ast aus sie pater ane 
ono Viderloltiva 204 2a0 , 2930 ,sdtauehat? Of ae staaele semen 
qn wore. 0§ Deouhars ad Sag.08" APRERIME ME. Aa BRO * 
sh te beesteos aged bed abeog este to ateavenes Anes ; ° has 

~noe ~toat te 1dtan@ 4. .etaahae ted Yo toubaoo Add, of bayiee 
ok yd bedapone egagitom iesiade adt Agen? efit atate - Memes 

sTeo oreWeled Titsnlely edt to Inebigqoig ade aew et neste memed 4A 

sped svad of anos egegd tom edt te agktuvens ahd has ,molterog 
enaehive en ef oxegl ORS one to. igrtighag ont xe af : 

mamnccncesnieisssmiil rman tricia: Ry 
«~ “ £ 



ee, ek ee 


mere adjudication of bankruptey destrey the sarnerate identity, 
eertainly not in the absence of sebeduling its good wihl zs a 

part of the aesete, which the bankrugtey set does net compel the 
banrupt scerseration to deo. In that eaae, the trustve in bank. 
ruptey takes only the tangible asagte, aceounte receivable, ete, 
leaving the coroerate entity intact, and, indeed, the bankrupt being 
@iseharged of ite devts may continue te do businepe if ite steak- 

holders are able to finance such a vwexture. 

>, “55 Fed, 2O. Bere than thie, it ie 

undiaputed that comelsinente were in possereion of the preperty, and 
deSendante are in no povition te ruise any elbfection to tha title 
under the ¢ircumatences. King on Uniaix Caugetition & Pradevarke, 
Sra ed., par. 344, wp. 74. 

As to the proof of confusion os to the sanufseturer of the 
wocds scold, evidence of that kind wae offered and ebiested to by Age 
fendants, and their objection was sustained, Javing ebdeated te 
such evidence, defendants are not nov in o position te suecesatully 
eomtend that they were injured beesaues sueh evidence is net in the 
217 Ill. 89; Chioage & 

ums, @26 T11. 380, 


Finally, defendants eomti@ld that cemplaineute may mot suc 
tain thie suit, beeauss they come inte court with unelean hands. 
The rule of equity that they vhe elaim relicf againet frauda of 

others must theuselvee be free from imputation of framéd is uneuese 

45), but that rule,toe, nas its chvisus ond neeessery limitations. 

it has never been construed to mean that the richts of a eomplainant 
in = court of equity srould be determined by Lia general character 
for just end fair desling, ‘he rule is Lisited te unfair an@ ine 

equitable conduct with referenee to the particular transactions 




a rs 

“yetheaobs esax0cx00 eute eouraeb wiqwrotans 10 nottaatnuton ova 

& ae Like boon att wai Lebecies te comneda oxig ak ton cinterees 

ods Logue fea asob tas yosqurtond ‘exit sia Leto oremen eel te tt06 
wiinad at eevautd of? ,seno tail} ai .ob of noltexoeres tonnes 

, 299 ,oldavieogst atauoose sasnave eidignat watt eine sodad wotqut 
geied fquetand eg ~beobad baw tontal Wisas pias ovx09 eats antvaot 
«pote asf Dhass aenmnane ob of wud taoa ean aeceb ag to bogresion th 
.oxutaey « down ons xf of oda ota ; eae 
ak 32 ees | aatiadl atom 92 bat ges , ‘ ae” 



iz - SSS he 
a9 ee 


bas ehiogerrs ont te nolanouede ai etew dsoutatanbe # e 
eLake eis oF aolteatde yas eulet of aoty tq oa ety ow y ate a fetes 

peiranebet? * nol? iteqzod eho tet ao eat apo soouetke oa eb 

A ee adhe re Set YG ee 

208 088 .t8q oehe tnt 
wets te werudon"twaee ode oe ae notestaes 6 rears ‘eds ot hy ee 
wah Y. 03 osoetse bate boxe tte aaw bald dost te ‘ooasadve +biow 
of bedostdo pat val sbontatesa adel noitootde ateds hie abi 
ULlv'teeooove of sotthes « eat ven ten +15 aged teh apap 
ould ak ton gi eousbive dome oaueaed borwhak erew wont sant | ninbiae 
Aonsohse ; :428 .fL1 TES pve wv .ooae ml , : 
088 5 £11 ase ,dawadmus) oo a s20a AAT to "a lk 
«ene ten you aéuanie iques tasis buhs.ase adaninotep Videatt . 
sabes nee Loa itiw dusce egal sses could enumaod \thwe sia a | 
“Yo whunst teniege toliox abate onlw yond tact citwpe ‘te tun on 
msoupiw wl bowrt te sod tesuqak aor sort od nov Leunnts + deine weno 
aX uthevowtell geo poms rad “ 8 } 00k ar 2 inal) bon 
“saa pied ots saat J satze r ive 

BAS ¥ fas 

taastatce 2 pig yt abet ont ‘auld sao on ee be 
Yap BEGN Nes ge Beaters 
wosoetesis fereney nm bxl vi boalrstes od Sswone ystu9e te damon " ak 
; ok md 
“st fe tietan ot bottats ak ohe anit ations ated Wana, ‘ 
Wk | Me eat | AR: wa 

anotioanrwet wALiols6@ rey someday a nl bf 
ease shasta spe mer it 

oh dogs stbeoett 


eoncerning which he ake the ald of the court. LDefendante say 

that complainants and their sredeceeserem assed Lebels making une 
true etatesentea aa to the ingredienta of seme of the beverages 
sold. tt is ae14 that “Lomax Peasin Ginger Ale" wee eold to the 
publie with a label containing the statement, “Lomax Pepain 

Q@inger Ale is made from pure Jameien ginger combined with pepein 
aud aromatios,* and that this statenest ie untrus, the master 
heving found neither sure Jamalea ginger ner pepein wae used as 

an ingredient, Another of the products s014 by comolsinants wae 
known we "Old Tom Lime Hickey,” and it is said that it was fold 

by complainacts in bettier bearing lsbels “hich sentained the 
stetevent, “Bade from Vest Indian limee, pure ginger toot, lemons 
and oreggee from California, Uowalian euger, ozonated weter;* 

that this statescent was untrue, ené that the waster ee found, 
Defendants sises suy that another areduct sold by sompleinente 
under the name ef “Lemax Club Root Beer” was marketed with o 
label containing the statenent, “A sembination of reote, herbe awd 
vatke erectened with eane sugar,” oni thet this stntenent slse wae 
untrue. the usster, however, was of the cpinien ond found that 
there was ne froud upon the public in thage respecte, Defendantea 
gay that there ie ne bacie in the reserd for the opinion that there 
was no fraud usen the public “as there wes we testinany whatemever 
concerning that matter.” It is elowmterr, hevever, thet fraud 
mast be extablisned by affiraative preof om the partrof the party 
whe pleads and relies woen it. There was such proof in the cases 
weon whion defendants rely: Aseley v. Hargreaves, 246 Ill. 316; 
beach v, Saaxtf, 146 Pet. 444; Lervection hte, Go. w. B. Goleuan 
Silver's Cs., 270 Fes. 574, snd other gases, The mere proef that a 
etatement ie untrue doom not, of coures, estehidah thet 24 is fraudue 

Lent in charagter, sereover, even if there were ough preef, the 


Si, 4 

yes atashaste® .o1uet ong Vo Khe ont ekae oA vindaw gahathanes: < 
ant jaktax aleiat beee avacsensheng thvey Kaw etanaletnmos testo 
aegatéred ait to daog To atrethergat ec? of on ataemodate) ened. 
edt OF bles paw “ath tegadl akeqet named" dads haw et #1 sbtnnes 
nteqed xawed* | drsnetade nett yslintetars fedel a dele a btdipc 
Bieqse dtiv bealdmos tegaty solawel exog sev ahem o2 eA tomes © 
 ‘eoFeem Odd ,ourdey wi topwetete afd? deete fos * wold cron See > 
te hoaw saw ningee toe toy y selamd etue tection howet gntvet — 
aew ednmiictomes Yo blow atuvhoty dt Ye selfoms: .tuothenaah: co 
#fiou sav ¢2 Jed? bee ek FE fae “, yodeth outs set 820" be tees 
amt bentatsnes doicw sfedal yalveed eelited of atsaniatgnon yo 
sages t | stood tonniy Steg ,senll sathal doa% moet ebee* oe 
* rede hedeause stegua al Lowell ahesotd Lae meet seganto bas 
aiiet o¢ Wisse edt Fast bas powednt aow dmowsdare elds tans re a 
| phrinackefewon yf blow dnahotg aedtente tate er oaks ateanaved : 
an t¢ie feteties sew “eee! Fool defO zeal” To ona od eobas me 
Bie adted ,eteor to meldmatdued A” ,dasmogate wae yatatesnes hedake. . 
anv o¢te fxountata etd? dad? boo * tage satig iw hatter eer vateaden. 
| Fate Pact bas seities edo Yo saw ,tevewsd ,seoadem we mare on 
ataghee tot .atooquor seedd wi shituq ons ange buch art naw weep 
ests tar? molateo welt a0 bitoos elt nt akon at AE WROME ‘tan? van 
reve on tate ehont tent oe ame nteds ou” obténg ete mécw duet. - Land 
putic't Saat, towointct waa owas te at Ok > seettom tan? paleteaneds 
iene Bet TeyFtAG OMT mo Roots OvItann te YO MecReaMedeD ed vat 4 
eenne ont ph Roots, cose ae eroatt th oan Haddon: bam whee et } 
“pore cee ne ‘aevae , ae haneboe ren eon 
bible naeter chiara snaab-tapucer jipauanielee 
euhiie’ at $2 des Mater ded joerues Yo (ow kebet whtende wh paren + 
bat \"toowe dine atew erbe? ‘Lh aeve ,toveones swenpermte, ahianell , 

sen eran A 
‘ ; 

ba owe 


evidence indicates that these transactions were had at a time when 
the principal defendant was the manager sid in eonircl ef the 
plaintiff corporaticn, and he and the defendants who have aeted 
with him are hardly in 2 position to set it up. Further, the sale 
of these articles is not shown to save been directly eenneeted vith 
the subject matter ef this Litigation, 

Upon the controlling issue in tiie ease, namely, that of 
the fraudulent intention amd conduct of these adstendanta, the 
proof in the record eustaines the findisg of the esurt. 

The only serious doubt we entertain upon thie record con- 
e@rns whether the a@eeres should aave granted to counlasinante the 
relief te which they rere entitled witheut making the injunetion 
against the use of their own name absolute. Upon reiéearing a 
majority of the ecurt - the writer mot concurring « hold that the 
deeree should be medified so as te allow the defendants to engage 
in the beverage businese, either as individuals, a scorseration, or 
ag 4 partnership, to ewploy avy and ail servante necessary to cen- 
duct the business, and te do any and all acte incidental to tae 
conduct ef the business go lesg as their labels, advertizing and 
other printed matter affirmativeiy indicate te prospective customers 
that their ereducte are set manufactured or seld by cowmslainants 
or either of them, or their predecessors. the modification should be 

of the character indicated in Allegrettl vy, thacelate Cream Co., 177 

Tli. 129, and Johngon Ce., 543 11. 106, 

Tre eeate of this pent will ce taxed ageinet defendants 
ané@ the 4eeree reversed «nd the cause remanded with 4ireetions to 
the Chancellor to modify the same in confernity with the views 
herein expresced, 

O'Conner and MeSurely, JJ,, soneur, 




sedw emit a fe hed ev9ew aenolisesaets euerdl? tant osteolbn! sonebive 
eds ‘to Loxvame al bow weyeuem edt wew Faabie toh Leqtenity edt 
hevou ovod civ atexboeteh aft tas ef bow delta tervoo Trisataly 
alee edt yxoddret .qw of teu Of agifiueq « oh y ices ote min Atle 
Aghe hereornes YLdverih ased svat of awolle tou af weLolita usd? To 
MokTeylTLe ehat to tostem soohdwe ade 
‘te des? ,yleaten 0403 eve WE ever! galiferties ett neq °° 
aN? ,e¢ombesteb eeod? te Soubtoo bak sottee dat tae tuheett ont 
.itvoo of Yo yothals eae anleteua breget od¥ ab Toor 
toe broeey el awoqu slaitetee ow ¢dvobh ewolaea yino of? 
etd atnoutalemos of bednery B¥aH kivoda sorash ei? tovede aietee 
| gohtomutat ed gation ¢uodgiw bert bine exw yort oo tidw ef ties 
g yattobiier mogl.  .odutondy wman owe thent ty one ont tumbaye 
edd Sard blow » gatvivomes sow setkew oad & Heme OF to csttotam 
ognan of adtabm ed edd wWolle 09 so oe baltthom ed tivere ebtee 
to ,aottateqtos & ,efeubivital es tadile ,esentand eqeteved’ 6 - al 
‘wags of exXseesoon ageevtes Lin bee un Yolues of pqidetenivaq a ‘jo 
eft of fetucbiont atee Lf bam ys of od Bae , vaentaed eft Goud 

bie gulelisovhs ,aledai tisas oe gaod o8 aadnited af9 Yo soubaoo 
eremotaue evidseqaoud of Sdaoibul yLevistanritte wedtem betnlag wedto 
‘etvehlalomso yd SLoe ve becetse tuna dem ota Stonbhete eteds sacs 
oo Biwoda sobteol tives ost .erexssovboty “ied? ve jnadt te temehe re 

_ginsbhastab ges beonae os Iie be 
“ot etoitoatit tie behasary seasp off Sne cag ings 
evely adt sijlw yeioretnes mh omen amv Vithom of ! 

pth og 6. sade Ko MAOD! | 



37306 ‘ 
: a 
Plaintiff in irror, } we 
Te } 5 
y OF COOK codury, 
PORES, IBC,, a Corcoration, i Pee ar et 
Joanea H, ThivuL and J. ¥, 'neampane,) 2'7 4 | A. OGZ 
Defendante in trrer. 


By thie writ of «rrer cosviainant secks te reverae a de- 
eree of the Superior court entered July 125, 1035, whieh dismiseed 
the B41] of compisint vitheut eoetea for want of prosecution. The 
deoree recitus that the setion was Feguiarly eslled fer trial; 
thet me one apceared to prosecute, and that the dismissal wae 
upon the setien of the eourt. 

The bill was filled saren 6, 1928, and alleges that seme 
Qisinant trisge auvit im besal? of himself ond other ereditera whe 
might eheose to jein to secure the appointment of « receiver, the 
marehaliing of eeaete and an accounting. It prayet that eertain 
S&efendantea whould be decreed te pay the indebtedmese te the extent 
of the unpaid portion ef their capital steck; that the eo rpora- 
tien might bea weund ap, and for general relief. The cause was 
put at ismue July 14, 1928, and en the eume date an order wag 
entered referring the cause to © master in chancery. The couse 
was pending tefere the master on thie reference at the time the 
erder wus entered dismineing the bili, Hovesber 20, 1945, the 
master filled a report recommending that the decree sheuld be 
entered in favor of cewplainant against al. the defendante, 
except one, 

That it ie reversible errer under such cireumetances to 
enter « decree digseiesing the blii Le settled by the sathorities 
and dose not require discus#ion, “Yell v, Mulvaney, 26% T11. 198; 

t ilgatesk 
“tora ak Hauesk 

Raed f a4 ae a ats 

a q 

eae wry 
wave Sa Gu ssawrs 

; sahara ees a 
| ar “+t haa sari 

% “a “MBAS 

pian. ake Mas AS Rg CT A re a 
ae ee ; 

by anaes 

» 28009 Mak] 9 KSEE oy eR ER wd r we 

ob & oaxevex ot edeos Suma e feo xorte te awe elas we yi seh 

bows tase kb ite kit 18680 fod hai here sas faa tolvoque ety *% nom, 

watt -a0t jvooners te saa x0 asaon suosis hw tataiouce * to cand per 
pias x8 ne Lae Nite laget naw notion one tact aedtoos, pote yy 

any Aneatents vs sasit bm » stuogaeag | on beuangos ono 

NV aes batia 
bt +i Gi i Bi ee a: Poet wR 


rs ee ay Wits AE ap as EE ¥ “hy Ay eee ee ‘ 


cae ae Teenie 

: : -n00 nia ange iin baw ses 2 “axad bod ¢ ates "eet ore 

ssid ‘binde’ _ 

oe srordbow ‘wise hae Yuseats r9 Vianed at aus | a eve Inet 
ie iy Cie at ek ee ue EL 

parses Fis 
atagze toss ‘boyoug a1 “gate auosen an bow rivera te Bake, “tah 
poe aie MM eae Pee Muley Wel 

tuo te0 nats ot ‘eusnbesdebat outa ob) ‘ ot . as fod 
“ g Reick ee hae | Muede ae etary 
_ spreWioo acid asst idoote kas boas xios 8 xoltceg bhaqan add %o 

shy ae oat aa 
Deas 26: : i ae oe 

s “ae ence ont Wohin Laxene 9 x9? Lonweg! 8 banow od ge molt 

: ee RAS Bed 
saw ‘obt0 a edad emee ais ne ‘bats ‘ater ay at pra My 6 tee 
Beare Nay ‘ 3 a Ae ft 8. 

enue ont sete ounio a 19 tan e 0 “vaueo ome antvaetor pereray ae 
. ont “oats” oat te sommzoten ast ne toteas uty oo. paihaog saw 

of ¢o0netamvetio dent stehoe HenTe , stdiouever at * * — ke 
wehtivodsom ead yt bodtion af [itd add ciel rob os o ” 

ike yore Sohe lee ahs 

Bil) 8. %. Go. vy. MeCavahan, 180 122. App. 525; MeGlay v. Wipisem- 
Bem, B47 Til. Ago, 1414, DSafondants practically comeede that this 
fe the jaw but seen te contend tnat the deeree sheuld mot be ree 
versed, becmuse, ao they say, somplainant 414 net exhaust bie 
renedy in the trial sourt betore apsgeniing, They site eo nusher of 
pmo & Ge., 28) Lik. App. B47; 
Craser v. 111, Conmereial Man's Assoo., 206 111. 916; Bagden y. 
City of Chieago, 283 111. 145) to the effeet that the trial court 

bas power at & subsequent tere to act agide an order dismiesing 

authorities (To Semues Py 

the eause under weeotion 89 of the Praatice act, and urge that emm- 
gieineant showld Keve firet seugit relief under that seatian. Une 
fortunately fer this wentestion, the Supreme court hae held that 
the vorececding under section $9 le not apvlieable to » decree one 
tered in chancery, Tgeetti 5. to, v. Beenier, 200 t11. 369, Hwen 
if euch remedy had been available, it weuld by he mean fellow that 
somplainast wae ebligutied te seek relief under it rather then by 
writ of error. 

For these reatens the decree le reversed and the onuse 
Foemanded for proceedinge conel stent with this opinion, 


O'Sennor end Eofurely, '7., comeur. 

aid? fect ohroucn llantiaena wtaabadted thf wrod 527 TOR age . : 

-Ot od fon dinate ooveeh ol? tame honda ef moos duet hd “od ig j 
ahi dauetes ton hh tamsaleman yan gait aa aad a : 
a ee cuit onc ergted Mans, fee ak 4 

géterHumlt webse ie ablws toe ot ted seeseoaden « ts pan sot 

Ae pe af : 

ie “mou das? agie bow dae snide! at to ee nbd tinke vetew tava bob PY 
ea aokzeue anne aobans et toe Peo four ‘Gren Miwon ‘Sneninde. 

fart Mest tad fivoe edovyut atte pauls set oe bat tet eiotaumd tot oi 
(he aetaeb 6 of akdaed tugs tom ot OF Ha tone cohen + aabboonote = ot * 

er +008 666 o8 coe : : 

abba ui hy Foe i ic 

i aisabinesal eae aataion st i ce Pee i bw) 

i eB: dee i) EO vith smn san 

* i 
x cS eA PACS Oday 
Sane i | eu ial a( aa 
4 eh Cn ae CRE AE! UIN RR IN SEER IRIE (sr Tite eae, i F) by ‘ 
MSA Bacecs 

iar; : Bo Ut ed ee hai wae ‘ 
PEA evly yh et 


RICHARD NEYTOR, Administrator of ) / f a 
Eetate of JOGRPEINE ASWich, Ya 4 od 
Deceased, é { 
Aopellee, Yr ae 
VE. 7 ; 
} ov CHICAGG, 
COMPASY, 2 Corporation, Yy AT AR ast a 
os ah ataatiad } pd 3 ae oA 2 O 6 3 


Plaintiff, bringing suit en an induetrial insurance poliey 
issued by defendant upen the Life of Josephine Rewton, upean trial 
had a verdict fer @360, upon whieh jJudyment wae entered, The péliey, 
wherein defendant promised to pay to the aduindetrator of Josephine 
Kewton upon her death tae sum of 9000, wae issued im Tolede, Ohio, 
December 1, 1928. re. hewton died September 29, 1930. The poliey 
provided that if it shewld lapse for cen-epaynent of premium and if 
net more than two years of prewiumg were due end unpaid, it might ve 
revived upon payment ef all arresare “and the presentation of evi- 
dence satisfactory to the company of the ineurability of the insured." 

The defendant agrerted that the soliey had iapsed fer none 
payment of premiume and was not in feree when the insured died; 
that there was an attemst, by fraud and misrepresentation, to have 
the policy reinstated; that it was oot reinatated, and the prenium 
fer the reinetatesent was tendered back to plaintiff and refused 
by hin. 

Richard Sewton and Josephine Sewton, residing in Chicago, 
were divorced in 1927, and Jeseehine thereupon took us her resie 
dence in Toledo, Ghio, Richard remaining in Cuicago; kre, Kewton 
took out the policy im question from the Teledeo office of the 
defendant, whose home office is in Hew York City; she paid the 
monthly premiuse ef $2.07 esch to an agent ef the Teledo office, 
to and including the month of Zarch, 1940, when the payment of 


: Ge 6 Re sedertetatena , nore mkA 

hea on ga a: 19 Ligena 
| 7 t 



SQOO ALT RTS | maine’ ¢eaee 


woileq sonarueat Laltteubad aa inte Pe gutguied  PLgaiass if ‘ 5 
fainxs soqgu gHOnwOR, padi aol ‘te orhe asia a al saabao tod oe ‘ ve. 
eYelleg eft  batetae aa 3 mpaay bast, kia baie Bags 2066 tat tobbrey a hod 
 gabdqesot te ‘ansextstatabe od od Yaq OF beaiootg tonbae teh abexedw 
,0ldd ,eheiel mt bewask aaw ,008e ‘to mee oct adeeb t3m soqe motwek 
yet log oat .O00L ,2h cede qot bodh Botwed ant BS OL Tal rodeo ee 
th bow mulomag te Jimaneqetton x0 orgnt bisess tt 32 taxis bone ve ' 

oe taigim 23 , diego fe ub oxow enka 49 te ore owt aad orto doa 
4 ee 

lve te soltatneaosty ed? bas” eteonta ife to rapwreq ange RO) 
*.perwaai oft te yihitdenwant odd to ymaqmon ese a8 rot patakean soned 
“nea Tot bescat hat yoilog end sand hettescs samhaeted ect i 
jbeth betuen2 ont sede $etet at fon oxy bus wauluoxg Yo peared 

oved of ,moltasaceorgatstin bus bund't es .ouuedte ma oew weeds std 

mutant od Bae ,betotedion gon wew F2 eds pRedadentet yokfod Sat | 
beater bas Tikiately of dead borehesd cow teometesaniet odd ret 
oad os ul 

,agaokd? af gaiiises ,modvek ealsdgercl bee asewell buadohi 
elest 198 aw does nequeteds edingesel baa ,TROL at bootovth oxow 
aesiwek wee joyastan al galaieuos ieadedi , old aboLe? at omen 4 
ett oO @oltte obelat edt mont mold faa ak yollog one ‘ue oe. 

ed? dtaq ode pyeto da0¥ weit at ef 992tto aainsi beac’ im asteh 
ssoitte abolo? oi? Io duege aa oe | sions 10.94 Yo. whe as 6 hasan : 
Be tonne oh one SCO oa Yo nee at tbat ba 

premiums geavsed, 
September 17, 1940, the insured was taien 111 and om the 

foliewing day, the 15th, she wae taken te the Maternity hospital 

in Telege shere on that date ahe was operate’ on fer gallstones and 
am infected gall bladder; on the evening of the 2th Aienerd Bewton 
with ire. Rose, a sister of insured, ealied st the home ef Filiiem 
Davie in fTelede, as agent ef defendant. avis testified that Ars, 
Ress reorerented that she was Josephine Sewton, the insured; thet 
Richard Sewton, the plaintiff, way her husband, and that she wished 
to revive her ingurance in the defendant company by paying all are 
reare of premium; Davie thereupen, after computing the amount of 
premium necessary to revive the nelicy, reowived $12.42 and gave « 
receipt for the saxe in nzic name; this receipt reade that the 
amount received is 

“9 tende® of paet due and unpaid weekly premiums, made in connection 
with application to the Metropolitan Life insurance Company fer 
Revival of above numbered POLICY woich Ans Lapsed. ko obligation 
under sugh POLICY te incurred by said Company by reason of sueh 
tender. if such application is appreved by said Company, said 
POLICY will be reinstated and placed in full feres, otherwise the 
gum eo tendered will be returmed," 

On the reverge elide is the Pellowing: 

"if the holder of this reevipt is net sotified that the Peliey 
stated on the reverse side hereof has been revived, or ihe amount 
receipted for herein is not returned within four weeke, write, 
stating name of Agent and particulars to 

1 Sadison Avenue, Hew York ¢City.* 

At the same time Mra, Hoss signed the name “Joaephine Aewten*® te a 
revival application, waich contained, among ether things, the 

"The above described policy having lapeed for nen-paywent of 
prenium, the undersigned hereby appliee for a revival of augh 
Polley; and te induce the Metropolitan Life Ineuranee Cempany to 
revive the same, hereby represeste and deelares that the live 
heretofore insured under said policy has not, since 1t was issued, 
been sick of afflicted with any disesee, or met with any secident 
or sonmuilted er been presoribed for by any physician, except as 
stated on thie application. And the undersigned expressly agrees 

that the said company, because of thie application, incure no liae 

bility until saif company shell heve approved this application for 

ohetase * “ ce 
ext ad baw ££k alae enw hn twant sie ,08et ele tedand qed °° 

fatiqeed yiiaredeM odd Od andes sew cin ASOL ot ,qab aaitwoc to? 
fae eonctealiay tt ae bedstege saw ote ata said ae ated eho Lot al 

dihd dnl 

aetwed buasoli Ag0R edd Ie palaeys edt oe prebba le ‘kiay peted tad: ae 
meEtrr® to saod #43 Ya beilae ,foxweai Lo aeteke « -neok , eal ite 
eth Gadd baktisaes sivad sfushbaeteh be tuege ss ,obo Lye od a tvast 
gad? ;houwani et? ,aetwed eal deoost anew oie dass sesneentens soak 
Bédetw ede tadd tow ,baadend tea gew , Tt abeta edt ,aepeet ivasind A 
~ta Ife gabe “dt Yastacs Masha ted edt al soaeevent aed sviver of 
to drone #4F yolsaqeos tedta paeqievedy wived paaskaorg te aieet 
& 4¥ay Site TA.OL4 Hevleoss ,yoifoe Ot eviver of ctamasten tse 
ead fad? ataet teheget alt? jean oth ab amme aad tr tateoen 
i af beviesot fawome 
solfeenios al Shan ,anolesey yLisew Bhagew hak ook same te eehaed a" 

_ « €6T YaRquod commivent etld aaiiiogotted eit of meltaoliqga A¢iw 
‘ g@ekeegiide of  beeqet ead dolisw VOLO be {eee OV OTe to tavt rad 

dove To Goaget Yd Erte bise yd Soyameak Gf ai YOLLOT dove | 

bias ,ysequed bhen vd bovetwqge 82 neldackicgs Mae TE = 

ass saiwredse ,eotet Lfyt at hove le hoa Sesetenior od ary ce 

“ Sewtutet wd fLiw hevebasd ot” 

tgaivetiot aig al @hia extevet gig a0 

Collet off gad? Seltdton fom ab dqleget sad? Ve eebtem oar We” 
fauoms od to ,fevivet aed aud towred Ohie sutevet sc? ao setae 
| bohew ,arlsow tuet mist bw Seatetet soa at sng ‘got ree 
of atelualsieg bus faega to eine ft sade 
TTT) atoY woh ,owmevA soaibaa £ 

& ot *nogweil ealdqeaol” aman esi? boogie axel .ark oan ana eas an 
edt. ,ayalds tonto yaoms ,bealatnos Hokie etdoot Lege tevivee 

‘to 400 fe “ae: bomen £ ved yotlew 
“ts soon se ‘ eka Tue tors 
é gonetwHal 2 MEER BOO 
cieenes tudd astalosh bows ad aso: 
,bengad paw fi “pat 20a ued yoliey 41 
gogbiaoa Yum eo of om ts ,e r seas ty : 
as tqno ote fe 4 tet Heat 
“ gteuge i rataleee Prheeg Me Sokal as ane bead 
~sii ec eimoal ,woliaoliqan ald? t0 pale “aYanqaoa Be 
Tol seltectiqgs eldd bevetgqa eved Liade yasqaee dice 

davis says that at this interview be did ast Bnew that tre, 
Rose wae not Jeseshine bewten; that the foliowing day, beenuse of 
gome thinge which aroused hie suspicions, he want to the neighbere 
hood im Telede where these people lived and apparently then Learned 
that the woman who signe’ the application was not Josephine Kewton 
tut was her eister, Rrs. Kona, 

Mra. Rees testified, contradicting Davie’ version of «hat 
happened. Ghe says she informed Davis that she game te pay her 
siater's insurance « Joveshine hewton's; that Oavis said, “Hew is 
Kra.Bewtont"® that she replied, “re, hevten iantt so well * * she 
ie eick in bed,* and that thereupon Davie said, “All right,” and 
teld her to sign ineured's name on tae revival application. The 
ineured died September 29th foliewing the operation. 

October 3rd plaintiff filed a elaim en the policy with preef 
of death with a dr. Warrington, an agent for defendant in Chicage; 
Barrington told seleintiff te ¢all back in about teelve daya; that 
when he called at this time he was tol¢ mething Kad been heard from 
defendant; Oetober 28th he again enlied on Harrington and was then 
tola the coupany would not pay under the purtey, and Harrington 
tendered te plaintiff « refund of tie premium pald en the applieee 
tien for revival, which plaintitf refused. 

If Davie’ testimony was true there was obviously a Traud 
attempted by the posing ef kre. Hose ae the insured, fosephine 
Bewten. In such a eaee vlieintiff eould net recover, Hangook y. 

303 711. 66. Piszintiff argues, however, that 
the jury was justified in secenting Bre, Aose' version, and that 
when Davis aecepted the tendered preadum and defendant teok no 
action thereon until Geteber 28th, when it refused payment on the 

polloy, defendant waived any right te claim that the policy had not 

been revived and waa not in foree ana effect at the time ef the 


hun arid hes Ge Oy 

ork ged? wok 3 out bih ed wolvantak eist sa darts agen abves 

le seumeed , Keb palwoliet es tasi? pao ewe i om dae 0% Jon one seek 
-tedigion ext of i nee on 80 toige wa eit herve ta ‘to kite enahss once 
boatael nend vitnetaqes haa bavi sigoe¢ saeds onnitw oh Lo? at ‘boot 
aoswoie euldgeset tom saw apkseoiiggn o4¢ beagte odw aemew outt tase 
— oat totale most sav w oud 

sede to molaser tatvad acitelbarsuce bot iliast suok oe 3 
ted yaq of ones atts fasts abvatt hemistai ess eye ouie “bone gear 
ab yee" o hiss ak vae dass 70° mesdweu ani desegt - sonetust At negate 
outs # * Liew os t'nad od wo it aa" pbotiges waka sus "tap tesi. «eH 
baa ",2iglx ith" ,dhen nivel asquoredd Seslt baa * bed ab ‘ole oh 
‘eat sHabine Liege kav iver ont ae satan 8 a! hetumed mde ¢ o@ Be bios 
sMtobtoxeqe ade yaiwoi sot id a wodune qos dete souweat 

Teorg a3iw wilog ent m9 miele bo i2%t Wabmhnde bat xsd0900 iy : ae 
ponent at tasbaw ted a0 $00 5s stu pos yada ek ti ae nis. , anvi Be 
tate yaya aviows Sunde vk owt sino os reagade te bios “nods bene 
mevk Sused need bast gntiitoa bios new od ome oket te be Lkep ot bait 
sett aaw bie ao Fan ivisk ao botine abaye on bad 1940300 1 tnabaste 
aotgalzxal bas ,yallog eutt Tehs Yea toa biuow qaseog edt bho 
~aohiyee — ne blag hry ode te bate i Wutende be of devabaed 
homeo Vebdntaly oko hav boas: oss eat 

bustt « eseutede wae exer gud saw cau tees ‘aivad BW - 

- guidyooos ,botweal ocd se Geek ,atl Ye gaineg ed? wh iene 
-YAgoona .1everot tom bivee Vihialedg saq9 2 some ml ymtwel 
tedd ,zovewed ,aounte Tliteatesi’ .88 .£iL EOE axsizuoe? to sacha 
tant hon eopanare ranen looky efi ini ab Sines wn 00 
anit a0 seeaneee, beaten ry apse rbd ads 
ton hast wottos euit dai? alike of Saige oie barker 

eld ! 

insured's death. 

There have bee many gasee touciing waiver by an agert of 
an ineurance company, but moat of them laivolve the question ef the 
payment of « premium some ilitle time after the dat¢ of payment 
etated in the pelicy, in such cases, waere the custom has been 
for am sgent te receive premiume a fee daye after the due date, 
the company will be Held te Bave waived ite right te declare a 
ferfelture for nom prowpt payeent. Chigsage Life Ine, Co. ¥, Yarner, 
8) Til. 416; cee, 157 il. 194; 

i e Lif ¥ » 8OO Ti. 448. 

In the present esse we aave a policy, admbttediy lapsed, 

whieh there is an attexpt te revive. Ey the terme ef the policy 
the revival say be accomplished upon the presentation of satiaface« 
tory evidence te the company of the ineurability of the inwured; 
the receipt given for the arrears ef premiums expreasiy states that 
this te e tenter and the eccupany ascumes no obligationa under the 
policy until the epplication for revival has been approved by the 
company; the revival apolicatios is upon the esnditien that the 
ineured has not been sick, affiieted with any disease or treated 
by any physician since the solicy was issued. But it is argued tha t 
Davis, the agent ef defendant, and tue defendant, by reeeiving and 
retaining the presmiume for a iine, waived compliance with these 
conditicnes, Among the many cases touching the subject of vaiver, 
under similar circametances, one of the test statements is Pound 
in the onee of Ferrero v. knisits of Security, 209 [11. 476, where 
the court said: 
“A waiver is the intestienal relinquisehment ef = known right, and 
there must be beth knowledge ef the existence of the right and the 
-saktcspage bes relinquish it. (Zerds ¥. Park 126 ILL. 201.) In 
K 4 44 Mere R, 262 111, 300, @ 

5 ver —e "set up, and the curt hela that knowl edge is always a 
necessary clement te constitute a waiver, and that receiving 

sseteements with the knowledge that the insured wee 111 ot the 

 heamgue Ne keh oe Rede wat? altek. omen milage oe 

1h stad exh edt ssdte ayeh wet « sembeata sriseet of tanga ae tot 
i @ Stalgoh o¢ Siig ie aék beview “vad of bood oo Li Ry (yng ess 
«teed teeotq mot tet enirte trek 

7 . hae od er 

foe 420 MeL, | 
(i ere ee or ae eee f 
My jowegint edbaShRdba gutted: cheer Wede Vnsawrd due wt oie OF 
i Tohlog end te | mannd ety ‘a sovivon vt dqum tte oe et otect nebaw 
«oa'tetias to nolsasunaeta ead Weep ‘bow tqan evn ed “ean toviwven eat 
SS opbetwend ena Ye ytbiidwanant arte ty ll ‘edt of *oaehive yet 
task? Medase ylosetqae eawtuetg te etaprts edt tot noviy Iqtegen wet 
. | ane xe haw etos rapt tbe (i temiege yoo ale bas neh? @ ok eit 
ais YE hovoxqgs mead wad Lavbwwt set noitealiggs edt ibtaw ye hte 

| ged Sede agtiiiuss e469 aoge et aelemetings Leekver axe ryeqnad 
i bedwerd to snewadh yas dsly Redoditts ,ele med ton wet berodmk: 
ll ¢ aft beugte al oh dui sbounet wee YoORLeG eM eoata abot aye ns ed 
it hos gil vieost ‘e  tashas teh wilt haw | Olah ae lee “To sooge ody Seabed’ 
suas idle evaaliqnos peview dul? « tot oavinente “edt Qatcleter 
! teviaw te dootdwe edt yaldoust seo6y yt od godwaA © vesotentdeo 
i) Dat ab ataonevese teed sit "to site ,eeonedomorts to finte ate 
| | @t0ity a HEEL ROE '¢; Simupe# to sivutot .¥ ovemte toes: scrum 
il bas téy2s amocal 8 to sogasetupal fox Leng Lvs) at ony rat va 
@ 008 fii & oS satan ry BSOIOR Dawe ape rtog tus 

i ere Senesbatan: | cpRR TS ihge 
i "gntvisees fade baw cape hae a r grr yo - dams Ls 

te tmege as yd teview yalionss eames yan eed eve eteT oo eet 
{| edt it noltenup 943 evioval and} Lo seas ted .yusqmen voswumad me 

| tered ea moteue os Stes ,awens store ato syodteq ont nk notene 

at 29 LES sew horveaD edd sans ogheLvomt wilt aah! itaedeneda 




time could nave mo signifieance if the agent was ignorant of the 
fact that the insured war in bad health when the certificate was 
delivered and the first asseagment paid, Yo conetitute a waiver 
it da essential that there is an existing right, bemofit or ad= 
vantage, knewliedge, aetual of conetructive of ite existence, and an 
intentien te relinquish it, and the burden of proes ile upon the 
party claiming # waiver to prove that the one charged to have 
Waived the right mew of the fact that entitied nim te the right 
ant the fasts uven which he relies for sugh raiver.* 

frie element of knowledge of 11 the facte om the part of the par- 
gon glaimed te have waived o@ right ie Aeid essential in sii of the 
decided easen whleh we have seen, 

Plaintiff in hie brief repestedly asserts that Davia and 
defentant knew all the faots as to the insured’s physical condition 
The record before ue dees net sagoort thia. At the tine ra. fees 
interviewed Davis, Josephine Newton ned undergone a majer operation 
threatening her Life, which, with wo falling heart, rewuited in her 
death within a few days, re. Kesa, according to hor teatineny, 
told Davis enly that “Hrs, Sevten is siek in bed.” This ie far 
from tuparting to Davie oll tke facts ae toe the condition ef the 
ineured, It is inconetiveble that if intend, Gabe that the ine 
sured was in facet on her death bed that the request for revival of 
the polley would have been approved. According to this reeord, 
the firet time the defendant company knew all the faete waa then 
the proofs of claim were reeeived by it, which wae some time in 
Getober, Under such cirdumeatanees the 4efendant cannet be said te 
heave waived ite right te withheld syoreval of the application for 

The inatraetions  iven the jury were very misleading. Une 
attempted to define the duties ef a general agent, indicating that 
Davie had power to waive conditiona in the policy. Wurther, that 
if the jury should find that Davie saecested paynents of preaiums 
on the soliey ef Joseriine Newton and *that esld general agent had, 
or then and there received, knowledge as to the com@ition of 

tesephine Hewton's health,* and if he accepted payment of presiume 


eit to tomtougl saw tmaga ont ‘TA epaeaitingia on evad Aivoo amit 
sew eteoktitrss eff ues AQLwond bod al exw betwent add Sad soe? 
teviaw # etutitjaneo of .blay saomengner Jost asd bam betevl Lob 
be ee TEisoed digit gatintes ae ef aradd — kalingses af ai 
ae Das ,eonedaiann ati to evisoutiacon to dewtea ,oghe irom ,opeta 
euy mea wi Ytwory to aebtud af? Bae .t! phar Poe fax af aetar 
avad oc hegiade eno og tak? overg of tevhew, # 

piintote yee 
Sighs ody oF mid be lvtirae taxes fost ocd “to went 2iigylx edd boviaw 

_“toviow done tT setior og Sodew age egowt ert, han 
~ieg ons ‘te ung ous fo efor? ons fie io ogbe frend To taemsfe ebaT 
ott te ihe mi Latsunene bier ef trois » heavier oved of bemiels moe 

sheen eyed ow piste aoane Sehioed 
hoe as vat tathd ‘dzp9ae tlhe taeawn Reked, eid at Pretalels | 
pre oy oe inoiovse a? bonuend eee os oa boost ont bis yout it 

aged ark amie ace Fé oaks sroqaate don eeoh aa oroied, bxonet oat | 

aeliateqo team « eaugteb aN bad oorwed enidqaeot ,aivet bowslveoda, 
Bao mn boo Luwos fad palin? * hiadieiel atid ste sit twat gad os 
smoatgens ted of yaihrooss 288 vor -eyeb wet # abdtlw dtae 

| te at alct "hed at dole at andrew ona" tame ying stved pied 
ont “Ye mots thaoe sett at ea atoxt ono fhe sive oF gat Spaguel ast 
oud oss dads eee apebco' ‘th tatt eldovivongont | sh Si. .bovwsat 
‘to Lavives rot teospent oft godt hed Steck ws te Beat al ank Rowse 
s brass: eis ot Balbrooed ,hevetaqe od ovad bLuow yoliog ae 
asiw sew emo ant ile weet yneqene taabeteseh ocd emt souk gat 
‘sk outs moe kaw solide tk xd bevieos new miedo To stoorg asd 
0? bkae of Senase seahee Yop erly RORMRERENO KES, Hovn tohal  .tedetao 

x0? not teot fees oni te kav onage biodiaiw ot tisit 222 Seviaw aya 

eo gulbestebs Ie eTew east, ens wee an iSaust ant oat ats gd 
dass gatineihal «ditt pee ‘faceeey x ‘te a0 keun oid oat to, ot bose i 

Saris «coset Uallog weld ak anelsihmoe evden ot teres bet eave F 

anutaong, to wteomon besqooon ak vit bauia bare efoode yt. AY 32 
.ba semys ticolee'y bane aeas® baw fytaed ox bile os neo tenet aie 

re apis ibhoo outs 09 am oighe twoict bart oxo baa 

ey tern aome 

aainore to haenenet "hedqnene wel “2 baa » sth tees ‘@! antwet snlagosot 4 

in arrears uneonditionaliy and ferwarded them ta defendant unsen- 
ditionally, then, in law, the general agent is heid te have 
waived any forfeiture and to have waived ang conditions in the 
policy az te the insurability of the ineured, and that the de-« 
fenudant «ae bound by said waiver, shd under suck eenditions the 
jury should find the issues fer the plaintiff, the viee in these 
instructions 12 apparent. ‘here was ag evidenes that Davis wae o 
general agent or that Ae received the payment ef the sreuiume 
uneenditienally, or hed knewledge of tae fegte of Jesenhine Kewe 
ton's health, or forwarded the prewiums to tae defendant uneondi- 

For the reasons that the verdict is against tae manifest 
weight of the evidence, that the verdict shovid have been fer the 
defendant, and that the inetructions tended to wiealead the jury, 
the ju4gment ia reversed and the casues remanded, 


O'Conner, J., concurs, 

Hatohett,©. J., dissents. (See next page.) 


srirndanel fants tea wo sapien! sehuewtat: am: ‘<i fomet? bhennns bak ore ra ieee’ 
event Ot basal wt anena taveney, ont: wnat at nasi “een 9 ks 

eat ag eaotstoacs we heviaw owed, ee ome erssistre? wae bevda 
ob ene tout bina Dorunat ess te ye Ldtdamwamd ott of sa voniog 

Ce pea 

ant ‘etolétation: Thee “kesh his \fevier bled. ve hao oon ae i 

gee a ee 

eons a2 goty add .TMissieds a6? te? sexved oe fal? biwode wut 

@ eaw aivel tedd opacbive on anv wtedd .toetagea nb ametse veteut . 
senicexy edt To taemyag ont hevievet en sods to Soene Loxeneg 

ekhnouts @habastes sie af atelewag ond aobuawie?t 19 ,deLacd atnet ee 
| i vehtangae 

\ Sgetiaais 42 Pantogn ef foipvee eco feast anonast at tot! wieder 

ode ‘19% mod Svad hiwate todbuor ace gate | -eoanbive ent te tigtew 

a heotats o¢ hehaod ane Mowttanl ese tac? baa , 

(eager omen o0e) aod meth 4 ole eal 




Seis La 
‘ Wg tees 


This cause wae cenaglidated in this ceurt with Bo. 37045, 
and I agree with the suggestion of the eajority epinien that if 
agein tried the same should be conselidated in the trial sourt. 
The parties, the lesues and the material evidence in beth cases 
are in substance the same, i do uel agret with the majority of 
the court that the werdicts of the twe Juries vho sat in these 
cases are manifestly against the evidence, but 1 do not reet my 
aiseent upen that point selene. 

Theee eaees were of the fourth clase in the Bunieipal 
court where pleadings ere set required, and eseh gape is whatever 
the evidence makes 1t. Sdeerton v. C.F, 2. & ?. Ry. 0 
Till. 321; Bruner vy. Grand Tramk Sestern Ry, So., 319 Til. 421, 

Assuming, a8 the opinion ef the court seeme te indicate, that 

Riehard Newton and kre, KRoas perpetrated a fraud en the insurance 
company through Mre. Koes posing and repreesemting herself te be 
in fact Josephine Newton, I think the fury under the evidence 
eould reasonably find that the forfelture of each of the policies 
was thereafter waived. Davie teatifice that he reperted the facte 
ag to the traneaction of Septeaber ROth in writing te defendant 
company at ite office in Telede en the day after ite sceurrence, 
hamely, September 21, 1930. Defendant then muet be Keld te have 
known from that date thet Joaeshine kewton was in the hoepital at 
Teledo, Ohio, and that up te the time she died she could have 
been reached there. The «evidence alao showe thet its agent knew 
the home adiress of her family in that city. Se far ae this record 
discloses the first resudiation of the transaetion was 37 days 
thereafter, There ie not a scintilla of evidence in the reeerd 

that defendant during all that time tesk any atepa vhatever te 

return the premium en these policies which ite agent nad accenoted, 


oat TRE Te rr Tm morsaut oararosRs ae 

F Raley 

2hNE .0 Mie fue alas, at petabAtenane AOS N35 abet van 
th Sad aetaiqe ytixnolaa ect to seigaoggue oat palpate per 
»sxvoa fsird ant al botaii tosses ef bivade eae edt belts abaya 
“agnne sted af soamhive iaixetam ad? has asuaat edt yaoitnoq oat 
he ythtelam sald gio eemge tem ob 1 .amsa edt sonsdeden oh eta 
seed? sh tat ety seiael owt od? to atoiitey ed? sade Jsune ae 
_gm $ee% Son of I fod ,oompaive edt teaiegs pitas tinea. eres 

«ouele tabog galt soqu, sn 
seatnkautl oid al onsio digect aft to o19" senan ogedt . 

Tes hie 5 y 
tevatadw at ens9 dese han ,bethogot fom ots agutheota prose at dl 

“oe pln ( 

wo cs tue th od a aaa & boterteateq eagk .at@ baw pat 

ef of Meated yatiosagzeot bem galeeq eeo4 . std mgwotsis 

eonetlve ea% tebaw yawt ond amted 2 ,astwed sataqeaot, teen. a 

eeiciiog es te does Ie wtetislie? emt tact fekl yldenosees Atme, 

steat sdf bedieqe? ssi dade eolilgees nivel .Aheelew te? laeteds i 

fasbaoteb of gaigine at d20R aedaetert ‘ia woiisaeaats oct ot ay 
,eonerreese efi 1680 yah od ao obele? oi eoitte ath fa yeu 
aves of bied ad deum nest tombagted ,OL0L ,6 aodmetqel ,ysoma 
te tushqnod acs a2 anw mowed sabsiqneot dad? stub sade moxt am 


evad biuoo oie Boss oni malt sit ef eu Sodt ban ,oblO ,obed 

werd Jonge aff tact avede onta sonehive oa? .oed? besieeot m1 
Prone aAed wa t0t O8 .ytio gods af ytlunt ad Yo suethha nme, Os 
aysh VE naw mobtoaanat? off Yo soltettuqne sext't act? 
bropex edt ad oonabive to affisaioe « ten at oxent .% 

of tevetadw agote you Meet emt? ted? Lie gatiwh sneer tod 
~bogqeons fa Qaege aft doldv solcliog sears ao auieetg ett 

In theese days when information is apeedily transmitted by madl and 
telegraph and telerhone, I think the jury could reaeonably find 
that the delay wae unteasonable, 

» 200 Thi. 359, 

it was held that the acceptance of preefe ef death after full 
knowledge szewed an Intention en the part ef defendant te waive 
the alleged ferfelture, hat waiver may be based upen Laferwatien 
gives te an agent autheriszed to solicit buginess wae held in a 
sult based on a fire insurance contract in Phenix Fire ins, Us. 

NN. Grove, #215 111. S09. ‘che same rule wae aain ansiied to a 

Life insurance policy by toe third division ef thie court in Agam 

be,, 213 11). App. 54, in an opinion 
delivered by #r., dustice O'Cennor, Yaese canes in my apinion exe 
preee the law apolicatle (sot alone to ineuraice policies bat te 
all eomtracts) that « defendant whe wishes te dileevew a traneac- 
tion on the ground of fraud must aot vith the uteest preaptners. 
There is a wealth ef authority to that effeet walieh I deem it une 
neceasary te review at length. The controlling question, aa = 
see it, is one of waiver, ond not whether the contract was reine 
atated in sonfermity with (ite own provielons. There is ne doubt 
that Davie wae the sgent of the defendant company, and if there 
were any dcubt in that respeot it ia made immaterial by bie 
uncontradicted evidence that the Toledo eifice of the defendant 
company was fully informed of the whole tranesetion on Gepteaber 

The prevailing opinion make#e much of alleged errere in the 
inetructione, An examination dincleses, however, that the eourt 
instructed the jury orally and that there was no speeifie objection 

by defendant te any one of these instructions, in ene ef the 

bas Liem yd hottivenen? yliboeqe es asisanrelal aedw syab seedta) 
B ceoty psnguoncsrngn th cg Ytet on? Antd? I ,onediee les baw dgatye let 
fais wEianoenetat ane vale ads sede 

108 iat 00 om 4 ante 

‘oviaw of inabusteb Yo axaq edt mo noliostal ne Sewelle vabelwe ns 
aottautetnt secu bean’ ad yen toview sax? .otud ko tx0t hogetie rd 
@ a2 bled saw waealard ghoifoe oF boxtredd sa — net Sh ner 

4 hed bed ings utawa sew @isrt mane ant tee et nell 

netatqe ae at ee a wisn) Ee * 
axs moldtqe Ya af weaas sera?” nonsed’ > selgent sta yd boreviies 

of tus vetoliog esitetnaat of exbte duc) etéootsaan war edt seneq 

wosenaxd & sevanth oF aortalw ‘one tastantoh 8 dadd (aseorsaen “tte : 

sanoad goer feud y ode id bw ton fen beans" ‘te batiory odd a0 molt 

ony $k meh 1 dotaw gostte sade sd eat noni we te si too « eb edt 
i em tot $apup gat itontase ont dog t fe volver ‘oe. mi " 

onies ae” tagadnes ons ested dan he  teview te sae et are ie ; 
dduob ou at exent eisoled vorg awe avi agdw ‘‘tlarte tage "at botate 
ernds u be | waeqtes dnabasted oat ‘ta saese ead caw whved sa . 

"ahd qd kattedamnt ghee al #1 sooqnet fant at $duob {na ot 

" “Saabae%eb esis ‘to aolt2o obo lot ed} tase eoaphive bedothdndasi 

radanaqes se nottoaadess odode od? te boutetak hag aaw 

é debts nity 

ous nt ero hows Sie te rip sat aedan ‘wotutge pak Laverne a” 

The pags 
s1W00 out Sass , 9 ro wadl teeioade a6 Laentnons ak aoltourte: 
oS eeeoiogs 

nekteotde obtbosaa oa naw onesis tans bate ultere eet, ont vem 
axa. we RAR Lae ie 
on? te ono ok vanotdoortaat pense to one as a Saabs tod 

Trypan Reeth eee 

iw avicowy a? goes 

eases there is a general objection wiich under that praectiee ia 
wholly inauffielent., Rule 6 of the Kumicipsi court, of whien we 
take judicial notice, requires that ebiectioans to inetructiona suet 
be meade specific. The brief of defendent dasere not point eut any 
perticuler ineatraction which is said te be erronesus, Yhis ie 
supplied by the opinion ef the court which plaintiff has mot psd 
the envertunity te see or disease, and we are therefore without 
the benefit of his observations thereon. At any rate, the ageney 
of Davie wae more extensive than that of the agent whese authority 
was questioned in Germania Life ins, Co. v, Boehier, 165 111. 2938, 
where the defeniant esmoany wae held liabie. As I understand it, 
a forfeiture is rightly odieus and should never be favored by 

the courte, Umited States Life ins. Co, v. Rees, 159 Lil. 476. 

Yor these, as well as cther reasene, I dissent, 

af solgsong taut soba shicw agsdestde Leweney @ 82 wart pewao 

(a sinks 29, AseH0 Koatptows ost To ® aLuk .tamke Swrwaid ehcoae 
$eum anoijoursen! of saoitowtde tat aariapen ,sokton Lato thet, edat 

(Xee tue ¢aiog doa egah tuphar'teh to tetsd edi  aettioege shan od 

ai wid? .emmoaort of of bien al sodow mokteureaal tudweldang 

hus soc. pad Thidele ig sobs favoo oat to aotaiee eft qo hokiogee 
 suodtiw exoteies) ete oe bee ,ienoeds To. eee oo eahautteqae and 
youge ott, otex yee 2A Meotend enobierseede aid Be F723ea0d orld 
Utixed?us saodw loage ef? Ie tact ane oviwaetes oxen saw etvatl tp 
s2@R .LLE COE yup isons. 2.89) wish eioearted at bemolsadap eae 
fh bnedewobay es .widels bled sew yaaqmon tushasteh off atedie 
XG Betoval ad weven hivesie ban auethe ylidglx ak wretteteta 
ote. S44 OGL 2008 vo Sd Nd eT eotese beshas adtues ant 

is Si 

5 opbiae 

1 PR Oe 


37048 Sf) or yi 

RIGHARD HEWPON, Administrator i) gf | 4 
ef Eetate of JOSEPHINE NEWTOER, Fo “ - 
Deceased, pA fA a : 
Appell ee, 1 ; i 


a Nit ne RE oF CH Icago. * 

a Corperation, ; 
Avp@llent, By + OR 6G 
5 g A A ts oO 6° 


By thie appeal defendant seeks the reversal of a judgment 
fer $528.45, extered upon a verdict after a trial in whieh olein- 
tiff elaimed upen an insurance policy ieaued by defendant on the 
Life of Iesephine Kewton, 

We have this day flied an opinion in ease Ko. $7044, in» 
volving the same parties, where 4 cisller elein wae sada usen 
another relicy iesued by the d4efendent comeany unen the life of 
Josevhine Eewton, In that cases, as in this, the ouestion Le 
whether the plaintiff was sasceasful in bis sttempt to buve a 
Lapee4 solicy revived, 

Pleintiff, a resident of Chicago, waa divereed from Joza~ 
phine Sewton in March, 1927; thereuson she moved to Toledo, Ghie, 
and lived there until ner death at that olaee: vlaintiff rexained 
in Chicago and resarried, 

January 9, 1928, Urs. Kewton received the policy in ques- 
tien frow the Telede office ef the defendant, whose home office 
ia in Kew York City. Theresfiter ene paid to an agent of the Telede 
eTffiee the weskly presium of forty-five sents until seme time in 
Kay, 1930, when the paywente seared. 

The poliey provided that it esuld net be varied except by 
the exerese agreement of the company, evidenced ty the signature of 

ites president or seeretary; also, that agents were net authorised 

and had no pewer*to valve forfeitures er te reecive premiums on 

ri pasa f anore 

vm (oy , Sedertetabmba ,worwE GAAS 
> hey. aorrnst cuTeRedt 2 ossa7ea Ye 

weeseBgS ron F240 fia 

Ps te siege bine Bae 8 EO cin Ne 
; wasEb Taune wont cast | : igi 
ze ce j 4 : ‘ re ; So Sth eee 
,ODACLHD Yo TaUOD ) 7 | 
AG setogte? # 

£809 SKE 80 “aorazto sat aaxav Lu acide j ADETOUY, “n 
gaemghut a te iewtevet eu exinee fanhon teh doeqgew abas Yo. ooo y 
-tlealq solide af Satis 2 tfte tolbrey a aoqm hotetam- 228886 set 

é8t me Saabao led yd dedeel YOLLeu seaxweat aa coq bantats TMS 
(ao ewell snidgeael IWowths 

«al (808 .o nay ak agdated awohedl tab edhe eyed eBeoc oe 
Rowe eho asw oleld TIKI A exkae las hPaagoenne ond ‘anal 
to SLL odd moqu yomqwon Saehas'ted ant yd heusel whier srostg oma 
ek wotdesup ent ,aldt at ae ,2e8e0 teat af Jaetestt palates ot 
# eyed ot tomettec ata at Sifieroonva Sew Yihiniole oat tedttorte 
cboviwen yotfoe seeqmt 

eseel moxt hogxevid ane ,oguolad Yo doehleet w ,Vihental® he 
.oLRO ,ohelol of feven ome senwetedd ;°SCL soe mt morwel ontele 
honianet Wtisalelg weedy Seas te dfaeb toe Lhiow etod? hewit bin 
-bolvrames hes ogeetdd at 

easwo at yalfeg etd hovinges aoswek uta ,O80L ,@ yreumat =” 
aoltte omod sseiy ,tawbacieh eit ‘te eol'tte obeicT eas mort noth 
ohetot edd to taege ca of Biag ote gevRacwdy .¥ 21D axeY wot aa ak 
at outs emon fiiaw etuese ovit«ueaet T6 suhestg YLloow oft oot'the 
sheeens ssasuyag ont node phan al 
qo dqsoxe beltov od You bLuoe $2 sast benhbvene Yotheg ent ~~ 

% oriteagis st yd Beoashive pyasquen ec? To apse gS éuoeens rey 
boatrodsus fen stew edunge dadd ,onle Tetatotese 70 corny ann 7 : 

: ae ancien et evisoet o? 20 aninsiotw't eview os r9won om n tat Y 

— = 

—— Ne —EeeEEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeee EE — 

policies more than four weeks in arrears or to recript Yer the same, 
and tue payment to the «gent of any much arresre shall be at the 
sole riek of the sereon making such payment and shall net be 
eredited as & payment upon the policy, whether reecipt be given 

for such payment or not." it was alee provided thet if the policy 
begame void in econgeequence ef nonesayment of premiums 14 might be 
revived, 1f not more than fifty-twe premiums are dus, “upen payment 
ef all arreare and the presentation of evidence satiefactery te the 
company of the acund Besith of the insured." Thue, when the ate 
tempt was made by plaintiff te have the policy revived it had 
already lapsed for seme months past, subject, hewever, to rewiwal 
if the insured complied with the conditions uumed in the policy. 

On the evening ef September BC, 1930, plaintiif, with Mre. 
Ress, # sieter of the insured, calied at the home of a zr. Davis, 
whe ie described as an “independent agent® for the defendant company. 
Pinintiff testified tnaat he told Davie that he came to reinstate 
Jomeghine Kewten'e poliey; teat Davie sald that it weuld take [2.45 
to reinstate 1%; that he asked slaintiff, "Where is Ere, kewten?* 
and plaintiff reslied, “She ie in the heepital;" that Davis said, 
“What hoapital?* ehereupyer Zeeten reslied, “The Maternity Nospital 
in Toledo," and Davie said, “For 39.49 I will reinstate the poliey;" 
that plaintiff then gave Gavyis thie amount of money and the same was 
entered in the weekly preslax reecipt book whieh slaintiff haa in 
hie poesession. Plmintiiy taeraupon returned to Chicago. 

Davis teatified that plaintiff’ and a women came to his house 
the evening of September 20th, snd the wowan introduced Aewton as 
her husband, saying that he had just come from Chicago and wanted 
"te pay up my inaurance;* that Davie inquired if she was Kre. 
Hewton and she replied, "Yes, ”* avis saye that he cemputed the 
amount necessary to reinetate the peliey and reeeived the same from 

Bewton; thet the woman signed am application fer the reinstatement 

,ouee odd Ot fqluoor OF Ae SXenitHe wt sewOw THOR cast sx om, ge torre 
adt tn od ifade etestam owe Yas to faega odd a8 fapayeg oaf bike 
o¢ g0% Liat bite Soeayeq sve gatvam aeateq of? te dott ofoe 
govig of teylieoes Tas ody Teiiog amt moan faomyeg « ae basibote 
yoltog sit Tt gas hobivetg onic sew #L "20m 40 Samay doun rot 
od tiatia th rominoetg to feearyagetoa Ye sooaupeence ah blev omaged 
taseyag segs” ,oub ote suukety ows-yel? ands wtom tea th ,bevivet 
oad of Prodantalioe womwhive tq wolyetansety 423 ‘hee etaowd Lhe te 
719 eat cade .gamt. " hesunad ol? te A2laed. damee.odd 2q yamueee 
Bod Oh bovivet yaitog aa7 ved os Thidatatg yd. ahaa sar toned 
faviver of ,tevewod ,Joohdua ates eas oon exten Tot heaqad yhawt, 
“alloy edt ai bomsa aagisiouos att agiw boligqaee horwostadt. u 
$14 dokw ,Tikiaiade ,%6ef ,O8 tseasaes te galaeve ode ad 
 Sivad “tk @ to ego out to Relies ,letweal eff lo tedale a b08 
Yaunaaion tanhae to ead xo" iad al Pitehasqehal" as ae beditoaeb ah. ose 
oiateator of sana od Jad} ahve Kiet va date botligesd Tae 
6o.¢0 oees binoe $k dasiz? bias oboe sacs jyptlog | a netwed @ 

"“tootwek .exd ok st9 de® .Thitelade bedew wai csi aah staseaier “ 
cbiaa elvad ted? “jfoslqned edd ak af oo0" ,hedigns Thitsialg bau 

"syotiog and otetuates Liiw I 86,26 sk" , dive advad bas ",ohefo? mb 
eew eke sas hae youom te tnvem ait? alvet eyag nodt Titately sade 
at bast Trisatale Aoidw shod tqloser salwetg yhisew act ak hoteday 

.opheim® at heatytet aoquened? TRigatal® ,antenseneq ahd 

aauodl eld ot ‘emnp sumw a baw Thigateda sass beltigaeds ehweG . .. «) 
ia aoswod beaubetIud snnow ast dan s208 eeduodge® to yakaove amt 
betasw bas o,aoldd aot? emes tout bad od fade guhyne LE 

_, “otk paw oe th hethupa ebvat susie jsometomak YR ee YG et* 

3 act Besuquoo ou sas exae adve + su? ae, op ban soteo 
nov? sae eds hovteoex baw weoldog oat stecnaien on ron _—— 

fatiquok ysharesod edl® ,helicnt modvek nequevedy "tLatlenad tad? 

pannnsaseaner | ea 70% aohteoLiqea ae boaule menue md sust *. ne ev a 




ee eS ee ee 



af the insurenes, signing the name, “Josephine kewton.” After 
they ieft, Davis, whe kad not seen Are. kewten for about two 
years, waif that he rewemkered that she stuttered and that she was 
much heavier than the woman who posed as kre, hewton; that the 
follewing day he went to the nélghterhoed where irs, Keeton had 
lived, wade some inquiries, and then wae teld by a nelghber that 
Josephine Kerten was in the Laternity hospital; that ke then 
hunted ap her sieter, Ere. Hose, whe had posed us kre. Newton, and 
reproached her for “pesing as your sister," te which kre, Kees 
Only said, “Yee, 1 know;* that Savis told her that the ecoxpany 
eould mot "go shead with that,” that “people can't revive ineurance 
when they are ready te die;* he then inguired «here the man wag 
who was with her - that he wanted te give the menay back te him and 
canee)] the transaction, and wae told by 2rae, Hoss that he had gene 
right back te Chicago. Bre. Kewton and her gister are eolered 
people and Pavia eaid that five ef them Lived in ene bleck in 
Telede and that it wae very difficult to Keep track of them; that 
*they just doubled wp among one anether;"” that he bead known bore, 
Rese when he collected presiums from her in 1925, but did not know 
her when she called in the evening of Geptember 20th; that he 414 
mot return the money to plaintiff because be Bad Left Telede; that 
he asked ire. Hees for kewtan's Chicage address but waa te14 by her 
that she 434 net know wiat it was. Oavia testified that on the 
Siet or 22nd he calied wp the dector at the Raternity hospital and 
reported the matter te the manager and the easbier of defendant's 
Toledpcoffice and gave te the cashier the maney he had reeelved 
frou Sewton. 

re, Ress testified in rebuttal om behalf os the plaintifr, 
Ko questions were asked her concerning her peaing as Mre. Newton 
when she interviewed Davis, und she made no denial of hia yere ion 

of what happened on this oecasion; she denied that anytolng wag 


f f 
i of 


ap i 


EE ee 

en Ee 

<a ee 

peta ER 


: MetA “ aedwed eatagoact" ,enea cal? gologie ,eeamiteend of2 Be 
ows {eae 162 nodwek ath woes ton host ede ,civad Mel yeas 

naw edo fac3 Bow Sotes sue exe cade boradaoaet ef Gadd blag ,acagg 
ot Jac paadwed wed ga Lengg of Ramow O48 aast toivaed dows 
ped modwell .228 sandy hoodroddyion od9 of ga90 en yok gakwokig? 

. dast todmpicn & yd hie! wee aecd bow ,apdusupal enos ehom ,bewhs 
aes Of gad jLedioved ysiaresed 28 af sow agtred saldgoaeh 

has ,odwed .atd Os boeen bo ctw ,s90d .at gsetele tod. qa bas ciguat 
seed word sokde of “,eotale tTyOy ae galeay” tel tec bedagenges 
vegans eft edd soi dLow atvad sede *ywamd Leek" bien, ghao 

somimaent eviver @' ano sigowg" dace “ dame Mele bagde og", tom dinee 

ear nen oid otedy betivest apda a “edb af, ybaor ate yodd. medy 
has aid Of doad ysaem eat ovly of bedaew of geet «ter tide enw only 
emg hed wi tance onok .wus yd Biles sew hae ,melsonanand ot Lene 
hexeloo ors sefele rest buy Aotwed . eck sogeo tae: ot daod. tdgdat 
mt deeld exo ni havi aes Yo ovlt dad bias eivatl, hax etnoug 
sane prods te deetd quedl ot Five lTtib view aew 44 dude doe: obeket 
ek cron Sad ed sane *:t0si$onn efe, paws oe beidvob Jaul, goede” 
wend fen bib dod ,@804 ab aed aott savkagtq besos Lion. ort ance, aged 
Ds ont tame. {KSOR tadagtqe’ to gaducvs e@f ab boLison ode agde ted 
fog jobeLot sil ped ok woumood Vidduledy of, yamom add autos, 208 
soa yd biet saw fad seenthe oyendse at oogrek “et aang ts bodes oe 
edd to dadi deitidast abya .aaw ot deaw woul dom bib ote Fust 
daw Latiqned yIintated ot 60 cateod ef? qu dotiao pd DASE ne dake 
a'imabaeted ke rokiinag est bes thynnom et of tedsee odd hedteqet 
bevicoes hal aif owen Xd TPlsiges ent at oven bua eolVieiabede 
Vetgaletd ety ‘Yo Uaded ae) Levvudor al pettigesa eaek endl oo ill 
Hodwell etd ae gaivog ‘ten yatansodeo ted Joules oxew aantsaony ot 
“polwtev aid Yo ialued om ebew ode bax ,whvat powols 
ear yatdeyas fast? bokewh enn jaotamepe elds my henegge 



said at that meeting concerning the condition of Mre, Rewton's 
health, thus direcstiy centradicting pleintiff's testimeny in this 

Mre. Davie, wife of Viliiam Davis, sho was present at the 
interview the evening of September 80th, testified that when kre, 
Reas came in she introduced plaintiff, er. Kewton, to Br. Davis as 
her husband; the witness Heard So cenvereation to the effet that 
ira. Kewton was aick in the hespitel; she eaid tuat tae parties 
were present in their \ome about ten or ifteen minutes, 

Plaintiff testified that Josephine Lewton died in Telede, 
Ohio, September 29, 1930; that about October 3rd be surrendered 
the policy sith preef ef death, and the receipt, to kr. Harrington, 
defendant's agent in Chicaze, who tel4d plainti?Y’ that in eboat twe 
weeks he, Harrington, «ould notify him; slaintiff called again at 
Harrington's office Setober 24th and was told that the company re~ 
fused to pay wren the policy, and the revival premium galid was 
tendered to plaintiff, whe refused it. 

fhie record ie barren of any preef as to what caused the 
death of Ere. Revton. The witnesses and the attorneys refer te 
the proofs of death whieh were introduced in evidenee in the other 
ease, ko. 37044, but no proof of death or ¢laivant's statenent is 
in the present record, 

Reduced te ite simplest eleucits, ani cemeidering enly the 
evidence in the present record, we Rave & Cage where, through 
fraud and misresresentation, an agent of the defendant was induced 
to accept premiums te revive a lapsed poliey while the insured ras 
in a hospital and died shertly thereafter, 

fhe express prevision ef the selicy was, that the agent had 
no suthority te reinstate a lapsed poliey and that any payment wade 
to an agent should be at the sole risk ef tne person making the 

Payment and ehould set be eredited az a payment upen the policy, 


at notwou er ‘te aelytbaoy aff gabewones gaiteom tate te! Phew 
aide af ynoalSuod at ttiintele gutiotherincs yltoorth euce ae taet 
edt fe snseete av oct ,wlvhd meh ff¥ te ethw petvet® Jeet e OOo 
.ord asde fous Belt fees AOR cedeetes? Yo gotneye ex? wtv iat 
as ekvad Yi 6f (nodwe Lx ,TEEGaleLy eeowherend ote ut eine Weel 
feds Spots ef Of wébiaereynes of Haaed cosad iw on? “pbnadeed Wort 
 getiveq oa? tad? Sie ose yfadiqden edt at sighe daw aude ae 
‘\eesuule osedtk® to nod fuote owed tlede ak feeoty ote 
,opeld’ ai bike Aédaee RF AQOECL Padd ba Mase Veitaiagt Vee 
Ss eongerigs an Bas “tedstoo suede fudd ;OeL ,UF toduesqed jones 
swodgelrrae 40 od  debeoer ods bar {died te Yooxe dtbw ystioe wit 
‘ged “Suede AT tad Pivniate aot ofe jweke LAG at eaegn 6 ened TOD 
“fa nlogn Kotiao Ttitately fata VIiven biwow /modgaftad® jen ew 
8% yeeglioo ed} gndd Ried wew Baw Met’ eedored BS2Tto at aoeyatonell 
sey deer ene tavivet af fae ,yottoq sit abqe yee os SoaeT 
02 boavtex one (Tisalete of botehdey 
‘Qld boauno testy of ta toore yhe tH hotisd ab wieeed ete POOR” 
“S$ Heres eyenssté etd faa vedewadiw ea? “laodwed era te aeese 
aeitge ed? ub gouebtve al Betahorte? evew Metue Mast ve areeTG one 
at tagaesate “8 tanita te x6 dined Ye rune on Hiaf {pbOCe Lol jebad 
ii ite ll - lhxoser sanaere Ome @E 
near aeabenans hits sbinitiibaiian ad} of beobet 8 °* 
Bbolbat aw tanto tO buy te Fuego ni ,WOLIatnombrteeea beh’ Bua 
enw boivent dt Ohad Ysrtoy badeat a WeIvew OF olkihubay Dquibel ed 
ted eomwd? vlirede be lh fae intdatod # me 
bail Febah OHS 158d leew ~WEiby eM Yo buletvere agetqme. we 0 
abate Gosmyey qa sort haw YOLLoe Henger Wenedwrber BF qOReodtme wh 
git) padiew howe belt Ye Mery wos exit Go oe MENeHA thege! Awe 
Leet Loy onl nue Cavinyag « on Neotoey od Few Rivome hed Enemy 

except ae evidenced by the signature of the prealdent or secretary 
of defendant, Davie therefere had ne perer to reinstate the poliey. 
Koreover, the ocolicy provided, #4 one of the eonditiona of 
revival, that evidence of the sound health ef the insured must be 
Presented, Certainly Mrs, iewton, virtually uson Aer death bed 
when the arrears of premium was paid to Davie, cowld mot be eadd 

te be in sound health. Im Aanegei » 303 Tik. 

66, a misreorésentation wae defined as « statesent of something as a 
fact whiech ia untrue and material te the risa, the persen waking the 
statement knowing it to be untrue, in ai sttepet te deceive. This 
is applicable to the present onse, 

Plaintiff argues tiat defendunt, by net acting premptly 
after Davis paid in the money received by him ta the Telede affice 
and reported the conditions, «sived the conditiens fer revival named 
in the policy. nme sanewer te thie is the fact that the address of 
Plaintiff wae unknown to the Telede offier and that attempts te 
aseertain it failed, ke elaim on tne poiiey wae made through the 
isauing office at Toledo, but was made threugh a Chicage office 
which knew nothing about the tranesction. Shen the claim reached 
ew York from Chicago it is reasonable te ansume that the New York 
office would weuke an investigation a9 io the facts through the 
Toledo office. Under such circumstances we cannot concede that eo 
great a period of time elapsed between the date plaintiff filed his 
@laim and the date when he was inforeed that the eoupany refused te 
Pay upon the polley ae to axeunt to a waiver of defendant's right to 
refuse to approve the revival ef the pelicy. 

On the evening of September 20th Davis gave « receipt for 
the revival of the poliey involved in ease io. 37044, and alee o 
revival application in eomnection with that policy. Beth of these 
decusente are in the present reeord, The court inetrueted the jury 

that they had ne direet bearing upon the iseuer in this case and 


Yrstorese x0 fashinery et Ye owitangia ads yd beanehive as sgeons 
“Wilog at stadenket af terog on had etatesads eyed ,tamhaateh to 
i i to emmlsibaoe ef? Io nua ee ,hobivougiyediog ad? ovaweeted ..... 04 
i aa" teum betwent 943 Ye dtioet hemoe ed? te eomhivea tedt ,favivet 
| : «hed dieeb td Roge Yitaqitiv ,Aotwes .ert yhmbadaes . -hodton 
: phase ef tom dive sakved of bieqg saw aint mania 
; | ate S06 .yeteupe’ Jo stcutad .v deoesel al. .diteod dovoe ab od oF 
# 8% yalitemon 20 Item cede mmm >i dina new So igatuendsqeuada a , 09 
edt yatian soexeg add ,abu esis ot Leltesan bas, auntun oh doddw deat 

aint ovinarh of dapetia an a) ,aettan of of S1 yuinons gusmsade 

Hie sai  sbene dimeetg ene of oidaodiqge ah 
einen aaitoa tou we mice tek sans seugam Wiiteiedh ©. a6) 

: soltte obete? od? o3 mid ys hoviegen yemom oft at. blag prenatiors 
bemsa faviver rat angi ibacs ond beview ,anoitibaps sas. bedreqen: hme 
at. ee ee ee ee 
ot atquesie tacd fae eettio ofalot ody of avonine saw Ti ralede 

as? siqwetdi? ahem nee yoliog edt a0 miata of  .betia’ $2. chateeban 

poltto oper isd o dywerdy phon caw sud ,obefot am goditte gaivent 
hoon? whale ode aes .oeltonenant att duede gatston west daddy 
ssn HOM dt toch savers OF hiamsaen wh Gh euapded mort alex wall 
et gwen sont 9119 92 96 wakvoutteevad ae ofan dLuow opkiKe 
i eo Jadt eheonos senso 8¥ stenntexvetio dove tebAU. oOo L8Te obe Lok 
add ett Thisaiake esah ot megueed beagaie eats to. boiteg # tao%y 
of beastor Yauques on? fads beatetnd sew ed andw ofeh ony dae, stele — 
2 sHylr a! tanhieted Yo terley 4.97 saunum. Of aa yoliog,.od2 .npUM. weG 
9 sddog ent te Sevivet est evenaqe of. eeetet 

10% relnoes 6 ovag alvad AGOR Tadmedgek Io galaeve edd a6 6) 

& gaa bas ,dd0VE 0% onan at Roviovai venseneehae sawivex ot 

‘guess te Maok  .ypttog suet Sky aeitnounao at agdtestings avivex 
Yrut ont Befourtont t1us9 ol .bugeet saeanny sult hea ateonaee 

ban seco olds af ansmal oft cogy yatrasd tant th om hed yous todd 

eee eet eel nara a Ss SS a Sea 

SS ee Senne ee 

ee SS 



were edmitted only for the purrese of explaining what took place 
at thie interview in Mr. Davia’ heme, Davie testified that it was 
not necessary te have mere than one applicatien for revivhl, as 
the save examination that would de te revive one policy veuld 
revive the other pelley. in ¢taer words, the one application was 
understoed to apply te both selieles, ae that the inetruetien ef 
the ecurt in tule respeot wae incorrest. 

The inatructions were galculatsd te mislead the jury in 
implying that Devie wus a general agent, having autherity te waive 
conditions in the peliey, and kad or showld heve had Enewledge as 
to the condition ef Josephine Xewton's health, oid that ith euch 
knowledge he secepted payment of premiuws in afrears and trane- 
ferred the same to the defendsnt company, whe retained the enne; 
that if the jury should «6 find, then “as a emitter of Low it sheuld 
find the iesues for the plaintif?Y,* Ve find ne instructions refer- 
ring to or teuching upen the slileged impereonution of the insured 
by her alater ané the nisresresestation as te the facts ef the ine 
eured'w health, 

For the reasons that the verdict is againot the sanifeet 
Weight of the evidence, tint the verdict sheuld have been for the 
defendant, and that the instructions tended te mislead the Jury, 
the judgment ie reversed and the cause remanded, 

if there should be snether trial, these cases, nwebered 
$7044 and 537046 in thie court, sheuld be consolidated in the trial 
eourt for hearing so that there may be omly one trial. 

G'Gonnor, 7,, concurs. 
BA, PRESIDING JUATIO“ RATCHETT Diewenting: Yer the reasonea stuted 

in the prensa opinion in he, S7644, whien was this day filed, 
here, ao there, reepectively dierent, 

: ode 
Oonia doo) sede gatasesque 2a. sooqrwm, eds, wi? xine, bestiabe,emem, 
ey 1h fod Oy2Ldp0$ shat wpe 'adved oh Od medvupend ahdd te, 
fe ,Mitvhven 30% aeltaalings 900 ads oXom ove oF yannenoDS tom 
_ BLU YoLLang Ono SRl¥ex oF ab RANoY. tact apdtentomne sues. pile, 
tov, aelvaoitage sae ede , gitar dente of ,ypkiog godso od OviYNT, 
Ye Gebsenpiaat edt tant of ,ayhoiies Sted. of, claqe.e¢. hooterehen: 
eo ORL Bae FOOTER ShAd ah stepD, oda. 
aa Fes ot perinia of hate iedoo ayo socdtoutemd wh. 
Sview of Nétvedine gated .deoge Lowes, « wae ahead, sone, pero 
tt Bb Hees bes owed Poeote te bet bie yeokiog add mt emghs dame 
dass dtiy tant bas , dd Leos oon etkdnenel Ye HOLIt bane oc? 08) 
ewe + ant, exiaten ote, a kaagune fashion teh eile os See ot G8. 
|| biwode 22 wed Yo x9ttea a wa” onds gdad® om bEvene YRh ast TA otndd. 
“ta tet gaohteuideal oa Hass oF °. Teniele est sot movges oot, had, 
Setyead O49 Yo sotdoauateqnd. daasie. OED AGS QALNOLos Ba OF » asta, 
atk sd te. vbweidini pliahaonsige nds ods how yote ta we ee. 
EES | wine an oth Lona et hae: 
teeriaas, nid cuahunn wa alone. at, fast ReReOS OF BOW Oaigiy 
ais iol meed oved biveae golatey st dear ,somebsve eas seanien 
etwh, 98 deeds lm oF Dobans aaehtoucoal Add toss has gdaabaw kody 
sia chest eGR AAGO SReeo afd bas Aeguavet wf Ol ae 
 beredaum pagans aged? pated tadione of Miyede suede Wy 6 js que 
iahtd O87 ah peteblionnge a Ritads, CHG. OIht. Ad MOTE dem DOOM: ~ 
shaded eae (ine ed com ayaa? Jad? on pakrand 02 teaege 
TRUM CHA PERM el ye ad gwen of Aaah 
foe a he ORR gel acgbi 

beta anosags ont act, ae seen. 
ght yes whats wae Bes: 

Ee re 

SS eS rrr 

pla Rare sires 

Soon A renin romtah 

PG. SS wah tas Bs mh Rost Sov rh qiosid, Me , 
: j 0 : ‘ [ 


37223 Jo ff oo 
f & . : j at 
Appellee, i 
ve, f : 

f/f) GouRT oF Gutcace. 
a Corporation, 


| s> ‘sie A T i & 
fs © K Le fa @ 6 6 9 

Plaintiff, tringing a section in assuepelit upen a pramis- 
sory note mede by defendant, upon triel by the court Aad judgment 
for $526.25, from whieh defendant apneals. 

The note eued on was one of a series executed by defendant 
and secured by a deed of trust conveying ceriain real estate. Bee 
fendant says that the note and irust deed shewld he eenstrued to~ 
gether ae parte of the same gentract, and that a previsien of the 
trust deed prohibite any bomdhelder bringing sny sult at lew on any 
bond of coupon held by Kim, and that thie right is vested exelu- 
tively in the trustee, 

This is the familiar “Ho-Action”™ clause which the courts 

heve had ecession to consider in several cases. Pflueger y. 

Broadway trust & Saving wk, 353 Lik. L170; Sturgis Aational Bank 
vo. Harris Trust & Savings Bemk, 351 £11. 465, in these casee it 

was held that vhile a tend and trust deed securing the same will tbe 
conetrued tegether wherever the question as to the nature of the 
actual traneaction becomes material, this dess net mean that the 
mortgage will be ineorsoratad inte the nete, and the holder of the 
note may disregard the sertgags entirely snd sue and recover on 

the mete. In the reeent ease of Cowianz 

sented. After reviewing the eases in point, we held that the 

promise to pay was unconditional snd that the provisions in the 

note referring to the trust deed relates te the security and the 


is apenas agile 

i \ wesw, uotezvons an. purapas net ea 

‘90 A, i hye: nar tint loqad nati nti 

fs op ere ag 
.TAU09 ENT GO HOTHINO am? annave. re ‘Yauiuaom a wpsreut at ‘ities 
optmorq @ suga Fisqaueea wt «iivow aw gaigated | Tieate lt 
antl had tewoo odd ed Lites noqu , saaddo re YY ohne esea Yibe 
sthinese Sanhuc'ten te kiw aot age 
gnshnsted yf botuvere eelies 2 ‘tc ome eee ad hove doa ost a 
«9% Sindee Last whudies gakovacs vaed Yo heat a yd ‘bemides ‘hae 
«ot bewrdanos $4 bivode beth faust hak aten act sadd weed doiae? 
add? %é aefeivoig » fan} Bae ,fSattinos smn ny te aiteg ea xeon 
qe ao Wel da dive Yon Yalgalad totioehaed ye adididotg beob seuse 
adloxe bedaev ak dagia olde Fed? had jold yo Bod dequoo to Bnew 
-oesduut edt at ¢fevle 
esruey edt dokdw seuede “aetioa-o8” tehtimet edd G2 afar’ — 
-Etenegst® eaten Lnvever al teblodoo 64 aelaeood bad aren 
dees fesotdet aiyagdt ;ONE Aci cee , heat 
tk sonao Ohad? aX .086 JKT SOC \ die pada , shana 5 
ed Litw emma o9 gakaveon heeh Pewtd baw badd a oLtdy decd bade enw 
ad? ‘to oriden on} of a8 meldaeup att coveiwdw secteged benttemee — 
sis Sasi? noom ton aeob abt  Leleden seided notdoaunett Laxton 
ade ‘to tebLéd odd foe (Oddm bad SORE Hesnteqrtdad OO LEtw epagde 
AO Tevoeet bis Sie bak YLOLETeD egeqrvom oat Stegetalh yom oben 
+ 2GL ALOnAOe & se LaeeY av semakend Yo esag sider eae “at » eden ott 
| nergy Won Heltleggeg alt hexebienon truny wbild .082 .qqd tht ete 
edt gust Glow ow ,satoq iit bikie “Qil lied ee "las edie 
eds at enoieivorg ost sad? dae Seaoitthacsow saw yaq of estmotg 
eit bas ysixwes ond of antetny ooh dart wo of gubrrstet stom 

a ee 

ee a= = 
Ta Fa 


manner of proegeding againet thie seearity. Fellowing the reneons 
stated in these cases, we hold im the inetent case thet the plaine 
tiff could preperly commence Ker sult at jaw on the bond, 

Defendant claime it wasn errer on the part of the trial 
eeurt to sustain an objection te the sdmiesion of the trust deed 
and alse sustain an objeetion te the offer of seme oral testineny 
with relation te whether or not sotiee head been served by the 
bondholder on the trustee to take aetion on the trust deed, The 
court proporly exeluded this evidence, For the reasons we have 
infieated the judgment ite affirmed, 


Matehett, ». J., and O'Cennor, J., soncur, 


tire ean 
¥ —— 

1 a A al hry tam 


wialg 2 fac? nag Jangeal ext m2 biod ow jones Seodtt at hedate 
hood ad? ag was te Shwe r9d eomemwon YLtoqotE ese vue 

totes oui? Ye suse wl? mo rete wow oP emtats tanbavtet Mig 



— ca ue loc 

UWtoutsaad fate onan to saVie oft of aglinetde an alavewa wate bne 
ed Yd bovis hed bad seiten Son te Teddenw of Hotdaten dttw 
ont .booh tamat edt ap aolive oat of seteutt oft a0. Dateien 


bear 2%, ab Sopmbut ost deter toad 

aairene — aera 

: ree 
sarees mtie 
€ £5. 

Suewe Leh See 

Sa? Be eee 


yet Saas 


o DUE ak kee Saal ah Nae Soule A a ct ae rae! hoe a ies Sede a May Chon ami Peg th ate” 

wey ot woe ke drove eG mall bee seer heehee iy Saeed adware 

Gy ge MEAT hur Rue. SR Uae a 1 eg Lesa & B Ab eae BN Ve meh alia ; Ft ; 
5 ea 


snosaot edt gaiwolle® .yiiiueoa adss Seataye galieeoorg te temaem 
“) RoGb Seurt edt te aokns snbe ont ot sattostdd ae’ Mateus of yee 

svad aw anoeaet ons 19% ,spawhive obie hehaloxe yineqorg . supe : 

Piags oe wey es cart Mae's Oa ON ee MR AM 6 Rb 



(itt Kee APs Seeds a Bem ee ay att 
A ae a whore 

wet EER ase ; : 2 ee ; Np R RLISe Saye Cie eae - 

es LOE NR SENET Se ea Sa. 
c® Fite egagithieme 

fo tae ea kb oO 

Scandi Sapa! MI gee: RR eg RS Ae, eh whe: Se Be 
eye ea eR POM IR aM ORR NS eR a ae as BN o Detucl orts a 
1 Wer at 

37288 Yo pe yy 

PEOPLE OF THE STATS OF InLIWols, (). —. y ie 
Defendant in drrer, —}; x “sé 4 
WS. ) : 
JUAN HARD, ae : 
Plaintiff in Srror. 97ATA C2rol 
@#ék ioe OGS 


By this whit ef errer the defwidant seeke the reversal of a 
Judgment in the Criminal court finding kim guilty ef nensupnert of 
hide wife and ordering him te pay $7 a week to her, 

Defendant was ehargeda with Raving vielated tha statute 
(Griminal Code) Chap. 38, para. &, see. 1, which provides: *That 
every person whe shall, without any reascaable cause, negieet or 
refuse te provide for the supvert or maintenance of hie wife, said 
wile being in dentitate or in necensitous cirscussianees, *** shell 
be deemed guilty of a mesdemennor *." The siatute ales provides 
that when a fine is imposed it say be directed by the eourt te be 
paid, in whole or in gart, to the wife for a term not exereding 
ene year. Para. 5, see, i, Illinois Statutes {Gahili). 

Like any other criminal ease, befere « conviction can stand 
in thie case the evidenee must preve the guilt of the defendant bee 
yond # reasonnble doubt. This case was tried by the court, and we 
hold that the evidence failed te mest the required degree of ereef. 

Juan Hand, the defendant, end Mary A. Hand were married in 
1898; they had ne children, but two nieces of defendant Lived with 
them from childhoed at the residence erned by defendant in Blue 
Isiand, Cook county, lilineis, 

Defendant ie @ railroad engineer, wersing for the Uhicage, 
Zoek Ieland & Pacific Auilresd, and in about the year 1916 wae 
traneferred from the Chicage district te Peoria; defendant subse+ 

quently requested Are. Hand te come to Peoria and live with hin, 


iE | _ = “yoxtar Jerr wo dekh ens ennai 
‘outer ae ial is ee? At ganbaeted. bg Ride 

w¥¥audo' nooe"to © Y ot na a 

4  Ryalbye 

t ae) ° 928 t £ VS oer tort aE Yetta le hota 

SvHuoD tary Yo aOTeTeO et cM Lame YoORCOeeR werraue' je 

tot aepaee 
8 Xs. Saatevet eas aldal $ nai ve 2ab oie tours. Le they, o vr xe 

Ye dtoqquasen Te qe tdig, mie pitt hat srneg Laahat ed ost at sap 
tod of dow a TE yaa oF ete sai tp bt0 Pap Pra se 
etadaia mes dbatetety gunk vodk agin hegiads baw tnaabas ted . 

dedt® iaahivoty sie bate £ .o98 48 ooteg 88 and {ebou fontatrd) 
ae tooigen Sauer ddanoages yous hates fal ae aster AOores, Sage 
biee ,wiiw aid te sanenetuien x Proeqse ens tot oblvore ed oau'ten 
Liasds *ee Seo toomerioe awothoneoen ni te edusisaen ab galed ouly 
aehtvorte eels stugate ant *.* tomenseea a Ie ytiley hemes oo 
ad ef gimeo ed? ¥d hevoetid ed yam ¢t besegnk al ent't a mosko dads 
gatherers fou wand # ret etiw om? of ,steq ab to eLosiw al , 


(fiktad) wetugase afomtifi ,> .oos ,@ omtat oBaey, ene 
baste mee aeiteivnee a wioled ,#en9 Aaiwlye tedie yaw edid 
~od dusbas'teh oat To Lise sit evoxe tuum sonebive odt esao elds mt 
ow bue ,otwoe sao yd bela? paw eawo skint .ddwed stdanonaet a heey 
-toorg to oeryed hexrkupet ad? teem of Sofiat sonodive ond tact bled 
ai holriem erow husk .3 ys bee ,Foehoeted odd yhank anve 
asiw hbevit dasbaete’ to seeelm owt tud ,smrbiide om how yon 1004 
sulk al susdaotes yf hanwo soaeblesy ods ta baodbi£hiis nee't wens 
_ etbentitt ,etaues seed ybnetel 
vogao hao eid to't anor «ronntgae five hat « at Saebae tee ae 
enw BIOL “aey eld suede ad bax haga ited ottaeat * buetod too 
oondue Jnabietod jaixoed of takxsarh oppotal eae agrt ‘ x18 dll 
ambit ait be old bus airoo% of sa08 of kenk «998 peanouper eon : 

and though ehe presiwed to de thie ehe never ¢14 so but remained 

in the Home at Plue Ieland, During the first two years thet de- 
fendant Lived in Peoria he and his wife st certain times leosked for 
a house there where they aignt iive and eelected one with which 
Ere. Hand was apparently satisfied; hewever, she did net comme te 
Peoria and tol’ 4efendmit that whe would sove to Peoria an seen ae 
the older niece was tarough scheal; defaident again asked dre. Mand 
to cone to Peoria to Live with him bul she refused; two *itnasses 
teetified that she guve as @ reason that si¢ did met thine Peoria 
was a 6it place for giris te iive. 

Subsequently ore, Sand ery eee proceeding at 
Peoria, Tilinois. The record does net Alsciess vhat begame ef thie 
suit but apparently she 4id net obtain a deorse. Delendant wae 
subsequently traneferred by bis eepleyer te Joliot, Tilinede, where 
he worked se a ewiteh engineer. Ure. Hand dnstiiated anether die 
verae preeeeding against defendant im Jeliet in the gummer of 1932, 
eharging desertion; wren the hearing of the seeend divorce auit 
she wae denied a J4ivere@; acparently ahe then agreed to ge te 
Toliet to Live with her huaband. 

Buring all these yeare rn. Mand was Living in defendant's 
heuse in Blue Island with the two nieces, who in the meantime had 
arrived at maturity; one of them, thirty-two yoare o1¢, Wee married 
at the time of the trial and Aer husband alee Lived with Mra. Sand 
in the Blue island residenee. Ars. Hand supperted Kherealf by keen- 
ing boarders, aud there ie no evidence tast she sver asked the de- 
fendant for money. 

The oceasion for the rupture between the husband and wife 
wae hie unwlliingness te eontinue the suspert ef the twe nieces 
and toe hueband of one of thes, 

After the termination ef the eeecont diverer preceeding Mre. 

Hand went with the married niece te Jeliet; apparentiy the nieee 

boninmex Sod oo Sih taven gsin ates * oF haa taaee ote, Mquodt & 
“oh tust etaay owt sack? ost sou dmaett ‘baotel ould ‘On emo ade a 


ie bet dane ane betes ine bus eril Migim gods exede event ented 4 « ; 
o} smeo “toa hi osia ,tevowort thet teistas ¢ hs net aages aev bask a 
ee coge na witoad oF evom biuow ota tasly fuehae tes bLod baa pixoot 
bask 81k bodes akaps fuahm teh jioodoa sigmoid sew soeta tebLo ont 
eoeueativ owe pheautew ode gud obs sig tw ovis at abioed o¢ $a09 ey 
airost satds ton bah die colt aonses o ba O¥a5 ode tand rd 
r Avil O8 etnies 0? onety oad ai 
te gaihossor sorovt\hedee dart burst eit ‘Ldaoupeadue 

atds ‘te sien ad $ acive seosodth doa anor basse ost “atonal tet cakzos 
s ear saabastes “eeT988 e “abesde fom bi ose ‘visanzecea tue thee 
erode ,ehoaiiit ,folict 09 rexoiqa ata yd porte tacos eauon Scadn 
ait ‘tosis one neguahtoat ‘baal cond ooskgoo ‘sodiwa, ‘sea ideon 
8bUL ‘te Tomes od ‘at teityt at Saabs tab tontesa aathonoors owe 
thus, soxovld paces eng re galtaed add sons imoldxo seb nk yee, 


“of ey of beers neds ote yhtactaqns ‘yeotovik @ bolnoh helt 
 hrted@uel ‘naa sake ‘evs oi denioe 
‘a'gunbasteb al galyti aew bant ori etnoy eaedd isa ‘galrett 
hed eaivaaen ede ak uw aosela owt old ddiw boetel oul ak oes 
falstas saw bL0 tae 8% Pereer ci Tm wos te eae rehtwdee ‘a “pevicwa 
boa .oxk dtlw bavas oa Le bowdaun tot bax Lebid odd to sais” ‘Sa a 
-vaeu ¥e Vested bedrocews bask vax swonobiaet bestel ovlé ad? ak ~ 
oh ext bexae “89 sis sosis # sonehtve on at ound bow erinaod gal 
“gemom 20 if inal nabaet 
eliw bas bandeud ens avewdod ours are Cd ae" fol axeoe oat 
seoetn one any te ) Foire aa oualsnoe ad “soma Eth vas eld sow 
P boa we IJ Gh edie, Me Se es 
‘0m “te ane ‘To baadawed heetaal nat’ ‘hie 
ve hen d ec 
ot satboooorg ‘ooxevih ‘haoves oid te aoiteatexed ont ae3tA 
= ti in ; 
ooela sit yitnetequs “paaliol of eoela botruam eat nttw be 

pin % 
ORE dy 

+, eae eg) 

was denied admiselon te the place where defendant Lived and they 
returned to Blue Isiand, Shertiy thereafter kre, Hand hed defend- 
ant arrested, sharging hin with nensupvert, and thha eriminal 
preceeding folleved. 

The evidence faile te suew that defendant ever refused to 
gupvert his wife. Gn tae contrary he repeatedly raqueeted she 
should come and live with him, both in Peerin and Joliet. Ye 
think he very croperiy wight refuee to gupcert the nieees and 
the husband, 

Mere. Hand could sot refuse te live with her husband in 
Peeria or Jnilet, the places: of Rie eepleynent, and maintein a 
criminal prosecution charging his with nonsupyert., A husband ie 
obliged te suyeert his wife emily at his demiolie and net at such 
place 29 she may choose te live, The People vw. Howeil, 214 i211. 
App. 372, 

Attention is culled to the irregularity in the Judyment 
in that {t doe not Limit the time of weekly payments te one year, 
ae preseribed by the statute, This would mecensitate a rever@nl 
ant remandment in erder te huve the jud@sent corrected, 

However, w¢ hold that the evidenes Palled te prove den 
fendeant guilty of the charge and the judgeent is therefere 
reversed and the eause remanded, 


Batohett, *. J., and O'Cenmor, J., cencur. 

“yods bua bovl. taabae' teh oxsciv pentg oat os “olor Lede ‘pelaes naw 
“baotsb hail bask .oek 194'taerests qitreda ‘sbaater auk oe ‘boatston 
| Aasknire whist haw « Froqquane iain abs palgrade sbosaorie bus 

sboweiie? gulbsooong 

eeaehe oR 

at Aguuter xeve tnabiae ted sesté woos of alia? sonebive ‘ent | 

| ode ‘bedseupor Cbsisoar oa eter gine aus ad elle ata Fsecque 
hut. eee 

ee .tobiot baw abroe® ad dtod vital sigh avis am sm00 diwewe 
ban ‘eopeka nia #toqque od onsites ta rogers wer on dab 
al baedews tea Stiw.erli o@ ‘eua'tet ‘ton. ‘biuoo ‘aah ow ex “ “— 
« alatnion baa , trentge Lene sin ‘te ensate ould Veeliot ‘to ateeett 
al bowdeud A .dtoqqumaom Asiv «tel ith grease aolisoovoxy how L 
foun da ton “bra otto tmeb aks ge viao @liw eke srogeue ‘et ‘teghide 
ood ‘BES ihe 2% ptt vee ot ouoeils. ven ‘ea »soate 
“gedmghwk end at yelzatugetth sx 06 belies of acidaceex® one 
tase eno of asanaeac ¢ideew Yo suds aad thats Pon ‘ueeb ah Pe it, : 

Lasrevex a eves isesesa bimow eter enutats oat Os hedixaneng a0 

ba feorrer susaabet, edd evan ot web st fasubnanee aw 
"eed averg ot belie soachive o9 saat bios ow tovewoit 

P< ol” @eaid 
oreo reds ak cepa ent aw aytado oats 10 vi ihon, ‘tuabue coho 
pep nay “paw Pe 
; ‘ bobanumet eauae salt ba bas eT 

ses aaa ctiba ciwatve 
rb iod ook oath ak ~ 

xwomes eas tonnes" ha at “at ease 
wae tak aie ane 

al ie 
“eugene, RS BY eetneee Bee 

f h 
. Ny Rima Meng ay @ RA a ee wee Ret ae 
; ‘ ka st ha 
ay ah ‘ F IA » =) 
ye be oton Ve Selim mee) Doak 
; pte bY Pedro’ nt | Bent a 
, , par ” (i 
ra *. ae Pee | se ‘a 
woolh tenpen sath te ve lewheiek ae sa SRA 

Pe SE ee ens 
‘ a BY Nopaydth Ia 
i p i. Mae enh ‘ od a. Bri ie i) 
Pe ae Wy SUM ca om ie 9, TR ie a aoeew i 
1 qty yu 

$7338 ra Va 

ApeRilees, - 


GOMPAXY, a Sorceration, 

epee ame i? ac Ng 

(® (A 


Plnintiffs were named ac beoePiciaries in a Life ineure 
ance poliey iseued by defendant on the life of their daughter, 
Mamie Genualdi; usen the death of insured defensant declined to 
pay the anount of the policy smd this suit fellewed; usen trial 
by a jury plaintiffe ha@ a verdiet for 62880, and defendant ape 
peals from the Judgment. 

@ are goenstrsine4 te reverse the judgment for the reason 
the evidence shows that the poliey wag preeured through a misrepe 
resentation of the cenditien «ef ineured# health at the time the 
aeplication for the soliley wae eigned snd tae policy issued, 

August 29, 1930, Rese Genualdi, « sister of the insured, 
died of tuberculosis at the Municipal Tubereulesia Saniteriun. 
Ramie Genualdi Lived with her parents and her troether Themes at 
626 Hebtbie street, Chicage; Zhemas was in the Life imgurance 
buginees, an agent for the Glebe Life I[neuranecs Company; Sestember 
8, 19505, whieh would be about ten days after the sieter died of 
tuberculosis, Kanie went te the effiee ef Or, Corbet: with her 
mether and her brother Thomas; she wae there examined by Dr. 
Corbett, who found that cue had pauleonary tuberevleais in beth 
apiees of the lunge; that she had seist rales, indicating sulmenary 
tubercuiosia; she wae scughing quite profusely; the Beeter tel 4 
the mother and brether ehe wan suffering from tuberculosis; he 

then ordered that ehe be taken to the Hunigisal Tuberewlosis 

oe Nene baa Idea Sata 

af rn | ans an 
eke ss vO = i oi oy 
02. cae isoigetorsed 2 fast 

etmek seowad ave: Bike . Nes isa ee 


Se %, N ; r 
~ * a a alee . 

me Vege ee ae ge eal whose 

-teanl oti a «i aelteks Staced oe foawen oxew eV iates | heiress 
~roddyusd shed? to eUld wale ae faa bine ted wi howwes wohiog 3 

od beakises Sandao'teb Hetirend te dddes | aut neaw 4 2cauned hs om 4 
iaisd gage ‘thwwetto® ine tia ‘haw vektor ane te faweae ey 
ad ‘faasaote baa i et heaped a ben ‘eVitatele tale 
iain am, Spit a Ee Safa o4 
aouwex 6x tev Vononjtiut ‘oii beewer od bentautanes baa 6 “i ve ae 
“qvesis * guernitt netmong | aur voiten ond Sesd ewedte 60 ieee: 
‘gitd tht Ons Bn Madar abboscead Yo aeks thdon eat} deere’ :* 

ered elie aad ae pena la ane wodtos « out “g0% a coli par 

betwen att Yo stele @ hawaii coat .o8er “a Bode —e 

Mead er 
wmubcted bal eleoluosadut: Ingto dew ade ‘ ‘alnofueteded 2 belt 

wrt ndesicaty. \ pas 

‘te sane tt geddoud tet des etonta; ‘we tee bovil ‘Yessenmed ve 7 
ate UR Se eanie hs fy 
sourrwenk Ott ost ab naw aamnc(y 0) ee rr ma fonsae? 

pease: ar a meer A 
Tedavice® ;yanque) sonatueal eed efoto any i ae ,seomlend. 

te both xetete oi xedte ayab ant aed deen dae 
aoa aviw ¢ dodsoe 7d Re oOlto ent of new okmal «@ 

Sa he taal 
40 qf bontzaxe exodd enw end sabaibll Goligailih ai Jad aes 

dtod at sleoiseundud yianaming hed.oem sacs Rawat nae, ghteeeee: 

ianongeg yaliaoibat ,wekex gaton bed oxy tavld payaud wnt » Staal i 
Phot wodved on? pyfeav iow othap. east sbiil ada jmieotuoteds | * A, 
| ghawkuetedul Legtolauia ent tors A 10 ms 

ee  — 

Dierensary for an ieray; Geoteuher Lith Massie went to the Kuniele 
pal Tuberculesis Sisveneary. 

Apverentiy under the guidanee of her brother Themaa, 
Mamie, taen eighteen years of age, signe! an egvlieation for an 
inearance policy om September 72, 1930. It is significant that 
this application wns not made to the life insurance company of 
whieh Thomas wee an agent, but wae made te the defendast. Geteber 
10th written questions vere erepousded te Bamie Genusldi by the 
medianl examiner of tae defendant aonpuny, to woich she made 
ahewers. Among thease questions she wae asked i? eke had ever had 
eoneumption or diseas« of the lungs, or had been attended by & 
physician within the last five years or had any treatment aAuring 
this time at any 4ispereary, hoapital or saniteriuzm, To ene of 
theae questions she sanerered “ho.* ‘She gave her present ecaditien 
ae “goed,* and to the question, "®hen iaet sick?* anewered "Sever. * 
¥o the cueetion whether she had any shysicul infiresity she anewered 
"Yo." And to the auestion whether she had resided or had been 
intimately aescelated with any pereeme suffering from vonsumptien, 
she enewered "Se.* And te the question whether any of her paraite, 
brethers or sisters had ever had tuberculeais, sae anavered “he. * 
the application centained the provision ae Toligrs: 

*I¢ de underatecd and agreed that the foregoing stutenents 
and aneware are correct sad thoelliy trues, smd, tegether with the 
ansvere and questions en Fart B hereof, tiey suali form the bavie 
of the contract of insurance if one be Lesued, * 

She alee anewered te the recuesi te give her Paxily ree- 
ord, etating thet she Aad ne Living sisters but two sisters hed 
4ie4 in infaney. ‘he policy wae iasued Cutober 10th and she died 
of tubereuiosia on Fevrusry 22, 1931, ¢ little over Tour months 
after the policy wse issued, Heither the father nor mother, the 
plaintiffs, testified upen the trial; the brether, Themes, testi- 

fied that the premium on the pelicy was paid by him frow hia “own 

wiviawl est of teow olmad sei aaieetqek ;yeeek as det yoann 
ae ! -Yteemyale aleoteeredyt —_ 
« Mibexgai £ neddond “on To eeaebing off sehen yhdi weqya 
me vot seléeeiiqes ax Seayle ,ega te i dontdgte send tee 
gate Samet ilugle wh 32. .O8RL Be eochas Sere ag yahtog sonorueste 
‘to ynaqane sametweaal otif oe ef ebaw tea new aoltean! faqe whee 
sodetod ,Smtbaoteh @f¢ of chat caw Ged ,daege ae eet Samed? dobide 
aad yd dbLasaed Sd aces oF bod caconene oxew anolsaoup sets haw SOL 
thes exe chidw of , yurqeue Suton t9 sit Ye wai ounce ee 
bet weve bes oe ta boven vaw wie Bae ra0wy neds baa erp eae 
2 PE Bedaesia song baw xe. ant ot Yo snaneld te sold qauanee 
griavh soenisons we, das xe ebeatiie owl: gent oat hos wedsial tian Ris Eat 
te Mowe of ,aubtetionr ‘te. das huoad .ctaye qadh, ded oat Zs r : 
Aeisihnes taser ted vag mite Ps bail aero we am rte sacitesup. porte 
*suMyyst Doron, “inks dang nad" ,anitoany oh of tue" howa" 
berewsee ode ytiont tal Inolagidg yas bes sete xodtene goltooup. bunt sel | 
mend dad to bableat bas osm wortyode saksnewp wilt oF bad * oat 
Aoldquaesee mows geiow Tow emvatog yan weae ponnpeenes, cletantont 
ate tOg ‘ed bo yas tauis ecw tpsseoug esis ay bina a oi" herevene otis 
—# eK" Retewane vile eivotuetedut Banat wire rer excrete 7 bieacts of 
ieroikel ae natatvors ene bookerase Agh ds aia 
atom oetade sahenene’ ods fod? heoxqe ‘hina boosasehau en pi 
~ soy sale 

ets cihw ‘reddegot , bi ao veormee: or 
shaad oalt wene’t wi Ric if 

Pt ass aie 
had aredate oes tu erste ivEE oa hott wit” batt anleate te 

hoth oie hi MFO tadarbO Sevwrd enw Yolbtee ad” got tnt! ae 
 Gahage tet seve orks a (L08r Be eee oe abteo fuernateh bond 
AME \eeUGon cen MOLINA AE COAT LOH Haient Sew yohTod ait tHe 
“nkdeoe vnamen jtodtoud out’ ythihe Aer teglh Baitrivses erbbater 
mto* wkd mod ahh YS Bheg waw ORL eH er mmbiniewte aaly” it 


personal money.” There wae ne denial of Dr, Gorbett's teatimeny 
that Ramie wae suffering from tuberquicnsie en September Sth. 

it was a miarepresentation fer the inewred to deny that 
ghe had resided withis the past year with any peraon auffering 
from consumption, an¢ thai ease never had sty sister who had tabher~ 
gulosis. the eiater Aose, eho was four years older than liamde, 
resided i+ the same Home with her, wits their parenta. 

vounge: for plaintiffea arque that the word “attendea" by a 
puysicgian in the application does not mean a were galling at a 
aector's offiee for reilef from aome slight indissasition, elting 
eertain canes to this affect, Certainly « disgnesio ef tubereie-~ 
Sis was 4 sericus condition, and good faith required the disciasare 
ef the faet that she had been @xeminead and her iliness diagneaed 
ae tuberculosis. 

Moreover, the insurer dees not expeet the inaured te be 
the judge of whether or not her physical sendition is aericus, Tre 
ineurer has the right to knew whether the ineured has had cecaeion 
to corigult a physician fer any reason whatenever eo that the ine 
ourer might consult any physician eomsultea by the insured, This 

is the rule as applied in the reeent case of Peru i: 

Q.-, decided by the United States Sireult Ceurt of Ape 
pesis for the Seventh Cireuit, eaee bo. 4979. 

We ennnat agree with the apesertien that there is ne evi- 
denoe that the insured reaited with er even aaw her sicter Kose 
during the year preeeting the date of the epplicatien. asc we have 
already neted, they lived tagether in the same home, 

The brief? om behalf ef plaintiffs is mere ingenious than 
convineing, Ag Beamim Genweldi 414 notmake a truthful diselesure of 

the facte to the defendant eomeany, bat of the contrary wierepre- 

sented them by giving false anewers, 1t follows that thie Jadgment 


‘waonkine’ ei isedned at Ye ‘fatahh om ae wren " (inom danooriog 
4g8 tednerges ae ahoolanredus won't Se aaw etait brierys 

fad? Yueh oF hevwenk eae cot wetead ene rqoem tee @ naw ced ” 
gutta tive meweed yas Api, taeg Saag alr ‘ae bw besterr ‘out ae 
tadut bel ety wetela yee deol even oy Canty Bae wodsqavanan wert 
» wbnenit aid todie Winey “ol saw wit joeON tote le eat satnoton 
susamtag Thest adhe Jeet thw wiad sme wie ab: ~ ot 
a yd *hehuedse" biew eis Jnuh wugae wVEbate Sy wet eased | oy 
a Ai nnn ete man th sont mabdastige ontoba toe 
URIFES HOLT som ibul Faiytin aes Kort Yellow wot Gur To otuwtood 
-~olweredud “te abeycayakh a ‘efakareee toe tte way or soeee akadnos 
eruseteats sdt sevivuget Atta? heey Bee mele thage amvltoe owe ate 
chat Romksd tod deus bemtuase aed Bast wala aie toe walt 20 
digelegiedsd sa 

ed of bewwen) edd teoqxe fon @ock toxment off ptevowreN 0” oF 
ed? vewoltsn af wali thace Lepinedty «od tem ve Gedode Ye one 
aoteaued bot Gat Berwra? el? torvendw wernt of dayte ene eae noteeal 
«tt af fade oe TevdendasW aoweet ge te? nedelegdiq a tLvaneo OF 
eld? detaat ad yo Bedtvaney nelotegay yaw dtumadin tig km wetee 
ational .¢ saraied to sueo terney ved ah Reh tege as ofue wd ee 
~gA to sad Shur sD e6da7e boFtnt ame yd dadlowd: + -92_sompsupad 
eanee ok oORe gehen kD Aonwees ante: boa a 

Woe ae 

dues mee - sted tosis uel sveoes ons athe: isnt st ‘Fone , tel nyo ee 
1 Pgh ee “aise 
SaoH tata ie ‘29d wee neve Xo Gite bepieet Bewnak wilt tacit someh 
ovead ow aA ‘sfte hwo Saga oat te oseb ats narnoosny, moy ‘ott vie 
aman wie oetd ah xedumao? howss wnat atotom : 
: pees eustomgat, OOS at sttis alata % Lewied ao Yorn ont 
at te otwnetont® se tulderrs a elaaten Beh tinwane tiows oA. anton 

serge geareao9 aut ae sud “eraname sa baste nd 6 t afoot oat ti 

Os Wat 

i a Lae aniria ef a | 

OT” le ha 

Swe 7 

wie a 

tromaboh atid sodd avmetfet th 4 wTSHN 

Gannett stand, 
At the elese ef all the evidence the defendant meved that 

the oourt instruet the jury to bring in a verdict for the defendant, 
whiek metion wae refused. In a number of cases involving facts 
like these before us, the ceuria ef review have ruled that anch a 
motion should have been sllered, 
ing, Ge., 237 fll. Apo. BBO; Se! 
Zil. Age. 346: 

Upon the trial defeniant tendered toe plaintiff $96.90, 
the asount of oretiues geid, whieh siaintiff refuse@, Slaintiff 
is entitled te reeover this smount, 

The jJudgmert is reverged witu s Finding ef facet, and fudge 
ment fer plinintiff fer 928.90 is antered im this sourt, 


Matehett, ?. d., and O'Cenuer, J., eoneur, 

We fine as a fact that the policy unen which slaintiffe are 
guing “ae procured by freud and misaresresentation, and therefore 

is net emforeeavia, 

ote of 
Sede beware ‘geahuetod ont sonnddes ant tke te oeese oats “a oy 

Sues a ih epee AN a a . 
tnabae toh ott «9% tettrey a al sabe wd ‘aa ‘ade fowntent ‘frw0o ode } 

eta atv fovns ponae Yo odovun “ ak -beew'ier enw ok Foo sehae 
: be Sa Ray aA ee a hy Bs 
& sin an aut boku oval wolves te adawes ons va vebied: oagud 
EEMSEY ee a (8 | i fe vie 

steal ka npad ove Stuer aoktom 4 
Mi ep ie Beth aa 
; Tal “gk ed vee . Sp 
02.886 Mibsatase | or cornet 90: mote fetes ont mae oe 

eR samy 

Tbtabast _ stanuftor Visiate An ketw hha avtewte bind sougme 

bale hy 

“toueme whee tavoen of as 2 
abut dew fot te amtpat’t s siehw bewiecnm at tnemghut ott 

Tu68 “otas wa bese tes at x0 Plumtate ‘et ae 
sis Dis Ie aa ai * hy _ 

TOM %O oaIgRLY BOTY axasve | aie 
HEN Tae w cA. “gtk Bice ts oso “ 


Ree ey | Re at poy Ih me ee oe BZ B.S ey Bus lian Te aah aa ge ay ay oe i ‘he i e 
f Wess bi: ; Wi 

hadiaad sate uenannil hae gah of er 
Baki ai ioe ALE ae SU a Me MEI rt sme Bc aie 6 

ees ae Ea 

ane ts 

URS, aS i Pa RR Rae Ape: 

aa” 7" fs 

“ets tilda token aoe wehtow os ras yo a te 

NT ae hata Ec 

Sytk AtonoeiPion dl 

Pie ieace (E Mcpues a nt é 4 Day ea ORK) SR Vesa Ih ay PEON a) HY ge Dihicaiaal ors | 

ae ya 

Pe Ruthiok Loe ot V6 ARNE wie Kae eek nae eh ieee 

i be ye fMererae (e petty 4 i! 

ete mee ee ee ee ew .onyon, vor 

dey ! RW ; 

seh adultos somktes 4h) wei: enlelk Qe satel 


37387 f / 

Appellee, ff M g 
WRe : a ] 

oF cutcaco. # 
ERVASG PUR GOkPASY, a Vorporation, 


Appellants. yYATR ORE’ 
—  2¢41.4.663 


Plaintiff brought suit claiming a conversion by defendanta 
of a fur seat belonging te her, amd upen trial by the aourt had a 
judgment for $75, frou whieh defendants appeal. ; 

The defendants ore in the fur garment business, VPisintiffr 
testified that she went te their plaee of business te nate a fur 
eoarf gleaned; they solicited Aer te buy a new fur coat, of fering 
te take her ol4 fur eoat, hich she wae Wearing, in partial exehange 
and eredit her with $60 for the ol4 coat, the balange of the price 
of the new coat to be paid in portial Llogtaliments, the new esat 
not to be delivered until paysnents were completed; ahe agreed with 
thie but on condition that sheuld she net be able to meet the pay- 
ments on the new coat the sale would be eslled off and her ela coat 
returned to her. Ghe testified that defendanta, through Rr. Meltzer, 
president of 4efendant company, aid a Kies Leidy, a anles woman, 
agreed to this. Defendants permitted slaintis? te wear her cid 
eoat for a tine, then she left the o3d4 cost with them; subsequently, 
finding that she could net keep up the paymente fer the new eoat, 
she ee netified the defendants ant asked for the return ef the old 
coat, which was refused. Pisintifr's teatixeny was eerreborated by 
her alster, wno testified that she was present at the time and 
heard defendants say that if plaintiff eeuld not make the payaente 

on the new coat they would return the eld ene. Defendant A. i. 

Keltzer testified, in substance denying the agreement to return 

ete Liogas — sa Mi ai 
t eee on # ys 

“ | ev 
snitenh e a9 au ‘SUAVE 
‘ RES ‘gt 9H Lge ees 

Maral & bane ae. - 

bar ee 

“TAyOD aHY 20 aonarso Rey crams r.nauees worry sa 

atnabastsh yf délevevass » galatals fiwe @igsotd Tiitalest — 
a bed sxmoy otf yd Iettd soqh han and od pakgacted taov whe 
tavqas efauhue'tat Hobde movt ,8ve xo? —— 
‘“tieaieli | Jeeeniaud Jdoowrtag tet ectt ak ote stacebaetes off 
tut 2 eved af eeeaiand to venta viens oF taee ame decid bobtkteas 
gaivetts ,geoo wt wea a qwd of ise betlokioe yedt jheneole Ytaes 
eguedexe falftey al Balenew new outs ig tite, taoo tut blo tor oxtet oF 
woitg eff ‘Lo canniad may aoe bie aay tat 08g ete tos sihete bun 
Seas wen asi? ,esnent intent Lalsese ed biag od oe face won ont ‘te 
Atie beewge ede jhoadesomes axrow afoowgan Lifaw beteviioh od of @ea 
“qeq ed? 2o0m ef ide ed tea ore hduigie ted? aelsitnoe ao tad abdt 
Ne faom Sic ten bas The felisa od biueow ofee 282 Yeon worn a43 fo atmo 
i ,<teetied .a aguoink? ,atachasteb Jad Sal titess ase tad of bentytes 
| Mater seine o .ebhed aed aw dae ,ymegeie faebee leh te dashiverq 
‘Bio aod xeew of TRdudete bettictee etaebante®  .eket ot reetpe 
eYtaoupeedue jaod? dtiew taoe bie elt Tiel ene oode lenis & ced dena ~ 
tage wen aay tot afaowyer sl? gw geet toe Siven oe dedd yalbat't 
bie ef? Yo atuter od3 to? bedem baw edamhoe teh eff Soltiton oe aie 
ed@ hetesodexi0o vaw yooulsae? eo  Tiktaiel® § .fees'‘tet saw doldw .tae0 
baa ould ent Se taoaety sew ado dad? Meltiteed ofw ,tedela cod 
stummyae od? exam fox bLwos Yittalele 1! Sedt yee etaahae toh breed 
1 A tnehaeted ene bio ont aredex Bloor yeds taoe wea odd m0 
mruiet of tasmmerge off galyaoh soaudedor al he kthvess wendsou Pe 

the old event te Ser, 

in this court defendants argue that the old coat wag xe-~ 
eelved by defentants in pert payment for the new garment, ond 
deny any agreement to return it, 

The ease turns upon the eredibility of the wltmesees. The 
trial court heard them and is beiter suelified than we are to 
judge of their oredibility. %¢ cannet say that hie conelusion 
te accept the stery of the pladntirr and her wliness le manifestly 
againet the greater weight of ene evi¢genees. 

The judgment i# therffere affirmed, 


Batehett, ». J., and U'Senner, J., concur. 

A ed 
Vee aS £ 

ha a, Nt 

edt oF ba bLo ast 
~or Baw ‘ines héo ae taste ewgta atnebno tes gxvoo alat ‘nl 

base ,tmetey wee od tot Paomyag Pavey ‘BE bdaetice Tad, w 

oth cuutes af trom orrge ‘yan yah 
eat ) dduoekt te ont: "te: rene tithiadis ea? aequ GAte? aeae eft 
of 948 ow and? boliiesp wasted at bac medt bused dewon Seltd 

sotautnaeg ett tant yer fone BY .cettictbete “ious ‘to eghut 

Yldaotioam ak aneosin ted hae ‘Vikdaleto ong ‘to yxose ents Jquooe of 
spemenies atte tales seer A See 

A) Aman, ronan 

oman at 

ae mally eae nies ites 

wii sne Ee , eis ae a ae ? 1s ea gE ene 
wouter soe camer hap ot at , ddpsioda: 
mek ee BE: ue , es oe i ASL aw e0beeh nee 
ee: See 
SILT COV LS 4 Rae vie SR Kaa Nis Reve ehh Se ag aga 
Logo Be Da « ees 

: ve: Bes wee Be hea 

“oe Se haerertae 

RS eS eI ee a Re i o PSR AOR AS PRAM RS 
Koow af OY Coe Re OR he ARR ee eRe Gee 
vite Se yeaa RT sae, 

tase eon 4 DVB > egy Sh alte tie oud ree Aig AK , RR, ouiaiige Rte oa ae omabat's 
pat ‘+ es a Ma RMS ES AMOI Re a SS Daa ai i ae 

i ie aa on SR Cor Wea VEO ERE Mea i AB Ne Rs Rey ues alae egy Rta rs 
Wipes ee te eT ame fe ein a ks phe naa aka mpeg ~ SIS cdc OM | € ta ee hit) meat | 
Harpee vadte | eau Bogue easy - “RNR Re as ae 0 a GAS: elle ot omhcn tek peaee 

ca 2 pe Ranks Bs ie tas eee YEO Se wr te eas Es 1] 

een Pete Na 
Sy ee eM RR ee OM hee ae es aes Pra sene raed Sink 

BTL 36 

PRED O3ER et sl., } 
Appellants, ) 
We } : 
} OF COUR COUnTY, | ae, 
THOMAS XN, MALOY et ok., 4 A 
AVVSLL See, | =r Ps ‘ E 
“ 274 1.A.663 


By this appeal the complainants seek te ravereo « deoree 
of the Guperioxs court of Cook county diwmisaing tasir b111 ef 
eomplaint for want ef aguity. 

January 19, 1943, sowpisinents, #ke allege that they are 
menbers of the Chicage *oving Ficture Auchine Operators’ Union, 
Leemk So. 110, a voluntary assogiation, emt siao mesherea of the 
International Alllanee cf Thestrivgal Stage Gupleyen und Roving 
Pheture Bachine Operators of the United Uistes and Canada, alee 
a volustery aeseciation, filed their seeond amended bill on behaf 
of themselves and a1] other smambere Of the unions whe sight shoose 
te join with them, againet the defendants, ali ef waem | axgept 
three who ware sity sweloyes@) are alleged te be officers and agente 
of the unions, charging then with fllegaily scuonssiring to attempt 
te ouet them from the unions and whe exeluded thea fron the benelite 
ef the unions, fnay also charged the defendants with ether alleged 
wrong@eings woich will be hereinafter referred ts, and prayed for an 
injunction, the agpointwent of a reeeiver, fer an ageguating, and i 
other relief, 

Fobruary 6, 1945, two defendante, employees of the City, 
Tiled their general demurrer, February @th the ether def eidsnte 
filed thely joint amd eaveral anewer, denying the charges of wrong. 
doing made against them and setting up =aat they designate as 
“matters of affirmative defense.“ February 11, 1955, comsi«inante 
moved for a tenporary injunction and an erder was ntered continu. 

ing the metion te February 16, 1933, Vebruary 17, 1933, camplaine 


| for ip Ps : BELTS 
Ph, i \ ‘\ { s «te vied Heng Papen 
hy i Co { sfasiioega . 2 se so web 
f) tuyoo 3 SOIREE tant =f c 
is at, ‘Seraues wdoo 46 { . sats 
} cele 86 YOdAA .i anon, 

‘pn 0 TA. T iN A G | ae hiarrgenaed ids alaal 

tUOD ait %sS or “tao on ame VI cae alee ‘werredt wna 
= 4 ree week bee Perey ak ud. 

aeteeh #& sersvet of adeos sinetiaie we: ediatiadiliaadis “20a 

: sil ty te nag 

ote Yes sat eyoiia ore, sOismithy mane gO . eh yaaa es 

Selal- ‘eregeteq? ealaged oigels gaives egasisd eis te aredaen 

e43 to atedaom oule fan ,aoltalsonsa yradueiov a ,OLL oil faced 
galved bas esyolqui egert Lowtugacat te evashi ts fanol tonsa 

ate ,abanwd ban aetede Aeshal ot to, suodenen?, sakiioek atwéed ; 
 Yeded ae LLid behoswe hoones alec? beiit ,aolisioessa uasawtoy @ 

eeeods taiyim ortw anolaw end to gredmma xodte Lhe baw sevisameds Yo. | 
sqooxs) mosiw to Lie ,ednehao'tebh ocd @eakege ,medt dtiw alet of 
asnexye ban atositio ed of beyetia ete (sooyedgeue ytlo etew ow comdd 
Squetsu oF gaitiganoa yiingsiil dgie aode pal g tae eSatok aw ons 3. 
sditeasd ef? won? male heobulece osv ban euolay odd mex? mode tuo et 
hegeila teste dtlv sfashaw'led ei3 hegiade ante yaa? enol aw oad to 

‘ Aik hee re 

|| a 10% Aeyerg ban 0% berre'tes wesieatored oF LLlw dabiw agaten ts 

baa ,aaliaceoes os t6% ,tevieset a Te i meagakeqqe ont sao! $03 ng ; 
-tohion rend e 
LUPLD oils LO EaMyoienoe ,atsubus lod ows ,LERL ,o yrawtde® 

: aes 
stashm ted redte oda sis @ Yteerde% eeu Knee saveney, thes tent 

~gaotw lo segtade ods yaiyorh ,tewens Lateven brew satot alos bel 
as otnnglewh yeas sasie gH gh see ban want jentege has 7 
sinantetqus ,ECCL LL yrautde® * eno ted ovitnan 27a to , 
unt sae betnta saw tebte oe baw wet dean bak eumrogmas a roe | 
stisiques ,c6eL ,Tk yuwwsde® § .f60L Ok vrewsdet or wotton 

ants filed their replication to the anewer of the defendants, 
¥ebruary 21st an order was antered upon motion of the complainants, 
with the consent of the corseration counsel, @lasissing the bill as 
to Joseph Kaloy and A. %, Jackson, clty ewployees. aren 6th come 
Plainante, by leave of court, snended their second amended bill. 
July 12, 1953, an order wae entered on metion of the couplainante 
suggesting the 4eath of cempiainant, Fred Geer, and aubsetituting 
Gladys Oper, a2 nie adminietrstrix. August 11, 1953, eouslainante 
moved for a temporary injuncticn and the defendants med@ a eoanter 
motien that the bill be diewiseed “for want of equity and jurin- 
diction in the Court," for the reasons set forth in derendante! 
angwer as mattere ef affirmative defense, The defendants’ motion 
Was pwllewed, the bill dismissed and tnis appeal followed. 

The procedure follewed in thie case, of disuiseing sam- 
Plainents' seeond amended bili after issue wae joined by defendants' 
anewver and plaintiff's reslication therete, is anomalous and is not 
to be apvreved. 

Defendants contend that thelr eral moetion to dismise the 
bill for want ef aquity and Yer lack of juriedisctieon was in legal 
effect a demurrer ore tempus. Sut tne inw is that a demurrer org 
Senus will not be aliewed unlees thers is a demurrer en record. 

1 Goas's Putertvaugh Ch. 71. 4 Pr., Tth ed., page 185. hile the 
eroceture was irreguler, we prefer ie deoide the questions on 
their merits. The matters alleged in the anewer are not to be 
considered, tut the enly question is whether the somplsinants 
state a cause of action in their bill of complaint. 

The allegations of tae bill, eo far as it ls necessary to 
state them, sre that complainants were members of the Chicago 
Seving Picture Machine Operatere'’ Union Leeal oc. 110, aid members 
of the International Allianee of Theatrical Giage Haployes and 
Moving Picture Kachine Operators of the United States and Canada, 

estaabee toh eff to 190m me at? oF aeiseot Laon the dt Bolrr agen 
stnauleiqnos os Yo agitea seqw brista» saw tobxe as gei8 crsitsot 
ee Litd eit paiesioath ,feanwes molteroqree ed? ‘to dneaiine ost apie 
stom AID Hotell .eosyoiqus veto ,aomioat 5 aA baw yotait” dqoact of 
titd hebes ae bhosed tlerii bebaows .txmes ‘te seme d yd agns ake tg 
Sinatlalquos ond Io meljem so hetedan saw tehte oe ,S6RL 84 ust 
galiviitedue bas ,teed beti ,faentatqme To Adeeb std sntteonawe 
ebbakie tance SEL LE caugud § wwkadetieiniabe ak oo 11980, ve! ‘ 
<egawee @ sham stoshae'teb ont hr agttoavint yastoeae . 
eeizut, bus ytlupe to daew tot" beandow ts of tre outs “padi no bt om 
“Vegasbao'teh at Adto? doe eavaner edd tot “,d2me9 ocd a wo doin 
nolgom ‘atnntie'toh off .eeae'tob avigecont'rta ‘te eretian 6 "gewene 
“Shewettet Laoqua aide han baaebawth Lthd oAd pbéwe fh" be 
moe palaclunth to ,emes wit} al bowelfot exubssotd ‘out’ 
'sttahasteh yd boalet aewr oual radte Lhd bebooks baeoee ‘ed: . C ‘i 
toa ai bie evolamome at eas sgl ‘mpltesiivss sthiantesy tad ‘baa a 
» shoves waa ie 
ef? salseth of aolfou Lato tioat fant baadaos’ ePibpad tee” 

‘Kegel si sav aoitotbatust Yo Aeet tot bas yetupe te daew ‘Yoi” “ihe 
gan tovtumeh 2 fads ok wal ede tol .euged wad aettwnbh 9 ‘goo tte 
“abst: ed w0Ctinenh hs ‘ab’ otbdie Bieta Séwétha SS sha kde’ uae 

“eat otiat leer agag ,.b9 det (inte 0% 10d dgundtadid ef eal 

i me iit tt 

ib ved 


ne akolsaeup ali sbloob of telere ow ‘eta Ligerth an tube oon 

6d of Jon wre tewnnd ont al Deyolio etettan oat pete 
ataantelquoo ond wsltede at aetiesup “ine edt tid (bore an x 
“\daletqned Ye itd ited) ui aptten Ye éalns « otate 
ot Visgasoon al st ae tet de thie ods or "wilh bape tte Fa te th? 
oyenidd bas to exosmvst axaw Btasaic tones toad ete sans “Silke 
eredain bas’ OLE 0% Lasel oelal Vetesareg? ontda tt’ band ie ant vou 
baw eeyotqait eyatd Lao tigasat “te ‘one ttiA Aaaotdamssat sit Ye 

"aan ‘Bas sosate bodhau au? lo exedermG endioaid exttelt + 
Oe ORT ie Ree sie i nee one ont at got ie a 


and therefore entitled te the privileges and benefits of the union, 
some of which are a fair rate of wages, ageurance ef competent ap- 
prentices, slection ef officers and members in sccordance with the 
constitution and by-lawa of the union, the exclusion af nen-meabers 
from the union, death beneFit ef £2,000, sick benefit of $30 a 
week if incapacitated, ctc. The bill further slleged that there 
were 496 meabers of the lecal union, toat 540 pereone were working 
in the moving pieture* business “he vere net menbera of the unien 
bat who were znewn ae “Permit men", having wrongfully been given 
permite by officers of the unian without any exanination of the 
applicant; that continususly eines 1920, the defendants conspired 
with other unknown persons to violate the comatitution and by-laws 
ef the lecal ucion for the puroose of obtaining and maintaining 
econtrel of the unions Tor the benefit of the defendantea, and per- 
mitting them fraudulently to explicit the usien snd ta eonvert ites 
ageeta to their own use; that in furtherance of such cousplracy 
the defendants in 1925, 1827 and 1932 esnducted unfsir elections so 
that they could continue in centroi of the union fer taeir own 
benerit; that to accomplish tunis result they enpleyed gunmen whe 
intimidated the meabers of the union by threats a¢ that there was 
not a free or fair eleetion of officers by the members; that they, 
by intimidation and threats, cerpetuated themselves in ofiiece and 
eontrol ef the union, employing gunmen Yor this purpese and 
threatening anyone whe dared te seek any offiee without their 
favor; that defendanta, in furtherance of the conspiracy, issued 
Lieenses autherizing perrons to operate moving pieture machines 
whe were wholly unqualified; tost they alse issued “?ermits® per- 
mitting others to dco the werk ¢f union men for their own benefit; 
that im 1951, defendantea received 9100,000 te combat a leck-out 

by the Allied Theatre Owners Association but refused to secount 

fer this money; that defendants also refused to account fer other 

Ripe aN 


re ee ne ee 

Sa Nea 


,tolnw on9 To ot itened baw segeitviag eat ot bald Lime eretetests sae 
ote suetoymoo Yo eokniweese ae yew ‘te #2at ulat a ote sg tee to enon 
si} dttw sonabteooa al etedmem bas exeoltre to noidoeLe ano enotg 
aratowmeaot ‘ta adiuuloxe t27 ,molaw od? ‘te owalayd bax molus tienes 
w O£9 ta Pi'toced diy be 000,84 te sitieaed igawb mre kiow one: wort 
@redt tadt bowgeatia tative? ifid ea? .ode dotettoscavat 2 Leow 
galxiow exow Amer (OS tadd ,wohay Laoet eile ‘te axodmea aee oxew 
dota ef? Yo wiedsex fon stew ode sanateudvervtate antvon pee 
nevig aeod yiintpaoaw galvas , * ape $deaa® ea woot onew ove ud 
eat 16 seliteniaexs yao Sisauid dw aot ont to oes to we soteog 

pexigdnod afachis'tob eda ones oath efewount$.ao0 rads itanot toga 

awaleyd bac tolgusitewen ond osatoly ef aaoate 4 amon es tsiite at 
gelaleialee baw ankaiaddo to eadg tg outa tot mo kum tnoos ott te 
at0q hne ,Gieabasteb eff “te 2 Pts aed eui aot aedcew ‘ods 10 headend y 9 
Aoi Seevaeo of bao aolau oad dtoLoxe of ¢ltae dubuan? meait yatagta 

ca eA 

‘Yyoeulgtaeo Meus to eomatedtis't a2 tastd yeas ewe uhedd of stoonm ‘ 
as ancigoste xia‘tay Befouhaes SOCL bua CROL AOL at aganbao tes ote 
fiwe tdoud tot aetaw end to Lotéwoo nd euatiaon hives weatt fade 


ow newaiy Leyolqus yods #Lueer what Hie | Lgaweoe of suslt i2Ptened 
eew otedd td) on e$a0tds ys apiow es2 Yo x0 daa va bogabtattat 

Xeds Jad? j;aiedasa ens yd etse lt'te te nolvaede the’t 0 oon a iar 
ban eellto ot eovieamecd? bedeomtagrae ataorss hese “nol Sabha tnd wv 
bite oagcig alt 19% soos gatyotqne +0 ht outs ‘te fourass 

xkost deodtiw sotitre eas ‘hoon of bora ests omoyas gabacsaonts = 
heunsl ,yoatloanes ould te peste Tesi d tart ek eedaanas top gests ‘teva? 


soultionm etuselg gatvom otakous ot aaneuse gakabxon? va tonmolt 
“tog “ad tacke S* housat oaLe yosid Pad shen? Ltawpaw ehiose orow Lae st 
roitaned nwo “naa <ot mem nolan ‘te tor ont ob et nrodse pantie 3 

lave a a 
sndateor' a thdmde' od 006, 60L8 bewkeont etnabasten i608 ah tess a 4 
pen i Sl 
sawonoe ot boas'ter gud heldalocoka Bx9 WO exiasdt ‘beLLtA aad 

a Wu Wy a bdiides ehh 
edt tet saioosa oF beabter cole ‘etasbas ted tadd i yeaon ain 


moneye they had received in other official capacities, which be- 
longed te the union; thet in 1951 the grand jury of Cook county 
took cognizance of the defentants' wrengdoing and indicted some ef 
them; thet through the #rong?ful saete of the defendants a number of 
theaters «hich eaploeyed union men were wrongfully glossed, and in 
making this wrongful contest against the theater oxners defendants 
apent apvroximately $206,000 of the union's money; that defendants 
had falsely charged compisinantes and other meabers of the union 
with vielating certain sdctions of the conetitation and by-laws, 
and there was a purported hearing witneut notice te the agcused; 
that the charges made were baseless; that ot the Bearing certain 
menbers of the union were denied orepar representation; denied the 
ust of a eourt reverter; and denied the right to eresas exauine the 
witnesses tastifying agsinat then; that after such neerings def end- 
ants purported te enter judgawnt againet mexbera of the union, ime 
posing a fine of $6,006 against many of trem, and the leas ef 
voles and vete fer a period af tee years; that such mechere were 
fexied the right to appeal; ~ a11 contrary te the provisions of 
the conatitutien an’ the by-lawa of the uniene; that defendanta 
have threatened complainante and intimidated them because they 

are demanding their rignts under the conetitution and the by-laws, 
and that defendants, unleas restrained by an erder of eourt, will 
aseign or dispose of the assets of tie lecal union; that defentante 
have extravagantly ran the affaires of the union, having an overhead 
of over $75,000, while the income was only about $44,000; that de- 
fendanta voted themselves large salaries; thet defendant business 
manager Wasa in 1928 paid $228 a week, whieh tas later inecressed te 
$300 a week and atill later te $500 a week. Kany ether charges 

are made, but we de not refer te them here, the prayer of the 

bill was that certain of the pretended elections of the officers 

be declared null asd wold, and thet wesitionea be filled st an 

gd doldw jaeitheaqas LaiplYie seate at bevkeves, had yest eyston 
etnuce aoed to yrol, haat. ot £2 wt Secs paokaw opt oc hogaot 
te sao beteibai ban gnbobgasiw 'escchap'ted ede to eenesiagos soot 
“te sedan @ atmahie lab sc) Le etoa Le'tyaow outs yur? ead jee 
at bos yboaelo yLivoTaasty svew fen apioe heyolque dodde gxoteods 
atachce'teb ateard teseeit off @ralege doednog Latyaotw alat galslem 
atnshaetsh Jadt pyenou at aghas edt to 000,908% ylatemixzetoqs Janda 
tetms ef to exsdama tomo ban atuantelamoe hegraio yLeate? bait 
,aweingd bos aebtne ites odd “ie saoltege aladxen gatiatody athe 
phessoon tid of solson duagdtin ynitesd hedteqieg @ aew exadt Bete 
aatien galxeod od? Ya demth peaniewed eraw eben aegiads oft tant 
etd foliod ;moldatumaerqex teqote hedaeh etew aglaw o2 to stedupm 
odd enicate esos of Srila ans Delowh baw j49d teqet Sauee @ “to ow 
chow'ted aqaltend down sodte gone pamld gealeys gatylideas anne ad kw 
ead ptokne of ty exredaom teatags daemoul tedae of Nebreiune htne 
ote eeel 867 bus yaad To Yoon Poakeye 000,48 to eatt a galore 
“Wwtew-etedans stows dent patsey owt to Golteq # te? eso¥ dan ow 
‘to enotatvorg 982002 yrenteen Lia ~ ; leeqga of drigit ost ehe 
« “edaabastod tant janehew ‘edt to awaterd oda notin? igeuee, ast 
‘ods Gausoed moat hotalimital bas etaadleqmos honeteesh? ovat 
pewelegd one hae codtusitemoy ets vehay etegls aisdt gatbasseb wre 
iit , Stuer Yo tebxe a yd heniotiess enelow ,etaehbua ton fadt pas 
stushoeteh tact puokuw dapod end te steeen oft Yo ceogalh 10 og ivew 
haotwere aa yaiived ,solew el? Lo otheThe odd aur yLiaeyovertee pve ~ 
eh tag: 1000, 088 tueda yiao gew samwond ode oLide 000,078. zero, to 
evanioud sinhusted said peolieiae sgtet seviousmals borer etnebaset 
of beenntnnl wlol eae Koliw ,aemw BREE bibs  SR0L nt eam repane 
neytatio somite Vas aeow © OEE oF note t Likde bee dow x, ogee 
etd: keegan wall | otagh mkt, oF BO tm a: ee mn . 
eteattie sie to enodtoole hehaetoty edt ta alnere ; 

election properly held; that the oretended Judgment and finer 
isaued ageinst the complainants ond ether mexbere of the unien be 
vacated and held for naught, that complainantea be restored te full 
memberehip im the unions, and that om aocounting be had, 

Defendants contend that the deerwe sheuld be affirmed te- 
cause there is no aliegation that complainants had been exealled 
from menbersiiip in the lecal union, amd that there is no allegation 
that comvlainanta were put en trial fer any offenses resulting in 
thelr expuleien, but that the thaory of compiainante, and their 
coungel's argument, is that eompiainante hove bean expelled Trem 
the loeal union and that the primary ebject of the bili te ts ree 
astere then to menberaghip. <A further contention of the defendantea 
is that a court of equity is without Jurisdiction te restore a 
person te a membership in « local unien, 

Whether mlilegations of the bill sre auffictlent te shew 
that sompisinante and other mevhers vere wrongfully exvelied from 
the union, they sre, we think, sufficient te shov that complainants 
and other marbers were excluded from the benefits of the union. 
They were unable to obtsin employment because of the sets of the 
officers of the anion; mary lliegsl permits, it ia charged, were 
deeued so that there were not places encug: to go around; charges 
are made of acts of defendants in intimidating comeiainente and 
other members so that Tair elections sould not be held, and further, 
that the moneys belonging to the union were wrongfully expended, 

Ve think these allegationa are gafficient te warrant the 
interposition of a eourt of equity. Hut counsel fer defendants say 
that there le no sliegation that complainants Bave exhausted their 
remedy within the Local or international union, amd that it is 
elementary one cannot go into eauity until he has exhausted hia 

rights within the union. Ye think it sufYicientiy apyeare from 

the allegations that an appeal would have been futile, i+ is 


genli bas savambul, hehaetete ect dans i bied yinegoiq agi¢eate 
od golan edt Lo aipdues, talie bas atoncielgnog edt sonlage bogead 
fist of hetateet od stusnlatqmes Sedd ,daysme tet bier bas bedeouw 
hed ed antinuovoe a» deadt has ,uaokay ess at gisetedmem 
asd hawtlTis ed Adwode e@rneb a2 Ladd bootone ad sehaeted 9.09 
belivgue daaed bas. siaaniedguon Jade moliegolia on al eteds eauas 
apitegetia on ai aneds jacds bas ,aolew deved att ah gidetodms moat 
ai golyiemer agese Te Yas 4ot tamitd ag Jug atew stastintomes, Gadd 
_sieie bas ,atacniaigques to ytoedt oft sect tod ,moletuqme thedd 
“inet Soliegxs saed eyed atoauiatqwoe dads af ,sosmuyte a fooameo 
~et ot ai {itd os2 te Joeldo vinmitg edd Jodt bar solaw fened edd 
 piaabie teh adt tq aeliaadaen woultuyt A .cideusdaem of weds, eteda 
& etotaes 92 aoltothaitet suedtiw ot ytiupe Ie angen a tend at 
hem wee PHAR LANDS Mh, A AE REO M 8 POI 
wots 02 tanioittue ers {old ait to anotsegntia tented... 
Sort baliogrs qitutgaerw e.ew ayedma tecdio boa etsnalelqmes gent 
atoanieliqauoe godt vein of caehotitus datas ow ,etea yout ,aatan edd 
modmy esi Lo agttoned edd aos bobulone suew etedaea tedte hae 
aid Lo efon ost ‘to passved tnesyalqas aiatde of eideay etaw yaad? | 
atew ,hegtedio ab #1 ,a¢ioseg fegeiii yoom itetay odd ‘26 onoaltte 
— Royrado phawors 9g Of Laxcas smoot fou etew etedd tue ob boused 
bas ajoanintquee yoliadbialsal xi atashagted to atea te abam ote 
| gtotsut has ,biad od doa Sdveo cunigoois tiet tadd os aro dmem xedto 
shobasqxe Ylinlgaeaw sie” sola eit of gaignoied syenom edt sant — 
ent tumtsaw 92 taslolthun etm aseitegetitio agedt Ambsld @F 00. ys 
YO8 atuehapteh tot ieoauos Jud ethane le t1ueo.6 Te nett ivoqredat 
‘tiedd betausixe ovat stasclelqnoo todd soiteyr iia om ah wrens dtadt 
ai th tect bane ,sokaw Leaolseaxedal te favot ede aldttw yhomer 
sisi hetewadng aed of Lito yelupe otat oy soanao eae ytataouate 
_ weett ewequs yliselolTiva 21 daksd oF .sotay ont Redd lw eddghe 
aici ,ei¢w#t seed eved hivew inoqas ma Jedd amoltepetio ott 

i ' Wenn ¢ ? 

alleged that defendants ware Aeiied the right of appealing, end 
while the allegations are not specific, we tiink they wre sufficient 
te warrant a court of equity in inquiring inte the merite ef the 
matter, Yrom the allegstion# of the bili we think any attempt to 
appeal would have been unavailing. Ve therefore bold that the 
second amanded bill of sgompiaint stated a ewusne for euultable 
relief, and the decree of the Superior eourt of Cook coumty ie 
reversed and the cause remanded fcr trial. 


Katehett, P. J., and MoSurely, J., coneour. 

bad (galiaoqga To Hiylt oid feolteh stow adagboe top dais’ 
snoks ifiws ow yous Saidt oe joFteege fon ote etoltayetie ond ethitw 
“gate “Ye @ahueR ed? otal galetepat ai ysinpe Ye xtton & tnerraw of 

ob symseaYiie”inhih bw tebe ak te wae engabee Ob aberdeen 
“ens foxls BLod sto'twtadd of .gaiiievans ased svat bisow Laeqqe 
eldssluse set osnes 2 bodega saleiqros te {Ltd bebweme beopeR 
qd yeatios fod? ‘to gives telto4Ke OxY Te aeroeh OnP Bae jToblet 
Oe UT EA hated 2Ot hebaamen camer OH? hae boerévet 
ee Ce 

even ue 
de et Re aa [eanwie 


Nee HS Re Pa NR) wait iit 4 ae Raters ere SR Ge “Ra odohe: 

a us 

0 Ge CN ROC RR, REN i wa Seon. ie BO a ae ae 

By OMe Me aN Pvt eae § og peal 

Ra ds % a BG ih Sei i RROCHS Be REGS BTR yom 

‘ ‘ rs ve ena laa 

Se a Boe ek pee ROY ae 8 ee a 1 

ge eee 

oxen Sect tose oh pee? 

Seda tees tet emi tes ok dooetos tad a aie te aha 

: Pies YB ats § Z Pak me aot Yh DA eg is, Ry Ye by Mears) c as mane a werner shea, —, 
ey eee ee , . . ‘ a Kiera ’ 2a i: wining pain Be <i tay A “i py, at ta 

amma glk ii) rAd awl: aie. che gaanere dae? eeeoee ae 


Sk Ra NN Mee pie eth Al 


Wee hie ANN Cees j ee eA Whe ne ia aa a: A Se ne Sm geo NAR RS Pes hese Fay ih ian all 
a 3 re ABE Se EE) OA A a Beg f Ya ARIE of Ra eh oh RMR ei | RG! rae ae Sm oa a ye wiensit oth 

: ie 

eee ih bury a CRE aoe Rid ¢ a "a us 
GR BSA ag PER RMP RPI ORR RIE AR A: a a RUS we nin | 

mie Aetewrsios and oF Lhame BRR BOPP Ce ee Se aden te 
opvk sioenda oiredn thine 2h ee Oe a Rea Ad aleaie, ena’ 

teat chee haat Amster tie Ra 

37139 \ ae 
Pa x 
a Corporation, vive é 
Agnellee, er Le 

we. 4 f 
liars ¢. veies PY COOR COUNTY. 

Appellant. } - 

9741.4. 663° 


Plaintiff, ae owner of certain notem secured by & trnat 
deed on preperty in Gook county, Lilimrele, breugh? suit agsinet the 
defendant whe had purchased the eneweboread property aubiest te the 
mortgage, which encumbrmiee the Aaefendant aaeumed ond agreed to 
pay, plaintiff elsiming there wae o belasce due ef 34600, with 
certain interest. The defendant denied liebllity and there wae « 
trisi witheut a fury ond « finding and Judement in slaintiff's 
favor vor $2487.76, being the smeunt remaining unpaid at the 
time ef the trisl, and the defendnnt sppeals. 

The record discloses that on August 1%, 1020, Lewis Karns 
and wife, and? Jesevhine Kerenstein ond wife, exequted a Junior xert- 
gage on eal estate im Cook county te Chorlos ©. Brill, trustee, 
securing aw indebtiedmege of 310,000, and to evidence the indabteds 
nees the Kernos and Bosensteins exeauted their teontyefour principal. 
promissory notes due on wpecific dates @entiensd, The Last uste for 
$6400 was due and payable on August 15, 199). It is to reeever the 
balanee due on thie note thet the imatant sult was brewght. 

duly 1, 1931, the defendant, fushman, entered into a written 

contract with Leule karme, one of the makers af the notes and truat 
dead, whe owned the real estate severed by the mortwage, to exchenge 
certain propertign owned by Puskman ard located tn DuPage squnty, 
Tllineia, The property in question wae te be sonveved subseet te 
the junior mortgage abeve mentioned and om whieh chere wae then a 


he Ys. \ { BO TARONKOG 2 asian 
i “ae 
AEE: 2 ohare 
Ae a RAS 
oy Meapa Daeg RPRPRE: 

& 00 A. IL HN » S ‘haul Wie? Gael, Baer eee 
ab wae Sage 

sue fy Lie ats sgt agaR 
feort « yd hoxnons ae ton abate te ‘remmre we “Musas sonia 

mrit tantage siwe anoxd shoal ii » ¢eawes zoe aa Witeqotg & 

et af fostdme eorsooty hen dieu ae based bows dorreg baat — saab 
ao) Ge eee 
oo Aeotye ban temueee medieval ait os ne tdamwe ne ‘io tide eying Tom 
atte Te marie Ltt @ ome ete ot pabeke se hte ee 

* saw e-se ste bass eeedtdots beatae fastan'tph ast deen tat = 

at ttdeaiaig Mh sreaig hart, how qakond't & bow cust, “ teeth be 

ee (ott ta hloguy qed Laonet Sake qa maid pated 87 Renee 10 T0} 
| alneoge sasdve'teh aff bas ciated edt x ots 
, rane eit, : 

emted oived , 06 OL yee $sugeh ae fal? woacioath irogen afl. ai sie 
Ce tid tolaut & habueane idler hag wletnce set saksqes ot tae athe | Aaa 
sseteuny thine .f eo fxedd of Ytawon deed at adases fast we na 
shetvebal eat sometlve of bre ,U00, 050 Ye meoabotdohal ae ami awape 
iagionicg tHoleysomes aieay hetwoexy anledeaered bye sowie ond — 

xe't sion font off amotetem gate ob iteaye ae veh sesen croeed Oke 
see’ ae Yat oe et ot « 48 Of fe FR QMA He + Leeyeg hats ouh so Ove 
stigucrd aaw tive Panteud at taste atom ektd mo oud aia 

eyratoxe od rds out yd honoree while: tui oat 
leit eyed ah bedaoek baw pn cars plpene te 

balanee due ef $3900 whieh the defendant, Puehman, expressly ag- 
gumed and agreed to pay. July 19, 1931, Zarue and nie wife by 
Warrantydeed conveyed the property du suestion to defentent, 
Pushmen, gureuant to the terms ef the written eentract. The deed 
rYeeitad that the sonveyanes wae mada gubject to the trust deed of 
August 15, 1920, en4 that Pushman assumed and ayreed te pay the 
balance of the indebtedness secured hy that trust deed. July 22, 
3921, defendant Pushman and wife conveyed the preperty te Selma 
Stein by warranty deed, subject to tae balanee of the indebtedness 
secured by the trust deed, *hieh the grantees ageumedt and agreed to 
pay. Thie deed was reeoried august 10, 194i, 

August. 41, defendant, Puasman,erote « Letter ad« 
4resced to Louis Karno, stating that the Baleanes of the debt se- 
cured by the sertcage would fall due august 15, 1952, ond request. 
ing Xarne te aseiet defendant in obtelsing a extension ef tae time 
ef payment ef the indebtedness, The letter mentions the mortgage 
of Auguet 14, 1929, and the indebtednese whien Pushwon says, *1 
apeumed and agreed te pay at the tine I sequired the property 
from you;"® that there wae a balonee then due ef $8400, and ree 
guested Karne te “de whatever you possikiy ean te aesiet me in 
obtaining an extension of the tims within whieh te pay the vame;* 
that he would indemnify Karne against sny and all clielwe that might 
be apeerted against him for non-payment ef the indebtedness; that 
fushbwan weuld pay a ¢cosmmiceion of $276 fer the extension and that 
in the event Pushmen paid the entire indebtedaaaa, *1 shall be 
gubrogated te such righte, lf any, that you may have in and toe the 
paid mortgage. * 

The evidence further tends to show that the letter juat 
referred te was delivered by eounsel fer defendant to Joseph 
Heuenstein, sbove mentioned’, whe wae an atieriey at law snd one of 

the makers of the pote and trust deod in question, requesting him 


ane Cieeataxe ,aaden’ , tena tos with seine ovate ‘te nith sone ind 
ee BTLw etd baw gume ,A20L JBL Yin sqnq oF Rootyn baw beam 
haahag' ted oF medtaanpe ah Yiaeqoty Ont heerage Soonytaorsas 
posh eit .tentimey aestinw sat to aoed @Ae at saowense ‘ nate 
te kent fawtd ort? of tontdin shew new enmegeernen of Sasit batons 
ods yoq of Beetys Baw Leomenm mmemiewS fade hex, ORAL RL tasyeh 
82 YLnl  .boob test sanr qb texupes suenhetdohal ad? Ye eoanled 
anlo® oF ysioqend ovals beyernne etiv bee asortent fambao Yeh AeeR s 
aneadssvobnt ea Xe anna tad eid 0% ton |sun oon (easctaw ua tose 7 
ot boorya saw bemune wataety auld sie Relwe sboab desert ‘alt yo hetes8@ 
1th 0k od sass. | hoknooen | aw rineh ant 

oat? eit lo solenexe sn gatatesde wh ¢aanee'teb tuions r. bet | 
ogags 9m asia suoltanm xagees act? venwabesdobat odd fe tamarynn 
a eee nundawS sohio anoanetdenas eae hie eer ee : bs wu ‘. 

_ yere gate wid bortupaa t mts oad te eee o bsorrpe ban he a wt , 

0 Sate 0888 ee neh ta skt wonslad a ad ests aad ‘ive mg 
“eh Oo talene or ska vidinews voy seridede eb” oa ‘onto boteox 

* pens ode yan of iio Late wtdthw onl? one Ye aciane axe n “yatian abd 
Poko tact anta te fs nes baad taaleve owned _ilanebad btuee iia daedt 
fast jpasndosdebat edt Ye taoamusdwsen T6t aba tentane boda vine 
test? han modece dan oe? x0 one be tetwndacne a wee ‘siivew mas te 

sorts et si 
Five Siesta ” venvabat debut ee ond i hag nena ‘baove oat 

it Sag 

ee ee 

te endenver to fave the time eatended for the payagnt of the bal- 
ance due under the werigage. The evidence further shews that is 
Taly, 1951, #hem the defendant, Puskean, was negotiating for the 
Purchase of the property from Aarne he had o prospective gurehaser, 
Selma Siein, and that about Auguet lst, i931, when he wrete the 
Letter adiréesed to Aarne abeve mentioned, he fan net eertain 
whether the proposed asle by \im of tne property in suestion te 
Stein would be eongnusated, and he thereupon wrote the Letter ree 
queeting thet the time of payment of the balenee due be eatended. 
Baile the deed from Pusamas te Jtein la dated July 23, 1932, it 
was not recorded untili auguet 106, 1933, amd there is evidenae te 
the effect that 1% vas net delivered untll the laet mentioned date. 
There ia other evidence to the offeet tuat after the property was 
conveyed to Selma Stein abe sequred an agreewent fron slaintirr, 
the owner of the sete, and from Harne, one of the makers of the 
nete, thareby the time of paynent was extended siz months. There 
was mo written agreement preparnd but it is ageumed by tveryone, 
and the testimony shows, ihat the time ef payment wae se extended. 
Tae defendant contends that the lean, when it gas made in 
1926, the time of the execution of the notes and trust deed, was 
tainted with uweury begause the evidence shows pisintif? was paid 
16 per cent commission, snd defeidentogays that the lean was ultra 
wires siainiiff eoergeration. There is ne merit in these sontene 
tiens because the evidence shows that after the exeqution of the 
note and truet deed the eroperty waa conveyed subject te the morte 
gage which the grantees seaune¢ and agxeed te pay. In theae circum 
etances the question of usury is eut of the omee, and the question 
of ultye vires wae net in the caee begsuse such a question was net 
interposed as a defense, and the denial ef defendant's request, mode 

Hear the close of the case, Ter leave te sleed augh defense, was 

properly denied. it is certain tant we would not be Warranted in 


oiled oat +9 Hatageq vet tet bobie tes ‘pil} ead evad a¢ xoveshne 0 
wt cult ewes wondset ediobive aa? .opegttom esd vehaw out ‘ooun 
ont <6 yaito biogea enw rt. ae ‘tauhee tos wad” iin cw te te 
toaddxug Ovidooqeosy & hat od omtal mov? ydueqota oat Ye ‘smedor : 
* et odatw of node ,200L [aed Pecgua Guess ded? bow ide! at 
aladxos toa dow od ,beabidwen ovéde bared of Seudethhe webs: 

Gf tobdweup wt edteqede ale “Yo Mic Ve wien Beseqoty ont es i 

“e¢ “ebtel ad} asoaw moc co as nai baw shesamwenos ‘ad Meow ated? 
Sotestaa od ouh vonelad pad Yo taomyaq %6 eaubt bat tant abd ne 
VE (deed! a0 edt Govah "st mbes of domiaut mort hood io) ys) ae 
of oonmbive et ones baa , 060k ot seta theo habd<ooor per 
.odeh honottanm geal orld ifaw Bewortioh fon aaw 2h reat daotts ' od be 
aw ett Tht oct wPte dand fone ont ot bonedive ‘weuto Ce 78 + 
“Wititalaty wovt mometys ae Bernoee solu nted® anise of Snase o" 
sit? 29 eredem oft Yo sao lortal aout hae ,oton odd to oe 
weed? vadduon ete Behastxe eaw tarecag to mle one pereeerrns 
nels Qa" Maainidln Wk YE Fae Beeegerg satesetga cede hew ‘eh oe 
sbotmdxe o8 aaw tanmdwg “te omki asl fads \eredy ‘yandties’ add 
at hax Gow $f aedW ool bY RAI @hasddve tuebae toh ott = 
new boob Sues bow neven od Yo nellsvexe oA Lo omld od a a 
biaq exw Viltatate eweds Soimhive ede saben etwas délw perynye | 
axtle ssw Neot od? satld eqendaaiac ted ibaa Robes tumos “Yoon “eth ie 
sieges pabds oh thtem om ek oveat stodsexoc tes “Whiaas, oe | 
“pat “te sib ioe oatd Sond tas “esoile — hat pousoed an a 

<tivexio 9a989 wh “ae aa bo oepn ew ‘peeuhon wotanty ad 
serait eat hoe senee am Yo ane of etm +e nottasup “ote 

Ve) ee 
hi 5 Bh Reg 

fou ase Agldeoup W down wsusodd onan od? ab don aaw 
hum ,deotpes e'dashes'tes ‘to fateh at? baw “seemmtioh a @ on bi ocak 
yl ee a shoo of a 
‘sew sane toh dowe beote a owned ‘wot jouse ony to cnels eit? 

Co ee ee 
ab betowetew od on hanes ow baal ‘mhaoes a ‘en sbotned | 


helding teat the court abused hie diseretion in refusing leave te 

make such a defense at thet time. Valemtine v. Vien, 45 Til. 462; 
Grawford v. Binmong, 100 111, 143; Wiheon ¥, Reed, 262 221, Ape. 
230; Oreenceard vy. Kate, 276 111. ape. 88%, 

In the Greangard case we dieausaed the above authorities 
on thie question and 4214 that shore property ie gold asubtcet te an 
inewebrance whieh the grantee aseumes and agrace to pay au part ef 
the purchase price, the question of usury ia eut of the exes, And 
on page 232 we quotes the rule ae announced in the Valentine sass 
(45 Ill. 468), which fe as fellows: ‘the doctrine ia wall estab 
lished, that the evner cf land whe has given a usurieus mer tgage 
upen it, may 2411 or mortgage the land to anether, generally, and 
give to such surchaser er mortgages, by express agreement, the game 
richt te eontest the walidity of the firet aerteage ae he had Rime 
eelf, Hut he may affirm tas walidity of the usurious meritgage by 
e@lling emly the equity of rejeaption in the mortgeged premises, or 
by selling or mortgaging the Lend, subjieet im express terms te the 
previous mortgace; im whieh ease the pureiaser or subsequent mort. 
eagee Will be entitlet to the aquity of redemption serely, and 
eapnot question the validity ef ihe préer mortgage. * 

The only «ueeticn in the case Yer decision ie whether the 
time ef payment of the balanee fue se thea note in question was ex- 
tended st defendant's request or with nie Knoviedge and ¢oument. 
The evidenee on this cueetion wae net fully brought out and there 
in some eenfiiet. “Yhether the trish Judge had this point specifie~ 
ally in mind when he decided the cage ie not clear, ‘Shen the suea. 
tion wae firet brought imte the case during the hearing by ecunee) 
fer defendant - evidence which tended to shew that the time of paye 
mant had been extended without defendant's knowledge or request « 
ccuncel for plaintiff ebjectedt that euch evidence wae not relevant, 

and the court seems to have been of the same view, but ruled that 

: et evans gaiasten mi sot toaeG dh ata beauda Piu09 ama taste anteced 
12d fil Ob Het, ot ed seniay smite tect tn onnm tod @ doe orem 

wilt AY bili nf 

GA fit BOS boat gt moe dse pObs es CB ,mngmeh ae SE 
sV8Y sega ASE OTR MOL .x fxmacnen 100 

eetsligdiue evede edt beescseth ow cage baagunes) ost ht ae Mela 
as of doahine bios ad yetequsy onesie Gade bisd hae wokteoup “Am 
to fteq oa yo of goer ge hOR gonads and anty wilt vig btw . 
bak eae off Ty dun ai quan Le Koltweup od? ,sottq svacorwe co 
faao aatiante’ sii ut broawenae Ge aig end ofeup ow RES egag Ae 
~igder ifew @s sabato aii’ jewoliot ae ef Ante A800 fet 8b PS 
Syegd Loa pstod wwe & werd wat seatte ated te asawe oat tale x bon a i 
bas ,yLiatesss ,tedena vt bees eng vung test xe fine yout ath oe 
Smee OAt ,FaDimATaR GavIHKY YE .wRHKH? ROM TO tonwdo ty foun of evi wi 
mttihal Sagat we an Sembilan gaxd? oe bo pI toy oat taeeasn of bi te 

act at rs eaexges nt any «boat ons abana “e oot 


wane ote sip at? ends en et aaa . beninen ot coe bat 
iepaneo i Babine ong gardai eone one otek ; fy 009 q tent) 

“(xq Be 9MLS Od tact wode OF Bahand cokdw 909 nb. ve 

' + teeugex <9 ogho twoent @* Sanbem'tob Pups ho ken dae 

dave Lex tou new spasbive dom gedit berentse 
tned ho dor sad ,wolv amma ote To amad ved oF 

he would let ¢efendant @e inte that question, snd it wae aceordingly 
fone. We must assume, however, that o6 this question the court 

found that the time af payment hed been extended at defendant's 

request. Otherwise ke Would net nave entered fudguent fer plaintiff. 

Geen a careful qonsideration of ali the evidence in the 
record on this question, se are of opinion thet the finding of the 
trial Judge is agsinet the manifeat welt ef the evidence. Ya 
think the evidence ehexs tuat tue time of payment waa extended at 
Stein’s recueat and mot at the request of the defendant. Selma 
Stein, who purchseed the groperty from defendant, was represented 

by Ker husband, Joseeh Stein, a luwyer. te testified that he nee 

gotiated for the extension threugn Jom J, task, whe was in the 

reai ¢gtate fineieing buciness, and that thea the agreeuent waa 
made te extend the time of payment Rein paid Cherlea Brili, 
president of plaintiff company, $276 an commission for the extene 
eion of the lean, smd his ganesiled eheek is in evidence, ALL the 
subsequent paymentswere of course wade by Stein, tie new gener, 
Maek testified that he represented Stein and a kr. Yallach 
in negotiationa with Brili fer tne extensien ef the lean, Just 
what connection Yallach had docs not apsear, Xaek testified that 
he talked to Brill over the teleghene, that he asked Brill te have 
the time «f payment extended and Brili teld him te teke the matter 
up with Sarno and Aseenetein, maxere of the trust deed and notes; 
that aceurdingly he took the sutter up vith Resenastein, #ho is alae 
a jawyer, and told Rim tint Srili hed referred him te Karna and 
himself, and thereupen Aosenetein weaid Ae would take the matter 
wp with Earne and Brill; that he later sew Kesensiein, whe teld 
him the lean would be extended for six months previded there wee 
a ¢omoiesion ef $270 paid Brill; that afterward Stein agreed to do 
this, the commission was paid by Stein, and the lean extended, 

Brill testified that he never Heard of Rack; thet he re- 

Eigaibroovs eaw 42 baw ,weltesup dade otal O% tnadsetoh awk Aton, op 
drw0s welt ii taal uo saad 4 He vewod 9 SHG Oe Aaa oF one. 
“a! Snehantob te fepanixa ahod desl Soumgeg lo mht ome dadt bau 

ks *Tigai ade ‘tet df covey as, boxn tae eves tom bigow aus aadwrass@ “fmm. 
: edi wh eoimpbhive eas faa 9 universblaaoa LsNoxes * moet. 

exis to “gat bad? ond saute ovlaled te eis on pao sdeonp absy ae 

oY ,eaapb? ve es to sry tow tae thawa odd toakope pb opbot taixt, 
ta bodoe sxe sev Ianoyeg To aech t ois tens sods oommblve edt Fo ae 
amie’ sdanboe' tes ond te toyaper ate 2 toa bow seoupos,  #) heey, 

* at eS 

begneaetges ase _ daahan Tb nove yategoty ond hewectonuy outw ott 

<0 on sae be Ditdaad on eee * ahedh depe ot pbesetauna 108 
ang ak sew oulw , saws +s sista gator Red amd ae oie tot betetooy 
aw somamorge sat wade tat ‘ate seuomdeud gutonaat’ stares a 

: Leaes eotietd btag ateah twee Yo amis ost bawtae of ren 

nn 19 als 40 aotastangs ee OTER oe gs09- Wily adade to teabia 

nar She suapbive ak ok woods de iivgnas afd hae , meet ost 29.90, 
(yoar wea vif ,atede yw shes sugeon Lo atewet nanny Feemwp 

Moe Ltn xa a bee ass hodassoioes ga Jars bokiraed $008 Lots 
dent ery ons te ag bane dx eae wo? ifiee ca de anoliatiogs 


feud pektiawd apa Tasqye fon aeet bed tisad iad meltoanace tage, 

vad of Lhiak ovina aol Pmals abated fod oat tere LLink 9 bealiad. oat 
teddnm oes vane ot aid bio? itkwt tae hadmedas sopagag y pe ont 
isoren a baok sours ont 2 unis enkozenmaol bas souk 

bioa wat atoranenos % wae Err os nuts | {AEN ha my 
. fom ewous hohiverq auigxon ube sot bebao ine od Ae, | ” i 7 | a 

Hesas Le 

apt of teat j sai po hips taven apelin * ten ent . 


eaived the Stein cheek for $270 fer sommiesion fer extending the 
jean and he thought the eheex was brought in by Aarne, He fure 
ther testified that he had » sonversation with Davidson, ecureel 
for defendant, whe avked for an exteneion of the time of payment, 
“but I would not saree te it;" that we never spoke te Puahoen 
about the extension of time «ef sayment af the loan. 

Davidson testified tant he represented tue defendant; 
that he prepared the letter above referred te, whieh Le signed by 
defendant and addressed to Karno, requesting that the tise of paye 
ment be extended beeanuse he was net sure whether the sale from 

Fusnnen te Stein weuld be consuumated; that he delivered the Letter 

te Jeseph Rosenstein and avked Kim to make arrangmeats for the 

@atensien of the lean vith Srill and barne for Pustwen; that Resen- 
Stein later teld him Ae gould Ret got Karng te make any definite 
arrangesente with Brill en seceunt of the faust that Srili wanted 
commissions and that at «a luter ectiversation the witness told Rosen- 
stein that the intter 414 not get the sertgage extended for Pasnean 
The avicecee further ghers that after the inetant sult was breught, 
dune 4, 1932, Stein precured a purehaser fer the oreperty and at 
that time $1600 wae eaid en aecount ef the indeviedness and tae 
t¥ust feed reiensed uncer the exoreas agreement that 14 sheula net 
affeet plaintiff's rightea sgainet the defendant in the inetant enee. 
Other paynente were mode #6 that at the time of the trial the ine 
debtednese was reduced te the smeunt for whieh the judyaent was 

Rosenstein teetilied that he wee a partner of Sarne and 
wae interested in the property in question whe: tie acte and trust 
deed were executed; thut bo wae asked by Davidson ta get an exten 
gien of the lean for defeadant, «hieh he ugreed to do if Pushman 
Would pay commienion for the extension, teoause fushman had seaumed 

and agreed to pay the balance of the indebteanese; that he would 

eid yalbasdxne wet aoleatamos vet WRG a0 dpods alere eas bevhew 
wt ef .omted qd al dgunee aoe deere odd ddywodd On ban eed 
Kdaauos javdbivedt atte seltaexevenn a bad of dais setiivdus tilde 
faemyen Yo euit odo Yo atlewedes ae tol bode ode .tusbae'teh SOE 
Saalnwt of sdega tevin en tedt "152 of serge doa bivow. 3 aud® 
omeok ant Ye Tame ‘te ombt ‘te anlamerxe ote oh rete 
jpivieime'ieh sc? bodawaeteer 68 SoHo HoViisend modprvet  <*” 
Us beegie wh dedtw ,oF hevuelet vada weadeL edt betagese ad wae 
<qaq ‘te omkd BAY suai? Bah isonpor atetad of beaperbbe Bas saab toh 
mont een Odi Aoddecw oxwe You aaw of oaneoed hehastxe | od tues a 
qedtet sed Boreri ie od fede jbetwmaaees od bivew atest of canst, ‘ wt 
ait 26% stasmygaatis Siac oF ml bodes Sax aies ameagi sigonot o . 

|. mmm dit tae {omni tot owed pad Lake ott anos ee 26 noteendee | 

etialted yas dum of owred doy Fea Biwia of mid Dsod soho aiase 
Bodum hide souls tout oot Lo Tawoson mo Chite déhw efnsaegaet | 
-t9e0d biog sacallv sid aghtawxevage tetas & 34 ‘Yeo foe enotenten 
amantal 40% bebuotas syagrton ody fog tor Sh wedtad sult Perry | 
,asgsotd daw tive taedomt edd t8dte aaile ewada vadhig?t gonehive oat 
te han YoxdquTg oad 261 deRadeteG 2 Eoidoong ataee ,S80L [Cm 
eds ban teoahadtsbat ort Yo Favcosa no dive tow OOULE ade Sade 
| | em btvocle ¢h ona? Jamwowtge eattqee eat tohay Devas iot posh Feud 
| esse tadbnh ode at inmbow es sd? seakeye adds aOYebalare tote 
| ak ato twas ond “td eats ede tu dante oo shaw oxow nbiaitelal Te 
aae Sermagy hist aad Mpdie 29k savonn disiyl oe suena ball a9 rhs ion 

ite eared Lo Yoataeg « pew 64 saith be R tenga sia & 
Seuts bad vten odd and Aotewenp ah ~indote Odd al nodiex 
sabixe ds soy of nesbivad yw bade sew on died {bedwboNe wr 
ae absent Th gh ot sbatge od diddw (tadhun tes ved news Sat oe 
| pemans bait noatewt senaded jstooindda dah 0% adltanhalind” gag Bihew : ne 
yh Aiwew od fads feeedheddoins wat “te sotitind sas aad of fomae » 


take the matter up vith Zarno and thereupon Dovideom prepared the 
Letter whieh wae signed by fushwan ond sddreesed to carte and it 
wae delivered to the «witness. Se further testified, "I get the 
extension for sim,” but woat he 444 or whem Be aaw does net ape 
pear in the record, ex¢est that be negetiatea ‘he mutter through 

It eopeare froe the feregeing evideree that Stain teatie 
Sind he precured the extension for ire, Stein through Mask, 
Back correberates thie and sithough Brill testifies he newer 
hearé of Mack, he further teciified tat he refused to grant 
Pyushean an extension ehen eslied upon by Derideen to Ao ea. 
The teatiuony ef #11 the vitnesser on this cuestion, except 
Reeenatein, ig that the time «f payment wae extended Tor Giein 
ana thet it was net extended for defendant, Pusrwen. Agvenstein 
tertified that he got the extension fer Pushwen, but hew Be dia 
this does net appear, Stein said toe comminaion of G27. Te are 
therefore of epinuion that the overwhelwing weight of the evidence 
ie te the effect that the extescion was orseured Tor “tela wliseut 
the Knewledge er aeneent of Pushoom, tn these oireumatances Peshe~ 
tan Was relanssed fron hie Linbility to cay the Balanee of the 
wortgage indebtedness which he assumed end agreed to pay it when 
he purchased the preperty. Albeo vw. Groes, 250 Tli, App. Ba; 
Migts vy, Dionne, 26 Til. Any. 368; : 
112, Apo., 148; Binge y, 7el1, 28° T12. App. 261; Farmers 2. 
ierghante Bank v. Narvid, {50 Thi. App. 44, 

Holding ag we 40, that the finding ie against the manifest 

weight of the evidence, and eines there was me fury, the Judoment 

ef the Bumicipal eourt ef Chicage iv rewerecd with a finding of raat, 

Batonett, ®. J., amd BeSurely, J., coneur, 

{Hee next page.) 

od? Lexaqdte moahivet aoquetnae tow enna Kew qu Teddue oct Het 
92 bao ote of booeerhhe bee aucvieg? yd beayte eew so tite wetted 
ods doy T® (BOL tiswodt tePaet eH eee ntiw ale 93 bevevites ‘saw 
“qe fom wagh Wad ec mode ve Bib oa dane Sod" he tet tolace dee 
dguerds wdtom edd hadahtegen od toctt teeexe (todo: odd no? tang 
ekgnot alee gad avvehlvs gatoyers? off matt exavdgqa FI 
i, dog dgxors abegs (ave tot welenotus ot terete of Beet 
aeven em aehthtuad Live® Mgooks te Sas aldd eoterqtories Hoa 
faeny od honctor of todd har i¥ood weetrw? et jen x6 Dened 
‘oe of Of howbivet y@ neg dating here mobaiodne md deuidiiyt 
Jqooxrs ,aohtacny sled se deeuswdiw end tiv Yo yaowtened gat 
ales cot heberas sev taemyadr Yo watt ef? dad? ot , ated easebe 
aistonsooR .oaciewt ,Youbap'ten Tyr Mebantke tom daw 2 dad Kan 
Rib 6h wed tet ,spheleut tot apleadne at te off todd pORVERSe 
‘go of OPS Dy abtostane SAI bhat sles  anetqn Fon aseb eae 
Qonobive aH? te figiew yatafetivrere sat dead aotnkae Te ete tered 
‘$uodeis wlet® tot Bexvserg sew aalensdes Okt todd goaTre 948 ore 
stiou% aoonhtanuerin seed? al .neatiewd Yo ¢hoeaen to egheiwomt sat 
“ett to @banTa@ ec? ene of YP ETEdett ate aoe? teens ley” “aaw tat 
aes GL Yeo of Booege bus bomunee oF Modety eennboddehat ogeud tom 
“y8E .Gek .Lfl OR gees O eo peetA eirenere ont yoru ot 
Oe \depvena lid wy eomtaues 79OR aed one one . age 
“ B eromte p08 .eA VOLT CO . tree yy eee er leek eer 

SUE qh .ch ORF atc 2. ati y 
deotinae 043 tentega ab gotbalt oat tadd ob ew ea pak see 

} Premgbat odd otut om maw wavale boats baw ,epnnntys’ ede Ye Mxgtew a 
|) dont Yo gubsalt « dtbw hwexeved WP ogealay Te ecmeo enemmabadieds 

ON CO TICE A BTL ER ie a ae 
ace cen ok tt 
By A tga ¢ SOR aed } ; ears ! iv Gam’ Re ae ee ” i Beta ass i oe Ce 


We find ae a feet that the time of payment of the balaneoe 
of the indebtedness secured by the martgenge wean sxtorded without 
| the knewle4ge or consent of the defenident, Pushsien. 



ah ae watt ‘ashecaraaeG? ti 

sages Soe es 

gh Weenie 

pres he ean See 

eee? eee 4 


ee ae ep 

5 With 

4 om vsti Wd) ae pi bah 

vA do i 

we sein ei at wc 
a ais - saw 



MARGAARST T, MeGOVERN ond Jouxpn vy, / }/ f 
MOGOVARN, as #zecutriz and “Tiowg ! a i 
/ : 

ef the Estate of Kichsel 5. xaGevarn, 


274 1.4. 664) 


Claim of DR. GEORGE ¥, Hak, 



: } 
Appellee, } 

Judgment fer 9430 wae entered on the verdiet of a jury in 
favor of Sr, George ¥. Jax, bailing the aount Re slaimed fer dental 
services performed for A. &. Ford at tre request of Kichael i. Ke 
Gevern, tue deceased, and for waieh it ie elaimed Ar. Koovern 
agreed to pay. 

the reeord discloses that Highael 4. Keuevern died testiate 
Octoter 36, 1950, and bie estate was probated in the Probate eourt 
ef Cook county; that April 8, 1931, clalmeant filled hie itenized 
Claim against the entate for 748. It purserte to be for dental work 
dene fer Melovern portonally. ‘the first charge is Kay Sth and the 
last Goteber 28, 1929, amd the nusber of hours 27, <A shetestatie 
eopy of this elala is in the record. beth parties seem to agree that 
thie ia the first claim filed by claimant and that Ke afterward riled 

another elaim in lieu ef the firs: one for $48 for dental work he 
Claimed he had performed om Ferd, who was eldevernta barber, at Be« 
Govern's apacial inatence and request and for which MeGevern agreed 
to pay; this second sluim, “hich ie itemised, shows the first item 
as of October 23, 1929, ani the last August 22, i930, and « tetal 
ef $14 hours. either tiie second cluim nor any copy ef Lt a8 filed 
in the Probate court in in the recerd, but the facts converning it 
seen te have been agreed te on the trial. CGounsel fer tae estate 
stated on a number of secasions during the trial that the seeond 

@laim “was filed in the Probate court, cons up for hearing en 




oe \etesent ban xitiupoak ax q 
‘Dae Volek .H Lealetd Yo oneal edt To 

| * tana Lloggh 

: a 
THUD 4000 wo 

pXa .e-SOR0T0 Ae te’ ntett 

OO 2 Le ere 
‘t 0 a oA. I d $ c sag " vara. a oh See Ee Tan 

at ew 2 to folbvev wf? ao totegan one Ghee cot taemg hut 
Ipdaeb <0ot bomlels ea favomm od? grated .xek .Y aytce® .1 to. sews 
ook wi Some ie to teoupex one ta bust .& .A to? beatotreq asolyree 
atevoUek th bewlelo @2 $i Mekew ved bas ,deeoeneh one loxwved 
wed of beotge 
etasaes belh axoveiiad .2 Loadgt dod eoeoteeks Mropes emt Oe 
fuveo efaderS add ad betadorg ae esodny ald bao ,CLOL ,Co arododed 
bextaeth oki Doli? gasslelo ,fOCL .8 Lirgd dad? pydaven xoed RS 
dtow Latmeb iol of of atnogqivy i =. Oba) tat odetee ect sealage mate 
add bas Av@ yoN al agxedy textt est .¢Liadowtsy eteveisd 10% ened 
gi¢etactodg A .vS wtwod to sodium aud has , QOL ,88 sedoted teak 
gat? setge of wwoa aolicwqg dtod .bxeoer ouft af ef wtale alat Yo y@oo 
| peLkt brwwid'ta od sud? bas tuemtate yd bokkt mtake gett? odd eb white 
ot duow Latand x0 0624 Yet ome dati? ead Yo welt at miate seddone— 
“oll fa ,todied e'arevelot! paw ode , biel ae bemre’eg bed of bomhake 
“ peetys axe veleu Meldw 19% baw gesupet haw sonndent Latoogn a! mreved ~ 
mesi fartt edt evode ,boatoog af dodiw ,abalo Bagoen elit yyoq od 
Latod & bas ,OCGL 88 Femgud tant edt bas , CBOE oe endorsed Yo wa 
hott @2 Sh te Yaoo Ys YoN aloto hmoser olds codtlok .exwor $48 Yo 
#2 gakweepseo toot odd duet wien ous #2 ab stwbe sdereniiaaniatines 
eters of? tol Losanyd 

Janusry 11, 1931, and was diamiosed,* Obvieusiy thia date da er- 
reneous because the firet claim was mot riled wntild Apréi 8, 1931. 
But the discrepancy is net Llpertant and we base our opinion on the 
facts as they seem to Auve been agreed on by counsel, amd that they 
are that the firet claim was fer ¢430 based upon dental werk done 
for tevoworn personally, the tteus of whieh are entirely 4\cferent 
from the items mentioned im the secema elaim, whieh is for 6486 fer 
work claimed to have beer fone for Ferd at LeGovern's request, 

Gm the hearing in the Cirewit court when the estate wae 
putting in ite 4efenea, it developed that the claim certified by the 
Probate sourt in the traneeript in the srenord filed im the Sireuit 
eourt wae the firet claim instead of the second, VUounsel Yer ciaime 
ant then, by leave of court and over ebjestion of counael for the 
estate, amended the claim to show that the work was done on Ferd 
and that the iteme aggregated S14 houre ae iteaized in the seeond 

it ie contended by coureel Sor the estate that thie sasendment 
Was erroneously allewed, %« tuink thie cemtention eminet be sustained, 
Seunse) for the estate was not taxen by surprise becauce this smended 
Glaim had been filed secondly in the Probate court. Seth claime 
were for $420 and the evidenee tends to show tuat the Piret claim, 
which wag for vork claimed to have heen dene for kr. keGevern, was 
prepared in the manner at the suggeetion ef lir., Holevern's seere- 
tary so as ta make 1% anvear that the verk was done ver kr. Mee 
Govern personally, and not for kr. Ford, The elsim in substance 
was not changed, the setate was in ne way injured by the smendment 
and, under the lew, the amendment wae proveriy allewed, J2lsair y, 
Semmott, 254 011. 78; bet. of Jonnson vy. Silpatrick, 280 I1l.App. 416. 

Couneel fer the eetate further contends that the el reumetanees 
whieh surround the claim “cover it with grave wuepiciton® as to ite 

merite; that the work claimed te have been done for BH. A. Fora 

~te wl efeh aids ylevolvdd "“.beeehaeih anv deo ,fCL Lk yume 
AEGL ,8 fdxqaA Ligas heLit tom saw ‘tate eit et? oecaced pres 
ect mo aolaiqa ten asad ow bas soetioeet sou af younqetoatS ‘eaa” ew 
qed gers bar ,deunvoo yd oo hootys assed ovac of mon yod? os atost 

nteh Siew fatoeh moquy hetad O6b§ 16% saw alate garit ot docs whe 
daoyoe Tih ylow ita are de hie te waesi of ,ellenverteq aromedek cet 
 ¢o°% CBSE tot eh Mobaw ~aiele Sacoee att of henolgaam ewett ant moet 
deevpet a atevovet te biol tet sunt ased evad of honkaty stow 

eaw esudee ett amdw droge immaio ent af galaaod oad wo | me 

eat ed bor itixes atedo out Saks Regedeveh ah ,eean'teh off af aobseme 
thwokd ost wt beLtt Weve: edt at dattennert odd mt arveg atadedtt 
ondite tot fenawed ,faoone ef? to bantent wtefe tarts oat aay SiMe 
eit tot fennvoe to avlsoside weve bux gxvoo Ye evasl ud , melt one 

_ Biel ao ooh eaw dtow of ted? wede of oheto oft bebaome ,otates 
bnoose ond nt Posies! as wad 448 hotagerane amest odd tad Rew 

il $agech stair whit sad wtad wo ont xo? Lanawon my hobastaos ob O28. okey 
| -bentateus od teamo aolsnesace etdg Anis eV .bowolln Viencesout®. saw 
it hohnewn sist envsood sultgtee y¢ uedas fon gaw agedeo odd 16? fecaued 

stulato saytt exo fans wore of abaed eguobive ods baw 08d) to? stew 
yom sMtevo0ol ,zu vol saoh mod evar of hemtalo zor tot paw cp Rete, 
soxoes e'atevolipd . til to, aol ¢aeagee ond te. seneem odd of hexegeer 
+04 1H Te? onOh saw drow gt tad? xwoqqn, + exe of ax. on ened 

_ Souaindya ab mieto oA. .bge% . TH sot tom, daw «etLenoaaeg, axeved 
psn odd yd detehal yaw ea ai aaw atntne, , «degaedto tom caw 
| abe dS sbovolte wpa 2a* faomhuorm on? » Med O82 todAN dam 

| LOEB ho f8 OBR goles | momcdeb to fal ;O0 Li bes, somes 
i soonesemuor}>, edt jads abartaoe » eenteat erates eae xet cenawed .. ii alte 
abt of 20 “aotetgaus evera atiw #2 reves" abose wnaeecieiiane 
bol .A .H 40% omoh cased ova of homiaty xrow odd tad sethnom 


aminto A208 .ttwoo ofedet edt oh ysheoore botit t beet mb ait 


covered a period of shout a year from Cetober 23, 1950, to August 
22, 1930; that the claim ahowld bave been presented during ir. 
keGevern's Lifetime, ard that "It does not eeom rengonable that the 
decedent would let such 6 matter stend unpaid if he (MeGevern) was 
the liberal charseter that weuld sseaume se large « 4¢bt in behalf 
of kis barber;* that sueh bills are paid with ereat sromptness, We 
think tiere ie merit in tais contention, bat we would net be war- 
ranted im finding that the verdict and judgment are against the mand. 
fest weight of the evidence in view ef the positive, uneontradicted 
evidence given by apparently disinterested -itmesses that kr. Mee 
GCeverm requested that tae work be done and omid he would Pay fer it. 
Roreover, the decedent's seeretary, wio might Rave been able te 
threw some light on the matter, var not cailed aos a witness, | 

What we have said 4iseoses of the ep tentien that the court 
erred in refusing an inetruction offered by the estete, 

A further contention is made by the estate that the court 
erred in permitting Dr. Corsant, a dentist, to give expert tastinony 
ae te the value of the dental work 4one by plaintiff on the ground 
that the witness was net qualified, the wiltnees testified that he 
Ware & licensed dentiet im this State and hed practiced Kie professian 
generally from 1902 to 1914, sinee whie: time he hed specialized on 
investigations, He further testified that he was fanilier with the 
usual, custemary charge in Uhieago for work ef the kind performed 

by Plaintit£’; and further, that he had examined Ford's mouth and 

teeth before the work was dome; thal he saw glaintiff perferm creme 
ef the work and had examined ford's teeth after the work was completed. 
in these circumetances, we think the objection was properly everruled. 

the judgaent of the Cireult eourt of Cook county is affirmed, 
Matehett, ?. J., and Medurely, J., seneur, 


feogml of , CUCL 88 aeege9 onx't rey @ toeda Re Selwg w honoree 

.t4 yalvih betaseeng mead owed Biuos wtalo emt aacd pOERE BR 

eat fact widanonset avee Sou seah PL" dmit daa ,emlse thd at orsevetod 
ane (wreroted) a4 Ii Biagqaw bowers tedtes 2 cous tos binow tawbooeh — 

Binded ak toh & ewtel of euwes Kiger tend wetownane Satedhs odd 

6Y  \aseatqueta taety Adie bheqg evr OLind caee sedd- * psedted abd te 

-uee od 2e0 Kigow ew gud ,moliaggaus eis? wd o item 64 ovedd vakds 

eénax off Senkayge ote S4emyhul bas tuthaey est godt gnibnlt al bedaas 

bedeibavtaosse ,evltiaes oad to waiy of ooaphive ef3 to tiigtew tae 

age .a som? sevecatin Setastetabakh. yistaeqaqas qd wovin sonpbiye 
oh eet “Vad hisew of Dine bee oto o¢ Siew aad tacd Apleenpet etey 

of eka mend uved Cayis ouK ,YEAFeTees a fachegeh oad stevooxell 

‘,aneniwa so so Lkeo' Joc saw ,tedtem one op degli omen wend 

F2R6o OMT Tass: aobtnetneo elt Te song ie bla ered ow. Kame: oSminw 
| hate odd Yd dere Tie mlloursend me gakades mh berms 
fxuoo end sexs sdaseo oi? yd sham at solsimmsaos weddtwt A.) (> 
‘Qaewitasds duecae evig of ,telined a ,@neuied sth gales hateqg al bere 
Ptirery edd oo Telsalaicg ye aooh Brow fesaeh ete Yo peler ost 02. em 
@ ett heltisae? neem ir ont ebeliliaep som ame seondie ond. tnalt 
minuetorg st heottvarg hast one otadt oki? mi datsesd deanends # mae 
ae besiinioega had of oat? dokee oonia ,§f0i eo ROVE mock vileteaeg 
edt Agtw sabikue? sat af cade hebhasent tesidewt of. wenottontisorms 
bemtetieg hidd ods Lo Atew iah oganls) af ayaa. Yieenseue .fasgey 

bun diwot at hred berlanree het on Sate. ,cecetet. baa ARR LI nie dg, Ye 
1 iu oman mtotzeg Tiktnhela wee sai sads jacoh aew daow of! ere led aoa 
| ,Sa0efqmen enw xtew oct we tte dived @' oto’ Bovikune Bed baa Stow bit 

| | bedi we YLtogoty sa Hotdootde ent Antes av ,esemntamuente enadd at 
: a Ladi x Me 4 Purse. 

-bewt hile af yiauen. dowv te dayoe tivetie edd to Ja 

AEA TAEMOTUC at ae MPN | oF ep A gestalt 
oR 80%,, ey jes ae ak, 4 tioiosei 
& Ce ae te Gi haha 

a7 A ay ew Bebb enue VO RE Rey Ki 

Plaintiff in Error, ) 
ve. ; 7 

BARK, » Corporation, 
Defendant in Ervrer. 


April 19, 1933, slaintisf trought sult against toe defend- 
ent to raeover $800 with interest at 3° per annum from December 5, 
1936, te December §, 1931, and 57 thereafter, There waexa 4ireeted 
verdict in favor of the defendant, and slaintif? proseecutes this 
writ of error. 

The gubstence ef slaintiff's statement ef claim ta that on 
December 5, 1930, he deposited $600 with the defendant and thereupen 
the defendont issued its certificate of depowit for $500, payable 
te plaintiff's wife twelve months ufter date, with intereat at 3¢ 
until maturity and §° theresarter; that at the time it was agreed 
between plaintiff end defendant that defendant would pay the ecer- 
tificate of devesit te claintiff'’s wife twelve months after 4ate 
wpon condition that plaintiff's wife continuously lives with him 
as hueband and wife for a year; that if gleintiff and his wife aid 
not continue te so Live together, defendant would retura the 8800 
te plaintiff. 

[It io further alicged that at the tise of the issuance of 
the certificate of deposit it wee delivered te a third party in 
eperow, who wae to keep it safely during the twelve menthea an? there- 
after deliver it to plaintirfts wife in ease she lived continucualy 
with plaintiff for a year; that February 1, 1931, pliaintiif's 
wife left him witheut cause and refused te live with him there. 

after; thet defendant knew vlaintiff's wife had Left nim and 

refused te live with him, and that December 8, 1941, plaintiff? 

8 £E08 

fog Wore ak Tbs ahess | Le Re 

Z ate a ee We US 

Bec 7 e moana eT a ‘at 
00 As L P § * @ bi +18ECR ad Soeboe Tod, 

, Bch! Fh ge sigs we inn ape ‘ fi 
i cha 


j : y ’ ‘ We 3 4 re Pee Me Sa pers 
‘ Sbae'teb aay tialege thus dtguerd Yidalete 2heL wet tixgs ia 

a xedunosit mort outa tem 88 Se teezo dict dhe nag xovose7 re ‘ta 

‘ Ebhowe 
Bedeetih a tes etext  .t9g'taoredd ba bas Heat a redone ot Obek 

“ahs Botuoenose Yildabesa | hoe .Saiahan Yoh ong te xovet ‘at “sotbaew 
eure San -toTts “toe shoe 

fe tacit ai wiais ‘to jaldtiads Waals by dehotedsh ont pie. 
asyieredd has taoduetod adg Agdw OBE betiesush od ,OEeE Bi todanoot 
eidaysa , 0028 «ot slags Yo oiacttitves abt bavand Vuobus ten: oat 
ee te tanxegul iziw jodeb tag'te esdaom eviews othw af Tttdniele of 
“‘peerge saw $i omits ont’ de Sad pees inetads 2a Some ei Ftudaat aioe 
ete0 ad Yad SLiow Yaehow'toh gad tanhseied bas Pittalale moowsed 
Stab tote artdnom eviews otiw aM idaiaty of ttaogeb te obaotthy 
wid dete bewlt ylauowaltace oiiw at ttisatote asit ‘aortinaye | & 
bhp thw ahd ban Vitdmlelg 2 tach pracy # to stiw bie bieder aa 
aro add atudex bhuow saubas eb aoaivoned svit on of "suatbhies’ tou 

rE? i Ey late 
BA g al % ‘ 
to donauaed out ‘te aks ont fs fault bevy Lhe reste ab Pf RE 

oa wet, Baxdsis # 08. Sanevhsen: nev th ¢heoqad Yo sound eto a: 
\| aetott bin itd nin eviews “ae vata ‘elo'tee 91 ghee ot naw ¢ ¢ dw \worees. 
ni  ylawouatsa09 bovis oma sean at otie Wi ivevenied 0 at By) sovk zon snr 

 g! Yhivata nite er , L etavidet tard Shaan: ry ‘tet basi 
: P4atadam 
-etens mid ddiw awts of ‘beastet ‘peak paven “queda tw mbit {vier po hg 
fue mid Stel ted etiw o' Viivulele woad taabaeteb tats yt 

Yiktaboly ,{8CL 8 aodmsoed dastt baw ,akes Medword t 0d deantet Be 



demanded the return of the $906, whies demand wae refused, 

taly 28, 1935, deferdant filed its second anended alfiégevit 
of merits in whie it denied that Ueeember 5, 1930, plaintiff de- 
povited 3506 with it, eae he alleged, bat averred the faet te be 
that the 3400 was deposited vith defendant by glaintiff's wife. I¢ 
further denied teat 1% entered inte any agreonent with slaiatirf 
that it would psy him $500) conditioned aven plaintiff's wife cone 
tinuing to live with bin fer one yeer, It further set up that at 
the time the certificate was issued by defendant 1¢ wan requested te 
plaee on its record the notation that the eeriifigate war held by ao 
third party; and that defendant was requgated sot to pay the egere 
tificate in case it was icat, without its presentetion, sli of 
Which it alleged was in furtneranee of some ce racnsgl arrangement 
between plaintiff? and sis wife, the detaile of whieh were unknown te 

Tae affidavit of merite further set up that February 6, 
1931, plaintiff's wife, with the tuird party, presented the eertifig 
eate of deposit whieh defendant paid te plaintiff's wife, 

Cotober 31, 1933, thea case came on for trial before a cudge 
and a jury and at that time defendant wae given leave toe apd it 
filed an additienal affidavit of merits in whieh it sas averred that 
daugust 24, i931, a Judgment wae entered in fever ef the defendant 
and agaimet plaintiff, in «hich it was s@t up that in o suit brought 
by plaintiff againet defendant, wherele plaintiff cought te reesver 
the sume $600, rlaintiff's statecent ef elaim was stricken fer ine 
sufficieney and judsment was mtered in faver of the defendant fer 
costs; that after the certificate cf depesit for $506 waa Llesued, 
and before the year hed expired, it was said to plaintiff's wife at 
her requeet and the request of the third party whe held it in ea. 

crew. The affidavit of merite further set up that the foctea in 

Plaintiff's atetement of claim, “even if proven, discloss that the 

douvtex aaw Hamah doddw GOR watt te wane en odd 

tives Tie behave haones WIE BOLIY Sushoe'teb Rot); at vehi 
th Pibeniete ,O8eL 4 tedmened gust belneb $2 oldw at ‘athtom to 
ad of sont add bowteve tud henelle wu ae ah site oat ‘betioeg: 
$i othe e' Yt ated ye iep hare heh bio hed Lecgnd asw ‘oae edt tant 
‘TenlelG Mite snemeeryR Yas egai heoxetas #2 sai? bokash orto 
seo eiiw a' ritgatete Ona uw hensksibaw Qoes ‘mba wee ‘binow oh “gottt 
oe dans qu tee wecieawt 22 pteey soy vot ate dhtw avis ad aatuads 
ot betes une raw 22 Pawbae teh US houned aaw ateolthexoe ene oot ae 
Yd biod enw otebltisado’ Hy YeHe nolyurom ae brvseT ut mo pon 
otey aitt YRg oF ton be taeugas wee Santce'leb tattt hme ieetag betas 
to {fa ,uoldedneanta ef sweds iv feo wav £2 oxanomh 4 ved 
 fenmaneexa Lanseree omon “te sbaateitnrt mb-aaw bee tie ot Mohs 
oF mwdpine erew ristiw te wLietsh ont weber wa bow ese Rew 

Ka tats 

(8 erate’ fect qu fee teddiwd weisee Yo shvndbttte wdt 
-Liidte9 od? hesuseore Vebieg Bids sity ANEW eo Th et Ttksbate (weRE 
“ law a Yiiselale 69 oteq faakus'teh dy lir tinogeh ‘te een 
sgiat = Ototed falts Yet ao Seas Sawe 28 ,LECL (£8 sedosod > Nek i. 
fi fas of “svadt nevi enw Sadbaoteh oud? sad? te bas emt & has 
fai? hextova wow ¢! doldw al agixem Yo sivebiTia tenoleibha ae fe 
‘guapaetos ot 26 vovet th Seneeed eew Poomyhut oe ben: b8 demgua 
digword tioe a ai fads ow dee sew $2 dgivw al Mitalese ‘bandage The 
se¥obet of Pegs Tritaka ly ateredw ,tawteoleh sentege. Mebaele we 
ont et Hedehive Gow mtate Xd dammerede: wi trhealale 4208G> tase: aie 
‘Rot tacbay teh 682 Yo tore ak hotmeaw mana Sep mybat, bre quae) . 
sSouinet eae Goes to? Bfeoted te atkelvitees oat teste Heed yateoo | 

te otiv oi vebeaiete of hiay eaw #2 ,bexteny het tomy oul ‘exited bie 

“ae al sk ied one wie BxlMd odd Yo Peewper eat” baw seoups | 

at duct ond duct qu dou raesi/t od ttnie ‘we vad DVT psa vox 

ox? Jad enotonlh ,wevozq Yi neve™ waite te hig biainalt aa pt ered a 

Plaintiff's cisim le ene in the nature of a parel trust in peregonal 
property, and the Municipal eourt of Chicage dager net have juris- 
dietion to emferece a parol trust in peracnal property, and a court 
of chancery would be the only court ao having jurisdiction. * 

fhe defenge set up wae that the Judgeent entered in the 
firet suit was ree adjudicate. In supsert of this defendant intro- 
duced in evidence plaintiff's tuird amended statement ef claim filed 
in the first suit, and the Judgwent of the court sustaining defend- 
ant'e metion to strike such «atatcvent of claim, and the judgment 
entered in favor of the defendant for coste. in the third amended 
statewent of claim plaintiff?’ alleged that en December &, 1930, ke 
devesited $800 with the defendent; that it issued ite ¢ortifieate 
of depesit for that sum, payable te plmintift's wife within one 
year upon condition that sse lived continucusly with him during the 
year; that she left him December 10, 1930, without fault on his 
part, and that February §, 1931, he demanded the $500 fren the tenk. 

On the trial slaintiff contended that plaintiff's third 
amended statement of eleim was stricken on the ground that the euit 
wae prematurely breught because 1% was brought and detersined with 
in a year after the ieeuance of the certificate of desealt. On the 
other hand, defendant contended that wlaintiff's third umented 
atatement ef alaim and judgment entered in ite favar waa on the 
ground that plaintiff's claim invelved wae a “trast claim” of which 
the Municipal court had no Jurisdiction, aid o witness testified 
for plaintiff and amether witneaa for defendant, tending to 
@appert thelr respective centeitions. 

The trial Judge stated that in the firet suit he had stricken 
Plaintiff's firet and second amended etatements of claim, “and I 
weuld not have given the plaintiff leave to amend hie Statement of 

Glaim if I decided the euit wae premature,” and thereupon he direeted 

the verdict for defendant, judgment was rendered on the verdict, avd 

fanowusg ai geuxs Lotae ae to etdad asi ai emp af ‘mt lo ah tte 

<a", owas ton asob ogno tao » sxwee ham he tah, watt hae atireqorg 
duos » bas Oh Salli lah Somerton at daure foxme a oetotas af Mabte aR 

ost rt beredae sasagbat matt deas anv qu tee sade tod oar vad 

wou? at tnabsn teh a hsid te fronque aa Aer enw hye text, 
balk’ utelo te fuametade Rohagenn bald wi Visite ig eoush ive uh poouh 
ohie ted palates eve srw ons Ye oes arg ioe, Ibsvid one atten sous oy ah 
: daoug but aud baw abate re thn tas oun exit a8 votgen _o! tap 
‘bebasas babs aut al 23003 ret sno ne toh auit to wove? at honed 

seo pein 
“pi (ober a xedesoed bt) tod pogo Lin et salase abate te B evreg 1 | 8 

siaoitiates oak howonk #h sais $nnbuss 1088 ext Btw oe | es tnogeb 
emo abide eile ei Tiemetg o8 aktegen 1a sass wo? nego) Ve, 

oat anita sia datw ‘Wevount sage haves wha fasts ‘mols2b200 90 k om, SAeY 
ata ao tive ‘duedd be 980L ,vs tednnn oft min Stel sts vas AO, 
ciliad sid aot GORE ostz hohanuek on eet ¢% greatdet toad hae pitag 
badaia et Ytdsaielg dacs habae2av0 Tidatelq, Aokrs dt 00 

‘ vp heel 
$iww “nals ass pawors ez an meiotiae saw miko in te. jasaesate | tages, 

ay id 
odsiw bea) sexe ssb bas ‘Sitguond sew 2 eanaged ddquord Reaatenere naw 
ens wo ssi heowed 1 ogaotthixe0 outs te eanownel ont ‘segta Wey. & st. 

boheme bunag ar Yutate te sue be haw t109 tnshaetas baat reste, 

add a6 sew rovat att ak beregaa Aaorghoh, baa abate 8 * 

sta btw to “stato sautt” 2 onw haviowal sbinke at riisaiace tad - fe vo 
4 See Oe me EGO 

of alban :#uabaston ‘102 anecs tw weKions bo ta 

, 2 Bee 
80s 9100 ovis 

oqeat at Rrem: o0 See. 
He “moe ts hast ot ‘tive text oxit at sac posase gout kabee a OE 

T bas" sete fo ) si xonasais boduome bite ew bas dart? oN ttten : 
To Iuoussnse ets bans oe owner Tebeatale eat wets ovat ton biuow 
my bagoorib od neque Test has * ,oxwtane rg sow thus wat | 4 E12 ates. 


ee i 

“bostisesd aenat iw ® hae nol sotbetrut on ew twos Laqtot Lica a 908 

" aotgorbatrut gatved oe $108 hove eat o¢ BLaow “wresaaide @. . 


Maw Faber ort xe borehars ee + Paneybat, sfaeban rob ‘x0T dolbaey, of . | 

plaintiff preseeates thie writ of errer. 

Plalatifr'e third anended statewent ef cleim in the firat 
@uit wae stricken by anether Judge ef the Runicinal court. The 
trial Judge in the inetant ease struck the firet and seeoend state. 
mente ef claim filed ty the siatntiff in the firet audit. The 
reagen for etriking viaintiff’s third awended statement ef oladm 
aves het appear. 

Ypon what theory plaintiff's claim was contended te be a 
"trust claim” we are unable to comprehend. It wag a clain, ordinary 
gait Tor the return ef $506 in accordance with the terme of on exe 
press agreenent and abvicusly the Bunisipal court hud Juriedietien 
ef the first ease, Fe sleo think it ebwigus that plaintiff's firet 
sult wae net prematurely brought beemuee under pleimatift'a theery 
ws shoen ty hie statecente of cluim he wae entitled to the retum 
ef the @800 from the defendant bank if and when hia wife did net eane 
¢imue to live with him for « year after December $, 19630, when the 
eertifieate of deposit was iavued. And glaintiff alleged that she 
Left him without eause December 20, 1936, and that he demanded the 
money Trow the tank February 5, 1931, if Bis theory of the cage 
@ue right, he was then entitied to his mansy and, ae stated, his 
first sult was not prewaturely brought. Unleres the firat mult was 
premeatursiy breught, the judgaent rendered in that ease would be 
res adjuiiestsa in the instant esse even if that judgment was errone- 
ous, ~ the Judgment being etili in faree and sffeet. 

In these circusstances the directed verdict was warranted, 
and the judgment of the Kunicipsi sourt of Chicago must be affirmed, 


Matehett, FP. J+, and Keturely, J., coneur. 


‘ners ‘te tine abst easuneaera vibe 
dertt oat nt aiato la fassatars besusas bride ot titeatast iia 
“oat fuss Leotolavit ant to aghut toddons vw aviebete saw thee 
ontage haeooe baa atl? ‘odd Yourse seao fastant ‘end ak on “tatad 
ea? .thum saxl? ott al Yrigaiete ama ve hort abate * — 
; bake Yo: fuemjege bebsean Naitdt eretitalete aatitee tot mavast 
i vtascae ton wom 
| a ed ae bobap sae aaw aha ko a VibdateLe wtoodt taste aoqd | 
eran beo abel & aow $f shes 0 THB ‘o¢ sidaun ote ow “abate tewse® 
“x9 aw ‘te aareg seit ats agashtoose wt aad te muutor oil ot shue: 
nolteibe ixut hed gauen Laqigtau® exit nwetrds baw gusaestye rove 
_torkt a! Trlsatelg sada sxotvdo as Makes ants oF “eune f sont? out we 
einssdd a ttiealeiq sebmu pavsood teigwond eietusanery ton saw tw 
4 “pendent alt o¢ boftisas enw on alain Xo siaonet ade aat wt areata “a 
| i atten fom bib etiw ela wane hae th done aw t0 Tod ods ont oad oad we 
| "Gib aoa (Obed .a Sedmnned costa Bi9y a xe subst so bw orks of pun 
otin tests bone tLe ¥EbtatsLe bad howto l saw "}taeqes to oteorusts: 
at fehacemh ei tacit baw O8OL OL aetunpe® sence tuorit tw ata 9 
i ene esd ‘te mene abst tz + f5@ a erowndtet dans arts “et youom 
| ‘sie botasa BO . dun yason alt at eveser anit enw ot ais naw 
saw sion texk? ants esetau .tityuord vere ont tos av ‘Stee terks 
od bigew Ree est at bovehaet tosmatut ext? . tiguord dowsenere 
ssaotTs ese taomybirt ‘binds te v8 nano sangeak edt wk beans: a 
, oe 

does firkas pate’ ak iitte pated txsaybut Lend - agen 
ig bp 

ih hes anrcew ane golbioy hetoorth edt enanatecrorto overt a 
| 1 : we ty Oy Pe oy 
Vee a ov Jaum ogee be te sruuee Gage Rae ent te fonmobut ead vo 

Re RS RT eo Pan Pte say 
LA renbat 
pie Re we oR aiete, 
twetion yeh. alee tae Sal sftedosai 
a: ten aeye mle piu & te eho ED 

oe a ke eS Se | do lbaor re 



a Corporation, 


Plaiatiff breagkt an action against the defendant to reo 
eever the value of on autowobile rebe while he ehaimed wae in Hise 
aatesetvile when 44 wae gut in defendant carage snd that when Be 
get the esr the next day the rebe was aleving. He claimed $110, 
The defendant denied Liability and filed a set-off, alleging taat 
after plaintiff elaimed to haye loet the wobe defendant leaned bin 
two ether robes of the value of 340. Afterward, on sotien of 
Plaintiff, the seteeff was etricken end me eomelaint ja made in 
this respect. The case Gas tried before the court sithout a jury 
and there wan « finding and Jucguent in plaintiffte faver far 2116 
and the defendant apocals, 

The regord discloues that om February 4, 19435, plaintiff, 
who lived in Kansas City, and whe was atooping at the Lake Shore 
Athletic Club, delivered his Cadiiise sutcosetile ta the doorman 
ef the club, whe eslied up the defendant garage and one of ite 
ompleyees came ts the ciub and drove sleintiff's eutemmbile te 
the garage where it wae kept during the might. vn the next fay 
the autenoehile wae returned te the club and eshertiy thereafter 
plaintiff disceversd thet the rebe was «ome and netified the 
garage of thie facet, Search was made or the rube, bat it was not 

The avidenee further shows that plaintiff's mather bought 

the robe froa Rondel Bree. fer $1062, and gave i+ te her som for a 

Charistmwas present im 1932, There ia me dispute as te the foregoing 


Mi yar 

Syuieeasyi gil 
sous ANG 

vs ae 

A i, 

> pe rd 
ytd Bh os 
A ag 

cas: bs i ay Lace a Xie CR RAR he Oi RN RR. ee 

| Rae aes: 
1 NOS I 

«ot of Itebme ted ol? Paidage BOlfoe ae tdguend Thavaiose 

| whi of eee baateds oc cde eden sitdquedss me Te ior. emt: : 
ik ea eats Bee Sera diniiailiahdedl eh Peg Gaw es) anew estonoten 

, 64f£8 bemiats ©  .yilaelo sew aoe aot yet ee ‘wads cna 2 
Pane nikge fle TG sea M Sa lit Ae QPltideks bedoah thodae teh Dod 
Kit Domded deihas leh eter alt sek armed of pombe de “Tutatete rode 
te Abliem Bo ,PteeTOIIA LEE Te acta Osh ‘te eodon wate . 

2 sha ef tale timeg om bag medipdets aa eeat80 ae Thee 

slbenys  Siredt te semoy eel eteled bela? aoe eaee ont © stooneo abate 
Silt gut stewed of Yiitalote at saeanent san gether? & 2a oteds: — 
av ake sone SiR Set | a ete sanbi tob! 6S ham 
ietentace ae — at Satie seawlve th br ober oat: we eK Balk 

iba deen pedo a0 JN bm ei Qetee broom dinetnaaed —s. 
 Aegtaswedy yLiveds bas dulo eat oF ohouUteS enw OLddoantes wd 
at eer we ae eee 
foe daw! Hh gud’ AtOy oct 202 eham saw seman’ a ete 

ie aa 

A witness for defendant testified that he waa night manager 
ot defendant garage and #ehruary 4th, when plaistir¢'s ear was 
brougnt inte the garage he examined 14 aA there waa no rebo in 
the car at that tine; that "1 exauined #11 the automebiles that 
ere delivered at the garage; thai is my duty. i exasined beth 
the ineide ond outside ef a14 care delivered to the gerage;* that 
he exacined about 60 or 70 care each nignt; that he rewewbered the 
particular car because it was a guod Uedilies car. 

Piaintiff and his metner teatified that shortly after the 
robe wes lost they called at the garage anf telkad with ke. Barnard, 
the general wanager of the garage; tin’ he told them tuat the garage 
Wasa respengible; thet it was defendant's fends tant they Bould make 
goed the lowe; that Ae was gatiefled the less gecurred in the garage. 

Barnard decied taat he had made sug etatenenta and denied 
he had admitted any lisbility om the part of defendant, but stated 
he told pisiatiff and his wether that ha would try to legate the 
robe and gave instrugtiona te defendant's exployees te see if it 
eouid be Taeund, 

she eourt, in deeiding tae case, expresely found that the 
rebe waa lost in tne garage. “hile plaintiff testified hy deseei- 
tien, his mother testified in eoan eourt, In these clreuswtances 
we find the contention ef defendant that tae finding end judgment 
are aguinat the manifest welght ef the evitence, cannet be susteined 
en4 therefore, under the low, we are net warranted in 4icturbing the 
finding and Judgwent in plaintiff's favor. 

The defendant farther contends that the court sheuld have 
found for the defendant aa a sntter of law, beoenuce "There is ne 
evidence ef acceptance by the défendent of the autemebiie reve in 
guootion, and the duties and responsivilitien of a bailes caonet be 

thrust upon the defeudent witseut ite knowledge er consent:" that 

there ie mo evidence defendant hed motice that the rebe was in the 

toQeanen eng te wew wf dade ho Steed deasehesn "ted set weand tw A rae 
naw io of ULbtatedg wbity Med yuaWnde't bin ‘sgeteg: satan iy 
al odor on Baw ered hits 7h bendtwws ef ogetag odd ofat ‘Pilger i 
tate e¢2idouedus odd Lie Boatunan 2 sad pealld tadd te X90 8 
died hoalcaxe a youd ha al ied {agen ‘odd $a ‘buco vitel i 
ausie * tegirnag - One wd: perovitoh wine tle 26 ehletue baa eblewd odd 
sit paradise a's ot teed poryla done, wane, ot a6 BB. twede bemkeane at 
tao GeliibwS bows « ame of wausoed wo untucliteg 
eit? testa ~ibvede fads SaTi¢ded thulden abd bas Tilinieks ma 
»taatad. ttt daly felled bas syrtay wis ax belies rend “geot ‘Soe edet 
ayezay eile dud wade Shot ad é att peyemy and to ‘we ganast sensi od 
ana bfvew yuele nln ghat’ ‘wt danbne tok enw $2 todd "\eidianbe Bi ‘a 
| sogatay sad at hewwwpeo ood ant polYeiges aa om Sastd Lisaned rue 
| ult) is’ iting “Hide ‘Wilant ‘alt “Ut rads We Dende OP 
Betata duit ,fintinotes "to Freq ond ho WhEdaLL yaw belt taba bale WE 
alld shaded of Yt Sivow on tad¥ dediow eka paw Wekedderd DEW 
* TE ed of ieh ome a? a ad saahucialing = ‘tl aie 
“ett gad? have? yLiessgxe ,oseo oat gitiiigek af ~ftuoo map? nai ‘sta 
alaoyeh ¢f bextithes Wisately OL segetny odd ak toot saw 06 < 
625 a0} easier le ager? al Sas00 aoae om wt itaod todd om ala 
tami fut het gakbat? odd oad Suabuwted * : 
Restetsvn 9d tounes sotto’ den ye te ily teow “feo Lbean ong ‘ten. one + 
est aatdeudalh al ‘Setnertaw fou stn ow mel att aehew .er0! weak hi 
“aovet a Vievatete at domaghul, ‘baa pat 
ovod Divolie xyes Sd tuclt ebundand toddiat tnabew teh ont 
on at ‘prot pawaoed Wek Vo ta sgai a be a ae 
wh odor bEtWentua ont) ro guehaeteb oc ¥a oon’ % obs 
ad tonnes outiad a Ye aols tLidianeqnst Cry ‘ao ktus ott ham. vm ki ay 
sans *irasanes Coe sphe toa eet suena te — vandhal deur iy 

‘k gk, ey 

aw ak ai’ ole ade Thad Seton’ Beit sa hsre'ta i 

ge at oe mee | a 
AY fh AR bene ok ea 

ee ae 

aatemebile and that in the absence ef sueh netiee, the defendant 
eanmnet be sharged as bailee, In sunpert of these contentions the 
defendant cites Lienican € ral =. H. Coe v. Carrow, 75 112, 348, 

and other cases. in the Michigan Central §, 5. ease, & passenger 
om a Pailread teok his trunk, whieh centained jewelry of the value 

of $30,000,to the station. Se gave the railread ne notice of the 
eontents but cheeked the trunk as baggage. The trumk end ite eontente 
were destroyed by fire while being traneserted snd it waz held that 
the railroad company wae not liable, it net having been shewn that 
it wae guilty of grees neglicence in respeet te the erixin ef the 
fire. Ubvieusly that case ie not im point. ‘here was nothing te 
indicates that there wae fewelry valued at $30,000 or at any other 
eum in the trumk, while in the instant case Lt is commen practice 
for rebea to be in sutemoeblies, This ia ehown by the fuet that dew 
fendent'« night canager testified, a8 abeve quoted, thet it was his 
duty te exanine beth the inside and outeide of all care delivered ts 
the garage and that he did ee in the inetant case. Yhe other oasee 
cited by the defendant are tc the same effeet and ebviously are not 
in saint. 

Pefendant alec scentends that the damages “are groesly exe 
essaive;* that there is mot a acint\ lla ef avidenee in the reeerd 
aes to the value of the rebe; that claintiff's mether, on being agked 
ma te the value of the rebe, was not vermitted to anewer, on 4efande 
ant's ebjection. 

The court 414 @rroneeusly sustain objections tq questions 
put te plaintiff's mether as te the value ef the robe, but she did 
testify, without obgection, end vroverly so, thet she paid 2262 
for it a little more than a month before the wehbe was lost. Ye 
have a number of timer held that im ordinary business transactions 

the price paid for an article is evidence of ite value, there being 

no evidenee which easts suspicion on the transmetion. Cloyes we. 

treated sit ,solten dowe Ye werede elt mt tant hae oLidonodun ot 

od? emoline tion seed? to tresque ai .eelied ae egies. od Ae 
GbE LAT ET .Beuted ov pe. nl od Lo : 

Toymeseeg # ,eneo i 

gaa 2 49829 aadto 7 
‘ealav elt to Yilewst, bo miarnog pid dort sist dood baotller ® me 
acs Io olson om haoriias acy evey ali aoktade ent of 000,086 to 
agnetses ef) haw Ams od? genyed an howe? ods boxeade dud asustnes 

@ndt bied saw 3f bee betionmmart paied ofldaw ent Ww boyonteok wiew 
fads fewotn asad gadvead fon #i ,@itali tos vew wanqmee baortten herd 
ovis te akpizo oad Of sooqtex af ganegiigen anoty to ttitva nail a 
et galaten sew @1sx? .fatoq ak fon st wena sndd eawelrda ount 
‘Torito yas fo to GOU,06G fa baw Lew ysiewel sew areas seis ‘atas tbat 
eotsoate nigmese af tf sane tanger! out af efide Aerts aust os mee 
~oh sass font ost oe mnevie ai atat .aettdongtus al ef ot veges tet 
aid saw th soc? ,betoup eveda ae ,bali ivan? weganan tiyhar a! tnebas? 
oe herevi Lon etao fiw to sbleiwe hus sbiani gate Hood oalmexe ot yuh 
eonap socio ef .oneo faednal es? «i ge bd od tart? bas Se tay ond 
fou ona ydewolrde Sas toes ouee one at ata taabas top ont yd bette 
| cs ot toad RE 

“me elavers ous" aeganah out feast shentone cole sumhaetee 
‘baapet oat al eonshive te aii. aon & Jon wh saedd sands *yevtanso 
bodes aaied as « Tesid oa et rrtsabsle ‘tert index ent Yo ouley elt o8 = 
shane tos fe .tewsan of nhs grt, fom maw ,ades ane Mes ouley nett, ow 1 
- ? sok 2o9bso attaa 

anoltesup of suo itoatse atesews ‘Aangenors® bib du0e oat 
bis ote gud andor ond "to. euler oats ot we Tortt om at Wibtalacy *, om 
: , ROLE biag ods dass , oa yesogerg baw saniteonde esac bw swaasent 
of tok aaw odes eis otated Minow # Hedd otom oregts a dh a0 
" anoitoseasx? anenheud visa bre at fads bios awmnts 10. sodewer 1 4, ovas 
Balog armas ouLey ath te sonwb ve et efoigts oe tot bhag aot re. dag Sa 

ay sexesd moltoouantt ond mo wots hqase stuns mone somehive en a 


Plaatie, 231 121. App. 185. 

While the point ie net made, we are unable to wideretand 
hew the court found and entered Jecument in alaintiff's faver fer 
$116 when the only evidence in the resord of the value of the 
robe wan that it eo#et 2162, fhe judgment ebvicusly is fer toe mum, 

the fudgment will tuerefore be reversed and judgment entered 
in thie court in plaintiff's ruver against the defendant fer 9102; 
ail eosts are te be pald by the defendant, 


Matehett, *. d., and MeSuraiy, J., goneour, 

ih | thos auee Ye rome oft OF setbanbsn 
i hepieonbe ot uifeus, a prety fon oh saieq ods ofiih 2 Oona 
Tok Bovet atYithintele ak Inwaphel Lexedae bas bawet games os, wad, 
aot to enter of3 To btoget oot ah somebive yiae gat, oat OEE 

- thaw ood rot st ylexotvde saomahyt 98s, o8GL5 deea tL fadt cs edot., 
| betedpe dapaghul bag Deazewes.oF stg tazeds ifta sagambat OMT). oe) up 
(ASORE to tad we I9o oats teanhage seve? a UAtatelg ad sgu0@ Nts 
fh ) ebeebasted oe of blag 26.08 018, 02900, hay» 
MATE, nen Mbp TEORAVER BERRI. cy yoovwwa hewn khan rd 
ge pip, at eaety Be “tlie eas 

ooo «Rumaes gab ye ieiuied, bap - oy a asendetelics 

Cones ei ge %s Ode oe baeder toc ga wtedtt pee giant 
ath a3 Foot se go eos 2 eo i Wrenn RR teh ag behiiedey aot 
Ree oer 5 Ms AD. HPAES RC UR. Gg PER IN Maunsell Sh RG xt taebeel 
oe beter i fom etes Fie Da Bhiadee, Ra siege pike Ahad Poe ei ae: Coal 
Sona Ge oe. Ne Pee WA OE OR Wel Ga bie e 
Ai ue gS are Wet ean a sae ‘ed bathe 

: Lhd 
£ ite H% 

SB Se PEER. | RIEU RE |: A a FUSE aa Qe fe hee Pa 5 

ee i a es ae AOE AR Gali Sop, RE ee bie Gay AE ame of bral 

‘HHS TAR Be ,~Rees RF PEPER, Oe RE | iW Re RE 2 Reha er wat aa . 
Aree ery oll 

MARL RS Ay aR see Pie Hw, PE ES el NR eT Rh eee Psi tah cle Bane at 
bib ada .gwd ,etys alt De utes a oo ae Bede of Whi aba ot foe 
Dies gate Gas! aa Je Ce ee phate ci weet dw evtesans 

POE CIR MNE S BRIDE ARS NOR Me eke RRR || Pieces xsi ° Be 4 Mega’ ne 


pot wht ah obey te wakoKates a tw wh awee eute * erhaage : 

ine teehee. ae ee aay tag a) RReiae gs a fe UE RY ots te i, si oh “et 






2'¢ 4 1.A.6 oO 364 

This ie a appeal by dofondant and cress semplainant, Grace 
figlen Lehman, Trem om order entered Bay 3, 1935, denying her motion 
that a deeree entered at « forner term of the court ahiould be vacated 
and set aside and denying the orayer of her verified petition fer 
leave te file a bili ef review, 

The cause ia not a stranger to thie eourt. Lehman v. Lehman, 
268 Ill. Ago. 665. ‘The cause was then here upen «a writ ef errer sued 
eut by complainant, Hans Lehman, to review « decree which digsissed 
his bil] and granted kre, iehman a divorce on her creas-bili, a8 well 
at the custedy of their three childrem - two daughtera, one thirteen 
years of age, the other six, snd a son ten years ef age. thie court 
affirmed that decree, The ease went tc the Gupreme court. Lehman ye. 
Lehman, 345 111. 530. YTaat court reversed the deeree and renanded 
the couse for further preceedinga in accordange with the views exe 
pressed in the opinion, The cause was reinstated in the trial court 
on December 18, 1931, and the scertifieate of avidenes shewns that the 
cause cave on for hearing on February 7, 1933, befere a fudge ather 
than the one whe cenducted the former trial. Se one appeared fer 
defendant. The court asked soliciter fer complainant whether the 
ease was going te be tried se a default, te which he replied, *Yes, 
your Honor, we were prepared for «6 contest, but we will submit such 
testimony as your Sener thinks sufficient te suspert this deeree,* 

Complsinant, his brother Alfred and a friend, arthur Diez, 
testified, and at the conclusion ef the evidence on that date, the 

court directed seliciter ‘or cemplainant te write up the evidenes, 

: c 
ee KAM, .h BWA 
. OR: sr ernst 
m aoe Omen: ELE. eA 8” oY ‘sapag he 
| haa ADD BG roc cm na 
pause seine 

Treotan ao 1TH panciauiy rel 
12000 ER? NO Got uaeeen ant CURE Lad 

‘eeuto ,tmontalgmee awends Saw tavhan tos yd Lowgqe ae eb aka! 
Sottom tou galyned 20 .f YAR Deretar rab<o ae kort ,adedied aofok 
betavay wf hivere Miwon sad Yo axed aewTeT & de betetae setesh # Sastd 
tet aolsgiteq te fiitev tea to seyetg e243 yalyoweh base ebiga éo0 beta 
selves to fntd 2 whit OP dvaet 

femial .v semiel .ituoo eidd of wegnette @ fon ot teva edt ; 

hewt tovre to diaw 2 coqw tied mead Gow Seuns ool 809 .eqA .LLT BUS 
bouctaels{ deide eetoeb a wolves of , sevgint aaah denna tele ed two 
Liee as ,ilideseure ted ao eotevl a amemied .ot betnetg hae (ibd wkd 
wintenat one .wiatdguah ove 4 mribiie seett 4d te mete 
susoo etal oe te eieey aot noe & bie , xin tanto oat ope to BtKOYy 
‘BY Bamiad .dxv0e vewxqnl e0% of taew Qeao e8T .eeTeOR todd tomrltte 
behaoaes hus seveeh ede howrevet frags tant .UE Lil Bde . gemed 
oxo awely 1% tiv sowwbteoon ab aguihboseety sedsapt cet ease any 

 dewee Lalet ec? at deseteater sav oeawe eal .aokatge odd at bes ilies 

edd Sect avete oonsbive ‘to efaolileaee add ame a0 eL ,84 todaeoet ao 
nodio eghut @ oreted ,6ces ,f yiewrde so gutvsed tot ao omen eanen 

tet hereogqa ene of  ieltd seene? off betoniuas ode ono one att 

dd toideriw daoniolqnos tot webtoties Soxee twos edT .tashawtob 
8X" dodger ot soiiy of flush & 9s vuvelh og of yaloy aay oano 
dows thadom £fbe ow tid ,feetare 7 ow + Tenor awOy 

* wetoch elxs srecuie ot tne to PYtwe odabds ‘vont tu0y ae tecnica a 

(sold cusieta (boo dr? o hae box tLA tedhoes abst stnamkealemed 
a8? jotnb godt ao sonehive od? Ye aolenfenoa wat to bme ehertisasd 
-eousbive odd qu odiaw of tranlaiquen tot tested ion boseonte oe 

The following proceedings then tock plage: 

“uy, Juron (solicitor for complainant): If yeur Noner 
please, 1 am golny to sumait « decree here with reference te the 
adultery charge and ask that the sustedy af the two other ehildren 
be awarded te him «+ 

The Ceurt: i am afraid you 111 have a lot of trouble, 

tr. Jurem: hie ease bas been in litigation for eight 
years and hee been up te the bighest court ané bask agaim, and 7 
fool that from the evidence presented and the court's knowl e4ge 
of the fseta, that the court is warranted and justified in entering 
that order, 

The Court: (Off the record.) 

(Dieguesion «ff the reeord) 
The Court: Yrite up the eviderce, * 

¥ebruery 74th therenalter the deoree was entered finding the 
jurisdictional facts and finding that the defendant wife had come 
mitted adultery as charged in cowglainant's bill of cermlaint; that 
her crozs bill wae without equity and should be dlemiseed; that ashe 
was not a fit and preper person to have the eare avd custody of the 
minor children; further, that complainant hed purchased real eatate 
deeeribed: that he purchagedit with his own funds, an¢ that the title 
therete wae fer convenienes taken in sie nawe and thet of hie wife; 
that she 414 net pay any purt ef the purchase srice and is net, in 
fact, the owner of ary part thereof, The decree disaclved the mare 
rises, avarded the sustedy of the three ghildren te somplainent, ore 
dered that the title te the premises should be confirmed in the name 
of eemplainnnt, 4ireeted defendant to eanvey the legal title ef the 
presaieecs to comelainant ferthwith; further found that defendant had 
refused te meke the conveyanee and ordered & master in shancery to 
make the canveyanes for her and directed that upon her failure and 
refuanl to surrender poesession eomolainant should be let inte 
possession and a writ of agsistance be issued for that purpose, 
The hearing was hel4 and finished in the February term. The de« 
eres wae entered February 84th thereafter without notice and without 
submitting the doerse te defendant's solialtere of reeerd. 

Rule 20 ef the Superier court, of which thie court will tak 

jadicial notice by reason ef the statute, provided at that time tha 

sth eet oo eel 
Weg oa Fy 

TweaLe kod 9 a8 sack boovang: galwolfet ‘eat 
Toael Tey Lh. $e etip wee todielion) worn . xi" 

ad? of souets'ter dfiw axed gexpeh @ tiowwe 62 gatoy am + r oeasee 
KSThLise wedte ows a2 le vbeheds wt dadd dog me ead Ly 

od Bah 

-ehdwwts to tel # eve Lite woe blur ‘tes sia a hie ant 
figie wot woldegty ts ee egg hae e2e0 wht? tagenh .4M 

A Set ,@hage vood fom ¢ TOO Pedy be ase od ew ‘wed tek Any To 

wgbe iwomdk at Seugn arte ote fe taveore eanehive ef$ mart tadd foe’ 

eikeetao al boltiiant bas het te aoe et trun Hat tad? ,ado0% ont te 

i stehte sade 

Cf ae rro) rage ie . 

(iteoe+ ome rye aeteaweeMey vs 
"son hive ont qu make taneohy pen 

Ono gate’ boresae caw lahdadel at ted twora se AGOR yrageieh | ia 
 eftom baat thw ‘dnaheo%eb ast tests wekbart hae s$oe% Lenpdtoebutew 

saxtd j@oladonse ‘te iid 8! tanita teams hill hoy rate (a Ytetinhe, thie 

O88 test phen los te ed ‘bfwoda hae “ytlupe suodtie See Lik esors wad 
OR Le Ybateie nun os09 ont ova Of nomaq teqate hae #12 0 tom ean 
“‘ghatae Laer besasotwe bad ‘Sawada Lessa Saad .amdsTKY paoth thao com! 
eithe 949 dads bao seb awe #1 S¢hy 3 thesedanug os tesa yb 

iettw dist to dusts bata ain asi we neues fae Lov vane ‘TOT saw ote 
re Pon at baw sohng anaciouwe ot To Steg yam yng fom bth oats aaa 
‘wae ais beviounsh risen oat owen a tag yong te Tearg odd, . a 

“te a Pana w teins od noah kate eons ontt i’ Lootens he bebtans MBaL 
wenn walt ne bows tase od fh Luraite Sechanrg ot? of LIL? galt, tess Soman 
ens to ecete Lege: ante SOvHOD of AHAhaE Od hotonate ihiateohanennd 
bout Saabastes Sass hawo% sont ait ral beetge't Mmente tems ot. segte 
“@s ¢ teased at totanm a berehte Hates NOim YD Ree O29. essen ot, bs 
baw erul te} woe aoqw dass besooate bam tot Tet PO aMLA NEED vee os 
“etnk tok od béweda SRantalenoe setanner ag Whaerree oF tanner, 
anoqwe dents zor bowen od sonntotenn ™ thaw * bee 0 taenaneg., 

yen ett ‘tered ewido ons aa home hayy bon Aiog. eaten “a, 
fouls iw saa eoivon tiiostt bw rosteoxese ORS Ba 

sbro9e to arostotfoa ‘8 sasbae ey ot neree 

pent ee os? patestadwe 
fied Lidw ‘$e00 alae do btw ee Tata Tol wwqet oat Yo oe ellsanisanied 
eats oot aie fa sebiverg setutede 982 9 aonage ot solson Lodo, 


"ne motion will te heard or order mude in ahy cause without ne tice 
to the onpcosite party, When an appearance af such garty has been 
antered, exeent where & party ig in default, ae ssewn by an order 
ef record or when a cause is resehed on the aali of the trial cal- 
endar.* Sule 2) prevides for the manner in wich notice shall be 
served requiring it to be in writing and te be served upon the 
opposite party or his attorsey oF @cliciter ef recerd in the man- 
ner specified in the ruic, with the farther provision that where a 
party is in default fer want of appearance, ne Retiee shail be req 
quired except upon the order of the wourt. 

the deeree wae apparentiy entered ta this eaee woon the 
motion of acliciter fer complainast, but} ng netiee waatever was 
served either apan defendant or ser soiigiter. Aaving Learned of 
the decree om Bareb 20, 122°, selLieltors for defendant gave netics 
that on the following day, st the opening ef court, they would pree 
sent the verified petition of defendant, supported by affidavits, 
and ask that en order be entered vacating er medifying the decree 
and weuld alee ask that the custedy of the eniidren be giver te 
their mother, Gm the sae day ai undated notice wae filed, direotda 
to defendant and Willias Fye inat compiaineant would en Hareb Sist 
ask for a writ of assletanes to be ieeued te put eeapiainent inte 
possession of tae praaises. Sef -ndent im support of her petition 
recitad the histery of tho case, including tne apoéals te the 
Appellate and Supreme ecarte, ané stated taal she Kad prepared te 
defend the case shen it sheuld come up, end Had had interviews wit 
her golielters relative te the evideses ana vitmesses, She stated 
that her husbemd paid $20 a week aliseny for the weeks ending 
February llth, 18th, 26t5 and 4areh iat, whieh she believed wae for 
the purpose ef goneea:ing tren ner that a hearing hed been had with= 
out her knowledge on Fovruary 7th; that melither she nor her aelici-+ 

tors had any knowledge or information ef the fact that the cage wae 

& r 

solson dwould tw Reusy Yao ad alae hee 40 bias ad itiw molten on” 
stead ted YitKe Mow te eo eE KIER A nat ertog, ‘padnogas add 99, 
T9S26 sm ed mweule wat hineted ok wh Ying e@ evade dqeoxe see 
aie Saas ons te item ens Ho besioawa wa onune # aacie 50 bxoves Ye 
ed Kiksin @oivom detiw at onus oft wr aobivarq M8 oft * tabaw 
wats ans bovis od of bre wald dee al od of t2 gaivlugas be at 
nttian $$ uh bieses to tedietios xo getedva aid ao (Frag § sheanee 
a Stedw fads notstvorg cadisat odd adhe ‘pduca ont Bh Dettiongs toa 
“set ef [hada eobtes on yesnateeqgs to gnu 20% divated ab et yeraq 
wos sd ie ebro ey Moyw 3qnaxe siti 
‘eds seg e905 wldt ah botetae _dingiegqe saw epteeh oct | we 
gav sevetedr eaiten an sud aaahadques ue} sodioiles eA 
Re pomtesl gnivsh .tediaiion sed He fasal co tad aipqu tends Lo dovses 
Colton evdy Sanhas teh tot wrod tehsog ,£i0L .UR sozed we vonnsd., oa 
“e@tg bivow you? ,otweo Lo gntmeqe eat te 4 ead palwoifo® ade. 9. guid 
 ehlveb Te Ys hodiogqua ,tankacled No agidsveg batiivey, od, Anon 
Ser|ebh oH) galytihee ae gaigeosay botegas ef t9hte me dactd dee, ae 
ot revi of serhiide oad Le. ybosuay nas sang Han onde Shur bas 
hibtoetth ,beilt sew waivem bodabau me Yah owen oF OO «sess om thos? 
‘tad8 dora no biwow Sanniosqaon said oyh ooALLA® dan snabap ted of 
e4at tanuiatqnos uy 92 devant od 08 soastatnen to glum & 10% Xa 
aoltivey tod ke sroqque af daha jal .saatwe sy ed Le se teapasag 
ett od wleweqe edd yaibeioai, ohne Ooh, RA, A AOE 
OF ewewre bad pin sous dedade bam asus enpaged bam of 

iw avel¥udsad hod be bem qu ems Aiwede £1 ands aane ait ue, 
hesate 9a .aecurathy has conehsve vid oF evddetet ated tod fon, ea 
at bise ahoewy ar wet wonkle eon a wag bday bands Test test 

5 ak 

7. “wt gav bevelled aay vokdw yind, dann be 988 OL the, eurer™. 

adobe gad ROM Bed guiwoes & sont nod week gakiacgae Pid agents, oct 
eto lzes od tom ote wedtlem sonit 4A8¥) wuawtsol | ste ane rrae ba bere 
lathe! wile Da’ dont odo Le aesecno'tas ‘te, aghod | . 


on trial on February 7ih; that the statement that she or her soli- 
eitore had abandoned the caee wae Talee snd wade for the cursese 
of deceiving the court; that if the true facts had been eabiead te 
the attention of the court it would not Auve preceeded te the trial 
ef the cause; that the residenee and home cecusied by her and the 
children was purehaeed end naid fer by their foint earcinge and 
the title wae held in foint tenoney; that the bill for divores 
filed by compleinant stated thet the oroperty wae #6 Ael4 and 
preyed that the property owned in joint teneney may be partitioned 
and #ol4, referring to the bili whieh wae filed Auguet 16, 1926; 
that the court erred in decresing that comelsinent was the eener ef 
the real estate; that there wae ne prayer fer sossession in his 
bill for diveree; that the court would mot have found the ownership 
ef the real extate and the use and osocupetion thereof te be in gam. 
plsinent, if the court had been advised of the true condition ef the 
pieadings and the facte and represents that the court was withert 
Jurisdiction te #0 judge and deeres. he further state that she 
hee a good and meritorious defense to the bill of esmelaint, and 
that she could establish her inxeeenes of the charge of adultery 
and establish her righte in the reali estate if given a hearing; 
that eemplaimant's eseliciter failed to keen bie sereement and 
underatanding with her sclicitors; that the twe youngest children 
are living with and being supoorted by her and have refuses te 

live in the home of complainant; that en Eareh 10, 1933, complainant 
came to her home intoxiested and drunk ond threatened to take the 
ehildrenm frem her and she is presared to oreve ell this on «a hear. 
ing; that she has ne sioney to pay moving expences and rent if e« 
writ of asaistance ie granted complainant; thet she hae net been 
served with any eopy of the decree ant that she appeals to the 
equitable jurisdiction omd conscience of the court te aseiet her 

in her distress and eiefertune, 

Attached te this petition is the affidavit of one of Age 

| eas 2 noi? tbmoo owes ot Ww doetvba need ass rw08 wus ” “ tawatos 


“ates ted te aie tase sams soe oats dasla ait ‘esawede’, had daist bal 
exagtue oxid x08 eho hae outa® saw sean writ bemebaade bea exosto 
et pester neod bre atont sur? ody uM tes } f1He8o ous aatvisosh 1 
faite all o2 bebuecore avad tai Sines ae ttaen eid © mottassss ons. 

ons bits sod vd pekquove BRU haw aonebless heard sass egmns one te 

hee Ssetenne satot aisny od nat Sieg ban bonadtonwe seatae ariblide 
sotovlh <0? Lite at? tect? i qonones Sater me bisa eae onany htond 

} bas Biex ov ter veiee oxg walt fad? peters trasteigqmes: we bonny, 
hestot? £2166 od van yoann a mbot, at bo amo Winger ast tent _ Paver a. 
(OSOL , OL tevges SeLt? ll Ho kw fite oat oF patreeies pbfoa. San 
te tonwe etd new fue atetqaos ans anioorses ai sorte tu00 Road jad? 
att ak aolereasog co? teyata oa sew esosis fast3 iesagne inet ee, 

qldexonave edt bavet eves toa biwew f1w08. ats tact ieotoves sot “ute 

i ie ha 4 
“800 a od os rowxo ad ok 2equoee bas wow as bow etetan leo ode be 
= re] wir ot ie * 

ag ry dees 

tuodahe any fuses out? deas stan get has s2o0% eat ‘ae “canthante, 

+3 i AA peyd 

oats tear betate ror oa .o91peh baw oahu on oe wottotbebrat 


bas a fnie Lewon te eid pals es pen eb euottot em hae bony a and 

77 i al 

_ Cet iobe to og tase aa? Yo sonmoosnt 04 iia Lin oae _Biw09 exe saat 
: jantxond a mov ha 2 osnden fae oat me agate sont fn ttansen ‘bue 
hme Jas 9% 9a nist aeox oo basin Totiotion ‘8! pannt tence 2, 
eth Lio Foe QmHoy ast add ass jetegte hho nest atte wat baw. exvebes 
Hi of beawtox ova. fea 0H ed peytamees | gaked at Rai ied patent, om 
nt snsata tonoo FECL Or dort mo tas? jiieaie canes Yo 9, saxod ons at orth . 
1 edt ous? of bese dae std baw siws'th baw besaeteotat emoxt wi ae 
“09 s a0 ais ths ayers oF doregere at ode hae wt wot 

oe Rast ORR 

ee vee 
su sam be | soumpane ‘yatvom ya of cosas om and one tad? 4 

Pee ae ma elated aby chal van 

need ton eed oe tact jtanateLqnoe Dotasry | a onnere 

fi yal, cag 4 
a ot atasqan ods sass baa soroeh — we vaoe wan ae ae ey to a 

Lae F ri het * La ms. 
ws 3 dulsan ot rxwos edt te oonotoasieo bene gto} iM tpedaut 

PA whe be) ARE ht ee ae oy 

_ seamen Dae wactiath 

Ph ; 
P tend A ee, oe 4 Pies al 

: «ib he ‘eno to ‘dhuablvte pov ot mene eels oe seapenris i 

th * ae 

fendant's soliciters, Ernest Stout, in whieh he saya that he 
watened thie case in the Law Bulletin snd on the contested trish 
ealender; that he obeerved that there were a number of cases shead 
ef it; that on the day when the ease ease on for hearing om a peti 
tion Sor solicitors’ fees, he had an agresment with the seliciter 
for complainant that they would beth wateh tue call ef the ease and 
Weuld notify @each other hon the cage would be reached for trial; 
that in the event either one o7 them would gies the eall, the ease 
would not preceed to trial witheut such noties, and that he relied 
on thie agreement and wae taken by rurprise shen «fter the february 
term of court had passed Se called complainant's ecliciter soncern~ 
ing the time the ene* would be eslled ter trial and wae informed 
it had been tried Pebrusry 7th end a dearee entered; that the state. 
ment made to the court that he had sbendened the couse of defendant 
wae not true, but that together with Kis sseeciate Be had made 
preparation te try it; Shat he belisves a great injustice and wrong 
has been done defeniant and thet she has a moriterioue defense te 
the charge of adultery sade aceinat ker, 

the affidavit of Wilidam 4, Stahl, anether apliciter ef 
defendant, estates that after the ease had been set for trial he 
Watened the call frem day to day and week to week during Deeember, 
January and February; thet on eeveral ogeasions he vent over te the 
court and checked up on the case, endeavoring te find out when it 
ekould be reached; that on February Gth he was engeged busily in «# 
contexpt matter ageinet a Bilent ef bis which came ou fer hearing 
Fetruary th before Judge Kelcerty, and that he apparently ever~ 
levked the fact that this cnse appeared on the trial call eon that 
day; that om subsequent days threugheut the month ef February and 
the first week in Haroh Ae Looked up the Law Bulletin fer the trial 
eall of tha sane; that he did net know until he was called up by 
defendant on or shout March 12, 1933, and told that the case had 

been heard and a decree fer diverce granted; that the statement that 

ley riage 

od cade myee of doddw at , teres foes seteriotion at famhas't 

fabst beteetaos df so bee afeeilet? wei edt mh omen @ bt bein dew 
beods gwen bo tedawd » evew sted! teat hevreeds of Jans ‘pushin kao 
eiteq «a a0 galtaed tet a6 Gian Gacy Oc) mode yeh ot? ag tat 3h e 
‘Otlotins edt dilv tasseea tgs an bee od peers ‘ener iotioa metonehe 
bie span gs te ideo ef¢ dosaw Adod tdwew yous dade dannde qnos ceo 
jieLed te? Bedeces e¢ bigew cans ace ascly teste dogo ythtes Meow 
aneo ef? ,iiao ots tala Biwer «ode te exe weit ie saove ede vk gene 
holier 94 te4? Bae ,esiieu dows twadtinw Letts of Seaver 100 biwew 
Tiewidet ed? wed le sede velagtirt yd elise gee bam Foementge wade 9 
eatsenen toileiies e'saealalqaen bhelice ed heaseq bead tavoe ‘to ame 
hoattetal vaw bas deity welt bo fies ad Aivew eames odd narie. cuts gat 
onjute ed? gait phorwdan eenoeh w han AeY qxeotdel betes goed oat 
Behan byte has? to gene of bemobaade bed om Farts faved wae o2 shea Jae 
whan bed od ateiossan Gh Ati wettegn?d tent tod turd ton enw 
Btguw tae esifestai saexy # sevetiog ed fads pth yet of cet dataqay 
ef seac'teh eugitotizan = ead ete tose baw Gawhew les oman: ned art 
ten taalage eben yout tuba To ogiedy oat 

Re tedinifoe tadiena , Liet# 68 ami Lilt Ye sivabht ta et mide 
od tgite 10% for ased Dad een att ine'be Send eotate | etaabastad 
Todanoed galinh Xoow of anew haw yeh od ae aos Lhe ems. bortoame 
ode OF Yeve tan of aaolemoee Leveren no dass peed’, baa exe aaal 
| #t nome tue bali of yrinwrveehan »oeee e4e wo aw. estoeds fre 180 
| oa Yhieud hegngm gan ed dO ytowies ay desi y hodawen od b4uode 
( gebeand 202 wo samo su haw whet Re Ans £64 a denkege tedden squedmeo 
omteve yliawtegge em tacit has .yetenier eghut eto d Ate erauetatl 
tact ng Lino deta edd na potaeqye cane wis? sade toa ert) bedaes 
dita YRuuTdel te sitaow ais tportymoress erymts taruemmdve wo teed pea 
fabts eld 10% abded ih wad ost ew besse k a Host at Meow sexkY welt 
ud qu beiias saw od Sav mw werd ton bib 9 tent yonme watt ty tay 
| bak oun oct gass Biot haw SEE (8h Sata 4w0ke we ne Seabee D 
 (tatld tnemetats odd send thotawry ponent 59% sirenb 2 ban bases we 

@efendant and ner atterieys hed abandoned the case wae net true: 
that the court had been deceived and ispesed upen; that there wae 
an understanding an4 sereaaent between comolainant's and defendant's 
Solicitors that they would waten the aw Bulletin and taat if either 
of the parties ebserved the case he would natify the ether: tuat 
this agreement wae made abeut the time the arder was entered for 
$78 on aseount of golicitorat fees; test he tad taken up with the 
Bolicitor fer cempisinant the question ef whether they sould use 
the testimony ef defendant's sother, Mrs. Ainnie Peiterson, at a 
foraer trial, enld witnese having suffered « paralytie sitréke; that 
the soliciter said ne would Lock ever the testimony and let Bim 
knew; that he hat never receive? an anewer; that he and hie agage 
eliate had prepared to tiske 2 defense in the esee and had cheeked up 
the witnesses and held eanferences with defendant, sud that 4t was 
believed a great injustice would be done if deFendant is net given 
a hearing in the came, oliciter for arwplialnent PMlled on affidavit 
danying wi agreement with golioiters for defendant, as averred in 
these affidavits, 

Bay 3, 1924, defeniant presentet Ker bili fer review in 
whieh she set up the whole preceedinge in the former eumuise, tee 
gether with 211 the ewidenes taken; that the decree wae sntered 
without notice, oe war aleo an order for «= writ ef assistence, She 
peints eut that comelciment's bill elieged that the resi estate on 
whieh she rerided wae cened by beth ef tham in joint tenancy, and 
that the prayer of the bill wae that the property aneuld ce partie 
tiene? and ola; that in her answer te the bill she adwitted that 
they were Joint ownere and «verred that the oreperty and buliding 
were purchased through their Joint industry; thet ake made thie 
aame allegation in the eroce bill and that conmliainant in hls 
anaver to the eros biil stated that he "sdmite that he and the 
eress-compiainant held joint tithe in the fel owing deseribed 

veal eatate. wiz.": that the deeres is therefore erraneous in 


. ef $ RES: ey 
poured ton enw aso ocd benohaads bad ayourterts x91 bie Sombag tos 
: oid. Soe: 
enw euedd tuild : tog boweank bus bovivowt need bed sien oat tat 
: Sy See Aye 
a'dneborteh bas a! saaale Lemos aeowind fam or98 bas _yadbangevobaw ris 
' sii he 

tis be 42 tatd ban altos ind wad ais wo gam ‘biuow oad bas atotioltfoa — 

wt? emet do Die ee ee 
“Fort fxeddo edt eiiven bivew ai aan wos bevrendo ae 1¢%6s ont oa 

5 SUR he AOD ae 
“£0% betséo» naw <obce ost emis eat snes shes exw Rasta) olde 
2 9 ase. he eae ; 
ode dg hw ae ase ‘bad on tee + aoe tonot lotion 0 Sagones 10, OF : 

“pan “biwos ‘yess cast oite ce ueeeoup ony snantetenoe yng ot ts o8 
; LOE Oe GS 
a he .naa103 40% etanti atk .tedt om 8? suas 29h te euonttaed ome 

tant jemand oly Latag s ‘bow Thee ‘salved sent ty Dae ake oe 
“ali ae bas ‘qnoulbend od ‘wre aol bivow on Bins tet tone a 
cones eff bas oi Jods j tow ne me heviego ‘eve Parl on tase swonat 
“wo bowosite bad fone aene auld nd sam teb £ aa ae tevacetg bad State 
daw fh Yond pew \ sapbae tod ag be seem ta'tto9 biod ban eoangueae adt 
nerds ‘dou ry: diabis toh ai onoh of lvoe soktautat tants ‘a heveLiod 


sivabitia me betht Sur alatqaos “ged ‘settles Smeo ‘oat at gated a 
go has eetnade ome cmb? 
ak bérreve ae  jhobca toh wor sr03tel Los athe r Seeun eye aa 

Pia By OS 
wad ivab tt woot 

“al ‘velvex 103 “ie ‘ned beanseots pkortes seer (e “yall 
gadiog. gi RE eat ee ie rem Pe ees res 
~as +980 ‘aeurset one tah eunibessots ofose ott qe toe eee Be: 4 
: aSehy Wo SAM. 
heregas gew ‘e9zp9h oat sade mates aoamnb bye outs Sie thw 
tj Agee pi nat. Ya 
oxit “Veoaatealeaa ‘te sive e 701 rebre 8 vate ene ee s2ht0m twottty 
hes Le i Ate ee Rach) cae We Bt 
Ke Stadue Loox oid ‘gone beyetie rth wt ganmte tqmoo sedt tue , a2atog 
4:0 oath Rialiteaies as 3, eg 18% 

‘baw +Keanned tikot mt mpsta vo isos “é beawo sas hebluer oat cate N 

Pair ath LS fit mean le Ree base 
~iduee 6d bineds cite got oat seas wan Lud oa 9 seyetq esta jor 
Sees a ey Oreo 
tes Bedtinhs ste Lite ‘pale os teenua cenet ab tact thfloe hor ee 
f Ae ieee: geenal” ‘tans 
gakbidwd bee. yi weqerg os tad hertewe bas wraeo fatcl eww 

“yhdy shou ede dads pertavbal “baker now squonas 

i fae iar eee 
* Ne UF jee tome fads hae iti seeue war ak meijayetin oman 

ape pe Beale peek ua 

Oe ee ee a 

sits baw on teild wthabe” od sont “betete itd anose od of toWsKe 
fe ce eos yp ° Se TA pop Ae 
“bedtxooeb gatwo. cet eat ob oath ‘datel boon tommlalae oD 

saa RS RN ea ay ae desea yeepiny me A 

pi ss ennamuectts aes Py coxesd add sade abe -atatee | 

rie WS 

finding that the title waa takes fer convenience, and that she 
should convey the same te hin, ete, 

Wve. Lebaan comtends in the first oslaee that the court ex- 
ceeds ite jurisdigtion in that the prayer af the bill was to partie 
tien and wel) the real setate, alleging that the same wae held in 
Joint tenancy, while the dweree Finds the land to be the exolusive 
Property of sompiainant, & claim net made in the bili; that the mae 
ner in whic) the deerse was chtained amounted ta a fraud om the 
eourt; that the entry of the 4earte -vitheut nelice was fatal to the 
Jurisdiction of the eourt and that the eourt erred in refusing te 
grant the motion te vacate the decree ond in denying te her the 
right te file her bili af review. 

Compiainant haa appeared by his eolieltere im thie court and 
Fequested and obtained additicmal tine in which te acewer the brief 
of defendant, He has ast, horvaver, seen Tit to make use of the 
privilege thus granted, sitheough requested but net ordered ge te de. 
In the absence of any agciatence by # brief fron the party was eb- 
tained the 4eeres, we ore Aivsoased te Tollewv the rules af thie ecurt 
that a stuterent made by an appelisnt may be tuken as agecurate and 
sufficient unles* the oopoging sarty pointe out #eherein it is image 
eurate or ineutfieient, 

The failure to cive notice te defendant ef the entry of the 
decree ae prepared after the hearing ae required by the rales ef the 
court, the sericugnees ef the charges mode ugulnst defendant and her 
evident intention, maniferted at ai) times, to dafend againat then, 
the interest of theee minor childrem whieh 14 is the duty of the 
State te protect, the fact that the deerse without prior netice and 
without even the claim being sade in the 6411 deprives defendant and 
her foeily of the neme in whiek ehe renides, the evident purpore te 
coneaal the fact dusing the term the deeree had been entered, + #11 

ceonetituted fraud upen the furigdiction of the court whieh eannet be 


ada tad baw ,eonsdne vase sot conan’ ame esens wad gant ‘peta 
099 mht ot ones aut eovnes ‘buon 

_, ee Stoo oui ses ene he tants asf ws abaesace imeasiod , " 
ehéieg of sev Lhid ons In teyany aie tod a noiteideirwt att neve 

al Bled sew ome edt dase page tte oregon toon eae tion ae —— 

+ a 

evinuloxe edt od es hawk suit ehatt or resh ould ekanw seaeaed rater 
oHaa ede tests ithe edt ai ebum ten mteto o yfteal 3 £100 16 eixsqere 
ode ne buert # of batasomn bemias te saw sotneb wis oh id abe 
ont os ister ser gol) or smote te peruse wad ‘te wares ante tend euee 
ot padeston at bovis S098 oat tars Soe FIwes wad to -aozsatbn seat 
eds 19d 03 sa inn a dow soraeh ond atasny of ‘aolton wats snes 
so tven to i Lid wet oft of tans 

dun #xuee wuts al axon o2 ion ald ef betevaae ens taste komed a 
Yo ix was ewes od iodaw ub outa Lonokt tibhe beatesde ba bodasupen 
out to ous sua of 34% nical stavsrod «20m ad on stasbne Yeh 20 
nab es 98 botobxo fom gud Sd Agworit ke begmetp ands ouetivizg 
ode vite WIteg on2 out ‘toind a ws eonata ieee waa Ye eoaenda ont at 
fuuoe eli to wsiut ont wotler of henennth ats oF  nera9f ous bontes 
bas ofatueen ee aeind od Yau saaiiones am yd obare tuswetete 6 ‘tard 
-ommk ef ai abetede eo ataiog vites wiki eogne ait nee Law tan totttas 
dnote £¥tweat *0 stems 

oat te E32 me axis “ #aahae ob ot soteon evlg eg et oinfle? oat cht 
ed? te aoiue ext? “ besdwpor Bas aultacd ao? tet'ta dewsaerg sa corset 

‘wed hae Sctedan teh deniags oboe eogtece tar ‘te aseanuoktes one ities 

nat saakoys bus 'tes at ,aomie ‘kha aa hesae thane sMoitne dm tam bave 
eds t yah ert af aa de iaie wth Lie xenke omeals te saorodat eat 


bas ma bd ons tolaq twos a ereab eat tact doar oats sostory eo s4038 
bas aabue ted aovizgeh dud one ak dos ated miass esis sev tuna be 
at eseoqiug taob ive wsig sponiant ode so asin us onan edt te eta ‘sea 

7 SEAS ee NER 
fie ~ anim aod bas aoroob exis et ont anh tot eae 
ne es #2 ew ‘te fla 

Met Ee 88 iqnebensote 

wee dei 3 ‘ake werere) tame 


tolerated, The suthorities are overwhelming ‘ the affest that 
even after the term a judgment or decree entered under much eire 
cumstances will be set aside, Caswell v. Caswe}i, 220 Ill. 385; 
Burton v. Perry, 146 111. 108; Korth Avenus 
986 111. 375, and see numerous authorities cited, Amerisam @ Engiish 

Enev, of Law, vel. 17, pe. S28 te 427, 

Boe these reasons the erder denying deSendant's motion te 
get aside the deerce will be reversed and the gause remanded with 
directions to the ¢hancsller te set the deevee aside and tae 
gause for hearing om the serite. 


O'Gennor and MeSurely, J¢., coneur, 

eo) ail A od a 
fad wen ees 

gad? gooTie edt of gotatecwipve «te aed? boon? ne ed? \bederetes 
ete dpum tohse haredne eespeb te sapeminh ao ened o4¢ teats weve 

1h: ofik O8L »Adoson? o¢ sisuaeS shine dom od ALie sooie2 nau 

A 00 LE OPE TNO Oke 

dskiga’ & maoliesA ,hetig seat ineitum avotesma ome bas, BNE LLL BO 

TRG Of BBS .am Nh fev wed to ogee 

o¢ wihen ni sonpeeden gaigaeh sebne el? cnwneen. eaods woh ci5 
Stiv bebacant sayan ocs. bas heatewes of seiainiacicaliniaiiia 
ast ban ohies eereed edt dea oF 1a Livonade ond of aaektownth 

Neate odd ae patteed 202 See 

ie See 

Le MRI gS seLotwGoK be TommeD'@ 

# att “bei: athe 

spline bos eewe eels s woke 

4 enn Ki cont nk 

Be wees BUR Be ee) NM ot a Sor CHE Se MUD Me A 7 Cale eee te aesyo Ph 

i ly ES Pe a Ret esas oP er eae Pe Saale f 

oath ais om ee So tt? wee tees Oo tele 
ae? Ve ofan 
pay 2 eo aiwitie® ett 
Emo Oe seroet 
wana 9 Aeeseund em ole e800 
beet 8 ; ds i y RS + Roe i EROS. , Hehe va eRe taming 
mers Liss eoahe -ehadh. Re sawed vi uid 
ay See Vee om. hee he Pe sage 
1b Ried anak Minky make ae puncte 
mare hes old e eibant wal 
Miah oh dna omy taconee 

fy ae 

ra . . nN * 
tas Sa WEE oy RE NE > ales 

, Oe ae rie a) Ee BROS ART eat vib ee te ae Th hia rE i ed Fue fi aguante 


37187 ra 

SUSTAVE EK, LOVEGREN, as Administ f 
of the Setate of DES LOVEGKEK, ees 
Yefendant in of ‘ord 

BRROR TO ws Loge 




Piaiatiff in Brrer. 
& Bb | ay Aa Ti fi a) ed 


Th an action on centract of the firet clase in the Hunielpal 
eourt, at the elose ef all the evidenes, upen motion ef plaintiff 
the court inetructe: the jury to returm « werdiet in faver of olaime 
tiff for $7468.50, everruled motiene of defendant for a Jadgment in 
his favor non obstante veresicte wii entered Judguent for that 
ameunt. Defendant srayed an seueal, whiecn was sliewed on filing « 
bond for #8006. The apgenl was not verfected, bul tiie waht ar 
error of a later date wae sued out, Defendant arguee that the 
judgment should be reveraed. 

the etatecent ef claim in substonee everrad that DPecomher 
13, 1927, Hlisabeth 7, Uni, as evidence of uw just indertedness, 
executed two promissory motes duenwribed ag A and 8; that A Wee 
for the sum of $244) due ene yearn saiter date, amd B for the aum of 
$7600, dae five yeures after date; that both netes provided that 
until maturity they would draw interest at 6% per annum and after 
maturity at 7% per annum; that to secure the payment of these notes 
she, on the same data, conveyed to Henry 7, Jseger ag trustee cere 
tain presiees situated in Cook county, tllineie; that thie indebted. 
nese rewaining uipaid, kre. Jhl on February #0, 1929, by warranty 
deed conveyed theses presises to defendant Ami Sskiberg and his 
wife, athilda, since deceaned; that defendant accepted the dead 
and then and thereby ageumed and agreed te gay the indebtedness; that 

plaintiff ie the owner of the note for $7000 and the interest eoupen 


———— SS 


en MGMIOKVOd bint BRE Ie esadeH we to ~ 
«! ak Sneha ted 

4 tna me | 
, C caaatoees ay TAVOS i Pein iat " ; ape 2 De Phe ¥ ia WEN 

-toeet wl Tiemielt 3 Le x, we 

B90 A. LTS signer see reonrcese: 


faqistas’ eff at aeats cwxtt ea Yo Youttase ae nob¥or ae WE 6» 65 
TYiigatate to asitom aoyw ,eehive af? Lig To weele ont da, oeuEe > 
-aiale to tovet a2 golbievy » wtvden ad Yewh ode bePourdeRk gxves eile > 
a2 Soemghwt # tot tasbaeteh Yo eavhiow betuxiewe . Ot BabVE sot reht 
tedd tet saemyphot betetao tae ptodterery sinesjede gem tovat oka 
@ gpalilt mo bewelia eew dobiw , Lasgge we boqatg anh ted tawoms 
te ghew abas oud ~hevoe'lsog fon tow dasqqe ed? 00086 tet bacd 
odd todd wougte fanhaw'tod dup bows aaw ofeb tosel » Yo teTTe 
sheaxeves od bLagsea Suemghut, 
wedaeosS dae bevieva agavtedee ai mhalea to taommtede ont 
,aeoabeddobat taut a lo sonehive ae , fav 0% déedemksh ROL EL 
eaw A fase (4 baa A ga bodiroesed eaton yteusiagsg ows ba suoexs 
‘te awe off tot 2 bas , eth ted 'lo steey owe oub GOSS Po awe ac? rot 
dads hobivetq eetea Atod Judd peated a9Fta etaoy evlt enh ,000T$ 
tefta hae awane ie NO te seetedal werh biwew veds YWirwtan Litas 
eedeoa ee0ds to simayag eaf eruese of tet payne tog PT ga viiwwtam 
ote9 obseuts Ba Tegoat .i yxael of beyevies ,ovab omee oad ao yesin | 
ehetdebal ald? fadt ;aloaliil ,ytawos den? at perautie aoe tootg ated 
eaariew yd , WL ,O8 yrawidet me L40 .oee ,bieqaw gataleast seen 
ahd haw yredised Lim fanbastoh of seataerq owed hagevass bask 
heed sas hedqevoe thabas toh saad ;deaaweed sonia sab Lbtta othe | 

“tasts juasahotdebat ead Yoq oF beotys ban bomuooe wore: fone snout rer 

| maquea Setsbat 24d dno Q0OTS Ho? wou gal To eaMe wid at TiAeaete 

representing interest which matured thereon December 15, 1952, in 
the sum ef $210. The etatexent averred thet plaintiff claimed 
$7210, with interest at the rate of 7% per snuum from December 15, 
1932, Copies of the principal nete, interest nete aid warranty 
deed vere attached te the statement of claim and madé « part of it. 
Defendant filed an affidavit of merite which wse stricken 
end later an amended affidavit which in sibstance averred that 
he and hia wife dutnilda merely purehoeed from Bre. Uni, « wides, 
on Pebruary 6, 1929, her eculty is the real estate ¢eseribed; that 
neither defendant ner his wife assumed and agreed to pay ony ine 
dettedness secured by any encumbranes se part of tue conaideration 
relating to the purchase; that it wae newer understesd and agreed 
beteeen Elizabeth #7. Uhl and defondsnt and his lete wife that they 
should ascume and agree to pay any encumbrances referred te, and 
in particular that they 414 not assume or agree te pay the indebte 
ednesn sevured by the trust dead to Jaeger, 

; Sefendant averred he wes corm im Sweden and reade Enyiieh 
with great difficulty; that Ae wae net represented by any attorney 
or person having knovledge sf reai seetate mattere in the treneace 
tion in question; that om aliermey ef the law firm representing 
Plaintiff teek and reeeried the warranty deed witheut reading or 
explaining the nature ef ita centente te defeidmnt er hie wife; 
that he 414 net read the deod and A214 net know and was net infermed 
that it contained any alleged aseueptien and agreement on their part 
to pay ony indebtedness secured by existing encumbrances, ond de- 
fendant never wae wiliing te accept and would net knowingly ses=pt 
any Warranty deed containing such aseumption; that the granter in 
the warranty deed ware not entitied te nave inserted any such aseump- 
tion because the grantor had not bargained for the same; that the 
indebtedness wae inserted in the warranty deed threugh freud er ine 

advertence and was net sinding. 

at ,8£¢f ,2f t9dmsned mow ron: Sexadas bute Sater seosatal galgasacrqes 
hemialy Bitwiale desde beryave dusnodere wat OL te ase oat 
ats r9dueoet ox? ane xoq EY te egar vet Je seoxsetok Ati anne 
ceaerxay hrs shen seorosad ,osoa ingioatig of Yo asdqed sREQL 
»32 te stag 2 bbaw Hn sgake te nem tate nite o? bedondia orew boob 
mado lata the she hth ajliem to ¢ivebiti« ao ball? sanbee ted 
sad? herse ve sonadodae co 2 ae sa babew ma me total baw 
.Vobliw o ,fdl .au eink bens nwtKy coven whi kita othe ete ban sm 
sasit ined emmane asctee iner ens al etiaecs tea OR OL 18 craw ido ao 
} ond wae ead og heerye bam homuace otiw eis 08 deo 2 warlon 
aod tatehlonce ons to sas aa omer danas ae wa peruse neaabessen : 
| heorye bas boosarshay ‘qeved sow ok sant jeans tHe out os gulteten 
yous tid otiw eteL hd bax tombe ab nas 06 “ Adedant Ix bee 
ane ot herreter asonetdmons kas tae og nrg ba omens iwonte 
tdonat outs we oF corps x0 oavene toa bib youd tautd etuotoeag ab F 
stageal of boob sawn weld tl horses saoabe 
dal fgan eheet howe gebewt af wied awe en herteve Samba toe 

vemrodae we x bs $amnotgo% ten anv on sauté refuel Tt santa ighe 

~oawassd ata ak wand dam esadns taot Xe sabe twoad aalvedt mares + 
patinees too aukt wal odd te yorad se a teat te tveaup a i af 
te gather sword tw beoh yéaestaw oat bebeenes Soe hood ‘tuttateta 

 yettw ald te Jasbas toh oe a3u 3199 vk te orudect ‘ost atatexe: 
i” . ga F4 $a 

houre tat ten eaw Saez moms toa bah ‘ne Book oats hows tea bth oe refill 
9 Bi aN 

faq ‘ahed? ae $920 oT ban Hoi? comes bee Ltn ye “beataguon an some: rs 
| eb ‘bas | Beauetdasn aatsates x boruoe eaeahoddnbad ue we “a 

oe Hee 
“tqvone eigalwons fon biwow eu tqnuoe 93 gabitte aon teven Fy oa ie 
oct Rat sae 

al totners, exit test iho ht qauaae Hows amtsns 09 bead 

aa Peano hae 

~qavene aows eae ‘bed woont evan of potent tan saw boo Siren ped A cdl ; 
ay tw 
ens éeuls joeme ons sgt beatuyrad son basi vobnerg or oe 

ts eS Rea paver Rake x 
eat to buat? dguortt bows S ouh one ‘ab sorenent ane iepgoncoeionarn 
ae ORS eR ab Sg 

Ce a 

0 ae le i US ee 

eee ee 

The amended affidavit of merits further averred that he 
firet obtained knowledge of thie assumption clause in the deed in 
Geteber, 1952, wid thereupon he wae and et11i ie ready, willing and 
able to rescind the deal for the purchase of the equity but that 
Blisabeth *. Uni ia unable te return any consideration paid by him 
for the conveyance te him and hie wife, 

The affidavit eet uo the further defense that the notes ne 
longer evidenoe any existing indeetednesa, because plaintiff brought 
euit on these notes against Midgabeth ¥. Uhl and judcmont was ene 
tered in faver eof plaintiff sgainet her wpen said notes and the 
netes have been merged in the Judgment; that defendani did net knew 
whether plaintiff was still the ewner sf the fudement. 

The cause wae tried by a fury with results ae heretofore 
stated. Defendant cettends in the firet claee teat when a Judgoent 
hae been taken om a prosiiseory nete, the note bevcmes merged inte 
the judgment; that it le no longer evidence of indebtednesea, and 
thereatter no guilt at law can tbe maintsined on such note. He 
cites authority sueh as Bart v. Seyomur, 147 Til. 890; Jogeiyn v. 
Shite, 261 11. 16; Sears v. Kiehela, 175 tli, apo. 440; Kelley v. 
Mopks, 264 111. App. 408, 

he general rule of law for which defendant contends is net 
to be contreverted, hen a note is put in juduament, the note La, 
of course, merged in the judgment. However, here, plaintiff's 
suit is net breught om the netes., The suit isa breucht upon the al- 
lage’ promise ef defendant to aseume ond pay the encumbrances «hich 
existed sgainst the preperty at the time he reesived his deed and 
which are deseribed im the deed, Toe mere Pact that a judgment has 
been antered upon notes docu net render them inecempetent evidence 
for the purposes of proving any material facet. That was the purpose 
for which we assume they were admitted here. Such notes, although 

merged in a judgment, reusin competent ae items of evidence se far 


ed dads howteva toutinl adives Ve divas Tie Sohnewa OsD 9 
al bOob 6a? ab Soule nettennees Ghd ty aybolbwout Beakagde seul? 
has galifiw ,yhoot ei iff94 has see of mognetets De {SEeL ,sederso 
tad? fod yelaps odd To enastovag 24? cet faok odd bedeoe’e of GEda 
‘mid yd blag GeRetedivnse yaa orwiew oF oidony of Ca0.% eoedenhEe 
setie ef@ tow wie oF @omeyerage ed? to? 

Om BO8On Ot J08) Senwkad wecddeel om aw to0 PdvedtYta esl (69> 
figuord Vikgataly aruneed ,esenberdatm palsaize vas etaekive vegas 
=e @a¥ Seemm bot bow £40 24 deedeakde duotage aetow ovedt av’ thee 
edt ban geodon bine neqe 8A fonkage- Lit¢aiedg te a9ve't ad here? 
wons for did Juabaeted dad? jrasmyheh ent of haytem seed over agen 
, teomyhwt ee lo tome eat kite sew Viltalalg sedtetie 

putea ws ee adinats dole yur woe fo fet aawmenme) GafB 6 oop 
Shibem tat a apie gat? agety text? ott oh ehungnce dachaete@® vhedete 
‘peal begtom semeced Oto of9 jeden CrueRi not w mo weet need Oba 
hoe ,aeeahesdebal te senehive degnet on ef #2 gad poapahel wale 
Ko edna ese to Bomtotnkar ee tine kek de Shwe ety tod tae tems 
AY Medepel 7800 407 TAL ,evowye’ WW Peel we done! yFirodtue GePto 
“¥xetted PhP Wea hLD ASL aioe ks x eeaek pon ELT £08 yggbate 
eerie SOP gk hE bas ated 

tou at ehasduoe srmhus'toh dy tiie tot wal te odleer kere g ania as 

(et Tiltaelq ,ored ,rvewel .toemyiwl et at begin nai 
‘wih ott moqu Setaratd a2 oine adh seeder edt a0 tigsord tom eh then 
Hotdy eeosmtiaceae 509 you hne omens of Caabated Yo satdore dager. 

“baie howd elt Sevicoe ad oul ult du vrmGoNG add santape hegmbxe 
sad Seomyiwh # taie tout etem ent bow 910 ak hedinomeb wxe dydsta } 
Sha dhve Inesoquoom? wats vohaeT Sou aoe avtoe nog beTesay ood 
SdeqsiG tS aaw Sat? tout abe dow Yow galvery Te eweqtag edt ‘to? 
gloria, aeden vous S aechaahimerbanadhsnntirrnanta:tntits 
tat of womobive to euot? os santequay wiauee , saoeghet @ at 


as they are waterisl to the iesues, Brows v, hints, 203 ili. 136. 

In view of the instruction given by the court at the clese 
ef all the evidenee, the controlling quest.en in the sage ig whether 
under the evidenee as a wutter ef lav plaintiz? le entitled te re- 
eover from defendant the smount ef the fjudgoent., the facts are 
practically undisputed, om and prier te february 6, i9@Se, Slizae 
beth F. Uni was the owner of the real evtate deseribed, which is 
improved with a two-flat tuiiding. 4% was eubject to the trust 
deed donerited in the statexant of eleim and a junior mortgage fer 
#0600, Defendant and his wife satuil4ds owned « bungalow at 322 
East 80th place, Ghicage, and thie sroperty wes encumbered by 3 
mertgage for $4000, 

Mrs. Ghl and the Dahiberge on that date sitered inte an 
agreement in writing by which ers, “hl, party ef the firet part, 
in consideration ef the covenants and egreesents of the party of 
the second part, the Dahibergs, agreed to cunvey ta the pin bergs 
by statutory €eheral warranty desd, including 611 eetates of home- 
stead and all rights ef dower therein, a5 2 ¢ongi 9 oretsg eae 
the following @oseribed real cotate,* ete. The agrement recited: 

“All iuterest, insuranee proaluas, taxer, ¢te., are to be 
pro-rated to date of ciowing. Seetion ¢1, Townahip 36 serth, ange 
14, Bast of the Third Prineipai Keridian. ‘Subject to {1) all ex- 
isting leases expiring as are, the purcas#er to be entitied toe the 
rests accruing after the delivery o? the deed hereunder, (2) all 
general taxes levied after the year 1927; (3) a2 unpaid special 
taxes and aecesements levied fer imerevesments not completed at the 
date hereof, end any unpaid instalinents of special taxes and epe- 
ial assesacents for imprevenents completed at the date hereof, 
falling due subsequent to the date hereel; (4) any party “all 
agreements of record, te bullding line reatrieticns and tuliding 
restrictions ef reeerd, od te a first mortgage of $7500.00, 3800,.06 
4ue December 13, 1999 and the balance ef $7UCO,00 due becember 13, 
1939, with interest at the rate of 6% per antum, payable seule 
annualiy; an@ te an unpaid balance of second wortoage ef aporexi- 

mately $2606,00, due and payable at the rate ef 3100.0 per month 
or were, ond interest at the rate of 6% per annum, payable son thiy, * 

The Dsahlbergs on their part agreed te convey by statutery general 
warranty deed, including all estates of homestesnd and rights of 

dower, for « consideration of 88000, the bungalow at 532 Bast 



OEE .£iT COS ,azahedl Vv amend cpus ot? of falzoden one. ved an 
eaoly od? Se siwoo only ? nevkes aelieuateal of3 te wei ad, bane? 
wacizedy ah ease ots ai agisseup paiilowtacs ety ,eonablve, all Me. te, 
“0% of beLsisa ai Tikshialg wei 29 «tinm a te Oonedive oss sitio 
um eioat ont, et teaghwl eas te Peasame ong sasbas tab wor reo 
rye eR es ,8 enc ad seteg bas 40 .bodwqetbay chteobbouia 
si tig Laie sboditoseh tates ino of3 io tenwo of? saw Ld 4 ded 
teens ont of dontdee wow $4 .ymibitud teDieowd  dthw hevongms . 
‘02 sangsx0m ed asl, a dae theca 16 duommtete odd Gh hedizoeed boob, 
68 de welnanud « beuwe obiivtek Oliv etd han danke tes ,0ORF, 
ee ad beteduuea new YPTAGO TG ELM? bao ,opaoisd ,soatg M103 seek, 
, : 1000K§ 16% eaagevom. 
ge etal bore soe stan tadt ao  eynedises oat bas S40 0x8. ‘ 
Py gern? oat to YTAG ¢ fas .e48 dois yd ani¢iow ab Poets 
te _yhtwe eid te sinowset as bas aS mene ros oat te totterchiegen ab. 
sgted ined es of Kovaee of haexge sByted aed ery are Sais om: 
<0 MGs! ‘te godaten ake gakbatoad heat eT Soran 3 v 

thettoet sunaserye odt soto " *sateten, dies. : 

od of Ste ,.0t% , sored ,sawiem iq nies wh SEA 
eget ,ddr0% BE qituawet [£9 nolsone seit ne Oran Or fade 

«xo ifs (i) of Sootdet .aelbixed Beas x4 29.408 at 
ait ot siete ods? tose to reg Leas oitstch eanes tsa 
Lia (8) ,twehaweted heeh a2 to pel yoy pa eghe atone ade 
feteoge Singau Lin (2) ;*ROL ‘any alt ovina botvel nexus La 

eit tn hetetques Joa icone vo tgms ivel gained eo 
_ a8 bus vexed felerqe to atnen! Hageat)Boncau ae bas , Te 

eerer, eteb esd 7 begolg a Faas an . a 
oe api w Yeoq ye (8) (Rosse bah ans migoadan 
eo.0e bee bas saoltetxsivat mat 

to syeyeiom tet 
mt 4 tedaooed eur 09,0007! te, seeded fal 
ee — ey to efet Ant fa 

Bc o yetom baooes Yo ponsted | 
tiiaee ase 0 00nt Xo efor aay Fu nas 40 

* “init mom oldayeg , mune tog 28 to eter ont te pre femal ny ae 
Lexoug yrotwrate yd yeynae of hewiys tag Kind? oe apmed ied eah,. 
Re edayls daw baotasuod 29 e9zaiae ike galouseat | initiative 

i aiid siabeentn a9 rewah. 


Sth place, the contract containing a netation of the right te in-«~ 
wert the legsl descriytion of tke premises later, The agreement 
further provided that this conveyance should be subject te existing 
lessees, cmerel taxes, unpaid special taxes and sesesmmentes end 
party “sll agreements and building lime restrictions of reeerd *and 
te a first mortgage eof 94000, 3250 due in July, 1922, 2256 in July, 
19030, and the talance of $580: due im July, 1991, with interest at 
the rate of 6€ per annum, nayeble semieannually.® ‘The Dahlberge 
aleo agreed te pay ut the date of the delivery ef the deeds the sum 
ef $1900 enth., The parities further sereed that eaeh would furcieh 
gertifieate of title, serehantable sbetract ef title, er merchante 
able guaranty colicy te the reavective precise to be cenveyed, The 
eontract contained ether usual provisions of the real estate beard 
for> of centract and was sxecuted by tne reapeetive varties under 
seal, Pursuant te that coutract on February 23, 1929, Flizahbeth ¥, 
Unl executed a warranty deed of that date conveying to Seblberg and 
his wife, for a consideration of 310 and ether geod and valuable 
eonsideratiane, ag joint tenante the sroperty owned ty her. The 
deed stated that it wae “subject to all tames and aasersoents due 
after the year 1924, and to a firet mortzcage of 37500 secured by 
trust deed te Henry ?, Jaeger, trustes, dated December 13, 19°97, 
Becument ke, 9871557, snd to the unpaid balasee ef tue junior 
mortgage trust deed te Henry F. Jaeger, iruceten, dated April is, 

1926, Decument Ho. 9995080, a1] of which the grantees borein assumed 
¢," The deed wae duly signed end seknowledged be- 

fere @ notary publie and recorded in the reeorder’s offices ef Cook 
gounty on Pebruary 25, 19%. 

The transaction between thease sarties eneme te have been 
closed Barch 2, 1920, at the Guarantee Truet & Savings Bomk, now a 
part ef the Chieage City Bank & Trust Us. tr, bietfer, «he wae the 
aitormey for the tank, took eare ef the transaction, and Mra, Ubi 

testitied, “Hr. Kieffer explained the thinge to us," A statement 


Mh of dty)x e6f Yo aokiaden » yalnietace teattave off ,eocig as 
‘@hameetye ef  .tedal esgioo xm e84 be setiqiveged dagel edd Sune 
‘gattatxe of tentdue od bivgesle egawqerunn okie tone Aobhvorg t9ddtH? 
bra Boutenaeesa ban sexed Saiergs Bhagew ,eexnad fateneg ,ooanet 

han® Bioves Yo auolteludest endl gathided bag edeemsetgs ifaw ytiag 
VLot at GORE , ORL peel wd ond CBSE 00034 to opegttom tenkt.« of 
da de@eetal aghe .£0e£ ,yteh o. onb GORES te eanetnd oct Bap: ,OROL 
eyvedide® eA *  yileunew<beec eideved ,mwins seq 20 To stat, amt 
sea ent? sheoh eft to qteviieb en? ie adah on? fe yoq 2. bees onde 
Ag kits? Sino sions sadd hoonye wedituct eels tag est chem “coe te 
ofan iotem to ,eitio lo soantede eisadomrlo tem ,@f721 Lo steal? Ltaee 
ott .deyovnos of of sealasiq evideeowet ont ef Yokoo ysantany ahda 
bined otadew Laat ed? “io ettoleiverg dpuse wecto bonkal ace. toartaoe 

tehnt aelrrog ov iseeqent at YC SotoRwRD Baw Dee Soetien Te «tot 

.t wdedmetsev (OSOL (CR yRawedet ae deatzeeo tad? of gaouerat ...tese 

baa wisditieG of gulyersce aah Jedd be honh qaayiey # bedweane Lau 

Sidenlav dar hooy isle hae OL8 Te solsavebtenos » x91, @ thy, add 
. S€2 . eel US beawo Chteqerg ent elneced Salo h ea  saelterehianon 
‘Q08 WPuseeeoess bad cexat ite of tooldue” ew th fadd botate bagh 

‘we hotse se GGaTS te. oyag?tom taut a a> Bee hh OE deporte bestng 
emer «et adnaead hotak onteares ptopoat a eink os see 

| teint ont te eonated blaqaw nat od tame etaarag ere 103 

a itga bosah- qondawnt oat i adel et band Jautd a3 

“00 honhe rwonion haw hoot, lah nay howb ot * uae od | 
“lood te solire etzobeooet oat aa seouener ete ston ‘ies 
‘mmed Seek cot aan aedtiay seedid. lates, sedibenioal: oO a 
& Wen ,- kao egatveal & gaswe ootnagen® oat? te , ORCL .& done! oho 
ont eaw ait USTIOLe eM 90 Saunt, & slawG, gP20 epee IMD, cid, to sn08 
[dU set Dae ,moddowunat? ed2 Xo ote9 Mood sie 963 102 YorEdeS 
faoustats A “ow of agai? 949 hoatatqxe wetted ti" ebotissaos 

fa 9808008 0k timaseot atte : 


(prepared by the attorney) was rendered of the transaction. Mrs. 
Ul wee named as the aelier amd was credited with the purchase 
price of her real estate, $16,000, and wae charged with items euch 
ae taxes, insurance, ste., of the tetal ameunt ef 914,650.01 and 
debited with a first mortgage ef 37500, a eeeond mortgage of $2600, 
acerucd interest on the firet mertgege of $43,75, aceruced interest 
on the secend mortgage of 29,66, general tuxes srorated $131.21, 
epecial assesanents of $1600, cash paid $5,6309.%. ‘the parties 
ehared the expenze of Xr. Aleatfer's gervices, he, apparentiy, repe 
resenting beta ef then, 

Dahlberg's testiaeny is to the affest that nething whatever 
Was aid at amy time sbout the payee! of the encumbrances on the 
premises conveyed. The deed Trem Eres. UAL te the Dahlbergs eas 
taken to the recorder's office and after being reeerded was depomited 
in the tex belonging to the Guarantee Trust & Sevings Dank, Gehlberg 
gaye that the deed was taxon to the reeorder's office by some eupleyee 
of that bank. The oricinal eontract fer the exehsnge ef these prope 
erties wae drawn by = clerk in the bank ond was signed by Dehlberg 
there. de saye that nothing was said about paying the aortvage on 
the Uhl property; that he never read anything in the deed when he 
get it at the bank and that he did net anew ahout the aseuaption 
Clause in the deed untii he wan sued. At the time of the triel he 
wae 72 years of age, He was bern in Sweden and was 23 yeara ef age 
when he came te thie country. He left the preparation of the dewd 
and the etatexnqmts to br, Lieffer, te whom beth he and Ars, Uhl 
paid atterney's fees, ie hoe owned some real estate, cuned a store 
on Waleted etreet, wulit three bulidinge and had been im the hard- 
ware business for about 22 yeare. Ae got the deed From the bank 
after it wae recorded, took posseasion of the two-?lat building, 
rented out the tep flat te lire, Ubi fer sla months, cell¢eted the 

rents from the other flat amd paid taxee for the years 1925 ada 1926, 

Se a rr 


{ | eeeoLgne omen yt oolTie «'xehsane et oF odes new book auld tend, exan 


+84 .aolsogncars a? Yo hoanhoms nae (yoanadse od yt barageng) 

/  MeetoIeR aM) tle podliets aay hay teliee edt em bomng saw Lo) 
Moun ameii ditiw beytede gar bu ,0oe, 01) ,etades ines aad Yo oodng 
has 19,080,040 2e ¢aupme invot ome Yo , 080 ,opcmuanh ,eonad se 
,CR8RS Io sangitem hassea 2 VOTE Le ageatrom gant « At be betidad 
tesiesak powroos ,2° 586 Ie eauydtom Jeatt adf a9 teonesak hewteoa 
AS AEAG hogerote goxa2 Lmvenyy 89,68 Yo epnarxom haoons sdf ne 
 welazeg ot 86.080, 68 Bag Samp .0ORL' To einermpense Leheoge 

80 .Visaetaggs ed ,Rogivees Bae Told .1k Io samsgee oad benasp 

, meds 2e aed Pasiealaad 

wxntade anisien sast poate, Rat of oh yaomhsens opted AM, 0:0 oy 
eds #0 agonaidausm eat Ie fupmyen ett guede eas. you Ja, ntoe, paw 
_se® egtadidad og? of 169 etd mest beh oS hogeraco aeniagzs 
hstnaaas aaw bediege: galad nese hie oof The 8! tebzepet, ome of. ld 
atedides not agatvel & toatl gedanzan? an? of palaneied xed ert. ah 

-“qet¢ seers te syandoxe 642 292 sosataca Iaaigiae eff. lied, tutto 
stedidet yd beaten car bas Aned od? ah faele « ys omen ner, se27n9 
#o egcattem add gaiyeq iuods biog aaw gjaliden tadt eyes eh owned 

od code Beeb ond al galityne heer tevea od dont gydteaotg LAU watt 
Reliqmase sat tuate woae gon BLD ea dost hae daed oat te $2 ton 
od fats? on? Lo omhd od 2A .baue gow ont hem baod ont at wamnls 
S30 Te Sieey ES sew bas aohews at srod sew eX . .ogs to emacy SP sew 

_ deeb od To motteragexg oS? S19L OK .eetawon atte Of omen od miity 

_ LE ER daw 94 M0d mode od .TOTIOLA xX 9d atopmetnde ont 
Store # baaw ,odaten, Lens ompe bomwe wal oil .nee?. at pe natin Dba 
stad 903 at naed bod ban eyathitnd woud skied ,teende i 

Asad a3 wort beak ocd toy oh Oe HM: tel ononteut oxaw 
eds Retee lion ,essnom nin sot LAY .9yk OF sekt got edt, tuo hotaoy 
Os bhe REL ataey ost x62. NAR MRI Aste LI RAS 
sha tees weebeds Qo bade tae 


the g#eend mortgage of $2600 on the property, $500 en the firet 
mortgage and the interest avery six sonths on the first mertgage 
until the Secenber prior te tue trial. He reecived from the bank 
a copy of the etatement and netiaed tual it eaid, “Firet mertgage 
$7506, * 

fhe question for determination here ile whether on the une 
eontradieted avidence defendant is liatle. A@ already sald, he is, 
ef course, net liable om the netes besause he did net execute then, 
and if he ia to be held lisble it must be by reason ef the contreet, 
express er impliecd, whereby he assamed and agreed to pay the oneume 
brances against the preperty he received from Are, UAL. 

in the comparatively early case ef Lemetees 

Thi. 642, our Gupreme esurt anid saiter reviewing autherities fren 
other atatess 

"411 the cases cited on thie point are to the same effect. 
Shere the payment of an outetanding mertgege is part of the our- 
chase price sf the land, the lew will imply on agreament te vay ite 
fhie ease is entirely different.” 

in Drury vy. Helden, 121 [1l. 130, the court seid in sub- 
etanee that when a party purchased presises which sre engumbersa 
and aneumed the paywent of the indebtedness as a part of the pur- 
chase heney, the premises purchased were in nie hands a primary 
fund for the payment ef the debt, and thet it was hia duty to pay 
it, amd added: “and the rule is the same, although there be no 

ateunotion of payment of the indebtedness, if the purchase be made 

expreesly subject te the incumbrance, and the amount ef the in 
od 48 ingluded in and forse a part of the 

: jon of the convey ibhy Vv. Saluer, supra; coms togk 
¥_ Hitt, 37 Lil. 542; fowler v. Fay, 62 id. 375; Huggeli v. Pistor, 
supra; Ferris v. Crawford, ®? Denio, 5P4.* This seems to be the 
rule folloved in eubsequent eases. 

Defendant cites Rapp v. Stoner, 164 131. 614, where there 

wae & contraet between the parties for the exchange of land. The 


 gerth end ae O80 ,ydxeqorg ea? mo G0086 “to epentxoa haves ‘ons 
ogegécem datht edt a0 editaon ate yréve daotednt ot ban opagdtem 
dad orf wont boviesss oH .fatt? add of xoltq xedasoet ald fide 
eganited ceili” ,b2a0 Sf 200d beskion bas tuemetade od to veee & 
aw oct no sedéadw of ered nobdaniaxedab x92 noltesup ont 
yaa “oat blao ‘gheetts wa eden bE ek Faia hiae teh oamebi ve seteinactnse 

1). its ak tk te 

,ooa) Gunes dom bi ad gouaoed soso etd no etdnli dea 3 

, toad a0 ext Ye mo@aos ¢q@ od sane ‘Ok eftabt bind of od ah oa 1 ban 
ae ees 

-migae ef You of heeige bee hemwedn on qdere de bok tga to 4 
{80 .ax8 goxt heviesex ef yeteqedg oils denies neonars 
Te .2i28 av eeotemes ‘te sese Ulxse ‘deri seteqene ang ax oe 

oxi sob trodd us ees theta bise seo ‘omignt “we hee. y 

"yaodede wedi 
“foe Tie ‘ams od? of ote talog elds to hedio aodao odd [eae | a 
ate OF ansanomae" alent Ci rat aah ‘a Pe adem ot oma 
 S «tant PRs yfertene af osae ofat 

ofan i Dies fase dt ,0CL .£41 (84 ,gphiol sy yoess al. 
 betedauen oto doide aselum iq bosadowwg yoteg # uedw fads Mer 
stig of) io tag & an wevaheidghal ent to sageyeq ods homvege beiaad 
‘gtantiqg a ebasd aid od tee besaceteg eoelanrg asd . aeesed anda 
weg of yeuh ald age 3h ted? dae. 240m ast Yo dunmyeq esd x07, baw 
OG ed oteds dguodtin ,omes edt wi sua ort baa” thobhe bao yo 
eham ef secdorug Odd Ih ,etoabetdohal add to sanngag te agli gauase, 

ah odd, to 2avome onf ban nonerdmuant od? of soohdua, piiboaod 

b anetnaan ONE cht 8B asunaiel yaee, ALE SE tbteat 
| ado od e@ aaone chit "602 ,ohaed & ,kaotwers vy eteze’ sengup 
toa dmmypoadca of nares Ronee 

Mrteds exedw eR ofAt POL 05s cd edie gas ert EoD, EROS 
oat baat to sygaedexe eff 1t0t icon mets ponte toertsae ® on i 


conveyance stated that the tlile was canveyed subjest to the ene 
eumbrances, The deed there, unlike thie ene, however, 414 net con- 
tain any elause whieh aeoumed and agresd te pay. 

Defendant aleo cites Siegel vy. Herland, 161 111. 107, where 
there had likewise teen an exchange of property and several eubse- 
quent grantees, The eeurt said, siting autheri ties: 

"Je sustain the deersa, the acts proved must smount te an 
agreement to pay the $28,060 upon the debt secured by the trust 
deed. It is true that « eentrast say be implied, snd that if the 
amount of an encumbrance is included in and forme a part ef the 
consideration which a grantee promises to pay for premises, and ne 
retains that sart of the purchase price, the Law will create a pere 
sonal ilability sagainet hin, ¢n the ground that he hae agreed te 
pay such indettedneas, In sueh a ease the Law eregumes that the 
grantee has agres’ te apply the money so retained fer the purpese 
ef paying the encumbrance, “Gither there must be an exoress age 
suaption of the indebtedness, or the amount suet be ellewed in the 
purchase price mo thet the law will imply the promise, * 
the defendants there were not held liable, the epinien pointing out 
that “neither in the contrast ser im the deed, sor in the subse- 
waomt deed te the Silegels, wae there any aewumption whatever af the 
debt seeured by the trust deed or ony syreement te pay it er any 
part of it.* 

Eay v. hobdell, 213 i11. 369, is sited by defendant, bat 
that ie @ case where the title ta the property conveyed was taken 
in truet for eertain orediiers at an agreed price and the party 
taking title was hel4 not lisble under the ecireumetonces, The 
court said: 

“The rule te be deduced fron the autherities ia, if the 
vendee of land enewabered by mortgage or trust deed purchases only 
the vendor's equity of redemption, he is net pereonally liabie te 
pay the encumbrance resting upon the land unless he expressly an- 
gumed and agreed te pay the same, if, however, he purchases Land 
Tor ite full value and retains in his hends, out of the considera. 
tien, a sufficient aus to satisly the encumbrance, he may be held 
personally liable for the payment thereef, even theugh he has net 
expressly agreed to pay tue eneuwsbrunee reating upem the Land, * 
the deed in thin case did not contain any agreement that the grantees 
should assume the enowsabrances, 

Fearn, 107 1h). G2, the question was 


s a ees 

ote elt vf toaldue eye vane eaw else od tacts be fade sonayornes 
«a ton bib stovenodt a9 aks oil Sein .onedd heed wat “evaded 
“weg of bowrye pons ‘pomwess rio ketw sour ae aad 

oxesty TOL £4i sek vhuekiet oy foneke anéis onLe Iashas ted aati 
“eaten see baa ‘Waenesa ‘he apetene sad ene ihe gg has oxeal 
teelt tretd ua auisie hias Sxn08 ont 2eetnerg dnsup 

re Pe ob soma 

mot Joe ee cp gear 
‘ aug? on? ¥ Se iterate 
e4g tk Saad Bae holiqud of yam Pontiacs « Sand? cant ai si ,.beeb 
eid ‘to dtaqy # amtot bag uh bebulest ai senpadewoas aa De 
od has ,eoaluetg tet yeq of Gealmetg esfucrg - doldw maple 
<19g 4 Odmeto iLiv wei oct ,ogiaqg seadarug alt To ttee gad? | 
oe? beorge ead 96 dads bawety es ao ,eld genlage yibiidaks yoy 
ont sacs qoauee te wal of? cane « tows al Sdoduk | eae 
io bi eit 201 hoaiageoz ce Yeaor eid wayne of hoetge me 
HOOTERS Ge OF Jaum OXeHT Youll epee estt ey 
eg yo" howe lle ad Stim Sawowe od? to ,deocheddebal ent te moléqaum 
a * oolowtg at? yloms Shdw wal ads Jods oo weltq seactotag 
gue yritniog solmies otf ,eddelt biad on stew ex9eds cdanbastod oat 
eoedus ods af ton ,beoh wce ah SoG. SEaTIaeN, aig a2 vende tean* sade 
add Yo teyeiadw aelzqnuuna qan erect ane ‘Siege odd-ob boob tanwe 
pars wo #2 Ya bad sapere wer 16 ‘bast desma eatd w borwess taob 
ey Was bo ve 
dud ,tachasted Yo betta a2 ,@6e iit &ie Stee e ange 
aosad “ow ‘becavacs coreqore ‘ost o¢ ecear add orede sumo “si bab 
ci ute 
etuse ‘odd Saw oof te boots ‘thie ‘te whet thore ataviae tot Smit mh 
galt stooncteavorto oi whaw okdons ton bins axe oreas aat 
cel a F hay,” ‘oe : ie 
tbhes eal 

a re Ke a ey: : ; Ho Oe ot oy Bie, 4 0 Pie chy ? eps 3 ab Wo a “aaa 
ond t2 ,2 welsisoxttea e863 mort hooubad of of ofex i ee 

wine, sletlt wilanertig ten Font t one ae Fl Lief 

pg ne ast mae 
baat paoagera es meerowes a 

due whew 
Bied od a's eit peouaiawone & 

oft on signed? apyo ,loeaads 2, 
“tba ent — write enaagans 

gue noleusep df \se 220 8Or jiygaeine ye 


whether a defenaant who had defaulted could be held liable ucon a 
foreclosure for a aeficiency decree. The court held sgeainst the 
eontention of the defeniant that the statute of frauds was not 
apolicable, but as the bi}2 41d not allege that the defendant had 
signed or sealed his deed, or that tie deed was delivered to nis 
and he had aceepted it, he wae held not Llisble. That ease alse 
held that the mere recording of the deed did mot constitute an 
acceptance under the clreunetances thore spo¢aring, although three 
of the fudgee dissented, Similar in effect was Kreidjer v, Myde, 
120 Lil. App. $05, whieh defendant aise cites, 

Bpler, 196 113. App. 615, the defendent was 
held not liable where it appeared thet the eleuse was fraudulently 
placed in the deed by the sgent of the plaintiff. The defendant 

was alao Held net liable in Ber 

t, 211 Tir. 263, 
where the purperted deed which contained the afeusption clause wae 
in fact net an absolute deed bul a morteage and hed newer been in 
fact delivered. 

Wilson v. Mundy, 232 111. App. 575, ie another case where 
the defendant wae held mot liable on « defieieney deeres by the 
Appellate court for the Second district in an epinien which reviewe 
many of the cases on thie subject, it wan undisputed there, however, 
that the question of whether the defendant shewld assume was dige 
cussed, and that the defendant had stated distinetly that he would 
net enter inte sny contract by wuieh Me would a¢sume the mortgages. 
There wae aleo evidence tending to show that the clause was inserted 
surreptitiously and @witheut the defendant's knewledge. Moreover, 
it there appeared that the defendant hat never reeognized the ine 
debtedness by making amy paymente on it. 

The eum and substarice of all the cases seems to be that 

where it appears that the transaction ie in every reepect free from 

fraud or mistake, wi4 ehere it further appears that the purehare 


a gore eideti biet of biuee bodine'teh bad onw taahae ten & sedtome 
a3 fanisgs bled given edt .eeteed yonetolteb e 10% oso ssere? 
son caw whuat't ‘te etutads ott Sads fant ae tes ent te aolsaeenen 
bad toahax toh sat ted? ogetia dom bib Lild end we ted .stdeok een 
‘gle oF beto v2 LAb baw hook Sd Peat xo ‘booh ‘ais beleoe <0 bougie 
oeta tenn tadt .eidelf toa bier ear eet at hedqoons had on bas 

au adutitanoo Jom BID hesh a4 ‘to gabbxoser exsis ont dealt biod 
sernt sguody Le aalten gee erat seomatemuoute oat am baws sonasanone 
abl oY apshiord av dnote a} ualbet® .bedaoenth ayaa eit 40 

ROR io onde tasbaeteb sig die toe tok 4k OB 
tp ws 

ane pce oad ,8L8 .ogk £17 Ber iho% oe Dieatod at. | 
yitnetuhuat? anv earn te ant ted? begebeea 21 etede wddnds don. ‘wt 

ee sik a 

“paubow'teh ot .Teidaletg ost Yo tudge odd yd hooh on ab bes 
S8e £40 LER 1A at oLdals ton dion nin enw 

nw gauets seliquenna edt boalesnos sigdde boob botreqtng, oad oxy dr 
at wed teven bad boa eyagtiam @ sod heeb aiukeada. ee tox tout ak 
| sbounviied soot 

etedw agen Tedsom ef ,U8 .egk oti BEF eho wy moe the fey, 
ond yd egtens yooelolteh « ag aidelt tea bisa aaw tnabasteb vid 

ewolyet daise seluigo am a soiniahs finesed eat tol tawee etatte aw 

tevewed ,exed? hadwqelhow saw 22 .doohdan abig a9 anno. ott Yo yawm 
ath sa” muses Siueds ioabanleh edt weitadw Ip notterup act dade 
hivew of tadd \“Lioniselh betais het janhusteb edt todd bae,.honeme 

-gagdtom sdf omen sianieinied mtitegpes fonenan: eeerrerpne 

fast od of omoaa genase oui \ 1h 2 ened iad wet? 

moth saxt deoqeet yxeve af ah nolioanaent walt, anae ¥ ameensn th et 
, te ° haa 

1 acl 


price of the oreperty is definitely agreed upon and upem the comphe- 
tion 4f the transaction the oneumbrance ig treated by the parties as 
a part of the consideration smd the grantee secepts a deed eentain- 
ing a specific agreexent te pay the *hcumbraices and thereafter 
reecsguizes the ebligation by making paymerte thereon, he will be 
held liable upon the theery that Ke Bas assumed and agreed te poy. 
in i am ¥, Pingkerd, 304 Til, 449, the defendant had been 

held lishle by the trial court fer a deficieney decree, and the 
Supreme court sald thet the only question involved in the esee was 
whether or net the sesenting ef title te the pregerty ana taking 
the benefit of the rente arising therefrem, together Fith payment 
ef $1000 on the mortgage, smounted to en acceptance or ratification 
ef the clause in the dee4 reciting tast the tonveyance wae mamde sube 
geet to sil encusbrances of record, Waich the grantee assumed and 
agreed to pay. The court then went on to say thet such agreement 
must be based on oufficlent comaiteration, and that sometuing mere 
than the mere insertion of the glauce that the grantee assumed wae 
neceewary. The court sai4 that wiless it be sheen that the grantee 
in s deed has some reagon te surpese that the deed te hin contained 
& personal contract om Hie part to pay = Rortvage or other lien on 
the property traneferred, wid that he ecsented tierets, he cannot 
be held, at a matter of law, to have aseuned such obligation, and 

*Apolying the above rules to the ease <t bar, we come te 
the question whether or sot there ie in the record evidence shoving 
m delivery and acceptance «f the decd containing the aseumption 
Glaus¢ and asesnt therete. Sefendant in errer offered no evidences, 
and, a8 we have esen, the plaintiff in errer's evidenee shows that 
the 4efendast in error nad nothing to 4¢ with the tranefer of the 
property to her. There ie ne direet evyidenee showing that ehe knew 
anything about the ansunuption clause in the deed te her, the took 
title to the property, horever, received the rents therefrom and 
paid taxes theresn, and while she, under the rues herein referred 
to, had constructive notice of all the eonditiona ef the dead, such 
Tules 40 not co to the extent ¢f entablisaimg an agreement on her 
part to be personally listle fer tae payment of incumbrances against 
the ot in the absence of orvel ef some fact or clreumetance 
fram eh ouch agreement on her part can be shown. The evidence 
shows that by letter she sent a payment of $1000 en this mortgage. 
While the Letter is not in the recerd, from the testimony relat 
thereto it is evident that it vee written by dafendent in error 
and the money sent by her personaliy te apsiy on this mortcage, It 


ewiguge sid sogw baa moqu beakye dos beak tod as yetoqete out te Rete 
ee sehttag pdt ys bedeetd #2 gonerdeumm asta woltoseasss nas 28 nots 
-tiniges heph asgeone 09 aerry wats baw aphereh tengo eds ‘te oq “ 

be fA 

teftestedt bam pone dauame ect yog oF dor sanege ‘altooge 4 vd gal 
S Lipa 

ag Liiw of ,ageied? ag usayeg padmau woleoastde ond eoxtngeaat : 

Wig of Boozer ban haauagg ees oa tact wrens, ont soqN aidebt ‘pind 

Ne ae a chat 

seed bas jonbas teh salt 9 fee hak aoc , at a 5 m 
tat Boe 

geld bre ,oetaed yoretol tes: # tol ItHoo fats ous xe ‘ofan 2 btoa 

Rae Ghee ome at how Loved sa tieous ~hag ost band bisa sues oamzen 
gabiad has eerogorg was OF pdike to aaitasooa ott, toa Ro _reditone 
sapageg Ashe sadiegod eos bei ad waka ite, asaex ont te iPod end 
agtiealiiias to sauriqesas ma of bed azome seasat ton ons mo | 0048 29 
“ua Ghee saw SOMeYSYAAD dal tans aatsigns book odd at oenese ane ~ 

Sin thee Or 

bois hoaieas oetaata ont Solan Arne a8 sevaetdauoas ‘ts os sae 
ee oh De’ At Set 
, aeemmetys down Fans yen Py ae ‘uae acts i oat see os | 

ae of * 
DP aay 

: rt 
exon aatszonos dais baa «to Lsaxeb Lemon tap ok Thao no boaad ed fa: 
i Puen ese | oa 
aw hemieas setnatyg oft dads eeneto ony Te ao ltaeant gene a hi 
oe ‘Sah Beet 
eetagty edt Jedd mwas od 22 eootan sad poten s1w0e oat ctassonen 

hoataiace wuld of Seat ont gait eaoqque ot notars omen ‘aad boob 2 at 
9 pmas ‘outs %o wget toe & Yad ad Doh ake a0 fauxtace anes » 
_ denna of ,atetons hetagass od tant hae _borre taawa ae, ee ef 
bee ,coltend {te dom beawesn. ved os ed, to waitem a an 

8 A809 OF , tod do erage of of eotet overa nets 
galeods eonesive dtoset oi? mi of send 

sant on boasts <or%9 ad S aeteaened 
f.avoce seneblys a teste * ve trad ov oe 
Sse het iti aa 
wen elt wasle ogg ne: fomxth ow acd 
dood oii8 aon of bewh off ab pithy 1 wr 8 E rege 
bra sotinxeds gear edt, boviesen ,teveTas ,ysteqoTs ed ot wfel 
bores tex alowed selon oe weorw , ore ofhiw han , meres abeed 
doue ,bewb off to anoliibacy oct Lin to woldom a grieauesace sans bes 
124 fo saemnonys * ail ce Ridades one ye ¥ titanoe't 2 sou ob Sate 
tenlegs, apgaasdanenl Te Jaomyed ocd Lot esd wang ® 
ps a gtd to doxt amce te Toor ‘ty eonbeds om “aa 
, gocenecr oat .nwowe od age tte fot oo Poe ye *. ii. tt 
gite@ lat mo GOOLE To shemey & pessed Yd face 
$elet _ysoulined oXf woxt ,hiseet ed? al fon wk wossek oad @ 
gerte af Goiebor tek yt fesiiew asw Jb foul) ¢aoptew ab th 

Po segouszom sid? ae ylaqe of yilanoursg tod yd fabs wor ost ed , 



does not anpear that the money came rem tae reuts of the property 
or from any other seuree axeept the personal funde of defendant in 
error. She contends, hewevar, - and im tale she in supported by 
the Appellate court, - that this is merely an evidence of a desire 
on her part to free the property of the lien and not ewidenee ef 
agveptance on her part of the agsumptien clause of the deed. 41th 
this we eannet agree. In the absence ef any proof Limiting the 
effect of suck paynent, we are of the opinion that it must be taken 
ae an set of assent on her part to the assuaptien clause ef the 
quiteclaim deed te her. ‘his payment undoubtedly establishes actual 
knowledge on Aer part of the existence of thia mortgage, It alee 
negatives any repadiaticn of the angumstien clause in the deed and 
eonstitutee evidence of gondact om har eart denuting on aceeptance 
of such clause," 

Applying theee rulcs to the Peete of thig case it appears 
from the uncuntryadieted proses that tae purchase price of this 
property wag $16,080; tint the enewabrancee on the property were 
eredited to defendant as a part of the esmeaideration fer the anus; 
that he tesk « deed after it was reeerded ond tuek nosteesion of 
the premises and for several years continued to make payments upen 
these snoumbrancea, Sin conduct speaks such Louder than any words 
end shees conclusively the acceptance by him ef tas dard with knowk 
edge, a& 6 must presume, of the assusetion clause, The ecenveyanee 
by the grantor wae o sufficient comsiderstice for his promise, 
Dean vy. Yalker, 107 111. 540: Daub y. Hnghebagh, 109 111. 867; Bay_ 
Mo Wilisaee, 112 1ll. $1; Yebster v. Fieaing, 179 f21. 140, The 
amount due was preved by competent evidence, and toore ia no error 
in this record shies reqgaires a revergal. The judoment ia therefom 


6'Cennor and ReGurciy, J7., #ohour. 



ae Wah 

we gor ens ‘Le adao% i pax #4 S viene oadz pernger mage oak 
a} 3 cette to abiut Langeseq 92 fom ae THOSE shite em yaa most 46 
ad betueqque at eda elas ah baw ~ .terecan ,abastaes smo .enTe 
aeb w to panehive te yLovem ai eisd fads ~ ,f2nes eta LieggA elf 
~~ somblve tox bae anil ef3 te o> <a aad eax ti bade ® wed 
aoi® .boek ed? ‘Ye Suselo weliqguwene eet to neg tH 
odd golsiai£ toorg te Soaseda ect al .oetge ” bane oF 8 
neied od taun 04 tads agiulqe end “te Hin ow , tomy dove “to toeTte’ 
ens te ceuels wolsquwene ais oF MB tia » og te ee a a 
fewses astelidudas yiboddwohay ¢ lates 
eeia 21 .egagst6m rig ‘ta Pring % auig + iy ey ana ag tc 
fas bead ait ai enaato walsqawnee eey te doidaiiaget 
PONAIEwODS Me atisonmh S%eq tod Go soahase Yo. ee (pe sedii sense 


wunegqe th vexo aint to evea't ams oF oe ivr oasce gatytaga 9°" 

wig ‘to selte eeedgtwa ed? vest Yeore betel hexsnvenw one meet 

eter YrisnoTG Gil¥ ue BvDANtinawAD ore Yost 7600018 aaw Yeeydt 

james edf tot noltatebieios eda to daby 2 ve Cehas'teb oF bot these” 
“ye antenseeog soos baw bobtoved new EY ts'ta Boob » Midi bd Fade 
asyh atimmyeq ete of Bowalt noe areey Lenevee wet hie vow tao ty te 
shrew Yn WAY YebwOk Mowm exkoye Foublion vEF .weonntdniett Deby 
tdeict atv bees odd Yo ale eo wonetquben nat elovtndtoaey Wedlle BHR” 
esinyevade sit .eanelo noliquveua Oat Ye ,snieety Seum bw ae sabe 

‘\eataong aid tet noltavetteaon stakelYtue « aa doing Lopiinet 

gaitt {woe 246% Wot Mate tumk ov duet Hele .c0r vor 
‘edt Lobe .cor ott petee® . eogeitor ye Veer ser” omeki tie iy 
sorte bh AL oad hme ,ssetiwe saedegebe od hevoty Sew aut’ favsme 

moteredt at jams en?” .daeeever amid athe neg ebay dead 

fre ulate. 

’ ‘ ‘5 “i sins z ii ee A oT 
Ee ms Ge a if) PRS eh ES See 
ay yy k ; ae PROS RD Mee POS PF AR RR 
‘ hie ag vit 4 teen tml Gt te hee 
oR eS Gy riggs * eet 

t CER Al ” 

. 4 ee ! 4 hy er “ : vy f 
Ci MRA RN yeni ie nena od hay 
er rr , ot 
i na ay” OREM aa tane 

F ‘ ; . F wal ret Urey my! ag Eabawns 
meee Ra RE Ree Ge 

_ ye wee Men tc. ee peg ee 

ie Le ee 
wee 4B Way oe ba cf oliav 

Beg ees ai ear aah ais ania ssa SS aie ah Hd. rn 

‘<.  $oeend tee eh Ecetues. a ei haieey ash Se feu, Spine Maake han 

37244 ro, 

Appellant, f f & 


: af ei 

OF CHICAGO. ira : 
ey F7 Ty A pat ae 
2¢4T.A.665) J 






v8. j 

Appellee. } 

February 16, 1955, plaintisr, Paysell ‘inkeff, an attorney 
and sceountant, sued defeodant, George ¥. Griffiths, in an action of 
contract in the Bunicipsl court. ‘he etatecent of claim alleged a 
balance due on account of services rendered in penalf ef a certain 
estate of which defendant was trustee. The claim was for 5702.65, 
and the affidavit of Wr. Tinkeff wae attached to the statement, in 
whieh he everred that this amount was due after allewing a11 eredite, 
The statement wae stricken on setion of defendant, ond May 19, 1933, 
plaintiff filed an amended statement setting up the alleged services 
in detail and naming George ®. Griffiths, trustee, as defendant. AB 
affidavit eisiier to the former one av to the umount cue, ate., as 
attached to this amended statement. 

June 1, 1933, defendant, as trustee, filed an affidavit ef 
merits te this amended atatesent, in waich in substance he denied 
the making of a contract of employwent, such a8 es alieged in the 
statement of claim, but averred that 4t head been agreed that the ser- 
vices of plaintiff should be paid for by the different beneficiaries 
ef the trust, defendant nimeelf teing one of these beneficiaries and 
the property of the trust having peen dietrituted te theae resoeetive 
Reneficiaries, ‘The affidavit of merits averred that plaintiff had 
renderea a bill for defendant's share for these services to defendant 
in the eum of $692.43, which defendant paid, and that he was therefere 
net indebted. 

There was a motion for plaintiff to etrike the affidavit of 

merits, which was denied, Tas cause was set for nearing but continued 

} “ \ 7 ss Saeed ( . 1 _ 
sin, { partes Pn uaa i... coe » ef 
 ORAaED Xp | : eae sud eae 

390 AIRS t: pe fa 

rrweo rag talk HOLT ORIGLGRMY, HA eo . ~ be 
es) Sas 6 Motes uy cstv Teo us hee — 
a Oe het 
ogpanen sn ha, THOMASY Troeyat . Mindat bes abt poner oo, 

‘% aoiten ae al ,adseittin® .¥ soi .?aehop tab bawe fant ou2008, bas 
@ begetile warm to iteoetadse ‘ext att ueE feqho tau ody a a 
aledate #8 14 tested al boxehasy aoolwrns te tavoves re out 

ne toe 4 = 

685 8008 det caw aiete eff leeteccs wow Saabae eb da tate "wen 
Gt (dnaaetals e497 4% bedoedin aaw Pioaak? te ‘te Stvabrrts ae he 
sadipers ffs yaleotte tite cub caw ‘tanese nbiid tadt herseve os i . 
YSOOL UL YeM bas (tombaetes Yo aelton ao aviotssa ssw tom date | at 
toolvin# beyoile at gu gaisien snesseatn benassi ae box? “Tututate 
“A ,Paebaw teh be pwotaury leds Pt bias .v ser000 antana dos hate at 
ee , ote a Prem BAY oF ea one sonts? ong of “aLtate Ca 
stiman tas bobaoms whee had 
Ye ¢ivesitte yodipnon stp seotant? es en Peabo toh eee ry eh ae 
‘Belaeh on soansadwe wt ab biw ak since ase bobavan ahaa et a 
‘eae wh Beye lic eaw aa dows » Fetpaneo daze Ys ents noo a te > gals ua fen gat 
fa On? fed? hewrgs ased hed th ‘tans boxsete duet ‘stale vo 4 tne} 
astiaiot teaed tnpse Ti 2h at yt tot hing ed hiwode Vtdalete Yo asoty 
hoa sottelolioaed aecde t9 eng yaled Pioaunt if saa hae heb ofaurd oa » 
ovisosqaet saedt of Segudliselb need gated sewed hy te « nogens. Ap 
hed Yiidulele sad? Serseve ation to dived tte eat soltale! tome 
| thehae teh of wen ttiws seett to? eters a* tambo Vb to sae e i on Ma 
Hy erolersds gaw oc dust ban , diag daskae'tob sw hate Eb RODS te ae eit at 
ih sbotdonat ten 
te tivabitta oud sollte of Tiddatesq tot nol tom s sow ona 

Pi Me 
Dn nelle Oe te ‘4 7 

4, Peutktace tad yatiosd 102 fon saw ewan eat .holneh saw Mose dhin i 

from time to time, and on July 14th, in the absence of defendant 
oY anyone revresesting sim, the esase was ivied before the sourt, 
There was a finding fer plaintiff in the eum ef 9709.25, and Judge 
ment entered therefor, 

dAuguet 19th thereafter defendant saved te vacate tae 
Judgment, and Aauguat aiet defendant by Leave filed hie patition 
with certain affidavits in support of his motion. Plaintiff aade 
& motion te reassign the case to Judge Lyle, who entered the fudze 
ment, and hie motion was detiied av wae also » petition for a 
change ef venue from Chief Justice Soneteby, whieh wae Plled later. 
The Bearing on the motion was continued from time to time. Plaine 
tiff made o motion te strike the petition, whieh was denied. the 
mammer of the hearing was anomeious, in that while censidering the 
motion to eatrike, the court st the requcet of plaintifY aise heard 
oral evidence, At the consiusion of the Hearing he entered an order 
vaesting the judgment and eetting the cause fer trial. From that 
erder plaintiff preoseeutes thie «wepeal. 

While the hearing snd precmedings are in some resseete une 
usual (fer whieh plaintiff was largely responeible), we think the 
sontreliing facta are not doubtful. Oefendant bad Tiled an affida- 
wit of merite, which if true wae « complete defense to plaintiff's 
Glaim, fhe enuse had bean get for trial, and defendant's attorney 
hed appeared from time to time indicating ap intention te defend 
againet the claim. Une continuance, at least, was made at the ree 
quest of plaintiff, The cause Sod been set for trial in reom @02 
before Judge Lyle July 14, 19335, weies was Friday. friday and 
Saturday were the closing daya ef court preceding the summer recess 
fer cases in which, Like thie, the omeunt invclved exceeded $200. 
Such eases, agecrding te the practice ef the court, would be eon- 
tinued autematicaliy te seme day in the fail (or during the summer 

set for some certain day in the fall), ond at that time a general 


Puabawtoh Xo Sousede eat od (det Eh mo ban ,emtd of ents sort 
eftwoo of otoied bolas Gav ctweo add ,ahd gals aanetees naoyus be 
a<ghut bas 8.06 Yo mun acid ab Yiitalata ce pathatt a ane ovodt 
-Sotersss bersetas taom 
of ¢isvay of bevem teunbae tee ‘westaoreds HaOE tusrgmh 

obs kien ais hott? overt yi sgaxiae toh sets davyua bas i soumbal 
han TiiatelS .nektem eh Yo Pxoqqes ah a2 trablYts bette ag te 
ans tad Sounten ety ,ogl aghyl af game vd aghansox os noiten @ 2 

» an 9 tig is 
a 20% taisiieg & outa gew ee belagh ene seiton abs bas 

a See cv 

.toted heilt ane doisde ,ydetouat ma boewl, Ye.Lstd monk eamey to ” 
“ahaly oie 3 og amie mers't bounds acs aaw toh om ead ue patroed a 
oak ha ined saw a bite make ited oud editge of aokdam s oben “whe 
ont aatzabinaoo oddite Sasa at “seueLenome saw aalsasdt one % ‘yomam 

brand en la VeidateLe te sesupoa ani te $uues oda ° ‘ot rite 

ee EP Bit 

tebto as bored as ea gat raod ons de as isnioaws ods th eoashive ‘ine 
F eth ah * + 

sees mort takes “ot essa on@ ‘patoten ‘ban 2 0 say bit outs aaltassy 

i § op: ete 
Laeqas als? aetuesacna Tehemeta aed 

ee he 

“at Stoeqaet sacs ab ae wus boavare hae aoliend ouly orasie ju 
ond daha? ow (eidienogert inane d aoe Vibsaedg so sin tat) fame 
wabiTe Aw boLtt bad Iaabaetod inteduod Jon ots ogon gal Lona. 
a'Yitdutele of omneted ogo Lqaoy “ eon sirt3 at dodaw seeltoa a thy 
| Keres sa a! gasbao toh 5s odahes sot dee need bas eevee edt sateo 
_ hated of aoltaegar as sittdooboat ani? of omit ax? Deraegee tad 
pet ssid ta ebaa auw sfanod to  Pomewal die say vate odd tenkeps 2 
Roe moot al dakst x02 toe noes baad eauae oat widtatale rated 
bas wanes svabar naw so hetw 60k fa it ond i 
eneoet ‘Toman ont aaihooure $uss08 te vad aat.acts outs o10# | 
oQO88 bebovoxe bevioval Jase esi7 yoked eait ‘(elde a2 genes ve 
ed od biuow Pau oa te solsontq Loud ov an aa i 

Wy so Hae ge 

osmue 94d gatwd <9) {iat sus at yab ome of yilestdnnctus hownkt 

ploy settee 

Laceney © cubs tat te bon ,(Lin% ead mh eab whadeee 

erder of the Kunieipsl court advised atterneys to check up the files 
im August or early in Septenber in order that these dates might be 

The petition of defendant averred that on different days 
prier to July 14th, one of defendant's atterneys made inquiry of 
the clerk and was informed by bi« that the case "ould net be tried 
on the 14th but thet he sheald exanine the filbos in August or early 
in September to learn upen whet day the case woul? be tried. it 
alee averred that defendant's attorney sopesred im court personaily 
July 14th ond inquired of the clerk an to the dienosition of the 
esuse and wae inforeed that 1% hed een continued until fell. The 
averment of the petition that defendant had no agtuel knewledge of 
the entry of thie judgsent until the service of am exeevtion on him 
on Auguet 17, 1934, is not contradicted, al theugh practically ef the 
end of the preceeding leave wae given glaintiff te file an anewer to 
the petition. 

fhe clerk of the court testified that ke did met have any 
reevllection of talking with defendant's attormeys. The reeerd 
shows, however, thet §1 cases were on Judge iyle's Gali at this 
time and that thia one was Ko. 26. Reeslleection by the clerk ef 
everything that occurred in eonnestion with these eases on this hot 
July day would be unusual. In addition te the testimony of the clerk 
plaintiff hiweelf testified, and his testioeny gives a quite vivid 
picture of what actually cecurred, In brief, 4 cisrk from hie of 
flee teok eare of the ease before Judge Lyle while nieintiff ware in 
the Prabate court engaged in » matter there with Kr, fischer, whe 
had charge of the case for 4efendant before Judge Lyle, Plaintiff 
gaye thet he 414 mot know that Ur, Fiseher was personally hendling 
the case, but he ¢i4 know that the firm of Campbell, Chithere & 

Fischer represented defendant, Plaintiff went from the Probate 


te meet 
asitt eds qu deeds of ayentotss boalvbs $1s100 taqté tows ont “te rebte 

ad ee. @oaab ouodts tes teite of Tash tqon ak heneed 26 fi gud a 
i . ‘22 wenwe 
ayeb sastTiib ao teddy hervewe gaahas'teh Yo ‘maksisng sat Tr 
to Ctiupal sham agdaréeds a faabac'tes te one Adak wint et toltg 
hoidd od don hIuo¥ wend ond Jedd min yo bomtotal aaw bas dzolo at 

yttee ae faugud of go ttt od? oudmmon stwods wit ‘tana gud aane tu) on. 
“gt .betxd be Biwow deme ont tab tee aoay axeot ef i 
Vilamnang Peis ai beteoqus youroten af jasbasted tad? bovreve ‘tie | 
gay 46 ‘dost tdeqeth ond 0d ‘xu wuets ode Yo bendupat bas aden 1 ks 
eaY  .ffet Cita bodatiaes aad ‘bed ¢2 add heonotad naw bio vam ® 
te sphefvend isuton oa bod dapbas'tes ait motstteq ont 1° sanmtave 
att ag molfveexe aa ‘to scivc0ea od Livan taomahat adds Ye etine oat 
oad ta yltas ttnwty riyiodfke ,betalbetencs tom al ,aeel VL fexguh m0 a0 
oF tewane ne oft ot phage oe sev want emaairi etd te t 4 
7 " sak shiog + oly 
ene eva ton bth od sade noxtivded sui Old Ye Mabee dale °™. 
Brroswx elit eyoinotea wt yasiiietns dtiw gubited Yo molsoottonet 
aide go fiae a’otgl egbut mo ete seams 18 sails ivan ya og 

hy trots ant cd notibeltenek BR of sav ono abde tas ba 

! foi whit wo eease wands ditty aokieanavs mh bertwo20 “gaidy gatas 

| gxnth’ Wate Ye Gababbiel bayer Netthahe ot” tewednl od Kivew we tut 
pave Behup’ a" bevy Gaokbsued GH bas bot taees® Iieatd ‘saa % 
“46 abit woud wee le \Yetea al ’ Vbextus8s ehiauten take to wrwiolg 
at baw Tittalece oLiaw o.£g4 ogbab oxetrd ano ‘atte Ey ot 
odw jtodos tl law dihy oxedd ahdtam' an at benesae ie olor % oct 
ee re ee ee ee 
gatibusd (ttenoereq tae tokdal® dn sniy wean Yon BES pryeeen 
“arene to; cebighan' te aa bit Hiedl’ wolee BEN GH Vier Voaee Od 

s j ee ffl hy Eo sang a, ay an d 
” Paweu® a? mort snow ttttalel ,tashmeeted | 
i caine tt sect @ Dae ghiiet ae me Me oe er peepee tet ‘tea 

i " tie 
Soa ee a 


ecurt te the courtroom of Judge Lyle but aid net make any effert te 
inform defendant's attorneys aither by ‘phone or etherwise, He saya 
that when ke apseared before Judge Lyle the case was ealied and dee 
fendent wae called; that the Judge aeked bim (pisintiff} what wae 
the nature of the claim and that he replied it was fer accounting 
fees and the amount was $702.65; that the Judge agked if there was 
any interest claimed and he replied there wae 5 per cent, and that 
the Judge directed the judgment be sntered fer the avount of 
$702.65, plus interest; that subsequently upon rechecking the 
amount, “we netieed that there wae =n error, snd the correst amount 
should have teen $709 and that wae the ameunt that wae finaliy 
entered on July 14th. * 

it does not appear that any wituees was sworn, although 
there wan an affidavit of serite on Pile woleh decided that anything 
whatever wae 4ue. An ex@iination ef or, TinkeSf enieh aeppvare from 
an additional abetraet: filed ie aa Followe; 

"fhe Ceurt: @. Mr. Fitness, you knew whe the attorneys 
for the defendant were, did you not 

A. I knew who the attorneys vere, yea, sir, 

% Did you nake any effort to reach then by telephones 
or otherwise? 

A. Ho, six; because ve were busy on the 14th of July; 
that morning I was tusy im a hearing with this ecuneel, Kr. Fiagher, | 
in the Probate court, and we had cur «« one of our clarke upetairs 
te keep the calendar open on thie account, and the fact i new re- 
member that the cage wae vat down for seme subsequent duy and then 
wee sat anide. 

q& You mean the 14th’ Ae Tes, 

&% it wae set fer some subsequent date? A. Yau." 

Cress examination by Br. Fischer: 

“ir, Fischer: ¢ And you gaid ssthing whatever te me that 
morning aheut having thie case on call er making any motion fer an 
8s parte judgment, did you’ 

Ae I didn't know that you were revrementing him. 

& Yeu knew--the firm of Campbell, Cliituere & Fischer, of 
which firm I am a mecber, were the attorneys for the defendant in 
thie case? fe You, eir.* 

The plaintivf aaye that the Judge directed that the judgment 

should be entered for $702.65, plus interest; that ha first eomputed 


_ oF atothe yas oda som bb twa eigd ogbul te moots tucD oud of omee 

ayes ab soelwieste 79 bogeys. ws Teste myourrod ta a? saabaetsh wzoiat 
9h ban holla saw ouae on eLeui eghub exo'ted poteoues on prt oy ‘asd 
aaw tate (Tilsaiate ) ated heden egbul ond fads ibs Lise nay ‘deadas® 
actymuoooe tol aww i bediger ad teat bow ints £0 od? 10 ouwdan ont 
saw exond tL hedna oyu adt sant 00.806 anv sawome add bas 002 
4a03 | bes ,tHeo tag 0 Baw ness fe £ Liga oad baa Dontasto seoxotat y 
te sawoms oi? tot Boxed ae od sasaghst rig hotoos tb oar ig 

odd yativedos7 aoqu cis asupendia tosis ‘sSeow sat aig “fo.nor8 
imams seot10g Ris Han y TORTS se aw ortosis tast beottoa ‘ow | tauoms 
yiieatt enw tasé Snes uta aw sane bine eer’ aad ovat twos 

: * ABBE tut a6 “bexedm 

Fae “ose a OP its 

ques Le, .atows hdl susasiv ya ‘att ange sen ead < 

gakdgas fad? bekash do tie ott ap ag bem te atin aa ‘aw ‘oxen 
ee “fae ee 
ert araaqan Bo kee Vedas? 7 % motsuatoaxe ata sub etd 
rae 4 Wipy Adio, 
rewnhie’ ae ad foi . ‘tpaxseda tanolithba ae 
Fite ea? 
_Seomeste ens ew weak soy ,aeemett .xe . ie? ‘oatt® 
Teed way BES , ftebee tab edt xet 
«tie geek, 8s Star ayraretia sis oun week fh 
‘eaotinsies ed aoe Kener oF Facts ye wlan wey bids wpe) 6) oe 
?oe bexedso ‘te 
“Teint To MAL ett oo Youd enew ew wemeoed Gxde .eH uA ce 
etedoalt .1M ,fosnvoo alse Atiw galaess @ of Besa: gaw i aniates 
evisteqw exeeie tee Io enw «+ tue bo ow how oe nr ae 
“0% wea i goet ond Baw ,tesoene ein? ou wege tabarian edt a? 
get? box Yael tasuperdve emow “et meot Me ear caso et? dane 
sehina tos saw 
: “ yeah ae WHIRL wae meow wel . * ath sa % atte 
: * wey ++ Vota fonupnndon amos tet $90 bon 4a Ath 

i wostog £Y Shed wi Holtantonne enor) 

Sad : aa 0 wovesate yids on bteo “st pat “peeaeale ae 
fe tet aotten ye gilda te ifeo ae Taio 
a or 2 aa b25 ,tupmghel atten Ee 
hago ae ee, pa fee” te ahley 
o ,Sesosr ® Be 
al tuabasteh edd to? wore a Ons oxeW ,tedena @ me vat’ ore 
i a Bidccal ome Al sia 

Sinigidh wit fasts saenanit taba. ons tant myen Weaiate oft 

pete ne aime 

i we wate 

hesugmon taxtt on dealt peeomeal aute 88 .86TG xo portato “ane 

thie as $824, ond om reehecking neticed that there was an error, 
and that the amount should have been ¢7799, and judgeent fer that. 
amount was finally entered. Se witnegs Wase avorn in the cage, 
That the whole procecding aesianted te a fraud ie apparent Trem 
an exacination of this reeord, 

A woluminous brief bus been Filed citime the i sading 
gases on proceedings under eection $9 of the Practiee act and 
ville in equity te aet aside judmaents, Aone of them is agpli- 
sable to @ situation like this where share srnetics was indulged 
in and where the record indicates that the Judgment wae entered 
without jurisdietion. Courts have inherent power to protect 
themselves from this kind of wraetice and should exercine it 
without fear or favor, the order enterad dows not deprive 
plaintiff of any substantial right. It nerely provides that he 
may present hie case end have it determined according to the law 
of the Land - a right of which he was giad to deprive the dee 

¥or the reasons indicated thie Judgment ef the trial court 
ie affirmed, 


O'Genner and Xetureiy, JJ,, concur, 

.T9%XT Me sow ested? gan? booltow enindenn no Bem ,b88¢ ee ebdt 
° pad? xot tavagbut hae ,0e0d ood ved bivoria fasion wd sasig Sen : 
.eeno ba2 al crows aw seonti® oil bexedme etionkt aaw a 

net we al buwx't a oF betawome gaibeooorg aioe odd “pout 
wedi: Vie 8 aol renksexe Pi 
eee Se ee ee ee dr een 
“pits don eoltone< of? Yo @@ Holswou Yebaw ngaidoosorg uo 'eecnn 
‘hbiqna af meds ‘to sani 8d wiowiong bs, ‘ehine tea pe “thus ab okie 

boyiubat ae® solteacy cxacde weeds gilda adit molteueie a or often 


heredae saw fopembwh odd ders poder thud brooes ‘ose otedy ban’ ak 

ef hy 

‘Pobtorg of teweq seexesiad owas sdx¥ed sat sobbe Pst, suet ee 
‘* | Slee 
$k oelorexe Afwoda hae 90 tiger: to treba olus wort eovionmeds 
be suse ty $y 
avirges son soo% batetas Tebhte val nore «9 ‘sue? tuontae 

ed fadd esbivera eles 42 stright te teaatedon vas ‘te ‘hisatele 

ao wae seca 
wet aff 2 yaibiedes beaiuteied 34 eved how onao etd stati: ton 

“aGb Ged ovliqed 0 haly saw ba ‘Setew Wo ‘figs ae - bing ott te 

t <Poge te de ne vs os) ae 
gxuée Lbtet edt Ye Yasmphut ony ) betastins anieaet ot a ak aah 
| ne ee Toe Ga ae cry see os 

ee. Repiy aieind ; eee geben “io 2 2 asteton sant 

Baia tah ad face! vee 
_ Pes aOR vi EXECS at ma 
Se ee mee | ‘ ee ae 


teal to. stab 
i Shit de we nut 8 Ree. 

Spinetti SPR UES 6 gas 
6 . | 
by Mi AR eae || yiladh Ae REMI Be sg _" 
: | thin at 
Toma wer 
i x 
3 Be Fhe, ALR RNG UR ra hae iis nae 

SHS ROMaP See Be 9 } oe RV Reel me Rey oie eh ve ® a yA OR es caine 



ve. } f 
} of coos COUNTY, 
a Corporation, } 
Appeliant. } 


} ¥ 



This is an appeal by deferdant fres a deereo awarding te 
complainant an accounting fer balf of the gross preceede arising 
from the sale ef a book known a6 “The Ocesetiate,”* and reereferring 
the couse te a maeter to state the account betvreen the parties, 

The cause fae Keard upon e@xeoptione of defendant te the re- 
port cf « master in chancery, te “hom it Sed been referred. These 
exceptions were overruled, and « deeree entered in conforaity with 
the recommendatione of the master, 

The faets aa alleged in the bili and found by the master 
are as follows; 

in April, 1928, and fer severei years prier therete, come 
Plainant was engeged in tesehing atid demonstrating the art knewn 
as “Beauty Culture.* Defendant corporation was engaged in the 
businese ef sanufsacturing, teenstrating and selling beauty ecultare 
equipment and machinery. William Meyer waa the president and mana 
ger of the corperation and Hud full charge of ite business. fhile 
compleinant was engaged in teaching and demonstrating she compiled 
a set of notes covering the art, whieh were used by her in teach 
ing and desonstrating. Ghe taught at the Weneel Yay Sehool of 
Beauty Culture and ele#ehere, 

In the early part of April, 1925, ehe had comferencee with 
Meyer, who represented defendent, concerning the cenpllation and 
publication of her notes in tack form fer sale to the general pub- 
lic. On or about April 14, 1925, an oral eoutract was entered inte 


— wat 
| eae rs 8, ORD east 
cnipiniies einai insu ¢ damon wed ty aia. 
q a uaa 1 Site 22 gituae ‘aw oe 
& “Pets, ‘ fe “steifeah iy nar 
_4 AUD ae “so Aout o ia ie aa mane 

Ok OLE aE. 

| of “galburs setoos és oot Saabon'ten od taoqun ae el ‘sist 
antatie ahoonorg aaoty eas te Teel ‘tat snttauseoa te ‘none eion 
gabrxe 201-07 baw *,saltemeos ‘oat ee moa hood a te oy eal nen 
.20Ret0G ead neared tavcoon ents osage ot hues « ‘oe eauao eae 
«ot ont a Snediio tor Yo eaolsqnaxe Og ss ised ew nears ‘ont en 
onosti shorn tex ‘med bod 22 0a es sere aiaite ah tefsen fofuan a Te Ree 
Pie ee em te = 

std bw Ytowotaee ab dexpeas anaeah a hae sDeterteve 
* Pat a rige S 
steteea ast 10 ‘anol ta ‘a 

fg ape. ¥ g 
eeteen ont ee ‘bawet bas Lhd oda ad hogetin ie aban, od? more 

ede sa a 

Saye ys te 
aa oS 

: porn , ogee? toltq waney Leteves 262 bain .esee , tbxga 
awomk Ld wats goisertanoeh hae gakdenos nt hegogns aaw 
its ma begeane war noltereqtos faohoo tet ° enw ted a oo 

etht uo ysuwed gatiion bie seen _——— ‘te sanalaud 
Lat he gia Pps te oer ' 

i phd es 
ane 2 

-stas: Bae Sanhblesig ed? anw veyed wn bEA® ersahionn 
eLin® ,agenioud ati to ogredo ifwvt her baa solsateqios ols to 123 

ete taaes 

kettqaos oe yaltarzanpuoh baw gations? of begegae sew trantatgaee ~ 

eigas? ah war ed heoaw otew codne ,f94 ef yolueves. aston to ten a 
20 Loaiiee ya eunoW oat Ya digund ats mepatpnionide bend ant 
Hflw eeanetetaod Red ode ,OROL ,Lhaga to teen y fear — . laced 
bas noltaligess sat guiwteenes if oebae tok bedaeaetqer octw se 
-duq Leweapy 9a¢ of Len 9% meet Xood ak eodor ans Ye aelsaod a 

otal here2eo saw Sonxctmen fete oa 860 bk Lheek dwode te 0 

between the parties whereby it wae agreed that eoeslaiaant weuld 
permit defendant te uee her netes in and about the eompilation and 
publication of the teek; that she would enter the employ of de- 
fendant and would teach and demenstrate the art of beauty evlture 
under the direction of Meyer; that she woul4 demonatrate and reeem- 
mend exclusively the equinnent auwifactured and sold by defendant 
and that in eoneideration of her netes and her services defendant 
would pay her and she would accept an Tull compensation half of the 
grease proceeds srieing from the sale ef the beoks, plue a drawing 
aecount of $38.8 week and expenses whan out ef the sity ef Chieage. 
Pareuant te the contract she delivered the notes to Meyer 
and under his direetion wrote a texi book known ae *The Goemetiete, * 
whieh was copyrighted under the nase of tha defendant. Defendant 
eaused seven editions of the book te be issued, im ali averoximately 
28,000 copies, These wore printed and offered tor sale snd were seld 
te the pablis. Gemvlaimant hae fully nerfermed her part of the ¢on- 
tract and hag no kneowledg® as te the sxset number of copies or the 
exact price at which they wore sold, or the exact anount received 
by defendant, ae she kept ne books of secount in relation therete, 
bat all the faets are sithin the knowledge eY Reyer and defendant 
kept bocke ef aceount showing the fasts. After the completion sand 
@ale of these seven efiticne of the beok comuliainant fron time te 
time dexanded from defendant om secounting and that it pay te her 
her share of the green proceods arising frem the gales, tut de~W~ 
fendant neglected to make such accounting or te pay such money. In 
September, 1931, complainant left tae empley of defendant and Keyer 
refused te segount to her fer the preceeds from the eale ef the 
book amd teld her that the book was in fact the property of defendant. 
The anewer of defendant #et up a nucher of defenses, De- 
fenédant aaserte that the finding tust the centraet was executed is 

against the preponderance of the evidence and urges that, if made, 

biwew tanalalqusn dent hoerge eee $f qdeusde agttteg oa? noowdad 
hex achinliqnos sat tuodes bie at esfon ted ean of Inabastoh tiaise 
~0b ‘to yolame old todan Kinow orn sods pdood ext 6 mol 
etvifeo ysueod to tue SAS Sdeusanoed has sowed bingo ‘hae bidisitet 
BOD OR bas eiatsenoneh bhuow ode seat pieced Yo nelsoorlh ef? tobag 

tnahsetebh yd diee are po-cadinatbiinindl taonqlepe eff yLeviaevloxe base 
favheteh asolvrea tsa baa @etoa sea to wal tarwhtence at ted? bos 
ei? To Tied aokteanoume Lint sa tanune bivew ade baa sed yoq bivew 
giivath » eulg ,exsod oc? ‘to elas om? mort patetia ahorootg eeerm 
,oyao tess to yoke ed? le axe none aoaanqee hee doww a: AEE te tasoena 
TeyeK oF andom oat hetewhsoh site somnines ead of tmaseted +i 
*,e¢etteonsod eai* an avoml dood ixed @ sete apigortth eid xebnw bane 
faabaetes ,inabastedh sag Xo emmsi ane wohaw Seliaisygen eae At 
Yietoutsorqgs ifs at ,bewee! e¢ of sosd ay te maoliiba mever baawag 
Aion etow bas efas sot beve Tie how Bogakeg ssew ge0AT ate kyon O00 8s 
aos of? Yo aq tex bawtetreg Yllwt ant dunniademed .otidaq sae ot 
odd 1@ aeiqoe te tdaun tooxs oft oo ae eyho twos on sed ban Poaee 
bovieoot savenw tonxe sit To ,biee otew yout Moriw de oltre soawe 
,oteandd welteaies of tasosea le adeod am tasd ons sa ,tnobaoiok od 
Tash ted han ceyedl to sale Lwenl oats ciseie ote etont ends Lin tut 
baa colisiques eds t9F%A .atont eat gnivovis smmonoe Yo asond sro 
ot emt? mex? ganatalgmon dood add Io exoldibe mavee vend? to ofan 
sod od Yeg $2 goed due gatiasonse ae Sandee ted mort Rebaamed, wate 
sob tad ,andee oi) oT galelia abeoootg epoty pad To, wxesin wert 
al _ ekesom seve Yaq oo te anlsavooes tigen oson oF boson Laon saateey 
woven bas dasdseteh te yotque edt Sol gunaleiquoe LCL ,modamrqed 
ont to elem edd mott abeoverq ed? 10% ted oF tamoone (oF hea tes. 
“stasbay ob ‘to ysxegoxg ont fost ah anv Xood salt Sant tod PLO mers 
-of .apgneteh Yo tedaum # qu foe faubaeted Te teweme oat ; Sabiad 
al beduonxe naw seatdmoo ods Jaad gatbat?, 97 gest 9 " 
ham Th fas? goats baw soaehive est to gem 

the agreement wae ultra vires the corporation; that Seyer as presie 
dent wae without sutherity te sake such gontreet, aid that ne such 
authority wae conferred upen him; tist eomplainuit cannet sttain 
equitable relief because of unclean hands, and that the cause of age 
tion is barred by the etatute of Limitaticns, 

The eehtentien ef defendant as te unclean handa is based 
upon the alleget fxet that the material whieh compiainant furnished 
te defendant was not her own but was taken from other hooks and ane 

There are tre anewers tc thig sontentien, Im the firet 
place, the rule ie applicatie enly where the inenulty of whieh come 
pinint ie meade concerns the very matter about which relief is sought, 
Aesusing that the findings cf the mawter and the decree are correet., 
the supcesed inequitable eondust ie in our epinien tes remete te bar 
complainant from her aetion. in the second place, the notes she 
furnished m4 the beck abe aenisted in preparing fer publication de 
net purport te be more than « compilation of knoviedge on the subject. 
She made no particular claims to being an original investigater aleng 
these lines, but the evidence tends te estublish that with the 
aseletmee of delendant's preeident thie material gathered from 4if- 
ferent scurces was compiled inte a treatise on the subfect ehich was 
mere or Llese uxefal, but whiah at any rate served the evident pur- 
pose for whieh 1t was designed, tiat is, advertising (at the ax- 
pense cf the purchasers) machines, equipment, ets., of defendant 
company. Indeed, it seane te have been a sucgeseful venture. Meyer 
says that compiainant quit the service: 6f defendant voluntarily, 
and that defendant would heave been willing te make use of her ser- 
vices for s lenger time had she wished to remain, We hold that come 
Plainant ie net precluded by any inecuity in her conduct from raine 
taining her suit. 

Again, defendant contends that the alleged agreement was 


«teeth ga toyed dade pawtiavectoo watt goniy gas iv new Juomorgn edt 
deve On Past ban ,foertaoe Seu ede ot ePliodsee Ivete dy eer: deb 
Aletda sounan saeainiqans gady pels apes Setrelizos ear ef i todtan 

-on Yo S6ee6 eA teat baa abant aeokon» to omuesod tobiot,oldathupe 
.  nkoltiotints Ye eeviate ent qd dered eb. mess 

besed ef ahnet aseieun of a0 danhieteh Io aokinedaoe edE pan 
betvletw? fannie lyms ae liv Lekentem oct todd feat bope ile ed? mogqy 
avs bas aiood taito entt sedes aew fod ave ted soe gow. Jnehas teb,o 
- FeUT ads al casks ence Bist oF wtewoRe OM ete WIOMT 6 oon: 
aan tp iee to ysiupoad ant evede gino eidmoliqna al otut ost oondg 
-dsigvoe #2 Toliot daldw tude tesiem yROv sat eameOnOD shan wh Cabede 

+ TOSTTED ts OUTORS oH bas Toten BAe “Lo ogadhent’t pee pont, gaimenea 

aad oF efemm" oot moialqe ise at al fovisies atdedhepaal hesorque wit 
Sie sated of9 eon biwooe otf al ,saidea ten mex? taontedqmee 
98 Meltest doy xg? gairveyeta af bedeiese ede dined oct, haw hodehagyt 
(i feetdus edd ao vyhoivomil to aelvaltquee « cent stom ad of tterteg gen 
goo ke tedeglimevat Laakyixo ae yated of satade tehveleteq en eham.edd 
qld aehe dett dailiasee of ehaed eonwhive ect dod ,eeakt eagdt 
-t£8 gezt hetsdteg saltoten slat gapdivarg a tacdag'ied Yo gomeatena 
Bat Higkdy footdua od? ag salsaent @ otat beilqwoo aay enotue,taege? 
atuq saehivs of hevsee ofa Yau ta caddie ted totes. anal x0. omen 
aus odd te) qabaltrevbs yok dat ,bengteoh aaw.a2 do body. x0 gees 
faebseted to ,.098 ,tasmqiups .seationm (exonedanwg eat 29 pamna 
Teco .owwiasy Letuesoces « mend ved oF sasen 42, boobal,, = etn qaseo 
- (ekbaerautoy Soanne Led ‘te veodvaae gat dbey saanteseney Aah ame 
All roe TH To ot alee Of BULILin awed eved Ainew tanhan tes tod oh 
| sive tact hkod OF salawbe bo Resebw ost Dak Oak? tegaete tet epodv 
-tian mye? @obhaco ved m2 ytiwpend REE Hy suanhatg 
pee tremerge Beguile ##d Jacks Bheetaoe senbaw'ted- lane 



ultra wires the corperation. The charter was put in evidence end 
estates, “The object fer whieh 4t le formed is te manulaetere elec 
trical, medical and selentifie apparatus, inetramente and applie 
ances and to engagé in buying oid s@liing same," Aes already 

stated, this took seme tc Have been well designed for the promee 
tien of the saie of defendant's machines aid apparatus and therefore 
was (we hold) well within the implied if net tha capress powere for 
whieh the corperation wae formed. Defendant cites ts this peint 
Hational tome Bldg. Agsoe. Vv, lowe Savings Sank, 19, Lll. 38; 

Converse v, Mmergon Co., 24% 111. 610; United dtates Brewing Go. 
Yo Delese 4 Sheopard co., 259 1li. 274; Afyicund jome Purghepe & 

Loan Assoc. v. Carroll, 267 211. 346. ‘The lise on this eubjeet as 
develeped in the jurisdictions of the different states and the 
federal jurisdiction ie not altegetner Khareenious ss will appear 
from an interesting diseusnion of the subject in fletener Cyele- 
pedia Corporations, permanent edition, vol. 7, okep, 40. Although 
some decisions in Illinois foliew the ruhe of the federal jurisdic. 
tien that a contract properiy ultrs vires is void, that dectrine 
has been mueh modified, in s#ctien 3546 of the work just quoted, 
the author saya: 

"Adding to the cenfusien and confliet in regard to the doe 
trine of Blire vires, many courte distinguleah between (1) traneace 
tiens wholly outside the cape of the sautnerity of a corporation, 
and (2) transactions whuch, under eome cirewistences, are within 
the authority of the corseoration but, in the particular caee, are 
im excess of the authority ef the serporation beeauze of the pure 
pose of the transaction or otherwise, Stated in suether way, the 
Classification ia (1) agts which cre an abuse er an exeeesive use 
ef powers gratited, ond (2%) acts outside tne chjects of the corsera- 
tion and whelly beyond the servorate perers; er (a) aduse of rower 
as distinguished from {b) eant of power. In ether vorde, the clase 
of ecaseca now under consiieration exbrace theese where the aet ie 
within the powers of the scerporatien fer some purposes but outside 
the powers of the ecrsoration in the particular case, WMiferent 
rules are apciied, in certain conditions, to the two classes,” 

in suppert of thie statenent the author sites euthorities from 
many other estates; these cited frem illineis are Sherrard Jtate 

Dank vy. Vernon, #45 Lili. App. 122; Pac 


dae coaohive ni sey saw wdeats edt = aeldetegzes ett getty epithe 
<00i6 @tutes'tuaem of wl Rowse? eh 22 aoiow cot Sostte eAf* peuedte 
-kigte Ste atusavttent ,outete¢qe ottitue tee bas Leolbow ,Ladied 
( ebaetia 8h “onde yakiion the galuid al syegad of baa donne” 
-ouotq ed3 16% bengieeh Llew meed etad of am be Méed GLA ,Bésehe” 
sxeleved? dae gudvatoqas bin aentionws a! icuhacted te Slaw ef? Yo molt 
x6t etewoq seedque anf fon Th Hobkewk sit aladiw Liew (ied av) daw” 
“Pakee alist of eadhe saxhae'ted Jbeweot sat neldarogtes ‘eat sta 
388 £42 18 . goed ayntyet pmot .v .egenA spb : 

102 aaivesd sores? postal ;@8 .Lf7 OS , 109 goes 

$B epedp tui ewok dase dsté pote £27 e8¢ | 90 8 

ea Sostdie whdd no Wol edt OOS KET VOR LL } ‘ 
gat Dae dotate Paes TELb ene te eno svenmeient ott ab soeetvay) 
 —heada LLiw en guoknewied ‘serliegotia ton af solsethaitet feaxvene? 
<Gl9y9 Yeiingeli nt tootdwe ard To solenueatt gatreetedal ad meat” 
aguddtia .OP .qado .V .f6¥ ,aoldhie taecameog jeusliwtegie? aligq: 
we ibebret Lavette? edt to eivk ¢42 weifot whoa tit at anoiaiood amet ’ 
 @mivdoob gale , tow of pertiy eee le vhieqony toeteade « ‘Padt nels 
.bodaus gad) Aree ond To BRIE adkioos AT BOM HSed Homi need aad” 

yah rm, ee Ay wnsrian? 
so0h Gd? of Hosges al Jodltacs bts cated igo Oat oF gal | reas 

~paemate (£) asowted rl be alain Yass ‘o oaks 

ee iereentie # to CF Peedt ae edF “te a one <ilvdw « of, 

Pre yh ¢ta ,aegogntanotio @exog Belay nao goe at (& 1 
Ste ,8eaD toLveisteg ‘mh dud pairs Roan ody te ¥sire 

edt te euscosd aoliaxrogtve a4 io ye ivediua % 
oat eae ‘thett Gus ad bedase oon bere wabe ee Rok hppa! 

wale een i <lerace te to eande me ote aeide as a(t) a 
Wiegtov o9 To mot ond ebiwtud avon (* 

Po Be! te aiede {a} 19 Siare dt reneee risa had Soe id bane xi siw nel? 
eh ton re ppt og oa itd eri # i vey Be te 
esting bud wonoeg snot. Sot a sStocsee 26h to te ae iit if 
A9t9 Sean telwolixa RO LER az t ie 
got ‘ecnnehh wes end oF fae 0) ads lad eue at’, ed : a 
‘movt aoksbuifus andte tedtue ‘edd Sapo fede wide “Yo ieient ‘aa 
ajatt Drexxed@ ore shonktil moxt bette one? jasdade tate abil 

‘ee oi ts a Lit Oba , 

Bationei bive & Ansuity Yo., 46 G11. App. 34, ‘Mven if we enneider 
the contrast Aere made as af abugte of the poewere granted, it would 
net be whelly void, and in view of the fuct that perfereenee on 

the part of ¢couplsinant bas beer sempleted, we cannot doubt her 
right te recever upen it. 

In the mext place, defendant contends that as the cuppoaed 
contract is not an ordinary eercserate tranvaction ite sresident had 
ne sutuority merely by virtue of nie offlee te enter inte it, and 
no authority was conferred ween Sin. In eupsert ef this contention 
defendant eites C. 2, d& Ye H. He Uo. ve. Coleman, 19 ILL. 298; Bere 
shan$'s bationgl 2apk v, jisnols & Uo., 325 111. 41; Independent 
Gli, etc. v, Port Dearborn, ¢to., 311 til, 274. ‘the general rule 
in Tiliaeis ie that the president of « aorperation by virtue ef Ale 
effice is recegnized a6 the Guiness head of the coupeny and eny 
contract executed by him on betel of the corporation pertaining te 
ecrgorate affaires and withia ite geiverai powerw will, in the she 
sence of proof te the contrary, be presumed te have been done hy 

sathority of the cerzoratien and be binding upon it. Guiseley v. 

@e, S23 Lll. 124, We bold teat presumptively the 
president of thie company hed power te sxeeute the contract in 
question and that thie preauspiion Kae net been overcome by other 

The prinelpal ocatention of defendant ie that the burden of 
proof was wpen complainant te make out ner oase by « preponderance 
ef the evidence; that she has Got estabiiened it by sheh orepender- 
anes. in the dansidersiien ef thie question we must consider in 
the iret place the weight whieh sheuld be given te the repert of 
the waster, There hae been some sonfusion in the sutheritier usen 
thie question and seme of the older decisions were te the effeet 
that the finding of a chaneeller appreving the report of & aaster 

Wat entitled to the game weight in ws court of review ag the verdict 

sob hewoo ee TE wove Se vga VET o8m . p95 Wana BoE ket Fies 
bivow ¢k ,betantg uiwwoy O19 Ye enidd an wh’ obibl Orda Soarfoe CHI 
 #@ Somcerse Pree Farle sou't Wi? to wot¥ AF Baw iar Meat 
teat tdveh Senses ow sitinanel ieed aad tradte fare 
: : enti de ali 92 eel devenes of igh: 
hewecque sit ae tat? whanyaeo Keehavteh ,oaly’ teow oi at’ “** 
‘Ses dneblaste 292 mot temsansd ebaxee«6s yreabbto na sen eh Youd¥ilbs 
haw ,92 o8sk thud of 09 tte eld ty aurety Yo eLoten’ wont bn 
aolsapiance elad to. deeqqwe we ets — ‘gaw qeivedtue’ on 
saphaggebal (40 skit 882° 4 OQ. perme ‘we a 
piew Laveceg oct VOPR . ti S28 , 99h teedutee gaet sy 10 
ahd Yo o~tti¥ YW aclsarogios a Yo Cusstantg odd Sedd' so penne: 
Ce Das Yaeqess ed? To best akeataud oa ae bealagosey af aeltie 
0? -gababnttwe’ néleotogees ous 46 tiLome Nada QR WS 
wd Oat OF ,Li8v atoweg iateaey ari abitiv ‘na erties Chae 

ge ames meee vad 69 pemendd #0 Sehaatitdd “Sle Ss HAE RE 

LMORAIKY 92 noqd gathila'Sd fas aab terested oMtt To’ ‘Wide 
‘eer Clevitqumteta send Biot we eae cert Be og we i 7 
af Soatiace eAf efeooxe of a9wOd hed Yotqamos — 

“at awh Lacow ee i 
oes MOAT  : va outer 
tootie eff wt sxew anote poh tol Le hesavesionetl stolte 

o Yo oaey Ske 

ofa jury. Thies is net the law, the findings of s asester in 
ehaneery are enly prime Fogle vcrreet, ané wnere the evidenee, as 
here, was all taken before the master and nene before the chancel-~ 
ler and the chamecller 414 not ses er hear the witnesses, this 

Sourt ie aot bound te apvly the ruie that « Pinding of the ehane 
eelior wili set be set azide unless it ie ¢learly ond manifestly 
against the weight oi the evidence, Ghiver v. Hope, 289 11]. 624, 
But while thie is the rule the finding of the master io prima feele 
Gorrect and ainee the masier secme and bears the witnesses, that 

faet alec is entitled te proper weight, altheuge net the weight 
which would be given te a verdict ef the jury. Thin is particularpy 
true in a eaee Like thie, “here complainant relies upen en eral sone 
traet and there the evidence ta @ great extent ceneiste af atatenents 
made by her en the one site which are denied by « witnare for defends 
ant en the other, each of the witnesses being unizneached, «neh ef 
them having the aume opportunity for knowledge and each ef them 
being equally interested is the regult of the auit. The contention 
ef defendant is that im such cape the burden ef preeft being upon 
eomplainant, e reviewing court gust Aeld a8 & matter ef law that 

the burden of preef as required of cuevlainant to eatabligh her cage 
has not been met. The cases are rare indeed te which such @& rule 
might be applied. fae resuonableness of the testiseny of witnesses 
and the probability of the tra thfuluese of the narration ef events 
to which they teetify, are, «it many others, satters wsich sheuld 
be taken inte consideration and whieh asy in « proper case away the 
finding te one side or the ether. We have eureYulily reed over the 
evidence of complainsnt and icnat ef defendant, and are iwpressed with 
the faet that her narration is the sere reesonable and probable. A 
perewneive, if net oomireliing, feet ie that she hed prepared this 
material lsrgely before the beginning ef her service with defeniant 
and that defendant appropriated and made use of it and, in fact, in 

a voteom « te agaihal? oat awed one fon 2 abit, yh ee 
aa ,Sonobive od? ovedy haw ,tpettey shoe) ABIEg Ying ois yxeuaede 
«-fagnerig eff eigied gron baa Voiaea Bas giolnd netnt Sia new ore 
ekt? ,sersentin eG) Yad to ove toe LLb ToL svonede one. ban set 
enade off lo yalbait « tad oles ase yYlgge at haved don a fume 
“iteetioew bas ¢fisedo ad 34 watLon andan ges om goa ilk r9ikeo 
Oh oLLi OOS ,oeek ay nawtds  .wemohive ote 1o tdytew baad ides ibe m 
sive? gsizg st aedecs eas to yaibadl and edwt ode a2 ine, oListe aa 
dais yunaeo atin ocd erage bas aege Teteae OAs sante ben, tneveg 
tiakew eit ten cgwortds ,siylow aeqetq at belts tne, at sate saat 
Vtaieoi@rag eh wil veut oft Yo dothsov « of sevtg ad Ahuos ' ae 
-193 i216 an voqy solin: Jnoniatqmes orcs ahi SLL onan ab eed 
sicometate Lo etelnaeg Jnotee teorg @ od evaobive sit aes par toa > 
-hno'tes tok eneacie o yf botard oma dats eile eae edd ae xed ‘i baw 
‘te case ,hedonaqutas gaied segsentiv off te Hone tense eae #0. 9a 
weit te tone bas ogheiveal sot Yiisudiogge saea edt aret Daten 
aotensesos ea tine ond To siumet ont ab beteeredal yLseupo pated 
Moqu gated toot io aebied ad? geen own at Inds of Jomhas a fib 
eds tal to wetied a ea biew Jeun Saupe gsiwelvor a. tame 
een tel daiidades of sonalaiques to beviepet ee teeta Xo Mester hci 
‘oLst a denn colde of beohal gtes ss apene gat  .tom need fon vad 
seusoas iv Yo yaoulsess ods to anne dtnncsaey AT boliqgn of sagt 
einer ke nokdetten eae to aeoniuitaswas eet De qt ALAdedore ont bow 
biveds fabew atetion ,sted20 yao tlw ,ot ,yllenes Kets aig be oP od 
ods gave cane Yecory & ah yaw Mode bre sabsare biomes, 096, aed 
oad reve beet VEL eras eves oe atbat’ 
td bw heanenqink ore hae ,Pandanted eed ghar. 
A .cidadoxg bas eidanocaus otom of) ai aoltenan tad sedd doe? vslt 
eidd beiaqeig had eda gas? al dock .galifewoges dom tL sev iaaneneg 
tuobasteb tiv solvier td Io yatauiged aay oreted yloutad | 
at ,toct ah ,bas 22 to cay obam bas betaligo® 

each ef the editions acknowledged her situcranip on the tithe page. 
in this commercial day it is usual fer » persan te pay Ter what he 
receives and unreasonable te suppose that valuable material and 
services will be given vithout compensation. 

& second consideration whieh tipe the agales in raver ef 
eomplainant’s eomtention is the ineonsistency of perts of the evie 
dence of defendant's president, ine fellowing ace unt ef the exe 
asination ef defendant's president will illustrate: 

“ge Lt ie your contention that when you hired her the aue 
therghip of the book was to be part af her duty? A. Eo, wir. 

Ge Weal, you hired her at 753 o week; *hat was she supe 
poaed to 467 A. Firat of all, desenetrate apparatus; jesend. 
write some instructions fer the acpratue showing partioularly the 
mode of » plication of that avpuratus; amd tuird, efter I had dee 
€ided that it would eost more te get out the different bulietias 
covering these instructions, the: to cempiie it in « besk form and 
one Was te write certsein articiee #ith wuien she was familiar and 
i was te write otser articles anc alee te euperviee the work of 
getting out this compendium, * 

im addition te this is the undisputed fact apgearing frem the evie 
denes that at the time compiainant entered inte tha contract with 
defendant she wae then empleyed ty ametuer soncerm for whieh she fas 
reeviving 256 a week. It seems hardly poosible she would relinquish 
this te accept on empleyment in wiieh she reuld receive enly 635 a 
week, the former empleyer was not finsncisily impeccable and some 
time later quit business, but ecmplainant's undisputed teatimeny is 
te the effect that up to the time che geit hor sulary wae pald in ful 

Added te these fucts in the farther one, already sentioned, 
that the master saw and heard the witnesses, woleh mast be given 
some weight. After a review cf aii the record we conclude that we 
eanmuct bold the decree te be againet tne weight of the evidence, and 

for that reason it is affirmed, 

Genser and BeSarely, J7., eoxnour. 


fa Sh 
ogaq ofits esa ao aq tie 0K? ast hages wonton anoitibs ony ve sae 

ed tice rot rag os aoeteq a x02 taweu vi tk yeh te tonwmoe prs wl 
.% ig. 
* ns ielxedam pidawiey tans endequx ot oftenosaetay bas ‘soviveer 
fate. Se 
’ sHotisnasames twotsiw gevis od ike re nbs . 

‘te tovet af esinos wd sqkt Hoban aotseted taaes buonee a 

~ivs ont Ye ‘sot8q ‘to couse lenoomd edt ef welsaedace #' tavatelqnee 
9 po “te ¢au oba ntkes fle? eutt sain ely 8 ' fasbaeted v0 comsh 

‘jederdeulls ££4W daeblevte 8 ' dnsbae tob 20 no ten tue 
9. me : Ce ae | 
ete oft tod hosid wey aony Jad? agitagdxan tuo of re oe" 
etha., ee, Pa tygteb me oe pd of Bev aged. ae ey gqistazedd 
egue sau eew Sasi tioow # 86 te oi howkd woy ,itet 
. Boao dtatisnowh . dia te. os 4 ae 
ie hy galvesta audetgne ye 46 = meldowstent re 
eh Daal ne shhhei. & Sabie saentende ama te oe] bo 94 
sete tibe"s ry tar ; yo Bae yagi age «A perl rome wipes FY 
» ee ee dood & th Bh wh aseut ates 
“boa tehilae? saw ofy feicw ag Beg A ag wlel<oe “we a 
to aeoe off oulrsoqun at ont ba Gohie waite etlaw oe eared 
* Aiea ine qe slat two rent 
aalg ae 
«lve ost mor? aaltsoaas toot bed waa baw ott ok shit ‘of ‘nots thie | 
, A Sa 
athe toattnos ‘wit ogak beretan ‘$apatstomes emis dt te tani someh 
i pa ge 
ee one doldw tot axeonse ‘weston w boyosens esis aww oie “sunbas'teb 
oh ie Sade TR 
de ivpat ier biuew oats eldtaveg eibued tone ox ad * ‘6a gaty vot 
ee Mae $e be CED 
a ath xine hevieoet bivew ede tisdaw at 480 aco Sqm a tqooos 2 _— 
‘ Dn: ae) 
‘eson ‘ban eidaoveqed Ylivloowal? tes eaew xo yorqas ‘vemxo1 eat 

es ‘gnoatiass ‘pedugqal haw ‘a! dnankalques aud ssoenioud éhup “setal waht | 
i att al blog eer yralee tod J hog @tie emis 9262 of ass sada ton tte at ot : 
toto jun yboor te use tedda0t ea? si atact ened? of ‘bsbha it 

“Hevig ad gaim doi iiw ‘| keasoatiw ‘od? Suded blo wee ‘ae dean odd dads > 

dw fed shilonos ow brovex oat ka Yo wolver a teats — ‘shay. ov embe 
ban ,eeaabive add Le Jdghew oat? sontoms: ot sions The’ ed ae 
bol aoaeot oe 

gi EMAL TGA bal ake ee ae if " saath. RG eth nohhwe 


tenes ,.0b ,ylormlel bes * 
Ko nage iey eel we Sih el aR gael ae ae Spe fe pemrvrenti 

eee tN Ma ee: See DM Te | iB) GAs RATS ie eae Ye Qs. fareegan “1 


, Pwdeducirincees a aoatiiae h9 b sae - 


a Corporation, } a 

Defendant in Error, / } (x E 
te “ TT fo wUNLotRx 
ve. } i 
Pisintiffe in srrer. 

} Lams, = Es 
24 TAL 


In en action in contract, upon trial by jury, at the cloee 
ef all the evidence after a wetion by defendants fer sn inatructed 
verdiet in their faver had been ¢enied, the court usem siotien af 
Plaintiff? directed the jury to raturn a verdict for glisintitf in 
the eum of $1176.35. The verdict was returned, ond the court overs 
ruling wotione for a new trial end im arrest, entered judgmont in 
faver of pleintiff for the smeunt ef the verdict. Melendante ask 
that thie Judguent be reversed with = finding ef Taet. 

there 1s praeticaiiy xo conPliet in the evidence, Sugene 
H. Henley ie the husbsad of J#len G, ieniey; they were the owners of 
certain lend ia Cook esunty., Ceteobar 1, i924, they entered inte a 
contract in writing to #eli this land to the Aetna all Bearing Banwe 
facturing Co.; tieir agent and breker im that behalf was one a, KM, 
Bevry; in fact Rre. Henley had shortly before purehased this pare 
tieular piece of preperty through DeVry whe aoted as ner brexer and 
agent, Vetober 1, 1923, DeVry, in the presence of Rugene 4, Kenley 
and by his dirsetion, eigned an application te plnintiff fer a 
guaranty policy in its usual form and in the gum of 9130,i0. The 
application states that the tithe «as veeted in Helen G, Helier, 
“now Helen G. Henley;* that the party te be guaranteed was the Aetna 
Ball Bearing Bfg. Co., a corceration of Illineis, the application 
was signed, “A, i, DeVry, wpplicant, addrees 474 Wrigley Pidg., on 
behalf of Helen G. Healey, or Helen U, Helier.” Kr. Serdneld, ute 

torney for the purchasing corpersiion, was present at the time Br. 


ss ae ravay <ds Ricit epapine 
;  motdator tame « 
more ad Zaha 20 

Hine He Re aE 
= +8 a 
ae oy tg DRY Ny a yore IR 
» PLR ok  uutoUR i: vain 2 MDE 
yore mb e8theata lh 6.6% halve» 

‘aaa ALL. ae: Ne oy ik Cea 

5 Kok “2 Be 

oenis oi #a ctw a kabaa sou Peartnos at wolitoa & rani al ct 
vy LP eee 
beteus¢ent Pus x0 atzedas teh Ww aeitoa 2 wadte soushive nae tha ™ 

Yo wold oe soit woe est bosaan aed Sem rove? ahead abe roubaes 
ak: Wadd alate tet fobbrev a amen abl cst aa. betoerte “phe 

fae Bee Cu 

-108¥0 anos ot: bas homies sum destroy our BE RLEE 0 : e 

: os hate ® 

ak davmatet ‘pera, ans ak: baw taint ven ‘ne smolvow gard ro 
20 Ste OF Sore 

den Atusbastet ».sdetheer ena ‘ie sawawe at: uot Mtatahesg tw wns | 

Pe ee ee 
etoat 1 pathary P at bw beatover ed tunag bat alas toad 

enogu  sananlve: ost at toi staas oa Ulapieoang a creat . 
bei exoamo os oxem yout sue cae a mo ke te pnadesst ene at ‘ein oe 
' a ofat bers aiea yece eo aL 3 we soseo “eave go a ‘baad 1 nt ay 

vat patuesit Lait amen avail sda hand ats Lipa “gutta bina 

ok a oto eax ‘Whasad tase ah sedoxd oe sate atedd 7 a0 ge phot 
ite I ee Mahe ‘@ 
-109 alsa beaasorte oreo trode baa we danli ok gost al 

ik : ER Ree Pbk “Ae Bk S 
:: bas tedond 8st ne beam w ov 9 

as itt x “i sy aed wasaotg te 990 oneey | wath 5 
VoAaeit a ono gust te somoaetg ang a uated s0R@r at “aosoto ie 
duit CORR, oe Sa Ne ie 
* “16 Mudalasg at wolsnok tugs we samats pot tours aid ¥ ae see 
Ces isin aR ea i et a ange ahaa } 
ett +0004 98.8 0 awe odd aah ban wit lave eat at y te 
is oe hea ath Re Sey “ee iy) L j 

"¢uaddeaeyb ala ab domed inds: whens ah: 8 sata aeeasa nhhege 
POM of ap xthkeot tate eee 
angoa of) anv beetasitavy od of Yitey nuit Swuid *yyetael * dougie vane” : 

aeoijacliqgs of2 .ehoeailil ‘te Hohtaceasey, B ged mtd alkiaed 
YS we wy be #y) 

ab «ahhh. weleinl. ith. dhinbhn aeteliens “yeries ot oa ’ : 

“2¢ sdioubied .aM ".tetiok »0 aeieh xe veto! 0 ante te hadad aa 

ot omits ait ta sapas tg ane smmbooraunee attendee ong “ your 

Htemley diracted DeYry te sign thie application, UleVry had a charge 
account with plaintiff, ond the esiley woe iseusd and delivered and 
charged to hie account, Henthhy bills or stetenents for services 
were rendered to kim, in these etatexents were included tne Shur ges 
for the guaranty poliey, services, ete., retidered, om account of 
whieh plaintiff seeks to revover, Several such bills were mailed te 
Devry. iater plaintiff mailes a bill fer these services te Sugene 
kh. Henley, and thereafter & bil for the sage was gent te Helen G, 
and Bugene &. Henley. #lalntiftY 414 net carry & charge aceount with 
defendants oY either of trem, The contract between the Henloye and 
the Manufneturing Co., by *hies the Hebleys agreed to convey thie 
eal estate is in evidence. It srevidew tha: the venders agreed te 
deliver s "guarantee oolicy of the Chicege Tithe & Truet Us., in ite 
usual ferm.* It eontaines ne srevigion by «hich either an abstraet 
er a eertifiaste of titie from the Terrene' office might be subatie 
tuted, Thies contract, with a cheek fer 25,000 to tae order of 
Bugene 5. Henley, leas $5 escrow fee, wae on the date of the centragt 
deposited in eserow with glaintifY, 

there ig preel that the poliey was delivered to attormey 
Berdheld, and that the emount fer which pluintiff sues is the ueuak, 
eustemary and reasonable eharges Tor the services rendered, 

One Hamiilten ras sredaced az «o wlingss for the wuxvose of 
proving conversations and agreements bateeen Amley ond DeVry eene 
eerning the terwe under whieh DeVry wae espleyed to s#@ll the real 
#etate., An objection te this evidence was suvteined. Defendants then 
offered to prove by Hamilton that the agreement between DeVry and 
Henley wae that DeVry wav to receive se coupenestion for bis serviees 
everything over and above $125,000 obtained fron the sale of the 
property and te pay all expenses of the transaction including the cost 
of a guaranty poliey; further, that slaintiff insued billie te DeVry, 

which Hamilton auw, and that DeVry regarded the debt as sie personal 

vplyhe ua] 

egtade « bed ysVod ao lteniiqgs efhs angie oF waved bedooadh eine 
bom Seveviick bag fewagt eae wohiog ents fi tas .TRis abe Le déiiw tauxeove 
aevivies 29% afaeaetoce 4¢ eiihd yittdaok ,dnweasn eis of beytado 
aegtads of3 bebuloat etsw ageoomdete eeeds al. sale of besohion oxew 
‘to dawboos wo ,bepebaet ,.08% ,sooivaes .yehloq ysuetaw, oMt 16? 

63 beilam erew silid tose igvovet .xere7es of stene Yihinialq doldw 
enegwt of avoivtes owen? te? Lhid « bo thow Tileatale wsad “erven 
.) avfel od dan saw omes ond tot Lfl4 » iP esteds ban Ro a 
Aehw saseoes eRteas # yULe9 toa bee “Yebsebedt yen oli one gant ‘om 
2 aus aye Lapit ade asewood gaaxdi00 ent sat “te coutha to saat 0 toh 
eas yerace af heewge axolaen eats sim dete yd 2 +02 gab rutoetamalt oa 

ot beorne stobay vend fads sobiveng au seoaeblve ab a2 eaasee i 
ati at +00 tous ab ocokt opas ta out We woleg « ondawtauy® My evi ob 

Led yo ae Cent 
doatsada ite sense ‘tian vd nelatvore au eniasnon a * see roe 

 whtedua ad fy dae eslTie 'eserne? edt ost arsis re stanitisr9 ; ‘se 

Yo xeh10 etd of 000 88 0% 49 9¢to & athe Sowttse aia sboaut 
NB pl 
denctans edt 20 e0ab oft no nav eek wernee BO seed ee Lael a eo 

ce + eas a ‘ 

-Vibsalnte aghw worwee at met 

| Waatcot sa oa bevevileh sew votieg xd taal? room, at oxett 

fawew odd ol sous Yitdaialg dokde teh davome ode satid how sbiodbrell 

shore bat asotrtes ait 20k ‘eegrede ee Ss g29 a mt 

“tte enogruc oss to" cued tw & Be beouborg sow ‘sab Lamait “— 

eteo YiVell bee Yelm asewted 88 83h 598 fan oo} zuaxevaes 
inet ait Live og bexoseaw saw vied Ho baw ‘sobsw eur0s ‘eal ane ie 
= ad anbas toe sheakadeun aew soaeheve dats oF ‘netsootso ‘wh “etanes 

A a abi eres be Pid is sk 

bane ervod agewied due mpecge one post aot Ehmat ed ovete 
Let. it tae to, eae? 
aeotvres ans a0 tobtanxvqaes ae eviese od oaw w ive’ tats tant eaw olen 

pe tee 

ext to eae ox? ioxt boateddo 000,88.46 ovets hae eve, aaisryrors 

Mt yn & 
|) saeo ont yathutoat aottenvansa ont to soxavare ie woe os bas rors 
hia ) Bite be Chaos — 
verve 08 iti beuent Tilonlela teat ,cedbiwt pepliog ysantame aa © 0 

jet hai BN eae: Se 

kanoot9¢ old ea sdb ocd bohreget guvet ted? hom ywae wane not tinn 

obligation. This evidence was sxeladed. 

¥ebruary 9, 1999, sleintiff erete &. &, Heniey in oubetanice 
that DeYry had ordered the guaranty goliey in betel? of Helen @, 
Henley; that the item wee past due wid that if it was not pald 
further setion weuld be taxen. Henley reslied that the services 
Were charged to Se¥ry'a account; that SeVey had beon pal’ the smeunt 
neeeorery te say the aecount, Te tuia Leiter pladatirt replied that 
the files shoved that the guaranty coliey »as erdered in tehaif of 
hra. Henley and inalsted that che reat. 

This cult was begun Lay 4, 2b59, againet Se¥ry, Holanm 4, 
and “azene 4, Henley, The death ef Sevry wae suggeated June lo, 
1929. The cause cave on Yor trial December 21, 1932, but a jurer 
was withdrawn ond leave wae given plalntiiY te Plie an soendeg states 
mens of claim in ten days. The awended etatenmt of wialm was filed 
Beeexber 24, 1932, againet only Helen ©. sad fagene &, Senley. April 
84, 1931, a 4edinun teoued frou the office of the clerk of the Buni- 
eisai eourt te take the 4epesitions of defendants in the City «ef Sen 
York, emd their ¢deseritions were tsben amd returned (so the eourt, Om 
the trial platatiif, ever the ebjection of defenianita, reat parte of 
these devowitionse, At the time the decoeitions were taken evidenes 
had been offered by defendamte concerning the agreements of defendants 
with DeVry, Plaintiff objected at that time ond renewed Ite objection 
upon the trial, and ite sbjectione were eusteined by the trial court, 
At the econelusien ef a1) the evidence taere war an inetructed verdiet 
as heretefere stated. 

Defendants argue in the Pirest clace, that asmuming CeYry had 
autherity te bind Helen @. Henley, it was «t412 possible for tim to 
Beke a contract with plaintiff en Ais ewn reepensibhility, and they 
eite a number of cages to the affeet tant the addition te the signa 

ture of the word “agmt,” or elmiilar @ords, sre mere deucriptio 

personae, ‘hey cite Besd v. ALtgeid, 136 111. 206; thicage Title asd 

Pan ‘ ae pe, wieeetomne see poaphive ohat moh’ 
enmmietes ad satel i ok gto Tivalele 9 PR OE a® erawede’. 

2 eG ah 

ot aetel 30 Vasted, a2 yiing etawanig ett hetebrto Pe 8 I 


whom, ais ‘atk sabtion “a. meies og nares ororom Aone 
seven oft bing mand hed yxVad doe? penueaen aya Ver os, hogy ade oxew 
fads Ded igor TR toate he aeated aig ef .danooea mat yeq of creamepan 
Yo Based m2 howebas say yadton xénetECR ge ted? deworn aeLER wMd 

i  »thvews ots dadt Dotaleat baw wanen ed 
er —— funtona CRU ok gee suped pew thus what oe! 
_nOf naul Dotoongue saw yRVee Yo adesh aft .yokael of onsqat bine 
 towh # tud ,080L ,£8 sedapeed fetxt wat ne saeo prieo Ms 088 
sosats hebromy, ma 9Ltt ot Viitatete novia gam svaek ban wmerhit te 

best? caw mtele 19 sansnsva9 hobanue eat .eyah ned at oan a 
tml. 9? to reso 989 Lo polit t aM mex sousas gumtsod a aaa 
_ Bed to Gtl2 eft af atanhastor Yo xayltisgask oat pang ot Sto feqts ‘ 
mo .fauos st of ematet hae wedad exe anaktivensh thes? fae ter 
Yo atteq beet ,nisnhactoh to ootiectve ait eve ,Thivatetg latat emt 
Aouehive aster s19¥ aadttisegnh 9G? omy ald 4A ,emolttongns geadt 
stashay toh Io ataagoetys odd yakareonco atouhaotes yd nore ne ; 
mohéas to ath howeaax tay oats fad fo botnetae lost .erved tie 

dupe Leded, odd yd bealetum ener anotivotde a@2. an tet = a 

RN? ot 

bac. eittet: alii tadd = poeree oe oh aargee a tie a 

ot abt wot akdinnag Lite eae th .yedaye .@ ota sted bas 
i tort bow, .yttiidlasogues ove abd mo, sistas 4 Athw tomstang a. 
(nettle oat oF wok tsbba, ods Soci erin ot | | 

et RS A 



$36 Tl. 822; Anes v. Garo! 

Lu et w 3 He oa, 

Botfman, In¢g., $36 111. S43, aud many other eagee, Yhey say that 
Henleys had no aecount with olaintiff; thet $5,000 was deneaited 
in ew¢rew; that plaintiff? eculd have retained the price of tne 
gveranty policy, if 14 wished, oid instead ef thie, it eleeted te 
Yeleage the funds im ite porsecsien and to look te beVry fer pay- 
ment. They furtaer eay that sialntiff ewald Bave recovered from 

Fe think it quite unmneceseary to review the eases cited. 
They ar® clearly distinguishable upon the facte and not at 211 sone 
trolling here, The mere fact that tse itene mued for wore charged 
to DeVry'sa sceount would net greoiude a sult thereafter against Je- 

Tendante. White Oak Coal Ga, v. Yortringtan, 15% lil. Ape. 86%. 

In the absonce of proof to the sentrary the contract with slaintiff 
will be interpreted an the agsiication of deYendants, net of DeVry, 
@ince 1t clearly sopeare that Devry acted in the tramesction fer 
disclosed principals. See Kestaieeent of the Law of Ageney, sects, 
155 and 156, There wae mo orcef here, cor offer to prove, thet 
Plaintiff or ites agente handling tiie transaetion were informed that 
DeVry was to pay these cogte ani expenees, if guen knovledge hed 
been brought home te plaintiif, different questien would be eree 
sented, The uncontradicted evidenor chews that defendants with 
knowledge requested and secepted the services of plaintiff and the 
papers and decunente produced by such services; that by written gon. 
tract they hed expresely obligated themaelves to deliver sech 
doguments se prepared by glaintiff. Um the plainest orinciples of 
equity and justice they are obligated te pay fer that which they 
have reecived and used, The conversations between defendants and 
their agent DeVry in the abeence ef representatives of plaintirr 
eould met in any way be binding upon plaintiff anlere there wee an 

offer to shew that such conversations or arrangenent had been made 

ui (ON WAL! SEE gmemee in” oy ee deeet. 

sacit yos yout .seeao. Yedso Yow baw ,FEN 260) OSL _ pal , aagtiek 
botimoweh saw 000,09 gacdt ;Viksmloig sinw tances on bad aye Lag 
aid io wolug ot? Reakatet sven binoe Tikialadg dasit pwotemm mh 
of Beton ly £2 ,eis? to hardeat doe .beniatw a2 th ,yoitog ydaptaug. 
tyr tei ytVed e¢ seed of bus agiesseneg of4 ah about ad? eae 
sort bexrsveeRt wind biases Viddriaic tgue you teddinl yoat i 
: , i pi | » on cee 
shetlo aseae odd welveat of qimeeepeuay otiap 82 AGRE OF ooo ce 
90 Lia gn fod tae edowk edd noqe eiducminguitale yitaedo etm yout 
bogies wtew vot bewa euedl as? Bed 2o0% atom oat, oped pabitent 
«Ah Satlege Tod tam ds tive a shutoors tea bkvow danopem et ytVeGomd 
OO "FOS senm VEIT BAL pptaabsece® sed adapt 
Wiliatefa dtle toattace odd qswtimen es! o¢ lootg to somende edd al 
a YtVed te ten ,ataahwe iss to cettaniiouy e0¢ an hedesqtesal.od shde 
tot noltesadans ect al baton yu¥ed gard eragcus eisacte thypomke 
(Staee ,yourgd Te wei oHS ‘to fanepeateos soe ,aheqgioaita. hesoigads | 
. fade ,everg of cette toa ,~etet Toute om cay epost. «DOL heme BEE | 
add pewretat srew mettonenst2 chs?) patLonad. etaoge, esi xo Tiitetete | 
pas agbekwomd eos Th .senangne hme eee oneal yoq od. Rew mater 
nrg od bisew solverep sate tts m , Tidtaiolg of amet drigug’ | 
Hd br atusbee'leh teds ewerla sommbive bedelbertagoaw edt. abotags : 
git hue Tittalaig te eeokviss ent betqenge bap beteouper, ephodngad 
‘nha note tow yd Jad? joootviss sour yo hoovhexg Aiasamooh hme Raeqag 
toga tevilob og sev Lemme? beioglide yleseugae, bask “pst, dount ; 
te aelqioaiie gaente iq anf ad .TRidaletg yd beisgetq eo etaesuped 7 
You? rio tew varie xet Yaq OF Netaphive om yet godtewh baw yehepe 
pits wenahie'ted asonsed anetamanavacs oat post dam beviener avad 
Tiidntal; to eeritatassetaet to eomewds 982 at paved sanye, whet ‘ 
ae Bow etd agefnt Wiseateds moge SN AE I sheen oie 

known te plaintiff prier te ar duriag the time tiet ite services 
were rendered, Such «evidence wae self-serving and inadmisaible, 

it ia suggested that the court erred in permitting plaine 
tiff toe use the devesitions which Aad theratofore heen taken and 
lodged in the ey Sean he Leave wae asked by defendants 
te withdraw these devositiongs erier te the beginning of the trial, 
ana there is abundant autserity to the eifeet that plaintiff sight, 
if it cheese, introduce evidence under these circumetaness, Adages 
Y. Husseld, 85 li. 204; Gogsett v. Greene, 254 111. 14; MaCommiak 
He Ms Go. ve bagter, @2 11, App. 316; Penn, 4. Noo. v. Ande Co., 
131 Ili. App. 486; Gugtus v. Murdeok, 154 131. Avo. O70. Indeed, 

there is authority te the «ffeet that it vould have been arrar fer 
the court te have permitted their withdraws] over the objection of 
plaintiff, Agme Paste aper Co. v. . 3, Paper Supply Se., 233 11. 
App. 262. At the same time, the court could sustain vroper objece 
tienes te vartes of the desasitiony which were ineougetent, irrelevant 
and immaterial, jiyan v. Brant, 42 i114. 73, Where the sane Levee 
ar@ invelved, d¢positicns tekai in «a former #uit may croperly be 
read in evidenee. Doyle v. Uiley, 18 221. 576; EeGennel +, Smith, 
S7 Til. 232; #: Kendig, 188 111. 804; Biiior vw. Calumet i... & 
My Go., 122 IL. App. 56. 

Defendants cite a number of cases to the effect that ageney 

cannot be preven by the statwonts or scté of the agent, and that 
the burden ef preving agency is on the one Wn@ alleges it. Thie te 
& correct «tatement of & general rule of law, but thie rele dees net 
render inadmissible evitenes a9 te vets performed by am agent in 
behalf of his principal ner atatemente made by him under eireume 
stanees whieh weuld cetep the principal from denying the ageney, 

She rule for which defendants contend ie inapiaifcable te o reeerd 

euek an this, of the mumersus cases eo holding, we alte enly « 

few. Gadwell vy. Meek, 17 111. #20; 2, C. 6. # Bt, L, Ry. Uo. ¥, 

asolvise adh tant onl) 948 9admmd ce od tolng Weealete oF seo 

idlesluhest baa galviene-lion may eoaehive Hose ,horehaet stew 
-tlsig palsiinisg al Serie J1ee9 OM Jens Dedeaggee ab Fh) cin 
fee Rodet used etotoleneu! bas oo har ii aaa oat gen OF De 

aioabnetedh yd beden saw evesd ait Abin tenes oto ah bophok 

feiad amt to snlauignd evs ef sethe aagltincess seeds wotbssiw of 
 tiyla Tiiinels dudd tovtioe edt of ytirast se daabauda of oveds- Bre 
gushs .aevmeteaverto seeds tehaw soasbive eowubortal ,aeode 6 YF 
Hodemovesd ;hoL «iit MS epee ey ow gieened pees WALT ae theta 
0D MDL BR oth oh, OOS: TE mh oT EB. Ve 
sbosbat .088. .g0h AL O04 sanotaal we muted 708d seq cet Ker 
tot soxae aeod syed bivow fh tam? soot ie os¢ of ytlrediwe wt etedt’ 
‘te aolsoetse eds rove Lemenhele be thoes Antenne: even at 2xwee oxi?’ 
~oabde saqe%9 1 Rtetaue bivog PaNOR O02 PMT SmDa CAs GA ROR -qQAY 
saave fecal ,faatequesal stew Agiiw amyrtiveged eat to ataeg of amabd’ 
sovert come out gtedW OY .féd Gb re ae ee 
ed qineqetg yar dius Teaiel a Gi ode? gacdthuegsd ,hevlevabeeta’ 
aged ;OTE .i1k Bh yeRsie av weixee soomebive al past® 
Susittunlah sah abba 1608 .ci, OOS pgbhaee we teens RES ER: 
08 seed shOR £82 Gogh” 
Weatys @adt sine tio ef) of aeane Le rdeum & wate ednabse'ted eraeee 
Sand bao ,taage o03 lo ates ao etanwtnee edd yd wever@ ed Sonmee” 


ai aidt....¢h angeiio ose onm ast aa ad Yanege yakvorg te neki’ we 

fou seob aint alist dud ,wd te edu Saw @ To ooneee ate: sowriel ie! 
at tnege ae, qd, bomelieg Bien ah em wad hee eidiaskmboal tebaee — 

*mU9Tlo TObAY mth Yd Shae atonundete tom Laginakee: anaiiceicane veal 
‘btege2 « of efdaaliqaant ai Lagiaes a¢mebac lee ype ao oak 
a se, oslo ow ,gathiod 99 nomen avoremem oot 2) pam tas meh 

ee oe 

Gage, 286 Tli., 21%. 
Upen thie recerd, as a mutter of law 4efendante were 
Clearly liskle, snd the court taeorelore 4i/ nes err in directing 
@ Verdict for plaintiff. Libhy, Bebeil) A iibby v. Seok, 229 111. 
266; Eewles vy, Bryan, 254 [11. 149; Grants v. Granta, 314 fil. 243, 
The Judgment is affirued, 

O'Genner and ieSurely, 77., cameur. 

| si? oat wr @ 


ine Pere A ee 
ig RE ines 

teehee 22 ARORA ere ie BU aR Re ee sue ee ee 
ie ye er HOY ae annie: e og 

RL ke Moi 

wien Me EN Pee Pee 

Wh bia Fs s yee ch ee ch at = 
setae WP oe RS Si a> Abe gr Ra 4 ij 

Re dapee nn FR Bi ett OE SONS SS ee 

ei ibe bea | 
A eens rd ut eee RE 

ool vel Nee pdt 
pv nhens a. sth) ohh AE REMI 0 ee, 

ns. ee ek We Da RR Ree oe 

ane: hay 

te Kelion tse ee nina gs, Savmurctebly Rae 2 

iit Bales 

ete. ALAND, AeA ieee PAN tats 

" i Ae aE is ’ oe kee Cece Sus ean® Ss 


Pepete Mee kp SAGER SGOT Ss ee 

anuee sd engee.. poh BE pO gh 

wit tal an ta Takeout wy 


oT eRe: 
AVS ge te ls, SG 

&... ane ee st "4 ia fs x Dicaanle meh 


mah ia Bei ie OR ma RS 

AR RR nh Dana kasany aM HI idiot 

» Pinae taecete alee BaP ote, y ME) ee okee Rate: a Ae ant aOR . 

Cy ee ame suas AE, Gre tae 

J Miwe othe Be ares fad oe, poe, ae 

ate is Tegra tlh 

37336 __ 

PAIKT CO., es: 
dope... A 



i aa ait! 


a _ | 

Exeoutrix of the Estate eof Kalph ¥, 
Stansbary, Seceaved, 



Thie appeal ie by eazpliainant trem « deerec *hieh medified 
@ restraining order theretefore issued om complainant's motion and 
Giesiseed the bil] end aupolesental bill fer want of aquity, taxing 
eosts of proceeding sguinst complainant, The cause was heard wpen 
@xeeptions te the repert of the master. Certain evidence wae aise 
taken in open court upon the hearing before the chaneellor. De-« 
fendantdé? exceptions were in part sustained, and the report of the 
Master wag in all other respects ccnfirsed. Complainant filed me 
objections te the repert. 

The suit waa by way 6f a oroditer's bill flled February 16, 
1932, and baged on & Judgment rendered in faver ef comploinant and 
ageinet defendant, Davie GU. KeCarn, om October 27, 1921, for the 
gum of $9500.67 and cote. 

The bili averred taat there was a balance due on the judge 
ment in the evm ef 95572 end coats of the suit; that at the time 
the indetiedneea wae incurred and for years prier therete Dawie G, 
MeGarn wae the ener of 200 shares of the Star-Peerleas Yali Paper 
Hilla, an Illineis corperation; thet in April, 1931, *hile thie In- 
debtedness «es ewing, SeCarn enused thin steck te be tranererred te 
fefentant Stanebury withent eqnvideration; that thie transfer was 
made with the intent to defraud complainspt ond other erediters, 
an4 that complainant wae informed and believed that the steck was 

in the vesecasion of either Stanabury or Ruth kevarn, defendant's 


Wiadem RYUR WADeM o alvag 
 Wmaaniziee Jou EK ARMOON 59 SEY 

| adele bebeS Sad 0" Ph oe eee 

i ar08togga ais 

7 x09 KO tHito 


haltibes dolde sexesh a wort dmalatiney ud ef tao gyn altar 02s" 9 

bas colton a'insatetques ae houeal sretosertedd tehto gciaiertest & 

guine? ecehupe ‘lo gane tot ifid tndeweoleque bas Likd ene boantan 2 
neoqe buacd aew souay off  .tmeniaiquae tenlage galboeneta to ateoo 

cele anv ooasbhive alataeo .teteat ots te Fanqet oA7 oF ancteqesxe 

ool ,tolleocate atf oro ted gatuzed ode aeqw dameo meqe se sotat 

edd Yo troqer ot bao ,boaiatoun drag a! oxew ameliqoons ' " 

Be ben 

‘98 Sefit gnenielqms) .boanktace @foseent tetde LLa al me wotaen 
| «Stayer odd of — 
as samen hoLlt ££id attodibety «te yee ql saw Slwe OMT 
has tnantaigues To tove't al borebaes toeemhet ao ag hosad bac e8eE 
oa teoY ,f88L ,@ todotod ae ,areOat .o shvat ,dnehne ted tentage 
wtuoo bas VO.0080¢ to awa 
“abut odo ae ouh aeusLed # aww Oued? omeis betieve ILid edt 
omits esl% Sa dwAt {Stun a83 to anon baw RVG To mum ode at ta0m 
@ giwad oteteds tela wisey tol baw dertweak aoe seoutordebat ede 
Wont Lfe® seolrwetetmss en ‘te wediaicle GOR te teme6 ony aww mtaioX b 
nat atst efise ,t60L ,ituqa ak enn {agi satoyze9 whoatsst ae are 
et hevreteaexd od of Seota shdf baaswo orale ,gaiwo nar wrx® 
gay tetummrt efhi Janie jaolsa TOR eene twads bw Verdunes® alibi ; 
.@ ted thew tesit's bac tunaie Lenes buweteh oe saatnt edt atte oben 
baw 10098 012 Saslt beveliod baa bemne'tat enw SaentoLomss tant haw 

a'ftaebowteh ,atalell div te ytndeawté nedeke ‘te aii a $ ‘a : 

wife, and that they held the sawe in trust fer kedarn, 

Davis &. KeGarn and Ruth MeUarn, naxed as defendantea, 
answered denying the «liegations of the bill, Stensbury answered 
that om april 16, 1951, Savin &. eCarn aesigned and delivered te 
him certificate &o. 22 for 335 shares of Glace B stock of the 
StarePeeriess Yall Paper Siilis in trust fer Ruth ReCorn according 
tm the terme of a declarsiion eof trast in eriting, “hich he at. 
tached te hic answers that the certificate was traneferreé eon the 
books ef the corporation; thet at that time he bad no knovledge 
ef any indebtedness due froe Davie &. AcCurn to cexplainunt. He 
denied that the transfer wage made with fraudulent intention and 
asserted that it was set & sham ae allege? and wae mot made in 
trust for KkeCarn or te prevent a levy on i%. 

the master reperted April 11, 1945, finding the recovery 
of the judgment, the iesunnmee of an execution, ita delivery on 
Kovember 3, 1951, to the eseriff ona the return by the sheriff en 
Vebruary 3, 1932, endereed that oe Bad aeld steck ef defendant in 
eouplainant company, lewied an Tor $4006 and pald $5927 to aelied-e 
ter for comnlainant and returned the exeeution unaaticfied are to 
the belanee; that there was then due usen the judgment $5672.67 
aad geste, tegether with interest from the date of its rendition, 

Yhe moater further feun’ that the judgment was entered upan 
a ¢ertain promissory note for $11,006, dated Cotoher 17, 1930, 
signed by defendant Kevarn and payable te time order of complainant 
on or before Oetober 17, 1935; that the note contsuined & pewer to 
eonfecs judgment aad that payments were sndoreed thereoan to the 
aggregate amount of 92000, the last endorsement being fer 41000 on 
Hargh $l, 1232. 

The master also found that simultaneously with tae execution 

of the note, KeCarn sxecuted a eollateral pledge agreement of the 

sane date, scouring the nete; tuat the agreement pledged as col- 

reed to% sawt? G2 mmee wate bled yoels gait, wer sibe 
sadnabae ted as bomen ,otedes AdvA bak meade .o eiveG mia 
berrowesie gtude nade Ltd ede ‘to snottegeiia ef? gatyaeh botewena 
ot heroyt fet hae bougisen miedo «@ wi wosh aie +f. fiaes ue sams: 
| ad? tq dnote & gaske to eetain eee aot a8. ok bao tiletes mae : 
ndivisced miado% Awl t6l dens al aLfees t9qah La’ pemg rds ime 
ofa ad dolde ,yaltine af deer? ‘to meteetadosh «a ‘te awted edd oF 
ods a9 Serre tenets? eae stool iizan eat jade pLawsan ala of bedees 
egbe Lwoms on god on omti Sand te tans ; tw hte voqtee ye ‘te axood 
ai ‘duane kqeas ed aredod “a abyal wert ol aneubeddebat Ya te. 
“bun moktaetal taeiubuet? fidhw sbam aan ‘ae tamerd oat tact ny hey 
md shaw fon aaw bow boge iia ea mani a fon ame rs ‘tad bettovee 
42 a0 evel a dapyerq of 10 imiaded zo tautd 
eH voost odd gnibalt ,t8er |, th Lita bedroqt wedean ‘eat. wiry ie 

mo yteviles aat ao ldweexs he te eodmunel “wath ‘, daomgbot ab ph te 

& tee atl he ote Me 
Pee Dal OR, S) 

io Ytixodn one ed axeder ef? baw Ytiveda odd of heed ae 

ni gashacted to deeds bico bait od seca ‘beetobas eee o va 
a5) 3 ii se 
alo lion od THeLE Shag aie Go0es tot ae belwef 1 eaIRgEOS taeates 
‘of be bodtelsenay sok tuoexe add bomwter hae tneateLqaoe x0? 0? 

i we Me Sak 
€d. EV aeS doomgbut esig aoa ‘ouh sods ae wrtect seats jeosu tad ent 
Sexe toe SP ewehseew 

molsthaet adh ‘ke ofan exid aer't taotesast 9 ie ‘reddoyor sateee bas 
oe. te hiss 
eee enhagheeed vay Smemybet eno tact Senuo't xe taut sedwom ont Baa 
he Boma 
\ ,O8@£ .SL sedofoo bese 1000, £08 tor ston croes tare stadves a 
ne wR Ris csi 

frente tqaoe to tebte ear of 2 idagea haw ee jotk saahae en ee 
od asvoq Pi botisdaas oson exit todd 8B 6 ava ‘sedode0 "ead as - i 
edt of noe reds bewtobas eter a dan sogne deed bas Aaoaghst savtiace : 
ae ones tok aaive tasmeaxohaa taal nets 0008) to ‘taveme | ae 
| aes 
noitvgexe of} nilw elevovandtumte sede iio ety te : a edt : xo neato ‘ 
add “te eterna sabe ig fareselioo ry ‘Walidens resol 4a? oe nde te” 

A gy 2 ga Pek E 4 tars ype Long ‘t 
-£00 aa beabe se Lanse sit ait qeden om yalwvose , & 
¥ eek eee May wes lseunnne. ‘oe 

Miho ers 
i ea 

lateral 160 shares Class E stock of the Pan-American Yall Paper 4& 
Paint Co. of Delavrare evidenced by certificate be. 19 and author= 
ized couplainent te deduct from the salary of MeCarn $200 « 
month, to apsly om the -rinetpal cum ef the obligation, and alee 
authorized the helder of the note and complainant, upen spy dee 
faclt in the payment of interest or in the payment ofany of the 
monthly partial crincival sayxents as stipulated, te sell the 
steck at any public or srivetes sale witheut netice and without 
dexanding payment ef the nete or interest and to spply the prae 
¢eceds oF the sale after dedusting all esate and expenges in gaye 
mont of the sate with interest thereon, returning the residue to 
Davis G. HeCarn; farther, that in cas@ the eroceeda of the aade 
eheula fail te sever the amcunt dus apen the nete snd interest 
and expenses, KoCarmn shenld poy the deficileney. 

The master found that the five payments of 92600 each 
eredited on the note were th: asounte deducted from the salary 
of 4efendant Welarn while be was empleyed by cauiplainant corpgerae 
tien; that prior to April 1, 1°31, Davie G. MeCarn was presifent 
ef complainant serpeoration ond had been ageeciuted with it from 
the time of ite incerporstion in 1916; that his resignation as 
president wae in the peaseseion of the scempany for seme time, and 
that 1% wae accented Bareh 31, 1952, at whieh time an additional 
eredit of 31000 was agplied to the nete; thet no further paymente 
were made on the note and the entire unpaid baisnee was thereafter 
declared due und the fudgeest entered; that April 16, 1831, Davis 
G. KeGarn transferred 355 asares cf common steck of the Star- 
Peerless ®s11 Pager kille, of which he was the owner, te Stansbury 
in truat for Ruth BeCarn, hie wife; that the transfer was made 
without any coneideration and was solely fer her benefit; that at 
that time MeCarn had on interest in the home oceupled by him in 

Winnetka, Illincis, which he purchased under contract dated Kay 


nt : 

I A toqel Lle¥ ane tromieawel of? To deede & neet> eerste OOF Leneging 
| “totem bets Of vot steal iiviss 4d Seeoehive weewnde? to 9? sated 
| -# ORS wade Yo Yte Lae ond MOTE Gowheh oF tanntalewoo> teak 
if : oeiw bus ,aolteyiide ag to mea Legiealt, e432 as “loge od, dem 
| son ye noqu .toenkalqnuen bee efen guy Yo cObiod ent  boxhuodtee — 
| q eit te Yan 'ty samayeq eat ah so seegetal Te saseyse oat ab shea 
ite gmt ies of ,betaiwqisea ae stasageun factoniveg Le Wise yf oom 
i | fwedsiw bas eoitom Juqueiv whee edering te siidug you se cleete 
i 4 wots eff. vicus o2 has ¢sexetulh to ode act to daouved gat based 
\ / "se th aesiegme bua adage ile gaidontieh 29d .e ofa off 16 aboep 
r: oo oubloas ac? pelaieeent paeetet? gaew dak dtke sdte oof “te tae 
a 5 eine of te ehoeooty odd @oa0 alten? ,2eciewt? poamdsee 10 wivell 

feetedial has efon eft meen sub Parcon sot teves oF Ile? blworth 
Weagielted oe) Yeu Pipotie arelo! jspeeedee bie 

ieee BOSE ‘to atuesag evd? ot ged? bavct tedeemen® O86 bs 
Yrslew eid ark bedoubed cdmveme ott exew ofon edt oo Betihess 
epTEgros Pieninlquoo yd boyetque gaw ad efidw mtadel Joehes'tow te 
 fimbiaete aew wzsled 10 aivetl GSE9L .£ LhagA of tebe) taut pooks 
mori 24 dtév Sotaioounn mood had ban meldaseqses Imente Loving te 

ne noltangisvet sid teds ; 818i ai adie teqzveeat ati %e eas ett 

bas ents oman tot yauques out lo amelsaanee ost at naw snoblaong 
 fameisipss oa awks dolsw dn , ROL ko sowed botenens awe 3h tard 
otnoegag Thiivt on asd poten ps of botigge aew OOOLE Lo dAhet 
med tented? ese sonoiad blaqun xtiae est bun ofom est on phan one 
alva® ,f60L OL Evga Sest jboredine Brmawhwh wut bees ont) bemwtosh 
-“t284 eH? to dont acwwwe ‘to eetate TEE berretenet? wobst 6 
viudemes2 oF ,tomve ald war ex aeliw Te ,eLLEM teest De® eae teeet 
ebem aaw tetenats ad? tadt jotiw atd .eIoN déyit Te? dewey? wa 
te goals paE Obed ton vo? Uletoa few haw cobterebiemes ym tuedthe , 
ab al ed bedguove emod exY at Sastedint ae hed wrel0M emky Bait 


26, 1930; that he agreed te pay for it the sum ef 216,000, of 
whieh $1000 wae paid in eash, he assuming a first mortgage of 
$8560; thst the balance was payable im monthly installments of 
$100 each, of which 875 was to be applied em account of interest 
end the balance of the priticipsl; that the agreement war thet the 
title tc the sreperty waz to be conveyed to keCarn and his wife as 
Jeint tenante, 

fhe master feund the value ef this home as of aAprii is, 
1931, te be $12,272; that at that time defandante had yaid in op. 
proximately 91306 on account of vrincipal and alse paid the ine 
terest to that tate. 

The ciaim of comslainant was that the transfer of the 333 
eharecf stock constituted a fraud upon compleinant aa a erediter 
of defendant; that defendant was insolvent om April 16, 1931, and 
the transfer should’ taerefere be set aside; that defendant claimed 
he was not insolvent at that time and hed sufficient property te 
pay all hie dette and therefore the transior te Ale wife wae valid, 

The master alse found the value of defendant's interest in 
his home on April 16, 131, wae Nalf ef $4320 or 2650; that the 
stock of defendant in sompiainant cgorperation (and pledged ae eele 
lateral te it) had no market vaiue or that date; that the book value 
on that date was about 392 s share, making a total value ef 19200; 
that defendant had insurance policics which had a casi surrender 
value ef $2748.95, againet which there was a loan ef $1550, leaving 
anet value of 91194.95; that he wlee had $560, the smeunt ef 
Salary due om Mareh 31, 1931, and $499.56, which was the suvunt ka 
ef the dividend he reecived frou the Star-Peerless Company; that he 
alse had a balance in the bank of 3226.43 whieh war in his mame and 
that of hie wife jointly; that tae highest possible value that could 
be placed om ali the assete of Davie G. BeGarn on april 16, 1931, 

Was $12,274.93; that all but $2574.93 of that eum wae the book 


‘be 000,016 Toe mua oc) 22 TH yor oF bawtge wa tanh pOCOL ~Oe 
%6 syay stom tel 2 yaboveea of yuleen at bleq Raw GOOLE doddw 
te asapmilasent yLiinom al eidaqwy saw conelad est dade ; 00086 

teoretal to sawonea as bo tiaae od. ot wae a0@ cekiw Ye , dene GOSS 
ose Sade sar sovootge elt pasa tieghouitg of3 me eaneled add Bae 

as etlw ait hak aieIei of hoyevace od of sow ytisgete od? of ahtbt 
nae titans de aebeh, 

,oh Shree ‘be wa. ideale aidd ke sadav ens hawey, ‘tetaas ef :. wits 
~qeuh biag bad afvmbaetod oakd tam te sade Ore, as6. 00. at hh ek 

—wak o93 Dlag scale base daglidaive to fawcsen me BOLE. win seminong 
smdeh Sanit ot dneneg 

So& ois Bo te lene? off 4H06 gee Javaiaicans to minke OMT gin) 
W97hbetw 2 ee taedialgmos mequ bust) w boetetis*enos zeote Yo arnada 
baw ,f80L ,0f itis a9 Sao viowas saw sunken teh tend ji mmbdae tad Re 
bomlels sauhne teh tenis pobica fee ed ex tert Adwords ae ta ae tt ond 
@? Yotsqoxg sacle Vine bad bas omd? dans te tmovionnt ton eaw ef 
bidevoaaw wthy wis of wileewsd ods estotomss? fue wtdod aka Lis yng 
ah Sedeeent a onebas ted Yo-oushy 6d haset wale wevesm edd 55% 
ae Jade ;OROe To VREAG Wo Bid naw , kel OL brgh wo omedoakd 
-{eo se begheke bee} agléeteqtoo sanakeduncn ab daabon'toh bo toota 
aulev dood eid set jodah Sead ao Salar sera om Beet: {eh 0¢ areas 
pOGKOS Re ewlay fates a gnisen, setasia #& 88> Sueda asew stab Jad? ae 
tebaerwe dees e bod dotdw seieilog eousinemt bed. saabae tsb tacit 

gabvaet , 08849 “lo eel « ean ama doldw demiape . *oQsOarRs, he. oniay 
‘to, taneme add , 0089 hat opie ot tans 140.80628 To oxtev tone 

au @auess off ear Hoddiw ,O8 CORPS ban ,lees ait data we eub Ytalas 
8a Sado ;yRequpd Maeluveianete esld art bewkoaen ea hoebivih ode te 
bac suas eid af aow doldw 65.0884) Te Atad 689 ah somekodm bed oxts 

| | ples fod? oo lav ofddeaog teemyls oat dads pykeaiol elt ahd Yo.eedd | 

1806 (ak Shagh Bo Minded 0 abved Te steane ade iis ag beoala.ot 
dood edt saw gue dedd to GRPTERG gud tha tadd eal 


walue of the 100 pledged shares af eteck of somplainant company; 
thet this eum was a great deal more than anyone ae willing te pay 
for the atesk, including defeniant, ng was oresent at the sheriff's 
gale and failed to bid mere than the saeunt fer which the stock 
wan finelly sold by the sheriff, 

The master coneluded that the tranefer by defendant of the 
B33 shares of stoek on Apri: 16th left hin im failing fPinaneial 
ciremeatances; that he wae out of auploysent antii the felleving 
December and during that time nie only souree of income vas the 
4ividens that wight be paid on the Star-Peerless Wall Paper ¥ilis 
eteock; that complainant vas defendant's enly creditor; that the 
trenefer of this eteck to Huth éeGarn resulted in defendant's inae 
pility to pay the amount due te semplaivant and consequently was 
delaying, bindering and defrauding defendant's creditor and mast 
therefore be regarded af fraudulent and should be set aside. 

Ag slready etated, eouplaimant Filed ne ebjection to the 
report ef the master, 

ne deerse sustaining exception to tne renort found that 
Davie G. Mearn wan ecivent at the time ef the tramefer of thie 
eto@t on April 16, 1931; that the equities of the cause were with 
defendents, Devise %. selarn and Auth BeCarn; that the bili of come 
plaint apd supplemental bill should be @lesiesed ond the restraine 
ing order entered upen the fiiing ef the BALL be modified to the 
end end purvese that the transferees of the eteck should be en- 
titled te receive wll dividends acctued and declared and thereafter 

te accrue end be deciareé on the Star-Peeriene stock. 


it ie the contention of complainant that the transfer of 
the 335 shares of Clees & Star-Peerless gieck om April 16, 173i, Was 
fraudulent ae ageinet the erediters of Davie G. HeCarn because he 

Aid not retain sufficiat property te provide fer the payment oF 

hie then exieting indebtedness. 

The testimony taken before the master shows .bat Davis 4. 


iyMuGESY Ioalalquos Te KHase Yo Roadie Kage Ly OOL sat 'ontay 
Cag OF Baki liw saw snogne And? orem feed shexg wade me Ohad” bids 
a Wabkene ene tu Sasewty aHe ow, sabes Oh gatiytsat japere oat en 
atsote odd detdw se’ saves aad ment stom bEd od Dakter bao alee | 
ok ae | Mise ok yet Bhoe ‘itsaaly Gay ae 
St RG Fambietes YC ro tanetd bli adds “hosdtedes Yéduen ead” on 
Sakooaalt guiile? abu ret gL Chega me donta to ‘lide ‘see 
atiwette’? ol? £2dnw gay 2a Lean ‘'8 fee wad od dade sapperenioge 
‘Ome anv omeost Ys terion Ylne ela abs tad ‘patioh baa rodanovt . 
skh tege% Lia¥ ane tron tease wnt ad Bing od dolgbal dl che 
edt Sait ;iesibot yuo af samhastoh eaw daaidte Lemon ‘fade ioode 
“sah 6! tauhawtob ak betiuvet axmdet Mp of Meote efile te aeteneat 
bee YLdneMpeonos Bre Tinnts tqmdy od wah sven Sag” Yaa on viiitte 
(Pee baw 168 kere of tashne ted patbunrteh haw galls mkit ', ga ated 
sehles $60 od bivede baw Fos tusvbtt oe hebvayee we aa 
ont ehimentoetco on best tenia ttine ‘fie cite hee Ht’ gh OO" 
te deem noid ‘w beaety 
| FeGe bauer Moaost asd OF AoLdYyouee BHGtedawe bexsed | , 
eat 26 wthewts ost Lo ould oe He dnevtow haw AeLDS) 
ddiw etie eushs oad te ablttepe add dune s geek [BE cheb i ad ote 
atte Ye LES oid todd pereadow dow Sie dendow Lo abvatt’ adnab, ere | 
sHhevdaet ONF Kad hoowlow th od wtdona teid atin tees ‘bin’ takai 
SAS OF Boktibom'ed Lita ads “26 gat Let bad Rbgw bbtadee cabs soho git | 
‘atte od hivods tosee 949 “ts Rowretehard 4 Yad} smoot yy’ - cor 
tot eoteds bie how Loh baw bewtosn ebdvhiven tte ‘évissed ‘et ‘petdy 
nial Moora weolrootawde wld ao Botdfoes 64 has bebe 
te telomere 989 Gedd dowels tends te ‘aotF nw dios ‘ead WE A> saialhd 
Bae, MRL OL Legh ne iverd wad Linetonede & Went “Ye ne tack ‘eee ode 

Se a a ee See aa = 

at SoumDed menIelt 60 eve Ro wrev ites wild Penlege eh sae fubuart 
ey, tmaaag wet wet AYO Od ‘eeteqond rr whads ‘Yad a 

KeCern had been associated with couplweinant eompany since ite ine- 
sorperation in 1016, Frew that time te April i, 1931, he wae ite 
president. However, His resignation from that effiee had been in 
possession of the company Tor some time and was secentead by it 
Mareh 31, 1931. ‘The oromiceory nete upon “hich judgment was ene 
tered was for $11,000, executed Oetober 17, 1936, paysble te the 
order of couipisainant and by ite terms would cet fal dae until 
Oetober 17, 1935. The note drow interest at the rate of 8% per 
annum from date ead contained the power to confess Judgment “in 
term time or vacation, at any time hereafter witheut process, * 
Judgment wae entered by virtue ef thie clause en Getober 2, 1941, 
nearly four years prier im the maturity of the note, At the time 
of the execution of the sete Mevarn aleo executed and delivered a 
Colisteral agreement in and by whieh he transferred certificate Se. 
19 fer 160 ahupes of the complainant eompany steek, This eellateral 
agreewent autherized and firsected eompiainent te deduct from his 
Salary while in its empley the sum of $200 o wonth on the Lith 

day of each month thereafter sand apply sane om the note, The eel« 
lateral agreesent alec provided that if there wae any default in 
the payment ef any of the monthiy partial principal payments as 
stipulated, the note should at the option of the holder beeome ime 
mediately due and puysble and complainant or ite agent might there. 
after sell the preperty or any part of it et sublie or private sale 
without netice or discount and without demasding payment of the note 
or interest and apply the preceeds after deducting costa and expences 
to the payment ef note and interest, and that if the preceeds were 
Ret sufficient to pay the aseunt due on the note, defendant promised 
to make up the deficiency. Complainant was expressly given the right 
to purghase in ease of sale. After leaving the empley of complainant 
Bareh 31, 1931, MeCarn did not secure other empleyment until in Dee 
cenber of that year, After the recovery ef judgment, -eomplainant 

4i4 not undertake to sell the steck under the porer of sale contained 


~Ht e¢) @anie yanquoe J ate ha Lepae ait ke beistoonaa need had misioX 
i ; SS RRA. 
a2 sew af eh BE of Lhega of om s batt mot 00k al “aolgaroniee 

ae ol 
ak aged bei epi Tio toss ag sot tanyiews ald tevewo Huohiecta 

RAY Sey 
ai yd betqeace saw bas outs oes Kok eaaqaoe ‘ould ‘to soteneaeoq 

«09 sav tJnompbst, delde mocw eton ¥toar Late ed? be fe soe 
ant of eidegag GEOL ,Th tedodoo Retusexe 19005158 x62 sow ‘hexed 
fitgas eh S£a% #ou hiner amie? oak we baw daaaie temo te tehte 

soy 08 To etax wets so saoredas wah ston eat? REOL Ay: ‘sedeied 
ai* tnomghut, amples oF xewoq auid boata2 noo bas ‘edah ort ‘mune 

* ngenong weds bw rod lest9d osals “8 da me lteoay co) ‘emit Cased 

ABO WS isdedev me sennto oe bsie 1° nutty “a bexane ¢ cam top a 

_pmki ade 24 .otoa aus ‘te ei ttutan ans os soln exn0y must ata 
& hateriied baw hedupexe esis axaoom ofan oily te wel tuooxe. wxia “te 
+ Osan tisiee horre'teauxt od sobs we bas ag imeneotps Lette oto 

‘ ey Ba Pry Hees ae Lak 
Lerwedtcifos aidt deate eaeeaes faoate.Loen oss te aoaade 001 mot OL 

i oe Biers FL 
Bis aoxt soubed of namie Sgemo bosons bas hentrods wa saan 9tRa 

. M28L eds ue staom @ ORG to ave ont Yoianes eat at ota yantae 
{90 98% . hon eid ae Some ehage haa wor tontedt stom ome ‘te eas 

Hh Biawleb Yaa aaw atnds tb fasit bahtvors on ta Aamosonge Latotas 
Be at oneneg Lac toahag foktwe Aston sais % ws te ‘tnemeaq ‘at 
ond onoond tohiod ome te Holt go one te phwoda ston oat “ betaiuadie 

a 4 a 

ontods date Sieh 36 | agi to fawntssonos baw eldayed bas out 

S Sea Sinks ‘ 
iss staving to atidug ta 2% To $109 ae aa wareqore ode pe wod'ta 
atom one te fasargng patbanaes tuoutiy bas bae sawcontb x0 9 eo lsea fei ll 

| @@8m axe baa esace galiouheob x04%e nbeooere ons &% baa deoxed 

soph Sey ae 
etew ahavoorg eas a ars baw ,Suoxotad haw ston * dnoaee § Me 

ea Pui se Bh 
Hie hoe kuot ahabao Yah sos ou ond ae oub fawn eas we ae te oi don 
| that ot fowte yesoxgxe ae snewinsamed “tou teh ot qu owes ot 
Ve eM 
«de miatgueo To xelqen wale aatvact we sees Xe e200 at , . 
RS YR Rae a pan eas Sate i 
a8 af Liduy sanayelqam redte wtunen toa bap awom , 
Sh Rane dhutys ‘Pau bre 
tneateloucs) ,taeaghut to yr vest ould wosta oTawy sestd to tedmes 
f + PTD 2 SO SUNT ie Re MR 
te bettatnos ofaa te sewed ont swebaw aeate gl Live ‘of ounstobaw 
hi; ews Peed Het 


in the collateral agreement bul caused an execution te be isaued 
and levied on thie certificate ef stock in complainant eempany, 
Davie G. KeCarn Was present at the sale December 1, 1931, amd the 
steck was purchased by Peter J, Blagserich, then a stoekhelider and 
afterwarda slected « direstor of complainant, 

The master found thai the value of these 100 shares on 
April 14th, 1631, was #92 «a share, Complainent hewing filed ne 
objection before the master nor exesption before the chancellor te 
thie finding, ie therefore oreecluded trem argutag, to the contrary 
here, Harble v, Thomas, 178 tll. 540; Genrke v. Geurke, 190 111. 
166; Barney v. Comre, of Lincoln Park, 295 111. 397. Assuming thie 
to be the value of the ateek on that date, the proof befare the 
master shows that defenident retained an ameunt of property on April 
16th sufficlent to meet Nis obligation, and that practically the 
@ntire amount of property se retained was in the posecagion of come 

The bALL ae filed eens to be based upon the theory that it 
was the intention of the jJudgeant debter te defraud eomplainant by 
the tromefer in trust. The cage hare, however, ie orgued uren a 
aifferent theory, Bemely, sat of « ecqnstructive trust, and it is 
urged that it ie pet meceseary to show a¢tusl ioselveney in order 
to render a voluntary tranefer to o wife or child wold, tit that 
the true teat is whether or not the tranefer direetly Mmtended to 
er 41d impair the rights of existing erediters. Cemplainant sites 
Birney vy. Selomen, 348 111. 410, in whieh the Lilinois cases are 
reviewed, It is there held that the established rule in this State 
deee not require proof sf actual inscivenecy in order te render a 
voluntary conveyance veid where the tame is made from a husband te 
a eife or from a parent te a ehiid. The eourt said: 

"The doctrine ia firsly deelered toe be that ene must be just 

before he is generous. Bhat may be in the mind of the granter when 
he makeea a voluntary conveyance to hie wife or ohild is immaterial, 

1 nS 

| Fi 

| t a 
iy : 

beuwok od et noi suoene tm ‘beauas dad tanseotys fewsattos ae at 

Ren wt” 
i% 1 eae 

enwasiee Fite re Laos ab doods to otantt iste ene ae bolvel ‘has 

eutd taisse tees “—f xedasoad else oat te sassorg ‘enw “awedod .® abvad 
Hite ‘ob Lome ote 4 aed? cobwoqe si f 90% w Renasowwe cov toate 
| -#amai s Leno to rodpnate a bezoets abtaeretts 

ae , woreda oud sai? 10 sutay ead tale bawor ‘weteom oat pape 
on beth pabwuat dani £209 -ezads & ne6 anv eek a0 Aixga 

st tolivonssio asi ws gia’ nettqeoxs tom wetasn out oro'ind _metsee oh ge | 
wists sto ond 02 patirgte won't babuleorg scorers ob gatbal neee 
itt oer gate) ¥ sain pore tik ars Arn y: 

abds gatmvend P88 fat E08 ual agen. cS a ARES at 
| if edd oreted Soong ‘ose Stab todd ae atoore oat 20 ‘eutey ase ad od 

I | itaga no ew qoU te fauonn a boataser Samamieb sat ae team 
we est) ultes toate aad bem  dolsegtido eke on "  dmetokrive tot 
: on00 ‘te aoleaeesog odd ah aaw poatazon 9s omeqorg te truome othi ae 
pu ee onan 
; e0 tote pete 
$i tad? erosdié ons monet berad sd od sone he Lee 8a ibd i Noe 
ee Paolo Lomo buawta ot tordeb dames at wae ‘ oteaesad ade Bl 

@ nous heuyte af Tevewos ted samo ot saute al ‘totonett 
bie Oh bine ,fauns ov itowizease “ ie Saat toma “a ekeedt sams 
rebt0 at qwusyfovak Loudon wode ee Ylnosooon soa a at oS 0 

tad? gud blow pitao 19 etiw a os we Iaawtd ytntastor * ‘tehast ot 
«a babes ok wisoortd wo taunt eas ton te ‘teste ie at feet aun? oy 
setts gmat Lae 10108 ibore aieubxs te eonighs sat x 
ore BPR elont £11 ‘ont sig Law at one ial abe HARB e ee 
stare elds al aint hese Lidesee ‘ent tad ied exes a ry she : 

Ve rho, Bowe ad aa 

s bast ot tebxe mt yoneyfornk tautou te roorg euluper veeh 

kG weer eet pay * 

et pamtouss F) owt han ak omne os oman bhov “seaeys aoe . Sy 4 
: tbbae Tu9e out bkide * « sa0 tH om hay pie eo ae 

geut a¢ youn ono tadd of of hetsLoob yer at saixteob ext® 

aay sodcery edd RO hale edt nh ed yom sane Lamveensy “G2 esl weeeed 
tairedasat at Bitdo 1 oti ski of seanyevaee Senate “ Ser he 
ita ch te s nie Mayes oh? Tht ak amar ey & 

eget A ap 

for if it results in hindering, delaying or defrauding crediters, 
it must be regartet an fraudulent, A donor may make a conveyanees 
with the most upright datentions, an¢ yet, if the transfer hinders, 
delays «r defrauds his erediters it may be set aside as freudulent, 
(Hanuen Sa OSFI624, 124 012. 164; Mekey v. Metoid, 298 id. 666.) 

Of such feree is this rule that where ane is feand to be insolvent 
after having made a voluntary eonveyanee te his wife the burden ef 
dispelling the implication of fraud ae agalnet pre-exiating 
ereciteors is upen hia grantee. Dilisan Ya. Sadehhect aes 463 maa 
wani Hority v. Hoifmen, 55 id. $53; Batterson v. Bebinney, supra.” 

Defendants do net ouéetion thie rule of law but argue that 
the fects woieh appear in thie ease bring it within an exeention 
te the general rule, tamely, that « erediter whe ie fully eeeured 
at the time of a voluntary cenveyanee may not nave the same set 
aside upon the technical presusption raised merely ty eatablishing 
the faet of a debtor's indebtedness, cut teat i such case the 
erediter should be required te plead and preve other cirequssatances 
from which the debtor's intent to defraud might be reasonably ine 
ferred. Defendants Say that the oroof shews that at the date ef the 
transfer ¢oxplainant was Tully sveoured by the stoek of the Pane 
American Yall Paper © Paint Ge., which nad «a book value of $92 a 
share and which the master has found eaetusliy hed that value; 
that tiles finding is suvperted by ctatenenta in evidence refleeting 
the financial eenditien ef scemeininant; that it appears that the 
stock of complainant ie cleséely held; that 1¢ is a "chose corpo rae 
tion*®; that the financial statecnents in evidence indicate ne in- 
Yliation of values; that tiere are ne sueh inflated items as "good 
will" or “*patente"® appearing in the balanee sheet; that complainant 
has done business ever the eompsrativéely ieng peried of sixteen 
years, end that it le apparent that ¢xeept for the subnermeal and 
distressed market for securiiles of ali kinds compisinant would 
have readily realised ite indebtedness from an orderly sale ef the 
shares of steck; that ae a matter ef equity cooplainant corseration 
should have set off the value of ite sharee of stoek against de« 
fendant MeCarn's intebtednees, and that if the eorporation iteeif 

had purehated the stock instead ef permitting one of its principal 


6 ¥ 

,atetibors qrlhustteh ie gal yetob aie mh ationet DE Tb nd i 
Seaeya ties « eias Yea Tonok A tian bebuer't as hetteget ad geum t 
stshatt Wiaers odd Th , toy One ,estohioetel diglrqe teem ech st de. 

tae Luhvet? ae ebies foe od you $2 wintibere wks Bkuaz tab te oye 
sanvLoent ad oF bavet al eae #%5 iw sana oive ehie Py egret 

‘le aeberwd ed? stiv ebd of aarayovade yrstaelor « / ¥ a 
gaultaixe-9%q Seakage ea buast To «pltaok tems no et ge TF 
tt a roe ee ‘eid gene ‘ah otet 

tsc2 9uyts dud wal te oLut ald3 woldesay shied ab etanbae tod 
aeitqooxe me abdsiw $f yated essa aba at ueegas ‘dabiw'abean oat 
ait aria ai ondw Cetlbets & gunt st Awaus voir fewaes ‘ond oT 
tee Ms agate oni ovad son yaa souayoviias yxadauloy a te ‘mia et ‘a 
guides idazes yd eioree hoe ha noltquusece faotusign’’ “poly “nog etléa 
ont gneo iowa al dads aud “seuonborsebrd at totded Py ‘te ‘Boat ia’ 
apoasdeoworia aeateo everq baw haw Le of poskupen od bhwode cebhhoen 
oat Yidanoanet of $etytn buexter of anetat at xosdob ace doen 0% q 
erie to stab sata ed dons —__ roorg ene dass we odaehae tes es ae 

7 gSicah ee WEA CO 
aust ods te deote ond «d heuese iis saw ate Phy Rees i) 

«tea lady 
+ eg te duiev dood # dean ci iho di 4 taiad 4 cage? Lis W anoltems 
jeuiay feds bed ¢ikewtos daus’d eos aefena ott sobs ban ereste 
salsaelier sonable al atanm sede ee bo dxoutue at aatbat® ohes alt 
Bie Fag, B ‘d xh 
_ eae tant etacqas on taits bementacquee te nets tbaos Aatonaah’ 
aerorte0 paote® # at th tnd ph inal ylevads et Snake Lqaoo te woote. 
ond om efaoihal oonobive ad af ans tad iatoanal? ott test “yfeokt 
rh j 
_ beeg? ae ame dd bege fmt owe on ous eteRs todd aewlay ‘te nolvatt 
tae ni aiquoe aris yseesa eons ind oid at waltosage “Sadandeg™ 1» *ethe 
needa te te hoktag auod qisvisatecnop aia ve sosntend ‘pmok eed 
bas Lemiendum oid wot sqnoxe sans surrauan a ot yaad ‘pin ea8y 
iA. yt Joppa 
ainew Senta Leu abate Lis Ye sets unen ‘tot ‘toxsom 
ty sidaties doa wmwt 
ael2 Ye ian eorobte ae mont eoouhesdetal eas boatioes elibeor eves 
Cee aa os Catia ayn Hs Ray 
not tateqros $n xt oka thee ‘to wesenu pe te sont + 
we [ isan “Ere am 
“oh teakags doore vo sere sto vat te outer ans ‘Me tos eg ovat sue 
Pe aK” 

tesa? wotdaradrve wis we ants ae “omaates sana « 
fagisalixg eat te ano gate lence Aa pantunt ‘deeta pene 

viCe A we 


: = es = 
ee eee 

steckheldergs ts de so, it would Have been in the strange position 
ei aequiring for ite treasury shares having a book value of 

$92 o share, while still ineieting on collecting a deficiency, 
Befendants point out thet MeGarm had ne other ereditors than eome 
Plainent; that we waa not in faet in default under his contract 

but that that default wee created through the exergise on the part 
of complainant of ite right of forfeiture whieh haa resulted in a 
hardehip te nim; that comolcinant fellewed ite legal righte 
atrietiy, confeased Judgment upon the note, procesdad to levy upon 
the security, and defendants sey that while this course was legally 
permicsible it was met calculated to procure the best price for the 
eharee of stock because it emphasized and aeve moteriety to the 
fereed charseter ef the Liquidation. The original contract between 
the curties 414 net contemplate the full recaynent of this lean 
until Getober, 4955. They further point out that the parties had 
in contemplation that the revayment would be made out of the eslaried 
earnings of defendant; that revaynent wae fer the time being stopped 
by the acceptance of defendant's resignation and hie teaporary un} 

A gonelideration of all the faets seama to Justify the gon- 
clusion that complainant wae taking advantage of all ite legal 
Fights ond in particular of ite legal right ts declare the aabt 
due and te enforce a forfeiture at a time when the reoult wae an 
oppression of defendant, These etrict legal rights ere net quese 
tioned, but o oourt of equity ie slew under sueh elreoumetanees te 
agtneis to those whe thus insist upon purely legal rights which 
will bring a renault of that Kind. <A forfelture is always regarded 
by & court of equity with great abhorence, 

Defendants eontend that wider two ¢ireumetances the une 
Goubted general rule as te transfers of this kind is net applicable; 

that ome of these is where the facts aa shewn by the evidence are 


aole ison agttinxte ot at adod ovad biwow 32 208 ob of S19 bLordyese 
to sklev toot # ynived setae Yxiaaent ast aot © “gt paixtupon te 
eastertes # guivootios mo yalvatount kita: ptlew soteda a a6 
acto marl? wed thee teste om best mua fart gue Iatog sgaebue haa 
soaréisas: eld webuy ¢ine%eh mk foot wt ton BAR Oe teM? jddenbal 
fq ens ao ‘sulotexe outs Spweids hedaero eew Givateh fads jadt tad 
wm th bes tuner agi delve @tws iets? 19 deyit ath to susslatquos, te 
ws etiglt Loget atl kewoliot tanmintemne tagt judd of, qhinbted 
ome gver, of behsopotg ,efom gle aogh Saeayhal hoes tave . sthtottte 
‘ileget aaw eatweo Bint pide fad) you etpedae ten dan ,ytinu—ee, ome 
ont tot Golrq teed od? exucotq of hetedwotae tem saw 44 old ieehsaag 
sj of yYselsoton oveg baw besisedgen 72 taysend doode. te, wosee 
aserted soertnos Laniyine eat  ,aoksahivphd oc? iq rotourtadg hegget 
wot Ode 9 Faomyaqex Lut ot oteigmetace tom bib potereg ane 
: i Batt welsteg, wate feud sue taheq weed gaat OSCE ene EA 
a helisics ody Je fue eben od Ainow saomeneet a2 samt ao 
i bequoga galed ead? odd cet sew tuemyaqet Page { $awbise'teh 1. yates 
~ay yRaT0qmay BAK bag aeldangtery at daub aw tO To geandneoay out 
aoe ead vittant ‘ot ewes aapat oad ‘ te euttineh iil Ay @, Keene 
ingot gf fia to egatowvhs auiiet ea taantetqane ta6$ mokepho 

#doh ott wimtgeh o¢ aight Inged off to tedualtizeq at har atdgin 
ag wow tiveot ad? node pale @ fa emt ie lie) « egaetaw oF baie ath 
toup Son ete asiytx ingel toluse wnad? .tumraeted to wolegetgge 

of geoustemuatle douse tohay wode at Ythupe Ie saue8e m sud gh on 

do tity atight Legss yletuq aeqe talent awit pow sagdt of qlod\erly 
habtayet, ayeria al ouuiiotiet A bad dad? Yo sioner a gatas ‘aise 
 shoneedda tary eke ethene Yo Fxm09, a yd 
oir pit? eooaesomuas bo ows tehmu sade Dantes atmanee tS, 6 cuore 
jeldeokiqga dom et bald efi) Yo ate Xeanyd of am, oLue Laxoneg bedduab 
pia sonsbive ond yd mwodn pn ston? amd, gasdy a egedt te apm. Jags, 


that the couplaining crediter hee become such erediter subsequent 
to the time of the tranefer, and ike other where an exieting 
orediter is fully secured at the time 63 the transfer. 

The exceptions are diggussed by Chancelier Aent in an exe 
heustive opinien filed in heada, Admatr. v. Livingsten, 3 Johnaon's 
Gnaneery Reporte (/.¥. 1418) 441. ‘The opinion in that ease reviews 
the Englieh and American sautherliies ond, while stating the general 
rule which hae been follewed in lliineis (asd helding in that par- 
ticular case that the transfer ip trust was fraudulent as ageinet 
the creditors) pointed oul that as to claims of subsequent ereditera 
there was sore 417fieculty in arriving at a deficitive opinion. That 
@reat Judge sise etated by way of dictum the better opinien te be 
“that the presuaptien of fraud as ie these erediters arising from 
the cireumetance, that the party was indebted at the time, ia re- 
pelied by the fact of these debts being edeuiid by sertgage, or by a 
provision in the settlement; taat if ne such cireumetonece existe, 
they are entitied te impeach the settiemont by a blll preperly 
adapted to their purpose, and charging and proving indebtedness at 
the time, #6 that their rights will not depend on the mere cleasure 
ef the prior creditors, whether they will 6r 7111 net impeach the 

As defendants point cut, thue early in tne bistery of the law 
the fact that a erediter was fully secured sae reengrized as a ele 
Qumatance that would rebut the praeuption of fraud waich would 
otherwise arise from a voluntary conveyanee by a debter, and tais 
dictua of Chancelior Lent seems to heve been followed in mony 
Gases in different jurisdictions, Without undertaking to 4iseuse 
the facts in detail, we quote from deme Life & Accident Co. vy, 
Sehietl, 17% ark.,, Si, where the geurt maid that the reason fer 
indulging presumetions did net avply under sirewnetances where the 

erediter held full security, smd further waid: 

Sine LOT ES a 


pe a aR A RIE RE 

a} deoapsedua totlherp Move emoedd aad toe thors antatetqses ‘odd tand 
1p once ge an wxéide sete edi San Cortarrndly wa bn od dt of 
axe ae ni and os Loos) w4 benesonih ‘ta saoliqeoxe oat” 

a'aonaiot & fia ect 

«req ted! al yaiSiow ban} ahewiist ak bewoilot nood Brevinrger rhe 
| dantess 26 taelobuer'l dew Seiad ai we lemets oat ‘Jadt wend tatoold 
id etoyttero “dso wpeudien ‘to amdals of ea fadd fue betateq (ates hex ot 
a gad? .aolales evisial'teh » te yatvivw ak Wivo rite oten saw oxide 
nd ef deluge todied saz mitels ‘te yoo qo totale oaks Sgpdt badey 
“wott gatabta exodibexe seeds ad da butt ro motdqaveddy ba Faae™ 
“#2 al , ind t ait dm betdonits ane ethag oid godt ‘ens semonls ont 

a vf to ,oynntien yd Se uidbe yaied adves eanat Re ‘toar ‘old vw bettea 
legalize senaduseor te dome on LY dane faci ction ods ah" ax i 

| elte gore ikid « xd ‘fuewe Lede aah teas guk of betbiond “a wut 
de wenxnietdebok gaivozq baw atl _ tanec fete Seoqtbe | chad 
exseasioa etem ef2 no haonwh fon Lllw edxigit ates toads oe yom ; 
tlt _ ton Eile 2 Aktw = ante vexed tbo prose) ode 

| ee va avce [9008 
ay wal edd to yrotald ads St ulise wmdt ,Ju0 falow iusto a eal 
| «tie @ a4 Bexlagosss aaw boivece ELivt ase ‘taoibeas s dead soa oat 
“pitow Molde huax't Yo molsqiinere wee tuded bibow leybeere a 
ia? bas ,toddeb a od sonayevnes gmtaiter # wort selva ‘ba. 
“nem ak beweLLot deed oved of eanee end to wie ; 
gaunels 6¢ gabsegrsbay duodtk® .eaelto tba ret, easier alt 

Serpe eo enne eayseryr sit cay enn oe _o 

net ey UES 


"The reeaon for this dictinetion in putting seeured eredie 
tere in the some entegery os subsequent ereditera is that, whatever 
presuxption ie te be indulged, the erediter, in aelecting nie seque 
rity, hae, unlike a general erediter, disregarded esther oroperty of 
the debter and locked eniy ta hie security for the calleetion ef 
hie debt, hence he is entitied te ne presumption ef fraud in the hee: 
eonveyarnce ef other sroperty. uch « erediter ia one whe hes 
already been given a preference over ethere, ond ia not in the ate 
titude ef an existing gemeral erediter, henee his relianee is 
deemed to have bean founded on Kis seeurity rether Luan on the 
solvyesey of the 4ebter.* ; 

in Van Wyek v. Seward, 6 Paige's Chuocery Heports 62 (8.Y.) 
affirmed ic 18 Yend. 475, a bili brought to set seide an alleged 
fraudulent conveyance was dismissed. Chancellor Yalworth, discuaeing 
the faets, esid that it appeared that doupiainant had failed te shew 
that defendant had an intention te Aefraud complainant by his volun. 
tary settlement ef hic preperty which had tuken plaee before 4t was 
aseerteaines that the Judgment could net be coliestsd out of the 
property upon which it wags 4 lien. he sabds 

“and I think the evidenes seews, ost conclusively, that the 
property upon which the assigned juigeent was « lien, 17 gold fer 
anytuing Like ite falr cash value, vould have been suificiernt te 
eatisfy the whole amount of that Judgment. The eompluinant, pere 
haps, Kad the technical right te out up the preperty for sale wpe 
the execution, and bid if in fer a nominal oum if ne bidders at- 
tended to run it up to ite feir value, and then te sold Fillies 
Seward, who had guaranteed the coliection of the Judmeot, liable 
for the deficieney. Sat must we oresume that Willian Seward anti- 
cipated that gues a course of pree¢eding would kave been adepted by 
the complainant; and hold Aiea settieaent ef his property smong the 
afferent meubers of his family «he Aad claime upon Sie bounty, 
fraudulent for that reason? If taere vas ample property beund ky 
the lien of the jJudguent to pay the debt, at the fair cash value, 
and the guaranter had ae reasen te believe he would be charged with 
ony thing under hie guaranty, that is sufficient te rebut #11 pre- 
@uaption of fraad. Under the circuwetances of this ease, I do net 
believe the complainant would huve permitted a strauger toe bid in 
the property bound by the agvigned judgment at the asvunt due 
thereon; leaving his own subsequent judgeent unpaid, The sevsigner, 
therefore, could not reasonably have anticipated the @#vente whieh 
afterwards cceurred.* 

the same rule secue to have been follewed in Kellilian y. 
Egkilien, 245 Pac. Kes. 98 (Idehe 1926), where the court said: 

“Thatever the general rule way be with respect te the burden 
of proof in actions to set aside eonyeyences alleged te be in fraud 

of erecitors, it must be kept in mind that this action ia by a 
secured creditor, one who held mortynge seourity for the payment ef 

Mi aebiid off of Josqued Mtv ad ‘qn ots Lara ast ‘snveta 

ebbexo hetupes galitug at agisoalge dd wis. to% seoaox aat* 

aevedaiy ,dnit af ertosiheros @uesperdun xe oe omen ont mt ‘wane 

oLoo8 aki guisjesiss si ,setitete edt ,hogivbal af of 92. modteu 

‘to ysueqgery tedfa hebtagorelh , tog thors hog eo @ilfan ,pas hs 
to mes roekiae eit rot ctinwese els oF ice pytves ong biee atied a 
ea? a Buavt ‘te aotsquowetg om of Sei¢iram # dab 

and of emp af tgdkkesto « dent .uiius gong tedve. ‘te (Se eye CRD 

«#8 O4¢ ai gon si has ,@%edso Yeve seavte tery @ jaken nood yhaot le 
wi @oasiioy eid oaner ,codibote Leteag, ae ge 3g phat 
pals ev. 

ad ae’ MBit tetidey aisha aia oo bshaxo 
 * tetdeb add to, weer 

( Ye) RY asteqed yreo nes a'ogaes 8 anaes oe tote all, Ae 
bogelis se ebine toe 92 ddygwond Lfid @ ,8te .bae¥ OL a siienainl 

putegvanth yostowdel teiieoued) .dediionth aw gonnysynoe Inatubuayt 

|| odie of odin? ja Sunatetgnoo Aadé devsogua $4 sade Bhan. ,etee allt 
 atetov afd Yo tonaiatqnos byarteb at xoktaeges og bad. dnabae toh Jae 
_- aaw $2 etoled works aeket bad sghie yreeqets obs to frou L929e gad } 

_ #82 to Jue desasiioe ed tom Bauce toamghuh a6? dads pomiadaeega 
deel , ihies of «medi # enw a) stodnw eatihataicin’ 
edt stadt ,ylovleslome saea pene mosebive edt salad 1. _ posing. 

get Blow tL ell s eer dmoesyiot Seaniene en? dolde 

of doetolVive aeed avad bisew sa 2. alal £2 
‘eq ,fminialqmos edt =. sasayhy oat eS * 

eiee yor « as que St igh np inaant Bee sd 
ur neds yp 9 eae hm Se bee eh : ott, Ve i onelduaeh 

hd Ay * ae | OF Bt 
oiiiit “jiaaubit a te age any > wel Sodaes bod ete ke 

~isaa brawed melifi® dade Oeste Uy p Bathory omy ae 
‘ea aged e¥ezi eats gal be seers ai ety a Sogn 

edt gloss Yrteqoig & © dima leeen a , . 

Saad 9 ti meee awiets had > “ia Pe 18" y's 

uF bowed yltecetg oique aaw oned? taeeee2 jad? t0% ses, 

,eaiay dees tle't eff 2a ,ddod ees ae al ad use eat ‘te sare eit red 
agiw begrade ed bivew oc eredind BLES OM 

~etq iia guded of gaeloiTive of feat” , Ay > ye ges im en 

_ san oh 1 pane aid? to tap ke 
Wh Bad Pe teguetsa a badd Eaaea | ; . 

| euh sno asl? ta. a ra rig soos 
tomleea edt bleqin taongbul, danupeadi we abd 
daidw asasve edd padeglolinn eves) Pek 

wa need 
oe naked al Kewollot aed svad of eaven ein ome ont 

“Ybkaw duwos ont wince  (aker odiabt) 8e sao 3a aos 

ee a} hip ng 
tyne 4 

dues? ml od of hoyetle sencoweniae aah Beacdnseror§ rte wp! 
x vd wi moftee aldi fan? mt sees ad wyt yg *-- #t at . 
‘te snemyaq edt 102 ytiteoem ageyetem bied ete wae store: 

: Hii, Ivins s ptr he barril 
cays ‘ ee bf ‘ i {49 ik \ 
« Ree Sat ; s fee o 
is he ac PON £ oA SG it net bea. N 


hie debt, the tranefer in no manner endangered the mortgage secu. 
rity. ‘The erediter neither alleged nor proved that the sortgesged 
preperty wae net of suffieient walue to pay the debt when the ine 
staliment payseente fer the purchase of the land were made and the 
gift was made to respondent, in such « gaee, to make 1% necessary 
for the grantss to prevs that the dener waa solvent when the trans 
fer wae msde, we are of the epinion that it is net sufficient fer 
a wecurea ereditor te merely preve the transfer, the dabt, and the 
subsequent foreclasure and éeficieney Judgment. Keither a gift 
from « man to hie wife, ror a conveyance to aretier without cene- 
sideration, ie srima faele fraudulent. ¢€. &. sae. 8435, * 

In Polk County Sational Bunk v,. Beet 

the court said: 

"if the only debt the grantor owes at the time of the cift 
is fully secured, the conveyance must be held velid, for he is thm 
in the same condition legally ae if he vere free from debt. the 
evidence shewe that at the time Seett made the deed te bie wife the 
debt to the bank wae weli secured, {4 apoears that the bank rested 
eatiofied with the security for more than eight yeara,. It is net 
even now shown affirmatively that the property in the hande ef the 
trustees is net sufficient te seeure the debt.* 

In Steakel vy. Billion, 210 In, 1138, 232 N. W. 387, the 
Supreme court of that state said in substance that the debtor was 
entitled in equity te have the seeurity held by the erediter applied 
on the indebtedness; that if it bead been sa applied there woulda be 
mo deficit and witheut euch deficit the ereditor was uct prejudiced 
nor damaged by the slleged intended fread of the debter whe wade 
the conveyance, In Stephenson v. Demahue, 4: Ohio St. hep. 184, 
the same rule vas apolied, 

In Kational City Bank v, Cowdin, 343 111. 436, a subsequent 
erediter sought to eet aside o conveyanoe made by the debier te his 
wife prior te the time the indebtedness originated, the triai court 
held the conveysnee vold on the ground that the debtor waa heavily 
indebted when he made the eonveyence; cut our Supreme eourt reversed 
the judgment on the authority of Boritz v, Hoffman, 56 lil. 583, 
saying that while the evidence ehowed that the debter Had considere 
able indebtedness at the time he made the conveyance, it was largely 
centingent as surety for others, enti while the trial ceurt had found 

thet his asneta were insufficient te discharge or satisi'y his debts 

and liabilities, nevertheless the evidence failed te aupoert the 

 <00Rn Agsgitom eds hotegnahas tonnes om af Tetadest |Hh.sdeb a, 
nde giton ot fois bevorg ton bageita tedtien totibere ad? ef! 
nae ens agdiw gdad ont yom oF sulay tan ted t tue to fon es yttognn 
Ot bas chem pew bask ots to ppadotog otf tot af | Pao Ga 
“Wlbensesn tf oda of ,pae0 0 Mowe al roscoe. ot ohban, paw 22 
éaa:¢ oct aoly srovtlon saw Zonob OAs Jndt a ad entrar 9 ‘ 


tot gaololtiun tea al @ Jand aglmico add Ya ous, ow , cha ant ¥ 

ad? bee .ddeb oly , te tenes? of over: Ylawem of | 
3tip @ teitied ,topmmbsl, yoretes eh baa emp of Pi 

= Qo duoritiw Wejeds of setagerien « ton. my 
*.8£08 .one .B Do .taodehuntt stop t amixg, #, 

Pee op i obe't. BEL, ptt Oor 2 VF Rie. 

tha, iapoor td 

bi asd ‘te onl’ e632 Bowe todmare ond toh ion, 
mat? af or rot , Syl ype od Wg ve sate erEoS eae | 
oe OAT dob sett, oath oxew x &. Mog 

‘ond othe eid oF beeh ad 2 teaos"s seal “alow 2 ‘Sand 4 a 

_jbetaot. doad sat fad? oraesgae ob Breese * aan 

goa ai #1 .ecrsey tegte madd ates tel ¥Fixeoss cnet a aaae 
ont Le abtasd any at {Me teqo te emt dase ylovita 
*.2deh edt etteee of dan ioly 

od? ,ved wv wee bit wal i 


» sant ode toided wad te hic ii si 
whi oh. we eae ae + 2 Fah 8 al r : 

ae grein 
mes tat 

bioicoondie A 82 iit £20 ,gbbwod .v gino wt iy tonetéa! 
abe of soddek. oud. Ya ahase sitio Gleal a ob taa ‘Re a $ die, ; 
Stuns ‘totf exit ikon eh penned om lage ‘at mide bs 

atdeb ela eid dal ae \aataittile F Valdemar didbat wna tats 
edd troqqua of beiiet eonebive od? aneteddxeven vaabehendatt all 

—s — a 


court's findings in that respect; that 1% wee arrived at only by 
charging the debtor ix fult for ai, direct an4 contingent liabilie 
ties, a very large vortion of which was nore than covered by a 
Tiret-glase collateral eeourity, and that as to other sortions en 
whieu he head a comtingent Liability ae surety, the orinecipal and 
other sureties were Tinwicisily aouna, 

the evidence in thie case showa the master feund (and com 
Plainosnt may not in the abeence of objestion argue against the 
finding of the waster) that at the time this gonveyanee wae wade 
the orediter held in ite Sande apple security te meet the entire 
indebtedness. This indebtedness beeame due only by reagon of come 
Pleinwit's eleetien to deciure it dae, For « esurt ef equity te 
render ite assistence te aomplininant ander these eiresietonces 
would be te aid in moanures epvrrecsive in their nature, On thie 
reeord it must be held that at the time tae transfer van made gone 
plsinant held in tte possession seourity and proserty suffloelent in 
value te cover the indebtedness of defendant to complainant, and 
such an uncontradicted fact rebuts any sresumption of fraud on the 
part of defendant at the time he senveyed the stock in queetion 
fer the benefit of hie wits, [t te urged thet the sourt erred in 
hearing evidence in addition to that reyerted by the saster, Egan 
¥. Zeon, 244 111. App. 497, and Central Lliinoiy Public Service Ge. 
vw. Sullivan, 204 211. Lil, are cited. Ye have disregarded this 

evidence, “Ye presume the chanee@llor alee disregarded it, wince 

the record indicates the evidence was taken only for the pursese of 
determining whether there should be a re-reSerence to the master, 
and after hearing 1¢ the chancellor stated in aubstanse that it was 
not material, 

The decree of the Superior court will be affissed, 


O'Conner ant Yedurely, J7,, soneur, 

‘ea ylao te bowtie sav ‘tt Galli jideased salt at ouathart ese 
eRLideit taagaisace tine to0thh tha xt ftw wh w3sage SHY aatoedde 
“a ‘Yt hoteven ast otom sew soksw Te marie ree, wr 4 aie 

ia saoiitan tonto oF ua tat ite 4% itugee Setejation meaty. i 

bas Enqloatia ssid ,ytouus os we hiidens bawgattaos & bed on | 
sbumee eficlsaent? excew és towend: canibe 

wavy bie) bret teteae aay ewosde eaae e24d al SOneb ive off? 

ott genlage sugwe moiveetdo te epateds ett ak 20a Gam ee 
Sham aaw goneyevtios atx eal? eae te sada hesiee ont te | 

‘Rao ADFeKWOTLS ounde wohau san ae tgene 98 emesadena er obeer 
elas a0 .ruSs8 ahaa ai evienetege seteaen ak bie ot 6 ew 
amen oham gan “ae Tasker d outs omit oni ta seit Ofaa a sqm ab snes, 

‘” fants) Ywe viteqotg ban <sienors sadenoes og ead wk dled $ 

«baw 1 Sata mbe Lgmow @2 inshim'teb Yo ‘amends s tobal exis T8708, ot outay 

wad a0 buaxt to aottqacetg wa agudes, Fest Ratethaxtace an bal toe 
no kao. ad Kote oad heyernes oe ants ont aa, tunbas tab ° 
ni bexte fines esis gaslt baguw at ve wethe old te $8 1nand ant 0% 

es ot hy é 

Aaa oteteen wsit wa eaten’ sans ot moks thba at souobive gattava 
polyno? obidul sont 6h Lextaas ban shoe 194 fre ae , 
olde babraseredh eves ov ‘sheeie. ons, 408 +442 498 

| sonte 2k babdtagetels vate xo isenote one amuo%g oF ‘ ‘ 

t% seogie¢ od Tt ylao neaay saw Sonabive ems sodnotbat a on: bs 
“tedeam ott of eoawie'tex-en a od bike weed 

saw 21 tast egasdedum at hetate tollevneds edt $2. seianed aefhe tae 

hin ivia od fiw dunes steaperpere ont ve homantentes ssi a 
bbgige ; ; y oe ty yt th y gad 
mas Teta aunoan | none. ee 
was of Kw} Ft eee ee AAQNes ay 
i SES Cee te eo 3% eee ban, sanne0"9 

sate SE Bade : 

Spee yh ze SS Aas «eee Ltda st tte Me 

37346 fo 
Appellant, } £ is 
Appellees, ) 

Zz v4 4 1A. ‘ene’ D 

thie is an appeal by cosplsinant from oe deeree whieh dise 
solved a tesperary injunction theretefere issued and digiissed Ais 
bili of complaint for want of equity. The cause was heard upen 
exeeptione te the resort of a master, The excertiona were over- 
ruled, the injunction diseclved and the bil) dlemiesed ae reeome 
mended by the report. 

the biLL in gubsctaned alleged that comslainsat and hie wife 
were ovners of premises demoribed, whieh were subjeet ta a trust 
deed given to one Iwert, an officer of A. Helinger & Co., te secure 
am issue of bonda in the eum of $112,000, which were nogetiated and 
#ol1d through Holinger & Co.; that complainant and hie «ife executed 
anether trust deed conveying the precises to the Chieage Title and 
Trust Co. to secure additional indebtedmess, ond s third truet deed 
te the Phillip State Bank & Trust Co. to seoure further and other 
indebtedness; that the laet twe deseribed trust deeds were foreclosed 
in a proceeding in which the decree found the sum of $28,603.90 was 
due with interest from Geeember &, 1931; that Eolinger & Ge. pur- 
chased the certificate of snle for $2,000, and that this purehase 
Was made by Nolinger © Co, a6 agent and attomey for comslalnant 
and hie wife te maintain thelr pessesmion of the prewises as provided 
in an agreenent deseribed ae Exhibit 1; that the saster's eertifi- 
cate ef gale was aszigned to Alexander J, Seer and Paul J, Senlandt, 
agents and employees of dolinger & Co.; that Mareh 10, 1933, Selinger 

& Co. advised complainant that it would assign the certifieate of 



: ; ae 1 URHAKD 
Ms. ¥ PneLinagh 
TAvOS TKOORED LaleWe i @ yeas 

aN “ev Rae 
E AT Sa Lae yy e sit ye pe 
»ste 9% ,09 & AMDALION ,A 

Yrauoe xOde Yo 
G0 Le yo 


~aib doliw gotooh © antt tneais Lqmse ov Lavace as at aust aN 
ais bomelue lh bas bevuad ete ledersad so ltonwbat raxooaet * 5 Dov ios 
Raq brasd ase vasne eh ea dupe ‘to don tot tate teuoo 1° tae 

“tye otew saeiigoone eit statase F % trogen oats Ce 

Sheva i bf Hed ys 

_smeeet 86 Seeaiwehs Libs aaa bate beviowa2h neisoauad at oa 
| ne __st0qen 9a vd _— 
etiw aid bas tnetlasanes test haye td soungedue iy ,fite oat ‘= 
tent? @ of toeidue exew do dete sbedirane teeknatg = a insert 
emnees of ,.09 2 topaiiol ,A te edt a i ae ytxowt ong 8 np, Ay 
base betalioges wxoy dotey , 00,8144 to com ons at hnod Yo sumed a 
betugens @Tiw sisi bas fanaleiqang take 1200 _tepal soli Mgsotds Bien 
bas L213 egaotdd oid of aontnaty ost yatyovace head tamed yam 
beh sovt? Hridt # has ,eagaberdebat canaistoba owyne of oe ? fem 
_ Sedo bane todesel etuges at 190 denne # waat chee dail ttt oer 
tecoisexot exow adowh tours Sedixgask owe font oct tet, tie 
Say 98.808,255 Tea aye siz paue't eexesh age Aotay at | atbseoers #, oo 
~aug 009 & wo gthion ass iheRk o@ ‘THea oe , woret Sages mh date ous 
_ weadonug wide Sadt ban ,G99,89 107 oten %e steht irsoe eat | 
i, tnente Lge xe eons ogee oe fatae ee se Aceh 
pet Hs amen held ‘ts np kenonaee ubewe ‘alatalen ‘od: ithe 0 ok he 
atiisvee exe teew et tone yi shetel as Dodixoenh ganaperys me 6 ok 

thaw trie 0 fuel bee week .t xobasxetk of boagtass enw olan Witten 
sin SECL .OL dete tase * eantien Yo 9 awerotens bas 

ia sat Jas ae 1 wales fog tacenge!, | 
he ofeoFtheweo ed? aghena biwow 22 test vaaste tones heetvbe eo : 

CaS fy 


pale upon repayment of the 92,000 ad other moneys advanced; that 
complainant renewed his former promise to pay te dolinger & Co., 
but was unable to 46 se, ani that the master's deed Lesucd te Zser 
and Sehlundt April £1, 1931; that Seer and Schlunét demanded vossese 
sion of cenplainsnt's flat in said prewises and netified the tenants 
mot to pay further rente to csmpiainant. The bill prayed for an see- 
gounting and that the deed should be construed tc be a mortgare. 

Defendants snevwered tae iil, admitting the forser ownership 
of complainant and hie wife, the execution of the aubsequent trust 
deeds, the exeeution of the nesignment of rents whieh was attached 
te the bili, the fereclasure of the truet deeds and the lasussee of 
the certificate of eals aud ite aesigument te Zeer ani Sehlundt, but 
denied that the aseianmeaent *as then in effect or that A. Heolinger & 
Co. acted as agent ef complecinant. Gn the contrary, defendante said 
that they took action in the matter and bought this certificate fer 
the benefit of the holders cf the first mortgage bonds in furtheranee 
of plaus underway to reorganize the property. Defeodante admit they 
effered te assign the certificate te compiuinast om different condie 
tione as te paywents which complainant newer is fact made. They set 
ap in the anewer a iatter in whieh the offer was made, but upen hich 
conpluinant never scted, They adeit that the deed finally issued 
and that the elders ef the deed deaanded pesteesien of the preniaes 
and notified the occupants net te pay the rente, Defendente deny 
that they ever ected se the agente ef compleinsnmt and say that they 
hold the master's deed adversely to eomplainent, ‘They alao deny that 
complainant wae entities te am aeecunting. 

The evidence taken by the master waa largely submitted by 
stipulation, aad there is practienlly ne dispute as ts the controle 
ling facts, Indeed, complainant does net argue that any particular 
finding of fact by the aaster ie manifestly againat the evidence, 
and the findings of the gaster are prise facie serrect, He found 

sent pdeomavha syenom tedse hun 000,86 ort Le ¢momanes noqu ¢kax 
4-90 & tegaksoli oF yxq oe salagta toured wed devwaes tuantalqune 
task wt doueel hook 'aatoxe odd Secld bas .oe ob Of ofdatiy caw dud 
-s9s80g belcemund thaw ides bam toed dans ; LCL ES diegA thasidot bad 
atasagt oui? daliivgs bow eeeiaese bles ai galt e'iaentaiques to sole 
«oa Me tot hbeyetq L£id west odnashn Semne ot stams ‘goeca’ yeq ef tem 
-eycgiton a od af Sains tito od tine boob ous sae? ban qgaléaweo 
qidetedro seme? et yukerinks ,fftd wae botowine afnabasted 
Jewitt taswpendue adv ‘to nelsvewae oad .o'thw wit foe Seentalaes WW 
hadoutie sae dodnw wtaer Yo iovmidae sot Te woltueexs ity laneel” 
Ie souwuae? OF due chewh tents ocF Yo auzeotgare? ont cftd eA oP 
dud ,thuw£io® oa week of Pammmgiewe ef bee oLae Ye ereok TY re9 WHF 
& tegaiiok .A dedi to gosTto a meas eae iow mgisna ont Fede pobaen 
bine egombueted pyswteaos of? oO .ouemtictgmes Wo tayye sa betes 00) 

| dokiw aque ted ,ehom eee ve Te eit cokaw ah weeded @ townan onf ab gah 
i bounst YLinalt beeh end sant dtobe yea \hetee sever sabato tgnes! 

Boh etiahasted tay ott yoq of ton siaequose ent bortetom he 

gadt wrod — “ tueklakqnen of Clonw he bewk ate teaa gar Ntom 

lettage oct ct 92 etaqel oa mata ak —— ‘hoe ja 

segenhi ve: ac? Jeniaga ¢ifesliaan sh nedenm wee teu 

| tel ageoltivass wise saved baw TooseH wit at aoliow Xoo YoKy eee” 
|| epawuestenut ab abso syagiton sextt oat Ye wxobited ae to ¢FnNe fill 
Ht yas Pinks odaahos ted .¢dteqotg, ef emhanyigot 00 pint 
| som Seis Sexe th th oo taesindgues of eteed ti veeo 2) agione of bette 
| son you .ohow goek of teven saenks Lome Heise etrmyny oF as weeRe 

bostinrg oi! 19 uekseorvog bobraanh bawh oud te etobLor salt sand Name 

qed! sacs yao bow Jusatoiquod Ye eeuone oH an bbtow xeve yond Salle 

Ud hettiogse elogral aaw teduem oa) YC Gedud eonwhive batt” bins, bine. ie 

bavot 98 .,foevxeo ghee? gud sg ots wedaem one) ne agatatt eas | “ ‘ 



that complainant and wife heid titie to the property August 4, 1941, 
and foumdé the execution of the firat, sesend ond third mortgages as 
averred; that August 4, 1931, being im default, complainant executed 
an assigoment ef the rerite accruing frou the prewisee and authorized 
A Helinger & Ge. ta collect the rents and to use the same te pay the 
costo and d4iebursexentes of eperating the sresises and apply the bale 
ance upon interest, taxes and principal om the first mortgage; that 
August 6, 1931, A. Holinger 4 Co, apovinted complainant ite agent te 
eclleet the rents and te aveount fer the same every month; that suit 
was brenght to feoreciese the segond and third mertgages; that gome 
plainant and hie wife app«ared and centested the sale, and a deeree 
of sale was entered Decawker 24, 1953, finding the sum ef 325,698, 25 
due te Snglehart &@ Kregwan, the sortaagees; tuat the interest of all 
ether parties to that suit were subordinate; tuat « sale was held 
January 20, 1932, and the prenivee sold te Englehart &« Krogman fer 
$28,000, the sale appreved, a deticieney decree entered, and a master's 
eertificute of aale issued to the purchasers on or about January 20, 
1932; that A. Holinger & Go. wan the house of iasue of the firat 
mortgage bond issue and om Auguat 4, 1951, was developing slane for 
the purpose of protecting the first mortgage tendheldera; that ap- 
proximately one year after the certificate ef sale had been lesued 
Helinger & Co. advised complainant of the expiration of the redemption 
period and advised ‘him te purchase the certifiente; that complainant 
advised Holinger 4 Co, that it was impossible for him te do so, be- — 
eause he had ne money with whieh ts effect such a purchase or redemp~ 
tion; that thereafter the bondholders of the firet mortgage trust deed 
considered the saatter and reached an agreenent with A. Holinger & Go. 
to purehage the certificate at a disesunt for their bemefit, for the 
purpese of avoiding another forecienure; taat pureuent te that plan 
Helinger & Ge., threugi its employees Seer and Gehlundt, in January, 

1933, purchased the certificate for $2,660; that the sole purpose of 

ACCL ,P Pouuuea “Pveqeig O09 OF w17LE Hiod Oi bua trotialgnas data 
as Wegegetod Hrids baw Dooped , seth sci? le welisesxe odd daso't aan 
Aeduonxe dnsatatomos ,#ineted aa yaheod , £60k () deagua sede phoveeve 
pecktadtue bam sootmetg sat mot? yaliticos ataot edt te tmamuglaas ae 
oa? Yaq OF oom sao vee of bas @FasT 6x9 oseilod OF 163 d -tegabLel vA 
-fod edt yloca bus aealowre odd gaitatéqe Le atuedsetedeih bnew efaoo 
gad? regeudiom texto ede ao faqioakte bar sexe? ,festeltal aegu eens 
a? fasyuo #Fi Saettinlemad setiiouge .08 8 weymtich ,A (L002 ,0 teugad 
dive tax? jA¥nom yteve ome oe? Te? Saweeee of bax after edt toolkep 
«neo ¢a0$ jeoqeys tom brid? ban bacgee en sao ineve? ed sguond waw 
gerseh a bac ,ofee off bedeesucw has betaeqen wtiw ald baw? 
@8.800,88% To mun 0s Bolhast 2604 {C8 tedeeced deregae eewre how? 
fie te séeuetal off Pad? jesegnyteos eco lneegetd & Itetedgay ob ou 
pied enw eles 6 Sadd (Oloathvoden otee Flee sane ot aoitieg redo 
| Stet camer & trait tga oF blow eoelawtg bt bine: REEL JOR yenmmal 
ie a'totjeew a bae ,boretim se1bdh qomisi'thh « ,beverqe olee ead , 3 a - 
; .oS yseniet dude 14 ne steentotee oft oo» bowser shaw to eteottneeee 
gent? tas to avant to sated oh aay ed R Segaklok .A sed qROGL 
‘tet enstt gakeoeveh aaw 220i ,b Paupud ao bes sueat bod egngseom 
Lega tus jovebtodhaod ogegsitom fork? ony pabtoototy te’ Piles - 
bsusct mood Bad fer to stant tivvee edt weFta sey eno Yletn 
He gmotiqanber art ‘to aolietiaxe of? Te fextbetgnew ealvha .69 owipaian 
ag ihe taonlelqoos tats jolaoliiixwe edt seade'thg oF min) ben tvha dae bolteq 
{i <6d (0a ob of mid tot oidteooqmt saw at Gadd 9d & ‘toyntion boolvbs 
Pity ‘smebot 76 vecdo mug @ Aeue soeTie af dy law ithe yonow om het of omneD 
| i] beek fawts ogags toe Saxvlt ed? To etebinodhad wae to PLaete dt: todd gmokt 
ee ee re Le wortan ode horebtanee 
eet 40 I fteaed uiwnd “ot Sorownls a te wtagh tides eas we wor 
“Baty tal? oF sankerig toss ;oteweloore'? “tHe ean yatntove to evevaig 
Ciawaw at |, Thaw Ltoe baw 198 eos gelyaw nei eyeotds Pod se pat tol 
te ssouxkg oLow sid sane 7 ORO, RG “ot east iitrse ede Ho B20 



the purchase wan to orevent another Sorecloaure, 

The master further found thet tae proof did net shew that 
A Holinger & te. acted as agent or attcrney fer complainant; that 
the purchase wae aude toe tervinate the rights and interests ef come 
pPlainant and other parties, exeepting the first mortgage bondholdera; 
that an aceount had teen rendered ani the accounting shewed that neo 
part of the $2,000 used ip the purchase was obtained from the rents 
of the premises; trat Helinger & Ue. 4i4 net owe any money to ¢ome 
Plalinant; that, on tae contrary, complainant is indebted te dolinger 
& Co, for a large gum of soney; that ¢esoiainant was net entitled te 
a ageountiag, sid that the biLi ef cernpisint was defective and 
should be dismissed because comeisinant 410 net effer to dae equity 
by the return of ony swe of soney advanced by Kelinger 4 Gs.: that 
the evidence did net shew that the maeter'e deed war to be hela ae a 
morigage; that the rente eoliected ponding the injumetion sheuld be 
turned over te defeniants, Zser and Sehlunat. 

Se already stated, it ie net arguad that ang faet found by 
the master is centrary te the evidence, Further, it ie quite a4iffie 
cult to understand the tavery upon which eemplainant proceeds, He 
cites eases, many of which are net ieeunned, to the pointe thet the 
Felationehip of princleal and agent existed between complainant and 
defendants; that a fiduciary relationship was ereated by the aete of 
the parties at the time of the acquisitien of the aesignmente ef rente 
by A. Holinger & Co.; that the burden was ugsen the assignee to show 
that no fiduciary relatienship existed and that it had completely 
performed ite obligation, and thet a Fiduciary relation may exist in 
ail cases in which influence has been aequired and abused, or in “hich 
confidence has been repesed and petrayed; and, finally, cites an su. 
thority te the peint that here a transaction ts originally intended 
te be @ mortgage, it will continue se until legally otherwise ae« 

termined, Searesa v, Ford, 108 T1i. 16. This last proposition, ef 

etueoloete? tedteons Sasvete 62 naw . 

“alld Woitk dou’ bib Yoorg bith said bawe'y «wastih’ Vedian dae" 
sade “\enente tqnes “abt ‘ybarotia 48 dasqe eh begos 10d 3 vente 2 
<p “te a¢edtodul bas why et efeitioxed 09 oben daw saaderbe’ oft 
jerehLodbaot ogsyixom ¥etkt ons galigeaxe jaolitee wilde bad Sabllete 
ou te4d bowers gaitawodea eae bus betehaos wood halt tiieied" a’ 1D 
whaex ext wort bealedde sew oaacete ond at beau OOO, 88 edt Ye FQ 
ak of youl Yow ewe Fou HIS J90 d xegadiel dace powaleodg SPOR 
aeynttell oF pidieth! af dakalatenos $gtaethos off 0b Yadd SRR 
es bets hine Hea baw dtwtbétqets® 0d feeen Ye Me ait PE 
hie svidoe ton eaw radi tenes to 121d Uae bekd haa gadadbda’ heb 

“qa dipe ob os verte fox nih resntecyoen Ueuedod benalaa sh be ihe 

i ee 

gant : 69S Sohahiok yo bebnavbs Yohkom VO ave yan th mee 
4 ab Blox of 6} saw ooh Atxotenk ode “Sally vehe You bis 
of hued Harcherkanl oid b shaban wtengage din abaor show! a ae 

‘yd hmiot font Qns tat? bewyie tom ei FE saben ‘haere ‘co 
-Pvtih eetup at £2 jrontxdl  aodebive otf ot caunavade ie pions 
“eh” sesesiore eonmrnas io baw ad afirsoerenl persion ed 

Bre funalofqmes seowted Setetxe tieye haw Lecholte, wi een 
he Stee ode yo petnets aw Ginanette fot peAtohEY B Yad fh 7 uit 
“etter to etneserytewe oxy ‘to motYtetupes edt Ys windy ety He aati 
Wore ‘oF eeiyives oft dog How mesxue oxy “Hout Led be ce wh te i 
Bi sorinicxmeh = $2 Dame ae arene theses stot % 

On tn weeks yiinalt , fixe © Roveger wed eat WETS 
Kobwedat ytieaivite wt a ® bncsasthyren roto - | ' f 

‘Soh eotwredss utfeqget OFan on wun aie tei pa 
" tg “\gelelwoqetq teak oat *,04 ica Tan tT a 

course, ie not as a matter of law in digeute. The 4iffiguity is 
that there ia pot ao Scintilla of svidence in the record from which a 
eourt gould find that the transaction ot the time of the purchase of 
the master's deed was ever intended by amwyone te be o mertgage, Gee 
foendante gomplain that comsisinant in wie argumest has not Pellewed 
the rales of this court, sid we are of the eplnion that the oomnliaint 
ie not without reagen. any caece are cited, but only a Sew of them 
are atialysed er shown to Lave any coesible apecliamtion te the fuaete 
appearing here. Such presentation oniy a€4a to the burdene ef the 

Ae defendants point out, A. Hslingsr & Us. wae net (ae dome 
plainant assumes 1¢ was) the agent in the transacticn im gqueetion. On 
the contrary, it was the agent of the bondholders sheers bonds were geo 
cured by the firet mertgage. Then defoult was made in payments under 
that mortgage, A. folinger & Co, seught and ebtained from eomplainant 
as additional eecurity an eesignment of the rente of the eroperty. A 
day or two toeresfter it employed cowelsinant te eoliscet the rente 
Tor it, sgreeing te pay him compensation of thres per sent snd permit 
him te secupy se apartment in tke premises. It ie now anoarentiy eone- 
tended that the effect ef this was to create the relationship of 
Principal and agent as between A, Keliuger & Ce. and tomeluimant. If 
it could be auld tuat such relationship wae thereby ormate’, it would 
seem clear that Holinger 4 Co. would be the prineipai, sinee it hired 
and poid complainant te set in its behalf im making seliections, Upen 
| this theery, we would have the atomeleus situation ef the agent claim. 
ing that it was the ‘uty of the principal te aet for the agent's 
| benefit, whieh, ef couree, would be absurd, As a matter of fact and 
| of law, of gourse, A. Holinger & Co. was obligate¢ te Look after the 
intereste of the first mortgage bendheldere. 
8 Wed. (2n¢) 16; Zrnzes 

263. In securing the agesignmente ef renta Selinger & Co. acted in the 

ak ysinelViih ef .wducelb mk Wek to teSiam 6 en fom ak ed 

a doide sox trioees oa a enoaphive te aliisales & som ok erent bast 
Ye eeasintug pat to omit a? te wotdoenasts Of sect halt Sivoo, oases 

~ol ,sjeptice o od oF canna Yd bebeeted cove gew beob a’ veda oad 

mw ee Be 

tuiniqgaeo eff fads solsiqe off io st ee bas .ftwon eis te eokwn ele 

beroifel son ead docmuyte ehh af dapain Lomep eid sila Sasno9 ave 

mois te wot a yino gud ,beiis ote aenee (ied .~MoaROT Awodaae tomas 
ates? of3 of aoltanliqgs eidianag tt fre of weds To Pent ” 
ode, to exabiyd ang of Shae yine wolsatangnsq spat sexes gatbts 

" a 
iy bd oa 

~ReD bad tom saw 09 & tgallod A . sue taleg atnabue teh ah ahha 
a? ,aolverup a) soifosnumr? ene al tung, ot (eap 7) eomunne aiid 

+08 #iew Shaad seedy, atehlonbagd elt Te sre oft ciel hy 

TehAY AF agayeq ak sham aaw diuated neat soanmrren sand eatt ws “peru 
Saaake Lomos soak hoalesda haw Idguoe Cbd wgelted od +%geud tom Band 
A .xfuegetg sdf Io staet ont Yo Tmomnglene mH ytiivese Leaolsibba we 
‘gdaet ons ipetics of tnenlalyaoa hayoique 2% tet iaetecd ows ‘to yah 
tteteg bas tmoo HE oensis te sol tensoquoe mis a9, ae aatootps, es mek 
“ROG ylenasagee wou ai di ,aeaimetg odd ai Sanna nee (8h KaLOe OF gm 
‘to gitiameizalos ot spats ot saw alae to foatie iad fads, tonsa? 
a -fanate Lowmoe bag 699 & togai Loli h spewed eH frome, bag, Lagtonk ss 
heer ah ,doteete ydetea? saw qideacivetax Mowe, sud? bios of, BM ade , 
betta $2 sonle ,ingloatig 947 o¢ bisow .a) & tegatiok sade andes 
seg! ,enolfoolies puidem af Besed add at foe 09 on hheg bee 
omlake taoye oft to moliausie euetemons wld ovax biwow oe amie aaa 
: at tangs wad Tot son of Leqioning eae to tay edd new oh tase a 
Bae goo To tovsam a Gh .btuRdn oF DSuow, sauno— Xp, «Hosen. .fPOmE 
(2 othe deol of | A tonsh lel, .A ,9etu00 Te gmat Be 
aanasigenenpnaiaanen , saat Lciginpiallans Dipti: ae 

way of fulfilling ite obligation te the bondholders to whom it had 
sold the securities: wid it cam hardly be said thet when it arranged 
to bave complainant collect the rents that it, as agent for eomplaine 
ant, Bired cespisinant te agt as its agent. 

Gther autnorities citai by eomeleinsnt proeeed uper the 
theery that a fiduciary relationship existed setweeen Molinger 4 Ce. 
and ecuelainent. There is no doubt that sueh rélutionship existe. 
in all cases “here influence kas been accuired and abused or where 
confidence hes been recesed and betrayed. Eut here, again, there is 
met a @gcintilia ef evidence in tae recert tanding to establish such 
fiduelary relatienship; on the contrary, tie record quite conclueively 
shoves that complainant 414 net repose ceafitence in or rely upon 
Belinger & Ce. in these transactions. hen he gave the seel enment 
of the rente he was made the agent a8 part si the consideration te 
Gellest the rents with the previeion that he should reeeive conpense 
tion for collecting them. Ae kept monthly accounte of the traneae. 
tions, and he deducted nie commissions before delivering the money to 
Molinger & Co. te be applied on the dette. In all the transactions 
this ceuplainant aamifested considexvatie sbility in the vay of Leoke 
ing out fer Kis own interesie«. He was intelligent and he was exe 
perienced, he cages ali Sold thet semetsing mere taan the abeve 
atate of fsetse in required te eresxte « fiduciary relationship. 
Sleland v, Fish, 43 111. 282; Hoshe v, Hoche, 24¢ 111. 336; Higgins 

Chicago Tithe and trust Ge., 512 LLl. 11; Catherwood v. Horrig, 
345 lil. 617. There are no facts in this record which will justify 

the theory of a fiduciary relationship in any way. 

Bat ewen if it «ould be ssmumedt that such relationshis ex- 
isted, the evidence, in sur opinion, would rebut any vereaumption of 
fraud. There is nothing here that shewe any convealment. The une 
contradicted fuet in that defendant A, Holinger 4 Ge. gave te cone 

plainant the eppertwity to purehese the certificate; that it #trong 


best #h wore oF erehlonbsted vA? of meldaghide a@t gaklLitiet louse, 
begakvte th oedw get? bles of yLited geo oh bum pesitixneee ons Blea. 
-cielgmes tot Swgs ea ,it tat clos gat? teoilen Imenkelques vad @&) 
-taege ati es don of tovmteiques beta «tae, 
#88 aequ boevsi¢ fasalelquos Yo 2edko wolddveneua tang 86): we) 
-99 & wyaklok mowted Seteine qisesoleniex yaotoublt « Sasid yoondsy 
@uteixe qidenotiaie douse ded? §deod en of otedt stasaladgeoo bxe- 
@fede 10 bowuds haw bexkupoe med ant somustal exede seese, Lhe aby 
eh oradd siege ,sied fui heyeuted bao weeeqex meod aac eoasbl tna 
ie Soug dalidetes of gnibaed bageet off ok goasbive Yo aliiiatos # Sem 
i! |) Yleviawfouns a¢ivp broves a9 ,cuettses ede ap jqistenshtelon qrateubsd 
i Kegs yYlor to mt soasbl taco eaeget fem bib taenielques tal? awedee 
| fame teen oft oveg of ued! jadelionsaexd seas a2 08 d-myahiol: 
OF mMebteredisano o09 lo ting Ge taoge ot chem sew ed edawr aed Bee 
eensqaeg evieur:s hivode ef dais noleivetg ecr athe atuex edt tention 
agnanent et To atavcoon YLesaem Syed oR aes? gattows les wet moke- 
ot yodtem eat yabtovides steted ouelen ime ate fe towbet aa baw ,emolge 
enotgoanant? ef? Lie al .uddeb edd ap boliqga ad o¢ 69.4 segdbted § 
wool Yo "nw ont mi ytilide efdexedionss Bosae tina danatetqass had” 
-x# gav of has Pog liietal eav eh .xcewnetal wee ght 167 tue gab 
evede off mnitd orem gadidone Saat died die aeeey edt \beemebreg \ 
 ,qtdedoideien yrulevts't 4 eteows of boudepee Gl whee? ‘to state” 
aciggll (ace . (fi 088 , doe sy gulag ROR Loh ee meee 
sBieted .v boowssdged 7 IC -LST GiB y, ork, hase 
oetigest Libe dolitw bruset olay ab wtaet an ote xed esa otk BR! 
\gew yas af qisometgeied yraboubt? « te yeoeds ede 
«to qidenohts fet dove tac? hemueen ed floes $2 th news Se. / home! 
‘te motiqauaete yao tudor biuow ,agtuteo swe ab ,oonebive odd bee de 
_ sty oft Fommtenomes yas evoke tard ated yaltton Bk otedtl 9 shame) 
mop 02 2vKg .00 @ THyal hell oh SamdaeIOh taah me dan badothursaos — 
yacttn dh todd petenRitues ed¢ seadanem of yehmuduogga exit taunted” 


advised him te gurenmase it and tuck ne action in the direetion of 
purchasing the same until eompleinant Ged refused te make the pure 
ehase. tiven if it were aeeumed that “olinger & Gc, was the agent 
ef compisinant, Holinger & Ge. would kave oeen perfectiv Justified 
in purehasing the certificate after comolsinant refused toe @o wo. 
Syar Mountain Bining to. vy, Schwerin, 305 111. &P. The mere exe 
istenee of « confidential reiaticonsiip dose met wake every treneac- 
tion ineao faete vold without regard te the setual facts of the 
eases, Unir ¥ e, 1 fil. 499; taciede 2: 
109 Tll. 398; Heagle v. Heliuljen, 334 211i. i165, iiere, eorvieinant 

wee Tully sdvieed of every fuct material to kis imiecrests. There 

Wee he concealment; there wae ne fraud, wid comolainant head Pall 
knowleige of the entire trateaction, liven «haere the relationship 
Was much eleser than any woich could be said te exiet here under 
similar facts, the ceaurte have held transactions witainted, Hess 
YW. Voag, $2 112. 472; Grisfin v. Marine Go., 8% Ili. 150; Roberta 
y. Vlesing, 53 111. 196; Surner v. iittierieid, 142 111. 630, 

The purechage of af Gutstanding title Br a mortgagee in 
pesseasion where the mortgagor Aas Led the eppertunity to buy and 
decline? to de #0, wili not justify a court of equity in imposing a 
trust in faver of the mortgagor ex the property purehased. Griffin 
x, Merine Go,, 5% Til. 130. 

There ie no merit on this record in complainant's case, 
Indeed, the bill ie defective in that it fails anyrhere in the 
pleadings to assert that complsinsnt ever offered te repsy 92,000 
paid fer the certifiextes, or to repay any Gus whatewer te defend- 
ants. om the contrary, ooepisinant nimealf testifies that it 
would be impossible for hia toe raise the money. Complainant argues 
that the certificate aust Gave teen purchased op Gia behalf, because 

he says, it was witheut value to the bendheolders. Se one Fhe hes 


te agiseorlh 64 4 wolton a d603 bee 12 sunderay ed wha hou lvbs 
wig ef? ofem Of easter had Jantlaiquas Lio ames oA) galdadotig 
$eege edt caw .ot 4 tegalick fed? Hemwane grew #2 14 wove “.enaalp 
beliivest elivetzeg need geod Rivew .09 4 tegakigh ,taeshaiqued to 
+0% ob ef deawlex Imetia houses telta elas iisees wat eiealietieisi wd 
axe otem eff .,80% .f42 808 , nivewdsd 
~enntes? Yio? elas Soa aeab giduagivaiet Lettabliaes @ te woman 
att te ateel Loston az of tage freddie so a 
Seiond ov Ames, chatess 7 88h .fkk fo- liemenammmnenneiil 

-@aeentaiones ,o%eh .GaL (442 O88 red. (gBRE LL£T QUE 
 @e9eet  .etaeceiad aid of Laiwetam deel vieve to Beebvhe vite? saw 
AIST bad tacaiolqgees San ,bwat't of saw ered jonemtanenes oa saw 
gideneisalex odd pisiy sevi .noldoentent sitios odd te eyheiwont 
 tebeu vied telee of hima ed Shveo dokiy yaw aut? teedle vem saw 
 Q998 vhetnlelay eaol@oosnars bio eved etases eit , atone wotiete 
« psedoR (08S ALL BO, og Y gave S£ET Be gae¥ iy 
HO LEA ROL (OOS oad be jemand 

md popentsom w ud eL2is poaisastadue ae to onectetug ont © Ha- 

baw yt of vohaudieqge af8 hat aad texKgrves @ds eros neta 
. guieeqs! al qlven Yo tevoe « Wtitewt gem BLiw (ee of of ponk feeb 
Bitiin® .bdomasoirg Yaerere ond oo tehoyetom OAs “to Tost BY Sabet 
ObL set RE ee 

.9ekhe o Fannie lquee. at Pieatr eit ag ¢haam em eb omeat 000%.) 
wale at wtonwete elielt $2 s00% ab ovider ted camneieaanl 
- POO, 88 qos af howsTie vers taenislyows surly tudece oF epithas te 
shaeteh of wevVededie oem ym YaQET at ee ,eedawlLidceo ott met Mba 
$8 Sadt ooltieacd Beeman teanialquep ycurrtuen ont oO .atne 
anugie favaieiqamd .yenem ocd Gator of wha set eldineoqul od Kivew — 
eeuaged ,Tesed «16 ae bensdousy ceed oven demm Soaodtiowes ent catt 
aad es oo gil .exebedbaod ode of euler deett iw eaw oh eee ot 
eta nieeeee BaF) J sess boa 

he@ experience in traneactions involving real estate can regard 
thie argument ceriously. it Lu perfestiy aoparent that Aelinger 
& Ce. ecould serve ite cliente in ne better #ay. 
The decree is just and will be alfirmed, 

O4Genner and HeSurely, J7,, cencux, 



t B.2 { eT ae hs ’ ee ines ‘ pe . Bar oy ee ‘: ee 
ee thsaeh gli ee tn ta St Criw hoe tut 

i. wang ee: Pee kgaeey specnaginn ste 

Dmege- wes qe. «2d % we ot tea Bigs bs i , 

O° erimmmeh wie’ PS meet Lente eR e asiine R a vi min 
ey ee a ee a a, oa 
SR ee eed we 
a Se Bae Non ee 

Ce ALA RES spntpaiaieiss ete fh nee eT Bw! 
ee sual eaesnad er vance i 
ag sod eho eevee ae! Rone eed: sn netlist nee : 
ae stems mca ng peop anges 
vain RO penn gala al " 
EO ane lyke od bomen, aaa ao eae eRe) 
& aan ao oeeaie ee Pe pen aoied 
ae ee a Blab penn 

ie $0 8RS ood .omaknly 

H Sy thoghina at ay ae 

37393 yo mass 

a Corsoration, 


WILLIak FP, KeCUBRIA, doing business 

ae Wiseonela Terzinal & Yarehoune Ce. 

and Wisconsin “arehouse & Track Terminal, 
Agpeliant. t 

cy FY T A 5 rap 
3 41.4. 666 


Mone one! Mit Be eg age Fi 


This appeal is by defencast from a judgient in the eum of 
$266.16 eutered upen the finding ef the court. the setion was in 
contract 264 wae begun by attachment whieh iusued out ef the Sunde 
cipal court Sentewber &, 1935. The affidevit alleged that defend- 
ant wae indebted in the sum of 6555.27 en epen account Yor gae, oil 
and other merenandise eeld and delivered, Yhe ground fer attachment 
wae the nen-reagidence of defendant. 

She statenent of glaim was filed Gestember 15, 1953, and 
in substance avers that plaintiff wae an Illineis corseration: that 
about bay 1, 1951, defendant wae engaged in the hauling, trucking 
and expreseing business operating under the mame of Kedisen-Cni cage 
Keter Express canpany; that May @7, L051, the business sonducted 
ty defendent was incorperated under the lawe of the state of Tine 
conein under the name of kadioon Chieage sotex Szprese, ine.; that 
thie name was chunged July 21, 1951, te Bedisen Chicage VYarehouse @ 
¥reight Co.; thet neither of these cerserations had ever complied 
with the provisions ¢f the act to regulate the adelesien of foreign 
corporations for prefit te de business in the state of ILlinsis; 
that from May 1, 1921, up te Nay 27, 1931, defendant KeCubbin 
purchased from plaintilf certain gas, oils and other merchandise; 
that from Kay 27, 1931, up te September 12, 1951, defendant wae an 
officer, agent and direetor of these Wisconsin companies; and that 
from Hay 1 to Kay 27, 1931, plaintiff sold and delivered te defendar 

{ a a ne ~ reeves 
+ ee «OM, HOLYATG AjLVHRE bi a 
: —_— 

Ua MORY JASdiA +e reatocaa 



+ Se 

aneatand ates ,HIKWTOeM % aiLaakw 

i ‘1 ( +00 e¢aoteta® & LeakaseT akeacoal® aa 

,Jandotey dowsT 4 ee a aisnooal® baa 
- sant Logg 

Oo Jao bd ES 

to awe odt a2 soemyhal, a mort $ast aston vd af faeage alee 
at sew aoides oti .fusos ate to paibalt e4% soqu heretas 84.0888 
~tault ocd to duo Hewes deidw sasadigndte yd auged saw ban Somudaae 
~hueted ged Hogeiia tivabitte edt .88¢L ,0 isdmedge’ true faqts 
ito ,aeq tol Jauovee ange ao TS .C22¢ Yo ave odd ah botdebal eew dua 
sasmiset$s 10t bavery eft .beteviteh daw bfom seihanderem wedso bem 
.fnehae tes lo senshlast-aen od? ser 
hae S204 ,cL todeodqee boll? saw miade be taemosatea oft inci 
ted? ;acitatenton aieuilil se saw ‘ttitateds facts eteva oonetdadua at 
gattowr? ,yalised ef9 a! boyegms sew taobue'tod , (OL ,f qo tueda 
ogaoimienpeibok to ema ed? tohas yaisetsge eecatand galnaetgee bas 

betdoubnoe ganaiand off , L601 , TS qe daite ieRaguos ssetqnd noted 

“iW Yo sinte ofS te awei mit soba Sedererteeal saw sundae teh at 

tadt ;.90i ,asorgxd toved egavlt) aoe lbad to emma edt ishaw aiesoe 

& oevedexte? ogpaoisd apelbak of ,f80f , £8 yiwk Segaade aaw ome whad 
beliques xeve hud saoitateqres seeds to tadtlea jade 7.00 rdghowe — 
aghorst to agieatshe edt osaiuyet of doa ai? te enotaivory watt ta be 
pelow2isl to otosm ocd ah aseaiand ob of 2) tong 10? anolteteqtesd 
atddu0ol saphue'toh ,L9L ,VS yall ot qu ACCS .L YOM mort send 


sosthnasiovem testo bas alte ,aey alates Vikdaiatg aoxt dexedouwg — 

ma saw foahaetob ,L6@L . 8h xredmetqet of qu ,f0@L ,T8 yal mont sadd 
tadd has ;aelangues algacont® eaeds Lo toteorts bas tase , to lTIe 

Kshm teh of hetevdieh bas hie Yilinialg ,seeL ,T8 ye of £ yall aoe | 


at hie request gus, cil and other merehendine; taet alee fren May 
27th we te and including September 12, 1931, slaintisf seld and 
Gelivered to defendant in the name of theses cerporatione gan, e412 
and other merehenjise, which was used in the hauling, trucking and 
@zpressing overationa; thxi there wae taen due glaintiff frea dee. 
fendent $395.67, whieh Aefaniant wad refused te pay. 

Phe affidavit ef uerite averred ike incorporation at the 
Wiscensin corporations at the ¢inecs named; tust defendant was a 
director and stoekholder of the Sadiaen Chicago “arahouse & Preight 
Ge., wiieh was organized to earry on a business of interstate Kawule 
ing, trusking and expressing; denied that he purchased any gaa, 
ei1 or cther marchandise frem plaintirfr between Bay 1, 19%, and 
Bay 27, 1931, or at any other tine, 

The affidavit furtiuer averreé that the Sileconein cerpera= 
tion aesume’ au indebtedness of $189, “hich was ewing t¢ plaiatirr 
by the Kadiuvon Caicage Kotor bxpress, wnese acseto and business 
were taken over by the Madison Chiesge Sarehouse & ¥reight Ce., 
and that from Hay 27, 1931, to September 1, 1931, & period when 
defoudant wae director of the corporation, the Yarchouse sompany 
paid eash for ali the gas, oi] and merchandise purehased by it 
from plnzintiff sn4 alee a certain wequnt on the o14 acesunt as- 
gumed by 1%; that there wae so unpeid indebtedness owing te piscine 
tiff inmeurred vy the corveration while defendant waa direetor and 
eteckhol4er; that he was not on May ist, or at any other time, en- 
gaged in the businese of hauling, trucking wid expressing, and 
operating said business as Madisen Chieage Beter Mxpreese; that in 
the early part of Septesver, 1931, he eeld and assigned nie stock 
in the ¥arehouse company, resigned as director und informed plain- 
tiff of the fact; that about Hovember 2), 1951, the Sarehouse eor~ 
poration ceased doing business and its aseets were taken over by 

Raemeish, Sabe & Ec¥ariand, doing vusiness as Kadisen Motor ixprese, 

wail mart cote todd jontbanderen sente bad tee Leng ‘tenner pad te 
‘bas bhoa Ytivalale ,f8ef .c4 dodmetaes ‘pathy sont hae of qu dete 

Ihe ,sey adolieregtes eaed? Yo omen ead al tantean ot hetevised 

boa yaideurt ,gativued off ni none eon doidw +00 Rosado e 
ash govt Mivalele sub mekis enw wxetd dead ae atoGo % 
shin none od Meawon bail taphaeted dobre ,12 0086 taabaet 
eit te nolserogxoums wale bartere. otaaen te tiveb} Te act 
& saw saabneted jact pheana eeels o#9 3% stat dee oat 09 alanoos IW 
fig tor’ 4 eevodous’ quasidd moaihall od Ye teh Coduboda’ ska xoseents 
alumi edudaretak to sebaband a ao cttae of besisayte aaw i ewe ee 
“46am Par boseso tg od fads botmeb serail haw gatsberd (yak 
“ae Koabel aaah arewied Tilialaly Mont eulanadotaa sears” ee the 
: ents aaa yan te ce reer ee eke 
“nateqzoo dheavgel® of) geil berieve wasret ssdaaevineinanliil' sil 
ttitalele of yaivo asw dotdw 918 Le neendasdobal aa bomen’ 
dented War adedsa beodw {Geetqns THOM ogee LNW noe that add yd 
‘\ sb) ddgioxt & savoddte” ogagiad doatba vty <i Yerd heey ves 
“pedw Botteg « . £0 ,£ todimiged o@ ,teer ,e ealt nore ‘youd Sit 
eed sauoterw® eA? ,aotiereqreo eae Yo xesoutts ‘caw triste tee 
“G1 Ud hesadoing ee ttasdovem tan fh any sty tte it ae a 
“soa sauenoa bio elt x6 taveme slatdes 2 oeta Kaa “sifaldtg at 
anloig@ 0d griiwo usentatdohal blacas on ber oxen? bal? 92 Ye 
"bis desoorlh ssw secbaotet Sifdw notdasesves odd” wW wtanend wt 
ao out! tedse Yoo da xd ,o0L yell no gem sew Oo deity pa¥b Ee 
“Pas ,yaleestaxe Sad gulvein¥ amt tied Ye wudnt ant a nae 
at 7403 jaeexext toteM ogac td) moethall an eawatund bidw yale 
doota eld bomiden bas Blea ot ,L00L Seediiecded 
~ihaite Bowretnt bas todoerts wa shnanwaped eas OR ‘ate ae 
ad ‘pedetounld bus, ter lof tal pipet wud? stout tarts Hey 
. i evo notnt wxew wdowns err suodieud yatob heades aol: a g 
Sct sie noite enn pled nna # te fet 

whick entered inte a0 agreement with plaintiff whereby 1t sgreed 
to pay $10 a week on the indebtedness to pleintili, wid that it 
thereal tor made euch payments, 

the @ourt heard the evidenee and aade a finding amd entered 
judgment as hereinbefore set forth. Gefendiant argaes but ome poeist 
for reveresl, nanely, that t1¢ motion Ter &® new trial shoald have 
been granted. in substance, the contetiiien is that the Tinding 
ef the court is aguinst the manifest weight of the evidenee, ince 
the trial was by the court, the finding oF tne court is eniitled 
Upon review to the eame weight ae the verdiet ef wu jury. 

Aa to mony of the facts, however, taere is practically ne 
eenflict in the evidences. rier te the allaged trateactione bee 
tween claintiff and defendant, one ueriing emanated & trucking 
hueiness under the ssme Gf Radiaon Cnicage Betor Sxurees, Gp 
Bay 2, 1631, Be sold thie business, us Ke asyu, to defendant Me- 
Cubbin but, as NeCubbin saya, to the Kadisen taleage Motor “sprees 
Co., Inc., whose nace ware later chenged to Madison Chicage Yaree 
house & freight Co, As a matter of faet, “he Badiesen Chieago Meter 
Express Uo, vas not ineorperated. under the iawes of Wieecusin until 
May 27, 1951. The uegotiations for the transfer of Herling's 
business were conducted by defendant keCGubbin, the evidenee drdie 
cates that at that time there wae a balance dug Tor ef], stea., 
from Heriing's aempany te pisintiff te the amount ef 647.55. There 
is evidence to the effect tiat defendant at the Jine the agreesent 
for tranefer wae unde agreed te pay tnis baiance. Ketubbin denies, 
however, that ae assumed any personal liability, bui the evidence 
tends to show that plaintiff eentinued te furnish ofl, ete., to 
the trucks whien the ~corporation veok over when it war finally 
ineorporated. A suspesed copy of the agreement which is in evidence 
indloates that the corporation to be organized was to asauae and pay 

this prier indebtednese. Apparently, it was not included in the 


2 % 

rn retreat 


ea — — 


deoige If Ydeande Tiisaiela adie gapmeetga on odnt benadae se bite 
af djast bea ,Tiivaieiq ef aesabeddehal edt ae deow 6 OL6 qa Or 
: , ae onayeq down shes tod'teomeds 
Seiotae bas palisii # ahew dae aowahive ad biased axaeo Af - ce 
tales sae dud eougte dopdoetel apt ten etaledsioned ae depepeet 
eved bivede Lala? wea # sak aedsom ot sods, yieune ghaeteves tot 
Balbalt odd dase af apiinedaoa wid ,goradadue cl. begnaty seed 
gonke ,eenehive ed? lo idglou Jeoilaam one teninge wd druem, oth Be 
edd iso ah ¢aueo off Xe gadbal? wee ,2xuoo, dd YS maw Sabmh ont, 
«(Sel « lo geibiew eat se deigdow emma ods OF walvor ogee | 
oa ylicoijousg #4 exe? ,soreeosl, mene: oes LO Yee OF Bho out 
“9S erolionsaess tagedle ott of seleh oommbsve ead. ah todtiaep 
gultewts a Setoubaes yalizel sae ,tmabmo los bas Tiignialg meewe 
ao Ret GR sede eyne td) aon dbo Re coum add) webew veoniend 
~ok Puelae led es ,eyne o4 86 ,eeeulend vice b£oa om hed {Soya 
Leesgud sesod ogendsd ageibeld ess 09 ,oywe addin em ytad abddgd 
-o7a¥ ogavidd soelbad od bepuade tetel wav etem opedw yack yapd 
toto oyseis® mogtbal od: tas Ye s9¢tem 8 BA .00 aoieter ts weno 
fiiay aiaccaak® Te eyed 969 vohau hetetoutecnt tom saw .o3 eaeTgRe 
e'galliad ko cotaucts oad 16% egoteitayas edf, «AOL PR yal 
aibal eoaadive sd% .aiddwded dondanteh yt beteubaps etew aeentand 
..0¢2 ,ite tot exh opanted sew axed? gait todd do dudd eogen 
angat ,82.T69 to savgme et of Tiliniadg of ‘edaqewe of pabital ot 
fmonwetys ot only vie gu andes teh saad teeBte od) ot eoaeblve eh 
aotooh aidimved eoaniad alae ysq of heevaa oben Gew eeleaeth cot 
goiniive old dud ,ydtildess Knsv9n sng, 40 Desumme es Ande, ceovewont 
at ,.ofo .tte delmut of dewtttnen Titinhetg fast wode gd abaed 
‘{ldenst maw 22 node aove Xeot aetdaxeureas ane do dew eden odd 
eoashive ai al Andcy dapmmowge one 4e gree basoqeue ay. sdadereqtooas 
wad bite aminca of naw beztuagte ed oF amthaxegres ed? gadt sodaothak : 
_ eit ni hodwieat ten saw 2h ppltaomnqes mana Eiht: 




amount found by the court to be jue from defendont. The evidenee 
indicates, hovever, thai the trueke comtinued te 4o bupginess, and 
that from the time they paseed gut ef the eentrel of Herling on May 
apa up to Bay 27th, plaiutiff furniesnaed gas and oll te an amount of 
the vaiue ter which the juiguent wae smtered, 

Several witnesses teetified fer plaintir? that defendant 
agreed te pay for this oil und gua, Defendant's theery eeens to be 
that the Fisceusin corperation alone waa liable, At that time, 
however, 1% 4id met have 4 legal exisience, snd defendant in ¢on- 
ducting negotiations in ite beisif seems te have been in the peaie 
tion of an agent whe buys without representing an sgtual prineipal. 
it is net remaonable ts munpose that claintifs would furnish gad and 
ell without ecme arrangement ux to who should pay rer it. The orige 
imal siips sade at the time of the asle and delivery of the differ- 
ent itene were offered in evidence bat Bave not been preserved in 
the bill of exeentiens. Ye woul’ suppose it necessary te preaume 
that these exnibite, if preserved, would have juetified the finding 
of the court. Moréover, 2 letter of plaintiff dated July 86, 1931, 
addressed te the Madison Chicage .evler Sagress eat Madison, Vireonsin, 
is in evidenee with @ personal reply of tne defendant taerson, wiioh, 
we thinx, téende te cerrebcrate the testimeny of several witnesses 
preduced by plaintiff? te the sifect tuai defendant wae to be person 
ally liable, 

tne trial Judge apparently “ave careful attention te the tage 
timeny. He saw ond heard the witaeases, smd we sre satisfied that 
substantial justice in the matter hea been attained, 

Fer these reasons the judgment ef the triel eourt ie affirmed, 

O'Genner and MeSurely, J4., concur, 

sousbive ea? .Pinhasteb aoxt avb oY oY dees odd yd Biwo't duoc 
bie dweatawd of of hemattade valdert ods Jedd ,derdwdd ,nedaol hal 
qeli ae yalixel Yo Lottaco eff ie tue foveeg youd Gale ens mov? dads 
‘te fawome ae OF Lio baw sey bode lawl VWivealsty Adee yes et qu bak 
shoxotan axe tamaghet ody db hee cot ovtew was 

 gachneted dudé T1Lsatety cot poktbiaes asandadty Leteved”" 
ed of aweoe Yrosd? o'Faebasted .ecy ond fio abde vot Gag Gd neetge 
 jomkt dads GA ,oddeEL Baw oaots Holteredies Midaoda FT wah sand 
-100 nh smebistah Bam ,tomeielne Ligek o svat tou HEN "et”, storewed 
eheog ot Hh mood ovad of dnnbe Sindee Gtx dt edd shisdgee Galles 
isqtoatsg tactos aa yatsnsestase sueitiw weed ot taege ite Yo woke 
hue bay delet biuow Tilvatete dens digg 89 bates dow'ad #2 
«gite es? .¢2 to yay Bivode adw oF aw Pneueyaerta sauce dole le! Eke 
ousttih od? Te yueviteb Bae ofee oh? Ye amt) ode te Oban aah te Rea 
ai Ravteusta ased fen ered tud somehive at dexeTro o1ew ened dae 
 pateaony of Crmesenea 22 oeeugia Sivew WY Jemdituoeee te cae ems 
guibalt ot petthtast owed biwow ,sovtbowng 22 jattetdke eweds, oily 
‘ster (Be ylet betad Trhewlaty te tebdel & (cevedtell Pooe SAP Re 
,atameoetY ,seatha $e anerged cedex oyacin eve lhe on? of Denaethha 
aotew ,weeredd saebaoteb one ‘te ylger Lnaesveq & Hahw eokebive wh’ ad 
 geaasatiw Lerevesa Yo yaouitusd oft Otarovertes oF abab} (eh aw 
<nowzee OF OF baw Qouhun'ted daciy gots sat of Tridiniera yt bebbbetg 
209 849 6d nobsmosts Murer 2d evay ULIReebens aphet Lobes oaR er" OS 
“geht pottatdag ove bw hus peeoasagly OMY Med Nak’ woe” OB Seabieks F 
: sbonetic aved wait veteen sit? RY Golsent Lettantaiin 
shown ta at tawed” tated one 6 vat ane’ Jemaattienndionl annie 
aire baa) ae Ae a Be i ReeE ey Bee 

- yaatenoo” iy vena 

Bi aD eS, ose sam dbind, 

YR Oe ea) (ce aa ee ekg we 

yar ig 


JAMES BE, CLOY & SONS, w Corperation, V9, 


AOPeLL Ges. 


Gomplainant Piled its bili seeking « weghanie'ts Lien on 
the premises at 230 forth Zickigen Avenue, Ghaieago, Ter a balance 
of $13,663.54, revreseiting plucking materiel inatalled in the builde 
ing. Tne cauee wae referred to a saunter in gluuncery who, after heare 
ing evidence, reported, recommeniing a deere? in agwordanse with th 
prayer of the complainant's 6111; upen hearing exceptions te the 
report the chanceller slievwed eompiainant a lien for $1216.93, with 
interest, and disallewed the balanee of the lain. Vong) mina t 
appeals te thie sourt, aeking that 1% be allewed the full amount, 
Defeidante fo net gueetion the lien for the emslier amount. 

Apparentiy the echancelicr was ef the opinien that there was 
® Variance between certain allegations of ¢ompiainant'ts bill and the 
proof, and aise that conpleinant Had two contracts for plusaving and 
that the bill wae net filed anti after four monthe frem the last 
delivery under the first eontract, aeuee tow late umier the 
etatute - Mechanic's Lien Statute, chap. 84, para. 7, (Candis) 
widen requires the bili to be filed within four menthe after Last 
delivery, Complainant contends inet it hed only one eontract and 
that the bill wae flied within four months fron the date of Last 
delivery, thereby complying vite the statute, 

The master found that on January 1, 19°7, the owners of the 
fee of the preniger im question sade a 99 year lease te denty U, 
Pasehen, *hieh lease ov Kay 15, 1924, was asoigned by Paschen to 
the 230 Herth Wiehigan Avenue Building Corporation; that eubsecqusntly 

mabearoet oy ao .0iit # OUD 2 BANKS 
abe Be gga ee Pintle 


Tl t* be sagas 
eet lowuga, 

man 7 A I bY y Sg. ; wok oie whieh 


aps Re 

besa NY 
hs e es ey 

ytehel ecu i Lice 

ne S6Rf aloldatons # gaikeas ILid s@2 bo 4)t daaahadgae® (66 boy) 
povalod a tok pegnedd? jasieva gaghsiodd ats0k G88 ga aoehowaq ede 
ahilad ef¢ ah Re tdegeal faltetam gabdawsg gabinesotent ,00 600,650 Be 
-1ae8 teeta, octe ‘yrouscie af sedene # of beveetes exw eaues ont. gah 
wie Adie soushtooss sl evt9es @ galhaamenoed ,bodceqed ,oooebivel ans — | 
‘gt? 02 eaOitocone gricesa aoe 7 ee Te 
atte (BR OL8kR cok aks & sammie Louse bowaike se! teoomale ont’ orres 
‘sakatetened salads wid 6 oounted ons Sowodtonts ton (seotiend 
struc List ot? Sewelle 6 $2 te0R Quiles ptasew ehde od Wkeseae 
Savoie tothe este tet meld eat anliieup. dow ob <a : 
aid Gtdd Ged? aphnkes ot Yo aoe reLfeoneds edt qitmwamgghs 6 8% > 
ails bee LLkd OF Snead iqwes Xo amelsegetio aiateey neowted somikear a 
| bon yaldaule tot avoartace owl had foamhaiquge éead cate baw. ,se0ey 
Seek sit mort aheace weot teste Litam kell? ten new Mh sd dade 
eit tabau etedt oof eouss ,semutoms So72% of8. totam wrevkiod 
(iffes?) ,f .taq .80 .qede ,etasnes weds atoloninet = arutete | 
(Yael wedta ens uon aye’ why br boLit ee ot CLAM welt” oerkupen tokio 
him Soartnee seo vino Red vk Susit wheel mop Hoaledeae .yrewkse: 
geal Yo stus Md wos eircom awe mittee KOT sanitinaveunetie. 
enters ay otter Qeiedaorn ydete dy, Adamo 
ond TH uate ost? SSCL ,£ YenUIAT hd Fad? bmwel sefemm eat 
1) quell of sanol ta0y 0 a whew api tantiy. sh anetanoe outta ot 4 
ot meuioee yd beoglace aoe ,O0OL 04 ya ao onan lt puonausl ry rei ot 
eee speedtun fad? jaolderegtod gulp line OUneVA aay tde, ORR 


BS a pee ee ee 

gertsin trust deeds conveying the premises were made whieh are 
not material to the present controversy. in Kay, 1999, Henry 
Paschen, doing businese as Paachen Srotaers, eutered into o write 
ten contract as general contractors with the 840 herth Biehigan 
Avenue Bullding Corporation fer the construction of an office 
building om the premises. 

duguet 22, 1925, Pasehen made a written contract with 
Jenn Degnan, Inc., whereby the latter for $102,000 was te provide 
all materiale and perform all work fer the plumbing to be ine 
atalied in the building, 

Complainant is a eerperation in the business of manufaeter- 
ing and ve@lling pipe, plumbing fixtures and supplies. in Kay end 
Faly, 19298, complainant sent to John Degman, inc., written gquotae 
tiene of prices on itexe ef plumbing, and John Degnan, ine, 
bought some “roughing in* waterial, said te be pipes enclesed in 
the structure of a building, net the ordinary plumbing Pixtures 
such as water closets and lavateries, Apparently this "roughing 
in” material has been paid fer, and the present claim for lien is 
for fixtures, 

Decesber 11, 1928, John Degnan, tne., in writing ordered 
from complainant certain fixtures for the lump sun of $15,000, with 
the understanding that any additions or deductions should be made 
at the prices of the items contained in the quotations, Subse 
quently, certain other orders for fixtures and euppiies were given 
te eomplainant. These goods ware furnished by complsinant and ine 
eerperated in the bulliding. 

in way, 1929, there wae due complainant Tor such fixtures, 
after allowing eredite, $32,449.36; about thie time John Degran, 
Ine., became financially exbarrassed and was not able to pay the 
pills of complainant and it refused te deliver any mere material 
er fixtures, whereupen Paschen Brothers, the gmeral ecentracters, 

wrote a letter to compisinant cuaranteeing to pay for the reseinder 

we RR | 

ose inde show exaw gevtanry Bal? godyevaes’ abseb. taurt ntadeso 
eraed S2OL yak al .ymkevontass Mnoeeng ott of ialietes gon. 
-thiw « oénk beastns ,atediord aedeng ee seemhewd, amhen sendenalis 
Megksindl citrol O88 ect AILY etegomutae Laxsadh oe toeréncg. ned , 
aoltta oe Ie soksorstanes gut tot agléwstoqred gathiiett Ahad . 

-ttelomrg add ae iit 
isie toatiaos masticw @ ohaw desea’ USGL (28 seuyud on 
shivetg oF saw O0O,%04) tel cote ome ytouade ,.90% ,~mamget autel . 
oak od steer ody tot dice Lia axetieg han etatuetem tia, 

) Mb iswe ott Bh be Lhasa 
-raton tuna Yo aaenivsd wd ak neitaxenten 8 ah tavaisdguan, 
hae yak a me tLe baw sexu eee 

“nd oup ese tam 9 oak ,asaget ano 98 ten, 

ig poghq gatifon ban gab. 
asiakgmas .S8Ot welts 
908 a pieayedt auto’ din antdmnte ‘te eaatt co anolsa Re amebdoy 
at doaosons aoqiq o¢ ad blew ,lelvesen "al gittigues” omen ddggod) 
eonwens' partdinaete Visalhes od fom .yakhiiud « Wp eumtourtayede. 
yetitguon® aids ytinstegas ee licdaval han cioeelo. sesee em, ewan) 
ad mp dt ent mbat faone ig ons haw, , 203 Diag sod sek fabsotom "ak 
berehte paisizw af ,.par ,camedt ntob ROL ,1f godepoed uty 
dite ,000,848 Ye swe qaud ot 19% poxvexs® mhertep ¢mnatasunen met: 
‘obews od b Suara amol?anteh (MO Gaels kha. yoe hae Gatband empha may. 
spades § anolingeuy ed? ab heniadmoe meedi ont tg aonleg odd, tien 
nevis oxew 1 aaliqqua Hite BOTHIKZT 3e% atehig weahe ALOT Reo Kets De 
ak bine fanainiqnos yd boreiort stew eheoy onal. stanton ated 

veovuaet dig we “0% tmanta.Lonm ob, wee prea samns pening eee tie | 
“aiienged aulol only 47s swan 502-0D ER yaeahene gatwosia meste 
ete yoq oe okie fon gaw boo besaetaadag Yiietonsar? Pied 5 a ne 
 Katietan exom yim TOvLLob of banuton #2 0 Aeraintarat 30 phi 
; eterna tine0 igtonsy 989 sBRodtonst ROBES OGM TEM 4 ARE 
| aehadonrs ad? set yaq of grufeotastany tusatatqnen sll 183 

ef the work. The letter saya: “We guarantee payment for plumbing 
material needed threughout the remaimder of the work that ie ore 
dered from you by eur representative at the inetigation of John 
Degnan or hie sutherigzed representative." The letter alee ine 
structed that the orders should be billed "te Pasehen Brothers, 
e/e Jom Degnon." Thereafter complainant delivered plumbing sup- 
plies ss ordered by Paschen Bratiers at the prices agreed upon 
between comslainant and Johm BDegnan, Ime. The material delivered 
after thie letter was written amounts te $1221.45, and the lien 
fer thie is not questioned, 

The master found that sil the plumbing material was 
wrought inte and became a permanent part of the structure, en- 
hancing its value in excess of the amount claimed by complainant. 
The master aleo found that the last delivery ef material, prier 
te the letter of Baschen Ercthers guaranteeing the acecunt, was 
in Bay, 1999, and the last material delivered after that letter was 
om August 2, 19%; that due noticesor the mechanic's liens were 
served, ani that all the parties interested knowingly permitted 
compleinent to furnieh materials and supclies to the building; 
the waster found that all eof the material allegations of the bili 
an? amendments and supplementa therete hag been proven, and reeome 
mended a degree aceordingly. 

Defendante argue that there was a material variance between 
complainant's pleadings and the proof, in that complainant alleged 
the centract was made December 11, 1924, while the proof shewed it 
Was made May 11, 1928. 

Ve do not regard the point as ispertant, The evidence 
amply shows that the eonutract was made December 11, 1928. In 
equity oractice the rule concerning variance is not strictly en- 
forced and cannet be inveked ageinat a decree where the eroor is 

sufficient te suprert a claim for relief, although the bil] may 


wiidesia to? Imenyee oobnetauy, oO jequn teseet eat  ukow HP Re 
ate ut de? Xxow ont Yo tobblaabd ocd Pvotyworay bobesw’ Litxeiae 
net Yo moltagident odd $a oFibA¥nbeweaey Yee UF boy mee DD 
sad ote todtel oot *.evitataseeroor bewltodfule wht 40 netiget 
~etadtor’ aedesed o¢” beliid of biveiiz watbeo ent sorlt netonere 
«que gaidawle boteviics tueniaiqnss cotte<teet " amogett det Wo 
nioow boetge gesitg ots fa ete: tore aevignat “vd betebtse se noliq 
hevevifeh Lattetes off oat ,aeaged ach Bac taetlefysos noewied 
neil sdf baw ,@h.420L8 of adeoms nest iow daw aodgel Whit wits 
relteoup dom eh ‘esis tot 
gow inbtetun gotdmwte ety tin fads Bawet wader OAT 
«mo ,@2s¢ousde ea¢ to dteg Insiewied a seaged Ane sone daw 
txentelqnoe yd heatels tavema off te ensexe a2 gutav af gabon 
abhsq ,tnitedam ‘to yisviteh gaat odd fe8% pawet gale teedaw dat 
sav ,tusonae off galoesnatan) atedtex<S mdoeed te teetet ato 
esw tojd¢et fads wotta betovifoh Laltedam feat ote baw , OR OL pam wt 
| ote amit s'olnedpeom ett toasoliaa veh Facts ; eet a seugah mo 
hettioneg Yigulveml bedeomwsal eslareg wey 48 Fast} him” powtee 
pmahbiled er? of esticewe has alaivesen dedere? ot Sehrda Tekeo 
“£itd ond ‘te onoliageiia Iattodem afd to ffa tetd Bawlt teteam add 
eneoet ban stevere 26o9 ~ otetbar oe Ane edasmhnems : bine 
| sUlgai cobs eeroeh — 
asewsed ootsltev Iakteden « ver exedd sett sontea ebanbae'ted ” 
‘bee fla tanate tomoe test ak ,Yoowg aHt bas wytene ty’ et dnkats Demon” 
“$4 Bewade Yoore oct? otidw ,oReL \ it Sedinebd’ wham whw Yoeebine OHD 
‘gonshive odt vdastroqet a2 dulog bile Naaper toa oh ew 
ni 8205 .if tedomeet oBaw aaY Ponninton ot Fort owed YTQus 
one eldotite ton ol evnaivoy yalwtvones efve ot ob ffeere Yiupe 
ot ‘hociq ont etocy eoresh » Sattage Retoval WW Yelle Bue Het? 
"yom LRG odd iaititt te stskisx xe? | 
yo Be Ree me otonw ig 

be incorrect or mistaken in some of ite detaila. Stregt vy, Thompson, 
131 Ill. App. 546; Beaver v, Slanker, 94 111. 175; Mgorehead vy. _ 

Eggmann, 190 lil. App. 578. “Squity/looke to tne real substanee 

of matters put in evidence, and will disregard sere techeical ob- 
jectione that do net affect the merits of the controversy. * 
Holman ve Gil}, 107 fil. 467. 

Apesrently the chanceller was of the epinion that the cone 
tracts vere made Kay 11, 1925, or July 5, 1924. The Letters written 
en these days by complainant te John Degnan, Ine. ,were simply quetae 
tion letters offering ite supplice at certain prices for any pre- 
posed work. At the time these letters were reesived John Degnan, 
Ine., had no contraet for the plusbing work on this building; ite 
ecentract for this work was not made until Auguet 22, 1925. Complaine 
ant furnished the fixtures in accordance with the order of John 
Degnan, Inc., of December 11, 1°24. 

We eanmet agree with the eontention of def dante that there 
were two contracts, Manifestly there was only one contract te fure 
nish the plusting and fixtures for the building in queation. The 
fact that after complainant had executed most of the comtract and had 
refused te deliver the remainder ef the goods unless it sheuld be ase 
sured of receiving payment, woleh assurance was given by Paschen 
Brothers, the general contractors, 4id net divide the contract inte 
two eontracte, The materials were delivered in econneet Lon with ene 
joo in one building and cannet reasonably be d4iviczed inte twe sepae 
rate contracts, A somewhat sinilear cueetion wae raised in Balleable 
Iron Co, y, Brennan,174 Ill, App. 33, where it was contended there 
were two seoarate contracts, one for the installation ef a bath and 
toilet and the other for the installation of a heating plant. ‘The 
court held against this on the ground thet beth jobs were Jene on 
the same building, fer the same owners, and usually done by the esme 
workmen ani sre known as plumbers' jobs. See also Seiji _v, Somash, 
237 Ill. App. 844. 

Heamwon? WY searss .elieteh oft Yo vm ah nedateta xe Jeerteomh od 
Ebardesons 204.161 00 amped ot seven 1968 aed WAIT 4B 
wonsstadwa Lees ods of 8 oon\xtiupe® V8 598 efit OOL og 

“te faoiacion 2 esau bisgoresh Eiger hora tonebive ak 19 erstion 14 
"qamevorsaog edt to a¢izem erie tenths to ob Seas aaolsooh 

TOR -ff2 TOL hi 

OR oat teste motaige and 10 eet Toliag nase nas tag seges 

ay Be ig 
mae) kore axedred gate HORE 2 whut +o sed eit yeu bast vee wr : 

sad aug ylquia orev, oak ota ge asia’ ot tasmintqmos , xe ayah anedt ge 
-o%q Yaa tot aenitq slaties ta aolsqgus adh gatre tto etetiet alt 
eitaagel mig Bevinges etow eretied eae? emis ott 24 .ktow boagg 
eat tenth Lind eked ae dt0¥ weikdmnig eels sat soars M02 oe bast yok 
watodqmed  .280L ,88 fenyuk {1tay oben gem ga~ Anew ehtt cor tegntans 
nm tebte ed ite sometresse af serutett psf hodeto : 1 toe 
nig. SRA fd tetmeoet To ,,o51 , aamged 

weeds Sass atoas etes Ye nels aosaos ead athe aeige fone, oF 

wee wa 
ott ef s2eIi nes eno Yiee BAY oteds vider thine einatsagn owe, er 
ent .fetteeus al anibitud ait 101 eeteixtt ae amidase, ont fede 
: | hed baw toatiave ssl? to vom hodueoxe bari Sense Leygaoe tad te oe a fea} 
oan o¢ biuede #2 eealnw ahoog ad? Yo tebnionmer one wovdion oF boast 
aadosat xe nev ty Ree HOGS Tae dohow gtmornog aaiviooes cont to berue 
fmt semxéace sit obivth fon bkh ,atedsasénog Lateany edt 2 suxongent 
ono Agkw solsosanes ak boxeviion hada eka kee dam Ro (as oeTI AG awd 
“ego ews otal hablvik od qdenounss tesmeo ban guthtiug @ a nl 
sidan sigs xt beatnt sew mobtasue toliete dgimare A 
@tedt hebastaos saw $2 onestw at ott. tat O° 6 apa 

bua t9ad # te Noltailes@ad add tek ene eBtoatd nog promiocetpnr otew 
ext ,danig yatiaed a te mottetiogent mit se Miss ceiidletiigth sana 
Ho Aneh oTew sdot Atod sade boweny 962 wo ated taateys 

omee ont yd oooh YLiaunu bas ,etecre omen, iad egathit 

nome? at Ligk osla sow 

pei — 

Defendant says complainant seuld set have stated the age 
count as beginning April 1, 1990, but should bays eommenced the 
acecunt st the dates when 1t first gesuenced delivering *rouguing 
in*®* material to John Degnen, Inc., and that semplainant hed ne right 
te apply payments received from John Degnan, inc,, on this account, 
ae the richts of third parties, Paschen Brothers, are involved, The 
master preverly found thet, commencing September 1, 1924, and at 
intervels thereafter, cowplaineant delivered large amounte of 
"roughing in” materinl te John Degran, inc., but taat complainant 
was paid in full for this material and none of it is inciuded in 
the claim for mechanic's lien. ¥urthermere, there was np éewigna- 
tion as to hor the paymerte received by complainant sheuld be ape 
plied. it is the rule that where the debtor does not so indicate, 
the creditor may apply such paywmeats where he chooses, idese y, 
Hentze, 326 111. 634. 

As a further defense it is asserted that certain quantities 
of pipe delivered te John Degman, inc., on September 1, 1925, were 
net used in the building. The evidence shewe that the materials 
were delivered to the slace of business 6F John Degnan, inc., and 
were used by 1% in enother buliding upon wliien it then had the 
plumbing contract; complainant had no motice that said meterials 
were to be used in thia other building and they were bilied te the 
general secount ef John Degnan, Ine, The evidence shows that John 
Degnan, Inc., paid this inveice and no lien is claimed for it. 

Other points are sreaented upon wiieh we de net think it 
necensary te comment as they do not affect the merite of the cause. 
The master found the facte and stated the account correetly, and it 
was errer to sustain the exceotions te hin repert, 

decres is therefore reversed and the cause remanded with 

directions to enter a decree in accordance with the recommendations 
of the master in chancery. 

Matchett, P. J., and O'Connor, J,, concur, 

oa 642 fatete ove! tem Mew e dagai«e lames Wyse Pdchortet ~~ ack 
etd heomestes oved biveors ted eet. ff Bega gatuct ged on ‘sie 
aticgues® guiteviish heoapamen Larkt £f aestw epdeh edt ge deine 
Seigts oo haat Summtetquon Facly bow , 00% ,tmmpell iatol of tatiecaw "ot 
 tavooed wit ne ,.o0k ,nenget mel wort pevkeoet athmotesd ‘tinge be 
eat ,hevicval exe ,ateizor’ andoast .we lire Bxidt to etrytt ald em 
foe ben OhOL x gota soat gutvasinos , seid basto't ekeeeetc whens 
~ te atevama syead bevevliss taentotqmos tos Yaoteds aleve 
Saanteleues tas ta , ond , neiye® mist af Cette sem Mad) getbignot® 
eh bebwlont ef 42 te omen hee Lelvetem sits ae (tet at blag’ wew 
-angheeh am naw stele pereccedeent lantt stetneigem 10t mtaty’ bee 
«qe o@ bivede dawnletoxs ys bevlener edaveyey ott vor ot ea aold 
,Qinethal oa tos svob tesdeh oft state tens otwt eft 22° FT beREG 
aLAgeht  .necoods of etodw etoomyng Nowe qiqqe yem cotinede Oa? 
(888 LE B8e a euenet 
eeldlinewp siadise tect hetwesee of ot eeue'teh wedtet @ aA 
e19W ,O80L ,f toduedqed ao ,-ezl jaeaged adet of heteviiod eghe tb 
Gisiiwies sft tad? swote oguebive 6a .gelbiftud ede ia hesw tot 
| bes gs00l ,namged ach IS senuiand te egnde oct os bitevites stew 
ocd hed madd gh cols aoqe galhtiot wavttone ab eh yd head otee 
elsttatan blac Sant eottoa 64 bend Fewako tow poheetaes gon nah Re 
td of be idid otew qed? fan gathibud aedéo atet at Sede ed OF Aide 
aso’ tad? swore gecehive edt sank ,namget titel te snudosa Letodsy 
Jt tot boatefo of sos! ow tue welewnt @f0? Dteq |) oT, damged ~ 
Qh Mats tom Ob seuigtoaw moqu Retaseety wee wtdton “tamye > 9)! 
Seung one Te atbiew od? ¢ooTie tom ob yodt aa toni od yraundaen 

We «oh baw ,eiseerxes Smoons ede detate hae eet ore ‘See "ip tin Oat 
Mb: aJtieqet wid of atolsqecus of ok wana P-sge? fect 

re at Sa alata 

wt gah ded Att eb ; 

er bobimanes asiag ent bax beswevet 
a atontcenacsrtgunnaie hea weighed re a 

teOneR oak. 9! 5 

Defendant in irrer, 

a Corooration, 
Plaintiff in 2rror. 

ee Sire aoe ate Renee iain Shiner” hea 


Plaintiff brought an aetion againet the Chi cage Gab Company 
and Leen S4e11, te recover demages for oeracnal injuries claimed ta 
have resulted from a collision between an automobile in which plain 
tiff wee riding, and @ eab belenging to the defendant sab coupany 
and driven by defendant Sdeil, at the interesction of ieGalle and 
Division etraete, Chicage. fhe jury returned a verdict finding 
defendant Chicage Cab Company guilty snd asseesing plaintiffte 
damages at $21,280, and finding defendent Bdell not guilty. Judge 
ment was entered on the verdiet and the cab company presecutes 
this writ of errer. 

The reeord disclenes that shortly before mine o'oleek, day- 
light saving time, om the evening ef July 2, 19M, there was = cole 
listen between «a Dedge sutonebile im welch plaintiff and five ethers 
were riding, and s tazieab belen ing tea the 4efondant cab company, 
in or near the northeast corner of the intersection of Lagalie 
street, a north anid south street, and Division street, an east and 
weat street, in Ghicage; one ef the porsene riding in the Dedge 
was killed and the ether five, whieh included plaintiff, testified. 

The substance of the testimony of these five witnesees is 
that on the evening of the day in question Gam Blender, 53 yoars 
old, woe lived in Evensten, teok his Seige eutoxebile te drive te 
the Seneca hotel, whieh is nearly a half mile south of Divi sien 

street, aid cast of Michigan avenue, He took his wife, two 



2 BSR Oe at a Ge 
tae GHA eE RAO entrees 
{ atines we ecubas tet et Deus 
Ne sellin ; ae 


owen wa hia voen99 a 
Te Te Ai: eee te 

ng ATES: 

2009. KAT.49 AOLMISG HR amavis ae aortaut a 
giaqted dad iin 140 e683 tantaye aolfon at “pagword “Vuttatest: red gael 
os heatele/svixutat Loaeaveg xe? seqembh tordser Od (Lieb ‘need: Saws 
ately deliv Al oLidomotue an mented motes (iso's nowt beeluede ‘evadtt 

YaRqaod Geo ahawteh oft of gatyanteé dow # baa’ (Qakotr aaw That! 
bas OLidtad te aolfoowtotal edd se hehe taebae teh yo aevinke bawe 
gathalt yolbioy a hemreden ytut oat -oyeoide ,etoorse mohatvad: 
a'Tiisuialy galoseens baw ys tleg yRoqued de® eyeottd Saedan tobe 
mabat “eee thy you tian dmabie res a a asgeaad 
i “etuasnor Enagisos fad ons Bes’ tebiiter' ene ae eT 
cab ,Nbeto'e olin exeted (Leroi Gadd wbeeron th + wniaiceall oo ‘er 
-loo @ Baw ‘xed? eee \e Feit Ye yntee MY aw , ud guhvaw oayet’ 
atodso ovit hae ‘Ttititaly Motuw ab eftdovdbun exhet W twewten Makedlhy 
«Yate tao Gad Sarbiistes oct oF tino twit Gee reed # hee wathen eee 
gi feGad to noldoewietak edt to wires deuedteen ont tno to mt 
has seas mm ,foeths agtety ic bas ,deeuse Mave bite ton B re <oe) 
agbot ods 4) yalhiy wacetey ea? te wan pegestde nt (teette tow 
hl tease aispecezel Babu let ‘itn tel | pstmt 

ae hae Aim ul ive ate Bans ; 

ee kt “preg 

sie si i 4 h. 
es tie ald dood of _ameeion an tita saat 

brothere-inelaw and their tws wives. The three ~omen were sisters, 
After creceeding some Aietence they dreve southeast in Sisten 
avenue until they reached Bivisien street, which is about e mile 
weet of Lataile street where the accident securred, The ear vas 
then driven east in Bivision etrest until it raeched LaSalle 
etreet +here it was stopped, Latalie being a through street, 
Blender then started his car across Laislie« street, geing at about 
fifteen miles an hour. Aw Be {14 Bs, he saw the 4eferndant’s scab 
coming north in LaSalie atreet at about forty or forty-five miles 
an hour, Elender theaght he had time ta pase in front of the cat 
but found he vas aot able te de ge and turned hie ear teward the 
nertheast te aveid « eellision, but the cars eoliided and sisintiff 
Was reverely injured, 

Jack L. Rogere, called by defendant, testified that be and 
hie wife were etaiding in front ef their home at 1206 Herth Lae 
Salle street, which wes a few doors north of Division street; that 
the De¢ge cer wee coaxing south practically in the middle of La@alle 
etreet at about forty or forty-five miles an hour; that there was 
a Westbound strest car in Divisien etreet (there being a double 
line of etreet care in that etrest); that the driver of the Sedge 
car applied his brakes to aveld Sitting the street car bat could 
MOt% etop; that the brakes “howled”; that he sade s turn toward the 
east three or four feet back and east ef the etreet car, and at 
that time the collisien ecourred; that &« did net aee the north 
bound cab until just at the time af the geliision beeause the 
atreet car vas crossing Division street. 

Ailsa Hogers, wife of Jack L, Aegers, gave testineny sub- 
stantially the same ac that of her nasband. 

Rverett Lee, called by defendant, teatified that at the time 
ef the accident he wae walking west on the nerth sidewalk ef Sivisien 

street about sixty feet east of Lajalle street and saw the collision; 

evegela atew aomox setts eff eerie owF tlawtd baw wo fantnorodtond 
Sekai ob Seandtnes ovorh you? oonmteth ang unt beesore xeeta 
olin = gwotn ef Mokdw ,teerde HoiniviG bedonet yads Ihren ouneve 
gow ten ec? bertus90 goehlose edt stedw doeree siiated diet buco 
SLisked Sofooer #2 Livew teoxde sotetvie mi dase pane sos 
-eotte dguotwdd a anied elletat ,benvnds sew £2 etesie seetse ; 
tuods te gatog ,tearte » iLwtmd tavtom Tap ehd borrase oats tebme sé 
dae o'tnabca'teh add wee os .oe Hah wat wd <tned ae eothe: ayegtrt 
eella evltegsio% te ystot goods Ju feeute |elivfad ad adeon galaoo 
dae ext Yo tuye2 af swag of emke Sad od taguedd tebme LE steed as 
‘ei¢ Stawet tao aid booted Sum 96 ob 62 dda tom: saw od banat sud 
VYidiaiola bua ‘hebhtios wtee ots tud gmeipdiion « bhewa aa Ssaedtues 
her takad: Uaexaven: — 
bas eek fous ha kitseot ,taabae'tes yd boi ine ,awiged 4h dea ia yttt 
aad Ateok BOGL de amod Shas te soewd HA yadoaase oro hin’ wane 
fad ;$e07te agbalviW Yo ddvow etaoh wet « aaw fa tee sfoerte sites 
eliatgi te efibin edd at eliselionsg Mixes guiiacs ser tee oghosl a2 
eaw ted? gand piwet ax soiin evll-<oaol ge ysro? tude ta townte 
eiduei « ymied steas) gserde weteivil ab sas feorvde buwodteew a 
oxhet att Te tevish sit decls j(saoude sad? at ated sootsa to wakt 
Sines thd v99 geowle ott yatiedd bhowe oF amdacd eld hed ings ‘en 
ot bunwel ax? a sham of todd {*bebwod* woxard oid teu jaotw ton 
#2 bee ,ieo Seeute e623 To seas ban ised aot auot co ond odnee 
dgiom att e8e fon Bh od sacs, (RewRmoe aatedd ion: aoe healt a 
at aanaded aolaiifon eis te amde exe je tout, thane deo based 
| -foo1se come¥sa gukasore Saw tae Soenta 
dia Yomdsas? veg .emeged oi dosl to oie eataged emis 
oe shat o Me Re Tease ae ese un aed 
sake ocd Bo dads bebtioes? ,danbastob yd, beiies ett deeteva 3 
aolstvhG to diavehle dizem edt aor Jasw yalsitaw: aw ed tapbios. is ‘ 
paohakifos eff wee baa goents Olietad te tao det yenie 2 90 - ' 

that the Sedge car came acuth on LaSalle street; that a westbound 
street car in Divielon etreet was ereseing Laiaile street; that he 
sew the cob coming nerth at shout twenty or twentyelive siles an 
heur; that “Wheat made mie notice the sadam (the Osage car) was the 
squeal of the brakes;”" that i: was cewing seutn in Lalsllie street 
at about thirty or thirty-five silee an heur; that at the time Be 
was abeut eixty feet from the Sedge sax; thet the tbrekee on the 
Dedge “equesied;* that it turned enut to avoid the weathound street 
ear, missed the sireet car, and cellided «ith the eab; and that the 
Fear end of the street car wae about the middie of Lagaile street 
when the collision scourred. 

George KR. Bolkau, called by defendant, testivied that at 
the tine in guestion Khe was talking with a friesd in frent ef 1209 
Leslie street, of the east side of the street and a few doors notth 
of Division street; that be saw the Dodge car coming south at about 
forty or rerty-Sive miles ao hour, practically in the center of Lae 
Qalie street; that he want te the sesne of the accident and saw Kr, 
ang sre. Regere and Lee there; that « street car vas going weat in 
Bivielon wxtreet and the Dedzce car turmed te the east in Divisten 
street and that the eollision cecurred im the south or eastbound 
street car trecks; that “I heard equesking braxes:* that the ¢river 
ef the Sedge ear turned araund just before the collivien and was 
talking te the passengers ix the oar, This is eubstentiaily all 
the evidence in the resord as to how the accident securred, 

Defendant eontende the basis ef plaintiff's case was the 
negligenee of the driver of the taxiesb, and therefere defendant 
could be held liable eniy wander the doctrine of respondeat gunerier: 
that wince the jury by ite verdict found the driver of the sab 
net guilty and judgrest hewing been entered on the verdict and ne 
appeal having been taxon, the judgment is conclusive in faver ef 

the defendant cab company, It is obvicus that if the driver of the 

Pivedées* w dad} ;feetta wLinGal ae econ ema teo eahet edt tant 
od tedd {tote ofivted gateror bow toorse uetetelt al deo deena 

fie welia avliegasws to YYnews dnede fo stivom gaiimes deo edt waa 
ef eo (deo oytot oY) addon Ot Setdon om sham Yad” Saat emed 

george wiiviid ut Htvoe’ gatacs asw fi dadd “jeollerd bite Ye Ladupe 


si oatt oct t2 add ptsed mp Botha ove tagPikdtd Yo Yrtdi swede ve 

feerte bavottase ons bheve (03 tana Bemat #2 sang “* he taupe” | eabo 
ed? Sarid bie {awe ott di tw bebttien’ bax’ vide foerte 883 Socata ies 
seorte efinew.d to ofpbde ott Fweds tev wos Hooxg8 od? to baw tant ‘it 

“ ) .Sertiepe Hote Lifes ll oid 

yi dat betrbeeed ,eaebue ted yt bodies ,uedfoxt 6 egread “ree 
GORE te tuord at hadtx? 0 dite padatad aan oc LTD MT odd 
Aeaow arsoh wer & baw Soouts oct Lo wbie Yass 487 av Joos eLiatiod 
suede ta Hive yabrod wd wyboil oMd woe ba tant jtooxte nelatvat we 
end te rataes sit nt GLisolineiq \twomt Ga onda avii-ysrol te yee 
28 w2b Bow Probiows ost} te eiioe a4) oF Paow aa Sard rhea stad 
ak dke® gato) saw tao Swords « gan? joweH? oad bane oteg 
notelvit ai tees 44% ef Boirted cho eybom eal Kaa beorte aehdiine 
bawedtine 20 Adsoa edd at bexiesde motel ites vai Pond baa deatdee 

daw bite notetifes oH? ototed tent Sawin belted tan eabot eae w 
Lis ciieisnigadid at abet tee ef% at ere_ueeeed ote of hh 

oud S20 Saa0 a’ Tittatety “10 sised 64d hostaee Yaeboater””° Koneeed 
fanbasteh eroterd? Sas ,dadhind sty t6 eviis ead to ‘soa yitaba” 
rapiseue Bdlebeognes to ealiioch sd ‘tédas ylad ofdals ‘bibH O€ Biwoo 

Gk hind donbxey bad ‘de here die dade piel Hiimghit aaldsnal bien 
26 tove't at eviawfomee @f ateughut ent , asad uded gatve 

Se aaa 

edd no wedend et Yacd yoo aydet ofF mott took tele twode see 

‘govktb ons fact *;e0Kterd gabvesupe budad I ded¥ Yotoesd cad” ‘Hie? i 

\Setre0d0 duobioga etfs wor of ea Beowex eae al ssemb ive wal 

ve odd ‘to tovixh ode badst eotbres dot yd yeet etd ednte badd” 

tit! “te wovixs did TE tad? abolvds eh FE yitoqene tee tooth ot i 

cab was not guilty of negligence in driving the eab at the time is 
question, the defendant cab eccxpany ceule net be Held iiatbie ou 
the doctrine of regpendes Superior. CRAGHEO 2625 UO» Ve layer, 
X21 Ill. Anp. 314; 
Ill. 329; Hilletres vy. 

686. The contention of defendent in this respect ie net eontre- 
verted by osuneel for plaintiff in their brief, but they contend 
that since it was charged in the fourth egumt of the declaration 
that the defendant taxieab sompany pereitted the taxicab in 
question te be overated Without good and sufficient brakes, in 
direct vieleticn of the atatute, this constituted negligcenes on 
the part of the eab caupany irrespeetive of the sendact of the 
ariver of the aab, for whieh pisintiff waa cititled te reeever. 
The 44fficulty with thie eentention le that there is ne evidence 
in the resord tending, in any wasmer, to shov that the brakes ef 
the taxicab were not in good working crver, nor is there any 
evidence in the record that the brakes om the Sedge car were not 
in good condition. The only evidence om the question of brakes is 
that they “howled” or “squeaked” when the driver ef the Dodge ear 
eppiied them, Thies in no vay indicated that tavy vere aut of 

While counsel for defendant argues at consiserable lesgth 
that the fury might weal believe that the “squeak” of the brakes 
came from the brakee of the tasicab aid net from the brakes of the 
Pedge car, ve think this eontention ia centrary te all the evidense 
on thie question, Sut im no event gould it be materisi because 
there is me evidence that the brakes were out ef order or Jdofective 
merely beenuse they "equesaked® when applied. Hapealaily is this 
true ae anolied te tae evidence is the instant case, 

Suet we have just asid im regard to the brakes is suffi- 
sient aliswer to plaintiff's ecententien that the eourt ecommitted no 


ai emid of7 3 dao otf guiviah ai Qnaeettnnn to ¢tilvm toa saw das 
ue videli bivd o¢ doa hives Yanqnon dad danhabtes edt ,nolseoup 
cottons, Bd abs wsabansas dal apaues Yo eatrtoob ait 
oy emes Daw Swine sea eet ek 
““eeudeioo toa ek sovqeer vlad af danba ton re vara lh oir © cow 
pied aoe ‘yeds sud ,teicd chods wk “hs abe ty “o'r townios eit hetwey 
sol tarasoeb edt te fatwoo Hdxwot oad’ a? hogreis aaw 24 woke” seid 

: ak dav ixat ia bord bana yangnon dap teat Sanbie rob eat = 
zh ab Roker $aeloltive baw hoa duoatt IX aafovenn ‘ae ‘of no} omeitp 
ae soaegt ison besusizencs eidd .wdudate ald Ye nelteatety’ soorth 

based te Souhaoe ens le evissoquerts zeqmoe ‘doo ‘oy ‘Ye fuag’ } 
“'geveoes ef bettivae saw Trdaleta ig titw ‘et das one te xevitd 

| ‘camnive | on at oted? todd ef nokdavands elt? dt te yt tof Yith ate 
ete. sexed oss sand wede ef ,tommam yuo ot saatbasy Wiles sa 

“ao ccedl ak Gea \t95t0 galdvee poy at som wxow Gee 
ton etew tas sgbed odd ao an tard ond todd baener eld ixt 
“ah sexexd Yo soigasve sd¢ ao spasblve clas ot ‘lne.dtiaes ‘béeg Ht 
“‘aae nybou aiid ‘to tevixh ad: node “sedneupe” ao *betwor” ydiy 4G 
te fue e1ew yond fund bo tie fia yee on ae all teal ‘pet keae 
“"ddgasd sidare? faaca ‘ta Gougte daabastos tet ‘teadudé ‘octal toon iv 
“eesdand edd ‘to “tooupat ‘odd Sudd evelsed Liew ttyla ent, ‘odode 
ert? 29 sedaxd od? most fea bilo dablcad eas Yo anilend add movt ‘sie 
eoushtve ‘od? Lis of ‘cuetiace ok doliaetuee aide antdd ov ‘yta9 93 
; on ucondt intiston ud $2 btvoo dueve on at gu@ stot Jaaup alas a9 
ovtiastes to conne te suo exew aodatd rer dealt sombive « ea ‘al ‘oteds 
aie ak \lisloaged “bok ian mo ew *“peaweupe” edd pauneo  yleorem 
“ " (enao tietnal ede a) eoawh ive ead os SoLieue Ba owt? 
itive G2 eosard oie of DYaget Al bide deol Ovad ileal sd chandlt 
oa bedthauce d20eg sid sads aoktnedady a TR ESA LAG oF Néwend dante 

a ee tiny eee “9 p He pe CRS tit at awe sy ge +h, iia fe “wa 


error in refueing te imetruct the wilfel an4 wanten count, out ef 
the declaration, a8 reqeeste? by defendant, because the declara- 
tien charged that the taxicab ware permitted to ce operated oF 
the street without being ereperly equipped with brakes. inere 
wae no evidence to sustain thie allegation. 

From what we have said it ie alee unnecearary to Paes 
on defendant's eontention tat the court erred im not permitting 
Aefendant cab company te @zohain why wwe texieak driver vas not 
ealled aa & *liness. 

Sines the fury found the taxivab driver tiot gulity, ta 
defendant cab company coul4 not be neid lisble on the deetrine of 

puperier, aid since the plaintiff in tule court precie 

cates her wight te sastein the juaguent en tae ground that the 
brakes of the taxicab were Aefeative, and since we uve habd 
there was no evidence chat they were in apy Fay dafective, tacre 
ie nothing in the reeerd to sustain the jJudgeent; therefore the 
retion in arrest, mode by defendan® when ite motlen Ter a new 
trisl wae overruled, esould have been surteained. 

Plaintiff, ucfortunately, 734 very severely and pervaanenty 
injured; but in view ef the reaerd in thie case the judasent ean 
net atand. the sudgnent of the Superior court is reverged,. 


Matchett, F. J., ond Kedureiy, I,, eoueur. 

Lo Suh nuco notaew bas wide was founseas oo yalsuiter ag tow | 

Pe Me 

wataivah get oe waned stasbaoien we besaouper a “sHolset0 L098 ods 
‘ay Sareisgs ae ‘of bestiar y ene deotany ota jas beartads aeae 


“eteat re oie yer heaps vitearrg aked Suadehw teorte fat 
abn hoy shod toga dln edits atoreue ae souenive an gen 

eaag 08 eae as oR ae oals at ah Sieg ovads ‘am taste ie on Li 
Emme Re Bale iar 
Balielowg soa af boace salon exit ‘toad at2.a03.09 e ayy sre ” 7 

cf Bway | 
tem saw toviab doolned oad we ale tee ” F qaegnos Sao tea 

i Aide ARS Yn nid 
ay r4 F Bek Be ny 

eihetg Muce eh ak Pathe wll : * | 
eed Jans hawony esi? a0 tisoaaburt ae atezeue of a od tiistx ™ 

PN sie Pig? 9 ek f yy ii | 

"babe brad ow aoale haw bas evbiyoteh wun dso ined - Peg Ey ney : 

wield \avid oot uae yam ot! ener woud tans sounbive on a on sav omat " 
Nh te PR 2, men 4 

ons org toto Me :damoobac walt atagnwve of od ent ry : 

Be ty 

weet a 10 ison e¢h maxtw ahaa eh ee he store , . 
Bi shoal sémue need evan bAwonta she Lorzeve cow cay iatne a 


Pte nants fas elorte ren yey few sClnra sete Maat 
fen tibayout oft ease obne ad ‘ineoen, niet te waty nt 

sbeureven ek txoee an egyve ont te tepepou a busts ton 

Vis Luin tudor enue nat hoes 
19809 oe eto bas at 2 tte TG ie 
; ee ae ae ree 
Gas : tae N Ping PMG 3) MRE A a mets o Biss hie Ae aba ae on. 
ley Fi ; Diep) a % i 
a ae ji and Vio 
“pen There wie Vl ede Dee Mae we elt tes we wen id 
TS aE mM SRD I NAN ro AM ARR Pa " oe he yee eee’ va 

‘teh bawdy an PERG tal he oe ‘etme ta 9 


BARY STEAK, and CHaeLAS oF 2he, 


37361 fF é a # 
Appellee i a 
. } AF peat’ ‘eno BUPA IO fogunt 
5, } - | 
} OF GOGK couUnTY. 7 i 
f | 

a4 4 1.4. '667' 


Plaintiff brought an action egainst tae defenudante te ree 
evver damages claimed to have been suetained by Kim on aecount eof 
being injured in an sutemeblie eollivion, through defendante' 
negligence, There wag a jury trial and a verdict and Judgment in 
Plaintiff's fuwer for $6,000, ond defendants appeal, 

The regord discloses that ahout 6:4. o'eleck in the even- 
ing of July 17, 1932, plaintiff wae driving hie sautenebile sguth 
in State atreet snd at the tine defendant Bary Stern waa driving 
ah sutemerile weet in 75th street; the care eoliided acd plaintiff 
Wae severely injured, 

The evidence shows that at the time in question the do. 
fendant Sra, Gterm and several women sowpanions had been bathing 
at the 75th street bathing beseh and were returning heme, fra, 
Stern driving the sutsuebile west in 75th atreet, *hon the two 
eare collided as abeve stated, 

Courisel for defendants contend that defendant Charles 
Stern had no knowledge ef the use of the ear by Bre, Stern at the 
time in question, and had net authorised or knewingly permitted 
the use of the car by her; thet “in feet, threughout the mtire 
record the naxe of defendant Charles otern is net mentioned at any 

time by any witness," and thie pesition of defendente is not ¢on- 

The only contention made by 4efendants on this appeal is 

that the declaration charged Joint operation, management and cone 

| ye he aida onan 
| ee Fes ile Ml ky 
KOLAMIUE MOAT LARS TA i hd beeen eee toe 
ȴ7S4UO5. BOOS Uo 

SOaLAT BYS bow? Siete 
.TAUOD wT WO woTaiao ai. | Cu VTALBE woman" 0 eorret 

I HANES Ry eh neh) 

“9% of atdebsn ted ot? toulaye sioktiip: ‘bee rene itatety 


‘to samoces ao mid yd beatesaus ased eves of beatoto segenad A? 

‘stants leh Myuestd ,aelaiiles eiideuetus bial at boxutat t 

a tasaghet das tothxay s bao telx? gust « saw oxett rere 
sieogus HIashse ter bas, ,000,8§ to2 goyet aT 

odeve att ak aeoleta O40 dvede stake aowotawlkh boo oe 60 

Agudm olidoaeism aid gaivith sew VIL) aisty ated até xia Bat 

YAlVIXh awe sass yIAK Jashaw led emls asi? 2a hoe 2eotte anh, at 

Vitsalalg how behtiion axwo oad paatte A98t at taaw oLidenod ma bd 
3 obotmhad viexemee ete 
~ob oat sottnouy mt ome add te fat? vgn qoaabive oft os 

| gakited med het saetoeqaiog gomew Laroree bate age ac trabaet 

Wt Ome gatasadet otew ban dgced galidad soonte lial edt * 
ows Ghd monde ,teotsa APBY at Seow eLideargua oMd aatyith mont 
eee shodate eveds aa bobiifco ete. 

eel tuebne'teb tadd buenos etuabas'teh to? foamed 
odd 3a mtetG .ail YS too ox? To oon Ost To phe frond om een 
hetginieq vigaiwend to heslteddue soa bad One ,aolfeorp wk wet 
exis oft tvedyworts ,toe2% at* gaa? pred yt tan ost to oon ee 
ye de benoliase gon wt atesk aolxadd tamboeteh to eaea ‘edt ptose 
-tiod ¢ou af efaabsw'tod to meltlenq aldd has *yanongtw ene vt om : 
ee, cbosevent 

al Laeqas ald? ao etnshus toh Be shaw ag ltaetaoo vine ost i, 

ooo bas Sasosyenam ,nolsategs talel, begrado Ho lterelooh ras ‘i oy i 

trol of the sutosobile by defendante; that thie charge was out in 
issue sy the defendunts' plea of the genersi fesue and that plein- 
tiff'a proof failed te establish any joint liability because there 
Was ne evidence tending te shew that defendant Charles Stern had 
any connectdon with the case, and therefore the judgment being 
@rreneous as to him it suet, ander the law ae it existed at the 
time the cause of action arose, July 17, 1932, and prior te January 
1, 1954, be reversed as te beth defendants, 

The declaration wae in five counts, ‘The seeond, fourth and 
Fitts esunte were withdrawn and the case tried en counte ene and 
three. These counts ehourged that tae “defendante ware the oreners 
and in possession of a certain weter renicle which the defendants 
and their agents were then and there maintaining, eperating and eon 
trolling in to-wit a weaterly direetio: upon sand aleng 75th street, 
ete,, *** that the defendants and their agente se carelessly, neg- 
ligentiy and recklessly maintained, overgied and gentrolled said 
weetbound metor vebkcle,* that by reascr thereof defendente' sutoe 
mobile dollided with the meteor vehiaie of plaintiff, 

On the other hand, plaintiff'e sosition is that the defend. 
ante by the mles of general ienue admit the ownerenip sand operation 
er the automobile at the time in question, and in suonert of this 
cites Zusller v. Hayes, 321 Til. 275; Carlson vw, Jonson, 263 E11. 
$56; Shicage Union Traction Co. vw. Jerka, 227 I1k. 05; Belulte wv, 
Logkridge, 137 Iii. 276; Bates vw. Drainage ¢ 8, 273 Thi, 
app. 435, and ether oases, 


The Ryeller ease was an setion to recover damages for vere 
sonal injuries growing cut of = eollision between an autecebile and 
& motorcyole at etreet interseetions in Chieage. Floyd Hayes, son 
of George &. Hayes, the defendant, was driving the sutomebile at 

the time ef the enliisien. The father alene wae sued, The declare 

tien alleged that the father and sen were partners in the coal 

mh See sav eytade sidt fe) jetordbaue Doe ed atidountem nett ) fone 

aahaig susie bite ouge t fornia y ocd te wale ‘ edanbaston ods ye ouant 

stax? setmood eelildels tarot re) Had ideas of heliet teoty ernnis 

bari mind aeLred sanhaetnd tad? woxie at ‘pathos toasbive oa aa 

. gated tanmghat, oda exotatedd hae ,saeo 649 dbhe robtoe unos ee 

en? ga bataixe 24 au wai ef2 tobe ,fawe 3! wld ot ba auonaorte 

vtauaet @2 toliq han ,SheL tL ytet ,ererw tetdse to seu ote ems 

mint i satnchantwd ged of ee banuever of EOL 4£ 

baw sibewo’ sbanooee sath Masson ovht mh aa Neitetaloeh oft aeTER. 
ban 9m0 agauoe ao belts gage os? bug mona hdt iw acer atayen atts) 
Stamre ed? stew ad ng hie te bY walt fade _baweaca efnuny Onedt .. GSM. 
atashas tes outt ig Rice elolder 197 am RLas tho * ‘Ms gotenonseg Pap Sent 
soo bow aatterego. aGiaiatalan exeds die pene S398 ataege a, feed 
steonte Atav yitole bas aegu onbdoed® eiternee @ tiwegt at pabitont 
“yom cians Lora oe st aeye ahens hie afashss tab out saad ih ven gn 

_ bhew he llortace baw betetsge healed mien Yiage las et hime qh 

~ofes ‘etushasteh leetedt aoaaon et Jang * ,etoddey. saton, aod 4 

_-  s¥iktatadg Ye efaddey gages eal 48ty Aadttten orden 

shaoleb oft Jadt at agitiong a ttitaialg ,baed godt | er) ae Pope ig: 

aolgetego hue qiderenwo ged sisha ewok Lewoeg To anh sat ed aay. 

kit ‘te trougue ak Sem ,Aelieoup at amis edt da elidons tan ott 

-4iT £08 ,Qoemio’k py moe tan) pS .457 L88 | peheiagaemeatiganpede 

a Bt ihad 760 of) TRS wate 2, tem Ata 2 eee 
-£{2 ESS ,otenotes dane? sngalexS .v gedel ors he anny oe 

ha x0 png sevenns as nottos ie oa Dome atin ae oie ‘i i 
bas Siidovetus ae asevted moietiios « to sys yalwo aoltutal famoe 
woe anced byes oogna kee saad ao LI oeeteeRk seotee fa te ploxoreson 

fn eLideuotue O82 goivith ear ,danhae'ted oat pores + agree? To 
fngo edd ok wisAsTAg Ose soe bre Tedsar odd, sade hanette aghh — 

~staiaeh acl hove sow note asceek adh oa 


business under the name of Jefferson Yark feal Co., wid that the 

#on was driving the automobile at the (ime on the business af the 
partnership. in another count Lt was alleged that defendant, 

Hayes, was engaged in the coal business ond empleyed bie sen Yleyd 
ae his agent ond thet Fleyd was operating the autexebile in the 
perforsanece of hin duties as the agent of hie father at the time 

of the secident; and the third count was en the theery of the fandly 
autwobile, ‘he defendant filec the geiersai iswue and during the 
progrese of the trial seca) leave ta Lilie speviai pleas, which pleas 
were tendered with his wotion, The piesa davied the @xiatence ef 
the partnership, daied that the autemoblie was belug cperated in 
the tuginess« of the alleged surtnerehip, denied that the defendant 
Was engaged in the coal business under the sane of the Jurf ereen 
Park Coal Ca., and that the son was epersting the autezebile as 
@efendant's agent and denied that the gon was a weber ef defendant's 
family. Another of the pleas set up that tne JofYersen Park Ceal Co. 
wae # corporation ef whieh the eon was « stockholder, offieer and 
eepleyee and was net an employes er servant ef hie father, tae 
defendast., The court deiied defendant's agtien fer Leave to file 
the pleas, ‘The court seid (p. #278); “ho evidesee wae introduced 
by the plaintiff tending te prove thet the Jefftreon Park Goal Com= 
pany Was a partneresip eof whiem Fieyd was a sember, or that ae wag 
operating the autowoblle as on agent ey servant ef the defendant or 
en bugliness ef tue defendant, «** 

"Yor many yeare this gourt hae held the deoetrine that in 
setions on the ease the general issue denies only the wrongtul act 
@lleged te have been cemuitted an¢ dees not put in desue the owner- 
ship, powesesion or eperation of the property or inetrumontalities 
whieh have exuged the injury, Allegations of gueh evnership, po@te 

easion oF operation are regarded ag matters of inducement, only, 

waieh are not traversed by a vlea of the seneral issue, ond if the 


aay tas) Sue y.02 nod eed nontetiot Yo sana oid Taha eaoale 
7 ome ig saeaieud oa ay aut # watt da oiitomos ua ‘on saivixs | on’ ‘non 
, Jasbae Yah sacs beupiis any +h Sie9 to ddeae ‘al ‘ qidereadtag 

byork aoe wld beyolqus bas asvutaud Toco ont ab hogagao sew “nega 

orig ‘at elideastus est ani satege ane ayes tas bee “jasge aid be 

wit e439 ta teddet wth to sage edt eo ae tiod ‘aid to eoneutetieg 
gilmet adz to yr00n? eos ae aaw sauvs “fer dae oatd ‘bus ‘pdnabloos ‘odd te 
edd yokiuh has euset iexesey ods ballt taabueteh edt “letidgdediie 
eae fe sia ketw ~weety ialowqs eLl't oF ovees be dae, ‘faind” ‘eule ‘te saetyeTg 

te sonetates ont belunb aovsa ext .noliow eld déiw hoxehusd ov 
ai hetaxeqe yated aaw eiidomedua ests dads beta -qhieteariag oie 
$nebanteb reed tea? be knob thle toad 489 boxe Lie ‘eatd to “snsatend oie 
nae Trot oust ho ome edd xebay vamutasid faoo ot al begeaae 9a saw 
| aa o Lis ome we ott} gal sarego enw nw na past ‘bas 108 ined ies 
8! Sanbas eb ‘te “woduw xa @ say aoe aus oust ‘bolach baw Says 2" Janine 

09 fned xte% aoere'tret ans suas aw dea naoky od ‘te ‘qodsoma ) 

baa x002T 0 {Wehleticcte e& saw nea ord th bw he ee, 
said , toda eid ‘to deevtee te seqolqu fe ‘ten awe bi ae 
e£it ef evasl wt deiiou attaabastes Miud gisoo sav | dasbasteb 
‘beouborsat naw soushive oi" : (Bes a) ‘bien Stwoe oat ‘nant outs 
ox09 900 kta% moaxBitst asd toad vvore of yathued Tildalaty vas ee 
sew on saad X6  tidtin a 6 tee byeft totum 29 qhiwxbareeg e waW Ylleg 
18 fasbaotod xed to dawvasa Ww siio'ye os a ‘elivenbt ue ony yatsatege 
won ,Snabaw'ted ot Ye eeeubnid to 

mh Sactd anlisoob ox? Biod eed usno abd exeoy yawe xo } 
toe futgaorw ett yiao aeineh event Lowney odd weao aid no enottos 

a Se ane ee 
oth awe ora suns d ai sae sou avob baw petsiuaos aged | F oven od — 

PLEA ae 
goth tteraemctent xe wregorg odd ‘Le mot detoge | x wotneonuag 

“neq qidersawe owe te ametsaneLia “yemtat 
eine ,dubupoukat Yo atedian an bebusyer 

edt ti bas ,ouant faxeme, sat Yo eotg ae 


defendant desires to take issue on guch partioular facta, he must 
ao it by especial plea.” ‘The court then cites a number of autherie 
ties and in atating the nature of the rule eatd (p.279): “It is net 
@ rule which applies oniy te railresd and municipal eorgeration and 
guasi public corporations.“ ihe court there further said (p.28%): 
"The pleintiff in errer (defendant) complsaiae of tas refusal of 
three inetructions asked, They were properiy refused, Tor they 
were eredicated on the theory that the relutionship ef Fleyd (4e- 
foudant's sen) te the plaintiff in error, as his servant and agent, 
in driving the autemebile wae not admitted, whiah wafnuad to be 

We think the Bueller case was decided on the theory that 
the son, in driving the automobile ot the time in cueetion, was the 
agent of hie father and it wae Aeld that this fset wae not denied 
by plea of the general iesue; while in the instant case, the eharge 
in the declaration ie that beth defendsnts committed the #rongiul 
act. They are charged to be joint tort feasors, the question of 
principal and agesit ie net in the case, 

In Carlson v. Joineon, wupra, (263 ILL. 586) whieh wae an 
action for pereonal injuries, the cowrt said the axended declare. 
tien charged that the defendant “by his servante and agente, wea 
engaged in resedeling and repairing s bullding ewned by him and 
that certain men were engaged in working upen the reef of said 
building; that defendant “ey his guid servants and agents did a6 
carelessly and negligently preceed clth the work” that slaintifr 
wae injured, The plea was not guilty. Befere the écmneunenh of 
the trial defendant asked lenve te file a special plea by which he 
sought te set up that defendant, Johneon, wae an independent son- 
tractor. from what we guid, we think it ebvieus tuat the allega- 

tienes of the declaration in the Jobnson ease are net at ail similar 

to the charge sade in the declaration in the ease at bar. 


seam od ,tioat tedvolitag seve Ge anges oad of getingh saahaeteb 
~itedtsa In xedmam # tetiy aedd given aa? *.aelg taloage. td 219m 
tos ek ti" 2(GPh.q) Bian oLog oad Lo otmtan of3 anttete ma bag sate 
bug aoliategies Liagioinum how tegzicex of yiso seidega deddy oien ao 
1(888.q) Dive qoddawt ered? fomee ek * emeliaseqses oisdwe £ene 
to Lanutex eild..‘bo aaiaiqnde (shehwo teh) tots ah Bitatelq eA” 
yous t9t ,boewtet yitecetg stew vee? .bedes emolteutiant oords 
“oh) byolt to qidenohialex edt dead yuond? odd ao bedectbong exee 
atiege bow tence wid ae ,T9TtM ai Tiltaletg est of (nce a dnahan? 
pe of planer soksiw ~bodtlabs gon sew alidameiua ot? yaly doh ah 
tedd yaoed? off a0 bebioeh aay eano ati, odd daisy ou, Lasuot wmutly 
uit naw ,8olsaonp at owls ot fa Oiidecotva edt galvich af ,aom ond, 
bolaed toa naw so0% old Judd Dhak naw OL bam wedtet abe Yo dongs 

— Sytate of? ,sang tasseak od? mi ofidwv reamed Laveneg of? Lo antq xd 
_Aittgact ef Detikanoa staehastes tod sasit at Aolduralovh ont ot, 
to mulseeup off .etonset dof fale ed of boguade ota yoet 4am 

: — gPaee ont ak don at taepe ban Logtentag 
fa saw do die Aone tt £28) ~@AGut .SOeSegh of MAGLIO? AE oi vas 
“Atalosh hebasun eas bise ttuao add ,aelruiad fampereg tot soldon 
aw ,aimoge hae atanvien ald qd* adambawtes ead fast hegredo mods 
baat aid eo homo gaibilud « gatitinget bas gallekeust af begegee 
hse te Yoot sat age gatixey af hegaacn szow apm atadtee sadt 
oe &iS adaege bax sdaaviee bias aha yd" tupsasted fade "jyathised — 
Viteniaty dede “arow saa iin hoseetg yivanghigns bas yingelerao 

Yo Papanodeaos att orored .Yiitey don sew ole oft ,berwhled maw 
ot akan vd aoiq inkosga # e213 9 evant badan Sepa takst oat 
<809 sambaaqebat aa naw aoniek ,saahantab tout qu soe oF sdguag, 

: nage tie pat dant auoiyie, $4 datas ow blag oe dare mage _ sotommt, 
mellate Lin 0 400 914 ease nownse’ odd ak badd Xe maods, 

_ stad 4a suse ant at, nettataiogh ah se eM 

in the Bates case, supra, (#73 Ill. App, 335) the dewlara- 
tion charged defendant with the commisaion of a tert by ite agent, 
acd it was held that the plea ef the general iseue did net put in 
iseve the questior of ageney. The ether eases cited are to the 
game effect. 

thie eourt hae held that in & personel injury ease where 
the decleration charges that defendants Jointly committed the 
wrong?ul act, tue plea of mot guilty decs net adait the joint 
oenership and eperation of the instrumentality involved. kgisle 
we. Moguizg, 236 Til. App. 295; 3) #t. Dearborn Elda, 
Corp., 243 Ill. App. 484; Bebermott v. Aub. Vil J E 
Sorp., @te,, 266 Thi. App. 115. 

the kgisle case sult war brought te recover daneges against 

te of 


kr, and Ure. MeQuigg, oleintiff ¢laining dasages um a result ef 
being struck and injuredé by on sutespbhiie. The court there said 
(pp. 207-093): “there ie a total losk of evidence ae to any cone 
eert of action or common intent of defendants with refereice te the 
operation cf the autenebile at the time of this aeeldent, Se far 
ae the reeord shows, the defendant or, Somigg neither owned the 
Cay nor overated it at any time and was iiirely unaware ef and 
unconnected with this peurticuier trip, “*«* 

"We held that the defendante in thie case canmmet be made 
the eubject ef a joint fudguent unlens it ean be held thet their 
plea of general issue admita joint operation ef the sauteoneblie 
when it etruek pisintiif. 

"Plaintiff alleged joint ewnership and operation, and argues 
that the genersi Lesue adwite both allegatione under the rule an~ 
nounced im Chigage Union Tragtion Co. v. Jerka, 227 I21. App. @5, 
and meny ether similar casee,* The court then discusses sne ther 
ease and continuing sald: “Under the rule ef pleading long felliewea 

in thie State, where the charge is joint liebliity, the proper plea 

ners fovb sits (ees sith «EAI eve) adele oode gute wif wy 8° 
18038 att yd Sxof a to colashuwea ode (tie Piuban'teab Bogue oi 

"st ¢uq toa Bih eveet Iaremes od? to aské od} sant Bida bow 92 Woe 
pdt of ota bedle souce Teds SAT .yvaoye “to setteeap ole Suaed 
Bl | shmiandinee 

eres? onan gauthad tonosteg s al fed? Stow aed tamov widt | 
at herslomes yLealol efuadae'teh Susie eeyandy meldetatoed ote 
' gndot od? dtuba fon aeoh Grtlay dda ‘te dole Wad [tee Byer 
 peatiod havdoval qehisscemmsent eat Ye nolfarege nd qideniand 
ee ee | ;GG% .qqa fit BES bee sy 
satetiod jab euqa .££1 abt’) igted 

ae ne ae ee 

tantae doyeieb teveses Of ditywexd Haw Flue eoao sates ¢ mt: AY, BBR. 
“te dfuset 2 su segeweh galudago Tikiaicsa jgghupel Leta Bek ae 
“phew ‘puede fume ett voidoust ve Bey w Setubal dae are galed 
ston yale of on ‘soasblvs ‘to deel fates w bi oxedt® 1 (eRe gt ge) 
ott g2 eoustetot adhe ednnbaeteb ‘te Jnedal neands 46 adlsed Yo sb 
tet e8 .daebioes etds te oul? off de efidoswtan bas Yo aolserseo 
ony henwe te. thom aalugos ee Ynehastes war “yaebiie bre9et edt ae 

: “haa ‘te etewnnw seni new ban aut? que de $f beterege coal ‘ei 
eee ,gltd tofvoldcey elds Atiw bevournodan 

abes of témtoo onso KbGd Af adanbae'teh sx) sand bio g¥® © HOD 

abot vada bied od aso st avetay deere oe ato ities’ ae 

oswgte ‘bas Hol Fate ge bas qideremve fateh Boye tia Vetansa sie 80" 
wae olut i xehau ent digi apdenee ang oncrenheapcn 
80 saad .f40 TRO gmake 00 dailies ed se. i Seomw 
“Whsttoae aecauoath ned? sty0s itt” i cova abe te qe Bia 
AeWoLLy'? yuol yalteoly Te eter ese tebal™  Thtew gakealy bas eano 
note reqoty odd yyibitdets dutoh ak wyteite wat oteaw nee waite at | 

for thore net guilty is the g@merai Llasue. 

Se. ve. Bemean, 202 Lil. App. 185, 
“'{t is leid down im ali werke on pleading that if two ex 

more persons are seed ror a tort committed by one snly, a miajoinder 

eannot be pleaded; the praper ghea for those not guilty is the gen» 

eral issue.’ Yeosel v. Alexunder, 63 111. #84; Beenomy Light & 
ver Co Et » 203 122, 824, 

So are referred to 50 eases ehonging this rule. It would 
‘be unreasonable to stretch the rule ip the Jerka ease to include the 
eharge of foimt lisbility." And the judgoent ageinet beth defer danke 
wae reversed aii the cause remanded, 

The Blade case, supra, (245 141. App. 464) wae an appeal from 
a jutgvent for $25,000 fer injuries received by being struck while 
on the street by @ plank er beard which it was alleged fell frem the 
eeaffelding of a building then in srocee#a of construction. it was 
thare held that the general igsue was the proper plea toe 4 eharge ef 
Joint liability. The court there aaid (9.489): “Ye have held, toe, 
that where the eharge is jolnt lisbility the proper plea fer theese 
not guilty 1a the general issue, set that Lt is unreseenabie te 
atretoh the rule in the Jefkea ease t4 include the charge of Joint 
lfebility. (eliale v. Hewigg, 936 314. App. B98, 29.)* 

The Uadetuott case, supra, (266 444. Apo. 115) was on append 
by the defendants to reveree a judenent for damages te plaietiff's 
real eotate by the Agetruction of four Large trees,and Lt wae held the 
where tro or more defendanta ore jointiy eharged with the count selon 
of a tort, the joint action of the defendants is negatived by a plea 
of net guilty. On this point the court said (p. 120): “At the oute 
set it ia contended by plaintiff's counsel that sines the autonatie 
Corroration pleaded only the getieral issue, plaintiff was not required 
to prove that the Autowatio Corperation Participated in the trane- 
action between the piseintiff and the gales Sorperation. The point 

teix® Lisdmiieustanizngs ,ommel Ietewey sae of ytilig tea seeds wet 
s8OL 0A LL ROL sammdo® wv 190 

 %@ ows Th god) gulbaelq ag einew Lin ad uwod bhek ad ot , 

gobatelaia 2 ,ylao one yt betéiames gues «2 tal howe ots wanted tom 

A sayid yoomogt 802 .1k1 68 xed rams oe 'euuel fave 
| ae £0% BO se ate 

bixew $i .efea aldd gulqneds seen ov e? bevietes aie oH" inl 
edt obukoak of sean pixph eco mh wir sce soterda of ottoman ee 
stasho'teh died dunkaye tarayghul mit bon “yeh eded stator, ‘te wore. 

if pre pee ag saw (hab .ogh tS] @00) ,aagee ,omeo phat ode 
alide dewtte galed yf hevieoet sxitxiul wet GOO, 888 aed tacit 
eas mest Ifo) beyelia aaw ¢h Apide Saeed. £0 danke w yt teetde oat 0 

te ayrade a eo aniq teqorg ona sew puest tevemey ost dade died oth 

oved? Toi ania taps end YPAihdadt satel af eysane wilh oxosle gualt 
et oldeagesetay vi #2 ga hoe ,eaged Lexoasg ont ab vet thieg 90 
dnatot te egtade ed? shaloat of ease gaget add af efor on tobowe 
*(, 262 00% awd .£02 B28 putea pe efaliod) eencheant 

|| edd bind aw 2k bug, nown? opted wot Yo maitewndued ane he ormdee tat 

| ih otue of @a" . 1 (084 .q) Bien tease eet Seon hae ad sail vate 
 gkteeodach odd conte tact Lonamos et eliningy qt debabtuoe awn oe 

sh fmt eg GAT .aektetegted weivs ont skein’ ware pen Ss meee 

~aoy of¢ @h Gi iieg ton eaods set @ele sages ody phobeoiq od founas 

shobaur oman sult no heemwreR ww 

wav gi .woltourvages to asesoug ak made galhited # Be amis ser ewe 

00? , died oved a8" 3488.) Shan oxen? ftuen eat” .yebiidnds tabet 

Levu ax sow (8Lf sgh .£48 998) senoxe .oene Zeoweedaw ea vi 
a'ttlvoiale ©f seyemsh Te? teemmaet # sevever oF ‘aPaebostes ont we 


Lh BSL eet uie re ee we 

is not weli taken, Slaintiff's olaim te founded uson and the deco 
laration charges that the twe defendants ceumitted = tert,««* I¢ 
has always been the law that where tes or more defendante are 
jeintly charged with the commieeion of & tort the Joint action ef 
the defendants is negatived by 2 pien of net guilty. (Yeagel vy. 
Alexander, 59 111. 254; Peters v, Howard, 206 Il]. App. 616; Koilahe 
¥. Mequigg, 736 113. App. 296, 294; Blade v. Site of Pt, Dearborn 
Bidg. GCorp., 245 th]. Ape. 494, 499.)* 

In the inetact case we held that the plea of mot guilty 
negutived the joint tart charged against the defendants «4 sinee 
there was no proof made againet defendant Charles Stern, end sinee 
under the o14 law which ie applicable te the instant eare, which 
holds that the judgment sca net several defendents ts a unit, it 
Gannot be reversed aa te one defendant and affirmed as ta the other, 

WQe, 20 Lil, 218,) the judgaent 

must be reverged snd the eause rewarded, 

Plaintiff centends that it is the law that one way net try a 
ease in the trial court en one theory ani then shift te anether 
theory in a court of review snd that thie le what defendants attempt 
te de in the imeatant case; that they beth joined ina ples of net 
aailty and in # speoisl plea, in weich they denied they owned, ope 
erated or controlled the autemobile in queetien; end that en the 
day of the trial, after the jury had been sworn, the des endants 
withdrew tieir special plea and the ease went te trial on geferdants ' 
Joint plea of the general iesue. And plaintiff further eontends 
that at the close of plaintiff's ease both defendants Joined in a 
motion to exclude all the evidence and te instruct the jury te fing 
the defendants net guilty, sccowpanded by a #ingle inetructien, and 
that at the close of aJ1 the evidence they made a similiar metion and 
tendered « similar instruction te find beth defmdante net guilty; 

that the defendante yresented a number of imetruetions, 411 ef which 


“906 oa2 Sue sogw hebawo't at atest, a vunsaias® sions tiew tou at 
#1 ***,320% # Dodtimmon etaad ookeb aw oni tase negtato notional 
at Giimbaeteh etom te ow? ate tie fact wat oats aed eyewss oon 

‘te moltee satel ent f403 2 Io note bos ads ds bw bayrasia cttatot 
az_Ananed) setting goa to foig a ee bovivanen ot ntaahasted ode 

th Raves 

afeliod {OL8 .qqd .fh2 ace sbxawok_.x evege% eee he oa - Tobe ih 
phatS ;8@8 8% oud tit ‘Bee, sands 
7 , "(.@68 , dee aga 61 aes 1 <c10_ abe 
giv, toa te pep a wuld dacs ied a sone tnetend oulg al ws: 
geate hoe etaabus'teh exit fantogs bogtnds axoe tatot one bovtemyen 
eotia baa ,smess a6 fede daabhas tob tenlaya obna Yeotg on aoe r oes 
olde ,oaey tontoal ot of odaabsoos al sdokite. ad bo ode ‘tebay 

#2 ,taw ¢ ah ataebaoteh Lerevee sem eyne sasmadat ony tosis ansos 

mato edt of ae boat Tie baw Jnsbaetes Biko ” ne bonsever ss teanwo 

ee Yash ie 

dromghet edt (818 .4k aes 0 +8 2628 2 ra 
sbebraaes SPUN oats baa bovssver pe teua 

wi t ys ret 

& Ets toa Yow ome dutit wet os? ot 82 daca edaagaca vitomtess 

sedienn of S2isis asd baw Ytoosts ne ae du fakes oat - ‘ease 
£ EN # et 

squegie atanhanteh ged of atag sede bow wats Ye sau00 ‘ at xveoa? 
ecg 4 

doa te aotg on beakal aiod yards tans _ienas Anagund ent a ob og 
MD it Pe Qe thes 

“qo ,bemwo yads heluoh yodt sip ie ab 0.6 fatonge * at fae Xi Line 
aes te Jadd ban ;woliaene at aLidenotue wale bofhoxsneo 7 pete 
“ adundne ten 90%. .%ewe weed bed yout nad teste phase | oat ‘Ye wae 

a: a 
aiaabastoh ao dabas of iow paeo one bam 0g, Aatosge went woubald tw 

Bhaatano retitwt Thialaig baa onan) Setonon ont te. sete x tats 
 & ah Sealol etaghomteh siod sane at ‘Nivateds 1 svete ons te gee 
halt of yuut on? tourseak rn em ARR . 
bos ,soisourdant efgals « yi belnequonea ,¢tiliy den adaabaeteb odd 

fre aeiion tellata a sham yoad sonabive at kin 19 penin of t0 saat | 

FRI Lies fom acaba ted died batt oF modgoutteat tafiake « pexebaes 
doivw te ike ,anoliouttea! te sedan «© betaveesg ataabaeteh edt odd 

ake, Bas 
Ber ONT | i 

were given @xeest twee which the ceurt refused; that one of these 
inetructions wae a feint instruction om behalf ef beth defendants 
and aid net indicate te the jury “that the jury should consider 
S@parately the liability of elther defendant." ‘There ie some merit 
in plaintiff's contention. After the jury was eworn, the defendants 
aid withdraw their special plea, denying special ernership, operation 
and control ef the autarobiie, ond meade a Joint motion at the sleee 
of plaintiff's evidence and at the close of ali the evidenee tendered 
an instrustion to find “the defendanta® net guilty. But whether 
this action on the part of tie defendants lulled plaintiff into the 
belief that the ownership and operation of the autonebile by beth 
defendants wae net controverted and that only tke ercnecfwl set was 
denied, does not acpear, ner is there any intimation tuat claintiff 
eould have produced witneeres or evidence of any eharaeter tending 
te show that defendant Charles Stern wae in any way Liable fer the 
unfortunate secident in which plaintiff was severely injured and Bie 
autexsobile grestiy damaged, Kereover, defo: dante, by their offered 
instruction whieh the court refused, seught te have the court tell 
the jury that the charge made by plaintiif againet defendants was 
that defendants owned and operated the autemwhile at the time of the 
@ollision, and umless the jury believed from the ‘evidence that the 
automobile wae operated and sontrolled by beth defendanta, as 
oharged, then they should find the defendants set ,ulity. 

Se think the resord falle to dis¢lese that piaintirr was 
prejudiced by the defendants’ action im withdrawing their special 
Plea. Since the law in effect at the time of tre aceident in this 
case and at the time ef the trial srevente a fudgment against two 
perame te be affirmed where it is wrong againet one of them, and 
singe ve hold tuat there is ne #vidwmee against the defendant charles 
Stern, the judgment eannet stand. 

the judgment of the Superior court of Geok esunty is reversed 
and the cause remanded, 

Matchett, ?. J., ond MeSurely, 7., coneur, 

peed? ‘te eno jad? jheantes tymen edt a habe ew? tqvexe cevlg ete 
atashueteh ciod te thadad uo aod tour dant @aiet « saw saoldtouzdenk 
webiaaog biveds yaul elt teds® gral, ect 08 oieulbal goa Alb baw 
strom emge ei atedi °*.taghasted tedtie te "itlideldl edt ~iodetagee 
efashasteh eds ,@tows new ytal, ot setts .melioetaes a! Tiiéalete od 
mot taxeqo sqistetcare Jalaeges gaiyaeb eign ta laege thes mrad be BS 
eeols eas ta aeisem Jato « sham has ethdous.tun ant ts Lovaas ‘Bae 
betobans sombive ot Lia to onete eis 24 Soe senohive al Tiksalelg de 
tedjadw Sui «yi tiuy toa “eduahag tes ot" Balt of meitoutteal me 
ont ofa Trh aislg badivd ataehre eh ods te tang ocd ag moddem ahd 
Atod yi vLidowius sit Le soitetage bee qldaseawe ot aastd, Yeliod 
enw tee intgaor aad vino toda hae bettevetiaen 368, saw strohas teh 
Tisaiete tacs molsnaival yoo stadt ef toa .tarqge tom aoch ,botombr: 
galivwed tseentade yaa lo eeiehive ra geesentio paniheng oval bkwem 
as 10% sitehd Yow Ys G2 gow ete th eodradt tanhro eb sans ons OF 
eid ban betwtal yloveves eaw MWiidniate seid oh taebloon etanud tetas 
bexetie tied? yd ,einahveteh ,tovoeto® Dagoumh yigaory OL douodue 
Lied 22yce ext eves a2 doyson ,borwtox trw0o edt dati nolsoustant, 
Sew ainaboo led goulegs Viktalels yd ohen pytasip odd sedi teh, ot 
ol? to emtt od? te elidowosun oti hesareqgo han heave efunh meted suds 
ext sald seaahhys odd mont bevetiod yual ott avefay bas, Hotal tion 
_ 8% ,ednahae tab died yd detloninos is botexede saw olidomme ae. 
st ftug 404 a2ambaa zed, pdt batt bduede. yous megs, sbepresio 
- eee y Tittabaig, tes evolerih of eitnt brewer od, dala oF ». aed ee | 
‘akeege «test yatwerbialtiw af saison. ‘eguabnetsd, odd e6 boodbutere | 
eidd at taphiore 9% to omiy ont 2e seotte at wal edt monks onan: | 
Gus tanlege saomut @ stevorg Lebxt ge 20 okt 902.46 Das onan ‘ 
bac ,mod? te amo daclape gore ab. ah sted home The of of amateg: F 
amized) sanhaeteh add tactage sachs “4 ng aad tes weesig’ 3 
besrever af yimion dood te dima wat *e feet ve: grin’ 
CRANE CAA CERATVGR wtee wieeae stat ack ast 

oT HG RGD ual porns at i stoedetel 




CAPLOTROM, .tiermey General, 
Defendant in “rrer, BRROR TO SUPERIOR 


264 I.A. 667 



ASSOCIATION, a corporation, 
Plaintiff in srrere 

This writ of error veeke the revereel of a deeree of 
Gisesolution cf the Illinois Ctate Automebvile ssceintion, a 
eorporation (hereinafter referred te ae defendant), entered by 
the “uperior court ‘pril 17, 1931. An information in the nature 
of a bill in chancery was filed Yebruary 10, 1951, against 
defendant by the attorney general fer and om Behalf cf the 
People of the {tete of Tllinois (hereinafter referred te as 
complainant) for such diseolutien, under the provisions of 
paregraphs 195 and 196, chapter 32, Cohili‘'a ive) heviesed 
Statutes of Illincis, which are aa follows: 

"Pare 195. That shenever He board of direcetors, 
minagersa, trustees or officere ef any corporation extat tug 
by virtue of any general or apecial law of thig State, or 
any corporation heresfter organised by virtue of any law 
of thie State, has ceased to do business as & corporations 
er has diseontinued the exercise of corporate functions, 
auch carporation shall be deemed to have abandoned its 
torpurate franchises and it shall be lawful for the 
Atvorney General to institute proceedings, *** for the 
dinzsolution of sueh ¢orporntion.” 

“Pore 196. Such procecdings shall be commenced 
by filing im such court an information in the nature of a 
bill in chancery, stating te name and date of the 
erganiaation of such corporation, the location of its 
principal office and the namea of ity cireetore, managers, 
trustees or officers, if knowns thet it has ceased to do 

ROLMAOS OF ROARK seven taelewae? too pe 
e¥Patoo Mocs gTHGee 8° ov nh nha 
| Vaod.ALATS| et aaah ath 
it Bi ve es 

Yo ser09d « Yo keorsv9 ae axioon ror, te chur eta at alles 
r) tok satovew: (eLidemedms adage homt it ould % wots 3 
xs bereéar altnstneted ae e¢ bexseten xe¢temtoned) mob iat 
oas art oss wi Mekiomroin’ a4 +4h60£ oFh Ling cumop goktogarl wut, 
Pastiage £082 04 Yroarndo® DeLtT gem yrmomedie mt Ld @ Ye 

eet Re Lede? an bee wel Loveney Yorensde eas yd snake ted 

aa of hertwten xoflewtoxed) stonthsi we esadi add to, olquell 

te emetolvoug od ocho , med cuhowad dose cet (soembatgeoe 
hewkvoR HACE Dt LiAta® RE wodqadlo oI tm MOL astigattgarig: 

eal std to sumed cu! wovewedy tad? «GL eet , 

to was pf ms 4 p ag 
“wal ‘wa to oueaty we ree boctaaese withered mohas I 
ig a ast gee 20 eo SemOD Gait pr, re A a 
“aang Eonar bea agy at peed aed Poe ned Al 

on ewe 

business ag a corporation, and hae diseontinued the exercise 
of sorporate funetiona, and praying for ite disselution.* 

The pertinent end material portiona of the ceeree are 

as fcliewsas 

‘snd new on thie day comes the complainant, the People 
of the “tate of Lilineins upom ihe information of (sear Be 
Carletrom, attorney General, and it appearing to the eourt 
from the writ leowed herein te the ekeriff of Cook County, 
Tllinols, and hig return theroon, that the dufendnat, the 
gaid ILGIROLS State aAVOMOG EL AncOGlsTION, o corporation, 
hes been duly served with summons ten doys before the return day 
thereoty *** 46 is therefore ordered, adjudged and deereed 
that the seid bili be taken eo confeneed ageinut the waid 
ILLINOIS Stat: AUP MOBILE associ. TI, a eorporation. 

“ond thereupon tails esuve coming on for final hearing 
upon the bill taken an confesued by the enid defendant, apen 
the exhibits and testimony heard in epen court, and the cause 
heaving been argued by counsel, «no the court being fully sdviged 
im the premises, doth find, that the court has juriadiction ef 
the subjeet matter of this esuse and of all the parties herein 
named, that the material aliegatiens contained in the complain- 
ant‘'s bill are true ac therein etated and that the equity of 
the eouge ie with the complainant» 

"The court further finds thet the ILLINGiL “Tat 
AQT OMOU ILE ASSOCIATION wae ineorpernted in the ywar 1908, under 
and im accordanee with the provisions of an act of the General 
AseemBly of the “tate of Jllimeis governing corporations nat 
fer pecuniary profit. *** 

"That tne said defendant and its boord of directors 
have since the year 1906 ceased to tranecct business xe a 
corporation, and discontinued the exercise of corporate fune+ 
tiong,. *** 

gourt that the esid defendant eorporstian, the TL IMOI) otstk 
AUTOMOBILE ASCOULATION, be and the aaae is hereby cisaolved, 
end that the charter and suthority of anid corporation be, 
and the same ig hereby deelored ta be mull and vold, *** 
that the eler: of this court certify the foet of such 
diseolution to the deeretary of the Jtate of [llimeia.®* 

April 23, 1932, defendant appeared im the cause and filed 
a petition signed and verified by one Fe Be Byrtumann ae ite seeree 
tary, asking that the deorce of dissolution of the corporation entered 
April 17, 1931, be vaeated and set aside. Thia petition alleged 
thet defendant wae ineorperated July 22, 1905, ac a corpormtint, 
mot for profit, and that since thet date it continuously transected 
business under ite chartery that it omly recently wae advised of 
the dcoree of @issslution of pril 17, 19313 that it wan mot at 
any time served with summonsg that the two writs of summons iasued 


eetowese af? tomnidewsads sacl dee queisategsse 4 ga soeniond 
*,ngiéwicuels eff wt gatyetg bus gondléonyh esarogtos te 

#te @exuseh ode to anoldrig Lebzedae ban feonkiteq edt 
smvotLet aa 

olgous oid ,dmonlelqmod wait wemns Yad abdd ao wom baa* 

i “ade? te solsemiehad ola why Bae: Pangan vote psasl. one wee ‘ 

dunce ots oF gaiteacqcus ¢2 dun «iosowsl qoruedda qumténtiad — 
ateraed aced Viseuele od? o8 “ghetodt pomeed | ster ate wont 

#0$ ytaebestod ods deald »noeted? mendet etd han Bey atemtiii 
silivnogies @ «WoT TalDOweA BILE BVA BLOB Biae 
yah Wrvdex ed exeled weet med encamun diiwy beviee eins aped aad 

heoresh ita begiuiba ,bexobee wxeterald ef ¢2 #e* ttoowed? : 

hy Ee bhaw 


bies ols tenlage Seees' tao aa ome See 
. \shobtemeqtee @ .WOlt» roo —— HEATH OT - 
 yekuset Lands t2o3 wo gerbe pewow whwe  toqwerteds be." en 
oq génobueted Stas adf’qd Seocetwee ae molad Lhid ast 
Gunes sft ban ,fawee mega mk sipgeree toed baie e@idisne math, 
bontrha ytin't gated Pelee 6 ‘od hae 4 Hoge ond eee patved e 
te soltolastwt cad tsuneo ald mes pe ous at 
wheredt esivxe od Lis to bus seneo abd a ps xa nee ez 

ego tat gf Soatainos emeitagoila Ietuntem ond CS ee 

to Ytinpo od? duit ona bevate abo wst oe oMsd axa kite alin 

stamisakumes wid adinw wt esvee ade | 

é BEARS BROMTAAN veeld tests wart. #2 sae odTF ie len, > 
eho g BORE in Ry wig mf Hype peme: gaw NOLTALSOCEA LEGON TOA 

insoned ote te gee ae to amode wis dtiw 

Pott empl Soz0g 406 gute re vey ads 4 state one te 

aweseotid te sroed ati bese iuehioten | bipe 

dole Saatoqr9e te estanexs <s houmliueaelb | | ee 

s oat ‘ye gti at tha passae Sparse aera et ex ach vuttiaicall 

MTA TE KECMLIAL weld Sita have: oF me 

vee te ae rT; oe ae 

of gatsenes ae hs ee atin 

te a i730. 
“/glombiet te BS gE ea 

men fens omao od mh beiomngt ngevaped a brea nag satin sé 
senate wintasopees site eet 1 teat re sar ind stata 
boaette a sabsten ela? conte ton 8 saa on yaad ek ed 

ja ton aoe 3k dase “alee ih a 

ve yer hee er hey sata Ss, anon sda 


herein - one dated Fobrusry 10, 1951, recurmeable to the April, 
1951, term of the Superior court, which commenced April @, 1951, 
ané enether dated Februcxy 28, 1931, returnable ¢o the same term e- 
were served on ome Sidney ¢.» Gorham ae atcretary and agent of 
éefendant March 31, 193513 that <idmey &. Gorham was net on said 
Gate, at any time sinmee mor for ten yeara priery therets an officer 
or agent of defendant corporation suthorized or empowered te accept 
services of process, that ome Te Jo ‘chmidt was president and Fe Be 
Bytemann wae weeréiary of defendant, that each of auch write of 
summons wan served lewa than ten daya before the first day ef the 
April, 1951, term ef the Superior sourt sf Cook county, and that 
the court was therefore without jurisdietion te enter the deereeg 
anc that the preeceding woo had witheut knowledge or netite to 
defendant end the court wee without jurisdiction ever it. the 
petition soncluded with a prayer that ecithex: the deerce be yaented 
and servies of mummome quashed oy that the petition be permitted to 
gtemd o¢ an anewer and defendant allewed to appesr and defend. 
Leave waz granted by the court te cefend ond thet she petition 
stand as am anewer te the bill of complaint. 

Thereafter on June 16, 1932, pursuent to leeve of sourt, 
complainant filed ite senuwer te the petition. The anerer ees 
verified by William C. Clausen, so assiotent attorney general, and 
denied that defendant had earried on its business under ite charter 
aince July 22, 19083 and denied that defendant had not ceased to 
function az a corporations It averred that defendant corporation 
had mot functioned for more then twenty four years amc that it 
eeased te do business under ite shorter on or before July 22, 1907% 
that the board of directors and officers and agents of defentant 
have cessed to function as such since that dates that there have 
‘peom no regular or apeeial meetings of the members of defendant 
sinee that time, ond that it has in no way exercised any of its 

eM Oe 

efisgs oct of ohdnmeudsx gfERL 404 eon haga oom ~ @ionent 
eXeGL gd Lyd Neomsaee dotsty ahruee sodceque ote te wend 9 h0@L 
- 2xe3 owax act of ofdonurdou 4 LSOL ght youredel sete vorliome base 
% dmege hme yYtateneen em matteD .) Youbli eso mo Sovgen oter 
bina mo dos sar muleoO 68 youmte Sewlt GReCL ght domed teabee ied 
aeoltig me ooo mmate ‘woke ateny fed a0 ‘eet Gore tants ‘an sis gotub 
ier ae here reggae g howkeoaleate nettaregxen senda te to nope “8 
“\a st hme dobtewsg oow shbmiot 66 68 Geo sna? tunoborg Ye obri88 
‘to stixw dove Yo dead vast qomabee ted to YResorben maw mia 
att 20 Yoh duxky ood ered een moe wadd oaet bewses sew wooo 
Geils dam a Giiatiog Xoo Ye #reo tobrwge we to wee ‘tees othags 
Easily eld xed of Moksoli=lorh exewltiw evoteradtd aw vii aul 
| 88 eden wo eghelvomd iuedéiv hati wow yekoseoerg! ans ‘taitt toee 
att 49% t9re smbdotoatusl, toasty gar Sos at Doe dato 
badoeny ad soxseh odd wsddte desid xoyery o dite otansone motdhe 
of eréleneg od molting add dad x0 as seo te oa , sin 
shneteh dee ret gge et dewolle frnbos 229 bee cower onilid 
ones. at tats bas bewteh of sxar69 wats bednerg sew sven 
3 | stalatgme to £166 auld of somone sa we. bas 
eftutoe . OFoeE OF immu REEL OL onl we wos toeredt tee 
sow twuns of? .nabd zen osty co soweam oof beet aethalemes 
nes qisroney Yonosis tmotataun an “emepasado ” mab site we ‘betkiune | 
t9dxude nat ‘sohoeeas sanelond wee no bo taco bet dnabmote peg yh bekneb 
ef hencse Son aad dacs dots me “aoe se an 7 

mekisroat0s smabuoled salle borseva x smokawroqron a a0 ‘ ots as) 
a& fats ime wEoey xHe? Winent se oom 20% Semcon $0 ba 

drabe'te to exeduen ott ‘te agutions £ 

i are, ae 

Gt Se bole See 


eherter powers or performed any of the functions for whieh it was 
ehartered for more than twenty four years It denies that 
defendant only reeentiy learned of the ontry of the dveren of 
April 17, 1951, and averse that the last legebly cleected directors 
ef defendant had setual knowledge of the entry of the écere¢ 

and in effeet consented te the entry of memes 

The atiawer admits that the returne on the swasoncea eet 
forth in the petition show that they were served less than tem days 
before the firet day of the April, 19%1, term of the Superior ecurt, 
but avers that a writ of summoms w.s served on a director and agent 
of defendant more than ten days before the first day ef the pril, 
19315 term of that court, end that this summome with the proper 
return of the sheriff os to serviee theresf wee exhibited to the 
@ours at the Gime the default was taken and the @ceree of digaclution 

The alawer allegea that before the imatitution of the 
dissolution procecdings the matter of dissolving the defendant 
corporation woe discusced with Mr» (idney 5. dorham amd other, 
the last known members ef the board of directers ef defemiant, 
and that representatives of compis inant sige aan that defendant 
had leng aince cenged to do businese oe a corperation, and thet 
there wae mo ebjeetion on the part of defendant or ite regularly 
elected effieere to such dissolution. I: demies that <idmey Se 
Gorham was met an officer, director or agent of éefendant at the 
time of service of sumszeme upom him and avers that there ig on 
file in the office of the reeorder ef deeds ef Cook county, 
Tlidmois, the eertifiests of organisation ef defencent under the 
seal of the corporation giving the nemes of the persons elected 
directors of defendant ae required under the Corporation act, 
and that sueh recorded certifieate discloses thot Gidney 3+ Gorham, 
among others, wae elected a director of defendant corporation. 



Baw $2 stulstw xo% anah¢oaw? ods ko Yun hoamedaeg to exeweg aaduade 
3 Gods molmeh si satawy Bek Yimawd male soem tot, based sede 
ae ooroed sas YQ Brim oss Bo Semseak Yldacoss qine sates bed 
pecan tedoote Yilayed goad ond tees whowe bee 2hi@k oTh Shays 
chchalaled nae Ye Yt wid lo e@helwonsk Lauton dna dete hate ds & . 
# BG te Vine ode o8 Rodmweroe Joatke mz fasts 
tes Rhy MANNER eats ne eBEsEe 9 ons date atime ewans ott 

eyed aos wast’ wood bovies stow qodds tegelt works Mokshdeq asia ah. - Maer 

cftiey tobxega® ost Bo mues fies Liens ost ke we doakt one. ean 
nega dee cetgett> & Ro been saw smemmE he ¢haw @ sedd areve fad 
etiag ost? te pao out? was axoted wee ues ak? one énubaeted bid 

_ seyong edt datw artemis alae duit Gan 4 tune sans Bo sake ath 

oats ed Aedtdhdxs auw Ieosens solve ef oo Sticoeie head ie Di cehhdad 
telsuiozet® te oexgoh este ons nolod ia ite wale Gaeks wld Aa Sd 

ten a ; i REA 

add okbiett sans ous oxored fast paler Sawant —s 

RR geet 
Stan bate toh eae galvioweih Do noah apis boepo tg, aad 

fasts oes “moteoxoneen 2 A ae | enoutent § eh of | he oe, Aime ats 
Dadar ett eei To smshnetoh te drag ets my ays d90i08 | ” om 
of mnie ted? wotued $i  snokengouss> Mowe 08 reeedte na 
ond tn thadtotsd de moon *e xodooubs erveh tte 8 ton Ba amen’ t 
™ a2 ovens sas overs, bens wats ome ota % ootyen on ae ; 
died wood to udsob to awdtope4 ads te anh 7S 
wets ohn tunbao tod to mobsonkangee % agsot there » : 

ietoots anoareg eutz ‘20 amen ote walrig moksnsoguen | Mpg 
_ ste sotaexogre® iit xchat norhuper 0 ce satan ten 0 yiesowst 

Ee we: sas 

MMOD oh Yeahs Fold epectoustb necorihsnoe beoeg 
ato ttategeeg sesbaetod te woseont 4 


The anower further avers that there hag been no other oe rtifieate 
filed in the ofiiee of the recordar of ceedu of Cock commty, Illinois, 
showing the eleetion of sny other directors or officers zines the : 
original eertificate wis filed with such recordar. 

«Tk abmo Gemfee that vs Jo Schmidt or 7s Bo Brtmmam vere 
then or ever had been duly elected ami quelified as president and 
aevretary of defendant, that either of them hed sutherity te sign 
the petition presented te the court, or that either of them haw 
authority te prosecute the petition t¢ yeeate the deere of 
Giasvolution entered spril 17, 1931. 

it then averse that after the entry of the deeree Spri) 
17, 1931, a new corporation unter the mame of the ILlincis “tate 
Sutomobile Aseeciction wae chartered by the secretary of states 
that the mew corporntion proececdad vith ite organization and at 
enee engaged im the business for which 1% was orgamixed; that it 
has expenced large quma of money im the suiicing up ef ite businesag 
and that it acquired thousands of uewbera anc Sas been netively 
engaged in the perfarmanee of its functions ever since the date of 
ite incorporation. 14 further avers that defendant and all persons 
who were its officers prior to ‘pri 17, 1952, had knowledge of the 
entry of the deoree of éineolution and of the setivitier ef the new 
corporstion in the building up of ite pueinerss, and preye that the 
petition be dimminsed and the decree confixmeds 

Defendant's principal contention is that tne trial court 
Was without jurisdiction to enter the decree in question or any 
decree, insemuch as the record @iseleses that summons was soryed 
March Bl, 1931, for the ‘pril, 1951, term ef court, which service 
wes less than ten deys before the firet day of shat terms Come 
plainant's theory is that ite anewer (te defendent's petition to 

vacate the dcexvse of dissolution) alleging that a owanons other 

i & 

| hemo theeeoe reddo ow moe and otesd Sout) Seben xedeut comand OMe 
| anton etitwos 200% Yo nheeh Yo aeiieben oni Ye selYio ode al bo hts 
add conke erseftto co evedootdh tees ems Yo mebtoode bald petwoile 
edcesox doa diiw ie ZIT vow otek id ces pene 
exew pcauedat SE OM ve Hbdielos 60 67 geste weds’ oaks ft ae 
hue dusblesq as betthfawy bas bedvets civh mood hod “eve to must 
pin of “Sixodiva host mend no tadébe dad? .teedastod Yo yatorees 
auil seed ‘Ye saddle dads wo adem edt of bodasnotg motéiveg sit 
‘te eezmss odd odzemy of dolikong ext stuooseg ot Chxosttus 
ok@ed gff Linge toredss wotincouath 
ee ee ne a a oe 
obeee ubowhEXt oad Ye emer one xobe Modveregos wont 4 keer (WE 
podate to Yratouens ail? GE HowEdtAtO Oow mBbFaksona okbdedodl 
$a hes molsaatasgre abt Midw pebeobory motdvtogzce wow amd geile 
le $£ toms {hoskmeyxo wow 2% dokdw vet esontond edt mi bogegen cond 
 fementend oti Ye ger gabbthvd sty mt Vonei ‘to sha oyzat bobuegne whit 
i Usrlias wow aad ben wasdn to gliniwodd borkwpda at ast ie 
i} to biab ony diebs tows emadvon? alt Ye onaarcok tog sae a hee or 
| etoneek te baw aeebaobnd gadt axove xedltow) st smotiaxoquonml | 
| edi 0 wabe twoint Sat (tery tE Hiegi ot xoneg oxssl tte sh i pnt te 
I woe Ht B6 nob divEve® wd to! bre mohtuionnd® to sorecd ase to iy 0 
Ah eld dats ail ban seaondaud ast to @u pabbcws oat wh woh exoqras 
(shine onteh ons tae onntmatd of molttieg 
gusoo Lata add tutd ot nodsnosmov Lagtoaboe atiumbeotet 
ts ty molsuenpy ut sern¥d es avsKD oF Molto hedwh “dueditte ann | 
bovs0s saw wamman init sesotoeds tracer uff? on Mommmunt 490% | 

Os he eee dhs 4 A 
soivien Holuw yiusco to ame? 4L80L ghtuy! eld wor 4£b0L 95 fe ivi io 
R wise “sored dacs to eb techy oe exotod wpb aor madd awe ow 
it ef mekeiteq a tisinineton os) evens eat dots aa wont ‘ota Rey , 

| | : 
? 3 aaakto arcana a tasty anyotis wotsuouat> to 

bid ee eee 

(Wye hy cheesiest ges ti sae 
Ws ak a : ee al DA 


than those appearing im the rewerd was served om defondent mare 
than ten days before the firet day of the April, 1021, term, and 
that thie eusmome with tho sheriff's return thexveon wae oxhivited 
te the ehaneeller before the deeree war entered, vaised an isoue 

of fact on the queution of the serviee of summons whieh, vith all 
Sther qGueetiens of fue presented by the plesdingas is «2223 pond ing 
im the trial court for disposition by the eheneellor vgen eubmiesion 
of proper proofs. i 

Defendant made its first apyearenee im thie couse more 
then « year after the dceree waa entered amd then asserted that 
it wae appearing specicliy and for the aole purpoye of securing 
leave to file ite petition and urging ite motion therein contained 
te Vacate and set uside the deeree af ¢iveclution. ‘fter issue 
wae joined on its petition by complainamt’s answer 1% not omly ddd 
met requert a hearing but when the couse wage renched fer trial 
April 27, 1933, ¢efendant's motion te eemtinue the esuse generally 
wae granted by the court. 

The record filed here by defendont dees not contain its 
petition ts vaeate the deeree nor comelainant's answer therete. 
These proceedings were furniched to this court by on additional 
record filed by complainent. By omitting ite petition te waeate 
and ¢omplaimant’s emawer from the record 1% is cbvious that 
defendant did not desire to have the ame considered om the laoue 
presented for our determina’ tome 

In view of the recital in the deorce that the "Tliinsis 
State Autemobile Aasoeiction, a ccrporation, hes beer duly served 
with guemens ten days before the return day thereof," and in view 
ef the avermente of complainant's anewer that « swanemes (other than 
the two shown by the record te have been served upon oidney S- 

' Gorham less than ten days before the firat day of the April, i331, 
term of eourt) was served em a director and agent of dufendemt more 

nok sae 

, eine davbaetes ao bevees gew aebowr oils mb gab caonge wands mate 
iw eed QTTGL gktaqge wid 2o Gab Werk? ede oweted aya modem 
bediditine aew mescedd sudou et Yetwede ond Atte como ate ded 
Suse? ne boalat ybewdm aew cowed wit eveled olivecate od? oh 
fa dike qholde wnomme Ro salve ode to mobtersy ott mo oat Ye 
gathueg £42in of gngniboeiqg aff yet Setmeeovg gon Qo anniieerp vedee 

i | okeatmdie aoqy woLLepaute aid ‘Ww webtduege:t set duree Labed mid ah 

ae  satoorg, a 

oom seven aid ak spnatasyqs ve oth vient dmabre ol | eine 
taut Setxoens node bea Hoist aaw second end todta emiseed io 
Bthuvces Ye seogreg loa a4 toh. hee chinkwege lineage ea 88. 
hoxiaiaoe mheved? motiom a#t guigi ome suivlieg abt £2 inlet i 
ouoad soth) smoieuionels te evyaeh «id vbiae toe boa otnoey ae 
‘bike Yao son at yosene at fapmtalguog ye sold iveg eth me eens: 
hated 10% dodeant sav gewne of? poly cud getreed » soped sem” 
tereney genes ant cmekdnos 92 codtom ottastastod. gSter 498 tte 
a rae i ia o Pee att a 
Bak akasmes sem 2009 tonraatod Wo ered wit Gueoet dT 6 
setvit? sown atinemthafesos tom. graawh ots otoony of abating 
— ye tones obit vt hodetuwt econ eget: % oo0rt . 
etepny of mel thang adh guté sion gf. «dhemtagemes ot bot byoeet 
(dah quokedo wk th biveHs add mo aowERD Aone kgm ee 
sient vst wo dotohiaNOR ame end eee at astoph gum, te tenn | 
? is ado eubianttase49 19 te bedomeors, | 
wephiii” ed? todd gouneh elt at deetoos wt te woky ah 
Sevces Viwh need gal gMotionoqeas @ «maldotoonas ott someewh tage 
my mt bus “i Bonseds Yoh switys fe opted eyab woe amomue Atte 
tectd.xodde) empmaie » sate. ane athe sethdsieils sth so 
MO WREL: mo Deven ped eyed. of beg9es pit mvedy fer 
itil aston ems Yo yok taskt ots poked | th wed want ¢ i 

Rie Lab Raita 

@u0m gmebatled io sdausye baw eodeouts » we hovuss ner (4 oe to me col 


than ten days before the firet day of the (pril, 1031 term, and 
that sueh summona, including the sheriff's return the eon, vag 
exhibited to the court at the time the d¢favlt wae taken and the 
Geeree entered, we are uneble to egree with defendant's eentent ton 
that the deeree should be reversee by uz om a question of leew 
while the cnuse is pendimg in the “uperier court on uncetexmined 
issues of fact on the identical ouestion presented here, av wohl 
ee On other questions raised im the trial ecurt om defendant ta 
petition te vacate the decrees “e are of the apinion, rather, 
that thie writ of errer is unjustified in view ef the fact that 
éefendant on its own motion secured leave to defend and in defending 
this cause om ite merits in the Superior court. ‘The esse new 
etangs contimued generally im the cours below om ¢efendant's motien 
and it may on notice of either party be called up and reinatated 
for final determination. “@ ara compelled te the conclucion that 
in the present state of the reeard the deeree ef “pril 17» 1931, 
is not final ond that the enuse is «till pending and undictermined 
im the Cuperior court. 

Im the view we take of thig couse we deem it unnecessary 
to discuss other points vhich have been urged. 

Por the rensona imdigeted the writ of error should be 

and it ina diamissed. 

Gridley and Seanlany JJs, guneure 

aoy gxeqrads ovaes af ohana wily gaibeLeg) 4smoommm girlie! 

‘e80 bea aedet sow sivete® ost omts ett de dueo ond 09 bedhd icine 
mohtaadnes atimetanted Atlw eoxpo a2 efdow ota ew gbonedie eerged 
wah te aphiseng » mo a8 Yd oeatores od Binede owxoeh ecto: dads 
bontwpedebny ae daveg seisegy? ait md qutbaeq a2 eumng oslt efter 
Siw «8 ewrod hedewaosq todtaawy Lagioned’ off oe steak to aennnl 

a inotaeteh a duvoe Leisd als of bexlas aaokdnenp testo ae ee 
qtetten guoiatqe vd? to ove of .eneons off ehasay of molsiteg 
‘acts donk ove te weber Mi Bek tieawtaw et worse Ye ¢itwetdd dame 
gakheeted o£ ban awteh of sveel Remwss tolsom nwo @th xe cenbuobeh 
Went wasEs OAT 6 AD NOkTOGE ons M2 OTE toO att mb eamad eh 
to Stem elinetastob ac woled t1ges ost ah ULiareneg Roemideey ohonde 
 fetatomtes tea gu hoLies af qytunq teteae Io eodion mo yea eh Sam 
dat metantenos end of sedieqmos sxe a8 — «nokdamtesede® Lemkt me? 
( gK6RL gE Linge Yo seteeb ual? brevet odd Yo edatgoenoegng gatpm 
hewlereschay ne gatheog Lilte of eaten wid pate dae Lemth gon eh 
a “8 Caf hom 

Wsenssgane 48, monb ow, gatien hdd 20. silat. wm oby. aa? a fo 

pre <anwsahapestaepii ic uae 

od biwoe gerne Ye shaw os bedantond atogase. edd et) » To a 
eo | ctamusenanaaionedl 
Si, ae 

em ce * 

| sen We avon ne 


wa duleaye \ 0 ae? # 


atid Ae he: 34 

i ica fe ae pean Wet 
Ths Se ete we eee: 4 
ee i: ily et esa 

Gf RE, palit Rf LO RG REE Gate Ma as an Bh di wag Sl Si o 
PRY aE Be ts i Bf ie here cat tree we oF 

fi pe a i 
‘ . ff : i : il 
$6961 rd 
A a Z 
efendant in lerar, : : 

wwer Oe a ee CAG. 
274 1A. 667 
‘Ez Lele VO 


Te ; 
Pisintiff in oyrer. 

Upem a trial by the owurt sithowt a jury seth 2. dlader 
was found guilty of violating seetion 9 of the Blue “hy Law (Gh, 
32, Cahil's 1932 Tllinois Sevisd “MRCUbGS, pers 254 st seg.), 
and judgment was enter ad sentencing him to pay 2 fine of $1,000 
ané Gosta. He cocks by thie writ ef errer te reverse the finding 
and judgment. 

November 1, 193%, the etate's atierney ef Cook county, 
upon the compleint amd affidewit of one Cherles Le Deling, 
filed an information sdleging that July la, 1932) Flader, 
am officer of the Glader GSorperation, di¢ unlawfully aell 
te Ubeling securitica defines in ame by the Sllincis 
securities at, without compliance with and im vieletion ef 
the previetons ef that act, and without having filed in the 
offiee ef the secretary ef stale of lllineis the necessary 
atatement aud documents pursuant te the provisions of sevtion 
9 of the acts and that defendant sald Loo shores of the capita, 
ateek of the Glader Corporation to “beling, which securities 
Were not exempt from complianee with the previgions ef the 
est, and met exempt from that provision whieh required that 
| the statement and documents of the iscuer,s specified in and 

Se mm 

pat eRAWMELEL 3 SLATE AAT 1 SasORe x 7 
? ¥ ; ‘ $ : a a wa 

gant odOnDT TO THVDD t peiaegmenenicimaoninmrse 
SBD bedsdS Sobers AMM INES, ses anni 

wav tive AOFTHUL GRECEAARE PRE Neo THe ee Re ie 
i et Roo gay %O BMOTMtS. rt a GALEV REA S 

sewhath oi ‘eels Chl! sivas tw debe welt a Reaee: atten? BR 
OS nit! gilt emittt eats te © neh veon gaitoledy te yetkuy beww® aaw 
(open ge bee .xeig (ewtedat ty oa lyer atomtet? £20 ef £otded Bh 
“ght Yo amt’! < ‘yak br shat gictonestmet dhocosme: aan deme yout, a. 
aia’ Sold odbdbve's OY “eit to VEE WINE Oe eaten a> <etneme ban 
“Sepasde stood ‘Yo ‘tonto dra eVogaty ede GaUtk (£9 medmeven: wth 
8 Sabkoat eat wekteio one 16 shone tte bse ¢ubeicme ot) meqe 
qrobald g8SCk gSi viet fadd gutnetio nohsserrotek ma bokeh 

tres’ etutwakan tth <donsanediw® ‘eonant’ att’ 20 neektte A 
tourist of? ‘qf bad th Bonktes aeeharsee gubiowl of 

te unddadety mi bun aikw somuntiqnes “Suata tw 4 #0% aotebaees 

edt} mt beth) yakvail tworttiw baa qten sacl Te enotebromy ett 
qucsaeved edd wiontiii to stan 2 qeatonoes odd te otto 

goivesa to enolaives eid o@ tnege Tey ateemmok ban ¢ i | 
sarngin nis to avsain Oot Diet Shiota ant ys Sai MWS 
wokskwoes Molde .ynbiod® oF Wohi ecoqne 5 xeband ond ve 2 
ede to asotetverg sda Mohw sonatiquos moxt tquoxe ton 9x08 
Smid doxkupes Mo ksw wetatverg sade mex sqmexe vou bas a | 
ban mt boltivoge «xeueal ott 0 ginal sation re aa 


by the act, be filed in the office of the seeretury ¢f state 
ae @ cendition precedent te the right to sell or offer for esle 
euch steek within the “tate of [Liineis. iefendant entered 

@ ples of met guilty. 
the state offered in evidemee the certificate of the 

secretary of state ahowing noncompliance with the provisions of 
section 9 of the act requiring the filing of the statement ond 
documents preseribed im that section. It appeared that defendant 
had been engaged in the emplayment ageney business for mony yeots 
under the name of Gledexr Tmpleyment sgeney wtil June, 19232, «hen 
the Glader Ceorporstion was ineorpornted and suceeried to the 
businessg thet ¢efencant wae presidest ami the principal 
ateckholder of euch corporationy thet after mony visita ta 
defendant's office seeking placement in a position, beth Befere 
and after the ineorparaiion «f ¢efendert's businees, and after 
many interviews with defendant, a vritte ecoutracé was entered 
inte between “heling and the Olacer Cerporviion wherein “beling 
agreed to purchsce from the corporsiiom ami the eorporatican agreed 
te geil and issue te him 100 sheres of ite aomeaon ateok far 01.00%, 
ané the corporation 2lso agreed to employ “im a9 a placement man 
nt 5159 m month ond to repurchsce the sicek feom him for $1,000 
upon bis giving 1t sixty days notice of hic sestre to divpose ef 
gums within rincty days from July 12) 1932, the date of the 
exceution of the contract; ¢hnt defeméont exeented the eontract 
for the Glader Cerporction as its president; that when “beling 
paid fer the stock he was given the corporstiom's receipt signed 
ty ¢efentent aa president and that She reaeidpt reeltied “the 
@idergiawiing *** ig that $1,000 iv to be paid to the Glader 
Sorporstiong* that the (1,000 wae depenited in the corporetion 

| pank account umd the eortitieate for vv shares ef stock Fas 

| inewed ané delivered to ~belings that after a short time “beling 

 @hade te wretenese ods te sekhte este mt DGLtt of —toe wm? yh 
Sion xe3 reYie to Lisa of digin ols Od dupdenorg selsibace «ae 
permiae anabasto’ ealomhixi te ededt eels mistgdw doode atl 
ait to efapi tides od opeobdve at norwotte staas ptt , 
to aupisivery ad? ttiw tonsiiqaeomen yulwods s8nd9 to ween, 
Mee tem teda oct, to aaLit eat gattinees foe ot to © nottoen 
guilt dod? Bersegge $3 speldoee dedi at dedttosetq sdeomeoh 
eecoy yum x02 easniaed yonsys sonditogme watt it Bepeqne mood dat 
medy g8h0L ones Lhiny ‘woneg) sremclen: sebat® te oman as tei 

ve Pi a Big pil 
Rd et | dodeanene ae aay y LAE 

pation stewate pot sexogred wath, ez nn of 

Bris ati eA ud 

aa me i sonegroe ost me ST, Be #8. reerte ann 



GQiI—ele tor mis pie 4 ‘Hoote “wits ausstocint ¢ 

Bae Res ot tae a8 “ol 2.0048, 4a 

te oaoqars ’t ‘gulacd old %e ‘golten Fad, sind inte at aatyty ats 

oitd wi odo sutt” ,280r VS cove mort "Wiah Yiontn masta) pone 
domusned Watt Wihvitide *Hictatied Mal” vieelians eat te Walia 
pulieit wind? taitt fasseing ee "tia cccen aenaee 
bomb Veh uver Waclyneegres tat marly aan ene, co x0 | 
atte” butlowt sleds" “od? tent de tee fcbiang ea arth ne 
THdekh oft winebotphiatin ES tas 
noid omogras with ah bo¥taoybn’ hue’ O00, wh 
sows ta thntsh Wak MLAS wat ten’ 

Beh Led wats vts's sive a 


was discharged from hie position; and that thereafter he tendered 
the sivek te defendant ond demanded the return of hie money, whieh 
demand waa refused. 

Defendant's evidence wea to the effeet that the entire 
$10,006 eapital ateek of the corporation wae subseribed end issued 
at the time of its incorporations that the etoek sold te “beling 
belonged to defendant and not to the cerperationg and that «lihough 
the $1,000 paid by “beling for the stock was origimally deposited 
in the Glader Corporation bank account, it was thereafter apyre- 
priated by the corporation te defendant's personal use, 

Defendant contends that the finding anc judgment are 

against the sianifest weight of the evicenese; that the scale vas 
within the exemption ef class "5" securities (par. 2596, svbseeti on 
Xp section 5 of the act), in thet it was an iselated or individual 
gale by an owner of his own property for hie own account; and thet 
the state fniled to prove that the wtoek sold to “Geling by 
defendant wae ef the class that required the filing in the effice 
of the secretary of state of the statement im writing and the 
documents required under section } os o condition pregedent te 

the sole of sugh stock. 

The theery of the abate in that the sale of the stoek 
under consideration did not come within the exemption ef class 
"B” securities as previded im subsevtion 1 ef section 5, ami that 
din any event the burden was on cofendant te prove such exemption, 
which 1% entirely failed to de, 

Mwhetantially the ease questions «e are presented fer 
deteruination in the instant ease wore deeided by eur Supreme 
Court im the Ysople v. Johyeons $55 L1lLs 380, where, in reversing 
the jucgments of both the 4ppellate and Municipal courts entered 
im « wimiler prosecution for violation of the Blue Sky Law, the 

ve Pky eerie 

hocekies od <oPReowontd Sartt Sed Gubtetaeg eld aoet Seytalonkd daw 
Aelite goonce oid to mivtox edt? boheumeh bor Pore ted of Mpove' ents 
2 ee 
othime odd date sovtte os ov naw eonebies Witmaine Pe Oo © 
wowaul Bae hedkiovdve sew aokiarogzes ans te etal Sad tenn 200,0n8 
gntledy ey bfon wooty oat? Yaad YOtvadegveoNt BIE Yo ent! oid de 
Aguestite tad? Bete qroteweoqsen edt oF Hot haw snubsetos o¢ SuanelteN 
beiteoloh Uikartgtxe kaw foots wat) ret yetedt ye bkag’ Ova ald 
semua odtao cats sew ¢ ginwoook daad porennysgl ‘wats ce 3 
eu Eenomveq a! featinsted ef net wtoqied said ot bodied 
ein trsmmhsl, Sen gekbol of dace abelnemos v2 
usw eho wld toxtt goouedive odd te tigior snot hc ott ‘ bas ¥ 
co nna ves wea) eid busoon “ wants fe sat. wid be 

doote ode 2 ofpe ous galt ot otats ats te ceed ot 
sgalo ta wolsgpous ost aiddte moo soa “heb moksoteb uses 
facts Bem 3 meligen to £ wat ivendion a hal 

et ne ee | 

TO% hesnoneTy ota we aneksoup vaca by Uaronasadye . ‘ 
connate YF Dedowh oxo eae Mmadenk ould an | 10 3A sas 

autexoves mt «ered OBS of ft 286 “saommtek oy alae ots a 

"Stat samen 


eourt held 2b ppe 338 nnd 4O9s 

"This ense must be decided under the previsions ef the 
lilineis Cecuritier act in feree at the time of the sale, and 
ail veferences to such aet are to the set in feree at euch time. 
* * * There was no evideneg by the People te ehow whether the 
ateck traded to ‘oucherty wan claam 'Ay’ 'By' *U° ox ‘Set The 
record is barren of the finanelal stending ef the cangeny in. 
either July er ay Cann. i920, what its agsete and lisbilitée 
were and whether it was solvent or imselvent. © * ® 

“While the certifiente of the feerctary of dtate offered 
in evidence proved prime fecie that the Pairfax Company had not 
complied with either parsgraph (ns) or (») of section 7 of the 
Tilinois Securities set, yet it did net prove that the securities 
of the company were in either elnes "0° er elese "2’ nor ddd it 
prove that such certificates were class ‘At er class 'B' securities 
Swidence must be produged by the Scople showing im what classes the 
securities belonged in a proseeubiem under the eet. If the preef 
ehowe that the esourities were class 'C' or @lass 'D* geeurities, 
then the certificate of the Jecretary of ‘tates, aes provided 
paregraph 5 of section 57, becomes material ane otmpetent, but 
without evidence to ehow that the scouritiesr in <uestien are claas 
‘C! or clase *h* the ecertiv‘iente of sueh secretary is neither 
material nor cempetent. The burden Was wot on the defendant te 
prove within what otatutery definition the securities of the Pairfax 
Company fell, but 1: waa the duty ef the ‘eople te prove beyoudt a 
veagonable doubt that the securities were cither ¢lass ‘'C" or elass 
*S' securities. This could be done by direct proef of that fact 
or by proof that the securities were not in cither elses 'A® or 
@lase 'B.' ve: 19 SIO Tile 55S, doee not hold» ae von- 
tended by the “eople, *% the burden ig upon the defendant to 
prove that the stocks in question were not cleae 'C' or elass 'h* 
securities. We may be very esuepicious that the securities in 
question were elasa ‘U* securities, but Jaweuilte eanmet be devided 
on gurmis@, conjecture or suppositi « Sefere the burden wan east 
on the defendant te prove that the sele mete By Aim wee within any 
of the exemptions provided ty paragraph 2 of seetion 57 of the 
Illimeie “ecurlifes act, the “eeple must first have mace out a prime 
ease proving the defendant's guilt os charged, beyond a 
reagonable doubt. 

es  * & * * 

“It ig not neceneory in the stete of this reeeré em She 

court to decide whether elags '0' securities may be eold by ¢ 
fice amer thereof for hia own secount, se under the exemption 

@ fer ¢laas ‘'S,' 
“The evidenee €i4 net prove the guilt of the ¢efendant 

ag therged, beyond all reasonable doubt.” 
The intreduetien of the eeriifieate ef the secretary of 

atate te the effect that seetiow ¢ ef the set had not been oamplied 

with wae no preef whatever, and there wae me other evidence offered 

tending to show im what eless the sieek invelved here pelonged. if 

4t belonged in cither class “A” or clase “By,” compliance with secetion 

9 was unnecesearys The burden Wass therefore, upon the Peeple to 

prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Glader Corperstion stock 


Be i) ow SS8 egy oa Sheol Sd 

eG te ametabvesy eff wooeat Debheoh eG Soom sume GEAR Co oo hh 
bus gelesen od? to omte odd 2s eaxe?t oh t98  enhatavent ‘etonhiit 
-ouds aorta ge eetet al tea alé of wum dee sous ad woomese tee dis 
eas <otifedw weds o¢ elgorl oe 8 pouebive en new evedt * * * 
wae teil? ay 1D" gM? 44° o gow Yttedgees 2 Seber? deods 
rom ry age ko ore snemdt odd te mexsead af a 
CRLiGaks fowe ateuan o&h daciy 42@S@h ete 
st * * © ,§movkonak te avedoa a $ rates La OI98 

229 Sends Ve YLadotese » ote of bate oy 
— Soe moo xehtlel esf2 aude re, soasbive ‘at 

ee te nektoos ae. (0 (Si ie 

er ae bg Boag B aVG ty 

apa fate mabe. 
ivy foe ton "delsdawoet cioaltis 
wabbituere ‘a seato ve 'A' ovale sxew » seotssen ane ts vores 
pends Po ba ge “Ai on te wok éw eal de " 
eiuses a guieds eanks ary 
tO pando as on " Pr mapirind - ‘te tion a at 
usdomt womoood 2 ff tolsove cory 

agate es fon 0} se bs Ma yy siee att goat were Of vonohive ~ inte 

woddien of pisee Moun te stort sine ot ‘at we so 'O! 
od éuabasiod vd wo don anw moied eet 

matrie®t oslo Ie sehiiurove ons modsind ted ediaane jane jo a 
@ weoged ewig ef olqeet ots te Kind wht auw GE dot yhied 

tealo 40 °D* vento sodgio exer pehéiunpon ale tact? sewed siesetet 
fea't fads oO Beene toarks vd eset otf Binge ale? sagidiuuesa 

£0 °A*? gueko sodie mh gon gxer golst zaea ols Sanka be a wi id 
emee ae ghLed sow eoGd ¢S98 «ffi O£8 | 

Of énebneted off meqe of sobumd oct2 eo — 9 wate bo bnad 
’c' vanle to *O' esate te¢a oxew nobiaaup at adoota. ot?  SVSSg 
2 woidicwoon eff gad avoted seer od yom oF -aolsboen 
Sodiees og jecuan stivawal ane 4 taoea “i! geaode. seem no 
tan ser mebiud as sxoted. rie jth oi 
eee rey eae min wd ohem.odnn ond 

Te goitoes te & peek . 4 wedivoue a ieee mr al ee , 
amiss #2 ue give ered dank? dau . 

& heeyed ghoguads az ‘tlua'sVenshoesat ay 

said alt? wooes piste to oe she at oe at te 
‘et ata ee Yaw oetéd tunoen HE isses ‘atadds ev aoe og poner . 
nakiquiny bine toh ae siampona ewe gis sah wen, 

dma berate sale to aLiuy ont Mand... fou oth S,fos 2b opment 

‘te Yxateres eats to sono Ata te modes Sucoill 


belonged to either class *C" or clase "D," ae defined by the 
Seeurities A@ie 

The evidence in this ense did not preve the eublt 
of defendant, Ginder, as charged, beyend a reasonable ¢oubt. 
The judgment ef the Mugicipal court ic reversed and the came 


wehe Wo ce se ARMS 

Gridley and Semnlan, Jie, soneure 

tas} oN torn Mie 
Ay TF aus. 

Fas WSS So aah ase 
Sirs tet 
tf a Pyeyioe 
Ue ai Sen pring 
ganda Posten vit pall 
eohe gecmeatn Paeser ik 
see ha: seatil 8 

a nee 
Ra OE Ree Sie 
wen hua Gk Yvan sees Ne 
ad Wanse tee ae ae Ga eat « 
By kat i es Tek py We a age ais a od 
KX teaged prey ehoalaaet ade Ge wien 
wonts we 2° wantin saldde exwe gods 
Rat sue ee: eee RE eee tae: ae 
a AS Re ke WMS ae ole axe 
ee mn meal say 
OS setetene Sa wel Pees sae 
1) poate . oy: “o git Pam Preven 
RE satel d dese 
itchy > oe dacs ? 
on ha ae ees eae sus 

ak i gall : re ce | mee a Mea 
a rome a pee: Sade a tt hab bas. 

i] Er 
ed YEE Degas ty 4h oS 48 al we 
a Rhos Se er mee tus | 
soiled a Only ‘Sey aie ane seta ee ee eas, 

ciliata ro nile ie €8hey cht wei 



COUR? GF GHTaaca. 
274 1.4. 667' 




doing business ag Lakewood 

Developers Organization, 

ican he a ce Bit Pee line ee Aces 

By tunis appewl cefenudamte Ne Ge Nolniek ond B, Malnick, 
doing business ux Lakewood Sevelopere Organization, seek to 
revéerné @ judguent in faver of plaintiff’, “illiem ii+ Neelle, for 
2199 entered in tue Mumivipal cwurt Jume 14, 1935, on the verdiet 
ef a jury. 

Sisinsifi’s statement of eloim alleged that Jume 3%, 1951, 
he entered inte « eritten couteset with defendants for the con- 
eiruetion of & ¢welling house at Bégerton, “isvonein, whereby they 
agreed te build same im a goed end workmanlike mamer with “¢ inch 
eedar porta, crecsote painted, sumk in cement ***3 tengue amd grovve 
fir siding, free of eracks «mi piteky Hentolater face brick fire 
Pince inside} a1] material, laber, haréware furnished by the builder 
wee ef goed aubetantial materisig;” thet defendante did net comply 
with tee contract in that they failed te ereasote the ecdur poste 
before setting them in the coment to pleimsiff'a domage ef $1605 
that they furnished and imetalleé « wracked mantel im the fireplace 
8$@ plaintiff's damage of 5155 thet they failed te properly seal the 
eit ines voor aud walle adjacent te the chimney in a good and worke 
amiike manner to plaintiff's damege of 915; omé that although 

HAN ee: Ly re 11% i 

Fes Pee en 
aH wee EY Wi 

yee acy | 


‘gga AI AYS 

etotnteX .% hits Mudd 8 Kt apnabaotad Lawewe ate ye 
od Meme guokicalmegr( araqedoyo’ boomers es wnat : 

od qoLtvak 6M matitty qYetvataty to covet at temambet @ Oetavee 
dokwiny ode an <E0CL Ox om oes Loytelnmi aie ak needa OLE 

e168L gO% news fais bogedia wteke te smanetabu sie a a ‘ 
enoo ot wt atnmbdrotsd déty doanduoe mavOber » oveh beet ee” 
Codd Worse ymbanovet? qnocvepe to casa gukiiews @ to hottertiy” | 
Houk 9° déte xem etttvantcow faa boy » mt oman thew of be rt f 3 
ovo Ome ewgnes >" ravine m2 sien .dodmtor sranoeeD gaeneg tahoe 
ORE volad vext retuLovae gatodtg amo eilemro to wey ygetbhe 

qigeeo tow bib adambnetod hacks + *yatorenean satenatetoe toon 

| gheeg sabee ek? eFoadow ot Batted ered pak i bonne 
100k! Ye oMemAd a IME OF Ame oy mh me 
“eds Lane coencong of hotbed tt 083 wee _ 
| sattow tae boom a mk yonmito ad OF 7 
_ Kpectaca taste pms GREE Ye ogauman ot 


repeatedly requested to moke sulteble repeira te fulfill the terms 
of their contract defendants have refused te do ae to Plaintifits 
damage of $190. lefendonts neither filed em affidevit of mex ite 
mor effered any evidence upon the trial. 

Plaintiff's theory in that he had a right te reeever for 
breach of the contract by defendants in failing te provide essential 
items of vonstruetion ae epecified, and by reason of defeetive 
materials furnished and poor workmunship employed an eertain parte 
of the building, and that there was ample competent evidence te 
justify the verdict of the jury and the judgment of the court. 

Defendemts contend that demages due to the alleged defeots 
vere mot proven upom the trial by competent evidenees, and that the 
trial court erred in foiling to sive ony imetructiona ts the jury. 
To the contention of defendants that the trial court fatleo te 
inatruet the jury it is aufficient emexer te way that no inetruetions 
vere olther offered cr suggested te the cewrt by them, and inasmuch 
@s Ghe bill of exeeption: feila ts disclece any obicetion on the 
part of ¢efendamtea to the Zollure of the court te lmetruet the jury 
they cannot be henrd to urge that point here for the first time. 

The aelient frets as they sppocred from the evidenee are 
that the gedar posta were net painted with ereosote; that the mantel 
Wage Grucked when the building was turned over to plaintiff, thet the 
sidings reef and walls adjoiming the cuimmcy were not properly sealed, 
thereby permitting the rain to enter, that, inasmuch ae the lower 
portion of the buildimg wae fully enclosed, pleimtirf did not diseower 
the fuilure to creosote the eeder ports under (he building until a 
few months after he tock pessession of same «whem he dug under the 
budiding te construct a storage room? that many complaints were made 
and defendants requested to remedy the defeets in constructiong that 
upon dcfendante’ demand for the laat £37 duc them om the contract 

for the erection of the ouiiding, plaintiff insisted that before he 

euved ac¢ LLktint o¢ atiaget ofdediwe dtenar betaea pee yibetasget 
e'ttttmtata of of 05 04 dente t evel aduabtete® ¢oandmon chedé to 
afiwem to Jiventiia ae beLlt veddien etmatne tot s0@L% Yo wacnnd 
akaix? off aoqge eowebive Yo sovettte ‘tom 
sok veyeoes of ddyis o Sad of feild ab yroods we BEReeieG 8 
Sniéavene obkvetg of unilialt at atnabaoteh <a icoxdmos oats ‘Ye sonowd 
ovitecteh to moenet Ys tre «hotitoogs es avi sovsseuso ‘te someat 
andre nlaiie¢ ao hoya tgns gideramtisow veoq tent verde tera sad eotnin 
o¢ someblve snedeqmoo olqua wow wxoett Jade tad yonkhtiad att So 
sixmoe oct? Yo Inamgbus acd dee ose} sdf So sobbtoy ocd yRheowh 
afoetes bogetia edt ef exo sogemah fend. Aastneo atirbas ted oi RES 
ons gad? has ,oemebive suedegnon qd Letse ony KOEN AOTOTE tom ster 
Crh sdf og ammiygutians wis gyi, os galiies at berxe ¢ampe dott 
OF beLtod fxmoe Ladys ost ted? adtnbaetod Ye motemeznog ae 
wnekioaaiant om dald you OF tawams JeotolYiwe wt af yxwh ede, " 

Hommeant bus mots vd soo od) of hedwengue ae Sexe Ro xodiths | cer 

edit a getieotde yxs ougtoats 63 ghiat euckéqesne Ie Lid odd ea 
Yuet of? sowrgent of tumoo oct to omahdet. odd o 4 - setviteits te ton 
pee. He IRR 0). we epee. Amnon Heme mpi. ae: dane, sssmeels | 
ota enneblys afd most hetesqge Youd ae wdond smedtow aft. | 
foiuam al? tote jodeucore dilw sodmiag dom wrew. csovm aon at tae | 
o#d tadé gVittatelg ef zove comms sow pakoliwd add nouw, boat - 
shetave Yireqerg Jen gave Gommlsto vs? gebatoton nkbie: Weeitene pai wo 

Rewel wis as Mommonmk géadd guages of shat odd yabitioweg vdeo 
aeareonsh Jos RLS Vismole _deeckens YAdet ame gebbibed wdde ter, 
a Atoms padbiiud sat soon eteog. saben odd efoacoxe of oxwbted: sy 
eas seheN BHD oo wade omas. 70.edARoOROR dented, sete gale 
Chat exow cinkaiqone yanm, dade gmoot eparete a domrdemen: 
fads quotesusdangs at adootob om? Yoemen 94 betueupen « 
Sounéare et ao sini? aud YEE. taad edd net, nesbab 
ot aoted Gadd bodetumt thimiadg egaukbLinw ads te monsoons eat , 


pals some defendsnts must agree im eritine to make the necenvary 
repoirs and replacementsy thet they geve him euch written sgreenent 
Oeteber 24, LOT, at which time he poic them the 9892 that painting 
with ereosote bhout doubles the life of cedar porte that te 
preperly ereosote the cedar poste the siding “ould have to be 
removed from the houses the house rodaed om jacks, moot of the 
fleor removed, the poets removed fram the cement foot ings where 
they were imbedded, the foctings removed aad new ones put in their 
Place, the poste reset im the footings after they were ercescted ané 
the siding and floor replaced after the Jncks were removed and the 
building lowered te the cedar post suyporte. 

The evidence ig undisputeble that the building as turned 
over to plaintiff did wet comply with the epeciftientions of the 
contrect and waa cefcutive in ihe respects heretefere ses for th. 
Plaintiff never accepted it from defené=nt until they ¢awe him the 
following written stipulation: 

"The iakewood Developers Organisstion agroen ae per 

letter semt to the loyon lumber Company uncer date of 

October 24th, in the event etete¢ cefeets in house owned by 

Mre Noelle anc erected by the Joyem lamber Company exiate 

and if mot repaired, or repleged by the Doyen Lumber Company, 

the Lakewood ceveleperg Organiantion agrees to do gee 

mekewood Developers Craunimatian, 
py 8s Balnick.” 
 +Sefendants refused to make good on both their origival 

eontraet and supplemental agreements but inwist thet plaint ittta 
domages were not proven with the exactitude and preciaion they 
aasert the low damands im this chersctor ef ease. An exper teneed 
gentractor testified that 14 would take even more than the amount 
the jury eaw 24% to allow au damages to make the repairs and 
Yeplaceomentes necessary to have she building contorm $e the require- 
mente of the comtrnct., Hie testimeny staméis umoontradicted and 
it furnished a basie for the Jurore, testing it by their own 

experiences, to make « reasonable allewanee of dammgece 

Tenses eA oe vtant OF pamka iene tb oorgpe tus gtasbasts> mma dtag 
daamowrge sind tiew sown att ovsy yedd sat favemacomlges ee cil 
gakinkag gare aver ade mods) Diag ot gmbe cintcw te qht@L 498, vadnge 

od dast? padsog taboo Bo @kke oct aoidned tae agoncete aitw 

od-08 wand biuaw guide: edt ntneg xobee na ndomnone VitOGo Ta 

ede Woo tuom yetont me Sooke exand oo eousost oct? sooth bevomex 

qonute vgn teo't sme cad amt tavomec otuod ont _ bevoume rood 


bas hotannmte array yet mda anaksoo’ weit ai Conon adacg eet «o0a 

ed? Waahorvontet otme-walantt walt othe Aeendaet ‘oxet). hte peck nke ate 

| sndroggm deg tion ond of betewt er 

herded oa gedetiunt wt? dnels pitotwgubbms ut weed ve ee ae 
welt % gxotten kitovgy ert? sibs yhgnes few Wb: Siddetale of tere 
tere? Row eretor seat edanqees cabal De ee soerduae 
othe ats ere ast iiteu Inedas'toh sey @2 bedgaora Soyer wut wks os 

_amottekughin magioy gale resto 

ver 50 ae Ler 
pipe. sphinsinays ae 2 anaanierss att ete 

shia ere 5 sears ie ites as tee ae 
wou. “pi woyot ode yd & berhages i som 32 ia 

nga Like dy — 
mn ieksial .% Xo 
Lonkgize tied? dlod me boog edam od Soomtox adarbre ted 08 ve 
‘etetlenlate gaat delant tad (ememoonye ietoomelgqye fs feetonen 
tee moteloote bua obutteonxe odo Coie sore Ry tom ere eogiaiah 
beeueitegxs aio Suane “Ro -rodasaiioty uits et adommed: wad owt? pones 
byes olf meld ote nore olet bioew 0% anaes Hest ined ToTQOTAHS 
Bical sbinepitel als via oo hogAmos wa wOlLa’ ot TEE i tat 

Defendants contend that -he veréiet wae againet the 
manifest weight of the evidenes both ae te thede lisbility and 
the award of dumages. ‘his Jury heard the witnesses Lestify 
and it wag preeminently «ithin its power ta determine if they 
were worthy of beliew. Th: tr iat dutge sleo heen! and saw the 
witnesses amd approved of the verdict of the jury. In thet 
state of the reeers thie cous) will mot disturb the weretet 
UBles« it ie Bamifestly againet the weight of the evidenes 
which is mot the ense here, (Bradley v. Bahwer, 193 lle 152} 

We are of the opinion that substantial Justice hag 
Deen done between the parties. She judgment of the Wanicipal 

court ie affirmed. 

Gridley ana Ganlene TJs, comeure 

MARR alee ye 

st i ah hs en 

as fentane apy Sobbsey oat a basis 9, MANA TET, acatigi . 
ie Witildadt shed of ae Hod.» a 20 aaaten os i 

if yee «5 8 ty , 
RSs: veh ei salt let ton a2, iia 4 

| we ™, —- tub ie Sod 

“ a ba ims 

a ay ye 
Me ae 
r nya: ARS # eh Rae eis ae AN Ry ae fey’ Mt 

vase 8h anatanne, 

: — me 

% any sibs 

Ni 3 iS ie R 
, a BM ae aS erg ae ye 
: “i 
, baat mere? A E ; Facial oso 5 wd % 
i” te 53 } wy ; Ve Ama Mh, Sina Keay Ghat ee ra ad 

alae Sm 

Tepe we ect 

ieee 8 ie ‘bate. 
avin Sia ot IMR re. 

a3 grind ; 

HS I RA aS Sino 

od meas by Sa! eid et uiaain salt 

S788 Fe Meer <— 

a Corporetian,s 


On appeal of HATTI“ BacsH, 

Appellant. ) 


This appeal seeks to reveree a deeree of the Cireuds 
ecurt entered Hay 11, 19349 ordering the payment te Lucy “mith 
of $904.24, the preeeeds of « Life imeuranee policy. Complaine 
ant, \etmoa Life Ineurnnee Company, filed a bill of interpleader 
alleging that Mattie Mareh and lucy mith, dcfenidanta, were 
Claimants te $1,250 inewranee on the life «f Gus Hero, who 
@ied January 3, 1935, and thet it desired to bring the money 
into court te be paid to the party determined by the court to be 
rightfully entitied therete. Beth defendants filed anewers 
asserting their respective claima, am the fund wes deposited 
with the clerk of the court. 

From the undisputed evidenee it appeared thet Juguet 
2%, 1926, the deeecent, Gus Barak, was a wewber of Swift & 
Company Employes' Benefit Assveiution (hereinafter referred to 
as the association) and as such mace an application for @ 21st © 
group life insurance policy, which ehertly thereafter was iaeucd 
to him by complainant; that in hin appliestion for such policy — 
Lucy Pi¢kett (iucy Guith), his then mistress, wes named 

| , oe | 
\ ‘ \ ’ 
4 : \ ™ \ 
| | t pool tones ‘i i 
vedi Boas Qasr ) OF. nu saapky: 
TUES AO FIR | ‘i ‘Ha to an aaa 
fi i ha Bo bey a 
899, ALY 5 wits Yo Shoat 

ee apxecil ber carcioe oe 

thwouk® aay Io voroed a enteves ef wieon Longe a Ny 
Ao tone youht 08 serommyae, ond qetbrobee gGbOL gE yell berger » 90 
eniaipand «ytiog sonatas wit he! bad edosneny ont 18 Pee : _ 
eben digne ne to ifid @ belit erase eons crant oth antes ‘ae” 
WHOw gadtebmo toh geht Am! quad ice dha ase @RS dh mabe yal pein 

ost? gintall ow To etal ald to @pmmawerd 0090 oF gtmmmbade 
Wetow odd guicd of Bexlewh 22 cad Bee ghOOL gf Yeaumt pekb 

od of duwno ests YC benterreded Yitoq ed? of Stag od of Fae ey 
atewune bolt? oitabacteh Asek. seers. poked ties ef | 
bedtnoqed enw buy ssid be sustale e¥hicsquws ehecte wateroone 

a” ethwe to. ween a eae ‘dani = stuobensd — ROL 
vs beuTD Rox 1elentere) Mrakeveas ettonal tasyotga _— 
OMe @ wl MOkcorigge me sham soe am bme (motsateovan onte 
bowen! anv tes tow sony yhtseds Meldn yyoktog sommorent wre quowy 
Wotleg Aous xo% nold sp tLaqe aid a2 soate i tnantedgmos 
. bones oar samen aed ai (aa at) tm 


beneficiary uncer the é¢elguntion "Lucy Moves wifes” but that 

So beneficiary was named im the origina? Gertifiente or policy 

of insurance iswued te him pursuant te such Spplicationg that 
Horch 29, 1923, Gus Boren applied for an additionnat $19000 tneure 
anee wnder the terme of the same areup insurance contract betucen 
the sevociation and Complainants that Lucy Piekett, whe vas Living 
with him ase his “wife” at the time he made applicctien for the 
first policy, had separated from him in February, 1927, and married 
one Tan Omith Wareh 169 1927— that Hattie Mareh wae married te 
Gus limreh Way 4, 198, and lived with him ac hie wife up to the 
time of his death; and that the appliention for the additional 
#19000 policy when Presented to the inewred for hiv signature 
contained substantially the fellowing printed ang typewritten 

"Qwitt & Company A@tne Life Ingwrange Scmpeuny Ge hi GBF 
BaBeAe Application for Group Life 
‘ sia: 5 ne 
‘SRR at ae ae enter gimpinitnin ARONA M See aRSt a. 
- 6 
Se29e28 AOD 

pply Ler sdditional group life imvuranee in the 

= hereby « 
amount of P1—loc, subject to and in aecordange with the termes of 
Group Life Incuranes Pelley Noe 3380, and riders, lasued to “witt 
& Company loyes Benefit <ececiation by the Aetna Life inouranes 

pean ta Hartfords Commeetiout, and i gree to teke and hereby make 

appliextion for such additional inouranee ie vhich I may hereafter, 

from time to time, be entitled under asid plan.» 
~ Signature af Appl ieant.* 

Tt further appeared that Marghy before signing thie second 

Spplication, serntched out with ink the word “lacy” and wrote in the 

Word “Eatites* ond thet a policy fer the additional $1,000 inourance 

“we issued to him bearing the some date as the appliention with Mattie 


tute aud “gotie ,datak youd* aokiamareed estd cons grate hroned | 
qeiiog x elaniitesen Lackgt ao et? at Senet sew Yolo tioned om 

badd qookientiggs somn of Imemowwg mit ad homawt oom ienk to 
otents O—gko Lamettthba co tet betigge cecatl out Sih hid morals 
mented éowctmon sonorunt quony vote oi to emnes OAs canbe ONtA 
pahwdd aor cele qttuale ks quad Maite piosttioigacs ten sobiekeonas Pro 
aft tot mebtawdiqne wham es omke oth Ue Wgtho* whet no ms ath | 

hod rime Due eTROL cyneiedat mt abd stow hotanmgen ose ayplloy te ott 
od pobrnam azw deve shite fete atnes ah sotan dttm “eae ono, 

add od qu Rb niet nid wets dahw DowEE Bua yOReL > Qed dat oe 
kenetethtn ons ok mobeastigan ett tanie ee gene ated sae oaks 
qrudemyte etd 10% bosmenh of 69 betmuotg ody wettog oath 

motttxoogeé ona, boémbeg onbeoliyt watt chtadvandade Seutmanen 

om? at seid orte query | 

"bes msi a oat du dw 


Wiarah named ag beneficiary on the face of the eertifieate, 

The group life insurance policy contract between the 
association and complainant containes the following among other 

“This policy, the application of the assceistion and 
the incivicual applieutione, if any, of the members insured, 
comatitute the entire contract between the parties hereto.” 

‘amy member insured hereunder gay upon uriiten request 
signed by the member designate a new beneficiary aa often ag 
é¢siredg such dewlgnation to become effective emly upon receipt 
of same at the Home Office of the Comparny 

The certificates of insurance icsued te the seeotient 
under the group pelicy or contract contained thie provisions 

“In the event of the death of any insured member at any 
time or place, from any cause whetevever, the amount of insurance 
then in foree upon hie lite will be paid to the last duly deaige 
mated beneficiary or beneficlaries., The beneficiary may be changed 
at any time uncer and subject te the terme of the policy .* 

It nleo appeared that complainant paid to Hattic Marehts 
wife of cecedent, the $1,900 ineuranee covered by the weeond ceortie 
ficate, and that the basis ef thie action is the GL,0Oo covered by 
the first certificate which the chancellor ordered paic to Lucy 

Defendant Hattie Mersh contends that when the insured 
made hig application for the additional £1,500 insurence he 
Gefinitely intended to make her the benefieiary of the original 
91,000 as well as the additional @1,000 insuraneeg that veoth 
snouts aa well as the name of Lucey Hargh, benefieinzy, appeared 
om the application card presented to him for the additional 
insurance, and that before signims some he struck owt the mame 
“Lusy" and wrote in the name “Mettie*; that with the name of imey 
Marsh stricken cut and the amount of insurance of whieh she way 
beneficiary remaining in she was thereby intentionally eliminated 
as @ beneficiary; that under the terme of the group policy the 
- dmeured could change beneficiaries as he pleased, simply by filing 

& written request with the company; that his application for 

sodagsitizse ad? ta seek wid mo Yreiotiensé a beeen seta 

es navwd od Joatinoy yoiloy sememvent eltt quote oft ee 
tosléo anome gritwottos aie Sendudmoo dieileiqaes Dna sold alvogas 

Igtas maken hpeone adi to aofgoc * eas 
dango md 

awiteg aidt® 
Py axodment ad¢ te gyn” yarol aul da Lawblvibet eit? 
*,otorved welsiag waa arewled Seatdaoe wslden ald inal 

davspet mosdiue ts sobeeted boxvesh xedaeai ye 
on esto ae i, Hone teat Pager yo 0 — - vat : wt bengts 

saat cy eva dee ® omoeced of woltomgies 
” pect *.—sqae! ed Xo sekYRO onto ods dx =e 

dushooeb oft ot hovend oonauwent to nedoed itv eft SM: 

snotelvorg etd seaknines doaxtia wy Yodfoy query elt conta 

‘tna da tedmen Sy «wend pe Aaa ye eli homey i 2, ee Selle 
eomemant Yo dean, eld 9% 

aha eae oats one aaa sealg xe to ‘entd 
h e Sidw 
hoped sd Noo sett, tteusd eat® eft «eehualektened to  eralertoued ogee 

) Sayed keg edd Yo omsad asl of tooidem hae sober end gaa ide 
etlarcM otgiel of blag émanialguoe tare hotesagqe ome FL. yyoinug 

eiixeg baoooe oe yd boxevoo sanstwams Oat) ons stagheaed te ehiv 
Vi Dexevon 060,47 ole at tokio ald? Yo stead ont tasty ote gadaodt 
wat of hing bexedze not Lovends ba Meise of nohts ase Pisia 

hesimeck oc? oslo > beaks utente ox eetald snatne tod ngs 
oe Oomwrwand 000—L6 Lanetehbbe vele x0 moissatiggs wid. aan 
Lontgive oft to vistoltened od? wok exam of bobmroest vied or 
ada Sond geome mand O00¢k) Lamps Luva elt: 2 Lio an O0akD 
hetaega sviniodionnd ea tal Kobl. Xo wae ond hasdisae' aa ’ 
Lanelstrie est sok ai oe vedmecss Been. sdisei lage 

‘woud Yo taux ed Atte dnels tobsan ie vt hh eelvur halt nate” 
naw ode Solty Ro oomexdekk to ¢eniame off ina two sedelate dere 
hedantwife yYLkanohtacsnd ydeseds wax wee mt baker anon ntodteneg 
ois YokLog query sed Ye ames wcly cabin dosti peenins od 
‘BERET YS ylqnie abenvetg of an eobsatodiomed epnado | ¥ 

wind SOF ohss Ae: 

Wot mokteettqgs abd tend Ptegatno ‘odd Keke dteoupe mteher a, 


acéitional ineuranee conatituted auch written request as to the 
original policy; ond thet inaemuch as the applicntion wag 
apecifieslly wade a part of the Gomtract of insurance 4t wag 
intended to and éid cover 511 of the inaurance whieh he carried 
with complainant under tts aroup policy contract with the 

Defendant Lucy Smith’ « theory is that she was made 
beneficiary of the original 19000 certifieate before Nettie 
Marsh beenme decedent! g wife; that the application for and the 
iguuenee of the certifieate tor 49000 additional ingurence in 
no way affected herrighte; thet the fact that Mattie Harsh was 
the last named bencfieciory in point of time aid not eanecel the 
original declaration of venefi¢iaryseoncerning Liself with the 
segond policy onlyg that the provisions of the inouranes contract 
apecified that a member might “upon «ritten request sigaed by 
the menber designate a new benefielarys" that it was necencary 
te order and direet the company formuily, in writings, te change 
the beneficiary befere such chemge sould ve efferted, that this 
wag not Gone by decedents and that therefore the first appliceticn 
Genignating lucy March aw beneficiary waz still im full foree and 
effect ot the time of ineured's doathe 

There ia wething im the record te inétieate that when 
decedent signed the application for additional ineuwrenee he had in 
contemplation anything except the additional imewrance. It is 
true that the application form filled owt as heretefere set Lox tit, 
before it wae prenented te him for his signature, esrried a 
memorandum of the original group policy showing the amount of 
game, the date applied for and the amoumt of the weekly premium. 
However, in the absenee af evidence to the contrary it is a 
'xyengomable inference that the only purpose of complainant in 
listing the originel imeurange on thia e¢eond application waa for 


etd of an taeupes worti<w dows hedwStéancs sonetweet Lanwhir hed 
 ‘gaw aobtsekiqgn ond ea stoic sist tad! bec prolteq Sonkgive 
caw 3% oonmxient to doardabo edt to drag & Obaw eiieee toad 
bobase ext otsty vamurnwnnt edd %o ia woven heb hae of “‘Dehaedet 
| etd as be dont wey wo son, were nt: robe twat asgome the 
ae dala 
“ober awe acts tad? si wraesle nis tee oan Arabees 0m es 
otitall oroted ofnGP News COOGLS Lonkutee ous te ealsiaibnia 
ai) bam xe? wolsneiigus wdd ands pwhto etaeebeveh emooed Merrell 
nk eamrciewk Lotatetoan So0ekO aot stnulthecoe ed? To eomnuend 
ld alk adh wl oc gear eer 
“ait? Keptno fos DIG sist To Pekog et yReteRt MER Dome sun -eal 
ond date Srootk yntuxobnove yell tioned’ to noreimeazuew Me 
Fooutace womarinnek oat ‘4 skoda tvery oft Paxil yulee YolLeg drones 
ud bougis fevapex methtus mogul sae hae ‘edawat a toe? tePtbooys 
“Qranapeen waw FF fod? *yytadePiened ove a ‘#tamyteob codietnd’ 
sgmady of syntitaw wt yybiawo't Yaagnss set Yeerks’ tina’ wobee b 
tid? salt poutostts of binwo wganile Mou oxotod yxotol bombil Wile 
sokteoilggns Fox! odd orotoiedd taste boos {insboosh yor shod Jon four 
bus epxot tty wu fitdy saw vrersbtonted ae ‘acid lect ginal 
sa “ sidash a*hexvoat to emte ony: pad alae 
mse daid etvottak 32 oxodwz ote it vebitdow @ great Ud | 
at béet ott sbnetvent Lonold2bhe ot moti vot tgya ents ‘erate dnebinetiy 
at 8t seomanmwant Konol shite vy seamen hsemalooati tt 
eft 20% ‘fod erotodsiudt ae gue bokthY bro Hytdaott ett ae 
8 bebviad \etudeitgie nit woT mid oe Biemoney Kaw FE GubteE 
Yo Samom: oi gelwortd Ypttog qiex_ Eantnio ad to’ siutbieeendele 
smisitnes nny YEvoW ead To Seen wet baw ea Hobie NS ek (ita 
a ak Se Getta ate (OY aumnnatibonnctiasis ites 
“git deanth akeuns ts “esersing ‘a i at ree F 
tot sow mottnotivga téaoow Leaadladl poe rae: 

“ ea , 

ite ewn convenience in heving «11 of deesdent's insurance shown 
em one record. “hen complaimext prepare? this application for 
the vignature of the insured 14 umquentionably copied “Lucy Bareh, 
wife,” os benefigiary from hie ayplieetion fer the first group 
policy, natursily aseumings, having received no request theresefore 
te change his beneficiary, that lucy wee Bie wife and that he 
would desire te name hey beneficiary of his second poliey sles. 

it ie earnestly contended that the inaured intended ey 
his set in changing the names to climisate Lucy mith entirely 
aud make Mattie Margh the beneficinry of both policies. ‘The 
aifficulty of thie position fe that beth in waking the change and 
eftfixing his eignature to the agplieetion he wae dealing only with 
the second poliey. Complainant never considered the second 
application as affeeting she first poliey. ‘liheuch when issued 
the polloies bore the same nugber, in our opinion, they were 
eeparate and diatinet comtracts, ¢6 Gail the eoaduet ef decedent 
in changing the same of the beneficiary om hin second applieation 
a written request on cumplainant to change the beneficiary of his 
tixet poliey would be by a forged conwiruetion to make 1% something 
whieh it dees not purport and was not intended to Ga, auc we can 
not reeoguise 1% es such. (Highland v+ Highland, 109 Tlie S664) 
We fail te eee any more legal wignificsnce in hie ehamging the 
name om this application fer additiomal iasureanee than if the 
wpace thereos fox the name of the beneficiery had been blank end 
he had written therein the wame of Mattie Borek. 

it my be eonceded, wider all the facta ami olretmatancems 
that the desedent had goad reason to supplant Luey Gaith ae hig 
beneficiary, and he may, in fact, have intended te do mG,» but 
unless that intention wes manifested in the manner prescribed by 
the terme of the contxact 16 wae of no avedl to sewompiish hia 

object. The contract of insurance proviced s simple method of 

enna sonommant u'tmoayyot Te Liha, gsivad nh agmekmoreie 
set notseoi tcus sidd SoTagn ey PRamlalgmos mite, bu a 

otha ak out hetgos "kdaawkd nenpe $2 bemwonk opt, ~ ommaonia.stt 
query daxtt eds vot motsootiqus ale ment GiaioLioneg ao "ee khw 
exoloveverld damspey om dowlvoss patvesl «gatsmeca Vilemwdam «wohdeg 

om acta hae otiw wid oow youd dete .yuodelioard afd ppomis oF 
route cohioy beepes aid tp yeledtourd rad amen oF gulesd Siuew 

Ys beboorad beaact et? daté aabandnoe whtaversas 8h. 430 cca 
- ehoutene se tas vppan etaniei iy od enexet any gutptade, a posi | 

_ ent _ saptedsog dévd 29 yiokud taney ocd Meee Ohodeld oom bam 
Hein eka godsend uw of nolierlégan pelt ob amutengte net pabee ana 
_ baeaee mis hocehiones garam ted o Lega elie, saaiitad | 
Rewank mode yooh, «yettog desk whe git vee the... oa, Reta 
acow Yad? geoinige Guo af givens sous ols ond | dott 

dasvened Ye Pawdnoe acy Lhe ot. sadeantac combdndh focal” 
colisniiuga duopen aid mo Yaksdioand 2 ty ome odd yebgende nh 
024 20 Winteh eure ens sprain 02 Smee Rinne, ae eo 
Wikdiwna el vig oF mliowxianoe dvonek o Yh wih ssapdbqeinaicced 
Rad ov ite gad ev iobaotah tow our Dew txeqamy dom woe! : 
(08% ofl OGL gbaginull o¥ Sambal). scesbiansabe-aianiiaiiiiie 
ed galyanis nid ch gumeel inate Lagrd once Ye-oee oe Late: 

wee e, AMEE SBmmcROR: AOD LADDNR A, mannentinen aie “ne 

ona, hI Re a: Welle sieuneieiianiii scale 
iene. bus ate? odd die cobew ~he dente edge ah 66 a 
Wid no Nik. Yul Juadgane oF Moune deny dad dusdsoad 4 | 
(Ae 9a oh ak ohnahwned eteahmn ame ee: Maa 
of ieebzaqeTy Veaunn eld oh dedooRines maw embed 
ald, Soliqmvons of Liawe on 3 wow oh ovakenee 

te hodien aigate a Rebkeeng uted: iiaiiaie . 


changing beneficiaries, 41 shat was recwived waa the receipt 
by she insurer of « written regueat from the ineured Gteignat ing 
& Rew beneficiary. Wo such request was ever reecived by the 
Complainant and the eubatituiion ef the name “Hattie* Tex the 
name “lmey” im the second applications im our opinion, cannst 
by any stretch of reasoning be held to effect a change of 
beneficiaries by the insured under the Yiest group polley. Rig 
Seb was met cuffietent im law te avocmplion the purpose even 
though we aguume 14 waa his Parpoue to make sueh change. 

36 in strenuously urged thet beocuse Satiie Wareh wag 
éGegedent's wife wi the time of hic centh ana aey mith was 
hie mistress at the time he applied fer the ficst thousand dollar 
invuranee, and designeteé her ag “lucy Kayak, wife,” in hig 
appliestion, public policy will prcohisit her from Feaping any 
benefit under the polieys The game argument might be advange 
with almect @qual foree ex te Mattie Maresh. At the time insured 
signed the opplicatiom fer the seeond policy and struck out the 
name “luoy* and designated “Mattie Marah, wits,” ag his bencfleiary, 
he wos met his wife either. ‘ounwel for Matile Barsh exeoriate 
huey for her relations with deeessed end throughout their brief and 
argument ¢eelare and reiterate the superior position of Mattie ag 
the lawful wife of the imeured st the time of his seqond application, 
but a” Gxamination of the record dixeleses that Mattie was uot 
dececent's wife at the time ae signed the second application and 
Gig not garry Lim until the fullewiag Maye 

ie is act urged that Marek actually made or that ecm 
Plaimant received at tte nome office a written request to change 

the beneficiary of hia first policy im compliance with its 
provisions, but it ig contended that hie set in substituting the 

/ ame “Mattie* for “Lucy* im Bis application fer additional ineur- 

égiowss ait aaw hee E nex aww same £0) “soedeckel komad yathpate 
gikvargignd bowinak oat mort deawpex oedilxw = ho Pomseeh exe ge 
"gts yd bevtooes weve bow Ceauped dive of eyreteh toned wee 
aul? sud "elotoe” once wid to weltupideden ene bow Soothe 
fonane yadtatqy ws #2 guatdavbiggn Groeew soy at “geal CR 
to sutedys oc foetts of Met ef gutnosaer to dotewte gm 
oiR .yekfoq quot dortt ad? tet Semon we yd vetceted ional 
“mene snoquay odd doligncove ot Wa Gl saehor ive gon sew den 
epmeto down oso oF eooqung’ etl aew 2 amen! peoutpebdle 
new dered elbea& seaord sade bapiw ylouommetta.€2 a4 oo come 
sew Mite YOuK bua Rech ahd Nornesly oc wtwonh aaa 
Cocke Beamwests toukh og wel bellgqa sa amit ade to soomin dee 
fied ad “yeti ydeuek youl" ga tod kotanptorh sam amt as 
rs HAkgawT AY wel seGidery Liby yisoy ol Lewy gmok 7 
berwavin Od teipivs saemeyae oman aa “seh at ea AR 
horwnak amie ef? A sderseil of del ot ac. sea, Saupe seeme aie | 
ets Gao tewte ane Yod toy bemere walt col. sol esoA696 aah dpmghe 
stanky Remod eld aa “,@3he etinunl chedei” botnapiesh Sma, “gee | 
sheila hace abet sls dees eta aeaiieniie 
bux Tohad tieds Jauhweult baa boxawgob Ati emolintes eal, nak rgMeL 
(Ge obstail Yo aotdiooy sokteqen ext eiexedlet dua atakoo dime 
emolinvkiqgs Atcoed eid te emit ef¢ ta waren osteo. wette tate ot 
dom saw vidal dass avendoat> wroows nad So aeeomtommn, 
bes MOhIel tyes Daoewe woe bemake WA emkd ute poem 

mo Dold to otam Ginsu dae naa £06 a8 AE 5: a 
oRtaiy as deenpen sostber 4 sakihe od ath tartans drama 

mel dibw oomabieame ab eakdog sant ate tes 
ets galtasttedie at dou abt RCNA ae “ aaa | 


anee disclosed his intention to mike such change. “ven though 
thet was his intention ond he meant to so dieelose it by hie 
conduet, nothing that he did, in oury opinion, had the offset of 
designating « mew beneficiury under the firat policy. The 
provisions of his contract of incuronee set forth the plan by 
which the reserved right to change the beneficiary might be 
made effective. The generai rule supported by the great weight 
of authority ie that where the policy prescribes am’ reagulates 
the method of changing beneficiaries any attempt or amy imtent 
to make such change im any other manner is ineffeetuaie (Retxge 
politan Life ines Cos ve Brown, 222 Ey. 2lie} ‘he right to 
change the beneficiary, while permitted by the policy, ia Limited 
by ite terms, @ substantial compliance with which eomnet be dispensed 
withe Freund ve Freund, 214 [lis 18%, states the doctrine on this 
aubjeet which, in ite application to this ease, inhibite our holding 
that any change of beneficiary of the firet peliey wae offeebed by 
deeedent’s acts im conneetion with the application for the ecound 
policy. (Geghey ve Miller, 157 [ile Appe 278+) 

It appeared that Lucey “mith never had the firet poliey 
im her posseesion and did not even know of ite exiatence. The 
fact of the policy never having been deliveres to her, but remnining 
im the posseevion of Mereh, detractea nothing from the effeet of hia 
dircetion fer the payment of its proecevda te her. Her olaim of 
right to the fund does not reat upon gontract, but upon a direotion 
for ite payment te here (Highiand v. Highland, gupra.) We are 
constrained to hold that there waa ample justifiontion for the 
court's conclaugion that lucy ‘mith wae the rightful beneficiary 

wuder the first policy> 
The motion of defendent Imey “mith (appellee) heretofore 

Agvoré mova segnetto dove exam oF moktunsel all benctoeth ite 
abst ye ak enefoed> om 0% enaem eet Ons nodsaeeah: aut ‘eae sal 
to go0R%o ve deal qtoimign ao mh y bbe ec sand ontsven ySoubmo0 
eg? eqatlog dexkt sid askew preted ened wom o qwatdanyiesd 

¢0 nat add dixet gon esmerwurh Re Procter Ate Ne CURE 
ad jdgie ytalvilessd esd egeatld at dxighe beveeane ond dodetw 
tigiow Snes ase YC posvegede ofan Lexowy of? sovitoe'the obam 
setategez bre sediuscwey yoblog et oxedy tad of yeltotine oe 

~ogoeH) sdeusontionl of a ee wpetnuis Hose ten a0 
Gf dépex ofl (6458 oh OUR gimme, ov 499. sneT otk nadeog 
Beddali of gypiing acts qh keddiueny ALlde eytotedionnd sat egniate 
bennoquid o¢ sontoa aoiay seke sean lyme Leternsedia w yumned aah 
aids mo ORlyeood odd wodatn QUOL o1Sh CLA ghemprd + powermt vddlw 
gukiled qo etidided geang skid a2 moddneliqns ght mt  dotdy doohewe 
{Wi dedeotle caw YoLiog sett} sald ty Yoder toned to opmade Yow dade 
bmeews od’ col asttosifigns eta Atte motiseneee ah néoa oT hoanbopee 
(oAPK oopgh of LY ee ape’ 

‘mation exit off dad vever dviati yoel sade bovesgge ot - veh) 

_ OT seemedates s2h Ye worl move doe kts bmw aohapooweg wedi 
gcinisams dud yued of bevevilel mood gatvad seven qeltog ett te dealt 
aid to Saotte sod? weed paddven adoendah phere te welsteeceq add ai” 
to @inla tel »ted of sheovery eft to sapayeq oe cot medsornts” 

ore oF (qanguy shmodeatl ow fmuetetatit) «amd od dmomgeg ett eot ” 
ait wl mokiogd tank ehgem aew weeds dad osod of hontetdumeo 
Wioiianed Lrhiigks edt aew dhe gwd teks aobaw fond ates 

’ otiog tenth ott eoha : 
owtatoned, lenttonnnd ine York traiartet to eweheome eT 

oie BRE 4 ae bive 

if opal Pitas de aca tRE  g Oe ae 
Raa SS PM Oi aaa cee 


meade to dlemiss the appeal of Battie Marsh and to assess 
atatutery damages against her, which was reserved to the 
hearings ia denied. 
Yor the renesors imciested herein the deeree of the 
Cireuit court is «ffirmed. 

ee ee ae ee a ae 

Grigley and Seanlan, JJe_ concurs 

hg reer wes yet Mae 

Oe Sundae 

SRN Bt ante 
esta tinge: dius © 

a Sg 

RTS A Mee, 


 PORAIweeS oF oe 

whee me. aeed TeHah HRs smsay ee AES 

BRESARG, G: STANTS eeanye hae eee saan s. 

ee beta ita gice 


Sates ode 


ea ee 

f oe a ky 
Oe eras AMES: 

i OGRE Se aka suede 

Beever. fot eta. eh seeedital: aque ip 

Te he Soe te vals aes quae Se ant 

SEL oh RY ORE. Puce inion ita edie esol eis 
ean a lean abe ne: aa 
wal TR wrk uy Whey 

€ é i z - s 
Ry a ad 
Pa ie me 8 
37098 é A ; 
TRVEN He “ILSEY, cp FY A T R we ee 
. fh ; ’ Eteny 
Appellee. Pe 4 = oy dk @ fA @ °@’) oO & 


This was an action in sewumpeit brought by plaintiffs, 
Keobert O. Farrell and thomas A. Condon, againat Irven He ‘Lleey, 
defendant, te reeover the price ef a beat. Judgment wen entered 
by the court om the verdict of the jury finding the issues for 
defendant. This apyeal fellewed» The declarotion conoista ef 
the consolidated counts and ome special counts 

The especial count alleged that im September, 19239, 
plaintiffs sold to defendant a certain motor best of the cruiser 
type for (9,250, which was the price defendant agreed to pays 
and thet plaintiffs delivered such moter boat, iogether with ite 
appurtenant equipment and « bill ef sale therefor, to defonim t, 
whe failed and refused te pay any part of said purchase price. 
To plaintiffe' declaration was sttisched an affidavit ef claim 
verified by one of the plaintiffs end atating that their cemans 
was for the agreed purchase price of $9,28¢ fer the boaty that 
mo part of same had been paié by cefendant; and thet there was 
due plaintiffs from defendant, after allowing him all just 
eredite, deduetions and sst-offe, 09,2506 

Defendant filed a ples of the general issue and a 
apecial plea ef payment. “ith hie pleas he filed an affigevit 

eohasn mn wanna | setnatsoges | 
ie eX TRIOS ROOD y TRICO ‘ me) i 
ihe | 

1890 .AL LYS ssoLLouah 


pa am 


i sathesadate yd tcqwerd dioqmeass af motion ne aaw abet om 
ayeettY ol movil gantome yombmed . nome? hme Lorna’ +0 suede! 
heoxetee saw dnsagiwl .dand 2 te wotag ate sevooes OF at a ; 
Fok sowed ot yatonts wml elt de dobhrey vals no heehee ay" 
Ye aéeiomon wotiaralyed om «howellet Laeque ata? -tnadaotoh 
siren Letooge omo fms aézm0s tetabhtounoe edd 
ROL yeedntgne wt feds dugete tewoe Lelong aft 
xealwte ef? te geod iotem miaduse & dabei ob oe biou artis e ’ r a 
rer ot hovme Sutcdestss epday odd caw te kid 08S 9&5 eet 
afi dilw sedtegod ,taod wedem dou ooxevedeb ettltniaty Zt in 
of mbnetod of qxotoued? efen to Lttd 0 tas imemplupe énemnexs — 
+ochwy easdotay bhae te ¢amg ye Yor oF beaster hun bethat ese 
tule 26 tivobl te ws betbadd» enw motiaxakeed ‘ethteutaty 
Deremos xtodt todd gubtode ine wViembals ould Yo ome wh bok 
fads 2n0d oss 10% DBRGRD Ye natag snedewy bewrys ode wet 
waw pred? sod ban pémedeotwh oh kag weed bau ome ‘Yo txeq on ; 
taut Lio mid yutwotke sods stuido ob aor? etRdimialg 
20S 928 yutto-200 fas smetsoubed ¢ th 
4 tan simet Laxedvg old 20 aofy @ beciY insbaeted . 

Sivabhtie me helt? et sevtg etd dehy + tm, ” names Ls 

a a 

ee a ee nll Fie SO ee a ae — 
SoS Er mening ne mnt Eas ae ee a E 


of merite stating that he received the beet and alee « vill of 
waley that he paid the fuii considerstion therefar; that the 
consideration was not the alleged $9,280% that ne definite UR 
was eg@reee upon and thet the murket value ef the Bont at the time 
of its “tranefer” wae lese thon $692005 that the consideration 
for the “tranefer"® of the pent Wen work done and te be done oy 
éefendunt and his Grgatiiantions ané the use of hia effies in 
reference to perfecting certain models and other work in connection 
with such moéelay that defendant wetformed a1] the work he agreed 
“to do and kept his agreements that such work done by defendant 
amd bis organization and the use of his office wns worth $12,000, 
which amount was greatly im oxeers of the warko: value of the beat 
amé ite alleged price; and thet there is nothing duc plaintiffs, 
or either of them, fren defendant. 
Mlaintiffs both testified substantially that in Ceptember, 
1929, defendant stated to each of them thet he would purchaze their 
boat for $9,250; that septembex 27, 19209 the beat and an SAoumpanye 
ing bill of sole were delivered to defentieantg that thereafter, trem 
time to time, they damanded payment for the best and that he failed 
and refused to comply with such demands, protesting on at least one 
ccension hie then inability te Paya 
Defendant testified in effect that he at no time agreed 
to pay plaintiffe £9,286 fer the boats that he, an inventer by 

: profession, had entered inte certain license agreements with the 
| futile Souipment Company, s sorperntion, in which plaintiffs were 
interested, for the manuf: cture by 2% om a royclty baste ef gour 
= invented by defendant, thet the “ubtle Squd pment Company, 
‘8 consideration for such License agreewente, agreed te and ad 

éefendant $20,000 as advance royalties; that, subsequent te 
execution ef the license ogreexents, defendant advised 

te Lite » geka See feed ont Sueteres ed tat gutiate aiivem Yo 
ede ¢adé qto'tonsta aolsdavebiance Efwr este bleq of Sarit polee 

wie e¢inktod om tals 7OHSg@G bogetin of? den naw moséetbénaes 
eorke anf? $e taod eft Ye oukav socuas vd? Gard bas tgs Seeape say 
motgaredtenon est? dart? $900,968 madd aaed saw. *qutenaud” gdh to 

‘ye ones od oF bas snnb suew sav sand aaé 20 “setanesd" off wot 

at soztte ahd te sow ads bus .wotdon sega ots baw sunbasted 
gobtsonsbo at tow ‘teslte Bae afobom nbagsiee’ qubtestzeq of semexeet 
bewngs at xuow of? Lip hearee'treg Saber te> sade getohem seme 00H 
debated yd onoh wxow dowe dads pimmosxge elt sqad bas of OF 
9000_.8k6 sever amv voltie als te me ost ous mokian inate aid ame 
hand ads Yo ater vokvom alt 20 snyens ai ktenee oar snmune dake 
ee 10 A SE 

seiiienancet ckbabemntetes prenae ioe atemtess, koma 
chedd snnsowwg binew ed dade move to soas @¢ betate ARANAN » s@aed 
~wrngmyana Hs oem dned ails Lak «Th woeuntgoR tdi 1002490 50% Sand 
mort qtavtaounds San? giexbawten ef Sereyite®: vmww sinc 19 404 pat 
setie a anda tom todos xo amearan sequen “aa? yout OF © 


one fesel Ja mo guiveoteng vancnas dove dake gues of Deester ba 

; otgoy, of qriiidens aust abd 8 " 
: Reap nis a 
beoxgs wnt? om tm ost tat? sovtte wh balthvend snnbaw tod ee 

eh: odgevad. ma yo tail, 14006 sit 293, 088,08 smtate mas 

62 anougondivs dads tendstayor oust 3 2s consent tnstentes } 

q Pee a Dy Fie bed 

— beedvbs snetewten. hearer ya sumvont att te 

cba ho be acte Lafoous 
* » a 


Plaintiff Condon that the Suttle Zyuipment Company was mot properly 
equipped or engineered to earry the invextions to procugtiony that 
Conden preposed te defendant that plaintiffs would give him the boat 
as payment if he would carry the inventions throuch to psreduetion 
and “I stated that fer the boat < would preesed te work and use my 
effiee and help for the nevessory yeriod, “hich t Setimated to be 
about six months, te carry these things inte geod predugtion.* 
Pefendant's other two witnesses testified t¢ eubsetantioday the 

seme effect. 

Plaintiffs contend that by defendant's epecial plea ef 
payment and hie affidavit of merits in weppert ef seme, he odmlig 
the purchase ef the boat ond ia Limited in hie éefense i@ shew 
payment and that the burden of proof wee on him on that Leones 
that, insemach na he esserted im his affidavit of merdte thet the 
payment was made by the rendition ef services “in perfecting certain 
medele and ether work in counection eith sach meGelas” the trial 
court erred in admitting evidence az te the service @isimed to have 
been performed other than as stated in Rie affidavit of merite; that 
the cours erred in giving te the jury eertain repugnant instruetionas 
amd that, even hed the pleadings ond «ffidavit of merite permitted 
& showing by defendant that the considerstion for she beat we hig 
services te the extent necessary te permit the “itéle Equipment 
Company te carry the inventions te a ce“aplete production standpoint, 
the proof 44d mot sustain sueh a defense. 

Defendant's theory is that instead ef the werk and services 
of defendant being the consideration for the 968%, the boat wea the 
| Semeiderstion fer the work and services, and that defendant did net 
| PUrchavs the bont frem plaintiffs. 

Defendant urges that his special plea of payment ens filed 
simply as a preenution, and his counsel states on page 6 of defenéiw th 

dasid grotéorbony of ctebtmermh edt quae ef Roxoemtyes «we hogy tee 
daed sd¢ mit ovite Alvar oRRieRiake teat suakee Yoh oF beneqory MelAeD 
Mokionteg of Myuordt punkiusrEs ont Were Sluew of RE Tomiyne wb 
Ut Gus hee Meow es beoneng GEeow T dood exte co diakd Betnde oO Kelp 
$¢ eo? Aetautine t teltle ghotesy groaeeben ocd «at efit bre solr 
og Ulhatinntedua od beltbtaws eeaseat tw eet perobeiby 
Waren ‘ote 

1 e9kg Kaioage atteadan ten eC Saste Seaedee wPEbtebant 6 6! 8 

gdlaba od gomes te saoqiwn mt ahve ty jhvanette att bee ¢ a 

Wed 06 amp 20d wid md Sebinbt et dae sae edt 29 sandomuy-ame 
proueery Seals ao ahd we aoe Toewg ke wbhmP edt saat 8 aoa ’ 

edi duds odbiom Je *h¥shhiis odd-md Qobwoana eat wo Goimmemek  qted 

pea Ob, Wakphe 08 edom. Vat oF ve Wome’ wihtatied ot bese 5 vie i 
dads qedduee Bo sivebdite eda ti etole os aadd atte SomnO died | 
isnehiowtien! dsanmmgws Bistten Yot, ottoad prdvke at borse tune id 
hedéiemog e&igem Ye And tote ANNE SE TOE PS 
att aow dood acl? xet meListobdlines sad Saeld’ Rashawtod yw igeeliveial 
 fmomgivg! shite old therng bo yRnewEsoN gee seN wMtt wd es obve 
ofatochgose maninstne Sennen Be? WAnenttt i, SE Z 

belli sev inemgeg to sofy abeege ated hehe emg te treed . 
as moneted too Beng Me eHiee Seamed mist oe ota 

EE a 


brief that thin court whould dileregare 44 ae ne preeft was offered 
under it. efendant them ineista that hig afficavis of merits 
refutes the idea of tne aude eof the best io him and contains ne 
aesertion ef payment for it by wim. tf: is ewfficient anewer te 
thie contention to quete from bie afiicayit of merite oo fcllews: 
Geyeoes ant naye theh he ke the Ssfendans ia. tne chore entitled 
qnueej -Bat he xeowlyedc the suid moter teat in sadé declaration 
wentioned amd sleo reecived » bik of cole for the somey that 

he paid the full consideration therefexy * © *.” 

That cefeadant's insistence here and om the trial that 
imetesc of hie work being the sancideration for the boat, the 
Voat was the consideration fer kis werk, vase and is an afterthought, 
is demonstrated by the follewing feem Rie affidavit of merite: * thet 
the conaiderstion fer the trenefexy of the boat sas work deme and te 
be dome by this affiant, #ie." 

It is obvious to us and the plain language of the affidavit 
of merits supports our conclusion, that when the «ffidavit ef merits 
was filed 1% was defendant's purpese be and he did admit the purchase 
and delivery of the boat, but disputed the priee amd the methed and 
Ghavacter of payment. 

His effidavit of merite sintes “that the consideration 
for said boat waa mot the alieged man of 99,250; that mo definite 
wum wee fixedy that the market value of said boat 2% the time of the 
transfer wes less than $6,000." An inegection of the affidavit of 
merits demonetrates conclusively that it eet forth the defense of 
payment and only that defense. 

Plaintiffs made qut o prims fnute case by presenting 
evidenes that defendant agreed and premised to pay them $9,250 
eash for the beat. ‘The burden then devolved upen cefendamt under 
his affiduvit of merits to chow, if he could, that the amount and 
character of the consideration to be paid by him were different 


Theres waw toowy eH te EF Seager hh Mtwelle Aveo uit? sod) YePae 
woivew 26 divedttte wid dade “aeehond neds Jntabovted — at haven! 
i entlasids dun wis Os feed wnt Yo Show aad 

ed downs deodtobttee of Pt “Gebd ed GF Wet deayay to ‘Mittin dt 
sawoLLo? vat etteotn Yo Fimsk Mie cb aid Vous of moldarines ‘aia 

ats ne oe 
step Bs yecrods o¢ «yoetty Cpl 
“hekibone Phogeedl 3 nied ak perc: : ‘ 

: oh os 3 

fet Lolxd ante wo baw wed eeundsiend ot tnebvetob ere cd 

ate aeaasemamadlaasdrantansacdiiustnoigl aakewest 
fads" sedinon! to bwhite ald moe? aalbwetto? wd) WW be 
ae eR oe stsnas dad” 
Sivabh tha wit saitamaiaaieaiiiasa Sie 
agliom te divatiita sx wade sons gmeterEewes wd sf rocgua 4 

m ait 
Cf ini eee 
} ie reat ee 

Motiarekiemes ait dady* ebdndy atiiom te savabrvia me OO 
SHkTed om Caddd PORLGe? Te mew Begerte ott fon kaw dod teen” 
out adacntsheaditaaadbmnliatinncidhiruambuntineedirseyir- aa 
to Chvahitis eae Yo wOLiovguel mi | ~~EOG.e9 fe 
Yo sanvieh pad stéxot tou oF Sade ot 
Pc aN A SR Pi aa ae Ma me 

rehns iushosted mequ SevLoved woid mobund ed?  .dnee iy 

‘hme sioin dd’ shitdhitos eid 3 | bre! . she ea 1 

Hany ¢ tae See Perey ae @ 
“dues622Eb oxow ail Yo bhog o¢ 0d moktaxobtawoe ed 20 wedes 

ect sions ‘welt ti siebtiseontamee ede yatea sie VEE Le heeded 
sttwtsbl prggerlveion 

ans aiabicanapanaiuanabnalantes: te odndanpeee’ wet te itty” nf : 
sis ; ARE PREY a3 ‘ie shen a wat { 

alta eo 

ee ee” tlté“ 


than plaintiffs claimed and thet he wade payment accordingly. 

The purpose of reuuiring the affidavit of merits te 
eet gut the nature of the defense relied upon tu te give the 
plaintiffs notice of the reel defense presented, te limit the 
iseues to be tried te the defense act out in the affidavit and 
te de away with sham pleas and rezatious @elayee All defenses, 
the nature of which ere mei set ap im the atfidawit, are considered 
waived and are not available on the trial. (Sedison v+ Fortune 

Bros. Brew ifs Voeg 163 Ill. ‘Ppe 763 Segper Te Jpeereon, 246 
Tile ‘ppe Le) 
McGovern v+ City ef “hieugo, £62 Ills Apps 13%) wes an 

aetion in ssaumpsit te reaever the centract price for strect repairs. 
in that onase, in response te plaintiff's declaration laid in twe 
special counts and the commen counts, aecompanied by en «ifidavit 

ef claim, the defendant filed a plen ef the general issue supported 
by an affidavit of merits nagerting payment a6 ite defense, and 
thereafter file: severe] special pleas, none of which alleged payment, 
and thia court in holding that the defendant was rea trieted te the 
Gefense set up in its affidavit of merits, weed the falliowing 

language, at pps 145, 1496804 

“By section 55 of chapter 110, Hevs St. (Je & Ae 

=: 8592) and the decisions of our courts of review sonstruing 

is section, a defendant in restricted te the defense set up in 
his sffidavit of meritorious defense. The defense in the cif 's 
mifidavit of merite was that of payment, ami if sbjections 
been made upon the trial te all ovidenee tendered defenae 
other than that of payment, it would have been the duty of the 
court te have sustaine: such objections. “etwithetend mg all 
the pleadings in the reecerd, the eMly defena¢ available te 
defendant was the one of payment mace in ite affidavit of 
merite@. * # 

*in Ve Ye tume i 
Appe 276, the couee may t 

‘By seetion 55 of the Practice Act (J. & Ae pare BSV2)» 
At ig provided that when the plaimiiff ohall file with his 
'@eclarntion an affidavit of claim, the sefendant, in erder te 
prevent # judgment as by default, #hall file with hie ples an 
 ~Sfficavit, ‘stating that he verily believes the def endant haga 
@eec Gefenve te seid guit upon the merits te whee or portion 

of the plaintiff's demand and specitying the mature of auch defense, 

aE aE IES 2S = Sa a eee 

eis 8 
. ' 
i f 
i ; 
i) iq 
i ( 
Ah , 
Hit | aa 
25) ii; | eae 
Bt} f 
“alt : 
TP hfe 
a | a 
Hie > 
| n 
Biel. 4 J 
ry i 
on q 
L| 5 
Bedi ae 
1 a 
1 ea 


 @d etixom ta divwosthe ons qarvthages, To enogteg, ae: ve oil 
. ett owen Od wh mega bation vaunted olf To aurdne ahd tum, 9 q 
Gkati ad gbodmoneng eavelkwe door ond TO eohjon, oF : ite oe 

pe dkeebkVa ott wh due doo speeh wll 08 bodes od a8 | . sat : 
A vay eeendenmcilineh cial beware ane sane am tts yawe ov of 

| patna ot alba alate ad on etéation 5 ta, 
nas «7 weaned 4ONS emus LEC FOL an aetnent same 

te eer REL ogg Lt S08 geueheRL OE 4 , 
sexiagex foamy 20% opdag soagsGed, me “soyoeer ae ¢tegaey 
ond mi biel, mottareteod eo tkipmate 08 eanoqees nt Tied 
dtyadstia an Ye dotneqaeose sxtmeey semewe ont ete stmace 3 kaleog 
 peteegque oneak Leneney ode to pay * bE) Seabee ted ats saints 0 
ban joensen’ oft aa dusayny ahi roees, 27 Krom Xo, s2yehh ” 

‘gies fugetio dokte to eter anak dakonge AOINVPR OGM. 

\getd 08 batokttees cow dmabap vib walt dante nied. mt sanoo att bm 
gntweltet ad? teow sacbrem bo tivebhtte att mt qe tM | Beets 
Be a ee — 

> gl ek yor te nies ‘af 
grivteenss wae ae 
gt qu dee egtereR® OS NST ee 
a! % ond oth eon itt , 

eS eR be i, 
gay ge thvabh ite asi 9 
“okt? Gat ss00 

ee ad 

ee eS ee eee eee ee ee Ct 


amd if a portion, specifying the amount, 

“ * 2 * The part ef section 85 abeve guested has been 
im foree for mony years with the exeeption of the werde in 
italics. * * * Opior to the addition ol these werda, it ung 
held that an aliidavits stating thet the defendent had « foe 
@efenue te the euit Upon the merits, was sufficiens to entitle 
the defenfant te preve any defense he had that was well Plendet. 
The addition of the words ‘and specify the nature of such defenge* 
ie net imadvertently made. The purpose ef requiring the afrie 
davit of merite to set out the nature of the defense relied on 
was te give the vlnintif’ netics of the reel defense ta be 
presentec and to Limit the iaaues te be trieg to the defense set 
out im the sffidewit. <11 éufenges, the uature of which are vot 
set up in the affidavit, are considered vadvec amd are unavailable 
om the trial.'* 

HoMhersey v- Board of Sduestien, 225 ills Appe 484, cited 
by defendant's counsel, ic not Spplicable to the situation presented 

here inawuch as plaintiffe dic offe: evidence in suppert of the 
Material allegstions ef their special count. hile thia court in 
the Cooper Cnc, supra, Gelimitely refused te accept or fellew the 
interpretation of section 55 of the Pyactiee Aet, as anmouneed in 
the ZeSherson cnet, even the latter case recogmizes the prinegiple 
that a defendant is Limited te the defense #e6 out im Rie affidavit 
ef merits. 

inammioch ag the affidevit of merits in this cause oxpresaly 
@enied thet there wes any specific osacunt agreed upon between the 
perties as the purcdhsse price ef the Went, the burden was upon Piaine 
tiffs to prove by = preponderance of the ewidenee the agreed price, 
if any. 

Gmether the sale price of the beat was fixed by agrecment 
of the parties or vhether defendant's Cbligetion wae te pay the market 
Yelue of the beat om the day of ite delivery to him, defendant having 
interposed the defense of payment, the burden waa om him te ghow 
payment. ‘he rule is well entablished shat payment must be mace 
is money unlens there ia an eapress stipulation for payaent in some 
Other mediug. in ihe cans at Bar defendaas asserts that the parties 

agreed that he was te pay for the beat in services and the burden is 


eg ae 

+, ie é 
con ya soa snot" tanh Se EE amy 
abwew ests oJ a sear “ 
‘paw 82 gebeos oneal. Le cote obe ais oh cee ve raat 

boom © feud pnabuekel ont ob aghe f yates stars as ¢ darts 
choot hae dmotelttwe sox dive : > ie é moqw dime end of one? 
w gow Saphi Rare to 
reaneiys ane he Be canny ina saison i nal ‘Ye mors 
= ¢ 20 on a 
wo holies poche 4 odd ‘Te edi ame asa of abieen orks ha 

eva bineten tar oa hodae oy i ae cohen Baad ban” Sadana 
obatsFayaar oss a tovia™ buonbanee vas vote comes a ons 
beste bse +t ott Bes Sakioged. io. iaod oe 
bodmouexg mold asi tu ad of ofGenbtque ton at ateenses eH fanbanned 
wis lo ssegqNe Al SPasbive aeTie b&b aTBhdalelg ea dosmani oted 
me at99. abit okay. «incon Leteags «iss? r0 empl ieystis Lalieiam 
ont wedfoR te sqes7s ey Sone yhodand lab eagaun a2e00 zemgen odd 
ab dagmvanns a9 gtos cohinett st Jo. 84 mntioge 29 mudiadonaseemh 
_ adhontsg ade weaduporss suas spddek asd move atene suscep 
tivedsvie ald wh go ive sameked ont @¢ bodimts at tanbae' 

— eniiep wid? oh adtran io tkeeneane. ails pape scr eealt: pen 
wis meewted meay Seetyo Janome ot tteeqs Ws gam oweds tails, fete 
wnialg woqe saw cehrud ond giagd odd Ye godty saadomeg gale, Det 
contng soqmne one eenubhys osty ne. suerohenanny. #.'UH gn Of TNR 

obte od Samm someon tans ode lbdoses Low at obs ot soem 

ye ae © 

“WP aed 

aediaeg ‘ents seal emacs shoe bs ” ve pas 0 


oS ae 

on him te prove such agreement. fhe burden is likewise upon him 
te prove services ef the kind awd charseter stated in hia affie 
davii, euf*ietent in scope and value te pay for the beat, either 
a> ite ogreed prise, as sentended by plaintiffs, if same ig 
eufficlemtiy shan by the evidenes, or at ite fair markes Yalue, 
if the evidescs shows that 8408 Nerket value wee the pries center- 
plated in the transaction between the parties, 

Ve sgree with plaintiffs? eonsention thet inetrugtions 
were given to the jury on the question of the burden ef preef thee 
were wot ouly conflicting bul were repugnant, ard eeuld heve ne 
ether effect than te mislead and coufane She jurye Ab the request 
ef plaintiffs the trial court inatrueted the jury that che Garden 
ef preef was upon defendant io akew beyments and om behaly of 
Gefendant that im erder te entitie plaintiffs to vecever Shey must 
preve their case by the preponderanee ar @renter weight of the 
evidenee. The latter instruetion entirely overleekec the facet that 
all ef plaintiffs’ esee was admdiied by the defense ef payment 
soverted im the special plea of payment anc affidewis of merite, 
exeept the price of the boat, and the errer in giving it was pre} 
judieiai. | 

Seither the ingenuity dieplayeé in froming the affidavit 
of merits nox plausible argument can alter the fact that pleinciffs 
ownec the boat; that the affidavit of merits adaite thet defendant 
Purchased 1% from themg and thet the GHly defense seserted wader 
the affidavit of merits was paymelit, shich, wicer the elearest 
principles of justices, he ws veund bo Breves 

Gther pointa bave been urged and while we have voneiéered 

/ all of them, in the view we toke of the case it de unuecesuaxy 
@imouge them furthes. As the case will im all likelinoed be tried 

ageing we refrain from expressing any opinion as te the facte ox 



mid nequ velwedit af moband as?  «dnammongs doue everg of mbt 
ebite eid ch betate zoagetads due Seat oft to onotyson a¥oug o 
Tedidie geod ad? cod won oF oukay ona agen eb sambot rive nd bea 
ak omen 2k en thes ebay  betwedaen ea wooing poompa neh oa 
sate Sort “ha adt ae we ytemebive oly “ mores ‘tme ted ue 
-s0 4109 ening edd ceo suger Seem down asad nvorte soavatye eas ut 
| antony edt rwwted mot sosenent ade mi ro 
" eieaktouttent dads noldmegaee 'o th) tutaic agiw oongia. 4ue aad tO 
‘Seda Yeewg te cobited «4 ta maisseup ade ae yin| ah et sevig erew 

ow eva Bivoo bee .faamgiget 41¢n fad yates neo (ite sek onde 
dusnper odd GA oyteh ofie Gautuse bus baotebe os mais doetto ceded 

ooese wild Badd Yul of Revereieds Panen Laled ond ebitintale o6 
‘to Liaded wo bea qétheey vod Oo teabmetel soqw saw Soong ‘YO 
tamer yeasty Nevooor eo! oftiimtaty atetime of sobre mk tade eaerery 
ld te tigieey Tideorg 26 vonetebanyeng oi? YC face. 
fad? feet add Sexetrore Ulbitiae welisuvtund ogdet of* svonebiys 
deomysy To sunetod sat “ed botebaby now geen ‘oe Ybasatale ‘te £6 
‘ehdbrom 30 Ekabitie ona anoampe Yo solg Lalooge odd ah bodvenan 

esq aaw at ueivis ad torts ast? bas sduod auto to Ieper ats tevese 


‘givebttta sta patmer’ tt shai eilumsgad ead woddbow © ©" 
aYiiintaty tat donk ous xotkn wad sasenrgen ekdteuaty wom oo bien 2 
Sdahmotss dartd od duha atbron te dbpobitie ote Yad fiaod até Seamre 
‘geStur bottecas eaibted Une wdd Sadé toa axouts sort #2 beans 

‘i a a crobnar dobste «dimounpeq som abtasa ‘to dhvabtite “i | 

sever 3 bined saw vat, SEU Bs 

betobiaoeo evan ew often bra bogut ceed eva atakoy ‘seteo went 

“ed Vroenesoumm ah 22 sann oxd Ye Silad oy woke oat Gb (mcd Ye 

weight of the evidenee, 

Yor the reasons indieated the dudgment of the Cirews 
court will be revermed and the euiee remanded, 


Sridleyoand seanlany JJe5 concurs 


2 GEN 



ran Po 

onsen ese ass neg iat 
nate? 7 a ig aut: ari. Hahier a 
Wy hese th 2 : gains 
| P- a ebateomvagee diets wed i 
Bee) ity ee ee 
oo ; 

er ? ee hue 

a te negra awry > 
Hate dont ay ownabeieD 6h 
Seay oe Ge eae 

ie 2 rape tn 

yeh ys ; Pl 
eg a ; é § 
a | 
Ge : . 
aThos f 
Appel Lea, 
tg ee ie CALs Rie Py 
he Ge 2 aye ; ae ie a ee “i + 3 
Appellant, #64 1.4. 668 

Vay 2%, 1932, pleintire secured « Jucoment by come 
fesaion for (927.86 ageinet éefondamt om his promissery nete. 
Sune 15, 1935, defendant fiied bie verified petition to vaente 
the Judgment and suguet %o 93%, after leave eronted, Pied 
am omemded potition for the same Marpese, Auguet 10, 1935, 
bie motion te vaecte the Judgment wes demied, This appeal 
seeks te reverse the order overruling defendant's motion te 
Vatete the Juignuent by cont eoed or. 

The statemamt ef claim and cegnevit are in the usual 
form, The mote for / 804.26 dated March AS, 1955, payoble forty. 
five gaye efter date, was signed ami iméersed by defendant and 
contained © warrent to confess juiguent., The jadquent for 
°G2%.60 included interest ang attorney's fees of “lle.9s, 

tht miterial allegtions ef the amended petition to 
Yaoute the Judgment, pertinent to the determination ef the 
issues presented om this aypesl, are that defendant was the 
agoured Under certain peldctes ef ineuranee upon his Life 
iseued by the Union Central Lifes Insurance Company (hereinafter 
referred te ae the Unies Company) sgeregating €49,630; that 
De f+ Punch ami J, ¢. Punch, agente of the Columbian National 

‘Af Insurance Company (hereimafter referred to as the 

PeCe ee | _— Seta 
‘ eV GTO EO TR. 
‘890 AT AYS 

BA VELEN, copra MESES a : wives: 
aA GAT WO EOEISO ERT canaveaa i oe 

Ob Eee 

noo wh Inemmeuy » bersses Thats tate 20d 88 yt 
wodon Yroesbweny wh so Stebmstod Pomkeps OF PSR! wot a foe a 
ofan of mote tteg bette’ all DOLKY tantueteb ,2Oek SE oti 
BOER qbovaney ovset s0¥rtr seen ° pears ona 19 romain, . 
“Enon 8st chiuad sav tersmybut, ost taney ot madsen wht 
OF mokion stémetaeted gatiierove ware at ooueves dis one 
Laan ett mh one thomnghe time ithaly So temndabe ett as 
were? oldowy _beeL 1k Moet tite 90.0002 awk atom at 
hate tnabnetos yl Dowsohek tas serkn caw ghtah Teds eye w 
| TOR eneoyiet eat. temepin, aaetaen ot Seewrme oben 
| qR@eREL! Yo u98 e ynarsets s fiths teorsgnt sobezent | 
of moktiteq honmes odd Ye eawbioyohia Sabeotan ont 
eit 20 woltanturoseh ost }  sataiireon gtanalit, eat 
ORE ot soe posuruantik %  sotntag mise te ole eve 


ee ee 


Columbian Compemy) solicited defendant to oubseribe fer life 

insuronce with the Columbian Jompamy agerege ting £ By O00, 

falsely representing te im that Bis Uniem Company policies 

had 4 Gash surrender value ef 6,000) that they alse falsely 

represented te him that the Union Compeny was im a weak 

financial condition, end atrised that he should realize what 

he could om hie policies with that company before it crashed, 

ae did the Illineis Life Insuranes Cospeny; teat, relying upon 

these false representations, defendant signed the application 

for the Columbian policies and submitted to a mediesd examination; 

that, theresfter, March 13, 1933, J. ¢. Punch presented solictes 

for °25,000 of the Columbian Company to defendant, whe acvised 

Pumch that the insurance morateriwa waich bed been declorad by 

the state superimtondent of Imeurenece of Tllineis precluded hiw 

from aoneclling his Union Compayy policies and securing their 

cash gurrender value, and thet he 44 not core to otdigete himselr 

&@ pay (804.26 premium om the new policies unless: ho coulé resldse 

BSS money on the Union Compony coliciess that, thertupen, Soneh 

entered into « written sereemont with him whick provided thet 

af he accepted delivery 6f the Colubhinn Ciipeny policies and 

executed the note im cvestion in payment of the premiums, note 

withetanding its terme, the note would net be cayoble unless ond 

watii defemiant actuelly recefved the cash surrender value of 

his Union Company policies; awd thet when defemiant discovered 

that the onsh currender velue of the tmion Cempasy policies was 

omly about $2,000, and thet the Union Compemy wae in soumi Simamedal 

coudition, contrary to the revresentations ef the Punches, he 

rescinéed hie contract for the insurance emi esneclled the 
Defendant comtends that the ollegations of his 

petition are sufficient te shew that Pladmtif?, the assignes 


(eb Bes pink oT ‘Sphenngaes /- us. taltsac@®> ead kebe 
sebolges gence’ mest ahet aekd outed of yatiassores 

Mog gerbuions bust pesecnan? woneremanl eth ; 
| bad — an so bastacnorges eats? bor 

bentyne ete gtashoe'ios 4¢ plagned sadmsted. etn 6 Sie 

Wi Senekooh geed oxi Soduby supbredarye amnrnnt otha 
mbt hebahoohe, ekeatEtX Ye gqemrorent te oo aie 
Rooms stuaiive,s ov oreo sos ats af taut baa nator, Tohmety 
oxbfanr Mime oil esetey, aeloding weet ad? se Jaskmony BS.266 
sine: gromicrenat? tale pote deg regen? ni mt me 
test, bobivawy okebr miss lt ker 

te putsy - rnbecursien pa te. fe ca ie Oa 
beseveomhs Preset smastw sa nis je hod low 


of the note uyon which Jaigeent wes confaased, wags not a holder 
in due course ond thet as egeinet such a holder the emended 
petition te vaeate set forth the fellowing defenses that should 
completely bar the claim on the note, vine, that the note was 
procured by froudulent representations made in the sourse of 
the megotiations for the colwsdan ‘Gm@pery polietes; that the 
eomsideration for the nete whelly fudled; und thet the mete was 
mot duc and payable at the time the dvigment wes confessed 
because ef the agreement between Je Co Sumeh amd defendant as 
te the time of payment, “efendent cmtemis further that ander 
seetions 59 and 66 of the Negotinble Smetewmments Aet the burden 
ig upon plaintiff te preve that he te % Kelder in due course, 
becsuse the title of the Aanches who megotiated the mete te 
Plaintiff is shown to be defective, imoemch aa the note wag 
procured by fraud and wee negotiated in breach of faith and 
under clreumstances amounting to fran. 

Plaintiff's theory 46 that the nete was mot secured 
by froudy that there was ne failure of eensideration; that 1+ 
wae Ga¢ umd peyeble at the time of the entry of the judgement; 
thet the petition dees net allege a good defense, even agoinat 
one who Wes mot a holder in cue course; that altpouch 1t was 
incumbent upen defendant ¢s allege pesitivaly facte te chow 
that plaimtaff wae met a helder in due eourae, Bie alleges tions 
in that regard were insufficient as being upot information and 
belief or sare conelusioney thet in the sbcence of proper 
pouitive allegations plaintitt mot be deemed to be? bolder in 
“ue course; amd that there are no such allegations of fraud in 
procuring the execution of the mote os would east the burden 
upon uiaimtiff of preving thet he @& aome person under whem he 
elsims scquired the title as o holder im due course as rrevided 

in section 59 of the Negotieble Instruments Aube 
That portion of defendant's petition im which he 

[See Sa aE = ae 



ctebled a #o saw ,houns ines sant Samaaghart, stout moqs otem edit te 
Nobama ext xohioxt 2 ous teeitega eo tault Sax somo exh ih 
biwods tosis apaneteb gathwolfo? onl agro $90 otonsy OF wont! fo 
enw ton axle foil genkv yoson ait a misko ott aad vied ognme 
0 sees ost ma ober uno bt ateperqot SeoLusws we : Hoe q 
edt gust) peokobiog yreqe® mubieatl9o ed? x0 ‘emo bs ab2egom . 
sow whom ont Sault iin ghoditen ~whtodw aden as xt sate: “robbetios 

po ont #94,  otemetet otdoktopet oat ‘w se baw» es ae dads 
seen, 2 sk bth a at roto tas 

, cia a 
és th test quobsonohtenoe Ye cxuttet om sow overt taalt 
“tmempbery, ost Yo rime ex? to omy oat to akdawen tee 
fenkaya s0v9 seaered heey » opeln ton eeak mets: | 

neh, ato ea rewnies ou ak uoled a tom 


sought to allege that plaimiarre was net » holder im due course 
i@ a6 follows: 

*fhnt Hotwithatendine the agreement ef the gsadd Jy Oe 
eunuch with thie affdant that the note should met be payable until 
thie affiamt sheuld receive the eagh surremicr value of his Unter 
Policies and in breach af Telth whth this offlent, as tld. 
affiemt ie informed and believes, the said >. T. furch end do Os 
wach transferred and negotiated sald nete but without ondorse 
to the plaimtir? hereimy thet thas afliemt fo iaformed and believes 
amd Upon auch invermition and belder alleges the fact te be that 
the slaimtirl bereim accuired the julia wote more than 48 days after 
March 13, 1933, end <i th knowledge that the sadd note had ae 
procured by fraud ami was transferred in violation of om agreement 
with thie affianty that the pladmtitS ie met o Welder in aus mares 
of the said note and — not at the aire of the entry of the 

fete, * 

Tt will be noted that every one ar these allegations is 
on intoruation ami belies SkCept the last, ami the allegation that 
“Plaintiff is not « Aelder in cus tire OF gald mete" ds a mere 
ounclusion of law, I% ig imoosdble to cotermine frem it whieh 
of the comiitions specified in tis Segotdable Inetrweente Act 
eonetituting a helder in due oourse have mot been complied with, 
(Seger v. Mo: hom, 95 8. Y. Supp. 49, ) 

if it were a necessary ererequisite te the otatement 
of & Meriterious defense im this conse that sefemiant make posd tive 
ailegutione of fact shewine that plaintif? was met « elder in due 
CHULE®, We could be compelled te held that the sllegetiens ef hia 

 Aeendad potition to weeate the Jucguent wore imeutlieient. “e arg 

het, hovevers with the question os te whether, simee the vordiied : 
petition contadmed such matters as wenld comptitute, if established, 
% Beams Zacks showing of « dofewtive titze im the cumehes, who 
Regttiated the mote te Sinimtif?, it was necssaary to allege at 
Ohi that plaintire was mot « helder in duc CREO» 

“setion 59 of the Negotiable Inetawents ACC, Cahdins 
Tilineis Reve St.ey chs UB, pare 79, provides: 
i “avery nahdow af. ordme facade to ye —— - 
wc Jet aigottated the instrument was defective, the buedon de 

hoider to prove that he or some yerson under whom he 
Chaim sequired the title as a holder in due course. * cn 

ae: mnonmenesinces ean NN AES 
sewoisot os ek 

ak euoks ome Lis eau “We One ‘Eco Hedd nse are sie 
tatt Mobiagokto vat Sine rant wih tyebme Pobtod hee Bobte vi 7 
evn o Bk “vltom bina tO settee ‘ox nh sxsihiioet a dee wk 2 Sabie 
Mokdw $2 soe? sastiretoh of elttewogut es 3%  yeat to mokaumbel 

fh staomnnstect enema at seal powitoban enn t rk 

PPR weet Ca 

(8h saqua o¥ oH OO qiintus 

Soneatnd atu eat o8 ad letweerong Tiaateoes “ oxow hk a 

ovieined calum drabee'tod dat suurs whdd Mi benwted iiss air. 

rw didnt iano ah BAS yh 
eb te enati.qeits wll taild Diet ot bettogmd of biker 

wie @ a baad i onsen fy baie a 

section 56 of the act, Cahdll’s [lldmeis fev. Stee 
Gh» 98, pare 7S, defines when the thide is defective: 
“the tithe of « gercon whe segotistes om ine trument 

is defective within the mouming of thig \2t when he obtained 
tie instrument, er any sionature terete, by fread, dureas 

ov force ami fear, or other unlawful mesa, or fer an illesad 
Wadler such ciroustanoes as aeuse tha tee se Of fekithy oF 

the matters alleged in the petitiom, if establiched, 
would ¢learly show thet defendant waa a Vietim of the frond ond 
aeeedt of the Pumehes. iy their false representation that the 
Usion Company was in a weak financis) condition, (when in fact 
it was soumd) upon vhich representetion detemiont relied, they 
imowleated fear in the mind of defendant thot that Sigeny wold 
fail ag bed the Illimeis Life Insurance Company, which they 
held up ae on exemple of what «se likely to hewoon. By their 
false statement that deofemiont could realise 26,090 ag the cash 
surrender value (it was im fact about 25,900) ef hia Union 
Company policies, they engendered koe in the éefemient that he 
eould secure that smount before the mbtly predieted crash of 
the Union Company took place, These representations were mnde 
2@ that he would assent amd accede te thedr pregrom and eign 
the application fer policies amounting te 025,00 in the 
Golumbien Company of which they were the se ents, 

The situation is mot presented of « man “he wanted 
or was anxious to get miditional incuranee, bat of a man we 
wes prevailed upom, according to the ellem tiene ef the 
petition, by umscruguleus egente to get out of a tottering 
compemy before it crashed, ami take o lesser emeunt of insurance 
in « soumi company which «ac te be paid for out of the cash 
surrender value of the cuneclicd veldcdes in the Undon Compass 

Shen the Columbian policies were presented for delivery 

 ~+(Giiit the note in cucstden wae presented fer defendant’s sienature, 


me Smeursnee moratorium het intervened, rentering 4¢ supe sotbie 

goto o¥od efeMhlil ef iiitied gtea 288 Dh G8 modteei oo we 
| 1e"is netsh ef eehd ote mere comdtod SP swtag ght ado — 

sbodadtgatea wists Died ost ek Regeste ened e8t ris 
han Sawrk ods to attoly 2 now Suaheneb dadd woke petal pie 
ents. Gaukt wobtasaswrages ae xhodd ve seen aa 
doa fi aed) wots these fotanant® teow and ear ynigmne 
Wid _bolior tanhaeleh medictceconzen debte mous (Sema ot 
Mivow Yeeqowo Sami godt Paniee ted Ye ARAN at mh tat Repeokwattt 
wale doar eisai? spon? ThA okembesK ey beet ‘ad tak 
edt oe. a ‘ aoe 
we ln ahd he {e00gud duets dock ah wow ‘ei tay ‘al i 
ad fadt travmetod wit a2 aged horehnonms walt quote on , 
Ye deseo batokiong Ybtdm ae avated tameme geld women Beco 
obax grew eaeliatnesere: giedT .eselg iowa eee ete oils 
tyis tea wegour that? o¢ choses bo feodee bows a rer ; 
att mk 200gttt a8 pabtmmene esbnttog et abt ad 
siiheeaechi'tnin ts hn: tilibidaniasaitiah ailiieiiaa eae aah 
A Ps ih AE SN GA ES 
con 8 i ki rah: 
eVitngate stoke alt mk embod tor lillie sts 20 outer 

Utevekes toy betascwny srow wabotlog | 

aot areas 

eee i La ae 

eoutamte at drabawts o cece atc Ris 


for cefendamt te vealiue the cash ourremder value ef hig Vind on 
vompany policies. Confronted with this eLtuation J. co Punch 
agrecs that if defemiant sfened the note 44 would net be payable 
wilous amd until defendant collected the cash ourrender value 

ef hia Uniou Compamy policies, regardless of the terms af the 
note. At thie time defendant #ti2l placed full reliance on 

the falee representations of the “wnches thet the Unien i ng aay 
was in weak fimenedal condition and that he could secure 06, OOD 
aS the coh surrender value of his Unien Compeny policies with 
which he might pey the promiums om the mew soldodes, 

Under the provisions ef wertions 59 end 65 ef the 

Negotiable Imetrumonte set, supra, a defemiamwt hae a righ 

prove, if he dam, thet the tithe of the pyyeo whe negotiated a 
note was defective undor section 55, and if such a showing is 
made them the burdon would be om the holder te shew = holding 
in due course a» required by section 59. (Justice ve Stoneetune 
267 11. 448) fern Stete Boy 250 Tle Apoe BR2e) 
Uetdl such « site it mate the holder would be 
omtitled te the presumption umier section 99 that he wae a 
holier im due course, ami wiless euch presumpidon is overcame 
ho would be entitled te a directed verdict. 

iy 256 Tie Appe 1.) 
in our opinion, uwler the facta and eirceumstanees of 
thie case, it was mot ebligatery upon de@damt to «Llege that 
Plaimtif? was not a holder in duc course. 
 +Ie passing won this preposition im Bears 
@42 Tlie Apps 485, the court asdd at page 4068 
egg at a2 RP leat 
or the note and and that the —, Satis to gedd note was at all 

‘ames defective, (B91) v, va 08 1 ) & being 
sesen'1S Spent trate pre tat Ret raat Serta nae 

whom he claims, asquired the tithe et : er in Que course, 
(Geetion 89 of Hagetiahis Instrumente Act, Cohdill's Ste, cle 98, 

pers 797 Boll v. Made 227 Ile Apps 1205 some enna, 108 

wots okt To askev rebewree dgan ade datlent et dmnbrotod woe 
Monit 5D sk moktaes ke akdy kw buthortaed .adkedteq wtuyasl 
elder: of tom Aivow $8 agen eid Somyte éaubastoh RE testd doomye 
euler sahuorum Aue sth Rede iLos Saahemtes Leder baa alo feas 
ati Ao mmed att Ge eomsdroqex wwekettog wap? meaM wht KO 
£9 consbios LEM tepaty Liite suabasted abt abit oh sates 

Were mek ond tout emctonsr’ odd 0 emottsimoeomen sole’ calf 
C004de erxose Mune st tah ime aA Anaoe Lntomant? dee 9 sh now 
pie satahing woouey 08 ob No eat wanmen Siet 2 Te 

ene yee td 

“ eatd' to 08 tae Be mibves 29 wontnivone wid cele 
of dighs 2 sat tmsimote® & aguas 404 omonarst oa ae 

& betottogon este oop, welt Ne ofthe eit tasts so a de. 
eh pakvede » dom 2k “tase 88 seken08 robs  oyhtnetteh t atlas 
gakbicd » wore of xo fs ade mo of buoy aobund edt mest. oem 
exasihnemed. «v go.dtext§) 298 Roboues W dorkues an she ‘ow ‘ 
(G88 cogs otEE Os shew + Mia oats aes vob Li Yas 
06 biwowr obfest oiit ohae of gatrads 5 saan Lisa ipionaiagt 8 

eo naw adt dust 28 BOI pe oe hee so Rt ems ald ‘ot both tins 

OHO STOVE sk mobiqsarscey slow soudam Amp qoowes exh Bk te E 

+ secon} tap cone 1 be 8 Sat 

hood MRO Ny 
| bok, Gk KET BBR ! 
to noonataniorts tas afoo® ad “ole guodmdro wo At 

fad vgatte of imaddioh goqu vormpebic to aaw $k youen ¢ 

i dee a “. 
eoonume om st tehfod « fom ear : 

cata «+ aa mbt wth awk went ao 


= te 

Tlie 329.) 
"im the opinion of thie court the pleiatat? ia errer, 

by affidavits ond pool, Geen Mot have te show matters, the ' 

Wardem of proef af whieh is upem the helder ef the Bote, defend- 

 a8t im erver im tate case, * 

Ch page 488 the court endd: 
Le rr ag Re 

af defendant is able te establish by evidemee the 
wllegations of hie petition te veesate thon Be will hove shown a 
éefeetive title in the payee, ami the burden will be thrown upon 
plaintiff’ te justify hie good fatth and t6 shor that he d¢ 2 
helier in due course. 

if the aliegstions ef defendant's petition te vacate 
the judgment are true ami these properly pleaded must be sonside 
ered go for the purpese ef this appeal, defendant shenld be 
erantec eon opportunity to present hie defense om the meorite,. 
mplated ty the Negetixnblie Ine truments 
M@t, Mor any other law, that a defendant woule be forscloged from 

it wae never cent: 

making o defence if he has ome ami offers to present it im apt 

“8 Save comeidered all points urged by opoeaime ecounse) 
amd all esses cited, aleng with sany others, tut in the view we 
take of this procesding we deam further discussion Wihecessarys 

Sor the reasons imiieated the judgacnt of the *hendcipead 
court should be reversed amd the couse remanded with directions 
that the judgsent be opened end execution etayed, amd that defend. 
amt be permitted te file em affidavit of merits and defend, the 
juégment and execution to stam ez securt t¥e 

Gridley and ceanlam, 27.5 conowr, 

The OR gee 

eases Yebpae vues Galt tc wat ae 
winatist «Shoe 2 WW Hees to moni! 

ekit ah waste ab Bo 
Koc al gre ip can Dg Aig 

ens ees 


aaa ese see ma oan, ace Tor ment 
ld anmObee CL AnLidntes oF oda Oh tmabeo rob Yt se ae 
pees eval Lite ot sect stacey of wokiitog eit to amen? yak. } 
nous tevould of Like otal god bn goeyag oat mt ofthe eyhe outs 
a ak of fast worts a} Ae Atte hoop wht Yiitaw, of Vitsmtaly 
pteosr. 08 | mete s*¢mokenire> 2 cam kiagotte sie a ih - a 

Dera? ra La - hee 

Plaintif? im kyrer, 


&yp Fy 7 r Ly ‘ 
fest & A T.A 6 6G 8 



NCABAW Be Barnta, . 
Veteniant im Errey. 

SN Ra ha cali Og Hl 

By this writ ef error plaantil’ seeks to rewerse an 
Orcery oF Judgment of che eireuts COU’, Catered Gegember 1g» 
1952, im subsianes as follows: 

Thig enuse coming on i¢ be heard an Plaingic?'s motion 
te file ten additional counts, ané on éefendant's motions to deny 
eueh leave and te diomias Plaintiff's guit on the erounds thet 
“the proposed ten accitional counts * * * show thas the embire 
#uit io based upon an alleged agresmant aim transnetion which are 
antagonistic to the interests ef the Publics injurious to the 
interests of society in general, anc corrupt amd veidg* and tne 
court “heving founc from an examination of the proposed ten 
aéditional counts and the affieowit of ioe Ritman (plointar? ts 
attorney) thet the emtire sult is baged upon an alleged agreement 
anc trateaction whieh are antagonistic tu the intereates ot the 
Public, injurious to the interests of eocivky im general, and 
corrupt aad wuld s” 

"ET 18 GRPERND, firat, that leave iy denied to file the 
ten scditional countess; seconds iont the “entire auit ia hereby 
Gismiased * « * a» being aguinat publie poliey seesuee based on @ 
eorrups,» iilegui and inmorsi trananetion, ageording to the 
milegations of anid ten additionsi eountea, the truth of whieh ie 
verified by affidavits" SBird, thet leave is given to derendant 
"to puereste into the record by Bill of Reeeptions said tem 
scditions1 gountes” fourth, that leave ie gives te defendant to 
incorporute inte the record by Bill of Skeeptions the certified 
opy of Givoree proeeetings heretefare identified as Sefend ant "9 
Exbieite 1 and @5* Fifth, that leave is given to defendant “te 
incorporate in eaid #1. af Sxewptione the vritten opinion of the 
eourt heresofere filed om Deowsber 4, 19325" and gizt at 
denwe is given "te pluiwtiff to file a B41i of iaeupti 
6) dayne” 

Within the required time « bill of exceptions wae marked 
“prevented* by the trial Judge. It inckudes (a) the tem additional 
counts; (b) the opinion of the court, and (¢) certified copies of 

the Dill, anever, tevtimony heard am? cceres entered Sesober Ear) 

a " 
( rm i . \ ae ‘ ita SOs. 
L axl | 
i er ec 
eTeod TYUO OF Homer 3 : : ee na 
Le | ates Acts { s 
) ¥ une 
800 ATS see ae ot ¢ 

eh ee 

2 hee 

a2atoo Tt ae MORK as asnavnaaa rekinap OL 

us oniewer of oslese VWddnbalg terme Ye fixe abate ™ 
wed aodepoed pereiee «rie saorke odd Yo dem 

43 pei ‘Gens 
eS a 
suwaitet as vonatede hes EOL ' 
a RS 

oo btom p'Yrdsabatg me — Pag ai Re getave 9 ouuss els? 

& o@ encdios 2 danbuetes SNe Sele siete ot ts a 
wn ta Sa wold ye YE: —S egieats o¢ bne eyed, 
ash a 4 * gétaoe damolélesa med beneg 

om : 

ee on age 4 ph hrc 

wats on » *abhor 

o!Sthemtate ream a arene to @ pe tl } ee 
one abeoveian edd of & eloctetaaaee oo » toldw NSE 
buts ,latoneg ai yéelvon to ataerodms aaid os “ert 

ost’ eit of etuod ot at eves dust sZacchh 
al tise Eee 
a BG nage penn yok ey hen’ oy 2 2 
as = to ose odd «sanaoe Lag Lanetdl a 
ag « poner Sul dgvaxt aay tones ahd oat 
02" ¢nahamia stost sreek gas se2t * 
“pohtiszes. std yin 

ae auabere Bel «. @ bathhined ok 8% 1 is: % : 
yo Suabastes od seve; i chesorea joss ah 

Le tie oe! 
face “sees ‘3 py aah fh a oxo 
#quexnt %o LAR 6 £23, a8, Shafearkt oo? aera ef a 
bettas aew “abiod tesoxe te vive 5 ‘ook | bow: :. : 
Lanotstobe mot ext (a) onbutoal $i ‘veghut kala? ode + 

” ‘ 
98 sedesao Sevedie esuesh nee Senet momiesd ie tee 3 

midgie ane 


1931, in certain Pracevdings for Giverce, inatituted in = eourt 
at Rene, Nevatia, by Dorethy Funk Clark against her husband, 
Jomes G. Glark, and in which she wae grambed « civeree. Therontter 
om Pebrucnry 1%, 1935, the bili of exceptions wag signed and eert ified 
by the judge and filed. Sy atipulation the orivineal bill of 
exceptions wos incorporated in the transeript. 

The present action in AGCUMpRIS Wan commenced on Bay 1%, 
1952. im the seme day plaintirr filec a dvelaration, soneks ting 
ef « apecial count and the common HCMRIS, and alae fled a oritten 
Gemand for & jury trial, in the speeial count plaintiff, a resident 
of the State of Sew York, complained of defendant, a resident of 
Tiitmets, and siiegeds 

*That defendant, on, towwht, ‘uguat 4») 1941, in the 
“tate of Viseonsin, duly contracted and sgreeds for = yslid eone- 
eiderstion, te pay to plaintiff on the het day of exch and every 
wonth thereafter, commencing an the Let day of Septombers, 1931, 
and continuime during the Lifetime of plaimsiff, the awa of 88503 
by menns whereef defendant thon and there deeume iieble te yay 
«te plaintiff the satd sume of money on the Let day of cach 
every month au afeoreasidy and being so lishle defendunt, in eon- 
wideration thereof, thereafter pais te plaintiff the eum of Yb, 
| Ofig towwdt, She let days of Yaptember, ogteber, “overiber and 
December, 1931, amd on, to-wit, the Let days of Jomaary and 
Februsty, 1952. Yet, although the deye of payment of anid scum 
oF GH0G— omy towwlt, the let deye of Mureh, pril and o lWSz, 
Rave ¢lupsed, def & hao sot paid $e plaintiff the sald swe 
of mo nor any part thereof, but refusse wo te de» and Howe 
epudiated ie ta § liability ané obligations in that regards 
e the dumsge ef plaintiff in the eum of BB ,060) ands therei ares 
he Orings hig cult, ete.” 

To thia desleration defendant filed a plea of the 

ee le Oe 

generel igeues On September 24, 1932, the attorneys whe had 
commenced the cult and filed the declaration withdrew as plaintiff's 
atiorueye, and Lioyd ©, “hitmen wae substituted and entered hia 

fee Se 

appearames ag plaintiff's attorneys Om Cetober D4, 1938, after 
é@ue noties te defendant's sttormeye, plaintiff presented hie writtes 
motion fer leave te file the ten aéiitiosual coumtec, exhibited to 

Ph ese EPS 

the courte Yartous grounde for the metion are atated and to the 
HM motion ie attoched the affidavit of “hitman thet “the foregoing 



gues « eh begwlicant , vexevis «et aperd ds o9g2y @iatsem wi gLteL 
eaten sor tonbege atoll) deat yitenet yo qshevell gow ga 
wotterred? .entevis « Sedmetg caw osu dolde m2 hme gttad? 60 wom’ 
i bektitcse bnew boonte sew amodiqgecse ‘to iLid offs _ SOL OL Cente gF Me 
| te Lid Landytre ori? mottekuqits yf © sbettt tie egbet out wo 
| .t¢kveamesd afd mi beseroqroont aow emolsqnoxe 
O eR yet ne beongues gov FiageWese at webtoe pnseotg wer 
" qubtetancd ynotdetalavd a pedir Vutsatere yh oman edt od  -REOE 
iedthiw @ OLE onte seo sndamos sumo ant tne fines Latveqe a Ro 
dephivet # eitsmbele dimes Sakeoge ond at _ hake wet, a eh ines 
to dnobians as _ gittadbine tae Xe bontalques eAre¥ wok by od 8 | 

bed ote eyonr ssa oan ewer a ands 
a YEtdadete ee woubstg te aoeatatoes oe 
he meeene 20s, tate ya 

‘| nosthew eke basaacong mabey em COnTOD ta a dro hmets 
et beshd tite Feemos rape 

| | “8 femot ston rod 9 ony oe ret wm | 
ore ot bets betada ota mo dome oats sek ty 

- aadoyex0% eta tad? 2 maa tas te ‘ : te , 


grounds are true to the begt of hie knowledge and information and 
judgment as an stteormeyent~law.* The grounca axes 

“fhe original declaration herein wae filed herein im the 
form in which it ig under the iepreesion (which wow erroneous) that 
the claim of pleinmtify, fer which this vase was ané wae intended 
te be brought, teuld be reseversd ou under the common cousta, and 
that it was unuccessary ic present im express aliegation the various 
_* legal tutendments of the anticipated procfa upom the trial 


Gaié propeced ten additional toudia, ani each of than, 
aré Recerzgory to be filed herein in order te enable pslaintifrr to 
sustain the section fer the cleim fer whieh this case was ami was 
intended to be brought, and in furtheranee of justice in the 
premises to claimant, and im order ta preacnt allegation 
peseible werietions in the proofg rasacrnable and preperly to be 
anticipated upon the trial hereof and various intendments of such 
proofs properly to be antic tac by plaintiff as renaenably or 
agar gered éecuctbie from ow reefs im the opinion ef the Court 
or of the atvermeya for ene or re of the parties har¢ies 
a Papa nilegations of ry preponed additional eouetas 

ef each of thems ore true gon get he ¢videnee pur 
ne trial hereof wili tend to ee Be “evidentiary facts 
meaning, the pure focta aa stan Geeuieed from mixed law and 
faets) presented im each and «11 of said additional counte, and 
every allegation of pure f«et in acid propowed ten sec ditional 
eoumia, ot im any ef then, iv true, and evicenee wiil be effered 
by plaintiff upen the trie. heresf tending te ou cert the eame.® 

The bill ef ecacepgtiens diasloses t#at «f the additional, 
eounies the first ie aimiler to the erigimal eprcial count, except 
that it is <lleged that om Awrust 4) 1922, at Motizons “iscenslmy, 
"iy congideration of plaintiff's promise * * net to me defendant 
for elienntion from plaimtiff ef the affeotions of plaintiff's wifes 
berethy Punk Glerk,” defendeut “orally promised plaim:ify to pay 
to him on the let day ci exch anc every month thereafter, commeneing 
on the ist day of “evtember, 1931, and continuing curing the Lifetime 
ef piaintiff, the sum of $50 5" ete. The second count is substantially 
the name an the first, except that the comaideration for defandamt's 
eral promise iw elaintiff's promise not to sue defendant “for 
mifenation from plaintiff of the affeetions of plaintiff's wife o 
for sefenéant's slekediy debsuching, 2 a 3 
paid wifes" ‘The third ond fourth eowite are similar to the seoond 
except thet ot the beginnimg of the counts ore allegations of the 
warriage of plaintiff, on June 8, 1917, to Dorothy Yasky of the birth 

bae mattameted ben vpbotwawml ald to teod edt of omed one whewoey 

texe auuvroty of? “swaleta-yertaiin ao ee daoang bert, 

ab orval Seitt wow atone aeitviaigoh Lapigkxe i” 
ae! aueotoure sev dolse) meleuowgek ofS xobaw a? 22° soldw ab wrod 
petment now bre saw ogeo alald dotsdw set «Vilinbelg te sale ods 
| fem gestures maamee of7 tebe we betevoner af Binge Pg peg fi “ oe 
awoltsv oid moliegolin aaviges wi gaveoty od YLatesesmay 
fatud wld mage gtoerg bedagivlins od? te ataumbanéat Lagot ne oigianog 

gmads io dooe hes ,adtaven Samptdloom me hedsygord ahaa” 
eo? Thivataly olgans of teove ot ntexed belli of of YtaceooeN — 
_ haw Bie aaw eene Beivy - Egos gforadl tek mel tha Gas ‘2 
pet me evitex’ ke oon mak a fnueeee © 85 = LOGE. 

depeiin @ dros swe ag tobi ee bom 

od ga ye oe efdancavet whoorg ould anodsat a eoot 
ag fF aervapmpenys oy ree "tg bovoqton ina ed 04 els bedagioltne 
$0 RGR OBL Ales fa 9 o7 _ BSe0%G 
siues aif bo qyiniee.s net ‘ae Pen > ge eas i es in 
oder ott Leno) sibs. 9s te coalona <0 wife ork ayorsiia sei aoe ‘o 

Ne eaghtageiia off 

boretto ox kite wito ak age Pay 
* «aati oad req | ;  Settent'S “oa 

Kanto £32 ties Meh “So Sad? wountoedy. ‘Pikigeeds ni bisa ae 
tqnoxd 4 trues fates Soaks a 49 chico sn 
sMitomeont® ywogtdak te geOE Wh om ‘a 
daabaeieb gate ae jon * * seitore — dinkase 

i Simoes aft ot aelintes ete olin tienda tele als aces: 
he ot? Ye amoliogelio oxm atemom gid Re antaniantpah.An At POOR 6 
ddukd ald Yo polos Whlowel of 4PLGL 9B awh aay 

de : ae 
abit aed asi 5 
N Protig hy a ; P| 
Y ¥ id 


il ii ti ee 


thereafter of thety twa dnughtera, Jane and Judith, respecs ively 

on January 23, 1623, and Pebruary 25, LOS6, thet Pleintiid’? ant pds 
wife lived together watil about July 27, 19313 and that "Om, toewlt, 
Jetieary 15, 1931, and on divers ether daye between that time and 

the waking of defendant's oral promise te plaimsirr here tnatter 

#66 Lurthy” defendant aliwnnted Plaimsitt's wie» at feet lors, 
"plaintiff in no vive Soneenting thereio,s* and devuuched her, ete. 
fhe fifth eount is similar $@ the third, an@ hae the Pellowing 

"That on, toewit, Jommry 2, 1931, deferdant be, 

paying persennal «merous attention tc plaintiff's anid A gl 
Gomtinueé se te do on divers other daye in the pericd between 
that time ard the making of defendants oral promiee te pleaintigg 
hereinafter aet forth, any goowit, January 15, 1952, februcry 15» 
193k, and saly a 2942 » Bk» SO-WiEs Vinnetka, Tliinoie, Rec Loon» 
Viseonging iske Ferest, lilinois, ave Chieagos Tllinedet that 
éuring avid Last mentioned porlods ony so=rLi, Suly 15, 203k» at, 
Sowwit, Hew York City, plainiis¢ Bes infoweed and advised in 

iting by plaintiff's said wife that curing plninvif?'s abasnee 
uring acid last mentlined periad from plaintity's home (which — 
wae then im dedieon, “Viseonoin,) * *, defendants hed ve ea bodly 
Visited amt paid persenal RaOrGUs AlLentions te plaintiff's ante 
wife, had fallen deaperately im leve with her, and hed represented 
to her thet if she we accept defendant! S eenens ettentiong ae 
would richly provige financially for kee children, and bad repeatedly 
weg. and begged her to Givoree plaintiff and marry defendant, and 
beGuuse o. the great leve fer her expressed by defendant and 
éefenéant's attentions, representations and implerings, ae lsat 

hy Sie 

aforeanids she (plaintiff's wife) was tavers ispoged bow 
$etendant and_townre a ia te GG inet oforesaid 5 ci 

Gal Gel, chy Sowwit, Joly [65 193519 ab sbows Midnight (to-wit, 
LLeso Pete! on aaid lust mentioned ates, plaimtif? retur 
Bmannouseed from Sew Yerk Clty (where he Red been continuously 
@F one month) to the home of plaintify ané his said wife at 
Beacigon, “iseonzin, anc shere found in the company of ¢sch other 
pleintife's, anid wife and defendant, ami also feund personal 

@, Wonrlag apparel, imeludine chunges of underwear anc aight 

elothes, cf deferienty that, thereuper OMy toewlt, duly 27, LODL, 
Sip to-wit,» Gacicom, ‘iscenmin,y plaintiff imfermed defendant that 
Plaimsiff would promptly imetitute enit ageinat cefendant te 
recover from him for the alde@oation from plaintiff ef the effeotiona 
of plointiff's seid wife ami the debauching and enrnolly knowing of 


| her by defendant) shat thardupen, © * im eoneidevatiom of plaintiff's 

Oa gromiee not to sue defenmiant “ * defendant orehly promiced 
Bistaticf te pay te him om the let day of sesh and every month 
thereafter, coumeveing on the let day of September, 1851, and gone 
timuing during the Lifeiime of plaintif?, the sum of O50", ote.” 

Tae sixth eoumt is cimilar te the fifth. The seventh 
ie wise similar to the fifth, cxeept that, instead of the allegation | 

ae to plaintiff being “ingermed and edvised in writing by plains 

ial we 


ba wy teal eae Ys cid satake. on eR geen ber er ‘ate we 

 ‘elowkiveqaet ,ae Liat om agel qraotdignnh owe short? te redRnonads 
wit San Tihimkele dade 28801 .fR qicsrede’ bam etal 2&8 ermal a 
teeat ee” gad dee E4005 afh vbw twoda Lianw Tests aged beved ohiw 
at oui. esd noweeod aged cadde atoTiS me baa eAGOL att “eran 

| oe taukecod Rigemiadg oF se harem fate a iuabatieh te gebion oaks 
euxoidovtts o'etiw af ite akela botanelia Janke tes * eet tae 

vote 2 eoud bedoued ob bas "sg eun apes paiiaenmen e¢hy oct, at Tismiedg* 

‘geiweiso® els oat neta eburdé eed ot sokhini a sal tone wast head 


a raunl tox got) 

‘mee thn peste SBEL gh yroumcl ythwea? gso a a 
Sim potiv blue e*Pnidwate od weidee¢éa sxotems Lamenwig ge 
weewsed Soluce edd a2 axed ‘acho exevel ool oF  e- men 
VWiiwlaty of sebmory Lore af itiebreieh te. gabsam et? Sus om 
Gk Qvowidet gltRl . OL yunutiel ydivwet gam. ive fom 290% 
atourant. ,g hentia amb sonwk® gtivrod aim 2lfOk «VS. edit Bi 
wn! felomiiil gepondnt dem gebouiLis. séuoxekt aahed. 
o Fe ‘a biti hearst et inoes ane Lg ge beret temor damd 

ree | Bisa 12 eo 
| SORE ate yen ee ee ee eet Eres ~ Hitt a 

Moise) amet et etitmtntq wevs Fon coy dono l saan bbe 
yibodacqex bad ¢nobeetah a * (,etumepal! vooal a t 
tive a xtidetate es etecimetia eae tome Lanog eg ite begl 
dei nvoesgen hat ome . tal davies owed wm? ylotarogeeh maliat bat * 
ef wold Seeedds exe ryan et hunieeny* aq pee afeer: one 2 dad’. xed.e 

Sr hed be sho rkiinn L mee 
ee ce wun es : cs 
Ye becaeTexe 14 . oy 

teak be gegmiteigal fas Sand ¢ oe tree Ste 9 

wehleged Sree) As paren ame | 

sbhewos) tigluphe Stoda ox 

 eiineanliaee need’ baat 

te. ohtw bher akd Sra (adie 

igs PE Parra seer 
anes Tey ‘ 4 

teint iaowreieas Le emo og : 

 GAERE, aT Eli g dhwene AB apr ecd 

fats tanbes tom Soare te “ni ‘at, #2) oe ager | 
of tmobrstes gaskene ; catty ihie : 

3 ULlonas one ankdowsten ae otiw dtew ef 
a*iitewteiq To mikiaeitedte at oe Shute Yale tia si bs 

bemtmorg ykface deohasteb # * et too ope oF tom 
ainom ters tire Mote to Yoo sat tals to whe ‘02 Rep Od 

aie “08 Pee oleae scadweigea® To yes tet ote we yatonemave 
Mate goO0O Rs oe mde peas dakete, ‘te embsetes : 

ainever of sAtth2 acts ot aakiahe od dewes sixte ony tahini 
_— ed? bastenk sted? sqooxs ee: eHtooF edad onde a 
wi ady yd paiziae me deedvia ns Soaresak® yates. bi baad 


bAff*e said wife, stess* 14 As alleged thet "ons to-wit, July i P 
19329 plaintiff had reasonable growede for beliovine amd believed 
that he hed reasonable growids for ouime defendant for sldomation 
from plaimtirt ef the offeetions of hin said wife ané Lose By him 
of the services and oswiety of enid wife im plainiiyy's demeatie 

in the eighth, ninth ami tenth counts, besides alleging 
éefencant's corel promise to pay to plaintiff $500 a momth, ettes 
there sxe allegations «a to defendant's further premises te set up 
a trust fund for the benefit of plaimsit? and plaimtiff's childres 
and te make a certain will. <né in the ninth and tenth counte a 
Gertain ictter, =ritten by dcfencent to plaintiff under date ef 
saguaet 4,5 1931. and a copy of o curtain will ef defendant, are set 
forth, In the cighth cows, efter setting forth whe warclage eof 
pleintit? and voerethy Puuk, the bivsh of theiv two ehilldewa, the 
slienatien of the affections aad the oeteuching of giaintiffts wife 
by defendant, and plaintify's eral promise not tc mae defende 
ant, @ie., 1t is alleged: 

"That thereafter on, tcewit, uguat 4, 15k, Gig Gemwht, 
Medison, “iscencing in consideration of pleintiff's saie arak 
promise not tc sue dafenc: unt 9 tee, Ecfeméant arally promised 
plaintiff thet at defendani’ tr ons Feasenabie is exe ohh he 
would pat im trust for plaintics amd pleintic?' sais twe children 
a fund of at least $800,c0C,; the income of which trust fund would 
be puynble to plaintiff fer life, ané the sriastens of which truat 
fund, subjeet to plaintiff's Life interest, vaulé beleme to gaia 
two children, amd upon plaimiiff's danth would be divided ecwuily 
betrecn aaté two children, their heirs and persone] representatives, 

suimiiig, and wotil «<id fusd wae put im trust by defendant 

fer ylaint ane Fig cated children (ns promised wy ge genes 
defendant would pay plaintife om the ist day of each and pity Hoon sy 

goo: eomnene ing ge1y. the let ény bp gry weedy Pee at 
ited : Sh) teh. ar oo Bs ee aaa FO of foe 
until the erestlon of snid | or the de se af fit vidaahy 8 & dast 
UL are | in a by  watale ¢¢y ondant Bex th bs 

xo that im cone: 

= ‘ghiviran st : 

Lantementionad proiiees yiriniitt, ot, ete, ‘ie "ees orally, 
promived defendamt not to sue him, * *, which promise plaimiirf has 
ever keptg cnat by meona thereof defendant then and there become 

iisble to put in trust © * » fund of nt least 925,000, * * and 
meanehile * * te pay to plaintiff on the let dey of each ond ewery 
month * * at least (50G, and immediately om, toowit, August 49 1951» 
make * * @ last will and testament, * “7 and that being se Liable, 
defendant, in comaiterstion thereef, * * thereafter on, to-wit, 

eth wilet. gftberod ane" gnaly Soyelde ah of * pote yetiw dhaw er tee 
bevskiod hue yakvokiod wet ohewetp eirnoonen bat Tibsetaey _AEOk 

 wettemed fn vot smeteokad yeiive ast ebowery eidemmamet bast eal dsle: 
ait vs enel Sas OBE Blow ald to emedtootte wats bo Ded sibele- eek 
otistms a tilatatg at elie Shes le yistvor ta weotrtem ott Te 

grtyetie oohiaed aatnnes dined ie dimka gattainte ot wt 
qcoee giiinom mw OOOG Thienbate af gag 2 enlmong Love a? encore ted 
qu deo of sentmeng voctwwt w*érsbietod of an anoltage tia eve enemy 
Seth Linty. et ribeniale brie Thee ake: to tkteaed wit tek baud sowed e 
a atuwoo Mensd tims tender este ot fas st mingcn 9 woe oF ta 
Re Stub tobeat wid sataly os Satie we mogetae etateok nteores 
Gon ev (insMns tye Yo Kilw wlagebe i Ye Yen ed aoe a sessed 
Yo eget me bilo Mtvat yeLeiae whet «ramOD. tasks ons a ad 
std gitoxbttts ow) ated? to Mivhd ode ality wlferet hee Vinge 
watw erat mata, * Ln bse “Witiet nase > et re te 

ane dos te Yah Por “3 nt 
A te: se os pest plortner yi. igi ; 

porto, np aha useee 
aati “eee pg a ee 

vmaped arett (om cecte dante te te 

ENP on Con tunel dn To: 

9SdakL ve aulod sade. pend fae 
gtiwood (mo ted teosads 9 * ton 


February 1, 193%9 paid plaintiff 93,05. Yet defendent hes never 
erented anid txuet ond hag Mot made and kept im foree and effect 
& dest will and tectament * *, and althe aéditional payments 
of $600 eneh have aecerued * *, defendant hag not paid te Wleintify 
amy of them * *, but has wholly failed and refused se to ao, and 
On, toowit, February 2, 1032, * * wepudiated hig Linbility and 
obligntion * * end metified and advised plaintiff that he would 
not make any further payments to plainsif? as any times and would 
% ereate gaid trust * *, ond would wot make * * any augh Lest 
Al and testament * “3; to plaintiff's damage in the sum of 
GIO —I0G, etoe® 

the tenth eount is more comprehensive, 1 contains 
eubstantially the some allegations as in the eighth count, and 
| aise many of the allegations of the other counts, including thoae 
of the fifth (as above set forth) relative to the infermation 
Plaimtit? received from-hie wife, in writings om July 1%, 1991, 
| and to his returm “wannouneed" to bie nome at Madison about 
| midnight on July 26, 1951, and what he then and there @iscovered, 

Oe a Ss 

ete. In the tenth count, sleo, ae well ac im the ninth, are set 
forth (following appropriate aliegntione)  photeatatic eopy of 
. defendant's letier ta plaintiff, bearing date of ugust 4, 1931, 
and a copy (enclosed in the letter) of "Last /111 amd Teotament* 
) of éefendant. The copy of the letter, written in lomg Band, ia 
as follewsst 
\ *Cnieage, susuat 4) 19316 

i wiah to confirm our verbal understonéing that I wild 
gontribute $500 a month indefinitely towards the supper’ and 
eduestion of Jane and Jwiith Clark, beginning Copts > a 

it is underateod that there will be no 
above agreement except by mutual compent. i am entleming copy 
ef will I have just executec whieh shows that they will be omply 
provided for in the event Po my oe within the next few montiee 
SAMG er Oly y 
Borman ‘« Hasviae® 

By Article @ of exid will defendant gives to kis wife, 
Josephine Re Harris, 411 Rewuavhold furnitures, etee, leented on 
premieee known se 594 “gruee “treet, Vinnmetke, Uliimois; by 
ixtiole 3 he gives to hig “dear friend, borethy Fe Clark, to whem 

i em greatly indebted,” his “farm at Gilliema Bay, “isconaing 

wavem sad. gusbasted 30Y shige vadent alg hag ght 
SeeTte base eose? ah dqet tna ohem 3 br deus 
yo pa Senates hoa : hae “ . ote 
Thah por he o¢ blag gon eat sansie red 4 3 O08 . 
ee a oa beawivs tae Sedat viteae nad ai étude pre mi pr Rete Big 
bas Sil tigatt = betalhaged © Moar cn a eradet atiwaes . mo 
flew od Gok) Tibdatesle beadeke bee weEtiden tea +" gokdaptivo 
forts qg weak d po oa 6 ee ae o# Per“ eld tot =, 

teed. sown * #, * geste Stee 
te pong atk propa de etry Gniate % g* * fremsiaet. ba San tite 

etiteteos 21 .ewkasedesgsme sien ef ganoe dime? oat 
hata qdruoo Masyle add al oe smodiogelio omen sds wiahénatedwe 
geeks gutoulond «atmos sortdn eff Yo amobtagelin vt te Yom eale 
mokinmotes ao o¢ oviinkon (dtw% don avedo en) Mets> ons te 
efECL 40S vloh me qgetider wh gate alder? bevtooes, wbembaty 
tuode acnthet 2e cami ald e¢ “heeomonmens” avéer sli ef hee 
_ghereveges® exudd Sap sestd oof toute Som gSo0L gOS yi my setgtecbbe 
toa exe limits sé at a0 Liaw ne gongs gfammy dined mit at, gate 
We Wee siatanvady 6 (asinkengeste odabsqosige wibweLsed) stser 
_, ehBRE gh tawye Yo atah gatueed ,Tihdataly ad seeded a smohesten 
“teomatos® bas L12Y tead* @ Yo (need os mh bonetens) yqoe.e ome 
2 shmmt quod at woeeier yreseek ests te yao edt, stanbaetes Yo 

nit -tewolla® ga 
aga lS bly sptned ES ‘a i 

cane ee 

he t fe season natok we 4 % 

pea porte Ben Spiga ey} 
WE tadomt Les sadteand gtooeal dine shila Sea epmalccieadianan. 

- iii, Olay oe vate ey ob aM os sonia a & eiviies 

~ atttsino wn BW vee amet te grat” gh “ghontened we: 



together with ail household furnishings and furniture ,* 
located on the premises, and “alse i) 

@EG ey 
personal effeete, ineluding 
Pictures and old prints * * looted at my office, oom 401, 112 

Vest Monroe Street, shiesgog” by artiele 4 he devises and bequeaths 

“eme~third of the rest, residue ang remainder" of his eutabe te his 
said wife, Josephine, “if ahe shali wurvive mes ae her absolute 

Propertys"” and by article 5 he coviges and bequeaths the * reminding 
twewthirds” of the residue of hie estate, 

his wife does not survive tide 

oF sli of eaid residue a¢ 
to the Harris Trust & Savings Bank 
of Chiesge, as Trustee, im trust S@ pay the net income to Dero thy 
¥, Clark during her Life, and, upon her death and that of the 
testator, to divide the trust estate imie two equal funda, one for 
Jane Clark and ome te Judith Clark, daughters of berothy #, Ghar ity 
ané to pay the imcome theres? to them until they attain the age of 
25 years, and then to pey te them the eor + But that if Dergthy 
¥e Clark an¢ beth of said children and the beateter die before 
either of esid children becomes 26 years sf age, She oerpug ig ta 
be distributed to the heirs ef the shila iast surviving, er,» in 
Gefault of such heirs, ta the teutater'> leviul deseendsnts. 
fhe b412 of exceptions further discloses thet om Sovember 

27, 19325 the couse came on far hearing upon plaintiff's motion far 
leave to file the a¢di.ional coumte, and the twa eumiter motions of 
@efendant (a) that such leave be denied and (b) that plaiatirfts 

wuit be diamissed “on the ground that 08 the faee of the proposed 
Sen additions) countg ssid cause ig based upon an alleged agreaacnt 
and transaction antagonistic to the interests of the public and 
‘injurious to the interests of sectety in general anc corrupt and 
‘Yoid." YPuring the arguments on the motions, J. Pred Neeve 

(attorsey for defendant) stated in subetanee that, imaamuch as 
« Whitman (attorney for plainiif®) “had seen f4¢ te go eutnide 

a vendo! ® , oeisd heraar’ bens omgindaie hacer odedeawed Ll Baers oo 
antincood ‘edesthe Lammnteg Lin ovke® bam qetetasg out ay met aeo, 

SEE fob must ‘oobi Wa te beanoer # ¢ daha td adh 
ods asmped be asetyoe ot & gdntecs * sanbtit qiteende’ 9 ee 
adel of etetax east ‘te a bysd.cse pees gublods pen im 3 "7 Rison ‘ 

odntonds sash Oa 9 Mt svbvawe ifanto vale ut 4 outs aot ki! i % 
gainteaes” od adtsonped daw aoatved ec @ sioldxa ‘wt has Monit 
3a eubhans phan x6 the we Tall eh to oublaee hd La : ee Se 

tas apetyan & toms® akveed ocd ‘et “aha | ovivaue 
wivoved o# mash fon odd om 0 turns Ht evoteint of 
ada to decke omm siaod snk, ene ist eels one 
ok 9m anor, Lage ond 92a vaagen toned ‘ts Barb * 

BS i$ Wigred, te pretitgad eats sit out et one ome tone 
to ape old atnadn yee Shawne mest? oe ‘vevcadd eames 
pitored a vaste gud quumren one measly ‘of yom 09 med : 
_ preted abb sadadaed wat hve apenttdo hae. we sted 

Se Ce Mi 

“duane awa To acose 2S aamoned mt wah aan 
ak 920 agelvivre teak Slide ot 16 withod ‘sé of toc ah yak 

eotaateooneh Lvtwal «tsotataee eit of aarckod sowe ‘te ‘Suateb 

codwevot ge fade aoeotonlh wndiuart aamivqeoxs Te mandy" a 

aa owen nat cesd eevee vitiee (deenkereb” 



of the record,” and make curtain statements concerning prior 
megotiutions fer a eettiement of the eause made before Mre “hitman 
had been substituted aa plaintiff's atisrmey, he (Reeve) believed 
he had the right to acqueint the court concerning eertain facts 

siso outeicge of the record. ima thereupon the following statee 
mente in part were made by opposing counsels 

“Mie HEEVEs * * # T have before me, your Honor, 
sertified copies of a proeesding im a court ef Keno, Hevada, 
from which 1t appeare thet om a aworn bill, charging extreme 
ané repented eruelty, Mre. Clark civoresd her husband a few 
months after this alleged occurrence of the discovery of 
Korman Hearria in the home * *, 

Wie REEVE (omtinuing): How, Mre “hitmen's argument 
a@emec to proceed upon the theory that the questien befere the 
court was the sufficiency of these various cowrte on demurrer, 
oy whether he had yet to siete hie cause of section in esversh 
éifferent counts and im any nusher of inconsivtent matters. 

That I conceive is not the questiom im the esse. The question 
ng we — iss primes ™ _e ie of _— eau ts» 
when you put them & aefe Cisclese « troanuavtion veld ae 
agains aniie otter. * * re Clark comes in with a eworn 
declaration, aiter his wife has divorced him for emuelty in « 
proeeecing in «hich he was 4 party, repreeented by counsel and 
echwenting to the deeoree. He comes in here for money end brends 
hie wife, ami the mother of hie twe children, as a eonfir 
aéultertas, * # 

Mie HITMAN: i am not diapered, your Homer, to pursue 
ecuneel's argument shout divorees im ‘ene and outside things heree 
the matter before your Honer has got to be aceided upon the fnee 
of the documents before you.” 

The bill of exceptions further diucloses that after the 
axgueents on the motions were comeluded, the court toek the questions 
raiseé by the motions under adviecument end thereafter, om December 
Be 1932, delivered » somewhet Lengiky opinion er deeiatom, in whieh 
in conclusion he directed thet an exier or Judgment be érefted and 
entered (substantially in accord with the order er judgment that 
wom gubsequently entered a2 first abeve mentioned), sad in which he 
further directed that “the certified copy of the divoree proceedings 
im the eaue ef Dorethy Punk Clerk v. Jomes G. Clark im the Hewada 

gourt be admitted im evigenge, and be ineerporated im the bill ef 

exeeptionee" mm the mame Gays after the rendition of the decision, 

the fellowing eccurred? 

Hee BELVEs I have 
1 and 2, the proceedings of the 

marked, as tefendant's Sahioite 
vag shone Judieial District Court of 



Seitg palmiscee atmoueiecn Medios. ne one gtr 

ne pe gett eee ee 

awd heh! oth oxoled chan goes at) To Peomigdes & xO: acoks addogon 
develsed (oveoll) of aywecedde a tilvalalg sa Sede di iodia aod ‘Boot 

atent miogio animsessen damon odd Intampos oF eet wilt wolond 
eotata gulwolick od? mo@nee bes - . 

tigacwnmes attlaogge yd eiessiaiiliia bie 

tonoH evel 1. * * © gSVE3R GM es % 
jahovedt Pt ey Boog & wi errs & % acl bokkians m 

Conus gakguacde « a atone 2 AG sisogye ¥ 

‘wet 2 dmagesct Sed paecevtt Hold one ig beter ed 
to yioveseib amg Te aaah begeiia a 

femoris etriemtid® ox gaok be 
edi exoted aaliasuy ad? 
etetiee > me ates aue Die ots 
fLeteves at wolten to gunne ald bla 
oe tess. ane wah tings gO ag elven 
‘tatiqers afl .Gaa0 ent sek san 
ee ae peg wl elias aKeR 

@ Bb etienwe set ahd bescavis amt sttw ata ved 
tea ieutaos vd ae eee ey lag 8 new of doidw 

Kort tks 2 wae a Rt i > Sa eke Ne aesifont 

oun tay OF , iene ary cael & som am 2 erage att 
“— Bg orirygd ebdu tare py 

fi aevrewks Lesnar: 
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“HON, oxo tad are ) 

eal g “et'te jon? sogolonsh vediuw) smmktgeose to, Lfid seh Lisa wy 

ancksesup oft Moos Ixuoe wit ,bebvlynes oxvew smodtom etd ae ateasuyte | 
rodiaye 0 Ho «teticereds one Immmeivins coho anehsom ete. we a ota eat | 
deise at eet! ‘atoen se mbekge Qlepnot tachwomeg @ berewtiod seabhoghs : 
bits hedtexh ed rom cal, KO KHhe Ho Gale oeteeths od mo hartonee me’ 

Fass treme to obc9 onke ae bw presen ak \ilotoneéadie) 
sal gobsiw md hens 4{ bemed dora 

ody fait? am dorotaw \inawesedue wos ed 
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abewor sta mt axats +D nomeb ov atvago Ar ee Yo seam ata 
Yo Like wd as setoxogroomt of baw 

emotaloos ead to tot¢2 bao asta ‘weeta veh oe m . Momma — 
o beak cam oxen ovat 
bat bageet pty Pima, ahnk 

atidiix® # teebes ted ae 
38 SxmeS foi zig ld mi ed 

i elie eel 



lee del 



the State of Yevade, County of “sshow, ta the matter of Dorethy 
Vo Clark, plaintiff, vi Jamee Ge Clarks defomlanit,s which we 
| submit so the court amd f Rave vhe rogers shay Were. 
Lneory wpa 

itted prior to the euury ef the order pap 
they are Sct otteren te thet 13 ia within the Court's 

diseretion te permit or deny ths filing of amendmentas and, 
these being eertified scepics of the proevedinga, we believe 
they are proper to be before the courte 
Ris VHITHANS These twe cocumente were referred te 

by Mr. Heewe in his argument om the motion, but they were not 
offered in evidence, The heoring was not open to she axfer of 
Byigence, in ether words, the matien heard your Homer waa 
& motion to dimmies this euit om the faee ef the records Ye 
did mot have a hearing on offer and reecipt of evicenee. In 
thet eomocetion, sleo, your Homer, im your opinionssteted that 
certain statements were made By counsel et this hearing ana were 
uncontradicted by me. * * smong the statenents your Henor quoted 
wad atiributed te counsel sare atatewemta with reference te the 
diveree sult, the reeord of which he says is here, bul abowt 
pps i ee pe alee exeepi se counsel —— me. * * 

cannot be concluded by evidemee mot offered or evidenee net 
reeciyable upon the motion which has wees thasd »” 

Im the court's said opinion or decision, after mewt toming 

the three metions and outlining seme of the differences im the 
allegations of the tem edditional ceounte, it ie steted im purt 
eubetantiially eas feliewss 

That the point made by defendant's counsel om the oral 
argument, and in their written brie? suumittec, is that fer 
vertous stated reasons “the agrevment ges up in the propeeed 
additional eounte in void," amd thet “the transaction is againes 
public policy and public morale.” 

Theat the court states that “the law is that if at 
sheae of the procevdings it appesra Se the court that the sgree~ 
ment sued upon ia agaimet public pclicy beouuse of corruption, 
it ig the cuty of the court te digmice the suit om its own motions* 
that the decisions in the cases of Ceeamyan vs Vinehester i2me vos, 
203 Us Se 362, amd Gum 9413 Coe ve Gorretig S61 Ill» spp. B13, "held 
that such is the Laws” 

hat the court pointa out that the truth ef whe 

allegntione in the proposed additional counts in evorm to by 
plaintiff's attorney, an officer of the court, ami that, therefore, 
the gourt ig of the opinion that *if any °° the adéitional counta 
alose (in spite of the allegations of other counta) sets up a 
tranecetion whieh is cerrupt ané agaimat publie poliey, the entire 
Suit becouse ayers rh esis would ~~ te er Passi 

fist Fav ditional counta"sannet be considered apart fre 
the gree ee the remeining countess" that the “cumulative 
effeot" of the facta a» alieged im al) ef the towunts discloses 
“gellusion between plaintiff and hig wife," and leads the eourt te 

believe that they *arranged piggies bey — . ane tint 

in the court's opinion “these two people were operating & 

epee anc the jeune ie anny: ene ane “ye shocked at tig audseity 
plaintiff coming into ‘his ecurt anc teying to Use 

to golleet damages from defendant »* 


sored to so¢tnw od? Gt ,eoiee’ te abaro®. So etads. od? 
w okww sinehue tod B eleed vo el ‘y P é 

‘es ‘eae ode st dees Sf * 
paler cat este ade 

‘ ee eS es bi 
b Ap hig nha Ae * 

5 oa tobmt Wiad 
glue tetnembemaus Re yeeis't ead ened @ Fezeq ot notistosts 
eveiied vw o egal hones xq ad’ to esitqeos Soltiiaeo ealed. 

. +See os stele a oa legeor eta Yor 
od hexietet exew atepmiccl awe enna? tHAMTIRG «Ut . 

fon eiew Yous ged geettom salt me La a oid eh ewost out 

© ‘este wis e2 suas of 8 Bon gricond ef! «oom hlye ‘ah baxonte 
b= cena a ian aol eam ond qgalrnow vetss ul @onedty 

dads sodefe minty 
S228 send 
$ejors tenal 

std od et ie 4 canal ie 

oo FUG ROL ay 
fgodn fed .o% foe 3 Be oe Soak cae at tive 
* * 99m posrag had Tess 3" age en wok rs 

ia red “toe wa ihe doise ior ‘wat ee 

dxaq Mt Detnte @8 ee yetmuen kamok $t0ne ase a ® vem pie: f 

| | tuwotte? an wim i recite 
fore afd mo Toned enc Craner ebom tubo tl? sect ) 
Fae geste ad sit, Sey Say kad mod saixy aoa tts 

gaan ae fe Satte Gimnant 

je Uh dacid ai wai onle* dacis gotete thoes? ote 5 sit 2 
“7oxuno O8e Gets Ovevod add Gt ate 

selignittes te sadonod 
ton tom ae _ ms # Bia rungs ae oad om ti 
gut sodaulonty «y savages 2 sgeas odd mi tap al ta 
ee gehe a gee am PLO 4 e ate y fOR 60 
aene Net » wai edd ot sown dads 
ads to Sexe wid seete sue eturog ruses wad saat ae ve 
‘wi os mows af otros Semottiiee kesegong sft ml ekelteget io 
a@seletendy ,tuld bug yexaen ects alt wep lhe Ba ¢Yyenuorts a Bien 
admos Lanekeibda ate Re faa 14" » Sats modmiqe oft te at diem 2 
s rel alse (eaeureo * te geo olie 68% Ye o¢ien wt) aole 
atisne od syotlog wilting samtoge ab gotre sebsoaenand 
fans “{honaigmis od of eve aioe 22 te 

w ery 
* “Geanee ates ; 
wn evitotnee™ raat yee oe } 

6 ‘ 
geo loath eteses ott Re te tia mb tape lla + Raves Me emi te. * doe! 

oF — emt aboot bus *,otinw aid bs bene peer ee fot war tee 

sade Saggy Ny seepmewnggpnn 

ee depot Sh Stedignee. ST 
oan 0 m bantrgwie at. 

EE ——— ———<— 


‘hat the court “dees not believe that these oounte 
(ninth and tenth) can be aepuraied oe that wich counts as do not 
eet Up thie lilegei transection gun giand where Ahe othore falls 
It iw represented te the eourt by the affidavit of Pinintiffts 
dawyer that sil of the facts set up im @oeh of the counts are 
true. the counts are cumulacive, the ninth and tenth counts 
seueribe the entire trensuction, and she court helé@ that cheae 
vountes set & t®auesction which is sbselutely voids immoral seg 
ehecking to the eourt,® 

“Another thing whieh has impressed the court is the fact 
ghieh is Ot e¢% up im the adcitiensl eounts, and whieh was brought 
erth in the oral argument, Vigey counsel for defendant, without 
ebjection, resd te he court from a cersified copy of certain 
diveree procsedings in lenc, Nevada, in whieh plnimtire'e wige 
obtained a decree of divoree from plainuiff en the ground of oruel 
and ishuman couduet. Thies ¢ivorce was Gbinine vhertly after 
the trameoetion eet wp im the adéitdonal counte,. Counce) fer 
éefendant announced om ihe argument that sinimtiff was gz porty te 
these ¢ivorce proceedings, that he wee represented by counse, therein, 
and that he consented thereto. ‘the eourt hew mot examined gadd 

certifieddiverse proecedings, but eouneel ® » etatement wae not) 

After carefully reviewing the present records and cone 
aidering the court's opimion or deeision and the briefe ond argu- 
ments of opposing councel, we have recehed the conclusion that the 
cours erred im enterimg the order or Judgment in qveations wherein 
Plaimtizf wos denied leave te file the Sen additions] counts 
presented, and plaintiff's sult w.5 dlemiased, “as being tee Lee S 
public policy beewse based on a corrupt, illegal end tomeral 
tWangeetion according to the silegetions of anid ten additional 
Sounte, the truth of uhieh is verified by atfidavit.® 

It is our opinion that the original epecial eount (bere 
eet forth), an filed by plaintiff's former attorneys on the day the 
sulk was commen@ed on May 17y 295k, states @ gooi enuse of action. 
Defendant id met demur te is but filed a plea of the general iasue. 
On “october 24, 1932, after Mr. ‘hitman bad been substituted as 
Plaintiff's attorney, ke filed « written metion im plaintiff's 

; behalf for leave to file the Sen additionol counts, supporting the 
tion ty certain written groude aut bis affidavit. among the 
a grounds it fe stated that the filing ef the a¢ditionsi counts was 
neteseary te enable plaintiff to oustaim his acticm, ete.) amd that 

i sabe snd ets nd gee 

adnoo pens dose aves ted sou ases” tears Tanah 
Bo Ae tote ome god oe reoys: ae RB, bos 
a rete as sive Bleue ye ourer was than 
ots sanuoo only ‘te Gy ten pono ade he dee 
atuvoo fives Om diate efT seviseliauwy esa mdemee ef. «ou 
seeds faii ubled giveo ett sue sueltoamenws ontiog gn) edi tans 
gen Lotosest “ey Usiaieads wl 3 Sel sonanets _- doa 

rd wiiate g Bastd 
— a0e poole oP a* Seamarow ia bg adh a er gett re 
ave hne ,220993 Ineevrq add yatwoiver YLEvtems we is con 
<ugie bite eel oft bey seielood 4s neimige wttrwes ett anbsohie 
oi? Sad molawlaten od? batieset svar ow ytoannos prtavago So ntasm 
atvrade exolsavup at Sorvmgint fo aebao mde geteodns mt bere — 
“GimKo% Kano két ote wad MMe OLEY OF wAOL doined eam Tibet 
Gamtage yalod sa" ybonatmetD «ow sine a "Pibamtady ‘ble ebeemaenn 

wrod} same Latosgn kantytae ads por easils - sab tg ” « dae... 
phedethe meray sree boty 

“a! taamtadg nt med sons negekue we belts. 
8 aatoog aes Sones ade 
aie eT | 
our stimen temmibtasen ede te ‘mY ta growed Se. 
tat? baw 12 98e stoltoe gis tisteve of er 


the allegations of the PSSPesee counts were true 8 @ paxrtdowlarly _ 
Stated senee.s in hie affidavit 16 is atated that aaia grounds 
“are true to the best of big mowiedge and information and Juéguent 
no Om attiormey at law,” Under the previsiens of seetion 29 of 
Gur formexy practice aet then in force (imi ls State, ASSL Canpe 
ALG, pe 2176), and the prevailing practice im this and other Statea, 
it was plainiirg's right to onke a motion to file the additional 
sounte.s In 49 Corpus Juris, eee, LV@» pe 158, it is anid: *the 
statement of the ense gouge of action in different saya or forme, 
eoch in a seperate count, sx ax to meet citferent pousthie phuges 
of the evidenee ag it iggy be Goveloped eo the triel, ox #0 ae to 
meet cifferent poeeible legal Views, ig permissible, net omy at 
commen law, but alee under some statutes,” ka L Chitey's Fhep pe 
424, it ie anid: “Before she pleaging Fules, Bile Te 4 Ws 4a Be BS, 
& declaration might eonniet of sawerous cuuntes, © * and i$ wae 
usual, perticulerly in assumpeit and in actions on the guage, ta get 
forth the plaintiff's seme cause of actien Ag various shape im 
6ifferent cowmta, so that if he failed im the proef of one cout he 
might sugceed on amother. euch additions) Counbe have been aptly 
termed gufety valves .* smé 1% te owr opinion, after exeniming 
the allegations of the tem additional counts presented, that each 
on its faee discloses « goue guuwe ef net lome 

Yrem the written deoigion «f the eeurt it appeare that 
the court was of the opinion that the niash and tenth eounte disclosed 
& Gontract or transnetion “which ie absolutely void, immoral sane 
shocking to the courte” oven if this were uo, we do net think 4t 
would justify the court im refusing te aliew pinimtiff te file the 
ether eight counte and in disuiasimy the entire sult. tn 49 ent pak 
 Purie, ees 12k, pe 128, the writer anyeat “hile the party should 
be bound by sliegations of his Pieodings deliberately made, * # 
the general rule is that, where there are several counts in the 

wh ie 

xAivosiiag o gh owxd exer ag nweD ween OT, edd ke snob tngaiin. oatt 

abemory dtoe Joti Betings ut 92 stvabhYta wh wk © 4 
deamghu, Max oltame Val bes sydoLvons wi to tee wad oF owe brat 
te GL noltoon te eautalven: adf tebe ~ *.wak Ga Yohmose a ren dit 

ogaio gheOk gotods at Littad) pixet mt medt tee, vation a sooty tt | 
eneiads verte bas gidé at seisowm gal iiaveng wt yn Lahn “ baer: 

fompidtbno edd 21% os aehtom « eden od ihtyhs oS 

nfT* tbien ab a) ¢B8l “8 (ghE aooe gulene ances. er a cinta 

eaesok Mo eUS. dnenedhse at mites te saan ose asd te ’ oe date 

ananitt eldlaaeg sapist the teens ee aa as dame sdetogon enh se 

of wn op ne qhabtd ade de tiegotovos s¢ yam # an sonobive aiff 6 

dn Une tom catdicaloneg eb severly Lagel eidtescq snorsiRih dow 

og Gott oh ESD LRT “Seedeeede seme xebew ond sue Qwat womnos 

8 ot gb of Bet ott punkoy Qablnate eee oxeIeE” ahdaw wt Ok eth 

sow tf bae © © ,agewon neotomws to datemoe style moidetadeed & 

se 62 49509 oc? We eweltaa MD tom Megan af ebackeoi feng » fone 

mt gognel) evnltag Gh mation Te enwde ome o'REteMote odd Meco 

ad discs ewe Yo Youtg edd ad Bacio’ od Me Paki co yatmueo sews Rehd 

fous desl? qhotwseong edmion Dedelerhbe mad oct ‘to emebeaye dt wild 

, . 901 Joy TH onAEe kooy a oneness dh hth 

 $hed axasdqe 22 ¢useo ods Te aohaieed eeaesew edd movi 66 oo 26 

beaolonts wéawed Aimed bea etal paw Seale medeige ede be oom eee tt 

ben Levent yhlov qeduloues #2 aide nottensaerd to dom 

SE Walid som Oh ow eon gee ehh he awe. Witte ecmian 

one bat stlee exten vat yatvnbae sae ate ai 
* # sooam eel atedetes “nto te online ) mwod 2 
ott na atone Loteved wae oundd geese 9t nom ei 

ew} SS ee 


same ctclaraitons or a variety of pleas, an aiiegation in ene 
count or plea eamnct be insisted upon by the adverse party ee 
Qn RGmission of fact for » purpose cletines from the procf of 
such count or plea.” ond in gee, 180, De 162, the writer alge 
says: “The theory of separate counts ie thet each ie a complete 
Cause of setions «a dietinet tram others ne if it stood alone in 
the plesding, * * Genernily speaking, cach count er aeparately 
stated enuse ef aetion must be Campicte im itself and set out a 
Complete cause of setiong its sufficiency is te be tested by ite 
Sun_avermentes and it eannet be either Sided or defeated by aver- 
ments in another count or separately stated enuse of agtion, which 
are net repeated or incorporated by referenee im the count in 
questione® (See Porter v. ironing, 12 ills ippe 362, 4653 Komp 
Ve Ghleages Ole. Re Cos, 225 ide 633, 638) Durkee v. Bank, 13 is. 
£16, 2224 Irein v. Guerson, 127 Ga. TS— Fa.) 

im said written decision the esurt ekpresnes the further 
Spinion that “ir Bt amy stage of the proceedings it appeare to the 
court that the ogreement sued upon is against publie poliey because 
ef corruption, 1% ig the duty of the court te dismiss the auit of 
its own motion.” ve have reviewed the twe ences eited in eadd 
Gecision, but, in our opinion, they ¢o met suppert 46 or the 
judgment now in question. Both of che cited eases concern setions 
of a trisl court after the pleedings had been settled and the case 
was on for trial before a jury. in the Sweanyen cone (105 Us oe 
261) it ie held that where it is shown by the opening Tes 
Plaintiff's counsel that the contract om whieh the suit is brought 

is void, as being either in violation of law or agninet public 
Policy, the court way direct the jury to find « verdiet for 
defendant. The Court anya (pe 263)+ “The power of the court te 
set in the disposition of a trial upon facts conceded by counsel 
is ss plein se ite power to set upon the evidence produced. The 

sao mi woléepoiie me gaan to Walter # 20 ghtolsaxaleeh sane 

fo Yiteg cenerhe of? YC meqe Retake ed tonnes soly 20 JARND 
_ fe loswy od? mes? tontsatd onequng « got, soak Yo notwalmte een 
cule tosixe odd ghOL of 5 (NM ottn a dmurpe stone 
siwigamo « sh dae seds nd odmmes egotogye ne faye 
mt emote doofe $f Tt an suede mx? sonbiadd ag qmodson Yo, seuad 
“xfodaraqes 26 tuyoo anaes gamideags Yio roned . ¥ opnthest off 
& tue ton ban Boast mt stofquee ed toum motion 20 ens bytase 
Rika bedaed og of ut yomeieh ties att yaetten Ye veuee oto mt 
~rove Wi betavteb x0 bnbta vosldts od tonnae ¢2 Imo Agdweutoye. se 
eidw gnoltes we gavop botuds otenegos % smms0® xadgoue, at sam 
as seed ot? al gomncetet we bedaroqtooal ‘te betesqes Aon, ou 
gaol 4805 «S35 «Gur oLf1 Gh gummmestt «y zadugt 995) Saas 
| Ok EL anak ov gamtrasd 4869 9MBD +3 BSS as a 
, (a6? 908 v0 TEL esonanasl o¥ ast, a 
| ess me ad? eosaysqae tunoe wid meteiood metizy bias ml 
ads 92 axenque 42 opnidopeung att Re amady yaa de Tk" ta swohatge 
sauased wiles eifcuq Jatkoge ak moqy dows dnesowtge oat tadd sue 
to flue add selmeth of ¢xwoe ade to yowe gad ot th enobiquetee te 
bhow ah bette agaco gut wht howalwen oved OF "emah OH, att 

wat zo th sroqaun ton ob. amt amokmheo odd omotatns 
atolien mupates genase bathe eds te ated saakigonp mt woe, —— 
gene oni bite heledvs seed bad age hor sq seid geite dames Labxs @ to 
8 “9089 oy samme. OCIS a gree Lotsd x02, no ame 
eainiate nekwegs ent yo auore mt ¢4 syndy dete Bhed gf. a2 Agog . 
tuhywond at 4wa- 2c? dodtx 9 foantmon emt dans. panuce ot Riéabadg | 
oiling dactogs to wel to wokiokoly mk weddie yatod os, adler at 
ot deborey 2 Mat? of Yawk OHS Goessd yam dame Mt oyekiog — 
of dtyoe oft Ye owog oMh" (288.96) wxnm tamed ae ‘stab 
Lonawey yl babsones stan goqe tatsdo Re mabstaeqads ws me too 

| MET, shonuborg gemwbten edt co f00-06 sm att ne state | 




Question im either ene must Be whether the facts upon which it 

in exlled te imetruet the jury be ciesrly watablished.s, Ef a dount 
existe es te the atatement of couisels the court will withhele ite 
directions, as where the evidence is conflicting, and leave the 
matter te the deteruin«tion of the jury.” In Bum O41 Gos ve 
Garren, 261 Llis Appe 513, plaintiff sought to reeever in, Agoumpsit 
the sum of about $150 for merchandise sold to defendant wider 4 
written ¢ontract, and defendant had filed « plen of seteof? Gis uaing 

éomeges in a greater amount. Upon a trial before a jury counsel 
for the opposing parties exch wade agening statementa. after 
defendant's counsel bad mace hig atatemext, in shiek he outlined tn 
substance tio allegstiang of defendant's plea of set~aff aud the 
facts he expected to provi, the court, swomarily anc of ite ows 
motion, directed the jury te return a verdi¢t in faver of phe intirg 
amg entered judgment ageinut defentent on the verdiet. The appeliate 
eourt reverséd the judgment and remanded the cause. In ite opinion 
the court comments on the Jscamyan case, and ether exees, including 
Phetsch vs Piectgoh, 443 Tlie 434, from “hich quotations are maces 

Im the Pleteeh eaee the action vas in farelble deteiners on the 
trial plaintiff's attorney wade an opening atatement toe the jury, 
outlining the facte he proposed ta prove, and, iu turn, defemiant's 
attorney atajed the facts he expected to shew im deafened. Thereupon, 
immediately following defendant's «tiorney's etatement, the eoart 
instructed the jury to resurn » verciet finding defendant guilty 

ef unlawfully withholding possescion of the premises and that the 
right of poaseeeton was in plaintiff. The evurt entered jadguent 

The Jadgment wae affirmed by the appelinte eours 

om the verdict. 
fox thig Giatriet, bat on eurtifieate of importance and further 
udgment and reminded the 

append the -upreme court vaversed the J 

4 e qi ‘1 
im the written égeeieion of the court in the present cause 

SI egg 

tf detsw hogy wien’ ots vnald wate od foun ouae zedlte at moi sooup 
atyvoh ot ‘phedubidadus Ylacele of weet oda gourdand es bettas at 
edt ekdddely Lhiw duwoo nde siswaneo te duemod ofa ods of as oguze 
Witt eveel bua ‘epith dod Lhisee wh sonsutvs ode oad a0 aa semoidoonds 
0 490 £20 wut at *apzay wks te ol sankans9 ee wld of red 2am ; 
_fhacmmons | at tovesen ef idqwoe Yebsatarg exe van’ fir ie 
a vebas dusbasted of blow vadbanioxen tot cose suede v9 mse ont 
pittadnt® Yewten to sel 2 bektt Bad snebaoted hes stooeinoe ‘nods tes 
“Kewanee Ys, « vetoed Lakes a weg | ttacome woteons a a? eopemed 
 qedth sednemetedte gatmee whew deoo woe nag autacqae odd ot 
at bamitine at doisiy mt ,2oommsade ait ooam bad Loneaee ‘et aaabnetss 
td ban tto-se0 te sale stonnbanted Yo awsl sayetts eid venatcdin 

“pwe ad? Te fe Lb commas “tui i covong od Devoe. ateat 
tibtaiaty to covet ab ao) buoy & awiies 0s ext ‘utd hodoots motsom 
Siaiisqge att .toletey odd ke fuctns toh sentoys suemgbct bexeeae ‘one 
wokntge a2 at .euias ont bobmintr tere darerp si, od ‘Bherover re 
guthulont sasine aeatde. bes oes sta ol we wtaocm0p woe 
+Oh2k Oe aneltatenp spdiw ona? bap 4a ane oe v toe 

etd wos tonked ns | afdlect ed mare naso0m a: ‘seae Keates » e " 
eUtel ots of dnamsiade anknaqe Ne woe werroisa erratintasa oe 

o' Sxobie tes pated nt y hes suve3g et osaegeny ‘ed agent te vataloue 
seoquered’ .earetet at wee of boeougas od wien? ‘edt odedu weniotde 
Hive and ¢ Ixodsedy alyonredde watts htworse® Uistatbeamt 
WLiy seorbasted ‘guihiddy solovey a wien e8 eat dt be betowzten? 
att doaté dos seatmoxg ‘edt to Rolawesecy al bcedlt: bw Lis ta Se 
teeaghet, horses tues od? Means on ed otevscang — pera 

ye ee, ao 
Joe $tallegge oats ve dear tls naw ‘Seema bt, eit "ebolieny ads 

weds xe. bee verasrogadd ehape pines dortnapdl § ebtéuib hits vi 
eis ba heccemes bina rr one hee vive fio ke a chs a ad | , 

he ie & ra Se BaeeE LD Ss 


seune whining, 


the @ourt alse ¢xpressed the opinion that the "cumulative effeet" 
of the facte aa aileged im all ef the coumte Giaclesec “eoliusios 
between plaintiif and hie wife," that they “srronged te entrap the 
defendant*® and thet they “were operating a vbedger game.* Fe are 
unable to say thai the allegationea of cither the ninth or tenth 
acditienal ecunis, or of these ef any ether count, can be helé t+ 
justify wack an opinion, in view of the shove quoted paragraph 
eof the court's opinion reletive to the eertified copy of the 
diverce preeeedings imatituted by plaintiff's wife in Nene, Vevada, 
which cdecument it appecre wae “read to the court” om the heorimg of 
the motions, we think the court probably was influeneed by the 
document in resehing his conolusiom am¢ decision. «nd it ia elear 
to Ue that the court, in passing upom the three motions as firat 
above mentioned, should have limited iteelf solely te the consid 
erntion of the then existing record (wine, the proposed ten 
additicnal couste exhibited, the stated groumés for their filings 
@tes)» and should wot have allowed gnid document te have been 
exhibited and read. As aptly anid by plaintiff's attorney 
(during the argument as above sentioned): “the hearing eas not 
open to the offer of evidence.” 

for the vouachs indicated the order or Judgment of the 
Girquit court of Lecember 12, 1932, ie reverand, and the eouse is 
remanded with direvtiong to allow plaintiff's metiom te file the 
ten additional counte as presented, and fer further preceed ings 
im accordance with law and exisiime praetiee and procedures 


| Sullivan, ©. Jey amd Jeanlan, Jo, comeure 


*goutie evidatuswea" sold gate motnigo ante beanorgas cata txweo outt 
soltawilos” ganaleets gtrwon ene to Lig at degetia as adpah ode to 
att qacdae of hogeacin” “ole deat “yeh ada bao Lidéaialy seamed 
ore OF “spany caghed « yahtamnge omew® yard fast. ban "snake dod 
dtees «so Méukm of? toddho to sawltopetio edd, dod yoo 48 idem 
of Mad og sap .tmuas andde qn te ones Re xo emdmmne moat ebes 
| tgaryatog ketewp eveda ats to wale wl enodntge sn sass, clvout 
sat Xo sane berhherey wely o? orbtalon wotntqe a'dqmen att Ro. 
alee insets etin ai tiientela yo seduilinmt ayatbeoossg soueyhh 
te pakucosd, oft xo “Semon add oF Saon". orm eran #8, drome aon 
wacko ef 2 bm stoletaed bre molevtone gtd yattonet at saomoeb, 
gosh? ca amokiom eoudd ge? moqu gadumng mh »iten ade bans Hat 
~hiunes ol? 64 Yleloe Meath patios evad bivorts, «Sempttoem gvede, 
wns aad, boacqe rm ott geaiv) brover antialxe res a te mntins, 
_aBSLLEL theds s0% adauoxg begate pele »bodidistve , 
mend ovmt po smemmol bhex cowol.le, oval, To won 
 rrredte af tibialet¢ YW die yhiqe eA. » haps, : dco 

fom gow gabxecs off? 1 (dommtione wvede, 20; érpensptn, Prt 
fear toby ke rete, ost we meme 

oetd. 20; Aeeoemghonk, xb subse, auld Dedwot beth, wevhnee, edb WH, 6d 
ah canon off. bam .booreywa of KOS oii cedmeget to dunce ‘shoeate. 
eAd oftt of wobtom a tilemhalg wniia ot anelfownd® deiw pebmasoe 
agatiersong wosiduw? col hue ghesacereg ae eétuveo Lamotte 19d 
settbpoey hme settoong gebsekx pam ak tte oomabnonne at 


MR, CR rdoa Lf “v 

NN —  ————_————— = eee Oo lhl 

ca a ee ae Pee ee ee ean 
PIES, = 49 ee 

gj ; a xs 

: f AY ? aie BR 

‘ } reg eR z 

? y Fa PS ie @ 

i j J md i a 
3 j y s i" 

¥ oY ; ¢ 
a eae 3 

ISLAND, & eorperctions, ax 
aéministrater @f the estate } 
of Theedere tee dovensed, AVPEAL FROM CLRGULT 
\ppellee } 
j - GOURT, COOK couNrY. 
Ve } F 
) oye ens es 
THE CHICAGO, KOCK Tehamp amp op [.A. 6@9 
PAGIPIG RALLSAY COMPANY, @ fk © 4 elie 1 39 
Appelianit « 


in an action for damages for negligently cousing the 
desth of plaintiff's iatestete there wae « trial before a Jury 
in Yebrucary, 1935, resulting in a verdict finding the defendent 
guilty and assessing plaintiff's domgens ot 06,000. On Mateh Ll, 
2933, judgment wae entered against defendant for that amount and 
the present appeal followed. 

On Margh 6, 1934, thie court reversed the judgment md 
remanded the couse om account of errere of the trial court in the 
giving of certain instructions effered by plaintiff. Thereafter 
plaintiff's petition for a reheoring was allowed, to which defendant 
filed an enewer, ané plaintiff's ceunsel, by leave of court, filed 
a wemorencum of additional cuthoriiies.s We have again reuchec the 
conclusion thet the judgment should be reversed anc the cause 
Temanced becsuse of the giving ef two of valid instructions, herein- 
after mentioned. 

Plaintiff's declaration consisted ef five counta, to 
whieh ¢efendent filed a plen of the genersl ineue. uring the 
trial the plaintiff withdrew from the jury's consideration the 


A Se eg 

ert fin nn 
SO SI GEST mel — 
= i Se 

eS — — —— Se Se a ee EE —a _ - 
a-ak auhtaisaoenineiiees: atone == ——— ae — SS a aS ee = nda = ~= = 


etna LB TR 


290 ATDYS 


4 a 

“_TMod CHT €O ROMO Bar fue < MaucE00 BETO ol 


etld guinges ciinegtigen: tok eenemeb tek wolsne na ak 
yruk @ ezeled Lebit o wew oxedi edadeotsh e' Ttligtelg » ane “ 

miRaetetT + tiktakedg YS howto meenenaen anton 0 envte 

Ieabrares siv kaw of phowolLe aew yukeowlor 2 Ot naktideq al PUImke a ye 
SeLit gi tos Lo evand Yt eLognmee »'Thistelg bee » sewed a ! s 
ws deleawe aiage ovasd oW san ke duosidss Sametilobs te ‘ ns Se : = ‘a 

emi sid Oke Seatewed od Bfwenia dmoumial oat dant [ n08 e. 

~atowd quneiioustemt bine Ye on? Yo gutvly wilt Yo semwoed bate amet 

&5 gnanwen eFil te bovaieuso usbtiinamins: arresemtess IE Sh tila 

tas gubawc onset Lerenoy ed? 20 aokg a petit snebnars> fo 

ed? mottatedianes «cmt el? mov? woubdétw Tittle ef a 

CC SC Crm 

a Here ee 8 


eecond cout, which cherged willful and Wanten meghigenwe. in 
the first count it is alleged that ex Bay Te 1VA0, defentant, a 
reilread corporation, was posueesed of sivers yards, rights of 
Way ame traeke, over which 1t entwed to be operated and propelled 
Givers locomotives and cars used in the canveyanee of paseengers 
and freight; that en oaid day plainuirs's intestate wee a gueat,s 
viding in a certain moter Veliele, then being operated im a 
weaterly dixeetion upern a public highway anown as Grove street 

im 2lue luland, Sook ‘ounty, iliineis, aud acresa defendant's 
tracke; chai plaintify's intestate “wes at eli timer in the 
exereive of ordinary esre for Bie oven sufeiys” that defendant then 
ang there “negligentiy Gale@a, permitted and allewed a certain 
locomotive and tender, then an¢ there Operates by defemlant over 
eeid tracks, to forcibly ond vielentiy rum inte and etrike ageinat 
esid moter vehicle, in which Pleisstiff's intestate wos then and 
there riding in the exercise of ordinary eare for his own patetys* 
Gant thereby plaintiff's iniestate «5 ag greatly eut and injured 
that he then and there diegs ane that ke Left nim gurviving his 
widow anc several children (maming chem), ete. 

The other counts contained similar adlegutdiens. the 
third count charged that defendans's Plugent,s siationed at the 
pablie crossing, negligently invited plaintiff's imgcatate and 
other persona to cross ever the eeilrosd Gracke, aiid negligeutly 
failed te give prope: signals ani warnings af the « perench ef the 
Locomotive and tendur. The fourth cout charged that éofesdant 
negligently enused the lovomsiive to be backed across the hi chway 

: without maintaining on ithe teudex of she loceneltive cuffietent 

} and proper Lights, signals oy warnings, “he Tifth count cherged 
that defendant negligently esused the icsometive to be backed 
Ringes the highway witheut giving sufficient ané proper signals 

» wht Be mnenene add to agukewy bo0 oho wm ovis, oF ee os : 


ai. -conepsinen sotaew bac Inttibr beyroae deisiv ates Sueone 
B qdtta dace te b qOned of yo no dad) dogeife al 2h dnwow dort ot? 
Ye astylt yabusy axovlh Xo beensesnG wow qheseoregiOD yeh bw 

keliege my baa betawsqe od OF Seamer ad ho dete "eve endostd iittn ‘ew 
Stegtocnsg YH semeyernos ese mk bomen wae tm, novicomues « axe ’ 
aiken & sav Siagoutms a etisahade yak. bias wa teste ‘sddebest ‘i 
2 al Potervye gated watv .eioitev <otem Gind zen a we goths 
deoxds o¥ORe aa sree winiged ofkdvg « mage aot sont viuetaew 
a’ gaabae tes anex2s em gadeasilt eed: soa qhnetat “wu 
esld M2 aoutd iis so ase* edatontal of Mhadatady jadi qailentt 
weds inabuareh tadd "sysoten pee sid C03, e159 q tant oso te sale tone 
nindies a bowolla bin opgvimeag «renee yLenegi igen” geod wad 

down danone en YA Gesacoge eres’ Dem renal stobnet ate 

‘guatege asduda nae, eon mux hamotery bun ueghoss® of qniiostd bites 

fie cand saw atpgavtad a Wikeclete dedde Bt aeteaiey, rosea ha 

‘“gysntes mee edd apt orne Yuembhre Je esdotoxe add mb eees a : 

aguas koe doe Ties om gow otadwotmt ai tilinials yen f 

add gakvivum sid otek od teks bon gaekh ovedé bes gest oe tae 

) sete (ands staan) aemakite Lovenee tne wehbe 
eal? aneiaediie retin AOmAmeane, AANR® AINE ME 2 


tu statuctnd a !2Arehade Rett Saueatlgen vont ey nap 
~Lisoghigod ua aateat? sagehiot ose cove exet? O4 . ‘ 

ba sont, ioc ipipeoaeces Ke beanies Bye i" 
teatektiva ovivonmoed sald ko uehewd ond no 
heprute gwen. @22AS oa? omgmbnane x 


or warnings of ite approach. 

Om the trial five witnesves testified im plaintiff's 
behalf, vis+, Yilliam Biege (the driver ef the meteor vehicle 
or automsbile); ustin Sreese (a passenger therein); Jot Me 
and Harry “icherfsen, feather ené som (eyewitnesses to the 
aecident), and Agnes Mees {a daughter of plaintiff's inteatete. } 
Vor defendent eight witmesses gave testimony, including the firee 
man and engineer of the lecommetive (whieh colliced with the eute<- 
mosile}), the flagman at the eroseimg at the times, and other 
tuployers of fefencant. SNunersue photegraphe, shoring the place 
of the accident and eurrouncinge, were introduced in evidence. 

Slue ieland ic 2 avburb of Chieaco, about 16 wiles from 
defendant's main atetion iu Chiesge. Greve atreet in Bine Island 
is & paves street, runing «92% ond weet, about 27 fact wide frem 
eure to curb, and with sidewolke on exch side shout 5 feet distant 
from the eure. It eveeres cight tracks ef defendant proctieally 
at right engles. Comeeneing ot the eaat there sare three “main 
line” tracks, then two "suburban® tracks and ten three *swi teh* 
tracks. ‘Yhe width of the three main line tracks in sbout 54 feet, 
end the dictanee between them ond the suburban tracks $5 the west 
ia about 70 feet. About 160 feet north of Grove street and between 
the main line tracks and the subuxban tracks ie ¢efendant's Glue 
Ielan4 paseenger depot, conzected with Greve strect by «a briek 
pavement. the firat etrest south of Grove sireet is Pulten 
etjreet, the next is Union street amd the mext is ‘eetern avenue. 
South of che south sidewalk of Grove aitreet and immediately vest 
ef the main Line tracks ig leested a small flagman's shanty. in 
the vicinity ef Pulten street the main line tracks and the suburban 
tracks converge. In the triangle mace by Grave street ae its bage 
and the main line tracks and the suburban tracks as ite sices, 

there are no buildings except the fisguan's shanty. nd from 

Nan ts te 

.norrgge wae te equtetaw ~~ ! 
a'rtldmtaly wt bolthe and asmaqmd de owt fakes ant me 

diotdev codes sli te r8rheh oct) opord mai Lee waty stated 
eB valet ¢(miovedts raRnoneag pe) cusoxe mbna’ t( o£tdomosue 70. 
ett 0¢ sosnondiweye) mee bea xesttar ssn heeds crm been 
(,etatoedat wo ttiiaiels te ee tehgeonh e) seen aonyh. one o(2etone, 
week afd prtboutowt gymomtiae? oveg asonend hy tigte tnctas tod oT 
«us edt silw bobdlfos a tae) avis omweod ost to rooerb gate bas Cs 
qeetde hes qomkd sete és BARwaore oft be nage lt, outa af Lt ve 
eonkg odd gubwosis sostqerye vont wate Roce a danbavty® 0. ova codes 
seomebive ak boonborint oxew eared bmwo cee bes anohteos oa * 
mot? sett 8£ suede yognokt? te Suse nat bmatoz auke tne i 

se ek 

prakel owll at dcorte evord somes tet nt montade reba at eegbuoren 
mock whtw goe2 VE suode .eeow bie soon wechene .doonte boven, 4 * ok 
diatath dort @ inode oble done co) ‘wiLewsbhe sate bn ; ene ae up 
VLavitesty tashbveteb te ‘wloard sdipte senners ‘t en ont WH, 

exdians” _ ain yet? ged ots te watoaoma0> ) 

ofeet 88 funds sh wlests onal wham eons odd te Prive fot ea 

feew odd @f adonts nadundvs oad Sine ond noontod oonnt axe ot? hol 
meevted hue deerds evor® te ‘doxon ‘toot bes fared 398% of tod 

Pe 8 Sic A) a. bi oF 

eatd e*onahas ws hes ove nodrudie head | a weet oats a 

souteve azeduel ok gxom ona Sete sounds no bet ok axve ous th Met 
faew ‘Uetatbount pen s90nde ovexd to ‘Aimwobhe even on by fe vs 

Ki Yoke weal Linum a began wf wear salt mten or 1% 
RAY SE Ratt ng & lbw 

nedudee off haa store ond hau ata sorte ost “ “winter es i 
: : ee vb fs 

Soae asi an seonds vend xe abou oye é rt ‘ns 4m: 
gr a 

eaedia ete on eivatt nade ‘etd baw BB en sh 

wovk bah .Yvaulile o nompakt odd dqeome agaththud 


Grove street, aleng both Linge of tracky chere is nothing te oh- 
etruet one's view te the ssuth fer = lemg dietanes, exeeps astd 

The neei¢ent happened after dark, on « eleer night, 
akewt F465 pe tay central ctandara Sime, on the north side ef Grove 
atreet and where it ta interaseted by the mest westerly ef defend« 
ant'g two euburben tracks, he Heareet electric atreet Light te 
the place of the accident was ong cbout 46 feet vay, suapended 
from a pole, about 25 feet sheve the grow, at the avuthveat inter- 
eeetion of Crove etreet an defendant's tracks. the @reesing and 
tracke were etherwize iliwsinates wy other eleeirie lighta in the 

Biege, the driver of the altteompebile, testified in sub. 
stance that vhertly prior te the sevigent, he met Bresse and 
Vibvelamn at « soft drink parler en Grove streets eagt of she 
traeke; that he offered te take them te their respeetive homes in 
Rie sutemebiles thai they started and went West on Greve etveat, « 
"ibbelaian sitting on the right of the frent sent ang Breese on the 
Feor s@atj thet ae the ear appresehed the traeks he (the eitneaa) 
Reoticed a freight train coming from the north on ene of ihe mada 
line tracks, but he drove the ear across ihe wein dime tracks in 
front of the oncoming train, and, juat before reaching the 
seburborn treeke, stopped the car and “Looked both wayss” that 
“Tibbelamen, from hie place in the front e¢at had juat as good a 
View of the surroundings in frent ef uy Gar ne I dids* that although 
there was nothing t¢ obatruct the view te the south, he (the witness) 
@12 net knew thet there was a locometive appr@nching the croscing 
) from the south; thet he dic not hear arty bell or whistle er "see 
} omy hee’ light or Lickte of omy kind upon the lecemotive;” that 
| he preceeded to cross the suburban tyagke, and that just ac he 

“Fenched the second track, “I game in contact with the engine, ana 

“#9 of gubsditen «2 wise’ etoend Yo oaetht. Kod anela gtootste @yosd 
bine tqoxe jounnielh guok «med twee olf 0% welv.e'one sounds 
eights mate « wo aaah oaths konegeadd PINES ot. i 
ever? Te white acer ass mm , ome, Siahuste PRE O W oonga 
-haw ee to viredewes tema elt qd hedoemragat ef a2 onedy one deosde 
ed sight tevrin wliseats duwrea sft ..eolent) medvedue oot a! dem 
hodeaqate eyews teat 68 Jaewe ace ao seobloon add te epaky wt 
~gotml teomilson ede te ghewexg odd erods do0t 26 tweds «ofloq «mort 
bes yekawere omt .alnnre etdiebaeled dee doatde evex® te modigos 
oe ad ose birinelo sein ww oatenhewsit salwiedio giew adeast 
eine UL balticae? ekidowmodnn, ats To caaiiall ost sane, ~ 
bow aovend tom of yinobives oat of tebag yLivede. tad ona 
(908 Te daay gseouda eeexS ne coLing aolch Stee @. fe, mame ts 
enna: enbtnenpnare bit hiciandt: teh. 04, eee. od balls tadiie 
» etecuta eyotd ce deew goow bee: Setueds yatld. fart isle pha 
ous MO wanes See grou dmnta ads ko datgha vet wo geksele want sae 
(omonditw eds) ef ativare oid. Aainwpngae Rap wild ea dusts ttenn, xe0e 
Ries ui? te ose oe disor oul) mex _aimoo thax? talptort a dbagheon 
wt padoews vatl wise od¢ eaetos cas wid avard ad dud yadaots onht 
tid geitdpows oxoied dank chon gehawd ateme-tan 944,26 Apes | 
fast? *1wyew deed hevteod” saw ceo wilt Reqgese gudeatd mada fi 
n body be Saut how Huon suowt MAY Mb wonky wht wort qnaamdeddt 
Agwadiie duds “hte f ‘ae Tho WS Saeet wk wyeh bawerty oiit.20.sety | 
(naoadiw odd) od qiitwds of of Wey ate deuetudo: ot wabsisen ann gxsde | 
gitteners of! ytitucones srilémosel & usw ateds: taste work dem. ob 
“eon” 20 ekehbdw te iied we tned fen 24h asf dons tines etd amor? f 
taitd “qouktommool oie megs bite ya he stenincncataenie | 
a aa bass) saitt bei anni epamuantteets enor a et 


i ei i i i a MB 


I dieén't imew aryrthing more until I weke up im the hoepital.” 
The teatimony of Breese wea to the eame effeet. Metther Siege 
nor Breese gave any textimony ac te any euyinge or actions of 
ivbeleman efter the sutemebile had reached defendant'e tracks 
ené was crossing them. Seeene testified: “As I vent aereas 
the reilrosé treeke I 4id set see whet “Ybbeleman wae éoing.* 
The testimony of plaintiff's ettnesses, John S. and 
Marry Sichardeens was to the effeet thet they were sented in an 
automobile, etending just south of defeudent's etation, ené wit- 
messed the cocident frem thet point? treet they sew the sutemobile 
eress Gefendant'’s main Line traekr, are the locemative epporench 
the scroasing asd sew the collisions th<-t taey €1¢ net matics 
any headlight om the locomotive or hear any bell or ehictle, 
but that when they went te the place of the sovident, imoediately 
efter its oeourrenec, they noticed thet beth herdlighte es the 
locomotive were burning, ~ one ‘aver the eow-eatcher" and the 
other “on the tack eof the tender.” 
eefendant's principal witness woe Genjemin Gormans, 
the fireman ef the locomotive, she wee seated on the east or left 
gide ef the enb. He teetified im parts 
When we arrived ai Blue iceland that might from Chieage, 
the engine *pulied” the treim in. * * {ter the traim had been 
“eneked* tavarde the north and imio the yards, and after the ears 
hed Been uncouplea from the enyine, we went south te “eastern 
avenur, and efter getting « signal, “ve & up to Greve sixreet 
and then the accident happened.” * * Tnere were head Lighta on 
each end, + one on the tank and ome om the engines Seth - 
highte were bursing. * * These headlights are eleetrie and are 
turned om und off by a eviteh im the cabs in the engine there 
are other Light«a, including “the deck-licht ever the roof of the 
eebe” * * Om our way to Greve street from ‘extern avenue we 
were geing about 7 or 2 miles on Mour. “I was sitting én the 
seat bex hanging eut of the windew om the enat side of the engine. 
* * 4 gaw the srossing flagman and bearé his whistle. * * <bout 
that time our exgine was about on the south cidewalk of Grove 
atreet. * * i seen this autonobile coming ahead of the freight 
train om the westbound maim Line, ond ali i coulé de was to Let 

a squewk end pull the shietle, «hes ne bit the beck of the 
ag * * r should judge the automobile was going about 45 or 

6G miles an hour. « * It did not stop at any time from the time 
I first sew it umtil the collision happened. Itdi¢ not draw up 

pc nee OT Er ES ee 
ST = 

= Se SSS SS 

“A phathgnest eth wh qr alee D Lbteas oinen gaksingie wetat aaah m 

got endstet «testis see ony of nav enoorl To ymnmbiesd os 
to gneties xo egulyes Gee o¢ ee ynomkieasd que oveR ononet 460 

edoat? a onabueled aadoxer bev ekidomedne off ‘seeto mematodety 
wenten tmew Kook" sholthiee? enseut | caeetd qeteetrd Gan bia” 
“gated sow maaetecdty deal oon tor bP} I adgere beotktat oa 

_- Bite +8 mfel .esesentie at%hintely Yooyreubenes edt wi" Be 
ne ah beboen wsow Yee! Sutidwetto se of aa yuan duedo he eexall” 
wtb tne quoliada aldunhosted be sitvan tent gahtaade vsLidomnsa 
elidemsca ot wan yas? futl pemtow Coke mee saeetooe os bowagme 
dacemyge Seicomeend gilt me. sgina tt mat che a MeasbiotoD moe 
eoltem yen Sib yodd 4089 PuOleliiow omd wae. bas suteworts eid 

tte tie oe Shed yee wnat eh er bcomenes edd mo” Sgttband ae 

Peel ww éoa0 WY oe kodeow eat Oty, 

“pouny G2 boPthiees 6H bvediaed te au 
adaone went 

aeyeoleo mex tdyke cnet toekel eul® sa ete 
weed bad alatd off sagt * * al sna dine 

wise odd Keita faa yalay ait oad Oe 

‘ maadeo® of divou faew ow gaeiyie 

wa aaa oe Kate. taco 
Fratice eae 


and etep within 5 ex 6 feet of the suburban tracke. i anw 46 

try to awede the engine. Li wae a Little bai further merth then 
the eunter of the street. © * It looked iO Me so Sheugh he 

tried to go om at an angle 5@ @o% around the engine end he Bit 

the back buffer ef the tank." © * The ear ismded between the 
curb ang the sidewalk on the nexth alde of Greve street juet elear 
ef the south bound suburban Avacke * * The beLL on the cryine wag 
Simging. © * It ie operated automatioally by adc. « - 16 eome 
oe go Ree ‘ivGugheul the trip from bhe otasdon end a8 

we Went te “egters avenue and =e we eame beek., ‘nd 16 ene singin 
at the time ef the eollivien. ties 

the we given dustruectiona referced tO» offered by 
plaintiff, are fone 1 and 3. sueivuetion Bee 1 reade ac fellows: 

“2s The jury are inwtructed that a¢ you find from the 
evidence, under the inetructions of she V@Urts that the deeeaced 
WAS @ guest in the autemebile in which he was viding, and that 
he had ne contrel ever the operation of said automobile, mud 4¢ 
you further find from a presenderanee of the evideners, that at 
and before the time of the happening of the aeciiens complained 
ef im this ease, the decenced was in ihe exereioe ef erdinary 
care for his own persona), safety, and if you further find fren 
the evidenee, that the ingury and death of the degessed were 
taueed oe & proximate result and im consequence of the negligenes 
of the éetenken Ss if any, as charged in plainsiff's deeleras ® 
then you are inetrueted that she faet, if it be o feat, that the 
ériver or operster ef the cutomebile in whieh the deceased was , 
riding, wae guilty of seme wegligenee, which contributed te cauzing 
the injary ond desth ef the deceased, ihe weghigente, if amr, of 
the driver of the automobile in which the deceased wae ede ings 
commot be imputed or charged to him in this suit. (Given, )° 

While the giving of « wimilar inetruetion micht not be 
eoneidered ag error in geome cageu, we are ef the pinion thag 
uncer the particular evidence im the prevent came 46a giving was 
prejugicial to defesiant im thet it tended te mislon’ ami vonfuge 
the juxy. It was an ewsentieal part of plainiiff's esee te preve 
that at and iesedietely before the time of the agcident (ibvelemen 
wae in the exereiee of erdinery eare for hie own anfety, (Opp v- 
_ Bryor, 204 122. 5385 5475 bee ve City of Bemis 343 11s Gy 41+) 
Ae seid in the Bee cnet, plaintiff “nad the burden of affirmtbively 
; shoving that decenced was in the exereiee of due enre ond eaution 
for his own safety at the time of the sevident which resulted in 
hike death, ore in the absence of direct testimony, showing such 
. ave that reasonable inferences ef euch due care and enubion might 

be drawn from the cireumstonces disclosed by the evidence.” Im 


th waw % sasinex? wadatdes ody Yo # 
man? A ses | gorda 280 alist & sav 

yen Ree cy Bagg mynd oa gtiy™ y # 
a oe % é Bn SPR aa te 
a i eri bohaalae aae" =, Taaaed eit eset ee 
CHS. SOAR pede S¥ory i & : © RGR eae & 
sooty touh #0 i oo Ried on? # & * siveid teadcadwe daaed dius 
omoo @i © * sake qo Yihoudieseiun bedexoge eh fi * * « 
wm Bem tebiata ed moet Qixd 17 suemsiguetd? [ha gagn ot. 
grkgatt eeaw if Bet dood we oF on bon guaeve maodee” of 2 
teh Brg denbab bon: edhe ea otbne 
‘gd hexetRo ga? bevaetex ereitouséand eeviy ows aff 
tewelien ae ehoet £ oe wetdersiact§ 6f tia £ a 
fp Breer deep heer fag es yh gg coger see ve yuh ot? 4 z* 
Aepaosr? eid sogld gfumed ade to cua urcsaad ede usbow a! 
3a ane yunbare’ ¢"° ta ota 0 walé salt ou 
eitdemeiua Shea te 7 
Miaah jooueahes. is 

oe dette ‘te. & moa 
ate cond faebioos od? Sipe conn ye hy te oats na 
Sup tered enien ar Fe Cem penne Ser Ameen > mh 

mex? butt vests an? 2 doa Seamus Lsnon ald m2 02 
gee ag yy ane en ati eet 

eapaan a ob atdseaaie orp 
“eas of reais : 3 
"(.novea) sda ios ha Pray be a 2 44-4, 8 
of des itnim madconséend todterin & te gave ode ebbste 

tats sotntge ett 2% 920 Ow yH9N88 smwe Gh sosTe ne | 



at by 

gav guivia adh sane Simm ong | ose as Sonebive Reduedtaeg oss xaeu 
_ Pawttnes one auedete ef hohues 42 dole a2 iagia29b 99 katohiuterg 
WiOsg OF e898 A Mb indate ‘WO fsa fakinonee od ae 8T os 

tants Los gh smpokoon (ee 9 Sat deed Saachbat 
97 GAO) ayeeRon swe Sbiin oe tnd 
(fd. 98h. ah ht the vawh to we roa 
Vsvitemd the 34 moiaud ait bat 3 smboky 9p 
_ wakiven bt tag ed te ootorexe. ah 
: Mbestaan sabi, te he 

a Sei il rr adh apenagnane 


the present ease there wae no evidence an to whet “ibbelemwn eadd 
er @id at er immediately before the time of the necldwnt, or heb 
he and@ or did onything at all. And we think thet it wae errer fer 
the court to give aon iugiruetion te the jury which told them, 4” 
effeot, thai <Lihough Siege (the ¢river of the autemebile) aignt be 
@ality of negligence, s1112 ‘dbbelmeeanm (whe act om the fromt seat 
plongaide she driver) might wet Beg im a ease where there was 
absolutely “@ evidemot that 6) the tiwe “ibbelemin odd er did anye 
thimg at ell. ‘The giving ef a gimiler imctiruction, in «a sense where 

the faste were similar, woe held to be error im Opp v. Prypr, 

334] oe 5. 

The other tawtruetion, No. %) ie ec follows (Atelies oura)s 

"3. thether the decease wae cuilty af contrimiery 

a oe was a qae¢etion of fact te be passed upon by the Jury, 
mG walle the burden of proof wee upen the plaimiiff te shey thet 
the deceased waa in the exerciae of due eare for hie oer eafetys 
it dig mot devolve upon the ginintiff te establish wich ewe enxve 
by direct and positive teetimeny, but wich due care wight be ine 
ferred from gli the eixeumplaceesn or evicenee, if any, oF farts 
shown to exiat prior te and st the time ef the tajury, end in 
determining such question the jury mic Bhp gost dy take inte 

sideration the ingtinets prompting to Ske preser sion of 
at inv our epimion thst the giving of thie inatruction 

alee comatituted errer prejwii¢iel te defendant. Thie de net a 
gase where there were no eywelinesses to the aceldents, Bul one 
where acyoral sudh whimesves testifiec te the dctaiie thervak. 

S@ stated im tne bee Goer, gupres pleintisd “hei tae burden ef 
affirmatively asowing that deceased wow iu the waureipe af cue 
eave asd enution fer hiv own safety a¥ the time of the nevident 
which resulted in hig denth,” ete. ‘The dnesrustion told tie 

jury, in effeet, that altheugh there may have been ne direst 

ara positive testimony ef the exercise of cut eare on Wibbelewan' s 
port, 26112 they might find thet he wee im the exercive of sueh 
care by taking fate considerstion the "Anatincts prompting to the 
preservation ef life sud sveidance of danger.* “wch an inwtruction 
gennet be considered proper under the evidence ix the present cage 

bias snenfoddt” tasty 02 ae sanvhivs tx une evedi wane divuoey sith 

4 seed 3 26 standhoon oe 40 okt wat exwted yfodukbeat te dw hth te 
102 OTIS caw 92 Aesld ausbsld ow ami ie tie paststargr BED eo bts 
“wh gamit nhee Kokate yeah ond 02 nofeawtiant na evty od Semee eth” 

od drinks (niidempave ade de wis act? ) eyed Aguedtite Saks eee 
feed dmett oft ao fen one) emo inde? $ihee Gnoneyht gen ‘we ybtliog” 
use ord? exede oun @ Of god tow taigta (acevieh ad? obtegnota 

-yie bth 30 Stan sametoddie emt 2 lian meedhneementhnimtnaeel 
erty osa8 a wh ysoldowerant sahtanadhindine acento here vita sa wala 
asm aE +7 sh a en ee 

so Reema coment teensy Eg ro anc 

meitegstant aidt ty grtvig wil dete ‘otaminimapancdie® 
o tom ad gid? stastna tae of Saneanniout-entin SONNE tea 
ane fud yénebivec mie ae sanatnciweys on stew exase etesie’ ‘ 
stored? alindes vid oo tebtiiwot eoouentiw deca Lowen obeaber 
‘te mowed colo Sad” Tiddmtady qemy vou get sate ae Budate et 
6h ke celonay edt af gaw Seeowees cate gekwerdte Yovboerneeaae! 
 teehiews eat De eed add de Yew hes cow hed TOR RP eaee tee Orie Oe 
(SL Mod sedtorieat afl pte “yaldees wht at Detivedd debian | 
— eeenke oe Mod wen You emis Ayomlets gods etoette of ee 
a'someleddt? ge wine su ke enkwrae att Se wuoabzeed wwhitoog Btn 
fom ko audonexe asd mk mew oct 2a WDD stint epetd KS gteag” 
edi OF mabiqmang adomhienk” ott moldowhhwaey oat mbiat 9 om prs 
fpkdoanee nd tm almati. Lneneaathaaheet:cntcmutncmatees rege 
eet, RN nN : 

eid “here oyeviinesses tectified te the fetaile of the necident, 
Mid, &2 we read dt, the dmetruetign Virtually telé the jury that 
Su0h instinety of *tbbelamen shvisted the neveevity ef plnintig¢g 
making proper proof of “ibbelaman's dus eare fer his own safety 
at wed immediately before the time of the oectdent, ext Lhoreby 
Minled the jury. 

‘ounsel fer defendant, in their eritien anewer tq 
Panintiff's seticten fer Vehoorlogs reopen’ ihety qmicniion (mode 
im their origine] twrief and ‘a guwent) that thie coars should nee 
retard Gat cxaee wul here entwr Simal judgment agedinet Plaintiff, 
because the evidences intrveduaed upon the trial die moe oatiielently 
whet negligence on the bart of coleudant's servants in Spurs ting 
the Lecumotive, ex ihe exerelae of due gare fer Ris own sufety ex 
the part ef the deevased, \ibbelwsan. “« are of the opinion that 
thie ig eueh a case as sugeesto that im the intereate e¢ jie tie | 
plaintii? should ve given an eppertuntiy of heving anether tr lal. 
ef the issues, if 14 2 ecesiregs 

aes the on ef the trial eourt ix giving to the dury 

the two abeve/inetsuetions the Jucgment of the etrewdlt court ds 

vevergec aad the cause remanded. 

Sulidvans Fe Jey and Sesnlan, de, foneure 

‘Lymebkion at) Ye URtereh site OF Deebhowed semanatdeoren,.exede Bae 
POT das 
(Pip ebebatg we Getescoew tent Govehvde: man indddt Se atomhsamt Sane 
‘aggatticu rine a Sit “eo ort og o'netstnddhe "te Reon soqerng ack 
Be, onan kta dew diowa all Yo oak aff weoted ekadakvorwnd ante 
gd towers whee ier cheeks m2 _deusbatwtsd cok sient iota 
“—_ sbteneaee dbadd Jacges gyttaeodet: vob modal seg meaeie 
Godt btw sniteo alte tacit (damenqra: dem todas Ronikee: thadlg at 
Oo Vtitebaty tendage trsewhel Lentt codes sanat do sane ot fom 
(saints ‘Hie Gkb Satya wate droge honsbontar weaubive eit samened | 
_ pe tecede BE atnawaes 6" ap agree thceamtn => semptigen sate | 
go sir Ma aces hed sree enti te | 
Bates odd tw oe | 

wt ay ay gerty cb bors a ay Do wera wa 
xpos gacevenepe esas stein snotsoe ‘ouiyress: out si 

aw hetegrt wanen we aiemmetal 

— aa, heer FG ES ee hae ale ®, slice ea 

a Pen at ee AOR ay Kk DAREN ae th bia’ : 
ar “4 eh SER ee eae Ra: orig 
&% 4 Ca, a tai 0 hee awk j re 
wi ‘ 

a ERTS AG SE gal IM ee Pr) aa 

rT igh Bend 8 ‘ ¢ pce y 
WR RRA ly ies Seta baa ot Mes ads % 

siieewaul re se asi RNR 7a TAR Aang ie ear eek oie wy ea 
a ‘ ' SRY PACER bia HHA siiey ' ci ius 

ny RRC HLOOR My (Tne tte aa in \ ft Cia 
SMR Csi ween Mm Mn 2 ae 
» * y 

at saa! hit iatea yey vate wid! 

ws hteirearece 

e f H f ‘ 
Ff a z 
£ z 2 e  # 

CLARENCE KIQVERT, by Charles { ) | / 
ie Kiewert, his father and : = ; : 
next friend» Z i ‘ 



Appellee, ee 
Je Ge eo yest a 
eorporatlen, eaded =F 
with hebert Hs a 5 AT R APA 
Appellant. we 1t.Ae OG 


Gm April 225 1055, plaintiff recovered a judgment for 
$5,600, follewing the verdict ef a jury, against the J. 0. Stell 
Companys & corperstion (hereinafter enlled the Stoll ¢es,) in an 
action for damages for personal injuries, reecived in an sutemebile 
accident on the afternoon of Yctober 7p 1951, on Addinen “treet 
(an east and west street) near ite intersection with duccola 

avenue (a north and south street) in Chiesgo. By this appesd the 
Stoll Co» seeks to reverse the judgment. 

The setion was originally comseneed ageinat “ebert He 
Ginter, as scle defendant, om Cecember 4) 1931. In the original 
Geelarations covigluting ef one count, Gleintiff alleged that on 
the day named he, a minor of six yeors of age and in the exervise 
of ordinary eare for his own safety, “was ereoscing Oseeola evenue 

at or near its intersection with ‘ddison ntreets* that Ginter was 
the owner of an automobile which he permitted hie lS-year old con 
(Harry Ginter) to drives and that Ginter by hie son so carelessly 
éyeve the sutemobile thet it then end there struck plaintiff and 
seriously and permanently injured him. 

On Jomiary 8, 19352, plaintiff wae granted leave te make 

| mn : o «This 0 LION 00. 

je Jal ek @ et sveaes Ahn 

ee a 

+O MT to aonins sa aun YaarHo wrrey +t ae 
wat, somes & doxononet Thigmteke geek »88 Lhaqh wo” prolly 
Abeth 50 +b oct damheye eyawl, « YM sebouy ond gettwettot rye 

tie ae (4100 Sheds old oebinn vot tunkened) Woks vsoyTEe vega 
elidouaiaa se af bayivess gaetwimt Laspexeq «ot eayauad set aotes , 
Seond Moakods ae Ald of ‘doses Yo aeomeadia ad sw suohives 
alesse” déiv weltesavedat of toon (tooute tsew faa gue te) 

- ont fnsiees edd ye + on i nt (seers dtwes bein, sfn0m.¢) sumeve ounreve 
sewer, esha ouroror of axlba +00 Mote 
oN Suede, denkege beonenses qiiauigivé baw Molten AE 
Lantyixe odd wt. £E0L 4b xodmos ao qtanbaoted Sion as «te And 
oo dads bepoitn Yitentoty gémmen ome Yo pildutenve emattonaheny 

exneve afoves® yalasete waw* g¢fetee wee etd vot oxae ‘quantons te 

naw wedndd dase “yloouge aoehds Atkw aabdooarsent wee ‘xa0m a0 ae 
wes bLo is0y~6h add deddinneg ox dedale oLiiemine mn Ro comme end 
<lenslewo en ma wast yt todnee tosis an gevtsh of (xmdat® exalt) 
ne tikdmelg Hewste oxeds one mest af todd oktdemotus edé ovesd 

adam ef ovnel hofiaty aaw Tihimkate seed ) woes a 

I as eaiaeag S 


@he “toll OG. an additional party defendant} and te file an amended 
éeelaration. ‘his declaration consisted of two eeunte. In the 
firet it is ealiegerd that om Uetober 7, 1931, Ginter gened and cone 
trolled on automobile, kept by him fer the plescure and sonvenienes 
ef hie fawily and whieh wae thes being driven by bis minor von, of 
the age of 17 years, on a certuin miscion with his consuntg that 
She Stoll Cos owned and contrelied « certain other cutemebiic whieh 
wag then being riven and operated by one of ite agents *on and 
slong diesen strevt, at and near ite intersection ith Osceola 
avenue;* that plaimtifys « mimer ef seven years of age and in the 
exercise of ordinary care for his ow: enfcty at the times was 
lawfully “ersscing bhe street ot or near the intersection of wWdisen 
street ond Saceole svenues” thet defendants (Ginter ami “toll <s.) 
thea and there “se negligently and lupreperly controlled, operated 
and managed their respective sutemobiles that * * phainsirt ‘wees 
eauned te and did fall with great force ané vielence upon the 
street,” anc then amd there eustained serious amd peremnent ine 
juries; te his damage, ete. in the sceomé count the se¢ligence 
sharged im that, st the time and piace and whdle plsimtiff was 
lsefully erescing the ctreet, defendania negligentiy operated their 
respective automebiles "at s greatex rate of apted than allowed by 
the statutes © the “tate of Lllineis anc by the erdinanes of the 
City ef Shiesgoe® 

T@ thie declaration Ginter filed a plen of the general 
iegue and a especial ples cenying ownerahip, operation ex eontrel 
of the automobile, “whieh ie wlieged te have injured plaintiff.” 
The Stell Ce. filed a plea ef the general issue and also a plea 
denying its ownerships oper«tiem er contre] ef the automobile “az 
eet forth im plaintiff's deelearation.® 

The cauee wie Called fer trial befere « jury on the 
igsues sace by the ebove pleadings on (pril 2G, 1955, and, after 
several witnesses had te-tified in plaintiff's behalf, plaintire 

kodvomn un OLEX of San thabma'tys yYduoy Lumekeende ne eo Lede alld 
od ai sateen owe Yo bedelones molsetetesh al?  medtosatond 
“0eo fim home wodek® gf8CL aT waders an todd hoyetia wd Oh daekt 
conckenyuen ben ormanin O60 WH mit Uh tyed gekitempina mn bation 
26 amon sonia wis uf ROvEKh oRbas bed aw sade bon Yt etd Be 


Sane he Pe 

tad Ginwnags oth dike medeoin atadxoe ato gwusey VE te ope eae 
dobdu elaine sas temte miadies « belioxtepe See deme 699: fLoee exe 
bets wo" atnoge adh te on YS Setacnege ar hind renee | 
maewoss sb bw aol towenes nt eek snc tind te doneen: noednbe gaeds 
ads ni om ene te onary cron Ye woter # ‘sTiastale tans *Pewneys. 
tuit gtedd ets do Gietee me okt TOL tad Guantbnd te ee lezemD, 

sine PGBS. te aes ivee vesms onid tae te by sowete eh prtenene® wWivrvad 
(202 Eee teen ‘xogne0) arena sod taste youn ve sau kao Sooeee 
bebatone sbektertns ebeoqonqact fae ‘Wonoyhtgee c on* ort San au 
‘aay Pikembekg * © ‘jade eo kee ee ovlavaqeat xiedd bs r = : 
“tuld mogs soneoty bad sovot suns sitiw fet bib ona of boawen. 
with tmonaasen bee avOlroe Sualasore ered? be wed? baw vsoeue 
eramphiinen oft tevoy Mabaen et ai sete erpamnd ehh 0 fe wh 
he Vidtatadg OLide ome eoeky baw mts aoe ta ata wh depeadte. 
atone bederoqe <Linontinen aiuokeeteh gtvoute edd quiwere yhtvtwal 

YC bewekls aust? soege 20 vise IHteom, 4 do* aekidemetas evldonqaor 
aris De wo nawt ee a 
Larcoung ett Ye 20ky @ badd abbr webematecs ebtt eRe? 2) ae 
dovines tw mattmiogs splieteae getyart auly Lelooge oe 
"sRidsmbaty douwtad eves of egetin wh sto dstw” aehideneiua ott 

Cit ees Be 
Be Re dete he 


Gimmiswed the cause es to dovendant, Robert m. Qinter, and the 
StOl1l So. withdrew its ssic speoial plen, and plaintiff wae granted 
leave to file by the following merning « secend amended ce@laration 
against the “toll Coo, se sole defendant. 

On April ll, 1932, thie seeond anended detloration was 
filed, to which the Stell Go. imagiintely filec « plea ef the general 
iseue and alee a apecial plea, alleging that, at the time and plece 

of the elsimed grievanees, it “did net OWH,e OPtrate ox centre] aaté 
autemobile os set forth in pleinticfts Gecierstion.* luring the 
Same €sy giaintiff intreduced further evicence ané rested. There- 
Upon the “toll “eo. moved for « directed verdict in ite fuver, but 
the uotien wus denied, and, after the “G01l COs sheeted not 
introduee any cvicence, the ¢aae went te the jury under torteain 
given inatructions offered vy the reapective parties. Gn april la, 
2933, the jury returned the feliswing verdie:: *%@ fing defendants 
Js Ge Stell Ce., guilty, ané osseas plaintif('s cuseges at the eum 
eof 55,000." After metions fer a new trial and in arrest of judg- 
ment bet been everruled, the court entered the judgment against the 

Stl Co. as first abeve montioned, 

Smid second amended dvelarstion, on which with the two 
Pleas of the “tell Co. therets the case went to the jury, vonaiets 
of two counts: The allegstions of the first are sueatantially 
ae fellewes | 

That on Yotober 7, 1931, the 2toll Co. was posse sued y 
had control ef and was operating a certain automebile in a 
postsrly ¢irestion upon ami along Addison street, near ites 
Teection with Osceola avenue; thnt it wae ite duty, in the 
Seperation of the automobile, to have due Tegaré te the rights 
and eafety of all persons lewfully upon eadd street, and te 
 +preopel the autemch *to the r of the eonter line of said 
 ~gtreety”’ that on the Gay reamed, # plaintiff, ae a pedestrian 
and in the exercise of duce care for one of hie tendur yearn, was 
lawfully ergesing «ddisen street in a a rtherly direction, 
 Gefendant, by its agent, “negligently” Greve seid autemebile in 
 -Géiwon street, and “suddenly turned” 4t from the perth side te 
the south side of suid etree’, near ite intersection with Csecola 
—B¥enue, without giving any warming to other vehicles appr eaching 
from the opposite directions in violstion ef the atatuse of 

OAS Qos gtednsd si duende gdmeansios ef sa sense of? dose duad 
Sodasre aav Pikemickg bes yoekq Lateoge ding ath weabddiy sep. Agere 
Ghistaieve besieme bxopoe « putoxam gatwoliot eds yt oL22 of ovead 
sinshooyed efoa ae 4499 L£e08 ont 38 

“Rae Wigetalaes tote acvenn OES g SCRE ohh Shwe mp. | 
fearenen afd te ask @ seft) ylodsdoouut 902 feet a2, topae pt «pena? 
enely dem getd off Ou etag? golpedia yondg Jelaeys 4 cade baa ouged 

ie io +4 ’ ’ 
‘i AP aoe ees 
° " 

bass ferne0 %6 sdaxeqo yawn fou oto" i peesaevebry be 
ents gebet “sel dans looh attitintete at dézot de an of tite 
~exedt? shosaet baie ounesive tadd aut bpowbordad “thalale vv a : i 
sud exeyal ag? at dabbrer betoorts 3 tet boveu 00 Leeda heal eeu 
: At ten botnke +98 shore wi Aivgerhng «baa cheered tae mebtox 

sw ota ta s eepamnd a'ri inate apenas bee sttie’ Sek 
wadut ve toexra at bas feted wax os 1H snodsonm hacduat 

«Ramos sero, sail pas fat ape £ - ie 
gud ald Moke dots no ,nekietetoad bobaeme bugsen Bhat 
etalreee: conhetecohinen.seentih aete dea ae 
Utelsinstadue sve #axkk of? ba ametiagelin os? . _ sad swen one to | 

A al | 
onang: naw iets elt : eee 
dg aut olhienossn masts 3 ay bi — ‘aater bies 
ett ok eqteh ary saw @ renee ae : 
pai ght eff? 08 busy debian noe oS 
ee — pete ol b , 

bine ko 
nattéasheq a ae yee £ 
aay roan | tebntas ela save SMe © 

pe Pa ha evan tag 

qubteaowre ontehlev sw OR 
ee etmdnca odd de metankoty ahs ett 


tliinois concerning moter vVéeiiclesy that, ao “the direet and 
croximate Guuine of defendant's enig negligence," defendant 
then amc there cauaed another sulamoblles, ehieh was being 
run Sn Operated in an Sastezly direvtion, te Suerve rem lig 
and to run inte nud over Plaimtitt with grent vig enee g” 
thereby slaimtiry guetuined 2 broken leg and wag otherwise 
eeorieously and Pttmanently injuredg te hig GmUee, etes 

The particular negiigenee ehorged in the Second count 
Of seid declaration 4s as ivllewas 

“That gaid defendant, oy ite agent, nosy regarding its 
éuty in the premises, so Hogligently and improperly Parkeé the 
front ef ite sutemebile ia a gontheceter) ¥ ¢ireetion. st an 
angle other than parallel wi: * ecg@ of the vostway, and 
had it in a cireetion ether than the diregtien ef the traffie 
and nos with the curb aide of the vehicle within six inchea of 
the roadway, as provided in seetion 2018, Article 6, of 
Traffie and Vehicle Ordinance of the Revised Chieoge Cede 6f the 
year 1921, vhieh said seotion Provises os fellews: 

“*8 vehicle cheli be perked with the left side of 
sald vehtole next to the eurb, and dt shall be unlewfnl to stand 
or k any vehiele in a resdway other than Pernllel with the 
curd and with the twe right wheels of the vehicle vithin six 
inches of the usquiariy *tteblished eurb Line, exept that upon 
these strects which have been werked fer angle parking, ag 
provided in this sections, vehicles shall be parked at the suele 
$0 the curb indicated by such marke, 

“amd, as a direet and preximete reeult thersef and ia 
conercuenee of the Violation of defendant by its agent, then and 
there caused the view of the driver of & certain other automobile, 
apprGaching frem the fanterly directions to become #¢ Obatructed 
that said driver failed te observe Pleimtil ts, whe wae then and 
there ero¢sing aid public highway aa sfere sadd ah @ veint 
immeciately te the east ef defendant's sxtomebile perked ag 
aferesei¢d, and thereby the driver of said ether autegobile ray 
ageinet and over plaintiff with great vielenge,* ete, 

Om the trial plaintirrts witneesen, oe te the éetsile af 
the accident and the phystenl eurroundings, were Alex Heston, Harry 
Ginter aud John 4. ‘mith, and eneh was examined and erese~exominad 
at considerable length. 16 appeare from their teatimeny in sub 
etanee that on the Boutheast corner of ddiszom atrect and Sreeola 
avenue (otherwise known as 74th Couct) there Wie a drugeatores and 
Gast thereof on Addicen street was « barber shop, facing north, 

of which the Whinesa, Newtons wae the proprietor and who witneased 
the accidents that <aéison street, running east amd west, wae paved 
with cement, but that between the cement pavement and the south 
: sidewalk there was « dirt pavement. or “shoulder,” about 15 fect 
in widths in which it was saslomary to park kutomebiles end aute< 



bax sport, od oa" on fast’ tgesoiter 30 sodom aabnr0sNo9 sloatitt 
aed Janabeeied Io sawed ogg 
hes Seal soit etlidaae! we ‘yest s ont nomen re 
“eyeon’ | 

sob ioends see Ea ate sis 
ke ee AEE 
. Sebytesido ome bre gol mialeté & prs wai aa io dai? 

adie Vibdw ake Ti 
sil gognae is whet Ee ad eLa pein a tern Ylew 
tears baoore wud ay bowee ond vonwgh igen “eave ld x0 elt 
sawasiot on ud aokfetotoeb won i. 
ati gat onnaet gon  dampe “gah ee Pasbueted ‘bine ‘iat 
odd Lepage re ra gee woe dang sad xa 
ie SAG eh. deaniua oid 38 ae 

eobtnaxd ond rae 4 hn Penk. “pad nesle uated gibns &, ma o est 
39 oor xia siddiw eioldov aie Ye a itiw dom bet 

a eae, Beeler goowe a2 Hebivots, ee 2% 
om bed _ eee! pete? ve saiseee, Bd oo dena. 

ees or oe pale et iisatelg ovrgn "of beste’ rh Bae ind 
Dee fares ORT He of ET EM 
an ag oLidomo sng af fits Gre ot dane Uber ad hen. 

poet oLivomedus <edée eae to Yori io a qeor colt hue _ Skane 
wate Y,oonaioly das aiaw & reve ty, mm 

te witateb off o2 an enengmndhy atwsetele fakes. at 
grid grodeat xefs oar aagatiesoran Seandecdg odd Res 309s 
homtdexeencons hme homies ame cine ie gti hads ad sins nated 
adua ak yromtiood winded mot axmeqgs #4  ealtgaet oldginhianes te 
mage I aserbh ne gees Sa 

FE a ae 

aes ee 


trucks? that jJuet price te the sevieemt someboiy's truek wae 
parked om the south side of déisen street, sbout in front of 
the barber shop, at an angle, with ite front wheels facing 
southwesterlyy thet no part of asy of she wheele of the truck 
rested upon the coment pavementy that proctilediy ali, if net 
oll, of the truck was within and ever the dirt “shoulders” thet 
at the time of the necident _— ehileren, coming from achool, 
were erossing dédicon otrect; thet iarey Ginter, a boy of about. 
i? yeers of age, wan driving hig fother’s cuvemebiie goxterky on 
i\ddiwom etreety thet just after he Aac eresecc Oeersla avenue and 
wae eoutinuing te seve easterly en 4ddigen strest with hia left 

wheels "partly over the center lime of the road," piaintis?, 
hey about six years ef age and on bie wey home from vohood, cuddenly 
appeared from behind the purked truck; anc thet in attempting te 
cress the atreet he was etruck by the Ginter autemebile aud injured. 
Neither of plaimtiffts two witmesees, Veriton er Ginter, wis sable te 
positively idontify the porked truek ae being enc aumed or operated 
by defendant, “toll Co. “wheequentiy, during the trial, John Ae 
Smith, the driver of a truck of defendant wis onlied as plaintiff's 
wituers, and he testified in eubsiange iuot shortly prier te the 
agelésnt he drove defendant's truck westerdy on (ddivon streets 
that upon reaching Oeeeola avenue he turned te the south and, paseing 
gouthvest eormer of the two wtrects, parked the truck, facing 
oouths, on the weet side ef Seeegie avenues, Just south ef dlicon 
etreety thet the {tell Soe ig im the mageaine business j that after 
eo porkimg his truek he delivered some magetines to the drug «tere 
em the goutheast vormerg and that after the dolivery of the 
eagesines he vitueersec the haggening of the aceident. His teetimeny 
wes contradictory in some particulars, especially ow to the place 
from which he witnesacd the acchdent - whether from the southeset 
or the squthwest corner of the two atreeta, 

naw koutd g xbedemen snohivoc edt 08 tolty soul dade fatoend 

to Woe mh fuera «duende noaihbs Rooke siwoa ond my Qeiteon 

_ Sabvat alors sooth ats Ste gakgee an da eyes OR coed ant 

sours? galt Ye meee lt 30 un te omg om Sad iroder 

dom 22 eka etkneliveng facts ienemevag seaetes 7) nog betens 

fete “7tedkwette’ Ftd ald corre fis mbctstw ear somsd elt te pike 

eeodon: mot? yaimes gmerhiinty emons trobioon ont te emit ake - 
sien To oe a oXodnd® Gute Sad yoowrte wossnb\ gatgdets on a 

co Ykxvine sStdompixe e*muitot wid gnivbeh eam eoye 16 we 1 
bate outore afvons® tusmeres busi oof mecha duet ode YeOrete hi 
Sol wht Mitw souEta, amalbb eo yore ove oF ants oan 

® g¥itontets “yhioey’ ‘adi Ye SHE totmne ade ro9We cote ® 
Unedbae qkoodbs myst naw Yaw GA mo tna oye 20 easey xe 4 , 
@2 wutiqusia at ae ouzag ale Resled swt 


$8 olde sxe vente 20 een, ymannsier ted | to sodtion 
botetagy ue dead ns watt ep Soiens verte aa Wem tovis het 
ot istatake aur erie) ae, dscns os one a 3e sevtco ott, pte ee 
wid os xohsg “irons Fate bommdadwe mh nibhadene-ent-tne'vendalla® 
ganoxde noelie my ylvodaen aigaras ol @tshaetem o7erh of srobicoa 
gitsoag sbas dims eats OF boca? ec oun: alnwmet pmbaowns meget Fumie 
patton’ oleae ad? hodung gatoanta ee odd ke xuamow Soteittvon wilt 
moat bb te Aswoe son, comove ghogned te ike gewe ond ip — ay 
Sette tats bt usontaund sHbnageat add BE mb Ge kOe: 
etOds wb oad OF condanyan sae bexovides sat euxd etd gutted 60° 
‘edd be perdgon vie node Judd tne Qrserwo dngademeg Ott mo 

‘itor Jaws ed sénoblote and Ye eberoggand ects bonaontdibe at, SNA wm 
cosy ot oF ex UEnsongee eetattohtiee omee wet « 

nh RE A G teh 
os eee iy te 

bannannel weeding hel sarees a eae mtiann, ot = 


byes apap 3)! a wae OE at ial od usta ee ‘ 

After = enreful review of the evidence and of the briefs 
ond argimento ef opposing coungul, we have reached the eonelual on 
tat the judgment apyeale: fom should net be ollewed te stamd and 
taat there showld be another trial ef the exne, Aw we vier the 
pleadings aud evidencey there are two major issues involved, vis? 
(1) “hether any truck ewoed er operated by defendant was in any 
way involved in the seeldout, und (2), even if ik be conceded that 
@ truck of defendant waa segligentiy and improperly parked on 
Addison atrest in front of the barber shop im the wasaer chewr, 
whether auch truek, ao parked, proximately cauced ex contributed 
to the necident and té plaintiff's injuries. Ga beth of theee 
issues, im our opinion, the verdict is net sufficiently sustained 
ty the evidence. 

in view of our heldings ag above, it is unececnaary for 
us to dlseues defendant*s esuneeis' further contemtious, (1) that 
she court erred in giving to the jury evriaiu imetructionsa offered 
by plaintiff; (2) that the dammges awarded by the jury are greasly 
exeeavives and (3) that certain sentec concuet of the judge curing 
the trinl wee prejudicial te defendant. 

After the transcript of the reverd was here filed, 
plieintiff meved te atrikeecertain parte of it,» and the motion wos 
reserved to the hearing. It io now denied. 

The judgment eof the “aperior court of -prid 22, 1033, 
is reversed smé the esuse ie remmided+ 


Swllivens Fo deg tut Seanian, Jo, coneure 


atolad vis Ww toe aemehive oy To wowed Lette x este oe 
sa lsvtonsn add hotter evad co sioenmes gakesyge We edaeutyun bow 
bus bunds of bewoetls od Son Lived amt seKasdge tone hud bade eante 
edd sety ew eA ‘sease Oz %o Babe? xodfoos of Biweds vine ‘tad 
tai ‘sberkovnt esvent token cod ore o4edd peemebive tox esky 
wa nk ser dunbrete ye bodornge qe bekwe Kewxt yas madtgode @ 
dacs ‘esheongs od 32 Ub move al) Sno ‘stavbboas oe ‘Bh hovievanl yoi 
ws bed tag udvego mai Saha ubinmgitges © naw smabire 20 ‘te sound 4 
euereds soma ana at aeete se deat ods 28 anos? ai seoxte nonin: 
hosed aison te deanna otombveng sboxzeg ea owes axe “soittede 
agus te died aie +aodoebat at iddntalg M ans, dnoatove vas ° 
: benked vse yAsowkod tine tom at eokoee OMe swings xe at entice h 
_spompbhye, ‘ott “ 

Be ee play am oy pee iia i 

2% Emageoe ue, wi #4, ie enna ea ‘ 

fowette ometioutiemt skhuiken werk odd of gabytg wb bonne draree ont 
visneey O10 Yew, old GS hebaeme asgemed ade dads (a) eURtemtad 
ad 3 wgae adv Ye Jeunes Hotern Risbrow dads (2) Oem peviseonRe 
staetesteh os Kuittiwheng enw Lakes ods 

Vance evel gue Oresex ate Do ne eed are siaiutaidhhe 

just (1) saraisasines naigiwd ‘ateomues a! daxbneteh ramp td of ae 

ey 5 

“5 ; ae orca hee 
sialon ot oui" indS | 
A as: Me ‘ i i) m ‘e eae i mers gee mths weer’ ee " 

Ce URE SSR ie eee ake Spice OR Beh ~" si 

: ee eS “earo R09 ras suatneo ne ek ta . 

a seat a bes 0 AH ead 

ek ha et And as seth 
rH) 4 

or ie 

Po e ris a i 
VA A 74 4 ia 

\ Ga ar fe i Pai 

£ j #4 es we 

S70uL gf of 4 : iy ot 
pi c = ., 3 E 

@hoRCR F, WAY, 7 j ; | 




in an action for damages for personel injuries 
received by plaintiff in an automebile ateddens SM ugMEt Gy 
1931, in the city of Urbana, Cheemaign county, lilineis, 
there was @ trial before = jury im the superior court of 
Sook county during June, 1935, resulting in « verdict in 
Plaintiff's favor for $35,000, Om July 7, 1933, the court, 
after overruling defendant's motion fer « new trial, entered 
judguent om tae verdict egsinst defendant im eadd ame and 
the pesent appeal fellowed, 

Plaintiff's deeleration consisted ef twe counts, 
%6 which defendent filed « plea of the general isone. Daring 
the trial plaintiff withdrew the second count. In the first 
count, ao amended, plaintiff averred in substenee thot en 


Magust 6, 1951, defendant, an illincis eorporntion, was engaged 

in the operation upon certain streets in the City ef Urbans 
of metor veliicles, commonly called busses; that one of the 
etrestes upon wiieh the busses ran wc Inddiame avenue (an east 
and weat strect), which intersected Orchard street (» north 
and south street) practienLiy at right angles; thet om the day 
mentioned plaintiff, exercising dw: eare for his ewn vafety, 
was driving hie automobile on Orchard street in a Borthorly 

eirection towards snd across its intersection with Indians 

CORPORATI ja = ~~ we 
Appellant. bd ¢ a 3 Lgiise O ) J 

aaa & cS spa eT ie Aaa 

wee “soma Letnnog ‘eat t0 aoe sot trae 
 ferkt ef? ml stemoo taooen sai ooebiliy ‘Til 
me fait vomatuden ak howtote vibewtitey mye ii 
Begeui a git hderogro akeasitt 6 ba gtteoaeleab” part 
ae ee me idebibe encdeed tet’ 
ail) te moo Suid thonduet be 
toa, un) eucove. auakiel eam mur ‘on oo na tobi wo ; | 
sata 0) teen, wa able i ie 


ayYemmes that thon and there defemiant oo negligently ¢rere end 
operated ome of ite bDugces in 2 westerly (irection upon Indians 
avenue toward ami scrosa its intersection with Orehard etreet 
that 2¢ colliced with ploimtiff's «tomebile within the inter- 
eection, and vinimiiff ese vielently threwn ageinst the interior 
of hie automoblie and out upon the atreet amd sidewnlkg and 
that ae a direet result ef dufemiont’s negligence plaimtift was 
seriously snd permunently injured, ete. 

&@ to deteile of the accident, which occurred abeut 8 
o'eleck om the morning of a clenr doy ond whem the etreats were 
ary» plaintéff testified at considerable Length both om direet 
amd ereas examination, and several other witmeases called by him 
also gave testimey. Ocfendant’'s orineipal witmess wee the 
driver ef the bus and his testimony was corroborated by that of 
goveral passengers in the bus at the time, some of the physical 
facts, as Giselosed frem the evidones, ere a9 follows: Orchard 
street, rumiinc nerth ond south, ia 25 feet, % imohes, wide from 
eure to curd, and Indiems svemus, cumming east and wet, is 25 
feet, 5 inches, wide. Between the curbs and the sidewalks there 
are porkways of varying widtha, In the parkway at the nerthwest 
corner of the intersection stood « cedar telephone pole; it was 
6-1/2 feet north of the north curb line of Imidjame evenue end 
avout & inches west of the west curb line of Orchard street. 
befondent's bus was 30 feet, 6 inches lenge ani weighed 11,800 
pounds, PMiaintiff's mtometile was an Becylinder, 2~passenger 
COD, with a length overeail of «bout 15 feat, and weighed «beat 
3e600 pounds. A plat of the intersection (offered by plaintiff 
amd admitted in evidence, emi dram © the scale ef 1/10th of on 
inoh ecuclling 1 foot) discloses thet there was no pudlding 
atemling at the southeast corner of the intersection clese te 
either ef the streets, 80 that on sutamebiliet approcehing the 

intersection om Orchard street from the south had praeeti¢cally no 

bos vrovh yLoregtigen oa dumnhmetoh wre? Bete most det? pommee 
annie’ moqy moktoostt yivedeaw a ak wecemd att Yo one hoterege 
teette bradow dtin nolsovecetsk adh geome feta brewed amy 
~regak oft misitiy oLkdoume a a Ytieniely Mtiw bebhifes #h dattt 
vehre¢mt asf guttiega sword? yiteolely saw Visa holy bra ,~mokdooe 
fue Pilswebke deme teoxte acid moqu to bre ekRiomoswe abs OM 
daw Fidiakalg eomegdsgen w'inebueteh to Ffever FoeTkh » aol dchg 
aide _howuhek hrnsnoateg oes ehome bees 
@ dueds Serumes dotsy gtmohlooe aif Yo skates of mA a 
Sor ab qents eit mosiv ne Yo awoke 6 Le saben eat we deokihe 
Soorkts mo dtod Atennt efdoxediaman te balriseod vitentate od 
mh Wf Belieo sonsontty sonite Levevee Sue gimokuekuex agony Smt 
‘edt wow sonmtbr Legtonte, attnchasted .ymmtteoe ore outs 
Ro tat “el batacedenccs omy eombteed ake has aunt ould 20 xevich 
Espteyiq ows to ome omit ent te mat out mt srepmecteg Senaron 
 dosenndandl ‘saweLio? sa ore qsnnoblve edt moxt beseLoakh ag. ot 
mont cihke yuoslomt T gteot EC ot gitwon Ams APvon valor tow 
&& ef gdeow baw $aeo yickemne ome es atte Lott thee ean ot fe 7 
etiild wtKewabte oft tan edbeam odd meouto abty gsodont & yheat 
femetiven cl? $e yomitag ate a mathe onigrer Yo eyateag a 
tow 22 gotag saniqeie? sabes « sovtu meksoorvotak ett Ye ames 
Sie oumovs emathnt te omkt du iran eit to Mtxom seek 

He Line ie « 

stoonts bratosd Yo subd Guo Soow alt 10 teow portent & a ia 

tuods bedykow bua toot Us tuodta Ye Lin-rovw arma 0 on ns ola 
baag'e erage hah — monvoserateh wuts w ate a = : 
Becual oat Bar oxo toate enolate (von & . ws | one “ . 

oat wehbe hts hese — ostt we fooute eel = mn : 


obstruction te his wiew for - commicerable distange ef wehicles 
approaching the intersection ou Indians avemme from the eust, 

wc VAcoqVergge 

Pisiatarft wae about 16 years of age ahd a plgsuielen 
anmé SUrgeOn, practicing im the Chiy of Urbemsa, ste vareicn of 
the accident, as testified te om direst tenination, is in abe 
stance ag follows; 

Any Lng ae Soar Rich Woe om Orchard street and 
south of ite intersection with Michigan aveme (one block south 

avenue), he drove Kia ear Hortherly on Grehard street 
at an speed of “about 17 or 16 miles an hour,” As he approached 
indiana avenue wml “wae about 46 or 45 feet from the imter~ 
section” he “netieed the bus coming from the enwt on Indiana 
avenue," ‘hen he “firet noticed te We it was 96 to 100 feet 
from the intersection,” “hen he was about 45 fect from the 
intersection he was oper: tang his autemebile about 18 sdles per 
hour and he “begam te slew downy" am’ when ke wag sbout oo feet 
from the intersection he way Gevimg “possibly 15 or 14 miles an 
hour” and the epeoed ef the las was "about &3 miles an howr,* 
AS he Cached the intersection be noticed that the bus 
“began slewine down when it was about 30 feet from the inter= 
section,” thet it "drew erex te the north side of the otreet 
towards the curb)" ani that he (plaintiff) was then "at the side~ 
walk on the south side of Imiiana evorme and geing not te exceed 
25 miles om hour." That whom he sew the bus aleving down amd 

tovards the curb he “sterted te crosn the intersection 
ec goin,” That when he was “about 10 or 12 feet . 
out in the intersection the bus picked wp epoed rapidly, straight 
aheadg” thet he “soumied bie horn amd trd re Ne et. rese;” that 
there “was a cay comime from the north 2o south” 2 ae “seule 

: bus hit wy ear dt bit the 
fender ami the rear bumper on the right hend siceg* and that “the 

"The distance from my garage te Indiana aveme is about 

525 feat * « My brakes were in good workine comiiiion thet 2 
re + # Pges i first saw bug ¢ we Sate. tae Anteresc ti on, 
Was yhout 45 feat Ge OF tee Sete e: my * ce ot" 
2 of uy Gar bat the elephene pole, * * 1 think I sadd previc 
% the telephone pole was oplit up s few fect fram the ground) 
i tuduk I seid they replaced the pole. * * “hen I enw the 

bas dow in indiana strect sast of the rnnaigae iy yay ie oy 
sons baat it was going 25 miles om hour, * * Just befere 
% Yeachsd the intersection it hed slowed dem te 4 or 5 miles an 
hour, * * ‘hen ib came imate the intersection 4¢ came in wd th 
Se put on Ba» 

So Why were you wotching that bus #0 closely at 
that time, DPeeter? 
i Why wae I? 

Ae ‘Jelly it was a reguler cross street for the bus 

teiokdov le vountels eldrxeiteroo » 36% walv aki 62 soktousade 
etend af? nett anna Ys sgthtbal se goksooetetal wid gnidecewge 

| oguaynbaky Aasm 

ihn ‘itd if "A anaane 08" send aan enbndinade: | 
th oe lossy efi amd “to Ghko adh wk gnbbttoey geogma ame 
wie wt ab ameamned scenes dliamamaendbe vinohioon atid 
“eeeLLO% as sonata 

lata doeste Itedow mo see Poe sa rary sat no 
atime tooté ano} sumers msg 

yp mcg a Me bi wont a. Baugh eo ‘ea te are 
&: sad Gre, & aseoda baog & 
pees fw ee ek if aa) 08 oaeds ta aie enmeven eeu kind 

ouatak aft gost 2 me und oat 
testis off ohbx | 

Assamese oF Jon o3 2c el 

ane ac? eoots oF Podand & 

b 2 “i Se 


ds al gh e29 one ey Pg al 

BH 4 

Ae eae tees 

fs Lowel oy dent declt gebutogew: 
iS eer nee te thiewe % 


tet st 0%, Soest sore alge 2 80" 28 

oe a : vi 5 

= %, are eronched that cerner wiih the thought im mind 
=e wield we ° & Ws comime slemeg and then Bde rate of 
ead figured jd would reach the yg saotd on i would 

ie thee Mp the game speed I hed been coime, whow or 18 
am Khoury a. the there was @ cox gamma tes from. the ier th. 

+ dom’t know uke was im thet car comings from the 
merth, i gen’? knew what became of 4t. I au abeolutity ware 
Glere Wns & Gar coming from tke north, It was a Adttle, Light 
eedam, I don't know we alee y waeg 1 did mot lock at 14 
diresctiy, but it was missy I could see 1% was coming .loag 
there, I was rigkt at td ehigom avyome when I first shoorvad 
it; thot de a bleek from the poimt ef the accident. ‘This other 
ear vse fully « block down the atreaty I heat a oleer view ali 
the way down Orchard Street, | ai this antamebile vas caning 
tiverd me on Orchard street. 

befendant's witness, J, 3. Conover, 82 yeaxra of age 
ama tae driver ef the Dus, testified on direct exominetion in 

part «as fsllewe: 

“S Rave been im the empley of defendant in Champaign 
am Urbane since 1909, as 2 bums driver amd utreet car eoterman. 
** * She last time I a oe the hue prier te the sccident 
ves at the intersce tion a bioek enat of Grehord street, chen a 
yesvenger (Mra. ‘ilsen) got om the bus. * * * Z them proceeded 
west on-Imédama averme, amd im the mddcle ef the bleck I probably 
— fins LE te 26 miloe om heury and I comtimucd ot that rate of 
ed wnitl ubout 20 feet cast of Orchard ytreet, * * ? 1 then 
: ed down to probably 12 miles per hour, beewuse there is 6 
raise? crowsing with «& ‘hum! in t on the north kalf of indiana 
eveme, = © » The bus waa travelling probobly 4 feet out from 
the merth curb line of the avenue, % & %, i did met at any tine 
A tewnrd toc ourh, “ © * Ag i apereached Orchard atreet I 
ecked beth te my Left kwh to my right for teaffie ce ond saw 
motaing, * * ust about the Mi sy trent wheels bed Bit the 
east cure lime of Orehard street my ayes cought an gy at 
She aut ectine from the south, godmg a Sk Sh TY 
eye pe —~ cae EY oF = eh south of oa 
ba ens ek Piss fl a ee s 

R ae . ee Th is Bu Lomas bile eweeea oO My Lelt, arene ‘a front 
of we and sbowt in the aiddie ef the ae 5 am its peap 
Speck waa odie asl ket the se caged, never a the bus. 

a mever netices aim 

Le DOOR % on the northwest 
hes Looe cee vee for aome 

reason, * * # He utruck Ws head * * * on the curb, * This 

sutemsbile begem to swerve just about the time I saw nas, wm 
he wae probably 20 fect or ao from the curb Lins; it smimg te the 
vest around in fromt of mr Dus thie way (imdiestdue). * 7 * 

There was mot any other car prior to or at the time of the 
aecident, thet syprenched the iuterscotion frou the werthe * * * 
‘a I approached Orehard street I did mot mike any andtt in genres 
me shift im gesrs wie made until after the eccidont, « = * The 
brakes om my bus were im 4 Bee 2 gomdd them, «* *# * AS the time the 
Wue Rit the cutemerita, it ain ets * * = eee 
mot @rer a mile an hour. 4 “the impact onifted back inte 
pe ger ami sulle? nsereas a the eggs M one. of ty Was wee 
about at the wees oro 9 where 
“mem i firet saw bre Yay'a ens Rg 

*** my best Judguent is he vas coime 46 miles yor hour, end 


Ske ek teqsote af? dh tw teueswo Jade woske: ayerla I Rene 
to oder what mais ln pike eon and & od the crac dua 
et x a soisovesoeeh ol? deapx Myew aff Loewy ks I meet 

sede gyhon: mew fat Se ae sito I 
gt ee sets a ¥a5 2 Sak Ox 

: ete Ment gales cay sor as caw eae woud F*aak Z 
eis vletuiends me 1 eth t¢ omeocd gady worl o'anb ttle 
@ieil goksrhi » sav gel whinne ald ech gitiswe tae anew weds 
#2 ga doal tom £24 2 jouw 32 oteae 2. Boog o'ash I ,eeben 
pL ce oo ge $2 tee Mipee 2. pb poof ag mg ay 
heveoude fark: I mesdte antes tag tis bt ta tiigtt saw T 
audéo gic? ,tavbtoes ey to gahoy ad? moxk aoetd a #2. ait bold 
iia wor boot od 3 Aok = phesyds ost —_ woald a we ares es 
 Sibwes ear os ieuedaes stud Bia Pe 2 ecew> ae 
Stoorte Dusted 13 ht 

nes Yo stesy AE yrevoned .K 4b gndone se atemanaotes gn died 

= ‘me bt anbao temnts te bettetast ad oats ‘8 stoves ade ia 
 senetne? co ae 

“iglsyeas> wh inataetas 26 glee mit ak meee ont’ te GPR we 

Rammdioom t20 Joarts Mita corte! cad w ee gSOCE worrku wats 
frotiosn eat ot sedve gat ult eget Snt‘t oath deat at. 

& mete ghowtte Duster? Ww tan tak ait de pa 
Soheougugy wei 2 *-* © cast od? ao fon ven mc a 
Meo ge a egbd ws We wi bbdix — oo ottstiel any tes 
‘to téwt fal? ga boumtiaes 1 feew of ot SL galas 
godt 3° * .de0nke bation cater io te 2 2008 8 deeds LRimm bewege 
# eb evade sammood yuma + £ eMiedery ae peed ivig f 

mein hbak ‘ta that tee Ses ae ok ah pnlba & Bi be peveee Son 
Berk See eee + peg geicioncnd naw awd * eae 
wake Ye ia Som bee x toe 
= teeta feadond rosiawers ey oa os As pony seg $ fim; 
me oy yew akvion? 30% Jays ys od md tek »  : thee beteas 

Sit dak adacdyw knew we emi ois eueda. ee te 
ts rs ee gy nat Fig ese — er seeps fratton® Ye prt é = eee 

Bake dee i die ™ a "er . ws st ait ¢ sev? ontem: 8 
JuGe fas 2 BOE AS a pil eaw ‘ 
ee pit t mit ve TF teatem, g nae “8 ease 
dmoxt mk te gfkal om oF Sevres ede ome oe 

Beez oft bac gwlioscreduk ade etoake ont we funda: 
tin ett Bo -ceqemd ett Mw “tat dtekt oft yd sine aw 


Oe 4 

“ sees pont ont @ 
i, abl. wnt ith oc emo Be zat a 4 
| ci ste cB nekon Bow ex aR 

jeg ie mo change in thet speed aa he swerved in front of 
| Plaintiff's witness, Odeeas oshkby, o snesenger in 
| the bus seated om ite right homd side, testified that ehe 44a 
not see the sutomobiie before the collisions that she *heerd a 
wetien seresm end at the oase instant tho erash cameg" that "the 
bus driver jumped up and coye ‘Phere did that car come from I 
heard someone eeresm, but I did mot see the car,* or words te 
that effect;" amd that she got eff the bua and theresfter 
venders agsistanes to plaintiff until an smvulanes came. 
Wledmtisr's witmeas, “. J. Renikiny clae « passenger 
on tho bus, soated “on the front seat right up by the door om 
the right heml side,” testifies thatas the Due neared the 
intersection ite speed bed been lessened te “about 5 miles per 
hourg” that ao it emtercd the interseetion ite speed wes 
*soneldcrably" ineressed; that se did mot eee the onteomot Le 
watdl it wae “dirertly in front* of the tua? thet it wee then 
"gaat of the middle of the otrevt and within probably 5 feet of 
the east curbs" that he waw the bus « trike the car; thet “the 
front of the right front tire struck the carj” that the oar "sldd 
to the west and when the wheels struck the curbing the top toppled 
ever agninet a pole « strikimg it just back of the door of the 
eary” that the deor came open and a mam fell owt; that he (the 
witness) left the bus and discovers that the man was “re Yay} 
and that when the ambulance came the “ecter wae etili in an une 
; conscious condi tiene 
| ; Plaintiff's witness, Rey ¢. Freeman, formerly a judge 
. ef the county court, testified thet he Lived at the southenst 
eorner of the imtersection; thot hie residence building stood 
« bout 36 feet back of 2th curb lines of the strestay that his 
attention was attracted by a cresh and he immediately went te 

the scene of the accident, that “the bas was portly within the 

Ye snort sk dowuewe ad eM penn Ain ‘AA. some, 9m, grees a a 

ait TegUONEET B 5 yes! mows? sent bo erthemeat inal 
hidiode tanh bokibveed caite teal tM ot ie we me vi ra a 
& iemeel dake: sank ghetebicon ane eee hes of bet ood ne alt oon sou. 
ant” tact *yeads sinew oad faadhert sates oat is. hea Reor9s newex 
X quer two cnn Sas kb onsae ayn iis oat ll aut 
obsabeng vo 4 uae-ea the S08. ¥ to: iets ae ynoe Bases 

atts hid ae ens one bstadiiondh om “ee he 

ot fer uistabieat wt ins soore 

ie gt 1 SRE) hes gat 

awit absee vine ¢ tae ot t= fast 42 


iatersestion, with the frant of the Wat, hounded west, beyond 

the curd line aml perhana S088 With the sidewalk runn iac Morth 
maW2outee” thet Se neticed the comididen ef the +akepneite 

itis waieh oui been craghkeds that mear the bottem ef the pele, 
avout 12 inches above the areund, there wes « deep tmureesion 

om it, 1/2 te 3/4 of an inoh deep, wowre it hed Beon treated 

with tar or ersesotes; ami that “on the left bub of the cutomebile 
there wae @ black substance of tar or ercozote on the lath cap.” 

| Pisintift's witness, Theron Neverts, seaaecer of a 
garage and repair shoty wha towed the autemedtiie avay amd after. 
ward meade repairs om it, testified tHet when be firet soe the cay 
it we ct the northwest corner of the aAmterseeticong mext te the 
weet curb of Orchard street emt faa ng Rerthy that ite rear ep 
“mG near the sidewkk and “we had to 1aft up the back and in onder 
te tow 1t;" that the enr was moar he telephone pele: thet he 
“noticed that the hub cay of the Yeer vieel Rad auched tate the 
telephone pole and the imorint of it was on the pales" that chere 
the iuprint waa there was ereosete ov tar m the pole om “the 
leit reer tub cup had ereovote or tar on its” that the right 
femier was damaged and the rear bumper hed been “marked upg? that 
the Jett rear fender was smashed ani the twe rear wheels were 
badly bent; and that the Jett deor was tormm off ite binges, 

Sefendant's witness, Mrs. Sesske “Aleem, whe bearded the 

tus ome block eaet of the imtersestion, testified that «t the time 
of the acckdent she was geuted “three seats teck on the rent 

of the busy” that as 4¢ approached the intersection 4t was treveling 
about im the middle of the etreet at a “mederace rete ef speeds* 
that as she looked out of tha vindew che ecw "on sutemebdle coming 
north from Nichigen avenues” that it wee coming at a “pretty cudok 
speed" amd “going faater than tue buss” that st this time “the bus 

had gotten to about the east line of Orchard street;” that as 

ne. sn ER Oe ee 

: “snodantot tt 30.seaseinns ale eohdon od tat “*inee 

qehag od te awtgod galt same duit ee ee 

to ee goevrecge qonh o sow geod? ,hemtory, edt evode aestoek ee bods 

eae haere ant Tee 
ethssomsisn od %0 disk Has wis m0" Seas inn yodaeaens x0 tab 1 

“cn, dias sid ae eewonee xe and YO onnatedia Soatd o eaw baw @ 

# Ye seqomes gudsmea! mowedT yseend kv ereaeakees oe 

ul oaaass, 

~zattn. him atdeeatin, A tonne fits eit shea Mk 

ay oe we ey 

Sauapees : * 
MPO Kahl Cals Rie - 

or ar 

1) ee a Re 

tetey wiow” «. te ombeoo oom ab 8 vec ‘ 2 
want oat aaah whe te Rade nt oe 


the automobile vontinued te come om “44 swerved slightly ae it 
reached the buss" that she "did net hear emy horm or other signal 
given wy the eutomebhle ané thet she did met see ony other m toe 
that efter the colliolonm and after — 

indione svermer® that she “cammet tell whether the tyes slowed down 

its speed when 4t got within <5 fect of the intersections" bat that 
she "knows that it is not se that when tae bus got within 10 or 15 

feet of Orchard street it inerecsed its speed," 

Defendant's witness, Frieda Setzolk, « paseenger im the 
bus “sitting on the south or left~hand side,” testified in part 
that as the bus waz abowt to enter the intersection she sow Die 
Yay's eax “coming north” ani it wac coming “Like nobedy*s businesag” 
thet at this time the car was “about half « block away" ami it 
continued ong that it did net sound « horn, and as 1% entered the 
intersection it “sverved" and "out right in ahead of the busy" 
which was “going rather slow;" that she id mot see the actual 
impant bat she “did seo him hit the telephone pole, amd hie ear 
reboundeds" that the bus did not stop ot the oressings thet it 
was traveling abowt 30 or 12 miles per howrg that jost before it 
reached the interseetion, ani while crossing it, the bus “wae 
travelling on the north side of the pavement, 50 that Iwas sitting 
about over the center of the road;* that 2c the bue neared the 
intersection “it did net cull up to the curb om the right bend 
eides* that when the collisiom securre: the whtmess “did not see 
any car st all coming from the north om Orchard strect;" that the 
speed of Dr. Yay's car was “about 40 miles per houry* and that 
“J 444 not see any change in Bis sveed from the time I sew him 
until the accident occurred.” 

Defendant's witness, Mrs. Prank Helbling, « niece of 

Judge Freeman who previously woe eolied as a witness for plaine 

$2 as eskehie sovnews 22° go omen at penaehduee oftdenote ae 
Latte ‘esto wo tiost yaa ‘ned ton AEhY ain tastt “paid add dortonet 
“agi si an Recap 

oti SNS ‘ois Wie SO HUD Wile Gill, Die anette, 

_ wad'bs bien Moledilon ett ein tats 

ecrads povets wigf oct aided List semuce” adn gash *yemovs anethat 
teuld oud “yroltoosxemms at Ye feo Of mbtetw top 28 cont Seeqe wht 
two, it Hn, a wt fp el, Sst 9, ay 

nutt mk ropeonany P _eftontes abe tet vereas by atanstaeted 

dung Mt bokiddued "able Amat tat wo diwos ec? ae pabetie ond 
od me oils mo toesrndmd ext natn of foto exw oat it oa tah 

dene dae anata er set lao ala 

2 tadt (umboonss ot fo ude tom AED emt acd dole “ybodemdon 
$k axoted taut dns prwest “tee ‘pete ae ws x toda 2 ne 7 s 
ase aunt eal gtk gmtawere ether ten yim o bah ‘gt 
mitshe « enw I todd on Sahin! eats te ote ‘sive aus mo att et 

368 ose bth” essuddw ade Somkuone & moiekey Lyme 
od dosti “iteunts Bender ae sista tie to ade 

PD hs EN ake eit 

Foatd tas * gravasl coe wokhm 08 fede" ane aa0 et yale oad 

mnt wid Tad a mick heegs tat somes we ons + tan bib 2 B4 

= —— ait 

_ =" 


tiff, testified that she wis a cassenger im the tus, “seated about 
im the center om the left hemi side?" thet she firet netiead Dr. 
Gay's car coming north on Orehard street when it was about half a 
block from the intersection; that he “was comime ot whet I weald 
say was a high rate ef speed?” that he kept om and “ererved in 
front of and ts the roet ef the busy” that “frem the time I oaw 

it until 4: cot doen there, there wat mo chonge in the speed of 

the cary” thet che ddd met hear omy siene) from the automobile 3 
thet “after the accident wee ever and the bus hed stopyed, the 
section,” and “we got off the Dus right omte the sidewalk there," 
that there was no other automobile there at the time, and that "Z 
é1.4 not see any sutemobile comin: from 

aecidenty" that as the but entered the intersection it was travelling 
at a “moderate rate of specds* abowt im the middle of the street; 
ami thet the bus “did mot pull up te the curb anywhere alone there 
in that bleck befere 4t get to the imtersection.* 

One of the somtantions of dcfendent’s coumech da that 
the jury's verdict is against the monifest weight ef the evidenee 
on the issue of plaintiff's negligenre at and immediately before 
the time of the accident. After 2 careful review ef the entire 
evidence besring upom thie issue, we ave of the ovision thet the 
contention is a moriterdoas one ani that the judgment spcealed 
from, based upon the verdiet, should net be allowedte stand. 
it sufficiently appears that the wreximate eause of the collisions 
ai vlaintiff's resultime injuries was hie negligent disregard of 
subesection 4 of section 35 ef the Tllinela Motor Vehicles Act 
(CabdLL"s State 1991, Chaps Vimy pare 4, pe 1950) which reads 
as follows: ‘“Exeept a« heveimafter vrevide: moter vehieles 
travelling upon public Kicghways shnll give the right-of-way to 
velicles approaching slong interses ting hichveys from the 

over those approaching 

tgs beteoe” yuint ett mt caynmena: » aow adn geld hekthtaee Rh 
(st@ Bostzom fark sste Sud) “pohie Naot tol edt mo coseeg odd ee 
8 Pak toda ou th tose nonte inatoxy me Atrom gmboe eR9.atye 
binew I tady to yuhmoe ase” od tadt inekrosountes wht most a) 
ML Soyxoewe” haw mo eyelet tent “thongs 2 ofan Melt « 996 ee 
wae t quit odd mock” tule “youd ed? to gue ot gd bam te deyy 
‘Qo Loom at md epmasie om age ovat yonedd mveb ton Oh Lktmw & 
(elidamedsa off mast Loatyhs ote tood fom bkb gala satis Bl oad 
LN SAGAN Alaa lig NA dbr distin a 

i Souls ate ete ose rte yar sttcsran autre on, epeai m4 
ie patitovint aay $8 mobteonsntat sit lita npc Ve Gee 
| {teenie crit to oLohte out? wk ouodie “shence Ye ater otaseb 

ovens woke, energie: due odd 09 = a 

orote “Yintakbsomt fame, it | venemaigon gt22.katala ie es nek wee eo 

exkiie of te wetvox Luterse a a8tt\ _,tmebhova . to om 2. ae 
wis tod aoinico als WO oem or apstomt «itt maqy Y at oe 

_ bakeangs sees od Susi one cate usehzot tram ask Me LEE ORD 

shasta efhevolia of tom hbwnde er ee sal 
wmokndiion adit corey. someone a nett an of 

o Dae 

fram the Left.” Amd a clesy Sreponderaie Of the evidenes dige 
C2.0688 that claintirf, approaching the imterscetion 4m hic axte= 
mobile trem the south at on excessive rate of speedy and sbeerving 
that defondent’s bus om bis right 
intersection from cast to west at a elew er Meccrate rate of apeed 
regligoutly dreve his sutewobiie that at contimed on with ae 
wleskening of speed, amd that, du Gaking the atteert to paee in 
fromt of the moving wus, a rear porllon of the automebile was strudk 
by the bus, vhorohy and alee beexuue of the cutemeiije’s excegetvs 
sp@ed, 1¢ eellided with the telepkens pele 3m the 
nortivest corner of the intersection, uch Sibi: the aleer pre= 
porieranee of the Ovicene@, plaintafl sheald we semsiiored aw 
being guilty of negligenee wees frequent decisions of the appellate 
ecurtes of thin district, (Lenerts v. SMG, 4 Tile Appa, ails 
125; Partridge ROXEECI Ys BEE id, 20% 21G~3p Solmen v. y 
£27 4d. 28, 2685 cant Ve Matton, £20 ide 406, 408; Eagesy 
ZBcis 256 1d, 500, BOh~3,) And in view of the evidence we repeat 
it ar our duty to reverse the seégment «mi remand the SERGE in 
MOMSLEGRVs Gust cts Louise otes Eye Soe, £35 T1], 628, 628, it dn 
enid: "The constitution valith: provides taat the right ef terdal 
by jury a8 previsusly fajeyed hall reesdn imvielates dese mot mke 
the Jury the fined fudgss of the eehget of the evidences and if a 
verdict is manifestly aadmet the weight ef the evidemee, it ia the 
duty of the trial judge te ast ae aside ami grant a mer trisl, 
ana ea feilure te de 20 ts error, fer walea a suigint must be 
reverssad,.” (See, also Belden + | i 
» 144 1h, Apo 100 4035 st ve Exam 

REL Tlde Arp. B13, $22; Baw 
R71 Tlle Appe S32, 336.) 

‘Mother contention of defendant's counsel is that the 

Was preteciing te ereas the 

verdiet of the jury of 2389900 is ae grossly excessive as te 

agth ootosivs ond te sameiinoyeay aero e bel *4t0L ot die 
~titaus abet w2 Bokvevezodah ott yabtokeeege pYibemtare dat aseokS 
carehetaihenatiaeteadnaiualasi cnumtathbalaseatdiadivanlber sic 
gtd wages of gatbeooer: saw genbs abt ao ned a toadne ted Gade 
samcting fremedparrenoapeinge shhh’ Cant tai scesdin 0% 
thet Naltides Wh Hiller eee eee Lines inne 

fh wallq Of Igmerts ett yesw mt gett hmm’ ,Sowts do pnbnoatonta 
seria ew atbfomosiey eff Yo aetcog toot w yeNM gubvedt eitd Yo ther? 
“evkensdzs e'eiieomedn: ox? We esmeend pote Bn yertstr’ gemd ono 
edd de yyrtnen ott oh oor sredtatey oct Hake nob kckes de \heeee 
we ‘Taaihe Wit getked Sat soseandevonnemateesdiindlbuaaaadoiivtesns 

|| ehaikitwaign oid ‘te shinee Tushiow® ote Wake iigen yt wie 
Hh gOBL woah ofET DoS gions wv goat)  debedals wkd? to edavee 
| ats 7 epuaids E R aO koa atl aa yee 
Sn ea dk 
bunget ow Sembbive otf Yo obly mt Suh  (,8eR08 4,008 BE OSS gutdal 
at abe ada”) ylang Loose Bais. 
of #2 yes gk jttr Mts goes ome | J -Vgalones 
faded to eights ‘ald tacts Seuiveviit da haintinieals a hikes 
ie omut See aoth gotsietval alouer Lfee toyolen “Wensirese ea week ow 
i; a Tt Mae ,vonebive elt 26 dilghor att I cegnul Laake edt yawpoedd 
ait uk th ,oomvhtvs ait ‘to tigtow amy Geshaye Ute Rn ar tokinty 
Keli em 8 drurey this obten Of tee We opel Abt SMe Yogi 
‘O0 fenm thamphat « dots col yromis ef o8 eh ot otmtint = oma 
: Afanpctit ve bY .20T MM gubet +¥ mb aka hpi *beoteyet 
: | bead <7 yaad 1808 s00z ee Lt pokes 
aeaeuel «7 netusmmnl il ined seo eNotes 
mit ¢rsid bE Sowa a esdintanest8 wntnimeni onan. ‘wtih, bay 

ee ee 


a” seal ® 

eS SS ee ee 


Amdieate passion and prejudice on the part of the Jury. Yuch 
ef the evidence ceninined im the vresent racerd relates te the | 
Mature om extent of plaintiff's injuries, «nmi it is conflicting, 
From « careful review of it we ave comvimes’ thet there is cub- 
stential merit in counsel's comtention, However, sa tha judg- 
ment must be reverse? for the rensone abowe stated, and ae the 
gause may be tried again, it 19 urmeceseary for ue te dincuse 
the evicenee bearing urom the issue of axcessive verdLote 

The judgment of the superior court of July 7, 1953, 
iz reversed ani the couse is remanded, 


Sullivan, Pe Jey AM Fearlan, J., eomeur. 

Mow eat ett Le trey wih Mo eokdujeny dae moleuag 
wit of states .  Suscon, $40 RR Dembatnog eeKoAkrs ont 30 
fokiimos ok £2 hae ynohuloh ao Mittatels Qe, seetee ten eae 
“wigs eh eredtt deld, Rooehynoy. ome sx 42 Yo, watyor Lateran «mest 
ee act on ON I TON ER 
tt ap Ran, shotetn steam oh a 

angoalh 02 mS ’ tigate ‘ 

as Se hee. a “as uonbomatiae greased 

eee Be Pabeonini 
PR ee oF wate ke) br | 

menor " : 908 
Pra int lt Bek wilde 

he ey gee Thee te Sere ee sage a fe 

k eee OF r i 
sae box ahah goratehral shoot GR Ro can Ries ee Ta ae 
ee ee wag vty pa ee 
ae wt 22 wether wae be Bae ate YAP E eR NE eatialll 
ede le A tee tee whee Oo eh oo ghee ee eae oe “eae i 

2 ie SS ke ee ea guatione me See at am w oe 
wot shh FS eee oe Hehe Me si! a acesmensll 

‘ ‘ ys 4 igte § Boh we iy. eae We ae | 
cies © aN piper Uyrek, gee, wigs eee st x ne wy i 

Wy Sah ai A A RIGS, ye AIR a Ae 
AeA gS pees eee ES 

oe ag ey ey OR ier 
Mio BS Bh LRA 

py eh MME CRRA yam tok, ap Fy eee ewe aye ea Ste ie 


F se ea a é 
v4 f f Pe i 
Va ist & F 2 f | 
5 f ff f = f & 
3 f f Pid . > j Fa é ie 
j ; fi Fa ff tA 
jon ji y ya 
CORPANY» @ ourpera tien, H i 
Ampel leas . y 
COURT oF ee 
i My a eo ti ZA tL i ft 6 . 
. ae ; { fee € 4 1A. G9 


Om say 15, 1933, plaintit’ comsenced af setien in 
replevin te recerer posseasion of “ome Curtis Steam Turbin 
#235222 awi G. 2. Generator #2608713," of the claimed y-lue of 
‘180, and which, az alleged in the affidavit, delomient had 
wrongfully detained from plaintit?, The Belld?f took the 
praperty umier the writ ami delivered it te piaimtd??., on 
Jume 1, 1055, efter defendant Asc eitered its apseoranece, 
there wae a trial before the goeurt =i shout a jury, resulting 
im the court “finding the raght ef property im vladatirr and 
agaeasing plaintiff's dumages at the oum of S100." Amd the 
court on the came day sijudged that “sladetarr have Jncguent 
om the finding ond have amd retain boscescion of the preperty 
replovied," aud further adjudged that “plmintif? have and recover 
of and from defendant the damages of plointitr naountine te the 
gum of 5100, in form az aforesaid Saseshed, together with 
seats," ete. 

By the present appeal defendant aseks to reverse the 
second Part of tse Judgment, wherein vlaimtire was awarded the 
oum Gf 9200 an damages.  efendant's coumte] state in their 
brie? hars tiled that “mo iswue arises upon the right of plaintiff’ 

«$0 the POBSGscion of the preperty; the only question ta the 


we Bi wseques A. MOD 
yoatonch sat Peal Lisa anh 

ER WS pie x pate. 

oe es nWO9 bao 
arr 9 VHA 

Chke dLb VS 
: - bape oe 



#i aoiios ae beomemmeg Tiitmbedg sPRRE BE 
nidusT mwoti ekitsd smo" to mibedoteog vevboer ot mbt 
to onkey beatets off te “,cxTa0OR) wedatened of ot. pm * 
hevt fmateoloh g@iveb&tie ott mt dopotls aa gfokdw fine 
ec? Moot Viklisd wif .?Vitiakely movk beakatoh % 
eo tthtmbaly of $2 heaovkied dae Shuw ests nohew Ydten 
rsemrienas Ot hembme hart dunbaetad wots «80k of Sha 
gas Leet unit a dueds tw ase edt otored Lalit « a ows ' | 
ait hei *.00L5 Yo moe ectt ¢u cogened a ttiomtaly “a Bs 
taomys{, avert re Sats ao we pou aut 7 oo ts 
4 tovenot han veut Btitmialy* suds ‘Seateibi xeddawt ‘ani oe hes : * 
sa cr capeae tassel aan 
| near inanteantncromnapele sranvenitaticsecmisie 
add serovor of ailosa tmabioted Loans susweng ast - : sae | 
' att Sebniccn saw Tikbebete mbeuse stxowg hat, ace ko 00 ao six 

p ahott ak atets Learns ot teuabane 00 sSogamah os 0K? te ame f 
i; “ btmdaty Ye tuighs oft mou soakea euvek ont tad heLkX exe Yoke 
| sb uh. uuhtoneep “hte ath rormene tt nn a : 


“Secife hes nt covgared mor filed ea. 


Sensuare of dames, 
brief in this court. 

Tag bill of exceptions disclose: that on the trial the 
porties aprcared by their reapective attormeye, that plaintiff 
culled tvo witmesats + Clyde Moore, ite president, and Mw. Ve 
orein:, a foramen in its sapley; but that defendant 444 not offer 
omy evideaoe. Moore's teetimeny, correberated im vart by that of 
Bareing, ia substuitially as fellews: | 

Om Vednegday mornine, Mey 10, 1933, in company with 

Boreing, he went to defendant's Taylor serest Varehouse in CRicage 
aml aw v, O. Fargueony mamager for defendant af the warehouses 
About 10:56 e'elook, « "turbe-generater® was them offersd fer sale 
te the highest bidder. “nm behaif of cisiniiff Beore bid *16C fer 
the machine and, mo other bid belne received, the machine was aeakd 
to plaimtic’ for thet aux, amd “oore gave to ——— pleintife's 
check, payoble to defendant's arder for 2160, in torn Ferguson 
mors haat ? Reore defendant's bill of sals to plaimtirt of the ~ 
machine, » “1 Curtis Steam “urbin #23222, and gd. -. Generator, 
gacos7as” "teihs 6f sale intrecuced im evidence.) Ferguson eadd 
that plaintiff sauld mot teke the machine _ovay until he hed hac 
the check Erba. eni Zoore thon told Ferguson “te held the 
machine until the next morning,” when slaintiff “weald then come 
ame get it.* JForgusom saié “ali right,~ am@ st the time delivered 
te Snore a “slip authorising the ress) & the machine by plain- 
tiff from the warehouse, ° On Thursday morning, me * oe Keore 

employed a “cartage cone » Going bDusinese ag 4. Mis 
ams g6t the suchine,” ted, Soreing ani four of e vlaimeler’n 
empleyees" went te a Sceeheane with Maeted's truck for that 
purpose, but later returned omi informed Keere that defendant had 
Ce is te deliver up the machine.” ‘% the following morning 
rg Mecgecce Secre sent Sereing ané four :? plaintiff's emoleyees 
warehouse te get the sechine upen Boreing's domend 
@efendant again refused te deliver Ngee sachine. Later in — aay 
Moore and Horeing attended « meeting at the office of Je Pe 
Pat teraoms aefuadani’s aesietent freight traffic =anager, at 
defendant's Chicage depet. ther agents ef defendant and 
@efundant’s attormey sere progent, ac were cdward Heller and 
Vaarice et whe Glaimed that am option bod been given te thes 
by defendant purchase the machine, After uuek discussion 
Pattersom suid that defendent would inter oe to hom the 
Machine would be celivered, mit mo amaouncement of the decision 
was made, On daturdey morning, ‘ay 1th, are interviewed 
defendant's Pre solr oe. ie S607G—J0HOG, axl demanded inforua tion 
as to when defendant would doliver the Sechine te plaintiff, 
The otter gaic that “attereon had @ me out of torn Friday 
ea ee witheut leavine any imetructions «< te what disposition 
machine should be made, afi requested Moore te “wait untii 
lh od morning when Pottercon would return.” Moore refused the 
request om during the afternoon of Mey 15th the present replevin 
wuit was comseneed and the property wos taken under the «rit ond 
deliverci tea pladmtiff. 

® Salhi com benwtces dom tal Tikiatnm = * .ongomnd 16 eae 
ghewes okt wk Dobe 

@te Iabsd ost? ae tocte sosoLonts emetiqoente “G6 Ifi¢ adt paces 
Yiigmhals fads geysrtetin eFhioeqeas thedd yi howoqgs ssbfong 
oi Stee qimebhacsg aff yotord sito «+ asouert By owg 9 pad lig 
cette Pax Oh Smoductoh sade tod ryolase oth on nemexe? # wohtewed 

to Satis ef tung ab botavetecseo yoromitesd steroe ,enmpbive au 
“egecit® at samaderte? Peon? “oieet 6 oe a. sel x ; 
we% O8L? hid estes! Tilenkais te akactod a | |6opehbid sonia 5 
Mi ghaits s 
gooriet sud mt oe 1 wh tense aiatuotoh @@ og af 
bhas soaugis% (,o9stai dre ah heowmontad ae. =e. 
deme gods Bivew* ot a smuvetve eee coe 
BTOON, gAILL Gah seatherson woewy Pag * 
add cet dowd? o'hedeel dike sevodieser 
aooyelome a iittaialg Ie sae? dee éaae avo0k © 
T .t Se o627ks wit de gakioer « bebeet¢n gabysot, be iat & 
ta eTapana: lila gigdes? gaetedete e's wh ghoes 
meds 62 nevts meed hat aobtys ae 
bowetrseenk exon trol eal 

ugh 2 a 

rawatio’t on Udabsmatedae a2 9 Lotoe 
ad be a Mi geSRL gi You open | Yebsonbe Pm 
pe mena n de 
evanciotew eft Yo inclsteS 4ok segatiom gbeny 
afsa tet bereits But aor “role abeuag™ & epost. obser 4 
Sfee sav eahdoam act ,hovivset aahod ag sestte om ghana 9 
s*Riltatalg sew gat. of syey weRek f sa get Be 
ei? to, 2% tabalg gare Tate shdw ie! Pemba hed: 
exote eal ss 0 fan e2GRERY whee? mood’ wise I i at. : 
pa het os Litee qews onbdoe: etd atid fon 
eft bog oc" aonupret died spd? oxeok ion t ebelttbice 
bosevifes gals off te Suc prises on Seawgiet * th of 
sfielc Yi axidsan od? Sy fq wire <a on geek Bh scoot " 
b tend gatos ag 
CFeNT »f dar COREE DN gi BO AO 
atrtleniclg ‘te wet gsewe®. ,hoteni* haa * 
bei tuabariok todd pty fosria ta dts Dormsdon tetel fed 4 Bienas 
ankevem aniwslict aif a ee aed ger soviled of ; 
Bram > a "pti kerodt Bogs Sime » oat att Joan od eowortetan 
yah wt si gotal .¢aidaon off govdiad of. Seeetet . 
ly fiebratoh ‘to admega vedt¢ 
Sun walle Suanhs o1ew au page ag 
agtesupeti dom vad pion eS 
Oed morte of of feak eabtone tm 
Relakosh au Se tome 

Bele wenotak Sabrmamad days bl gl 4 

etthintele af amido goo taviivd bEmow a 

qabiet eve? Yo @uo G8 ® hem. a bolt Shae 
moliieoqaks tatfy of ov amehi ord ant 3 
itéau thew’ 22 agooit yas wig or dite gthea af 
oi} beavtey erock *wenstot ry 

aivetqos dmaceny oe SdTE yell te yo 
Sas Fee ned selec Banal oe yore oF 


Moore alse testified, over cefenmiant's ehjection, as 
te moneys paad by plaintiff to Husted fer the wee of Bis truck 
on Sey Lith amd lite, and as to moneye pedd to Boreimg amd 
pasdataif's four eaployees for their timeapenied in making tueie 
fruitless trips te the warchouse on thet day (shop alips cxhibited)s 
adee as to moneys paid by claimtif< tc Gasted fer use ef hie truck, 
amd to Sereing ami said four omplieyese for overtime on oa terdag 
afterynoun, May ASthy in procuring tha mochine wider the writ and 
teking 1¢ te plaintiff's warehouse, Tne various sume se paié 
tetelled $125.78, of which tet.) ay £2.95 wan cedd fer overtime 
om oadd Seturdey afternoon. he court deoemled deferniont’s motiom 
+e gtrike frome the recor’ 212 of “eore's textimemy, ac to moneys 
expended wy pleimti’? for the purpeses mentions’ on each of tac 
three daye, “as being jrmeterinl to the ieene amd az being 
dneompetent te prove dam-ens," ‘nd the comrt, at the conclusion 
ef the trial, assessed plaintiff's demeagen at (100, oc firet above 

After considering the waiieputed evidence am! reviewkmg 
tae authorities we have resched the comeluaeton thet the jndoont 
in cweation should be offirmed in ite entirety,  ~efendiant's 
counsel do met contend thet that part ef the judgment, that 
pisintit? “have and reteim posveseion of the preperty replevied," 
is erroneous, their contention ia thet pleintifr “fciled te moke 
out o cose for demeges,” and in support theres? they quote from 
portions of section 1144 ef 4 Sutherland on emages, 4th Eds, 
4312, as foliows (italics oura): 

Where the ploiutarf obteizw ocaseeston on hie writ. 
of revievin, ss ie ve lle the guee where the def — has me 
legal right te reteim it Wy sivivg bon’, amd om the trick 
mintsine kis right to it, if the property is cbtaimed without 
injury or deteriorationg ke in oly entitles te domacese for 
its i i mis igi gee ** binsg eee menware ef these 

wensure of asmages ruler use of the eer detained is 
« The owner de entitled te recever the value of the nee, 


Su ,roktootde aldmedeetas cave ,bektitwes ela exten ©” Hh iid 
dows als Yo caw alt xo% deduai of tritmbedy yi bing wyouma od 

hits gkewel oo Atey ayowom of an bes gadGl hea AMPLE yell ae 

wkedd gotdex of bebeeywm ots what? cet esdyotgee awe’ wl Yhivabote 

a { Redid Baixo ote qorla) Yad godt wo saeedecuy ole of ative eve) kext 
eMowrt ube to sow tot badvsll of Pranmledy gf Sieg wwaom of ws Geli 
Yuta so emidseve s0t aceyedqus see? bie fain wadero 0 ad 
hive diuw ot? tohme onkioom at gabueoong a2 ists yall ydomebs te 
hieg om ame ewoluor odtt thuedinaw a Tdintelg ot #2 3 wei 
cnisveve wat nkog sav Et T8} mm. Leto Moby Ye QAY ERED ith ies 
aniten s'gnateeteh betaoh fave ad! — .timomind'i, eta at 
Seno of an comembjens otendh ie Lie besos at weit ‘sikiite, 
ath 0 shone mo howe ttinem memorse sit wet Yidtmbaty We 
gated on hws oapuk ot oY Ludwubaowk puted aa° 4 ° 
mokaniseos ot} to ytaweo od Di! “hepa syong OF smetegme 
wrede tek? aa vO 5 da eines orcas Aavnnin: eich 

snbvokres tn ettcive dotentinw ot reno s _ 
trompbal edt tadt wotevkonss ey Seelnew nd oe cela 
alénahawtet  «yeothien afb ab edie bt. ad Shweta x 
fad qtmomabut end Ye teoq teed soil) beotems de ob Sogmes 
"sbokvetzon vinogone est) le ibkewnmey alia one baatn daly 
wile ob hoLtet* Yabtmtale belt St wm 2a 
ert shew. wt Wore Peaoqer A 

ue aouams ; 
‘ios % pom ot bol 
Saerednt * = oyereres: ; ‘= 
ott fom of fas modi oieqmoe o8 oe fom Ilav om 
Ub’ baehebuh eonceue G0 St Gao : aap 
gem, cult De satay oad Teveoes oF Seteiien 6h Sains Sak a 

af he prefers it te interest, during the time he wae deprived 
of posession. * 

Amd counsel argic in substance icky ae es pleimtiff aid 
met intreduse any evidence shoving the xolu use of the 
waehine for the three or four deys that rleimtarf was depréved 
of 1t by the acts ef defemient, the court erred im slicwing pisine 
taf? amy demmges beyond mere nominal damages. “s fimi ne sube 
stenticl merit in counsels’ contention or argument. ind we do 
net think thet the rule as © the measure of dummges, as above 
atated in said text book, iz to be applied te the facets as dise 
elosed frem plaintiff's undisputed ovidenee im the present case. 
Other rules or vcrinciples ore more properly to be applied. In 
QA Smey. Of Law, Sed Edsg te Silly im discussing “Damages for the 
tuking or Detention," it de said: “Uhile the action ef replevin 
ie primarily for the recovery of the poecession of the property, 
the plaintiff is entitled in such ection te recover the damages 
he has suffered by reseon of the uwnlarful tlkimg a ( otention.* 

Amd it 4a further caida ae 622): "fe plaintiff ia entitled te 
resever such damiges se wil. somecte big fer all the detriment 
proximately eoused by the rencful taking or detention by the 
defendant, imeluding special demages." md 4% ie further onid 
(pe S24): “Im some inetemees the expenses inourred by § sLaimtis 
before the institution of the reclevin nuttin in attempting to 
lecate amé secure possession of the preperty, have been «ligwed te 
him aa damages for ite detention." 4nd it ie further said (pe 
‘$16): “Where the unlewful taking or detention by the cefendant 
was the recult of malice er wantommens, the plaintiff may, es in 
other tort actions, recever gremplary dan: “ Im See. 23 of 
the Tlldnois Benlevin sct ldinbians Stat. 1031, Chap. 10, p- 
2509) it is provided: “If judgment ic civen for the plsintaff in 
repleving he shall recover damages for the detention of the property 


Primo nt nth aro 

me al 

BRD vebinket: ‘Re caged sonnv adie ee Reins Tecate ath 
entre Ee ee Ee 
| sukaty ghtwatin et bowre Samen xt | adacbevtol to afbe att 3h te 

abvotier Ye mitted it oknee™ 

“Reyne off veveder 6s aokine owe nb betshens ‘et veh hake enti 
- Seattaeds ose yeditd Giatey ott te donner Ye boteviwe eal 
7 baste beta bee of tabemtals este hi msg “a booed 6 ree : 

and So 
|; * is Merl Si ae Sdyeaee Be ke 
feed hae i 
is * & 3s aide et * Raa ie opm 
fides Be eis tee i tage ABER panty Si Sit Pee Pm SU Madictek 
edt Yo welts Te 
° ty oS AME Lond a 
cL: Sire ae oy i Tas esti ie 
: P Ba 2 Solpaianad Mie San) ine 
ie 1 Seiie (ie A Toad. 5 oe OBE ‘3 fi : ath Oe Hu ie 


OF Denote» meet ovad erect of 
of) hae sates? oh $2 Be. * ae bheend ee 
tasdetes arly wr mo kenegoh ait ‘Wutand 2 " Ya sak He a | , 

mh oa g yan -ineperm ects enrenreapet ™ seinnped .~ “tharcoe 
Ae.” pegs: coe 

et wahibade eds “= svt ie ewe ; bat cate ses 

aonter A “ge it ety ee Moe ryoeae GME 

peasy heehy 


wade the same was wromeCully detained by the dofenfient.” This 
section of the set vox comeidered in the cose ef Sresmap 
O89 111. G4, where im on sction in revlevin commenced before « 
justice of the peace sleiniiff's damages was asaeseed ot $200, and. 
the judgvent exe affirmed. $fter quoting the section of the 
statute the court anid (p. 66%): “Yhie includes, mot only 
eumponvation for any (deterioration im the value of the goods ree 
plevied while they were in the bande of the defendant, but alee for 
the time lest ami expenses incurred by plaintiff in searching for 
hie property." <né in the case of Epionauch v. Sedliys 13% Til. 
Appe 563, where o jury fourm! the right of soseoscion of the 
replevied property te be im olointif?f and assessed her demiges at 
°400 end the court entered Judgwent on the vardiet sgeimet defend= 
anit, the appellate court for thie district, in «f"irminge the judge 
ment, oaid (p. 656): “Sumages my be aeseesed by the jury in « 
replevin suit fer deterioration om injury te the good«e ond other 
damages imeurrec through the «rengful teking.” (See, alse Ldve~ 
: ublishine co, Indon Steckyerds Gon, 14 Calif. 447, 450- 
ie) Im view of the above authorities «nd the evidence in the 
present case we sre unable to eny that the asegeument of plaintiff's 
demages at $100 is eacescive, even though it ayveare that plaintiff 
my paid $150 for the machine, Eations) urchase -omvers ties 
igvorsiek, 264 Ille ‘pre G3, 69.) Ami if amy portion of the i 
desing were assessed om the thoory that unior the circumstances 
plaintiff was entitled te exemplary damages, we caret aay thet thie 
ia wuch o case where exemplary domoges showld net hove been allewed, 
The judgeent of the mmicipal court of Chicage, appealed 
from, showld be ond is affirmed, 


Gallivat, >, J.9 ami Jeunlan, J., coneure 


ety <stmahewied ld Wh Donikstob ataneae nr amas st wae 
able «v gounerl to eons old mk bewablemwe caw $04 add Yo sebtons 
“n ereted boonomtive mivekgen wt aolton as wk eundw glOB ALT G8 

fins _208 6 $a beeeenas civ woasad ot TRttmbety eco edd Yo onksust, 
wld Yo mektooe ast pabtoup esd | hoo esw seacgbet, ott 

vine fon wehuLont ebstre 1(208 sq) Bee sumo aif odubete 

o9% ehoog esti Yo onkey olf mh maRiowabtesos yas re? mols asmequne 

s0% eats dant einetantoh ad? Ye edams of wk onow Youd afkstw J pony 
10% guhdoxeon wh Whhemdols ws Sorummt ooumegne Site Fook ombt asd 
~E at lkdas -» emma wove oS aes 

BS Seatcleertegtear acy 

-@¢R4 eka ,6%5) ig dileeehs lig eee 
08 «toh “hte? AEE gat nbmanata | A 

Mbit dat oa a 
rch ob ieitins Gre TN age es 
Sesastamuoxts csld xeheut test yxaostt onl mo hoveowaa oxoe 
pad aprnpes aga ene af 
beteosie woop u 0 raw > Eoctokmns « oat wes 3 PA OR aye : tt 

VLG ie eieages aaah - ct 

f a 

< é 

£ é 

é ‘ 

/ : 

J / 

f £ & 

Pi £ f § 

4 e nal a 
56788 é i 

ape se 
ty i 

Nefendant in Srrer, 


9274 1.A.669° 



Plaimtir? im Orrore ! 

Ronald Ce Cl¢hem, pinimtiff im errer, hereinafter 
ealled defendant, wae tried om an infermetion charging tim with 
a Wlolation ef see. 1, pars 298 of the Criminel sode ( mith- 
Hurd tilimeie Reviaed otatutem, L920). Defendants, phesding 
not sudlty, enived @ jury trial, and after « hesring there was 
@® finding that he «ae guilty az cherged in the infermation. : 
He hee sued cut thie «rit of error te review a juigwent sentoneing 
him to pay a fina of $800 and conte. 

Seetion 1 of par. 294 reeds oo fellewa: 

*PYyaeticing without license.) * * © That any persen 
residing in this State not being regularly licensed te practice 
dew im the courte of thie state, who shail in any mamner haid 
himself out ac an attorney at law or solicitor im chancery ar 
Fepresent himself either verbally or im «ritimgs dir -ctly sr 
indirectly, as authorized te practice lew, shall be —. 

ity of a mindemeomor and upon conviction sheil be punished 
a fine of aot less twenty-five (026.0) dollares ner 
wore than five hundred ((600.)0) ¢olleare, ey impFisonment’in 
the county jail sot exeeeding one year, oF oy both fine and 
isomment, ot the diserection ef the eourt, fer each and 
every efienac, snid misdemeanor 4c be prosecuted ané costes 
aeceseed ag in other oanee of misdemeanor uncer chapter 38 of 
the Newiset “tatubes of Tlitnota.” 

The infermation charesd thet “Heland C. 0léham hereto- 

fexre, Gomwiti om the Oth day of G¢iwber Ae Ds 193% at the City 
ef thicago county of Geok afereenid Then anc “here being a reeident 
of this State and net then aud there being regularly licensed to 


eee : hy N bon N io Pee oye oh Sea even 2 sot i fing 
~~ Mi * Ne \ : i ei a RR 
Tests wht \ Si ee Nig ' ae } a % res Py use, 
ee ” vate 12. eps a) aasens 
AHATOLMOL, oF BOM ~ of: Seat Me 
95 gO ae RIOD « 
00 Be Ll be VS 

arpa a A wna mT assets, Rana sit of 

i aS i 

Sl al 

ays i sie neat 

wi yoann ak ack nbbchecammaindiay’s Mail thi Lal 
ite wie sabykatio nedcam@ tek ax ne Roetd sonvtnahen'ne lel 
eet ta) OSes Lorkateh ged Seo aie oy ad 2080 de mo tiacelye 
Se ee Re ed call 

ginw eYeely gudesod & vette bmw , cabee qth, a bevler ogetien 
tet taker tat ale ee Neypnaty eo yy ante Wah sate gh 
brerggsihns =— antes: OF teree he Er ehae wee ttt 

2 Vik 

ES gL Diy Te aan wits eee 
sodeunat mmfhi .D bores Lom” fads wey: ried : 
eee oatd Sa ta geet a ak vadede te | wot 2s me 

he dt 

drubbing 2 gited eeente baie ceashacubionedenad bed ethan 
ad beanooll yksedugex uit ‘yeahs " 

WS oi 4a : cas ERE: 



preotice law in the Courta ig this State cid Unlawlally, am 
wilfully, verbelly amd in wrdting held himself sat as am hiermey 
et Ine and dif then ané there in marmer and in form aa aloveandd 
act ac an attorney at law for the said Barry Be Yarren vithows his 
then an¢ there heaving « reguier Livence ae to de in violetion of 
Gection 1 Pars 298 Che 36 Bs GS. Gontrary tc the form of the Statute 
im euch cane mace and previded, and against the poses and dignkiy 
af the People of the “tate of Tilinein.* 

The etate's attorney hes filed a motion here to «trike 
from the reeoré the b411 of execptiona in thia cawces, and while 
the motion is net vithoet merit we heave eoneluded to evneider the 
bill.» The motion tc strike ie therefore denied. 

Ve have earefuliy read the entire B11 of exeeptiions 
and we find that mo defense, upon the meritas, ena tnterpored. 
Your witnesees tentified for the prosecution. He Ne “arrens the 
proeecuting witmess, testified that he fire? met oefondont im the 
Amtter'a effiee at LOO Herth Latalle street, Ohierro, an? lect eav 
him there sbowt October #9 19309 that he talke¢ with éefendent 
about an invention and » is« suit m6 the letter seid he vould 
handle it for the witmess “with Mr, O'Sarag*® tht Br» and Mirae 
Deen vere preaent at the talk; thei the witness explained te cefendant 
about his invention and defendant “ea-ic that we vould Beave to take 
action against the John 1. Kellogg & (oof! that he would introduce 
the witness te ottiorney “Hare: thei he sew defendant in the latter's 
office «= masber of times «bout the motier; thet a contract (People's 
Rxhibit 1) ese drawn up by defendant. ‘hie gantroctsdatec uguet 2% 
1930, reeites thet it is entered inte “between Harry %» “arren, of 
Gnieagos cook County, lllineia, ac firet party, and Barratt Hera and 
Fonald ¢. Gldham, atterneye-ct-law, with low offiees in Chitogs, 
Thhineisa, as segond part." 14 states thet the witness “hee sought 
and employed second parties ae hin soley and only attorneys te 

Mein a ehbudwaced BLS Stade aldt mt etxwo et mh wel eptioeng 
Yaw its we so das Mouwhd Shek gabides wh one yliadxoy echiet eke 
biseaxels a8 arvet mi den wacmem mE sted? bre mot? ALD bre wat te 
add @wodlilw merae’ +f ‘(uel bien ct tot wat de GaerKodr gs 0 tn a cd 
te mohigtody mi ob of O8 vomeni fs takiget « ged rook oreds eg, = . 
sdutes: adf ko ang od} of qraxtany "38 +f OS 289 ‘eee oust £ mented 
_— has epecg ald witihas ban ghablvesg Saw © Dame one ewe ah 2 
aa) "sabenRlel ty odads vat Ye wfqoot wilt Be 
‘lta od onal aebtom a belt saat Wwasot da ot etads i ee : : 
ghisia Mim goatee edaf ak anndicoeite to ilad atld bxooet eat : : 
wis xebivnon o¢ bohwdetes eve oe dhaom dugds dy ten at akin | a: i 
\ shohaee® exvoberteds gf quilsta of, wok som ont, ad ut y 
| ata kegonae tw chia eubeers. she, eves hd eo PRk, oe ere 4. es 
; sdewaqrssat new qativom cwls og yeunptod om ands fo's oie | 
asia seperti a3 wif eee Sate ete ee: ‘wet x92 hedtbaned senpvii te 
edi mt tnntaotyh tom taxk? ost basin, bokiivees goncasty gat 

fmonnoted Mitw exked a dnd - RORRK gf codbio gunds mat td 

bivew af blow aelent edt Am @hve cal nea met tmorwsch all 
4 ont lite oa date “passant WH at2be* amend vets. ad an 
i dnadpe'to os bentataxs. enoneby wae bead olives wilt 0 dusasq _ 

nis ae ove ‘en ow dads. tow nsanotind one * Wokanonst i 4 

etaedias cits: ah deontvio ta wa: ait Batt 3 ape sas 
e wegen) doorda0e pe toda teste wt su a 
Rk eh inant vadnbedanndeon etdy stunbeehes 
o ameta’ +f P\ idhaeas! cwows ot” ovek be . a | 
Brn tol data bmn team SoHtY om gMBOMEEEE ee A000 « 
eoeeetAl ak aswel te mt aitw vaeige " ae) 
scutes nee. semetn ath Aa 3 | 


investigate the facts and cirewastanevs attending the said matter 
above set os am to represent firat party and te ineticute euch 
procecding or proecadings er te take such step or stepe aa may eecum 
to gecond parties te be necessary ané preper and ta the beat inmtere 
eete of Firat partys and firet party hereby binds biguelf and hie 
sucveraors, heirg and assigns to pay te seeend parties for their sere 
viecs hereunder and herein a sum equal to fifty pereent of ony ame 
all sums ef money, shares of corporate steok, bille or notes, thing 
or thinga of voiue such sa may be realixed by sali, or atherwiae, 
beestuse of the premines, The eid Barrat (‘Here and Sonaldé Oldam, 
attorneyes bind themeclves to vender best services in the panags 
hereinbefore indiestes." hia contract wan signed by the witneas 
and “Barratt (°‘Heare HKomald GC. Oldham eeomi Partieas* Feoplets 
Bubibis 2 ie a atipaleation fer substitution of counsel in the tee 
of Julia S» Boone ve Job io Kellogg 2+ mie, im the superior court 
ef Cook county. In thie atipuletion Barratt \‘Hare and Xemald Os 
Slchem vithdras from the above Gaut “as attorneys of reeord for the 
Plaimtizf®,* and certain cther atianeys enter theiy appesrance in 
the cause. People’s Exninit 5 is a eentrset of employment similar 
to Pecple'tsa Axhibit 2, iu which defendsni ome O'Hara ugrer to 
fepresent Kye. bean as her atierneys im the above case.  Freople's 
Exhibit 6 is a copy of a motion to diamiss @ case entitled Barry Re 
Werren ve» Joby Ls Xellege ¢6 ales, Cave Doe GSG0%1, im the Cuperioer 
@ourt of Cock county, and is signee by Cefendent and “Barratt ©'Hera® 
*attorneye fox Plaintiffs.” ceple's Exhibit 7 is « stipulation amd 
agreement cigeed by defandunt ond the atwefupy who represented him 
at the Srial of this couse, im chich defendant atipulates ant sgrees 

“y am mot now end newer have been Licenwed te preeties the profesaion 
of Attoxeyestelaw in the State of tilineia, by the cuprems womrt 

af the State of Illinoie; and further admit that my same does mot 

eat das Gtedudt abate qdovnt eitom totts daa eedene ‘Bin ‘" “i 
oven het: wt seating Snesew OF YRg Se sighted boo antert porte 
ies yas to seaoreg WY oY Bane ae o abowed ten col 
guide geodon ve wliid qtaoda ebgcqine vo sored eto te 

pata ‘ite 

(betwrotte xd gdve Ud sextinns od ou on dove eutey te ayuidé we 
esest Of ak wrest ipesat eta? Laren’, ole wash senciaesg ont ret ston 

Wy ice as 
MT ae 

“Iehestow ots m2 geotwass deed deli be abefvoudd tad’ 
eanmddy sate w baegte one toamaios a eegponees aie 
a eigos *.aeldsat mamas wanihinds ahora auto tana ‘fas 
went ond Gi Les aneo to nchiustongie set wodtatogtie a ‘a 3 "a “ 

a HEE y Bagi Bis’ “eR Geis 

Gaus ‘oltequs ett mt sche be woke ok pal ¥ nate 
20 péeooit bon wealit texvastt noksntoq ise wide ‘ak ee mgoe oe’ 
ait} wet oxoaet te wyomtedsa as feces svede ott ‘moxk want 
at woratanags ated? sods eemwids ‘aldo nisizos od sank | 
tetieds smouncetyas Ys tomdmon @ af & ‘hoki a*ekqost wate 
‘ga ‘sega omati" + baa sanhaston Pare wh of seta wt engor’ 

a’etgcst scans e¥ods ibs nd yearns 34 sae as ma em # 

sik Sez aoktivae eas & oadunah os noloom # te wee 4 a i 

wobtoqul ote we oteteld cet vont ands 2% 9BAS0% a eel, ” 
“opok*! giauxod® tae ddasnoted ¥ ook ui el samo 00d 3 
bus tic Hadeytie a ad ¥ shddded lh tigen 29 
” aia Sotupedale cle uated aa matt the Sete 
verge bate nodadungay dnabustes we at onase 

“totem te-xy ons wekdouty os ‘Neches vere og on Brits game 

obese warned ota xe pamitoee a ; 

fies Em. i f 

Al ates i 
BA dle 

ee ee eee ae ee 


appear of the Boll of ‘ttorneys, a resaré kept By che Supreme 
Court af the State of TLidnoles, 2+ Sprine?tele, lliiaeis, for the 
eele and only purypore af showing shows whe gre admitted an’ Reve 
been admitted te practices law is Sm “tate of Tlidtweds by the 
Supreme Court of the State o+ Didmoheg and l furthex admit shat 
om the hearing of the above ontditnd couse, vhevein and whereng 
I em charger with Praetieinag law in the “tote of tiiinsia witness 
firet having obtained a lieenas ne 6o ¢o by the Supreme Court of 
Tllineias thet % «ill testify as hereinaboys Cbateis and shat this 
atatement may be offered ond atmdtted in evidence by the People of 
the “tate of Tllineia without ejection on my part er in ny behalf," 
Peopleta Dxhtvit 99 dated Lecomber 3, AMS sy is an order from dofende 
ant to “The Aewben H. Semnelley Corporstiens” « printing iirmy te 
Place in “The Chieego Claecifies Telephone Dirvetory, Comes Ling 
Sith the Jane 1052 famouse and ecntinuing thevenfter until notifies 
t® Ciseertinuc by ue in writings" defendant's neme and JeLephone 
number, “under the heading of Lawyere.” The TAHOE, RYT ER, 
further testified that defendant eeid, "I am sm atcermeys* and 
that he would have te got things im shape, snc disewss with Hrs 
O'limee what to de with the ease “Gf ky. ‘there takes the ence z* 
thet cefendant sévieeé the «iteees kegelly in veferenee its the 
oulizg thet the next day defendant mede an Sppeintwemt for the 
Witness to meet Mx. ('Hara and that he then met the Latter,» whe 
eedd thet he would take the eoneeg Ghat Br, o'ilara anids “Sadge 
Clénem ig e better lawyer thon I amy and I want hie 60 help we 
in the case. hen you oume here te talk about the o>9e talk to 
Myo Oldham and it will we Just the aeme chine as talkine to me 5" 
that the witness newer talked with Me. ¢'Hare about employing the 
imtter im the ese@. All of the exhibits were adwitted without 

_ @bjeetion by defendant. Ure. Geerge Sem testified thet she 

met defendant in (uguet, 1920; thet ehe told him thet *“they* 

y i 

poogue od} yt dgek banoes @ yaymmmsgs Yo Chom ott ae taogge 

ads x02 gotontist yoLertgubaye de yutomBset Yo ded? att Yo dmnaD 
, Vaal bite bet dimbe ene ety ewowly grdbwodn Xe Piss at, vite en, ‘efor 
| _ tals Yt adomise? So aia’ ott et wet oottorsg ef ‘pesetuma nod 
rn o Lams goede srt I bas gudomt.sez te gdnse ot % myo and 
aaorzote hao alerede qvamed bediline evods att ‘te mechs ons 


dmonsiw whomiill te maat® aah id wnt antehton na aadw Degree 1 
Yo duwot semague ots yd ob 03 ae eased ® bentnade aakved a : 
ads tous ses 4 opbade svodaahs ses nw WReaeo?, ithe F asta ay ayae4 
Re odgeot odd ye somadive ad. Seiiimbs baw noxoito od vam an : 
"6 Reasted Ws ak ta Pung ype oe mokoowgee davoata bw adomk tir Ye leh ‘ 
wbaoted amet wodno ma wh gi8Ol eh redmoae% dodab 9f iat sa : 
o@ wea gnksatg a *ymadite cong 1a Whom ” urdu oa 9: tae 
“pal suvnane atrosoostd sitociqa koe bottineato eased “ ak Pere) ) 
thetRtyon Aticis 19 .acasdt gottantanes ain owas toot saat w i 
paige Les vee omnes at anabee tod. Nypndedon at as oa si uae ones ' i 
eherse. ~aaeniiy whi = “stig To wpa oeed ‘ate ‘wie ee 
» We “ayeertessn me me 1” 4 bhag «pli baba 

oh ees by ad , 
gi: i ; 


ode ad onuexetox mt | hagas snvaite wale beatvan anaaniet Z 
A nal ‘tot sagataloqqe iad whos dun tatse wo aoe ald at thee 

eet totee aga eu sie rd ote wet let blur ¢ | ad 
oat Ghedt oe ma tnoe T ona ae nee mound vested @ pt 

oe BLos Cane ate suede Mine fad ors Sn 7 
' Pe, aol oe petdtog ae gebste ome Lond Peark, oa 

ERRAND, 3 iy 
its Rew: ah Cah i 

- ous onde Lgen taode etek") es aithy oo ‘wren. a0 
Miso aw s072mhe oi08 ethan ps rappel’ ci rs 
“otly Sod? hott tenes gest * agrond vot pet reer crsger ot 

emt told mh nod uta did 


Ps a 


needed an aticormey at ence as the Sellege Company had threatened 
te go inte bankruptey; that defendant teld her te bring Mre Warren 
in the neat day and he would have My. O'Hare meot img that the next 
Gay the witness, her husband and ire “arren met Mr. ©'Hayai that 
"the sign on the door was Law offices af Baryatt ©‘Harn, then there 
was & line uncer thet end beneath the line was several other sames 
and the weme of Er» Oldham waa the lest om the Lietg* that she 
hed a talk with defendant in the presenge of Mrs O'Hara about 
representing her in the enseg thot she eaw defendant im hia office 
about twenty times and talked with him in reference te her legai 
rights pertaining to an action im the “upericr court ageinet The 
dotm Le Kellogg Company, ‘There waa "0 croseeexemination of this 
witneess Seerge Dean testified taut he first met defendant in 
Auguat, 19230, im hie effiee at 1°: North Ladalle etreet, Noam 61045 
that he Rad a talk with Mre O'Hare and therenfter the witness wae 
prevent on twenty or more ocensions when defendant tolked with ané 
advised “arren relative te hic litigation and legal righte against 
the Kellege Companys that che witmess went with defendant to the 
Superier court upon the eceasion when exs¢ No» 55408] wae filed in 
that court. At this point defendont's counsel sdmitted that that 
auit was filed for “arren agadmet “he Acliegg Company by Berratt 
O'Hagan and Bonmld Ce Oldham, attorneys, and that the documents im 
gommeetion with the came were filed by cefendent aq am attorneys 
The witness further testified that on each scension that he went te 
the office defendant advised him about his rights, that he heard 
defendant advise Warren about hie legal rights and that Bre O Fara 
teld the witness te do whatever defendant told him to ao. There 
wae no erese-examination of this witness. G- Livingston testified 
that he was an employee of the Donnelley Company, publichers of the 
telephone dircetery, and thet the name of gefendant appearec in the 

directory on an attorney °6 law im the city of Chicage and county 


| J 



A eS a ees 

= SS 

benedeni) bad ymaqamt gaedklok wale ws vote 3a YwRTedde Sa bewoom 
seni’ ci gabed os wel Aded ¢enhoodes dads jyesqueizad osmk yes 

gxon mie Gattd tabs doom wua'O a owed adwow of bee Yeb Samm el) Mh 
Said jogail!o oti som KeTKe yo hae bandamt wad qeaodhwoeds yee 
Stags coms qusal's dhorzall Ye wees ree wal ese woos dat ae tial ) 

oie dod? "qtulh ocd 0 Gok one sow ween £0 nat te pate ake ed 
a ee ee este Mind a Saat 
“eed220 sist at dondnoton wan ade dot Peeed od wt od QubdesegeR 
| haga l cod 68 seeweetes mt abet ichw awilies ten wonte inert ted 
eM? gemtegs Fuse sektogee wt) wt wekioe na Bd wrtataerog asdgis 

Widd 2O Weliontmem-caers Of Baw wend y quageDd wactiox + aot 
Bh Gastmoved tom tock? val dale boPRtaend teil aptoed  cenenthe 
{ORB a0 gdeeesy oListad meen ONL ge soteo wid’ at .OERe cod 

¥ pes = 

not. aeomtiy ett xodRecteds ban sees oil He kw teu a basi ot tale e 

dey sdtw DeNies Jaleo Tol ee aeoleseoy HOM Re YON! He deebey 
tentign widyix dogek haa mottegiats. et ot shales wat ae nat ed 

Gusts Prethe tate Ambir duane athens duteq eta ‘i’ 
Share <F yregod nc ah en wi NT 
Mk atrsauonb wid daitd bas gwyptine tie eamacthed 6D Otome! one 9 AHN 

‘WeHW IIe aa os Jusbeotod ya hes! orow sown odd dby wok soeameD 
eg enow ae tans mvhaneod mae ae seus saribiesd as fiat ky a a she Vee 

bostivaga mitinntvik +B sanoudhw ‘tds te ‘aie 
edi 0 natdakeag, somone od 20 we | 
oats at besanage snabavien Ye wan ody sats, ben 

Wonres bet eynedea No Wile od ad wat tn yornaste wa an 

Seat Shue Re | ea "a 
(se A er POV Str os whee 

i it oS ee 
wien “i “th E 

Eee ee eC 


of Cooke ‘there wae mo cxoeseexemination of thie witnesses lefende 
ant,» the sele witness for the dufenges testified that he was Living 
at 2D Saet Delaware places, “hioage; thet ke had Aived there for 
mesrly a year apé that he bat lived im Chieops about thirteen or 
fourteen months; that he wag in Mrs © ‘Hare's lew office “in the 
enpacity of a law glerk until I am admitted to the barge’ chat he 
vas ageleting Mrs O'Hara and was working on & eelaryy thot he had 
known i. O'Hara sinee he met him im Kencucky, about 1942, in @ 
Kentucky case in which eth were interested. Defendant then intro 
duged a certificate of the e¢lerk of the Kemiucky Gourt of Appeale, 
éated Barch 12, 1928, ahowing that on Zuxreh 29 2925, “Comald Cawet 
Oldham, of the Clark County, Kentucky bar was intreduesd te the 
Court by Han, Charles Carrell and took the onth preneribed by the 
vonetitulion and iswea of thie Commonwesith, whereupon ho wag 
admitted to practice as an attorney at law in thie Uourt.* the 
oertifieate alee certified that defendant is sn attorney at iaw 

in geo standing in anid court.  Uetendant alee intrecuceé a 
eertifiecate of the elerk ef the wpreme Court of the United “tates, 
dated opril 26, 1950, cersifyimg that defendant, om \prik 20, 19a1, 
upen motion, wae sdmitied to praetiee se en attorney of the supreme 
Court of the United Gtaten.  Sefendant alwo iatrocucec a certificate 
of the elerk ef the United States Cireait Gourt of Appesde for the 
Geventh District eertifying thet om “pril 20, 1924, defendent vas 
a@mitted te praetice im that court. Defendant testified that he 
met “erven in “uguet, 1990; that Mre. dean came to the office and 
he told her that he wowlé arrange « meeting with Br. ©'Harag that 
at ten otelock the next morning Mr» and Hiras bean and ‘arren Come 
to the office and went immediately into Mr, O'Hara's private office 
ant the latter requested defendomt te remain during the conferences 

that, after a telky Br. (*iaxa telé them that he would take the ¢oa€ 

 wbewted soasaviw aid te a6ttenieixe<nsotw ox dew wtetT “vleod Re 
gutwit caw od garle Seftiseed psoadton wll volt aaowtlw afew vite gees 
cok exude Revtl bee a Uodd Poptel devele wrawalet Year OR 
to) eodetls seede agebhd? mt heviy seit et dadd bab caee' a Qheee 
pte aS Gobo war atinwilto ee mb Gow Od tet femenee eee | 
“get gaat? gear edd of Retdhahe ae ¢ Sivas dele wal a ke yeiogad 
tad tai drut qetedeo 6 me yitnow wow Den ewelt'O orl yiliietods aie 
mid (ReOL duets Poteutnin AE add 20m Ut wenbe ‘weanto” ‘se 
wovieh weeds tHabnetat  .badaorvetad row sed deide ab easd “ylenieml 
saliva’ to Puwdd YPlomiad std xo deed dé te etowt tees a bee 
foted Bowe GoeeL U8 MoveX as site Godwarte gboeE yas tare he 
Mite 62 soeubsidnd wae wel Gourd ¢ydemed atatO wats To ate 
bats Qa taettodeng dono wily soos one Live Worttadl ina Te de oo 
aw ad nopreRed \HILebwtece® 4M? Yo awat hee odds tHeROO 
‘vet +L dawol alse nd weit fd ywetovae he Ha! voltoone o@ pedelatie 
“wa do Yat isn as ok sasbnetss date SoPReTee écite ofaakthieae 
“ge peswtowtad sets davtevted .¢cpew Bhan at aatbaads neg’ ae 
aoornse lescuadbentieahindiasiactiiendibathenenduation pds 
ei0Gk 408 Buy! wo ,taohattos teas gukyiides eoeee +38 diag i ay 
ewergu? aie 26 yoertod ds he ne “wotsoer, od thse bebe wow gael eder ae 
essortiiicee a Keoborint sath mnibhebet igddadd edhe add SOO 
wat) Sut akavqu te dived dewatd wodase so ehuy- ene YO deute we 
ase ttsbes tos gdaL 98S Livgs oe told geeyetines fateial itis wren 
ef Hatt bedi vand Hewbewtt sion Ca wh dessert “pore! 

eS ee 


om S ¢Comtingent basin and they were to return the following day 

to pign she eontruct; that they returned om the feliceing day 

and by that time “we hed learned that the ‘arrenteen Seed Company 
and the John L. Kellogg Company, vere a foreign eexporation and 
that we could file the suit in the nited States Court. Ey, o*Hara 
explained to Hre Yarren, thet I hod just eome te Chienge from 
Kentucky and that he would like to have me in the ease with him, 
and, explained to Hr. “arren further thot it would eost Mee Yarren 
Bo mere to heve me ageiet Mr. ("Hers ant Ere Vvarren agreed te thiag* 
that there was a suit filed im tke Guperisry ecurt ef Cook eounty 
"by Barratt ©‘Hare, and Ronald C. Oldébem, and all that eos ever 
gone was the filing of praeeipe and an order diomissing the wut, 

HO stupe were ever taken im ity" that *we had several negotistions 
with attyoes for Mire Kellogg about a settlement of Br. “arren's 
Gleim. Ere Vurren, told me t¢ deal through Mr. Jules Oppenheim, 
Prege,y of the ‘moriecan Cera] Coffer Cee, who wag a friend of Mr. 
Warren's and «t the same time was 6 directer im the “arrentead Seed 
Company. I talked with him several times and fimelly through By, 
Ruseh Ce Butler, Attys for Mr. Eelleogs, tke claim was adjusted and 
eettled and Mr. Yarren signed a release. “hen the matter was 
eettled Mx. Yarren was there and so wac Mire Barratt O'Hara, and he, 
of evurse, was consulted all through im the emtire matter. * * * 
The Courtt Then you were practicing lew? A.» Yes, and without 

an Illiveis Idcense, The Court: Sid you mean to held yourself 

out as a lawyer im Tllinoie, “hen your meme was put in the Telephone 
Ddrectery? As “hye of course not,» Judge, you knew how that 
happeneds My. o‘Hara, had me put that in that for sonvenience for 
taking eslle for me thet come to hie office and they were ealis 
from his cliente and it was hie telephone number. 1 am not listed 
in that Dircetory now. As te the Law Direetory I knew nothing 

about that listing until I saw it in the Directory. The name was 


Wad umt vaste? aslo meter of ore yor bne stand snepet smog My 
Wh aubwolled ste mo Homeden yale sede gdowtdnos ad mts og 
Gngae? bent mRaseerrsal’ ody Gard Demos haat on" sate Soalt ‘ed ban 
‘bis mobtaroqie syiecel a eter _qegeed paoliok 41 adok wld dns 

mek opopht® of enon tomb aoc 1 dacs omerzeY «2K of bomb 
i td Metw onan void wh om oem of ndbhptnow, om faut bon ‘lepteet 
| Revie! «tM deco biuow Jt duct aeatrt Oba” «Ti OF healatqne, 9 Dae 
| Menke of deoxpe sora” +XK fae amet: 60 fetume om ved od. prpen om 
:  ‘Yiawoe dood Yo umes telveqw? of mi beLtt sive & aew oredd pads 
sev) maw dems Lio bum qmmdas. «2 bkaaot Bum yaxeli’) deguell yet 
sites ons yotertont» mote am bus egtooarg Yo yALltt odd sow omob 
amisotiogen Laxoven bed ow* dati "402 Sh amled tore wnt agese om 
at gorse «iM Ye dnowediten 2 dugde yyodtel a zot ‘se0utde date 
enct oaiereqq© relat ut Moworie Laos of oa bios Hotes ste stthede 
+H Xo Beekxy # gow asiw yee oo8Red Lamed mopdeo eda te ‘ nor 

i book hesanorss’ add ah tovewsie « aow oaks hse ea 4a its ata | 
‘ ox Agito tubs qiiants bas wants § ioseves whet std bw beuitea x oa” : 
fa Dadanbde saw mbnto odd yupetton +x¥ x02 outa en tat £4 doou 
i wow <aetam aA) cord! .amentex « dongte more ¥ out a bes 19 
| ade bus ,oxal'0 tarred +7 Gam See ores sow morta” axl Rexéas , 
une rtoddem oxime old ah dysiots Le beddnanoe usw etexmes to 
swodsiv One eaaX 4A twal golatinnng axew soy mot?  §2uwed lll 

Rdonzwoy bfod of mam soy Oba sf aaed welt seanoe bt whoa Lat 

omusigatol a? mk nq aew emt awOy sade qubenttst mk a mi ae tu 
dan¢ wed wort wey eeabae ator sexo , 20 wet gm ; 10208 " 

te sono! novos sot faut wh gael samy a bat eso ow " nea 
siiee sxew yndi has op#io iM 64 ne Maild om ued eine gaidey 
beat tom mm x sedan grado ait wan £m amet at moet 
oS aaldton vam < qeadorstS wel ad of 0h sre wee " r 
q Raw Ome ett .yrOvoentd odd mi Of won I Stem gadis ay 

We"? «2h a dsme® asdede_ eee. ati af Mtwe odd e£i2 Afeoe ow dads 


——Tu-°. 7 


given, eo I ivarned, by the gird in the offlee and Af you will Leck 
in the next dircetery, the new one, you will find thet it te net 
there.* The foliowing then ecourred: * tty. Roe (attorney for 
Gefendant): Zhe fact thet ne hes « * * beet admitted to the bar in 
guother state entitles him to proctiee here while his aplication 
AS pending »* Ree then fursher questioned defemdast ag followes 
“Have you msde appliection fo: odmiceion te the Bar im the Stete of 
Ailinois? As Yous * * * Atty. Noet “hen did you make application? 
Ae I don't knew when I gent the papera in, but {I think it wag in 
Wereh or april, ieom after | eame here and tefore I deeided ta 
atay here i wrote to .uimey, ULies for the blamka ané they recudred 
that a certificate be signed by a Judge in Sentucky, whe wae in 
turopes i fimally got the certificate sigued Wy anether tudge of 
the sourt of Appeals of Kentuekys and then ! delayed until I detere 
tained to leeste heres G+ “hen did you make up your mind te loeste 
im Ghicage? A+ Theat would be hard to fix ihe date, if I had te 
aay When I definitely decided i would soy sometime im Cocenber, 19306 
fhe Gourtt {0 for as I undermtand £6 Mre hoe, he admits that he 

has preotieed iaw. Attys Roet Yer, in a cause of Bre Barrats O*Hawms, 
a lieenged Tliineis lewyer, and ne bes e@ right te fo thet under the 
lew of Iliimeia and cf Aentucky. “he Sourtt ‘re you familiar with 
the etatutes of Kentucky? Mr. (\ldhemt 1 am. To be gure about i+ 

i levked the statute up yesterday and I would Like to reac you what 

4t says -* Upon the crosseexamination the following oecurred? "Ge 

Pell, you a4d4 practice law in the “arren euse and were an sttorney 
@ xvecord in the Superior Court’ «<. I was am as torney ef yeeord in 
that case with Mr. Barratt O'Hara. Q+ ‘nd im thie case for Brae 
Teen? Ae Yea, but mething wee ever done im that by ua exeept to 
sign a substitution ef counsel when theee people brought their case 

te yous Gs How many eases did you have prior to the date of this 

Moot Lliw voy V2 bee ovetto od wk Rafy dele qo sy botrened Foe Getiwly 

gow ad of Guts Seth Cidw owe yon wen one .qENGeREG Fea Odd OE 

(a aeineititn) See a a Sonreeee mms genie ce est ime 

| mb soit ote 02 nesetmon pied © © + nme nd nde dont net CC banbaOLeD 
| Seo tanh iaae wit elite onad Wottvens of wit aehitine otnee wemiede 

tewofict on Mabaeled heomsi deem telowmel aett Gel- > Ka peteed ee 

to abase acd at well we ot codnmtarts u6% hobtw diggs obese mew 

Pmodsant tend dake vey MO nem Her Qe ee # eer va tenomete 
gh wae 28 shake Tt sud qed enmgen oid Btieg T mete wont a ted DN 

68 Bebhoes To exehee bea oe cease i geete weet 5 ety! to doweat 

\ th wow one poforvaet RE oglat & Gt bungle ev Otaet tities w samt 

oo tieweo ee Fox KitaRkt T wegen 

te ar bainestiund 

awe onde’ “ea! Maman a 
o080E , cedars wh Gmticucs you Riwee T KoOhoed Yet taftes t dete Git | : 
tit fae) eae OH 9 PR RRO Te ce RE 

gaat “Chatio 08 We ieee aw wb T roe OR! ‘vast vot daf eel 
cult ote fits “oh voi iityht o Was on tne veMyued BrONASET Boa ae 
Make sekitee® wey wee reded nett seen ote wh 4 
th titeda opie wt oF sme X seudtede yt’ iincansslee iid . 
dante erg hee De OUR L Bassa Site Yared | 
29" dawraeoe gadvo Lien sate fet 
eis: me stow bre pee POeeT ssh th Yes lb tania at . . 
at brooex To yunner aH aw eae Eo ya! Te ae a eat mB 
ppunbctehanicanedeatons papi miigh:sicn se i 

od hot 1 th ‘got ah mts xt ot” ta wii 


eo Se - lL eo r_ 


Warren one? A+ “one in the State Courts. f reesll ome im the 
federal Court where I heve a right te praettee ona t believe the 
whole time thet I have been with Br, O' Haga, I joimed him in theee 
ox four cases ineluding these two that Fou are Gomplaiging about. 
Ge Hox many times did you appear in enees for Ye. Oi Bara? As Ip 
every inotence when I appenred in Caurt on a motion on ome 6f Hee 
O'Hara's gcaee, 1 alwaye auneumeed te the Court that thie ie wy. 
‘'Hera's enee and I om appeoring for hime { have appeared in not 
& single ease in [Llineis, where [ filed my appesrance alome se 
counsel therein.” The cowisel fer defendant asked lexve to submdé 
the euge om briefs an he wanted an opyertunisy to “set ferth the 
Jew of Kentucky end ‘liimoia, «s te comity between states ani the 
dustificajien fer the acts of the defendant in this exes." Tho 
Gaee Woe then eubmitied to the court em?’ the parties were allowed 
te submit briefas 
Defendant contends that “thie ie a receré of « sixrietly 

private presecution.* %¢ assume from the argument in supports of 
the vontention that it is net very s«ricusly made, aa in the brief 
it i@ stated, im suppert of the contentien: “Ye mention thia in 
poseing in erder that thie Gaurt est the proper ‘picture’ ef this 
presccution.” The sbile ami experieness eounsel far defendem: seem 
éo think that it ie proper for them te state in their brief that 
the stete's attorney <¢dvised them “that he never hear’ ef the ¢ase 

until monthe efter the conviction." “here te rething in the reserd 

te Justify this atetement. The bili of except ions states that 
"ny, John EK. Hogan, appeared for the People of TllLinela,” and no 
ebjeetion was made at te time of the trial te hie teking pert in 
the proegedings amd no guch poini wae raised in the assignment of 
errora, and therefore is not properly before this court. (ceople 
Ve Qmith, 313 This Lid, 127.) Yor aught that sppeare in this 
yeeord, Mrs Hogan may have been an aesistant atatets attorney. 

aed wt one Ligne 2, «tua ccna ome at ome he) ‘tee mers a 
pet gyekiod 1 bum colssang oF, ddgiw.e evod 7, axede fume? tageten — 
soudid ai mbt bearet, | saeell'y) 9a ahdw oped ened 4, dade cmt sds 
Lado patetaiguee ose soy daa vd aod! yabhudand essnm mma k me 
ee ee ee ee 
| oxi es Geo Oe codiom o ne ded at dessogge T cade comatant Tere 
oH wh elite dade s2Uel, ald of ReMmMT pyoNia 1 eemage, a taeeihe 
Son uh howenage wat i sated qe gtx ngge me 1 bee ppg @amellty 
ge sreka emurmeggn $m balk A wamin enon Sct wh pase atunte @ 
Steniue 92 oyues dete iaonesies wh ecovee att “-mhoned steam 
a8? ManeX tee” of Yimnrcogge an tedase of go tet ad 2 gee aed 
Sid Ren acters papeted Giiawy we em. «nkomesil ENO iS 
a *:eese etd oS dawdueded wots te adem oxlt set, mold iy 
. Sella exew eakine ond tee Maxey att op Destine sate So 
iniabe Py _ mono 2 ws 2 staan, na sheretaoe. cave eanar ane . 
Re steggve ch damages cnt: med camo we ‘ Sawer 
Quied of? wf ee ohne ylaeolyee Yur fom pb at sonid vet narmme at 
mt elds nolnom oF" rnodiusames one to dzogue ot ghotaimmba 
elite ko ‘oumineg! “ago off Soy dxawd ehds Sade. snienancaitane 
OOS. Imaha eee 32% Lonmiee Imonehnees. ous ede nat , | MeSebteoonee | 
Sols telad akete of afeda od made net coqeeg ed: O42, sagtdyal /— | | 
99% att Yo. Wiper rewen on tasd® emats eevee woerein at ebate as 
Stones elf of yalaton af ayant!  “ynetembenes add soaks - | he 
Ld aotoda amuligners te Lhkd. eat oelaselinccntiaed Li ) ial. 
On Ae “vakoctty $9 ekgost nati FO}, boancaga, 4 
mt dxag eatiies plot oo Lake, at he sade par nen : 
30 seemnalons oct at. aii om, aa Sita 9 ymnk by 

toh Gee 

Throughout the common Law reserd it eopeare thet the stetet 
attorney represented the Teeple im the preesedingse the Judgment 
ovder veecites that the (copie were represemted by the state's 
attemmey, In this gourt the etete's atigeney ie defending the 
seoord. There ta mot the slightest merit im the inatumt contest lon, 
if it ean be enlled a contentian. 

Defendant contends tet “the cours erred in atuiicing 
imcompetent evidenee .* ‘ter a gareful reading of the reeard we 
find that we evijenee ean introduced on bevels of the Seople over 
the objection of defendant,  lvfendant pecially refere to the 
introduction of ®weple's Uxhibite @ and 9. The rocerd shows that 
counsel for cefendunt stated that he bad me cesvetion te the 
intreduetion of Exhibit 9 ane conceded the facet sought te ve pre wed 
oy the exhibit. Ko ebjeetion wae made te Uxhinit 8 end the 
fact sought te be proved by that exhibit was undisputed, in Fant, 
it is in securd with the testimeny of defendent. In mapper’ of 
the inetent ¢ontention defendant ineigte thet there is ne vhowing 
thet} the witnesses for the prosecution were sworn befere they 
testified. There is no merit im this contention, The bill ef 
exceptions showe thet at the commencement of the proeeecing all ef 
tie witnesses, including defendant, were sworn, Im additian, the 
bhLi of exceptions ahews that all of the witnesses "“tentd fied »” 
wid, therefore, in the sheence of « showing te the eowtrary, the 
| presumption cf lew la that they weve sworm.  (Preple v. Zrotas 
S41 ULle Zl4y 229.) That enae ellen holds thet if witnesses are 
Bet aworn, but no objection is interpesed te thedr testimony om that 
Ground, the porty le deemed to have waived that point, and in the 
ingtent ¢esxt the record shews that no objeetion wan interposed to 
| the testimony of any witness on the ground thet Re or she wan not 

| gwoxne 

‘platete tid fond ateeqye C2 Seoved wed menmoe of” tuothiwerd? 

‘Puscilael efT e@pntosooere odd BE Mlgoet ond Sedmoadryer yeneetes 

 atadads oa2 yt betmewonges eer oiqoot ete dott ged toon abe, 

‘ gdd nathbrstoS gt yduxelse otutade elf caves elded ety Comeeeea 

apne ftetamk ott wt tiven danditylie at? gett et eridt Obeepey 

wi srotinstate © belten o€ te FPR 

 gakistehe ei hevew sxaee ate* Cede ebwedaon genbated © 1! 

‘ey Beopda O89 46 griseet Detdxne & cee) * sene thee Hea peQmOnT 
sore efqoet afd Yo Dieked se beowbetink wow eonehiwe on ade tat ; 

- gMF of aebtet Uiistooge: Ueuhie to? i atabaoted to aod see towel 
Jats ewiuin Giooer oR 60 Bee & aoldhtet a engeot 16 netterteNh 
gat od otteo ges on eet et Soild betate srebow tes vet Regeés — 

bean ad od fitpuon dont af Bebvorns Seo @ Siéleek to weseeienell 

* gate tere G Picket Od Sham eae malsedywe of . dhddxe amie 
staat mt qhotnqetonw enw sidides dacs yd bevexq: ed oF sdgeoms deat 
oe Proqqua at taobeoteh te qrombeced ade dite wrobes mt anal 
-patbwod’s om eh oveet? Sarl atulunt tended ied mektmetwao omawemd) amt 
sei ‘tou? eattod tee ete; ahi dteossong ene xeh aonnmadw este amt 
“fo Ltfe on? — sentced non GK ak ¢tdour it ek wikeat oo 4 NeRERNeS 

to Lis yak roveog of? te teiarestemme ont Sa teats ena ach aS 
ods ynotithhe at smvows VroW \tenbeitey gatoafont yaseubmntv in 
““poltbiews” wosaumeky oft tw Ltw tueff’ aivgate’ omenegeoute Ber Enh ; 
Rid eeterinoe ond 62 put wort @ te momMbidle eete Wh yeeMl | 
autora +¥ gion) — sertowa eee abet deste bi wall hoo ame jm 
ous eocandhe 42 fof? safer ote oon Rad a etittccuty j i . ti 
Seas 9 wombdand civil) ot becciredd af atdvobse ‘ot sul witio ya 
“ otts tt has gdtibog dant Rovio sad 6H immed ab eek wtf ate 
8t bavcqredat aex motteeten Gm Sait) Gite troser ait weno it 
; “fete nen vn x0 eit aiid" diecabied welondienpsatiiis chinne 

ee pres 


a eee 


The mext contention ia that the weople fafled ts prove 
that defendant wea a revidert of the state of TLlimeis, and thet 
therefore the eewrt erred in demying the motion ef defendant tea 
€iemiee the complaint at the clese of the Svople's evidence as in 
support ef thie contention ¢<fendent calle attention te the fect 
that the atntute applies oniy to resi¢ente of the estate af 
fliineiase There ta ne merit in the inetent contention. The 
informetion wae filed Februcry 6, 1O%1, and the trial teok place 
dume G4, 1932. Defendemi teetified thet he Lived at 2 Beet 
Delaware places, Chicsgs, ami had Liwed there for nearly « yeorg 
thet he hed lived in “hies~c sabeut thirteen or fourteen momthag 
that he wee practicing lew there; thet he hee wede appliestion for 
atmiesion to the ber of the etete of Tliinete. “he evicenes further 
shove thet he bad « jaw offices im Chie-go and «se engaceé im the 
preetice of hie prefeanion frem at leest Auguet, 1940, to Jaminry, 
193). He gave an order te the Chiexge Clageified Telephone Sire 
ectery te place hig name in the List of lewvera and to eentinue to 
eo pince his nome until netifies te cisesntinue, in writing. The 
imetens eentention la without merit. 

The finel contention ef defendant is that “the jucament 
of the Court is absolutely volé sines the penalty fined ie five 
times the maximum senalty provided by low for the offense the 
dudgment edjudges the defendant te be gufity of." Defendant eon- 
tends thet «hile the inform tien ig based upom section 1» pare 
248, che 3%, the judgment, im effect, finds defendant guilty of 
a violation of seetion 1 ef chapter 13 of the statutes. Ye fing 
mo merit in thie contention. ceatlon Ls pare 298», che 50, 
orovider thet “upen convigtion shxll be punished by « fine of net 
Levee than twentyefive ($26.00) dollars, ner more than five hundred 
(9890.00) dollars, or imprivonment im the county jail not exeeed ing 
one year, or by both fine and imprisonment, o° the diseretion of 

evox 69 Sokiat olga’ mf} Gadd ak moktneenoe txen ed? 0 
fads bom qetonilO Yo stata até Te toehiner & mow dmabmoted Gaus 
od dmabeotes to solvom aff echyteb al cores oes ante ero%e walt 
ai aa opaobive wtetgos% ae to eneke sf? a5 dakatgmeo sift omlaal’ 
fest edt of nok tundda alton dqutee tod gatdneinne abdé Qo toque 
, % e¢n2a et? Yo atmphtasx of qiee ged Lage atutnde edt geatd 
af? .nokinodaop tuatent sat mi threw om ef axadt sakombst 
spay, Mood Satue sft fr g L502 4% coredet fehl? sew, rot tameso et 
Peat 08. dm bovlL at decd Oektheees awabaetet «acBOL al omit 
{298e o YLEsOM tat opAMs HOWEL dest tae gogsold? gaonkg osematet 
‘fadenen aveswel vo meertld? awete oguetd? af doves hast ort a th 
tot mobdaakdque thaw bed pt Sadi aeiedd wad putudtoane. vow al att 
senisxwt poaebive wil snlonhlts YW vende odd te nad ote od me 
odd mk ooganne aay bax omso2X) oh omtte uel» had od tadd wwpelar 
eetaamel oF 060k qtauema deel da most melage tos. ola 0 et te ot: 
waht prendige Le? bottingads ogegtsy agh of S00e9 aa eeg oh 
eo ouettnes of bam anrgent Yo Godt od wh nmes gddoeonky. at ees: 
as? opmbetxw mt gountingow’® oo bo ttdom Lhtaw aman etd ooney oe 
, ; | sAbven ¢uedele at mobieadaos es 
geapags st wats teaté a instaeled te sohimeonae Lands ad® of 
OvEt sk dunt? yiLoung act anata bier yeausoats al paihepriner 
ets Senetio oly tt wek YM doniveny Yrlaneg maine? vce os : 
089 seeabae 20d "Bo vein oof 8 aetchawtnd ome, aepbatie im 
+ teq vf aot gove Ange dened ah mohsomrotnt edt edaety dp 
te arery deebne ko anet?, + feo ke md ,drenerpaut, sade Died 
‘bat, 9 moniatats ee De £5. madman, Sed 

abe vs, eBRS otng ad mokd 
tem to Rte we boate tng ae Aeae, sotgodemon me 
borioust owed wants oeom tom setaiton A008 ss " , , 
Bhdessne con Kak Yenwow eae ed Smanten tweak x0 ha 
te mebtevsato ods oe seatctaeos bgt ae, ont sis 


«al Ge 

the eourt »* 

befendamt, throuch hin otlorneyas has moved fer Leave 
to file whet purports to be an effidewit of Kerry 0. Yarreuy the 
Presecuting witness in the came, “ani that suid affidavit be wade 
@& port of the record im thie ¢uee." This affidavit states that 
éefenégent ie sm honest and fair man and that “arren had wronged 
him in procuring the warrant for hia arrest in the present precesde 
inge end decired “te help him in am poesible menner eo that he will 
not Se further hormed becouse of any set af ming.” The affidawit 
alee contains certein statements of alleged facta in the matter of 
the relatienghip between defendant and -arren, ‘fhe able counsel 
for defendent musi know that such on affidavit haa no proper place 
im the peoeeedings im thig court, and the motion to file the geome 
will be denied. ‘hie vas a praseeution by the Seaple of the otete 
of lllineia, and we may add that the onterial facts preven by the 
prouccution were not ciaputed by defendant. He was represented a% 
(ne trial by on able attorney, and the sacle ¢efenses interpoued 
were (@) that ag he had been admitted to the bar in Seniwoky thie 
feet entitled nim te practiee im (Liimeis “Mile bis agphiestion was 
ponding, ard (&) that comity between the wtiates Justified the sete 
gharged against defendant. either of these positions ia sounds 

“The enforcement of this statute will have no «effect 
upon a reputable lesyer reeiding ins foreign “Gate who may 
Soporasiey feriss so merce Seacas tel acrestiheat 
waLdecnsed yesomeagps will sot come into thiw State te penae ee 

ee 0 

dew, and if 4 quld, by reasen of their non-recidenge ar 

went ef a permanent location and lack of sequalasances tas) 

would be unabie to find vietime upon whem to praotice chet wiles. 
ne unlideneed non-resident, therefore, who might dwaire to penetice 
lew iu this “teste differs from the non-resident drummer or pedcler 
who goes into a State ether then that im which he weuldes bo #@11 
hia goo¢s and woreg, ond the principles of law vhieh apply te the 
latter elassee have no application to the nou~reeicent sho Boe not 
heen ateltted te the bar, and who, posolbly, might desire to practice 
isw in this Gtate. fhe statute applies 30 every veaident of this 
Stete #ho Bolda himself aut os om attorney at low or who rapresents 
himeelf ne authorized to practice law aad who bas not heen rembarky 
Licensed to proetice lew or whoge license has been revoked. 

eophe V+ Schreiber, 850 Lis 345, 548-9+) 
The judgment of the Municipal court of Chicago is ocfismede 
Sullivans Pe dos and Gridiew. Je. aanann ABT DMS te 

iw Ray vy eA 
‘ 1”) 


*. de® By 
weed vet hovers sal anyontetin abt awerestt tuabustes, " 
Out «teTtse’ «A xual to divehi he ae od OF altogauy sane oats ot 
shan ad tfyesi iia bles Sune baw” geaag ext mk aout iw aid soe eT 
dade wotads iivabtste gift “steno ahd as baovet noms ‘te hs Si 3 
‘poner aad aetia® geld bam seam the} dts geoned ge ak sdaduoted 
“ebosoosg snosexg ed? at sgecta sid “ed tmcnsn os phd wroemg Sh mbs 
SLiw of dodd on xenane eldiaoog Ww bi mid Ghod ot" boeken d bin opal 
divabhvia ad “souks Yo tae yao te cement bomsed xasldset od | oll 
te qottem ods sl eéoet heyelin Yu atuemedade nledtoe eahadane ookn 
Keennoo aida ef) = .a0uTa Rhee saaber tod neowded Giiamoteaten one 
eoalg x9qerd ot aad Sivebl tke wa stone dads wornl seam Sebo kod 29% 
oun edo #112 of mohvom ett tam _f cues ade sad Sol beoae my ookt mk 
aad edd lo efgor' ade yt medgworeorg @ naw olat ete demo cial bi J 
até ys oovony stuot fabiresen eid Salt Soe, Kom ow bmg euhomi Ley ae 
2a hetemgorgen saw C8 « finbretes sd egange fo tow wrner,, meds 
heaogredms aganels® ofos gad dae ,yonselsa sida ae .w faire “ 
eld? “aloatmed at tae edi of Deddimie seed bet od om tee (a) ore 
aaw nolseghiqge old slide alomtiti a eatyeany o¢ als belddaae $on2 
etre mts bai ttre, ardeta alt neowred yeimog dade (g) dam dam 9 pad deg 
shoe ob amabeleog seeds Yo nadie’. + dnaone tod santaae Dnpnade 

OS oa 20g edd ety + a AR Yas OH 

guohtiexenon tite 1s me ma test age ie 58 p+ Dutisigt 

9 Oz oe @ & e aw 3G 

oe eae vues Mweds 

HUGG RS Hi wN pas Or) a meni. | io ; 

oaektw theme be ae oS" ,22 Meh, Hom melunees f ot | 

wkivexy af sizes “ita ashy pda pty dp tk ceawerie ee 

wathheg wa cometh ¢aebl aarenen aytt PEE os oar wh 
five of a¢htoox af dott wl 3 osha puanadid Kaas @ wads * oan 

ett 0 ykqge sodsie weak Qo tug ot! fim 4 

_ dot wast dy tie b) wou aqui eds of Hold ng dgqn wrad at 
eolsnergy GF etieod Jayha guldton oa 9 Mkt her tet eds at | 

ain? %o savblaws Yr We eo wet oo ote eo ws ow”, . 

udnpenuian: oolw we wet de Monmends ay dant Riwegethet att aot 
Yixelone” crow fou nad ow dae wel oeidonuy od beat tontiua an Leven 

9) “shnloves moed sel euneet£ emesu xe wad, ned 

SS sens hat ee 

ohemttta ab egeetad Yo faane owt keatt ess te & 
Pies when to 

destin, om ovsd £2 ote ere 
Man nae bea nanovet 3 aval utibmaoe sogend si6otu bi @ tog 

2G9L0 if 
é # q Pd le 

Refendant in Error, i. 
SRWOK FG wi fiCleAS 
# ‘ 


274 1.A.679! 



Plaintiffs in orrer. 

George Soufacs recovered » judgment of 660° againet 
Jaood Lirtaaan, “ne Lirteman and be Lirtemar in the Bumietpal 
court of Chiengoe The onae wae tried by the court without « 
jury and the action woe Preughkt to recever 265° paid for the 
purchese ef ctoek, whieh aele pleintif?f eletwm wee in visl«iion 
ef the [llineis “ecurlties Law. 

iefendante contend: (1) “The s-le of five ehares of 
the caplial stoek of Lirtaman Brces, Ince, by docsy Lirtwman, 
defendant, the comer thereut, to the cofendemt im ersor, woe not 
iu vielntion of the Seeurities Lew of the “tate of TLlinoie,* 
ant (2) *“e ewidenee «29 introduced t¢ auctain a jJocgment 
age bast ime Ligteman and be Lirlaman, amder any theerys” We 
have read the entire bill et «xeeptiome im this ease ame after 
a vareful examination of the evidenge we are gitialien vis 
there ig no werlt im the tee contextions raised wy defcniante. 

The judgment of the Musicipal ecurt of -Nivage ie & 

just one and it should be and 1h is of firmed. 

Sullivans Ps Je, and Gridley, J+, cumelire 

.0tkg ss isa 

i fe seve CLA RA Sane Ae 
gga fvek VSS nova o ve 
{ Ye hag baal ese 
q 7 ae sus kt .- ted a6 LASTER AHA, Sie 2 . os 

it, 2 

1 et went 

sh capeaeaRaelbn de tampash unionist 

4 anedshwe sevoy tt of outa woe sn wt vegnenae eceate 
wld coh bhag FONG eeyoRNN Ge Sitiguond sow metton sill bei | 
‘motsetoty at ex amtale Toi miaty see Motee ykoehs to weblli 
sokhaaai vend weisinsoes ebonakst ang 
to comme wya Be eLea wt (1) senamed” eceacaell hotrns m 7 

fox ome gtecse af dewdmotwh ede oe , Weavods aanishithak “é 
“eahouk At Ye odode ody Ye wal sedated: ede to mods 
tHoagintl & Madera ot boowhortal, wer pia | 

ee Riis ical fee oak gnats whe seen tee a 

my e ANS 

———- lle 


ii / 2 j 
/é ~ 
360232 f § ; “irae, 
ARYOR Pacseuy 
riadataste in kyrer, | 
and PAUL Ce AdaTy ew (\> 
" Do" Aj aS fie U ¢ 0 


A b411 of review was filed in the Cireudt Court of 
Geek county by Antom ‘reserm, plaintiff im error, against 
Louis Gerabelli, Mia Carabelld om4 Sauline Carabvelld, dofend- 
ante in orrer. A demurrer to the bill was sustained ami a 
decree entered diamivaing the 0111 for wamt ef equity. This 
writ of errer followed. 

The bill of review seeke te review vertainm proceedings 
that tock place im the case of Capubell3 wells 6t ale 
pending in the Cireult court sf Cook county, tebnantite the 
filing of a mondate of this court im that cose { 
Capmbelld et mle, 266 I1le Avpe 453). To quote from plain- 
tiff in srror's brief: It secks “partiewlarly te review 6 
deores entored by the Circuit Court on December 15, 1952, 
ordering, emong other things, that a jucgu nt in the sum of 
$3,654.69 be entered aguimet ‘resern, on the ground that the 
said deeree wae erroncous on the face of the record, and because 

the same was mot im conformity with the spinion and maniate of 
this Honorable Court rewiered im eedd comse." The opinion we 
Carabells ¢¢ al. states fully the 
pPlesdings ond essential facts in the cause ami also the various 
oriers that had been entered up to the time that the instant 

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to sume tduertd edt #b BoLth sew wolves Be tike A 
Soatege yxores ak Vikvalskg giemsert mosm\ es mes AooD 
sheowts® qhffodera ombSauw! ta Ritedetod at Ahiedered adwod 
a ine demksteue now Like td eo TOMO A toeMS mE Bete 
gat? .ytlwoe te tmow 10% LL otf yubeatensh henetme, opened 
sdewottor one Ye dm 

egakhonsmg mlutiee wekven of cslope webwor Re Lhd ett ch ee 
asla.t8 Adedand «y RSodatae Yo once ott mh sonty Mood, tadd 
ad? gatweliot »yhees gop Ro ¢amoo thupek exit mk gabbiro, 
ov BEivdeugp) vane tad mk dump RAM! Yo otsinam 9 39, gRAL 
skola ax? ofoup oF (GBD ames offI O98 gs, avian, 

8 vohwor of \funtuotineg" xeon #2 sRedud af uorne at 7 nay 
e8ERL 92 pith ead Ae A. a 

apenas gasp pa 

ov sekntge act nanan hive sh ential. bla | 
tt vetun satete in. ARERR SERRARR A POE 
oer a ws et ee sill eT 


éefendante in error appenle: from the original deeree, Per the 
purposes ef this writ of errer it la meceasery te suete only the 
Seliowing from our opinion: 

“Se mow come to the claim ef the appellants (Louis 
Garabelli amd im Carabelli) that the chanesller erred in net 
providing in the dweres thet they were entitled to contri tution 

sinst appellee (Anton ?resern) for the wroportion of the 

ewligations which appellee legally and ecuitebly shewld have 
peid, appeliece centeméing Iomone was « mere volunteer ami was 
mot ontitlec te be subreceted to any richts «hich Coburn en 
Buchhelster had egaiast him, and thet by redeeming nis title is 
freed of the Coburn Iniebtedness and the Buchheister judgment, 
anc he retains Ris original statue in the real estate, ‘Ue 
think there is mo merit im appellee's contention. The sbligntion 
to diucharge the Coburn indebtudmess was mutual, the appellees as 
well as the appellents being equclly bound te pay that indebted 
HGSs, ani the Suchhelster judgment was the acle obligation of the 
appellee, and a redeeming creditor whe redesme in conformity with 
the statute is mot 6 mers volunteer, The right of contri ttien 
rests upon the principle that where all sre ecually liable fer 
the payment of 2 debt ell are hound ecusliy te contribute to that 

(hedge ¥. Dobbs, 254 Ill. 1309 133); ami where one 
tenant im caamom hac remered an incumbranes from the common 
estate the other tenents must contritute te the extent of their 
reapective interests, and to secure each contrilution an eowitabhe 
lien upon their intersats of the sem character with that <hich 
has been removed will be enforced by a court of chantery, The 

tenant im common, in order to secure contribution, 
substitated to the seme lien which he hasredeemed (Titsvorth 
~iSihs 49 ill. 78, 80), ami the principle is equally applies 
rs) sutount diter of » tenant in com-on, 

@& Til, 85.) 
“The mister’s repert «ac correct im finding that the 
appellants were entitled te recover from the apyellec ‘4945.88. 
m4 the decree the chancellor has absolved appellee fram mg 
2 obligntions. Te upheld thet deeree would give the appellee 
ah unconscionable advontage and work great injustice to the 
appellants. i¢ ¢annet concur in the action of the chameelior, 
“The deeree of the circuit court will be reversec and 
the cause remonded with directions te enter a decree that the 
appellants are equitably entitled te recover from appellee 
$49945.85, together with interest from October 23, 1930, as 
recomsonied by the mazter. 


Pleintiff in error did met, ofter the filing of our opinion, petie 
‘thom for a rehearing, nor did he petition the Supreme court for a 
_ writ of sertiorart. our decision, therefore, ws the lav of the 
_-« @ase and binding upon the parties, “RGR our mamiate me filed in 
i the Cireuit court the chanecller entered a dcerce finding, inter 

i Siia, that the Carabellis were esuitably entitled te recover 


ea? “ei .ovneed Lamigivo of maak boelascgw sores at ad to dise hs 
eay Yite adap o2 Yrseepeen 82 7h Years te thew kid Te eosequeg 
imotatca ace mart yubwohtet 

aksot) etreliegus off te miaic adt of amon wor of? 
out m2 Sorse zrollsomein adi facid (BMiedare? wht Ooi at cathe aetedired 
moisadiugeos of Aelskins ever wort fads sexbe 
eet MS wekdseqese ate 203 (emwsort modms sakistes tamk Pema 
eved Aivede vdetimpe bee ylionel eetieqqe dokdw atte i ati 
tow bia Usadeeigr tyem & baw s@ommel gakiaodmoe eeilogis hha 
i REGAS abt anteohen Sh taal tien cuba Funan tal 
‘ek o eis wes den othe foaiogs bad oe 
etireteyhet, xotetemdon® welt Axe peel ee 9 br SBIeO el ps pene 
ef ,etetee feoor edi ak axiuts fankgive aka oniatot ans 

nottagitde acl am iewednes otped th 225 on . wy 
ae eeiiogae ste glavteme mew eeanooddutes wines oA? hy 
Prag rage B 2 aut? — Dera Y soca “@ girkoe? soley a ea Lkew 
Oo 2 © oS Bal sar & Shae 
Maaw Gi terre Laos ak somsber ode uae yeisenet 2: & Bite 'y 
mkt iatene Ro tteds otf sentence saa a dom al 
ok gideil ef fase 7 om iis peso — oly Boe ety 
sas? of w@uiiudwes of whivans bowod cae ita tdod 2. 
ene starter be g(@ei ver ffi 25s aeons av 
ngage mene marek Doegtteat 5 eis 
tied? ws tnedxe afd of edad icine deus: oe saaie aay” 
sidatinss aa sited lvtees Som wtwees at AG gH ASS evi 
Moise fet dtiw tredoetecis ewer ocd “te woo roeak 
o¥xreemede Yo Frm « e i oe ogee Be 

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SR # Vets % #3 vet iid 5 
* Bit ist was eS egg aeviewda acct otewb ostt warts 
solo uae See evan bisigy suyaeh, pet AE si lad oh ds 
of seitextakh taeey Geew ey Tinton be 
omifosmado.alt: Taumetics off a2 egos, ring 7 

bas Souvevex of ity guweo thuetie ad? So woteeh: aft* 
or $oett spseee & Sessa ad mkisorks gt kw SNS se 
aaa mor? cayoot oF beks dime bap i 

ta gdtOL Ys veda? a ahead voutsent se 


> aupae acts mete CMR, GA, a: ny 

vin 5 hos 
ohieq erotics wo te yabtin od <eb ti ser ab ceil 
a» ro% Sued omiveyl bHS Bont beer et LAD Yon ‘gaitialalne wcnaelaiee 

amt te wal ott ane (eee Wweeite | aretokoeh isd - eeambtse 6 thaw 
wi bab “her ‘ont edit heventanciionto i 1 

ery aa see RE Ns RPE ee er erage ‘ 


fram Fresern $4,943.88, with interest from ceteber 83, 1930, and 
ordering Presern te pay the sadd smount with interes t, and that 
upon hie failure so te de the preperty alletted to him by the 
decree be sold to satisfy the sald smount. ‘The preperty elictted 
$0 Prevern wus a¢la for iigl00, leaving a deficiency in the oum 
of (3,654.69, The choncellor then omtered an erder finding that 
there wae still due the carabellie from fresern the sum of 
$3,689-09, with interest from the date of the sale, and judgment 
was entered therefor ant exeeution ordered. This lact order was 
entered December 15, 1932. *flaimtiff im errer teok ne netion 
to have reviewed any erder entered by the chancellor in the 
original preceeding, after oar mamiate wae filed in that court. 
with wuedtin davai on ka the astaee pte wg ya 
trial court it do the duty of thet court t follew these dircee 

suect umd mn deeree entered in accorianee with euch directions 
_ Sereusets oe! 15; inad the <ireetions may bee 

¥ SES ia. ES03 
senternec) ae irws ts x OLS Te Boyt, 
ante, Pe 6.) "b Aaeres hae been “reversed ami the couse 
Yemand od with senate Sdvestiaue tex the ent of g decree, 
of am appeal from the dooree so entered the Yueetion 

pre@ented ing Yas the duerce in mene enaee vd th ‘the Mandate and 
oe phet ag of a — {oh pA twee i: oud prem) Be Va 

a ot - & tcdad court Ls za 
i otk Big mast be regerded as free prog 
error, tt 1 iss in ‘in fas udguent of thia court promulgated 
throug: coat cae 3 final and conclusive upon ol] the 
pert sae. “ae ache Ve Gilmer, 5 Gilm. 242.)" (2mith +. ugar, 
* ® 

"It wae the duty of the ciroudt cowrt te fellow the 
directions of the Appellete Court end enter a 4eeree whieh edie 
formed t the directions of the ppalleate ceurt. It de te be 
presumed that the eireuit court intended te do Wade» wut whether 
the court intended to foliew the direetiona of the <ppellate Court 
or mot, the deorse entered by it wes mot veid. if it 444 not 
conform te =e Stresteeue tke the seme pn tine duoree Was 

Bak ours.) 

If plaintiff in error coneidered that ony order entered by the 
chancellor efter we had remanded the couse wan mot in conformity 
with our montate he hed the right te have thet order reviewed by 

this court by appeal or writ of error, but he sew f4t to ignore 

ite g068L 438 cedote mowk tuerstat Aphe gfe She yhS sronerl aoet 
Smad hon ytewradut Abbe Serer: Dies ott Yor of aweeotl peteedon 
ald yd whi of baddeiin ywroqer: elt ob of ou oumhaet mb meg 
Sestelin wrroawng nek tawaga hak aclt Valine ot bow of oetesh 
magne, waghd ak yea ho kket ey yanbraned alge t0? hes. cow eae OF 
dastt amine nolre Be Bevediae ask we LSapcae oe PD REDRE BO 
he me od eased went BRL ico ate sit Eads ouse wr 
sevmptashus, bev woken alt tm at ab od max #ooxoded sv 4eDe00D4ES 
ene webio tad att. decode mokswuone fim, satosedd erste see 
mokton of dood verte mt Wibemiali 880k gBk sodmooet huetes 
- qalt mk woktoonete aid gh heotme cebup gn. bowedver, ovat si 
strate tosis bene ser m talon “0 ott rere Lage ign 

s * i , es y 
css nets “8% eaeecia 
“io mei? Aoyadme on saveek oa aor 4 
Hos Beebe nar wet ve 

wie of frame phrexze ld shes a 
mee dottw gexne> © aadio tune os se; 
ic at feo — wo at he = 
Laat Sy Goktoes +s 2 wads 

une? yet: 
toa bbs a ohioy dost aco os 
ess fapeo whets 

thos Bye 

ohterormes sh fom ase O68 ate ?. open 8 bask oe pony wot sshe 
WE Dewetvex pine toxlt owl of dufpkn crit haat. mt aeuhmcm aya, 
oxemek of $27 won on dat grey Ye thew we deem get oe 


the ueusl methods of review afforded nina by the law amd filed 
the inetemt 6111 of review, on Horch uy 1933, “lthouch he might 
them Rave aued out a writ of error, & bil of review ie not 
intended te aid anyone whe deliberstely sleene upon his alleged 
rights or who refuses to follow the metheds of review atforied 
tim ty the low, 

A bill of review lies for errer «ppurent on the revert, 
for frauc, or for material evidence not known in time for nee at 
the former trial ami not diseevered by reasonable aiiigenes at 
that time, Plaintiff im error dees net eloim thet the 41% is 
baued upon either of ithe laet twe grounds. iis peeition io thus 
stated in hie brief: “There is ne intention on the part of the 
complainant to aevk by these procesdings to have this Sonoroble 
‘eurt in effect review or reverse the decision rendered in 
Cavabelii v. Carybelld et ale, 266 Ill. Ayo. 453. ‘He BAL] of 
review in the court belew was filed fer the purcese of agtttdme 
aadde these proceciings whieh tranavirs< subsequent to tae 'iliag 

of the momiecte iseued pursuant te the opinion filed by thie 
Sonorsble Court in the original a-geal, because these srocecd imge 
were net presumably had in secerdamee with the directions of this 
domercble Court. It is the contm don of the complainant thet 
by the decision in Carabelld v. Carabellid, aupra, this donorable 
Court 44d met direet that ony proceedings ahewld be bad er tok en 
which would result im a personal fudemont against tho comp ladmant, 
anton Presern, * * * Nowhere im thet opinion dees this Monorable 
Court say that & personal jwigreent should be entered ageinst 
Sreserm upon hie failure to contrimte the cacunt ao expended ly 
Tannone, therefore, when Presern's interest im the land wae sold 
se as to enable Carabelli 2s Iannene's gramtee and aoodgnee to 
obtain tithe thereto, the proceedings should have thus terminated 
instead of continuimg so ae te result in», deficiency Judgment 

against Fresern and the issues ef an exeoution thereon," The 

| beck? tne wal, afd vik mts RekmeRa wadwon 29 sbostt om. caieeee is 
hiboho os siguadtSe 28S oh sesh wo ywekver 10 Ltd suetanh oat 
fom oh walves te ike A .meere ie dlaw 9 tao beme ovat, por 
Sopella okd moa aqecks ylotapadiion otw anoutn Ake of behuadact 
_ dobre te wokves to skedion ods weliot of semetes ole ce ate | 
| | vik toh muh 
halons Wit ‘tn aleeen week nl vib th ae A ite de 
$8 omy tei oaks at sword don wsmphkyn Latvatest 102 xo etmek 8 
de geneghiRs eidexosnss yi Sowwreaeth ton bas Laks comem® ond 
Bh ALLS dt felt miele tom seek worse mh TEktakeds  .emht taglt 
wend ek seokt kong Bi endpaledsrephasaedacbosipiet nnn 4 
NE PN 8 OR PTD. ‘ 

nes sane en aha a. 
Milib en idk bib ne indies open 

—— ee | 

wes ee. 

daw le settled thet «hem tue chomecLler, woom readeemt of a 
sause ith direction, dees net cemform to the Afreetione of the 
Appellate court the arier anterc: te tim will be reversed om 
appesl or wett of error, Vieintif? in oerer is fomoed te the 
position that be s7uld ovels « review ef the order im neetion 
Wy appeal er erat of evrer aut obtain relief by 2 bill ef review 
4f 4% agpeare: thet the entey of the cerserel Judgment «cateet 
hit was avt in conformity with the dfrcetiem of thie court. Be 
ease with a record Like the tnetant «ne hes been edted te we 
whercin a bill of rewlew wae omtertsaime’ where the sole grew 
urged im suypgert ef tue bi1l wes fiat the chemecdler hod met come 
form i te the semanding or cr. 
ut even af vo aecume thet « “41. would li ween aueh 

& ground, neverthelercs, there weuld be mo merit ie the dnetent 
weit. Cur comemding orier seat: “he deerme of the edronit 
eeurt W112 be reversed ond the causes rememied with directions te 
enter a doeree that tie appel lente ere geuitebhy ameitied t¢ ree 
cover from appelier © hg 042.8%, together with interest Crem Coteker 
ie 193% ge eecmmsanted by the mater.” The mister bot found 
thet the Copubullda vere equdtably ontdtled to resever from cresem 
the som of $4,915.88, ami he bat roeeamenied “thet there be a ooke 
da partitdem ef the premiage ami if the share Of “reser ceraved 
therefrom be anf ‘dotemt, the game showkt be applded to the paces 
of tim amount hercim fowl, If there be a defdetency the emoumt 
should be applisd se for ae it «lil resch, ant sxceution foams 
against ?resern im favor of «oid lowie amt Pa Corebe2ld for the 
xecoveyy of any Balance remeining wipedé.” The shuneclior suse 
teines exertions te the findings on¢ recomendations of the Raster 
Wut we upheld the mester, The chuneeller efter the remandtuent, 
*Sntormed to cur mumate im entering the order that forme the wube 

geet matter of gleimtiff im erver's only corplciat. 

a eeedines he aaeteen nt STE ME Come went ts Vie 
dmatent procecdings ie affirmed, 
Sullivan, Pe aoe aml Gridley, Jeg Gomeur, " _ AvFIRED, 

Ae "7 

eT eee le alte 
ead Te smatomerth sh et. weetitee Sem whod yuan booAhY iF belie 

i Seeceven: af (2dw arts qh DeNeeans TRIAS coy hed ‘it edies 
eet 99 Sevmet ct corse ae VeEeRee sates te hee ae Ried, 

ektern Rt etx wl te tener tows ntiee at Hate neti keeg 

weber to Lite o yt tekion mhalee ime gevee te ober so Lookge W 
tembone tegoet, Coneeeey eet tn pete Galt fastd Necnonge #2 Th 
“OR turag ms Weome teed iar athe ybbmwcotheds mi geet Wine atte 
bs ibanengiaatiens ants tegen oto etal Grose a Hehe ebay 
one gan kad maou Hee Got caw “ite ute * Hiverebers ow 

teoteat oid mh stron on 8 tro cat yet : | 

sevens Mesh nuvneen OF Mey Remy bt -” 
alae a st ene? goth” Ee 
tmeaoe ost 68 boktene of Mids wie it i r 

we Ete aft as tte Me Re aan ‘ 

mcs mt gran’ sve? 30 Pe Pawo alte | 

rai ais a 4 
eee i at dy o mE 

het hy ‘ 
ok a, Ne ORR AY 
Lad - en aa 
’ ayath iakts Un 
SoU DF La nL : 
e Hear ey Hee 

"Tinigiatieens ) Appellant » } 
(Defendant ) Appellee. ) 
(Cresu-Complainamt) agpeilee ® } 

oo LEVY, 
Crose-Defendant )- Appel Lent. 


F i 
: “NBs, 
4 2 
3 Bip a 
3 s Ee 
F i, 
Sa y FF 

GIncurr counr, 

Fy A 

6 LA 


#iie Levy filed his bill fer diveree against his wife, 
Rebeces Levy. The defendant filed an atewer to the b411 and 

tle® » @ress-bill for separate Ra INtenanee . 

The ¢honcelior, 

after s hearings dieminsed the oviginel bill and the eroas~bi12 

for want of equity. 

The complcimant in the original bill has 

tse origimal bill alleges, Apter sling thet che perties 
were married at Jerugulem, in Palestine, on January Oy 1900, by a 
rabbis thet three children were bern of the warriage, Ohirley, 
Cighteen years olég Wathen, fifteen ¥eare old, and Bartha, ten 
yeors elds thet complainant had been a good and true spouse and 
had provided defendemt with the necessities of Life? thet defendant 
had been guilty ef eruel and intemen treatment toward compl« inant 
and had adopted a course of physical vieolenes against himg that, 
epecivieslly, om Mureh 26, 19339 and again on Wareh 27, A9h4, ahe 
Wsed such force and viclenge againet him a» to jeopardise hie Life. 
The bili proye that the ourriage be disvolwed. 

ae ACs) eater PE, 
ei ak 

pt oe cst 

as aoe ee oe phism diane ets alagpinn See 

« Setnd Seqya > 


( , ne ia ae 

| gethy elf sualegs oocerth tei Lite wid beLth qed abet jie 

eee LELG ods oo townie Me Dotty Ymabee buries alt — egred aoa 

a toLswosreate adt  .eeendatar shatagey tot iLidenaets « cafe 
“ELhdensore ost bas Lite Kemtgtvo and ooeubare th eek cod o tesete 

Mi wh bbe Santyh ve wate Rad eeratannid ot Ragen ae wesc we a 


“wokding wt dad? gohin vadat «amputie sate bahyie eas? or at 
av 1800. OL isnot ts coabsaokis at EGR ik Sa a 

- ataate batt tatmae cwmotedy Me RRR Sake Se 


‘he erese-bili allegew, inter alia, that the erene- 
eonplainant hed alwaya treated the eroseedefeniant with kindness 
ung forbearenees; that = few monithe after the mcvlage he commenced 
& course of unkind, cruel ond inhuman conduet toward ner, vhieh 
continued uvtil she fimaliy separated fr eqn Him on Roreh 27, 1933, 
ané thet om divera svensions Ke wax @uiliy of such extreme and 
repeated erueliy toward her ce te render it winafe for her to Live 
with bimj that om Moreh 26, 19359 he bent her, and again on Seren 
27» 19359 struek her over the head with an iron griddle, using 
« deep laceration in her scalp #0 that i become necesaary for her 
tc De taken to a heapitels that Oress-ccefuncant ie a man ef 
Vielent pacsion and ungovernable iemper ami that on many ccensiong 
he used the moat opprebricous epithets toward her and made threats 
of persomal violenes, and Sepeatedly threntened te take her Life 
ae wil as him oeny that om ome cecauion, while whe and the vhiléren 
were seleep, he spemed all ef the gaw jets im the kitchen, went 
beck inte his own roomy oloae¢ and wenled the door Sight ami opened 
the window im hig rooms that she wos awekened by the emell ey gan 
enenping from the gue jet» and arose and elened the jete, sims 
etopping the escape of gas» The erova-bill further cho rgee that 
ereanecefendant hed for a considersble time given himself up to 
adulterous and licentioue practices with Lewd women, whoee names 
were unknown to croes-complainent. 

Vompleinent eontende "that he was prejudiced by the 
improper and unprofesaiomal coniuet cf the scliciter for the 
Gefendant and eress complaimant." tb ig a sufficient anewer te 
this contention to say that complaimant hos not assigned as errer 
the alleged conduet of the seliciter for eressecomplaiment. A 
question raised in the argument ie not open to review where there 

ia no saseigument ef error which presente such question. (Viliage 

‘ansexo od tauld guile godut enyyotie Litd~seots oft 
anpahels Athw dunbistebeeaene Gt Yedeand ayewio Saef Sant ademoe 
hesrecme’ esl ogalrsam odd Yyedn oatvwom vet o fade geoncrsedso? baa | 
ahs i she tad Sewer soubnes exmmlad Ge Lew « dabsiaw a ewan, 
ef8@L 7h Aout te ats aot bedetecas éttentt ‘este Ehdsw boun at bito0 
tea @muxdme sown to eile, aaw od amolaoese atevtd te gaetd eee 
avi o2 “ox cod ohagny st tobnws o¢ an tout bunwed qi Leanne beeaeqes 
dora me hepa haw ved ined of yOEGL .SS doxeK mo sade tate A8hw 
naaven oloniig tort am dite have sald seve ted sowede —_ 
<od sot quseweoett emened ff saets on-qiece <a mt ‘pokéorooad qoeb 2 
to em 2 6) Imetie teb-ogote tacts iaestqvad a ot odad 46 
etelaavec yYram mp sad? ite sega’ etantevege haw noteuee a idk 
atowals obra han wet Menwod sdodtiqe ntoludo rege snows bed bie od 
ORLL ted chat od heandoodl) "Lbedongoy bes suveetoty Lnaoe we, ‘te 
Serbitads afc bus ate atidw queiaeses ame me @emte bee etn BH fiow os fi 
Gaew gaedovtd sti et adel awn of! Ye fie besiege a (awten ‘vibe 
herege fan wtgte tooh ott Hadwen dna Saves sawex wwe wid dont stead 
ee tamer ett mi womb 
eats yudeh say Seueds nw atote ine ash aay ‘aut ott itqaves 
tad negate ueddwt Lhideeyom off sang to eqanes ont ‘satgaote 
$8 ge Mv saatet aovis outs oLGatokianos @ cet bad tube dobousen 
pom Soe _HOmN SEL Aly Soul Joong aitoltanolt Bae w vod ke | 
, fiat ations es e » end Ye : 
‘edt QS houkiwhoug dnw wx Sale” endedins sdonlatgued dopwanecs ae 
| dtd WX TOdLaELow wte ro eidiuel tae | oqor ut 
of tomes emstotttne i oo meoze Onn daa 1or8 

| siattyy) ha twee eines pies ours mg: 

cy aa RP ee age Ne) j HRS emit catia Re ie ae a 


of Northbrook vs sterba, 315 Cle 360, 362-35 Edxvohner We 
Horrigoms, 32° Mlle BBG, 24004 aaayeee Ve Sediwr, S22 LLLe 268, 
RYO) Eley of ROMs “orkes SH) Lhle 264, 271.) 

Moreover, the cave was tried before the ohewe@ellor, ani we are 

ectiefled that the alleged improper eomduet, if there wan auoh 
soncugts did not xffeet his Judement in any way, ‘The wriet of 
Complainant conteinea a number ef stateaents praising the chanvellor, 
wuoh as, “The Chaneelior she heard thig case 19 & Sitlewen of 
Umquestioned integrity and honer;” “the vhaneellor, @ man of 
learning und integrity,” and “the writer of thie brief bas a éeap 
ang genuine reepeet for the legal learming, high charscter and 
integrity of the Chaseelior.* 

Complainant vomtenda,"ik was errar to admit the teat leony 
of Huthan Levy, attempting te prove atultery over the objection of 
the complainant amd eresa defendant." It appears that the parties 
te the imetemt preeeeding had been previously involved in another 
édiveree action and that sudge Cabath, «ho presided ot the hen ing 
of that cause, affected & reconviliation of the parties, I& fur ther 
apptare that the wife alleged im thn$ cauae that the huchand had beon 
guilty of adultery, and Complainant argues that crogs-conpla inant» 
by reguwainen the mortint relationships had eomionead the alleged 
adultery, and that, therefore, lt was erver for she chanveller in 
the instant procecdings ta permit ovidcnee au te the alleged 
asultery “without acme proof that the alleged oeffenme had heen 
repented after condonation or explain the éeley ia woking complaint 
about it. No such evidence was ever tendered im thie enee.e” The 
argument of somplatnent Sreceeds, apparently, upon the seoupiion 
that to revive the old ehorge af odulioxy 14 was nechasary to 
prove thst complainant wabsequently gemitted the same offense. 

Ough is mot the laws 

PF hie ohn Ste azatios vate anne one ia, one : ie mt 
(sas. ahah oh fs oes 

pnd aoe | eveds “3 + 20uchuee werd bagsiie one sat mas att8 
“Ye Yohw ont 6 yaw win ah Seamer, eka toon fou bib vu | nn 
pxolioonsds Od? gitater, aiaensiade Yo serum 9 audegnos $0 —s ~" 
Ll grrr ger: air dae Miura eae Micaela Ye vel Sooaad ear" ane a “ 

PP saneionpr paltecning ¢y Aefmabavion saeuy tan & temon eit 
soditona at bowlers (lauolrosg mood bac amtboosong pains. He. 
_Meisoer site tn bebtnory cme galvadm® oginh sade bow motion » - evth 

sedswh 21 gantriog ad? Yo malgubiionoson a bogewtte eee i 
need batt buadeut ois davis oasioy daete ts boupdta ote oat ted wr aieecee 

Ve. ay ee 

md wosLonnests oaks 108 comes mam ot esswtezeds cease + un gust : 

bogetse ots of ao doaebive ddoetrg ae apes orsong Cova 4 
need bad oumette bugette, ots adi Yourg ones twcaittet oA 2 

tnietqmee yrtien nt yaten odd makers co mettemace aoits ee 

ont *seaae aids we borehaes tort sow sonontes stove, on ae oer 
Sok igamang edt sooy + isneraqgn gubeaeorg “rom ocgnae Ye sem | 

oe cinsenoen, ean ot wresiade te pros bfs vate “ovtyer of 0 Ed 
seme the ata maa beet tewoe vmupenden snentetgace yered io f 

a ee, ee | Pee —_ 


“He (the husband) insistgs, however, that she condoned 
hie adulterous sets in april, L963, anc thereafter ethabited with 
him ac hia wife. Gondonatian, in the iaw of éiverees is the 
forgiveness of an antecedent Matrimonial offense om comd ition 
that 1% shall mot be repeated and ‘hat the offender shall there 

after treat the forgiving party with conjugal siadneses (jherp v. 
a oar i 

ey 426 file 800; Be te Ba 75 ids 4975 Davin yy. 
4Visy 10 ids 354.) th conden tts implies & eord | on 

MAGA wild permit the original chorge to be gone dered is 

ecnnection with @ subsequeny eflenee avainet the marital reloiiony 
iater ualecoméuet mus ¢ amounts &S more than cms acte of 

coldness or unkingness ox were quarreling. (abbots ¥. bbptie 192 


chile the faecte of #28 pertieulear cose mug: b 

Fitelens to form on incep mi 

gates wpouge haa « rient Jud g i ; Sat ure 

hit Court will wewnect the whole of the unfaithful 

ust in order te reach o corset SOHGLUSiONs Sharp 
eee Vs Fayvnhem, ey Poa} 2 Sehouler on” 

s (Operation and 


ae OB Nk : 
-emectlG Delations, (6th #d.) 
“ (Xoume v. Youngs 323 IL1, 



"“Condemetion is aways aecimpanted with the lwp h Led 
comfition that the injury ehsll net be repeated, Thugs cruelty 
fepl edly contones fa Ss" (Totetoane Cecetet, falters 
(7th eds) Vole ly po S72» and cases eited therein.) 

We may add that after reading the reoord we ere anitefled that the 
Blieged adultery was net congidersd by the changellor im the deters 
mination of thia ense.s 

Complainant oomtende that “ihe find img ef the Chance lier 
digmigeing the original bikl ie sgninet the manifest weight of the 
evidence and im defiance of ali of the éisinterestied teat uony in 
the regord.* After a eareful reading of the entire evidesee we 
are gatiefleé that thie contention is without merit, In considering 
thie contention 1% must be remenbered that ihe @roge-complainant 
charged im her eresg-bill thet sompisinant (eroga=defendawt) was 
gutity of extreme and repested Srueliy towamt her. Ye learn fran 
the reeord that the final separation of the poriieon to thig prosesde 
ing was the third one in their marital Life. Divorce is « remedy 
previded for an inmecent purty, ami when euch party hae eause fer 
| diveree egeaimat the ethers of the same statutory charseter, neither 

mete! ett mf tolliegdeds off ¥¢ Betehtamos fog an Urea kake 

| Babisblamoe mi i dhuem auodsew at medenermnn eis ant menage o 

igrobaes ete darts + tovennd ‘setatont ‘Cicootenat acts) “oie” 
aéiw aodldatoe sai tecwds sme ,Gahs ghtags, a2 adow o: 

edt af gortect® to wel e89 OF _mOl dane bed “03 
tiene ae soociio Leloeaiviem vaobopetua me % 9% 

7 als) nae aah te nen Sa te nog aedYtNy oe jonas xed 
ehG ah ee i “ag La Foy Re O38 

"Paina" ave.) : ict aquieagt o¥ peanut | a: 
5 5 Bo rah it ae oko. aM, Ree Pa. 
ai howebienes ed ov spice beni od. die +t rrr’ 
seals = died bee “4 sanlays "canecke duompeadae a th | 

aése dityd pape blended ino a, : 

RES edged. ov 489 3 ) sR sextape 268 Fe 8 cena as 
ins er tnd tane foot Le usbad vad eLtde At: 
4 ot pend wed tr po Wis cde med dewey 

% sWied aiihasixe sas evens dues peadar och ial, a, 
es . Rd ere 


ett tad dathad ine axe 9x wreaes sale gathows wsifte tats be wer 

| »eeae aiid Ye mie “et 
“Senttoonedt ode Ye ankint?, he” heats ountmog deupel adagae® 
was to setgloy dua tins ols Ce@toge wt iotd somtgtse odd getomtan 
ak ymomttact bedeeyetaiais etd Ye Lhe be worst Yoh ad ba — i 

ov @omehive orisms ef) to godbook fetenan. a ota, 

 aerlelgaoseraass wt) tals Bowe 

ase (den bet9 to imam one ) supctaiquee sah Agen | 028 ee et dose 


gon B4 granted a ¢divoree, me charged wiih extreme and repeated 
eruclty any show in ¢efomne that the compleinent was #gually eruele 
Yhere the evidense ahowa that uoth purities were guilty of eruehiy 
neither is entities te = diverge from the other. (Dubcratoin +. 
Dubersieins 171 Tlie 1355 Garrett vs Garrett, 252 (lia Sly 4280) 
Souneel for complainant is compelled to admit that there was daily 
strife between the eouple and he aseky te exeuge the conduct ef 
compininant im that regard upon the grown shat the wife wae wleoye 
the aggressor. The following exeerpts from the brief ef eomplaine 
ant will serve to give eame idea of the eonditicne in the pneme ef 
thig couplet “luring the period of the murriage, the parties were 
eontimunlly quarreling and frejwently indulged in physiesi violence.“ 
*Thet the home ceoupied by the purties was the serene of iadeseribable 
profanity, cbacentiy and earmage.” “That om the morning of March 
26th, a battle between the compleimant, “lin lewy, and the defenénnt, 
Rebecen Levy, oeeurred in their home, reuniting in physleal violence 
to “lie Levy.* That on the nicht of March O4hs the home wae the 
acene ef carnage, whidh sent “lie icvy to s physician and lebegen 
Levy to a hevpital for fires aid.” Ye will seoame, for the purposes 
of thig appeal, that the oross-compleinant was ewmetiaes cullty ef 
exuelty toward complainant. in fact, the ehaneellor se found or he 
would not have dlemiseed hey ereose-bilis Oragsecomplainent and the 
three children of the couple teotified that complainant desired a 
éivoree from hia wife ami that he frequently beat her beenuse she 
refaaed te allow him te obtain « divoree. Grose-complininant testified 
that complainant told her that he wae going to make life miserable 
fer her Beenuse she wowlé sot cive him hie freedom and enable him te 
marry the women he loveds ‘hiskey levy, a daughter, tevtified that 
her father and wether were srguing sbout divoree 211 the time and 
that the father said he would not give the mether any more money 

wnlees she gave kim a divorece 

NE ee ee ee reorDven mt Bestiary of map | 
10 Claws caw trent atgues ott tent some had ni weds: want toa 
“eta te ‘waive pve ate rog sees taste, awoste agnebtee oy pues 
Mivsassdea) — onesies aed acyl agyetin « ef sekenone. a rene 
(ei aBie str BER ghiquead ov gterig® 384 ist EK, pita ei 
{hiab enw oxedd feds slmde oP bedlogune at sents kgmwe oY fovausd 
Sy Reshaoe sitd wasteam o@ walewe ok’ baw olgnee eat avon otf uate 
oyna saw atthe wile tack sees eds weg Deeg tale Ot f : vi 9 Kia 
wakaiqaes to telus wit met alquvens gabvagtet ont Caoheoitiye lth 
to amd eds et eudsPhawe ile I avdt mime vdy oF ors98 | 5 ttte's | 
wie wed ruin aad gapadrtam tlt to bolaeg: ae web eioe $68 gue o | 
“ooustoly Lebtewig at tegtaned ¢liepupes? bea ght teirreuy etinimbh 
e | ekdadi cone bat to sae0s odd saw eeiting off Yt haaieibb’’ oot oat 
Hora Lo gitwiom aid mo gad — *yaganman bee winnade. 
a teehee tab ants awn evi enh stnaateigmos od noawdod oi snd i 
wamloty <aoteyely at geeks tira ot eomat tiocdly at beruee vere anand 
ats wae dmod oft .tetC doset te tthe at? mo “anstee “yet anké 0% 
aooodwi bah antolawig « of yvat 066! due Mbsw rgerene Yo ombS 
weoeegumg ed? Ot sommmen Lite oH = "“ehke Sack’ wt Ladiqvodt we ob wed 
te uiiins eumivema caw tamnlaiquee-caeie siti soske + Leoaes rent Ri 
eet 0 haired oe witovneds oct? etoad ot daamtelyaos baawas Wi fours 
edt bee suai siquoowenox + Lidessown com boustanth vvad tom row 
& hextaod tmenlaigaws dats beetiroas ekgsoo eas te wo sade Read 
| ele Sekincod worl tovd Usaow per? a diets oi otte ais most weer 
|! , Seeeaeere énant algmooengon® sontews a & at nade of aati woLts of boawitor. | 
aidersstm wLlk alan o¢ yateg naw st tons watt bios toautetguoe sade 
of mid eens hom moboort ott mid wwly son oluew ate “omucond vo wot | 
asta borthinod gredited a weved wom shoved ot meno ents Y ar 
te eke ett Eee sexevkh taeda getinne sree odds ova media o 
Daal wenen “eee tadtoa oat tory tem Shuew wt dies ‘oie a3 et 

: ‘etexerth ‘ena ove 

om fame 

We entively ogree with the find img of the chancellor 
that complainant wae guilty of extrewe orueliy toward hie wife. 
Compiainent argues thet the three ehilcrem hate Kim ani thaté 
their testimomy as te hig oonduet should “66 be believed. The 
children justify theix feelings toward the father apom the ground 
that he was eruel and wokind to the mother amd to them, They 
testified that besides the acta ef sruclty committed by complainant 
against the mother he aleo had a habit o? atvriking them. If the 
testimony ef crogs-complainan: and the ehiléren ig te be believed, 
it i@ not surprising that the children sad Ceneeé toa leve the 
father, and it te quite plain fram ¢he réegerd amt from the brief 
filed by complainant that the father has evased ta heave any 
atfeetion fer the childrens 

The deeree of the Gireudt sourt of Cook county ia a 
dast one and 14 whould ee and it ts aft irmed » 


“ULLivaria Pe Tes and Gridley, Js» comers 

rea hgan gil 5 UGLY Ae. : : ERK, ARs THe Ne bd ‘Sy rt 


ERAT piel et teen entiucile. 98, bactatoa,to,. fawse am | 
fusntalquce yt aediimae yYdeure Ye sdoa ott aebined fade be reas 
edt TL smmald gulatia Yo side @ ded code of xadttom ond gam aa 
-aboratted tab: embetter eppeanone 2a, se 

mv Pasa ae oh 

x vagteal Bade igs ; nt te ni 

mo ko eae vite 

Cee teeth ye ee My 


* a y 
Te ASAE eae ollie ioe » % fy. a 
ROP RG Re gS BOP aaa al ii 



& torporation, ) 7 i 
Appellant» } E 
) APS@aL PRow orecerr 
WOUnT OF COUR cotry, 
MARI LUBIW et ale, aw aT pat 
Aporitioons 2¢41.A. 679" 


Complainants, a judgment erediter of defendant Barte 
tubing filed its bi11 te scewre satiafaction of a juwignent 
rendered againet her on July 2B, 1952, for 96,721.89, Deer erg 
to the original bill were sustained and comiplainant then filed 
an amended bill, to whieh demurrers were Wustaineds, and complain- 
ant electing to gtand by thie bill, 1: wae diemisued for want of 
equity.  Cenmplainant hag appealed. 

The amended bill alleges the judguent in fover of 
complainant and ageinet defendant Kauride iubing that exeeation 
fevued ond was returned unsatioafied, 

FAnintiff's theory of the amended bill int 

*Phadntiff's theory ef the cave La thet complad nant » 
though ite eluim aeerued against Marie Lubin subsequent to the 
exeoution of the Trust Agreement, way, nevertheless, have the 
Traat Agreement oet aside ond so much of the corpus of the trust 
ae be pr aay tor ts ” ~ eo a te ll pod payment I 
emplainant’s judgment. s theory is based largely upon ¢ 
allegations in aphe 7 and @ of the mended Hill, uhi¢h 
eontaing the general averment thst Hervert Lubing the original 
owner of the corpus of the trust, and Marie lain, his wife, 
who executed the Deeleration of Trust, devised a anc schen @ 
whereby Herbert Lubin trausferred the corpue ef trust te 
Harte Lubin without consideration, and she in turn exeouted tle 
Deslaratten of Trust by wey of am attempt to pus the corpus of 
the trust beyond the present and future ersditers of Herbert 
Lubin, ead the pregent and future creditors ef Marie Lubing it 
being the theory of complainant that under such cir cumatangeas 
% wubesquent crediter of Marie Lubiny may atiack the corpus of 


\ D sic. eine oh: gets! a PRAM ot 

ta nema 
| : steatioggr — mel ea 


R i e a ' ae. ¥ eA 

‘OoyO AT AYS sennkioen 


Kvagt 4 Sap! 

i aheee 
else tasbastes te ved iioxre 2 aemamgtar, " etnantetqmed Wicibir g 

imoupout 2 %e aebtootebine owen of £L8¢ oth bos’ entéat 

ave cree) led hkl Ot ghOOL th yhet me ‘ort tuntage otedne 
bellt medd tnentakexos baa bomkat aise ovww Litt Lontgteo edt O¢ 
-—thalquos bus ghentedsun ote9 wxottiec$ dekte ot ‘ithe hohaneed ins 
te dew vot beoatoe ds wow 22 gLite abst yo bande of wadtvege ana 

bs woveh ut denentuh Gas Sule ithe sobmins- att: a 
molsuoaxe jotd (uidul efisd fuwbooted gantene ban dnantotamoo 
suetiakicems bomwder sow bao bownnd 

tad L126 bobosme os Yo bcosmaiee o'hentalt " 
ethankelqmoo dett af onoo a? te ’ } a? PR emkelT* 

awd of tueupoedua utdmi give & bewters alato sth sgsreds 

etd eved gaesleditewen ¢ jJubaNeNyA doneT odd 20 Mabdnnome 
fewsd ods te amqxes ons te ‘ue ee btn 

bias fea 4 deux? 
bod aa ow ley ot daeiaiuqgeuge Soe Fas od tiie 

ii «EiH osha oa Past 

ef si 

ae anbdad etxall te wtosvibors auydat 
esoStntomurewis fess aebmy docks 

te sayies sald feasts yam guidul ofxall 



the trust an4 have it apgrepriated te the payment ef the Judgaent 
against Zarie Lubin. 

Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the anented bili ore as follows: 

"9, That shertly prior to the Gist Aay of June, 1627, the 
gaid Herbert Lubin and Sarie Lubin, his wife, fer the purpose of 
hindering, delaying, and defracdine the oreatnt and future eredi+ 
ters of the said Herbert Jubin and Marie Lubin, ineluding one 
Simen Hirsch, to wham the said ferbeart Lubin was then indebted 
in a large sum, wid te attexupi te put the property of the said 
Herbert Lutin beyond the reash of Sis present snt fature erediters 
and the present ond future creditors ef iiarie Lubla, devised a 
plan or scheme to convey $1,749,000 of eaid funds due from said 
Seaboard Jational Bank, of Kew York City, to Aarle Lubin, his wife, 
without consideration, und then have her oreate 2 anvendthrift truet 
for the benefit of eaid Herbert Lubin and darie Lubin, snd certain 
other contingent beneficiaries, as more fully appears from a cepy 
ef said Trust indenture, with the Usieage Title and Trust Ceupany 
as trustee, hereto attaehed, sarked ‘Exhibit A' and wade a part 
herect; that purduant te said glan amd conspiracy between himself 
and his wife, the said fierbert Lubin did, thertiy prior to the 
Slat day of June, 1027, waxe, execute and deliver te tae aaid warie 
iubtin, hie wile, without any coneideration moving from the said 
Marie iubin to the sald Herbert iubin therefor, a eeriain assign- 
ment of anit gums reeeivatlie ty Kim from the aald Sesbeard Sntional 
Bank, ef Hew York City, sagregating 91,749,000, The precive nature 
of ssid aesignemt is unknown to your orater, snd therefore your 
Orater ie unable te attach « copy tuaresi te ite Bill ef Complaint. 
Thereby the said Sarie Lubin beean’ tue legal owner of said funda, 
gubjest to the rights of the ereditors ef Herbert Lubin and her 
ow: creditors. 

"8. and your Grater further reeresente thet therearter 
and om or about the @lst day of June, 1927, the said Surie Lubin, 
pursuant te said cenepiracy between Herself and her husband, ‘erbert 
lubin, s# Dener, @xecuted and delivered te the Ghicage Title and 
Trust Company, a esroeration duly organized and? szieting under and 
by virtue of the laws of the State of Lilineis, with ite chief of-— 
fiee and place ef business in the Gity of Chieage, County ef Ceek, 
and State of illinois, ss Trustee, the Trust Agrewment, scopy of 
woieh ie hereto attached, marked ‘Exhibit A‘ and made @ part khereof.* 

Yueh ef the trust agreament (Szhibit A) aay be stated in a 
general way. 1% describes the property tranaferred to the trustee 
by the domer and the powers and duties of the trustee in respect 
thereto. The second saragreann provides: 

"So long as Herbert Lubin Bugband ef the Senor shall be 
living, said Trustee shail pay over and deliver ic the Donor, out 
ef the net treome derived from the Truet *reperty, the sus of 
$16,000 per annum as and fer the absolute property ef the Donor 
ferever anid ahall pay over and deliver to said Herbert Lubin 
quarterly or eitener in the diserstion of aaid Trustee, the balanee 
ef suck net inesme, as and for the absolute sroperty of the said 
Herbert Lubin forever. 

"¥pom and after the date of the death of said derbert Lubin, 


Scpoxyhut, oxo Io staoeyeq edd of Setebs getaqa as even baa 2esrd ant 
* sldel eital onlage 

tewolflet aa erm [LPH hehoomas sett to A has  extqgengediet 

wis TROL ,emt To wh teL8 eft oF tebte vitcede tasT T° 
te eseqisg on? 101 ,Siiw ald ,atded olteM bay aided saedser | 
ofhoxe evatvt bas toprety ef ynibuerteh ban ,ganiyaded \g' 
emo gutbutoat ,cldwi witeX hae algad dtedseH blee ond te 
beddebat cont saw aldwd deedeee tive 49 aptie of .toatix 
biak @29 Zo ySeoqorg ons dua oF sqentia of ban , awe Som mt 
axotibneto exude? Sea faoseta eit To deaet ont bnoyed alg 
e Beeiveh ,nidwsi bask te axed howe etude? tenewng dc Bou 
Alge mort enh abac't Siew Te G00, HT A of updom to ae tg 
eXKG aha ,wldud shsod of ,xtlO duot wed to ,Maed Lamodtad & B 
feud Vilidtbacqe & ¢3ne7. ted ever andd hax Pd derary een ao 
aledtes bas aided elied baw afdad err yc o2teard ert | 
Yqeo « mot? atasgee “lint oom oe . 88 Tae taraaitnos 
yequed tawxt bas o£ iT egay 2nd eis ote weenie tae ah bioe te 
itaqg * #bam bee *éA tidised’ bextes a 

tiecuha meewsed yout lignan Baa aelg © sice or of Prete sions 1 ine eevee 
eas of tolsg yirrese ,B/k aided dneduek pace. eet i aie an sete 
eitek biee ead ef iovided bon btuoexe ,ohem Teer 
Slew wai mest » pe aolfmiebhicwos yme tuodtiw’ yet 8 ; 
~yives alas seo @ «x9 Teredt Ghdud tueduek bie wild ot i 
feaoktet Prsodaet blae eas mex? @ic qd eldavieosos emun pte # 
etuien asiootg ott .000, OT, £8 gaiiagrtage (yeild wt oe! 33 
THOy Hig taieks Hae ,tosat) tHey of areminw ef tnemagtoea bhae Yo 
taieliqmed ‘te 11iG agh of Loomend you a deattn oF 6 istics ak tod 
ae bkan to ‘tone Bon gh ods oompad abdied eaeen gat 

tes teousd? fads etowoastent tverete't totax0 cuex -_ i oar 
Wded eliss bine odd ,VRSL .eiwh te yeh dais edd duede (toe ao “bow 
gisdi0f ,bastend tec bee 4 

fected dsonded Qoutiqenos hiss of somwet 
bite yest) ogeoidd es of beteviied bux 

ban t8shas pabseixe Bao beskacgte yieh ants tip me om 
“ko Yoldn otf igiw ,ehoatiil to eaas2 oft to « oat 
Hood Te ytanod ,oRanidd toe pig LS cE ‘eaennas 

to Yaoo ,seempotgA Fawrl we 

eetacs? aa ,at hy 6 seas ‘ban 
® tested gaaeq & ohesn Bae *A tht taew? Raw tems ta ttoat ety 
a st betede od yam (4 #iddeink). sneneetye eReeT wae to owt 

Bd m eet hossngeined 
‘ eed 

ootaucd pif of bexie tener? veregene aut sedixoasd et ee chee 
tose af ovat ans te oa bub ban ax9e0: ene: baw pay aa 

ry f 

blew otf to 14 ia Staten erty my be fated d 
Dass 4 * PRaaso ee 

abdind secdeds Wit ti dei apne tis ott ‘ale Pav ‘aod 

Mert “ieebhrog soavgetac baegee 9a oe ee i 
ed (teie date add te banded apecnes ae gaol sometet: NO Py 
suo ,toase at if had geenete “” ni ea Madewtl batstenlrek bon 
$6 aut goss douse edt sont. ei 
xonw au nt Bee ava ada ocd, 20 pon = 
eorziad ot Jy i Be oie! otis sh mee ad te 





eeaid Trustee ohall pay over and deliver unte Smilia lundberg, af 
the city of Cmicago, County of Coek snd State of Tilineis, mother 
ef the Sener, {f she shall be iiving st such time, the sum of 9100 
per week during #ach and every week anid ensubtig suberquent te the 
date of death of said Herbert iubin and prier te the 4ate of the 
death of enid Smilia Lundberg and shell pay over aad deliver o 
hike sum of 2100 per week jointly te Kax Lubin ond Annie Lubin, 
parente of the eanid Aerbert iubin, and to the eurviver ef then, 
af they or the surviver ef them shall be living at such time, 
during each and every week ensuing subsequent te the date ef the 
death of the sald Herbert Lubin and priscr te the date af the death 
of the surviver of said Asx iubin and Annie iubin; srevided new 
ever, that so long ae either kyron 5. lubia oF Sarney Lubin, 
brethers of said ferbert iubis shuil survive, daring the Lifetise 
ei the eurviver of gnid liam Lubin and annie Lubin, the payeente 
hereinahove provided te be sade te said Maz Lubin and Anais Lebin 
enail Ge paid #iteer ta 2044 Byrom A, Lubin or Aarne iubin Tor 
the account of said Bax iutin and Ansie Lubin anp4 the surviver ef 
them and the receipt therefor by either said Syren 5S, Lubin er 
said Barney iwbin shall comstitate a Tull disesarge and sequite 
tance of tae Trustee, to the sximt taeres!. 

"Turing each mid every year ehauing aubsequent to the date 
ef the death of snid Herbert Lubin (if the Boner shali be the eure 
viving wife ef asid Kerbart Lubin) snd prier to the date of the 
death or resarriage of the Poner, the Trustee shall pay over and 
deliver to ¢aid Domer as and fer her abaslute proserty forever, 
quarterly or oftener, in the diseretioen of said Trustee the bal- 
ange of the mat income derived from the Trast Property (amd ine 
eluding the sume sereinabeve previded to be paid te anid Emilia 
Lundberg, afd “ax Lubin and Annie Lubin from and after the date 
eY the reeosetive deaths of the said Emilia Lundberg avd the 
surviver of thea said Max Lubin «4 Annia Lubin, }* 

fae third garagraph relates te the distribution of the areserty in 
ease of the death of Maria Lubin and Serbert Gubin. the fourth 
relates to sentingenit beneficiaries, The Fifth and sixth make 
eertein srovisions in case of tae racarrlage ef Zarie Lubin. Thre 
eOwents aakes certain provisions to take effeet is case of the 
4eath ¢f Sarle Lubin. The eigath provides: 

“Zach and every payment by the Trastes, sither of income 
er principal, to ony beneFiciary Aerounder, sheali be paid, trane- 
ferred, Aelivered an4 eenveyed te Aix or Ker in pereacn and not 
upon any wrliten or verbal order ner upon omy aselanment or 
transfer by seid beneficiary. * 

It ie unnecessary te refer to the provieions eontained in the ninth 
and tents paragraphs, The prayer of the amentet bill is that the 
trast agreement (Exhibit A) “he deolaret null and vold ae te your 
Grater, and that the Ghiesgo Title and Trust Company, Trustee. se 

aforessid, be ordered and directed to pay te your Grator the esid 

ts adhani al tint etns ts¥i fob a Ae nds 
ie Wk ctontttt to of228 ban wdoey saris vagapaitl ta ait tie’ 
QOL% te com edt ,omt? down de Bs By + tfede oda *t. and” 
ei? of @npw adv paivene fae seow TOv5 bre done 

adit ‘he seat tus or age ate mda roa pt si gg Mh gal 9 Aras 
@ toviled bug teve ye gre ere, eigen ee ae ‘te dtaeh 
patted » bath Bas Phi ¢ yaa ate asow is eels mua @Eh. 
meat Le kovivewe eat of bow fiat aay to 2 Ae as 

<emtt Moun fe gatvilt Pury: ny al te eee: bd xo yess 
oié"o siab ait of dannpowiue gaiceme Meow yreve boa, gal ae 
Meech att Xo mn ar2 of Prngs Bn bax oidut ttedtel flag eds Yo Jas 
awed heblyera ge ret kite atdud me@ bias to tovivive ode 7. 
nites > croft oa eh nmol Toddlea as . 

rake ‘co . 

fits Bate mis mat bias ta. 

_ Ria ag ag. Yaiasifil. pats way ve 
Sei, eat od Lilita aan 07 abides 
ate "te piab Day af ag Si ee 

ak rte odd Ye webtuatxao th ead of wpbatet Mgeianrak bukit ech 

| dee? vet .addnd seine pee abdud obeei Yo dtseb, oe te pene : 
a ot dtxte hee yar oat te tte tof ten g daopalr wes. ‘o} nodekex 
‘WHE need 9 trell to ogettamues ou) to Shed ate hie | i : 

‘eed te ‘enag &t Soothe wte¥ ot bavial very alettes bexen itd tee 

“rwebtwoty Heeite edt Laldwt afaed Yo diteeb— 

wieanitns to told he Bota? say ¥¢ oe od aie sha aesue fat adie 

natt ,bivg ed Siede ,tebave ted 
“7 cu kab’ searoe ce Wear te kat SRT ci 
wa ) Iapanylone (ite Kogu Tom wens J 
intron Se ga2its ve ns 

dinin ott a bepiataes sree Ivers, ont of telex wt aNehisbompebt a 

od tady ot Fike bebnews, old Yo reyetg oH Lady 
_ twey oF Ba. blev hw tien. hore toeh oe” {a ab titer) 4 
ae ps duint ued shirt kee eteEt epee ho tt, tedy 
biae 9g toles9 «wor of ag of bedoen th dae heen 


gum of $9,721.59, tegether with interest and costs of aald eult 
in which judguent eae obtained,"* 

Complainant contends, in its original brie®, that "under 
the sllegatione in Paragraphe 7 and & ef the Amended BLLL, tae 
gonveyance by Herbert Lubin te Karie Lubin, and the conveyanee in 
trust by karie Lubin to the Chicage Title and Trust Company, eon 
atituted, ae between Herbert iubin ont Barie lubin, one and the 
same transaction. Likewhee, uhder these allegutions, the convey- 
anee from Herbert Lubin to Maric Lubin wae for the purpose ef net 
only defrauding the crediters of Aerbert Lubin, but Karfe Lubin 
‘oresent and future.' therefore, under the allegations of the 
bill, the two conveyances, constituting ene and the same trangage 
tien, so far ae derbert iubin and barie imbin are concerned, vere 
for the pursose of defrauding the erediters of karte Lubin ‘sresent 
and future.'* Defendants stube that they are willing te adopt, for 
the purveses of this appeal, *the contention of the sesplainent thet 
the tranefer of funds from Herbert iubin to Karie Lubin snd from her 
to the Ghieago Title and Trust Gemcpany, as Trustee, constituted an 
entire and indivisible traneaastien ani beeame in fact o transfer 
from Herbert Lutin direetiy to Chicage Title and Trust Company, as 
Fruetes, Upen that eseumptien se may regard Zarie Llubin's partici-~ 
pation in the transaction in the nature ef a conduit through which 
the funds easeed.” It wlll be noted toast while the comelainant 
eontends that the conveyance from Herbert Lubin to varie Lubin, 
and from her to the Chicage Title and Trust Company, as trustee, 
was “one and the same transaction,* it does net ask that the sesign- 
ment from Herbert Lubin of the funda in the Sesbeard National Bank, 
of Kew York, to Harie iubin be volded, but merely esecke to have the 
property invelved reveat in Marie Lubin #6 that it may beeome avali- 
able for the satisfaction ef compluimantte judgment. in ite original 
brief complainant justified thie povition usen the grownd that Karle 


ahae biew Yo atsen har towurdal ese Aaideges 0 98,- SRS, OB ome 
bake saw tamerghort sokse a 
Nite? bate «(te bed tanks bee agi od abaesnee Sapte iqned w 
ais ALLE babanah eat ne 8 tna * ‘aceainonat ak enotingsta il ) 
ai RomeKe rae ‘ant Seong absied shiois od nubdiad Prado M xd soaays rage 
-a00 ,tenqner fewet baw efs2T éqne td ont ot aattand siren at teues 
“ante dav ono ,midud otro hime absied froduoi amended 88 shoauditn 
aeveee eae somo Esege Lis Od ebay onbeeat -maktonaaeus ane 

whewd aired pan gubded suodank to weethhoss preg aathi wi wi " ; ae 
ont te snalsayedia ado codsw ‘sesatonat a exudet foe. be 

oxow yboatneaoo o%a a dink aimed, han hak succes Tt sat sekied 
gaoeens! wketwsd ehaed o amg do%0 at wih berton to. onennie, oa t 
a0 +taobe at ged ike axe eens sad? atotuetabhantes. .*¢ om i3uk a 
gard taactalqnes ents to noting a9 whe haouge aka ‘te, seuogriig sa 
red mort bas atiw.c bined OF mbtud JuedeoH ment aba Yo te tenend, eae 
Ac betutithnen ,ooteorT as ,euaqsed semet daw oL627 ouesdd® odd pt 
to'tenke? 2 fest al smeend bes aoitemewnnd afdieivibal baa. evtine 
ge ,Cmqnes SaunT bie ofF2T ogeotdd of ehieethh abdwd taodugh, moet 
abeticeay a atdel alte’ buyer yen ow aeleqnaan gas? meq. ,eotamrT 
tig tx syworld tubnoe p to exutem edt at aoltosanatt off nt aokteg 
towsiolques ode oLidw See bedea ad Aitw of * beneng gbawt. odd 
Hkdnd obtwsl of sided Itedrel mort snangernoe elt tat uhatmme 
dove? ae enegiead asec baa aceat yay itd awit oS, xed mer bee 
-aylena edit sae dee sow ened th © moktponaent some esid Dae, 9 0 Re 
ita Inmotdait pxsedes® ed mh eau oft to akdud dusdiad mock som 
ot svad of winee yloma tad ,doblov od mbdwl obra of ,AteK weil to 
atave sxcesd yaw $2 said ou abdied otto o2 never hevLawal xeunqexa 
istigite at) al .dawayhul a! faantelquon Ye mel tentedias eas icalauidil 
eitet tuds Sauory ad? moqe sold iaeg akde bodilvent, @ 

ee ee 


iubin is estepped from claiming, as to complainant, that the grop- 
erty, the subject matter of the trust, is net her property, bat in 
ite reply brief it abandene thie theory of estoppel. 

The amended bill aslleges that the Judguent wae obtained 
five years after the creation of tae trust, but is silent as te 
when the indebtedness, upen whieh the judgment was baged, was in» 
curred, tut complaimant eoneedes tist 16 was subsequent to the 
ereation ef the trust. fe are oi tie opinien taat under the facta 
alleged in the amended 6112 the creation ef the trust in question 
was not fraudulent a6 te coxipisinant, = subsequent erediter, and 
that therefore tne action of the chaneelier in dissiesing the 
ank ve Coudin, 
343 Ini. 430, oud cases cited therein; Chicage Dolly Jere ts. wv, 
Siegel, 212 Ill. 617, 620; Jones vy, cliften, LOL &. &. 225; Eebride 
Vv. Bortseh, 33 Fed. (24) 797.) 

in the reply brief ef ceuplainant it states tact we may 

amended bill waa justified. (dee Rational cit 

ignere ail allegations of fraud comtained in the asended bill; thet 
the trust eréated by Burie Lubin ia in the nature of a soondthrift 
trust for ker benefit, in part, aid as to sues part is vweid as te 
complainant, o subsequent erediteor, regardless ef the intent of 
Marie Lubin in ereating the trust, and ecomplaimant agske as to ree 
gard the amended bill as em attack upon a spendthrift truss. In 
reesense to thie mew position ef complainant defendants state that 
the amended bill ie set predicated upen a conetruction of the 
ependthrift trust prevision of the trust, ner #as there prayer 
im the amended bill te reach the income of Hrs, Lubin under the 
alleged ependthrift trust; thai tne amended bili was predisated 
solely upen the theery teat the establishment of the trust iteelf 
was a fraud on future creditors, whieh entitled eemplainant te 
Yeach the corpus of the estate. Defendantes' interpretation of the 
amended bill is undoubtedly eerrect, indeed, eompiainant, in its 


«qote ea dads ,deenletgnee of ee ,gatatsto wert peqgotes a2 and 
al tus .ystoqorg aod tom od ,taunt odd to tosdou satdia oft Peete 
: toceodeo le Yxoads efar enobanda #2 teled ‘Views eal 

pealatde saw sdomyhut, od Favs soyelte Nid pobmee oat! 9°) 

‘pd se dnetin ot dud ,Paukd one ‘to doktewre’ OAd 89th ssi 
wal sav ,Soasd saw saskghwt and deliw aoe jeaenbestebul oar’ kenw 
oad of Stoupsedcs aaw $2 Fens aphooneds Inewia like’ dad /boneed 
staat odd Tehab feu! wolakee bus To bie BY LYewes OKh te HohsNOED 
motvcoup at tauxd odd Yo molinoes oat tho hepnoma’ ony tt hogeatte 
bas ,tolihere #asupeadoa & Janalotqudy ov ae tne tebuedt Word bh 
sia antistaaith aa toLiebiinss ‘ois Ve molena with vote ele Waal 

B : A VeiS Komodee® ast) perio) sew Tore henna 

\ catnan bette eeeed bie’ 6th “lror ene 
oh bina tae Sa tre cease 

qem ew julie aetada $2 dieale leven te Wiad Yleed oad ADO 8" 
dadd ; 16d bebooa ot? af Sentesson bisrt Yo sneltage lie O60 exengs 
Pirdsdaoge # To orvdas CAs Wh et widvd ettaa qh Rogdwte Pad ode 
of ae Bkev af @tnq dove of we Bee Oued BE PE teded ded Yor Games 
‘te Suedai odd ‘te euslbreged ,torlsero Saxupentdd's * 
a9 of ey éxee dabatatgmmes Sia ,daite oY ganteore it nidud ohiek 
Spt “Wadsd Pizarbasqe w done Keetse vues ERT Ho teteind Ode Stay 
tors wtata efaahaoteh @adulatenss “to aetelecq wou Bhd oF wiodeds 

ert Yo motsourFeawe « does Bodaothery dom el irtd hesneed Wits ~ 

‘geyerg @ oédi Gav TOK seat? odd Ito aotetveiy suns Prdedenadige 
add cehnw aldid ces Yo omooat ody duoet of Iikd nobtiomd ead Wd 

“ peteotberg saw Lid bebaman ode jade jeaund Padé banda Beastie 
Road? foun? eft lo dommlnbideden OAs Jade yxonde “oad tidqw Ufelén 

03 tnestalquon bets iiae dolaw ,orotinews Studi Ho haett 4 eaw 

 @it to aolsaserqtedal ‘eshaban ted | etatae - ‘te swutoa - inéirs 
eh ab Jasalelquos ,boobal ,destxoo YLhoddue 


eFiginal brief, stated that the income of Barie Lubin in the trast 
fund was not subjest to the payment of her debte “unless there vas 
fraud, real or econetructive, in the execution of the Trust agree 
ment.* if the amended bill were oan attack woor a apendtirift 
truest an aliegation eof fraudulent intent would not be necessary, 

Ye are aware of the well setablished rule that a doner 
eammet, even in juriadictions where spmdthrift traste are al. 
lowed, so daiapese of his sreeerty for his om uae, banefit, or 
suppert, ag te put it beyond the reacs of lisbility for hie future 
@ebta. (See 265 8. G, L. mp. 365; 26 Am, & ing. Bney. of Law (2 e4.) 

Re 147, par. BG; G68 ©. J, BBM-46, ane. 27; Becaigan 

ui, 110 Ya, 918; Jaméson vy. 
a0? S, We 768; Hoxbeg vy. Unow, 245 

th, 149 “a. 844; Jsekeon v. Von 3 

156 Kass. 342.) Meny other eases to the same af'feet might be eited 
4f it were necessary. If the complainant wishes te reach the in- 
terest Marie Lubin reserved te heraelf in the trast it hoe the 
undoubted right te ¢6 #6 by filling « preper blil. 
The decree of the Cirenit court ef Ceek county is affirmed, 

Sullivan, ?. J. and Gridiey, J., soneur. 

, fe 

49 ef 


gauss ont ab ab dint obnau 0 emoasd oe sonst Dedade doa prey 
now orssds ‘peo kan* atded vd re danageq at? ef doaldim tom eae Ae. 
-oetgA dau? ast te nolscnens ould ai ,oviseunteges 19 Laon, wine 
Pibxdthavan Be noqM duadse a wer tikd bohaema, edt mu. 
“Guenennen od ton bivow tretat tee labuer? Te aattayetia, ie anes 
tonod a sand ofert decal ldsdas fiow off To, O16 OTA OH yr ym 
~fa on adauid Stiass dae ge tone anoitaibelizul ak seve, diate 

te ,d2tened eau me sis aot yrteqere ais le saocalh om, tonal. 
onus atid sot eftitdens 9 sone aad buoyed #2 tay of aa, .¢tagpam.. 
(be &) wed Te “ou «0K A oh OE 168% og ad 2D pf 8S ont) . -maeded, 

at Bb +dasara s' aoesienn, uae oi ® oGddaned ot se 60, ria 
ys j208 oY OLL ,gubeea tows 2 ; 
.wend, .v gedxol :88° * “a von, Smet) gies, -. 

eth ibol soy nopinel ;008 wa OBL diiah a ane sth 8 aes 
bostte or] tAyha soe't'te bain aie of sanwe todto Neri (BRE nei BEL.» 
“ak ens tones of wosle te Iacninignes ei Th  .vreneeged, exow dh Th. 

| att wed $2 tens 968 a2 Uewrod of bowromen midis ohne snowed, 

efihd togetg « waters ov) on ob Gf Atighs betdvohay 
homed the ad ytawoo xed *e o1s09 shaavis and “Le eeteeh aah.) wht 

‘ee . stone Gee Ue aici nds bites 

Rees” We Fae yeysn ay a 

Tk seems «aoe its soe ORMGER 6L 90 BR 36. tae, hs, in 

OKMALTRA A a ae Yay Baar ORB pee 
‘ 4 aig SY 2 eae we Ory Rite Sek 
Jinks oan ee meme ah seashae feast oh eS Ei oe 
ag ee ay cae ey SRP AS See Fe eyo hate | 
eo Ge dee? Mae See oy aa” Eee sient we 
shen fihexi gus ae ek Di hla igs ah hi Nora osuthlele™ #e yy Aig Reena pew ite : 

iat eke none Ceoton 

hattdcae Sate” are hit RATE, e% ad eee 

SS ee 


& corporstion, ) APPRAL FROM /UPa@IOR 
Appellant » ) ; 7 
) GOURT, cooM coUuNTY. 
Va ; % 


The “hitcemb Locemctive Company, a corporation, sued 
Giliiom 0. Yhiteomb in aveumpoit.  Dlsimtiff elaime that defendant 
in indebted to it im the sum of $13,902.42 for moneys of the Geo. 
D, “hitecmb) Company withdraen by defendant for hia serscnal wee 
while he waa president of thet company. m Wareh By 1931, « 
voluntary petition in baskruptey was filed in betalf of the Geo. 
Be Whitcomb Company (hereinsfter alec enlled the Compeny), purauant 
to @ resolution ef the directare, and the Company wae adjudged a 
bankrupt om that dnte and Henry (. Varner beeame trustee in penke 
ruptey for it pursuant to ordere entered in the United tates 
Distriet Court fer the Horthern Distriet of Ullimele, eastern 
Division. The trustee solé, anaigned ond traneferreé the eseete 
of the Company te The Uhitecmh Locomotive Company, plaintiff. 
Ameng the aseetea wo gold waa the claim of the Company aguinst 
defendant, «hieh eleim forms the bacia ef the inatent suit, plain- 
tiff suing as the assignee of the truatee im baukruptey. A jury 
returned a werdiet finding tae iasuee for dofendunt amd plaintiff 
hae appealed from a judgment entered upon the verdict. 

Om duly 6, 1931, defendent filei a ples of nom aseumpsit 
and on Lecewber 12, 1932, the day before the trial camneneed, the 
trinl court allowed defendant to file, instanter, 2 notice of set-oFf 

7 te —. 
? z 

a ye SVE TODOS exoortEy ‘a 

saatioggs * 
Arya eAod LY Ss ncn maria 

stiiGs any 4 worurse aay GRARVIIEG wATHAdE aorrevt sat 

Wa a oa el 
beua sreliexoqros = .yunquel evi aatowl paneres eae hoagie 
Srabmoteh Sad? pabele Veta stteqenteae ab deme det 4d anita 
cof af? Yo wtonon tel Bh. COG RES te mee ode mF ab of beadeint ah 
eon Lemoniey ahd tet dade teh Ys newwtaidhw yaaa” Gaondite we 
oa a ee degen aaieal ithe 

| 000 ost Bo Liated ai doit? saw yoda jt wokde . 
4 omasso, ( yuogmes anit poties onto “soe tonto ted) \yuagan “don sid? oa 3 
a boghurt hm aan yasgao ors bre eatesoouth odé te sotiutonoy hal 
wilting at sedourd oanbod out 6D Carat Oma sdab dats mo ds aki 
bs esgagt busin ett ak bousdne srebre 09 4 minara sag ab “wot wa By 
__ Reade! stout Lc zo senate wreosts a0 ond 12 txu09 “tobe iG 
attens one bexxotenert dete hongiens Akon vecaues “a snotelvia 
eUdemtelg 4 ynquod evitonove. dmortdy od od yRngaod od to 
Sentage Yrogmod esi ‘te mtate malt ne ae oop al eae 

~ntela yting inedant ets % stand edt gomet wtato dokde »danbasteb 

YL A eybtqediaad mt soceuxd end to somyhane ead as pita Te 
aie subate bas ttodasted <0% eaweet sod gebbatt tetitev a becuse 
stolbsov od? moqu bowed dreamy ut Fa mrt betevage aad 
tiagmeta mon to aelq @ bell? teebneted reer y utut o vee 
ec? boomnmmoo Latzd eid srehvd yh edd .SOOL ot tase mo ts 4 
_ Mosdee Yo ection a yxoduadent pekht of Mabtetes dowolle: ae tak paw! 


Wider the general issue and an aflidavit of merits im suppert 
thereof, The neties epecified three items a! set-orf aga inet 
plaintiff. Pisintire conesdes that the firet item was a proper 
subject of seteors but insists thas the evidence dees not suppert 
ite the seeond item ie a elaim for 9 9834.36, Popresenting the 
balance of salary alleged to be due cefendont from the angen 

for the period from Hargh S» 1921, tie Gate of the Voluntary 
Petition in benkruptey, to Degembex Sl, 1951» purewent to a ceriain 
Gontraect of CMployment entered inte Between the bonrd of tiireecterg 
of the Company and defendant whereby the beard Served to gay ap 
Salary te defendant the oum of Si2,COO per Yeur, and thet defendant 
received for the year L951 429166.68 in payment t Haren 5, leaving 
the anid balanee due him aS above stated. The motion te file thig 
item of the set-orr Wis allowed, over the objection of pleimtire, 
item three is 2 claim for the eum of $12,222 ,0¢ whieh, it is 
nileged, repreaents the amount of « ducgment secured on SURG Be 
1931, by the Sochelle Trust & Gavings Bank against defendant and 
ene Carl Heim, in the Girewit cours of “ge county, whieh Jie gment » 

it ie wllegeés wou jaken on a Motes Usted December Sy 19O, exeouted 

by “hitecmb Comtra<ting Company and Card Heim of which note 
Gefendant and Heim were suarantera fer the aecommedation of She 
Companys that the Company received the Money OR the note but failed 
to poy seme nt maturity, whereupon judgment won token by the Kecholle 
Trust 2A Savings Bank, ae the helder ef the motes ecuinet Heim and 
Gefendants ae above ctated. 

Plaintiff states ite theery as follewe: “the terendent for 
many years vhile president of the G@oe Ds hiteamd ohpany had maine 
tained a personal Secount on the evmpany' s beoke, on which he was 
eredited with various moneys, such ax wiloty, amd wag Likewise debited 

} with moneys received by him or otherwise expended by the company for 


dxeqqua mt atiiem to divest tte we bas omapt Lexeney odd TOomY 
Sand eye tro~ses ‘to amr! opis bettivoega soi sort ork «het 

oqo eaw opdh dexkt ony tect? soheonos tresatos® aetennate. 
troqate don win’ womedive oa? taste ada sons dud Bem }as 46. soahente 
odd Qabsinowodyen GOCE) tO? wiate oat mosh dbaoove ott odd 
ae oat et mort & daghastes ou of oF begets ‘inken Xo sometad 
qrsdnusor add to tdnh odd 9f8Ok 8 owni mor poiteq odd 10% 
utaires 8 of teinamwg fits ahi eodaroo oth os cyodquraitad | ai mohetine 
axegoest® to bined eis menerad odat hecocee drremnye Lean Re. “goueenoe 
as orl os vant wand gt? ‘etoceder Fetateme teh” ieetis erga? al? 20 
tnniaetoh 3 taste bos 90 dee D00eREe Ye mene Gis Tanda TOD: of EBRD 
gabvant a8 toual b doomeng oi BB. 0dL Ae LEOL Anoy ont? rot bowk ape 
e tits Ltt 08 mold om ott Wee ate eyed xe mht dr ‘poneiad bhon add 
sibs ol eo meivonheo wei yore ohiwolle ew Ve dee oct" Wai amek 
ak ak gall 0, ahaa te sas Str soo eta wt orate se) 
a orl mo bous08 “paomphlt » ‘te ‘eeecrmens teak ntraae get okies 

“ban dnnbastad santoue tint sativa Jair Lindow! oft gs eA 

a deena Ho bate eX siaie8 éigi to hudow dimou’ ‘ads wh -embot Aexmi m9 

bedvonss woued et nods on ‘pedeh gotten o ad maateh mew 9 

: “aden dolity ao estioh fied tw Yengmdo gal soendeed 
“geld Ya meddaboakoson odd 40% exotetm ocaw abel beta ge | 
betta ond oton ett He vo ate See boo oe emg omelet - fied venen | 
attodsel ‘one ye moked cow Simoianybirl, Momence Re oe 
bas itsit deatinus «Sten ss 2 eos as air ntl a wt 


" “paw oa sokdw is neve mn Legs 
| besides oaiwodtl ane ona” + bie sete, 


hie us@s Om May 3, 192%, the defeudeat'y account wos oredited 
with $10,840 caghe “hen the books of the Company were sudited 
in February, 1921, just prior to the bankruptey, thie eredit was 
removed fram the sceount and a corresponding ¢obit wag entered on 
the account, as of lecember 409 19300 It ie the phaintiff's 
theory that the reversal of this item wae Justified ineeaach ae 
the original eredit of 910,440 vancelled sorrespending cebtte on 
the account, which debite represented compemy moneys actually reeetved 
by the cefenden: fer which he showld have accounteds and further, 
the eredit of 010,840 wns merely a credit of moneys mot paid by 
¢efendant but sctually belonging te the Geo. be Yhiteem company 
heving been preeured om a comparry nete. Consecuenily #he oredit 
@f (209840 ehould nover have been allowede If the eredit of 
$10,846 remained im the seccount, the finel and undisputed balance 
@ue from the defendant to the eccmpany wae (3,063.48, But if the 
eredit 6f $10,840 was removed from the cecownt, aa the plaissiff 
insisted it should be, then the fimei bolamee due from the defendant 
to the company, and therefore to the olaintiff as asaignee of the 
company, Wee $15,905.48. Yor thie ssaunt uit wa drought.* 
Plaintiff eontenda tunt the Company 4i¢ met release ite clais 
againet defendants 

tefendant states hia theory as follews: “the defendant's 
theory of the eaat is that defendant wos net indebted to the Geoe De 
Uhiteomb Co. im amy eum of money whatseever} that plaintiff ug 
newignee of the trustee in bankruptey of the Gea. f. “hitcomb Gos 
hed mo greater rights than the Geo. J+ "hiteomb Coe had, and that, 
therefore, defendant was wot indebted te the plaintiffs that ae eB 
matter ef fact the Geos oo “hiteomy Co» was ingebted to the defendant 
in the cum of €9,933035 representing the balance of salary cue him 
from the Geos vs YRiteomd Coos av well ae the sum of 7815.50 for 

moneys had and receive: being the proceeds of 100 shares of 


basiaere now ImyoveT GtIRedamted wad WOLEL go YR nO. Ou hd 
botibus erew yaogmes sft to aNoed wuld mot! siene Ob, OKF ttle 
saw Stoo etd? aypsqurdnad wid of xobuy tout _l0Ok yetauridet et 
ao boxadne waw jhdoh pabbacgesrsee # dem deweves see moat bovonds ; 
a'Ditiatadg ed? ad #1 e080 git undoped! to ae’ y sionen’ bits 
an dommennt bolttieul, caw most ates to kensover odd diate kode 
Ho stddod vai dgoquentoy boLLooanm COgOL0 to shdore Lantgtto Ode 
heviowet Vileuios ayesom YRegtes bodnonerges etideh Mo iste eérweose outa 
- gtodd-wt bus ghetampens eved biwete et aeldw ek sasbawted ods Ye 
‘e Bhoy fon ayant te {ikem # YhetsM waM OREVOLI Loe beRe olf 
eayaee dmsetiat’ 6S past ons ad gabymoled yilerton: wrchemeorernn 
siden ett, VWseenppened sete Yragaot 2 go hewoorg fy 
» ‘ebbore odd %2 sbewodta weed ovarl eewen biwoda Ody 026 Ye 
omalad Hetuze haw bas Lenk od qtomerom ante at bentanee OnegOLs 
eute 2 send 18d CA0e 68 ack Yamgeoe ots of dushaetoh etd width Bee 
vibvat ate ase fo qitwongn of2 MOU? SeveeDT caw OMB OLE Re VEtieey 
inaban'te’ os most oth conmiad Lomkh od maid yet Bkvoda 22 Setetient 
ass te compings ap Tikinbade auf? as ocoteunds tna yyneqmon bad OF 
Se Salyirond ow the dmaeay whet neo RDKBOR REE ww Sad | 
‘abade a4} enoetog.4en Att emeqmed aah ta? | atnednoo Yhidmbelt 
at snsbae2s on Anwodier AR YRovds ait yotnta porn ‘sie ale 
“ +000 et of bedmobnt fom weg snoteehon dna wi sane cite Ne Aetis 
go Tiktately Sats povesndede yume Yo mem ym et VOU aimee 
20D dmondis® «M coed we 2e ‘osqweimed at astewce wit to | oagtien 
state is ghnat 09 smoes LOY 4% 9 ¢98 ould: matte nddgls eda om hat 
: # @a fate A tatate add of bos@ehad son enw tmadaotel vod toteds”” 
Snabasdon nad of Wetdobnt ow 00 dmgn tial ot soed-eds gout dodta! 
mid su yinlen Yo sonatag gy setonmewege 52208900 erin td at 
TOE 086088 Yo muy ous an Loe am 100 dmpmedat wit se cote tt 
Yo aerate COL To sheoveng asd pated bovhooe ba ba ' ’ 

x a 
The eile a 


Baytheen eteek belonging to the cofendantel 

Plaintiff ie justified in contending that in order te 
reach @ verdict for defemiocnt the jury must have considercd items 
two and three of the seteoff. the second item of che seteore 
Wae for salary claimed by defendant te be duc him for the balance 
of the year 1931, after the bankruptey of the Company on Boreh Be 
19Sle efendent was employed by the Compony, as President, under 
& Teaclutien séocpted by the board af direciere in Pebrucry, LORS, 
fer « period of one year, or until Bic cuecessor should be eleeted, 
or until the further erder of the boord, ai GLa,O0 per years 
Without any further resolution of the bourd he served uo precident 
during 1¥2¥ and 193¢, and umtil Meroh &, L931, he date when the 
Company woe adjudicated a bankrupt. Hie necount wae eredites with 
aslery ot 1,000 a month for Januery and Februsry, 1941, avd with 
4166.64 for salary from Karen 1 to Moreh 5S, 1931. Ke was paid 
me galery by the Company efter the last date. 

The following instruction, ziven te the jury «% the 
instenee of defendant (defendant's Noe 4), gives the theory upon 
which defendant's claim, uncer item t=e, in baneds 

: "the Sours instructs the ~~ that if you believe irom 
a preponderanee of the evidener that the defendants, “« Ss “Mi teduil, 
wae the duly elected president of the Gene Oe “hiteomd Company for 
the year 10231 anc that it wae agreed by and between the defendant 
%e Ce Uhiteamb, and the wnid Geos “+ “hitcomb Compan 

through ite beard ef direetora, that the Geos )« “hitoomh Company 
pay the defendent a salary ae president of sald Settee “Bi teams 

Gompany of $12,000 per year, beginnings, to-wit, Janggry 1, i551 
amd ending om,» to-wit, Secember 31, 1951, amc unt er order 
ef the beara of directors, and if you further believe from the 

evidence that the defendant performed ali of Bie cuties as 
president of exid corporntian, antil, Sowwit, Bareh Se 2951, and 
that on or sbout said date the said Geoe + “hitcemb : filed 
its voluntary petition in bankruptey im the United states Dintriet 
Court for the Forthern District ef Hliimeia, “esters ah and 
Was OM, to-wit, Moreh S» 1931, duly a¢judiented & bakes 

That tho anid Geos 2+ mitcomb Company thereby prevented asd 
defendant from continuing to age stl ae -< a0 Wrteee a0 A! . 

: and that the de eae ® ea Fe 
<1 oorPetiling $0 perform hin agreement om his eb yt 
performed, and that eaié Geos + ee ag Company, Boi‘ $e bs 
defendant, salary only to and ineludin ren 6S, 

“etphowkon edt oF aahgnoted Heese 

oe webte mh dart patbasgnos wt boktheaut, wl vidembalt wre soil ma 
conn bomeblanes ovine aust eat, esis snabae ted ze?, totveor £905, 
‘Porton ost? to moet butooee att + Momse2 ‘els to woul Riel ot 
sortsios edz 267% mia ows o¢ oe éaabas tsa bill be ny vretee Qe oaw 
Py He tek te ysecgiea® elt to cedures od 198% + 1884 aa9y sta 0 
so bes gum bioory Be 9 Rage) eat? ve bexe dius aan candae ted eek 

sener eUscuedet aa erocnerth te based ae ot mesqobe no ssukonen * 

| sbovvese od OBLondas Teae Oo RIG mde -eaieineal tS 2 tay emo to bot eg a ™., 
otasy x9g OO RKe fm qbtaod eid to webte wads uu ont game =. 
tanbisong au bevtna ae axeed ete ke nok suLooet seats? . suede tw 
eate teat sien oat. efews a8 dourd Liga tinal 40608 baa ones, wala 
A3ty westbow wav savoosa abt + ogaratand cy bosagi buibe oor ee 
iélw boa tees roomie ke cxmmme’ we? ati eors & O00 0 ts ‘ , knw 
bag, wow OM LECL 98 donor ths £ sorek 603 yralan 10% abepand, 
then Sh Oe, Oe 
ads tn aut ad! of gevin amabtorst nat asiwollot pitt . Brey 
toqs YRoed! arts eovis a(d e@H a! dando tra) rene Papirnsonary 
theued ef one weed me dea ned aienabeded dodge, 
seSThaTTUSS S.Atot PLS ate aa 

tot wragaoo dames’ +S .ovd od? to dumbhsoxug bods 
—— aid onder ban  o. hoo 'tys ew ry te Ps pee 

o ynaqme? eased k S 9682 ba od 
Wagan) tel” of seo ade @ i eaiadotsera 
Gapotid® «Gedeii Bien Bo pth ye #6 Ytelou a sua 

S26L al % gtiwegd aE eae 
eee Cr of 4 wo oe ee 


at Sete ant eh guy c sec0 oo i 

btaq ald ety tetg 

of Smee 


ot? ated Dope haw hawt 2 Yemen nie 


wum of $29166.65, then you are instructed that the defendant was 
entitled to vegeive from the Geo. De “hitcoms Campany the eum of 
$12,060 Legs the sum of $29166.65 theretofere paid to ihe cefenda 


ané less such oum, if «ny, you believe from the evidenee the 
Hed» OF it by réneonavle diligence nave earned, subseg 

eh BEE pe D 09 ~ GCOMOGL oh g wee x 
eiructec thai the defendant ia entitled ta aet off sueh aum, if 

any, as againgt auch amount, if any, you say find from the evidenee 
there be due from the defendant to the plaintiff.* 


Plaintiff contends thet “the court committed reversible 
error in permitcimg the filing ef the seteoff for supposed antieipatery 
breach of ‘hiteomb's contract of cmpleyment as president of the cer- 
poration, amd tm allowing the set-off te ga to the jury,* and in 
giving te the jury deferdent's ingtruetian mumber four. 

Tt ie eetties Athat if a seteoff ia improper, the court 
should cither etrike it from the files upon motion (Duncan Lumber 
Soe Ve imonard Lumber Coe, B32 Till. Add, 106) or exchude 012 
evidence on it upon objeetion made (Higpie vs. dust, 211 [lis 533). 
In the instant ease both forme ef chjeetion were made by plaintiff 
ané @n¢h was overruled by the court. Im iunegan Lumber Sos ve 

Leonard lamber Cos, supra, the court said (pps lié-7)2 

“Gur eatatute (Uehill's State 192375 chape Liv, sete 475 pe 
19465), authorizes a defendant ‘heving claims or demande sgsinst the 
plaintiff in eueh netion,® to plesd the same, @ie. Thet statute hag 
been construed in nusorous cases by this court te mot autherize 
unliquidated dawsages ariging out of 2 goniraet, not eomnected with 
the subject matter of the pininiiif's suit, to be set off egainat 
the plaintiff's claim. (Hawks ve Lemis, 3 Gilm. 2273; argeant ve 
Be LLogE Perory oat paer, 428 Thle GOCE Rgoeisom Ve 

eff claima fer unliquidated damages growing out of transactions net 
connected with the transsetien eued om. (Lungnn Lumber Sos v- 

Leonard Lumber Go+, supra.) Im boherty v+ Se) 
Ills 128, the eourt said (p. 132)s 

*It ig well settled that in nig = aeeeret is tl 
ehar without cause before hia term ci employmen o €z a 
and ag — paid in fall i the time when he ia diccharged, 
he may treat the contrcact of hiring as continuing and br an 
netion for a breach of the contract of employment against his 
employer for ¢ischarging him, ane if the suit is not commenced, 
or if commenced before but net tried, until his term of employment 

aew duatooted odd tot bea iewesant re # rep et 
te mua edd ynagmo he: ~ 080 sd et iy due 
Ke aa I oe us wv Tek i iP ay ie 
tee id Sash valle Hat 4 Wie SE ad aes ow 

f fo% Mim gfECE Le cagigpes eed weive ba Ze Tr ce giv 
% we foue he fou at RataTiae ot #aenng ted, satis ry y 

eenobiys ox? micckd Oak¥ you wey «ie Bf , fname dowa tention en 4 us 
*, Bhi ostaly out ad emabmeteh eis moxk ab ed wands 

oidterever beddianoe suse suis" sos abmei aoe Tiksatass , vty 
| protagtol ian honogque ot Wtowsee ey Re gubdst axté, ine Dey: ones 
i ~aee oxtd te dusbleowg as Snesyedys to soettnon ofdmoatide te dpaesd 
mh, boa "oun add of og 08 Movie ad) palwoils mh Sum enol toncy 
+WWOT satus codveustonk aliowrawted eat ate oF aalvie 

daa odd pxegotqad sf Vivetes o te sal SeLtoes ee, ee had 
eederel enocw’) wediom moge aaLid eg? moxt 22. odlate aodtie bfweds 
Lie ohufoxe. we (80L SOS £6 BO gp00 nedmeh deaneet sarge 
(GEE SLI 108 ginal ov Qhinlt) wham moigoutdo moqm at: sinieseaiabil 
TMismalq Yd skam orev moldovide Ro ammo? dtod sage: inegaat ego ot 
*¥ 00 sodet sagem, at Saves ads 4 bolerxove gon see ban 

H(YaO0L sqm) Bhea door sa? gexguy va2S Aedes Pramod 

eG oT 2090 g0LL «geste arent tase. at iltcels tate wor 
eis Seni ome shane o 10 aabeto’ an? pom) a aoaltodign 
eau oduiady satt .9l@ » oma hawig od *snohdon s shale 
osiiedinus tom 7 Juwos aide eee Sa otountt 
diie bedvoumoe dom gioasicos » 
sattieus Tre il es ‘pee eo? Flas: 

ton to Yan dng ated ® fins? ott. ‘al he wet sotene as oo 
tow ent tomas te tue. pateoey agen vote ius . 

as ar rat ras SENT (gee aes 
= = ait ie Se ee ee 


OF lr kr UCL TIT 

axe heen within 3 

tanlagas Toumtahan, fate $2 » ot to Bomex 

eSeoronmes Jor ak divy ae 2 Som emthd wbasedteth aot’ < 
tromgoiges To aed ald Liiou phelxt tom sud ‘ooreed bow 

ae aes 



hag ey hey Be may recover the ble aiit _ of his ay 
Sar 2 Feanonabd 20 Grd ioe Ae SAVES sored 

ether employment bsequentk to his 4 laugh: =o { 

go's V+ (@idenmanns 139 Ilie 67+)" (italios oures)” 

the eourt said yp 430) 9 

“where an employer ig wrongfully discharged ana brits 
an action for breech ef conterset after his term of employment 
expired, he may recover the contract price, deve whet he 
ba rned SF £8: casnapie ppltenge 22 goude have earned. jee 
Weent wubse o Ble dis + wsoherty Ve Sehippes & 
nis "ise ye ect eH fale) 

It will be noticed that defendunt’s instruction number four ia Based 
upon the theory that 1% was fer the jury te deeiée chat selendant did 

@ara oF could have warned im other employment during the perted fer 
whieh he elaime damages, Defendant, in the inetons cage, could net 
have Brought an aetion of debt, and sbeebliatus secumpsls could not 
have been maintained, and it woe necesenry for him to declare 
specially om the slieged Bremeh cf contract. (‘ee Trustees of | 
felélere! Orphang' Home ve Sheffer, 63 Tlie 243.) ‘The text in 
éetermining whether the claim ie sufficiently Licuigeted to be a 
proper claim under indebitetus a¢ 
the sum iz certain or iv expable ef being yendily reduced to a 
otrtainty. (The People wel eo 274 ile GBT, 646.) The claka 
in the inetont ense ig mot fer aslary earned, beoouse it te oad thed 

umipait or of seteoff te whether 

that defendant woo paid for oli services aviusliy rendered, but che 
item in question ia fur demagea for om alleged breach af contract. 
ve find mo merit im the contention of defendant thet the seteot? 
aroge out of the same transaction upon wnieh plaintiff sues. 
Plaintiff sues te recover moneys belenzing to i4 whieh it ¢lis ime 
éefendant taproverly reeeivec. Defendant alee eontends that the 
Clsim ig liquidated becnuse bad ke brought an original setion for 
the alleged breach of contract the compensation ngreed upon woule 
be prima focle the mencure of damages and the burden would be upom 

the Company to prove what the employes earned oF might have earned 

“So @ gee lyons 

tf is pitheoee elon antod tw akéngow a8 me at R scan 
at ide (690, Pea +AET TR oxen  efane’. ey 
bodgkmba uk az Doucond eben Yxrdee Wt fou ah Baas 3 

+e wa ey Pee 

bas tad ybexwhenen “koutyn avetween tin a0 hag em ame 

etoartaes to Asner hogelta me 3 aomemss 08 at ) med wos A oe | 
Visdea out dente _daadasreb Xe fol inssec8 ose mt phe ents F 

_ poeta Vibistelg detiy wegy solsyaasens emme ate tease 

: wala at sotsty at 98 eeteneteg ee = on Mpeg fe Prien: mls ‘. | mt ! 
ots fade airs snes wala saobasted, sovdesss | va cal ot sebastien 
mh aegis isinhy Coe Awe? i Leta ere. bedabtuois a2 aint 

S48 Ne 2 Ey: 
: ie GE as ee ene ee eae 

after the diseharge, but this principle of law has no spplieatia 
to the question under conmsiderstion. icfendant alee contends that 
his right ef set~off arises under section 14 (¢ehe 110) of the 
fractioe aet, which previde: thet in ony sult brought by an 
aesignee Gf « chose im action, not megoticble, "there shall be 
allewed all just aet-offs, diccoounts and defenses, not only ageinat 
the plaintiff, but alze against the aecigner or sesiqnors, before 
notice of such assignment shell ee given to the defendent,” and 
éefendant argues “that Seetion 14 of the Pructice .et which governs 
the right of seteeff im thie ence, ia much wore Liberal in ite 
provisions then Gvetiom 47, gsuprae There ie no limitation that 
the right of set-off whall be confined te a suit upon = contract, 
either exprees or tmplicc, ami 16 expressly prevides thet ‘there 
ghali de aliewed all just set~«offe, discounts ané ¢efeneesg’” and 
defendant further argues “that the eleim of the defenéant herein 
wae properly seliewed as a just set-off, discount amd defense uncer 
Seetion 18, irrespective of whether or not it wes liquidated or 
wunlicguidateds or arose out of the same subjeet matter as plaimiiff's 
auite® There ig mo merit im this contention. Geetion 15 is mot 
intended to give a defendant greater rights of set-off against an 
assignee than he would have had against the ageigner, bul the 
ebject of the section is te allew a person cued by on ascignee the 
seme right ef set-off a6 if be bad been sued by the aaelgnors thus 
preventing the degtruction of o Walid set-off by « mere ascignment. 

We are satiefied that the claim eet up im ttem two was 
one for wiliquidated dameges, and that the trial court erred in 
mot atviking the item from the flies, in allowing evidence bearing 
upon the some, and im giving the inetruction in queetiome 

Plaintiff aleo argues that under the facts the board 
of directors of the Company, at the time they voted te file a 
voluntury petition im bonkruptey, had the undoubted right to 

mhiontiqne ot vat wal Yo elatentag elt? sue egrndondh ons ‘190% 
ante wbemenon ends sruo bee T : aod wo dkmBeD eo brae nobdaouy ote ‘oa 
edi (oxe esto) 8 mer sese se swutte Yess9s wo dighs ota 
Re ww adgwoud ‘She une mi dul ambi veg, sozae toe soltann? 
of Lintts press” eaddatsogem don week tage a seers a de esnennnd 
danione eine dom gavansiot bay utinoots aetho-doa, dank Lia” ei cs 
owoted aetonyison to Thiyives att funtepa eoke doe titstiate, a 
Sitka *, dnahee bob ee OF naetp oe Kivate suoumigt vod Hoere Ye ‘eottin 
dexoven Hblnw d6) sofdbnke’ cae’ te ek wubsode' thas’ boagio daabuoted 
at ni exedil exom doom ot yeucn ede wi Yre-den te kya ie 
‘gndld wnldodiadi om et oral igo “tb mol dose ‘masid aobeivor 
‘Ol gemkdieoe io ogy thwe a od boutinos o@ Kkads Fo-tae te ‘tag ot 
‘exe’? daft eostverq Youwryas i: paw «Dod dal ve sactqne it's 
bes *" geonvotsd dan atuvonntt qatto<doe sant, tie bewelie oe Staite 
_— Tiahive ty ete te ® thao wale ‘ate wougte wetter a ake 

ta tanhige $te-Hoa 26 editgts sonia smabaetet 2 orta of dbdatans 

ome gard es “eat feat ape ‘het ove btu ast t ahs oad 

saw od most mt qe son mist wad tend bottaldas one da _ maqOR 
Ni ne t's ncaa 
eaktvod eonnsive gulwolte mi gxolit out? ious most ods ‘pantie 9 aes 
itn Saray wee tol Sowstont este priviy amt loa voane ie 

Steed sh avont of¢ xobaw dadd sourte ote eb seck ee at 
‘@ OSE% 08 beter Kael aad od 30 om uu aa” ig oe tt 

oF dignity Syed 3 diazes ever ale buat ie age ee rr ae 


change or sbolish the splary of the presidunt, and that the theory 
of defendant, ae stated in his instruction maber four, that by - 
the filing of the petition ané the adjudication in benkrugtey the 
Company “prevented said Géfendant from continuing ts perform bie 
@uties se president ef asié corporation" and that therefore he esa 
entitlec ta reeover damages, in not tenable. Rile this conten- 
tion is argued with great foree, we éo not deem it necessory te 
pases upon the sume. 

Plaintiff eontende: “She court eumaitted reversible 
errer in permitting the defense that Kitcemb wae released by 
Heim’s aacwaption of hie obligations and sles erred in presenting 
such defenge in Instruction Noe le” Sefendnmt'e instruetion mumber 

ome reat aw felicws:t 

"fhe Court imetruets the jury that ewen if you believe 
from the evidence thet the defendant's aecount with the Geoe« Te 
Shiteomb © ny Wage spyarently erecited with the cum of 91%,840 
and that said money belonged to the Gees oo “hiteamss Company, 
nevertheless if you alec believe frem the evidenee that Carl He im 
agrees te seeume and did gasume and agree te pay anid sum of 
$10,849 to the Geos Te “hitcowb Company, ami that said Cari He im 
did thereafter execute and deliver te the Geos + “hitcomb Company 
his promissory note therefor and if you further believe from the 
evidence that said company accepted anc retaine: aed promissory 
note and thaé said company release the defendant from any 
obligation to the company for enid eum of 010,840, then you are 
instructed thet the slaintiff eannet recover from the defendant 
anid gue of 610,846 oe aforesaid.“ 

4g this esse may be tried again, we refrain from snalyzing and 
commenting upon the facte and clrewnetaneces hearing upon the 
eubjoct watter of the aforesaid imetruetion, although we have 
pronowneed views in referenee te the seme. ft lu neeescary for 
un to atate, however, that the giving of the above instruction, 
under the evidence, wou highly impreper. Heim was the vice-presiéent 
and treasurer of the Company and the evidence elearly shows that 

he and dufendant engaged in a joint venture for personal 
gain im the sioek market, during the course - whieh ey 
funds and Company eres its were used> vhen defendant 

necepted, from Heim, Company checks in payment ef Be 

‘roan ods daild bre ctneniootg etd to Neeles wit detloda ww sginmads 
ed darts «mH coediassn mohtoues ant ane eh bedass (Be 4 thes bae 

gale wor guratiins a wo ttn stub be odd gun molstene on? To aabise eat 
aah mretxsg oe petaned tenon mot seiaioern Yo b haan bed movers” | esse 

ane wat stetexodd pada bl *mokastoqros one te tmobhaorg | ar ere 

oe HRS 

soodacy aid ons saldanss dons wa reogened ‘TevoseT of sheen 
, 7 os woos foe 
efdtaxover fs 32 Lasoo suse eae” sbasdane Teabags 

63 Crewneaer 32 awed ton or oir ceOo? Sony aahw 

he Fei) 

Sate VOD 

ve besnaLer aan tnons het sacks vamvten oats wake chanog a: es 
gat saone ak borne weds ‘ug ornsgeas. te sid te _woliqm 

sveikod may : eat | 4 re : 
obama cee pies sg Fest 
mi ag sone Etre oS mit sails 

eas — ica Sb ows oars Rov etd bing im 1 ates 
# a% on mak 
ip outeed fre ‘edd mort tevones ¢ aunt’ takeliate sae'e bast 

“ol Maoxo de. Be D9BE DES Re to me Bhan 

“haan gad ryan, mo? Rlnxte on yiape tod of vos tee ahah, 

waht eoges galsaed Roonasamorts bane edewk oft ogee git ines 
Svat oy Ayvodate «nokvoustunt Blevonete edd Yo r94tam 20 

$0} Yxouseoen sf 2 ae somea di of somesvion ct anely beomonesg 
atelioustent eveds ey to mis wl! ¢akd gyevowed eatede od ev 
axis ere Chxeete., pomebiy: tg | rm poms oo t, Lo Tita st rtd beim 
Lanvaxog 10% ouniney ‘émbos, & RE bog aaa ‘tnaben ten bene at, 
Wagod dole 20 oe zuee wilt sath steam So0tq ponerse 

pamper ee ¥ +S00u one w#t00x9 wumgmd dns 
Satan te BS RE 

iets Bi aad 3 COU tee ee eee ae 
ct alae Bhai m ha Sasa eee oR Ea i bi ie ; 

ed ; 
[ae eed 


personal indebtedness to defendant, a fundamental principle of 

lew deelarea that cefendant beeome Liable to the eorporetion fer 

the proceeds of the cheeks, ani tne later asqumaption ef cefendant's 
wnid cbligstion to the Company by Heim, arranged between these two 
officers, could not relieve defendant from hig personal Lisbility 

te the corperniion. 1) is hardly seceegsary to estate that these 

two officers, whese interest im the alleged novation ox cubatitution 
was of a purely pergomel cature, could not bind the cerperntian 

by an understanding between ikemeelves aad by Bookkeeping methods 

in furtherance of thet underatanding. There was ne proof thet the 
officers of the Jompeny, ceide fram Reim and defendant, were parties 
to the alleged novation or substitution and yet defendant's inetruction 
Mumber one iz eo worded that it “ould permit the jury to aecume 

from the conduct of Meim ami defemiant that the Jompany thereby 
eoneented to the alleged novation or substitution and that therefore 
éefendont was released from his obligation te the Company, The giving 
ef this instruction constituted reversible error. 

Plaintiff eomtends that the verdiet of the juxy is 
manifestiy against the scight of the eridence. e are in entire 
aecoré with thig contention.  “laintiff further contends thet we 
ahoald reverse the judgwent and ester judgment here for plaimiiff, 
sfter a onreful consideration of thia contention we have reaghed 
the conelusion thet the tause shovld be remanded. 

The judgment ef the Cuperter eeurti of Couk county te 
reversed ané the ¢ause is remunded for further proesedings aot 

incengistent with thia opinion. 

Sallivany fe dey and Cridley, Jo, concurs 

te efqtootxy Fadueuebast « ytuwtinetud 7 saenbead 
wet aolsovegcos om? of ofdadi eansed Mrobneteh dale anasto! 
a? guabesteh Yo mobiqmmas THial wut Sih yuxteale oil? 20 aboovorg eds 
owe ‘naertd moewdod beguerin catel Yo qunqand ety oF motiayiide Bins 
“@gektdel£ Lonoeted ekst modt sasbeeYob evelfox fox Bivee yeatselYto | 
gwond fad? oad of ‘Yrandoved <ittted «i PT sadttaxegsoo et? ge 
wotivsidadku to wolreven Segetin ons wh fertedat seouty ,2to0ttid owe 
nobiaxoqioe of’ Sald ten diweo .owder Lamow ing youd 8 te Baw 
abarison gmiqomitued ys due sevtonust? newvted patinsterohay ae yl 
aeidtag srew .inetee tod bee hol mut wbien qnegaet orf Re atest tte 
| moksontivint et tksbee tod 2oy tek amt Jee sede: to mat tnvod béyatin old a 
i omieen 0 aut wit simeng fun #b dads Subtey ve of vay ted 
“Netoxqald queen? oad dastt eetoban ned “Gowe mika 26 ape 
atte! cee im sisitaews te oe wad ey 


wk met ests te Sebbrew as Pipher wadéntats eh Fs 
erbsms ei erm oF  seomahty efé Bo aitplow wee tamtags . ov i 
ev ‘este ahiesree ieddwh ritvahad mot ewormon isd stig yeaenn 
YEeniady we? east temamgeul, Totne ane daemphut sae sevewer sbfarede 
bodes oved ev melonetree wtdt bo mad taveiiewoo Svtosae 2 cet 
 sttobremet o¢ BLiwoty sauce otf ton: raluatenos wit 

et Edowon Ze09 Yo sises cebeoget sft. to ee 
_ on apmtbessong tualtcst i¢f fobammey oh qusag sit dae begwever 
setae aad tein  atdnes ails athe soovetemoomd 

Ain: Gea bit PN aide Ns 3 SR 

Phacsengcneneradienel ic 

a ana" 

fe a Gee? Steere Rawle Bate at 
4 Pesnsand Kags PU na gt sera 

RF GPR Rago 

Isai psi , bed hd 

PROGINS ah sh sec eee Bp te 


(i @) 




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Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, thé sixth day of February, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 

Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 
Fae a oa ae @ Lh © WW rd 1 


E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APR 25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 

Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

: gionand 
fe biod ea 
yh iat. 

“486° to 109y ad 

el tot ‘Bos Bes, 

Y th ot as 

2 Led. ALN ow! 
er nee ees cn 
Pe Eade 3 wyte Sole, 

MOE mit ot sur 

att ‘ Ris w es 


athe oe Re oy 


Kio helit 


aetugti baw efuiw edt ah ‘Fepot, eye 

Gen. No. 8690 Agenda No. 2. 

<2 ae coe 

February Term, A.D. 1954. 

The People of the State of 

Defendant in irror 

Writ of Error to the County 
VS. Court of Lake County. 

James Ryan and John Twohig, 

Plaintiffs in Error. 
DOVE, Jd. 

A jury in the County Court of Lake County found plaintiffs 
in error guilty of removing the manufacturer's serial number on 
an Automatic Remingtm rifle, as charged in an Information there- 
tofore filed in that court, After denying motions for a new 
trial and in arrest of judgnent, each defendant was, by the cuurt, 
sentenced to the Illinois State Farm at Vandalia, to serve ninety 
days and to pay a fine of $100.00. To review this judgment, each 
defendant sued out this Writ of Error and contends that the verdict 
is contrary to the evidence, that the trial court erroneously in- 
structed the jury and that their motion for a new trial should 
have been granted on the ground of newly discovered evidence. 

The evidence discloses that about four o'clock in the afternoon 
of April 25, 1933, plaintiffs in error were in an automobile and 
drove through the Village of Wauconda on Route 176, At the inter- 
section of Route 80, there was a stop sign which they passed 
unheeded. <A highway police officer overtook them and placed them 
under arrest. At that time Ryan was driving and Two_hig was sitting 
in the rear seat of the automobile and an Automatic high-powered 
Remington rifle, Model 8, was on the floor at Twohig's feet. It 

was loaded with five dum dum bullets and an identifying manufacturer's 

ae) Oe eae 

«8 ,o% ahaoga 0¢68 .oW . ned 

TOIAT2IC aMooze 

oDSOL .d.A ,mteT yrersdet 

to ststa edt to elfqoel oft . 
8 fomki iT 
TOTUTH nik tasbastoed 
wayod edt of torte to J ich 
eviarod sxsil To vre00 ,48V 

,gidowT oifot Sans asyA aomst 
+ Torte al ettitatals 

-& ,avod 
etiitaisl¢ bayot Waived esl to ¢vtyod yYiavod edv at yiut A sepa 
no tedayn [sitee e'retutostvasa edd gaotvomet to yiitug torte ai 

-~sieit motvsiroial as at beatedo es ,eltit miésgaimel oltsmotsé as 

wor s tot anoltom aniyoob tefTA .i moo Fsdt at belit 9 t0Tot 

,tivoo edt yd ,asw dasbactod dose ,toempby, to tasrre of bos Isiat 
Ywonin eviee o¢ ,SiiebasY ts mrsi etsia efontiil edt ot Beonetmos 
doses ,tnominst akdt wotvet oT .00.00L@ to omit s ysq ot bas eysb 
tolbtev edt ¢tsdt ebmetnoo bas tor1i to timW atdd tuo bewe tusbaeteb 

-ni ylavcenorte fasoo Leitt edt tat ,somebive edt ot Ytsttmoo at 

A Oe ae a ee a 

Sivota Isttt wen 8 tot sotvom aled? tedt bas ywt edt betovtte 
-eonsbive betevoseif yivea to Bbayotg oft oo beotusrs aood ever 
foontetts edt at Aoofo'o tyot twods isedt eexoloetbh oomebive eT : 
bos eltdomotys as nit etew totre ai ettitatet[q ,cceL .@S LixagA To 
~totat edt tA ,8NL etwoh ap sbnooyal to oss lliV odt davotdt evorb 7 

beaasg yedt doidw ote gota s esw eredt ,08 etyoh to 10 itoes } 

medt beoslq bas medé dootreve tesitto soifeq yswisid A .bebeediay — 
galttie asw gid_owT Snes gnivith esw wey omit tsdd tA .teort1s Toba 4 
betewog-dzid oldamotyA os bas efidomotus eft to tsce rset ont at f 

tI .teet atgidowl ts soolt oft mo asw ,8 Lebo , sltiz sovgaimes j 
a'uetutostuaem gatyititaebit as bas ateliud mb mub svit ditiw bobeol asw 

— ee 

serial number was completely obliterated. Both were drunk and 
in reply to a question by the officer as to what they were doing 
with the rifle, said they were hunting pheasants. Plaintiffs 
in error thereupon assaulted the officer, attempted to run over 
him with their automobile in their emdeavor to escape, and it 
was only after a ten mile chase over a gravel road at a rapid 
rate of spped, approximately 70 miles per hour, that they were 

Counsel for plaintiffs in error insist that the People in 
this case relied upon the provision of the Statute to the effect 
that possession of a firearm upon which a number has been defaced 
is prima facie evidence that the person in whose possession the 
gun is found has made the alteration and inasmuch as both defendants 
denied that they obliterated the number, this presumption was thereby 
overcome and the court should have directed a verdict in their favor. 
Plaintiffs in error did testify in their own behalf. Mr. Ryan 
testified that he was driving the car; that he first saw the gun 
in the office of the Justice of the Peace in Wauconda after his 
arrest; that it was not his gun and he did not know whose it was 
and that he did not remove or obliterate any number therefram. 
Mr. Twohig testified that he did not see the gun in the car the 
day he was arrested or know it was there, but that he first saw 
it at Wauconda after his arrest. He admitted that he attempted 
there to hide it under his coat, but said he was drunk and was 
acting in fun at the time. He likewise testified that he did 
not remove or obliterate any number thereon. Whether or not this 
presumption that the defendants, in whose possession this gun Was 
fourid, altered the number thereon, was overcame by the evidence 
was a question of fact for the jury to determine and its verdict 
indicates that the jury refused to accept the testimony of either 
defendant ani we are unable to say they were not warranted in so 

doing. While each defendant, on the trial, testified that he did 

ts Shes 
Bre Aovrs stew dtotl ,botaned tide yletelamo s asw codmusct farted 
gitoh stew yedt tadw cat ag tTooltte ett ve toitaesp s ot yiget ak 
ettitatsli .aetosasedd gatinod etew yet bise ,oltia edt tt be 
Tovo mut ot betqmetts ,tesiito shi betivseas moquersedit torre at 
tf bas ,eqsoee of toveobao tiet} mt efidomotus ttedd dtiw mt 

bigest s ts bsot levete s teve casdo ofim sot s tetts yino arid 
ae hi RIE: aS 

etew yods vadt ,twod teg aelim OT ylotamtxomes begga to ‘ete7 


at elgoes oft tait tatast torte at ni Site ome. aot a bie iae aN 


toetts edt ot stwtat2 odt to soletvote ett noqu befiss easo aldt 

Heosteh need est tedmwe s sain focy misetrit ea to fo feaear og stadt 

edt soleescaog seodw ai mosteq oft tedt eomebive otost aml g “ 
atnebaetsb dtod 4s dovemant 64h motteedis od¥ ebam eed pavot eat ows 
yderedd aew nottomesi eli? .codmire ott petarot i ido” vente tedt botmeb 


wove? then mt tokbyov s BetooctiD ovat Sivore frpds oat ‘prs: iit eA 

aeyf .aM .tfated mo «crett at ‘tivaod ‘bib torts of ethitatetd ‘ 
a ee a Ce a ee a ae porrisaad } 

aid tts sbroopsl” nt sopet Srit to ssttent’ eit to edtt ss” oat tt 
“gew #f Seow word ton B36 ed Bre firs eid ton est Pe ‘teat “yteorts 
““jmorteratt redmon yas sfetetifide 1 evower tom bib Sa death bite 
ad} <a0 od¢ Ar nro odd see ton Bre of Farld Seftivees’ gion it 

wee tetit af tent tud , ctedd aew fi word 10 befaert a asw eit’ ‘yab i 

bodqmetts of Fudd bot timée oh  .teetts eta teste sendoweN" sett 
2ew bas Anwxbh sew of biee tud .fsoo @in tebmsr +P shld es: etesdt 

“pte of dad? bortiveed odtwewit of emt? 6a Fs owt ot! pateda a 
“ali? som ro totter? Ltoetedt tedmun yas eteretifdo oe" svdmet’ ‘tei 4 
esv MWY atid notassesog eadiw at ,etnablieteb eft tet’ mo enietg 
doasbive eft yd omoowwyd abw , MoStedt tedhwir’ sit‘ botet ie” «bite 


toibtey tt So5 enimtoted of ywt ect tot toet Yo antteoup a ein . 
tert ies 6 ~nomttaet oft tyeoos ot bewstet Cw odt edt GersoLet if 

oe mk botnertaw’ fom Siow vont wed ot ‘brdbear ots ow ins tors 
“BER of godt betrivaed (te Hts eit ao’ Fannie 

Se eR eh ae Ga ey ee a a ee Seen 


not know the gun was in the car and that the first time he saw 

it was in Wauconda after his arrest, it was also in evidence that 
when questioned at the time of their arrest, by the officer who 
made the arrest, they did not deny the ownership of the gun but 
stated that they had it for the purpose of hunting pheasants. 

It is true they were drunk, but they were sober enough to under- 
stand they were being arrested and they endeavored to effectuate 

an escape. The jury were the judges of the facts in this case and 
the credibility of the witmesses and unless there appears fram all 
the evidence a reasonable doubt of the guilt of the defendants, 

the jury were warranted in finding them guilty. There was no error 
in refusing to direct a verdict of not guilty for the defendants, 
nor can it be said that the verdict is contrary to the weight of 
the evidence, 

It is next contended that the court erred in giving instruction 
number nine, which embodied the statutory definition of an accessory 
and then concluded "and if the jury find fram the evidence, beyond 
a reasonable doubt, that the defendant, James Ryan, did aid, abet, 
assist, advise or encourage the perpetration of the crime as charged 
in the information, then the jury are justified in finding said 
defendant guilty." Counsel admits that this instruction has been 
approved in People v. Nowicki, 330 111. 381, but insist that it 
was error to give it because it names James Ryan, and by so doing 
assumes that the erime was committed by Twohig. According to the 
testimony of the highway officers, the gun was at the feet of Twohig 
in the car which Ryan was driving. Under all the evidence and facts 
and circumstances in evidence, we do not believe that this instruction 
is subject to the criticism directed against it and the court did 
not err in giving it. The People v. Arbuthnot, 355 Ill. 577. 

The instruction upon circumstantial evidence properly stated 
the law as counsel for plaintiffs in error concede and it is not 

pointed out in what particular it could have been misleading to 

Wse od ‘emit ter Et odd todt Bas tso off at asw mys odd won ton 
tent eonebive at oafs daw ti ,taotts ald ‘sodTs sbacouall ot esw th 
odw teottto edt ud ~taetts ttodd to anit ¢ ott ts bom Heeyp so siw 
wud ovs edt to qidetenw ods hag fos Bib er feetrs outs eben 
eatdnsessig gait oud to eaoqive oft rot tf ‘bert yo dé # eat betade 
-tehny o¢ davone todoe Sisw yodt iud ,aneth ei6ew yout ewit ei or 
stsutostte of betovsebse yedt bas Soteotrs an ted otew yeds busta 
has 9aso eidt ia atost edt 7. aeedsf, sil Stsw VIE oat “segsees 1 ae 
Ife mxt exsscas otedd iielke bas ‘sinunat ie ‘eit to WiLtd tbore pe 
~atmabmoteb edgy to tifug eff To tduob ° tdancases a" sonehive a a 
ToTTS on asw otenT — ‘ vdtios mest t gat beet t sit Mavenkenae erow vwt ott 
vadisbste%e eds tot utlivg tou ‘to Palkuey 8 toethh od aatester at 
to ddetew edt o¢ yret#aoo ef Fotbtev ane + sit bine od ti aso on 
7 “soomob ive ‘ont 

Hy ey we 

ono ttoutt amt aa ivts mt borte dutoo ont deat hobnbtnos icon al oS. 

yrosaésob ns ‘to wolttattob yrodudtet a ott hetbodme ‘do Eetw enka xe sm 
baovad Menebive eit oxt belt cist odd br bas" bebstonoo nodd bas 
.teds bis bib may ae nel tne haeteb ‘edt taild .t dood ol danonset 8 
hostado es emits sit to ao Hatt eqtog adit ouetuo ose To oelvbs vteteas 
bisa gatbolt oi bortiveut STs yur re; nent ord sarzo AE ort ‘qt 
seed est soktouttent aint $ asi adimbs Leanvod "eywlieg jasbas'teb 

tk tedt teieat tod . £58 sifI 0&0 , tio two vo faves wt hevoxees 
goiob oa yd bas , oeyt gaunt. ae nett th eausoed ot ovis ‘ot. nore eew | 
edt ot entb30008 “aldow? yd bod ¢tamp 9 asw emito ous vane nomena 
gidow? to foot cit $s aw tos edd (8150 He tomighd edt to veomiieed 
atost bre eonobiys edt (fe tebat cont ives asw kanet “dos atw ~e0 oat ak 

ine el baa eidt tact eveited tom ob ow —: ne ceonsiemott o bab q 

WWE .LIT 888 ysonsdedtA .v elqood oT ae atv al ‘19 ‘ton 
botste vlveqora eoneb ive fatt neta moths stor nokta emt aa 
ton ai t+ bas ebeomoo torte mi attitatel¢ ot lel uwce’ 28 wal aus 4 

og saibsola tm need oved Aluoo tt talvo téteq dene ‘at Yeo beta bog 

Nie a 

the jury. Instruction number eight told the jury that flight of 
a defendant soon after the commission of an offense is to be 
considered by the jury with the other evidence in the case in 
determining the question of guilt. Counsel for plaintiffs in 
error say there was no flight shown after the commission of the 
erime charged in this information. The evidence, however, is that 
after the officer placed plaintiffs in error under arrest and 
had had the conversation about the gun and took possession of 
it that then plaintiffs in error sought to escape. There was 
no error in giving this instruction. People v. White, 3$1 Ill. 356. 

Instruetion number seven is as follows: "The court im tructs 
you in the language of the Statute, that no person shall change, 
alter, remove or obliterate the name of the maker, model, manufactur- 
er's number or other mark of identification on any firearm. Possess-= 
ion of any firearm upon which any such mark shall have been changed, 
altered, removed or obliterated, shall be prima facie evidence that 
the possessor has changed, altered, removed or obliterated the same." 
Counsel for plaintiffs in error insists that this instruction defines 
more than one offense and by not including any definition or meaning 
of the words 'prim facie', it would be likely to confuse and mis- 
lead the jury. The use of the words 'prima facie’ in instructi ons 
has frequently been condemned. People v. MeCurrie, 337 Ill. 290: 
People v. Sikes, 328 Ill. 64: Grosh v. Acom, 525 Ill. 474: Johnson 
v. Pendergast, 308 Ill. 255: People v. Tate, 316 Ill. 52 and 
Riddle v. Mansager, 254 Ill. App. 68, In People v. Beck, 505 Ill. 
595, however, an instruction using these words was approved, and 
while this instruction does define more than one offense, it is 
in the language of the Statute and in our opinion no reversible 
error was committed in giving this instruction. 

In support of plaintiffs in error's motion for a new trial, 
the affidavit of Lillian Ryan and Wm. Scott Stewart, the attorney 
representing plaintiffs in error,was submitted to the Court. In 
her affidavit, Miss Ryan stated that shortly after the arrest of 

her brother, she visited Wauconda and the surrounding territory and 

ee | colin 
| to ¢dgitt tadt yout edt blot tdyte wedmun no btowatenl . wart oth 
o@ O8 @i esnetto ws to oo feeimmo jettt 16d s coos Puehiaeted ia 

gi saso ett xt eonsbive tonto oft diw yout oft nd Hetebl ancy 
mt att itntale vot LeanveD ) witvg ho metteerp edt gat oterceteal 

eft. te aoleetamoo oe! tovts awoidle tigi ft on esw oredt yge sorte 

bas deserts Tebayr tows ai cttiteisle beosl¢ tooLt to ait tedte 

to motagesaog dood base ou ead tuods sobtaerevaon odt- bat back 

oo ‘on otedil..eqaoke of tdavea terre of -atttiaiels aed? gett at 
0888 ,LfT LAS ,~ed LAY ov ofqoet. .sottornisni atdé satvip al torte on 


ptoutt act tuvao edt” sewollot as ef. aceves tedaum aocitomiteanh: a¢¢ 
egueds [fede nosteq on tedt ,stutats edt to egeygmel -edt tt vor 
-ivtosinnem ,fsbow ,votsm edt to onan edt efatettide so svomet qiat tiie 
~egeeesod .mreetit yas so aottsottitaeht To trea redto ta codmart 2 Mt) 
 dbonnedo need ovat {lede Ate dose yoe ‘dotdy moqy mrsetét pote Yo mot 
ted? eonehive elost amitg od Diede .botetetiide: to bevromet:  detetis: 
",emse ont Setstetilido te fevomet potetia .fesnaio mad soneoesog at: 
eegitebh aciteoriteant aint tedt edatent torte ai etiLinisiq sot Ts 
gtinsem to woitinived yao adh info? ton ydo hes eanetto ead hedt’etom 2 
~eim Baa eataca ot yfetil od Binow ti yfetoet agtag’ aftow ‘edt ‘te! 
ato Douttent <i ‘afost estitc’ abrew ed¢ To: ear velT. sya ste eean® 
7008. LIT VSS  ,ektawdoN :.v =ali¢aet ~barinabn 9 ta od ~eetmenip owromads 
noamdiot BVA, ELE @82. moons vereeth 1285, ,£22°888 pwede '.+ eidoet" 
bots SACLET OLS geteT ov shoe 18ee wtLt B08 -dasgtebaet care 

~LLP 808 post wv eiqoed mf p89 .oeh .£TT d68 (repeal). v efibea? 

ai ti ,eanetto oso ntctt 6tom aniteh eeoh mottourt ent ant ‘e.bhdw) 
vald terevet on noisgiqe wo mt bie atts eo2. att To: og sug at “ede vot t 
wWOobtodntes! etid galvis ot .betttimds son ato 

eisits wens tat agbtom a'totte at atiiteielq ‘to troqqua al 
yemnothe ont ytrewet® tose val) bob eye We LELAT Mo strep itnsledt! 

to taevts edt totts yitrofa tadt beotete ney ae th tivebitts to 

base ytotictet gatbawotiwe ent bas shnoous! bet In iv ede 

tadt et ,tovowod ,sonebivoved? ,aoltenyotnt atdt al-begreds edtiva 

ae ,boverqqé waw abiow comedy? outer nottount ant nao prevewod > Bee! 

alo ,tuo0 end of Bothindvea asaw, torte ‘at ettitarale | wh Binessteet ; 



made inquiry of various persons in an endeavor to learn the move- 
ments of her brother during the day of his arrest. That her brother 
had informed her that at the time of his arrest, he was so drunk 

that he had no recollection of the places he visited except that 

he remembered going to several road houses and drank beer and whiskey 
therein, That following his conviction by the jury on May 25, 1955, 
the Chicago American, on the following day, carried a news article 
concerning the trial and at noon on that day she received a telephone 
call from someone who refused to give his name, advising her that 

the rifle which was offered and admitted in evidence upon the trial 
of this cause, had been purchased from Hibbard, Spencer and Bartlett, 
wholesale hardware dealers in Chicago, some years before. Thah an 
examination of the gun would disclose that it also had sergal numbers 
on the inside, and that from these the name of the person who owned 
the gun at the time the outside serial number was removed could be 
ascertained, as the then ower had taken the gun to a gunsmith for 
repairs, but that affiant had been unable to locate this gunsmith 
but coneluded that if she was given an oppatmity to run down this 
informatio, she would be in a position to prove that the numbers 

on this gun had been removed a long time prior to the time that the 
law under which this Infomation was drawn went into effect. Mr. 
Stewart, in his affidavit, stated that on May 26, 1935, as soon as 

he received the information contained in the affidavit of Miss Ryan, 
he immediately got in touch with Mr. Setchel, a gun expert in the 
employ of Hibbard, Spencer and Bartlett Company and was informed 

that his company hed discontinued keeping any record of any serial 
numbers of guns similar to the one od fered in evidence in this case 
and had no record of the purchase of any rifle similar to the one 
involved. In this affidavit Mr. Stewart states that Mr. Setchel 
explained to him the manner in which serial numbers were placed 
inside of guns of this model and thereafter affiant went to Waukegan 
and in the wesence of the State's Attorney inspected the gun and 

found that it bore on the inside in two places and also stamped on tke 

> no, bemstea ols bas eeoslg owt ai ebleat sdé oo, ot ec 


« ee 

~svom oft omsel of tovsebne, a6 ai anoateq avoinsy to XN tivpaL of sat 



tedvoid tod ¢sdT -.t¢eoerrs aid te. ysh ant: aniwwb tedtexd. ted 2e RAR OE 
doth on sawed ,taoute aid Fo omit ent ta dedt math, bommuch bad 

tadt tgeoxe betiaiv er seosly asl: to moitootiooes on Ded eat. tent 
yodaidw hos seed. dasrd das noawosl bsonr Letever ot guies beredmemes.od 
ELL GS Yall co YINt aft xd sido Lynoo.eis gatweLlod tadT,.tenerds 
elotiisa awea s beiwiso, .ysh gnivollot edt no .meoizomA ogsoidd, odd 
enodgoled, s bevisocest ode yeb, tadd ao neon ts bas Ietat.edt. eatane ange 
t silt, ted anteivis.,omsx sid evin of heavtet ow. enoomoe, mort; Lime | 
het tt ent poqu eonshive ni bett tobs bas betelio aor. Hak ta, oLtht oni 
.ttelttsd bas teoreqe .itaddill spit bee sdouug mead. bad ),savaso ad 20 
ms fedT .otoied aiasy ems ,oqseidd. «at atelseb etewhusd, etosetose | 
ateduys Lottes bat oala ti tait eaoloa bb brow, surg o lt 10. It entmexe 
hemre ony moateq eff to emat oft esedt mott tedt bos.,chtaal. odd 0 
# Uwoo bovomet enw tedawa Leitee ebiatwo edd, amt oct ts, aug eatt 

> Mat dvlewavg 2 ot sg edd nexet Jed yeawo aedt odd as sbeonbatioons 
>, oid Lomog etdt efsool of oldenu acasd Sad taattis a 
aids awoh aut o¢ ytimt pago ae covig aew oda- BL tact bebsLono.o., tud 
_atodma of? todd evowr.ot moLtiaog smh od bivow eda, cold smxetat 


eit Tsdt eait edt ot colwq otd gaol s beyomet aeed. dst aug aidt go 
oT ,foette otat, txow aweth asm mottesmotgl aldt doidw tebay.wal 
88 fooe Bs ,280L .62 Ye mo steuit betate giiveblite atd at trewole 

Wsy aeiM  fivshitts edt a! deaistaod acitammotal edt, boy loaet.ed ; 
edd asf ttegze aug s ,fedote® xi min dovot atdog Uetsibemmt et — 
bommotni 2ew dae yxeqmod tteliied bas toomeq’, .Sreddih to, yotqms 

isitea yrs to Sroses ye gxigeoX heumitnooalb bed ynagmoo eid ated a 
oxso add mi esnehive at bere?» oso odt.of telimia eowg to, axedmya 
ono eft.ot,tslimta olliz yas To. easdom,” edt. to, ost Dail Bas q 
fedote? . 1M tadt aetate txewet®.. 1M, tivebitte eidt.ol . .beyLoyat 4 

,  beoalg otow. exedaara Leiiss doidw ob tennem edd mtd od, hontalqxe a 

tagodue ot tasw dasttts tediseredt Sos Lebom als Lo agua, to, ebiaut a 
bas oug edd Sevoegant yenwittsA aletst®.odt To. eomeee Atte bedee 

Say alee ee) 
Se we 


af the stock, serial No. 64523. That affiant thereupon wired the 
manufacturers at Bridgeport, Connecticut, requesting the name 

of the dealer and date of sale of this gun as shown by the records 
of that Company, but was informed by the company that it lad not 
kept such a record for several years. By this affidavit it also 
appears that Mr. Stewart was not affarded an opportunity of 
examining the gun prior to the trial. 

The only suggestion made by counsel in connection with the 
showing made by plaintiffs in error for a new trial on the gound 
of newly discovered evidence is that the witness for the People 
who testified that the serial number of this gun did not appear 
on the inside of this model was mistaken, as the subsequent 
examination of the gun demonstrated. Neither this fact or any 
other matter contained in the affidavits of Lillian Ryan a@ 
plaintiffs in error's distinguished counsel would have warranted 
the trial cow t in awarding a new trial. 

This record is free from reversible error and the judgment 
of the County Court of Lake County is affirmed. 

edt wW bonnet! eaw “tnd .vaoqn8 tact to 
; tet Dagetd ph eames 
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et yeep eee et. : 
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Cie nee | ¥ i pele nigeted wyts pea a 
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=a t 




SECOND DISTRICT I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court. in and 


for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause. 

of record in my office. 

In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court. at Ottawa. this day of 

in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—8-32) «7 


: i is psy) 
oan Car 

Higed tor aris! afd zit, Wie i lh tai ‘age «tin we 
vu a aa 

pf ie Phr engred esac ty se 

verity Lricay Att ante frit. 

7 $40 : gas | 

2 as 

ae, ~ f : a 
4 ; f or Ps A 5 


day of February, in 

Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, ) e 
| the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 
Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 

Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

7 = 

E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APk 25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

_ . PCR Wrest Cad 

ia Ny % ey AN - 
, nh at A Doe AL ee he die eG50eanT am, anateo t2 bled Ba, 

giv = (°rhut bas Sathivd sin Bagevods sno fared 

; senident® 2700-28 iT CAMARS aio = 
i eee - 2 ie “wy 

is softeut (RACOTOR SHIAIN .nok 


i € - ie on se T3lO vnc A ovr iCh rts aut eU0t : * 
4 ; : x ie a ee 
. stkitaia ,ASTIE¥ 

oe rn 2 ene ’ tt tof eb oe etn tn cette pn eetinsee 

uw i7lw-o: ,sbhisrveioe oo ia ts ads 

7 Bat nf Aelit saw trusod edt io neat edt... 
= ~ 7 qi. Se Ley gee 

h?ow § ti jéxvod Sise 

"Gen. No. 8707 Agenda No. 5 
In the Appellate Court of Illinois 
Second District 
4 February Term, A. D. 1934 
- John H. Rusch, Receiver of the 
First National Bank of Polo, 
j Appellee, 
VS. Appeal from the Circuit Court of 
Ray D. Hedrick, Administrator of Ogle County 
_ the Estate of Martha C, Hedrick, 



Prior to April 2, 1930, Ross R, Hedrick was indebted to the 
_ Exchange National Bank of Polo, Illinois in the sum of $9,250.00, 
and on that date, as evidencing said indebtedness, he executed and 
delivered to said bank four notes, each dated April 2, 1950, one 
| for $6,000.00, one for $1,500.00, one for $1,000.00 and one for 
' $750.00. On May 19, 1930 the $1,500.00 note and the $750.00 note 
; were combined and 2 renewal note taken for $2,250.00, and this note 
Was executed by Ross Hedrick and his mother, Martha ¢. Hedrick, and 
@éelivered to and accepted by the bank. Subsequently, Martha Hed- 
Tick executed and delivered to the Exchange National Bank of Polo, 

Illinois the following instrument, viz: 
"Guaranty to Benk July 3, 1930 

fo the Exchange National Bank 
Polo, Illinois 

In consideration that you will make advancements 
from time to time to Ross R. Hedrick, I hereby 
guarantee the payment of any future balance that may 
be due to you from said Ross R. Hedrick on account of 
Notes, bills, loans, payments or advancements, grow- 
ing out of financial transactions whereby the said 
Ross R. Hedrick shall become indebted to you. I also 

guarantee payment of notes now owed to you by said 
Ross R. Hedrick in the amount of $9,250.00. 

a ae 

@ .of sbasyé Fors .on 8) | 
etomillt to tod etslleqqa eft at 
tolxteaid baooos 

ASOL .d@ .A ymKeT YtswidsT zi 

edt to tevisoef ,doenh .H aslo 
,ofeg to ansd@ Isaottst texlt 
,oslisaqa . 
to tivod stivorid edt mort Iseqqa av r 
yinwod els0 to to¢extetaimba ,aottbeH c YS 
AoitbeH .0 sdézsil to etstam adit 

‘ ae ae 

bos © 


edt ot betdebat asw AoitbeH .A aaom ,O8CL .& Lhxqa of stoked 
,00.088 ,@% to me ot mt atomt{Ir ,ofo% to Ansh Lanottst egnado! 
bas betuosxe ed ,aasnbetdebat btsa xatomebive as .etsb tedt m0 & 
emo ,08@L .S Litqa betsbh dose ,seton wot Ansd bise of berevites 
tot emo bas 00.000,[% tot emo ,00.008,1f3 tet ome ,00.000,8% 0% 
stor 00,08%$ edt Sas stom 00.008,18 edt OSCE CL yam ao .00,08%4 
ston atdt bas .00.088,.8# tot asast eton I[swenet s bas beatdnos ecee 
bas ,otubel .0 sdéisM ,xedtom atid bas doitbe aaoh yd betioexe a 

~beH sivas ,ylinasypsedye .iained edt yd betqeoos bas of borevileb 

,oloY to asd Isnoidsi egasdox¥ edt ot betevileb bas betuoexe 20M 
:siv ,éveourtant gaiwollot edt atontit 
O&eL .& yLut inseh§ ot yinetasp" «v6 

dansG§ Isnoitsu egasdoxgi edt of one 
efomifIl ,olo¢ " 

atnemsonsvhs exsm [ftw voy tadt aotistebiemos aI es 
ydeted I ,joitvbeH . esol of omit o¢ omit mort 

yeu tedt sonsled eiutut yoa to taemysq oft setnstsuyg 
to tavooos mo dofiitbeH .Al aeofl bisa mort yoy ot eub od 
-worg ,etaemeonsvbhbs 10 atmemysq ,ansol ,allid ,setoxv 
bisa sdt ydetedtw anottosansrd I[stonsnit to two gat 
oefs I .soy ot betdebat smooed [isda AotibeH .f e808 
bisa yd voy ot bewo wom eeton to taemysq eetns by 
-00.02@8,.08 to tavome edd ot AoitbeH .f 


It is understood, however, that my liability under 
this agreement shall not exceed $9,250.00 Dollars and 
that it shall continue only for a period of two years 
from the date of this instrument. 


On July 5, 1930, Ross Hedrick renewed his $1,000.00 note and 
on October 3, 1930 he again renewed it, delivering the renewal notes 
to the Exchange National Bank. On August 26, 1930, the $6,000.00 
note was renewed by Ross Hedrick and these instruments and the 
$2250.00 note executed by Ross Hedrick and his mother Martha Cc. 
Hedrick upon which his mother had paid $750.00 on October 9, 1930 
were held by the Exchange Natkonal Bank of Polo when it went into 
liquidation prior to October 20, 1930. Subsequently The First 
National Bank of Polo, Illinois was organized, and on October 20, 
1930 some of the assets of the Exchange National Bank were, for a 
valuable consideration, duly assigned and transferred by the Exchange 


Netional Bank to the First National Bank of Polo. A mong the 


assets so assigned were these notes of Ross Hedrick and his mother 
and this instrument of guaranty dated July 2, 1950. On February 28, 
1931 Ross Hedrick executed and delivered to the First National Bank 
of Polo his note for $6,000.00 in renewal of his former note for a 
like amount, and on May 19, 1931 executed and delivered to The First 
National Bank of Polo his note for $1500.00 representing the balance 
due on the note which had been signed by himself and his mother. 
Subsequently Martha C. Hedrick died and The Fyrst National Bank of 
Polo having gone into the hands of a Receiver, appellee, as such 
Receiver, filed in the County Court of Ogle County its claim against 
her dutete. The claim as filed had attached thereto a copy of the 

: note of February 28, 1931 for $6,600.00 and a copy of the note of 

| May 19, 1931 for $1500.00, and recited that the amount represented 

P by these notes wes due and unpaid and is a claim against the estate 

of Martha G. Hedrick because she guaranteed to the Exchange National 


CUS pte! eee i 
b tira Ae we ly wes eh 

tebau ytiltdetl vm. tadt ..teveved. Sootatebas ef tI 
bas atellod 00.088,03 hesoxe tom Ifsde tnomeetgs etd? . 
arssy owt to botieg as tok yfao ewmitmoo IIsda ti tadé 
acasaugoiondiainayl aldd to etsbh sit mort — 

AOLHCGH: Ki. 2208 tiet 
"aaond LW 
bas stom 00,000,1¢ aid bewenet tolrben anon oeer a it ‘10 
aston Lswesnet ade anitevileh ,ti Dewenet ntsss “ont O&CL .€ tedetoo mo 

00.000,d% od¢ 088 (98 tavaua m0 vinsé Leno ltsi egasitoxe ode of 

edt bas nderomared ants eaedt bas dotsbor anos ‘wd bowene iad ‘od i 

10 sdéusli todtom aid bas dotcbell aac yd ‘betwoexe ston 0.0 : 
OseL ,.€ redetoO mo 00,0878 bisq bed tedt ou etd doidw soqst “sor bor 
otai toew ti medw ofot to amet Iesoktan euitedoxe ect yd Died wane 
taxiq eft yvitaempeadue .0c@L ,C& redoted of tolrq nokta kupht 

,O8 “1edots0 moans jbeainagno ase atosff{{l ,olot<te Ans Lemott sn 

& Tet ,etew dared Isnottst: ¢gnsdoxk odt<To aveons edd to omen 
eunadoxk: edtoxyd betietansut bas beagises yinh  ,sokteteblanoo. eldess 
ent: gstont A “,0Lo@ Ro unset Isnofitst tery edt) oF, dag), 

sodtom ats bas wolnheH aaeh to estoa .seadt exew beme teas ons 
,88UrsKideT sO .086L Bylot betab viastews to dmeaustant ekdthb 
ainsi [encitsy gatlt edt of bexevifok bas betwoexs wottheHispon J 
& Tot stom tsmtot eff To Lewemet mi 00.000,3¢ set otom etd.efot, 2 
vexed Sot ot berevideb bas Hetysers £40L Cfo yelomo bas a 
eomslsd ect gaivnesetget 00.008L¢ tet etom. ad: ofot) ie Kaos 0% 
-tedtom eid bus tleamtd yd bemgte meed bad dotawietom, edd -mor 

to dasd Leniitsy teat; % oq bas beib doithsHo4 do add raeek t Lips 2 
fovea as ,selleqqe ,tevigost s te Bbiedo oni) od atk: iperys uatved 
teanisys mislo ati ytanwod efs0 to t10d yhewod edd mt "satan 

set frye 
etstes ont Pentssa mist . s ak bas btag ons pegsre or 

a ee a 


Bank of Polo, assignor of The First National Bank of Polo, the pay- 
ment thereof, The claim then set forth the guaranty verbatim and 
stated that the original notes were made payable to the Exchange 
National Bank, but tefore they became due they were purchased, with 
other assets, by the First National Bank of Polo and were renewed 
in the name of The First National Bank. 

In order to reduce Ross's indebtedness to the maximum sum 
allowed by law and thus permit the newly organized First National Bank 
to take over his notes as assets, Martha Hedrick executed and de- 
livered to the First National Bank her note for $1750.00. Approximately 
a year later the First National Bank tock judgment ageinst Ross upon 
his several notes and this resulted in Ross filing a voluntary peti« 
tion in bankruptcy and he was subsequently edjudged a bankruot. The 
Hearing in the County Court resulted in a judgment for the Adminis- 
trator and upon an appeal to the Circuit Court a jury was waived 
and a judgment rendered in favor of the claimant for $6492.41, and 
the Administrator of the Estate of Martha Hedrick, deceased, brings 
the record to this court for review by appeal. 

Appellant first insists that this was a conditional guaranty 
on the part of Marthe ¢. Hedrick and unless and until the Exchange 
National Bank advanced or loaned additional money to Ross Hedrick, 
she was not liable upon this instrument. That the word "advancements" 
as therein used meant future loans and that inasmuch as the evidence 
disclosed that no additional sums were loaned Ross Hedrick, the 
guaranty was without consideration. 

In the construction of contracts, courts will give to the 
language employed the meaning intended by the parties. At the time 
this instrument was executed Ross Hedrick was indebted to the Bank 
in the sum of $9250.00 as therein stated. The Bank wanted this loan 
secured. When two of the notes matured, Martha Hedrick signed them 

with her son and the guaranty was obtained in order to obviate the 

tg WOM leer! Se eee 
A Oe ie Sa ake 

ODL IP EL A | Sen 

Se Se 

> Us#tsmixorgca .00,080L% rot etom red snag Lenoltel terit, ong ot, borer 

pe Re 

—yaq edt oLod to atest Leno téei textt ost te omg lane alot he. 
has mivadtov Ytasxasry oid dtro® tes ode po ect “wtosiedt 4 anes 
eansdox: edd ot efdsysq eism eiew eetosm tanigizo eat add beiste 

ditiw .Deasdotuq stew yedt omb smsoed yedt exoted isd: inst ‘Lenoltst : 

beyenes. sxew bas ofot to Aneq Leasoitsy. tanit: sds yd 4838585 terito i 

. -tnal Isnoitsh: tatrt eat Xo sree alt abs 

ae avmizes sit ot geenbeddebod a'anol eouben et aebro mI os. © 

dash Issotist tari Deatnegro yiwen edt timmeq audd bas wal, vd. home. 

eb bas bejwoexs Agithek site .aveeas es aeton ald. vevo, sast ot 

moqy aeof fansises dmomgbut Moot dosd Lepotist, terty, odd. Kegel, Taey, 

oat sicseie 5 bes soy Lbe sieeve aie hich etasduaied a 
~eisimhsé odf tot toembyt a at betfvaet, dusop y#awed ead ok : 
., Seview asw Yigt 2 timed ¢ivettO. edt.ot Leeqqs, a8,,c0qR. bas. 
bas ,f, sense zot tagalelo edt to tovet at, betebser trompburt Bish 
agnitd .SDsessoeb ,dolshel adftsM. to. soterte tuba, ead: 
nee _siseqge yd welvet tot ¢iv0e aidd.o¢ spROngR aah: 
ytestsiy tae: tibses s.ese asdt teat atatecd decit, taslleaga ) 
egtedomd edt Litmy bas eastay bas. softball, .O edsneM te, freq edt m0 
.AoizbeH.eaos ot yao Lanoliibhs,bsasel to beogsvds Agsd ». 
EARERAS Siow sat gedl ,ineowrtent aldt aoqu eldetl an i 

ait eee ane henent Stow ame Meeathline Ont nrg ¢ ; 

so, fotteteblancg pala: ast 

ails ot nite, Ltn, siz2109 tastizos Lo sottouneno9 ent Ak. cree 

ontt ent tA _snettzsg, oat yo behnetal gatosem ont bey xetame. Dod MS 
ned odd ot betdebat esw dotthel saof bedvoaxe acy, tnoaureteat . at 
asol eist betray Ansa oft . -betete aigtsdt as 00, QBSRE To swe 

mods bem ta Aoitber sities dewtse aston. pat. ig, 2S A 
eat Sisivde ot xebto at bentatdo. _ aay a Taig < 


necessity of having the mother sign each note or a renewal thereof 

as they became due. At the time the assets of the Exchange Bank 
were transferred to the newly organized First National Bank, Mrs. 
Hedrick gave her further note in order to reduce the indebtedness 

of her son. In our opinion this guaranty was absolute and uncon- 
ditional. It recited that Ross Hedrick owed the Exchange Bank 
$2250.00 at the time the instrument was signed. It contained an 
absolute, unqualified guaranty on the part of Mrs. Hedrick to pay 

the notes evidencing that amount. The notes evidencing these 

amounts were canceled and surrendered and new instruments extending 
the time of payment thereof were executed by Ross and accepted by the 
Bank, This guaranty was assigned, for a valuable consideration, by 
the Exchange Bank to the First National Bank, and thereafter the First 
National Bank, relying upon this instrument and being the beneficiary 
thereof, surrendered to Ross the notes which he had executed to the 
Exchange Bank, and accepted from himnew notes due at future dates. 
The principal debtor became a bankrupt and the indebtedness having 
matured, the estate of the guarantor is liable therefor. Any act which 
ts a benefit to one party and a disadvantazce to the other is a val- 
uable consideration. Schlatter v. Triebel, 284 Ill. 412; Pedaple v. 
Commercial Life Insurance Co., 247 Ill, 92; Buchanan v. International 
Bank, 78 Ill. 500; Byrch v. Hubbard, 148 Ill. 164. Martha Hedrick 
executed and delivered this guaranty to the Exchange National Bank 

in lieu of executing renewal notes as the several notes of her son 
which the bank then held became due. Mrs. Hedrick knew of the in- 
debtedness of her son to the bank. She must have gonsidered it to 

be to her advantage to assume the obligation ccnteined in this in- 
strument by reason of which the bank did not press her son for pay- 
ment or require her signature to the renewal notes, but was content 
to meky rely upon her guaranty instead, and this benefit to Mrs. 
Hedrick and the corresponding disadvantage to the bank constituted 



nO oP pba Te a an 
LE eee of), Sea Peas itu 
‘cope ie 
Nite? J 

toereiit CaweasY « ro stom Moss opie xédton ed? galved te ytleasosn 
Mnet eghadoxat ext to atseas sAd amtd ont ta ‘sub sisood Yedt as. 
a0 ,aned Lendtten tackt bestissro Ylwen 6d? ef boxzetamant stew 
‘ghonbStdehkt ext eoubex of tehto nt stom sdfxwt tell gia! forsbeH 
_noonb bus atuloads sev ritistacy ett motatqo tuo aT “moa weit to | 
ined egmedoxd edt bewo Hobehoh aeoH tends hottoer tr ‘Heaoteth 

ns bemksinos ¢I beste asw tnetwioteat ont sutt edt te 90. Osseo 
Veq of Aolubeh .acM to txs¢ edt ao ténetairy beitileupay ‘ohutoads 

easat grtoned tre eeton sit + Freon tedt gutomshive sedon 8 a. | 

4 rant 

“watbhsstxs ainenirttent wea bas betebaerive bas befeomso exew ‘gia : 
ert yd Stiqecss bas 208 “ud bedvesxe eto ‘toeredd daeavn 20 onl? ot 

“yd \wottetebtenoe efdauley s tot ,bamises wer Cematite ait oo ae 
daxiY off redtsevedd bar inet Ianottew gaxit eff of dns ‘egandoxt ak 
yratottsned edt airted has tusmerrten! aidt stocsis ghivien Healt reno ts ‘ae 

eit ot Ketyoexs bed eX doth aeton atts BRonk of bovebme tae Toot 

Me ory 

.86¢e8b otutvt te sub eeton wom mid mox <t batcesos bis (nse ‘S t 
“gtrived easnbstdebrt adt bite Janwestned < 8 dinosd sotdeb Yeetontey oat si) 
doidw tos yaa »totetedt SL0et! ef votmetasy edt Yo sts aves ‘bald cbeutan " 
~fe% a oP vette bcfF 6e eskinevbserh & phe” Gied bno oF FERRY 2 at 
.v SlaSed ;SF4 .fE7 SBg [fedeten wv tettstioe Vxoltstébtades eidau 
fenottentetal .¥ mansdout j8@ TIT Tae (.00 sometheat oth Latoneateo 
Aeinber sditew bef ILI Shr .baaddya iv doup,a | 008° .ffy 8 tm a . 
wins Isnoitet svtihdosg edt of Vinsiaey ated berevise® bas betuoexs 

moe ted to astom Istevea edt es adtom Tawenet gattvoaxs to te wort mt 
~ti sit te wand doitbeH .2tM .enh omaoed bred nedé “aasd eat ati 
ot th beted steno ‘eved Fesn ade ‘ahed et of nog ‘aed to caenheddeb 
-at atdt wt beatstnoo mottagildo ‘end siweas ot agavanvbs “naa are 

soe Re OM fet er 
-yeq tot sos toe ‘anette ton bib anad sd doldw to onset “ed ee wn 

a me REM 

dnetmoo aew tid .aétom Lawénoy oft OF siwtomste ert stipes to ¢neam 
wo scr 


au of ateasd wane brs Sudedaatt eisai ned phy onl pou 

oe San 

the consideration for the execution of this guaranty. 

This instrument of guaranty, while not negotiable, could be 
assigned so as to give the assignee an equitable title thereto, and 
it passed as an incident to the assignment of the notes, 28 ¢. J. 
943. Usually the transfer of a debt carries with it, as an incident, 
all the securities which the assignor may have for its payment. 

SR. Cc. L. 979. The assignment of these notes by the Exchange Bank 
to the First National Bank carried with it the guaranty, and vested 
in the assignee a right to sue upon the guaranty in its own name. 
Elisworth v. Harmon, 101 Ill. 374. 

fhe judgment of the Circuit Court is affirmed. 

Judgment affirmed, 

# ott 

seman awe ett nk sideciicrtio’ oie e's nm. no 

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SECOND DISTRICT I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause. 
of record in my office. 

. In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa. this day of 

_____in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
3815—5M—3-32) f3bo7 

Gee eon beak tire dearly grb) yey 

ofthe doe bse. atl alba bet Fortaanl’ 714, Jk alowed tthe 

Ba ap Dyacnauke lt A ash ea ith orci 

Sint Euaneninetinnna bated se Te Tha eld, Ane yan 

er Co 

mh sists") ebay tyarey & 

perc ir 

ae 61 oe Cee 

SEP reser 



spbage couRT, 


Begun and held at Ottawa, ow Tuesday, fhe eo day of February, in 

the year of our Lord o thousand ing’ funaped and thirty-four, 

within and for the Setond Distrig¢t of: State of Illinois: 
Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Leen age Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 

Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 


BE. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 2'¢ 6 4 | I.A. 6 ra i 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APR 25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 

Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 


? ? _ 
im _, ' i ale _ 
| ' . 77 

sles ey ier mk 
i * \ * 

Ge inte iced: Sou ted tees ws ~~ qeboant go - eer te biter tad 

Tee om 
s ad 

ie ‘ 

it bebesods age brod to fo TEBE 

sarttat® Hrosel ety tok bam 

7 pivot yeihigert a LLOF we CaaS, 
sited. » FYOG* “hbo 

<eottast ,MAMSUUN gutate 


i a a 

Gen. No. 8571 Agenda Noe 9. 


October Term, AD. 1952. 

Lawrence H. Williams, Admr. of the 
Estate of Stanley Buches, degeased, 
Plaintiff in Error, 
VSe irror to Circuit Court, 
MeHenry County. 
Chicago and Northwestern Railway 
Company, a carporation, 
Defendant in error. 

This writ of error is prosecuted by plaintiff in error, as 
administrator of the estate of Stanley Buches, from the giving by 
the trial court of a peremptory instruction at the close of all 
the evidence, on behalf of the defendant in error, 

The case arose out of e railroad crossing aecident which 
occurred in the city of Harvard, in MeHenry county, Illinois, 
on October 24, 1929, at about six o'clock in the evening. 

The tracks of defendant in error, hereinafter called defendant, 
at the crossing in question consisted of two main tracks and seven 
switch tracks. The min tracks were in the center of the crossing 
with three switch tracks on one side and four upon the other. State 
Highway number nineteen and twenty-three intersect and join about 
one mile south of this erossing. The tracks at the crossing run 
in an east and west direction and the state highway rus north and 
south. On the evening in question plaintiff's intestate was driving 
his automobile north upon the above hishway. When he came to this 
erossing, the same was blocked by a switch engine and a train af 
freight cars. The deceased brought his car to a stop. Two motor 

vehicles were between his car and this crossing. The first of these 

was a truck. Immediately in front of the deceased's car was a 

»@ ,.o sbrezi £va8 .om aed fre: 

TOMTeard aMoore 

eSSCL .G.A ymreT tedotod 

edt to .xmbA ,emsilliv .H eometwsl 
~Deesete) ,sefonG yelast2 to otstal 
,TOTTH ai TrWatslT 
~tmod tivettd o¢ torr | +2v 
sYioued yrasHol 
yewlish nretaewdiro base opsotdd 
,folisiogms B ,YAsqmo 
stotte ai toasineted 
es ,torte at tiitatsiq yd betyooro1rq at torte to tim aldT 
yd uaivin off mort ,esdosd yeluste to etstas edt to rotsitetaimbs 
ffs to saofo sdt ts nottourttant yrotamsteq s to tawoo Isirt odd 
»Torrs ai tashbaeteh edt To tLaded no ,sonobive ont 
doidw tnebioos znataeots baeotlist s Ito tyo saots saso oAT 
.stontifl ,ytaveo yimeHoM at ,bisvisH to yio edt ak betuss90 © a 
spoineve oft mt aoofo'o xia tyods ts ,eSeL .S8 tedofs0 mo 
~insbhaoteh boliso settsniered ,10Tre mi tasbasteb to sxoaitt eAT 
nevee bas exosisy atem owt To hbetatanoo aotteerp at antaroro edt ts 4 
siteaote oft to tetaeo oft at etew exostt atan edT .exoett dotiwa 
etet& .asdto eft aoqy tvot bas shia sno mo adtostt dotiwe setdt dtiw 
tuods aiot Bus toeatetnt serdt-ytoows bos mostonta tedmyna yawigih 

mur gotasote edt ts avostt ofT .aniesoto atdd to ditwoa olim eno a 

aoivith esw otstzetat atttitais{q aotteoup af gatneve odt a0 .dtyor ¥ 
eidt ot emeo of med .yewdetd evods edt moqu dtren olidomotys etd 
} nist? 8s bas eninne dotiwe s yd bexeoold esw omse odd ,anteaoto 4 
tofom owl .qote s of te9 ald tisyord beassoeh eff .etso tdatert 
esaadt to darit od? .gnieaoto etdt bas tso eid meowted stew acloidev j 

B asw 180 e'hbeasessh odt to tnortt ait yletaibemml .aoutt s asw 

passenger car. Cars were also lined up on the north side of the 
crossing, waiting an opportunity to proceed south. Defendant's 
switch engine was stending with the freight cars upon the main 
track that is desigmted as the north main track, upon which east 
bound traffie was carried. Defendant's main track upon which west 
bound traffic is carried is on the south side of this track upon 
which the freight train was standing. This south main track must 
first be crossed by deceased tefore he could cross the track upon 
which the train of freight cars was standing, 

Defendant company had a watchman or crossing flagman at this 

crossing, who was in possession cf a red lantern and who was direct- 
ing traffie at that time. He had stopped the traffic on account of 
the switeh engine and train of freight cars that were then across 
tne crossing. About five minutes after the truck had stopped, the 
switching crew cut the train of freight cars for the purpose of 
opening the crossing to traffic. The locomotive pulled the cars 

to which it was attached, far enough to clear the crossing, where=- 
upon defendant's crossing flagman or watchman, walked out upon the 
crossing, looked to the east and west, and then with his red lantern 
Signaled the ears on both sides of the crossing to proceed. The 
three cars upon the south side of the crossing, which were headed 
by the truek, proceeded to cross over the tracks. The evidence 
shows that they proceeded together as one car, with about four 

feet between cach car, and that they moved in this manner upon and 
across the tracks of defendant company. Cars from the north side 
were crossing to the south. When the deceased reached the defendant's 
south main track upon which the west bound traffic was carried, his 
ear was struck by a fast passenger train and he was killed. The 
erossing watchman did not see the approach of this train when he 

Signalled the traffic to proceed across the crossing. He does claim 

x Bh a a 

I a tal 
i “a fi 

edt tevsbiad¢ron edt no qu bemil oals etew aiad TOS togtoessy 
, e'iasbasted .dtgoa beesomy ot yinsttogce as gnitiew ,3gnleeors c 
| Xtem edt soqu etso dipiert eur itt padbants esw onizne dot twa - 
| tase doidw noqu ,xoatt oi me dttos out 3 as bed arg leo et tedt atosit a 

teow doidw soqu wostt atem o'tasbneted bolaxse sew oltisit bavod 

sogu Hwosit atdt to ebte dtwoe eft ao at POAsane et (oltisit ei, oa 
oR we Og Bs aa if 

taom tostt miam divoe erdT 4 RRRAE RE acy abort tuesedi bai dorindete 4 
—e wostt edy BROTO Sieo ed exoted houmecah yd heeacto ed tetit 7 
‘yamtbrete esw arse dily stort to shen ond do Law ay 

aids ts emp alt anisecto to namilotan 2 Dest Erie. punbaote< >. 7 
-JoetiSf esw ofw bas mretgasfl ber s To mo fegoe aog ak asw odw .prieseorto a 

to taymeos so ofttstt edt beqcota bed eH .omtd stadt ts ofteeeeo gat e 
neotos aeft stow teddoetess: dMplett To atertobms ‘on igne: dette oft 
eft .Seqc¢ote bat Nougd- ent retin esinuim evit tuodk> yonretetsiene E 
to saoqiurg edd tot ated titext To mbhert: edt Iwo? wero geitsod twe a 
atso edt helliug evivonoodlL eff  yotttertd od gafazor9 edd gminege 4 

-stedw ,piieeors edt aseLe ot! debone tet. (badoette sew si aidtdw of 4 
edt sequ tro bexfew ynomiovew te nem elt poate cote: et tnehacteobinmgmy a 
etetasl bow wtd atiw medt bre ,teew bre tase ort. OF betoé li yonteeors 4 

.°. @fT  .beeootq oF arieeors eft to esbbe dtoe noleree ens Seiiengia e. 

* Sebsed ovtew dotdw yyotehors oft to ebie Atmon> elt moments oe cenit a 
@snbbive ed? edoart edt reve anore’ ot hbebosdo1q, Galowns ont ee 

wot trode dthe ,tas omdlas wdtegot Kebheoobig vont ata awole 

bie segs tonram ektt mt Sovem yen thats fas "tise: Ho so: ioewred) tet 
ebfe Aston eds mot? etad",_ynbqnoo t+ aphrsStob to arfoert edt e2oTos 
attaabioted edd bedoret boarsoeh eft med: Lifdwoe! offf> od guleeotoreraw 

(eli Sottrss asw otter! biwod qoew! eit dolitwabqurdostt msm Aton 
en?” .bellid' eswiet bas aint wepmesasqutast! qd soit sew aed 
ox nodw misrt sidt to mohotgqas ett esa tom Sth meniotey, grubeanrs 

- misfo aeob eH -4,nttarom ont asordE besoorg ot) wTITstT ont bollangre 
Peo that hon 2ho ald nosing ed: otew as lotdew 

mort at yLeteibensl.. led) 4 oe 

that he saw the passenger train before it struck the deceased's 
ear and that he blew a whistle and called to the deceased in an 
effort to warn him. The deceased was then upon the tracks 
following the cars in front of him. Defendant's crossing watch- 
mn was standing upon the west side of the highway, and a car 
passing directly in front of him from the north side of the 
erossing to the south, prevented his going to the east side of 

the highway where the deceased was traveling. 

The peremptory instruction was siven to the jury on behalf 
of the defendant upon the grounds that plaintiff's intestate was 
guilty of such contributory negligence as to bar a recovery. 
Defendant's servant, the crossing watehman @ flagman, in charge 
of this crossing was there for the purpose of warning traffic of 
approaching danger. ‘The train of freight cars was cut in @ der 
to open this crossing to the traffic that was then passing over 
the crossing. Upon the cutting of the train of freight cars, 
defendant's servant walked out into the crossing and looked to 
see if the tracks were clear, and thereupon gave the signal for 
traffic to cross. Plaintiff's intestate was in the act of cross- 
ing pursuant to the signal of defendant's watchman. In the absence 
of any independent knowledge of danger upon his part, he had the 
right to rely upon the directiions as given him by defendant's 
servant, who was stationed there for that particular purpose. 

C & A Ry. Co. v. Winters 175 Ill. 293, 303; C & A Ry. Cow Ve 

Gore 202 Til. 188. After a careful review of this case we are of 
the opinion that sufficient questions of fact were involved as to 
the negligence of deflendant's servant and that of plaintiff's 
intestate, as to require a submission thereof to a jury. 

The motion of the defendant in error herein, the defendant 
below, for a peremptory instruction should have been denied, and 
the evidence should have been submitted to the jury. 

The judgment is therefore reversed and the cause remanded. 

Reversed and remanded. 

an” : 
u*heaseses oft aoutta ¢i ereted abett toanecesq odt wee cod tade 
fis of Boaseoos edt of Pelfeo Hae olvetiw » weld en st edt Bos tBs 
etoart oat togy nedt sav SeaRooeh eit. wmtd nrsw ot Fae TYO 
adotow saisecto e*sisbhasted jsotd to taoxt ah stag edt watwolLLot 
a89 8 bos ,vewinid edd to sbis saew oft hogy nathbast as aswienet 
ad? to ebfa dion edd mexrt mitt to teert of yitostis antew ng 
® ohie tase ont ot satog.sid betnoverg myo edd ot gatesors 
snatlevett asw besseoeh oct etedwoyswigid edt 
tisdsd so yvort edt.o¢ cevix zgaw mtitomtent ytotqmetéq edt 9 7 
‘esw etsteetal ps !ttitaisiq ted? ebavoten sit mogh tashaetef edt to 
8Vtevoset so tad ot 26 Soneatinen qrotud titnooe dova to “ytiius 
esredo mi .Asmgoli wo namriotew anlewoto. end ,deavres att ashaoted 4 
to eittats saterew to szeqire oft wt srohs ao witiende aint oto 
tTehw at tuo sswevse Sdgiett to nheati-od? © ~tegmsb antdosorqas 
‘ove Sakeas¢ fott saw tadf obiters odd ot anunlaaoror aid to neqé of 
(ets tistert te afserd edt To .geitéee ont noqv” sambasore ‘odd 
oot bexool Bas aniseots edt otat tuo hetlaw taevisea att mebasteb 
“OT Istete ent even moquetent tos ,tselo stew exboerd ents Ti esa 
-BeoTo to tos eddy sb aswoetateestni e'’Tiitabsls -,aasreloy orttesd i 
eorpades eft al ,vemdotew attasbastebh To Lemia eit ot tusvanigq eat : ‘ 
end Bet ef ,ttec atd necw venieb to oabelwondt ¢nobmegebat yas to , q 
e'tasboeteh yd mid cevin ee aad hee tib ed mqy yler etodigtt a 
vetogurg telvel{itsq dant sot etould bexoivave caw oiw ,toerise 
Lev sodcegt AS O' poOS VeeR VILL CYL exvotail sv. obos yaya a.) 
TO ets owrease wit to wetver Loterso: BS wetta’. BEL sffT 808 etd : 
‘ot aa beviovat siew gost % ano ltessp taoteil im Pedd mobmtgqo> ext } 
attivaislg to dsdt Sus fasetes (d'¢ mainohkebTéoetkogh ine temdt ; 
«Yul 8 of Tooweds nofsetaive eo sti spet ot as (etateotat - 

Toabueteb vit ,cteted sorts ai-tashaetobh edt to mottom efTsso15 é 

boa  Selnob.mesd evad bilyode moltounteant yrotqmeteq 8 tot .woled 
Tmt edd of bottindse mood evad blvode eonsbive edt 
-bobusset caves odt bas bearevet erotewdt at tem hut edT 

bebaeme x bas bostovell 

SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court. in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois. and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause. 

of record in my office. 

In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 
Appellates Court. at Otiaikas thiseess esses ee ee day 0b 
__CC“‘(#RUCOC*CNCNCin:éthe year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

. Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—3-82) ogS307 

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aay a 


Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, tHe pixth . gy of February, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand rand tanteoe and thirty-four, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 
Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice 



Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 


E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. Qe A +r 1 
274 1.4. 679 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APK 25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 

Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

is ore fey “hy 
- ¢ BPR TES 
y \ 5) 
ry ‘ 
| Qi .vvanvis’d to veh Atets 
/ ; : 
@ qtVGOE-YStiNT bus Deronvd 
: mel eT F Fess. ens 
i [ae 9uarnn, en 
\ .o — BS 4 
| Pa ba « 
I ay 

Ce ee 

By A OG Ue 

ett: .vehesp? po yswedto ts bied bra 
ist Besevodd etd Brod t¥o to Taey ef 

brosec eds tot fue’ atatiw 

tHleetd ,WICOW .0 Ck8T .cod ett —ade 
sagG ,EVOd «8 RICA, wok: 
sigort ,KAMUEOH EYTATE .cok 

- ~ bs - 

Gen. No. 8579 Agenda No. 12 


Februsry Term, AY’. 1933. 

Luella Hollenbeck and 
Hildegard Hollenbeck, 

Appeal from County Court, 
Vs. Grundy County. 
Grundy County National 

On January 25, 1952, appellant took judgment by confession 
in the County Court of Grundy County against William Hollenbeck, 
upon a note in the principal sum of $1250. William Hollenbeck 
and his wife lived on a farm near the city of Seneca. Appellees 
herein are their two daughters. 

Hildegard Hollenbeck works for the Western Electric Co., at 
Chieago, where she has been employed sine 1923. Luella Hollenbeck 
teaches school in Grundy County, and lives at home with her parents 
on the farm. She began teaching in September 1928. 

Pursuant to the aforesaid judsment by appellant against 
William Hollenbeck, execution issued end the sheriff levied upon 
certain livestock, consisting of horses, cows, brood sows, calves, 
pigs and sheep; and also upon corn, harness, wagons,and divers 
farming implements. Appellees served notice upon the sheriff that 
they claimed the ownership to certain of the live stock levied 
upon, and this case was a trial of the rights of property in such 
livestock, before the judge of the County Court of Grundy county. 

It appears from the evidence offered by appellees that they 
had advanced money to their mother to the extent of $850, and that 
on October 15, 1929, the mother in consideration of the money so 
advanced by appellees, signed and delivered to them the followir 


Sf .oW sboosa evasS .o .men od 


ceer L.A ymreT yisutdel 

bas woodnelfoH sifesI 
,XoednelfoH bregeblin 


.eTHOD Seseue mort Lseqqé 
eVWrayod yYSnwt 68V 


{sop tt el vowed ybayt) 
etaslfeqqa ¥ 
nokasetnoo vd toombint woot taalleqqe ,SteL .28 yrevaet 20 | 
~Xoodnelfol metl{ilW tentags ytavod ybartd To tryod © yinesd ont ak 
HosdsolloH meitiiitw ,06Sf@ to mye Leqtoning eft at oton 8 nogy 
gseslisaqqA .sosnmec to yio edt TSsem mist s mo bevil etiw ath bas 
etetdeusb owt ttedt ets ntoted 

ts ,.00 ofttoelt aretacW edt tot adtew xoedmelloH ireguir et? 
aMoedneffloH sf{fertl .&8@f gorte beyolqmse ased asd onde oteiw .ogsotdo 
atnoteq ted dtiw emod ts eevil bus ,ytnvod yhaund mi foodoa nedosst 
-S8@l tedmetqee ni gotdoset assed eff . met edt fo 

teantens tasifecce vd toomebut biseexots eft ot tnevatwt : 
nogs betvel Tttrede ect bas bewaet nolttyooxe ,doodmeLfloH metiliw 
.20vis5 ,awog booid ,ewoo ,asatod wm aniteteanoo ,Asotaevil sistise Bs) 

atevibd bas,enossw ,zacntsd ,mtoo moqr oals bas ;qseeda bas aalg 


tedt ttitede edt ooqr cotton bevise acelflecqA .atnemefqmt gotorrst ‘ 
betvel xoota evil edt to aistreo ot qtdatomw ent bemisis yes — 


foue ak wateqotq to atdiatt ent to fsitt 8 esw easo aidt bas mom 

Yisuoe YSauT) To twod ytowod odt To exgbut ont etoted ,Aooteevil 

ee ee oo 

yeit tait aseflLeqqas Yd betetto eonebtve edt mort atseqqs #1 



tedt bas ,0&8% to tmetxe edd o¢ tedtom tledt o¢ yenom beonsybs bod 

Be eet xe 
Pe ioe 

on Yonom edt to aottetehbtamoo at testom edt ,C8eL .eL tedoto0 mo 
. giiwolfot ott medi of boteviteb bac henptea ,eselleqqs yd beonevbs 

ravine iy 


"Seneca, Illinois 
October 15, 1929 

Sold to Hildegard and Tuas Hollenbeck 
8 head of cows and 2 brood sows for the sum 
of 5830.00 which I have reeeived during the 
last 4 years. 

Carrie Hollenbeck." 

It is not disputed that appellees advanced the money as 
claimed, The evidence further shows thet appellee, Luella 
Hollenbeck, advanced money to buy the grey mare named, "Betty." 
She claims to own this mare and a colt which is an offspring. 
After hearing the evidence, the court found in favor of appellees 
with reference to the above mare and colt, seven milk cows and 
six calves which were offsprings, six brood sows and forty-six 
pigs, by virtue of the foregoing instrument; and ardered a writ 
of retorno to issue as to such livestock, Appellant brings this 
appeal from the judgment of the court herein. 

Appellant urges that the bill of sale was invalid, that it 
should have been acknowledged and recorded, that the same was 
void as to appellant, that the burden was upon appellees to 
establish superior title to appellant, and that in this, they 
failed. Ona trial of the right of property under the statute, 
the burden is upon appellees to prove their right to the property, 
and they are bound to show that the property belongs to them and 
is not subject to sale upon execution . Appellees stated positively 
that this livestock belonged to them. It appears that the farm upon 
which they lived belonged to the mother. No one disputes the mother's 
ownership of the animals covered by her bill of sale, and no one 
disputes Luella's claim that she advanced the money with which to 
purchase the grey mare. 

It appears by appellant's evidence that the father, William 
Hollenbeck, made a property statement to appellant on January 31, 
1931, showing a net worth of $7395, and that the sum of #1653 in 

such statement was represented by livestock. Thereis nothing to 


@lomil[ll ,sosnea” 
CSef .ar Tottod 00 

doodgelloy alieud Das HSteseblih ot bLoe rhidcat Nea 
mia eit tot ewoe, Sootd & bas ewoo to beed 8 ; 

edt arith beyteset eved I rst dw 00.088% ‘to 

satsey + taal 

",Moodnelfol sirrsd 

&8 yotom edt Beonsvhs eeelfenqs tant heotugeath tom ei tT mt Coot 
sileul ,selleqqs tsdt ewore saad ses _90nsh tye ett abe sage 
VMS SE"  bemad ove Yers ext yd of yoaom bs onsvhs 4 toed nel Lok 
.aattqetto a8 at foidw tfloo s bas stem atsit coro od cunt alo ode 

ae allsqqs to tovat mt bayot tuvoo edt Sone hive eft gaitsed 1k 

Sas awoo Alkm meves ,tfoo bas etem svods edt of eonetetet Attw. 

rg A Ae bas awoe Bood xia shail tae tig ATOW alo Latw 2evlso xte 

tit s botebap baw toot eat Safogetot sit to, euttiv. yd | ig 
aire aga tad tmeLfeqca stootaev ht dove of as. eyget of pmtotes, X09, 

: _ alerted tryoo 2dt To drommbut edd spxt sidithana 

+t tedt bt lever t sew sfse to Llid edd, tedt, seg cm Taal logqa.« 

88¥ omea oft Ped ebebwoet Bas Seale [won 2.8. eed b Luo de 

of seelloqas no qt aew, me bru. ont Sand <tasllergs. ost ae Blow 

Neds 22idt ot tsdt bas taal forge ot oLttt tolreqya. de bidatee, 

etirt ate 9 it rea Utteqotg to. ty iptz, Sat to Isizt 3 m0. -p So Itst. 
Vitoqorg ould of tdata tlosdt evo tg od seollaggs, foqy al. gebousd ent 
bas ave nh ot egmoted ytxeqotg ont todg woul gs, oF Sasod. 28, Yodt bap, 
Yevit tao betata a ase Fioggs » Koltuoexs oo qu else ot Tosi dua ton, af. 
moqu mre? ort 3 fads tatgt da cal smedd ot begao led Aootaevil edt teit. 
&' te dtom oud sotuce tb ono olf ,  Tedto.m ont oF Seanoled. Sevit. Yoda. 0A 
emo on bas oLea ‘to Lit ret yd betevoe elemigs edt to. Midatenwo , 

ot dotitw ft tw Youom ost boomsyba efe tsdt aisfo g'slleud aetuents, 

| _ 99 TBM Yor, edt saedomug L 
ment toy csedtet | odd tod, eoaebive aliaalleqqe Xd. PTS G8. a1. 


LE MS Foti 9 taal Leqas ot taemot ste Ntogotg 2. ehsm , zoe 







show that appellees had any notice or knowledge of this property 
statement made by William Hollenbeck to appellant. The bill of 
sale from the mother to appellees for the livestock in question 
was made on October 15, 1929. The note upon which judgment was 
taken against the father was dated October 26, 1931. The execution 
of the bill of sale by the mother to appellees was too remote to 
the execution of the note by the father, to attribute a wronsful 
intention on the part of the mother and appellees. 

Appellees both reeeived a substantiah monthly salary. It is 
not unusual that they should advance money to their mother as 
claimed in this case, nor is it uncommon for them to leave the 
livestock together with its offspring, upon the farm. 

The trial court saw the witnesses and ward them testify. 
Appellant offered no evidence to impugm the acts and conduct of 
the motther and appellees. Appellees swore the animals in questbon 
belonged to them, and no witness disputes their claim. Upon tl 
whole of the record we are not prepared to say that the judgment 
of the trial cow t is contrary to the law or against the weight 
of the evidence. 

The judgment of the County Court of Grundy County is there- 
fore affirmed. 

Judement affirmed. 

yiteqotq atslt to. sabe fworat 10. abv vrs ee soectecas tdi 
to [ffd ant 

| bigniiecso! Ot MoedaslloN mail r iw bil ohm * troméave 

Bay A essaahsss® ib tite? anew rey eit sng ar ‘reo¥o0 a nO “oben ¢ “ie 

nottueexe eT ,L80L 188 wdote boteb asw tedtet oid binckan a Diced 

dphencee 8 gtudiatie ot .todse% auld ve eton. oat, 30, petals a 

n, i Dias 

-aveltogas 51s ed tour ody to deeg. oat. 10 Het te 

al #r oUreise vidt nom Aeitnstedue 8 bev iooes atod. aeolleqas 

a «7 one 

a3 seldom ttodd oe Yestom sonevbs S.luo de _Yedt t edt oA Eh 

edt eveel ot meds tot Pqumoosy tt at som (18889. plat at. 

2st ead _mpqy. saaitgqatto, es! Adin _redtezod 

Weiveed megs bre at pis Beesoad tw odé NS8 | fxwoo Leite edt 

ahd Me: 4h 

t9 tovBooe Dawe ates ott erat Fi 29 1196 ive, On berette As aed 
sodtacsp at afnmtns oid ,otowe evel leqqa _sPeeiloggs bas Bars, OL 

alt MOgy wapect ttodt eetuaqaid Seend Ly on, Sas edt o 

100! biv 

i ATR, 

SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause. 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court,.at Ottawa, this= === = S = day of 
in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
73815—5M—3-32) ociS07 

brik int Vet atte & ot Wo dyst  AOB Ment 

vincad af worl! fae heey what ode hy: 

a : 3 
io oe omens bat tia avi sit atl pry mathe hs Sine of Jal at 
No : ; Dog eN ef 

Oa, iitmerlionmes hawt rit Me me 


i | 
ey, IJ 
February, in 

Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the sixth aay a) 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 
Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

| Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 

Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk. ep FY 4 T A G 
E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. / a eth eae 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APR 25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

: “ 
hase ; 
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. r? ‘ Miu eS il | iJ K, \d u 
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i! ¥ . 

ia | ecituch Qo st Whoa. ioe 

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EO rc I sul . Fe dhs 
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_ ag axe law AC Terre < ai At ah 
4 =" 
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eek b OIG «% nell 
- a. ee ee ee ee eee 

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esiuuit faa ehtaw sat @l. ,3reed Dige Xe 90th ae ¥ 

i ; 2S EW Od) see Q, 


| = ak reali 

G = 

Vee a ae 

Ba) nq 


Gen. No. 8709 Agenda No. 6. 

February Term, A.D. 1934. 

Harris Brothers Company, 
a Delaware Corporation, 

Appeal from Circuit Court, 
VSe Will County. 
Hinkamp & Company, et al., 

Appellant on June 25, 1950, filed its bill in the Circuit 
Court of Will county, to foreclose a mechanics lien. The 
matter remained on the docket without a hearing until on May 8, 
1931, when appellees filed their motion to require appellant 
to obtain service on Hinkamp & Co., and on other necessary 
parties, within such time that the court might have the jurisdict- 
ion to proceed with the hearing of the cause during the September 
term, 1931, thereof, and that upon failure of appellant to so 
complete service as aforesaid, the bill be dismissed as without 
equity. The court entered its order directing appellant to 
obtain service as prayed in appellees’ motion. 

On October 13, 1931, the court found that appellant had 
failed to canplete service on Hinkamp & Co., as previously 
ordered on May 8Sth., and dismissed the bill of complaint as 
without equity. Appellant thereafter filed its petition to 
vacate the above order dismissing its bill. Upon motion of 
appellees made on February 2, 1933, the petition of appellant 
as above filed, was set for hearing on February 15, 1933. 

Upon a hearing of the matter on that date, the court took 
same under advisement and on Juve 7, 1933, entered its order 
denying the petition of appellant to vacate the order of court 

entered on October 15, 1931, dismissing the bill of complaint 

~8 .of shinesA @0TS .of . nev 

TOIATET dMioora 

eASOL ,C,4 ,mreT yresrdet 

eVteqmod avedtord aitish 

,nottstogrod etsweled s : 

ptoelleqaa bar 

eiuyod tive md mrt LeeqcA } 
Utmuod LLiw +8V ; 

wets to ,ymeqmod & qmednti 
~enolleqqa ' 


tivortd ont mi [Iftd ati hefit ,OceLl ,c& enyt no tasileqgA 
eft .noetfl aotasdosem s seol{senot o¢ ,ytmvoo ILLW To toned 
2 Yall mo Litew satrsed s tyosndt iw texoob oft mo hontonie tetiam 

tasileaqgs etivpet of notvfom ttodt beltt eseelLeqqs nodw fel 

i ma SS 

vieesseen todio go bas ,,00 & qmaewtatH so eetviroe aisitdo ot 3 
~Soibeiaut edt svead tdatm tivoo eft tedt omtt dova nidt¢iw eottzsg ‘ 
toedmetqe2 edt natiy5 eavso eft to xynicsed edt iviw boessoorg ot mot 
oe ot taslieqqs to omltst soqy tect bas ,Wwetedt , eel _mrred | 
tuonttiw es beaatmath ed Ilid edt ,hbtesents es esotvise ot ofginos Biss 

a ae 

ot tosiloqqs sxttoetth tobto ett betetas tives exT .ttivpe ' 
-Moitom ‘aselfeqas at beystq as eolvtes mtatdo 
bed tasfleqqs tedt hewot duos edd ,LECL ,eL tedoted 20 
ylevotvetq es ,.00 % qmednth no estvree etelqmo ot boltst 
es tais([qmoo to [lid edt beaetmeatd bas ,.dt8 yal nao beteb x 


¥ 4 

rk i" 



f A 

ot sottiteq ati bellt wettsetedt taelleqqA ,.ytinpe tuodtiw 
% noltom nogU .iftd ati antealtmetb tebro evods off eteosv 
toslileqge To mottiveg eft ,SéeL .S yrevidel oo ebem aselleqqs 

2Sc@L ,éEL yisuvrdel mo guitsed tot tee sew ,belit evods as 
woot txvoo sit ,stsh tedt mo tottem o ttt to goiteed 8 cnet 

tebto ati betetse ,geeL .V sivt mo bas tnemoativbs Tobaw enee 

vasoo to tebte edt otsosv ot taslleqys to moltite edt gntyaes 
tutalgmoo to Llid edt snteatmerb ,LO@f .8£ tedetoO mo beteine 8 

as without equity. Appellant excepted to this ruling and 
prosecutes this appeal. 

Appellant insists that this appeal is directed toward 
the dismissing of the suit for failure to prosecute with 
diligence. Appellees insist that the only question for review 
is the order of the court refusing to vacate a previous order, 
and that this is the only alleged error covered by appellant's 
assignment of errors. Appellant assigns error that the denial 
of its motion to set aside the dismissal order of October 135th., 
was an abuse of the court's judicial discretion. 

The motion of appellees filed on May 8, 19351, to eanpel 
appellant to complete service was made under sec. 11 of the 
Lien Act, and the order entered thereon was entered pursuant 
to such section of said act. The pertinent portion of this 
section provides as follows: "The complainant or petitioner 
shall make all parties interested, of whose interest he is 
notified or has knowledge, parties defendant, and summons shall 
issue and service thereof be had as in suits in chancery; and 
when any defendant resides or has gone out of the state, or on 
inguiry can not be found, or is concealed within this state, 
so that process can not be served on him, the complainant or 
petitioner shall cause a notice to be given to him in like 
manner and upon the same conditions as is provided in suits 
in chancery, and his failure to so act with regard to summons 
or notice shall be ground for judgment or decree against him 
as upon the merits. The same rule shall prevail with cross- 
petitioners with regard to any person of whose interest they 
have knowledge, and who are not already parties to the suit or 
action." Sec. 21, ch. 110 Cahill's St. 1951, contains a 

somewhat similar provision in regard to suits in equity. 

~ Qu 

hire sect Lunt aur ot botqsoxe seuuhenss eYtinups thro sit tw as 
+feeqqe aidt actsoszonq 

Stewed betoerib et tance a fine tent avetent vaelleqqa ; 
dtiw etyosaor of Siutist to% sree act to onlealoe tb odt 


wetvet tot wolteeup ¢lno edt tad tat amt Bpetlogah -oomeg tits 

4 Thro avolverq s staosv of sotartet 800 adit to tebto edt at 


e'tiwlloga s yd pc ihind TORS bemella cfs est at ae id vedt Sos 


fsigeh edt tedd Totte antes s vaallegga +8 torts JP, ‘non teas 

Crore i 

24HEL tedoyo0 to tehw Ieaatmeth oct shies toa. od. mo Hew att to 



sfolvetoeth Istothyt e'téruos ont <0 cand § 18, el 

Moni tad ot ee 8 OT 10 beltt poor logan. To a ios ot om 
ont 0 a 1008 sto Buty ebaut ew eotytoa ef oLqm 9 ed tmalf engs 
teow betes me 280 _moez9d9 bored ne sob70 out pate, sta, 0 Lat 
: ald? to no tttoq tented adT tos bisa 0, nolto08 hat iad 
tenoly lveq tO tnamt sfgmoo exit” tewoll ot 8s s0bivo x Hg htooe 

at ori tested eeonw to. Detaesotat Reitzeg fis. a, . $ede 

Lede Bnto mau 8 Sas . tmebaeteb ee litaq ssudelwomd eed to Detttiog 

bas Yreemadio mi ative a es Sad ed toorestt cotvree Das arent 
re ¢ Toba 

{0 "to rotate edt to two fox aed zo eobiaot nabaoteb yas. rosdw 
rotate Sidt abst in bolas ous on) at to bawor of vor igo erty pat 
to tase tetqnos auld gail ao povaoa od toa 89 eeeon ny tedt 98 
exkt eh othe ot ovis od ot eoiton Sane 9 Lede ono it tog 
shtie at pia al as anol ttbxoo, ems. edt #OUm Sos Toni ec 
anonny 2 ot brsget aise 798 08 oF emitter aah ‘fae aVteonedo. at 
meal fantene eetoed LO Miler eid keds basen, od Lede eotton 3 oa 
BBO sit tw Ltevery f Latta elu omsa edt satizog ont toques eee ea 
Xeds teeter at eaortw n spetag we of buager | att by arom it tteq 
TO tua ont od a0 brag vbaecis ton exe Oster bas + Gabe twond ved 
8 attad x09 Loe! te e" Li do9 OL sito 8. —, ca Matto tion 
+Wspe at ay ive of anger at fo latvoug: alin ie taiwemoa 

i fC RER 

AE Sc Cpe eer ea Tg garynel 

i: be a ee eee Gee Ht al dl 
NA lq a) SACRE ai fie 
a i, i me R 

ee ne ee ee eee ee S Ses 


The substance of appellant's contentions is that the 
Court in its dismissal of this action was guilty of an ebuse 
of judicial discretion. Tc go into a discussion of the dispute 
of the parties herein upon this question would unduly extend 
this opinion and serve no good purpose. ‘We have examined the 
record and the evidence in this respect, and we do not fhna 
therefrom that the trial court committed an abuse of its 
discretion, as claimed by appellant. Courts must necessarily 
be clothed with some latitude in handling the business that 
comes before them; end in the dispatch of such business, 
matters within the discretionary powers of the court, will 
not be interferred with upm review, unless an abuse of such 
discretion appears to have been committed. The authorities 
on this point are abundant. 

Finding no reversible error in the record, the order and 
decree of the trial court is affirmed. 

Order and decree affirmed. 

ered “Sil aot ‘ara 
‘baht tom ob aw bas. \ioodeot aldt ot eonedive eas” ‘bie Sidbel 
‘atl to eauds as bedétmmoo #109 teint etd teil ‘bot elt iM 
vittasseoen | Penet ‘adaued ‘nal Toque “yd Bémtefo as. ‘to 1eto8 ES ai, 
; “tadt aeontaud oft aakibaed at ebudtest onto Ease bert: df of 
.220eniand done to dod oqa iD bity it Bae ‘yoredd digiba eons Ne 
“ttiw ¢t Broo itt” ao! etoWog Yaoi Fox oweb ott gidt tw atedtom 4 
toss So ands ne aeeloar ewelvet soos dtiw bottotretat of tou 



aot tromty s edt bod timo 6 ased ev att of ‘eteogqs” ‘no tteroe: ae 
ip | Fate Beard | etre siete sisidlaal : 

+ bomiitta sompeb Bas = 



I. JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
rtify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

f record in my office. 

In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 
Appellate Court,.at. Ottaway, this ee ee ee day ot 
eee in the year of our, Wordone thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
73815—5M—8-82) okG507 

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AT A mau (OF rus aa COURT, 

Begun and held at Ottawa, Nenl o . | sixth day of een in 
the year of our Lord oa iy thousayid | nundred and thirty-four, 
within and for the Second ie ict of the State of Illinois: 
Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 

Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 


E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
~ APR25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 

Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 

Soria | 2 i 
- mater, : 


: / - ¥ aa 

ye eee venagi0 fe bled ba 

pisotTtti tt bas Seber * St <r bs sd peo RioOv «7a to 08 

i. satunt lt te stews add to fotaset x bhoset en Race Gan 
rie ootiegh qathipes? Gut0% 40 €a% 0H, Ais = 

i eukIewt: ,2¥00 .7 AL THEART -oR 
eoiteet ,TAMeyn MHLAGE wok 
sutel) ,MOSHHOL. if BUTauy. 

x “~ A y h a iLe@ Mi ’ . al | 

| ae - fi 4 hs d ~ _ spn 
i is @8 25 5 ttitede grit Tale ard TY Wek 


a he ahaa ncn en en epee socio nantes susie 
© . aS cee 
if 10 tfie-ot "~sitawiette dadt ,eH 

ia edt ot Befit esw rood etd ta notsiqa sat 
7 - : a si 

fried. hise ‘So! 

a Le 
Siow aif? af 

Gen. No. 8734 Agenda No. 15 

February Term, A.D. 1934, 

M. H.Fitzsimmons, 

Appeal from Circuit Court, 
VS. MeHenry County. 

William Cowan, et al., 
(Fred Siebel, 
Appellant ) 


This appeal is prosecuted by appellant from the order 
of the Circuit Court of McHenry county entered therein pur- 
suant to the mandate and specific directions of the appellate 
Court, wherein this cause was reversed and remmed with 
directions, in the case of li. H. Fitzsimmons, appellee, v. 
William Cowan, et al., defendant, Fred Siebel, appellant, 
265 Ill. App. 660. The question in that appeal was the dis- 
position of the sum of $1107.96 held by the Master, and for 
which appellant and the MeHenry County State Bank, (now 
Woodstock Natioal Bank) were contending. 

The only question involved in this appeal is whether 
the lower court entered its decree in conformity with the 
mandate and directions of the Appellate Court, as made at 
the time this case was reversed and remanded as aforesaid. 

In the opinion of the Appellate Court reversing and 
renanding this eause, it was provided that appellant should 
receive from the master the sum of $1000, and also the value 
of the dower right of Magzie Cowan in the balance of $107.96, 
and that the lower court determine the value of such dower 
right by reference to standard mortality tables. The dower 

right was fixed and determined at $35.98, and no camplaint 

@f .o sbooega SETS ol .nen 

TOT ard quowwe 


poel dc... ,mreT yravrdst 
,enommileastit.t .M 
,eetieqqa ; . 
etmvod tivorld mort [seqqA Po ; 
+VWiaod yrashol av 
,-is ve ,f@swod meilliv 
,ledela bert) 

tebro edt mat tualleqqs vd het useaow ef Leeqas etdT : 
-wg atetedt bersitne yayvoo yrosHeoM to fuyod ¢gimortd edt To if 
evsifeqqs edt to amoitositd olttoege bas efshbasm edt ot taspa 
fitiw bo framet 601s beatevet asw sauseo eidt nietedw ,t wed 
«Vv ,coifecqes ,2monmiastit .H .M to saso edt at ,anotftoextd 
eiaslifeqqs ,fedeta bert ,tusbretsb ,.,is te aewod met Ltw 
-elb edt asw (seqqs tsdé at nottaeup efT .088 .qqA .Lfl 888 
tot bos ,YetesM ott yd Bled 8, VOLLE to mre oft to mrereee”. 
wom) ,wnsd etst2 yiawod yrneMoM edt bus tneffeqqs dotdw ne 
santbaetnos etew (ainsi fenottet SootabooW 4 
. tedtedw at f[eecqs attt ni bevlovnt oottasyp y{m edt a . 
edt dtiw ywimtotsoo ai setoeb ati hevetus tryoo tewol aft | 
ts obam aes ,t1vo0o0 ofelleqqA edt to anottoertib bas etshasm _ } 
-Diseetots es bebnsmet bas beetovet asw saso aitdt emit edt  ~ 
bas gntatever iwod etslleqgA edt to motmiqo edt ot 
biuode tasileqqs tadt bebtverq asw vt ,eeuso eldt gatbasmt 
exyfsv eft oafs bas ,000L¢ to muve ont soteasm eft mort evieoet 
,O@.V0LG to sonsisd eft ot mswod elsasM to tdatr rewob edt 

sowob dove to oplsv oft onmtmretob tis09 tewol edt ¢ anit bas 

towoh ofT ,aoldet yilstwom Btsbasta of coneteter yd tight 
tateiqmpo om bas ,8@,c8$ ts bemimreteb bas bexitt asw tt 



is made of the camputation of this item. Appellant objects 
herein because of the fact that the Circuit Court of McHenry 
county in entering its decree under the directions of the 
opinion of the Appellate Court, did not allow said appellant 
interest upon the above sum of money. 

We have examined the opinion of the Appellate Court in 
the above case wherein this cause was reversed and remanded 
with directions to the lower court, and the mandate as issued 
therein. There is no provision for the payment of any money 
to appellant under the decree to be entered by the said Circit 
Court, except the sum of $1000 and the said Maggie Cowan's 
dower right in the balance of 3107.96. 

Where a judgment is reversed «nd the cause is remanded, 
with specific directions as to the action to be taken by the 
trial court, it is the duty of that court to follow those 
directions, and it cannot err in doing so. Trustees of Schools 
ve Hoyt, 318 Ill. 60. Upon appeal fra the decree of a lower 
court so entered, the only question presented on such appeal, 
is whether the decree is in accordance with the mandate and 
directios of the court of review. Trustees of Schools v. 
Hoyt, supra; Smith v. Dugser 318 T1l. 215; Wolkau v. Wolkau 
217 Ill. App. 471, 474; Dunlap v. Pierce, 260 Ill. App. 149, 
154; Ry. Equipment Co. v. Brell€-Beam Co., 259 I11, 111, 115. 

From an examination of the opinion of the Appellate Court 
entered in the above case, we find that the lower court was 
directed to enter its decree providing for the payment of $1000 
to said appellant, together with the dower interest as aforesaid 
in the sum of $107.96, which amounts were the final balances 
found to be due to said appellant. The Circuit Court had no 
power to enter any other decree. 

The judgment of the Circuit Court, mrely carrying into 
execution the judgnent of the Appellate Court, was the only 
judgment which the Circuit Court had any authority to enter, 

and the same is affirmed. 
is Judgnent affirmed. 

5 “S- 

atostdo. tneiileqqA .mett efdt to moitstsamo ent to, 
YInsHoM To duvod ttwyotlo odt Wadd Yost elt to savsoed nieted 
edd To emoitosrihs edt te beuy earosh att 3nite tis af yiavoo 
tausfleqas Bisa wolle tom hib ,dayo0 etelLegqs edt to solatqo 
evettom to mya evods eft moqu taototat 

mit tryod ste lleqqA edt to notnitqo odt henimaxe. evag) oil, 
bebasmet Soe beatevet esw seuvso einft mietedw saso ovods edt 

beveat ac otebaan edt Soe .fIw0. tewol odd ot enottgetib dtiw 

yYenom yxs to tnosysec oft tot notsivotgq om ak e1eat sedecrase . 

timontO Bisa edt yd betetus ed ot setae ant tebow jnatteaqs ‘ot 
a'aswod etensM Bree odd Sus COOOL to swa edt tgsoxe tod 
.d.50L@ to eonslsd edt ni tdstuxemob 

,beinsmat eb sauso edt Lac beatsvet ai taomhuhs eter 

ait yd sevet od ot notten edtvod as atoliooilh obitioega «lh iw 

seodt wollot ot tuon d¢sdt te wb odd eb dt dtyo00 » Lebat 
efooea To sestesiT 02 gutoh ai mie teunse Fi bas ,anottoenkh 
towel .s Id°esteeb edd mitt Lseqqs soqU: 00 slil 81S tye: sv 
.issdqs dove co botasesta sgottseup ying . oat» betetae ep t1989 
Pte -etsinan edt dtiw somehtooos ai at eotosh odd aedtedwoet 
vo aloodoa to sestayil waives to taseo,cdt to ,emlvoetib 
gextfoW .v uextfoW 7alS efit Sk teysuG.v déinG jemque 4tyol 
,@dl .qqA .Ifl CdS. geetedt sv qefheud-'pb¥A INS eqqans SLL, NSS 
eSiL gill sLiT@b8 ,.0d maadeslacd,.v 409. tganqizpd. wyt p bet 
trvoo etelleqgaé. ont to molaigo elt: 1o sotteaimexe as.mett ..+ 

aiw ¢moo tewol edt ¢aft batt-ow yeeee evods | 
OOOL$ fo tremysq edt tot gatbivomq- estseb ath retme oF.betoankd ( 

Sisactots ex tesseiant tewob-odt davie redtegot jtaeileqqa bise ot 
seonelsd fanitedt erewoetavomm dotdw ,d@sVOl?: to ae edt-at 
oa fed tovod tivertd edt «tos leqqe: bisa of sub. ed of bawot 

vy GOT9SH: Toslto, NEP TORRE: OF OMPE . 

otiai patyates yleten ,tavel sivorto; edd teodmeomby ty edT ein . 
vino edt eew ,diw0d! dtelfeqqa: ott to trombr{,- ‘edt soi nooxe 

. ted | ov ywitouity a yore B sf dusted» dupont LO» ert footie. sromabet 

ehomtitts tse mp but 7 wanlagl So as sul sind 


SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court. in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

AppellatenCourt. at (Ottawa, thiss == = eS day 
Cin the year of our Lord one thousand nine 
hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(738155 M—3-32) «B07 

haa ah Wot abel in a, 

LE het) ROR ARON Od AGE tpn 

yoleitad oly oagedd Jyer tenn etre ht ale Fe beeeoitnd sydd Walaa 

extra holtiteanw ore 

hese 4 nan ed ee Re 
TO vale 

oer Uinietoylt on 

5 . a ee, ih A>) 
ey MEL ae! RE ho mt nin a Hane sah 

Wo} eee igh aa HAT 


eee eee 

| f g I 

2 E a j } 

Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, oe day of February, in 

(a3 of i 

the year of our Lord one thousand nine hindred and thirty-four, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 
resent-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 
Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

Spl AT A fe, 

E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APK 25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

foliowing, to-wit: 


. \eRuoe erknsaess SRT MERE LS 

| x : 
Al are! idee Tar yah Fie i eae fo wewetto te bfeit } bas 2 


mpus=yetlee Biter ber eDatoet euis iieenons ano aod tuo TG" raSy 
feleielis WT ateste elf Io Talttett heogec out toT bor al 

wh atihseett. IO we } THAT 

<eutteg YOD ah TAMAR. .a0l 
,antdart. ,CAMRTOE MATE 80H 

} | oe sxyafd OSTHOL ft gursut 5 

a Eh Sr 

ao Ao ost we oF ehrawietts fads tans 
af mi Delit raw Ituedeeds: To nohnige et, 

7 ‘> r¢ > a, Oras: » wh ~ 
estyar. Dts Sorrow etd. A, 


See pte. 

Gen. No.8743 Agenda No. 18. 


February Term, A.D. 1954. 

Ae L,. Fogle, Receiver, 
Defendant in =Zrror, 
Error to Circuit Court, 
vs. Ogle County. 
Charles E. Hayes, 

Plaintiff in Error. 


Defendant in error was appointed receiver in a foreclosure 
proceeding for a certain eighty acre tract of land. He qualified 
as such receiver. This land at the time was rented to a tenant 
by the name of King, who had the premises rented for the perid 
from March 1, 19351, to March 1, 1932, at the sum of $5.00 per 
acre, cash rental. King sold his crops upon this tract of land 
to plaintiff in error in June 1931. King had not paid the rent. 
The evidence shows the rent was to be paid in tw equal install- 

Defendant in error called upon plaintiff in error about the 
payment of this rent upon several occasions, at which times te 
discussed with plaintiff in error the payment of the same. He 
states that plaintiff in error said that he was to pay the rent 
but it wasn't due yet; that it was cash rent of $5.00 an acre 
making a total of $400. Defendant in error claims that plaintiff 
in error agreed upon various times he would pay the rent, that 
half would be due December 1, 1931, and half due March 1, 1952. 
It appears fram the evidence thst plaintiff in error later refused 
to pay defendant in error the rent, claiming that he had no in- 
formation or proof that defendant in error was the receiver and 

entitled to collect same. The evidence shows that defendant in 

BL Oo BHreaA 

TOTATGIA aucore 

oh20L .G,A rel yraurde® 

<tovieseH ,efs0T% .I «A 
<TOTTE al tashnotedi | 
,7tv00 tiyoxttd of xorr® 
«YWROD ala0 eaV 
0YSH . eolradd 

etOTI of tTtitatels 

etveofLosrot s nmi tevisoer bev mtogqs asw torre of tashasted } 
 bottt Les el .baaf to tosrt eros vidgie atstteo « tot an Lbseoo tg 
toetet s ot botnet asw omtt eft +s basl atdT »Tevisoet dosa a8 
fo iteq edt tot boetnor eeeimorg sit bed osfw eau To emer edt vd 
teq 00.2% to mya ost ts .S8CL Lf domsM ot ,L8CL ,f dove mort 

bosf to tostd aids ooqy agots atd blog sat .Istner daso (9T9s8 

etnet eft blag tom bed gxkX ,£80L savt at torres nt Yittmislq of 

-if{stent [eype owt mt bisq ed ot aaw tmet add ewode subiehive oft 

edt tyods torte mt Tiitnielq moqu bellso torre at +neb noted 

ai gemit dotdw ts ,anotagooo Ieteves moqu tuner etds to + memry eq 
SH ,omse edt to tnemysa oct sotte ot tiitvaislq dtiw beaayoath i 

toot edt yeq ot esw ed tedt Btea torre mt tiitntelq tandt eetate 

SsTos is 00.8% to tner daso asw tt tent itey oub t'aesw tl tud 
Titinislg tedt emitslo torre at tusboeted 00S? to Latot e¢ antoxtem 
tsa ,taer ont veq Alyow oc cemit avotisvy noqy beerss torte at 
»Séel .f doteM ovbh tled bas ,Lleel lt tedmeced exh od Sluyow ten 
beeutet tetel torre ot itmtsly tadt somebtve eft mrt etseqqs tI 
“mi on Bed sd tadt ootmtels .inet edt torre mi ¢ msbaoteb Veg ot 
bus teviesst oft esw torre ot tnedbneteb tatt toorq to mold amrot | 

mi ivebaoteb tedt eawola eomehtve ofT .emsa toollos ot beltiine 

error then submitted his credentials to plaintiff in error 

at which time plaintiff in error deferred psyment stating 

that he did not know whether defendant in error was the proper 
party to whom he should pay the rent. The evidence shows re- 
peated trips by defendant in error to see plaintiff in error, 

and conversations be tween them regarding the payment of this rent. 

Plaintiff in error received the crops but did not pay the 
rent, and his testimony upon the trial of this cause is highly 
unsatisfactory as to any reason for not paying it. He claims 
that defendant in error upon his visits, "never threatened to 
go into court," with the account. The rent was not paid and 
the plaintiff in error offered no legal reason why he should not 
pay it. 

This suit was originally instituted in a Justice of the 
Peace court where defendant in error herein, recovered a judgment 
for the sum of $400 as rent upon these premises. Plaintiff in 
error herein, appealed from that judement to the Cireuit Court 
of Ogle County, where a jury was waived and the cause was tried 
before the Court. The Court rendered judgnent in favor of 
defendant in error and against plaintiff in error for $400 
and costs. From an examination of this record we are of tle 
opinion that the judgnent of the trial court was correct, and 
the same is hereby affirmed. 

Judgment affirmed. 

i) 7 
iP Ge OT ftk) 

corre mi " aitetate ot aleifneheto aid bottimdue noddt torre 
griteta taemcs¢ betzeTeb TOTS ae tie oa emit doldw te 
tecotg edt asw torre mt ¢ nabiae Tab: ‘hee dete: worst tom bf5 ef tad 
-et ewode eocebive oft “fs abs eddy ag binode od monw of yoteq — ue 
,<torre mi Ttivaisl¢ see of torte ni toshbneteb yd aqiat betseq | 

einet aldt to tuserveq odd gotitsner meds neent woenel fedtevne 6 bas 
ei? ysq tom bid tod agoto edt beyteoss torres Hiertitoieltl 

CLs te ak eats skid 6 fetus ont moqy yoomisveot ata bas toot 

amtafe eH tk anived tom tot moagset yas of eo vytotiste itmediy Mi 

ot benstsetnt toven" ,attely atid megs morts ib taab meteb todd 

bas bisq ton esw tnet eT .tauooos edt atin * FOO odmt be 

WE aip: 

fon bivode on sl 108 89% Sara on RexEss® ‘Torre at nitatatg ont 
a ia ib RES EW 4 OK f eho kt, Sore | oa ‘cn is ut “7 

es oid to 99 ivan 8 at botuditeat get Mo Hag ky asw te tine akan u 

# nom burt 8 botevovet _at ore 1 10 TTe at danbeoten eres #1709 e004 
At Az : + wore OE 

re ‘Wintel +308 tose weatt moqy 19% as oon To mya exit cot 


%. bis) JEM! 

F090 theotto edt o¢ é nomabst, dass work helsecas "stoned toTI9S 

x GD : ~eroe 
boise 288 eanse ed t bas beviaw esw wut 2 otena raed ‘olee to. 
oe é Sitsateig oe 
‘to ovst tt # oe mp burt berobas4 t1u700 eT «#900 oy etoted 
ra te oexsohivie att 

: “00nd “ot torre mt ttt melo Fant eb ny torts ae fnabasteh 
ee ait to OTS OW Sr000% oer to Sie an eRe as mote | vetnoo faa ahh 
va ans {toerr09 a8 ta0 9 ietat ont ‘to ‘trompei, ‘edd tact molnkgo 

| ON Ie Tae a “sbowaht? s ‘veers et ons out 
« a ia fea mae Ripe be hese wnat 

ee ee ae i ee 

ltclale todd aetete 

a PO wae. a ake ee 
; 20a 306 Lagat ez 
iiey mous jeans 
‘ 4 DE a i PRR eG 
Wwiet werel won of Thigetetgy dat saxehive wat moe ik aeaivas 

eit Youve wE F wabre'reh 

Gy NM On F 

I. JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 


certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 

In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 
Appellate Court, at. Ottawa, this ay of 
Cin the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—8-82) otZBb07 

are fl 
fir, Bak 

oak bo drat Oe Valent eid te 1 i 1 



ae. baw aleaongh oft Koy cal Hein stout to ofote att Yo" pohetarQh bao Boge a0) 
»BAY-al Huta’ at ethane tite grein crete Bile en ¥aOD OU? dat Seeks eih Die deny “hte 
ilo wet wh Brower 
Pity Fuiawt vate doa iohuorad T insist) viroiktes® rf i ’ , ‘ 
fi and wan hy ao)  ahaliedes ‘ ej 1 
feo pes ay PIE OS Ec ee ce aT ae i 
rN ea heath frre bro dseeanth . ory ; re. 
eae Tet) eae 
verre aes aks ea sk i Ee = x ; o a a 
(Eo (Ete BEY 


& — 
poor > 

Lf } 
x seinen 





f § 
Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the /six day of February, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 
Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 
Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 

Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk. a7 4IA 672° 
Zz: athe 

E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APR 29 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 



ra so te 
“ ep te ‘ns 
* “ve hw 

sutomPiti Ya e¢ere att te suerte’ baj0a2 aes 70T, ee 
softanl giiiteord S220" 0 CRT ane gah. 

soldeut BVO ff chante il 

vse tteo’ RAMSURGRTAIE ool 

; | a XAGL5 are: J, BYEEEE 
wats aoe me LEfrede tera Jee 



I ah Eat al aR eI wn On A he em he 

mG skiw-ot ,ebt ‘awte tte Jade fore 
ent ol betit gew dro) edd to sotnics ond 

agtimit. bie. absow edt af sexsod Dies to. 
; ~~ ie 


February Term, A.D, 1954. 

Leslie C. Morgan, Supervisor for 
and on behalf of Township of Bonus, 
Boone County, Illinois, 

Appeal from the Circuit 
VS. Court, Boone County. 
The Estate of A. Gates White, 

A, Gates white, deceased, had been a former supervisor of 
the township of Bonus, in Boone County, Illinois,and as such 
officer had custody and charge of the township funds and of the 
road and bridge funds of said town. He died, having in his 
possession a balance of $3698.95, belonging to said township. 
Appellee herein succeeded said deceased as supervisor of said 
township, and appellee as such supervisor for and on behalf of 
said township filed a claim against the estate of said deceased 
for $2838.25, being the above amount less a credit of $860.70 receiv- 
ed from said estate. 

There is no dispute that the deceased had the money in his 
hands at the time of his death. The only question involved in 
this case is whether the claim as filed by appellee, in his 
capacity as supervisor for and on behalf of said township of 
Bonus, was sufficient to entitle the court to allow same against 
said estate. The claim was filed by appellee in the County Court 
of said county, in words and figures as follows: 

September Term, A.D, 1931 
In Probate 

State of Illinois : ,, 
County of Boone : 

ofS .OM sbhirep! 8638 ,o . men 

aT wr ie | 



SSCL CLA .orrel yrasrdet 

Tot toaivroque ,meay10oM .9 etfeel ~ 
,aunod to qidenwoT to tiated mo bas 
s@ionilfiIl ,ytayod enood 

tiyottd edt? mort fseeqqA 
eYtayoD efood trod 2av 

,otidW aetsd ,A to etstel edt 

-taslleqqa a3 

to toa tyvroque Tomiot s aoed bed ,beaseoob ,otinw seted ,A 

dove es bas,atonif{{l ,ytawod enmood mi <aun0d To qideawot edt 
aft to bos about qidanwot edt to egisdo fos ybotano beat too Itto 
eid ai gaived beth ol .mvot btea to abmut esbiad bas beot 
-Gidenwot bise ot goignoled .a@,8edc$ to sonsied s oo Lsaezz0q 
Sisa to toziviequa aes bearseoah bipe bebeooove oisvod becoming. 2 
to tisded no bas tot toa ivieque dove es eelleqqs bas aha nnot 
Heaseoeh bise to states ent tentege misfo s he Lit at danwot bisa 
Seteiee Ov.088¢ to tibeto s aeel tavoms evods odd ‘gited ,é&, Brest, Tot 
-otstee Hise m1 be 

afd ai yenom edt bar beaseoeh edt tadt etugqaib om at ered? oa , 

ai bevfovnt notteesp vino edT .dtseb aif to omtd ont te ebaad : 7 
afd ot ,eelleqqs yd S5eltt as mislo edt todtenw al seso edit 

to qidanwot bisa to tieded mo bas tot toatvregmea 2B Wiosrso > 

tan isgs omes wolls ot tmroo adt jeltistae ot doo loltina asw «8HH08 

viwoo ytavod edt at eelleqas vd baltt asw mtefo off sot atee bisa 
iewollot as aematt bas ehtow at vere tia 0 

SHT “I* Nf 
féel .G.4 ,mreT todmetqed hae 

etadortl at 



Leslie C. Morgan, supervisor for and on behalf 
of the Township of Bonus, Boone County, Illinois, 
being duly sworn on oath says that the annexed claim 
against the estate of A. Gates White, deceased, amount- 
ing to the sum of $2,838.25 is just after allowing all 
just claims, and is now due and unpaid 
Leslie ©. Morgan 

Subseribed and sworn to before me 

this 21st day of September, A.D. 1931 

(Seal ) 
Alexander J, Strom 
Notary Publie 
Boone Co. Ill. 

The above claim referred to in said affidavit is’ 
founded as follows: To amount of trust funds entrusted 
to said decedent, who was for a number of years super- 
visor for said township, county, and State, and at the 
time of his death had said funds in his possession be- 
longing to said township as follows: 
Township RUPE b 6.5; wierels a wreeliw eevee $2,457 «27 
Road and bridge fund......... 1,261.68 
Total e@eoeeseevpeoeevvseaeveaeeeee $5,698.95 
Less credit received from the estate of 4. Gates 
White which has been credited on the township fund, 
said payment was in the sum of $860.70, leaving the 
account as follows: 
Due trust fund on account of the 
road and bridge fund ...seeeese- $1,261.68 
Balance due on trust fund on 
account of township fund ....... 1,576.57 
Total @eseeoervoeeopeoa@e*eeenstkeee8e2sd 2,858.25" 
Objections were made to the claim in the County Court by 
the Second National Bank of Belvidere, which claimed to have 
judgments amounting to $4418.35; and by the Peoples Bank of 
Belvidere, which claimed to have a judgment for $2782; and by the 
Keene Belvidere Canning Co., which claimed to have a judgment 
of $9830.72; and by the Farmers State Bank o Belvidere, which 
had filed a claim against said estate to the sum of $15,000; 
and by the administrator of the estate of the said A. Gates White, 
deceased. The position of the objectors was that there was nothing 
in said claim to show who presented it or upon whose behalf it was 
presented; and further challenging the right of appellee to file 
the claim for and on behalf of the township, and urging that the 

same was improperly filed and should have been filed in the name of 


tiated co bas tot tox ivreque eWsgtoM 2 eifaey - 
e2@iontitl .yvtnwod anoomf atmos to qidanwoT ons ay 

mislo bexenns oat tedt ayee dtso xo mows viub anted j 
-invoms ,beaseoeh) (ot taW wets) sa to sistas oft tanleng 
{fs satwolle totte text at Bs. ees «82 Yo mye ont ot ae 

bisqay bese) oub won ef aa ,2mielo tent 
MegT0M 0 Jabieed),.. . i 

om arated ot mtowe bas bed troedya 

feel .a.A Apevia ® ee fe BLE hy 
ves Leweper 

MOTTE 4 Tei tebmsxeLa’ Bi A nl eat 
oifdel yaatoll . mo aa Lg eR “‘aeool 
-LfI .00 eneo » 

Be ee a Se 

‘et ditvabitts biea al ot betreter mislo svode’ exT yh Ci 

Setevtice ebnut teytt to tavome oT :awollfet es Sobnvot 
~Toque Btsey To Tedmyn 8 10%, aw Ow i tnebedeb Aieh: og i 
sdv ts bas ,stet® bos ,vinvos 6Gidaswot bse tot, see bro! 
-od Molteeseaog atd at ehinet bbhow’ Hani diseb atd to emit. 
‘awollot es qidanwot Bise o¢ ayn 


TS. Ves, 5 Bt) CRUE a eee ee ew eOOET gidenwot: POR homie ie 

8a, £88 £ seercenes DOU? opbinrd bas beso °°" > Bie: ag! 

ee. BCG be Oe ORR oeavaneaene es {stot hee 
ROT SD. to etatas oAt> mor? Seviesas, tibet o Reel . eee Aa! 
bust qidenwot edt mo bettSero mood sed notecw othdaw Hiei 

6 tht: apiveal’ ,Ov, 088% tocmya eft gt vay t momyeey twee 
fawollo% as tasooos 

; : PRAT A a. (By eat eta we: A 
aiid to ‘Sntenia mo haut dauxt omc 
GO, LOE , Le: CY on o lt bawt OR DE wd. ‘DS 7a bsot Ay 
fo bart teyntt mo ovb eonsl ad 

ol Rie mens VEL ONCgt wikewaied pmeey qiifactwo dt) to” dr o@ om) bn TE GORE 
"ee.e 8 BF S MW ae eT Saree i 

POTS 2 aS | earls 

we trs109 ywaod ont act atelo edt ot bse oxen ‘an0tto0t do 

Ce gh ake swag 
“eved ot bemtsio so Be ,etobivied to tas Lenott ai boooec edt 

ma SiC owes bao,» 

to Asse esiqood ode ve bats (28. OL of gal tmwone ite yard 

mipliy ele 2: Cee be Ay { 
eit va bas :S8VSh tot ¢nOmb ut 8 ever ot bentet 9 dole Stebivied — 
ee Me se BT | 

oe B evan oF fautsts haprial A nl patrined orebivied wee 

ae ayy g at ¢ oi! ee Gy 

mtn elt oF 

OFLA eotad oA ‘Bisa eld to ‘sttae edt to ro# osolminbe a yo bas i 
ik at rh Re PR Bae lhe eh 

gatdton Baw owily  astt aew arotoetso od to ‘tt teog eT .beaseo 
Vi SPOR A aH ME Re ty BERGE: i 
asw ft ‘YWesod oxo ts nou to hls betaoaesy ‘outw wore ot mis tlo bisa at 

31 fe Mas BT he 
of it i eolleqce to digit edt amignal Leto jongrviltor Sas dy f 
Twa oreo: Ghee. Be 

etd teadt on iouys pe athteewne eit to ‘ated fo Sas 10% misto ont 

to omen edd ot belit peod oved Siete Dap + bone reeeoagn asw : 

the Township of Bonus. The County Court allowed the claim as 

of the fourth class. The objectors took an appeal to the Circuit 
Court of said county. The Circuit Court allowed the claim as of 
the fourth class, to be paid in due coursé of administration. 

The above objectors have now brought this appeal from the judgment 
of the Circuit Court of Boone County. 

An examination of the claim and affidavit as made thereto 
by appellee in this case, leaves no question as to the purpose 
of the filing of the claim, or upon whose behalf the claim is 
filed. It sets out the amounts the deceased supervisor had, both 
in the road and bridge fund and in the township fund, at the time 
of his death. It further appears from the claim that these were, 
"trust funds entrusted to said decedent, who was for a number of 
years supervisor for said township, county, and state, and at the 
time of his death had said funds in his possession belonging to 
said township ***," 

Appellee is the proper custodian of the money due under the 
claim filed herein. A question similar to the one now urged by 
appellant, that all suits or proceedinzs of this kind and character 
must be brought in the name of the town, was under cors id erati on 
in the case of Highway Comrs. v. Bloomington, 255 Til. 164. The 
court with reference to this question on mge 167 of its opinion 
uses the following language: "The appellant contends that this 
suit was improperly brought in the name of the cammissioners of 
hivhways; that the suit should have been brought either in the 
name of the town, under paragraph 46 of chapter 139 of Hurd's 
Statutes of 1909, or in the name of the township treasurer, for the 
reason that the money, being public funds belonging to the township, 
would be payable to such treasurer. There is no force in this 
objection. The township is the beneficial plaintiff and real 
claimant of the money sued for. A recovery of a judgment and a 
satisfaction thereof in the present action would be a bar to any 
further action, either in the name of the town or any other agent 

thereof, for this cause of action." 

as mistlo ed? Sewolls x00 Waroo oT * eurOe to Tet odd 
tivettd oft os tsedds Fs Fe) Aoos eter oe ido: eat 0 ert tao itt To 
to ae misfe oiF: Bower ts Fuw09 ieuest ob vee “ettavos bide to taw00 : 
-ditattainimbe to bacece oud at Fine od Of \ amate (as tor 0% ent 
tihomabet ext mort Cnecren atid ‘tilgvord won ov sel naar eet ey evods iT 
-» YtanOD eseed to Feesad #190819 ‘ods to 
otetedt+ obem as SIiVBHFPITs » apie misio eit To sold sc tuexe mA 
Sacgiug eft ot es sottaero om aovaer 0869 aint at eelleqqs yd 
et mt alo ont tLestod 6 Os w mois’ to aac 9 9) "to hg og ont to 
dtod ,Srif Toa ivtsane ° ‘Bewnsves ent atasome eat 40! atee $2” “be Ltt 
emit eft 5°, breve: aitenwos ot mt b ses ‘Bast oxbind ban Boor ‘ont ot 
,OteW east + ant ate £2 outs mont ategge, wad tn #1 ‘irae aid to 
to tsdmun s ao een wate. (t29b0005 Aiea o bedauntme about tescée 
edt ts Bis’ eter: Bate Xanwe9 ‘qhdeawor btes Tot Apvte sivas irik BTBSY 
ot gmteno fed: to Fada abe - ald at abast Biss bad it 20m abs'to: omlt 
m, eee * qidaswot bise 
edt tebay sub. ténom eite . to. me thot ai: as¢0 af odd ar ealloqqa | 
vd begis wom. otto; ent od. arene foite snp i” -atetsd ‘belit mialo 
tot .etado Bas prix alidt to Bx nibeooorg TO ad tue ia east shat i 
0 tere ht eroo tebay asw ¢ ot ent to omer out mt avo od rg 
ent eats: aes , tty mimoo Le oV hood yowdg tH to ease esis ai 
aolnigo att to ¥aLl en a mo netfee 2 iat oF eoretotes at tw x09 
gered $ act ahtetnos Toslleqgs oat” : opaupast gatwoLtor ont seas | 
to atonotaatnmo out To Satan edt or #lgwo a vexeyongmt ew $ tue 
ey, ad toitie bape neo oved blwodia tive od t tect pe yamde bt 
2" bail to ear cetqatio to 8 dgerzereq obey <td ont ‘to een 
out tot cotmactd qiitenwot edt ‘0 omen ont mt i 008! to eetut ata 
ghia mwod ond ot suinao fed eset otidva pated Venom, © ont teat no2.set 
alae at eotot om at orod'? -tomasott Hose: ot 2 dovyan od ‘bivow 
faek ban 11 itntele Latottened ort al ideamod ont “smotsoot do a 
8 bas ¥ compa} & to yrovooer , A 10% bewe Yoo m ‘eit 10 a: dusmts£o My 

4h RAG ecg SAW OMe 
ws ot 18d s ed biyow nottos dnesose: edt mt eorestd mitosta tise Se 

imege todto yne to awot edt to oman oft mt todd te Hottos rodtayt 

",foltes to eavso ealdt ‘tot owns? 


Furthermore we do not understand that the presentation of 
a claim against an estate need conform to common law practice 
or be presented in the technical legal form which applies to 
suits at law. Thomson v. Black, 200 Ill, 465, 468. 

Some criticism might be offered as to the form and manner 
in which the claim filed herein, was drawn; but as above stated 
we do not understand that the same strictness is required ina 
proceeding of this kind with reference to the technital manner 
and form of the written claim, as is required in suits af law. 
There can be no doubt as to the purpose of the claim and upon 
whose behalf it is filed. We are of the opinion that a payment 
and satisfaction of this claim, would be a bar to any further 
action, either in the name of the town or any other agent thereff. 

The judgment of the Circuit Court of Boone County is affirmed. 

Judgment affirmed. 

cis A 

“ te Ba atin % a ae ey Bai aa fel 2) ayers % audt x , arte 
te nottatmeaors out etd, Sasterebay tom ob e t 
eottoaag wal aommos ot myo I99. boon etatue, et Be ethene 5 Haid 

od! eeilage ilo £ cw. TOT, tage £, Asaladoos edt, at Detnece.m od i ; 

Pe ae 

Re 2688.8) , LIT 008 .aoeld .v gona Wal te ative 
ni i Ds a : 

Tennsm bas wtot edt ot ag betetto ¢ oI i tdate matoitire aun, i 
betste syods as tod jawath esw, tleted belly nielo edt dotdw mt 

8 at Aetivypet ak eB? ontetata ome oat, A att, mates, 208 9 f 
Te Ao Km {S$ taged odd, ot SOte tote x, ft Ea Agit. , aba, »19,,a9 thee : 
asl +: ating at beater at as atiteto agdd edt Yo.orr io 
oy MOTH. bas mis te eat to, S20g ig | eit oF BS tdtrob ong. 4.089, @ 
taemyag 48 tadt Mo katgo. edt To. ots ow. oo Petht. al, sft nig 

» Today t Yas oF ted e od Sisow ambeto, aide to. Aottost hi 

Gf a it 

stored 1 m98 8 ‘terlto XS, TQ aod oat. te, om act, 2 ae pais 
sbomriite at ytayoo emood te woo A hyorto ati Re tage 

‘ oat. 
stig ea) A na ME 
Mis Btn 

) if 
ene Ae 
© gy tee iL i 

ade ~opoe oth OUEltte trombul || : ch lends aaah esl aks 
eimai hie Feet: mgt tt. Saas ie, ty ANE | hese vet eee e eoLivaga 

xy sh ah ae Sy Sci % 8 t \ 
Eh ane Nr els wd i Hy oth RS SD rae Pie, m d 
rain can ee % a aF Be Aa) RNR Sah Bib e va 
. 1 fe Go Bead, RRR MRR RTS US So ht a a 
¥ $. ld 
} ‘ A Sie f » 
ear b 
i bee Ta 4 P 
os hed +. by 
, ey oy 1 pve “tg 
mC ) Lara ty 
ie mn 
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% ; fe 
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j t ivy SWANS OMe RS 
hs hs Sa bi 
f r bi lau m 
A f ey CRY FAY il 
a % ate: f 
An at ‘ are SB fala a Ss ae aa Tey 
Meh b Re iio el ae SS aN 
r" Bie ih ia a i a va m ig , 
i we rie uN t ts HA ian SR ES AS kay My om a 
‘ eR By! eg we ey Met YY 
‘de ae vue é " 
Le Sol wisl | 
ane ‘ay i EE ih 
i att “ ne a i) Bad Oh AY 
4 1a | any ma * 

oSiwy DPT ‘ bak 
AR Oe LER oe Bee Ree ple oh ly ere omy ey 

Wain sp - ‘i - ,! # 
1 Oe BR PE ey air epi: 'eiel able’ fin, otis 

COM ER Se RON ect ha sane aay a 


I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court. in and 
for said Second District of the State of Ilinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 

In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 
Appellate (Courtavat: Ottawa, this = day ok 

in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—3-82) ostBp07 

te aa 

ae dl 

ae 8 

hiraat hier wha icity h wit bev oatet r, Ave pot ey Hi} yn biadaat 

bitin aby: irised id het, bit diye rst wit tu royal Hite Bram sit We wee a to. 

hii, ha, st aie ida fra ty Anil We si ter t doar, ‘tonnes ah 
ie yeb=, mare coe atonal Soret non, ts | anit, — 

‘tit bits ‘ait on teas ern te inate et 

- Fi # # 

oo and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, e sixth day of February, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand rine hundred and thirty- four, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 


BE. Jd. WELTER, Sheriff. GPFY A : ee 
2 & g T.A. 6739 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APR 25 1934 tne opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 



ate ed? So Seber euie rer os af act bua 

i : (JfLi° 25 32 

E Phe Be S eras > (is tee rt aoe 

Firs = 

i OGhiens ered ail ERO ane 

: ent feut vit ELM@EUE. SULT ALTE ee 

iA = 7 


— x _7y ROW <ttiseie ja se ae 


Se a cman = eS ee eeree ee 

‘SOTKBIT bas shiow eid ar <tted hiss 

7a Loi ae 
: oe 

| Gen. No. 8761 Agenda No. 42 




February Term, A.D. 1934, 

Wiliiam C. Hubbell,and the 
First National Bank of 
Libertyville, a corporation, 
Appeal from Circuit Court, 
Anpellant Lake County. 
Mary C. DeVault, et al., 



This is an action Wein by appellees to foreclose a trust 
deed and five notes secured thereby, executed by appellants The 
trust deed and notes bore date of August 12, 1928, and were due 
three years after date. 

The defense urged by appellants upon the hearing of this 
cause, was that each o the five notes after its execution by 
appellants, had been materially altered and changed by appellees, 
@ some one on their behalf and at their direction, without 
appellants’ knowledge or consent; by causing to be stamped 
upon the face @ each of said notes the following words: "The 
makers hereof reserve the privilege of paying this note on any 
interest day, upon giving to the trustee sixty days previous 
notice in writing and payiag a premium of 2% of the amount of 
the principal thereof." The abare statement was stamped upon 
each note by way of a rubber stamp, and was placed on each note 
immediately above the first line provided for the signature of 
the said makers. Mary C. DeVault was the first signer upon 
each note and her signature extends into and through the wording 

place thereon by the rubber stamp. It is insisted by appellants 


,O shoega {88 .o . 20D 


DECL .2.A , rel yrentdet 

edt bae,lfedduil .0 mail LEW 
to wns Isnottsi tertt 
,Moktetoqtoo s ,oliivytedil 
gPmod tivestO mort Lseqqs : 
evisrod exnel tasiloqca 
~»is to ,tiveVed .0 _YreM 


yastt s eeolserot ot eoolisequs yd deapeanes nottos as at eldT : 
edT etnsileqqs yd bSetyoexe ,.ydewmdt bowie sevon evit Bue beeb 
esb otew Bus ,B8S0L .&8f teyavA to sish eted seston bes besh Faust 
2stsb rotts aisey oonit 
eftdy to aniteed edt moqu aetuslleqqs yd begin eanetod eat if 
vd sottyooxes ati tetts easton svit edd ® dose Tadd asw . 92190" ‘ts 
,2eelleqqs yd bexrsado bane botetie yilslrotsm moed bad .atuslleqge 
wodtiw ,00 Hoetibf tiedt ts bas tisded «todd fo 90 oMo8 D 
beomsta ed of guteveo yd jtneenoo to ephelwondt tatnal feqae 
ext” :abtow gniwolfot eft aston bisa to tose }® eost edt nog 
yrs vo ston atdt antysq to sneliving edt evirseet Toeted atezan 
avotvetg eysbh yxie setemrt odt ot gatvis noq ,ysb testetar- 
to tavoms ent ‘to R8 to myimerg s geaiyer bas suttiaew at cotton 
noqy bequste esw vaometste ewds ofT ". tootedt ise iatenul ot 
etjon dose go boosiq sew bas .qmsta aeddyx s to yew yd ston ‘dose 
to otvtssate edt rot bebtvetg enti texrtt edt ovods yletaibenmt 
mnogu tengie tartt edt esw tivsVed .D yrs .atodem ise oat 
arthtow edt dsvotdd bas ota! ebnetxe emtangie ted bas ston ffoso 

adnelleqqs yd betatemi at tl .qmste seddwt edt yd mooreitt ovate 

ies peat: 

~~ as Sa 


SS ee ee 

that this red stamp placed upon each note as aforesaid is super- 
imposed upon the signature of the said Mary C. DeVault, thereby 
demonstrating the fact that the said stamp had been placed upon 
the several notes after their execution. ‘The color of the rubber 
stamp upon the notes is referred to by appellants as red. It is 
in fact of a purple color, but for convenience herein we shall 
hereafter refer to the same as red. Appellants urged that by 
virtue of Sees. 145 and 146 ch. 98 Cahill's St. 1931, the alleged 
alteration rendered the notes and trust deed void, and therefore 
they are not liable thereunder. 

The cause was heard by the Chancellor and he decreed fore- 
closure as prayed. Appellants prosecute this appeal uping 
for reversal the above alleged alteration of the notes by the 
placing of the red stamp thereon. 

Complainants’ exhibit nine was an application for loan of 
five thousand dollars for three years and contained the follow- 
ing clause: "Prepayments: any note callable at 102 on any inter- 
est date on sixty days prior notice." Complainants’ exhibit ten 
was the application for extension of this loan, signed by appel- 
lants and contained the following clause: "Prepayments: any note 
callable at 102 on any interest date on sixty days prior notice.” 
An extension agreement was entered into pursuant to the above 
application therefor. 

The trust deed herein was mailed to Helmer, Molten, Whitman, 
and Holten, attorneys, in Chicago, for execution. It was recorded 
before it was returned to the office of appellees, The notes were 
mailed directly to Mrs. Mary C. DeVault, in Chicago, and she re- 
turned them to the office of appellees, in person. From the time 
the trust deed and notes were prepared and mailed as above, for 
execution, they were never back in the office of appellees, or in 
the hands of any one representing appellees, until after they had 
been executed, and the trust deed recorded. 

The trust deed recites: “The grantors herein reserve the 

= wn 


~tequea et Biseerots as eton dose sogy beoseiq qmste bet atdd tat 

detedt ,tiveVed .0 yreM bisa oft to sautenyta eft ooqu besoqut 
neq: hoosl¢ seed bed gqmsiva iine edt tedt test edt polisitenomeb 
redder edt to tofoo sd? .ncityvoexe tot tefts aeton Letevee ont | 
ai vi .ber as ataslisqqs yd of bexrtetet st aston ont ss, of quate | 

{isda ew atetond sorsinsvans tot tud .to.Leo ee a te toe mt 

yd tends besxy etnefleqqA .bat as ase edt od tetet <asosauict 
bozalis odt ,LECL ste. ali ftded S@ .do Ohh damm BM .eoe? to euttiy 
etotetent bus ,btev feeb teutt bas asdon oft betebmet soltststie 
stobaxetent efdail dan ete jyedt 

-otot Joetoeb ed 5ne tollsenai) odt yd, bteed eaw esyso edt 

anignw [seqqe aint stvoseotg atasifleqaA .heysta¢ as emeoLo 
out x a9 jon eat to he oauscigdars beatlin overs at Leateves 2% 
bet, de . | ssoeradt qmsie Dor out 0 galoata 

to. neol to % mottsotiags : as asw entna ‘thd Lixo ‘adnan teLqmo0 ie 
“WO J ‘fot edi bent stnoo bus atsey serdd To ataltob Danewoit evi 
“ted at yas go SOL ts s{dellso ston Mon of nemyaqexs" :eaxreLo ‘ont 
nov tidt dire ‘a atnsute lg) ",o9iton rola aves vxte m0 et ab fee 
~feqas td bemste , aeol etait t0 no Laneéxe 10% ott 90 Lage edt eam 

> stor yas : at nomyeqer" roasealo tt wo | (Lot edt bomtetsos baa aaa 

" sotton zo fea’ ayes vixis go of fo ovet at wae 10 sor sd oidstiso 
Fay bie auf fg 
evods ant ot in aes otal be sot ae asw ( tnomenge a9 fanetxe sth 

rotoresis ao ttaotiaas 
,ftamd fofW (10 Lol , remloH ‘o deLtam ¢ aew alowed peed seunt ont ie 

bebrooer asw + foihoexe 10% cogsoisto at avert tot ok fool 

eo tion \ 
Stew eevon oxtit -20oLleqas to eoltto ont aa bemtitor od tt eitoted 
ioe gale 
~er iin han rogaoiso al ¢iueved +0 cre emit ot ‘Utoorts SeLtem 
LS head Hae ; 

omt? oat mort 108794 at ost loqas to eoltto odd ot mod Sent © 
10%  evods as pelion ‘bar Sorsaona o1ew eston ies. ‘heak ote Oe 
ak ro ,aosttoqus te soltto ot al dosd teven etew “Youd qsotéveexe 
bad verti Totts Lita _sseeLtoaas “aniinoaesqet en. ws To aban @ ‘at 
He Ny aa) at Wh Uf A ae Se Me 

.bebtooss boob canes edd “bas betuoex 

edd eviszet aieted atotnsig eT” :aettoet Beek. tay. od 

ee ee 

privilege of paying any of the notes above described, on any 
interest day, upon giving to the trustee, sixty days previous 
notice in writing, and paying a premium of 2% of the amount of 
the principal thereof." It is admitted by the appellants that 
the alleged alteration of the trust deed by the incorporation 
therein of the above quoted words, was not made after the re- 
cording of said trust deed. 

William C. Hubbell testified he prepared the notes and that 
the ted stamp upon the fact of each note was placed thereon when 
the notes were prepared and before they were mailed for execution, 
Elsie Huss, an employee of the attorney of appellee bank, testi- 
fied she prepared the trust deed and that it was in the same 
condition at the time of the hearing as it was at the time she 
prepared it, except for the signatures and the filing mark. 
Florence Klepper, an employee of appellee, states she paw the 
trust deed and notes before they were executed, that she checked 
them before they left the bank, and after they were executed and 
returned. She states that the red stamp was upon the notes before 
they left the bank, and that she mailed them directly to Mrs. De 
Vault in Chicago, for execution, and that they are in the same 
condition now as they were at the time she mailed them, except 
for the sienatures. She states that the above clause was in the 
trust deed. 

The above wording as it appears in the trust deed, undoubtedly 
was written with the same typewriter that was used to prepare 
the instrument. livery indication points to this fact. Hach 
member of this court examined the red stamp as placed upon the 
several notes, with reference to the signature of Mary C. DeVault, 
which extends into and through the wording of said stamp, in many 
places. This examination was made with an excellent magnifying 
glass, free from distortion, and from such examination this court 
was of the unanimous opinion that the signature of Mary C. DeVault 
is superimposed upon the red stamp, and not the red stamp super- 

imposed upon her signature. The trial court also used a glass in 

yas no ,bediveesl evedse aeton sdi to Yits + ware 20 errant ; é 
avotveny éy¥sb vixte ,setertt edd ot antvis, roa ceed Yeorstat 
to tmmome eft ‘to 8S to mrimet¢ s ankyett dite Boke baw ‘HE eeiton 
tadd e¢nelfeaqs of? yo bettinba et #2 *,toeredt “fsqte wire ont 
nolvetoqtoont eft yd Beeb taint ont to ndltetetls begets’ if 
~er eit tests ebsm tom sew .2btow betovd évods one to mieteit 
-heeb temrd Sise’ to sek rdd 
tedt bus sefom odd Leteqety of bottitest Lfodesn 0 wer reewroo” 
cenw fosted# Bevel eaw étéd tose “to t¥st ont Moor ‘Ghinte bot ‘ent 
toltroexe ‘no agitem evow yedd oroted bas betsqstic evew Bedod ode A 
~itast ,uasd eelleqas to yerrotts sd % sevolyns' as (eect elart 
emse off ai asw tt tett Sus beoh dau+d add “osrsdete Se bott | 
eda ontit edt te sew tt ws ankrsed odt TS omits Sf Goo Ehed 
etter sottit add bas eotut ansie end rot Y¢edxs (FF beteqet” 

edt wee oda eetsta ,celleqqs “to eovoldms ns ,teqrelt estetolt 
hoxdedssrtd Yndl {Heer Wekb Wrdw ene ote We taal bite’ Neu Yaout 
has hetyooxs stew yedt retts fas (aisd edt Ftof yout eteted mont 
eroted eefon oft moqu asw gmote bet odd tadt aetete ode ° jHeamitet 
ed ,ett! of yidoetib med} boltaw ede éadd nds aded ‘att stel yods 
“emsa eft at ote yodt tact fae \cottysexd tof ,ogselde nk Yiesv 
 fgeoxe jmedt beftem ede omtd adt Fe otow yeild es wort sto bt tbeGo _ 
64t at eew sascts ovode oft tat astate oft dertitang fe ete 40 | 
et eee svigie ° \poed Faved 
ylbetduohay ,S5eeb tewrt ont ot arseqys ti ss gakbvowsvods 6d?! oi" | 3 
‘ atagety ot bear sar t4dt tetitweaet entse oil? ag tw mead baw asw | 
dost fost’ eint 6f avdiog delvecthat yrewe “ {detomaitd ant ott 
ent hog Beoalg eB qmeta bet Sift BHeatmixs Prod akdg te cedinest 
~tigsvet’,o qrail to otutean ie sat ot ebnetoter ‘dgiw aston’ Ieneves 
yuem ot ,qamete Skat to amtbyow eff Aaroritt bas ovat ‘ebitetxe donee 
aatvitase Yroffooxs ma’ dehw efsm ab nb ttekimare: ener’ 0: veeonte 
gavoo aie aottAaimexs dowe mort pre sotto rath mort! oott eeele 
dtraved 9 vrs to eiudanite edt sede notntgo vom ont 20 F 
“toque quste fer oft fom bre « eit bor ‘onl nowt | 
mt eapfg 8 boas cafe twee Istct edt °  Lortehe be tot 

i Hee 

his examination of these notes, 

We find herein as 4 matter of fact, that the trust deed 
and notes involved in this case were not altered after their 
execution, as claimed by appellants herein. 

The judgment and decree of the circuit court of Lake county 

is affirmed. 

Decree affirmed. 

ao eho 

seston seedt to goltsatmexe aid 

boob tard oift ted? (teat 40 <odtom eee ntenod bat? of 
“Say at waked fon lbw ast chii'at hovtovad coven haa 
ho Poe ald “no. te Bae vaattocts wi fom } sto wes i ven 
yinvoo ewst to ‘00! tien’ wy ak’ sikoes" ‘bee ef, abr 

Rote woog honk att We Mes deody ent te Bet Penge Le! penn oe 

d ouer calvtedr Seton sred eis ke abe 

MS ieee” Wks ae 

tee Peed Bia? ae ae essde Me 
9 wee RAO | 
oo Pratt) ole oe atta Ce eee 



wit paottied Ab Sete eet pity wre wad 

witent .orad eollecre 6 ~weermedte. wie Se Weoley Wi et ‘oe 
exige afd Hi daw tt vec? See Sous dukes ee here, ae bale oy 

ote sit oat Pa naw FL oe nod et Te out Ge ea eee 
‘ahde'e ewtt et ade here’ wom eae Be eG na ‘SAR IeS tt ‘povepony ‘ 

eid wee. ede eotata, .sellagar tw serartivegs pede ae eaneroey, 

beadoeds ‘ode tant | batyides onow Wh eae ted eden Sa Gane Pnaree 
hai Sahyrosns tio vate tutte fas Goa ode Mol vet anetod meer 

BCG ® aes 
Ba aay GF Lee Bh wet Beek Punt pete ree vate” 5 bat aa a ‘yeae | 
“"gekee edt ad ote vets Fant fae (eevee ieee wet cage es ae ikea 

tooowe ceble battow ede werd ede Ps sen a ae ‘ee welet sie BO bao 

eee ave weade hot edt tate vehaty eat bemiemey 

éf? ut sae seule srete wit fat? aofars “eet! oe ‘ale oe 
ave” feet 

qisstdvotay ,bted Feet att We ateagae Pf ae gutinee areas: ‘th 

ateqenr Se Saray ase FAs es ative’ na iy a ie wien ite, now. Rae 
grotto Sua eter Ge eee: dil 

oUy ROGh Heoaks Be Cite bas 

ates ia ee tuatraoxh te ae tor whe Bae” -notohtihee Panis wes 

Groen aire ae bias bate bad 
oo ati 

sabi anaes Dor weet ron jhe ‘sett to ‘a jokin iki 
‘nt Beets W ous bate eee” ‘paver ame * ‘erie i 

eee WS haea's eee nb el) | ba) Mi 


SECOND DISTRICT fs I. JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court. in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause. 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Atppellates Courtaraun Ottawa. itl sass seen ae nae ee eS dayaor 
in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—3-82) «S307 

i ¢( 

‘ali br saront oneto ee 40 ne rai oh in 
‘ Bat 
ow eee ee — 

a pe ae ave te inp Alali ster omc llnes pice Ne 

Fe, ch ni % i 

a st 


f f yi rai iss , ? : 
H Z 5 

oo ; 
i a 2 


Begun and held at Ottawa, on 2 sixth day of February, in 
the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, 
within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APK 25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 



TOS apna iy 
‘e ai 
ERG ‘ ai i, f 
. See Re 
X a : yr 
Es aE 7 es rer - 
oF sieges a’ 
Eby wosieeey So yet “a¥SbEc att #O vias 0 tar 8) 
Gta ee LST es crak tear ate Bro. orb £5 then ag ? 
aria tae PEATE edi to foln Par Basa] 
OORERD SY Be See a SOL TOR ed Cae 
Py ee * Sete 4 ae 
SETS SG att enbataas ad1ORe) 
: 78O so Re eM: Ha EAde 
oe MOLEEOL . a ‘agitate 
i - 2 ph TEM aie a0 aw te 5 
iO :tiy-oF (efieetsdéts Jad? -CaSGeee 

sit mi fo 07% -daw*ttyok odd Mo" aetdige eae: 


Gen. No. 8771 Agenda No. 33 


Jacob Draves, 
VS. | Appeal from the Circuit 
Court, Knox County. 
Galesburg Horse and Mule Co., 
a corporation of Galesburg, 
Illinois, et al, 

This was a suit by appellee against appellant based upon 
the common counts, including the count for money had and received. 
Trial by jury was had in the Circuit Court of Knox County. The 
jury returned a verdict in favor of appellee for the amount claimed, 
and judgment was entered thereon. Appellant prosecutes this appeal 
from the judgment of that court, 

Appellee lives in Ontario, New York. Appellant corporation 
is engaged in the horse and mule business at Galesburg, Illinois. 
Appellee used Charles Mills as his buyer and field man in the 
purchase and sale of horses. The said Mills lives in Coldwater, 
New York. He states that he had no interest in the horses and 
that appellee furnished the money with which to buy game. Appellee 
and Mills were both acquainted with the managing officers of 
appellant corporation, Mills had done business upon his own 
accord with the appellant for seven years. He had also done 
business for appellant on behalf of Mr. Roach who is the president 
thereof. Mills was personally indebted to appellant in the sum @ 
about $4000. 

In April 19352, appellee and Mills came to Galesburg for the 
purpose of buying horses. Appellee had a draft payable to his 
order for $1000 issued by his bank in Ontario, New York. He and 

Mills crossed over into Iowa and purchased two horses near the city 

2 Mee A hehe Tia \ 

ee naan I". | 
j i 

Ae Fee | 

S8 .of shnregaA Iv%8 ,ow ,me0 

SHT “1 
TOISTaId dioote 


2evstd doost 
tivowzid adit mort Lseqqs | | ev 
eYtnvoD xonmd ,t100 
.-O0 elyM Bos satoH gredas{sd 
*Biudeslsd To mitetogmo s 
<is ve ,e@fontiit 
» L-HAMT OH | 
fogs bored tasifeqas tentsas eelleqqs yd tive s asw akdT 
sbevisoss fas bel yssom tel tavos edt ant bolont vases fOMOTO 9 anid 
edt .ytmvod xonX to trvod tiuoxtd edt ai bad esw youst vd Latat | 
ebemtsfo tnyoms odt rot eslleqqs to tovet mi tothbrev s henrstet vu 
Lseqqe aidt eetyvoesotg tusf{legqt ,nootsdt beoretme ssw tnoambut pms 
,stivoo gsadt to taembut edt mort ‘ 
noltstoqres tusileqaA .dt0Y well ,orusts0 al esevil sefleqqa | | 
eatontiti ,atudaceiso ws eesntesd oinm Sus satod edt at beassae ek 
edt at osm blott bas teysd aid as elliM eeltsd) boa collegga 
,tetswhfod ni sevil affiIm Bisa od? -ceatod To olas has ea along 
bas geerod ort of taotetat on bad eof tedt eetste oH + xt0Y vou 
eslleqqA .omes wd ot dotdw dtiw yeoom oft bedetawt eelleqqs oo) 
to-ateoitto anotasrem oft ditw betnisypos died etew elit bas 
nwo atd goqy aeenteyd enob bsd al{IM ,.mottstoqtoo tnalleqas 
enob oals Bad sh .atssy nevee tot tnelleqqs eft diiw br0008 hy 
taeSteerq edd at ow dosoh .xM to tiated mo tnalleqqs tot eacntend 
wb me edt ot tnslieqqs ot betdebat yiisnoaieq eaw allimM ,Tootedd 7 
2 000R3 tuods 
edt tot arudael{sd ot omeo alliM bas eelffeqqs ,SteL LtagA al 7 
etd ot sidsaysa ttetb s bed eolfeqaa se29gtod gatyud to onogiyg | | 
hos si ,woY well ,ottstnO at Ansd atd yd beseat OOOL$ tot teb10 , 

vito edt rsen esetod owt boasdomwd bas swol otmt tevo besaoro alti 

of Fairfield. The banks in that town were closed and appellee 
eould not get his draft cashed. A sight draft was drawn by these 
parties upon appellant company for the sum of $280 to pay for these 
horses, The horses were then transported to appellant's barns by- 
one of its trucks, together with five other horses that had been 

purchased by one ‘filton Preston. 

J, Le Roach was president, F. L, Meeker vice-president and 
R.B. Sharp secretary anc treasurer, of appellant company. These 
men were in the active management of the business. The next day 
after the horses had been purchased in Iowa, the parties returmd 
to Galesburg where they talked with Mr. Sharp and Mr. Meeker regard- 
ing the transaction of the previous day. Appellee at this time 
owed a balance on account to apovellant of $379, upon which Mr. Sharp 
had entered a credit of 865, reducing the balance to $314. Mills 
had sold a team of horses for appellee for $225 and save appellant 
a check for this amount to apply upon appellee's account. This 
reduced appellee's balance to $89. 

Appellee wanted to return home, and claims that he left Mills 
at Galesburg in possessim of the $1000 draft for the purpose of 
buying more horses to ship east. Appellee claims he had an under-= 
standing with Mr. Sharp and Mr. Meeker, of appellant ompany, that 
he would leave the $1000 draft with Mills for the purpose of pur- 
chasing more horses, and to pay the balance of $89 which he owed 
appellant. He claims that Sharp gave him his pen to indorse the 
draft to leave with Mills for the purchase of the horses and the 
payment of the balance of his account. Milto Preston lives in 
Wheaton, New York, and he had the five horses at appellant's barn, 
which he had purchased. He was going home because of his father's 
death, and appellee was returning with him. Appellee left the 
draft with Mills, and Mills left the draft with the officers of 
appellant company. Appellant company deposited the draft to its 

eredit and credited the personal account of Mills therefor. 

oe ee PP ORAS te 

bLortziet to 
saeati vd ove tbh eew rst tig ts A -bodase distb aid tos, ton ‘Bis09 

sefloqqs bus beeclo) etew) sod ‘ted? rt avaad edt 

eeedd tot ysq ot 088% %D owe add xo% Ymaqinos ‘fealteqas neqy eottase 

yc soisd e'instiloqqs of hetztoqenstt medt orew esetond edT snentod a 

it abe 
need bad tant aeased tedio evit dtiw wdtezot exoirnd ‘edt. : 

« fovea orl aod LE ‘eno yd Session 

hee tupbtnewa—sety toxgoM .1 .T aptuiitiete asw fin. aa vt *% : | 
i guedpetap. ; 


saedT .xiteqmoo tusileqqs to ToTvE sete, Ane viatet9%8 ete 
Bar ay © me 

yseb txen siT .2zeentasd oft to tnomes ansst, evito's. ond at erow rom 
ae ne 
hbertutet aeiiteay oft ,swol at heaesdowdg seed Sed acantod edt tte 

~btsnje 1 texiseM .1tM bos qred& .mi dtiw bedist eet ete rw siudeotsd at 

eb Sl he ae 

emis atdd te eeLteqas web ato HveT¢ ot to “natvesaner? ¢ edt got 
aved? ti tio tatw nog  Ovee te dusiLeaqs of “favooo's ito Soceted » te 
attiw aree ot eoneled edd patouber 888 to ‘fibers: on 
“Guetteags VAD baa asst to% eslteras =¥  semean’ t0 ‘meet 8 brow bed 
aid? "beeen a hoot save nog viags of favons aid ey 5 ng 8 
888 ot sonal af eteottogas beoub gt 

at Lik Hel ot tod eft emtato ‘bn i om mt ot bodnaw ‘Settoaca a ‘ 
“to. enoqiyg ‘ont “tot stew 00 Le edd to mi sae: .20q i ae oo te a 

-T9 bay fs bad ed ants fo eeileqgh teso aide oF a i | 
tact eeu taelteqas to texleott wit brs ated® ti thw gate fe | 

' reg is “ip q 
~mwa +0. ssogtud ent 10% alt hl itd fw tend oooh edd ovsel | zal ; 
Y gilt % eafierqia saw: | 
bewo od dot ste eae no eonsisd od? eq ot bas 200 erom nile sto 
eco BPM pate 

odd petobat od neq obt mbt ova quel Fede emt ato oll staal Longs i 
nat Tiger 

ott bins aan tod ede ey ea afoxwe edt ye ef iiit ‘dite avaet ot #%: 

r te by i Are ony 

mt aevit rot eert mod LEM stavovos ‘etd to conatod ‘ont Xo Saenys 

; me fe ® Tt y Pea on y 
rsd al snetleage te neexod ovis ont bed. oe i (tro wen , fot ee dW 

r iyi feet “ r 

8 Tn 

e'tenitst elf 16 oawecsd enod satog apn olf “hea ntowg hed a eke 
edt ¢tel eolfeqqs mtd dt iw gulnutet ase section bie hy. 
to 8 an99 ito odt ite ther outt tet atten sins fetid 

i ® ve re 

att oF itetb ‘oat bodteoged | vase Beierieccal 

ns . im 
LY elt A) AS i Sox ads heoe awel ovat Teve hema 

Whereupon appellee instituted this suit as aforesaid for the 
recovery of the proceeds from the said draft less the balance 
of S89 owed by him to appellant. 

The evidence of Milis, the appellee, and Preston is to the 
effect that appellant's officers knew and understood the draft 
was the property of appellee and that he left it with Mills for 
the purpose of buying horses for him, to be shipped out with those 
already purchased by himself and Preston, and which were then at 
appellant's barns. The officers of appellant company admit con- 
versations were had at these times claimed by appellee, but deny 
knowledge that appellee left the draft for the purpose claimed. 

This was a question of fact to be determined by the jury. Where 
the evidence is conflicting, and that of appellee when considered 
alone fairly authorizes the verdict, the same will not be disturbed. 
It is the province of the jury to weigh and consider the evidence, 
determine the credibility of the witnesses and the weight to te 
given their testimony; and unless the verdict is contrary to the 
weight of the evidence a court of review will not substitute its 
judgement for that of the jury and reverse a case merely because the 
evidence is emflicting. Appellant's objection that the verdict is 
against the weight of the evidence is not well taken. 

Appellant claims of appellee's given instructions five, six and 
seven. We have examined these instructions and we do not emsider 
the cbjection as made thereto constitutes reversible error, The 
question in this case is whether the appellant had knowledge of 
appellee's title and ownership to the draft and the purpose for which 
it had been left by him with Mills, as claimed, at the time they re-— 
ceived the same from Mills. From an examination of the record we are 
of the opinion that the jury was fairly and properly instructed as 
to the law, and that their verdict is not the result of passion @& 
prejudice and can not be said to te contrary to the manifest weight 
of the evidence. 

The judgnent of the Circuit Court of Knox County is affirmed. 

Judgment Affirmed . 

Baa al 

EE ase Spam 

ent tot biseerots Be ¢ kira atid bedudiy ant wen ae moqueredt 
soneled ot cael #tetd bisa oft ork Bdesoomg out ‘to “yrows = 

¥ stant Loa ® of mi ve bowo “28 0 

edt ot af noteerd bas ,oeLteqas ent at Lin 10 sonobive oft : a 
#retb edt bootaxe bay bas wenx ateoitto e'taattoras todt “footie 
‘0% ea Slim dttw th Stef ed felt ns solloqas. to anscier ott eee t. 
sao nt dAtiw tuo heqq ite od ot ,mid sot aeetod aniwd te ‘scormy od 


ts nods etew foie 5 16 moter bas Tleamtd vd boaadonug vosorls 
LS 4 high 

~f10 © # tombs yanqun 9 #nal Leqa to axe oft%0 ont - ented i 8! ¢aalloage 
aig ie seine 

web tud ssolteaga. yd bemtslo. aout t oz sold ts Bat aTew anolteatey_ 

bet ui sto anes edd 10% vterb out ref colle s todd eabeLnomt a 

| sted eu ont ud bortmtod ob od od vont ‘to mitaoup ry 2 enw ana? 

beteble MOD Aosky oolieqas to todd pon {Buttorltace ai ‘soushive ost 
Ja a Bowe 
shedud 2 bb od tom Li tw ones edt foLbaey ony sostiositus vinis® emia oe 

\eomeb ive: oat sobbanoo bas fg tow ot Rea eat ‘to sontvorg or as #1 ‘ 

fag Daas: Y 

ad ot tigkew end, hts eousentiw ost ‘Yo Wilidibers oad exlumted 
rege: as 

ott of TIsttH00 at tethuey eft eae Ly bn ‘ywomiteed thods novia 

+ ELM Th gy 

Bt od it St adua tout <iin waiver to tare 8 comsbtve edt to tdgtew 
edt oaugoed vLeres e889 8 gerevor ane cust uid to @ at ‘mot tne empbut 
tk ard we oa 

ai tokbuov e! it tui fo Lt 901, d0 a ‘mel Leqaa “galt ebstap 9 tap ‘omnebive 

SS a Re i A put 

eds t Liew tos at eousbive ott ‘to ‘igtew © ait ont s 
w om there. 

bas xte * oukt esokt outae mi nevis. & "eo Ltogan to natbato taal 
raat BLarew ast 

te bios 9 ee ab ow bas malo itowsteni seat bo mimexe ov avi eW meee 
tor anata te one 

ont -ToTIO eidietsves eetsrd Henop of oes osm as so thouhae. edt 

0 enb awons final nas one: ott oait beni ak oaso abit ak a0 bse 
f hp ol Ot eteen 
ot cher 10% seoqusg edt hrs ster ond ot qtdetonwo bas oltis ator seek 

“Or ‘xedi emit edt te Houiele a8 +e LLiM fdbw wit vd Fed need 
ots ow brovet ony to nokds mtusxe {8 m0 =% aL LM sent omen ‘ond 
as betoytt ant qlreqorg bas viztst enw cmt ot yoy so kao 

hegre Aas ye 

1b soles ay to tiusex ostit tom ak tolbtev ried todd bre wal edt o 

Bay i | Cit 3 ag a 
+datem saetiaem out of xeetmo ed od bee ee toa oso hrs ‘ 
» oeeks Hee a CIAO oS 7 

Me SMe tee le a ee ae 

.bomritts al yaved xom¥ to tavod shsontd edt to : 
+ bomriTtTA toom bot 


SECOND DISTRICT fs I. JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 

In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa. this day of 

_in the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 
— (13815—5M—3-32) kB07 

Lyset, asf 9 

fete ait 

ni nee ; 
aainie ee, ay dont 4 lig bint a 


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; i yw 
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Arik oa eee: the: ‘baa bia! hae wiv alae tL 

ta wid eh 



PATA, Ply Aeoe a eeaT a Upp eevee 

Hagel) sama te em 

geeeun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, the sixth day of February, 

D o 
- 3 fo 
7 ra ff 
\ ra é 
SZ” Pr 
4 ee 


the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, 

within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

i as 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 
Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

& > FY Pe a " ve. = 
JUSTUS L, JOHNSON, Clerk. awé4J1.A. O73 

E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 
APR 25 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 
Glerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 


PHU 7 ER Ad 



“ae atts te brod 5 

war aa 

wae ‘9 ftOR 


a0 rod, aoo Yo a8 ad 

on peer: 
Ol, ot ~ 


Gen. No. 8776 Agenda No. 36 
In the Appellate Gourt of Illinois 
Second District 
February Term, A. D. 19354 
H. F. Gehant Banking Company, 
Appeal from the Circuit Court 
vig of Lee County 
M. Bradshaw and Mae Bradshaw, 



Judgment by confession was taken by appellee against appellants 
on October 10, 1932, in open court, in the circuit court of Lee 
County, for the sum of $9241.80. Execution issued, and on October 
12, 1932, service of execution was had upon each of appellanis. 
Approximately one year later, and to-wit: On October 16, 1933, 
appellants filed their motion to set aside the above judgment, allegt 

ing lack of jurisdiction upon the part of the court to enter same. 

This is the a@nly question in this appeal. 
The warrant of attorney contained in said note is as follows: 

"The undersigned hereby, jointly and severally, 

empower any attorney of any court of record to appear 

\ for them, or either or any of them, in such court in 
term time or vacation, at any time hereafter and 

confess a judgment without process ageinst them, or 

either or any of them, in favor of the legal holder 

thereof for such sum as may appear to be unpaid thereon 
with interest, costs and ten per cent attorney's fees, 
with minimum attorney fee of $25.00 and to waive and 

: release all errors which may interven@® in such proceeding 
and consent to immediate execution." 


The cognovit contained the following language, to which 
appellants object: 

8 "The defendants further agree that no writ of error 

or appeal shall be prosecuted on the judgment entered by 

virtue hereof, nor any bill in equity filed to interfere 

in any manner with the operation of judgment." 

Appellants insist that the warrant of attorney included in 
the note, not containing the phrase just above set out, which was 

incérporated in the cognovit, the court was therefore without 

ba. a AM 

85 .of shmega ; SvVS ,ou .me0 
efomiI{l to trod etslleqak edt aI | | 
tofrtalig bacosek 
bee .¢ .A ,mIST YIsvidet . 
eUseqmod entdasd tnedep 7 .E 
,selleaqa | | 

trod tisgoxid sat mort Iseqqa 
yinvod s¢.I to zie eAltad 
,wedebstq esi bas wadabsvd .M 


atvasileqqs tantsys seelleggs yd aeist esw noisastnaoo yd toembsu 

eel to tuvoo Sivotio edt ai ,dtwoo meqo afi ,SteL ,OL tedoto0 ae 

tsdotoO mo bas ,beveai motéucexa .08.[a&86%. To asa oft rot ,ytawod 

.etoslifeqas to dose moqy bed esw notsyoexe to eotyree {SSCL , af 

,coeLl ,df xsdotoO m0 :tiw-ot bas ,retsl tsey ero yYietamtxorqqa 

#esiis ,inemgbut evods et shies toa ot moittom rledt belit atasileqqs 
-9use tefne ot tryoo edt to tisq edt moqy acitoibaiztwt to desi gat 
.lseqqs efdt at motteesp yine edi at ible 

:ewolfot as at stom Bisa ak benistnoo yenrotts to tnertew oft 

.Vfisteves bas yitatot ,ydered bemytatebay edt" EOE 

atseaqqs o¢ broost to grivoo yas to ysatotis Yas tewoqme 
ai ¢ivoo dove ai ,medt to yas to tedéte to .medt rot 
bas tetiseted omid yas ts ,nolisosv ro emit mret 
<O ,ment temisas agsecotq tuodtinw iaemebu, s easinoo.  — 
wohblod Iszel edt to tovst at ,medt to yas to teditie 
nosteds Disqus ed od tseqgs yea ss mua dove tot tosredt ~ 
,298t afyenmtotts taeo req met bas ateoo ,teoretat déiw 
bes svisw ot bas 00.688 to est yesarotis mumtaim diiw 
gaibeeoota dove ni Snevisiat yam doidw srotte Ife eesslot 

“.scoitroexe otsibemmt ot tmeamoo bas a 

sioidw of ,egsupnal gntwollot edt benistnoo sivomgeo edt 

:tos{tdo atusileqas | 

totte to Jicw on tedt estes redtxpt atnsbmeteb eden rat 
yd berstme taeugbut edt mo betwoeaorg ed Ifsde Iseqqs mo | 
stestietat ot belit yiinpe at ILid yas tom ,tosred eutaiv 
",fmemgbyut to noltsreqo sat dgiw’ tTemmsm yas at 

at bebsloni yentotts to tastrsw edt tedt teateant atasilegqga 

asw dotdw sto toe evods taut sastdq edt gmintstaco tom ,etor ont 

Seastiibe etotetedt esw tusoo edt ,tivompoo edt mt bets 






jurisdiction to enter the judgment. They presented their motion to 
set aside the judgment herein as aforesaid, which motion was based 
solely upon an alleged lack of jurisdiction upon the part of the 
court to enter samé. T,e question of any defense to the note is in 
no way involved in this proceeding, 

We understand the rule to be that the filing of a declaration, 
note and warrant of attorney, affidavit of its execution, and cognovit, 
brings the defendant before the court, and is enough to confer juris- 
diction upon the court to enter judgwent. Bush v. Hanson, 70 J11l. 480. 
The court in that case on page 483 of its opinion states; "It appears, 
from the judgment order, that a declaration, the warrant of attorney, 
and affidavit of its execution, the note and cognovit by the attorney 
authorized, were filed. The defendant in the judgment was before 
the court by appearance by his duly authorized attorney. A case 
of jurisdiction was then presented." I+ thus appears that where a 
note containing a warrant of attorney is filed with affidavit of 
its execution, together with a declaration and a cognovit, the court 
acquires jurisdiction to enter up a judgment. In further reference 
to this matter it will be found that the Supreme Court in the case of 
Fields v. Brown, 188 I11. 111, on page 113 of its opinion uses the 
following language: "fhe power to confess a judgment being clearly 
given in the writing signed and sealed by the appellant, the circuit 
court was fully justified in accepting it as sufficient to authorize 
the entry of appearance and confession of a judgment. Type filing 
of the declaration, lease and warrant of attorney, and affidavit 
of its execution, and cognévit, presented a case of jurksdiction. " 

While it is the settled doctrine that the authority to confess 
a judgment without process must be clear and explicit and strictly 
pursued, yet this rule has its reasonable limitations, and must not 
be applied with such strictness as to defeat the obvious intentions 
of the party granting the power .Holmes v. Parker, 125 Ill. 478,481; 
Sharp v. Barr, 234 Ill. App. 214, 217. 


of sottom tiedd betmeaexg yedT ptremgou f. eis tetne of waive Lbabewt 

beasd asw sottom doidw ,bisastots as ntezed tremsburt edt shies tee 

eat to trsg edt mnogu nottotbetwt ‘to dost begelis as moqy ylsloa | 

mt at eton edt ot eanstsb yas to ‘go ttasup ogt +9482 gprs rue 
<gatbeboorg atdt ‘nt ‘beviernt yew ll 

,aoitetslosh.# to, gnilit ont, ¢edt ed of eter edt bastarebay ov 

,sivonges bas ,aoltpoexs ati to tivsbitis ,yeatotis to tnstsen aan wae 
-~agitet tetmoo ot dyuome ai bas ,trsoo odd exoted tnabaeteb edt ‘axial 
-O&8 .[fI OF ,moansH .v dev .toomgbhut nedne ‘of tusoo edt mequ moftotb 
,atseqqes TI" sasista nointgo ati to S83 egsq oo easo tadd ol peppered? 
.xentotids. to dastiev elt ,colisielosh a tadt) ,cebro: tmempbsrt edt mort 
yentotts: sdi vd ¢ivemseo bus eton edt ,notswooxe ett to. divebitte aw 

etoted asw dasipbuf.edt nk tasbasteb. set: .belih sxew qbeutrodses 
saso.4 ,youtedts besitodive Yin aid yd sonesiseqas: yd taw00 gilt 

8 etedw tsdt axsegys aust. tl .". betassenq: modt- eer goltothbatapt a6 

to ¢ivs)itia ditw bSeltt al. yearotts to taertew)s gainistmooetox 
tivoo edt ,tivemgeo 2 bas meitsrslosb:s dtiw- sedtegot. ,noltusex® edt 

eonstsisr zedviit al .tnesgbeg. a ay. rstas-ot: soitoibastet) setinpas 4 
to aso edt ai tryed swexrqua odd, dade bavot ed LLtwott settematat of 
edt seau noiatge.atéi to.éLlL-eyse mo: ahhh shh 66L pipes ablelt 


yitselo uated. daemgiut 3. seeisoo o@ zewog edeh sepeuanal: gntwollot 

site oy GP 

tivorto edt ,tmsllieqas edt yd, belser bas, bengte paid haw edt ne omeviy 

exitodiing ot tre to rive as ti. amttqeoss ak bostitent, Lat act tusoo 4 
over ms Me Lye 

gatlit eqT » tarsus bot “ to gotesert0o: ‘baa, senszseqas, ‘to vitae edt 
tivebitts bas ‘remedies ‘Yo, ineurew bea mened sottstalosh edt to. 

" moitoibetxy; to saso 6 betmessig ytivéomgoo bas _eetrer daring to 
sestnoo ot ytirodinus edt tsdd enittoob bolsson ontd al ‘gt otk 
vitottée ons, thotlexe, bas asso ed tas. aneoorg tufocé tw. dmomgbut * 
ton tex bas emoited mis oidsneases att aad. olwt- abahuoegs <bean d 
ancltasial avoivde edt tseteh ot es anentoizte uiowa dtiw oetiqas ed 

There is no pretense made here that the judgment was not confessdd 
for the exact amount honestly due to appellee from appellants. The 
Warrant of attorney clearly contained the power to confess judgment 
against appellants at any time, in favor of the legal holxder of the 
note, for such sum as was due thereon, and with a provision to waive 
and release all errors which may have intervened in such proceeding 
and the consent to immediate execution. 

With respect to appellants! contention that the court was without 

jurisdiction to enter this judgment, because of the incorporation of 

the above phrase in the cognovit, which was not expressly set out in 
the warrant of attorney, we are of the opinion that the following 

' Cases are decisive of this question. Hansen et al v. S,hlesinger, 

et al, 125 Ill. 230; Long v. Coffman, 230 Ill. App. 527. In the 
Hansen case, the court on page 237 of its opinion states; "In respéct 
to the other branch of the motion, unless some equitable ground was 

shown, the judgment could not be set aside and the execution quashed, 

(Citing cases). None has been shown in this case. There is no pre- 
tense the judgment was not confessed for the exact amount honestly 
due to plaintiff from defendants. If the attorney waived more than 
he was authorized to do by the warrant of attorney, in respect to 
defendants' right to an appeal or writ of error it is obvious it did 
them no harm, for they have now had their day in court, notwithstanding 
the aétion of their attorney of which complaint is made." Jn the 
Long case, supra, the court on page 531 of its opinion &teates; "The 
cognovit expressly released all errors in entering the judgment. 

The warrant of attorney did not, in terms, authorize the attorney 

to release errors, and it is contended that the powers conferred 

by the instrument must be strictly pursued and that any material 
deviation therefrom has the effect of rendering the judgment void. 
Counsel has stated the rule of law correctly but its application 

cannot be made to this case, because every confession of a judgment 

bbeaotaco: ton seq troenmgbut adit tsdd eted shes saastetq og ef emeat. a 
ed? ,atasileggqe mott eolfsqgs ot sgh: yltasnod tatvoma: TORER edd : o 
¢ronghet aesetaoo. of sewed et bentastmoo yiuselo. yemrottse: To» dapeage 

edt to teb¢fod Isgel edt to tovst.a£ yomid yos: tS atnalleqqs: sentags 

evisw ot: notaivorq 2 Aifw bre ,mdetedt exh esw) as sre dove. ot <oton 
gaibsocer¢ doya al. beaeviedni- evel yeu, detdw acorrs. Ife: semton 

res -doijveexe etetheuut of tasameo: edt bas 2 
dsodtiv-esw tuyos. edi. tedd colimetnoa 'staslleqqs of» tosqeem, we goss 7 22 
ote: soiteroqropat edg te. enueoed ,trengbyl. aids: tetas, of aD. rod t 
al tuo toe Viagergze. don ssw doidm .tivemgoo, edt mal, sasidq, _ovods eat 

gaiwolict. ed? tadd.nciniqo, edd. te 928: oH. 4yentetts. to) VaRTTaR eae 

,tegoiesldne..v Is t@ mosash .solvaeup eidy te: evintooh: omg: $3 
edt al, -ST&C..gqga. LT O88) .aemttod. 6 v: gated 4088. «LLE: eBh: iste 
vosqaet aI" :aetede Goiaige aff te Tes egeq no tivoo sdf yoese aeemel 
asw Lovetg oldstivps saoe eaelay ,sotiom eds, 2 donaxd xedvo. et. 08 
-bsdasup moltvoexe edt bas shies tea sd ton bivop daemghut | Be de 
~etq. on at siog? .-.aes0 aidt af awode ase’ aed saol, “+ (aeaso, ts : 
yitasnod tavons togxe esd rot bessstaga ten asw saempbut, ode: ceenet | 
cadé exom beyisw.yemtotie edd.2I. .atnabgeted mort thitatslg of ond 

_ ot itgeqguet al, .yearotts to. dasizew edt yd.ob- ot, beatxodtua wow ced 
bib ti avotvdo af ti sours to tixw,to Leeqqs as of ddgdt tetnebaeted 
gatbastadtintos , qeb xiedt Sad won Sved youd. 20% wasd om mods | 
edt at “,ebsw af tuisiqmoo doldw to. vearotis.tieds te motthe ) 
oct", :astaté moinigo att to {83 edt ,orque seco amed 
 simemghut ed? gaksesae at ecosse {1s beaselex xleaezame,ttvemsop 
 Yeatetts edt extrodiue ,enced al ,gom bio yertotts to tastzew edt 
Setrgince atewog ost tadt bebnetaoo atch has parotte easeten ot 

. ctaitetem yas tedt bos bevetug citotrte od tecu treme tact, (eit sill 
-biov tnamgbut ait gaizebast to toelig,edt.esd mottered? gotisiveb 

_» Mottsoilqas atl tad yitoerroo wel te elux edt betsia seit Loaauen 
tnemgbui, « to moteasiaoo yreve .eassged ,enso atid ot amet LD 


ee eee ee ee ee 


operates as a release of errors. (23 Cyc. 721). Therefore the 
statement in the cognovit that all errors are releaged amounts to 
nothing mare than a mere recital of what the law is and the result 
is the same whether the cognovit contains such a statement or not. 
Because a judgment by confession operates as a release of errors, 
the law is made to provide that courts of law shall have equitable 
powers in determining motions to vacate or open up such judgments 
and that appeals and writs of error may be prosecuted to review the 
judgment of the court in granting or denying such motions. In 
addition to this the plaintiff in error has not been prejudiced 

by such alleged release of errors and there is no legal or equitable 
reason assigned why the judgment should be vacated on account of 
such release." OCertiorari in this case was denied by the Supreme 

The appellants do not question the correctness of this judgment, 
er advance any legal or equitable objections to same, They urge 
there was such a material deviation between the warrant of attorney 
and the cognovit, as to destroy the court's jurisdiction to enter 
judgment, and that therefore the same is void. We do not adopt this 
view of the case. 

The judgment of the circuit court herein is atfirmed, 

Judgement affirmed. 

{ fiat bus vad Itade ‘wal “to atusoo dedd ‘sabre oF ‘obaa lt 

edd wetver of beduossorg sd (an xotrs ‘to. at ia ‘bos si 

: at Icicle dowe  aatyaeb ro aadiaess at #2v09 > eda t 


¥ 4 % ot Seige 

Hint Sa a7 

romgbut « ant to aasatoett00 ‘est oltasup ton ob etnettege 

: DA LTE SOUR eee e's te Peo eae Ay me "4 Leth 

est ‘yea -emize ot _anofv98 [do eldat taps: ‘to Esso t was 8 
i Pe he SE fest ‘ 

“yeutorts to tnazzsy alt Reewted motisivel istretan 8 ‘doxre” “asw e@ 
7 te! kel ¥ pitt} is ey waits i 
_Tetme or ott fobbe tut ‘a! 3x00 “ailt F yortaab of as | troigeo 

ia) DF, ae] 



“sbomatthe at alered | #100 Stuosto: ‘ott to tmemgart 

shes ree oe a By ess a = ee BG 

-bowrt3s mong but 


SECOND DISTRICT I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 

for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate (Court at Ottawa; this = ee day of 
—_ SCS. the year of our Lord one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

b Clerk of the Appellate Court 
(73815—5M—2-32) e587 

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Jeter healtitaw avode om 

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a ‘tah. ae eee 

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wire, mex, 

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Begun and held at Ottawa, on Tuesday, fae aaa f day of February, in 

the year of our Lord one thousand hike hundred and thirty-four, 

within and for the Second District of the State of Illinois: 

‘Present-- The Hon. FRED G. WOLFE, Presiding Justice. 

Hon. FRANKLIN R. DOVE, Justice. 

Hon. BLAINE HUFFMAN, Justice. 

D'7/ AT ‘Be 
E. J. WELTER, Sheriff. 2 4 Ale B 

BE IT REMEMBERED, that afterwards, to-wit: On 

APR 2.5 1934 the opinion of the Court was filed in the 

Clerk’s office of said Court, in the words and figures 

following, to-wit: 


st as 

ath aL aeee sae mo ro wt 
(Lae Mee . . 

ees fees) dcr ai Seat ad pa 
~ NN “aa So ee e 7 ' . , atte 6 
diete- adh ;gabeoth® na awesto Ga Siem 

£54 Bei "Np ee ete Siok igo 
asHie ais ree) ie Fedak Sacaed i Si 
iat valbiaarh RULdP)geames 

,eotianws ,1V90 2H WED eat) sok ee 

acvisteuh ,TAMTRUH. GATAde 4 a68 * 
; ak 
tei ,WOSRHOL. fg eueat 
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Lt inert qaotua «tam | 
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SS nen eens ba a a rn ot em 0 2 om nr 

‘sitw-ot ,ehitewisdtasteae 2 6a) 
halt tex itveD okt to wetebgo-eday ci 

bts sitow eff nb ,siv00 Bise to se 

Gen e Noe 8411 Agenda No. 45 

Oetober Term, AD. 19526 

.ppeal from the Circuit 
Cowt of LaSalle County. 


Antcnia Burear, hereinafter referred to as appellee, 
instituted this proceeding against Albert L. Roberts, hereafter 
ealled appellant, in an action based on fraud and deceit, averred 
to have been practiced by the appellant upon appellee in the sale 
of a stock of merchandise and fixtures in a grocery store in Streator, 
The declaration consists of two original and three amended counts, 
in all of which it is charged that the appellant deweived and defraud- 
ed appellee by misrepresenting to her the quantity and quality of the 
stock of groceries sold. To the declaration the general issue was 
It appears that in February 1926 the appellant owned a stock 
of groceries in the City of Streator; that he purchased the stock 
in October 1925, and that his sister irs. O'Neil and his wife 
managed the store from October until the following February. 
Appellee lived in Kangley, near Streator, with her sons and daughters; 
one of her daughters who attended the streator High School near 
the store learned the stock was for sale and on Sunday, February 
14th, 1926, Ralph Burear, twenty-two years of age, and his brother 
Peter, twenty-six years of age, sons of appellee, called at the 

home of appellant and went with him to the store and examined the 


-GS .olf sbooepA If{s8 .oU . 10D 
TOIATATG dwoore 

eSSOL .d.A ,atteT tedoto0 

tivoeriod sdt mort L[seqqi 
eqenvod el[f{sasi to turo0d 



,esifeqqs es ot berrster rettentoted ,rsemd siootma 
tstiseted ,cetisdoH .1 trediA tenisgs snathesoorq atdt botutitant 
berteve ,titeosh bas busxt mo beesd mites as at ,tnsalleqqs beiise 
efse sdt ai seffscqs oogu tusileqqs edt yd beottosiq oosd evad ot 
» TOF sorte at stotea yreoor, s at asautxit boas eatbasdotem to doote a to 
Sivas 5ehaeme ssetdt has [snigtro owt to atetanoo noitsralosb sAT : 
-bystieoh bas hevtewveb tnsif{scqs sdt tsdt bBenteado at ti dofdw to fis at 

eft to witenp bas yihitnaersp edt ted ot anitnezemstetm yd selleqqs be 

esw oyeet [siscnen sdt soitsirsfoeb eft of .bloe asitesots to aoote f 


Moota s benwo taslloqqs oft SSCL yrayvidet at tadt ataeqqs tI 
dwoote edt heessotuq sd tsoit j;rotsetta To yFID edt at zeires0Tg To 
stiw aid bas [teM%'0 .atM setete aid tedt bos ,2sel redoto ml 
-Utsuidel satwollot ont Litauy tedoyvoO mort etote edt besenem 

yatetdayshb bas eanoe ted dtiw ,wotsette teem , veltaned at bovil sellLeqqA — 

teen foode& duihH tofseis2 edt hebnetts odw atotdsysh ted To 60 — 

Yisuidel ,ysbauve no bus efse rot asw woota edt bentsel etote edt 

tedterd ald bas ,ege to atsey owl-ytnowt ,rs0Twd dqiel ,asel , dt MN 

edt ts Bef{iso ,eeifeqqs To anos .,eas to etsoy xla~ytnews ,tetet 

edt bentmexe Sas etote edt o¢ mid dtiw tuow bas taalleaqes to emod 

i a ea or 


stock, According to the theory of appellant the stock was fresh 
and clean and apparently appellee was pleased with the report 
made to her by her sons for on the following morning she went 
to the store and remained examining the stock and observing the 

The record further discloses that appellee testified that 
she resolved on Monday morning to buy the stock. Appellant in- 
quired whether she wanted to buy for a lump sum or on an inventory 
basis. It appears that an inventory had lately been taken. Appellee 
said she would not buy for a lump sum nor accept an inventory unless 
it was made in her presence. She returned on Tuesday with her son 
Ralph and again examined the stock and watched the trade, 

It further appears that she and her said son Ralph returned 
on Wednesday morning following and arranged with Mrs. O'Neil to 
have an inventory of the stock taken by a disinterested outsider, 
and by agreement George Page, a salesman for a wholesale grocery 
house, was called and an inventory was made by him and under his 
direction. Appellee and her son Ralph were present throughout the 
entire taking of the inventory and Ralph assisted Page in taking 
it. The inventory was largely in the handwriting of Ralph Burcar 

and was in the possession of appellee from the time the inventory 

was taken until the trial. The inventory of the value of the stock 
was in the neighborhood of $900 and the shelves and fixtures around 
$300. Appellee paid appellant the total inventory value of the 

stock and fixtures on Thursday, Februsry 18th, and immediately 


went into possession of the stock and the store. 

a ae ee 

The evidenee discloses on the part of appellee as well as 


appellant, except for a few minor exceptions, as to which there 
is a conflict in the testimony, that appellee received all the 
items of goods and property listed in the inventory. 

It is the contention of appellee that the groceries were not 

ith tl ne jee Rll i aaa ae 

clean and fresh at the time of the sale. Her son Ralph testified 

that the store was clean and neat; that the stock was clean and 

: Ey pe Pat ae wn 

deertt aesw aoote edt tasileage to nee? edt of snbbt000k sfoota i 
trtoget odd Atiw beaseale now eotterqs i eatin be bus aselo bas i | 
toow ede naAtotom pitiwoLfo? ont 0 Tot 08 ted yd ted ot obam 

* J + * Ai aie 

edt anivirsedo fas wtooss edt autcteexe beatouwe Das exote odd 7, 

tadd heltites > oot l eta # test aeaoloe lt “indtaet broset ofT 

“mf taal feqqs eioot 2 od yd of antmtom yabhmoM oo bevioset ote 
Ve Sp i te 

cred nevat tS fo > soem gqmul s wt wd of betasew ede todtosta ibertp 

el ti 

eelfeqqi .mexst seed yietal bat yaotnevrt as Peds @teoqgqs tI seiesd— 

eeeloy ytotnevat me tqeoos ton mee qayt s tot yed tom bilyow ate bisa 

om RAE He AY ne 

foe ted wed yshaout fide) houtyio% po Pel brent 9 Toa ai eben esw tik 
i RuMip's cas Kec ero a ae 

“obort aait bodotsw bas oote oad bonimexe atags nes dqisi 

, Sorat eae aa? 

ak agian ow bie tort bas eda tat exseqce ott wt Oe ia i“ , 
its ot Lte'o. acs ate beaaerts: bas autrofiot ‘gularom yabasabel m > 
_ rtobtatvoe hodeorodatels 8d rowed ote ould - win ta nee ee 

, Yrooots ofeaelosw 5 30% nemee.Loe a 2387 epr090 rip moe dot © vd hagine 

aid tebay bas mid xd ebsm enw »recnevet AB xe belisa 2eW pene 

eee he eS eee 
edt todtaworts tnocesa erTew alot oe vod bas settegga ‘snoltootth 

Rien Se ‘ 

Ph foley ai 2388 bot aines dq ish ae vwtueva! add to un bas exitne gen 

: Decree: We ey, ce 

TeoTmd fiqi ef to cult hawker edt ak vlosisl BBW ‘yrotmevant Oy eee: 

Oak omter dake 

pero tmeval ont os odt m0 X% ae ae the to faaeaRog eas at asw bas 4 x 

F at Thegye FL. 69) Me 

sore, ody to. oulsv oat to yrotne vat on slats ode Lisaw mpi vag i 

i3 EATS SOT BE op, 

Savors, eenitxl? bers acvlote et bas ooey to. boosraddgten ait ot eaw % 
ry fet od ee a) 

ontt to oulev yrosaeyat Latot ont ‘tnalleqas bheg eoltoqaa +0088 a 
tt Domearann Mee: 

Plot etbomnt bas ,teL vt wget sTebemid? 0 sowdxtt bas doote 
evil wed Lega iA. 

serota ot baa fore ont ‘to ‘Ho leeousog otal taow 

oh ton Wo emer’ 

BS. Ltew as eolleqgs to tr0eg eat fo sozotoats oonsb ive eit ; 
pas © os0 bourse! exodts edt wi 
“erent goniw ot Bs exo tiqeoxe son 8% 8 LOT FqGoore « aA 
AL ate AOL me . 

eit iis bey toes seltengs tend qnomiteet ne al totitmos 
BOY £ie-v Paemt «rp 

sytodneynt. edt ut bod att Wroqorg | has abooy te 
i ct ph Sax alt Seer & 

tom stow Y iaheibiods edt + attt aay pon to noktaet noo oat at 1 

belttteest dale moe teh .alss sft to omtt eft ts inert bas 

bas asefo esw woota edt ¢adt jtsen bus melo asw etote 



that the cans were clean and not rusty; and that the whole place 
looked attractive. There is evidence in the record, however, to 

the effect by appellee and her son Ralph that some time after the 

Sale was made some of the goods were found to be spoiled. The 
evidence of the son Raloh is that the total value of all goods 

claimed to have been spoiled, including goods claimed to have been 
found spoiled something like eicht months after the sale was $315.90. 
The judgment was for %848.00. 

It is the contention of anvpellant that the judgment of the 
Circuit Court should be reversed and the cause remanded because the 
evidence shows that appellee received the goods described in the 
inventory and that the stock at that time was clean and fresh and 
the cans free of dust; that the evidence does not prove fraud on 
the part of appellant as alleged in the declaration; that the Court 
admitted improper evidence which tended to confuse the jury; that 
the Court erred in its instructions to the jury and that the dameges, 
even if plaintiff was entitled to recover, are excessive. 

On an examination of the declaration it will be found that 
appellee avers that appellant deceived and defrauded her in the tw 
following particulars; first, as to the cuantity of stock of groceries 
in the store; that it was less than shown by the inventory; Second, 
as to the quality of the stock of groceries in the store; that an 
indefinite part of it was spoiled and unmerchantable. 

The evidence discloses that the entire stock of groceries was 
inventoried by a under the supervision of an experienced and dis- 
interested wholesale grocery salesman; that the inventory was made 
in the presence of appellee and her son Ralph, a young business man; 
that the greater part of the inventory was in the handwriting of the 
son of appellee, who assisted through out in the taking of it, and 
it appears from the evidence of Ralph himself that there was no 
material shortage but the items on the inventory were substantial ly 

correct in so far as he could remember. Cf 

ee j 

eoaic crake edt stadt bee iwent don bra solo stew ‘emo hae fade 
“i pea 4 a) sii! hte 
ot ,tevewod ,brose edt al somoblve ek ered? sovivontiis bevtoot 

i of aha 
edt tetts omit omoe. tact ta Lot mog ted poe eefleqgs we tosis ont 
20F'a oat Oe 
edt sbettoge ed ot “bas ot otew aboos ‘edt “to emoa "baat asw elise — 
we Fi win 

aboos ifs to sulsv Istot oat vedd et awe goa sdt to sombive 

need oval o¢ bemtato aboos satba font beLlioga food ‘oved of ‘bemtelo 

,0@,af8@ asw else edt totts arftnom dite sia exkl antddema beltogs Bao ; 
y ¢ 7 fies cee a 

100. 828% Tot sew tmeayhwt edt. 

«feed he 
etd to t stomp bast, end tad foalteqas to nokdnet noo edt ‘at #1 Ai 
cr aly See 
edd eunsosd hobnem + eereo edt bis bawxevex od bivoda tr00 thyerto 
i ae #e 

' odt ak bedttoaeb aboor exit bevievet selteqcs tedtt ne a 
fags Bree cee 
sts desert Bae naelo asw emit fads ts Hote orit tant bos 


no bustt svotg tom eeob sonebive elt toute ifenb ‘to ‘sort ‘aks ont 

w weber a HF Sey! 4 

ts09 od teat ;mottoeloeb ent mt pepolte as naflorga to fray a. 
: if se aya 
“tedt ‘vert ont eeuin09 ot Sobnes dotdw oonebive qe mumt as a 

een ame ‘edd dads bas wt, ont of anctforst an! att nt bewrs 00 ont ‘i 

‘soviensoxe ets «To vooe ot bold ine saw tridotel¢ ‘nt rah 
tend Aayot od Lite dk nottstsLoeb exit to rot entkmaxs ‘nee 
ort enti ni cod bobuowteb bos hovisosb dual Loner ‘nae emeve colina N 
a9 irs0078 to doote To ‘ye ttnay p exit of as terit iene ivotstaq . ie 

, biro9682 I aa ey edt vd ong sia sastt aaol egw tt dada jenote 

“ge ted¢ feToda ort st eo in9s079 to facta uid 0 vt Lew por § Pe B 
dior ele +) ee 

. aldstnedoremoy baa beLtoge 28W tt 0 rr2g othat 

‘ f Eerie fh te 

asw aottecory i doors orld ne ett # salt eozolos i eonebive ce 


{Mem aeeniasd ‘BnrOY 8B te basi ob ‘ted bop ‘seftorgs 30 ‘eon 1 

5 &e fs * P I 
sit to ‘aid trwband ext at asw wrod newt ‘ont to daeq ‘tet sory 8. 
Y of Gas itn 
bos ,tt to aubtet art? nk ‘tye aiayotdt hed eizas oxtw eo 
4 j time a Pecan 

ow esw otedt ‘ailt Teamkst iqiaft 0 sousbive ne benvig 

'S gy i ak 

ye eit astadwa oxtow viotmevn! ‘oat a0 anod E ot f and egedto: 
of to mere 
az ‘stodnom  Liroe od as cad 08 

wm hcs 
The evidence offered by appellee on the question of the 
quality of the goods and bearing upon the charge of fraud and 
deceit is meagre. The evidence on the part of appellee on this 
part of the case was given by herself and her two sons, Ralph 
and Peter. They failed to testify that the stock of goods was 
spoiled in whole or in part at the time of the sale. Appellee 
testified that she went to the store every other day after she 
bought it and that she found nothing wrong with any of the stock 
until fow or five days after the purchase. The son Ralph 
testified that he knew of some items of the goods which he 
claimed were spoiled two days after the sale and about all of 
them not later than five days after the sale. The record fails 

to disclose, however, that if he did observe anything with re- 

ference to there being any spoiled goods he did not disclose that 
fact to his mother, the appellee. 

It is also urged by appellant that the Court admitted in 
evidence over his objection, a certain Exhibit. Apparently the 
Exhibit was an inventory of the stock made some time prior to the 
sale. It does not appear when the inventory was made, or by whom. 
It is quite apparent that it had no bearing on the ease. The 
record discloses that appellee testified that she refused to 
accept any other inventory than her own or to deal on the basis 
of any other. An inventory made at sme time prior would not show 
the same goods that would be shown in an inventory made at the tim 
of the purchase by appellee and to introduce ea former inventory, 
especially without proof as to who made it or when it was made, 
necessarily tended to mislead the jury and gave it to understand 
that it should consider any discrepancies which might appear in 
the two inventories in making up its verdict. We think the cowt 
erred in admitting the Exhibit. 

It is contended also by the appellant that the Court erred 
in giving instruetion number Three. In instruction number Three, 

instead of informing the jury that the masure of damages was 


oot to molteenp alt mo eollogga. yd paged od eonsbive on gp 
nike “eh agers . 

hae byett to on rade ont fog gititeed. ba 2 boos outs ‘To ba, 
Ps ike ay T 


atdt mo selleqgs to $15 eal 0 gombive ‘en -eTRs0m al hoses 

“delat pee ows ted baa tise ted ‘xd nevis | asw paso ‘only ‘to freq | 
esw 200g +0 woo ta edt todd Ytiteot ot bo List wat fetes bas 
nad Longa ose oat to omit ong te Ptaq ud to o Lorin al bottoge 
eda sotta yee testo yueve axose adit ot dn0¥ outa t alt bottivact 

xoote ont to une it tw ac0'tw ari item aaa % ena tad bus tt tiguod 
dqlsi moa edt soa alotug ead wotis eyeb evit 0 ‘wot f Litas 

ed do tifw aboos edd To amotl emioa to wood eal fortt bertttacd 

to fis i ud s bas iss ox t nodts Sxak ows peltoge orew “homhslo 

my bgapen ee a? he rite Bs Pare ; 
lh ate brovet ont ot aut ett s aya ovit aod tod of toa modt — 
} Sau dps ss Ev eae f 
“oT atin nbd 2 eves do Sib ef xt todd sTovewod cos foals ot 
Bet be appt ; 

‘wads eaoloats ton Hib oa abodp boLltoge Yas atiod ore dt od eanore? 
ae -ooliscas odd ‘tedden ‘ale of fost 

y Uy MRT Ct & ate Sete 
nt ‘Bost ims , x09 adi ‘test tnelLoga vd bear osla at i 

a SL ES am irs FR 

eit Vitnersqc ot kd brixdi nist390 6 uicttoetdo eld sey oonmh asp 

Re Tae Oe aere 

edt oF rolzg of neh moe ob an oot 2 out to yiotne mi a8 osm ahd tix 

5 ENE 
pace ir an 

ano rf rd To 2D ou ea yrodupwitt adi nest ‘e0q qs tou ‘3908 iH an * 
eh. SY 

ont +9289 odd 10 guttsed om Bail tt tarld ‘dnoxsaqs “ot inp ak Lae 
o¢ boaute x edz tadt hottiteet esiteqas dads serofoals Kenai 

orth a ae 
‘ya Be Ee 

atesd ost 10 Is seb of ‘to imwe tort aadd wrod neval exido Yas habia a A | 

weet toa bisow rola omte ema ts oben yrotaevat mA - stedto us to ‘f 
«3 a Pir oe, 

ants ost ts obsm wodne vn te si armors od hisow # act aboos omsa edt 

“wotmevmt ‘tomo 8 sovborded of bua vetLeags w esadorg ‘oath 2 aa 

f ek Nae 

25 st aaw ot ode to tL oben ont ot as Tooxg duodd tw viletoogas 
pdnamer ey 

Suedere boar ot # oven bas. vant. outs beelsia od: babaes <ibemenscem 
ve *o eocumeter. gbl at 

al zeoqc2 4% holies eo Lanagonve 1D tas xab Lenco bLyorle $i todd 

7 Sn ‘ ‘y Feat 
+ woo orig ait en stotbzey aul qe ‘gat aan at cobsotaomat owt out 
3 f ; t ia a Ty jaa 
std tas aut pat ié tubs ak bette 
borts tau509 ast ‘taitt ‘taaitoras odd we ale ‘bebnot moo a 1 

LR te 

dso ie te Peed 
,oeult tedapa gottooutent al - oeuitt edit nots ouxteat aatvl rs 


asw asgemeh to etwasen ost veds ‘var, one auimrotat 0 


the difference between the value of the goods as they were and 
as they were represented, the instruction informed them that they 
"May allow to the plaintiff such fair and reasonable sum as will 
fairly and reasonably reimburse the plaintiff for any actual 
lesses *** she may have unavoiidably sustained as a direct result 
of the alleged false and fraudulent statements and representations 
made by the defendant to the plaintiff." 

The record discloses that Ralph Burear, son of appellee, was 
the only witness who testified on the subject that the total value 
of all the gcods which were of inferior quality or spoiled was 
5315,90. That figure would represent the difference between the 
value of the goods as they were and as they were represented to 
be if appellant had been guilty of fraud and deceit as averred. 
The verdict was for $775.00, but it appears thst quite a considerable 
length of time elapsed before judgment was rendered on the verdict 
end judement was subsequently rendered for the sum of %848.00. If 
appellee was entitled to recover the measure of her damsges would 
be the difference between the value of the stock as it was and 

what it would be worth if the alleged false representations con- 

cerning it had been trve. The measure of damages in an action for 
fraud and deceit is the difference in the worth of the property as 
represented and its real value. Or as it is sometimes stated, it 
is the difference between the value of the property as it is and 
what it would be worth if the representations had been true. 
Schwitters vs. Springer, 236 Iil. 271; Siltz vs. Springer, 256 
Ill. 2763; Stewart vs. Clark, 194 Ill. App. 2. 

We are of the opinion that reversible error was committed 
in the trial of this cause and the ivigment of the Circuit Court 
of LaSalle County is reversed and the cause remanded. 



bre otew vodd 28 shboon ot ‘to ofey edd eewted eoneret its ont mi 
yeds tant “medt Beoorrotat no ttouttent ou! ie <bet meee otew wort as i 
Iftw as ma el[danoaset bas tist dove tid atele sud oF “worts en" : 
Isutos Yas “0% Ttitatsle aif satudmtet vid anoaset Bae tiatat 
tliset tooth 8 28 heatstaue yidebhovens sven “Yrut ede ini ‘eenaol 
anoltatnexouet has etnometote tnetubyert Sas eafet beaetis oft to Pr 
x sttitatsic ent ot dusbhasteb edt a a ‘eben 
Baw “eel fecas to toe rao figt 8H dant seno lost: Peaben “eat” sik aa 
eifey Istot odd fad¥ tostdie ad? mo bobtivued ode Goodin Vow Um 
asw beltoge to ytiieup totvetat to exow dot iw aboog edt ffs to 
ait neewted eametettib edd jneRezGe x binow ourait tatt CR 
od botnozorqort stew yeds es Bare etew vedi en ‘aboog. ‘eit? to. ulev 
sborteys BB divoeh Bas bust to vt Lime need bss dnatt oq as “hy ed 
eldstebianos " etiuo ted exescge tt fud 00,809 tot ‘aaw ‘tolbrer “eat 
tolbtev sit mo shades 2sy # ane Barf ‘oroted beadele ‘Smt J to. ide 
tI .00, 8d8% to me ‘eit rot botebne+ yttmexpeede ae ‘fname bit bre 
| 5 Luow nog aah sa to stvasem afd tovoder of ‘poltttne ‘2sw os Leda ize 
bas asw 9% as fonda ede to axlev odd moauioe pone t bb” ‘eat gg 
et snot 6s neaomqot aatat pon atte edt tk dtzow od “Bivow ‘tt “date 
got gottos me at gesameb to étwagem ont batt ead ‘bed tk satmres 
as udtecota ot to dttow od nt eanerett th Got a) Findon “bas ae, 
ti (boteta aemtienoa ei ¢i ae 10 .eutav non att fits Detaeseamet ‘a 
bre si ¢i 82 ysireqorg ait to autay ‘edt seewted oometet tts oat eb 

,outd neod badd ano it stmsaonget artt ab détow ad SLuow 2 aie ; 
Bug Tepatage .ay stite “sis Vit 062 \tosmtore .a7 arose twsoe i 
8 .qqd .ftT Bef pttald Jay frewete ets Hs 

betd tmmoo aew TOTTS oldtararet text wiaivo oo" ‘Bo ors on 

Fuy0d ‘thro ab edt to poten rt oe bus enced | shai te 6 tats oe i: 


SECOND DISTRICT fs I, JUSTUS L. JOHNSON, Clerk of the Appellate Court, in and 
for said Second District of the State of Illinois, and the keeper of the Records and Seal thereof, do hereby 
certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the opinion of the said Appellate Court in the above entitled cause, 

of record in my office. : 
In Testimony Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of said 

Appellate Court, at Ottawa. this day of 

BEE ee ein) the year! of our, Word (one thousand nine 

hundred and thirty- 

Clerk of the Appellate Court 

- (73815—5 M—8-32) B07 

6 elt Mer tare 

; a 
; pod ft 
Mie vO oe ae tency 6 


if ah 

AGA he mae jane i a 

4 iin, g E # Sis 
Ze “ie i é Z 

# r ra : 

Lula A. Blaék, Appetice, v. William T. ne 3 Mabel 
McCoy, Mabel Walker, Inez N. Blith, John R. 
McCoy, and R. L. Webber, Administrator 
with the will annexed of the estate 

of Mary A. Barton, deceased, oy |=» 

Appellants. ka & vA | 

Appeal from the Circuit Court of Brown County, 

January Term, A. D, 1934. 
Gen. No. 8791 Agenda No. 3 

Mr. Justice Davis delivered the opinion of the 

This is an appeal from a decree of the Cireuit Court 
of Brown County, rendered on the hearing of a bill 
filed by appellee to construe the last will and testament 
of her mother, Mary A. Barton, deceased. 

Mary A. Barton died testate in the city of Mt. 
Sterling, Illinois, on December 15, 1930, and the pro- 
visions of her last will and testament which was ad- 
mitted to probate and record in the county court of 
Brown County, Illinois, are as follows: 

FIRST: It is my will that my funeral expenses and 
all my just debts be fully paid. 

SECOND: I give and devise to my son, William T. 
Barton, the east half of the south east quarter of See. 
No. 15 in Tp. one south range three (3) West of the 4” 
P. M. in Brown County State of Illinois for and during 
his natural life and at his death I give & devise said 
lands to my two daughters viz Lula A. Black and 
Mabel McCoy share and share alike to them and their 
heirs forever. 

3Rd. I give and devise to my daughter Mabel McCoy 
the east 80 acres of the south west quarter of sec. 23, 
in Tp. one south range three west of the 4” P. M. in the 
County of Brown and State of Illinois during her 
natural life and at her death I give and devise said 
land to her two children John R. McCoy and Inis May 
Blith to them share and share alike and to their heirs 

4” I give and devise to my daughter Lula A. Black 
the east half of the south west quarter of sec. 6 and the 
north west quarter of the south east quarter of said 
Sec. 6 in Tp. one south range four west of the 4” P. M. 
in Brown County State of Illinois during her natural 
life and at her death I give and devise said land to her 
daughter Mabel Walker and her heirs forever. 



| amey £ £ 
pe inAggtract 4 4 

lode! poe  mailliW wv oe bran | 
cdot 288 Ko sent soils W fede ,yoOoM 
wmieseicinbsA jsdisW A bas yovoM 
giateo ods to bexonms [tw edit sti 
~ 9 wy gy  bosesosh wot .2 yieht io 
3 & sinslisgg 

agenol) aaron Yo duwoD dine a sald arog] feaqah 

ACCT LA eae rear 
§ wh shuogd fev3. .off noe 

edt to roligo ac} hetoriloh era goreaut all 
danot} tivotiD oft 30 sexseb 4 mort fssqqe oe at atiT 
fiid « to goirsed oft no botobrot eNTHOD vores to: 
jaonrateot bos Siw jeal ont oirtianoe of sollogas qd bell 
cbogesosh wottsdl A cteM raidtost asi Yo 
JM Yo yhio oft sistas! boi motte A ris 
oT ont Been 08SL CL todaroe so jaionilil wgerth rote 
be 2ew saids tnantsteat bas.fliv tae! red to emolety — 
to Huron yéones edt oi hioset bug stacorg of bottiat 
rewollol as ors clonal wtunoD mwork, 
Dirs eseasqze Intonut yom dade [iw yon ai YE PARR 
Aisq vind of aided temp-yor Ir. 
TT canilliW aoe vor o} saiveb bas evig 1 : MOONE 
098% to isitsnp tese dtyoe alt Io Had tase odt wodsael: 
“b oft Yo Jeo W (&) so1di ogasy digoe sito af gi ST eV 
eniih Dus rot atoaiiil to ateia gan meord, tM, AL 
bina avivob & eviz I dtasb sid js has oti! [etetan elf 
hea oorl .A slml xiv etoldgnah ow vex of ebsal 
rtoilt bas cxadi ot sdile svarle bia otede voDoM feds 
: xerstot miod 
yoOoM fade wsttuuah pero} seiveh baa ovig f DHE 
£8 092 to votiwop teow dives sd? to adres US tess od} 
on} of MES odd Yo Jeew sotilt epast dtgon oso gl at 
wad wunitub esomifll to stet@ baz aworl te plano 
hise vsiveh hos avg T dissh red is bore otf lamtem 
yait giol bes yoOoM MH adol nworblidy owt rod of baci 
axied viedt of bers oofife oisdle bua stada coodd of AUG 
Hoaid ,A sim? wotileneb ver of setrob bag evig TY “hb 
ott bas 8 ose lo tehranp teow divee att Io Ted tene ont 
bine to rotisnp tesa disea ill to aolisep jeaw divom | | 
Ms odt to leew usot ovaer dives ono .gT aid 288 
[ersten ‘tod yaiink sion to aleid yinooD aver at. 
sof of busl bisa ostveb has ovig I diesh ted-ta bea oll 
Tover0t atled ved bra todinW iadeM rotdgned | woe 

Page 2 Gen. No. 8791 

5 I give the rents from the west half of the north 
east quarter of Sec. 14 Tp. one south range four west 
of the 4” P. M. in Brown County State of Illinois to 
my said three children William T. Barton Lula A. 
Black and Mabel McCoy they to share equally in same 
& they to rent said land until such a time as they can 
sell same for a fair price when they are to sell same 
and make a proper deed for same and divide the con- 
sideration for same equally among them. 

6th My home, Lot No. three (3) in Block No. Three 
(3) in A. Curry and R. H. Hurlbuts Add. to the town 
(now city) of Mt. Sterling Ilinois I direct my execu- 
tors hereinafter named to sell said lot and I authorize 
them to make and execute a proper deed for same & I 
also authorize my said executors to sell and execute 
any and all necessary papers to pass title to such 
property sold that may be necessary to properly settle 
my estate. No order of court is to be required and 
after the payment and satisfying clause one herein my 
said three children are to have the remainder of the 
proceeds from said lot and any personal property I 
may own they to share equally therein any note or 
notes I may hold against either of my said children is 
to be considered an advancement against Shuch child 
and is to be deducted from such childs share in my 

I have made this will as I want it and as I consider 
just and fair taking into consideration the various 
things that have preceded this will and should either 
of my said children attempt to prevent the execution 
of this will or try to break it such child is to forfeit 
what is herein given him or her & he or she is to have 
no part there in & such non offending child or children 
are to have the estate same to be received as herein 
given only the part received is to be enlarged and such 
offending child is not to act as executor. 

LASTLY, I hereby nominate and appoint my said 
three children William T, Barton, Lula A. Black and 
Mabel McCoy to be the executors of this my last will 
and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by 
me made. 

Mary A. Barton left surviving her Lula A. Black, a 
daughter and appellee herein, and William T. Barton, 
a son, Mabel McCoy, a daughter, Mabel Walker and 
Inis M. Blith, granddaughters, and John R. McCoy, a 
grandson, as her sole and only heirs at law. 

R. L. Webber was duly appointed by the county 
court of Brown county, Illinois, administrator with the 
will annexed of the estate of said Mary A. Barton, de- 
ceased, and all of said parties with the exception of 
Lula A. Black, appellee, were made defendants to the 
bill of complaint filed by appellee. 

‘ Oe ee a 
161 oh we haenat as 

dixon ont to Med iaow oft meri ataet od} see i a 
juow anot sgray dirios oxo .qT #L .99% to ‘talisirp Pe 
of sioni(l Yo otst@ viene avo ai MA ne edt ‘to 
A pind soixef PT ameiliW sevblits said! bins yar 
ousse oi ylsnps ateda of a ‘add yoUSM fada lh hae Joel 
neo vodt en sentt s dose {ideas bas! hise ter of yodlt a 
amge fies of ots vedi nodw sottq visi 6 10t outas [ioe 
-09 aiff abivib has sora 10? boob toqo1g 6 odsar bas 
a medi goons vilesps sctea tot noitsrebia 
agtdT of As0ll ui (2) soudt of tod emod yM - dia 
awe} od? of .bhA sindicnll HA be qi) AL tt (8) 
-upexo Yor toosih I aioailll gaifror JM to (xis won) 
 gtivodine T bas Jol bisa ilsa of bomen tatianioted ated 
1% smxwee 102 baeh raqory 8 sitmoexo bas odser of orodt 

otiyexo bia ‘[fea of atoinpaxo bigs yer ositoiine off 
dona ot offif aaaq of exoqeq yisasovant [lp baa. a 

olttea ylroqoTg of yTRenoven od Tait jad} blow ghragotg 
bis fotispsr ad of af divoo lo tobso of elated Yon 
ed nieiad otto sausio gaivietiea bas jnoarzac, orld code 
edt to tbaigarss act oved of ots netblide ooxd} bine 
I vheaerg [esoatsg vas box tol biae mort aboonory — 
+o elon tan «datedi ulsups oda of godt two gant 

ai sexbinle biea yan 26 t9dtia tenivea blod yaor Daston 

Glide toute taaiegs tromsonpybs re bovebiames od of 
vex ai oxad2 ebfidg done ator? baioub: of ad oF af ban 
sobiamoy T an bie Hi teow 1 ae fiw sid aban ered I 
arouiay ant soitersbianos ofai goilat sist bas tant 
omitio Bivods Bae fiw aidt babeserq ovad Jat eganit 
noivesxe alt dnevoxg of iqmoetta noxblido bisa war to 
distsal of at Hlide done ti Asesd of Tu #0 itiw aidd to — 
sved of st ode to od B vod to oid woviy toned ai tack 
tothlite 19 blide gaibaeite mom dove A wi sted} Iraq or 
miatsd se bevioos1 od of anise oteies olf oved of a8 

doe bos begrelas od ot i bevissst Jaq off qino cavig 

olsvexe B& tos of Jon ef biide gatbnsito: 

bise yor jaioggs bus ainsimon ydornt 1 YITAAT 
bos don A sind cotied .T meilli sexblide soxutt 
lliw deal yar aldd to evoinoexe oil} od ot yoDoM fedalt 
vd elliv toarrot [le gablover qdoted fuomupaos bre 
sbsot oar 

6 doa A als l cod guivivine Nol oof cot A aM 
wolisd T malliW bas sisted osllegge bre rotitgush 

bus woileW isdeM sottgoah 2 oOo fodaM jqoa 2 : Sie 

& “oOo 2 sdol bus arehtaushbaer dle, “ dink 

wel te eried tno bas ston mort. ae <noshatsers eo anit 

vines of yd bettieggs Woh esw toddoW wT” 

oft tive sotertainiotbs gionllll ciaoo creradl to. ake Ma 

-9b otis A yialé ise to siates-ody to hexeang fiw 

to. seitqsoxe ot dttw aaidtaq bias to He bre ,bowsso es 

oil} of etashasteb ubnar ovow ee qs foalt A glint 
sellegaa we be scapes ba slid 

Page 3 Gen. No. 8791 

In her bill of complaint appellee alleges that on or 
about May 5, 1923, she was indebted to said Mary A. 
Barton, deceased, in the sum of $5680.00, which was 
evidenced by a promissory note for said sum with in- 
terest at the rate of 6% per annum from date until 
paid and was then due and payable, that William S. 
Black, the husband of appellee, and Hattie H. Black, 
his sister, were sureties on said note; that on Novem- 
ber 1, 1927, all indebtedness of appellee including said 
promissory note as aforesaid was extinguished and 
liquidated in the following manner: 

William 8. Black and Hattie H. Black were at that 
time the owners of the east half of the southwest quar- 
ter of section six and the northwest quarter of the 
southeast quarter of said section six in township one 
south, range four west of the fourth principal meridi- 
an, in Brown County, State of Illinois, said lands be- 
ing occupied at the time by appellee and her husband, 
William S. Black, and said Hattie H. Black; that the 
fair cash market value of said real estate at that time 
was twenty thousand dollars, subject to a mortgage 
securing the sum of seventy-five hundred dollars; that 
appellee and her husband were at that time indebted 
to the Timewell State Bank, the Timewell Farmers 
Cooperative Company and M. E. McCabe in the total 
sum of $2832.40; that the said Mary A. Barton on said 
November 1, 1927, agreed, in consideration of the con- 
veyance to her of the above described real estate, that 
she would assume the payment of said mortgage, pay 
the said indebtedness amounting to the sum of 
$2832.40 and also release and discharge appellee and 
said William S. Black and Hattie H. Black from all 
liability from the indebtedness due and owing from 
appellee and her husband, William 8. Black, and 
Hattie H. Black to her, including said note above de- 
scribed and would cancel and deliver said note to ap- 
pellee; that, relying upon said promise of said Mary 
A. Barton, appellee and her husband, William S. 
Black, and said Hattie H. Black, on November 1, 1927, 
executed and acknowledged and delivered a deed to 
said real estate to said Mary A. Barton, who from that 
time on has been the owner thereof and that the same 
has been inventoried as part of her estate. 

That the relations between appellee and her mother 
at that time and continuously until her death were 
tender, affectionate and amicable, and that appellee 
relying upon the promise of her mother and believing 
that she would surrender and cancel said note within 
a reasonable time did not insist upon the immediate 
surrender and cancellation of the same, but thereafter, 
while visiting her mother, requested her to deliver and 
cancel said note, and her mother who claimed she kept 

.. % 7 ae 

reya ae OER 

ba noted) eouslis yalisqgs suldigrane 40) ‘he: oft ri 
A wreath Biss of heddobat pew Sila BERL 6 ys tooda 
2B W po detdw LAEE Yo mint edt at -bulsnates ‘choressel,” 
-ui dir gua hina dot ston yroartony 8 ¥d: hyosebire 
fens {tah moi? musi we AR. IO Stet oi te dated 

4 modlhW tadt sidsvedq! pane onh audit anw dab biey 
Hoait) HW ediell bos »allsquye to busdesd ot glosla 
anovevl wo 4d? ;a)o0 bisa #O sdtlotss otaw wotaie aul 
Biss gaspaisanr antlones Io exolibeltobwi fis SEE he 90 
hi Dodsingaiize asw binasita ea Siow YOnROTY 
rionesi siwollo? of? at bed shispil 

‘ a te giser Aol HT elite Kap dosll 2 ew 
aap Vawdious edi to Hed tens ad} to averwo il} ear 

ais te a6isenp Jeuwditon sft bee xia uodsow to ot 
gio gidaneot wi tix aorows bise to telsepdassdicoe 
~ibitear lagiocrny sitvuot oad te dace 100% one artes 
-sf ehaet bing pianil to vit wine «wordt ae te 
fissdaud rad bers sellogge ot soxtt edt 1m heiquraoo gut 
ail} nid? <dosl Ho alish bie hrs ould. 4 mail 
seit in 18 siptes taog bina La ontay godiose tas gist. 
ecautrome & oj tostdon jtallob Birsenoitd yinewi aaw 
tid saveilos bedicnd avi. yicovee to tena eit girity9oE. 
intwobat aoTkt fed? te oraw farecdansdl worl fos golisepys 
aseris’é fie: gamit add donk star foweril att ol 
lggot clk a adeQold O&M ban yoarmol) vviismaqaed 
bina ne otra A viel Diss at Joh QE Skee tes arte 
“luo af? To sehlevsieaos i Hoerss rf Ref Drader 
teal olatao [not badinseeb oveds. elt to tof of-sanaver 
itt eyeshroas ies to dnoncceq ott ormpesa Sluow ‘eda 
jo- oma od} of paiianomus atanbotdebui bige off 
hun sollecgs ourndoeil ban oenaler o#is hire’ Od. Seeee 
fia ssovt dosifl, site bus dosifl A aceilliW, bine 
imetr guivwe Dos eth smibeddsbar adt mow wifidadi 
joa giosid vc. meiliW Jbnaderdt sod baie sallegqa 
ah gvode oto bisa aah ori (aor of doptd Ja inte 
“jf of glow fies t9¢ish hire icone bigew bas bodiqe 
viel, bias to satiety bisa cape guigion gbadt ;aotleg — 
& pads bundand wl Doe eatogga ia A 
Tae tf soditavalt go torltt Ho ofiell bigs bre goalt 
| hoa s hewritel hea Boyhelworlod: Bie: hatandgee, 
sails ntott ody wot gt be ‘CoO, Lise ob afeien lor bisa 
suvae edt tedt haa toswdt veawo ob caod earl ete oamit 
 wistes tod Io Haq és bolxotdaval aod wed 
tediog: wl bas solloqye ssowiad simiialor oft ted 0 

giaw iltesh tod Uteo ylenovattaoa bug omit dad® te. 
svilogqs Jott bos oidasias fis oterottesie ptobrat 
weceniod birs 4odtopy tad to onisserg od) noi acigion _. 
isin ster biee loses bees wobownwa birow ete fadt 
stathenust od? sou Misot Jou bib sinh didemoasei & - 
oTissiad? tid porua oht To doitslfeores Hae yabaveisa 
bine sovileb of +6ai netsaopeT toddore tot walliary olidhay 
iqud sda hoatinls odw vedio tod bas ston bine fsoan 


Page 4 Gen. No. 8791 

said note in a purse, which at that time was in the 
possession of said William T. Barton requested the 
said Barton to deliver said note to appellee; that he 
never delivered said note to appellee but that after her 
mother’s death the note was found in the possession 
of said Barton and that from thence hitherto it has 
been and still is in his possession; that said Barton 
paid nothing for said note and that he is not a bona 
fide holder of said note in due course, nor was the same 
assigned or transferred to him by said decedent in her 
life time; that appellee was not indebted to her mother 
at the time of the execution of her will nor at the time 
of her death; that the other children of deceased now 
claim that the notes mentioned in the sixth clause of 
said will of deceased includes the said note which had 
been liquidated as aforesaid and is to be considered 
evidence of an advancement against the interest pro- 
vided for appellee by the said last will and testament 
and that under the second paragraph of said sixth 
clause she will forfeit all her interest in said estate 
unless she pays said note and interest thereon down 
to the present time to be deducted from appellee’s 
share in said estate; and that the other children now 
contend that the refusal of appellee to either pay said 
note, or permit the supposed indebtedness evidenced 
by it to be deducted from her interest in said estate 
subjects her said interest to forfeiture under the sixth 
paragraph of said will which provides that ‘‘should 
either of my said children attempt to prevent the exe- 
eution of this will such child shall forfeit what is here 
given to him or her;’’ that said other children now 
insist that it was the intention of decedent to include, 
at the time of the execution of the will, all notes 
formerly held or owned by her, whether paid or un- 
paid; that in view of the circumstances surrounding 
the testatrix, at the time of the execution of the will, 
she meant, by use of the words ‘‘execution of the will’’ 
the probate of the will; that she did not intend that 
any child’s interest in her estate should be charged 
with the payment of any paid or liquidated notes 
which might be in her possession at the time of her 
death; that the said sixth clause of said will is ambigu- 
ous and uncertain, and its true meaning and intent 
should be rendered certain by a construction of this 
court; appellee prays that the court will construe said 
will and that she may have such other and further re- 
lief in the premises as equity may require, ete. 

The defendant, R. L. Webber, adminstrator with 
the will annexed, answered the bill and denied that ap- 
pellee is entitled to the relief or any part thereof, and 
prays that the bill be dismissed, ete. 

on i a AT OEY la 

Sia . a 
@ —_ 
PTA oA ners, 

of? gt eaw oosbt Jadt ta doit Saag 5 at abete aa 
gil) Daterpos woliw .T uae him 20 OIgHSe EOE 
sd tag} :eotloqge ot aion bike Toviteh. of sofa bite 
vat tolls jadi ted colfaqgs of ojon bles hoyevileb seven — - 
alae eaog sdt at Gao? enw ator od! dtsoh 8 ‘sentanst ? 
and di ohwdstdd oad! cork toll bos noid, fies te 
mottert fviee fei) ; aolascezag ei nb at Iija base aged © 
pitod a fom si od tadt Dis’ tou, bisa 101 ynidiom brag: 
otras add enweios Seruod ash af sion bine ‘io ssbtos: ve 
rot ai harobeeeb hiss ‘yd todd of hero lamin 1h 
codlinas toil of botdabat jou saw eallogge pad; A ott 
ocytt adit $5 109 Hie wil t6 woltaseze add to omit oilt te 
wor Boesoonh to asrbiide vodio odf jadt ;uiaeb rol fo 
tn ontonlo dizi od? of bonotasus wotan off tadt aisle 
Sad doidew otem biag oli esbeloul hoseseck to Iw bisa 
-horgbianoo. od of af bun bisaviote ae hotebinpil seod 
“iq tTitoisi sd? Jeaiega tooumanebs ns Io. obwobbre 
fitenisten! ban Ww tual biss edt yd sollsqqa sot. bobiv 
vie bine to dgasgeisg bovsse sift; toban jadi ban 
eintes Biase ai teotaiat qed ile sisbrel Mie ede sansle 
nwob moeridt Javteiad bax olor bias ayag ove assole 
voslcags sroxt Setoubab sd of smit tavagag. dt of 
eon authlids todd od? tadi bas sotetes bina of atesdte 
Dine Lag Ioaltia of soled ‘to feas'loy odt tad? baatses 
boon srs sxbiheidabat besogque odd, Saved to {stor 
ointes bie at teagotat tod. cxnst bal satieh od oF te ed- 
Ajzia 023 velar gretio'tre? of dawxsiut Higa tad. nicabt ae 
hisedte*’ indt asbivouy doliw Urw Dine to tyerasiady 
exe off tasvoerg Gi fgantie aerhiide bine you te todtie~ 
‘aed at inidw Hieloi fade blids gous fiw allt to gotten: 
won nealfite tiie biwe fodt Peau to. cote ut HOTg 
ebulons al toghowh to weilwotieat ods onw Ji tadh Joke sr 
aoron Un Jlbw edt to wettuooxe alt Yo saxtt odd tH 
-ait 10 Him vedtedw god gd howxva +0 biod ylreartot 
Wibdsorsng aonisiantsintis oll do weiv sa taal ¢ bisd | 
iw atl to soihiecy sdi To aml) edt de pcubetie galt 
mil tw adt to deitnsese” shrew ail! to san yd daemon ade 
jad? fain? ton bib ads todd piliv off? to oladony. ant 
h: eral a Sitads olaie ad 4 Jeoteias, y'biniy yore 
gaton hajabipil te bieq qn do ‘aoseeai. ont hive 
vod te seit add dx HATEANABOR so of of debyies. donde 
~ingidisin ei Cliw Dime bo neueloadtrte Digs elt, dtl patooh ~~ 
toronhiyt f, int Qaitgsor ogth ett bas iad teaey bas: 
ait! to soflargeros a d aiaises betebae'r od. biaode 
isa emtienus iltw isos oft dealt aEeay sallages. puro 
-yt wired bus tsdto ova wread sat ofa tad ben lie 
ots stipe Yam Tipe as estamos aiff ai 
re soistauiohs aaddeW ol 2 gnabsastob off 
ga tedi baineh bre iid od} bevawaun boxeaga, ifew, nd 
bas « tootodd dad ye to-tellor afi af hobitwa af oallaq 
ee) eis od ffi had jet aden 

Page 5 Gen. No. 8791 

Defendants, William T, Barton and Mabel McCoy, 
answered and deny that the note executed by appel- 
lee was ever paid by her in any manner or that the 
conveyance of the real estate mentioned therein was 
in payment of said note, but allege that said note 
never has been paid; that it was always in the posses- 
sion of the testatrix up to the time of her death and 
that she never promised appellee in her life time that 
she would cancel the same; that under the sixth clause 
of the will the note is evidence of an advancement to 
appellee and must be deducted from her share of the 
estate; that appellee is trying to contest the validity 
of the will under the guise of a construction thereof 
and that its provisions are clear and unambiguous and 
need no construction, whereby the court is without 
jurisdiction of the subject matter. 

On account of the fact that the regular master in 
chancery of said court was disqualified because of be- 
ing interested in said suit the cause was referred to 
Vernon Briggs, as Special Master, to take the evidence 
and report the same together with his findings of fact 
and conclusions of law. 

The master found that on or about May 17, 1923, 
Lula A. Black was indebted to said Mary A. Barton 
in the sum of $5680.00, which was evidenced by a note 
bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum and upon 
which note her husband, William S. Black, and Hattie 
H. Black were sureties; that said William 8S. Black and 
Hattie H. Black were, on November 1, 1927, the own- 
ers of the east half of the southwest quarter and the 
northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 
six in Township one south, range four west of the 
fourth principal meridian in Brown County, Illinois, 
and that at that said time the fair cash market value 
of the same was $18000.00; that the same was subject 
to a mortgage in favor of the State Savings, Loan and 
Trust Company, Quincy, Illinois, securing an indebted- 
ness of Seven Thousand Five Hundred dollars; that 
on said date appellee and her husband, William S. 
Black, were indebted to the Timewell State Bank in the 
sum of $2090.69, to the Timewell Farmers Co-oper- 
ative Company in the sum of $431.78, and to M. E. 
McCabe in the sum of $131.19; said last three items of 
indebtedness having been reduced to judgment in the 
Cireuit Court of Brown County, Mlinois. 

That on November 1, 1927, said William S. Black 
and Lula A. Black, his wife, and Hattie H. Black made, 
executed and delivered to Mary A. Barton a warranty 
deed for said real estate for the stated consideration 
of one dollar and other considerations; that at said 
time Mary A. Barton satisfied the indebtedness of 
William S. Black, Lula A. Black and Hattie H. Black 

TOT of ald ed 

woud fede hoe noleél oT ssottttr me or 
Asqqe wh lelusoxo ston oft ted qaob bie beioweas 
oil) ted! 20 wookeon Zoe wi tol yd bieg tHe ecw ool 
new misisd? benoiieor atetes Igor odd to Sota yreo9 : 
alon bina jadi oyolle jad phen bine ja tronryng at 
~nganoy ati a acewie naw ti dadt ;bisy seed aad wVen 
bas itwat rei to ett oft o) yu xithsjea) ad} to more 
pact eri) oil sod af oofleqqa heehmorg teved ada Jaddt 
surals dete odd vol jal? ;suea oft foomss Dloow ode 
+ Memeosavhe ne to édcubive af atom ad! Utw add to 
oth to otndy red exork Betoubob od terns han 99 
whibiles edi jasinoy ot yaiyrt «i gollewan tat substan 
fostsd? aoltouttetoa & I, ealivg elt aebnu iilw odi Yo 
Srna ass argicliesaanas bas saolo.onns ecoisivorg ehh der ten 
jgodtiny at dimoo off gdatode worteutiancs Gn Boat 
; wrod hatr jovisiva od? o mottatiabnart, 
SL westisgere sais ont tedd Jowi acto dawoses Oh: . 
-of io semnond belilanpeib aaw Jasoo bisa to yraoutls 
of bovwtey eaw canny odi tine bisa of hotgoretsi gai. 
socobrre elt adet oF sothelf Inisoge 2a .wexinG cons ¥ 
joni to syaibad ated Gi igiitteyot enrmc ath dioqe: bre 
"wollte exolenionor bas 
2er TE yell toda +o ao jadlt honot miesor od'T 
‘noted A. stall bine of beidebat asw abel -A alot 
ei0t 8 gel heonebive abst dolidw OURS to awa odd ai 
irodyis Derk wrest: ied 8 98 Yo Sher oft in Seo voIN guiraed 
gitiald has glaslf @ aasilllW bandend tod sto doidw 
bite tooltt 4 mati bige isd) pzotteie stew dosldl 
save ott J8OL 1 ssdsero ao wow dealt BF sitet 
ai! has tatieop teowntvoa of? to Tad bene sit to ars 
sattose ‘ie solzetp tansdicos alt Yo Taitaup feowmuiiqon: 
ot te teow suc oggat .Guoa sto qulaipwoT mi aia 
aon waned sewror ab entbFron leqgisning dhe 
olay todanor dans ia’ ait ossid hina tadd js tad. baa 
joojilna aew ouese adi iad) ;00.00081%-eaw ame tht to 
Hes osal .2gaive® otetd edi to towel of saegtiom a dt 
-haidehal us sotimece sioutlll yaning® gusqaoD tearT 
jadi gexsiloh hotbusH ovtl baskvedt neve te ensx 
 maiiiWy jonadesd tod bas sefloqae elsh bisa mo - 
oft ai 2ae& state Howomtl ot of Dotdebai ovew dosid 
“aqo-00 vised fewsoard'l! oft eb ,BOO0COls to anus 
LM of bs BTIOM to. cure act i yarsemoD : ovis 
#0 atrott sovdt ier! bias sb FESS t0 anme ost ii edaOolt 
od ai Iagarghe|, 03 Bonahas wood guived asanbaidobut 
eionil: ange) evortl Io due) diastiD 
Aoal& A omilli¥e bina Teer 1 ‘odenavolt ‘go tadT 
bans vost A otttell fins cothw: aid ost A itmllbpek 
vise Tusw 6 moms A.yiaM of heiavitob Sime Letuooxa 
neipiabianos bolgte odt 1oX ahvteo.daed hige 10d. heb 
Idee is ted? ;encltwwhienos sodto hea salted pmo do 
Yo esonheldabat od} boiteites wotid JA oral oon” 
woul H outed bas dpalti-A sit sta a onal 

Page 6 Gen. No. 8791 

above mentioned to the Timewell State Bank, the 
Timewell Farmers Co-operative Company and to 
M. EK. McCabe. That the note for the sum of $5680. 00, 
payable to the order of Mary A. Barton, was never de- 
livered to either William S. Black, ula A. Black or 
Hattie H. Black, but that said note remained in the 
unconscious possession of said Mary A. Barton. That 
from and after the acceptance of said warranty deed 
to said real estate said Mary A. Barton did not con- 
sider her said daughter, Lula A. Black, nor her hus- 
band nor said Hattie H. Black indebted to her by 
reason of and on account of the execution of said 
$5680.00 note. 

The Master concludes that said note for $5680.00, 
executed by Lula A. Black, William S. Black and 
Hattie H. Black and payable to Mary A. Barton, 
should not be considered evidence of an advancement 
against the interest of Lula A. Black in and to the 
estate of Mary A. Barton, deceased, under the terms 
of her last will and testament and that the same is not 
an asset of the estate of Mary A. Barton, deceased. 

That the word ‘‘hold’’ in the first paragraph of the 
sixth clause of the said last will and testament of said 
Mary A. Barton, deceased, should be construed not to 
mean mere possession of liquidated obligations but 
ownership of valid existing and unliquidated obliga- 
tions, if any. That in the second paragraph of said 
sixth clause of said last will and testament of Mary 
A. Barton, deceased, the words ‘‘attempt to prevent 
the execution of this will,’? should be construed to 
mean ‘‘attempt to prevent the probate of this will,’’ 
and that the filing of the bill by appellee should not 
operate as a forfeiture of her interest in the estate of 
said Mary A. Barton, deceased. 

Exceptions to the report of the master were over- 
ruled and a decree was entered in said cause, 

The court found that the note for $5680.00, which was 
owned by appellee to the deceased, Mary A. Barton, 
was extinguished and liquidated by a conveyance from 
William S. Black and Hattie H. Black to deceased of 
the real estate which was described in the bill of com- 
plaint and that the fair cash market value of said real 
estate at the time of the conveyance thereof was $20,- 
000.00, subject to a mortgage securing an indebtedness 
of $7,500.00, and that appellee and her husband were in- 
debted to the Timewell State Bank, the Timewell 
Farmers Co-Operative Company and M. E. McCabe 
in the total sum of $2,832.40, and that on November 1, 
1927, deceased agreed, in consideration of the convey- 
ance to her of the said real estate, that she would as- 
sume the payment of said mortgage, pay the indebted- 
ness of said bank, Co-operative Company and said M.E. 

jRv8 ok 08) d ogeT 

off clos 9ist@ ilsweoil! od} of bodoiinent ovoda 
of fies vragen evitstogo-00 aisarre’l UowemiT 
OG.08088 to are sd} vot stom edt tadT .odaDoM 
“of rover sew doriatl A yisM to shire oft ot oldayeg » 
ro dosl A sin dositi 1 ateilli¥7 wilig ot bervil 
edt ui bortiemer slo bisa tedt td soci H stich 
jad? codssi.A vis bine to aviazscaug anoloenoons 
heeh yiaetisw biss to somsiqeoses sii 14)ie bas mori 
609 jon bib sotiwd .A yieli bisa etetes lest bisa of 
~agd toi tom Moalfi .A afl xeidyseb bisa ted. s9bis 
yd ied ot betdebri doclh A sitisH. Bise ton bead 
bina Yo motigosxe oft to tutooon oo bas Jo coset 
sion 00.08868 
OU.ORESR vot atom fiina tlt sobilenba totesM ad’E | 
bes dosll 4 oailiW ooel@ A aint yd Setpveze 
“wotisd A vishl of olde bun dosl JH ottalt 
hromipoanavbs ae te oonebive bsrwehieros sd tou bliody 
adi of Bae at docl@ .A sisd to jazorsini od? daniags 
ranted oft tobas ,boensooh woiisd .A yisil to oisles 
jon ef ontse odt Jet bus teoursiaot bas {liw les! ted to 
Asexoveb otis A wis to otetze oli To tozas os 
oft to dgsigstaq teatit adi ai **Slon* Brow off jedT 
bisa to iaonmsstast bus {iw tael biss od} to senels dixie 
oF ton beriedoo ed blyode beesooeb .rolisd A crelt 
ind amoieeido belebigpil To neélassg2a0q tom mast 
-gyildo bsisblopitay bos unteizo bdav to gideroswo 
Hing to dqerestsq Saooas od} gi ted oye He enon 
yieM to inemalae? bar iliv jes! hise to sauale dixie 
dussvorq ot iqnroiis** ebrow od? ,bosssseh totus A 
ot bewttasen od Dfisode *' ili sidd to mothcsexs ‘ot 
'* fiw aidt Yo atadorgy od} Jgoverq of hyaotte™ oxen 
fox bineda seilsqgs vd iid odf to undit edt jad} bas . 
to sissies sdi ai teorsiai 19d to stmtisirot ¢ ay otetago 
sesso ois A via bie 
“i970 stew visser edi Te irogqet od} 6} anottqeoxtif 
oeise bisa nt beroime aew setosh a hua holu'e 
nsw ioidw 00.0806? sof ston aft tadt havo? tyos oT 
4omed A yah beesseob od? of oolisaqe vd bonwe 
soit soaevevios a wd hetsbinpil bus bsdeingatizea saw 
to beasososb of del FT ottish bas doelh 2 mailliW 
-nte9 to [lid oft ni betioaob asw daisiw otaias leot ont 
laot bine 3o sulay tediaar dano vikt odt Jadt bare trishg 
- O88 asw Tooredt sompvevaoo odt to cenit af} im states 
sanhellobal me gatinege ogextton 8 of jostdre 00.000 
-fii svow Daadand tod fins oalleq¢s tadt Dive ,00.008, 18 to 
Uowoedt od? sas ost Uowomi® alt of betdeb 
sdsGoM a LM Row ‘caegeno Bis tin acai weet 
4 redmovolt no tact Dow Ob 888,88 to ote Letod odd at 
<wevitos st ‘to aoitarsbienos si Darras beasooeh WSeL 
-12 hluow edz ied? sistas [nov fise off to teil of sone 
-hetdebur od} vaq ,eegtrom bise to jnsarynq od? one 
ALTA bisa bas yoaqeroD etitstaqo-o09 sled bise to aeon 

Page 7 Gen. No. 8791 

McCabe, and also release and discharge appellee and 
her husband, William 8. Black, and Hattie H. Black 
from all liability on said indebtedness then due and ow- 
ing from appellee and her husband, William 8. Black, 
and Hattie H. Black to said deceased, including the 
note for $5,680.00, and that said conveyance was exe- 
cuted upon that consideration. 

The court further found that a dispute had arisen 
between the defendants, Mabel McCoy and William T. 
Barton, and appellee as to the proper construction to 
be placed upon the sixth clause of said will; that said 
William T, Barton and Mabel McCoy claim that, unless 
the note for $5,680.00 with accrued interest from its 
date until the time of the death of the testatrix is paid 
by appellee, that she will forfeit all right to any devise 
or legacy under said last will and testament and that 
it was proper that said clause should be construed and 
that the said suit is brought in good faith for the pur- 
pose of enabling the estate to be properly administered 
and settled; that said William T, Barton and Mabel 
McCoy claim that under the following language in said 
last will and testament, namely: ‘‘any note or notes 
I may hold against either of my said children is to be 
considered an advancement against such child and is to 
be deducted from such child’s share in my estate’’, 
the said note of $5,680.00 and accrued interest, although 
paid and extinguished, must be considered an advance- 
ment and deducted from appellee’s share in said estate, 
and found that it was not the intention of the testatrix 
that said amount was to be deducted from the share of 

It was ordered by the court that said indebtedness 
of appellee in the sum of $5,680.00, evidenced by said 
promissory note, has been and the same is declared to 
be liquidated, cancelled, discharged and paid and is 
not an asset of said estate and that none of the makers 
thereof are indebted thereon to said estate; that the 
language in said will, ‘‘any note or notes I may hold 
against either of my said children is to be considered 
an advancement against such child and is to be de- 
ducted from such child’s share in my estate’’, be, and 
the same is hereby construed to mean any unpaid notes; 
that appellee has not attempted to prevent the execu- 
tion of the last will and testament of deceased or tried 
to break such will and that appellee has done nothing 
to forfeit her interest in any devise or legacy under 
said will. 

The defendants, William T. Barton and Mabel Mc- 
Coy, prayed an appeal to this court and perfected the 
same by giving bond as required by the order of said 
court and are the sole appellants in this court. 

TVS wh iD 

hag ssilegqe ogtadnaiy bas kandi oats bas 
wosl tk ontell bas doaith A oveiliW sha [rod 
wo Dike such nad) evachetdelni bisa go wilidsil Va arort 
a val eeesiliw Soademt vod bassollugge aot: Poe 
ii ysiiuiont boxseosh binaret doll A elie bes 
~969 eH? somatavaoe bine tedt his OiL080 88 40% show 
MOB stobiewos sect ogy hada 
movin. bed stoquibh stadt bavot sedis taos ag’: 
‘T essiil® bia yoOoM fxtoM alaghaolsh ody wonwiod 
of noteeresos reqory wt of ea sallugga bas ge, 
bisa tec} ;iow biea to oarale dézia ad} moos, Heoala od 
groin dad) calsls voOuM isda been sored JT omit rae 
ali grort desioiat bawrvss diw 0, (8d, 8% rot stom, alt 
hieq st Zintaized adh to digab adit “bo: gamit aiff lito ota. 
oeiveb ya of ibuia ike tiokeet Uhr ode tad) colloquy gal | 
edd Bre dresses: jaot hie Uiw Jeet hiss tebuim voegsl, no | 
Sap beutiaaoo od binods oatrale Digs, silt TOMO NG Baw tt 
“rag adj rol diet hooy ai ddynoxd ai dise bias pe ak 
borataisinhe yYbroqorgs af of otsian adi gaildaie to dig 
jodeMt bas nolistl JT cepiliW hike teddy aes Bie 
bine ol esergosl yurwolled edi tabu fad? seelastie qoUaNe 
anton vo atoit uns? :efooten eemsinet ban iw duet 
of ot et aviblivio biaw “ne Fo satin teniega blod teac t 
‘ot ai huts Dido slosre patie tirecmonavba cr horsbianoo 
‘ohelae Tet of oiads 8 “Pits - Sogra apo7} hatoabeh ot: 
dgaodiis Jepttal iousoos bur (088 220 sion bisa ott 
~somn7he sa betahissos at fae builainauiixe bios bieg 
Sista bine ctorsde s selleqae arth boosbeb baw tpate 
zinielest ert to vostneini ott joa eaw HF Yad? bawok fre 
Yo otade of font hajonhek ad. of abw icrfronne bina tend 
 . pallacepe’ 
nsonboliabat bite tedt troe add. rf herahive pew Te 
bise vd haswshive 00.080,08 te sxe od ai aslleqaa ‘to 
of betaloo6 vi oorac of? has mead and atom Grometmow 
at bas hisq hea begiadexih belloomas belsbinpit sd 
eroxsen oft To ero tad hog otpieo bier Io ddeee ne jou 
at ted} paistes hike of asatodt botdshist ous Yootarlt 
blod var f soled yo slow yiat* [er bisa of Saiangitel 
boisbiauns of of al soxbide bik ven to rodlie Janiege — 
#b ad a ai bas hilals dese denione todmeonsvbe 8 
bee ed “otstes var at etedy avblids deme mort hoterb ; 
jaoton bisque ye wgom o8 bosidedés qievid ai ompe gut 
“obese od iootesg of Betqmoltis tom aad eollaqae teat 
iottd vo Goxssoob Yo dnomelest bin Low Jul @ to oit 
anidion onol dei saflogqe tui bien Miw Hoga dnond of 
tober yongel to onivals UM ip Saotelid Ton Y ii ia} 

‘olf tacoMt ita wobind 0 quill eaeaat Nb if eae 
edt Sodnotiaq-ban tos efi of inaqen si heteny ye” 
hiae to rabto oft wd bertupet ae baad gulvig yo sma 


Sites eid} at atinallogga ‘foe oll ome ti dro 

Page 8 Gen. No. 8791 

The principal reason urged for a reversal of said 
decree is that appellee had a full, adequate and com- 
plete remedy at law, and that the language contained 
in said will had a certain definite legal meaning and 
was not ambiguous and that there is no latent ambig- 
uity in said will and that the bill should therefore have 
been dismissed for want of equity. 

No trust being involved in this will, jurisdiction to 
construe the same must then depend upon the Act of 
June 5, 1911, Cahill’s St. Ch. 22 Par. 50, which con- 
ferred jurisdiction upon courts of equity to hear and 
determine bills in equity to construe wills notwithstand- 
ing no question of a trust is involved therein. 

While such authority is conferred by said amend- 
ment, yet it is error for a court of equity to assume 
jurisdiction to construe a will when there is no doubt 
or uncertainty as to the rights and interests of the par- 
ties arising from ambiguous language in the will. 
Bimslager v. Bimslager, 323 Il. 303. 

Equity will entertain a bill for the construction of a 
will which, though clear on its face, discloses a latent 
ambiguity when read in the light of extrinsic facts. 
Heckler v. Young, 264 Til. App. 34. 

A reading of the will discloses that it is very crudely 
drawn and that it presents sufficient ambiguity in the 
language used to give the court jurisdiction to construe 

The evidence which includes the testimony of disin- 
terested witnesses fully sustains the findings of the 
Master and the Court that the conveyance of the real 
estate made to testatrix was in liquidation of the in- 
debtedness of appellee. The court will not construe 
an indebtedness of a devisee or legatee which was paid 
to the testatrix in her life time to be an advancement 
to be deducted from such devise or legacy. 

The decree of the Circuit Court is affirmed. 

Decree affirmed. 

(Ten pages in original opinion.) 

(25261—4-5-34) 14 ED 

1018 of tod 

bina Zo Ieays ott 8 102 eS soneo's iscionixg 
-ntoo bak sianpohs din? s bed eolleqye tefd al te" 
hontslwos egsoset Jott tach Bee wel te thoar sisi: 
bre ‘eiiaeors | otiniteh misiwo 2 bert iliw bie ni 
-gidord teste! oa ai ated) ted} bas esowgitiose fou aaw 
avail srotetedt Bluoda Mid oft tedd bas iw dias wioctio 
“ctitp9 10 tew toi beeeioxaih sroad 
ot donistborast iv ait of hoviovai geiad ieaxt o% 
to toA edt moqr bueqeb ned taunt osmea odd aotiamod. 
-59 doit 02 as S§ 0 32 aliteD FOr 6 onnt- 
bia sged of Yinpe to alzuos mogur notieiberat horiat 
-buajadiivies elt sirienoo of wllinpo mt silid onierisieb 
missed! bevlovas ai Jeni 6 to moiisenpon pri 
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“tag otf io alzateii han 2idgit of) ote valaisenun 10 
Jiw edt af sgangnal escuaidexs ott guleite wait 
SOG ITE GSE opnlessith + veneeant tl 
rs to robortiedos att rot {lid wn utétrotice How winpol 
tratal e eazoloaih ost ali co teelo taped? gloidw Iliw 
alog? sanitize Yo ie ai? ai beet soder visgidores 
8 woqA. LIL £88 (gswol ¢ ashion Hh 
labia rev Bt Uf wie sasolaeth Kiw ad? to yaibeat A. 
edi of Vlingides topioiiiia aeooeetg of Jad? bos owerb 
arytenan af gongihetat, teroo elt ove of Dean ogaccorcal 
7 alld 
eth to vroattact of! sobuloni doidw somehive edT . 
silt fo excibah od? agintage vind asaeoniia heteoust: 
Jnot oct Yo sanetavioo od Jarit trwoD odt bre totaal 
-i gi} Fo aoitebisswil ni caw xintatest of sbant-sdeles 
autiance jou ive tines ad'l’ selleqqs to, eaenboidsh 
hisa saw dott ootogel to soeiveh s te esenhetdebai as 
jnoersonevha ce sd of oaxtt ati tod of xisdatesd ait of 
srorgel ro salgeh dowa srost Aelogheb ad at 
hoartilis 2i puso jissiD oft to o9tosh od'T 
donvi'ho setg9 
(.aeigion Issighe ci soyeq meT) 

BE (BR+b-4--- 20908) 




oa er 


William L. Patton, Appellee’ v. Mary Ann Adams, 

Appeal from Circuit Court of Sangamon County. 
S Y ‘os 
January Term, A. D, 1934, 2 "4 Lr 
Gen. No. 8818 Agenda No. 12 

Mr. Justice Davis delivered the opinion of the 

By this appeal appellant is seeking to reverse an 
order of the Circuit Court of Sangamon County, sus- 
taining an order entered by the Probate Court of said 
county, in a matter arising in the administration of 
the estate of Harriet Kerneghen, deceased. 

In March, 1932, the law firm of Follansbee, Shorey 
& Schupp, of Chicago, Illinois, received a letter from 
Thomas Elliott, a solicitor residing at Newry, Ireland, 
concerning the estate of Harriet Kerneghen, deceased, 
in which he stated that he was acting for Mary Ann 
Adams, of Lisadian, Ireland, and that Thomas Jarrett, 
of Springfield, Illinois, was the solicitor dealing with 
the estate, and stating that no money had been paid 
over to his clients and that they were getting old and 
are in poor circumstances, and requesting said firm 
to ascertain the full particulars of the estate and write 
him concerning the matter. 

The firm of Follansbee, Shorey & Schupp wrote a let- 
ter to William L. Patton, appellee, referring the mat- 
ter to him and asking him to investigate. Harriet Ker- 
neghen died testate on May 1, 1928, and letters testa- 
mentary were issued to Thomas L. Jarrett on June 
28, 1928, upon his giving bond in the penal sum of 
$40,000.00. He inventoried personal assets amounting 
to the sum of $23,000.00. 

By the terms of her will the money was to be divided 
equally between a number of legatees, one of whom 
was appellant, Mary Ann Adams. Jarrett filed no 
report until January 10, 1931. Appellee entered his 
appearance for appellant in said estate and proceeded 
to investigate the same and filed objections to said 
report, alleging that it contained improper charges, 
excessive claims by the executor for fees and expenses 
and false credits for alleged payments of legacies 
which had not in fact been paid. Another report was 
filed by the executor on August 12, 1932, to which ap- 
pellee also filed objections. The results of these pro- 
ceedings was that Jarrett as such executor was forced 
to make settlement by the Probate Court. 

eee powonuo® {o- uo: Youd on ieagh : 
, _ 7 7 a os : ot ys 
: + ee By t £ > ¢ MORE A. onal waar nh We 2 gts ee 
St of shoes A (ghee on 0 

efi to noiniqa edi hertavileh aryatl aorreol Pe 
7 ee: : 
fa aeiovex of yeblesa af taslloggs — sat} Exel See en 
7 -ane Sasol sestsgeet to mao firstlD od¢ Towebra  -- <. ae 
Hise to teD stadorl odf vd bereine rel oe geiniat 9 
‘lo notiatiatiiorbs off ni geiaite seltes, 6. ahygiames | 
Jesnouh utentyonss 20 tlre tottelneedt 9 
yetord esdeaaliot to cmd. wal odt REQE ome wh 
moil Titel g bovesess toni ,, equsid) to gquis® Bo 
unter ~prveit be. yatibieas qadisilogd.e atoiltt Pics A 
hanesbab otgoumed toimelt te atates sift emteroaeren ee 
sik winkt eat giiton aew od jolt boteig ad doidw mb | - 
ddors51, cadiolD tad} bane HaclotEcalien, Wo emebA | 
iw poilseb sotistes-en! aew eipnifll blotenmgh to 
hing, asad: bask wean tans eaeine Sree satgtan alt es: 
bua blo gaiitew owew vod? tedy bie asnailezid of av "oy 
wit bing gudesgos: bag. Aectatam@notin toog af 96 Se, 
otivey bug sistas ott to areleorttaq lol oft chefrengeeoe 
Tsien of) geintesnes mid 
-lol 2 slow equiles & yosod? ssdanslicd to ant off. : bee 
“tear ofl gariioioy ostleqqa atofiel sl ai oth 
0A ioirvighl wateyiteoval of até gatlan baw mettt of at a 
-eivot asofiel hs AGG! UJ ysl mo.etejzot hers cefaon he 
sast, co Morb lL acarod? of howaat orev TUstirone 
to ue Incog oft i? hued yrivig eid meq. O8@t BS 
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DOOORESS Yo ty adit of 
bebivih od of eaw yooonr oil) Hw ted to dexvet ody 
asodw te eno asoiexel to todensit 8 aeswtod ylasps 
on bola Honab ameb& sak vie, tuelloags any... 
eid bowlee sallegy A TOL OF vrecast ite brogett : 
bahossety bea sistas hime tt tecaaltoeqeyi sot pipers 
hina ot enpitos(do hata Hira gene adt oteyitasved oF 
‘“seytato aegotymi hadisteoo ti tadt yeigelin, J aye 
Bonurayxe ae eet +03 volnsexe ad) vi ated avianodzs an 
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-o1; seutt Io silyzet of .anditeeyda bolt oels gallag 
hoose) enw sotnesee dows se Heriok tnd tice arabia 
dra sindosd oft vd janinalaing opal 


Page 2 Gen. No. 8818 

Thomas Jarrett, the executor, procured an order to 
make partial distribution to appellant in the sum of 
$2000.00, which was paid by the executor by a check 
payable to the order of appellee, who remitted the same 
to Follansbee, Shorey & Schupp, who advised Elliott 
of the payment and that they would forward the same 
to him as soon as his client, the appellant, should sign 
and return a receipt and agree that they should receive 
as a fee for their services performed the sum of 
$300.00. From the correspondence introduced in evi- 
dence, it appears that appellant refused to agree to 
pay the $300.00 as a fee and repudiated Elliott’s em- 
ployment as her solicitor. Elliott advised Follansbee, 
Shorey & Schupp of these facts and they returned the 
$2000.00 to appellee, who filed his petition in the Pro- 
bate Court for leave to deposit the fund with the clerk 
and for an order fixing appellee’s solicitor’s fee at 
$300.00, and that the clerk be directed to pay the fee 
out of the fund. The Probate Court entered an order 
in accordance with the prayer of the petition, and the 
Circuit upon appeal entered a_ similar order. 
Depositions of Elliott, appellant, and other witnesses 
were taken in Ireland and read in evidence upon the 
hearing on said petition. It was stipulated on the hear- 
ing by counsel for appellant that a fee of $300.00 was 
a reasonable fee, and that the amount of the fee was not 

Appellant relies upon two errors for a reversal of 
the order of the Circuit Court: First, that the Pro- 
bate Court had no jurisdiction to make the order en- 
tered by it, and that for such reason the Cireuit Court 
was without jurisdiction; second, that the evidence 
failed so show employment of Elliott, and hence ap- 
pellee was without authority to act on behalf of appel- 

Appellee stated in his petition, filed in the Probate 
Court, that he brings into court a check for $2,000.00 
and prays that he may be allowed to deposit the same 
with the clerk of said court and that the clerk be in- 
structed and authorized to procure payment of said 
check and hold the proceeds subject to the further or- 
der of the court, and that the clerk be authorized, or- 
dered and directed to pay petitioner out of said pro- 
ceeds the sum of $300.00, in full for services rendered 
by petitioner on behalf of said Mary Ann Adams. 

Appellant moved the court to strike the petition of 
appellee from the files for the reason that the court 
had no jurisdiction to hear said petition or adjudicate 
the same, and for the further reason that the petition 
shows no employment of appellee. After a similar 
motion was overruled by the Cireuit Court appellant, 
by leave of court, filed an answer to said petition, in 
which she says: That appellee was, at no time or in 

ite “a : 


WEBB Lol are k} 

o) thse ue bergeotg tornssxe odt Northt asorolt 
te vrta oft ai inelloggs o} melisditie:b leitisg saan - 
deado a yd totusexe add vd beeg ania doidie (GO.00082 
qurs2 oct hertlarwr ofw ootloggs ‘jo she adf of oldayag 
HoiiG besivhs olw .qqudsa b yorode sadenalfot of 
saree alt hyewied blucw vadt tacdt haw teonrcsq odd to 
“gis Blooia jcallegas oft faetis aid 2a cooa 2a arid oF 
gviseo! blirods vet! jadi s9%ge bas tqieost s tute bas 
to tose- od! Losrietmay asaivise stisd!-461 ost & as 
-tva of Gooshestui sonsbangartrwes adi cord 10,.0088- 
Gi osige of heeton faslfaqgs ient aissqqe tk .eormeb 
~1o a oll betetbeqa: ban oat 6 as U0.O0ES oft vag 
_ oadeceifiod bosivha Hoilil todioiias vor 26 tromrzolg 
git bortutot yodt Dia etoat opalt eo quate & vada 
“OTT sHi mi nonileg etd halt ofw ollegqs at 0),)00ke 
ttoly od} Mii bawd ed? deoqeh ob avast vot dane) aled 
ti oot a'zolisifoa atosiiauge paix ib an tot far 
got oft vay. oF botnet His ad state ad dnd? fire 00.0068 
gelro up bowsise toro!) stadord oft band od? to duo | 
ail; uc swoltited aft to soiasy odd dtiw sodabrogsa ut 
aeiia izliois x baesstag fees moir tion 
eontontiw sodte bare Jnelioqae Jol te eaotieoystt 
ady «toa soitsbive of baer hit ti valet, 1 edad ony 
“nl att ao betalogite asw tt meltibed iiea co gareed 
enw CUM0SS to eet 3 tedt danileqas qt lsention yd pie 
‘dive eae Kot att I derepogen off tad! fats sot eldaaoanat 2 

to fuste7ot « tot aoc owt cogqy eaos tralloggA 
-en4 seh dectt oP d4g0D tot adit to tobe sd 
-rs vabro oat user of gotiethamnrp: on bed drivel} ated - 
Po") jieaeh > ant poxier dove to? Sadd haw Af yd Beret 
evnabire odt ded? Sigeosa ;noiiotheltop tuodinvw srw 
~yn soded fig fill ta tracrgolqats work o@ holist 
-lecge le Usted to top of atitodes toodtiw saw oalleq 

alador? sit af belli .aeititog aid at betata salfeqa st. 
HO.OCOSSA set dlosds ep tes ohrt epurd of badd dare) 
gui ol Hanged oj howolle od yeor an dat arene bus 
“of ad gxsis-odt Jadt haw ire fiae te taef edi dtive 
wise to dnoureng exexntg of bastrodiae fas hatowtte 
-30 rod}rai od? of toogdiig abodeotts ost Bind Hite deado 
aw baxirosliog ad dials alt dedi. ‘bie Jutos at Tosh 
-o1) jise to don aecottitag vary of botoatib Bite hoteh 
hervbuar 294 sleca 702 fli tf 20088 Jo ecm sift absao, 
acebh ank val bias to ewe (ro -roeeorhitage ed 

fo iiliiec add oy Mate ol pints af bovoer teeallegqa 
ixgaa of} tadt roesay cali aut eolit-edf avork ssileqqa 
sigoibiths re sotized bids 1d of gotisibatrag on had 
noititey odf badt meesot todhrod ad? to? fae coma ait 
Saltire a ttl alte Yo tnecryolyims o awode 
jiaisibage Tue) jimouit) oft vd belie ase mofanr 
ni oiled biae of towkes ms helt ~toe to ovasl wd 
rid amit on ta sew salleqqe tadT sexes ode dort 

Page 3 Gen. No. 8818 

any manner, expressly or impliedly retained or employ- 
ed or instructed to act for her in the matters alleged 
in the petition. The questions, that were presented to 
the Probate Court for hearing and determination, were 
as to whether appellee was ever retained by appellant 
or had authority to represent her and look after her 
interests in said estate, and, if so, the fixing of a proper 
allowance for such services. 

None of the acts of appellee in representing the in- 
terest of appellant in said estate in said Probate Court 
were repudiated by appellant or called to the attention 
of the court, and said dispute did not affect or inter- 
fere with the proper administration of said estate in 
any way. Appellant, upon being informed that ap- 
pellee had obtained the sum of $2,000.00, which was 
ordered by the court to be paid to her, did not come into 
court and charge that appellee was without authority 
to represent her and that, by virtue of his appearance 
as her solicitor, he had obtained the $2,000.00 that was 
ordered paid to her, and refused to pay the same over 
unless she consented to pay him the sum of $300.00 for 
his services in so representing her, and thus give the 
court jurisdiction to investigate such charges and de- 
termine whether appellee was employed and was au- 
thorized to represent appellant. 

The Probate Court is concerned in no way with the 
dispute that has arisen between Mary Ann Adams and 
appellee, William L. Patton, as to whether he was em- 
ployed or in any way authorized to guard the interests 
of appellant in said estate, or if so, as to what would be 
reasonable compensation for such services as he had 

The fact that the court was in control of said fund 
would not give its jurisdiction to hear and determine 
the questions in dispute between appellant and appel- 
lee. It would have no more jurisdiction to hear and de- 
termine the dispute as to the employment of appellee 
and the fixing of proper solicitor’s fees than it would 
have in any other case where some matter of dispute 
arose between a legatee and his attorney in the settle- 
ment of an estate. 

If as a matter of fact appellee was employed by 
appellant as her solicitor, to guard her interests in said 
estate, he had a right to collect the $2,000.00 for his 
client, retain his reasonable compensation for his serv- 
ices, and remit the balance to his client without the aid 
of any court. 

The Cireuit and Probate Courts being without juris- 
diction to hear and determine the petition of appellee, 
the order of the Circuit Court is reversed and the cause 
remanded to that court with directions to dismiss the 
petition for want of jurisdiction. 

Reversed and remanded with directions. 

(Four pages in original opinion) 
(25261—4-5-34) lt <> 

BERS oo weds 

-qolqrna xo boricios cfiviladt nae ieohes 
boyoits exsttieer alt aiccod tot dos od te 
of beinsesig s1ow jad} moiivenp of LT ,20t 
otow wiolleninnsteb bas yittrHod sot pre ote 
tecallogae qd beristet teve- aw sollogqs tented: 
vod wis dook ban ved laeuonger of irodina: ‘bad ° 70. - 
sogoig 6 te aaizh oct om ti baa oteteo bing ui atesroist 
weuotvise done rol 7 

-ti silt gatineasyqer wi sotisqaa to elon off to ono a 
i109 aedord bise at oletes bina ai jaaileqga tojesiet 
novinsita edt of ballss 10 tusllogqu yd beaibagor: erow - eel 
-1oini To Seefis tom bib ofngqaiy hiss baa dios sit to 
ni-ststes bisa to coihvsteinterbe seqoxg ot itiw oro 
-qs jedi bourtota! gried nape jmalloggh: yaw 2 
_ -Biew dlotdur ,20.000,8¢ ‘bo steamed bonisido bad 60 fog. 
‘tai onr09 ton bib pred of hing od of dition ol} yd Botob10 
VWiroligs inodiiw sew sollaqqedadt sgrado- bee smo, 
escn'esegga all to entity ed tad hue wilimosenqot of 
agw ted) 00.000,84 ont boaiatdo bad orf ¢totinilon tod Be - 
sovo amise odd esq et beantot bas ved of bieg bexebhro 
tot 00.0064 to ccua ort ovied wa of hoduosnos oie seahir : . 
off ovig eudt bes jo giriteogergey oe mi peorrtes eit 
-ab hus aagrads dome otoniteovat of nolteibaitet faves | I 
“V8 saw bas iano asw eellaqye sedtodw smtarted 

. Jnallegqa tnoasiyor ot bestvod? - 
odt dtier cee or at howrenane ef drao) atader alt 
bare corebA maA yisM soowted ngaita and Jadd staqeib. 
mo naw od vetlodw of ee sOttsT al msilliW joslleggqe 
eleorsint od! biasg of bositodine yew yan af 10 bezolq 
od bluow sade ot ss 921i 1 oteleo hiee ni ioellogqe to 
had of a asaivier dowa cot moi ganeqaioe oldaceenet 

hav? biee to fowteos af aaw Jt05 oil} sadt Jon? Fit Cd fg 
auiaviesed bas tecd ot molloibsiast vit ovig jon blaow — \ a are 
-loqae bas instloqee sigowied olwqaih af arolleoiy oft — 
-of bas sed of aoilcilelmt stent On ovad bivow 3] wel 
eolfoggs to troarrolqme edi of aa stadqaib ont ettinntet: 9 Be) 
Eicow ti mart e991 a tetistton taqotq Yo -gnizfodt bre - 
eisyaif) to wetieor smioe ovedw sano todte wae ni ovad 
-oltise oni si iced ald bus ootayel » aoowted segs 
«  atateo ne To ga 
td bevolqano. aw salle joat-to rotten aan We ree 
bina wt efaoretai voi Denny of wolivifeg tod 8 Inplfagqe 
ait rot 00.0004 odd instion ot tdgit » bait od! state 
-y192 wid tol coMasnsqness oféimoeser wid atetor dmatle - 
fie oxlt dmostiivr sasibo aid od gonalad ant siseeas none oar 
watery dsostive ied atsgoD- obec ini irra odT 
selloggs ‘to noltideg odt axioxsaioh bas «aod of motel: 
oaned ott fine heateverai treo divwri) odt to rebt0 edt 
edt eeimeih o3 enottestib udtiw toes tel of K 
_ koitoiBairat to tnaw vol mete 
eoltvotih diiw hobasator baw alr . 
(aviaiqo Lantgito ci xegeq HoH) 

ie"! (83-4-0—15ha2) 


gt Oo ge . 
& s 
a d 
= iene = 

Sah y - Py ap 
BeAr ee 
PousuisHep iy ABSTRACT 


neral Motors Acceptance Corporation, a Corpora- 
tion, Appellant, v. Richard Vaughn and 
Emmet C, Vaughn, Appellees. 

Appeal from Circuit Court, Edgar County. 

Ocroser TERM, 1933. } Py 
foe & 

Gen. No. 8777 Agenda No. 23 

Mr. Justice Fuuron delivered the opinion of the 

On June 15, 1931, Appellee, Richard Vaughn, who 
was then a minor, and Emmett C. Vaughn, purchased 
a Chevrolet Truck from the Simpson Chevrolet Com- 
pany. The purchase price was $948.00. Part payment 
was made by turning over to the vendor a 1930 Chev- 
rolet Coupe, at a value of $324.00 and the balance of 
$624.00 was to be paid in monthly installments of $52.00 
until paid. Both Appellees signed a conditional sales 
contract. On the same date Appellant purchased the 
contract and note. Thereafter the Vaughns made one 
payment of $52.00 which was the total amount paid 
under the contract. Because of the default and failure 
to make further monthly payments, Appellant insti- 
tuted this replevin suit on November 3, 1931, to re- 
cover possession of the truck. Ona trial in the Edgar 
County Cireuit Court an alternative judgment was 
rendered against Appellant which in substance found 
Appellee Richard Vaughn entitled to the possession of 
the property in question and required Appellant to pay 
Richard Vaughn the sum of $377.00 and interest with- 
in ten days or return the property to said Appellee. 

Before the commencement of the replevin suit a rep- 
resentative of Appellant demanded possession of the 
truck from Richard Vaughn and testifies he was told 
that ‘‘if’’ and ‘‘when’’ he paid back to the minor what 
the latter had paid on the car he could have it. While 
other questions are argued the controlling one was 
whether or not an adult can sell personal property to 
a minor on a conditional sales contract, receive part 
payment, and upon default by the minor and refusal 
to complete the payments due, take the property in an 
action of replevin, and compel the minor to start an 
independent suit for the recovery of payments made. 

It is insisted by Appellant that there was no repudia- 
tion of the contract by the minor, but the testimony of 
Appellant’s agent that he demanded the truck from 
Appellee Vaughn and was told he could have it when 
the payment made by Vaughn was returned to him, is 
sufficient proof of repudiation. 

~pioqeod s tat olistogioD somadyagod ‘etoo 
bas ndlose¥ iiadsi& w dasileygch , 
ssaliogg A gs VY, 0 foams 

7 Ako tog Jes Het atotk torah 

Py = 

4 , ¢ oH ae 2601 wand acaorsQ 

nik at 4 % 

& > oF i a a % eget 

é8 of abaegA | TTS of nad 

adi te meisiqn oi boxevileb rors somavl «it Tees 
ody tare brstioit pale reef ok sath a 
Dadaist 4 thysea YO Home Me bite Cui § god) aaa 
and isiovret aaa janie wih a poy’ dowst jelorvadt. s 
7 Insany sey trast DOCbed eaw soiag pwarstorag ant wise 
-vedU WEL » wobusy off of sevo soins vw sbacg aew 
te somaisd od? bre DOLSEE to eulsy 2 tu.9qgo0 islor 
GOS8S to uiemtlielent cid tom st bray od of saw OOALaR ee 
wine lenod iDOd f borin asellegqéA dict ,bieg Inti ie 
eat bei yaaa inellaggA sish come oft nO pea MOD . 
env sbrmamtouaY of tefisetedl .ejon has doatiaos 
bis Jowiae lstol ed: eew steiiw O88 to taoorzaq 
ovnlist § be thusten aft to seneett odeowrtiros edi sofas 
-hani inclisggA airomtsq vilicone todtim odae of 
4 of atc a iedinsvow we Shey sivelqor aids bots 
Saeahil od} aiinini oO lori edi io ucienoveeg tevoo L 
asi twa ber avitswraiis ie tgo0D tiyortD chao. 
bnuct ssagtedra at ioidw toallogqé faniags harebren 
io woissemaed su! of Koltites odana¥ brasil gallsgqe A. 
Fay Gl: jisbogg & peeinyey Die cottesnp mf coo ests ty. 
~Siiw deototnd has OO.378& to mua od? subare¥ Liens 
jollsazs bist of vtoyoug olf cisdes 16 eum iat al 
6% Rime nivelqor ot Yo trommostemtios od? wiettetl 
: sit lo aemesasog Debiscotah jaslleaqg A 16 avilaiieees =i 
ftw! gio of sortiias) hiss plane’ btadoGl smoxt dams. 
tedharcronim edt oF dosd Digg oa “aod 7 Bare 0? apa 
slid ¥7 ti over bins ed veo od} xo fiag bel tettal edt 
new 36 aitiilotinos oft haugts, ore eeoileanp ‘tate 
of yhisqesg tsaoetag Use mao ilubs ite joa to yodigdw 
May ovis ADRS LOS solge Imoti lines BO TOdiot g 
lnaslor Fura pouise od? yd Hosteh woqe Bure Rhcrsct iti pe 
Hs Gi yieqoig ot ods) sub atiserceg ols sbilqains of 
ues tats oF tevin adi luqeroo ban ,tivelyet le softge 
bse at masts i] te vrevoue' oft wih dime trohuaqebar ; 
-aibocist og ue otadl Jadt ‘alleges, yd botatagt ai gh . mo a 
Jocpiomitess odd td sonin.od? yd toastaon godt Yo molt | 
imort Hout ed) Jeboscs’ of bedt trope etactioggA — 
sot 3: oved binee of Mot anw bas otgueY ostlegq& 
ai seid 08 hartisior saw odnen ? ee ohen Joong edt a ta 
sisacomges So tooty. taaaiaatal a 

Page 2 Gen. No. 8777 

It is further contended by Appellant that there can 
be no repudiation without a return of the property and 
there is no authority in law for an infant to hold the 
property as security for the return of his payments. 
It is conceded that upon the repudiation of a contract 
by a minor because of infancy, the rights of the parties 
are wholly governed by law, and not by their contract. 
Fuller v. Pool, 258 App. 513. To hold that an infant 
must consent to the replevin, return the property and 
then start a new and independent suit for the payments 
made, places the minor at a great disadvantage and 
would entail needless delay and expense. We believe 
the adjustment of rights between parties growing out 
of the same transaction should be determined in one 
action if permitted under the law. In an action of 
replevin by a mortgagor where the mortgagee set up by 
plea the notes and mortgage, alleging the non-payment 
of the last of the series of notes, the mortgagor replied 
that in making a sale of the property to him the mort- 
gagee had made a warranty in respect thereto, of which 
there had been a breach, and that the damages arising 
from such breach equaled in amount the unpaid note, 
it was held that such a defense to the note was admis- 
sible. Hutt v. Bruckman et al, 55 Tl. 441. In Hamilton 
v. Singer Manufacturing Co. 54 Ill. 370, the court held 
that a machine delivered to an adult upon which a part 
payment had been made could not be recovered in re- 
plevin without the returning of the payment made by 
the defendant. To the same effect is O. & M. Ry. Co. v. 
Noe, 77 Il. 518. It is our judgment that Richard 
Vaughn being a minor had a legal right to repudiate 
his contract: that having made payments upon the pur- 
chase price of the truck he had a special property in 
the truck and was rightfully in possession until the 
$377.00 was paid to him. 

The alternative judgment entered by the Court was 
proper under the facts in this case and the judgment of 
the Circuit Court is affirmed. 


(Three pages in original opinion.) 

(25261—4-5-84) 14> 

uno ovodi tadt dnelloqgA yd bobratuon a6dirat st 0 
Bae yviroqozy edt te moter s Suodliw aotsibuqe: of 
ont biod of tustni as aol wal at vitiodive Om at orodt 
atnomeiq bid To intnia: off tot etiauen’ 2s Uheqong 
tyasisoo «to cottsibuqes eit cogs tedi hobsoncoai 1” 
eoiitag ond lo abitaiv of? yometat To ssonced sonia a yd 
Jdogiinos usd) 7d jon bas wal qd boavaveg qlodw ota 
jasial as iad} Dlod oT 886 .gq@A 88h Joel vy sath 
has zitsqore of} oiuisy .nivaleor alli of huoenon denne 
tnyarysy odd x67 Hine tcobseqabmi haa wos 8 trate peut 
bon sosiusvbaeih jmoreg 6 Ia toulor off egesiq shar 
availed oH .sarsqxea bus Wilob azelboon Hstas bluow: 
dun acisnryg asittaq meawlod aifgtt te tdonmtuathe off 
ono ni bodigeveish ed bigods wolteaans zh sorsa edt to | 
to sroitee an af ornl ood robtos boftineeg Te goites 
yd Gir doa ooturgtiom off btodw roasehron syd divaldet 
hiserragumor od? garecUle wang irom bree astor od? soley 
holiqs+ cogastrosty, aft oto to eetros oft to taal aif to 
~Kross ont acid of yMoqo1g oft to olve 8 winidens et dn 
side te ,ototodt dodges: ai vinettow ae shen bad sypeg 
uaigiie eayenieh off tad! bus doaord 8 ased bed suoddt 
ston biagrs odt towoera ai felaupe roseil dome oovk 
-eisahes aow ote oli of sanetoh 4 fone tadt blod eae it 
SollisenE of IM 10 68 Mn io wnacdowel 7 took ald 
Biod jusog ot OTE JIE £6 0D qatistn awl cone 7 
Sasy e dole oq Subs us of barsvileb onidosas & fact 
57 ab hersvoosy ad jon binos ehact seed hed daomrreq 
yd sbacu Jusurzedq edi Yo guitustet edt tuodtiw orveig 
7.00 asi Mi & .O aj foots open of}-oT trabasiob sift 
rede tads taenrebut uso ai JE Bre 1. VY ook 
etsibeqeys ot idgic eael « bet ronta a gnied mdyieT 
ung od? soon etnowrcer obeor gation tell tonne elit 
gi wheqote [sisaqs » bed od dosst of) to sottg sestlo 
odi lites solaasasog it ylutigir enw bie dowsd odd 
wchit ot bine anew OG.TTER 
aew fro) ed? yd horolae jnoarobut avidanile afT 
to tesarg5ut odt bre oso eld nt aos adi rohan teqote 


Smarties ai tpoO Huorit? edi 
ee av tak 7 ~Honedky se 

- (.toiniqo Isnigizo at esgeqsetdT} * 

ater te (62-4—Te88e) 


H. Fr Zelle, Appellee, v. The Morton State Bank, 

5 Appellant. 
Yoveal from Circuit Court, Tazewell County. ' 
January Term, A. D. 1934. yb é 
Gen. No. 8786 Agenda No. 2 

Mr. Justicn Fuiron delivered the opinion of the 

This was a suit in assumpsit brought by Appellee, 
H. F. Zelle, against the Morton State Bank, a corpora- 
tion, Appellant. The declaration consisted of the com- 
mon counts and attached to the declaration was the 
verified affidavit of Appellee’s claim. The affidavit in 
substance recites that the demand of Appellee is for 
money due him upon an agreement to repurchase bonds 
sold to him by Appellant bank through its agent and 
cashier, Fred Reuling Jr.; that subsequent to making 
the purchase of certain bonds the Appellee made de- 
mand upon Appellant to repurchase said bonds and to 
pay him the sum of $4,125.38, representing the amount 
paid by Appellee to Appellant for said bonds, together 
with accrued interest; also that the bonds were tend- 
ered back to Appellant at the time the demand for re- 
payment was made. 

Appellant filed a plea of general issue supported by 
an affidavit of meritorious defense, in which a denial 
was made of the making of the agreement to repur- 
chase. The Appellant also filed an additional plea of 
the Statute of Frauds reciting that the agreement set 
forth in Appellee’s declaration was not in writing; that 
it was not to be performed within one year from the 
time of the making thereof and was therefore void. 
Both at the close of the plaintiffs evidence and at the 
close of all the testimony, Appellant moved the Court 
to instruct the jury to return a verdict for the defend- 
ant and submitted an instruction for that purpose. In 
each instance the motion was denied and the instruction 
refused. The jury returned a verdict for Appellee as- 
sessing his damages at $4,250.12. Motion for new trial 
was overruled and judgment was entered on the ver- 
dict from which Appellant prosecutes this appeal. 

The facts are directly in dispute. Appellee testified 
that he had long been a stockholder and a customer of 
the Appellant bank; that on May 1, 1929 he spoke to 
Fred Reuling Jr. the cashier, about the purchase of 
some Morton Paving bonds, to which Reuling replied 
they had none. Appellee then replied that in that event 

~~ “=* > 

" ot sdoge ad C801 f yal wo dail atned HeadlaggA ont 

auiayo'd Bsoset bo) cy ie a naa ’ a 
vent & 3 Pe ye it 

y ee DEOL Gt seas weataal | 
& off ebaogA tie tee "sora om etd 

sil}, to goin gift howsvilek ee i gorre | a. 
polled. yd tdeaowd Heqmaese et tina & ae at; > 
-siocion a nad oil sotiol sdf taniegs giles a 
~u109 silt ‘lo beteieags soitrralbeb alt dusllaag a, (Ont 
arly sow sotetiooh oft of burlesltie Sits ateatoo mont 
ni‘Jivebiite off orislo ataaliaagA to diralaftis: bofltrey 
101 ai sollotA tw bosnrS edt tad} vetiocs sonnsudae 
shaod gasdotaget of asmestys oo. woon aud sab yacout 
Bein. tdogn ti dasorstt tend tunlisqagdA, xd. osid of bios 
yoblen ct taospeadie tad pth. gailuod hex! sidaao 
of sham eolloggA alt ehaod aigixae ty ceadyiy. odd 
ot bus ebued hiss oxsdorager o} traliaggé nog hitaut 
dieioosn ost oriteomonyon SECO to coe oft anid aq 
sedivgnd shod bree sol, tsallogah ¢ oF eallaggé. xd Blas 
iter sisw spied oid tact coisas placed | bores ALN 
ot yot beamols edt amit odt 38 inalloga A. 04 trad bers 
bam asw tireriry sig. 
yi hestoaque osst favenog to soley a holft jnolleqaé. 
(play o-deidew nd senstely asoivotizem to siveblin os 
“wires of troaseras odi to sublaar adi fo shea asw 
Jo nolg larcitibhs as belt cole inellaqgé ol? .cpeds 
jou Inomoorge od! dad? gattinor abugr'l to atudeté oft 
tall :anilirw ci tom eew aofletshab soalloqqaé wt dime? 
eit mnoyt wast ano ciftiv heorotreq:ed ot Jom aaw 31. 
‘biov ovolusod) anw has toorod! guolsm oni ty omit 
oft tn fan soaobive eAivaialg adt Yo enols odt ty dlofl 
tro") 4idt hover tuallaggA ,ztwathest afi dla Yo seals 
-bratal oft vo? foibwv 6 ust of tinh odh doatient of 
al aaogig jedd tot gofonttes! ae bediiordps hus tae. 
rottorrdeni adt bas beineh eaw wastout al? sountant doas 
-as sallaqa A tet foiliiey « honistor moj edt  beamter 
lsiet wea 10% nolo .SL.0CC MM te segecush ald goieene 
~rav otf} no hexodus enw Inodrgbat bre bolirrra 79 BBY, 
dvoqere eid astusoeoty inaltoggA doiiler exvost doth 
hefleiast safleqgé oingeib nk gisoihiere coated 
fo temtotzne 4 bie tebloddooiv 2 nead gaol bait ad tart 

fo ovadorng gilt inods gividane nit th gailnedt hort F oH 
hoilyot guitooh doidw of sbued sive aoltoM sare 
1apye tad? al indi hailgoes nodt ad 604K Pee 

Page 2 Gen. No. 8786 

he would like to buy some Morton Grade School bonds. 
Reuling replied they had none of those but that they 
had other bonds just as good. After considerable con- 
versation Appellee said he would not be interested in 
any other bonds unless the Appellant bank would agree 
to repurchase them at any time Appellee desired to 
sell them; that Reuling replied that he would only be 
too glad to agree to such an arrangement; that there- 
upon on two different occasions under the same agree- 
ment Appellee purchased bonds from the bank and 
paid for them; that late in the fall of 1931 and before 
there was any default in interest upon the bonds so 
purchased he applied to Fred Reuling to cash one or 
two of the bonds as per the agreement of the bank to 
buy them back at any time. Mr. Reuling informed him 
that they had no funds available for that purpose just 
then but probably could later on; that on many more 
occasions Appellee applied to Mr. Reuling to repur- 
chase the bonds under the agreemnt but the bank re- 
fused to take them over. 

In behalf of Appellant, Fred Reuling Jr., testified 
and denied making the agreement to repurchase the 
bonds. While appellant argues other reasons for re- 
versing the judgment, it is apparent from the opinion 
of the Supreme Court in the recent case of Knass v. 
Madison & Kedzie Bank 354 Tl. 554, that the contract 
here relied upon by Appellee is void as against public 
policy, and that it was entirely outside of the power of 
the bank to make any such contract. No plea of ultra 
vires was filed in the instant case but a motion at the 
close of Appellee’s evidence to return a verdict in favor 
of Appellant raised the question of the sufficiency of 
the evidence and should have been granted by the 
Court because Appellee’s case was dependent upon a 
void contract which the Court did not have the power 
to enforce. In accordance with the Knass ease above 
cited the Appellee was charged with notice that the 
bank was utterly without power to make the repur- 
chase agreements, 

Because the Appellee failed to make out a sufficient 
case it was error for the Court to deny the peremptory 
motion made at the close of Appellee’s proof and the 
case is therefore reversed. 


(Three pages in original opinion.) 

(25261—4-5-34) 1} QB 

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lize" (225-b—iee0e) © 

PusuisHEeD in ABsTRAeT = 


Jack T. Reynolds, a Minor, by Merle -Reyxolds, his 
Father and next friend, Defendants “inError, v. 
C. O. Wedeberg, Doing Business as ‘‘The 
Medical Clinic,’ and Adolph Jacob 
Newman, Plaintiffs in Error. 

Error to the Circuit Court, Sangamon County. 

Octoser Term, A. D. 1933. 2 "4 4h 

Gen. No. 8795 Agenda No. 11 

Mr. Justicn Fuuron delivered the opinion of the 

This was an action of trespass on the case brought 
by Jack T. Reynolds, a minor, of the age of eight 
years, by his father and next friend for personal in- 
juries sustained by said minor on June 17, 1932, by 
reason of the negligent operation of an X-ray machine 
by the Plaintiffs in Error. 

A trial by jury resulted in a verdict for defendant 
in error for the sum of $7500.00 which by order of the 
trial court and consented to by the Defendant in Error 
was reduced by remittitur to $2000.00 and for the 
latter amount judgment was entered. From that judg- 
ment Plaintiffs in Error have prosecuted this writ of 

The declaration in substance charges that at the 
time of the injury the Plaintiffs in Error conducted 
and operated, in the City of Springfield, an institution 
known as the ‘‘Medical Clinic’; that Plaintiff in 
Error, Dr. Wedeberg, owned and managed said Medi- 
cal Clinic, and that Dr. Newman, the other Plaintiff 
in Error, actually operated the said clinic as the agent 
of Wedeberg; that in said Medical Clinic was an X-ray 
machine; that the said Jack T. Reynolds with all due 
care went to said Medical Clinic for examination and 
treatment and that Plaintiffs in Error accepted said 
employment; that the said Dr. Adolph Jacob Newman, 
as the agent and servant of Dr. Wedeberg then con- 
ducted such examination and treatment of the said 
minor by the use of said X-ray machine, but that Dr. 
Newman so negligently and carelessly operated the 
same in such a manner as to cause the Defendant in 
Error to be severely burned about the head, face and 
arms, and that he suffered a severe shock and injury 
to his nervous system. The Plaintiffs in Error pleaded 
the general issue and in addition each of them filed 
separate pleas denying the joint ownership and opera- 
tion of said Medical Clinic, and further denying that 


a, x 



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jady yoiyesh tdiro% bis cinilD [nobel Aina Yo wort 


re <j * 

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Page 2 Gen. No. 8795 

in the operation thereof the Plaintiff in Error New- 
man was acting as the agent of Dr. Wedeberg. 

Plaintiffs in Error urge two grounds for reversal. 
First, that at the time of the injury Wedeberg was no 
longer connected with the operation of the Medical 
Clinic, and that a judgment against both Plaintiffs in 
Error is contrary to the manifest weight of the 

In support of the joint liability the Defendant in 
Error introduced testimony showing that Dr. Wede- 
berg, a dentist by profession, maintained his private 
office at the southwest corner of the intersection of 
Monroe and Fitth streets in the City of Springfield. 
At the northwest corner of this same intersection was 
located a brick building owned by one Claypool, on the 
first floor of which was conducted Claypool’s drug 
store. At some time before the injury Dr. Wedeberg 
rented the rooms above the drug store and began the 
operation of what is described as the ‘‘ Medical 
Clinic’’, One room was used as a reception room, the 
rooms to the north were occupied by the ‘‘Medical 
Clinic’’ and those to the south by the ‘‘ Dental Clinic’’. 
Dr. Wedeberg paid the rent on all of the rooms to 
Claypool. He also employed the janitor and paid him. 
This janitor also cared for Dr. Wedeberg’s private 
office. He employed an office girl who served both 
clinics. The advertising for the Medical Clinic was 
submitted to Dr. Wedeberg upon which he placed his 
O. K. for the credit of same. Dr. Meyer, an employe 
of the Medical Clinic before the re-arrangement in 
March 1932, and from that point on with the ‘‘Dental 
Clinic’’ testified that both he and Dr. Newman made 
weekly reports to Dr. Wedeberg, down to July, 1932, 
at which time Dr. Meyer severed his connection with 
the ‘‘Dental Clinic’’. 

He also testified that Dr. Wedeberg told him in the 
latter part of June 1932, that he was going to cut all 
their salaries including Dr. Newman. On this issue 
Plaintiff in Error proved by Dr. Wedeberg and Dr. 
Newman that the latter was employed on a salary 
from January 6, 1932, until March 14, 1932, to operate 
the Medical Clinic. That on the latter date Dr. New- 
man took over the Medical Clinic as his own, paying 
rent for the office space and equipment: that he was 
furnished janitor service as part of the rental agree- 
ment, and that Dr. Wedeberg was only the landlord on 
June 17, 1932, at the time of the injury. This testi- 
mony about the change in management on March 14, 
1932, was corroborated by Mr. Ransdell and Dr. 

While the testimony of the defendant in error is 
somewhat circumstantial in its nature, there were suf- 

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Page 3 Gen. No. 8795 

ficient facts proven to warrant the court in submitting 
to the jury the question of whether or not Dr. Wede- 
burg was interested as an owner of the Medical Clinic 
on June 17, 1932, and having found that issue of fact 
in favor of the defendant in error, there is nothing so 
convincing about the proof of Plaintiffs in Error as to 
justify this Court in finding that the verdict was con- 
trary to the manifest weight of the evidence. 

The other assignment of error relied on by Plain- 
tiffs in Error was that the verdict of the jury was ex- 
cessive and that the action of the Court in ordering a 
remittitur from $7500.00 to $2000.00 indicated that the 
verdict was the result of passion and prejudice and 
should be set aside. In this case the defendant in 
error, a boy eight years of age, had injured his arm 
and desired an X-ray picture taken to ascertain 
whether the arm was broken. His mother took him to 
the medical clinic where Dr. Newman was in charge 
and he proceeded to take the picture. We think the 
evidence clearly shows that Dr. Newman negligently 
permitted the spark-gap to be placed too close to the 
boy’s head and when the current in the X-ray machine 
was turned on it caused an intense spark to jump from 
the end of the tube to the left side of the boy’s head 
and out from his left arm to the metallic cone attached 
to the tube. The boy immediately fainted, became 
unconscious and fell from the chair in which he was 
placed to the floor. The incident occurred in the fore- 
noon and the boy did not regain complete conscious- 
ness until evening. In addition to the shock, the hair 
on the left side of his head was singed off and burned 
for an area about the size of the palm of a hand and 
there were severe burns about the head and arms. The 
burns did not heal for about three months. The shock 
affected the boys nervous system so that he could not 
sleep well at night, was extremely nervous, lost weight, 
tired easily and was not so robust as before the injury. 
The doctors were unable to state how long this condi- 
tion might continue. We do not think the judgment 
for $2000.00 was so excessive under these circum- 
stances as to warrant the Court in setting it aside. 

‘‘Remittiturs in action ex delicto, by the trial and 
Appellate Courts have been approved by this Court 
numbers of times’’. Sandy v. Lake St. El. R. R. Co., 
935 Ill. 194, citing Chicago City Ry. Co. v. Gemmill, 
209 Ill. 638. 

We do not find any substantial error in this record 
and the judgment of the lower court is therefore af- 
firmed. Affirmed, 

(Four pages in original opinion) 

(25261—4-5-34) ll <> 

i@ oF .ask ‘ 

- 7 

epee ai tusoo sad tar vise of £39 (OUT edogt dite dint 
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togit to sweat Jatt foot eoived bag S8@l TL onpb t 
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J ¥ _ 

Sad poilhotory bus noleesey to dest off egw totiisy 

ie uireiebh oil eas9 le af cohias Joa od blyode 
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sitonas ol ES } otuzioig q  yeek fri -borigob lets 
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alt vores bas heed adj inods anu staves stay eredt 
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Bus Lett out vd ojoieh xo mottos mt etatitigesl’* 

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feeosey gidd gi yori inivautadcs yor butt ton ob oW ; 
-ts eke ai dinoo towel sdi to Joveebut od} bag - 
sacri besreit 
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whee OL ol 
asiihvy fet 
oa isi GILL 

“CTO 9B BT4 tire 

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PusuisHeD In ApsrRact A ys ‘ 



L. H. Hulan, et al, Defendants ah Error/v. Lester 
Goodman, et al, Plaintiffs in 

Writ of Error to Circuit Court, Greene County. 

Oe A 
January Term, A. D. 19384. 4; 4 “@ 

Gen. No. 8816 Agenda No, 11 

Mr. Justicr Fuuron delivered the opinion of the 

Defendants in Error filed their bill in aid of execu- 
tion to set aside two deeds executed by Lester G. 
Goodman and his wife to D. J. Williams and to sub- 
ject the premises therein described to a sale under an 

alias execution. The decree of the Circuit Court found - 

that the deeds were made without consideration, with 
intent to hinder, delay and defraud the grantor’s 
creditors and that the grantee D. J. Williams, held the 
title to the real estate for the use and benefit of Lester 
G. Goodman. Plaintiffs in Error insist there is no evi- 
dence in the record to support any of said findings. 
The proof shows that Lester G. Goodman was a son- 
in-law of D. J. Williams; that on November 29, 1928, 
Goodman and his wife conveyed the real estate in con- 
troversy to the said D. J. Williams by two deeds which 
were filed for record on August 8, 1930; that Lester G. 
Goodman was also a stockholder and director for 
many years in the Kane State & Savings Bank of 
Kane, Illinois, which closed its doors and ceased to do 
any business on August 14, 1930; that subsequently the 
Defendants in Error, as creditors of said bank brought 
suit to enforce the liability of the bank’s stockholders 
and on September 17, 1931, recovered a decree against 
Goodman for $2000.00, he being the owner of twenty 
shares of stock in the closed bank; that an execution 
was issued thereon and returned nulla bona by order 
of complainants attorney. The testimony of the 
Plaintiffs in Error shows quite conclusively that at the 
time of the conveyances in November 1928, Lester G. 
Goodman was indebted to his father-in-law in the sum 
of $4700.00 which was cancelled at the time the deeds 
were delivered, and that the said amount was a reason- 
able consideration for the land conveyed. While the 
fact that the deeds were dated in November 1928, and 
not recorded until August 8, 1930, might, because of 
the relationship of the parties be considered a sus- 
picious circumstance, still the execution of the deeds 

TonetedA wx com rest hs 

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us sefun elaa 6 0? badiioseb mero} 208) eis: ond Teel 
ane’ trad ino -od'T) .coligsezs aetla 
try ..oen a Tey he aaeee aber #10: “ehodb ott tradi 
ne yah webmnl oh taster 

a Totnes 

Wit Glo pelea ofl} pail hire exoiibete 
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-ivo cur et ated Jelent wind cieeatuiaid erchoon 2 
Ber titeariy Dise to Wis PIONS os biases sit Ai aoiob 
O wtenl tei sworn toons aft 
HME AD to wel-ni 

205 ct sistas daar sill beveraces sthiv aid Das aaashoo 
Woidw ebeoh owt vd amily .G Al bing ad? oc yerevord 
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hag toblodwduete -s oahk sew seanheot) 
Yo aust agsive] & oferta sua a sti oe sreay ‘Saar 
ob ot bssaes bia atuoh «tt beseto doiidw sion, eaaa 
gal eliseupsadina tai) ;USOt £F jenaA. 1 esentasd Ye 
jifesord dued bisg lo eottbetaes. zo me wt atunbaotott 
atebloricote x dued wl Jo thadaded! doreine of ida 
jenins ooizeb a betevong: Sit 3f sechaotyeh ao bas 
r to redwo of! sitied ad AOQU0SS 104 aenthoo’d 
moinsgxo ua Jedd jfant bosolo ed) ai Andie te goxpile 
Tob tH WU Hata nila bowie? bus souteds Boreet aga 
ail! Yo GaarTi jan su’? cromohe epieeielomey fo 
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jfewvol, of adoyereypnoy ot Te ani) 
pi-paitis’) miboet bokiohap etn qureijook 
ohh tes iallemes saw dotdy (OOOREE to 
hones bigs sali sad) Dee hotarileh etew 
aii sid ¥¥ heveveers Gant 9 st sot poltgvebiacos alda 
big SGi rediavevl at bate evew abut oi) dedi tok 
to oephooed dein SEeOr A lawomak finn bebtoser tou 
ue g hotabi: nd Bonner ast te gitlenwortaley oat 
@bseb oft 1 aovesxe edt. Hide Sotetentiiorio. anoteig 

Yok tolsati 5 

“MO art & Baty 


Page 2 Gen. No. 8816 

in 1928 is quite definitely established by the testimony 
of the Notary who took the acknowledgment and the 
party who attested the deed as a witness. 

The evidence presented on the part of the Defend- 
ants in Hrror tends to show that the bank had not paid 
dividends for many years; that Goodman had attended 
directors meetings and knew something about the af- 
fairs of the bank which had not been particularly pros- 
perous for several years before closing; that an assess- 
ment of 50% was levied upon all the stockholders in 
September 1929; that the report of the examiner under 
date of June 19, 1930, showed the condition of the bank 
to be unsatisfactory and that the children of Goodman 
and certain officers of the bank had withdrawn small 
deposits from the bank shortly before it closed. 

While the testimony disclosed the financial condition 
of the Kane State & Savings Bank and that it was not 
flournishing it is reasonable to infer from all the evi- 
dence that its officers and directors did not feel that 
it would have to close its doors until the last few days 
before August 14, 1930. The deeds were executed and 
delivered in 1928, about one year before the sensa- 
tional collapse in prices and general business affairs, 
and almost two years before the bank closed. 

We do not feel that the facts proven are sufficient to 
warrant a finding of fraudulent intent on the part of 
Goodman and against his creditors in the making of 
these deeds. Fraud will not be presumed but must be 
proved by clear and convincing evidence, Garrett v. 
Garrett, 343 Ill. 577. Where a conveyance is made 
upon a valuable consideration and is alleged to be 
fraudulent as against the grantor’s creditors, an actu- 
al and express fraudulent intent must be proved with- 
out the aid of any legal presumptions, and it must ap- 
pear that both parties participated in the fraud; it is 
not enough that the conveyance may have the effect 
to delay and hinder creditors, Behrens v. Steidley, 198 
Ill. 803. State Bank of Mansfield v. Moore State Bank, 
249 App. 237. 

The fact that the parties were related is no proof of 
fraud or that there was no bona fide indebtedness. 
Ayers National Bank v. Barber, 287 Til. 182. 

In the present case the conveyances were to Mrs. 
Goodman’s father, but he lived twenty miles distant 
from Kane and there is no testimony showing that he 
had any knowledge whatever of the bank’s condition 
or that he was in any way connected with its business 
affairs. He was employed by the Burlington Railroad 
as a bridge and building foreman and was away from 
home at least six days every week. 

It is our judgment that the evidence does not sup- 
port the finding that the deeds in this case were made 

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Dobustis bed osishbook) tent -eayoy raars tot abrobrrtis. 
“ia silt tooda poidtouros saeatit Pits: eenitoor srotee tt 
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ussean fs {adi pyieols gioted seer inteves tot amore 

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yohute temiauxe edt to Wore olf tad? eCeL pedvetqaat 
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ftamshood ta aaiblide adi tadt bos yrodastetiaasny od oF 
Usa avethdiive bed deemed of! fo esootts cuytteo bas 
Aporoly H steted vitiode sas edt arotl atieogeb 

goiifwos Latwineekt ot} boaaloaib vicoorilest oft slid W 
en anv ti dadt hea Jost egnivak Anise ened adh te 
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jest fas) dor bi wit siostih bes at salle O aii tml sons 
evah wat teal ois. (itr aout ali esols oF ovad blogw 3 
hun boiwesze s1sw absel: ed’l’ .0Se ne age th, oxoted 
-seiian ot wioted in9y sae jute Esl oi Derevitop 
uals eavciend fesamee hin aesirg oi oagellos Lemoit 
.Dbeecls virad olf syotad exaoy ovd deoatis. bas 
ad tuainiive oie sevorq wioat oil) Jatt nel tou ab oW 
io fey ot AG gasher tn sinha to suiihen 2 ticastaw 
16 yobhun od? it arodihaie wid isaiepes fata meottioot) 
ed jan al bawensty vt dos Uiw beet wabeebh easdi 
Vv Mev) ssaehive suites bins thei vd hovorg 
ebaot at wscayavneos @ ert) YG 1D 886 Mori 
ad of haysils #i bes some ebiemoo: sldasiay 8 sogs 
“Whos af srotibess ae vaitete sit feewa ae taslohuart 
ity boverer od tevta Jitetni prolebaext ees¢qxe fee fa 
roe Jagat = hire wrwonameari Iago) yee te bis oft dao 
ai di ; bie’s Lat belaqienta eailieg dtod jadi seaq 
insite si) ora ¥ans suievouite off jadd shanones fou 
GEL wolbisse ov asd vadthess gabaid! hie celob of 
JAsotl aint aio wv bk Re oW, to dead apie AOE EE 
Ps rot Obs 

to Toor ot ef bedalos sow aoiited, onlt | deft ‘wat % ol 
weinhiidebyt eb anod ot gaw oted? fadt iw boat 
JEL TRE vrothin o¢ loonth fous 

Tt Gt anew LOMB TOUS vill BERD JRQEY IE ota aT 
trste . 


git tHolk wy 

wirewt bevil od tod sodtel a aeanbeaid 

wane VoomGeat of ai o'redt has one ovoit 
nd adit lo nevoledw oyhetword yaa heal 
saute) et! ithe Setoemios yew yos mb eawood tedd 20 
Prortinit noatatont & oti zd boyolgine saw 6 wristis- 
mett vires eee hice noses’ aaiblind bes. saghind sas 
sew visve exyeb. xia jessl be armed 
-dime ton asob eonsbivra ode badd howmngbat wwe apa 

ofmey sisw oso eid of abosb of! jaff yoribait edt ie 7 

-pitste adi ia iveq edt ao botageeng. aorabina afT —_ 
Bing joo had fend od Jad? weds of phe} town ot ehita 

hv weak. Ba 

Page 3 Gen. No. 8816 

without consideration and with intent to hinder delay 
and defraud the grantor’s creditors and that the 
grantee holds the title to the real estate for the use 
and benefit of the grantor and the decree of the Cir- 
cuit Court is therefore reversed. 
(Three pages in original opinion) 

(25261—4-5-84) 14 Bo 

OIER wo weed 

isbirtd ot iasden iw hes 0! bianoo ta tri 
lend bes aretibers a! todas i byatieb Baa 

ed a3 leat odi-od eitlt of} ebled sstwerd 



fis s 
“iL INO 18, F (LIE (0) 


oa MAR 12 1934 
(rally Bueklaanans, 



October Term, 1933. 

Agenda 13. 

ibn, | 
oe TOA 
y, wd A hehe 67 5 

Appeal from Circuit Court of 

we B. Douhitt, 


Madison County. 
Je Be Van Preters, et al., 

VS. ) 


This appeal is to review a decree of the Madison County Circuit 
Court, awarding a mechanic's lien, in the sum of $2,500.00, in favor of 
appellee, and against the appellants, J. B. Van FPreters and Luella R. 

Van Preters, growing out of a contract to install a heating system in the 
garage of the Van Preters, by the eppellee, and which “it was claimed did 
not conform to, nor fulfill, the terms of the contract. 

In August, 1929, appellant, J. B. Van Preters, contracted with 
appellee to install for him, in his garage then in course of construction, 
a heating plant consisting of a steam, air-driven with fan, system, which 
should heat the building to a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit during 
outside zero weather. The contract price was to be $2,500.0G. The manner 
of payment was in dispute, and as to same, the testimony sharply conflict- 
ed. The heating plant was completed about January 30, 1930. No payments 
were made on the contract; p oper claims for lien were filed, and the fail- 
ure to pay is the basis of this suit. 

Appellants, the Van Preters, contend that the heating system did 

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to tovsival ,00.008,8% to ave oft at ,mollt 6 olnsitess ra authrens 
oH silsul bis ester asY .f »% ,atasileqqa odd -tantapa ius yoolle 

sit. RL wetaye snttsed s iletentl o¢ toattcoo a-to swo gabrorg ote seet, 
bib bemts(s ssw iP dotdy pms. selior Ge edt wd ,etetest? as¥ ade 20 8 
»douttaoa outs To sr ods i Pi iet ton ,0F: wot 

. dtiw. betosidnos eretex? sav .f . ,thelloggs 1280 | yteagua ak 
foitouttenco to -sauseo at hod ‘sus Leh ated. ai. ated Tok fistant. head : 
istds ,mstove ,ast-dtiw nevinb-tts ,Mastas “Ro. gatttetonos tnala 

gaisuh thodaetdst -zestyob @Y ro stutetequet a ot aathliud” ond nt 

tensat aif .00.008,S) ed of esw sotxq tostineo ed? .tedtpem 

not comply with the contract; that it would not, in zero weather, heat the 
building to anywhere near the 70 degrees; while appellee insists that, if 
properly fired, it would heat the garage to the required degree; that it 
was so proven by test, and that examination of the boiler and grates dis-=- 
closed that appellants did not properly tend the fire, nor did they use a 
sufficient amount of coal therefor. After a reference to the Master, he 
reported that the system was sufficient in all regards, except that the 
boiler was too small, and recommended that appellee be given 90 days time 
in which to make certain additions thereto, and that upon same being done, 
that appeliee should be entitled to a lien therefor. 

Upon hearing of the report before the Chancellor, the latter sus= 
tained certain exceptions to the Haster's report; made a general finding 
that the heating system was adequate, and conformed to the terms of the 
contract; that appellee should have his lien, and that same should be prior 
to the rights of appellant, Benid Loan Association, holder of a mortgage 
upon the garage property. From such decree this appeal is prosecuted. 

The heating plant consisted of a Capital Smokeless Steam Boiler, 
Noe 1127, with steam pipes leading -o five radiators. Behind these were 
motor-driven fans which blew the air through the rediators, thereoy heating 
the air and discharging it into the building. The boiler furnished the 
steam to the fans, placed in various positions in the building, by steam 
pressure from such boiler. The air from the fans cooled the radiators, con- 
densed the steam to water, and the water then returned to the boiler by 
2ravity through return pipes. The fans were suspended from the ceiling by 
brackets, and the boiler was located in the basement of the building, which 
was divided into two rooms, consisting of a front or show room, and a rear 
or repair and work shop. The building wes 75 feet in length, the front of 
which was all glass, set in copper frames, to form what is called frost- 
-proof windows; at the base of which were air slots, one-eighth of an inch 
high, five-eighths of an inch long, and spaced five inches apart, along the 

entire front of the bullding. 

oad send stodtoon ores at ;toa oLarow a fads jtaazdaoo od Atte etanoe 
at fast? pdainat « eolleggs eltdw jusetgsh OF edt seem sredeyae ot By 
gP asks so0Tee eb betiupet ane oF onsteg eit tad bisow tt beatt | 

~eld ae bus toLltod | ant to cottentnaxe teas boa teed wd aevora, 
S&S sm yols blo ton yet p ¢ odd bast xireqeny gon BLD atnalteqgs tsdt 

* Bit eu ods ot eonete tex & tettA .toteredt tseo to tassoms took as 

Sena matical adé<caoliéoaadd wat arcied #rogex edi to 3 steed 

ga fbr tt fexeneg a sham troget. ea xodaghi odg ot enolsqoone. aisitoo 
od Yo aecrod ent of ‘bawzotaoe mite 1e8supeba aw woteye ‘getters 
Toise od bone emse “fade ‘bas afte tt, aid ova pLuode estioqga ame 


oseudiom 8 to rebLod Hols foonea fisonl ‘ALned tashleags ‘te. sidglt ss 
wAHagsvoesorg at Laeqas aidt ge toob dose mone sxexeqosg' om; 
stolkod asose ave lexoue Lat.iqad 5 te betetemoo eelg gaktaed ‘ 
ener seer Bardot etodatbex vit o galbast seatg mate date: 
gattsod ydexent arodsiiiox amt Aguowit Ths eal weld: dobdw ads? 
edt bedetatut teltod sa? apatbi hed edt otat tf entkgzadtantb. 
acets xe .sathl bast ont gl. Onn se LOG amoliew ft boaatq: j 
“109 erbisibat odt beLloos enet oft sont tts. oi? axeltod Kowa, 
~ xd toliod out ot bomiuges: mont tedaw ont, ‘bas tetaw | 

ew patites edd’ mort pebaoges stow ane? oat 

sco et 

The testimony as to the salient features of the case, is sharply and 
irreconcilably conflicting. Appellant, J. B. Van Preters, and certain of 
his helpers, testified that they were unable to heat the building to 70 
degrees in zero weather, due to the fact, as they claimed, that when the 
boiler had sufficient steam, and the fans were turned on, that in about 15 
minutes the steam would go down; after which the fans would blow cold air, 
and they would have to be shut off to await a sufficient aghievement of 
steam in the boiler; that same was too small to keep a reserve of steam 
and constant pressure at the fans. There was also testimony offered by 
eppellant tending to show that the boiler was too small to furnish suffi- 
cient radiation for the building. 

For the appellee, the proof was to the effect that the boiler was 
of sufficient size, when properly fired, to furnish enough steam of constant 
quantity to suvply ali the necessary radiation; that investigation revealed 
that Van Preters did not properly tend the furnace, nor use sufficient coal. 
That on one occasion, a witness for appellee, who went to inspect the system, 
found that onlyabout one-fourth of the grates were covered with coal, which 
was not enough; that he inguired of the perty in charge, as to what was 
wrong with the boiler, and the latter replied: "Well, we don't want to burn 
a ton of coal a day." 

Appellee, himself, testified that he had personally fired the boiler, 
and that it responded by giving sufficient heat; that he found the pit rather 
choked with ashes, and on one occasion had removed three loads therefron. 

There was also evidence of a test made at the instance of appeilee, 
in February, 1930, on a morning when the temperature was about 10 degrees 
above zero; the result of which was, that the boiler fired by appellee, in 
two and one-half hours produced heat sufficient to raise the temperature of 
the building, in the sales room, to 75 degrees, and in the garage to 77 de- 
‘grees, as shown by calibrated thermometers teken there especially to record 

the result of the test. 

Bia Yiqueie sf ,sea0 silF To asziteot gnmofice edd of as vaonttaed off? 
to ata?zeo bes seresexd ma¥ .8 4b Sant tecad: pattolltnos ‘yldsft {100 
os ‘ot P Baibl tad edd teed ot eldsast eter yedt todd boltiteed” yexsqt 
edt cere tudd {NomtsLo vent as fat adt oF sub - ~teittsow ores “at 
ar tuods at tarts «ito pond srew anst ort bas sede ino lontture ‘Bad 
,rts bLlos wot fd binow arist odt doldw retta qarmab OR bigow opete ‘odd 

_te taoweve ite srefLoiTise 8 disws os £0 tints ed od vad bison ad ay 

moots. to svvenex s qsed ot ffsme oot saw emaa tent yteLtod oat aE 
Ve hexstio <irontt a0 oals aaw oredT ast edt +2 etueseTg “Has 
tio. Satis 08 Liame ood aaw xoLtod edt todd woe ot ‘aatbas® “fs 
| | gb“ bad sit rot oitetba 

AW softod eit tant toetts ‘edt ot ast roond one seLfoage ‘edt 
iS¥ Shoo to. piesa Aguone datas. ot borit viteqorg “gode “esis pe 5 
eisevor aottagiicevat tadt jmottsthst ‘Vise 2900 eat its ssa 
LBOD tao loitive Gals TON soanrist odt baat uUxegorg. oe Bib areses 
ae BNE aad soeqant of snow owe sllequs rot ‘geentin a eaten: 22 
{obi L800 AotW berovoo exsw aatary edd to ¥aus02-0110 tuod 
uaw tadwot es eyed at vitag. edt to pox iupat ea fadd j 

tuc Of tase ¢'nob ow flow" “thekgot rottal od bas Pr. 

sLtod ed? beztt vilenoeten hed ort tent bebzivens Raserei is 


(eottegge te oonutant ost ta ebeu soot 8 ro eonebtve outs 
aenTssh of tuods sew stutetoans? odd node: ‘alntom s en a 
at seotingua we bextt xolked oad fat yaar ; 

41 ae: ies 

Appellant sought to minimize the force of the test by offering proof 
that one of the thermometers was placed on the radiator of an automobile, 
in direct line with the air current from one of the fans, and that the tem- 
perature varied in different parts of the building at the time, as much 4s 
10 degrees. 

There was also expert testimony, for appeliee, to the effect that the 


boiler was of sufficient size, if properly fired, to heat the building to a 
temperature of 70 degrees, when it stood at zero out of doors; also, that 
the air coming in through the slot apertures at the base of the frost-proof 
windows along the front of the building, would render it more difficult to 
heat than if the windows were of the ordinary closed type; while for the 
appellants, there was also the testimony of experts, to the contrary. 

Appellee claimed that at the time the contract was entered into, he 
did not know, nor was he told, that the windows were to be of this frost- 
proof variety, but that he supposed they were to be of ordinary kinde Ap- 
pellant, J. B. Van Preters, and Otis Grover, testified that appellee admitted 
to them that the heating system was not right, but that he had done ail in 
his power to make 1t 60+ These statements esppeilee denied. 

Whether the boiler was of adeauate size to heat the building to the 
required temperature, if properly fired; whether appellant tended it rightly 
or not, and whether it did in fact heat the building, as required by the con- 
tract, were all questions of fact. 

“here a decree has been entered, based upon findings of fact, after 
consideration by the Chancellor of a voluminous record of conflicting testi- 
nony, as in this case, it must clearly appear that the conclusions were 
palpably and manifestly against ‘he weight of the evidence, ia order to 
warrant a reversal of the decree. Cook ve Wolf, 296 I1l., 27. In the state 

-of this record, we are not prepa ed to say that the manifest weight of the 

testimony is contrary to ths findings o 


the decree. 


teers ‘galzatte vd ¢2od sit to sotot edt ont bie 3 os tiguoe tnestequa 

r ; 2 ; 2 i ; 

eEtdowotus as to rodsibse sig go peasy : eaw etosemouxedt on8., 0 eno 


amet oft vail? brs hat aif To sito OT} frersive tis eng ste ontl top: 

Fee 3-1 

es doum a6 ,oett odd ts yatbfind oft +0 ‘sétsq tnerstttb, nh betray f 

edt dest toeite ont ot seiledgs 1 rot - penonttaot treaxe cata aa 2% fa 

im oc yak iid odd teed o¢ ,berkt ylxeqosq bag ,exia tastottiwe to 3 


tilt orks ial to tuo oxves fs boots tt feds cBOOTBOD 8 ag 

100%G-3 R021 ots to asad etd ts getudts 8. tole odd tauoliss at Be 


pF fiportity Tou Ht tTebnies biyow , auth ltud hay to ta0rt eds Res 

eid tot erhda 4 ayy besolo yianitdo ect Yo exow: ewobctw ont: Bt 

RESTS LOO site of edteqxe to. Vs soudteg? odd ‘onLa S6y ot 

gt 2 or os 

ef ,ofnt pave fee BW Prrer? oo. sag eats od ts ‘tedé hamtglo seit 

efaeth aiid to ed of atow awobulw ead dant <bLot ed enw x TOR avend tox 
=A atk yssutbro to ad of ere yodt bonoaque od todd tod ste fi toon 
dFinmba ostieqqs dacs betiivesd ,xevor) effO hap ,21etstT HAV, of rb RAE 
mi fig onob bad ad gact tod ,tlyts jon auw neteye aoivscd one todd mots 

»woineh saliedes atmematata saedT «G8 vt este od SFOs 
Sdy of ganibi iva sat fTaeod of oxia stsaupsha To saw Sader old sontadW pet de 
rhday by $i bebast tosiisaqgs tadtenw jberit yl reget ti puuNseToqmed det 

tod edt Wd betiupet an ,Raibliud ‘edt tood toast nf bib t TOsSSaN pas 0h aa 
»toat To envitsenp, iis oxew 4h 

levis ,tost to sycibatt aoqy hesad ,Setetus aosd ead voxosd 8, stom. ihe 

sBset anifoiltnoa to boos: evontnuiley 8 To tofLeonsnt0: exit bt noltny ate 

sve aid al 47S alll aek {thow ov food + veoroet oft to Lnszov 

ond to tiygew teeticsm sift dant qe ot boveaste ton ons oF Bo 


.aonoeh edd? te agntbatt ont ov weo7809, : 
nye oa : ro: Al. 
aly crud 

Appellant, Benld Loan Association, placed a loan, secured by a mort— 
gage, upon the premises, on Sept. 38, 1989, or more than a month after 
appellee and the Van Preters entered into their contract. The rule is, 
that a mechanic's lien attaches from the date the contract is entered into, 
and whoever thereafter acquires an interest in the premises, takes same 
subject to the lien under the contract, and his rights are postponed to 
those of the lien holder. Crowen v. lieyer, 3428 Ill., 46. After the lien 
hes attached, whoever deals with the property, does so at his peril, and is 
under the duty of taking such msans as may be at his command, to ascertain 
whether the premises are incumbered by the lien, and whatever interest he 
may obtain therein is subject to such lien. Clark v. Moore, 64 Ill.e, 275. 
The decree rightfully adjudged the lien of appellee superior to that of the 
Benid Loan Association's mortzage. 

For the reasons stated, the decree is affirmed. 

Decree affirmed. 

Ab Ad be nwdrtvabeal wir ub 

spc 6 Yd betuces ,nsol 2 Leoziq ,aoldeioossé asod bined dualteqad 2, 
Yetta dianem s asdf stom 16 ,860L ,B& .tqe8 xo yasetnesg oft ogy 48 
~at sles od? »tostinos tied? otat betedne atotexi nsV¥ ed? bas 08 
yount bsxsine at tosttaoo edt stab odt mort aodostta weit atotnasoont 
suse asist ,sentmenq ed? at teeretat as sexinoos ted taeredt 

of benouteoq ets sidaiz sid bne »fostt 09 ond tebau nell ‘Sis 
ashi edt tostA 28h ,-Lil She {Tayou »¥ BeWoOT) wroblod aeki ‘eid Yo 

at ons. fits sq sid ts of noch svaseqerg ong adie ele toveodn 

ed$ to tadd of solr oF traqas. te neil ont betegihe 2 lett , 
»eyayT700 . etacksatooash 

»bomtiite st seteeh odd betas envasst et” xot 

sbemzitts vetoed 

\ ~ 
th Lb 

eee oe 

FOURTH DIstRIcT f // Porter Baatea—. 



q } be 
Term No. 23. ook Agenda No. 18. 
Helen C. Pollard, | 
he ne ) Appeal from the pry avr an re a wae 
a f ef y fi, Me ae x 
we city court or © 4 “ke Lolke OF O 
Broadway Central Hotel ) : 
Corporation, ) East St. Louis. 
Appellant. ) 

This case was before this court at a previous term. Several 
errors were assigned but the court, being of the opinion that 
appellee was not at the time of the accident in the exercise of due 
care and caution for her own safety, reversed the judgment of the 
lower court with a finding of fact to that effect and did not pass 
upon the other errors assigned. 269 I11. App. 77. The Supreme 
Court granted a certiorari and upon a hearing reversed the judgment 
of this court and remanded the cause with directions to consider 
the other errors assigneé and to either affirm the judgment or 

reverse the judgment and remand the cause. 353 Ill. 312, 

The facts bearing upon the question of negligence of appellant 
and contributory negligence of appellee are fully set forth in 
those opinions and will not be restated here. We will confine our 
statement of facts to that part of the evidence which we deem necessary 
to consider in connection with the other errors assigned, 

The remaining errors assigned are in reference to the ruiings 
of the court of the court on the admission and rejection of evidence 
in the giving of certain instructions tendered by appellee and that 
the verdict, after remittitur, is excessive. 

At the time appellee was injured, an employee of the hotel com- 
pany, called Dr. Griffith to treat her. On the trial, appellee call- 
ed the doctor as her witness. He testified as to the nature and extent 

of the injury and the treatment he administered. The record shows on 

rebuttal the following questions and answers. 
Q. “Did you make a charge for your services?" 
A. "I looked for it from the insurance company." 
Q@. “Was it paiat" 


Oh ue 

1a AAG 



A. "I don't recollect--I know the first aid fee 
was paid.” 

Appellant made no objection at the time that the questions and 
answers were given, but later during the trial, made a motion to 
withdraw a juror and declare a mis-trial and assigned as a reason 
the witness* reference to an insurance company. It was a voluntary 
statement. The witness’ reference to the insurance company was not 
responsive to the question and was not brought into the case by 
appellee or her attorney. Appellant madeno motion to strike the 
evidence and did not ask the court to instruct the jury to disregard 
it. Had such motion been made, no doubt it would have been granted. 
The court did not err in overruling the motion to withdraw a juror 
and declare a mistrial. Savage v. Hayes Bros. Co., 142 Ill. App. 316, 

Appellant sought to prove by witness Widmer, an architect of 
many years experience, that the steps-up in the floor of the corridor, 
leading to the Fourth Street entrance, was a safe method of construc- 
tion and one that was usuaily followed in the erection of hotels and 

other public buildings in that vicinity. The court sustained ob- 
jection to such offer. The question for the jury did not call fora 

test of the sufficiency of such construction as compared with the 
construction of other publie buildings in that community but whether 
there was negligence in the keeping and maintaining of these steps- 
up under the conditions and surrounding circumstances that existed 
at the time of the accident. The solution of such a question by the 
jury did not lead them into a consideration of such intricate facts 
or matters that they needed the opinion of an expert to aid them in 

form'ng a jucgment thereon. There was no error in rejecting this 
expert testimony. People v. Jennings, 252 Ill. 534; Siegel, Cooper 

eerCe. Ve. Ireka, 218-TI11l. 559. 

Error is assigned on the giving of instructions numbered 21 and 
22 tendered by appellee. These instructions were in reference to 
the measure of damages and are the same as have been considered and 
approved many times by the courts of review of this state. Chic. 
emdeMAl. Blee. Ry. Co. v. Ullrich, 215 Ill. 170; Parmelee Co. Vv. 
Wheelock, 224 Ill. 194; Brennan v. City of Streator, 256 Ill. 468; 
Caughey v. Peoria Ry. Co., 164 Ill. App. 455. 
to the 

Appellant contends that the reference in the instruction 

declaration was prejudicial error, This particular objection to a 

similar instruction was passed upon adversely to appellant's contention 

in Bernier v. Ill. Cen. R. R. Co., 296 Ill. 464 and Bonato v. Peabody 

Coal Co., 248 Ill. 422. That part of instruction 21 which told the 
no a 

H an 
uF Tell 

an at 






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1 i 

- jury in determining the amount of damages to which the plaintiff was 

entitled, they had a right to and should take into consideration 
all the facts and circumstances, was criticized in Garvey Vv. Chicago 
Rys. Co., 359 Ill. 276, but held not to be reversible error. 

The remaining error assigned is as to the amount of the verdict. 
The verdict was for $9000. and the trial court required a remittitur 
of $1500. A remittitur was filed and judgment entered for $7500, 

The evidence shows that appellee's fall resulted in the fracture 
of the left forearm at or near the wrist. Ex-ray pictures were taken 
at the time of the accident and disclosed a fracture of the distal 
end of the radius extending approximately into the wrist joint and 
also a fracture of the styloid process at the end of the ulna bone. 
The bones in the region of the fracture were broken into parts causing 

greater pain and suffering and requiring longer period for recovery 

than is usual in an ordinary fracture. Immediately after the fracture 

had been reduced, appellee was taken to her home in Qmaha where she 
entered her husband's hospital for care and treatment, remaining 

there for a period of six weeks. After leaving the hospital, she was 
confined to her bed most of the time for @ period of six months. Dr. 
Schrock, a bone specialist in Omaha and Dr. Rubnitz, a pathologist on 
diseases of the blood and stomach, gave her medical attention, This 
extended over a long period of time. The injury was followed by cer- 
tain nervous disorders. After leaving the hospital, appellee wore a 
splint until July, 1931. The evidence shows that as a result of the 
injury, the bones were atrophied and weakened and that during all this 
time she suffered pain from the injury. Appellee's age is not shown 
in the abstract but from facts appearing in the record, we assume that 
she is middle age or .ast. Prior to the accident, she drove a car, 
did sewing and a part of her household duties in caring for her own 
home. The doctors, testifying for appellee, gave it as their opinion 
that the injury was permanent and that appellee would lose one-third 
the usefulness of that arm. It appears that further medical treatment 
would be necessary and thet at the time of the trial, the total pecuniary 
loss for medicine, medical bills and violet ray treatments wes in excess 
of $900. From a consideration of all the evidence, we cannot say that 
the verdict was the result of bias or prejudice of the jury or that it 

is so excessive as to demand a reversal on that ground. 

For the reasons assigned, the judgment of the lower court will be 

affirmed. Judgment Affirmed. 

Not to be published in full. -5- 

i, Nine 


MAR 12 1934 
2 alley Bucklo — 


Term No. 28 4genda No. 26. 

Defendant in Error 

City Court of 

Plaintiff in Error. 


of this Court an opinion was filed 

West Frankfort. 

Stone, J: 

At the May Term, 1933 
in the above entitled cause, sustaining the demurrer to Plaintiff 
in Error's replicaticns to the pleas of Defendant in Error alleg-= 
ing that Plaintiff in Error was in contempt of the trial Court 
and therefore could not be heard here on his writ of error by 
reason of that fact Plaintiff in Error was given leave to file 
amended replications which he did.Demurrer was interposed to 
these aod upon further consideration, we filed an opinion on 

December 26th, 1933 holding that the amended replications did 

not answer the pleas. Being anxious, however, that no injustice 

be done, Plaintiff in Error, we said: 
"The trial ccurt is in better position than this 
eourt to determine what equity requires to purge plain- 

tiff in error of contempt. His present aiility to pay 

the amounts now unpaid is a question proper for that 

court to consider. WNo evidence on that subject is pre-~ 

served for our inspection. 

As his answer to the original bill was rejected by 
the trial court on his first contempt in refusing to 
pay, and the dismissing of his writ of error would per- 
haps deprive him of any right of review, (the decree being 

two years old, and a new law of practice takins effect 

January 1, next,) and as the lapse of time may have de- 

veloped facts which should be considered in a court of 

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equity with respect to the amount plaintiff in error 

ousht now to be required to pay, it is ordered that pro- 

ceedings in this court on the present writ of error be 

stayed until the first day of the next February term of 
this court. 

In the interim between nw and thet date, plaintiff 
in error, if he be so advised, may apply to the trial court 
for such modification of the existing orders concerning 
alimony and expense money to be paid by him, as equity 
may require, may make such showing to that court as the 
facts justify and purge himself of contempt. That court 
still retains jurisdiction of the questions of alimony 
and expense money involved in the original suit, in their 
application to the matter of contempt." 

In response to the above quoted part of our last opinion. 
Plaintiff in Error comes into Court with a lone report of con- 
troversies with the trial Court. He is in no better shape than 
he was on his wirt of error at the October Term or the May Tern, 
1933. We have made no progress. 

Je feel that we have been generous with Plaintiff in Error 
in this matter. We do not feel warranted in holding any longer 
the issue before us waiting for adjustment of matters which are 
cognizable only in the trial Court. 

As stated in ovr former opinion the replications do not 
answer the pleas and are obnoxous to demurrer. The demurrer to 
the replications is sustained; judgment is awarded upon the pleas 
and the writ of error is dismissed, 


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